0ass_Cps\^\%\5 Book 'H" 2 - OFFICIAL DONATION. Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 115 Series N, Water Power, 10 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Director JVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES MADE DURING 1903 ARRANGED BY W. CARVEL HALL and JOHN C. HOYT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1905 PUBLICATIONS OF UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL The publications of the United States Geological Survey consists of (1) Annual Reports; (2) Mono- graphs; (3) Professional Papers; (4) Bulletins; (5) Mineral Resources; (6) Water-Supply and Irriga- tion Papers; (7) Topographic Atlas of the United States, folios and separate sheets thereof; (8) Geologic Atlas of United States, folios thereof. The classes numbered 2, 7, and 8 are sold at cost of publication; the others are distributed tree. A circular giving complete lists may be had on appli- cation. The Professional Papers, Bulletins, and Water-Supply Papers treat of a variety of subjects, and the total number issued is large. They have therefore been classified into the following series: A, Economic geology; B, Descriptive geology; C, Systematic geology and paleontology; D, Petrography and mineralogy; E, Chemistry and physics; F, Geography; G, Miscellaneous; H, Forestry; I, Irriga- tion; J, Water storage; K, Pumping water; L, Quality of water; M, General hydrographic investiga- tions; N, Water power; O, Underground waters; P, Hydrographic progress reports. The following Water-Supply Papers are out of stock, and can no longer be supplied: Nos. 1-16, 19, 20, 22, 29-34, 36, 39-40, 43, 46, 57-65, 75. Complete lists of papers relating to water supply and allied subjects follow. (PP=Professional Paper; B=Bulletin; WS=Water-Supply Paper.) Series I— Irrigation. WS 2. Irrigation near Phoenix, Ariz., by A. P. Davis. 1897. 98 pp., 31 pis. and maps. WS 5. Irrigation practice on the Great Plains, by E. B. Cowgill. 1897. 39 pp., 11 pis. WS 9. Irrigation near Greeley, Colo., by David Boyd. 1897. 90 pp., 21 pis. WS 10. Irrigation in Mesilla Valley, New Mexico, by F. C. Barker. 1898. 51 pp., 11 pis. WS 13. Irrigation systems in Texas, by W. F. Hutson. 1898. 68 pp., 10 pis. WS 17. Irrigation near Bakersfield, Cal., by C. E. Grunsky. 1898. 96 pp., 16 pis. WS 18. Irrigation near Fresno, Cal., by C. E. Grunsky. 1898. 94 pp., 14 pis. WS 19. Irrigation near Merced, Cal., by C. E. Grunsky. 1899. 59 pp., 11 pis. WS 23. Water-right problems of Bighorn Mountains, by Elwood Mead. 1899. 62 pp., 7 pis. WS 32. Water resources of Porto Rico, by H. M. Wilson. 1899. 48 pp., 17 pis. and maps. WS 43. Conveyance of water in irrigation canals, flumes, and pipes, by Samuel Fortier. 1901. 86 pp., 15 pis. WS 70. Geology and water resources of the Patrick and Goshen Hole quadrangles, Wyoming, by G. I. Adams. 1902. 50 pp., 11 pis. WS 71. Irrigation systems of Texas, by T. U. Taylor. 1902. 137 pp., 9 pis. WS 74. Water resources of the State of Colorado, by A. L. Fellows. 1902. 151 pp., 14 pis. WS 87. Irrigation in India (second edition), by H. M. Wilson. 1903. 238 pp., 27 pis. WS 93. Proceedings of first conference of engineers of the reclamation service, with accompanying papers, compiled by F.H. Newell, chief engineer. 1904. 361pp. The following papers also relate especially to irrigation: Irrigation in India, by H. M. Wilson, in Twelfth Annual, Pt. II; two papers on irrigation engineering, by H. M. Wilson, in Thirteenth Annual, Pt. III. Series J— Water Storage. WS 33. Storage of water on Gila River, Arizona, by J. B. Lippincott. 1900. 98 pp., 33 pis. WS 40. The Austin dam, by T. U. Taylor. 1900. 51 pp., 16 pis. WS 45. Water storage on Cache Creek, California, by A. E. Chandler. 1901. 48 pp., 10 pis. WS 46. Physical characteristics of Kern River, California, by F. H. Olmsted, and Reconnaissance of Yuba River, California, by Marsden Manson. 1901. 57 pp., 8 pis. WS 58. Storage of water on Kings River, California, by J. B. Lippincott. 1902. 100 pp., 32 pis. WS 68. Water storage in Truckee Basin, California-Nevada, by L. H. Taylor. 1902. 90 pp., 8 pis WS 73. Water storage on Salt River, Arizona, by A. P. Davis. 1902. 54 pp., 25 pis. WS 86. Storage reservoirs on Stony Creek, California, by Burt Cole. 1903. 62 pp., 16 pis. WS 89. Water resources of Salinas Valley, California, by Homer Hamlin. 1904. 91 pp., 12 pis. WS 93. Proceedings of first conference of engineers of the reclamation service, with accompanying papers, compiled by F. H. Newell, chief engineer. 1904. 361 pp. The following paper also should be noted under this heading: Reservoirs for irrigation, by^J. D. Schuyler, in Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV. [Continued on third page of cover.] IRR 115—2 Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No, 115 Series N, "Water Power, 10 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES ]). WALCOTT, DIRECTOR RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES MADE DURING 1903 ARRANGED BY W. CARVEL HALL and JOHN C. HOYT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19 05 i l ERRATA. [Water-Supply Paper No. 115, United States Geological Survey.] Page 11. Fig. 1 should have had the title "Profile of Catawba River from Marion to Connelly Springs, N. C," and been placed at page 13. Page 14. PI. II should have had the title " Profile of Tallulah River below Blalock, Ga.," and been placed at page 18. Page 19. Fig. 2 should have had the title " Profile of Tugaloo River below Tallulah Falls, Ga.," and been placed at page 23. Page 24. Fig. 3 should have had the title "Profile of Savannah River from Ander- sonville, S. C, to Lisbon, Ga,," and been placed at 29. Page 30. PI. Ill should have had the title "Profile of South and Ocmulgee rivers from Constitution to Macon, Ga.," and been placed at page 46. Page 47. Fig. 6 should have had the title "Profile of Alcovy River below Dabney's bridge, Georgia," and been placed at page 56. Page 56. Fig. 8 should have had the title "Profile of upper Chattahoochee River from Nacoochee, Ga., to junction with Chestatee River," and been placed at page 61. Page 62. Fig. 10 should have had the title "Profile of lower Chattahoochee River from West Point to Columbus, Ga.," and been placed at page 71. Page 73. Fig. 12 should have had the title " Profile of Chestatee River below Wil- low, Ga.," and been placed at page 77. Page 76. PI. IV should have had the title " Profile of Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, to Flambeau, Wis.," and been placed at page 98. Page 103. Fig. 18 should have had the title " Profile of Buffalo River from Flatwoods to Lobelville, Tenn.," and been placed at page 11. CONTENTS. Page. Letter of transmittal 7 Introduction 9 Acknowledgments 10 Buffalo River from Flatwoods to Lobelville, Tenn 10 Cataba River from Halltown Road to Connelly Springs, N. C 13 Tallulah River below Blalock, Ga 18 Tugaloo River below Tallulah Falls, Ga 23 Savannah River from Andersonville, S. C, to Lisbon, Ga 29 Chattooga River below Russell, S. C 34 Broad River below Carnesville, Ga 39 South and Ocmulgee rivers from Constitution to Macon, Ga 46 Yellow River below Yellow River, Ga 51 Alcovy River below Dabney's bridge, Ga 55 Towaliga River below Highfalls, Ga 58 Chattahoochee River from Chestatee to Sautee, Ga 61 Chattahoochee River from Chattahoochee to Franklin, Ga 66 Chattahoochee River from West Point to Columbus, Ga 71 Soque River below Clarkesville, Ga 74 Chestatee River below Willow, Ga 76 Hiwassee River from Hiwassee, Ga., to Apalachia, Tenn 81 Nottcly River below Blairsville, Ga 87 Toccoa River below Dial, Ga 92 Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, to Flambeau, Wis 97 Index 113 3 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. Map showing location of surveys in the Southern.States 10 II. Profile of Catawba River from Marion to Connelly Springs, N. C 14 ' III. Profile of Savannah River from Andersonville, S.C, to Lisbon, Ga.. . . 30 IV. Profile of Chestatee River below Willow, Ga 76 Fig. 1. Profile of Buffalo River from Flatwoods to Lobelville, Tenn 11 2. Profile of Tallulah River below Blalock, Ga 19 3. Profile of Tugaloo River below Tallulah Falls, Ga. 24 4. Profile of Chattooga River below Russell, S. C 35 5. Profile of Brood River below Carnesville, Ga 40 6. Profile of South and Ocmulgee rivers from Constitution to Macon, Ga. .... 47 7. Profile of Yellow River below Yellow River, Ga 52 8. Profile of Alcovy River below Dabney's bridge, Ga 56 9. Profile of Towaliga River below Highfalls, Ga 59 10. Profile of upper Chattahoochee River from Nacoochee, Ga., to junction with Chestatee River - 62 11. Profile of middle Chattahoochee River from Chattahoochee to Franklin, Ga . 67 12. Profile of lower Chattahoochee River from West Point to Columbus, Ga. ... 73 13. Profile of Soque River below Clarkesville, Ga 75 14. Profile of Hiwassee River from Hiwassee, Ga., to Apalachia, Tenn 82 15. Profile of Nottely River below Blairsvillc, Ga 88 16. Profile of Toccoa River below Dial, Ga 93 17. Map showing location of surveys in Wisconsin 98 18. Profile of Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, to Flambeau, Wis 103 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Hydrographic Branch, Washington, D. C, July 23, 190 J^. Sir : I have the honor to transmit herewith a paper entitled ' ' River Surveys and Profiles Made in 1903," which has been arranged by W. Carvel Hall and John C. Hoyt. This paper contains the results of the cooperative river surveys carried on during 1903 between the topographic and hydrographic branches. There is a large demand for the data herein presented by engineers and others interested in power development. I therefore recom- mend that this manuscript be published as a Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper. Very respectfully, F. IT. Newell, Chief Engineer. Hon. Charles D. Walcott, Director Untied States Geological Survey. RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. Arranged by W. C. Hall and J. C. Hoyt. INTRODUCTION. In order to determine the location of the undeveloped water powers on the various rivers in the United States the United States Geological Survey has from time to time made surveys and profiles of the more important of the rivers on which possible power sites were known to be located. The object of these surveys is to point out localities where power may be developed. In the determination of the river profiles the general plan of survey adopted was as follows: The elevations were based upon reliable heights derived from primary or precise levels of the United States Geological Survey. On this datum, with few exceptions, lines of flying levels were car- ried up the bank of each stream and bench marks were established at intervals of about 1 mile, usually on nails on tree roots. The elevations of the surface of the water at the head and foot of each shoal, rapid, or fall were noted. These levels, with few exceptions, have been tied at both ends. In the case of Broad River primary levels were used instead of flying levels, and regulation bronze tab- lets left at intervals of 6 miles. The horizontal control of the survey was by plane table oriented by compass, while the distance was always obtained by means of stadia measurements. To further insure the accuracy of the work, the stadia rod was so divided that one division on it equaled one division of t he scale used in plotting. The field sheets were plotted on the scale of 1 : 22,500, with the exception of the surveys of the Tallulah and Tugaloo rivers, which were on (lie scale of 1 : 45,000. Several different runs of river were plotted on the same plane-table sheet, the ends of the different sec- tions being so marked that there would be no difficulty in joining them and making one continuous map. On these sheets were shown the outlines of the river banks, the islands, the positions of rapids, shoals, falls, and existing dams, the 10 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. crossings of all ferries and roads, and as much of the culture of the river bottom as could be obtained without leaving the immediate neighborhood of the river. The river banks were contoured carefully and the adjacent river bottoms sketched, all with an interval of 10 feet. On these field sheets are marked in their proper positions the elevations of the various bench marks left, as are also the elevations of the water surfaces wherever obtained. For each river surveyed, first are given a brief description, a list of the elevations, and a condensed profile of the portion of the river surveyed. The elevations as given in the original notebooks have been adjusted in accordance with the various primary heights tied to, and the figures herein given are the ones obtained from this adjust- ment. On file in the Washington office are the original topographic sheets and profiles on the scale of 1 inch to a mile horizontal and 1 inch to 100 feet vertical. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. In the collection of these data and their preparation for publication special acknowledgment is due to the levelmen and others who carried on the surveys. Acknowledgment is due, also, to Messrs. B. M. Hall and M. R. Hall for suggestions, and to Messrs. C. B. Kendall and D. H. Baldwin, who adjusted the various lines of levels, under the supervision of Mr. S. S. Gannett, geographer. BUFFALO RIVER FROM FLATWOODS TO LOBELVILLE, TENN. A line of flying levels was run on Buffalo River, Tennessee, from the mouth of Little Opossum Creek, near Flatwoods, to Standing Rock Ford, about 3 miles north of Lobelville — a distance of 47 miles. The plane-table survey was on the scale of 1 : 22,500. During the course of the work 28 bench marks on tree roots were marked and 39 water- surface elevations were recorded. The total fall of that stretch of the river is 109 feet, and is so evenly distributed that there seems to be no power site of any value. There are now two crude dams, one near Linden and the other near Lobelville, supplying power for small gristmills, but at neither place do the conditions warrant the construction of more substantial dams. The soil near the river is fertile and well adapted to the cultivation of corn, hay, and peanuts. The elevations in the following list are based upon an assumed elevation of 537.25 feet for the water surface at the mouth of Little Opossum Creek as interpolated from contours sketched on the Man- nie sheet. The assumed elevation is probably within 20 feet of correct datum. U. 8. OEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1 // / V W\ i V — T _J / } i i LA\ ^ 74r*vB i ?# i i WATER-SUPPLY PAPER NO. 115 PL. MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF SURVEYS IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. HALL AND HOYT. BUFFALO RIVER. 11 The leveling was done October 4 to 31, 1903, under the direction of Oscar Jones, topographer, by Ralph Hutchins, levelman. 1,500 O «£ Ph •r: i ~ o s rH te Q r^ PJ T3 ^ T3 o £ P ?H o T3 fe o M 1 O k. ;_, p a O) Ph fe 3 03 h ft O o3 O o ■+^ P) 03 Ph o V o o o > 4^> 03 w O Ox w Jh ^ >^ Ph g ?H £4 +3 03 P 5 o 0) p. p. 0) 3 35 „ J Wj o m__ -Si——" 1,250 A a AND HOYT. RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. 13 CATAWBA RIVER FROM MARION, N. C, TO CONNELLY SPRINGS, N. C. Catawba River was surveyed from the Halltown road crossing, near Marion, N. C, down the river to the mouth of Johnsons Mill Creek, near Connelly Springs, N. C. — a distance of 45 mhos. A line of flying levels was run in connection with the plane-table stadia traverse, which was on the scale of 1 : 22,500, based on a permanent bench mark of the United States Geological Survey at Marion, N. C. This flying line is connected with a precise line along the Southern Railway, run by the Geological Survey in 1896, at Bridgewatcr, Glen Alpine, Morganton, and Connelly Springs, at each of which points there is a permanent bench mark. There were only three temporary bench marks set along the river, but there were 160 water-surface elevations recorded, all of which were adjusted to the mean reading on the gage estab- lished at the upper bridge near Morganton. The work was done in July, August, and September, 1903, by R. C. Howard and S. A. Oben- shain, under the direction of W. C. Hall, topographer. In the stretch of river surveyed there is a total fall of 243 feet. At present there is only one crude dam — at John River Road Ford, where there is a fall of 4 feet, supplying power to operate Hunter's gristmill. There is a dam site near Connelly Ford. The combined fall of two shoals about half a mile apart is 12.3 feet and a long, rocky island in the lower part of the shoal would somewhat facilitate the construction of a dam. At this point the river is about 200 feet wide, with rocky cliffs on both banks. The river bottom is very fertile, the principal crops being corn and hay. Elevations on Catawba River between Halltown Road and Connelly Springs, N. C. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet 0. Halltown Road Ford, head of island, head of shoals, surface of water: . 1 Foot of shoals, surface of water . 2 Head of shoals, surface of water . 2 Foot of shoals, surface of water . 5 Head of shoals, surface of water . 7 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1. 1 Mouth of North Fork, 0.5 mile above, head of shoals, surface of water 1. 1 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1. 3 Head of shoals, surface of water 1. 3 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1. 7 Head of shoals, surface of water 1. 8 Foot of shoals, surface of water 2. 1 Head of shoals, surface of water 2. 3 Foot of shoals, surface of water "Adjusted to bench mark at Marion: McDowell County court-house; west face, at sout portico, bronze tablet marked " 1438"; elevation. 1,436.857 feet. «1, 189 1,187 1,187 1,184 1,184 1,179 1,179 1,177 1,177 1,175 1. 171 1 . 1 72 1,170 1,167 li end of 14 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. Elevations on Catawba River between Halltown Road and Connelly Springs, N. C. — Cont'd. Distance in miles. 2.4 3.2 3.4 3.4 4 4.2 4.4 4.4 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.8 5.1 5.1 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.4 5.7 5.8 6 6 6.1 6.1 6.6 6.7 6.9 7 7.3 7.3 7.5 7.5 7.8 7.8 8.2 8.5 8.5 8.7 9.2 9.2 9.8 9.8 Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water North bank of island, foot of shoals, surface of water Head of island, head of shoals, surface of water Foot of island, foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water - Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Connelly Ford, head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water - Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water - Small island in shoals, foot of shoals, surface of water Between large islands, head of shoals, surface of water Foot of islands, foot of shoals, surface of water At head of broad flood channel, head of shoals, surface of water. Foot of shoals, surface of water At foot of broad channel, head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water - Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water. Foot of shoals, surface of water • Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water John River Road, head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Just below ford, head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER NO. 115 PL. II - o o ^, o Bo o3 EH be O u O 6^^ ^ / fl / 2 / ° I 0/ Eh /junction with Cha ttooga Ri ^er 2 000 1,750 1,500-3 > O ■s -1-3 1,250| 1,000 T)l) Miles 30 25 20 15 10 5 PROFILE OF CATAWBA RIVER FROM MARION TO CONNELLY SPRINGS, N. C. HALL A IIOYT Nn | CATAWBA RIVER. 15 Elevations on Catawba River between Ualltown Road and Connelly Springs, N. C. — Cont'd. Elevation in feet. Head of island, head of shoals, surface of water. 1, 099 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1, 094 Head of shoals at head of island, surface of water 1, 094 Foot of island, foot o'f shoals, surface of water 1, 092 Head of shoals, surface of water 1, 092 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1, 089 Just above dam, surface of water. 1 , 089 Below ford, foot of shoals, surface of water 1, 084 Head of shoals, surface of wal er 1, 083 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1 , 079 Head of shoals, surface of water 1 , 079 Foot of shoals, surface of water. 1, 079 Head of shoals, surface of water 1 , 078 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1, 075 Head of shoals, surface of water 1 , 075 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1, 074 Below head of island, head of shoals, surface of water 1, 074 Foot of two islands, foot of shoals, surface of water 1, 070 Head of shoals, surface of water 1, 070 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1, 070 Head of shoals, surface of water 1, 069 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1, 069 Bridgewater, in front of station, top of north rail «1, 095. 7 Head of shoals, surface of water ; 1 , 068 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1 , 068 Head of shoals, surface of water 1 , 067 Foot of shoals, surface of water | 1, 066 Just above head of shoals, surface of water 1, 066 Head of shoals, surface of water 1 , 065 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1 , 062 Head of shoals, surface of water ! 1 , 062 Foot of shoals, surface of water. 