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Ap|)renticcs' Library, 54 j Alins-House 10-i Artists of New- York, 113 American Insiitutc, .'>7 | American Art, Union, iJ) j Anieriran Museum, C8 Arsenal, 74 I Arrivals of Ships and I'ass'rs., 120' IJencvi.lent Inst'iis of N. Y.,.. 42 Bowery Theatre Ci Baitrry, (The)..' 83 Bowliiig-Green, 84 Ciiurclies, list ot*, their li)Cation, year of ereciioii, dimensions and pastorSj 140-148 Churches, (Description of) (.•hrist's Church 124 Churcii of the Messiah VM I'arminest. I'resbyfn Cli.,.. IHG Church of Holy Conimu"n., 13i> Dutch Uelormed Church,... 132 Dutch Ueforriied Church.... 131 First Presbyterian Church,. 129 Firtit Unitarian Church 133 French Church 124 First Baptist Church, 127 Floating Chapel, 137 Grace Church, 130 I'reshy lerian Church, 13.') St. Geor;,'e's Church, 123 St.. .lohn's Church, 126 St. Mark's Church, 122 St. Patrick's Cathedral, .... li^ St. Thomas' Chunh, 136 St. Paul's Church, 12.5 Swamp Church 13,-! Trinity Church, 121 Pape. Columbia College, 35 College of Phys. and Surg'ns,. 56 (;asllo-Gar were to be removed to the Jersey side of the Hudson. While these arrangements v/ere in progress, the enemy sent four ships up the East river, which came to anchor about a mile above the city. The next day six others followed. Parties of British troops landed on Buchnan's Island, and a cannonade was opened upon a battery at Haven's Hook. On the 15th of September, in the morning, three men-of- war ascended Hudson's river as high as Bloomingdale, with the view of dividing the attention of the Americans, by making a feint on that side. At the same time, Howe embarked a strong division of his army, under Gen. Clin- ton, consisting of British and Hessians, at the head of New- town Bay on Long Island. About eleven o'clock, these troops having come into the East river, began to land at 10 PICTURE OF NEW- YORK. Kip's Bay, under the fire of two forty gun ships and three frigates. Batteries had been erected there ; but the men were driven from them by the firing from the ships. Gen. Washington was now at Harlasm, whither he had gone the night before on account of the movements of the enemy at Montressor's Island ; and, hearing the sound of the guns, he hastened with all despatch to the place of land- ing. To his inexpressible chagrin he found the troops that had been posted on the lines, precipitately retreating with- out firing a shot, although not more than sixty or seventy of the enemy were in sight ; and also two brigades, which had been ordered to their support, flying in the greatest confusion, it spite of their oflricers. It is said, that no in- cident of the war caused Washington to be so much ex- cited as he appeared on this occasion. His exertions to restrain the troops were fruitless. The troops, eight regiments in all, fled to the main body on Harlaem plains. The division in New- York, under the command of Gen. Putnam, retreated with difficulty, and with considerable loss. Fifteen men were killed, and three hundred taken prisoners. Nearly all the heavy cannon, and a consider- able quantity of baggage, stores and provisions were left behind. The Americans were not pursued with much rigour in their retreat. Washington drew all his forces together within the lines on the heights of Harlaem, where they encamped the same night. Head quarters were fixed at Morris's house, a mile and a half south from Mount Washington, on which was situated the fort of that name. Howe encamped with his army near the American lines, his right resting on the East river, and his left on the Hudson, supported at each extreme by the ships in these rivers. The next morning. Col. Knowlton went out with a party of rangers, and advanced through the woods towards the enemy's lines. When he was discovered, Gen. Howe detached two battalions of light infantry and a regiment of Highlanders to meet and drive him back. On the appearance of these troops in the open grounds between the two camps, Washington rode to the outposts, that he might be at hand to make such arrangements as circumstances should require. WASHINGTON'S RETREAT. 11 He had hardly reached the lines when he heard a firing, which proceeded from an encounter between Col. Knowl- ton and one of the British parties. The rangers returned and said that the body of the enemy, as they thought, amounted to three hundred men. Knowlton was imme- diately reinforced by three companies, and ordered to gain their rear, while their attention was diverted by making a disposition to attack them in front. The plan was sue- cessful. As the party approached in front, the enemy rushed down the hill, to take advantage of a fence and bushes, and commenced firing, but at too great a distance to be effectual. Meantime Knowlton attacked on the other side, and advanced with spirit. A sharp conflict ensued. Maj. Leitch, who led the attack, was carried oflf mortally wounded, and in a short time Col. Knowlton fell. The action was resolutely kept up by the remaining offi- cers and men till detachments arrived to their support, and they charged the enemy with such firmness and intre- pidity as to drive them from the wood to the plain, when Gen. Washington ordered a lelreat, apprehending that a large force was on their way from the enemy's camp. The engagement continued four hours, although the sharp fighting was of short duration. Howe reported eight offi- cers and seventy privates wounded, and fourteen men killed. The American loss was fifteen killed and forty- five wounded. The events of this day were important in giving spirit to the army. For more than three weeks Howe's army remained inactive, the American posts being too formidable to attack. On the 28th October the Brit- ish army attacked the American fines, and after a sharp action drove them from their works, with a loss of twenty- five men. Gen. Howe subsequently withdrew his army to King's Bridge, and on the morning of November 16th attacked Fort Washington, after Col. Magow, its com- mander, had refused a summons to surrender. Gen. Knyphausen advanced with a body of Hessians to the north of the fort, and commenced the attack. Earl Percy, nearly at the same time, assailed the outer lines on the south. The lines, in every part, were defended with 12 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. great resolution and obstinacy ; but after a resistance of four hours the men were driven into the fort, and its com- mander compelled to surrender. The Americans lost fifty killed and two thousand eight hundred prisoners. This was a severe loss. The fort was defended contrary to the wishes of Washington. Washington soon after this abandoned the Hudson river, and retreated through New- Jersey to the Delaware river. THE OLD JERSEY PRISON SHIP. This was an old sixty-four gun ship, which through age had become unfit for further active service. She was stripped of every spar, and all her rigging. After a battle with the French fleet, her lion figure-head was taken away to repair another ship ; no appearance of ornament was left, and nothing remained but an old, unsightly, rotten hulk. Her dark and filthy external appearance perfectly corresponded with the death and despair that reigned within, and nothing could be more foreign from truth than to paint her with colours flying, or any circumstance or ap- pendage to please the eye. She was moored about three quarters of a mile to the eastward of Brooklyn ferry, near a tide-mill, on the Long Island shore. The nearest dis- tance to land was about twenty rods. And doubtless no other ship in the British navy ever proved the means of the destruction of so many human beings. It is computed that not less than eleven thousand American seamen perished in her. We extract from a book published by Mr. Andros, an aged clergyman, an account of his sufferings on board of this ship : " On the commencement of the first evening we were driven down to darkness between decks, secured by iron gratings and an armed soldiery; and now a scene of hor- ror, which bafl^es all description, presented itself. On every side wretched, desponding shapes of men could be JERSEY PRISON SHIP. 13 seen. Around the well-room an armed guard were forcing up the prisoners to the winches, to clear the ship of water and prevent her sinking, and little else could be heard but a roar of mutual execrations, reproaches and insults. " All the most deadly diseases were pressed into the service of the king of terrors, but his prime ministers were dysentery, small pox and yellow fever. There were two hospital ships near to the old Jersey, but these were soon so crowded with the sick that they could receive no more. The consequence was, that the diseased and the healthy were mingled together in the main ship. In a short time we had two hundred or more, sick and dying, lodged in the fore part of the lower gun deck, where all the prison- ers were confined at night. Utter derangement was a common symptom of yellow fever; and, to increase the horror of the darkness that shrouded us, (for we were allowed no light betwixt decks,) the voice of warning would be heard, ' Take heed of yourselves ; there is a mad- man stalking through the ship with a knife in his hand.' I sometimes found the man a corpse in the morning by whose side I laid myself down at night. While so many were sick with raging fever, there was a loud cry for water, but none could be had except on the upper deck, and but one allowed to ascend at a time. The suffering then, from the rage of thirst during the night, was very great. Nor was it at all times safe to attempt to go up. Provoked by the continual cry for leave to ascend, when there was already one on deck, the sentry would push them back with his bayonet. By one of these thrusts, which was more spiteful and violent than common, I had a narrow escape of my life. In the morning the hatch- ways were thrown open, and we were allowed to ascend, all at once, and remain on the upper deck during the day. But the first object that met our view in the morning was a most appalling spectacle — a boat loaded with dead bodies, conveying them to the Long Island shore, where they were very slightly covered with sand. I sometimes used to stand to count the number of times the shovel was filled with sand to cover a dead body ; and certain I am that a 14 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. few high tides or torrents of rain must have disinterred them ; and had they not been removed, I should suppose the shore, even now, would be covered with huge piles of the bones of American seamen. There were, probably, four hundred on board who had never had the small pox — some, perhaps, might have been saved by inoculation. But humanity was wanting to try even this experiment. Let our disease be what it would, we were abandoned to our fate. Now and then an American physician was brought in as a captive, but if he could obtain his parole he left the ship, nor could we much blame him for this, for his own death was next to certain, and his success in saving others by medicine, in our situation, was small. No English physician, or any one from the city, ever, to my know- ledge, came near us. The most healthy and vigorous were first seized with the fever, and died in a few hours. " There is one palliating circumstance as to the inhu- manity of the British, which ought to be mentioned. The prisoners were furnished with buckets and brushes to cleanse the ship, and with vinegar to sprinkle her inside ; but their indolence and despair were such that they would not use them, or but rarely ; and, indeed, at this time, the encouragement to do it was small, for the whole ship, from her keel to the taffrail, was equally infected, and contained pestilence sufficient to desolate a world ; disease and death were wrought into her very timbers. At the time I left, it is to be presumed, a more filthy, contagious and deadly abode for human beings never existed among a Christianized people." In addition to the testimony of Mr. Andros, we have that of an aged gentleman, who confirms the state- ment made in Andros's book. He says he was an officer on board of the United States frigate Confederacy, and was captured by two English frigates. Being at the time of cap- ture sick, he was put on board one of the hulks in the Wallabout that served as an hospital ship for convalescents, but was, as soon as somewhat restored, transferred to the " Old Jersey," to make room for others more helpless. Here he experienced all the sufferings, and witnessed the JERSEY PRISON SHIP. 15 horrors described by Andros, for five months. The con- finement in so crowded a place, the pestilential air, the putrid and damaged food given to the prisoners, (procured by the commissaries for little or nothing, and charged to the English government at the prices of the best provisions,) soon produced a fever, under which this young man suf- fered, without medicine or attendance, until nature, too strong for even such .enemies, restored him to a species of health, again to be prostrated by the same causes. He says he never saw given to the prisoners one ounce of wholesome food. The loathsome beef they prepared by pressing, and then threw it, with damaged bread, into the kettle, skimming off the previous tenants of this poisonous food as they rose to the top of the vessel. And these commissaries became rich, and revelled in luxuries, hearing the groans of their victims daily, and seeing the bodies of those who were relieved from torture by death, carried by boat loads to be half-buried in the sands of the Wallabout. The testimony proving these atrocities cannot be doubted. Yet, in answer to the re- monstrances of General Washington, Admiral Arbuthnot denied the charge altogether. To save his life, the prisoner who gives this account ac- cepted the offer of the purser to become his deputy, in which office he fared well and recovered his health. He witnessed a mode of cheating practised by the clerks and underlings, not less criminal than that of the commissaries of prisoners. Such of the captives as had money were libe. rated by bargain with these officials, and returned on the report as dead; and the deaths were so many, that this passed without inquiry. A boat would be brought to the ship at night, and by a system of collusion, the person who had bought his liberty would be removed on some specious pretence. Faith was kept with them to encourage others in the same process. The old prison ship was sunk after the Revolution, and now remains under water, off the present Navy Yard. But a few years since, part of her hull was seen above water at low tide. 16 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. YELLOW FEVER AND CHOLERA. In 1778, the yellow fever broke out in this city, and continued its ravages under more distressing circumstances than at any subsequent appearance of the disease. The first victim died on the 29lh of July, in Front-street, — his disease assuming the most malignant form. It raged with great violence in New Slip, in Chfl'-street, John-street and Rider-street, where not a family escaped its ravages. It was thought at the time that it had its origin in some unfinished docks, in which putrid matter existed. On the 12th, 13th and 14th of August, there were heavy showers of rain, which covered the streets knee deep, and filled many cellars. This, instead of abating the pestilence as was an- ticipated, seemed to increase it. From this time till the middle of September, the daily deaths fluctuated from 20 to 60. The fever entirely ceased about the 10th of No- vember. The whole number of deaths was estimated at two thousand and eighty-six. More than one half of the population left the city soon after the first appearance of the disease. Most of the places of public business were removed far out of town, away from the infected districts. In July, 180.3, the yellow fever again made its appear, ance in New-York, and continued till the end of the fol- lowing October. About six hundred deaths occurred at this time. The alarm of the people was very suddenly produced, and the suspension of business and the deser- tion of the city, far exceeded that of any former occasion. In 1805, about four hundred people died from yellow fever ; and in 1822, twelve hundred and thirty-six more fell victims to its ravages. In July, 1832, the Asiatic Cholera made its appearance in New-York. It commenced July 2d, and continued till October 19th. During this time the average of deaths per day was about sixty. The whole number of deaths was four thousand three hundred and sixty. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 17 (5c\uvai aicscription of N^to-gork. New. York City, from its wealth, population and com- mercial importance, has been justly called the Metropolis of the United States. It is the largest city in America — the second, in conmiercial importance on the globe, and is not exceeded in population by more than five cities in all Europe. With unequaled advantages as to central position, and long established commercial precedence, with one of the finest harbours in the world, and possessing great natural facilities of inland communication, it must ever maintain its position as the London of America. At its present rate of increase, its population, in fifty years, will exceed that of any city in the world. All history does not furnish another instance of such rapid growth. The compact part of the city occupies the southern ex- tremity of Manhattan, or New-York Island, at the conflu- ence of the Hudson river with a strait called East river, which connects Long Island sound with the harbour of New-York. The chartered limits of the city embrace the whole island, which is of the same extent with the county. The island extends from the Battery, on the south point of the island, IS-^- miles to King's Bridge, in its north part ; and has an average breadth of one mile and three fifths. The greatest breadth is on a line with 88th street, where it is 2i miles wide. The island contains 14,000 acres. It is separated from the main land, on the north, by Harlsem river, a tide-water strait, which flows between the Hudson and East rivers. The Harlsem river is crossed by three bridges, the Harlaem rail-road, and the Croton aqueduct. The East river separates the city from Long Island on the east ; on the south is the harbour, and on the west is the Hudson river, with the State of New-Jersey on the oppo- site shore. 18 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. The surface of the island was originally uneven and rough, as is now the case in the northern parts, with occa- sional low valleys and marshy swamps ; but the hills in the southern part of the island have been levelled, and the swamps and marshes filled up. Many creeks and inlets on the margins of the rivers have also disappeared, and the large ledge of rocks that occupied the site of the present Battery has long since been buried by made ground. The water line has been materially altered from what it was. A large part of Water, Front and South streets, on the East river, and of Greenwich, Washington and West streets, on the Hudson river, occupy made ground. The city extends over three miles on each river, and the compact part has a circumference of over nine miles. In latter times, care has been taken to lay out the streets straight, and of an ample width. This is par. ticularly true of all the northern part of the city, which was laid out under the direction of Governeur Morris, De Witt Clinton and others, and surveyed by Mr. John Randall, jr. The survey was completed in 1821, after having occu- pied ten years. No city can exhibit a more beautiful plan than this portion of the city of New-York, which extends to 154th street, about ten miles north of the Battery. The island is mostly composed of granite, which is gene- rally buried from 10 to 15 feet under ground. The su- perincumbent earth is composed of drift sand and pebbles, with large quantities of oxide of iron, which gives it a red colour. The rocks crop out, and appear on the surface, in the upper parts of the island, to a considerable extent. The soil for the most part is fertile, but from the abundance of rocks, hard to cultivate. The island was originally covered with a very large growth of wood- The harbour of New-York is safe and commodious, its circumference being about 25 miles. The largest vessels may come up to the wharves. On the Bar at Sandy Hook, the depth of water at high tide is 27 feet; from thence to the city, the channel is from 35 to 50 feet. The inner harbour communicates with the outer, or Raritan Bay and the ocean, by the Narrows, a ENVIRONS. 19 passage between Staten Island and Long Island, and by a strait, called Staten Island sound, or the Kills, which empty into Raritan Bay, on the west. There are three islands in the harbour, namely : Bedlow's, Ellis's and Governor's, all strongly fortified, and owned by the United Slates govern- ment. United States criminals are hung on Bedlow's island. Governor's island, opposite the Battery, has three forts, and contains 70 acres. Castle William on the north- west side, is a large round structure, 200 feet in diameter, GO feet high, and mounts three tiers of guns. ENVIRONS OF NEW- YORK. The principal place in the neighbourhood of the city is Brooklyn. This city will be particularly described here- after. WILLIAMSBURG, A recentlybuilt town, situated on the East river, northeast of Brooklyn, and opposite the northeast part of New-York, with which it has frequent communication, by means of several steam ferry-boats. Population in 1840, 5,094 ; in 1845, 11,338. Its chief buildings are, atown hall and seven churches, together with handsome private dwellings. ASTORIA, A flourishing village of Queen's county, six miles north- east from New- York. It has a population of about 750 — v/ith four churches, an academy, and an extensive botanic garden. It occupies a beautit\il position on Long Island sound, near that remarkable whirlpool, called by the Dutch, Helle Gat, " Hell Guie." Astoria is one of the favoui-ile summer residences of the New-Yorkers. FLUSHING, An incorporated town of Long Island, situated on Flushing Bay, an arm of Long Island sound. Population 20 PICTURE OF ^fEW-TORK. about 2,000. This is the seat of several literary institu. tions, as St. Paul's College, St. Thomas's Hall, St. Ann's Hall, &c. The Linoean Botanic Garden is hero. These, and other advantages, render Flushing one of the most at- tractive places of resort on the island. It is about ten miles distant from Nevv-York. JAMAICA, A large and well built town of Queen's county, eleven miles from Brooklyn, with a population, according to the late census, of 1,650. Its chief buildings, besides those of the county, are five churches, one academy, eight hotels and taverns, and several manufactories of pianos and carriages. The Long Island Rail-Road Company have a large dep6t and machine shop here. Constant communication with Brooklyn, Flushing, Hempstead, Rockaway, &c., is afford- ed by the rail-road or stages, which ply in all directions. Jamaica Bay, five miles south from the town, abounds in wild fowl, oysters, clams, &c. ROCKAWAY BEACH, A celebrated watering place, on the shore of the Atlan- tic Ocean, twenty-two miles southeast from New-York. There are, in addition to the " Marine Pavilion" and " Rock Hall," both well kept, several private establishments ; where, with less parade and show of style, the invalid may enjoy the refreshing sea air and bath in their utmost per- fection, and at a moderate expense ; while those who in- habit the former are expected, and expect to pay liberally for their extravagant accommodations. FLATBUSH, A neat village of King's county, four miles southeast from Brooklyn ; containing 450 inhabitants. Near this village, in August, 1776, was fought the disastrous and memora- ble battle of Long Island, between the American and British forces. CONET ISLAND, A bathing place of great resort, and forms a part of Gravesend township. 21 FORT HAMILTON. This fortress, which, in connection with forts Lafayette and Tompkins, commands the Narrows, is situated on the western end of Long Island, and about 8 miles nearly due south from New-York. A small assemblage of houses has grown up around it, including one church and an exten- sive boarding house. It has recently become a place of fashionable resort, chiefly for the convenience of sea bathing. NEW-ERIGHTON AND STATEN ISLAND, A village of country seats, erected for the accommoda- tion of some of the " best society" of New-York. It occu- pies the most northern point of Staten Island, at the en- trance of the "Kills," which separate the island from the Jersey shore. The tow^n plot, which for the most part is the result of expensive excavation, descends rapidly from the base of the adjoining hills, and the buildings range in a line with, and at nearly an equal distance from the margin of Kew-York bay. The situation is very fine, commanding a view of the bay, with its islets, the city, Long Island, &c. The houses, with their white fronts and massive columns, present a beautiful appearance from the water. There are two extensive hotels and several boarding houses. Popula- tion about 400. A short distance to the west stands the Sailors' Snug Harbour, a sort of Greenwich Hospital or Asylum for superannuated mariners. It consists of a large building with wings, so arranged as to accommodate a large number of inmates. Two miles east of Brighton lie the Quarantine Ground, the Marine Hospital, and Tomp. kinsviUe. The latter is a large town, containing upwards of 1,400 inhabitants, three churches, several hotels, and beau- tifully situated on the high ground in the rear of fort Tomp- kins. Attached to the Quarantine establishment are, the Marine Hospital, for the reception of patients afflicted with contagious diseases ; a Yellow Fever Hospital ; a Small Pox Hospital ; besides several other buildings for the Physician, Health Officers and others. Steam-boats leave the lower part of the city every hour 22 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK, during the day for New Brighton, the Quarantine Ground, and Tonipkinsvilie. JERSEY CITY, On the west side of the Hudson, opposite New. York, situated on a point or cape, formerly called Paulus Hook. The city is regularly laid out, with the streets, which are generally wide, crossing each other at right angles. The public buildings are, four churches, a lyceum, academy, high school, a bank, a pottery, glass factory, and about 300 pri- vate dweUings. Population, 3,072. The New-Jersey Rail-Road Company have an extensive depot here ; and the Morris Canal, from Bordentown, intersects the Hudson in the lower part of the city. HARSIMUS Is a small village directly in the rear of Jersey City, containing 125 inhabitaiUs. TIOBOKEN, A new village of Hudson county, New-Jersey, contain, ing about 200 inhabitants, an Episcopal church, and several public houses. Hoboken is much frequented by the citi- zens of New- York. The " Elysian Fields." so called, contain some beautiful walks. A fine view of the city may be had from the high grounds of Hoboken. Hoboken has recently acquired additional notoriety, as the scene of a most shocking tragedy, in which a young girl. Miss Rogers, was murdered by some unknown hand. The village of West Hoboken, situated on the summit of Bergen Hill, commands a fine view of the city and harbour. WEEHAWKEN, A small settlement on the Jersey shore, consisting of some twenty or thirty buildings ; beautifully situated, about two miles north of Hoboken, on an elevated blufi" of the Hudson. BLOOMINGDALE, A remarkably neat village of New- York county, situated on the left bank of the Hudson, five miles above the City. ENVIRONS. 23 Hall. An Orphan's Asylum is established here. The vil- lage consists chiefly of country seats, and contains some 400 inhabitants. About two miles beyond Bloomingdale, on the same side of the river, is MANHATTANVILLE, Containing about .500 inhabitants, an Episcopal church, and some extensive factories. The New- York Lunatic Asylum occupies a commanding position in the southern part of the village. HARLEM Is situated two miles southeast of Manhattanville, on Har- Isem river, near its discharge into Long Island sound. It is a flourishing village, with a population of 1,500, four churches, and a superabundance of hotels, besides a commodious depot, belonging to the New-York and Harlcem Rail-Road Company, and several factories. The cars for Harloem start every hour from the dep6t, northeast of the City-Hall. NEWARK. This is by far the largest, and as a manufacturing place, the most important town, or rather city, for it is organized as such, in the state of New-Jersey. Its population, ac- cording to the census of 1840, is 17,292, a large portion of which is engaged in the various manufactories, which abound here to an unusual extent. Newark was first set- tled in 1666, by people from New-England. The Passaic, here a beautiful stream, flows along the eastern side of the town, and gradually curves towards the east, in its passage into Newark bay, three miles distant from the city. Its streets and avenues are wide, and shaded by an abundance of trees, which add greatly to the beauty of the city and the comfort of its citizens. The many manufacturing establishments in and about the place, give it an active and business-like appearance. Besides the factories, most of which are on a large scale, there are several breweries, grist and saw mills, dyeing houses, and printing oflices, each of which issues a news, paper, &c. There are schools innumerable, academies, 24 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. and several literary and scientific institutions. Of churches, the Episcopalians have two ; the Presbyterians five ; the Baptists two ; the Dutch Reformed one ; the Methodists three, and the Roman Catholics one. The other public buildings are the court house, county offices, three banks, and the immense dep6t of the New-Jersey Rail-Road Company. ELIZABETHTOWN, A beautiful town, situated on Elizabeth creek, in Essex county, containing about five hundred buildings and 3,000 inhabitants. It is a borough town, and one of the oldest in the state, its site having been purchased from the In- dians by a company from Long Island, as early as the year 1664. There is in this town an unusual proportion of handsome dwellings and churches ; which, with the wide and regular streets, impart an air of great neatness and beauty to the place, and render it a very desirable residence. The Elizabethport and Somerville Rail-Road, as v/ellas that from .Jersey City to New-Brunswick, passes through the town. These, with turnpikes and several good common roads, afford extensive facilities for conveying to market the agricultural products and manufactures of the town and adjacent country. RAHWAY, A large and thriving town of Essex and Middlesex coun- ties, formed by the union of several villages, — population is 2.533, originally from New-England. The Presbyterians Methodists, Baptists and Friends, have places of worship here. Those of the Presbyterians and Episcopalians are beautiful structures. Among the liberal institutions of the place, which possesses many, there are a public library, an " Athenean Academy," so called, a fine building, erected by a company expressly for the institution, which partakes, in some measure of the nature of a high school. Rahway is a large manufacturing place. Establishments on an ex- tensive scale are in daily operation here. The manufactures consist of silk printing, carriages and carriage furniture, hats, shoes, clothing,clocks, earthenware and cotton goods. 