E 449 .H84 Copy 2 i A wto 7i WE** ^i^si '9 - > * ttttol >** " ■&»?»*: l&i •StLa-'- •TV* : J^(W*^' >" -V ^ I. &V^ &-\ ^- ~ , : -?^5?^ / -«- KT^r» A& ^■r"^.- J LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, i % UNITED STATED OF-AMEIflffA. J *» / / *i SLAVEHOLDING NOT SINFUL. M ARGUMENT BEFORE THE GENERAL SYNOD OF THE |lcfoniuir f roMtiif gittclj €$$£$, OCTOBER, 1855. BY / SAMUEL B. HOW, D.D., PA6TOE OF THE FIBST EEFOBMED DUTCH CHTJECIT, NEW-BEUNSWICK, H. J. NEW-YORK: JOHN A. GRAY, PRINTER & STEREOTTPER, 95 & 9T CLIFF STREET. 1 8T5. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by HENRY K. UOW, In the Clerk'a Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New- York. A RELATION CIRCUMSTANCES THAT CALLED FORTH THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS. The Author of the following address to the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of North America, deems it proper to state : that at the meeting of the Synod in the City of New- Brunswick in June last, " a communication was received from the North-Carolina Classis of the German Reformed Church, purporting to be a certified copy of their action in reference to seeking an eccle- siastical connection with the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, which was referred to the Committee on Correspondence," of which he was the chairman. That committee recommended to Synod the adoption of the following resolution : "Resolved, That Synod cordially reciprocate the fraternal feelings expressed by the Classis of North-Carolina of the German Reformed Church ; that they regard with favor their proposal of effecting an ecclesiastical relation with our Church ; and that so soon as they present duly-authenticated testimonials of their accepting its stand- ards and constitution, they shall be received as one of its integral parts, and so be fully incorporated with it, and shall be known among us as the German Reformed Classis of North-Carolina, of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of North- America." The Report recommending this resolution was accepted. But when it was moved to adopt the above resolution, debate followed, and it was discussed at some length ; when Rev. Thornton Butler, who had been recognized by Synod as the Commissioner from the North- Carolina Classis, perceiving from the debate that several members of the Synod were opposed to forming a connection with them, with- drew the application of the Classis. He was afterwards requested, 4 ADDRESS. by a resolution of the Synod, to "reconsider the withdrawal of his papers, and leave them in the hands of the Synod until their meeting in October next : whereupon he consented to leave them in the hands of the Synod, subject to the advice of his Chassis." According to the report of the New-York Tribune, of June 16, 1855, there were two principal objections raised against the receiving of the Classis by the Synod ; the one was, that it was inexpedient to do so, because it would endanger the peace of the Church, and expose it to being dis- tracted by the agitation of the question of slavery. This was urged by Rev. Dr. Wyckoff, of Albany, and Rev. Dr. Bethune, of Brook- lyn. The other was, that slaveholding is a sin, and that we ought not to hold communion with slaveholders. This objection was urged by Rev. Isaac G. Duryee, of Schenectady, who said, that he had " conscien- tious scruples against the formation of such a relation." According to the Tribune, he declared as follows : "I can say that my inmost soul shrinks from the idea .of our extending the fellowship of our church to slaveholding churches as I shrink from the touch of the torpedo," etc., etc. The writer of this was not aware at the time that there were any Abolitionists among the ministers of the Reformed Dutch Church, or that such feelings as those expressed by Rev. Mr. Duryee existed in the minds of any members of the Synod. He knew that slavery had existed in the Reformed Dutch Church for generations past, and that it now exists ; and that there is no prohibition of it in the form of our church-government, and that it had never been reproved by General Synod. He was, therefore, taken completely by surprise. He, however, attempted a reply, and among other things, reminded the Synod that, as a judicatory of the Church of Christ, they were bound to administer its government according to the laws and the principles taught us in God's holy word ; and that, as there was no prohibition of the holding of slaves, and nothing whatever in that holy word to warrant our refusal to form an ecclesiastical connection with these German brethren, we ought to assent to their proposal by receiving and incorporating them with our Church. At the late meeting of Synod in October, in the city of New-York, the question of receiving this Classis was again considered. On the third day of the session of Synod, a motion was made and carried in the affirmative to lay the whole subject upon the table ; the vote at first standing 44 ayes and 41 nays. The ayes and nays were called for, and the vote then resulted in 50 ayes and 47 noes. The Comis- sioner from the Classis of North-Carolina considered this vote as dearly exhibiting the feelings of a majority of the Synod towards the Classis, and withdrew from its sessions. He also expressed to the ADDRESS. 