1 , 062 Head of shoals, surface ot water 1 , 061 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1 , 061 Head of shoals, surface of water 1, 058 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1 , 056 Head of shoals, surface of water 1,054 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1 , 05 1 Just above head of upper island, head of shoals, surface of water 1,051 Between island and south bank of river, fool of shoals, surface of water 1, 049 " Bridgewater, 0.4 mile east of; bridge seal al wesl end of Muddy (reck Bridge, 2.75 feet south of south rail, copper bolt marked " U. S. G. S., 1091;" elevation, 1,089.540 feet. irr 115—05 2 16 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. Elevations on Catawba River between Ealltown Road and Connelly Springs, N. C. — Cont'd. Distance in miles. 18.2 18.4 18.7 18.7 18.9 19.1 19.6 19.8 19.8 20.1 20.3 20.4 20.9 20.9 21.3 21.3 21.5 21.7 22 22:4 22.5 23.4 23.7 23.7 24 24.3 25 25 25.4 25.4 26.6 26.6 27.2 28.1 28.2 29 29.1 Mouth of Linville River, below ford, at head of island and south bank, head of shoals, surface of water ., Between island and south bank, foot of shoals, surface of water Head of small island, head of shoals, surface of water Center of island, foot of shoals, surface of water Head of two small islands, head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Long narrow island along north bank, head of short shoal, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Above ford, head of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water. Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Head of large island, head of shoals, surface of water 250 feet below foot of large island, foot of shcals, surface of water- Ford, head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water . . Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Avery Ford, 50 feet above, head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water. Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Between long island and north bank of river, head of shoals, surface of water -„ 1,009 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1, 007 Surface of water 1, 006 Head of shoals, surface of water 1, 004 Head of long narrow island, foot of shoals, surface of water 1, 003 Greenlea Ford, head of shoals, surface of water 1, 001 Foot of shoals, surface of water 1 , 001 a Circuit from White Ford to Avery Ford is adjusted to Glen Alpine, 73.2 feet north of north rail of main track, southeast corner of brick basement of Hennessee & Co.'s store, bronze tablet marked ' 1215; " elevation, 1,213.944 feet. Elevation in feet. 1,048 1,046 1,045 1,045 1,045 1,040 1,039 1,038 1,037 1,036 1,035 1,033 1,032 1,031 1,031 1,030 1,030 1,030 1,026 1,026 1,025 1,024 1,023 1,022 1,022 1,016 a. 1,015 1,013 1,013 1,012 HA 1. 1, AND HOYT. CATAWBA RIVER. 17 Elevations on Catawba River between Halltown Road and Connelly Springs, N. C. — Cont'd. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 29.4 Between island and mouth, head of shoals, surface of water 1,000 29.6 Foot of island, foot of shoals. 998 29.9 Head of shoals, surface of water 998 29.9 Foot of shoals, surface of water 997 30.2 Upper Morganton Bridge, head of shoals under, surface of water.'. . . «996 31.7 Fleming Ford, head of islands at, head of shoals, surface of water. . 992 32 Foot of shoals, surface of water 988 33 Lower Morganton Bridge, under, surface of water 986 33 5 Head of shoals, surface of water 986 34.2 Foot of shoals, surface of water 977 34.4 Head of shoals, surface of water 976 34.8 Below island at mouth of creek on south bank, foot of shoals, surface of water 974 35.5 Mouth of John River, surface of water 972 37.1 Head of shoals, surface of water 969 37.9 Foot of shoals, surface of water 963 38.5 Huffman Ferry, north bank, west side of road, nail in post 974.2 Huffman Ferry, at east corner of Huffman's house, nail in root of tree at 1,011.75 38.5 Surface of water 961 38.7 Head of shoals, surface of water 959 40.7 At mouth of creek on south, head of shoals, surface of water 957 40.7 Foot of shoals, surface of water 956 41.2 Head of large island, head of shoals, surface of water 955 41.2 Between island and north bank of river, foot of shoals, surface of water. 955 41.4 Foot of island, head of shoals, surface of water 955 41.4 Foot of shoals, surface of water 955 41.6 Lovelady Ford, at head of small island between large island and south bank, head of shoals, surface of water 954 41.8 Lovelady Ford, north bank of river, surface of water 953 41.9 Foot of large island at foot of shoals, surface of water 951 43.6 County Ferry, 200 feet south of; west side of road, nail in box alder 968.8 43.6 Surface of water 948 43.8 Head of shoals, surface of water 947 43.8 Foot of shoals, surface of water 947 44.5 Head of shoals, surface of water. 947 44.5 Foot of shoals, surface of water ''946 a Upper Morganton Bridge line adjusted to Morganton, Burke County court-house, extreme north- west corner of north portico, bronze tablet marked " 1182; " elevation, 1,180.774 feet. b Connelly Springs, 142.4 feet north of north rail of main track, James Hudson's brick store, south front, near east corner, bronze tablet marked " 1193; " elevation, 1,191.762 feet. Johnson Mill Creek flows into Catawba 1.6 miles below County Ferry, south side of river. Note.— Water-surface elevations adjusted to mean gage reading 1.8 feet at Upper Morganton Bridge Elevation of 1.8- footmark, 996.3 feet. 18 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 116. TALLULAH RIVER BELOW BLALOCK, GA. Tallulah River rises in Habersham and Rabun counties, Ga., flows in a southeasterly direction, and joins Chattooga River a little below Tallulah Falls, thus forming Tugaloo River. During August, 1903, this river was surveyed between Tallulah Falls, Ga., and the mouth of Persimmon Creek, near Blalock, Ga. The distance between these points is about 33 miles, and there is a fall of 451 feet. The survey consisted of a line of primary levels based upon the United States Geological Survey bench mark at Tallulah Falls, and a plane-table survey of the course of the river. The field sheets were plotted on a scale of 1 : 22,500, 30 bench marks were established, and 69 water- surface elevations obtained. Tallulah River is a typical mountain stream and is subject to sudden freshets. As the Chattooga is of the same character the Tugaloo is a dangerous stream, a rise of 1.6 feet per hour for three consecutive hours being recorded on March 23, 1903, at the Southern Railway bridge near Toccoa, Ga. On this occasion the river rose 15.2 feet in eighteen hours. Tallulah River crosses the fall line at Tallulah Falls, Ga. In this vicinity is some of the most picturesque and rugged scenery in the Southern States. In 3 miles the river drops from 1,415 to 755 feet above sea level, or a distance of 660 feet. The principal falls, in the order in which they occur, are L/eau D'or, 28 feet; Tem- pesta, 76 feet; Hurricane, 89 feet; Oceana, 41 feet; Bridal Veil, 17 feet— all in a distance less than three-fourths of a mile. On either bank are precipitous cliffs, rising in some places 500 feet sheer. The gorge continues to the Tugaloo, with the exception of one place about one-half mile long, where it opens up and forms what is known as the Old Valley farm. On either side the country is covered with woods, but not a great deal of merchantable timber appears to be available. In 2 miles, above Tallulah Falls, the river has a fall of 110 feet. At the head of this fall the bottom widens into a valley which appears to be an excellent basin for storing water. Three and one- fourth miles farther upstream at an unnamed shoal with a 12-foot fall, there is a fair site for a dam. The bottom is rocky, and there are steep hills on either side. Five miles farther upstream is a shoal with a 25-foot fall, steep hills on either side, and hard rock bottom. Just above Denton Ford is a 23-foot shoal about three-fourths of a mile long where there is a splendid site for a dam. The fall in the lower Tallulah below the falls is about 250 feet. A large portion of this fall can be used for power without interfering with the resort at Tallulah Falls. By installing an electrical plant at the upper end of Old Valley farm a good power could be obtained. HALL AND"! HOYT. J TALLULAH RIVER. 19 The elevations in the following list are based upon the elevation of a bronze tablet in rock 70 feet east of the public road and 20 feet south of Tallulah Falls, station marked " 1569 Atlanta." This elevation is accepted as 1,568.302 feet above mean sea level in accord with the 1903 adjustment of the precise-level net. The line is cor- rected to accord with primary work at mouth of river and at Burton. The leveling was done in 1903, under the direction of Carroll Cald- well, field assistant, by T. B. O'Hagan, levelman. 1,000 h > Fh « T3 eg > fl bB PS 1 "§ o ^ HH ^ Oj >* a> ^ CD " > r£ M O C t west of river, in rock, aluminum tablet marked "450 Atlanta" 449. 306 66.9 Foot of Turners Shoals, surface of water 437 68.1 Middlcton Shoals, head of, surface of water 435 68.5 Barnes Island, opposite, 125 feet west of river, small black oak tree, 1 13 11 68.5 Surface of water 131 68.7 300 feet west of river, on top of cliff, dogwood tree, nail in root of. 457. 46 32 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. Elevations on Savannah River from Andersonville, S. C, to Lisbon, Ga. — Continued. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 69.5 69.8 69.8 70.2 70.2 70.9 71 71.3 72.4 72.4 72.8 73.2 73.4 73.7 73.7 73.8 74.3 75.8 76.2 76.2 76.2 76.4 77 77.3 77.3 77.3 77.6 78.1 78.4 78.4 78.9 79.2 79.2 79.6 79.6 80.5 80.8 West edge of river, willow stump, nail in root of Middleton Shoals, foot of, surface of water 20 feet west of river, post-oak tree, nail in root of Powells Ferry, 20 feet west of river, water oak tree, nail in root of. Powells Ferry, surface of water. .". Surface of water Powells Ferry, 0.8 mile south of, 150 feet west of river, white ash stob, nail in top of Gregg Shoals, head of, surface of water Black Ferry, 25 feet west of river, nail in root of birch tree Black Ferry, surface of water 350 feet east of river, octagon burnt tree stump, nail in root of . Creek, mouth of, surface of water 350 feet east of river, persimmon tree stump, nail in root of Branch, mouth of, surface of water Mill, opposite, surface of water Coldwater Creek, mouth of, surface of water 350 feet east of river, 140 feet southwest of small branch, persimmon tree, nail in root of . Aliens Creek, mouth of, surface of water Harper Ferry, 20 feet east of river, southside of road, water oak tree, nail in root of. Surface of water High-water mark 250 feet southeast of W. J. Taylor's house, side of brook, in lime- stone rock, bronze tablet marked " 420 Atlanta " Branch, mouth of, surface of water Ruckers and Tuckers Ferry, 40 feet southeast of and 5 feet west of river, willow tree, nail in side of Surface of water High- water mark Surface of water Surface of water English Creek, 60 feet west of, 50 feet north of river, white hickory stump, nail in root of , English Creek, mouth of, surface of water McCauleys Island, 900 feet south of head of, surface of water McCauleys Ferry, 40 feet west of river, ash stump, nail in root of. . Surface of water Surface of water 150 feet north of river, beech tree, nail in root of Branch, mouth of, surface of water '.. . Surface of water HALL AND HOYT. SAVANNAH RIVER. 33 Elevations on Savannah River from An&ersonviUe, S. C, to Lisbon, Ga. — Continued. 50 feet east of river, walnut tree, nail in root of Moseley Ferry, 50 feet east of river, walnut tree, nail in root of . . . . Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Large falls, head of, surface of water 50 feet east of river, twin pine tree, nail in root of Cherokee Shoals, surface of water Surface of water 125 feet east of river, oak tree, nail in root of Surface of water Carter Island, ferry, 40 feet west of river, white oak tree, nail in root of Surface of water Rocky River, mouth of, surface of water Surface of water Seaboard Air Line bridge, abutment, east side of bridge, bronze tablet marked "383 Atlanta' ' Watkins Island, lower end of, 15 feet north of river, oak tree, nail in root of Watkins Island, 150 feet southwest of, on mainland, dead stump, nail in side of Trotter's shoals, head of, surface of water Shoals, surface of water Head of island, surface of water Surface of water 75 feet west of river, nail in stub Calhoun Island, end of, surface of water 60 feet southwest of river, black ash tree, nail in root of Trotters Shoals, in, surface of water Surface of water Cliff, bottom of, on rock, point Calhoun Ferry, triple cedar tree, 75 feet west of river, nail in root of Surface of water Surface of water 50 feet southwest of river, in path, pine tree, nail in root of Creek, mouth of, surface of water Surface of water 10 feet southeast of road, Spanish oak, 400 feet west of river, nail in root of tree Surface of water Surface of water Elevation in feet. 398. 77 400 392 392 391 390 399. 23 388 379 385. 75 374 382. 52 373 372 371 382. 161 375.7 374. 59 367 364 362 358 367.4 356 365. 01 353 351 354.27 348. 39 340 336 341. 32 329. 7 328 338.61 325 322 34 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. Elevations on Savannah River from Andersonville, S. C, to Lisbon, Ga. — Continued. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 89.2 200 feet west of river, on top of steep hill, in footpath, hickory tree, nail in root of 360.67 89.7 Calhoun Ferry, 2.5 miles southeast of, 50 feet west of river, in large bronze tablet marked " 320 Atlanta " 319. 252 89.4 Surface of water 318 89.7 Surface of water 313 90.1 Surface of water 308 90.2 Surface of water 304 90.3 10 feet west of river, 300 feet north of old mill, water oak, nail in root of 305. 90 90.3 Surface of water 301 90.4 Surface of water 299 91.3 Branch, mouth of, surface of water 292 91.3 10 feet west of river, dead birch tree, nail in root of 300. 21 91.8 Surface of water 291 92.3 Creek, surface of water 289 92.8 92.8 Clarks Ferry, 200 feet west of river, water oak, copper tack in root . . Surface of water 309. 13 287 92.8 High-water mark r , 307 93.7 Creek, 1,500 feet below, surface of water 285 93.9 50 feet west of river, gum tree, copper tack in side of 299. 66 94.2 Surface of water 284 96.1 96.1 Petersburg Ferry, east side of road, dead black gum, nail in root of. . Broad River, mouth of, surface of water 293. 41 281 96.2 South side of ferry road, water oak, nail in root of 295. 77 96.4 Lisbon, in brick wall of R. L. Cade's store, bronze tablet marked " 328 Atlanta " 327. 85 CHATTOOGA RIVER BELOW RUSSELL, S. C. Between July 19 and August 10, 1903, Chattooga River was sur- veyed from its mouth, near Tallulah Falls, Georgia, to Russell Bridge, near Russell, S. C, a distance of 30 miles. In that distance there is a fall of 809 feet. A line of secondary levels was run, based on a primary bench mark of the United States Geological Survey 3 miles below Tallulah Falls. The field sheets were plotted on the scale of 1:22,500, and during the course of the survey 23 bench marks were established and 97 water-surface elevations were noted. Chattooga River contains many available undeveloped power sites. From its mouth to War Woman Creek, a distance of 22 miles, the river runs through a wild, rugged country, almost uninhabited. It UAI.L AND IIOYT. CHATTOOGA RIVER. 35 flows in a gorge almost the entire distance and is very narrow and swift. There are numerous dam sites in this section, as the river is almost one continuous shoal and has an average fall of 33 feet to the mile, with a fine rock bottom and cliffs on either side. The rock is excellent for building purposes. CD W (S o -- to ^ a / a) ^y CD / s/ / x 5 CD / C / c J v Junction with Tallul 1.750 1,500 1,250 § 1,000 Mil*- Fig. 20 IS 10 ;1 Profilo of Chattooga River below Russell, S. C. 750 From War Woman Creek to Lone Bottom Ford, a distance of 5 miles, the bottoms widen considerably, and there are a few cultivated farms. Halfway, at Laurel Branch, there is an excellent site for a 12-foot dam, which would back water one-half mile without damage to culti- vated lauds. Here there is a good rock bottom and rocky bluffs on eachside. Fromahalf mile above Laurel Branch to Russell Bridge, 36 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. the end of the survey, the bottoms are considerably wider and mostly cultivated. The elevations in the following list are based on an aluminum tablet marked " 1050 M C" at Washington street entrance to the State capitol at Atlanta, the elevation of which is now accepted as 1,049.546 feet above mean sea level. The initial point upon which these levels depend is a bench mark of primary levels of Tugaloo and Savannah River surveys at the mouth of Chattooga River. The elevations accord with the 1903 adjustment. The leveling was done under the direction of Carroll Caldwell, field assistant, by Thomas B. O'Hagan, levelman. Elevations on Chattooga River from its mouth to Russell Bridge, Ga., 0.7 mile north of Russell S. G. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 0.0 .0 .0 .2 .7 1 1.2 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.6 3 4 4 4.1 4.5 4.7 4.9 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.8 Tallulah and Chattooga rivers, 100 feet north of junction, point on rock Tallulah and Chattooga rivers, white oak tree 75 feet west of junc- tion of, 25 feet north of Tallulah River, nail in root of oak tree. . . Surface of water Surface of water Mouth of stream, surface of water. ; Worse Creek, mouth of, surface of water Surface of water Small stream on north edge of river, Spanish oak, nail in root of — Surface of water Surface of water North side of river, point on rock Surface of water East side of river, point on rock Surface of water Surface of water Creek, mouth of, surface of water Surface of water East side of river, point on rock Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Mouth of stream, head of shoals, surface of water Camp Creek, mouth of, surface of water Trail Ford, point on rock 20 feet east of river Trail Ford, surface of water I Surface of water 761. 29 762. 21 754 759 763 765 766 776. 27 772 775 788. 63 779 851. 51 849 869 892 899 918. 27 919 929 939 949 954 961 967. 50 962 969 HALL AND HOYT. CHATTOOGA RIVER. 37 Elevations on Chattooga River from its mouth to Russell Bridge, Ga., 0.7 mile north of Russell, S. C. — Continued. Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Cliff Creek, mouth of, surface of water Cliff Creek, 500 feet above, east side river, point on rock Surface of water Chechero Creek, mouth of, surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water East side of river on edge of bank, point on rock Surface of water Iron bridge, South Carolina side, iron bar under bridge, point on Iron bridge, surface of water High water Surface of water Mouth of creek, surface of water Head of falls, surface of water Mouth of stream, surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Mouth of stream, surface of water Surface of water 50 feel south of island, east side of river, 10 feel from bank, point on rock Elevation in feet. Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Stream, mouth of, surface of water Surface of water South Carolina side of river, at large cliff, point on rock. Surface of water Mouth of Fall Creek, surface of water 979 989 999 000 029 035 045. 26 039 049 059 069 079 089 099 109 119 129 149 152. 43 159 168. 95 166.3 177 169 173 179 183 189 199 204 209 217.86 219 223 229 232 239 246.53 249 202 38 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. Elevations on Chattooga River from its mouth to Russell Bridge, Ga., 0.7 mile north of Russell, S. C. — Continued. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 1 268 1 279 1 289 1 296 1 299 1 308 1 309 1 310.4 1 319 1 329 1 332 1 340 1 359 1 366.4 1 360 1 376.1 1 375 1 381 1 399 1 406 1 411 1 416. 5 1 419 1 429 1 439 1 449 1 452.9 1 459 1 469 1 473 1 481. 8 1 479 1 486.7 1 486 1 486 1 494.1 1 492 1 499 1 510. 5 1 505 14.5 14.7 15 15.7 16 16.6 16.8 16.9 17 17.4 17.8 18 18.7 18.7 18.9 19.1 19.2 19 19.7 19.8 20 20 20.2 20.6 20.7 20.8 21 21.2 22 22.1 22.3 22.7 23 23 23 23.8 23.8 24.8 25.2 25.2 Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Rich Creek, mouth, surface of water Surface of water South Carolina side of river, point on rock Surface of water Surface of water : Sandy Bottom, 1,000 feet below, east side of river, point on rock Surface of water Surface of water East side of river, point on rock Surface of water 300 feet below falls, at bend in river, point on rock Foot of falls, surface of water Head of falls, surface of water Surface of water Rock Creek, mouth of, surface of water Sandy Ford, surface of water Sandy Ford, 75 feet north of, 15 feet east of river, nail in root of white oak tree Surface of water Surface of water Dick Creek, mouth of, surface of water Surface of water , East side of river, point on rock Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water 4 feet east of river, nail in root of large pine tree Surface of water Earl Ford, 100 feet below ford, east side of river, point on rock Surface of water War Woman Creek, mouth of, surface of water South side of river, point on rock Surface of water Surface of water West side of river, point on rock. . Surface of water HAT H< )YT. J CHATTOOGA AND BROAD HI VERS. 39 Elevations on Chattooga River from its mouth to Russell Bridge, Ga., 0.7 mile north of Russell, S. C. — Continued. Distance in miles. 