25 NEW-BRUNSWICK. This place is situated in the counties of Somerset and Middlesex, and is the seat of justice of the latter. It is an incorporated city, and next to Newark the largest town in the state. Its population is G,693, and the number of buildings is about 1 ,200. PASSAIC FALLS. This is a beautiful sheet of water, which presents an unbroken fall of fifty feet. It is situated at the town of Paterson, on the Passaic river, whose banks here are nearly vertical. The water in its passage, through the lapse of ager., has worn a deep chasm into the solid rock, which is obviously retreating, as the abraded banks below testify. No spectacle can be more imposing than is presented by the falling water, as it glides gently over the brow of the precipice. The town of Paterson is admirably situated for manufacturing purposes at the falls, which afford a constant and abundant supply of water for the vast num- ber of factories in operation in the town, which is now one of the most important manufacturing places in the United Slates. The number of buildings at present in Paterson and New Manchester, an adjoining village, is upwards of one thousand, and that of the inhabitants, 7,598. Here are Presbyterians, both of the old and new schools ; Dutch Reformed, Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists, Seceders, Lutherans, Friends, Universalists, Unitarians, &c. There are in the town a society for the promotion of literature and science, which has an excel- lent Library, a ]\[echanics' Institute, a Museum, a Circula- ting Library, a Public Library, and some other institutions of a similar description. ELIZABETHPORT, A very neat and flourishing village of New.Jersey, which has recently started into notice ; being at the eastern terminus of the Elizabethport and Somerville Rail-Road, now in operation. Population about 600. 26 PICTURE OF NEW- YORK. PERTH AMBOY, A city and port of entry of Middlesex county, New. Jersey, at the confluence of Raritan river and Staten Island sound. Population 1,303. It derives its name in part from James, Earl of Perth, one of the original proprietors of the ground, which was laid off into town lots in 1683, and incorporated in 1784. A large portion of the buildings are elevated forty or fifty feet above the adjacent bay. The Brighton House, a large hotel, erected here several years since, forms a striking object of attention. Like many other " experiments," the hotel failed to realize the expectations of its proprietors ; and it is now occupied, during the summer months, by wealthy families from New. York. FORT LEE. This fort, which, with Fort Washington, on the oppo- site side of the river, was the scene of important military operations during the revolutionary war. A large body of American militia stationed here, in attempting to retreat, were overpowered by a vastly superior force, consisting chiefly of Hessians, when they were either slain or con. signed to the prison ship, a fate more terrific than death itself. The site of Fort Lee is upwards of 300 feet above the water. A hotel at the landing is much frequented. A few miles below Fort Lee commence the Palisades, a lofty basaltic wall, which extends for twenty miles up the west bank of the Hudson. They are nearly vertical, and range from 200 to 500 feet in height. SPUYTEN DUYVEL CREEK, An inconsiderable opening on the east side of the Hud. son, which, with Harlsem river, separates the island of New.York from the main land of Westchester county. king's briu&e, A sort of rialto among the New-Yorkers, crosses. the strait a short distance from the Hudson. YONKERS, A pleasant village of Westchester county, situated at PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 27 the outlet of Saw-Mill Creek. It is built mostly on the river bank, which, being somewhat elevated, commands a fine view of the river and the Palisades opposite. Besides the two churches, an academy and several taverns and storehouses, there are upwards of 75 dwellings, and a population of about 500. HASTINGS, A small village and landing, of the same county, con- sisting of 15 or 20 buildings, of various sorts, including one hotel, a button factory, &c. DOBC'S FEKKY Is a small settlement and public landing in Westchester county, with a ferry to the opposite side of the Hudson. PIBRMONT, FORMERLY TAPPAN SLOAT. This village having been selected for the eastern termi- nus of the New-York and Erie Rail-Road, the secluded little Dutch settlement of the " Sloat" has received the classic soubriquet of " Piermont," and is now an important town of Rockland county. Such has been the effect of this movement, that its site is now covered by handsome pub- lic and private edifices, which form a striking contrast with the little Dutch houses of its primitive inhabitants. There are in the town upwards of 150 buildings, inclu. ding two or three churches, and a population of about 1,100. A pier about one mile in length, which forms the com- mencement of the rail-road just mentioned, extends over the fiats to a commodious dock, near the channel of the river. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. CITY-HALL. The City-Hall is one of the most prominent buildings in New- York, standing near the centre of the Park, an area of about ten acres. From this situation it is seen in every direc- 28 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. tion to great advantage ; a few years since it was regarded as the finest building in the city, and now, with its interest- ing furniture and associations, commands great attention. The front and ends are made of white marble, from Stock- bridge, Mass., but the back is constructed of free-stone. At the time it was built marble was expensive, and it was determined to finish the back with cheaper stone. It was maintained that the population would never, to any extent, settle above Chambers-street, and therefore the rear of the hall would seldom be seen. The corner stone was laid on the 26lh of September, 1803, during the prevalence of the yel- low fever. It was finished in 1812, and the expense, ex- clusive of furniture, amounted to half a million of dollars. The City-IIall is 216 feet long, 105 wide, and 51 high. It is two stories high above the basement, with a third or attic story in the centre building. From the centre rises a cupola of very beautiful proportions. In the upper part of the cupola a man is lodged, whose business it is to give alarm in case of fire, by ringing the big bell, which occu- pies a small cupola on the back part of the roof This bell is rung in cases of fire, when it indicates, by the number of its strokes, the part of the city where the fire is located. Small apertures are cut in the sides of the cupola, of suffi- cient size to allow of the eyes extending over only so much of the city as is included in the fire districts to which they severally belong, and thus the location of the fire is in- stantly ascertained. The City-Hall bell weighs 6,910 lbs., and its tongue is over six feet long. It is probably the largest bell in America. There are four entrances to the building — one in front, one in the rear, and one in each end — the latter communicates with the basement apartments. The front entrance is on the first story, to which there is access by a flight of twelve marble steps, surmounted by a portico of sixteen columns. In the centre of the rear of the building there is a projecting pediment. The first story, including the portico, is of the Ionic style, the second of the Corinthian, the attic of the fancy, and the cupola of the composite. The rear of the building is by many con. sidered to be more beautiful than the front. In the centre T U V. TOMB?, OR H A t I, S OF J l^ S T T C F, Va^e -.. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 29 there is a double staircase, ascended by marble steps, at the top of which is a circular gallery, ornamented with ten marble columns, which support the ceiling. In the build- ing there are twenty-eight offices and public rooms. The Governor's room is a long hall, running 52 feet from wing to wing ; it is used as a reception hall by the Governor, Mayor, and other distinguished men. Its walls are hung with some of the finest pictures in America, consisting principally of portraits of great national characters. Among them are the Governors of New-York, Mayors of the city since the Revolution, some of the Dutch Governors, and the principal naval and military heroes of the late war. These were painted by Jarvis, Sully, Stewart, Inman, Page, and some other distinguished artists. The Common Coun. cil hall is a beautiful room, 42 feet long and 30 wide. It contains some fine portraits, and the chair which was oc- cupied by Washington when President of the first Con- gress. The Assistant Aldermen's hall is spacious, ele- gantly furnished, and hung with valuable paintings. Access to these rooms and the roof, free of expense, may be had by any person, by inquiring at the keeper's room. The keeper has no right to ask for remuneration, as he receives a salary from the city to attend to this business. The City. Hall, with its many interesting relics and paintings, is much visited, and is well worthy the attention of the stran- ger and citizen. HALL OF KECOKDS. This building, situated in the Park, east of the City-Hall, was formerly a city prison, when it presented a very gloomy and unsightly appearance, being built of coarse black stone. It has since been stuccoed in imitation of marble, and two lofty porticoes added, consisting of four marble Ionic columns at each end. Its name indicates its present use. It was used during the time of the prevalence of the cholera, in 1832, as a hospital. HALLS OF JUSTICE. This building occupies the space between Centre, Elm, 30 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. Leonard and Franklin-streets, the site of the old Collect, a filthy pond, which had its outlet through Canal-street. The Halls of Justice is a much admired specimen of modern- ized Egyptian architecture. It is built of light granite from Hallowell, Maine. It is 253 feet long, and SOU wide, and occupies the four sides of a hollow square, with a large centre building within the area. The front is approached by eight steps, leading to a portico of four massive Egyptian columns. The windows, which extend to the height of two stories, have massive iron grated frames, surmounted with cornices, ornamented with a winged globe and ser- pents. The two fronts on Leonard and Franklin-streets, have each two entrances, with two massive columns each. The gloomy aspect of this building, has won for it the general name of " The Tombs." It is occupied by the Court of Sessions, a police court, and some other court rooms, beside a male and female prison for city offenders, awaiting trial. State criminals are hung in the open court within the walls. The house of detention is a distinct and isolated build- ing, 142 feet in length, by 45 in width. It contains 148 ceils. The lower cells are 6 feet 9 inches wide, 11 feet high, and 15 feet long, diminishing 18 inches in length in each story. They are provided with cast-iron water closets, hydrant, water cock ventilators, and are warmed by hot water pipes. Every part of the building is con. structed in the most substantial manner, and with particu- lar reference to the security of prisoners. The building was finished in 1838. The female department is entered from Leonard-street. It is superintended by a matron, who keeps it in the most perfect order and neatness. She is very attentive to visitors, who can always have gratuitous access, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. The male prison opens on FrankHn-street. Persons can gain admittance here on application for a written permit, at the keeper's room, between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. CUSTOM HOUSE. This building equals any in the world, both in the beauty PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 31 of its design and the durability of its construction. It is situated on the corner of Wall and Nassau streets, and oc- cupies the ground where once stood the old Federal Hall, the scene of Washington's inauguration. The building is in the form of a parallelogram, 200 feet long by 90 wide, and about 80 feet in height. Brick, granite and marble were used in its construction; but its outside is entirely of marble from Massachusetts, except the steps. It is design- ed in imitation of the Parthenon at Athens, in the Doric order. At the southern end on Wall-street, is a portico of eight purely Doric columns, 5 feet 8 inches in diameter, and 32 feet high ; and on the opposite end, on Pine-street, is a corresponding portico ; on each side are 13 pilasters, in keeping with the front pillars. The front portico is ascend, ed by 18 granite steps. The interior is divided into a grand rotunda and numerous spacious rooms for the ac- commodation of officers. The rotunda is a magnificent room, 60 feet in diameter ; the dome supported by 16 Co- rinthian columns, 30 feet high. These columns are beauti- fully w^rought, — the capitals being of most exquisite Italian workmanship. The largest blocks of marble used in the building weigh 33 tons. The ceilings of the apartments are arched, and richly ornamented with stucco. The roof is of marble ; the slabs weigh over 300 pounds, and lap over each other eight inches, to allow of the expansive power and to keep out water. There is not a particle of wood in any part of the building, and it is probably the only structure in the world, that has been erected so nearly fire proof. The building was commenced in Ma}^, 1834, and finished in May, 1841. The cost, ground included, was ^ 1 ,195,000— building alone, ^950,000. The architect was John Frazee. The exquisite ornamental work was designed and executed by Horace Kneeland, since become famous as a sculptor. The number of officers employed in the Custom House is 354, of whom nearly 200 are inspectors. The Custom House may be visited by the stranger any time during the day, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. He will do well to enter at the side door in Nassau-street, and from thence ascend to the roof, inspecting the various rooms as he goes up. 32 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. The key of the roof scuttle may be had by inquiring at any of the offices on the upper floor. There is no objection to the stranger's visiting any part of the building. The roof commands a fine view of the harbour. merchant's exchange. The Merchant's Exchange is located between Wall-street, Exchange-Place, William and Hanover streets. It is built in the most substantial form, of blue Quincy granite, and is 200 feet long by 171 to 144 feet wide, 77 feet high to the top of the cornice, and 124 to the top of the dome. The front on Wall-street has a recessed portico of 18 massive Grecian Ionic columns, 38 feet high and 4 feet 4 inches in diameter, each formed from a solid block of stone, and weighing 45 tons. Besides numerous rooms for various purposes, the rotunda in the centre is 80 feet in diameter, with four recesses, making the length and breadth each 100 feet, the whole 80 feet high, surmounted with a dome, rest- ing in part on eight Corinthian columns of Italian marble, 41 feet high, and lighted by a skylight 25 feet in diameter. The granite columns cost ,*$3,000 each. They are the largest whole columns in the world, with the exception of a church in St. Petersburgh. The rotunda is 80 feet in diameter, and will hold 3,000 persons. The architect was Isaiah Rogers. The building cost a little more than a mil- lion of dollars, It belongs to a corporation, — and has been so far a losing investment, although its rooms command enormous rents. It contains a very extensive reading room for merchant subscribers, accessible only to the stranger by introduction from a member. The Chamber of Com- merce holds its sessions here, and the Board of Brokers occupy the rotunda at certain hours of the day, The stranger may visit all parts of the building. POST OFFICE. The Post Office building, formerly the Middle Dutch Church, is situated in Nassau-street, between Cedar and Liberty streets. This building has stood over a hundred and fifty years — and nine generations have worshipped at its MtRCHANTS' EXCHAJfOK. VVallStreei !'as8 3«. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 33 altar. It is not generally known, that its steeple, and much of its interior wood work, was brought from Holland. During the Revolutionary war, most of the churches were used by the British, and many of them much injured, but this church suffered most, being used successively as a riding school, a prison and a hospital. In 1790, it was re- paired and used for public worship again. The United States government have recently converted it into a Post Office, paying for its use the annual rent of five thousand dollars. It now presents the appearance of a Post Office in the heart o{ a grave yard ; a circumstance quite character- istic of New-York enterprise. The numerous signs which appear on the building, point out the various points of com- munication with the interior. Its internal arrangements are very extensive and commodious. The Postmaster's room is so situated that he can see every thing going on in the building. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. On Sundays, from 9 to 10 A. M., and from 12^ to U P. M. There are Penny Postmen attached to the office, who go their rounds twice a day, and deliver letters and papers to all who request them. THE ROTUNDA, This classical edifice, which (as the word imports) is of a circular form, both internally and externally, was erected in the summer of 1818, for the exhibition of large panoramic paintings. It fronts in Chambers-street, near the head of Cross-Street, occupying ground belonging to the copora- tion, which was granted to the projector, Mr. John Van- derlyn, the celebrated artist, free of rent for ten years, on condition that the building should devolve to the city at the expiration of that time. It is constructed of brick, is fifty- three feet in diameter, and forty feet in height, surmounted with a pantheon-shaped dome and skylight, through which the interior is lighted. It has a portico, supported by four columns, fronting on the Park, which gives it an imposmg appearance. It was for some years occupied by the Marine Court, and subse- quently by the City Post Office. It is now occupied by 34 PICTURE OF NEW.YORK. the New. York Gallery of Paintings, who have its use from the corporation rent free. — See DeparUntnt of Fine Arts. NEW-YORK UNIVERSITY. Situated between Washington Place and Waverly Place, fronts Washington Square towards the west, forming a noble ornament to the city, being built of Westchester marble, and exhibits a specimen of the English collegiate style of architecture. The building is 180 feet long and 100 wide. It was founded in 1631. In front this oblong is divided into five parts — a central building, with wings flanked by towers, one rising on each of the four corners of the edifice. This central building or chapel is superior to the rest in breadth, height and charac- ter, and is somewhat similar to that of King's College, Cambridge, England — a masterpiece of pointed architec- ture, and a model for succeeding ages. It is fifty-five feet broad and eighty-five feet deep, including the octangu- lar turrets, one of which rises at each of the four corners. The two ends are gabled, and are, as well as the sides, crowned with an embattled parapet. The chapel receives its principal light from a window in the western end. This window is twenty-four feet wide and fifty high. It has eight lights and two embattled transoms. From the central building, or chapel, wings project right and left, and are four stories in height, flanked by towers, supported by angular buttresses of two stages, running above an embattled parapet, and are at the top themselves embattled. The windows in the wings have square heads, with two lights, a plain transom, and the upper division tre-foiled. The principal entrance is under the great west, ern window, through a richly moulded and deeply recessed portal, flanked by buttresses of two stages, the upper stage set diagonally, and rising above an embattled parapet. The doors are of oak, richly paneled, and filled with tra- cery of open work, closely studded with bronze. The school has a president and eleven professors. It has in its collegiate department 145 students, and a valu- NKW-\ORK UNIVERSITY, Washington Sqiiaro, PTTBLIC BUILDINGS. 35 able library and philosophical apparatus. Connected with it is an extensive grammar school and a flourishing medi- cal department, the whole of which contain 680 students. Commencement, third Monday in July. The chapel is probably ihc most beautiful room of the kind in America. It is open to the public on Sundays for religious worship. The New-York Historical Society's rooms are in the building. The building is accessible to the visiter at all times. Governing Faculty. Theodore Frelinghuysen, L. L. D., Chancellor, and Pro- fessor of Moral Philosophy and Rhetoric. Rev. Cyrus Mason, D. D., Professor of the Evidences of Revealed Religion, and Rector of the Grammar School. Elias Loorais, Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philo- sophy and Astronomy. Taylor Lewis, A. M., Professor of the Latin and Greek Languages and Literature. E. A. .Tohnson, A. M., Professor of Latin Language and Literature. Rev. C. S. Henry, D. D., Pofessor of Intellectual Philo- sophy, History and Belles Lettres. John W. Draper, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Natural History. Professors, not of the Governing Faculty. Samuel F. B. Morse, Professor of the Literature of the Arts of Design. Rev. George Bush, Professor of Hebrew. M. Giraud, Acting Professor of the French Language, Julio Soler, Professor of the Spanish Language. Felix Forresti, Professor of the Itahan Language- COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Columbia College is situated at the foot of Park Place, near Broadway, with extensive grounds, beautifully orna- mented with a large growth of forest trees. It was char, tcred by George II., in 1754, by the name of King's Col- lege, and confirmed, with the necessary alterations by the 36 PICTURE OF NEW- YORK. Legislature of New-York, in 1787. It has a president and ten professors, 1,170 alumni, 100 students, and 14,000 volumes in its libraries. The building is 200 feet long and 50 feet wide, with two projecting wings, one at each end, in which are accommodations for the families of the pro- fessors. It contains a chapel, lecture rooms, hall, museum, and an extensive philosophical and chemical apparatus. The funds amount to about ^200,000, and the annual in- come to $7,000 or $8,000. There is a flourishing gram- mar school attached to the institution, over which a pro- fessor presides as rector. By a statute of Columbia College, the Corporation of the City of New-York, the Trustees of the New- York Public School Society, the Trustees or Directors of the Clinton Hall Association, of the Mercantile Library Association, and of the Mechanic and Scientific Institutions, the Gene- ral Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, and such other societies as the Board of Trustees may from time to time designate, are each entitled to have always two students educated in the college, free of all charges of tuition. Every religious denomination in the city is also entitled to have one student, who may be designed for the minis- try, educated free of all charges ; and every school, from which there shall be admitted in any one year into the col- lege four students, have the privilege of sending one scholar, to be educated gratuitously. Commencement, the day fol- lowing the first Monday in October. Faculty of Arts. Appointed. Nathaniel F. Moore, L. L. D., President, 1842 Rev. Jolm McVickar, S. T. D., Professor of Moral ) ^g^^ Philosophy, Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, S Charles Anthon, L. L. D., Jay Professor of the ^ Greek and Latin Languages, and Rector of the > 1830 Grammar School, j James Renwick, L. L. D., Professor of Natural and ) -igoo Experimental Philosophy and Chemistry, \ Rev. Charles W. Hackley, S. T. D., Professor of > ^g^g Mathematics and Astronomy, ^ PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 37 James Kent, L. L. D., Professor of Law, 1823 E. Felix Forresti, L. L. D., Professor of the Italian ) , Qon Language and Literature, ^ Felix G. Berteau, L. L. D., Professor of the French i ,gog Language and Literature, S Rev. Samuel H. Turner, S. T. D., Professor of the i -.gSO Hebrew Language, ^ Mariano Velasquez de la Cadena, Professor of the ^ jqoa Spanish Language and Literature, ^ John Lewis Telkampf, J. U. D., Gottingen, Gebhard i Professor of the German Language and Litera- > 1843 ture, ) MASONIC HALL, Late head quarters of the Whigs, is situated on the east side of Broadway, between Duane and Pearl streets, and is one of the finest buildings of the kind in the country. It was built in 1826, by the Masons, before their importance was diminished by opposition. It is in the Gothic style of architecture. It fronts fifty feet on Broadway, and extends back one hundred and twenty feet. The front is built of granite, seventy feet in height from the street to the battle, ments in the centre. The second story is a gi-and Gothic saloon, ninety feet in length, forty.seven feet in width, and twenty-five feet high, and is one of the most magnificent halls in the union. The floor is supported by elastic springs for dancing ; the ceiling is divided into basket or fan arches, with pendants of open work, and columns support the arches projecting from the walls. The blank windows in the room are filled with mirrors, which render the hall when lighted very brilliant. This hall is now used as a bowling saloon, and is a place of great resort. COLOURED HOME, For the aged and indigent, is located in Forty-second- street, corner of Fifth Avenue. Officers : Miss Mary Shot- well, 1st Directress ; Mrs. P. G. Arcujarius, 2d Directress ; Mrs. W.W. Chester, Secretary ; Dr. J. D. Fitch, Treasurer. 38 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. American Bible Society. — This Institution, which is lo- cated at 115 Nassau-street, was organized in 1816. Hon. John Cotton Smith, President. Its government is in the hands of a Board of thirty-six Lay-managers of various religious denominations. The Society has a house one hundred feet square, extending through from Nassau-street to Theatre alley, with a court in the centre. In this build- ing are the offices of the Corresponding Secretary, the Financial Secretary and the General Agent. Over one thousand Bibles are produced here every day, and 429,090 were printed in 1845, costing $166,652. The Society sell iheir books at cost, and give away very many. This institution is well worth visiting, as the printing ar- rangements are on a very large scale, and the whole art of book-making may be seen in one view. Officers : President, Wm. P. Buell, M. D. ; 1st Vice- President, A. Robertson Walsh ; 2d do., G. Buck, jr. ; 3d do., Henry Rowland ; 4th do., G. A. Titus ; 5th do., Thomas Bond, jr. ; 6th do., George S. Conover. Corres- ponding Secretary, E. H. Blatchford ; Recording Secretary, J. F. Williams ; Treasurer, George H. Williams. American and Foreign Bible Society, {Baptist,) 350 Brnome-street.—S. H. Cone, President; Rufus Babcock and T. Wallace, Secretaries; William Colgate, Vice-Pre- sident ; I. M. Allen, General Agent. Neic York Bible Society, 91 Wall and il5 Nassau-street —John Slosson, President ; E. H. Blatchford, T. Bond, Jr., Secretaries ; G. H. Williams, Treasurer ; L. P. Hubbard, Agent. ,City Bible Society, (Baptist,) 350 Broome-street— W. H. WyckofF, President; G. N. Bleecker and Lewis Colby, Secretaries; Samuel Raynor, Treasurer. New- York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, 20 John-street—Rev. B. T. Onderdonk, President ; W. H. Bell, Secretary ; T. C.Butler, Treasurer and Agent. American Tract Society, 150 Nassau-street— T. Fre- KELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. 39 linghuysen. President; Win. A. Hallock, O. Eastman and R. S. Cook, Secretaries; 0. R. Kingsbury, Assistant Trea- surer. Protestant. Episcopal Tract Society, 20 John-street — Rev. B. T. Onderdonk, President; Rev. E. N. Mead and D. H. Hoyt, Secretaries ; T. C. Butler, Treasurer. New-York City Tract Society, 150 Nassau-strcet , President ; William Walker, Treasurer ; A. R. Wet- more and Rev. Isaac Orchard, Secretaries. American Sahhath Tract Society, 9 Spruce-street — L. Crandall, President; F. W. Stillman and P. Stillman, Sec. retaries ; T. B. Stillman, Treasurer. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, is situated near the Brick Church, corner of Spruce and Nassau streets. Theo. Frelinghuysen, President ; W. J. Armstrong, Secretary. American Home Missionary Society, 150 Nassaii-street — Henry Dvvight, President ; Rev. Milton Badger and Rev. Charles Hall, Secretaries ; Jasper Corning, Treasurer, and H. W. Ripley, Assistant. Home Missionary Society, (Baptist,) 350 Broome-street — Friend Humphrey, President ; B. M. Hill, David Bellamy, Secretaries ; R. W. Marvin, Treasurer. Missionary Society, (Methodist,) 200 Mulherry-street — Rev. .1. Soule, President ; Francis Hall, Secretary ; G. Lane, Treasurer. New-York and Brooklyn Foreign Missionary Society — Pelatiah Perit, President ; Rev. W. Adams and A. Merwin, Secretaries ; J. W. Tracy, Treasurer. Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, 23 Centre, street — Samuel Miller, President ; Walter Lovvrie, Secre- tary ; Daniel Wells, Treasurer. Presbyterian Board of Domestic Missions, 23 Centre- 40 PICTURE OF NEW. YORK. Street — Ashbel Green, President ; W. A. McDowell, Sec- retary ; Thomas Hoge, Treasurer. Protestant Episcopal General Missionary Foreign Com. mittce, 281 Broadway — Rev. B. T. Onderdonk, President ; Rev. P. P. Irving, Secretary and General Agent ; Dr. J. Smyth Rogers, Treasurer. Protestant Episcopal General Missionary Domestic Com. mittee, 281 Broadway — Rev. B. T. Onderdonk, President ; Rev. N. S, Harris, Secretary and General Agent ; T. N. Stanford, Treasurer. Protestant Episcopal City Missionary Society — Rev. B. T. Onderdonk, President ; W. Mulligan, Secretary ; Lewis Phillips, Treasurer. Protestant Episcopal Diocesan Society for the Promotion of Religion and Learning — Rev. B. T. Onderdonk, Presi- dent ; William H. Harrison, Secretary ; J. F. De Peyster, Treasurer. Foreign Evangelical Society, 36 Park Eow — A. B. Has. brouck, President ; E. N. Sautel, GurdonBuck and Robert Baird, Secretaries ; William W. Chester, Treasurer. American Protestant Society, 143 Nassau.street — Rev. Gardner Spring, President ; Rev. H. Norton and G. K. Moore, Secretaries ; Mortimer De Motte, Treasurer. Central American Education Society, 36 Park Eow — J. C. Hornblower, President ; Rev. Eliakim Phelps, Secreta- ry ; W. A. Booth, Treasurer. Presbyterian Board of Education, 23 Centre-street — Alexander Henry, President; M.B.Hope, Secretary; J. R. Mitchell, Treasurer. American Anti-Slavery Society, 143 Nassau-street — William Lloyd Garrison, President ; Maria W. Chapman and Wendell Phillips, of Boston, Secretaries; Francis Jackson, Treasurer. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. 41 Foreign and American Anii.Slavery Society, 122 Pearl- street — A. Tappan, President; L. Tappan, Secretary; William Shotwell, Treasurer. New-York State Colonization Society — OfRce in the Brick Church Chapel. A. G. Phelps, President: Rev. G, Spring, Vice-President; Rev. D. L. Carroll, Secretary; Moses Allen, Treasurer. American Society for Meliorating the Condition of the Jews, 23 Nassau-street — Rev. Phillip Milledoler, Presi- dent; Rev- John Lillie, Secretary for Domestic Cor- respondence ; Rev. John Proudfit, Secretary for Foreign Correspondence; A. M. Burrill, Recording Secretary; Thomas Bussing, Treasurer. American Seamaii's Friend Society, 91 Wall-street — Edward Richardson, President ; John Spaulding and T. Hale, Secretaries ; C.N. Talbot, Treasurer. New- York Marine Bible Society, 91 Wnll-slreet — Hugh Aikman, President ; William Poole and L. P» Hubbard, Secretaries ; William W^oodhult, Treasurer. American Sunday School Union, 152 Nassau-street — J. C. Meeks and R. B. Camfield, Agents. New. York Sunday School Union^ 152 Nassau-street — Isaac Ferris, President ; N. N. Halsted, Secretary ; Jona- than Leavitt, Treasurer; J. C. Meeks, Agent. Protestant Episcopal General Sunday School Union, 20 John-street — Rev. A. Ten Broeck, Secretary; T. W. Mitchell, Treasurer j Daniel Dana, jr., Agent. New.York City Sunday School Society, (Methodist,) 200 Mulhfrry.street — S. A. Purdy, President; Wm. Truslow, J. F. Truslow and Walter Keeler, Secretaries ; J. W. Rum. sey. Treasurer. Sunday School Z7n?or?, (Methodist,) 200 Mulberry-street —Rev. J. Soide, President ; Wm. Truslow, Rev. D. P. Kid- der, Secretaries; Wm. Morgan, Treasurer. 4^ 42 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. American Temperance Union, 148 Nassau-street — R. Hide Walworth, President ; Rev. John Marsh, Secretary and General Agent ; Jasper Corning, Treasurer. Female Moral Reform Society, 36 Parh Row — Mrs. C. W. Hawkins, President ; Mrs. S. R. Ingraham, Secretary ; Mrs. Jane Beatty, Treasurer. New-York Sacred Music Society — Established in 1823. Officers : L. B. Wyman, President ; G. E. Vanderberg, W. A. Tyler, Vice-Presidents; H. R. Yenne, Secretary; J. P. Perkins, Treasurer ; George Whitlock, Librarian ; U. C. Hill, Conductor. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. KEW-YORK HOSPITAL. This institution, located in Broadway, between Duane and Anthony streets, was founded in 1771, by the Earl of Dunmore, at that time Governor of the Colony. The in- stitution has an annual revenue from various sources of about ^68,000, the larger portion of which is annually expended. There are three large hospital buildings, fitted up in excellent style, for the accommodation of patients. Patients can have the best of medical attendance, and the convenience of nursing and medicine for three dollars a week. Respectable persons without families will find this a very desirable asylum during sickness. Patients can have single rooms if they desire them. It is quite common for physicians, who know the advantages of this Hospital, to resort to it when sick themselves. In cases of sudden ac- cidents, patients are received here, and their wants imme. diately attended to. Medical students are permitted to go the rounds with the attending surgeons for the annual fee of eight dollars. Annual lectures are given by all the at- tending physicians and surgeons. The buildings will ac- commodate over 300 patients. Application for admission must be made at the office within the Hospital. There are ten attending and consulting physicians and surgeons. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. 43 THE BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, Is a branch of the New. York Hospital, and, through a delegated Committee of six of their number, is under the general control of the Board of Governors of that insti- tution. It is situated near the Bloomingdale road, seven miles from the City-Hall, upon an elevated and beautiful site, half a mile from the Hudson river. This situation, though perhaps not apparently so, is, after Fort Washing- ton, the highest point of the island. The approach to the Asylum from the southern entrance, by the stranger who associates the most sombre scenes with a lunatic hospital, is highly pleasing. The sudden opening of the view, the extent of the grounds, the various avenues gracefully wmding through so large a lawn ; the cedar hedges, the fir, and other (jrnamental trees, tasteful- ly distributed or grouped, the variety of shrubbery and flowers ; in fine, the assemblage of so many objects to please the eye, and relieve the melancholy mind from its sad musings, strike him as one of the most successful and useful instances of landscape gardening. There is, indeed, no private residence or public estab- lishment in the vicinity of the city, whicli for beauty of situation, or exercise of taste in the distribution of grounds, can compare with it. The principal building, which is constructed of hewn stone, is two hundred and eleven feet long, sixty feet wide, and three stories in height, exclusive of basement and attic. There are two other buildings, each standing at right angles with the principal edifice. These are each three stories in height, sixty feet in length, and forty in width. The modern greatly improved and humane system of treating the insane has been fully introduced into this in- stitution. The padents have well furnished apartments, and eat at tables set in the usual manner in private fami- lies. They walk out, v>'ith attendants, and many of them ride, daily, in a carriage devoted to their use. They amuse themselves with ten-pins, quoits, bagatelle, chess, chequers 44 PICTURE OF NEW-YOKK. and other games. Many of them work, the men on the farm or about the premises, and the women with their needles. Many of them are instructed in a school which is kept in the Asylum, and by lectures upon scientific and miscellaneous subjects. It is not customary for strangers to visit the "apartments of the patients, both to avoid excitement, and as a matter of courtesy towards those whose friends are placed here for restoration. The central building, b :!-vever, is always open to visitors, and the view from the top of it, being the most extensive and beautiful of any in the vicinity of the city, is well worthy of their attention. The Asylum went into operation in June, 1821 ; since which time more than three thousand patients have been admitted. The number now in the institution is one hun- dred and twenty-two. OFFICERS. Asylvm Coinmiitee. Stephen Allen, No. 1 Washington Square. Richard M. Lawrence, No. 7 Wooster-street. Augustus Fleming, No. 10 Bond " James Lovett, No. 12 Third James J. Jones, No. .5 Washington Place. Wm. M. Halsted, No. 31 Nassau-street. Physician. — Pliny Earle, M. D. Warden. — George W. Endicott. Application for tfte admission of patients, if by letter, should be addressed to the Physician ; if otherwise, they should be made to one of the members of the Asylum Committee. NEW.YORK QUARANTINE HOSPITAL. This institution is located on Staten Island, and was es- tablished by act of Legislature in 1821. Boats leave the city every hour for the Island, where they land very near the Hospital. This institution is appropriated for the re- cepiion of patients who have landed from vessels from foreign ports, particularly those afflicted with contagious BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. 45 diseases. Henry Van Hovenburgh, Health Officer ; Alex- ander F. Vache, Resident Physician ; Stephen R. Harris, Health Commissioner and Treasurer. Lying.in-Hospilal — For destitute females, is situated at 85 Marion-Street. Marine Society — Capt. Chas. H. Marshall, President ; William Thompson, J. J. Dickinson, Vice-Presidents ; James Copland, Treasurer; Henry Russell, Secretary. Mariners' Family Industrial Society. — The object of this Society is to furnish employment at a fair remunera- tion, for the female members of the families of seamen, and to relieve the wants of such families as are incapable of labour. A clothing store has been opened at 325 Pearl- street, where may be found an assortment of garments for seamen and others. Officers: Mrs. C. W. Hawkins, 1st Directress; Miss M. Vale, 2d do.; Mrs. T. O. Taylor, Treasurer ; Mrs. C. Tracy, Secretary. American Shipwreck Society, office, Hall of American Institute, west v/ing New City-Hall. James Depeyster Ogden, President. The British Protective Emigrant Society, ofNeio- York — Established for the purpose of preventing emigrants from being cheated and imposed upon, will furnish them, free of any charge, with every advice and information relative to routes, expenses of travelling, and all matters of impor- tance to them, on applying at the office of the Society, 14 Pine-street, near the Custom-House. C. H. Webb, Super- intendent ; Geo. Wilkie, Active Agent. Irish Emigrant Society, 6 Ann-street — T. W. Clerke, President ; G. Dillon, Jos. Stuart, Vice-Presidents ; James Reyburn, Treasurer ; J. T. Doyle, M. J. O'Connor, Sec. retaries. Welsh Benevolent Society of the City of New- York — Evan Griffith, President ; Enoch Morgan, Treasurer ; G. W. Griffith, Corresponding Secretary. The objects of 46 PICTURE OF NEVV-YORK. this Society are the advising and protecting Welsh emi- grants from the Frauds and knavery of emigrant swindlers, who abound in the city, and who are unrelenting in their exactions from the poor emigrants. This is a very active and useful society, and demands cordial support. Apply to the British Protective Kmigrant Society, 14 Pine-street, for information. NEW-YORK DISPENSARY, Situated in White-street, corner of Centre-street, esta- blished in 1790, "for the purpose of relieving such sick, poor and indigent persons, as are unable to procure medi- cal aid." NORTHERN DISPENSARY, Situated in Christopher-street, corner of Sixth-street, founded in 1829. EASTERN DISPENSARY, Situated in Ludlow-street, corner of Essex Market Place, founded in 1834. NEW-TORK INSTITUTION FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF THE DEAF AND D17MB. This institution commenced operations under its char- ter, by opening a school for the reception of pupils on the 12th day of May, 1818. Until the spring of 1S29, the school was held in the building now called the New City. Hall. At that time the pupils were transferred to a large building erected for the purposes of the Institution, on Fiftieth-street and the Fourtli Avenue, three and a half miles from the City-Hall. Communication between the Institution and the city is rendered very easy by the cars which pass on the Harlsem Rail-Road, (Fourth Avenue,) every fifteen or twenty minutes in both directions. The principal building occupied for the purposes of the Institution, is one hundred and ten feet by sixty, in the di- mensions of its plan, and five stories in height, including the basement. It accommodates about 160 patients, and the teachers, the family of the Principal, and such other 1.. k BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. 47 persons as are needed to assist in conducting the affairs of the estabhshment. This Institution has been well sustained by appropria- tions made by the Legislature of the State, by the Corpo- rations of the City, and by private munificence. There are usually at the Asylum about 160 pupils, who are taught most of the useful branches of education, and some of them are instructed in trades, such as shoemaking, tailoring, cabinet making, bookbinding and gardening. At the date of the last report, (Dec. 1844,) the number of pupils was 168, (96 males and 72 females,) of whom 128 were supported by the State of New-Yoi-k, 13 by the Corporation of the City, three by the State of New. Jersey, one by the County of St. Lawrence, 11 by their friends, and 12 hy the Institution. The charge for a pupil is ^130 per year, including all expenses, except clothing and travelling expenses. The Principal of the Institution is Mr. Harvey P. Peet, who is assisted by a number of competent professors and others. The government and management of the general concerns are vested in a Board of Directors ; of the late Board, the President, Rev. Doctor Milnor, and one of the Vice-Presidents, Robert C. Cornell, Esq., are recently de- ceased. Prosper M. Wetmore and Harvey P. Peet, Vice-PresHs. Robert D. Weeks, Treasurer. INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND, Is located on Ninth Avenue, near Thirty-third-street, where are 32 lots of land presented to the Institution by James Boorman, Esq. The Legislature, in 1839, appropri- ated .$15,000 towards the erection of the buildings, besides which, considerable donations have been made by individ- uals. The pupils are taught the usual branches of English education. There is a manufacturing department, where they learn basket making, weaving, band-box work, and other similar work. There are usually about 60 pupils at the Institution. Officers: A. G. Phelps, President ; Isaac Wood, Vice-President ; S. Brown, Treasurer , E. Jones, 48 nCTL'RE OF NEW-YORK. Corresponding Secretary ; G. F. Allen, Recording Secre. tary ; J. W. G, Clements, Physician; Isaac Wood and J. C. Bliss, Consulting Physicians ; J. Kearney Rodgers, Con- sulting Surgeon. The building is built of granite, in the Gothic style, and is one of the most imposing structures in the city. Admission to see the pupils, twice a week, maybe had, on application to any of the officers. It is much resort. ed to by those interested in such institutions. The en- graving we give in another part of this book, presents a very accurate view of the building. Asylum for Respectable Aged Indigent Females. — This institution is situated in 20th street, near the Second Ave- nue. Aged and indigent ladies find in this truly benevo- lent institution a grateful asylum for their declining years. We are glad to learn that its managers are getting great encouragement for its permanent success. Magdalen Female Benevolent Asylwn. — This institu- tion is situated between Eighty-eighth and Eighty.ninth streets, west of the Harl^em Rail-Road. Officers: Mrs. George Warner, Ist Directress ; Mrs. Thomas Hastings, 2d Directress ; Mrs. Dr. Pierson, Treasurer ; Mrs. S. Van Antwerp, Corresponding Secretary ; Mrs. .T. Clibborn, Re- cording Secretary ; Rev. C. C. Darling, Chaplain. Can be visited any day. Neic-York Orphan Asylum — Is situated at Blooming dale, near Eightieth-street, about five miles from the City- Hall, and is a handsome building, 120 by 60 feet, connect- ed with nine acres of ground. It is of stone, plastered in imitation of yellow marble. It overlooks the Hudson river, and is delightfully situated, being surrounded with trees and cultivated grounds. It was instituted in 1806. The pre- sent number of male and female orphans at the Asylum is about 200. Till quite recently the inmates of this asylum have been subject to a great deal of sickness, owing to its contiguity to the foul air generated in Potter's Field. The Potter's Field has been recently removed. The Asylum BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. 49 can be visited at any time, and great numbers resort to it to see the pupils. Leake and IVatVs Orphan Asylum — Is situated near One Hundredth-street, between the Fourth and Fifth Ave- nues. Protestant Half-Orphan Asylum — Male and Female, Sixth Avenue, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. Eoman Catholic Orphan Asylum — Is situated in Prince, street, corner of" Mott-street, and is conducted by the Sis- ters of Charity. They have 2.50 orphans under their care. Eoman Catholic Half-Orphan Asylum — Eleventh-street, near Seventh Avenue. Coloured Orphan Asylum.. — This institution is situated in Twelfth-street, near the lower Reservoir, between Ave- nues Fifth and Sixth. It has a large and commodious build- ing, and is in a flourishing condition. Prison Association of New- York, corner of Pine and Nassau streets — Established for the amelioration of the condition of prisoners, the improvement of prison disci, pline, the government of prisons, and the encouragement of reformed convicts after their discharge, by assisting them in obtaining an honest livelihood. A subscription of $25 constitutes a member for life. Tliere is a female department, consisting of such as take %n interest in the objects of the society. Ofjlcers : Hon. Villiarn T. McCoun, President ; Isaac T. Hopper, Gene- ral Agent. New-York Vaccine Institute, 3G9 Broome and 20 Third- street — John C. Beales, President ; James Weir, Record- ing Secretary. New-England Society — M. H. Grinnell, President ; T. Fessenden, Simeon Drajjcr, jr., Vice-Presidents ; A. G. Hazard, Treasurer ; A. A. Weeks, Secretary. Ancient Britons^ Benefit Society — W. J. Ormson, Pre. sident ; David Roberts, Vice-President; Wm. Lewis, Secre- tary. 50 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. St. Andrew's Society — Richard Irvin, President; J, J. Palmer, Adam Norrie, Vice-Presidents; Andrew Mitchell, Treasurer; John Campbell, Secretary; J. T. Ferguson, Physician. St. David's Benevolent Society of New.York and Brook- lyn— DaVid C. Golden, President; H. P. Edwards, M. Morgans, jr., Vice-President. St. George's Society of Neio-York — W. D. Cuthbertson, President; Henry Jessop, Septimus Crookes, Vice-Presi- dents; Robert Bage, Treasurer ; Henry Owen, James She- ward, Secretaries. 5^. Nicholas' Society — .T. R. Manly, President ; Peter Schermerhorn, W. J. Van V/agenen, A. R. Lawrence, Og- den Hoffman, Vice-Presidents; F. De Peyster, Treasurer; S. G. Raymond, Secretary. Hebrew Benevolent Society — M. M. Noah, President ; S. Dreyfous, Vice-President ; John Levy, Treasurer ; Henry Goldsmith, Secretary. Hibernian Universal Benevolent Society, 42 Prince, street — John Farrigan, President; Farrel Lunney, Vice- President; John Heaney, Treasurer; James McGuire, Corresponding Secretary ; Francis O'Rielley, Recording Secretary. LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. NEW-YORK SOCIETY LIBRARY. A conspicuous and beautiful edifice, of the ionic order, of brown freestone, fronting on Broadway and Leonard-street. This institution is the most ancient in the city, and is co-eval in its origin M'ith the English government of the colony, having been founded in the year 1700, under the administration of the Earl of Bellamont, then governor. The New- York Society Library, established in 1754, with the view of aiding and extending the objects of King's (now Columbia) College, founded at that time, was en- .VF.VV-YORK SOCIETY LIBRARY, Coniur of Broadway aud Leonard Slrael. INSTITUTIONS. 51 grafted on the old City Library, a name, by which, in com- mon parlance, it is still known. During the revolutionary war, the books being deposited in the old City-Hall in Broad-street, were scattered and lost. Tradition affirms that they were carried off by the British soldiers and bar- tei-ed for grog. On the restoration of peace the Library was re-established, and continued for a long lime to occupy a sphere of quiet and unobtrusive usefulness in a building of considerable architectural taste, for that period, erected by the society in Nassau-street, opposite to the Middle Dutch Church, now used as the Post Office. Li 1838 and '39 the society erected the present edifice in Broadway, at an expense, including the ground, of ^120,000. The building throughout is constructed in the most thorough manner, and its apartments are unsurpassed for architectural beauty by any in the United States. The collection of books, selected with great care, con- sists of the most important works for general reading, and reference in every department of literature, science and the arts. Constant accessions are made ; during the last year there have been added 2.000 volumes, many imported from London, Paris, &c., where the society has agents. The reading and news room is a large and airy apartment, open from 8 in the morning till 10 in the evening, and is provided with various newspapers and periodicals, afford- ing a most agreeable resort to subscribers. Besides the library and reading room, one is appropriated to study and reference, and another to conversation. The privileges of this noble institution may be secured for the moderate sum of $25, with an annual payment of $6, or $100 without the annual payments, and the shares are transferable like other property. Members may intro- duce strangers to the use of the reading room, and reference to the books of the library. Persons not members may take out such books as are loaned, by leaving a deposit. A lecture room, admirably adapted to scientific and other lectures, is, from the conspicuous and central posi- tiou of the building, in considerable demand. The objects of the institution are too obvious and im- 52 PICTURE OF NEW.YORK. portant to require further explanation. No good citizen will be without the privileges of a public library. The stranger will find the Society Library well worthy of a visit, and an agreeable resort during his sojourn. The annual income of the society is about ^9,000 ; one half of which is derived from the annual payments of the members, the other half from the rents of the building, sale of new shares, &c. About ^3,000 are appropriated annually to the purchase of books and periodicals, the balance to the extinguishment of debt, incidental ex. penses, &c. MERCA^'TILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. This society is located in the Clinton Hall building, in Beekman, corner of Nassau-street. It possesses a library, reading room, lecture room, cabinet of minerals, &c. It was originally established for the express benefit of clerks, but of late it has been thrown open to all who will pay for the privilege. The library, in which all the departments of science and general literature are well re- presented, contains at this time 23,000 volumes. It is peculiarly rich in periodical literature. Its collection in this department is probably superior to any other insiitu- tion in this country. The reading room is supplied with a very extensive variety of foreign and American periodi- cals and newspapers. The number of members at the present time is 1,891. Clerks pay one dollar initiation fee, and two dollars a year thereafter, which entitles them to the use of the reading room and library. Merchants hold honorary membership, and pay five dollars a year. Other citizens have the privileges of the library and reading room for five dollars a year. LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. This is a flourishing and vigorous association of scien. tific men, for the promotion and study of natural history in all its branches ; and for the furtherance of these purposes stated meetings are held for conversation and lectures. It was incorporated in 1818, and a room appropriated for their LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. 53 meetings, by the city government, in the building in the rear of the City-Hall. It was afterwards removed to a build- ing in Broadway, built for the purpose ; but it has recently been removed again to a large and commodious hall in the second story of the University Medical School, (formerly Stuyvesant Institute.) The institution possesses a large library, and an extensive cabinet of minerals, shells, plants, and other specimens in natural history. Meetings are held every Monday evening throughout the year — free to strangers as well as members. The museum may be visited gratuitously by application at the building. Officers: Joseph Delafield, President; Jno. A. Smith, Abraham Halsey, Vice-Presidents ; J. H. Redfield, Corres- ponding Secretary ; R. H. Browne, Secretary ; J. P. Giraud, jr., Treasurer. NEW-YORK LYCEUM. Established in 1838, for the purpose of diffusing useful knowledire, by means of lectures, a library and reading room. During the winter season, evening lectures are de- livered at the Tabernacle by distinguished scientific and literary men, invited by the Society, Irom different parts of the Union, to which the members and the public generally are admitted, on payment of a small sum for the course, or for each lecture. The library and reading rooms are at the corner of Broadway and Lispenard-street. Isaac T. Smith, President ; George S. Stitt, Vice-Prcsi- dent; John L. Salisbury, Treasurer ; Albert G. Zabriskie, Corresponding Secretary ; Lewis G. Forman, Recording Secretary. NEW. YORK LAW INSTITUTE. (Established 1S28. Incorporated 1830.) The Library, which is kept in the City-Hall, contains about 3,500 volumes of select law books, including nearly the whole series of English and American Reports. The initiation fees are -$20, and annual dues ^JO. Members of the bar from abroad, and the judges of the courts, are entitled to the free use of the Library. Samuel Jones, L. L. D., President; John Anthon, Ge- - -^ ^ — 54 PICTURE OF NEW-YOEK. rardus Clark, James W. Gerard, Vice-Presidents ; Joshua Coit, Treasurer ; Alex. H. Dana, Secretary ; Lewis H. Sandford, Librarian. NEW.yORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. This able and efficient association have their rooms in the University Building. They have a library of 12,000 volumes, and a large collection of coins and medals. Its library is open during each day. Albert Gallatin, Presi- dent ; Luther Bradish and Thos. De Witt, Vice-Presidents ; J. R. Bartlett, Foreign Corresponding Secretary; John Jay, Domestic Corresponding Secretary ; G. Gibbs, Li- brarian. apprentices' library. This library occupies a large and commodious building at 32 Crosby-street. It contains 12,000 volumes, for the exclusive use of apprentices. Eighteen hundred young mechanics avail themselves of the facilities of this valuable institution. ethnological society, Formed in 1842, for the purpose of inquiring into An- tiquities, History, Languages, Geography, &c. Albert Gallatin, President ; Edward Robinson, Henry R. Schoolcraft, Vice-Presidents ; John R. Bartlett, Corres- ponding Secretary ; A. W. Bradford, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. Mechanics' and Tradesmeii's Society and School, 32 Crosby-street — J. A. Westervelt, President. THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTIONS. Union Theological Seminary. — This Institution, founded in 1836, is located in University Place, between Sixth and Eighth streets, near Washington Square. The principal edifice contains four large and commodious lecture rooms, a chapel, library and study rooms, besides four large furnish- ed rooms for the accommodation of the students. It has six professors, and generally about 100 students. The library contains over 16,000 volumes. R. T. Haines, President. MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS. 55 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church, is situated in Tvventieth-street, corner of Ninth Avenue, near the Hudson, two miles from the City.Hall. There are two handsome buildings of stone, for the accom. modation of professors and students. The Board of Trustees consists of all the bishops, and one trustee Irom each dio- cese in the United States. The institution is well en- dowed and in a flourishing condition. MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS. UNIVERSITY IVIEDICAL SCHOOL. This institution occupies the building formerly known as the Stuyvesant Institute, a splendid granite edifice, in Broadway, above Bleecker-street. The front is construct, ed of hewn granite, and is 75 feet long. It has a portico supported by four splendid granite columns. The building in its present state cost over one hundred thousand dollars. It contains three very spacious lecture rooms, one for anato- my, one for chemistry, and one for general purposes. It has also an extensive reading room and library. The New. York Lyceum have deposited their cabinet in this building. The museum and apparatus belong chiefly to the pro. fessors. Their value is about $30,000. The number of students at the last Winter Session of 1844-5, was 378. The Winter Session begins on the last Monday of Octo- ber, and ends on the last day in February. Valentine Mott, M. D., Prof, of the Principles and Ope. rations of Surgery, with Surgical and Pathological Anatomy. Granville Sharp Pattison, M. D., Prof, of General De. scriptive and Surgical Anatomy. John Revere, M. D., Prof, of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. Martyn Paine, M. D., Prof, of Institutes of Medicine and Materia Medica. Gunning S. Bedford, M. D., Prof, of Midwifery, and the Diseases of Women and Children. 56 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. John W. Draper, M. D., Prof, of Chemistry. WiJliam Darling, M. D., Prosector to the Professor of Surgery. Juhn H. Whitaker, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. This is a handsome edifice, situated in Crosby.slreet. It was founded in 1807, has eight professors and about 200 students. It has a library of over 1,000 volumes. Lectures commence on the first Monday in Noveniber, and continue about four months. Attached to the college is a very ex- tensive medical museum containing a vast number of in- teresting objects. It may be visited on application to the Janitor, in the building. The institution is governed by a Board of Trustees, composed of physicians and other citizens. Faculty. Alexander H. Stevens, M. D., President and Emeritus, Prof, of Surgery. Joseph M. Smith, M. D., Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. John B. Beach, M. D., Prof of Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence. John Torrey, M. D., Prof, of Chemistry and Botany. Robert Watts, jr., M. D. Prof of Anatomy and Physi- ology. Willard Parker, M. D. Prof of Principles and Practice of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. Chandler R. Gilman, M. D., Prof of Obstetrics and Dis- eases of Women and Children. Doctor G. A. Sabine, Demonstrator of Anatomy. Gurdon Buck, jr., M. D., Registrar. The whole number of under graduates in 1844, was 193. There is no classification of students. The mode of in- struction is entirely by lectures. NEW-VORK MEDICAL SOCIETY, Meets monthly in the Court Room, Halls of Justice — E. Delafield, President; Isaac Wood, Vice-President; B.R. MECHANIC INSTITUTIONS. 