mt iXV rttii: iv^ •jf^'* J(*;",-* 'M m'- 4?, s'y ^oV^ ^^ ■ ^^^r%s^/ .* -^ '.fm^/ ^h^ -^o "->^^^. .^'"-^, ^«f • .'^^ f * .^^ v^. DISCOURSE DELIVERED AT THE DEDICATION OF THE NEW CHUBCH EDIFICE OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH AND SOCIETY^ IN WARREN, R. I. MAY 8, 1846. Bt JOSIAH P* TUSTIN, Pa»to«, PROVIDENCE: il. H. BROWN, 25 MARKET SaUAM- 1845. '/'f&i./'i^ WAftRE!*, JuNt.10, 1845. At a special meeting of the Benevolent BaptisS Society in this town, held in the Lecture Room of th« Chureh, on the 9th inst. it was " Resolved unanimously. That the undersigned be a Commit- tee to solicit for the press a copy of the Historical Discourse delivered at the Dedication of the new Church Edifice, on the 8th day of May, by the Reverend Josiah P. Tumin," Paa- tor of the Church." It affords us pleasure, Dear Sir, to communicate to you the above resolution, while we assure you of the continued r«* gard of Your friends and obedient servants, LEVI HAILE, S. P. CHILD, A. M. GAMMELL, CHARLES RICHMOND, jua. G. M. FESSENDEN. PREFACE. Ill the following pages there are some historical notices of a sacred succession of Independent Churches, in the Principality of Wales, who held the sentiments of the modern Baptists, in more or less purity, during the long lapse of the dark ages, and even from the lirst introduction of Christianity into Britain. It is the history of principles, rather than the names of sects, that has engaged our at- tention. The author need make no apology for directing the attention of those of his brethren who enjoy literary leisure, and possess a religious spirit, to a subject always interesting whenever named, but which has been sadly neglected by scholars in the Baptist, and other evangelical persuasions. It is a most cherished and prevalent opinion, with the Welsh Baptists, that their distinguishing principles have been preserved in their purity, by the Cam- brian people, throutrh all the ages from the first A* ▼i' PREFACB. introduction of Christianity into their Island. That God has had his scattered and hidden people in Piedmont and Holland, as well as in Wales, through the night of the dark ages, there can be no doubt. But it seems to have been a part of His wise ar- rangement for their preservation, that they should be kept in obscurity, and that obscurity now makes it very ditlcult to trace their history. What we find concerning them in the historical works acces- sible to the general reader, are but the scattered fragments thrown by their enemies into contempt. It is not too much to say, that the history of Cambro-British Christianity is yet to be written. Adequate attention has never yet been given to the purely Cambrian portion of British history. The causes of this neglect can readily be assigned. Among these reasons is the fact stated by Sir James Mackintosh : " The history of this native race has not yet been extracted from fable; nor has any Welshman yet arisen who has made such attempts to recover the perhap,s stiU remaining materials, as will warrant us in asserting that they have alto- gether perished. An early conquest damped the national feeling, which would have fondly clung to the slenderest fragment of such memorials, from the pursuit and preservation of which at the fa- vorable time they were diverted by their long reli- ance on the legends of Geoffrey of Monmouth." But we may safely hazard the assertion that the materials for the Ecclesiastical Historj- of the old PRERACE British Churches, are by no means lost. Thev are locked up in the yet untranslated Welsh lan- guage, and deposited in many an old Welsh book or manuscript, laid away in the archives of their abbies and parish churches. Of the most au- thentic and valuable writers among the Welsh Bap- tists, Joshua Thomas' History of the Welsh Bap- tists, is the most accessible : but even of this work, only some meagre portions, imperfectly translated, have appeared in the English language. All that has been attempted, in the folio v.'ing al- lusions to Cambro-Brltish Christianity, has been a rapid bird's eye view of a few prominent facts, chiefly derived from such authorities as Ivimey's History of the Baptists ; Robinson's Ecclesiastical Researches, and Crosby's History of the English Baptists. Abundant references could have been made to facts in the Civil History of the Welsh, in works which are accessible to the author ; such as Powell's History of Wales, exhibiting the succession of the Princes of Wales, from Cadwalladcr the last king, to Llewe- lyn, the last prince of British blood ; written origin- ally in British, by Caradoc, of Llancavan : Published in English by Dr. Powell : Also, a Sketch of the early history of the ancient Cymry, from the year 700 B. C. to A. D. 500. 8vo. London, 1803. Also, the His- tory of Wales, with an Appendix, in Nine Books. By Rev. William Warrington. London, A. D. 1736.- Vlll PREFACE, But the abundant materials in these, and in similar works could be brought into but very little requisition, in a brief historical sketch, such as this pretends to be, the only object of which is to take a rapid glance at the order of events as they stand associated in the connexion between this quiet village church and the ancient churches of the British race, on another con- tinent. Had pastoral duties afforded the requisite leisure for such a service, the writer would gladly have penetrated further into the Aboriginal history of this vicinity, and have exhibited at greater length many facts, of more than a local interest, which are intimately associated with the events which led to the settlement of this Town, and the organization of this Church. Regretting both the fact of the hith- erto sad neglect of our local history, and the unwrit- ten memorials of the worthy men who deserved a higher meed of praise than such a passing notice ; and lamenting his inability to present this Discourse in a better form, it is given, such as it is, as a token of respect to the members of the Church and Congre- gation under his pastoral care, by their sincere friend, THE AUTHOR. Warren, July, 1845, MATTHEW XXIil : 8. " 0:.'£ IS YOUR Master, even Christ: and all y5 ARE Brethren." It is difficult, perhaps impossible, to give a summary of Christianity, in a few points of doctrine, expressed in a few words. The high- est efforts of sanctified genius and the greatest powers of human expression, when employed in defining and classifying within a small compass, the peculiarities of the Gospel, have been atten- ded with perplexity and dissatisfaction. The Author of our Religion, " who spake as never man spake," taught the spiritual truths he revealed, in language which could only have been dictated by the clearest conceptions of his all-originating mind. He connected eternity with time, threw a stronor and burninsf liorht upon the shadows of futurity, and brought home to the bosoms of men, a present apprehension of the substantial realitiesof the invisible world, 10 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. The Doctrines he revealed were simple and yet sublime ; the Worship he established was spiritual and purifying; the Conduct he re- quired was holy and benevolent. His Religion viewed as a collective system, may be considered doctrinally , as to what we are to believe, experimentally , as to what we are to feel, practically, as to what we are to do. The equal blending of doctrine, feeling and action, in the high exercise of a well propor- tioned symmetry, is the human realization of the great Idea developed in the religion of Jesus Christ. All religion grows out of a sense of human want ; and man is therefore disposed to be a religious being. The object for which we have assembled to- day, is connected with religion. To its sacred purposes we have now convened to dedicate tliis Building, as a tribute of grateful homage to Almighty God, and of adoring love to our iSaviour, Jesus Christ. The declaration of the objects implied in this design, would be an appropriate theme for our present discourse. The Doctrines we believe, the Feelings we cherish, and the Ends we pro- HISTOlilCAL DISCOURSE. H pose to accomplish, might naturally be exhibited in connexion with this solemn occasion. But the statement of our Religious Faith, and the illustration of our cherished Designs, could not be satisfactorily compressed within the limits of time assigned for this exercise. It is therefore fitting and necessary that we should restrict our views to a smaller compass, and confine our attention to the facts that be- long to our present position. But the Present is connected with the Past, by the ties of religious as well as of civil relation- ships. The current of time is rapidly sweep- ing by, and we stand on a spot where we can look back upon the stream as it rushes up to the present, and down its course as it glides away in its onward progress to the ocean of eternity. The memories of the past come rush- ing up before us, and the dim visions of the fu- ture rise unbidden to our view. We stand on a spot hallowed by many ai> assQciatioa of sqcred and thrilling intfre^f 12 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE It is well for us, now that we have retired for a while from the hum of business, and the common interests of secular life, to lift the vail that hides the Past, and trace the line of events, which, as human causes, have produced the re- sults of the Present. " God lives in history," and History is no less " Philosophy teaching by example," than the voice of God teaching by his Providence. I have said that we are assembled here in contemplation of Religion in its relations to former times; and these relations, as they af- fect us personally and socially, are found in- termixed with all the details of the civil and religious History of the generations that have preceded us. It was the love of Religion, and of Religious Liberty, that put in motion the train of events which led to the formation of our social insti- tutions and brought us together on the spot of ground, and the point of time, we now occupy. There can be no proper apprehension of our past history, whether we consider ourselves as a religious Society, as a part of this Town or State, or of the New-England Community, HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 1 '5 without investigating those religious causes, wliich led to the formation of civil and religious society on this Western Continent. While the history of this Church and Town, partakes of much that is common to the gene- ral characteristics of New-England, it is more signally distinguished by the history of peculiar principles, in which our social existence origi- nated, and with which we have always been identified. To trace the history of these pe* culiar principles, and the events with which they were connected, is therefore the particular object of the present Discourse. The Principles which I design to illustrate historically, may be reduced to three : 1. Liberty of Conscience in Kcligious con" cerns. 2. The Independence of each Christian Church and its separate existence from Civil Government, "3. The admission of only such persons into the Church as profess experimental Christian Faith, by the ordinance of Baptism, in the form of Immersion. 14 IIISTUKICAL DISCOURSE. These three religious principles were identic tied with the origin of this community, and were so combined in the belief of the ancestors of this Church and Town, that in their estima- tion, the presence of one of them implied the necessary union of the others, and the rejection of one, in its logical and natural tendency, vitiated or excluded the whole : — all standing or falling together. These views of Faith were considered by the forefathers of this Church, as they are believed by us, their representatives and successors, to be identical with the Doctrine and Worship ot the Apostolic Churches. It should be distinctly understood, as it is fully admitted, that these principles do not con- stitute the Summary, nor even the most consid* crable part, of the Christian System. Nor is it pretended that each and every one of them, or all of them together, are peculiar alone to the Religious Communion with which we stand connected, in distinction from all other names and orders of Christian people ; and it is the peculiar glory of Evangelical Christianity in the present age, that the lines of distinctive differ* ence between the various orders of Protestants, ■T^'^"^' UISTORICAL DISCOURSE. lo are less visible than in most preceding periods fiiice the Reformation of Luther. At no time probably, since the first two centuries of the Christian Church, has there been so deep and general a disposition among earnest-minded Christians to derive their]entire faith and practice from the New-Testament alone, as at the pres- ent. All Evangelical denominations seem dis' posed to act upon the principle, that the Bible alone is the religion of Protestants. The claims of Tradition and Custom are lifted and reduced to their true merits ; and the authority of the Inspired Scriptures is ele- vated above the ordinances of men. And hence there is less to distiniruish the leadincr evancrel- ical denominations from each other, than in former ages. It is an occasion of thanksgiving on this auspicious day, that there are so many doctrines of fundamental importasice in Religion, which we hold in common with the whole fraternity of Evangelical Protestants. And wc trust that holding the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of peace, we are still drawing closer together, disposed to act upon the apostolic precept^ " Whereto we hav,e already attained, let ui IG HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing." These considerations being premised and understood, we shall be free from the charge of intending offence to any Christian sensibility, if we proceed to trace out the progress of the peculiar principles which characterized the ori- gin and history of this church ; even if, in such illustrations there may be any occasion by way of contrast to point out the errors of other forms of Faith. But it is not the history of a Sect, or the prevalence of a name, that we are in quest of, so much as the history o'l principles. It should be a matter of small concern to any of us, as to the antiquity of our denominational appella- tives ; — which in the case of almost every per- suasion of Christians, have not been of their Qion selection, but most frequently bestowed on them in a way of reproach, by those who were their enemies. Such was the case with the Puritans, whose name was applied in con- tempt to a class of men of whom the world was not worthy ; — of the 3Icthodists, whose zealous piety provoked the invention of a term by which HISTORICAL DISCOURSS. 17 the operations of religion on the passions, should be rendered opprobrious to the formal worldling or the proud hypocrite ; — of the Quahers, whose modest piety was charged upon them as a mark of servile fear ; — and of the Baptists, whose primitive ordinance has characterized them with a name, they never preferred or selected, but which they are yet perfectly willing to bear. The distinguishing principles to which I have adverted, as characterizing this Church in its origin and formation, are believed by us to be identical with the faith and practice of the Primitive Christians. Though they are not summed up in so many terms in the language of the Text, they are implied and embodied in those words of our Saviour, " One is your Mas- ter even Christ : and all ye are brethren ;" — words which are an appropriate motto for a Baptist Church. There can be no religion, without authoriti/ to enjoin it : and the doctrines of religion, to have any influence, must rest on authority of the highest order ; and the religion that is from God, has such authority. Jesus Christ pro- claimed himself a*? the only Mediator between 18 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. God and man, and the only Lord of tlie human conscience. When his disciples professed his name, they declared their allegiance to him, and their internal Faith, by public Baptism. This was the order in which Christ himself connected the conditions of obedience ; — " He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved." And his inspired Apostles observed the same principles, in the same order. They always regarded Baptism as the outward act of Inter- nal Faith ; as the test-oath and naturalization act, by which a stranger and alien declared his allegiance to Christ his King, and became a naturalized citizen of the visible church. Thus the apostle Paul declares it, as the act of a soldier who has put on the regimentals of the army, into Avhich he has been sworn : or as the act of a servant assuming the livery of the mas- ter, whom he has bound himself to serve : ** For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ." Nay, the very method by which Baptism was administered, declared its significance and its binding obligation. It was a solemn act of burial in water, by which a man declared his belief of the burial and resur- rection of Christ ; his own deadness to the HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 19 world, and his rising again to newness of life. " Know ye not, that so many of us as were l)aptized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into liis death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death : that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection." Thus, each believer declared his own disci- pleship, to his own Master. What was required of one, was necessary for all. All therefore were received into the community of Brethren, on equal conditions.* There were no char- •The church was in the beginning, a community of Brethren. All its members were taught of God ; and each possessed the liberty of drawing for him- self from the Divine Fountain of life. (John vi. 45.) The Epistles, which then settled the great questiom of doctrine, did not bear the pompous title of any single man, or ruler. We find from the holy Scriptures, that they began simply with these words : " The apostles, elders and brethren, to our brethren." Acts xv. 23." — D\1uhignc^s Re forma iiotf, vol. 1, p. 17, 20 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. tered or hereditary riglits, attaching to any class or order. Each Christian Society was consti- tuted on the basis of the social and moral equal- ity of all its members, upon the professed Faith of each. There being no divinely appointed model of church constitution and government, given by Christ or his apostles, the disciple.s were left to their own discretion in arranging the details of each separate community, accord- ing to the customs of their particular age, or country. But the great fundamental principles of their Faith contained all the general outlines^ within which the particular arrangements of each Society must be necessarily embraced. Each church inherently possessed the authori- ty to elect its own officers, who should act as the pastors, and official representatives of the body; to determine the regulations by which their affairs were to be governed, and the particular conditions of admitting, or rejecting members; — ail subject however to the general outline-laws laid down by Christ and his inspired apostles. The churches, accordingly, which were formed during the life time of the apostles, seem to have been nothing more than convert- ed, or Christianized Synagogues, which in each case had been a separate and independent re- IIISTOllICAL DISCOURSE. '2i ligious society by itself.* So that when the whole, or the majority of the members of any particular Synagogue had become converted, they still continued the same organized body as before ; and they continued to use their for- mer privilege of electing their own overseer, bishop, or pastor, and to choose deacons, stew- ards, or whatever other officers were necessary, for the executive management of their own iU'^ ternal affairs. Each Christian Church, therefore, became, or continued to be, a society or popular assem- bly, formed on the model of the previously ex- isting Synagogue, having a free, voluntary and elective government, in the choice of its own officers, and inheriting within itself, all the ele- ments of religious liberty. The pastor was simply the elected teacher, and moderator in their assemblies, holding no hereditary rights, but only primus inter pares, — -the principal elected by his peers. ■* See Lightfoot's Harmony of the New Test. Vol. III. p. 257. Also, Coleman's Primitive Church, pp. :VJ— 47. Also, VVhateley's Kingdom of Christ, pp 78—83. 22 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. The standard of all authority, was the re- corded teachings of Christ himself, or the in- spired epistles of the apostles, who alone held a higher rank, from their position as the wit- nesses of Christ's ministry and resurrection ; and they exercised a paramount authority as the infallible interpreters of the Divine Will. But the apostles themselves, disclaimed any^ thing like the hereditary aristocracy of the Le- vitical priesthood ; and by their own sanction, they legalized the popular form of governm.ent in the Synagogue worship, as the mode of or- ganization in the newly formed Christian Churches. They made net the slightest claims to an order of the Christian ministry, parallel or analogous, to the Levitical priesthood : nor did they incorporate into their worship, the ele- ments of their national temple service, such as a sacrificing priest, the altar for sacrifice, the sacred vessels, or any of the glittering regalia of their ritual service. The only Priest they recognized was Jesus Christ, their ever-livinor intercessor ; the only sacrifices they offered, were their own bodies and souls, a living sacri- fice, as a voluntary and spiritual service, — the sacrifices of a pure heart and a benevolent life ;• HISTORICAL DISCOUllSE. 2'A the only temple they reared, was composed of themselves, as spiritual believers, " built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner- stone ; in whom, all the building fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord ; in whom they are also builded together for an habitation of God, through the Spirit." The apostles themselves held a peculiar of- fice, for a special purpose, and when they died, their office died with them. As a jury of wit- nesses, their living testimony could only be perpetuated in the Inspired Canons of Scrip- ture, which were closed forever at the death of the last of the apostles. But apart from their extraordinary commission, as infallible wit- nesses and inspired teachers, the apostles claim- ed for themselves no extraordinary privileges. The Christian societies thus formed and or- ganized, were so many little republics, each within itself, and all these smaller circles w'ere embraced within the comprehensive circle of Christ's spiritual kingdom. He alone, was the Lord and Master of each ; and they were breth- 24 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. Yen, as independent, yet separate branches of the one Spiritual Community, of which the Lord Jesus Christ, was the Invisible and Heavenly Head. Still with all this outward diversity in organization, they were all one in the fellow- ship of love and faith, holding the communion of the saints, united in spirit as different mem- bers of one body, or as brethren of the same great family. But with all their diversity of endowments, there was the tinifi/ of Religion. ** There were diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit : diversities of administrations, but the same Lord : diversities of operations, but it is the same God who worketh all in all. There is one body and one Spirit, even as ye are call- ed in one hope of your calling : one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all : one Lord, one faith, one Baptism." There was no visible representative, as the earthly head of each of these churches, or of all of them together : but Christ himself was the invisible Head of the universal, invisible church. His kingdom was indeed within the world, but it was not of the world. Though Historical discourse. 25 each community possessed the organized form of a human society, it was yet not of the nature of an earthly kingdom ; as it was not originat- ed for any earthly purpose, nor conducted on the principles of worldly policy. Those who were members of this spiritual society, formed for spiritual purposes, might yet in another capacity, be members of a secular society, formed for secular purposes : if they were schol^ ars, they might belong to an Academy : if farm- ers, they might belong to an Agricultural Soci- ety : if they were citizens of any particular country, they were to retain their citizenship, •^ renderinof unto Caesar^ the thinors that are Ca3- sar's ; but rendering to God, the things that are God's ;" — but the authority of Caesar was never to bind their conscience, nor their privi- leges as Christians ever to exempt them from the lawful claims of human government, within its own proper capacity. Christ was the Mas- ter of all, as believers ; and to his own Master, every one was to stand or fall Such, in outline, were the simple principles which characterized the organization of tliO Christian church in its best and earliest days. c f6 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. This is not the time, nor the place to show how these distinguishing principles were grad- ually obscured and neutralized, and became intermixed with forms of doctrine and worship foreign to those of the original church. The faithful pen of History could easily trace the rise and progress of insidious errors, which insensibly stole in upon the unguarded church, and at length brought on the spiritual despot- ism, which in later times, reduced her to a ser- vile allegiance to secular power. But without detailing the incidents of History, it is sufficient to show the progress of those three distinctive principles to which I have adverted, and which entered elementarily into the formation of the apostolic church, — the corruption of which paved the way for the subsequent admission of every form of error. All the events of history, reduced to a simple analysis, show how insidious, but yet how oper- r.tive, is the influence of a false principle, or of a true one, misapprehended. And as a general fact, perhaps it is true, that for want of candid and attentive reflection, the mass of men do Eot see the unsoundness of any false principle, till its working is fully developed in practice, I HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 27 and they see the baleful results to which it actually and legitimately leads. Thus in the latter part of the second cen- tury, a misconception of the supposed efficacy of Baptism, led to the conviction that it was essential to salvation ; and hence infants, and others who were in danger of dying without the benefit of the sacramental grace of Bap- tism, received the application of that ordmance, and were thus supposed to be absolved from the guilt cf original sin. And those whose critical state of health would endanger their lives, by immersion, received the application ot water in their sick chamber, or on a dying bed : and thus was introduced Clinical Baptism,^ which, in time, prepared the way for a general substitution of the form, of its administration. By thus admitting Infants to Baptism, the wall of partition between the church and the world was gradually taken down, and Christ's visible kingdom became a kingdom of this world. By exalting the efficacy cf Baptism to a Sacra- * So called from being administered onvibcd — from a Greek word, signifying; couch . 28 HISTOllICAL DISCOURSE. mental Grace, the great doctrine of Justification by Faith, insensibly merged into the notion of a covenant of works : and thence were entailed the devices of Popery, and the belief in works of Supererogation. Henceforward the Doc- trine and Worship of the church declined to^^ gether. In the same manner, the gradual elevation of the Bishop of Rome, led to a commanding supremacy over all the other churches in those territories that were lawfully subjected to the civil government of the Roman Empire : and the supremacy which the neighboring churches had at first voluntarily yielded to the enlight- ened oversight of the Roman Bishop, at length led to the usurpation of power, which by the unhappy concurrence of political events, re- sulted in a Diocesan government, which super- induced the greater concentration of a Bletro- jpoUtcm bishopric, and this was at last matured into the still higher pretensions of a. Patriarchal supervision, and the unlimited despotism of a universal Papal Hierarchy. Henceforward, Christianity which was in- tended for the Jicart of man, became the ser- vile creature of the State, and the instrument HISTORICAL DISCOUESK, 2d of her own undoirg. Having ascended the throne of the Ceesars, she cssiimed the purple and the diadem, and enrolled the legions of Rome among the hosts of the faithful. Then the cross was lifted in the van of conquering armies, and was made the sanction of inquisi- torial injustice. When the sword was once drav/n in defence of the cross, its scabbard was throw^n away, and for more than ten cen- turies it continued the scandal of religion, and the plague cf the world. But though the name of Christianity was applied by the temporal powers to the w^orst of purposes, and became the watchword for war throughout Europe, her pure spirit still lived in the hearts of thousands, and her enlighten- ing influence was never lost, in any age. Her conservative power may be clearly traced a- mong some smaller or larger communities in every age and country o'l nominal Christendom. The Vv^itnesses for the truth, and the dissenters from the reigning apostasy of Antichrist, were always found among thousands of sequestered groups of Christians, who loved the Gospel, Hnd held it in its purity of Doctrine and of Worsliip: who arr kn^v/n in hi!=-torv by the 30 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. name of Novatians at Rome, the Donatists in Africa, the Faulicians in Greece, the Cathari or Puritans in Italy : in all the south of Eu- rope, in Germany and Holland, these Christ- ians were known as the Albigenses, Montenses, Waldenses and Anabaptists, — names not as- sumed by themselves, but applied in contempt by the dominant power of the papal church. It would be easy to show, that while the long night of spiritual despotism brooded over Eu- rope for so many centuries, the pure worship and simple doctrine of the Gospel were always preserved by a band of faithful witnesses : and its light can be clearly traced, sometimes in brighter, sometimes in feebler lines, from the very first dawn of the star which guided the men of the East to the cradle of the Messiah. Though her light was smothered and con- cealed in her prison house at Rome, — though, her sanctity was defiled and her authority de- secrated, by those " who were at hate with prayer and studied curses," her living Spirit could not be quenched, and her dungeon was broken open by the strong arm of Luther, and she again stood forth in the immortal freshness of youth and beauty. Its influence stopped HISTORICAL DiSCOLRSI^. 