Glass ^ 7 , ^-0 Book 7R 5 4- Cwgm^W ) ^ J fr eQEXRIGHT DEPOSm Individual Responsibility (O CUMX £Wu* ??U/W ( h By MRS. C. L. BAUM FIRST EDITION '"?:■■ : fe /<=, ?/ Copyright, 1918, by Mrs. C. L. Baum. The Globe Printing Co., Denver AUG 26 I9i8 ©GLA501550 I dedicate this book to Nona L. Brooks, whose love for hu- manity and faith in the Truth have been a constant inspiration in my life. INDEX Individual Responsibility 7 to 41 The Message of Truth 42 The Truth That Frees 46 Knowledge and Practice 49 Our Essential Attitude 54 What Shall I Think? 59 Thoughts on Healing 62 Demonstration of Health 64 Thoughts on Demonstration 68 ,The Poise of Understanding 71 Demonstration of Harmony 75 Our Divine Supply 79 Spiritual Diagnosis 82 Essentials of Spiritual Life 86 The Inward Stillness 90 Thy Health Shall Spring Forth Speedily 94 The Promises 97 to 127 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY There is no greater present-day need than those men and women able and willing to take positions of responsibility and hold these positions with efficiency and integrity. Great opportunity for growth and ad- vancement await those qualified for indi- vidual responsibility. Yet, as we look into our little personal world we see how few are ready to meet the demand. There is more willingness than readiness; for we have not been trained for leadership and we shrink from, rather than gladly accept responsibility. The types of people are various : on one side there are the leaners, the drifters, the shirkers, and the irresponsible; on the other side, the earnest, strong, capable people who wait only for guidance and direction to do good work. Again, we find the "all for Self" type, who work for personal glory, for "My family," "My church," to get, to acquire and obtain, to "make a living," to outshine 7 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY others in social position or business success. The smallest class is made up of the leaders of the race, those with deep under- standing and great initiative; these are the ones that assume responsibility, they are the fearless ones, the lifters, the selfless, work- ing for the good of the whole and standing out as lights against a background of mental darkness. We are so easily classed by others, who are aware of our strength or of our weak- ness, of our courage or of our timidity; yet we can honestly class ourselves if we so desire and no one will question our record. The thoughts we think, the words we speak, the things we do, or fail to do, inevitably reveal the class to which we belong. Only those advance rapidly who are willing to accept the responsibility of their own lives. Leaning upon others results in weakness, but Lifting brings added strength and power. Life itself offers every oppor- tunity for achievement, and the active use of every Divine quality inherent within ourselves. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY It is so much easier to drift than to row ; to dream than to execute ; to preach than to practice; to talk Truth than to live Truth. Let us meditate on these three simple statements : I am responsible for my thoughts; I am responsible for my words; I am responsible for my actions. Now we can ask ourselves, "How am I handling this responsibility?" It does us no good to blame our troubles upon others, or to withdraw from the activi- ties of the world; "Anything for peace" leads us into all sorts of negative conditions. We must stand true to our highest con- victions of Right, by living every conviction to the best of our ability. To be neutral when it comes to matters of right or wrong argues an entire lack of moral understanding, to say nothing of spiritual discernment. To say, "Oh, I guess God will work it out some way or other" and to sit back in apathy and idleness, is not faith at all but chronic laziness ; for the shifting of our own 9 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY responsibility upon the Creator of the Universe is no help to spiritual attainment. We may have remarkable "gifts" from the Father but if we do not use our gifts, of what avail are they? We may desire an education, but if we do not utilize all the means at hand to accomplish our desire, even our Heavenly Father cannot give us our education. So with spiritual knowledge: It is not a gift but a result, arising from our own earnest seeking and a willingness to lay aside lesser things for its attainment. Now is the time for work, spiritual, mental, and physical; not only to resolve, but to carry the resolve out in our daily living. To live at peace with the world is good; but to be strong and powerful for righteousness in the world is infinitely bet- ter; to fear nothing, to shirk nothing, to /meet every experience with Divine Under- standing and willing responsibility, — this will make us worth while to the world and will prove that the Truth we stand for is absolutely demonstrable on every occasion. 10 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY FIRST DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO KNOW GOD. "God is in the midst of her ; she shall not be moved, God shall keep her and that right early." — Psalms 46: 5. Our first need is to know God as our source and our immediate help for every time of trouble. Without this knowledge, we are but poorly equipped for living the spiritual life of divine responsibility. Just as we worked hard to acquire our mental education, so must we work for our spiritual understanding. First, we must acknowledge the Omni- presence of God and then we prove God to ourselves, by a real conscious trust in the Divine Presence, close at hand, ready with its loving wisdom for every emergency. Become accustomed to the Father's help; turn to God first, not last. There is no other help so sure and so certain. 11 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY SECOND DAY WATCHWORD — I RESOLVE TO BE A LIFTER, NOT A LEANER. ''I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help." After each resolve, let us turn quietly to the Father for wisdom and guidance. If we are to be lifters, we must have spiritual strength to help the weak, to heal the broken hearted, and to give courage to the discouraged. The world is powerless to aid us, we must let go external props and place all our faith in the Divine Power, which is always ready for service. Expect this help, wait for it; it always responds to our trust. Before we become lifters, we must stop leaning on others, for all leaning tends to weakness. We need self-confidence and self-reliance, if we are to be a strength in our immediate environment. Remember, no one is healed of the dependent habit all at once, we must work with patience, dropping external aids gradually, until we feel our independence. 12 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY THIRD DAY WATCHWORD 1 RESOLVE TO BE PLEAS- ANT AND TO MAKE CHEERFULNESS MY HABIT OF THOUGHT. "A merry heart maketh a cheerful coun- tenance." Every . outward effect, follows an inner cause. Before we can have the permanent good cheer in our external living, we must be happy within. In times of seeming failure, we can dwell upon the successes of the past, expect more of them, put the failure in the background and be glad of the ability to go forward and try again. Serve the Lord with gladness, come before his presence with singing; let us always carry the idea that we are serving the God within, not the world or any personality. "Be of good cheer, and forget not all my benefits," remember all the blessings and be grateful for the present good. The world is a sad place for the dis- couraged, but a glad place for those who are happy and contented. 13 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY FOURTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO RELY UPON DIVINE WISDOM AND NOT ON MY OWN UNDERSTANDING. "God is my wisdom and my strength; of whom shall I be afraid?" Of ourselves we know but little, hence, for every problem presented to our thought, we turn to the Father for perfect under- standing. We can say to the Father, "I trust this problem to Thy perfect Intelligence within myself," then drop all anxious thought and go forward to the next work at hand with cheerfulness and faith, with an absolute confidence that every need will be met and that we shall be aware of the Divine protection. "Every tomorrow has two handles, we can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety or by the handle of faith." If we would only live more easily without strain and anxious thought, we should find pleasant resting places followed by joyous activity with no weariness. We all have unlimited strength to meet easily, every situation. 14 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY FIFTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO KNOW MY ABILITY TO MEET WISELY EVERY EXTER- NAL DEMAND. "Therefore now amend your ways and your doings and obey the voice of the Lord your God." The world is continually making demands upon all of us, and unless we meet these demands wisely, we are often overwhelmed by the multiplicity of things crowding upon us. It is so much harder to say no than to say yes, that we fail to make the true decision before our answer is given; then we find when it is too late, that we have obligated ourselves so heavily that often a mental breakdown is the result. Begin today to consider wisely every demand that is presented, accept no more than you can do well, for crowded work is unsatisfactory and over-work is not helpful to ourselves or others. It is not work, but worry, that brings trouble upon us ; with more forethought and less acquiescence to every foolish demand, we can stop worry and live the serene untroubled life. Kindly consideration makes no unneces- sary demands. 15 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY SIXTH DAY WATCHWORD— I AM THANKFUL FOR MY MANIFEST GOOD. "Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God." Every one has some cause for thankful- ness ; this is evidenced by the fact that none of us is willing to change places with any one else. Yet many of us entirely forget to be thankful for the blessings that we would not willingly lose. We grumble and complain about the things we have not, leaving no time to be grateful for what we have. Let us begin now to thank God for the good that is in our lives ; for we do not thank men but the Father who works through men as channels for the Divine Abundance. Be grateful for the least little kindness or the smallest gift. A grateful attitude draws us very close to the Divine Presence, thereby bringing more good into our conscious experience. 16 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY SEVENTH DAY WATCHWORD-I RESOLVE TO CAST ALL MY BURDENS ON THE LORD AND TO TRUST THE ETERNAL. "Cast thy burden upon the Lord and He shall sustain thee." — Psalms 55 : 22. While it is helpful to cast our mental burdens upon the Lord, the next step, with- out which nothing is accomplished, is the attitude of perfect faith, which brings the realization that we are sustained and that our burdens are carried by the Eternal Good. Too many people cast off all respon- sibility and become lazy, idle, and finally incompetent and useless. We are not to shirk by any means; for work is a blessing, and when done happily with an understanding of its beneficial result, makes us strong. We carry so many unnecessary burdens — heavy loads, which wear us out and help no one. "Worry kills more people than disease." Would it not be a rest to drop the worry- load and try the trust and happiness cure for a while? 17 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY EIGHTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO DO UNTO OTHERS AS I WOULD LIKE THEM TO DO UNTO ME. "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven." What is the will of the Father? It is that activity of the Divine Mind which corresponds to the God nature. The will then must be loving, peaceful, joyous and all powerful for good in the world. If we are to do the will of the Father, we at once begin to be loving, kind, helpful to others, true in all relationships, courteous to all people, gentle to the rude and friendly to the friendless. In this way we fulfill the Law of Love, hence the Law of Compensation is bound to work for us. As we appreciate all that is done for us, looking at the motive rather than at the thing done, as we are happy in thought, pleasant in word and loving in deed, we enter the Kingdom which is our Heaven. 18 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY NINTH DAY WATCHWORD— RESOLVED THAT IN BUSI- NESS I WILL BE FAIR WITH MY CUSTOMERS AND JUST TO MY COMPETITORS. "The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." Every resolve declared and followed does two things for us : it increases our force- fulness and ability, and it strengthens our character. We become not followers but leaders among men. The drifters of the world are those without force or ability to accomplish mighty works. It takes more poise and wise judgment to be just to a competitor, than to be fair to a customer. In the great world of thought in which we are all active, we find competition in every line. Are we all absolutely just to other religions, to other races, to other churches, to another's business? No one builds up his own business by running down the business of another. "If your competitor talks about you, put him on your payroll; never mind what he says as long as he talks." 19 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TENTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO MEET AD- VERSITY WITH STRENGTH AND WISDOM. , "For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay or resist." Adversity is that which to us seems adverse to our good, yet when it is met with wisdom and poise it often gives great oppor- tunity for intellectual and spiritual growth. It is through the overcoming of obstacles that we attain strength; but it leads to weakness to send out an S. O. S. call every time we see an adversary coming our way. Co-operate with your adversary, make it not your enemy but your friend and the first thing you know it will become a blessing in your life. Form the co-operating habit, make your unity with the divinity of all men, bless your enemies and appreciate your friends, help the weak by a faith in their strength, never look for trouble but seek diligently for the ever-present good, make your life God-like by living divinely. 