57 Robson, Treasurer ; B. Drake, Corresponding Secretary ; W. P. Buel, Recording Secretary. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. The object of this Institution is to prevent, as far as possible, the manyfatal errors in the preparation of medicine. Constantine Adamson, President ; Oliver Hull, John Milhau, George D. Coggeshall, Vice-Presidents ; James S. Aspinwall, Treasurer ; John Meakim, Secretary. MECHANIC INSTITUTIONS. AMERICAN INSTITUTE. (Incorporated in 1829.) This institution was established for the purpose of en. couraging domestic industry in this state and the United States, in agriculture, manufactures and the arts, by be- stowing rewards and other benefits on those who shall make any improvements, or excel in any of the above branches. The Institute have a room in the building in the Park on Chambers-street, which is fitted up as a library, lecture hall and exhibition room. The library is extensive, and particularly rich in those branches relating to the ob- jects of the institution. A large collection of models, ag- ricultural products, &c., are deposited in the room, which, together with the library, are open to the public free of expense, at all seasonable hours. The stranger will do well to visit this interesting room. In connection with the Institute, there is an Annual Fair held at Niblo's Gar- den, which is visited by thirty thousand people. A cattle show is also held by the Institute every season. Officers: James Tallmadge, President ; A. Chandler, Wm. Inglis, Shepherd Knapp, Vice-Presidents ; H. Meigs, Recording Secretary ; T. B. Wakeman, Corresponding Secretary ; E. T. Backhouse, Treasurer ; T. B. Wake- man, Superintending Agent. mechanics' INSTITUTE. This Institute has for its object the instruction of me- chanics and others in science and the arts. The Institute 58 PICTURE OF NEVV-YORK. has established annual courses of popular lectures. It has an excellent library, containing about twenty.five hundred volumes, together with a reading room,suj)plied with popu. lar reviews, literary and scientific journals and newspapers ; a museum ol'models of machinery, and a valuable collection of chemical and philosophical apparatus. A male school w^as commenced in November, 1838, and a female school in May, 1839, both of which have been eminently success, ful. Rooms in the basement of the City. Hall. J. J. Mapes, President ; Charles L. Barritt, Actuary and Librarian. MERCANTILE INSTITUTIONS. Chamber of Commerce — Instituted 1768 ; incorporated 1770, re-incorporated 1784. Officers: James G. King, President ; H. K. Bogert, Stewart Brown, Vice-Presidents ; J. J. Palmer, Treasurer ; P. M. VVetmore, Secretary ; Com. of Arbitration : Matthew Maury, Calvin Durand, Chas. King, J H. Brower, Robert Kermit. Pilot Commissioners : R. S. Taylor, C. H. Marshall. Annual Election : 1st Tues- day in May ; meetings 1st Tuesday in each month. New. York Stock and Exchange Board. — Officers : David Clarkson, President ; Edward Prime, Vice-President ; J. W. Bleecker, Treasurer; B. Hart, Secretary; Meetings daily at the Merchants' Exchange. New- York Commercial Exchange Association. — Officers: Seixas Nathan, President ; VV. Borrowe, Vice-President ; S. I. Josephs, Secretary ; W. H. Hayes, Treasurer. Daily (public) meetings in the Rotunda of Merchants' Exchange. Merchants^ Vigilant Association, (organized to investi. gate and expose abuses in irade, to prevent frauds, and punish the fraudulent.) Officers: Thomas Tileston, Pre- sident; T. C. Doremus, Vice-President; David Wesson, Treasurer ; Woodward & Dusenbery, Secretaries. Metropolitan Association, 554 Broadway — Henry Kid- dle, President; J. H. Fanning, Vice-President; J.J.An- derson, T. J. Taylor, Secretaries ; R. H. Cudlip, Treasurer ; L. B. Hardcastle, Librarian. INSTITUTIONS. 59 Italian Benevolent Society — Felice Argenti, President ; Sebastiano Dacorsi, Treasurer; C. Ferrero, Secretary. Independent Order of Odd Fellows' Library Association : Rooms at 31 Canal-street. PICTURE GALLERIES AND INSTITUTIONS OF THE FINE ARTS. AMEiRICAN ART-UNION, 322 Broadway, near Pearl-street. Officers: William Cullen Bryant, President ; Ebenezer Piatt, Treasurer ; Andrew Warner, Recording Secretary ; Robert F. Eraser, Corresponding Secretary. The American Art-Union, now in the sixth year of its ex. istence, was incorporated by the Legislature of New- York, for the promotion of the Fine Arts in the United States. It is now firmly established ; its income the past year ex. ceeded ten thousand dollars. Each subscriber of live dollars becomes a member of the Art-Union for the year. The money ihus obtained (allow, ing for necessary expenses) is applied first, to the produc- tion of a fine and costly engraving from a choice painting, of which every member receives a copy ; second, to the purchase of paintings and sculpture by native or resident artists, which are publicly distributed by lot amongst the members at the annual meeting in December. The w^orks of art distributed in this manner, in 1844, numbered ninety.two, (exclusive of the engravings,) and cost the Art-Union nearly seven thousand dollars. The Room or Gallery of the Art-Union is hung with paintings, either purchased by the Institution or sent there by artists to the superintendant for sale, and is always open, free of charge, to the members and the public gene- rally. We most cordially recommend this institution to the New-York public, and to strangers generally. It possesses very strong claims to patronage. Some of the best pictures ever painted in this country have been distributed by the 80 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. Art-Union ; and as a promoter of the interests of the fine arts in America, its facilities and efforts are unequalled. Great impartiality in the selection of pictures, and faith- fulness in disbursing the society's money have been hither, to practised by the managers. Its exhibition rooms are very interesting, and w^ell wor- thy of the attention of citizens and strangers. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN, In Broadway, corner of Leonard-street. An association of young men, artists and amateurs, under the name above given, organized and opened their first exhibition on the first of May, in 1826, at the corner of Reade-street and Broadway. They af. terwards occupied successively rooms over the Arcade Baths in Chambers-street, the Clinton Hall, and the Society Library building, where they now remain. They have an exhibition of the productions of none but living artists, and open annually during the months of April, May and June. Their present accommodations consists of several large rooms, elegantly fitted up with carpets, mirrors and seats ; and from the pains taken to make it attractive, it has be- come a very fashionable place of genteel resort. Nearly all the artists in the United States annually send contribu- tions to this exhibition. Admission 25 cents. Season tickets 50 cents. Cormected with the institution is a gratuitous school for drawing, held three evenings a week during the winter sea- son. The Academy has a very valuable collection of casts from the antique and modern schools — which are used by the drawing classes. Application for admission to the school must be made to the Council, accompanied with an original drawing made from the round. Lectures on various subjects connected with the fine arts are provided for by the laws of the insti- tution — but none are given — for reasons inextricably in- volved in the mysteries of the Council. A "life school," for drawing from the living figure, is also in successful ope- ration. INSTITUTIONS. 61 The annual election for officers is held in May. Officers : Henry Inman, President ; A. B. Durand, Vice-President. NEW.YORK ART-RE-UNIGN, Instituted in 1845, by a number of artists and amateurs, for mutual instruction and the promotion of the fine arts. Weekly meetings are held, when the objects of the society are carried out by the reading of essays and the introduction of specimens and discussions, all confined to subjects con- nected with the arts. The association is in a flourishing condition, and promises great usefulness for the future. It numbers among its members some of the most talent. ed and promising artists in the country. E. Ruggles, M. D., President ; John M. Falconer, Recording Secretary ; John P. Ridner, Corresponding Secretary. NEW-YORK GALLERY OF THE FINE ARTS. This institution was established for the purpose of form- ing a permanent gallery of paintings, sculpture and engra- vings. The society commenced by purchasing the collection of the late Luman Read, consisting of some very valuable paintings, principally by American artists. About fifteen thousand dollars were raised by private subscription, some individuals subscribing as high as one thousand dollars. This sum has been principally expended in the purchase of the above collection, and the fitting up of the old Rotunda in the Park, as an exhibition room. By a provision ni the con- stitution, no property of the association can ever be sold, and a work of art once possessed must ever remain a part of the permanent gallery. The payment of one dollar, and the subscription of the constitution, constitutes the person making such payment a member for life — and for this small sum he is entitled to free admission for life — without any other cost. The present success of the insti. tution has established it on a permanent basis. Among the paintings are Cole's celebrated series of the Voyage of Life ; his Course of Empire ; a picture by Morland, and many others equally valuable. The gallery possesses also a rich and numerous collection of Flag's paintings. Single 62 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. admission 25 cents. Strangers will find this collection worth visiting. Jonathan Sturges, President; F. W. Edmonds, Vice- President ; Thomas H. Faile, Treasurer ; W. H. Johnson, Secretary. NEW-YORK DRAWING ACADEMY, Situated at No. 103 Canal-street. Drawing, painting and perspective are here taught and illustrated by a very extensive apparatus, and other unequalled facilities. Prof. J. R. Smith is celebrated as one of the most successful teachers in the United States; many of our most distinguished artists have been gradu. ates from his school. Pictorial anatomy, lithography ano engraving is also taught in this institution. Separate classes for ladies and gentlemen. Tuition, ^10 per quarter. PLACES OF PUBLIC AMUSEMENT. THEATRES. We possess but slender materials for describing accu- rately the earliest efforts of our ancestors at theatrical performances, which were commenced nearly a century ago in a large store near the Oid-slip, on a place called Cruger's Wharf; at about the same period, by the way, the first regular weekly was published in New-York, called the *' Weekly Gazette." The accounts before us do not repre- sent the persons engaged in the undertaking to have been either very serious or successful, but a mere party of frolick- some young men, rather desirous of gratifying their own love of mirth and frivolity, than of founding any perma- nent and well regulated dramatic establishment. About the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty, a stone theatre was built in Nassau-street, in the rear of the Dutch Church, near Maiden Lane. It is said to have been quite well conducted by a Mr. Hallam, who principally, by the aid of players from the Provincial theatres of Great Britain, performed many of the best English plays, until PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. 63 the manager, either from want of encouragement or al- lured by more lucrative prospects elsewhere, withdrew his company, and the building was pulled down. In 1770, a new effort was made by a Mr. Miller, in a miserable wooden house in Beekman. street, a few doors below Nassau-street. This is described as inferior to the other. The scenery was of paper, and the wardrobe de- ficient both in quality and extent. This unfortunate struc- ture was so far from being supported, that the public, not satisfied with its passing to its fate in the ordinary course of things, assembled one day, under the influence of some political excitement, and tore it to pieces. During the Revolutionary war, and while the city was in possession of the English, the drama was once more re- sorted to as a source of amusement. A building was erected in John-street, and plays were represented by the British officers. Among the pieces here performed were several of a satirical character, from the pen of Burgoyne. In 1783, after the British had evacuated the city, the .John- street theatre fell into the hands of a regular company, and was for a time quite successful. A circumstance occurred at this period, which evinces the disposition of our forefathers towards theatrical per- formances. The winter of 1785 was imusually severe, and caused extreme suffering among the poor. The mana- ger of the theatrical corps, offered for their assistance the proceeds of a night, amounting to one hundred pounds ; the offer was declined by the Common Council on the ground that theatrical performances had an immoral ten- dency. This building was destroyed by fire in 1799. PARK THEATRE. The Park Theatre was commenced in 1795, during the alarming prevalence of the yellow fever in New-York. It was completed in 1798, at which time a petition from the proprietors for leave to erect a portico over the side-walk was rejected by the Common Council, apparently as unwilling to grant as to receive favours from a dramatic corps. 64 PICTURE OF NEW.YORK. The cost of the building was one hundred and seventy- nine thousand dollars, but was afterwards purchased at auction for fifty thousand dollars, by its present owners. It was opened for public performances in 1798, under the management of the celebrated Hodgkinson, formerly of the John-street theatre. This gentleman must have been gifted with great powers as an actor, from the strong and universal praise bestowed upon him by those familiar with his personations. Since his death the theatre has passed under the direction of Dunlap, Cooper, Price, and its present manager, Simpson. In May, 1820, late one night after the performance of the evening, the build- ing was discovered to be on fire. We are not aware that the original cause of the accident is known. The interior was wholly consumed, but the walls, which are of immense thickness, were left standing ; their height also prevented the extension of the conflagration, and a heavy shower came very opportunely to the assistance of the firemen in the preservation of the surrounding build- ings. Fortunately this calamity was attended by no loss of life. No one who witnessed the destruction of the Park Theatre can ever forget the grandeur and sublimity of the spectacle. The sky was completely obscured with clouds, and shrouded the scene in impenetrable gloom, which greatly heightened the intense splendour of the fire-light. The flames, ascending to ' the height of several hundred feet, cast a glare of lurid radiance over a circle of many miles, and illuminated the city with vivid brilliancy and beauty. Crowds of citizens, lured by the awful grandeur of the sight, thronged by thousands to the spot. It was several months after the fire before the proprietors rebuilt the edifice. The interior was much improved ; but the exterior retained its unpromising aspect. It was re-opened in August, 1821, with a prize address from the pen of Sprague. Brunei, the celebrated planner of the Thames Tunnel, was the architect of this theatre, and at the time it was erected, the New-Yorkers regarded it as a masterpiece of taste. Its unsightly proportions have since been much PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. 65 ridiculed ; so much so as to induce the manager to alter it, by adding some wood-work pilasters and paint. Its ap- pearance has been very much improved by this addition. The Park Theatre was for many years surrounded by a collection of houses, occupied by the lowest grade of hu- man beings. It has now somewhat changed, being the centre of a nucleus of eating-houses and gambling-shops. All the great theatrical stars from Europe make their first appearance here. The fact of coming from this theatre stamps them at once with character. More attention is paid to the detail and perfection of dramatic performances in the Park Theatre than in any other house in the United States. It has a collection of scenery which has cost over two hundred thousand dollars — and its wardrobe and other stage properties are very extensive. Its internal plan and decorations are superior to any other theatre in America. There are three tiers of boxes, each tier seating 450 persons. Besides the boxes, there is a gallery for coloured people. The pit seats 430, and the gallery 500. The whole house, when full, holds 2,500 persons, which pays the manager, at the present prices, $1,910 ; but many more are often crowded into it. The house is 187 feet deep, and 76 wide. It is now owned by John Jacob Astorand the heirs of J. R. Beekman. Edward Simpson is the lessee and manager. Strangers desirous of getting seats on crowded nights, will do well to secure them during the day, or go early in the evening, as the despicable prac- tice of selling tickets after the house is full is much prac- tised at this theatre, in imitation of the meaner establish- ments about town. Prices of admission : boxes $1 ; pit 50 cents ; gallery 25 cents. Private boxes can be had by apphcation at the door. BOWERY THEATRE, Bowery, near Chatham Square. This building is one of the most conspicuous in the city. Three theatres have been built and burned on the ground now occupied by this building. The first stone was laid in May, 1826, with great pomp and ceremony, by Philip 66 PICTURE OF NEW-YOKK. Hone, then Mayor of the city. It was finished and deco- rated in a very superior style, and opened for theatrical representations in the October following. The manage- ment was conducted with great spirit, and its popularity soon became so great that the manager was enabled to pay Signora Garcia the enormous sum of ^600 a night for performing in the Italian and English opera. The Bowery Theatre continued to increase in favour and prosperity until the evening of March 22d, 1829, when, like its rival, the Park, it was totally consumed; the conflagration presenting one of the grandest and most sub- lime spectacles ever witnessed in the city. It was not long, however, before another magnificent building rose in renovated splendour from its ruins. It was designed by the classical taste of Mr. Tourn, from the celebrated Temple of Theseus, at Athens, and was said to be the finest specimen of doric architectiu-e then in the United States. The entablature above the portico was ornamented with a boldly executed eagle, in bass-relief, richly gilded, which had a noble effect. Many eminent English performers have made their debut in this theatre- Messrs. Holland, Chapman, De Camp, Pearman, and Misses George and Rock ; also Mr. and Mrs. Younge, with many others ; likev/ise Mr. Forrest, an American per- former. The present building is rebuilt from the ashes of one that was burnt in the spring of 1845. It is of the same size as the former one, but with superior accommodations. It is the largest theatre in the Union. The performances are of a class inferior to the Park Theatre, and is never visited by the higher classes of New-Yorkers. It is celebra- ted for spectacles and patriotic pieces, sometimes lavish- ing very great sums in getting them up. The stock com. pany is vastly inferior to that of the Park Theatre. Prices of admission : box, 50 cents ; second and third tiers, 25 cents ; pit, 12^ cents. Mitchell's OLyMPic theatre. This building is situated in Broadway, just below Grand- PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. 67 street. The present building was converted into a theatre in 1837, by Messrs. Willard and Blake, and after a few months of unsuccessful management, failed. For the two subsequent years it was under the management of seve. ral individuals, but was unsuccessful. Mr. Mitchell, the present manager, took it in 1839, and by untiring industry and great skill and tact, he has con. verted it into the most popular theatre now established in New-York. Mr. Mitchell has, with great tact, seized upon local incidents and prevailing follies, and moulded them into most amusing pieces. This, together with an unprecedented succession of novelties, has won for its manager most unusual success. He has depended more upon the excellence of his stock company, and the general attention to stage management, than to the fashionable system of starring. All the Olympic performances are light and amusing, calculated to excite mirth rather than seriousness. The boxes are nightly filled with a very re- spectable audience. The building is small, but neatly fitted up. The prices of admission are — 50 cents to the first tier ; 25 cents to the second and third, and 12i cents to the pit. NIBLO'S GARDEN. This very popular place of entertainment is situated in Broadway, corner of Prince-street. The grounds of this establishment, which occupy nearly a whole city square, are laid out with great taste, and ornamented with the rarest of native and exotic plants. Besides the theatre there is a large saloon, for concerts and refreshments, and extensive covered walks, the whole open, during the sum- mer months, to the outer air. The theatre is elegantly fitted up, and capable of seating three thousand persons. It has been for several years in most successful operation, commanding large and very fashionable audiences. It is open only during the summer months. Very expensive fireworks are occasionally given here, and add much to the variety of entertainment. Admission, 50 cents, to all parts of the house. 68 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. CHATHAM THEATRE. This theatre is situated in Chatham-street, near Rose- velt, and opposite Mulberry.street. It has been very sue cessfui under its present management. The building is about half as large as the Park Theatre, and far inferior to it in beauty, character of performance, and police order. This theatre is the scene of the performances of such actors as Hill, Rice, and Booth, since his palmy days. Prices of admission : boxes, 25 cents; pit, 12^ cents. It is managed by Messrs. Duverna & De Bar. RICHMOND HILL THEATRE. This building was formerly the country residence of Aaron Burr. It was several years ago converted into a theatre, and after variable success was modeled into a ball room, under the name of Tivoli Saloon. It has been re. cently opened for a theatre, under the management of Mr. Draper, and promises to have a successful career. VAUXHALL GARDEN. Vauxhall Garden is situated in the Bowery, between Fourth and Eighth streets. It was formerly much more extensive than it is now, Lafayette Place having been taken from its grounds. It is conducted by Bradford Jones, and devoted to theatrical entertainments, concerts, exhibitions of fireworks, &c. Prices of admission vary, but generally are abo)it 25 cents. PALMO'S OPERA HOUSE Was built for the use of an Italian Opera Comapany, but that failing, it has since been devoted to various kinds of theatrical entertainments. It is a small, but very beautiful house. It is situated in Chambers.street, opposite the Park. Prices of admission vary. AMERICAN MUSEUM. This institution was founded in I&IO, by the late John Scudder, by whose arduous efforts, and the persevering exertions of its more recent proprietor, it has arisen toils present state of popularity. Scudder commenced his ca- rear as an itinerant organ-grinder, and during his wander- PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. 69 ings he collected the first specimens towards the present large collection. This museum was for many years, during his manage, ment, almost the only place of public amusement in the city. It is situated on Broadway, nearly opposite the Astor House — a very convenient place for all classes of the public. It contains several large halls, each over a hun- dred feet in length, filled with curiosities of every variety. The museum is peculiarly rich in natural history. It has numerous paintings, a mineralogical cabinet, and a multi- tude of rare curiosities, well worth visiting. In addition to this, it has a saloon capable of seating about one thou- sand persons, which is fitted with a stage and scenery, and is used for concerts, dancing, philosophical experi- ments, and a variety of other entertainments, all for the sum of 25 cents. Persons may go in during the day, ex- amine the museum at their leisure, and visit the saloon in the evening without additional charge. The top of the museum, fitted up as a garden and promenade, commands a fine view of the city. CASTLE GARDEN Is situated on a mole, connected with the Battery by a bridge. It was originally erected for a fortification, and used for that purpose till 1823, when it was ceded by the United States to this city; since which it has been leased for a place of public amusement. It was built in 1807-8-9. Immense sums of money were expended on its erection, it having cost the government, at difterent times, several hundred thousand dollars. The felicitous situation of this spot, projecting into the bay, and commanding one of the finest views in the world, causes it to be a favourite place of resort in the summer months. In 1824, on the occa- sion of the visit of Gen. Lafayette, a splendid fete and gala were given to him at Castle Garden, which for gran- deur, expense and entire effect, were never before wit- nessed in this country. The building has lately been altered, by the addition of a roof and outside promenade, and fitted up with a stage for concerts, operas, &c. The 70 PICTURE OF NEW.YORK. effect of the interior is very grand, it being by far the largest audience room in the world. It will easily hold 15,000 people, being over six hundred feet in circum- ference. Admission 25 cents ; during the day, 12^ centB, Refreshments always ready. CROTON AQUEDUCT. At the city charter election in 1835, it was voted to con- struct this aqueduct, the vote standing 11,367 in favour, and 5,963 against it. It was then estimated to cost five or six millions of dollars. It has, however, cost the city over twelve millions. It was commenced in 1837, and its com- pletion celebrated on the 14th day of October, 1842. It is, perhaps, the noblest work of the kind in any country, not excepting the monuments of olden times, which have been for ages the admiration of the world. By its facilities we are supplied with the very best of water for culinary purposes, and an unfailing means for the extinguishment of fires. Excluding the grand reservoir, which is five miles long, the length of the aqueduct, from the upper dam to the dis- tributing reservoir on Murray Hill, is 40^ miles. The dam crosses the Croton river six miles from its mouth on the Hudson. This dam gives an elevation to the water of 166 feet above the mean tide in the Hudson river. From this dam the aqueduct runs southerly through the valley of the Hudson, 32 miles to the edge of the Harlaem river valley. The whole of the distance is one continuous underground canal, of stone and brick masonry. At the present time, the Harlaem river and valley is crossed by iron pipes, but this mode will soon be succeeded by a bridge. From the Harlaem river the conduit of masonry is resumed, but again interrupted by iron pipes in the Manhattan valley. It finally reaches the great receiving reservoir on York Hill, about five miles from the City-Hall. The receiving reservoir in- cludes an area of 35 acres. It is 1,826 feet long, and 836 feet wide, and divided by a cross wall into two separate apartments. This reservoir is constructed of immense em- bankments of solid stone masonry. It will contain 20 feet CROTOX AQUEDUCT. 71 depth of water and 150,000,000 gallons. From the receiving reservoir the aqueduct is continued with cast, iron pipes, two miles to the distributing reservoir at Mur- ray Hill. This reservoir contains an area of more than four acres, and is ^,120 feet square ; it is divided into two basins by a partition wall. Its enclosing walls have an average height of 44 i feet. It is three miles from the City- Hall. It is constructed of solid masonry, with hollow walls, built of granite. It is in the Egyptian style of architecture, and presents a very imposing appearance. It has angular buttresses projecting from the wall, and elevated several feet above the main building. An iron railing encloses the walk or promenade which is formed on the top of the walls. In the central pilasters are doors leading to the pipe cham- bers in the walls, where the cocks are regulated. On the east side a door is cut and stairs constructed within the wall, which ascend to the top. The reservoir holds 30 feet depth of water, with its surface 115 feet above mean tide. The basin measures 20,000,000 of gallons. From the dis- tributing reservoir the water is drawn through large cast- iron pipes, which lead through the central parts of the city, and from which the distribution of water is made by small lateral pipes, diminishing in size as they go from the larger ones. There are over 150 miles of these pipes, and their length is daily increasing. The country for most of the distance traversed by the aqueduct, consists of a series of transverse ridges and ravines, mostly made up of rock, all of which had to be excavated, tunnelled or embanked, at an enormous expense. There are 1& tunnels, varying in length from 100 to over 1,000 feet each. There are 114 culverts of masonry, varying in span from 1^ feet to 25 feet each, crossing many large streams, principally in West- chester county. The canal is built of stone, brick and ce. ment, arched over and under, 6 feet 3 inches wide at the bottom, 7 feet 8 inches'at the top of the side walls^and 8 feet 5 inches high ; has a descent of 13^ inches per mile, and will discharge 60,000,000 of gallons in 24 hours. The most important structure is the high bridge over the Har- laem river. The Harlaem valley is a quarter of a mile wide, 72 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. and the river 620 feet ; and the whole is crossed by the bridge. " There are eight arches over the river, with a span of 80 feet each, springing from piers 20 feet wide at the spring line, which is 6U feet above the surface of the river at high water." The under side of the arches are 100 feet from the river's surface. There are several other arches springing from the ground, of 50 feet span each, The whole structure is of hewn granite. The water will cross this bridge in iron pipes, and over this there will be a carriage way. The whole will cost over ^900,000, and will probably be completed in 1847. The Croton contains, by analysis, about five grains of solid matter to the gallon. The Schuylkill, or Fairmount water, a little less. The introduction of the Croton water has had the effect of reducing the rates of insurance about 40 cents on the 100 dollars. The facilities for extinguish, ing fires have greatly increased, as there are fire hydrants at short intervals all over the city. There are also free hydrants at convenient intervals in the streets for public use. Fire plugs are not suffered to be opened, except by authority of certain officers. By the annual report of the Croton Aqueduct Board for 1845, the receipts for the year ending the 30th April, 1845, were $118,582 74. The expenditures during the same period, ^73,41 1 78. The increase of receipts during the present year, have been very great. It is calculated that the whole revenue for the last year will be about $160,000, and the annual increase will be about 35 per cent. The whole number of permits issued during the year ending the first of May, 1845, was 9,110, representing 9,582 water-takers. A number of steam-boats, houses, &c., often take out but one permit, and hence the above dis- crepancy between water-takers and permits. The revenue is derived from the following sources : 7,171 private dwell- ings, $72,123 88; 2,411 manufactories, mechanical and other miscellaneous sources, $59,660 67. OflSce of the Croton Aqueduct Board, No. 7 New City. Hall. Board; James A. Coffin, President; M. Van Schaick, Samuel B. Ruggles, Harvey Hunt, Horatio Allen. INSTITUTIONS. 