^°^1U. ■■ •^*o« • «? «^. >»^ > oT cs •; i^ . . " • ♦ "^c 'oK '^o • **'% '-.IP^-' /%. °^?W' ^*'% '-.^K-* /"% %- ^ •'-"• ^\ c°\>;^-^-o /\.^:%\ co^c;;^,^-o y ♦cQij^*^ "^ c,^ ,♦' Key ^* aK^ «- •; q,^ ♦ . . • ^^ •* -^0 •'\/ • ■ Ay ''^v'. '•"• ,\^ ** .^^ ^o/'X'^-.o'^ "^^/-^''^'y * «7 ^ ^wMW* aV -^ . .• ^°%, V '/ 5^ ^ DIRECTORY National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Compiled by Order of the Tenth Continental Congress 902 F Street, Washington, D. C. 1901 s y ^ublishing c' ^ COMMITTEE ON DIRECTORY MRS. KATE KEARNEY HENRY, Chairman. MRS. GREEN CLAY GOODLOE, MRS. ELEANOR S. WASHINGTON HOWARD, MRS. MARY S. LOCKWOOD, MISS JULIA TEN EYCK McBLAIR, MRS. WILLIAM A. SMOOT, MRS. GEORGE M. STERNBERG. Some People Want the Best CcLtalogue free. ESTEY ORGAN CO., Brattleboro, Vt. and the best, while not always the lowest priced, is always the most satisfactory, and the cheapest in the end. Many an Estey 25 years old is as good as new. X4'4'4"l'+4"l"»'>f+'f4*4"l'++'H++++-f4"»'+«l'++4'4"l'+++'l'+'l''f«f'+'l'++++4'++«f+++4'»C EBBITT HOISE H. C. WASHINGTON, D. C. Army and Navy Headquarters, also head quarters Daughters American Revolution BURCH, MANAGER THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE • Daughters of the American Revolution Headquarters, 902 F Street, Washington, D. C. IRattonal Boar^ of flDanaaement 1901 lpre0i5ents:(Beneral Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks. Indianapolis, Indiana. 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C. W(cc«lPre6tJ)ents(3eneral in Cbarge of ©rgani3at(on ot Cbapters Mrs. Miranda Barney Tulloch, 121 B street S. E., Washington, D. C. Dice*lPrc0iDent6s(5eneral (Term of office expires 19C2.) Mrs. Wm. Parker Jewett, Minnesota, Mrs. Albert H. Tuttle, Virginia, White Bear Lake and 252 Drake Block, University of Virginia, St. Paul, Minn. Charlottesville, Va. Mrs. John a. T. Hull, Iowa, 1720 Twenty-first Street, Washington, D. C. Mrs. J. HERON CROSMAN, New York, Mrs. W. A. ROEBLING, New Jersey, Tarrytown-on-Hudson. N. Y. 191 State Street, Trenton, N. J. Mrc! Tay OqROTTRTSTF Moqc! Ohio ^^^- J^MES D. WYNKOOP, New York, Sandusky Ohio ^^°®®' ^'^^^' 100 W. Seventy^econd Street, New York City. Mrs. Julius C. Burrows, Michigan, Mrs. S. B. C. Morgan, Georgia, 1404 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C. Savannah, Ga. (Term of office expires 1903.) Mrs. William Lindsay, Kentucky, Mrs. James R. Mellon, Pennsylvania, " The Osborne," Seventh Avenue and Fifty- 400 North Negley Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. seventh Street. New York. y^^^^ MOSES MOORHEAD GRANGER, Ohio, Mrs. George M. Sternberg, U. S. A., 140 Muskingum Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio. 1440 M Street, Washington, D. c. Mrs. F. Wheaton, District of Columbia, Mrs. Clark Waring, South Carolina, 2433 Columbia Road, Washington, D. c. 1428 Laurel Street, Columbia, S. C. Mrs. ADDISON G. FOSTER, Washington, Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, Illinois, Tacoma, Washington. Bloomington, 111. Mrs. KATE KEARNEY HENRY, Mrs. A. A. Kendall, Maine, District of Columbia, 10 Henry .- treet, Portland, Me. 2021 I St. and 902 F St., Washington, D. C. Cbapla(ns(3encral Mrs. William A. Smoot, Virginia, nil Oronoco Street, Alexandria, Va. DIRECTORY, D. A. R, Sccretane5s(5eneral Recording Secretary-General: Corresponding Secretary-General: Mrs. Eleanor S. W. Howard Mrs. Robert Stockwell Hatcher, Virginia, Lafayette, Indiana, 902 F Street, Washington, D. C. 902 F Street, Washington, D. C. TRe9i0trar*(5cneraI C;rea6urers(5eneral Miss Minnie F. Mickley, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Charles Carlyle Darwin, 902 F street, Washington, D. C. ' 902 F Street, Washington, D. C, 1bi6torian*(5enecal Assistant tXetortan^Oeneral Miss Susan Riviere Hetzel, Mrs. Green Clay Goodloe, Kentucky, 902 F street, Washington, D. C. . 1103 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. j Xlbrarian=(5cneral Miss Julia Ten Eyck McBlair, District of Columbia, 2029 I street and 902 F Street, Washington, D. C. State IRcgenta ALABAMA — Mrs. J. Morgan Smith, South Highlands, Birmingham. ALASKA— s . g . K AEIZONA— Mrs. Hugh H. Price, 538 N. 1st Ave., Phoenix. AEKANSAS— Mrs. Helen M. Norton, 923 Scott St., Little Eock. CALIFOENIA— Mrs. John F. Swift, 824 Valencia St., San Francisco. COLOEADO— Mrs. William F. Slocum, 24 College Place, Colorado Springs. CONNECTICUT— Mrs. Sarah T. Kinney, 1162 Chapel St., New Haven. DELAWAEE— Mrs. Elizabeth Clarke Churchman, Claymont. DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA— Mrs. Mary S Lockwood, "The Columbia," Columbia Heights, Washington, D. C. FLOEIDA — Mrs. Dennis Eagan, Jacksonville. GEOEGIA— Mrs. Eobert Emory Park, 48 Merritts Ave., Atlanta. IDAHO- ILLINOIS— Mrs. Eobert Hall Wiles, 5711 Woodlaw^n Ave., Chicago. INDIANA— Mrs. James M. Fowler, 458 South 9th St., Lafayette. INDIAN TEEEITOEY— IOWA — Mrs. Julian Eichards, Waterloo. KANSAS — Mrs. Lucy B. Johnston, 1034 Harrison St., Topeka. KENTUCKY— Mrs. William Lee Lyons, 1721 1st St., Louisville. LOUISIANA— Mrs. C. Hamilton Tebault, 623 North St., Lafayette Square, New MAINE— Mrs. W. E. Yduland, Biddeford. MAEYLAND— Mrs. J. Pembroke Thom, 828 Park Ave., Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS— Miss Helen M. Winslow, 52 Atherton St., Egleston Square, Boston, MICHIGAN— Mrs. William Chittenden, 134 West Fort St., Detroit. MINNESOTA— Mrs. D. A. Monfort, 282 Dayton Ave., St. Paul. MISSISSIPPI— Miss Alice Quitman Lovell, Natchez, P. O. Box 214. MISSOUEI— Mrs. George H. Shields, 4426 Westminster Place, St. Louis. MONTANA— Mrs. Walter Tallant, 823 West Park St., Butte. NEBEASKA— Mrs. Laura B. Pound, 1632 L St., Lincoln. NEW HAMPSHIEE— Mrs. Charles S. Murkland, Durham. NEW JERSEY- Miss E. Ellen Batcheller, Somerville. NEW MEXICO— Mrs. L. Bradford Prince, Palace Ave., Santa Fe. NEW YOEK — Mrs. Samuel Verplanck, Fishkill-on-Hudson. NOETH CAEOLINA— Miss Marv Love, Stringfield, Waynesville. NOETH DAKOTA— Mrs. Sarah B. Lounsberry, Fargo. OHIO — Mrs. John A. Murphv. Burnett House, Cincinnati. OKLAHOMA— Mrs. Cassius M. Barnes, Guthrie. OEGEON— Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, 251 7th St., Portland. PENNSYLVANIA— Miss Susan Carpenter Frazer, Lancaster. KHODE ISLAND— Mrs. Charles Warren Lippitt, 7 Young Orchard Ave., ProTi- dence. ^i Dorii Ie! acquire yourself ! COCOA ^ in Why not g preference to Eoffee. UNEQUALLED FOR QUALIT Y PURITY a FLAVO U. GROCERS EVERYWHERE. x4-++4'4"l"H-+4'++4"l'+4"l"l"l"l>+4-++4'+++IC Specimen I ACUDC&BRO 1824 F STN W WASHINGTON DC FLORISTS Flowers . I THE reputation of this house is for always having the finest speci- men blooms of every va- riety. Flowers shipped any- where. A. GVDE f'++++'l'+'l'+'l'+-f+4"l"l"H'+'l'+++++'f+4'K i<++>l'++++++«H"f ++ *+ f4"f •!•++ ♦♦♦♦♦•I'* Riding Habits Golf Suits fi^m^)^ CHARLES W. LEVPOLD Ladies' Tecilor a^nd Importer 124 North Eleventh Street PhilaLclelphiaL 10 DIKECTOKY, D. A. E. SOUTH CAKOLINA— Mrs. H. W. Richardson, 59 Gervais St., Columbia. SOUTH DAKOTA— Mrs. Andrew J. Kellar, Hot Springs. TENNESSEE— Mrs. H. S. Chamberlain, 237 East Terrace, Chattanooga. TEXAS — Mrs. John Lane Henry, 533 Gaston Ave., Dallas. UTAH— Mrs. Inez G. H. Wallace, 5 Laurel St., Salt Lake City. VERMONT— Mrs. Julius J. Estey, Brattleboro. VIRGINIA— Mrs. Hugh Nelson Page, 212 Granby St., Norfolk. WASHINGTON— Mrs. George W. Bacon, 512 10th Ave., South Seattle. WEST VIRGINIA— Miss Valley Virginia Henshaw, Hedgesville. WISCONSIN — Mrs. James Sidney Peck, 5 Waverly Place, Milvi^aukee. WYOMING— Mrs. Harriet Richards, 2455 18th St., Washington, D. C. Ibonorarp ©fficers Ibonorar^ IPresiOents-iBcncral Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson. Mrs. Daniel Manning. Mrs. John W. Foster. 1Donorari2 iprcsiDcnt preslMng Mrs. Mary E. V. Cabell. Ibonorars TIlicc-lPrcslDentg-Cencral (Elected for life. Date of Election.) Mrs. Leland Stanford, 1893. Mrs. Roger A. Pryor, 1893. M-cs. A. Leo Knott, 1894. Mrs. Ellen H. Walworth, 1894. Mrs. Joshua Wilbour, 1895. Mrs. A. Howard Clark, 1895. Mrs. R. Ogden Doremus, 1895. Mrs. Lucy Preston Beale, 1895. Miss Mary Desha, 1895. Miss Clara Barton, 1896. Mrs. A. C. Geer, 1896. Mrs. Samuel Eliot, 1896. Mrs. Mildred S. Mathes, 1899. Chapter and Membership Directory I KRETOL I 4» • .... ...» ........ ^ * t ^ * ^ The highest type of coal tar product ever discovered. J + Non-poisonous, non-corrosive, non-explosive and harmless to handle. + -* In its crude state it destroys all kinds of germs, bugs, fleas, roaches, + + ants and all insect life. ♦ + It is a great deodorizer and antiseptic. + 4! Used in the bath by pouring a little Kretol into the water, it makes J * the body cool in summer, and cures eruptions and prickly heat. * + It is also useful in its crude state for bites, stings, burns, scalds, + •* sprains, cuts, fractures, bruises, tired feet and rheumatism. + ^ From the refined product there is made up a high grade of medicated * ^ soap known as ^ + * I Kretol Medicated Soap I + * + The highest and purest type of ♦ * + I Kretol Kold Kream I * And preparations valuable for the cure of catarrh, eczema, and other * + preparations for private uses. * * Kretol Stock Has Been a Good Investment + * Write the principal office at % I 1224 F Street, K W. | I WASHINGTON, D. C | •*• + % For information, either as to value of the stock or the uses of Kretol + * , . + * and prices. + CHAPTER AND MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY. The small letter preceding- the name of a member indicates that she belongs to the Chapter designated by that letter; its absence indicates a member at large. The figures give the National Numbers of members. ALABAMA. State Regent, 1901, Mrs J. Morgan Smith, S. Highlands, Birmingham. « «« 1902 " " " " '* " CHAPTERS. (10 organized, 2 unorganized.) a. Andrew Jackson Chapter — Talledega Organized January 25, 1898; Members, 21 (South Carolina, 1; Virginia, 1) Regent, Mrs. Nellie G. H. Johnson Treasurer, Mrs. Anne E. McAfee Vice-Regent, Mrs. Sophie Thornton Registrar, Mrs. Annie C. Link Rec. Sec, Miss Mittie McElderry Historian, Mrs. Annie C. Manning Cor. Sec, Mrs. Mary D. Blake b. Eutaw Chapter — Regent, Mrs Sarah Pickens McQueen. Appointed December 5, 1900. c. Frederick William Gray Chapter — Anniston Organized June 28, 1898; Members, 15 Regent, Mrs. Mary McD. Barr Treasurer, Secretary, Registrar, Mrs. Kate H. Robinson Historian, Mrs. Lucy F. Turner d. General Sumter Chapter — Birmingham Organized March, 1895; Members, 63 (Mississippi, 1) Regent, Mrs. L. G. Woodson Treasurer, Mrs. S. P. Fowlks Secretary, Mrs. A. G. Smith Registrar, Mrs. Cornelius E. Thomas Historian, Mrs. A. T. Henley 6. John Wade Keyes Chapter — Athens Organized October 6, 1900; Members, 18 (Washington, 1; Massachusetts, 1) Regent, Mrs. Aurora P. McClellan Treasurer. Mrs. Mary A. H. A. Harris Vice-Regent, Mrs. Anne D. R. Hobbs Registrar, Mrs. Kate Adair A. Hines Rec. Sec, Miss Marie D. McGavock Historian, Mrs. Annie B. Sanders Cor. Sec, Mrs. Wm. Shirley Peebles f. Lewis — Eufaula Organized May 3, 1901; Members, 19 Regent, Miss Callie S. Dean Treasurer, Mrs. Clarence Roberts Vice-Regent, Mrs. Hamilton Weedon Registrar, Mrs. Leonard Y. Dean, Jr. Rec. Sec, Mrs. Bell Irrin Wharton Historian, Mrs. Carrie Treutlen Foy 14 DIKECTORY, D. A. R. g. Light Horse Harry Lee Chapter — Auburn Oi-gatiized April 8, 1896; Menibers, S2 (West Virginia, 1; New York, 1; Georgia, 1; Tennessee, 2; Florida, 1) Eegent, Mrs. Annie White Mell Secretary, Mrs. Mary White Miller "Vice-Eegent, Mrs. Frances C. Duggar Treasurer, Miss Fannie Toomer Registrar, Mrs, Eliza L. C. Thach h. Martha Wayles JefEerson Chapter — Opelika Organized July 4, 1898; Members, 20 Eegent, !Mrs, Julia Barrett Cowan Eegiptrar. Miss J. Leonora Smith Vice-Eegent, Mrs. F. H. H. Bennett Treasurer, Miss Anne W. Dowdell Secretary, Mrs. Eosie H. E. Stowe Historian, Mrs. Isaac Eoss i. Mobile Chapter — Mobile Organized February 13, 1901; Members, 31 Eegent, Mrs. Helen G. F. C. Clarke Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Q. St. John Vice-Eegent, Mrs. Mabel H. Goode Eogistrar, Mrs. Agnes E. Wickersham Eec. Sec, Mrs. C. S. Shawhan Historian, Mrs. W. O. Stephen Cor. Sec, Miss Metta Thompson j. Peter Forney Chapter — Montgomery Organized May 24, 1898; Members, 46 Eegent, Mrs. Amelia F. Wyly Treasurer, Virginia P. Boyken Vice-Eegent, Miss Annie M. Williams Eegistrar, Miss Jane M. Bell Secretary, Mrs. Jessie Stakely Historian, Mrs. Susan F. Black Chaplain, Mrs. Alice Tullis k. Selma Chapter Eegent, Mrs Lucia Minter Weaver Eobbins. Appointed April 5, 1897. Ee-appointed June 5, 1901. 1. Tuscaloosa Chapter — Tuscaloosa Organized February 20, 1901; Members, 13 Eegent, Mrs. Ellen P. Bryce Treasurer, Miss Melissa Wyraan Vice-Eegent, Mrs. Netta T. McCorvey Eegistrar, Mrs. Eugene Smith Eec. Sec, Mrs. Susie F. M. Mayfield Historian, Mrs W. C. Fitts Membeks Eesiding in the State * 32756d Abbott, Carrie Nabers (Mrs Chas.) 1227 S. 21st st., Birmingham 33609; Abercrombie, Kate Westcott (Mrs C. G.)..415 S. Perry st., Montgomery 8295d Adams, Carrie Walton (Mrs A. A.) Birmingham 9530 Adams, Florence Eeid (Miss) Brewton 16644* Aldrich, Anna Morrison (Mrs Truman H.) Birmingham 16645* Aldrich, Louise M. (Mrs) 2181 Howard ave., Birmingham 31197(i Allen, Annie Lou Weakley (Mrs Joseph V.) 1021 18th st., S. Birmingham 30284t Allen, Sallie Hails Bellinger (Mrs) 523 Court St., Montgomery 31207£r Armstrong, Mattie Mae Kimbell (Mrs B. Dixon) Auburn 20098 Armstrong, Paiiline L. Jones (Mrs) 1909 5th ave., Birmingham 34434c Atwood, Lois Elmore (Miss) Talladega 27438/ Baldwin, India Baldwin (Mrs Benj. James) Fitzpatrick 28853fir Bald^Adn, Kate Sistrunk (Mrs Benj. James) Montgomery 26607 Bandy, Annie Laurie Allen (Mrs Henry L.) Opelika 14476| Bankhead, Tallulah James Brockman (Mrs John Hollis) Fayette 29366 Barker, Joanna Ferguson (Mrs Prelate D.) Mobile 35094d Barnes. Dora Pratt (Mrs W. H.) Prattsville 31206c Barr, Marj^ McDonald (Mrs Hiram Donald) Anniston * Continental Chapter, D. C. t Manor House Chapter, D. C. t Oglethorp Chapter, Ga. ALABAMA. 15 1083511 Barrett, Janie Sutherlin Smith (Mrs E. W.) Birmingham 11323; Bell, Isabella H. (Mrs John P.) 514 S. Perry st., Montgomery 22423; Bell, Jane Martin (Miss) 514 S. Perry St., Montgomery 35095d Bell, Mary Pratt (Mrs J. B.) Prattsville 21376d Benash, Elizabeth Richardson (Miss) ".1637 11th ave., S. Birmingham 23088/i Bennett, Florence Hutton Harmer (Mrs Abijah B.) Opelika 31210; Bethea, Sarah Baldwin (Mrs Alfred) 602 S. Perry st.. Montgomery 23318; Bibb, Martha Danridge (Mrs Joseph B.)....lll Moulton st., Montgomery 23317; Billing, Sarah Swope Wyly (Mrs F. M.) 519 Clayton st., Montgomery 24484; Black, Susan Lavina F, (Mrs J. W.) 314 Washington st., Montgomery 36065/i Black, Erin ((Miss) Opelika 213750 Blake, Mary Lawson (Mrs Joseph C.) Talladega 21834§ Boggs, Katherine Pickens (Miss) South Highlands, Birmingham 23606fir Bondurant, Harriet Lavina Dabney (Miss) Birmingham 26343 Boyd, Mary Wright (Miss) Auburn 32757d Boykin, Eita Garnett (Mrs Thomas Scott) 1117 19th st., Birmingham 34021; Boykin, Virginia Pollard (Mrs Burwell Lee) Montgomery 26611d Bradford, Alva Hardie (Miss) South Highlands, Birmingham 27439; Bragg, Elizabeth T. Marks (Mrs W. L.) 501 S. Lawrence st., Montgomery 34457(i Bradley, Eleanor Lyons (Mrs) 1231 S. 21st st., Birmingham 28858? Brady, Annie Bradford (Mrs John Gregory) Tuscaloosa 32356; Brickell, Mary Blassingame Glenn (Mrs E. C.) 634 Franklin st., Huntsville 31198d Brooks, Helen Clark (Mrs) 1005 S. 20th st., Birmingham 10860fir Broun, Elizabeth Lee (Miss) ; Auburn 13953* Brumby, Marie Mitchell Nevin (Mrs W. V.) care Mrs. Eugenia Duncan, Anaanda st., Montgomery 25639? Bryce, Ellen Peter (Mrs Peter) Tuscaloosa 35279f Buck, Sarah Letitia J. (Mrs Chas. E.) cor. State and Franklin sts.. Mobile 22381|| Bullard, Eose Douglas Brabson (Mrs William Eobert Lee) Opelika 10290a Cabaniss, Martha Jelks (Mrs E. H.) Birmingham 26612; Caldwell, Mary Simons McKenzie (Mrs) 514 South Perry st., Montgomery 14619** Cantrell, Jamie McFarland (Mrs William M.) Guntersville 34022; Carothers, Mary Means Blewett (Mrs Charles) Montgomery 32758(i Carter, Sarah Jordan Prince (Mrs Eichard Henry) 11th ave., Birmingham 35080tt Chalker, Eebecca (Miss) Crittenden's Mills 35097i Chamberlain, Virginia Kathleen M. (Mrs H. A.) 950 Dauphin Way, Mobile 35687? Chandler, Laura Malone (Mrs William P.) Athens 31200(i Chenoweth, Viola Beach (Mrs William A.) Birmingham 34444i Clarke, Helen Gaines (Miss) 954 Government st., Mobile 12475-1 Clarke, Helen Gaines Foote (Mrs Eichard H.) 945 Government st., Mobile 35692/ Clayton, Mary Elliott (Miss) Eufaula 31214? Clements, Martha Lavina (Mrs Eufus Hargrove) Demopolis 3 1 1 99d Cobb Hester Simpson (Mrs George) Birmingham 32762ft Cobb, Lillie Condon (Mrs Thomas Lemuel) Opelika 34467? Cochrane, Alice Searcy (Mrs John Taylor) Tuscaloosa 31956; Coleman, Margaret Peterson (Mrs Phares)..314 Clayton st., Montgomery 28003£r Coleman, Martha Cocke (Miss) Auburn 28315 Coleman, Mary Claudia Le Vert (Mrs Daniel) Huntsville 32355J7 Collier, Kate Marshall (Miss) Auburn 36074 Cooper, Sarah Frances (Miss) 503 Madison ave., Montgomery 35107f Copeland, Caro (Miss) Eufaula 23089ft Cowan, Julia Barnett (Mrs John Loudon) Opelika 25042a Cowen, Joanna Kingsberj^ (Mrs Joe W.) Talladega 35689^ Cozart, Toccoa Page (Miss) Auburn 23321; Craik, Juliet Shrewsbury (Miss) Hazel Hedge, Montgomery 31951e Crenshaw, Harriette May (Miss) Athens 31950e Crenshaw, Laura Boiling (Miss) Athens 29365ft Cullars, Kate Floyd (Mrs Walter) Opelika 24475c Curry, Ida Le Vert (Miss) Anniston 8079(? Dabney, Virginia Amelia Grant (Mrs John Davis) 19th st., Birmingham 34465 Dawson, Margaret Lewis (Mrs L. 0.) Tuscaloosa 33165f Dean, Callie Simpson (Mrs L. Yancey) Eufaula H Dorothea Chapter, Va. § Augusta Chapter, Ga. • Xavier Chapter, Ga. t General Evan Shelby Chapter, Ky. Mary Isham Keith Chapter, Texas. Cumberland Chapter, Tenn. Joseph Habersham Chapter, Ga. 16 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. 34436/ Dean, Lula F. (Miss) Eufaula 35108/ Dean, Majdie ThAveatt (Mrs Leonard Yancey, Jr.) Eufaula 35093d De Bardelaben, Margaret Prince (Mrs C. F.) 206 S 15th St., Birmingham 30250d De Lony, Annie King (Mrs John E.) Tuscumbia. 34437/ Dent, Elizabeth Ehodes (Mrs Warren Young) Eufaula 34458d Dexter, Charlotte Bessie (Miss) 2900 ave. G, Birmingham 26608ft Dowdell, Ann Whitfield (Mrs Andrew Lipscomb) Opelika 31761^ Dowdell, Elizabeth Mj-rick (Miss) Auburn 23090ft Dowdell, Virginia Shapard (Miss) Opelika 26345fir Drake, Mary (Miss) Auburn 28856ft Driver, Lottie Ferrell (Mrs W. A.) Opelika 244827t Driver, Pattie Dowdell (Mrs George E.) Opelika 27188fir Duggar, Frances Camp (Mrs J. F.) Auburn 21374a Elston, Caroline Kemson (Miss) Talladega 14646d! Estes, Jimmie Gardner (Mrs William Grey) 19th st., Birmingham 35699i Fearn, Martha L. Porter (Mrs George) 1157 Government st.. Mobile 272081 Ferguson, Emily Florence (Miss) Selma. 360626 Fielding. Mary F. (Miss) Athens 35098i Finch, Waller Conway (Mrs Stanley) 204 St. Francis st.. Mobile 35678(i Fife, Mary (Mrs Pleasant) near Jacksonville 27441? Fitts, Eleanor Hewett (Mrs William Cochrane) Tuscaloosa 6230** Fleming, Emily White (Mrs Vivian M.) Auburn 336086 Fletcher, Mary Ellen (Miss) Athens- 24485; Floyd, Eosa Bowie (Mrs Charles Lewis) Lawrence st., Montgomery 33167 Force, Margaret Caumont (Miss) 534 Mabey st., Salem 35106? Foster, Ellen Holcombe (Miss) Tuscaloosa 6345d Fowlbres, Sallie Minge W. (Mrs Samuel P.) Birmingham 34463; Frazer, Mary Reese (Mrs William B.) Auburn 35680i Friend, Amanda Moore (Mrs Henr3' Minor) . . . .530 Government st., Mobile 35688? Garret, Augusta Bibb (Mrs Edmund Peete Belle) Nina 224246 Gaston, Josepha Bell (Mrs Joseph Luciiis) . .514 S. Perry st., Montgomery ^3322; Glass, Mattie Byrd Purnell (Mrs Frank P.) Montgomery 33610; Glazier, Emma Kate (Mrs) 236 Catoma st., Montgomery 27189fir Glenn, M. Allie (Miss) Auburn 344451 Goode, Mabel Hutton (Mrs Ehett) 60 St. Emanuel st.. Mobile 34443i Gordon, Tallulah (Miss) 960 Government st.. Mobile 36066ft Gorman, Birdie Thompson (Mrs Koscoe Westmoreland) Opelika 27434d Gray, Bessie Martin (Mrs Henry Bramlette) 1322 S 20th st., Birmingham 331616 Hagan, Eowena Snead (Mrs William J.) Athens 36076; Hails, Sarah Bozier (Miss) 525 S. Lawrence st., Montgomery 21835d Haley, Leila Byrd (Mrs L. J. Jr.) Birmingham 33681* Hall, Mary Bibb (Miss) Milbrook 32759d Hamilton. Sylla W. (Mrs Guy Crawford) 1830 S 14th ave., Birmingham 3318 Happer, Emily Foster (Mrs) 255 Conti st.. Mobile 32763ft Hardaway, Mary Augusta Emory (Mrs James Eobert) Opelika 319526 Harris, Mary Anne Harrison Anderson (Mrs Benjamin Perkins) . .Athens 12023ft Harrison, Lula Bondurant (Mrs W. G.) Talledega 10858(7 Harrison, Mary Addie (Miss) Opelika 36068i Harvey, Evelj^n (Miss) Mobile 8356t Hatchett, Leta Bryan Stakely (Mrs James Benton) Marion 27435(Z Haven, Ina F. (Mrs George L.) Birmingham 35690; Hearne, Anne H. (Mrs) 644 S. Lawrence st., Montgomery 26347(7 Heard, Ethel (Miss) Auburn 8651(? Henley, Nannie Randolph T. (Mrs Albert T.) 2021 6th ave., Birmingham 29732(? Hewett, Harriet Earle (Mrs G. W.) 5th ave., Birmingham 344461 Higgs, Estelle Short (Mrs David McCallan) 971 Government st.. Mobile 323536 Hine, Kate Adair Anderson (Mrs Ernest) Athens 327666 Hobbs, Anne Davis Eichardson (Mrs Thomas Maclin) Athens 36067i Holmes, Mary Suffold Boiling (Miss) 308 Monroe st., Mobile 27440; Holt, Katherine Grain W. (Mrs W. C.) 501 S. Lawrence st., Montgomery 33168 Hooper, Ada Byrd (Miss) Selma 23091ft Hooper. Caroline Mallett (Miss) Opelika 35682i Horn, Mary Louise Shawhan (Mrs Louis H.) 205 Government st., Mobile J Continental Chapter, D. C. ** Betty Washington Lewis Chapter, Va. * Joseph Habersham Chapter, Ga. t Columbia Chapter, D. C. ALABAMA. 17 31201(1 Horton, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs Amos) Pleasant Ivitlge 35114 Howze, Pattie StrucUvick (Mrs Thomas Falconer) Demopotis 36075/ Hubbard. Juliette Augusta Brannon (Mrs Wm Henry) Montgomery L>4477f Huger, Mary Alston (Miss) Anniston ;;5l581i Hurtel, Caroline Gaillard (Miss) 25:3 X. Conception st., Mobile 34447* Inge, Belle Peterson (Mrs Harry Tutwller) . .'.I4U Government St., Mobile 31208;/ Jackson, Annie lleese (Mrs "William Carson) Auburn 3(5077/ Jackson, Helen Gunter (Mrs Jas. Kirkman) 420 S. Perrj- st., -Montgomery 23323/ Janney, Margaret Spencer (Mrs George Hails) 60 Monroe st., Montgomery 20780d Jemison. Eugenia Rebecca Sorsby (Mrs Bob.) 2101 6th ave., Birmingham 30562a Johnson. Annie L. (Miss) Talladega 6663(Z Johnson, Elizabeth Bell Jones (Mrs Jack W.) Birmingham 218390 Johnson, Nellie Guild H. (Mrs J. H.) Institution for the Deaf, Talladega 35110/ Johnston, Willie M. (Mrs William Young) Eufaula 16545(Z Jordan, Florence P]arle (Mrs) 5th ave., Birmingham 24478 Jordan, Mary Miles (Miss) Anniston 33612 King, Eliza Jane (Miss) 'Leighton :i5113 Kirksey, Margaretta Liston (Mrs Foster M.) Eutaw 31212/ Kirk. Dolly Williams (Miss) 50 S. Goldthwaite st., Montg'omcry :!4448/ Knott, Elizabeth (Miss) 900 Dauphin Way,"Mobil"e 356831 Lake, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs Thomas Harden) 1161 Government st.. Mobile 16546.(/ Lane. Lidie Hardaway (Miss) Auburn S894 Lanier, Mary Louisa Banister (Mrs Sterling S.) 2030 ave. J, Birmingham 24487(Z Lee, Sallie Lane (Miss) Marion 2()781d Levels, Rose Garland (Mrs Burwell Roykin) Birmingham 35112 Lightf oot, Elizabeth McAlpine (Mrs Edward) Eutaw 34449i Ligon, Ellen Lee Barrett (Mrs Glenwood) 430 Spring Hill ave.. Mobile 23310« Link, Annie Calhoun CNIrs William D.) Talledega 12067|| Long, Elizabeth Purcupile (Mrs Abraham) Rensselaer :!4439/' Long, Gertha (:Miss) Eufaula 34438/ Long, Mamie Rhodes (Mrs Edgar Thomas) Eufaula 20141c Lave, Alice Armstrong (Miss) 1002 Alabama St., Selma 20140c Love, Sarah A. (Mrs Lorenzo) Anniston 23324/ Lowe, Annie McGhee (Mrs David F.) 2 Amanda st., Montgomery 331647* Lowe, Mary Gordon (Mrs Fletcher D.) Opelika 30564rf Lueddemann, Cadon Joanna Chrisholm (Mrs G.) Tuscombia 35695 Lampkin, Sarah Woodson Kennon (Mrs Joseph Henry) Sehva 31202(Z Lykes, Lilly Thixton (Mrs John D.) 605 i9th st.. Birmingham 14654f/ McAdorv, Lenora (Mrs C.) Bessemer 21373a McAfee,' Anne Blair ?:iston (Mrs N. S.) Talladega 31948f' McClellan, Aurora Pryor (Mrs Robert Anderson) Athens 35838c McClellan, Martha Greer (Miss) Athens 29731a McConnell, Ellen (Mrs Wm. K.) Talladega 35111f McCormick. Etta Copeland (Mrs W. L.) Eufaula 27443? McCorvev. Xetta Tutwiler (^^frs Thomas Chalmers) Tuscaloosa 15359 McCoy, Margaret T. E. (Mrs R. H. \Y.) care ^Slrs J. A. Eskridge, Selma 30568* McDonald, Henrietta A. Bacon (Mrs Joseph Bibl)) Alexander City 21840a McElderry. ^littie (Miss) Talladega 32354f McGavock. Marie Doan (Miss) Athens 21519i Mcintosh, Isabel Stinson (Mrs AY. Page)..r. S. :Marine Hospital, Mobile 21836r McMahon. Louise King Hight (Mrs Horace) Anniston 23319/ McQuean. Caroline Beale (Mrs) South Highlands. Birmingham 33611 McQueen. Sarah Pickens (Mrs John) .' Eutaw 9440rf McTafFe. Mary Emily Kirk (Mrs Louis Edward) Birmingham 2S002a Manning. Annie Cummings (]\[rs Frederick H.) Talladega 27436r7 Marks. Rebecca Lee (Mrs John Scott) 1834 14th ave.. S. Birmingham 34462'' Martin. Marv Houston Chandler (Mrs Wm. Lee) Athens 27442? Mavfield, Susie Fitts Martii. (Mrs .James JefPerson) Tuscaloosa 6231f/ Meil. Annie White (^Nfrs Patrick H.) Auburn 35093f Merrill. Eliza A. (Miss) Eufaula 24486 ]\Ierritt, Frances G. (Mrs F. H.) G40 Court st., Montgomery 3455311 Messick. Xancv A. (Mrs) Kentopia 23608(7 :^ri]ler. Marv White (Mrs Emerson R.) Auburn 30561a Miller. Zem'ula (^Nliss) TaPadega General Van Rensi?alapr Chapter, Ind Oglethorpe Chapter, Oa. •2 " .Joseph Habersham Chapter, Ga. 18 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. ■31213; Milstea 21st st.. Birmingham 35696 Robbins, Isoline Wimberly (Mrs Eugene, Jr.) Selnui 11353 Robbins, Lucia Minter (Mrs Joseph Sydney) Selma 29077f Roberts, Georgia Archibald (Mrs C. P.) . . .' Eufaula 34459(i Robertson, Elizabeth Prince (Mrs A. M.)..1105 12th ave., S. Birmingham 19553(i Robertson, Emma INIickle (Mrs J. Frederick) Bessemer 360630 Robinson, Grace Noble (Mrs Walter Ambrose) Anniston SS41fZ Robinson. Ida Isabel (Mrs Eben E.) . Knsley City 24479c Robinson Kate Hillyer (Mrs Thomas L.) Annistim 34460(7. Robinson, Leila Prince (Mrs Elisha Miller) 1431 11th ave.. S. Birmingham 36063 Robinson, Van (Mrs William) Eufaula 266097; Ross, Belle Allen (Mrs Isaac) Rossdale Opelika 36078; Rousseau. Pliillipa Berney (Mrs G. M.) 120 Perry st., ,\[ontgomery 25043(7 Ryan, Agnes Parksdale (Mrs John R.) Birmingham 34450i Sage. Katherine Gordon (Miss) 960 Government st., Mo^ ile 34452i St. John, Mary Quigley (Mrs Thomas) 916 Government st., :N[obile 323526 Sanders, Annie Beadless (Mrs William Thomas) Athens 33613 Scruggs. Minna King (Miss) Leighton. 288597 Searcy. Annie Ross (Miss) Tuscaloosa 23325; Shanks, Emily Addison Nalle (^frs Harry T.) 600 ^ilonroe st., [Mcmtgomery 233167; Shapard. :Ma'mie Eliza (]\[iss) ". Opelika 34451) Shaw. Ella Whiting (Mrs.) 931 Government st.. Mobile 344541. Shawhan, Narcissa Tayloe M. (]Mrs C. S.)...254 N. Conce]>tion st., Mobile 34453) Simpson. Maude Miller' (Miss) 357 Congress st., Mobile 356S5) Simpson, Sue Wheeler (Miss) 357 Congress st.. Mobile ]9098t Singleton, James Lucas I'owell (^Nlrs Alexander E., Sr.) Union Springs 8895(7 Smith. Florence Devereux (Mrs Addison G.) 938 S. 19th st.. Birmintiham 36071i Smith. Fresigilla Lee (Miss) 305 State st.. Mobile 35686). Smith, Gertrude Moore (Mrs Gregory L.) :\lobi'e 293637 Smith, Jane Henry Meredith Garland (Mrs Eugene Allen) .. .Tuscaloosa 233147). Smith, Julia Leoncire (Miss) Opelika 6439(7 Smith, Kate Lucille (Miss) S. Highlands, I'.irnnngham 6438(7 Smith. Katherine Duncan (Mrs J. :\rnrgan) S. Highlands, Birmingham ^mUi Smith. Mary Middleton R. (Mrs B. 15.) 1019 S. Perry st.. jNIontgomery Oglethorp C^hapter, Ga. M;n-ilia Washington Chapter. D. C. Continental Chapter D. C. ALABAMA. 113 2309:2y Smith, Susan George Samford (iirs James O.) 202 Scott st., Montg-omery ;;.;]i;2r Snead, Iiichard Callaway (Miss) Athens :.';;:; J :! Span-ow, Lizzie Storrs (Mrs Uedrick Pike) llnntsville :j.")l(iLV' Spratley, Marianne Gailard (Mrs James Walter) Mobile 120',)/ Stakely, Jessie Davis (Mrs Charles A.) 32 Wilkerson st., Montgomery 31957V/ Steadham, Imogene Yarbroiig-h (Mrs O. M.) Auburn 30of5()/ Stevenson, I'riscilla 'I'. Foster (Mrs L'\)rney) Montgomtry 3olO;9r Weaver, Bose Pettus (Miss) Selma 33(ii;rr"- Webb, Christine S. (Mrs Norman) Selma 14(;45/ Weedon, Elizabeth Fanning (Mrs Hamilton Moore) Eufanla 2(M43'- Welch, Inez Love (Mrs William H.) Glendon 34441 /' Wharton. Belle Irvine (Mrs Morton Brvan) Eufanla !:;:.'43.;: Wheeler. Annie Earlv (Miss) ." Wheeler 28855'/ Whitaker, Harriet Ma v (Miss) Auburn SfiSO// White, Octavia A. (Mrs Frank S.) * 18th st., Birmingham ;!3607// White. Thomns Erskin Young (Mrs John Sydney) Birmingham 2SS57'/ Whitfield, Lilly Fitzgerald (Mrs John G.) 20th st., Birminghnm 31209// Whitfield, Willie Yandiver (Mrs Louis Brought on) Opelika ' 34442/ Wickersham. Aanes Elizabeth M. (Mrs M. D.) 336 Spring Hill ave.. Mobile . 28S54// Wilmore, Moselle Whitaker (Mrs John J.) Auburn 23326/ Williams. Anne Marks (Miss) 501 S. Lawrence st., Montgomery 34456! Wilson. Anne Bisque (Mrs Wm. Kendrick P.) 209 St. Joseph st., IMobile Oo-lethorpe Chapter. Oa. * Continental Chapter, D. C. Francis Marion Chapter, Ga. t Elizabeth Clark Hull Chapter, Conn. 20 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 28005 Winston, Janie Overton (Miss) Boilki 331636 Wood, Elizabeth (Miss) '.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Athens 34104/ Woods, Corinne Pickett (Miss) 13 Moulton st., Montgomery 35105; Woods, Martha Harle (Miss) 13 Moulton st., Montgomery 27437(Z Woodson, Clara Vernon Lee (Mrs Lewis G.) 1326 19th st., Birminghani 7659/ Wyly, Catherine Amelia Forney (Mrs J. M.) 519 Clayton st., Montgomery 29364? Wj'man, Melissa Dearing (Miss) ". Tuscalooenham, Mary C^roft (Mrs A. Morse).. 2d ave. and Jefferson st., Phoenix 31218rt Buckley, Minnie E. Pienkowsky (Mrs Alexander B.) 525 N 3d ave.. Phoenix 31219» Cushman, Bessie Viola Phillips (Mrs Wm. H.) Phoenix :!1220f( Halsey. Hettie :Marsh (Miss) 1130 E. Van Buren st.. Phoenix 30252a. HalseV. Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 1130 E. Van Buren st.. Phoenix 34468a Hine, Harriet Pauline (Mrs Erastus Walton) ." Phoenix 36080« Johnson, Katherine Phillips (Mrs Henry :Mussey) Phoenix 31221rt Kendrick, Elizabeth Walter (Miss) \ Phoenix 16348ft Kendrick, Sara Howe Allen (Mrs John Mills) 604 X. 3d ave., Ph172« Brown, Martha C. Eothrock (Mrs Benton J.) 603 W. 3d st.. Little Eock 21842a Butler, Eugenia Butler (Mrs Chester Morris) 1717 Gaines st.. Little Eock 12225 Bvler, Eugenia Butler (Mrs Jesse W.) Batesville 4120a Caldwell, Harriet Benton (Mrs Henry C.) 802 Scott st.. Little Eock 5058 Corley, Susan Caswell (Mrs John E.) 923 N. 6th st.. Fort Smith 4.")14a Coy, Abbv Maria Burrows (Mrs Lucien Wright) Little Eock 21S43a Crawford" Elizabeth Davies Williams (Mrs Thomas Dwight) Little Eock SS96a Dale, F. C. (Mrs G. W.)Clok Bldg-Eoom 1, Main and 6th" sts.. Little Rock 14()(33a DeLony, Daisy Neet (INIiss) 616 Eock st., Little Eock iJ.->t:9Sa Dewey, Mary 'Washington Smith (Mrs A. A.).. 407 E. 14th st., Little Eo k ]()S(;4rt Dickinson, Fanny Eo'se (Mrs W^illiam W.) Little Eock iil67* Eastm.an, Carrie' W. (Mrs George) Hot Springs 233276 Eno, Clara Bertha (Miss) Van Buren ■ 3]n586 Evans, Mary Lef^ (^Nlrs J. H.) Booneville 2.J04C.0 Faber, Georgia Lydia (Mrs William L.) Van Buren 2.')04.")a Fones, Martha Elizabeth Eison (Mrs James A.). .709 W 3d st.. Little Eock 3.)69ya French, May Farr (:Mrs F. L.) 523 W. 2d St.. Little Eock 1S232 Gaines, Helen Marie Pendleton (Mrs John H.) Hot Springs 31962b Green, Anna M. (Mrs. Edward M.) Mena ]9557'| Grove, Sallie Howard (Mrs James B.) Marianna ]3S(',3a Hall, Mary Euiily Eoots (Mrs W. G.) Little Eock 3956« Hanger, Frances Marion Harrow (Mrs F.) 1010 Scott st.. Little Eock 10SC.3 Haughton, Ella Gavle (Mrs L. B.) Prescott lS231b Havman, Mattie Knox (Mrs) Van Buren 32767 Hoilenberg, Laura St. Clair (Mrs H. W.) 818 Cumberland st.. Little Eock 23614a Holt. Maud Spiller (Mrs Winfield S.) 1800 Broadway, Little Eock 3960a Jabine, Harriet Maria Woodruff (Mrs J. N.) 910 E. 8th st.. Little Eock 23328?* Johnson, Laura D. (Mrs Henry Carter) Van Buren 23612ft Knox, Eydora E. Percival (Mrs. George W.) Van Buren 35700a Langdon, Mary Norma Smith (Mrs Harry) 403 E. 14th st.. Little Eock 31959ft Lee.' Lillian M. (Miss) Booneville 22473a Lincoln, Eudora Percival (Mrs C. J.) Cimiberland &. 7th sts.. Little Eock 1S230a Lincoln, Georgie Lydia (Miss) Little Rock '' Colonial Chapter, Minn. || Watauga Chapter, Tenn. 22 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 22474a McClure, Humiua Ayres (Mrs John) Little Knck 12558 McCullock. Belle Mills (Mrs) Maritimia 4116a Matthews, Martha McD. (Mrs J. L.) Ilock and 7th St., Little lloek 7660 Menke, Mary Lillian Brown (Mrs Albert E.) Fayette viUe 23094a M,yers, Eose Heag-en (Mrs George Leslie) Little Ilcck 138590 Norton, Helen Maria Blakeslee (Mrs S. Y.) 923 Scott st., Little L(-,-k 35115a Pemberton, Mary S. (Mrs John M.) Little Rock 21844a Pollock, Elizabeth Ann Knight (Mrs James S.) Little liock 4119a Pratt, Martha Kiley (Mrs Charles A.) 110 X. Victory st., Little Rock 4118a RatcliflCe, Margaret M. Hanger (Mrs W. C.) 1004 Scott st., *Little Rock 28316a Redding, Emily Cummings (Mrs Sidney B.) 1709 Cains st., Little Rock 3959a Reeve, Elizabeth Nash (Mrs David) . .\ Little i^)ck 11952 Reeves, Louise Byers Weir (Mrs William Dickson) Helena 23028|| Robertson. Anne Bibb Wright (Mrs James Thomas) Mariana 13860a Roots, Emily Margaret Blakeslee (Mrs L. H.) 923 Scott st.. Little Rock 13862a Roots, Frances Emily (Miss) 923 Scott st.. Little llock 138610 Roots, Frances Maria Blakeslee (Mrs Philander Keep) Little Roelc 21845|| Roots, Miriam (Miss) 923 Scott st., Little Rock 31960b Sadler, Grace (Mrs William P.) Van Biiren 31216& Shibley, Emma Ward (Mrs D. Carlton) Van Bnren 15562$ Taylor, Lena Clifton Preston (Mrs J. M.) Pine Blufp 25047& Thomason. Fannie Rose (Mrs H. F.) Van Bnren 3958a Vaughan, Mj'ra McAlmont (Mrs) 802 Cumberland st.. Little Rock 4117r/ Warner, Julia McAlmont (Miss) 1414 Rock st.. Little Rock 31961& Warren, Charlotte Olive Hayford (Mrs John Jay) Van Bnren 12226 Young, Fannie Houghton (Mrs James Calhoun) Pre scott CALIFORNIA State Regent, 1901, Mrs. John F. Swift, 824 A^alencia St., San Francsico it a 190'"^ " " " " " " " " " CHAPTERS (7 organized) a. California Chapter — San Francisco 1; Tir^inia, 1) Regent, Mrs Ida S. Moody Vice-Regent, Mrs Cleora Hewlett Rec. Sec. Mrs Perris B. Gray Cor. Sec. Mrs Flora A. W. Mills Treas\irer, Mrs Merriam Bancroft Registrar, Miss Marie Vooi-hies Historian, iMiss Amelia G. Catlin Curator. Miss Anna Gray. b. El-Toyon Chapter — Stockton Oromiizcd April 15, 1896; Memhers, -5-'/ (Dislrict of Columhhi, 2; Gconjid, 1; ForeiyrK Organized Jannary 9, 1901; Memhers, 32 Regent, Mrs Anna F. Peters Vice-Regent. Mrs Adelaide Nicol Rec Sec, Miss Louise Creaner Cor. Sec, Mrs Arthur H. Ashley Treasurer, Mrs Sarah B. Owen Registrar, Mrs Emily Tully Historian. Miss Genevieve Peter- Curator, :\lrs William T. Clary c. Eschscholtzia Chapter— Los Angeles Organized June 16, 189.^; Members, 32 Regent, Mrs Wesley Clark Cor. Sec, ISlrs H. C. Gooding Vice-Eegent, Mrs Josephine Lee ^^reasurer, Miss Abby C Adair Eec. Sec, Mrs Belle Thom Eegistrar, ]Nriss Alice Stevens Historian, Miss Sraah Pepper Elizabeth Kenton Chapter, Ky. Wataug-ii fliaptcr, Tenn. C.'.LIFOEXIA. 23 d. La Puerta Del Oio Chapter — San Francisco Oryaittzcd April J/, 1806; ilcitibcrs SO (Foreign, 2; Illinois, 1) Ifegent, Mrs Isadore Bums Cor. Sec, Miss Ida Gibbons Yiee-Eegent. Mrs Elsie McC. Gregory Treasurer, Mrs Louis P. Bolton Uec. Sec, INIiss Julia Reed Registrar, Miss Harriet Currier Ilisloriau. iliss Susanne R. Patch e. Oakland Chapter — Oakland Organized June 23, 1891 ; Members, 3-'f Regent, Miss Maria R. Babson Cor. Sec, Miss Mary S. Barker Vice-Regent, Miss Mary Alexander Treasurer, Miss Catherine A. Ward Rec Sec, Mrs Frances Gray Registrar, Mrs Emma R. B. Friend Historian. ^Irs Adeline Taylor f . Santa Ysabel Chapter — San Jose Organized ISoicniber 12, 1896; Memhers, 19 (District of Volnnihia, 1) Regent, Mrs Lydia G. Lieb Cor. Sec, Miss Cornelia Alice May Vice-Regent, Mrs Marion P. Pierce Treasurer, Mrs (iertrude M. Beans Rec Sec, Mrs Katharine J. Ballon Registrar, Mrs IClizabeth Lusson Historian, Mrs Harriett e Smith §•. Sequoia Chapter — San Francisco Organized Deeemher 10. 1891; Members. 12 (District of Columbia, 2; Oregon, 1; New York. 1 ; Foreign, 2) Regent, Mrs Susan L. Mills Cor. Sec, Miss Gertrude A. Burnett Vice-Regent, Mrs E. F. Ashburuer Treasurer, Mrs Dora Thiirston Rec Sec, Mrs Irving F. Moulton Registrar, Miss Klizal)eth Jones Historian, Mrs Mary B. Moores Members Residing ix the State 15380 Abbott, Carrie Wheelock (Mrs Wm. Anderson) Yreka 25644e Adair, Abby Cohvell (Miss) 1039 W. 21st st., Los Angeles 29736*/ Adam, Medora Clarke (Mrs Lockhart D.)..1449 Clay st., San Francisco 17879c Agnew, Nancy Kidd Lauck (Mrs Franklin H.) . .Hig-hland Park, Pasadena 1809*/ Alden, Alma Priscilla (Miss) 873 Jackson st., Oakland 21847) Alexander, Mary (Miss) 1006 16th st., Oakland ]5378rf Allen, Elizabeth Fuller (Mrs Isaac Patten) 1970 Page st., San Francisco .5320* Allen, Mai'tha Jane Larkin (Mrs Amos D.) Napa 5321* Allen, Sara Louise (Miss) Napa 696(/ Alvord, Mary Eliza (Mrs Wm.) 2548 Jackson st., San Francisco o3169£r Anderson, Bertha Lillian (Mrs Winslow) 2115 Pacific ave., San Francisco 33642|| Anderson, Mildred Napier (Miss) Applegate 20147V Ashburner, Emilia Field (Mrs Wm.) 1014 Pine st., San Francisco :;3616'?j Ashlev, Abigail Cadle (Mrs Arthur Henry) Stockton .11228 Ashley. Anna Hall (Mrs) 730 W. 16th st., Los Angeles 28428| Austin, Fannv M. Johnson (Mrs John Jenkins) Santa Ana 23622f Austin. Gertrude May (Mrs Paul P.) 683 S 3d st., San Jose 28012(? Babcock. Louisa Merrill (Mrs) 1124- McAllister st., San Francisco 190316 Babson, Maria Rogers (Miss) 222 11th st., Oakland 3933/7 Baggett, Nellv Conway Rose (Mrs Wm. T.) . .207 Larkin st.. San Francisco 22557§ Bailev, Anna'w. (Miss) Nestor 5844j; Baker, Alice Carey Cook (Mrs W. J.) Fresno 1664fir Baker, Ellen Stone (Mrs Livingston L.) Ross Valley 7089** 'Baker. Lvdia Maria Noble (Mrs E. P.).. 1717 Gough st., San Francisco 17209 Baldwin, Lucy F. (Mrs J. A.) care Capt John A. Baldwin, Alcatraz Island 25064 Baldwin, Lucy Washburn (Mrs Henry N.) . .161 S. Madison ave., Pasadena 8303flr Ballard, Laura A. Stow (Mrs Alpheus) 610 Hyde st., San Francisco * Faith Trumbull Chapter, Conn. § Susan Carrington Clark Chapter, Conn. I Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Conn. ** Norwalk Chapter, Conn. 1.. Waterloo Chapter, la. 24 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 15954f Ballon, Katlierine Jane Kimball (Mrs John Q. A.) San Jose 6445a Bancroft, Alberta (Miss) Aloha Farm, Walnut Creek 2668a Bancroft, Fannie Watts (Mrs Albert L.) Aloha Farm, Walnut Creek in296a Bancroft, Miriam Fernakl (Mrs Chas. E.)..2425 Green st., San Francisco 5699P Banning-, Annie Ophelia Smith (Mrs H.) 416 N. Broadway, Los Angeles loS67(Z Banning-, Clarissa Armstrong (Mrs Frederick) 1219 Adeline St., Oakland 5698c Banning, Mary Hollister (Mrs) 535 N. Broadway, Los Angeles 21379P Barker, Mary* Simpson (Miss) 1119 Castro st.. Oakland 29738 Barnes. Julia A. Murray (Mrs Wm. H. Harrison) Santa rtO-sa lS692t Barnum, Mary Hawes Gilmore (Mrs O. S.) 1514 W. 20th st.. Los Angeles 2159f/ Barstow. Emily E. (Mrs George) 927 Pine st.. San Francisco 6670 Beans, Charlotte Bray (Mrs T. Ellard) 439 N. 1st st., San Jose 14628 Beans, Frances Levering (Miss) "Ivyhurst," San .Tose 14697f Beans, Gertrude Moore (Mrs Wm. Knox) 411 N. 3d st., San Jose 10298(Z Beaver, Anna Wheaton (Miss) 1300 Taylor st., San Francisco 360S3& Beede. Virginia Aldrich (Mrs W. M. S.) 417 San Joaquin st.. Stockton 22477a Belcher. Siella Burfoot W. (Mrs E. A.) Hotel Bella Vista, San Francisco 15387fir Biddle, Maggie Pepper Van Eeed (Mrs N. T.) 16 Jones ave., San Jose 1329// Bidwell, Anne Ellicott Kennedy (Mrs John) Chico 14668rf Eigelow, Isabel Otis (Mrs Samuel S.)..1300 McAllister st., San Francisco 360SS(Z Billings, Maria Hall (Mrs George E.) 1612 Clay st., San Francisco S23f; Blakeman, Mattie Spotts (Mrs Theodore Z.) 1607 Gough st.. San Francisco 2209/7 Blanchard, Ann Elizabeth Hobbs (Mrs Nathan W.) Santa Paula 20148.r/ Blanchard, Sarah Eliot (Miss) ' Santa Paula 20151,f/ Bolting. Sophronia Wood Bunker (Mrs A. J.) 2314 15th st.. San Francisco 2049911 Bolton. Alice Brooks (Mrs William Thomas) Pasadena ]4683(Z Bolton, Louise Patch (Mrs Jefferson Davis).. 2516 Clay st., San Francisco 22479fZ Bonestell, Lulu Fare-o (Mrs Robert Gray) " San Mateo 29733 Bowen, Jennie F. (Miss) 331 S. 3d st.. San Jose 16548a Bowen, Mary Helena (Mrs Edgar J.) 900 Sutter St., San Francisco 153SS// Bowers, Gertrude S. (Mrs Geo. W.) 2610 Jackson st., San Francisco 13870(^?' Bowman, Mary Coryell (Mrs George F.)..319S Pacific ave., San Francisco 196136 Boyd, Louise Arner (Mrs John F.) San Pia.f ael 25060// Bovd. Margaret (Mrs George Davis) San Rafael S897<' Bradfield, Cordelia P. M. (Mrs A. J.) 1527 Chateau st., Los Angeles 14691 Bradley, Edith (:\liss) 1024 Pine st., San Francisco 14692 Bradley. Mabel (Miss) Berkely 1826(Z Branch, Mary ISfaddux (Mrs L. C.) 922 Hyde st., San Francisco 29151"=^ Briggs, Julia A. (Mrs Clarence F.) California Hotel, San Francisco 14666rf Brown, Adelaide (Miss) Dr 1212 Sutter st., San Francisco S905 Stewart, Grace Julia Cutting- (Mrs Frank A.) 1045 N. Centre st.. Stockton G66S(/ Stone. Florence A. W. (]Mrs B. \V.)..3820 Washington St.. San Francisco 28869 Stough, Florence Acer (Mrs 0. J.) '. San Diego 2S867f/ Stow, Nellie (Miss) 1013 Pine st., San Francisco 3(j091d Suydam, Gertrude T. (Mrs C. H.) 2831 Washington st.. San Francisco 27969t Swain. Mattie ITenshaw (Mrs 0. E.) 876 Laurel st.. Alantedri 25049// Swan. Alartha A. Moore, (Mrs David G.) 2000 Lagima st., San I'ranci-co LS233// Sweascy, Fannie E. (Mrs Wm. J.) 1812 Alameda ave., Alameda SQQOd Swift, Mary A. (Mrs John F.) 824 Valencia st., San Francisco 30253a Talbot, Amy Norton B. (Mrs C. F. A.) 1819 California st., San Francisco 1600// Taliaferro. Mary Conception, (Miss)... 916 Greenwich st., San Franci-co 1927// Tallant, Eliza Shaw (Mrs John Danry) 2211 Washington St.. San Francisco 196126 Taylor, Adeline Alice (Mrs Henry Robert) 510 Hobart st.. Oakland 25055/7 Tavlor, Bessie Kittle (Mrs William Hinckley) . .1253 Castro st.. Oaklan:', 25643 Thbm, Belle Buford (Miss) " Santa Monica 256420 Thom, Belle Cameron Hathwell (Mrs C. E.)...118 E. 3d st., Los Angeles 36085ft Thomas, Frances Pearson Button (Mrs).. 627 N. Commerce st., Stockton 897// Thompson, IMarion S. (Mrs T. L.) 2021 California st.. San Francisco 9916r Thorpe, Virginia Boane, (Miss) 4501 Pasadena ave., Los Angeles 25050/7 Thurston, Dora ^l. (Mrs George P.) 925 Pine st.. San Francisco Lj385// Tobin, Mary Dimond (Mrs Joseph S.) Bmlina'ame 26349// Tolman, Jane Cordelia (Miss) :\ril's Colleoe 2S007 Tooker, Thyra Elsie (IMiss) 332 X 1st st.. San Josi> 35119,^ - Towle, Alle'en Louise (Miss) Hotel Bella Vista. San Fraucis^ o 1180 Tripp, Lizzie Washington Chipman (Mrs Jos.) . . . .Encinal I'ark. .Vlameda 2s:!23// Truesdell. Amelia Woodward (Mrs Orron P.) 711 Jones st.. San Francisco 24497/7 Tuggle, Carrie Lawrence Gould (Mrs Samuel Parsons) X. W. Cor. Page St. and Central ave., San Francisco. 2s()10fi Tully, Emily Genevieve Learned (Mrs J. J.) 248 Acacia st., Stockton 1 179f/ Turrill, Mary Sullivan Hubbard (Mrs Joel) Los Gatos 1597a Van Wvck, X^annie Crittenden (Mrs S. M.) 1944 Webster st., San Francisco 31857* Vaughan. Augusta P. Canbv (Mrs Geo W.) Fernando 19024ff Very, Mary (Miss) '. 15 S. I'ark st.. San Francisco 6444a Voorhies. Marie Robina (Miss) 2111 California st.. Saji Francisco 22480f AYaite Alice C. (Mrs Melville M.) 49 WilloAV st., San Jose 25641a Walker, Emily Talbot (Mrs. Cyrus) 1730 Jackson st., San Francisco 14695 Walker, Maria G. X^. (Mrs Theodore L.) 2549 Piedmont ave.. Oaklan 1 32770 Walter, Carrie Stevens (Mrs William) 600 X^. 3d st., San Jose 2S319r' Ward, Catherine Appleton (Miss) 166 10th st., Oaklan rl 5711a Ward. Sarah Harwood B. (Mrs D. H.) 1216 W^ebster st.. Oakland 23334a AYardwell, IMary A. (Mrs W. VanB.) 1405 Van X^ess ave., San Francisco 4305a AYardwell, Louise AA'atts (Mrs Atwater Murdoch) San Franci-co 6665// AA'atson, Mary Ann (Mrs James) 706 Broderick st., San Francisco ()448// AA'ebb, Virginia IMorton (Mrs Harry H.) Selby 15376 9438 AYells, Lena McClelland (Mrs Guilford AV.) Santa Monica 23616a AA'emban, Caroline S. (Mrs Simeon) . .1920 A'an Xess ave., San Francisco 2355// AAVtherbee. Ellen IMerrill (^frs Henry) Fruitvalc t AVilliaiii Henshaw Chapter, W. Va. Qiiakpr City Chajiter, Pa. COLORADO. 31 24190;/ Wethered. Mary J. Woodworth (Mrs J. S.) 2109 I'acific ave., San Francsco 20145r Wheeler, May M (Mrs J. L.) Cor Alice and lOth-sts., Oakland 34027f/ Whitehurst, ]?ose Ostron (Mrs Charles S.) Fairlawn, Wheatland 19022« Whitney, Anna St. J. (Mrs Arthur L.) San Mateo 10294/7 Williams, Elizaheth Stark C. (Mrs F.) 2224 Jackson st.. San Francisco 2922,'/ Williams, Fannie D. Sibley ([Mrs Edward) (509 S. 3d st., San Jose 2938St Williams, Mary Floyd ( .Miss) 969 Brush st , Oakland ]9027r? Wills, Mariana Alley (Miss) 23.5 Bartlett st.. San Francisco 244S0 Winslow, Gertrude Holbrook (Miss) 904 Taylor st.-, San Francisco 25646rf. Wilson, Rose Helen Lane (Mrs Frank M.) '.Ridg-e Road, Berkeley 34026fl Wood, Catherine Lawrence Moore (Mrs)... 1115 Bush st.. San Francisco 2S013f Wood, Caroline Shotwell (Mrs) Claremont 25691§ Wood, Lillian IMae (Miss) San Mateo 27S5.f/ Woodworth, Mildred Overton Mathes (Mrs Fred) San Rafael 1807« W^right, Joanna M. (Airs Selden S.) 910 Lombard st., San Francisco 2(5619/ Wright, Susie Davis (.Mrs Frank V.) 601 Stockton st., San Francisco 360S6fZ Wymore, Ada Belle Frances (Mrs W. W.) San Franci.-co 23(-.20.r/ ^'eamans. Bina Staples (Mrs Hei-bort W.) 2038 I'.aker st., San Francisco 2G725r[ Young-, Adelia Speer CMrs A. B.) 7.'>9 S. Hill st., Los Angeles 3511S?) Young, Nellie R. (Mrs Junius D.) State Hospital, Stockton COLORADO State Regent, 1901, Mrs William F. Slocomb, 24 College Place, Colora(Jo Springs .< a 1902 " " " " " " " • " CHAPTICRS (2 organized) a. Denver Chapter — Denver Uryaitizcd Maij ..'(), 18D8; Members, 12 Regent. Mrs John Campbell Cor. Sec, Mrs Thomas W. Edwards 1st V. -Regent, Mrs Mitchell Benedict Treasurer, Mrs John ilcMillan 2d V. -Regent, Mrs W R Whitehead Registrar, Mrs Jules La Barthe Rec. Sec, Miss J. Anderson Historian, Mrs Marilla Barney b. Zebulon Pike Chapter — Colorado Springs Ort/anized May li, 1895; j\lciiih Blackmer. Aljbie E. D. (Mrs F. T.) 15 ]•]. Cache Pondre st.. Colorado Sprino-H 33203J Bog-y, -Grace Seymour (Mrs Pamsay C) 1645 Logan ave., Denver 25932a Boyd, Una Pupie (Mrs) " 1548 Gaylord st., Denver 1334« Brigham, Lillie Balance (Mrs Daniel P.) 1249 Humboldt st., Denver 236240 Brooks, Louise (Mrs Henry F.) 2230 E. 14th ave., Denver 130776 Brooks, Sara CooTidge (Mrs F. E.).1324 N. Nevada ave., Colorado Springs 297420 Brown, Kate Chittenden (Mrs Isaac Hubbard) . .1705 Grant ave., Denver 20086^ Brownell, Amey Dorrance Mauran (Mrs W. W.) Colorado Springs ,3219§ Callahan. Sarah S. F. (iSIrs Henry White) Boulder City 9918« Campbell, Harriet Parker (Mrs .John) 1401 (iilpin st., Denver 28014f/ Chappell, May Hastings (Mrs Delos Allen) 1555 Race st., Denver 3713a Cherry, Sarah Walworth Davison (Mrs .J. A.).. 1435 Humbolt St., Denver 12576 Chisholm, Sarah Bowman (Mrs Pobert W.) Colorado Springs 16082a Clark. Henrietta (Miss) 2611 Stout St., Denver ^ 5933a Cochran, Anna Marshall (Mrs Pobert Lee) 1637 Court Place, Denver 130786 Cohen. Eliza S. (Mrs Eugene S.) 4 Grant St., Colorado Springs 283256 Cox, Pebecca S. (Mrs) 1414 N. Nevada ave., Colorado Springs 35703 Crowe, Annie Lottie Small (Mrs John T.)..503 Howes st., Fort Collins 138716 DickerTuan, Annie Harding (Mrs Alton Leslie) Colorado Springs 165476 Dickerman. Foster Damou (Miss) 814 Tejon st., Colorado Springs 34474 Dixon, ( lara McCoy (Airs .John Ponian) 1010 Palmer ave., Pueblo 2131- Doug-las, Mary Josepha Williams (Mrs C. W^)..Camp Neosho, Evergreen 14129a Phiw, C<)7-a Sh'ailer (Mrs Charles H.) 1345 Pearl st., Denver 21673** Down, Maude Elizabeth Fisher (Mrs W. D.)...1347 Josephine st., Denver 302546 Eastman, Mary (lonld (Mi-s) 719 N. Nevada ave., Colorado Springs 22179tf Eaton, Mary Tuttle Hogarty (JNlrs Bruce G) Eaton 30573a Edwards, Jennie Rice (Mrs 'Thomas W.) 2224 E. 14th ave., Denver 83086 Eldridge, Emma H. (Mrs C. A.). 18 F. Williamette ave., Colorado Springs 15418:}:| Emmons. Eunice Hewitt (Mrs Charles Henry) -. Denver 83076 Ensign, Lilla Bntiu (Mrs E. T.)..14()9 N. Nevada ave., Colorado Springs 89126 Ervay, Louise Hickman (Mrs H. S.)..116 K. Boulder st.. Colorado Springs 118326 Fagin, Maude Ervay (Mrs Harry L.).116 E. P.oulder St.. Colorado Springs 24159a Ferril, Alice Lawtcut MacHarg (Airs W. C.) 2123 Downing ave., Denver 19727|j|| Fesler, Ida Hatch (Mrs John Henr\ ) Glenwood Springs 89076 Finkbiner, Martha H. (Mrs J. W.).!.309 E. Platte ave.. Colorado Springs 25078 Frederick, iVIartha Hardin (Mrs) Fort Logan 26621a Freeman. .Vnue (Juiu (Mi's .John J.) Fairmont School, Denver 124816 Frost, Ella Hildrcth (Mrs Walter C).11S1 Carauiillo st.. Colorado Springs 3315 Gale, Margaret Alorris (Mrs .Jesse Stearns) 1104 6th st., Greeley 10219a Ciarner, Janette Adauis (Mrs John Lake) 1425 Williams st., Denver 336336 Gauss, Helen Worthington (Mrs W. T.) Colorado Springs 283266 Gidings. Sarah Adelia (Miss) 404 Tejon st.. Colorado Springs 124826 Gile, Jose])hine P. (Mrs Moses C.) 1121 N. Te.jon st.. Colorado Springs 12876 Goddard. Elizabeth C. L. (Mrs F. W.) .sos N. Cascade ave.. Colorado Springs 27211 Grant, Nanny G. (Mrs W. W.) care Dr 86556 Griswold. Katherine H. A. (Airs F. E.) :'.!(; Springs 29741a Green. Anna Alarv Brown (Airs Hubert Piley)..1331 Lincoln ave., Denver 22147* Griffin, Alary Em'ily (Aliss) School frad<) * Ohai-ter Oak Chapter, Minn. t Watauga Chapter, Tenn. t Norwalk Chapter, Conti. S Wiltwyck Chapter, N. Y. ^ Gaspee Chapter, R. 1. Xova ('ae'-:P.pa Cliapter, X. .J. Osase Cliapler, Mo. Lucretia Shaw Chapter, Conn. Kewaneo Chapter, 111. COLORADO. 'i>3> 12483& Harden, Amia Davis (Mrs Henry B.).-1500 Wood ave., Colorado Springs 27452a. Hajden, Flora Pluina INIatson (Mrs T. Scott) . .1637 Sherman ave., Denver 28015a Hayward, Susan Moffat (Mrs W. 1\ G.) 1210 S. 14tli st., Denvei' 23079a Herriek, Ellen Louisa (Mrs John C.) 948 Broadway, Denver 31230« Hill, Alict' Polk (Mrs William C.) 105 S. ■ Broadway, Denver 1]670§ Hobson, Katherine Thayer (Mrs Henry W.) Denver ;n971a Hobbs, Ina Swift (Mrs Charles M.) 1001 E. 12th ave., Denver 19524 Hoch, Eleanor Wigton (Mrs William Eobert) Pueblo 221 82f Hogarty, Anne Michuela (Miss) Greeley 22181t Hogarty, Sarah Ann (Mrs M. J) Greeley 34473a. Hopkins, Octavia Palmer (Mrs F. W.) 2814 Downing ave., Denver 23625« Houghton, Martha Palmer (Miss) 924 Broadway, Denver 8876$ Howell, Catherine Ashman V. (Mrs Benjamin P.) Box 1368, Denver 23627 Humphrey, Mary A. Waters (Mrs Edwin James) Colorado City 24505b Humphrey, Rebecca J. M. (Mrs J. F.) 122 E. Platte ave., Colorado Springs 25071a Jerome, M. B. (Mrs Frank) 1835 Sherman ave., Denver 3435311 Jones, Florence A. Feay (Mrs 11. H.) 1347 S., 9th St., Denver 23626J) Jones, Mary Emily (Mrs Asa T.)..623 N. Cascade ave., Colorado Springs 27193a. Joralmon, Katherine Gaddis (Mrs H. M.) 1441 Vine st., Denver 25072a Keezer, Martha Moulton (Mrs Frank M.)....1245 Columbine st., Denver 34475 Kerr, Bertha Thompson (Mrs Guy Manning) Pueblo 18402 King, Virginia Southard Woodruff (Mrs William Kice) Fort Logan 27451a La Barthe, Eurithe Katherine (Mrs Jules) 1429 Pearl st., Denver 25073a Ladd, Ada Isabella Upham (Mrs Oliver M.)..51 Irvington Place, Denver 307176 Lane, Frances Margaret (M. D.) (Miss) Victor 16971a Lawrence, Kate Page (Mrs Thomas Hoel) 1250 Grant ave., Denver 26350& Leddy, Adeline Jerome (Mrs M. A.) Manitou 23795a Lennon, Elizabeth Fletcher (Mrs J. Alexander) . .1720 Pearl st., Denver 15598|| Leonard, Elizabeth Prescott Timmins (Mrs Wm. H.) . .Colorado Springs 30516 Leslie Lillie Webber (Mrs Waiter N.) Pueblo 16965|||| Lester, Kate Ridenour (Mrs John Calvin) ... .1356 Josephine st., Denver 320426 LoAvrj', Mary Nell French (Mrs Walter Bingham) Denver 20158*"' McClurg, Virginia Donaghe (Mrs Gilbert) Colorado Springs 27387a McDaniel, Elizabeth Abbott Chase (Mrs S. D.)..1276 Lincoln st., Denver 360946 McGarry, Bertha Rebecca S. (Mrs) 106 E. Jeft"erson st., Colorado Springs 360936 McKeehan, Grace Chandler (Miss) 221 S. Weber st., Colorado Springs 24506a MacMillan, Lizzie Lawrence (Mrs John) Denver 31231a McNamara, Anna Butler (Miss) 2230 E. 14th ave., Denver 18238a McNamara, Louise B. (Mrs Michael J.) 3230 E. 14th ave., Denver 36192tt McNutt, Mary Orth (Miss) 1244 Gaylord st., Denver 36191tf McNutt, Mary Orth (Mrs Orrin) 1244 Gaylord St., Denver 25076a Mann, Frances C. Mack (Mrs Herbert) 52S Washington ave., Denver 25066a Martin, Celia Mott (Mrs Quincy L.) 1369 Hayward Place, Denver 28016a Mathew, Virginia Browne (Mrs H. A. C.)..12tli and Lincoln ave., Denver 25934fl Millett. Evangeline St. C. (Mrs Nelson) 2014 Vine St., Denver 35780:j::j: Mitchell. Margaret E. (Mrs John C.) 45 Block "N," Pueblo. 35781:j::l: Mitchell. Margaret H. (Miss) 45 Block "N," Pueblo- 25()74« Afoore, Nancy J. (Mrs Samuel B.) 64 W". Maple st., Denver 25075O Moore, Mary J. (Mrs Thomas H.) 1841 Sherman ave., Denver 182396 Murray, Mary Emily (Mrs) 45 Block "M," Pueblo 26519a Myers,' Harriet Eaton (Mrs Julius A.) 1205 Qgden st., Denver 32771a Myers, Ma Belle Irene (Miss) 1205 Ogden st., Denver 19561a Neal, Nora Kate (Miss) Drexel Hotel, University Park 33173a Nathan, Etta Wolfe (Mrs Samuel) 1580 Pearl st., Denver 36095 Newell, Helen Duubaugh (Mrs Traver W) 818 Main st., Pueblo 28017a Nice, Ruth Mott (Mrs William H.) 1223 Columbine st.. Denver 1875"- Nichols, Anna Maria (Mrs Edward) Manitou Springs 1 874-'-- Nichols. Ida Cornelia (Miss) Manitou Springs :i.">127 Noble, Elizabeth Ann (Miss) cor 6th and Center sts., Pueblo Brownson Chapter, Vt. Osa^e Chapter. Mo. Honnv Kate Chapter. Tenn. Bunker Hill Chapter, Mass. Ondawa Chapter, N. Y. II Dial Rock Chapter, Pa. ** Dorothy Ripley Chapter, Conn. ft Gen. de Lafayette Chapter, Ind. i$ Genesee Chapter, 111. II II Elizabeth Benton Cliapter, Mo. 3 34 DlRECTOllY. D. A. R. 3,-)124 Noble, :\Iartha J. Henry (Mrs Chapmaii M) Pueblo 2U022a Page, Hattie Pamelia (Mrs Mann) 1764 (iilpin st., Denver 25(307|1 l^ag"^' Louise Blow (^Nfrs William Byrd) SIS Pearl st., Denver 21S53& Pavey, Sarah Myrta (Miss) 1414 N. Nevada ave., Colorado iSprings 2S327& Peave^', Angenette Upham (^Irs) 726 N. Tejon st., Colorado Springs 2S328& Peavey, Josephine Lyford (Miss) 72B N. Tejon st., Colorado Springs 27454tt Perry, Lottie jNIatson (jNlrs' Samuel ^1.) ]143 Logan ave., Denver 25067« Phelps, Idelle (Miss) ]2:;i Grant ave., Denver 27453(f Pierce, Frances ^.Moffett (Mrs John) i:-18 California St., Denver 31947 Pitzer, Anne Hamilton Bennett (Miss) Colorado Springs 5Slf/ Piatt, Julia Ma.ria II. (Mrs W.) "Tlie Belvoir," Colorado Springs 24502/j Powell, Harriett R. (^Irs G.) 117 X. Nevada ave., Colorado Springs o3174(/ Price, Mary D. Hickman (Mrs John jawing) ... .1410 Grant ave., Denver 2iy5o(/ liSLJ, Jessie Miller (Mrs Benjamin F.) 17(1] Williams st., Denver ayses^ lleid. Belle BoUins (Mrs Jaines) Pueblo 2506Sa Ebodes, Charlotte Ann Barron (.Mrs \\ . A.) 13,36 S. LJth st., Denver 7766§ llichards, Louise Parks (Mrs Samuel) Denver 8906h Eiddle, Ida B. Wheaton (Mrs W. E.)...S11 \V. Tejon st., Coloraih) Springs 22483/> Ripley, Lydia P. Parker (Mrs A. M.)..327 X. Tejon st., Colorado Springs 8309/) Rouse\ Harriet Brainard (Mrs F. L.) 2 W. Cost ilia st., Colorado Springs 29744a Schuyler, Mary Douglas O. (Mrs G. L.) "'The Belvoir,'" Denver 14S6Srt Seele'y, Lutie 'Williains (Mrs Edward J.) Denver 130S1?> Seldomridge, Irene B. (Mrs H. H.)..917 N. Nevada ave., Colorado Springs 8910 Shadbolt, Betsey Hemingway (Mrs D.) 422 S. Tejon St., Colorado Springs 8909 Shadbolt. Jessie (Miss)T...!^ 422 S. Tejon st., Colorado Springs 297430 Sharpley, Kate Lennon (Mrs William Hardy) 1720 Pearl st., Denver 1 837t Skinner", Olive Ann Webb (Mrs Lewis B.) 479 Logan ave., Denver l'S91of Slaughter, Stella B. (Mrs, JNI.) . .219 E. Williamette ave., Colorado Springs 6173b Slocnm, Mary G. ^l. (Mrs \V. F.) 24 College Place, Colorado Springs 319726 Sprague, B. S. B. {Mrs C. S.) 16 College Place, Colorado Springs 13S39fl Stearns, Ella Powell (^Nlrs John Lloyd) 16.57 Logan ave., Denver 34809** Steuart, Jiiliet (Miss) I.'WIO Washington ave., Denver 34810** Steuart. Mary C. (Miss) l.'jiio Washington ave., Denver 25069«. Strickling, Laura J. (Mrs H. F.) 1717 Stout st., Denver 13080b Strieby, Anna Breath (Mrs W.)..S05 N. Cascade ave., Colorado Springs 15392b Sutton, Annie L. Owen (ISlrs Asahel)..527 X. Tejon st., Colorado Springs 35126 Thatcher. Lilhan (Miss) cor. Grand ave. and 14th st., Pueblo 35125 Thatcher, Margaret 11. (Mrs J. A.).. cor. Grand ave. and 14th st., Pueblo 32364rf Thomas, Hattie I'ersis S. (Mrs Jas. H.) 421 3Sth ave.. East Denver 23915 Tingley, Josephine Bell Pice (Mrs Charles \V.).121 E. Pitkin ave., Pueblo 23336b Tucker, Fanny Anna I. A. (Mrs J. S.).813 N. Weber st.. Colorado Springs 30574(/ Van Keuren, Lillian Spencer (Mrs Frank P.).. 1635 Humboldt st., Denver 259350 Whitehead, l':iiza Flynn Benton (Mrs Wm. B.)..112S Grant ave., Denver 312320 Whitehead. Floreuce" Benton (:Miss) 112S (irant ave., Denver 20591§§ Wilcox, Nellie Sophia Hayden (Mrs Norman Tryon ) Canon City 29745b Wiley, Emma Danforth '(]\[rs M.)..1203 N. Tejim st.. Colorado Spi-ings 22189|||| Wilson. Harriet C. H. (^irs Harry Nol)le) Idaho Springs 130S2b Wood, Eebecca Wain Tntt (INlrs Franc Ogilvy) Colorado Springs 255S0O Woodworth, Adelaide E. C. (Mrs (L B.) 1553 ]Milwaukee st., Denver Wah-nil-a-\vay Chapter, O. Great Bridge Chapter, Va. Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Madison County Chapter, Ky. t La Crosse Cliapter, Wis. ** Jane ilacUae Chapter, X. Y. II II Osage Chajiter, llo. §S Sa-go-ye-wat-ha Chapter, \. V. cox>;ectiout. 35 CONNECTICUT. 8taU' Regent, 1901, Mrs. Sani T. Kiiinev, 11()2 Chapel St., New Haven 19U2, •' '• " " ' " " ■" •• CHAPTERS (44 organized) a. Abigail Phelps Chapter— Simsbury Vnjaiiizcd XoiCiiihcrJJ. JS!),]; Mciiihvrs. 61 (PcnnsijJvuniu, .i; Nctc Yorh-, 1) Keyt-nt, Mrs Antoinette Wood Treasurer, JNIrs Arthur Ilnmi^hrey Viie-Kegent, Mrs George Eno Registrar, ]\Irs Jaiiies Iv. Crofut lice. See., Miss Jillla B. Ensign Historian, Miss ]\Iarv Winslow Cor. Sec, ]\tiss Mary C. Eno b. Abigail Wolcott Ellsworth Chapter — Windsor Oryau'izcd Deccmhcr S, ISO'i; Mcinhers, 2.1 Kei^ent. Mi's Liicien B. Loomis Treasurer, Mrs N. W. Hayden \i<.(-lvegent, Mrs Franklin Hnbbard Registrar, Miss Mary E. H. Power Secretary, i\[rs ^Yalter \V. Loomis c. Abi Humiston Chapter — Thomaston OnjauizcO Jidji N, /.S.'^T; MviiiIhiis, ID Ii('t;eiit. Mrs Mary L. U. Hassard. Treas., Mrs Mary Catherine Welton ^ ice-Uegent, Mrs M. J. H. Blakeslee liegistrai-, :Mrs Julia G. Eastwood Sccielary, Mrs Nellie G. Beardslee Historian, >\Iiss F. E. Blakeslee Lilirarinn, r^Iiss Kate ]\I. Hnxford d. Anna Warner Bailey Chapter — Groton (>r-'>: Mcmhrys, l.'y'i (ColorudiK 1; Kaiisas. 1: Iowa, I ; Wash- i)i(/f()'ii. 2; New Jcrscij, 'i ; Xew York, IS; Ohio, 1; West Yir(/iiiia. 1; For- ci(/ii, 2; Rlitidc Island, 12: lUhiois. 1; Mdssachnsrtts. 1: Vir- (jinio. 1 ; Loii;/ Ishnid, 1) Ri'iiciit. ^frs Cuthbt'vt Sloc-oinb Asst. Treas., ]Mrs Elisha Thomas \ ifi-Regent, ]\Irs John ('. S])icer Registrar. Miss Alice S. Turner i;cc. See., ]\Iiss Addie S. Tlionias Asst. Registrar, Miss Anne Meech ( (u-. Sec, Miss Lillian "Whipple Historian, jNlrs Orson Rogers Trejisiirer, Mrs William Thomas Asst. Historian, ;Mrs I. H. Palmer e. Anne Brewster Fanning Chapter — Groton Oryauizrd June IS, IS91; Mnnhcrs, 21 \li-uvnt. Mrs Henry H. Bnrnham Treasurer. Mrs Edward F. I'.urleson \'ice-Regent, Mrs H. C. A. Partridge Registrar, Miss Eliza- W. Tilt'any i;r(j(nu~ed Darniini Historian. [Miss Mary Fanton Cor. Sec, Miss Mary C. Hoyt Chaplain. ^^Irs Fannie Phelps Slack Hon. Chav)laiu. [Miss Lucy [M. Osborne B. Mellicent Porter Chapter — Waterbury Oryanized Janvary 27, 1893; Members. 106 (Montana, 1; Missouri, 1) * Eegent, Mrs Otis S. Northrop Treasurer, Mrs Irving H. Chase Vice-Eegent. Miss Susie E. Hill Eegistrar. Miss Katharine Prichard Secretarv. Mrs Otis Northrop Historian, i^Iiss Mary Porter CUXNECTICUT. H9 C. Natlian Hale Memorial Chapter — East Hacldani Onjdnizcd June 6, IDOO; MemhvvH, ;l'/ (lUinois, 1; Xi'tv Yuri; 1; Miissdclivsrfts. 3) lit'oent. Miss Marian Ellen Gross Treas., Miss Gertrude P. Eeynolds ^'.-lieg■ent, Mrs A. Jeannette Parker Registrar, ^Mrs Hattie N. Griffith llec. Sec, Miss Lncy Gelston Historian, Mrs Melissa U. Tyler Cor. Sec., Mrs Hattie S. Hotchkiss Chaplain, :Mrs :Mary S. Bug-bee D. Norwalk Chapter — Norwalk Onjunizal December 16, ISO.i; Mciitherft, J.l'i (\civ York, J, ; Colorado, 1; (JaUfornht. 1) Eegent, Mrs Samuel K. Weed Treasurer. jNlrs Frederick Belden Yice-Eegent, Mrs James L. Stevens Eegistrar, Mrs Pobert Van Buren Eec Sec, Mrs Charles A. Tucker Historian, ]\[iss Angeline Scott Cor. Sec, Mrs Kate P. Hunter Curator, ]Miss Emily A. Lynes E. Orford Parish Chapter — South Manchester Orfjanized Mai/ //, 1895; Members, 35 (New Yorlx, 2; Massachusetts, 1) Regent, Mrs C. D. Talcott Secretary, Miss S. Adelaide Benton Vice-Pegent, Mrs J. N. Viot Treasurer, INFrs C. E. Benton 2d Vice-Regent, Mrs E. S. Ela Registrar. :Mrs W. IT. ]\[oore Historiau. Miss Alice B. Cheney F. Putnam Hill Chapter — Greenwich Organized December 2S, 1897; Members, 36 (Ncic York, 6) Regent. Mrs Helen R. Adams Cor. Sec, Miss Carrie M. Banks Vice-Regent, Mrs Lavinia Thorne Treasurer, Miss Margaret H. Ryker Rec Sec, Mrs Nannie O. H. Morton Registrar, ^liss Jessie Banks Historian, ^Miss Mary T. Hvihbard G. Roger Sherman Chapter — New Milford Orr/ai)ized Mail .s". ],S9.i: MciiiJters, 27 (Xeic Jcrscij, 1) Regent. ISIjs Henry S. Mygatt Treasiirer, Miss Minnie C. Wilbur Vice-Eegt., Miss Helen M. Boardman Registrar. jNfrs Charles M. Beach Rec, Sec, Miss Ella F. Noble Historian. Miss Kate T. Boardman Auditor, Mrs H. Le Roy Randall H. Ruth Hart Chapter — Meriden Organized February 1, 1893; Members. Ufl (Massachusetts, .'/; New York. 2; New Jer- sey, 1) Regent, Mrs B. C. Kennard Treasurer, !Mrs Wilbur B. Hall Vice-Eegent, Mrs W^ H. Catlin Eegistrar, Mrs Grace Dean Rec. Sec. Miss Hannah K. Peck Historian, Mrs J. U. Pratt Cor. Sec, Miss Harriet Foster Chaplain, !Mrs F. Hinman I. Ruth Wyllys Chapter— Hartford Organized November 18, 1892; Members, 231 (New York. 10; Ohio, 1; Rhode Island. 1) Regent, Mrs John M. Holcombe Cor. Sec, JNIrs J. Gilbert Calhoim Vice-Eegent, Mrs Frank L. Howard Treasurer, ^Mrs Charles H. Lawrence Eec Sec, Miss Fann^- M. Olmsted Eegistrar. Miss Mary K. Talcott Historian, Mrs Franklin G. Whitmore J. Sabra Trumbull Chapter — Rockville Organized May, 1895; Members, -'/Jf (Massachusetts, 1 ; California. 1; Iowa, 2; Rhode Island, IJ Regent, Mrs Lizzie S. Belding Treasurer, ISIrs Jessie J. McChristie Vice-Regent, Mrs Celia K. Prescott Registrar, Mrs Annie S. Cameron Rec Sec, Mrs Bessie M. Martin Historian, Mrs Jessie A. Jackson Cor. Sec, Mrs Ella L. Orcntt (^'haplaiu. Mrs Frances L. Orcut Auditor, Mr Clayton E. Harwood 40 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. K. Sarah Ludlow Chapter — Seymour Orfianizcd May 2, 1894; Members, 50 Kegent, Mrs Anna C. Dean Cor. Sec, Mrs H. DeWolf Roberts Yice-Eegent,Mrs Hattie Bucking-ham Treasurer, Mrs Hattie L. Bassett Eec. Sec, Mrs Helena A. C. Williams Registrar, Mrs Kate C. Eadford Historian, Mrs H. A. Campbell L. Sarah Riggs Humphreys Chapter — Derby Organized October 11, 1893; Memhers, 121 (Netv York, 3; Massachusetts, 2; Illinois) Regent, Mrs James R. Mason Treasurer, Miss Frances M. Lewis Vice-Regent, Mrs diaries N. Downs Registrar, Miss il. Louise Birdseyt- Rec Sec, Mrs Robert S. Gardner Asst. Registrar, Mrs F. W. Benliaiii Cor. Sec, Mrs George B. Clark Historian, Mrs Noyes D. Baldwin Librarian, Mrs Albert W. Phillips M. Sarah Williams Danielson Chapter — Killingly Organized February 10, 1900; Af embers, 27 (Massachusetts, 1) Regent, Mrs Ella F. S. Russell Cor. Sec, Mrs Carrie W. Bennett Vice-Regent, Mrs M. C. B. Robinson Treas., Mrs Elizabeth M. S. Bidwell Rec Sec, Mrs Adabelle C. L. Putnam Registrar, Mrs F. Myrtella Preston Historian, Mrs Helen L. Atwood N. Sibbil Dwight Kent Chapter— Suffield Organized November '>, 1896; Members, 55 (New Yorl;, 1; New Jersey, 1; Massachu- setts, 1) Regent, Mrs J. R. Montgomery Treasurer, Mrs W. W. Cooper Vice-Regent, Mrs Emily W. Schwartz Registrar, Miss Emma L. Newton Secretary, Mrs H. H. Burr Historian, Mrs Helen M. King- Auditor, Mrs A. R. Pierce 0. Stamford Chapter — Stamford Organized December .'/. 189'i; Members, S3 (New York, 3; New Jersey, 1; Foreign, 1) Regent, Mrs Mary C. D. Hart Cor. Sec, Mrs Libbie D. White. Vice-Regent, Miss Mary E. Harwood Treasurer, Mrs Cora M. Crawford Rec Sec, Miss Florence Francis Registrar, Miss Kathai'ine Q. Cabot Historian, Miss Helen G. Davenport P. Susan Carrington Clarke Chapter — Meriden Organized October 1. 1S95; Memhers, 163 (Pennsylvania. 1; New Jersey, 1; Tennessee, 1; New York, 3; Foreign, 2; California, 1) Regent, Mrs Kate Foote Coe Treasurer, Mrs A. M. Alderman Vice-Regent, Mrs H. Wales Lines Registrar, Miss Fannie L. Twiss Rec. Sec, Mrs George M. Lucas Historian, Mrs J. C. Thayer Cor. Sec, Miss Jennie S. Smith Auditor, Mrs Charles T. Dodd Hon. Regent, Mrs Levi E. Coe Q. Torrington Chapter — Torrington Organized March 2-'/, 1896 Members, 46 Regent, Mrs Annie Spittle Calhoun Rec Sec, Miss May W. Workman Vice-Regent, Miss Mary E. Brooks Treasurer, Mrs Loiiise Carpenter Registrar, Miss Sarah Beach Norton Historian, Mrs Sarah Gray Jones R. Wadsworth Chapter — Middletown Organized February 1, 1892; Memhers, 100 (New York, 2; New Jersey, 1; New Hamp- shire, 1; Massachusetts, 1) Regent, Mrs Wm. W. Wilcox Treasurer, Mrs William T. Elmer Vice-Regent, Mrs Edward B. Rosa Registrar, Mrs J. C. Van Benschotcn Rec. Sec, Miss F. Pelton Asst. Registrar, Miss Jessie Ward Cor. Sec, Mrs Wm. B. Donglas Historian, Miss Mary E. Lyman COXXECTICUT. 41 Members Residing ix the State 23099f Abel, Abbie Williams (Mrs DAvight E.) 200 Prospect st., Willimantic 31992Z) Ackerman, Anna L. D. (Mrs Percy St. Clair) Wilton 303Q Ackley, Helen E. (Mrs) 14 Church st., Middletown 30594iO Ackley, Helen M. R. (Mrs Wm. Kilbourne) East Hartford 34038fo Adams, Dorothy Ripley (Miss) Westport 16560* Adams, Carolyn May Holbrook (Mrs F. Wm.) 53 Franklin st., Ansonia 20S34F Adams, Helen Rediiigton (Mrs Henry Herschel) Greenwich 11418Z Adams, Henrietta Runhani (Mrs Alfred William) Seymour 34477« Adams, Jane Griswold (Mrs Hiram W.) Tariftville SQlog Adams, Marcia Hattie Sprague fMrs W. ^V.) % .Mossup (5710./ Adams. May E. Risley (Mrs" Frank :M;irk) 38 Park st., Rockville jn93SZ) Adams, Sarah E. (Miss) 25 North ave., Norwalk :;05S3.r Adriance, Clara L. (Mrs .John B.) 161 York st.. New Haven 19090./ Agard, Frankie Raymond (Mrs Chas. Graves) Torrington 25662./ Agard, Katheriue Uissell (Mrs Wm. A.) Tolland 17907P Alderman, Nellie Gilbert Francis (Mrs A. McK.) 97 E. Main st., ^lerideu 30270i7 Alexander, Blanche Osborne (Mrs Franklin R.)..30 Hobart st., Merideii 10918P Alexander, Mary Lewis Hull (Mrs T. S.) .N. Colony St., Merideu 16575/- Alexander, Orline (Miss) New Canaan 10326r Alexander, Orline St. John (Mrs Lawrence D.) New Canaan 7052f xMford, Adelaide Louise (Miss) 106 Windham st., Willimantic 26354Q Alf ord, Jennie Camp Kellog (Mrs Geo. H.) Winsted 5240H Allen, Abby Durfee Johnson (Mrs Wm. H.) 52 Williams st., Norwich 23658* Allen, Abby Louise (Miss) 324 Howard st.. New Haven ]9042d Allen, Amanda (Miss) Center Croton, New London 2590/ Allen, Annie Pierson Dexter (Mrs Bennett R.)