F ,B37H5 BRIEF H ISTOR Y PRHSBYTERIAN CHURCH, BELVFORD, N. Y., FROM THE YEAR 1680 WITH AN aC<.;OUIST O!" THE LAYIN(^ OF THE OOKNER-STONE, AND THE aERVlC'E8 AT THE DEDICATION OF THE PRKSKNT EDIFICE !N THE YEAR Wl BY REV. P. B. HEKOY, N E w Y O R K ; PRINTED BY EDWARD O. JENKIN ■JO NORTH WILLIAM STREET. 1874. Class V {Z\ Book ;£)3"7 V\5 BRIEF HISTORY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, BEDFOKD, N. Y., FROM THE YEAR 1680. WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE LAYING OF THE CORNER-STONE, AND THE SERVICES AT THE DEDICATION OF THE PRESENT EDIFICE IN THE YEAR 1872. BY EEV. P. B. HEKOY. New Yo rk ; PRINTED BY EDWARD O. JENKINS, 20 NORTH WILLIAM STREET. i8;4. 'OS ^ ^^ ^' PEESBYTEKIAN CHURCH AT BEDFORD, N. Y. The proprietors of the tract of land, six miles square, named by the General Court of Connecticut " Bedford," after a town of tlie same name in Bedfordshire, England, whence the early settlers, for the most part, came in 1680, made provision for building a meeting-house on the common and supplying a min- ister. In all probability the gospel had been preached occasion- ally in this region of country, to the few families settled here, earlier than this. In 1681 the General Court, held at Hartford, under whose jurisdiction tiiis province then belonged, instructed the Com- mittee then residing at Stamford, who had been appointed to lay out a plantation in this part of the country then called the hop ground, to take care that there should be a suitable lot laid out for the minister of the place— a lot for the minister forever. In the town records we find the following minute : " 22d March, 1680. The proprietors agree that vot the committee had done in laying out ye town plot ; and the house-lots shall stand, and the place they reserved for the town common ; and the town Lot to be as tliey laid it ont and the meeting house shall be set upon the connnon so layed out, namly the rock called Bates his Hill." Mr. Bolton, in his history of Westchester County, says the first rehgious society organized in Bedford in 1680, was Congregational, at that time the established religion of the colony of Connecticut. This must have been a kind of church and state affair, for the town at regular meetings transacted all the business of a religious nature. The first minister of whom we have any knowledge, who preached in Bedford, to then only about eleven inhabitants beside the Indians, was the Rev Peter Fruddon, who in 1675 the General Court of Connecticut ordered to resume his settlement in Rye. It would appear that he came from Rye, where he had formerly preached for some time. 4 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In tlie town records we liave this minute: "Dec. 2d 1681. They agree to give Mr. priddon, of Gemeco,* a call to be a min- ister in this place. Joseph Theale the chief military officer of tlie train band of Bedford is chosen to goe to Mr. priddon to declare theire mind in order to his coming among them as above; and Abra. Ambler who was appointed by the Court at Hartford to grant warrants to officers e witnesses, and to join persons in' marriage, is desired, to write to Mr. priddon in theire name and behalf:" Mr. Pruddon accepted their invitation and came and preached for them some time. We have no further knowledge of his labors. Where he lived subsequently and where he died we know not. Jan. 28th, 1688, the Rev. Thomas Denham was called and settled in Bedford, and the town ordered that £20 be raised for his salary. He was son of John Denham, deacon, and one of the first purchasers of Dartmouth : preached at Sheepscott in Massachusetts colony (now in Maine), and suf- fered great losses in the destruction of that settlement in 1675 during King Philip's war. He came to Rye in 1677 and remained till 1684. Says a historian, ''he was advanced in life when he came and was held in great respect by the people here who gave him proprietary rights, which descended to his son Isaac who became one of the principal men of the place. Mr. Denham had preached a long time in the town of Rye previous to his settlement here." This was evidently his last settlement, for it is reported he died in Bedford after a few months' labor, aged 67. His will is said to be on record in the Court House at White Plains, and his grave is on the hillside in our old grave- yard in the village. During the next eight or ten years the people seemed to be supplied with the labors of intelligent laymen in carrying on the Sabbath and conducting their religious services. In 1689 the town agreed by vote " in case Mr. Abraham Am- bler, Sen,, will come up and carry on the Sabbath as God shall enable him, we will give him the sum of £20 a year as long as he shall perform the work among us." This vote was afterwards somewhat modified, for Oct. 15th, 1689,we have this minute: " At a town meeting, the town doth agree to build Mr. Abra- ham Ambler, Senor, a frame fortye foots long e twenty two foots wide and to set it up fit for clabording e shingling and to rais it up by the last of ^March to come after the deate hereof, * This refers to Jamaica, L. I. AT BEDFORD, N. Y. 5 e the Louse above mentioned is to be teen foots e a half between ioynts and the frame above mentioned is to be sot ujd upon the consideration tliat Mr, Abraham Ambler, Senor will com np as often as he can conveniantlj to cary on the Lord's day amongst ns one year yt he may settle with us." May 14th, 1090, seven months after the former vote, at another town meeting Ave have the following minute : " The town doth by note chiise Zachariah Roberts for to cary on the Sabbath day wliill they can be other ways provided." Jennewary, 1691, Ave have this vote : " The toAvn by vote doth agree that as nuicli land e medow as can be spaired e not predigous to highAvays yt lyeth one the norwest sid of whip- ing-post brOok shall be keept for a ministar e to be disposed to noAv man els but a minister.'' October 16th, 1694, the tOAvn agreed to buy a house and lot of John Ambler for a parsonage, "provided his price do not exceed £35." In all probability the spot on Avliich the Presby- terian church (built in 1872) now statids is a part of this original purchase. "February 21st, 1691—5. The toAvn by note doth cliois John Holmes, Sen., Zachariah Roberts, John Wascott e Daniell Jones to carry on the Sabbath day according to the best of theyr descresion Avhill they ear other ways provided. 2ndly. The town doth by vote mack choice of Cornelus Selly to cary on the Lord's day along with ye others chosen e yt in Daniell Jones roome. March 21st, 1698. The inliabitance of the town of Bedford by a maiger note doth order e agree yt. every acre of land e meadow Avithin tlie bounds of Bedford that is alooted unto per- tickler parsons ; both emproved e not emproved ; that is to say, what every man doth possess for their one ; that man or parson shall ])ay three pence an acre yearly for evry acre towards tlie maintaining of a minister amongst us. 2nly. The town by a maigor uote doth order that this above said uote shall be presented unto the Jenarall Court at Herford, that it may be establisheJ as a law for the town of Bedford." Their supyJies all seemed to leave them, and '' ieneuary 9th, 1698-9: the toAvn by a maigor uote doth order that ther shall be a request made to the ministars of the county to inquire for us, e to acquaint us where Ave may be lilcely to ataine to a min- 6 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH istar and for his incnredgment we doe agre upon serious con- sideration for his incnredgment to give him a house loot e fourty acres of land e medow ; e tburty pounds a yer in curant pro- vision pay. Febuary 8th, 1698-9. The town by a maiger vote doth agree to improve the town loot this year in a town way to- wards tlie maintainance of a ministar e to mack theyer fence, now belonghing unto ye house loot e euery inhabitant to mack theyer equall sharis up with good sofisiant fine raill fence as it shall be layed out by ye towns men e it is to pass tlie vewars ; — e the town dos agree to plow, plant e tend the loot in a way of a town rate, e if any refuse or nedgleckt to dew theyr shair of fence np by the fifteenth of march next to come shall pay four shillings a rood to the town men as they may have it dun up as above said. November 14th 1699. The town by a maiger note doth grant yt. Mr Copp shall have the use of the ye towns land e medow in ye feild this next year without they want it for a ministar." Their efforts for a minister were successful, fur before the close of the year we find these records : desember; 26th 1699: The town by a maigor note doth agre to give unto Mr Joseph Morgan upon his comming to carry on ye ministry amongst us, seuerall particklars as folio weth for his settlement : lly to give him all yt rit of land e medow which the Town bought of Mr Ambler e of his son John upon the condisions of his comming and macking his abood three years with us. 2nly To build him a hou? two story high, twenty seven foot long e twenty on foots wid with a leantu e a chambar chimbly e the condisbans that if Mr Morgan liveth e dyeth with us the house shall be his on e his ayres for euer, e otherwise if Mr Morgan see cause upon any acount to leave us, he shall pay to the town the ually of the chardg yt by an acount taken there of shall be giuen. Sly To giue him for maintainance for the first year forty pounds in good currant prouision paye and plant and mannure four acres of Land. 41y To maniagefor years following and till ten acres of Land for winter grain^the produce of ye same for him ycrly^ife AT BEDFORD, N. Y. « twenty ponnds in good currant prouission pave and more here- after as god shall inable ns if he stands in need thereof— two pounds of the same to be Delivered at Stamford or horse neck, if he Desires it. 51.y To cut and cart to his Dore all his fire wood from yeare to yeare. 