31 not at the place or the time, that gave it birth. It restored man to mental independence and moral dignity, while at the same time it fitted him to retain this supremacy. We can trace its great principles henceforth animating and governing the events of all subsequent history. It would be an easy and delightful task to trace the history of the principles of the apos- tolic and primitive churches, through various channels and by various names, in an unbroken line of succession, from the first communities of Brethren, down through the long night of papal despotism, till they re-appear in all their brightness and beauty, in modern times. But the particular connexion which this Bap- tist Church sustains to the church of Christ in former ages, even back to the apostles' times, will enable us to delineate the progress of Christian principles, apart from all the churches on the Continent of Europe. It is a fact generally known, tliat many of the Baptist churches in this country derived their origin from the Baptist churches in Wales, a country which has always been a nursery for their peculiar principles. In the earlier settlements in thiy countrv, multitudes 32 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. of Welsh emigrants, who left their fatherland,, brought with them the seeds of Baptist princi- ples, and their ministers and members laid the foundation of many Baptist churches in New- England, and especially in the Middle States. It is not pretended, and it is distinctly dis- claimed, that our churches in this country lay claim to any literal or lineal order of succes- sion from the apostles. If literal succession were worth anything, we have as Baptists, a much clearer and a much cleaner pedigree than those advocates for prelacy who trace their ministry through the turbid channel of the pa- pal apostasy, and who are forced to acknow- ledge the Pope as a true Christian Bishop, and the Romish communion as the true Catholic Christian Church. But the very nature of our peculiar principles leads us to place no confi- dence in the doctrine of a regular and literal apostolic succession, even if it could be clearly made out in favor of our own genealogical descent ; a theory, however, which is utterly untenable, whether viewed in the light of his- torical evidence, or the dictates of common sense : a theory which has been exploded by thp ablest divines in every evanpfcTical commu- HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 33 nity, and is now abandoned by the nicst candid and independent advocates of prelacy itself.* While we speak therefore, of the clear iden- tity and unbroken succession of the pure prin- ciples of the Gospel doctrine and worship, through the several ages of the past, we speak of no such succession as implies a priesthood of regular descent, or of such religious ordi- nances as depend for their sacramental efficacy upon the authority of priest, council or pope. The valid administration of the Christian or- dinances is derived from the nature of a church, and the end for which it is organized. In nature, each Christian Church, is an or- ganized Society, based upon a mutual covenant of all its members, havincr the inherent right, like every other Society, to elect its own officers, form its own particular rules and by-laws, to admit or dismiss its individual constituents, — all subject however to the general outline con- ditions of obedience laid down by the authority of the Great Head of the Cluirch. The ends for which the church and its ordinances are * See Whatek^y's Kinnrdora of Christ, pp. li:'-2 — 189. Appendix \, 34 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. appointed, are the spiritual improvement of ail its members, the advancement of truth, and the direct promotion of peace and righteousness on the earth. The duties of all Christian converts are plainly laid down in the Scriptures ; and among these duties, it is enjoined that they should assemble together in a social capacity, to pray, to instruct and exhort each other, to observe mutual watchfulness, to bear each other's bur- dens, and to enjoy the ordinances of religion. Any body of Christian converts, brought to- gether in a heathen, or in a Christian land, are perfectly competent to organize themselves into a church, and appoint one of their number, having suitable gifts, to the office of the minis- try. A person thus elected and ordained, is as much an authorized minister cf the Gospel, and possesses as high, commanding sanction, to preach and to administer the ordinances of re- ligion, as if an unbroken line of elections and ordinations should connect his ministry with the chair of St. Peter. On these principles each of the mdependen Christian Churches of our forefathers was form- ed. And hence from the nature of the case, n-^ HISTORICAL DISCOURSK:. Zii literal or lineal descent is of any value, even if it could be ascertained to be historically un- broken. But the Holy Spirit, acting by the Divine Word, can create a church and ministry, " ex re nata," without any pedigree than that of Adam " who was a son of God" — a church fresh from heaven, by the free illapse of the Divine Spirit. Such was the principle on which the First Baptist Church in this State, and the first on this continent was formed. Roger Williams and eleven associates, feeling the inward power of Divine Truth, and dissatisfied with what they considered the abuses of the doctrines and or- dinances in surrounding churches, agreed to form themselves into a Christian Church. Taking the Bible for their only guide, they saw it was their duty, first of all, to profess their inward faith, in the name of Christ, by the or- dinance of baptism — which symbolized his burial and resurrection, and declared their own spiritual separation from the world, by their dy- ing to sin, and their arising to newness of life. There was then no properly baptized minister on the continent ; and yielding to the necessity of the case, they appointed Mr. Ezekiel Holli- »i(3 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. man to baptize Mr, Williams, who then in turn baptized all the rest. If the validity of Baptism depended on any sacramental virtue or episco^ pal ordination, there could be no question as to its regularity in the case of those bap- tized by Mr. Williams himself He was first a regularly ordained clergyman of the church of England, and as that church both before and after its separation from the papacy, had re- cognized immersion as a valid and primitive form of baptism, the act of Mr. Williams in baptizing his eleven associates, must be recog- nised as Christian baptism, even by the advo- cates of prelatical succession.* But though the persons thus baptized, might justly consider their baptism, and all descend- ing from them, as valid, according to the episcopal theory, they did not for a moment rest the authority of the ordinance upon any connection with prelatical ordination. They seem to have acted, as Backus suggests,? on the * See Knowles' Memoirs of Roger Williams, pp. 165—169. t There is a case proposed by Zanchius, Professor of Theology at Heidelberg, in 1563, in his commentary HISTOUIOaL DiSCOURSr, id simple principle of Scripture and common sense, that although it is the province of a reg- ularly ordained Christian minister to dispense the ordinances of religion, — and that in ordinary cases it is disorderly and inexpedient to depart from this general principle, yet, that in cases of necessity, where ministers could not be found, it was perfectly proper for a layman to admin- ister the ordinances, and thus commence a regularly established ministry, de novo. Such is the testimony of the earliest Fathers in the Christian Church, and of the ablest Eclesiastical Historians.* on the fifth chapter of Ephesians, in treating of Bap- tism, in which " he propounds a question of a Turk coming to the knowledge of Christ and to faith, by reading; the New-Testament, and withal teachino- his family and converting it and others to Christ, and being in a country where he cannot easily come to Christian countries, wliether he may baptize them whom he hath converted to Christ, he himself being unbaptized ? He answers, I doubt not of it, but that he may, and withal provide that he himself be bap- tized of one of the three converted by himself Tlie " Knowles' Memoirs of Roger Williams, pp. IGG, 7 D 38 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. In consequence of a misapprehension of the facts connected with Roger Williams' baptism, it has been often and heedlessly repeated, after that it has been so often contradicted, that all the baptisms and ordinations of American Baptists, are traceable to Roger Williams, and that his were irregular ; — and thus the origin of our Denomination in this country has been unjustly imputed to him. Now, although all those who were baptized by Mr. Williams, must, by the admission of Pedobaptists themselves, have been baptized, the fact is, that very few of the Baptists in this country have sprung from the church in Pro- vidence. From the earliest periods of our col- onial settlements, multitudes of Baptist minis- ters and members came from Europe, and set- tled in different parts of this continent, each becoming the centre of an independent circle, reason he gives is, because he is a minister of the word, extraordinarily stirred up by Christ; and so as such a minister may with the consent of that small church, appoint one of the communicants, and pro- vide that he be baptized by him." Backus, Vol. 1. pp. 105. 6. HISTOmCAL DISCOURSE. 39 wherever they planted themselves. There are at present over 700,000 regular Baptist com- municants in this country, and of these, proba- bly not one hundredth part have ever had any connection with the venerable church in Pro- vidence ; " though her members have been numerous, and she has been lionored as the mother of many ministers."* A very large proportion of the earliest Bap- tist churches on this Continent, were directly of Welsh descent. The first Baptist church in Massachusetts was established in Swanzea in 1663, when the Rev. John Miles, with a number of Baptist members, came from Wales, and tradition says, brought with them their church records, and thus re-established, or per- petuated the church which had previously ex- isted in Swanzea, in the Principality of Wales. The Warren Baptist church, is a branch, or rather a reproduction of the Welsh Baptist church first established in Swanzea. As it is our object to sketch the history of our peculiar Christian principles, as they gov- ' KnowIe», p. 169 40 mSTOKiC'AI. DISCOURSE. em the events of iiiiman society, and arc m- volved in all the relations of the past, it is im- portant to trace the connection between the Christianity of Wales and the particular Baptist church from which this Body originated. The Welsh race, from which the ancestors of this church sprung, are the only pure de- scendants of the ancient Britons. The earliest inhabitants of the British Islands were the Celts, a general name, descriptive of the nations in the north-west of Europe, in the times of Julius Ca3sar. But that particular part of this race who settled in Britain, bore the still more an- cient name of Cimbri, (or Cymry,) a tribe of Calmuc or Tartaric origin, who soon after the Trojan war, sallied forth from the regions around the Caspian sea, and traversed their fearless way across the Continent of Europe, and colonized on the borders of the German Ocean. Passing thence into the north of France, in the province of Britanny, they crossed the English channel, and found a final resting place in the Islands of Britain. They were a wild aboriginal race, probably the descendants of Corner, the eldest son of HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 41 Japheth, who was the youngest son of Noah ; partaking of all the stern qualities of the ori- ginal Tartaric race, large in size, of great bodily strength, impetuous in war, nnpatient of labor, and governed by the strong impulses of heroic passion. Such was the original stock of that wild and vigorous race of men subse- quently called the British, whose existence be- came authentically known to the civilized world, about the time of Caesar's invasion, 55 years before the Christian era. The exact period, and the particular means, of the introduction of Christianity into Britain, are not certainly known. We know, authen- tically, that the Gospel was early and widely diffused in Gaul and all the surrounding coasts on the Continent, in the first and second cen- turies ; and on this account it is reasonable to suppose that it should early have reached the neighboring Island of Britain, particularly when we consider the maritime habits of the people. While the apostle Paul was imprisoned, for two years at Rome, about the year of our Lord 63, many Welsh soldiers, who had joined the Roman army, and many families from Wales, who had visited the imperial city, became con- 42 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. verted to Christianity. Among these, were Pomponia, Grecina and Claudia Ruffina, the saints in Caesar's household; the first of whom was the wife of Aulus Plautus, the first Roman governor in Britain, and the last of whom was a native Briton, the daughter of Caractacus, the Welsh king, and whose husband, Pudence, was a believer in Christ. There is, therefore, every reason to believe, that many native Welshmen, converted under Paul's ministry at Rome, or by the instrumen- tality of Christian soldiers in the Roman army, carried home the precious seed of the gospel, and scattered it among the hills and vallies of Wales, From this period, till about the end of the second century, we have no very authentic in- formation concerning the spread of the gospel among the Welsh, who at that time were the same, not only in origin, but in name, as the unmixed race of the ancient Britons. About the year A. D. 190, we find Tertullian boasting that the Gospel had subdued the savage tribes of Britons, who were yet unconquered by the Roman arms. At about the same time, Lucius, a British king, sent to Gaul or to Rome, or HISTORICAL DISCOURSE, 43 more probably to both, for Christian teachers to carry on the missionary work among his own people. Lucius was evidently not the original founder, but the restorer and second father of the British churches. It is much more probable, however, that Lucius sent to Gaul for Christian teachers ; — from the fact, among other reasons, that the Welsh or British churches, had already varied from the Romish, in many ritual matters ; the British churches also maintaining their inde- pendence against the already growing assump- tions of authority by the Roman bishops : while they observed the same rites with the Gallic churches, which were planted directly from Asia Minor : thus proving that the British in the second century principally received their Christianity either immediately, or by means of Gaul, from Asia Minor, which may have easily taken place through their commer- cial intercourse.* During the Third, Fourth and Fifth cen- * See Ncander's Church History, p. 50 : also, Mo- sheim's Eccl. History, pp. 99, 100 : alf?n, Mo'^lipinaV Dc Rebus Christianorum, pp 213—15 44 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. turies, Christianity seems gradually to haTS' taken root among the British race, and not a few of the royal blood, as well as multitudes of inferior birth, became converts to the Christian faith. About the year A. D. 325, the Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great, a native Welshman, made a public profession of Christ- ianity, at the same time abolishing all the per- secuting edicts of his predecessors, and prepar- ing the way for the dissolution of the whole system of paganism throughout the Roman empire. His conversion is ascribed by Theo- doret,* to the influence of his mother, Helena, who was a Welsh lady, the daughter of Coel- godebog. Earl of Gloucester. After residing for a time in Britain, with her husband, who was a Roman, they removed with their son Constantine to Rome, where he subsequently achieved a brilliant career, and became the first Christian Emperor in the world, as Lucius, another Welsh Prince, 135 years before him, had been the first Christian king, since the earthly ministry of him who is King in Zion. ' Theodoret Eccl. Hist. Liber I. cap. 17: also, see Milner's Eccl. Hist. Vol. 1. p. 318 and Vol. H. p. 39. IlISTOKKAL DISCOUUSJE. A J During the interval between the conversion of Constantine, A. D. 3'25, and the Saxon In- vasion, in 449, the process of gradual corrup- tion was working out the results of Papacy among most of the churches in the Roman Empire, on the Continent of Europe. But a- mong the Welsh, or native Britons, the love and practice of primitive Christianity still pre- vailed, and but little disposition was feluto ad- mit the innovations and superstitions of the risinjT reiojn of Antichrist. Their faith in the essential doctrines of the gospel, was, however, severely tried by the pre- valence of an insidious heresy, which began to agitate the public mind, about the year A. D. 405, and which originated in the philosophical speculations of one of their own countrymen. It was the system of Pelagianism, a heresy the most deeply rooted, and the most difficult effec- tually to combat, that ever found a lodgment in the Christian church ; which tasked to the utmost the profound talents of St. Augustine, at the time of its origin, which taxed all the energies of Luther and Calvin, at the Reform- ation in the IGth century; — which employed the acutest powers of our American Edwards,, 46 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. and which has tried the faith of multitudes of Christians in every age since its origin. The author of this system was Pelagius, a native Welshman, whose real name was Tilorgan, or Blarigena, translated by the contemporary Greek writers into Pelagius^ the corres- ponding word in their language; and it is by this name he is generally known in history.* Combined with the origin of Peiagianism and the religious agitation which ensued among the British, a series of political events now began to change their social destiny. Owing to the declining state of the Roman Empire at its centre, the last of her protecting legions were withdrawn from Britain about the year 446. Immediately the Picts and the Scots from the North poured their desolating bands of robbers upon the British territory, while the Angles, Jutes and Frisians, bands of piratical adventurers, invaded the island by sea. Thence- forward the original homogeneous character ot the British people in England, became greatly changed. Wave after wave of foreign popula- tion poured in upon the native race, and be- MVTosheim's Ecel, Hist Vol. I. pp. 370—374, HISTOEICAL DISCOURSE. 47 came intermixed with the British stock. The most numerous and successful of these invading hordes, were the Angles, a valiant race of Ger- manic origin from the vallies of the Elbe, who, rapidly combining v/ith the original British, impressed upon them the strong features of their own character, and gave their name to the principal part of the island, which thencefor- ward has borne the name of Angland, and in modern times its present name g^ England. But a large portion of the native British, and especially of their young men who had been trained in the Roman army, valiantly resisted the approaches of these invading foreigners, and more than once drove back the barbarous tribes from their island. The mercenary bands still continuing to return and desolate their country, the British people who were still un- mixed with the foreign tribes, called in to their aid and defence the powerful arms of the Ger- man Saxons, who by stratagem and treachery combined with the Angles themselves, whom they had been engaged to resist, and after many bloody and desperate battles, drove the remain- ing British before them into the mountains of Wafe?, and took complete possession of the en- 48 HISTORICAL lilSCOURSE. tire country of England. By this juncture of the x^ngles with the Saxons, and both together being grafted en what remained of the original British in England, was laid the foundation of modern English institutions, and the basis of the Anglo-Saxon character. The unconquered remnants of the ancient British were crowded step by step, by each successive wave of foreign immigration that swept over from the Continent, till they were entirely driven out of England, and took a final refuge in the sequestered vallies and mountain fastnesses of Wales, a district on the West of England, about 180 miles in length, by 80 in breadth. Here these relics of the original Cambrian race, the only pure descendants of the British stock, known by the more modern name of Welsh, have lived for 1400 years, an unmixed and homogeneous people, leaving behind them among the Anglo-Saxon conquerors of their former territory, but a small portion of their blood, and but few distinct traces of their national character.* The disappearance of the British from the soil of England, was followed by an almost " Appendix B. HISTOUICAL DISCOURSE. 49 "pntire extinction of Christianity among the compound relics, which formed the Anglo-Saxon race; and the barbarous religion of these hea- then invaders, sharpened their ferocity in their conflicts with the British Christians. When at the end of 159 years from the Saxon invasion, Austin, with forty other missionary monks, was sent by Gregory the Great to convert the Sax- ons, they found both the Christian religion and the British language extinct in the English territory; an awful proof of the ferocity of the warfare which had raged between the heathen invaders and the exiled British Christ- ians, the only remains of v/hom had become entirely shut up among the mountains of Wales and Cornwall, except a few in Cumberland, on the borders of Scotland, or those who had been driven into Britanny, beyond the English Channel. Over all the rest of Eng- land, paganism had again established itself triumphantly : the churches were demolished, or converted into idolatrous temples, and the public worship of the true God had ceased.* * Mosheim's Eccl. Hist. Vol. I. p. 3fc?4. 50 HISTOUft.VL DISCOURSE. During the interval of 150 years between the banisiraient of the British, and the arrival in 596, of Austin, to convert the Anglo-Saxons, who had now become entirely pagans, the rem- nants of the old British race had found a safe retreat in the sequestered regions of Wales. Here, unlike their English conquerors, they continued to be simple-minded, well-informed and zealous Christians, retaining the primi- tive ordinances of religion, the independence of their churches, and fanning the flame of patriotism and the love of religious liberty. They remained in quiet obscurity, experienc- ing, so far as is known, but few changes of prosperity or adversity, till about the beginning of the seventh century, when, at the re- introduction of nominal Christianity into Eng- land, the ¥/elsh Christians again appear on the page of history, holding forth their pecul- iar principles, in bright contrast with the cor- ruptions of the times. Gregory the Great, having ascended the pontifical chair in 590, he sent Austin, with forty monks, in 59C, to convert the Saxon pagans to papal Christian- ity- '" -^ -M. vi iw.To nearly all the Anglo Sax- HISTORICAL t)iscoi:rse. .>1 ons became nomiiiiiily Chrit^tiaiis. The way was led by Ethelbert, the most distinguished ot tlie Saxon kings, among whom England was then divided, who had married a christ- ian wife, named Bertha, the daughter of Char- ibert, king of Paris ; and being converted, by her influence, to Christianity, he was followed by nearly all his subjects, of whom he caused ten thousand to be baptized in a single day, in the river Sv/ale, near York, which by roy- al edict, was consecrated as a baptismal river. This kind of conversion becoming so rap- idly and successfully promoted, Austin was appointed, in 597, by the Court of Rome, Archbishop of Canterbury, and primate of all iilndand.* *The ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Austin bein^ confirmed, the Pope " exhorted him to proceed with Jiis work ; advised him not to demolish the pagan temples, but to convert them into churches, purifying- them with holy water : for the pagans would love to worship in the places long held sacred : only the idols must be destroyed. He also advised that the people be allowed on festal days to assemble around the churches, erect booths, and there feast them- .soivc.-:. ijiucli nr. (lurinn- t!;nir pagan st«tn. v(M witli. 52 KISTORICAI, DISCOURSE. Having been so successful among the Anglo- Saxons, in the year 604 Austin attempted to bring under the jurisdiction of Rome, and to a conformity with his national church, all the pastors and churches of the ancient Britons, who are thenceforward better known in history by the name of the Welsh, and who had now been entirely shut up in the Principality of Wales. But these British pastors and churches, the successors of the ancient British converts to Christianity in the first and second centuries, utterly refused to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of Rome, or to compromise matters with the new national church established by Austin in England. These strenuous Welsh Christians, retaining their ancient spirit and the institutions of their primitive Christianity, out sacrificing to their idols." Mosh. Eccl. Hist. Book I, Cent. VI. Part I, Chap. I, Sec. 2. In the year 602, Austin built his Cathedral at Can- terbury ; in 604, he erected St. Paul's Church, in London, and in the next year the IVest Monastery^ (afterwards called Wcstviinstcr,) adjoining^ London. Thus in a few years all England became nominally Christian, and the foundations of the modern Englisl> church were laid. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE, 5a turned a deaf ear to all the conditions proposed for their union with Rome. At length, how- ever, they consented to hold an interview with Austin, in a council which met on the borders of Herefordshire, which on the part of the Welsh was composed of 1200 pastors and dele- gates. The chief conditions of uniformity pro- posed by the Roman prelate of the English church, were the three following. First : That the Welsh should observe the festival of Easter, which from the peculiar religious associations of the Romish church at that time, was the great test question of papal allegiance, and the non-observance of which was incompatible with their communion with the papal church. Al- though the controversy was nominally concern- ing the ti7Jie of the great festival of Easter, the real principle involved, was the question of spiritual bondage to Rome, or of the unfettered liberty of conscience in religion. The Second condition proposed by the English prelate, was their ec- clesiastical subjection to his own primacy : and this involved the great principle as to whether Christ should be king in his own kingdom, and the practical question of the union of Church and State, and the original independence 54 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. of each church. The T/z/r^/ term of uniformity submitted by Austin, Wtis that he should give Christendcme, which, in the language of the times, meant haptism, to their children. And this involved the sreat relicricus doctrine of personal responsibility and experimental faith. These three propositions comprehended, in fact, the three great comprehensive principles asso- ciated in the events M^hich led to the establish- ment of this Church and Town, the illustration of which will be more distinctly conspicuous in the details of our ancestral history. But with all these conditions of uniformity proposed by the English prelate, the Welsh pastors and churches steadily refused compli- ance. Irritated by his failure, and despairing of eftecting the desired union by the arguments of reason and scripture, to which the Welsh resorted, Austin proposed to leave the settle- ment of the questions to miraculous arbitration, " by agreeing that the party which should per- form a miraculous cure, was to be considered as sanctioned by the interposition of heaven.* '' Bede. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. o5 He pretended to have cured a blind man, and to have exercised other miraculous powers, which pretensions the credulity or the pious fraudulency of his followers assisted him in maintaining. But the Welsh Christians adher- ing to the principles of faith and the religious ordinances which they had received from their British ancestors, were accused by Austin with holding obstinate prejudices and unpardonable heresy ; and that if their errors of faith could not be cured by persuasion, they should be ex- tinguished with blood. Many of the pastors and delegates were put to the sword by the bordering Saxons, wdio, as the Welsh historians say, were led on at the instigation of Austin, who was enraged at the insolence of their con- scientiousness. This crowning act of cruelty was consummated but two years before the death of Austin, in 607, and but one year be- fore Gregory the Great was declared by the Emperor Phocas to be not only the Pontiff of Rome, but Bishop of the universal church, and recognized as a temporal prince, as well as the spiritual vicegerent of Christ on earth. This great event is the landmark which the Spirit of Prophecy had predicted as the visible date 56 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. ct the full establishment of the reign of Anti- christ.* From that period onward till the death of Llewellyn, the last prince of the Brit- ish blood, in 1274, when Edward I. reduced the brave Cambrian race to its present depen- dence as a Principality of the English crown, the history of the Cambro-British people is in- volved in much obscurity. Their religious history is indeed recorded among the existing monuments of their own native language ; but as Sir James Mackintosh suggests,? no native Welshman, in modern times, of sufficient gen- ius and industry, has arisen, to recover the re- maining authentic records of their history, which their national feeling, damped by con- quest, has been in danger of neglecting, amid the perishable legends of fable and tradition. The faithless and merciless acts of oppres- sion by which the rapacious invaders had al- * It is a remarkable fact, that the National Chureh of England was fully established on its present basis, within one year of the time when Gregory the Great was declared by royal edict to be the visible head of the universal church. t History of England, Rejgu of Edward I. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 57 most driven the unhappy Britons to despair, produced a state of society most unfriendly to the preservation and transmission of that part of their history, for subsequent times. But as God had preserved his scattered and hidden people in Piedmont and Holland, and as thousands were found in every age, who formed an uninterrupted succession of witnesses to the Truth, so now in Wales, multitudes of these sequestered people, unbroken in spirit, formed a regular chain of true and faithful witnesses to that Gospel which they had re- ceived from their Christian ancestors of former centuries, and which they here preserved amid their quiet and fertile vallies, shut up by lofty mountains from the rest of the world, as if God had designed these mountain fastnesses as the barriers of protection for his chosen and faith- ful people, against the corruptions and assaults of the papal hierarchy. And it seems to have been a part of the wise arrangement of Provi- dence for their preservation, that they should he kept in obscurity, and that obscurity now makes it very difiicult to trace their history. What is chiefly found concerning these Welsh rhristians in the Ecclesiastical and Secular 'J& m.STOillC .