..84 Vernon st., Hartford 2S342a; Allen, Berthp. Darrow (Mrs Sherwood F.)..340 Howard ave, Ncav Haven 2589/ Allen, Edith (Miss) 859 Prospect ave., Hartford 8936* Allen, Grace Mason (Mrs Walter) 324 Howard ave., New^ Haven l()S77v Allen, Ida Hill Palmer (Mrs Albion H.) 27 Federal st., New London 5369?* Allen, Jessica Wolcott (Mrs Chas. Ira) Terryville 3518a? Allen, Julia Tiffany Camp (Mrs George W.) 309 York st.. New Haven 14724/) Allen, Sarah (Miss) Milford, New Haven 4S30ff Allin, Ellena I. B. (Mrs Arthur Lee) 481 :SIain st., Middletown 3S75L Ailing, Carrie E. (Miss) 175 Minerva st., Derby 24522a? Ailing, May Eleanor Pierson (Miss) 120 Sherman ave. New Haven 4332a; Ailing, Emily Williams M. (Mrs Chas. E.) 120 Sherman ave. New Haven 20797* Allingham, Mary Whitney Harding (Mrs J. J.) 26 N. State st., Ansonia S328Z- Allis, Anna Yale (Mrs Fortis H.) 18 Lexington st.. New Britain S314L Allis, Lottie Smith (Mrs Terence S.) 54 Atwater ave., Derby 10364V Allyn, Adeline Bartlett (Mrs H. S.) Black Hill, New London 53090 Allyn, Emily Fenner Maxson (Mrs Louis P.) .Mystic S921» Allyn, Martha Smith (Miss) W. Thames St., -Norwich 14715tt Alvord, Adelaide Emily Barber (Mrs Nelson) Southport 27199// Alvord, Elulia Josephine Martin (Mrs Wm. Elijah) Manchester Green 2?,642q Alvord, Evelyn Sarah Fletcher (Mrs Chas. L.) West Winstead, Sta. A. 20863(7 Alvord. Paufine Barnard Stevens (Mrs Jabez Hall) Winstead 16602/) Ambler, Hannah Raymond (Mrs Chas. A.) Hurlbutt, Wilton 182632 Ambler, Jennie Beardsley (Mrs Richard C.)..P. O. Box 106, Bridgeport 26367A Ambler, Martha Holmes (Miss) 5 Granville ave., Danbury 6701V Amerman, Susan Geer Culver (Mrs James) 116 Pequot ave., New London 33146/ Ames. Ida Cowles (Mrs Chas L.) 1281 Main st., Hartford 166220 Anderson, Elizabeth Peck (Mrs Joel M.) 48 Bedford st., Stamford 207S4Z ' Andrew, Lillian Mav Whiting (Mrs Geo. Woodbury) New Britain 15820 Andrews, Betsy Town (Mrs Walter E.) 66 5th st., Derby 19614s Andrews, Ellen D. (Mrs) Southington 23668/) Andrews, Fannie Hill (Mrs B. M.) 46 West ave., South Norwalk 2452S/> Andrews, Ida Francis Boyer (Mrs Thos. M.) 11 W. Main st., Norwalk 25012/ Andrews, Jennie Marfield^Mrs Edward Squire) 164 High st., Hartford 25097a? Andrews, Jennie Whipple (Mrs Frederick F.) 84 Dwight st.. New Haven 13928Z Andrews, Julia Barnes (Mrs John Henry) 62 Burrett st., New Britain 5985(7 Andrews, Julia M. Hill (Mrs) ". Moosup 17416P Andrews, Mary Boies Hatch (Mrs Russel G.) Southington Lucy Jackson Chapter, Mass. 42 DntiXToitv. 1). A. ];. 22523(/ Armstrong'. Laura Lee (^Irs C'has. llenrv) (3 Brooklawn ave., Bridg-eport 15417V Armstrong-, ]>oiiise Augusta (Mrs B. J.) 74 Hampstead St.. New London 10929a? Armstrong. Marion (Miss) 5(1 Olive st.. New Haven 17366/J Arnold. Marv Eleanor (Miss) 175 Broadvvaj-, Norwich 20S35F Ashforth, Mabel Stella Adams (Mrs Albert B.) ^Greenwich 32376(7 Attwood. Bertha Palmer (Miss) East Haddam 2251037 Atwater. Lila Mather (Mrs Edward Irving) 214 Canner st., New Haven 31237/*) Atwater. Mary Eleanor (Miss) \ Berlin 17882/> Atwater, Susan Stow Bristol (Mrs Albert T.) New Haven 11854-B Atwood, Elizabeth Piatt (Mrs Lewis J.) 260 Grove st.. Waterbury 5834« Atwood Ellen Hooker (Miss) Bristol 35594* Atwood, Ethel Alexander (Mrs John W.) Wauregan 6988W- Atwood, Frances Eliza (^Nliss) I'.IT Suniniei- st.. Bristol 29390??i Atwood, Helen Louise (Mrs James Arthur) Wauregan 32781m Atwood, Julia A. M. (Mrs James Sheldon) Wauregan 5359W Atwood, ]Mary J. (Miss) 197 Summer st.. Bristol 64587 Atwood, Mary Lucinda B. (Mrs G. W.) 26 AVhitney st.. Hartford 11356P Augur, Nettie Eliza Smith (Mrs Julius) 32 Maple st.. Merideii 15400i Auschutz. Emma Bradlev (Mrs Louis F.) 100 S. Clitf st., Ansonia 34039* Auschutz, Nanc v M . (Mrs M.) Ansonia 15446¥ Austin, Isabella' Emily (Miss) , . . .Suttield 36097fc Austin, Nellie Warner (Mrs Elmer E.) Berlin 29780^ Averill, Bertha W. (Mrs Herman O.) Washington depot 2816A Averill, Harriet E (Miss) s Terrace Place. Danbur.\ 2815A Averill, Maria White (Miss) S Terrace Place, Danbury 166320 Avery, Abby Latham Chesebrough (:\L-s Asa Allen) Mystic 5343rZ Avery. Adelaide Perry (Mrs Prentice P. ) Ncm' Plaven 10,301f Avery, Angelina Loring (Mrs Elisha B.) Lebanon 9480rf Avery, Annie H. (Miss) Groton 31973d Avery, Annie P. (Mrs Edward P.) 620 George st.. New Haveii 3859fZ AverV, Cora Vincent (Miss) Grotoii 5963d Avery, Ellen B. C. (Mrs Christopher L.) Groton 2715V Avery, Helen Morgan (J^Iiss) 6 N. Main st., New London 5956d Avery, Laura M. (Miss) Sunny Side, Lyme 3855d Avery, May Jane (Miss) Grotoii 31"252~ Ayrcs, Carrie Smith (Mrs Chas. Rui'us) 216 Ogden st., Bridgepoit 17412P Babb, Anna Baldwin Bobbins (Mrs Albert).. 56 Lindslev ave., jMerideii 13879.7' Babcock, Annie Heartt (Miss) US Putnam' st.. New Haven 35715// Bachelder. Marv Lsabel (Miss) Litchfield 21409/3 Backus, Margaret E. Brown (Mrs Jabez) Westporl 103337? Bacon, Arianna Pauline (Mrs Sherman M.) Arwana, Middleto\\Ji 2811A Bacon, Caroline E. Botsford (Mrs John W.) 215 Main st.. Danburv 190917s* Bacon, Henrietta B. Parker (Mrs Arthur W.) 208 Main st., Middletow'n 17207? Bacon, Katherine Sedgwick (Mrs C. E.) 235 College st.. Middletown 10906J Bacon, Mary Elizabeth Coit (Mrs Wm. T.) 95 Collins st., Hartford 2812A Bacon, Sarah Watson (Miss) 215 Main st., Danbury 3862r/. Bailev, Emeline Leeds Burrows (Mrs James A.) Croton 45757? Baile'v. Emma A. (Mrs J. William) 49 Crescent st.. Middletown 1660777 Bailey. Nettie Smith (Mrs Ellsworth S.) 3 Cook ave., Meriden 4778(7 Baker, Agnes Bailey (Mrs Lorenzo D.) Groton 17386D Baker, Amie Boberts (Mrs Tallniadg"e) , .18 Taylor ave.. South Norwalk 21420 Baker, Carrie Bichardson (Mrs Edwin Howard) Greenwich 7664i Baker, Ella Beach (Mrs Albert A.) 12 New st., Ansonia 3851f7. Baker, Ida S. (Mrs Eugene L.) Groton 361067 Baker, Josephine Amelia Buggies (Mrs) 650 Main st.. Hartford 20837 Baker, Ruth Sears (Miss) Greenwich 19054c Baldwin, Catherine Jane (IMrs Samuel Vs.) 316 State st., Bridg-eport 33182a; Baldwin, Fannie L. (Miss) 13S Whalley ave.. New Haven 741977 Baldwin. Flora Clendora (Miss) 277 WaP St., Meriden 10393i Baldwin, Harriet Whitney Powe (ISfrs Frank G.) 134 S. Cliif St.. Ansonia 19055c Baldwin, Jennie A. (Miss) 17 Grove st.. Bridgeport 21397/) Baldwin, Katherine Miles (Miss) ]\ni -'ord 3869L Baldwin, Mvrtie May Biggs Clark (Mrs Noves I').) 34 Anson st., Derbv 387477 Baldwin, Susie Ailing (Mrs Chas. T.) * 74 Olivia st.. Derb'v * C'aspee Chapter, R. T. CONNECTICUT. rd 23678L Ball, Martha Newcomli (Mrs Chamicey) :.".i:i ICHzabeTh st.. Derhy :U260c Ballantyne, Estelle Elizabeth V. (Mrs"F. A.) :.'l(i Minerva st.. Derby 20839F Banks, Caroline (Miss) (Jreenwich 18264^ Banks, Edith Marston (Mrs Chas. Lineoln) r24.s State si.. Southport 208387'' Banks. Jessie (Miss) Gn enwich (;452.v Banks, Julia Lewis Whitehouse (Mrs F. ,1.) :!S<) ( linlna ave.. Bridgepm-t 4594;:- Banks, Kittie Evelin Godsell (Mrs S. S.) 470 Fairtitdd ave.. Bridgeport 11414ft Barber, Abigal Sexton (Mrs Lucius I.) Simshury 4104/ Barber. Caroline Wadsvvorth Allyn (Mrs Horace) Warehouse Point 4S05ii: Barber, Harriet ]\[arie De Wolfe (Mrs) Seymour ;:4485f/ Barber, Harriet Tiffany (Mrs Chas. Edwin) Central ViHag- S916». Barber, Mary E. Tyler' (Mrs Thurston B.) Bahir 4817;:' Barber, Mary Ransom Nichols (Mrs Theodore Moi-ris) Black TJock 13084V Barker. Annie Crandall (Mrs Edmund D.)....7 Channing st.. New London S944,r Barker. :Mary J. Grant (Mrs David Otis) 407 Temple st.. New Haven 28779" Barker, ]\Iinnie Coggeshall (Mrs) 12 Bliss Boad, Newport 3101/ Barker, Paulina Sherwood Northrop (Mrs Ludlow) West Hartford 12508L Barnes, Carrie Frances Bowman (Mrs Truraan R.) lo Perry ave.. Shelton cmOii Barnes, Cordelia L. N. (Mrs Henry Ward) 89 High st., Brisi ol o837m Barnes, Eliza Jane Fuller (Mrs Wallace) 30 High st., Bristid 9923iP Barnes, Elizabeth S. (Mrs Herbert) .J90 Quinni])iac st.. New Haven 2833/ Barnes. Emily Adaline Smith (Mrs Loreii W.)...">0 Oxford st.. Hartford 5339;r Barnes, Esther C. Post (Mrs E. Henry) 1442 Chapel st.. New Haven 2S026S Barnes. Ida A. (Miss) Marion 266770 Barnes, Kate Craig (Mrs Charles E.) 46 Bedford st., Stamford d3S1u Barnes, Lena Forbes (Mrs Carlyle F.) Bristol 9491a; Barnes. Lulu E. Hemingway (Mrs E. H.) 592 Quinnipiac st.. New Haven 19053;c Barnes, Phebe Bryan Phipps (Mrs T. A.).... 462 Orange st.. New Haven 17379.:' Barnum, Bessie Hatch (Mrs) 38 Pros])ect St.. Bridgeport 10366A Barnum, Emma lionise Lyon (Mrs Starr C.) 66 Kiver st.. Datibui-y 13150a; Barnum, Grace A. (Mrs George Starr) Edgehill Row. New Haven 14480.r Barnum, Mary Nicholls (Mrs'Charles W.) ' Lime Jxock 2083GF Barrett, Nellie Adams (Mrs John D.) Greenwich o327/> Barroll, Mary Louise Hoyt (Mrs Henry H.) 11 Elm st., Norwalk 16557f/ Barry, G. Maud (Miss) 9 Granite st.. New London lS293y Bartholomew, Abbie Alice (Miss) '. Putnam 5364» Bartholomew, Alice M. (Miss) Edgewood. Bristol 25945i Bartholomew. Henrietta Cable (Miss) 70 S. Ctift' st., Ansonia 5940J Bartholomew, Henrietta E. C. (Mrs Arthiir II.) 70 S. Clitt" st., Ansonia 10883? Bartholomew, Isabel Huntingdon W. (Mrs Dana) 106 S. Cliff st., Ansoiiia 34506/* Bartholomew. Jane E. (Mrs Francis Cook.) W'allingford 18294 Bartholomew, ]\Iary Maud (Miss) Putnam 1604437 Bartlett, Ellen Strong (Miss) S3 Grove st.. New Haven 2]427(/. Barton, Dorcas Cornelia (Mrs George S.) Sta. A, West Wiusted 4603c Bartram, Elizabeth M. (Miss) .' Black Rock 9942^^ Bartram, Mary A. Beardsley (Mrs Orlando) 298 Seaview ave., Bi-idgeport 4598:; Bartram. Sarah J. (Miss) . .\ Black Roik 26634f Bass, Cornelia Lounsbery T. (Mrs R. W.) 81 Prosjject st.. Willimantic 18310L Bassett, Anne Elizabeth Bryant (Mrs T. W.) 229 Carolina St.. Derb\- 5275// Bassett. Hattie Louisa Storrs (Mrs Frank G.) Seymour 3868L Bassett, Lillian May (Miss) 294 Elizabeth st.. Derl)y 3875L Bassett, Mary Dixon Hotchkiss (Mrs C. L.) 14 Nev\- Haven ave.. Derbv 36S2L Bassett, Mary Smith (Mrs Dickerman M.) 294 Elizabeth st.. Derbv :;5131? Bassette, Lena Candee (Mrs Buell Burdett) 29 S. High St.. New Britain 33649- Bassick, Rebecca E. W. (Mrs E. C.)..1171 Fairfield ave.. BridsrejiorT 19665B Bastian. Ella Clark (Mrs Frank Joseph) Cheshire 7005O Batty, Addie B. Packer (Mrs Frank W.) ]\Iystie 5043/v Beach, Alice Maria Hilton (Mrs Andrew Y.) -. . . .Seymour 2839/ Beach, Annie Eva Lamson (Mrs Chas. L.) 427 Main st.. Hartford 17377:' Beach, Augusta Josephine Seelev (Mrs Samuel V>.) Long Hill, Trumbull 2315/ Beach, Elizabeth Colt Jarvis (Mrs George W.)..154 Main st., Hartford 33648:: Beach, Frances Wardale (Mrs Charles Yale) 536 Clinton ave., Bridgeport 26653,v Beach, Grace L. (Mrs Joseph W.) 547 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 27468.:" Beach, Helen M. (Miss) 547 Fairfield ave.. Bridgeport William rilei-y Chapter, R. I. "44 DillECTUKY, D. A. R. 3879G Beach, Ina Juliette Bucking'liam (Mrs Charles M.) New Milford 11355P Beach, Jennie Davis (Mrs Isaac Eaton) 1709 Broad st., Mei-iden r.:289.c; Beach, Martha Edwards (Miss) 469 P"'airfield uve., Bridgeport ] T.ITS.:- Beach, Mary Aug-usta (Miss) Long- Hill, Trumbull 11404B Beach, Sarah A. (Mrs George Wells) 29 Clift" st., Water))ury SO920 Beach, Susan Jeanette Curtis (Mrs Philo)..244 Kossuth St., Bridgeport 35136a? Bean, Charlotte Amanda (Mrs Albert B.) 40 Pleasant st., New Haven T. ISOIZ) Beard, Eliza I. (Miss) 5 West st.. South Norwalk 13W5p Beard, Martha J. (Mrs Eleazer J.) Milford :.2485fe Beardslee, Emma Gillett (Mrs Clark S.) Windsor 7C)55.c^ Beardsley, Carrie May Lattin (Mrs Elmer M.) Stratford 178S3p Beardsley, Helen Stowe (Mrs Fred. S.) Stratford O.S72L Beardsley, Louise Ailing (Mrs George L.) 16.5 Minerva st., Derby- 4-39.3Z Beardsley, Lucy Jane F. (Mrs Morris B.) 231 Park ave., Bridgeport 25()6l2 Beardsley, Lucy M. (Miss) 231 Park ave., Bridgeport 19(;38c Beardslej^ Nellie M. Griggs (Mrs Eodolph) Plymouth 22560L Beardsley, Susan Merwin Hine (Mrs George W.)..80 Perry ave., Shelton 17S95Z) Beatty, Anna Burr W. (Mrs J. W.) 7 Courtland Place, South Norwalk 6702t' Beckwith, Annie Edgar (Miss) 21 Federal st.. New London 5271V Beckwith, Belle Charlotte (Miss) 48 Himtington st., New London 4163H Beckwith, Celeste Kenyon (Mrs Ansel Arthur) 17 Lincoln ave,, Norwich 25039V Beckwith, Emma Elizabeth (Mrs E. P.) 38 Truman st.. New London 19r.80w Beckwith, Inez M. (Miss) 430 West st., Bristol 7:i94tt Beckwith, Julia Esther (Miss) 19 High st., Bristol o.'.Bla? Beebe, Elizabeth Febiger (Mrs William) 262 Bradley st.. New Haven as87a; Beecher, Adabel Williains (Mrs Edward C.) 688 Orange st.. New Haven 2SM44a; Beecher, Elizabeth Louise (Mrs Aymer J.) 149 Li\angston st., New Haven S'.;60L Beecher, Jessie Clark (Miss) Coran ave., Shelton 70512? Beecher, Mary Barnes (Mrs William E.) 21 State st., Waterbury 32773* Beeman, Maie Ogden Winans (Mrs Wm. Chester) New Preston 2l'<64wj. Beeman, Sarah Carrington (Mrs Allan) , Fairfield S.';33a? Beers, Emma J. Treat (Mrs Henry C.) 130 Howe st.. New Haven 26070 Beers, Francis L. (Mrs Sidney W.) 4 Lewis st., Norwalk 21S57/1 Beers, Maria Josephine (Mrs John Samiiel) Bridgeport 10S70V Belcher, Annette Talbot (Miss) 5 Fremont st.. New London 2:.'29D Belden, Sarah E. Hill (Mrs Frederick) 75 East ave., Norwalk <. IQQt/ Belding, Lizzie Smith Merrick (Mrs Alvah N.) 56 Talcott ave., Eockville 67366 Bell, Mary E. Hatch (Mrs Newton S.) Windsor 22511 J- Benedict, Amelia Lee (Mrs George W. L.) 80 Church st., New Haven 21S72r Benedict, Caroline Seely (Mrs John) Eidgetield 33212/J Benedict, Cornelia Colay (Mrs Francis Gano) Middletown 31! 187;/ Benedict. Cornelia Sutli'ffe (Mrs Edwin Carter) Litchfield 4331a? Benedict, Eleanor Augusta M. (Mrs H. H.) Whitney ave., New Haven 2765A Benedict, Harriet Hoyt (Mrs Theodore) 145 Deer Hill ave., Danbury 7431a? Benedict, Helen H. Piper (Mrs Frank W.) 5 Howe st.. New Haven ]^^26/• Benedict, Hellen Deete (Miss) 91 School st., Meriden 33655A Benedict, Lillian Frances (Miss) Danbury 259712; Benham, Annie Pond (Mrs George T.) Stratford, South Meriden 225417^ Benham. lone (Miss) South Meriden 3871L Benham, Mary Estell Higgins (Mrs Frederick W.) 57 Atwater ave., Derby 16614P Benham, Mary Jeanette (Miss) 22 Prospect st., Meriden sU66rf Benjamin. Mary Emma (Miss) Groton :;108/ Bennett, Alice North (Miss) 300 Farmington ave., Hartford 2ii:!92m Bennett, Carrie Williams (Mrs Frank W.) Killingly 3204G Bennett, Charlotte Baldwin (Miss) New Milford y.',S2x Bennett, Grace Lnogene Brown (Mrs Philo S.) 137 W^all st., New Haven 35717^ Bennett, Harriet Alina Knapp (Mrs C. P.) 1481 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 2'.i:!91M Bennett. Katherine Bates (Mrs John F.) Dauielson SQ57E Benton, Marv Holt (Mrs Chas. E.) South Manchester 9450^; Benton, Sarah Adelaide (Miss) South Manchester 16064O Betts, Anna W. Parish (Mrs William J.) Stamford 5352m Betts, Bessie S. (Miss) Fairfield 23340m Betts, Caroline (Miss) Fairfield 214150 Betts, Charlotte E. (Miss) Strawberry Hill, Stamford 16615P Betts, Fannie E. (Mrs Frederick A.) 100 Green st.. New Haven ■ 225D Betts, Sallie Sherwood (Miss) 79 East ave., Norwalk CONNECTICUT. 45 2'6894R Bevin, Elizabeth H. (Mrs Wm. H.) East Hampton 21372ie Bevin, Jane C. (Mrs Fhlto) East Hampton 3494P Bevins, Edith Louise (Miss) 34 Catlin St., Meriden 28364P Bevins, Jane Lois Stiles (Mrs Le Grand) 34 Catlin St.. Meriden 35735D Bibbins, Mary K. Sands (Mrs Arthur S.) Darien 302585 Bidwell, Alice Hart (Mrs John Welch) 38 High st., Winsted, sta. A 30259? Bidwell, Alice Louise (Miss) 38 High St., Winsted, sta. A 13215A; Bidwell, Clara E. (Miss) Berlin :i9761J/ Bidwell, Elizabeth Mitchell Sayles (Mrs Wm. F.) Killingly 11408n Bidwell, Esther H. (Mrs Gurd'on L.) 505 Franklin st., Norwich 32377C' Bigelow, Mary W. Smith (Mrs David Skinner. Jr.) Moodus 19046H Bill, Jennie Eliza (Miss) 270 Broadway, Norwich 3858(Z Bill, Julia 0. Averv (Mrs Curtis) (Jroton 7691J Bill, Lucinda Eoberta (Mrs B. H.) 10 Park st., Eockville 28846/ Bill, Maria Elvira Lincoln (Mrs John Goodell) Willimantic 3398- Bill, Mary Worcester (Mrs Curtis H.) 285 State st., Bridgeport 1824Si Billam, Adelia Harriet Tuttle (Mrs S. Wells) 21 Williams st., Ansonia j8249i Billam, Flora Elizabeth (Miss) 21 Williams st., Ansonia 13160a? Billings, Mary Elizabeth Alden (Mrs C. K.) 05 Trumbull st.. New Haven 201620 Bindloss, Margaret A. (Miss) Mystic 7010? Bingham, Mary E. (Miss) Franklin Square, New^ Britain 7415/ Bingham. Mary Elizabeth Goodwin (Mrs E. H.) 44 Gillett st.. Hartford 2b0lH Birdsey, Catherine Butler (Mrs Eli C.) 497 Broad st., Meriden 52940 Birdseye, Elizabeth J. S. (Mrs I. W.) 387 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 2 561L 5irdseye, Grace Elvira Couch (Mrs Henry S.) 209 Caroline st., Derby 3680L pjjrdseye. Mary Louisa (Miss) 32 Minerva st., Derby 19703B Bii-kenmayer, Charlotte E. Boughton (Mrs Curtis J.) Waterbury 8922?( Bishop, Ellen M. Kilbourn (Mrs Barzillai P.).. 182 E. Broad st., Norwich 19pl6s Bishop, Emma Savage (Mrs) Southington 109520 Bishop, Eunice W. Quimbj' (Mrs Lester C.) North st., Stamford 18301ff Bishop, Esther C. Johnson (Mrs Dexter L.) 51 Hobart St., Meriden 4ti04,~ Bishop, Julia Ann (Mrs William D.)....254 Washington ave., Bridgeport 9483m Bishop, Julia Armstrong (Mrs Nathan L.).7 Huntingdon Place, Norwich 52721' Bishop, Lydia Allen Holmes (Mrs Gilbert) ... .152 Main st., New London 293802/ Bishop, Mabel (Miss) Litchfield 64ol^ Bishop, Mary Ferris (Miss) 254 Washington ave., Bridgeport 12532V Bishop, Nettie Jay (Miss) Montauk ave., NeAv London 45870 Bishop, Susan Washburn (Mrs W. D. Jr.) 79 Courtland Hill, Bridgeport 7692J Bissell, Alice Bell Farmer (Mrs Arthur T.)..72 Prospect st., Eockville 336463? Bissell, Beata Wetmore (Miss) 308 Crown st.. New Haven 154492\' Bissell. Clara Julia Spencer (Mrs Charles C.) Sulfield 3671 Bissell, Kate E. H. (Mrs Hiram J.) Lakeville 154482\' Bissell,' Mary Gilbert (Mrs Leavitt Pomeroy) Suffield 6733f Bissell, S. Gertrude (Mrs F. Clarence) 211 North st., WillimanTic 15450iA^ Bissell, Sophia Leavitt (Miss) SufReld 3201(? Black, Sarah S. (Mrs William D.) New Milf ord 35154B Blackman. Jessie P. Mitchell (Mrs L Percy) Sandy Honk 18120* Blackstone, Sarah Anna (Mrs J. de T.) Norwich 5949J Blair, Jennie Smith (Miss 32 Mott st., Ansonia 9471? Blair, Marv Adelia Viets ((Mrs Charles Albert) Newington 208559 Blake, Nellie Mitchell (Mrs Lorenzo Mitchell) Sta. B, Winsted 10892L Blakeman, Mary Ann Johnson (Mrs George) 64 Bank sr., Derby 11360P Blakeslee, Eme'rett Maria Atwater (Mrs John Webb) Wallingft>rd 10917P Blakeslee, Emma Atwater (Miss) Wallingford 196320 Blakeslee, Frances Emeline (Miss) Thomaston 31248J? Blakeslee, Lizzie Finette Law (Mrs Dennie A.) 574 George st.. New Haven 10916P Blakeslee, Mary Atwater O.rss) ^ Wallina-ford 19631r' Blakeslee, Mary Josephine (Mrs Augustus E.) Thomaston 25961s Blakeslee, Olive Smith Adams (Mrs Sherinan) Plantsville 16616P Blakesley. Mary Morse (Mrs Jotham T.) Whitnevviile 4766D Blanchard, Agnes Eudora D. (Mrs A.) 19 Elmwood ave., South Norwallc 166250 Blinkensderfer, Nellie Irene Smith (Mrs G. C.) 42 Bedford st.. Stamford 5324A Bliss, .\manda Nichols (Mrs Samuel) 128 Main St., Danbury 4177A Bliss, Annie .Josephine (Miss) Turner House, Danburv 5939i Bliss, Eliza S. H. (Mrs Charles F.) 5 N. Cliff st.. Ansonia Washington Heights Chapter, N. Y. 46 DIRI'X'TOliY, D. A. IJ. 22576/^ Eliss, Emily li. (.Mrs Echvard A.) .54 Willard si., Hartford o032A Bliss. Estelle Jjailey (JNIrs John S.) Turner House, Danburv 2'.)746c Bliven, Alary A. I.iilibridg-e (Mrs \Mlliaui) lewett Citv :nS80z Blodo-ett. ]\label MeKelvey (Mrs Henry. ,lr.)..'. .72 West ave.. Bridgeport 2U747/ Blodgett. Martha .hilia Hill (Mrs Frederick P.) 97 S. Cliff st.. Ansonia 2S892ff Bloomfield, Frances l<:ilen Kingsley (ISIrs Garryj 17 Chestnut st., Meriden ms8l Boardnian, Carolyn Peck (Mrs H.'b.) \ .?,i Pearl st., New Britain 22546P Boardman, Florence Pratt Foster (Mrs E. A.) 54 Lincoln st., Meriden .■il97(? BoardmanJIelen M. (Miss) New Milt'ord 2399R Boardman, dennie Delancey Sears (Mrs H. F.) 1)6 Broail st.. Middletown ;;i96(r ]!oai-dman. Kate Taylor (Miss) Xew Millord 0457/ Boardman, jNlary Adah S. (Mrs Thomas J.).. 77 Buckingham st.. Hartford 323780* Boardman, jNlary Greene (Mrs Norman L.) " East Haddam 13S77P Boehner. Kate Atkinson (Mrs Paul Julius) j()2 Cottage st., Meriden ;!.")72SC' J>oies, Louise Beach (itiodspeed (Mrs Clayton S.) Seymour 13155a^ Bolmer, Gertrude Sanford (Mrs CTarencelL.) 19 Lynwood st., New Haven 4200J" Bolton, Fannie Shelden (:Mrs James E.)..364 Mansfield st.. New Haven 21898P Boone, Augusta J. (Miss) 478 E. Maine st.. Meriden .">048A' Booth, xVllida Louise (Miss) Seymour 174227' Booth, Eloise Mav Benedict (Mrs Martin W.) Meriden 22522.C' Booth, Emily (Miss) Stratford (>2()Gz Booth, Jeanette (JNIiss ) King st., Stratford 7rt85;r Booth, Julia (Miss) 151 AVater 'st.. New Haven 5049A' Booth, JNlary Elise (.Miss) Seymour 7686./; I?ooth, Mary Lewis (.Miss) '. 151 Water st.. New Haven ?,20Q(i Booth, Ruth Taylor (Miss) New Milf ord 13183L Boothe, Mary Worthington (Mrs Isaac J.) 263 Elizabeth st., Derby 15997/ Boss. Ellen Latham Grace (Mrs Charles L.) 214 Church st.. Willimantie 4022G Bostwick, Alice ]\[erwin (Mrs Henry E.) New Milf ord 2828/ Bosworth, Luc.\- Wilson (Mrs Stanley B.) 1506 P.road st., Hartford 19702^ Boughton. Elvira N. P.lakeman (Mrs Henry I.) Waterburv 15439/J Boutwell, JNlary Jssadora (Mrs C. F.) 12 Cre'scent Terrace, South Norfolk 9946/ Bowen, Hannah B. (Airs Andrew J.) 147 Prospect st., Willimantie 1828iy Bowen, Hattie J. (Airs Allen W.) Putnam 4614/* Bowen, Nettie Lna (Aliss) 596 Broad si., Meriden 53fi2» Bowman, Clara Lee (Miss) Bristol 14479./" Bowman, Kate Elmendorf (Miss) 377 Howard a\e.. New Haven 15427./' Bowers. Fannie Alnura (Aliss) 209 Crown st.. New Haven 170* Bovd. Elizabeth Pitcher JNIoore (Mrs Asa S.) 279 Crown st.,' New Haven 31988/? Boyd, Rosa Isabella (Airs John Alexander) 254 Hillside ave., Waterbury 10939/> Boyer, Harriet Frances (Airs Eugene L.) 138 Main st., Norwalk 31930 Bradford, Hannah King Hall (Airs Horace) Alystic 5937i Bradley, Celestia Stelle (Airs Edward B.) 100 S. Cbfl: st., Ansonia 160017* Bradley, Eleanor Alarie (Airs William) Greenfield Hill 3986t Bradley, Ellen Pauline P. (Airs F. E.) 322 Caroline st., Derby 8935./" Bradley, Emma J. (Airs. George T.) 1346 Chapel st.. New Haven 5331.7; Bradlej', Florence Isadore Judson (Airs A. S.) 52 Everit st.. New Haven 2497P Bradley, Harriet E. Peck (Airs Nathaniel L.) 3202 Colony st., Aleriden 7398/v P.radley, Helen Ives (Aliss) 250 Hawthorne ave., Derby 19615.S' Bradley, Julia Arnold (Mrs F. B.) Southington 25969;r Bradley, Alabel Daskam (Aliss) 1346 Chapel st.. New Haven 10933./; Bradley, Mary E. (Airs Edward E.) 212 York st.. New Haven 225457' Bradley, Alaria L. IJronson (Airs William L.) West Haven 35725C Bradley, Alyrtie Belle (Aliss) East Hampton 29766.^' Bradley, Nellie L. Treat (Mrs Otis B.) 214 Howard ave.. New Haven 1603,6/ Brainard, Adelaide Foster (Airs Austin) 29 Kenyon st., Hartford 10905/ Brainard, Alary P.ullceley (Airs Leverett) . . 135 Washington st.. Hartford 5344// Brainard, Alary Elizabeth Brewster. (Airs Wilbur F.)..23 Elm st., Bristol 28246$ Brainerd, Anita I>encdict (Airs Erastus C.) 54 Buckingham st.. Bristol 63108/ Brainerd, Lucy Abigal (Aliss) 47 Atwood st., Hartford 1995i; Bramble, Catherine A. Dudley (Airs) 8 Lincoln ave.. New London 4379/>' P.randee. Alary E. (Aliss) 231 College st., Aliddletowu ;!3643r Branch, Anna Hempstead (Aliss) 1 Hempstead st.. New London G703V Branch, Alary Lydia I^olles (Airs John AI.)..l Hempsted st.. New London * Mary Washlnf;ton C'hapti'V, D. C. t Doiiepal Chapter, Pa. Eagle Rock Charter, N. .J. CONXKCTICUT. 47 '.)1'42 Bralraiu, .M;ii-y Amelia IJeardsIey (Jkirs ().) 'JS Seaview ave., Bridgeport :>',i:!69fZ Brayton, Jvulu M. (Miss) ' Stoninf,^*)!! A:>7'i6H Breckinridge, Frances Augusta !'.. (Mrs J. ('.) llio E. :Main st.. Merideu TOoOh. Brewer. Alice Jiouis Boardniaii (JNlrs K. 1'.) IS Washiiig'toii st., Norwich ]1.S72/? Brewer, Grace .\rnold (Mrs William B.) 192 Court St., Middletown 10S9G/» Bre^ver, Mary Spencer (^Irs P'rancis H.) Fairfield 1!)()6(i/ Brewster, Berllia Fvung-eline Levering- (Mrs Nathan Avery) Putnam 2iio.5;^// Brew.ster, Clare Lonise ( Miss) 74 C Jiff st.. .Norwich ]iHi42e Brewster, Cynthia .1. (]Slrs Albert (i.) lewett City I4481v» Brewster, Eli/abelh Gordon (Miss) 30 (irove St.. Norwich S949L Brewster, Mary p]. Bnrd (Mrs John il.) 68 Perry ave., Shelton 89487^ I?rewster. Minnie de Nyse (Miss) f)s I'erry ave., 8helton 22490 Brigg-s. Eli/aheth Warner (Miss) ' Danielson 2*)764il/ Hriggs. Emily P'rances CSl. D.) (Aliss) P. (). P.ox 14.-). Danielson ?,2r;72/' i'.rig-gs, Julia E (Mrs William N.) Standwich ()99lM Brigg-s, Julia Isabella (Miss) 49 I'rince st., Bristol .")29.52' Briggs, Lizzie Beach (Mrs Warren IJ.) Stratford 2sO:!0,: J>riggs. Mary Reliance Jirinsmade (Mrs P\ C.) 24 P^remont st.. I'.ridg-eport 21911^ Brinsmade, Ada (iibson Colton (Mrs William Gold) Washington 22o(J.3/y Brinsmade, I'rances lionise (Miss) ?>d8 Coram ave., Shelton 225fi2L ]5rinsmade, Jennette Selina I'ardee (Mrs D. S.) .3.S3 Coram ave., ShePon r.;;00/y Brinsmade. .Marllia P,eardsley (Mrs .James P.) 254 p:ii:.' (Mrs Charles PI) 52 State st., Ansonia i;!1027' PSristol, Laura Peck (Mrs Phiiieas) Milford :'.5719c J.ristol, Susan Prescott Cleveland (Mrs J. P. 131 Hough ave., Bridgeport ]2n36j* Brockett, Emma P21iza Spring (]\[rs Miron Case) Bristol 28343* ]>roc)cctt, Grace Genevieve I^ier])ont (Mrs P>ank S.) North Haven 41890 B)-ockington, Anne M. Plolmes (Mrs Samuel C.) Groton 35724C Brockway, IMatilda Day (]\lrs Joseph) lladlyme 23li54c Bronk, Ijillie Lonise I'latt (]Mrs John I'arker) 256 State st.. Bridgeport J (55911 Bronson, Fannie p]lizabeth I'rench (Airs W. 11.) 56 Franklin st.. Ansonia 139157C Bronson, Harriet J{. (Mrs -Homer D.) Beacon P"'alls 3511/ J'ronson, Henrietta Lockwood (Mrs A. PL) 18 Xiles st., Hartford 59501 J'.rooker, Julia p:iizal)etli Clarke Farrell (Mrs C. V.) 37 State st., Ansonia 20197^ Brooks, Alice Atkins (Mrs John Norton) Torrington r2502Q Brooks, Amanda Collins (Miss) Litchfield st.. Torrington 3389.f Brooks, Caroline Tnttle (Mrs William T.)..()8 Trumbull st.. New Haven 8950L Brooks, p:dith Louise (Miss) 21 Cottage st.. Derby 3fi84L lirooks, Francelia T. CMrs Charles B.) 182 ICiizabeth st.. Derby 225527' Prooks, Jennie Hill (Mrs Arthur ]\liddleton) 14 Lincoln st.. Merldeu 6689i ]irooks, Kate M. I'.rown (Mrs William V.) 48 High st.. New Britain 1588 Brooks. Katheriui" S. Huntington (Mrs William Tj.) Stamfor 1 4193/ P>rooks, I^ydia Chapman (Aliss) Hartford 1 79207' Brooks, Mabel Martindale (Mrs Wesley) Meriden 89S2<'^ Brooks, Marana L. Norton (Mrs .John W.) 115 Tjitchfield st.. Torrington 125n3(> Bi-ooks, ISfarv p:iiza (Miss) 115 Litchfield st.. TorrinL'-t(m :;48S7/ P.ro<)ks, Mai-y ,1. (Miss) 131 X. Colony st.. .Aleriden 1 54047^ Brown. Annie Jenniiigs (Mrs Jer\-is Densmore) Alijford 32370./- Brown. Charlotte Elene Killam (Mrs Pobert A.) New Haven ] 1 8577> I'.rown, p]lizabeth Walde (Miss) 148 Main st., Norwalk 13094r I?ro\vn. p]lla E. Hawkins (Mrs Sidney A.) New I^onclon 1S3210 lirown. p]mma Ij. Phippenney (Mrs P"'re;lerick S.) Torringtcm sr.fiO P.rown. p]u!iice Maria Avery (Mrs Pardon T.) Mvstic 357417t' lirown. P::va Welles Bari-att (Mrs) Comstock's Bridge 32782il7 P>rown, I^velyn P.unette Williams (Mrs (ieorge S.) Danielson 7011/ I'rown, P^anny Lettingwell (Miss) Newington 6561^ r>rown, P^anny Pomeroy (Miss) Washington 35710/. P>l-o^vn, Florence (iraham (Mrs (teorge vSelah)..5(i Cedar st.. New Britain 23.344r P.rowii. Gertrude ^'arley S. (Mrs (i. T.) 37 Washington st.. New Jjondnn 2139 j" Bro\\ n, Plarriet Hathaway (Miss) I'ntnam * Pittslnng Chapter. Pa. 48 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 7012i Brown, Harriet Smith (Mrs Horace H.) 48 High st., New Britain 47467? Brown, Lena Migeon Hayden (Mrs F. J.)... 18 S. Willow st., Waterbnry 31790 Brown, Lizzie Denison (Mrs Elias) Noaiik 6241(1 Brown, Marianna W. (Mrs Samuel W.) Groton 21913^ Brown, Martha Pomeroy Whittlesey (Mrs Orlando)-. Washington 288740 Brown, Mary S. Logee (Mrs James E. F.) Mystic 24535/7 Brown, Olive Bnshnell (Mrs Joseph Emerson) 40 Catlin st., Meriden 4020L Browne, Abbie Gillette Chamberlin (Mrs Wm. S.) 140 Derby ave., Derby 6995(Z Browne, Elizabeth Mussey (Miss) Harris Building, New London 6254«. Browne, Gertrude Bell (Mrs William T.) 357 East Main st., Norwich 25098* Browne, Mary Helen (Miss) 83 Grove st.. New Haven 5833«f Brownell, Mary Ballentine Mather (Mrs F. C.) 234 Summer st., Bristol 16565yi. Browning, Mary Steel (Mrs C. L.) (JO 6th St., Norwich 20804; Brunn, Grace Louise Worcester (Mrs Armin E.) South Woodstock 3055-4. Brush, Julia E. Clark (Mrs) Danbury 33635?J Bryan, Isabella Treat Clark (Mrs Chai-les Henry) Woodmont 33636^j Bryan, Susan Merwin (Miss) ' Woodmont 17881i Bryant, Florence Adele Farrel (Mrs Geo. Clarke) 6 N. Cliiie st., Ansonia 30595 w Bryant, Hannah Ward (Miss) East Hartford 20820(/ Bryant, Marenda Adaline Holmes (Mrs Harry Erwin) New London 12238f Buck, Delia Lincoln (Mrs Edwin Augustus) ". Willimantic 3199(? Buck, Elizabeth (Mrs J. Leroy) New Mil ford 26355r Buck, Martha Silence Roberts {Mvs Ed\vard C.) Station B. Winstetl 19668/ Buck, Mary Keeney (Mrs John I\.) 37 Forest st., Hartford 9431A' Buckingham, Hattie Mabel (Mrs Samuel W.) Seymour 10945c Buckingham, Justine H. B. (Mrs C. B.) 425 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 13106/j Buckingham, Marion Lucretia (Miss) ; Milford 147110 Bucklev, Annie Mallorv Tift (Mrs Frank Burrows) Mystic 33659jr Bucklev. Ella Blodgett'^(Mrs James) E. Grove st., Seyniour 31860 Buckley, Sarah J. B. (Mrs Samuel H.) Mvstic 245432/ Buel, Elizabeth Barnev (Mrs John) Litchfield 259672/ Buel. Katherine Lefferts (Miss) Litchfield 259682/ Buel, Minerva Wadharas (Miss) Litchfield 196787 Buell, Elizabeth Elv Goodrich (Mrs K. C.) 21 Columbia st., Hartford 1831SQ Buell, Sarah Augusta (Miss) Litchfield 21854f Bugbee, Alice Johnson (Mrs E. Fraiik) 68 Bellevue st., Willimantic 30576f Bugbee, Eva Stowell (Mrs John C.) 484 Jackson st., Willimantic 23100f Bugbee, Julia (Miss) 484 Jackson st., Willimantic 22489; Bugbee, Francis Agatha (JNlrs Edwin Sumner) Putnam 32379C' Bugbee, Mary S. Newcomb (Mrs A. S.) East Hadden 6723f Bugbee, Sarah Preston (Mrs Echvin) 97 Prospect st., Willimantic 62527 Bulkeley, Fannie B. H. (Mrs jNlorgaii G.) !:!(> Washington st., Hartford 4009/; Bulkley, Amelia Gilbert (Mi-s Oliver) Southport 331797( Bulkley, Annie Louise (Miss) Southf)ort 43097( P.ulkley. Charlotte Malvina (IMiss) Southport 10373A Bulkley, Ella S. (Mrs Eugene M.) 17 Franklin st., Danbury 5248m Bulkley, Helen Elizabeth (Mrs Wallace M.) Fairfield 4310;t Bulkley, Mary Elizabeth Hadlock (Mrs Edward M.) Southport 3685/4 Bulkley, Eebekah W. P. (Mrs Henry T.) Southport 19617s Bull, Jane S. Lewis (Mrs) ' Southingtun 26666S Bull, Sarah Alice Sanford (Mrs Cornelius W.)..:)l Church st., Waterburv 21879.r Bullard Ella Belcher (Mrs William S.) 325 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 16577V Bullard, Anna Trowbi'idge (Mrs Henry Palmer) New London 7004fc Bunce, Louise Wilcox (Mrs Leandor A.) 190 Kensington st.. New Britain 6647? Bunce, Mary A. Hubbard (Mrs James H.) 107 High st., Middletown 33178/(. Bunnell, Carrie Beardslev (Mrs George P.. ) Southport 4591s Bunnell, Catharine M. S."^ (Mrs Eufus \\.) '. Stratford €5767 Burbank, Julia Brattle (Miss) 714 Asylum ave., Hartford 10318d? Burgess, Emma Brvant (Mrs George F.) 20 Brown st.. New Haven 6731r Burleson, Roberta H. (Mrs Edward F.) Jewett City 15447iV Burnap, Clara Almeda Converse (Mrs Sidney Rogers) . .Windsor Locks 16566» Burnap, Sarah A. Preston (Mrs Lyman S.) 11 Vine st., Norwich 30269/'' Burnes, May Ravmond (Mrs Charles Dudlev) . .Putnam ave., Greenvineh 35129/ Burnette, Florence Ethel (Miss) ". Putnnm 35128; Burnette, Mary Agnes Hascall (Mrs Francis Ellsworth) Putniin i2214/i Burnham, Catherine Cook Lanman (Mrs C. A.). 34 Lincoln ave.. Norv.ic^i 21866H Burnham, Ella Albertine Bradford (Mrs W. Rufus).362 Main St., Xorwii h cox3,-:jeoTi€iUT. 49 ?QrSf i^""'J'^"^' I'^^-f} Eu^line R (xMrs Edward UyrngsUm) . . .North Wiudhaiu lt,ll Burnham bophia Lydia Bennett (Mrs Henry Harrison) ... .Jewett City sSJ?:. ]lZZ' f ^^ f' ^^*'""^TAV 265 Clinton ave., Bridgeport llnlli S"^"^> J!^"^V.a-Ji Burr, Ida Fosket (Mrs Z. B.) fomnoiou 27463^ Burr, Lavinia Hurlbut (Mrs John M.) Burrville 1o4d1A Burr, Mary Elizabeth Owen (Mrs Horace H.).. Suffield ^mt^r S'""'"' ^""""y Hammond McJiols (Mrs K) 399 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport oi^o / ?''"■''' n \^?- Jeanette Birds^ye (Mrs Charles G-) 224 Howe ave., Shelton «?o;?« i""'-l'' ^^'^"1^^*^ Stanton (Mrs William S.)..10 Granite st., New London llf.t^ 5"^""' Y'^^. ^''^^f^, (^I^'^ A- Melrose).. 64 Leavenworth st., Waterbury lli-^ ?"'■''•!!' ?f "'"^r '^l\V^^^^ <^^^^ -'^'•^h"'- ^V.) . .385 Barnum ave., Bridgeport 460o^ Burritt, Mary L. (M,ss) ... I77 West ave. Bridgeport tottl S"'"'"''"^ Ir ''''i': Frances W. (Mrs J. E.) 500 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport ?ono^ Burrows, Alice Franklin (Mrs Wilbur F.) 19^ South Main st., Middfet^wn A?rl^ ?"^^"'''^' 4^^^'? ^- ^^I^« William H.)..276 Washington st.. Middletown tl^li Burrows, E iza Jane Smith (Mrs Caleb O.) !'. . Poquonnoc Bridg" tllll ^"^^«'^^' ^"f." ^5^^1'^^,,^.- (^fr« Charles L.) Poquonnoc Bridje 3863(i Burrows, Julia Ann (Miss) Prot^., 7006O Burrows, Mary Ella (Miss) '.'.".'.'.'.'. V.V.V.'. Noank 43861, Burton, Helen Loui.se Birdseye (Mrs Franklin) 25 N. Cliff ' st!,' Ansonia 20193F Butler, Helen M. (Mrs Joel I.) Meriden noJtp ?"!!''''' q""*-^ ^>'",^'' ^?J''"^ 3 Meriden 'si,.;' New London 0-0?^^ ^^*i^^\?"^=^" Adeline Hall (Mrs John H.) 122 W. Main st., Meriden ^^i. S""^' ^^'*^^ -^- (^^^^■'^) 113 S. Cliff St. Ansonia Qirtor r^ lu o , ^^. . ;^ v^«.....ji, V^"i^ ->• ^^i-; winstea, station A ioJ?|i Ca houn, Sarah C. Beach (Mrs J. Gilbert) 360 Laurel st., Hartford lor-foM n ^'^ T°' ^^'^?, '^''"^ ^^'^''^^ (^^^^ ^^^^'»^ S-) 277 Farming-ton ave., Hartford io^A?f n^ ' J/V"'e I emmgton (Mrs Charles F..) Danielson ^087^ S ' ^ fr ^^''"t«^,«f^''l;, (Mrs) 47 Prospect st., Stamford 1..087V Calvert. Alice Franklin (Mrs Jeremiah C.) New London 236S3J Cameron, Annie Strickland (Mrs John P.) 19 Elm st Kockville ^I??li- Cameron Mabel Ward (Mrs Chas. E.) 946 Asylum ave..' Hartford 4374^ Camp, Elizabeth James (Mrs Lewis A.) vSevmour 'if-a1 ?™P' ^i!^!'"^" BakHvin (Miss) West Winsted. 'station A 94.0Z Camp, Elnora J. Viets (Mrs T. H.) . . .37 Franklin square. W. New Britain 23111(? Camp, Josephine G. (Mrs Charles W.) . . Canaan 22568^ Camp, Minerva James (Miss) Sevmour 20854^ Camp, Sarah Maria Boyd (Mrs Caleb J.) Main st., Sta.' "a," 'west Win-ted iS'?lor ?™Pi' ^V^l^ Heal.y (Mrs John S.) 1021 Asylum ave.. Hartford ]8312A Campbell, Delana Louisa Allen (Mrs Hollis Andrew) Sevmour io?«H Campbell, Mary C. Pettibone (Mrs James) 2 Congress st., Hartford oJ?nr Canfied, Annie Rockwell (Miss) 158 Caroline st., Derby 12510iv Canfield. Cornelia L. Hawkins (Mrs George H.) 349 Derby ave Derby ^S?? ?''1''''!1' ^^''''' ?f''ir.*h=^ (^^^««) 313 E. Main st., Norwich 7031H, Cardwell, Lucy Leffmgwell (Mrs William H 313 Main st Norwich .Jt^lL Carpenter, Alice Holt (Mrs Arthur B.) 156 Prospect st., Wiliimantic I'^QOQ^ ^«J-Peuter, Lmnse Alvord (Mrs) Field st.. Torrington 17899(? Carr, Helen Blackman (Mrs Nelson H.) Roxbury ' ^tl^,^^ Carroll, Elizabeth May (Miss) 369 North Main st.. 'Wallingford 1736rH. Carroll, Emma Frances Briggs (Mrs George W.)..257 Broadway, Noi-wich 28S1.S Carter, Abbie Lay Douglas (Mrs Clarence Leonard) Southino-ton ^l~^^^ Carter. Anna Griswold (Mrs Galen A.) Glenbrook ave.. Stamford 6700r Carter, Eliza A. (Miss) N^w Canaan 21914< Carter, Emma Stirling (Mrs Robert E.) Washino-ton Framingham Chapter, Mass. 4 oO DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 3 151072 Cnry, Carrie McKean (Mrs) Middletown :J25o/ Case, Ellen M. (Miss) . .' SO.: Farmingtoii ave., Hartforl lT:364rt Case, Julia Abig-al (Miss) Simsburv 1 5992a Case, Liirietta S. (Mrs John E.) Avon i:?lll/^ Case, Natalie Parsons Merwin (Mrs Eredus M.) Poquonock, Windsor nS39/i Case, Sarah Carroll Jacobs (Mrs Luther Roswell) :. 2 Warren st., Norwich l(i054P Castelow. jMary Abbie (Mjss) :j01 N. Colony st., Meriden 1 18555 Castle, Amelia 2^1. (Mrs John 8.) Kellocr st., Waterbury 20S25J; Castle, Phebe (^Nlrs Andrew) '. Waterbury -41911 Catlin, Caroline Smith (:\Irs Abijah) 9G6 Asylum ave., Hartford 22512,P Catlin, Culielma H. Cram (Mrs Echvard E.) 65 Howe st.. New Haven ]S266^ Catlin, Helen Judson Lewis (Mrs Lyman S.)...Mill Hill ave., P.ridg-eport 4796/7 Catlin, Jennie Winslow (Mrs Williaiii H.) 130 E. Main si., Meriden 5031(Z Cavalry, Adelaide L. Avei-y (Mrs Joseph (I.).. 25 Broad st.. New London 5979d^ Chadwiclc. Cordelia ]\[. (Miss) ■ .164 Orange st.. New Haven 8957L Chaffee, Ihirriet Pussell (Mrs Sanford E.) 56 Olivia st., Derby ^0-!6r ChafFee, dessie ^l. 11. Cha])pell {:\Irs ]Jol)ert \\.) 222 State st , New London 19656C ChafPee, Katharine Day (Mrs Eugene W.) Moodus 6734f Chafi'ee. Martha W. (:vi:rs Dwight) 1S3 Summit st., Willimantio 32380G' Chaffee, Nellie Eugenia (Miss) Moodtis 10131 Chamberlain, Euth (Miss) 63 Franklin Square. New Britain S954L Chamberlin. Esther Adelaide Cornish (Mrs Smith T.).. Derby Hill, Derby 3392.r Champion, Sarah E. (Mrs Henry) 270 Crown st.^ New Haven 21S67» Champlin, Abbie A. Brown (Mrs Denison James).. 16 Cedar st., Norwich 196S3y Chandler. Ellen Deborah (Miss) W^oodstoclc S929J" Chandler, Frances Woods (Miss) 31 High st., New Haven 8926.r Chandler. ]\lary Pierce Woods (Mrs ^Vm. E.) 31 High st.. New Haven 8331!' Chaney. Clara A. ^Morgan (]\[rs Chas. Fredk.) 8 Channing st.. New London 5S2.5P Chapin, Ellie M. L. (Mrs Frank) '. Pine Meadow 245317?' Chapin, Mary Adella Glazier (Mrs Charles Edward) Greenwich 27469.C Chapman. Carolyn Ward (]\Irs William W.) 554 Norman st., Bridsreport 35155/ Chapn:an. Edith Snow (Mrs Clifton L.) Rock-ville 2n393il/ Chapman, Esmarelda A. Chase (Mrs) Danielson 57667? Chapman, Helen Cheney (INlrs Maro S.) South Manchester 361057 Chapman. Penovia Walbridge (ISIrs Pobert H.) 337 Laiirel st., Hartford 122311' Chappell, Adelene Ellis Palmer (Mrs A. S.) 16 Howard st.. New London 10362r Chappell, Anne Huntingdon (Miss) 10 Federal st.. New London 4771f7 Chappell, Catherine Gertrude B. (Mrs F. H.) Huntington st.. New London 10361P Chappell. Hannah Sage Huntingdon (Mrs F.) 10 Federal St., Ncav London 877r Chappell. Tsaliel Norton Culver (Mrs W. S.) 11 Channing st.. New London 7054f Cha]3pell, Isabel Webster (Mrs Herbert B.) 265 Prospect st.. Willimantic 12234'(' Chappell, Lucretia Holt (Miss) 25 Vauxhall st.. New London 29394M Chase, Annie Bartholomew (Mrs David) Killinoly 36057? Chase, Elizabeth Hosmer Kellog (]\lrs T. H.) 112 Prospect st.. Waterbury 22503/ Chase. Elizabeth Parker (:Mrs Charles F.).241 W. Main st.. New Britain 5391rt Chase. Mary Electa (Miss) Simsbury 7448* Chase. Mary Mosher (Mrs Constantine) Fort Trumbiill. NeAV London 103387? Chatfield. Harriet Tomlinson (Mrs Horace C.) 958 N. Main st.. Waterbury 5747K Cheney. Alice Barrett (Miss) South Manchester 57267? Cheney. Katharine Augusta (Mrs Charles S.) South Manchester 834l£' Cheney, Mary (Miss) South Manchester 5736B Cheney, Susan Jarvis (Mrs Frank) South Manchester 33644)' Chesebro. Katharine Spieer (Miss) Noank 19(iS4/ Chesebro, [Mary Nevins Lord (Mrs Charles H.) Putnam 14731» Chesebrough. Lydia Anna (ISliss) 751 .\sylum ave.. Hartforrl 147130 Chesebrough. Nancy Anna (Miss) Stoninofon 1662t) Chew, Alice (Miss) .' 304 State st.. New Lo-^do-^ 5373m Chidsey. Ida Cook (Mrs John T.) Bristol 8958L Chidsey. Winnifred Bishop (Miss) Shelton 5247W Child. Lizzie J. (Mrs Frank S.) Fairfifdd 103057 Childs. Grace Damon Smith (Mrs Charles P.) 85 Sigourney st.. Hartfor'l 27458.^7 Chipman. Ella INl. Kenyon (Mrs Gporge~t Moosup 43987? Chipman, ^Marie Seymour (Mrs Shprman W.) Second ave.. WatTbury 1184477 Chittenden. Harriet B. Wolcott (Mrs George M.).240 Liberty st., Meriden riKintcr. ri. f. COXXECTICUT. 51 Chuate, Grace ^Mm en (Airs \\ ashington) Greenwich Choate Inez..Arabel Hutchinson (Mrs C. K.) 4.37 Fairfield ave., BridP-eport Cholwell Clementine Louise (Miss) 30 Hii>-h st., Xorwalk C lurch, Amy t . Spencer (Mrs William IJ.) ^ . Washin-ton Church, Elizabeth Foster Draper (Mrs Henry James) MeiMden Church, Lucy Cartherine Goodell (Mrs Georye A.). .9::! Crown st., Meriden Church, Mary A Holbrook (Mrs William) 60 Elm st., Ansonia Church, May lelle C ooley (Mrs F. L.) .'westport Church, Sarah Mana Whiting- (Mrs John) Ovforrl Clark, Anna Clark Piatt (Mrs Fred M.) Milf n -rl Clark, Annie M. ( Mrs Edward G.) .'Wa^hino-t'on, Depot Clark, Augusta Mitchel (Mrs Elgin) "Sunn v Side,'' Lvme ( lark. Bertha Amelia (Aliss) " ]\[ilford Clark, Bessie Stuart (Miss) 2iHVghland' aVe'.'shelton C ark, Caroline Hollister K. (Mrs W. B.) 268 Farmington ave., Hartford Clark, Caroline Holt (Mrs Chas. H.) 78 Shaw st.. New London n^r Vf/" ,'"'' Justina Birdseye (Mrs George B.) 28 Academy Hill. Derby Clark, Charlotte May (Miss) ' Or-ms-e Clark, Charlotte Piatt (Mrs Herbert A.) .'.'.'. Milford Clark, Charlotte Woodruff (Mrs Everett Brvan) Orano-e Clark, Emelyn Ames (Miss) " 1.0 jay st.. New Loudon Clark. Emily (Miss) I4 Clark ave.. Derby Clark, Emma Piatt (Mrs Fred. DeWitt) Milford Clark, Esther Elizabeth Meeker (Mrs) ] s George 'st..' Danbury Clark, Frances A. (ioodsell (:\Irs James G.) . . . . blT IJeach st.: West Haven C ark, Jennie Louise Hallett (Mrs Arthur Lucius) West Winsted Sta A Cark, Julia A. Monlton (Mrs William N. Jr.)...... 40 James st., Ansonia Uark, Julia A. Biggs (Mrs Joseph Merrick) Highland ave., Shelton Clark, Louisa Holley (Mrs George M.) (ilE. Main st., Meriden Clark, Margaret Bacon (Miss) Lyme Clark. Marie T- Blood (Mrs Huber) ;i2 Oak 'st.! 'wiHimantic p/' 1'' ^r-' '.^ ,f ^ ;; ■ -^-^ ^r^Jn «*■• Hartford Clark, Mary Jlelle (Mrs Clifford E.) Milford Clark, Mary Hart (Airs Edward W.) Fremont st., New' London Clark, Alary .L Terry (Mrs William J.) \nsonia Clark, Mary M. Biggs (Mrs Albert E.) ".Seymour C ark, Mar.y P. Mrs Eben) . .i;; Ja,- st.. New London C ark,- Matilda Colt Boot (Mrs Charles H.) 1(50 Garden st., Hartford ^," , ' ^n^^'l"' ^V^cer (Airs Arthur Norman). 47 S. Alain st.. South Norwalk Clark, Phebe Atknis Twitchell (Airs) Plantsville Clark, Sarah Elizabeth (Aliss) " ' Pntuam Clark, Sarah Stow l<\)rd (Airs Joseph R.) AlJlford Clark, SnPie J. (Arrs Elbert Newton) West Biver st."," Milford C ark, \\innil)el (Miss) 40 James st., Ansonia Clarke, Anna i^aker (Miss) Groton Clarke, Emma J. (Airs David Leland) ..."..". Alilford Clarke, Emma Alanuing (Airs F. E.) " Putnam Clarke, Jennie Al. (Aliss) .■.■;.■ :Middletown Clarke, Julia ^ au Siclen (Airs Thomas AL) Sta. A. West Winsted Clarke, Alartha Fuller Fay (Airs John Eastman) Sta B Winst'-d Clarke, Nancy L. (Aliss) Winsted Clarke, Susan J. Holmes (Airs Edward) Winsted Clarke, Susie Smith (Airs Elbert Newton) West Biver st Aliljford Clemons, Bessie Augusta Lines (Airs Frank G.) ,5 Franklin st..' Ansonia C lemons. Alar.A" L. (Airs Henry N.) Danielson Cleveland. Alary .\ugusta Steele (Airs Charles Aliller) . .Station B, Winsted Cleworth, Cora E. (Airs Allan) og Williams st., Norwich" Clift, Helen Welch Noyes (Airs Hiram) Aly-tic Clift. Alary Elizal)eth (Aliss) AlysHc Clinton, Georgiana (Aliss) 37 Lowe st.',' South' Nm-'walk Coates. Irene Beckwith (Airs William Noves) East Lyme Cobb, Alabel Estelle (Aliss) ". Windsor Coe, Alice Lee (Aliss) '..'. '.Winsted Coe, Caroline S. (Airs Arden Henry) Waterbury Mercy W-irren Chapter, Mass. 52 dirp:ctoky, d. a. r. 1034617 Coe, Clara Martina (Miss) Bradley st., Meriden 15485/2 Coe, Elizabeth Strickland (Mrs Edward Stevens) .. ...* Cromwell 182Q5Z Coe, Hattie E. JarA'is (Mrs Charles Pierson) Atlantic Hotel, Bridg-eport 20856? Coe, Jeanette Lee (Mrs William G.) Winsted 166/* Coe, Katharine Foote (Mrs) Drawer 43, Meriden, New Haven 174137* Coe. .Mabel Estelle (Miss) 72 Colony st.. Meriden 16606/7 Coe, Mary Elizabeth Andrews (Mrs Winfield Rice) Bradley ave., Meriden 17424P Coe, Sarah Williams (Mrs John W.) 72 Colony st., Meriden 2491P Coe, Sophia F. Hall (Mrs Levi E.) Meriden House, Meriden 17408iV Coffin, Cora Drake (Mrs Arthur Dexter) Windsor Lock-, 236887? Coffin. Delia Brown (Mrs Seward V.) 190 Main st.. Middletowu 399172 Coffin, Ellen Elizabeth (Mrs O. Vincent) 190 Main st., AOddletowa 22575A^ Coffin, (jrace Pierson (Miss) Windsor Locks 13874P Coggins, Ednah Virginia Snow (Mrs Emory S.) G2 Windsor ave., Meriden 62072 Cogswell, Hattie Sanborn (Mrs William B.) Stratford 22491; Cogswell, Liicj' Lincoln Perry (^Irs John 11.) Putnam 293811/ Coit, Ella Sawyer (Mrs Charles Henry) Litchfield 8201« Coit, Ellen Grosvenor (Miss) 185 Broadway, Norwich 263601' Coit, Fannj" Learned (Miss) New London 5273t1 Coit, Ciertrude Barker (Mrs Alfred Jr.) ... .46 Huntington st.. New London 25655f' Coit, Harriet Tate (Mrs Horace) 21 Huntington st.. New London 25986L Colburn. I'^lora Ann Smith (]\Irs Frederick E.) 121 Howard ave.. Ansonia 19685/ Colcleugh, Emma Shaw (Mrs Fredericlv William) Thompson 29403Z> Cole, Annie Louise (Miss) "Elmcrest," Norvvalk 64532 Cole. Edith A. W. (Mrs Charles M.) 405 State st.. Bridgepori 305882 Cole, Elizabeth B. Prindle (Mrs Charles S.) 292 Lafayette St.. Bridgepoj-t 4748i; Cole, Emilie Jndson (;Mrs George M.) 33 Federal st.. New London 131687) Cole, Pebecca Isaacs (Mrs Ira) "Elmcrest," Norwalk 99320 Collender. Charlotte Fitch (Mrs William V.) Norton 19679/ Collins, Pollen (Miss) 1054 Asylum ave., Hartford 2585/ Collins, Marv Frances (Miss) 94 Woodland st., Hartford 11368P Collins, Sarah lOlizabeth (Miss) 69 N. Colony st., Meriden 14718P Collins. Sophia Northrop (Mrs Benjamin W.) 450 East Main st., Meriden 2246/ Colt. Elizabeth Hart Jarvis (Mrs Samuel) 30 Weathersfield ave.. Hartford 13148/ Colttm, Helen Clark Coomes (Mrs G. B.) 255 Laurel st.. Hartl'or.l 13890H Comsfock, Annie (Mrs Albert Seymour) ... .172 Laurel Hill ave., Norwicli 4179A Comstock. Elizabeth J. (Miss) . . .'. 42 Main st.. Danbury 13095r Comstock. Ellen 'SI. (^liss) 72 Hempstead st.. New London 32381C Comstock, Jennie D. Boardman (Mrs Wilbur S.) East Haddam 25675r Comstock, Kate Helena (Mrs Joseph C.) 40 Truman st., New Lr.ndon 13096V Comstock, Katherine (Miss) 72 Hempstead st.. New London 23651t; Comstock, Mary Cook (Mrs Marc) Broad st.. New London 8938ir Comstock, Paciiel K. (Mrs Pobert H.) Ivoryton 45892 Comstock, Sarah Maria Lockwood (Mrs George) 47 Park ave., Bridgeport 6219r Comstock, Susan E. (Miss) New Canaan 3508/ Cone, Florence Mabel (Miss) 182 Collins st.. Hartford 297702 Cone, Helen Kinnicutt Davis (Mrs Herbert D.) Bridgeport 236501' Cone, Lillian Chappell (Mrs Charles H.) .12 Amity st.. New London 2838/ Cone, Martha Isham Mix (]Mrs Joseph Henry) 787 Asylum ave., Ilartforri 10904/ Cone, Mary C. (Miss) 55 Beacon st.. Hartford 13221(7 Cone, S\isan Mercy (Miss) Groton 28895B Conklin, Louise Elizabeth (Mrs) East Hampton ti725f Congdon. Katherine W. F. (:Mrs Thonias"P.) 66 Turner st., Willimanti-- 31235f Congdon, Theresa E. Tilden (Mrs Herbert T.) 147 Spring st.. Willimantic 2618/7 Converse, Eva Merriam (Mrs Aden John) 927 Broad st., Meriden 15453^ Converse. Ida Graciella (Miss) Windsor Lock^ 16017m Cook, Alice Pobinson (Mrs Henry Brewster).,. Bristol 2583/ Cook, Annah Huntingdon Pv. (Mrs A. G.) 340 Farmington ave., Hartford 13189P Cook, Emma L. (Mrs James) 66. Crown st.. Meriden 5972W Cook, Helen Phelps B. (Mrs Charles S.) 92 Pros])ect st.. Bristol 22550P Cook, Sarah Elizabeth (ISIiss) 89 Cottage st.. Meriden 22507 Cooley, Clarissa A. (Mrs Francis B.) 119 Farmington ave.. Hartford 6729f Cooley, Minnie P. (Mrs Theron M.) South st., Willimantic 17409A^ Cooper, Jennie Loomis (Drake) (Mrs) Suttield '9465?. Cooper, Mary Ellen Hilliard (Mrs J. W.) 16 Washington st.. New Britain 3856rf Copp, Betsy 'Avery (]Mrs Belton A.) Groton CONXECTICUT. 53 14746rf Copp, Julia Q. (Miss) Groton 25094t; Copp, Mary Torre3' (Mrs James Dresser).. 3 Post Hill Place, New London 34034« Copperberg-, Lucy Dean (Mrs Julius) West Sinisbury ]6()05/ Covbin, Bertha Emily (INIiss) 22 Grove Hill, Xew Britain 26637? Corbin. Mary Ann Whiting (INlrs Frank E.) 22 Grove Hill, Xew Britain 6691? Corbin, ^lary ^Moore (Mrs Andrew) 56 Maple st.. New Britain :.':)663/ Corbin. IJebekah How Morse (]Mrs Wilbur) Lake Court, Xew Britain 20798* Corey. Ellen Augusta Coojjer (Mrs Everett 1J.)..56 Mott st., Ansonia 131S5L Cornell. Anita ISIerrill Kellog- (Mrs Thomas L.) 49 Seymour st., Derby 20185? Cornwall, Louise Hubbell (Mrs John) 186 John st., Bridgeport 9467? Cornwell, Martha Stanley (Mrs Charles H.) Danielson 26375/ Corson, Marion Fay Lyles (Mrs William R. Cone) 127 Oxford st., Hartford 25101a^ Cosgrove, Lizzie Ellliott (]\Irs M. E.)....109 Davenport ave,, New Haven :;:!Sfi9* Cosgrove, Therza L. Hosley (]\Irs Frank) West Haven 19043? Cotter. Alice Judd (Miss)'. 47 Mott st., .Ansonia 25947? Cotter. Harriett Andrews (JNIrs Samuel A.) 2 S. Cliff st., Ansonia 5047jS^ Cotter, Hattie Ann (Mrs Frank Ambrose; Seymour 5938? Cotter. Lucia Hosmer (Miss) Ansonia 14720/? Couch, Jane L. (Mrs Walter D.) South :\[anchestpr 1 7388D Couch. Lina M. (Miss) 1 West ave., Norwalk 25123/; Couch, Lydia (Mrs David) Manchester 17389/) Couch. Mariette G. (Miss) 41 Bay View ave., South Norwalk .'!0263~ Courtright, Lillian Prudence (Miss) 150 Lennox ave., Bridgeport 19641? Covert, Mary H. (Mrs Henry T.) Thoniaston 12520a; Cowles, Alice Maud (Miss) .". 1111 Chapel st.. New Haven 8088A; Cowles, Alice Upson (Mrs Sidney M.) Kensington 19619s Cowles. Caroline Moss (Mrs) Plantsville 10385 Cowles, Ella Louise Terry (Mrs Charles A.) 52 N. Cliff" st., Ansonia 12519iF Cowles. Florence Holt (Miss) 1111 Chapel st.. New Haven 8198^- Cowles, Helen L. Warner (IMrs. Luman) 1111 Cha]3el st.. New Haven 13156.7' Cowles, Sarah Jane (Miss) 1111 Chapel st.. New Haven 15454J\^ Cove, Anna Palmer Hyde (Mrs Charles Henry) Windsor Locks 8930ir Crafts. Sarah A. Thompson (Mrs) Crown st., New Haven. P. O. Box 1427 14492/) Cram. Alice Bartlett (Miss) 1 E. Wall st., Norwalk 125331' Crandall, Alice Greene (:Nrrs Herbert L.) 23 Vauxhall st.. New London 13903O Crandall, Ida Frances (Miss) W. Mystic 10897f? Crane. Bertha Chapman (Mrs Everett L.) Po(|uonook Bridge 14733f Crane. Clara A. Bowers (]\Irs Eleazer Bennett) Chestnut Hill. :Mansfield P. O Box 36 Willimantic 7705f Crane, Gertrude B. (Miss) .• 168 Summit st.. Willimantic 19671/ Crane. Susan J. Lnderwood (Mrs S. L. G.) 751 Asylum ave., Hartford 147120 Cranston, Grace Lester (JNIrs Frederick Holdredge Norwich 214160 Crawford, Cora Mayo (Mrs Kouald) 5 North st., Stamford 28878*/ Crawford, Mary Jane (^Irs William) 19 Roath ave., Norwich 35720- Crebb, Elizabeth H. Taylor (Mrs R. L.) 1199 H-anstan ave.. Bridgeport 30217|| Cressy. Alta Starr (IMrs Noah) 104 Huntington St., Hartford 24521s Crissey. Harriet H. (Mrs Charles) Southington 25099.r Crocker. Julia A. (Mrs Henry M.) 12 University Place, New Haven 4002rt Croft, Julia Mather (Mrs Charles P.) Weatogue 2224ffl Crofut. Charlotte Wilcox Phelps (Mrs James Knapp) Sinisbury 19674/ Crofut. Florence Marcy (Miss) 139 Beacon st., Hartford 19673/ Crofut, Lucy Marcy (Mrs Sidney W.) 139 Beacon st., Hartford 6720/? Crosby, Lyd'ia E. (Miss) .' 83 Prospect Place, Wa + erbury 16578r Crump. Alice Wolcott (Miss) 52 Main st.. New London 5023(? Crump. Elsie Richards (Miss) 52 Main st.. New London 5022^? Crump, Fanny Coleby (;Miss) Washington st., New London 9456A' Culver, Helen A. Downs (Mrs S. Hart) Seymoui: 16626A' Culver, Julia Church (ISfrs Amas) Naugatuck 351667? Culver Lizzie Huntingdon Sparrow (Mrs Moses Eugene) Middletown 21400.S Cummings, Lucretia Stow (Mrs William) Plantsville 15442D Cunningham, (Mary A. (Miss) 4 Washington st.. South Norwalk 26654c CurrierT Sarah E. (Mrs Levi W.) 750 Sea View ave.. Bridgeport 44047/ Cui-tis. Alice Beardslev (Mrs Lewis Beers) Southport 94892; Curtis. Belle Hall (Mrs Elliott P., Jr.) 224 Kossuth st., Bridgeport Camden Chapter, N. J. Brattleboro Chanter, Vt. 54 DIRECTOKY, D. A. 11. 26643r Curtis, Catherine X. (Mrs Henry :Martyn) New Canaan 10303/ Curtis, Ella C. Birdseve (Mrs G.' W.) Station 10. Windsor Road. Hartford 5288- Curtis, Ellen V. Talbot (Mrs Howard J.) .Stratford 26629d Curtis, Esther Uailey (Mrs Kodney) l,")? JCast Main st.. Bridoeport 4319// Curtis, Louisa Wells (Mrs Roderick Perry) .Southport 118607) Curtis, Helen Louise (Miss) '. ■*; Union Park, Norwalk 31982^ Curtis, Mary Alice (Miss) Watch House Hill, Stratford 20865(7 Curtis, IMary Mehetable Camp (:Mrs Hermon E.) West Win^;tcd 25972^ Curtis, Sarah Strong- (]^,lrs Charles B.) Stratford 17415P Curtis, Sara Elizabeth Hatch (Mrs Louis K.) Southin^-tmi 103477/ Curtis, Sophie Mansfield (Mrs George M.) S79 Broad st., Mericicii 3388^- Curtis, Virginia H. (Mrs Thomas W.) 364 Orange st.. New Haven 34478rt. Curtiss, Abigail Goodrch Eno (Mrs Joseph Toy) TaritfviMe 32786P Curtiss, Caroline Macy (Miss) 21 Lindsley ave., Meridtn 5386« Curtiss, Catherine T. (Mrs Harrison :M.) 27 Sumner st.. Bris.ol 20183^ Curtiss, Clarissa Baldwin (Mrs Melville J.) Stratford 35712s Curtiss, Cora B. Rug-o- (Mrs V\"iJliam L.) Plantsvii'e 4793F Curtiss, Hester A. Morgan (Mrs James A.) 27 Lindsley ave., Merid; u 16559i Curtiss, Zenia E. Burr (Mrs William Edmund) 511 Jackson st., Anson ia 280271: Cutting. Florence J. (Mrs C. T.) 218 Whallev ave.. New Hav! n 5960(Z Daboll, Julia (Mrs George W.) ' Centre Groton 28330rf Daboll, Laura Bessie (Miss) . Centre Grot on 18248; Daniels, Aggie Page (Mrs Frederick Jennings) Putnam 19704/? Daniels, Henrietta Welton Cshs David N.) 62 Holmes ave., WaterV.U' v 19068y Daniels, Mary Barry (Miss) Putnam 33340* Danielson. Rosa Peckham (Mrs George \\.) Putnam Heights 5370!* Harrow, Amelia Whiting (Mrs Franklin Elijah) Bristol 5371(( Darrow, Annie Whiting (Miss) !.... .136 South st., Bristol 3387,r Darrow, Idalina (^Miss) 354 Humphrey st.. New Haven 5372U Darrow, Iva Clarissa (Miss) 136 South st., Bristol 266511' Darrow. Lucy Augusta (Miss) 17 Huntington st.. New London 29407/7 Dart, Mary Ann (Mrs George) " South Glastonbury 2226D Daskam, Arietta Mav (Mrs Samuel) 124 East ave., Norwalk 131 790 Daskam, Sarah Stanley (Mrs Theo. J.) Stamford 174270 Davenport, Helen Gautier (Mrs John) Baj^ Point, Stamford 165827? Davenport, Lilian L. (Miss) : 2 Holmes ave., W^aterbury 351537? Davenport, Mary Lindley (Miss) 22 Holmes ave., Waterbury 20805/ Davenport, Nellie Eliza Freeman (Mrs Henrv H.) Pomfret 67120 Davenport, Theodora (Miss) '..103 Atlantic st.. Stamford 2977511 Davis, Abbie Woodward (Mrs. H. F.) Watertown 4334ir Davis, Agnes Louise Hitchcock (Mrs John) Pi-ospect st.. New Haven 21412F Davis, Annie Laurie Hine (Mrs Henry Winter) 60 Pleasant st., Meriden 43997/ Davis, Caroline E. Harris (Mrs Charles H. S.) 60 Pleasant st., IMeridan 19056,r Davis, Elvira P. (]Miss) 77 Barnum ave., Bridgeport 16554d Davis, Sarah Maria (Miss) Old Mystic 7680? Davidson, Jennie W. (Mrs Edward H.) 40 Lexton st.. New Britain 8942.P Dawson, Sophia Louise Pierce (Mrs S. W.)...142 Dwight st.. New Haven 3386.J" Day, Anna Palfrev (Miss) 10 College st.. New Haven 10302/ Day, Caroline E. '(Miss) 105 S])ring st., Hartford 5277/^ Day, Fannie Gilbert (Mrs Henry P.) Seymour 8346D Day, Frances Donninzeth Stevens (Mrs Ltn-en T.) Westport 25664i\^ Dayton, Luther C. F. (Mrs Harvey Todd) 26 Edgewood ave.. New Haven 2524.C Deacon, Eliza Stoddard (Mrs Edward) 77 Grove st., Bridgei)t>rt 8923». Deacon, May Frances Hoyt (Mrs John S.) Bristol 86957)C Dean, Anna* Curtiss Fairchild (Mrs Samuel R.) Seymour 125547/ Dean, Grace P. S. (Mrs Philotus) 127 East Main st., Merideu 3391a? De Bussy, Clara Lines (Mrs Rodger Baldwin )... .George st., New Haven 302717/ Dee, Louise Emily Buell (ISIrs Frank) Madison 3321172 Defendorf, Jeanette Cooper (Mrs Allen Ross) Middletown 26675L De Forest, Ellen Bruce (Mrs Charles H.) 20 Caroline st., Derbr 7667^ De Lacour, Margaret Star Beardsley (Mrs James W.) . Stratford 182587- Demeritt, Emma Waitstill (Mrs Charles Henry) New Canaan 2841/ Deming, Elizabeth Cooper P. (Mrs Earnest) . .131 Sigoiirney st . Hartford 899.)" Deming, Ellen ]\r. P. (Airs Lucius P.) 36S Quinnipiac st.. New London 103357? De Mott, Minnie W. (Mrs Clayton M.) 35 N. Willow St., Waterbury + Lucy .Tackson Cliapter, Mass. II Daughters of Liberty Chapter. Minn. Col. Timothv Hi Chapter, Mass. COXXECTICUT. 00» 29G6o Denison, Eliza A. Miner (Mrs Hiram C.) Mystic 13905O Denison, Emih- Frances (Miss) Mystic 13907O Denison, Mary Fannie Brown (Mrs Frederick) Mystic 2301?? Denison, Sara G. (Mrs Walter E.) Ramsdall st., Groton 3 7394Z) Dennis, Sarah E. (Mrs Charles 30 High st., Norwalk 4277/? Derby, Alice Gray S. (Mrs Elmer Goodrich) 283 Court st., Middletown 67110 Devan. Harriett B. S. (Mvr Spencer C.) 33 South st., Stamford 5340a; Dewell, Jessie Keves (Miss) 400 Orange st.. New Haven 10964Z7 Dexter, Alice Florilla (Miss) Vernon 131355 Dexter, Annie Josephine Ho 17365/. 28042K 4377.r- 27202/ 4195/ 8676/7 2724t> 21920^ 16597c' S670A 3396.r 7681Z 19637c 23660^ 3523a; 23103(7 8105,r/ 30611/ 31238^ 7014?, 8667'(' 20S;j3/i 5280// 1 0348// 31234P 31983;:' 5287.r 331S3C 86820 1S260M 6706r 5727/; 21391/ 31239/ 25108B 2256/ 770Sfi 969/e 27472J- 13207/? ]0316.r 23643(7 32382C 26371/ 4203./' 9493/? 14739./- 34479(1 4414(7. 4416(J. 441 7rf. 4413(1. 4420(1 34480(1 4415(1 4412(X 7043(1 28346./- 34481(/ 11838(/. Dunham, Frances Church (Mrs Henry A.) Sevmour Dunham, Lista Wier (Mrs Martin E.) 'Berlin Dunham Sylvia (Mrs Chauncey) ".■.■.'. Sciuthinffton Dunlap. Mary E. T. (Mrs Edgar Clarence) 1 Pleasant, st., Bridgeport Durand, Clara Baldwin Clark (Mrs William Cecil) Milford Durand, Evelyn Julia (Miss) Milford Durand, Inez Pearl (Miss) 20 ' West' st.V Ansonia Durfee, Harriet Selden (Mrs Thomas M.) Middletown Durham Emma Burwell (MrsJ 49 Wooster st.. New Haven Dwight, Edith Ward (Mrs Henry Cecil Jr.). .70 Bucking-ham st., Hartford Dwig-ht, Grace, Goodrich (Mrs William B.)..636 Prospect ave.. Hnr'ford Dyer, Sarah J. (Mrs Willam) Central Villa -e Eakm, Mary, Prudence (Mr.s) 32 Broad st.. New London Eames. Ella King-man (Mrs Horace) Washing-ton Depot Eames, Harriet Lucy (Miss) 273 Park avc^Bridg-ep^.rt Earle, Jennie F. (Miss) 51 West st.. Danburv Easterbrook, Mary C. F. (Mrs Nathan, Jr.) 82 York Square. New Ha veil Eastman, Mary Dwig-ht (Miss) 33 S. Hig-h st., New Britain Eastwood. Julia Goodyear (Mrs) Thomaston Eaton. Elizabeth Forman (Miss) 7' Clarke st.. New Have7i Eaton, Elizabeth Selden (Miss) 70 Sachem st.. New Haven Eaton, Ella Tiffany (Mrs Lnther Smith) Plainfield Eaton, Martha S. (Miss) Plainfield Echols, Emma Sherman (Mrs Frances (',.) 31 Freemont st.. Hartford Eddy, Bessie M. (Miss) u Pearl st.. New Britnin Eddy, Mary Welles (Mrs Elford B.) 3 7 W. Main st., New Britain Edg-ar, Sarah Frances Door (Mrs George P.).. 6 Shapley St., New London Edg-erton. Amelia du P. C. (Mrs Frances D.) 115 Broad st., Middletown Edg-erton, Harriet Flower (Mrs Leonard P.) 274 E. Main st., Meriden Edg-erton. May Kelsey (Mrs Frank C.) 286 E. Main st., Meriden Edmund, Ella (Miss) .Griswold Edwards, Augusta (Mrs Edwin) 607 Clinton ave., Bridg-eport Edwards, Ella Hotchkiss (Mrs Nort..»:/-' ■-■vHlii «?i?7'? ^::::n.tn: 5:!:;; t",r-u^,^. ^"""-" ■ • ■■■ :rr 10954O Fessenden. Marv Conner (Mr, Joshua' V i VV;';,V T 'ol"'""!"'' 74340 Fessenden. Virginia Wee. IMri Oliver r> -V ?".v' l*' S!"'"!'"'' .\'?o'^ X^^^'- i^'^^l'^""" ^""^^^ 1^- (Mrs' Frank 'sands)' .■.;;.■ .■.■.■;. Gales' Ferry' 53120 F]sh. Frances E. (Mrs John O.) .rlt^n 4188 Fish. Hortence D. C. (Mrs) . V I' 1 139677 Fisherdick. Florence Marion (Miss) .'.■.■ Br'oi'ri ' st ' ' 'mphTi J,? '^^ ?^^\^'^^^"^^ ^^^^^^'•^^^ ^I'-^rk Mrs Frederick 'C.')'.'.'.-.:?^ ''- ^CMnio , 4 r F,-tch ' '^l''''''^^- ^''^?.?^"7^ ^^-^ • • • -^ ComLiercial st.. Xew'London o^^S'o S • J"^-^^l ^'"^ Meinvm (Mrs Joseph T.) 213 Orchard St.. Xew Haven ,So630 Fleming-. Ellen Douglas (Miss) Qf^,^l,;.'{ -494/ Fh^; "^It/f '^"^Ai^^^^ ^™^«"> ::;:::n55'Main;t:: DaX;;? -~4y4; 1^ [^, nn, Mary Louise (Miss) PomfrPt !sS lnf,t ^ioi-e"^*^Ksther Wrigdit (Mrs Milfred 'e^ ! :i56' South '^t:, BHsIo 18240a Foote. Emma Hayt (Airs Allen) Simsbur\- 173937) Foote. Eva Lillian F erris (Airs George F.)..6 Taylor ave.'.'Scm'th'NorAvalk * Gen. de Lat•a.^•etto Chapter, Ind. || Mahwenawasigrh Chapter, N. Y. 58 DIRECTOIfV, D. A. E. :i4049// Foote, Hattie Pomeroy (Mrs George B.) 33 Chestnut st Merideu 17909P Foote, Mary (Miss) ? New Haven 7025iC Foote, Mary Clift (Mrs Edwartl Y.) 113 Park st!. New Haven 3393a; Foote, Nancy A. Morse (Mrs Benjamin Palmer) . .158 York st . New Haven 8945a? Foote, Sarah Wells (Miss) 2G Elm st.. New Haven 27471iti Forbes, Emma Sophia (Miss) Burnside 5380t< Forbes, Hulda Clarke (Mrs Samuel Waldo) Forestville SOSge-fr Forbes, Jennie Hills (Mrs James Stanley! Burnside 21916i Ford, Isabel Brinsmade (Mrs William J.)*. '. Washington 2S8750 Ford, Mary Ellen (Mrs William H.) 49 Huntington st.. New London J 5419V Forsyth, Harriet Elizabeth (Miss) 25 Bi^oad st.. New Londun 66840 Forsyth, Mary Spicer (Mrs John) Mystie 1035577 Foskett, Mary Elizabeth Phelps (Mrs C. C.) Gi2 Broad st., Meriden 18270Z> Foss, Caroline N. (Miss) Darien ] 8271Z) Foss-, Harriet (Miss) Darien 7032Jt Foss, Eebecea Brewster (Mrs Samuel S.) 50 E. Broad st., Norwich 19670/ Foster, Caroline (Miss) 29 Kenyon st., Hartford 30590^ Foster, Delia Jackson Norcross (Mrs C.) 730 Noble*^ ave.. Bridgeport 13220HI Foster, Florence Deborah (Miss) Green's Farms 30272ff 'Foster, Harriet Clark (Miss) :\[urdock ave., Meriden 5933/ Foster, Harriet Smith (Mrs Frederick B.) 77 Wethersfield ave., Hartford :i500A Foster, Margaret Dibble (Mrs Clinton) m West st., Danburv 9468« Foster, Mary E. (Miss) 20 Pearl St.. New Britaiii 9466? Foster, Mary Stanley (Mrs) 20 Pearl St.. New Britain 34502J Foster. Minnie Winc'hell (Miss) 12 Ellington ave.. Eockville 118487/ Foster, Nellie E. (Miss) Murdock ave.. Meriden 13190P Fowler, Eunice Ellen (Miss) 40 Pieservoir ave., Meriden 9475fZ Fox, Elizabeth Spicer (Mrs Findley) South Woodstock 21414P Francis, Alice (Miss) Branford 3125977 Francis, Alice Elizabeth (Miss) 45 Cherry st., Meriden 2570/ Francis, Anna Blodgett (Mrs F. Augustus). 3 Farmingham ave., Hartford 131760 Francis, Florence (Miss) 14 Summer st., Stamfoid 2580/ Francis, Mary (Miss) 101 Elm st., Hartf oi-d 39057^ French, Alice Bradley' (Mrs Hobart E.) 53 Beach st., Bridgeport 4000P French, Annie M. (Mrs Henry W.) 27 Cherry st., W^aterbuiy 25109.B French, Cherrie Morton (Miss) 27 Cherry st.. Waterbuvv 10866? French, Ellen Baymond (Miss) 119 S. ClifE st., An^onia 5046j^ French, Julia Hubbell Thompson (Mrs Carlos) Seymour 15420t7 Frisbie, Ellen L. Morgans (IMrs) 12 Jay st., New London 5040J5 Frisbie, Emily J. Welton (Mrs Edward L.) 47 Cooke st., W^aterbury 1 7375B Frisbie, Nellie Dickinson (Mrs) S2 Cooke st., Waterbury 12526 Frisby, Grace Hanford (Miss) 35 Beers st.. New Haven 22357) Frost, Augusta A. Ely (Mrs Kussell) 52 West ave., Norwalk 22539P Frost. Ida S. (Miss) .\ . .Cheshire 16608fl' Frost, Lillian Birdsey (Mrs Lewis Edson) 024 Broad st., Meriden 23648s Frost, Stella Drake "(Mrs Edgar) Marion 34496/ Fuller. Arminia B. (Miss) 96 Webster st., Hartford 331917? Fuller, Augusta E. (Mrs Jerome B.) 93 Meadow st., Nangatuck 34495/ Fuller, Cynthia M. (Mrs George W.) 96 ^Vebster st., Hartford 154572^^ Fuller, Sarah Leonard Pease (Mrs Edward Arthur) Suffield 139100 Fyler, Mary Vail I (Mrs O. E.) 245 Main st., Torrington 21886J5 Gallond, Grace Allen (Mrs J. Merrick) 615 N. Main st., Waterbury 4196J Gallup, Alice Eulalie G. (Mrs John) 39 Forest st., Hartford 8677^/ Gallup, Bertha Lyon Sprague (Mrs John C.) Moosup 34486fir Gallup, Ella (Miss) Moosuji 21865n Gallup, Grace Eogers Aldrich (Mrs C. D.)..186 Laurel Hill ave.. Norwich 25115^ Ga Nun, Mary Culbertson (Mrs Stephen Monk) Greenwich 6999(Z Gard, Jennie' A. Morgan (Mrs Frank W.) Grot on 8335?' Gard. Mary A. Parker (Mrs Daniel L.) 50 Crystal ave.. New London 4381P Gardner, Carrie Louise (Miss) ...231 College st., Middletown 8692? Gardner, Cecile Banks Lindlev (Mrs Louis) Ansonia 3679L Gardner, Edith Hallock (Mrs Eobert S.) IS Garden Place, Derby 20810» Gardner, Ellen L. Watson (Mrs Nathan E.) Baltic 25988L Gardner, Flora Frances Hewett (Mrs E. E.) 270 Coram ave. Shelton 14918^- Gardner, Harriet A. (Mrs Horatio W\) E. Hollistou Fiatiiinthniii Chapter. Mass. COXXECTICUT. 5t, r. SXT's'Ym£/^:- <"- ^- «•• »' »■) .i« stated;:, ^BHdl^-pon 4569Z Gardner, Mar\- Fran 9925a;- Garfield 8693- Garlick 1605SP Garlick, Mabel S CM 160577^ Ga ^- ^ " "- ^ 9474. Gates Ma;7 S Mc^^TMrrA^oahr"' """°^ ''' ^f ">, --• ^^-'v 214080 Gavett, Frances Clapp (M s^) '^'~ "^""^ ' ^''^'^l^^t^^o'''^- 20859(/ Gay, Charlotte Wit^oTi kf!-Tu ^' ' V ' ' ' ^ ' Grove st., Brideeport 17404/ Gav Jenn e H M^rsh rMrs^SSv V/ ^?^V^' ''- ^^'- Winsted. Sta. A 7669« Gayiord, Catha^tl^toSto; (Mx^r^'"^ '^' Farnington ave.. Hartford 1^033/ Geer, Eliza Jane Ellsworth (Mrs Eiihu) ". ^'^- -^^'-1 11^^^^ --i' 2015of/ Geer, Ella Percie (Miss) AVindsor 4170/1 Geer, Ellen (Miss) o-' ■;;••, Groton (Miss). 8317L Gilbert, Mary Lyman ' (Mi^^i \lV n ^^u^''' '^''^•' S^^!^-^' 4167» Gilmaii. Emily S. (I^fiss) ' ^^ V w * "i •.•••;•••• •Greemvich field d ford 16034/ Glazier, Mar/ Olivia k;^?- T^^ ^^'^"'^ ' ' V •vtwoodc^^'S^T^^'^ frf4? r!'^'°"' ^^^1" ^'"^'^^^ (-^^- ^^-- Hen;;-)V.V.VoFai^.-fiew'ave S ^"rw^n- 165-6r Gleason. Lillian R. (Mrs Frank H) V -^o^walk 10327,». Glover, Harriet D. C. (Mrs Henry ' S ) New Canaan 8665r Goodale, Sarah Whaley (Mrs Willis) ... .' ^iZtfo -41d Coodeil^^T^Tf^LrV^y.'!'^ ^^T^f ^"^^ Brownj . .IG:?' ChVu-^lV sV..' Middletown ....ddi; Goodell. Sarah Hill (Mrs John) We^tnort 4421fl Goodrich, Juliette (Miss) WWv ,TSi ^°°1^^11' ^''^'^ J«"- (^Ii«^') ■- ••SSG Xorth a;e.V EHd^porV illtl^ Goodsell, Sarah Louise Pratt (Mrs Buel) lOSo Broad st.. Merkleu 4l6T Cond.'^'' Ai?^''^T'f Eldrid.a-e^ (Mrs Wm. Eobbins) East Haddam itT/r Pn^l •"■ ^ ''^ Femvick (Miss) 103 Woodland st., Hartford o4^^»- r.^^'-°- Tr""'^-^.^^^-^ ^^ Wethersfield ave., Hartford 2o9oo» Goodwin. Harriet S. (Mrs Joseph O.) E Hartford o367?f Goodwin, Louise Griggs (Mrs Willard E.) ' ' Bristol o-AkL ^'°°f;'''?"' ^fary Alsop Jackson (Mrs Francis) 103 Woodland St., Hartford ^oltln Goodwin, Mary Deborah Skinner (Mrs George H.) Burnside o±^^ Goodwin, Eebecca B. (Mrs Charles F.) 35 Park ave.. Waterbnrv 32775a? Goodyear. Anna Lyman (Miss) Xorth Hayeii 32447( Gorham, Anna Baldwin Stnrges (Mrs John Alford) V. . .Southport 60 U [RECTORY, D. A. R. -33204Z> Gorhani, Annie E. (Mrs Edward E.) i Cove st., E. Xorwalk 24525^' Gorhani, Evelyn Brevoort Odell (Mrs) 4fi Hanover st., Brido-eport 4312/t Gould, Delia Dimon Black (Mrs David Henrv) Southnort 4017m Gould, Elizabeth Burr (^fiss) " Fairfield 19621s Gould, Emma Nelson Clark (Mrs) Plantsville 19620s Gould, Isabella A. Uotchkiss (Mrs) ".".'.' Southino-ton 4403m Gould Julia Beers (Miss) .' Fairfield 18245d Grace, Hannah Elizabeth Williams (Mrs J.) 4 Cleveland st., New London 28034^ Graeber, Sarah Louise Merriam (]\lrs Herman T.) 30 Hobart st., Meriden 12525d? Graham, Florence J. (Miss) 331 George st.. New Haven 33650.? Graham, Helen J. Whiting (IMrs Andrew Brown) Stratford 6215/2 Graham, .lulia (Mrs Charles P.) 107 Broad st., Middletown 11S47F Graham, Mary Elizabeth Hoggan (Mrs B. L.) 40 Columbia st., Meriden 19Q61U Granniss, Mary Katherine Morse (Mrs) Elm st., Meriden 27200i/ Grant, Jennie Adeline Cheney (Mrs Henry M.)..472 E. Main st.', Meriden S974V Graves, Frances M .W. (Mrs Charles Burr).. 22 Franklin st., New London 4727? Graves, Mary C. Godsell (Mrs) 286 North ave., Bridgeport 2594Si Green. Belle Leavenworth (Mrs Howard E.) 695 Main st., Ansonia 34046Z) Green, Caroline St. John Chichester (Mrs) 59 West ave.. Norwalk 22496/ Green, Virgelia, Sawyer (Mrs Clarendon) T'utnam 5932/ Greene. Caroline S. i3arrow (Mrs Jacob L.) 113 Woodland st., Hartfor;! 19669/ Greene, Florence Keeney Buck (Mrs J. H.)