|&allelLiial2! on^ of p!n^el<^. %. irnf} \ v.. Hallelujal;} ! obnst is risen ' rlarl^ ! tl^e ^reat tnijjtnpbant sonn, felnpels sing, and eartb. responsive, CJends tbe glorious word olono. Deatr) no lonaer claims oun ®aviour, Qo ! tbe stone is roiled away. " rie IS not bere, but lo ! is risen. (^o tl^e mournina, C^naels say. Malleluiab ! ol^nst is risen I olt tpe dawninn lonn aao Qnaels 5009, and still tl^e ^naels ^inn, tbo aaes come and 00. Wben tbougb dead in sin, awol^ina, Hrom some beart trje sTone is rolled ; Wnaels sincifor ob^st onsen, trlonous, as m days of old. Malleluiabi obnst is risen! (^oaetber men and- Wnaels sinn, (^lory! to i\)e Qord of Heaven, (ijriory ! to \\)e eo'^ti^-born ^Pyina. rtevermore sball deatl} be vicior, obnst tbe conqueror rules for aye Gnd if we but follow, leads us up to fairer worlds on biQb' nalleluioi} ! ohrist is ri'^pn ' Qven sQall tpe sono r.esound. Ror a lovina i^aviour s alory Voices quicken, plad oearts bound. Wnd tl^e cross, no lonaer standina Uarh in aloom, shall but outline trentle Qasten scenes, wt-iiie tendrils Qver oreen around it twme. .Annik C. Mc()t»N. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS liillillllillllllllil 015 988 393 •