5 Chairman of the Committee of Correspondence his desire that he would do nothing more in relation to this business, and received from him the assurance that he would comply with his request. When, therefore, on the following day, this matter was called up, he stated to the Synod, that he considered the vote on the motion to lay this whole subject on the table as decisive, and that he had promised the Commissioner from North-Carolina that he would take no further part in any doings of the Synod on this question. The following resolution was finally adopted : " Whereas, It is evident from the opinions expressed on this floor, that the Synod can not unite cordially in receiving the Classis of North-Carolina within the limits of our Church ; and whereas the Synod desire to treat the Classis of North-Caro- Jina with the courtesy and kindness due to respected brethren, therefore "Resolved, That the Commissioner of the Classis of North-Carolina be requested to withdraw his papers." On the second day of the sessions of Synod, it being the order of the day to take this subject up, the Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence delivered, with the exception of a few passages which he omitted when speaking before the Synod, the following A. D D R E S S . Me. President : Two principal objections have been made against receiving into our Church the Classis of North-Carolina. The first objection is, that if we do so, we shall destroy the peace of our Church, and introduce among ourselves distrac- tion and division by the agitation of the slavery question. The second objection is, that slaveholding is a sin, and that there- fore, we ought not to admit slaveholders into our Church. 1 shall attempt, first of all, to show that slaveholding is not a sin, and that therefore, there is no reason to exclude slaveholders, simply because they are slaveholders, from union and com- munion with our Church. If this is established, then both ob- jections necessarily fail: for it would be alike absurd and wicked to disturb the peace of the Church for that which the Scriptures teach us is not a sin, and which was no bar to church-fellowship with the Apostles of Christ. Let it be re- 6 ADDRESS. marked that we admit slavery is an evil, much to be lamented ; but we deny that it is, as 1ms been asserted, a sin against God and a crime against man. I. THE HOLDING OF A SLAVE NOT A SIN. It has been said that " American Slavery is at war with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, natural justice, and Christianity" — "that slavery is a sin against God and a crime against man, etc."* To these bold statements we reply, that the mass of the American people have never considered the holding of slaves as at war with the De- claration of Independence ; that the Supreme Court of the Na- tion has declared that it is not against the Constitution of the United States ; and that it is not against natural justice and Christianity, we shall now endeavor to prove. AVe admit that it is an evil much to be lamented, but we deny that it is a sin against God and a crime against man. As I am addressing the Supreme Ecclesiastical Court of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, my final appeal shall be to the Holy Scriptures as the inspired word of God, the only infallible and perfect rule of right and wrong, truth and error, in matters of religious faith and duty. ~We all profess to believe that " the law and the testimony of God" are the standard of duty and the rule of faith, and that if any "speak not accord- ing to this word, it is because there is no light in them." That the holding of slaves is not a sin we prove from the following passages of Scripture : 1. 1 Tim. G : 1-5 : " Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed. And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren ; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort. If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine wliich is according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and * Sco 13th Annual Report of the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, pp. 3 and 16. THE HOLDING OF A SLAVE NOT A SIN. / strifes of words, whereof comet] 1 envy, strife, railings, evil sur- rnisings, perverse clisputings of men of corrupt minds, and desti- tute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness : from such withdraw thyself." We begin with the New Testament to obviate an objection that might be urged if we should begin with the Old Testa- ment, that the Christian dispensation has greater light and freedom and privileges than were enjoyed under the Jewish dispensation, and that therefore, though slavery might have lawfully existed under the latter, that can not be pleaded in favor of its existing under the former. Our endeavor will be to show that they both entirely agree on the point before us. The term " servants" in this passage of sacred Scripture is in the original Greek, "dovXoi" the primary meaning of which, Robinson in his Greek and English Lexicon of the ]STew Testa- ment, gives as, " a bondman, slave, servant, pr. by birth ; diff. from dvdpdnodov, one enslaved in war." — He says : "In a family the dovXog was one hound to serve, a slave, and was the prop- erty of his master, 'a living