F 16 ^ .M14 Copy 2 B Y=L A^?V^S OF THK MAINE Genealogical Society, PORTLAND, MAINE. Adopted Aprii, i6, 1889. PORTI^AND : Owen, Strout & Co., Printers. 1893- BY-LA^?V^S OF THE MAINE Genealogical Society, PORTLAND, MAINE. Adopted Aprii. i6, 1889. PORTIvAND : Owen, Strout & Co., Printers. 1893- Fj6 OFFICERS President, Marquis Fayktte King. Vice President. Albion K. P. Meserve, M. D. vSecretary, Frederick Odell Conant. Treasurer, Millard Fillmore Hicks. Librarian, Joseph Porter Thompson. Directors, Marquis Fayette King, Albion K. P. Meserve, Frederick Odell Conant, Millard Fillmore Hicks, Joseph Porter Thompson. Maine Genealogical Society. BY-LAWS ARTlCIvK I. NAME. This Societ}^ shall be called the Maine Gene- alogical Society, and its head-quarters shall be in Portland, Maine. ARTICLE II. OBJECT. The object of the Societ}^ shall be to collect and preserve anything pertaining to the History of New England towns and families, and for the mutual aid of its members by interchange of material gathered. ARTICLE III. MEMBERS. Section i. The Society shall be composed of persons interested in the objects mentioned in Art- icle II, who, being recommended by the Board of Directors, shall be elected by the Society. Sec. 2. Non-residents of this state may in like manner become Corresponding members, and an}' person whom this Society shall wish especially to compliment, maj^ by unanimous vote, be elected an Honorary member. Skc. 3. Any member, who at one time contrib- utes twenty-five dollars to the permanent fund shall thereby become a Life member. Sec. 4. Honorary, Corresponding and lyife mem- bers shall be entitled to all the privileges of active membership, and shall be exempt from assessments. ARTICLE IV. FINANCE. Section i. All annual dues shall begin on Jan- uary first of each year. It is expected that any person elected to membership in the Society shall signify his acceptance in writing. Active members shall pay as an admission fee the sum of two dollars, and annually thereafter one dollar. Sec. 2. The sum of one thousand dollars is hereby set apart as a permanent fund, to which the Directors may add any money not needed for ordi- nary expenses, provided such addition be approved by the Society at its next regular meeting. The permanent fund shall be invested in the name of the Society in such properties or securities as the Directors ma^^ approve and shall not be diminished except by a two-thirds vote of the Societ}^ at a meeting held for the purpose, of which two weeks notice shall be given. The income from the permanent fund ma}^ be used for current expenses. ARTICLE V. MEETINGS. The annual meeting for the election of officers shall be held on the third Wednesday of January, and quarterly meetings shall be held, also, on the third Wednesday of April, July and October. The President or Directors may call a meeting of the Societ}^ at any time the}^ ma}* appoint, for the transaction of anj^ business of the Society, except election of officers, unless to fill a vacancy. The Secretary shall give timel}^ notice of all meet- ings of the Society, by publishing the same in one or more of the daily newspapers of Portland, or by notice to each member, stating time, place, and object of meeting. Five members shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI. OFFICERS. The officers of the Societ}^ shall be a President, Vice-President, Recording, who shall be Corres- ponding Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian, who shall continue in office until their successors have been elected, and these shall constitute a Board of Directors, the majority of whom shall constitute a quorum in meetings of Directors. ARTICLE VII. PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. The President, and in his absence, the Vice-Pres- ident, shall preside at all meetings of the Society, or of the Directors. II ARTICLE VIII. SECRETARY. The Secretar}' shall keep in a book for the pur- pose, belonging to the Society, a true and complete record of all proceedings of the meetings of the Society, and of the Directors. He shall announce all meetings according to Article V, notify members of their election, and conduct the general corres- pondence of the Society. ARTlCIvE IX. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall have charge of the Permanent Fund, investing the same as he shall be advised b}^ the Directors. He shall collect all fees and taxes, pay all accounts against the Society, when approved by the Board of Directors, and keep a correct record of all receipts and expenditures in a book for that purpose belonging to the Society. ARTICLE X. I^IBRARIAN. The Librarian shall have charge of all books, pam- phlets, manuscripts, and other property belonging to the Society, or deposited for its use. He shall purchase all books under the instruction of the Directors, make a correct catalogue of all books belonging to the Society, and keep a record of such as are taken out. He shall have charge of the rooms of the Society, and make suitable preparations for all meetings. 13 No books or other property of the Society shall be removed from its rooms without consent of the Board of Directors. Provided, however, that such of his duties as are superseded by our contract with the Maine Histori- cal Society, are suspended during the continuance of the above mentioned contract. ARTICLE XI. re;ports. The Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian shall make at each annual meeting, and at any time when requested by the President, a detailed report of all matters coming under the head of their respective offices for the past year or other specified time. ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENTS. The foregoing articles may be amended by a two- thirds vote at any meeting, a notice of two weeks having been given by publication. 15 HONORARY MEMBERS. Chaffin, Rev. William L. Dean, John Ward Emer}^ Rev. Samuel Hopkins Hall, John Williams Deane King, Horatio lyapham, William Berry lyoud, John J. Robinson, Richard L. Perr}^ Amos Porter, Joseph Whitcomb Waters, Henry Fitz-Gilbert Easton, Mass. Boston, Mass. Taunton, Mass. Washington, D. C. Augusta. Weymouth, Mass. Elizabeth, N. J. Providence, R. I. Bangor. Salem, Mass. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Bell, Charles Henry Blodgett, George B. Bodge, Rev. George M. Boyd, Capt. Robert. U. S. N. Burnham, Edward Payson Burr, Chaunce}^ Rea Chapman, Jacob, Colesworthy, Daniel C. Died Apr Corliss, Capt. A. W. Deane, lylewellyn Exeter, N. H. Rowley, Mass. Winchester, Mass. Died July 31, 1890. Saco, Me. Morristown, N. J. Exeter, N. H. I, '93 Boston, Mass. U. S. Army. Washington, D. C. 17 Flitner, Frank W. Flitner, Mrs. Frank W. Fogg, Dr. John Samuel Hill Ham, Dr. John S. Hicks, Benjamin D. Holden, George B. Jones, Mrs. William T. Merrill, Gen. Lewis, U. Moore, Mrs. M. J. Pingree, Luther F. Pratt, Dr. John Frank Pratt, Mrs. John F. Quint, Rev. Alonzo A. Reed, Quincy L. Rich, Prof. Thomas Hill Rich, Mrs. Thomas Hill Scamman, Richard M. Tibbetts, Charles W. Thompson, Mrs. Mary P Wilcox, Isaac W. Woodman, Cyrus Boston, Mass. South Boston, Mass. Dover, N. H. Old Westbury, N. Y. Bacon, Wis. Portland, Me. S. A. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass, Ferry Village, Me. Chelsea, Mass. it i ( Dover, N. H. So. Weymouth, Mass. Lewiston, Me. Stratham, N. H. Dover, N. H. , Durham, N. H. Taunton, Mass. Died March 30, iJ 19 ACTIVE MEMBERS. Adams, John Milton Allen, S. Coleman Anderson, John Farwell Died December 25, 1887. Baker, Charles H. Banks, Charles Edward, M. D. Barrett, Franklin Ripley Barrett, George Potter Baxter, Clinton I^ewis Baxter, James Phinney Bean, Charles A. Bennett, Henry Babbitt Berry, C. Fred Berr3% Stephen Bird, George Emerson Boardman, Isaac M. Belfast. Bonney, Percival Bray, Charles W. Briggs, Herbert Gerry Brown, John Marshall Brown, Philip Greely Bryant, Hubbard Winslow Burgess, George Canning Burleigh, Charles Chapman, Leonard B. Chase, Albro Elmore Chase, Daniel Clark, Dennis W. 21 Cleaves, Nathan Died Sept. 5, 1892 Clifford, Nathan Cobb, Isaac Died, 1890 Cole, Alfred Buckfield. Conant, Frederick Odell Conant, Richard Odell Core}^, Eben Cummings, Augustus Dana, Woodbury Storer Davis, Abner Harrison Deering, Henry DeWitt, John Evert Dow, Edgar R. Dow, Fred Neal Drake, Edwin Standish Drake, John B. Bath Me. Drummond, Josiah Hayden Edwards, Bryce McClellan Edwards, Charles S. Emery, Mark P. Estes, William Rosco Greene Skowhegan, Me. Everett, Edward S. Fernald, George N. Ferguson, Clement Fogg, John H. Fogg, John S. Biddeford. Forbes, Leander W. Fox, Frederick Freeman, William Cherryfield. Frye, George C. 23 Yarmouthville. Machias. Gerrish, Frederick Henry Gerrish, John J. Gilson, Arthur Scott Goodhue, Daniel Goudy, Lewis A. Gould, Edward Ham, Jacob B. Died September 3, 1888. Lewiston. Hamblet, Melvin Hammond, Georo^e Warren Hardy, William F. Harris, Herbert Hawes, Andrew Hazelton, Franklin Herbert Herrick, Nathaniel Jones Hicks, Millard Fillmore Hinkley, Rufus H. Hinkley, Stephen Hinds, Aurelius S. Holmes, George F. Howe, William Nathan Hull, John T. Hunt, Arthur Kinsman Jewett, Thomas Atkins Johnson, James Henrj^ Jordan, Edward A. Died September 17, 1885. Jordan, Fritz Hermann Jose, Charles E. King, Marquis Fayette lyarrabee, Philip J. Lawrence, Franklin Muzzy Gorham, Died March 6, 1892. Died January 26, 1889. Gardiner. 25 lyeach, Convers O. I^ibby, Charles Freeman Libby, Charles Thornton Little, George Thomas lyocke, Ira Stephen Lunt, James R. Maling, Henry Martyn Mallett, Edmund Buxton, Manning, Prentice Cheney Marston, Charles W. May berry, Fred N. Mclyaughlin, Charles Merrill, Samuel F. Merrill, William P. Meserve, Albion Keith Parris Millett, Alonzo M. Moulton, Augustus Freedom Nickerson, Peter Sears Noyes Edward A. Noyes, Edward Deering Ogden, Rev. Charles T. Owen, George Henry Patterson, William D. Peabody, Henry C. Pierce, Lewis Pullen, Stanley T. Pulsifer, A. M. Pulsifier, Mrs. Harriet C. Rackleff, James L. Rand, George Doane Brunswick. Died October ii, 1891. Jr. Freeport. Died December 7, 1886. Auburn. Topsham. Died July 12, 1892. Deering. Wiscasset. Auburn. 27 Ray, Fabius Maximus Westbrook. Raymond, George B. Reed, Thomas Brackett Reynolds, Edward Claj^on Rich, Andrew Jackson Richardson, George H. Richardson, Roswell Minard, Died January 26, 1891. Rice, John Olin Robinson, Frank Woodbury Robinson, Edward Withington Rogers, Franklin Dennison Rogers, Charles B. Rollins, Franklin Jackson Rowell, George S. Russell, John Sutton Sargent, William Mitchell Sheppard, Joseph W. Died March 29, 1891 Smith, George Smith, William Henrj^ Smith, Howard D. Snow, Charles Edwin Snow, David William Soule, Henry Spalding, James Alfred Stephenson, Alexander B. Strout, Almon Augustus Strout, Frank Noyes Symonds, Joseph W^hite Swan, Francis K. Tash, Thomas Woodfords. Died April 20, 1890. Norway. Died May 7, i! 29 Tewksbury, John C. Died April 12, 1891. Thomas, George Albert Thomas, William Widgery Thompson, Joseph Porter Thompson, William Somers Kennebunk. Thurston, Brown Trask, Samuel True, Charles H. True, Daniel W. Died September 16, 1888. True, Ernest True, Samuel Augustus Vose, Edwin Faxon Walker, Fred Washburn, D. C. Dorchester, Mass. Waterhouse, Charles M. Westbrook. Waterman, John A. Died March 6, 1893, Gorham. Watson, Stephen Marion Way, Christopher Webb, Nathan Webster, Charles E. Died December 24, 1892. Winslow, Edward B. Winslow, James N. Wish, Oscar Rugg Witherle, William Howe Castine. Woodbury, Clinton A. York, Edward H. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 041 094 9 II