26 26.3 26.4 26.4 26.8 27.1 27.9 28 28.7 29.7 30.6 30.6 30.6 Horseback Ford, surface of water Surface of water Ford, 65 feet above, north side of river, nail in live stub (white oak tree ) Surface of water „ . Surface of water Surface of water Barlow Stream, center of river, point on rock Surface of water Long Bottom Ford, east side, nail in fork of sugar maple tree Small stream, mouth of river at, surface of water West Fork, mouth of, surface of water Wooden bridge, above Russell, S. C, southwest side of bridge, point on bolt Bridge, surface of water Elevation in feet. 1,518 1,519 1,522.66 1,521 1,529 1,539 1,547.26 1,549 1,557.68 1,554 1,563 1,584.84 1 , 564 BROAD RIVER BELOW CARNESVILLE, GA. Between June 9 and July 16, 1903, Broad River was surveyed from its mouth, near Lisbon, Ga., to Harrison Bridge, near Carnes- ville, Ga., a distance of 64^ miles. In that distance there is a fall of 316 feet. The field sheets were plotted on the scale of 1:22,500, and the survey was accompanied with a line of secondary levels based on the primary bench mark of the United States Geological Survey at Lisbon, Ga. During the course of the survey 54 bench marks were established and 109 water elevations determined. The flow is very gradual from the mouth to Milford Shoals, a dis- tance of 2 miles. These shoals have a fall of 8 feet in a distance of one-third of a mile, and are about 500 feet wide. The river bot- toms are wide up to the foot of Anthony Shoals, b\ miles from the mouth of the river. Here is the finest power site on the river, there being a fall of 58 feet in If miles, with rock bottom and rock bluffs on each side. A dam at this point would have to be 1,000 feet long. The rock is granite and would furnish excellent material for building purposes. At the end of these shoals, on the Elbert County side, are the remains of a wing dam which furnished power for a cotton mill now in ruins. From here to Fishdam Shoals, 9^ miles, the river lias a fall of 9 feet .with wide, cultivated bottoms on either side for most of the distance. At Fishdam there is a 3-foot dam about 250 feet long which furnishes power for a grist and saw mill. 40 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. From Fishdam to the mouth of South Broad River, 15 J miles, there is a fall of 23 feet with no shoal of any consequence. The bottoms are wide in most places and are in a high state of cultiva- tion. One mile above South Broad River are the Detwiler Shoals, with a fall of 7 feet in half a mile. A dam at this point would be about 300 feet long. A mile and a half farther are the lower Moore Shoals, with a fall of 6 feet in a quarter of a mile, and good outcrop of hard rock on both sides. A dam here would be about 350 feet long. Five miles farther up are the Payton Shoals, with a fall of 4 feet in a quarter of a mile. Here the steep banks show granite on the southeast side. Two and one-half miles upstream are the Cowpen Shoals, with a fall of 8 feet. This is an excellent site for a dam, having rock bot- tom and sides. Two miles upstream are Moore Shoals, with a fall > 3 A o CO C3 O A o w o O CO - ^ jl l. 00 5 a a w >> 1 re o o .a o 3^ Miles 65 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Fig. 5.— Profile of Broad River below Carnesville, Ga. 500 g 250 of 19 feet in three-fourths of a mile. The river here is about 400 feet wide, with solid rock bluffs on either side. One-half mile beyond are Brown Shoals, with a 10-foot fall in one- third of a mile. A dam here would be about 400 feet long and would have an excellent foundation. One and three-fourths miles upstream are the Bryant Shoals, with a fall of 20 feet in 1\ miles. This is an excellent site for a dam, having good bottoms and rock sides. For 12 miles upstream to Double Bridge the shoals are small and do not seem important. From Double Bridge to Harrison Bridge, at which point the survey ended, a distance of 6 miles, the river is very narrow and shoaly, but the volume of water is small. The elevations in the following list are based on a bronze tablet in a brick wall of R. L. Cade's store at Lisbon, Ga., marked "Atlanta 328," the elevation of which is accepted as 327.850 feet above mean sea level. They accord with the 1903 adjustment of the precise- level net. The leveling was done under the direction of Carroll Caldwell, field assistant, by T. B. O'Hagan, levelman "V.oYT™] BROAD RIVER. 41 Elevations on Broad River from mouth to Harrison Bridge, 3 miles southwest <>] Canu.sville. Lisbon, mouth of Broad River, 870 feet northwest of, south side of ferry road, nail in twin water oak Broad River, mouth of, surfaee of water Broad River, 870 feet northwest of mouth, high-water bench mark . Small stream, near, surface of water Mill Ford Shoals, foot of, surface of waters Mill Ford Shoals, middle of, surface of water Mill Ford Shoals, head of, surface of water Mill Ford Shoals, 200 feet east of river, near 5-inch elm tree, nail in live stob Center of bend, surface of water Dubose Ferry, 300 feet above, surface of water Anthony Shoals, foot of, surface of water Anthony Shoals, surface of water Anthony Shoals, at large bend in river, surface of water Anthony Shoals, at rock cliff, surface of water Anthony Shoals, at rock cliff, point on rock, 1 foot west of river Anthony Shoals, surface of water Anthony Shoals, surface of water Anthony Shoals, in front of old factory, surface of water Anthony Shoals, at old dam, east edge of river, nail in root of birch tree. Anthony Shoals, surface of water Anthony Shoals, head of, surface of water Burton Ferry, 6 feet south of river, nail in root of Spanish oak tree. . . . Surface of water Burton Ferry, high water Surface of water. Mouth of creek, surface of water 60 feet south of river, 25 feet east of creek, nail in sweet gum tree Surface of water Bakers Ferry, small shoals, surface of water Bakers Ferry, 20 feet southwest of river, nail in root of large birch tree. Bakers Ferry, surface of water Wall ache Creek, mouth of, surface of water Bells Bridge, north side, nail in joist Bells Bridge, surface of water Bells Bridge, high water Bells Bridge, floor of Bella Bridge, 250 feet north of river, large pine tree near path to river, nail in t ree Mouth of small stream, surface of water Falling Creek, mouth of, surface of water Elevation in feet. 295. 77 280 300 281 281 288 289 304.9 291 292 293 295 307 310 311.57 319 329 339 347. 77 351 355 361. 44 355 364 355 356 367. 59 356 356 364 357 360 373. 69 360 386 393.2 375. 34 361 362 42 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. Elevations on Broad River from mouth to Harrison Bridge, 3 miles southwest of Carnes- ville — Continued. Distance in miles. 16 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 17.7 18.9 18.9 20 20 21.3 22.1 22.5 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.1 24.8 24.8 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.5 26 26.7 26.7 28 28.5 28.5 28.6 28.6 30 30.9 31 31.3 31.3 Foot of shoals, surface of water Fishdam, foot of, surface of water Fishdam, head of, surface of water Fishdam Ferry, north side river, nail in root of large water oak tree. . Fishdam Ferry, surface of water Fishdam Ferry, south side of, nail in root of gum tree Surface of water North of river, point on rock Surface of water . Grimes old ferry, edge of river, nail in root of white oak tree Grimes old ferry, surface of water 500 feet south of river, river road, 25 feet south of, nail in root of Spanish oak Mouth of large creek, surface of water Pinegrove, 400 feet north of river, 900 feet west of large creek, nail in root of pine tree Mattox Bridge, north side, nail in plank Mattox Bridge, surface of water Bridge floor .- High water Rock cliff, near, 40 feet south of river, nail in root of gum tree Surface of water Jones Ferry, east side, nail in root of water oak tree Jones Ferry, surface of water High-water mark Jones Ferry, 0.3 mile above -, 40 feet west of river, nail in white oak tree Surface of water Millstone Creek, mouth of, 60 feet east of, 25 feet south of river, nail in side of box elder Millstone Creek, mouth of, surface of water Gold Mine Cliff, surface of water Horseshoe Bend, head of, 150 feet south of river, in cornfield, nail in Spanish oak Dove Creek, mouth of, surface of water. . Bend in river, surface of water Surface of water i 260 feet north of river, nail in root of pine tree Surface of water Martins old ferry, near spring, point on rock Junction South Fork and Broad Riveiysoutheast point of rivers, nail in side of birch tree Surface of water \ll. AM' I HOYT. BROAD RIVER. 43 Elevations on Broad River from mouth to Harrison Bridge, •> miles southwest of Carnes- ville — Continued. Distance in miles. Detwiler Ferry, foot of shoals, surface of water Detwiler Ferry, east side, edge of water, slanting Spanish oak, nail in . Detwiler Ferry, head of shoals, surface of water Detwiler Ferry, high water Seaboard Air Line bridge, abutment, east side of river, 350 feet from. Seaboard Air Line bridge, surface of water Moore Shoals, surface of water Old mill, 25 feet east of river, point on rock Old mill, mouth of stream, surface of water Moore Shoals, head of, surface of water Elevation in feet. Bells Ferry, edge of river, 2 feet from road, overhanging Spanish oak, nail in. Bolls Ferry, surface of water. Bells Ferry, high water Harpers Ferry, north side of river, east side ferry, nail in root of black gum tree. Harpers Ferry, surface of water Harpers Ferry, high water Holly Branch, mouth of, surface of water . Moon Ferry, cast of ferry, nail in side of white oak tree. Moon Ferry, surface of water Surface of water Mouth of creek, surface of water Payton Shoals, foot of, surface of water Payton Shoals, east side of river, nail in sycamore tree. Payton Shoals, head of shoals, surface of water South Payton Ferry, 25 feet from river, east side of ferry, nail in side of dead willow tree [ Payton Ferry, high water ! Payton Ferry, surface of water Payton Ferry, high water Payton No. 2, head of shoals, surface of water Victory Ferry, overhanging birch tree, nail in side of Victory Ferry, surface of water High water Moon Ferry, nail in root of while oak tree Moon Ferry, foot of shoals, surface of water Moons Shoals, bead of, surface of water Bend in river, 1,500 feet east of Mill Creek, east side river, point on rock Surface of water 395 406. 07 402.1 423.6 420.28 402 404 416. 23 409 411 418.87 412.3 430 422.54 414 432 416 423. 19 418 419 420 422 428. 57 425 431.35 449 427 449 429 432. 17 430 4.50 142.62 431 433 443. 1 1 438 44 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROEILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. Elevations on Broad, River from mouth to Harrison Bridge, 3 miles southwest of Carnes- ville — Continued. Distance in miles. 41.4 41.4 42.2 42.7 42.7 42.7 43.0 43.3 43.3 43.8 43.8 44.2 44.6 44.6 45.5 45.5 45.5 45.6 46.2 46.5 46.5 46.5 47.7 47.7 48.9 49.6 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.4 51.2 51.6 52.3 52.4 53.2 53.9 54.7 54.7 54.7 Mill Shoal Creek, mouth of, surface of water Surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Moore Ferry, west side of, large spruce oak tree, nail Moore Ferry, surface of water High water Moore Shoal, at spring, foot of shoals, surface of water Shoals, surface of water Moore Shoals, near head of, point on rock Browns Ferry, burnt stump northeast of river, nail in Browns Ferry, near head of Moors shoals, surface of water Moore Shoals, head of, surface of water Dudleys Shoals, east bank of river, point on rock Surface of water Dudley Ferry, black gum tree north side of ferry, nail in root Dudley Ferry, surface of water High-water mark Bryant Shoals, foot of, surface of water Bryant Shoals, head of, surface of water Sawmill, Spanish oak tree, 50 feet from river, nail in root of Surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Bluestone Creek, north side river, 1 .2 miles below Bluestone Creek, point on rock Surface of water Mouth of Bluestone Creek, surface of water Surface of water New Lattice Bridge, east side of river, nail in floor of Bridge floor Bridge, surface of water High-water mark Mouth of stream, foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Winters Creek, just below bend in river, surface of water, temporary bench mark Winters Creek, mouth of, head of shoals, surface of water Surface of water Mouth of stream, surface of water Bragg Ferry, 2 feet from river, nail in root large red oak tree Bragg Ferry, mouth of Hudson River, surface of water High-water mark LLL AND] HOYT. BROAD RIVER. 45 Elevations on Broad River from mouth to Harrison Bridge, 3 miles southwest of Carnes- ville — Continued. Surface of water Dove Bridge, southeast corner of, nail in side of white oak tree Dove Bridge, surface of water High water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Surface of water Creek, 60 feet southeast of mouth of, nail in white oak Creek, mouth of, surface of water Mouth of stream, surface of water. Middle Broad and Broad rivers, forks of, walnut tree 75 feet west of fork, nail in side Surface of water Double Bridge, northwest side of, nail in plank Surface of water. High-water mark Bridge floor Head of shoals, surface of water Surface of water .- Corey Creek, 0.6 mile below, large rock projecting out from bank point on Small shoals in river, surface of water Corey Creek, mouth of, surface of water Bend, on east side river, point on rock Surface of water Fish dam, surface of water Surface of water Bend in river, east side, point on rock cliff Philip Shoals, head of, surface of water Stephens Creek, mouth of, surface of water Ford, oak tree 75 feet north of, nail in north side of Surface of water Surface of water Harrison Bridge, east of, north of river, nail in root of Spanish oak t ree . Surface of water Bridge floor High-water mark Elevation in feet. 541 561.78 542 569 548 552 554 563. 30 556 556 575. 16 557 581. 11 563 576 584 570 573 581.02 580 581 591. 15 584 586 588 598. 59 591 592 603.49 593 594 607.07 596 613. 7 612 irr 115—05 4 46 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. SOUTH AND OCMULGEE RIVERS, FROM CONSTITUTION TO MACON, GA. South and Ocmulgee rivers were surveyed from Constitution to Macon, Ga. For the first 28 miles the topography was plotted on the scale of 1:45,000, but subseouently on the standard scale of 1 : 22,500. The levels are secondai levels based on the United States Geological Survey permanent bench mark at Constitution, Ga. Eighty-six bench marks were established and 200 water-surface elevations were recorded. South River rises in the city of Atlanta and flows in a south- easterly direction for 56| miles and then joins Yellow River to form the Ocmulgee. For 11 or 12 miles below Constitution, the begin- ning of the survey, the river is narrow, being about 15 feet wide at places. All along the north side of the river in this stretch are extensive beds of clay, which at certain points are being used for brickmaking. Flakes' mill, 11 miles from Constitution, is the first power now utilized on the river. At this point the dam is 6 feet high. Below for 6 miles the river remains shoaly and narrow until Flat Shoal is reached, where there is a fall of 12 feet with a small gristmill using a little of the power. Near here the river is very crooked and incloses in its large loops flat, sandy stretches of country, which are very fertile. Near Flat Shoal is Littlestone Mountain, with valuable granite quarries. At Albert Shoals, 7 miles farther down, there is a fall of 16 feet in half a mile. The river is here about 125 feet wide and the vol- ume is much increased by a number of tributary streams. The banks are sloping, with no rock visible. The power site has recently been purchased by a company which proposes to develop it. At Simm's mill, 3 miles below, is a small 2-foot dam. From here to Peachstone Shoals, a distance of 11 miles, there is a fall of 32 feet, the river winding through good bottom lands. Camp and Honey creeks enter the river in this stretch and add a large amount of water. At Peachstone Shoals is a 2-foot dam which backs the water for one-half mile, and with a canal about 400 feet long develops a head of about 9 feet, the power from which drives sev- eral turbines operating a grist and a saw mill. Soft rock is visible on the west bank, while the east bank is a flat sand bar. About 8 miles below are the Snapping Shoals, where there is a fall of 20 feet in a distance of 300 yards. Near the lower end of the rapids several small islands divide the channel into several parts. Solid rock is close to the surface on both sides of the river. A por- tion of the power at this point is used in operating a large roller flour mill and sawmill. Mr. DeLoach, the owner, is taking steps HA I.I. AND MOYT. SOUTH AND OCMULGEE RIVERS. 47 r 50 ~ to develop all the power and intends ereeting a large cutton factory at this point. Three miles below here is Island Shoal, with a fall of 10 feet in 250 yards. Here there is a flour mill and a furniture factory, both operated by a 3-foot dam with a canal 1/200 feet long. The head could be increased by adding 5 feet more to this dam without mate- rially damaging any property above. This site is an excellent loca- tion for power development, as the banks are high and solid and the length of the dam would probably not exceed 250 feet. Eight miles farther down is the Barnes Shoal, at the mouth of Yellow River. A dam here would be about 700 feet long. There are excellent foundations and about a 9-foot fall. Farther down the stream are Keys Shoils, with a 3-foot fall and several mi- nor riffles to Lloyds Shoals, which has a fall of 43 feet in about 2 J miles, at the lower end of which there is a good dam site. The river at this point is only about 350 feet wide, with solid rocky banks rising 50 feet on either side. A 45- foot dam at this point would do a trifling amount of damage to property above. Ten miles downstream is Smith Shoal, with a fall of 12 feet, where a 2-foot dam and a long canal at present run Smith's gristmill. At Lamars Shoals, 2 miles below, there is a fall of 19 feet in 1 mile with a 5-foot dam and a canal running a flour mill. The river is here about 1 ,000 feet wide, with high, rocky banks, and has a number of small islands and large rocks scattered all through it. Twelve miles far- ther down, at Juliette, Ga., is an important shoal which has been developed by Doctor Glover. There is a 15-foot fall in one-half mile, which has been developed by an 8-foot dam with a short canal, 00 > O o < o .2 o (jj o -t-3 o CO w Dabney Bridg 300 fe 50 Miles 5 10 L5 '20 Fig. 6.— Profile of South and Oemulgee rivers from Consti- tution to Macon, Ga. 48 KIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. and runs the Glover cotton mills and the Juliette Milling Company's plant. Twelve miles below are Dames Shoals, with an 8-foot fall in 600 feet. A 6-foot dam at this point supplies Carstarphens gristmill, which is a large wholesale plant. The bed of the river here is solid rock, but a higher dam would flood valuable bottom lands above. Popes Shoals have a 5-foot fall in a quarter of a mile, and Taylor's shoals have a 5-foot fall within a few hundred yards. The elevations in the following lists are based upon an aluminum tablet at the Washington street entrance of the State capitol build- ing at Atlanta marked " 1050 MC," the elevation of which is accepted as 1,049.546 feet above mean sea level. The leveling on South and Ocmulgee rivers is adjusted to accord with elevations of precise level bench marks at Constitution, Holton, and Macon, Ga., by the 1903 adjustment. The leveling was done in 1903, under the direction of F. A. Franck, field assistant, by Joseph Palmer, level man. Elevations on South River from Constitution to junction with Yellow River River) near Worthville. of Ocmulgee Distance in miles. 0.0 .0 2 2 2.8 2.8 7 7 10 12.6 12.6 16.3 16.3 20.6 20.6 23.6 23.6 25.3 26.4 26.4 Constitution, 25 feet south of Southern Railroad, 4 feet east of sign- board, iron post marked " 847 Morehead 1898 " Surface of water Intrenehment Creek, mouth of, nail in root of black gum Surface of water McNeals Bridge, nail in root of sycamore tree Surface of water Kellers Bridge, north end, iron bolt Surface of water Shoal Creek bridge, surface of water Flake's mill, nail in root of birch tree Surface of water Flat Shoal Bridge, south side of river, east side of approach, on stone abutment Surface of water Foot of shoal. Parkers Bridge, nail in root of sweet-gum tree Surface of water Daniels Bridge, lower side, right end of, point of stone pier Surface of water Simms Bridge, surface of water Knight Creek, 50 feet above mouth, on root of sycamore, nail Surface of water Elevation in feet. 847. 006 772 773. 77 770 769. 57 768 751. 92 750 737 733. 26 728 708. 71 698 686 678. 76 672 667. 97 649 635 639. 28 629 ML AND"] SOUTH AND OCMULGEE RIVERS. 49 Elevations on South River jrom Constitution to junction with Yellov) River (head of Ocmulgee River) near Worthville — Continued. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 31 Oglesbys Bridge, 25 feet above, nail in root of oak tree . . 622. 02 614 605. 71 31 Surface of water 36 Peachstone Falls, nail in root of water oak. . 36 41 41 Peachstone Shoals, head of, surface of water Peachstone Shoals, foot of, surface of water Butler Bridge, 30 feet below, nail in root of red-oak tree Surface of water 597 589 587. 15 569 43 Snapping Shoals, head of, surface of water 562 559. 