61y to transport him and his famely to bedford or to be at ye charg theire of. Jenen 1st. Ihe town by a raagor note ses caus to repeall part of the first and second uote passed deseraber 26th, '99, e to resarue the hous e the whole homestead to themselves, ex- cept Mr. Joseph Morgan liueth cfe dyeth with us. 2ly The town by a maiger uote doth chuse e mack chois of Mr. 'John Copp, Stephen Clason, John Miller, inner, Kichard Wascott, David Mead for theire comraitie, for to agree with Mr. Joseph Morgan for his settlement at Bedford acording to the acts of the town, e to tack the caire of ye whole manig- ment for his maintinance in case he commeth to dwell with us. Jose]3h Morgan was the grandson of James Morgan, who set- tled in Conn., 164Y, with the first settlers. He was the son of Joseph Morgan, born in Kew London, Nov. 6, 1672, and was graduated at Yale College : During the first year of his settle- ment, he was ordained by the ministers of Fairfield county, and preached a sermon according to the custom of that time. June 12, 1700, he was indicted under the act of 1693 for settling a ministry, but was acquitted. Two years after, 1702, he re- ceived the degree of Bachelor of Arts, as one of the first class of graduates of Yale. When he commenced preaching— contrary to the practice of the times, he used notes, but some of his brethren protested against it so strongly, that he quickly aban- doned them : Having ministered at Bedford, and during part of the time in the neighboring town of East Chester for nearly four years, he removed to Greenwich, Conn , and preached there till 1708: "It seems that in 1705, to encourage and sustain Mr. Morgan, the right had been granted to him to build a mill at the mouth of Coscob Kiver, now known as Davis's Mill. He built the mill and went to live near it, that he might manage it in person, and see that his jpeopV^s grids were well ground. The consreo-ation, after a while, thought his zeal in this matter 6 PEESBYTERIAN CHURCH was rather greater than they had bargained for, especially as his position down at the mill made him inaccessible to the people, and rendered his visits among them angel-like, ' few and far between.' Finding remonstrance, however, vain, they first referred the case to the neighboring ministers, to say what should be done. This showed forbearance on their part. Meanwhile, the good brother, as he had to take his salary, according to the custom of those early times, in grain, and a short allowance at that, thought it wise to stick to his mill. Whereupon the Ilorsenech people, never wanting in spirit when spirit was called for, grew impatient. They sent their commit- tee, Ebenezer Mead, Joshua Knapp, and Caleb Knappj chief men among them, to press the question to an immediate decision, whether Mr. Morgan would quit personally tending his mill (adding this, perhaps, to all their other objections, that a white dress was not in character for a Congregational minister), and attend to the parish. If he would not, they were to strike off his official head at a blow, and provide a successor. Now the inventions of our day are wonderful, especially in the line of sharp-cutting machines, mowers, reapers, etc. ; but our congregations, I will venture to say, have invented no instru- ment for disposing of refractory ministers that can go ahead of this ecclesiastical guillotine of 170S. Matters Avere now brought at once to an issue. Mr. Morgan decided to abide by his mill, and the committee decided to consider the pulpit vacant and provide a successor." He left there and settled in Freehold, N. J., 1709. In September, 1728, complaints were made against him to the Synod that he practised astrology, coun- tenanced promiscuous dancing, and transgressed in drink. But these complaints were dismissed for want of proof. He left Freehold and went to Hopewell and Maidenhead. Here he was again charged with intemperance, and w^as suspended from the ministry ; but he was finally restored through the kindness of some of his brethren. He pubhshed many of his sermons and treatises on other topics. He preached a funeral sermon on the death of his son Joseph, who was graduated at Yale in 1723, and died one year after. His text, Ps. cxxxvii. 1, and Job x. 2. Nothing is heard of Mr. Morgan after 17-10. His name disap- pears from the minutes of Synod. In 1702-3, the people called the Rev. John Jones, and here we have the first regular AT BEDFOED, N'. Y. 9 call on the part of tlie people to a minister, and liis reply in his own words, M'liich have come dowm to us as a precious relic of nearly two hundred years ago : Desemher 7th, 1702, the town by a unanimis note doth Mr. John Jones thanks for his labors with us the day past in ye work of ye ministry, and if ye sd JMr. Jones acording to our unighted desires continueth in ye w^ork aforesd three months among us, then we, ye sd town will pay him ye sum of teen pounds in money or equivalent to money upon ye account of ourfurder acquaintance, he with us & we with him in order to settle him, ye said Mr. Jones with us, if we & he agree at ye three months end. Mr. Jones, his answer — To my christian friends and neighbors, the inhabitants of ye town of Bedford, after dew salutations to you premised ; wish- ing grace marcye and peace from God ye Father & from ye lord Jesus C'hrist, may be multiplyed towards you & yours, these lines are to intermate yt yours I received from ye hands of your worthy messengers Mr Roberts, justice of ye peace, Mr Miller and Mr John Holmes. I unfainedly bless God and thank you for 3'our grateful ex- ceptance of my labors in ye ministry among you yesterday and do desire yt you and I may be more and more faithful in eury good work to ye glory of His name and our mutuall edification and comfort, and I do here furder intermate yt I have no ob- jecktion to make to your proposalls for my iucom^agement in ye work of Christ among you, but except them humbly and thank- fully, and shall by ye Lord's help without whonie I can dew nothing, ingadge in your seruice, yt God as I appryhend calls me unto for a quarter of a year among yourselves, begging your prayers that I may grow in gifts and grace and yt my poor labors may be blessed for ye promoting of ye spirituall and eter- nall wellfair of your precious and emortal souls which will be to me great joy and comfort wdiich is all in haste, from your friend and servant, for Christ's sake. John Jones, from my study Bedford Desember 7th, 1702! A true copy received from Mr. Jones which I received and entered. Zachakiah Roberts Clark 10 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH After the three months had expired, it seems tliat tlie people desired to continue Mr. Jones as their minister, as we learn from the following recorded correspondence : -Feb. loth, 1702-3. the town bj a nnanimous vote doth ae^ee to give unto Mr John Jones minister of ye gospell, all yt i-ight of land and meadow with ye house and home loot which ye town bought of Mr. Ambler npon ye account yt sd. Mr Jones settle with ns in Bedford and carryeth on ye work of ye min- istry among us, — and forty pour.ds a year for his maintenance in speshe as followeth — that is to say — winter wheat at 4:S,. 