\L DISCOURSE. Histoiries of their Jater Contemporaries, are but scattered fragments, which their enemies in the Church and State of England, would have gladly thrown into obscurity and contempt. But in the recesses of their mountainous Principality, they still retained their liberty and independence, and loved the religious princi- ples which they had received from their fathers. And when, in later times, the vail of darkness was drawn aside, which for several centuries had hid them from the notice of the world, they reappear on the page of history, displaying the same noble qualities of character which distinguished their British ancestors, the same native frankness and generosity, the same love of liberty and hatred of oppression, the same characteristic honesty and uprightness, the same love of home and of country, and holding their Christianity pure and unmixed with human traditions, as they received them from their Christian ancestors of the first centuries. Their pastors and theological writers had but few opportunities to appear on the great arena of the historical world ; subjected as they always were, to the prejudice and jeidousy which are ever the fate of a despised and JHSTORHAL DISCOURSK -^O (iieadcd sect : and what references aic laade concerning them, but poorly conceal the hatred of their enemies, and their ill-disguised dread of the influence of sentiments before the light of which, their own cherished systems must have withered away. Indeed there are many evidences that these Welsh pastors were men whom their enemies might affect to despise, but whom they were compelled to fear. The theological colleges, which in their early days were located at Bangor in the North, and Car- leon in the South, were long the abodes of sa- cred learning. In the Seventh Century it is said that the College at Bangor was resorted to by more than 2000 theological students at one time. These schools of piety were not like the Catholic monasteries, but were con- ducted on much the same principles as the fra- ternities of the modern Moravians, or like the Baptist Missionary establishment at Serampore, in India, in which a kind of community of in- terest and affection united all the members in the bonds of Christian brotherhood. But in later times the British pastors received their knowledge of Christianity, apart from the institutions of learning, each drawing for him- GO HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. self from the oracles of Divine Truth. Distin- guished by their love of religious liberty, opposed to the authority of human tradition in matters of religion, with all the sympathies of their nature against the union of ecclesiastical power with the state, and exercising the great Protestant doctrine of the right of private judg- ment in interpreting the Scriptures, they stood forth as the representatives of those great prin- ciples which the primitive British Christians had received from the apostles, which were al- ways preserved by a sacred succession of men of whom the world was not worthy, and which at a new and fortunate juncture of political affairs, were reasserted and practically exem- plified by Roger AVilliams in establishing this State, and by John Miles in establishing this Town;men,bothofwhomwereofCambro-British blood, and both of whom had learned the prin- ciples of Cambro-British Christianity. If it belonged properly to the object of this discourse, it would not be a difficult task to trace the history of Baptist Sentiments in other and parallel lines, through the channel of history. But as previously suggested, it is not our purpose U) present a summary of a denominational creed. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 61 nor to trace the prevalence of a sectarian name, through all the historical phases of the past. Other and abler pens have been worthily em- ployed in rescuing from oblivion the memory of those great men, the lustre of whose princi- ples shone like stars in the dark night of papal corruption.* And it is the history of the prin- ciples, rather than of the men, — of the senti- ments, rather than of their names, that chiefly interests us in our present investigations. During every period of the history of the British Christians in Wales, there were con- temporaneously with them, in other parts of Europe, Societies of men, who held the pure and uncorrupted principles of the gospel : and wherever any one of the distinguishing princi- *I cannot forbear from referring in this place to the masterly illustrations of Baptist principles in the Historical Discourse of the Rev. William Hague, delivered in Providence in 1839. For brevity as well as comprehensiveness, that Discourse contains the clearest, most candid and philosophical exhibition of Baptist principles, and the true nature of the events which led to the establishment of this State, that 1 liave any where seen, in so small a compass. F 62 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. pies, I am tracing, was held, the others were generally, and inthnately blended with them. Wherever the doctrine of believer's baptism was cherished, the ideas of the unfettered lib- erty of conscience, the independence of the church, and the supreme authority of the Written Word, were all considered its logical deductions, and its Scriptural concomitants. And when the Reformation by Luther be- gan in the sixteenth century, there were multi- tudes of Christians in Piedmont and Holland, who came forth from their retirement, and maintained in public, what the pressure of outward persecution had before prevented them from declaring Many of them long before Luther's time, had cherished principles which Luther himself never clearly apprehended ; and when they found that he accepted the notion of Consubstantiation in the place of Transubstan- tiation, and maintained the right of the magis- trate to use the sword in suppressing heresy, and in promoting the truth, they felt that the Lutheran Reformation needed itself to be re- formed. The leaders of that great moral revo- lution, not advancing to the full extent of the results to which their own leading principles HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 63 would have conducted them, were thrown into conflict with men and with principles, as much in advance of themselves, as they were in ad- vance of the papal church, whose authority they had thrown off. Luther, Zuinglius and Melancthon, though they all conceded the an- tiquity and the Scripturalness of the doctrine of Believer's Baptism, and its mode by immersion, yet found that doctrine connected with other principles which involved the freedom of the conscience, the right of the church to govern itself, and its separate existence from the State ; — which were conclusions they were not yet prepared to accept, and hence, being all logically and Scripturally united, they were all . proscribed together.* Luther admitted the * Bishop Burnet (History of the Reformation, Vol. II. p. 176) candidly acknowledges that the Baptist Denomination in England have been unjustly repre- sented, by being identified with some of the German Anabaptists who engaged in the political disturban- ces at Munster. He attributes the rise of the Bap- tists in Germany to their carrying out the principles of Luther, regarding the sufficiency of the Scriptures, and the rights of private judgment; and in this the Catholic writers agree with him, whojcharge Luther 04 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE, nullity of Infant Baptism as a scriptural ordi- nance, yet practised it, from the connexion it had with the State church, and with other standing ordinances which he was not disposed to abandon.* Zuinglius pleaded for Infant Baptism, and yet (in his Work, De Paedobapt.) admits that " The institution of Anabaptism with being the father of the German Baptists and say that when he persecuted them " he let out the life of his own cause." Robinson's Ecclesiastical Research- es, p. 543. (For the above reference I am indebted to Hague's Historical Discourse, p. 66 ) * Luther says, in so many words, " It cannot be proved by the Sacred Scriptures that Infant Baptism was instituted by Christ, or begun with the first Christians after the apostles." Quoted in Booth's Paedobaptism examined. Vol. II p. 4. — And "Baptism itself," Luther says, (Opera, Vol. I. pp. 336, 7,) " is nothing else than the word of God with immersion in water." And again he says, — " \\ashing from sins is attributed to Baptism ; it is truly, indeed, attribu- ted, but the signification is softer and slower than it can express by Baptism, which is rather a sign both of death and resurrection. Being moved by this reason, I would have those that are to be baptized, to be altogether dipped into the water, as the word doth, sound, and the mystery doth signify." HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 65 (as Baptist principles were then called) is not a novelty ; but for thirteen hundred years has caused very great disturbance in the church, and has acquired such strength that the attempt in this age to contend with it appeared futile for a time," But thirteen hundred years back- ward from the time of Zuinglius, carry us up to the early part of the third century, the very period when infant baptism is believed to have crept into the church : when Tertullian, who is the first Ecclesiastical historian among the ancient Fathers who allude to it, mentions it as having first begun to be practised in Africa, in the year 204 : — at the same time he speaks of it as an innovation, and dissuades from baptiz- ing infants, and proves the delay of it to a more mature age, is to be preferred. (Tertullian De Baptismo, Cap. XVIII.) Previous to the time of Tertullian, there is no undoubted mention made of Infant Baptism, in any way : and from the silence of the Fath- ers between Tertullian and the Apostles, on the subject, the matter must be relinquished as an historical question : and we are accordingly brought up to the Inspired Scriptures them- selves. Neander, the most candid and profound F* 66 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. Ecclesiastical historian of the present, or per- haps of any age, says of the apostolic period — " The practice of infant Baptism was remote from this age:" and he adds, "Not only the late appearance of any express mention of In- fant Baptism, but the long continued opposition to it, leads to the conclusion that it was not of apostolic origin." (Eccles. Hist. Apostolic Age.) No wonder, then, that Mosheim, the great Lutheran Historian of the last century, should say of a body of Christians every where scattered over Europe in sequestered groups in every period of the dark ages, — " That they held that no persons ought to be baptized until they come to the full use of reason."* And the same historian when speaking of the origin of the Anabaptists, whom he associates with the Waldenses, Albigenses and Mennonites, as interchangable names for people holding sub- stantially the same principles, says, " The true origin of that Sect which acquired the ^ peel. Hist. Vol. II. chap. 3, p. 127. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 67 name of Anabaptists by their administering anew the rite of baptism to those who came over to their communion, and derived that of Mennonites from the famous man to whom they owe the greatest part of their present felicity, is hidden in the remote depths of antiquity, and is of consequence, extremely difficult to be ascertained."* But the line of descent through which we are at present tracing the prevalence of Baptist principles, leads us to discover their re-appear- ance in England and Wales, at the time when Roger Williams stood forth as their rep- resentative, in forming this State, and John Miles as his counterpart, in colonizing the district now embraced within this Town. Pre* vious indeed, to the prevalence of Luther's Reformation in England, the followers of John Wickliffe, and the Lollards who were substan- tially in fact and principle the same as if they had been called by the name of Baptists, had *Mosheim Eccl. Hist. Cent. XVI. Sect. HI. Part II. chap. 3. § 2. 68 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. stood up as the bold opponents of tradition in religion, ^diYiA of the union of ecclesiastical pow- er loitli the State ; and they were too often called upon to seal their faith with their blood, *' not loving their own lives unto the death." And when the pressure of civil and spiritual tyranny was removed, the fires that had been sleeping under the ashes, again broke out into a flame, and soon all England was moved by their light and warmth. The consequence was, that when the English reformation began to dawn, Baptist sentiments were proclaimed all at once, in many parts of the realm. As early as in 1549, we are told by Bishop Burnet, (II p. 143,) that many Baptists fled from Ger- many into England, who maintained that Infant Baptism was no baptism, and so were re- baptized. But the source through which these senti- ments were mainly derived, by those who a- dopted them in England, was from Wales. Two hundred years before the Lutheran Re- formation dawned in England, John Wickliffe, persecuted for boldly maintaining the Truth of the Scriptures, and for translating them into English, was compelled to retire to Hereford- HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. G9 shire, and the adjoining counties, on the fiiend- ly borders of Wales, and there the seeds of truth which he deposited, took root and flour- ished. It was in that very neighborhood that William Tyndal was born; who, 150 years after Wickliffe's death, caught the light of fiis principles, and followed his footsteps in giving another translation of the Bible to the English nation. Both of these men were Baptists, in all their distinguishing principles, if not in name. Tyndal perished in the flames of martyrdom, in Flanders, in 153*2. His last words were, " Lord, open the eyes of the King of England." WicklifTe died a century and a half before him, in 1384, not an actual martyr, but from the fatigue and suffering incurred in persecution. Forty years after his death, his bones were dug up, burnt and thrown to the winds, by his en- raged enemies. From the same borders of Wales there went forth influences that stopped not at the place nor the time that gave them birth. As soon as the Reformation dawned, and the pressure of persecution was removed, there suddenly appeared a multitude of men professinfr Baptist 70 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. sentiments. Many of the British Christians came forth from their hiding places in the Prin- cipality of Wales, where they had preserved the doctrines and the ordinances of the Gospel, unadulterated by the corrupt church of Rome, having never bowed the knee to Baal. This accounts for the fact, that at the commence- ment of the Reformation so many Baptists all at once made their appearance. No one can tell when they Jirst became Baptists : nor how long their little churches had continued in this British Piedmont. Hence, in less than a hun- dred years, their sentiments were found scat- tered all over the English nation. In the reign of Charles the First, and in the time of the Commonwealth, they had wonderfully multi- plied. A large part of Cromwell's army, and many of his generals and leading officers were Baptists. They were complained of by their contemporaries, " as growing more rapidly than any other sect in the land.''* If the limits of this Discourse permitted, we could name a catalogue of Baptist Ministers, Civilians, Scholars, military officers and other * See BailUe's Letters, 1 p. 408 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 71 professional men, the number of whom wouhl surprise even the general reader, who is not intimately acquainted with the history of those times* A large proportion of those free and bold spirits who bore so conspicuous a part in rescuing the English people from the oppres- sion of a usurping monarchy, and an eccle- siastical despotism, were of the ancient Brit- ish stock, and many of them were native Welshmen. Oliver Cromwell was of Welsh origin, and Roger Williams and Jo)\»^ Miles were both born in Wales. It was(3||hhe circumstances of his birth and early training, that Roger Williams was probably indebted for those great principles of religious faith and human liberty which have thrown such a peculiar g'^ry around his name. It is too often sup- posed and asserted, that to this man belongs the praise of being " the first person in modern Christendom to assert in its plenitude the * For a convenient reference to this subject, see an able article in the March No. of the Christian Review for 1843, i'2, HISTORlt'AL DISCOURSE. doctrine of the liberty of conscience, the equality of opinions before the law."* The eloquent historian of the United States has given currency to this opinion, which he with most others who have attempted to write the history of Roger Williams and of Rhode-Island, have mistaken, from a m.isconception of the circumstances connected with his origin, and from a want of acquaintance with the relig- ious history of the Cambro-British people. While every existing State is truly represented by Mr. Bancroft as " connecting by the clos- est bonds, the eneMj^of its faith with its form of government, t^^Bkppeared," he says, " in their midst, one of those clear minds which sometimes bless the world by their power of re- ceivino- moral truth in its clearest lio^ht, and of reducing the just conclusions of their princi- ples to a happy and consistent practice." ''He announced his discovery under the simple prop- osition of the sanctity of conscience. The civil magistrate should restrain crime, but nev- er control opinion ; should punish guilt, but * Bancroft's Hist. U. S. Vol. I, p. 375. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 73 never violate the freedom of the soul." * *■ * *' In the unwavering assertion of his views he never changed his position : the sanctity of conscience was the great tenet, which, with all its consequences, he defended, as he first trod the shores of New-England : and in his extreme old age it was the last pulsation of his heart.*" The splendid description which Mr. Ban- croft has given of Roger Williams, repre- sents him as emerging from the moral darkness by which he had been surrounded, and in the deep workings of his keen and far- sighted mind, groping and grappling and bring- ing to light, a mighty principle, the nucleus and concomitant of other stupendous concep- tions, to which all the rest of the world were as yet strangers. This singular eminence, to which the father of this State has been exalted, is equally unnecessary and unreasonable, D. has made him the subject of undue praise en the one hand, and of unjust representation on the other. His defenders have been betrayed into a spirit of vain-glorious adulation ; his ac- * Bancroft's Hist. U. S. Vol. 1, pp. 367, 8, 74 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE, cusers have been quickened into a spirit of captiousness and detraction. He is praised by the one as a star of the first magnitude, which all at once shed its brilliant light upon man- kind, as the pole-star of their destiny : by the other, he is viewed as an erratic planet, break- ing from its orbit, subject to no law, and strik- ing its path into the realms of chaos. He has been called the great modern law-giver in mor- al and political jurisprudence, by many Bap- tists, who are willing to own him as the father of their religious denomination in this country; and by others he has been accused with being *' conscientiously contentious,^^ — governed by a spirit of restlessness, which rendered him as liable to stumble on a false principle, as to alight upon a true one ; while his worried con- science was nothing but a sanctimonious bundle of pride, self-conceit and evil passions. Both of these opposite views of his character are equally unfounded. The truth is, that he possessed a noble character, combining a vig- orous intellect, disciplined and furnished by generous learning, with a moral nature, sof- tened and sanctified with the graces of piety. But in all his published works, and in all his HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 40 written memorials, there is no evidence that his intellect was so singularly quick and far- sighted, or that his moral philosophy was self- derived from his own original conceptions. He drew his moral creed from the Bible alone : and from his intercourse with multitudes of noble minds in his fatherland, whose intellect, philanthropy and piety, were equal to his own. Though he occupied a peculiar position, and seemed to strike out new and startling theories, in New-England, he was not in advance of thousands in Wales and in England, who had as clear and familiar an acquaintance with the great principles he advocated, as he had him- self : and from whose companionship, indeed, he must have derived his first conceptions of the doctrines he maintained. To him, indeed, belongs the honor of establishing thcjirst civil government in modern Christendom, which gave equal liberty of conscience to all its sub- jects : but the moral principle on which he act- ed, so far from being his own original discov- ery, was the carrying out, under fortunate cir- cumstances, of the great idea, which multitudes before him had clearly derived from their Bibles, apart from all human systems of ethics or poU- 76 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. tics. Both he and they, drew their sentiments from the Bible : and they had long held as sim^ pie and primary convictions, those truths, which, when once boldly advocated before the world, seemed like the inspirations of enthusiasm, or the daring presumption of heresy and treason. And they were but links in that long chain of witnesses for the truth which connected those Cambro-British Christians, who, in the earlier part of the Seventeenth Century, startled Eng- land from her dreams of spiritual slumber, with generations of holy men before them, who in every age, preserved and contended for the " faith once delivered to the saints." About the time that Roger Williams ha(i planted his colony at Providence, on the basis of those truths which have immortalized his name, among the multitude of his contempora- ries who held the same sentiments in Wales and in England, was the Rev. John Miles, whose history is identified with the origin of this Town. When, under the influence of the English Reformation, in the reign of Charles I. many distinguished persons, both in and out of the established Church,adopted Baptist Sentiments, HISTORICAL DISCOURSB. 77 -^veral of them visited Wales, to confer with h3 Churches in that Principality. Among these Apostles of the English Reformation, who visited Wales, were Penry, Wroth, William Erbury and the celebrated Vavasor Powell. They found many of the old British Baptist churches who held the sentiments of the Re- formers, in advance of the Reformation itself As the Waldensian and Piedmontese Christians on the Continent, were disappointed when they found that Luther's Reformation still allowed of many existing corruptions, the reformer him- self substituting Consubstantiation for Tran- substantiation, and recognizing the jurisdiction of civil Government in the affairs of conscience, so these old Welsh churches were not disposed to accept, as the full expression of their religt ious Faith, the doctrines of their newly reform- ed brethren from the English church. Among these churches of the old Baptist order, were six, who had formed an association on the prin- ciples of their ancient Christianity. Theses were the churches of Olchon, Llanwenartb, Llantrisaint, Carmarthen, Dolan and Sv/anzea. It is the last of these six churches, with which we, as a people, are historically connected. 78 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. In the yeir 1649, being the first year of Cromwell's protectorate, the Rev. John Miles became pastor of the Church in Swanzea, in Glamorganshire, a county in the south of Wales, He soon became one of the leading ministers of the Baptist denomination in that Principality. In 1651, he was sent as the representative of the Baptist churches in Wales, to the Bap- tist Ministers' Meeting, in Glazier's Hall, Lon-^. don, with a letter giving an j ccount of the peace, union, and increase of tl e Baptist churches in his country ; and returned with a letter written by tl :e London Ministers to their Brethren in Wales, in which they were advised to form new churches ; so that their members who resided at a distance might be made more useful : and that the smaller churches so form- ed should associate together for the occasional observance of the Lord's supper, and the pro- motion of Christian fellowship. Mr. Miles continued his ministry with the; church in Swanzea for thirteen years, during which time he added two hundred and sixty-three persons to his church,* at the *Backus,VoI. I, p, 351. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. /U same tirre, actlncr as the leading repre- sentative of the Baptist Churches in Wales, and was their medium of correspondence with the Churches in London, Dublin and several other places. But in 1662, two years after the restoration of Charles II. the Act of Uniform- ity was passed, by which two thousand of the most pious and useful ministers in Enffl.nd and Wales, not conforming to the requisitions of the established Church, were ejected from the places they had occupied during the pro- tectorate of Cromwell. Among these non- conforming ministers, of whom many were em- inent Baptists, was the Rev. John Miles, who immediately after his ejectment came with some of his brethren to New-England, bringing their church-records with them.*t The first notice we find of Mr. Miles, on his arrival in America, is at Rehoboth, where find-, ing spirits kindred to his own, he immediately gathered around him the materials for organizing a church. He probably landed, at first, at Bos- ton or Salem, but discovering that the spirit of * Backus, Vol. I, p. 353. t Appendix C. JO HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. persecution, which had banished Roger Wil« iiams, still lingered there, and lured by the in- telligence that some of his brethren were scat- tered through Rehoboth, on the westerly bor- ders of the Colony, near the bounds of Rhode- island, he soon took up his abode in that Township. It was here that Mr. Obadiah Holmes had resided, who, about twelve years before, had been publicly whipped at Boston, for holding Baptist sentiments, and for acting accordingly. The cruel treatment of Mr. Holmes, was equalled only by the unjust fine and imprisonment of the Rev. John Clarke and Mr. John Crandall, whose only offence had been to hold the sentiments of the Baptists, and to venture on a visit of mercy to one of their aged brethren within the limits of Massa- chusetts, where heresy in religious opinions was as actionable in the eye of the civil law, as were the most flagrant vices of actual con- duct.* But as injustice always defeats itself, * Even twelve years before the persecution of these ■iree men, as early as 1630, the very year when Roger Villiams established his church in Providence, there as an attempt made to form & Baptist church in HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 81 and the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church, so the effect of this inquisitorial tyran- ny was to create a re-action in favor of the sentiments of the men who had been persecut- ed for maintaining them. On the arrival of Mr. Miles in Rehoboth, finding several of these persecuted heretics, whom he and his companions in their father* land would have regarded as the true succes- sors of the ancient British Christians, he united with them in the house of Mr. John Butter- worth, in Rehoboth, in a solemn covenant, in forming a new church, or in reproducing the same one which he had represented in Wales. Weymouth, a town fourteen miles south-eaot of Bos- ton. The leading men who held the interdicted sen- timents, were John Sinith, John Spurr, Richard Syl- vester, Ambrose Morton, Thomas Mackpeace, and Robert Lenthall, who, being presented before the Court, for their heresy and treason in dissenting from the established churches, were fined and imprisoned with various degrees of severity, and the attempted organization was crushed by the strong arm of the secular law. See Backus, Vol. I, pp. 113, 114, and Benedict, Vol. I, p. 357 82 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. The names of these original constituents were John Miles Pastor, Nicholas Tanner, James Brown, Joseph Carpenter, John Butterworth, Eldad Kingsley and Benjamin Alby. All these seven men appear to have possessed high stand- ing and influence, notwithstanding their crime of dissent, as their names are often found in the records of the Towns of Rehoboth and Swanzea. As soon as it was known that this church was organized, and were observing the ordi- nances of religion on Baptist principles, the orthodox churches of the Standing Order solic- ited the government of Plymouth Colony, with- in whose jurisdiction the church had been formed, to interpose its authority for the ex- tirpatioi] of the heresy. In accordance with this solicitation, the members of this little church were fined each five pounds, for setting up a public religious meeting without the l^nowledge or consent of the Court, to the dis- turbance of the peace and the received faith of the community. They were at the same time ordered to desist fi'om their meeting for one month, and advi-ed to remove tlieir neeting to gome ether place, where they might not preju- mSTORICAL DISCOURSS, 83 dice any other church. Upon tliis order and advice, Mr. Miles and his church removed to Wannamoiset, a place south of Rehoboth, be- ing a part of the present town of Barrington, not then included within the limits of any ex- isting town, though Rehoboth, which at that time embraced nearly all of the present County of Bristol, in Massachusetts, claimed a kind of jurisdiction over it. At first they appear only to have removed their ^/«ce of meeting to Wan- namoiset, as permission was afterwards given to Mr. Miles to purchase land and to continue his residence in Rehoboth. After the action of the Court in the removal of the church from Rehoboth, these exiled brethren erected their first meeting-house, about three miles north- west of Warren, on a spot within the limits of Wannamoiset, (now Barrington,) a few rods south of the Rehoboth line, and a little south of the road, that now leads from Waiien through Seekonk, to Providence.