20 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY ELEVENTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO BEAR WIT- NESS TO HEALTH. "That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations." "The Lord gave the word; great was the company that published it." The word of the Lord is Health; yet comparatively few publish it to the world. But those who testify to sickness and disease are manifold, even as grains of sand upon the shore of the sea. This testimony is published abroad throughout the whole world; it arises as a dark cloud and even dims the eyes of those who search for Truth. How shall we bear witness to health? By having a realization of our oneness with the Omnipresent Good, which is the fulness of Health for us all. Displace the negative belief of sickness by the positive thought of Health. Then as we think Health, let us speak Health with power; we can testify to our knowledge of health as the reality of the Universe. Thus shall Truth prevail over all the varied conceptions of ignorance. 21 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWELFTH DAY WATCHWORD^— THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE. I RESOLVE TO BE GLAD AND REJOICE IN IT. Wouldn't it be fine to awaken every morning radiating with the sunshine of joy ! To those who habitually practice just being glad it's a very simple matter, but to those who worry and doubt, it takes some courage to smile at difficulties and to feel happy, notwithstanding external clouds. The mists of fear and anxiety can be quickly dispelled if we will remember our watchword and repeat it over and over again until we feel a mental change, for with the inner change comes a brightening of the outer darkness. Just as long as we yield to the human belief of separation from our good, the unreal will persist in its claim of dominion, but as we come into individual relationship with the Father, we become conscious of a power that gives us joy. This is our testing time, we must examine the foundation of our faith, then put on the armor of right thought and march forward joyfully. 22 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY THIRTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO MANIFEST MY DIVINE NATURE. "For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested." — Mark 4:22. Man has concealed his Divine Nature through his false habits of thought. Because of this, the true man in his spiritual perfection has not been revealed. When the new resolve is put into prac- tice, it brings a change of thought, a new purpose, and a different attitude. Because the Divine nature is Love, we at once become courteous to others, considerate and loving. Because the Divine Nature is Joy, we rejoice and are glad for all the blessings of the world. The Divine Nature being Health, we forget the claims of sickness, and think and talk health. In all our ways, we become witnesses to Truth, the hidden goodness of the real Self is made manifest, and we help others unconsciously. We help people to help themselves and as our love flows out into the world, it is as light in the darkness and the spiritual nature of others is revealed. 23 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY FOURTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO KNOW DI- VINE MIND AS THE SOURCE OF MY SUPPLY. "For who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?" — 1 Cor. 2:16. The realization of God as the Universal .Mind of Unlimited Intelligence, hastens the time when we shall know this One Mind as the Source of all good in the Universe. As we realize this, we turn to the Source for every thing we need, seeing men simply as various channels through which God is pouring his bounty upon all. As we look back of the channels, we come into immediate touch with this mind which is the immediate supply for every need. What we all want is health, happiness and the real joy of life; we seek for material things, but they fail to supply our real needs. Spiritual laws are in operation every- where, but it is only as we make our con- nection with them that we receive the many blessings which they bring to all. 24 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY FIFTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO DISCON- NECT FROM THE WORLD AND CONNECT WITH THE UNIVERSAL SPIRIT OF HEALTH. "For it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of his good pleasure." —Phil. 2: 13. Let us become very quiet and in the stillness declare thoughtfully and earnestly : Thou Infinite Redeemer of the world, I now co-operate with Thee and think even as Thou dost think. 1 now see my body as spirit, the expres- sion of Thy Intelligence, created from the one pure harmonious substance. I see it animated by Thy Perfect Life, and I realize that it is Thy Spirit that pervades it and keeps it whole. Thy Intelligence is active within it every- where, and ever needs my loving co-opera- tion. Henceforth, I will see thy Spirit of Life within me as the strength and health of my body; and as I declare and am conscious of this Truth, I am healed of all ignorance; healed in the knowledge of Thy Presence ever with me. I am free. 25 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY SIXTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO BE ABOUT MY FATHER'S BUSINESS. "God is love, and he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God." "And this commandment have we from ,him, that he who loveth God, loveth his brother also." Thus we know that our first business for the Father is to love, to make our conscious unity with all those whom we touch in our world. As long as we leave out one of God's children, we have not yet received the "heavenly vision" of the indissoluble unity of all. Life itself is changeless good and does not depend for its activity on our changing human concepts. This we are to see with clearness and then direct our thought to this spiritual, unchang- ing reality. Only as we do this can we realize and proclaim in word and deed the ever present goodness and supply of the Father, "with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." The Father worketh hitherto, and I now co-operate and work with and for the Father. 26 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY SEVENTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO KNOW THAT WHATEVER I SHOULD DO, I CAN DO. "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God." — Romans 8: 16. As we know ourselves as children of God, we find that all power in Heaven and in earth has been given unto us, hence what- ever we feel we should do, we can do, easily, without friction and always with joy. We turn to the Father for our direction, for the Infinite Intelligence knows the way; we then go forward with confidence and unfailing courage. Under the Divine Guidance and with the inward faith, we cannot fail in any under- taking. We must not lose our courage, for that is the required condition of thought by which we receive our strength. We guard our thought with care, so that no perverted beliefs may enter and bring us to grief. Stand with the Father for "He is God in Heaven above and upon the Earth beneath ; there is none else." 27 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY EIGHTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO GROW IN SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING. "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God." — I Cor. 2 : 12. How are we to grow in spiritual under- standing but to turn to our Source which is Spirit, and to follow after the Divine Instruction ? We are to know the things that are so freely given to us : Eternal Life, unlimited intelligence, the fullness of Love, abundance of supply and all the joy, peace and harmony we desire. Then why be down-hearted, discouraged, and blue; remember if you can't be happy when you feel miserable you can't be happy at all, for our feelings have no real power and as we become happy within, the outer living is changed. True satisfaction comes from a contented mind and a serene outlook; we may be satisfied and happy with no material pos- sessions or we may lack satisfaction, with the whole world of things at our command. 28 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY NINETEENTH DAY WATCHWORD — I RESOLVE TO THINK, SPEAK AND LIVE THE TRUTH I KNOW. "Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in Truth." — Matt. 22 : 16. Have we not an inner guide, even the indwelling Christ, to teach us the way of truth ? Without the invisible guide, our work would be almost hopeless, with it, the way is easy and our burden is light. To be true to God, is to bear witness to the divine qualities in our simple every day living. To be true to the Christ is to acknowledge him in all our ways, to turn in thought to him for comfort, help, and guidance. To be true to others, is to discern spirit- ually their real nature and insist upon its manifestation. "Howbeit when the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth." — John 16: 13. And when shall he come ? When we seek for him with all our heart. And where will he come? Within our own conscious- ness, and the coming opens our door to the demonstration of peace and power. 29 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWENTIETH DaY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO HAVE AN ABSOLUTE AND LOYAL TRUST IN THE GOODNESS OF GOD. "For I, the Lord thy God, will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not, I will help thee." We seem to have lost the largeness of Faith in the Father that should be with us always. Yet it is this perfect faith in the Divine Goodness that frees us from the hypnotic beliefs of the race and all the consequent discord. Perhaps one of the hardest places to trust is in the midst of man-made diseases. We are willing to ask God to forgive us our sins, but quite unwilling to trust him to heal our diseases, we are so afraid "some- thing might happen" if we did not "do some- thing" in an external way : O ye of little faith! willing in all foolishness to trust an unorganized drug yet afraid to put a loyal faith in the Infinite Intelligence! We seem so non-receptive to our spiritual blessings, close at hand, and so very recep- tive to the false suggestions of ignorant beliefs. "Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will bring it to pass." 30 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWENTY-FIRST DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO LET DIVINE LOVE RULE MY THOUGHT, WORD, AND DEED. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self." Tolstoi wrote, "We think there are cir- cumstances where we can treat human beings without love, but there are no such circum- stances." "Thy neighbor is thy fellow man," and there is nothing so conducive to peace and happiness as a conscious unity with all people. The moment we separate ourselves and become critical in attitude the dark cloud of trouble arises on our mental horizon. T. B. Aldrich said once that "a wide- spreading hopeful disposition is your only true umbrella in this vale of tears." Hence if the dark cloud appears, we will have to open this umbrella and keep in its shelter until we again make our unity. Divine Love is so close to us, so ready to help us remember that the loving way is the divine way. If we would but practise the way of unity for a month, nothing would induce us to try the path of separation again. 31 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWENTY-SECOND DAY WATCHWORD— I DECLARE THAT THE INFI- NITE GOODNESS IS ESTABLISHED WITHIN ME. " Prove all things, hold fast that which is good." As we prove to ourselves the All-presence of God, we become conscious of the good- ness of the Father as Life, Intelligence and Substance, hence the wholeness of ourselves as the Divine expression. Each day let us meditate together on these simple statements of truth. Father, I acknowledge thy loving good- ness everywhere, even within myself. Thou art the Life that animates me. Thou art the Power that sustains me. Thou art the Wisdom that heals me. Thou art the Love that surrounds me. I rest in, and trust thy unfailing Intelli- gence to guide me in all my ways. The revelation of Truth is mine now. The Inspiration of Truth leads me on to fuller demonstration. My thought is stayed on the Infinite Love and I am filled with faith and courage. 32 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWENTY-THIRD DAY WATCHWORD — THOU ART THE HOLY SPIRIT OF HEALTH WITHIN ME. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" That which we acknowledge as real is constantly coming into our mental experi- ence. If we acknowledge disease as real, we shall have to meet it on every hand. If we acknowledge health as reality, it will become our conscious realization. All health is universal, therefore, must be Individual and is the only reality. Disease is man-made, man-named and man-acknowledged ; man, having conceived it, gives it power over himself. Yet, of itself, it is nothing, no-thing, no life, no intelligence, no substance. Health is the all pervading Omnipresent Harmony of God, Changeless, Infinite, Perfect. I am health, and in me is no sickness at all. As He is, so are we in this world. 