..184 Sigourney st., Hartford 20969* Greene, M. Louise (Miss) 14 University Place, New Haven 4387L (iregory. Grace wSpencer (Mrs Louis L.) 165 Derby ave.. Derby 25962s Gridley, Mary E. (Mrs J. A.).. P. O. Box 631, New Britain & Southingtoii 15413« Gridley, Sarah Cooke (Mrs Silas Alfred) Harwinton 8671A Grifiing, ISIartha R. N. (Mrs Charles E.) 140 Deerhill ave., ])anbury 32384C Grifiith, Hattie Nettleton (Mrs George William) E. Haddam 2809A Griffith. Martina Marietta (Miss)...". 145 Deer Hill ave., Danbury 5368m Griggs, Charlotte Stearns (AHss) 31 Maple st., Bristol 113770 Grinnell, Eunice Victoria Brown (^Irs George Edwin) Mystic 17888? Grinnell, .Tennie Eliza Waldo (INIrs J. B.) 145 WVst ave., Bridgeport 53130 Grinnell, Phoebe E. (Mrs Charles L.) Mystic 2723r Grint. Martha James Sampson (]Mrs A. P.) 24 Federal st.. New London 6690? Griswold, Caroline I'. (Mrs D.) 217 Shuttle Meadow Eoad, New Britain 10914P Griswold, Elvia Smith (Mrs Lewis F.) 14 Chestnut st., jSIeriden 13909(^ Griswold. Isabella Wallace (Miss) 181 N. Main st., Winsted 2587/ Gross. Ellen Clarissa Spencer (Mrs Chas. E.)..840 Asvlum ave., Hartford 32779C Gross, ISlarian Ellen (Miss) 103 Main st., Hartford "20806/ Grosvenor, Charlotte M. (Miss) Pomfret Centre 18251i Guernsey, Candora Seeley (Mrs James Herbert).. 44 Mott st., Ansonia 21390/ Guernsey, Caroline Helen Hoadley (]Nh-s) 44 Mott st., Anscmia 207927t Guilbert, Minnie Isabel (Mrs Edmund) Southport 2O790f Guild. Hattie p:. (Mrs Frank E.) Windham S979/V Guild, .lose])hine E. L. (jNIrs Charles H.) Seymour 18273D Gumbart, Mary Barnum (Mrs Edward Hugo) 52 Osborn ave., E. Norwalk 21917* Gimn, Abigal Irene (Mrs Frederick W.) Washington ]7766t Guy, Alice Baker (Miss) Middletown S086Z Gwatkin. Jane Norton (Mrs Walter) Berlin 9501ff Hadley, IMarionette Penfield (Mrs James A.).. 414 E. Main st.. Meriden 28021J Hadsell, Sara Sherwood Piatt (Mrs Arthur George) Plainsville 9927?? Hale, Caroline E. (Mrs A. Risley) 174 State st., New London 19050r Hale. Hattie .\ugusta Wallace {Mm A. T.).. Crocker House, New London 28332*7 Haley. Albertina Burrows (Miss) Center Groton 3492// Hall* Almira Parker (Mrs Emorv C.) 167 Franklin st.. Meriden 1?,162E Hall. Aneie Talcott (Mrs Frank "D.) Manchester 33638p Hall. Charlotte R. Piatt (Mrs William C.) 581 Elm st.. New Haven 21421F Hall, Charlotte S. (Mrs William Phillips) Greenwich 8085fc Hall, Edith Alice (Miss) Broad st., Meriden 11369P Hall, Ermina C. (Miss) Meriden 19657// Hall. Fannie B. (Miss) Wallingford 13192P Hall. (Jertrude Wheatlev (Mrs William Alfred) Colony Heights. Meriden 10354// Hal). Grace M. (Miss) . .' Main st., Sta. E, Meriden 18319Q Hall. Jennie Steele (Mrs Harry A.) 125 Prospect st., Torrington Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter, Mass. Vassar College Chapter, N. V. CONNECTICUT. 61 13S72// 183031/ 2500F 4400H 24536// 10913P 2496// 8084fc 4806 20844? 13194P 33195/ 17885r 24542P 8093^ 17098|| 196922 80942 23346 33651c 80952; 16594./; 3495/e 7402L 2457/ 21382a. 29769Q 39945 13149/ 2498/* 21900/-' 4613P 190850 25663.7 2578/ 15434// 1390S0 33175d 306021) 35713l> 4599.^ 46012; 25121J 28360/ 27473.i" 15461« 5029^? 35134m 5252ni 14734f .".0604./ 20818r 16583/? 3516./- 11406B 10340/? 14658/ 21385Z 21348? 3104/ 21386? 70480 5018/ 20181U Meriden Meriden IMeriden Meriden Meriden Hall, Laura \l. Cannon (Mrs Frank J..) 70 Cottage st.. Hall, Lillie Keckley (Mrs Wilbur 1?.) 650 Broad st., Hall, Lois Blakeslie (Mrs Seth J.) 481 E. Main st.. Hall, Lucy A. Latham (Mrs Edwin D.) 219 State st.. Hall, Lucy I5irdsey (Mrs Lewis) » 663 Broad st.. Hall, Mabel Edith David (Mrs Arthur E.) 322 W. Main st., Meriden Hall. Mary E. Baldwin (Mrs Russell) 469 E. Main st., Meriden Hall, Mary i:iiza (Miss) Broad st., Meriden Hall, Mary Hammond (Mrs Melville E.) 468 Clinton ave., Bridgeport Hall, Mary Tyler (]\Irs Jiussell T.) 33 Lexington st., New Britain Hall, Nancie p]lizabeth (Miss) Wallingford Hall, Sarah (iarrett (Mrs .John H.) 61 Wethersfield ave.. Hartford Hall, Viola E. (Mrs Lewis C.) New Canaan Hallenbeck, Julia Augusta (Miss) Wallingford Hallett, Caroline Beal Swift (Mrs .T. B.) 280 Lafayette st.. Bridgeport Hallett, Frank D. Bunker (Mrs Harrison T.) "Ambleside," Fairfield Halligan, Anna Roselle (Mrs William E.) 80 Elmwood ave., Bridgeport Hallock, Anne Drew (Miss) 6 Huntington Road, Bridgeport Hallock, Carrie B. (Miss) 133 W^ashington ave., Bridgeport Hallock. Ettie East (Miss) 102 Barnum ave., Bridgeport Hallock, Emma Marie (Miss)...'. 6 Huntington Road, Bridgeport Hallock, Isabel Thomas (Mrs Geo. Watson) 115 Putnam st.. New Haven Hallock, Katherine Camp Avery (Mrs Frank Kirkwood) Cromwell Hallock, IMary Burr Sherw^ood (Mrs Franklin) 122 Derby ave., Derby Hammersly, .Jane .Mien (Mrs William) Saybrook Hamilton, Belle E. (Mrs Scoville J.) .Avon Hamilton, Harriot G. (Mrs J^ewis Birley) 29 Church St., Torrington Hamilton, Katharine Deborah (Miss) 317 E. Main st., Waterbuiy Hamilton, Mary Archer B. (Mrs M. C.) 139 Sigourney st., Hartford Hamilton, Sarah Ij. Jj. (Mrs J^rank Lorenzo) ... .65 l^leasant st., Meriden liamlin, Julia Howell (Mrs Edward Clayton) 222 Broad St.. Meriden Hamlin, Kate Howell (Miss) 220 Broad st., Meriden Hammil, Blanche Bigelow (Miss) Stamford Hammond, Augusta I?. (Mrs A. Park) 105 Union st., Rockville Hammond, Eliza Clymer Overton (Mrs E. P.) 25 Atwood st.. Hartford Hammond, Frances Warner (Mrs William E.) 571-;, Liberty St., Meriden Hanchett, Emma E. Hayes (Mrs Thatcher S.)....70 Main st., Torrington Hancox, Lucy A. (Miss) Stonington Hanf ord, Margaret Goodman (Mrs Levi C.) Norwalk Hanna, Agnes (Miss) Montville Hanover, Annie B. Blackman (Mrs Julius S.) 142 South ave.. Bridgeport Hanover, Bessie B. (Miss) 142 South ave., Bridgeport Hanson, Cornelia (Miss) 162 Capital ave., Hartforl Hapgood, I'^lizabeth Smith (Mrs p]dward Thomas) 83 Ciillett st., Hartford Harger. Jessie Craig (Mrs Oscar) 14 University Place, New Haven Harmon, Caroline R. Fuller (Mrs Ashbel C.) Suffield Harper, Annie Williams Hill (Mrs William Walton) Stonington Harper, Marv Lucretia Smith (Mrs Samuel Brush) Bristol Harral, Elleii W. (Mrs Edward W.) Fairfield Harries, Wealthia Elizabeth (Mrs James E.) Willimantic Harris, Lillie Mills (Mrs (ieorge Wells) Wethersfield Harris, Marie I-^lizabeth Payne (Mrs C. F.) 73 Williams st.. New London Harrison, Catherine Somers (Mrs Stephen Edwin^ Waterbury Harrison, Sarah Barney (Miss) 266 Crown St., New Haven Hart, Amy Louise (Miss) 50 Jiuckingham ave., Waterbury Hart, l'.ertha I'latt (Mrs Jay H.) 50 Buckingham ave., Waterbury Hart, Emma May (Mrs Ferdinand A.) 417 Winsor ave.. Hartford Hart. J^theline l!,ouise (Miss) 35 Curtis St., New Britain Hart, Jane Wainwright (Mrs Charles E.) 35 Curtis st.. New Britain Hart, Katherine A. (Mrs A. E.) 846 Asylum ave.. Hartford Hart, Lillian Wainwright (Miss) 35 Curtis st., New Britain Hart, Mary C. D. (Mrs Nathaniel Reeves) 114 Atlantic St.. Stamford Hart, Mary S. Calhoun (Mrs Edward Gardner) 69 Willard st.. Hartford Harvey, Helen Josephine (Miss) East Lyme Gen. Nicholas Herkimer Chapter, N. Y. (;2 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 70576 Harvey, Lucretia L\. Hayden (Mrs Charles Edgar) Windsor 22572./ Harwood (Mrs Clayton 'e.) 68 Prospect st., Rockville 2(;S56|t Harwood. Ella L. (Mrs Charles F.) Stafford Spriug's i;i9210 Harwood, ?tlary E. (Miss) Strawberry Hill, Stamford ;;5721.:' Hasbrouck. Mary Itoxanna, B. (Mrs F. E.) 1100 State st., Bridg'eport 24538H Haskell, Thomasine (Miss) Windsor Locks 10336^ Hassard, Mary L. Uclell (Mrs Robert G.) 30 Elm St., Thomastowii 25103a? Hasson, Esther Voorhees (Miss) 106 Pequot ave., New London 21893W Hastings, Grace Loiiise (Miss) Suiheld 30605/ Hasting-s, [Mary A. (Miss) 35 Spring st., Hartford 25981/7 Hatch, Catherine O. ^vilcox (Mrs Ossian Lovel) New Bntain 179220 Hatch, Gertrude Elizabeth (Miss) Stamford 17904H Hatheway, Lillian Merriman Stewart (Mrs Ernest Albert) Suffield 15460 Hatheway, Louise E. (Miss) Suffield 32780C' Hatstat, "Florence Gross (Mrs John W.) 103 Main St., Hartford 2309/ Havemeyer. Jnlia Ida Louise (Mrs C. W.) 131 Washington st., Hartford 26682 Havens,' Lillian Sophia White (Mrs Owen E.) Rocky Hill 27467s Haviland, Betsv' A. Sanford (Mrs Barnes H.) Southington 106912' Hawes, Mary l^ucie Sherwood (Mrs George).. 215 South ave., Bridgeport 319781' Hawkins, Susan F. Rude (Mrs) Franklin st.. New London i:il44/ Hawley, Anna Coleman Newton (Mrs) 29 Main st., Hartford 4593^ Hawley, Ella Tliompson (Miss) ■ 408 State st.. Bridgeport 305915; Hawley, Harriet Louise (Miss) 408 Park ave., Bridgeport 4.5922' Hawley, Hetty Ann T. (Mrs Edward Augustus) 408 State st., Bridgeport 5974;h Hawley, Mary T. (Mrs William) Fairfield 70586 Hayden, Alice Elizabeth Welch (Mrs Nathaniel AVarhara) Windsor 3999/i Hayden, Elizabeth Kellogg (Mrs Edward Simeon) 52 Pine st., Waterbury 4745ii Hayden, Florentine H. (Miss) 234 Grove st., W'aterbury 259o4((; Hayden, ]\laria Susanna Warren (Mrs Henry R.) E. Hartford 7706f Hayden. Sarah ^Martin (Mrs James E.) 344 Pleasant St., Willimantic 7403/ Hayes, Lovina Alcott Peck (Mrs Chester) 209 Minerva St., Derby 20822.4 Hayt, Augusta B. (Mrs James E.) 116 Deer Hill ave., Danbury 23687-/^ Haywood. Edith Adalaide (Miss) 85 Talct)tt ave.. Rockville 24523./' Haywood. Frances Adele Johnson (Mrs A. E.) P. O. Box 1081, New Haven 2()819r Hazard, Anna Perry (Miss) 8 Federal st.. New London 16633// Hazen, Mary Butler Thompson (Mrs Azel W.) 299 Court st.. Middletown ^976A' Healey, Alice Jane (Mrs Robert) Seymour 20832fi: Healey, Rhoda H. Gerard (Mrs William S.) Shelton 35737./ Heath, Bernice Deane (Miss) 52 Union st., Rockville (■>233r Heath, Julia A. Hoyt (Mrs Benjamin N.) New Canaan 6705r Heely, Fanny J. (Miss) 81 William st.. New London 15462». Hem'enway, Martha Fuller (Mrs Egerton) Suffield 3()614h HemenwaV, Mary E. Sheldon (Mrs Henry R.) Suffield ] 9622s Hemingway. Lanette O. W. (Mrs) Southington KiOlS.s HemingwaV, Marv Piatt (Mrs John I.) New Haven 5353/> Henderson", Sarah Mallory (Miss) 80 West ave., South Norwalk 26632(7 Hendryx. ALnrv Webster 'Bailey (Mrs Leman E.) Gaylordsville 7695,/ Henry, Lenore (Miss) Rockville 30580;) Hepburn, Sarah C. (Miss) Milf ord 263527( Hetzel, Mary Wells (Mrs Joseph L.) Southport 25987L Hewett, Zillah S. (Mrs Alvin E.) 270 Coram ave., Shelton 25989L Hewett, Marv Abbv (Miss) 270 Coram ave., Shelton 1 6620P Hewett, Grace D. (Mrs Charles E.) 70 Crown st., Menden 7047» Heydrick, Josephine Stagg (Miss) Southport 125440 He'ywood, Edith (Miss) ■-> & ' AVillow st. Stamford 219187 Hickox, Frances Elliott (Miss) Washington 11388/7 Hickox, Sarah Warner (Mrs Chas. A.) 234 Pearl st., Hartford 4607H Hickox, Sarah Newton (Mrs William A.) 28 Goodwill ave., Menden 10391( Higby. Henrielta L. Peck (Mrs Edward Joy) Ansoma 21401.S Higoins, Harriet (Miss) • ■ • • • ■ •Pl^"^^;^^"^"« 39937? Hill. Charlotte P.enedict (Mrs Gihnore C.) 44 Leavenworth st.. Waterbury 2222/) Hill. Clara ^I. (Miss) "K^ West ave., ^^ov^valk ■ 17395D Hill. Ella D. Couch (Mrs Charles J.) 1 West ave., Norwalk ^962 4 Hill. Julia Delacone (Miss) 324 Mam st.. Danbuiy II Mercy Warren Chapter, Mass. CONNECTICUT. G3 53050 10383/> 1310D 28265 19706 160417 12241/ 22533/' 113780 13116p 7404L 14728H 4401H 26356gf 43330? 10345ff 2573/ ] 1384/ 27476F 103S1!. 22514J? Sf)30,r 59411 S943.r 4004711 17410P 331S9C' 10390{ 2523* 76651 15995a ] S242r/ 14478a 201735 ] S241ff 28362/ 2242/ lS252i 29772.4 17886?/ 31976* S970fc 5347d 13089d 23644*7 23671/^ 34504L 2363 If 29371(/ 35707i 15442t' ]542Sj^ 31840 668O2; 3395.7' 34054P ]0640r 7438f 19072/ 7390c' 1965S/r ] 6008? 116277 :;513.7 Hill, Margaret AVheeler (Mrs Mason C.) , Mystic Hill. Mary Alice St. John (Mrs Arthur B.) 11 Morgan ave., Norwalk Hill, Mary Ellen kinsman (Mrs Ebenezer J.) 40 West ave.. Norwalk Hill. Susie K. (Miss)' 1 ist are., Waterbury Hillhouse, Aimie Xiles (INIrs James W.) 185 Church st., Willimantie Hills, Harriet (Miss) 95 Capitol ave., Hartford Hills, Julia (Jrio-gs Litchfield (ISIrs A. C.) 273 Laurel st., Hartford Hillyer, Clara E. (Miss) 521 Windsor ave.! Hartford Hinckley, Auiaiida Jane Hewett (Mrs Samuel Hobart) ^Slystic Hine, Chalotte Clark (Mrs Frank E.) Milford Hinman, Clara Louise Benjamin (Mrs L. Le G.) 136 Derby ave., Derbv Hiuman, Jean Emily Burns (Mrs Leveret Camp) ' Merideii Hinm.-m, IMioebe Eilizabeth Camp (]Mrs Franklin E.) 24 Camp st., Meriden Hinsdale, Mary Pitkin (IMiss) Sta. A. West Winsted Hitchcock, Agnes M. (Mrs Watson C.) Prospect st., iS^eAv Haven Hitchcock. Caroline Judson (Miss) Broad st., Meriden Hitchcock, Charlotte Fidelia Hunt (Mrs H. P.) 59 Garden st., Hartford Hitchcock, (Jracc Brita Esi^e (Mrs Melville Curtis) 8 Myrtle ave., Ansonia Hitchcock. Lillian. Hack (Miss) Greenwich Hoadley, Alice Emma (Miss) 11 New st., Ansonia Hoadley, Henrietta Ivison (Miss) 304 Crown st.. New Haven Hoadit-y, Jane Isabella Ivison (^Mrs Horace P.) 304 Crown st., New Haven Hoadley, .Jenny Bogers (Mrs Frank E.) 125 S. Cliff St., Ansonia Hoadlej', Mary Bentley (^Irs Lemuel G.) 357 Whitney ave., New Haven Hobart, Hanna (Miss) ' Fairfield Hobart, Mabel C. (Mrs David) 17 Hobart st., Meriden Hobbs, Florence E. Wilmot (Mrs Willis F.) 693 Clinton ave., Bridgeport Holbrook, Augusta Hull (Mrs Koyal) 53 Franklin st., Ansonia Hollu-ook, Harriette Chichester (Mrs Benjamin Dwight) Clinton Holi)rook, ]Mary Louise (Miss) 47 Franklin st., Ansonia Holcomb. Anna C. (Miss) W. Simsbury Holcomb. (irace I'^lizabeth (iliss) Wheatogue Holcomb, Mary Ellen Lowrey (.Mrs Joseph W.) Weatogue Holcomb, Sarah C. B. (Mrs) Southington Holcomb, Sarah ^lunson (Mrs Cliarles B.) Tariffville Holcombe, I'^mily ]\larc iierite (Miss) 79 S]iring- st., Hartford Holcombe Emily Seymour Goodwin (^Irs .1. M.) 79 Spring st., Hartford Holdeti, Fidelia E. Ormsbee (Mrs Edward L.) 16 N. Cliffe St., Anscmia Holley, Emily North Farnam (Mrs Samuel C.)....121 White st., Danbury Hollister. Ad'alint' E. (Mrs Elisha) 352 West st„ Bristol HoUister. Addle Hollister (Mrs Arthur) Washington Hollister. Harriet V. (Miss) Berlin Hollman, Latira J. Allyn (Mrs .lustin P>yron) Saybrook Holman. Mabel Cassine (Miss) Old Savbrook Holmes. Abbie E. Pierce CMrs Charles B.) Sta. A, W. Winsted Holmes, Agnes (Miss) .Putnam ave., Greenwich Holmes, Agues Patdine Trumpbour (Mrs William) 120 ]N[yrte st., Shelton Holmes, Alice Lvrlia (Miss) South Windom Holmes. Eleanor Willard (Mi:s Rufus Edwards) Sta. A. Winsted Holmes, ^Marion Crego (Mrs William W.) 39 Pleasant st., Ansonia Holmes, ^Martha Booth (Mrs Cornelins S.)..5 Garfield ave.. New London Holmes, [Nfarv Jessica CMiss) 90 York Square, New Haven Holmes, Thankful Alletta Clift (Mrs Benjamin Latham) Mystic Holt, Abbv (Miss) '. . . ."Sterling Home," Bridgeport Holt. Abigail T. Stone (Mrs Albert S.) 71 Dwight st.. New Haven Holt, Ella M.. (Mrs Irving L.) Meriden Holt. Isabella Jackson (Mrs Greenville E.) Plymouth Holt, Lonisa Permelia (Miss) 156 Prospect st., Willimantie Holt. Marv Florence (Miss) Putnam Holzer, vSai-ah M. Smith (IMrs Philip L. S.) 383 Transton ave.. Bridgeport H Hotchkiss, (jertrude Tyler (Mrs) :i45 Main st.. Torring-ton 125517/ Hotchkiss, Hattie E. (]\Irs Sevnnnir E.) Wallingford 33198C Hotchkiss, Hattie Stark (Mrs) Hadlyme 14741./- Hotchkiss, Jane Trowbridge (:\Irs H. L.) 55 Hillhoiise ave., New Haven 166017> Hotchkiss, Julia Jessup (Mrs E. Hubbell) 4 Arch st., Norwalk 1 248871 Hotchkiss, :Maria li. (Mrs Harry) Naugatuck 183047/ Hotchkiss, Nellie A. (Mrs Frederick M.) 127 S. Colony st., Meriden 179117^ Hough, Ellen Rebecca (Miss) Gfi Kensington ave., Meriden 2252()C' Hough, Frances Louise (INIiss) 347 Clinton ave., Bridgeport 7033» Hough, Jennie Learned Leavens (;Mrs Alfred) 43 ITnion st., Norwich 3499.4 Hough, Maria Starr (Mrs Benezette A.) 30 Deer Hill ave.. Danburv 5767jE; House, Grace L. Bissell (Mrs Chas. E.) S. Manchester 19693;: H(nise, Mary P'rancis Diniond (Mrs James A.) 88 \Villiam st., Bridgeport 340401 Houston, Lena M. (Mrs George W.) Ansonia 125127 Hovey, Alice Huntley (^Sfrs Henry Russell) 57 Oxford st., Hartford 3091r Hovey, jNIary Rog-ers (^Mrs Philo Tiradley) . .62 Hempstead St., New, London 10953(? Howard, Cornelia Anna (Mrs Henry S.) 3 Willow st., Stamford 103077 Howard, Julia Cutler (Mrs l^•rank L.) 150 Collins st., Hartford 367077 Howard, Mary Dean (Mrs Chapin) 2 Washington Heights ]\Ieriden 8318L Howe. Adelina Rossi (Miss) .'..66 Fifth st., Derby 7391.~ Howes, Susan Angnsta (Miss) 41 Hough ave., Bridgeport 16012O Hoxie, Luciebelle Ward (Mrs Ira C.) ' Mystic ^5731D Hoyt, Ada Irene (Miss) Roton Hill, Danbnry 2824A Hoyt, Helen A. (Miss) 12 Robinson ave., Danbury 16024A Hoyt, Harriet Jan Glover (Mrs George Banks) 60 Franklin st., Danburv 146380 Hoyt, Josephine Bailey (Mrs George H.) Strawberry Hill. Stamford 26363.:' Hoyt, Laura Cha])mau (^Mrs Leigh Pichmond) . . . .Lvons Plains, Weston 6228/- Hoyt, Martha Louisa (Miss) '. ." New Canaan 17898D Hovt, Mary Bull (Mrs Williau) H.) '. . ."Elmcrest," Norwalk 3502.4 Hoyt, Mary Cowles (Miss) 2 Hillside Place, Danburv 5330A Hoyt, Mary Esther Hull (Mrs Granville W.) New st., Danburv 17390I> Hoyt, Sarah Jane (Miss) Darie'n 13151^? Hubuard, Ann Elizabeth (Mrs B. Dexter) 555 George St., New Haven 319S7yy Hubbard, Harriet Cooke (^Ivs Philip D.) Litchfield 7059& Hubbard. Lonisa L. (Mrs Franklin B.) Windst.r 1058(0 Hubbard, Margaret Sill (Mrs E. K.) 168 Pearl st., Torrington 398872 Hnbbard, Martha Louise (INIiss) 107 Hig'h st.. Middletown 13186L Hnbbard, Mary Eliza Bradley (Mrs L. Van Buren) 52 Perry ave., Shelton 208407'' Hubbard, Marj- Teeney (Miss) Greenwich 29776L Hubbell, Anna 'Shelton (]\Irs Warren C.) Sheiton 13201.5! Hubbell, Caroline Pinto (Mrs Harvev) 71 W. Liberty st., Bridgeport 266737 Hiibbell, Elizabeth (Miss) .' 650 Main st.. Hartford 53511* Hubbell, Ellen P. (Miss). South st., P.ristnl 1988J Hudsiui, Ellen Hirskell (IMrs William ^Miller) 105 Elm st.. Hartford 5397* Hughes, Sarah E. (Miss) 130 Forbes ave. New Haven 2823.4. Hull, Adeline Raviun- (Miss) 159 Deer Hill ave., Danbnr\ 2763.1 Hull, Augusta (Miss) 159 Deer Hill ave.. Danbury 32879^=- Hull, Charlotte Hayden (INirs Henry S.) 201 Farmington ave.. Hartford 2701.4 Hull, Ella Virginia' (Miss) 159 Deer Hill ave.. Danbnry 31247c Hull, Nellie Fuller (Mrs Frederick Waller) New London 2760.4. Hull, Sarah Eliza (]\Iiss) 159 Deer Hill ave.. Danbury 83291 Humascm, Eunetia ]\L Eno (Mrs William L.) 86 Lake St.. New Britain 28020? Hnmason, Florence M. Cole (Mrs William L.).39 Grove Hill. .Vexv B Itiir. Camdtn C'liaiiter, N. Y. COXXECTICUT. G5 7()1()/ Iluniphrey, Harriet Loomis (Mrs H. D.) 26J W. :Main st.. New Britain 4410« Humphrey. Mary Elvira Kimball (Mrs John C. E.) Simsbury 583Sa Humphrey, Mary Eno (Mrs JNIilton) Farmington 4411« prlumphrey, ]\Iary Helen (Miss) Simsbiiry 8340a Humphrey, Nellie Case (Mrs Arthur E.) yimsburV 21387? Huugerford, Charlotte H. Olmstead (Mrs William) New Britain 15397Z Hungerford. Sarah Augusta Chiirchill (Mrs F. L.) Main st., New Hritain 29757^ Hunt, Clara Munson (]Mrs Edward Junius) .Sta. B, Winsted 23680L Hunt, Lillian Burritt (Mrs John) 285 Coram ave.. Shelton 144S4Z> Hunter, Kate Palmer (Mrs) 136 Main st., Norwalk 4588.5 Hunter, Mary Lacey (Mrs Samuel S.) 478 Fairfield ave., Bridgenort 17398/ Huntington, Charlotte Elizabeth (Miss) 17 Clinton st., Hartford 11409/? Huntington, Helen Barstow Piatt (Mrs C. M.) . . ."Kocklawn," JNorwich 20796//; Huutington, Marj^ Burr Sherwood (Mrs Andrew Burr) Southport 4162» Huntington, Mary Lanman (Miss) 197 Broadway, Norwich 4161/i Huntington, Sarah Anne (Mrs Edward B.) 197 Broadway, Norwich 3487P Huntley, A. Persis Munger (Mrs Philo) .". . . Merideu 15437D llurd, Minnie Florence (INIiss) 944 Windsor ave., Hartford 19092/0 Hurlburt, Angle Wilson (Mrs Frank Henry) 62 Hawthorne st., Hartford 22513j^ Hurlburt, Frances Irene Keeler (^Mrs S. W.).118 Howe st.. New Haven 8202iL Hurlburt, Orilla E. (Miss) Seymour 166230 Hurlbut. Belle Brooks (Mrs Augustus M.) 243 Main st., Stamford 2S333(? Hurlbutt, Alice (Miss) (iales Ferry 67190 Hurlbutt, Cornelia A. (Miss) 20 South st., Stamford 67180 Hurlbutt, Elizabeth Ogden (Miss) 20 South st., Stamford 67170 Hurlbutt. Emma H. (Miss) 5 Prospect st.. Stamfortl 109377^ Hurlbutt, Esther Jane (Miss) 133 Main st., Noi-wnlk 3610/> Hurlbutt. Helen (Miss) Westport 8981/» Hutchins, Henrietta Osborn Hawley (Mrs John L.) Fairfiehl 28886/y Hutchins, Susan Pearson Lillie (Mrs John) Litchfield 5387?( Hutchinson, Carrie Emeline (Miss) 516 West st., Bristol 19639r Huxford, Kate M. (Miss) Thomaston 178977) Hyatt, May Wayland (Mrs Lester) 12 Arch st.. Norwalk 16028j; Hyde, Anna C. Robinson (Mrs Thomas) New Haven 5021d Hyde, Caroline (Miss) Stonington 20841/' Hyde, Eliza M. Ostrum (Mrs William W.) Greenwich 15463A Hyde, Ella Maria (Miss) Windsor Locks 9934V Hyde, Fanny H. (Mrs Theophilus P.) 7 Post Hill Place, New London 154021) Hj'de, Fanny Hazard (Miss) 7 Post Hill Place, New London 17401/ Hyde, Helen E. Watson (Mrs William W. )37 Charter Oak Place,Hartford 4407// Hyde, Mary E. Yarley (Mrs Burrell W.) 174 Broadway, Norwich 10349/? Immich. Adelaide Douglass (Mrs Henry L.) 161 Curtis st., Meriden 5356m Ingraham, Grace Seymour (Mrs AYilliam S.) Bristol 16595A Ives, Anna Miner (Mrs Howard Merritt) 3S Bjilmforth ave.. Danbury 8927./- Ives. :Marie E. (Miss) P. O. Box 1065, New Haven "13198m Ives, Mary Isaphene (Miss) 43 Broad st.. New London 16613P Ives, S. Clarissa Putty (Mrs William B.) "Meriden House," Meriden 2617H Ives, Wealthy S. Merwin (Airs John) ■J>S9 Broad st., Meriden 13929J Jackspn, Jes'sie Keyes Anthony (Mrs Cyrus F.) Eockville 29377a; Jackson, Frances E. (Aliss) 524 Cha])el st., New Haven 19698/? Jackson, Martha Louise (Miss) 319 Washington st., Middletown 2574/ Jacobus. Clara Mary Cooley (jNIrs Malancthon, 14 Alarshall st.. Hartford 18315/ir James, Agnes De Peyster ' (Miss) Seymour 6468/^ James, Florence Harrison (Miss) Seymour 32783i'l/ James. Helen M. Laws (Airs Leinard A.) Danielson 48037?: James. Ida Louise (Aliss) Seymour 48117^ James, Julia Du Bois (Airs Tlionuis L.) Seymour 16600/) James. Alaria Phillips (Airs William K.) 7(5 W;iU st.. Norwalk 4813A' James. Alinerva He])zibah (Airs Thomas) Seymour 50447V James. Sarah AI. Riggs (Airs George Arthur) Seymour 5291s Jamieson, Alaria Louise Glenny (Airs G. A.) 316 North ave., Bridgeport 3382./' Jenkins, Elizabeth F. (Airs E. H.) P. O. Drawer 101. 123 Huntington st.. New Haven 16061 Jenney. Blanche Howe (Airs Charles) 92 Atlantic st., Stamford 26672/: Jennv, Alary Wells Cone (Airs Benjamin Taber) Alanchester Green 27457e Jennings. Annie (Airs C. H.) Jewett City GG DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 13 864Z) 16000ft 4010/t 25949«l 5245m laooor 283401; 5319 4797fl' 12522* 5967m 2254J 17902/ 7392^ 21SS2.C 6724f 29402Z) 5401i 5345m 13117P 26655.:; 30577f 17006P 25943?- 10S93i 27484L 23102/= 4158/i 103951 7018i S678Z) 74261; 28358J SeiOOa; 23645g 21419a; 20845/' 21425f/ 17407iV 67140 36098?- 22532/ 35733D 34490M7 35708; 3505/ 19699Q 7395M 21907/J 351524 25081c 5332 124S6i 1602016 16629 J/ 27194.1/ 7421r 25104J; 16553d ;!573S.7 22498/ 4395B 35138J; 5341/ 2238B 53040 Jennings, Charlotte Reard (Mrs (ieorg-e A.) 50 West st., S. Norwalk Jennings, Henrietta Anjelia Htebbins (Mrs Wilbur Clinton) ... .Sonthport Jennings, Kate Amelia Bulkley (Mrs Arthur Osborne) Southport Jennings, Mary Brewster (Mrs Oliver Gould) Mailands, Fairfield- Jennings, Mary Elizabeth Morehouse (Mrs Chas. Bulkley) Fairfield Jennings, Myra Fitch (Mrs Charles B.)..18 Huntington St., New London Jennings, Euth May (Miss) 18 Huntington st., New London Jenson, Susan May Parker (Mrs Max-fin Edward).. 61 Broad st., Norwich Jeralds,' Betsey Parker (Mrs Thomas) 77 Hobart st., Meriden Jerome, Elizabeth Maude (Mrs) 255 Crown st., New Haven Jerome, Harriet L. (Miss) Jerome ave., Bristol JeM^ell, Charlotte A. (jNIiss) 140 Washington St., Hartford Jewell, Julia Whittlesey (Mrs. Charles A.) 140 Washington st., Hartford Jewell, Mary Lillingston (Mrs George) Church st.. Stratford Jewett, Mary Alice Paine (Mrs) 135 E. Main st., Bridgeport Jillson, Maria Antoinette (Mrs William C.)..56 S. Main st., Willimanfic Jimmerson, Emma Louise (Mrs C. Henry) 22 Cottage ave., E. Norwalk Johnquest, Jennie A. Hotchkiss (Mrs P. N.) 23 Lester st., Ansonia Johnson, Annie ]\ritchell (Miss) 353 N. Main st., Bristol Johnson, Caroline Merwin (Mrs John P.) Woodmont, Milford Johnson, Edna Thompson (]Mrs Percy) 102 West ave., Bridgeport Johnson, Emeliue Hall (Mrs Marcus M.) 71 Pj-ospect st., Willimantic Johnson, Etta Eobinson Wilcox (Mrs John Irving),. .Curtis st., Meriden Johnson, Grace May (Miss) Cedar st., New Britain Johnson, Ida Jennette Coe (Mrs Franklin P.) Ansonia Johnson, Louise Harriet Lewis (Mrs Levi C.)..l Fairmont ave., Shelton Johnson, Mabel Hall (Miss) 71 Prospect st., Willimantic Johnson, Margaretta Lawrence P. (Mrs E. C.)..12 Williams st., Norwich Johnson, Sarah Eliza (Miss) SO S. Clifl! st., Ansonia Johnston, Annie Andrews (Mrs F. H.) 376 W. Main st.. New Britain Johnston, Hannah Hosley (Mrs Alanson E.)....33 MerAvin st., Norwalk Johnston, Mary Sophronia Clark (Mrs ,L P.).. 28 Broad st.. New London Jones, Constance Newcomb (Miss) 35 Sirring st., Hartford Jones, Emeline Eoberts (Mrs D. A.) 629 Chapel st.. New Haven Jones, Eva Barflett (Mrs Elisha W.) West Winstead Jones, Eva Linnette Soule (Mrs F. C.)..387 Fdgeworth ave.. New Haven Jones, Fanny Hotchkiss (Mrs Leander Page) GreenwicJi Jones, Frances Isabella Bronson (Mrs Edward P.) Sfa. A. West Winsted Jones Hattie Beach Austin (Mrs) Mapleton Jones, Helen Lawton Strobridge (Mrs W. P.) Clark's Hill, Stamford Jones, Julia F. St. John (Mrs A. F.) Park a^e.. New Canaan Jones, Marian Hastings (Miss) 35 Spring st., Hartford Jones, Mary Elwood (Mrs) ....'. Westport Jones, Mary Louise Peckham (Mrs Wm. F.)....55 Kenyon st., Hartford Jones, Minnie Bosworth (Mrs Lewis Thomas) Putnam Jones, Euth N. Hastings (Mrs H. K.) 35 Spring st., Hartford Jones, Sarah Gray (Mrs John il.) 168 Pearl st., Torrington Judd, Emma Brockett (Mrs Benjamin Franklin) Bristol Judd, Harriet Stewart (Mrs) 215 S. ^^fain sf., Middletown Judd, Louisa W. Sanford (^Irs Frederick A.) : Danbury Judd, Minerva Pierpont Woodward (Mrs G. Burton) Watertown Judson, Anna Gertrude (Miss) 611 Whitney ave.. New Haven Judson, Kafhai-ine Hart (Mrs William Pond).... 117 S. Cliff st., Ansonia Judson, Lucy Aurelia Tread way (Mrs T. F.) 27 Sessions st., Bristol Keech, Nellie (Miss) Danielson Keech, S. Emma Morse (Mrs James E.) Danielson Keeler, Gertrude Chidley (Mrs Charles Bradley) New Canaan Keeler, Villeroy E. (Mrs) '. . .82 Wall St., New Haven Keene. Deborah H. (Mrs Elijah Marden) Glastonbury Keeney, Emma l>idwell (^Irs Frank) 32 Tnlcott ave., Eockville Kelley, Olive Frances Collins (Mrs Charles Henry) Putnam Kellogg, Clara Mason (Mrs John Prescott) . .153 Hillside ave., Waterbury Kellogg, Fannie Georgia McLean (Mrs C. W.) 109 Edwards st.. New Haven Kellogg, Helen E. (Miss) 77 Washington st., Hartford Kellogj Kellogi Lucia Hosmer Andrews (Mrs S. W.) Prospect st., Waterbury L\icy Bell (Miss) Mystic COXXECTICUT. 67 lOOlOr 12516/ 8937a; 9920a; 36109/ 21S94.Y 22537P 16056P 236757/ 2494i/ lS2S7y 1 S2HSJ 20S46i'' 32506?/ 1388871 4758(Z 21S6Sn 17402/ 33184a; 31979a; 34499/ 9654* 2S039P 19623s inS91L 26357^? 30r,97lO 25092?/ 25955 W 33193/ 948571 26378/ 22515.7- -:376./- ]()9:U)./' 70490 31'.i84.C 15464.V l()912fl' 36099^ 23(574// Sfi73f; 23C)30i'> 3383a; 19058^ 52507H. 28356/ 25973.J 2592/ 7230a; 7405L 165801? 27480D ■2]908jB 4582^ 4318ft 5361« 196452 Chapel st.. New Haven Kinsley, Mary Hobbs (Mrs Frank) 79 West ave., Bridgeport Kippen, Mary B. (Miss) Fairfield Kline, Delia Bennett (Mrs Harlan Page) Hartford Knapp, Caroline Clifton (Miss) 279 Lafayette st.. Bridgeport Knous, Caroline Boardman (Mrs Jacob) 633 Prospect ave., Hartford Knous, Mary Amelia (Mrs Franklin F.) 265 Bassett st.. New Haven Knowlton, Louise F. (Mrs Oliver) 46 Olivia st.. Derby Kopp, Hattie R. Lyon (Mrs Joseph) ... .20 Washington st.. New London Kroger, Cornelia Anna Stevens (Mrs Albert Ernest). Winipauk Kuhns, Lillie Belle (Mrs Oscar) 11 Pearl st.. Middletown Lacey, Henrietta Boardman (Aliss) 204 Fairfield ave.. Bridgeport Lacey, Lottie Alvord (Miss) Southport Ladd, Edith Barnes (Mrs Wyllis C.) 29 Sessions st., Bristol Ladd, Ida Browning (Mrs Arthur Clinton) Jewett City Ladd, Sarah J. Johnson (Mrs Theodore S.) Seymour Lamb, Bessie S. (jNIrs Charles H.) Groton Lamb. Charlotte B. Derby (Mrs) Mystic Lambert, Mary Hoxie (Mrs Joseph) 42 Grove st., Stamford Lamphere, Harriet Phelps Crumb (Mrs William H.) Mystic Lane, Emma Electa T. (Mrs Charles A.) 219 Slimmer st., Bristol * Mercy Warren Chapter, Mass. 68 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 22529i/ Lane, Sarah Mabel C. D. (Mrs P.) :;(>7 Orange St., New Havc n 14659/ Langdon, Clara D. (Mrs Charles SpauUling-) lOS Gillette st.. Hartf:.:t La Pierre, Evelyn (Mrs Jnlian) :. 20 Central aye., Norwirli 18285; Lamed, Ellen D. (Miss) Thompsfiu 6721f Larrabee, Carrie Smith (Mrs Frank) 55 Prospect st., WilHmaiitic- 23101f Larrabe., Julia Maria Cates (Mrs Charles, Jr.) Windhuni 27196,:' Latham, Louise Caroline C. (Mrs) 196 Washington ave., Brid^-eport 13223f Lathrop, Charlotte Gray (Mrs De Witt Clinton) Windh;;m 147140 Lathrop, Elsie M. Hoer (Mrs James W.) Mys , ic 1035177 Lattin, Ellen Eebecca (Mrs Pobert T.) Shiltoii 33652c Lattin, Elva Kenyon (Mrs William) Stratf* i\\ 32784x1/ Law, Adeline J. Atwood (Mrs John W.) Killineley 35714d? Law, Harriet M. English (Miss) :,04 Howard ave., New Haven 29768a? Law, Liicy Harrison (Mrs Sherman B.) 135 Howard ave, New Havr-n 7687a? Law, IMury Emily (Miss) 14 Olive st.. New HavtMi 30260.7 Lawler, Lille Buck (Mrs James J.) 70 Spencer st., Winsted 17403/ Lawrence, Juliette H. (Mrs Charles H.) 199 Sigourney st., Hartfor-1 22518/? Lawrence. Mary P^lizabeth H. (Mrs Charles E.) 124 Wilson st.. Waterbi, ry 67130 Lawton, Abbie Greene (J^Irs) Strawberry Hill. Stamford 67150 Lawtoji Hanna Mary (Miss) Strawberry Hill, Stamford 30607/ Lawton, Lucy Morse (Mrs) 295 Main st., HartfonI 8152/ Lay. Harriet Tracy (Miss) 466 Washington st., Hartford 5952i Leach, xVdeline Mott (Mrs Chauncev) 59 Church st., Torringtou 3095B Leach, Ellen Hill (Mrs Henry) '. 37 State st.. Watevburv 5986A^ Learned, Mary W. B. (Mrs Ella Peck) Bulke Place, Norv.icli 13927/ Lee, Clara Sniith (Mrs Lorenzo P.) 496 Main St., New Britai'i 16042/ Lee, Mary C. Phillips (Mrs George) ■. . . .84 Bellevue St.. Ht^rtford 208270^' Lee, Susan M. Hoyt (Mrs James H.) 102 De Witt st.. New Haven 13882,/- Leete, Clara E. (Miss) 292 Ferry st.. New Haven 19700.r Leete, Emmie B. S. (Mrs Jeremiah Bishop) 51 Howe st., New Haven 2142Sf/ Leete, Harriet Cornelia (Miss) Sta. A, -W. Winstead 31980iP Leete, Ida Louise (Miss) 1220 Chapel st., New Haven 4579J7 Leighton, Alma (Miss) 154 Grove st., New Haven 18289/ Leonard, Aurelia Jane T. (Mrs M. G.) .55 S. Main st., Putnam 19047?; Leonard, Caroline Emory Shirley (Mrs Edwin U.) jMilford 20811H Leonard, Nellie M. P. Gardner (Mrs Fred) Jewett City 23677/v Lester, Elyanetta Terrell (Mrs George Edwin. Jr.) Seymt>ui- 28337/J Lester, Frances Dawley (]\Irs Daniel Mason) 26 Warren st., Norwich 7036« Lester, Susan Montgomery Higgins (Mrs F. W.) 25 i'oswell ave., Norwich 5390m Lewis, Almira S. Hutchins (Mrs) 67 Maple st., Bristol 16009/ Lewis, Amanda Edda Williams (Mrs Albert N.) W. Main st.. New Britain 9933/>i Lewis, Bertha Frances (Miss) Fairfield 5285s Lewis, Ellen Tuttle (Mrs Augustine M.) Plants vi He 33653:' Lewis, Florence AVoodrnff (Mr"s Robert T., Jr.) 528 State st., Bridgeport 4392L Lewis, Frances Maria (Miss) 207 Caroline st., Derby 20192/ Lewi.'J, Gertrude Overton (Miss) 312 Farmington ave., Hartford 32374A' Lewis, Grace H. (Mrs Newton P.) Suffield 21393/ Lewis, Harriet Eawson (Miss) Thompson 4001/J Lewis, Ida Melissa (Miss) 954 S. Main st., Waterbury 5293c Lewis. Malvina Dennis (Mrs Edward A.) 283 Myrtle st., Bridgeport 20191/ Lewis, Mary Bradford (Miss) 312 Farmington ave.. Hnrtford 6211c Lewis, Mary Fanning (Mrs Irving F.) 38 Liberty st., Bridgeport 10944c Lewis, Mary Runette Welch (Mrs Alfred D.)..2S3 Myrtle st., Bridgeport 4171W Lewis, Phebe Esther Brewster (Mrs B. F.) 22 E. Broad st., Norwich 5981L Lewis, Sarah D. A. (Mrs Edward) IK) Atwater ave.. Derl)y 13166/) Lewis, Sarah Fitch (Miss) 4 Lewis st.. Norwalk 25940// Lillibridge, Addie M. Shumard (Mrs lioxie) Central Village 2718!' Lillie, IMarian Reed Hemstead (Mrs Julius).. 233 Bank st.. New Londcm 7393c Lillingston, Lottie (Miss) Stratford 16551f Lincoln, Edith INfaria (Mrs M. Eugene) 193 North st., Willin.anfic 25119/ Lincoln, Elizabeth Brewster (Miss) 73 Wethersfield ave., Hartfovd 25651.'* Lindsley, Cora Pollen (Mrs J.) Plantstield 24524.T Lines, Rosabelle Frushour (Mrs W^illis L.)..5]4 Whaley ave.. New Haven 2492P Lines, Sarah C. Munger (Mrs H. Wales) 65 Pleasant st., Merid<>n 10943D Lingan, Violetta D. P. (Mrs McCubbin) . .96 Woodward ave., S. Norwalk COXXECTICUT. 65) o2S2F 10920P 2RP,3SV( :()S68r (i218f 22553/> in041/J 4595^ 2482Z) (>229r 6227r 4G23fZ 274820 131701) 7060& 1 r410A' 7(;61& 10357& 33210y 7062V 25956J0 190S2L 154050 10S74r I3i)9lr 4757 461277 10889L 274777' 22507?' 25095cf ]25507f lti572H S669A 183200 25028r S932J- 94470 14477J 357347) 20Sfi0f/ 197010 28357 S109f > 6471 A' 5036rf 7055/= 11846H Lindsley, Bessie Gay (Miss) 293 N. Colony st., Lindslej^ Georgiaiia Emily (Mrs Charles F.)..293 N. Colony st.. Meriden , , , y St., Meriden Lindsley, Harriet Foote (Mrs Frederick) Branford Lippitt, Gertrude Hopkins L. (Mrs Costello) 55 Williams st., Norwicli Lippitt, Ida St. Clair (Mrs Charles C.) 25 Vauzhall st.. New London Litchfield, Lizzie P. F. (Mrs Lorenzo) 84 Windham St., Willimantic Lockrow. PZsther Josephine (Miss) 289 Hanover St., Meriden Lookwood, Carrie Ayres (Mrs Fred. St. John).. 403 East ave., Norwalk Lockwood, Elizabeth Chalelle W. (Mrs F. J.) 84 West ave., Bridgeport Lockwood, Eliza Frances (Miss) 15 Park st., Xorwalk Lockwood, Emma N. B. (Mrs George F.) New Canaan Lockwood, Mary Hoyt (Mrs Samuel K.) New Canaan Lockwood, Mary Ivers (Miss) 52 Main st., New London Lockwood, Mary Tallmadge (Miss) 10 Myrtle st., Stamford Lockwood, Ivat'aello Burroughs (Mrs George C.) 89 East ave. Norwalk Loomis, Abbie H. Marcy (Mrs Lucien B.) Windsor Loomis, Alice M. (Miss) " ^ Sullield Loomis, Annie Louise Hubbard (Mrs Burton S.) Windsor Loomis, Elizabeth Benton (Mrs W'alnut W.) Windsor Loomis, Eloise C. (Miss) Sutneld Loomis, Fannie Hatheway (Miss) Suffield Loomis, Jennie (Miss) Windsor Loomis, Mary Adelaide (Miss) E. Hartford Loomis, Mary Barber Holcomb (Mrs Frank N.) 116 Elizabeth st., Derby Loomis, Mary Elizabeth Mather (Mrs llobert Henry) Suffield Loosley. Emma Louise (Miss) 19 Erainard st., New London Looseley, Jeanette B. (Mrs Daniel R.) 19 Brainard st., New London Lojjer, Elizabeth Dixon V. (Mrs Kichard F.) Stoniigton Loring, Mary Frances Edmond (Mrs George) Central Village Lounsbury, Alice (Miss) 12 Bedford st., Stamford Lounsbury, May (Miss) 12 P.edf ord st., Stamford Lounsburv, Sarah Bailey (Mrs George) Ellsworth Lovell. Eosella M. Todd" (Mrs Charles A.) Startf ord Low, Louisa (Miss) 5 and 7 Willow st., Stamford Lowe, Maria Louise (Mrs Russell Walter) liidgefield Lowell, Ella M. (Miss) 56 Cottage st., Meriden Lucas, Grace Lounsberry (Mrs George M.) Liberty st., Meriden Lucie, Clara B. (Miss) Killingly Luke, Hattie, Marcella Morse (Mrs Albert Charles) Putnam Lum, Frances H. Thompson (Mrs Bennet) 88 Main st.. Ansonia Lyman, Helen Martha (Miss) , 34 Sumner st., Hartford Lyman, Josephine F. (Mrs William T.) 134 S. Cliff st., Ansonia Lyman, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) Middlefield Lynes, Emih^ Augusta (Miss) 38 West ave., Norwalk Lyon, Annie D. Parker (Mrs William Henry) 816 Broad St., Meriden Lyon, Caroline E. Colliding (Mrs William A.) 161 Caroline st., Derbj^ Lyon, Elizabeth Dawbarn (Miss) Riverside Lyon, Elizabeth Prentice (Mrs John) Tilley st.. New London Lyon, Josephine (Miss) 233 Main st., Bridgei^ort Lyon, Harriet Amelia Snow (Mrs George W'.)..138 Colony st., Meriden Lyon, Jane Aurelia Bennett (Mrs Henry) Norwich Lyon, Jennie E. (IMiss) '. 8 Harony st., Daijibury Lyon, Jennie Johnston (Mrs Burr) 142 Prospect st.. Torrington ]\iacAdams. Ellen Elizabeth V. (Mrs D. J.) 7 Mountain ave., New London McAlister, Annie A. (Miss) New Haven McCarty, Ellen Elizabeth (Mrs Adelbert D.) Torrington INIcC hristie, Jessie Carolena Jackson (Mrs Robert) 31 Elm st., Rockville ]\IcClellan. Caroline G. (Miss) Darien IMcClelland, Gertrude Strong (Mrs William PYeeraan) Sta. B, Winsted ]\IcCracken, Annie B. Gallup (Mrs Royal Warren) Mystic JMacDonald. Mary Leeds Bartlett (Mrs Duncan B.) 15 Beach st., Hartford McDonald, Vera Annie Snow (Mrs John H.) 209 Church st., Willimantic AIcEwen. Cornelia L. C. (Mrs Virgil H.) Seymour McEwen, Mary Sherwood (Mrs John B.) 31 Huntington st.. New London IMacfarlane, Mary A. Conant (Mrs James S.) Mansfield Center McGanghey, Sarah V. Cannon (Mrs J. D.) 97 Centre st., Meriden 70 DIB ECTOR Y, D. A. K. 21883s 25983P 25650s 28367^ 2.574/ 35157J 29382?/ 32368to 26657S 7413/ 16334* 24545y 18286; 5337J? 13118P 30584a; 16585B 4205a? 18290; 5365M 19079; 20800i 14493D 5237D 19677/ 20848F 23672P 2300V 2844/ 3 19S5;' 30592^ 8096;:; 21406^ 26377/ 26368// 336475- 9453/; 23684,/ 23633f/ 30599W 5829?t 17919P 10381/) 7400L 16035/ 6456 16596A 190491; 4389L 42010? 25990 53080- 35156.7 7696J 7697/ 4390L 18309P 5826P : 0847^ 15435B 2626D 21910P 20851P 8917« McKelvey, Helen Agnes (Miss) 544 Fairfield ave.. Bridgeport McKendrick, Ermena Liicina Miller (Mrs Charles) 18 Newton st., Meriuevi McKenzie, Mary E. (Mrs T. H.) Southington McLaughlin, Marj^ Whittlesey (Mrs) Litchfield McLean, Clara Frances (Miss) 70 Prospect st., Rockville McLean, Emma Jane (Miss) 7 Pleasant st., Rockville MacLean, Frances Coit (Mrs Allan) Litchfield MacLean, Mary* E. (Miss) East Hartford McLellan, Jennie Smith (Mrs Frederick W.) 191 William st., Bridgeport McManus. Katharine A. Havens (Mrs Thomas).. 125 Park st., Hartford McMullan, Floy (Miss) 130 Washington st., Norvvich McNeill, Puth E. (Miss) Litchfield MacPhatter, Bertha Elizabeth Hammond (Mrs Neil) Putnam Magie, Lucia A. Tuller (Mrs Theodore B.) 91 Spring st., New Haven Mallett, Harriett Treat Parsons (Mrs George) Milford Maltby, Dorothy Lord (]\liss) 331 Temple st., New Haven Maltby, Mary Somers (Mrs Douglas Fowler) 191 Prospect st., Waterbury Maltby, Maude Evelyn Townsend (Miss) 331 Temple St., New Haveii Manning, Charlotte Elizabeth (Miss) Putnam Manross, Grace E. (Miss) 34 Spring st., Bristol Mansfield, Helen August Winslow (Mrs William) Putnam Manville, Hattie Sterling Judson (Mrs E. A.) 59 Franklin st., Ansouia Manj-, Harriet Perry (Mrs Charles Warren) 30 North ave., Norwalk Maples, Clara (Miss) 11 Maple st., Norwalk ^larkham. Grace Ui)son (loodrich (Mrs D. A.) . . . .22 Summer St.. Hartford Marks, Anna A. (Miss) Sound Beach Marks, Lucy M. (Miss) Sound Beach Marsh, Adriana Smith (ISIrs D. S.) 6 North Main st., New London Marsh, Ellen Woodward Pratt (Mrs John H.) 131 Sigourney st., Hartford jSIarsh, Emma Clifl:"ord W. (:\lrs F. W.) 852 Park ave., Bridgeport Marsh, Fannie Forester H. (Mrs E. W.)..450 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport Marsh, Sarah Florinda (Mrs D. E.) 246 Kossuth st., Bridgeport Marshall, Anna Coe (Mrs William Crosby).. 355 Willow st.. New Haven Marshall, Ethelwyn Keyes (Mrs George) 193 Ashley st., Hartford Marshall, Myra Ives (Miss) Mei'iden Marshall, Sarah Lucilla (Miss) Cheshire Martin, Alice Betsey (Mrs Henry Clarence) Soiith Manchester Martin, Bessie M. Cogswell (Mrs) 10 Webster st., Rockville Martin, C. Jane (Mrs Earl) Danielson Martin, Josephine Esther Loomis (Mrs Joel White) East Hartford Martin, Mary Elena Fullei- (Mrs) 1 Bristol Martindale, Ida Angelica (Miss) 301 Orange st., Meriden Marvin, Clara Elizabeth (Miss) Pine Hill Road, East Norwalk Marvin, Ella Elizabeth Dunbar (Mrs Charles) 40 Bank st., Derby Marwick, Virginia Dean P. (Mrs A.. Jr.).. 97 Farmington ave., Hartford Mason, Alice Dunbar (Mrs Carlos V.) Bristol Mason, Annie Lovell (Mrs Charles II.) 14 Farview ave., Danbury Mason, Elizabeth Antonia (^kliss) 25 Jay st., New London Mason, Eva Child (Mrs James R.) 02 Atwater ave.. Derby Mathewson, Mary E. (Mrs A. McC.) 657 Orange st., New Haven Mathison, Elizabeth Hull Colburn (Mrs E. T.)..121 Howard ave., Ansonia Maxson. Sally Maria Fenner (Mrs William Ellery) West Mystic :N[axwell, FloVenoe Parsons (Mrs F. T.) 20 Ellington ave.. Rockville Maxwell, Harriet Kellogg (Mrs Ceorge) 31 Union st., Rockville INlaxwell, Julia Alice (Miss) 31 Cnion st., Rockville May, Alice Elizabeth (Miss) 280 Caroline st., Derby ]\ra'ynard, Martha C. (Mrs Wilbur) Three Elm House, Stoney Creek MaVne. Stella C. Martin (ISlrs Edwin A.) 226 W. Main st., Meriden Mavo, Elizabeth Frances Bush (Mrs Thomas) Greenwich MaVo, Jennie Elton Stevens (Mrs W. K.)..83 N. Willow st., Waterbury Mead, Elizabeth Burr H. (Mrs Mellville E.) Hillside, Norwalk Mead, Elizabeth Howe (Miss) Greenwich Mead, Louisa Merritt (Miss) Greenwich Mead, Prudence Mary Stanton (Mrs S. H.) 3S7 Franklin st., Norwich * C'apt. Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, N. J. CONNECTICUT. 71 20852/-' :Mfacl, Susan Jlannah (:^risR) Greenwich 20163O Meade, Pliebe Holmes ^Yells (Mrs Matthew Kice) Old Mystic 3 2239/ Means, Helen Chandler Coit (Mrs Frederick Howard) Windham 10372A Medburry, Mary Elizabeth Cass (^Irs George W. D.) Bethel 15998/ Medbury, Mary-Hope Bugbee (Mrs Benjamin Fraiiklin) Putnam 4208d Meech, Anne (Miss) Grot on 7037r? Meech, Louise Bond (Miss) 176 Broadway, Norwich 4209d Meech, Susan Billings (Miss) ' Groton 4207d Meech, Susan Spicer (Mrs Noj'es Billings) Groton 35704/j Meeker, Grace Belle (Miss) Westport 2821A Meeker, Helen (Miss) 52 Main St., Danburv 12929* Meekins, Kate J. Bostwick (Mrs T. H.) 69 Atlantic st., Stamford 35150xr Melville. Minnie G. Cone (Mrs F. P.) 2 Plural Delivery. "Brooklawn." Bridgeport 538 it Merick, Mary Edgerton (Mrs Leverett Griggs) Bristol 32365/ Merriam, Emily Atwell Clenions (Mrs Lucius Parker) Putnam 28035/7 IMerriam, Georgietta Morton (Mrs John Lynn) Meriden 2619/7 IMerriam. Helen B. Bradley (Mrs George C") 100 Colony St., Meriden 32366y IMerriam. IMary Caroline (Miss) Putnam 22538P Merriam, Mary Bice (Mrs Charles B.) 74 Grove st., Meriden 24534/7 Merriam, Euth Kingsley (Miss) 100 Colony st., Meriden 14730/7 Merriam. Sarah Minerva Camp (Mrs Asaph) 807 Broad st., Meriden 16053P Merriman, , Alice Castelow (Mrs Eufus C.)..301 N. Colony st., Meriden 29758s Merriman, Anna E. (Mrs J. H.) Soxithingtoii .''>960?t Merriman. Ida Sibley (Mrs Edward W.) Bristol 1313T/i Merriman, Sa.ra Parsons (Mrs "NY. B.) 337 West Main st., Waterbury 6240(Z Merritt, Frances Elizabeth (Mrs Charles) Groton 2820A IMerritt, Julia Lacey Stebbins (Mrs G.) 346 Main st., Danbury 10317if Mersick, Mary E. (Miss) 1215 Chapel st., New Haven 15405/> Merwin, Annie M. Elmer (Mrs N.) Gulf Farm, Milford 266582! Merwin, Frances Thompson (Mrs J.) 812 Noble ave., Bridgeport 5333;/" Merwin, Helen Josephine (Miss) 28 College st., New^ Haven 144857) IMerwin. Jane Hyde (Mrs Augustus) .". Wilton 20814^ Merwin, Jennie"^ Estella (Miss) Milford 13S95/> Merwin, Julia Elmer (Mrs Merritt W.) Milford 34723/} Merwin, J^iaria Wheeler (IMrs Caleb T.) Pond Point, Milford 13119p Merwin, Martha Loveland Parsons (Mrs N. T.) Poquouock, Windsor 80972 Merwin, Mary ClifPord Beach (Mrs O.) 244 Kossuth st., Bridgeport 13098P Merwin, Sarah C. Peck (Mrs William M.) Milford 154672V Middlebrook, Frances Adelia Brinsmade (Mrs James Eobert) Suffield 13212(? IMigeon, Elizabeth F. Mrs Achille F.) 185 Migeon ave., Torrington 20793/i Milbank, Mary, Nichols (Mrs Isaac) ." Greenfield Hill 22549P Miles, Augusta Culver (^irs Pichard W^) 50 Crown St.; Meriden 33190^ Miles, Carrie Merrall (Mrs Harry S.) 836 Myrtle ave., Bridgeport 4632f Miles, Georgiana W. (Mrs William A.) .' Chapinville 7557t Miles, Helen Wcrden (IMiss) ; Chapinville 33500|| Miles, May Lena Parker (Mrs James A.) Derby 274830 Millar, Annie H. (Mrs John Graham) 26 Bedford st., Stamford 20S23A Millard, Martha L. (Mrs Thomas C.) 9 Fairview ave., Danbury 16584/? Miller, Augusta Somers (Mrs Heman) E. Main st., Waterbury 103130 Miller, Cynthia Dixon (Mrs Herbert P.) 49 Prospect St., Stamford \ 35148^ Miller, Emily Clinton (Mrs Frank) 244 Congress st., Bridgeport j 12552/7 Miller, Emm.a Llall (Mrs Fred. Maurice) 18 Butler st., Meriden I • 9773A Miller, Frances Wakeman (Mrs) 28 White st., Danbury 125450 Miller, Hannie M. H. (Mrs Charles O.) 17 South st.. Stamford ,i 458n.r Miller, Harriet Sperry (Mrs Eugene S.) 472 Orange st., New Haven 312630 IMiller, Helen Amelia "^ (Miss) Strawberry Hill, Stamford 26681P Miller, Lena Sevelia Merriam (Mrs Lewis A.).. 68 Wilcox ave., Meriden 35732D Miller, Martha Maria (Miss) 8 West ave.. South Norwalk 294017? Miller, Sallie Benton (Miss) 32 Hillside ave., Waterbury 131730 IMiller, Sarah Brooks (Mrs Henry) 93 Atlantic st., Stamford 2666SB Miller, Sarah E. Benton (Mrs Charles) 32 Hillside ave., Waterbury 19659/7 Miller, Sarah M. Ames (Mrs Charles A.) 120 Hobart st., Meriden * New York City Chapter, N. Y. || Tioughnioga Chapter, N. Y. t Mahwenawasigh Chapter, N. Y. 72 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 35723c;' Miller, Susan Ferris Jarvis (Mrs Benjamin) . .244 Congress st., Bridg-eport S204O ]\riller, Susie Brooke (Miss) '. 93 Atlantic st., Stamford 8956L Miller, Susie Waite (Mrs Watson J.) Howe ave., Shelfcon 25096- Mills, Helen C. (Mrs Charles D.) 233 Maiu st.. Bridg-eport 8973;/ Milner, Sarah M. (Mrs Ed^vin) Moosu\) 5030ri Miner, Emily Morgan (Mrs William Herman) Groton 7009o JSIiner, Fannie :M. '(^Miss) Noank lOSGOr Miner, Lucy Kimball Bisho]) (Mrs Sidney H.)..6S Main st.. New London 16000/ ]Minor, Ann Elizabeth (Mrs James Henry).. 272 W. Main st.. New Britain 4172t' Minor, Anne Belle Rog-ers (Mrs G. M.) Waterford 29399B Minor, Caroline H. Wl;iittelsey (Mrs Jesse) Waterbury S953L Minor, Fanny L. (Miss) 130 Derby ave., Derby 20194ff Minor. Minnie Sheldon (Miss) ." Meriueii 23635- Mitchell. Phebe Stoddard (Mrs Henry Painter) South Britain 21404Zi Mitchell, Harriet (Mm) .' South Britain 24546f Mitchell, Sarah Kezia (Mrs Simeon H.) Washington 24539P Mix, Katie Urana (Mrs John Walter) Yalesville 15362t Mix, Mary Bills Hayes (Mrs Edward T.) 1484 Chapel st.. New Haven 13153J? Mix, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Eli) 600 George st.. New Haven 4615(Z Molthroji, Fannie Adams (Mrs William Henry) Gales Ferry 8311- INIondan, Georgianna F. (Madame C.)..297 Washington ave., Bridg-eport 5338.r Monson, Charlotte M. (Mrs Frank A.) 1085 Chapel st., New Haven 13880 Montgomery, Elsie Matthias (Mrs Phel])s) . .221 Whitney ave., New Haveu 17411A Montgomery, Frances Brown (Mrs John R.) Windsor Locks 29765r Moody. May Van Doren (Mrs F. S.) 191/. Franklin st.. New London ]3092r Moon, Lillian Walden (INIrs Jesse A.) 77 Ocean ave.. New London 7019/ Moore, Alice B. (Mrs) 10 Franklin Square, East New Britain 18277B ISIoore, Anna Lauretta Gilbert (jNIrs Emerson William) Vernon 18267.- Moore, Elizabeth Waterman L. (Mrs J. H.) 113 Stratford ave., Bridg'eport 12515/ Moore, Laura Colton (Mrs G. W.) 85 Wethersfield ave., Hartford HG56E Moore, Louise Holt (Mrs Wm. Henry) South Manchester 27465^ Moore, Mabel Roberts (Mrs Burton E.) Sta. A. Winsted S083k Moore, Maioi'ie (Miss) Kensington 35149- Mora, Eleanor Hall (Mrs Edward) 2204 Main st., Bridgeport 2S349(r Moran, Mai-y Katharine (Miss) East Hartford 15441D Moorehouse, Annie Betts Chichester (Mrs Alfred) Darien 5246)H Moorehouse, Anne Ogden (Miss) Fairtield 35722c; Moorehouse, Sarah Jane Beardslej^ (Mrs George N.) King st., Stratford 10353£r Morgan, Alice A. Baldwin (Mrs Charles E.) 37 Maple st., Meriden 5033(/ Morgan, Clara Le Baron (Miss) Groton 31820 jMorgan. Edith May Noyes (Mrs Christopher) Mystic 41927 Morgan. Emma E.Kellog (Mrs Nathaniel S.) . .153 Windsor ave., Hartford 3857rf Morgan, Lydia E. Burrows (Mrs Daniel) . . .Poquonock Bridge 1184577 Morgan, Mary E. Jeralds (Mrs Hubert W.) 77 Hobart st., Meriden 13918t' Morgan, Nancy Lee Brown (Mrs Geo. C.) 37 Washington st.. New London 41870 Morgan, Sarali A. Thomas (Mrs William) Mystic 47o6(Z Morgan, Virginia Haley (Mrs Nelson) Poquonock Bridge 8337r Morley, Eliza Jane Warren (Mrs Chas. W.) Lyme 13222J3' Morris, Caroline Vene McGaughey (Mrs H. L.) 97 Centre st., Wallingford 3384iJ? Morris, Eugenia Laura (Mrs L. B.) 230 Prospect St., New Haven 131427 Morris, Mary Pamelia (Mrs John Emery) 11 Charter Oak Place, Hartford ; 3012* Morrison, Julia S. (Mrs Thomas H.) Norwalk 13120/) Morse, Alice Dibble (Mrs Henry H.) Milford 20869?. ISIorse, Alice Eliza Tyler Morgan (Mrs Moses Jewett City 19686/ Morse, xVnnie Goddai-d Dyer (Mrs Augustus Irving) Putnam 3604L Morse, Annie Massey (Mrs N. Thompson) ;.224 Main st., Derby 23662d" Morse, Edith Josephine (Miss) 1252 Chapel st.. New Haven 14729ff IMorse, Lucy Ann (Mrs Joseph) . .262 Colony st.. Meriden 77035 Morse, M. Louise (Mrs) South Elm st., Waterbury 6255 Morse, Mary Adelaide (Miss) 237 York st.. New Haven 2889oP Morse, Mary Byxbee (Mrs George N.) 20 Cook ave., Mer^'den 23661 J- Morse, Mary Hamilton (Mrs Gardner) 1252 Chapel st., New Haven 18291; Morse, Maud Louise Alden (Mrs George Byron) Putnam 208427^ Morton, Nannie Ostrum Hyde (Mrs Howard) Greenwich William Ellery Chapter, R. I. -{■ Milwaukee Chaiiter, Wis CONNECTICUT. 73 :i524.r ]\roseley, Elizab(>1li IVrkiiis (Mrs Seth Hamilton) 31 Wall st., New Haven 12304|| Moselej, Emma E. (Miss) 121 Green st., New Haven 5398J? Mosele3% Florence C. (Mrs W. H.) New Haven House, New Haven I2.527./" jMoseley. Rarali Emma Clark (Miss) 31 Wall st.. New Haven 5290^ Mosher, Aliee A. Iliist (Mrs George D.) Milford 22548P Moss, Bertha A. (Miss) Cheshire .".4052/j Aloss. :\IaYe Butterliekl (Mrs Ernest B.) 231 N. Colony st., Meriden 13187L Mung-er, Eliza Ann liussell (Mrs Daniel Tnttle) Waterbury 10397i Munger, Jennie Clarissa Lewis (Mrs Venenice) 35 William st., Ansonia 1 S243ff Munson, Celia jNI. (Miss) Tarrift'ville 2.5974s Mnnson, Harriett Jennie (Miss) 41 Main st., Bridgeport 15429a? Munson, Martha Almira (Miss) P. O. Whitneysville 3110i? Munson, Mary B. Ilice (Mrs Luzerne I.) 59 N. Willow st., Waterburg 14622.r Munson, Mary Field (Miss) (iuiiforii 288907J Munson, Sara" ilice (Miss) 59 N. 'Willow st., \VatiM-l)ury 2S88rf/ Munson, ^araii Kyi;r (Mrs Ktimund Whitelield) vSta. 15, Winsted 35740i\" Murless, Maria Letmora Maia-Ferreira (Mrs F. T., Jr.) Sultield 31880 Murphy, Ann Augusta (Miss) Mystic 11357/* Murray, Lucy Maria Hall (Mrs Robert) 122 W. Main st., W. Meritien 4375M Muzzy, Florence Emelyn Downe (Mrs Adrian J.) 47 Prospect st., Bristol 7396m Muzzy, Harriet Beach (Miss) Bristol 3029(r Mygatt, Nancy Faxon ([Mrs Henry Seymour) New^ jNHlford 4597s Naramore, Carrie ^A'orden (Miss) 437 Fairtield ave., Bridgeport 1447 Nash, Catherine Artimesia Wilcox (Mrs) Madison 173911) Naylor, Jessie Smith (Mrs Charles H.) 75 West ave., Norw^alk 17405/ Neal, Emma Henrietta Humphrey (Mrs Morris Stanley) Collinsville 20177s Neal, Eva Chidsey (Mrs Linus) . . ! Southington 25652s Neal, Lizzie Lord' (Mrs Charles E.) Southington 20178s Neal, Lucy Weightman (Mrs Walter H.) Southington 29373s Neal, Maria F. Savage (Mrs Orin) Southington 6497r Neide, Elizabeth Thompson (Mrs Eobert H.) New Canaan 20S02i Nelson, Susie Louise ([Miss) 233 Main st.. Ansonia 1 5408p Nettleton, Annie Dorenius (Miss) Milford 15407;) Nettleton, Charlotte A. Baldwin (Mrs Lewis J.) Milford 4023L Nettleton, Katharine St. J. Arnold (Mrs Charles H.) Myrtle st., Sheltoit 2766a; Newcomb, Lydia Williams Bolles (Mrs George F.) 90 York sq.. New Haven 22551P Newell, Flora J. (Miss) 195 4th st., Meriden 32367s Newell, Lillie Dunham (Mrs Henry H.) Marion n993« Newell, Martha Judd Brewster (Mrs Samuel L.) 89 High St., Bristol 64541/ Newell, Mary G. (Mrs Samuel D.) Peaceable st., Bristol 5389n Newell, Piera Henderson Pioot (Mrs Edward Everett) Bristol 31255/ Newton, Angelia A. Holden (Mrs Philo W.) Hartf(»^d ■oissn Newton, Belinda Jane Shattuck (Mrs Joseph Dickinson) Westport ;;3657F Newton, Caroline Gaylord (Mrs Henry H.) Durham 15468iV Newton, Cornelia Pomeroy (Mrs Matthew Turner) Suffield 1 5462]\^ Newton, Emma Louise (Miss) Suffield 19062/? Newton, Frances Frisbie (Mrs Lewis Byron) Waterbury 13199«. Newton, Julia A. Hawkins (Mrs) .* 318 E. Main st., Norwich 26370 Newton, Mary I (Miss) Stafford Springs S321/ Newton, Sarah Harris (Mrs fieorge W.) 11 Windsor ave., Hartford 32837* Newton, Sarah Sanford Mansfield (Mrs George H.) Eidgefield 34497/ Nev, Elsie Louise (Miss) 96 Windsor ave., Hartford 11413- Nichols, Elizabeth F. (Mrs William J.) 414 Clinton ave., Bridgeport 1 S268S Nichols, Isabel Curtiss (Mrs Horace) Long Hill Trumbull 25963s Nichols, Kate May Spelman (Mrs) Plantsville 34498/ Nichols, Lydia Frances Smith (Mrs James) 118 Warrenton ave., Hartford 19689/ Nichols, Mary Abigail Blake (Mrs Georg'e Harrison) Thompson 29751? Niven, Nellie Eapelye (Mrs David A.) New Britain 109250 Noble, Bertha Elliton Sparks (Mrs Joseph) Mystic 3207r? Noble, Elizabeth Henrietta (Miss) New Milford :',205G Noble, Ella Frances (Miss) New Milford 3206(7 Noble, Emma Cornelia (Miss) P. O. Box 663, New Milford 1398/) Noble, Esther Bradbury (]\Irs Thomas K.) 75 E. ave., Norwalk 17891/? Noble, Kate Woodward (Mrs Oscar Wallace) 84 Franklin st., Waterbury !| Mercy Warrcen Chapter, Mass. Peori.i Chanter, 111. 74 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. 16016^ Norris, Jane Miles Peck (Mrs Noali) Milford 33194/ Northam, Hattie Tiffany (Mrs Chas. H.) 1;2 Charter Oak Place, Hartford 331990 Northam. Sarah A. (Mrs David T.) East Haddaui ]0371A Northrop, Amelia T. (Miss) Brookfield Centre 202007? Northrop, Elizabeth A. Comstock (Mrs John E.) Ivoryton 31007 Northrop, Elizabeth Myg-att (Mrs Ezra Graves).. P. O. Box 824. Hartford 9687? Northrop, Esther M. "(Miss) ITS Church St., Middletown 6637? Northrop, Mary Elmira SteAvart (Mrs D. AV.) 174 Church St., Middletowa 5977B Northrop, Sarah Cantield (Mrs Otis S.) loo Prospect st., Waterbury insk Norton, Alice (Miss) Kensington 2S336fc Norton, Antoinette (Miss) Berlin ] .)470A' Norton, Emily Louise (Miss) Suffield 31974/i; Norton, Jeanie Ford (Mrs John) Kensington 21S90A Norton, Julia (Miss) 14 Library Place Danbury 1474 > Norton, Lillian lleynolds (Mrs Walker W.) .' Lime Rock 12497(3 Norton, Maria (Miss) SI Litchfield st.. Torrington S082ir Norton, Sara Newberry (Miss) Kensington 21891.4 Norton, Sarah (Miss) 14 Library Place. Danbury 1 24980 Norton, Sarah Beach (Miss) 81 Litchfield. Torringtoii 173810 Nothnagle, Elizabeth Ambler (Mrs Edv.ard) Nichols, Trumbull 283547) Noxon, Annis B. (Mrs Geonj-e H.) Darien 23987? Noxon, Mary F. (Mrs Joseph J.) 273 Court st., Middletown 15406p Noyes, Edith Wetmore (Mrs Joseph Gillet) "The Hawthorns," Milford 31920 Noyes, Elizabeth Home (Mrs George William) Mystic 31830 Noyes, Ellen Holmes (^Irs Henry B.) Mystic 4621(Z Noyes, Emily Avery Wheeler (Mrs. Seth Noyes) Stonington 31800 Nojes, Emily Fish Denison (Mrs George Washington.) Mystic 34507P Noyes, Emma L. (Mrs Selden W.) Wallingford 3787|| Noyes, Hannah Caroline (Mrs Oliver J.) Mystic 4210a NoVes, Harriet E. (Mrs Franklin B.) Stonington 31810 Noyes, Lydia Williams (Mrs B. F.) Mystic 5957d O'Brien, Sarah Amidon (Mrs Byron M.) Groton 13898s O'Connor, Sarah Elizabeth (Miss) Milford 89132' Odell, Ella Seymour Bunk (Mrs Abram E.) 46 Hanover st., Bridgeport 2481« Olcott, Elizabeth Olivia (IMrs W. M.) 62 Church st.. Norwich 132032; Olds, Susan Armstrong Woolsey (Mrs N. G.) . .301 Myrtle ave., Bridgeport ' 19051A Oley, Jane Wheeler (jNIrs) . . . ." 13*5 Main st., Danbury 25950)/? Olmsted, Anna Margaret (Miss) East Hartford 25958»? Olmsted, Annie E. (Miss) East Hartford 30610/ Olmsted, Clara Jenks (Miss) 29 Spring st., Hartford 2595710 Olmsted, Emma Leland (Mrs Ashbel Edward) East Hartford 30609/ Olmsted. Fannie Maria (Miss) .29 Spring st., Hartford 1 4486D Olmsted, Marian (Mrs Edward) Wilton 18276 Olmsted, Mary Smith (Mrs George H.) 1 Eaymond st., E. Norwalk 14745./' Orcutt, Ella Lutentia Brown (Mrs Willie Francis) "^40 Main st., Eockviile 1G62SJ Orcutt, Frances Lovinia Skinner (Mrs Wm. Bice) 40 Main st., Eockviile 20179s Orr, Julia Sloper (Mrs William) Southington 24529/; Orr, Nellie (Mrs Frank) 71 i:. Pearl st., Hartford 8980fl(. Osborn, Harriet Staples (Miss) Fairfield 23681P Osborn, Eebecca (Miss) Litchfield 18272 Osborn, Undine G. (Mrs William Edgar) 87 East ave., E. Norwalk 3681L Osborne. Eliza Hill (Mrs John W.) .' 192 Caroline st., Derby 7406L Osborne, Frances Eliza (Miss) Hawthorne ave., Derby 7710 Osborne, Louisa Hathaway (Miss) Windsor 12242A Osborne, Lucy Maria (Miss) 43 West st., Danbury 11411?* Osgood, Mary Euth Lee (Mrs Hugh Henry) 1^1 Broadway. Norwich 18302H Otis, Bessie Ida (Mrs Eobert Watson) 89 Cliff st., Norwich 15471.V Owen, Alena Frances (Miss) Suffield 13875P Owen, Elizabeth Barlow (Mrs Eichard) 83 Crown st., Meriden 9481(Z Packer, Rachel Spicer (Mrs Nelson G.) Preston City 4159» Paddock, Mary Huntington (Miss) 9G Washington st.. Norwich 7671L Page, Annie Hayes (Mrs Valency A.) 76 Seymour ave.. Derby 10878V Palmer, Emma Carrie (Miss) 56 Williams st., New London 70080 Palmer, Emma J. Burrows (Mrs Charles R.) Noank |l Chicago Clinnter. 111. CONNECTICUT. 33176d Palmer, Emma Woodbrido-e (Miss) Stoningt' )n 2584/ Palmer, Frances Collins (Mrs William H.)..li>"'4 Asylum ave.. Hartford TOOOd Palmer, Harriet Triimbiill (Mrs Ira Hart) Stonington 19647P Panton, Jane C. (Mrs Lawrence) Jewett City 21899P Parish, Joanna Eand (Mrs John H.) North Colony St., Meriden 17912P Park, Altana W. (Miss) 'Jhe Curtis Home. Meriden 5965(7 Parke, Helen Melinda A. (Mrs Eussell F.) I'leasant st., Grotun 32386C' Parker, A. Jeanette W. (Mrs Francis) East Haddaiu 10909/7 Parker, Ale^erose Wylie (Mrs Stephen O.) 14 X. 1st st., Meriden 83267 Parker, Annie Shepard Felt (Mrs Will) 47 Curtis st.. New Britain 2454/ Parker, Caroline A. G. (Mrs John D.) 183 Sigourney st.. Hartford 30615il/ Parker. Elizabeth Hovev (Miss) "i ". W^aureg-au 13200?! Parker, Fannie Fitch (Mrs John Ford) 116 Broadway, Norwich 6469 AT Parker, Iva E. Sharpe (Mrs) Seymour ::1856f Parker, Lottie Buck (Mrs Theodore R.) 134 Church st., Willimantie 11387/7 Parker, Louise Taylor (Mrs James Innes) 78 Crown St., Meriden 33200C Parker, Lucy M. (Miss) 122 Wethersfield ave.. Hartford 17921/' Parker, Mary Baleom (Mrs John H.) 327 W. Main st., Meriden 4801H Parker, Mvra Fitch (Miss) 116 Broadway, Norwich 44257 Parker, Sarah Eno (Mrs Charles J.) 343 W. [Main st.. New Britain 323876' Parker, Sarah L. (Miss) East Haddam 4429a Parkhurst, Abbie Day (Miss) Simsbury 30579/ Parmlee. Isabelle Tryon (Mrs Edward K.) Ill S. Cliff St., Ansonia 26665^ Parrott, Lizzie May W. (Mrs H. F.) 320 Washington ave., Bridgeport 86817 Parsons. Emma Bisliop (!Miss) 310 \\. 1\\n\n st.. New Britain 41730 Parsons. Georgiana Hull (Mrs Milo Holcombe) Stamford 70177 Parsons, Harriet Sloper (Mrs DAvight A.).. 22 Park Place, New Britain 86807 Parsons, Isabelle Sevmour (Mrs Charles H.) 310 W. jNIain St.. New Britain 35130/ Partridge, Bertha Heald (Mrs Frank E.) Putnam 19651e Partridge, Emeline Hebbard (Miss) Jewett City 19649(' Partridge. Hannah Chai^lin Avery (Mrs Frederick P.) Jewett City 19650(' Partridge, Mary Morgan (Miss) Jewett City 12506/7 Patchen', Maude Marion (Miss) 188 Minerva st., Derby 9495/? Patten, Anna Carlvn (Miss) 3r)6 High St., Middletov, ii 9494/? Patten, Elizabeth 'F. (Miss) 356 High st., Middletown 3496/? Paulding, Grace Hubbard Bunce (Mm William) 107 High st., Middletown 16039/ Paulison. Amelia Elizabeth Williams (Mrs John C.) W'est Hartford 19687; Payne. Laura Mason Eddy (Mrs Edward Harry) Putnam 33658J Payne, Mary Abby Corbin' (Mrs Walter E.> 40 Talcott ave., Eockville 259417i Payne. Maude Merwin (Mrs Horace Davis) Kensing'ton 2764A Pearce, Henrietta Hull (Mrs Reuben) 118 Deer Hill ave., Danbury 11373/? Pearne. Harriette Cornelia Arnold (Mrs W. U.) 151 Broad st., Middletown 10902/ Pearson, Daisy Dean (Mrs Edward J.) 89 Buckingham st., Hartford 10923P Pease, Clara Louise (Miss) 9 Queen st., Meriden 10344/7 Pease, Hattie Elizabeth (Mrs Frederick) 4S9 Broad st., Meriden : 239A' Pease, Harriet Summer CMrs Robert A.) 22 Pleasant st., Middletown 297537 Pease, Julia Lillian Sawyer (Mrs L. Hoyt) 2S Court st., New Britain 19636c Pease. Ruth C. (Miss) . .' '. Thomast Peck, Alice M. (Mrs F. J.) Mt. Carniel 21877W Peck, Elizabeth Terry (Mrs Burdette A.) 42 Elm st., Bristol 16631L Peck, Fannie G. Humphreys (Mrs E.) 5 L'niversity Place, New Haven 5358« Peck, Grace Brownell (Mrs Epaphroditus) 234 Summer st., Bristol 11400/7 Peck, Hannah Keith (Miss) Curtis Home, Crown st., Meriden 2499P Peck, Harriet L. Lines (Mrs Robert L.) Kensington 31981J' Peck, Isabella Edith (Mrs Wilbur Allen) 345 Elm st., New Haven 29754/) Peck. Jennie A. Fowler (Mrs Henry C.) Milford 16586/? Peck. Jennie P. (Miss) ". .51 Church st., Waterbury 3669B Peck, Katherine Louisa (Miss) 208 E. Main st., Waterbury 2495P Peck, Lucy A. (Miss) 320 N. Colony st., Meriden 5346» Peck. Marx Chilton (Miss) 400 West st., Bristol 70157 Peck, IVrary F. Davis (Mrs Charles) . 34 Pearl st.. New Britain 5355« Peck, Mary Harriet Sevmour (Mrs Miles Lewis) 174 Summer st.. Bristol 12028A Peck, Mary J. (Mrs Cola S.) 14 Mallory st., Danbury 2248Si Peck, Mary Johnson (Mrs Elbert A.) 15 William st.. Ansonia 9941^! Peck, Mary Louise (Miss) 27 Franklin st., Bridgeport 5983L Peck. Polly Maria S. (Mrs George H.) 16 Anson St., 'Derby 7(1 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. ?,r,143y Peck, Sara Babbitt (Mrs Frederick Whittlesey) Litchfield 2(»161fc Peck. Susan Algar (Miss) ." Plainville ;!3341* Peckham, Katherine Fenner (Miss) Putnam Heights o0265^ Peet, Julia Sumner (Mrs Georg-e Church 319 Lafayette st., Bridgeport 4199J? Peets, Ella Myers (Mrs C. Berry) 396 Orange st.. New Haven 25086/i. Peffers, Abbie ]Maria (Miss) Westport : rA)S5h Peflfers, Henrietta Elizabeth (Miss) Westport 45787? Pelton, Frances M. (Miss) 20 Pearl st., Middletown 2S30J Pelton, Julia Goodwin (Mrs William Norcutt) 792 Asylum ave.. Hartford ] G<)59f* Pendexter, Flora Belle (Miss) ' South INIeriden ir)472A^ Pendleton, Margaret Sabina (Miss) Suttield ir>423v Pendleton. ]Mary Brewster (Mrs Harris) 16 Granite st., New Loudon 23C562' Penfield, Marion Kdnah (Miss) 153 John St., Bridgeport 2817A Penfield, Sophia (Miss) 356 Main St., Danburv 1U95H Pepper, Carrie B. (Mrs William E.) 694 N. Colony st.. Meriden 2747817 Perkins, Clementine A. (Mrs Judson C.) 77 Elm st., Meriden :i;i639p Perkins, E. Gertrude Stow (Mrs Frederick B.) Ora-iee 1 535v Perkins, Emblem Hood (Miss) Sharon 263611? Perkins, Hattie S. (:\Irs Charles C.) 15 Brook st.. New Loudon 14721<7 Perkins, Jane Francis (Miss) Plainfield 22991' Perkins, Jane Eichards (Miss). .Shaw Mansion, 331 Bank st.. New Londou 24547tr Perkins, Margaretta Warner Dotterer (Mrs J. Deming) Litchfield 31246A Perkins, Mary Whittlesey Brown (Mrs John P.) 345 Main St., Danburv 9931m Perkins, Sabra Estella Buck (Mrs Merwin H.) .Bristol 4800ji Perkins, Amelia J. Jerome (Mrs W. S. C.) 50 Broad st., Norwich 2S028a; Perrin, Grace Wauzer (Mrs Frank) NeAv Haven 250877i. Perry, Carolyn Sanborn (Miss) Southport 1829 ;■ Perry Cornelia M. Williams (Mrs Franklin W.) Putnam S951L Perry, Emily Blakeman (Miss) I'erry Hill, Shelton 48107?. Perry, Emily Pierson Jennings (Mrs Neheniiah) Fairfield 10903/ Perry, Esther C. (Miss) 55 Beacon st., Hartford 26660s Perry, Harriet Adelaide Handlen (Mrs Wm.) 215 Noble ave., Bridgeport 10895m Perry, Loretta Brundige (Miss) Southport 7432 Perry, Louisa Huidekojier (Mrs Winthrop Hoyt) Southport S947L Perry, Mary f^lizabeth (Mrs Frederick) " Perry Hill, Shelton 5943i Perry, Mary Rogers (Mrs Walter) 2 S. Cliff St., Ansonia 35132»(. Perry, Sarah .Josephine (IMiss) Fairfield 40137) Perry, Virginia lUickley (Mrs John Hoyt) Southport 22565L Peterson, Cornelia Grace Sanford (Mrs John).... 107 Derby ave., Derby 12034/! Petrie. Annie Mary (Miss) 268 Franklin st., Norwich 24246|| Pettee, Julia Ensign (Miss) Lakeville 20830.i! Pettibone. Helen Frances (Miss) Norfolk 30255? Phelps, Anna Tuttle (Mrs Howard David) 126 S. Cliff .st.. Ansonia 2251d Phelps, Antoinette Randolph (Miss) 72 Washington st., Hartford 34482a Phelps, Bertha Adams (Mrs Jeffery O.. Jr.) Simsbury 17363a Phelps, Eleanor A. Crandall (Mrs JefPerv O.) Simsbury 7711b Phelps, Ellen (Mrs Timothy S.) " Windsor 214297 Phelps. Ellen ]\Iaria (Mrs George Wakefield) Sta. B, Winsted 21 430r/ Phelps, Judith Bigelow (Miss) Sta. P.. Winsted 7063& Phelps, Lucy A. (IMrs Ellsworth N.) Windsor :'.(i096rf Phelps, Margaret Stevens (Miss) Simsbury 7064& Phelps, Maria A. (Miss) Poqiu)nock :i4035a Phelps, Nathalie Barnard (Miss) Simsbury (i472a Phelps, Pauline Isabella (]Miss) Bloomfield 319950 Phillips, Ella Francis (Mrs Charles E. H.) Gleubrook irASOx Phillips, Ii:ila Vernon Stetson (Mrs W. L.)..389 Orange st.. New Haven 16043/ Phillips, Ellen M. (Miss) 128 Bellevue st., Hartford :;686L Phillips, Nancy Pratt Owen (Mrs Albert W.) 322 Caroline st., Derby 0699Z Pickett, Emma Cooke Lawrence (Mrs J. A.) 38 Summer st.. New Britain :'.05S5.r Pickett, Marie S])errv (Mrs Charles W.)..23 LynAvood st.. New Haven 15474A' Pierce, Eliza Sophia (Mrs Albert E.) .' Main st.. Suffield 4168^ Pierce, Martha Caroline F. (Mrs William Bentley) Fairfield 15414<( Pierce, Minnie Louise (Miss) Plainville 30617il/ Pike, Charissa Huntington (Mrs George A.) Dauielson * Col. Timotby Bigelow Chapter, Mass. Vassar College Chapter, N. Y. CONNECTICUT. 22oOZ> rinneo, Uotha Stone (Miss) .j West ave.. Xovwulk 19088i\' Pinney, Carrie Hatheway (Mrs William S.) SnUield 35158J Pinney, Harriet Pond ]\ioody (Mrs Edward C. V.) '.) Park st., Piockville 4184L Pinney, Maria Watson (Mrs 'diaries H.) IIG Derby ave.. Derhy 13163£ Pinney, Marj* Holbrook (Mrs Lucius) S. Manchester 19087^' Pinney, Phebe Austin (Mrs Robert E.) Sultield 2243/ Pitkin, Sarah Howard Loomis (Mrs Albert H.) lOG Xiles st., Hartford 29755/> Piatt, Alice G. Stowe (Mrs George I.) Milf ord 23655C' Piatt, Alice Tryphena (Miss) 2:>6 State st., Bridgeport 12505L Piatt, Anna Beatrice (Miss) Lcmg- Hill ave., Shelton 103375 Piatt, Amelia Lewis (Mrs (lark) 36 Biicking-ham ave., Waterbury 23106^ Piatt, Antoinette W. (Mrs Wakeman B.) 23 Prospect St., Bridgeport 13124i> Piatt, Bertha May (Miss) Miliord 16004i Piatt, Carrie Louise Nettleton (Mrs Benjamin F.) 74 Elm st., Ansonia 165872? Piatt, Ellen Brainard (Mrs Lewis A.) 36 Buckingham ave., Waterbury 30586^- Piatt, Emma J. Burritt (Mrs C. H.) 624 Orange st.. New Haveii 13125/J Piatt, Emma Treat (Mrs Henry C.) Milf ord 4611H Piatt, Harriet Ives (Mrs James Perry) 130 Lincoln St., Merideu 17884p Piatt, Harriett Nelson Gunn (Mrs David Elliot) Milf ord 16010/ Piatt, Lillian Rockwell (Mrs Frederick G.) 32 Grove Hill, New Britain 13126/) Piatt, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Nathan Dwight) Milf ord 305870' Piatt, Mettle Harriett Bishop (Mrs John H.) 1194 Chapel st., NeAv Haven 11410//- Piatt, Olive Worthington B (Mrs C. B.) "Rocklawn" Warren st.. Norwicli 1: 504L Piatt, Ruth Ida (Miss) Long Hill ave., Shelton 35142J/ Plumb, Anna L. B. (Mrs William S.) Litchfield 10936r? Plumb, Isabel Mygatt (Mrs Hanford C.) New Milford 11399H Plumb, Josephine Marion (Miss) Merideu 64745 Plume, Sarah A. K. (Mrs Frank C.) 68 Holmes ave., Waterbury 31240i Plummer, Eugenia Harriet (Mrs William H.)....ll S. Cliff st., Ansonia 11382i Plummer, Sarah Dwight (Miss) 11 S. Cliff .st., Ansonia 19624s Pollard, Anna Dyer (Mrs Charles Richard) Plantsville 40061' Pomeroj% Cornelia Roff (Miss) wSouthport 1139777 Pomeroy, Marion Eugenia (Miss) 116 I]. Maiii St., ^leri len 6727f Pomero3% Mary Eliza (Miss) South st., Willimant.ic 6730f Pomeroy, Mary Elizabeth Palmer (Mrs Charles B.) South st., Willimantic 18254// Pope, Sarah Emeline (Miss) 201 Broadway, Norwich 18255// Pope, Sylvia Ann (Miss) 201 Broadway, Norwich 31975/ Porter, Agnes Olive (Miss) Ncav Britain 2621P Porter, Alice S. (Miss) 232 Colony st., Merideu 22500y Porter, Amy Betts (Mrs John Addison) Pomfret 14727J3 Porter, Fannie Amelia (Miss) E. ^Main st., Waterbury 19625s Porter, Loiiise Swan (Mrs) Southingtou 3385J' Porter, Martha Day (Miss) 31 Hillhouse ave.. New Haven 147265 Porter, Mary Florence (Miss) E. Main st., Waterbury 7020/ Porter, Sara Hale Brown (Mrs Frank J.).. 