possession,' as Aristotle calls him." — Schleusner gives as the meaning of the term — 1. proprie : servus, minister, homo non liber, nee sui juris et opponitur ru> eXevdepog, that is, " its first and proper signification is that of a slave, a serving-man, a man who is not free and at his own dis- posal." But to put his meaning beyond doubt, the Apostle adds the words, " under the yoke" which is an emblem of servitude or of the rule to which any one is subject. He here unques- tionably speaks of slaves who are under bondage to their mas- ters. Bloomfield says : " The commentators are not sufficiently aware of the strength of this expression, in which there is a blending of two expressions to put the case in its strongest point of view (supposing even the harshest bondage) in order to make the inj unction to obedience the more forcible." These slaves the Apostle commands to " count their own masters, whether heathen or Christians or Jews, worthy of all honor," and the reason that he gives for this is, " that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed." It was lawful by the law of Moses, to make of the heathen bondmen for life, and to hold their children in bondage. But not so with one who was born a Jew. lie was permitted to serve only for six years, and it is quite possible that there were some false teachers who asserted that, 8 ADDRESS. as no Jew was to remain a slave for life, so ought no Christ- ian. This sentiment,. if it Lad prevailed among those slaves who were Christians, would have caused them to despise and hate their masters, and to withhold from them the respect and obedience which they owed to them. They would thus bring a reproach on the Gospel as if it were a doctrine that taught men contempt for their superiors, and disobedience to their lawful commands. From speaking of the duty which slaves owe to their masters in general, the Apostle passes on to speak to those who have believing masters who are their brethren in Christ. Here the questions whether the holding of slaves is a sin, and whether we should hold Christian communion with slaveholders, are fairly met. Does the Apostle then teach the slaves that they ought to be free? that their Christian masters sin in hold- ing them in bondage? and does he, with apostolic authority and in the name of Jesus Christ, command the masters to give them their freedom? He does nothing of the kind. He not only does not require these Christian masters to set their slaves at liberty, but he speaks of them as " faithful and beloved" brethren, " partakers of the benefit," and for this very reason he exhorts Christian slaves not to despise them, but rather to do them service. It seems impossible for the question before us to be more fully and directly settled. But the Apostle proceeds further. He says that " if any man teach otherwise," that is, if there is any Abolitionist among you, any Immediate Emanci- pationist, who says that no Christian can, without sin, hold a slave ; that if he holds any, he is bound in duty immediatply to liberate them, and if he docs not, then true Christians are bound to refuse church-fellowship and communion with him lest they should partake of his sin — if ;my man teach these things, then he does " not consent to wholesome words, even the words of onr Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness." This we should suppose would have been a sufficient rebuke. But to show the criminality of the doctrine of these early Abolitionists in the Christian church, the Apostle proceeds to say, that he who teaches their doctrine " is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of THE HOLDING OF A SLAVE NOT A SIN. 9 the truth, supposing that gain is godliness." He, then, in a most marked manner, shows the falseness and danger of their sentiments by commanding Timothy, " from such withdraw thyself," that is, hold no intercourse with them. We shall not inquire how far this precept extends, nor whether it is a pro- hibition against holding church communion with Abolitionists ; nor whether the Apostle does not mean to teach us that their sentiments are so revolutionary, so subversive of the established order of society, so calculated to produce discontent and resent- ment in the minds of the slaves as to endanger not only public but domestic peace and safety, and to produce by stirring up the slaves to insurrection, massacres and horrors, like those of the Massacres of St. Domingo, in the year 1790. Certain it is, that he commands us to withdraw from them. 2. We now turn to the Old Testament. We are informed, Gen. 17 : 1-14, that when Abrain was ninety years old and nine, the Lord again ratified the Covenant which he had made with him, and instituted circumcision as the sacramental sign of the Covenant. He commanded : " He that is eight days old among you, every man-child, in your generations — he that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised." (Y. 12, 13.) " He that is bought with thy money," means the bought slave, and to such God commanded the sign of his covenant to be administered. Here then God took Abraham, a slaveholder, his children and his bought slaves into covenant with himself without express- ing the slightest disapprobation of his holding slaves, but in the fullest manner authorizing him to retain them as