F LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 432 826 7 W^. '(It NORTH CAROLINA FARMS FOR SALE. MOUNTAIN SECTION. Mountain Scenes in Western North Carolina. 6y transfers -',.. ^v '^ ,^ A SHOUT BE8C1IIPTI0:N^ of the MOirXTATX SECTION OF XOETH C AEOLIXA. Within this territory lies the highest land east of the Rockies, reach- ing an elevation of about 7,000 feet above sea level. The climate is delightful in summer ; the winters short, with abundance of sunshine. The scenery is unsurpassed. The numerous health and pleasure re- sorts are patronized by people from all parts of the United States, and a more delightful place of residence could not be found. The mountains of North Carolina differ from most others, in that they are generally covered with deep, rich soil and clothed in forest or grass to their very tops. There is much timber, the forests in many places resembling those of Canada. It is a fine grazing country, and the fertile valleys and plateaux are adapted to all grain crops. Many truck crops are also grown for market and domestic use, such as Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, pumpkins, tur- nips, beets, carrots, beans, squash, etc. ; also berries, grapes, plums, pears,. cherries, peaches and apples. The peaches of this section com- pare favorably with those of California in beauty and surpass them in flavor. This is truly the home of the apple. Apples from western North Carolina have several times taken first prizes in competition with those of the whole United States. This is destined to be the greatest apple-producing section of the entire country. The condi- tions for fruit growing are ideal — cool climate, abundant sunshine, rich soil and perfect drainage. The following is quoted from an article by our late Secretary, Mr. T. K. Bruner : "In an orchard in Haywood County was measured 'an apple tree that had a girth of eleven feet nine inches, and in the same orchard, which had never been cultivated, there were a hundred other trees that were full three feet in diameter of trunk, and all in most luxuriant health. Many Northern varieties found in this section are hardly recognizable on account of their great size and beauty." Following will be found a list of farms offered for sale. For fur- ther information in regard to them please write the owners, whose names and addresses follow the descriptions. For information re- garding any other section of the State write The Department of Agriculture, raleigh, n. c. M0U:N TAIN FAPvMS. Tract No. 1. — One farm 85 acres; 20 in cultivatiou, 65 iu forest, containing poplar, walnut, cherry, birch, dogwood, red oalc, lynn, maple, ash, cucumber, hickory, etc. Surface slightly rolling, black loam with clay subsoil, clear of stones. Suitable for corn, clover, timothy, beans, cabbage, Irish potatoes, fruit, etc. Minerals, iron with trace of silver. One mile from Minneapolis, railroad town ; church 1 mile ; school 1 mile. Cool spring water iu abundance ; also creeks and branches. Health excellent. Good orchard, choice fruit. Two-story hewed log house, large barn. Price $17.65 per acre, cash, or arrangements can be made for part cash payment. Andbew S. Hicks, Mitchell County. Minneapolis, N. C. Tract No. 2. — Farm of 261 acres; 60 in cultivation, 201 in forest; principal timbers, oak, poplar, pine and hickory. Surface rolling ; soil, clay loam. Sta- ple crops, hay, corn, potatoes, wheat. Suitable for stock raising. Distance to nearest railroad town, li/^ miles; church 1 mile; school 1 mile. Supply water, wells, spring, creeks, branches. Location healthful. Two dwellings, 5 rooms each, with tenant house and barns. Price per acre $14.50, $500 cash, one, two and three years (equal payments) for balance. Lenoir Realty and Insurance Co., Caldwell County. Lenoir, N. C. Tract No. 3. — Small farm, suited for subdivision ; ISO acres, 20 in cultiva- tion, 160 in forest ; timber, oak, poplar, pine, hickory. Surface rolling, clay loam soil. Adapted to growth of wheat, corn, potatoes, vegetables, etc. Gold has been found on this farm. Eight miles from railroad town, 1 mile from church, 1 mile from school. Supply