77 Lexington st.. New Britain 225097 Potter, Nellie Smith (Mrs Thomas Wells) 2 Williams St., New London 29396.1/ Potter,, Nancy M. (Miss) Killingly 5948/ Powe, Emma J. Bartholomew (Mrs) 134 S. Clift" st., Ansonia 6678;r Powe, Mai Lewis (Mrs Louis Bartram) . . . .133 Sea View ave., Bridgeport 6209,:- Powell, Louie Shelton Stevenson (Mrs W. B.) Ill Golden Hill, Bi'idgeport 9472/ Powell, Minnie Belle Corbin (Mrs J.) 15 Prospect st.. New Britain 5017/j Power, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) Windsor 7065?) Power, Sarah Nichols Hayden (Mrs John Newberry) Windsor 34053P Powers, Sally Andrews (Mrs Perley Andrews) ^Merideu 76790 Powers, Susan Boutelle (Mrs William) Mystic 18305H Pratt, Emma Edna Pratt (Mrs Joseph W.) 19 Hobart st., Meriden 10384* Pratt, Marcia Jane (Miss) 40 State st., Ansonia 25942fc Pratt, Mary Upson (Mrs Howard John) 50 Brown St., Hartford 20180s Pratt, Nellie A. (Mrs James H.) Southingtou 29384J/ Prentice, Kate B. (Mrs) 366 Laurel st.. Hartford 130831' Prentis, Hattie E. (Mrs Edward) 80 Huntington st.. New London 9929r Prentiss, Caroline A. St. John (Mrs Roderick) New Cana:an 10942/) Prentiss, Grace Leonie (Miss) 96 Woodward ave., S. Norwalk 10377D Prentiss, Kate Lamb (Mrs William DeF.)..96 Woodward ave., S. Norwalk 20861 Prentiss, Sarah Gilbert (Mrs) Winsted 7698./ Prescott, Celia Ellen Keeney (Mrs William Henry) Rockville 78 DIRECTORY;, D. A. R. 2:i573f Preston, Belle riiniey (Mrs ^ilciward H.) 9 Park st., Eockville 7430(r Preston, Cornelia Hulse (Mrs Eldward W.) Roxbury 29395il/ Preston, F. Mjrtella Chase (Mrs) Danlelsoii ] 60313- Preston, Ida Kate Marvin (Mrs W. H.)..197 Blatchley ave.. New Haven 32776a;- Preston, Eoberta E. Stow (Mrs Sherwood 0.)..21 Clark St., New Haven 04755 Prichard, Katharine A. (Miss) 81 Grand St., Waterbury M77B Prichard, Sarah d. (Miss) 81 Grand st., Waterbury 2.".064s Prill, Jennie Hart Spelman (Mrs Frederick William) Southington 10363V Prince, Harriet Ann Elmina (Miss) Main st.. New London ]2495(^ Prince, Ida Catharine (Mrs Clarke) 14 Mig'eon ave., Torrington 29376a? Prince, Julia E. Storer (Mrs C. E.) New Haven 2iifi31(Z Prindle, Julia Bailej' (Mrs Hiram) Sharon '.'OSSs' Prindle, Mary Louise (Miss) 275 Myrtle ave., Bridgeport 29752? Pi-ior, Mary Stanley (Miss) 22 Curtiss st.. New Britain 8327? Prior, Mary Stanley (Mrs Edward L.) 22 Curtiss st.. New Britain i::204:Z Proud, Mary Louise Woolsey (Mrs John H.)..307 M3-rtle ave., Bridgeport ] 255377 Proudman, Hannah Maria (Mrs Samuel T.) 62 Curtis st., Meriden 17916P Prouty, Jennie Smith (Mrs Willis J.) Hanover st., Meriden 302662 Provost. Emma Bodev (Mrs Cyrus Mead) 34 Park st.. Bridgeport 3O600i? Pulf ord, Grace S. (Miss) ' Southburv 5284s Pultz, Jane C. (Mrs) Plantsville 1 7889,7? Punderson, Mary L. (Mrs Lemuel S.) New Haven 7407L Purdy, Eleanor 'Miller (Mrs Edward J.) 205 Caroline st., Derby 29,'J97il/ Putnam, Adabelle C. Lyon (Mrs William H.) Uanielsun 3474* Pynchon, Frances Tift (Mrs Daniel) Mystic 29385;/ Quincy, Mary Perkins (Miss). 47 Hillhouse ave., New Haven 2228Z) (Juintard, Emma (Mrs Charles A.) 148 Main st., Norwalk 4568Z> Quintard, Mary Emma B. (Mrs F. H.) 5 Washington st.. S. Norwalk 4.".S8L Iladclitfe, Emma Downs (Mrs Thomas) 304 Elizabeth st., Derbj' 04667t Radford, Catharine C. (Mrs Horace A.) Seymour 5276A' Randall, Martha M. (Airs) Seymour 24533(? Randall, Mary P. (Mrs Le Roy) >^ ew Milf ord 10038/ Ransom, Emeline Turner (Mrs George Reed) Colchester 3:i208J Ransom, Flora Montfort (Mrs Orlando) 24 N. Park st., Rockville 28024/ Rapelye, Katherine Damon (Mrs (ieorge) New Britain 13902O Rathbone, Arline Margaret Packer (Mrs John S.) Mystic 288760 Rathbun, Hannah Ashley (Mrs John Alden) Mystic 1 9035? Ray, Amelia C. (!Mrs) Thomaston 25936e Ray, Phebe Palmer (Airs Henry C.) Scotland 30003D Raymond, Charlotte Keeler (Mrs Thomas H.) Wilton 22 3Z^ Raymond, Dudline Pettibone Ely (Mrs Chas. T.)..00 West ave., Norwalk 10003D Raymond, Elizabeth (Miss) Wilton 31990Z) Raymond, F. Celia (Miss) Wilton 3178/^ Raymond, Lucy A. (Mrs Bradford P.) 311 High st., Middletown 0220r Raymond. Mary Comstock (Mrs William E.) New Canaan 24516i. Read, Sarah Fuller (Airs William) Ansonia 332077/ Rebotham, Edna L. Richmond (Mrs L. M.) 120 E. Main st., Meriden 259762; Rector, Alice Young (Mrs Orville) 1313 Iranistan ave., Bridgeport 5015/ Redfield, Maria E. Thompson (Mrs A. B.) 764 Asylum ave., Hartford 32772Ht Redfield, Sarah E. (Mrs Daniel Marsh) Fairfield 8978 Redshaw, Harriet 1. Riggs (Airs Joseph G.) Wiuter st., Ansonia 43977J Reed, Annie M. Griggs (Mrs James V.) 41 2nd ave., Waterbury :;05S2t' Reed, Mary Nella Gardner (Mrs G. B.) 15 Blinman st.. New London 25030V Reed, Nettie A. (Miss) 47 Broad st., New London ;',5]39;r Reed, Sophia Gates (Airs Edward M.) 405 Orange st.. New Haven 27462i Remer, Josephine B. (Mrs C. E.) Cor. Franklin and Jackson sts., Ansonia 2 542P Remington. May L. (Mrs Harvey N.) 23 Linsley ave., Meriden 8915,r Reynolds, Alice' (Miss) 101 Humphrey st.. New Haven 33201C Reynolds, Doroth.A' Amelia (Mrs Wilson C.) East lladdam 31993/7 Reynolds, Edith Klma (Miss) 44 Crown st., Aferiden 20199C Reynolds, Gertrude Palmer (Aliss) East Haddam 1W)29j' Reynolds, Marv Dowue (Mrs James H.) 135 Alain st., West Haven 349377 Rice. Anna Caldwell (Miss) Meriden 20807; Rich, Emily Frances Rhodes (Mrs Samuel) Putnam Cliit"i!>o Chapter, 111. CONXECTICUT. 79 lObaiie Rich, Maria Jennette (Mrs Justus O.) 311 High st., Middletown 21S06P Eich. Martha Aliell (Mrs Amos) East Hampton 26650tt Eichards, Isaliella Graham (Miss) 100 High st., Bristol l(i')69H Eichards, Mary E. (Miss) 269 Broadway, Norwich :iCnM&M Eichardson, Anna Eliza bctli Matliews (Mrs) .".Danielson G2ia? Eichardson, Kate Wheeler (Mrs W. M.)...29 Sherwood ave., Bridgeport 9500ir Eichardson, Lucy Caroline (Miss) Lime Eock 1S311L Eichardson, Minnie Brush (Mrs Dwight A.) Derby lo916ir Eider, Addie Elizabeth (Miss) 37 Humphrey st., Seymoui- 14490D Eider, Mary Bogart (Mrs John) 201 East ave., East Norwalk 10949^: Eiggs, Harriet Church (Mrs David C.) Seymour 2736 Eipley. Sarali Backus (Mrs Daniel C.) Pomfret S345f Eised'orf, Mary Nirginia P'ranklin (:Mrs C. E.) 109 North st., Willimantic 7701/ Eisley, Everett Jeanett Scott (Mrs Stephen G.) Eockville 16611H Eisley, Kate (Miss) Kensington 5930/ Eisley. Sarah Eeed (IMrs Elisha) W. Hartford 81080 Eitcli. Mary Eossiter (Miss) Ill Atlantic st., Stamford 21869« Eoath, Gertrude Hakes (Mrs Frank Allyn) 37 Otis st., Norwich 2;;640h Eoblnns. Eanuy Eoath (Miss) ." (JS ('liff st., Norwich 8098tt Eobbins, Mary" J. (Miss) S3 Lewis st., Bristol JS30M Eoberts. Candace E. (Miss) 105 High st., Bristol 20Sri2Qf Eoberts. Emily (Mrs Harvey- L.) Sta. B, Winsted 25951t{7 Eoberts, Frances Lucretia (Miss) 3 Central ave.. East Hartford 4S04A' Eoberts, Hnldah De Wolfe (Mr.s W. Lea) " Seymour ]0910r/ Jloberts, Lillian T. (I^frs Harry B.) Sta. A, Winsted 21S70H Eobertson, Carrie Ellsworth Smith (Mrs William E.) Montville 1S25671 Eobertson, Jane Brewster (Mrs William B.) 19 Main st., Norwich (i253n- Eobinson, Amoret INIcCall (Mrs Nelson D.) Norwich Town 29779* Eobinson, Emma S. Hollister (Mrs A. D.) 67 Ashley st., Hartford 7039?^ Eobinson, Frances Lester Warner (Mrs G. A.).. 58 Church st., Norwich 4160//. Eo1)inson, Juliet Warner (Miss) 58 Church st., Norwich 29398il/ Eobinson, Marinda C. Butler (Mrs Eienzi) Danielson 2l>640>/ Eobinson, Mary Hill (Mrs .loseph) Taftville 2455/ Eobinson, Sarah Morgan Goodwin (Mrs H. T.) 135 Woodland st., Hartford 1S261M Eobinson, Sophia Wells Waters (Mrs T. B.) 73 Wolcott st., Bristol 33207/f Eoi)()tham. E(hui Eichmond (Mrs) 120 E. Main st.. Meriden 293831/ Eockhill, Edith 11. Perkins (Mrs \\. Woodville) Litchfield 6698? ]?ockwell, Anna Pickett, (Mrs Samuel Willis) Hazard Place, Enfield 21394/ Eockwell, Elizabeth Trowbridge Hammill (Mrs) South W'oodstock o378« Eockwell, Grace White Dayne (Mrs Edward Dayton) Bristol 3510/ Eockwell, Jennie A. Lockwood (Mrs Fred. C.) 461 Prospect ave., Hartford 4315/t Eockwell, Jerusha Talcott Eobinson (Mrs Charles) Southport 2(Hi79J Eockwell, Katie Bill (Mrs Thomas T.) 45 Park st., Eockville 11358P Eockwell, Louise Taylor (Mrs William Francis) . .989 Broad st.. Meriden 336542 Eockwell, Mary Emnia B. (Mrs W'. H.) 122 Courtland st., Bridgeport 3491P Eockwell, Mary Everest (Mrs Charles J^ee)..307 N. Colony st., Meriden 17910P Eockwell, Mary French Battles (Mrs George) Waterburv 28352Z> Eockwell, Mary Louise D. (Mrs Gould) Eidgefield Sfl67d Eodman, Isabella (Mrs Daniel C.) 16 Lewis st.. New London lG590.r Eodman, M. Anna Grosvener P. (Mrs W. AV.)..165 York st.. New Haven 21383d Eodman, Mary Hannah (Miss) Groton 2S341V Eogers. Alice Spraoue (Miss) 44 Truman st.. New London r,942l Eogers, Alice Treat (Miss) 125 S. Cliff st., Ansonia 13919r Eogers, Amanda Carlyle (Mi-s Albert \V.)....3y2 Main st.. New London 5038H Eogers, Carrie Elizabeth (Miss) 59 E. Broad st., Norwich 6232V Rogers, Edna Hoyt (Mrs Henry Benjamin) New Canaan 2762A Eog-ers, Elizabeth Beach (!Mrs Burton) 37 Fairview ave., Danbury 5326J Eogers, Elizabeth jNlaria Croffut (Mrs D. K.) . .156 Deer Hill ave., Danbury 11359P ]{ogers, Estelle Y. (:Mrs Gilbert) 230 E. Main st., Meriden 15421V Eogers, Fanny Gorton (Mrs) New London (')243(Z Rogers. Helen J. (Miss) Gales Ferry 7668.2 Eogers. Helen P. (Mrs William H.) Stratford 25031V Eogers, Lillis Elizabeth S. (Mrs T. W.)..19 Huntington st.. New London 114191' Eogers, Lucy J. (Miss) 30 Brainard st.. New London 10922P Rogers, Margaret Clark (M]-s Cephas B.) 416 Colony st., Meriden 17913P Eog-ers. Mary J. Corbin (Mrs Wilbur Fisk) 82 Akron st., Meriden 80 DIKECTORY, D. A. R. 35729C' Kogers, Phoebe Emmons (Mrs) Moodus 236521' llogers, Sarah E. Aylesworth (Mrs B. F.)..9{) \Nilliams st., New London ;. 575/ Eoot, Catherine S. "Waterman (Mrs J. H.)..'3<) Washington st., Hartford 266250 lioot, Fanny Maria (Miss) Thomaston 351650 Eoot, Kathryn Hiidreih (Miss) U Athmtic st., Stamford 5342t( Koot, Mary P. (Miss) 105 High st., Bristol 214180 Boot, Stella Q. (M. D.) (Miss) 14 Atlantic st., Stamford 11375E Bosa, Mary Evans (Mrs Edward Bennett) ... .2.56 College st., Middletown 13899^ Bose, Mary E. Porter (Mrs Joseph J.) 322 North ave., Bridgeport 14737/" Boss, Elfie (Gardner (Mrs James Henry) Willimantie 23634.^/ Bouse, M. Jane Hawkins (^frs ^Villis E') Central Village 26364s Bouth, Sarah E. Bhoades (Mrs Jason P.) Stratford 33444* Bowe, Mary Salladin (Mrs James D.) Bristol 10961/i Boyce, Sarali Barnes (Airs A. Irving) 26 Clift" st., Norwich 4740i; Budd, Lonisa Congdon (Mrs Arnold) .... 12 llnntington st., New London 3672 Budd, Maria Coifing Holley (Mrs William Beardslee) Lakeville 4178A Bundle, Eliza Whittlesey Bacon (Mrs C M.)..3S Fairview ave., Danbury 5328/1 Bundle, Laura Belle Hull (Mrs Anthony M.) 358 Main st., Danbury 3026SC Busling, Margaret (Miss) 438 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 30267:; Busling, Mary S. Lane (Mrs John A.) 438 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 10300s Bussell, Aurelia Henry (Mrs Frank) 445 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 13167D Bussell, Cornelia M. Benedict (Mrs J. ij.)..26 West ave.. South Norwalk 21751a? Bussell, Edith Sutherland (Miss) 143 College st.. New Haven 297601f Bussell, Ella Frances Saylee (Mrs Charles A.) Killingly 28031s Bussell, Emma Louise (Joodale (Mrs W. (■.).. 42.') Clinton ave., Bridgeport 16032a? Bussell, Mary K. Miinson (Mrs Thomas H.) i;i7 Elm st., New Haven 28036H Bust, Theodore Frances (Miss) llli E. Main st., Meriden 20849i'' Byker, Alargaret Hoffmire (Miss) Greenwich 22502; Sabin, Grace May (Miss) George sf., Putnam 30600/ Sackett, Adelaide Frances (Miss) 107 Edwards st., Hartford 8087fc Sage, Mary Eno (Mrs George Henry) Berlin 24510c St. John, Eunice Penfield Giddings (Mrs Theodore) Thomaston 2234D St. John, Hannah S. (Mrs George) Knight st., Norwalk 2579/ St. John, Mary Harris Morgan (Mrs S. B.)..114 Washington st., Hartford 2813A St. John. Sara E. (Miss) 43 Main st., Danbury 3521* Salisbury, Evelyn McCurdy (Mrs Edward E.)..2o7 Church st., New Haven 8928a? Salisbury, Grace Emnui Brown (Mrs) . .241) N. (Juinniiiiac St., New Haven 6985s Sammis,' Plelen Underwood (Miss) Stratford 23647g Sampson, Florence Wadsworth (Miss) Sta. A, W^est WTnsted 19690/ Sampson, Sarah Stuart Gordan (Mrs George M.) Woodstock 10343/f Sands, Clara Louise (iSIiss) 64 Lincoln st., Meriden 33049|| Sands, Lulu Brasee (Mrs Frank Elbert) 64 Lincoln st., Meriden 15398/ Sanford, Ada Latitia Eno (Mrs George W.) 82 Lake st.. New Britain 11863/) Sanford, Annie C. (Miss) 24 Franklin st., South Norwalk ;.7205i: Sanford, Bessie Minerva Cable (Mrs Sherman) Oxford 3202(? Sanford, Caroline S. (Miss) New Milf ord 2591/ Sanford, Emily Maria JeweU (Mrs Walter) 28 Gillette st., Hartford 17417P Sanford, Eliza M. (Mrs Albert) Curtis House, Meriden 5292s Sanford, F. Ophelia (Miss) 2S4 Washington ave., Bridgeport 21197A Sanford, Grace North (Miss) S Library Place, Danbury 7427(? Sanford, Jennie Daniels (Miss) New Milf ord 31251^ Sanford, Joanna Ketchum (Mrs William H.) LitchfieUl 9430A' Sanford, Julia A. Fairchild (Mrs Samuel P.) Oxford 8952L Sanford, Lizzie Lincoln Somers (Mrs F. S.)..182 Division ave., Shelton 5393Z Sanford, Euth (Miss) " Oxford 4728s Sanford, Susan Smith (Miss) 220 Washington ave., Bridgeport 20809i¥ Sanger, Olive Douglas (ISliss) Danielson 22531/ Santee, Jane B. (Mrs Milton) Farmington ave., Hartford 20159; Sargent, Emma Sarah Taylor (Mrs Frank Dana) Putnam 3390J;' Sargent, Harriet Amelia Oakes (Mrs H. B.)...47 Church st.. New Haven 34487f/ Satterlee, Amy Bolles (JNIiss) Moosup 17915P Savage, Chaidotte i'reston l<\ister (Mrs (i. K.) 76 Lincoln st., Meriden 19662P Savage, Emma Camp (Miss) 54 Lincoln st., Meriden 3037/2 Savage, Nancy Catherine (Mrs Enoch Le Boy) Newfiei i. :\Iiddletown Camden Chapter, N. Y. Elizabeth Slicnium Kec-bc Cliajjlcf, COXXECTICUT. SI 25122/i' Sa^vn, Mary U. S. (Mrs) Uockfall 530Go Sawyer, Gertrude A. White Beebe (Mrs Thomas) Xoaiik 9457/ Sawyer, lone Amelia ringree (Mrs G. 0.) 4 Townley st., Hartford 20850/' Sajre, Adele Louise (Miss) Greenwich 15875* Sayre, Amelia Louise (Miss) Greenwich 4206d Sc'helleus, Mary L. A. (Mrs Pierre L.) Groton 2620P Schenck, Jessie May (j\Iiss) 658 Broad st., Meriden 16563t Schneller, Elizabeth A. (Miss) 103 S. Clitl st., Ansonia 3G561i Schneller, Clarissa (Mrs George 0.) 103 S. Clifl: st., Ansonia 6672i Sehoonmaker, Anna Littlefield (jNlrs E. S.) 22 William st., Ansonia 154S0A' Schwartz, Emily Wadsworth {Mvs Charles) Suflield 7050O Scofield, Annie Weed Candee (Mrs Edwin Lewis).. 23 South St., Stamford H).314 Scofield, Jane Evelina (Miss) Sound View ave., Stamford 5236D Scott, Angeline (Miss) South ISIorwalk 6677^; Scott, Bertha Frances (Miss) 34 Cottage st., Bridgeport 8925m Scott, Elizabeth M. (Mrs George A.) Paquabuck 2829/ Scott, Elizabeth Sedgwick (Mrs J. Stanley') . .85 Buckingham st., Hartford 66760 Scott, Emma Louise (Miss) 34 Cottage st., Bridgeport 10308/ Scott, Mary Ellen Clark (Mrs M. B.) :.8 Arnoldale Kow, Ha'rtford 9936B Scovill, Ellen W. Hyde (Mrs Henry W.) 32 W. Main st., Waterburv 5349/J Scovill, Harriet Walter Higgins (Mrs G. B.)..292 Hillside ave., Waterbury 20829a; Scranton, Ann Maria Hubbard (Mrs C. M.)..114 Lawrence St., New Haven 6661* Scribner, Ida F. Hatch (Mrs H. H.) 80 Prospect st., Bridgeport 26662^; Scribner, Ida Tichnor (Miss) SO Prospect st., Bridgeport l©926o Seamons, Calista Vinton Burrows (]\[rs George L.) Mystic 6709/? Sears, Evelyn Lay (Mrs Cushman A.) Portland 14244|| Sedgwick, Ida Dorr (Mrs Cyrus Swan) "The Sedgwick," Sharon 4590^ Seeley, Jane Elizabeth (Mrs''Williara E.) 399 State st., Bridgeport 16060/^ Seeley, Nellie Pendexter (Mrs Frank Gay) 11 Lake Place, New Haven 21921* Seeley, Winifred Baldwin (Mrs Sheldon Ford) Washington 2567J Sedgwick, Adeline Belden (Mrs C. F.) 42 Buckingham st., Hartford 11837a Selby, Lillia Case (Mrs Benjamin Hector) Simsbury 16592A Selleck, Jennie E. (Mrs Benjamin) 33 Lake ave., Danbury 6250« Sessions, Emily D. B. (Mrs William E.) Bellevue ave., Bristol 8Q99U Sessions, Ida Cordelia (Miss) 75 High st., Bristol 5317»t Sevin, Emily Kogers Post (Mrs John F.) 49 E. Broad st., Norwich .19688/ Seward, Sarah Watson (Mrs Samuel H.) Putnam 23109D Seymour, Bertha Allen (Mrs Samuel Marsh) Eidgefield 11858D Seymour, Emily (Miss) , South Norwalk 25116/* Seymour, Kate Livingston (Mrs Frank) Coscob 5354« Seymour, Laura Electa (Miss) 37 Prospect Place, Bristol 21887B Shannon, Emily A Baxter (Mrs Edward W.) Waterbury 8319L Shaw, Annie Fitch Bacon (Mrs Hanford L.)....31 Atwater ave., Derby 15999; Shaw^ Ellen Sharpe (Mrs George Eaton) Putnam 20182F Sheffield, Harriet P. (Mrs Washington W.) 36 Broad st.. New London 32371A Shelland, Julia Bulkley (Mrs) 8 Robinson ave., Danbury 3676L Shelton, Adelia Stewart (Miss) 9 Seymour ave., Derby 3678L Shelton, Jane de Forrest (Miss) 9 Seymour ave., Derby 66752! Shelton, Jennie Sophia (Miss) 13 Courtland Place, Bridgeport 33197/ Shelton, Mabel Ellen (Miss) 310 Windsor ave., Hartford 3981/) Shelton. Eosalie Tomlinson (Mrs Charles W.) 94 East ave., Norwalk 8199J? Shepard, Anne G. Goodsell (Mrs Charles I.) . . . .351 Crown st., New Haven 16593A Shepard, Bessie Durant (Mrs) Bethel 21862? Shepard, Celia Adelaide (Mrs Jam.es) 139 Lake st., New Britain 7021? Shepard, Celia Antoinette (Miss) 139 Lake st., New Britain 266630 Shepard, Ellen Frances (Mrs Lucien W.) 147 Washington ave., Bridgeport 19627s Shepard, Harriet H. (Mrs) Plantsville 20824A Shepard, Mary Weed (Miss) Main st., Bethel 7418/ Shepherd, Helen Frances Peck (Mrs G. I{.)..G67 Asykim ave., Hartford 208170 Sherman, Adelia Maxson (Mrs 0. D.) Mystic 20794/1 Sherwood, Antoinette (Miss) Southport 7408 Sherwood, J^mmeline B. (Mrs Albert) Sentinel Hill, Derby 18247/i Sherwood, Etta Amelia Jennings (Mrs Eoyal Wheeler) Southport 86940 Sherwood, Jessie (Miss) North ave., Bridgeport Oneida Chapter, N. Y. 6 1| New York City Chapter, N. Y. 82 DIKECTOKY, D. A. K. S946L Sherwood, Ixittie ('. (Miss) 122 Derby ave,, Derby J 60027; Sherwood. Matilda :Meeker (Mrs Simon C.) ,'.. .Soathport 18S0777 Shinners, Edith Bradley (Miss) 115 Elm st., Meriden 1830677 Shinners, Lieontine M. Bradley (Mrs W.) 115 Elm st., Meriden r2308/ Shipman, Mary Bobinson (Mrs N.) 33 Charter Oak Place, Hartford 4939r Shipman. Mary Whit on (Mrs L. Iv.) 41 Hnntington st., New London 345050 Shirk, (irace Auonsta (Mrs Samnel M.) 35 Summer st., Stamford 29763M Sibley. Kate B. (Mrs) Danielson ()248n Sigourney. Irene Gaylord (Mrs Frank W.) Bristol 6237r Silliman, Caroline Hoyt (Mrs Joseph F.) New Canaan •.6635^' Silliman, Marietta B. "(Mrs F. E.) 568 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 4596^ Silliman, Susan Hawley Sterling- (Mrs L. B.)..226 Park ave., Bridgeport 31910 Simmons, Emma Avery (Mrs A H.) Mystie 8961 Simmons, Harriet X. (Mrs Ichabod) 98 Edwards st.. Hartford 17901/ Simonds, Sarah Jane :Mills (Mrs William Edgar).. 427 Main st., Hartford 16048P Simons, Nellie Elizabeth (Miss) 126 Pleasant st., Meriden 25111D Sipperley, Adelaide Nash (Mrs Elbert N.) Westport 12229r Sisson, ilary Ives (Mrs Frank) 43 Broad st.. New Londcui 35146« Skinner, Clara Stone Hine (Mrs Charles Boswell) Hartford 83227 Skinner, Florence Eoberts (Mrs William C.)..61 Woodland st.. Hartford 19075/ Skinner, Henrietta Burlingham (^Irs Darius S.) Putnam 256667? Skinner, Laura A. Markham (Mrs) East Hamplon 30613^ Skinner, Martha Aborn (Mrs Walter II.) Kockville 17384.1 Slack, Fannie Phelps (Mrs Henry L.) 53 Chestnut st., Bethel 13S78.i' Sloan, IMary (:Miss) \ S3 Cottage st., New Haven 2205d Slocomb, Abby Day (Mrs Cuthbert Harrison) (iroton 160377 Small, Agnes Hyde "([Mrs Frederick Forrest ) . .520 Prospect ave., Hartford 135S0a; Smith, Alice F'. Tyler (Mrs) Westville 236296 Smith, Amelia K. (Mrs Frank P..) . 1329 Main st., Hartford 1 7385A Smith, Anna Laura (]Miss) l?ethel 23977? Smith, Anna Leland (Miss) 08 Pearl st.. Middletown 108791' Smith, Annette Kimball (Mrs Charles B.) P. O. Box 76, Waterford 2304V Smith, Annie Holt (Mrs Frederic if organ).. 4 N. Main st., New London 293S6y Smith, Cornelia Buxton (Miss) .' Litchfield 131810 Smith, Cornelia E. (IMis-;) Richmond Hill. Stamford 26645S Smith, Edith M. King (Mrs Albert M.) Plantsvillc 28327 Smith. Elizabeth Goodwin (:N[iss) 650 Main st., Hartford 16055P Smith, Elizabeth Humiston (Mrs Jos. Carter) .38 S. 1st st., Meriden 6256B Smith. Elizabeth M. (Mrs J. Henrv) 138 Grove st., Waterbury 23641?) Smith, Elizjfbeth Marshall (Miss) Milford 2517 Smith, Elizabeth Bogers (Mrs) 21 Weathersfield ave., Hartford 7673P Snnth, Ella J. (ISIissj W. Alain St., Meriden 22540P Smith, Ella ]\Iillicent (Afrs Myron) Kensington 22566L Smith, Ella I'auline (Mrs Francis Mathews) 32 3 Caroline st., Derliy 154407) Smith, Emily Baldwin Lockwood Matthews (Mrs Chas. F.) W.Stamford 27567? Smith, Emily Goodrich (Mrs) 31 Johnson st., Waterbury 5961rf Smith, Emma A. (INtiss) Stonington 21S59i Smith, Eva Clark (:Mrs William A.) 147 Tremont ave.. Ansonia 114035 Smith, Fanny Johns(m (.Mrs E. S.) 118 Prospect st.. Waterbury 21388? Smith, Florence Bradlee (Miss) 176 Lake st.. New Britain 7672P Smith, Florence Powers (Mrs Frank D.) 309 W. Main st.. Meriden 131820 Smith, Frances ( iuyatt (:Miss) Stamford 15409p Smith, Harriet (Mrs Sherman B.) Milford 13129/) Smith, Harriet Barnett (Mrs George Franklin) Milford 13917r Smith, Harriet Forsyth (Mrs S. P.) 108 JefPerson ave... New London 17400/ Smith, Harriet Seymour Cutler (Mrs Frank G.) 7 ColumVjia st., Hartford 114057? Smith, Helen (Mvh Itichard) 195 Grove st.. VVatp-'Mn-y 52057 Smith. Helen Nichols (ISIrs H. A.) 44 Willard st.. Harrrord 7414J Smith. Jane 'W Hills (Mrs Charles H.) 593 Farmington ave., Hartford 67071) Smith. Jennie Alexander (Mrs Stanley A.).. 29 N. Main st.. New London 3236970 Smith, Jeanette Ib-yant (Mrs E. S.) 135 Oxford st., Hartford 1139477 wSmith, Jennie Lee (Mrs Edwin E.) 148 Cook ave., Meriden 8690^ Smith. Jennie Lockwood (Miss) 309 Washington ave.. Bridgeport 17908P Smith, Jennie Sara (Aliss) 321 W. Main st., "sleriden 5422 Smith. Jennie Wooster (Miss) Seymour 4585? Smith. Julia Hubl)ell 15i11inos (:\frs W. P..) Park Place. Bridgeport, COXXECTICUT. 83 22:uOK Smith, Julia Maria (Mrs George) Seymour ] 542517 Smith, Laura White (Mrs Clayton B.) 29 Vauxhall st., New London 11354P Smith, Laura Brooks (Mrs Henry 1).) "The Winthrop," Meriden 351 59J Smith, Lizzie Winchell (]\Irs George G.) 45 Elm st., Rockville 10:;(>4/ Smith, Louisa (Miss) 85 Sigourney st., Hartford ()2;iS(Z Smith, Lucretia Wright (;Miss) 27 Broad st., New London 7(588w Smith, Lucy C. Eaymond (Mrs F. H.) 10 Broad st.. New London 297777? Smith, Lucy S. (Mrs Edward M.) East Hampton im07l Smith, Lucy Webster (Mrs Ira Barnes) 95 Elm st., New Britain 2()05O Smith, Lydia AUis (Mrs John B.) Stamford 35709/ Smith, Margaret Francelia Small (jNlrs Dutee) Putnam 20813W Smith, Maria Perit Huntington (Mrs Llewellyn P.) . ."Bedwood," Lebanon 82050 Smith, ^Maria Lowrey (Miss) Glenbrook ave., Stamford 13130p Smith, Maria Theresa Piatt (Mrs E. Stiles) Orauge ave., Milford S32472 Smith, Martha A. Kimball (Mrs Otis A.) Rockfall ]3128p Smith, Mary A. Hepburn (Mrs) Kiver and ^Slaple sts., Milford 4433d Smith, Mary Abby (Mrs Nathan D.) New London 21398P Smith, MarV Elizabeth Gillette (Mrs Nathan Truman) Milford 7626/= Smith, Mary L. Bamsdell (Mrs Guilford) South Windham 28361/ Smith, Mary Susanna Duvall (Mrs G. W.) 115 Vernon St., Hartford 22544P Smith, Minnie Marie Himes (Mrs Frederick W.) East Hartford 25648??i. Smith, Minnie Viola (Miss) Black Rock 13085?' Smith, Nellie Darrow Allen (Mrs A. F.)..l (iarfield ave.. New London 16612J? Smith, Olive Elizabeth (Miss) 31 J5. 1st st., Meriden 29374s Smith, Ruth S. (Mrs) Southington 10365d Smith, Sarah (Mrs J. Washington) Poquonoc Bridge l;:035v Smith, Sarah M. Greenslit (Mrs M. W.)..52 Blackball st.. New London ]0956iB Smith, Susan B. M. (Mrs Archer J.) 107 Prospect st., Waterbury 118530 Smith, Susan \VoodrufE (Miss) Glenbrook ave., Stamford 5030 Smith, Susie Worden Naramore (Mrs H. C.)..774 North ave.. Bridgeport 7683/ Smyth, Elizabeth Tench (Miss) 50 Court st.. New Britain 1 J 24R Sneath, Anna S. C. (Mrs E. H.) 390 Prospect st., New Haven 31743* Snecker, Louise Pauline Gorsline (Mrs William) Riverside 12547/7 Snow, Jemima Matilda Doane (Mrs David) 31 Jackson st., Meriden 17521;p Snow, Josephine Merrill (Mrs) 155 York st.. New Haven 13924f Snow, ]\Iarnerva Grant (Mrs George) •. Willimantic 12030.1; Somers, Josephine E. Brown (Mrs G. E.)..488 Howard ave.. New Haven 41S1L Somers, Emma Drew (Miss) 330 Caroline St., Derby 1()S90L Somers, Emma Drew (Mrs Henry).. 330 Caroline st., Derby 22554P Sorg, Louise Emilie Darnstaedt (Mrs Carl F.)....21 Orient st., Meriden 125410 Soule. Ellen Smyth (:Mrs George H.) 47 Prospect St., Stamford 457672 Southmayd. Maria Cornelia (Mrs S. G.) 283 Court st., Middletown 13923f Southworth, Jane Snow (Mrs C. A.) 94 Prospect st., Willimantic 19626.S Southworth, Sarah Adela Wood (Mrs L. E.) Southington 1 137Go Sparks, Lillian Crandall (Mrs Henry Irving) Mystic 1 5479A^ Spencer, Carrie E. (Miss) \ ." Suffield 15477jV Spencer, Emilj' Adaline Fuller (Mrs Israel Liuther) Suffield 15478.V Spencer, Florence S. (Mrs Charles L.) Suffield 29097? Silencer, Katharine Lewis (Miss) 61 Church st., Waterbury ::5(135V Spencer, Louise Pomo'oy (Mrs James Pendleton) Suffield 31077 Spencer, Mary Catlin (Miss) 331 Laurel st.. Hartford 31249ir Spencer, Sarah E. (Mrs Francis E.) 1144 Chapel st.. New Haven 154762V Spencer, Sara Louise Deming (Mrs Calvin C.) .'Suffield :;i)96/? Spencer, ^Susan (Miss) 61 Church st., Waterbury 3GS3L Sperrj% Jessie Gilbert (Mrs Walter N.) 152 Derbv ave., Derby 20816/) Sperry, Julia A. (Mrs Hart N.) \ Milford , 340437? Sperry, Mary Eudora (Mrs Henry Theodore) 17 Holmes ave., W^aterbury 3517a? Sperrj', Minnie Newton (M. D.) 466 Orange st.. New Haven 25926(i Spicer, Bethiah Williams (Miss) Groton 3850fZ Spicer, Nancy Avery (Mrs John O.) Groton 351640 Spittle, Mary Louisa Tucker (Mrs Ynlliam) 16 John st., Torrington 225567' Sprewenburg, Ellen Augusta Palmer (Mrs Jacob Bernard) Meriden 7409L Spring, Ada Berdella (Miss) 67 Seymour ave., Derby 21S63Z Squier, Elizabeth Hays Lord (Mrs H. S.) 54 S. High st., New Britain * Siiiatog'a Chapter, N. Y. 84 DJRECTOKY, U. A. R. 25937^ Standish, Nettie Lillian (Miss) 4.j Pearl st., Xorwirh 6695? Stanley, Alice Grej^ (Miss) :1 Franklin Square, W. Xew Britain 5984? Stanley, Alice Moore (Mrs F. N.)..10 Franklin Square, E. New Britain 7022Z Stanley, Avis Elena Downs (Mrs C. B.)..61 Lexington St., New Britain 8342^ Stanley, Ella M. (Miss) Highland Park 3883(0 Stanley, Ellen Crosby (Miss) East Hartford 24530je Stanley, Flora May (Miss) Highland Park 9937^ Stanley-, Florilla M. H. (Mrs Robert N.) . .Hig-hland Park, S. Manchester- 6696? Stanley, Katherine A. (Miss).... 24 Franklin Square, East New Britain 7023? Stanley, Sarah Lozier (Mrs Alfred H.) 38 Washington st., New Britain 131720 Stanley, Theodoria G. (Miss) ' Stamford 8206i? Stannard, Martha Elizabeth (Mrs 11. E.) 31 Central ave., Waterbury 16570H Stanton, Amy Louise (Miss) 39 Fairmont st., Norwicii 32787V Stanton, Alice Cooper (Miss) 29 Huntington st., New London 17374V Stanton, Elizabeth S. Cooper (Mrs J. G.) . .29 Huntington st.. New London 16013O Stanton, Harriet A. Mrs Henry C.) Stonington 8919/1 Stanton, Lucy Angeline (Miss) 23 Coit st., Norwich 14330 Staples, Abbye Grice (Miss) 170 Elm st., New Britiiin 17382^ Staples, Laura Frances Stevens (Mrs F. T.)..120 E. Main st., Bridgeport 26661^ Staples, Sarah Elizabeth Trubee (Mrs Jas.)..l]5 E. Main st., Bridgeport 33202C' Stark, Hattie R. (Miss) North Lyme 349872 Starks, Harriette Akin (Mrs Henry A.) 188 Church st., Middletown 29370rf Starkweather, Mary Allen (Miss) New London 2599272 Starr, A. Augusta (Mrs) East Hampton 399072 Starr, Harriet Wetmore Bush (Mrs) Mt. Vernon st., IMiddletuwn 196767 Starr, Helen E. (Miss) 30 Beacon st., Hartford 4937(7 Starr, Helen Heeley (Mrs Charles Stockman) 81 Williams st.. New London 31097 Starr, Louisa Green (Mrs Pierre S.) 179 Sigourney st., Hartford 1308Gt; Starr, Maria Fitch (Mrs Charles F.) 61 Williams st., New London 25032?' Starr, Marion G. V. (Mrs W. S.) Vauxhall st. cor. Summit ave.. New London 196757 Starr, Martha Knolton (Miss) 30 Beacon St., Hartford 67160 Starr, Mary Adele Hulbutt (Mrs O. S.) 5 Prospect st., Stamford 288S2.S Steadman, "Hattie L. (Mrs Willard G.) Southington 2511473 Stearns, Fannie Nash (Mrs Thomas Calhoun), Westport 18257H Stearns, Lucinda Lewis (Mrs William L.) 105 E. Broad st., Norwich 2818A Stebbins, Augusta Meeker (Mrs) 136 Main st., Danburv 2819/1 Stebbins, Fanny Belle (Miss) 136 Main st., Danbury 21431*7 Steele, Emily Graham Stanwood (Mrs Harvey Baldwin) Sta. C, Winsted 139120 Steele, Hannah Sophia Shift" (Mrs Elisha J.) 125 Prospect st., Torringtou 109575 Steele, Margaret Wilmarth Hill (Mrs H. Milroy) Walerbury 41907? Steele, Sarah Merriman (Mrs Edward Daniel) 25 Central ave., Waterburv 8914^; Sterling, Harriet E. Peck (Mrs John T.) 267 Myrtle ave.. Bridgeport 250331) Sterry, Helen Allen Hovey (Mrs James N.) 12 Freemont st.. New London 5290c Stevens, Almira Louise Candee (Mrs F. H.) 513 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 5897^; Stevens, Anna M. G. (Mrs Frederick S.) 298 Lafayette st., Bridgeport 174067 Stevens, Bertha Lincoln Smith (Mrs W. H.) 17 Huntington st.. Hartford 14732H Stevens, Carrie A (Miss) 36 Grove st., Norwich 48157!l Stevens, Clara Louise Camp (Mrs W. B.) Deep River 74367? Stevens, Cornelia Ambrosia Upson (Mrs F. M.) 26 2nd ave.. Waterburv 361077 Stevens, Grace A. (Mrs Edwin B.) 16 Huntington st., Hartford 35135m Stevens, Hallie Beach (Mrs Philip Hermann) 106 Prospect Place, Bristol 22277) Stevens, Jennie May Daskam (Mrs James L.) 124 East ave.. Norwalk 17905P Stevens, Lottie Susannah Wilcox (Mrs Wilson L) . .Parker ave., Meriden 18244a. Stevens, Mary Phelps (Mrs Nathaniel Benjamin) Winsted 35140a? Stevens, Sarah A. (Mrs Evelyn E.) .41 Trumbull st.. New Haven 17893Z) Stevens, Sarah Louisa (Miss) 40 Stevens st., Norwalk 11361P Stevenson, Mary Linsley (Mrs Francis, Jr.) Church st.. Meri leu 4945s Stevenson, Mary Shelton (Mrs William H.) Ill Golden Hill, Bridgeport 28365P Stevenson, Sarah Louise (Mrs J. P.) W^allina-ford 19652? Stever, Harriet B. (Mrs Jacob) Jewett' City 8924« Stewart, Gierstein Spencer (Mrs Lemuel L.) Bri'-tol 14736f Stiles, Grace Sarah Holmes (Mrs George F.) Willimantic 351632V Stiles, Ida Louise (Miss) Siiffield 8325TF Stiles, Louisa Brainard (Mrs) Cobult 25867 Stillman, Alice Webster (Miss) 100 Woodland st.. Hart-ford 283597 Stillman, Jennie Whitney (Mrs Benjamin E.) 39 Woodland st.. Hartford CONXECTICUT. 85 22555P Stillman, Lucretia Bailey (Mrs J. E.) 32 Cook ave., IMeriden leSSlf Stillman, Mary Jeanette U. (Mrs G. B.) 25 Blackball st., New London 351442/ Stockbridge, Mary Francis (Mrs Henry Eandolph) E. ]\Iorris 81037/ Stockder, Editb Love (Mrs Cbarles Edward, Jr.) 51 Griswold st., Meriden 10252H Stockder, Zerline Latbani Hall (Mrs Charles H.) 219 State st., Meriden r2494Q Stockino-, Martba Eliza (Miss) 155 Prospect st., Torrino-ton 4431a Stockwell, x\ddie E. D. (INIrs Samuel T.) W. Simsbury 4774(Z Stoddard, Sarah Allen (Miss) 12 Meridian st., New London 22516J7 Stoddard, Alice Maria (Mrs Frank E.) ; 218 Orchard st., New Haven 19074; Stoddard, Ella l<:xton (Mrs Seth) Putnam 196942; Stoddard, Julia Elizabeth S. (Mrs G.) 132 Washington ave., Bridgeport 3852(Z Stoddard. INlarie Day McEwen (Mrs Henry H.) New London 5970« Stone, Jennie :Mabel' Curtis Lewis (Mrs John M.) Bri'^tol 12490n Stone, Lucy Bertha (Miss) 22 Warren st., Norwich ()7;i5f Storr.s, Florence Blanche Eogers (Mrs. F, Pt.) 168 Summit st., Willimantic 10947/ Storrs, Mattie Sophie Eider (Mrs Carlos H.) Ansonia S9~7K Storrs, Mary L. (Mrs Charles W.) Seymour 25653s Stow, Sarah Wakely (Mrs Orson W.) Plantsville 4424a Stowe, Susan INIunroe (Mrs Charles Edward) Simsbury 3057Sfc Stratton, Katherine Hayne (]\Irs William Henry) Berlin 38S6d7 Street, Alice Newton (Mrs Samuel H.) 207 Bishop st., New Haven 8940J! Street, Elizabeth Bradford E. (Mrs Henry A.) 617 Elm st., New Haven 14488P Street, Elsie Gertrude (Miss) Darien 21878^- Street, Evaline J. (Mrs Frederick) East Haven 21895^^ Street, Sara Pavne (Mrs Philo W.) ; Suffield 18322Q Strickland, Belle' Denison (Mrs Alfred F.) Torrlngton 493817 Strickland, Frances Emeline (Miss) 28 N Main st.. New London 179230 Strobridge, Euth Ann Lawton (Mrs William C.) Stamford ]5481iV Strong, Carrie Louise (Miss) Suffield ]3893/) Strong. Charlotte M. Strong (Miss) North st., Milford 2250SV Strong, Clara S. (Mrs G. C.) Nathan Hale st.. Post Hill, New L(m:lon 259772; Strong, Clarissa Chatfield; (Miss) Stratford 21432(7 Strong. Emerett Lois C. (Airs David) Sta. B, 8 Walnut st., Winsted 4798> Strong, Harriet Viola (Miss) 27 Olive st., ;Me!ir1en 10959* Strong, Mary J. (Mrs Judson W.) Windsor 23646(7 Strong, Maud Fales (Mrs Frederic Clark) Sta. P., Winsted 225272; Strong, May Warner G. (Mrs F. A.) 1125 Main st., Bridgeport 17SS7H Strim'z, S. Addie Thompson (j\Irs Otto F.) Centre C, Bristol 7410L Stuart, Minnie L. Hoppin (Mrs Lee E.) 4 College st.. Derby j7900(7 Sturges, Emeline Perry Beers (Mrs Kverett) New Milforl 7429(? Sturges, Florence A. Canfield (Mrs Everett Judson) New Milford 10382Z) Sturges, Katherine A. (Miss) Wilton 5399»i Sturges, Sarah Adams (Mrs Henry C.) Fairfield 86892; Sturtevant, Annie B. H. (Mrs Martin W.) 11 Cortland st.. Bridgeport 28871c Sutliffe, Daisy Burton (Miss) Plymouth 20788c Sutliffe. Edith E. (Miss) Plymouth 1381 Swain, Mary Walker (Mrs Edward Allen) Pomfret 29408 Swan, Augusta Lee (Mrs Samuel P.) 34 Hobart st.. Meriden 11862D Swartz, Adora F. Olra Christian) 12 HaA'iland st., S Norwalk 19653e . Sweet, Lucv N. Young (Mrs William L.) Jewett City 23632/= Sweet, Nettie T. (]\rrs W. H. P.) 114 Bridge st.. Willimantic 28022/ S'^^^ft. Bertha Harrison (Mrs Orlando Edmund) New Britain 16552f Swift, Julia A. (Miss) Windham 28023? Swift, Kate tipson (Mrs M. C.) 157 Lake st.. New Britain 10386i Swift, Mary Esther (Miss) 138 Clifton ave. Ansonia 6673/1 Switzer, Carrie Louise Smith (Mrs Luin B.) Southport 5238/) Swords, Jennie A. W. (Mrs W. H.) 65 S. Main st.. South Norwalk n24S9« Sydlman, Sarah V. H. (Mrs George Augustus) 4 Williams ave., Norwich 741111 Taber. Kate Genevieve B. (Mrs Thomas^ T.) 182 Elizabeth st., Derliy 2586/ Taintor, Belle Spencer (Mrs James U.) 862 Asylum st., Hartford 28355/ Taintor, Jane G. B. (Mrs Henry) 112 Woodland st., Hartford 10934a:' • Talbot, Annie Stebbins (Mrs) Whitneyville 166041/ Talcott, Alice Louise (Mrs Morris H.) Vernon 7700J Talcott, Ella McLean (Mrs George) 70 Prosiiect st., Eockville (ifi97? Talcott, Fannie Hazen (Mrs John Butler) 10 Grove Hill. New Britain *Canidcn Cii.niiter, N. Y. !| Foit Greene Chapter, \. Y. 86 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 21411^ 2245/ 25944/. 12493(3 18278£ 23110 2719V 19076/ 21395A; 8691^ 19077/ 53294 23657c; 24526f/ 25118/ 160630 24526f 30262J? 35147- 18323C3 25710f[ ■ 5947i S663i* 59361 8679a 7666 i 19672/ 5934(. 21897P 33209M 3853rf 5041« 26633(/ 35160./ 17376B 6463J? 13157J" 35161J 3059ocr 8200^7 26641/; 13892i> 14740iP 26639//. 27466(/ 5281// 4393B 23638? 53507;. 21423F 19681U U209Q 10332/? 16573;) 17397/r 13134P 13132P 74330 19654/ 2,S366r/ 35711(7 53353" 36110,/ 34503J Talcott, Hannah Maria Freeman (Mrs C. D.) Vernon Talcott. Mary Kingsbury (Miss) i;-;: sio-ourney st., Hartf i)rt<,n Talcott. Rosa Jane (Mrs Samuel A.) Vernoi- Talmage, Mary Ferris (Mrs) ".'.e' Norwalk Tate, Ella Comstock (Miss) 15 Frt-emont st.. New London 1 ate, Mary Eden (Miss) Putnam Taylor, Adella Warner (Mrs Nelson F.) Kensin-'Von Taylor, Agnes G. (Mrs Alfred) 617 Hancock ave., Bridgeport Taylor, Alice Melora Morse (Mrs James Eugene) Put mm Taylor, Anne Clark (Mrs Reuben Le G.) ' Bethel Taylor, Caroline Jerome (Mrs Ambrose) 256 State st. Brido-e])(n-t Taylor, Cora' B. Kenney (Mrs Albert H.) 41 Hicks st., Bridgep-.rt Taylor, Carrie Lmcoln (Mrs Edward P.).. 41 Wethersfield ave., Hartford Taylor, Edith Vail (Mrs Hiram) .' Stam+'ord Taylor, Jennie Fuller (Mrs George Franklin) 19;! Church st., Willimantic Tealdi, Margherita Stover (Mrs Ernesto) 297 Elm st New Haven Teff, Jessie Natalie H. (Mrs Frank W.) 1100 State st'., Bridgeport lemple, I annie Eleanor S. (Mrs Jonathan) Torrin"ton Tenney, Mary Talbot (Mrs Willis R.) Hartfia-d Terry, Flora Lincoln (Miss) 12 S. Cliif st., Ansonia lerry, Isabella, J. P. (Mrs Franklin E.) Aliddle st Bristol Terry. Jennie Montague (Mrs Frank T.) 40 State st.."'\nso-,iia Terry, Mahala (Miss) Simsburv Terry, Maria R. S. (Mrs William) 12 S. Cliff st., Ansonia Terry, :\Lary Amelia (Miss) 97 Ann st., Hartford lerry, Sophronia B. (Mrs Theodore P.) 40 State st \nsoni-i Thayer, Ann D. (Mrs John Quincy) 233 N. Colony st.' Meriden Thayer, Lucy Darling (.Mrs Henry J.) Putn-im Thomas, Adelia Esther A. (Mrs Elisha Seaburv) Poquonac Bridoe Thomas. Cornelia Gridley (Mrs William) '. Bristol Thomas, Harriett Eunice' F. (Mrs William Seaburv) '. Gniton Thompson, Delia Snow (Mrs Charles Abbot) ' Melrose Thompson, Caroline Goss (Mrs Hugh L.) Waterburv Thompson, Charlotte J. (Mrs E. F.) East Haven Thompson, Ellen Louise S. (Mrs Sherwood S.) 153 York" st New Haven Thompson, Fannie EllsAvorth (Miss) Melrose Thompson, Harriet Adaline K. (Mrs Lauriston) 233 Warren st BVid"-eport Thompson, Henriette de H. F. (Mrs H. G.).. .4420 Temple st.. New Haven 1 hompson, Louisa H. (Miss) Milf ord Thompson, Louisa H. Barnard (Mrs Henry Graham)!!'.'.!'. jMilford Thompson, Lucy M. (Mrs Charles P.) \... .60 Grove st New Haven Thompson. Mary Greene (Mrs George) Taftville Thompson, Mary Katherine (Miss) sta !a" Winsted Thompson, Minnie FloAver (Mrs Edward S.) 114 E. Main st ' Meriden Thompson, Rhoda Augusta (:Nnss) Vvoodburv Thomson. Aletta van Doren Knapp (Mrs J. B.)..ls Vine st. New Britiiii Thorn, Mary Frances Burr (Mrs) ." South])!>rt Thorne, Lavinia (]\rrs John Richard) Greenw ich Thorpe, Florence Josephine R. (Mrs Walter E.) 67 Main st. Bristol Thursfield, Kate Falconer (Mrs) 34 Forrest st., Torrin.'Km Tibbals. Adaline Maria (iMrs Rufus D.) Xew Haven Tibbals, Caroline Stowe Gunn (Mrs Mark, Jr.) ' IMil'ford Tibbals, Julia A. (Miss) 473 Broad st.,' "Meriden i ibbals, ]\rartha Ann Nettleton (Mrs Albert Curtis) T\[ilf,n-d Tibbale, :Mary Merwin (Mrs George William) Milf ord Tiffany, Anna Lawton Cozzens (]\Irs F. M.) Strawberry Hill, Stamford Tiffany, Eliza Woodward (Miss) ' Jewett C^ty Tiffany. Kate Freeman (Mrs Leverett William) !!!!sta". B, W'inste'l Tillinghast, Annie Louise (Miss) Plainfield Tillinghast, Elizabeth B. Sheldon (Mrs Mortimer) New Haven Tillotson, Fannie Kidder (Mrs W. Clinton) Rockville Tingier. Charlotte Eliza Skinner (Mrs Lyman Twining) Rockville ^ General Knox Chiiiifer, Me. COXXECTICUT. ST" 2454Si Titus, INIarie Louise Turner (Mrs Arthur Curtis) Washington 15482A^ Tobev, (Jrace Treat (Miss) 2!) Niles st., Hartford 20190/ Todd, Alice CLarilla (Miss) 156 Main st., Hartford 23105.S' Todd, Layette Xev.'ell (Mrs E. S.) Marion 18253i Tolles, Alice Tuttle (Mrs Harrison B.) 19 Williams st., Ansonia 13217i Tolles, Elizabeth Belle Read (Mrs Chester F.) 24 X. ClifE St., Ansonia 21410Z) Tolles, Emma Bell (Mrs Marshall H.) 1)7 East ave., E. Norwalk 9449^ Tomlinson, Emma Statira (Miss) 9.58 X. Main St., Waterbury 10339J? Tomlinson, Mary (Miss) 05S Main st., Waterbury 52437^ Tompkins, Mary Cone (Miss) Court st., Middletowii 9486 Torrance, Mary C. Witter (Mrs James) 4 Valley View, Derby 4198.2 Torrej-, Harriet Loiiise B. (Mrs Joseph) 500 Faii-field ave., Bridgeport 2401ft Townsend, Georgiua P. D. (Mrs J.).. 260 Washington st., Middletown 4423a Toy, Mary Florilla Seymour (Mrs Joseph) Simsburv 18296; Tracy, Ellen Hoyt (Miss) Putnam 74350 Tracy, Mary Chiirchill Taylor (Mrs John 11.) Vtlantic st, Stamford 19655f; Tracy, Kose Beckwith (iSIrs John H.) Jewett City 12496C Travis, Eliza S. Brooker (Mrs Joseph M.) 58 Church st., Torringtoii 13913Q Travis, Margaret Maria (Miss) 58 Church st., Torrington 331776? Treadway, Florence Chairman (Mrs W'illie H. H.) .Groton 5357?/ Treadway, Lucy H. T. (Mrs Charles S.) 63 Bellevue ave., Bristol 3194(/ Treadwefl, Clarissa Kuth CNIrs) . . . ' New Milf ord 20815/J Treat, Alice Elizabeth Candee (Mrs Mortimer Smith) Woodmont 3394a7 Treat, Catherine Chapman (Mrs Arthur B.)..74 Rosette st., X'ew Haven 1313l7> Treat, Celia Baldwin (iNIrs Thelus Clark) 6 University Place, New Haven 31242/^ Treat, Evelyn Havilaiul (Mrs Otis Alfred) ^ Milford 21407ir Treat, Marie Poehner (Miss) 500 Howard ave.. New Haven 16609^ Treat, Minette L. Harmon (Mrs B. A.) Wallingford 11370P Tredennick. Mai-ie Elvetia Lucchini (Mrs Edward) Coe Farm, Merideu 14482rf Trolan, M. Hannah Latham (Mrs E. W".) 97 Huntington st., New London 13133/> Trowbridge, Maria lionise Merwin (Mrs Charles H.) Milford 17890./? Trowbridge, ISIay Wells F. (Mrs Rutherford) 70 Grove st.. New Haven 2477* Trumbull. ^larv Ingraham (Mrs Lyman) Savbrook 25960,-" 'I'udor, Mary Stn rr ( IMiss) ". S. Windsor 331801 Tucker, Abbie Louise (Miss) 70 Beaver St., Ansonia 13145/ Tucker, Ellen Humes (Mrs C. W.) 16 Spring st.. Hartf or(i 23108/> Tucker, Georgia Alice Barnum (Mrs Charles A.) 143 Main st.. X^orwalk 10901/ Tucker, Ivatherine Abbott Fox (Mrs John D.) . .847 Edwards st., Hartford 53100 Tufts, Louise K. P. (Mrs Caleb E.) W. Mystic 35151s Tukey, Lillian Ray (Mrs Frank Martin) 429 State st., Bridgeport 13900s Tuller, Augusta Way (Mrs Nelson) 87 Wells st., Bridgeport 3880/ Tuller, Ellen T. Hall (Mrs Charles D.) 43 Park st., Hartford 23098rt Tuller, Julia Dibble (Mrs Oliver Cromwell) W. Simsbury 2822A Tunerelle, M. Ella Hollister (Mrs) 7 Terrace Place, Danbury 4941fZ Turner, Alice Stanton (Miss) 43 Federal st.. New London 31236f Turner, Joanna Elizabeth Davenport (Mrs Isaac) Coventry 12491/i. Turner, Maria Cornelia (Miss) 55 Broad St., Norwich 9944f Turner, Mary Alice Holbrook (Mrs A. G.) 9S Windhain st., Willimantie 2305V Turner, Mary Jane (Miss) 4 Bulkley Place, New London 20198Q Turner, Mary Stearns (Mrs Luther Guiteau) Torrington 26351*/ Turner. Nellie Darrow (Mrs Elisha) 70 Henistead St., New London 24532(? Turrill, Mav Charlotte (Miss) New ililford 3504/ Tuttle. Alice G. (Miss) 105 Trumbull st., Hartford 21402>s' Tuttle, Alice Hubbard (Miss) 30 Spencer ave., Waterbury 15431ir Tuttle, Charlotte Lancraft (Mrs Smith G.) care Harvey B. Lancraft, S. Quinnipiac St., New Haven. 2313/ Tuttle, Jane (Miss) 36 W^inthrop st., Hartford 3033A Tweedy, Adelaide Augusta (Mrs Frederick) ... .4 Fairview ave., Danbury 2814A Tweedy, Louise Holley (Mrs George R.) 121 White st., Danbury 5325A Tweedy, Marion Hawley (Miss) 4 Fairview ave., Danbury 7161A Tweedy. Sue Phillips (Mrs) 6 FairvicAV ave., Danbiiry 5283s Twichell, Sarah L. Frisbie (Mrs Edward W.)..101 Maple St., New Britain 4394i? Twining, Almira Catlin (Miss) 13 First ave., W^aterbury 2493P Twiss, Fannie Lucy (Miss) 1096 Broad st., Meriden Chicago Chanter, 111. DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 3380.C 19666P 34045C 16571« rn'^'l^'"' E"^^'"^ Tallman Audobon (Mrs M F "l ^^ r^n |l«-:: SS \S^ ,??-- >- -n^»>...-S,':°".- lyler, Sarah Lester (Miss) ;; \V. 8931 j^ Uft'ord, Julia E. (Miss) '^^ Lmion st., Nc 3409fl^ Upham, Emily Clark (Miss) -^i 'w " " i,^^ ^"''°^"^ ^*-' ^'^w PSO077 TT,.T,„_ 1..,.-... V . , .t^ ,V'"??-' 31 Washington Heights ^^ S089& 53857* 288S3S 5384?f 11859Z> e St., New Haven Westfield Tylerville orwich „ ,^.^x,,, .. ,,, . Haven 502H Upham, Elizabeth Hall (Mrs Ch-;;!;; T^^'-i ^^J.^^^V^g-ton Heights, Meriden 9922^ Upham, Mary Lonise 4^wn (S Lewil wT^'W?" ?1°^i^ ^^^"'^"^ Upson, Alice Beck (Mrs Arthur W) W.)....88 Clark St., New Haven Upson, Ella Augusta (Miss) . . ' • • ;;/ ' • -Kensington Upson, Fannie S. (Mrs William C ) ^^■' ^^'istol Upson, Lena Josephine (Miss) V,; ' ' * Southington T^— o_.._, ., . ,-.». J West St., Bristol S. Norwalk Waterbury Willimantic 139200 Vail. EbVnK^+i7 AiC;.'::;:;,:!."'/;^;^^^.''^ ' J^iountaln ave.. New London S( ,\ , • Sr heodore -.^^relinghuysen) S uiia j^isnop Shelton (Mrs C. P.) CourtIand~st PHrio-l'^X^V 52350 Van Buren, Lo;.se^nS^l^,^t)^^^- ^- ^'^ ^^^ ^^^rm^^S^S^^ 31989Z) Van Buren, Vera May Wood rMrir 58 West ave.. Norwalk Jo?95i ^:--V^-- LouSVir .ffs^idwa^dTi 107 ^01^;' ?™"^' 20795/;, Van Wagenen, Viroinia Di^rir^i-, w^iZt Ay'-^.r ^- ^"" '^*-' Ansonia 19078/ Vaughal, Blanche l^aL.^crZi^eS ^ Southpo.t 59, Vaughn, Agnes Lyon Simm'^nr^s^ JotnT'! ^'"'"'"^ Central ''.^r'^^ Vaughn, Anme E. (Miss) ^ •••••••• .e^entral Village Vailcrlin T^,,;^^ -Mr /nr i^r \'. ' ' ' ilS 'jl ' BrOadWav. Nnr-W7l"r-Vi S6830 Vail, Lydia Sanford (Miss) -& Cottage Place, Stamford 286840 Vail, Phoebe Hart (Miss)..'.' South st., Stamford 208677 6674 Vaill Alice Dudley (Mrs'Theod... . x lo^-^AT? V '' 4/y^*y"«^' J"lia Bishop Shelton (M 1033072 Van Benschoten i\ro^,r ■d.„-„„„ ^r A. „^^ .. ,. , South St., Stamford . .^^■''^'"8-hiiysen) Sta. A, W. Winsted !3634vt ?ot?f Vaughn, Louise M. (Mrs Walter' W )' ^^^ Broadway, Norwich d2Dl,x Veech, Louise (Miss) ^:^'4.\\ Sterling iU Wainwright, I^label Vv (Ms';; ^' '''^ r^'l?^ Suffielrl r9E Waite, Augusta WhittleseTcoo-sw'p'l'r Af' "' ^.l^^''^"'"^"'' '''*•' Hartford 2.3637i Wakelee, Cora Amandr — " ^ ^^ ^ °'^"' ^"^^^^l^ Verno. la (Miss) ijr r.251m Wakeman, Emma Frances (Mis;)' Jackson st., Ansonia 16669Z) Wakeman, Florence 2 (Mrs Isaac "r ^ Fairfield 9Al^ Wakeman, Frances (Miss) . . . . .'* Saugatuck 4007;* 280370 280330 7024? 3 1 28884s 31244r " ^•\ ^^''o ^arx ave., Bridgeport Ill's ^s:^; ^Sc^^?^:i^^Ei^xr---^|^->v^^ o954( Wallace Helpn Ar ru,.i, /tm -r-^ t'\ Walhngford 5270. Wall'er"c?a^-rott''Biship (Mi-^'hori^MV^ io r.,^^ ^^• ^^^/^ «*- A-onia 19709., Waller, Charlotte Bishop T m^Tc ) i^^u^tZT^ '.*" ^^'^ ^°^^°^ 59880 Waller, Harriet Henrv (Miss) -^ Huntington st.. New London COXNECTICUT. 89 160140 :.' 5966s SlOl/ 1721/2 3674R 23666.0? 1056i? 10950^ S6580 30S27* 11391^ J 742972 5278£: 2o9782 J 83259 3996S 32388i5 l3SS6a; 1S300; o3645v 16591a; 18299/ 7420fl^ 4944s 27461fc 24518fc ,173832 244720 27479Z) 190860 340500 245137t 24512ft 19667/ 53070 21909/2 34500/ 24473/2 26626c 23665a; 28847/= 15133|| 274566 ;;:usiv j:;ss5.a? 13S89n 2593& 11407s 10955B 19629s 23104i 23107s 1 1 380r 14743a 2S038O 11379r 21S74r 319940 26359r 13164/> 13169/) S98/2 3514a? 27455a Ward, Bertha Cheney (Mrs George E. T.) Mystic Ward, Caroline Elizabeth (Mrs William Sheriium) ....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 'piantsville Ward, Catharine Webb (.Miss) Wethersfield Ward, Clara Stanley (Mrs Wiilis Lord) 150 Court st., Middletown \\ard, Cuba Post (Mrs Henry Chaiincey) 436 Main st., Middletown \\ard, Elizabeth Weed (Mrs Aro Ives) 26 Beers st.. New Haven Ward, Jessie M (AHss) 46 Crescent st.. Middletown Ward, Lulu J. T (Mrs William L.) Seymour Ward, Lucy L. S. (Mrs Winthrop) Mystic Ward, Susie G. Sawyer (Mrs Georse A.) 39 Vernon st.,' Hartford A^arner, Annette Stiles (Mrs Charles H.) Hartford Warner, Catheiine J. (Miss) Gildersleeve Warner, Delia C. S (Mrs Eandall Egbert) Seymour Warner, Elizabeth Bebeeca Hawley (Mrs William).... Nichols Warner, Emma A. (.Mrs Jlenrv B.) Torrin"-ton Warner, i:meline ]3unbar CMiss) 23 Pine st., Waterbury ^J;arner, Georgian L. (Miss) E. Haddam Warner, Gertrude E. Morton (Mrs Henry) 121 Greene st.. New Haven Warner, Jane Elizabeth Carpenter (Mrs Edgar M.) Putnam ^ arner, Jewell (Miss) ; . . 15 Brewer st.. New London Warner, Martha A. Bronf?on (Mrs G.W.) HV.) Washington avc.West Haven \\arnerPamelia^ Sarah (Mi.ss) Putnam \^^arnock Mary Harris (Mrs Thomas Henry) 99 Elm st., Meriden ^A/arren, Clara A. :\Iills (]\[rs Tracy Bronson) Atlantic Hotel, Bridgeport \\arren, Frances Tpson (Mrs Norman Woodrufi;) Kensino-ton Warren, Laura A. E. (Mrs Albert Colburn) Berlin Warren, Louise Bronson (Miss) "The Atlantic," Bridgeport Warren, Nancy Ann (Mrs Isaac) 29 Wa.shington ave., Stamford Waterbury, Florence Wait (Mrs Lester Jay).. 165 S. Main st., S. Norwalk Waterbury, Harriet L. (Mrs William F.) 43 Grove st., Stamford Uaterbury, Jennie E. AVhite (Mrs \V. i'lllmore) N Stamford Waterman, Martica G. (Miss) Southport Waterman, Martica Gookin (Mrs Edwin Southworth) Southport Watkmson, Caroline Hudson. (Miss) 29 Townley st., Hartford Watrous, Adeline Moselle Gallup (Mrs Levi) " Mystic Watrous, Anne Newell (Miss) 215 S. Main st., Middletown Watrous, Cornelia A. (Miss) , 36 Winthrop st., Hartford Watrous, Enieha Adaline (Mrs Minories) E Hampton Watrous, Lena A. (Miss) Thomaston Watson, Josephine Canfield (Mrs Theodore F.) 92 Dwight St., New Haven Way, Catharine Trumbull (Mrs Charles Daniel) Willimantic Way, Sarah B. White (Mrs George W.) 345 State st., Bridgeport Weaver, Abbie Jane (Mrs Alpheus) Jewett City Weaver. Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs Henry C.) 38 Jlroad st. New London )^r^?.^' l'"""^*'-'' ^- *^^'"^* -^"^ Whalley ave.. New Haven Webb, Mabel Sangar ( Miss ) Norwich Webb, Mary Louise (:\Iiss ) V.'. V. Win'sor Locks Webster, Catherine (Miss) Southington Webster, Elizabeth B. (Mrs Daniel F.) 246 Hillside ave., Waterbury Webster, Frances Cowles (Mrs) Southington Webster, Sarah Rodgers (Mrs Erwin W.) 18 State st., Ansonia Webster, Susie W. IL (Mrs W. E., Jr..) 206 Colorado ave.. Bridgeport Weed, Amanda Priscilla (Miss) New Canaan Weed, Eva Belle (Miss) Simsbury Weed, Harriet E. (Mrs William X.) 4S Grove st., Stamford Weed, Jennie Christeen Anna (Miss) New Canaan Weed, Lena Chichester Comstock (Mrs Alfred S.) New Canaan Weed, Lydia Elder (]SIiss) 22 Clinton ave., Stamford Weed, Naomi Wortendyke (Miss) New Canaan A\eed, Nellie S. (Mrs .Samuel Eichard) "Midbrook," Eowayton Weed, Sophia A. (Mrs Edward P.) 65 Wall st.. NorWalk Weeks, Helen L. Hubbard (Mrs Frank B.) S3 Union st., Middletown Welch, Sarah E. S. (]\Irs David T.) 53 Main st., West Haven Welden, Harriette Asenath Case (Mrs Samuel T.) Simsbury ' Mercy AVarrcn Cliapter, Mass, Asluielot Chapter, N. H. 90 DIKECTOEY, D. A. R. 8100m Welles, Ellen Washburn Sessions (Mrs Stephen M.) Bristol 22534/ Welling, Clementina L. Dixon (Mrs J. C.) 159 Farmingham ave., Hartford 19695s Wells, Alice Lee (Mrs Albert Samuel) 541 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport 19696s Wells, Amy Lee (Miss) -,41 Fairfield ave.. Bridgeport 19063i? Wells, Martha Caswell (Miss) 270 Grove st., Waterbury 6257/1 Wells, Mary Hnder Hughes (Mrs Edward L.) Southport 99402; Wells, Sallie Douglas (Miss) Stratford 20789c Welton, Mary Catharine (Mrs Carlos) Thomaston 32389C West, Abby Ann (Mrs) East Haddam 35162/ West, Ethel Belle (Miss) US Union st.. Kockville 31977< West, Evelyn Clayton Kingman (Mrs Joseph 1.) Washingtoii 9452^ West, Frances Maria (ISIrs William Henry) South Manche^ster 18317/ West, Inez Winifred (Miss) ■....:; Whitman Coiirt, Hartford 5334a? West, Sophia A. Griswold (Mrs James H.) . .:!i) Lamberton st., New Haven 35141a; Westcott, Lillian Kead (Mrs Charles F.) 13 Wharton st., W^est Haven 160452/ Wessells, Anne Emlen (Mrs Henry Walton) Litchfield 66921 Wetmore, Estelle Corbin (Mrs Chas. Edward )..:,G Maple st.. New Britain 31256/r Wetmore, Margaret Merwin (Mrs Abner Canfield) Meriden 31257i/ Wetmore, Martha Scovil (Miss) 44 Crown st., Meriden S664i; Whalej', Emma Baker (Miss) Niantic 13191P Wheatley, Ellen Paine (Mrs Edward Carlos) 171 Britannia St., Meriden 6212s Wheeler, Alma B. (Mrs. Sylvester P.) 302 State st., Bridgeport ;. 5088m Wheeler, Amelia llumsey (Miss) .Fairfield 2302V Wheeler, Annie Elizabeth (Miss) Hotchkiss Schools, Lakeville 3190O Wheeler, Ella E. G. (Mrs H. N.) Mystic 3847(i Wheeler, Grace Denison (Miss) Stonin'gtou 18324Q Wheeler, Jennie M. Scoville (Mrs Homer C. ) Torrington 31986s Wheeler, Lillian Cordelia (Miss) Bridgeport 5035d Wheeler, Lucy Stanton (Mrs Joseph) Old Mystic 34493s Wheeler, Mabel Dore (Mrs D. Fairchild) 231 West ave., Bridgeport 245200 Wheeler, Mary Ann (Miss) North Stoninyton 6682s Wheeler, S. Antoinette Fairchild (Mrs H. 1{.)..405 State st., Bridgeport 19061s Wheeler, Sarah Francis Curtiss (Mrs Wllmot C.)..Long Hill, Trumbull 26664s Wheeler, Susan Beardsley (Mrs M. O.)..320 Washington ave., Bridgejiort 10369A Wheeler, Violetta L. T. (Mrs William B.) 11 Franklin st., Danbury 2825A Wheelock, Caroline M. (Mrs Harrison) 115 Main st., Danburv 18298/ Wheelock, Ellen Maria (Miss) Putnam 18297; Wheelock, Mary Taft (Miss) Putnam 18295/ Wheelock. Paith Elizabeth Shaw (Mrs vSilas M. ) Putnam 6242(Z Whipple, Grace D. Miner (Mrs L. De Wayne) Groton 34484d Whipple, Grace Lillian (Miss) Groton 28335d Whipple, Mabel Congdon (Miss) Groton 2231/> White, Antoinette Gregory (Mrs G. Willis)....!; Morgan ave., Norwalk 160264 White. Caroline Brown (Miss) 64 Balmforth ave., Danburv 22520B White, Caroline Baring (Miss) 114 Grove st., Waterburv 288892/ White, Elizabeth Talliiiadge (Miss) New Haven 1548712 White, Eunice A. (Miss) 27 Park Place, Middletown 5374« White. Fannie Miller (Mrs Jesse M.) Bristol 3716* White, Helen Tufts (Mrs Monroe B.) '>'.) S. Main st.. South Norwalk 225195 White, Julia Haring (Mrs George L.) 114 Grove st., Waterburv 32785P White, Kate Ella Chenev (Mrs James Henry).... 25 Griswold st., Meriden 118520 White. Libbie Diehl (Mrs William N.) "...Strawberry Hill, Stamford 31243p White, Louise Montross (Miss) ' Milford 8965rf White. Mary B. (Mrs Chas. E.) Groton 26372/ White, Mary Bishop (Mrs N. G.) West Hartford 30601B White, Mary Wells (Miss) 251 Grand st. Waterburv 5951i White, Piera Earle (Mrs William A.) 10 Mott st., Ansonia 23341s Whitehead, Maude Ethel Penfield (Mrs G. Burr) . .153 John st., Bridgeport 22525s Whiting, Edith May Edwards (Mrs Eusseir)..305 Clinton ave., Bridgeport 288706 Whiting, Watie Brown (Mrs Frank Cady) JcAvett City 5024(1 Whitman, Clara Bourne (Mrs John L.)' Groton 10309/ Whitmore, Harriet G. (Mrs Franklin G.) 1 Highland st., Hartford 26374/ Whitmore, Mary Lyles (Mrs William Franklin) 1 Highland st., Hartford 20186s Whitney, Bessie^ Hubbell (Mrs Frank A.) 1i)0 North ave., Bridgeport * Buffalo Chanter, N. Y, cox:n'ecticut. 91 21884^; Whitney, Frances Parrott (Mrs John D.) T.)() ^'orth ave., Bridgeport 12228V Whiton, Asenatli Francis (Mrs David Erskine) New London 9451i/ Whiton, Mary Elizabeth Looniis (Mrs Francis H.) Manchester 3878A Whittlesc}-, Annie M. (Mrs David) 2J Madison ave.. Danbmy 2721t; Whittlesey, Betsey Ingham (Mrs G. D.) 7G Hem instead St., New Londcm 29387?/ Vvliittlesey, Elizabeth (Miss) Morris 3877A Whittlesey, Elmina C. (Miss) 57 Main st., Danbiirv 9463J Whittlesey, Fanny (Miss) 27'.t W. Main st.. New Britain 25970a; Whittlesey, Harriet Warner Newell (Mrs N. H.) 135 Wall st.. New Haven 174307i Whittlesey, :\lary Crittenden W. (Mrs H. C.) 187 S. :Main st.. Middletown 9462J Whittlesey, Mary Swift (Miss) 279 W. Main st.. New Britain 29946|| Whittemore, Mary Bliss (Mrs William E.) 307 Wethersfield ave., HartforiL 20821t'^ Wightman, Nellie Bachns Payne (Mrs S. E.) 7 Freemont st., New London 66941 Wilbor, Grace Stanley (Mrs Thomas W'.) 4S Park Place. New Britain 28334V Wilbur, Helen Peynolds (Miss) 11 }*Ieriden st.. New London 12032r; Wilbur, JNIinnie C. (Miss) New Milford 29409il Wilcox, Anna E. (Miss) 24 School St., Meriden 2141327 Wilcox, Clara Birge (Mrs Benjamin) 24 School st., Meriden 398772 Wilcox, Elizabeth Shepard C. (Mrs W. W.) 187 S. Main st., Middletown 14483P Wilcox, Ellen Blatchley (Mrs Watson E.) "The Highland," Meriden 1035077 Wilcox, Ellen Maria (Mrs Horace C.) 3G0 Colon j- st., Meriden 30273H Wilcox, Emily E. Bradley (jMrs William Morris) Madison 1830877 Wilcox, Emma E. (Mrs William W.) 85 Hobart St., Meri:.en 19630s Wilcox, Emma Piatt (Mrs) Sonthingtou 312587f Wilcox, Jessie Elizabeth (Miss) 85 Hobart st., Meriden 105772 Wilcox, Marv Elizabeth E. (Mrs W. W., Jr.)....lSl High st., Middletown 20868(? Wilcox, Mary Pitkin H. E. (Mrs Edward i^iyson) Sta. A, W. Winsted 174207* Wilcox, Mj'ra Gibbons (Mrs W. Irving) 797 Broad st., Meriden 16052P Wilcox. Nettie Curtis (Mrs George H.) 57 Pleasant st.. Meriden 31264 Wilder, Marie Estelle (Miss) Essex S313A Wildman, Alice L. E. (Mrs John W.) <> Harmony st.. Danbury 5322A Wildman, Elizabeth (:\Iiss) 330 Main st., Danl)uiv 1397A Wildman. Ella Dellicker (Mrs Alfred N.) 324 Main st., Danbury ))210s' Wildman, Hannah C. M. (Mrs George F.) S79 Main st., Bridgeport 3031A Wildman, Isabelle L. (Miss) i) Harmony st., Danbury 5323A Wildman, Mary (IMiss) 330 Main st., Danbui-'v 6464A Wile, Hattie Loomis (Mrs W. C.) Tarryville, Danbury 283531) Wilkinson, Florence Helen (Mrs Edwards (iorham) 62 West st.,S.Norwa1k 8685* Willcox, Elizabeth H. B. (Mrs H. P.) 92 Atlantic st., Stamford 17421P Wilcox, Ida Lois B. (Mrs Albert B.) 478 E. Main st., Meriden 12232V Williams, Anna S. E. (Mrs George Cornelius) ]\lontauk ave.. New Loucinn 280197 Williams, Clara Whitmore (Mrs Anson B.) Putnam 27171' Williams, Elizabeth Turner T. (Mrs Peleg)..5.") \Vill)ams st.. New London 160237? Williams, Ella Susan E. (Mrs S. Parmelee) l:ir> Hillside ave., Waterbury 12538A Williams, Ellen Axigusta C. (Mrs George Harvey) 1 Main st., Danbury 17425P Williams, Estelle A. (Miss) 72 N Colony st., Meriden 266767^ Williams, Evelyn W. B. (Mrs James White) 106 Myrtle ave., Derby 3509/ Williams, Hariet Beard H. (Mrs Harrj- E.) S3G Prospect ave., Hartford 294007? Williams, Helen Trobridge (Miss) 125 Hillside ave., Waterhisrv 8662?t Williams, Helen Welch Mitchell (Mrs F. C.) Forestville 166277r Williams, Helen A. Culver (Mrs) Seymour 32777C Williams, Juliet Harris (Mrs E. E.) Moodus 47146^ Williams, Isabella G. (Mrs Frederic M.) New Milford 22567L Williams, Lucille M. W^ (Mrs John Newton) 77 Atwater ave.. Derby 357162/ Williams, Mary Wentworth (IMiss) Litchfield 10900/ Williams, Olive G. (Mrs W. P.) 84 Vernon st., Hartford 24541P Williams, Susie L. M. (Mrs George N.) Prospect st.. Meriden 23342^ Wills, Nettie A. (Mrs William E.) 23 Prospect st., Bridgeport 165982? Wilmot, Sarah Tower (Mrs Walter S.) 186 Stratford ave., Bridgeport 15393& Wilson, Agnes Amelia P. (Mrs Arthur ]M.) Windsor 10880), Wilson, Carrie Louise M. (Mrs Henry H.) 94 N. Cliflf St., Ansonia 33185.J? Wilson, Christine C. (Mrs Charles Henry).. 173 Whalley ave.. New Haven 7684/ Wilson, Clara Corbin (Mrs Frederick C^ 26 S. High st., New Britain 14487D Wilson, Emma J. (Mrs Oliver E.) 27 West ave., Norwalk * Bronx Chapter, N. Y. Sea Coast Defense Cliapter, Mass. 92 DIKECTOKY, D. A. K. 33214/2 Wilson, Georgiana Whittlesey (Mrs Gibson Walter) MicicTletown 34041H Wilson, Helen V. (Mrs Foster) 317 Broadway, Norwich 11856D Wilson, Julia V. P. (Mrs Joseph Warren) 10 Arch St., Xorwalk 19701f Wilson, Lucy Byles (Mrs Frank M.) 196 Church St., Willimantic (;216A' Wilson, Marv H. (Mrs Robert C.) 47 S. Main st.. Mi Ulletown 2990111 Wilson, Nellie B. (Mrs William Virgil) West Haven 33186,z; Winch, Fannie J. C. (Mrs John C.) 145 Eock ave., New Haven 12031J; Winchell, Catherine S. (Mrs A. E.) 60 Pearl St., New Haven 1032972 Winchester, Alice G. S. (Mrs Caleb T.) 342 High st., Middletown 4432(1 Winslow, Mary (Miss) Weatogue 5297L Wise, Sarah Johnson (Mrs James N.) 262 Elizabeth st., Derby 29389)/ Wolcott, Alice (Miss) Litchfield 26647s Wolcott, Alice Rosclla Brewer (Mrs Clayton) PlantsviUe 25654s Wolcott, Emeline C. Buck (Mrs Charles William) Terryville 225307 Wolcott, Emma (Miss) 97 Washington st.. Hartford 59u8(( Wolcott, Haltie Allen (Mrs Charles W.) Pequabuck 1T918P Wood, Alice PomeroA- (Mrs Henr3r B.) 57 Liberty st., Meriden 2977872 Wood, Agnes (Mrs) ". Gilead 7026J? Wood, Annie Teressa (Mrs A. Felton) West Haven 4409a Wood, Antoinette Eno (Mrs) Simsbury 17917P Wood, Carrie Elvira H. (Mrs Norman Smith) 91 School st., Meriden 179I4P Wood, Frances Louisa (Miss) 10 Qxieen st., Meriden . 40O3P Wood, Jennie Dearborn (Miss) 10 Queen st., Meriden in562i Wood, Lillian Warren (Mrs W. A.) 12 New st., Ansonia (>982i Wood, Marie Columbia C. (Mrs Thomas James)..,. 98 N. Cliff st., Ansonia 1 9633c Wood, Mary Ostrom (Mrs) Thomaston 38847 Woodford, Ada Maria (Miss) 2 Summer st., Hartford 30612^ Woodford, Carolyn Sprague (Mrs E. H.) Longview, Eockville 31233a Woodford, Jennie Plumb (Mrs Earnest H.) W. Avon 21433<7 Woodford, Laura Bnrnham (Mrs John) Sta. A, W, Winsted 190G0.? Woodhull, Faj-ette D. (Mrs John Remsen)...77 Barnum ave., Bridgeport 53487? Wooding, Josephine S. (Mrs) 12 Bishoii st., Waterl)Ur.y 2566772 Woodman, Susan C. (Miss) 25 Hotchkiss st., Middletown 21 S76S Woodruff, Edna L. (Miss) Southington 28018i Woodruff, Harriett S. Hotchkiss (Mrs Watson S.) Orange 26649y Woodruff, Lillian Bell (Mrs James Parsons) Litchfield 24549y Woodruff, Lucv Este Crawford (Mrs George C.) Litchfield 173997 Woodruff, Lucy Dutton (Miss) 119 Capitol ave., Hartford 46022' Woodruff, Mary Bartram (Mrs Henry Collins) Black Rock 25991L Woodruff, Mary Rebecca (Miss) Orange 26648s Woodruff, Nellie Richards (Mrs Forbes) Unionvil'le Z982L Woods, Mary L. Riggs (Mrs George C) 66 5th st., Derby '>'A^2K Woodward, Charlotte Frances (Mrs Samuel E.) Bethany 17:571)i Woodward, Emma Louise D. (Mrs Russel G.) 307 Franklin st., Nor^Aich 1033472 Woodward, Julia Maria (Miss) 40 Church st., Middletown 125177 Woodward, Marj' S. (Mrs P. Henry) 742 Asylum ave., Hartford 17896D Woodward, Louise Brinckerhoff (Miss) .'6 Elm st., Norwalk l.';088r Woodworth, Grace B. C. (Mrs Frank W.) 4 Granite st., New London 340487^ Woolley, Cornelia F. (Mrs Cornell) North st., Greenwich 34036a Wooster, Mattie Adams (Mrs Charles Morris) Tariffville fi987s Wordin, Fannie Leavenworth (Miss) 340 State st., Bridgeport 26366r Wordin, Frances Gumming (Mrs Thomas C.) 489 Fairfield ave., Bridgeport L".14l7 Wordin^ Susan Frances M. (Mrs Charles W.) 815 Asylum ave.. Hartford 12492() AVorkman, Charlotte Tavlor (Mrs) 55 Migeon ave.. Torrington 34509Q Workman, Mai Williams (Mrs S. C.) 168 Pearl st., Torrington 245272' Worthen, Emma Lizzie (Mrs C. Nathaniel) . .107 Sea View ave.. Bridgeport 7704J9 Wotkyns, Mary Steele (Mrs Rodger G.) 151 Hillside ave.. Waterbury 2]892(? Wright, Cornelia Elizabeth (Mrs George W.) New Milford 5978B Wright, Ella Reed (]\rrs Ervis E.) "Idylwood," E. Main st., Waterbury 19080; Wright, Eliza Witter (Mrs Edward Gilmore) Putnam 9490^ Wright, Elizabeth C. K. (Mrs John) 229 State st., Bridgeport 2s029.r Wright, Jennie A. W. (Mrs William A.) 1187 Chapel st.. New Haven 11365P Wright, Mable PvOgers. (ISfrs Frederick A.) 230 Main st., Meriden 1S262M Wright, Nellie Emogene (Miss) 340 South st., Bristol II Fort Massachusetts Chapter. Mass. DELAWARE. 93 'llfJ'J^ ^^-^''^^h:^-^^^'"" Florence Perkins (Mrs William H.) Bristol 256650 Wyckoff, E. Anna (Mrs Frank Treman) '^tni^forr 13205^ Wyllys, Mary McLean (Mrs Frederick) ." ." 6lastonbnr 025?^ S'' Ch-]otte Lilla (Miss) / oqs wV Main It Mer d^n ii?o?^ V , 'i J^°]V'^-^^-,l'>^^' Frederick Lewis).... 96 Cottage st. Meriden IISOS/' 1 ale, Mary Welles (Miss) -,q p.,.nn rl «+ Ar^T-;^ „ 8674f, Young, Anna Janette (Mrs Henry A. .' ." ^^ '*" ^fl^"" 28348J? Young, Leila Mae (Miss) isi' Hi'.;h ";; ' \w w^l^' 22536P Zacher, Julia Griswold (Mrs Edmundi .::.:::;!:! .^.^.^ .'*.•; .^.Br.^S DELAWARE State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Elizabeth Clark Clmrcliman, Claymont. . CHAPTERS (4 organized) a. Caesar Rodney Chapter — Wilmington Organized December 7, 1895; Members, 59 (Pennsylvania, .',; Netv Jersey ^- Wesi Virginia 1; Maryland .',) ' ' Kegent, Miss Sophie Waples Treasurer, Mrs Wm. Drein Vice-Eegent Mrs Caroline Denison Registrar, Mrs Elizabeth W Cardeza Secretary, Miss Helen E. Van Trump Historian, Mrs Sophia C. Hall Chaplain, Miss Harriet W. Mahou b. Colonel Haslett Chapter— Dover Organized January 1',, 1S97; Members, IJ, (Foreign, 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Regent, Mrs Elizabeth K. Anderson Registrar. Mrs Harriet C. Kenney Vice-Regt., Mrs Lucy M. Richardson Historian. Miss Harriet C. Comeevs Secretary, Mrs Anna S. Wharton 1st Asst. Hist., Mrs May H. A "Teers Treasurer, Mrs Maria E. B. Sypherd 2d Asst. Hist., Miss V. R. HarrinAcm Chaplain, Mrs Ruth A. J. Wilson c. Elizabeth Cook Chapter— Smyrna Organized October 10, 1896; Members, 24 (Pennsylvania, 6; Maryland, 2; Virginia, 1) Regent, Mrs a E. Speakman Treasurer, Miss J. Agnes Cummins; Vice-Regent Miss Anna Cunningham Registrar, .Mrs Katharine Speakman Secretary, Mrs Edith C. Davis Historian, Miss Eba C. Wilds Chaplain, Mrs Elizabeth C. Wilds d. John Pettigrew Chapter— Milford Organized June 18, 1898; Members, 16 (Maryland, 2; Pennsylvania, 3; Massachusetts 1; California, 1) Regent, Miss Serena J. Hall Treasurer, Miss Virginia G. Yardley Vice-Regent, Mrs Anna Y. Prettyman Registrar, Mrs Sarah H. Anderson' Secretary, Miss Claire M. Yardley Historian, Mrs Mary S. Martin Chaplain, Mrs Mary Snell Members Residing in the State ?S^ i^"^''' Eliza Rankin (Mrs John R.) 407 Delaware ave., Wilmington 109676 Anderson, Elizabeth King (Mrs Edwin S.) Dover 22577d Anderson, Sarah Hall (Mrs James F.) " ' Milford 23691a Bailey, May Evelina Draper (Mrs) "Locust Lawn,'*' Middletown 31265a Baird, Grace (Miss) 900 Tatnall St., Wilmington 94 DIKFX'TORY, D. A. E. 10966& ]>eers, Mary Hart Anderson (Mrs Henry J.) Dover 23694a Blanken, Eleanor Coxe (Miss) 423 E. Sth st., Wilmington 2SS97d Bromley, Mary Ida Sipple (INIrs) Milford 27195t Bross, Anna Benedict (Mrs Edgar Clifton) New Castle 15909* Cannon, Sara Dale (iMiss) Bridgeville 7fi66a Cardeza, Elizabeth B. (Mrs John D. Martinez) Claymont 932^ Cheseborongh, Emma Bnssell B. (Mrs A. S.)..714 West st., Wilmington 34059a Chesley, Clandia Dare (Miss) Claymont 12247a ( hesley, Claudia Walton Le Vert Smith (Mrs J. Harry) Claymont 29781a Chesley, Margaret Lewis Marshall (Miss) " Claymont 7439a Churchman, Elizabeth Clarke (Mrs Caleb) Claymont 33660a Cochran, Lncie (Miss) Aliddfetown 14494c Collins, Jnlia Ann (Miss) Smyrna 319966 Comegys, Harriet Clayton (Miss) Dover 16066a Corbit, Mary Clark Higgins (Mrs David W.) Odessa ; 8S96a Corkran, Einma E. M. (Mrs Millard Fillmore) . .826 West st., Wilmington 327S8a Council, Sallie ISl. (Mrs) 903 Vaar Buren st., Wilmington 6737c Cummins, J, ^Vgnes (]NIiss) Smyrna 14495c Cuningham, Anna ( JHss) Smyrna 31267c Davis, Edith Cummiiis (]Mrs Eugene) Smyrna 23695a Davison, Caroline H. (Mrs) '. Claymont 24550c ]3ennej% Sarah E. (^liss) Smyrna 17431a Drein, Ella Clifton (JNIrs William M.) 1103 Delaware are., Wilmington 297S2a Drein, Maude Myers (Miss) 1103 Delaware ave., Wilmiiigton 11306a ])uncan, Caroline Alricks Forster (Mrs William R.) Bellevue 34055a DuPont, Amy E. (jNIrs Eugene) Wilmington 25126c Farrell, Sai"ah T. ^litchell (Mrs Edwin) Smyrna 23702d Fisher, Mary Hazzard (Miss) Milton 274S6a <;arland, Margaret .Jenkins (Miss) Parkway and Bayard ave., Wilmington 20201a Garland, Mary P. J. (Mrs S.) Parkway and Bayard are., Wilmington 29785a Ctilpin, Clara 11. (Mrs Thomas H.) Middletown 23697a Gilpin, Elizalieth Harvey (Mrs E. B.) . .917 Washington st., Wilmington 14497c Gootee, Mary P^lizabeth Collins (Mrs Benjamin T.) Smyrna 297S3a Green, Eliza Cochran (Mrs) ^Middletown 19711a Grifhth, Buth Hawthorn (Mrs Charles) 813 Adams st., Wilmington 16638a Hall, Sophie C. Keller (Mrs George C.) 23d and Boulevard, Wilmington ]2.-.56d Hall. Syrena .1. (Miss) Milford 32392?) Harrington. Virginia Kidgely (Miss) Dover 2.3696a Harvey, Mary T. (]\Irs John M.) 407 Delaware ave.. Wilmington 306206 Hazel, Annie Boderfield (Mrs Clarence W.) Cheswold S0621a Higgins, Alice Preston (!NIrs Robert Barnard) 822 Adams st.. Wilmington 17432a Ho^ft'ecker. Elizabeth AV. ]\r. (Mrs J. H., Jr.) 1213 Gilpin ave.. Wilmington 2.'