6d pr bushell, ry 3s. pr bnshell, flax 6d. pr pound, beef one penny half-penny pr pound, pork two pence half-penny pr. pound. And in case Mr John Jones continueth with us until lie be settled and ordained in gospell order amongst us, then ye above sd house, land & medowto be his owne for him & his forever; as witness our hands thus underwritten. Zachariah Roberts, Clark John Miller, John Holmes sen'r, Cornelius Seely, John Holmes, Jr., Richard Holmes, Richard Wescott, Xathan Clark, Cor- nelius Seely Junr., Jonathan Holmes, David Miller, John Wes- cott, David Holmes, Zachariah Roberts Junr., Joseph Hunt, Jno. Dibbell, Thomas Howard, Joseph Palmer. REV JOHN JONEs' REPLY TO THE INHABITANTS OF BEDFORD. My good Friends. These are in answer to your unanimous mo- tion, made unto me respecting the work of the ministry to be carried on in your place ; that having endeavoured at Due con- sideration of the motion I apprehend encouridgment on the one hand And Discouridgment on the other; encouridging To me Are my own Affection. Altho unworthy According to my poor capacity in that way to be serving the interest of my Dear- est Lord and Master. And if I may Be profitable to the eternall good of Precious and Immortall Soules, with which is to Be Added in Relation to your Place, your unanimous Agreement, And good Affection manifested During my Late Short Abode with you. And your uneversal Desires of my further Improve- ment in that Sacred Imployment with you; Discouridgeing to me is the uncertain face of things with Respect to the govern- AT BEDFORD, N. Y. 11 merit's allowance and approbation of my Impi-ovement freed from any Impositions which I doe comply with, however in fine my thoughts are these, tliat soe long as I may L)iserue the Providence of God going Before, Guiding and Directing me, continuing your good Affections to my Service, And Eeasonable Encouridgement and Support, preventing and Diverting any snares or yoke uneasy to my conscience, your Precious and Dear Souls, To Be Dillegent in the ministerial Improvement Among you. And to Banish all thoughts of the neglecting you, or Deserting the Spirituall work and Employment by you de- sired, this I conceive the Present needfull, from your Affection- ate friend and Enclined to Be According to Power — which (with thankful acceptance of your Late Proposalls for my Encour- idgement In Christ's Service Among you) is All tVom your Absent friend And Servant for Christ's Sake — John Jones Given in Att a Publick Town Meeting at Bed- ford upon their Desires of my Answer Aprillye 2d 1703 J.J. November 30th, 1Y03. the town by a major vote doth make chois of Jonathan Miller, Nathan Clark John Holmes Jr. and Jonathan Holmes to take a list and make Mr Jones his this year's rate and to gather it for him. • Mai'ch 5th 1704-5 the town by a major vote chuseth Nathan Clark, Colleckter to geather Mr Jones, his half year rate. After preaching here a short time, Mr. Jones went to Gieen- wich and preached for that people. Yery little is known of the history of the Presbyterian Church in Bedford for the next sixteen years ; in the meantime the church had changed its form of government, from that of Inde- pendent to that of Presbyterian. "Who supplied the people with the gospel, we have not been able to find out ; but God preserved and fostered the little band of Christian men and women, while they planted their feet upon the good sound scriptural principles of Presbyterianism : Here they stood, fortified by faith and prayer, until God heard and answered, and sent them from far 12 PRESBYTEEIAN CHURCH over tlie sea a man a^*-or His own heart, to break imto them the Bread of Life. May od, 1720. — Rev. William Tennent was invited here to preach the gos])eL It is not certain whether he was ever regularly installed — probably not, as he nnited first with the Presbytery of Philadelphia after he left here — for he remained here only a short time. The church, in all probal:»ility, belonged at this time to the Presbytery of Long Island, which numbered but two or three ministers, and it was not convenient then as now to hold a meeting of Presbytery. Mr. Tennent came from L-eland, and was first settled in East Chester, New York. From there he came to Bedford, and from Bedford, after a little more than a vear's labor, he went to Bensalem and Smithfield churches, in Pennsylvania. From there he accepted a call to Neshaminy, 1T2G, where a rich man, by the name of Logan, a relative of his, gave him fifty acres of land, on the K'eshaminy Creek, on which to locate and carry on a school, which he had already com- menced. Here he built a small house, about twenty feet square, mostly of logs, rudely shaped, cut out of the woods from the very spot where the house was erected ; and being skilled in the Latin language, so as to speak and write it almost as well as his motlier tongue, he continued his school, and educated some of the first and most eminent ministers that ever adorned the American pulpit. This was called the Log College, out of con- tempt, by its enemies. Every vestige of it has long since passed flway, but this was the germ whence sprung Princeton College, Vvith all its vast influence and renown, giving chai-acter in a o-reat measure to the inteUigence and usefulness of the learned men in this country. Mr. Tennent continued till the close of life in Neshaminy, where he died May Ctli, 1746, aged seventy- three years. While Mr. Tennent w^as settled in Bedford, through the munificence and liberality of the people, he became possessor of some land, which his son Gilbert, in his last will and testament, ijave to the Trustees of the Presbyterian Society of Bedford ; for on the records of the town we find the following minute : " May 16 : 1749. Gilbert Tennent of Philadelphia in the Colony of Pensylvania, Gentlemen ; Son of and heir at law nnto Rev. William Tennent formerly of Bedford in Westchester AT BEDFORD, N. Y. 13 County in tlie Colony of Kew York, but lately of Nesliaraina in the C(jlony of Pensilvania, Deceased, for the promoting and supporting of the gospel of Jesus Christ according and under the Preshyterian Dissipline in the above said Bedford— gave to John Holmes, John Miller and Zebediah Mills, trustees, and their successors, several pieces of land, formerly possessed by his Reverend Father, for the use and support of the ministry. From time to time the Trustees have sold the land belonging to the parsonage, which formerly consisted of a large Tract, for the more profitable use of the minister, until there is not more than eight or ten acres left at the present date. May 27, 1874." It is not certain who pi'eached the gospel in Bedford to the Presbyterian Church, after Mr. Tennent left them, in 1721, until 1746. In 1746, the Eev. Robert Sturgeon is represented by Mr. Bolton, in his " History of Westchester County," as boing the minister in Bedford. He was a native of Scotland, He left his native land under some embarrassment, and came to New England, and was licensed by a council, greatly to the regret of Cotton Mather, by reason of his conduct here and at home. He is said, in President Stile's Papers, to have been settled in Bedford, JST. Y., for twelve years. But here seems a discrepancy in the history of those times, for the Presbytery of !New Brunswick installed here, in 1743, the Rev. Samuel Sacket, This would hardly seem probable, if Mr. Sturgeon still sus- tained any relation to the people ; but, says Mr. Webster, the his- torian, when so many other ties were sundered rudely, even this unbrotherly act may have been committed. Mr. Sturgeon was present, in J 745, at the first meeting of the Synod of New York, as a member of the New York Presbytery. His name is not mentioned after 1750 ; and where he finally settled and died, we have not the means on hand of knowing. October 12th, 1743. — Rev. Samuel Sacket, in all probability the son of Richard Sacket, one of the early ministers in Greenwich for eleven years, was installed the Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Bedford, in all probability by the Presbytery of New Brunswick. He acted also as a sort of missionary in this part of the country, and in 1747 Crumpond obtained his services for half of his time, Bedford being weakened by the Separates. He supplied. Salem also, and Peekskill. In December, 1749, he was 14: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH released from liis labors in Crnmpond, now Yorktown, and gave the whole of his time to Bedford, where there had been quite a ^e^dval of religion, and the divisions and alienations in a meas- ure healed. He was what in our day would be called a new- school man, and very ultra in many of his measures — to such an extent that the Presbytery of New York took cognizance of them, and disapproved of their use ; and he sought conne(jtion with the Presbytery of 'New Brunswick, where he found more con- genial s])irits. He resigned the care of the church in Bedford April 4th, 1753, the affections of the people being alienated from him after ten years of pastoral labor. Many of the people refused to contribute to his support, because he refused to baptize their children ; but the Presbytery assured the people that they were bound to pay him. He left here and settled at once over the Church of Hanover, in Cortland Manor. He was dis- missed from here April 1st, 1760, and the next year was installed again in Crumpond. The church missionary of Hanover im- mediately wrote to England that the new light preacher had left them. Mr. Sackct had a great deal of trouble with his brethren in the Presbytery. He differed widely with them in both the doctrines and government of the Church. He preached for twenty years in Yorktown, or Crumpond, and finally died there June 5th, 1784. His tomb in the cemetery bears record that he was judicious, faithful, laborious, and successful in his ministry. On the resignation of Mr. Sacket, 1753, the Church of Bed- ford had leave of the Suffolk Presbytery to go to the Congrega- tional Association for a candidate, and