33 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWENTY-FOURTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO TRUST THE FATHER FOR MY SUPPLY. "Have faith that whatever you ask for in prayer, is already granted you, and you will find that it will be so." — 20th Century New Testament. To trust the Father does not mean that we are to sit idly by and do nothing, but that we are to work for self-expression, express- ing all that we are in all that we do, with no worry or fear about the result. Our supply is closer than the air we breathe, but we must recognize and appro- priate it or we do not have it. God is responsible for His own creation, but we are responsible for our thinking and living. If we think lack and poverty, we cannot expect the opposite to come to us; if we think sickness and disease, we need not wonder that health seems afar off. "Trust in the Lord and do good ; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed." 34 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWENTY-FIFTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO UPROOT EVERY PLANT THAT MY HEAVENLY FATHER HATH NOT PLANTED. As we begin the weeding process we find growing in our mental garden many plants that are not the divine planting, hence they need to be uprooted. All that we inherit from the Father is perfect and all that He has given us is good. Let us listen to James, a servant of God, when he says, "Be quick to listen, slow to talk, slow to be angry — for human anger does not promote Divine Righteousness." He also tells us to "clear away the rank growth of malice" ; thus even eighteen cen- turies ago men were discovering how necessary it was to keep the steadfast mind and the harmonious thought and word. We have the understanding to cast out all untrue beliefs and cultivate only that which corresponds to our Divine Nature. But we fail to use our understanding; we let the rank weeds of envy, pride, malice, and hatred take possession of our garden, which was given to us to cultivate. It is full time to get at the work of uprooting that which can bear no fruit so that there may be room for what our Heavenly Father has planted. 35 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWENTY-SIXTH DAY WATCHWORD— -"I RESOLVE TO KEEP THE PEACE, TO DWELL IN HARMONY, THEN THE GOD OF LOVE AND PEACE WILL BE WITH ME."— II Cor. 13:11. Is it hard to keep this resolve? If it is, we may be sure it is all the more necessary. But, some one says, "How can I keep the peace, when I live in such a discordant environment?" Our environment is always the outpicturing of our inner thinking and can be changed only by an inward purifi- cation. We carry with us our own mental pictures no matter where we go, and the most beau- tiful place in the world can not give us its peace unless there is a silent mental corre- spondence. We see in the world what we ourselves are projecting into the world, and until there is an inner co-operation the outer cannot yield us its blessing. First then, look within. We have the power to govern and control our own thought, to keep the peace within, to have an attitude of harmonious co-operation. "Don't find fault, find a remedy." The God of Love and Peace is always close at hand, but in our mental turmoil we do not recognize or acknowledge Him, therefore, we fail to receive His blessing. 36 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY WATCHWORD — "WHATEVER MY TASK MAY BE, I RESOLVE TO WORK AT IT HEART- ILY AS A SERVANT OF THE LORD AND NOT UNTO MEN."— Col. 3:23. Those who work for men, have but little joy. in the task and no inspiration in the doing of the work. But as they change their attitude and work for God the Father, they gain the joy of self-expression and the Father gives them inspiration. There is a deep silent growth within each one who abandons the external world as a master or guide and turns wholly to the divinity within himself for all direction. God is the Wisdom, Power, and Intelli- gence within us all; real self-reliance means a reliance upon God; and a Divine Mastery once attained, we need no more human advice or help. To work heartily is to work happily with great joy, gaining knowledge and growth in understanding, through the activity we use in all accomplishment. We gain nothing through inertia, indo- lence, or indifference. These conditions of thought mean stagnation and nothing can grow that stagnates. Let us be glad in the work of today and look at it as a blessing in our life. 37 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO KNOW THE TRUTH THAT GIVES ME FREEDOM. "If the son therefore shall make you free ye shall be free indeed." — John 8: 36. There is no freedom on earth for those who deny freedom to others. Acting upon these three statements given below we find our way into the Kingdom. First, we make our positive decision to seek the Truth with all our heart. Next, in our diligent search after Truth we discover the Self, the Son of God, who has power to give us freedom. Last, we find the condition by which the blessing of freedom is attained, and the con- dition is, that we give freedom to others. This is the test : How far do we hold others in bondage to us, to our private beliefs of what they should or should not do, how far do we hold them accountable to us for their conduct or actions? Or do we "loose them and let them go," trusting them wholly to the Father and the Christ within themselves? If we bind them we lose our own freedom; if we trust them to the Divine Guidance, we help them out of personal bondage and gain the greater wisdom through which we discover our own freedom. 38 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TWENTY-NINTH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO LISTEN AND SPEAK THE WORD MY FATHER GIVES UNTO ME. "He that is of God, heareth God's words." Jesus emphasized the truth of his divine origin and nature, but all that he claimed for himself, he claimed for us, the children of God. He said to those who believe in him, "If you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed." All who love the Truth are believing on him, the Christ within, and through the knowledge that we are born of God, we can hear and speak the healing words of God. These words are Life, Health, Joy, Peace ,and Power, every so called "word" stands for a message of Truth, hence when we "Speak the Word" for another we mean that we are declaring his true and eternal state of Being as the direct expression of God. According to the realization and acceptance of this word is its healing power made manifest. Through lowly and earnest listening we receive from the Father the exact word that is needed in each particular problem and the result, even though the expression of the Law often seems marvelous to others. 39 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY THIRTIETH DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO GIVE ALL THINGS IN LOVE. "The Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him." —John 8 : 29. Those who give all that they have accord- ing to the Divine Law of Love overcome all ill effects from their generosity. They make neither leaners nor dependents, but they help those to whom they give to become strong and self-reliant. Charity is always cold; therefore it con- tracts and belittles those to whom it is given. Love is warm, and expands and enlarges those whom it desires to help in any way. God is Love; that is why it pleases Him when we give from the Divine Nature, which is all-loving. When we give from the thought of charity, we recognize lack and poverty of resources ; when we give in love we know the fullness of all good everywhere and recognize abundance for all. Let us do all that we do in love, co-opera- tion, and unity, blessing all that we send out into the world by the realization, that the Divine Supply is finding an open channel through us. Thus do we receive as well as give a blessing. 40 INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY THIRTY-FIRST DAY WATCHWORD— I RESOLVE TO TRUST THE FATHER AND TAKE NO THOUGHT FOR TOMORROW. "The Lord is good and He knoweth them that trust in Him." Our thought for tomorrow often keeps the present from yielding the good that it has for us ; for when our mental action is disturbed and anxious, we are not able to apply sincerely the Truth we really know. Most of us cross many bridges before we come to them; that is, we waste time and thought over that which may not come at all. We borrow trouble instead of trusting the eternal Law of good, which is sufficient for each day as it appears. If it seems wise to make some provision for the future, let us see to it that the pro- vision holds within it only good, casting out all doubt and distrust, all fear and anxiety. It is unwise to live in the future, even as it is to live in the past. Let us consecrate ourselves anew to study, and the application of the truth we know. We can make an individual effort to be more faithful, more trustful, so that from each day will arise a happier tomorrow. 41 THE MESSAGE OF TRUTH Many of us have believed that messages of Truth could come to us only through an inner revelation; hence we have spent a great deal of time waiting for a voice that somehow did not speak, or if it did, could not be heard. Experience has proved to us, however, that messages may and do come in many other ways. We may receive our individual message from a book, from nature, or again some one may, in a few words waken us suddenly to the Light of the Divine Revelation. In the same way we may be healed by a treat- ment, a book, a sermon, or a very simple lesson in Truth may be the open door into fuller understanding. In order that I may be quite definite, I will give you the messages of Truth that led me into Divine Science. My first message came in the form of silent treatments by a practitioner. The 42 THE MESSAGE OF TRUTH . result of this message was a most wonderful healing and it has kept me steadfast many times when otherwise I might have wavered. My second message came in these words, "The Father will open the way." Through holding to this message, which was given to me by another, the way was opened and I came to Denver for my first lessons in Divine Science. The third message came when the path looked dark before me and I asked for an inner light. These words came at once. "Cast all your burdens upon me and I will give you rest" ; the result was that I found immediate peace and the whole problem was solved by Divine Love's finding an open channel through me. The last message came through a little "seed thought" given to me in California. I was just about to leave the Home of Truth for Denver with no idea of taking up the work definitely, either in healing or in teaching. The night before I left, during a healing meeting, they passed around what they 43 THE MESSAGE OF TRUTH called seed thoughts, and each one was asked to read hers aloud ; this was mine : "Wist you not I must be about my Father's business?" The result of this message is sixteen years of healing and teaching Divine Science. Messages of Truth are constantly coming to us. Those who accept the message and act upon it find steady unfoldment, those who do not accept hold themselves back from fuller knowledge. The Light of Truth once received is never withdrawn, but waits patiently for us to turn to it again for greater illumination. The great necessity is to act upon the message received. Had I failed to walk when the Father opened the way, my good would have been postponed ; for, no matter when or how the way was opened for me, my part was to walk therein. How many of us today are "about the Father's busi- ness" ? The Divine Laws of elimination and adjustment are always at work; our part is co-operation with these Laws. We must cease all worry, all hurry, all resent- 44 THE MESSAGE OF TRUTH ment; for we ourselves must overcome all that keeps us out of the Kingdom of Peace and Love. We should not resign ourselves to per- sonal limitations, but through realizing our eternal spiritual nature come into the joy of freedom. We must live in such harmony and agreement with our world that all chronic troubles will disappear. The work at hand is our greatest opportunity for growth and the "place whereon we stand is holy ground." Health, Joy, Peace, and Supply should be our conscious realization; and if we seem to lack any of these qualities, there is a need for us to stop and question earnestly, What mental cloud have I allowed to come between me and my changeless good? Wist you not that you must be about your Father's business? When you start, the Father will open the way. 45 THE TRUTH THAT FREES We are all students of Truth, all walking the same path of inner attainment. We do not recognize any high or low, any young or old; for the one who starts today may have a greater inspiration than one who has walked the path for years. Truth is not for time but for eternity and we do not work for personal credit or per- sonal gratification, but for growth and greater understanding. The Spirit of Truth "brings all things to our remembrance" when there is a readiness to receive; it cannot enter when the mental door is closed. We alone can release the brake of doubt and unbelief, and open the door to the Power that waits for entrance. All effort is a matter of mental attitude and we have our part to do in bringing the knowledge of Truth to the world. The mental attitude of expectation and openness makes it easy to receive, and the more we receive, the greater the blessing in our daily living. 