of drinking water, well ; branches to sup- ply water for stock. Healthful location. No improvements. Price $8.50 per acre, cash. Lenoib Realty and Insurance Co., Caldwell County. Lenoir, N. C. Tract No. 4. — Farm containing 64 acres ; 40 in cultivation, 24 in forest of pine, oak, hickory, poplai*. Surface rolling, lying nicely for farming ; red clay subsoil. Staple crops', wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, apples, etc. Two and one-half miles from railroad town, % mile from church, i/4 mile from school. Drinking water from well ; branches for stock. Location very healthful. One dwelling, 5 rooms ; small tenant house ; good 2-story barn. Price per acre $22, $500 cash, balance in one and two years, equal payments. Lenoir Realty and Insurance Co., Caldwell County. Lenoir, N. C. Tract No. 5. — One farm 90 acres; 50 in cultivation, 30 forest, 10 old field. Timbers, pine, oak and hickory. Surface hilly, soil grey, suitable for tobacco, wheat, corn, etc. Four miles from nearest railroad town ; church 3 miles, school % mile. Good well and branches. Location healthful. About $1,200 worth of improvements, including dwelling. Price 20 per acre, % cash, balance on time. Vestal Taylor, Surry County. Dobson, N. C. Tract No. 6. — Apple farm 125 acres; 15 acres field crops, 20 acres fruit, 5 old field, 85 forest of oak and poplar. Surface mountainous, black loam soil, suit- able for apples, corn, etc. To railway station 7^2 miles, church 1% miles, school 1 mile. Drinking water good; water for stock in abundance. Healthful location. One plain 2-room house and outbuildings. Price $3,500, cash. Mrs. C. E. Kerley, Farm in Alexander County. Charlotte, R. F. D. No. 2. A Group of Apple Pickers in Western North Carolina. Tract No. 7. — Farm of 4,000 acres; 100 acres in cultivation, 100 in old field, 3,800 in forest Of white pine, poplar, oak, hemlock, etc. Country mountainous, with light soil, suitable for corn, etc. Contains mica, corundum and gold. Eighteen miles from railroad station, 4 miles from church. School on property. Abundant springs. River runs through property. Location healthful. Good 12-room house, barn, stable, etc. Price $8 per acre, % cash. T. G. WiNSHAWE, Jackson County. Whiteside Cove, N. C. Tract No. 8.— Stock farm of 400 acres; 125 iu cultivatiou, 100 old field, 175 forest of oak, hickory, poplar, etc. Surface hilly, with bottom land ; soil, black loam, suitable for corn, wheat, rye and hay. Four miles from station, 1 mile from school, 1 mile from church. Drinking water plentiful and good. Creeks and branches. Healthful location. One dwelling, four tenant houses, barns, etc. Price $17.50 per acre, % cash, balance one, two, three, four and five years. Farm in Cherokee County. J. T. L. Hartness, Murphy, N. C. Tract No. 9. — Farm 143 acres; 50 in cultivation, 42 old field, 50 forest of oak, pine, poplar, hickory, asji, etc. Surface hilly, with both clay and sandy soil, suitable for corn, hay, clover, grasses, etc. Contains slate mine and fine brick clay. One mile from town, i/4 mile from church, % mile from school. Fine springs, on French Broad River, three creeks and fine water power. Healthful location. Several outbuildings, one small 3-room residence. Price per acre $27, $1,000 cash, balance in equal payments, one and two years, with interest. R. F. Johnson, Farm in Madison County, N. C. Erwiu, Tenn. Tract No. 10.— Farm 160 acres; 60 in cultivation, 100 in forest of oak, chest- nut, poplar, maple, etc. Surface, river valley and mountainous, with clay loam soil, suitable for corn, wheat, rye, grasses and potatoes. Twelve miles from Black Mountain, N. C, Vs mile from church, i^ mile from school. Spring water in abundance, with creek, branches and river. Very healthful location. Eight- room frame dwelling, large barn, storehouse, granary, spring house, etc. Price $3,000, % cash, balance in twelve months. This property contains a good orchard. D. L. Clemens, McDowell County. Dome, N. C. Tract No. 11. — Farm 160 acres; 40 in cultivation, 120 in forest of oak. chest- nut, poplar, etc. Surface mountainous, clay and black loam. Contains large apple and peach orchard. Suitable for corn, wheat, grass, potatoes, etc. Four- teen miles from station, 2 miles from church and schoolhouse. Good springs, creeks, etc. Location healthful. Small log house, 2 rooms. Price $1,000. % cash, balance in twelve months. D. L. Clemens, McDowell County. Dome, N. C. Tract No. 12. — Farm containing 375 acres; .300,000 feet merchantable timber, 150 acres in cultivation, 225 in forest of poplar, chestnut, hickory, pine, oak, etc.