66 542 536 43.1 Snapping Shoals Bridge, 40 feet from north approach, on root of water oak Snapping Shoals, foot of, surface of water 45.3 45. 3 50.8 50. 8 52.1 52.1 Island Shoals Bridge, near south approach of, nail in root of white oak Surface of water Manns Bridge, on south side of river, 20 feet below, nail in root of hickory tree Surface of water Yellow River, mouth of, opposite, nail in root of pine tree Surface of water 534. 89 525 518. 49 503 506. 94 Elevations on Ocmulgee River jrom head, at junction of South and Yelhnr rivers, near Worth- ville, to Macon. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 0.0 .0 4.1 4.1 6.4 7.4 7.4 7.9 7.9 9.2 9.2 Yellow River, opposite mouth of, nail in root of pine 506. 94 Surface of water 498 Alcovy River, opposite mouth of, nail in root of large while oak" 494. 27 Surface of water 484 Tusahaw Creek, mouth of, head of Lloyds Shoals, nail in root of water oak ' I 4X2. 12 Surface of water Lloyds Shoals, foot of, surface of water. Pittmans Ferry, near south side of, nail in root of beech tree Surface of water Yellow Water Creek, 30 feet above mouth of, nail in root of hickory t ree 172 429 434.96 125 433. 97 Surface of water 422 Giles Ferry, nail in root of pine tree '■ 430. 01 Surface of water 420 50 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. Elevations on Ocmulgee River from head, at junction of South and. Yellow rivers, near Worth- ville, to Macon — Continued. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 9.2 10.7 10.9 10.9 11.9 11.9 14.1 14.1 17.8 17.8 19.4 19.4 22.5 22.5 22.9 22.9 24.4 24.4 25.4 25.9 27.3 27.3 28.5 28.5 32.4 32.4 33.9 33.9 34.9 35 36.4 36.4 36.9 36.9 36.9 37.9 37.9 Smiths Shoals, head of, surface of water Smiths Shoals, foot of, surface of water Smiths Ferry, on south side, 20 feet above landing, nail in root of ash tree Surface of water Lemars Shoals, head of, surface of water Lemars Shoals, foot of, surface of water Goodmans Ferry, south side of river, nail in root of large red oak tree. . Surface of water Wards Ferry, south side of river, nail in root of water oak Surface of water Big Sandy Creek, Southern Railway bridge over, 4 feet south of rail, 2 feet from east end bridge, point on stone pier Surface of water Bridges Ferry, south side of river, nail in root of large water oak tree. . Surface of water South bank river, 10 feet from water, nail in root of large oak tree .... Surface of water Towaliga River, south bank at mouth of, nail in root of red oak Surface of water. Glovers Shoals, head of, surface of water Glovers Shoals, foot of, surface of water Glovers Ferry, 10 feet south of west approach, nail in root of beech tree Surface of water Mitchells Ferry, 10 feet south of west end, nail in root of red oak tree. Surface of water 25 feet from river, opposite milepost, nail in root of thunderwood tree. Surface of water Danns Ferry, 10 feet south of west end of, nail in root of ash tree Surface of water Carstarphens Shoals and dam, head of, surface of water Foot of dam, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Rum Creek, north abutment west end of Southern Railway bridge over Surface of water Popes Station, in front of, top of west rail Popes Ferry, south end of, nail in root of water oak. Surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water HALL HOYT , AND I IYT. J OCMULGEE AND YELLOW RIVERS. 51 Elevations on Ocmvlgee River from head, at junction of South and Yellow rivers, near Worth- ville, to Macon — Continued. Distance in miles. 41.9 41.9 47.7 47.7 49.9 49.9 54.9 Holton, 35 foot north of station: 29 feet west of center of track, iron post marked ' ' 339 Morehead 1898 " Surface of water ^ Virgin, west rail of upper switch of Southern Railway at Surface of water Macon waterworks, just below, 30 feet east of track, 100 feet below mouth of small creek on south side of river, nail in root of pine tree Surface of water Macon, post-office building, at corner of Mulberry and Third streets, at left of Mulberry street entrance, in water table, aluminum tablet marked ' ' 334 Morehead 1898 " Elevation in feet, 338. 733 299 322. 52 282 301.88 278 333. 942 YELLOW RIVER BELOW YELLOW RIVER, GA. Yellow River was surveyed from its mouth, near Worthville, Ga., upstream to Simmons's mill, near Yellow River, Ga., a distance of 57 miles. The scale upon which the field work is plotted is 1 : 22,500. During the course of the survey 54 bench marks were established and 103 water-surface elevations obtained. Yellow River flows in a southeasterly direction and contains some valuable power sites, both developed and in a natural condition. One-half mile above its mouth are the Indian Fishery Shoals, where there is a fall of 12 feet in about 200 feet. The river is here about 300 feet wide, but a narrow neck projecting just below the shoals and several rocky islands considerably reduce the probable expense of construction. There is a gristmill and a cotton gin in operation here, using perhaps nine-tenths of the available power. For 18 miles above the river runs between high banks, alternating with low bottoms to Langdon Shoals, without any marked shoals except at Lees, where there is a fall of 2\ feet, and Flat Shoals, with a 1-foot fall. Langdon Shoals have only a 4-foot fall. Three miles above, at Porterdale, is the finest power site on the river, where extensive developments have been made by the Bibb Manufacturing Company, which has a large cotton and twine factory .at this point. Here there is a fall of 67 feet in half a mile, with a 12-foot dam at the upper end of the shoal. The banks at the foot ■are very high, but gradually become lower until just above the dam large bottoms begin and continue for 5 miles. Five miles above the Georgia Railroad is the next power, McDaniels Shoals, where there is a 7-foot fall in a very short distance, and a 6-foot dam operat- ing a gristmill. The north bank is solid rock, sloping gently, but 52 KIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. the south bank shows no outcrop. The power developed by this dam could be much increased with small cost. Above this point the bottoms become narrower and the river banks more rugged and higher until at Milstead, Ga., 4J miles above, there is a fall of 45 feet in half a mile. A 15-foot dam, with canal, is completed here, and two large cotton factories are being constructed. Railroad facilities have recently made this a valuable site for mills, and a large granite quarry has been opened up at the same point. Eleven miles above are Anniestown Shoals, with a 23-foot fall, where there is an 11-foot dam, which formerly supplied power used to operate a cotton mill of the old type. The banks here are all hard, unseamed rock, and the site could be developed into valuable property. Two and one-half miles above are some shoals with a 14-foot fall in half a mile. The power is undeveloped, but is in a rather inaccessible oj «* 03 i * > s o . • J3« 42 CO** 03 ^w^' 1°!' 03 £c" w » P 3 s o Q to s" 03 03 O CO 2| „ .SO a d co >H "5 o T3 d r" s _£_ « CO s 6 o XI) to "3 o GO »d pi d to CO O GO. •m 03 > s 03 bo PQ 03* 03 A O ■ O 03 OiJ S3 -H 03 A cS 03 o o Pi 1-1 03 u O o A W "o >> 03 03 "C PQ 1-3 Pj o go / J Miles i ) 1 1 5 2 2 5 3 3 5 4 4 5 5 5^ 1,250 1,000 75Q Fig. 8.— Profile of Alcovy River below Dabney's bridge, Georgia. The construction of dams at any other points than those described would result in the sacrifice of much valuable bottom land. The soil is very fertile, and splendid crops of cotton on the high lands and corn in the bottoms are grown on both sides of the river. With better drainage, however, a much larger amount of land could be reclaimed and made valuable for cultivation. The elevations in the following list are based upon an aluminum tablet at the Washington street entrance of the State capitol building at Atlanta marked "1050 M C," the elevation of which is accepted as 1,049.546 feet above mean sea level, as determined by the 1903 adjustment. The initial point of this list is a bench mark of flying levels on Ocmulgee River. The leveling was done in 1903, under the direction of F. A. Franck, field assistant, by Joseph Palmer, levelman. HA i!ovt NI> ] ALCOVY RIVER. 57 Elevations on Alcovy River, from mouth, near Worthville, to Dabney's bridge, near Starrsville. Alcovy River, mouth of, opposite, on west bank of Ocmulgce River, nail in root of white oak Surface of water Right bank of river, nail in root of ash tree Surface of water East bank of river, near water, nail in root of ash tree Surface of water Waters's bridge, spike in northeast corner Surface of water West side of river, near water, nail in root of ash tree Surface of water Left bank of river, nail in root of birch tree Surface of water .• Mackey Shoals, opposite foot of, on left bank, nail in root of ash tree. . Mackey Shoals, foot of, surface of water Mackey Shoals, head of, surface of water Mackey Second Shoals, opposite foot of, left bank, nail in root oi birch tree Mackey Second Shoals, foot of, surface of water Mackey Second Shoals, head of, surface of water Newton Factory Shoals, foot of, surface of water : . . . Dam at White's mill, on Newton Factory Shoals, opposite, nail in root of black gum Dam, foot of, surface of water Dam, top of, surface of water Newton Factory Bridge, on lower end of, on nut, top of bolt Surface of water Newton Factory Shoals, head of, surface of water Left bank of river, nail in root of red-oak tree Surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Left bank of river, nail in root of water oak Surface of water West bank, opposite shoals, nail in root of large beech tree Surface of water East bank river, nail in sweet-gum tree Left bank river, nail in root of water oak Surface of water Henderson's bridge and mill, right bank of river, near end of bridge, nail in root of post oak Surface of water Kiev;! t ion in feet. 494. 27 484 493. 73 487 498. 40 492 506.55 493 505.37 497 505. 51 500 512. 77 502 504 518. 50 505 508 509 562. 86 553 558 592. 81 582 592 619. 86 593 594 596 604. 59 597 604. 88 598 612. 85 620. 76 602 618. 99 604 58 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. Elevations' on Alcovy River, from mouth, near Worthville, to Dabney's bridge, near Starrs- ville — Con tinued . Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 15 15 18.3 18.3 Henderson's mill, foot of dam, surface of water Henderson's mill, head of dam, surface of water Dabney's bridge, west side of river, near end of, nail in root of water oak (raised cut with hatchet) Surface of water 607 613 627. 22 615 TOWALIGA RIVER BELOW HIGHFALLS, GA. Towaliga River was surveyed from its mouth, near Berner, Ga., to Highfalls, Ga., a distance of 21.7 miles. The levels are based on a line carried down South and Ocmulgee rivers from Constitution earlier in the season. The plane-table sheets were all plotted on the scale of 1 : 22,500. Twelve bench marks were established and 23 water-surface elevations were determined. Towaliga River flows in a southeasterly direction and empties into Ocmulgee River. In the distance surveyed there is a fall of 194 leet, but with the exception of Highfalls there are few shoals or rapids. For 21 miles above its mouth the stream does not average more than 50 feet in width, and is very shallow. It is swift and has a clean bed. At Highfalls there is a drop of 95 feet in a distance of 3,000 feet, in the middle of which there is a sudden drop of 42 feet, known as the Highfalls. This is an excellent dam site, for, although during the normal stage of water the volume is small, there are splendid facilities to store the water above, as the bottom is widened out into a natural basin. A flour mill has been in operation here for over one hundred years, but it uses only a trifling part of the power. It is now proposed to erect a 25-foot dam at this point to supply electric power for a railway to Indian Springs, Ga., a summer resort 8 miles from High- falls, and also for lighting the town of Forsythe, 14 miles to the southwest. Property for 6 miles above the falls has been purchased for a storage basin. Between Highfalls and the mouth of the river there are good bottom lands, but the country is thinly settled and most of it is still in timber. The principal crops are cotton and corn. The elevations in the following list are based upon an aluminum tablet at the Washington street entrance of the State capitol building at Atlanta, marked " 1050 MC," the elevation of which is accepted as 1,049.546 feet above mean sea level, as determined by the 1903 adjustment. The initial point of this list is a bench mark of flying levels on Ocmulgee River. HALL AND - ] HOYT. TO WALTCI A RIVER. 59 The leveling was done in 1003, under the direction of F. A, Franck, field assistant, by Joseph Palmer, levelman. Miles BO c3 § © * cr? (D c3 Fn 1 be O W 1 / 6C PQ c5 o Fn o O Pi Q o rt 3 — - H^_^ T)(l 500 § 250 10 15 20 Fig. 9— Profile of Towaliga below Highfalls, Ga. Elevations on Towaliga River from mouth, near Berner, to Highfalls. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 0.0 Towaliga River, mouth of , on south side between railroad track and river, nail in root of water oak 379. 34 .0 Surface of water 367 1.7 Lamars Bridge, near east end of, nail in root of beech tree 381. 99 1.7 Surface of water 371 2.2 2.2 Small creek on west bank, mouth of, nail in root of ash tree Surface of water 377. 38 373 376 111'. 15 379 382 412. SO 386 399. 49 393 3.7 Surface of water 4 West bank, 50 feet from river, nail in root of large pine tree 4 Surface of water 4.6 Surface of water 6 6 Hunting Shoal Bridge, stone pier, on north end of bridge, iron bolt . . Surface of water 7 7 North bank, 10 feet from river, twin water oak, nail in root of Surface of water 60 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 116. Elevations on Towaliga River from mouth, near Berner, to Highfalls — Continued. Distance in miles. 8.8 8.8 9.5 10.5 10.5 11.8 11.8 12.3 12.3 13.3 13.3 14 14.1 15 15.1 15 15.5 15.6 16 16 16.1 17.4 17.4 17.5 17.5 18 18 18.5 .0 18.7 .0 19.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.3 21.3 21.7 .0 Jacksons Bridge, west bank of river, large poplar tree, nail in root of. Surface of water Surface of water West bank of river, creek, 100 yards above mouth of, 10 feet from river, nail in root of pine tree Surface of water. „ Wilsons Bridge, 10 feet below east approach, nail in root of water oak. Surface of water West bank, on water oak Surface of water North and South forks of North Fork, 100 yards above junction of, nail in root of birch tree Surface of water , Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Opposite shoals, north bank; nail in root of birch tree Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Morans Bridge, on north bank, 20 feet east of, nail in root of white oak Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Opposite shoals, nail in root of willow Surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Tobes Creek, mouth of, nail in root of pine Surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Small shoals, surface of water Head of small shoals, surface of water Branch, south bank, 20 feet above mouth of, nail in root of birch tree . . Long shoals, foot of, south bank, nail in white oak tree Surface of water Highfalls Shoals, foot of, surface of water Highfalls, head of Highfalls Shoals, surface of water Highfalls, wagon bridge over Towiliga River, west side north ap- proach to, top of iron bolt Old dam, opposite, head of long shoals, surface of water Highfalls, high-water mark HALL HOYT ; y t ND ] RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. 61 CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER FROM CHESTATEE TO SAUTEE, GA. A survey of the upper Chattahoochee River between Chestatee and Sautee, Ga., a distance of 55 miles, was made during July and August, 1903. Between these two points a fall of 387 feet was found, the greater part of which is above the mouth of Soque River. During the survey 25 bench marks were established and 90 water- surface elevations determined. The plane-table sheets were plotted on a scale of 1 : 22,500. The original elevations for the levels were based upon an assumed elevation near Gainesville, Ga., but, as published herein, they have been reduced to mean sea level. Above the mouth of Chestatee River for 10 miles are a number of small shoals aggregating a fall of 28 feet. Ten miles above the mouth of the Chestatee, Little River empties from the north, and at this point are the first good shoals, where there is a fall of 7 feet in a distance of 300 yards. A quarter of a mile above this point the North Georgia Electric Company is constructing a dam 36 feet high, which is to supply electric power. The backwater from this dam will extend 8 miles upstream, to just above Clarks Bridge. One half mile above this point is a shoal having a 9-foot fall in half a mile. Just above this shoal are Reynolds Shoals, with a fall of 6 feet in 250 yards. There is a good power site at this point, as the banks and bottom are hard rock. From here to Mud Creek, 3 miles, there is a uniformly distributed fall of 15 feet, while just above the mouth of Mud Creek there is a good dam site. A dam here would be about 300 feet long, but the height could be 40 to 50 feet or more, if desired. The next shoal of importance is Mountain Island Shoal. It gives a fall of 8 feet in half a mile. Here the river flows around the island between banks 100 feet high. A dam at the lower end would be 300 feet long. Perkins Shoals come next, 2 miles upstream, with a fall of 6 feet, and just above them is a shoal with a 7-foot fall. These could be used together. From here to the mouth of Soque River is a uniform fall of 11 feet, and just above the mouth of the Soque there is a fall of 8 feet in 650 feet. For the next 3 miles there is a continuous succession of shoals, with a fall of 74 feet. The river flows in a narrow gorge of hard, unseamed rock, and at several points dams could easily be constructed. Above this point the river narrows very greatly, and is full of small shoals as far as Nacoochee Valley. From the valley to the end of the survey there are no falls or shoals. Nacoochee Valley is very fertile and grain and grasses are raised. A large quantity of timber is still standing along the river, especially in the upper half of the valley. The elevations in the following list are based upon an aluminum tablet at Nacoochee, marked " 1349 Atlanta," in a ledge of rock 200 irr 115 — 05 5 62 KIVER SURVEYS ATO) PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. feet west of ford of Chattahoochee River, the elevation of which is now accepted as 1,348.269 feet above mean sea level. The adjustment of this line was accomplished in conjunction with leveling on Chestatee and Soque rivers, tied at Willow and Clarks- ville, respectively, and by an extra check at Pole to primary-level circuits, and accords with the 1903 adjustment of the precise-level net. The leveling was done in 1903, under the direction of F. A. Franck, field assistant, by Joseph Palmer, levelman. 750 « o a e3 P ft [West Point, Ga. r ' o. _2 to o o o J* & (3 •Ss 05 JZ a so a -cs , o ■S ©J3 y>*$ 3 J3 S3 J: a a 3 a M ._- 5 Miles 6 ) > ''. "> :: I '.' % ■> i l i » ( Fig. 11.— Profile of Chattahoochee River from Chattahoochee to Franklin, Ga. the north side of the river. This section of the river has a width of about 300 feet, but in some places widens to over 1,000 feet. Valuable and extensive bottom lands are under high cultivation, principally cotton and corn being raised, but the transportation facilities are very poor. The overflow from the river several times a year spreads a slimy sediment over the bottom which seems to act as a rich fertilizer. For 4 miles below Chattahoochee there are valuable clay beds on the south side of the river, which have been excavated to a depth of 10 feet for brick manufacture. The elevations in the following list are based on an aluminum tablet at the Washington street entrance to the State capitol build- ing at Atlanta, marked " 1050 M C," the elevation of which is now accepted as 1,049.546 feet above mean sea level. The line is adjusted to accord at each end, Oakdale and Franklin, with corrected primary elevations in accord with the 1903 adjustment. The leveling was done in 1903, under the direction of F. A. Franck, field assistant, by Joseph Palmer, level man. 68 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. Elevations on Chattahoochee River from Chattahoochee to Franklin. [NO. 115. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 0.0 Oakdale, in front of station, main track, top of south rail 809. 20 .0 Surface of water 740 .5 Left bank of river, on root of willow tree 741. 82 .5 Surface of water 739 1.6 M'ason and Turner Ferry, near east approach to, on root to hickory tree 754. 38 1.6 Surface of water , 738 3.4 Old ferry, 10 feet from left bank, on root of sycamore tree 751.35 3.4 Surface of water , 736 4.1 Left bank, 20 feet above bridge, on root of water oak 752. 94 4.1 Surface of water 735 5.4 Left bank, 40 feet from river, on root of walnut tree 755. 10 5.4 Surface of water 732 6.4 Left bank, 30 feet from river, on root of walnut tree 746. 41 6.4 730 7.4 Left bank, 40 feet from river, on root of walnut tree 752. 90 7.4 Surface of water 729 8.4 Left bank, 20 feet from river, on root of sweet gum tree 742. 16 8.4 Surface of water 727 10.3 Adaholts Ferry, mouth of Sweetwater Creek, opposite, on root of large svcamore tree 744. 