BF 1999 ■ S72 1922 Copy 1 BF 1999 .S72 1922 Copy 1 i THE WORLD'S GREATEST SECOKfD-SIGHTEST m Mass-Intellectual-Pressure and Alpha-Matko Vibrator}) Scale MACK STAUFFER Author of "HUMANITY and the MYSTERIOUS KNIGHT" I9IBi 4 ** J w ^ ere *t * s so ^ as * that nothing can obscure its a vision, and it, of course, must see the true truth. 9 K A U o 1 K m ***** < When we look upon the color red our optic oo L B V"3 2 L nerve receives 450,000,000,000,000 vibratory . £ impression per second and creates our sense & M C Wj 3 M of vision. When we close our eyes and think p .ti our brain cells move at a rate of 9,000,000,- S gN D X * 4 N 000,000,000,000 vibrations per second. If our « - £ a optic nerve could register impressions in the SSgO E Y ^ 5 O mighty sixty- third octave we could see our > *?h o thoughts in the air all about us. Our ear OijI^P F Z g 6 P drum will register sound waves from sixteen W £u £ vibrations per second up to 40,000. If it could < <3 § Q G 87Q register vibratory impressions in the sixty- US >, a) third octave the ear could hear thought and <« M R H 5 8 R could obtain preknowledge from the subcon- ffl us scious world or a fixed future. But as it is jjj SI % 9 S our five senses are too slow to even feel, hear, * o \r P um P blood around one beat per second, start- Y L B>> J V ing the first oc tave. Sj n ttt ***** J3 Conscience is an internal or self-knowledge Y ™ D w 4 X or Judgment of right and wrong fixed by a subconscious power or the faculty of second Y O E 5 Y sight which decides on the lawfulness or un- lawfulness of certain actions and procedure, Z P F 6 Z ana " approves or condemns accordingly. Con- science is nothing then but a magnetized con- Q G 7 dition from subconsciousness. The magnetized needle always vibrates with the north pole of £ jj g right. Crime may result from insanity, caused by a derangement of the five senses, but be- S I 9 hind every dark side of the human mind of five senses there lurks the ever-shining sun of conscience. There is energy behind every heart vibration and it is the insane, the fool and the criminal who will tell you so. U K 1 A 22 Is the alphabet an instrument created from our sub-conscious mind? If so, we could by an alphabetical arrangement foretell a bit of the fixed future. And if the alphabet is an instrument from our sub-consciousness it must also be in accord with the law of vibrations, which is mathe- matics. Mathematics is the most accurate, precise and exact science known within our knowledge. Then if the future is fixed it can be mathematically measured by the prophet, the seer, the power of second sight, or by the super-mathematician. ***** The alphabet is an instrument created from the sub-conscious mind. The English alphabet has stood the test of the centuries and it is cre- ated from all the other alphabets of the world. A thing that has existed for the centuries must vibrate with all the subconscious currents, other- wise that thing would not exist. The alphabet is an instrument of vibra- tions. When we utter sound we make vibrations. Everything is vibra- tions. All things being equal, vibration is concentrative energy at a certain point overcoming gravitational balance of 14.7 pounds per square inch pressure. r ***** Our names are given us before we are born. Our names must have subconscious significance and must vibrate with the general subcon- sciousness. Our names are creatures created from the alphabet and vibratory origin. Thus at certain times the subconscious force vibrates certain letters in our names as the subconscious force shifts with the planetary movement of the Solar System. In creating my "ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE" I discov- ered it to be music, or that the scale of music was the same as my "ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE." With the twenty-six intervals of the alphabet I discovered the same thing with the twelve intervals in music. There is no such thing as a perfect scale in music. Should the twelve intervals be tuned perfectly on a piano the last interval would be too sharp to make the piano sound in tune. In my "ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE" I encountered the same thing in the alphabet. Therefore my single and double "open 'a-z' "-vibration will be found at regular intervals in my scale as I fitted the alphabet to mathematics. The double "open 'a-z' "-vibration occurs at the expiration of every twenty-six years. Since 1916 to the year "J 'a-z' 1920" and to the year 1921 this double "open 'a-z' "-vibration has been all-powerful, and per- haps causing all of this wild "Jazz" music, as the "J 1920"-vibration was pulsatory also in with the "open 'a-z' ". Music, mathematics and alphabet appear to be akin. A certain tune will always make us move, dance or stir some sort of motion or vibration. The letters in our names vibrate at some time or other to the same law or MASS-INTELLECTUAL- PRESSURE. ***** Divination Fixed a Future. 