>]256 Holmes, Sallie B. Wilson (Mrs Samuel C.) Dover 23698a Husband, Estelle Laussat (Mrs William A.) Claymont 3516Sa James, Laura (jNIiss) 707 West st., Wilmington 35169a James, Marion (Miss) 707 West st., Wilmington 109656 Kenney, Harriet Calley (Mrs Richard R.) Dover 23699a Kingston Josephine Kille (Mrs C. E.) 905 Delaware ave.. Wilmington 2S368a Knowles. Edith Wallace (Mrs Horace G.) 1106 Jackson st.. W'ilmington 14752a Lea, Anna (jNIiss) 1901 ]\larket st.. Wilmington 14751c Lea, Margaret Cummins (Airs) Smyrna 236926 Lewis, Anne Sipple Pennewill (Mrs Beniah L.) Harrington 30622a McLear. Bessie Laurence Reilly (Mrs Walter) 801 West st.. Wilmington 361126 Massey, Annie E. (:Mrs James T.) Canterbury 297S4a Mendinhall. Corinne H. C. (Mrs J. H.) 1308 W. 17th st., Wilmington 32390c Mitchell, Annie Penrose Collins (Mrs F. L.) 709 AV. 10th st.. Wilmington 31266a Mitchell. May (iibson (Mrs Elmer E.) Wilmington 23700a Moody. Martha L. (ISIrs) Claymont 27206a Murphey, Elizabeth C. (Airs Franklin J.) 815 Washington st^. W'ilmington 22586rf Prettvman, Anna Hall Yardley (Mrs Charles G.) Milford 214356 Richardson. Lucy AI. (Mrs Alden B.) Dover 34056 Riflyelv. Marv 'rilden (Miss) Wilmington 225S4d Snell, Marv (Airs) Milford 13324c Speakman.' Caroline E. Cloke (Airs G.) Belmont Hall, Smyrna * Cunil'rrland County Chiipter, Pa. *; Bristol Chapter, R. I. Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Conn. The Oldest Established Dry Goods House in Washington Only Merchandise of a reliable nature offered for sale 420 to 426 71b Si, R. Running through to 8th St. iUasbinaton, D. g. ^entilatien for Offices, Chr.rches, Bed- rooms and all inclosed places a matter of most serious im- portance to health and life ! The blood can only sustain life by being- vitalized with the Oxyo-en of Frksh Air. For further informati(jn send for our literature, or call at our offices and see the A'entilators in operation. The Pullman Automatic Ventilator Co. Washington Loan and Trust Building WASHINGTON, D. C. the most DeJkate Tdbrks, Silks, Laces, Etc ♦♦- Cleaned to Your Satisfaction Wail ot express Orders Promptly Jittended to VitPCh ^^^^^^^ ^^^ Ckaninq and Dyeing L^%t \^i/y $26 twelfth St and 1206=1208 7 St„ U. W, ANTON LERCH CAROLINE LERCH Washington, D. C MILO B. STEVENS (Estate) EUGENE t. STEVENS THOMAS R. HARNEY FSTABLISHEO 1864 Milo B. Stevens & Co, Solicitors of Claims and Patents S. W. Cor. I Ith and G Streets, N. W. Washington, D. C. Branches at Chicag^o .j* Cleveland ^< Detroit ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ 5 __-_____^______ t I mill M ^: ^illl^Hi ♦ " ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ QuR COLONIAL Style ESTEY PIANO CO., 112 to 124 Lincoln Avenue, New York ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^^^^♦^^^^^^^^^♦♦♦♦^^^♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ Some Pianos are like some houses- built to sell. The Estey Piano is I BUILT TO KEEP I — to keep sweet, to keep in tune. Still, we can not keep them, because you will have them, and that probably because we will in- sist upon building them to keep — musical. I SANDERS & 5TAYMAN CO. Exclusive Representatives of the ESTEY and other higfh-gffade Pianos and Organs ♦ 1327 F Street, Northwest PERCY S. FOSTER, Manager Washington Warerooms * Baltimore btore, 15 North Charles Street ^ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ DISTllICT OF COLUMBIA. 97 14754c Speakman, Katharine Douglas (Mrs J. Harvey) Smyrna 33661a Spear, Nellie Gause (Mrs Owen Crow) 1009 Adams st., Wilmino-ton 160696 Sypherd, Maria Edith Burton (Airs Clarence Draper) . Dover 33662a Taylor, Julian E. (Mrs Cornelius W.) 504 W. 9th st., Wilm'ino-ton In^n"" Turner, Ella (Miss) S22 Adams st., Wilminlton . rrll'' ^r"^"""^^' ^^^^'^r T^nuent (Mrs) 822 Adams st., VVilmin|ton 1606/a \an Trump, Clara Jessup (Miss) 412 Broome st., Wilmington 16068a Van Trump, Helen Ernestine (Miss) 412 Broome st., Wilmino-ton o-!?!^" I-'"';?''^' l\''^7}''^ O'Brien (Miss) 8 Hansom st., Dover 2ol27c Walker, M. May (Mrs Georjre T.) Smyrna 7712a Waples, Sophie (Miss) 822 Adams st., Wilming-ton 23<01c Waters, Susan Cummins Black (Mrs William E.) Smyrna 202046 Wharton, Anna Silena (Mrs Charles M.) Dovpi- 30618c Wilds, Eba Cloke (Miss) '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'■.". Smyrna 14499c Wilds, Elizabeth Cook Cloke (Mrs James Denney) '. Smyrna 225S9 Willis, Edith Gillespy (Mrs Jonathan Spencer) ....... Milford 2S369d Wilson, Clara M. (Mrs J. C.) " Milford 323916 Wilson, Euth Anna J. Eidgely (Mrs James H.) .Dover 32789a Woodward, Ida Mrginia Massey (Mrs E. H.) 1208 Market st., Wilminc^ton 22587d Yardley, Clare M. (Miss) ' Milford 22588(Z Yardley, Virginia Greer (Miss) .Milford DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Mary S. Lockwood, "The Columbia," Columbia Heights, Washington, D. C 1902, " " " " " " ^ u CHAPTERS (12 org-anized) a. American Chapter Oryanizcd Jamairy 31, JS99; Members. 15 (Foreign, 1; New Jersey, 1) Eegent, Mrs Patty M. Stocking Cor. Sec, Mrs Emma Theresa Morris ^'ice-Eegent, Miss Anna M. Eoot Treasurer, Mrs Lottie Holmead Eee. Sec, Miss Almea J. Smoot Registrar, Miss Viola W. Hyam b. Army and Navy Chapter Oryanizcd Dccemher 10, lS9't; Members, 111 (New York, S; Pennsylvania, 6; Ohio, 1; Virginia, 5; Massachusetts, 3; Minnesota, 2; Maryland, 2; Colorado, 1; Kentucky, 1; Illinois, 3; Connecticut, 3; Foreign, J}) Eegent, Mrs Robert I. Fleming Cor. Sec, Mrs Wm. C. Borden Vice-Eeeerit, Mrs David Smith Treasurer, Miss Kate M. Bradley Eee. Sec, Mrs George W\ Baird Eegistrar, Miss Mary A. Townsend Historian, Mrs Herschel Main c. Columbia Chapter Organized April 29, ISO.'fj Members, 59 (New York, 2; Texas, 1; Illinois, -}; Virginia, 2; Alabama, 2; Wisconsin, 1) Eegent, Mrs Sarah J. Croissant Treasurer, Mrs Mary E. S. Davis Vice-Regent, Mrs Alice P. Ackersi Eegistrar, Mrs Elizabeth A. Cleaves Rec Sec, Mrs Mabel G. Swormstedt Historian, Mrs Alice M. Smith Cor. Sec, Miss Margaret Heath Chaplain, Mrs Mary E. L. Hartsock d. Constitution Chapter * Organized November 28, 1S98; Members, 20 Eegent, Mrs J. Ellen Foster Cor. Sec, Miss Elizabeth F. Pierce Vice-Eegent. Mrs W. P. Hepburn Treasurer, Mrs Sarah E. Pittman Rec Sec, Miss Helen V. Boswell Eegistrar, Mrs E. S. Mussey Historian, Mrs H. B. Sperry jl Marger.r Sullivan Chapter, N. H. ^S DIKi:CTORY. D. A. K. e. Continental Chapter Orfianized Ai)ril Ui, ISD.'i; Menihers, 77/ (Aldlxinid. .J; Arkansas, 1; Illinois, 1; Indian Territonj. 1 ; Maine, 1; North Carolina. 1; New HainpsMre. 1; Foreign, 1 ; Ohio, 1 ; Minnesota. 1; Texas. 1; Pennsylvania, J; Neio York, 1) Eeg-ent, Mrs ]\lary S. Gist Tor. Sec, ^^Irs Ac]elaide K. Lowp A'ice-Eegent. Mrs Lucy M. O. Marsh Treasurer, Mi-s Alice M. Fulton Eec. Sec, Mrs lUith ]M. G. Pealer Kegistrar. Miss Cornelia L. Lloyd llisToriaii, ]\liss Ida Iliniuaii f. Dolly Madison Chapter Onjunized Mitij J2, 1SD2; Members, 53 Kcgent, Mrs llenn-.N L. Mann (or. Sec. ^Lrs Charles II. Davidge Yice-Eegent, INliss ]\largaret F. Bradjr Treasurer, Mrs Ora L. Pitney l\ec. Sec, Miss Elizabeth L. Johnson Registrar, Miss Anna M. Shaw Historian, ^Irs E. P. oSIertz g". Elizabeth Jackson Chapter Or(/anize(l Janiiarij :27, 1S9S; Members. 21 (South Carolina. 2: Pennsijlrania. 1 ; For- eign, 2; West Virginia. Ij Eeg-ent, Mrs ^Marv Camfield Wysong H'reasurer, ^Vliss iMary Barnes Yice-Eegt, Mrs Georgiana W.Uonnan Eegistrar. jMiss Alice Hoopes Secretary, Miss Sophie H. Clark llisiorian, INIiss Siisan C. Ayres h. Lucy Holcombe Chapter Orijunized Februanj (>. JOOl; Members, 13 (Florida, 1 ; Pennsylvania, 1; Indiana, 1; Virginia, 2) Eegent, Mrs Effie P>. }ifcO. Holcombe Treas., ^Miss Eleanor ^I. Chamberlin Vice-Eegent. ISliss E. P. Holcombe Picgistrar, Aliss Alice Griggs Secretary, Miss Alice Fincke] Historian, Miss Harriet Y. deB. Keim i. Manor House Chapter Organized January 6, J8DS; Members. 26 (Alabama. J ; Neic York, 3; Ohio, 1) Eegent, Mrs ]\I. A. I?allinger Cor. Sec, IVLiss A. M. Fauntleroy Vice-Eegent, Mrs Geo. H. Corey Treasurer, Afrs S. PI Van Deusen Eec. Sec, Mrs C. H. Lyman Eegistrar. INIrs C. Merwin Hist.. ]\frs C. E. Greenwood-Stanley j. Martha Washington Chapter Ovf/aiiized Febrnary 23. 1SD3; 31embers. .'i6 (Virginia, 3: Alabama, 2: Maryland, 2; Nciv Hanijhshire. 1; Pennsylvania. 1; Kentucky. 2: Neic York. J) Eegent, Mrs Wni. Oscar Eoonie Cor. Sec, Mrs Frederick Haig Vice-Eegent, Mrs A. Y. Harrison Treasurer, Miss Eugenie E. Taylor Eec. Sec, IVIrs Herbert P. Gerald Eegistrar. Mrs Clarendon Sm'ith Plistorian, ?klrs Wni. Henry Habcock k. Mary Washington Chapter Organized Febrnary 29. 1SH2: Members, 22.'i (Virginia, 3: Neu- York. J; South Caro- lina, 1; Illinois. J: Maryland. .5; Foreign. .7; T'tali. 1 ; Kentucky. 1; # Washington. I: Massachusetts, 2 : Neiv Jersey. 2 ; Con- necticvt. I; Prnnsylvania. 1} Eegent. Mrs Elizabeth I>. Lee Cor. Sec, ^Miss ^lary P. Brown Vice-Eegent. INIiss Virg-inia Miller Treasurer, INIiss Eliza T. Ward Eec Sec. ^Irs V. ^fcl'. Smith Eegistrar, ISfrs Violet B. Janin Histoi-ian. ilrs J. E. Gadsbv I UISTELCT OF COLUMBLA. 99 1. Miriam Danforth Chapter Omianized Fcbrmtn/ 7, WOO; Mvinhcrs, 17 (MassacJiKSCtts, 2; Xcic YorA: ij lU-eiit, iAirs Amos CI. Draper Cor. Sec, Mrs C. C. Bryan \ ice-Legeiit Mrs Philip Hichborn Treasurer, Mrs John li Hotchkiss Kec. Sec, Mrs Eebecca M. li.yan Eegislrar. Mis M. \. llicliards Historian, Mrs Almena B. Williams Memi;ers BF:siDixa ix the State ■'S~' ■^hi'lf';^'"''Ti'r^l\T^•"^^"'■^ (^^''^ Willard) 114:. Mass. ave., Washinotou ..^.70. Abell, Alice Ldith (Miss) 1636 19th st., Washino-ton K. .Oc Anderson Laura J oche (Mrs James E.) ... .223 E. Capitol st., Washington .;4o2, Armistead, Mary B (Mrs) 315 C st., N. W., Washin|ton .'i-'ri/ a""'i!i''"';\^'- w''\ (^P^^);,- 1912 Sunderland Place, Washino-ton :.'-;?o ^^"lold Harriet Arwme (Mrs Joseph A.).. 229 2d st.. N. E., Washington r 2 iVT"' f"^«",<^=»7^^J^« (?lf«) 1813 13th St., Washinlton 1..-.90../ Babcoclc. Gertrude Lee (Mah....d) (Mrs Wn.. II.) Bockhaven. Bidge Boad \\ ashmgton. "^ .;n95f Bacon, Louise L.vnde (Mrs George A.) 1708 IDth st.. iX. W., Washington :.->34l Bailey, Anna Dicks (jNliss). ■'■■ ' ^^ I S"" ' Cai-ne Parsons Briant (Mrs) -'The Hamilton." Washington Tof S • ^I«^3- -indolph (Miss) 3070 Q st., Washingto ..iS g^ 1"^^^' ^7:«.""%l:;Yi^, (^^^'« M. .V.).."The Biggs House," Washinlton - on • Pn n"f ""V lr''''T P^'T.^ n ^''^^'^ House, Washing-ton ...2m Balloch Lilhe Foster McGrew (Mrs E. A.).... 1013 loth St., Washington -.01 BatcheUer. Kate (Miss) care Dept. of State, 3d Asst. Secfvs. office Washington. f.o?. r""^?' ^aT-' ^'-.^^JAf ^\?.-^ "^-^ Q «*•' ^^- W., Washington >,S07. Baxter. Mary J. (Airs William) ..... 1445 Massachusetts ave., Washington Tfi^r p""'' 'V '''"■;:^T/ .^^."^P.^^^" (^^^-^ ^'- 1'-^ ^"11 l^tl^ «t- ^'- ^V.. Washington IfJlj,. S^'^"' Bauretta H. (Mr.s Tar eton H.) I6I6 19th st., Washinlton »154^ Benjamin. Carolyn Gilbert ( Mrs Marcus) 1710 N st.. Washing-ton I St"l"ufs''J'h:pte?Mo. ^ Ma.y Washington C^nial Chap., N.^~ ~ "" L.cfC. 100 DIRECTOKY. D. A. K a6671A: Benjamin, Norah S. Thomas (Mrs Samuel C.) 531 T st., N. W.. Washington 11872/ Bennett, Margaret M. (Mrs. Clement \V.)..1427 K. 1. ave., WashingtDn 53& Bennett, Mary Henderson (Mrs F. M.)..2119 California ave., Washington 18966-j-f Bishop, Nannie Sevier (Mrs John M.) .' ."The Cairo," Washingnni 111686 Blackfan, Emily E. (Miss) ., 1327 N St., Washington 1099A; Blac-kiston, Elizabeth P. (Mrs A.'Horton) 1212 18th st., Washington 2726 Blackstone, H. Annie (Miss) 613 3d st., Washington lOOOOZ Blaine, jMartha Hichborn (Mrs Janies G.) 1707 N st.. Washington 32822; Bland, Clara O. (Mrs) 200 xV st., S. E., Washington 24 Blount, Lucia Eames (Mrs Henry F.) "The Oaks," 3101 U st.. Washington 18090§§ Boag, ]Ma\id F. Beck^vith (Mrs William) Madison st., Washington 469fe Bond, Mary Hunt (Mrs S. 11.) 13 Iowa Circle, Washington 1583fc Bone, Carey Ann (Mrs) 11 5th st., S. E., Washington 10020a Boose, Ellen Williamson (Mrs Andrew J.)..;, 01 C st., N. W., Washingron 3034 Booth, Julia Bichards (Mrs David) 1828 13th St., Washington 28045& Borden, Jennie E. (Mrs William Cline) Washington Barracks, Washingtt)n 30634d Boswell, Helen Varick (Miss) "The Cairo," Washington 1792511 II Bouldin, Ellie Daniel (Miss) 1214 12th st.. Washington 12254 Bourgeat, Bella Kilbovirn (Mrs Emile Eugene V.)..1918 F st., Washington 3329§§§ Bowler, Alice Berhard W. (Mrs Robert Bonner) Washington 18348 Bovd, Almyra (Mrs John) 1417 Rhode Island ave., Washington 16074c Boyd, Anna Bell Reed (Mrs William G.)..1611 8th st., N. W., Washington 28** Boynton, Helen Mason (Mrs H. Y.) 1321 R st., Washington 846b Brackett, Rose Field McH. (]\Irs Albert G) 1726 Q st., Washington 1383fc Bradley, Jane Elizabeth (Mrs Anon) 647 E. Capitol st., Washington 332156 Bradley Kate Mickles (Miss) 1722 15th st., Washington 19713/^ Brady," Margaret Faber (Miss) 1520 Corcoran st., Washington 7069i Branch, Rebecca Bell (Miss) 945 S st., Washington 2794ft Breckenridge, Louisa Dudley (Mrs Joseph C.) 1314 Conn, ave.. Washing. o!i 9502 Brent, Josephine Merrick (Mrs Vivian) 1733 17th st., Washington 17924|||| Brewer, Elizabeth Morris (Miss) 1309 17th st., Washington 64S1C Broadiis, Sallie J. (Mrs Thomas A.) 3626 13th st., W^ashington 6658/ Bronaugh, Rebecca Craine (Miss) "Louise Home," Washinglr.ii 2799R Brooke, Laura Mankin (Miss) 819 19th st., N. W., W^ashington 30638 Brooks, Maybelle Ann (Miss) 1406 Binney st., Washington 1205k Brown, Mary Berry (Miss) 313 New Jersey ave., S. E., Washington 470fc Brown, Daisy (Miss) 1167 19th st.. Washington 213 Brown, Caroline Pitts (Mrs Henry B.) 1720 16th st.. Washington 18342fc Bruner, Jennie Avrell (Miss) .' 905 M st., N. W., Washington 1199A; Bruner, Jessie Annette Van Doren (Mrs J. T.) 647 p]. Capitol, Washington ISO Bryan, Agnes S. Bartlett (Mrs Charles C.) 1307 Yale st., Washington 1667f Brvan, Bennete P. (Mrs) 1204 N st., N. W., Washington 8704^ Bryant, Susie Benerliet (Mrs Authur B.)...3 2 E. Capitol st., Washington 1098fc Buchanan, Lvla M. Peters (Mrs Roberdeau) 2015 Q st., Washington 717 Bullock. Elirabeth Towson (Mrs) 1217 K st., W^ashing^ton 225916 Burch, Belle C. Hamlin (Mrs) 1709 P st., N. W., Washington 208796 Burch, Marion Hinkley (Mrs Sylvester R.) 404 East Capitol, Washington 19714A! Burgess, Gertrude May 1333 8th st., Washington 21217 Burke, Annie P. V. (Mrs) 1802 Wyoming ave.. Washington 8830$ Burnham, Grace Francesca M. (Mrs W. P.) care W. P. Burnham, War Dept., Washington 1538411 Burr, Frances Brewster Ricketts (Mrs C. R.) 1628 19th st., Washington 99536 Burritt, Alice (Miss Dr.) 1129 14th st.. Washington 336656 Burritt, Anna Blanche (Miss) 1129 14th st., Washington 112 Burrows, Frances P. (Mrs Julius C.) 1404 Massachusetts ave., Washington 2503 Butterworth, Mary E. Seller (Mrs Benjamin) 407 Maple ave., Le Droit Park, Washington 27926 Buttler, Marion Bradford (Mrs William C.) 1764 K st., N. W.. W'ashington 245516 Byrne. Ellen Abert (Miss) 1722 F st., N. W., Washington 58 Cabell, Elvra Daniel (Miss) 1761 N st., Washington 11428; Cahoon, Annie Fisher (Mrs) 1752 M st., Washington • Polly Daggett Chapter, Mass. {i Owalippna Chapter, N. Y. •* Chiekamaiiga Chapter. Tern. ++ Boimv Kate Chapter, Tenn. III! Mt. Vernon Chapter, Va. S§ Fort Plain Chapter, N. Y. 888 Cincinnati Chapter, O. ± Caesar Rodney Chapter, Del. li Santa Ysabel Chapter, Cal. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 101 11426; Calder, Julia A. (Mrs William Francis) . .1323 Yale St., N. W., Washiiierton 25993c Cameron Frances V. Andrews (Mrs D. D.) 1902 Vermont ave., Washington 31fc Candee, Elizabeth Johnston Maclay (Mrs).. 24 5th St., N. E., Washington 34517i Carberj-, Elizabeth Ficklin (Mrs James L.).. Ridge Road, W. Washington 466f Carhart, Kesiah L. (Miss) 135G Yale st., Washington 465f Carhart. Margery A. V. S. (Mrs Albert) 135(5 Yale St., W^ashington 21927e Carmodj-, Florence Mabel F. (Mrs J. D.) 1211 Vermont ave., Washington 13854& Carmodj^ Kathleen Weber (Miss) 1220 16th st., Washington 49216 Carpenter, Curtis Steever (Mrs W. L.) 2108 19th St.. N. W., Washington 12251fc Carpenter, M. Josephine Q. (Mrs Henry W.) Navy Yard, V\'ashington 6236^ Carter, Anne James (Miss) \ 315 C st.", N. W. Washington 33669 Casey, Sophie Pearce (Miss) 1729 De Sales st., Washington 20976§ Castle, Helen Steel (Miss) 1532 22d St., Washington 29977§ Castle, Margaret (Miss) ] 532 22d St., Washington 2227** Castle, Margaret W. (Mrs Henrj- Anson) 1745 Q st., Washington 29975§ Castle, Mary J. (Miss) 1532 22d st., Washington 114346 Catlin, Jeannie Anna (Miss) 1428 Euclid Place. Washington 64825 Catlin, Mary Lansing (Mrs Robert) 1428 Euclid Place, Washington 35172d Cattna, Antoinette Van Ness (Mrs William B.) 1507 22nd St., Washington 31102 Cavenaugh, Marie Bates (Miss) 531 18th st., Washington 18:U6 Chalmers, Virginia Reed H. (Mrs T. C.) 1835 Corcoran st., Washington 32328ft Chamberlin, Eleanor Matthews (Miss) 1309 20th st., Washington 233476 Chamberlin, Helen Marv (Miss) 2206 Q st., Washington 121016 Chamberlin. Mary E. (Mrs Lowell A.) 2206 Q st., N. W.. Washington 30635f Champlin. Ellen Isham (Miss) 2108 18th St., Washington .33668fc Chandler, Florence Himtley (Mrs George) . .Hotel Stratford, W^ashington- 1297936 Chany, Jane Douglas Butler (Mrs W. H.) 1018 12th st., Washington ;:520fc Chapin, Helen Maria (Mrs Thomas Easterbrooke) 1455 W St., Washington 36111tt Chapman, Rebecca (Miss) 101 E St., N. W., Washington 13s78§§ Cheney, Mary Adelaide A. (Mrs W. L.) 1528 Corcoran st., W^ashington 23354fc Chew, Alice Bruce (Harden) (Mrs Richard B., Jr.) 1535 P St., Washington .'li'.HSf Chew, Helen Leigh (Mrs Leonard G.) 2033P st., Washington .'05fc Chipman, Emma Halstead A. (Mrs A. J.) .Stratford Hotel, Washington lS06§§§Chretien. Adele (Mrs John M.) Arlington Hotel, Washington :'.(H9f||[ Church. Carrie Persis (Miss) 216 S. st., X. E.. Washington .S2fc Cilley, Emma (Miss) 1906 H St., Washington 22o'S8g Clark, Sophie H. (Miss) 1818 13th st., N. W., Washington 16f Clarke, Alice Morrow (Mrs A. Howard) "The Concord," Washington :i().".!i5" Clark, Caroline Mnrks (]\Irs Thomas H.)..1764 Madison st., Washington 1041/0 Clay, Anna Wood (Mrs Cecil) 1513 S st., N. W\, Washington 1042fc Clay, Cornelia (Miss) 1513 S st., N. W., Washington 311628c Cleaves, Elizabeth A. (Mrs Thomas P.).. 1819 10th st., N. W., Washington 2(i58i Clemefit, Mary Xeal (Mrs Jacob A.) 222 E st., N. W., Washington 13026 Cleveland, Cynthia Eloise (Miss) 2933 15th st., N. W., Washington nS74; Clifford, Eliza Geraldine Wallace (Miss) 1007 20th st., Washington 50906 Closson, Julia Woodbridge (Mrs H. W.) 1359 Columbia Road, Washington 1060 Codwise, Louise S. (Miss) 1101 K st., Washington :;O2S06 Collins. Genevieve La Casse La T. (Mrs J.) 531 18th st., Washington 6315c Colman, Anna Maria S. (Mrs Charles) 6 Iowa Circle, Washington S44tttColton, Ellen Mason (Mrs David D.) 1617 Connecticut ave.. Washington 33366 Compton, Emily Little (Mrs C. E.) 1416 21st St., X. W., Washington 19762 Conger, Olive (Miss) 916 S St., Washington 19099; Copeland, Lucy X. (Mrs A.).. 607 North Carolina ave., S. E., Washington 26381c Coombs, Hattie Frances (Mrs C. C.) 533 T st., Washington 336636 Conrad, Ella Cotton (Mrs Casper H.) 1843 R st., X. W., Washington 17928 Conrad, Mary Louise (Miss) 1719 I St., Washington 13240i Corey, Josephine C. (Mrs George H.) Riggs House, Washington llSfc Cougle, Frances Forester (Mrs) "The Cairo," Washington llS'i.S/ Couper. Ida l^owell (]Mrs W. P.) 2 Cooke Place, Washington 77 Coulter, Sarah E. (Mrs Stephen) 2304 14th st., Washington ** St. Paul Chapter, Minn. ft Caesar Rodney Chapter, Del. t Princeton Chapter, N. J. ^\V Bristol Chapter, R. I. If Hannah Benedict Chapter, Conn. ttt Sequoia Chapter, Cal. S The Distaff Chapter, Minn. S§ Susan Carring-ton Clarke Chap. SSR California Chapter, Cal. * Peter Forney Chapter, Ala. Conn. 102 DIRECTOEY. 1). A. E. 21370fc Cover, Ada Clise (Mrs John) '-The Dewey," Wasliing-toii 12656 Cowles, Mary Hitchcock (Mrs Calvin D.)..3006 Irvin Pla"cc, Washington 99fc Cox, Alice Catherine (Miss) 1752 S St., Washington 158 Cox, Jnliet Hazletine (Mrs W. Van Z.) Emery Place, Brightwood 2924; Coyle, Virginia S. K. (Mrs Andrew) 1005 13th st., Washington aOOSf Crabbe. Harriette P. (Mrs E. G.) 810 X. Carolina ave., S. E., Washington 35173 Crandall, Liisanah Ames (Mrs Gerniond) . .610 H st., X. W., Washington 33671. Crawford. Elizabeth Eobinson S. (^Irs J.)..'*Tlie (Jrafton," Washington 13232c Croissant, Sarah J. S. (Mrs J. D.)..821 North Carolina ave., Washington 139fc Cromwell, Ellen S. (Mrs T.) 1408 15th st., Washington 60597c Cromwell, Lizzie S. H. (Mrs B. J.) . .1525 New Hampshire ave., Washington 18485|| Crosbjs Louise Audenried (Mrs P.).. 1718 Connecticut ave., Washington 2923; Crouch, Mollie Brooke (Mrs) 1005 13th st., Washington 4125fc Crump, Annie L. (Mrs William) 2105 O st., Washington 12042/ Ciimmings. Lucy E. (Mrs George J.) ... .Howard ITniversity, Washington 8511^ Currier, Julia M. (Miss) Cleveland Park, Washington 7067& Gushing, Sarah (Miss) 2202 Q st., Washington 13239/= Custis, Sarah E. (Mrs George \\. N.) 110 East Capitol st., W\ashington S84fc Cuthbert, Eugenia J. (Miss) 1718 Corcoran st., Washington 12219§ Dabney, Mary Brent (Mrs Charles W.) "The Concord," Washington 2700/ Dade, Virginia Elizabeth (Miss) 2303 M st.. Washing, on 17857ff Dalgleish, Fanny Barney (Mrs J. E.) 1515 Khode Island ave., Washington 6331|||| Dallas, Mary Byrde (Mrs Andrew) 1025 T st., Washington 1263t Dare. Maria Liggett (Mrs Jeremiah Z.)..1340 Corcoran st., Washington 168f Darwin, Gertrude Bascom (Mrs C.) 1524 28th st., Washington 33053§§ Daugherty, Susan P. T. (Mrs C. M.) 1255 23d st., N. W., Washington 23705f Davidge, Elizabeth Sloan (Mrs C. H.) 1736 15th St., Washington 10215 Davidson, Mary Agnew Quay (Mrs L. E.) 1612 K st., W^ashington 9401** Davis, Annie L. Morriss (Mrs Thomas G.) Oxford Hotel, Washington 205fc Davis, Lizzie W. Gray (Mrs O. L.) "The Fredonia," Washingtim 34524 Davis, Louisa Quackenbush (Mrs C. H.) U. S. Naval Observatory, ■\\'tish- ington 13231c Davis, Mary E. S. (Mrs D. O.) . .821 North Carolina ave., S. E., Washington 102fc Dawson, Clara Amanda (Mrs Edward M.) 1752 S st., Washington 21436/ Dean, Amanda Sibley (Mrs Edward C.) Oak Lawn, AVashingion 36008 Dean, Mary Owen (Miss) 2418 14th st.', Washington 22592? Decker. Elsie Root (Mrs William Henrv) 1215 E. I. ave., W^ashington 8703& De KrafPt, Frances B. (Miss) "^ . . .821 19th st., N. W., Washington 4f/ Desha, Mary (Miss) 902 F st., N. W., Washington 1631fc Denison, Jennie Owen (Miss) 929 P st., Washington 1037fc Devendorf, Cornelia (Mrs Peter) 1020 A'ermont ave., Washington 36 Devereux, Maria Green (Mrs) "Eosedale," West Washington 32000 Dickinson, Mary L. M. (Mrs Tyrus C.) 1211 st., N. W., Washington 7447fc Doe, Edna Burgess (Miss) 1842 M st., Washington 2796fc Doe, Sarah Ann Burgess (Mrs William H.) 1842 M st., Washington 7445 Donn, Laura J. Gardner (Mrs Edward W.) 170S 16th st., Washington 15489.7 Donnan, Georgiana Worthington (Mrs A. S.) 908 S st., N. W., Washington 30277/i- Dorsey. Anna Lindsley (Miss) 913 Massachusetts ave.. Washington 57fc Dorsey, Ella Loraine (Miss) 2119 California ave., Washington 2699/ Dorsey, Katharine C. (Mrs Vernon) 3010 Q st., Washington 30641/0 Drake, Helen M. (Miss) 1437 E. I. ave., Washington 1040/ Draper, Bell Merrill (Mrs Amos G.) Kendall Green, Washington 16641/c Dravton, Emma Gadsden (Miss) 1012 16th st., Washirgton 35069& Du Bois, Ella S. (Mrs Eichard C.) 2028 16th st., N. W^, Washington 183327) Du Bois, Isobel Lenman (Miss) 2028 16th st., N. W., Washington 24215 Duel], Harriet Sackett (Mrs Charles H.) 2025 Columbia Eoad. Washington 23351r Duflfie, Florence S. (Mrs John S.) 804 I st.. Wahington 23116/( Duffield, Louise (Miss) 1633 Q st.. Washington 30276f Dye, Lizzie E. (Mrs P. E.) 1403 L st.. N. W.. Washington 9956fc Dver, Kate Huntress CMrs George W.) "The Litchfield." Washington 6742f Edson, Elizabeth B. (Mrs John Joy) 1324 16th st.. Washington II Molly Reid Chapter. N. H. tJ Brownson Chapter, Vt. §§ George Clinton Chapter, Ohio. t Springfield Chapter, 111. II Maryland Line Chapter, Md. § Bonny Kate Chapter, Tenn. nil Albemarle Chapter, Va. '* Mt. Vernon Chiipter, Va. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1 o:^ 2624b Edwards, Harriet De Wolf (Mrs J. E.) 2017 Kalorama ave., Washington r.SlTOft Edwards, Mary Conifer (Mrs A. A.) . .3406 Morgan ave., X. AV.. Washington 83586 Elliot, Ellen llitchie (Mrs George H.) 1G03 O st., Washington 155 Emery, Mary Abbie (Miss) 207 I st., N. "W., Washington 25744* Emory, Blanch Willis (Mrs William A.) 1701 N. H. ave., Washington 45356 Ennis, Andrine Luella P. (Mrs W.) Washington Barracks, Washington 35073 Ergood, Lncy Davis (Mrs) 1 B St., N. W., Washington 29800/ Ewell, Emily S. (Mrs John L.) 325 College st., Washington 28903 Ewing, Anna Maria Thomasina Washington (Mrs Jas. Alfred) care Thus. B. Washington, 254 Delaware ave., Washing'ton 9558t Fairbanks, Cornelia Cole (Mrs Charles W.) 1800 Mass. ave., Washington 15S9A; Fairley, Elizabeth White (Mrs Alexander) P. O. Box 14, Washington 1691fc Fairley, Frances Sarah (Miss) P. 0. Box 14, Washington 117411 Farrar, Catherine Caldwell (Mrs Frank W.) "The Cairo." Washington 23707i Fauntleroy, Anne Magill (Miss) 1414 H St., X. W., Washington llOofc Fendall, Marv Lee (Miss) 1319 New Hampshire ave., Washington 1354A; Fendall, Sallie C. Miller (Mrs) 1729 P st., Washington 20885ft Finckel, Alice (Miss) 1520 Corcoran st., Washington 266846 Fleming, Bell Vedder (Mrs Eobert S.) 1406 Mass. ave., Washington 125/c Fleming, Mary Lee (Mrs ) 1720 I st., Washinaton 31270/ Flint, Lucy Jl. Brown (Mrs Weston) 1213 K st., Washington 26703 Foot, Eebecca Lusk Forster (Mrs Alfred) Colonial Hotel, Washington 9957^ Foos, Katharine J. Strickle (Mrs Rodney) . .1760 Madison st., Washington 34017fc Forrest, Irene D. (IMiss) 3339 N st., Washington 35175 Forrest. Eosalie A. (Miss) 3339 N st., Washington 13939 Foster, Ellen Burroughs (Miss) 1402 Binney St.. N. W., Washington l]352(i Foster, Judith Ellen (Mrs Elijah C.) "The Portner," Washington 185fc Foster, Mary Parke (Mrs John W.) 1405 I st., Washington 22596e Fowier, Martha Crockett (]Mrs Edwin H.) 1126 E. Capitol St., Washington 35109$ Foy, Carrie T. (Mrs S. E.) Eufaula, Ala., & 1009 13th st., Washington 17445fc French, Agnes Laura Channell (ISIrs John L.) 3G I st., N. W., Washington 26702 French, Frances Graham (Miss) 1101 K st., Washington 35174 Fristoe, Caroline Bloss (Mrs Luther Smoot) . . . .3209 16th st., Washington 16075e Fulton, Alice Marion Thissell (Mrs H. K.) 1211 Vermont ave., Washington 24555fc Gadsby, Elizabeth Mary (Mrs J. Eakin) 3114 U St., Washington 1760/= Gannett, Mary Chase (Mrs H.) 1881 3rd st., Le Droit Park, Washington 7441c Gardiner, Euth Kimball (Mrs C.) "The Savoy," 14th st., Washington 8237 Gardner, Sarah Ann Tarring (Mrs William H.') 1760 Q st., Washington 34063fir Garner, Katharine Files (Miss) 3308 14th st., N. W., Washino'ton S727§ Garrigus, Matilda Chandler (Mrs J. C.) 1420 E. I. ave., Washington 64fc Garrison, Jennie Davis (Mrs John E.) 1427 E st., Washington 31276 Gary, Wilmuth (Miss) 1419 Binney st., Washington 357456 Gatewood, Frances E. Hieskell Brvan (Mrs E.) 1312 19th st., Washinsrton 11427; Gathmann, Belle Wallace Gary (Mrs Emile) 2929 15th st., Washington 2702; Gerald, Katharine Townson "(Mrs Herbert P.) 1714 Q st., Washington 116? Geer, Augusta Danforth (Mrs A. C.) 1223 N st., N. \\., Washington 23357fc Gibbs, Alice Mareau (Mrs Eudolph E.) '. Brookland 2489f Gibbs, Ella Fort (Mrs Benjamin F.) 2934 14th st., Washington 31271fc Giffin, Etta Josselyn (Miss) "The Olympia," Washington 51e Gist, Mary S. (Mrs) 1506 P st.. Washington 29414/ Glascock, Euby Moncure (Mrs William) 1311 ^Nlass. ave., Washington 76 Goodfellow, Julia Smilev (Mrs Edward) .. .1718 Corcoran st., Washington S16fc Goodloe, Bettie Beck (Mrs Green Clav) 1103 16th st.. Washington 9951|||| Goodman, Susan A. (Mrs Eoland L.)..^ 3112 Q st., Washington 32396 Gorden, Emma Gray (Mrs Thomas) "The Savoy," Washington :;0631e Graham, Anna E. "^(Miss) 916 23d st., Washington :;507l7i: Graham, Eleanor Euphemia (Miss) 1916 H st., X. W., Washington 35072fc Gi-aham, Octavia Ormond (Miss) 1916 H st., N. W., Washington 12037 Grant, Julia Dent (Mrs Ulvsses S.) 2111 Q. st., Washington 32393f Graves, Abbie C. (]\Iiss) . . . .' 1223 M st., N. W., Washington 32394f Graves, Jennie A, (Miss) 1223 M st., N. W., Washington * Louisa St. Clair Chapter, Mich. t Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Ind. II St. Paul Chapter, Minn. 7 George Clinton Chapter, Ohio. t Eufaula Chapter, Ala. S Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, 111. II II Jane Douglas Chapter, Texas. 104 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 21437f Graves, Katharine G. (Mrs Edward) . .927 Mass. ave., N. W., 19 Greely, Henrietta Conger H. JS'esmith (Mrs A. W.) 1914 G st., 8116 Green, Hattie O. (Mrs Darius) 1123 17th st., N. W., 2S902 Green, Maria Devereux (Miss) 3018 Dumbarton ave., 28052 Green, Mary Lewis Martin (Mrs Henry D.) 1728 Corcoran st.. 23708fc Greenlees, Annie de Courcy (Miss) 3129 U st., 22593e Gresham. Fanny Greenhow W. (Mrs E. J.).. 930 R st., N. W., 266027J Griggs, Alice (Miss) 939 Rhode Island ave., 14440|+ Grimewald, Lucie Palmer (Mrs Lorenz) . . .173 8 Corcoran st., 1022 Guild, Martha Aylett (Mrs Lafayette) Willard's Hotel, 25994c Gunion, Mary r!^ (Mrs Philip S.)") 1938 5th st., 3018e Guss, Sara Chace (Mrs Harry T.) 1404 Binney st., 199fc Gwathmey. Mary Eliza (Miss) 1734 k' st., 58631 Hadley, Ellen F. (Miss) 1707 N st., 1141fc Hagan, Cornelia Juliaette Benjamin (Mrs)... 1332 V st.. 11869/ Haig, Laura M. Morgan (Mrs Frederick J.) 1623 13th st., 3279Se Hall, Helen Morrison (Mrs Arthur J.)... 811 13th st., N. W., 198fc Halstead, Annie Wilson Ball (Mrs E. P.) 3024 Q st., 191A; Halstead Emilie M. (Miss) 3024 Q st., 721^ Halsted, Helen Hatch (Miss) 1636 19th st., 13934ffl Hamilton, Anna Sanborn (Mrs H. G.)....1331 Vermont ave., 327976 Hamilton, Ruth (Miss) 1221 K st., N. W., 699 Hamlin, Frances Bacon (Mrs Teunis S.)....1306 Conn, ave., 9952e Harper, Carolyn Jackson (Mrs Robert N.)...29 B St., N. W., 4639ff Harris, Mary L. (Mrs Glenn Burgess) 824 M st., 13242 Harris, Carrie Jenkins (Mrs C. W.) 1507 Vermont ave., 7074f Harris, Virginia Clay (Mrs Findlay) 1710 16th st., 2703/ Harrison, Alexina Virginia Z. (Mrs G. W.) "Louise Home," 6063 Harrison, Julia Cleves (Dr) (Miss) "The Cairo," 22606 Harrison, Mary Martin Green (Mrs) 1728 Corcoran st., 18335e narrower, Harriet Ann (Mrs John J.).... 1353 Corcoran st., 9504c Hartsock, Mary Ames (Miss) 803 11th st., N. E., 9503c Hartsock, Mary E. Lewis (Mrs S. M.) 808 11th st., N. E.. 29413 Haslup, Jaffa Elcho (Miss) 1513 R st., N. W.. 7714& Hayden, Kate Reynolds (Mrs Everett) 1601 S St.. N. W., 27494c Heath, Margaret" W. (Miss) 502 B st., N. E., 1045& Heger, Caroline J. (Mrs Anton) 2026 Hillyer Place, 1020fc Henry, Kate Kearney (Mrs) .2021 I st., 33614JI Henry, Kathi'yne Voorhies (Mrs James M.) 1713 DeSales st., 5638/= Hensiey, Adel'ia Gates (Mrs J. H.) cor. M & 11th sts., N. W., 23360d Hepburn, Frances Minerva (Miss) 1124 E. Capitol st.. 23359d Hepburn, Melvina Annette M. (Mrs W. P.) 1124 E. Capitol st., 1442 Herbert, Alma J. (Miss) 3 Grant Place, 3721+ Herbert, Mary E. Svdney (Miss) 3000 15th st., 1210fc Heth, Harriet Selden (Mrs Harry) 1906 G st.. 13t Hetzel, Susan Riviere (Miss) 902 F St., 5634i Hichborn, Jennie Franklin (Mrs Philip) 1707 N st., 33582 Hickenlooper, Lucie Palmer (Miss) Biggs Bank, 8349 Hickey, Eva Frances (Mrs John M.) 1532 T st., 74fc Hickey, Susanna Goode (Miss) 1415 N st., 3146fc Hill, Ada Morgan (Mrs Richard Smith) 1840 M st., 13237fc Hill, Florence P. (Mrs George H.) 14th st. extended. 27214 Hill, Harriet Nisbet Peacock (Mrs H. L.) 1312 Columbia Road, 13938fc Hill, Ida M. (Mrs Edwin A.) 1120 13th st., 19100c Hills, Grace Muhlenberg (Miss) 1342 13th st., 23113f Hine, Mary Tillinghast (Mrs Lemon G.) Prospect Hill, N. E., 21929^ Hinman, Ida (Miss) 1343 R st., N. W., 215167*; Hoes, Rose Gouverneur (Mrs R. R.) 632 Rhode Island ave.. 885/= Hoffman, Mary Frances (Mrs W. J.) 222 E st.. 202fc Hoge, Mary Barlow (Mrs W. Schofield) 1402 15th st., 7068i Hoge, Julia Norman B. (Mrs James M.) 945 S st., N. W., 113ft Hodgkins, Marie Wilkinson (Mrs Howard L.) 1830 T st.. Washington Washington Washington Georgetown Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash W\TSh Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash W^ash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash Wash W^ash Wash Wash Wash ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton jton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton nglon ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngtoii ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngtoTi ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton 7Tgt(in ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton ngton tt George Washington Chapter, Texas. tt New York City Chapter, N. Y. II California Chapter, Cal. t Camp Middlebrook Chapter, N. t Mt. Vernon Chapter, Va. J. ESTABLISHED 1814 Depository of the United States 5fie NaLtioivQLl Metropolita.i\ BdLivk WASHINGTON, D. C. ••• CsLpifaLl. $300,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $552,000 • •• No. 613 Fifteenth Street, N. W. Opposite V. S. Tre2LSury OFFICERS E. S. Parker, President S. W. Woodward, Vice-President J. Gales Moore, Cashier W. W. W. Parker, Assistant Cashier Wm. E. Edmonston, President John D. Coughlin, Secretary Zh^ Columbia title Insurance Company 500 Fifth Street, N. W. Washington, D. C* FraLnkliiv®Co. OPTICIANS Koda.ks «3t PhotograLphic Supplies 1203 F Street, Washington. D. C. EstaLblished I86I Daudhters of tbe JImerican Revolution— ^ti We are patriots and have revolution- ized the trade of Washington in such way that today we stand for- most in the hearts of every woman who knows the "Busy Corner" and its daily doings. We want you, when in council or otherwise to bear in mind that you are welcome at all times to share in our grand bargains, which never abate. If you are not here in person order your wants by mail, as this is the next best medium of knowing us and our methods. S. KANN, SONS & CO. "The Busy Comer*' WASHINGTON, D. C. The Largest Department Store in the South excursion Sleepers Washington to Los Angeles and California Without Change Personally Conducted A. J. POSTON, General Agent Sn Penna. Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. ."iifa^Uhaffs^dt&J^fd'l^hfo^^^^^^^^^ 11?^/'%' P^%- °- «^-k is replete forou/s^lling%riS^r^efi?recrb7us'^^^ '' exclusive, having been created especially y^^^^otrr%f\'l^i%tiT.:'^l^^^^^^^^ lZ^,r «-,-P-b "nes of Real Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Paras^%,°Sull^srpirWte°Sk^^ R^'^^^-^ SMOOT, COFFER & McCALLEY 1216 F Stkeet 'Phone 725 THE NAME OF . . . t I Stands for every thing des^ in t MiniaLtures. X+4"fr++4>4.4'+++++4"|.4.4>4"l-4-l'4-4.+4.4.x Photogracph! and ^^/€€€/€h&.' nth and P Sts., Washington, D. C. Boardwalk, Atlantic City. 926 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. >t'f++-»"f+++4.+4.4.4..l.+4,4,4..,.4,^^^^^^ , + 4» 4* 4» + + •*• 4" + 4» 4» + OJasMiifitoit, D. C. J. E. ROESSLE PROPRIETOR TK Ewaing Rofel and Prominent In D. K R. Circles S«'f«l'4"f+'»"f.f.+,^^^^^ 4- + 4* 4* 4- 4" 4- 4" 4- 4- 4" 4- 4- 4" 4' 4" 4- 4* 4- * 4- 4- 4- 4" 4" SCHUTZ Importer ^ Ladies' Tailor ^ Dressmaker Opp. Arlington Hotel Telephone 355-4 WASHINGTON, D. C. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 105 28051a Hoit, Harriet Botiriu- (Airs Joseph wS.) 1716 Mass. ave., 336727t Holcombe, Alice Watts (Miss) 1120 13th St., N. W., 29801ft Holcombe, Effie Biirford McO. (Mrs J. W.) 1829 Corcoran St., 26701 Hollenberg, Amelia Binns (Mrs Henrv G.) Colonial Hotel, 26692a. Holmead, Lottie P. (Mrs Charles H.) ."^. 1750 P st., 29312|f Hooper, Margaret Jones (Mrs Joseph J.)... 1123 13th st., 30275f Hooper, Martha N. (Miss ) 1322 12th st., Hoopes, Alice (Miss) 1332 19th st., Hopkins, Frances (Mrs Franklin) 1707 N st., Hotchkiss, Marian Chadwick (Mrs John B.) Kendall Green, House, Eva B. (Miss) 518 3d st., N. E., Howard, Fannie Hunt (Mrs Thomas A.) 1735 17th st., N. W., 30636f/ 5S62i 4129Z 32001 , 12559fc 1 1129; 20i81a 26e33ft 20gfi3a 6016c 256(Rf 13161** Howard, Louise Gertrude Alden (Mrs Wm. L.) , Howell, Julia Tyler (Mrs D. L.)....7 Washington Barracks, Howison, Hannah Johnson (Mrs Henrv Lvcurg-us) care A 604 14th St., Washington Hoyt, Anne McMichael (Mrs Henrv M.) 1516 K st., Hughes, Helen (Miss) ' 1614 19th St., 148& Hughes, Marian Wheldon (Mrs Aaron K.) 1614 19th st., 525fc Huidekoper, Virginia Christie (Mrs F. W.) 1705 N. H. ave., 7876 Humphreys, Letitia Atkinson (Miss) 1513 20th st., (yOS Hunt, Minnie Jameson (Mrs Charles P.) 210 E st., N. W., Husted, Kate Louise (Mrs Gilbert M.) 1322 Yale st., N. W., Hj^am, Ada Caspari (Aliss) 1314 S St., X. W., Hvam, Margaret D.' (Airs) 1314 S st., N. W., Hvam, Viola Wells (Miss) 1314 S st., Ingalls, Mercy S. Sinsbaugh (Mrs O. L.) 2148 P st., Ingraham, Sarah Guthrie (AErs J. B.) 334 Indiana ave., 453',6 Irwin, Adele Duncan (Mrs David Allison) 1604 K st., 3398t Jackman, Katharine 8. (Mrs F. S.)...2604 University Place, 5633||| .Jackson, Delia Sheldon (Miss) "The Concord," ISloSc Jackson, Mary Tuley Xeilson (Mrs) 2121 H st., 34515J Jairsohn, Muriel J. Armstrong (Mrs) care Mrs C. H. Lyman, ford," Washington : 4553€ James, Znleika Sanford (Mrs W^illiam) .Metropolitan Hotel, 95 Janes, Emma (Miss) 29 B st., S. E., 174fc Janin, Violet Blair (Mrs A. C.) 12 Lafavette Square, 20205 Jewell, Pattie White H. M. (Mrs) 1324 Vermont ave., 16076 Johnson, Alta Leonard (Mrs Frank Warren) 9 5th st., S. E., 28899f Johnson, Elizabeth Eleanor L. (Miss) 2401 Pennsylvania ave., 1264 rohnson, Emma L. Crane (Mrs J. B.) 2460 6th St., -ohnson, Eugenia Peel T. (Mrs H. L. E.) 1S21 Jefferson PL, ohnson. Flora Jjouise Priscilla (Miss) ... .2460 6th St., N. W., .flhnson, Mar.y Katharine (Mrs Charles Sweet).. 1214 9th st., Jdmson, Maud Bascom (Mrs J. Taber) 924 17th st., 8351c Jfinston, Belle Augusta C. (Mrs E. H.) 217 E. Capitol st., 17715i Jcnston, Caroline Annie D. (Mrs T. H.) 1817 4th st., Le Washington 5003A; Jo.Tiston, Elizabeth Brvant (Miss) 1320 Florida ave., 1140fc Joinston, Frances A. "(Mrs Anderson D.) 1332 V st., 1142fc Johston, Frances Benjamin (Miss) 133:> V st., 5415t Johston, Marv Bellamv (Miss) 1704 E. T. ave., :U51.3c Johbton, Marv Ellen S."(Mrs Frank Evan) 1845 E st., N. W., 2053fc Johifton, Sarah Brown H. (Mrs S. W.) 1320 Florida ave., 16077 Jone\ Cornelia George (Mrs S. M.) 1547 Park ave., N. W., 8697; Jonei Fanny Lee (Miss) "Louise Home," 1404fc " _ - 29797fc 29798fc 20886 31275 34529 29799/ 22471 945/= 169 Jonea Virginia Byrd (Miss) 1705 De Sales st., Keari\y, Anna Estelle (Miss) 3425 Prospect ave., Kear%-, J^ouise (Miss) 3425 Prospect ave., Kenday Mary Dwight Hooker (Mrs John B.) . .14th st. Eoad, KendigMary H. B. (Mrs T. A.).. 316 New Jersey ave., S. E., Kennecr, Alice Meng (Miss).. 939 Massachusetts ave., N. W., W^ashington Wasiiington Washington Washington Washiug'ton Washington W^ashingti n Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washing-ton Washington . K. Parris, W^ashington Washington W^ashington Washington Washington Wasiiington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washingttni Washington Washngton Washington "The Strat- Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington W'ashingtoH Washington Washington Washington Washington Droit Park, Washington Washington Washington Washington W^ashington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington W^ashington Washington W'ashington T Bonny Kate«,apter, Tenn. S Keskeskick C\pter, N. Y. t Mt. Vernon Cypter, Va, Mary Clap Wooster Chapter, Conn. AmBtcrdam Chapter, N. Y. 10(5 DIRHCTORY. D. A. H. 25670 10947.; 31160i> 33674?^ 29412 45fc 182f 1549U- 3 062 A-. 171/j 15876 7443c 17439A- 17440/j 23710P 33664& 131A; 3 11 93 A- 21928(Z 279SA: 23350e 274486 123fc 27fc 33197> 11873/ 27209e ] S341fc 19453& 21439i 21924i 1145f 28000A- 21440fc 27491fc 29796A: 4924A; 8048* 2797 725 4724 301 r,k 879fc 8705c 7376|| 744GA-- 263846 12253& 74497i: 1505A- 345287; 878f 5637fc 3284 2795 35747 2748 9175t 30639/= 30630c 17930f 219327c 25337> Kent, Sophie B. (Miss) Pkenix, E. I. ^Yintel^ 93(3 K st., N. W.. Washington King, Alice Hubbard Pond (Mrs William Jr.) 3114 N st., Washington Koester, Mabel Snow (Mrs) 1914 I st., Washington La (Jarde, Fannie Neely (Mrs Lonis A.) Soldier's Home Lamb. Isabel Haslup (Mrs D. S.) 800 lOth st., N. W., Washington Lane, E. C. Ball (Mrs Giles Cook) 3070 Q st., Washington Larner, Fannie D. Lyman (Mrs Philip) 1746 P st., Washington Lawton, Mary (Miss) 1730 Mass. ave.. Washington Le Breton, Marguerite S. (Mrs Albert J.) "The Portner," Washington Lee, Elizabeth Blair (Mrs) 1653 Pennsylvania ave., Washington Lee, Elizabeth Russell Fiske (Mrs S. P.) 1445 Mass. ave., Washington Lee, Mildred (Miss) 217 Q St., Washington Leech, Margaretta Park (Mrs John F.)....1754 Mass. ave., Washington Leech, Marian Edgar (Miss) 1754 Mass. ave., Washington Leith, Martha E. (Mrs) 1641 Florida ave., Washingtor Lemly, Harriet Milligan P. (Mrs S. C.) 1S21 I st., N. W., WashingtoL Leupp, Ada jNL (Mrs Francis E.) 1813 16th st., Washingtoi Lev^is, Attaway Miller (Miss) Louise Home, Washingtoi Lewis, Flora A. S. (Mrs) "The Logan," Iowa Circle, Washingtai Lindsley, Lucy Harris (Mrs) "The Grafton." Washingtcn Lloyd, Cornelia L. (Miss) 228 A st., S. E.. Washingt)n Lloyd, Sara A. S. (Mrs) 705 E. Capitol st., Washington Lockwood, Lillian (Miss) ... ."The Columbia," Mt. Pleasant, Washington Lockwood, Mary S. (Mrs) . . . ."The Columbia." Mt. Pleasant, Washington Long, Elizabeth Foster (Mrs) ^"avy Yard, Washington Loving Nettie Hopper (Mrs F. H.) 1123 11th st., N. W., Washington Lowe, Adelaide K. (Mrs) "The Lexington," Washington Lowe, K. Fannie Adelaide (Miss) 905 M st., Washington Ludington, Harriet Marvin (Mrs M. I.).... 1818 Q st., N. W., Washirgton Ludlow, Drury C. (Mrs J. R.) 2027 Columbia Road, Washiigton Lj^man, Catalena (Mrs) "The Stratford," Washiigton Lyman, Maria L. (]\Iiss) 1746 P st.. N. W., Washiigton McBlair, Augusta (Mrs John Hollins) 2029 I st., AVashhgton McBlair, Julia Ten Evck (Miss) 2029 I st., Washngton McCahill, Emma (Mrs Edwin) 3312 N st., WasHngton McCahill, Maud Laurens (Miss) 3312 N st., W^aslingtou McCormick, Maria Elizabeth (Mrs Frank R.) Br'Okland McCue, Cvnthia Irwin Bovd (Mrs J. H.) 1414 29th st., Wasiington McCullough, Harriet Brevvster (Mrs S. Mc^'.)..1736 13th st., WaJiington MacDonald, Anna S. (Miss) 1414 H st., Wahington McDowell, Anna Chandler (Mrs Woodford G.) 1420 R. I. ave., Wshington McGee, Anita N. (M. D.) (Mrs W. J.) 1901 Baltimore st., W.-sliington McGill, Jane L. (Mrs J. H.) 1915 3d st., Le Droit Park, Wshington McGoodwin, Elizabeth F. W. (Mrs) "The Portland," Wshington McGrath, Frances Lucille Mansford (Mrs J.) "The Portner," Wshington McGuire, Emilv Neville (Mrs F. B.) 1333 Connecticut ave., \ashington Mclntvre, Sarah Sophia H. (Mrs J. V.) 407 M st., N. W., I'ashington McKean, Caroline (Mrs F. G.)..1220 New Hampshire ave., V^ashington McKean, Margaret A. (Mrs H. B.) 520 2d st., N. E., Washington IMcLain, Elizabeth (Miss) 1320 19th st., >Vashington Maclay, Ellen Margaret (Miss) 1334 11th st., Washington Ma clay, Sarah B. (Miss) 1334 11th st. Washington McLean, Emma B. J. (Mrs Walter) 2109 O st. Washington McLean, Sarah K. (Mrs Nathaniel H.) Hotel Stratforc Washington McMillan, Amy (Miss) 1114 Vermont ave Washington McMillan, Jessie H. (Mrs W. E.)..1304 Rhode Island avf, Washington McMillan, Mary L. (Mrs James) 1114 Vermont av., Washington jNlaclMurray, Henrietta W. A'an A. (Mrs J. W.) War Dep'.. Washington McNab, Myra Robbins (Mrs James) 334 Indiana ae., Washington MacNultv, Abbie P. W^ (Mrs W. A.).. "The Berwick," 14th^t., Washington Macomber. Mary Bourn (Mrs Wm. P.) 1725 P;t., Washington Mao-ruder. Sarah Van. W. (Mrs J. W. M.)....2109 Penn. ve., Washington Main, Charlotte E. B. (Mrs H.)....2009 Massachusetts ve., Washington Bonny Kate Chapter, Tenn. Watauga Chapter, Tenn. t Elizabeth Benton Chaptc Mo. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. lo: 100/ 109A- 20206/ 4920/ 35074 35075 35076 35077 35078 306236 8197c 16080fc 23356A- 16079fc 1021fc 20880<' 26388A- 25133^ 266866 2697/ 8355 31925* 4789/.- 30§ 256 998/0 1327 28006 31274 29790c 23706/ 186SIIII 274891. 72e 26698e 1029** 8906 1426 74406 161 fc 12557c 32794/ 2135A- 225* 2521A-. 284526' 19095/ 11868/ 32002A: 1637fl 29729 26221 31273c 35177fc 472fc 209fc 12117/ 13942(Z 332111 2659 i 1044 30147.- 22600{; Mallett, Anna Smith (Miss) 1454 Kliode island Manlvin, Deborali Dent (Mrs) Sly 9tli St.. Mann, Frances E. (Mrs Henry L.) 334 Indiana ave. Mann, Harriet E. (Mis.s) . . . .' lOlO Massachusetts ave.' Manning, Clarissa I. C. (Mrs W. T.) 1330 Colinnlna Koad. Manning, Estelle Hempstead (Miss) 1330 Coliim])ia Road Manning, Evelyn (Miss) 1330 Columliia Tload, Manning, Fraude Jeannette C. (]\Liss) . .1330 Columbia Road. Manning, Lucile Bancroft (Miss) 1330 Columl>ia Road." Mannix, Ella Stevens (Mrs D. P.) 170G p st.. Mansur, Adelaide (Miss) "The Buckingham," Marean, C. Francene (Miss) Marean, Fannie E. (Miss) ]\Iarean, Mary Louise (Miss) Marsh, Carlie E (Miss) 1303 Q st.. Marsh, Lucy M. O. (Mrs George) 916 23rd st., N. W.' Marshall, Edith (Miss) 300 E St.. N. E.. Marston, Alice A. S. (Mrs A. P.) 708 12th st.. X. E.". Martin, Eleanor Fuller (Mrs :M. C.) 2019 Hillyer Place,' Aiartin, Mary E. Lawrence (Mrs George G.) .1312 L st.. Martin, Willie West Harris (Mrs R. H.) 13th & S sts., Mason, Fanny Forsyth (Miss) 7 Cook Place. Mason, Margaret Matilda H. (Mrs A. J.).. "The Stratford," Mason, Pella Hull (Mrs William Lyman) 1321 R st.. Matthews, Fanny Irvin (Mrs P. B.) "The Cairo," May, Gertrude Huntington (Mrs H., Jr.) 1229 21st st., Maynard, Lucy Julia Warner (Mrs G. C.) 1407 15th st., Mellach, Ann Spencer Halsted (Mrs) 804 K st.. Mercier, Sarah ]3odwell Smith (Mrs S. B.) 1111 M st., Merritt, Leonora (Miss) 203 8th st., N. E., Mertz. Adela Emeline Hine (Mrs E. P.).. 19 Quincy St., X. E., Merwin, Annie Cliilds (Miss) 1828 Jefferson Place. Merwin, Mary Thompson (Mrs C. D.)..Mt. Vernon Flats. Messenger, Lillian Rozell (Miss) "The Fredonia," Mickley, Matilda E. Fogel (Mrs Edwin) . .Winthrop Heights. Mickley, Minnie Fogel (Miss) Winthrop Heights, Middleton, Ellida Juell (Mrs Edw.) 1333 15th st., Middleton, Emeline Virginia (Mi?s) .1333 15th st.. Miller, Catharine de Navarre (Miss) 2433 Columbia Road, Miller, Virginia (Miss) 1729 P. sts.. N. W., Mills, Lou Ellen (Miss) "The "S^arniim," Minetree, Bettj' Ei^pes (Mrs Jos. Powhatan) ... .1725 P st., Mitchell, Harriet Danforth B. (Mrs J. L.) 32 B st., N. E., Moncnre, Eugenia W'ashington (Miss) 305 P. st., N. E., Moore, Alice Williams Merriam (Mrs C.) 2013 R st., Moore, Eva Carleton (Mrs Edwin King) Morgan, Grace Lee Fisher (Mrs T. F.) 1416 Fifteenth st.. Morgan, Margaret Van Rensselaer (Miss) 1104 12th st., jNIorgan, Masie (Miss) 109 G st., N. W.. Morris, Emma T. (Mrs Anthonv P.) 1746 M st.. N. W.. Morris, Helen (Miss) ". 1214 L st., N. W.. Morris, Lucy E. (Miss) 428 College st., N. W.. Morrison, Isabella H. (Mrs Charles S.)....811 13th st., N. W., Mortimer, Florence Cragie (Miss) 1314 13th St., N. W., Moses, Emma Richardson (Mrs) 1404 Bacon st., Moses, Lucina C. Bingham (Mrs) 711 H st.. Mullin, Nellie Ristine (Mrs Zachary T.) 1340 21st st., Mussey, Ellen Spencer (Mrs R. D.) 470 Louisiana ave.. N. W., Nash, Caroline Louise R. (Mrs Francis S.) 1225 15th st., Neal, Sarah J. (Miss) 222 E st.. N. W., Nesmith, Isabella Sidney (MIfs) 1627 P st., Newcomb, Mary Caroline H. (Mrs Simon) 1G20 P st., Newell, Effie Mackintosh (Mrs F. H.) 1829 Phelps Place, Washington \Vashingtou Washington Washingtt.'n Washington Washington WashingttMi Washington Washington Washington Washington . .Brookland . .Brookland . .Brookland Washingtt>n W^ashington Washington WashingtoK Washington Washington W^ashingtoii (ieorgetowu Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Wasiiington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washing-ton Washington Washington Washingtiin Washington Washington Washingt<.)n Washington .Washington Washington Washington W^ashingtoii Washington Washington Washingt(.>n Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washingto.n W^ashington Washington W^ashington Washington Washington Warren and Prescott Cliapter, Mass. ChickamauKa Chapter, Tenn. Liberty Bell Chapter, Pa. Mt. Vernon Chapter, Va. Rebecca Motte Chapter, S. C. 108 DIRECTORY, D. A. E. (■3 ?S°"°f?"^' ^'^-^r ^^- ^ (^^- ^f- ^-v.'. ioo8-24thS^'i? w:: wS ;;! on Q ;tn Offley Margaret Agnew (Mrs Cleland N.) 3129 U st Georo-etow^^^ 10227§ rarl. Anna LeA. (./rs Eicha.;i G:rWe;t'liLJt^-p^, ^inS^t^Sf^^ ^ ine Cairo, Uashmgton i-eacocK, Virginia Tatnall (Miss) 941 M st., Washington Peacock Virginia T. Marshall (Mrs) 941 M st.. Washin|ton Pea e, Lmily S. (Mrs Albert C.) Army and Navy Flats Pealer, Euth M. (i. (Mrs Peter P.) ... .Temple Hotel, 9th st., Washino-ton inS« ^^j;^^--o^' ^f^"^*' Hillard (Mrs A. S.).1914 Sunderland Place, Washin|ton oo oi p.%""'"°°' J^^^^"^ A (Miss) 937 N. Y. ave. Washington .o?rC ?''^' ^^<^^^^"1^^ (^)i^^ Joseph) Oak Lawn, Washington o-o'/fii' ^''^■"^' Cohmibia Newton (Mrs) 2020 G st., Washin|ton ;-::i f J^^-son Lomse (. (Mrs) 1229 Massachusetts ave., Washington o-;i« Peacock, Sarah Brooks (Miss) 2501 Pennsylvania ave., Washin|ton ~;.~;5 Peacock, \ictoria G. (Miss) "The Luzon," Washin|toi. ™ Peacock, Virginia Tatnall (Miss) 941 M st., Washington ]S22f 2;;r)i6e .-1^^? Pearre, Mary (Miss)' :r!::."912"l9th st!^ Washin|ton ^.■> M^ ^^'?°^^^' ?'"'"''■ ^f''>f^"i'o (Miss) 1205 K St., Washington o..;.19 Perlie, Eebecca A. (Mrs A. E.) 1141 Connecticut ave., Washington 4.206 Perry, Josephine Adams (Mrs Alexander James) . .2003 I st., Washington "-nH^ P^",\""'''- ^e"e ^- (^^iss) 224 Maryland ave., N. E., Washinlton J028fc Phillips, Anna Latimer Chapline (Mrs Jas. S.)..1022 12th st., Washington 31j55'--->-- Phillips, Ann ]S[aury Herndon (Mrs A. K.).."The Victoria.*' Washington b312c Pickett, Lucy Howard (Miss) 1122 Vermont ave., Washington l()935d Pierce, Elizabeth F. (Miss) "The Portner," Washington n67fZ Pierce, Mary F. (Mrs Charles W.) "The Portner." Washin|ton 1 . 434/ Pike, Mary Hamilton (Miss) 1753 P st., N. W., Washino-ton S95 Pilling, Mary Lois Harper (Mrs James C.) 1343 15th st., Washington 11421/= Pitney, Clara D. (Mrs Ora L.) 1511 L st., N. W., Washington 25132(i Pittman, Sarah E. (Mrs Jeremiah F.) 721 8th st., N. W., Washington 25672/ Piatt, Lucy B. Tillotsen (Mrs Lester. B.) cor. Woodley Lane and Conn. ave., Washington 771S7( Pollard. Emily Tufton Mason (JMrs Edward) care Mr. Edward Pollard, Columbian University, "Washington 29411 Pollock, Helen Janet (Miss) 2007 I st., Washington 1019fc Pond, Julia E. (Mrs Henry A.) 3114 N st., Washington 19096; Poole, Annie Evelyn (Mrs John Sprigg) 1520 E St., N. W., Washington 35746 Poole, Dorothy Landers (Mrs John) 1107 N st., N. W., Washington 22591) Porter, Carrie Eliza W. (Mrs Charles) 2002 G st., Washington 7484* Potts, Cornelia Eoss Potts (Mrs Noble Newport) . .914 M st., Washington 2334S& Potts, Georgianna E. (Mrs Stacy) 1517 Corcoran st., W^ashington 814|| Powell, Diana Kearney (Mrs E. E.) 17.34 K st., Washington .•; Oneida Chapter, N. Y. * Baltimore Chapter, i(d. t Vassar College Chapter, N. y. || St. Louis Chapter, Mo. II Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter, Me. ** Mt. Vernon Chapter, Va. § Chester County Chapter, Pa. DISTKICT OF COLUMBIA. 109 34518 25134(Z 28054 35743c 1093(/ 18343 1408t 3440& 10214§ 9844§ 4351fc 4350A; 52 12248 38fc 30279 ISA- 3613211 25131A; 5419| 176651III 33218e 13236/;; 36114 27213^ 31190M 133A- 34521 30278 4187c 20208 12118tt 13235A- 128A: 13225§§ 16972 34526fc 3322 1A-. 26704& 244; 26895« 9507 A- 43527 , 98697 367 32796e 13359 7719c 81071111 11877 5636c 26389fc 8698; 5631e 34062A: 11878/^ 24557 rcnver, Kailuiine Lukens (Mrs James J.).. 228 K. Capitol st., Wasl Prall, Virginia M. (Miss) 920 16th st., Was] Wasnington Washing-ton shington ,^ , ^ . . — ^.., — shingtou Prather, Josephine Elizabeth (Miss) 1310 Vermont ave., Washington Prescott, Phebe Brett (Mrs Lucien N.)....1523 Columbia st., Washington Pride, Phebe McClure (Mrs John S.) 1413 20th st., Washington Prince, Ethel Thomas (Miss) 419 Spruce st., N. W., Washington Procter, Emily D. (Miss) 1535 L st.. Washington Pnrcell, Sarah Haskin (Mrs James J.) 1G33 Q st., N. W.; Washington Quay, Coral (Miss) 1612 K st., Washington Quay, Susan Willard (Miss) 1012 K st., Washington Pamsey, Fanny L. (Miss) 150.\; Vermont ave., Washington Pamsey, Matilda J (Miss) 1503 Vermont ave.. Ransom, Caroline L. (Miss) 913 F st., Eapp. Ida Haymond (Mrs Albert Warren) . .1200 N st., N. W.', Washington Pathbun, Lena Augusta (Mrs Pichard) 1622 Mass. ave., Washington Pea, Anne M. (Miss) 7 Diipont Circle, Washington Peading, Fannie Wallace W. (Mrs) . . 1830 Jefferson Place., Washington Peddy, Anne de Pochefort W. (Miss).. 37 Quincy st., N. E., "Washington Peed, Cora E. (Miss) Brookland Peese, Pebecca Pamsay, (Mrs Robert) Washington Peeve, Felicia Ann Qliphant (Miss) 1746 N st., N. W., Washington Peeves, Fanny Lee (Miss) 730 22nd st., N. W., Washington Peiff, Ella J. Slingluff (Mrs Daniel A.) 608 22nd st., N. W., Washington Reynolds, Lucy Singleton (Miss) 2031 P st., Washington Richards, Anna Chase (Mrs Milton Valentine) . .2934 14th st., Washington Richards, Harriet Alice H. (Mrs) . .Cheyenne, Wyo., also 2455 18th st., i\. W., Washington. Tiichards, Janet B. H. (Miss) "The Pines," Chevy Chase, Washington Richardson, Amy Small (Mrs Charles W.) 1102 L st., Washington Richardson, Harriet (Miss) 1102 L st., Washington Richey, Minna Blair (Mrs S. Olin) . . . .1651 Pennsylvania ave., Washington Richmond, Mary F. McAllister (Mrs W. S.)..P)05 9th st., Washington Pistine, Mar^' dimming (Miss) 1340 21st St., Washington Rivers, Jeannie Tree (Mrs Franklin) . .1818 Jefferson Place, Washington Robbins, Mary Jane lilden (Mrs S. C.) 1750 M st., Washington Roberts, Edith P. (Mrs J. K.. Jr.) 921 Westminster .st.. N. W., Washington Robinson, Martha J. (Miss) "The Litchfield," 909 14th st., Washington Rogers, Dorinda E. (Miss) ... .914 Rhode Island ave., N. W., Washington Rogers, Edith Steacy (Miss) . . . .914 Rhode Island ave., N. W., Washington Romeyn, Annie Helme Townsend La Tourrette (Mrs Henr3^)..714 20th St., Washington. Poome, Lillian Pike (Mrs Willianm Oscar).. 1317 Corcoran st., Washington Root, Anna M. (Miss) "Strathmore Arms," cor. K & 11th sts., Washington ington. Rouz, Ida May Lucas (Mrs J, Mitchell) 1207 G st., Washington Ryan, Martha Aurelia (Mrs William King) 1723 Q st., Washington Rvan, Rebecca Motte Hamilton (Mrs Arthur B.)..1329 N st.. Washington St. Clair, Lelie Dent (Mrs F. O.) 1428 Rhode Island ave., Washington Sanborn, Grace (Miss) 1221 K st., N. W., Washington Sanger, Johnetta Brockenborough (Mrs Geo.).. 3106 N st., Washington Sartoris, Nellie Grant (Mrs Algernon C. F.)..2111 Mass. ave., Washington Schenck, Elizabeth H. Godfrey (Mrs Adrian V. I.) . .2026 R st., Washington Scott, Nellie G. (Mrs John Neal) "The Columlna," 14th and Binney st.-^., Washington Scribner, Harriet L. (Mrs William H.) 702 7th st., N. E., Washington Semmes, Eleanor B. (Miss) 1729 H st., Washington Semple, Letitia Tyler (Mrs Jas. Allen) Louise Home, Washington Settle, May C. W. '(Mrs J. A.) . .Harrison Flats, 3rd and G sts., Washington Seward, Olive Risley (Miss) . ."Washington Club," 1710 I st., Washington Shaw, Anna M. (Miss) 1453 Rhode Island ave., Washington Shear, Jennie Abigail (Mrs) 1804 R St., N. W., Washington t Green ^[ountain Chapter, Vt. § Pittsburg: Chapter. Pa. "il Gcorcre Walton Chapter, Ga. ± Mt. Vernon Chapter, Va. nil Capt. Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, N. .T. 5';$ Cheyenne Chapter, Wyoming. tt Monument Chapter, Minn. U Blue Ridge Chapter, Va. til Dorothy Ripley Chapter, Conn. 110 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. AV^ashington Washing-ton Washington \Vashington Washington ^ \Vasliington \Vashington > Washington Washington Washington Washington \\'ashington 60fc Sherwood, Emily Lee (Mrs) .• 14; A st., N. E., Washington n4?)19 Shiehls, Elise Trigg (.Mrs John llidk-y) 619 19th St., Washington ;J3847** Short, Alice (Miss) 1405 Ehode Island are. '" '' 266896 Shinik. Carrie Saxe Merrill (:Mrs Wni. A.) "The Cairo,' bC)94f Shnster, Caroline Y. T. (Mrs W. Morgan) 1722 Q st. 29792c Shnte, Augusta Pettigrew (Mrs Daniel K.) 1101 13th st. ■ 5t)2Gc Shnte, Xella Bayne (Miss) 1101 13th st i;;2296' Simldns, Elizabeth Mary (Mrs Elijah C.)..217 E. Capitol st 4923 Sloan, Elizabeth Crawford C. (JNlrs J.) 1342 Vermont ave. 35178 Small, Janet (iMiss) 1227 New York ave. 34522 Small, Mary A. Cunyingham (Mrs J. H.).Cor. 14th and G sts., \Vashington 1S86 Smedes. Agnes P. Otis (Mrs Charles W.)...1325 Corcoran st., Washington 5627c Smith, Alice M. (Mrs Clinton) 720 19th st 25995fc Smith, Ella Buckner (Mrs E. Jaquelin) 1208 K st. 32800f vSmith, Florence E. (Miss) 920 French st., X. W. i/OO; Smith, Lena Overall (Mrs Clarendon) 912 S st., N. W, 4478? Smith, Marie Yan Hook (Mrs Middleton) 1616 19th st., N. W., ■Washington 22656 Smith, Mary Livermore (Miss) 1728 Q st., Washington 184/0 Smith, Rosa Wright (Mrs) 1203 jV st., Washington 1743G6 Smith, Sarah Saunders (Mrs David).. 1714 Connecticut ave., Washington 26382fc Smith, Yirginia Gadsby McBlair (Mrs) 2029 I st., Washington 2f->69G«. Smoot, Almea J. (Miss) 627 S. Carolina ave., S. E., Washington 3ft637i Smyth, Sallie D. T. (Mrs J. C.) care Mrs M. T. Merwin, Mt. Yernon Flats, Washington 23349f Snowden,' Adelaide Yan Ness (Mrs T.)..1101 24th st., N. W., Washington 4918*' Solger, Floi'enee B. (Mrs ) 1830 Cincinnati St., Washington ir,i549A- Solomons, Aline E. (Miss) 1205 K st., Wasliington 35171A; Solomons. Zillah (^liss) ]205 K St., Washington '.^508 Sommerville. Mary Margaret (Miss) 1524 32nd st., Georgetown 340G5 Speare, A'irginia Long (Mrs Willis 11.) 940 F st., N. W., Washington 31G5* Spearing, !Mary Harrison (Mrs Samuel J.) 911 R. I. ave., Washington 2'.'505d Sperry, Hannah B. (Mrs J. H.)....321 Delaware ave., N. E., Washington 7040$ Spoft"ord. Sarah McCall (Mrs L. E. Forrest) 201 E. Capitol st., Washington I.'!932j Stanley, Camilla Eaton Greenwood (Mrs F.) Victoria Flats, Washington 16'0736 Stanley, Josephine Huntington (Miss) 2119 O st., Washington lwi54:!6 Sternberg, [Martha L. (Mrs George M.) {U. S. A.) 1440 M st., Washington 86A- Stevens. Charlotte Butler (Miss)" 201 E. Capitol st., Washington 20697a Stevens, Eliza Jane (Miss) '"The Elsniere," Washington 3R629r Stevens, Gertrude McN. (Mrs E. E.) 1316 Columbia Road, Washington .>i352 Stewart, Emily Elizabeth (Miss) 222 First st., S. E., Washington ■1092/; Stiles, Hetty Irvine (Mrs Albert Wilson) 1809 Riggs st.. Washington 29415A- Stine. Clara A. (Mrs L. B.) 140 E st.,' X. E., Washington lS19ff Stocking, Patty Miller (Mrs) 1331 Vermont ave., Washington 6^44 Stoddard. Alice Kent (Mrs James) W^ashiuffton 17438 Stone. Elizabeth jVIoorhead (Mrs Charles W.) 46 B st.. X. E., Washington 13897t Stone, Jane E. P. (Mrs M. C.) . ."ClifEburn." Columbia Road. Washingtcm §775c Stone, Nellie Briscoe (Miss) 429 11th st., N. W., Washington 3ft2816 Stotsenburg. Marv Gouverneur La T. (Mrs J. M.) 531 18th St., Washington 23704/ Straight, Helen Butler Webster (Mrs N.) 2210 13th st.. X. W., Washington I405fc Strong, Mary Dallas (Mrs ) 2015 (i st., Washington 11817§ Swanson. Lizzie Deane Lyons (Mrs Claude A.).... 1716 Q st., W^ashington t-t738c Swormstedt, Alabel Godfrey (Mrs Lyman B.) 1455 14th st., Washington 24556rf Tanner, Belle Norman (Miss) 1018 12th st Washington I406fc Taplin. Lillie Tvson Page J. (Mrs H. N.) "The Lenox," Washington 256G9/,- Taylor, Addie M." (Mrs Grant W.) 219 N. Capitol st., Washington 14757 Taylor, Adele J. Chambers (Mrs James K.) "The Portland," Washington ^57 Taylor, Sarah (iertrnde (Miss) 1454 R. I. ave., Washington <»314 Temple, Grace Lincoln (Miss) "The Cairo," Washington 27492 Terrell, Martha Amelia Pi^rsol (Mrs William) . .209 S. C. ave., Washincrton 34530 Thatcher, INIarjon (Miss) "Hotel Stratford," W'ashington 27329|lj| Thissell, Nancy M. Coffin (Mrs Francis W.) 1623 13th St., Washington 8S9f Thomas, Elizabetli (Mrs A. A.) 1314 12th st.. Washington '* iTen. Lafayette Cliapter, N. J. * Mt. Vernon Chapter, V.i. t Faith Ti-umbiill ('hui.ler. Conn. t Freelove Baldwin Stowe Chapter, Ccnn. § Dorothea Henrv Chapter, Va. nil Reprisal Chapter, N. H. DISTRICT OL^ COLUMBIA. 4<)22fc 4279/i; ■illd 40366 2S370C 20S75 20S76 1.54^ 297896 12249e 34523 6958 2527fc n97fc 3019* 1723 S112f 1584fc 5629c 21923i . :!'''61i; 046p :J22A: ;i21fc 1 rioi 1 198A- :.i:H24?) x.'(irooA- 242fc 97936 32395/^ lOf 35180 27210e 26706 7466 252 266906 60626 23355A; 35181 16640c 16639r n26f 5128A- f>589 :;.-i)706 HS7A- Mnik 34514) 30632e 153A: 220 1103/ 2Sf)49 22602/7 22603/7 .«'f»S96 217k W6k froiz Thomas, Grace May (Miss) Thomas, Julia liosalie (Miss) .■.■.■■. ■■.■■.■.■.■.■;.■.■ V i'en 19th Vt Thompson, Jaue Emma (J^Iiss) . . 610 H ^t Thompson, Josephine K. (Mrs Henry C.) '. '. '. 'iis'e st N e" Ih3-son, Leha Snyder (Mrs William"F.) . . . .1407 Harvard' st '' Tis^de , Carrie Salter (Mi..s) /. . ig.o istt st. N. W.' Tisdel, Edine Frances (Miss) I303 1 o.x, *' "' rittmann, Kate T. W. (Mrs Otto H.) ' ' ■i624 Kitos PH!^^r "^-^""^^^ (Mrs' liobm' Gorman) ;;•.•. •.^•. ^"'^"Ta ^ lOlOSJI BurroAvs, Ella Nason (Mrs Hamilt 33160a Christie " - ^ ave., Deland jreen Cove Springs Bond, Elizabeth Ann Otterstatter (Mrs Frank E.) New York a rs Hamilton H.) Green Co )rton (Mrs) t, ^^j^. x^ ^ %t CL\^ k\a 10120. Christoi)her; Henr'ietVa^ShoJmakpr 'df^L 'i' n"\'W-" " '\ Jacksonville 274980 Congleton, Blanche G S (mTs J H ^ 11^^ V ^Z^''^''^?^''''^- Jacksonville 32801a Cook, Agnes M (Mrs t! J) . .'. !^.! . ^o^^yth St., Jacksonville ;«160a Christie, Kuth Amy Norton (Mrs) "-<^^xi ^ove ►springs 18350a Christopher, Elizabeth (Aliss) Jacksonville 272196 18352a 19189 Corbett Mary Annis (Mrs Adams JacksonV;;;;;;;;. St ' An^'isH,! Craig-, Clara Belle Itich (Mrs T. A.) 93I West f)i vni W t , ^ust Culbertson, Lucy Hardi^ (Mrs WilLm' Avln)!' ! .''"^"^R::.^ ^^^li^ Mandarin e t) Cocoanut Grove l."?tU7h r>io>,,„i-„„ X-.14 T _JT ■'^v- '' •!■•••_: Lake Citv j^ismuKes, j^mabeth Elcan (Mrs John T.) StAuP-usi Dodge, Emma Jessie (Mrs) p o "RoV ior ' qV ^"^"^! Briggs, Alice P. (Mrs John S. ' ^\ ^^-''^\,, ^ ^, .J/ V\'''^' Jacksonville Lake City ine tine 139476 Dismukes, Elizabeth Elca 147596 ~ - 19715a 32411** Du Pont, Susan Disnuikes Gee rMr«; Tohr. T? ^ ar ia7 tt • V •■- — """"■"^'= 23712a Eagan, Elizabeth Livingston (mLs) ^^ '' ^^^ ^"'°" ''^ Jacksonville 1067a Eagan, Kate Livingston (Mrs Dennis) " J^cksonvi e 11931a Emery, Jennie Leprelet Neill (Mr^Wm' "n ) Jacksonvi e 139456 Eppes, Elizabeth Clelend (Miss) ... . /^ ™- ^-^ " " • ; ^Jacksonville '''''' ^:!i^' ^^.9^1^-^"'(^«^' ••••■••■• •V.;V.28mter St., St. Augustine 28 Wate )uncan) (Mrs Eleazar K) '. . Z. ...".:. Gainesvilie fo!!f Everett, Emily Augusta ( Mi7s) ■.■.;■.■.;■.■.■.■. V '^ Tg wltev 12563a T^i"+"i^"- A.._. -r" . \, , ^_ '^° water Augustine Augustine St., St. Augustine 20556 Gaillard, Bachel Catherine (Mrs H^irV f") ?; a!^^"!^-"^ 35217tt Gee, Elizabeth Walton (Mrs ChS-^es A ) 1^4' W' 'ffnioT;' ;; T i^'^''^-.'!^ 23716/) Gihl-.Q Aroi-r,.o,.«+ t^^ j-i • /^r v. -' ^ ^^- Union st., Jacksonville 8360O ^t: '^^lfi^:^':^'^L^^^''^'^Se W.) 45 Water st., St. Augustine 23713a Ha .ibbs, Margaret Watkins (Mrs George W.) 45 Water St., St\ August n .ilpes, Fannie Louise Mattair D. (Mrs) 122 W^ Forsj-th st., JacSvl" iarkisheimer, Jennie E. Crane TMrs W T^ ^01 Or^oo,, c+ *:i"-'-{^^^""V" 125G'>tt Havups TCnt^ ATo.r t ,. 1 \\r V -' ^^ Ocean st., Jacksonville- 30660II1I H„berCa,-„line Stephens ziiglei i^.' a.rie.'ily--''''^^ 28905 Lake, Marv H. (Mrs). , tV ^"' T nfvp"; ^"."^^ P^^^P^tt (Mrsj :;:::::::: n9"san ka^co are.: si'Min^tinl Jjocke, Annie M. (Miss) 917 ^v \^i,i 1 -r "'c:' "-^ ' ^"<- W3»« MaSv '?«■:"« ■^"';'°" 'AT ■^'^^■'j^-h'-':^«^'j^!^yeite St. Tarn,'! <.'ci~o i\ianon\, i^ida Mav Lons" (Mrs James M^ t 1 .., 5215- Malone, Florida *Fitzg?ra]d (MiTs) ^^ JacksonvUl IIVJ' ^I^'1"'V.:^""/'^ Atkinson Sawyer (Mrs Malachi) .' .' ." .' .' '. '. [ '. [ [ '. [ '.m ' Pleasa?-," 251356 23715a 16081a C344 29947 179320 352 25 8708 .Mt. Pleasant ^^ ^fef^Cnl^SiS;;;;; i^ii;::;;;:::;33o weS-i^l^-: SS";iK 34531a 6486** a Merrill, Helen Perley (Mrs J. Eugene) - Jnc - ***Morel, Martha Washington (Miss) t' „ 30673IIII Myers, Olive Butler (Mits Edward H )' ." .' i: i :: .' i: i St' P^ eV^s'bu'rJ 27497a Norton, Maude De Long (Mrs J H ) Vn Vh^i^L''f t^ I %^ 1172* Pickett, Lollie Markhan/(Mrs Sniithj '. [ \ [ [ [ [ [ [ f '^''''P' ''- JaeSon^; ! VnTv' P^"^bury Katharine Anderson (Miss) 211 Washington "st.", JacsCnve '- rShaS \'r^ 1^%^'^f?- (X^P Edward J.) 243 Packer st. il^ck^on^ ^ Eichart, Mary B. Jenkins (Mrs George McE.) Sorrento Roesner, Eose M (Mrs Cliarles W.) .Hagerman,' Pai-adlse Park Satterlee, Mary \ideau M. Capers (Mrs Charles B.) Kev West Shaw, Susie E. (Mrs H. B.) (\ ^ Seeley, Harriet Coffin (Mrs Frederick)\\\';.".';.';;;;;;;;;;;;;;jacksonvme >005 503 3565 27500 23361a * Atlanta Chapter, Ga. + Li^ht Horse Harry Lee Chapter 1[ Nathan Hale Chapter, Minn. § Lucy Holcombe Chapter, D. C. ** George Walton Chapter, Ga. tt Piedmont Continental Chapter, Ga. Ala. tt Columbus Chapter, Ga. nil Op-lethorpe Chapter, Ga. TH Jonathan Bryan Chapter, Ga. §§ Chica.^o Chapter, 111. *** Joseph Habersham Chapter, Ga. 114 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E. 35216$ Scott, Frances Stephens (Miss) Quincy 30675f Spratt. Stella Bishop (Mrs Charles Brewster) Jacksonville 32802a Stripling, Addie McCall (Mrs Joseph H.) Jacksonville 8362(1 Taylor, Frances E. liarnard (Mrs) 122 W. Forsyth st.. Jacksonville 27499& Thomson, Almeida Woodward (Mrs E. B.)..15 Bridge st., St. Aug-ustine 496|[ Tibbits, Cornelia Augnsta (Mrs Elisha) Sev.lle 11437a "Wightman, Jnlia E. (Mrs William S.) Riverside ave.. Jacksonville 9886a Winfield, Rita Crew (Mrs Turner A.) Little River 17934a Woodward, Annie Robinson (Mrs Roland) . .1416 Market st.. Jacksonville GEORGIA State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Robert Emory Park, 48 Merritts ave., Atlanta i. \i -| {)()9 '< " " '■ " <' " " CHAPTERS. (20 organized, 5 unorganized) a. Atlanta Chapter — Atlanta Organized April 15, 1891; Memhers, Utl (Florida, 1; Texas, 1; VTisconsin, 1) Regent, ]\Irs Francis Block Treasurer, Mrs Eula Griffin Vice-Regent, Mrs Thomas H. Morgan Historian, Miss Lida Field Rec. Sec, Mrs M. P. Hill Librarian, Mrs M. H. Cassin Cor. Sec, Mrs Charles Rice Auditor, Mrs J. B. Roberts Chaplain, Rev. Dr Wilmer b. Augusta Chapter — Augusta Organized February 20, 1S92; Members, 10 (Louisiana, 1; New York, 1; Tennessee, 1: Michigan, 1 ; Illinois 1; District of ColumUa, 2) Regent, Mrs Jos. B. Cumming Cor. Sec, Mrs J. S. Gardner Vice-Regent, Mrs Harriet G. Gould Treasurer, Miss K. P. Boggs Rec. Sec, Mrs Frank Plumb Regi^rar, Mrs H. G. Jefferies Historian, Mrs J. W. Moore c. Brunswick Members Regent, Mrs. Sarah Harriet Butts. Appointed June 6, 1900. d. Cedartown. Members Regent, Miss Mary Adella Harris. Appointed February 7. 1900. e. Elberton Members, 8 Regent, Mrs Eugenia L. Harper. Appointed November 7, 1900. f. Elijah Clarke Chapter— Athens Organized February 12, 1901; Members. 15 Regent, Miss Anna Camak ^or. Sec. Mrs Edward B Mell Vice-Regent. Mrs Billups Phinizy Treasurer, Miss Lucia Starnes Rec. Sec, Mrs Mary W. Camak Registrar, Mrs Mattie ^^ . &to vaIl J George Walton Chapter, Ga. t Jonathan Bryan Chapter, Ga. H Chicago Chapter, 111. GEOEGIA. 115 g. Francis Marion Cliapter— Thomasville Organized Fehruary 14, 1895; Mcmhers, S Eegent, Mrs Blanche T. Merrill Treasurer, Secretary, Miss Bessie H. :Merrill Eegistrar, Mrs Emma J. Wright h. George Walton Chapter — Columbus Organ'Ked June 6, 1901; Memhers, 16 Eegent, Mrs Anne E. Dismukes Eegistrar, Mrs Wm. Pope Harrison Vice-Eegent, Mrs Walter W. Curtis Ass't. Registr., Miss A. M. H. Bruce Eec. Sec, Miss Frances S. Scott Historian, Miss Euby de GrafEenreid Cor. Sec, Miss Maude M. Lee Dis- Du Pont niukes i. John Adams Treutlen Chapter — Waynesboro Organized February 17, 1900; Members, 15 Eegent, Mrs Inez W. Jones Sec, Mrs Florence B. Whitehead Vice-Eegent, Mrs Emma Thomas Treasurer, Mrs Georgia Dunwoody Eegistrar, Mrs H. E. McElmurray j. Jonathan Bryan Chapter, Waycross Organix(~d February 17, 1900; Members, 13 (Florida, 2) Eegent, Mrs J. H. Eedding Treasurer, Mrs P. N. Harley Secretary, Mrs J. M. Cox Eegistrar, Miss Elizabeth Wright k. Joseph Habersham Chapter — Atlanta Organized February 17, 1900; Members, 100 (North Carolina, 3; South Carolina, 2; California, 1; Mississippi, 2; Pennsylvania, 1; Tirginia, 1; Alaba7na, S) Eegent, Mrs Wm. La^svson Peel Asst. Cor. Sec, Mrs Marion Cotton Vice-Kegent, Mrs Allen D. Candler Treasurer, Mrs E. F. Djkes Eec. Sec, Miss iXina Hornady Eegistrar, Mrs Preston li. Miller Cor. Sec, Mrs John M. Graham Historian, Mrs J. B. S. Holmes Auditor, Miss Helen M. Prescott 1. Kettle Creek Chapter — Washington Organized September 1. 