there they presented the name of Eliphalet Ball as their choice. The Presbytery met at Bedford, Dec. 31st, 1753, and examined their candidate, ap- pointed yjieces of trial, and heard him preach from Rom. iii. 28, on Justification. When their fomer minister came into Pres- bytery, knowing his peculiar views, the examination of Mr. Ball was resumed for his sake. He was installed on the 2d of January, 1754 ; Mr. Silliman prayed ; Joseph Parke preached from Tim. iv. 6 ; Ebenezer Prime, of Huntington, Long Island, presided ; Samuel Sacket, the former minister, gave the right hand of fel- lowship; Pev. Mr. Dagget, of Smithtown, Long Island, exhorted the people. Mr. Ball was arraigned before the Presbytery with being too free with his neighbors' fowls when they came into AT BEDFORD, N. Y. 15 his yard, with impudent levity and unguarded airiness of de- portment, with setting aside the elders and managing the churcli contrai-y to the Presbyterian mode. He was acquitted before the Presbytery, but admonished to be cautious as to his natural turn of mind, and more particular as to the formula suitable for baptism. But he had more or less difficulty with his session. He dismissed two elders, and created quite a division and diffi- culty in the church. He was finally dismissed from the church, December 21st, 1Y68, having spent fourteen years as pastor of this church. He died in Ballston, 1797. After one year of vacancy, December 13th, 1769, the Rev. Samuel Mills was in- stalled pastor of Bedford Church, and remained till May 18th, 1786, when the Presbytery of Dutchess County met, and dis- solved the relation between him and the church, and the same day installed the Rev. John Davenport as pastor of the church. But Mr. Mills, though nominally pastor of the church from 1769 to 1786, was absent from the charge for several years, having been driven from Bedford by the distressing circumstances attend- ing the war. In the meantime, their former pastor, Pev. Eliphalet Ball, returned, and assumed the supply and charge of the church, and remained in this connection till 1784, when he was dismissed. Mr. Ball having spent four years at Amity, in Woodbridge, Conn., he removed to Saratoga County, New York, 1788, taking with him a part of the Bedford congregation. The settlement for a long time was called Ball Town, now Ball- ston. Mr. Ball was the stated supply of this church in the stormy times of the American Pevolution, when the people were struggling for their independence. When the old church, built in 1680, was burned to the ground, having stood an hundred years, and having proved amiable to the hearts of the people of God for a century, they stood silently by and saw it reduced to ashes hj the British army under Col. Carlton. An old veteran still ling- ering among us, almost ninety years old, remembers having heard her mother say she saw the smoke of the old church rising to heaven, as sweet and holy incense, as the timbers yielded to the devouring element, though living a mile and a half distant. Mr. Ball saw his own house (the parsonage), his church and the entire village reduced .to ashes by the British troops ; but he lived to see a new house of worship built on a more commanding 16 PEE3BYTERTAN CHURCH spot, and no doubt on a larger scale, so that the latter house exceeded the former in its external proportions, if not in the internal manifestations of the sphit of God. We have reason to believe that the records of the cliurch kept in the parsonage were destroyed with it, as we have no records of the church preserved till after peace was declared. The elders of the church, when the second temple of worship was built, were Ebenezer Miller, Jacob Smith, Moses St. John, and soon after were added Eli Tyler, Justus Harris, Peter Fleming, Ste^Dhen Benedict and Joseph Owen. Rev. Samuel Mills, who was nominally the pastor of the church, though not present continually from 1769 to 1786, was the son of Rev. Zedediah Mills, of Ripton. He was graduated at Yale College in 1765. In 1782 he was preaching at Patter- son (then Fredericksburg), and there he continued till 1789, when he joined the Anabaptists and was dismissed from connec- tion with the Presbytery. He died in 1815. In 1783 Capt. Lewis M. Donald gave to the Presbyterian Society the land on which the second house of worship was built. Here is the deed of gift as recorded in the town records : "• To all christian People to whom these presents shall come Greeting. Know ye that I Lewis M. Donald, formerly of Bed- ford in "Westchester Co. state of New York but n^w a Resident of Long Island, for certain causes me thereunto moving & out of Love & Affection for the Encouragement of Virtue and the propigation of the gospel, do hereby Bequeath & give unto the Presbiterian Society of Bedford in county & State abovesaid & to their Heirs & Successors forever, as long as they shall Remain a Society and as long as they shall stand in Want of a House of Public Worship or a Spot of Ground to Erect a House of Wor- ship thereon, one half acre of Land, Situate & Lying & being in the Township of Bedford in the County & State aforesaid. Bounded (as follows. Lying on an Eminence above the spot of ground where the former meeting House stood) Easterly by the Road that Runs from the Town to Cantito, Westerly, ISTorth- erly and Southerly by my own Land which land was purchased of John Eliot, Reference being had to the original conveyance to have & to hold the above Bequeathed & given Spot of Land with all & singular the rights and privileges thereunto belong- ing — to the above mentioned Society, to their Heirs & Succes- AT BEDFORD, N. Y, 17 sors, agreeable to tlie above mentioned Terms and Conditions, and also I the said Lewis M Donald, do for myself, my Heirs and assii^ns, Covenant with the said Society, their Heirs & suc- cessors, that at and nntill the Ensealini^ of these presents, I am well siezed of the Premesis as a good indefeaseable Estate in fee simple and have good Eight to Dispose of the same in manner & form above written, & the same is free of all Incumbrance whatsoever, and furthermore I the said Lewis M Donald, do by these presents bind myself & my Heirs to Warrant & Defend to the above Covenanted premises to the said Society, their Heirs & successors against all claims and Demands Whatsoever, in Testimony & confirmation of which I have hereunto set my Hand & seal this the sixth Day of August in the year of our Lord christ one thousand seven hundred and Eighty & three and in the Seventh year of our Lidependence. LEWIS M DO:^^ALD. *"** in the presence of Stephen Cornwell Maky Cornwell," On the back of this old document we have this record : " Be it Ilemembered that on the 14th Day of June 1792, per- sonally appeared before me, Ebenezer Lockwood Esquire, first Judge of the Court of Common pleas in & for the County of Westchester, the within named Lewis M Donald the grantor to the within deed of gift and acknowledged that he signed & sealed & Delivered the same as his free & Voluntary act & Deed and having Examined the same and finding no material mistake. Erasure or Interlineation Do allow the same to be recorded. Eben Lockwood" The records of the town inform us that the town meetings of 1784 and 5 were held in the meeting-house. The judges of the court of common pleas and the supervisors of the county held their meetings May 9th, 1786, in the Presbyterian meeting- house in Bedford, so that we have conclusive proof that this second house of worship w'as built where it now stands, but which has been vacated by the people for one larger and more commodious, built on the ground owned by the church next to the parsonage. 2 18 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 111 1785 the legislature of the State of New York incorporated the Presbyterian Society, to he known by the name of the Trus- tees for the Presbyterian Church and Congregation of Bedford, to be governed in discipline and worship according to the Directory of the now established Church of Scotland. The first {;ruotees elected were Zebediah Mills, Israel Lyon and Joseph Owen. These were the men, no doubt, who were prominent in erecting the church at that time. Joseph Holmes and Jacob Smith were appointed by the legislature to call a meeting for the election of these officers. Immediately after the building of the church in 1789, and the incorporation of the church and society had been completed, and the revolutionary war had closed, the session commenced the purification of the church, and made provisions for greater efficiency in the work of the church. During the revolution, as might have been expected and imagined, the church had become worldly and loose in doc- trine and outward deportment, if not in a great measure cor- rupt, and hence the efforts set on foot by some of the best and most spiritual men to correct and reform the character. Men were disciplined for the neglect of public worship, for the absent- ing of themselves from the ordinances of the Lord's Supper, — for the neglect of family prayer, for