* On the 30th of October, 1G67, the Plymouth Court, according to the encouragement previ- * Appendix D. 84 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. busly giveiij made to the founders of this church, along with others, a grant of land, to be called Swanzea, after the name of the Church and ^own which Mr. Miles and his friends had left in Wales. The Plymouth Colony had al- ways from the first, exhibited a more liberal spirit, in matters of religious opinion, than their brethren of the Massachusetts Bay.* It was in the Colonies of Massachusetts Bay that nearly all the proscriptions for liberty of conscience were enacted. It was here that those suspected of Witchcraft, were hanged ; that the Quakers shared the same fate ; and that the Baptists were imprisoned and expatri- ated. As Roger Williams had always receiv- ed more candid and merciful treatment at Plymouth, than in the colonies of Massachusetts Bay, so for the same reason, doubtless, John Miles and his friends, at their first landing, immediately proceeded to find a resting-place 1\'ithin the limits of the Plymouth Colony. And although they were fined and silenced by the authority of that government, it is evident that a milder policy would have been more grateful to the Court and the Ministers, if they cculd Appendix E. HISTORICAL DISC0UR3K. b.> honestly have seen its consistency with the ex- isting union of Church and State, and the re- ceived conviction that it was the duty of the magistrate to use his sword for the suppression of heresy. Accordingly, the Plymouth Court,, more willing to remove the Baptists from their jurisdiction, than to punish them within it, de- clared, " that in case they should remove their meeting unto some other place, where they may not prejudice any other church, and shall give lis any reasonable satisfaction respecting their principles, we know not but they may be per- mitted by this government to do so.'** On the 30th of October, in the same year, (1667-8,) the Court of Plymouth made an am- ple grant of all the district called Wannamoi- iset, and parts adjoining, described in general bounds, as embracing " all the lands between the salt water and river, and the bounds of Taunton and Rehoboth," to be held by Mr. Miles and his friends, for their accommodation, as an incorporated Town, within which they ^vere at liberty to exercise all their rights of * Plymouth Records, July 2d, 1667. IX 86 HISTORICAL tUBCOURSE. conscience as members of a Baptist church. The territory thus granted under the incorpo- rated name of Swanzea, then embraced not only what is now Swanzea, in Massachusetts, but also the present town of Somerset, in the same State, and the present towns of Warren and Barrington, in Rhode-Island. The two first names in the petition for the grant of this Town, are Mr. Miles, the Pastof of the church, and Capt. Thomas Willet, who^ though not a Baptist, but probably a membei* of the Reformed church of Holland, yet felt the value of religious toleration, and freely join-^ ed with Mr. Miles and his friends, in securing the grant of a Town, within which liberty of conscience might be allowed to all ; who, though of different sentiments, could still live as peaceful neighbors, in the exchange of the civil amenities of common life. The spirit of these two leading men doubtless reflected a generous influence over all the community. As Mr. Miles, like Roger Williams, was a scholar and a well-bred gentleman, so Capt. Willett had adorned his naturally amiable char acter by the elegant refinements of foreign travel, and the intelligence derived by compan- HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 87 ship with eminent men in other lands. He was one of the last of the Ley den Company who came to Plymouth, and by his intimate acquaintance with the manners, customs and language of the Dutch, was frequently sent by that Colony, to represent their interests among the people of New-Netherlands, In 1647, he became the successor of Capt. Miles Standish^ in the command of the military at Plymouth ;. was frequently elected one of the governor' a assistants, and on the surrender of New-York by the Dutch to the English, in 1664, he visit- ed that town with the Commissioners of Ap- peals, where he performed his duties so succes- fully to all parties concerned, especially to the Dutch, that after the re-organization of the government, he was elected the first English Mayor of the city of New-York, which ofiice he held for two years. After acting as umpire between the Dutch and the English, and heal- ing their divisions and strifes, his peaceful na- ture inclined him to the shades of retirement, and he returned to his quiet home, in that part of Swanzea which is now Barrington, where,^ just before the breaking out of Philip's war, he died, on the 4th of August, 1674, anci was 'SB HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. buried in a sequestered spot, about three miles west from this place, where a simple stone, bearing a brief inscription, records the memo- rial of a man, who is worthy to receive from the government of the great commercial me- tropolis of our country, a more appropriate and enduring expression of gratitude they owe to their first English Mayor.* When the Court of Plymouth the grant of Swanzea to Mr. Miles, Capt. Willett, and their friends, they were also empowered to de- termine the conditions on which they would receive strangers as members of their Town. As a refuge was thus afforded by the liberal nature of their incorporation, to all who might have different scruples of conscience in matters of religion, and to adventurers and refugees, who had no conscience at all, care was taken by the Town, that none should be admitted as members of their community, who should cor- rupt the morals or religious character of the inhabitants, or who were likely to become • Biographical Note of Capt. Willett. See Appen- dix F. UrSTORICAL DISCOURSE. S9 common paupers, as a charge to the Town. Four persons were appointed by the Town, at the head of whom was Capt. Willett, to pre- scribe the conditions on which any might be- come inhabitants, and in performing their duty,, they adopted the following conditions : 1. That no erroneous person should be ad- mitted into the Township, either as an inhabitant or sojourner. 2. That no man of any evil behaviour, as a contentious person, should be admitted. 3. That none should be admitted that may become a charge to the Town. These rules, while they strongly reflect the epirit of rigid morality which marked all the early colonists of New-England, were submitted- for review to Mr. Miles and his church, in con- sideration of their prominent position as the leading members of the Town. The church, not unmindful of their distinguishing principles, that the kingdom of Christ is not of this world, — that the civil magistrate in the one, has no jurisdiction in the spiritual affairs of the oth- er, — that personal faith, expressed by baptism, is the only proper condition of membership in DO HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. a Christian church ; and desiring to allow the same religious liberty to others which they claimed for themselves, made an address to Capt. Willett and his associates, not members of their church, in which address they gave an explication of the manner in which they wish-, ed the proposed rules to be understood, and manifested a strong desire to found a commu- nity on the liberal and comprehensive princi- ples of the Bible, by which the glory of God and the good of man may be best promoted. The explanations made by the church, were agreed to by Capt. Willett and his associates^ as Trustees, and being unanimously adopted, Feb. 20, 1669, they became the foundation on which the Town was established. By this time, although the larger part of the citizens of the Town were Baptists, many oth- er persons besides Capt. Willett, of liberal sentiments and pious life, who were not Bap- tists, were concerned in the settlement and prosperity of the Town. Notwithstanding the Second Charter of Rhode-Island, granted by Charles II. on the 8th of July, 1663 (four years before the Town ffISTORlCA.L DISCOURSE. 9t of Swanzea was incorporated,) most clearly included the present towns of Bristol, Warren and BarringtoR, and all that territory " extend- ing eastwardly three English miles, to the east and north-east of the most eastern and north- eastern parts of the Narragansett Bay, as the said Bay extendeth itself from the ocean on the south unto the mouth of the river which run- neth towards the town of Providence,"* yet when the town of Swanzea was incorporated, four years afterwards, the Plymouth govern- ment assumed jurisdiction over all the territory embracing the present towns of Bristol,! War- ren and Barringtcn, and granted the two lat- ter as a part of the Town of Swanzea. Some questions were raised by the Rhode- Island people, respecting these boundaries, and commissioners were several times appointed by the King and the Colonial governments, to set- tle the difficulties ; but the original grant by the Plymouth Colony was still maintained for more than eighty years, and the boundaries ■* See Second Charter of Rhode-Islahd t See note on Bristol as an Indian Town, Appendix 92 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. fixed by the Charter were not ascertained and acknowledged till th3 year 1746, when, after repeated litigation, the present Town of Bris- tol, and the Town of AVarren, then embracing what are now both the present Towns ot War- ren and Barrington, became recognised parts of the State of Rhode^Island. Accordingly, it is only ninety-nine years since the Town of Warren ceased to be a part of Swanzea, in the Commonwealth of Massa-.. chusetts, when its inhabitants became citizens- of the little State, in whose civil and moral welfare they have ever since been so deeply interested. The history of this Church and Town, there-- fore, cannot be properly contemplated apart from their original connection with the Church; and Town of Swanzea, with which they were so long identified as constituent parts. It is therefore necessary to the purpose of" this Discourse, to present a brief sketch of the- continued history of Swanzea, from the time of its settlement by Mr. Miles and Capt. Wil- lett, until the partitioning of this Town, and the separate organization of this Church. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 95 Nothing of special interest appears to have occurred in the affairs of the Church or Town ofSvvanzea, from 1G69 till Philip's War, which began in June, 1675, in the sufferings of which, the Swanzea people bore so conspicuous and melancholy a part. At the beginning of this War, the Church still worshipped in their first meeting-house, about three miles north-west of this place, and about a mile and a half west of Miles' Bridge, the place now known as Barneys- ville. The ground occupied by the present village of Warrei, though then a part of the Swanzea grant, was still occupied by the rem- nants of the once powerful tribe of Wamp^no ig Indi-^ns, whose former chief, the good and faithful Massasoit, had held his residence, there is every reason to believe, but a short distance from the spot where we are now convened.* After Massasoit's death, which occurred at some time between the months of Mry and December, of 1661, his son and successor, Philip, repaired to Mount Hope, whic'i then became, probably for the first tin e, tl e resi- * Appendix H, 94 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. dence of the Great Sachem of the Wampano- ags. This powerful Chief had seen his father Massasoit, holding, with enduring constancy for forty years, the solemn compact which he formed when he welcomed the first Englishman to the shores of Plymouth, and little dreamed that before the onward march of civilized soci- ety, the race of red men must fade away, and in less than two centuries, leave scarcely a re- lic of a noble people, who, in more fortunate times, would have been an ornament to their age, and to human nature Roused by the recollections of ancient glory, and stung with the consciousness of failing strength, Philip resolved to employ his mighty genius in combining all the powerful tribes of New-England Indians, in striking one exter- minating blow, which should sv/eep from the land, all the colonies of strangers, who had dotted their hunting grounds with harvest fields, and farm houses, and thriving towns, and aspiring churches. Some of his warriors, burning with impa- tience for the attack before the time appointed by Philip '*:r the general onset, had already HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 95 betrayed his design I)y committing depredations on the settlement in Swanzea, while the Baptist Church and Congregation were assembled for worship, on Sabbath, the 20th of June, W7n. The government of Plymouth speedily made preparations to protect the defenceless inhabit- ants, who lived in this vicinity, and several military companies were at once called out from Plymouth and Boston, and at the same time l.lie people were requested by the government to observe the following Thursday as a day of fasting and prayer. Wliile the Swanzea Church liad been observing the day as requested, re- 'turning from their place of worship, they were surprised by the Indians, and several of theni were killed, among whom was Eldad Kingsley^ one of the first constituent members of the church. The people of Swanzea and Reho- both were soon collected into garrisoned houses: and on the following Monday, June 28, the forces arriving from Plymouth and Boston, they entrenched themselves in the mansion house of Mr. Miles, which stood about fifty rods west of the bridge, which still bears his name. The next day the troops returning over the bridge, ifnarehed down the eastward side '^* * the War- 95 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. ren river, towards Mount Hcpe, tinding on their way the heads of eight Englishmen, whom the Indians had murdered, set upon poles by the side of the road, at a spot about one mile east of this place. Marching on to Mount Hope, they found that Philip had fled to the east side of Taunton River : but nothing daunted, they attacked his warriors in their fastnesses wher- ever they found them : and collecting all their forces together, they crossed the Bay into the Narragansett country, and by a series of well concerted attacks, they carried fire and sword into every wigwam ; and striking blow after blow, at almost every point at once, in a short time, they left nothing but a few scattered rel- ics of the once powerful tribes of the Wam- panoags and the Narragansetts. Philip, hunt-^ ed down like a stricken deer, at last fell a vic- tim to the treachery of one of his own people : and thus sunk the last of a noble race, whose melancholy fate would even now have been al- most forgotten and unwept forever, but for th& imperish;ible interest associated with his mem- ory, by the brilliant genius of Irving. " With heroic qualities and bold achievements, that would have graced a civilized warrior, and rtlSTORICA^ DISCOURSE. ^f have rendered him the theme of the poet and the historian : he lived a wanderer and a fugi- tive in his native land, and went down, like a lonely bark, foundering amid darkness and tempest — without a pitying eye to weep his fall, or a friendly hand to record his struggle."* Although one half of the dwellings in Swan- zea were laid in ashes during the war, the inhabitants immediately after the extermination of the Indians, began to spread themselves in various directions, and some of them repaired to the site on which this village now stands, which had been previously occupied by the wigwams of Massasoit's Indians. In a short time the eastern part of this Township be- came thickly settled ; and as there was no other place of worship, but the Baptist meeting- house in the Town of Swanzea, embracing as it then did what are now the Towns of Swan- zea and Somerset in Mass., and Warren and Barrington in Rhode-Island, the people found that some more central spot must be selected for the accommodation of their wide-spread congregation. * Sketch Book I 98 HISTORICAL DISCOURSF.. Accordingly, two years after the war, (1677) the Town resolved to assist the church in re- moviug their meeting-house from its former position three miles N. W. of this place, to the lower end of New-Meadow Neck, immediately opposite this village, across the river. But as difficulties occurred in their attempted removal of the House, the project was abandoned, and in about two years afterward, the Town assis- ted the church in erecting a new meeting-house, 40 feet long, 22 feet wide, with 16 feet posts, on the site of the old grave yard at Tyler's Point, just below Kelley's Bridge.* At the same time, they built by the side of their meeting-house, a dwelling house, which the Town transferred to Mr. Miles, to indemnify him for money which he had advanced to the Town in defraying the expenses of the Indian war, The place of the new meeting-house at Kel- ley^s Bridge, was at that time the most central point in the Town, and was then called the • The vote of the Town to '"assist the church in erecting a house of worship on Tyler's Point, is dated March 29, 16^0. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 99 " Place of Trade ;" and for sixty years after- wards, nearly all the shipping in the foreign and coasting trade, held by the people in this vicin- ity, was connected with wharves and ware- houses on New-Meadow Neck, near the two Bridges, now known as belonging to Capt. Bo A en and Mr. Kelley. But the population continuing to extend northward and eastward into what are now the Towns of Svvanzea and Somerset, in Mass. in the course of twenty years after the meeting- house was built on Tyler's Point, it was found to be extremely unsuited to the convenience of the majority of the people ; and accordingly, about the year 1700, it was removed to North- Swanzea, as it is now called, to a spot directly west of the place now known as Cornell's Tav- ern, where it stood till the present meeting- house of the Swanzea church was erected, in 1717. Tradition says, the meeting-house was moved across tiae Warren River to the east side, on the ice. But the new position of the house of worship being equally unsuited to the religious accom- modation of the numerous people then inhabi- ting the present Town of Barrington, it creates church, from its or- ganization ix> 1764, to the burning of the meeting- ! house and parsonage house in May, 1778, were mostly Hip to the church, had taken a complete copy of the records, up to November 30, -- 1769; which with disconnected fragments of the orig- inal records saved from the fire, were afterwards copied into tlie Church Books by William Turner Miller after the re-organizatiou of the church. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 1JJ9 Thursday of October, 1793, and resigned No- vember 1, 1814. The Fifth Pastor, the Rev. Silas Hall, a graduate of Brown University in the class of 1809, was called to the pastorate, and accepted the call, on the day of Mr. Baker's resignation, Nov. 1, 1814, and resigned May 1, 1817. The Sixth Pastor, the Rev. Daniel Chessman, a graduate of Brown University, in the class of 1811, and a licentiate of the Second Baptist church in Boston, was ordained to the work of the ministry and to the pastorship ofthis church, March 5, 1818, having supplied the pulpit from August of the preceeding year. He was dis- missed by the church, Jan. 23, 1820. The Seventh Pastor, the Rev. Flavel Shurt- Icff, a graduate of Brown University in the class of 1814, commenced his labors as min- ister, March 11, 1820, and resigned, September 18, 1821. The Eighth Pastor, the Rev. John C. Welsh, a recent member of Waterville College, and a licentiate of the First Baptist Church in Boston, was ordained to the work of the ministry and io the pastorship ofthis church, June 11, 1823; aid resigned, Novembei: 1, 1840. 140 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. The Ninth Pastor, and the present incum- bent, a graduate of Brown University in the class of 1838, was recognized as Pastor, April 23, 1842. During the organized existence of the church,, embracing the intervals between its pastors, it has been without pastoral care, the aggregate sum of eight and a half years. The present number of members is 264 The whole number of members from the begin- ning is 770 Of these there were at its first organization, 58 Added by Dr. Manning, in six years, 15 Added by Mr. Thompson, unknown.* Added, at the re-organization in 1786, by dis- mission from Swanzea, of those not formerly members of this church, 18 Added by Mr. Pitman, in about three and a half years, 21 Added by Mr. Baker, in twenty-one years, 251 Added by Mr. Hall in two and a half years, 34 Added by Mr. Chessman, in about two years, 3 * There were undoubtedly many persons baptized and added to the church under the ministry of Mr. Thompson, — but the records containing their names, &c. were destroyed by the fire. No account of those thus added, can be included in the summary of members. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 141 Added by Mr. Shurtleff, in one year and a half, 133 Added in the interval, 2 Added by Mr. Welsh, in seventeen and a half years, 179 Added in the interval, 23 Added by the present pastor, in three years and a quarter, 33 July 1, 1845. While this church has not been unduly rigid in the maintenance of its authority, and in the administration of discipline, it is yet the pain- ful fact, that since its organization, of all the members added, seventy-six have been excluded who were not afterwards restored, being a frac- tion over ten per cent, of the whole. In these rapid outline sketches of our social and religious history, we have arrived at a period known to the personal recollections of many who are now before me. Time only for- bids the picturing forth before you, of those familiar persons and events that would awaken in your hearts the recollecton of your dearest and most sacred associations. : Neither can we enforce at present those I lessons of instruction with which the past ad- dresses us from the dust and sepulchre. We have been reviewing the history of remoter 142 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. periods, but where are the men whose lives and whose actions we have been recording ? " Our fathers where are they ? and the prophets, do they live forever ?" The glowing hearts that once swelled with joy, or sunk in sadness, at the revival or the declension of piety, are now cold in the grave : the eyes once watchful for the signs of the times, are dimmed forever ; the voices that chanted the high praises of Israel's God, are silent now; and "the old familiar faces are gone." Some, whose spirit of gen- erous piety, longed to see the day when a temple, such as we are in, should be reared, have not lived to see it ; and even some who beheld these massive walls slowly rising, have never seen their completion ; they have gone the way of all the earth. And we too are dwell- ing on the banks of that stream of time whose rapid current is ever winding on from the eternity of the past, to the eternity of the future ; we see the moving course of events on its sur- face ; now they are above us ; now they are below us ; but they never stop before us. " We can never say they're here, But only say tliey're past." Meanwhile we should feel that we are not liv- HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 143 ing for the present, nor for ourselves ; but for the future, and for others ; for our families who are the hopes of the church : for the young, our substitutes in another generation, who are to receive our work as we pass it over to them, and to hand it on to still coming ages ; for our country, whose existence and welfare must de- pend upon the maintenance of those great prin- ciples of civil and religious freedom, which our forefathers brought to light amid surrounding darkness, and struororled for, amid cruel mock- ings and bloody sufferings ; and for God, who is first and last, and all and in all, God over jail, blessed forever. I In the erection of this noble and substantial Edifice, we have been doing a work, less for lourselves, than as a legacy for posterity ; and though our eyes may not long see these walls ■our hands have builded, — and its earthly glory will all fade away amid the splendors of the Supper sanctuary, in the New Jerusalem ; yet even then it may not dim the brightness of a happy retrospection to remember that on earth we were willing, as the royal Psalmist was, to give a generous offering to the outward beauty of Divine Worship, Meanwhile, we hope to 144 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. oflfer up our prayers and praises, to receive '.w struction and encouragement within this t( ^s- pie, which we have endeavored to render chf e and beautiful, but not gorgeously splendid, nor superfluously expensive; unadorned with tin- sel and tracery, yet solemnly imposing, and complete in its proportions. Yet we do not forget, that our sublime and spiritual religion is not inconsistent with the severest exactness and the utmost purity of taste ; that the inlets of sensation are the medium of our earliest ideas, our most permanent associations, and of our religious impressions themselves ; that while they who worship God acceptably, must wor- ship Him in spirit and in truth, we may make the sight of the eye affect the heart, the hear^ ing of the ear the entrance of faith, the sounds of harmony the source of inward melody, and our lowly worship on earth the emblem as well as foretaste of those celestial services where the worshippers are '' before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in hic temple : and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them ; and they shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more ; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat ; for the Lamb HISTORICAL DISCOURSE, 145 which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." Here, then, while we dedicate this temple to the spiritual service of a spiritual God, praying that the glory of this latter house may be great- er than that of either of the former, let us seek after greater soundness of religious doctrine, greater purity of religious discipline, greater liberality of religious sentiment, greater amia- bleness of religious manners, greater benevo- lence in religious philanthropy; that we may have communion with the Father in his house, the Son on his throne, and the Spirit in our hearts ; that looking through the visible things which deceive, to things invisible, which never deceive, we may behold the glory of that spirit- ual building, not made with human hands, — the church itself, the body of Christ, " by whom all the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord ; in whom al- so we may be builded together for an habitation t)f God through the Spirit." And now, in conclusion, we can say, in the spirit of piety with which the Psalmist, who N 146 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. had it in his heart to build a temple to the Lord, *^ not offering unto the Lord his God of that which cost him nothing," could express his joy at going up to the sanGtuar}^ and rejoice in the holy city, " Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. Let thy work, O Lord, appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us ; and establish thou the work of our hands upon us ; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it/' Amen. APPENDIX APPENDIX. Note A.— Page 33. As a specimen of the candid and independent spir- it of a liberal class of men, who, like Dr. Thomas Arnold, late of Oxford, and Archbishop Whately, love the form of episcopal government, and yet place the question of Apostolic succession on its true his- torical merits, we subjoin a few passages of Bishop Whately, on the " Difficulty of ascertaining unbroken succession." But as there are some persons who are too ready to separate from any religious community on slight grounds, or even through mere caprice, " to heap up to themselves teachers, having itching ears," it has been thought, — or at least maintained, — that the only way of affording complete satisfaction and re- pose to the scrupulous, and of repressing schism, is to uphold, under the title of " Church-principles," the doctrine that no one is a member of Christ's Church, and an heir of the covenanted Gospel-pro- mises, who is not under a Ministry ordained by Bish- ops descended in an unbroken cliain from the Apos- tlc.«:. K* [50 APPENDIX. Now what is the degree of satisfactory assurance that is thus afforded to the scrupulous consciences of any members of an Episcopal Church ? If a man consider it as highly probable that the 'particular Min- ister at whose hands he receives the sacred Ordi- nances, is really thus apostolically descended, this is the very utmost point to which he can, with any semblance of reason, attain : and the more he reflects and inquires, the more cause for hesitation he will find. There is not a Minister in all Christendom who is able to trace up with any approach to certainty his own spiritual pedigree. The sacramental virtue, (for such it is, that is implied, — whether the term be used or not in the principle I liave been speaking of) dependent on the imposition of hands, with a due observance of apostolical usages, by a Bishop, him- self duly consecrated, after having been in like man- ner baptized into the Church, and ordained Deacon and Priest, — this sacramental virtue, if a single link of the chain be faulty, must, on the above principles, be utterly nullified ever after, in respect of all the links that hang on that one. For if a Bishop has not been duly consecrated, or had not been, previously, rightly ordained, his Ordinations are null ; and so are the ministrations of those ordained by him; and their Ordination of others ; (supposing any of the persons ordained by him to attain to the Episcopal office) and so on, without end. The poisonous taint of informality, if it once creep in undetected, will spread the infection of nullity to an indefinite and irremediable extent. ArPENDIX. 