46 THE TRUTH THAT FREES People, generally, however, have so many things they do not want stored away in the mental attic, that there is no room for the things they do want. Inherited beliefs hang from a large hook in one corner; fear of anything new or dif- ferent sits and rocks in an easy chair; the windows are curtained with the cobwebs of useless habits of thought; discouragement lurks in the shadows cast by doubt; fretful- ness and discontent are twins and lie in the same old-fashioned cradle our grandmothers rocked their troubles in, and the fine dust of worry settles down upon everything. Do we want to hand down such ancient relics as these to our posterity? Did any good ever come out of such an attic? It is easy to see that a thorough mental house-cleaning is needed, a burning up of all the undesirable, accumulated trash, a puri- fication of the whole room, and a set of new furnishings. Of course, it is easier to sit and rock and let the dust of ages accumulate; but the easy way is by no means the best way, and 47 THE TRUTH THAT FREES one of the main objects in bringing" Divine Science to the attention of people is to awaken them from the lethargy of mental indolence by showing them the necessity of mental and spiritual activity. Let each one this month get busy doing the "fall cleaning" of that mental attic; nothing in the world is hard to do if done with interest and enthusiasm. Those who really begin this Divine renovation will not again consent to dark- ness, but will dwell untroubled in the Light. We need not seek external help, for our own true inner Self shows us the way and is always ready to lend us a helping hand. "Cast away thy transgressions and make a new spirit within thee." "Ye are the sons of the Living God and all of ye are the children of the Most High." 48 KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE The life of a true Divine Scientist should be one of poise under any and all circum- stances. This life comes through appropriation of our divine qualities and attributes, which belong to us by birthright, and must always remain with us. But appropriation alone is not enough. We must use our spiritual and mental powers, for it is by use that they increase in value. Jesus said, "He that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also." This was not a mere figure of speech but an actual truth and it can be demonstrated by all who really believe in their own Christ. Spiritual dominion is given to man. As he exercises his dominion with love and intelligence, he realizes poised, peaceful, powerful activity. But until we accept and put into use our 49 KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE birthright of power, we know but little more than children and are therefore under the dominion of the world. As long as we are sensitive, can be elated or depressed by praise or blame, or are even hurt by the actions of others, we are still far from the poise we earnestly desire. Only when one is calm and serene in the midst of the world's turmoil, can he say in truth, "None of these things move me." The impersonal attitude is the only one that gives us peace and harmony. The personal attitude leads to unrest, selfishness, and unhappiness. "What do I get out of it?" is the secret question, even if not outwardly expressed; and if there is nothing to get, all interest and enthusiasm quickly vanish. Why hold to the belief that we lack our good when we have our basis to apply to every experience? The Omnipresence of Divine Supply is ours to enjoy; why deny it? If we would claim and mentally appropriate all that is ours through divine inheritance, we should 50 KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE not be wandering around trying to "get" something to meet our needs. We do not realize the activity of divine Love everywhere, working for the good of its children. When we do, all fault-finding and complaining will disappear and we will rejoice in the good at hand. The way of the Lord is perfect, it is plain before us, a pleasant road for us to travel; but it is only when our thoughts, words, and deeds conform to the law of righteousness that we see the way, which is the open road to all fulfillment. Others are encouraged when we walk uprightly and are strong and poised in the Truth ; but when we waver and falter, many are discouraged and give up the attempt to go forward. Understanding of the Divine Love and Goodness everywhere is a sure, positive remedy for every erroneous conception that we meet in our daily experiences and if we will but form the habit of faith in the pro- tection of the Father there shall no evil befall us and no ill come upon us, 51 KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE We invite trouble by believing in it as a probable guest at any time ; in fact, there are many who set the table and look out of the window to see if it yet draws near. What a faithless way of living! Why not begin today to claim, look for, and expect our good? It is bound to arrive if we prepare for it and open wide the door that it may come in. A friend said to me lately, "I never make any plans for January, for in that month some of us are always sick." I believe, if that had been my experience in the past, I would plan for every day of January such great activity and joy that a sick thought would not find an entering wedge; for nothing can come to us save through the door of mentality, and surely the children of God can guard that door from all intruders. Acknowledge the Truth faithfully, trust wholly to the Spirit, ignore the claims of the world, insist that only the good is true, declare that the universal law of Love is working through you, realize your unity 52 KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE with the good everywhere, then rejoice that already your supply is at hand and nothing can take it from you. The Self of each stands unmoved by our foolish fears, our false conceptions; it is calm and strong, unwavering and unafraid; the Self is. quietly, gently leading us into the knowledge of Truth that is destined for .every living soul, and sooner or later we will drop the veil of delusion and realize our .unity with our Source, the Infinite, ever- present Good. 53 OUR ESSENTIAL ATTITUDE The attitude I want to talk about is not the one we hold toward the big things of life, not the attitude we take when it is necessary to decide between what seems to be right, or what is merely expedient. Neither is it the attitude that is forced upon us at times by death, accidents, earth- quakes, or great moral questions. The attitude I want to talk about is the essential attitude needed towards the simple daily experiences, the attitude that may bring us peace at all times. Just as an experiment, let us sit down for about five minutes for contemplation. I say sit down advisedly, for we are not to do this "on the run" but with deliberation and honesty of purpose. Was it hard to take that five minutes? If it was, it shows, beyond question, that we are living in the rush of things and not in the tranquility of mental poise. First, then, let us let go and be quiet; wait for the analysis of our attitude until 54 OUR ESSENTIAL ATTITUDE we can look out from the self -centre calmly and dispassionately. Now we can take a broad general view of the day's activity just ahead of us. How do we feel about it? For our feeling repre- sents our attitude and before the feeling is different the attitude must be changed. Do we hate our work or rejoice in it? Does it appear burdensome or light to us? Is there hurry, worry, or confusion in our thought of it? Let us be very honest with ourselves in these questions. When we say in accents of despair, "Every thing has gone wrong today!" the trouble was not in things but in thought, the loose screw that caused friction was not in the external world but in the lack of mental balance. We need, to use the vernacular of the world, to "get hold of ourselves." Let us ask, "What is the matter with me?" not "What is wrong with the world?" No one needs to live in a rush; we may choose to do so and we may even claim 55 OUR ESSENTIAL ATTITUDE our enormous value to the world because the world makes so many demands upon us, but rush work is all too often slack work and is degenerating in its effect upon all con- cerned. I heard a man say that whenever too many responsibilities and decisions presented themselves and he was disturbed over them, he always "took a day off and went fish- ing." When he looked at his trials from a greater distance, they seemed of less conse- quence and when he returned with a calmness of thought, over half of them "had settled themselves." Our attitude is the crucial test of our unfoldment in mental and spiritual poise. Now let us "get down to business" and make a few inquiries of ourselves : Do I jump at any sudden noise? Do I "go all to pieces" when something quite unexpected confronts me? Do I "hurry like mad" to meet my next engagement? Do I feel an "inner tremor" much of the time? 56 OUR ESSENTIAL ATTITUDE Am I "too busy" to be really courteous to my family? We can ask a great many other questions ; these few are examples of the remarks we hear in the busy world of today. In the first place, let us cast no blame on our nerves for our lack of poise; nerves are registers, not the creators of mental pictures. It has been said that "hurry is slovenly preparation" ; if we began in time, we should not need to hurry, and "inward tremor" is but the registration of hurried or excited thought. We all need to get a spiritual perception on some of these points and follow it up with a serence, poised attitude towards life in general, and our own individual living in particular. Our desire and inspiration will point the way to the word we need to think and declare, and we may serenely await its ful- fillment; for the law never varies in its working, and the tendency of the Divine purpose for us all is harmony of mind, thought, and body ; hence we are to be lifted 57 OUR ESSENTIAL ATTITUDE up to a conscious faith and we shall receive the sure reward of those who diligently seek the way of Truth. Let us begin today. As we resolve to let go of the non-essentials, we can plan our day for free, peaceful activity, we will take time occasionally for the real stillness, and let the world hurry, rush along without engulfing us. We have the power to choose; why not choose the happy serene attitude and thus have a joy- world, a world of order and peace which has before this been undreamed of as a possibility? "My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, give I unto you," but as the inner peace of the Christ that passeth all finite comprehension, a peace that abides as we enter into understanding. 58 WHAT SHALL I THINK? As man is born with the capacity to think and given the power to choose what he shall think, he is discovering today that the way he is thinking makes the difference between peace or discord in his life. The great essential for him is to establish the habit of right thinking, which is not a difficult matter where there is an earnest desire and purpose for so doing. Man has thought he was controlled by conditions external to himself and has believed in luck or chance as governing factors in his life, he has left Divine Mind with its loving Intelligence out of all cal- culation, and his own thinking has been allowed to dissipate in any fashion. Being afraid to take responsibility upon himself for his many sad experiences he has cast the blame upon others. He has, therefore, not known how to deliver himself in times of trouble. Man is now learning more rapidly every year that he can not hold angry, resentful 59 WHAT SHALL I THLNK ? thoughts and at the same time have peaceful experiences, that he cannot think impure thoughts and at the same time live a life of purity, and that he can not contemplate and believe in disease as a reality and at the same time become acquainted with the Omnipresent Health. It is a sad fact that the shadow of materiality has come between man and the realization of his own spiritual nature, hence he stumbles in the darkness instead of walking toward the Light. Jesus taught that it was the evil thoughts that defile the man, and Paul told us to think on that which was lovely, pure, and good; but it has taken many centuries for us to take this truth as a working basis and establish new habits of thought and a fuller discernment of the impersonal laws of mind that work the same way for us all. According to your thought shall it be unto you, and you will not realize health while your thought is filled with sickness, nor love when your thought is fear-full. What then shall I think? Only that 60 WHAT SHALL I THINK? which is true, from the Basis of the Omni- presence of God, the All Good, and let your daily prayer be: May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable unto Thee. Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. To be spiritually minded is Life and Peace. Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established. Love thinketh no evil. Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. "He who knows that Power is in the soul, that he is weak only because he has looked for good out of him and elsewhere, and so perceiving, throws himself unhesi- tatingly on his thought, instantly rights himself, stands erect, commands his limbs, works miracles. "—Emerson. 61 THOUGHTS ON HEALING Healing, according to Divine Science, means demonstration of the Principles of Truth for which Divine Science stands. Health and Strength, Joy and Peace, belong to man by birthright and his good may be evidenced here and now. As Divine Science is a demonstrable religion, people naturally ask, "What has it done?" and "What can it do for me?" Any student can tell of case after case of so- called incurable illness that has been healed, and the testimony of many witnesses cannot be disproved. One of the first things to learn is that disease is unreal and not a necessary experi- ence, for that which is Real is True and abides forever, that which is unreal has no enduring qualities and disappears when Truth is applied as darkness disappears when the light enters. Divine Science stands for the full knowledge of Truth and its demonstration 62 THOUGHTS ON HEALING in daily living. Disease has been healed, unfortunate habits have been dissolved, families have been re-united through the understanding of God everywhere as Health, Strength, and Peace. 