23 KEY TO THE Alpha-Matho Vibratory Scale EVERYTHING within the observation of man has been given a name. Instantly, when a thing is seen by the eye, consciously or unconsciously, a name of some kind is given it. That name is made phonetically in accord with the mathe- matical law of vibration and based upon the same SUB- CONSCIOUS LAW which governs the HEART action. That name is made within a correct vibration of the OPTIC NERVE, or the sense of sight. That name is made within a correct vibration of the AUDITORY NERVE, or the sense of hearing; with the OLFACTORY NERVE, or sense of smell; or the GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL AND LINGUAL NERVES, or sense of taste; or by the SENSE OF TOUCH, HUMAN SPEECH ALL human speech is produced by vibration of two elastic folds of mucous membrane attached to the cartilages and the larynx, which are called VOCAL CORDS. The Alphabet is an instrument of twenty-six letters used to convey speech. Every letter of the Alphabet from "A" to "Z" is a creature of vibratory effort. To make International Pitch "C" the vocal Cords must make 517.3 vibrations per second. To make Concert Pitch "C" the vocal cords must make 540 vibrations per second. Music is the universal language based upon a mathematical law of vibrations per second the wide world over — THE LAW OF LIFE is based upon the mathematical law of vibration of HUMAN HEART the wide world over. CYCLE-LIKE CHANGE NATURE never made a SQUARE thing ! Thought moves in cycles or curves. Plato thought the world was round; Columbus proved it. Aristotle thought all things were set to harmony and moved in a system of cycle-like changes; my ALPHA-MATHO SCALE proves it. Aristotle, Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, the German scientist, have the same ALPHA-MATHO vibration and are positive PROOF of the PERIODIC vibration of a great thought current. CYCLE OF LIFE WHILE Life is produced by the vibration, or HARMONY of the HEART, LUNGS, LIVER, KIDNEY and VITAL OR- GANS, its CYCLE is "DUST TO DUST," or "SPIRIT TO SPIRIT," or man would live FOREVER! 24 CYCLE OF MUSIC TWELVE notes make the MUSICAL SCALE for the wide world over. Start from the lowest "C" and go eleven steps and will be found another "C." One may run the twelve steps, whole and half tones, in twelve seconds, twelve minutes, twelve days, or twelve years and it will be found that the DESTINA- TION is only but another "C." One can run every note of the EIGHT AND ONE-THIRD OCTAVES of the musical scale and find every note repeats itself every twelve steps and makes the CYCLE OF MUSIC. CYCLE OF COLORS AS is found with MUSIC, the same is found in the CHROMATIC movement in COLORS— which MUSICAL SEMITONES were formerly designated. The same number of LIGHT VIBRATIONS per second produces the same COLOR to the EYE the wide world over. CYCLE OF ALPHA-MATHO SCALE THERE are really but ten ALPHA-MATHO positions. The ALPHA-MATHO CYCLE is made in thirty years, while the CYCLE OF THE SUN, or Solar Cycle, is made in twenty- eight years before the dominical or Sunday letters return to their former place ; that is, so the days of the month again fall upon the same days of the week. The cycle of the letters of the ALPHA-MATHO SCALE will return to their correct po- sition every thirty years — SEE SCALE. RELATIVITY OF "AUKA" "A" is the FIRST letter of the Alphabet; "K" is the ELEVENTH; "U" is the TWENTY-FIRST. "AUKA" will always find RELATIVITY on the ALPHA-MATHO LINE where the year ends in figure ONE. Thus: "BVL" is the SECOND, TWELFTH, and TWENTY-SECOND letters and will find RELATIVITY where the year ends in figure TWO. "CWM" is the THIRD, THIRTEENTH and TWENTY-THIRD letters and will find RELATIVITY, OR JUST MERE PLAIN VIBRATION where the year ends in figure THREE. Thus: "RH" is EIGHT and EIGHTEENTH letters and will find VI- BRATION where the year ends in figure EIGHT. NAMES INDEX TO PSYCHOLOGY A NAME has so many ALPHA-MATHO vibrations. When a name has more letters corresponding to one ALPHA- MATHO position, more so, than the other positions, that name then is supposed to be more in accord with its COSMOSAL URGE; that Cosmosal Urge is that heretofore unknown 25 psychology which some call HUNCH. And if thought is pro- duced by vibratory action of the BRAIN ; then this Psychology, this "hunch," this will-o'-the-wisp pursuit of the ages, is ended. The ALPHA-MATHO SCALE will tell what the MIND THINKS. FOR A. D. 1923 IT IS "CWMC." ONE ALPHA-MATHO 80-YEAR CIRCLE Abraham Hanks Lincoln, "AAAAK" Vibration, President.„.1861-AUKA James Abram Ballon Garfield, "AAAAA" Vibration, President 1881-UKAU William Allison McKinley, "AA(ak)K" Vibration, President 1901-KAUK Warren Gamaliel Harding, "AAAA" Vibration, President....l921-AUKA THE name of the late Theodore Bullock Roosevelt does not contain an "A." Ex-President Woodrow Wilson's name does not contain an "AUKA." 1905 and 1915 vibrations were "OEYO" and "YOEY." Roosevelt's vibration is "EEEE- OOOOO" ; Wilson's "0000." The name of Hon. Charles Evans Hughes does not contain an "0." President Warren Gamaliel Harding's name does not contain an "0." ONE ALPHA-MATHO HALF AND WHOLE CIRCLE FOR ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Name President George Ball Washington, "EOEO" Vibration. 