circulating evil reports and public scandal, and for a too free use of intoxicating liquor. The people now resolved to have the sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per administered quarterly and regularly. Previous to this there had been no regularity, and the ordinance was very seldom observed. They resolved now to take quarterly collections for the poor of the church. Christian liberality was in its infancy. It had just begun to develop itself, though nothing was done as yet for the perishing heathen. The seed of benevolence began to germinate as the means of the people increased. The people now resolved to hold prayer-meetings on the first Wednesday in every month at the dift'erent houses, and the member at whose house the meeting was held should lead the meeting and make the first pi-ayer. This was an admirable arrangement and might be practised profitably by their succes- sors in the church at the present day. A Confession of Faith and Covenant was drawn up and adopted to be used in the future admission of members to the church, and that persons shall not be admitted into the church until they have been pre- AT BEDFORD, N. Y. 19 • vionslj propounded two Sabbatlis preceding the communion, and that on communion days at the table of the Lord the ele- ments of bread and wine shall not be handed round from mem- ber to member as has been liitherto practiced, but that each of the communicants shall receive the elements at the hands of the pastor or deacons, and tbat all baptized persons should be con- sidered under the watch and care of the church, and should be subjects of discipline according to the rules of Jesus Christ, and none but those sound in the faith and of visible holiness shall be admitted to the special ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, and no transient person shall enjoy occasional commun- ion with the church a term exceeding six months without pro- ducing a certificate of his regular standing in some church of Christ, or giving a satisfactory reason to the church of his omis- sion to do so. These regulations and improvements in the church, and numerous cases of disciph'ne, showed that there were many here at this eai-ly day who loved the purity of the church, and were anxious for its greater power and efficiency for good in the world. They took place under the ministry of Rev. John Davenport, who was called here May 18th, 1Y86. Mr. Davenport was born in Philippi, New Jersey, August 11th, 1Y52. He was graduated at the college of New Jerse_y in 1769 ; studied theology partly under Dr. Bellamy and partly under Dr. Buell of East Hamp- ton, Long Island. He was ordained by the Presbytery of Long Island and served the congregation of Southhoid as stated supply for two years. From Southhoid he came to Bedford and settled May 18th, 1786, and remained here a fidthful and godly minis- ter for five years. Leaving here he was called to Deertield, New Jersey, and settled there August 12th, 1795. He remained there ten years and was dismissed on the account of failing health. He finally became a home missionary in Western New York, and died in Lysander, July 13th, 1821, an amiable and excellent man. In June, 1792, Rev. Isaac Foster was settled here, and re- mained not more than two years. We are in possession of the original subscription list, with the amount promised by each subscriber for the support of Mr. Foster for one year, commen- cing March 22d, 1792, in £. s. d. And here we find the names of the ancestors of families still residing in Bedford. 20 PEESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Millers, Mills, Holmes, Clarke, Lyons, Benedicts, French, Ambler, etc. Mr. "Foster rejnainecl probably two years, and left, as tradition reports, with his name and that of his Avife in bad repute. Bat we know nothing of the place whence he came^ or the place whither he went, or where he died. Then came a most excellent man, the Rev. Samuel Blatchford, who preached here for some time as stated supply, refusing to settle perma- nently. He was an Englishman, and was invited here by a committee appointed by the church, from Topsham, England, to settle here with the people in Bedford. He resigned his charge in Topsham, and sailed at once for this country. The captain of the vessel on which he sailed was present and heard his farewell sermon in Topsham, and so deeply was he aifected by it, that he immediately offered to take him and his family at a greatly reduced price, that he might have the benefit of his instructions during the passage, thous>:h previous to that the price talked of was so much beyond Mr. Blatchford's means, that he almost regretted having projected the enterprise. He left his native shores on the 19th of June, 179.5, and arrived within the Hook at New York on the first of August. Without any unnecessary delay he made his way to Bedford, the antici- pated field of his labors, but several adverse circumstances occurred in connection with his arrival here which occasioned his disappointment and even despondency. The most mortify- ing thing of all was, that one of the individuals with whom he had corresponded, informed him that as his arrival had been delayed beyond their expectations, they had actually filled the place, and a Mr. Benedict was engaged to supply the pulpit for one year. When Mr. Benedict, however, came to under- stand the circumstances of the case, he generously insisted on withdrawing in favor of Mr. Blatchford ; but the result was that they were both retained to supply alternately the congrega- tions of Bedford and Poundridge. At the next meeting of the Presbytery of Hudson, to which the congregations then belonged. Mr. Blatchford, giving assent to the Presbyterian Confession of Faith and form of government, was appointed the sole supply for Bedford, as many Sabbaths as convenient for him. But in 1796 lie received a call to Greenfield, Conn., in the church that Rev. Dr. Dwight had formerly charge of. In 1797, he was invited to the church at Stratford (now Bridgeport), to preach for them AT BEDFORD, N. Y. 21 six inoiiths with reference to a final settlement. He was finally installed here and remained for a number of years, botli as a preacher and an acce])table teacher of an academy built by his special request. In 1804 he was invited to take charge of the chnrches of Lansino'burgh and Waterford, in the State of l^ew York. He remained here for seven years, both preaching and teaching an academy most acceptably, and whore some of his old parishioners, now living in Bedford, at great sacrifice visited him. He died at Waterford, March 17th, 1828, in the sixty-second year of his age, and forty-first of his ministry. Dr. Nott, president of Union College, preached his funeral sermon. He was the father of seventeen children; of these, seven died before him. Two of his sons were ministers, one a physician, and one a lawyer, all respectable and useful in their professions. After Mr. Blatchford left. Rev. Josiah Henderson, of Martha's Yineyard, was called to preach the gospel at Bedford, and he was installed over the church by the Presbyterj^ of Hudson, November 15th, 1708, and remained just five years. He was dismissed November 3d, 1803. The elders of the church were then — Moses St. John, Justus Harris, Ely Tyler, Peter Flemming, Joseph Owen, and Stephen Benedict, all most worthy, venerable, pious men. Mr. Henderson, though his pastorate was short, left a favor- able impression upon the church, and a good name among the people. We have the minutes of the church during his ministry here, and they show that he was a pious, godly, faithful man. We had, but a year ago, an aged disciple lingei'ing with us, who united with the church under his ministry in 1800, and if she was a type of the piety of the church then, we have cer- tainly at this date, made but little, if any, improvement in this respect. Tlie Session resolved now for the first time, to hold a meeting every month throughout the year. A deacon was also appointed in the church at this time. We have no knowledge of Mr. Henderson's former history, or what became of him after leaving Bedford. Rev. Ebenezer Grant succeeded Rev. Mr, Henderson as the pastor of this church, and was installed September 20th, 1804. He preached here for seventeen years. He was a native of New Jersey, and came here from the Presbytery of New Brunswick. The records of the church during his pastorate are very meagre. 22 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH He was a foithfnl, good man, but his labors were not abundantly blessed. Only seventy-two united with the church during his long pastorate. He had about him a godly set of men as elders in the church. Mr. Grant was never married, and this no doubt had its influence in limiting his success as a minister. At his death, the session of the church made this record of their deceased pastor : "Be it remembered that on the 6th day of September, 1821, the Rev. Eben. Grant, having fulfilled his ministry, closed the scene of life, and sleeps with his fathers, being buried in the town of Bedford, in the burying ground in the village." Eev. Dr. Isaac Lewis, of Greenwich, preached his funeral sermon fi-om E-ev. xiv. 13. " And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me. Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them." His remains lie beneath the green sward under the clift", where the ground is terraced gradually up to the overhanging rocks, and on the broad marble slab marking this interesting spot, the sculptor has engraven these words : Sacred to the memory of the E.EVD. Ebenezek Grant, 17 years minister of the Presbyterian Church in Bedford, who departed this life Sept. 6, 1821, Aged 48 years. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth : yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors ; and their works do follow them." Rev. xiv. 13. There is not an individual member of the church living who was present when Rev. Mr. Grant was installed here. Officers and private members have all passed away. And there is only one member of the church living who followed their beloved pastor to his grave and saw his remains deposited in their mother dust. Our fathers, where are they ? and the prophets, do they live forever? Only a few months elapsed before the AT BEDFORD, N. Y. 23 chnrch was again supplied with a pastor. April 16, 1822, the Rev. Jacob Green was called and installed pastor of this church, and remained here a faithful standard-bearer, a consistent, godly and acceptable preacher lor twenty-seven years. Mr. Green was a graduate of Rutger's College, N. J. He studied theology at the Princeton Theological Seminary. He entered the semi- nary the first year it opened, in 1812, and remained two years. He was a native of Hanover, N, J,, and was first settled in Suckasunny, ]^. J. Leaving this, his first charge, he was after- wards appointed a domestic missionary in Western Yirginia, where he was married. From this field he was called to take charge of the Presbyterian church in this place, April 16, 1822. Mr. Green was the nephew of the venerable and distinguished Ashbel Green, one of the former Presidents of Princeton College, and author of some valuable theological works. The labors of Mr. Green in the church, as many now living are ready to bear witness, were greatly blessed. The church by his fidelity was greatly enlarged, and many new plans were adopted for its greater efiieiency at home and in the foreign fields. He loved the cause of missions, and frequently had young men in his family, board- ing or educating them, while they were preparing for the min- istry at home or abroad. He was greatly beloved by his breth- ren in the ministry, and held in high esteem by the executive of all our benevolent boards and directors of our seminary at Princeton. God never blessed him with any children, while many look up to him as their spiritual father, and many in the congregation bear his honored name. After more than a quar- ter of a century pastorate here, and marrying the children that he had baptized, and burying nearly all the congregation to whom he preached when he first came among them, aliena- tion and dissatisfaction arose that almost broke his heart. He was dismissed by Bedford Presbytery from this charge, June 25, 1848. A kind providence provided for his faithful servant. The governor of the State of New York sent him an appointment, previous to his leaving Bedford, to act as chaplain in the State prison at Sing-Sing. Completing his appointment here, his health becoming impaired, he supplied a few churches in Presbytery for a short time ; but the time for his departure came and he laid down his commission as a minister of the gospel, and resigned his ransomed spirit to God who gave it, in Sing- 24 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sing, September, 1851, and was buried in their beautiful ceme- tery, to await the glorious rewards of the resurrection morning. The venerable Dr. Spring, of ISTew York, who has recently gone to meet him, pi'eachedan appropriate sermon on his funeral oc- casion. His wife still survives him. While Mr. Green was pastor of the church, twenty-five hundred dollars were raised to make extensive repairs on the church, to remodel and refur- nish it complete. A beautiful and sweet-toned bell was also, bought and hung in the tower. But what was more noble than all, a thank-offering to God was made by the pastor and a few of the people on the occasion of the semi- centenary, or coujpletion of the fiftieth year of the first meeting of the Gen- eral Assembly in this country, to the divine mercies and deliver- ances during that period. This offering was made December, 1839, and consisted of about three hundred dollars. It was observed by order of the General Assembly. May 1st, 1848, Rev. David Inglis was called to take charge of the Church of Bedford. He was installed here over this people October 26tli, 1848. He was a young man, a little rising twenty years, receutly from Scotland, of great promise for usefulness, having preached a short time previous to his coming here in the lower part of this county — Washington Heights. But his pastorate, while pleasant, was short ; for, after four years of successful labor, a wider field of usefulness and a more competent support were offered him in the city of Montreal, Canada East, which he felt bound to accept ; consequently, he removed fi'om Bedford to his new field of labor in June, 1852. Here lie soon sustained a most severe domestic aftiiction in the loss of his wife and three children. Amid a cloud of dark providences he removed to Canada West, having received a call to a Presbyterian church in Hamilton. Here he remained six- teen years, a most worthy and acceptable pastor, and success crowned his indefatigable labors. In the summer of 1 871, he was elected by the Synod to a Professorship of Theology in Knox College in Toronto, on Lake Ontario ; and in obedience to the mandate of the Synod, as a good Presbyterian, he entered upon his new field of labor, great- ly to the regret of the good people of Hamilton, for every demonstration of attachment was made by the whole city in a 25 AT BEDFORD, N. Y. Eefovned Church on the He ghts, B™*^''N„Y and there „e i. now, preachin, the g Wus ^^J^ ^^ ,, most acceptable manner to tlie peopie j '''X;^";4rif ahlt I -wed a BrooU.n paper, with the^l;:^ notice of Dr. Inghs and his brief h.story : . The learned dWine was horn in the year f^^^^ Berwickshire, in Seotknd-the yonngest son ot the 1 ev. Uav a r.Xof tha^ ph.ce, a well-known -'^-^ "'^T^^^ 1 .1 ThP mihiect of this sketch was educated at the Umve biiy oTEdiuh ";Xe he graduated in 1S«, and;t«died D.vnn y there and xvas licenced hy the Presbytery of Carhsle, ot the E Ssh Presbvterian Church, in 18tt. Immediately after e- fef n.^ Ids license, he proceeded to this country, and after ha^- ng ^li :,me tin. inLveling in the West, and supp ym^^^^^^^ a year the Presbyterian Church on ^f mgton He,gl^ he .a ordained pastor of the Presbyte^.an Church of Period, West Chester County, in 1847. In 1851, he received a call to the bt Gabriel Street Church of Montreal, where he remamed nea.ly two years and, being then in delicate health, he ren>oved to Hamilton Ontario, having taken charge of a newly-organized rfiurch toe He' remained at this station for sixteen years, andta 1871 was called by the General Assembly of the Canada PresbvterLn Church, to the chair of Systematic Tlieology in KnoS"e,Toront;where he had previously been teacbingas a error bo' h n Systematic Theology and Apologetics. In tlie M- lowtog year (1872) he received a call from the Retormed Church on the Heights, in the city of Brooklyn. Before the close of the year, December 1st, If^, David a Lyon was called and installed pastor of this churcl. ^^,1^"^^ was a native of New York; a graduate of Union Co lege m 7it9 • ind studied Theology at Princeton, and graduated in \Z\ ^as^lined as aifEvangehst by the P-^yt-yf (Wdensbnro- in July, 1846 ; preached as stated supply at Cov- fnl", Ne°v York;';emoved to Wisconsin,; acted as a domestic 26 peesbyterian: chuech missionary and afterwards stated supply at Mineral Point, Wis- consin ; and was then called to Bedford in the fall of 1852. He was dismissed from Bedford, having been appointed a synodical missionary for the State of Wisconsin. After a few years in this department of ministerial work, he was called to take charge of the Presbyterian Church at Winona, where, by unwearied labor and patience, he was instrumental in helping the people to build a new and beautiful house of worship. But in a few years he resigned his charge at Winona, and returned to what seemed a more congenial field of labor — a synodical missionary. And there he is to-day, exploring the waste and destitute portions of the coun- try, traversing the dreary woods and extended prairies, fording rivers, and crossing mountains, tracking the line of the railroads, to look up the lost sheep and feed them, and provide the means of grace for the careless and unconcerned. He has proved the right