63 DEMONSTRATION OF HEALTH The race has always known the desira- bility of Health; has even known the necessity of Health if one were to succeed in any undertaking. But that Health was omnipresent, the Eternal State of God and Man, since man is the expression of God, was not thought of nor realized until during the last fifty years. In the meditations of Marcus Aurelius, written in 150 A. D., we read, "He took care of his bodily health, not as one who was greatly attached to life nor out of regard to personal appearance nor yet in a careless way, but so that through his own attention, he seldom stood in need of a physician, of medicine or external appli- cations." Today, if we all gave more attention to Health as the reality of Mind and body, we, too, would have no need of a practitioner or of external aid. Were people in general more enlightened on the subject of Health Universal, this knowledge applied would 64 DEMONSTRATION OF HEALTH mean harmony and the elimination of the many appearances of disease among us. Listen to Carlyle as he declares, "Through eye and ear and all avenues of sense, came clear, unimpeded tidings from without, and from within issued clear, victorious force; we stood as in the centre of Nature, giving and receiving in harmony with it all; in those days health and sickness were foreign traditions that did not concern us; our whole Being was as yet One, the whole man like an incorporated will." Jesus demonstrated Health to many dur- ing His work here on earth, and we are today following His example. We exclaim in wonder when we are told of a case of healing and rejoice that one has realized freedom; but why wonder that the normal state of man should suddenly become known? The veil of illusion was lifted and the reality of substance as it is, was shown to the receptive mentality. Healing may be, and often is, instantan- eous, or it may be progressive. That is, as we advance in the knowledge of Truth, we 65 DEMONSTRATION OF HEALTH see less and less of its opposite, and gradually ignorance is overcome and the realization of Health becomes permanent. An interesting case of healing was that of a woman who came to Denver with a claim of tuberculosis. Two physicians, one her brother, had pronounced her incurable. They said she had but a very short time to live. She applied to a Divine Science prac- titioner for help, which, of course, was gladly given. Within less than two months she returned to her home in Illinois. The two physicians 'who had pronounced the case incurable wrote a letter to the College, saying that she was absolutely well, her lungs being perfectly sound. What had occurred ? Simply this : an ignorant belief had been dissolved and the immaculate purity and Health of her substance had been revealed. A personal experience is always of interest to our large family of students, and I relate the following experience for their benefit: I suffered for twenty-five years with intense sick and neuralgic headaches. 66 DEMONSTRATION OF HEALTH There seemed no cause for them and no physician could help me. After I was con- verted to Divine Science I was healed in this way : I was in the midst of one of these headaches; the suffering was intense, the pain almost unbearable, when suddenly I realized that I myself was perfectly serene and happy, that I was an individual- ized center of peace and no pain or hurt had ever touched or changed me. The realization was so clear that I was healed and have never had to meet these experiences since. We are all so much greater than we know and it is only the untrue beliefs about the self that keep us out of the great Spiritual Kingdom of Harmony and whole- ness. Think, not sickness, think Health. Talk, not disease, talk Health. Trust, not drugs, trust Health. Live it, love it, bear witness to it. Health is everywhere present. Health is in you; believe in it and it will be revealed unto you. 67 THOUGHTS ON DEMONSTRATION It would be quite impossible to over- estimate the spiritual uplift that has come to the race through Divine Science. Un- foldment has been quickened, permanent health has been realized, and conscious trust in the ever-present good has become a fixed habit of thought. Many are patiently learning the lessons of Truth and helping others into greater knowledge. We can now see the utter nothingness of any thing, thought, or experience opposed to God. The good is uncovered, and we realize a wealth of Love, of Joy, of Health, of Wisdom, and of Power. By these signs shall we know those that have consciously chosen the way of Truth: They are serene, poised, fearless, filled with the love of service, unselfish, detached from material bondage; and they have also a great impersonal outlook upon all events and experiences in the world about them. 68 THOUGHTS ON DEMONSTRATION A demonstration of interest that came to me when a very young worker may help us to realize that it is "the Spirit that doeth the work." The case was that of a young girl in High School who had been suffering for months under the claim of rheumatism. Everything had been tried for her relief but all to no avail, and the time of deep discouragement had come. It was my first trial in public work and I accepted the case with much humility. After the second treatment the young girl suddenly felt a change and said "it was as if a heavy cloud had passed away from me," and she was at once entirely healed of her delusion. The next day she came to my house well, free, and happy. This was fifteen years ago and there has been no return of the trouble. Fear seems to be a great enemy in the race thought, but with its complete elimina- tion one has a clearer vision and greater peace. 69 THOUGHTS ON DEMONSTRATION Earnestly read and re-read the following meditation until all insecurity passes away and you feel an increase of courage and faith. Meditation. Since the Infinite and changeless spirit of Love fills all space and is the only reality, there can be nothing for me to fear. This Spirit uplifts and sustains me and its ever present Intelligence destroys my false con- ceptions, which are the only enemies to my peace, health, and joy. I now receive and gladly accept the fulness of Truth and I realize that the Father is demonstrating perfect health in me. Every shadow is dissolved and the Light of the Divine Presence shows me the path of peace and harmony. God is the source and cause of my health. My health is eternal and changeless. Love and Harmony are the reality of my world. The word of Health is made manifest in my body. God is the health of His people. God is my health. 70 THE POISE OF UNDERSTANDING As we contemplate the great world about us, letting our thought run out to all people of all nations, we quickly discern the sad lack of poise everywhere, even in those who claim to be Divine Scientists. Poise is needed on three planes : the so- called physical, the mental, and the spiritual. It is fine to have a well-poised body ready for every demand, and certainly mental balance is greatly to be desired, but the poise of understanding is greater than all else. This poise comes only to the one who is so consecrated to Truth, that the surface happenings have no power of disturbance and the deep things of the Spirit are revealed as an open book. When one is made unhappy by the sins of omission or commission as evidenced by others, he shows his own weakness; for even the simple mental balance should be impervious to these mistakes. If the peace and joy of one's own inner centre is at the mercy of the world and 71 THE POISE OF UNDERSTANDING rests upon what others do or fail to do, there is need of greater poise and more understanding. The power of Truth is mighty. We dis- cover it only by following our own convic- tion of Right, turning from personality as a guide to the inner Light and relying wholly upon the real Self. The authority of truth is all we need, no teacher or leader can give us his or her own discernment ; the divine revelation must come directly to each one of us; and unless we learn to think for ourselves, we cannot grow. One who is really poised in understanding, is not led by emotions or governed by feelings, but constantly looks through all appearances to find unchanging Truth. But alas ! on every side we see the foolish- ness of men, the utter stupidity, the hurt feelings, painful sensitiveness, people full grown on the outside, but mere children within, craving sympathy, looking for slights, and all the rest of the "carnal mind" absurdities. 72 THE POISE OF UNDERSTANDING Sometimes it looks as if we were but a short distance on the path that leads upward to the clear heights of spiritual discernment. We let such little things turn us aside. Rest assured, as long as we can be mentally upset, hurt, or insulted by others, we are still dwelling on the personal plane, limited by our own attitude and submerged in mental shadows. Not only in small ways but in the large events do we need poise. , We are often asked : "What should be our attitude toward the War?" In reply, we must remember that no one can decide for another what his attitude should be toward any event; for the attitude of each one rests largely upon his degree of unfold- ment. If he looks upon the great war, from the personal equation, he will be unhappy and will experience much mental disturbance, but if he looks at it from the impersonal side, he will see it as the inevitable result of false thinking; and, knowing the eternal law of change in the external world, he can 73 THE POISE OF UNDERSTANDING say, "This, too, shall pass away/' and pre- pare for the peace that is bound to come. The war touches us as it finds a correspondence of resistance, rebellion, or resentment in our personal thought; but to those who keep the peace within, there can be no discord or mental pain, in other words, no war can touch the one who is in perfect unity with Truth. Our thought should be a purifying flame, a cleansing fire going out in love and bless- ing to "those who yet sit in darkness." As Divine Scientists, really believing in our Basis, the Omnipresence of God, the all Good, we should be untroubled and unafraid, with a great unquenchable faith in the Unity of Good and the Principles for which we stand. "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." "Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then we have confidence towards God." 74 DEMONSTRATION OF HARMONY We are seeing today, as never before, the difference between Divine Law and man- made law, and in our search for Truth we discover that, as we co-operate with the Eternal Laws of Unity, the old personal laws are dropped from thought and the Law of our Divinity is made manifest. Innumerable laws have been laid down for our body, our food, and our environ- ment. The body seems to be acting of itself, as though it were a separate personality and could choose what it would eat and drink, what climate it would agree with, what environment it preferred; but this is only because we do not understand the direct action of our thought and words, it was never our innocent body that was at fault, but our ignorant beliefs in personal laws that produced the discords. Inharmonious results are bound to follow conceptions of ignorance, we have been very loath to acknowledge this, for it is easier to blame the body than it is to assume 75 DEMONSTRATION OF HARMONY personal responsibility for the troubles that come upon us. Divine Intelligence has never sent sickness or unhappiness to us, but it will heal us as we understand its Laws of Harmony and co-operate with them. It is not drugs for our body, but mental medicine for our thought that we need to become established in harmony. Through the understanding that it is not matter but Mind that is the controller of all sensation, we realize that we have the power to overcome pain, weakness, or disease. But we must use this God-given authority in thought and word; we need to exercise the power vested in the Self to change all that is unlike our Divine ature. The whole race needs to be de-hypnotized from the false conceptions that have for so long held it in bondage. I was teaching a class in a neighboring town at one time and one of the ladies who came to the first meeting said she could not join the class because she "was threatened with nervous prostration." I was very 76 DEMONSTRATION OF HARMONY much astonished and exclaimed, "Why! who is threatening you?" She was equally surprised and replied, "Well, the doctor said so, anyway." I talked to her earnestly for a few moments telling her that the Infinite Mind of Love was caring for her and that the threats of personality had no power over her unless she agreed with them. She then joined the class and soon realized her perfect health. God has made His children capable of receiving, using, and revealing Divine Power, and nothing can limit us except our unwillingness to receive our birthright. We are often mentally indolent; we prefer to drift in an inert fashion, rather than take hold of the truth we really know and work out our own salvation. Meditate earnestly on the following statements until you realize the truth of them. MEDITATION. I am the image of God. My body is the temple of God. My body is pure, holy, harmonious. 77 DEMONSTRATION OF HARMONY Life is spiritual, not material. Life acts freely through me. I have no fear, since Divine Love is car- ing for me. Sickness is unreal — Health is real. All of my decisions are for Truth. My thought is now harmonious, I shut out all that is unlike good. I retain only the good and true. Watchword — The words of my mouth and the meditations of my thought are now acceptable unto Thee. 78 OUR DIVINE SUPPLY Man everywhere is born with three innate longings: the first is for health, the second is for supply, the third is for satisfaction. Man really longs for the fullness of good, because he knows, deep down within him- self, that he is entitled to it, and he therefore seeks for it with all his heart. Unfortunately, he turns his attention to the external world as the source of his good ; for the external world is, as yet, the only cause he is acquainted with. He does not know that the reality of his being is "God made manifest" and that per- fect health, divine abundance, and full satisfaction exist within himself. Neither does he know that disease, pain, and poverty are illusions within his own mental realm. It is a long time before he learns that happiness and discord, serenity and turmoil are simply opposite mental conditions, caused wholly from his own attitude toward people, life in general, and the world. 