1795-YOEY Thomas Randolph Jefferson, "OOEEO" Vibration 1805-EYOE James Conway Madison, "OEYO" Vibration 1815-OEYO John Quincy Adams, "OY" Vibration 1825-YOEY Andrew Hutchison Jackson, "EOO" Vibration 1835-EYOE James Knox Polk, "EOO" Vibration 1845-OEYO Franklin Kendrick Pierce, "EEE" Vibration 1855-YOEY Andrew Johnson, "EOO" Vibration 1865-EYOE Ulysses Simpson Grant, "0" Vibration 1875-OEYO Grover Neal Cleveland, "OEEEE" Vibration 1885-Y0EY (Harrison defeated Cleveland for re-election on the 1889-SI Vibration. Cleveland does not have an "I" or an "S.") Grover Neal Cleveland, "OEEEE" Vibration 1895-EYOE Theodore Bullock Roosevelt, "EOOEOOOEE" Vibration 1905-OEYO Woodrow Wilson, "0000" Vibration 1915-YOEY ALPHA-MATHO "SIS" VIBRATION Name Qualified President George Ball Washington, "SI" Vibration April 80, 1789-SIS James Conway Madison, "SIS" Vibration March 4, 1809-ISI Andrew Hutchison Jackson, "ISS" Vibration March 4, 1829- SI Z. S. Taylor— Millard Fillard, "SII" Vibration March 4, 1849-SIS Ulysses Simpson Grant, "SSSSIS" Vibration March 4, 1869- SI Benjamin Irwin Harrison, "IIIIS" Vibration March 4, 1889- SI William Howard Taft, "II" Vibration March 4, 1909-SIS 26 THE "ALPHA-MATHO VIBRATORY SCALE" APPLIED TO THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON TO PRESIDENT HARDING PROVES EVERY PRESIDENT ELECTED IN CHRONO- LOGIC ORDER (SOME ON THEIR INITIALS) THAT THE PAST OF THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN FIXED FOR OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS. The Presidents Who Were Elected Vibrated to the "Alpha-Matho Vibra- tory Scale." The Defeated Candidates for the Presidency Did Not Vibrate at Certain Times and When They Did They Were Successful. S I 1789 S— George (Ball) Washington became the first president of the United States on the "S I T J 1790 T 1789 S" vibration. This vibratory pulsation TT rr a 1 7Q1 tt nas a ^ so tne "open 'a-z' " call, which runs into u a. a l/tfi u the ttJ j K A 1791 u„ p U i sation# Washington VLB 1792 V vibrated with this scale at this time more than any of his eleven opponents. W M C 1793 W — Washington re-election occurred on the "W M Y tsi n 17cm y C 1793 W *" His °PP° nents were: John Adams, A jn v l/y4 A Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Pinckney, Aaron Y O E 1795 Y ^ urr - J° nn Adams receiving the second num- ber of votes, was again made vice-president. Z P F 1796 Z — John (Boylston) Adams. Adams' power came n n innn from his mother's name, Boylston, which vi- ^ Or 1797 brated the "Y O E 1795 Y." Adams' "OOO"- R H 1798 pul1 and otner vibratory letters, made him all- powerful over Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Pinck- S I 1799 ney, Aaron Burr, Samuel Adams, Oliver Ells- worth, George Clinton, John Jay, James Ire- dell and others. Jefferson receiving second number of votes, was made vice-president. T J 1800 —Thomas (Randolph) Jefferson. Jefferson's A TT K ism A P ower started on his initials with the "T J 1800" A loUl A vibration. Aaron Burr's power came also on B V L 1802 B * ne " A ^ ^ *®01 A" vibration. John Adams, Charles C. Pickney and John Jay were also C W M 1803 C in the race for the presidency. There being a tie vote for Jefferson and Burr, the choice de- volved upon the House of Representatives. Jef- ferson was made president and Burr vice-presi- dent. 27 D X N 1804 D — Jefferson was re-elected over Charles C. Pinck- E Y O 1805 E nev - His power began with the "n-d" (Ran- t? •/ t> ian« t? dolph) on the "D X N 1804 D" pulse. His n n IcftJ n "°°Q 8 " vibrated the "E Y O 1805 E." Pinck- G Q 1807 G ney appears to receive but a faint quiver. H R 1808 H — James (Conway) Madison. Madison's heavy os- I S 1809 I dilation began on the "I S 1809 I" vibration, J T 1810 J and also with "J T 1810 J" leaving Charles K A U 1811 K C. Pinckney and George Clinton without a rip- L B V 1812 L pie. Madison oscillation continued on the M C W 1813 M "MCW 1813 M," making DeWitt Clinton and N D X 1814 N Jared Ingersoll "also-rans," who had contested O E Y 1815 O his success. Madison's terrible vibration ex- tended to the "O E Y 1815 O" pulse. P F Z 1816 P — James (Jones) Monroe. Monroe's terrible vi- Q G 1817 Q bration started on the "O E Y 1815 O," making R H 1818 R his victory over Rufus King complete at the S I 1819 S start. T J 1820 T — James (Jones) Monroe. Monroe's victory over „ _ . „___ TT John Qincy Adams was in his "T J 1820"- U K A 1821 U pu ii as we n as his vibration on "S I 1819 S." VLB 1822 V *** s na ^ ura ^ "R" assured victory, having had greater subconscious pull than Adams at the W M C 1823 W start. X N D 1824 X— John (Smith) Quincy Adams. Adams' fight for the presidency between Henry Clay and Y O Hi 1825 Y Andrew Jackson, resolved into the House of Z P F 1826 Z Representatives, which gave him the presi- dency. But in the Electoral College Jackson Q G 1827 had received 99 votes to Adams' 84 and Clay's 37. This vote of 99 for Jackson shows his great subconscious vibration; but it was as- serted by some of Jackson's friends that Adams had bribed Clay. -—Andrew (Hutchinson) Jackson. Jackson's di- rect "R H 1828" call, with his "S I 1829" and "T J 1830," made him defeat Adams for his re-election by twice the electoral votes. -Clay, Webster and Calhoun of 1833, "C W M 1833 C" did not affect Jackson's sweeping vic- tory for re-election, when opposed by Henry Clay, John Floyd and William Wirt. Jack- son's vibration extended on "A B C D E" to the open "F Z P 1836 F." F Z P 1836 F— Martin (Hoes) Van Buren. Van Buren owes ^ ^ -.oorr r* nis victory over William Henry (Bassett) Har- G Q 1837 G r j son> Hugh L. White, Daniel Webster and Wil- H R 1838 H lie P - Mangum ( a11 Whigs) to the support given him as vice-president under Jackson. The vi- I S 1839 I bration of "H R 1838 H" appeared to be a call for Harrison. 