73 10.3 Surface of water 726 11.3 Left bank, 30 feet from river, on root of large walnut tree 747. 58 11.3 Surface of water 725 12.8 12.8 Dupree Ferry, left bank, 15 feet from river, on root of elm tree. . . . Surface of water 738. 09 723 14.8 Left bank, 70 feet from river, on root of walnut tree 746. 29 14.8 Surface of water 721 16.6 Camp Creek, mouth of, on root of ash tree . 736. 13 16.6 Surface of water 720 17 Left bank, 20 feet from river, on root of walnut tree 741.78 17 Surface of water . . 719 17.9 Campbellton Ferry, 10 feet from river, left bank, on root of syca- more tree. 728. 69 17.9 Surface of water 719 20.6 Brock's ferry, 10 feet from river, left bank, on root of white oak tree 730. 49 20.6 Surface of water 716 21.2 21.2 Redmens Shoals, left bank, 10 feet from river on root of sycamore tree . Surface of water . 728. 58 716 21.3 Redmens Shoals, foot of, surface of water 714 21.7 Pea Creek, mouth of, surface of water 714 HALL AN HOYT. D ] CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER. 69 Elevations on Chattahoochee River from Chattahoochee to Franklin — Continued. Distance ' in miles. Elevation in feet. 22 Rivertown Ferry, left bank, 10 feet from river, on root of syca- more tree 720. 64 22 Surface of water 714 23.4 Pumpkintown Ferry, left bank, 15 feet from river, on large birch tree . 727.94 23.4 Surface of water . . 712 24.5 Bear Creek, mouth of, on root of poplar tree 730. 35 24.5 Surface of water 712 25.6 Left bank, 40 feet from river, on root of walnut tree 725.50 25.6 Surface of water 710 28.1 28.1 Defer's ferry, left bank, 15 feet from river, on large birch tree Surface of water 722.92 709 29.6 29.6 Jones Ferry, left bank, 15 feet from river, on root of pine tree Surface of water '. 718. 60 706 30 30.9 Ballard Shoals, 10 feet from river, left bank, on root of willow tree. . Ballard Shoals, head of, surface of water 711.13 705 31.1 Ballard Shoals, foot of, surface of water 704 31.4 Madeira Shoals, head of, surface of water 704 31.8 Madeira Shoals, opposite, on right bank, on root of white oak, side of rock bluff. 716. 81 31.8 Madeira Shoals, surface of water 702 32.1 33.4 Wolf Creek, mouth of, foot of Madeira Shoals, surface of water Hutchinson's ferry, right bank, 20 feet from river, on root of maple tree 698 709.12 33.4 Surface of water 694 35.1 35.1 Long Island, upper end of, head of shoals, surface of water Right bank, head of shoals, in root of pine tree. . 692 709. 11 36 Long Island, opposite lower end of, foot of shoals, nail in root of water oak tree 703. 37 36 Surface of water 689 37.5 Snake Creek, right bank, 10 feet from river, 100 yards above mouth, on root of willow tree 696. 72 37.5 Surface of water 688 38.6 38.6 Moores Ferry, right bank, on root of large birch tree Surface of water 702. 85 686 39.2 Shoals, head of, surface of water 685 39.3 40.1 Shoals, foot of, surface of water Central, of Georgia, Railroad bridge over river, right bank, 40 feet above bridge, on root of willow tree 684 692. 12 40.1 Surface of water 684 40.1 Shoals, foot of, surface of water 683 40.7 Opposite right bank, nail on root of poplar tree. . 699.76 40.7 Surface of water 682 70 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. Elevations on Chattahoochee River from Chattahoochee to Franklin — Continued. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 41.4 41.4 41.7 41.8 42.6 42.7 43 43.6 43.9 43.9 44.9 45.4 45.4 46.1 46.1 49 49 50 50 50.7 50.7 50.9 53.1 53.1 55 55.3 55.3 56.3 56.9 56.9 57.5 58.5 58.5 59 59 60 60.2 60.8 61 62 Reese's ferry, right bank, on root of ash tree Surface of water _• . Head of Shoals, surface of water Foot of Shoals, surface of water Fridell Shoals, head of, surface of water Fridell Shoals, foot of, surface of water Foot of bluff, right bank of river, nail in root of sweet gum tree. . . Hanson Shoals, head of, surface of water Houston Ferry, nail in root of catalpa tree Surface of water Mcintosh Reserve Shoals, head of, surface of water Mcintosh Reserve Shoals, foot of, right side of bank, nail in root of sweet gum tree Mcintosh Reserve Shoals, foot of, surface of water Culpepper, mouth of, on root of red oak tree Surface of water . Whooping Creek, mouth of, nail in root of birch tree Surface of water Brown's ferry, right bank, nail in root of walnut tree Surface of water. , Yellow Dirt Creek, right bank, nail in root of sweet gum tree Surface of water Yellow Dirt Creek, mouth of, surface of water Hollingsworth Ferry, right bank, nail in root of water oak tree. .. Surface of water Pink Creek, mouth of, surface of water. Right bank, on nail in root of sweet gum tree Surface of water Fishtrap Shoals, head of, surface of water Fishtrap Shoals, right bank, opposite center of shoals, elm tree, nail in root of Fishtrap Shoals, surface of water Fishtrap Shoals, foot of, surface of water Bushhead Shoals, opposite upper island, nail in root of birch Bushhead Shoals, head of, surface of water Bushhead Shoals, foot of, on side of bluff, nail in root of white oak. Bushhead Shoals, foot of, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water. Head of shoals, surface of water. ; HALL ANDl HOYT. J CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER. 7l Elevations on Chattahoochee River from Chattahoochee to Franklin — Continued. Distance in miles 62.2 63.8 63.8 64 64.5 64.7 65 Foot of shoals, surface of water Centralhatchee Creek, opposite mouth of, nail in root of birch .... Surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Franklin, wagon bridge, surface of water Franklin, on rivet on top left iron pier of east approach of wagon bridge Franklin, in south side of court-house, bronze tablet marked " 695 A" Elevation in feet. 628 633. 49 628 627 626 655. 17 694. 742 CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER FROM WEST POINT TO COLUMBUS, GA. Chattahoochee River was surveyed from West Point to Columbus, Ga., a distance of 37 miles, in which there is a fall of 361 feet. Dur- ing the work 5 bench marks were established and 35 water-surface elevations obtained. The survey was plotted on the scale of 1 : 22,500, and was accompanied by a flying-level line based on a United States Geological Survey tablet at West Point, Ga. For 4 miles below West Point the river is sluggish. At Langdale, Ala., there is a wing dam with 9 feet head, operating a knitting mill. The dam is loosely built of light lumber, connecting a number of small islands, and a large amount of water goes to waste. Probably the best site for a permanent structure at Langdale is about one-half mile below the present mill, where a head of 18 feet would back water to just below West Point. A dam as proposed above would not, except in time of flood, spread the backwater beyond the present banks of the river. Between Langdale and Riverview, where there is another knitting mill, there is a continuous network of small islands. At Riverview there is a 9-foot wing dam similar to that at Langdale, but it fur- nishes even less water, as the eastern channel is broader. From Riverview to Columbus the river is one continuous shoal, and the choice of sites for dam construction rests on minor details rather than amount of power. Some of the best sites are just below Houstons Ferry, 3£ miles from Riverview, where a 24-foot dam would have good ledge-rock foundations for the 480 feet of river bed, while the ordinary red clay of the region appears on the banks. Three miles farther downstream, about 1 mile below Blantons Ferry, is another site, but a dam here would flood a good deal of 72 KIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. bottom land. For 4 miles below here is one of the swiftest and roughest parts of the river. There is a good site at the end of the stretch, just below the Big Bull Slough, and another one-third of a mile above Bartlett's old ferry. The former could probably be developed into a valuable plant, supplying power to West Point, Lanett, Hamilton, Opelika, and a score of smaller towns, all less than 25 miles from this point. A dam probably could be built here with a head of 70 feet. The river bottom is ledge rock, with some bowlders, and the shores are of the same rock covered with more or less soil. A dam 70 feet high would back the water nearly to Mountain Oak Creek. Many of the islands in the river would be flooded. Some of them are large and cultivated to some extent. There would also be some flooding of bottom lands on both sides of the river, but no lands of pronounced value would be destroyed. About 5f miles farther downstream, at what is known locally as Goats Rock, a dam very similar to the above could be constructed. The shore lines are very precipitous and ledge rock outcrops on both banks. A head of 70 feet would utilize all the available power between this point and the proposed dam 5f miles above. Seven and one-half miles below is the beginning of what is known as the old Clapp factory falls. This is one of the best rapids on the river. Unfortunately, the river is exceptionally wide and the construction of a dam would be expensive. The old mill derived its power by means of a wing dam which has not been used upward of fifteen years. A dam here, backing the water up to Goat Rock, and a canal carrying it to the foot of the falls, will give a total head of about 77 feet. The river bottom is ledge rock, and the shores are the same covered with several feet of soil. One and one-fourth miles below the old Clapp factory is the dam of the Columbus Power Company. This dam has a head of 32 feet, developed by a stone concrete dam, below which the tailrace has been deepened and separated from the river by a stone wall. Part of the power is utilized by the large cotton mill of the company, situated on the east bank of the river. The balance is distributed about the city of Columbus. One and one-fourth miles farther down the stream is what is called the city mill dam, with 9| feet head. It is a wooden structure and needs constant attention, furnishing power to the city of Columbus and to a gristmill. Three-fourths of a mile below is a stone dam kept in good repair and owned by the Eagle and Phoenix Company, one of the largest cotton manufacturing companies in the South. Just below this dam is the head of navigation for steamboats. The elevations in the following list are based upon a bronze tablet in west abutment of Altanta and West Point Railroad bridge over Chattahoochee River at West Point. The elevation of this, as HALL AND HOYT. CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER. 73 determined by a net of primary levels, extended from Rome, Ga., a point on the precise-level net, is 573.193 feet above mean sea level, in accord with the 1903 corrected elevation of that place. The leveling was done under the direction of I. T. Fitch, field assistant, by W. H. Sallee, levelman. 1,500 y, — i to SS P o "8 "2 5 (3 g ^ o 2 o o (O 55 «*H CD fcH p 73 (8 /^ i 88 a" a d m a o a" O i ,0 Q U -o -d i £ =4-1 00 OB £D en 5 / £ *\ a" c3 rC ^ 03 ci> cm 3 co 13 & P a CD a c5 A as O £> o U Sh fl >a fc< o P3 O o be o ts o p3^-^ 3 >-j - 1,250-2 o3 02 1,000 "g '50 Miles 5 ^ i" on "* in 35 40 45 50 Fig. 12.— Profile of Chattahoochee River from West Point to Columbus, Ga. Elevations on Chattahoochee River from West Point to Columbus, Ga. (single spur line] Distance in miles. 0.0 .0 .0 3.1 6 6 6 8.6 8.6 8.6 West Point, in west abutment of Atlanta and West Point Railroad bridge over Chattahoochee River, bronze tablet marked "573 A" . . Highway bridge, surface of water Tidewater elevation corresponding to zero of local hydrographic sta- tion West Point, opposite, in Alabama, United States engineers' bench mark, 1,000 feet north of highway bridge, 100 feet east of road inter- section, west bank of river, 75 feet from water, iron monument sunk in ground Long Cane Creek, surface of water Langdale, Ala., 90 feet south of Moores Creek, in factory lawn between factory and track, top of hydrant Elevation in feet. 573. 193 551 549 564.28 549 548.54 Langdale, pond at, surface of water 542. 1 Langdale, below dam, surface of water 533 Riverview, mill pond, surface of water 532 Riverview, below mill pond, surface of water 522 Riverview, opposite, in Alabama, northwest corner of cotton mill, 35 feet southwest of, 50 feet south of dam, top of double-orifice hydrant . 534. 94 74 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. Elevations on Chattahoochee River from West Point to Columbus, Ga. {single spur line) — Continued. Distance in miles. 12 14.4 16.6 20.3 23.7 34.7 34.7 35.9 36.1 36.1 37 37 Houstons Ferry, surface of water Blantons Ferry, west side of river, 200 feet from edge of water, 25 feet east of poplar tree, wagon road, top of knob, south side of blazed tree Dixons Ferry, surface of water Bartletts old ferry, 50 feet northwest of west bank of river, top of ledge, rock 18 feet from water Mulberry Creek, Georgia, surface of water Columbus Power Company, mill pond, surface of water Columbus Power Company, below pond, surface of water Columbus, mill pond of city milldam, surface of water Columbus, below mill pond of city milldam, surface of water ....... Columbus, above Eagle and Phoenix Company dam, surface of water . . Columbus, below Eagle and Phoenix Company dam, surface of water . . Columbus, beneath highway covered bridge, surface of water Girard, Ala., Broad and Sixth streets, southeast corner of intersection, bucket and windlass well, 45 feet east of, top of stone guard post at Wm. C. Bill's saloon Elevation in feet. 497 508. 74 483 404. 78 363 260 240 226 216 216 200 190 255. 14 SOQUE RIVER BELOW CLARKSVILLE, GA. Soque River was surveyed from its mouth, near View, Ga., to Clarksville, Ga., a distance of 8 miles. The levels were based on a line carried up Chattahoochee River from Gainesville, Ga., and the field sheets were platted on the scale of 1 : 22,500. The first power is 5 J miles above its mouth and 1 mile below from Bert. Here there is an undeveloped fall of 6 feet in about 50 yards. The south bank is hard rock; the north bank is not very high, but seems to be solid rock. The best site for a dam is probably at the lower end of the falls. A dam here would be about 380 feet long and not over 7 feet high, or the water would back up over the lower end of more valuable shoals above. At Bert, Ga., are the Porter Shoals, which have a drop of 48 feet — far the best waterfall on the river. A small wing dam develops power to operate Porter's woolen and cotton factory, 4 miles from Demorest, Ga., the nearest railroad point. About 500 feet upstream is Porter's upper shoal, at which there is a 15-foot fall partly developed by a small dam, and which sup- plies power for factory No. 2 of the same company. A much greater head would be obtained here by increasing the size of the dam. One and one-half miles above Bert is a splendid water-power site, known as the Old Factory Shoals, where there is a fall of 23 feet in a distance of 600 feet. There was a dam here at one time, but all HALL AND HOYT ND~| • J SOQUE RIVER. 75 signs of it have vanished. The river is about 350 feet wide and flows in several channels between small islands. Good sandstone outcrops on both banks. Just above this point the river bottoms widen and the farming lands are better between here and Clarksville, the end of the survey, than any point on the river. The elevations in the following list are based upon an aluminum tablet at the north side of east entrance to the court-house at Clarks- ville, marked " 1372 Atlanta/' the elevation of which is accepted as 1,371.991 feet above mean sea level, in accord with the 1903 adjust- ment of the precise-level net. The leveling was done in 1903, under the direction of F. A. Franck, field assistant, by Joseph Palmer, levelman. W3 eS a 3 © S3 "£,2 >t o © .2 © TR £h «c3 fn 03 T3 © A Or s 0> a> 00 c w al T) T) 4- O 3 ■n r m 4- O C< Tl o I w> m o C/l H > H en IH o« m XI < — o JJ CD m O! O iyi $ :> -i r 3 r o 5 -i ai I Reeds Landing \ Gov. dam, 1 ft. , >und Hill Caryville L ]au Claire i i \City of Chippewa \ ^ 1 \ 3runne Falls kj loleombe \ Flambeau o o irk 115—05- Feet above mean sea level -6 HA HOY Ji Y T ND ] CHESTATEE RIVER. 77 ruined from disuse. This is about the north boundary of the Dah- lonega gold field now under vigorous development. One mile downstream is an unnamed shoal, with a fall of 30 feet in 0.6 of a mile. The river runs between very steep banks of hard, unseamed rocks, and a 200-foot dam could be constructed here, abun- dant material being easily accessible. Just below Grinnells Ford is a splendid site, where the river sud- denly drops 47 feet in about 150 yards and passes through a narrow gorge. The river bed is of broken rock, and a dam at this point would be about 200 feet long. About 2 miles farther down is a drop of 11 feet in 100 yards. The river runs through a narrow gorge, but just above the valley widens enough to make a good storage basin. A dam would be about 225 feet long and could be built to almost any desired height. A pyrites mine here employs 50 men. Four miles below the Crown Gold Mining Company is erecting a 40-foot dam, known as the Gorge dam, to run hydraulic pumps for two placer mines.. This dam will back up the water for 2 J miles and will cover a number of small shoals. The river below here runs swiftly, but without important shoals for about 3| miles. It then enters the back water from Chestatee dam, which is 4 feet high, and supplies power for a gristmill, cotton gin, and hydraulic pump. Three miles farther down is a gold-stamping mill, the power for which is supplied by an 11-foot dam, which backs the water up as far as Iron Bridge just below the Chestatee dam. Six miles farther down is a 26-foot dam, built by the North Georgia Electric Company, at New- bridge, Ga., which supplies power for the traction system and lighting of the city of Gainesville, Ga., 15 miles away. A smaller dam, 4 feet high, just below the main structure, furnishes power for a gristmill and cotton gin. Below Newbridge, Ga., the river enters a more level country and runs with little fall to Bolden's bridge, 9 miles below, passing a 3-foot dam, which. is used to operate a small flouring mill, and a 6-foot dam, wnich supplies power for a large gristmill. In the remaining 8 miles there are no shoals or opportunities for power development. The sand in the bed of the river contains a large amount of gold, and placer mining on a considerable scale is one of the occupations of the people throughout this whole region. Nearly all of the important shoals which are undeveloped are con- trolled by the mining interests in the neighborhood. The upper part of the survey was through fairly heavy timber, but the lower end of the work was through land all under high cultivation. The river passes 3 miles from Dahlonega, the county seat of Lumpkin County. The elevations in the following list are based upon a bronze tablet 2.5 miles north of Willow, in rock on west side of river at fork of 78 EIVEE STJEVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. road, marked " 1529 Atlanta/' the elevation of which is accepted as 1,528.649 feet above mean sea level, in accord with the 1903 adjust- ment of the precise-level net. The leveling was done in 1903, under the direction of F. A. Franck, field assistant, by Joseph Palmer, levelman. Elevations on Chestatee River below Willow, Ga. Distance in miles. 2.5 .0 .0 .25 1 1 1.6 2.5 2.7 3 3 3.7 3.8 4 4 4.2 4.7 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.2 5.4 5.4 6 6.4 6.4 6.9 7.3 8 8.2 Willow, 2.5 miles north of, on west side of river, at fork of road, in rock, bronze tablet marked " 1529 Atlanta " Willow, near west end of bridge, walnut tree, nail in root of Surface of water Surface of water Foot of shoals, opposite, west side of river, nail in root of maple tree. . Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Right bank and 10 feet from river, nail in root of red oak tree Surface of water - Head of large shoals, surface of water Foot of large shoals, surface of water Shoals, opposite, right bank of river, nail in root of red oak Surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Sharp bend of river, right bank, nail in root of red oak Surface of water Crooked Shoal, head of, surface of water Crooked Shoal, foot of, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Left bank of river, opposite shoals, large white oak, nail in foot of Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, left bank, 60 feet below, nail in root of hickory Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Small creek, mouth of, opposite center of shoals, spruce pine, nail in root of Old dam, top of, surface of water Old dam, bottom of, surface of water Gannett Bridge, 10 feet below, on left bank river, nail in red oak. . . Elevation in feet. 1 528. 649 1 461. 37 1 454 1 449 1 447. 54 1 446 1 444 1 443 1 438 1 428 1 422 1 437. 94 1 416 1 415.5 1 406 1 425. 41 1 405 1 399 1 404. 53 1 394 1 390 1 386 1, 384 1, 378 1, 388. 79 1, 377 1, 353 1, 364. 25 1, 346 1, 328 1, 335. 59 1, 321 1, 317 1, 318. 35 HALL AN HOYT ND ] CHESTATEE RIVER. Elevations on Chestatee River below Willow, Ga. — Continued. 79 Surface of water Old gold-stamping mill, foot of bridge at, surface of water. Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, opposite, left bank river, nail in root of sweet gum tree Head of shoals, surface of water Grinnells Ford, foot of shoals, surface of water Grinnells Ford, in root of large birch tree, near ford, nail in root of . . Head ot shoals, surface of water Tesnatee River, mouth of, foot of shoals, surface of water Tesnatee River, mouth of, in fork between rivers, on side of rock bluff, in white oak tree, nail GrinnelPs lower ford, surface of water Grinnell's lower ford, on right bank 100 yards below ford, point of large rock, chisel mark Grinnell's lower ford, foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Right bank of river, nail in root of hickory tree Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Right bank river, pine tree, nail in root of Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water White oak tree, nail in root of Surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water. Foot of shoals, surface of water Gorge dam, above, head of shoals, surface of water Gorge dam, 40 feet below, right bank of river, nail in hickory tree. . Gorge dam, below dam, foot of shoals, surface of water Surface of water Bearden's bridge, top of stone pier on west approach, iron bolt. .. Surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Surface of water Chestatee dam, top of, surface of water Chestatee dam, foot of, surface of water Iron Bridge, 60 feet below, beech t pee, nail in root of Elevation in feet. 1 309 1 305 1 304 1 296 1 303. 10 1 293 1 263 1 265. 45 1 262 1 215 1 231.37 1 209 1 218. 11 1 207 1 206 1 201 1 214. 34 1 200 1 189 1 187 1 174 1 183.54 1 169 1 163 1 166. 95 1 160 1 155 1 150 1 149 1 159. 21 1 L38 1 133 1 150. 10 1 130 1 125 1 122 1 119 1 ,115 1 , 121. 86 80 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. Elevations on Chestatee River below Willow, Ga.— Continued. Distance in miles. 20.6 22.8 23.9 23.9 24.2 25.1 25.1 26.1 26.2 26.8 27.9 30 30.2 30.2 31.3 31.3 32.5 32.5 33.4 33.4 33.5 34.7 35.7 35.7 35.8 36.7 36.9 38.5 38.8 39.6 Iron Bridge, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water. Surface of water Gold-stamping mill, top of dam, surface of water Foot of dam, surface of water Gold-stamping mill, persimmon tree near, nail in root of Branch, near mouth of, nail in root of red oak Surface of water Foot of small shoals, surface of water Brierpatch Bridge, south side of east approach, iron bolt Surface of water Head of shoal, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Left bank of river, pine tree, nail in root of Georgia Electric Company's dam, top of, surface of water Foot of dam, surface of water Newbridge (post-office), west side, top of central bridge pier, bolt. Newbridge, head of small dam, surface of water Small dam, foot of, surface of water East bank, 50 feet from river, nail in root of large pine Surface of water Head of shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Pine tree opposite shoals, nail in root of Yellow Creek, 50 yards below mouth of, nail in root of red oak Surface of water Surface of water. Head of small shoals, surface of water. Foot of small shoals, surface of water Robinson's ford, 10 feet from river, nail in root of red oak tree Robinson's ford, surface of water. Rock Bluff, left bank of river, nail in root of oak tree Surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Flour mill, top of dam, surface of water. Dam, foot of, surface of water Surface of water Small creek, mouth of, surface of water East bank of river, 40 feet from, nail in root of red oak Bolden's bridge, 40 feet from east bank, stump near bridge, nail in root of HAI HOYT o Y t ND ] CHESTATEE RIVER. Elevations on Chestatee River below Willow, Ga. — Continued. 81 Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 39.8 39.8 39.9 40.8 40.8 40.9 42.6 42.6 43.4 44.6 44.6 45.6 47.7 Bolden's bridge, west side of east approach, top of, iron bolt Surface of water Mill, top of dam, surface of water Mill, foot of dam, surface of water Langleys Creek, east side, 40 feet below mouth, nail in root of red oak Langleys Creek, mouth of, surface of water Surface of water East bank of river, nail in root of sycamore tree Surface of water Surface of water River, 200 feet from, in open field, nail in walnut tree Surface of water Mouth of branch, near, 40 feet from east bank of river, nail in red oak tree Chestatee, Ga., near, at mouth of Chestatee River, near Keith's bridge, nail in root of walnut tree 1,001.28 984 983 977 989. 34 972 970 974. 48 964 963 975. 87 960 981.76 964. 37 HIWASSEE RIVER FROM HIWASSEE, GA., TO APALACHIA, N. C. Hiwassee River was surveyed from Hiwassee, Ga., to Apala- chia, N. C, a distance of 63 miles. In that distance there is a fall of 707 feet. A line of secondary levels based on the United States Geological Survey bench mark at Hiwassee, Ga., was run. The field sheets were plotted on the scale of 1 :22,500. During the course of the survey 39 bench marks were established and 119 water-surface elevations obtained. There are no shoals of any consequence until just below Bell Creek, where there is one of 10 feet with good rock bottom and rock bluffs on the northeast side of the river. A dam could be constructed here with a length of about 200 feet. One mile below Hay esville Bridge is a shoal with a fall of 18 feet in 1^ miles, but no suitable place for a dam was noted. One and one-half miles below, at Passmore Ford, is a shoal with a 21 -foot fall in 1\ miles and with a fairly good site for the construction of a dam. The bottom is rocky and there are rock bluffs on the south side of the river. The dam would be about 300 feet long. Four and one-half miles below is the 12-foot dam of the Cherokee Lumber Company. This is a splendid site. A 40-foot structure would not back the water over 1 i miles and would not do any dam- age to cultivated lands. Three miles below, at Island Ford, is a shoal with a 17-foot fall in 82 EIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. 1 mile. This is an excellent dam site, as the bottom is rocky and there are hard-rock bluffs on either side. The dam would be 300 feet long. Building material can be easily obtained. Five miles below, and about 1 mile above Murphy, is a shoal with a 25-foot fall in If miles. A dam about 600 feet long could be built here. One-third mile below Murphy, at the mouth of Valley River, is the head of a shoal If miles long with a fall of 25 feet. This is an excellent power site. The bottom is rocky; both sides are of hard rock. The dam would be about 500 feet long. Seven and one-half miles below Murphy, at Shallow Ford, is a shoal with 14-foot fall in 1| miles. This offers an excellent site for a dam, as bottom and banks are rocky. The dam would be about 6 o F-i H£r° p 05 60 2 « '3 Eh \ N.C.-Ga. \ State line VBell Creek Bridge\ 3 eg a. < Q Z § CQ - o 5 u PP (=1 o Si < a o I h- ir o z s Miles 3 5 3 2 5 2 1 5 1 ) 1,750 % 1,500 £ 1,250 For 9 miles above this point the bottoms widen and are culti- vated on either side for most of the distance. The fall in this sec- tion is a little over 3 feet per mile. One mile below Laudermilk Ford there is a shoal with a fall of 10 feet in three-fourths of a mile where a dam, with a length of 200 feet, could be built. At Thompson Bridge, at the foot of a 46-foot shoal, 3 miles long, is an excellent dam site. From Weazel Creek to Morgan Ford, 5 J miles, the river has a fall of 40 feet, and there are two or three suit- able sites for small dams. At Watkins Bridge there is a 4-foot dam using all the available power to operate a gristmill. HALL AND~| HOYT. J NOTTELY RIVER. 89 From here to Blairsville Bridge, the end of the survey, the river is very much smaller, with a few small shoals, which, however, do not seem worth developing. The elevations in the following list are based upon a bronze tablet marked " 1892 Atlanta" in the foundation wall at northwest corner of Union County court-house^ Blairsville, Ga., the elevation of which is accepted as 1,891.536 feet above mean sea level. The leveling is adjusted with the Hiwassee River flying levels to accord with the 1903 adjusted elevation of primary bench marks at Blairsville and Hiwassee. The leveling was done, under the direction of Carroll Caldwell, field assistant, by T. B. O'Hagan, levelman. Elevations on Nottely River from its mouth to Blairsville, Ga. Distance in miles. 0.0 .0 .3 .3 3 .5 .5 .8 .8 2 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.9 4.2 4.2 4.9 5.2 5.4 5.5 5.5 5.5 Junction of Nottely and Hiwassee rivers, on point of peninsular, nail in side of birch tree Surface of water At lower ford, surface of water Seventy-five feet north of lower ford, nail in root of hickory tree. . . High-water mark Upper ford, 50 feet south of, nail in root of oak tree Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Surface of water , Deep Ford, 25 feet north of, nail in root of black oak Surface of water Surface of water High water Head of shoals, surface of water Surface of water, rain during night raised 1.3 feet (lower water surface, 1,492.67 feet) Hall Bridge, 20 feet west of, nail in side of apple tree Surface of water High water Davis Ford, 20 feet northwest of, nail in side of maple tree. Surface of water Surface of water, on rock Mouth of Coombs Creek, surface of water Surface of water Hall Ford, north edge of river, nail in side of water birch tree Surface of water High water Elevation in feet. 1,459.40 1,454.52 1,459 1,466.77 1,471 1..474.59 1,467 1,477 1,472 1,478 1,487.56 1,483 1,489 1,499 1,491 1,493 1,500.20 1,493 1,503 1,504. ^3 1,499 1,502 1,505 1,505 1,513.02 1,505 1,521 90 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. Elevations on Nottely River from its mouth to Blairsville, Ga— Continued. Distance in miles. 5.9 6 6.6 6.9 7 7.1 7.5 8.6 8.6 8.9 8.9 9.6 10.5 10.9 11.5 11.5 11.7 12 12 12 12.2 12.9 13.3 13.3 13.3 14.2 15.1 15.4 15.6 16 16.8 16.8 16.8 17.2 17.7 17.8 17.8 Mouth of branch, surface of water Surface of water Surface of water Opposite island, surface of water Mouth of Rocky Branch, surface of water Near old mill, surface of water Surface of water Nottely Bridge, 1,800 feet north of, in old field near barn, nail in side of persimmon tree Mouth of branch, surface of water Nottely Bridge, 100 feet west of, 5 feet south of road, nail in side of black oak tree Surface of water Surface of water Mouth of Johnson Branch, surface of water Surface of water Jack Creek, 900 feet south of, in bend of river, 600 feet west and 600 feet north of, in cornfield, nail in root of dead peach tree Surface of water Surface of water Anderson Bridge, 50 feet west of, nail in side of sycamore tree .... Surface of water High water Surface of water Mouth of branch, surface of water Ford (has no name ) , 20 feet northeast of, nail in side of birch stump . Surface of water High water. Surface of water Surface of water Laudermilk Ford, 1.4 miles below, opposite old fish dam. 50 feet west of river, near small branch, nail in root of black oak tree Surface of water Surface of water Laudermilk Ford, 100 feet southwest of, 20 feet north of road, nail in root of apple tree Surface of water High water Mouth of Butler Creek, surface of water Below fish dam, surface of water Mouth of Moccasin Creek, surface of water Moccasin Creek, 200 feet south of, 35 feet east of river, east side of road, nail in root of red oak tree HALL HOYT *f D ] NOTTELY RIVER. Elevations on Nottely River from its mouth to Blair sville, Ga. — Continued. 91 Mouth of branch, surface of water Mouth of Dooley Creek, surface of water Thompson Bridge, 250 feet south of, 100 feet southeast of road, nail in root of red-oak tree Surface of water High water Surface of water In shoals, surface of water Above fish dam, surface of water Plead of fish dam, surface of water Foot of island, in shoals, surface of water Surface of water Chapman Ford, 150 feet north of, 2 feet east of road, nail in root of walnut tree Surface of water High water . Just below fish dam, surface of water Mouth of Camp Creek, surface of water Above shoals, surface of water Mouth of Weasel Creek, surface of water Mouth of branch, surface of water In shoals, surface of water Chamber Ford, 0.4 mile northeast of, northwest side of river, point on edge of rock Chamber Ford, 200 feet west of, nail in root of walnut tree Surface of water High water Above small shoals, surface of water Chastain Ford, 50 feet west of, nail in side of walnut tree Surface of water Foot of large shoals, surface of water Mouth of Ivylog Creek, head of shoals, surface of water Near house, surface of water Majners Ford, 75 feet west of, on edge of bank, nail in side of corn- bean tree Surface of water Meadow Ford, 15 feet north of, nail in root of beech tree Surface of water High water Iluggins Ford, 25 feel north of, corn bean tree, na:l in side of Surface of water Shoals, surface of water Surface of water irr 115—05 7 Elevation in feet. 1,591 1,591 1,611.01 1,592 1,601.. 53 1,599 1,611 1,617 1,619 1,624 1,630 1,645.81 1,634 1,644 1,638 1,639 1,652 1,655 1,656 1,657 1,675.88 1,671.49 1,661 1,678 1,669 1,683.45 1,669 1,675 1,680 1,685 1,690.8 1,687 1,699.17 1,689 1,703 1,707.82 1,692 1,694 1,698 92 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. Elevations on Nottely River from its mouth to Blairsville, Ga. — Continued. Distance in miles. 27.9 28.4 28.4 29 29 29.1 29.4 30 30.3 30.3 30.8 31.1 31.4 31.4 31.5 31.9 31.9 31.9 32.2 33 33.6 33.6 33.6 33.6 34.5 34.5 35 35.9 35.9 35.9 37.2 Above shoals, surface of water Morgan Ford, 40 feet north of, red-oak tree Surface of water Mouth of Young Cane Creek, surface of water Muuth of Castile Creek, surface of water Castile Creek, 1,600 feet above, on rock, edge of river, point on rock. Above rapids, surface of water Above fish dam, surface of water. ' McBee Ford, 60 feet north of, nail in side of red oak Surface of water Above branch, surface of water Mouth of Reece Creek, surface of water Youngs Ford, 80 feet southwest of, red-oak tree Surface of water Millburn Creek, just below, surface of water At canal, surface of water at foot of Head of canal, surface of water Canal cut, 50 feet northeast of river, 15 feet southwest of ford, nail in root of red-oak tree (cut has a drop of 3.6 feet) Above small rapids, surface of water Mouth of creek, surface of water Watkins Bridge, 375 feet above, north edge of river, point on rock . . Surface of water Jarrett milldam, foot of, surface of water jarrett milldam, head of, surface of water (Jarrett milldam has a drop of 3.79 feet) Reeds Ford, 150 feet east of, nail in root of walnut tree Surface of water Above small rapids, surface of water Blairsville Bridge, 100 feet southeast of, mouth of Butternut Creek, 15 feet north of, nail in side of red-oak tree Surface of water High water Blairsville court-house, Union County, Ga., in wall on west side of building, bronze tablet Elevation in feet. 1,698 1.714 1,702 1,699 1,709 1,714.20 1,715 1,718 1,734.37 1,721 1,723 1,724 1,741.02 1,727 1,730 1,732 1,735 1,741.26 1,739 1,743 1,747.54 1,747 1,748 1,752 1,766.24 1, 755 1,760 1,775.94 1,769 1,783 1,891.536 TOCCOA RIVER BELOW DIAL, GA. Toccoa River was surveyed from Butts Bridge, 3 miles east of Dial Ga., to the Tennessee State line, near McCays, Tenn. In the 36 miles surveyed there is a fall of 414 feet. A line of secondary levels was run, based on the primary bench mark of the United States Geological HALL AND ~| HOYT. TOCCOA RIVER. <)3 Survey, three-fourths of a mile northeast of Butts Bridge. The field sheets were plotted on the scale of 1 : 22,500, and during the course of this survey 27 bench marks were established and 94 water-surface elevations were obtained. Toccoa River flows in a northwesterly direction, and after crossing the Tennessee State line is known as Ocoee River. Between Pigeon Creek and Dial Bridge there is a shoal, with a fall of 21 feet in 1^ miles. There are good foundations for a dam 250 feet long. From upper Big Creek to Shallow Ford, 3 miles, there is a fall of 55 feet in an almost continuous shoal. There are several available power sites, and building material is easily accessible. From Shallow Ford 2,000 eek Creek ^ « pq bjj p /" o Eh CD 14 CD O (V O C 2 X / 1,500£ 1,2.50 Miles 35 30 25 20 15 10 Fig. 16.— Profile of Toccoa River below Dial, Ga. to Wilscot Creek, 1\ miles, the river has an average fall of 18 feet per mile. There are several excellent sites where there is hard rock on either side. From Wilscot Creek to Charlie Creek there is an average fall of 14 feet per mile, with several fine shoals having steep hills and good hard bottom. Eleven miles down the river, at Galloway, Ga., there is a shoal with a fall of 10 feet in half a mile. This would be a good site for a small dam. From one-half mile below Galloway to McCays, Term., 6 miles, the river has a fall of 60 feet, with several good power sites. 94 EIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. The elevations in the following list are based upon an aluminum tablet at the Washington street entrance of the State capitol building at Atlanta, marked "1050 MC," the elevation of which is now accepted as 1,049.546 feet above mean sea level. They accord with the 1903 adjusted elevations of primary bench marks near Morganton and Shallow Ford. The section from Shallow Ford to McCays Ferry is a single spur line. The leveling was done under the direction of Carroll Caldwell, field assistant, by T. B. O'Hagan, levelman. Elevations on Toccoa River from Butts Bridge, Georgia, to Tennessee State line. Distance in miles. 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2.3 2.5 2.9 3.1 3.1 3.1 4 4 4.2 4.2 4.7 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.4 6.4 7 7.1 Morganton (3 miles east of Dial), forks of Morganton and Ellijay road, in large marble rock, copper bolt marked ' ' 1981 " Butts Bridge, surface of water Butts Bridge, east side of, nail in top of abutment High-water mark Pigeon Creek, 550 feet east of, north side of road, 60 feet north of river, point on rock Mouth of Pigeon Creek, surface of water Between rapids, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Mouth of Weeks Creek, foot of rapids, surface of water Dial post-office, Van Zant's bridge, 100 feet north of, east side of road, nail in root of red-oak tree Surface of water High-water mark Mouth of Noontootly Creek, surface of water Mouth of branch, surface of water Rogers Ford, 50 feet west of, nail in root of tree. Surface of water Surface of water In rapids, surface of water Big Creek Ford, 225 feet southeast of, 50 feet south of river, nail in root of white-oak tree Surface of water In rapids, surface of water Above rapids, surface of water. . . Below fish dam, surface of water. Head of shoals, surface of water. Foot of shoals, surface of water. . Surface of water Surface of water Elevation in feet. Shallow Ford, 1 mile north of, north side of road, in large rock, cop- per bolt marked ' ' 1859 " 1,947.821 1,858 1,874.25 1,870 1,858.35 1,849 1,845 1,840 1,830 1,844.68 1,828 1,851 1,823 1,821 1,825.14 1,820 1,815 1,813 1,817.74 1,810 1,809 1,802 1,799 1,795 1,791 1,790 1,782 1, 826. 439 HA hoyt ND ] TOOCOA RIVER. 95 Elevations on Toccoa River from Butts Bridge, Georgia, to Tennessee Stcte line — Continued. 14.7 15 .2 15.4 15.8 16 16.8 Single /lying level spur line to McCays Ferry. Below rapids, surface of water In rapids, surface of water Shallow Ford, 100 feet north of, nail in root of red-oak tree Surface of water High-water mark In rapids, surface of water Surface of water Mouth of Stanley Creek, surface of water Rapids, surface of water . Mouth of stream, surface of water Below rapids, surface of water , Stanley Creek, 1 mile northwest of, opposite island; north side of river, point on rock In rapids, surface of water Opposite falls in river, 50 feet north of first falls, point or large rock. . Head of falls, surface of water Foot of falls, surface of water Mouth of branch, surface of water Below rapids, surface of water Mouth oif Flat Creek, surface of water In rapids, surface of water.. _ Surface of water Head of long shoals, surface of water Rock cliff, south side of river, opposite large shoals, point in side of . Head of island, in shoals, surface of water Foot of island, in shoals, surface of water In shoals, surface of water Foot of large shoals, surface of water Below rapids, head of more shoals, surface of water In rapids, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Mouth of Persimmon Creek, surface of water Persimmon Creek, 300 feet east of, west side of river, nail in root of large dead stump Below fish dam, surface of water Mouth of stream, surface of water Mouth of Wilscot Creek, surface of water In shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water In rapids, surface of water Elevation in feet. 1,779 1,769 1,774.93 1,763 1,774 1,758 1,755 1,752 1,747 1,743 1,738 1,738.77 1,729 1,744.02 1,728 1,719 1,717 1,709 1,705 1,691 1,690 1,689 1,692.11 1,679 1,677 1,665 1,659 1,656 1,646 1,640 1,633 1,638.06 1,629 1,624 1,624 1,616 1,609 1,602 96 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. Elevations on Toccoa River from Butts Bridge, Georgia, to Tennessee State line — Continued. Distance in miles. 