79 OUR DIVINE SUPPLY The question is often asked: "If man is the manifest expression of God and is created perfect, why does he have these con- trary modes of thought?" Simply because he is given the power of choice, and in his mistakes he finds pain and discord, but when he chooses aright he co-operates with the Laws of Harmony and realizes peace. Some day he will arise from this dream of delusion and become conscious that the Kingdom of Health, Joy, and Love is within himself and not only within himself but everywhere present in the world. The new student of Divine Science is apt to take too much for granted. He is told that Affirmations of Truth will work wonders, that he is only to deny lack and affirm supply in order to get every- thing he wants. He begins to practice vigorously, night and day, in season and out of season, he fairly wears himself out with mental efforts ; he is like the child who wants something and believes that if he cries and teases long 80 OUR DIVINE SUPPLY enough his mother will finally give him what he desires. But the great Universal Father is entirely impersonal and cannot, by the Law of His own changeless nature, give anything more than he has already bestowed upon him. All true understanding is divine, hence, spiritual; and man needs an increase, not of things, but of wisdom. He must extend his affirmations into his daily living. For supply he must — 1st. Recognize the invisible source; 2d. Appreciate all that he has; 3d. Share his manifest good with others. He must be filled with such conscious trust in the Omnipresent Supply of all good that "oh ye ! of little faith" can not find an entrance to his mental home. Live every affirmation. Demonstrate peace in your home. Manifest Love in your world. Know Health as the only Reality. Realize that Divine Intelligence supplies every need. 81 SPIRITUAL DIAGNOSIS It seems a far cry from matter to Spirit, yet many persons have passed quickly from material beliefs into the knowledge of Spiritual reality. Man has been bound for centuries and has perhaps suffered more from physical diagnosis than from any other cause. He has been controlled by feelings, bodily sensations, and appearances. He has been the victim of drugs, poisons, and all manner of external remedies, and, not realizing that there was a better way to health has not sought salvation in the truth of his own Divinity. We are discovering that external means have not healed the race of sin, sickness and disease, and today we are facing the light of revealed Truth. This Truth shows us Spiritual man one with his Source, eternal and perfect. Now we ask for mental diagnosis, and as a consequence the great burden of physical causation is being rapidly lifted from humanity. 82 SPIRITUAL DIAGNOSIS In the exact ratio that man recognizes his Divine nature he abandons the belief of physical causation and asks to be healed of false conceptions and mental delusions. All of this would be clear if man could be de-hypnotized from racial and personal mistakes, and his mental home be put in permanent order. But man must work out his own salva- tion; no one else can do his thinking and consequent living for him. The words of Jesus still hold good : "Behold thou art made whole; sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee," and no man can retain his blessings if he disregards the law by which he receives them. The One Cause of the Universe with all that is included in its immensity is Mind, Infinite, Changeless, Perfect with its own thought activity as the only creative power. It is unthinkable that the Divine Mind of pure Intelligence, could or would create sin, disease, or death. As man of himself is not a creator, these seeming conditions can be only reflections 83 SPIRITUAL DIAGNOSIS of man's perverted mental pictures, which appear through his mistaken conceptions. How, then, is a Spiritual Knowledge of man going to help his present unhappy conditions ? First, it changes his point of view in regard to himself; perceiving that he is the direct expression of the One Universal Mind, he thinks differently and his living registers an immediate change. Second, as he realizes his Divine nature in its wholeness and perfection, he applies the Truth he knows to all abnormal condi- tions. He finds the knowledge of Truth a heal- ing, cleansing power, which destroys the illusion of disease and brings perfect Health to his comprehension. Man soon understands that fear and ignorance are his greatest enemies; hence he substitutes conscious trust and wisdom in his thinking; this leads him steadily for- ward in the path of righteousness and peace. What, then, is a Spiritual diagnosis of man? 84 SPIRITUAL DIAGNOSIS Man is a conscious center in the Mind of Universal Intelligence. He is endowed from his Source with Wisdom, Love, Power, Health, and Eternal Life. Man is never separated from his Source; as he comprehends what this means, he finds himself free from all false conceptions. Being always a pure Spiritual Idea of God, His Divine Nature is unfolding in perfect harmony. Let man declare then : God is His own Demonstrator. I am His Demonstration. Nothing can be added to me. Nothing can be taken from me. All that I am is Eternal in God. I am complete in Him. 85 ESSENTIALS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE As we find our way leading onward and upward, we unfold out of material concep- tions into the eternal Truth, and in the Light of Truth we perceive a spiritual universe of harmony, peace, and perfection. In the understanding that comes to us as we feel the nearness of the Divine Presence with its changeless Intelligence, we some- times forget that to abide in this realization means that there is always work to be done and essentials to remember. The spiritual life is not a life of idleness by any means, but a time of conscious activity. I am sure it takes more moral and ethical courage to be true to the principles of Divine Science than it does to face any experience that may confront us. So I will say that courage is the first essential of the spiritual life — the courage that stands firm no matter what people say ; the courage that dares to face pain, discord, poverty, with no fear or doubt ; the courage 86 ESSENTIALS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE that lifts up its head no matter how deep the waters of tribulation. Courage is the quality that leads us on to greater knowledge. Cheerfulness, arising from an inner sense of joy, is another essential, cast- ing out all self-pity, worry, and complaint. To be continually of good cheer lights the path we would walk and blesses those we meet on the way. Strength is a great necessity and for its realization declare often: The Spirit of God is within me and the Power of the Almighty gives me strength for every undertaking. All of these essentials rest eternally in the Self and are realized only through their constant use. To manifest them we claim, think, and live them, and they enter into our conscious realization. As we increase in spiritual understanding, we decrease in material conceptions and must arise in the knowledge of our Divinity which gives us freedom. Let us meditate daily upon the Twentieth Century Prayer : 87 ESSENTIALS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE "Oh, Lord, give me perception of the true, the beautiful, the good. Give me appreciation of the life that now is. Give me receptivity, that openness of spirit which accepts the good from every source. Give me generosity to share with all the good received. Give me wisdom to plan and energy to accomplish. Give me the vision Universal, that noth- ing shall be done for glory of self, but all for love of man and Thee." "God's loving Presence, being Omni- presence, never leaves a soul, even though man's thought is turned entirely away from God. God's loving call is eternally sound- ing, though unheard by the ears that are filled with other sounds. The moment here, or hereafter, that our thought becomes attentive to Truth (the Christ voice of the soul), that very moment is our salvation revealed to us." — Selected Bible Readings. 88 ESSENTIALS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE IN HIS PRESENCE All is light. All is strength. All is Love. All is Joy. All is Health. All is Abundance. All is Good. God is the only Presence. God is the only Power. ■Truth and Health. 89 THE INWARD STILLNESS "Let us labor then for an inward stillness; An inward stillness and an inward healing; That perfect silence where the lips and heart are still." — Longfellow. In order to help our younger students to a more definite understanding of what is meant by "the Silence," it is necessary to be somewhat personal, otherwise I cannot be clear and direct in showing them what they should do, as well as what they should not do. For a long while after taking up the study of Divine Science the Silence was a great mystery to me. My first teacher would say, "Now we will go into the Silence," then she would give us some beautiful statement to dwell upon, and we would all close our eyes and think very hard indeed while she would affirm the Truth aloud, and deny its opposite; then after a fine little talk we ppened our eyes and "the Silence" was at an end. Being started in this way, I kept it up for a long time, always wondering why I 90 THE INWARD STILLNESS received nothing in a spiritual way from my very strenuous work. I asked many people how to attain greater realization, but received no guidance and no especial help. One man, supposed to be a great student of Truth, told me that when he "went into the Silence" he took some Spiritual word like "Divinity," then he took each letter of the word in turn and thought of a fitting word for it; beginning with the letter "D" he would think of the Divine Nature, the letter "i" would suggest the immaculate substance, from "v" he would think of the vision of Truth, etc; thus during the time of silence, he was concentrating on these various words. Many other ways of occupying oneself in the Silence were given and most faith- fully tried, but with no perceptible result. It was many years before I discovered the real nature of the Silence and its helpfulness to spiritual unfoldment. All that I had been doing so industriously was only a form of meditation; and as my 91 THE INWARD STILLNESS thought was running along at a high rate of speed, there was no Silence in the whole operation. What then is "the Silence"? Listen carefully, while I tell you. It is the deep inner stillness beneath all external activity, even below the ceaseless action of thought. How are we to enter and abide in this inner stillness? What are we to do when we arrive? These are the natural ques- tions of the new student and I am glad to explain the very simple process that helped me more than anything else. There are three activities to be quieted: First, all bodily activity by perfect relaxa- tion; next all emotions and desires through elimination, in fact we are to "want to want nothing," even the emotions of love or joy are to be at rest; and last, our thought by perfect control. Now, when we really feel very quiet and can rest in a deep sense of stillness, we are to listen with an earnest intensity, in order that the indwelling Spirit may speak to us. This is a time of inner communion, not 92 THE INWARD STILLNESS by the active method of thought, but by feeling the nearness of the Father and by resting in and trusting the Divine protection. We may perhaps receive a word, or just an impression that we can follow later on, or possibly a message of courage or guidance may come. At all events, when we come from this silence, we should feel refreshed and rested, with no mental strain whatever. This is the true Silence of the mystic, and by its practice we come into more spiritual understanding and Divine Power. 93 " THEN SHALL THY HEALTH SPRING FORTH SPEEDILY" The world is sadly asking, "When, where and how am I to regain my health?" For every new remedy there are hundreds ready to use it; every new physician is besieged with eager applicants for health, and every mental and spiritual worker is busy day and night declaring the truth of man's Divine Nature and the nearness of the Great Presence of Health to all. Yet the time still seems afar off when "health shall spring forth speedily" and all sickness be eliminated from the world. We can hasten the time in one way, by ceasing to believe in the direct opposite of health. Let each one ask himself, "What is my mental attitude towards sickness?" "Do I see it as real or unreal?" "Do I believe it to be a power or a delusion?" Our answers to these questions will indicate where we are in spiritual compre- 94 THY HEALTH SHALL SPRING FORTH SPEEDILY hension; for as divine understanding increases, material conceptions decrease until finally the delusions of the senses are overcome by the reality of Truth. As long" as we are believing in sickness and disease as reality, we study its symp- toms, we discuss it, take a great interest in it, receive it, entertain it, accept it, show it to our friends and finally when it masters us, we hold up our hands to heaven and ask, "Why does God permit this to come upon us?" Man himself, in his ignorance, is the sole conceiver of all the disease in the world, and it is through man's own enlightenment that it will eventually disappear. When we know that "I, a living soul," am greater than all the appearances of disease in the universe put together, we will drop fear and become conscious of our mastery over all unreal conditions. Let us know then, that every disease is a false human concept, born of ignorance, but persisting in appearance, until true knowledge is acquired. 95 THY HEALTH SHALL SPRING FORTH SPEEDILY If we could keep our mental pictures pure, perfect, and harmonious, we would never again come under the bondage of sickness, for any conception of evil is entirely super- fluous and never belonged in our Divine Equipment. Men study the unreal, believing it to be the real, and by this procedure, increase the pain and the darkness of the world. Because Health is of God, substantial and enduring, we can know it and help others to such a realization that it "shall spring forth speedily" from the true Source. Back of the visible world of appearance (man's human concept), lies the invisible world of reality. As we study the appear- ance with all its shadows and discordant symptoms, we are lost in a maze of deception; on the other hand, if we will but look through the human veil, we discern the Divine Nature of the children of God, which means for all, harmony, and abiding changeless health. 