28 A R S T U H I J K 1828 1829 1830 1831 A B V L 1832 B C W M 1833 C J) X N 1834 D E Y O 1835 E N D X 1844 E Y 1845 P P Z 1846 Q G 1847 1850 J T 1840 J — Wm. Henry (Bassett) Harrison. Harrison's „ vibration started on the "H R 1836 H," also K A U 1841 K the "I S 1839 I." "J T 1840 J" appeared to T R V 1842 L ^ e a can< f° r "Old Tippecanoe," but Harrison 11 died within a month of his inauguration and M C W 1843 M John Tyler became president on the "K A U 1841 K" pulsation. That "J T 1840 J" vibra- tions was for John Tyler, and not for "Old Tippecanoe." J. T. are John Tyler's initials. It appeared to be his year to be president. He was. N — James Knox Polk. Polk's victory over Henry O Clay started with the "N D X 1844 N" vibra- „ tion. Vibrating backward from "PFZ 1846 P" £ to "K A U 1841 K" spells much of Polk's full Q name, not to say the least P-O-L-K itself. R H 1848 R— Zachary (Strother) Taylor. Taylor's power started over his opponent, Lewis Cass, when S I 1849 S »oid Rough and Ready" entered Mexico. The vibration was "P F Z 1846 P." The exposed vibration now is "Z A" for Zachary. "R H U K A 1851 U 1848 R" is direct call for "Old Rough and Ready." Zachary Taylor died July, 1850. The "T J 1850 T" is direct call for Taylor, July, Za. 1850 Taylor. What does the "TJZA 1850 T" and the "U K A 1851 U" vibrations mean? Wm. Henry Harrison died on this vibration. It called Taylor, too. Millard Fillmore (rightly named and vibrating on the "W M C 1853 W" and "V L B 1852 V" fill more of Taylor's term. V — Franklin (Kendrick) Pierce. Pierce's victory W over Winfield Scott was not so much in any X certain vibration. Pierce advantage was in his Y "ks," "ms," and EEEs" and "RRRs." Z — James (Speer) Buchanan. Buchanan's success over John C. Freemont and Millard Fillmore began with the "Y O E 1855 Y" on his "EEEs." He shook the "open a-z" vibration with his "AAAs." His "SS" quaking "S I 1859," which S I 1859 more than offset Fillmore's one "R" advantage. T J 1860 — Abraham (Hanks) Lincoln. Lincoln's terrible "AAA A"-vibration on the "open *a-z' " made AUK 1861 A hi m an eaS y victor over Stephen Arnold Doug- is v t i««9 T* l as > J- C. Breckenridge and John Bell. Lin- J3 v l, WW J* coln , g vibration started on the "S I 1859." 1859 C W M 1863 C was t ne y ear ot the famous Lincoln-Douglas de- bate. The "I" is for Illinois where the debate D X N 1864 D was held. But that unknown terrible "A U K t? v rk iqck tp A" vibration, which had already sounded Wm. u, x u l»bo & Henry Harrison's and Zachary Taylor's call to p 7 p iQfic p the Great Beyond, found assassination with its fatal "AAAs." "D X N 1864 D" found Lin- G Q 1867 G coin's re-election confronted by George Brinton McClellan's "NNNs," but cancellation left Lincoln the victor yet. On the "E Y O 1865 E" pulsation Booth (OO) in Ford (O) Theatre, made Lincoln's (O) vice-president Johnson (OO) president on the "E Y O 1865 E." V w X Y L M N O B C D E 1852 1853 1854 1855 Z P F 1856 Q G 1857 R H 1858 H R 1868 H- I S 1869 I J T 1870 J K A U 1871 K L B V 1872 L M C W 1873 M N D X 1874 N E Y 1875 H— Ulysses Simpson Grant. After a little cancel- lation Horatio Seymour had only "HORO" to fight Grant's "SSSSs," "NNs," "L" and "G." Seymour vibrated "H R 1868 H." Grant gave "I S 1869 I" a terrible spasm with his "SSSSs." He tickled "L B L 1872 L" and gave "N D X 1874 N" a double convulsion. Grant's agitation extended far past the 1872 contest, and it is needless to say that Hora-ce Greeley received the same fate as did Hora-tio Seymour. P F Z 1876 P — Rutherford Birchard Hays. The contest for _ the presidency between Samuel Jones Tilden Q G 1877 Q an d Hays are in Hays' favor. While the "R H -o tt 1Q7 o -R 1878 R" vibration of 1878 and are Rutherford K ±1 ±8/8 K Hayg , initials « R# H# » Turn's "S I 1879 S" is S I 1879 S a call for Samuel, and the "T J 1880 T" vibra- tion is Jones Tilden's intials "J T." Of course Hays' "RRRRs" are a terrible convulsion in themselves. Tilden obtained the popular vote, Hays the presidency. T J 1880 T — James Abram (Ballon) Garfield. Garfield's mighty "AAAAA" vibration defeated Winfield U K A 1881 U Scott Hancock. Rut remember there is that v T d iqqo u terrible "U K A 1881 U." Charles J. Guiteau, V Li a ±88z v wnose name vibrates also, shot Garfield. Ches- W M C 1883 W ter A. Arthur, whose name vibrates, became