151 And who can undertake to pronounce that during that long period usually designated as the Dark Ages, no such taint ever Avas introduced ? Irregularities could not have been wholly excluded without a per- petual miracle ; and that no such miraculous inter- ference existed, we have even historical proof. — Amidst the numerous corruptions of doctrine and of practice, and gross superstitions, that crept in during those ages, we find recorded descriptions not only of the profound ignorance and profligacy of life, of many of the Clergy, but also of the grossest irreg- ularities in respect of discipline and form. We read of Bishops consecrated when mere children ; — of men omciating who barely knew their letters; — of Prelates expelled, and others put into their places, by vio- lence ; — of illiterate and profligate laymen, and hab- tual drunkards, admitted to Holy Orders; and in short, of the prevalence of every kind of disorder, and reckless disregard of the decency which the Apostle enjoins. It is inconceivable that any one even moderately acquainted with history, can feel a certainty, or any approach to certainty, that, amidst all this confusion and corruption, every requisite form was, in every instance, strictly adhered to, by men, many of them openly profane and secular, un- restrained by public opinion, through the gross igno- rance of the population among which they lived ; and that no one not duly consecrated or ordained, was admitted to sacred oflices. Even in later and more civilized and enlightened 'ames, the probability of an irregularity, Ihousii verX 153 APPENDIX. greatly diminished, is yet diminished only, and nut absolutely destroyed. Even in the memory of per- sons living, there existed a Bishop concerning whom there was so much mystery and uncertainty prevail- ing as to when, where, and by whom, he had been ordained, that doubts existed in the mind of many persons whether he had ever been ordained at all. I do not say that there was good ground for the suspi- cion ; but I speak of the fact, that it did prevail ; and that the circumstances of the case were such as to make manifest the possibility of such an irregularity occurring under such circumstances. Now let any one proceed on the hypothesis that there are, suppose, but a hundred links connecting any particular minister with the Apostles ; and let him even suppose that not above half of this number pass through such periods as admit of any possible irregularity ; and then, placing at the lowest estimate the probability of defectiveness in respect of each of the remaining fifty, taken separately, let him consi- der what amount of probability will result from the 7nultiplying of the whole together. The ultimate consequence must be, that any one who sincerely believes that his claim to the benefits of the Gospel- Covenant depends on his own Minister's claim to the supposed sacramental virtue of true ordmation, and this again, on perfect Apostolical Succession, as above described, must be involved, in proportion as he reads, and inquires, and reflects, and reasons, on the subject, in the most distrebsing doubt and per- plexity. APPENDIX. 153 But if each man's Christian hope is made to rest on his receiving the Christian Ordinances at the hands of a Minister to whom the sacramental vir- tue that gives efficacy to those Ordinances, has been transmitted in unbroken succession from hand to hand, every thing must depend on that particular Minister : and his claim is by no means establish- ed from our merely establishing the uninterrupted existence of such a class of men as Christian Min- isters. " Y"ou teach me," a man might say, " that my salvation depends on the possession by you — the particular Pastor under whom I am placed — of a certain qualification ; and when I ask for the proof that you possess it, you prove to me that it is possessed generally by a certain class of persons, of whom you are one, and probably by a large majority of them!" How ridiculous it would be thought, if a man laying claim to the throne of some country, should attempt to establish it with out producing and proving his own pedigree, merely by showing that that country had ahcays been un- der hereditary regal government ' Note 13.— Page 48. At the same time that the unyielding Britons were driven into Cambria, multitudes of the British Christ- ians and British soldiers, fleeing from the horrors of the Saxon invasion, passed over to the Continent, 154 APPENDIX. and took refuge in that peninsula in France, between the Seine and the Loire, then called Armorica^ but which has ever since borne the name of Britanny, from the language and institutions of the insular Britons. Here, by their intermixture with the Franks, they became a peculiar people, and in their seques- tered region have ever since preserved the distinctive marks of their Welsh origin. They have been the glory and the bulwark of the French nation; inherit- ing the same simplicity of manners, the same love of liberty, the same hatred of oppression, the same in- vincible loyalty, which have characterized the Welsh race wherever they have lived, in France, as Avell as in Britain and in the United States, the descend- ants of the Welsh have shown to the world that the strongest mental independence and the most invinci- ble attachment to religious liberty, are the best safe- guards to the stability of civil institutions, and the permanent interests of human society. When in the last century the French Revolution was desolating all that was dear and venerable to the people of that bright and sunny land, the Welsh de- scendants in the plains of Britanny along the Loire, were the last to yield to the ferocious policy of Dan- ton and Robespierre, and they arose as one man, to stem the furious tide of Jacobin Republicanism. The splendid genius of Alison, in his chapter on the «' War in La Vendee," has drawn an immortal eulo- gium of those " Christian martyrs whose blood ce- mented a fabric of eternal duration. " These descend- ants of the ancient Britons, present one of the most APPENDIX. 155 brilliant illustrations on record, of a people whose inherent love of liberty, and undying devotion to re- ligion, may be inseparably connected with the strong, est elements of patriotism, and the safest foundations of national perpetuity. While the dogmas of Athe- ism were propagated by their natural accompaniments of fire and sword, desolating the altars of religion throughout all France, ♦' there sprung," says the eloquent historian of Europe — "from the ashes of La Vendee, a spirit which hurled Napoleon from his throne, and is destined to change the face of the mor- al world. It first put the cause of Revolution openly and irrevocably at war with that of Religion : the friends of real freedom may thank it for permanently enlisting on tlieir side a power which will never bo subdued."* Note C. — Page 79. From the fact that Mr. Miles and his friend-i brought their church records with them, it has been supposed, with good reason, that the Baptist church in Swanzea is but the continuation, or re-production, of the old church in Swanzea, in South Wales. That the old church records were actually brought to this country, seems scarcely to admit of a doubt, though of late, some have been disposed to question the fact. * Alison's History of Kurope, Vol. I, Chap. XTT. 15G APPENDIX. Tradition, in earlier and later times, among the Bap* lists in the vicinity of Swanzea, asserts the fact Mr. Backus, in his History of New-England, (Vol. ir, p. 117,) in speaking of " a piece of villainy which Was detected in Swanzea," says, " That town was first granted to five men, three of whom were Bap- tists ; and they laid out sundry parcels of land, which they called pastors' and teachers' lots. They had a large and curious book of church records, which was brought from Wales ; and the surveys of those lots were recorded therein. In 1718, Richard Harden became both a Deacon and the Clerk of the First Church in Swanzea; and was encouraged to build and make improvements upon one of those lots, near the Meeting-House; and he was also a leading man in Town-affairs. Having such advantages, he was tempted with the notion, that by destroying the rec- ord of those lots, he could obtain that whereon he lived, as common land. And behold, all the records of Swanzea church, betwixt 1663 and 17J8 were ta- ken out of the Book, and have never been recovered since." Note D.— Page 83. For the following statement I am indebted to the Rev. Abiel Fisher, present Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Swanzea, to whose diligence and fidelity in collecting the scattered memorials of his ancient Church and Town, I am indebted for several of the ArPENDTX, iiyf . cts presented in connection with the Swanzea j;irch. " It iias been supposed, and often stated by Backus riTid others, that the first Meeting-House was erected near Kelly's Bridge, on Tyler's Point, opposite War- ren : but I have ascertained that it was about three miles north-east from that point, a little south-west of the road leading from Warren, to Seekonk and Providence. The very spot has been pointed out to me, being on a road leading from the main road to the house of Squire Allen, lately deceased. This road leads out of the main road, between the houses of Timothy P. Luther and John Grant, only 20 or 30 rods from the latter. The line of Seekonk is only a few rods north of this spot. It seems nearly cer- tain, that while most of the church resided in Reho- both, (as that town then embraced Seekonk,) they chose a site for their Meeting-House as near their residence as possible, where they could be permitted for a time to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences." Note E.— Page 84. The founders of the Plymouth Colony were the first band of those free and pious spirits, who, rising above the corruptions of the National Church, had left their native land, to seek a purer worship, far away from their beloved homes, in a foreign wilder- ness, and under stormy skies. They first began lo8 APPENDIX. their wanderings by removing to Holland, " where they knew that they were Pilgrims, and looked not much on those things, but lifted up their eyes to heaven, their dearest country, and quieted their spirits."* Here, under the ministry of their excellent pastor, the devoted John Robinson, they lived for a while, in a tolerable degree of peace and comfort, and re- ceived many converts among their numbers, v/hich soon amounted to 300 communicants. But desiring to live under the protection of Eng- land, and to retain the name and language of Eng- lishmen; and being unable to give their children such an education as they had themselves received ; and grieved at the profanation of the Sabbath, and many other religious abuses among the people of Holland; for these and many other similar reasons, they began to agitate the question of removing to some part of America ; and finally, after many a baffling detention and a long, tempestuous voyage, they commenced the colonization of New-England^. on the rock of Plymouth, where they landed on the 22d of December, 1620. Here, beneath unknown skies, with the wide dreary Atlantic on one side, and a gloomy unbroken forest on the other, they laid in suffering and in faith, the deep foundations of that moral character, which has made the New-England people the pride and glory of our nation, in peace, and in war, our firm and immoveable bulwark. Nev- * Governor Bradford's History of Plymouth Colony. APi'ENDIX. 150 cr was there a company of men, of stricter virtue, whose consistent holiness and practical fear of God, more signally honored their profession, than these Plymouth Pilgrims. The Oolonists who founded Massachusetts Bay, eight years afterwards, were not Independents or Separatists, like their Plymouth brethren, but were non-conforming members of the Church of England. Their conscientious convictions and their dearest sympathies still attached them to the National Church, while they opposed what they believed to be her Romish errors and superstitions ; and though in all points they could not conform to it, they still sought the welfare of tlieir souls in its ministrations ; and lamenting what they believed to be its defiects, not in a spirit of bitter hostility, but of pious grief, they were still disposed to honor the good and forget the evil, so strangely mixed in the doctrine and ritual of that communion. They were yet unwilling to break the bands of ecclesiastical fellowship, and only wish- ed a greater freedom for the exercise of their personal faith, by a "practical departure from the ritual econ- omy of that church; — a movement, which they did not then foresee, would lead eventually to an entire separation from the English Establishment, and to the formation of New-England Congregationalism. Many of them had been nursed on the lap of lux- ^iry, while not a few were of noble birth and lofty itation ; and nearly all had enjoyed the advantage |f the highest mental and social culture. In the ifilliant display of their personal virtues and their 160 APPENDIX. religious graces, they reflected more of cheerfulness and warmth of sentiment, but less of moral courage and singleness of purpose, than their Separatist breth- ren of Plymouth ; while in the want of a candid tem- per towards their brethren of a different faith, the S3'^mmetry of their character was more frequently disfigured by a spirit of relentless intolerance, which singularly contrasted with the general display of- their otherwise almost unrivalled virtues. They be- lieved in Christ as the only Head. of the church, and in the Holy Scriptures as the only standard of their Faith : and as such, they were even then far in ad- vance of the age in which they lived. But they had not yet sufficiently lost sight of the spirit and max- ims on which the dominion of the English Throne and Altar were based, to a.dmit the claims of person- al conscience to their full extent; and hence, in forming their social community in Massachusetts Bay, they could not bring their civil laws and relig- ions institutions, both together, in perfect accordance with the principle of liberty of conscience in spiritual affairs. Their honest piety and sincere benevolence did all that possibly could be done, to reconcile the duty of an implicit faith in their creed, with the lib- erty of every man " to think as he pleased, provided he thought right;" — and of this, they were to be the l?elf-madc iudrres. AITENDIX. 161 Note F.— Page 88. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE REV. A. FISHER, OF SWANZEA. Capt. Thomas Willet was one of the last of the Leyden company who came to this country. He arrived at Plymouth in 1629, being then 16 or 18 years old. He was educated as a merchant ; and as the greater part of his life was spent in Holland, he had acquired an intimate knowledge of the customs and language of the Dutch : a circumstance which ren- dered him so highly acceptable to the Dutch of New- York. On his arrival, he was sent by the people of Plymouth who had established a trading house at Kennebeck, to superintend their business as agent. He continued at Kennebeck, about six or seven years, when he married a lady at Plymouth, and probably removed to Dorchester, and thence between 1641 and 1647 returned to Plymouth. In 1647 he became the successor of Miles Standish in the com- mand ot the military at Plymouth. In 1651 he was elected one of the Governor's assist- ants,and was annually continued in that office tilll665, when the pressure of his other duties obliged him to decline further election, and James Brown, of Swan- zea, was chosen his successor. In Feb. 1660 we find Capt. Willet an inhabitant of Rehoboth, having ob- 162 APPLNDIX. tained liberty of the town to purchase large tracts ei land in its vicinity. In 16G1, being empowered bv the Court of Plymouth, hs puchased of VVomsittr. the eldest son of Massasoit, the large tract of land af- terwards called Rehoboth North Purchase, now At- tleborough and Cumberland. This tract, however, he relinquished into the hands of the Plymouth Col ony in 1666. He was also the original purchaser < j Taunton North Purchase, (now Norton, Mansfield and Easton,) as well as of many other tracts of Ian (i in the vicinity. On the surrender of New-York t^ the English under Col. Nichols, in August 1664, ]> the Dutch Governor Stuyvesant, Capt. Willett ac companied the Commissioners of Appeals, viz. Nicli ols, Carr, Cartwright and Maverick, to that city : and rendered them great service by his aequaintance with the customs, usages and language of the Dutch, in organizing the new government. He performed his duties while there to the entire satisfaction of all the parties concerned, and rendered himself so acceptable to the people, that after the organization of the gov- ernment he Avas elected the first English mayor of the city of New- York. To this office he was elected a second time ; and the Dutch had so much confidence in his integrity, that he v/as by them chosen umplio to determine the disputed boundary between New- York and New-Haven. While he was Mayor of New- York he appears to have held his standing as a citizen, and his property at Rehoboth, and to have sustained ollice therein. When the two years of his Mayorality had expired at New-York, he returned to jKjchoboth. Al'l'ENDIX. IGS Capt. Willett's name appears the first on the list of individuals to whom liberty was given to iovm a town- ship by the name of Swanzea. In the settlement of the town, Capt. Willett and Mr. Miles may justly be considered the most prominent men ; and they are usually styled the Fathers of the Town. He contin- ued to reside on his farm in Swanzea, during the re- maining part of his life. Capt. Willett on July 6, 1636, married Mary Brown, who is generally supposed to have been the daughter of Mr. John Brown, the elder, at Plymouth. She w^as sister of Mr. James Brown, one of the constituent members of the Swan- zea church, and whose name was held in high esteem in the the town and colony. Of eight children, some of them died in childhood, while several of Capt. Willett's descendants have distinguished themselves in the history of the country. His grandson Francis Willett was a prominent man in the colony of Rhode- Island. Another descendant, his great grandson, the late Col. Marinus Willett, served with distinguished honor in the Revolutionary war, and was also 31ayor of New -York. Capt. Willett appears to have had his residence at the north west part of Swanzea, a part of which is now in Barrington, and a part in Seekonk, where he died, August 4, 1674, at the age of sixty-three. He was buried at the head of Bullock's Cove, in what is now Seekonk, where a rough stone still stands to mark the spot, on which is legible the following brief and rudel}' carved inscription : 164 APPENDIX. "1664 Here lyetli the body of the worthy Thomas Willett. Esq., who died August je 4th in ye 64th year of hip age, anno Who was the first Mayor of New-York and twice did sustain the place." His wife Mary died about 1GG9, and lies by his side. Note G.— Page 91. The grant of the Plymouth Court, in 1667, which described the town of Swanzea as embracing *• all the lands between the salt water and river, and the bounds of Taunton and Rehoboth, &e." — has been by many supposed to include the present town of Bristol, as well as Warren, Barrington, Swanzea and Somerset. Bristol, however, was not included in that grant, but continued for several years after, as an Indian Township. After Massasoit's death, in 1661, it appears, that most ot the remaining Wampa- noags removed from this immediate vicinity, and were collected together more compactly, on a smaller territory, being the same as the present town of Bris- tol. In a Manuscript Document belonging to the town of Warren, called " The Grand Deed of Saile of Lands from Osamequin and Wamsetto his son, Dated 29th March, 1653," the territory described as follows, was sold: "All those severall parcells and necks of uplands, Swampi? and Meadows lyeing and APPENDIX. 165 being on the south side of Sinkhunch (Seekonk) els Rehoboth, k^cc.'" After the deed describes the lands thus sold, it ends as follows : — And the said Osame- quin, (Massasoit,) and Wamsetto, (Alexander,) his son, covenant, promise and grant, that whensoever the Indians shall remove from the JVcck, that then and from thenceforth, the aforesaid Thomas Prince, Thomas Willet, Miles Standish, Josiah Winslow, shall enter upon the same, by tlie same agreement, .•IS their Proper Pvights and Interest to them and their heirs forever." By virtue of the preceding Deed, the remnants of his tribe, after Massasoit's death, began to collect together, with Philip tor their chief, on the Mount Hope lands. Some Indians, however, still continued to live in Warren, till about the beginning of Philip's war, as they were reluctant to give up so much of tiieir territory on so easy terms. Frequent altercations took place between the Col- onists of Swanzea and the Wampanoags, about the boundary lines of the Mount Hope lands ; until at length, shortly before the war, a fence was run from the Warren to the Kickemuit rivers, on the line which is the present boundary between Warren and Bristol. Tradition says that this fence stood for many years after the war. The Indians continued to hold and occupy the low- er part of the Neck, — that is, that portion of it now constituting Bristol — until Philip's war, when being exterminated or driven away, their remaining rights to tlie territory were extinguished. The propristor* 166 APPENDIX. ' of Sowams claimed the deserted territory by the pro- visions of the Grand Deed; but, after a long contro- versy, the Government decided it to be conquered land, and should be sold to assist in defraying the expenses of the war. " In 16S0, Mount Hope terri- tory, about 7000 acres, was granted to the colony by the crown, for their services and sufferings in tjje war. * * Rhode-Isiand urged their claim. * * Mount Hope territory was sold soon afterwards by Plymouth, for three hundred pounds. The king's letter, communicating the grant of Mount Hope, con- tained encouraging assurances of further favors, upon proper application." (Morton's Memorial, Davis' Ed. p. 469.) At the same time, the Proprietors of Sowams, in the MS. Record Book, say, " That for the lands now in dispute between the Proprielors and the pnblique,. whether ours or conqnered Lands, the Proprietors, doe, (forthwith all as one man,) take effectual course for the defence and clearing our Interest in the Lands aforesaid." (See also Holmes' Annals, I. 400.) The Deed of Bristol, given by the Government of Plymouth, which is dated Sept. 14, 1680, states the compensation to be " Eleven hundred pounds of our current money of New-England ;" and describing the land called " IMount Hope Neck" and Poppasquash Neck," says, " excepting only and reserving tlie Lands already granted to the inhabitants of Swanzea at the north end, or entrance of said Neck, (being the same as Warren,) and also the one Hundred acres of Land now 'elonging unto the family of Goraras, APPENDIX. IG7 and the meadows forinerly purchased of tlie Iii- *dkirjs." Note IL— Page 9:j. The ground occupied by this village, v/as undoubt- '■edly the home of Massasoit, the fuithiful friend of the pilgrims. Ever since tlie time of his death, 184 years ago, tradition has represented this as the place of his general residence ; and in the memory of the oldest people in this vicinity, " Massasoit's spring," Tiear Baker's wharf, in this village, has been a time- iionored place, associated with the name of that great chief. But there are copious proofs of more autiien- tic character than simple tradition, wJjich fully estab- lish this fact. The arguments proving this point ■would here be adduced ; — as it entered into the plan of this Discourse to give an extended supplementary notice of the fact that Massasoit held his residence near the spot where this Discourse was pronounced : but since this small volume has been put to press, it lias been deemed desirable to illustrate the aboriginal and colonial history of this neighborhood much more at length, than was contemplated in the plan of tJie author; and accordingly, the subject referred to in the beginning of this Note, is reserved for a Supple- ment to this volume, by General Guy JM. Fessenden, whose diligence and accuracy in such investigations, specially qualify him for writing the Secular History of this town. The author the more cheerfully resigns 168 APPENDIX. these topics to Gen. Fessenden's department, as he is already indebted to that gentleman for several fans and suggestions presented in these pages. Note I.— Page 118 The following is a copy of the letter of Dismission given by the Baptist church at Scotch Plains to tlie church at Warren, in behalf of Mr. Manning. The original letter, now in my possession, is sign- ed by all the male members of that church, fourteen in number. It is presented as a happy specimen of the method of doing church business by our fore- fathers. " The church of Jesus Christ, meeting at the Scotch Plains, in the county of Essex, province of East New- Jersey, professing Believer's Baptism, Laying on of hands, Election of Grace, Effectual Calling, and Final Perseverance in Grace, &c. To the Church of Christ of the same Faith and Or- der, in Warren, in the Government of Rhode- Island, do send our Christian Salutation : Dear Brethren; Whereas our Revd. and re- spected Br. Mr. James Manning, hath by yuur call removed his Residence from amongst us, and now abides with you; and hath requested of us a Letter of Dismission in order to Joyn with you. And hop- ing it will be more for his Comfort and your Advan- tage so to do : We therefore recommend him as an orderly Zealous Profeseor; and has been called and APPENDIX. 1G9 regularly ordained in this Church to the Ministry of the Gospel, in winch his Proficiency and Profitiing has appeared to many: And we doubt not when joyn'd with you by virtue of this Dismission as lie will be discharg'd from our immediate oversight, You will receive him and make use of him in Love and all the relative Duties of his important Station. We are Joyn'd in our Prayers for him and You that the glorious Head of the Church would bless you with every Gift, Grace and Prosperity, thVough Jesus Christ our common Lord. Amen. November ye 25th, ano 1764. BENJAMIN MILLER, [and thirteen others."] Note K.— Page 119. COVENANT OF THE BAPTIST CHURCl^r, WARREN, R. I. Whereas we, unwortky sinners, are through the infinite riches' of free grace, as we trust, brought out 3f darkness into the marvellous light of the Gospel, ind the grace of it, transformed into the Kingdom of God's dear Son Jesus Christ our only Lord and Sa- i^iour, and made partakers of all those privileges whirJi Ohrist purchased with his precious blood, think it our luty and greatest privilege we can enjoy here on earth, o walk in all the commandments and Ordinances, lot only for our own comfort and peace, but for the manifestation of the glory of God, and for the mu-'- 170 APPENDIX. tual help and society of each other; and as it hath pleas- ed God to appoint a visible Church relation, to be the way and manner whereby He is pleased to commu- nicate to his people the blessings of his presence, a growth in grace and furtherance in the knowledge ot our Lord God, We therefore, this day, after solemn fasting and prayer for help and direction, in the fear of His Holy Name and with hearts lifted up to the most high God, humbly and freely oifer up ourselves a living sacrifice unto Him who is our God in Covenant, through Jesus Christ, to walk together according to his revealed word, in visible gospel relation, both to Christ our only head, and to each other as fellow members and brethren of the same household of faith. And we do humbly engage, that through his strength we will endeavor to perform all our re| spective duties, towards God and each other, and^ to practise all the Ordinances of Christ, according to what is and shall be made known to us in our respective places, to exercise, practise and submit to the government of Christ in this Church. And we declare that it is our mind that none' are properly qualified members of this Christ's vis- ible Church, but such as have been wrought upon by the grace of God, delivered from their sins by the Justifying Righteousness of Christ, and have the evidence of it in their souls, have made pro- fession thereof, that is, of a living faith in Christ, and have been baptized by immersion, in the name' uf the Holy Trinity. APPENDIX. 17 [ Further, it is our mind, that the imposition or sion-imposition of hands upon believers, after bap- tism, is not essential to Church Communion, and that where the image of Christ is discerned, ac- cording to the rules of God's word, and those pre- vious duties, but now mentioned are submitted to according to Gospel rules, w^e are ready to hold communion with all such walking orderly in the Church of Christ. And now v/e humbly hope that although of our- selves we are altogether unworthy and unfit thus to offer up ourselves to God or to do him any ser- vice or to expect any favor, or mercy from him, yet that He will graciously accept of this our free- will offering, in and through the merits and med- iation of bur dear Redeemer, and that He will em- ploy and improve us in his service to his own praise, to whom be all the glory both now and forever. Amen. [The original copy of this church covenant, in the hand-writing of Dr. Manning, is now in my possession. J. P. T.j Note L.— Page 119. CALL OF THE CHURCH TO MR. MANNING. The Church of Christ in Warren, in the Colony of Rhode-Island, Baptized upon a personal profession 172 APPENDIX. of faith, holding the doctrines of Regeneration, Per severance in grace, &c. — being constituted and or- ganized a Church this 15th day of November, A. D. 17G4, present to the Revd. James Manning, late of Nassau Hall, in New-Jersey, their Christian saluta- tion : B.everend and dear Sir, Inasmuch as God in his Providence hath seen fit to give us an opportunity of being constituted a ciiurch of Christ, That we may according to the pat- tern showed us in the Gospel, partake of the or- dinances which Christ hath left in Ijis church, and walk together as Brethren in Christ : by his Apostles having instructed us that ordained pastors are those that are to feed his people with knowledge, and ad- minister ordinances amongst them, we do this day unanimously request that you would accept this our call to the work of a Pastor over and amongst us, having been fully satisfied heretofore of your call and ordination in the work of the ministry in a regular church of Christ in Eiizabethtown, East Jersey, under the Pastoral care of the Revd. Benjamin Miller; And as we are of opinion that they who preach the gospel should live of the Gospel, we do here declare our intention to render your life as happy as possible by our brotherly conduct towards you, and communi- cating our temporal things to your necessities so long as God in his providence shall continue us together , your acceptance hereof we humbly hope will be a mean under the divine blessing of our mutual fur- APPENDIX, 173 lerance and growth in grace; thus we prefer our 'quest and subscribe your Brethren, JOHN EASTOBROOK, ^ BENJAMIN COLE, | SYLVESTER CHILD, I r ; , ,. . ,, JOHN CHILD, } In behalf of tke EBENEZER COLE, | ^'^"'°^'^- JOHN WEST, j WM. EASTOBROOKE. j Note M.