96 THE PROMISES FIRST DAY WATCHWORD— THY LIGHT SHALL BREAK FORTH AS THE MORNING, AND THY HEALTH SHALL SPRING FORTH SPEEDILY. The entrance of thy word giveth light. I am the word of God, made manifest. This is the changeless truth of each one of the Divine family. When, however, I am consciously the word of God, my entrance into any darkness of ignorance brings the light that illumines. This Light brings wisdom to the ignorant. This Light brings healing to the sick. This Light brings redemption from sin. This Light brings peace to all turmoil. There is no reality in ignorance, sickness, sin, or turmoil; hence the entrance of the Word heals them through its own Light. 97 THE PROMISES SECOND DAY WATCHWORD— IN ALL THY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE ME AND I WILL DIRECT THY PATH. Each one of us can say, "I, in my true nature, am able to perceive Truth and to reveal It to the world." Many people believe that it shows deep understanding of Truth to make their teaching complex, but intellectual ability to juggle words is not the thing needed in our search for Truth. All Truth is simple, in fact, nothing in God's universe is complex. It is man's mental world that deals with complexities, vexations, and large problems. When we look through all these enormous conceptions and untrue valuations, we find the primary], simple laws that make for harmony and peace. To acknowledge the Divine Guidance presupposes an inner certainty of the near- ness of the Father and a simple loving faith, that God is leading us, not by chance or arbitrary will, but by Divine Law. 98 THE PROMISES THIRD DAY WATCHWORD— GOD IS OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH, A VERY PRESENT HELP IN TIME OF TROUBLE. How many of us believe this, and how many absolutely stand by it? Very few among- the many who profess a faith in the Christian Religion. Faith in externals, faith in personality, faith in medicine, operations, climate, or altitude we observe every day, but to hear some one say, "As for me, I put all my faith in God!" and show his faith by turning to the Father for all help — this is rare indeed. Yet this attitude gives us all a feeling of stability and encourages others to greater trust. We can have, if we want it, a growing, expanding faith in God, by a change of attitude, taking our trust from externals and placing it where it rightfully belongs, in the Mind Universal, from which all creation proceeds. 99 THE PROMISES FOURTH DAY WATCHWORD— COME UNTO ME ALL YE THAT LABOR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST. Matt. 11:28. Simply trusting and resting in the Father's Love gives us peace of mind and body. A false pride makes us think we are sufficient unto ourselves, but when we find that the load of care and oppression weighs heavily upon us, we begin to find that we need help and in our extremity we turn to the spirit of God, which only waits our asking to reveal the Divine help. How much easier it would have been, had we started with this help and not become "heavy laden." The wisdom and love of the Father are always at hand, and "rest for the children of God" is available at all times. Rest in activity, peace within comes to us, no difference how busy we are in the external way, as we "trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding." 100 THE PROMISES FIFTH DAY WATCHWORD— WHAT TIME I SEEM AFRAID, I WILL TRUST IN THE LORD. HE THAT BELIEVETH ON HIM SHALL NOT BE CONFOUNDED. How often we are afraid, worried, anxious, and troubled only to find later that our fears were groundless. Just suppose we had trusted the whole situation to the Father, and led a serene, happy life. Instead of sad times, we should have had joy times and all whom we touched would have been blessed. A trust in the Lord helps us in every activity of life — diseases are healed, hatred is overcome, and prosperity is made manifest for us in all ways. Instead fear and depression cloud our mentality and we look out upon a world of darkness. Does it pay? Never; not a single divi- dend is realized, and even that which we have will be taken from us. We have no right to cast one thought of gloom into the world. Be of good cheer. Smile. Appre- ciate the good you have. Just be glad! 101 THE PROMISES SIXTH DAY WATCHWORD— I WILL RESTORE HEALTH UNTO THEE AND I WILL HEAL THEE OF THY WOUNDS, SAITH THE LORD. This is indeed a blessed promise to the many who are sick among us. Do we seem to lack health ? Then let us get very still, so still we can feel the invisi- ble silent presence of the Father with us. In this deep inner silence, let us say, "Father, I await your healing power, that your promise may be fulfilled in me." We wait quietly then, trustful and at peace, filled with confidence in our complete restoration; let us do this each day until we receive our blessing, not wavering in our faith, but knowing that the Father always responds to our inner demand. After all, Health is ours by Divine birthright. We are seeking only for that which is our own with compound interest. If we have wounded feelings, let us speak to the Father about them and He will restore us to perfect harmony, if we trust without fear. 102 THE PROMISES SEVENTH DAY WATCHWORD— HE THAT BELIEVETH ON ME, THE WORKS THAT I DO, SHALL HE DO ALSO, AND GREATER WORKS SHALL HE DO. This is a promise of great encouragement to all students of Truth. The condition again is belief in the indwelling Christ, a fuller, deeper faith, in fact, an understand- ing faith that cannot fail. The works of the Christ-Nature are mighty, and it needs only our co-operation to make them manifest as demonstration over all human limitation. Begin today to speak the healing word, knowing that the Law of Truth will exter- nalize that which you speak. Preach the gospel of freedom to those who are bound. Do not be satisfied with any limitation; for the greater works await the doing, and each must do his part in the redemption of the world. Be happy, be glad that you are able to help others to a fuller understanding of Truth, that you can have a deeper love for humanity and a greater realization of the peace that passeth understanding. 103 THE PROMISES EIGHTH DAY WATCHWORD— JUDGE NOT, AND YE SHALL NOT BE JUDGED, CONDEMN NOT, AND YE SHALL NOT BE CONDEMNED; FORGIVE, AND YE SHALL BE FORGIVEN. How clear, simple, and definite are the words of the Nazarene, and they ring just as true today as they did when they were spoken centuries ago. We, in our folly, think we can criticise, find fault, and condemn, and still go free, but the law of compensation always works, and that word we speak we shall find repeating itself, in our own experience. Begin the work of purification by for- giveness, forgive freely, lovingly, willingly all whom you are opposing in your thought ; repeat very often, "There is harmony between me and thee." , Bless and you will be blessed, go out in a great impersonal love to all, friend or foe, seeing each one as a child of the living God. Judge no one adversely; bring out the Divine nature by recognition, by apprecia- tion; live by the high standard of Truth, and the unfoldment of the Christ is sure. 104 THE PROMISES NINTH DAY WATCHWORD— LET ALL THOSE THAT PUT THEIR TRUST IN THEE REJOICE; LET THEM SHOUT FOR JOY, BECAUSE THOU DEFEND- EST THEM. Rejoice evermore! This is the attitude of those who know that the protection of the Father is always with them; that they are surrounded by an impervious wall of love — a love that denies entrance to even the faintest thought of fear, worry, or dis- couragement. Joy is the shining light that puts out the darkness and shows us the way to freedom. Fear is the snare, the pitfall that obstructs our way and clouds our vision. A great trust brings a great realization that we do not walk alone; for the Father walks with us and with Him as our guide, we cannot go astray. Just to be glad for the day, to appreciate all the little loving thoughts that come to us, all the kindly words, to be courteous and thoughtful for others. Life is such a beautiful experience when lived divinely. Rejoice always! 105 THE PROMISES TENTH DAY WATCHWORD— ACQUAINT NOW THYSELF WITH HIM AND BE AT PEACE; THEREBY GOOD SHALL COME UNTO THEE. Religion is not a creed but a life, and one who lives at peace with himself and with his world, is sure to receive his good. The excited, disturbed mentality fails to see the good, however close it may be, and ever so continual a search for something to satisfy the inner longing must fail, unless we can be still enough to hear the quiet voice within saying, "Come unto me and I will give you rest." To have the steadfast mind, the steady thought, the quiet body, we must attain an inner poise that is undisturbed by external confusion. Our good is withheld until, through an acquaintance with the Father, we are able to receive it. To make the condition plainer, we must first receive the Father and then our good will be manifest to us. If one came knocking at our door with a gift for us and we refused him entrance, we could not have the gift; so with the promise, if we refuse the acquaintance of God, we cannot receive the Good He has for us. 106 THE PROMISES ELEVENTH DAY WATCHWORD— COMMIT THY WORKS UNTO THE LORD, AND THY THOUGHTS SHALL BE ESTABLISHED. In order to "commit our works unto the Lord," we must be willing to give up all personal pride and know that "the Father doeth the work." To realize that the Divine Intelligence works through us to will and to do of his good pleasure gives an impersonal attitude and a joy in all activity. True self-expression is Divine expression, therefore, impersonal and harmonious. Our thoughts become established as we yield wholly to Truth, giving up human beliefs for Divine Understanding? So long as we hold malice against another, we are not established in our Divine Nature. Hatred and anger advise us that we are but a short distance in the path of attainment. When love, peace, and harmony become natural to us, and we are serene and strong under the most severe criticism, then our thoughts are established, and Divine content gives us permanent joy. 107 THE PROMISES TWELFTH DAY WATCHWORD— BY THY WORDS SHALT THOU BE JUSTIFIED AND BY THY WORDS SHALT THOU BE CONDEMNED. Matt. 12:37. As we realize that it is our own words, silent or spoken, that justify or condemn us, we see our work before us, and that work is thought-training. This training must be done alone, no one can do it for us, any more than he can grow for us. "But I say unto you, watch!" Watch your thought, watch your words, control your emotions, check all foolish desires. Turn to the Father for wisdom, then manifest it in thought and word. To be hurt by the criticism of others, is to put yourself under the world-thought. To stand unmoved and unafraid is to "overcome the world." No one is perfected yet in thought or word, but many are on the way and, through earnest study and watchfulness, the way is easy and we are conscious of steady growth. 10S THE PROMISES THIRTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— FEAR NOT, LITTLE FLOCK, FOR IT IS YOUR FATHER'S GOOD PLEASURE TO GIVE YOU THE KINGDOM. It is wonderful to know that the Father gives us the Kingdom — does not sell it to us or ask us for anything in exchange, but simply gives it to us. Not only is it given but given with pleasure, and good pleasure at that. How little we enjoy the things or money that come grudgingly to us. No one likes a "duty gift." That is why charity gets so very little appreciation. To give as the Father gives is to give lovingly, willingly, with good pleasure. And yet the "little flock" is very small and the Kingdom is refused a thousand times to once that it is received. Begin today to thank the Heavenly Father for all the good in life — appreciate it — know that it all comes from the one Source; be grateful, and fear nothing. The Kingdom is waiting for your acceptance. 109 THE PROMISES FOURTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— BUT WHO SO HEARKEN- ETH UNTO ME SHALL DWELL SAFELY AND SHALL BE QUIET FROM FEAR OF EVIL. Prov. 1:33. Who is the "Me" we are to "hearken unto"? It is the indwelling Spirit, the Christ, the Self. Its abiding place is the "Holy of Holies," the secret place of the Most High. We turn to It and listen for guidance and as we trust its Divine protection, our safety is assured; its wisdom gives us understand- ing, fear passes away, and we walk in faith. We seek to know the unreality of evil and the reality of the always-present Good. The direction is so simple : just to listen, to listen and obey directions. In these days of complex thinking and strenuous living, we are too busy talking and arguing to spend a little time each day in listening to the still, small voice. The promise is sure, we are delivered from all fear of evil and we dwell serene and unafraid in the house of the Lord forever. He that feareth is not made perfect in Love. no THE PROMISES FIFTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— WHEN A MAN'S WAYS PLEASE THE LORD, HE MAKETH EVEN HIS ENEMIES TO BE AT PEACE WITH HIM. Prov. 10:12. Here is a definite promise given to all whose ears are open to hear. These "ways" that are pleasing to the Lord are the Divine ways of thinking, speaking, and living, according to principle, at one with the law of Love, which is active everywhere. And who are our enemies? Everything that we fear- — and all that fears us. We make our enemies even as we make our environment and our circumstances. When we overcome fear of people and things, we find only a friendly world about us and we are at peace with all that had seemed hostile to us before. Friends help; enemies hinder; the way is clear, the directions are simple. We can walk therein. We can be loving, trustful friends to all, then the days of sorrow will ^disappear forever, and we shall consciously abide in the place of Peace, ill THE PROMISES SIXTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— LET US HOLD FAST THE PROFESSION OF OUR FAITH WITHOUT WAV- ERING; FOR HE IS FAITHFUL THAT PROMISED. "He that keepeth thee shall not slumber," but we slumber at our post very often and alas! we waver in our faith and receive nothing of the Lord. It is those who are steadfast, who are not moved by appearances, who stand upright facing towards the light that receive the promises, which are the reward of the faithful. What a comfort it is to know that Divine Intelligence and Love never go to sleep and forget all about us. Let us keep faith with the Father? Doubt and unbelief bring dread and despair and we must "avoid occasions" by holding to the principles of Truth. These must eventually lead us out of darkness into His marvelous Light. 