president. -Grover (Neal) Cleveland. Cleveland's vibrated more than James Gillespie Blaine in every vi- bration from 1884 to the double "W" in 1892. — Benjamin Irwin Harrison. The vibration of "R H 1888" with Harrison's initial "H," with Harrison's "RRRs," "IIIIs" and trembling every beat in his immediate vicinity, defeated Grover Cleveland for re-election. B — Grover (Neal) Cleveland. But the pulsation of 1892 found Cleveland hammering Benjamin Irwin Harrison with his "LLLs," "Ws," "EEEEs," with a powerful immediate call on his initial "C" in "C W M 1893 C" vibration, which defeated Harrison for re-election. F— Wm. (Allison) McKinley. McKinley's "LLLs" and MAKOI" defeated Wm. Jennings Bryan's "NNs" and "JGBR." McKinley's "LLLs" gave him three vibrations in the 1892 beat. "C-M" in 1893 made him five vibrations. Th< "O" I S 1899 I 1895 gave him 6 vibrations. Bryan's "NNs" 1894, "B" 1892, made him 3 vibrations. Bryan's J T 1900 J "G"-pull 1897 reduced McKinley one vibration. v A TT 1Qni v Bryan's double "R"-pull reduced McKinley xl a u iyui n power t0 3 vibrations . The «!„ 1899 gave Mc _ LBV 1902 L Kinley 4 vibrations when Bryan's vibrated with his last "J" 1900. In the Bryan-McKinley cam- 30 X N D 1884 X Y O E 1885 Y Z P F 1886 Z Q G 1887 R H 1888 S I 1889 T J 1890 A U K 1891 A B V L 1892 B- C W M 1893 C D X N 1894 D E Y O 1895 E F Z P 1896 F- G Q 1897 G H R 1898 H M C M 1903 M paign of 1900 Bryan polled less votes than in 1896. McKinley's power was greater for he had reached his "K" vibration. But four presi- dents had found that terrible "K A U 1901 K." Do vibrations repeat? McKinley was born on his initial vibration "M C 1843 W M." That terrible "C" became an open "Z-A" vibration. The "F Cz P 1896 G," when he was first elected president. F. Czolozs assassinated McKinley. Does vibrations repeat. Lincoln's assassin had two "OOs," Johnson had two "OOs," Czolozs had two "OOs," Roosevelt had five "OOOOOs," and they all vibrated on the "O E Y 1905 O" vibration as they did in 1865. N — Theodore (Bullock) Roosevelt. Roosevelt's heavy O five "00000"-pulsation defeated Alton B. P Parker, who contested his right to be re-elected Q on the "O E Y 1905 O" beat. R — Wm. Howard Taft. Taft's direct vibration on S his initial "H" "R H 1908 R," defeated Wm. T Jennings Bryan for the presidency. U V L B 1912 V— Woodrow Wilson. Wilson's victory over Taft m „ _ ^„ „ „ T and Roosevelt was in his direct "WWW" "W M W M C 1913 W C 1913 W" call. His four "OOOOs" reduced T N D 1Q14 Y Roosevelt's "OOOOOs" to one "0," which with a xvi* a another vibration for Wilson in "X N D 1914 Y O E 1915 Y X," Roosevelt's power was null. Taft appeared not to have any direct vibration. Z P F 1916 Z — Woodrow Wilson. Against Woodrow Wilson's powerful initial "W W" vibration of "W M C Q G 1917 1913 W" and his terrible "0000"-pulsation on the "Y O E 1915 Y," defeated Charles E. Hughes, who opposed Wilson for re-election. 1919 The closing days of his administration shows no future vibrations. — Warren Gamaliel (Dickerson) Harding. Hard- ing vibration on the "open-A" with his heavy "AAAA"-bombardment, which was nothing short of what may be characterized as spasms, defeated James M. Cox, who had no subcon- scious call. N D X 1904 E Y 1905 P F Z 1906 Q G 1907 R H 1908 S I 1909 T J 1910 U K A 1911 R H 1918 T J 1920 A U K 1921 A B V L 1922 B C W M 1923 C D X N 1924 D E Y 1925 E F Z P 1926 F G Q 1927 G H R 1928 H I S 1929 I J T 1930 J K A U 1931 K L B V 1932 L M C W 1933 M N D X 1934 N E Y 1935 P F Z 1936 P 31 AUKA is the great COSMOSAL URGE. And Man, Beast and Nature all have it for the year A. D. 1921. PROOF: Adelbert Korfanty and his 11-K towns; the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; Schedule K, the old tariff bill shows life since its last vibration on the UKAU-1911 Urge; Mme. Marie Skoldowska Curie, co-discoverer of radium, visits America; Stanislaus Zbyszko wins heavy-weight championship of the world over Lewis ; Jack Dempsey retains his title ; Jackie Coogan becomes the infantile prodigy of filmdom; Babe Ruth has an endless home-run streak that shatters all baseball records and pitcher Wee Dickie Kerr stops the Yankee slugger; Clarence Kraft, Texas League 23rd-home-run slugger to date, defeats his record of 19 home-runs on the UKAU-1911 Urge; K. Tanka, from the Waseda College, is hailed as the "Japanese Babe Ruth" ; Federal Judge K. Mountain Landis, high commissioner of baseball, declares baseball is clean; Charles W. Paddock becomes the world's fastest sprinter; Jock Hutchinson leads golfers on British Tournament; King George presents the international polo cup to the American team which was vic- torious over the British defenders, at Buckingham Palace; Behave Yourself, three-year-colt, wins historic Kentucky Derby; Audacious, with Jockey Kummer, wins Suburban Handicap; Humorist, with E. Donaghue, wins the world's greatest racing classic, the English Derby; Mad Hatter of the Rancocas Stables, wins the historic Metropolitan Handi- cap at Belmont Park, L. I. ; Ksar, French horse, ridden by the English jockey, Bullock, wins Paris Jockey Club stakes, valued