- Surface hilly; soil, red clay, especially adapted to grains and grasses. Nearest railroad town 14 miles, church 1^^ miles, school li/o miles. Springs in abundance, with branches and creeks for stock. Location very healthful. One 6-room dwelling, necessary outbuildings, several tenant houses. Within 2 miles of Mars Hill College. Price $33 per acre, ^4 cash, balance iu three yearly payments. G. N. Williams, Madison County. Mars Hill, N. C. 1 1 i Tract No. 13. — Farm 80 acres; 35 in cultivation, 5 old field, 40 in forest of oak and pine. Comparatively level. Within 1 mile of Davis White Sulphur Spring and Hotel. Good neighborhood. One-half mile from church and school. Good springs, and branches for stock. Healthful location. Price $22. .50 per acre, cash. Davis Bros., Alexander County. Hiddenite, N. C. Tract No. 14. — Farm 100 acres; 20 in cultivation, 20 old field, 60 in forest of chestnut, poplar, oak, etc. Surface mountainous and mountain valleys ; soil, dark loam and clay, especially adapted to grain, vegetables, etc. Contains iron and copper. Eighteen miles from railroad station, 400 yards to church, 14 vaWe to school. Good springs, creeks and branches., Very healthful. One 4-room' dwelling, kitchen and dining room, barns and outbuildings; also water power and mill. Price $30 per acre, cash. H. D. Dillingham, Buncombe County. Dillingham, N. C. Tract No. 15.— Farm 44 acres; 30 in cultivation, 14 in forest, principally oak. Surface nearly level ; black loam and some red clay, especially suited to fruit growing, grain, tobacco, vegetables, etc. Seven miles from station. Station to be built within 1 mile of farm. Church 1 mile, school 1 mile. Good water, numerous branches and springs. Perfectly healthful. Five-room dwelling house, four stables, storehouse, corn crib and other buildings. Price $30 per acre, % cash. William R. Welboukn, Surry County. Mecca, N. C. Tract No. 16.— Farm 700 acres; 200 in cultivation, 10 old field, 490 in forest of oak and pine, 90 acres Yadkin River bottom, all easy to cultivate ; especially adapted to growth of corn, wheat, oats, tobacco. One and a half miles from nearest railroad town, same from church and school. Springs in abundance, numerous branches. Healthful location. Good 2-story dwelling, one tenant house, four tobacco barns. Price .$15 per acre, 14 cash, balance on easy terms. Would divide farm. E. S. Reece, Surry County. Rockford, N. C. Tract No. 17. — Farm 700 acres; 150 in cultivation, 150 old field, 400 acres in forest of oak, hickory, chestnut, ash, etc. Surface, bottoms, rolling and moun- tainous ; soil, black loam, sandy and clay, suitable for grain and vegetables. Ten miles from railroad station, 1 mile from church. Numerous^ springs. Healthful location. Price $15 to $100 per acre. Would prefer renting. R. J. Brown, Henderson County. R. F. D. No. 2, Hendersonville, N. C. « Tract No. 18. — Farm 165 acres; 85 in cultivation, 80 in forest of pine and oak. Good soil, suitable for corn, wheat, tobacco, grasses, etc. One-half mile from station, i^ mile from school, % mile from church. Good springs and 8 branches. Healthful location. Three dwellings. Price $60 per, acre, % cash, balance one and two years. Within 1 mile of White Sulphur Springs. Surry County. W. C. McKinney, Mount Airy, N. C. Tract No. 19. — Farm over 700 acres; 240 in cultivation, 70 in old field, 375 in forest of oak, pine, poplar, etc. Surface hilly; rich clay subsoil, suitable for corn, wheat, oats, peas, grasses, etc. Eight miles from Wilkesboro, church 1 mile, school 1 mile. Splendid water. Yadkin River forms one boundary; creeks and branches through place. Situation very healthful. Good water power, upon which are