man in the right place. His labors have been crowned with success. •■ In May, 1857, the present pastor, Pev. P. B. Heroy, was called here to preach the gospel ; and here he has been for now nearly eighteen years. And you who have sat under his minis- try will bear witness to his fidelity and anxiety to build up the church, and bring the ungodly to the cross of Christ for salva- tion. Many have gone before to witness for us or against us at the final day of reckoning. In looking over the past, we are filled with humility at our unprofitableness, and are ready, if any good has been accomplished, to attribute it all to the grace of God. Not unto us, but unto Thy name, O God, be all the praise. The present pastor is a native of Putnam County, N. Y. He was graduated at La Fayette College, in the class of 1841. He studied Theology at the Princeton Theological Seminary, and was graduated there in 1845, and settled first as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Delhi, Delaware County, N. Y., in 1845. December 16th, 1850, he was called and settled as pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Highlands, Orange County, ,in the Presbytery of North River. Leaving the Highlands in 1856, he was called to the Second Presbyterian Church of Bridgeton, N. J., in July, 1856, where he remained but a few months, for in May, 1857, he received a unanimous call to the Presbyterian Church, Bedford, where he was installed pastor, October 29th, the same year, and where he has been ever since. Of the ten pastors AT BEDFORD N. Y. 27 and stated supplies who have served this church since its organiza- tion, after tlie Revolution, on\y three survive. All the rest, with all who preached liere the hundred years hefore the Revolution, when this country was almost a wilderness and sparsely in- habited, have passed away. In the summer of 1871, it was observed that the rude hand of time was leaving sad marks of decay in many parts of their long-cherished house of worship. Its outer covering, its frame, its walls, and its furniture, all rendered it inconvenient as a house of worship for its large and prosperous congregation, with- out extensive repairs. Just in this emergency, God inclined in answer to prayer, we have no doubt, and the gentle solicitations of his wife, one of the former members of this church, who left us nearly forty years ago, and went to 'New York city, and by industry and economy, and the smiles of a gracious Providence, has been enabled to accumulate a handsome property ; and now, in the generosity and benevolence of his heart, for the glory of God and the good of souls, with the help of his wife, who is ever ready to respond to the wants of the needy, offered to build a new house of worship, and present it unencumbered to them. This generous otter was gladly accepted, and on June 29th, 1871, the corner-stone of the new edifice was laid on the lot next to the parsonage. In these interesting exercises, which the people came to witness from far and near in great numbers — for it was a gala day for them — the choir sang Psalm cxviii. 3, read by Rev. Dr. Sawyer of the Baptist Church ; prayer was offered by the Rev. John Hancock, of Mount Kisco ; the Scriptures — 1 Coi-., 3d ch. — were read by the Rev. J. H. Hawkshurst, of the Methodist Church, Bedford. An address by the Rev. J. P. Thompson, D.D., of the Tabernacle Church, New York, and also an address by Rev. Wilson Phraner, of Sing Sing ; and an address also by A. B. Baylis, Esq., of Brooklyn, ]Sf. Y. Con- gratulatory remarks by Rev. Mr. Hawkshurst of the Methodist Church, and Rev. Lea Lequeer of the Episcopal Church, both of Bedford. Rev. Wm. Patterson, of Poundridge, read the 464th Hymn, which ^vas sung by the choir in an appropriate manner* A brief history of the church was read by the pastor. Rev. P. B. Heroy ; and it, and a copy of the Holy Bible, the silver coin of the date of 1871, a gold dollar of the same date, specimen bills of the postal currency of 1871, the Presby- 28 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH terian of June 24, also the IVew Yorli Observer, the Independent^ Christian Advocate and Jovrnal^ the Young FollUs Neivs, New Yorh Times, Herald and World, Home and Foreign Re^'ord, Foreign Missionary — the name of the architect, Mr. Jardine ; tlie name of the builder, Mr. Gednev ; the name of the mason, Mr. Andrews ; the names of all the ministers present ; the elders of the church, and the pastor ; and the magnaniraons donor of the cliurch, Francis A. Palmer, Esq. — were all placed in the cop]ier box prepared for them, and sealed up and deposited in a cavity made in the granite, and then the corner-stone was laid by Mr. Palmer, the donor, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Prayer was tlien offered by the pastor, the long metre doxology sung by the whole congregation, and the Rev. Lea Leqneer pronounced the benediction, and the vast assem- blage returned reluctantly to their homes, after a season of great profit and delight, as the sun was casting his setting rays on the distant hills. The new church was a little over one year in building — a year of care and toil, and yet of great pleasure, to those more imme- diately interested. On the L5th of August, 1872, the tones of the bell sounded out lono; and loud, and an immense cono^regation came together from neighboring churches and distant cities to witness the dedication of the new church. It was complete from cellar to tower, at a cost of $50,000; and when the notes of the grand and beautiful organ Avere heard, so soft and sweet, the people seemed wild with delight. In these dedicatory services the most of the members of the Presbytery of Westchester were present, and took part in them. Dr. Taylor, of New York, preached the sermon from Acts xi. 26 : " And the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch." At an early hour a large congregation assembled, and soon the cliurch was filled. Benches and chairs were brought in, and the crowd, numbering over seven hundred, overflowed the lec- ture-room and lobby, and out into the grounds. The scene was very aninjated. The pulpit was adorned with beautiful flowers, and was occupied by the Pev. P. B. Pleroy (pastor), Rev. Dr. W. M. Taylor (Broadway Tabernacle), New York, and Rev. Dr. Craig, of Western New York. There were a number of clergj'men present, some of whom assisted. 29 AT BEDFORD, N. T. The music was fur„i.l,«l by tl,e local cl.oiv, and a New York quartette under Mr. Harrison. SL,5 !M:-c";e.Jon and vf''^:^^^^^:: donorB wl,on> tl.e Lord had blessed w.th plenty and lai.e hearts. Anthem, " O praise God in His holiness." Keading of the ITth chapter of St. John by the Rev. Mr. Phraner, of Sing Sing. Prayer bv Rev. A. R. McCoubray, of South East, New \ ork. " Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah ! "-Choir. Reading of the Conunandments by Rev. Mr. Lewis. The 1285th Hymn was sung : " Here hi Tby name, eternal God, AVe build this earthly house for Thee. Oh ! choose it for Thy fixed abode, From every error keep it free. The Eev. Dr. Taylor then arose: " I have been req^^^ed by niv friends Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, to read tins letter. It i ™pe the object of a minister's calling to proclann 'glad Xi ' This agreeable office of the day devolves upon me, ^^f fulfill it wi?h joy. I look aron.,d this beauffnl ed,hce, 1 I congratulate my friends and you upon jts conrplet , that it is so l-eautiful, so perfect and so substantml. I coug.atu ate him upon the success of his life, and th.s crowmng act It must be a cause of deep thanksgiving to be f'^^^Z^^ childhood's home, and among h,s own P«''Pl«''^ '"";""'"„ ,r,ent In aucient times and in Eastern clmies, the good man ^ho would benefit his kind digged a well that all m.g t drmk and live We have this day seen the completion ot th.s p.nt- ::; welt from which we hope many may come to draw hvmg waters of eternal life. " I congratulate yon, my friends, in receiving, »"^ J"' '^^ brother in the giving. Be careful to use it in the Lo.d » serx ?ce If were^rich "enough to build a drinking-foimtam n, the m dst of our great city, nothing could make me happier than to 30 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH see eager crowds slaking their thirst. And I am sure nothing will give my friend and his good wife greater joy than to see multitudes drinking at this fountain, and after they are gone hence to know that, through their works, souls were brought to salvation. It is a great thing to witness this scene. But if I envy any one, I envy the giver. ' It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " Bedford, Westchester Co., ]^. Y., August 15th, 1873. Christian Brethren : This house of worship, now com- pleted, has been erected for your use as the Presbyterian Church of the village of Bedford, Westchester County, Nev/ York, and my wife and myself desire formally to present it to you, with the following statement and conditions : We have had no desire, in this undertaking, to have our names inscribed in