at 150,000 francs ; Tulsa, Okla., has a terrible racial vibration ; Arkansas and Fountain Rivers bring death and destruction to Pueblo, Colo. ; Studebaker Corporation of America announces this is "The Studebaker Year" ; Nantuckett ends historic fight against the advance of autos to its streets; The Associated Advertising Clubs of the World meet in Atlanta, Ga. ; and elect Charles Henry MacKintosh, president, and select Milwaukee, Wis., for the next convention meeting ; Harry E. Karr is elected president of the International Kiwanis Clubs which met in Cleveland, Ohio, and selected Toronto, Canada, the next year's convention city ; The Press Congress of the World is to be held in Honolulu; The International Rotary Clubs of the World convened in Usher Hall, Edinburg, Scotland, and elected Dr. Crawford C. McCullough of Canada, president; Samuel Gompers retains his place at the head of the American Federa- tion of Labor over Lewis — having been president of that 32 organization (save only on one off vibration) since his first election on the UAKU-1881 Urge; Mrs. W. W. Kimball's will (widow of the late piano magnate) bequeath to the Chicago Art Institute, paintings valued at $2,000,000; Karl Kausky, historian, pours war blame on Kaiser's head ; Kreisler becomes first Teutonic Artist to appear on the London concert stage since the war; King's College of London receives Prof. Albert Einstein, the German scientist, who delivers an address in the Teutonic tongue, which had not been countenanced there for seven years; "Madame Butterfly" is caught by microphones and carried by radio over German capitol by the wireless station at Konigswusterhausen ; Turks are to rebuild mosque with Armenian skulls ; King Constantine leads Greeks against the Kemalists ; Rue de la Paix's tearooms find French women have turned from the furor of red styles of a few months ago to costumes of the "DARKEST HUE"; somewhere east of Czech o-Slovakia, near Bulkovina, is Rusimia, a little peasant republic governed by an American-born Pittsburgher ; Betelguese is discovered to be the giant star, and the COS- MOSAL URGE for Man, Beast and Nature for the Year A. D. 1921 is AUKA.— [The advertisement in August, 1921, that shook the Thought World.] THE YEAR 1921 IS AUKA. UNITED STATES IS CROWNED UNIVERSAL SPORT KING IN 1921 (By Universal Service Staff Correspondent.) NEW YORK, Dec. 25.— America was crowned king of sports in 1921. Post-war reaction brought interest in amateur and pro- fessional athletics to a new high water mark. Victor in a majority of the important international competitions, America at the close of 1921 heads the lists of the world's nations. The stellar events of the year in the minds of most sports lovers was the fistic battle on Boyles Thirty Acres July 2, when Jack Dempsey emphatically assured his opponent, Georges Carpentier, France and the rest of the world that America was not yet ready to surrender her pugilistic crown. The defeat of Wille Hoppe, king of balk line billiards for fifteen years by "Young Jake" Schaefer was doubtless the year's greatest surprise in the field of indoor sports. MLLE. LENGLEN BEATEN Molla Bjurstedt Mallory's victory over Mile. Suzanne Lenglen of France, who was considered by two continents as 33 the invincible queen of the racquet, was a blow from which France, as well as the rest of Europe, will be long in recovering. The sweeping successes of our male tennis stars, the flattering victory of our unmatched polo quartet, our re- markable showing in amateur and professional international golf, all aided in putting America ahead on the field in every phase of popular athletic endeavor. There were three outstanding features in the season of lawn tennis, the successful defense of the Davis cup by the United States ; William T. Tilden, IFs retention of the world's hard and turf court singles and the victory of Molla Mallory, which leaves her, for the sixth time, the national singles champion. The 1921 season goes down in baseball history as the most remarkable of all time. It was a record breaker in every line. In winning his seventh pennant and the National League championship, McGraw achieved new distinction in baseball annals. Miller Huggins, on the other hand, gave New York its first American League banner. Then to exceed both was the victory of the Giants in the world's series, coming from behind in eight games, after losing the first two. "Babe" Ruth, of course, usurped the individual spotlight throughout the year. He set a new home run record with fifty-nine for the season. Ben Block's two-year-old colt, Morvich,* was one of the great sensations of the 1921 turf season. Morvich has considerable on the great Man o' War of two years ago. Man o' War was beaten in one race; Morvich has won eleven con- secutive victories. *Benjamin Block's two-year-old champion Morvich, with jockey Johnson won the big $56,000 Pimlico Futurity on No- vember 5th on VIBRATION. November 5th is the 309th day and the VIBRATION is "ISI." Morvich won eleven con- secutive victories. Eleven is the "AUKA." HISTORICAL VIBRATIONS Admiral Togo - A U K 1 A - B V L 2 B - C W M 3 C - D X N 4 D - E Y O 5 E - F Z P 6 F G - G Q 7 G - H R 8 H - I S 9 I - J T J Admiral Rojestvenky K - A U K 1 A V - B V L 2 B - C W M 3 C - D X N 4 D O E E Y - E Y O 5 E - F z P 6 F - G Q 7 G R - H R 8 H S - I S 9 I J T - J T J 34 Admiral Togo on VIBRATION defeated Admiral Rojest- vensky of Russian fleet, May 27, 1905, on 137th day. The Vi- bration for May 27th is "GQG." The Russian Admiral was off Vibration. "Iron Duke" Wellington Napoleon Bonaparte U K - A U K 1 A L L - B V L 2 B W - C W M 3 C N D N N - D X N 4 D E E - E Y 5 E - F Z P 6 F G - G Q 7 G R - H R 8 H I I - I S 9 I T - J T J A A A - A U K 1 A B L - B V L 2 B - C W M 3 C N N N - D X N 4 D E E - E Y 5 E P P - F Z P 6 F - G Q 7 G R - H R 8 H - I S 9 I T - J T J The battle of Waterloo was fought June 18, 1815, on 169th day. The VIBRATION for June 18th is "ISI." Na- poleon Bonaparte was off vibration. History : " . . French broke their columns in vain on the English squares; . . . at the critical moment toward the close of the day when Well- ington was wishing . . . for night . . a fresh force of thirty thousand Prussians turned the tide of battle . . ." History: Leaders of the Revolution in Thought were Newton, Diderot and Voltaire. Note the VIBRATION of eto in the three names. Alpha-Matho Scale applied to the 1921 World's Baseball Series foretold the eight consecutive games by checking pitcher's names with each day's vibration. Winner Month Pitcher Vibration Pitcher Yr. Winner Mays Oct. 5 Carl Mays RH8 Phil Douglas 278 Hoyt Oct. 6 Waite Hoyt SI9 Arthur Nehf 279 Oct. 7 Bob Shawkey TJO Jess Barnes 280 Barnes Oct. 8 No Game AUK1A No Game 281 Oct. 9 Carl Mays BVL2B. ..Phil Douglas 282 Douglas Hoyt Oct. 10 Waite Hoyt CWM3C....Arthur Nehf 283 Oct. 11 Harry Harper..DXN4D Jess Barnes 284 Barnes Oct. 12 Carl Mays EY05E....Phil Douglas 285 Douglas Oct. 13 Waite Hoyt FZP6F....Arthur Nehf 286 Nehf Oct. 14 No Game.. G Q7G No Game 287 Arthur Nehf lost two straight games on off vibration and won his third game on vibration. Waite Hoyt won two straight games on vibration and lost his third game on off vibration. Frankie Frisch was the the hitting marvel on the RH8, SI9 and CWM3C. Babe Ruth made his usual home run on the BVL2B but could not hit Nehf on the FZP6F. 35 1922 WORLD'S BASEBALL SERIES Between New York Giants and Yankees Winner Month Pitcher Vibration Pitcher Day Yr. Winner Oct. 4th Joe Bush GQG Arthur Nehf 277 Giants Tie Oct. 5th Bob Shawkey HRH Jess Barnes 278 Tie Oct. 6th Waite Hoyt ISI John Scott 279 Giants — Oct. 7th Carl Mays JTJ .Hugh McQuillian 280 Giants Oct. 8th Joe Bush KAUK ....Arthur Nehf 281 Giants THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 19 2 3 The Alpha-Matho Calendar for 1923 shows the vibration for every day in the year. The Calendar is perfect as much so as everything is perfect in conformity to the cycle-like pattern from the Great Founder's mold. Nature never made a square thing! Therefore the earth must make its circle around the sun in 365 and *4 odd days, with every fourth year comprising the 366th day, or leap year. So there is not a perfect year in a straight line sense, as every- thing that exists must be in Vibration or Harmony to an ever exacting curve. And what happens with the twelve calendar months in making the, curve in the year also happens with the twelve intervals which compose the musical scale. The much talked about "lost chord" in music is lost in each note which is tuned a vibration or so less than perfect to make the cycle or complete octave. The general Cosmosal Urge for 1923 is CWMC. Persons with names having the CWMC, or parts of those letters will be in Tune with the Cosmosal Forces for the year, and will be double powerful on the day of the year on which those letters are vibratory. FOR VIBRATION CHECK FULL NAME WITH DAY OF YEAR. THE LAST DIGIT IN ANY MULTIPLE IS ALWAYS KEY NUMBER. THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 1923 GWMC JANUARY CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 AUKA BVLB CWMC DXND EYOE FZPF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 GQG HRH ISI JTJ KAUK LBVL MCWM 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NDXN OEYO PFZP QGQ RHR SIS TJT 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 UKAU VLBV WMCW XNDX YOEY ZPFZ GQ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 HR SI TJ AUKA 28 29 30 31 37 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 CWMC FEBRUARY 1923 CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 2 3 BVLB CWMC DXND 32 33 34 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EYOE FZPF QG RH SI JT AUKA 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BVLB CWMC DXND EYOE FZPF QGQ RHR 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 SIS TJT KAUK LBVL MCWM NDXN OEYO 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 25 26 27 28 PFZP QGQ RHR SIS 56 57 58 59 38 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 CWMC MARCH 1923 CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 TJT 60 2 AUKA 61 3 BVLB 62 4 CWMC 63 5 DXND 64 6 EYOE 65 7 FZPF 66 8 GQG 67 9 HRH 