a sawmill and a grist mill. One 10-room dwelling, barns, sheds, corn, cribs and other buildings. Price $28.50 per acre, % cash, deferred payments six and twelve months, secured l>y mortgage on real estate. Farm in Wilkes County. S. L. Parks, Statesville, N. C. -n^^7l*-v ;c-^ Shipping Cabbage— Henderson County. N. C. Tract* No. 20. — Apple farm of 900 acres; 100 in cultivation, 200 in pasture, 600 in forest of poplar, oak, pine, etc. Surface, valleys, coves, etc. ; black moun- tain soil, also sandy and clay, suitable for corn, small grain, grasses and, apples. Twelve miles from railroad town, I14 miles from church and school. Numerous springs, ^creeks and rivers. Healthful location. Six small houses. Six thou- sand apple trees, some of them twenty years old; capacity of orchard, 20,000 bushels. Price $35,000. Price of land not included in orchard, $25 per acre. Haywood County. George Wharton, Cruso, N. C. 9 Tract No. 21. — Apple farm of 125 acres; SO in cultivation, 15 iu old field, 30 in forest of chestnut, oak, poplar, maple, etc. Surface mountainous, with creek valleys, suitable for the growth of grain, vegetables and fruit. Eleven miles from railroad station, 300 yards from church and school. Good well and springs. Healthful location. One $1,000 dwelling, stock barns and outhouses ; also cottage and barns at another location on farm. Twelve acres in orchard ready to bear. Excellent fruit section. Price $45 per acre, cash. Haywood County. J. K. Howell, Cove Creek, N. C. Tract No. 22. — Apple farm of 32 acres ; 25 in cultivation, 6 in forest of chest- nut, oak, poplar, etc. Mountainous, with creek valleys, suitable for corn, wheat, vegetables, grazing and fruit. Fourteen miles from nearest station, but station to be built within three miles ; % mile from church, 2 miles from school. Nu- merous springs and creek. Healthful location. Two-room house and sheep barn. Twenty acres in orchard ; 550 apple trees, from five to seven years old, well grown ; peach, cherry and pear trees. Price $25 per acre, cash. Haywood County. John Howell, Cove Creek, N. C. Tract No. 23.— Farm 385 acres; 70 in cultivation, 15 old field, 300 forest of white and yellow pine, oak, poplar, chestnut, etc., estimated to cut 1,000,000 feet lumber ; about 65 acres bottom land on Yadkin River, especially suited to corn, wheat, peas and hay. Fifteen miles from nearest railroad town, i^ mile from church, 1 mile from school. Cool mountain springs in abundance ; Yadkin River and branches for stock. Very healthful location. Six-room dwelling, large barn, etc. Daily mail from Lenoir and Wilkesboro. Price $8,000, % cash, balance one and two years, with 6 per cent, interest. W. J. Harrington, Caldwell County. Blackstone, N. C. Tract No. 24. — Farm 160 acres; 40 in cultivation, 120 forest of oak, pine, poplar, etc. Surface rolling, with 25 acres good bottom land, suitable for corn, wheat, oats, rye, grasses, fruits, vegetables, etc. Three hundred yards from church and school. Good well and numerous springs, creek and branches. Healthful location. Two dwellings, large new barn, storehouse and other out- buildings. Price $2,000, cash. G. W. Bradley, Wilkes County. Elkville, N. C. Tract No. 25. — One lot of 10 acres; 5 in cultivation, 5 oak forest. Nearly level, with sandy subsoil, suitable for all kinds of truck. Three hundred yards ffom church and school. Good well ; branch through property. Very healthful location. Valuable town lot, with 7-room dwelling, barn and other outhouses. Good orchard and is within the town of Moravian Falls. Price $1,100. Wilkes County. J. B. Leach, Moravian Falls, N. C. 10 Tract No. 26-3. — Farm 32 acres; 20 in cultivation, 1 old field. 