your place of worship, but have been actu- ated in gratitute to Almighty God for the blessings He has con- ferred upon us, and especially for His exceeding grace in giving us the hope of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ the Lord, our Saviour. We do not feel that we can make any recompense to God for His mercy, but, constrained by His love, we desire to honor and serve Him. Another motive influencing us has been our interest in this community, in the midst of which we have had our summer home for many years, and this church as a Christian congrega- tion with whom we have been privileged so often to worship. This, as you know, is the place of my birth and the home of my kindred, and with the services of this church my earliest religious impressions are associated. We desire to testify our sympathy, and aid in the work of the Master here, of helping to maintain His service, and in bring- ing souls to Christ. In the conception and prosecution of this enterprise, my wife has been intimately associated with me — indeed, it has been with her a cherished wish for years ; and with this, as so much else of my life, she has been, under God, an inspiration of good. The best artists, workmen, and materials have been employed AT BEDFORD. N. Y. 31 in the construction and furnishing of this building, and I do not know of anything wliich remains to be added to render it ready for use. I have used every exertion to make it suitable and convenient for your purposes, religious and social, as a church and congregation. And now, in presenting to you this house of worship, we desire to submit the following conditions, upon wdiich, we understand, our views are in harmony : 1st. The church is to be a free church, as this phrase is gen- erally accepted ; the pews are to be free, so that all who choose to come to worship God here will feel at liberty to do so. The current expenses of the church and congregation to be met by subscription on the part of those interested in its maintenance, or by any plan of systematic contribution the congregation may deem proper to adopt. 2d. The congregation obligates itself to keep the property in good and necessary repair, and to preserve and perpetuate in it religious services. Your acceptance of the property will be understood as the acceptance also of the conditions before expressed. Thankful for the ability to make the offering, we now through this letter make over to you, the Bedford Presbyterian Church and Society, all our interest and right in the building we have erected, praying also that the Master will mercifully accept and grant that in it His people may be comforted and strengthened, and many souls " added to the church daily of such as shall be saved." Most respectfully yours, Fkancis a. Palmek. Mr. Williamson, in behalf of the Trustees, briefly accepted the conditions and the gift, and returned thanks. The Rev. Mr. Heroy then said : " A word only need be said in regard to the origin and com- pletion of this house. So far as is known to me, I believe the purpose to build this house originated with Mrs. Francis A. Palmer. She kindly offered three thousand dollars to repair and refit the old church. To this Mr. Palmer offered a sufii- cient amount to pay half the expenses of a thorough repair, and modernize as far as possible the old church. But good judges, 32 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH after an examination, tlionglit tliat a larg:e amount of money expended in repairs on the old honse wonld be poorly laid out, and that a little more added to it would build us a new and con- venient house of worship. And the most of the peo])le were willing to cooperate to the utmost of their abihtj in an under- talking of this kind. But Mr. and Mrs. Palmer offered to build a house of worship at their own expense, and present it to the people completely furnished, leaving them at liberty to place any memorial in it, in any shape they wished. And here we see this beautiful house, in proportions and elegance far exceed- ing our fondest expectations, built and furnished, from the bell in the tower to the furnaces in the cellar, except the furniture in the parlors, and presented to this church and congregation as a memorial of God's unbounded goodness. It has no debt against it, and we are about to dedicate it to God unencum- bered by any claim. It is consecrated to God by willing and grateful hearts, and years to come will testify to the advantages of this house, temporal and spiritual, to this entire region of country. The spire w^ill point the travellers' gaze to heaven, and the bell will long invite them to hear the story of the cross of Christ. " And now, in behalf of the Presbyterian church and congre- gation of Bedford, N. Y., represented by a Board of Trustees, under a charter from the State Legislature, I accept most grate- fully this house of God, presented by the generous donors, Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Palmer, as a free gift to this Society, to be preserved and perpetuated by them and their children, and their children's children, as a house dedicated to the worship of Al- mighty God . And we do here publicly engage, before God aad this vast assembly, that we will seek to carry out the intentions of the liberal donors in building this honse to glorify God and save the souls of our fellow-men. And we do further pledge ourselves that the pure doctrines of the cross, as taught by the fathers of the Presbyterian Church in this country and Eui'ope, shall be faithfully preached here. We accept, therefore, with the most profound sense of indebtedness, this beautiful, neat, and appropriate house of worship as a fi-ee-will offering to God, and as a memorial of His manifold goodnsss; and our united and fervent prayers shall be that the glory of this latter house shall exceed that of the former wdiich we have just vacated, in lasting AT BEDFORD, N. Y. 33 and spiritual benefits to tin's entire reo;ioii of country, and that the blessings of Israel's covenant God may follow the donors all the days of their lives, and crown them His in the final day oi' accounts. We accept this house from tl>e hand of God, the Giver of every good and perfect gift, through the great kindness and liberality of His servants ; and our prevailing purpose shall be in all coming time to render to God the pure incense of thankfnl hearts, and devoted and consecrated lives. And thus this house shall stand for ages, a monument of Christian libe- rality, an honor to God and the Christian religion, and a pei-- petual blessing to this entire community. And in the spirit of the liberal donors, we throw the doors of this sanctuary wide open, and we invite here to this fountain of living waters all classes and conditions of men, of all names and circumstancee, assured that they shall be made welcome to its exalted privi- leges. " To the tbllowing persons we owe great thanks for their suc- cessfnl and harmonious working: Messrs. D. & J. Jardine, architects ; Messrs. W. H. & C. Gedney, builders ; Messrs. N./ & H. Andrews, masons ; Mr. C. Otto Ficht, decorator ; Mr. R. Taylor, painter ; Mr. Kane, stained glass ; and general superin- tendence." Anthem, '' O beautiful ! " Rev. Mr. INevins then read »)th chapter, 2d Chronicles. Rev. Mr. Heroy then added : " The whole congregation will now rise while we proceed to the dedication of this house to the worship of Almighty God. " Dearly beloved : The Scriptures teach us that God is well pleased with those who build temples and dedicate them to the service and worship of Him who is King of kings and Lord of lords. The history of Christianity in every age will testify to the advantages of a house of worship to the interests of any people. God has smiled upon those who bring their sacrifices into the sanctuary and ofier them upon His altar ; and we are exhorted to worship Him in the beauty of holiness. For the extension, therefore, of the Redeemer's kingdom on the earth, and for the glory of His name, we dedicate this house as a house of God, to His service and worship, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. x^men." 34 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT BEDFORD, N. Y. Hev. D. Inglis, of Toronto, oltered prayer. Antliem, " Great is tlie Lord." Then followed the sermon by Rev. Dr. Taylor. The exercises were closed with prayer by Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of Brewster's, and the benediction. The religious services were continued in the evening, and a crowded assembly, by their presence, manifested their interest in the new church. This brings down the history of the church to August 15, 1872^ And here we close our skettdi. The church at present, July 1, 1874, is composed of 159 members, Rev. P. B. Heroy, pastor. Alvah Howe, Phineas Lounsbury, St. John Owen, John G. Clark, elders. Albert Williamson, W. O. Scribuer, and J. G. Clark, Tius- tees. " Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity withiu tliY palaces.'' Ps. cxxii. 7. P. B. HERoy. 014 222 124 A « ■-r-U.K