112 THE PROMISES SEVENTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— LET NOT THY HEART BE TROUBLED, NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID. 'Tor the work of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever." This is a wonderful promise and its terms so easily put into practice; even he that runs can read. Just to drop the fear and the trouble from thought, and to think, speak, and live from the realization of the Father's protecting love and power. It involves a change of attitude, purpose, and motive but it is well worth while and even in the midst of the world's distractions, we may attain the quietness and assurance that keep us in perfect peace. Fear leads us into deep shadows of unreality. Conscious trust leads us into the Light. We may choose which thought we will entertain and according to our choice will it be unto us. 113 THE PROMISES EIGHTEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— IN THY LIGHT SHALL WE SEE LIGHT. This is the promise given to us when we meet the conditions of love. "But to us he saith on this wise : Is not this the fast that I have chosen, to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free; and that ye break every yoke?" The promise goes still farther and says "and thy righteousness shall go before thee, the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward." We are all more or less under the material bondage of the world. Yet this is the yoke we must break if we would be free. The wisdom of the world is foolishness to God. Why then rely upon it and forget to ask the Father? The habit of silent reliance upon Divine wisdom is the open door into light and in the light we see the Truth that gives us Spiritual discernment. 114 THE PROMISES NINETEENTH DAY WATCHWORD— GREAT PEACE HAVE THEY WHO LOVE THY LAW AND NOTHING SHALL OFFEND THEM. We question and wonder what the Law is and where it can be found; but one who understood said, "I delight to do Thy will O my God, Thy law is within my heart." Established from the beginning is the Law within each child of God. The Law is perfect, ready to operate; it is we that fail to listen and obey. We do not let the peace of God rule in our hearts, but we dwell in the discord and confusion of the world and have no peace one with the other. In this condition of thought, we are easily offended, and hurt feelings make us miserable. Forgetting that glory, honor, and peace come to every man that worketh good, we try to get our good from the external world, though we have not earned it by our inner realization. Reform your vision; love the Truth and know no offence toward humanity. 115 THE PROMISES TWENTIETH DAY WATCHWORDS—IF WE LOVE ONE ANOTH- ER, GOD DWELLETH IN US AND HIS LOVE IS PERFECTED IN US. 1 Jno. 4:18. Indifference is the saddest habit of the race, Love is its greatest need. This Truth was emphasized by Jesus in all his teachings; he not only taught it but lived it, which is the crucial test. It is so easy to talk about love, seemingly so hard to manifest it at all times, in the least as well as in the greatest activities of life. As we really love one another, loving all equally, we find the Divine Love a great fountain within, perfect in nature and sub- stance, but it can be perfected only through activity, and we are the doors through which it flows out into the world. Is your door closed? Then open it by your love, be loving, even to the unlovely; for, by so doing you help their doors to open and through your impetus, the growing power of love expands more and more and there comes to the race a new vision of co-operation and perfect peace. 116 THE PROMISES TWENTY-FIRST DAY WATCHWORD— HE THAT SOWETH TO THE SPIRIT SHALL OF THE SPIRIT REAP LIFE EVERLASTING. Gal. 6:8. In Luke 9:55 we read, "But he turned and rebuked them and said, "Ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of, for the Son of man has not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." Because we do know what manner of Spirit we are of, we have the power of Spiritual perception and can sow right- eously, and our living is the daily witness to our inner thinking. It is hard to change the old habit of thought, and to think persistently on the truth of God everywhere takes courage, but the reward is wonderful, for the Spirit is infinitely more loyal to us than we can pos- sibly be to it, and we suddenly arise into the consciousness of eternal life, which saves us from the law of sin and death. "My people perish from lack of know- ledge." We, having knowledge, are saved from the results of ignorance, and spiritual understanding is our redemption for all eternity. 117 THE PROMISES TWENTY-SECOND DAY WATCHWORD— TO THEM THAT LOOK FOR HIM, SHALL HE APPEAR. If we have lost anything of value, we diligently seek for it until it is found. The words of the Great Master were these : "Ye shall find me when ye seek for me with all your heart." The Truth of all is the Christ of all, and as we look through the wrappings of material beliefs, the inheritance of ages of misunderstanding, we find the One that is pure and holy, harmonious and divine. Then does Love appear, that love which always understands — impersonal, therefore all powerful. Think what a wonderful thing it is to find in all humanity the Divine Self knocking at the inner door, ever seeking expression. How marvelous that we may have the joy of uncovering the Christ, of revealing the Self to the self. '•'I, the imperfect, adore my own perfect," says Emerson; and we are all in Truth infinitely greater than we have dreamed. Seek and you shall find your Self. 118 THE PROMISES TWENTY-THIRD DAY WATCHWORD— BEFORE THEY CALL, I WILL ANSWER AND WHILE THEY ARE YET SPEAKING I WILL HEAR. Isaiah 66:24. This promise indicates the nearness of the Father and should help us realize His immediate help for every need. It shows us that the supply is at hand before we even ask for it; that the Divine abundance is always present. Did you ever try becoming very still until you could fairly feel the Presence of God, and then speaking out your need even as a child would in its Father's house? This is the prayer that works; for the Father always hears and always answers. A repetition of the prayer will very likely bring failure, for such a proceeding shows a sad lack of faith or understanding ; therefore the result would be uncertain. "According to thy faith" were the words of Jesus. Let our first prayer be, "Enlarge thou me in faith." Then direct the faith to the Father. 119 THE PROMISES TWENTY-FOURTH DAY WATCHWORD— DELIGHT THYSELF ALSO IN THE LORD AND HE SHALL GIVE THEE THE DESIRES OF THY HEART. Generally speaking, when people have a great desire for some especial thing, that desire is increased by intense mental activity and an underlying fear that after all it may not arrive. We are learning to have such perfect trust in the Divine Love that we substitute joyful assurance and expectation for the old mental struggle and fear, and we know that our desires are met by the Power that created us. As we understand that we dwell always in the Universal Spirit, which is willing and able to meet every need, we are happy and harmonious, we speak our Word but once for that which seems good or needful and thus connect with the law that brings to us the "desires of our heart." All of the process requires wisdom, delight, love and faith, but the result is sure. 120 THE PROMISES TWENTY-FIFTH DAY WATCHWORD— WHOSOEVER SHALL NOT RECEIVE THE KINGDOM OF GOD AS A LITTLE CHILD, SHALL IN NO WISE ENTER THEREIN. We waste so much time in the intellectual pursuit of the Kingdom. Reasoning about God, arguing as to the validity of the theological teachings ; yet all the time leaving out of our calculations the simple condition that leads to Spiritual comprehension. The Kingdom of God is within you! Could anything be more definite than this positive declaration of changeless Truth? Why then do we fail to receive it? Because we are so busy looking for the Kingdom of God where it is not, we forget to turn within with the childlike attitude of confidence and expectation. We all need less intellectual theory and much more spiritual discernment. Intuition, the real soul quality, is the "child" that knows the way, and opens the door. Trust it and you cannot fail. 121 THE PROMISES TWENTY-SIXTH DAY WATCHWORD— HE THAT TRUSTETH IN THE LORD, MERCY SHALL ENCOMPASS HIM ABOUT. How often we are advised, even com- manded, to "trust in the Lord" and today we realize that perfect trust brings fulfill- ment, in fact the law of faith is so eternal that we have the axiom, "according to thy faith be it unto thee." Faith in bad luck brings failure to many who might otherwise prosper. Faith in sickness assists it into our experience. Faith in the Law of Love and Goodness helps establish harmony in our daily living. Faith is a great working power, but what the result will be depends wholly upon how we use this power. A definite trust in the One Presence is bound to bring the Good into our lives, why then waste our faith by placing it in effects when we have the great Cause to rely upon ? Surely goodness and mercy are worth more to us than external possessions. 122 THE PROMISES TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY WATCHWORD— THE LORD IS GOOD. A STRONGHOLD IN THE DAY OF TROUBLE AND HE KNOWETH THEM THAT TRUST IN HIM. May we not begin today to have a conscious trust in the law of Good? This law is eternal, divine, perfect; as tangible and powerful as the law of life, which we all acknowledge. It is in perfect action through us always, bringing our good to us; but if we do not recognize or receive it, our good is carried away. This law is the all-sustaining power when tiouble presents itself to our thought. It is such a comfort to let go of fear and worry, and feel this Divine Law carrying us right through a whole sea of external troubles, into a haven of peace. As we are conscious of the law of Good for all, we encourage others; thus we start an "endless chain/' which does not bind, but releases, from the bondage of doubt and fear, all who trust. 123 THE PROMISES TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY WATCHWORD—HE THAT COMETH TO GOD MUST BELIEVE THAT HE IS, AND THAT HE IS A REWARDER OF THEM THAT DILIGENT- LY SEEK HIM. Let us have a little self-examination and ask in all humility, "What am I diligently seeking?" We expect rewards without fulfilling the conditions. We seek things, position, better wages and better conditions and look to men as the Source of our good. But men, as a rule, are so busy bettering their own conditions that they cannot stop to listen to our demands. It is only when we have exhausted every external recourse that we turn "to God, believing that He is" ; but even at this late tlay, if our seeking is diligent, we will receive our reward. "He that believeth will not make haste," but will have the trustful attitude that is sure to bring harmonious results. 1514 THE PROMISES TWENTY-NINTH DAY WATCHWORD— HE THAT IS PERFECT IN KNOWLEDGE IS WITH THEE; TRUST AND FEAR NOT. It is easy to preach but hard to practice. It is easy to talk about love but harder to be loving. Now is the time for demonstration. Fear is a lack of trust; it is the most unnecessary and useless habit in the great world of thought; it hinders progress and helps no one; it perpetuates that which we desire to overcome. Fear of anything never heals it. "Can't help it" never helped anything. Begin really to think on great universal truths concentrating on the realities of Life ; the negative habits of fear, dread, and worry will disappear as faith is increased. We can easily establish a conscious trust in the all-pervading Good, and the indwel- ing Spirit will guide and direct us in all our ways. 125 THE PROMISES THIRTIETH DAY WATCHWORD— LET THE COUNSEL OF THINE OWN HEART STAND; FOR THERE IS NO MAN MORE FAITHFUL UNTO THEE THAN THYSELF. The Self is the indwelling God and as thought turns to the Self for wisdom it is led into power and understanding. "He that is within thee is mighty," so above all else turn to the Most High that He will direct thy way in Truth. — Ecclesias- ticus 37: 15. "Let reason go before every enterprise and counsel before every action." In other words, do not work from impulse or jump hastily to conclusions. Take every problem to the Divine Intelli- gence, "leave it with God," and thereby shall great peace come unto thee. The counsel of men availeth little, the whole created world can do less for us than the still small voice within. "Blessed, is he that shall be exercised in these things and he that layeth them up in his heart shall be wise." 126 THE PROMISES THIRTY-FIRST DAY WATCHWORD— "BE OF GOOD CHEER, IT IS I, BE NOT AFRAID." "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." Thus does the Christ within each one speak; and if we listen and obey, the world conceptions have no longer any power over us, and we stand strong, serene, and unafraid. To overcome the world is to detach ourselves from worldly beliefs and we then enter into the joy that no man can take from us. Which will we choose? The things per- taining to the world or the qualities of the spirit? One is for time, the other for eternity; one will pass away, the other will abide. "For whatsoever is born of God, over- cometh the world; and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." THE END.