1S95; Members, 18 (Mississippi, 1; Minnesota, 1; New York 1) Eegent, Mrs Metta A. Green Secretary, Mrs Sarah Dillard Vice-Eegent, Mrs Claude H. Hill Treasurer, Mrs Addie C. Latimer Eegistrar, Mrs Mary B. Jrvin m. Kingston Members, 8 Eegent, Miss Abbie Belle Bay] ess. Appointed and confirmed November 1st, 1899. n. Lachlan Mcintosh Chapter — Savannah Organized May 2, 1901; Members, 18 Eegent, Mrs John M. Bryan Secretary, Miss M. A. Cosens Vice-Eegent, Mrs John S.' Howkins Treasurer. Mrs James B. Chesnutt Eegistrar, Mrs Wm. Harden o. Macon Chapter — Macon Organized October, 1893; Members, 54 Eegent, Mrs Mary A. Washington Secretary, Mrs Euginia S. Steed Vice-Eegent, Mrs Wm. Lee Ellis Treasurer, Mrs Katherine K. Jones Eegistrar, Mrs Kate P. Chestney i 116 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. ^ p. Nancy Hart Chapter — Milledgeville I Organized October 5, 1900; Members, 12 i Regent, Mrs Henrietta Iv. Chappell Treasurer, Miss Mary Andrews \ Vice-Eegent, Mrs Jeannette H. Cone Registrar, Mrs Leola S. Beeson Secretary, Mrs Laura C. Miller Historian, Miss Rose S. Whitaker q. Oglethorpe Chapter — Columbus ! Organised December 11, 1892; Members, 68 (.Mississippi, 1; Yirginia. 2; Texas, 5; Alabama, 2; South Carolina, 1; Florida, 1; New York, 3) Regent, Miss Anna Caroline Benning Treasurer, Mrs Mary C. Lary ' Vice-Regent, Mrs Richard P. Spencer Registrar, Miss Mary H. Benning . Rec. Sec, Mrs Joseph S. Harrison Ass't. Reg., Mrs Jane E. Martin ' Cor. Sec, Mrs Frederick B. Gordon Historian, Miss Mary Elvira Cook ' I ^. Piedmont Continental Chapter — Atlanta Organized January 29, 1898; Members, //8 (Alabama, 1) \ Regent, Mrs Wm. Henry Yeandle Treasurer, Mrs Lewis D. Lowe I Vice-Regent, Miss Estelle Whelan Registrar, Mrs Wm. O. Jones Rec. Sec, Mrs John A. Perdue Historian, Miss Brent Whiteside ] Cor. Sec, Mrs Edwin A. Hardin Auditor, Mrs Thomas J. Brown \ s. Pulaski Chapter — GriflELn ; Organized February 6, 1893; Members, 16 ■ Regent, Mrs Thomas R. Mills Treasurer, Mrs Sarah A. Martin ' Vice-Reg., Mrs Rosalind C. T. Blakely Registrar. Mrs G. L. A. Devotie j Secretary, Mrs Nicholas B. Drewry t. Savannah Chapter — Savannah Organized April 15, 1892; Members, J/0 Regent, Mrs Edward Karovs^ Treasurer, Mrs Jas. S. Wood Vice-Regent, Mrs Clarence Connerat Registrar, Mrs Horace Remshart Secretary, Mrs Julius B. Johnson Historian, Mrs Otis Ashmore u. Sergeant Newton Chapter — Covington Organized February, 1895; Members 17 (Minnesota, 1; SontJi Carolina, 1; Illinois, 1; '< Virginia, 1; Ohio, 1) ' Regent, Mrs Caroline H. Godfrey Secretarj^ Miss Rosa B. Knox . Vice-Regent, Mrs James M. Pace Treasurer, Mrs James Lester ', V. Thomas Jefferson Chapter — Atlanta Organized April 9, 1900; Members, Jfl (Yirginia, 1) i Regent, Mrs Norwood Mitchell Treasurer, Mrs G. E. S. Langston Vice-Regent, Mrs Robt. Toy Registrar, Mrs Charles Healey Rec. Sec. Miss Caroline Sisson Historian, Miss Ruby Scruggs Cor. Sec. Miss Maude Scruggs Auditor, Miss Mary Kingsberry | w. Thronateeska Chapter — Albany Organized January Jf, 1S95; Members, Uf Regent, Cor. Sec. ! Vice-Regent, Mrs D. C. Bacon Treasurer, Mrs J. W. Walters ^ Rec. Sec, Miss Mary M. Gillespie Registrar, I Historian, Mrs L. E. Welch ' , X. Tifton ' Members. ' Regent, Mrs. Eliza C. Mallory Tift. Appointed, October 4, 1899. GEORGIA. 117 I y. Xavier Chapter — Borne Organized July 15, 1891; MemUrs, 31 (Alabama, 1; Virginia, 1) i Eegent, Mrs Charles D. Wood Treasurer, Mrs James H. O'Neil I Vice-Regent, Mrs E. V. Mitchell Registrar, Mrs M. A. Nevin j Rec. Sec, Mrs F. N. Eastman Historian, Mrs. Mary A. Whitmore. Cor. Sec, Mrs W. A. Patton Members Residixg in the State Adair, Anna Greene (Mrs Forrest) 30 Park st., Atlanta Adams, Leonora Wells (Mrs Horace Du Quince) Vineville, Macon Adams, Sarah Susannah MacM. (Mrs John Marsh) Augusta Adams, Susan McCalla (Mrs Willis B.) Elberton Adkins, Lundie Watson (Mrs Wm. Henry) Rome Akers, Lillie Coofin B. (Mrs J. S.) 676 Piedmont ave., Atlanta Alexander, Henrietta Bishop (Mrs) 433 Broad st., Augusta Alexander, Hortense (Miss) 497 Peachtree st., Atlanta Alexander, Julia A. Moore (Mrs Wm. Mason) 616 Green st., Augusta Alexander, Lucile (Miss) 497 Peachtree st., Atlanta Allen, Hatty (Miss) Elberton Allen, Marie d'Autignac (Miss) 909 Greene st., Augusta Allen, Sarah Cantey (Mrs Henry Dawson) Milledgeville Allen, Virginia D. A. (Mrs G. A.) 909 Greene St., Augusta Alston, Caroline Lamar Du B. (Mrs R. C.) 16 W. North ave., Atlanta Anderson, Furlow (Miss) 66 Cone st., Atlanta Anderson, Margaret Randolph (Mrs E. C, Jr.) 112 S. Broad st., Savannah Andrews, Elizabeth Leontine Chisholm (Mrs W.) Peachtree st., Atlanta Andrews, Mary (Miss) Milledgeville Argo, Ella Butler (Mrs Geo. Robert) 927 Reynolds st., Augusta Armistead, May Viehr (Mrs J.) Piedmont ave., Atlanta Arnold, Daisy D. (Miss) 330 Peachtree st., Atlanta Arnold, Virginia Lorette (Miss) 330 Peachtree st., Atlanta Ashford, Wilhelmina Anderson (Mrs Clement Hall) Eldgewood Ashmore, Editha Collins (Mrs Otis) 909 'Whitaker st., Savannah Austin, Adah Evans (Mrs) Macon Awtrey, Adah Mendenhall (Mrs Geo. P. G.) La Grange Ayer, Kathleen (Miss) Macon Bacon, Callie Holcombe (Mrs De Witt Clinton) De Witt Ball, Harriet Glascock Mays (Mrs George C.) 309 Peachtree st., Atlanta Banks, Maymie (Miss) Wynnton, Columbus Banks, Louisa C. (Mrs) 211 E. Huntington st., Savannah Barbot, Marie Catherina Barrett (Mrs Victor D.) Monte Sano, Augusta Barfleld, Harriet S. Webster (Mrs James F.) 444 Peachtree st., Atlanta Barnard, Mary Adelaide (Miss) 124 McDonough st., E. Savannah Barnes, Adelaide Eossignol (Miss) 1215 Green st., Augusta Barnes, Octavia Wilson (Mrs George Thomas) 1215 Green st., Augusta Barnett, Caroline Trent (Mrs Edward H.) 22 W. Harris St., Atlanta Barnett, Katie Porter (Miss) Madison Barney, Frances Patterson Pope (Mrs Charles Ghoram) Savannah Barrett. Esther M. Tidd (Mrs Hay ward) 99 Leonard st., Atlanta Bass, Addie Green (Miss) Clarksville Bass, Elizabeth (Mrs) Jeff Bates, Elizabeth Wlnship (Mrs Wilson Allen) 521 Spring st., Atlanta Bates. Georgia Emma Allen (Mrs Milledge L.) 701 Peachtree st., Atlanta Baugh, Nannie Ball (Mrs John A.) La Grange Baxter, Alice (Miss) 152 W. Peachtree st., Atlanta Bavless, Abbie Belle (Miss) Kingston Bayless, Abbie Ed%vina Bell (Mrs Samuel Lewis) Kingston Beck. Sarah Elizabeth Speer (Mrs Louis Hicks) 459 Peachtree st., Atlanta Beck. Vera Hall (Mrs Julius Frank) 531 Boulevard, Atlanta Bedell, Ellie Mai (Miss) 1344 3d ave., Columbus Beeks, Anna Eliza Trammell (Mrs Charles Parmelee) Birmingham II Gen. Sumter Chapter, Ala. t Dorothea Henry Chapter, Va. % Lexington Chapter, Maes. % 118 DIKECTORY, D. A. E. 32807/) Beeson, Leola Selman (Mrs J. L.) Milleclo'eville j 30657« Belcher, Ethel (Miss) Covino-ton I 29803« Belcher, Pearl (Miss) Covington \ 16654ff Bell, Emma Inman (Mrs Thacker Howard) 665 Peachtree st., Atlanta 1 35198^ Bell, Kate Maxey (Mrs Charles GrandjO • -216 Hnntington st., E. Savannah 32620 Bellamj', Ellen Washington (Mrs) " Macon ^ 28061/" Benedict, Mamie L. (Mrs John A.) Milledg-e ave.. Athens 2445411 Bennett, Harriet Van Wyck (Mrs William F.) Marietta 1590q Benning', Anna Caroline"" (Miss) 1420 Broad st., Columbus 2S76(Z Benning-, Mary HoAvard (Miss) 1420 Broad st., Columbus 11438 Benson, Lucy Todd (Mrs Eustace Conway) La Grang'e 36135)- Benson, Stella Carr (Mrs Charles F.) ". Fair St., Atlanta , 1S362& Benton, Mattiebrian Brown (Mrs W. H. X.) Atig-usta 28912( Berrien, Laura Maria (Miss) Waynesboro 30677fc Bigby, Mary Katherine (Miss) 326 Washington st.^ Atlanta 332247; Binford, Harriet Cowdrev Mumerljm (Mrs R. J.) Atlanta 12918* Bingham, Theodora Sill Comstock (Mrs M. B.) Pvome ^ 36124», Bisbee, Harriet Backus (Mrs William A.) De Sota Hotel, Savannah 122590. Black, Mary Ellen Peters (Mrs George Robison) Peachtree St., Atlanta 1952ft Black. Zac Harmon (]\lrs Eugene Pinkarcl) 414 Peachtree st., Atlanta , 34564r Blackburn, Jeanie Daviess (Miss) 230 Forest ave., Atlanta , 27504f/ Blackmar, Betsy Brainerd (Miss) 1418 4th ave., Columbus 23721(7 Blackmar, Mary Ann (Mrs xVlfred Owen) 1418 4th ave.. Columlms 27503g Blackmar, Susie Wellborn (Mrs John) 1336 3d ave., Columbus 17940o Blackshear, Julia Rogers (Mrs J. Emmett) Macon 3442511 Blake, Lula A. (Miss) Dalton 2214s Blakelj'. Rosalind Clark T. (Mrs Benjamin Rush) Griflfin- 568a Block, "^ Elizabeth Woodward Orme (Mrs F. C.) 16 Kimball st., Atlanta 28056(1 Block, Ellen Douglass (Miss) 550 Peachtree st., Atlanta 20221?) Boatwright, IMargaret Marion R. F. (Mrs A. M.) Centre st., Aiigusta 218346 Boggs, Katharine Pickens (Miss) Augusta 323880 Bostwick, Molly Camilla (Miss) 230 Forest ave., Atlanta 166550 Boston, Fleta Trammell (Mrs Frank M.) Marietta 20217(7 Bowdre, Annie Townshend Mix (Mrs Jack Ross) Macon 13249a Boyd, Nannie Seawell (Mrs Isaac S.) East Point 17450 Boyd, Juliet Spratling (Mrs Hugh B.) La Grange 9527* Boyd, Laura J. (Mrs Montague) 151 Liberty st.. Savannah 345320 Boyd, Martha Hardin (Mrs John Houston) 15 Baltimore Block. Atlanta , 35199* Boyd, Sarah Taliaferro (Mrs Arthur F.) Savannah 571a BoVlston, Hester D. (Mrs Reid) 404 Courtland st., Atlanta 6338 Bradfield, Ira (Miss) La Grange 35192« Bradley, Fannie Oswald (Miss) 226 President st., W. Savannah 34066(^t Bradley, Frances Sage (Mrs Horace) 605-6 "The Grand," Atlanta 35191?t Bradley, Nanine A. (Miss) 226 President st., W. Savannah 283833 Bradley, Sarah Hall (Mrs William Clarke) 1440 3d ave., Colmubus 42861 Brandt, Janie Champion Garmany (Mrs Augustus P.) Savannah 7724n Branham, Sallie A. Stone (Mrs J. W.) Oxford 22614?' Braswell, Ella Clement (Mrs Wesley Wellborn) Decatur 7725« Brook, Sallie Jean (Mrs C. C.) Covington 36141?' Broughton, Marie Antoinette (Miss) Marlison 361401? Broughton, Mary Pou (Mrs William Alexander) T^Iadison 183530 Brown, Cora Anna (Miss) 325 South Pry or st.. Atlanta 214420 Brown, Cornelia Hoyt (Mrs George M.) 583 Peachtree st.. Atlanta 20209O Brown, Frances Fort (Mrs Julius L.) 187 Washington st., Atlanta 32399fc Brown, Kate Milner (Mrs James E.) Newman 20210O Brown, Martha Fort (Miss) 187 Washington st., Atlanta 25147,'! Brown, Martha McWilliams (Mrs James Shilldrake) Griffin 27220O Brown, Sally Eugenia (Miss) 159 Washington st., Atlanta 23367(? Browne, Roberta Hanson Harrison Y. (Mrs J. R.) 1342 2nd ave., Columbus 32812r Browne, Suthie Adine (Mrs Thomas J.) 38 W. Peachtree st.. Atlanta 352097i Bruce, Annie May (Miss) 1505 1st ave., Columbus 35761 Bruce, Janie Hodges (Miss) 1505 1st ave.. Columbus 35193J! Bryan, Daisey Davenport (Miss) 9 Gordon st., East Savannah t Milwaukee Chapter, Wis. * Fort Stanwix Chapter, N. Y. II Andrew .Jackson Chapter, Ala. t Mercy Warren Chapter, Mass. GEORGIA. 119 5147?( Bryan, Susannah Clarke (Mrs John M.)..9 Gordon st., East Savannah 35190 Brvan, Virginia Ann ]\IcI. (Mrs E. F.) 109 Oglethorpe ave., E. Savannah 10971 Bull, Ella B. Marcus (Mrs A. O.) La (irange 10404? Bullard, Mary Blackmar (Mrs William L.) 140S Third ave., Columbus 9958a Burroughs, Mary McNisli (Miss) Brunswick SOeogg' Bussey, Elizabeth Lucas (Mrs) Columbus 36119fc Butler, Belle Robinson (Mrs James E.) 764 Peachtree st.. Atlanta 139512/ Butler, Callie Spullock (]\[rs J. K.) Rome 27224& Butler, Hattie Fargo (Miss) 1203 Greene st.. Augusta 32427 Butts, Sarah Harriet (Mrs J. A.) Brunswick 413ff Byers. Jane L. J. (Mrs Josiah S.) 619 Washington Heights, Atlanta 332267c Cabaniss,- Georgia Carroll (Mrs Daniel M.) "Copenhill," Atlanta 289Sa Calhoun, Carobel Heidt (Mrs Andrew E.) North ave., Atlanta 18354a Calhoun, Louise Phinizy (Mrs Abner W.) 672 Peachtree st., Atlanta 33225fc Calhoun, Margaret Marie (Miss) 649 Piedmont ave., Atlanta 6336 Callaway, Fannie Banks (Mrs Enoch) La Grange 324230 Callaway, Margaret Furlow (Miss) 125 Forsyth st., Macon 2715f Camak, Margaret Annie (Miss) Athens 34535/" Camak, Mary Wellborn (Mrs James) Athens 13245a Campbell, Harriet Wimberly (Mrs R. O.) 15 Ponce de Leon st., Atlanta 31278a Campbell, Virginia Orme (Mrs John B.)..156 W. Peachtree st., Atlanta 30678fc Candler, Eugenia Thomas W. (Mrs A. D.) . .Governor's Mansion, Atlanta 1579& Carpenter, Ruth Berrien Jones (Mrs Samuel B.)..Sand Hills, Augusta 32400fc Carson, Florence Morford (Mrs David B.) Hotel Majestic, Atlanta 21443* Carter, Pauline Gra^' (Mrs Andrew Paul) Atlanta 3043a Cassin, Minnie Hillyer (Mrs Henry A.) Crew st., Atlanta 121S6 Caswell, Lucie Walker (IMrs Theodore Dwight) 630 Greene St.. Augusta 36126n Champion, Frances Heyward (Mrs C. C.) 229 Barnum st.. Savannah 28373a Chandler, Alice Elizabeth (Mrs William T.) North ave., Atlanta 340770 Chapman, Flora Smith (Mrs C. B.)..245 Bond st., Macon Ga.. and Danville 2895g Chappell, Cynthia Kent Hart (Mrs Lucius H.) 1430 3rd ave., Columbus 30667P . Chappell, Henrietta Kincaid (Mrs J. Harris) Milledgeville 351S9«, C^hesnutt, Adelaide Wright (Mrs James B.) . .701 Whitaker st.. E. Savannah 60S4O Chestney, Kate Piercy (Mrs T. O.) Macon 30648a Childs, Susie Pittman (Mrs Julius Arthur).. 81 South Pryor st.. Atlanta 1576& Clark, Mary Hollis Wadley (Mrs Clarence E.) Sand Hills, Augusta 9142/ Clark, Rora Underwood (Mrs Charles Richard) Augusta 324210 Clarke, Mamey Felton Hatcher (Mrs Charles James Truman) Macon 5144& Cleckley, Mary Montford (Miss) 457 Greene st., Augusta 20717 Cleveland, Frances Leonard (Mrs Robert M.) Marietta 21455V Cloud, Pearl Munday (Mrs Howell Cobb) 46 Currier st.. Atlanta 174470 Cobb, Alice Culler (Mrs John Bosworth) Macon 22080 Cobb, Mary C. (Miss) Macon 21934 Cobb, Maud Barker (Mrs Thomas Read Rootes)..401 Spring st.. Atlanta 1835t Coburn, Emma Easton (Miss) 67 President st.. Savannah 28381a Codington, Mary E. (Mrs Augustus) Coleman ave., ^Nlacon 14506a Cohen, Julia Lowry Clarke (Mrs Jack) 593 Peachtree St., Atlanta 30282a Coker, Elizabeth Hillyer (Mrs Francis M., Jr.) 93 Washington st., Atlanta 36120fc Collier, Antoinette S. (Mrs Henry) 28 W. Harris St.. Atlanta 28063O Collins, Virginia Gordon Abercrombie (Mrs R. S.) 275 College st., Macon. 32426/ Colson, Laura R. Frazer (Mrs Mathew J.) Brunswick 31287P Cone. Jeanette Harvie (Mrs Oscar Malcolm) Milledgeville 28375a Connally, Mary (Miss) 53 Ashby st., Atlanta 2S374a Connally, Mary Virginia (Mrs E. L.) 53 Ashby st.. Atlanta 13958^ Connerat, Laura Spencer (Mrs Clarence S.) Savannah 31286?) Cook, Anne Maria (Mrs Samuel Austin) Milledgeville 34566V Cook, Ethel (Miss) "The Farlinger," Atlanta 32425i Cook, Marv A. Frazer (Mrs John Ellison) Waycross 16653(7 Cook, MarV Elvira (Miss) "Belmont," Columbus 30679fc Cook, Sarah Lumpkin (Miss) 453 Jackson st., Atlanta 2538s Cope, Jacksonia Harriet Ansley Fell (Mrs George Lewis, Jr.) Savannah 18365s Corbin, Martha Peck (Miss) Griffin 18366 Corbin, Mary Stokely (Miss) Griffin 36127» Corbin, Mav Thirza (Mrs Marion Xerxes).. 119 Liberty st., W., Savannah New York City Chapter, N. Y. 120 DIEECTORY, D. A. E. - Cox, Sallie Tallulah Harman (Mrs lUert HillS' ' -^^^^^ta Cox, ^\111-Ella Lockhart (Mrs John Si.S P ^Decatur Crane Pauline Houston (Mrs Edwin Duff i"i «; ' rV ' 'i* Waycross Crawford, Augusta Jane BenninJ (MVs Eee^;? ?^nn f ^'^^ ave Atlanta Crsfield, Josephine Koble Jones" (mS ^^^"'^^ •• 1300 2nd ave., Columbus Culbreath, Annie Yarbrouo-h (Mrs) -^^"""^ ^*-' Savannah Cumniing-, Carolyn (Aliss)'' i' * • ; Palmetto Cumming, Katharine Buhhl^h" (if^J 't'^" "i! '4^ band Hills, Augusta Cundelhllizabeti Wood (Mrs J V'Tif^E?.^- 2^^^^) Sand Hills, Augusta Curtis, Mary Lavender Io^m^ (M^ WaUex WeTf ' mT'.^f^^ ''? ^^''^'^ Dancy Bessie Grimes (xMrs Wank Battle) ^ ' ''''^•' ^°l^f'^^^ -Uavant, Virginia Caroline F (Mv^ V T ^ i a X ' i 'ii Atlanta Davidson, G?ace Gillam (Mrs John Lee' Oglethorpe ave., W. Savannah • I)avis, Alice Harris (Mrs Walter Scott / o - a ' ' ■' Heartpme r Davis, Emily Willet (Mrs Charles) ^ \' ^P''"'! ^*-' Atlanta Davis, Lawson (Miss) .....'' ^^™^n. P^rk, Atlanta Davis, Lillie Peck rMr« Ai'iV^ -i:>l.\i' ii\ Vineville, Macon Davis: Maria KosaUeCaneWMJs^^^^ ''' Washington st., Atlanta Davis, Susie T. (Mrs Archibald).. 41h«^.. Davison, Emma Williams (Mrs) Day, Cornelia Chisholm (Mrs ThomiV T ^ iqo o *i, t, Dearing, Eugenia P. (Miss) .."... "^ •' ' ^''''^^ ^^'^'^^ ^*-' Atlanta 777a 30669i 3282111 ■2877(? 1836^ 23119r 20219& 46796 36137r 352107t 35752fc 36128?» 32804 32813r 34565r 18361 33677a 13955ff 12326 22616/- 7728* 12306 2211a 36121fc Albany Atlanta 348 Broad st., Augusta • Covington Denny, Mattie Jordan Gardner 'airs) '^' ' ' i • i „ . ~ De Votie, Georgiana L. Pryon (Mrs Jame; h;\:;:; ; ^^§'1^^^^^," Augusta l^lA; Dexter, Elizabeth BurfordSrs George tT ^^''%^ • • • • • ••• -Griffin 460a Dickson, Mary Grant (Mrs W H ) ^ -* Aragon Hotel, Atlanta 9516? Dillard, Sarah Eve (Mrs Georee) W ■•' ' " V V.; ' • A^^^^^a — Dinkins, Kate Candler (Mrs slUueY C.V.V. •.•.•.•.•.-.■.■.; ^'^^ '*" '"^^'^^1!!°^ Dismukes, Anne Elizabeth (Mr; _ ^ Atlanta 30680A; 28967i 34078g' 352117t 9857* 1991* 32016i 20888r 20227s 16656a 34537/= ^lS?6 S"^°^% I^°^i«a Derrelle (Mrs Charles * S^ :::::: i!; i;; ; tl^tZ ^IcT. S'^g-^^'x?^^^?"*'"*^ Edwina Barrett (Mrs L. A.) 347 Bi^oad st ' Auo-ut?^ ''S ?.Z'^^.?''^^!1I^^^\^^\S}^\^ ^1-kmo^n H.) ... .2^0 p'ea^htrt ''•' ^"""^^'^ 306891 31281A: 25137a 36136r ,^1. , _, Atlanta Dismukes; Helena TdTYL Ymim^h^P^ ■•,;/,■ ''Z'"^^'''^-^' Columbus Dismukes, Maude Montrose^ (Miss) ' ^^ V50I ^Ist"" «°v/ ?^"^^"^ Divine, Emily Colquitt Carter (Mrs Paul" H.i ! l! '' ''' ''' Carte" Dixon, Amelia Pmder (Mrs Charles H.) ' . . 77HalY '^t^^l Donovan Harriet Almira (Mrs William) " ' a +73 Draper, Emma Moore (Mrs William Wood) . . . ! 1 ! 1 ! * "srcone'^t ' ' At lant. Drewry, Juba McWilliams (Mrs N B) ' ^^^"".^^^ DuBose, Ella Inman (Mrs Edwin KembVrt).'.'."."96 e' 'North' aVe ' At W^ DuBose, Louise (Miss) -^^ -i- i>ortn a\e., Atlanta ^ ' . Athens rsville Savannah a Atlanta 25136a 20232r 2 671 Or 26712r 28906a 27507c? 12258a 34023t 10406a Dunson, Anulet Bair(M7s7 ~-- ........ ...u x-eacnxree st., Atlanta Dunwoody Georgia (Mrs James M.')'.V.'.V.'.'.V.'.V.".V.'.V. 'Wavnesbofo & Me^^^TmrTnl^'^^' '^"- ^-^ ''' ^- Peachtre'e'sttTtlanS Sin; eS y's) '-'-^ ''' Ve.cl.tree st Atlanta 33^78^ l?Hr'^SelT^r'^^' f^f 4^^"^- (Mrs)';;.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.-.'.'.\VM'a'di's'on-s'trSf CS " Fn i-Hsh ""{^'el ' "'"n'^'i ^^'^ ""^^^^'""^ ^'^ ■■.•.Peachtree 'st.,' AtlantS English, Bebecca Douglas Lowe (Mrs Jas W., Jr.) "The Maiestic "Atlanta Ererft ' Mv?tr^?;'^"''"^ ^- ^'^^^ ''^™- ^'^ ''' Peachtrfe's": Ittnta EzzLrd M/rv ? Jit«f ^ ^'^^ Peachtree st., Atlanta ii^s^rp'^-----^^^^^ FeJfhpw Morrow Grant (Mrs J. W.) Peachtree st., Atlanta Featherstone, Salhe Jones Mrs Chas. Nicholas) Rome Field, Lida Amanda (Miss) ^ . . . IS7 ivy st.,' AtTanTa * Chickamauga Chapter, Tenn. Peter Forney Chapter, Ala. GEORGIA. 121 10407a. 32003fc 35749& 25036« 34538f IQlGSg 6088g 28386gr 2897(/ 36129« 25998& 23718« 24507r 36117a 33246^ 34548A; 30661g 23723?/ 36142 32G04fc 251492/ 26391& 3265?J 32816y 4285t 157S& 33228fc 21453 r 27226^ 340687^ 21943g 30655i 7451W 21456r 34567V 13048$ 28910f 27508(? 22618r 1221« 1005^ 1222f/. 5866A- 28925- 32726 30681fc 13956a 4948rt. 139542/ 13957a 33679a 9512Z 33682r 34079r 22617r 19106« 23125(7 11445a 1950a 10972 33229fc 572« 31298 •8717R- 12570s Field, Minnie Adelle (Miss) m- Tv,- .+ ^^^ . Fields, Fannie Gertrude (Miss-) Vn w ' i V ' ^^ Unta Greene st., Augnstj ^Ti^l^j£!^S!S\}'''' ''-'''-' ^> -^ — *^^ P^ Franklin Helen Rogers (Mrs He^i^ert ^cheli) :::::::: ^ '^''^!^ Frederick Ellen Heath Cooper (Mrs Francis Marion) Wynnton! Colmni s Galhard, Marion de Veaux (Mrs Theodore G.) . . . Tnni^ Gairdner, Lavonia (Mrs Henry Kollock) ;;;;;;. Eibeiton Gale, Joseph Le Eoy Griffin (Mrs Frank Pearce) Itlant ' „ --- "~-«.-^-- ^. „v.x^iciii ^xviio ticimes; narisonviiie, Aucriista Garaner, Susan Brockenbrough (Mrs Joseph M.) Decatur Garmany Jane Maria C. (Mrs George Washington) ..■.■...■.■.■;;. ".Savannah Garrett, Margaret Alice Houston (Mrs Wni. A?).. 352 Broad st Auoirsta GlSis't^f Ar''""\'i''^? ""''^'r" "-^ • ■■■-' C;rHer1t.,l"lan : Gholstm Mary (Mrs Louis) 176 W. Peachtree st. Atlanta Gibbes, Frances Hamvood (Mrs Arthur Middleton) Savannah Gibson, L. A. (Mrs F. M.) Milled^ 11 Gilbert, Evelyn Cargill (Mrs James' JohnsonV.Vl22l' 2nd' aVe.,' Columbus r ?r^' aT"" Burbeen \\alker (Mrs C. M.)..308 Gaston st., E. Savannah Gillespie, Mary Muse (Mrs J. W.) Albanv rlnv!!; ^M ^;^^l"^^r\ (Miss) 33 Forest 'a;;.',' 'Atlanta Glover, Martha A (Miss) The Aragon, Atlanta Godfrey, Agnes Hamilton (Miss) f. . .'.Madison Godfrey, Caroline Hardee (Mrs P. W.) Covino-ton Goetchins, Mary Boss Bussell (Mrs Henry R.)..1501 3rd a-^^e.,' Columbus Goodwyne, Cornelia Vona (Mrs) 139 S. Pryor st., Atlanta Gordon, Caroline L. (Miss) f Kirkwood Gordon, Eleanor Kmzie (Mrs Wm. W.) 4 Oglethorpe ave., E. Savannah Gordon, Frances Rebecca Haralson (Mrs John B.) Kirkwood Gordon, Loulie McC. (Mrs) "The Leyden," Atlanta Gordon, Rosa Cook (Mrs Frederick Barrett) 1217 5th ave., Columbus Gould, Harriet Glascock (Mrs James Gardner) . .319 Broad st., Augusta Graham, Augusta Strong (Mrs John Marian) ... .21 Powers st., Atlanta Grant, Annie Inman (Mrs John William) ... .423 Peachtree st., Atlanta Grant, Sarah Frances Reid (Mrs Wm. Daniel).. 427 Peachtree st., Atlanta Graves, Rebecca Sproull (Mrs William Lea) Rome Gray, May Inman (Mrs James Richard) 32 Howard st., Atlanta Gray, Sarah Kendrick (Mrs Wm. Winborne) 944 Peachtree st., Atlanta Green, Metta Andrews (Mrs Theodorick M.) Main st., Washington Greenfield, Jewel Faver (Mrs Joseph Cholmondely) . .Inman Park, Atlanta Gregg, Lizzie Jones (Miss) 176 Capitol ave., Atlanta Gresham, Mary Anderson (Mrs James T.) 66 Cone st., Atlanta Griffin, Eula Whatley (Mrs David) 159 Formwalt st., Atlanta Groover, Mary Louise Davis (Mrs Clarence L) 216 11th st., Columbus Gude, Mary Boggs (Miss) 35 W. North ave., Atlanta Gude, Mary Denny Boggs (Mrs A. Valentine) 35 W. North ave., Atlanta Gundell, May St. John von (Mrs Alfred C.) Albany Haden, Annie Bates (Mrs Charles) 701 Peachtree st., Atlanta Hagan, Sarah Cobb Johnson (Mrs Hugh) 106 E. N ave., Atlanta Hall, Mary ^fayson (Mrs James Hamilton) Kina-ston Hall. Sarah Grove (Mrs Samuel) Afbany Halliday, Mary Caroline (Miss) 97 Capitol Square, Atlanta t Mercy Warren Chapter, Mass + Dorothea Henrj- Chapter, Va. 122 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 32424?/ 32005/,; 32006/c 1256S/(. 35182a 20892r 30650(1 34069fc 31195i 33257 22621r 28722/ 18356a 21457 19716a 39230 352147( 35200^ 2886(7 1920S* ;: 722715 27228t7 324220 283870- 34550fc 40822/ 22619 ^■ 35204 34070fc 332226 28057a 1651911 18358a 12260/ 9513/ 19104O 14511a 9521/ 8996a 2359a 4858a 340S0r 36133/i 33230fc 20891r 30682/c 30670i 283790 36130O 33231A'. 32401/b 32402/c 351887i; 29417a 35763p 23719a 35758rt 28055a 2513Sa 34071/^ 20224?/ 27513/ 20228(7 33232/.; Hamilton. Martha Harper (Mrs David Emanuel Blount) Eome Hammond, Clifford Putnam (Mrs T. A.) 659 Piedmont' are., Atlanta Hammond, Laura Eawson (Mrs William It.) Kimball House, Atlanta Harden, Mary Eliza Davenport (Mrs Wm.) 226 President St., W. Savannah Hardin, Helen Harmon (Miss) 15 Baltimore Block, Atlanta Hardin, Katherine Gramling (Mrs Edwin A.) 4 W. Peachtree st., Atlanta Hardin, Virginia Cloud (Miss) 15 Baltimore Place, Atlanta Harden, Augusta Thompson (Mrs Virgil O.) 263 Peachtree st., Atlanta Harley, Mary Winn Blackshear (Mrs Paul Norwood) Waycross Harper, Eugenia Long (Mrs Alexander Omer) Dewyrose Harrell, Stella Portei- (Mrs Charles) Dixon Harris, Ethel Hillyer (Mrs T. W. Hamilton) Eome Plarris, Julia Florida Collier (Mrs Julian) 296 Eawson st., Atlanta Harris, Mary Adella (Miss) Cedartown Harris, Sarali Dick (Mrs Clem. E.) 463 Peachtree st., Atlanta Harris, Valeria Lamar McLaren (Mrs) ^Slacou Harrison, Mary Fontaine (Mrs William Pope) Columbus Harrison, Mary Middleton (Mrs Nathaniel Broadnax) Savannah Harrison, Sallie Marshall Martin (Mrs JoseiJh S.) 112 14th st., Columbus Hartshorn, Georgiana Davenport (iirs Edwin).. 21 Western ave.. Augusta Harwood, Abigail Lucinda (Miss) "The Majestic," Atlanta Harwood, Susie (Miss) "The Majestic," Atlanta Hatcher, Hamilton Felton (Mrs Marshall James) Macon Hatcher, Susie Morris Madden (Mrs Samuel B.)..1516 2nd ave.. Columbus Haygood, Caroline Fort (Miss) 12 Baltimore Place, Atlanta Haynes, Louisa M. (Mrs B. L.) Eome Healey, Mary Ethel Toy (Mrs Charles Allen) ... ."The Aragon," Atlanta Heard, Eoberta Louise (Miss) Elberton Hefner, Clarissa (Mrs George) 17 Crew st., Atlanta Henderson, Grace Erwin (Mrs John Cowart) Augusta Hicks, Susan M. (M. D.) (Mrs Louis H.) "The Grand," Atlanta High, Emma (Miss) Madison High, Hattie Wilson (Mrs J. M.) 528 Peachtree st., Atlanta Hill, Annie Lee Hudson (Mrs Lodowick Merriweather) Washington Hill, Claudia Henderson (Mrs Edward Young-) .... .Main st., Washington Hill, Martha Goode (Miss) IMacon Hill, Minnetta Packard (Mrs Charles Homer) 33 Irwin st., Atlanta Hill, Susan Stokes (Mrs W. Merriweather) Water st., W'ashington Hillyer, Ellen Martha (Miss) 5 Crew st., Atlanta Hillyer, Louisa C. (Miss) Decatur Hines, Cora Lawson McBride (Mrs James K.) 862 Peachtree st., Atlanta Hines, Lucy Belle (Miss) Peachtree st., Atlanta Hodnett, Alice Catherine (Miss) 1441 2d ave., Columbus Hoke, Violet McLean (Mrs) Atlanta Holderby, Mary Maclin (Miss) 233 Luckie st., Atlanta Holmes, 'Addie Marsh Allgood (Mrs J. B. S.) 17 W. Cain st., Atlanta Holmes, Augusta Watkins (Mrs Charles L) Waycross Holmes, Pearl Louise L. (Mrs J. C.) cor Forsyth & Progress sts., Macon Holt, Annie Yoimg (Mrs Charles C.) "Vineville." Macon Hopkins, Nina Ellett Cabell (Mrs Linton C.) 403 Boulevard, Atlanta Hornady, Annie (Miss) 65 E. Linden st., Atlanta Hornady, Laura Nina (Miss) 65 E. Linden st., Atlanta Hornady. Mary Crawford (]\Iiss) EUaville Horton, Coriniie Euth Stocker (Mrs T. E.) 231 W. Peachtree st., Atlanta Howard. Annie Barksdale (Mrs James D.) Milledgeville Howell. i\Iary Adair (Mrs George Arthur) West End. Atlanta Howkins, Elise Heywood (Mrs John S.) 18 Liberty st., E. Savannah Howson, Carrie Plant Greene (Mrs William A.) 126 E. Pine st., Atlanta Hoyt, Lizzie M. (Mrs S. B.) - 583 Peachtree st., Atlanta Hughes, Carrie Ledbetter (Mrs John Washington) 52 Currier st., Atlahta Hull, Adelaide Sinclair Norton (Mrs Arthur Denison) Eome Hull, Sallie Saunders Cowan (Mrs Alexander Blue) Savannah Humphries, Alice M. Dismukes (Mrs William) Acworth Hunincutt, Olivia Greenleaf (INIrs Joseph Edgar).. 322 Spring st., Atlanta Koussinoc Chapter, Me. Dorothea Henry Chapter, Va. GEORGIA. 123 30653^ Hunter, Ursula Abney (Mrs James Conway) Hotel Aragon, Atlanta 21445V Hutchins, Addie Davis (Mrs Miller Bone) Inman Park, Atlanta 34539f Hutchins, Laura Williams Rutherford (Mrs Joshua Cornelius) ... .Athens 23126« Hynde, Mary Taith Carr (Mrs Henry Dave) 58 Richardson st., Atlanta 14509« Inman, Jennie (Miss) 534 Peachtree St., Atlanta 9529a Inman. IMiklred McPheeters (Mrs Samuel M.) 552 Peachtree St.. Atlanta 14761 Irby, Virg-inia Bayless (Mrs Claude) Kingston 9509Z Irvin, Mary Baine Brewer (Mrs Benj. S.) Main st., Washington 10403m? Jackson, Irene Tift Woolfolk (Mrs Edwin) Albany 613« Jackson, Sally Addison (INIrs Henry) 185 Peachtree st., Atlanta 14660rt Jackson, Virginia L. Hardwick (Mrs John K.) HarisonviJle, Augusta 36139r James, Susan Leonard (Mrs John H.) 314 Peachtree st., Atlanta 21458 Janes, Annie Harris (Mrs Charles G.) Cedartown 11996* Jaques, Eleanor Hartley Hall (Mrs Samuel R.) Macon 34551fc Jarnagin, Erskine Richmond (Mrs W. C.) 66 Forest ave., Atlanta 1229& Jeiferies, Hattie Gould (Mrs Richard S.) 319 Broad st., Augusta 2215s Johnson, Amelia Elizabeth T. (Mrs Charles Reid) Griffin 28065^ Johnson, Annie Fleming (Mrs Julien B.)....312 Liberty st., E. Savannah 26393r; Johnson, Bettilu JMontcastle (Mrs John Thomas) 1441 "^2nd st., Columbus 35205 Johnson, Georgia Heard (Mrs J. E.) Elberton 37560 Johnston, Flewellyn Reese (Mrs William M.) Macon 3G691i Johnston, Lena Shewmoke (Mrs Philip P.) Waynesboro 33220 Johnston, Martha Fannin (Mrs Joseph Marshall) Macon 332357c Johnstone, Kathleen (Miss) "Idj^lwild," Rocky Creek 33236fc Johnstone, Mary (Miss) "Idylwild," Rocky Creek 27229? Jones, Annie Vane (Miss) 224 E. Henry st.. Savannah 30690/ Jones, Catherine Berrien Whitehead (Mrs Henrj^ Philip) Herndou 26711/- Jones, Frances Everett (Mrs William O.) ISO Capitol ave.. Atlanta 30692i Jones, Ida Sidney (Miss) Herndon 3068Si Jones, Inez Wilkins (Mrs William Everett) Waynesboro 95140 Jones, Katharine Hyde Kemme (Mrs Harry Lee) Macon 36110a Jones, Katherine Shelton (Mrs George William) Atlanta 33234fc Jones, Maude Brantly Allgood (Mrs John Ashley) 17 W. Cain St., Atlanta 36143 Jones, Nora (Miss) " Elberton 14767 Jones, Rebecca (Miss) Eatonton 31295(; Jones, Sallie Harris (Mrs Louis Harvey) 150 Juniper st., Atlanta 30693 (. Jones, Stella Susan (Miss) Waynesboro 34074A: Jones, Susan Williams (Mrs) 72 E. Linden ave., Atlanta 34561g Jordan, Bettie Blake (Mrs Oscar S.) 1130 4th ave., Columbus 32007fc Jordan, Charlotte Manigaidt M. (Mrs W. C.) 369 Piedmont ave., Atlanta 17935^ Jordan, Mary Burney Jordan Groves (Mrs Erasmus H.) ]\Ionticello 33247P Joseph, Mary Fox (Mrs Adolph) ]\Iilledgeville 8719* Karow, Anna Belle (Mrs Edward W.) 318 Gwinnett st.. Savannah 60827 Kemme, Hattie Chase (Mrs H. B.) Main st., Washington 336877 Kendrick, Ada Smith (Mrs) Hartwell 23720rt. Kimball, Fannie Brown (Mrs Joseph Walter).. 162 Formwalt st., Atlanta 32022s Kincaid, Alice Phelps (Mrs W. J.) Grifiin 19717(t King, Alice M. (Mrs Alexander Campbell) 894 Peachtree St., Atlanta 272210. King, Augusta Clayton (Mrs William) 480 Courtland St., Atlanta 414a King, Carrie E. 11. (Mrs Porter) 73 Merritts ave., Atlanta 32415r King, Ida Simmons (Mrs George Edward) Inman Park, Atlanta 3068370 King, Lillian Elline (Miss) 689 Edgewood ave., Atlarita 32417P Kingsbery, Jeanie Park (Miss) 380 Peachtree st., Atlanta 32418(7 Kingsberry, Mary (Miss) 380 Peachtree st., Atlanta 21447fc Kiser, Lucy Peel (Mrs William Henry) Atlanta 17936*7 Kline, Mary O. (Mrs William R.) 209 14th st., Columbus 25140a Knight, Clara C. (Mrs) 476 N. Jackson st., Atlanta 2891l7( Knox, Rosa Belle (Miss) Covington 6343 Kontz, Elizabeth Thornton (Mrs Ernest) 4 Kimball St., Atlanta 1859a Krug, Lilly McDowell (Mrs Arthur G.) 4 Baltimore Place, Atlanta 32717> Lamar, Clarinda Huntington P. (Mrs J. R.) 1209 Greene st., Augusta 12203|| Langston, Annie Wade (Mrs Thomas L.) Atlanta 33685ti Langston, Georgia Elinor Sennett (Mrs C. A.) 15 W. Lincoln st., Atlanta 2S91q Lary, Mary Clayton (Mrs Samuel D.) 21 AV. 11th st., Columbus * Yorktown Chapter, Pa. Dorothea Henry Chapter, Va. 124 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R 9523? 32018i 31294r 345440 1834^ 7731^ 5140 283850- 7732m 23722f7 27509q 31300 283S0O 35750f 351S4& 33254r 174480 31293>- 20231 1171a 21942r 332377;; 357mn 26713r 22625 30671i 36144 44950 4508a 30694* 22177/ 20223& 2129 87119 33256?; 415a 8715^ 1226& 25143a 36122/0 183639 3269 2212s 147650 35754fc 332387c 32818W 32009/1; 32008fc 32S03b 2S8S7 12261s 28376a 25141a 3 5 207 r 3274f7 32414r 30651a 1833« 34540/^ 12472* 35675 36064|| 15494fif Latimer, Adeline Comer (Mrs Joel Wright) Washington Law, Clara Eugenia (Mrs Eobert) Herndon Law, Neta Latham (Mrs) 14 E. North ave., Atlanta Lawson, Mattie Emile (Miss) Perry Lawton, Ella Beckwith (Mrs Alexander Eudolph) Abercorn st., Savananh Lee, Claudia B. (Miss) Sparta Le Hardy, Julia Miller (Mrs Louis M.) Savannah Lemon, Myrtle Dismukes (Mrs Edward W.) Acworth Lester, Henrietta Merriweather (Mrs James G.) Covington Lester, Mary Ethel Philips (Mrs E. H.) 5th ave. & 12th st., Columbus Lev3^ Frances Marion (Miss) Esquiline Hill, Columbus Lewis, Frances (Miss) Cartersville Lewis, Lavinia Butts (Mrs John Falton) Montezuma Lipscomb, Mary Ann (Mrs) Athens Lockhart, Elizabeth Bothwell (Mrs Fred Tult) . . 1001 Greene St., Augusta Loeb, Stella Cohen (Mrs Joseph J.) 109 W. Peachtree st., Atlanta Lowe, Eugenia Silver Cobb (Mrs W. B., Jr.) Macon Lowe, Frances Lamar (Mrs Lewis David).. 273 Lee st.. West End, Atlanta Lowe, Eebecca Douglas (Mrs William Bell) 513 Peachtree st., Atlanta Lowry, Emma Celestia M. (Mrs Robert James).. "The Aragon," Atlanta Lundie, Anniebel (Miss) Greenville st., Newnan Lyle, Francis Douglas (Mrs Dan Connally) East Point Lynah, Ella Heyward (Mrs J. Heyward) 109 Oglethorpe st., E. Savannah Lyndon, Mary (Miss) Prince ave., Athens McBride, Virginia Hardaway (Mrs William Chadwell) Newnan McCall, Lucy May (Mrs Eugene) Waycross McCalla, Annie (Miss) Heardmont, Elberton McCaw, Mary Lamar (Mrs .James) Macon McDaniel, Anne Henderson (Mrs Saunders) ... ."The Majestic," Atlanta McElmurray, Haidee Eoutzahn (Mrs Judson) Waynesboro McGhee, Caroline Amanda (Mrs Joseph F.) 204 3rd ave., Eome McGowan, Margaret Cliarbonnier (Mrs James F.) Augusta McHvaine, Alice M. (Miss) Agnes Scott Institute, Decatur Maclntyre, Margaret Eraser L. (Mrs. Arclaibald T.) Tliomasville McKenzie, lone Lewis (Mrs William Hill) "The Bon Air," Atlanta McKinley, Junia (Miss) 36 West Peachtree st., Atlanta McLandon, Emily F. H. (Mrs Samuel G.) Thomasville McLaws, Emily Lafayette (Miss) Sand Hills, Augusta McMichael, Georgia Jenkins (Mrs J. C.) 159 Formwalt st., Atlanta McNeely, Mary (Mrs John) Sugar Valley McNulty, Laura Douglas Browne (Mrs John 0.) 1219 2nd ave., Columbus MacWhorter, Sarah Deborah Adams (Mrs G. G.) . .Summerville, Augusta McWilliams, Augusta Josephine Trammell (Mrs John William) Griffin Maddox, Lollie Baxter (Mrs Eobert Foster, Jr.) 183 Peachtree st., Atlanta Maddox, Euth (Mrs Dudley) Flowery Branch Mann, Ethel Johnston (Mrs William E.) "Idylwild," Eocky Creek Manson, Anne Fishburne Hull (Mrs H. L.) 78 E. North ave., Atlanta Marenus, Martha Cable (Mrs H. B.) 294 Gordon st., Atlanta Marsh, Louise Bigby (Mrs McAllen) Cedartown Martin, Annie Eobertson (Miss) 311 Washington st., Augusta Martin, Jane Ellison Ware (Mrs Peter M.) 112 14th st., Columbus Martin, Sarah Augusta (Mrs Albert Gallatin) Box 272, Griffin Matheson, Belle Seddon (Mrs Kenneth G.) W. North ave., Atlanta Mathews, Maud Craig (Mrs William A.) 220 Capitol ave., Atlanta May, Daisy Spalding (Mrs Clarence) 29 E. Peachtree Terrace, Atlanta Mavs, Harriet B. Phinizy (Mrs Samuel W.) 519 Greene st., Augusta Meador, Julia Loury (Mrs Thomas Dent) 339 Peachtree st., Atlanta Mecaslin, Blanche Hardin (Mrs J. H.) 278 Eawson st., Atlanta Meldrim, Francis Casey (Mrs Peter W.) 138 Macon st.. Savannah Mell. Belle Witcher (Mrs Edward B.) 318 S. Milledge ave., Athens Mell, Ellen Lurene (Miss) Athens Mercer, Annie Eliza Goode (Mrs James Wesley) Georgetown Mercer, Mary M. (Mrs Charles Goode) P. O., Georgetown Merrill, Blanche Tarwater (Mrs Joseph Hansell) Thomasville Light Horse Harry Lee Chapter, Ala. Lewis Chapter, Ala. GEOEGIA. 125 9959fir 9960ir 25142a 10405a 5139 32020/9 12246 31282/c 2210s 306647/ 32S17t; 2363a 33255V 10408a 28388 6335 5404ti 775a 32403A; 306632/ 2514S(/ 44976 233666 1237a 40686 34554fc 33690i 32806O 4859rt 18360O 4176 2362a 32010/c 21444a 14975* 3 1194 i 34557it 2021 Iff 13944IJ 31296V 56406 3128S/J 202150 9162/ 21939^ 12565a 306847>; 352081' 32404A; 21448?- 20889r 32013A; 32012A; 4069// 32011fc 35197r 306662/ 10402O 1990^ 27515^ 28907a 12569)/ 29807'it Merrill, Eliza Hall (Miss) . Merrill, Mary Hall (Miss) . . . .V.V. iV v ' 't^ "i ' ' ' -^i^^n^^sville Milledge, Ivatherine Elliott (Miss ' ^''^^'' st Atlanta Miller, Joseph Blount (Mrs Carlton H ^ 9nn"w' 't^"'1\ Ivirkwood Miller, Julia Dyer Kitchen (Mrs Frank 'h ^ Peachtree st., Atlanta Miller, Laura Comptor'Ls Ottor ^ Summeryille Augusta Miller, Martha Phinizy (Mrs William K ) ;;; •;p- V/ •.• ■^/l^^^^'^^'iiie Miller, Minnie Hudson (Mrs P H) 30E "p.W ^J r,^'"" ^*-' ^^g'^^^t^ Mills Mary Ansley Copl (Mrs Th^omas E^- "^'"'^'^"^ ^^^^^^^' ^^1^-^^ Mitchell, Addie Stokes (Mrs IJichard Venabi; kn'i ' ^^ " ; ' I ' •; " ^"*^^ Mitchell, Anne (Miss) -^"^^^^^1 \ enable) 5OI E. 1st St., Eome Mitchell, Ella Erwin '(Mrs" OliVer eS' oiV 'r .?°f ^ ^*-' Atlanta Mitchell, Emma Wharton (Mrs IS )^ ''' 3?^Sm tr't" tJ^^^^ Mitchell, Hattie Mae (Miss) oVo r ^™*^ ^*-' Atlanta .apitol ave., Atlanta (^liss) 389 s_ Pryor st., Atlanta Mobley, Jennie Eobinson (Miss) 468 Pp. .h?'"'" ." V.^ Montgomery, Mary Evelyn (Sss)V Peachtree St., Atlant Montgomery, Sarah Erwin (Mrs William ' F.) ! 1 ! 1 ! ! i- t f ^J^ Moore, Mary C (Miss) ' ' ' -Viv' "• t ^'"^'''^ ^*-' Augusta Moore: Met! Sni^" ilr^- mton) ::: " " ''"" ^^"•' '""^^" P^,^,' ^^'^f'^ Moore, Willie Oliver Mrs S. C.) 80V p^;;' '^^^H'^^^^^ Morgan, Eugenia Hamilton Gocide-JM^s J.'lioV.V.VlS^Sp'ir/st^-'A^ anS Morgan, Henrietta (Mrs Cecil) \rin\v„,-'=' ^7 ^^^^^anta Morris, Margaret Wiley (Mrs Edward John) . srivv st ' At anta Mullen, Nancy Coffin (Mrs) .... ^ ' Aft Murphy, Laura Bass Cook (Mrs Charles e'.) .■.■.■;:.■.■■. Wavcros? Murray, Estelle Fowler (Mrs Thomas A., Jr.) 54 Walton fet Atlanta lt'l,!t^^^ Si.- ^„i,.v.- cov;;;;;;;. ■---"■^^^;|^i ^ apier, Alice Osborne (Miss) '.. Milled oevme Napier, \irginia Anastasia Blackman (Mrs Hendley v'.,' Jr.) Macon Nevm, Helen Undemvood (Mrs Mitchell A.) ... . EoVne Newcomb, Elizabeth Scott Cohen (Mrs) SaV-innTh Newman, Fanny Alexander (Mrs William T.) ... .54 Fo'rreVt ave Atlanta Nicholls, Miriam Lumpkin (Mrs) 314 Sprino It"' At aSS Mcolson, Mary Euse (Mrs George Andrew) 23 Forest W:; Atlanta Nixon, Lua \aughn (Mrs William M.) Hotel Maiestic Atlanta North' 'm.7v d"^' "^^llf ^^^^° ^''''\ ^^^^^^ H.)..131°s'V^X^st' MwS Worth, Mary Draper (Mrs Harvey) Newnar. Korthen, Annie Belle (Miss) .../.! HoteV M,;ie;;ic ' AtTante Nor;^;;"M"a;V„''a^ ^"fM^fi "7^"^ ''^ --' ^^' ~ O Callaghan, Jlary Lily (Miss) Atlanta Ogden, Caro Clark Eastman (Mrs J. Monroe).. 274 Georgia ave.'. Macon Omsteac, Florence W^illiams (Mrs Chas. H.)..61 Gwinnett st., Savannah Olmstead Susaii (Miss) . . 305 Gwinnett st., E. Savannah nS^^-n^^''"'?.?,'^^'''''^^ (^^""^ -^^^^ ^•) 1^0 Washington st., Atlanta O'Neill, Eosa Milledge Plumb (Mrs J. H.) Rome Orme, Abby (Miss) 116 E. Jones st., Savannah • Martha's Vineyard Chapter, Mass. Maria Jefferson Chapter, Fla. 126 DIKECTOEY, D. A. R. 21446a 638a 776a 29806* 23124$ 2893(7 6747m 12566a 35183a 35194« 52110 32014fc 19718a 21936V 16870 27222a 139522/ 601a 1025fc 33243fc 33242fc 32019?- 20229fy 7723V 30685fc 35206 324057^ 32406fc 31289p 27502?^ J234?> 12286 34534f 22610& 6488fc ia421* 11190* 33240A- 33239fc 22620r 340727.- 332337c 32413?- 26708& 351857) 12020|| 34559fc 32862 25144a 5642a 36138r 34067A; 20230i 2534s 17937?- 17938r 37550 32023s 21940* 32819V 2S377a 29802O 35196P 637a Orme, Callie Cobb Jackson (Mrs A. J.) Peachtree st., Atlanta Orme, Ellen Vail (Mx's Francis Hodgson) 70 Forsyth st., Atlanta Orme, Kat« .Hatman (Mrs Aquila John) North ave., Atlanta Orme, Lucy (Miss) 116 E. Jones st.. Savannah Orr, Fannie Bradley (Mrs Joseph Kyle) 207 W. Peachtree st., Atlanta Osborne, Cornelia Bacon (Mrs Craven T.) 2nd ave., Columbus Pace, Leonora Haralson (Mrs James M.) Covington Page, Elizabeth Ivoberts (Mrs C. H., Jr.) 7 Baltimore Block, Atlanta Paine, Louise Averill (Mrs Clarence Mann).. 67 N. Forsyth st., Atlanta Pape, Nina Anderson (Miss) 20 Harris st., W. Savannah Park, Emily Hendree (Mrs llobert Emory) 48 Merritts ave., Atlanta Parrott, Laulie Hammond (Mrs George W.) Hotel Majestic, Atlanta Parsons, Martha E. Bozeman (Mrs AY. H.) 131 Capitol Square, Atlanta Patterson, Ella J. (Mrs John) 907 Peachtree st., Atlanta Patterson, Mary (Miss) Macon Pattillo, Sallie Chase (Mrs W. P.) '. 171 East Fair st., Atlanta Patton, Ida Nevin (Mrs William Alexander) Rome Patty, Emma Foote (Mrs Henry M.) 349 Capitol ave., Atlanta Peel, Lucy Cook (Mrs William Lawson) 469 Peachtree st., Atlanta Penn, Martha Smith (Miss) Monticello Penn, Maude Clark (Miss) Monticello Perdue, Marion Graham (Mrs John Albert).. 703 P^dgewood ave., Atlanta Perkins, Bessie Egglena (Mrs Charles L.) 1439 4th ave., Columbus Peters, Ellen Lindsay (Miss) 272 Forest ave., Atlanta Peters, Kate Boss (Mrs Thomas) 272 Forest ave., Atlanta Pharr, Vo Hammie Heard (Mrs Marcus, Jr.) Elbert on Phelan, Palmer G. (Mrs Sidney H.) 404 Courtland ave., Atlanta Phelan, Palmer Graham (Miss) 404 Courjtland ave., Atlanta Phillips, Jessie Young (Mrs Alonzo) Milledgeville Phinizy, Anne Barrett (Mrs Ferdinand) Milledge ave., Athens Phinizy, Marion Pickens Coles (Mrs Stewart) ... .717 Telfair st., Augusta Phinizy, Mary L. Y. (Mrs Charles H.) 519 Greene st., Augusta Phinizy, Nellie Stovall (Mrs Billups) 204 S. Milledge ave., Athens Plumb, Mary Thomas Gibbes (Mrs) 516 Walker st., Augusta Prescott Helen M. (Miss) Eastport Preston, Cynthia Maria (Mrs George C.) 198 Peachtree st., Atlanta Preston, Mary More (Miss) 198 Peachtree st., Atlanta Prioleau, Dialthea Lee Carroll (Mrs Samuel) 116 E. Ellis st., Atlanta Prioleau, Eula Lee Smith (Mrs William Fripp)..61 Merritts ave., Atlanta Pomeroy, Emma Janette Loomis (Mrs Edgar Josiah) Marietta Pope, CiifPord Cassels (Mrs Burwell) .' 220 Peachtree St., Atlanta Pope, Susie McPherson (Mrs J. Wylie) 137 Lee st., Atlanta Porter, Fannie Loury (Mrs James Henry) 339 Peachtree st., Atlanta Porter, Harriett Elizabeth (Mrs Henry ^JeiTerson) Augusta Potter, Sarah Woolhopter (Mrs Asbury) 903 Broad st., Augusta Poullain, Sue Willie (IMiss) Madison Quinby, Lula Belle Hemphill (Mrs L. D. T.) . .Peachtree Place, Atlanta Ragland, Erminie Prouty (]\Irs Oscar) 35 Cone st., Atlanta Eankin, Fannie Lamar (Mrs J. W.) 201 Capitol ave., Atlanta Raoul, Marv Miller (Mrs William G.) Peachtree st., Atlanta Bay, Paiby Felder (Miss) Kirkwood, Atlanta Bedding, A. M. (Mrs Thomas P.) Milledgeville Bedding. Isabella C. Bemshart (Mrs Joseph Henry) Waycross Bedding, Sarah E. (Mrs B. J.) Griffin Beed, Emma Cameron (Mrs Heber Clinton) Kimball House, Atlanta Beed, Constance (Miss) Kimball House, Atlanta Beese, Viola Boss (Mrs Anderson IT.) Macon Beid, Boselvn (Miss) Griffin Bemshart, Alice Floyd (Mrs George H.) 108 W. Jones st.. Savannah Bevnolds, Fanny M. Webster (Mrs J. A.) 444 Peachtree st., Atlanta Bice, Annie Svkes (Mrs Charles Frank) 386 W^ Peachtree st., Atlanta Bice, Mary Mitchell (Mrs Frank P.) 386 Peachtree st., Atlanta Bichardson, Elizabeth Buford (Mrs John Manly) Milledgeville Eoach, Aurelia (Miss) 153 Whitehall st., Atlanta Wiltwyck Chapter, N. Y. Dorothea Henry Chapter, Va. GEORGIA. 127 174460 :20212rt 6490(/. 5145a -31290P 202226 51460 22626/- 32419r 33241fc 90030 572250 6334 283780 12691/ 251465 1267^/ 1220& 30647 35751f 4070« 17939Z 30656^ 33253r 35195n 23120r 8994a 947a 32820V 30658ry 28059r 280601-' 570a 30696i 8992a 32017i 12474g 30662?/ 25145?> 202140 1832^ 32814r 6489a 21452V 21451t; 6337 1S364<7 32412r/ 30649 458a 20332* 19107a 1170a 30283a 30695 i 32410?- 34570 612a 32015fc 39250 202130 30652a 21449?- 13251(7 Eobert, Kate Gregory (Mrs Harry Coombs) 106 2nd st., Macon Koberts, Carrie Munday (Mrs John B.) 46 Currier St., Atlanta Eoberts, Emelina L. C. (Miss) 7 Baltimore Place, Atlanta Eoberts, Kate Carlisle (Miss) Baltimore Place, Atlanta Roberts, Marward Herty (Mrs Eufus) Milledgeville Eobertson, Katharine ]\[i]ler (Mrs James L.) 27 Lincoln st., Augusta Eobinson, Lizzie Carroll (Mrs John Thomas) 354 Spring st., Macon Eobinson, Martha Eeid (Miss) Newnan Eobinson, Minnie Scruogs (Mrs W. Clarence) . .303 Whitehall st., Atlanta Eodg-ers, Martha E. (Mrs) Monticello Eog-ers, Laura Barkesdale (Mrs Eichard M.) 354 College st., Macon Eogers, Louise (Miss) 354 College st., Macon Eoper. Sarah Margaret Swanson (Mrs) La Grange Eoss, Belle Danish (Mrs James T.) Macon EounsaTille, Hallie Alexander (Mrs James A.) Eome Eountree, Ann Eliza (Mrs Milledge Ardis) 112 McCartan st., Augusta Eowell, Lou Underwood (^Nlrs Christopher) , . .Eome Eowland, Annie Winter (Miss) 1256 Greene st., Augusta Eucker. Mary Jane Elizabeth Powell (Mrs Jett Willis) Atlanta Eutherford, Mildred Lewis (Miss) Athens Sage, Margaret Alexander (Mrs Ira Yale) Wallace Sanders, Sarah Cooper (Mrs John Wilkes) Washington Sasnett, Martha Eebecca (Miss) 117 Bolton st.. East Savannah Schlesinger, Ella Cohen (Mrs Harry L.)..109 W. Peachtree st., Atlanta Schley, Eliza Ann Larcombe (Mrs Julian) 1011 Habersham st., Savannah Scott, Mary Ella Jones (Mrs William Henry) Forest ave., Atlanta Scott, Mary Evelyn C. (INIrs F. M.) 727 Peachtree st., Atlanta Scott, Mary Trammell (Mrs Samuel) 97 Merritts ave., Atlanta Scoville, Francis Otey Hall (Mrs Dabney H.) Hotel Marion, Atlanta Scruggs, Ludie Paine (Mrs John Hartwell) 1101 5th ave., Columbus Scruggs, Maude Judith (Miss) 445 Peachtree st., Atlanta Scruggs, Euby Erskine (Miss) 445 Peachtree st., Atlanta Scrutchin, Mildred J. (Mrs Joseph) 96 E. Linden st., Atlanta Scudder, ]S'ina Wilkins (Mrs Charles Alexander) Athens Seddon, Katherine McDonald (Mrs William Little) Atlanta Sharpe, Sarah Lewis (Mrs John Eobert) Bainbridge Shipp, Emily E. Kline (Mrs E. L.) Moultrie Shropshire, Marj^ Wright (Mrs Francis C.) 203 6th ave., Eome Sibley, Emma Tucker (]Mrs George Eo3-al) Greene st., Aug'usta Signor, Sallie Dearing Speer (Mrs) Macon Simkins, Mabelle H. (Mrs AVilliam D.) 165 Gwinnett st., Savannah Simmons, Ida (Mrs Terrell E.) 52 Driiid Circle, Inman Park, Atlanta Simmons, Nannie E. (Mrs Thomas J.) "The Kimball," Atlanta Sisson, Caroline Larendon (Miss) Kirkwood Sisson, Louise (Miss) Kirkwood Slack, Euth Bradfield (Mrs Henry E.) La Grange Slade, Mary Byrnes Browne (INIrs William B.) 1345 2nd ave., Columbus Slade, Susan Griswold (Mrs Eichard W.) 2nd ave., Columbus Slaton, Mattie Lee (Miss) 336 Courtland ave., Atlanta Slaton, Sarah Frances G. (Jackson) (Mrs J.) 427 Peachtree st., Atlanta Smith, Alice Bradford (Mrs Edward E.) 23 Kimball st., Atlanta Smith, Estelle Cuyler (Mrs Henry Hunter) Peachtree st., Atlanta Smith, Frances Gordon B. (Mrs Eobert B.) W. Peachtree st., Atlanta Smith, Ida Kendrick (]SIj-s Alexander W.) 944 Peachtree st., Atlanta Smith, Ida Lewis (Mrs Joseph Walden) Waynesboro Smith, Lily Hattie (Miss) 273 Lee st., West End, Atlanta Smith, INIarian Caroline (Miss) Cartersville Smith, Marian Thomas Cobb (Mrs Hoke) 197 W. Peachtree st., Atlanta Spalding, Elizabeth Hughes (Mrs Jack J.).... 958 Peachtree st., Atlanta Sparks, Marilee Bacon (Mrs W. B.) Macon Speer, Marian Sherwood (Miss) Macon Speer, Maude Eoach (Mrs John Moreland) 228 S. Pryor st., Atlanta Speer, Olive May (I\Iiss) 544 Peachtree st., Atlanta Spencer, Ida Tunstall Speed (Mrs Eichard Perry) 1334 2nd ave., Columbus Chicago Chapter, 111. 128 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. 357662/ 34533a 2540a 34073fc 34541f 23369f 11440O 31280fc 33250^ 7076W 3240Sfc 1227& 35757fc 34542/ 22623 23123V 32407fc 30686A; 27514* 16657 5639* 6333 36146 34569 12001|| 36145 23333t 5646& 11997|| 74520 34075fc 36125H. 30697i 30687fc 312797c 36103g 11441m; 8963 34082to 36104? 1992& 32409A-- 306741 8364a 22622^ 12262* 5641 2883? 40710 33251* 18357a 32805 19719a 1225 30676i 5643a 7450?* 20220& 5648b 6340 26715* 9961 Spullock, Fannie Cornelia (Miss) Rome Stacy, Leonora Virginia (Mrs Robert Q.) 98 E Linden St.. Atlanta Stacy, Pocahontas Hutchinson (Mrs Louis C.)..98 E. Linden St., Atlanta Stanton, Carrie Lucile (Miss) 3 St. Charles ave., Atlanta Starnes, Lucia Beri-ien (Miss) Athens Starnes, Lucia Berrien (Mrs Hugh Nesbitt) Experiment Steed, Eugenia Small (Mrs Clem P.) 656 College St., Macon Steele, Kitty Gansevoort Wadleigh (Mrs A. B.) 522 Peachtree St., Atlanta Steinhimer, Anna Eussell Scott (Mrs John G.) 20 Macon St., E. Savannah Stevens, Ella Florine (Miss) Leesburg Stewart, Estelle (Miss) 342 Jackson St., Atlanta Stokes, Sarah Gardner (Miss) Sand Hills, Aueusta Story, Mary (Mrs) Newnan Stovall, Mattie Wilson (Mrs Boiling Anthony) Athens Strickland, Martha Hard away (Mrs J. H.) Newnan Stringfellow, Annie Christian Nash (Mrs StcAvart) Spring st., Atlanta Strobhar, Lois Bryan (Mrs Cecil W.) McDonough Strong, Alice Vivienne (Miss) 21 Powers st., Atlanta Strong, Jennie Butler (Mrs Charles Hall) Savannah Sturgeon, Mabel Walker (Mrs Thomas Lowe) Atlanta Sullivan, Mary Chase P. (Mrs John) 134 Harris st., Savannah Swanson, Mattie Banks (Mrs B. G.) La Grange Swift, Bessie Thurmond (Mrs Isaac G.) Elberton Swift, Suzanne Heard (Mrs James Young) Elberton Talbott, Aurie Hall (Mrs Ellis Memford) Macon Tate, Mattie A. (Mrs E. B.) Elberton Taylor, Alice May (Mrs Walter A.) 333 Peachtree st., Atlanta Taylor, Annie Twiggs (Mrs Robert Galpin) Green St., Augusta Taylor, Catherine Hall (Mrs H. H.) Macon Taylor. Liic3^ Pitkins Stevens (Mrs Mallory H.) Macon Terrell, Jessie Spivej^ (Mrs Joseph M.) Fairfax, Atlanta Thomas, Alice Gertrude (Mrs Edward J.) 124 McDonough St., Savannah Thomas, Emma Marsh (Mrs Nathaniel P.) Wayneslioro Thomas, Lucille King (Mrs Irving Summerfield) Atlanta Thompson, Emma Minis (Mrs Joseph) "The Kimball," Atlanta Thweatt, Woodie Shepherd (Mrs James T.) Columbus Tift, Bessie Willingham (Mrs Henry) Tifton Tift, Eliza Catherine Mallory (Mrs^ William O.) Tifton Tift, Susan Grove (Mrs Nelson F.) Albany Tigner, Mary (]\Iiss ) Columbus Tobin. Mary Lou Walker Beeson (Mrs James) 723 Telfair st., Augusta Tompkins, Nora P. (Mrs Henry B.) 760 Peachtree st., Atlanta Toomer, Rosalie Holmes (Mrs William M.) Waycross Torbett, Lucy Calninia Goode (Mrs MattheAv B.) Simpson st., Atlanta Toy, Mary Bockover (Mrs Robert Boyte) 105 Forest ave., Atlanta Trammell, Anna Godfrey (Mrs Lee) IMadison Tuggle, Margaret Alford Cox (Mrs W. O.) La Grange Turner, Mildred Lewis Patterson (]\Irs J. C.) 1138 Front st., Columbus. Turpin, Evelj-n (Mrs William C.) Macon Tutwiler, Annie Pope (Mrs Thomas Stanhope) Savannah Van Epps, [Minnie Thomas (Mrs Howard).. 127 Washington st., Atlanta Van Metre, Isaac Newton (Miss) Ford Venable, Elizabeth Richard (Miss) 19 Forest ave., Atlanta Verdery, Ann McK. Winter (Mrs Eugene F.) Summerville. Augusta W^adley, Henrietta Lane (Mrs John Everingham) Waycross Walker, Emily C. R. (Mrs Robert M.) Spring st., Atlanta Walters, Minnie D. (jNIrs Jesse Williams).. 128 Jefferson st., Albany Walton, Julia Scales Jackson (Mrs Maurice J.) . . . .602 Greene St., Augusta Walton, Sarah Josephine (Miss) 310 W'ashington st., Augusta Ward, Anne Fleming (Miss) La Grange Ward, Sarah Elouise (Mrs P. H.) 129 Abercorn st.. Savannah Ward, Theresa Antoinette (Miss) La Grange California Chapter, Cal. Yorktown Chapter, Pa. Dorothea Henry Chapter, Va. HONOLULU, H. I. 129 28909*7 Ware, Sarah Frances (Miss) 113 14th St., Columbus 7078(0 Warren, Louisa Holcombe (Mrs L. P. D.) Albany 233656 Warren, Mary P. (Mrs William Henrj) 828 Greene st., Augusta 81s Washing-ton, Mar^' Anne (Mrs) 521 College St., Macon 33244/c Way, Olivia Tuckerman (Mrs Samuel T.) Walthourville 7075 (r Welch, Laura Spencer (Mrs Leonard E.) Albany 11443(r Weston, Florence Jones (Mrs Burton Lee) Albany 20S87r Whelan, Estelle (Miss) .38 W. Peachtree st., Atlanta 32021/> \Miitaker, Kosa Scott (Miss) Milledgeville 28062/ V\hite, Ella F. (Mrs H. C.) Milledge ave., Augusta 30698i Whitehead, Florence Byne (Mrs Amos G.) Waynesboro 2193Sr ^Vhiteside, Mary Brent (Miss) 338 W. Peachtree st.,' Atlanta 1688;/ ^^^litmore, Mary Berrien (Mrs William Price) Eome 13248« ^^^litne^, Eliza "^Spann (Miss) 121 S. Pryor st., Atlanta 22611& Wienges, Eva J. Mims (Mrs Joseph C.)...1477 Woodlawn ave., Augusta 1818^ Wilder, Georgia Page King (Mrs Joseph J.) 93 Charlton st., Savannah 21941/- Wiley, Margarette Menefee (]\Irs Joseph W.) Palmetto 18359ff Wilkins, Julia Sydney Abercrombie (Mrs Grant) 541 Peachtree st., Atlanta 31297f Willcox, Mabel Hillyer (Mrs Warren Palmer) 303 Gwinett St., E. Savannah 28058« Williams, Cora Belle Peck (Mrs Elijah Mosely) 97 Ivy st., Atlanta 32809/- Williams, Florence Lewis (Miss) 357 Capitol ave., Atlanta 33252? Williams, Julia Izard (Mrs William Ta.ylor) Savannah 34563/- Williams, Juliet Alarshall (Mrs William F.) 230 Forest ave., Atlanta 283820 Willingham, Eula Lowe Felton (Mrs E. J.) 305 College st., Macon 351866 Willis, Annie Wilson (Mrs John Turner) 924 Eeynold st., Augusta 29418fl Wills, Juliet Pollard (Mrs John William) Peachtree st., Atlanta 4678rt Wilson, Margaret Adeline O'C. (Mrs A. McD.) 410 Peachtree st., Atlanta 147680 Wilson, Martha Stovall (Miss) Macon 27223« Winship, Elizabeth Thiot (Mrs George) 614 Peachtree st., Atlanta 39240 Wise, Gazaleen Munroe (Mrs B. A.) Macon 19946 Withers, Clara Lou D'Antignac (Mrs Charles A.) 539 Greene St.. Augusta 35765? Withers, Irene Twitty (Miss) Savannah 1858ft Wolff, E. P. McDowell' (Mrs Bernard Likens) .Crew St.. Atlanta 2360a Wolff, Marian J. Hillyer (IMrs Bernard) E. Fair st.. Atlanta 2216// Wood, Elizabeth Morgan (Mrs Charles Daniel) 405 W. 1st st., IJome 251507/ Wood, Fannie Amanda (Miss) 525 Broad st., Rome 13960?/ Wood, Mary Sallie I. (:\Irs J. S.) cor. Whitaker & Gwinnet sts.. Savannah 8995a Woodward, Helen Baldwin (Mrs David) 655 Peachtree st., Atlanta 35748a Woodward, Mary Davis (Miss) 139 Peachtree st., Atlanta 31291?J Woofter, Callie Mary Gerdine (Mrs T. J.) Milledgeville 7082/Ki Wooten, Evelyn Pag'e Carter (]\Irs W. E.) Albany 31283fc Wootten, Katharine Hint on (Miss) 108 Courtland st., Atlanta 3264a Wrenn, Georgia R. W. (Mrs B. W.) "The Kimball," Atlanta 14763// Wright, Anna Moore (Mrs Seaborn) Rome 336806 \^^right, Annie Gregory (Miss) 340 Broad st., Augusta 9524^7 Wright, Annie Perry (Miss) Thomasville ;" 9804m Wright, Carrie A. (IMiss) Covington 30672i Wright, Elizabeth (Miss) Waycross 9525(7 Wright, Emma Julia Pope (Mrs Arthur P.) Thom.asville 13250a Wright, jNIarj^ Louise Cox (Mrs William A.).... 402 Peachtree st.. Atlanta 95286 Wyll3% Robert Logan Dismukes (Mrs Richard D.) Darien 20225// Wyly, Madeleine (Miss) Rome 26714r Ye'andle. Rebecca S. S. (Mrs William Henry)... 312 Capitol ave.. Atlanta 34081r Yeates, Julia Wheeler Moore (]\Irs William Smith) "The Capitol." Atlanta 361317^ Young, Lucy Irwin Burnett (Miss) Columbus HAWAIIAN ISLANDS a. Aloha Chapter — Honolulu Or(ianizcd March 6. 1S07 ; Members, 28 f California, 1) Eegent, Mrs Agnes H. B. Judd Secretary, ISiiss Susan Patch Vice-Regent, Mrs Abigail Alexander Treasurer. IMrs Flora W. Girvin Registrar. ]S[rs Thomie M. Ballon 130 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 179410. Alexander, Abig-ail Charlotte (Mrs Wm. De Witt) Honolulu 17943a Alexander, Helen Goodale (Mrs Charles H.) Honolulu 17942a Alexander, Mary Charlotte (Miss) Honolulu '20233a Atherton, Minnie Merriam (Mrs Chas. Henry) Honolulu :20234a Ballou, Thomie Morgan (Mrs Sidney) \ Honolulu 18398** Bying-ton, S. Lillian (Miss) Honolulu ;20235a Case, Kathryn Merriam (Mrs Daniel H.) Honolulu, Oahu 24508a Castle, Ida Beatrice (Mrs William R.) Honolulu 28914a Chamberlain, Martha Ann Jenkins (Miss) Honolulu, Oahu 33123a Crawlej', Carrie Lee (Mrs James A.) Honolulu 20236a Damon, Harriet Melinda (Mrs Samuel ISIills) Honolulu 17945a Dickey, Ann Elizabeth (Mrs C. H.) Haikio Marie 28915a Forbes, Maria J. Chamberlain (Mrs) Honolulu 17952a French, Amy Josephine King (Mrs) Honolulu 17947a Girvin, Flora M. Willfong (Mrs James W.) Honolulu 22627a Gray, Sarah Catherine (Miss) Honolulu 17948a Hali, Elizabeth Van Cleve (Mrs William Wisner) Honolulu 28848* Hayes, Edna Proctor Clark (Mrs Henry Louis) Hilo Hawaie 22628a Ho'bron, Frances E. (Mrs Thomas Henry) Honolulu 20237a Hyde, Mary T. Knight (Mrs Charles M.) Honolulu 23127a Jones, Alice Hall (Miss) Honolulu 17951a Jones, Cornelia Hall (Mrs Peter Cushman) Honolulu 17949a Judd, Agnes Elizabeth (Miss) Honolulu 17451a Judd, Agnes Hall Boyd (Mrs S. F.) Honolulu 17950a Judd, Helen Seymour (Miss) Honolulu 22629a Lemmon, Frances A. (Miss) Kamehameha Girl's School, Honolulu :;4509a Moore, ISI^ellie Moore Lowrey (INIrs) Honolulu 238240 Pratt, Sarah Catharine Dickson (Mrs John Scott Boj^d) Honolulu 22630a Smith. Mary Abby (Mrs William Owen) Honolulu 17946a Waterhouse, Grace Graydon Dickey (Mrs) Honolulu, Oahu 29808a Woods, Mabel Eobertson (Miss) Kohala IDAHO Members Eesiding in the State 30771t Anderson, Alice Jones (Mrs Eobt.) Idaho Falls 3273211 Culbertson, Jessie Glidden (Mrs Frank E.) Burke ILLINOIS State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Robert H. Wiles, 5711 Woodlawn ave., Chicago u II 190'''* " " " " " " " " CHAPTEPS. (25 organized, 5 unorganlzec.) a. Amor Patriae Chapter — Streator Oroctnized Fehruary 12, 1897; Memliers, 32 Eegent, Mrs Gertrude C. Bailey Treasurer. Mrs Xellie B. Crabbe Vice-Regent. Mrs Jennie E. Taylor Registrar, Mrs Julia C. Griggs Secretary, Miss Susanne C. Findley Historian, Mrs Marietta M. B. Shay b. Bunker Hill Memhers Regent, Mrs Lucy Snyder Parkam. Appointed June 5, 1901. * Mnrv WRshiriKton Chapter, D. C. II Esther Reed Chapter, Washington. Moline Chapter, 111. Lexington Chapter, Ky. ILLINOIS. 131 c. Chicago Chapter — Chicago Organized March 16, 1S91 ; Members, 752 (Iowa, 1; Foreign, 2; Massacfnisetts, 1; Fentisylrania, 2; Colorado, 3; Neto York, 2; District of Cohimhia, 1; Ohio, 1; New Jc7-sey, 1; Florida, 2; 'Wisconsin, 5; Michigan, 5; California, 2; West Yirginia, 1; Missouri, 1; Connecticut, 1; Indiana, 1) Eegent, Mrs J. A. Coleman Cor. Sec, Mrs Charles F. Millspaugh Vice-Eegent, Mrs Charles H. Conover Treasurer, Mrs Frederick W. Lee Eec. Sec, Mrs Carl W. Preston Registrar, Mrs Henry A. Bogardus Historian, Mrs Edwin E. Sparks d. Decatur Chapter — Decatur Organized February Jf, 1896; ^Ictnbers, 21 (California, 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Mrs Susan C. E. Clokey Treasurer, Mrs x\nnie S. P. Hunt Yice-Eegent, Mrs Jeanette Crea Eegistrar, Mrs Laura H. Maris Secretary, Mrs Mary B. Stanton Historian, Mrs EflRe E. J. Kennedy e. Dixon Chapter — Dixon Organized May 21, 1S9S; 3Icmbcrs, 20 (Minnesota, 1; Iowa. 1) Eegent, Mrs Dorothy N. Law Treasurer, Mrs Elizabeth H. Hughes ViCe-Eegent, Mrs Nellie D. Tillson Eegistrar, Miss Anna E. Woodbridge Secretarj', Miss Mary E. Pankhurst Historian, Miss Laura G. Murphy f . Dorothy Quincy Chapter— Quincy Organized April 1, 1897; Memhers, 29 (Missouri, 1; Iowa, 1; District of Cohimhia, 1) Eegent, ]S[rs Frances E. Woodruff Secretarj'-, Miss Addie E. Turner Vice-Eegent, Mrs Jennie F. W. Mont- Treasurer, Mrs Lydia E. Whipple gomery Eegistrar, Mrs Hannah E. Claflin Historian, Mrs Marion Evers g. Elder William Brewster Chapter— Freeport Organized Kovemher 10, 1900; Memhers, 12 Regent, Mrs Chas. D. Knolton Treasurer, Mrs C. C. Wolf Secretary, Mrs Walter Diffenbaugh Eegistrar, Miss P"'lora Guiteau h. Elgin Chapter — Elgin Organized May 2.'/, 1898; Members, 31 (Massachusetts, 1) Eegent, Mrs John S. Wilcox Treasurer, ISlrs A. L. Warner Vice-Eegent, Miss Mary Cleveland Eegistrar, Mrs Band D. Dumser Secretary, Miss Dora Dickenson Historian, Miss Carrie Dickinson i. Fort Armstrong Chapter — Rock Island Organized January 31. 1896; Memhers, Jfo (Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, ]\Irs Frank Mixter Secretary, Mrs Frank W. Eahnsen Vice-Eegent, Mrs James McD. Mont- Treasurer, Mrs John H. Wilson gomery Historian, Mrs Thomas J. Buford j. Fort Dearborn Chapter — Evanston Organized June 6, 189-'t; Memhers. 99 (District of Cohimhia, 2; Wisconsin, 1; Minne- sota, 1; California, 1; Michigan, 2) Regent, Mrs Frances B. G. Spinning Cor. Sec, Mrs Maria F. Holabird Vice-Regent, Mrs Mary E. Tallmadge Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Whiteley Rec Sec, Mrs Isabella G. Nichols Registrar, Mrs Elizabeth D. Keen Honorary Regent, Miss Cornelia G. Lunt •'■^2 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E. k. Geneseo Chapter — Geneseo Organized February 6, 1S99; Members. J, J, (Missouri, 1; Oklalioma Territory. 1; Cali- fornia, 1; Colorado, 1; Kansas, 1) Reg-ent, Mrs Ella N. Taylor Treasurer, Miss Grace Miller Vice-Eegent, Mrs Chas. Dunham Kegistrar, Mrs J. A. Bradley Secretary, Mrs Geo. N. Clouse Historian, Mrs W. H. Foster 1. George Rogers Clark Chapter — Oak Park Organized January 25, 1896; Members, 64 Eegent. Mrs Mary E. Hutchinson Treasurer, Miss Caroline C. Wood Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary E. Baker Eegistrar. Mrs Annie M. Hunt Secretary, Mrs M. E. Morton Historian, Mrs Frances A. Lackey m. mini Chapter — Ottawa Organized May 7, 1896; Members, 64 (Michigan, 2) Hegent, Mrs Frances O. Armstrong Eec. Sec. Mrs Emily Hanna Vice-Eegent, Mrs Lou C. Hook Cor. Sec. Mrs Cora Pope Eegistrar, Miss Nellie C. Brush n. Kewanee Chapter — Kewanee Organized June 16, 1897; Members, 27 Eegent, Mrs Amy M. Blish Treasurer, Mrs Lizzie Hall Vice-Regent, Mrs Martha Lay Eegistrar, Mrs Emma Sanders Secretar^^ Mrs Martha H. Erret Historian, Mrs Lettie H. Nicholson o. Lacon Members Eegent, Mrs Mary Isabelle Barnes. Appointed June 6, 1900. p. Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter — Bloomington Organized May 3, 1894; Members, 96 (Maine, 2; District of Columbia, 1; New York, 2; Kentucky, 1) Regent, Mrs Sain Welty Treasurer, Mrs Caroline F. Kimball Vice-Regent, Mrs John T. Lillard Registrar, Mrs James R. Price Secretary, Miss Elizabeth Christie Historian, Mrs Calvin Rayburn q. Lincoln Chapter — Lincoln Organized January 30. 1896; Members, 26 Regent, Mrs Caroline C. Liitz Treasurer, Mrs Leila B. Collins Vice-Regent, Mrs Elizabeth L. Morri- Registrar, Mrs Eva H. Hunting son Librarian, Mrs Adeline G. Bates Secretary, Mrs Charlotte S. Ross r. Macomb Members Regent, Mrs Clara A. Chandler. Appointed June 6, 1900. s. Mattoon Members Regent, Mrs Mary Churchill Noble. Appointed June 5, 1901. t. Moline Chapter — Moline Organised January 6, 1894; Members, 54 (Texas, 1; Montana, 1; Missouri, 2; Foreign, 1) Regent, Mrs C. H. Deere Secretary, Mrs A. L. Moore Vice-Eegent, Mrs Herbert Cooper Treasurer, Miss Lucy Evans ILLINOIS. 133 u. Morrison Regent, Mrs Minnie Maxfield Sands. Appointed and confirmed February 25, 1901. V. North Shore Chapter — Highland Park Organized April 20, 1893, Members. 38 (Ohio, 1; California, 1; New Jersey, 1; Tennessee, 1) Eegent, Miss Albina R. LaBar Secretary, Mrs Bertha B. Green Vice-Regent, Mrs Ellie F. Patton Treasurer, Mrs Ellen W. Hipwell Registrar, Mrs Amelia C. Millard w. Peoria Chapter — Peoria Organized June h, 1896; Members, 52 (Wisconsin, 1; Connecticut, 1) Regent, Mrs Louise D. Elder Cor. Sec, Mrs Ada G. McLaughlin Vice-Regent, Mrs Isabella F. Mans- Registrar, Mrs Carrie G. RowcliflE field Historian, ]\Irs Esther B. Ellis Rec. Sec, Mrs Mary R. Beasley Chaplain, Mrs Lucie B. Tyng X. Princeton Illinois Chapter^ — Princeton Organized April 13, 1896; Members, 32 Regent, Mrs Austin B. Reeve Treasurer, Mrs Sue B. Ferris Vice-Regent, Mrs Mary H. Moseley Registrar, Mrs Louise J. Moseley Secretary, Mrs E. Mi Latimer Historian, y. Rebecca Park Chapter — Galesburg Organized February 10, 1901; Members, 25 Regent, Mrs Robert W. Colville Cof. Sec, Mrs Chas. Ashley Webster Vice-Regent, Mrs Geo. A. Lawrence Treasurer, Mrs Edward Everett Rec. Sec, Mrs Octavius J. Colton Registrar. Mrs Grace M. Willis Historian, Mrs Nevin C. Lescher z. Rev. James Caldwell Chapter — Jacksonville Organized May 7, 1896; Members, 67 (New Tork, 1 ; Kansas, 1; Ohio, 1; Nebraska, 1; Michigan, 1; Texas, 1; Massachusetts, 1) Regent, Mrs Wm. T. Wilson Rec. Sec. Mrs Wm. K. McLaughlin Ist Vice-Regent, Mrs Harry E. Wads- Cor. Sec. Miss Ellen E. Russell worth Treasurer, Miss Eliza Kent 2d Vice-Regent, Mrs Howard L. Doan Registrar, Mrs Sani'l. D. Osborne. A. Rochelle Chapter — Rochelle Organized May 19, 1900; Members, 27 (Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Mrs Frank Barker Cor. Sec, Miss Josephine Hoadley Vice-Regent. Mrs J. M. May Treasurer, Mrs W. W. Gould Rec. Sec, Mrs F. W. Craft Registrar, Mrs W. P. Landon B. Rockford Chapter — Rockford Organized October 23', 1894; Members, 102; (Foreign, 1) Regent, Mrs Clara G. Sanford Cor. Sec, Mrs Robert B. Baldwin Vice-Regent. Mrs Wait Talcott Treasurer, Miss Harriet Blakeman Rec. Sec, Mrs William H. Utter Registrar, Mrs Carrie Brett Historian, Mrs Ralph Emerson. C. Shadrack Bond Chapter — Carthage Organized April 1, 1897; Members, 15 Regent. Mrs Laura J. Miller Noyes Cor. Sec, Mrs Julia F. Hubbs Vice-Regent, Mrs Ellen B. Capron Treasurer, Mrs Amanda E. Shultz Rec. Sec, Mrs Mary Tressler New- Registrar, Mrs Ellen M. C. Mack comer Historian, Miss Sue A. Williams 134 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. D. Springfield Chapter— Springfield Organized February 11, 1895; Members, U (California, 3) Regent,, Mrs Charles Eidgely Treasurer, Mrs Langlev Whitlev Vice-Eegent Mrs Harriet E. Taylor Eegistrar, Mrs P W Harts ^ Secretary, Mrs Jacob L. Price Historian,' Mrs Caroline MB. Kane E. Warren Chapter— Monmouth Organized April 7, 1897; Members, 29 (Pennsylvania, 1; California 1- loica '^ - Oregon, 1; Montana, 1) , , ^, Eegent, Mrs Ida J C. Burns Treasurer, Mrs Edwina B. Eandall Vice-Eegent Mrs Sara^ T. Dean Eegistrar, Mrs Marian B. Sexton Secretary, Mrs Sarah H. B. Hanley Hisorian, Mrs Lucy M. Kidder Members Eesiding in the State ?S«J? Abbott Jeanette Miner (Mrs Wm. Warner) S72 E. 50th St., Chicago i^S« ^?'''''' V^'g-inia McConnell (Mrs Addison A.) 102 S. Grove ave., Oak Pa7k 15506Z Adams, Carrie Allen (Mrs Albert H.) .' . . .225 Wesley ave!,' olk Park 35767a Adams, Louise Agnes (Miss) . .^ '.. ."7: : .".V.V.V.VoV "MonroT TtT S. ^St're'ator ^n^fo? '^^^"^^' ^™™a J- Blair (Mrs Cyrus Hail)\\\\\'.' .7.". .'.'lis Eush^st.T Chicago 30719ft Adams, Gertrude E. Smith (Mrs Harry) .392 Eaymond St., EU^^ IZfc? i'J^™^' ?fcy Sackett G. (Mrs Chas. Edwin) ;.V:\ .7437 EUir ave.. 15hic"ago IfotJL ^^^°^^' Mary McKean Willoughby (Mrs Geo. W.) 42 Ogden ave.. Chicago QOA?* ^^^Y^l' ^^^^'^'^ Worthington (Mrs A. L.) 871 W. College ave., Jacksonvifle ^QQr* f .^olPh"s Emma Hagan (Mrs Wolfe) 4455 Drexel Blvd., Chicago 18395« Amsworth, Lucy (Miss) 5th ave. & 19th St., Moline QnviS ^i"^'^o;^tli' Stella A. Davidson (Mrs Harry) . . .' 1025 15y, st!,' Moline 30745* Alexander, Mary (Mrs James.) ^~ Evanston '^Itfa ^^11''"' ^^^^'"'^^'^ Anthony Robinson (Mrs H. W.) 210 Ashland Blvd., Chicago \l^Z }\''^^' ^If^^ ^''^'"' (^^'^ Arthur W.) 442 Elm st., Chicago „!J Jf ^;;«n' ..M^^nie ^- Stephens (Mrs Frank Gates) Allendale 1 nIL • ^^^T' ^^""^^ ?• (^^^^) 348 W. 60th Place, Chicago S^' Ambrose, Lodilla (Miss) 2024 Orrington ave., EvanstSn ^^<~.r^ Ambrose, Lodisa Welch (Mrs James C.) . . . .2024 Orrington ave.. Evanston ^ooof^ ^"\''^' Minerva Eoss (Mrs John C.) 28 Woodland Park, Chicago 782211 Anderson, Amanda Birmingham (Mrs James C.) Highland Park 31319c Anderson, Ellin I. Bishop (Mrs Joseph) Moro-an Park ^l^ll^^ Anderson, Margaret Wing (Mrs C. W.) 411 Washington st., BloSmington 12582c Anderson, Mary S. Lee (Mrs C.) 92 Lincoln ave., Chicago 35219c Anderson, Sarah Bishop (Miss) p. 0. Box 14, Moro-an Park .olo^^ Andrew, Catherine Piatt (Mrs Geo. L.) 6123 Kimbark ave.f Chicago 13288W Andrews, Emma Tytus Lines (Mrs Eay) Peoria It^l -^ndl'ews, Ethel Baker (Mrs) '. 3543 Lake ave., Chicago 2?}^^. Andrews, Irene Fargo (Mrs Jas. C. B.) 2247 Michigan ave., Chicago 29422fc Antes, Helen J. Pratt (Mrs Robt. H.) Geneseo 35229m Anthony, Helen Maria Everitt (Mrs John P.) 112 E. Jefferson st., Ottawa 5737c Anthony, Mary G. (Mrs Chas. E.) 225 Hamilton st.. Evanston 22650m Armstrong, Frances P. Osgood (Mrs Marshall N.) West Side, Ottawa 27519c Armstrong, Mary Stuart (Mrs Jas. B.) 913 Cable Bldg.. Chicago 2546c Arnold, Elizabeth F. M. Tittle (Mrs Chas. C.) .^ Winnetka 13260c Atkinson, Helen Dunn (Mrs Frank Holway) 5488 East End ave.. Chicago 3941^ Atkinson, Martha W. (Miss) \ 821 11th ave Moline II5II2: Atwater, Ida Wood (Mrs Wm. A.) Prospect st., Jacksonville 31309c Avery, Margaret Experience (Miss) Lexington Hotel. Chicago 32429c Avery, May Clark (Mrs Frank Morris) 2123 Prairie ave., Chicago 5728c Ayer, Janet Hopkins (Mrs Benj. F.) 99 Lincoln Park Blvd.. Chicago 313572: Ayers, Lucia Ermina (Mrs Allan) 1052 W. State st.. Jacksonville 22638c Babcock, Abbie Kettelle S. (Mrs Frederick E.) 36 Bellevue Place, Chicago 18369c Babcock, Helen Maus (Mrs Chas. F.) 2701 Michigan ave.. Chicago 327781[ Babcock, Sarah L. (Mrs) Winnetka 12593p Bach, Lelia Frances Means (Mrs Wm. E.) 1117 E. Grove St., Bloomington Spencer Chapter, Ind. f Gen. de Lafayette Chapter, Ind. Columbia Chapter, D. C. H Nathan Hale Memorial Chapter, Conn. ILLIXOIS. 