68 10 ISI 69 11 JTJ 70 12 KAUK 71 13 LBVL 72 14 MCWM 73 15 NDXN 74 16 OEYO 75 17 PFZP 76 18 QGQ 77 19 RHR 78 20 SIS 79 21 TJT 80 22 UKAU 81 23 VLBV 82 24 WMCW 83 25 XNDX 84 26 YOEY 85 27 ZPFZ 86 28 QG 87 29 RH 88 30 SI 89 31 TJ 90 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 CWMC APRIL 1923 CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AUKA BVLB CWMC DXND EYOE FZPF GQG 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 HRH ISI JTJ KAUK LBVL MCWM NDXN 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 OEYO PFZP QGQ RHR SIS TJT UKAU 105 106 107 108 109 110 ' 111 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 VLBV WMCW XNDX YOEY ZPFZ QG RH 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 29 30 SI TJ 119 120 i 40 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 CWMC MAY 1923 CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 2 3 4 5 AUKA BVLB CWMC DXND EYOE 121 122 123 124 125 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FZPF GQG HRH ISI JTJ KAUK LBVL 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 MCWM NDXN OEYO PFZP QGQ RHR SIS 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TJT UKAU VLBV WMCW XNDX YOEY ZPFZ 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 27 28 29 30 31 QG RH SI TJ AUKA 147 148 149 150 151 41 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 CWMC JUNE 1923 CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 2 BVLB CWMC 152 153 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DXND EYOE FZPF GQG HRH ISI JTJ 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 KAUK LBVL MCWM NDXN OEYO PFZP QGQ 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 RHR SIS TJT UKAU VLBV WMCW XNDX 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 YOEY ZPFZ QG RH SI TJ AUKA 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 42 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 1923 CWMC JULY CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BVLB CWMC DXND EYOE FZPF GQG HRH 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ISI JTJ KAUK LBVL MCWM NDXN OEYO 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PFZP QGQ RHR SIS TJT UKAU VLBV 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WMCW XNDX YOEY ZPFZ QG RH SI 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 29 30 31 TJ AUKA BVLB 210 211 212 43 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 CWMC AUGUST 1923 CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 2 3 4 CWMC DXND EYOE FZPF 213 214 215 216 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GQG HRH ISI JTJ KAUK LBVL MCWM 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 NDXN OEYO PFZP QGQ RHR SIS TJT 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 UKAU VLBV WMCW XNDX YOEY ZPFZ QG 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 26 27 28 29 30 31 RH SI TJ AUKA BVLB CWMC 238 239 240 241 242 243 44 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 1923 CWMC SEPTEMBER CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 DXND 244 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EYOE FZPF GQG HRH ISI JTJ KAUK 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 LBVL MCWM NDXN OEYO PFZP QGQ RHR 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SIS TJT UKAU VLBV WMCW XNDX YOEY 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ZPFZ QG RH SI TJ AUKA BVLB 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 30 CWMC 273 45 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 CWMC OCTOBER 1923 CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 DXND EYOE FZPF GQG HRH ISI 274 275 276 277 278 279 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 JTJ KAUK LBVL MCWM NDXN OEYO PFZP 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 QGQ RHR SIS TJT UKAU VLBV WMCW 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 XNDX YOEY ZPFZ QG RH SI TJ 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 28 29 30 31 AUKA BVLB CWMC DXND 301 302 303 304 46 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 1923 CWMC NOVEMBER CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. - 1 EYOE 305 2 FZPF 306 3 GQG 307 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 HRH ISI JTJ KAUK LBVL MCWM NDXN 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 OEYO PFZP QGQ RHR SIS TJT UKAU 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 VLBV WMCW XNDX YOEY ZPFZ QG RH 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 25 26 27 28 29 30 SI TJ AUKA BVLB CWMC DXND 329 330 331 332 333 334 47 THE ALPHA-MATHO CALENDAR 1923 CWMC DECEMBER 1923 CWMC SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 1 EYOE 335 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FZPF GQG HRH ISI JTJ KAUK LBVL 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MCWM NDXN OEYO PFZP QGQ RHR SIS 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 TJT UKAU VLBV WMCW XNDX YOEY ZPFZ 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 QG RH SI TJ AUKA BVLB CWMC 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 30 DXND 364 31 EYOE 365 y 4 A-Z 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 169 766 2