11 in forest of oak, sourwood, etc. Surface mostly level ; soil, sandy loam and red, especially adapted to fruit growing. Suitable for corn, tobacco, peas, small grain, etc. Seven miles from railroad tovi^n, within % mile of proposed new station, % mile from church, 1^4 miles from school. Drinking water and water for stock in abundance. Healthful location. Log dwelling, tobacco barn, stable, etc. Price $20 per acre, i/^ cash, balance in one and two years. Surry County. William R. Welbourn, Mecca, N. C. A Beautiful View of Farm Lands in Mountains of North Carolina. Tract No. 27. — Farm 70 acres; 4 in cultivation, 8 old field, 58 forest of hick- ory, oak, dogwood, maple, sourwood, poplar, chestnut, etc. ; three-fourths table land, one-fourth mountain, nearly all cove land. Suitable for corn, grain, etc. Lies midway between towns of Oakwood and Moravian Falls, li^ miles from each place. Three or four acres on top of fruit ridge, entirely above frost line. Good springs ; water for stock in abundance. No improvements. Price $7 per acre, % cash, balance on time. ' J. B. Leach, Wilkes County. :Moravian Falls, N. C. Tract No. 28. — Farm 58 acres; 18 in cultivation, 10 old field, .30 forest of yellow pine, estimated at from 60,000 to 75,000 feet timber ; one-half table land, remainder upland. Grey sandy and red soil, with red clay subsoil, suitable for wheat, corn, oats, peas, etc. Two miles from railroad town, iy4 mile from church, Yi mile from school. Spring water and branches in abundance. Two- 11 I'oom house, wheat barn, barn for stock, tobacco barn, smokehouse, corn barn, etc. Price $22.50 per acre, % cash. W. A. Fincanon, Burke County. R. F. D. No. 2, Morganton, N. C. Tract No. 29. — Farm 190 acres; 60 in cultivation, 10 old field, 120 forest of oak, chestnut, pine, etc. Part level, part rolling; soil, black loam, sandy and clay, suitable for corn, grass, Irish potatoes, rye, etc. One-fourth mile from nearest railroad town. Good springs and branches. Healthful location. Seven- room dwelling, good outbuildings. Price .$.37 per acre, 14 cash, balance easy terms. Mrs. S. E. Rice, Transylvania County. Pisgah Forest, N. C. Tract No. 30. — Farm 350 acres; 150 in cultivation, 200 forest of oak, pine, poplar, maple, etc. Surface rolling ; good, productive red soil, suitable for wheat, corn, oats, tobacco and grasses. Two and one-half miles from railroad town, where there is good market ; two miles from church and school. Good drinking water, and water for stock. Healthful location. Two 4-room houses, five tenant houses. Price .$30 per acre, % cash, balance in one and two years, equal payments. E. F. McKinney, Surry County. Mount Airy, N. C. Tract No. 31.- — Farm 250 acres; 30 in cultivation, 35 old field. 185 in forest of oak, pine and hickory. Surface rolling, with sandy loam and clay soil, suit- able for corn, wheat, oats and grasses. Traces of talc and gold on farm. Two miles from railroad town. Well, numerous springs, river and three branches. Healthful location. Four-room cottage, large barn and other outhouses, one tenant house. Price $12.50 per acre, 14 cash, remainder in one year. Cherokee County. S. L. Kisselburg, Culberson, N. C. Tract No. 32-2.— Farm 350 acres; 40 in cultivation, 310 forest of oak, chest- nut, poplar, gum, hickory, maple, etc. ; will cut 500,000 cords of "extract" wood. Surface principally mountainous and. bottom ; black mountain soil, bottom sandy and clay, suitable for corn, rye, potatoes, fruit, etc. ; well suited for orchard or stock farm ; 20 acres now in orchard. Seven miles from railroad town, 1 mile from church, % mile from school. Good spring, creeks and branches. Very healthful location. Two tenant houses. Price $6 per acre, Yo cash, balance good terms. A. W. Gilliam. McDowell County. R. F. D. No. 2. Old Fort, N. C. Tract No. 33. — Farm 175 acres; 50 in cultivation, .50 in pasture, 75 forest of oak. Generally level ; dark sandy clay soil, very fertile, suitable for corn, potatoes, grass and small grain. About 40 acres in bottom land. Four miles from railroad town. % mile from church and school. Good spring, creek and branches. Healthful location. One dwelling, two barns, two stables, two cribs, one stone meat house. Orchard and vineyard sufficient for family. Good gar- den land. Price $23 per acre, % cash, balance easy terms. A. W. Gilliam, McDowell County. R. F. D. No. 2, Old Fort, N. C. Tract No. 34-2. — Farm VIl^j acres; 10 iu cultivation, 15 old field, 96% iu for- est of oak, pine, poplar, locust, chestnut, etc. Nearly level, with somfe broken surface. Variety of soil, suitable for corn, wheat, small grain, tobacco, etc. Seven miles from railroad town; railroad being graded to the property and proposed station near it. One mile from church and school. Drinking water and water for stock in abundance. Healthful location. One dwelling. Good orchard. Price .