73 PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Common Schools in this city are under the control of the Board of Education and the Public School Society. The Board of Education is composed of Commissioners elected by the people of each ward agreeably to an act of the Legislature, passed in 1842. The Public School So- ciety was incorporated in 1805, and has for many years managed the affairs of the principal proportion of the Com- mon Schools of the city. According to a recent report made to the Board of Edu- cation, by a committee of the Board, the average number of schools reporting to them for the past year was as fol- lows : Number of Public Schools subject to the Public School Society, 104 Number of Ward Schools subject to Ward Trus- tees, 42 Number of Corporate Schools, 21 Total, 167 The average number of scholars that actually attended the several schools during the past year, compared with 1843, is as follows (excluding fractions :) 1844. 1843. Increase in 1844. Public Schools 15,977 15,938 39 Ward Schools, 6,806 2,078 4,728 Corporate Schools, 1,570 1,450 120 Total, 24,353 19,466 4,887 The increase in the average number of scholars attend, ing the schools during the year 1844 over 1843, it will be seen, is 4,887. 74 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. MISCELLANEOUS PLACES WORTH VISITING IN NEW-YORK. ARSENAL. Among the places worth visiting in this city, few are more interesting than the State Arsenal, in Ccntre-street, next north of the City Prison. It occupies the site of the old powder magazine, " built in the woods, far out of town," by the early Dutch settlers. It can be visited at any time by the citizens or strangers. Entrance on White, street, by a small door, cut in the wooden fence near the main entrance. The Arsenal occupies a whole square, and consists of a quadrangular court, surrounded on two of its sides by sheds, covering numerous pieces of ord- nance, on another side by sheds and the keeper's dwell- ings, and on the other side by a large building, two stories high, filled with a vast assembly of munitions of war. Over one hundred thousand stands of arms are here arrang- ed in long columns, and present a most imposing appear- ance. Swords, pikes, banners and various trappings of war are ranged around the walls, in such a manner as to form very pleasing figures. But by far the most interesting objects are the various trophies, taken from the English during the Revolution and the late war. Numerous field pieces, mutilated standards, muskets and other warlike trophies are exposed to view, appropriately labelled, and carefully preserved. The " trophy room" is full of objects of this kind, besides many other objects of interest. The stranger may wander about the place unmolested, and he will be amply repaid for a visit. As it is now, the Arsenal is very poorly protected, being surrounded entirely by simple boarded fences ; but, thanks to the liberal and praiseworthy efforts of Gen. Storms, its able commander, we are likely soon to have a handsome and substantial building in place of the insufficient shanty that now cum- bers the place. PLACES WORTH VISITING, 75 PACKET SHIPS. The packet ships are generally objects of interest to the stranger. Splendid packet ships are always to be found at our docks, and may be examined at all times without inconvenience. Their splendid cabins, vast size and ex- quisite models, excite the admiration and wonder of those unused to such things. Their cabins are often fitted up at a vast expense, and their whole build and finish render them superior to any other vessels in the commercial world. Among the finest may be mentioned the Ashburton, Garrick, Victoria, Liverpool, Queen of the West, York, shire, and the Henry Clay. STEAM-SHIPS. The Atlantic steamers. Great Britain and Great West, ern, dock at the foot of Clinton-street, East river, and may be visited generally by requesting a written permit of their agents. STEAM-BOATS, The successful establishment of steam-boats in this state, by Robert Fulton, in 1806, was one of the most important events to this country, and to the world at large, that has ever occurred. Since 1806 there have been at least five hundred steam-boats, of every description, built in this city. The success of Fulton, in spite of the opinions of his friends, excited the bitterest enmity in those whose inter. ests were afiected and disturbed; but this was soon silenced by strong legislative enactments for protection, and the powerful voice of public opinion. A company was chartered, with exclusive privileges, for the purpose of running boats on the Hudson river, for a limited number of years. This monopoly became extremely lucrative, and in a few years the legality of the charter was legally con- tested, and Fulton's supposed rights overthrown by the United States Supreme Court, Immediately after this de- cision a superabundance of steam-boats were built, and the eflfect of opposition was manifested in the reduction of the fare from eight dollars to four, and even two dollars. 76 PICTURE OF NEW. YORK. Fulton did not live to see this disastrous consummation. Our limits will not permit of a minute detail of the inter- esting particulars connected with the rise and progress of steam navigation in New. York. The stranger will hardly be satisfied without seeing some of the noble specimens of steam architecture which abound at our docks. The North river boats are generally more elegantly fitted up, and are lighter and more graceful than the sound-steam- ers, but they lack the appearance of strength which cha. racterizes the latter. The steamers Oregon, IJendrick Hudson, Empire and Knickerbocker, are the finest on the Hudson. The three first are more than a sixteenth of a mile long each, and have accommodations for nearly a thousand passengers. They are fitted up in most superb style, and all that the arts of gilding, carpentery and fur- nishing can do to make them perfect specimens of naval architecture, has been lavished on them. The Oregon cost ninety thousand dollars, and has attained a speed of twenty-three miles an hour. There is but little difference between the Oregon and Pludson, either in speed or finish. Of the sound steamers, the Massachusetts and Rhode Island stand pre-eminent. The Massachusetts is over one thousand tons burthen, and is built in the most substantial and elegani manner. The sound steamers' berths are on the North river, near the Battery. The North river steam-boats can be found all along the Hudson river, from the Battery to Canal-street. SHIP-YARDS. The extensive ship-yards in the northeast part of the city, in the region called Dry Dock, are very interesting places of resort. Here may be found ships of the largest class, and steamers of every dimension, in progress, and a vast variety of naval operations, rendering it a scene of infinite variety and interest. Extensive machine shops, for steam engines, will be found here also. SECTIONAL DOCK, Foot of Pike. street. This interesting machine attracts great attention from PLACES WORTH VISITING. 77 mechanics and merchants, as it is yet something of a problem. It consists of a series of tanks or vessels, con- nected together by timber frame-work, which may be sunk by filling them with water, and floated again by pumping them dry. In the process of lifting a vessel, the tanks are filled and sunk, and the vessel is floated over the frame-work, which gradually lifts her out of water, as the tanks are emptied by pumping out their contents, by means of a steam engine. The several tanks are suffi- ciently buoyant to lift the heaviest vessel; and very re- cently the Great Britain, the largest hull in the world, was raised far enough to repair her propeller. Near to the sectional dock there is another on a different plan. The vessel is raised by means of a series of puUies, which, coming from a common point of purchase, diverge, and are attached at diflerent points along the length of a platform, on which the vessel rests, and which lifts her out of water, as the several puilies act. The puUies are acted upon by the powerful influence of a hydraulic pump. Still another plan may be found in successful operation at the ship-yards. It is built on the plan of an inclined rail-way, the vessel being pulled out of water and car- ried up the inclined plane on a carriage, drawn by horse power. This plan has been in successful operation many years. All these docks are competing for the honour of being introduced at the Navy Yard, at Brooklyn. FORTS AND FOKTIFICATIONS. The national government has not been unmindful of fortifying the defences of this important city and harbour, and during the last twenty years enormous expenses have been, and still continue to be bestowed upon this important subject. Sufficient has been done to render the city safe from sudden attack by sea or land. The principal defence consists in the strong works at the narrows. On the right this entrance is commanded by Fort Hamilton and Fort Lafayette. Fort Hamilton is situ- ated on Long Island, and is a very complete and beautiful work. It protects Fort Lafayette, which stands on Hen. 78 PICTURE OF NEW.YORK. drick's Reef, two hundred yards from the shore. Fort Lafayette has three tiers of guns, and is a very strong and efficient protection to the narrows. It has a very pictu- resque and castellated appearance. On the opposite side this passage is defended by Fort Tompkins and Fort Rich- mond. Fort Tompkins is situated on Statcn Island height, and has under its protection many sea coast batteries, among which is a permanent battery on the beach, called Fort Richmond. Fort Tompkins is in a dilapidated state, and being built in a very costly manner, it now presents, in its ruinous state, a very picturesque appearance. Its numerous underground passages, which are very exten- sive, and the splendid prospect enjoyed from its castellated summit, render it an object of great attraction. It is about three miles from the quarantine station. All these forts may be visited at any time. To protect the inner harbour there are Forts Colum- bus and Castle Williams, on Governor's Island, and the works on Bedlow's and Ellis's Islands, which unitedly mount over a hundred cannon, of the largest calibre. Vast stores of ordnance and ammunition, of every kind, are de- posited in those public stores. Castle Williams is a circular stone battery, six kundred feet in circumference, and sixty feet high. The walls are ten feet thick, and in the castle are barracks and maga- zines, and two curious geometrical stone staircases, leading from the lower tier to the terrace. This fort forms a very picturesque object in the harbour. Fort Columbus, on the same island, is built in the star form, consisting of several batteries, with a covered way leading to Castk Williams. On the island are barracks, where are constantly stationed a corps of United States soldiers. There is another small battery on the island. Governor's Island was formerly covered with trees, and nuts were obtained from it for the early inhabitants. It v^'as afterwards laid out in gardens for the English govern- ors. It may now be visited at all times ; row-boats belong- ing to the fort are constantly plying between the island and PLACES WORTH VISITING-. 79 Castle Garden bridge, which will take and return any pas- senger who is desirous of seeing the forts. There are several other fortifications, intended for the defence of the city, but they are remote, on Long Island sound. GRANT THOREURN's SEED STORE. This beautiful establishment is fitted up with great taste, and very liberally thrown open to the inspection of the public. The visiter will here find at all times a choice collection of flowers from the proprietor's gardens, and every variety of seeds and plants, often of great rarity. Besides these attractions, one of the rooms is fitted up as a picture gallery, and some of the choicest pictures and engravings of modern times adorn its walls. This store is much resorted to by ladies, and is open at all hours for the visiters' free inspection. It is situated in John-street, near Broadway. tattersall's. This horse market, the largest in the United States, pre- sents a very lively scene on Mondays, the days of auction sales, and is much visited by strangers. On the day of sales, the extensive area of the building is filled with pur- chasers and spectators. AGED INDIGENT FEMALES. This praiseworthy Society was formed in 1814, by a little band of females, and it kept on increasing until 1637-8, when they built an asyhim, which contains sixty of these aged females. During the last year the Society has made an extension to the original building — a substan- tial wing, three stories high. Of the present inmates, there are ten whose ages range from 80 to 90 years, and one of the inmates Vv'ho died during the last year, was within a few days of being 110 years old. In addition to the regu. lar inmates of the establishment, the Society has 80 pen- sioners depending upon it, who receive aid in their own humble dwellings. In looking at the report of the treas- urer, we see that the funds of the Society are exhausted. 80 PICTURE OF MEW-TORK. and that in addition to some few hundreds of dollars, for which the Society is still indebted for the erection of the addition, it will need sufficient to carry out the objects of the Society for the coming year. We need hardly say that this Society has the strongest claims for support, and that all the funds which are needed to pay off the claims that are outstanding against it, and what may be necessary for the support of its inmates, ought to be promptly furnished. Donations will be thankfully received by any one of the philanthropic ladies who compose the Board of Manage, ment — their names being : Mrs. Mowatt, 1st Directress, 144 Greene-streei ; Mrs. H. Gillett, 2d Directress, 20 Oliver street; Miss Maiia Boyd, Treasurer, 291 Fourth-street; Miss Maynard, Secretary, 222 Vesey-street. EATING-HOUSES IN NEW-YORK. There are one hundred and twenty-three eating-houses or refectories in the city of New-York. Those establish- ments where oysters exclusively are kept are not included in this number ; but we speak of those places only where breakfast, dinner and tea can be had at all hours. Of this number seventeen are in Broadway, fifteen in Nassau- street, ten in Fulton-street, seven in Catharine-street, six in West-street, six in Water-street, four in Washington- street, four in Vesey-street, two in Chambers-street, two in Chatham-Street, two in South-street, two in Canal- street, two in Grand-street, two in Spring-street. There are thirteen in Fulton Market, six in Washington Market, and the remaining twenty-three are scattered in various parts of the city. These establishments give employment to nearly a thou- sand persons, of whom Irish and Germans form a large portion. The waiters are paid, the men from ten to twelve dollars, and the boys from six to seven dollars a month, their board and lodging included. The cooks get about eight and ten, and the scullions or dish-washers about four and five dollars a month. In some of these eating-houses EATING-HOUSES. 81 the hands are kept at work for about fifteen and sixteen hours out of the twenty-four. These places seldom close before one and two o'elock in the mornin^^ ; but, as a gene- ral rule, the cheap eating-houses close between eight and ten in the evening. We present the following brief ac- count of those individuals who have been the pioneer ca- terers of the eating-houses of our city. George W. Beowne started his celebrated eating-house in Water-street about twenty-six years ago. It is now, and always has been, a great resort for the merchants down town. Stephen Holt commenced an eating establishment about twenty years ago on the corner of Fulton and Wa- ter streets. He kept what is called a " Shilling Plate and Two Shilling Ordinary." He built the splendid Hotel formerly called " Holt's Hotel," but now known as the " United States Hotel." Holt has lately started a nev/ eating-house on the corner of Fulton and Nassau streets, up stairs. Delmonico opened his capacious and splendid establish- ment on the corner of South William and Beaver streets, in 1827. His place was burnt in the great conflagration of 1835, and came very near being again destroyed during the late fire of July, 1845. This is a very fashionable resort for the French and Germans. Hugh Pattinson started an eating establishment about fifteen years since, on the corner of Ann and Nassau streets, now occupied by Green & Mercer. Daniel Sweeney, whose fame has extended far and wide, and who is looked upon as the father of the cheap «ating establishments, started his business about ten years ago in Ann-street, where he still continues. Gosling commenced in Fulton-street about six years since. He remained there about two years, and then re- moved to Nassau-street, where he now ie. His is an Ameri- can and French Restaurant. It is an immense establish. 82 PICTURE OF NEW- YORK. ment. He dines over a thousand people every day. Open Sundays. The establishment is on the cheap plan. The house now occupied by Gosling was formerly the German church. John Florence, Jr., opened his establishment about five years ago, next door to the corner of Park Place and Broadway. Three years since he enlarged his place, and fitted it up in the most magnificent style. He is doing an immense business ; and his place is the resort of those who delight in the rarer luxuries of life. No place in the city is so celebrated for game. Ephraim Sweeney has opened an establishment in Chat- ham-street, near Chambers. Thomas Downing — at the mention of whose name one thinks of oysters served up in Downing^s inimitable style — opened his ancient and celebrated establishment about thirty years since in Broad-street. His establishment in Broadway was opened about three years ago. He has another oyster saloon in the upper part of Broadway. Downing is a coloured man, and has realized a large fortune in his business. His oyster establishment is the most popular in the city. Alexander Welsh, more familiarly known as " Sandy Welsh," has in his day occupied quite a prominent position among those who are fond of the luxuries of the table. Welsh kept a popular establishment under the American Museum, where game and other rarities were to be found in abundance. It is now called Terrapin Lunch, and kept by Peter R. Steile. There are two principal classes of eating houses in New. York— the cheap and the dear. At Sweeney's and simi. lar establishments, the usual prices are six cents for a plate of meats, and three cents for a plate of vegetables. The more pretending ask twice or three times these prices. Among those not before enumerated, it may be well for the stranger to name Johnson's, in Fulton, near Broadway, PUBLIC SQUARES. 83 Tammany Hall, Lovejoy's Hotel, Gunter's, in Fulton, near Broadway, Parker's John-street Coffee House, 16 John- street, and Brown's, 51 Nassau-street. PUBLIC SQUARES. BATTEKY. This is the most delightful promenade in the city, and one of the finest in the world. The view from this spot embraces the whole of the bay, its islands and fortifications, and the shore of New-Jersey. The intense heat of sum- mer, which compels most people to keep within doors, is here moderated by the fresh sea breezes from the ocean below. Originally this point of land was fortified by the Dutch, who threw up embankments, upon which they placed some pieces of cannon. In process of time it be- came overgrown with grass, and lofty sycamores, and became a favourite resort of the old burghers, who repaired to its grateful shade to smoke and gossip. It became the favourite walk of declining age ; the healthful resort of the feeble invalid ; the Sunday refreshment of the dusty trades- man ; the scene of many a boyish gambol, the comfort of the citizen, and the pride and ornament of Manhattan. Some years since the city government expended ^150,000 in beautifying the ground — embanking and fencing its front, grading its walks, and surrounding it with costly iron railing. Originally its present site was a bristling mass of rocks, but this appearance has long since vanished. The Battery is in the form of a crescent, and contains about eleven acres. THE PARK Was, in early times, called the Commons, being then un- appropriated ground in the outskirts of the city. It con. tains about ten acres and a half Rows of trees are planted here, and on many places in the Park, which is interspers- ed with walks, that afford a cool and shady retreat in sum. mer weather. The whole is surrounded with an iron rail- ing that cost the city ^15,000. It contains the City-Hall, 84 PICTUKE OF NEW.YOKK. Aims-House buildings, Rotunda and Hall of Records. On the Southend there is a marble gateway, beautifully finish- ed, which was founded with great pomp, the Mayor pre- siding at the ceremonies, and depositing in one of the vases various coins, papers and memorials of present times. Two of the stone balls surmounting the posts were pre- sented to the city by Com. Perry, they having come into his possession as gifts from the Turkish Government ; — they are used by the Turks as cannon balls. The Park contains the largest fountain in the city. The basin is one hundred feet in diameter, and the circumfer- ence is sometimes entirely filled by the various jets of the " Holiday fountain." The machinery of the fountain is so arranged as to supply a variety of forms in the jets, and they may be changed in a few minutes. When the water is thrown up in a single stream, it ascends to the height of about seventy feet. It is in contemplation to ornament the basin with marble work, statues, &.c. BOWLINO OREEX. The Bovfling Green, at the southern end of Broadway, occupies ground immediately in front of the site of the old Dutch fort and church, and was used during the revolu- tion, by the British, for a bowling alley. It contained be- fore the revolution a leaden equestrian statue of George III, which was pulled down by the populace, and convert. ed into musket balls. It contains a fountain, built at the expense of the owners of the surrounding property. The fountain emerges from an uncouth pile of stone, which was intended to have a rural aspect, but does not have the de- sired efiect. In the summer season the fountain is occa- sionally illuminated with coloured lights, which gives it a magnificent effect. The enclosure is now made to hold some deer, geese and other live animals. It is said that the balls which have been broken off the iron fence posts were used as cannon balls during the last war. HUDSON SQUARE, Or St. John's Park, between Beach, Laight, Varick and Hudson streets, was formerly a. low sandy beach, partly PUBLIC SQUARES. 85 covered with water at high tide. It belongs to the Vestry of Trinity Church, but has been reserved as a permanent square. It is accessible to the people in its neighbourhood, who have keys. Any person may hire a key of the keeper for a small annual sum. It is beautifully laid out with walks, shaded with a lofty growth of trees, with nu- merous beds of rare flowers, and surrounded with an iron fence, which cost $26,000. It contains a very tasty foun- tain, and is by far the most beautiful public square in the city. It contains about four acres of land. WASHINGTON SQUARE. Another great and most effective ornament to the city was formed by laying out the ground formerly occupied as a Potter's Field. The bones were collected in a vast trench, one on each side of the square, which were enclosed with fences, and planted with trees. For many years this was used for burial purposes, and it is computed that over a hundred thousand bodies have been buried where now as- semble for pleasure multitudes of living beings. The square is surrounded with splendid private bouses, and on one side is the University building and a splendid chnreh. One third of the ground comprising the square was pur. chased for $80,000, making a gross value of $240,000 de- voted to the improvement of this quarter of the city. The square contains a little over nine acres. UNION PLACE Is an oval enclosure at the head of Broadway, Between Fourteenth and Seventeenth streets. It is enclosed with an iron fence, of great beauty and cost, and has besides a beautiful fountain with ornamental jets. TOMPKINS' SQUARE, Which is used for a parade ground, is one of the krgest squares in the city. It is not yet much freqircnted, as the trees are young, and the place not finished. It is between Avenue A and B, and between Sixth and Tenth streets. Farther up the city are other public squares, viz : Madi- son square, Hamilton square, and others not yet regulated. 86 PICTURE OF NEW- YORE. Bellevue square is not yet fully laid out, but will be when finished one of the finest in the city. NEW-YORK AND HARLiEM RAIL-ROAD. This Company was incorporated in 1831, and has since been so amended, that its capital, originally $350,000, is now $1,150,000. The road cost $1,159,323 66. The route traversed by this road, is from the City-Hall, through Centre-street, Broome-street and the Bowery, twenty-seven miles, to White Plains, passing through Yorkville and Harlaem. The receipts of the road from January 1st, 1844, to January 1st, 1845, amounted to $140,684 90 : from January 1st, 1845, to November Jst, of the same year, $133,548 01. The first running of cars on this road was in November, 1832, when they travelled no farther than Fourteenth-street. The road has gradually lengthened from that time, and it is now expected that it will soon reach Albany, through the inland counties. The road to Harlcem is laid on a heavy H rail. The Tunnel, (an en- graving of which will accompany this article,) is an ex- cavation in the solid rock, a quarter of a mile long, hand- somely finished at both ends, and approached through a long deep cut of more than a mile in length. It is one of the most extensive excavations of this kind in the world, and is much visited by the curious. This road furnishes the means of a delightful journey into the country. In the spring and summer, when the weather is favourable, it is traversed by immense numbers of New-York citizens. Cars leave the Depot, City-Hall, for Twenty-seventh- street, every six minutes, from half-past seven, A. M., to eight., P. M. Cars leave City-Hall, (night line) every twenty minutes, from eight to twelve. Cars leave the City-Hall every hour during the day for Harlaem, and re- turn as often. Cars leave the City-Hall for White Plains at half.past seven, and half-past ten, A. M., and one, and half-past three, P. M. Fare to Twenty-seventh-street, two miles and a half, 6i cents ; to Receiving Reservoir, three miles and a quar- ter, 12^ cents ; to Harlsem, eight miles, 12^ cents ; and to MARKETS. 87 White Plains, twenty-seven miles, 50 cents ; intermediate places in proportion. Persons desirous of visiting the Reservoir, and other places along the Croton Aqueduct, would do well to travel on this Rail-Road. MARKETS IN NEW-YORK. A market place for the accommodation of the butchers and the country people, was anciently under the trees in front of the fort., near the corner of Water and Whitehall streets. As the city enlarged, the market places were removed to the east and north, first at the foot of Broad- street, then to Coenties Slip, and subsequently to Old Slip, and to the Vlie, (a Dutch word, indicating a valley, a rural spot, formed by a river which formerly run up Maiden Lane,) or Fly Market, foot of Maiden Lane, and to Fulton and Catharine streets. The market houses of this city are now judiciously dis- tributed in various quarters of the town, to suit the wants and convenience of the citizens; the two principal ones bSing situated close to the water, one on the Hudson, and one on the East river, at the extremity of Fulton-street on each side, and adjacent to the two most important ferries, which render them very accessible to the country people and the fishermen. Fulton Market. — The Fulton market was built in 1821, on ground formerly occupied by unsightly v/ooden build- ings, which were destroyed by fire. When the Fulton market was completed, and the stalls put up at auction, the whole number, amounting to eighty- six, were disposed of for ^19,015, an average of e^^SlG each. This number was found to be greater than could be profit, ably occupied, as the victuallers could not pay their rents ; consequently, the number was reduced, and twenty-seven of the stalls in the southeast wing were allotted to fisher. men, and the residue of the stalls were re-let at a diminish- ed price. The first sale of the same vumher producing $15,000, and the present receipts being only ^6,445. In the same manner, the rooms in the basement, only twenty- PICTU7?,E OF NEAV-YORK. one of which were let at auction for ^7,775 per annum, now let for »^ 6,805. The purchase of the ground, and cost of erecting the market was ^220,000. The building is of one story, wilh a basement, from which round stone pillars rise, connected \/ith each other by arches, and supporting the roof. The interior ceiling is arched from one extrem- ity to the other, plastered and whitewashed. The build- ings containing the stalls occupy three sides of a square, with double ranges of stalls on each side, the first begin- ning at South-street, extending up Fulton-street to Front- street; the second, or main front, to Beekman-street ; the third, thence to South-street. Over the centre of each of the front entrances are rooms of one story, and from the middle one, on Front-street, occupied by the clerk of the marliet, rises a small neat cupola, containing a bell to notify the close of the market. A separate building for country people occupies the centre of the block, but en- tirely insulated from the rest of the edifice, and surrounded with an open paved area, with two pumps. The hucksters' vegetable stalls, with cellars under each, are adjacent to the inside eaves of the building on Fulton and Front streets. As the other markets are somewhat on the same model, this description will suffice for all. The fish cars are in the adjacent slip, and constantly filled with live fish, the smacks arriving hourly from the fishing grounds, a few miles out in the Atlantic Ocean, and near Sandy Hook. There is no official account taken in New- York of the vast amount of pork and provisions that arrive coast- wise, and down the Hudson, and sold at the docks to consumers in the city, and which constitutes the chief source of supply of many articles of importance, fvU'ih as butter, cheese, beef and pork, both fresh and salted, fish,&c» The vast amount of business done at this market in selling, eating, &c., will astonish the attentive observer^ It is a place well worth a visit from those curious in sucb matters. The morning is perhaps the most interesting time to visit it. The revenue of the Fulton market in 1844, was $18,775 69. 