135 237Sli Bahnsen, Anne Montgomery (Mrs Frank Wm.) 723 20th st., Eock Island 12044c Bailej^ Charlotte Osgood (Miss) 2979 Prairie ave., Chicago 3325Sa Bailey, Edith Lanrett (Miss) 205 High st., Streator 11896a Bailey, Gertrude Canfield (Mrs Ezra Hunt) High st., Streator 16696/J Bailej^ Isabel ISIcCoy (Mrs Harry V.) cor. Capital st. & Broadway, Pekin 33260a Baker, Anna D. (Miss) Bloomington St., Streator 33259a Baker, Dorothy A. (Miss) Bloomington st., Streator 35768a Baker, Helen Lunette Hill (Mrs C. John) Grant st., Streator 31336fc Baker, Jennie Loviise (Miss) Geneseo 16086Z) Baker, Louise Casey (Mrs David J. Jr.) Springfield 35769a Baker, Marie xVdams (Mrs Edward) 402 Monroe st., S. Streator L4577Z Baker, Mary E. (Mrs John M.) 327 N. Kenilworth ave.. Oak Park 28942 Baldwin, Cass Carlene (Miss) Prophetstown 9583 Baldwin, Edith Eay Crapo (Mrs Martin T.) 4463 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 17464B Bakhvin, Harriet Coleman (Mrs Eobt. Bowler) 328 N. Main st., Eockford 10433 Baldwin, Louise Perkins (Mrs Elmer E.) 3225 Indiana ave.. Chicago 28943 . Baldwin, Mayme Florence (Miss) Prophetstown 4105c Ball, Carrie Woodruff (Mrs George C.) 5211 Kimbard ave., Chicago 13303* Ball, Esther Ingalls (Mrs AYilliarn T.) 749 13th st., Moline 30732c Ballagh, Lillian Acer (]Mrs James H.) 883 Kedzie ave., Chicago 15879* Ballance, Harriet Nevins (Miss) 216 Eandolph ave., Peoria 32848 Ballou, Martha Doremus Beam (Mrs) 5831 Monroe ave., Chicago 3579c Bannard, Alice Yeakle Stockton (jNIrs Henry C.) 410 N. State st., Chicago 18413?i Bannister, Frances Bryant (Mrs John C.) Kewanee 6260 Barber, Amanda M. (Mrs E. P.) 4401 Indiana ave., Chicago 137c Barber, Victoria C. A. (Mrs John 0.) 1318 Wellington ave., Chicago 17953c Barbour, Helen M. (Mrs Lyman Law) 5114 Jefferson ave., Chicago 31368A Harden, Sarah E. Waite (Mrs James A.) Oregon 20908A Barker, Josephine Waite (Mrs Frank) Eochelle 2472c Barker, Julia Shumway (Mrs Frank W.)....4633 Greenwood ave., Chicago 34771; Barlow, Cornelia (Miss) Highland Park 3588a Barlow, Ella Crail (Mrs John Charles) 709 Broadway, Streator 36168? Barlow, Mary Louise Cone (Mrs Henry C.) Oak Park 3943* Barnard, Margaret Nevin Finley (Mrs Charles Albert) Elmhurst 10443d Barnes, Charlotte Lancoaft Gillett (Mrs Wm.) 332 W. William st., Decatur S385B Barnes, Julia Kate Gould (Mrs W. F.) 813 N. Main st., N. Eockford 32052 Barnes, Mary Isabella (Mrs George O.) Lacon 77485 Barnes, Mary J. Parmelee (Mrs John) 721 N. Main st., Eockford 910c Barnes, Mary Luddington (Mrs Chas. J.) ... .Auditorium Annex, Chicago r7526c Barnes, Mira L. (Miss) 7814 Union ave.. Chicago 125.922^ Barnes, Susan Elizabeth S. Fry (Mrs Wm.) 415 W. State st., Jacksonville 19138» Barnej^ Bertha Pheanna Sandford (Mrs Charles Asa) Kewanee 184152- Barr, Leila Markoe (Mrs Samuel Orr) 1209 W. State St., Jacksonville 184162 Barr, Mary Louise (Miss) 1209 W. State st., Jacksonville 8213; Barrie, Mary Eliza (Miss) 1228 Judson ave., Evanston 3452c Barry, Mary B. (Mrs George) Wilmette 10423c Bartlett, Abby Hitchcock (IMrs A. C.) 2720 Prairie ave., Chicago 31327f Bartlett, Bertha Ellen (Miss) Clayton 18368c Bassett, Frances Lewis (Mrs Eoger M.arcus) 34 44th Place, Chicago 12053gf Bates, Adeline Gillett (Mrs Erastus W.) Lincoln 11470a; Bates, Lora S. (Mrs Eugene C.) Princeton 30727p Baumann, Eachel (Miss) 407 E. Front st., Bloomington 31341m Baxter, Josephine Butler (Mrs Isaac Newton) West Side, Ottawa 4520c Beach, Helen M. (Mrs Myron H.) 3630 Lake ave., Chicago 36158c Bear, Mabel Hull (Mrs Charles Ulysses) 7820 Bond st., Chicago 25685W Beasley, Mary Eanisey (Mrs Alfred W^.) 815 Spring St., Peoria 16688^) Beath, Elizabeth Ann Kern (Mrs John L.) 814 N. Main st., Bloomington 26397 Beattie, Elizabeth Truby (Mrs) Elwood 1617c Becker, Clara Cooley (Mrs Frederick W.) 4169 Berkeley ave., Chicago 23772/1 Becker, Lydia Keyes (Mrs John Henry) Elgin 348c Beckwith, Nannie K. (Mrs F. H.) La Plaza, Chicago 32037p Bedinger, Anna Elizabeth (Miss) 507 E. Chestnut st., Bloomington 6502c Beebe, Kate Krebs (Mrs William H.) 206 Goethe st., Chicago 909c Beedy, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) Chicago Vassar College Chapter, N. Y. 136 DIRECTOKY;, D. A. E. 13281/ Beidler, Ida Merriman (Mrs Herbert Alpine) 1432 Maple ave., Evanston 9536c Belden, An:ianda W. (Mrs John S.) 4722 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 35788W Bell, Clara Merriman (Mrs William Evers) 701 Jackson St., Peoria 324442; Bellatti, Sophie H. (Mrs John) 919 W. Colleg-e ave., Jacksonville 33693c Bellinger, Mary Elizabeth McLean (Mrs Albert) 671 W. Park ave., Chicago 26756fc Benedict, Lydia A. Brown (Mrs George W.) Gencseo 26720c Benham, Ad'eline Hart K. (Mrs John) 4722 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 20246c Bentley, Elizabeth King (Mrs Cyrns) Elmhnrst 20258c Benzinger, Gertrude Lytton (Mrs August) 2700 Prairie ave., Chicago 166790' Bergen, Nellie Sims (Mrs) Lincoln 26750C Berry, Anna Barr (Mrs Orville F.) Carthage 9985Z Beye, Nellie C. Lombard (Mrs William) 242 Maple ave.. Oak Park 26757fc Bickel, Emilie A. (Mrs Wm. August) Geneseo 28393 Biddison, Stella D. (Mrs Sanmef M.) Chicago 33265c Billings, Mary Stratton Bloomer (Mrs John L.) 7458 Normal ave., Chicago 33264c Billings, Myra Cable (Miss) 7458 Normal ave., Chicago 347915 Bingham, Mary Lyman (Mrs Stillman E.) Eavenswood 289337* Binniam, Elizabeth Ann Babcock (Mrs Wm. H.) 918 Moss ave., Peoria 35797A Bird, Jeanette Pavne (Mrs James F.) Eochelle 35798A Bird, Nellie Adelle (Miss) Eochelle 114902; Black, Bessie McLaughlin (Mrs Carl E.) 349 E. State st., Jacksonville 3371110 Black, Sophronia Benton (Mrs John Ingersoll) . . . .300 Perry ave., Peoria 32833^ Blackmer, Emma Morton (INIrs Ernest A.) 128 Wesley ave.. Oak Park 14795c Blair, Grace E. Pearce (Mrs Henry Augustus) 2735 Prairie ave., Chicago 99915 Blake, Carrie Brown (Mrs George) 530 Seminary st., Eockford 26006« Blake, Margaret Stephenson (Mrs Ira) Kewanee 6400B Blakeman, Harriet (Miss) 732 N. Main st., Eockford 23797^ Blakemore, Mary Esther Bullen (Mrs Eobert S.) 1122 5th ave., Moline 10991i Blakeslev, Mary Avery (Mrs H. M.) 502 23rd st., Eock Island 21459c Blatchfo'rd. Mary Emily (Mrs E. W.) 70 N. Clinton St., Chicago 30721ft Blinn, Clarice Emma Smith (Mrs George H.) 18 Porter ave., Elgin 12629/1 Blish, Amy Mason Ehodes (Mrs James Knox) Kewanee 21464; Bliss, Elizabeth Strong (Mrs Sylvester S.) 1322 Benson ave.. Evanston 337c Block, Anna Scott (Mrs Willard" T.) Hotel Metropole, Chicago 3783c Bloomingston, Frances E. Drake (Mrs J. S.) 6332 Kimbard ave., Chicago 148095 Blount, Mary Putnam Green (Mrs Joseph Herrick) Byron 25448* Blunt, Katherine (Miss) Eock Island Arsenal 23727c Blye, Annah Emlen Stone (Mrs W.) 6325 Monroe ave., Chicago 5738c Bodman, Grace Herbert (Mrs Luther W.) 589 N. State st.. Chicago 7455c Bogardus. Caroline M. (Mrs Henry A.) 107 E. 37th st., Chicago 9005/ Bogert, Ella Loomis (Mrs Wm. B.) 1818 Sheridan Eoad, Evanston 26013|| Boggs, Harriott Chandler (Mrs Joseph A.) Norwood 21948c Bogue, Martha Harris (Mrs Charles B.) 4328 Oakenwald ave., Chicago 13261c Bolte, Marion Endicott (Mrs Anson Lee) 3757 Ellis ave., Chicago 29830^; Bond, Anna C. (Mrs Jesse W.) Monmoxt'th 20272^ Bond, Nancv Green (Mrs John Grain) Greenbush 27533c Booth, Ada 'Penton Sheldon (Mrs William M.) 3605 Ellis ave., Chicago 23750c Booth, Mary Eunice (Miss) 2914 Groveland ave., Chicago 26730c Borner, Fanny A. (Mrs Wm.) "The Majestic," 54 Walton Place, Chicago 23771/i Bosworth, Abbie L. (Miss) 155 S. Gilford st., Elgin 23770/i Bosworth, Edith Eleanora (Miss) 623 Highland ave.. Elgin 284027( Bosworth, Eleanora M. B. W. (Mrs A.) Highland & Woodland aves., Elgin 19735c Boughton, Lida Thompson (Mrs Daniel Knapp) 703 Monroe st., Chicago 2124c Bouton, Olive Julia Ely (Mrs Sherman Hoyt) 6051 Ellis ave., Chicago 24569.C Bowden. Addie E. (Miss) 4309 Ellis ave., Chicago 36147c Bowes, Ella E. Lane (Mrs Frederick K.) 541 W. Adams st., Chicago 12587c Bowie, Christabel Hathaway Human (Mrs E. E.) 822 W. Adams st., Chicago 21963c Boyle, Alice IMoore (Mrs Lawrence P.) 559 W. 65th st., Chicago 9976c Bovle, Mary Field (Mrs Loren L.) 5470 Washington ave.. Chicago 22647f Bradford, Fannie Louise (Miss) 429 N. 8th st., Quincy 3950c Bradford, Sarah McC. (Mrs David G.) 24 Franklin bldg., Springfield 26758fc Bradley, Anna Louise Stewart (Mrs James Albert) Geneseo 15317c Bradley, Clara McBride (Mrs Chas. D.) 4274 Forest ave.. Eodgers Park 14796c Bradley, Cornelia Louisa Carpenter (Mrs P. B.) 308 Chestnut st., Chicago Vassar College Chapter, N. Y. Augusta Chapter, Ga. ILLIXOIS. 137 35226f Bradley, Ellen (Miss) Mendon 10413c Bradley, Emma Beach Shumway (Mrs Chas. H.) 376 36th Place, Chicag-o 522S|| Bradley, Frances W. (Mrs H. K.) 489 Dearborn ave., Chicago 35T89/(- Bradley, Maude Matthews (Mrs Ed^^dn H.) 413 Knoxville ave., Peoria 32047-1 Braiden, Clara Vaile (Mrs Miles J.) Rochelle 35795.C Brakefield, Helen Baxter (Mrs Henry C.) Grig-gsville 5745p Braley, Caroline Pvog-ers P. (Mrs T. A.) 301 W. IMonroe st.. Blooming-ton 24909* Bramhall, Martha Harding- (Mrs) Chicago 26751C Brandon, Laura Anne Geddes (Mrs George M.) Fountain Green 8383B Brantingham, Kate E. (Mrs Cornelius C). .922 X. Church st., Eockford 20250c Braum, Martha E. Yail (Mrs George P.) 672 La Salle ave., Chicago 2S399C Brega, Fanny F. (Mrs Charles W.) 2816 ]\[ichigan ave., Chicago 64025 Brett, Carrie^ Spafford (Mrs F. E.) 220 S. Madison st., Eockford 302S7C Brett, Emma S. (Miss) ' 794 Washington Boulevard, Chicago 2263.5/ Briggs, Alice Burrall (Mrs Manuel Martin) Eock Island 17465B Briggs, Anna Loree (^Irs Charles Edwin) Eockford 12265c Brooks, Mary A. (Mrs Almon) 4643 Lake ave., Chicago 14776c Brooks, [Mary Levantia Eaymond {^Its J. W.) 4912 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 24591£' Brooks, Priscilla Williams (Mrs Joseph Weakley) Monmouth 1960c Brooks, Eose Hambleton (Mrs James Carter) 87 Cass st., Chicago 34104 Brooks, Sarah Martha (Mrs C. V.) Monmouth 33728 Brought on, Julia A. (Mrs Eussell) Dwight 3614SC Brown, Belle Christy (Mrs Sanger).. 757 Washington Boulevard, Chicago 32466B Brown, Carrie E. Trumbull (Mrs George L.) . .120 Longwood st., Eockford 19130; Brown, Catherine E. Seymour (Mrs W. L.)..217 Dempster st., Evanston 7749B Brown, Elizabeth Starr (Mrs Charles W.) 819 N. Main St., Eockford 8376c Brown, Emily Janet Frazer (Mrs J. H.)..2908 Groveland ave., Chicago 5876/J Brown, Emma Bosworth (Mrs Ealph E.)..208 E. Locust st., Bloomington 352340 Brown, Evelyn Fairbank (Mrs G. W.)..1316 W. State st., Jacksonville 30723fr Brown, Florence Angell (Mrs Henry H.) Geneseo 35965|| Brown, Gertrude G. (Mrs D. A.).. 6615 Monroe ave., Flat "W," Chicago 15510/) Brown, Tsadore E. (Mrs Elwood) 103 East Grove st., Bloomington 28937B Brown, Josephine French (Mrs Francis E.) 320 S. 3rd st., Eockford 9984Z) Brown, Katharine Logan (Mrs Stuart) 719 S. 4th st., Springfield 11452c Brown Leila Clay (M^iss) 2908 Groveland ave., Chicago 4994.V Brown, Lotta Esta T. (Mrs Chas. M.) Webster ave., Jacksonville 6393B Brown, Mary A. (Mrs Horace) 1037 N. 2nd st., Eockford 10837 Brown. INIary E. (Mrs Charles E.) 216 E. Washington st., Bloomington 8123^ Brown, Mary Finley Davison (Mrs Henry Blair) Lincoln 32036/7 Brown, Mary Louise S. (Mrs G. P.) .304 E. Walnut St., Bloomington 13304/) Brown, Mary Van Derveer (Mrs B. W.) "Grove Park," Berlin 35778(7 Brown, Eebecca Coleman (Miss) 440 W. Macon st., Decatur 32031c Browne, Ella Persis Chapin (Mrs Edward) 366 E. 49th St., Chicago 18405ir Browne, Harriet Hitchcock (Mrs Charles Allen) Princeton 29430?ii Brush, Catherine E. (Miss) N. BlufE, Ottawa 16097m Brush, Ellen C. (Miss) N, Bluff, Ottawa 8367c Brush, Eowena Spencer Sturges (Mrs Emerson H.) Elmhurst Bryan, Jennie Logan (Miss) 503 Madison ave., Peoria Bryan, Mary Clara Tavlor (Mrs Benjamin B.)..5124 Cornell ave., Chicago Bryant, Antoinette Ee Qua (Mrs Henry W.) 2973 Prairie ave., Chicago Bryant, Grace Mary (Miss) Princeton Bryant, Julia E. Buell (Mrs Alfred E.) 322 17th st.. Moline Bryant. Laura Smith (Mrs Elijah W.) Princeton Bryant, Marie C. (Miss) Princeton Bryner, Lura (Miss) 518 Hancock st., Peoria Bu'bb, Frances Henrietta Steele (Mrs John Wilson) Fort Sheridan- Buchanan, Imogene Fowler (Mrs E. P.) 4561 Lake ave., Chicago Buck. Charlotte Lillian G. (Mrs F. E.)..305 S. Kenilworth ave.. Oak Park Buckley, Nannie Johnston (Mrs C. W.) 1460 Asbury ave., Evanston Budlong, INIinnie Gertrude S. (Mrs John) 1529 14th ave., Eockford Buehler, Mary Eichardson Cox (Mrs) 1241 Ninmen ave., Evanston Buffe, Lizzie 'C. Gregory (Mrs 0. F.) 501 E. Jefferson st., Bloomington Buford, Felicia Clark (Mrs James M.) 1117 2nd ave., Eock Island 13291ir 23745c 7085c 120553" 4519f 122770^ 22651a- 14815H5 29828r 31304c 184087, 21960; 9030B 16469 31347/) 8378i H Dubuque Chapter, Iowa * Dial Rock Chapter, Pa. Col. George Groghan Chapter, Ohio. 138 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 7746i 19109c 25683^ 359c 15185* 25675c 4103c 24091c 1082111 20963t 18053c 19732; 13254c 16694/; 27523c 6156E 11892B 313595 5725c 2323c 7086c 28407B 33603$ 32030c 209S61I 13297Z 3450* 27232i 14710i 25684* 28917c 9997§ 29435 34609§ 19742 148280 27518J; 2682:i: 361742/ 11476B 27538 12596i 109861 19111c 19110c 14801t' 31215*' 33278/i 20265/= 30248 29817c 31346U 17472£ 33267c 34571a 23373a * 23780i 6387c 17954c 7737c Buford, Grace Bowers (Mrs Thomas J.) 1210 1st ave., Kock Island Bull, Helen Perrin (Mrs Eliphalet Follett) . .4200 Berkeley ave., Chicago- Bullen, Laiira Ellen Day (Mrs H. L.) 1122 5th ave., Moline Bundy, Mary E. (Mrs J. C.) . . . 624 Sheridan Square, Evanston Bunker, Anna Mary F. Henderson (Mrs H. S.) 756 44th St., Chicago Bunker, Sarah A. Hov^'ard (Mrs George C.) St. Charles Burchard, Harriet Louise (Mrs Mortimer N.) Kenilworth Burge, Clarissa Abbie (Miss) 40 Portland Eock, Chicago Burgess, Caroline Howard (Miss) Peoria Burgess, Margaret C. (Mrs William T.) 3805 Langley ave., Chicago Burleigh, Jennie White (Mrs William 11.) La Grange Burleson. Cornelia Coleman (Mrs Charles E.) 315 Kedzie ave., Evanston Burnam, Ida Bliss Smith (Mrs Arthur) 822 W. Adams st., Chicago Burnham, Sarah Ives (Mrs John H.)..507 E. Mulberry st.. Bloomington Burns, Hattie Louise Iluntoon (Mrs John C.) Leland Hotel, Chicago Burns, Ida Jane Carey (Mrs James C.)..1064 E. Boston ave., Monmouth Burpee, Myra Blanche Walker (Mrs) 410 S. 3rd st., Eockford Burr, Ellen Wells (Mrs William) 710 N. Church st., Eockford Burton, Emma Wicks (Mrs Robert Wardell) Freeport Buschwah. Harriet A. Dye (Mrs Nicholas, Jr.). . . .142 Eugenia St., Chicago Bushnell, Sylvia A. (Miss) 622 Pearl st., Ottawa Butler, Annie Caviett (Miss) 516 Eockton ave., Eockford Butler, Elizabeth Ely (JNIrs George Selden) Harvard Butlin, Minerva (Mrs) 5036 Jefferson ave., Chicago Butterfield, Alice M. (Mrs Samuel W.) .296 Elm st., Chicago Butters, Maria Shaw (Mrs George) ... .245 N. Eidgeland ave.. Oak Park Butterworth, Katherine Deere (Mrs William) 8th st. & 11th ave., Moline Cable, Jane Buford (Mrs Eansom Eead) Eock Island Cable, Marion AVheeler (Mrs Hiram) 914 2nd ave., Eock Island Cady, Clara Ward Gilmore (Mrs John Deere) 1217 11th ave., Moline Callani, Estella Folts (Mrs D. F.) 2151 Gladys ave., Chicago Campbell, Alice Lydia Hooper (Mrs Joseph S.) Watseka Campbell, Charlotte W. (Miss) Knoxville Campbell, Louise Josephine (Miss) Watseka Campbell, Mary Hamilton (Mrs Donald A.) 684 E. 48th st., Chicago Capron, Ellen (Mrs) Carthage Carlson, Alma Fellows (Mrs Alfred C.)..503 S. Bloomington st., Streator Carpenter, Isabel G. (Miss) 515 Fullerton ave.. Chicago Carroll, Carrie Bell (Miss) Galesburg Carse, Eebecca Zearing (Mrs Martin) 127 N. 3rd st., Eockford Carter, Harriet Orne (Miss) Eock Island Carter, Mary Lynde (Miss) Eock Island Carter, Mary Whitney (Mrs Charles C.) 1819 6th ave., Eock Island Caryl, Christine (Miss) 5804 Eosalie Court, Chicago Caryl, S. Henrietta Whiting (Mrs A. H.) 5804 Ecsalie Court. Chicago Carver, Mary Winchester (Mrs Henry Clay) Highland Park =• Cass. Mary Blanchard Thayer (Mrs John E.) Danville Castle, Grace Wood (Mrs Arthur L.) 431 Lovell st., Elgin. Castle, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Chauncey H.) 323 Jersey st., Quincy Castle, Sarah Spaulding (Mrs S. H.)..4400 Sidney ave., Kemvood, Chicago Caverno, Anna Caroline ]\Iatson (Mrs Charles) Lombard Caverno, Louise Lav (Mrs Penophon) Kewanee Cayton, Euby Loonev Bond (Mrs Andrew Jackson) Eoseville Chadwick, Susan L. '(Mrs Eeuben E.) 429 Center st., Chicago^ Chalfant, Maud (Miss) 310 E. Kent st., Streator Chalfant, Violet Finlev (Mrs C. D.) 310 E. Kent st., Streator Chamberlain, Elizabeth (Miss) 1015 2nd ave., Eock Island Chamberlain, Jessie C. (INIrs C. C.)..Box 5, "The Arizona," 42nd and Greenwood ave., Chicago . Chamberlin, Emma Bartlett (Mrs Eugene G.) 288 53rd st., Chicago Chamberlin, Laura Perry (Mrs George M.)..3031 Indiana ave., Chicago * Col. Herkimer Chapter, N. Y. II Bellevue Chapter, Vt. t Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter, Mass. t Milwaukee Chapter, Wis. 7 Framingham Chapter, Mass. § Gen. de Lafayette Chapter, Ind. ** Mary Fuller Percival Chapter, Ark. ILLINOIS. 139 llOOle Chamberlin, Sarah E. E. (Mrs P.).. 1113 Washing-ton Bonlevard. Chicago 18414 Chandler, Clara A. (Mrs C. V.) McComb 230S6* Chapin, Cynthia Jane Culver (Mrs Burrel Newton) Knoxville 57&C Chapin, Elizabeth Mattocks (Mrs Simeon) ... .3124 Michig-an ave., Chicago 296SS Chapin, Mary Elizabeth Foster (Mrs) 6337 Inglesule ave., Chicago 345965 Chapin, Sarah Halstead Trogood (Mrs A. E.) . .Longwood st., Eockford 13263c Chapman, Bertha Sylvia (Miss) Highland Park 233746 Chapman, Blanche Mason (Mrs) P. 0. Box 498, Dixon 13262c Chapman, Sylvia Cheney fMrs Charles Augustus) Highland Park 3470c Chard, Adaline Peabody' (Mrs Thomas I.) 534 N. State st., Chicago 25918c Chase, Kathryn (Miss) 7721 Lowe ave., Auburn Park 10261c Chatfield, Ida Parker (Mrs Eli P.) 2242 Kenmore ave., Edgewater 245887) Chenery, Susan A. (Miss) 732 N. 5th st., Springfield 35782Z Cheney, Armilla A. (Mrs J. W.) 327 Wisconsin ave.. Oak "Park 13.252c Cheney, Clara Emma Griswold (Mrs C. E.)..2400 Michigan ave., Chicago 35223c Cheney, Clara Maynard (Miss) Kenilworth 35771c Cheney, Hellen Tyrrell (Mrs Maynard A.) Kenilworth 9024/) Cheney, Mary B. A. (Mrs J. H.) 402 E. Washington St., Bloomington 1S404C Cherrill, Ellen Maria (Miss) Carthage 16706a Cherry, Mary Dudley Godfrey (Mrs W. S.) 506 Broadway, Streator 15495c Chester, Lois Belden (Mrs Harry Wood) Eiverside 17469Z Childs, Caroline Leonard (Mrs a"^. C.) 308 Wisconsin ave.*. Oak Park 13279/) Christie, Carrie (Miss) 106 E. Locust st., Bloomington 13278/^ Christie, Elizabeth (Miss) 106 E. Locust st.. Bloomington 10426 Churchill, Lillie Cuyler L. (Mrs Henry P.) "The Woodstock," 2Sth st. & Wabash ave., Chicago 17974/^ Claflin, Hannah Eaton (Mrs Charles Clark) 200 S. 18th St., Quincy 20899c Clark, Caroline Frances (Miss) Geneva 30711c Clark, Elizabeth Keep (Mrs George Mark).. 460 Dearborn ave., Chicago 32028c Clark, Ella S. (Mrs John Terrill) 2123 Prairie ave., Chicago 10414c Clark, Emma E. (Miss) Finfe Arts Building, Chicago 21944c Clark, Frances Ferris (Mrs John E.) Geneva 25166< Clark, Laura Day Bullen (Mrs William E.) 1122 5th ave., Moline 25156c Clark, Laura Hedrick (Mrs Andrew G.) 2552 Prairie ave.. Chicago 26741; Clark. Nannie Emory (Mrs Eobert S.) 1110 Michigan ave., Evanston 14774c Clark, Sarah Skinner (Mrs Alson E.) 4727 Lake ave., Chicago 16668/ Clarke, Ida E. Moore (Mrs Charles Stewart) Wilmette 12621W Clarke, Lydia Jane Jack (Mrs Samuel M.) 500 Moss ave., Peoria 27521c Clayton, Anna Gould (Mrs William E.) Chicago Heights 7463B Clemens, Julia E. E. (Mrs Stillman A.) 532 N. Main st., Eockford 8124|[ demons, Mary H. (Miss) 532 N. Main st.. Eockford 31332/i Cleveland, Ella L. (Mrs Edmund F.) Dundee 25177 Cleveland Jennie (Miss) Prophetstown 31333ft Cleveland, Mary E. (Miss) Dimdee 6125; Clifford, Emily S. (Mrs W^ E.) 819 Eeba Place, Evanston 5739c Clinch, Katharine L. (Mrs Eichard F.) 321 Michigan ave., Chicago 23762d Clokey, Susan Carrie Elson (Mrs Josiah M.) . .412 W. Prairie ave., Decatur 29423A; Clouse, Frances Imogene Tilton (Mrs George Newton) Geneseo 34097t/ Coad, Cora M. Musgrove (Mrs Frank Leslie) 254 S. West st., Galesburg 35240 Coates, Helen Jean (Miss) Freeport 35799A Cobb, Minnie (Miss) Compton 512c Coe, Charlotte E. (Mrs Albert L.) 57 Bellevue Place, Chicago 21462; Coe, Sadie E. Knowland (Mrs G. A.) 620 University Place, Evanston 6129/ Coffin, Adeline Selden (Mrs Charles P.) 1130 Michigan ave., Evanston 19726/1 Colbv, Annie Voadicia (Miss) Kewanee 14195§ Cole,"^ Blanche Owen Dolbee (Mrs Henry C.) Chester 26759fc Cole, Carrie Weston (Mrs William Wallace) Geneseo 20248c Cole, Ella Peters (Mrs) 2023 Indiana ave.. Chicago 32048A Cole, Emma Vaile (Mrs Eugene) Eochejle 29819fc Cole, Eva Marie (Miss) Geneseo 2995c Cole, Lillie E. (Miss) 3824 Ellis ave., Chicago 21950c Cole, Louise Dolson (Mrs T. Wheeler) 802 Warren ave., Chicago 34578c Coleman, Anna Archer (Miss) 4552 Lake ave., Chicago * Stevens Point Chapter, Wis. «I Old Concord Chapter, Mass. II Continental Chapter, N. Y. § St. Louis Chapter, Mo. 140 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. 70870 Coleman, Nannie McCormick (Mrs J. A.) 4552 Lake ave., Chicago 21946c Collins, Clara Greig Emmons (Mrs William A.) Western Springs 11495/ Collins, Cornelia A. (Miss) 1803 Jersey st., Qnincy 13962/= Collins, Emily Holmes Cotton (Mrs. W. H.) 1400 Vermont st., Quincy 8377c Collins, Harriet Hinman (Mrs. W. R.) 2487 Kenmore ave., Edgewater 237907 Collins, Leila B. (Mrs J. W.) .^Lincoln 31315c Collins, Mary K. (Mrs Gilbert E.) 4211 Vincennes ave., Chicao-i:' 29826^ Colman, Susan Philips (Mrs. Edward) 8th st. and 10th ave., Moli'ne 284132/ Colton, Alice Lyon (Mrs Octavius J.) 185 West South st.. Galesburg 19721/) Colton, Charlotta Zearing (Mrs Buel P.) N^^^j^^l 272432/ Colville, Edith Wilbur Cole (Mrs. R. W.)..445 Monmouth Bl'vd, Galesburg 15496c Colvin, Bessie Caroline (Mrs William H.) 6501 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 13997J Comegys, Elise Thompson (Mrs Joseph P.) 1901 6th ave., Ptock Island 20897c Cone, Ella Bond (Mrs Albert G.) 4148 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago 24578/ Congdon, Betsey Hoar (Mrs. Alson) 127 Marion st.. Oak Park 29431//( Conklin, Marian A. (Mrs Lemuel H.) East Side, Ottawa 6372/ Connell, Fanny Mulford (Mrs Charles J.) 1810 Hinman ave., Evanston 13305( Connelly, Lucia (Miss) 1200 2d ave.. Rock Tsland 2471c Conover, Delia L. Boardman (Mrs Charles H.)...590 N. State st., Chicago 32053(7 Converse, Delia Gertrude (Miss) 461 Step st., Freeport 12280D Converse, Helen Gertrude (Miss) 1227 South 6th st., Sprino-field 31335/ CooJc, Annie E. (Mrs George F.) 341 Wisconsin ave.. Oak Park 22640c Cook, Annie Mary Miner (Mrs Orrin S.) 169 E. 36th st., Chicago 6386/ Cook, Esther Stockton (Mrs. David S.) 1432 Forest ave.. Evanston 20326* Cook, Minnie Gathright (Mrs. H. L.) 4543 St. Lawrence ave., Chicago 1330 Coolid'ge, Sophie Wager (Mrs Charles A.) Fort Sheridan 14516 Coombs, Ella M. White (Mrs. Eugene Chandler) Hanover 4297? Cooper, Clara Burnham M. (Mrs. Herbert) 1714 6th ave., MoMne 24581p Cooper, Katharine Rogers (Mrs. G. B.) 318 E. Locust st.. Bloomington 24559c Cope, Fannie 0. (Mrs Israel C.) 28 Delaware Place, Chicago 1786511 Copps, Phebe Stoddard (Miss) Chicago, (Care Miss Phebe N. Stod- dard, Poultney, Vt.) 343c Corbin. Caroline Fairfield (Mrs. Calvin R.)....597 Dearborn ave., Chicago 13286!r Cornelison Elizal)eth Forsyth (Miss) 106 N. Madison ave., Peoria 245767; Cornell, Belle Kneeland (Mrs. Charles W.) 19 N. Liberty st., Elgin 28392c Corwin, Lina Rickcords (Mrs Arthur M.) 301 Ashland Blvd., Chicago 15512r Corwith, Marcia Hempstead (Mrs Nathan) Highland Park 3804(7 Cottle, Mary Eleanor Gay (Mrs F. W.) Elkhart 23747c Couch, Elizabeth Gertrude (Mrs. James) 2543 Indiana ave., Chicago 33720.;/ Coulson, Clara Gordon (Mrs D. E.) 559 N. Cherrv st., Galesburg 23793p Council. Frances Bloomfield (Mrs William H.) ". . . .Williamsville 13977c Councilman, I^dith (Miss) 5035 Greenwood ave., Chicago 22639c Counselman, Lulu May Kettelle (Mrs. W.)..379 E. Superior st., Chicago 31370.1 Countryman, Belle (Miss) Rochelle 31369A Countryman, Laura Wagner (Mrs Harvey) Rochelle 20247c Couthoui, Marie L. (Mrs. Joseph) 6532 Harvard ave.. Chicago 35081 CoAvan, Nancy Helen (Miss) Monmouth 16711 J57 Cox, Anna Bond (Mrs William Austin) Monmouth 31314c Cox, Mary Bell Clift (Mrs. LeRoy B.) 3168 Groveland ave., Chicago '28935;;^ Covner, Lucia Hotchkiss (Mrs. Josephtis W.) 109 Perrv ave., Peoria 5003D Crabbe, Harriette Palmer (Mrs Edwin G.) 618 S. 8th st., Springfield 27517ft Crabbe, Nellie B. (Mrs William P.) Grant st., Streator 34095c Crabtree, Annie M. Fargo (Mrs J. D.) Dixon 25162^ Crabtree, Mary Woods (Mrs J. W.) 507 N. Church st., Jacksonville 31371A Craft, Ida Coimtryman (Mrs Fred W.) Rochelle 24566c Craig, Ida Salisbury (Mrs) 7041 Yale ave., Chicago 209021 Craig, Nellie Cleland (Mrs. G. G.) 1720 7th ave.. Rock Island 219581 Craig. Nellie (Miss) 1720 7th ave.. Rock Tsland 36157c Crandall. Lizzie Long (Mrs Chester D.) 2821 Sheridan Road. Chicago 6o70; Cran'don. Annie L. (Miss) 1414 Forest ave., Evanston 7738c Crane. Marie Potter (Miss) 4238 Drexel Blvd., Chicago 3795c Crane, Marv Potter (Mrs Simeon H.) 4545 Greenwood ave.. Chicago 31311c Crawford, Ellen Cordelia (Miss) 210 East 33d st., Chicago Milwaukee Chapter, Wis. Heber Allen Chapter, Vt. ILLINOIS. Ul 2328611 Crawford, Mabel Taylor (Mrs Charles) Lewistown 34091(/ Crea, Jeanette Bowers (Mrs Harry Hugh).. 528 West Decatur St., Decatur 31363Z) Creigton, ]Mary Catharine Newman (Mrs. J. A.) 812 S. 2d st.. Springfield 3461c Crerar. Marie Gervia (Mrs. John) 1806 Michigan ave., Chicago 23752f Critchell, Nellie Morris (Miss) 6955 Yale ave., Chicago 28934?(; Crittenden, Mary A. (Mrs Luman E.) 628 E. Washington st., Pekin 6151i Cromi)ton, Alice'Hayward T. (Mrs. Samuel S.) 714 17th St., Moline 23732c Crossman, Marietta Thomas (Mrs. Abner)....62 Woodland Park, Chicago 13293/H Crumpton, M. Emma Gerry (Mrs. Warren) Central Ottawa 32431c Culver, Delia H. (Mrs Samuel H.) 4304 Lake ave., Chicaeo 13290(P Culver, Mary E. (Miss) 714 Knoxville ave., Peoria 6409;? Cummings, Adeline E. P. (Mrs George B.) Highland Park 32430c Cummings, Mary Louisa Casey (Mrs. C. C.) 670 La Salle ave., Chicago 28408.4. Cunningham, Jennie E. (Miss) Rockf ord 13264c Ciirrier, Frances Anna Fuller (Mrs.) 332 Warren ave., Chicago 3793c Curtis. Helen Adelaide Gillmore (Mrs. J. L.)..3819 Michigan ave., Chicago 10994i Curtis, Lucy R. (Mrs Henry) 1127 2d ave., Rock Island r.6008j7 Gushing, Cora Anna (Mrs Charles Goodwin) Princeton 25674c Gushing, Emily Prescott Towle (Mrs W. T.) 69 Flournoy st., Chicago 14781c Dada, Amelia Weed Hopkins Hamilton (Mrs. G. S.) 452 George St., Chicago 33695c Dada, Olivia Pamelia Wells (Mrs. S. N.) 601 W. Melrose st., Chicago 1118c Dainty, Emily C. (Mrs. A. H.) 305 Schiller St., Chicago 7461f; Dana, Esther (Miss) Freeport 15497 Dana, Mary (Miss) 44 Astor St., Chicago 30296D Dana, Susie Lawrence (Mrs Edwin Ward) 727 S. 4th st., Springfield 10416c Daniels, Marv Eleanor (Miss) 194 Bowen ave., Chicago 15248* Darlington, Louise R. (Mrs Henry P.) 4650 Drexel Blvd., Chicago 738511 Darrow, Jeannette French McA. (Mrs. W. H.) 337 Prospect ave., Chicago 20901i Dart, Mary (Miss) 2106 7th ave.. Rock Island 16092!. Dart, Mary Gregg (Mrs. Albert C.) 2106 7th ave.. Rock Island 345991/ Daugherty, Jennie Brown (Mrs. M. J.).... 360 E. Simmons st., Galesburg 1624 David, Mary S. (Mrs Mate) Ipava 9553?' Davidson, Adelaide S. (Mrs Harlan Page) Highland Park 11484^ Davidson, Grace Stennett (Mrs George M.) 905 N. East ave.. Oak Park 237737i Davidson, May Cynthia (Miss) Stone Cottage, Elgin 34577c Davis, Emma Moors (Mrs Charles Wilder) 5859 Washington ave., Chicago 34098?/ Davis, Harriet Hunt (Mrs W. E.) 718 N. Prairie st., Galesburg 14794c Davis, Harriette Brandow P. (Mrs J. S.) 9038 Commercial ave., Chicago 27524c Davis, Jessie Hopkins (Mrs. N. S., Jr.) 291 Huron st., Chicago 34594(0 Davis, Susan M. (Mrs Thomas F.) 616 N. Jefferson ave., Peoria 31326(i Dawson, Florence L. Adams (Mrs Charles) 280 West Williams st., Decatur 29823H Day, Bertha A. (Mr Harvey L.) Kewanee 8125.B Day, Caroline K. (Mrs. Lucius S.) 839 N. Church st.. Rockf ord 3786c Day, Fanny Pynchon (Mrs Albert Morgan) ... .59 Belevue Place, Chicago 33712(i' Day, Josephine E. (Mrs. William H.) 125 Flora ave.. Peoria 10424c Dean, Carrie Canfield (Mrs Marvin A.) 1228 Hinman ave.. Evanston 17968^; Dean, Sarah Tredwell (Mrs Amos H.) 801 E. 1st ave., Monmouth 3295* Deere. ]\Iary Little (Mrs Charles H.) "Overlook," IMoline 6495/ Deering, Marian Whipple (Mrs Charles) ..2645 Sheridan Road, Evanston 27543d? Delano, Lizzie McConihe (Mrs. Clarence H.) Princeton 24573e Dement, Anna Bean Ayres (Mrs) 321 Peoria ave.. Dixon 32749^ De Moe, Ellen Breese Turner (Mrs Earl W.) 378 Dearborn ave., Chicago 31348/.) De Motte, Clara Louise (Miss) 902 N. ISlain st., Bloomington 7735/; De Motte, Sarah Kern (Mrs. Harvey C.) 902 N. Main st., Bloomington 33263c Deniston, Margaret F. (Mrs Albert J.) 4401 Calumet ave., Chicago 33699c Dent, Minnie Grace (Mrs John C.) Fort Sheriden 5730 Dering, Sallie Merion (Mrs Henry Ray) 124 47th St., Chicago 35239B Derwent, Emma Wilder (Mrs Luther) 862 Haskell ave.. Rockf ord 328390 Dew^ey, Anna Emily (Mrs William Ribbe) Webster ave., Jacksonville 13258c Dewey, Gertrude Mulford (Mrs Charles P.) 3266 Lake Park ave., Chicago 361752/ Dewey, Winifred Alma (Miss) 528 W^ Tompkins st.. Galesburg 31313c DeWolf, Harriet Woodcock (Mrs DeWitt C.) 3629 Prairie ave.. Chicago 1962c Dickerman, Frances S. (Miss) 2115 Indiana ave., Chicago t Stevens Point Chapter, Wis. II Milwaukee Chapter. Wis. * Merion Chapter, Pa. 1 Wan Bun Chapter, Wis. 142 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E. 28922/t Dickinson, Carrie E. (Miss) 358 Chicago st., Elgin 12578c Dickinson, Carrie R. (Mrs Oliver) "The Lexington Hotel," Chicago 28923/t Dickinson, Dora M. (Miss) 358 Chicago st., Elgin 1119c Dickinson, Julia Booth (Mrs Frederick) 26 Bryant ave., Chicago 14778c Dickinson, Louise M. (Miss) 67 Maple st., Chicago 13265c Dickinson, Susie W. (Mrs W.)..1511 Sheridan Road, Buena Park, Chicago 31372c Dickisson, Ella A. (Miss) Sterling 35235.:^ Dickson, Annie Cassell (Mrs Charles E.) 1316 W. State st., Jacksonville 14783c Dickson, Mable Conde (Miss) 1497 N. Park st., Chicago 33277r/ Diffenbaugh, Lizzie Allington (Mrs.) 160 Exchange St., Freeport 2568SZ) Diller, Addie M. Hughes (Mrs.) 511 W. Carpenter st., Springfield 20904^ Dimock, Annah L. Mapes (Mrs. Daniel W.) 16th st., Moline 29816c Dixon, Dora Moon (Mrs. Thomas J.) 3132 Cahimet ave., Chicago 28412 Dixon, Laura Doane (Mrs) Eushville 27541^ Dixon, Mj^rtle (Miss) ■ Chicago 14S20.C Doan, Ellie Wood (Mrs Howard Lee) N. Diamond st., Jacksonville 14821c Doan, Lucretia Emory (Mrs.) 806 W. College ave., Jacksonville 12610? Doane, Marv Kellogg (Mrs. Thomas H.) 417 Oak Park ave.. Oak Park 14807B Dolbear, Florence "Eliza Gray (Mrs. W. W.)..965 N. Court st., Eockford 14193* Dolbee, Florence, (Miss) Alton 14194- Dolbee, Harriet C. (Miss) Alton 15515«- Donaghho, Mary (Miss) Morrell st., Streator 9545B Dorr, Marcia (Miss) Swiss Cottage, Kent st.. Eockford 22791* Dorsey, Frances J. Loomis (Mrs. Benjamin L.) 410 George St., Alton 7739c Doty, Harriet Livingston (Mrs. Levi E.) 4711 Kimbark ave, Chicago 2900c Doud, Elizabeth E. (Mrs. Levi B.) 3257 Michigan ave., Chicago 30700c Dow, Anna Letton (Mrs. Arthiir Chase) 918 Kinman ave., Evanston 18370c Dow, Annie E. Black (Mrs. Jonath-an) 3647 Prairie ave., Chicago 23740c Downs, Ida E. Stryker (Mrs. Myron Day) ....4722 Kenwood ave., Chicaa'o 20273 Drake, Flora Smilie (Mrs. George H.) 406 N. Jefferson st., Peoria 29424fc Dresser, Laura Kate (Miss) Geneseo 3472c Duell, Marv Hervey (Mrs William C.) 2953 INIichigan ave., Chicago 10450? Duff, Caroline Eobeson Barrell (Mrs. E. H.)..137 Scoville ave.. Oak Park 34591m Duffy, Emeline M. (Mrs.) West Side, Ottawa 22643c Duffy, Floi Edna Webster (Mrs. Frederick) 42 Ogden ave., Chicago 13989^! Dummer, Grace (Miss) 711 W. College ave., Jacksonville 13990^ Dummer, May (Miss) 711 W. College st., Jacksonville 33705/1 Dumser, Bertha M. (Miss) 310 S. State st., Elgin 23774/t Dumser, Marietta Peirce (Mrs. David J.) 316 S. State st., Elgin 34598?y Dimcan, Kate Belcher (Mrs Frederick C.) 821 W. Main st., Calesburg 26760A; Dunham, Caroline Loring (Mrs. Charles) Geneseo 16685/7 Dunkin, Mary Taylor (Mrs) 533 N. Main st., Bloomington 28409B Dunkle, Louisa Carr (Mrs Theodore F.) 612 Cherry st., Eockford 510811 Dunlap, Martha J. Williams (Mrs F.) 1409 N. Main st., Bloomington 8721 Dunn, Helen S. Jackson (M. D.) (Mrs. Charles N.) Centralia 4518^ Dunn, Julia Mills (Mrs. Lewis D.) 5th ave. and 19th st., Moline 5877c Dunning, Josephine Estev (Mrs. Seth M.) 5530 La Salle st., Chicago 4299c Durand, Helen E. (Mrs Elliott) 5712 Eosalie Court, Chicago 11487(i Durfee, Jennie E. (Miss) 535 W. North st., Decatu?- 3788c Durgin, Alice Porter (Mrs John Cooper) 1905 Barry ave., Chicago 12599i Durham, Mary Elizabeth Brackett (Mrs Charles W.) '. ..Eock Island 20244c Dutton, Eosina Adelpha (Mrs. Everell Fletcher) Sycamore 4523c Duval, Susan Gibbons (Mrs Louis A.) 24 Groveland Park, Chicago 32432c Dwyer, Clara Nettie Glines (Mrs Thomas H.) 3353 Forest ave., Chicago 26746p Dyson, Nannie Orme (Mrs Dunbar S.)....202 E. Locust st., Bloomington 20251c Earle, Sadie F. (Mrs Samuel Williams) 7648 Eggleston ave., Chicago 25680? Early, Harriet Holdridge (Mrs Frank A.) 711 N. Oak Park ave.. Oak Park 214611 Eastman, Cora Louise Brackett (Mrs. F. S.) 1108 1st ave., Eock Island 18411« Eddy, Elizabeth Y. (Mrs Jira W.) Kewanee 28955§ Eddv, Eugenia Kerr (Mrs John A.) Hotel Del Sardon, Chicago 27548)/ Edgerton, Maria White Jndd (Mrs. J. H.) 232 W. South st., Galesburg 12595/ Edmonds, Mary Sechler (Mrs Howard 0.) 578 E. Division st., Chicago 18417f) Edwards, Edith (Miss) La Grange St. Louis Chapter, Mo. St. Asaphs Chapter, Ky, § Cedar Rapids Chapter, Iowa. ILLINOIS. U3 25175// 13996/ 6404D 6403 20906V 24570c 3476r 26729r 16673»( 16672HI 33726 1669S/> 16712C 19140W 3800c 26394.C' 14824 31373A 27534c 12622W 26781* 2125i? 3427c 31342WI 21954c 2123c . 63962? 289452; 8126B 23757c 28400c 29827^ 3796c 87205' 27241H. 9987r 1195 27550 16707rt. 3944i 12271/) 12607/ 510c 33721?/ 16093f 24567c 25170 6405fZ 622211 19131/ 27544s 30707c 345927r 11455c 332797t 4862c 360c 224621 35784Z 1144SC 20457:}: 1838SC Edwards, Eva Ann Smith Mrs. Phirman) . . . .247 E. Ferry st Galesburs- Edwards, Fannie D. (Mrs Samuel) Qis o^ ave Poll t if Edwards, Georgie (Miss) Vi - a ^f, '' -^'o'^^\ island P-v.eran, Sarah Chandler Olivia CAfTQ \v r \ -c^ i ■• -r^. , , Ehle, Mabel Eobbins (Mi-s riu s C ) ^^ ' 48^f^iZ^I^' Highland Park Eichelberger, Georgiaiia (Miss) . . . .IV.V " KlTa^ mt"'^' Eichelberger, Fannie M. (Miss) .... '^^^^ gl^' ^"''^'^'^ Eilenberger, Amanda J. liolc (ilrs Jacob)-;.'::.-;;;:;;'^"'* MonmS Ela, Frances Harriet Eowell (Mrs G PI qno t? t A^.\ll i"-i^i ^ '^ Elder, Ina (Miss) -^ " ■^' ^°^^«t ^t., Bloommgton Elder, Louisa C. Dinwiddle ' (Mr's Jo;;phV.".".*.*404 n". 'Madison' 'a'v'e^^'p^o^rin Elliot, Lizzie N. McLain (Mrs) Oakl/nd TTo+ J ri;- Elliott, Cprnelia Sanders (Mrs Frank) I'l'o's'w Sfnt^ .? tJ^ """^^^ Elliott, Ellen M. deB. Mallett (Mi^ 8em-"e T ) ' J^^'^4°"^'!'l« Elliott, Mary L. (Mrs Andrew).... " "^ •^?*^"^"^ Ellis, Addie Moore Hall (Mrs) oTU'pVViV,-; Koc^ielle Ellis, Esther T. (Mrs) ...... ^ m^ P ^ ^''^•' Chicago Ellis, Grace Weliter ^Mrs w'iifi'am' Lawrenc;') ■.'.•.;!' ."^^"^ "^"' grn'cy Ells, Marion Angelina Ely (Mrs Benjamin Franklin) ■.'.■.".'.■Rockfo^d Elmer, Mary Houston P. (Mrs Howard Nixon) WWtka EllsAvorth, Nettie Delphine (Miss) of+nw! Ellwood, Harriet A. (Mrs Isaac L.) Dp Knlb Ely, Julia Eliza Peirce (Mrs Oliver) :. "6053 ' Ellis 'aVeV Chicago Fn ersoi^' ^^'^^]'''^/^^fJl^^^^ T. (Mrs. P.). ...427 N. Church St., EocifoT-d l^merson, Gertrude (Miss)... Pe'th 1 Emerson Sarah Prescott (Mrs Cha'rle;'H.')'.'.'.'.5'l3' N.' 'couri'st., Pockford Emery, Ernestine (Miss) 2023 Indiana ave., Chica-o Enders, Margaret (Miss) 2816 Michigan ave. Chica-o Enegren, Nma Olds Mrs Pobert) lltl is+h st Moli^e English Frances Clark (Mrs Gusiavus Percy) ... .'.SSpVersonst.'CMcago fS!+; ^?%i 4'^i?^'''l\^ ^V- state St., Jacksonville Errett, Martha H. (Mrs Albert W.) TvewanPA Estes Matilda Beard (Mrs William) ■.■.'.•.■.'.■.•.'. Ja^ksonvi^lle Eurich,Kachel Henderson (Mrs Ernst F.) 62 N. 4th st.. Aurora Evans, Ellen (Miss)..... Knoxville Evans, Jessie S. Capron (Mrs EdAvin) 211 Pleasant ave., Streator Evans, Lucy D. (Miss) . 1717 eth ave., Moline Evans, Mary Lucretia P. (Mrs. P. N.) 803 E. Douglass st., Bloomin 12617m Fuchs, Swsie l\hig (Mrs Gustave) E. Side, Ottawa 36176^/-- Fuller, Emma Amelia (Miss) 630 Maple ave., Galesburg 6367; Fuller, Isabella H. (Mrs Charles G.) 1305 Forest ave., Evanston 14793c* Fuller, Kate Groves (Mrs Lucius Eckstein) . . . .2417 Michigan ave., Chicag-o 332807i. Fuller, Laila Wait (Mrs. Perry B.) 621 Douglas ave.. Elgin 913c Fuller, Laura Haj-es (Mrs Frank) 10 Aster st., Chicago 13267c Fuller, Mary Antoinette Halt (Mrs Charles) 24 Scott St., Chicago 3785c Fullerton. Yiney Tuttle Bushnell (Mrs T. C.) 662 Pearl st., Ottawa 10451p Funk, Frances Carroll (Mrs. Isaac) ... .301 E. Chestnut st., Bloomington 3282SC Furber, Elvira Irwin (Mrs H. J.) . .Columbus Memorial Building, Chicago 251675 Furlong, Lucy Ellen Timberlake (Mrs Will Jay) .Rochelle 16680y Fuson, Mae Eenyon (Mrs) " Lincoln 19734; Fyffe, Agnes Bartlett (Mrs John Lanyon) . . . .1133 Forest ave., Evanston 27327* Gage, Martha Hobbs (Mrs Albert Setli) Wellington Hotel, Chicago 6390c Gale, Fannie Eeed (Mrs. Frederick G.) 1468 Perry ave., Chicago 409e Gait, Isabella A. (Mrs A. T.) 550 Dearborn ave., Chicago 25154c Gardner, Anna W. R. (Mrs. W. A.).... 2574 N. Hermitage ave., Evanston 25089§ Gardner, Etta Melinda Diiery (Mrs Terry A.) Chicago 33703c Gartz, Kate Crane (Mrs. Adolph Frederic) . .5225 Lexington ave., Chicago 22641e Gelm, Marjorie Hempstead (Mrs George E.) . 55 Astor st., Chicago 32033c Gerish, Elizabeth Laixra W. (Mrs. G. C.) 7843 Winnecona ave., Chicago 19737c Ghislin, Caroline Beatrice H. (Mrs. H.) 137 Harvey ave.. Oak Park 6388? Gibbs, Annie Hyde P. (Mrs. Fletcher V.) 326 Home ave.. Oak Park 22428a Gibson, Clara M. (Mrs Samuel) Kanglev 26728c Gifford, Bertha Lewis (Mrs. Charles E.) 56 E. 47th st., Chicago 27244?/ Gifford, Ellen Lydia (Mrs George F.) 483 Monmouth Blvd., Galesburg 6497; Gilbert, Annie C. Sargent (]\Irs. H. K.) 411 Grove st., Evanston 26783A; Gilbert, Cora Thomas (INIrs Elon Beach) Genesco^ 33268c Gilbert, Ella Dodds (Mrs. Charles W.) Waukep-an 11454c Gilbert, Helen Richmond (Miss) 2628 Prairie ave., Chicago. 27522c Gilchrist, Emma Lock Boyd (Mrs. J. F.)..5406 Washington ave., Chicago 27525 Gilchrist, Harriet Foster (Miss) 5400 Washington ave., Chicago 16192p Gildersleeve, Mary Alice McCaughev (Mrs. Charles Turner) ... .Hudson 35785? Gile, Louise P. (Mrs. David H.) . .\ . . ^ 402 Wisconsin ave. Oak Park 5749g Gillespie, Matilda (Mrs David) 418 N. McLean st., Lincoln 7465D Gillett, Amaryllis (Miss) Elkhart 6757r/ Gillett, Jessie' Dean (Miss) Elkhart 20254c Gillett, Lillian May (Miss) 3334 Michigan ave., Chicago- 20253c Gillett, Mary Elizabeth Gaffney (Mrs. E. W.) 3334 Michigan ave.. Chicago- 9017c Gillette, Josephine ]\1. (Mrs Edwin L.) 137-140 Dearborn st., Chicago. 1120; Gillette, Sarah Watson (Miss) 1726 Hinman ave., Evanston 3942? Gillmore, Jennie Sleight (Mrs. John S.) 1821 5th ave., Moline 574c Glasner, Frances ]Macbeth (Mrs. John J.) 1800 Prairie ave., Chicago- 3S06C Glaspell, Ada Woodward (Mrs. Albert) 1917 Diversey Bl'vd, Chicago 237757; Glos, Mary Florence Alden (Mrs. George W.) 460 Chicago St., El^in 34086c Goddard, *Emma (Miss) L719 Prairie aVe., Chicago 33697c Goddard, Martha E. Sterling (Mrs. L. O.) 2719 Prairie ave., Chicago 27239H! Godfrey, Bertha Hays (Mrs. Abram C.) East Side, Ottawa S077i? Godfrey, Eugenia SpofCord (Mrs. C. H.) 327 S. 3d st.. Rockford 29428D Godley,' Gertrude Smith (Mrs. Frank) 674 Keys ave., Springfield 332SSB Goodall, Blanche (Miss) 501 N. Main st., Rockford 3814c Goodhart, Henrietta McC. (Mrs Frederick E.) "The Virginia." Chicago 1394111 Goodman, Elizabeth Andrus (Mrs) 147 Ashland Blvd., Chicago 23737c Goodrich, Mary W\allace (Miss) 4239 Drexel Blvd.. Chicago 24560c Goodrich, Nellie Elizabeth (Miss) 4239 Drexel Blvd., Chicago 1175! Gordon, Anna S. W. (Mrs. J. C.) Deaf and Dumb Institute, Jacksonville 15762c Gordon, Bessie A. Smith (Frank Lee) Kenwood Hotel, Chicago 31375A Gould, Anna Chase (Miss) Rochelle 31374A Gould, Mary Elizabeth Chase (Mrs William Wallace) Rochelle 6395B Graham, Mary Louise H.(Mrs Byron) 927 S. Winnebago st.. Rockford 35224c Grant, Emma Findley (Mrs Wilmot D.) 275 Leavitte St.. Chicago 33708/ Graves, Irene Mayhew (Miss) 1047 Forest ave., Evanston 22430(0 Graves, Katherine T. (Mrs) Fleetwood Hotel, Peoria Matthew Thornton Chapter, N. H. Greenwoods Chapter, Conn. Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. 10 146 DIEECTOKY, D. A. R. 21463; Graves, Mary Henrietta M. (Mrs C. E.) • -i 1047 Forest ave., Evanston 3469c Graves, Mary Sedgwick (Mrs. Dwight W.) 214 Goethe St., Chicago 32835p Graves, Virginia Frances (Mrs Linus) 1117 E. Grove st., Bloomington 0913; Gray, Ida Cornelia (Miss) 1742 Judson ave., Evanston 167001; Green, Bertha Baker (Mrs Frank B.) Highland Park 18410HI Green, Fannie Alma (Miss) E. Main st., Ottawa 34573c Green, Grace (Miss) 2306 Calumet ave., Chicago lS409Hi Green, Hattie (Miss) E. Main st., Ottawa 18371c Greene, Emma Catlin (Mrs Horatio N.) Lexington Hotel, Chicago 3070911 Greene, Lillie Adams (Mrs. Lewis Douglass) 578 E. IJivision st., Chicago 1914110 Greene, Marguerite E. Mansfield (Mrs Frederick J.) 103 3d st., Peoria 21473 Greene, Sarah Kimball (Mrs John J.) Proi^hetstown 35796c^ Greenleaf, Martha Louise (Miss) 857 W. State st., Jacksonville 16090J; Greenwood, Edith Carolyn (Mrs Alfred 11.) Princeton 33707i Gregg, Caroline Warner (Miss) 2422 8th ave., JJock Island 83845 Gregory, Laura Jane Potter (Mrs Edward S.) 319 S. 2d St., Eockford 179677 Grepe, Koberta Tousey (Mrs. J. S.)....1012 Lake Shore Di'ive, Evanston 11492; Gridley, Helen Frances M. (Mrs. N. C.) 1405 Hinman ave., Evanston 20255c Gridley, Norah (Mrs) 6457 Langlev ave., Chicago 6371; Gridley, Euth Louise Farwell (Mrs. M. M.) 416 Lake st., Evanston 36173i(7 Grier, Ella Clarke (Mrs. Thomas A.) 404 X. ^Monroe st., Peoria 6494c Grier, Margaret Graham (Miss) , 345 E. 53d st., Chicago 17453c Griffith, Jennie F. Adams (Mrs John Jay) Oontiac 28931/1 Griggs, Anna M. (Mrs Phillip M.) ." 512 South st., Kewanee 28404»i Griggs, Edyth Young (Miss) 704 Orleans st., Ottawa 27231a Griggs, Jula C. Mattocks (Mrs) 204 Kent st., Streator 126187?i Griggs, Laura Nash (Mrs Clarence)... West Side, Ottawa 33713i(J Grimes, Annie iiiiizaoeth Ehodes (Mrs. J. M.)...506 Knoxville ave., Peoria 9008< Grimes, Mary Miller (Mrs Charles L.) 1006 5th ave., Molina 8388Z) Griswold, Florence (Miss) 1034 S. Fourth St., Springfield 14772c Gross, Luelja Zearing (Mrs. James E.) 3600 ^Michigan ave., Chicago 23204* Guion, Ellen Frances L. (Mrs. L. P.) Ill E. 47th st., Kenwood, Chicago 33270/7 Guiteau, Flora (Miss) 136 Carroll st., Freeport 10983i Gustorf, Euth Ann (Mrs. Arthur) 339 Wisconsin ave., Oak Park 23726c Guthrie, Carrie Pomeroy (Mrs. Wardell) 2822 Indiana ave., Chicago 2627c Guthrie, Lucy M. Adams (Mrs. Ossian) 159 La Salle St., Chicago 2903c Gwinn, Mary Seymour (Mrs. John Morris) 4019 Lake ave.. Chicago 3423711 Haire, Ellen Cilley Bartlett (Mrs John P.) 4049 Lake ave., Chicago 23753c Hall, Adelaide S. (Mrs. Herman J.) 5545 Washington ave., Chicago 26003; Hall, Amelia M. (Mrs Charles H.) 1735 Chicago ave., Evanston 36181A Hall, Arian C. (Mrs. Charles E.) Eochelle 32039?) Hall, Delilah Emeline White (Mrs. E. M.) 612 North East st., Bloomington 36182A Hall, Jessie M. (Miss) Eochelle 19728« Hall, Lizzie B. (Mrs Charles Henry) Kewanee 25163^ Hall, Susan Henrietta (Miss) W. State st., Jacksonville 16661c Hamill, Eliza Corwith (Mr?. Ernest A.) 2737 Prairie ave., Chicago 16662c Hamill, Susan Walbridge (Mrs Charles D.) 5239 Cornell ave., ChicaiiO 7754J? Hamilton, Carolyn Emma S. (Mrs Herbert H.) 933 N. 2nd st., Eockford 19753** Hamilton, Emily S. (Mrs. Carl W.) 4746 Calumet ave., Chicago 346c Hamilton, Eva Josephine Hopkins (Mrs. H. H.) 68 Hammond st.. Chicago 34595.S Hamilton, Katherine Demarest (Mrs. G. T.)....S. East st., Jacksonville 27545 Hamilton, Mary Ann Chandler (Mrs. Benjamin B.) Upper Alton 18392f Hamilton, Mary Fisk (Mrs.) 1416 Main st., Quincy 8733c Hammond, Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs. Lyman D.) . . 177 La Salle st., Chicago 23181' Hammond. Mary Ehees (Mrs Charles Granville) ....Highland Park 7456c Hancock, Edith Flower (Mrs. Bradford) La Plaza. Chicago 35786U Handley, Luella A. (Mi a. Joseph Eogers) Kewanee 25681TO Hanna,' f:mily G. (Mrs Irwin I.) S. Bhrff. Ottawa 25G8610 Hanna, Louise Harrison Welden (Mrs. W. C.)....412 Perry ave, Peoria 14830^ Hansley, Sarah Helen Bond (Mrs. John Hamilton) Monmouth 23788c Hapeman, Ella Thomas (Mrs. Douglas) 404 E. Pearl st., Ottawa 25171 Harding, Lucy A. (Mrs F. E.) Monmouth 26726c Harding, Philippi H. B. (Mrs. W. A.).. 237 Jackson Park Terrace, Chicago t Ranier Chapter, Washington * Sa-go-ye-wat-ha Chapter, N. Y. Ella Cilley Chapter, N. H. Hannah Caldwell Chapter, Iowa. ILLIXOIS. 147 3948c 8208/ 675811 23730c 20898c 16714 6406 356c 114930' 21076§ 16708a 2649c 27547 7457e 36163 (■ 361647v 1912oi; Hardy, ]\[ary A. (Mrs Charles M.) 95 Oakwood Blvd., Chicag-o Harper, Grace Cooke (Mrs Wm. Hudson) ... .1224 Sheridan ave., Evanston Harris, Anna E. (Mrs. Samuel B.) 45 Grove st., Freeijort Harris, ICleanor Spalding (Mrs. Graham H.) 561 Dearborn ave., Chicag-o Harris, Emma Gale (Mrs Norman W.) 4520 Drexel Blvd., Chicago Harris, iMay Melish (Mrs. B. F., Jr.) 501 Church st.. Champaign Harris, Melissa INIegrue (Mrs. H. H.) Champaign Hart, Nancy J. Blodget (Mrs J. P.) 145 Ashland Blvd., Chicago Harts, Emma Brewster (Mrs. David H.) Lincoln 26754D Harts, Harriet Bates (Mrs. C. W.) 807 S. 2d st.. Springtield 1S372C Harwood, Marv J. (Mrs. Henry W.) 5012 Ellis ave., Chicago Haskell, Harriet N. (Miss) Godfrey Haskell, Helen A. (Mrs Manlej' B.) 211 Pleasant ave., Streator Haskell, ^Nlary Bodman (Mrs. George W.) 410 Ontario st.. Chicago Hawkins, L. Bessie Paddock (Mrs. James William) Prophetstown Haworth, Mary E. ([Mrs. George D.) 20 Groveland Park, Chicago Hayden, Jessie Harrington (Mrs. Herbert B.) 923 20th st.. Pock Island Haynes, Clara May Wood (Mrs. Frank S.) Geneseo Hays, Diantha Jane (Miss) 218 S. 7th st., Monmouth 29433W HaVward. Edith E. (Miss) W. Side. Ottawa 29434W Hayward, Mabel S. (Miss) W. Side, Ottawa 11889/ Hazolhurst, Eachel Kimberlv (Mrs. A.) 1021 Greenwood st.. Evanston 30704e Heaftord. Martha L. B. (Mrs. G. H.) 4560 Oakenwald ave., Chicago 34576c Hebard, Annie A. (]\Irs. Samuel C.) 7512 Parnell ave., Chicago 20257c Heegaard, Bettie Louise Vail (Mrs. W. H.)....666 La. Salle ave., Chicago 90285 Helm, Jklary Gibson (Mrs Walter B.) 740 N. Church st., Eockford 16660c Helmer, Bessie Bradwell (Mrs Frank A.) 1428 Michigan ave., Chicago 9542?, Hemingway, Adelaide Edmonds (Mrs A. T.) 500 N. Oak Park ave., Chicago Hempstead, IMary (Miss) 1512 Asbury ave., Evanston Henderson, Virginia H. (Miss), 756 44th st., Chicago Henderson, Virginia P. C. (Mrs George E.) 113 Cass St., Chicago Hendi'icks, Anna Potter (Miss) 4545 Greenwood ave., Chicago Hendricks, Helen T. (Miss) 2021 Michigan ave., Chicago 7102D Henkle, Ellen Huntington (Mrs Thomas C.) 615 S. Walnut st., Springfield 24721c Henry, Florine Barbour (Mrs Wm. G.) 2712 ^Michigan ave., Chicago Hensel, ]\Iargaret J. Francis (Mrs) 169 Summer st., Galesburg Hequembourg, Elizabeth E. F. (Mrs J. E.) 512 Fullerton ave., Chicago Herdman, Martha Gilson (Mrs Hugh H.) Morrisonville Herrick, JNIabel Hurd W. (Mrs Chas. E.) 7621 Union ave., Chicago Hershey, Hattie E. (Mrs Andrew H.) 609 Ave. B, Sterling Hervey, Mary Isabella T. (Mrs James F.) 2953 Michigan ave., Chicago Hesing, Henrietta Candee Weir (Mrs W.) 235 Michigan ave., Chicago 31343HI Hess. Clara Isabella Green (Mrs Charles Benton)\ Central Ottawa 18373c Hewlings, Marie Al. F. (Mrs Andrew J.) 5338 Madison ave., Chicago I8441§ Heywood, Elizabeth (Miss) Alton 4526D Hickox, Kate Josephine Chatterton (INlrs C. V.) 509 S. 6th st., Springfield 8389D Hickox, Louise Broadwell (Mrs Harris) 429 S. 4th st., Springfield 22632m Higby, Phebe Annetta (Mrs Herbert) E. Side, Ottawa Hiil, Carrie Bartella (Miss) 109 W. Grant st., Streator Hill, Elizabeth Bradley (:Mrs Matson) 3223 Groveland ave., Chicago Hill, Flora Day (Mrs Henry L.) 2316 Calumet ave., Chicago Hill, Jean Patterson (Miss) 3223 Groveland ave., Chicago Hill, Kate Griffith (Mrs William Kuhus) Carthage Hill, Katherine Gillette (Mrs James Edgar) Lincoln Hill, Sarah Eowena Wilhelm (Mrs Frank K.) 327 N. Court st., Eockford Hillhouse, ISlary Keyes (Mrs William H.) 1524 8th ave., Moliue Hilton, Ellen Pioselfe Ward (Mrs John H.) 1728 Hilman ave., Evanston 6397B HinchlifF, Harriet E. Emerson (Mrs W. E.) 403 N. Church st., Eockford 7105D Hinrichsen, Savillah T. (^liss) Alexander 14803r Hipwell, Ellen Winchester (Mrs William Odium) Highland Park 31376A Hoadley, Josephine (Miss) Eochelle 21947c Hoag, Adelaide Louise Northup (Mrs Junius C.) 4669 Lake ave.. Chicago 16669/ 15186* 94103c 9974c 31302c 17973f 20256c 2576311 90317? 29831 3471c 11000c 35770ff 33701c 25999c 34085c 11449c 6757(7 12274B 4109f 8221/ 11 Beloit Chapter, Wis. * Gen. Herkimer Chapter, N. Y. II St. Louis Chapter, Mo. § Stars and Stripes Chapter, Iowa. 148 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 6500c Hobler, Harriet Wells (Mrs Edward G.) Batavia 25682n Hodge, Katherine E. (Mrs (ieorge William) Kewanee 23789 Hoffman, Mary Thomas (Mrs John Ilaymond) 410 E. Pearl St.. Ottawa 6149; Hoge, Kate North I. (Mrs Holmes)...'. 131G Maple ave., Evanston 6134; Hoge, Louise (Miss) 1316 Maple ave., Evanston 6148; Holabird, Maria Ford (Mrs Vvllliam) 1500 Oak ave., Evanston 9969c Holcomb, Polly Wilson (Mrs Willis B.) Hermitage ave., Evanston 1963c Holman, Lncy Cecile (Mrs Alfred Lyman) 2115 Indiana ave., Chicago llSSlc Holmes, Jennie E. (Miss) ". 269 E. Erie st., Chicago 34084c Holmes, May Killmer (Mrs Albert W.) 1S90 W. Carmen ave., Chicago 23786HI Hook, Anna Schermerhorn (Mrs Charles Holmes) E. Main st., Ottawa 27539m Hook, Lou Copp (Mrs Charles Edward) E. Main st., Ottawa 26719c Hooker, Florence Eliza (Miss) 5G9 Washington Blvd., Chicago 2671SC Hooker, Marj'- Durand (Miss) 569 Washington Blvd., Chicago 15501c Hooper, Mary E. Milliken (Mrs James K.) 6640 Perry ave., Sta. O, ( hicago 14779c Hoops, Jeanette A. (Mrs T.) "The Allen," 143 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago 19119c Hoover, Margaret Phillips (Mrs George P.) 1431 Judson ave., Evanston 33300** Hope, Helen H. (Mrs William L.)...'^ 2 Big Hollow Route. Peoria 28079| Hopkins, Mabel (Miss) Champaign 349c Hopkins, Marj^ A. (Mrs Alonzo H.) 432 Washington Blvd., Chicago 83S01 Horton, Am.anda J. (Mrs Henry B.) 422 Kenilworth ave., Oak Park 11467.r Horton, Caroline McConihe (Miss) Princeton 11468a; Horton, Frances EadclifPe (Miss) Princeton 11466J? Horton, Mary Sophia Moselev (Mrs William Ferdinand) Princeton 32836^ Hosford, Floy Mabel Chapman (Mrs Schiller) 524 17th st., Moline 32436fc Hosford, Myrtle Eunese Hoff staffer (Mrs William H.) , .Geneseo 3455c Hosmer, Eliza (Miss) 3S2 La Salle ave., Chicago 28401c Hosmer, Ella Fifield (Mrs Joseph W.) 44 Bellevue Place, C hicago U822d Hostetter, Minnie Parker (Mrs.) 341 W. Macon st., Decatur 6147; Hough, Emma C. (Mrs George W.) .2235 Shei'idan Eoad, Evanston 1157711 Hovey, Helen Carlotfa Varnum (Mrs G. H.) Chicago Beach Hotel, Chicago 35772c Howard, Annie Elizabeth (Miss) 983 Jackson Boul'd., Chicago 23784? Howard, Christina Kipp (Mrs Frank L.) 518 South Blvd., Oak Park 10441c Howard, Emma Pease (Miss) St. Mary's School. Knuxville 36149 Howard, Grace Belle (Miss) 983 Jackson Blvd., Chicago 25678c Howard, Helen Breck (Mrs John Corse) 379 Superior st., Chicago 36150c Howard, Sarah Elkins (INlrs B. Frank) 983 Jackson Blv'd., Chicago 817c Howe, Fanny J. (Mrs Francis S.) 1922 Barry ave.. Chicago 30716c Howe, Marie E. (Miss) 815 Grove st., Evanston 21959; Howell, Margaret Hayt (Mrs Cornelius Du Bois) 315 Davis st.. Evanston 31349/; Howell, Sarah M. (Mi'ss) 1606 N. Main st., Bloomington 12574c Howland, Anna Prettvman (Mrs Walter M.) 482 N. State st.. Chicago 19725H!, Hoxie, Velma Barker (Mrs J. B.) S. Bluff, Ottawa 32618* Ho3^t, Sue Hastings (Miss) 704 Wilson ave., Eavenswood. Chicago 15518(7 Hubbs, Julia Ferris (Mrs Luther) Carthage 30297Z) Hudson, Mary Eidgely (Miss) 1130 S. 6th St., Springfield 23764e Hughes, Cora Adessa (Miss) Dixon 23763c Hughes, Elizabeth Hill (Mrs) Dixon 12585c Huguenin, Edith (Miss) Willmette 26744m Hull, Cora Parr (Mrs William H., Jr.) 714 Chapel st.. Ottawa 15500c Hull, Genevieve (Mrs) 2834 Kenmore ave., Edgewater 33710^ Hull. Jennie Eossman (Miss) 1616 6th ave., ^Nloline 14771 Humiston, Carrie I. S. (Mrs Samuel A.) 4202 Drexel Blvd.. Chicago 28411 Hungafe, Edith Clare (Miss) La Harpe 12609/ Hunt, Annie Mower (Mrs Eodney) 329 Pleasant st.. Oak Park 30290ri Hunt, Annie Sawyer Packard (Mrs Eobert Irving) Decatur 26721c Hunt, Julia (Miss) 4558 Oakenwald ave., Chicago 728c Hunt, Eebecca Mandeville Rozet (Mrs W. P.) 340 La Salle ave.. Chicago 23799B Hunter, Anna S. Wilkes (Mrs Giles F.) 602 N. Church st.. Eockford 125S8(? Hunting, Eva S. (Mrs Newton C.) 310 Pekin st.. Lincoln 18412H Huntington, Delia Warner (Mrs Henry C.) Kewanee 4111^ Huntoon, Mary Stephens (Mrs George H.) 17th st., & 6th ave.. Moline 14800c Hurlbut, Emma Edsall (Mrs H. A.) 389 E. Ontario st.. Chicago •* De Shon Chapter, Iowa, t Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Ind. T Mollej" Varnum Chapter, Mass. • Vassar College Chapter, N. V. ILLINOIS. 149 174027 Hurlbut, Mary Walker (Mrs Samuel E.) 1454 Asburj- are., Evauston 10993i Hurst, Harriet Maria (Mrs E. W.) 827 Gth a"ve., Kock Island 1467011 Hiise. Helen Clement (Mrs Frederick J.) Fidelity Safe Deposit. Chicag-o 33727 Huston, Mary Ann Britt (Mrs Walter Huston) Monmouth 2S940 Huston, Mary Cordelia (Mrs Abraham Earnot) . . . .217 Chestnut ^t., Paris 26724c Hutchins, Jennie Gould (Mrs Eugene E.) 1350 Kenniore ave., Edgewater 3951c Hutchinson, Letitia Brown (Mrs Jonas) 3139 Calumet ave., Chicago 195S4e Hutchinson, Mary Dearborn (Miss) 14 E. 46th St., Chicago 12606/ Hutchinson, Mary E. (Mrs William A.) 126 Clinton ave.. Oak Park 2964f Hutchison, Matilda Dallas (Miss) 299 Erie st., Chicago 13253r Hyde, Alice Louise Griswold (Mrs J. N.) 2409 Michigan ave., Chicago 30S4e Hynes, Jane McCord Way (Mrs William J.) 3914 Ellis ave., Chicago 29739 Hypes, Caroline Murray (Mrs Benjamin) Lebanon 26742§ Ingalls, Kate Atwater (Mrs Edward) 1300 Davis st., Evanston 11482/ Ingraham, Frances Evelyn (Mrs H. F.) 30S S. Oak Park ave.. Oak Park 26745«( Irion, Sally Parr (Mrs. Charles Weber) E. Side, Ottawa 104315 Irvine, Amie Underwood (Mrs Edwin A.) 1212 N. Court st., Eockford 16695/) Ives, Marian Helen (Miss) 303 N. East st., Bloo iiington 14775r' Ives. Eose Moor (Mrs John Henry) 4724 Kenwood ave., Chieapo 12057(/ Jack, Katharine E. Laird (Mrs Samuel S.) 451 Macon St., Decatur 26007;- James, Georgiana Maria Case (Mrs William Andrews) Highland Park 28919r- James, Loretta Whitney (Mrs Frederick S.) 174 La Salle st., Chicago 3458c Jameson, Alice Warner (Miss) 235 Ashland Blvd.. Chicago 4301c Jameson, Eliza Denison (Mrs John Alexander) 5316 Cornell ave., Chicago 2901c Jameson, Mary (Miss) 5316 Cornell ave., Chicago 14788 Jayne, Emilie de Forset (Mrs Edgar L.) . .; 5414 Madison ave., Chicago 31364Z) Jayne, Margaret Ellen (Mrs William Seth) 509 Enos ave., Springfield 2379()» Jefferies, Grace M. (Miss) Kewanee 19120c Jelke, Louanna Frazier (Mrs John F.) 516 La Salle ave., Chicago 7090c Jenkins, Marcia Eaymond (Mrs Eobert E.) 534 Washington Blvd., t hicago 9020c Jenks, Delphine G. (Mrs William S.) care E. 137-140 Dearborn st., Chicago 19114c Jenny, Ellen Whiting Bullard (Mrs) 1888 Diversey Blvd., Chicago 31367// Jerauld, Frances E. (Miss) 18 N. Academy St., Galesburg 731c Jewett, Ellen E. (Mrs John N.) 412 Dearborn ave., Chicago 24579/ Johns, Sophie C. (Miss) Forest ave., Eiver Forest 29432;/i Johnson, Edith P. (Mrs Emil P.) Central OttaAva 16699/) Johnson, Lois Eowell (Mrs J. Wallace) . .502 E. Walnut st., Bloomington l-iS29C Johnson, Mary A. Bacon (Mrs Matthew Mason) Carthnge 19113c Johnson, Mary Pierce (Mrs William Warren) 6204 Indiana ave., Chicago 34087c Johnston, Anna Berry (Mrs) 5531 Monroe ave., Chicago 1959c Johnston, Elizabeth C. (Mrs J., Jr.) Eoom F, 78 La Salle st., Chicago 15514if Johnston, Julia Harriette, (Miss) 1008 Hamilton st., Peoria 16675W Jones, Adelaide (Miss) W. Side, Ottawa 32034/ Jones, ChifPonette Tompkins Ward (Mrs D.) 112 S. Grove ave.. Oak Park 31365D Jones, Clara Huntington (Miss) 806 S. 6th St., Springfield 32450^; Jones, Grace S. (Miss) Beardstown 10995 Jones, Hope Grant Curtis (Mrs H. W.) care Henry Curtis, Eock Island 8134D Jones, Jane M. (Mrs James T.) 806 S. 6th st., Springfield 3335* Jones, Jennie Little (Mrs Frances Bacon) Fort Sheriden 31366D Jones, Lucy Eidgely (Miss) 806 S. 6th st., Springfield 3594c Jones, Mary Dunham H. (Mrs Cassius Clay) Eockf ord 25172 Jones, Martha Kendall (Mrs Edward) INIonmouth 10425c Jordan, Clifford Hall (Mrs Scott) 3040 Kenmore ave., Eclgewater 3947c Judd, Carrie W. (Mrs Edward James) 3522 Calumet ave., Chicago 32025c Judson, Grace King (Mrs William B.) 4231 Michigan ave.. Chicago 33276(/ .Tudson, Jesta A. (Miss) Freeport 313771 Judson, Josephine E. Gould (Mrs Hale D.) 250 N. Lake st., Aurora 3590c Judson, Mary M. (Miss) 3366 S. Park ave., Chicago 31324c Judson, Eebecca A. (Mrs Harry Pratt) University of Chicago, Chica.i^o 32435/( Judson, Eose E. (Miss) Elgin 33285/.- Jump, Gertrude (Miss) Geneseo 6762D Kane, Caroline Maria Beers (Mrs Andrew J.) 820 S. 2nd st., Springfield 36151c Kane, Mary E. (Mrs George B.) 356 Ashland Blvd.. Chicago II La Puerto Del Oro Chapter, Cal * Knickerbocker Chapter, N. Y. § Nova Caesarea Chapter, N. J. 150 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. 1957c Earner, Maria Louise Dewey (Mrs William J.) 4353 Berlieley ave., Chicago 23728c Kaufman, Deborah Wolfe (Mrs Jacob H.) 4550 Lake ave., Chicago 36154c Kaufman, Frances Marion (Miss)..! 4550 Lake ave., Chicago 19121c Kavanagh, Jessie Mary Camp (Mrs M. E.) 212 Kensington ave., La Grauffs 10989i Keator, Cara More (Mrs Samuel J.) 2225 7th ave., Rock Island 23798^ Keator, Carrie Clark (Mrs Edward Baldwin) 2203 6th ave., Moline 17963; Kedzie, Mary Elizabeth Kent (Mrs John Hume) 1514 liidge ave., Evanston 27529c Keeley, Gertrude E. (Mrs James) 377 Superior St., Chicago 17964/ Keen, Elizabeth D. (Mrs Herbert Ide) 1240 Asbury ave., Evanston 20895c Keep, Mary H. Blair (Mrs Chauncey) 2825 Prairie ave., Chicago 22637c Kehler, Rose Eletta Gilbert (Mrs Charles T.) 1016 Winthrop ave., Chicago 31352W Keifer, Emma Eliza Wallace (Mrs John P.) 514 7th ave., Peoria 202705; Keiser, M. L. D. (Mrs) W. State st., Jacksonville 32442a? Keith, Elizabeth Edwards (Mrs. Charles Newton) Princeton 9006(Z Kennedy, Effie Rankin (Mrs John W.) 885 W. Leafiand st., Decatur 5731c Kennedy, Rose Walker F. (Mrs Madison B.) 3656 Michigan ave.. Chicago 132995- Kent, Eliza (Miss) 1303 W. College ave., Jacksonville 6755c Kent, Elizabeth Thacher (Mrs William) 5112 Kimbark ave., Chicago 352c Kerfoot, Annie W. L. (Mrs Samuel H.) 136 Rush st., Chicago 933811 Kerfoot, Margaret K. Armstrong (Mrs C. A.) 3253 Michigan ave., Chicago 7150c Kerr, Leliah Elizabeth Gibson (Mrs R. H.) 4324 Washington ave., Chicago 27536c Kerr, Mintie Lavenia Miller (Mrs Wm. R.) Auditorium Hotel. Chicago 14806J? Kej^es, Harriet Louisa (Miss) Princeton 148050? Keyes, Mary Pettegrew (Mrs Nathaniel Abbot) Princeton 1912QE Kidder, Lucy E. Mapes (Mrs Almon) 410 E. Broadway, Monmouth 706c Kimball, Alina L. (Miss) 2612 Michigan 'ave., Chicago 118941 Kimball, Annette Guyer (Mrs James Rawson) 730 19th st.. Rock Island 5748?J Kimball, Caroline F. Jackson (Mrs B. R.) 507 W. Locust st., Bloomiugton 34588/" Kimball, Josephine Bradley (Mrs Edwin S.) 555 N. Broad st., Galesburg 28403ft Kimball, Laura C. (Miss) 859 N. Spring St., Elgin 997c Kimball, Louise E. (Miss) 2612 Michigan ave., Chicago 11462p Kimball, Mary Loiiise (Miss) 507 W. Locust st., Bloomington 166770 King, Ella Atwater (Mrs James Taylor) .. .1047 W. State st., Jacksonville 12616OT King, Emma A. (Miss) Cejitral Ottawa 3045611 King, Emma Louise (Mrs James S.) 1074 12th st. Blvd., Chicago 10446tZ King, Maryette (Mrs Joseph) 719 N. Main st., Decatur 9004; Kingsley, Nellie Appleton D. (Mrs Homer H.).1229 Jvidson ave., Evanston 109960 Kirby, Marian Dorothy (Miss) , Mound ave., Jacksonville 3342y Kirk^ Erminia Gridley (Mrs Charles Wright) Highland Park 6135; Kirk, Nanc,y Gill (Mrs Timothy) 1127 Forest ave., Evanston 3579010 Kirk, Pearl" Matthews (Mrs Walter H.) 114 High st., Peoria 63S3; Kirkman, Fannie L. (Mrs INIarshall W.) 1429 Ridge ave., Evanston 6745* Kirtland, Virginia C. (Mrs) 4861 Lake ave., Chicago 23739c Knight, Alice Austin (Miss) 4831 Kenwood ave.. Chicago 248c Knight, Laura Stone (Mrs William M.) Briggs Hotel, 5th ave. & Randolph St., Chicago 6498; Knight, Louise Sloss (Mrs Newell C.) 806 Sheridan Road, Evanston 35800.4 Knight, Mary Adeline Leitch (Mrs) Rochelle 23738c Knight, Minnie Shaw (Mrs Walter J.).. 5316 Ellis ave., Chicago 25179 Knowlton, Edith (Miss) Freeport 25178£r Knowlton, Ida Mann (Mrs Charles D.) Freeport 13269c Koch, Sylvia King Adams (Mrs C. R. E.) 4534 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 20275 Kreis, Harriet A. Nye (Mrs Gustavus A.) Chicago 32826c Kretshmar, Ella Morris Casey (Mrs Howard S.) 670 La Salle ave.. Chicago 34781; La Bar, Albina R. (Miss) Highland Park 12281Z Lackev, Frances A. (Mrs) 224 Wisconsin ave., Oak Park 36170m La Clair, Ella S. (Mrs Alfred P.) Ottawa 6142; Lake, Helen M. Kitchell (Mrs R. C.) 210 Davis st., Evanston 31378 A Landon, Margaret Austin Cass (Mrs William Pierce) Rochelle 28391c Lane, Ida M. (Miss).! 4815 Lake ave., Chicago 34581c Lane, Mary Ayer Rice (Mrs Ebenezer) 2116 ISIichigan ave., Chicago 32038P Lang, Carrie iEsther (Mrs Valentine B.) 814 N. Main st., Bloomington 24596m Lansing, Mary Jane Griftith (Mrs James) S. Side, Ottawa II Donegal Chapter, Pa. "j Owahgena Chapter, N. Y. * Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. ILLINOIS. 151 22646d Lapham, Lucy Ellen Cole (Mrs Joseph) Decatur 4107V Lasher, Leta Eamsdell (Mrs William Sanford) Highland Park 7106^ Latham, ]\Iay (Miss) Lincoln 7744Q' Latham, Lavillah Wyatt (Mrs) Lincoln 27546 Lathe, Harriet E. Rogers (Mrs Moses) Lyndon 7758i? Lathrop, Mary Emerson (Mrs Edward P.).... 905 Haskell ave., Rockford 6392B Lathrop, Sarah A. P. (Mrs William E.) 408 Eockton ave., Rockford 24587a; Latimer, Emily M. (Mrs) Princeton * 9978e Law, Dorothj- Norton (Mrs) 174 N. Galena ave., Dixon 23794p Law, Ellen Maude (Miss) Henry 34600y Lawrence, Ella Park (Mrs George A.) 590 N. Kellogg St., Galesburg 30298D Lawrence, Mary Agnes Maxcy (Mrs Rheuna D.) 727 S. 4th st., Springfield 5732c Lay, Catherine Ruth Smith (Mrs Albert F.) 321 Michigan ave., Chicago 5733c Lay, Margaret S. (Miss) 321 Michigan ave., Chicago 23fi'91n Lay, Martha Morrill (Mrs Hiram Y.) Kewanee 7458c Lee, Lucie Gillmore (Mrs Frederick W.) 3737 Forest ave., Chicago 35792W Lee, Mary Proctor (Mrs David S.) 110 7th ave., Peoria 10420c Lee, Nellie Canfield (Mrs Frank T.) 1109 Hinman ave., Evanston 16705B Leland, Lena C. (Miss) (M. D.) Rockford College, Rockford lG683p Lennon, Juna J. Allen (Mrs John B.) 612 E. Mulberry St., Bloomington 30289c Le Roy, Lillian Etta (Mrs Joseph Monroe) 4028 Grand Blvd., Chicago 337242/ Lescher, Nita Colville (Mrs. Nevin C.)..470 Monmouth Bl'vd., Galesburg 30701c Letton, Mary Field (Mrs Theodore Willis) 4846 Kimbark ave., Chicago 28066 Leverett, Amy Hamilton (Mrs John) Upper Alton 28067 Leverett, Flora Elise (Miss) Upper Alton 33722^ Lewis, Clara Kingsbery (Mrs Charles O.) 423 N. Kellogg st., Galesburg 25155c Lewis, Mary Bigelow B. (Mrs Edward H.) 6158 Ingleside ave., Chicago 3949c Lewis, Mary Diana Campbell (Mrs James) ... .678 La Salle ave., Chicago 14780c Lewis, Mary Patience EUwood (Mrs John Henry) De Kalb 511c Lewis, Sylvia M. J. McC. (Mrs E. R.) 1317 Judson ave., Evanston 18375c Libbey, Gertrude Bates (Miss) 4734 Greenwood ave., Chicago 4864p Light, Ellen M. Chamberlin (Mrs Israel H.) 302 E. Front st., Bloomington 27242p Light, Maud Ellen (Miss) 302 E. Front st., Bloomington 4701/5 Lillard, Sallie Williams (Mrs John T.) 302 E. Walnut st., Bloomington 2S405?rt Lincoln, Lelah B. (Miss) E. Side, Ottawa 17460 Lindblom, Lenor (Miss) , 678 La Salle ave., Chicago 13266c Lindsaj^ Harriette B. Dewey (Mrs) 440 E. 65th st., Chicago 31334/ Lindsa}% Mary Boyden (Miss) 1703 Chicago ave., Evanston 13289to Lines, Helen StOAvell (Mrs Calvin Curtiss) 413 Perry ave., Peoria 6130/ Linsley, Sarah Selden (Mrs Thomas H.) 1710 Wesley ave., Evanston 28926^ Lippincott, Nellie Stephens (Mrs Charles Howard) Rock Island 31308c Little, Elizabeth M. (Miss) Lexington Hotel, Chicago 4696p Little, Helen Mar Johnson (Mrs John R.) 206 E. Walnut st.. Bloomington 31307c Little, Maria W. (Miss) Lexington Hotel, Chicago 35791M7 Littlewood, Etta Proctor (Mrs George H.) 1226 Main st., Peoria 27144* Lloyd, Mary Crooker (Mrs) Effingham 31310c Lockett, Amia Maria (Mrs Oswald) 44 E. 50th St., Chicago 2263c Lockwood, Ella Dorr (Mrs Henry) 4326 Lake ave., Chicago 19756c Long, Marion Warren (Mrs John Conant) 5338 Washington ave., Chicago 14808B Looimis, Flora B. Roberts (Mrs Eugene E.) 6731 Yale ave., Chicago 23743c Loomis, Susan A. Foster (Mrs. John H.) 222 Ashland Bl'vd., Chicago 3801c Loose, Ella Clark (Mrs Jacob L.) Lexington Hotel, Chicago 35227i Loosley, Elizabeth Plummer (Mrs George M.) 925 19th st.. Rock Island 23733c Lord, Clara Steele (Miss) 4S57 Greenwood ave., Chicago 6376/ Lord, Katherine Minor (Miss) 1620 Ridge ave., Evanston 33706/4 Lord. Mary E. C. (Mrs George P.) 7 Villa st., Elgin 35777c Lord, Mary Tate (Miss) 4857 Greenwrood ave., Chicago 28936ic Love joy, Lucy (Miss) Princeton 202692^ Love joy, Susan Willoughby (Mrs H. Stillman) ....Jacksonville 24565c Loverin, Luella Browne (Mrs Qiiimby W.) 4823 Lawrence ave., Chicago 31305c Lowry, Leonora J. Perrin (Miss) 217 E. 53rd st., Chicago 9538c Luce," Helen Prindle (Mrs Franklin A.) 472 Elm St., Chicago 21951c Lull, Mary Cotes (Mrs N.) 8, "The Walton," Washington Sq., Chicago 5874; Lunt, Cornelia A. G. (Mrs Orrington) 1742 Judson ave., Evanston • Thankful Hubbard Chapter, Texas. 