$15 per acre, % cash, balance one to two years. Surry County. William R. Welbourn, Mecca, N. C. Limber Twig Apples. (The Mountain Section ok North Carolina is the "Home of the Apple. Tract No. 35.— Building lot iu town of Black Mountain, N. C, 286 feet by 200 feet. Price $.500. H. Forney, Rutherford County. Union Mills, N. C. Tract No. 36. — Farm SS acres; 50 in cultivation, balance forest of pine, oak, etc. Mostly level, with black loam and clay soil, suitable for corn, grass, etc. Within 200 yards of railroad town. Springs, branches. Healthful location. One good S-room stone building, stone dairy, good spring at the house. White pine grove, good stable, orchard, vineyard, fifty bee hives, etc. Price $75 per acre. Isaac B. Ledbetter, Transylvania County. Pisgah Forest, N. C. 10 O Tract No. 37. — Farm of 268 acres; IS in cultivation, 2.50 forest of pine, oak and poplar ; 300 cords of tan bark, 5,000 cross-ties. 100,000 feet pine, 40.000 feet poplar, 150,000 feet oak, etc. The tan bark, at present prices, would pay for entire place. Surface rough, with black mountain soil, suitable for corn, wheat, tobacco. Fine location for orchard. Some gold on property. Four miles from railroad town, 2 miles from church and school. Fine springs, two creeks. Healthful location. No improvements. Price $1,500, cash. H. Fobney, Rutherford County. Union Mills, N. C. Tract No. 38. — Farm 165. acres; 100 in cultivation, 65 in forest of oak, chest- nut and poplar. Surface hilly, with valleys along streams. Good clay soil, suit- able for wheat, oats, corn, clover and grasses. Ten miles from railroad town, 1 mile from church, 14 mile from school. Abundance of good springs, with branches for stock. Very healthful location, .3 miles from small town, in splendid apple section. Has three tenant houses. Price $25 per acre, part cash, balance to suit purchaser. W. B. Wilsoin, Yancey County. Bald Ci'eek, N. C. The Cattle Industry is on the Increase in All Parts of the State. Tract No. 39. — Farm l.'O acres; 10 in cultivation, 10 old field, 130 forest of oak, pine and chestnut. Surface part rolling, part f3at, with black and sandy soil, suitable for growth of corn and wheat. Four miles from railroad town, 2 miles from church and 1 mile from school. Good spring for drinking, with branch for stock. Healthful location. Tract would make two or three small farms, but is principally in forest. Price $5 per acre, ^/s cash, balance on time. ^McDowell County. J. N. Yelton, Bridgewater, N. C. 14 Tract No. 40.— Farm 200 acres; 25 in cultivation, 15 old field, 160 forest of pine and oak. Surface part rolling, part flat, with red, grey and black soil, suitable for corn, cotton and wheat. Fourteen miles from railroad town, adja- cent church and school. Good springs for drinking, creeks and branches for stock. Gold and monazite found on place. These mines are profitable. Will sell mineral interests separately if desired. Price $15 per acre, % cash. Will sell land without mineral deposit for $10 per acre. J. N. Yelton, Rutherford County. Golden, N. C. Tract No. 41. — Farm 15 acres, with S in forest of pine and oak. Surface roll- ing ; black and red soil. Deposit of gold. Fourteen miles from railroad town, adjacent church and school. Healthful location. Mill site in good locality; mill not in running order. Price $1,000, % cash, balance on time. Rutherford County. John L. Yelton, Golden, N. C. Western North Carolina for Health and Pleasure. Tract No. 42. — Farm 50 alcres; 25 in cultivation, 18 old field, 7 in forest of pine, oak, hickory, etc. Surface rolling ; light soil, with red clay subsoil, suit- able for corn, wheat, oats, cotton, potatoes, etc. Has deposit of monazite and gold. One mile from railroad town, i^ mile from church. Good springs and water for stock. Healthful location. Three-room house and small barn. Price $17 per acre, $100 cash, balance