89 Washington Market. — The next principal market is the Washington market, in Washington-street, corner of Ve- sey and Fulton streets, near the water's edge. It occupies a whole square, and is very similar to the Fulton market in its construction and internal arrangements. This mar- ket was formerly called the Bear market, from the fact that bear meat was there exposed for sale. The amount of business done here is less than at the Fulton, but the whole south and west population of the city frequent it. The products of the North river country find their princi- pal sale in this market. Its revenue in 1844 was ^18,775 20— its cost $130,000. Catharine Market, Catharine Slip, occupies a small square between Cherry and South streets. Centre Market, Centre-street, between Grand and Broome. This market occupies a large building, two sto- ries high, and substantially built of brick. The market rooms run its whole length, with stalls on each side, simi- lar to the Boston markets, and it presents a neat and com- fortable appearance, free from the bustle and confusion that is so conspicuous in the other markets. The halls in the second story are occupied by certain military compa- nies as armories and drill-rooms — and for various other purposes by the city police. Chelsea Market — In Ninth Avenue, near Eighteenth- street. Clinton Market — Between Washington and West streets, and between Spring and Canal streets. Essex Market — In Grand-street, between Essex and Ludlow. Franklin Market — A small building in Old Slip, East River. Gouverneur Market — Gouverneur-street, corner of Water-street. Greenwich Market — In Weehawken-street, corner of Christopher and West. Jefferson Market — Sixth Avenue, corner of Greenwich- street. 8* 90 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. Monroe Market — Corlears-street, between Monroe and Grand. Manhattan Market — Houston-street, corner of First. Tompkins Market — Third Avenue, between Sixth and Seventh streets. Union Market — Second-street, corner of Houston. All the markets are required by law to close every day, except Saturdays, at 12 o'clock; after which they are thoroughly washed. On Saturdays they keep open till 12 o'clock at night. Each market has a clerk appointed by the city, who attends to the general conduct of its affairs. The idea has been entertained by many gentlemen of taste in the city, of transforming the new City-Hall in the Park into an elegant flower and fruit market. It would be a very great acquisition to the city if properly carried out. All the Ferries in New- York are supplied v^dth large and safe boats, well fitted up for the accommodation of passengers in inclement weather. The Fulton Ferry, in particular, has some very fine boats. They are sources of large revenue to the city, being leased by the Corporation to separate companies. Fulton Ferry — From Fulton-street, New-York, to Ful- ton-street, Brooklyn, is 731 yards wide. Boats leave every five minutes during the day and evening, till nine o'clock, after which, till twelve o'clock, they leave every half hour till morning. [For particulars^ see Brooklyn.] South Ferry — From Whitehall-street, near the Battery, East river, to Atlantic-street, Brooklyn. Same regula- tions as the Fulton Ferry. This Ferry is 1300 yards wide. Catharine Ferry — From Catharine-street, New- York, to Main-street, Brooklyn, is 736 yards wide. Boats run every fifteen minutes during the day, and all night, same as at the Fulton Ferry. Navy Yard Ferry — From Walnut-street, New. York, to Jackson-street, Brooklyn, is 707 yards wide. Boats run every fifteen minutes. 91 Astoria, called HelLGate Ferry^ from the foot of Eighty- sixth-street, East river. EUzahethport. — This Ferry lands at Port Richmond and Staten Island once a da)^ It starts from Battery Place. Fort Lee — From the foot of Canal-street. Hoboken Ferries. — Barclay-street Ferry to Hoboken, every fifteen minutes during the day. This Ferry is two miles long, and has admirable boats — Ferriage 6i cents. Canal-atreet Ferry, from the foot of Canal-street, one mile and a half long ; and Christopher-street Ferry, from the foot of Christopher-sireet, Chelsea, one mile long — runs every fifteen minutes to Hoboken — Ferriage 6i cents. Jersey City Ferry — From the foot of Courtlandt-street, one mile long; runs every fifteen minutes during the day, and every half hour during the night, till twelve o'clock — Ferriage 6| cents. Staten Island Ferry. — This Ferry lands at the Quaran- tine, and at the lower landing. Starts from Whitehall- street every hour during the day, subject, however, to some change in different seasons — Fare 6? cents in sum- mer, and 12^ cents in winter. Williamsburgh has three Ferries — one from the foot of Peck Slip (2800 yards,) every half hour ; also, from the foot of Grand-street, (950 yards,) and from the foot of Houston-street. STEAM. BOATS, TOW-BOATS AND PACKETS WHICH LEAVE NEW- YORK, WITH THEIR PLACES OF STARTING. Albany and Boston steam-boat, via Bridgeport and Housa- tonic Rail-Road, foot of Market-street. Albany tow-boat. Broad-street, E. R., and Courtlandt- street, N. R. Albany, People's Line, steam-boat, (evening,) Pier 14, be- tween Courtlandt and Liberty streets. Albany steam-boat. Pier 18, N. R., foot of Courtlandt. street. Albany steam-boat. Pier 24, N. R., West, between Bar- clay and Robinson streets. 92 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. Albany and Troy steam-boat, (morning and evening,) foot of Barclay-street and foot of Courtlandt-street. Alexandria packet, Pier 14, E. R. Amhoy, Pier 2, N. R. Apalachicola paclvet. Burling Slip, E. R. Astoria, Flushing and Eavenswood steam-boat, J^ulton Slip, E. R. Boston — See Norwich, Providence and Stonington. Boston, packet, Coenties Slip and Maiden Lane, Pier 18, E. R. Bridgeport steam-boat, foot of Market Slip, E. R. Bridgeport packet, James' Slip, E. R. Bristol, Eng., steam-ship, Clinton-street, E. R. CaldioeWs, West Point and Cold Spring steam-boat, foot of Warren-slreet, N. R. Castleton steam-boat, foot of Battery Place. Catskill steam-boat, Albany Basin, Pier 13, N. R., foot of Cedar-street. Charleston packet. Burling Slip and Wall-street, E. R. Cold Spring, West Point and CaldwelVs steam-boat, foot of Warren-street, N. R. Darien packet, Beekman-street, E. R. Dohhs' Ferry steam-boat. Pier 27, N. R., foot of Cham- bers-street. East Haddam packet, James' Slip, E. R. Eastport packet, Pier 2, E. R. Elizabethtoivn Point steam-boat. Pier 1, N. R., foot of Battery Place. Fall River packet. Maiden Lane and Coenties Slip, E. R. Fishkill tow-boat, Liberty-street, N. R. Flushing, Astoria and Eavenswood steam-boat, Fulton Slip, E. R. Fort Lee steam-boat, foot of Hoboken-street, N. R. Georgetown, D. C, packet. Pier 14, E. R. Georgetown, S. C, packet, Coenties Slip, east side, E. R. Grassy Point steam-boat. Pier 27, N. R., foot of Cham- bers-street. Hartford, Ct., steam-boat, Peck Slip, E. R. Hartford packet, James' and Coenties Slips, E. R. STEN.M-rOATS, TOW-BOATS AND PACKETS. 93 Hudson steam-boat, Albany Basin, foot of Cedar-street, N. R. Huds-nn tow-boat. Cedar-street, N. R. Key West packet, Pier 11, E. R. London packet, jVaiden Lane, Piers 19 and 20, E. R. do. do. Beekman-street, E. R. Liverpool^ do. Maiden Lane, E. R. do. do. Beekman-street, E. R. do. do. Wall-street, E. R. 31iddletoiDn, Ct., packet, James' Slip, E. R. Mobile packet. Burling Slip and Wall-street, E. R. Nantucket packet, Stevens' wharf, E. R. Jtieioark steam-boat, foot of Barclay-street, N. R. Newark, N. X, packet, Whitehall, E. R. New-Bedford packet, Peck Slip, E. R. New-Brighton steam-boat, foot of Battery Place. New-Brunswick steam-boat. Pier 23, N. R., between Barclay and Robinson streets. New-Brunswick packet, Broad-street, E. R. Newhurgh steam-boat. Pier 26, N. R., between Murray and Warren streets. Newhurgh packet. Warren-street, N. R. New-Hamhurgh and Marlborough steam-boat, foot of Robinson street. New-Haven, Ct., steam-boat, (morning and cvrning,) Peck Slip, E. R. New-Haven packet, Peck Slip, E. R. Nev)-London packet. Burling Slip, E. R. New-Orleans packet. Wall-street, E. R. Neioport a7id Frovidence steam-boat, Pier 3, N. R., office 19 West. JSeio-Rochelle steam-boat, Fulton-street, N. R. Norfolk packet, James' Slip, E. R. Norwalk, Ct., steam-boat, Catharine Slip, E. R. Norwich packet, Burling Slip, E. R. Norwich, Ct., Worcester and Boston, by steam-boat, from Pier 1, N. R., foot of Battery Place ; for Boston, by Long Island Rail-Road, from the South Ferry to Brooklyn, at the foot of Whitehall-street. 94 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. Peekskill steam-boat, Pier 27, N. R., foot of Chambers- street. Petershurgh packet, Wall-street. Philadelphia and Camden steam-boat, via Amboy, Pisr &, N. R. Philadelphia^ by the New-Jersey Rail-Road, from the foot of Courilandt-street. Philadelphia packet, Old and Coenties Slips, E. R. Philadelphia tow-boat, Coenties Slip, Pier 2, N. R. Port Chester, Eochj Neck, Stamford and Norioalk staam- boat, from Catharine Market Slip. Portland packet, Coenties Slip, E. R. Portsmouth, N. II., packet, Coenties Slip, E. R. Port Richmond steam-boat, foot of Battery Place. Poughkee.psie steam-boat, Pier foot of Barclay-street. Poughkeepsie tow-boat. Liberty-street, N. R. Providence and Boston, viaStonington, by steam-boat, from Pier 1, N. R., foot of Battery Place ; and by the Long Island Rail-Road, from the South Ferry to Brooklyn, at the foot of Whitehall-street. Providence packet, Maiden Lane, E. R. Bavenswood, Flushing and Astoria steam-boat, Fulton Slip, E. R. Rhinebeck steam-boat, foot of Robinson-street. Richmond packet. Wall-street, E. R. Sag Harbour packet, Peck Slip, E. R. Salem, Mass., packet, Coenties Slip, E. R. Savannah packet. Wall and Maiden Lane. Shrewsbury, N. J., packet, Coenties Slip. Sing Sing steam-boat, Pier 27, N. R., foot of Chambers- street. Stea7n Navigation Company, 82 Courtlandt-street. Stonington, Providence and Boston, by steam-boat, from Pier 1, N. R., foot of Battery Place ; and by Long Island Rail-Road, from the South Ferry to Brooklyn, at the foot of Whitehall. Tarrytown, Pier 27, N. R., foot of Chambers-street. Trenton, by New- Jersey Rail-Road, Pier 16, N. R., foot of Courtlandt-street. STAGE LINES. 95 Troy steam-boat, (morning and evening,) foot of Bar- clay-street, N. R., and Pier 18, N. R.,foot of Courtlandt- street. Troy tow-boat, Broad-street, E. R. Troy and Albany steam-boat, (evening,) from Pier 18, N. R., foot of Courtlandt-street. Washington City pacliet. Pier 14, E. R. West Point, CaldweWs and Cold Spring steam-boat, foot of Warren-street, N. R. Wilmington, N. C, packet, Central Wharf, Roosevelt- street, E. R. Yonkers steam-boat, Pier 21, N. R., foot of Chambers. street. STAGE LINES. Tiine of departure varies with the seasons. Harlam and Yorkville, every half hour, from 23 Chat- ham-street. Astoria and Yorlcville, every hour, from 23 Chatham-street. Dover, New-Jersey, leaves 73 Courtlandt-street daily. Bloomingdale and Manhattanville, leaves every 40 min- utes, from Tryon's Row, corner of Chatham-street. Jamaica, L. L, leaves 340 Pearl-street. Morristown, N. /., leaves 73 Courtlandt-street. Newtown and Flushing, 340 Pearl-street. Yorkville and Harl M ??'co «o n ^oS'^ •* TC w 5» ^ oo^c»-^s?s?g?;^";i?oo y O O'*' ^ C O O rt O r?0 O ^H 1 ?^«o -^ c^«''-^'-"»' o « "^ si - •Xbp 1S3UI.IBA\ 'ci?.?!=t:^^l?J^ili •nEaivr 27.09 35 24 41.05 52.17 53.77 65 80 72.10 70.51 64.12 55.02 38.18 37.66 1 _> < i6i 1 ^ S-5 ^ 2. H S . < ^^ cog „• -a - i; 2; »o c c o S 60^ ■ - cs APPORTIONMENT OF SCHOOL MONEY. Ill APPORTIONMENT Whole amount i Schools of the Pi OF SCHOOL MONEY ipportioned, FOR THE YEAR 1845. ,Juti Streuli CHURCHES IN NEW.YORK. 129 the building, but at present they are empty. The rear of the church is rather more ornamented than the front. There are eight large windows in each side. The interior of the church presents quite an imposing appearance. There are no galleries, except an organ loft on the eastern end. The roof is supported by 12 large pillars, standing each alone, and running from the floor to the high ceiling, and on each pillar, far above the pews, four large globular lamps are suspended. The windows are of plain common glass, with painted blinds inside. There are few orna. ments except around the altar. The floor contains about 200 pews, and the whole house will probably accommo. date 2,000 persons. FIRST CHURCH— (Presbyterian,) Erected in 1845. This church stands on the west side of the Fifth avenue? between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, and presents a ma- jestic appearance. It is of reddish hewn stone. The ex- treme length of the building is 119 feet, and the breadth 80 feet. The height of the walls is 40 feet, and it is 64 feet from the ground to the peak of the roof The height of the tower is 130 feet to the top of the cornice, and thence is an octagon spire of stone, 30 feet to the pinnacle. Large but. tresses between the windows, seven on each side, are built, surmounted by a pinnacle of eight feet in height. The top of the corner pinnacles are 75 feet from the ground. A battlement of stone passes around the roof. Such is the outside. The inside of the building presents a grave and dignified appearance, very becoming a house of worship. The pulpit and pews are built of solid black, walnut. The ceiling is rather plain, and there are no large columns in front of the gallery. The height from the floor to the ceiling is fifty feet. There are 124 pews on the lower floor, and the house will accommodate from 1,200 to 1,500 persons. The estimated cost is ^''^5,000. The lecture room and the Sabbath school room, are both in a separate building, 50 feet by 30, and two stories high, built 130 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. of Stone like the church, on the same lot, but fronting on Eleventh-street. Rev. Dr. Phillips is the minister of this congregation. This church formerly worshipped in Wall- street, on the spot where the first Presbyterian church in New- York was built, in the year 1719. GRACE CHURCH— (Episcopal,) BROADWAY, ABOVE TENTH-STREET. Erected in 1845. This is one of the most splendid buildings in the city. The material of which it is constructed is of white marble, hewn, but not hammered. It is built in the form of a cross. As viewed from Broadway, we are first presented with a lofty tower of about 24 feet square, and of about 110 feet elevation from the ground to the cornice ; and from thence an octagon spire of wood, running up nearly as much higher, and terminating in a cross. Attached to the tower is a building with its end to the street, of the same width as the tower, and extending inward about 54 feet, where it joins the centre of the large structure, 87 feet long and 54 wide, standing side to the street. Large, deep buttresses are built up between the windows and on the corners of the building all around, with lofty pinnacles on their tops, highly finished and ornamented. There are three doors in front, two of moderate size and one very large. Over this main entrance is a large, circular win- dow, of stained glass, and two tall, oblong windows in each side of the upper section of the tower. Such is a "bird's eye view" of the outside. Now let us enter the building: and here we are, standing at once amid pillars and carved work, and have all the colours of the rainbow brought to our vision through more than forty windows of stained glass, each one giving some different hues. On a line with the sides of the gallery are 16 massive columns, eight on a side. The windows are all golhic, three very large — one back of the pulpit, and one in each end of the main building, on the right and left of the pul- CHURCHES IX KEW-YORK. 131 pit. On each side of the pulpit are two circular windows ; and 36 others, large and small, are scattered above and be- low in the two sides. The estimated cost of the building is $145,000. The interior of the church is not yet quite finished. The congregation who are to occupy it, once worshipped at the corner of Rector-street and Broadway, near Trinity Church. Rev. Dr. Taylor is the present minister. DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, ON LAFAYETTE PLACE. Erected in 1839. Lafayette Place is a short but rather elegant street, parallel to Broadway, on the eastern side of it. Toward the southern end of it it is crossed by Fourth-street, and on the corner of Fourth-street, and fronting Lafayette Place, stands one of the collegiate Dutch churches. It is a very substantial building, of very nice hammered granite. It is 110 feet Ions:, and 75 feet wide. It was erected in 1839, at a cost of about $160,000. A pediment of about 20 feet deep is displayed in front, supported by eight massive granite columns, in a range with the outside, and four shorter ones nearer the main body of the building. A round tower rises from the pedi- ment to the height of about 25 or 30 feet. Thus far all is stone, and in a high state of finish. From the tower a tall octagon steeple of wood ascends, surmounted by a ball and vane, making the total height from the ground to the top of the spire 215 feet. The sides of the building are plain, having five windows without ornaments, and square at the top. An area is opened all around the build, ing, making a light and dry basement, finished into good rooms for the accommodation of the Sabbath schools and lecture room. The inside of the church is very handsome- ly finished, in a style of what may expressively be termed plain elegance. The pulpit is of solid marble. The Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church is the oldest 132 PICTURE OF NEW- YORK. religious establishment in the city. At the present they occupy three houses of worship, viz. — The " North Church," at the corner of Fulton and William streets, the Ninth-street Church, and the church on Lafayette Place. The church is considered as one, though assembling for worship in three places, and is governed by one Consisto- ry. At the present time they have four pastors, viz. — Rev. Drs. Knox, Brownlee, De Witt and Vermilye. DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, WASHINGTON SQUARE. Erected in 1840. The great tire in New- York, which took place Dec. 16, 1835, destroyed, among other buildings, the " South Dutch Church," which stood on " Garden-street," now Exchange Place. After this the congregation divided, a part of them building a church on Murray-street, while those who had removed far " up town," commenced worship in the chapel of the Nevv-York University, proposing to build in that vicinity. A lot was purchased on the corner of Washington Place and Wooster-street, fronting Washing- ton Square, and here has been erected a most superb edi- fice. The building is of dark coloured granite, rather roughly hewn, and measuring 80 feet from the rear to the tower, and 62 feet wide. On each of the two front cor. ners there is a tower 24 feet square, and running up some 20 feet above the extreme point of the roof. A front view of ihe building presents you with a large middle door and two smaller ones, one being in each tower. The gothic architecture in which the edifice was designed to be built appears more prominently inside than outside. Inside are eight large pillars supporting the roof, and attached to the front of the gallery, which is handsomely ornamented with carved work. The organ is very elegant ; and the organ loft is raised some eight feet above the back of the gal. lery, appearing somewhat like a second gallery. The height of the ceiling from the floor is 63 feet, and for so DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, VVasiiiiiglon !?tiiiarc. ..•^fRAXC£ TO IHE KIKST INJTAUIAN tUUKtU, Mf'jadwav. CHTTRCHES m JSrETV.YORK. 133 high a ceiling the pulpit appears rather low. There are ]0 large gothic windows below, of ground glass, and 10 smaller ones in the roof. These all admit a very clear yet soft light; and the walls being painted a light drab colour, and the wood work being painted light oak, give the whole interior of the house a cheerful appearance. Taken as a who^e, the edifice is in good taste. The cost is said to be ^80,000, and the ground on which it stands ^44,000. It was dedicated Oct. 1, 1840. Dr. Hutton is the present minister. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH. EKOADWAT, BETWEEN SPRING AND PRINCE STREETS. Erected in 1845. The First Unitarian Church in rho city of New- York, was built in Chambers-street. In 1844, that building was sold, and a new and splendid one erected on Broadway. The lot occupied by the church runs through from Broad- way to Crosby-street, and the main building is placed on the rear of the lot, which removes it from the noise of the great street to a place of comparative quiet. It is built of brick, and is 130 feet long and 75 feet wide. It cost ^82,000. It is a very lofty building, being about 70 feet from the floor to the apex ; but standing back from the main street, and having large buildings all around it, it is scarcely seen from Broadway. The entrance is all that would be noticed in passing it. The front of the entrance is 27 feet wide, of elegantly carved reddish free stone, with one large gothic door, with pillars on each side, run- ning up some forty feet. Entering the front door there is a long passage-way of the same width as the front, and about 200 feet long, which brings us to the main body of the church. Over this covered passage-way is a suite of rooms, intended to be leased as offices. The interior of the church is finished in more complete gothic style, proba- bly, than any other building in the city. The material used for the pews is pine, with black walnut capping ; and the 134 PICTURE OF NEW.TORK. pulpit, organ case, and all the other fine carved work is pine, painted a beautiful dark oak colour. There are 140 pews on the lower floor, and about 60 in the gallery. There are six windows on each side, of ground glass, ad. mitting a soft and pleasant light. The walls are painted drab colour. The side galleries are rather narrow, so that the large pillars supporting the roof stand off" about five feet from the front of ihc gallery, which has a very fine effect. The gas lights are attached to these pillars. Taken as a whole, the house is beautiful, and well worthy of attention. Rev. Mr. Bellows is the present minister. CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH— (Unitarian,) Erected in 1838. The " Church of the Messiah," is the second Unitarian Church in the city of New-York. It was commenced in the year 1828, and was under the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. Lunt. A house of worship was built in Prince-street, near Broadway, on the west side. This building was con- sumed by fire in the year 1837, and in the following year a new edifice was built on Broadway, nearly opposite Wash, ington Square. Rev. Orville Dewey, D. D., is the present minister. This building is a very substantial one. It is built of rough granite, measuring on the ground 100 feet by 74, and was built at a cost of $97,000. It is a plain looking building, with a square front. The tower is not high, not more perhaps than 20 feet above the walls, and has no pointed spire. The roof is rather flat. The front presents three doors, with a square window over the side doors, and a large round window over the main entrance, and circular windows in three sides of the tower above the roof. The finish of the interior is rich, being mostly of the Corinthian order. The walls and ceiling are elaborate in finish, but richly painted, and said to represent very nearly the interior of Westminster Abbey. PRKSBYIERIAN CHURCH, University Place. PICTURE OF NEW.YORK. 135 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, UNIVERSITY PLACE. Erected in 1845. This building is of a reddish gray stone, well smoothed, having but few ornaments, and for so costly a building pre- senting a rather plain appearance. It stands at the corner of Tenth-Street and University Place. The extreme length of the edifice is 116 feet, and the width 65 feet, having a lecture room, 25 feet wide, taken off at the rear, which room is lengthened by a projection on the south side of the house of about 10 feet, giving the lecture room a space of 75 feet by 25. This leaves the interior of the church at about 91 feet by 65. A side view of the building from Tenth-street, presents us with six large gothic windows and three small windows over the lecture room, all of stained glass. Between the windows are buttresses, built to the height of the walls, and terminating in small pin- nacles. As we look at the front from University Place, we perceive three gothic doors, the main entrance being in the tower, and one on each side in the body of the church. A large gothic window is placed over the main entrance, and smaller ones over the side doors. The tower, which is about 24 feet square, is wholly in front of the main building, and not partly on the roof, as is rather more com- mon, and is built up square to the belfry, which is the first section above the apex of the roof; above which it gradu- ally tapers to the summit, being entirely of stone, and terminates without a vane, at the height of 184 feet from the ground. The building stands low, being raised but three steps from the sidewalk, so that it does not look as lofty as many others which are really not higher than this. The interior of the church is divided into 124 pews on the lower floor, and 64 in the gallery ; and the space over the lecture room, in the rear of the pulpit, is open for the accommodation of the Sabbath school. It is said that 1,200 persons can be accommodated in the house. The pulpit and pews are built of solid black walnut, exhibiting 138 PICTURE OF NEW-YORK. much richness, but it renders the house rather more dark and gloomy than would be desirable. The total cost of the building was $56,000. The present minister is the Rev. Dr. Potts. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CARMINE-STREET. Erected in 1832. This edifice is of brick, but plastered to resemble white stone. It is a heavy looking building, especially in front. It stands on a high basement of stone, so that the main floor of the church is eight or nine feet above the side, walk, which gives the building quite a lofty appearance. There are tive large windows, with square tops, in each side of the house, with thick, Hat columns between them, but no windows in front. The front of the house presents two large fluted pillars, one each side of the main entrance, supporting the pediment, and outside of these pillars four large square pillars, two on each corner, in front of a turret 15 feet square, built to the roof. In each of these turrets are doors facing each other toward the centre of the house, the main entrance being in a deep recess under the pediment, and fronting the street. The trimmings of the pediment are of wood, and on the top of it there is built a wooden square turret with heavy mouldings, about 30 feet high. The dimensions of the building are 84 feet by 62. The interior is finished in a plain style, having 136 pews on the lower floor. It was first opened for worship May 27, 1832. Rev. Mr. Holt is the present minister. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH— (Episcopal,) CORNER BROADWAY AND HOUSTON-STREET. Erected in 1826. This is a stately edifice, measuring 113 feet by 62, standing on the corner of Houston-street, fronting on Broadway. It is built of very rough small stones, and was ^'^!KSB\^■KK1 AN CHUKCH, C.iriiiiiio Street, ST. THOMAS S CHURCH, Collier of Houston Street aiid I?rou(Jwci\ CHURCHES IN NEW- YORK. 137 more than two years building, being commenced in 1823, and finished in the early part of 1826. When erected it was considered as the most pure gothic structure of any in the city, but probably now some others exceed it. " Its distinguishing features are two large angular projecting towers at the northeast and southeast corners, which rise in undiminished proportions to a height of 80 feet, and end in pointed turrets of a dwarf size ; also the immense gothic window in front between the towers, and occupying a large portion of the surface ; beneath this, and in each tower, are the entrance doors." In the front of these towers there are niches to receive figures, but none are placed there. The interior of the church is very handsomely finished, and painted oak colour. The windows are plain glass without, but inside have elegantly painted transparent shades, in frames. The house will accommodate a large congregation, having large galleries on three sides, and 238 pews, above and below. Rev. Dr. Whitehouse is the present minister. FLOATING CHAPEL— (Episcopal.) Built in 1844. It has always been considered that sailors needed some- thing a little pecuhar, and hence the idea of building a house of worship for them, not only distinct from other people, but, if practicable, to have it a floating temple, moored in some dock, so that " Jack in his roundabout" should feel perfectly at home. This desideratum was ac- complished in this city in 1844, when the "Floating Chapel" for seamen was built, and the Episcopal " Church of the Saviour" orgfanized therein. The chapel is built on a deck 76 feet long, and 36 feet wide, covering two boats of 80 tons each, and 10 feet apart. The length of the chapel is 70 feet, and its breadth 30 feet. It is not a very high building. It has four plain oblong windows on each side, with buttresses between, terminating in pinnacles above the walls. In the front is one large door, with a 138 PICTUKE OF NEW-YOKK. circular window over it, and a plain spire, rising above the peak of the roof. The interior presents one middle aisle, with a row of seats on each side. It is a plain room, ornamented a little around the pulpit and altar. It was built by the Young Men's Missionary Society of the Episcopal Church, and was opened for religious worship February I5th, 1844. The present minister is the Rev. Mr. Parker. The chapel is now moored in the East river, at the foot of Pike.street. There is another Floating Chapel in the city, under the direction of the Methodists, and the present ministry of Rev. O. G. Hedstrom, which was put into operation in June, 1845. It is an old ship of 300 tons, which is well fitted up, and moored at the foot of Rector-street, on the North river. It will accommodate about 500 persons. The pastor of the church is a native of Sweden, and preaches in Swedish every Sabbath morning, and in English on Sabbath after- noons and evenings. There are three other meetings for seamen held in this city, viz : the " Seamen's Bethel,'''' Methodist, Cherry-street, the " Seamen's Bethel," Baptist, Catharine-street, and the old " Mariner^s Church,''^ Roose- velt-street. THE " SWAMP CHURCH," FRANKFORT-STKEET, CORNER OF WILLIAM-STREET. Erected in 1767. This is one of the oldest church edifices in the city. St. George's Church, in Beekman-street, was built in 1752, nine years before it, but in 1814 was burnt, all but the walls, and built up in modern style. St. Paul's Chapel, near the Park, was built in 17G6, but the interior is in modern style. The Brick Church was built the same year, but that too has been remodelled, while the old " Swamp Church," retains its ancient appearance, inside and out. The land east of it was originally a marsh or swamp, and hence its name. It is built of stone, and is a very strong building. It is not large, measuring about 60 feet by 34. fRA>.KFORl SIKKLT CHUKCtl. CHUI5CH OK THK HOLV COMMUNION. 