— Page 122. The first Hou^c of Worship, built by tiiis Society n 1764, was about 44 feet square, with a four-sided !:ip roof, surmounted at the top and centre with a nal! belfry, in which was hung a ship bell, the rope ■ f which hung directly down in the audience room, ) that when ringing, the sexton stood in the centre f the middle aisle. The style of the architecture as very plain, without tower or porch, and the build- iig was never painted. The front door, on the east side, led directly into the audience room : and immediately within the en- trance, to the right and left, were stairs leading into the galleries. At the west side was the pulpit, with its sounding-board. This church had then introduced psalmody as a part of public worship, though even so late as in 1764, there was a divided use among the Baptist churches in New-England, some churches re- : arding metrical hymns, and all kinds of mueic, as naulhorized by tiic New Testament. In this church , L 174 APPENDIX. however, there was then no organized ehoir ; the hymns were read off, two lines at a time, by the Dea- con, and sung by the congregation. [For the facts abovestaled, the author is indebted chiefly to General G. M. Fessenden.] The second Church Edifice was erected in 1784, on the spot occupied by the former, partly on the same underpinning, and extending westward about 17 feet. The vote of the Society to erect this building, stands recorded Feb. 5, 1784, when they adopted the plan by which the house was built. A building Commit- tee, consisting of Dea. Ebenezer Cole, William T. .Miller and William Barton, were appointed and au- thorized to negotiate with General Nathan Miller, to build the house for $2000. It appears, however, that this sum proved too small to erect such a building with, aud it was not finished, so as to be used, till in the summer of 1786. Its dimensions were 61 feet in length and 44 feet in width ; it had a tower at the cast and front end, 14 feet square and 44 in height. This house at first contained 63 square pews on the lower floor, and had galleries on three sides. The pulpit at the west end, was supplied with the old fashioned sounding-board. In 1800, a steeple, forty- three feet and a half in height, was placed on the tower, making the whole height 87 1-2 feet. At the same lime, the bell still in use by the Society, was placed in the tower. In the spring of 1832, the old square pows were taken up, and replaced by modern blips, making 74 on the lower floor. The organ now owned by the Society; was obtained in the autumn of he samr ycai, APPENDIX. 175 In May, 1844, this house, to make room for the stone building, was removed a little northerly, and in November of the same year, was taken down. The present Church Edifice is erected partly on the ground occupied by the two former Houses of Worship, and partly on ground south of that location, including the land on which the original Parsonage and College building stood. Its dimensions are the following : the length of the body of the house is 84 feet, the width 70 feet, and in height, 34 feet from the ground to the outside cornice : in front is a tower, 23 feet square, 86 feet high, surmounted with a bat- tlement, rising 8 feet and projecting out one foot. The side and end walls of the main building, are surmounted by battlements of the same order with the tower, rising about six feet from the roof. The walls of the building are constructed of dark brown and gray stone, laid in horizontal courses, technically called the " Scotch coursed rubble," the courses va- rying from 12 to 18 inches in height, but each course carried uniformly round the whole building. The thickness of the tower walls at the foundation IS 7 feet, brought in at the surface of the ground to 3 feet, while at the upper extremity they are reduc- ed to 20 inches. The thickness of the main walls is 5 feet at the foundation, brought in at the surface of the ground to 2 1-2 feet, and from the audience room floor to the top, the walls are uniformly two feet thick. The style of the Edifice is the Medium Gothic, exhibiting the outlines of that order, hut without the no APPENDIX. various forms of tracery and carved work which ren- der that order of architecture so gorgeous and expen- sive. There are fourteen arched windows in the main building, each 24 feet high, five in each side, and two in each end. There are also five arched windows in the tower, two in the basement, and three in the organ room, the one in front being very large. The windows are filled with stained glass, of a vari- ety of colors, interspersed with borders and interme- diate courses of white ground glass. The efi*ect of this glass is to throw a soft religious light over the whole interior, which, combining with the dark col- ors of the wood work, and the long drawn aisles, is very solemn and impressive. The pulpit is of a very peculiar construction, its floor being on a level with the tops of the pews, open at the sides, the speaking on the point of my knife, I gave him some, which I could scarce get through his teeth. When it was dissolved in his mouth, he swallowed the juice of it; whereat those that were about him much rejoiced, saying he had not swallowed any thing in two days be- fore. Then I desired to see his mouth, which was exceedingly furred, and his tongue swelled in such a manner, as it was not possible fcr him to eat such meat as they had. Then I washed his mouth, and scraped his tongue, af- ter which I gave him more of the confection, which he sv^'allowed w^ith more readiness. Then he desiring to drink, I dissolved some of it in water, and gave him thereof Within half an hour, tiiis wrought a great alteration in him, in the eyes of all that beheld him. Presently after, his sight began to come to him, which gave him and us good encouragement. I in- quired how he slept, and they said he slept not in two days before. Then I gave him more, and told him of a mishap we had by the way, 22 St'PPLEMENT. in breaking a bottle of drink, saying if he would send any of his men to Patuxet, I would send for more of the same ; also for chickens to make him broth, and for other things, which I knew were good for him ; and would stay the return of his messenger, if he desired. This he took marvellous kindly, and appointed some, who were ready to go by two of the clock in the morning ; against which time I made ready a letter. Ke requested me, that the day following, I would take my piece, and kill him some fowl, and make him some English pottage, such as he had eaten at Plymouth, which I promised. After, his stomach coming to him, I must needs make him some without fowl, before I went abroad. I caused a woman to bruise some corn, and take the flour from it, and set over the broken corn, in a pipkin, for they hkve earthen pots of all sizes. When the day broke, we went out, it being now March, to seek herbs, but could not find any but strawberry leaves, of which J gathered a handful, and put into the same ; and because I had nothing to relish it, I went forth again, and pulled up a sassafras root, and sliced a piece thereof, and boiled it, till it had a good relish, and then took it out again. The broth being boiled, I strain- ed it through my handkerchief, and gave him at least a pint, which he drank, and liked it very well. After this, his sight mended more and more ; also he took some rest ; insomuch SUPPLBMKNT. M* as we with admiration blessed God for giving his blessing to such raw and ignorant means, himself and all of them acknowledging us the instruments of his preservation. That morning he caused me to spend in go- ing from one to another anion (rst those that were sick in the town, requesting me to wash their mouths also, and give to each of them some of the same I gave him, saying they were good folk. This pains I took with willingness, though it were much offensive to me. After dinner he desired me to get him a goose or duck, and make him some pottage therewith, I with as much speed as I could. So I took a man with me, and made a shot at a couple of ducks, some six score paces off, and killed one, at which he wondered. So we returned forth- with, and dressed it, making more broth there- with, which he much desired. Never did I see a man so low brought, recover in that measure in so short a time. About an hour after, he began to be very sick, cast up the broth, and began to bleed at the nose, and so continued the space of four hours. Concluding now he would die, they asked me what I thought of him. I answered, his case was desperate, yet it might be it would save his life ; for if it ceased in time, he would forthwith sleep and take rest, which was the principal thing he wanted. — Not long after, his blood stayed, and he slept at least six or eight hours. When he awaked, I washed his 24 SUPrLEMENT. face, and bathed and suppled his beard and nose with a linen cloth. But on a sudden, he chopped his nose in the water, and drew up some therein, and sent it forth again with such violence, as he began to bleed afresh. Then they thought there was no hope ; but we per- ceived it was but the tenderness of his nostril, and therefore told them I thought it would stay presently, as indeed it did. The messengers were now returned ; but finding his stomach come to him, he v/ould not have the chickens killed, but kept them for breed. Many, whilst we were there, came to see him ; some, by their report, from a place not less than an hundred- miles. To all that came, one of his chief men related the manner of his sickness, how near he was spent, how his friends the English came to see him, and how sudden- ly they recovered him to this strength they saw. Upon this, his recovery, he brake forth into these speeches : " Now I see the English are my friends, and love me ; and whilst I live, I will never forget this kindness they have show- ed me. At our coming away, he called Hob- bamock to him, and privately revealed the plot befl)re spoken of, agamst Master Weston's col- ony, and so against us, saying himself also in his sickness was earne:-;tly solicited, but he would neither join therein, nor give way to any of his. With this he charged him thoroughly to acquaint me by the way, that I might inform SUPPLEMBNT. 25 tlie Gcvernor thereof, at my first coming home. Beingfitted for our return, we took our leave of him ; who returned many thanks to our Gov- ernor, and also to ourselves for our labor and love ; the like did all that were about him. So we departed. That night, through the earnest request of Conbatant, who till now remained at Sawaams, or Puckanokick, we lodged with him at Mat- tapuyst. Here we remained only that night, but never had better entertainment amongst any of them. The day following, in our jour- ney, Hobbamock told me of the private con- ference he had with Massasowat, and how he charged him perfectly to acquaint me there- with, as I showed before ; v/hich having done, he used many arguments himself to move us thereunto. That nio-ht we Icdored at Namas- ket, and the day following arrived at home." Although these narratives sufficiently estab- lish the locality of Sowams, and therefore the residence of Massasoit, we can refer to other portions of history, corroborative of them.. Tradition, confirming our conclusion, is yet extant among the people of Warren ; elderly persons now living, quote their predecessors as having received this testimony, from the first white people who settled in this vicinity. A map of New-England, originally published in 1677, republishe.l in 1826 and prefixed to Da- vis' edition of Morten's Memorial, although ^6 gUPPLEMENT„ very imperfect in many respects, has a crown marked upon it, evidently to denote the resi- dence of the principal Sachem. This crown is not placed on the seaward end of Mount Hope, or any other Neck, nor is it on the west side of Warren river, but exactly where War- ren stands. In the " judgment" of the Court of Commis- sioners, held in Providence, to decide the boundary question between Massachusetts and Rhode-Island, dated June 30, 1741, is this passage : " That the place where the Indian called King Philip lived, near Bristol, was call- ed Pauconoket, and that another place near Swanzea, was called Sowams or Sov/amsett." From this extract it is evident that Sowams was between Bristol and Swanzea, and nearest the latter; — as these two townships adjoin, and a point near the division line would seem to be intended ; which is precisely where we decide it to have been. Mr. Morse, in the first volume of his Geog- raphy, 5th octavo edition, 1805, in a description of Warren, expressly states, '* This was also the dwelling place of Massasoit, afterwards called Osamequin, an Indian Sachem, who was the great friend of the Plymouth pilgrims in the infancy of their settlement. liis spring, near the margin of the river, still bears his name." The Rev. Alex. Young, from whose book, " Chronicles of the Pilgrims," the preceding SUPPLEMENT. 'ZJ narrative of Winslow's Journal is extracted, expressly states on page 288, where Winslow describes his arrival at the residence of Massa- soit, " They arrived at Warren, R. I." From the foreo-oinor and other historical writings, the following statements rnay be con- sidered as established facts : 1. That the Indians invariably gave names to all varieties of land and water, as necks, hills, rivers, springs, villages, countries, &-c.* 2. That the first settlers generally retained those names, however uncouth, until the places named were occupied by the English, and often after. 3. That " Mount Hope" had a name, and although it was known for many years previous to 1676, while in actual possession of the na- tives, yet no Indian name has ever been men- tioned except Mont-haup, and therefore that was its Indian name.t 4. That Mont-haup was readily Anglicised^ and for no other reason, the English, at once, called it Mount Hope. 5. That in consequence, the whole neck, including Bristol and Warren village, \\tas call- ed Mount Hope neck. Mount Hope lands, rejudicing any man's particular Li- terest." These bounds, it will be seen at once, embrace the whole of the town of V/arren. What became of this charter is now un- known ; Init it would seem froni a clause in the i?econd charter, tliat the former was deemed imperfect or insufficient. The clause alluded to, refers to the fu'st grant, and is as follows : *' It may be now questioned whether y^ s'^ grant, conveyance and surrender Ijc sufficient, firm, authentic, sure in law to all intents ac- cording to the true meaning thereof, as is to be ilesired, for want of formality or rules of law, 60 SUPPLEMENT. usual or requisite in such cases. Now for y® more and better," &c. The second charter bears date July 23, 1689, in which the bounds of the town are thus ex- pressed : '' Butted and bounded according to Court grant towards ye West, upon ye great salt wa- ter Bay and River that goeth up towards ye Town of Providence ; even so farr up towards ye North as ye south line or bounds of ye Town of Rehoboth ; and upon that line to- wards ye East, upon ye Bounds of Rehoboth aforesaid ; and then Northerly untill it come to ye Bounds of ye Township of Taunton, on which it also bounds ; Along upon ye River called Taunton River ; &l likewise towards ye South is bounded upon the North line of ye Towne of Bristoll, that runneth cross Mount hope neck to ye River of Swansey afores^ to- wards ye West ; according to ye Grant of ye Court of New Plimouth afores^". The precise time, when the first dwelling- house was built upon the spot now occupied by the village of Warren, we have no means of clearly ascertaining. The site of the village is named in the Swansea Town Records as Brooks' pasture, as early asl67l 1. At a town meeting Feb. 25, 1679, the fol- lowing action was taken upon the distribu- tion of this territory : '' It is voted that the whole Tract of Land called Brooks' Pas- S'JPPLEMENT. 61 tare* up to the ohl fence by Jolm Wheaton shall be divided in a distinct division, and a survey up to Sv^anzey Two Mile to be taken." Also, at a tovni moetin;^^ Ang. 31, lOSU, '' It is ordered, concluded and agreed, that whereas the committee clio.-en for tl'o survey of Srooks' Pasture the: be Three hundred acres, It is now ordered That convenient Highways be laid out in said lanrl ; That the Land for House Lots be laid out : That the remainder be laid out to each man according to his proportion as Rankt, and that each man draw his Lot wlien put in form." The above mentioned (h*a\ving for the divid- ed lots took place (m April 10, iGS2. Town Meeting Oct. 19, ICWl, is the follow- ing record, " That complaijit be made to a ]\[aje£tr;ite to panell a Jury to lay out a I[igh- ^vay througli Droolis' Pasture to the Ferry to New Jdea'low Neck," All the alcove extracts are taken from the Swanzea Tmvn Records. Turning to tlie Proin'ictors' Records, we find the following : — At a]neeting of the proprietors Apr. 1, IT J 8, " Then a vote was p;isscd yt Crooks' Pasture and ye Island thereby, should be let out." " The tract called Brouks'' imsUire is identical with ncarl}' all tlie part of Warren that is now compactly built, as well as tlie eastward extension ot the vicinity, on the Bristol line. v" 62 SUPPLEMENT. *' At a proprietors meeting on ye 29 of Feb. 1719-20, It was voted yt it should be put into a notification for ye laying out of Brooks' Pas- ture." " At a proprietors meeting ye 16 of March, 1719-20, a vote was passed y't Brooks Pas- ture should be laid out." At another meeting of the Proprietors, April 19, 1725, was enacted the following : "By virtue of a warrant from one of his Majesties Justices of ye Peace for ye County of Bristol, Voted, That the land in Brooks' Pasture be ail laid out in 102 lots, ac- cording to quantity and quality." These several votes, above enumerated, refer to different portions of the land to be divided, and became the basis of all the deeds of real estate, by which tenure in landed property is still held in Warren. Having given some account of the various divisions of territory, and the successive gov- ernments, through which this territory has passed, it belongs to the history of Warren, to exhibit some of the leading events of Philip^s War, which had its beginning within the limits of the town. We shall give a short summary of the open- ing events of that bloody and destructive war. The field where Philip collected and arrayed his forces, " on the upper part of the neck," was within this town. The people of Plymouth were awakened to their danger, and the colony put on their guard, by the following deposition, SUPPLEMENT. 63 given at Plymouth a short time previous to the war, by one of the early citizens of Warren, " Hugh Cole, aged forty-three, or thereabouts, being deposed, saith ; That in February last passed before the date hereof, he went to Shewamett, and two Englishmen more with him; and that their business was ^o^erswa(/e the Indians to go to Plymouth, to answer a complaint made by Hezekiah Luther. The Indians (saith he) seeing us, came out of the house towards us, being many of them, at the least twenty or thirty, with staves in their hands; and when the Indians saw there were but three of us, they laid down their staves again. Then we asked the Indians what they did with those staves in their hands ? They answered, that they looked for Englishmen to come from Ply- mouth, to seek Indians, to carry them to Ply- mouth, but, they said, they were not willing to go. " And some time after, in the same morn- ing, Philip the Chief Sachem, sent for me to come to him, and I went to Mount Hope, to him. And when I came to Mount Hope, I saw most of the Indians that I knew of Shewamett Indians, there at Mount Hope, and they were generally employed in making of bows and ar- rows, and half pikes, and fixing up of guns. " And I saw many Indians of several places repair towards Mount Hope. And some days after I came from Mount Hope, I with several others, saw one of Captain Willett's rangers coming on post on horseback, who told us. €4 SUPPLEMENT. that king Philip was marched up the neck, with ody put under the ice of Assawomset pond, in Mid- dleborough, Mass. ; and to induce the be- lief tliat he was accidentally drowned, his slayers left his gun and hat upon the ice. This event occurred, January 2'Jth, 1GT5. — When the body was discovered, the neck was broken, and it had other marks of injury, which the Enjxlish at once concluded must have been * Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. G. Thatcher's Ind. Biog. I. 159. SVPPLEMENT. 65 kiflicted by other hands than his own. Besides this, an Indian testified his having seen the murder committed by four Indians. In the following June, three of the accused were ar- rested, tried and convicted by a jury at Ply- mouth. The jury was composed of twelve En- glishmen and four Indians ; and their decision was the following : — " Wee of the jury, one and all, both English and Indians, doe joyntly and with one consent, agree upon a verdict." Two of the condemned Indians were hanged on the 8th of June, and the other shot within a month. The Plymouth Court then sent an or- der to Philip to appear before them, and render an account for the part he had taken in the af- fair. Rather than obey this injunction, which, involved so much risk to himself, he chose to commence the war at once. He and his tribe immediately sent their wives and children over to the Narragansctts, on the west side of the Bay, for protection. — At this time, Philip resided at Mount Hope,* * For the benefit of persons unacquainted with the location of Mount Hope JVcf /i, we present a brief gen- eral description of it. Mount Hope Neck is about nine miles in length, two miles wide at each end, and narrowing to one mile, at a point about three miles from the northern extremity. About half of the neck projects into the bay ; tlie remaining part is formed by the Kikemuit river on the east side, and Warren river (formerly Sozcams river) on the west. About a mile and a half from the opening of the Warren river into the bay,it is divided by Little Island and NcxcMcad- 66 SUPPLEMENT. where he was diligently engaged in gathering and preparing his forces. His availaljle war- riors, under his immediate command, including the tribe of his sister-in-law, AVeetamoe, the Pocassets in Tiverton, were ahout 500 men, besides 1000 warriors whom he depended up- on, hy his league with tlie neighh^jring tribes. The English settlements nearest to Philip's head quarters, were situated at tlie northern })art of Warren.* Oji Sunday, the 2'Jth of June, IC)75, Philip's warriors marched up the neck, and plundered some of the colonists' houses, tenantless for tlie time, in conse(iuence of their occupants being absent at church. — An express was sent to Gov. "VVinslow, at Ply- mouth, who immediately ordered the following Thursday to ]>e observed as a day of Foisting and Prayer, at the same time that he issiied or- ders calling out the troops, and notified the Governor of ^lassacli'isctts of the state of af- fairs in Sw^anzea. On Monday, June 21, the troops under jMajor Cudworth, left Plymuiith, and they arrived at Sv/anzea as early, at least, as the 24th. It is statec^. by some authors that ov Keck. A1)ont one mile of the nortliern end of tlie nock is in Swanzea ; tJie next two and a Jialf miles, iiicludin T the " Jiarrow of th.e neck," are in \V'arren; the remaining five and a Jialf miles are in Uristol. ^ "There was a settlement within ?,Ioiint Hope Neck, appertaining tr. Swanzea. It contained eighteen houses, all destroyed." IMorton's INIemorial, Appcii- 4ix, 4G3, SUPPLEMENT. 67 the troops could not have l)Con in Swanzca on the '^Ith ; l)iit certain facts overloukcfl l)y these writers, sliow tliat tlic tro'ps from riynionth Vv'ere quartered in some parts of Swanzea, wlien the Imlians attacked the people returning from puMic worship, on tlie appointed fast dny. — Captain Church, an actor in the war, states, the Plymouth troops were in Swanzea, en the 24tli ; and a letter from idr. Nathaniel Thomas, in IMorton's JMeniorial, p. 429, is dated the 25th of June, and speaks of the tragical affairs of tlie previous day: and continues " tlie forces here are dispersed to several places of the town, and some to Rehoboth, which this day we in- tend to draw into a smaller compass." The territory of the town of Swanzea was, at that time, of great extent, being not less than twelve miles hi length. It seems, tlierefore, plainly evident that the troops from Plymoutli, were quiU'tered in detached companies, in different l)arts of this widely extended town. Not know- ing the forces of the Indians, they considered it imprudent to pass down the Neck, to attack them at Mount Hope, till the Boston troops arrived. ITul)bard says, respecting the first at- tacks of tlic luvlians, especially that on tlie fast day, " all which outrages were committed so suddeidy, that the English had no time to make any resistance." The Indians had already kil- led the cattle of the English, in Swanzea, and on one occasion, one of them being refused liquor, and attempting to take it by force, was 68 SUPi'LEMEiVT. fired upon and wounded. But on Thursday, June 24th, the day appointed for a fast, as the Swanzea people were returning from church, they were fired upon by the Indians, and one man was killed and another wounded. Two men going for a surgeon to attend the wounded man, were killed in the way. Six men were killed in another part of the town ; and in a short time, so closely were the colonists beset, that the Indians would " shoot at all the passengers, and killed many that ventured abroad."* *Most writers agree that the first English blood was shed on Thursday, the fast day, as we have mentioned above ; but a passage in Hubbard's Indian Wars, which gives an account of the killing of the •' six men," presents a different statement, and refers to " six men" who were killed before, and not in- tended as the same who were killed on the fast day. The express sent on June 20, to notify Governor Winslow, of the threatened danger pending over Swanzea, on its return the next day, passing through Bridgewater, left there a requisition for twenty well- armed men, to repair forthwith for the defence of Bourn's garrison at Mattapoiset in Swanzea, which contained seventy persons, including only sixteen men. Seventeen of the Bridgewater troops imme- diately started on horseback, "and were the first that were upon their march in all the country." On their way to Mattapoiset, they met many people of Swan- zea, " newly turned out of their houses, making dole- ful lamentations and bewailing their losses." On the 22d of June, as a part of these Bridgewater troops had gone to escort Mr. Brown, their pilot, home, on their return from this duty, toward the garrison, they SUPPLEMENT. (>9 On Saturday, June 26, a company of infant- ry, under Captain Daniel Henchman, and a company of mounted troops under Captain Tliomas Prentice, left Boston for Mount IIo})e. Captain Mosely, of Boston, also raised a large company of volunteers who left soon after. — On Monday, June 28, the above named three companies arrived together at Mr. Miles' house ^' within a quarter of a mile of the bridge lead- ing into Phdip's lands." Here they joined the forces from Plymouth which had previously been quartered in various parts of Swanzea, but which were now drawn together into a smaller compass. The same day twelve of Capt. Prentice's troops passed over the bridge, and were attacked by the Indians, who killed one of the English, named William Hammond. Previously to this, the Indians had boldly ap- came suddenly upon a party of Indians ; but not be- ing molested, and being unauthorized to fight, unless they were first assaulted, they passed on towards their garrison, where they found a party of the Eng- lish going to a barn, about one fourth of a mile dis- tant, for corn. The soldiers informed them that they had seen the Indians but a short distance back, and advised them not to go. Notwithstanding this ad- vice, the English went, and were attacked at tlie barn by the Indians, and six of their number killed. The troops hearing the attack, immediately prepared their horses and rode to the barn, when the enemy fled. This tragical affair appears by the statement of Mr. Hubbard, to have occurred on Tuesday, the 22d of June, two days before the fast day. w ro SUPPLEMENT. proached, and shot two sentinels on duty at Miles' Garrison. On Tuesday, June 29th, nine or ten Indians showed themselves near the garrison, upon which the horsemen and Mosely's volunteers pursued them for a mile and a quarter beyond the bridge, where they killed five or six of the Indians, and then returned to head quarters. — In consequence of this disastrous charge, Phil- ip became alarmed, and in the following night, he with all his men, left Mount Hope Neck in their canoes, and passed over Taunton Rivei' to Pocasset. On Wednesday, June 30th, the whole En-^ glish forces marched down Mount Hope Neck towards Philip's abode. At the distance of " a mile and a half" from Miles' bridge, they came to some houses newly burned.* They also noticed a Bible newly torn, and the leaves scat- tered about. '' Two or three miles further on,t at the narrow of the Neck," they saw the heads of eight Englishmen, stuck up on poles near the highway. These they took down and buried. Proceeding " two miles further," they found " empty wigwams and many things scat- tered up and down, arguing the hasty flight of * This would bring them near Rock Raymond, or Kings' Rocks, as they are now called. t This was doubtless near the Pound, on Kicke- muit River. The pound did not then exist, but was first built, as it now stands, in 16S5. SUPPLEMENT. 71 the owners."! For a "half mile further on," they passed through fields of stately corn, and came to Philip's own wigwam. " Two miles further, they came to the sea-side," and Captain Cudworth, with some of the Plymouth forces, passed over to Rhode-Island.'^ Major Savage and his command rested all through a rainy night in the open field. On the morning of Thursday, July 1, Major Sav- age's command returned to head quarters at Mr. Miles' house. On their way, they met many stray dogs without masters. On Friday, July 2, the troops scoured the country north of Miles' bridge, and killed four or five of the en- emy. On Saturday, July 3, Capt. IMosely and his troops, with Capt. Page and his dragoons, again traversed Mount tlope Neck, to make sure of the departure of the enemy. On Sun- day, July 4, Captain Cudworth returned from Rhode-Island to the garrison, having left forty men under the command of Captain Church, to build a fort on Mount Hope Neck.* On Mon- + This was at Weypoisct, or tlie narroics of Kicke- . muit River, in Bristol. § The above marked quotations arc from Hubbard's Indian Wars. • * Tbe writer after diligent search, was fortunate enough to d.scover the remains of this Fort. They are situated opposite the narruirs o^ K'\c\^cn\\\\t river, in Bristol, on the top of the most south-western of several hills, on the north side of a cove. They con- sist new chiellj of the remains of the fire-place in 72 SUPPLEMENT. day, July 5, Capt. Hutchinson arrived from Bos- ton, with new orders, and on the next day, July 6, all the troops except Captain Cudworth and his command, started for Narragansett to treat with that tribe, in order to prevent their taking part with Philip. It does not belong to the object of these re- searches, to extend the history of the Indian war, any farther than to show the causes by which it originated, and to ascertain and define the particular localities in Warren and its vi- cinity, which were the scenes of the opening part of that tragical and distressing period. — After Philip had withdrawn his forces from Mount Hope Neck, the various Indian tribes the fort. This fire-place was raade by preparing a suitable excavation, and laying low stone walls at the sides and the end, for which flat stones were used, evidently brouglit from the adjoining beach. — The remains of tliese ruins are nov\^ beneath the sur- face of the ground, which at this place, is depressed several inches below the average surface of the ground in the immediate vicinity. The hill is fast wearing away, by the action of the water which washes its base. The wearing away has already reached the fire-place, from which the charcoal and burnt stones are often falling down the steeply inclined plane be- neath. It was here that Captain Church, when on liis singular and adventurous expedition to capture Annawan, roasted horse-beef for liis men, on the S.