one to five years. John S. Hildebband, Land in Catawba County. Hildebrand, N. C. 15 Tract No. 43-1. — Farm 97 acres, all iu forest of poplar, locust, chestnut, white oak, etc. Surface rocky and steep ; rich and loose soil, with flint rocks in abun- dance, suitable for orchards. Nine miles from railroad station, lU, miles from church and school. Abundant supply drinking water, and water for stock. Healthful location. No improvements. This land within the thermal belt and has valuable timber, tan bark, etc. Price $6 per acre, % cash, balance one and two years. Frank S. Drury, Burke County. Morgantou, N. C. Farm Scene in the "Happy Valley" Section. Tract No. 44. — Farm 107% acres; 40 in cultivation, 3 old field, 64i^ forest of oak and pine. Surface rolling ; red clay soil, suitable for corn, wheat, rye, vege- tables, grasses, etc. Has deposits of gold, copper, sulphur and iron. Six miles from railroad town, 12 miles from North Wilkesboro, li/. miles from church, 1 mile from school. Good supply drinking water, also branches. Healthful location. Large orchard, worth at least $400. Fine lot of timber. Three cot- tages, one tenant house ; one dwelling, 6 rooms, not completed. Price $1,300, 1/2 cash, % in six, twelve and eighteen months. Ancel Pbivette, Wilkes County. Zebra, N. C. Tract No. 45. — -Farm 49i^ acres; 15 in cultivation, 291/. forest of oak, chest- nut, hickory, dogwood, etc., 5 acres old field. Black loam soil. Staple crops, corn, wheat, rye, oats, some cotton. Eight miles'from nearest railroad town, 1% miles from church and school. Springs and branches. Healthful location. One dwelling, one outhouse, stables. Other lands adjoining good for apples. Price $20.50 per acre, cash. A. D. Bentley, Alexander County. R. F. D. No. 3, Taylorsville, N. C. 16 Tract No. 46. — Party owning apple lands, and 3,800 trees six to eleven years old, wishes to sell half interest for purpose of enlarging operations. Haywood County. W. H. Cole, Waynesville, N. C. Tract No. 47. — Farm 200 acres; 43 in forest of white pine, oak, sourwood, hickory, etc., 125 in cultivation. House on hill (altitude 2,200 feet). Farm level ; loam soil, suitable for hay, corn, cabbage, potatoes, etc. Twelve miles from Asheville, 10 miles from Hendersonville, near church and school. Abun- dant supply of water. Very healthful location. One 10-room stone house, one S-room cottage, one mill, corn and wheat barn, large stable, two 2-room houses, one 4-room house. Price : house and about 27 acres of land, $11,000 ; 100 acres (across creek) bottom land, $50 per acre; mill-race and pond, $3,000; cottage and 15 acres, $2,390 ; 43 acres woods, $32.50 per acre. Farm in Henderson County. Mrs. Eliza S. McGehee, Raleigh, N. C. No. 48-88. — One farm of 190 acres; 40 in cultivation, 75 in forest of pine and oak. Surface rolling, grey and red clay subsoil, suitable for corn, cotton, wheat, oats, peas, etc. Gold and monazite found on place. Twelve miles from rail- road town, 1 mile from church and school. Good springs, broad river. Health- ful location One large log house. Price $1,800, $500 cash, balance easy terms. Farm in Rutherford County. McDowell Realty and Insurance Co., McDowell County. Marion, N. C. No. 49-39. — Farm 100 acres ; 50 in cultivation, 50 forest of pine, oak, hickory and chestnut. Surface rolling, grey with red subsoil, suitable for corn, wheat, etc. Five miles from Old Fort, 6 miles from Marion, % mile from church, 1 mile from school. Good well and springs, with river and branches for stock. Very healthful location. Large 8-room, 2-story dwelling, with metal roof. Large double-frame barn. Dwelling cost $3,200 when built. Elegant country home. Enough timber on property to pay for entire place. Price $50 per acre, % cash, balance to suit purchaser. McDowell Realty and Insujiance Co., McDowell County. Marion, N. C. SHOULD YOU MOVE TO THIS STATE, PLEASE NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, RALEIGH, N. C. C. M. UZZELL & CO., PRINTERS, RALEIGH. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 432 826 7 LIBRARY OF ( 014 43 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 432 826 7