'J'wtintielli Street. CHURCHES IN NEW- YORK. 139 This building was erected by the German Lutherans, and was the only place of worship in the city which was not abused and torn in pieces by the British army in the time of the revolution ; for it was here that the Hessian iroops, who were generally Lutherans, attended worship; and it is not unlikely that this circumstance saved it. After the peace, the Rev. Dr. Kunze otBciated here for more than twenty years. In the year 1830, it was sold to the coloured Presbyterian congregation, who now occupy it. The Rev. Mr. Wright is the present minister. CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION, CORNER OF SIXTH AVENUE AND TWENTIETH-STREET. Erected in 1845. This is altogether one of the most singular buildings in the city. The material of which it is built is well dressed red granite. It is built in the form of a cross, having a projection in the rear of about 30 feet wide and 18 de^p, containing the pulpit, reading desk, &c. The total length of the building, from the front door to the extreme rear of the projection, is 104 feet, and the breadth 66 feet. As you stand in the pulpit, on the right hand is a deep recess in the wing, which is the organ loft. This is the only gal- lery in the house. In the wing on the left hand is a large door opening directly into the street, with a large circular window over it. This is shown in the annexed cut, on the right hand of the tower. Another principal entrance is shown on the cut at the left of the tower, and like the other door, opens directly into the street. The walls are not very high, but the roof is high and very sharp, and being arched within, it gives 52 feet as the extreme height of the ceiling. The turret is on the south corner of the building, and is about 15 feet square within the but- tresses, and 70 feet high. There are few windows in the house, and no ornaments either within or without. The whole floor is occupied with plain oak seats, which are all free. The cost of the building was about $35,000. CHURCHES IN NEW-YORK. LIST OF CHURCHES IN NEW-YORK, 1846. i o o i ii ftj ( .lohn Knox. > ) William C. Brownlee. :§ ) Thomas I)e Witt. O ' Thomas E. Vermilye. Nicholas I. Marselus. George II. Fisher. J. B. Ilanlonburgh. Isaac S Demund. Isaac Ferris. Jolni M Macauley. Mancius S. Ilutton. Richard L. Schoonmaker. J. S. Ebaugh. John C. Guldin, Frederic F. Cornell. E. Van Aken. Edward H. May. John Lillie. Samuel D. Westervelt. m •3 .1 I. o ^1 m iJpi¥i¥lliii 11 c .2 s William street, Ninth-street, Lafayette Place, Bleecker-street, Broome-street, Franklin street, Greene-street, Market-street, Murray-street, Washington Square, Harlffiin, Forsyth-street, Houston-street, Avenue B, Bloomingdale, Twenty- first street, Stanton-street, King street. i 12; North Churrh, Ninth-street Church, Collegiate Church, Greenwich Church, Broome street Church, • Northwest Church, Greene-street Church, Market-street Church, South Church, Washington Square Church, Harhiem Church, German Reformed, German Evan. Miss. Church, Manhattan Church, Bloomingdale Church, Twenty-first-street Church, Stanton-street Church, True Dutch Reformed, CHURCHES IN NEW-YORK. < 1 rn ~ ( William Berrian. ^S?'; Jona. M. Wainwright. § ( Edward Y. Higbee. Stephen H. Tyng. Alexander Frazer. B L. Hai-lit. G. T. Bedell. Thomas Lyell. B. C. C. Parker. Lot Jones. C. F Cruse. Thomas H. Taylor. Samuel L. Southard. Samuel Seabury. Caleb Clapp. Isaac Pardee. R. M. Abercrombie. L P. W Balch. Edward N. Mead. John M Forbes. Henry A nth on. William Richmond. William Richmond. Hugh Smith. Joseph H. Price. H. J. Whitehouse. Richard Cox. 192 ft. by 84, 113 ft. by 72, 132 ft. by 80, 104 ft. by 72, 60 ft. by 50, 8f ft. by 60, 100 ft. by 74, 90 ft. by 64, 70 ft. by cO, 80 ft. by £0, 50 ft. by 24 , 140 ft. by 86, 63 ft. by 57, buildin-i, 64 ft by 24. 72 ft. by 44', 64 ft. by 41, 116 ft. by 68, 75 ft. by 54, 66 ft. by 48, 100 ft. by 66, 53 ft. by 36, 85 ft. by 60, 75 ft. by 54, 113 ft by 6>, 80 ft. by 64, iMmimiiijMmmmii^ Broadway, Broadway, Varick-street, Beekman-street, Centre-street, Henry-street, Fifth .\ venue, Anthony-street, Pike Slip, Stanton street, Houston-street, Broadway, Fourth Avenue, Univerftily Chapel, Avenue D, Sixth street, Harlaem, Lafayette Place, Amity-street, Hudson-street, Stuyvesantstreet, Manhattanville, Bloouiingdale, Twentieth-street, Chrystie-street, Broadwa*', Mott-street, Trinity, St. Paul's (Chapel,) St. John's (Chapel,) St. George's, St. Philip's (coloured,) All Saints, Ascension, Christ's Church, Church of the Saviour, Epiphany (Mission,) St. Simon's German (Miss.) Grace Church, Calvary Church, Annunciation, Nativity, Redemption, St. Andrews', St. Bartholomew's, St. Clement's, St. Luke's, St. Mark's, St. Mary's, St. Michael's, St. Peter's, St. Stephen's, St. 'Jhomas', Zion's, CHTJRCHES IN NEW- YORK. B 1 B. Evans. Jesse Pound. A. Verren. R. C. Shimeall. J. Dovcdney. E. A. Nichols, W: A. Muhlenberg. Alexander (Jromwell. C. II. Williamson. Moses Marcus. F. Thayer. i ■s .1 75 ft. by 60, 66 ft. by 52. 100 ft. by .50, 67 ft. by 46, 74 ft. by 40, 68 ft. by 52. 104 ft. by 66, building, building, building, building, 2| 1821, 1821, 1834, 1844, 1810, 1833, 1845, no no no no 1 Vandewater-street, Christopher street, Franklin-street, Sixth Avenue, HMmilton Square Thompson-street, Sixth Avenue, 592 Broadway, Brick Church Chapel, Broadway, 36th St., near 8th Av., ;^ Holy Evangelists, (Mission,) St. Matthews', (Mission,) DuSt. Esprit, (French,) yt. Jude's Free Church, St. James', Emanuel Free Church, Church of Holy Communion, P. E. Ch. of Messiah, (col'd,) L'Eglise du St. Sauveur, (Fr.) Free Ch. for Brit. Emigrants, Ch. of the Holy Apostles, fcj^ lis !>>>.>^ ^ ^ ^ E C in o o ~ :S O l^ «0 3 3 .DjO oj in ot oj Tfi s; 00 00 00 5 2^ c § ^ 5 « 5 S CHURCHES IN NEW-YORK. Jri? S c ^ -5 w . o S^ 00 -JS i— :£> -vD O -X) t^ O ^ •-£) -Xi "-O ?D CO O --D •^ O 5£3 M CVTi M O in O fO ■^ d^50ClOO'^^<^l'*^n^^o^f:TfccoolwOTr^^c^OQOlnoJOO lor-fNtoxi.iLOOjtO'a' — (^}ln(^Jfowoco• ^•X)rJ'co^r5coc^J^c-J(N^^JTf^ ^ 5 £^ ^« S^ j; J) i. 1-- _, oj -J T- ■ u _ ;-, 0, _ (0- i.^ ii^ E.S.5j=-- ? >ii ^ 5 £ * ^5 S :pia3CL,ao[a33<;Qeaa;OagE^p;E-'> op _ 0000 Q -"-< H O w „- ;^ _ - c z oooto 02 Sc m i- £■- o CHUKCHES IN NEW-YORK. .■z^. 2? 2 ."" > =='S S S ^^ S _ - -i! — > ec i; . — r > •': S ° o C " " * S rt . o ►2 c<:-a 4-.^. is§Jss;?2 iS^5 oiftoOTj-ooocccooorrcoiiiorzo-^ — riooo.- Pi to t^ o vD T o i^ TT i-^ X' «^ C-. - o a,' o 3 o o - in TT uo ;o 72 Oc rfi ;coi:oor)ogp;£-j--,;.^>,>. ,>,>>>, , t^ ^;^ to bD-a J2 XI ^ m-C X) -Q t/,^ bJt) J -:5c;c-c-^-i;:5c:-c •5-52^gS^--=S^i-=?2-^g j2.n J3 J3 x; CO C C C I-; flc -»- -c -'-'■S -c ^ c OOCOoboO OOCBOD CO 00 % -Jig '~-^H^M ^-i . O C^! «0 (N CO o o lOOjcjioroooxinTj'CJinfQMTriino SobOOQOOO^SxGOCOOOU.iScOQOCO .. » ■?! treet, street, d-street, h-sti'eet, le street ey-stree n street, ie-sireet n-street, treet, o PS o i-Hgt ^^5i ^il^^So £r SIS o-c rt ■:'— ^ = 1^5.5 p — E li- ■-J -^ := o 7. w I 1^1? i l| S -^ t« c <- ^-r Hi* I -o -5 • - >» ;?5« .;!S3,J3pa-!;^feKSa;^ ^aTS^.-'i: - 3 ^•■ -< ' -o i g a CJ '^ 7. o a '1^ H fa 5 a^ u K H H >; ^ -■ - «^ 2 ^ ^- ^- ^ ^ j3 «• js ^- ^ Oi Oi CC 02 !fc H y^ 72 OC « tft i; Cfc O 02 »2 CHURCHES IN NEW-YOEK. = s ■p-3 . «"^§ji £ H.- fK = ^ A E-2 2 • i-:==-^ ^h:?s-,- . ^-d'-'o^ a .2 ^ ^^^^ S c:c:c:c: /^ '^' 01 o o cot-o;^ ^ S'5 NtO-NM ccSSdS fx £ ■— C — 1 _ ^ « 2 O 9 ^ y g •-i rchard Ifeckcr lizahet C=:Ui — -JS" rt ^ "S "^ -fi = b: = o tS =^ 5 0;=^' 2 ^'^^'O o-c c.-:: ccHfefa ; Q. X3 i: • ' O (3 • • LO CO rr O O ^ .i. QJ (X> 00 00 5i c c ; c c :g?S vi- «^ es b tto « MM c = z c^ w m TO >r c 2 £ £ c 15 := 5 < S o i5 ( CO c ■25 = 25^ J ji" iztJ " ^^ -= -^ £c Hj^5-:if^ «- •_ i^ JS •5-S 5 (8 « « cj= s = ^J = ^J = « 5 .b 3^ o P o ^1 ■<:ic/:axcfi.is;fc4 bKHfa faO fav: CITY OF BROOKLYN, This town, the whole of which is now included within the corporation of the city of Brooklyn, lies upon the ex- treme western part of Long Ishmd, opposite the southern portion of the city of New- York, and separated therefrom by the East river, which is here about three quarters of a mile in width. Its length fiom northeast to southwest is six, and its greatest breadth four miles. The population in 1810 was 4,402; in 1820, 7,175; in 1830, 15,396; in 1840, 36,233; of whom 1,673 were employed in com- merce; 4,666 in manufactures and trades; 978 in navi- gating the ocean; 302 ditto rivers and canals; 307 in the learned professions and engineers. It is the second place in population in the State, and the seventh in the United States. The pure air and delightful prospects of Brook- lyn render it a favourite place of residence to persons doing business in New-York, and it is nearer to the business cen- tres of the latter than residences in the upper part of the city; and these things have contributed to give it a very rapid growth. The increase of population from 1830 to 1840 was 20,837. Its present population is about 60,000. *' The name conferred upon this town by the Dutch was Breucklen, (or broken land ;) and in the act for dividing the province into counties and towns, passed November 1, 1685, it is called Breucklyn; nor does the present appella- tion appear to have been generally adopted until after the revolution. Many changes have doubtless taken place upon the shore, and it is believed that Governor's Island was formerly connected with Red Hook Point. It is well known, that a short period previous to the war of inde- pendence, cattle were driven across what is called Butter- milk Channel, now sufficiently deep to afford passage to vessels of the largest class. The first European settler in this town is supposed to have been George Jansen de Rapelje, at the Waalboght, or Waaloons Bay, during the __ 150 CITY OF BROOKLYN. Directorship of Peter Minuit, under llie charter of the West India Comp:iny, In a family record in the possession of Jeremiah Johnson, Esq., it is stated that the first cliild of Rapeije was iSarah, born in 1G"25, unquestionably the first while child born upon Long Island. Watson says she was born on the'Jtli of June, and honoured as the fiisi-born chiki of the Dutch settlers ; also that, in consideration of such distinction, and of her widowhood, she was afterward presented with a tract of land at the Wallabout. In the journal of the Dutch Council in 1G5G, it is related that "the widow Hans Hansen, the first-born Christian daughter in New-Netherlands, burdened with seven children, petitions for a grant of a piece of meadow, in ad- dition to the twenty morgen granted to her at the Waale- Boght." A few of the other associates of De Rapeije wereLeEscuyer, Duryee,La Sillier, Ceishow.Conscilhur, Musserol; these, with some changes in the mode of spell- ing, are still found among us. It appears by the Dutch records, that in 1634, a part of the land at Red Hook was the property of Wouter Van T wilier, being one of the oldest titles in the town. The earliest deed for land was from Governor Kieftto Abraham Rycken, in 163S. The city is regularly laid out, and the streets, with the exception of Fulton-street, the oldest in the city, are gene- rally straight, crossing each other at right angles, and are from 50 to GO feet wide, and a number of them have great- er width. A large number of the streets, including all within the thickly settled parts, are paved and lighted. Ma. ny of the streets are bordered with trees, giving the place a peculiarly rural aspect. Fulton-street, originally nairow in its lower portion, lias been amply widened, and is border- ed with ranges of lofty brick stores, and presents a com- manding entrance to the city. No city in the country, of its extent, is better built than Brooklyn, and many of its houses are distinguished for a chaste elegance, and some of them are splendid, Brooklyn, as laid out by the commis- sioners appointed by the State Legislature, is sufficiently large to become another Loudon ; and if the spirit of specu- lation could have been quiet, it is questionable whether it would not have been belter to have left many of its origi- FOKTIFICATIONS. 151 nal farms for tlie present undisturbed. Many of the streets are not opened and regulated, though this has been done to quite as great an extent as the present necessities of the city require. The thickly settled parts have no public squares or open grounds; and, though some have been laid out within the city bounds, they are not in such locationsas to add, at present, to its beauty or iis comfort. Many of its principal avenues, however, have a commanding width, and its whole appearance is open and airy ; and its great extent, and the many fine situations presented in its outer parts, will probably long prevent it from being uncomfortably crowded in the portions now most thickly settled. A city-hall was projected a number of years since, on a magnificent plan, to be built of white marble. A substan- tial and durable tbundaiinn was laid, and the basement sto- ry erected, at a great expense. But the location was unhappy, and the plan altogether beyond the present wants of the city. A new plan has been drawn, but nothing is. yet de- termined on. Brooklyn was incorporated as a village in 1810, and as a city, wiih greatly extended limits, in 1834. It is divided into nine wards, and is governed by a mayor and a board of eighteen aldermen, two from each ward, all elected by the people. Brooklyn was first settled in 163G, but it did not choose regular magistrates until 1740, though some kind of authority was previously established. The first house for public worship, which was a Dutch church, was erected in IGGS). Six years previous to this, th.e Rev. l-Jenricus Sel- wyn had been installed in Brooklyn, with a salary of 600 guilders, or 5B'240, one half of wliich was paid by the in- habitants, and the other half by Fatherland, or Holland. FORTIFrCATIONS. There are some remains of fortifications which were thrown up by both armies during the revolutionary war, which may siill be traced on the hills in the back jDarts of Brooklyn. The principul of these is Fort Greene. This was originally a large fort. Many of the embankments were repaired during the war of 1812, and the whole may 152 CITY OF BROOKLYN. Still be distinctly traced. It is one of the most interesting spots in the vicinity of New-York. OLD JERSEY PRISON SHIP. For a description of this, the reader is referred to pages 12 — 15 of this volume. The place where this ship, and the other hospital ships were moored, was near the present Navy Yard. REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERs' TOMB. Those who died on board the prison ships were gene- rally buried in the sand on the Long Island shore. In the year 1803 the bones of those who had died, and which were washed out from the bank where they had been slightly buried, and were bleacliing in ti)e sun, were collected and deposited in thirteen coffins, inscribed with the names of the thirteen original states, and placed in a vault beneath a suitable building, erected for the purpose, in Jackson-street, opposite to Front-street, near the Navy Yard. On the point of the roof of the building, which is a small, square edifice, is an American eagle. On a row of posts and rails in front of the tomb, are inscribed the names of the thirteen original states, and the tomb is surrounded by a fence. Over the entrance of the enclosure in which the building is situated is the following inscription: " Portal to the tomb of 11,500 patriot prisoners, who died in dungeons and prison ships, in and about the city of New-York during the revolution." An imposing ceremony took place when the bones were deposited; and 15,000 persons were sup- posed to have been present on the occasion. These re- mains deserve a removal to the Greenwood Cemetery, in a conspicuous place, and a national monument commemora- ting the important battle of Flatbush, the interesting locali- ties of which are in view from its more elevated portions. Connected with the ancient history of Brooklyn, and the scenes of the revolution, already sketched, it will not be inappropriate to give some account of THE BATTLE OP LONG ISLAND. After the commencement of hostilities in 1776, New- York being situated near the centre of the colonial sea- BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND. 153 board, and consequently readily accessible from the sea, was selected by the British as the principal point for their future operations. With this view, the first division of their army arrived at Staten Island in tlie latter part of June that year, followed, about the middle of July, by the grand armament under Lord Howe, consisting of six ships of the line, thirty frigates^ with smaller armed vessels, and a great number of transports, victuallers, and ships with ordnance stores. The Americans, anticipating the invasion of Long IslanI, had fortified Brooklyn before the arrival of the British at Staten Island. A line of intrenchment was formed froai a ditch near the late toll house of the bridge at the Navy Yard to Fort Greene, and from thence to Freek's mill-pond. A strong work was erected on the lands of Jo- hannis Debevoicc and Van Brunt; a redoubt was thrown upon Bosmus' Elill, opposite Brown's IViill, west of Fort Greene. Ponkicsberg, now f'ort Swift, was fortified, and a fort built on Brooklyn Heights, Such were the defences of Brooklyn in 177H, while c/ievaux de frise were sunk in the main channel of the river below New- York. It was not until the middle of August, that a first landing on Long Island was made by them, which v.'as eflTected at New- Utrecht, or Bath. Here they were joined by many royalists, who, it was supposed, acted the part of guides and in- formers to the enemy. General Sir Henry Clinton also arrived about the same time, and Commodore Hotham soon after appeared with his escort; so that in a short time, the hostile army amounted to about twenty-four thousand men, consisiingof English, Hessians and Waldeckers. Several regiments of Hessian infantry were expected to arrive shortly, when the army would be swelled to the number of thirty-five thousand, of the best troops of Europe, all abundantly supplied with arms and ammunition, and manifesting extreme ardor for the service of their king. Their plan of operations was, first to get possession of New-York, which was deemed of the most paramount im- portance. The American troops being divided, and their generals surprised and pressed on all sides, it was not doubted but the British arms would soon obtain a complete triumph. 154 CITY OF BROOKLYN. To resist this impending storm, Congress had ordered the construction of rafts, gun-boats, galleys and floating batteries, for the defence of the port of New-York, and the mouth of the Hudson. They had also decreed, tlmt thir- teen thousand of the provincial militia should join the army of General Washington, who, being seasonably apprized of the danger of New- York, had made a movement into that quarter ; they also directed the organization of a corps of ten thousand men, to serve as a reserve in the central provinces. All the weakest posts had been carefully in- trenched, and furnished with artillery, A strong detach- ment occupied Long Island, to prevent the English from landing there, if possible, or to repulse them, sliould they effect a debarkation. But the army of Congress was very far from being able to bear the brunt of so terrible a war. It wanted arms, and was wasted by diseases. The reite- rated calls of the commmander-in-chief for reinforcements, had brought into his camp the militia of the neighbouring provinces, and some regular regiments from Maryland, Pennsylvania and New England, which had swelled his army to twenty-seven thousand men in number; but one fourth of these troops were invalids, and scarcely another fourth of them were furnished with arms. The American army, such as it was, occupied the po- sitions that were best adapted to cover the menaced points. The corps which had been stationed on Long Island was commanded by General Sullivan. The main body of the army was encamped on the island of New-York, which it appeared was likely to receive the first attack of the English. Two feeble detachments guarded Governor's Island and the point of Paulus' Hook. The militia of the province, commanded by the American General Clinton, were posted upon the banks of the sound, where they occupied East and West Chester, and New-Rochelle ; for it was to be feared that the enemy, landing in force upon the north shore of the sound, might penetrate as far as King's bridge, and thus en- tirely lock up all the American troops on the island of New- York. Lord Howe, the commander-in-chief of the British forces, made some overtures of peace, upon terms of sub- BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND. 155 mission to the royal clemency, which resulting in nothing, decided him in making an attack on Long Island ; and on the 22d of August, the British troops landed, without oppo- sition, near Gravesend. A large part of the American army was at this time stationed on Brooklyn heights, under General Putnam. The right wing was covered by a marsh, near Gowanus cove, and having Governor's Island in the rear, he could in this way communicate with the army in New-York, under Washington. The English having effected their landing, marched ra- pidly forward. The two armies were separated by a chain of hills, covered with woods, called the heights, which run- ning from west to east, divide the island, as it were, into two parts. They are only practicable upon three points; one of which is near the Narrows, the second, the road lead- ing to the centre through the village of Flatbush, and the third is approached far to the right, by the village of Flat- lands. Upon the summit of the hills there is a road which continues along the whole length of the range, and leads from Bedford to Jamaica, which is intersected by the two roads last described : these ways are interrupted by preci- pices, and exceedingly difficult and narrow defiles. The American general, wishing to arrest the enemy in his progress, had carefully furnished the heights with troops, so that, if all had done their duty, the English would not have been able to force the passes without the greatest diffi- culty and danger. The posts were so frequent upon the road from Bedford to Jamaica, that it was easy to transmit the most prompt intelligence of what passed upon these three routes, from one point to another. Col. Miles, with his battalion, was appointed to guard the road to Flatlands, and scour it continually with his scouts, as well as the road to Jamaica, in order to reconnoitre the movements of the enemy. Meanwhile the British army pressed forward, its left wing being to the north, and its right to the south ; the village of Flatbush being in the centre. The Hessians, commanded by General de Heister, formed the main body; the English, under Major General Grant, the left ; and other corps, conducted by General Clinton and the two Lords, 156 CITY OF BROOKLYN. Percy and Cornwallis, composed the right. In this wing the British generals placed their principal hope of success, and directed it upon Flatlands. Their plan was, that while the corps of General Grant and the Hessians of General Heisier should distress and annoy the enemy upon the two first defiles, the left wing, taking a circuitous route, should march through Flatlands, and endeavour to seize the point of intersection of this road witii that of Jamaica; and then, rapidly descending into the plain which extends at the foot of the heights upon the other side, should fall upon the Americans in flank and rear. The English hoped, as this point was the fVirihest from the centre of the army, the advanced guards would be found more feeble there, and per- haps more negligent; finally, they calculated tluu the Ameri- cans would not be able to defend it against so superior a force. The right wing of the English was the most nume- rous, and entirely composed of the best and most select troops. (Jn the evening of the 2Gth of August, the British army took up their march in admirable silence and order, and, passing Col. Miles, who had relaxed in his duty, arrived two liours before day break within half a mile of the road lead- ing to Jamaica upon the heights. Here General Clinton halt- ed an I prepared for the attack. General Sullivan had no advices of their movements, having neglected to send out scouts. General Clinton, learning that the road to Jamaica was not guarded, hastened to avail himself of the circumstance, and occupied it by a rapid movement. Without loss of time, he immediately bore on his left towards Bedford, and seized an important defile, which the American generals had left unguarded. From that moment the success of the day was decided in favour of tlie English. Lord Percy came up with his corps, and the entire column descended by the village of Bedford, from the heights, into the plain which lay between the hills and the camp of the Americans. Du- ring this time General Grant, in order to amuse the enemy, and direct his attention from the events which had taken place upon the route of Flatlands, endeavoured to disquiet him upon his right; accordingly, as if he intended to force BATTLE OF LONG-ISLAND. 157 the defile which led to it, he put himself in motion about midnight, and attacked the militia ot JN'ew-Yoik and Penn- sylvania, who guaided it. At first they gave ground ; but General Parsons being airived, and having occupied an emi- nence, Jie renewed the combat, and maintained his position till Brigadier General Lord Sterling came to his assistance with about fifteen hundred men. 'I'he action now became general and extremely animated upon both sides, fortune favouring neither one or the other. The Hessians had at- tf\cked the centre at brenkof day ; and the Americans, com- manded by General iSuHivan in person, fought valiantly. At the same time the English ships, after making several movements, opened a brisk cannonade against a battery established at Ued [look Point, upon the light flank of the Americans, who combatted against General Grant. This, also, was a diversion, the object of which was to prevent them from attending to what passed in the centre and on the left. The Americans, however, defended themselves with great bravery, ignorant, as they were, that so much valoui* was exerted in vain, as the victory was already in the hands of the enemy. General Clinton having descended into the plain, fell upon the left flank of the centre, which was engaged with the Hessians. He had also previous- ly detached a small corps in order to intercept the Ameri- cans. As soon as the appearance of the English light infantry apprized the Americans of their danger, they sounded the retreat, and retired in good order towards their camp, bringing off their artillery. But they fell in with a party of royal troops which had occupied the ground in their rear, who charged them with fury ; and they were compelled to throw themselves inio the neighbouring woods, where they again met with the Hessians, who repulsed them back upon the English; thus the Americans were driven several times against one or the other with great loss. They continued for some time in this desperate situation, till at length se- veral regiments, animated by an heroic valour, forced their way through th^ midst of the enemy, and gained the camp of General Putnam ; others escaped through the woods. The inequality of the ground, the great number of posi- 14 158 CITY OF BROOKLYN. tions which it offered, and the disorder that prevailed throughout the line, were the cause for many hours of seve- ral partial combats taking place, in which numbers of the Americans fell. Their left wing and centre being discomfited, the Eng- lish, desirous of having a complete victory, made a rapid movement against the rear of the right wing, which being ignorant of the misfortune that had befallen the other corps, was engaged with Gen. Grant. Finally, having received the intelligence, they retired from so unequal a contest. But, again encountering the English, who had cut off" their retreat, part of them took shelter in the woods, others endeavoured to make their way through the marshes of Gowanus's cove, but many were drowned in the waters or perished in the mud ; a very small number only escaped the hot pursuit of the victors, and reached the camp in safety. The total loss of the Americans in this battle was esti- mated at more than three thousand men, in killed, wounded and prisoners. Among the latter was General Sullivan and Brigadier General Lord Stirling. Almost the entire regi- ment of Maryland, consisting of young men of the best families in that province, was cut to pieces. Six pieces of cannon fell into the hands of the victors. The loss of the English was very inconsiderable; it did not amount to four hundred men, in killed, wounded and prisoners. The enemy encamped in front of the American lines; and on the succeeding night broke ground within six hun- dred yards of a redoubt on the left, and having thrown up a breastwork on the Wallabout heights, upon the Debe- voice farm, commenced firing on Fort Putnam, and recon- noitred the American forces. The Americans were here prepared to receive them ; and orders were issued to the men to reserve their fire till they could see the eyes of the enemy. A few of the British officers reconnoitred the position; and one, on coming too near, was shot by William Van Cotts, of Bushwick, The same afternoon. Captain Rutgers, brother of the late Col. Rutgers, also fell. Several other British troops were killed, and the column which had incautiously advanced, fell back beyond the range of the American fire. BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND. 159 In this critical state of the American army on Long Island, having a numerous and victorious enemy in front, with a formidable train of artillery, the fleet indicating an intention of forcing a passage up the East river, the troops lying without shelter from heavy rains, fatigued and dis- pirited, General Washington determined to withdraw the army from the island; and this difficult movement was effected, not only with great skill and judgment, but with complete success. The retreat was to have commenced at eight o'clock in the evening of the 29th, but a strong north- east wind and a rapid tide caused a delay of several hours; a southwest wind, however, springing up at eleven o'clock, greatly facilitated the passage of the army from the island to New-York city ; and a thick fog hanging over Long Island towards morning, covered its movements from the enemy, who were so near, that the sound of their pick- axes and shovels were distinctly heard by the Americans. General Washington, as far as it was possible, inspected every thing himself, from the commencement of the action on the morning of the 27th, till all the troops had crossed the river in safety; he never closed his eyes, and was almost constantly on horseback. After the American army had evacuated Long Island, and the British troops and their allies, the tories and refugees, had taken possession of it, many distressing occurrences and heart-rending scenes of persecution took place. Those whigs who had been at all active in behalf of the cause of independence, were exiled from their homes, and their dwellings subjected to indiscriminate plunder. Such as could be taken, were incarcerated in the churches of New-Utrecht and Flat- lands; while royalists, wearing a red badge in their hats, were encouraged and protected. It is believed that had Lord Howe availed himself of the advantage he possessed, by passing his ships up the river between New-York and Brooklyn, he would have cut off their retreat, and the whole of the American army must have been captured. Washington saw this, and wisely abandoned the island. The unfortunate issue of the battle was altogether owing to the misconduct of Col. Miles and the unfortunate igno- rance of Gen. Putnam, who had just taken the command. 