16.9 17.1 17.3 17.3 17.6 18.2 18.3 18.8 19 19.6 20 20 20 20 21.5 21.6 22 22.4 22.4 22.9 23.5 23.6 23.9 23.9 25.2 25.5 25.5 25.5 26.6 26.8 26.8 28 28.8 28.8 29.6 30 Single flying level spur line to McOays Ferry — Continued. Wilscot Creek, 1.5 miles northwest of, xock cliff, 18 feet north of river, point on very large rock In shoals, surface of water Foot of shoals, surface of water Tarpley Ford, surface of water Tarpley Ford, 20 feet west of, nail in root of beech tree In rapids, surface of water Mouth of creek, surface of water Surface of water Mouth of creek, surface of water Mouth of Bullfrog Creek, surface of water Surface of water Mouth of Charlie Creek, surface of water Lovingood Ford, 300 feet northeast of, nail in side of walnut tree . . Surface of water High-water mark Mouth of Star Creek, surface of water Below fish dam, surface of water Mouth of Rogers Branch, surface of water. . . „ Toccoa Bridge, surface of water Toccoa Bridge, 10 feet east of , nail in root of beech tree Mouth of spring stream, surface of water Below small rapids, surface of water Mouth of Weavers Creek, surface of water At Benchlog Ford, surface of water Benchlog Ford, 20 feet northeast of, nail in side of beech tree Large bend in river, surface of water Atlanta, Knoxville and Northern Railroad bridge, east side of bridge abutment, point on rock Surface of water High-water mark Mouth of branch, surface of water Harts Ford, 100 feet west of, stump on edge of bank at canoe land- ing, nail in side of Surface of water Surface of water Bakers Ford, 100 feet southeast of, on edge of bank, nail in side of birch tree Surface of water Surface of water Bend of river, surface of water 1IAI.I HOYT N "| TOCCOA AND CHIPPEWA KIVKRS. 97 Elevations on Toccoa River from Huff* Bridge, Georgia, to Tennessee State line — Continued. Single flying level spur line to McCoys Ferry Continued. Surface of water Month of Sugar Creek, surface of water Sugar Creek railroad bridge abutment, point in center of east side of bridge. Below Galloway Ford, surface of water In shoals, surface of water 200 feet northwest of ford, 4 feet southeast of Atlanta, Knoxville and Northern Railroad track, nail in side of peach tree Surface of water Canoe Landing, surface of water Hothouse Creek, mouth of, surface of water Foot of small shoals, near island, surface of water Mouth of Barker Creek, surface of water Kyle post-office, 600 feet east of, Atlanta, Knoxville and Northern Railroad bridge over Barker Creek, on southeast end of, end bolt. . Kyle post-office, 40 feet south of, in front of Queen Brothers' store, pile supporting platform, nail in top of Kyle ford, surface of water Below rapids, surface of water Mouth of Wolf Creek, surface of water Atlanta, Knoxville and Northern Railroad bridge over Ocoee River, east side of bridge, point on abutment Surface of water In bend of river, surface of water Dillbeck Ford, north edge of river, nail in side of dead birch tree Surface of water. McCays post-office, Polk County, Tenn., rock supporting southwest corner of, point on McCays Ferry, north side of river, pile supporting swinging bridge, cartridge shell in top of High-water mark Surface of water Elevation in feet. 1,498 1,494 1,508.32 1,592 1,589 1,562.69 1,484 1,479 1,476 1,467 1,464 ' 1,482.43 1,483.62 1,463 1,458 1,455 1,471.98 1,452 1,450 1,451.87 1,447 1 , 46S. 07 1,460.15 1,469 1,444 CHIPPEWA RIVER FROM REEDS LANDING, MINNESOTA, TO FLAMBEAU, WIS. Between April 15 and June 12, 1903, J. II. Ellis, field assistant, ran a careful double-rodded primary-level line along the Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, to Chippewa Falls, Wis. This work was under the general direction of J. H. Renshawe, geographer in charge of the central section of topography. Later in the year it was decided to continue this work above Chippewa Falls, and on 98 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. September 1 the central and eastern sections having united as the eastern section of topography, H. M. Wilson, geographer in charge, assigned F. T. Fitch, field assistant, to this work. Between that date and October 4 Mr. Fitch ran a line of flying levels accompanied by a plane-table stadia traverse and topographic sketching from Chippewa Falls to Flambeau, Wis. Fig. 17.— Map showing location of surveys in Wisconsin. This level work is based on a bench mark of the Mississippi River Commission at Reeds Landing, and the distances were obtained by pacing. No plane-table survey of the river was undertaken. In this section, 64 miles in length, there is a fall of 135 feet. Eleven bench-mark tablets and 70 temporary bench marks were established, and 72 water-surface elevations were determined. While the survey was being made the stage of the river fluctuated greatly, owing to rains and to alternate flooding and stoppage HA hoyt ND ] CHIPPEWA RIVEtt. 99 of the stream by various lumber companies. This diversion of the water is the cause of much compiaint by the various mill owners, many of whom want a system of reservoirs constructed near the headwaters to regulate the water supply. Owing to the slight fall, the width of the stream, and the wide bottom lands, there are no opportunities for power development upon the Chippewa above Reeds Landing until the city of Eau Claire is reached. On Eau Claire River, a few hundred feet above its junction with the Chippewa at Eau Claire, is a 1.3-foot dam 300 feet long, which furnishes power for a linen mill. A few miles above the city of Eau Claire on Chippewa River the Dells Paper Company has a 20- foot dam which might be raised 3 or 4 feet by the use of flashboards. There are no power sites on Chippewa River until the city of Chip- pewa Falls is reached, but there are good prospects of developing power on several of the tributaries between these cities. From Chippewa Falls to Flambeau the stadia survey of the river and adjacent banks was plotted on a scale of 1:22,500. In this distance, 43 miles, there is a total fall of 244 feet. Seven bench marks were established and 40 water-surface elevations were deter- mined. At Chippewa Falls a wooden 13-foot dam, owned by the Chippewa Falls Lumber and Boom Company, increases the head to 30 feet and supplies power for a large sawmill, and an electric plant which furnishes the city of Chippewa Falls with water and light. This dam could be made higher, as the local conditions are favorable, but this would interfere with a proposed plant at Paint Creek Rapids, 2\ miles up- stream, to which point the water now backs up. Here there was formerly a flooding dam, but a freshet cut a channel around it to the north, and the dam has since been torn out. A 14-foot dam could be constructed at the foot of the rapids where the banks and bed of the river are sand intermingled with large bowlders. Abund- ant stone for construction is near at hand. At Eagle Rapids, 4^ miles upstream, is a good site for a dam. A dam here was torn out. A 20-foot dam would back water three- fourths of a mile above the city of Chippewa, where O' Neils Creek enters from the west. One mile above O' Neils Creek is a gorge 700 feet wide. A 25-foot dam would have solid sandstone for foundation and abutments and would back water almost to the foot of Jim Falls, 5 miles above. At the small village of Jim Falls, near the site of an old flooding dam, is the best opportunity for power development on the river. This point is now under development, the company having purchased all the land needed as well as the water rights. The river flows over a series of granite Ledges from 1 to 4 feet high, while the banks seem to be solid rock covered by a 100 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [no. 115. few feet of sandy soil. The proposed dam will be 28 feet high and will be located at the head of the rapids. It will furnish power for a pulp mill. The dam will back water nearly to Brunne Falls, 9J miles, and covers the Colton and Chevalley rapids. The head obtained by this dam will be 55 feet. At Brunne Falls the best location for a dam would be at the main fall, about 650 feet above the foot of the rapids, where a 35-foot dam would back the water up to the rapids at Holcombe, 5^ miles. The river at the falls is very narrow, and at the point mentioned the banks are ledges of rock. A rocky island in the river would help in the construction a good deal. At Holcombe the Chippewa Falls Lumber and Boom Company has an old dam with a head of about 17 feet. This is the third dam they have built there, the others having been washed out by freshets. As the lumber interests in this locality are declining, the present dam is being allowed to decay, and could be replaced with a more substantial structure for power purposes. The river here has a rock bottom and rather low, clay sides, and an 18-foot dam could be constructed on the site of the present structure, which, together with a 15-foot dam at the foot of the rapids, would not destroy any more valuable bottom lands above. This would back the water up for more than a mile above Deer Tail Creek and furnish con- siderable storage. From here to Flambeau, the end of the survey, there are no rapids of any consequence. There are two railway bridges and a highway bridge across the river at Chippewa Falls and another road bridge just below Eagle Rapids. There are but few boats on the river, as during the log- driving season boats would be crushed. The lumbering operations, which are on the decline, are controlled by the Chippewa Falls Lumber and Boom Company, with head- quarters at Chippewa Falls, a thriving city of about 10,000 popula- tion, where there are a number of factories and milJs. About ten miles above is the city of Chippewa, at one time the most promising town in the neighborhood, but now little more than a hamlet. At Jim Falls there is a village, but Holcombe is the only town of any importance above Chippewa Falls. Several railroad lines are being built in this section, and the agricultural and manufacturing interests are supplanting the lumber industry, while the land is generally taken up by settlers wherever the lumber has been cut, so that no second-growth timber is coming up. The whole community seems very prosperous, while numerous companies are on the point of investing capital in the manufacturing interests in the neighbor- hood. The elevations of water surfaces of the river are dependent on the following table of daily gage readings by the Chippewa Falls HALL HOY AND~| T. J CHIPPEWA RIVER. 101 Lumber and Boom Company from a gage on the highway bridge at Chippewa Falls. The elevation of the zero of gage is 804.8 feet above sea level. The gage height of the highest water known had an elevation of 831.4 feet above sea level. Gage height of Chippewa River at Chippev>a Falls. Date. Height. Date. Height. May 1 Ft. In. 8 10 Ft. In. Juno 6 3 10 2 8 6 7 1 2 2 3 8 8 7 9 7 3 6 8 5 6 5 6 8 2 6 4 9 3 2 9 2 6 2 6 2 2 5 10 6 1 11 7 12 8 13 9 14 10 15 1 G ii ; 5 6 8 9 9 6 9 6 9 1 8 1 16 1 6 12 17 1 6 13. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 3 14 6 15 2 6 16... 17 1 18 6 3 5 8 5 2 5 3 5 8 5 3 1 3 19 1 20 9 21 9 22 9 23 24 1 6 25 1 5 9 6 4 8 8 11 12 5 11 8 10 3 8 8 7 10 6 6 5 9 4 9 1 10 26 3 8 27 4 10 28 5 7 29 . 9 6 30 10 6 31 10 3 June 1 9 2 7 9 3 6 9 4 5 1 5 102 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. Gage height of Chippewa River at Chippewa Falls — Continued. [NO. 115. Date. Height. Date. Height. July 12 Ft. In. 6 5 4 4 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 5 1 2 10 2 6 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 Aug. 22.. Ft. In. 1 9 13 23 14 24 1 9 15 25 1 9 16 26 1 9 17 27 1 9 18... 28 2 19 29 2 3 20 30 2 6 21 31 2 3 22 Sept. 1 2 3 23.... 2 2 9 24 3 2 3 25 4 2 26 5 27 2 6 , 1 9 1 6 1 4 1 1 3 1 6 2 2 9 3 6 5 3 5 3 6 9 3 6 3 10 3 8 3 3 3 3 2 3 6 6 2 3 28 7 2 6 29 8 2 8 30 9 4 31 10 4 4 Aug. 1. 11 5 1 2 12 7 3... 13 7 8 4 14 9 6 5 15 12 4 6 16 13 3 7 17 12 6 8 18 11 9 19 9 6 10 20 8 6 11 21 7 3 12 22 6 4 13 23 5 6 14 24 4 6 15 25 3 3 16 26 3 3 17 3 2 6 2 1 6 1 6 27 3 3 18 28 3 4 19 29 3 3 20 30 3 3 21 Oct. 1 3 3 HAI HOYT ( , n 4 XI> ] chippewa river. Gage height of Chippewa River at Chippewa Falls — Continued. 103 Date. Height. Date. Height. Oct. 2 Ft. In. 3 3 3 6 5 9 Oct. 5.. Ft. In. 7 10 3 6 7 8 1 4... 8 The elevations in the following list are based upon a bronze tablet, marked "797 E. C," at southwest corner of the court-house at Eau Claire, Wis., the elevation of which is accepted as 797.473 feet above mean sea level. The initial point upon which these levels depend is bench mark " Bottom," of the Missouri River Commission, opposite Reeds Landing, Minnesota, the elevation of which is accepted as 672.355 feet above mean sea level. These elevations accord with the 1903 adjustment of the precise-level net. Permanent bench marks dependent on this datum are marked with the letters " E. C." in addition to the figures of elevation. CD M T3 a> J O 03 ^ £A S a CO s> cc •& em Q O O ft o u w o W O CD co so % o V) -^ CD S em 03 tS 3 i£— - _J. U * a £ £ 03 CD H Qffl 03 Q CO Miles 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Fig. 18. Profile of Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, to Flambeau, Wis. 550 Elevations on Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, along Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, to Chippewa Falls, Wis. Distance in miles. 0.0 Reeds Landing, Minnesota (Miss. River Commission bench mark 'Bottom"), tile and iron pipe in low flat ground, opposite, 220 meters from left bank of river, in property of Mrs. ('. S. Richards, 45 meters west of Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad trestle to bridge, 205 meters southwest of end of trestle and small pond. . Elevation in feet. 072. 355 104 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. Elevations on Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, along Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, to Chippewa Falls, Wis. — Continued. Distance in miles. 0.5 1.4 1.4 1.9 2.6 2.6 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.3 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.8 6.2 6.6 6.7 7.4 7.4 7.9 7.9 8 8.5 8.5 9 9 9.6 9.6 10. 3 High water in back water of slough Trevin's, at grade crossing Burlington and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroads, top of rail 15 feet northwest of intersection of grade crossing, spike in telegraph pole 15 feet northwest of end of trestle, nail in top of fence post Lone narrow island, lower end of, left bank of river, birch tree, nail in root of High water Private road crossing, top of rail Government dam, 300 feet below, opposite north end of small island, left bank of river, water maple, nail on notch High water •_ 300 feet north of rapids, high water Wancuda Island, 0.25 mile below north end of, left bank of river, notch cut on elm tree, nail in North end of Government dam, 100 feet below, left channel, surface of water 165 feet east of river, water maple tree, notch cut in. Surface of water Near north corner of C. W. Knight's yard, in top of limestone 8 by 10 by 26 inches, set 25 inches in ground, bronze tablet marked "682 E. C." Opposite trestle 32 H, surface of water Old Battle Slough station, in west side of switch stand, spike Surface of water (river about 1 foot above ordinary stage ) Bridge No. 38 M, 50 feet south of, west side of dump, cross on stone. Bridge No. 42 M, private road crossing south of, top of rail Bridge No. 50 M, at south end of, east side of track, nail in cross cut in cap Surface of water Private crossing, top of rail Surface of water Second telegraph pole north of slough, spike in Elm tree on left bank of river, nail in notch cut in Surface of water (1.9 feet higher than stage observed nearer mouth) . Trestle No. 60 M, top of rail Surface of water Maxwell station, surface of water Maxwell, 180 feet southwest of platform, in sandstone post 8 by 12 by 80 inches, set 27 inches in ground, bronze tablet marked "691 E. 0." Trestle No. 66 M, Little Belf Slough, surface of water. AND 1 r-r. J CHIPPEWA RIVER. 105 Elevations on Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, along Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, to Chippewa Falls, Wis. — Continued. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 10.6 West side of railroad, near gate at private road crossing, nail in top of stump 694. 91 10 6 Surface of water (is about 4 feet lower than low water) 693 11.4 South end of trestle No. 70 M, 15 feet cast of railroad, cross on sand- stone . . ... 701.32 11.9 Big Beef Slough, 150 feet below railroad bridge No. 74 M (is about 3 feet above low water) surface of water . 695 12.3 12.4 595 feet north of bridge, on west side of track, nail in top of post. Private road crossing, top of east rail 711.65 714.61 12.8 Pawn's farm, private road crossing, top of west rail 724.3 13.4 13.4 T. 24 N., R. 13 W., just outside of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad right of way, left bank of river, and 0.25 mile due west of center sec. 6, in sandstone post 12 by 6 by 30 inches, bronze tablet marked "733 E. C." Surface of water . 732. 878 698 14 Round Hill, 0.25 mile below, left bank of river, black oak tree, nail in notch cut in 737.7 14 Surface of water 699 14.4 Road in front of barn 733 14.4 Surface of water 699 14.6 Round Hill, north and south road crossing on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad . 731.4 15.2 Road crossing on east side of railroad, spike in signboard. . . 740. 56 15.9 Private road crossing, top of rail 724. 55 16.1 Durand, 100 feet north of south switch block, 12 feet east of center of track, north end of sandstone, cross 717. 54 16.5 16.8 300 feet north of brewery, east and west road crossing, top of rail. . Durand, road crossing north of station, top of rail. 720.6 724.7 16.8 16.8 Durand County jail building, water table at southwest corner of, bronze tablet marked "724 E. C." Upper bridge, surface of water 724. 361 703 17.5 Durand, north part of, at north end of siding, 35 feet northwest of switch block, cotton wood tree, notch cut in root, nail in 727. 23 18.2 Spur line up river. Elm tree, left bank of river, nail in notch 707. 24 18.2 Surface of water 705 18.5 Creek from east, white oak tree at, nail in notch on root 707. 20 18.5 Creek, at mouth, surface of water (river is about 2 feet above low water) 706 18.8 18.8 Main line continued. Northwest corner of trestle No. 96 M, nail in top of fence post Surface of water 717.24 711 19.1 Beaver Creek, surface of water 712 106 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. Elevations on Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, along Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, to Chippewa Falls, Wis. — Continued. Distance in miles. 19.1 19.7 19.7 20.4 20.6 21.1 21.2 21.4 22.1 22.1 22.4 22.8 23.1 23.1 23.3 23.9 24 24.2 24.4 24.6 24.6 25.7 25.7 25.8 26.4 26.7 26.7 26.9 27.1 27.4 27.9 27.9 28.8 28.8 29.4 29.6 Trestle No. 98 M, top of sandstone, at southeast end of trestle Trestle No. 100 M, southeast corner of, spike in cap Surface of water Bear Lake, 0.75 mile north of, private road crossing, top of west rail. Private road crossing, top of east rail Whistle post for road crossing, spike in East and west road crossing, top of west rail Northwest and southeast road crossing, top of west rail Weber's house, road crossing, top of rail Crossing post, near bottom, railroad spike Trestle No. 106 M, section line between sees. top of rail. . Red Cedar, 0.33 mile south of, T. 25 N., R. 12 W., sec. 6, one-quarter corner north side of, in ground at T road east, sandstone 6 by 12 by 30 inches, bronze tablet marked "755 E. C." Red Cedar, west part of, foundation to water tank Red Cedar, road crossing, top of rail Surface of water Private road crossing, top of rail Private road crossing, spike in base of first telegraph pole north of. . Red Cedar Junction, at switch block, top of east rail Red Cedar Junction, surface of water at bridge Trestle No. 108 M, at southwest corner, nail in top of fence post Surface of water Tyrone (abandoned station), 750 feet south of, spike in telegraph pole Surface of water Tyrone, at road crossing, top of rail Private road crossing, top of rail. Trestle No. 116, fence post at southwest corner of, nail in top of Surface of water Private road crossing, top of west rail .". Railroad spike in crossing post Road crossing (second one north of public crossing), top of rail Trestle No. 118 M, at southeast corner of, in top of fence post Surface of water Meridian, T. 26 N., R. 12 W., sec. 14, north part of, at southeast cor- ner of Iver Brock's residence, in stone foundation, bronze tablet marked "740 E. C.".. Road crossing, top of rail Private road crossing, top of rail Trestle No. 124 M, at east end of, nail in top of fence post Elevation in feet. HAIJ. AND"] JIOYT. J CHIPPEWA RIVER. 107 Elevations on Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, along Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, to Chippewa Falls, Wis. — Continued. Elevation in feet. Surface of water North and south road crossing, top of rail North and south road crossing, cross on stone Road crossing, top of north rail Road crossing, spike in telegraph pole Wagon bridge, surface of water South side of railroad, 60 feet west of large spring, cross cut in sand- stone Surface of water Spike in base of telegraph pole Opposite small island, on highest point of large sandstone bowlder, cross cut Surface of water On bank of river at right of way fence, sandstone bowlder, cross cut in top of Rock Creek, surface of water Private road crossing, top of rail -. Trestle No. 144, at northwest corner of, nail in cross cut in cap Caryville, T. 26 N., R. 11 W., sec. 11, east part of, at northwest cor- ner of post-office, Strand's general store, in stone foundation, bronze tablet marked "760 E. C. " Road crossing, top of rail [Line continued along highway.] Wagon bridge over West Creek, in top of pile at east approach, nail- Surface of water East of small island, water maple 40 feet east of river, on left bank, nail in root of Surface of water Powell Lake and Chippewa River roads, 75 feet east of junction, small double elm tree, nail in root of Surface of water Surface of water On left bank of river, at cast end of long log boom, nail in maple stump Surface of water Coolies Lake, near outlet, B. A. Churchville residence, at southwest corner of, in foundation, bronze tablet marked " 779 E. C. " 41 . 