^tli of August, 1G76. Here, also, he confined several prisoners; he "had catched ten Indians ; and they guarded them all night in one of the Hankers of the old English garrison " Church's Hist,, p. 130. KUPPLEMKNT. 73 in this part of New-England, mostly entered into league with him. The storm of war burst upon the devoted colonies ; and it continued to rage with fearful violence for more than a year after Philip was first driven from Mount Hope Neck. Its consequences were disastrous in the extreme ; it caused wide-spread and uni- versal mourning throughout New-England. — As the result of this most distressing of all the Indian w^ars with the Colonists of New-Eng- land, at least six hundred of the inhabitants who were " the flower and strength of the country, fell in battle or w^ere murdered by the enemy." " Twelve or thirteen towns in Mas- sachusetts, Plymouth and Rhode-Island, were utterly destroyed, and others greatly damaged." *' About GOO buildings, chiefly dwelling houses, were consumed with fire." More than 100,000 pounds sterling were expended by the Colo- nists, besides an immense loss in the destruc- tion of their goods and cattle. Among the houses burnt, thirty-four were in Swanzea, which left only six houses standing in the town at the close of the war.* Philip's war had so reduced to ruins the town of Swanzea and the surrounding vicinity, that the whole neighborhood was nearly as des- olate as a wilderness. Shortly afterwards, however, the scattered population gradually re- * Judge Davis' Appendix to Morton's Memorial. W* 74 SUPPLEMENT. turned and settled upon the deserted territor} There being no Indians left on Mount Hop' Neck, the settlements of the English soon oc- cupied the sites of the former wigwams and villages of the natives. The Plymouth government at a very early period had encouraged the organization of com- panies of Proprietors, or joint-stock companies, who were empowered to buy lands of the In- dians, and then sell and divide such lands a- mong themselves, on conditions of mutual agreement. These companies of Proprietors were required to keep a book of Records and Memorials, in which the various divisions of land were to be entered ; and they were empow- ered to make choice of some one of their num- ber as clerk, to enter and record the several divisions of their lands in due form and course of law. These entries thus became permanent records of real estate, " to be transmitted and re- maintoposteritie," — provided the entries of such lands should not infringe or hinder the entry of said lands in the records of the respective towns, within whose jurisdiction the territory of such company of Proprietors might happen to fall. The purchases of land from the Indians were recorded on parchment with great care and exactness ; but when the Proprietors would come to subdivide these tracts among them- selves, the only individual title of each owner to his portion, would consist of a recorded vote, passed at a regular Proprietor's meeting, SUPPLEMENT. 75 certifying tliat such a portiom had been allotted to him. After the several towns in this vicin- ity had become incorporated, town meetings and Proprietors' meetings were frequently held, independently of each other, and it sometimes happened that the separate action of one of these bodies would be at variance with that of the others. Soon after the close of Pliilip's war, ])y vir- tue of the grand deed of sale from Massasoit, authorized by the Plymouth court, the Sowams j)urchase, excepting the belt of meadow land bordering on the water courses, which had previously been apportioned, was divided into suitable tracts for farms and building lots, and thus were laid the foundations for the owner- ship of all the real estate in the town of War- ren. In the course of time, the Proprietors sold '^ut portions of their lands to other people, who •n selling again to one another, gave regular title deeds. We have already stated that Brooks' pasture, which included the site of the village €»f Warren, was laid out and divided among the Proprietors, in several portions, at different periods, extending from 1680 to 1725. But the territory of Warren, being then a part of Swanzea, was subject to the legislation of that town, as a branch of the Plymouth col- ony ; and the lands not owned and divided by the Sowams Proprietors, were distributed ac- cording to regulations adopted by the town of 76 SUPPLEMENT. Swanzea, on the 7th of Feb. 1G70, By these regulations, it was " ordered, that all lots and divisions of lands that are or hereafter shall be granted to any particular person, shall be pro- portioned according to the three-fold ranks underwritten, so that where those of the first rank shall have three acres, those of the second rank shall have two acres, and those of the third rank shall have one ; and that it shall be in the power of the Selectmen for the time being, or Committee for admission of inhabitants, to admit of and place such as shall be received as inhabitants, into either of the said ranks, as they shall judge fit, till the number of three score inhabitants shall be made up, and that when the said number of three score is accom- plished, the lands that are already bought shall be divided, and proportioned according to the said three-fold ranks ; that in the mean time^,, the said Selectmen or Committee shall have full power to grant lots unto such persons as may not be placed into any of the said ranks,, until further order provided ; the grants not to exceed nine acres to a man." [Then follow the three ranks of landholders in separate col- umns, as determined by the Committee.] The legislation of Swanzea, from its first incorporation in 1667, till the district of War- ren ceased to be a part of it in 1746, was al- ways characterized by the spirit of civil and religious freedom, which first led the fathers of the town to make it a safe asylum for those^ SUPrLCMENT. 77 who wished to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. And yet a careful distinction was preserved between law- lessness respecting civil and social duties, and that liberty of the soul in religion which they did not feel it their right to abridge or coerce. It was made the duty of every citizen to stand in his place, in providing measures for the safety and welfare of the town. At a town, meeting, lawfully warned, Nov. 4, 1670, it was " ordered that whatsoever inhabitant of this town shall absent himself from any town meet- ing to which he shall at any time hereafter be legally warned, he shall forfeit for every such offence, four shillings." In so new and un- settled a state of the community, great care was taken to protect the rights of the citizens from tresi)ass by each other, and also to guard against misunderstanding or collision with the Indians, who, till Philip's war, occupied the lands of Mount Ho])e Neck, south of the line now separating Warren from Bristol. To guard against trespass by each other's cattle- npon the newly laid out farms, at a town meet-- ing, June 14, l()72, " Jonathan Bosworth was approved of and api)oiuted by the town to keep an orflinary ; and to be Pound keei)er, and for every beast that is pounded, he is to have three pence ])oundage." To render equal justice to the neighboring Indians, even so late as at the very eve of Philip's war, the town, in regular meeting. May ID, 1G75, '' ordered that Nathan^ 78 SUPPLEMENT. iel Lewis and Caleb Eddy, do view the fence* between the Indians and the town, and return the defects thereof to the town, by the sixth day come seven night." Also, " ordered that every man shall fetch his cattle out of the Neck, within the fence, and that all cattle that are found there after the 3d of June, and brought to Pound, shall pay for every beast or horse, An equitable assessment was levied upon all the citizens of the town, for charges incurred in purchases of land made by the town from the Indians, and also for expenses necessary for the common welfare. Thus, at a town meeting, lawfully warned, Nov, 18, 1G72, it was " ordered that the committee chosen by the Town, for the management of the Pruden- tial affairs of the Town, shall levy the several proportions of Pay due from the Inhabitants for the Land lately purchased from Philip Sachem, by Mr. Constant Southworth, and other charges relating thereunto." - At the same time that the authority of the town claimed no right of visitation or interfer- ence in matters of personal religious faith, it made provisions for the support of religious teaching, for the common moral welfare of the * It seems that the fence running from Warren to Kickemuit rivers, on what is now the line between Warren and Bristol, had been the boundary between Swanzea and the Indians, for some time previous to 1G75. SUPPLEMENT. /9 people. After the Baptist Church had seen the necessity of removing their first house of worship, near the borders of Rehoboth, to a more central and eligible location, at a meet- ing of the Townsmen, March 13, 1675, " there was granted unto Mr. John Miles, Pastor of the Church, one acre of land at the lower end of New Meadow Neck, viz : the south lot on the east side, for to build upon." At a town meeting lawfully held, Oct. 12, 1676, it was 'ordered, " according to a former agreement, that the meeting-house, if removed, shall be re- moved to the lower end of New Meadow Neck." In consequence of the dispersion of the inhab- itants of this neighborhod during the war, Mr. Miles was probably induced for a season, to change his residence ; and after preaching a considerable time in Boston, he was again pre- vailed upon by the people of Swanzea, to re- turn to his former charge. While thus absent, and in anticipation of his return, at a town meeting, Sept. 5, 1677, John Allen, John But- terworth and Hugh Cole, were chosen to agree with a carpenter to build Mr, Miles a house of residence ; and at Town meeting, May 27, 1678, John Allen and John Brown were chosen to draw up a letter in the behalf of Church and Town, to be sent to Mr. John Miles, Pastor of the church and Minister of the town, manifest- ing their desire of his return to them ; and Thos. Easterbrooks was chosen to carry the Town's letter to Mr, Miles at Boston, After 80 SUPPLEMENT. much delay in attempting to remove their for- mer meeting-house, and probably at last find- ing it an impracticable project, at length, at Town meeting, Sept. 30, 1679, it was " voted and ordered that a meeting-house of 40 feet in length, and 22 feet in breadth, and 10 feet be- tween joints, be forthwith built ; and a Com- mittee be chosen for the letting out of said work and finishing the same, viz : John Allen, Hugh Cole, William Ingraham, Committee ;" and at a Town meeting, legally warned, March 29, 1680, it was " voted that the meeting-house be set up at the lower end of New Meadow Neck, and that the Committee for said house appoint the individual place." From this period onward, the town having recovered from the sad effects of the war, measures were taken to ensure the increase of business, and the welfare of the population, in the town of Swanzea, and especially in the dis- trict of the present town of Warren. At a town meeting, held March 29, 1680, it was vo- ted and ordered that Miles bridge be re-built with all convenient speed. This bridge had probably been destroyed in the Indian war, and was of great importance, as the thoroughfare for travelers crossing the Warren river. At that time, there appears to have been no regu- lar ferry at Warren, as the necessities of the public had as yet created no demand for one. But after the survey of Brooks' Pasture, in 1679, and the site of the present village there SUPPLEMENT. 81 on was laid out for house lots, it was ordered, Town i.ieeting, Aug. 31, lOSO, ''that couvcn- ie)it liighvv'Mys iiiay be laid out in said Land;" and at a subsequent )'icetiug, Octcber 19, K)"^], a petition was niade to a justice, "To inipaimel a jury to lay out such hiuhways as arc at present needful, namely, thronfrh Ijrooks' Pasture to tlic ferry, to New jMcadow Neck." ]>y this, it aj>pears t]\at tlie settleir.ents at War- ren, and the newly erected town of JJristol, ajid also, tlie overland traveling I)etween Newport and Providence, required that a convenient ferry slundd be provided, alfordiu::! a ready pas- san;e across the Warren river, at the lov/er end of New Meadow Neck. For this purpose, at a Town meeting, IMarch 13, IGSl, " It was voted that six acres c>f land be left peri)etualiy to acconnnodate a person to keej) tlie ferry, or to 1)6 improved for the use and benefit of the town, as they shall see fit, and tliat tliis land be laid out by the Committee formerly chosen by tlie tov/n to lay out ]>rooks' Pasture, and that it be laid out as conveniently as )nay be."* After the land coiuprising Wnrren and the other ])arts of Swanzea, had been divided a- mong tlie various Proprietors, and all the re- maininrr ri-dits of the Iiulians to tlie soil had become extinguislied, tlie town enacted, ,Marcii 24, 1G34, that all the deeds of purchnses of lands from the Indians to the English, should * In 1725 this ferry lot was reduced by authority of the town, to one acre and a quarter in size. x 82 SUPPLEMENT, all be called in, and if any were found nol re- corded at Plymouth, they should be recorded there with all convenient speed ; and for the safe keeping of these records, they ordered a box to be procured, with three locks, which was to be kept for safety, wherever the town's committee might order. At a town meeting. May 22, 1699, it was voted, " that the keys of the town box for keeping the town records and writings shall be in the keeping of the Select- f men, appointed from year to year, provided the Selectmen chosen yearly be proprietors in the town of Swanzea." By this time, the community began to be well organized, and the business of the neigh- borhood considerably increased. The spot oc- cupied by the village of Warren, on account of the advantages of the deep water in the river,, soon drew a portion of the population of Swan- zea to its vicinity, for the purposes of ship- building and navigation. As early as Jan. 1, 1684, a majority of the town voted that " Tim- othy Brooks may keep entertainment for travel- ers ;" while for the convenience of the public, scattered over the wide spread town, it was voted, although protested against by several citizens, Sept. 9, 1685, " that the place of all public meetings should be between Mr. Miles' house* and the great bridge ; and a house be * Probably Mr. Milea' old mansiou house, near Miles' bridge. SUPPLEMENT. 83 there built for that end by a free contribution." The people in this vicinity, in those early times, seem to have been duly mindful of the necessity of education and religion, as the only safe basis for the organization of society; though in respect to the modes of supporting religion by law, they were at that time an exception from the existing usages of the other towns in the colony. They allowed the church to hold its own doctrines, & to administer its own discipline, without interferance by the secular authority. On Aug. 28, 1003, a warrant having been read, from the Quarter Session of the colony, requiring the town to choose a minister accord- ing to law, the town meeting was addressed by a committee of the church, who desired the vote of the town, expressing their assent and approbation to the fact, ** that they had a min- ister that they apprehended was according to law, viz. Elder Samuel Luther," and on the ITtli of the following month, the town " voted and chose Elder Samuel Luther, minister of the town of Swanzea." The people also provided for the education of their children at public expence ; and on March 28, 1699, the town '' confirmed the agreement made by the Selectmen with Mr. Jonathan Bosworth to be school-master for the town of Swanzea the year ensuing, and to teach school in the several places in the town by course, and to have for his salary <£18 per year, one quarter in money, and the other three . 84 SUPPLEMENT. quarters in provisions, nt money price." To carry on the ]>iisiness of education, the Select- men su)>se4ucnt]y, January 12, 1702, agreed with i\Ir. JcJin Devotion, school-mnstcr, to give him £12 current money of Ncu'-En gland, to be paid quarterly, and the town to ^' pay ^ r liis diet ;" an.d he was ordered to remove, each quarter to diiFercnt places in the neighborliocd, while t-ie Selectmen agreed v/ith the schct^l- master to alluw him 2ih. ster. tu he paid l^y the town towards the keeping of his horse. After- wards, at to\ni meeting, Dec. 28, 1713, it was "voted and agreed that the school-master's abode (boarding) shall bo paid after the rate of 4s. per M'eek, in provisions at money prices." The inhabitants seem also to have cheerfully taxed themselves, for ;dl the expenses necessary for the general improvement of the tovvii and neighljorhood. At a town meeting, hold March 2*3, 1707-8, it was agreed, " that if any of the inhaintants of this town shall at any time hereafter kill a grown wolf or v/olves within this township, they shall be allowed ten shillings a head ont of the town treasury, over and above the alluvv- raice of the law." At another time, March 3, 1708, the town taking into consideration the great destruction of Indian corn, by crows, blackbirds and squirrels, agreed that every householder in the town should kill or cause to be killed six of the great sort of blackbirds (.r six 'squirrels, and one crow should pass in law SUl'l'LLMENT. b5 for two blackbirds or squirrels ; and they were to be killed and their heads brought in, by the 10th of the following June, to men appointed for the purpose of counting them ; and if any householder should neglect or refuse this duty, as aforesaid, he shall for his defect, pay two pence for every head that is wanting of said number, at the 10th of June; and the commit- tee appointed to count the heads were empow- ered by the town to prosecute the order and dispose the fines as the law directed. It seems, however, that no assessment of tax- es was more cheerfully paid by the people, than the raising of money for the defence of their civil and religious rights. The original foun- dation settlement, by which the charter of the town had at first been granted, allowed every man the undisturbed exercise of his own person- al fiith in matters of religion. Some interfer- ence with this religious liberty having been made by the court of Plymouth, the people at full town meeting, Oct. 24, 1712, by a unani- mous vote, declared " that all the inhabitants of this town shall enjoy their conscience liberty, agreeable to the foundation settlement of said town, and are not obliged to uphold and maintain the worship of God elsewhere than where they choose respectively to belong or to assemble " They also voted to raise a fund of five hundred pounds, and as much more as might be necessary, to maintain and defend X* 86 SUPPLEMENX. the town's grant and foundation, at any court or place proper for such purpose. The town empowered its agents to send their grievances before her Majesty's Privy Council, if they could not enjoy their rights and privileges granted by the court at Plymouth, and con- firmed by royal charter. The Selectmen were ordered and empowered to assess the inhabi- tants of tlie town according to a rateable pro- portion, and the money was to be supplied, if necessary by the following autumn. As an evidence of the practical liberality and equity which distinguished this population at that time, is the fact, that while the ministry in the Swanzea Baptist church v/as su})ported by the town, in the mean time a Congregational church had been formed on the west side of New Meadow Neck, in Barrington, and some of these inha])itants adherinor to the Conj^reffa- tional church, proposed in 1717, that the town should either raise a tax of .£120 for the sup- port of their minister, or allow them to be formed into a separate town or precinct. The people again declared their principles; &l having read, at town meeting, the petition in question, with the charter on which they had at first been established, " after considerable fair and loving conference with said petitioners upon the prem- ises," it was voted, " that all the inhabitants of the town should enjoy their conscience liberty, according to said foundation establishment of said town ; and are obliged to uphold and SUPPLEMENT. 87 maintain the ministry and worshipof God, only in the several churches or congregations where tliey respectively choose to belong or assemblCy and not obliged to support any church but where they partake of its teaching." The year following this transaction, the territory west of Warren river was divided from Swanzea, and erected into a separate town, and so continued, till Warren and Barrington to- gether became a single town in Rhode-Island, by the act which ascertained and settled the line of division between Rhode-Island and Massachusetts, in 1 740. At the time when Warren became a sepa- rate town, the population was still small, and the majority of its wealth, if not of its inhab- itants, was on the Barrington side of the river. The attention of the people was at that time almost entirely given to navigation and ship- building. The first town meetino; in Warren, after its separate organization, was held on the lOth of Feb., 1747, at the house of John Child, which stood on the north side of JNIarket-street, near Allen's corner. At the same time a col- ony rate of c£5000 being assessed on the State, c£115 of that sum was levied on Warren as its proportionable share. Previous to 1747, two public Ferries had been in regular operation, the one leading from Main-street over the site of the present bridge owned by Mr. Kelly, the other leading from the foot of Washhigtoii- street across the river to Barrimiton. 88 SUPPLEMENT. In 1756, the only streets then laid out in the village, were Main-street, leading from Jollb' gate on the Bristol line to Kelly's ferry; and from Main-street, eastward, was the present Marlcct-street ; and leading westward toward the river, were Jllillerstrcet, ChurcJi-strcet, and Washington-street, leading to the ferry.* In that year (1756,) the number of houses in the present village was about twenty-five,t ard at the same time, there had been erected, ard were in use, three of the present wharves, viz, those of John T. Child, Caleb Eddy, and Na- than Child. From this period, till the revolutionary war, embracing a term of twenty years, the town contmued to grow steadily in its population, and in the increase of its business. The chief dependence of the people was on maritime trade, in its various forms of ship-building ; * The names of these streets as now used were- subsequently applied. t The houses in the village of Warren, in 1756,, were located and occupied as follows ; Oti Main-street., by John Kelly, Ainos Bowen, Allen Cole, Amos Thomas, John Whcaton, John Easterbrook, Amos Haile, James Bushee, Mr. Jolls, at the gate, & a black- smith's shop ; Oa Market -street, by John Child, t as to the princi- ples of some in the community, in this time, which retpiired every man to do his duty, the town required, Oct. 14, 1776, tliat every man in their midst should sign " tlie Test Act," or appear and give his reasons for refusing ; and that the town clerk should ascertain the num- ber of 2uns and all munitions of war beloiiorincr to the town, in the hands of tlie militia. At this time, such had already become the scarcity of provisions, that tlie article of salt was sold as high as six dollars per bushel. But to prevent extortion by individuals, tlie State government took charge of the salt which had now become so high and scarce, and dealt it out to the different towns, at the low price of six shillings per bushel ; and the town of War- SUPPLEMENT. 93 iren, by vote of July 1, 1776, divided and pro- portioned the article among their people at the price fixed by the State ; while by vote of the 20th of the following October, they ordered that no person should be allowed to receive salt who refused to subscribe to the Test Act. A committee consisting of Daniel Cole and AVilliam Barton, appointed to estimate the quantity of grain, and the number of inhabitants in the town, reported at town meeting, Feb. 2:2, 1777, the number of inhabitants as 789, and 14 refugees from the county of Newport ; and the quantity of grain, as 1,202 bushels of Indian corn, and SO bushels of rye, and not barley sufficient for seed grain. On the 12th of the following July, it was voted that a com- mittee should receive the flour that was propor- tioned to the town, and deal it out to the sold- iers' families, at =£1.165. per cwt. On the 25th of May, about 500 British and Hessian troops, under the command of Lieut. Colonel Campbell, started from Newport by water, and arrived before day-break at a place about half a mile south of Peck's rocks, on the Bradford farm, in Bristol, when having landed, they immediately proceeded to Warren by the main road. On arrivinc; at the villaore of War- ren, they dispersed the inhabitants, disabled several pieces of cannon, and then hurried on with the greater part of their forces to the Kick- emuit river, to a point just below the present V 94 SUPPLEMENT. Stone bridge, where a large number of boat.s' had been collected by the Americans, to facili- tate a contemplated expedition against the ene- my. These boats the British piled into a heap and burned. They then returned to Warren, where they finished their work of destruction by burning the Baptist church, parsonage, pow- der magazine, and several other buildings, pil- laging the houses, and taking a number of the citizens away as prisoners. Fearing an attack from the neighboring American militia, they de- parted in great haste.* On their route both ways, to and from Kickemuit river, they passed through Main and Market-streets. * Aged people, still living among us, well remem- ber the appearance of these soldiers, as they passed through the town. The British were dressed in old- fashioned red coats, cocked hats and small clothes, with a great display of laced trimmings, shoe and knee buckles. The Hessians wore enormous fur caps, and large, wide and loose boots, into v^'hich they thrust all kinds of articles pilfered from the houses ; and these articles hanging over the tops of their boots, gave them a singularly grotesque appear- ance, as they left the town. A lady now living, and several others were at the time in the house, which was afterwards Bradshav/'s bake-house, on the east side of Main-street. They saw the troops pass by in hasty retreat, and at a short distance in the rear, a single individual, encumbered with a big drum, una- ble to keep up with the main body. These heroic women ran out and surrounded him, and told him he was their prisoner, when he immediately surrender- ed, saying, he was glad of it, for he was faint and tired. ' This prisoner was afterwards exchanged for one of the citizens of Warren. SUPPLEMENT. 95 Early in the morning an express had been sent to Providence to inform the Americans of the attack upon Warren. General Barton im- mediately started with a party of mounted troops, in advance of a body of infantry, under General Sullivan, to the defence of his native town.* Before he arrived at Warren, the ene- * General Willinm Carton was born May 2G, 1748, in tlie house on Towiset Neck, (in the cast part of Warren,) wiiich is now occupied by Ijis grand neph- ew, Mr. Benjaniin Barton. The graves of the Gen- eral's parents are near each other, in the family bury- ing ground, on the far.n ; and are inscribed as follows ; Capt. Benj. Barton, died April ^2, 1773, aged 70; — JMrs. Lydia, wife of Capt. Benj. Barton, died Oct. 9, 1808, aged 88. The history of Gen. Barton is so connected with the general history of the country in the times of the revolutionary war, that it is unnecessary for us to en- ter minutely into the details of his evenlful life. Im- mediately after the battle of Bunker Hill, he entered into the military service of his country, and received the commission of Colonel in the continental army, and Brigadier General of the Rhode-Island troops. His head was wise to plan, and his hand to e.xecute the daring cntorprizes of heroism. His capture of General Prescott displayed a firmness and an intrepid- ity rarely equalled on the page of history. Some time before, ]\Iajor General Lee, of the American army, being separated from liis troops, was betrayed by a tory into the hands of the enemy. As his servi- ces were in great demand by his country. General Barton conceived the bold design of capturing an ofli- i;f;r of equal or superior rank, in order, by an exchange of prisoners, to eflcct the release of General Lee. Having determined to surprise and carry off General 96 SUPPLEMENT. my had fled ; and following in pursuit, he came upon them near Bristol Ferry ; but his party being too weak to attack their whole force, and the General receiving a severe wound from a Prescott, he visited Warren to procure two whale boats, (as the people before the war had cairied on the whale fishery,) which, with others obtained else- where, were taken to a place near Howland's Ferry, and prepared for the critical undertaking by mufliing the oars and rowlocks with undressed sheepskins. Awaiting a favorable opportunity, he crossed the bay unobserved, on a dark night, to Warwick Neck, from which place he could take his points of observation ; and, in the night of July 10, 1777, he succeeded in accomplishing his brilliant enterprize. The following account of the capture of Gen. Prescott is taken from the Providence Gazette, of July 12, 1777, — two days after the affair. "Thursday morning last, a party of 38 men of the Troops of this State, under the com- mand of Lieut. Col. William Barton, of this town, accompanied by Major Adams, of the Train, Capt. Phillips, Lieuts. Potter and Babcock, and Ensigns Stanton and Wilcox, went in five boats from Warwick ISfeck, with a view to take Major General Prescott, Commander in Chief of the British and Foreign Troops on Rhode-Island, whose head quarters was then at a house about four miles from Newport. The Colonel and his party, after passing the enemy's ships and guard boats, landed, about 12 o'clock at night, and, with infinite address and gallantry, got to Pres- cott's undiscovered. A sentinel at the door hailed, but was immediately secured, and the party immedi- ately, breaking the doors and entering the house, took the General in bed. His Aid-de-camp leaped from a window in his shirt, and attempted to escape, but was taken a few rods from the house. The party soon after returned to their boats, with their prisoners, and ^tPPLEiMENT. 