160 ClXr OF BROOKLYN. Gen. Greene being sick, Putnam could give no order about the lines and positions, for he had not had time to under- stand them. NAVY YARD, This naval depot is situated on the south side of the Wallabout Bay, in the northeastern part of the city, and is well worthy the notice of strangers visiting Brooklyn. The government possess about forty acres of land, inclu- ding the site of the old mill-pond. There is a spacious yard, public store houses, machine shops, and two immense edifices, built of wood, in which ships of war of the largest class are protected from the weather while they are build- ing. On the opposite side of the bay the " Naval Hos- pital^'''' which is a splendid and magnificent building, has been lately erected, and the site on which it is built is very beautiful and picturesque. " United Slates Naval Lyceum," is also in the Navy Yard. This institution was organized by the officers of the Navy and Marine Corps, in order to promote the dif- fusion of useful Icnowledge, and to foster a spirit of har- mony, and a community of interest in the service. It contains a splendid collection of curiosities and sci- entific specimens. Its minerological and geological cabi- nets are not surpassed by any in New-York. A fine col- lection of Egyptian antiquities may be found here. The walls of the room are adorned by collections of fine paint- ings. Trophies of war, rare and curious weapons of war, and an extensive library, are among the objects of interest here collected. The whole forms a very interesting place of resort. Ships of war of all classes are always stationed at this yard, either undergoing repairs, b<-ing built, or laying up in ordinary. Several vessels of a large class are now, and have been for many years, on the stocks. Inimense stores of lumber, cannon, ammunition, and other naval stores, are here in preparation for any emergency. LON'G ISLAND RAM.-ROAD. The length of the road, from Brooklyn to Greenport, is 96 miles. B :i LONG ISLAND RAILROAD TUNNEL. BROOKLYN LYCEUM. 161 The rail used in the construction is what is known as the heavy H rail, and weighs 56 pounds per lineal yard. The whole cost of construction of the rail-road, including the tunnel, was ;S1,746,000. The tunnel under Atlantic-street is 2,750 feet long, and cost S96,000. The termination of the Long Island Rail-Road is at the South Ferry, in Brooklyn, thi'ough Atlantic-street, The land being somewhat elevated, it became necessary either to cut down the street, or construct a tunnel. This last was done. The depth at the highest part of the street is about 30 feet, A line of cars start from this place to Boston daily, and accommodation trains for the intermediate places on the island, at several times in the day. Distance Fare Names of Places. from from Brooklyn. Brooklyn. Bedford, 2* M. 12^ East New-York, 5 " 12^ Union Coui'se, Ih " 18| Jamaica, 11 " 25 BrushviUe,. 14 '' 37* Hempstead Branch, 18 " 43| Carl Place, 20 " 43f Hicksville, 26 " 56i Farmingdale, 31 " 68f Deerpark, 37 " Slh Suffolk Station, 44 " 1 12^ Medford Station, 55 " 1 50 St. George's Manor, 67 " 175 Riverhead, 74 " 2 00 Mattetuck, 84 " 2 00 Southold, 91 " 2 12i Greenport, 95 " 2 25 BROOKLYN LYCEUM. One of the principal public buildings in the city is the "Zi7/ceMW," which is a fine specimen of architecture, built of granite, and every way adapted to the purpose of its pro- jection. It is situated in Washington-street, near Concord. 14* 162 CITV OF BROOKLYN. The institution was orf!;anized in October, 1833, The " City Libranf has been lately establislied here, which contains a great number of valuable literary works, and is highly deserving of the genei'al patronage and support of the citizens. THE SAVINGS BANK Is also located in the Lyceum building; an excellent insti- tution, managed by careful men, and hi a prosperous con- dition. GREENWOOD CEMETERY. This rural depository for the dead attracts much attention at the present time, and therefore claims somewhat of an extended notice. These grounds comprise about 185 acres, and are moi'e extensive tlian the grounds of any similar institution in this country. They are situated in Brooklyn, at Gowa- nus, on a high ridge of hills, commanding beautiful and extensive views of the bay and cities of New-York and Brooklyn, the Narrows, Jersey shore, and the Atlantic Ocean ; and are distant from the South Ferry, at Brooklyn, two and a half miles. Persons wishing to visit the Cemetery can take the stages which leave the Fulton Ferry, in Brooklyn, every hour during the day, and return by the same as often. — Fare 12^ ct:s. The charter authorizes the land belonging to the corpora- tion to be used exclusively for the burial of the dead; ex- empts the lands for ever from assessment and public taxes, and requires that the proceeds of all sales shall be applied to the improvement of the Cemetery. It also authorizes every proprietor of 300 square feet or more of land, to vote at any election of Trustees. Persons buying lots acquire the fes simple of the ground which tliey purchase. They control the government of the institution, and, by legis- lative acts, can never be forcibly deprived of the ground. The price of an ordinary burial lot is one hundred dollars. Four lots in a group may be bought for eighty dollars each. The beautiful grounds of Greenwood have already be- come the scene of much resort. They will be visited by in- :LDS' JMOiNUiMENlV GRKE^■-^VUUl» GREENWOOD CEMETERY. 163 creasing numbers, as they become inore known, and espe- cially as the circle widens which connects by ties of mourn- ful interest its silent occupants with the living multitudes in the adjacent cities. To such they should present all that becomes a Christian Cemetery, situated in a wealthy neigh- bourhood, and commenced in an age of refinement and of art. In the variety and beauty of these grounds — so open and sunny in some parts — so shaded and seclfded in others — so near to a vast city, yet so retired and still — nature has left us nothing to desire. Art has but just commenced its great work of improvement here. The work has been well begun. Several of the monuments and tombs are strictly original, and if not perfect, arc pioneers to a better taste. From the happy and fertile inventions which produce these, as well as from other kindred sources, it is hoped we shall obtain many more of equal if not superior merit. The gate of the Cemetery is constructed of timber, in the rustic style, and presents a very ]iicturesque appearance. There is also a chapel, constructed in the same style, with a bell, which tolls during the time of funerals. The circuiiference of one lot is 82 feet, or 12 by 25 square. A receiving toml) is provided at the Cemetery, in which interments may be made by proprietors of lots, or those intending to become such. This tomb is situated in Willow Avenue. A receiving totnb is also provided in Brooklyn, for the convenience of those who may wish the funeral procession to terminate there. A receiving tomb is also provided in New-York, in the Carmine-street Cemetery, where temporary interments may be made, subject to the charge of three dollars for the use of the tomb, and one dollar each time for the opening of the same. The key of this tomb is in charge of Mr. John Mace, No. 75 Carmine-street. Graves. — Single graves may be procured in grounds ap- propriated for that purpose and enclosed by a hedge, at ten dollars each. Children's graves, under twelve years of age, at five dollars each. Rules concerning Visilcrs. — Visiters will obtain the best general view of the Cemetery, and reach the entrance again 164 CITY OF BROOKLYN. without difficulty, by keeping the main Avenue, called The Tour, as indicated by the guide boards, A little fa- miliarity, however, with the grounds, will enable them to take the other avenues, many of which pass through grounds of peculiar interest and beauty. Each proprietor of a lot will be entitled to a ticket of ad- mission into the Cemetery with a vehicle, under the follow- ing regulations, the violation of which, or a loan of the ticket, involves a forfeiture of the privilege. No vehicle will be admitted unless accompanied by a pro- prietor, or a member of his or her household, or unless presenting a special ticket of admission. On Sundays and Holidays the gates will be closed. Proprietors of lots, however, will be admitted on foot. No person or party having refreshments will be permitted to come within the grounds, nor will any smoking be al- lowed. Children will not be admitted without their parents or guardians. Persons having dogs must leave them fastened at the gate. No horse may be left by the driver in the grounds, unfas- tened. All persons are pi-ohibited from picking any flowers, either wild or cultivated^ or breaking any tree, shrub or plant. Any person disturbing the quiet and good order of the place by noise or other improper conduct, will be compelled instantly to leave the grounds. The gates will be opened at sunrise, and closed (for entrance) at sunset. No money may be paid to the Porter, The Keeper of the grounds, appointed by the Mayor of Brooklyn a special Marshal, with a view to the preserva- tion of the grounds, is authorized and directed to remove all who violate these ordinances or commit trespasses. Trespassers are also liable to criminal prosecutions and a fine of Fifty Dollars. ATLANTIC DOCK. The company who are prosecuting this extensive work was incorporated in May, 1840, with a capital of UNION FERRY COMPANY. 165 SI, 000,000. The shares are one hundred dollars each. It is situated on the water front of the Sixth Ward of Brooklyn, below the South Ferry, within " Red Hoo.k Point," theoutside pier extending3,000 feet on " Buttermilk Channel." The basin within the piers will contain about forty-two acres, with a sufficient depth of water to ac- commodate the largest ships. On the piers tliere are to be built large warehouses, many of whic'.i are already erected. Some improvement of tiiis kind was needed, by the crowded state of the docks around New-York city, and the difficulty of finding suitable berths to unload vessels with lieavy cargoes. When this improvement is com- pleted, it v/ill throw into the market more than five hundred valuable building lots, valuable, especially for stores and large v/arehouses, all of which are now below high water mark, but which must be filled in when the piers are built. A new ferry is projected from the north corner of the basin to the Battery in New-York. The whole work is im- mense, and is well worthy the attention of a stranger. BROOKLYN UNION FERRY COMPANY. The distance across the South Ferry, from Atlantic- street to Whitehall, New. York, is 1,472 yards. The distance across the Fulton Ferry, from Fulton- street, Brooklyn, to Fulton-street, New-York, is 731 yards. The Union Ferry Company own eight boats, six of which are kept running. The average cost of each boat is about $30,000. Three boats are run on each ferry throughout the year. Ths hoars of running at the South Ferry are from 4 A. M. to 11 P. M. At the Fulton Ferry a boat is kept running all the time, with the exception of one hour at night, viz., from 2 to 3 o'clock. The price of passage at both ferries is two cents fot foot passengers; small children half price. The ferriage for a carriage and two horses is 25 cents, do, do. and one horse is 18| " 166 CITY OF BROOKLYISr. The price of commutation for males over 21 is ^10 per annum. For males under 21 is from ^4 to $6. The price of commutation for females, ^5. Commuters have the privilege of crossing both ferries. The whole number of persons employed at both ferries is about 100. The improvements at the ferry landings recently made have cost ^50,000 ; the buildings at all the four points be- ing substantial and convenient. The commutation at the two ferries for the year 1845 was ^30,000. By articles of agreement, the dividend to stock- holders is limited to seven per cent, per annum ; the sur- plus profit to be applied to the improvements of the fer- ries and the extinguishment of the stock. PRIVATE SCHOOLS. Of these there are many, both for males and females, and many of them of a high order. Without instituting any invidious comparisons, the stranger will feel richly com- pensated by visiting two of them, the oldest it is believed of the whole, viz. : Mr. Putnam's school for boys, and Mr. Greenleaf 's school for girls. Mr. Putnam has been teach- ing in Brooklyn for fifteen years, with an average of 40 pupils a year. Some of the boys have been with him for several years, and he has thus had the instruction of about 600 boys. The most thorough foundation is here laid for a complete English education. The school is in Henry- street, corner of Love-lane. Mr. Greenleaf 's school has been in operation ten years, with an average of 40 pupils a year, comprising in the whole length of tirae250 individuals. Here is taught every branch of solid study comprised in a thorough female edu- cation. At least 3^20,000 is here invested in library, text- books, apparatus, &c. &c. This school is located in Pierrepont-street, corner of Clinton-street. • BROOKLYN FEMALE ACADEMY. Such is the name of an institution projected, but not yet in operation. A very spacious building is in progress of erection on Joralemon-street, near Clinton. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 167 PUBLIC SCHOOLS, The public schools are under the control and management of a Board of Education, composed of three representa- tives from each of the ten school districts, together with the county Superintendent and Mayor of the city, who are ex (T^cio members. The representatives are appointed by the Common Coun- cil, (who are the commissioners of common schools,) and hold their office for three years, and are divided into three classes, one class being appointed annually on the first Monday in February. The Board of Education appoint from among their own body a President, Vice-President and Secretary, (the city Treasurer being ex officio Treasurer.) The present officers are Theo. Earnes, Presiderit ; Stephen Haynes, Vice-Presi- deiil; and Alfred G. Stevens, Secretary. The number of children comprised within the ten dis- tricts, which includes the whole city, between the ages of five and sixteen, and upon which is based the apportion- ment of school money, is about twelve thousand white, and four hundred coloured. The number which attends the schools is about two thousand and five hundred white, and one hundred and fifty coloured. The number of teachers and monitors engaged in the va- rious schools is about sixty, and the amount of compensa- tion annually paid for teaching amounts to about fourteen thousand dollars. The course of instruction embraces all the various branches of English education. Vocal music also forms a prominent feature of instruction, a competent teacher being engaged expressly for that purpose. In each district there is a valuable library, free not only to the scholars but also to every inhabitant, male and fe- male, in the district. The number of volumes in some ex- ceeds 2,500. The school houses in the inner or compact part of the city are handsome brick buildings, three stories in height, costing about six thousand dollars each, exclusive of the ground. The others, in the outer sections, are substantial frame buildings. 168 CITY OF BROOKLYN. ORPHAN ASYl-UM. This institution has been in operation for about twelve years. Some eiglit or ten years ago a spacious bntk edi- fice was erected near Myrtle Avenue. A large number of children are liere provided for. It is patronized by all de- nominations. CITY BUILDINGS. The " CUy Buildings'^ are situated at the corner of Henry and Cranberry streets; there is nothing in the architecture of the exterior of tliem worthy of iu)ti(;e; they arc used as courts and offices of the corporation lor the transaction of the public business of the city. The " Aln^''^ County CourW'' aie held in the large build- ing called the " Exckan{:c,'' situated at the corner of Cran- berry and Fulton streets ; it is a plain bvick building, with- out any extraordinary architectural beauiy. The " Kiiig^s Counly Jail or Prison" is situated in Raymond-street, at the fool of Fort Greene; it is a dark, heavy-looking, castellated gothic edifice, in front built of red sandstone, with gothic windows at each side, and a large yard at the back ; the site where it is located is not a very favourable one for the display of its architectural front; had it been erected on the summit of Fort Greene, it would have had a more commanding appearance, and have been a much more healthy location for tlie prisoners. CIIURCIIE4 I IV BBOOKIil IV. There are nearly forty <;hurch buildings in Brooklyn, and some of them elegant structures. Our limits allow us to describe only a few of them. CHURCH OF THE SAVIOUR, (first unitarian congregational.) Picrreponl-strcel, corner of Monroe Place. This church is built in the perpendicular gothic style, of red sandstone: the walls, which are rubble, from the quar- UNITARIAN CHURCH, Brooklvn. CHURCHES IN BROOKLYN. ]69 ries at Nyack, N. J., and the ornamental portions, which are finely hammered, from those of Connecticut. The en- tire length of the building, exclusive of ihe front towers, which project eight feet, is eighty feet; and its width, ex- clusive cf the buttresses on the corners, which project four feet, is sixty-five feet. The front central towers are about sixteen feet at tlie base, and rise one hundred and eighteen feet, being terminated by pinnacles fully eniichcd. The corner towers rise sixty-five feet, terminated like the others. The walls are crowned by a battlement of hammered stone. The doors are deeply recessed ; the central one opening fourteen feet high and ten feet wide, being recessed four feet six inches. Above this door are shields of ham- mered stone on the wall, bearing the name of the church and tiie date of its erection. Over these is the front win- dow, twelve feet wide and twenty-eight feet high; and windows of less size, but of like character and proportions, are above the side doors. Over the central window is a large stone cross in basso relievo on the wall. 'l"he approach to the church is by stone steps, through gothic gateways attached to a substantia! paling of wrought iron. The outer doors, of elaborate tracery, open into the vestibule, ten feet in width, extending across tlie entire church, with stairs to the basement, and galleries at either end. The nave is seventy-five feet long, opened through of equal width, ihirty-five feet, to the great window in front ; and on cither side the additional width of thirteen feet for the galleries. The roof of the nave is elegantly vaulted and groined, the extreme height being fifiyseven feet ; that of the galleries is of the same style, the height being thirty feet from the floor of the church. The entire cost of the building, land, furniture, organ and external items, may be stated at about thirty-six thou- sand dollars. The church was consecrated on the i24th of April, 1844, and the present pasior, the Rev. Frederick A. Farley, was installed on the following day. 170 CITY OF BROOKLYN. CHRIST'S CHURCH, CUNTON-STRKET. Erected in 1842. This is a gothic building of a reddish stone, about 100 feet long and 60 feet wide. The height of the walls is about 36 feet, and the extreme height of the tower about 100 feet. The tower in front is about 24 feet square, having heavy buttresses on each corner, built to the top of the roof, and then beconaing octagons to the top, ending in four large pinnacles. The main entrance is in the tower, and smaller doors on each side in the body of the church. There is a large gothic window over the main entrance. In the tower is a bell and clock. The body of the house is lighted by 15 windows, seven on each side and one in the rear, with buttresses between them, running to the eaves, and there terminating without pinnacles. In the rear of the building is a lecture room of one story, with a flat roof, showing above it the large pulpit window of ground glass, — all the other windows being stained glass. On the apex of the roof in the rear there is a short stone cross. The cost of the edifice was about S28,000. Rev. John S. Stone, D. D., is the present minister. FIRST REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, JORALEMON-STREET. Erected in 1834. This church is built of brick, stuccoed to represent clear white marble. The extreme length of the building is 111 feet, and its width 66 feet, and was erected at a cost of about S26,000. It is a noble looking strvxcture, and pre- sents probably one of the best specimens of a Grecian temple which can be found in this region. Viewing the building in front we are presented with a deep pediment, supported by eight Ionic massive fluted pillars, standing CHURCHES IN BROOKLYN. 171 on a platform raised about four feet from the ground, and two similar pillars within these, and nearer to the body of the house. A lighter pediment projects in the rear of the building, supported also by one row of pillars. The house is lighted on the sides only with eight long windows, four on a side, with square heads. The building is unor- namented, exhibiting a plain grandeur, well becoming the purpose for which it was erected. The interior is also plain. Instead of a close pulpit there is a table or reading desk, on a raised platform, with a sofa seat. In the rear of this is a fine perspective, representing a recess, with a profusion of pillars. It is well executed, and the illusion very perfect. Rev. M. W. Dwight, D. D., is the present pastor of the church. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, FULTON-STREET, CORNER OF CLINTON. Erected in 1834. This is one of the largest and most commodious church edifices in Brooklyn. It is built of brick and stuccoed, and after the Grecian model, with six heavy Doric pillars sup- porting the pediment, standing on a platform raised six steps from the sidewalk. The front presents three large uniform doors. In each side of the building there are six tall windows with square tops, having flat pilasters between them. On the roof, back of the pediment, there is built a wooden turret about forty feet high, divided into three sections ; the first being square, the second an octa- gon, and the third round ; the upper section having several windows. This turret is not in very good keeping with the building, as an imitation of a Grecian temple, though the effect is not bad on the whole. The steeple contains a fine toned bell, altogether the best in the city. The interior of the house is plain. It contains about one hundred and forty pews on the lower floor, and has a deep gallery on three sides. The cost of the building was about S24,000. Rev. Ichabod S. Spencer, D. D., is the present minister. 172 CITY OF BROOKLYN. CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMS, HENRY-STREKT, CORNB.^ OF HEMSEN-STREET. Erected in 1845. The Church of the Pilgrims is a congregational body, formed after the pauern of the churches in New-England. The church edifice is a very singular one, and aUogether different from any oiher in this region. It is a very large building, being in extreme length 135 feet, and its breadth 80 feet. ' 'J he height of the walls is 38 feet. It is built of granite, hewn, but not hammered. The front of the edifice, on Henry-street, presents us with two towers, one at each corner; that on the north corner being small, not over twelve feet square, and being built to about the height of the roof of the church, and there terminating in a small pointed wooden roof. The tower on the west corner is 20 feet square, and built up ff stone 100 feet from the ground, and ihence there asccads a gradually tapering spire 70 feet farther, where it terminates in a large gilded ball. There is one large door in front, between the towers, having over it a large window; and a pi-ofusion of small, narrow windows are scattered about in the towers. In the centre of the main tower, about six feet from the ground, a piece of the "forefather's rock," from Plymouth, Mass., is inserted in the wall, and projecting clearly in view. In each side of the house there are three large arched windows, that being the style in which all the windows are made. The lecture room is cut off from the year of the building, and is a very large and commodious room. The rear of the building presents four short \vindows below, and one large one above, and a small circular win- dow in the gnble, near the apex. The cost of the building is about SjOjOOO, There is as yet no stated pastor. CHURCHES IN BROOK.T.YN. ;z; !>^ ^ ui o o ^ aj p. /i -< ^ s 1—1 H K-l ^ ca w u W 1:4 o pel tD w o !:i^ O m X a; M — a « Ml = "11 o — "o r>" o' o'o" ogooooo 0-. oj t!> o^ C"- ; w do S >. CO ^P --IS _fc5ij^_fa2. c o 2^ = = E S • .• n :=; 3 ?»-aii g^:^.^xpi tr M > -; "t fc. >^ - 7 c~o o o'"o'o''o''q" OOQOOQOO 00 cT-o'Tr oTo 50 -^ or5"i£"critrift oj o fo m .w . w w - .^i c: c: -i: Z O.OOC2 0C1--0 *;; 00 cr. •■£! -o t- o -a^ P iiiiSlll Is .1 s «• •- I "^ 5 = "■= 3 £ i= ^ - « g .^ iu w- o ^/; O Z So" 4-1 U ^ S = - >"• ^ < „• ggSJ^SSg^^^^Sfof sY^" ^^^ Co o >.>,>,>^>>>.>.>.>^^!=->>> >.(>>>> !>.(>.>. >> i ^ Jl .C J3 ..= ^-= .C J2 _0 XI .fi 43J3X1 Xi-aXl ^ E dddciddc'cdddd ddii ^dd d ai « §28§8^-2§§5S§^ g^S ^SS CO 1 "o c -*fo"-r-o~r-rwo'r!r;:^i2^ ;z 3 S'^ 222^§2222S§2 1^ S2SS 1 o 1 > I C '"''"''"' -3l S H ~ 9 oT *r _, i 1 Sands-Street, York-street, Washington-strc Franklin Avenm Johnson-street, tighteenth-stree Pacific-street, Carlcton Avenue Bridge-street, High street, Navy-sfieet, Navy-street, M III Pi f 1 m III 1 f 4. is 1 12; Sands-street Church, York-street Church, Washington street Chu Ebenezer Church, Centenary Church, Gowanus Church, Pacific-street Church, Eighth Methodist Chun Primitive Meth. Churcl: Af. Meth. l'>is. Church, Asbury Af- Meth. Epis. Mt. Zion Af. Prot. Meth. 2 D o fll lis .S.2§ ■a ., c S fc- .§11 o > 1 o o CHURCHES IN BROOKLYN. i g "S (U s 3 3 Charles Smith. Nicholas O'Don Bacon. Hugh Maguire. s S (-Tr? o'o'o" cT - P M En PS 1 S" ^'^^^ g ^" 0" >.>> >.!^f^>> ^ ^ja ja^jDjD >N dd c;c;-:ici d ci < ss Sgg§ tri S S g z <1 H 2 % o PS 1822, 1836, 1842, 1841, 02 US 1 > 2 Q i H Z S S 4> o *r & OJ « o Pi Ail a; iJ ^ 1 1?S Jay-stree Court-sti tion, York-sti Kent Av "5. a. c pH 2 3 > s of 0- I"! a ^1 1 II M s .2 i *j -:^ .!3 'C > Ofi, mr.o b (^ a NOTICE. The Publishers of this little volume have in preparation a History of the Churches of New-York, accoinpanied by engravings, which will render the work highly interesting to citizens and strangers, and particularly to members of the churche-. The volume will contain about two hundred pages, uni- form in size and apjjearance with the " Picture of New. York;" and will furnish particulars from authentic sources of every church in this city, prepared by the writer of the short notices of ihc churches contained in this volume. Engravings will be given from original designs of the following buildings, viz., Fn-st Presbyterian Church, Christ's Church, Second Unitarian Church, and various others of the Presbyterian, Catholic, Episcopal and other societies. The Publishers will be glad to receive, until the 1st of March, communications in reference to the date of erection, dimensions, cost and construction of the churches through, out the city. The tabular list of the churches in this vol- ume will be found curious and valuable by those who take mufh interest in the subject. The facts have been ascer- tained by diligent inquiry and personal application or ex- amination by the compiler. GYMNASIUM. No. 29 Ann.sireety New-YorJc. WILLIAM FULLER respectfully informs the Gentle, men of New. York and vicinity, that his Gymnasium is now open for the reception of pupils. W. F. respectfully calls the attention of the faculty, parents and guardians, towards this establishment, which he assures will be conducted in the strictest manner. Sparring taught as usual. W. F. has made arrangements with Mr. Hamilton, teacher of the American and French Broad Sword, also the Small Sword and Musket exercise. Terms moderate. :. 't • -e" .«.' ^^ JC. _ . a a. Mf ^-T~- r» CIT^ ^fYew-yokk. . "ii l.v D.ll.r.iin-. ,j', A :;;/^,/./Z. > ! LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 220 425 3 ^