4 Surface of water 42. 4 Porterville, 0.75 mile south of, wagon road culvert, nail in top of pile 42. 4 Surface of water 43 Old Porter mills, nail in root of large water maple 43. 3 T roads irr 115—05 8 733 739.6 740. 30 741.7 745. 02 739 751.82 741 747. 85 753. 19 743 754. 70 744 752.9 751.22 760. 144 757.7 753. 98 746 749. 63 747 756. 15 752 752 763. 11 755 779. 356 758 763. 92 761 764.84 767 108 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. Elevations on Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, along Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, to Chippewa Falls, Wis. — Continued. Distance in miles. Elevation in feet. 43.3 Creek, mouth of, surface of water 764 43.8 On river bank, 30 feet west of road, nail in top of stump 767. 85 44.1 Surface of water 764 44.8 Charles Bannon's residence, 120 feet southeast of, at gate, nail in white oak stump 771.08 44.9 Lower Creek, road crossing on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, top of rail 773.4 44.9 Surface of water (higher than has been for 2 years) 768 45.5 Shawtown, 1 mile south of,T. 27 N., R. 10 W., sec. 36, northeast cor- ner of, in stone foundation at northwest corner of Henry Trimble's residence, bronze tablet marked ' ' 781 E. C. " 780. 84 45.5 High water, in 1884 777 45.8 Road crossing 776.5 45.8 Surface of water 769 46.5 graph pole 783. 98 46.5 Under bridge, surface of water 769 46.6 Menomonie street crossing, top of rail 777.6 47.6 Eau Claire, crossing of Niagara and Seventh street 781.2 48.1 East entrance to high school, first window to right, in sill, cut in center 797. 93 48.3 Eau Claire, at southwest corner of court-house, bronze tablet marked "797 E.C." -. 797. 473 48.4 Crossing of Grand and Oxford avenue, top of rail 791 48.7 200 feet south of railroad bridge, spike in base of crossing post 787. 33 48.8 Center of railroad bridge over river 788.3 48.8 & Eau Claire River, mouth of, surface of water under bridge (June 2) . . [Spur line, June 9, up Eau Claire River from junction. Stage of water 6.5 lower.] 770 .1 Junction of Chippewa and Eau Claire rivers, June 9, foot of first dam at mouth of, on Eau Claire river 763.5 .1 774 75 Foot of second dam 774 .75 Head of second dam 786.8 [Main line continued .June 2. River is 6.5 feet higher than a week later.] 49 Eau Claire court-house, 0.7 mile north of, at Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad station, top of rail 786. 05 49. 1 Forrest street crossing of spur to paper mill, top of rail 778.6 49.4 Elm street crossing, top of rail 780.3 49.4 The Dallas Paper Mill Company dam, foot of, surface of water 772 49.4 The Dallas Paper Mill Company dam, head of, surface of water 793 49.8 Chicago and Northwestern Railroad bridge over river, south corner of east pier, cross cut on 804. 36 HA HOY LL AND") JOYT. J CHIPPEWA RIVER. 109 Elevations on Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, along Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, to Chippewa Falls, Wis. — Continued. Chicago and Northwestern, at mile post St. Paul 87, top of rail Duluth Branch, at overhead road crossing, top of rail Duluth branch, Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, on east side of railroad, opposite yard-limit post, spike in base of telegraph pole. Road crossing, top of rail Mile post 1, top of east rail Power house at crossing of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul and Chicago and Northwestern railroads, 1,100 feet south of, spike in telegraph pole Grade crossing, top of rail Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul and Chicago and Northwestern railroads, grade crossing, top of rail Road crossing, top of west rail 20 feet west of north cattle guard to road crossing, in base of fence corner post, spike Road crossing, top of rail Second pole west of road crossing, spike in Dalles Mill station, road crossing, top of west rail Road crossing on line between Eau Claire and Chippewa counties County line crossing, in north cattle guard, nail in top of fence post. . East and west road crossing, top of east rail Surface of water La Fayette, road crossing at old site of, top of west rail Surface of water La Fayette, second telegraph pole above road crossing at old site of, spike in North and south private road crossing, spike in black oak tree Surface of water Road crossing east and west Badger Mills, road crossing just below north switch block Halle Lake, Badger Mills, surface of water Badger Mills, just south of waiting shed, spike in crossing post Badger Mills, opposite waiting shed, top of east rail Badger Mills, summer hotel, in ground in lawn of, 50 feet due west of front window, sandstone post 10 by 8 by 30 inches, bronze tablet marked " 827 E. C." 150 feet west of P. C. mark, 150 feet south of gate, s"pike in base of telegraph pole Surface of water Surface of water Trestle No. 216, in sleeper at west end of, painted cross on b Gravel Island, crossing post just below, spike in base of Gravel Island, slough, mouth of, surface of water >lt. Elevation in feet. 843.1 851.8 858.56 871.3 882.8 882. 09 881.2 880.2 843.5 840. 09 813.8 807.97 804.2 813 815. 18 821.1 793 817.4 794 818. 75 815.96 794 821.9 817 815 818. 19 820.2 827. 716 831.45 797.3 801 833.51 855. 19 803 110 RIVER SURVEYS AND PROFILES OF 1903. [NO. 115. Elevations on Chippewa River from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, along Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, to Chippewa Falls, Wis. — Continued. Distance in miles. 62.1 62.2 62.2 62.8 62.9 62.9 63 63 63.3 63.8 63.9 63.9 64.31 64.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 •0. .0 3.7 5.5 8 9.2 10.7 13 15.7 15.7 16.6 17.9 19.2 Surface of water Spike in base of crossing post Road crossing, top of rail Central Junction, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad and Wisconsin Central Railroad, switch block at .^ East side of railroad, spike in base of telegraph pole Road crossing, top of rail Center of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad bridge, top of rail Surface of water under bridge Junction of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad and Wiscon- sin Central Railroad (main line), top of rail Chippewa Falls, 20 feet south of water tank, spike in base of tele- graph pole Chippewa Falls, Taylor street crossing, top of rail Chippewa Falls, under bridge, foot of dam, surface of water Chippewa Falls, northeast corner of city building containing fire department and city jail, in foundation, bronze tablet marked "840 E. C." Chippewa Falls, above dam, surface of water [Flying levels by F. T. Fitch, field assistant, Chippewa Falls, up Chippewa River to Flambeau.] Highest water mark on record, recorded by Chippewa Falls Lum- ber and Boom Company, Sept. 10, 1884 Second highest water mark of Chippewa River, recorded Dec. 3, 1896 Lowest water mark of Chippewa River, reading taken at Chippewa Falls Highway bridge at falls, surface of water Chippewa Falls, surface of water Crest of dam of Chippewa Falls Lumber Company, surface of water. Paint Creek Rapids, foot of, north bank of river, 50 feet from water, top of bowlder, chiseled square Yellow River, mouth of, surface of water Eagle Rapids, foot of, surface of water Eagle Rapids, head of, surface of water Surface of water Foot of rapids, surface of water Jim Falls, east side of river at edge of water, nearly opposite Pitch Hotel, at foot of rapids, in granite ledge, chiseled square Surface of water Head of rapids, surface of water Coltons Rapids, foot of, surface of water Coltons Rapids, head of, surface of water. . , — ,...,.,. Elevation in feet. 805 840. 31 842.4 832.4 832.9 833.9 834. 03 805 840.3 830. 63 833.7 807 840. 468 840 832 831 804 806 826 839 844. 54 852 854 867 871 881 902 901 936 942.2 945 HALJ, AND"! IIOVT. J chippewa rivp:r. Ill Elevations on Chippewa River, from Reeds Landing, Minnesota, along Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, to Chippewa Falls, If is.—- Continued. Distance in miles. 19.2 20.2 22.9 25.7 26.9 26.9 27 28 29.5 32.7 33.2 33.2 33.2 39.7 43.3 43.3 Chas. Richards, near house occupied by, 150 feet south of road intersection, at edge of water, rock, chiseled square Shaw Creek, 400 feet above mouth of, surface of water Bob Creek, mouth of, surface of water Chevalley Rapids, foot of, surface of water Above rapids, surface of water Brunne Falls, at boat landing, west bank of river, below main falls and just above Chevalley Rapids, 125 feet south of old house, 50 feet from water, bowlder 2 feet square, chiseled square Brunne Rapids, foot of, surface of water Brunne Rapids, head of, surface of water Fisher River, mouth of, surface of water Holcombe, foot of rapids, surface of water Holcombe, foot of dam, surface of water Above dam, surface of water South entrance to bridge over flooding dam, 500 feet west of, south side of highway, 50 feet south of river, on bowlder in fence, chis- eled square 1 Deer Tail Creek, mouth of, surface of water Flambeau, post-office, at intersection of Flambeau and Chippewa rivers, on point of land, nail in root of tree Junction of rivers, surface of water Elevation in feet. 947. 40 954 961 966 984.19 967 993 995 1,004 1,020 1,036 1,046.55 1,036 1,055.09 1,050 I N D E X Page Albert Shoals, Ga., water power at 46 AJcovy River, 6a., profile of 56 survey of and elevations on , r )5-5.s Andersonville? S. C, survey between Lis- bon and ■ 29 survey between Tallulah Falls and 23 Anniestown Shoals, Ga., water power at .. 52 Anthony Shoals, Ga., water power at 39 Apalachia, Ga., survey between Hiwassee and 81 Baldwin, D. H., acknowledgments to 10 Barnes Shoal, Ga., water power at 47 Bartlett's ferry, Ga., water power near 72 Bell Creek, Ga., water power at 81 Bench marks, establishment of 9 Berner, Ga., survey between Highfallsand. 58 Bert, Ga., water power at and near 74 Big Bull Slough, Ga., water power at 72 Big Creek, Ga., water power near 93 Blairsville, Ga., survey between Murphy and 87 Blalock, Ga., survey between Tallulah Falls and 18 Blantons Ferry, Ga., water power at 71-72 Bridal Veil Falls, location of 18 Broad River, Ga., profile of 40 survey of and elevations on 39-45 Brown Shoals, Ga., Avater power at 40 Brunne Falls, Wis., water power at 100 Bryant Shoals, Ga., water power at 40 Buffalo River, Tenn., profile of 11 survey of and elevations on 10-12 Bushhead Shoals, Ga., water power at 07 Caldwell, Carrol, work under direction of.. 19, 24,29,36,40,83,89,94 Cane Creek, Ga., water power at and near. 82-83 Carnesville, Ga., survey between Lisbon and 39 Catawba River, N. C, profile of 14 survey of and elevations on 13-17 Centralhatchee Creek. Ga., water power at. 67 Charlie Creek, Ga., water power near 93 Chattahoochee, Ga., survey between Frank- lin and 66 Chattahoochee River, Ga., profiles of 62, (17, 7:> survey of and elevations on 61-74 Chattooga River, S. C.-Ga., profile of 86 survey of and elevations on 34-39 Cherokee Lumber Co., dam of 81 Cherokee Shoals. Ga., water power al 29 Page. Chestatee, Ga., survey between Sautee and. til survey between Willow and 76 Chestatee River, Ga., profile of 76 survey of and elevations on 70-81 Chippewa, Wis., water power at 99 Chippewa Falls, Wis., gage heights at 101-103 survey at 97-98 water power at 99 Chippewa River, Wis. -Minn., gage heights on ! 101-103 profile of 103 survey of and elevations on 97-111 Clarksville, Ga., survey between View and. 74 Columbus, Ga., survey between West Point and 71 water power near 72 Connelly Ford, N. C, water power at 13 Connelly Springs, N. C, survey between Marion and 13 Constitution, Ga., survey between Macon and 40 water power near 40 Cowpen Shoals, Ga., falls at 40 Crown Gold Mining Co. , dam of 77 Dames Shoals, Ga., water power at 48 Denton Ford, Ga., water power at LS Detwiler Shoals, Ga., water power at 40 Dial, Ga., survey between McCays and 92 water power near 93 Eagle Rapids, Wis., water power at 99 Eau Clair, Wis., water power at and near . . 99 Ellis, I. R., work of 97 Fishdam Shoals, Ga., water power at 39 Fishtrap Shoals, Ga., water power at 07 Fitch, F. T., work of 98 Fitch, I. T., work under direction of 7:'> Flambeau, Wis., survey between Reeds Landing and 97-98 Flat Shoal, Ga., water power at 40 Flatwoods, Tenn., survey between Lobel- villeand 10 Franck, F. A., work under direction of (8, 52,56,69,62,67,75,78 Franklin. Ga., survey between Chattahoo- chee and 66 Galloway, Ga., water power at and near 93 Gannett, s. 8., acknowledgments to 10 Gannett Bridge, tests of certain pumps and water lifts used in irrigation, by O. P. Hood. 1898. 91 pp., I pi. Experiments with windmills, by T. 0. Perry. 1899. 97 pp., 12 pis. Wells and windmills in Nebraska, by E. H. Barbour. 1899. 85 pp., 27 pis. The windmill; its efficiency and economic use, Pt. I, by E. C. Murphy. 1901. 72 pp., 14 pis. The windmill, Pt. II (continuation of No. 41). 1901. 73-147 pp., 15-16 pis. Natural features and economic development of Sandusky, Maumee, Muskingum, and Miami drainage areas in Ohio, by B. H. Flynn and M. S. Flynn. 1904. 130 pp. Series L— Quality of Water. WS 3. Sewage irrigation, by G. W. Rafter. 1897. 100 pp., 4 pis. WS 22. Sewage irrigation, Pt. II, by G. W. Rafter. 1899. 100 pp., 7 pis. WS 72. Sewage pollution in the metropolitan area near New York City and its effect on inland water resources, by M. O. Leighton. 1902. 75 pp., 8 pis. WS 76. Observations on the flow of rivers in the vicinity of New York City, by H. A. Pressey. 1903. 108 pp., 13 pis. WS 79. Normal and polluted waters in northeastern United States, by M. O. Leighton. 1903. 192 pp. ■ :. A review of the laws forbidding pollution of inland waters in the United States, by E. B. Goodell. 1901. 120 pp. WS 108. Quality of water in the Susquehanna River drainage basin, by M. O. Leighton, with an intro- ductory chapter on physiographic features, by G. B. Hollister. 1904. 76 pp., 4 pis. WS 113. Strawboard and oil wastes, by R. L. Sackett and Isaiah Bowman. 1905. 52 pp., 4 pis. Series M— General Hydrographic Investigations. 56. Methods of stream measurement. 1901. 51 pp., 12 pis. Accuracy of stream measurements, by E. C. Murphy. 1902. 99 pp., 4 pis. Observations on the flow of rivers in the vicinity of New York City, by H. A. Pressey. 1903. 108 pp., 13 pis. The relation of rainfall to run-off, by G. W. Rafter. 1903. 104 pp. California hydrography, by J. B. Lippincott. 1903. 488 pp., 1 pi. The Passaic flood of 1902, by G. B. Hollister and M. O. Leighton. 1903. 56 pp., 15 pis. Natural features and economic development of Sandusky, Maumee, Muskingum, and Miami drainage areas in Ohio, by B. H. Flynn and M. S. Flynn. 1904. 130 pp. The Passaic flood of 1903, by M. O. Leighton. 1904. 48 pp., 7 pis. Hydrographic manual of the United States Geological Survey, by E. C. Murphy, J. C. Hoyt, and G. B. Hollister. 1904. 76 pp., 3 pis. WS 95. Accuracy of stream measurements; revised and enlarged edition of paper No. 64, by E. C. Murphy. 1904. 169 pp., 6 pis. WS 96. Destructive floods in the United States in 1903, by E. C. Murphy. 1904. 81 pp., 13 pis. WS 106. Water resources of the Philadelphia district, by Florence Bascom. 1904. 75 pp., 4 pis. WS 109. Hydrography of Susquehanna River drainage basin, by J. C. Hoyt and R. H. Anderson. 1905. 215 pp., 29 pis. Series N— Water Power. WS 24. Water resources of the State of New York, Pt. I, by G. W. Rafter. 1899. 92 pp., 13 pis. WS 25. Water resources of the State of New York, Pt. II, by G.W. Rafter. 1899. 100-200 pp., 12 pis. WS 44. Profiles of rivers, by Henry Gannett. 1901. 100 pp., 11 pis. WS 62. Hydrography of the Southern Appalachian Mountain region, Pt. I, by H. A. Pressey. 1902. 95 pp., 25 pis. WS 63. Hydrography of the Southern Appalachian Mountain region, Pt. II, by H. A. Pressey. 1902. 96-190 pp., 26-44 pis. WS 69. Water powers of the State of Maine, by H. A. Pressey. 1902. 124 pp., 14 pis. WS 105. Water powers of Texas, by T. M. Taylor. 1904. 116 pp., 17 pis. WS 107. Water powers of Alabama and water supply of rivers in Mississippi, by B. M. Hall. 1904. pp., 9 pis. WS 109. Hydrography of Susquehanna River drainage basin, by J. C. Hoyt and R. H. Anderson. 1905. 215 pp., 29 pis. WS 115. River surveys and profiles made during 1903, arranged by W. C. Hall and J. C. Hoyt. 1905. — pp., 4 pis. [Continued on fourth page of cover.] IRR 115—3 ws 56. ws 61. ws 76. ws 80. ws 81. ws 88. ws 91. ws 92. ws 91. ws 4. ws 6. ws 7. ws 12. ws 21 ws 20. ws 30. ws 31. ws 34. WS 01. WS 67. B 199. WS 77. ws 78. Series 0— Underground Waters. A reconnaissance in southeastern Washington, by I. C. Russell. 1897. 96 pp., 7 pis. Underground waters of southwestern Kansas, by Erasmus Haworth, 1897. 65 pp., 12 pis. 7. Seepage waters of northern Utah, by Samuel Fortier. 1897. 50 pp., 3 pis. Underground waters of southeastern Nebraska, by N. H. Darton. 1898. 56 pp., 21 pis. Wells of northern Indiana, by Frank Leverett. 1899. 82 pp., 2 pis. Wells of southern Indiana (continuation of No. 21), by Frank Leverett. 1899. 64 pp. Water resources of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, by A. C. Lane. 1899. 97 pp., 7 pis. Lower Michigan mineral waters, by A. C. Lane. 1899. 97 pp., 4 pis. Geology and water resources of a portion of southeastern South Dakota, by J. E. Todd. 1900. 34 pp., 19 pis. WS 53. Geology and water resources of Nez Perces County, Idaho, Pt. I, by I. C. Russell. 1901. 86 pp., 10 pis. WS 54. Geology and water resources of Nez Perces County, Idaho, Pt. II, by I. C. Russell. 1901. 87-141 pp. WS 55. Geology and water resources of a portion of Yakima County, Wash., by G. O. Smith. 1901. 68 pp., 7 pis. WS 57. Prehminary list of deep borings in the United States, Pt. I, by N. H. Darton. 1902. 60 pp. WS 59. Development and application of water in southern California, Pt. I, by J. B. Lippincott. 1902. 95 pp., 11 pis. WS 60. Development and application of water in southern California, Pt. II, by J. B. Lippincott. 1902. 96-140 pp. Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, Pt. II, by N. H. Darton. 1902. 67 pp. The motions of imderground waters, by C. S. Slichter. 1902. 106 pp., 8 pis. Geology and water resources of the Snake River Plains of Idaho, by I. C. Russell. 1902. 192 pp., 25 pis. Water resources of Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, by Waldemar Lindgren. 1903. 62 pp., 4 pis. Prehminary report on artesian basins in southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon, by I. C. Russell. 1903. 53 pp., 2 pis. PP 17. Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of Nebraska west of the one hundred and third meridian, by N. H. Darton. 1903. 69 pp., 43 pis. WS 90. Geology and water resources of part of the lower James River Valley, South Dakota, by J. E. Todd and C. M. Hall. 1904. 45 pp., 23 pis. WS 101. Underground waters of southern Louisiana, by G. D. Harris; with discussions of their uses for water supplies and for rice irrigation, by M. L. Fuller. 1904. 98 pp., 11 pis. WS 102. Contributions to the hydrology of eastern United States, 1903, by M. L. Fuller. 1904. 522 pp. WS 104. The underground waters of Gila Valley, Arizona, by Willis T. Lee. 1904. 71 pp., 5 pis. WS 110. Contributions to hydrology of eastern United States, 1904; M. L. Fuller, geologist in charge. 1905. 211 pp., 5 pis. PP 32. Geology and underground water resources of the central Great Plains, by N. H. Darton. 1905. 433 pp., 72 pis. WS 111. Preliminary report on underground waters of Washington, by Henry Landes. 1905. 85 pp., lpl. WS 112. Underflow test in the drainage basin of Los Angeles River, by Homer Hamlin. 1905. 55 pp. 7 pis. WS 114. Underground water of eastern United States, by M, L. Fuller and others. 1905. — pp., 18 pis. The following papers also relate to this subject: Underground waters of Arkansas Valley in eAsterrj Colorado, by G. K. Gilbert, in Seventeenth Annual, Pt. II; Preliminary report on artesian waters o1 a portion of the Dakotas, by N. H. Darton, in Seventeenth Annual, Pt. II; Water resources of Illinois, by Frank Leverett, in Seventeenth Annual, Pt. II; Water resources of Indiana and Ohio, by Frank Leverett, in Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV; New developments in well boring and irrigation in eastew South Dakota, by N. H. Darton, in Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV; Rock waters of Ohio, by Edward Orton, in Nineteenth Annual, Pt. IV; Artesian well prospects in the Atlantic Coastal Plain region, by N. H. Darton, Bulletin No. 138. Series P— Hydrographic Progress Reports Progress reports may be found in the following publications: For 1888-89, Tenth Annual, Pt. II for 1889-90, Eleventh Annual, Pt. II; for 1890-91, Twelfth Annual, Pt. II; for 1891-92, Thirteenth Annual, Pt. Ill; for 1893-94, B. 131; for 1895, B. 140; for 1896, Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV, W T S 11; foi 1897, Nineteenth Annual, Pt. IV, WS 15, 16; for 1898, Twentieth Annual, Pt. IV, WS 27, 28; for 1899 Twenty-first Annual, Pt. IV, WS 35-39; for 1900, Twenty-second Annual, Pt. IV, WS 47-52; for 1901; WS 65, 66, 75; for 1902, WS 82-85; for 1903, WS 97-100. Correspondence should be addressed to The Director, United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. irr 115—4