97* nmisket ball in his right leg, tlie pursuit was abandoned. After the enemy had destroyed considerable property in Bristol, they re-em- barked in their ship, which repaired from their first landing place to Bristol Ferry just in sea- son to escape an attack from the Americans, who had now arrived under the command of General Sullivan. Soon after this attack, a part of General Var- num's brigade was ordered to Warren. One regiment was encamped upon the field imme- diately south of the rocks upon the summit of Windmill ox Graves^ Hill; where are still to be seen the levelled and graded places where their tents were pitched. The following winter some lime after they had put off, the enemy fired rockets from their several posts, as signals for an alarm, but too late — the bird had fled. Tlie prison- ers were safely landed, about day break, at Warwick Neck. On receiving the intelligence here, a coacli was immediately sent; and the General and his Aid. de-camp, attended by Col. Barton and some other officers, arrived in town at twelve o'clock. This bold and important enterprize reflect the liighest iion- or on Col. Barton and his little party. A Lieut. Col- onel of the Horse, with at least 70 Light Dragoons, took Major General Lee, (betrayed by a Tory,) five miles from his troops. A Lieut. Colonel of Foot, with only 38 privates and 6 officers, has taken aChiet' Commander, when almost encircled by an army and navy." General Barton was the intimate friend of Wash- ington and Lafavette. He died at Providence, Oct. 22, 1831, aged 85 years. y* 98 SUPPLEMENT. the troops stationed in Warren were quartered in stores upon the wharves and in private dwellings. After the attack upon Warren, the people took still greater precautions than before, to prevent surprise by the enemy. The citizens fortified one of the bluffs on Burr's Hills ; the breast-work, guard-house and sentry-box were upon the west end of the second hill from the north ; here they kept a guard day and night, during the war. The expenses incurred by the town in these military services, were very great. In July of 1779, it was voted in town meeting that the guard be continued in the town ac- cording to their first enlistment, and six hun- dred pounds were raised to pay the charges incurred ; and on the 4th of the next month, the town again voted to raise a guard of '26 men, to have the pay and rations granted by the council of war ; and Moses Turner was ap- pointed to draft a petition to send to General Gates, for the supply of rations for the guard. But the pressure of necessity becoming still greater, the resources of the people of this town were taxed to the utmost extent. With a patri- otic zeal, that was unwearied and inexhausti- ble, the town voted, March 11, 1779, that Daniel Cole, Joseph Smith and William Barton, be a committee to ascertain what persons in the town had done more military duty than was their proportion, during the two expeditions against Rhode-island^ and to allow them such SUPPLEMENT. 99 sums of money as the committee miglit think just, in order to bring the military duty equal throughout the town ; while, at the same time, the town-treasurer was directed to hire 1590 dollars, to purchase grain for the use of the town. The State government having assumed the regulation of the pricesof provisions, which had now become very Scarce and dear, and these proceedings being a great occasion of complaint to those whose selfishness inclined them to practice extortion, and whose treachery inclined them to favor the enemy, the town voted, August 20, 1779, that they unanimously approved of the proceedings of the Convention of this State ; and on the 7th of the next month, they appointed a committee of correspondence and inspection, to be empowered to investigate the conduct, and receive complaints against all persons offending, and upon evidence of guilt obtained, to inflict punishment by advertising them as enemies to their country. As the war approached to a close, the suffer- ings of want and poverty began to stare the people in the face. Nothing but the most en- during and patriotic zeal could thus have with- stood " necessity's sharp pinch." Poor as the people had become, the town voted, July 3, 1780, that a proper person be appointed at the expense of the town, to carry such winter cloth- ing as the friends and connections of such sol- diers as may enter into the continental service at the present campaign, may provide for them. 100 SUFPLEMENT. On the first of the next month, the town ap- pointed Henry Ormsbee to furnish their militia with camp furniture, viz. 21 mess pots, 21 mes& pails, 21 mess bowls, 5 narrow axes, and 3 bag- gage carts ; and at the same time, Sylvester Child was appointed to purchase 500 weight of beef, on the credit of the tow^n, the price not to exceed 505. per cwt. On the 14th of the same month, the town voted to raise the sum often thousand dollars as a town tax, one half to be raised in two, the other half in four months. The continental paper money having become much depreciated, the town raised, Feb. 2, 1781, =£15, 135. in silver and gold, to satisfy a request of the General Assembly, to pay for the town's proportion of beef At the same town meeting, Nathan Miller was direct- ed to pay the wages of the men enlisted for six months, at the rate of 40 shillings per month. During the last two years of the war, there are several recorded votes of the to'wn, showing the care which the people took, for the soldiers who had gone from this town. Thus, March 19, 1781, the town directed John Child to pur- chase f cwt. of sugar, J cwt. of coffee, and one bushel of rye meal, for the soldiers doing duty on Rhode-Island, who went from this town. While they voted March 6, 1782, to appoint Capt. David Barton to enlist the town's propor- tion of men for the continental army, they at the same time appointed John Child to pur- chase fifty-six yards of tow cloth and eight SUPPLEMENT. 101 pairs of stockings, according to the act of the General Assembly, and to deliver these articles for their use, at East-Greenwich. After the Revolutionary War was brought to a close, it was found that the sufferings of the people of Warren during those trying times, had been severe in the extreme. Business had been almost entirely driven away from the place, and the families of the soldiers especially, suf- fered severely from want of the necessary com- forts of life. Besides the destruction of the military stores deposited here, and also the boats, &.C. at Kickemuit, with the loss of the church, parsonage and college buildings, and several other houses, and the private pro- perty pilfered from the inhabitants, the follow- ing is a statement of the shipping lost during the war, up to January 1, 1783, belonging to the inhabitants of Warren. Schr. Roby, Capt. Kingsly, cargo oil, 100 tons Brig , Mason, cargo oil, 120 " Sloop U. States, Coddington, 45 " Schr. Weasel, Paine, 15 " Brig , Mauran, 120 " Schr. Moses, Miller, cargo sugar, &c. GO " Sloop Tolly, Whitincr, 45 " Sloop Gen. Stark (privateer) Pearce, 120 « Sloop George, Champlin, 60 " Brig Gen. Wayne, Pearce, 120 " Sloop Abigail, Miller, 45 " Schr. Swordfish, Collins, 120 " Sloop Rebecca, Champlin, GO " Schr. Hunter, Crawford, 60 " Makin 107 Of these eight years, the average annual lieat was . . . . . 41). 35. Maximum was in 1839 50. 63. Minimum was in 1837 . 47. 79. Maximum, Autumn, 1840 . 52. 17. Winter, 1842 34. Spring, 1840 . . 49. 14. Summer, 1843 . 70. IG. Minimum, Autumn, 1842 . 49. 14. Winter, 1844 25. 01. Spring, 1843 . . .42. 79. Summer, 1837 . 67. 75. The average number of deaths for 20 years ending 1834, was about LV per cent, of the whole population of the town. Since that time the bill of mortality is as follows : * No, of deaths. Over 70 years. In 1834, 32 4 '' 1835, 19 7 " 1836, 34 4 " 1837, 38 4 '' 1838, 33 7 " 1839, 34 4 " 1840, 38 4 " 1841, 38 12 '' 1842, 83 5 '' 1843, 41 6 " 1844, 39 8 Bill of mortality furniylicd by Capt \^'ln. Turnc! 108 SUPPLEMENT. Having given a general view of the leading facts in the history of Warren, during succes- sive periods, it remains for us to exhibit some statements, besides those already given, of the present state of the town. The history of the Baptist church having been written in the for- mer part of this volume, no notice of it need here be taken. We shall now present some facts in the history of the Methodist, and the Episcopal churches, beginning, in the order of time, with The Methodist Church. — The first Meth- odist sermon ever preached in Warren, was delivered by Rev. Daniel Smith, in the fall of 1789. The second was delivered by the Rev. Jesse Lee, the celebrated pioneer of Methodism in New-England, in July, 1790. In the fol- lowing year he again preached in Warren, and was followed by Rev. Lemuel Smith and Rev. Menzies Rayner, who for six months preached alternately once a fortnight. At the expira- tion of that time, a class was formed under their direction, consisting of 12 or 14 mem- bers. In the fidl of 1792, a church was organ- ized by Rev. Ezekiel Cooper, preacher in charge of the circuit. The Rev. Philip Wa- ger was the first regularly appointed minister to this station, in 1798. Until 1794, the Society held their meetings in a spacious barn, fitted up and rendered convenient for their acconmio- dation, which stood near the north end of the SUPPLEMENT. lOD hack road, between the old and the new roads leading from Warren to Swanzea. During the ministry of Rev. John Chalmers, the stationed preacher in 1794, the Society erected a neat church edifice in the village. This was the first church edifice belonging to the Methodist denomination in Rhode-Island, and next to the one in Lynn, Mass , which was the first in New England. The dedication sermon was preached from Ilaggai IT : 9, on Sept. 14, 1794, by Rev. Jesse Lee. This Society in its infancy encountered ma- ny trials. In the year 1800, its number was reduced to two members, both of whom were females. During the following year, about fif- teen were baptized, and joined the church. In 1805, the church edifice was furnished with a pulpit, sounding-board, and 48 pews. In 183:?, the house was raised, and a tower, steeple, and basement story were added to it. In the January session of the General Assem- bly, in 1834, the church obtained a charter of incorporation. The church and congregation continued still to increase, so that in 1836, it became necessary to enlarge the building ; and accordingly, 13 feet were added in length to the north end, and the old fashioned square pews were taken down, and replaced by modern slips. The number of pews under the new arrangement was 74. In 1844, the numbers attenduig worship 110 SUPPLEMENT. with this church, had so increased, that it again became necessary to enlarge the accommoda- tions. It was therefore concluded to erect a new house, of greater dimensions ; which deter- mination was immediately carried into effect. This new church edifice is a very beautiful specimen of architecture. The length of the body of the house is 78 feet ; the extreme length, including the piazza for the colonnade, is 91 feet, and its breadth is 62 feet. The height from the ground to a heavy projecting jet work, is 39 feet. The front elevation of the house is strikingly beautiful ; from a gran- ite base arise four Grecian Doric columns, 32 feet in height, and 4J in diameter at the base, supporting a heavy corresponding pediment ; above this, from the roof rises a lofty steeple, of accurate proportions, the whole height of which from the ground is 130 feet. The build- ing contains 132 pews on the lower floor, be- sides commodious galleries around three sides; and there is a basement story 10^ feet in height. The ceiling of the audience room is panneled and arched ; which, together with the walls, are painted in Fresco, which gives a very plea- sinor and eleirant effect. The interior arrange- ments, size, and general appearance of this building, place it in the front rank of New England churches. Its present church mem- bers are 231. The next in order of time, in its organiza- tion, is SUPPLEMENT. lit St. Mark's ChuPvCh. — For many years there had been several individuals and families resi- ding in Warren and its vicinity, strongly at- tached to the Episcopal church, a part of whom attended worship at St. Michael's, Bristol. Air. John Luther, a highly respectable citizen, gave by will, dated June 14, 1762, a lot of land for the erection of an Episcopal church, which land, however, afterwards became converted to another use. The first Episcopal minister that ever preached in Warren, within the memory of the present inhabitants, was Rev. Mr. Henshaw, the present Bishop of the Diocese, in 1812, then a young man in Deacon's orders, and pur- suing his theological studies at Bristol, under the care of the late venerable Bishop Griswold. A desire was then expressed, by several influ- ential individuals, that an Episcopal Church might be established in the town ; but the war with England existing at that time, caused so great a depression in the business prosperity of the town, that the project was, for the time, re- linquished. In the autumn of 1828, the Rev. John Bristed commenced holding church ser- vice in Cole's hall, on Sunday afternoons; the Bishop expressed his approbation, and preached the first sermon. In November of the same year, a church w^as organized, under the name and title of St. Mark's Church, Warren. During the follow- ing January session of the General Assembly, 112 SUrPLEr.IENT. a charter was obtained. The following per- sons composed the first Wardens and Vestry : JVcn'dens. — Geo. Pearse and Geo. Monroe. Vestryvicn. — Freeborn Sisson, William Carr, William Collins, John Stockford, Na- thaniel Phillips, William Turner, Seth Peck, John Pearse, Amasa Humphrey, Charles Whea- ton, and John R. Wheaton. In 1829, the Church and Society erected, (with the exception of about 8800, obtained through the agency of Rev. Mr. Rristed, from abroad,) a neat and handsome church. This building, standing in the centre of a spacious cpiadrangular lot, bounded on three sides by public streets, and with its full Ionic front, is justly considered an ornament to the town ; it was completely furnished, and provided with a small organ, the first ever introduced into War- ren. The church was consecrated by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Griswold, on the I5th July, 1830, and Rev. G. W. Hathaway appointed Rector. In 1834, the congregation had so enlarged, that it was found necessary to add eighteen feet to the body of the church, affording room for twenty-four additional pews ; at the same time a projection of ten feet was added for a vestry room. The length of the body of the building is eighty feet ; the extreme length, including the vestibule and vestry, is one hundred feet, and it is forty-two feet in breadth. In 183G, the present powerful organ was set up, at a cost, including udditiont> since made, of over two SUITLKMEXT. 1 13 tliousand dollars. In 1839, the present bell, (two previous bells having been broken,) weigh- ing above 1900 pounds, was put up, and the interior of the church has lately been elegantly finished and painted in Fresco. The whole cost of the church and furniture has been about ten thousand dollars. The church commenced with only one com- municant belonorincr to the town, and two others jn the vicinity ; since then, under the success- ful instrumentality of the present and only Rec- tor, two hundred and thirteen have been added ; the present number being one hundred and fif- ty. One hundred and eighty-nine have been confirmed, and two hundred and thirty-eight have been baptized. Four of those admitted to the communion have been ordained to the ministry ; and one female communicant dedica- ted herself to the Foreign Missionary work, and became a victim to the deadly climate of Africa. Connected with the church, is St. Mark^s Parish School, which was established by a vote of the corporation of St. Mark's church, in 1845. It is designed more particu- larly for the accommodation of the families of tli-e parish ; though it is open to all who may wish to avail themselves of its advantages. A new and commodious house, nearly oppo- site the church, has been purchased, and fitted up fur its accommodation. The school is under the special supervision and direction of the I 14 SUPPLEP.IE.XT. Rector, Wardens, and Vestry cf the church ; and is desighed to be made equal to the best schools in the country. Instruction is given in all the branches of an ordinary classical and ornamental education. The instructors are Mr. Henry W. Pearse, Principal ; Miss Sarah Collins, Miss Ann Fran- ces Andrews, and Miss Elizabeth Burr. Plaving described these churches and the Parish School connected with the latter, we next present an account of the other public institu- tions. The Warren Ladies' Seminary. — This flourishing Institution for the education of young ladies, is pleasantly situated at the north end of the town, a little removed from the midst of the village. The seminary building is a large and commodious house of three stories in height, is forty-six feet in front, and including an exten- sion of the rear, is seventy-eiorht feet in length. ' JO o There is attached a large garden and play- ground, for the convenience of physical exer- cise. The property is owned by several gen- tlemen of the town, who have generously devoted its income to the cause of a liberal education. The present Trustees of the Insti- tution are the following named gentlemen : — S. P. Child, H. H. Luther, C. Richmond, jun. Esqrs. and Rev. J. P. Tustin. The school first commenced in May, 1834, under the tuition of Robert A. Collin, A. M. assisted by Mrs. Coffin and three other ladies. SUPrLEMENT. 115 in the several departments of instruction, Mr. ColTm retained the charge till January 1, 1838. The present high degree of prosperity of this ■ seminary has been attained by the indefatigable labors of A. M. Gamniell, M, A., who for the last four years has presided over its interests, assisted by Miss Mary A. Reed, Miss Rebecca W. Gammell, Miss Mary A. Barry, and Miss Sarah II. Walker. The average number of pupils is about 70. There are connect- ed with the Seminary an extensive chemical and philosophical apparatus, a library of well selected volumes, and a large cabinet of shells, minerals and other illustrations of natural sci- ence. — This Seminary is believed to offer the best facilities for female education. Among the other Institutions of the town, are the following : Eleven Private schools, era- • bracing about 300 scholars in average attend- ance, and three Public schools, with an average attendance of about 230 scholars. The Warren Lyceum, commenced as a de- bating society by the name of the Social Club, in March, 1829, and was incorporated in 1831. In 1844, by act of the General Assembly, the name was changed to Warren Lyceum, — It now consists of upwards of one hundred members, and possesses a library of 700 vol- umes. Durmg the winter season, it sustains a series of popular lectures. The Philanthropic Society of Warren, form- ed for the common benefit of widows and or* 1 10 SUPPLEMENT. phans of its dacoased ni3mb(?:rs, was iiistitiitod January, 1794, and was incorporated February, 1799. The capital stock of this Society inves- ted in 1345, is 83409. It has about ninety members who are at present living. The Washington Lodge of Free Masons, was instituted in 1798, and incorporated by act of General Assembly in the following year. A Royal Arch Chapter was authorized by a dispensation, on the 8th of February, 1809, The number of Masons connected with the Lodge at the present time, is fifty.six. The Amity Lodge No. 6, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was instituted October 10, 1844, and now consists of fifty members. Thz Warren Bank, was chartered in 1803, with a capital of $135,000; shares 850 each. The Hope Bank, was chartered in 1822, with a capital of 8120,000 ; shares 8100 each. In the active business of Warren, there is invested, in 1845, about, $500,000 in the Whale Fishery, $200,000 in Foreign Trade, 8100,000 in Domestic Trade, 8100,000 in Manufactures. The Burial Places belonging to Warren, in consequence of the antiquity of this, and the surrounding settlements, are objects of consid- erable historical interest, mainly in consequence of their being the resting place of several per- sons distinguished for the part they acted in SUPPLEMENT. 117 tlie scenes of former generations. These Burial Places will be noticed in the order in which they were first used for the purposes of sepulture. 1. The Burial Place upon New-Meadow Neck, was at one period within the limits of Warren, and is one of the most ancient grounds in this vicinity. The earliest inscription in it, is upon the stone that records the decease of Frances Low, in June, 1702, aged 70 ; but there are nearly an hundred graves, evidently of a more ancient date ; many of them are nearly obliterated and are marked only by two rough stones without inscriptions. As this neighborhood was settled upon by the English, about the year 1G70, it is probable that the ground was commenced as a burial place at, or near that time. It is somewhat remarkable that there are but few monumental inscriptions, in New-England of a date previous to the year 1700. Even at Plymouth there are only some six ; the earliest of which is dated 1G8I, and the others respec- tively, 1084, 1687, 1691, 1097 and 1099. The 100 unknown graves at New-Meadow Neck are doubtless those of the first settlers, in this vicinity. One of them is without doubt, the resting place of Rev. John Miles, the first minister of Swanzea ; another that of the first Hugh Cole. Of those whose names are inscribed, we have already noticed the grave of Rev. John & 118 SUPPLEMENT. Callender's aunt in this ground. There is one other that we shall notice, who deceased when that territory constituted a part of Warren. The inscription upon the grave-stone is as follows : — " Mrs. Desire Kent, w^o of Mr. Samuel Kent, of Barrington, was the first English woman's grandaughter, [born] on New England, died Feb. ye 8th, A. D. 1762, aged about 94 years." We learn from her descendants, that she was the grand-daughter of Mary Chilton, the first person of the Mayflower's passengers who stepped upon Plymouth Rock. Mary Chilton was married to John Winslow, the brother of Gov. Edward ; their daughter, Sarah Winslow, was married to Edward Gray ; their daughter. Desire Gray, is the Desire Kent above named. 2. The Second Burial Ground used in this vicinity, was on the Kikemuet river. The old- est inscription in it is that of John Luther, who died April 14, 1697, aged 34; and it is proba- ble that the ground was commenced to be used about that time. In this ground is buried one of the Governors of this State, — the Hon. Josias Lyndon ; he married Mary Carr, a near relative of the an- cestors of the families of that name, now resi- ding in Warren. When the British took pos- session of the island of Rhode-Island, Gov, Lyndon fled with his family to Warren. The leading events in his life are alluded to in the inscription upon his tomb stone, which is as folio ws : SUPPLEMENT. 119 "In Memory of the Hon. JosiAS Lyndon, Esq. lie was born in Newport, on Rhode Island, on the 10th of March, A. D. 1704, and received a good education in early life. In the year 1730, he was chosen Clerk of the Lower House of Assembly, and of the Inferior Court of the County of New- port, and continued so with great applause, with the intermission of only two years, until his death. In the year 17G8, to put an end to the violence of party rage, he was prevailed on to accept the place of Governor, which he filled with Reputation. He died of tlic Small Pox, at Warren, on the 30th of March, 1778. His manners gentle, and innocent his life. His faith was firm on Revelation huilt ; His parts were solid, in usefulness he shin'd. His life was long tilled up with doing good." 3. The Warren North Burial Ground is located within the village. A grave stone in it has the following record ; " John, son of Mr. John Thurber and Ruth his wife ; he died July 19, 1773, aged 1 year, 3 months, and 10 days : The first that was buried in this Burying Place." Upon another stone is this inscription : "In memory of Mrs. Lillis, the wife of Ebenezer Cole, Esq., who departed this life March 8, A. D. 1775, aged sixty years. This is the second person buried in this ground." A monument in this ground commemorates the name of Nicholas Campbell, who was born in the island of Malta, Dec. 24, 1732; he came to this country previous to the Revolution, and 120 SUPPLEMENT. was one of the number who threw the tea over- board in Boston harbor, in 1773. He discharged the duties of a good citizen, and was highly respected ; he accumulated property by industry and upright dealing, and at his death, (which occurred in his 97th year, on July 21, 1829) he left by will about |5000, as follows ; " My will is that the residue of my estate shall be by my Executors placed in some public funds, the interest whereof to be appro- priated to the schooling of indigent children, both male and female, of the Town of Warren, and for other charitable purposes." He then directed that the above fund should be managed, in perpetuum, by his three execu- tors, on the demise of one of whom, the survi- vors were to appoint another in his place, and so on forever. 4. The Warren South Burial Ground is established upon the modern plan, of making the resting-place of the dead an attractive re- sort to the living. The proprietors of this ground, now number- ing one hundred and thirteen, obtained a charter of incorporation in 1840. They purchased a piece of land, measuring over seven acres, and laid out about one half of it in 256 lots, of 10 feet square each, with avenues and alleys run- ning at right angles with each other. The nine avenues leading North and South are named alphabetically from A to I, connncn- SUPPLEMENT. 121 ciiig on the west ; and the lots in each avenue arc numbered from 1 to 32, commencing at the north end, and alternating from side to side, A Receiving Tomb was built the same year, at a cost of $350. The monument standing about two rods northwest of the Receiving Tomb, is upon the first grave made in this cemetery ; it was made on the 27th of Feb. 1840. The affairs of the corporation are managed by a board of trustees ; and its plan requires that all funds received from the sale of lots, shall be expended upon the premises ; any per- son purchasing a lot becomes thereby a mem- ber of the corporation, but a lot can qualify for membership only one person. On the demise of a member, the lot left by him must contain 250 square feet unoccupied, to qualify an heir or successor as a member ; and if there is more than one heir, the trustees are to decide who of them is to represent the lot in the cor- poration. The trustees can prosecute individuals for misdemeanor and trespass, and the members are competent witnesses in such suits. In concluding this historical sketch of War- ren, it is proper to remark, that alluifions to the 132 SUPPLEMENT. recent affairs of the town have been purpose- ly avoided, for the reason that it does not be- long to the plan of this work so much to make a formal record of events familiar to the public, as it has been to disclose the sources of our past history. The materials for continuing the present and future history of the town will doubtless be preserved and easily obtained at any time hereafter, when they may be needed. In the notices given in the first part of this treatise, of the earliest visits of foreigners to this vicinity, the assertion was made that the voyage of Verrazanno to Narragansett Bay, was the first ever made by white or civilized man to any portion of Rhode-Island. The writer has given due attention to the accounts of the alledged Ante-Columbian voyages of the Northmen to this country, and especially to those portions of their voyages which are sup- posed to refer to their passing in A. D. 1002 and 1008, through the east passage of Narra- gansett Bay to Mount Hope Bay. He is fully convinced that more historical light is requi- site to ascertain the precise localities visited by them. It is obvious that the positive disagree- ments in these narratives completely outnum- ber and outweigh those parts of their descrip- tions which are in the least applicable to facts, as they are known by us. A few extracts will serve as specimens, to show that their state- ments are at variance with the conclusions at- tempted to be drawn from them. SUPPLEMENT. 123 These narratives, as published by Professor Rafn, say that the Northmen " sailed south- wards, and arrived at a place where a river falls into the sea from a lake. Opposite to the mouth of the river, were large islands. They steered into the lake, and called the place Hop." This description, it is asserted, refers to a visit made by the Northmen to Mount Hope Bay, through the eastern or Seaconnet passage. But there are no islands " opposite to the mouth" of that passage. Professor Rafn himself says that " Iloj)" in the Icelandic lan- guage, means a small bay, or the land around it. Of course it does not mean hill or mount ; and the theory which has supposed the term Montmip, as used by the Aborigines, to have been first applied by the Northmen to Mount Hope, is groundless. The narratives state that " there were no liouses in the country, but the people dwelt in holes and caverns ; — that the people were sal- low and ill-looking ; had ugly heads of hair, large eyes, and broad cheeks." These accounts altoorether disagree with the known habits and appearance of the aborigines, when visited by Verrazanno. The narratives further say that " Karlsefne and his company had erected their dwelling-houses a little above the bay, and there they spent the winter. No snow fell, and the cattle found their food in the open fields." It is obvious that this account cannot a])ply to a 124 SUPPLEMENT. latitude so far north as Rhode-Island. Again : the description says, — "the Skrellings, (na- tives,) had a sort of war slings; they elevated on a pole a tremendously large ball, almost the size of a sheep's stomach ; this they swung from the pole upon land over Karlsefne's peo- ple, and it descended with a fearful crash. This struck terror into the Northmen, and they fled along the river." This account is not on- ly inapplicable to all the native tribes on the American continent, but wears a shade of miprobability and absurdity, with respect to any people. Another account represents the Northmen as discovering a tribe of men "dressed in white." From Mount Hope Bay, it is inferred by some writers,* that the Northmen proceeded to Massachusetts Bay; and there they saw " something at a distance which glittered." This account of what they saw, bears such strong marks of being fabulous and incredible, that it materially vitiates the credibility of the whole narrative, and nullifies all the deductions which pretend to identify this vicinity with the places visited by the Northmen. We' give this absurd story just as it stands in the narrative. The object which " glittered at a distance," " was a uniped, who immediately betook him- self to the bank of the river where the ship * Northmen in New England ; by Joshua T. Smith. SUPPLEMENT. 125 lay. Thorwald Eirekson was sitting near the helm. The imiped shot an arrow at him. — Thorwald died of the wound. The uniped subsequently retired. Thorfinn's crew pursued him. They presently saw him run into a neigh- boring creek. They then returned, and one of them sang, " Pursue we did, — 'T is true, no more, The uniped, Down to the sliore. The wondrous man, His course quite clear, Through Ocean ran."' 'MS: ^ :£ci'?^- '-^ <( • "/■ ;"■■■ -A^-^^ -S^"^, 'C"^ N. MANCHESTER ^"•'■•' INDIANA ^ * „ ^o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 433 743 8 iU m 1