a portion of his family or household by taking him and them into coven- ant with him. Abraham was a large slaveholder, for we are told, Gen. 14 : 14, 15, that he armed three hunded and eight- een of his slaves to pursue the kings who had captured Lot ; and the servant whom he commissioned to procure a wife for Isaac, in recounting to the family of Eebecca the great wealth of Abraham said: "The Lord hath blessed my master greatly, and he is become great ; and he hath given him flocks and herds, and silver and gold, and men-servants and maid-ser- vants, and camels and asses." (Gen. 24 : 35.) Here men-servants —the original term means servants who are bought, or inherit- ed slaves— such men-servants and maid-servants are enumer- 10 ADDRESS. ated aa a part of the property belonging to Abraham— property which the Lord hath given him — and in the bestowal of which the Lord had blessed him, and the possession of which Abra- ham's servant urged as a reason for Rebecca marrying his son. But what is the character that is given to Abraham? The Apostle James tells us that this slaveholding Abraham "was called ifu friend of Goo 1 :' (Jas. 2 : 23.) The Apostle Paul teaches us that he was "the father of all them that believe." ( I J< »m. 4 : 11.) In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, to teach us the wonderful change that death made in the con- dition of the poor beggar, Christ tells us that "he was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom." (Luke 16 : 22.) The Covenant which we are considering, was made with Abra- ham and with his children that should come after him in their generations, for an everlasting Covenant. It was by this cove- nant that God first organized his visible Church on earth. He and his descendants were now separated from the world by God himself, and were taken into a special covenant-relation with him. The promise given was : " I will be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee," and as the sign and the seal of this Covenant, circumcision was instituted ; and thenceforth the descendants of Abraham, through Isaac and Jacob, became " an holy people unto the Lord their God ;" and the Lord chose them to be a peculiar people to himself above all nations that were upon the earth. (Deut. 14 : 2.) A special promise given to Abraham was : " In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." This promised seed was Christ. Because of the rejection of Christ by the Jews, the natural descendants of Abraham, they became an apostate church, and the kingdom of God was taken away from them and given to a nation or a race of men bringing forth the fruits thereof. They ceased to be the peculiar people of God, and thenceforth the middle wall of partition, the ceremonial law that sej^arated the Jew from the Gentile, was broken down by Christ ; and believing Gentiles were admitted into the Church along with believing Jews. The covenant, however, w r as the same, and through Christ the blessing of Abraham conies on the Gentiles, for they are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus, and so they are. Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Circum- cision taught the Jew to look forward by faith to a coming THE HOLDING OF A SLAVE NOT A SIN. 11 Messiah to save him from sin and make him a child of God. Baptism teaches all believers in Christ to look back and rejoice that the promised seed of Abraham, from whom he receives the blessings of salvation, has come. Circumcision now on the part of the Jews is the standing testimony against them that they reject Christ, and so are rejected by him. Baptism is the standing testimony that we believe in Christ as the seed of Abraham, in whom it was promised that all nations should be blessed. Before the coming of Christ, circumcision, and since his coming, baptism distinguish from the world the organized visible Church of God, which has existed from the institution of circumcision, and will exist till the end of time. But this cov- enant was made with a slaveholder, and this visible Church was organized in his family, and his slaves received the sign of the covenant along with himself and his children. Moreover, the non-holding of slaves has never been made a term or condition of church- fellowship. Bingham, in his Anti- quities of the Christian Church, informs us that, " We find by the author of the Constitutions, under the name of the Apostles,* that in the first ages of the Christian Church, one part of the inquiry that was made concerning those who offered themselves to baptism was, whether they were slaves or freemen. If they were slaves to a heathen, they were only taught their obliga- tions to please their master, that the word of God might not be blasphemed ; and the master had no further concern in their baptism, as being himself an inlidel ; but if the master were a Christian, then the testimony of the master was first to be re- quired concerning the life and conversation of his slave before he could be admitted to the privilege of baptism. If he gave a laudable account of him he was received ; if otherwise, he was rejected till he approved himself to his master. So far in those days it was thought necessary and serviceable to religion to grant Christian masters a power over their slaves, that without their testimony and approbation they could not be accepted as fit candidates for baptism."f So far, too, we may add, were they from considering the holding of slaves to be sinful in itself. * Supposed to be of the second and third centuries. f Book 11th, chap. 5, sec. 4, p. 502. See also Southern Presbyterian Review, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 582-583. 12 ADDRESS. 3. Our third argument to prove that the holding of slaves is not sinful, is derived from Exocl. 20 : 17. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house ; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wile, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's." This precept establishes the right of property, and forbids not only the unjust depriving the owner of his lawful property, but even the secret desire to do so. It strikes down at once into the dust Commun- ism and Socialism. It teaches us that there is a division, and that there are rights of property ; that there are masters and that there are slaves, and bids us to respect the right of the master, and not to covet his man-servant or his maid-servant. The division of property and the security of the owner in the possession of it, lie at the foundation of civilized and Christian life, and where they are unknown men are wandering tribes of barbarians, ignorant, rapacious, and debased. To cultivate the arts and sciences that embellish and exalt human life, and es- pecially to have colleges and churches, the right of property must be respected, and the desire and the attempt to deprive others of property which the law of God and the law of the land have made it lawful for them to hold, is to strike a blow at the very existence of civilization and Christianity. We ad- mit that there are great inequalities in the possession of pro- perty and in the conditions of men, and that there are many evils to be deplored. But with all their inequalities and evils, the worst despotism on earth is to be preferred to a state of constant anarchy and consequently of constant warfare. Oppressive as despotism may be, yet under it the masses of men live in com- parative quiet and security. Under anarchy no man is safe in the possession of life or property. God therefore commands us to respect the right of property, to leave the lawful owner of it in the undisturbed possession of it, even though it be a man- servant or a maid-servant. What though we may think slavery unjust, yet there it is, it actually exists, for wise and good rea- sons God permits it, and he commands us not to seek by force to remove it. He has sent forth no messengers of violence and of war, no spiritual knight-erraats to light with carnal weapons, and by force and bloodshed to remove the evils and oppressions that exist, or that we may imagine to exist among men. This was the plan of Mohammed, who went forth with sword and fire to THE HOLDING OP A SLAVE NOT A SIN. 13 punish and destroy all who did not agree with him in what he considered truth and right. This was the plan of the French infi- del propagandists of 1793 ; and this we fear is the plan of many amongst us, and we regret to say of some who are called min- isters of the Gospel, a name which they do not deserve and should not bear. No, " the weapons of our warfare, not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong-holds." We are ministers of peace, not of war, and they who would put down what they consider wrong among us by violence and war, might have made good followers of Mohammed and able allies to French infidel republicans ; but we can not admit their claim to be the ministers of the Gospel of the Prince of Peace. 4. Our fourth argument to prove that slavery is not sinful, is derived from the ceremonial and political law given to the Israelites by God, as well as the moral law. One of the most remarkable of the institutions of the Levitical law, was the passover which commemorated the deliverance of the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt. "We are told that the Lord said to Moses and Aaron : " This is the ordinance of the passover ; there shall no stranger eat thereof. But every man's servant that is bought for money, when thou hast circumcised him, then shall he eat thereof. A foreigner and an hired servant shall not eat thereof." When the bought servant was circum- cised he became a member of his master's family, and was entitled to various privileges which were not granted to the foreigner who was a hired servant. He became one of the covenant people of God, for his circumcision signified this to him ; and if he was an Israelite indeed, then it was to him, as well as to Abraham, " a seal of the righteousness of faith." Another remarkable law was that of the Jubilee, which re- turned every fiftieth year, when every Hebrew servant was set free with his children, and was restored to his own family and the possessions of his father. But it was not so with servants who were foreigners. The law in relation to them was as fol- lows : " Both thy bond-men and thy bond-maids which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you ; of them shall ye buy bond-men and bond-maids. Moreover, of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy and of their families that are with you which they begat in your land, and they shall be your possession ; and 14 ADDRESS. yc shall take them as an inheritance for your children after 3*011 to inherit them for a possession. They shall be your bond-men •for ever." (Lev. 25 : 44—46.) It is remarkable that this law was given within the space of the first year after the departure of the Israelites out of Egypt." But in all the history of their de- liverance from the cruel bondage in which they were there held, no mention is made of any slaves among them ; nor when we consider their abject poverty is it probable that they pos- sessed any. It seems probable, therefore, that the laws relating to slaveholding were given to them in anticipation of the ex- istence of slavery among them after they were settled in the land of Canaan ; and if so, they were plainly permitted by God to hold slaves. When Abraham was taken into covenant by God, the holding of slaves was fully established, and had he even wished and attempted to do away with it, we have no reason to suppose that he would have succeeded, but would have exposed himself and his family to the resentment of those among whom he dwelt, and that therefore God permitted him to hold slaves. But this can not be said of the laws in relation to slavery which were given to the Israelites. They were then separated from all other nations, alone and in the wilderness, they were under the special protection of God and had nothing to fear from any of the neighboring nations. But instead of for- bidding them to hold slaves, he expressly permitted them to do so. We might produce other arguments from the laws given by Moses to the Israelites ; but we think that enough has been presented to show that the holding of slaves was not forbidden by God, and was no bar to the enjoying of church privileges. It may be objected, however, that under the Old-Testament dispensation many things were permitted which are not tole- rated under the New-Testament dispensation, a dispensation of greater light and purity and privileges than belonged to the old dispensation. Let us then examine the New Testament and inquire what are its teachings on this subject. 1. Our first remark is, that Christ and his Apostles in the strongest manner assert the divine inspiration and binding authority of Moses and the Prophets, that is, of the Old-Testa- ment Scriptures. On this point there was no dispute between them and the Jews. It was Jesus Christ the Son of God who * Compare Exodus 19 : 1, with Num. 10 : 11. THE HOLDING- OF A SLAVE NOT A SIN. 15 gave to the Israelites their laws in the wilderness, and who spake by his spirit in the prophets,* who was again visibly present among the Jews in the humble form of the Man of Nazareth, explaining and enforcing the laws which he had before given to them. The Law of Ten Commandments is re- ferred to and argued from by both Christ and his Apostles, as the Law of God of universal and perpetual obligation, and con- sequently the tenth command is in as full force at the present day as when it was first given, and the right of the master to his man-servant and maid-servant remains as strong as at the first. Moreover, all true believers in Christ are children of Abraham, and so under and interested in the Covenant which God made with him. " Know ye, therefore," says the Apostle, " that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abra- ham So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. . . . If ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Gal. 3 : 7, 9, 29.) It is under that covenant which God made with Abra- ham to be a God to him and to his seed after him, and of which circumcision, before the death of Christ, was the sign, and bap- tism now is and has been since his death, that the visible Church is now placed, and believing masters with their believ- ing slaves are now as they ever have been entitled to the sign and privileges of the covenant. 2. Our Lord repeatedly spoke of slaves, especially in several of his parables, without the slightest intimation that he con- demned slavery, and in such a way as plainly showed that he considered it lawful. Among others we refer to the parable of the Unmerciful Servant, Matt. 18 : 23-35. Of the Talents, Matt. 25 : 11-30. Of the Unprofitable Servants, Luke 17 : 7, 10. 3. We are told, Matt. 8 : 5-13, that a Centurion came to Jesus beseeching him to heal his sick servant. When Jesus offered to come and heal him, the centurion replied : "Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me : and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth ; and to another, Come, and he * Luke 24 : 21. Acts 24 : 14, etc. 16 ADDRESS. cometh ; and to my servant, (slave, tfovAw,) Do this, and lie doeth it." Here was a heathen, high in office, acknowledging to Christ that he was a slaveholder, and asking of him to heal his servant. If the holding of slaves had been sinful, Jesus would, we 1 1< >ubt not, have so informed him. Instead of this he highly commended his faith. lie marvelled and said to them that followed, Yerily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. Did he say that a slaveholder could not be a Christian ? that he could not be saved ? that he would not own him as his disciple? lie said just the reverse. "I say unto you that many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kin. . »::!%fe 6» " YtXlS