152 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 444; Lunt, Cornelia Gray (Miss) 1742 Judson ave., Evanston 27520c Lyman, p]ditli Oliver Rowe (Mrs David Brainerd, Jr.) La Grange 30708c Lyman, Louise Ileaft'ord (Mrs William) 144 50th St., Chicago S737C Lyman, Mai-y Grace Chairman (Mrs Jesse P.) 108 E. 50th st., Chicago 12269i Lynde, Mary Adams (Mrs Cornelius) 1102 2nd ave.. Lock Island 22657|| Lyon, Emily Clarissa (Miss) Chicago 19122c Lytton, Eose E. (Mrs. Henry Charles) 2700 Prairie ave., Chicago 12054g Lutz, Caroline Chamberlin (Mrs John A.) Lincoln 1S367C MacArthur, Florence B. (Miss) 5125 Madison ave., Chicago 31337A; McArthur, Julia A. Ball (Mrs Francis) Geneseo 34579c MacArthur, Mary A. Prescott (Mrs Eobert A.) 58 xAstor si,. Chicago 31338fc Macauley, May Bullard (Mrs Hollin P.) Atkinson 29420;- McCabe, Marion Virginia (Mrs Levi S.) 114 19th St., Iii.ck Island 5063|[ McCagg, Marie Therese Davis (Mrs Ezra B.) 67 Cass st.. Chicago 30642 McCalla, Elizabeth Hazard (Mrs Boman Hendry) care Mrs Edv^ard Eoby, lOSth St. & ave. J, Chicago 4524c McCalla, Helen Wayne (Miss) "The Hamilton," 51 E 22nd st.. Chicago 30645 McCalla, Lily Hazard (Miss) care Mrs Edward Boby, 108th st. & ave. J, Chicago 30646 McCalla, Mary Hendry (Miss) care Mrs Edward Eoby, 108th st. & ave. J, Chicago 30644 McCalla, Stella Apthorp (Miss) care Mrs Edward Eoby, lOSth st. & ave J, Chicago 12597i McCandless, Jessie Young (Mrs Albert H.) 709 22nd st.. Eock Island 33702c McClelland, Ella (Miss) 417 Superior st., Chicago 4525c McClelland, Ella Gale (Mrs Thomas S.) 417 Superior st., Chicago 32448 McClelland, Florence O. (Mrs) "The Woodstock," 28th st. & Wabash ave., Chicago 232871 McClure, Edith A. Chapin (Mrs John) Knoxvilie 24349f McClure, Margaret M. (Miss) Eushville 12581c McCord, Emily Davis Eowe (Mrs A. C.) 1480 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago 1964c McCormick, Elizabeth Day (Miss) 124 Eush st., Chicago 1965c McCormick, Henrietta Hamilton (Miss) 124 Eush st., Chicago 17957c McCormick, Katharine Medill (Mrs Eobert) 101 Cass st., Chicago 14786c McCreery, Ehoda Marie (Mrs C. W.) .^ 902 Field Bldg., Chicago 34590m McCullough, Harriet L. Osgood (Mrs James Howard) Marseilles 18379c ]\IcCurdy, Kate M. (Mrs George L.) 3647 Prairie ave., Chicago 28929/n ]\IcDerniott, Emily (Mrs Thomas) Central Ottawa 9963c McDonald, Alice M. (Mrs John B.) i 5750 Madison ave., Chicago 33714W McDonald, Elizabeth Day (Mrs Harold W.) 125 Flora ave., Peoria 14817m McDonald, Jennie D. (Mrs Eoyal D.) E. Side, Ottawa 13256c McEntee, Caroline Studley Burroughs (Mrs C. S.) 566 Division st., Chicago 32175§ McFarland, Frances Whitcomb (Mrs. G. C.) Derry, N. H., Jacksonville 12589(7 McGalliard, Adella Husbrook (]Mrs Andrew) 310 Pekin st.. Lincoln 28928) McGoodwin, Carrie Wilson G. (Mrs W. L.) 652 Hinman ave., Evanston 19118c MacGrew, Mary Wolcott (Mrs Elwood) 533 Belden ave.. Chicago 3413011 II McGuire, Hattie M. (Mrs William) 48 35th St., Chicago 36172)r Mcllvaine, Margaret McGiffin (Miss) 408 Monroe st., Peoria 32S44;EJ Mclntyre, Marj^ Evalin (Miss) Monmouth 13988C Mack, Ellen L. C. (Mrs David Edward) Carthage 27531c McKee, Alice M. (Mrs George W.) 6040 Langley ave., Chicago 14789c McKinley, Kate Frisbee (Mrs William Brown) 19 Scott st., Chicago 33284fc McKinney. Eena E. (Miss) Geneseo 25687^(7 McLaughlin, Ada Greenwood (Mrs. William H.) 1013 State st., Peoria 29822fc McLaughlin, Isadore Freeman (Mrs .loseph A.) Geneseo 31358s McLaughlin, Kate Sturtevant (Mrs Wm. K.) W. College ave., Jacksonville 16674tu MacManus, Mabel Merrifield (Mrs Eobert A.) 6632 Stewart ave., Chicago 15503c McMullin, Jessie L. (Mrs Frank Eoswell) 729 Adams st., West Chicagc» 24562c MacPherran, Sarah Withron (Mrs James E.) 601 W. 3rd st., Sterling 31354m? McEoberts. Ellen Barker (Mrs) 1214 Knoxvilie ave., Peoria 15504c MacVeagh, Emily Sherrill Eames (Mrs F.) 103 Lake Shore Drive. Chicago 12270i Magill, Martha Lamira (Mrs William T.) 715 20th st., Eock Island l| Walter Dean Chapter, Ohio. 1; Cincinnati C'hapter, Ohio. t Stevens Point Chapter, Wis. t Lycorninff Chapter, Pa. |1 'I Francis Shaw Chapter, Iowa. § Molly Reid Chapter, N, H. ILLINOIS. 153 20652 Maginness, Mary F. (Mrs. John Y.) 1635 Prairie ave.. Chicag-o 208295 Mag-uire, Adella" M. (Mrs George W.) 623 N. Main St., Eockford 29825/) Mahaffay, Minnie O. Loomis (Mrs W. C.) 801 E. Jefferson st., Bloomington 14515p jNIamnien. Sarah M. (Mrs G.) 303 East Chestnut st., Bloomington 33281/1 Mann, Effie Clare (Miss) 300 S. State st., Elgin 23744e Manning, Margaret Masten (Mrs. Walter H.) 523 E. 43d st., Chicago 19139« Mannon, Mary Esther (Mrs John H.) Ivewa7iee 16702«; Mansfield, Eliza H. (Miss) 112 Perry ave., Peoria 1670110 Mansfield, Isabella F. (Mrs Henry) 112 Perry st., Peoria 23087* Maple, Eva Jane Chapin (Mrs Charles) Maquon 1934; Marcy, Elizabeth Ennice (Mrs Oliver) 1703 Chicago ave., Evanston 9540e Marguerat, Grace Eliza (Airs Eugene) 155 S. Eobey st., Chicago 19722(i Maris, Laura Henderson (Mrs John M.) Decatur 9026p Marmon, Mary Ann C. (Mrs W. W.)..307 E. Washington st., Bloomington 394oc Marsh, Annie S. Porter (Mrs John W.) 12 Aldine sq., Chicago 12264c ]\Iarsh, Emma (Mrs George Samuel) 1333 Hinman ave., Evanston 13850 Marsh, Lora Campbell (Mrs Wm. D.) 2124 Calumet ave., Chicago 8381? Marsh, Mary Elizabeth P. (Mrs C. G.)..303 N. Kenilworth ave., Oak Park 8121p Marsh, Mary Frances A. (Mrs B. P.) 906 N. Main st., Bloomington 8374e Marshall, Mary L. (Mrs Geo.) 30 Hawthorne Place, Chicago 3468c Marshall, Eoxana M. (Mrs James A.) 2906 Indiana ave., Chicago 13987C Martin, Alice Levins Fen-is (Mrs Charles Ei chard) Carthage 7100c Martin, Asenath Van Ness (Mrs Edward P.) 547 Dearborn ave., Chicago 350c Martin, Ellen Annette (Miss) 84 La Salle ave., Chicago 20896c Martin, J. Anna Douglas (Mrs Elmer B.) 2702 Michigan ave., Chicago 31318c Martin, Lucy (Miss) 113 Cass St., Chicago 31317c Martin, ]\rarion Weed (Airs Irwin) 113 Cass st., Chicago 17454c Marvin, Fanny Campbell (Mrs William) 2974 Indiana ave., Chicago 14770c Alason, Nancy Wilcoxon (Airs Allen C.) Normal 3083c Alather, Louis'^e Fames (Airs Alonzo C.) 531 N. State st., Chicago 30299D Alaxcy. Farnetty Turner Lloyd (Airs John Cook) Springfield 31379A Alay, \Susan E. '(Airs J. AI.) .\ Eochclle 9992(7 Mavfield, Lucy Forsyth (Airs Abraham) Lincoln 21956c Alayo, Harriet Ellwood (Airs Edward L.) De Kaib 17455c Aleacham, Elizabeth I. Child W. (Airs F. D.) 610 Jackson Blvd., Chicago 13664 Mead, Eleanor Hillman (Airs) "The Lessing," Chicago 12586c Aleans, Elizabeth S. (Aliss) 529 W. 67th st., Chicago 9022p Aleans, Fannie Graves (Airs Joseph C.) 1117 E. Grove st., Bloomington 4984^ Aledill, Alargaret Dickson (Aliss) Alilan 14523§ Alehagan, Virginia Kelly (Airs Charles) Chicago 25689Z) Mendenhall, Alary Louise Hughes (Airs) 511 W. Carpenter st., Springfield 2891SC Alendsen, Abby F. (Airs John F.) 712 Washington Blv'd., Chicago 23741c Alerriam, Bertha Sayer (Aliss) 4597 Oakenw^ald ave., Chicago 13282y Alerriman, Agnes J. (Miss) 1208 Judson ave., Evanston 17956r Alessinger, Ella Jane AlcCulloch (Airs W. D.) 548 Jackson Blvd., Chicago 2241c Aletcalf, Lilla Alaria (Airs Ealph) 3829 Langiey ave., Chicago 36185Z) Aleyer, Louise Baker (Airs W. A.) 118 E. Washington st., Springfield 267«'4c Aleyers, Lauretta S. Timmons (Airs G. J.) 4140 Wabash ave., Chicago 1837SC Alichie, Genevieve F. (Airs James W.) 5338 Aladison ave., Chicago 9550r Alillard, Amelia C. (Airs Sylvester M.) Highland Park 35793!t! Alillard, Alinnie Livingston (Airs George P.) 212 Flora ave., Peoria .30643 Aliller, Elizabeth Sargent AlcCalla (Airs William Gardner) care Airs. Edw. Eoby, 108th st. & Ave. J, Chicago. 6496/ Aliller!^ Emily Huntington (Airs) Woman's College, Evanston 30285c Aliller, Estelle Goshorn (Airs Eichard O.) 439 Elm st., Chicago 33709p Aliller, Florence Geehr (Airs. E. Y.) 603 W. Washington st., Bloomington '32437A- AOller, Hannah Dean Allen (Airs AI. J.) Geneseo 32829c Aliller, Laura Seraphine Hawley (Airs E.) Dixon 29S12C Aliller, Lida Willet (Airs Frank Justus) 357 5Sth st., Chicago 32846^; Aliller, Lucretia (Mrs) Browning 29821fc Aliller, Lulu Grace (Aliss) Geneseo 1665 Aliller, Polly Ann Almy (Airs Youngs W.) Chicago 11461?) Aliller, Saidee Jackman K. (Airs F. I.).. 817 E. Douglas st., Bloomington 16087? Alilligan, Ada Josephine (Airs) 120 Clinton ave.. Oak Park Stevens Point Chapter, Wis. § Jemima Johnson Chapter, K.v. 154 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E. 26~22c 13971c 3592c 2045811 26000c 25151c 33286H 19132i 10439/- 184031 33698c 33718A 17468/ 10445(Z 1259Si 26687* 6389c 12602; 13968c 36155c 21470^ 245901' 8369c 7093c leesiq 26089^1 11451 12267; 32832? 118860 11888; 11883c 214752 1146507 11469a? 12631a? 5222c 26764A; 16697/J 10419c 27528c 23800 23801 346012/ 1335c 33704f 361772/ 32439p 23766c 12600i 23765c 35218ff 34099?/ 34593W 345S3C 20260c 345S2C 14777c 109857H 27542f 28397c 2132c 872 6p Milhken. Lucy Appleton (Mrs) 7044 Yale ave., Chicago Milner. Sarah A. (Mrs James W.) 7436 Monroe ave., C'hicas-o Mills, Charlotte Adams Walker (Mrs J. M.).5458 Greenwood ave., Chicap-o Mills, Harriet Hayden Eoot (Mrs Archibald C.) Alton Millspauj2h, Louisa S. (Mrs Charles F.) 5748 Madison ave., Chicago Miner, Edna Bartholomew (Mrs) "The Yale," Chicago- Mmnick, Angelia Morrill (Mrs Wilson A.) Ivewauee Mitchell, Ella Judd (Mrs Phil) 730 20th st., Rock Island Mixter, Elizabeth Bradley (Mrs Frank) 836 20th st., Rock Island Mixter, Florence Louise (Miss) 836 20th st.. Rock Island ISroffett, Bertha Holbrook (Mrs Charles Todd) La Grang-e IMonroe, Mary A. (Mrs Woodward J.) Rochelle Montg-omery, Jennie F. Worthington (Mrs) 1449 Main st.. Quincy Montgomery, L. Clara (Mrs R. R) w. Main st.. Decatur Montgomery, Mary Burrall (Mrs J. McDowell) 1209 2nd ave.. Rock Island Moore, Jennie N. F. (Mrs Andrew M.) Chicago Beach Hotel. Chicago Moore, Julia Tuthill (Mrs James H.) 4433 Greenwood ave.. Chicago Moore, Katherine de ClercA" (Mrs Birney J.).. 1734 Asbury ave., Evanston Moore, Lora Josephine (Mrs James Hobart) . ."The Metropole," Chicago Moore, Millie Pebbles (Mrs F. W.) 209 X. Park ave., Austin Moore, Sarah Colman (Mrs A. L.) 8th ave. & 10th st., Moline Morgan, Julia Potwine (Mrs Otho Herron) Highland Park Morris, Clara Elizabeth Seymour (Mrs J.) 5342 Washington ave., Chicago Morris, Ida Tucker (Mrs Seymour) 5342 Washington ave., Chicago ]\Iorrison, Elizabeth Lyman (Mrs James Winthrop) Lincoln Morrison, Jennie (Miss) Robinson Morehouse, Clara (Miss) 4719 Kenwood ave., Chicago Mortimer, Grace L. 0. (Mrs W. H.). .1261 Washington Boulevard, Chicago Morton, Mary Emma Little (Mrs Charles M.)..118 Clinton ave.. Oak Park Morse, Anna (Miss) 1303 W. College ave., Jacksonville Morse, Anne Perkins Woodbridge (Mrs C. J.) 1825 Asbury ave., Evanston Morse, Nellie Wisner (Mrs Edwin De Wolfe).. 235 Michigan ave., Chicago Mosby, Helen Ethel (Miss) 42 E. 25th st., Chicago Moseley, Fannie (Miss) Princeton Moseley, Mary Moseley Horton (Mrs William N.) Princeton Moseley, Louise J. (Mrs Douglas) Princeton Moss, Harriette Doubleday McL. (Mrs W. L.) 4700 Glenwood ave., Chicago Mowry, Ella A. (Mrs George G.) .Geneseo Moyer, Anna Catharine T. (Mrs C. J.).. 709 E. Douglas st., Bloomington Moyer, Ellen (Mrs Walstein) 434 W. Adams st.. Chicago Mundy, Harriet Blanchard Bryant (Mrs F.) Riverside Munroe, Annie (Mrs Thomas) Rushyille Munroe, Mary Anna (Miss) Rushville Munson, Mabel E. (Miss) 176 N. Kellogg st., Galesburg Murphe3% Millie Stebbins (Mrs Henry C.) 6325 Monroe st., Chicago Murphy, Caroline Lois (Mrs Forrest Wier) 425 N. 5th st., Quincy Murphy, Eleanor Elizabeth (Miss) 291 W. South st., Galesburg Murphy, Emma Shaw (Mrs J.) 1106 N. Prairie st., Bloomington Murphy, Laura G. (Miss) 159 2nd st., Dixon IMurphy, Mary Webber (Mrs Timothy Alfred).. 561 30th st.. Rock Island Murphy, Olive Ayres (Mrs) 159 2nd st., Dixon Murray, Nellie Barber (Mrs David C.) Streator Musgove, Carrie Ewalt (Miss) 250 S. West st., Galesburg Musgove, Francis Duke (Miss) 700 N. Monroe st.. Peoria Myers, Elizabeth Vanderpelt (Miss) ... .640 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago Myers, Fanny B. (Mrs Henry B.) 122 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago Myers, Mary Isabella (Mrs Phillip) 640 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago Mygatt, Agnes P. (Mrs William R.) 6018 Stony Island ave., Chicago Nash, Gertrude King (Mrs William W.) N. Bluff, Ottawa Nason, Ellen Estell (Mrs Clarence E.) 7th ave., Moline Neely, Carrie Blair (Miss) 4929 Greenwood ave., Chicago Nelson, Fannie Elizabeth (Mrs Walter C.) 5120 Jefferson ave., Chicago Neville, Nellie Bent (Mrs Jas. S.) 1101 E. Jefferson st., Bloomington 1, St. Louis Chapter, Mo. * Army and Navj' Chapter, D. C. ^ Old North Church Chapter, Mass. ILLINOIS. 155 13979c Newcomb, Blanche M, P. (Mrs G. E.) 620 Washington Boulevard, Chicago 26752(7 Newcomer, Mary Tressler (Mrs C. B.) Carthage 33269c Newell, Elizabeth Kilbourne (Mrs) 4020 Ellis are., Chicago 20280t» Newton, Isabelle F. Mansfield (Mrs) 300 Moss ave., Peoria 26748P Newton, Martha Hoover (Mrs M. H.) 707 N. McLean st., Bloomington 5114c Nicholls, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs William H.)..16 Bellevue Place. Chicago 23783; Nichols, Isabella Gertner (Mrs William C.)..1308 Asbury ave., Evanston 19731n Nicholson, Lettie Hatch (Mrs John A.) KeAvanee 6373; Noble, Leila M. Crandon (Mrs P. A.) 532 Washington Boulevard, Chicago 35802 Noble, Mary Churchill (Mrs Louis K.) 2708 Western ave., Mattoon 352362: Nolte, Mary Dunbaugh (Mrs) W. College ave., Jacksonville 13276/j Northrup, Eose W. (Mrs Charles J.) 510 E. Front st., Bloomins-ton 14813^ Northrup, Sarah E. (Mrs Henry M.) 422 N. Grove ave., Oak Park 114785 Norton, Gratia P. (Miss) 226 S. Madison st., Eockford 26723c Norton, Helen Fanning (Mrs Henry M.) 5620 Washington ave., Chicago 6754c Norton, Laura Hills (Mrs James H.) 2556 Ashland ave.. North Chicago 11479B Norton, Mary E. (Miss) 524 Division Place, Eockford 9548p Norruj), Anna Strickle (Mrs Harman E.) Havana 14769c Norwood, Lizzie Winne (Mrs Fred. W.) Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago 14785c Norwood, Winifred Alma (Miss) Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago 31321c Noyes, Caroline Derr (Mrs Gideon Palmer) Lexington Hotel, Chicago 20261c Noves, Ida E. S. (Mrs La Yerne W.) 76 Eush st., Chicago 133060 Noyes, Laura J. Miller (Mrs William H. D.) Carthage 27685c Odell, Leila (Mrs) 434 N. State st., Chicago 35237r Odiorne, Emily Isabella (Miss) 218 Westminster st., Jacksonville 36186Z) Ogden, Elizabeth Nerella Eosa (Mrs Howard C.)..393 E* 41st st., Chicago 13974c Okeson, Jane B. Albertson (Miss) 2821 Indiana ave., Chicago 13970c Okeson, Margaret A. (Miss) 2821 Indiana ave., Chicago 9184* Olin, Marv Moulton (Mrs Franklin W.) 1128 State st., Alton 17960c Orr, Lucv Jane Doe (Mrs Frank B.) 4450 Ellis ave., -Chicago 4347< Orum, Edith Allen (Mrs William C.) 810 16th st., Moline 10979; Osborn, Ada Marinette (Mrs Eugene E.) 1225 Michigan ave., Evanston 25164^ Osborne, Lillian Woods (IMrs Samuel D.) 1220 W. College ave., Jacksonville 17958c Osgood, Lenora J. (Mrs Henry D.) 162 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago 33217|| Osgood, Susanna Patton Tate (Mrs Luther P.) Marseilles 3591c Otis, Sarah Kitchen (Mrs Ephraim A.) 13 Astor st.. Chicago 30725J Owen, Minnie June (Mrs William E.) 110 Maple ave.. Oak Park 21469/) Owens, Clara Eogers Smith (Mrs) 511 W. Mulberry st., Bloomington 7733§ Owsley, Lucy Pace (Mrs Frederick D.) 412 Erie st., Chicago 26775 Oxley, Floretta Lord (Mrs William H.) Strawn 28932p Packard, Jane Briggs (Mrs Thadeous Bullock) Chicago 9541c Packard, Janie Hayford (Mrs Arthur T.) 1847 Arlington Place, Chicago 34092(? Packard, Mary Sawyer (Mrs Silas) 401 College Square, Decatur 7745* Paddock, Achsah Moseley (Mrs Henry G.) 1904 5th ave., Moline 18398; Paddock, Lucy M. (Mrs Chauncv) Prophetstown 7104D Paddock, Mary L. C. (Mrs James) 709 S. 7th st., Springfield 5743c Page, Florence Ethel (Miss) 4747 Kimbark ave., Chicago 33715i(? Page, Jessie Stevens (Mrs George T.) 127 Flora ave., Peoria 3S02C Pajeau, Mary L. (Mrs Joseph) 4345 Grand Boulevard. Chicago 12217D Palmer, Hannah Lamb (Mrs John M.) Springfield 14818OT Palmer, Mary White (Mrs Walter Butler) W. Side, Ottawa 155216 Pankhurst, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 422 Galena ave., Dixon 36189 Parham, Lucie Snyder (Mrs Jacob Mintzer) Bunker Hill 4697p Parke. Lucy Woodford D. (Mrs C. E.) 306 E. Walnut st., Bloomington 32443a! Parker, Ella (Miss) Princeton 11891 Parker. Ida Brewster (Mrs Henry C.) Lincoln 33266c Parker, Marilla Zeroyda (Miss) 5622 Ellis ave., Chicago 20900c Parker, Mary Moncure Paynter (Mrs W. E.)..491 42nd Place, Chicago 22211 Parker, Mary Putnam Benton (Mrs Charles W.) 6820 Perry ave., Chicago 26004; Parker, Maude D. (Miss) 1639 Hinman ave., Evanston 35231p Parritt, Florence (Miss) 902 N. East St., Bloomington 35230?) Parritt, Parmelia Tibbals (Mrs Willard) 902 N. E. st., Bloomington 9531c Partridge, Nellie Hammond (Mrs N. A.) 5614 Madison ave., Chicago St. Louis Chapter, Mo. Continental Chapter, D. C. § Sargeant Newton Chapter, Ga. 156 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 14804r Patton, Ellie Ferry (Mrs Robert Weston) Highland Park 8219; Peabody, May Henderson (Mrs Francis S.) La Plaza, Chicago 28396e Pearce, Martha Maiide Davis (Mrs J. I., Jr.) Sherman House, Chicago 8215; Pearson, Gertrude E. Simmons (Mrs E. J.).. 1512 Maple ave., Evanston 95431 Pearson, Grace Mabel Sallonstall (Mrs J. L.) 446 N. Grove ave.. Oak Park 31177^ Peck, Jessie Elizabeth S. (Mrs H. L.)..1428 E. Eavenwood Park, Chicago 57440 Peck, Mary Talcott (Mrs Walter Leslie) 110 "Auditorium," Chicago ISSOlg Pegram, Anna (Miss) Lincoln 13300Q Pegram, Katherine Hall Leighton (Mrs Nathaniel Edward) Lincoln 16682^ Pegram, Katherine Leighton (Miss) 405 McLean st., Lincoln 12608i Pellet, Mary E. (Mrs Oakley B.) 129 S. Grove st., Oak Park 16094P Perry, Adelaide (JNIiss) 305 S. East st., Bloomington 10418c Perry, Harriet Day Shepard (ISIrs Charles R.) 5423 Madison ave., Chicago 30705c Peters, Anna E. (Mrs J. G.). .2886 Kenmore ave., Edgew^ater Sta., Chicago 32824c Peterson, Bessie Wanzer (Mrs F. C.) 4217 Indiana ave., Chicago 7101c Pettibone, Mary Carter Talcott (Mrs P. F.)..159 Warren ave., Chicago 5438|) Petitclerc, Emma L. (Mrs Felix F.) 1106 Post st., Ottawa 12613W Pettit, Maria Louise (Mrs James Wiley) W. Side, Ottawa 18399/ Petty, Jessie L. Paddock (Mrs) Prophetstown 4622§ Phelps, Ann Eliza (Mrs Erskine M.) 1703 Indiana ave.. Chicago 31380A Phelps, Grace Countrj-man (Mrs Arthur A.) Rochelle 17959c Phelps, Jeanette Tucker (Airs Delos P.) 410 E. Superior st., Chicago 15508? Phelps, M. Louise Copeland (Mrs W. R.) 525 Maple ave.. Oak Park 8220; Phelps, Sarah Gillette Ward (Mrs Wm. J.) 1726 Hinman ave., Evanston 18382c Phillips, Harriet Gale (Miss) 347 Dearborn ave., Chicago 33719 Pichereau, Margaretta Crane (Mrs) Lacon 26015 Pierce, Caroline C. Sanford (Mrs Almiron G.) Monmouth 27527c Pierce, Mary Reid (Miss) 235 Michigan ave., Chicago 7094c Pierce, S. Jennie (Mrs Charles W.) 4011 Prairie ave., Chicago 83865 Pierpont, Helen Blakeman (Mrs Theron G.) W. State st., Rockford 2197Sf Pinkerton, Minnie Dixon (Mrs John) 4203 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago 24572c Pitkin, Dorothy Abbot Chapman (Mrs R. S.)..412 Greenleaf st., Evanston 13978c Pitkin, J. Gertrude (Miss) 459 Washington Boulevard, Chicago 34101// Plain, Fannie S. Watson (Airs John William) 440 S. West st., Galesburg 10990i Pleasants, Mary Crawford (Mrs Adair) 118 2nd ave., Rock Island 20245c Pomero3% Christina King (Airs S. Harris) 307 E. Huron st., Chicago 32040y Pond, Antoinette Rogers (Airs Sylvanus B.) 6451 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 9535c Pool, Anna W. (Aliss) 4722 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 7137 Pool, Grace Young (Airs Alarvin Bemis) 236 Adams st., Chicago 34605 Pool, Alinnie Alice Lewis (Airs) Stockton 27535c Pope, Almyra Van Wyck (Airs George Jackson) 3343 Vernon ave., Chicago 32834m Pope, Cora J. (Airs Milton) S. Bluff, Ottawa 27233i Pope, Frances Cable (Airs C. E.) Lake Forest 34575c Pope, Laura Daniels (Airs William A.) 5411 Aladison ave., Chicago 35787f Pope, Alargaret Baxter (Airs Charles H.) 925 17th st., Moline 21953c Pope, Sarah Aspasia Burnham (Airs C. B.)..2835 Alichigan ave., Chicago 31344'H!. Porter, Anne Combs (Airs L. Ewing) E. Side Ottawa 15505c Porter, Annie Rockwell Sprague (Mrs F. W.) 4801 Kimbark ave., Chicago 2657 Porter, Alary Haskin (Airs W. H.) 305 Stock Exchange, Chicago 30703c Potter, Ellen Owen (Airs Orrin W.) 130 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 24651"* Potter, Kate Jarvis (Airs) 207 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago 2401711 Potter, Alartha Beach (Airs Charles E.) 408 Kenilworth ave.. Oak Park 13272c Potts, Augusta Bigelow (Airs) 4:334 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 10415c Potwin, Eliza Lewis (Airs William S.) 389 Dearborn ave., Chicago 10978; Poucher, Florence Lucinda H. (Mrs B. G.)..1426 Asbury ave., Evanston 328306 Powell, Mary Augusta Havvley (Airs Clinton Norton) Dixon 28414D Power, Laura Chord (Airs) . /. Cantrall 14661(i Powers, Caroline AI. (Aliss) 595 Powers ave., Decatur 34093d Powers, Dessie Bowers (Airs G. W.) 357 N. Edward st., Decatur 34093? Powers, Hadassah (Airs) 357 N. Edward st.. Decatur 31312c Powers, Pearl Wood (Aliss) 1492 Washington Boulevard, Chicago 6391 Pratt, Alary S. (Airs Byron S.) Delavan 1^ Oshknsh Chapter, Wis. II Oneida Chapter, N. Y. § Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. t Hannah Caldwell Cliapter, Iowa. ** Isaac Shelby Chapter, Ky. H Louisa St. Clair Chapter, Mich. ILLINOIS. 157 6501c Preston, Ellen H. (Mrs Everett B.) 19 Delaware Place. Chicago 1S3S30 Preston, Frances Helen Lloyd (Mrs Carl W.) ..4406 Sidney ave., Chicago 27537e Preston, Lelia Fannie '(Miss) Dixon 125S4C Preston, Marietta Campbell (Mrs. Ernest J.) 4816 Kenwood ave., Chicago 3o225c Preston, Martha Johnston (Mrs Franklin W.) 4435 Berkeley ave.. Chicago S127B Preston, Mary E. (Miss) 519 S. Avon St., Eockford 166S9p Price, Clara Parke (Mrs James H.) 914 N. Center st., Bloomington 245S9C Price, Harriet E. (Mrs) 747 Grand ave., Waukegan 26011D Price, Harriette Jane Crabbe (Mrs Jay L.) 618 S. 8th st., Springfield 26012Z> Price, Jessie Elizabeth (Miss) Springfield 36187 Prince, Charlotte Hitchcock (Mrs Arthur E.)..420 S. 6th st.. Springfield 9436c Prinderville, Estelle Tregor (Mrs Charles H.) 3935 Lake ave., Chicago 27238? Pringle, Grace Daphne Hale (Mrs Fred W.) 129 S. Scoville ave., Oak Park 23776/(. Pritchard, Anna Beaty Lig'htner (Mrs William J.) Elgin 19115c Pullman, Hattie Sanger (Mrs George M.) 1929 Prairie ave., Chicago 6504c Putman, Alice (Miss) 164 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago 6503c Putman, Judith (Miss) 164 Oakwood Blvd.. Chicago 31328f Putnam, Edith Elizabeth (Miss) P. O. Box 51, Quincv 31329f Putnam, Fannie Lincoln (Miss) P. 0. Box 51, Quincy 24574e Quinby, Phebe A. (Mrs) 266 N. Crawford ave.. Dixon 996SC Quincy. Etta M. I. (Mrs Charles F.) 412 N. State st., Chicago 147S4C Quine, Lettie Mason (Mrs William E.) 3160 Indiana ave., Chicago 63787 Quinlan, Kate C. (Miss) 331 Davis st., Evanston 20267V Ragan, Maria M. (Mrs John G.) N. Chicago 446c Eamage, Addie W. (Mrs George W.) 444 Washington Blvd., Chicago 17473£f Eandall, Edwina C. Bond (Mrs William) Monmouth 31381A Eandall, Hannah Steele (Mrs Osborne E.) Eochelle 35803 Eandall, Eachel Monks (Mrs Eobert) Monmouth 31382J. Randall, Eoberta (Miss) Flagg 4522c Eappleye, Maud Minerva (Miss) Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago 28390a Rathbun, Sarah M. (Mrs Charles H.) 312 S. Monroe st.. Streatnr 20271^ Rawlins, Marj^ Fanny Garland (Mrs Daniel W.) College st., Jacksonville 26773(0 Eaum, Eae Copley (Mrs) 210 Flora ave., Peoria 155112? Eayburn, Jennie Buttolph (Mrs Calvin) . .1013 E. Grove st., Bloomington 19127^ Eayburn, Nora Jessie Karns (Mrs Frank Sheridan) Roseville 33271(/ Read, Elizabeth Prentice (Mrs Frances Adelbert) Freeport 18377 Eeagan, Marion Ethel (Mrs H. E.) Riverside 22648/ Eedington, Mary J. (Mrs Edward D.) 512 Lake st.. Evanston 30715c Eeed, Catharine Sibyl Morris (Mrs Frank) 4434 Berkley ave., Chicago 28930W Eeed, Eliza Little (Mrs Frank H.) 600 S. Chestnut st., Kewanee 6751p Rees, Abbie Bull (Miss) 618 E. Walnut st., Bloomington 6752p Rees, Esther Hill (Mrs John F.) 618 E. Walnut st., Bloomington 10438,r Reeve, Darlene Stevens (Mrs Austin B.) Princeton 16690;; Reeves, Henrietta (Miss) 602 E. Locust st., Bloomington 17471a Reeves, Marietta Cogswell (Mrs Walter) Streator 26016 Regnier, Lucretia H. (Mrs John B.) 224 N. Broad st., Galesburg 2181c Reid. Caroline Whittlesey (Mrs W. H.) 2013 Prairie ave., Chicago 8872* Remington, Annie Burr Watson (Mrs Henry W.) Geneseo 3 4387c Remington, Maria Louisa Cole (Mrs William A.) Geneseo 4102c Re Qua, Alice Haven (Mrs Charles Howard) 3629 Grand Blvd., Chicago 361781/ Rewalt, L. ]\Iaude (Miss) 523 N. Academy st., Galesburg 31316c Rice, Annie Dyer (Mrs F. Willis) Lexington Hotel, Chicago 1149410 Eice, Caroline Montgomery (Miss) 206 Flora ave., Peoria 30288c Eice, Elvira Fifleld (Mrs Thomas Bowman) 22 Warren ave., Chicago 4100c Eice, Harriet A. (Mrs Fletcher C.) Galesburg 34585c Rice, Mary H. (Mrs William E.) 4 Oakland Cresent. Chicago 8159 Richards, Eva May Benjamin (Mrs L. B.) Trinity Rectory. Jacksonville 13982J Richardson, Emma Curtis (Mrs C. A.) 308 "S. Grove ave.. Oak Park 8382? Richardson, Nora Worthington (Mrs H. B.) 223 Wisconsin ave.. Oak Park 34083c Rideing, Ella Berry (Mrs Benjamin P.) 145 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago 10435Z) Ridgely, Jane Maria (Mrs Charles) 631 S. 4th st., Springfield 9009c Riker, Ina Viola Ambrose (Mrs Alpheus) . . . .2446 Michigan ave., Chicago 22770 Rii)ley, Lucenia M. (Miss) 5740 Monroe ave., Chicago Bristol Chapter, R. I. 158 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 17457c Eippey, Sarah Cory (Miss) 335 Hamden Court, Chicago 2475c Eobbins, Harriet Cornelia (Mrs Walter E.) 3910 Lake ave., Chicago 25161m Eoberts, Adaline B. Ellsworth (Mrs Giles) Central Ottawa 11488fi Eoberts, Anna H. Jack (Mrs Thomas Tenbrook) 354 W. Main st., Decatur 25160f Eoberts, Anne Webster (Mrs) S. ISth st., Quincy 341027/ Eoberts, Louise Lunsford Loving (Mrs A. C.) 371 W. North St., Galesburg 11474B Eoberts, Melinda J. (Mrs Eli F.) 6951 Union ave., Chicago 9533c Eobei'tson, Charlotte C. (Mrs Andrew A.) 3800 Elmwood Place, Chicago 7759B Eobertson, Edith White (Mrs William Taylor) BIS N. Main St., Eockford 11895! Eobinson, Julia Spencer (Mrs Dean Tyler) 616 20th st., Eock Island 11S29C Eock, Martha P. (Mrs Frank D.) 551 46th Place, Chicago 1460111 Eockwell, Alice Mary Brittan (Mrs Eay) 6410 Ingleside ave., Chicago 23130U Eockwell, Emma (Miss) Kewanee 1419611 Eohland, Cora Dolbee (Mrs C. B.) 1129 State St., Alton 3071SC Eollo, Mary Eice Smith (Mrs William Fuller).. 901 W. Adams st., Chicago 302945 Eoot, Ella Giddings (Mrs John Piarnes) 1806 Kishwankee st., Eockford 1282911 Eoot, Harriet Eston (Mrs A. K.) .■ 1511 State st., Alton 12830«y Eoot, Lillian Augustine (Miss) 1511 State st., Alton 32026c Eoot, Mary Emmie Lizzie Clark (Mrs Judson A.) 196 E. 40th st., Chicago 22655Z) Eoosa, Sarah V. De Haven (Mrs) 116 E. Washington st., Springfield 109921 Eose, Ella ]\Iore (Mrs Charles A.) 2225 7th ave., Eock Island 33723?/ Eose, Helen E. (Miss) 368 W. Tompkins st., Galesburg 33272f/ Eoseburgh, Julia Elizabeth (Mrs John) Stephenson st., Freeport 13302Q Eoss, Charlotte Snover (Mrs Charles Eugene) Lincoln 18384c Eoss, Elizabeth Gates (Miss) 428 Washington Blvd., Chicago 18374c Eoss, Elizabeth Havens King (Mrs J. P.) 428 Washington Blvd., Chicago 36152c Bounds, Martha A. (Mrs) 17 Eobey st., Chicago 3589W Eouse, Marj- (Miss) 309 Perry ave., Peoria 13285tc Eousseau, Kate E. (Mrs Augustin Z. D.) 513 Hamilton st., Penria 31355ir Eowcliff, Carrie G. (Mrs J. W.) 824 Fayette st., Peoria 28941 Eowe, Nelle Vandaveer (Mrs) 217 Chestnut st., Paris 32434c Eowland, Clara A. (Miss) 3S9 S. Leavitt st., Chicago 729c Eozet, Marie Josephine (Miss) 340 La Salle ave., Chicago 17970 Eupp, Helen Eliza Nye (Airs William A^ hite) 306 S. Main st., Monmouth 6136c Eupp, Ehoda E. (Mrs. Jesse E.) 6506 Wentworth ave., Chicago 26733c Eush, Katharine Carter (Mrs George F.) 5719 Washington ave., Chicago 26010.C Eussell, Ellen Cummings (Miss) 844 W. College ave., Jacksonville 15520 Eussell, Annie F. (Miss) 702 Second ave., Sterling 6385; Eussell, Martha C. Stockton (Mrs Frank H.) La Plaza. ( hicago 35238c Eutledge, Ada Harrison (Mrs Charles G.)..1320 W. State st., Jacksonville 8129B St. John, Eliza M. BavHs (Mrs Erin) 831 N. Church St., Eockford 8130B St. John, Ellen M. (Mrs M. B.) 841 N. Church st., Eockford 2476c Salmon, Blanche Virginia Ogden (Mrs Charles) 6826 Perry ave., Chicago 32825c Salmon, Lillian Elliott (Mrs Clarke) . . . ."The Kenwood," 47th st., Chicago 28927/ Sample, Matilda A. (Mrs Edwin F.) 1100 Forest ave., Evanslon 6145* Sampson, Alice Bradley (INIrs Osborne) 265 Oak st., Chicago 29824n Sanburn, Henrietta Ellen (Mrs John H.) Thomson 26395c Sanders, Cornelia E. (Mrs William D.) 1011 W. State st., Jacksonville 14833m Sanders, Emma F. (Mrs Aaron Y) Kewanee 12048/> Sanders, Sue A. (Mrs James T.) 511 E. Chtstnut st., Bloomington 28938(i Sands, Minnie Maxfield (Mrs Frederick Lincoln) Morrison 320435 Sanford, Clara Goodall (Mrs Goodyear A.) 401 N. Main st., Eockford 17456c Sanger, Mary Catherine McKibben (Mrs J. Y.) 2036 Indiana ave., Chicago 17459c Sanger, Minerva Cooper (Mrs Frederick W.) ..2036 Indiana ave., Chicago 167040" Sapp, Edna Olds (Mrs Elmer) Wyanet 29425fr Sargent, Gertrude Abra (Miss) Geneseo 114S0B Sargent, Sara Louise (Miss) 522 Eockton ave., Eockford 24584p Safer, Eunice Farrar (Miss) Atlanta 24583p Safer, Helen Maria McCaughey (Mrs Charles C.) Atlanta 4302c Satterlee, Emily Twogood (Mrs M. L.) 2704 Michigan ave., Chicago 7098c Sawyer, EmmaK. S. (Mrs Francis A.) 43 Banks st., Chicago 31325c Sayler, June Elliott (Mrs Harry Lincoln) 7134 Euclid ave., Chicago 17458c Sciiaffenberg, Lydia Frances (Miss) 4734 Greenwood ave., Chicago II Beloit Chapter, Wis. % St. Louis Chapter, Mo. Beloit Chapter, Wis. ILLINOIS. 159 1196 Schmidt, Mary Everhart (Mrs Max E.) 51 Delaware Place, Chicago 6408t' Schumacher, Harriet E. (Mrs Bowen W.) Highland Park 35082 Scott, Anna Jane Hopkins (Mrs James) 323 N. 2nd st., Monmouth 36161i Scott, Anna T. (Mrs Eobert P.) 9th ave., Eock Island 12573c Scott, Eliza Gallup (Mrs George Stuart) 456 Elm St., ( hicago 4982p Scott, Julia Green (Mrs Matthew F.) 703 S. Clayton st., Bloomington z Scott, Minerva Dunlap (Mrs Edward) West State st. lap (Mrs Edward) West State st., Jacksonville Scribner, Emma Eaton (Mrs Sanford A.) 226 Ashland Blvd., Chicago Scribner, Etta B. (Mrs Charles E.) 173 E. 45th st., Chicago Seaman, Helen E. (Mrs Louis N.) Elgin Sears, Laura Eaymond Davidson (Mrs N. C.) 2465 Kenmore ave., Evansfon Sechler, Juliet McCullough (Mrs Thos. M.) 1702 6th ave., Moline Sedgwick, ]\Iary Livingston (Mrs Howard M.) 922 Knoxville ave., Peoria 9554 13966c 17962c 33282ft 17961c 9007^ 35794W 32449^7 Seeger, Bertha Jones (Mrs Joe Clarence) Beardstown 26623|] Seel3% Anzolette E. (Mrs Thomas Jennings) Oswego 16676/n Seeley, Kate M. (Mrs William L.) Central Ottawa 5221t; Seelye, Annie Ehees (Mrs Isaac H.) 730 Judson ave., Evanston 19743c Selby, Mary J. (Mrs Paul) 3813 lihodes ave., Chicago 19129£ Sexton, Marian B. (Mrs William H.) 315 S. 2nd St., Monmouth 23440c Seydel, Ethel Cornelia Peirce (Mrs Louis V.) 545 Dearborn ave.. Chicago 12272/) Shackford, Binie Hatch (Wincup) (Mrs J, M.) Chicago 32441r Sharp, Margaret Taylor (Miss) 4201 Lake ave., Chicago 23375(1 Shaw, Anna Eustace (Mrs Benjamin F.) Dixon 145170. Shay, Marietta B. E. (Mrs J. H.) Bloomington St., Streator 328402? Sheaff, Carrie O. Witderstein (Mrs Joseph) Holcomb 35221c Shearer, Sarah Louise (Miss) 2535 Prairie ave., Chicago 226360 Shefler, Florence Geraldine Weber (Mrs C. B.) 4420 Ellis ave., Chicago 146G2(i Shellabarger, Mabel Lord (Mrs Lucien) 510 Decatur st., W. Decatur 6379 Shepard, Estelle ]\[arian (Miss) 5526 Madison ave., Chicago 357c Shepard, Frances Welles (Mrs H. M.) 4445 Grand Blvd., Chicago 8732c Shepard. Harriet Williams (Miss) 3235 Indiana ave., Chicago 36159C Sheppard, Martha Louise (Mrs Thomas Henry) 2811 Prairie ave., Chicago 16715 Sherf ey, Fann^- B. (Miss) Champaign • 668c Sherman, Alice Park (Mrs William Wallace) . . .2928 Indiana ave., Chicago 255 Sherman, Evelyn J. Hardin (Mrs F. S.) 545 N. State st., Chicago 514c Sherman, Louise Dickinson (Mrs Penoyer L.) 4634 Lake ave., Chicago 7088c Sherman, Martha E. Coleman (^Irs) 4846 Calumet ave., (hicago 32024c Sherman, Mary Belle King (Mrs John D.) 4615 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 11890g' Sherman, Susan Martling (Mrs Hiram) Lincoln 34586c Sherwood, Estelle F. Abrams (Mrs W. H.) 3146 Lake Park ave., Chicago 13875c Sherwood, Lucinda A. Ware (Mrs Xehemiah) . .4712 Madison ave., Chicago 7095»n Sherwood, Phebe Anthony (Mrs Frederick A.) Central Ottawa 24564c Shippey, Lulu Eichards (Mrs Charles Webster) ..4365 Lake ave., Chicago 7760B Shondv, Sophia George James (Mrs George A.) 933 N. 2nd ave., Eockford 22609 Shover, Eliza Crosby Gibbes (Mrs H. C.) 1 Park Row, Eoom 701, Chicago 16713C Shultz, Amanda E. "(Mrs Adam C.) Carthage 1509c Shuniway, Grace E. (Mrs Noble C.) 1487 W. Monroe st., Chicago 2474c Shumwav, Marv (Miss) 1030 Park ave., Chicago 32831f Sigsbee, Valina Francis (Mrs Baltis) 1222 N. 8th st., Quincy 31350^ Silvis, Daisy Gilmore (Mrs .John C.) 916 12th ave., Moline 2473c Simmons, Hattie Bush (Mrs Francis Tollis) 8 Gordon Terrace, ( hicago' 34603 Simmons, Minnehaha S. (Mrs H. P.) 5417 Cottage Grove ave., Chicago 3784c Sims, Adaline Louise Drake (Mrs William E.) 6322 Kimbark ave., Chicago 35222c Sims. Charlotte (Mrs Edwin W.) 6446 Monroe ave., Chicago j 12572 Sims, Josephine Cramer (Mrs Joshua) 6758 Lowe ave., Chicago I 509c Sinclair, Judith Parkhurst (Miss) 914 W. Monroe St., Chicago 11885c Sinclair, Julia H. Clark (Mrs Al!)ert C.) . .2603 N. Hermitage ave., Evanston 9975c Slack, Harriet H.' (Mrs. Charles H.) 395 Adams st., Chicago 30706c Slade. Lucv A. (Mrs Jonathan) 292 E. Ohio St., Chicago 9551t Sleight, "Florence Dimock (Mrs Edward H.) 2021 3rd ave.. Moline 36535* Smith, Ada C. vSmith (Mrs Abner) 15 Aldine Sq., Chicago 23370c Smith, Addie Thomas (Mrs Edward E.) 158 E. olst St.. Chicago 13307.» Smith, Adeline Brvant (Miss) 121 S. Willow ave.. Austin Denver Chapter, Col. Hands Cove Chapter, Vt. 160 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 20332(' Smith, x^lHcc Bradford (Mrs E. E.) G039 Jefferson ave.. Chicago 328415 Smith, Bertha Locke (Mrs Frank Gilman) N. 2nd St., Hockford 155131' Smith, Clara E. (Mrs Albert Paul) Highland Park 34602 Smith, Clementeen Pullman (Mrs) Lacon 21465§ Smith, Edith Pauline Morgan (Mrs Cornelius Kinney) OttaAva 20894c Smith, Edna Valentine (Miss) 3800 Lake ave., Chicago 15509? Smith, Elizabeth A. (Mrs Melancthon) i;28 S. Oak Park ave., Oak Park 245S2J) Smith, Elizabeth Pogers (Mrs Lee) 511 W. Mulberry st., Bloomington 24563c Smith, Elizabeth T. (Mrs Jessie W. I.) 3941 Drexel Blvd., Chicago 22566|| Smith, Ella Pauline (Mrs Francis Mathews) 5000 Washington are., Chicago 7097c Smith, Emma A. (Mrs Perry H.) 43 Banks St., Chicago 1479SC Smith, Emma C. Bush (Mrs) 499 N. State St., Chicago 36166fc Smith, Emma Eliza Wilson (Mrs Fred. Leslie) Geneseo 18786c Smith, Etta Soper (Mrs) 4422 Lake ave., Chicago 22634 Smith, Ettie Leila (Miss) 710 Clark St., Evanston 22654Z) Smith, Eva Munsen (Mrs George C.) 511 E. North Grand ave., Springfield 4099c Smith, Fannie A. (Mrs Marvin E.) 23 Bellevue Place, Chicago 16084^ Smith, Florence M. (Mrs Braj'ton W.) 800 W. College ave., Jacksonville 81Sc Smith, Frances B. (Mrs Frederick Augustus) 205 Goethe st., Chicago S370C Smith, Frances Sedgwick (Mrs) 1926 Indiana ave., Chicago 5878 Smith, Grace Bartow Card (Mrs) 4850 Washington ave.. Chicago 12276 Smith, Jane Folsom (Miss) Princeton 11898.J; Smith, Jane Hubbell (Mrs Daniel Horton) Princeton 358c Smith, Jennie Paul (Mrs Ernest L.) 533S Cornell ave., Chicago 20893c Smith, Mary Farnsworth (Mrs Wm. W.) 3800 Lake ave., Chicago 13976c Smith, Mary Potter (Mrs Frank M.)..; 4620 Drexel Blvd., Chicago 20893c Smith, Mary Susan Valentine F. (Mrs ^Y. W.) 157 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago 19117c Smith, May Edith Flower (Mrs Monroe A.) 688 N. Park ave., Chicago 33696c Smith, Minnie Eawson (Mrs Frederick Sylvester) 506 Adams st., Chicago 27533c Smith, Myra C. Gilbert (Mrs Frank J.) 6446 Monroe ave., Chicago 251685 Smith, Kellie Lyman (Mrs Fredric A.) 1227 National ave., Eockford 20243c Smith, Sarah Gertrude (Miss) 4903 Lake ave., Chicago 19116c Smith, Susan O. Barker (Mrs Eobert Jordan) . .359 Ashland Blvd., Chicago 20276 Smyth, Anna M. Smilie (Mrs John) 523 S. 4th st., Monmouth 77615 Snow, Jane Maria D. (Mrs B. Payson) 706 N. Main st., Eockford 25152c Snow, Lois Cynthia Endicott (Mrs Albert E.)..3339 Indiana ave.. Chicago 39895 Snyder, Grace Eislyn Bliss (Mrs P. M.) 806 N. Main st., Eockford 18385c Somerville, A. Maud (Mrs Eobert) Eiverside 5875 Soper, Georgia Jackman (Mrs Horace W.) 4004 Drexel Blvd., Chicago 11205* Soper, Henrietta Hill (Mrs James P.) 503 Jackson Blvd, Chicago 361831 Southworth, Malvina A. (Mrs) Eochelle 30728.C Southworth, Mary Atwood (Mrs Elizur) Petersburg 64015 Spafford, Abby W. (Mrs Charles H.) 220 S. Madison st.. Eockford 81315 Spafford, Jessie I. (Miss) N. Prospect St., Eockford 12575c Spaids, Siisie E. (Miss) 3245 Indiana ave., Chicago 14832(/ Sparks, Bessie Pegram (Mrs Hosea Ballou) Alton 23759c Sparks, Katharine Cotton (Mrs Edwin E.) 1716 Washington ave., Chicago 25764^ Sparks. Marie B. (Mrs William L.) 1126 State st., Alton 31320c Spicer. M. Blanche (Mrs George A.) 3S52 Lake ave., Chicago 6132; Spining, Frances B. G. (Mrs Charles P.) 1026 Grove st., Evanston 16710 Spriggs, Eachel D. (Mrs J. S.) S. 1st st., Monmouth 6753c Springer, Caroline Pierce (Mrs George A.) 3819 Prairie ave., Chicago 267530 Springer, Jennie Hayes Sympson (Mrs)- Carthage 24561c Squires, Elizabeth Joanna Benton (Mrs Collins Stephen) "The Van Dvke," suite 414, 40th st. and Michigan ave., Chicago 19128JE; Staat, Cordelia Bond (Mrs Henry) Greenbush 26005) Stacey, Lily Parker (Mrs Thomas I.) 1312 Church st., Evanston 15774^ Stahl, M. Katherine (Mrs Cyrus S.) P. O. Box 21. Moro 28406TO Stamate, Edith F. (Miss) Central Ottawa 25173 Standley. Emma Bartlett (M. D.) (Mrs J. W.) -Alexis 30291(Z Stanton, Mary Barnes (Mrs George Eollo) Decatur 14787c Starkweather, Estelle Staples (Mrs Frank H.) 1834 Chicago ave., Chicago 87235 Starr, Blanche Ellis (Mrs Chandler) 916 N. Main st., Eockford S Fort Greene Chapter, N. Y. II Sarah Riggs Humphrie Chapter, Conn. * Fort Stanwix Chapter, N. Y. H St. Louis Chapter, Mo. ILLINOIS. 161 14512e Starr. Edith B. HammoTia (Mrs Western) Wilmette 31356U vStarr, Evelyn B. (Mrs) 50(3 Glen Oak are., Peoria 27540J/1 Starrett, Fannie C. Osman (Mrs) Ottawa 19723W Stead, Ida Martin (Mrs William Henrj') Clifton House, Ottawa 33262c Stearns, Addie Landers (Mrs Willard P.) 87 Hazel ave., Buena Pai-k 16335t Stearns, Eleanor Duncan Oliphant (Mrs John 11.) 476 N. State St., Chicago 34580c Stearns, Louise Miles (Mrs Marcus C.) 6548 Washington Blvd., Oak Park 13855/ Stearns, Sylenda Morris (Mrs) 1628 llidg-e ave., Evanston 9021c Stedman, Helen Eliza W. (Mrs Asa W.) 1492 Washington Blvd., Chicago 26765A; Steele, Anna E. Hardy (Mrs E. F.) \ Geneseo 4097c Steele, Ella Pratt (Mrs Frederick M.) 710-100 Washington st., Chicago 32827c Stephens, Louisa Brier (Mrs Kedman Davis) "The Virginia," Chicago 21471^ Stephens, Nannie Stewart (Mrs George A.) 8th st. & 11th ave., Molina 6761 Stericker, Louise Black (Mrs George Frederick) 618 S. 2nd st.. Springfield 27540m Sterrett, Fannie C. Osman (Mrs) E. Side, Ottawa 303027/ Stetson, Clara Hopkins (Mrs Eueben Kidder) 488 W. South st., Galesburg 30303y Stetson, Charlotte Herrick (Miss) 488 W. South St., Galesburg 11464J7 Stevens, Fanny. Harper (Miss) Princeton 12632X Stevens, Mary Knox (Mrs Jvistus Massillon) Princeton 33287i? Stevens, ]S"ellie E. Hayes (Mrs Arthur) Eockford 16693/) Stevenson, Alice Gildersleve (Mrs T. W.) 508 E. Douglas st., Bloomington 9977c Stevenson, Jeannie C. Brayton (Mrs Alex. F.) 378 La Salle ave., Chicago Q750p Stevenson, Letitia Ewing (Miss) 901 N. McLean St., Bloomington 2635p Stevenson, Letitia Green (Mrs Adlai E.) 901 N. McLean st., Bloomington 3154211 Stevenson, Susie Sanborn Kimball (Mrs A. E.) 0434 Kimbark ave., Chicago 31383A Steward, Bertha I. (Miss) Steward 22656Z) Stewart, Deane De Haven Eoosa (Mrs)... 409 N. Church st., Jacksonville 23782i Stewart, Elizabeth Montgomery (Mrs W. McL.) 914 8th ave., Eock Island 13961-7 Stewart, Ellen E. (Mrs James W.) 1803 Jersey st., Quincy 18400.E Stewart, Isabella McK. (Mrs) N. 9th st., Monmouth 202772;; Stewart, Julia Maria Eeddout C. (Mrs P. L.) 809 E. 2nd st., Monmouth 29427D Stewart, Maude Gertrude (Miss) Highland Park 8214; Stillman, Anna (Miss) 2455 Michigan ave., Chicago 19729/1 Stilson, Katherine A. (Mrs Edward H.) Kewanee 32849 Stith, Mary Josephine Barnes (Mrs Frederick Walker) Pekin 6363c Stockton, Alice Louise (Miss) 410 N. State st., Chicago 6384/ Stockton, Eliza L. (Mrs William E.) 1513 Hinman ave., Evanston 34574c Stockton. Lisa (Miss) 410 N. State st., Chicago 23769/t Stohr, Edith Granger Alden (Mrs) 460 Chicago st., Elgia I 32823.(/ Stone, Ada Gertrude (Miss) Freeport I 7459c Stone, Adele Chapin Morrison (Mrs W. S.) . . . .633 Montauk Block, Chicago. I 23777/j Stone, Bertha Waldron (Mrs William Gleason) Elgin 6126/ Stone, Eliza Atkins (Miss) 1830 Hinman ave., Evanston ;.655e Stone, Fannie J. Wetherell (Mrs Newton E.) . . . .3125 Ehodes ave., Chicago 445C Stone, Harriet H. (]\Irs Leander) 3352 Indiana ave., Chicago !' 2654c Stone, Martha Jameson (Mrs Melville E.) "The Virginia Hotel," Chicago 12611? Storke, Laura Butler Eogers 505 Forest ave., Oak Park 30712c Storrs, ;Mary Harrington (Miss) 6732 Wentworth ave.. Chicago 33273(7 Stoskoif, Caroline Brewster (Mrs.). 88 Lincoln ave., Freeport 10997;? Strawn, Abnyra Trabue (Mrs Gates) . . . .1040 W. College ave., Jacksonville 20266m Strawn, Florence M. (Mrs Walter D.) E. Side, Ottawa 26747/> Strickle. Angeline Biggs (Mrs Jacob F.) 605 E. Locust St., Bloomington 11708* Strickle. Ida Wood Hale (Mrs Frank) Havana 13308a Strite. Inez Eades (Mrs Henry Clinton) Streatcr 3596c Strobel, Henrietta B. (Mrs Charles Louis) 570 Division st., Chicago 28920c Strong, Frances Warren (Mrs William J.) 300 Schiller St., Chicago 32451 Strong, Ida (Miss) Freeport 29421s' Stryker, Elizabeth H. (Mrs Henry) 919 W. College ave., Jacksonville 29492|| Stuart, Abigail Florence IMcDonald (Mrs A.) 10302 S. Seeley ave., Chicago 4096$ Stu'art, Ada" Whittredge (Mrs Thomas Arthur) Chicago 6366;) Stubblefield. Elizabeth Savary (Mrs G. W.) 1405 N. Main St.. Bloomington 14756c Sudler, Susan Culbreth (Mrs*^ Carroll H.) 5 Eitchie Place. Chicago t Capt. Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, N. J. II Ot-si-ke-ta Chapter, Mich. * George Clinton ChaptiT. Ohio. 11 II Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter, Me. t Gen. de Lafayette Chapter, Ind. 162 DIRECTOKY, D. A. K. 14631/ Sudlow, Mary Cable (Mrs Henry Butts) 832 23rd St., JiOck Island ■34:094:(l Summers, Helen Mary (Mrs Albert Trogden) . .443 N. Edward St., Decatur 36000^ Swan, Jane DutKeld (Mrs John X.) .■ Monmouth 36180^ Swartwout, Fannie P. (Miss) 176 S. Academy st., Galesburg 36162i Sweeney, Grace Eobinson (Mrs Marion E.) 1002 1st ave., Rock Island 715~c Sweet, Mar^- Ellen (Miss) 3726 Ellis ave., Chicago 313457U Swift, Helen Dickinson (Miss) Ottawa ave., Ottawa 340S9C Swift, Hortense Zs'ewcomer (Mrs E. F.) 4949 Greenwood ave., Chicago 18366c Swift, Ida M. (Mrs Louis F.) "The Lakota," Chicago 26739i Syme, Caroline ^Valdo Hoyt Waterman (Mrs John) Elmhurst 30286c Syme, Sarah Waterman Monlton (Mrs D.) 1780 Wrightwood ave., Chicago 25677c Talbot, Jessica Hibbard (Miss) 570 Washington Blvd., Chicago 61555 Talcott, Fanny C. (Mrs William A.) 436 ^\ Main St., ilockford 30293i? Talcott, Grace Forbes (Mrs Wait) 436 X. Main St., Ilockford 17461y Tallmadge, Mary Eliza (Mrs Lewis C.) 216 Lake St., Evanston 90295 Taylor, Ama Kobinson (Mrs Horace W.) 729 X. Church st., Eockford 26017fc Taylor, Ella X. (Mrs Peter H.) Geneseo 33725V/ Taylor, Frances Lilian (Miss) 366 W. Tompkins st., Galesburg 18418D Taylor, Harriet llumse^^ (Mrs) 113 W. Monroe St., Springiield 16709ft Taylor, Jennie Phelps (Mrs S. 11.) Pai'k st., Streator 26766A- Taj^lor, Loiiise Martha (Miss) Geneseo 27240/?) Taylor, Louise ]Slills (Miss) Central Ottawa 4863/>» Taylor, Sarah Martin (Mrs James B.) 504 E. Walnut st., Bloomington 9014c Teller, Frances L. (Mrs Jas. H.) 4315 Berkeley ave., Chicago 26624§ Teller, Maggie B. (Miss) ". Oswego 11463^- Templeton, Mandana Stevens (Mrs James Wilson) Princeton 21;lc Ten Eyck, Martha H. (]Mrs T.) 5704 Madison ave., Chicago 34584c Terry, Mary Baldwin (Mrs Benjamin Stites) . . . .5535 Monroe ave., Chicago 148125 Terwilliger, Maria Gilman (Mrs Irving) Belvidere 20776c Thiele, Bessie Saltmarsh (Mrs Ernest Julius) 4434 Berkeley ave., Chicago 21957c Thomas, Darley (Miss) 5202 Washington ave., Chicago 16671 Thomas, Evelj'n Seavey (Mrs Herbert A.).. 1138 Sheridan Boad, EvanstoiT 32029c Thomas, Lillian Gaylord (Mrs Benjamin) 4942 Ellis ave., Chicago 114735 Thompson, Adaline Emerson (Mrs X. F.) 1536 Harlem ave., liockford 21466Hi Thomson, Helen F. (Mrs Byron W.) Ottawa 37S0C Thorn, Eliza Dunton (Mrs Francis) Highland Park 31384.1 Thorp. Alice Piandall (Mrs Frank D.) Rochelle 184065 Thurston. Imogene Seymour (Mrs William H.) Chicago 13986C Tillapaugh. Elizabeth ":Machin (Mrs Gilbert ) Carthage 24575e Tillson, Xellie Downs (Mrs) 355 X. Galena ave., Dixon 32847 Timmerman, Lucy Bessie (Mrs) 3805 Lake ave., Chicago 23751c Tobey, Mary Elinor (Miss) 2914 Groveland ave., ( hicago 30713 Tobin, Alice Adams Koch (Mrs Charles P.) 4534 Woodlawn ave., Chicago 2375SC Tobin, Flora Parish (Mrs Samuel Clark) 4721 Kimbark ave., Chicago 10447Z Todd, Lizzie A. Chandler (Mrs Henry C.) 715 Linden ave.. Oak Park 26398c Tolman. Blanche Stevens (Mrs Edgar B.) 5757 Madison ave., Chicago 23371m Tomlinson, Eva Baldwin (Mrs Joseph) E. Side, Ottawa 30726)H Tooker, Sarah M. Ines (Mrs Alfred) Ottawa 20903/ Towne, Julia Eowena Stone (Mrs) 512 Lake st., Evanston 24585p Townsend. Harriet Eliza Capen (Mrs Joseph) Bloomington 10998^ Traube, Ellie J. (Miss) W. College ave.. Jacksonville 10412c Tracy, Alice E. Salisbury (Mrs F. K.) 545 .Jackson Blvd., Chicago 33389* Tracy, Elizabeth Marion (Miss) 50S Fourth ave.. Sterling 13292»i. Trask. Helen E. (Mrs Eiverus H.) W. Side, Ottawa 21467»i Trask, Julia E. (Miss) W. Side, Ottn wa 16978JI Traver, Addie Louise Knight (Mrs William Hiram) Vurora 12266c Trego, Alleen (^Miss) 7 3935 Lake ave., Chicago 9010c Trego, INIedora Harris (Mrs Chas. T.) 3935 Lake ave.. Chicago 25176 Trevett, Helen M. (Mrs John E.) ini X. Elm st., Champaign 1G091j^ Trimble, Alice McKey (Mrs Cairo Alwin) Princeton 14235t Trimble, Cornelia M.' (Mrs Eichard) care Eev. Dr. A. S. Carrier, 1042 X. Halsted st., Chicago ^ Venango Chapter, Pa. § Denver Chapter, C"l. * Lucy Sprague Tracy Chapter, Mich. Deborah Avery Chapter, Neb. Jersey Blue Chapter, N. J. ILLINOIS. 163 Triplett, Frances Isabella Perry (Miss) 305 S. East st., Bloomington Trippe, Mattie Walker (Mrs Sylvanus) Lakota Hotel. Chicago Trumbo, Florence Pearl Strawn (Mrs Arthur) Marseilles Tuck, Anna B. (Mrs Georg-e II.) Plymouth Tucker, Martha Evelina (Miss) 757 W. Adams st., Chicago Tuller, Grace McDonald (Mrs Wilbur E.) Prophetstown Tiirkington, Anna Bell (Miss) llochelle Turkington, -isabel Barrett (Mrs George E.) Rochelle Turner, Addie Elizabeth (Miss) N. 24th st., Rural Delivery, Quincy Turner, Helen C. (Mrs Arthur) 1-152 Hampshire St., (^uincy Turner, M. Evelina (iVlrs V. C.) 112 Lake Shore. Drive, Chicago Turnley, Mary Eyerson Rutter (Mrs Parmenas Taylor) . .Highland Park Tuthili, Anna Hall (Mrs) 4433 Greenwood ave., Chicago Tyng, Alice Riggs (INlrs Alexander Griswokl) . . . .211 Perry ave,, Peoria Tyng, Lucie Brotherson (Mrs Alexander G,)..504 X. Madison ave., Peoria Ullery, Flora I, Perry (Mrs Frank B.) 3207 Indiana ave., Chicago Underwood, Caroline Trumbull (Mrs J, Piatt) 4016 Lake ave., Chicago Underwood, Georgea Whitaker Lovell (Mrs William Thomas) care Mr. Wm. T. Underwood, 820 Reaper Block, Chicago 23785/ Underwood, Maud Peirce (Mrs Frederick G.) 5425 Ohio st., Austin 17441§ Urion, Mabel Kimball (Mrs Alfred) 79 Bowen ave., Chicago 12049i? Utter, Ethel Hobart Comings (Mrs Wm. Horace) 819 3rd ave., Rockford 20264c Yail, Delphi Elizabeth (Miss) 674 La Salle ave., C hicago 19730« Yail, Emma Cheney (Mrs Edward M.) Kewanee 209071- Vail, Jennie J^IcCiil'loch (Mrs Henrv S,) Highland Park 12612/ Vaile, Emma L. (Mrs Edwin O.) . . /. 435 X. Grove ave.. Oak Park 32050T Yaile, ^lary Elizabeth (Miss) Rochelle 7099r- Yalentine, Mary Beebe (Mrs John) 190 Lincoln Park Boulevard, Chicago 32051 Yan Blarcom Todd (Mrs Howell) 757 S. Kedzie ave., Chicago 4521/ Yandercook, Elsie Peirce (Mrs John D.) 217 S. Park ave., Austin 35220c Yan Xorman, Maria Aurelia (^Mrs George 13.).. 4439 Prairie ave., Chicago 6407r Yan Schaick, Ellen Ludington (^H-s A. G.) Highland Park 118S2C Yaughan, Marj' Newcomb (Mrs Edward John).. 185 Warren ave., Chicago 22642c Yaux, Carrie Theodore Mayhew (Mrs Fredk. T.) 200 Goethe st., Chicago 17872jf Yeeder, Emma Pease (Mrs Ciarrett) Fairbury 13973c Yiers, Lenore Bowyer (Mrs Bazel Wells) 179 Park ave,, Chicago 33716* Vogel, Alice Don Carlos (Mrs Martin) S, Main st,, Jacksonville 25174 Yorwick, Mabel Randall (Mrs William B,) Monmouth 10449/ Yosburgh, Annie L. Jones (Mrs William R,),,321 S. Grove ave., Oak Park 25165^ Wadsworth, Nellie Farrell (Mrs H. E.)..903 W. College ave., Jacksonville 9547p Wag-ner, Ella Spaft'ord (Mrs Henry C.) 1019 X, Main St., .Bloomington 340c Wait, Chara Conant (Mrs Horatio Loomis) , . . .4919 Madison ave., Chicago 21952c Wakeman, Armenia Whiting (Mrs Albert C.) 3568 Grand Blvd., Chicago 9965c AYaldo, Kate M. Ives (Mrs Otis H.) 4437 Sidney ave,, Chicago 237797i Waldron, Louise Town (Mrs Elisha Dunbar) Elgin 8729/ Walker, Alice Child (Mrs Maxwell K,) Chicago 28395c Walker, Anna Benson (Mrs Francis W.)....5141 Kimbark ave., Chicago 109S8i AValker, Anna Guy (Mrs Charles L.) 717 19th st.. Rock Island 8734 Walker, Anne Campbell (Miss) 421 Huron St., Chicago 1 369c Walker, Emeline T, (Mrs James H.) 421 Huron St., Chicago 23756c Walker, Elia Marsh (Mrs James :M.) 1720 Prairie ave., Chicago 30730D Walker, Harriet J, Weeks (Mrs Edwin Sawyer) 1125 S, 5th st., Springfield 23731c Walker, Jessie Spalding (Mrs Henry H.) 1720 Prairie ave., Chicago 31351/ Walker, Lucinda Wait' (Mrs John Edgington) 2200 7th ave., Molina 29814c Walker, Martha Rose (Miss) "The Erie." 3708 Lake ave,, Chicago 160S5C Walker, Marv E. (Mrs S. T.) 5604 Jackson ave.. Chicago 6507/ Walker, :Myra S. (Mrs George W.l 920 12th ave., Moline 9032B Walker, Yenetia Rebecca Hurd (ISlrs) 410 S. 3rd st., Rockford 13277p Wallace, Gertrude Lightcap (Mrs Edgar A.) Havana 24602* Walling, Rosalind English (Mrs) 4127 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago 5110/ Wallingford, Laiira Houston (Mrs Henry J.),,.. 1315 Davis st., Evanston 14791c Walters, Helen Baldwin Cutter (Mrs Chas. W.) 6516 Harvard ave.. Chicago 11475B Walton, Alma M, Burbank (Mrs William) . .978 N. Church st., Rockford t Gen. de Lafayette Chapter, Ind. § Columbia Chapter, D. C. 11 Janesville Chapter, Wis. * Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Ind. 164 DIKECTOEY, D. A. E. 32044D Walworth, Eva Linbarger (Mrs Thomas Payne; Springfield 36184A Ward, Adelaide (Mrs Ai) Eochelle 6127; Ward, Ella Clara Bradley (Mrs Joseph F.)..1725 Hinman ave., Evanston 1117; Ward, Ellen C. Ciillette (Mrs) 1726 Hinman ave., Evansion 6128/ Ward, Estelle Frances (Miss) 1725 Hinman ave., Evanston 337172' Ward, Grace B. (Miss) 412 N. Church st., Jacksonville 8375c W'ard, Isabella Hinman (Mrs Charles Albert) 1813 Hinman ave., Evanston 34105Hi Ward, Lillian M. (Mrs Jay JXewel) 616 N. Jefferson ave., Peoria 16684p Ward, Martha Pierce T. (Mrs Jay N.) 410 E. Washington St., Bloomington 18426|| Warner, Harriette King Young (Mrs H. D.) . .Washington ave., Chicago 28924/i. Warner, Jennie Davidson (Mrs Arthur Lloyd) Carpentersville 29818c Warner, Jennie G. (Mrs James M.) Julien Hotel, 60th st. & Stewart ave., Chicago 2319V Warren, Annie Ehees Hammond (Mrs Charles Henry) ... .Highland Park 32842B Warren, Carrie T. (Mrs Seth C.) 706 N. Main st.,.Eockford 9988B Warren, Claire Louise (Miss) 711 JN. Main St., Eockfoid 9537c Washburn, Eebecca H. (Mrs Frank) 324 41st st., Chicago 12594< Waterman, Mary Elinor (Miss) 1716 5th ave.. Moline 19740c Watson, Mary Lillian Frailey (Mrs James S.) 1575 W. Monroe St., Chicago 32046J0 Watts, Agnes Barret (Mrs John N.) 1200 W. Washington st., Springfield 99895 Waxham, Alice J. Eoberts (Mrs Earnest L.) 664 Stewart Blvd., Chicago 36156c Weaver, Annie Tate (Mrs John Van Alstyne) 443 Elm St., Chicago 7466D Weber, Jessie Palmer (Mrs) 411 S. 7th St., Springfield 303017/ Webster, Martha Farnham (Mrs Chas. A.) 284 N. Academy st., Galesburg 17971 Webster, Susan Isabelle Nye (Mrs John E.) 204 W. Broadway, Monmouth 12268 Weeks, Hai'riet Z. Morse (Mrs Benjamin Franklin) Evanston 35774c Wegeforth, Emma Ellen (Mrs Theodore C. H.)..1694 Monroe st., Chicago 125902; Weir, Fannie Bancroft (Mrs Miller) 622 W. State st., Jacksonville 12615TO Weis, Florence Nash (Mrs Edmund W.) S. Bluff, Ottawa 81192J Welch, Emily Beath (Mrs Frank J.) 814 N. Main st., Bloominsrton 99S0C Welch, Ellen W. Howard (Mrs E. G.) Continental Hotel, Chicago 23742c Welch, Laura King (Mrs Leon C.) 4807 Madison ave., Chicago 8372c Welles, Isabella Woodbridge (Miss) 1957 Deming Place, Chicago. 8371c Welles, Mary Woodbridge (Mrs Ben. Warner) 1957 Deming Place, Chicago 13972c Welling, Charlotte Paul (Mrs John C.) 4950 Greenwood ave., Chicago 12576c Wells, Alice Giddings (Mrs Frank) 19 Groveland Park, Chicago 16666 Wells, Elizabeth H. Jack (Mrs William T.) Decatur 26770A; Wells, Ellen Stewart (Mrs George S.) Geneseo 19144a Wells, Henrietta E. (Mrs) Streator 9546B Wells, Julia Frances (Miss) 710 N. Church St., Eockford 22645c W>lls, Kate Patten (Mrs Willis J.) 3753 Ellis ave., Chicago 31362S Wells, Martha Kilbourn (Mrs Alfred P.) 710 N. Church st., Eockford 31340fc Welton, Mable E. (Miss) Cambridge 31339/>; Welton, Mary Ella Clark (Mrs Frank G.) Cambridge 30300/9 Welty, Elizabeth Ball (Miss) 612 E. Grove st., Bloomington 166S6p Welty, Gertrude Ball (Mrs Sain) 612 E. Grove st., Bloomington 25679(Z W^entworth, Esther Dennison (Miss)..Eoom 17, Gallagher Block, Decatur 35232p Wertz, Adda Belle (Miss) 1305 E. Grove st., Bloomington 5740c West, Anna Ogden (Mrs Frederick T.) 613 Division st., Chicago 7762B West, Lillian Drennen Eiley (Mrs Elliott) 607 N. 2nd St., Eockford 26768A; West, M. Amelia (Mrs George W.) Geneseo 26769fc West, Minerva Benedict (Mrs J. Edward) Geneseo 34103n W^eston, Helen E. (Mrs George) .* Kewanee 8132B Weyburn, H. Helena (Mrs Lewis A.) 844 N. Church st.. Eockford 324475 Wheat, Belle Wood (Mrs Osee Hall) Haskell ave., Eockford 19739c Wheaton, Charlotte Flower (Mrs Doyd) Fort Sheridan 999011 Wheeler, Dora B. Emerson (Mrs Wm. Morton) 6026 Ellis ave., Chicago 33289c Wheeler, Sarah James (Mrs Charles G.) Dakota Hotel, Chicago 26738f Whipple, Lvdia E. (Mrs A. A.) 637 Maine St., Quincy 3523337 White, Elizabeth Barrett (Mrs G. M.) 311 Church st., Princeton 3794c White, Emma Gertrude (Miss) 1032 Chicago ave., Evanston 8217; White, Jane Hutchins (Miss) 421 Greenwood Boulevard, Evanston 6368/ White, Lucy Elizabeth (Miss) 1305 Forest ave., Evanston Martha Washington Chapter, Iowa. Thankful Hubbard Chapter, Texas. ILLINOIS. 165 25304 White, Mary Blanche (Miss) 703 N. Clark St.. Chicag-o 6144; Whitely, Caroline J. (Mrs Eobert J.) 1813 Hinman ave., Evanston 6137/ Whitely, Elizabeth (Miss) 1813 Hinman ave., Evanston 32045Z) Whitley, Grace N. Watts (Mrs Langlej- St. Anbyn) Springfield 12052t Whitman, Clara (Miss) ". 712 5th ave., Kock Island 34587rf Whitsel, Henrietta S. (Mrs Allen T.) 242 W. William st.. Decatur- 34096y Whyte, Clara Ives Alfred (Mrs James Primrose) Lake Forest 174~0i Wickes, j\Iary Dean (Mrs William E.) Chicago 2312SHi- Widmer, Mary Edna ' (Miss) W. Side, Qttawa 12278»i Widmer, Sophronia (Mrs John H.) , W. Side* Ottawa 27530P W'ier, Maud Swiggette (Mrs Arthur C.) (jalesburg 2458Gf Wilbur, Flora (Miss) Molina 23778/(. Wilcox, Lois Amelia (Mrs John Shuler) 456 Douglas ave., Elgin 23796p Wilcox, Minnie Davison (Mrs Frederick W.) Minonk 2320r! Wiles, Alice Bradford (Mrs Eobert Hall)... 5711 Woodlawn ave., Chicago) 36167/i; Wilkinson, Jean McChire Goshorn (Mrs George T.) Cambridge 4108a Williams, Catherine E. (Mrs S. W.) 702 Broadway, Streator 30714c Williams, Cornelia Bartow (Miss) "The Ontario," Chicago 6369/ Williams, Lida W. (Mrs Christopher L.) 205 Greenwood Blvd., Evanston 33261rt AVilliams, Mary D. (Mrs Charles H.) Vermillion st., Streator 32027c Williams, Nancy Josephine Clark (Mrs Wm, M.) -4066 Lake ave., Chicago 139850 Williams, Sue A. (Miss) Carthage 267727^ Williams, Susie E. (Miss) Genesee 34100// Willis, Grace Adelia Metteson (Mrs Eichard W.) 120 E. N st., Galesburg 21648HI Willis, Juanita Morgan (Mrs Seth Sandford) W. Side. Ottawa 6140/ Willis, Marcia S. K. (Mrs Edwin E.) 210 Davis st., Evanston 14825 Willis, Mary Beasley (Miss) 726 University ave., Champaign 17965/ Wilson, Alice J. Tousey (Mrs Hugh E.) Forest ave & Davis st., Evanston 14826/= Wilson, Annie Paget (Miss) 1221 Vermont st.. Quincv 23760 Wilson, Belle (Miss) 600 W. 62d st., Chicago 10434c Wilson, Edith Eoss Kirbv (Mrs William T.) W. State, Jacksonville 6157c Wilson, Flora Eiplev (Mrs John E.) 434 N. State st.. Chicago 27237/ Wilson, Lydia A. (Mrs John H.) 2626 5th ave.. Eock Island 5113c W'ilson, Margaret Catherine (Miss) 564 Dearborn ave., Chicago 705c Wilson, Margaret Catherine McI. (Mrs J. P.) 564 Dearborn ave., Chicago 26771fc Wilson, Mary C. Dewey (Mrs Hiram) Geneseo 17996/ Wilson, Mary Tousey (Miss) Davis st. & Forest ave.. Evanston 3805? Wiman, Anna Deere (Mrs W^illiam Dwight) "Overlook," Moline 25169B Winn, Sarah Ann (Mrs James Henrj^ • • 208 West st., Eo^kford 3457c Winslow, Mary Jameson (Mrs John Hudson) Glencos 20905 Winterbotham, Elizabeth Miller (Mrs Wm. W.) 220 Cuyler ave., Oak Park 30729 Winterbotham, Euth Miller (Miss) f 20 Cuyler ave.. Oak Park 33274(7 Wise, Emily Schoiield (Mrs Edwin Emerson) Freeport 26732c W'ithrow, Jane Goodwin (Mrs Thomas Foster) 300 Schiller st., Chicago 1670310 Wittick, Frances Cothren Ayres (Mrs) 421 Dechman ave.. Peoria 14S31q' Wodeski, Josephine Virginia Davis (Mrs Edward L.) Lincoln 33275(/ Wolf, Lucretia Bell (Mrs Charles C.) Freeport 17972 Wolfe, Emma J. (Mrs W.) 328 AV. Court st., Jacksonville 132967 Wood, Caroline Couch (Miss) 308 N. Park ave.. Oak Park 11509.C Wood, Emily Dunlap (Mrs Xorman Nelson) 1008 W. State st., Jacksonville 132957 Wood, Frances Adeline (Mrs William H.) 308 N. Oak Park ave., Oak Park 109847 Wood, Lettie Bishop (Mrs Fredk. H.) 408 S. Oak Park ave.. Oak Park 20262c Wood, Myrtle Heath (Mrs John Henry) 5S06 Eosalie Court, Chicago 2376SC Woodbridge, Anna Eliza (Miss) Dixon 10437r Woodbury, Marah Bond (Mrs George T.) Highland Park • 8542* Woodcock, Emma Jeanette Chapman (Mrs Edwin W.) "Hotel Metro- pole." Chicago 22653 Woodrow, Ella Margart (Miss) Pontia c 22652 Woodrow, Ida Watson (Miss) Pontiac 13992/) WoodroAv, Peorah Underwood (Mrs John W.) Pontiac 28410B Woodruff, Eleanor Fraley (Miss) S. 3d st., Eockford 11893S Woodruff, Fannie Stevens" (Mrs George Lewis) N. Main St., Eockford 13963f Woodruff, Frances Eugenia (Mrs) 329 N. Sth st., Quincy * New York City Chapter, N. Y. 1C>G DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 25159c Woodruff, Harriet Bingham (Mrs Chas. E.) 4857 Kimbarli ave., Cliicag-o 14827/" Woodruff, Theresa Dewey (Miss) 1437 Main St., Quincy 17684c Woods, Helen M. (Mrs) 5024 Indiana ave.. Chicago 31323c Woods, Sophie Lane (Mrs John L.) "Lexington Hotel," Chicago 34572a Woodward, Ella M. (Miss) 202 Kent st., Streator 4783c Woodward, Ellen E. Langdon (Mrs Geo. W.) 1917 Diversey ave., Chicago 16088^ Worthington, Winifred Lyman (Mrs Harry Cnshman) Oak Park 302955 Wrenn, Maud Yates (Mrs Samuel Walter) Freeport 13273c Weight, Adele C. (Mrs Parry Lawrence) 193 E. 30th st., Chicago 8728^ • Wright, Eluvia E. (Miss) 626 17th st., Moline 9966c Wright, Fannie C. (Miss) 149 Locust st., Chicago 8731 Wright, Fannie Louise (Miss) 388 W. Adams st., Chicago 31322c Wright, Margaret Ella (Miss) 36 Woodland Park, Chicago 8218j Wyman, Ellen Lee (Mrs Eichard H.) 806 Forest ave.. Evanston 6154Z) Yates, Frances Elizabeth (Miss) 400 W. Cook st., Springfield 6152Z) Yates, Grace E. (Miss) 400 W. Cook st., Springfield 324452^ Yates, Helen W. (Mrs Eichard) Springfield 61531) Yates, Julia Stith (Miss) 400 W. Cook st., Springfield 32843A Y^ates, Loretta A. (Mrs Henry Ward) Chana 3791c Y^oe, Ellen Beall (Mrs Charles C.) "The Virginia," Chicago 18401^; Young, Addie Smith (Mrs Archie C.) 416 N. 1st st., Monmouth 29811c Y'oung, Caroline 'M. Warren (Mrs Willie) 1663 W. Monroe st., Chicago 1842711 Y^oung, Eliza Curtis Woodward (Mrs H. C.) 6110 Kimbark ave., Chicago 3807i Y^oung, Elizabeth Carpenter (Mrs H. P. )434 N. Kenilworth ave., Oak Park 9982 Young, Ellurah Megriie (Mrs) 4401 Indiana ave., Chicago 26735c Y'uille, Harriette Miles (Mrs George Allen) 53 53d st., Chicago INDIANA State Regent, 1901, Mrs. James M. Fowler, 458 South 9th st., Lafayette. 1902, " a a CHAPTEES. (10 organized, 1 imorganized.) a. Ann Rogers Clark Chapter — Jeffersonville Organised January 15, 1901; Memiers, 21 (New York, 2; Kentucky, 1) Eegent, Mrs Fannie B. P. Sparks Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary J. Eeed Eec. Sec, Miss Annie B. Pollock Cor. Sec, Mrs May L. C. Howk Treasurer, Mrs Bettie H. Hartwell Eegistrar, Miss Bertha F. Poindexter Historian, Miss Emma Eead Librarian, Miss Virginia K. Goodwin b. Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter — Indianapolis Organized February 21, 189Jf; Memhers, 162 (Pennsylvania, 2; Illinois, 2; New York, S Neio Jersey, 1; Colorado, 1; Ohio, t) Eegent, Mrs John N. Carey Cor. Sec, Miss Julia H. Moore Vice-Eegent, Mrs H. G. C. Bals Treasurer, Mrs F. A. Morrison Eec. Sec, Miss Ella D. Van Camp Eegistrar. Mrs S. E. Perkins Historian, Mrs Jefferson Claypool c. Dorothy Q. Chapter — Crawfordsville Organized January 31, 1898; Memhers, 36 (Massachusetts, 1; Ohio, 1; Florida. 1) Eegent, Mrs Martha L. Williamson Treasurer, Mrs Katharine T. Thomson Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary J. Campbell Sec. Miss Sadie Britton Eegistrar, Mrs Katharine W. Eistine Historian, Mrs Frances J. Harrison Martha Washington Chapter, Iowa. INDIANA. 167 d. Fort "Wayne Members Eegent, Mrs Frances Maria Eobertson. Appointed May 1, 1901. e. General de Lafayette Chapter — Lafayette Organized April 21, 1894; Memlters. 84 (California, 1; Illinois, G; Indiana. 2; Mon- tana, 1; Foreign, 1; Ohio, 1; Missouri, 1; Michigan, 2; Yirginia, 1; West Yirginia, 1) Reg-ent, Miss Katherine Andrew Cor. Sec, Mrs Cora Troop Vice-Eeg-ent, Mrs Cora Moore Treasurer, Mrs Frances S. Bogg-s Eec. Sec. Miss Elizabeth White Eegistrar, Mrs Carrie S. Ankeny Historian, Mrs Flora L. Sherman. f. General Van Rensselaer Chapter — Rensselaer Organized June 4, 1896; Members, 28 (Kansas, 2) Eegent, Mrs Thomas J. McCoy Treasurer, Mrs Charles C. Starr Vice-Eegent, Mrs James H. Chapman Eegistrar, Miss Stella Parkerson Sec, Mrs George E. Murrey . Historian, Miss Luella McCoy Librarian, Mrs Elizabeth Purcupile. g. Huntington Chapter — Huntington Organized December 16, 1897 ; Members, 34 (Michigan, 1) Eegent, Mrs Frank Felter Cor. Sec, Mrs Morton Tuttle Vice-Eegent, Mrs ' W. W. Hawley Treasurer, Mrs Warren S. Kelley Eec Sec, Miss Edith B. WMght Eegistrar, Miss Dessie Moore Historian, Mrs E. L. Griffith. h. Paul Revere Chapter — Muncie Organized January 19, 1891 ; Members, 19 Eegent, Mrs Ella E. Durham Treasurer, Miss Ida Ludlow Vice-Eegent, !Mrs Sarah P. Wildman Eegistrar, Mrs Martha W. Marsh Sec, Mrs Virginia E. L. Ice Chaplain, Mrs Elizabeth K. Heinsohn 1. Piankeshaw Chapter — New Albany Organized October 15, 1898; Members, 29 (District of Columbia, 2; Nebraska, 1) Eegent, Miss Theodosia M. Hedden Cor. Sec, Miss Clara Funk Vice-Eegent, Miss Mary E. Cardwell Treasurer, Mrs Harriet W. Steele Eec. Sec, Mrs Bella B. Smith Eegistrar, Miss Adelia WoodrufE Historian, Miss Mary A. Smith j. Spencer Chapter — Spencer Organised April 1, 1897; Members, 14 (Ohio, 2; Illinois, 1) Eegent, Mrs Lovina H. Fowler Treasurer, Miss Jessie B. Mead Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mollie C. Swigert Eegistrar, Mrs Mary H. Banta Secretary, Miss Gertrude Morgan Historian, Mrs Mary C. B. McGinnis k. Vanderburgh Chapter — Evansville Organized November 18, 1896; Members, 27 (Oregon, 1; Alabama, 2; Neio Jersey, 1) Eegent, Dr. Frances A. Cantrall Treasurer, Miss Isadore J. Eells Vice-Eegent, Mrs Jeannie S. Sonntag Eegistrar, Mrs Josephine P. Foster Sec, Miss Elvira H. Eells Historian, Mrs Effie C. McCoy 168 303046 25197 26018& 29437i 20923f; 22658c 35244fir 1575fc 95565 9040c 52156 6511e 110696 92686 25196 34125 2364& 20291f 9568 33293fir 34107ft 10002& 280696 31446 28950/1. 19145b 16719 16720 14842/ 119026 313856 346076 202826 12064 33297fc 31389c 95616 13650 27553.9 332906 22660c 31390c 119036 120616 90396 298326 260196 13316f 3782* 9043 22659 11502c 251806 226666 280686 50126 191517;. 155296 337306 298336 28080c 4093 DIIIECTOEY, D. A. R. Members IIesiding in the State Aborn, Mary J. (Mrs Orin) Marshfield Adams, Nora Lyon (Mrs John) 222 Eiverside, JefEersonville Adams, Eebecca Eaymond (Mrs G. F.) 236 E. New York st., Indianapolis Akers, Minnie Caroline (Miss) 1743 E. Market st.. New Albany Alexander, Martha M. Kerlin (Mrs J. T.) 226 N. Jefferson st, Huntington Alexander, ]\Iary Taylor (Mrs A. J.) 2107 E. Wabash ave., Crawfordsville Alleman, Anna Bratton (Mrs Chas. E.) 44 Jefferson st., Huntington Ames, Helen Dodge (Mrs) 405 U. Second St., Evans'ville Anderson, Fidelia (Miss) G07 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis Anderson, June Eose C. (Mrs A. B.)..511 W. Wabash ave.. Crawfordsville Andrew, Katherine Louise (Miss) West Lafayette Andrew, Lida A. (Mrs Thos. M.) West Lafayette Ankenj^ Alice Henrietta (Miss) cor. 9th and South sts., Lafayette Ankeny, Carrie Strickland (Mrs Chas. H.) South st., Lafayette Archer, Luella Kate (Miss) Princeton Arnold, Laura Christian Fassett (Mrs Geo. Washington) Columbus Atkins, Sarah F. (Mrs Elias C.) 1312 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis Austin, Louie Hammond (Mrs Wm. B.) Eensselaer Ayer, Isabel Dempsey (Mrs Joseph Van E.) Brazil Ayres, Belle Leonard (Mrs Edwin B.) 46 W. Matilda st.. Huntington Baird, Martha Haynes (Mrs) 215 W. Chestnut st., Jeffersonville Baker, Anna Campbell (Mrs A.).. 1410 N. Pennsjdvania st., Indianapolis Baker, Ellen Summers (Miss) Indianapolis Ball, Annette Winter (Mrs C. Gordon) 3 S. 6th st.. Lafayette Ball, Emma Wood (Mrs Wm. C.) Miunestrista Blvd., Muncie Bals, Carrie Tarlton (Mrs H. C.) 1208 College ave., Indianapolis Banister, Euretta Coleman (Miss) 49 W. Berry st.. Fort Wayne Banister, Louisa Webb (Mrs T. Lewis) 49 W. Be^ry st.. Fort Wayne Banta, Mary Heckman (Mrs D. B.) Spencer Barbour, Julie Sutlifl'e (Mrs George Eollin) . ."The Ballard," Indianapolis Barbour, Sallie Winston (Miss) 1413 N. Illinois st., Indianapolis Barnhart, Susan Spaulding P. (Mrs Wm. J.).. 601 Seventh st., Goshen Barrows. Ella Helena W. H. (Mrs Wm. F.) 3236 N. Illinois st., Indianapolis Bauer, Evangeline Hayes (Mrs) Laverenceburgh Baughman, Lelia Cavins (Mrs) 623 Locust st., Evansville Beck, Anna M. (Miss) 417 E. Market st., Crawfordsville Beeson, E. Katherine (Miss) 130 N. 8th st., Lafayette Bell, Eliza Corinne Chandler (Mrs Geo. A.) 1302 W. Fourth st., Marion Best, Georgia Mina (Miss) Elkhart Black, Amelia Keith (Mrs J. B.) 737 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis Blair, Lilian Whitney (Miss) 602 S. Green st., Crawfordsville Blair, Mellie (Miss) 421 E. Market st., Crawfordsville Bliss, Margaret Hooker (Mrs II. E.) 1817 N. Meridian st., Indiauapolis Boggs, Frances Lane Stearns (Mrs J. M.) West Lafayette Boggs, Lucretia Lawrence (Miss) West Lafayette Boice, Adela Verena Johnson (Mrs A.) 1505 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis Bossom, Susan Farrow (Mrs Thomas M.)..2221 College ave., Indianapolis Bostwick, Frances E. (Mrs Lathrope A.) Eensselaer Boyesen, Janie Garland S. (Mrs Ingolf K. F.) La Porte Bozeman, Sarah E. J. (Mrs) Poseyville Briggs, Caroline Crane (Mrs Benjamin B.) Crawfordsville Britton, Sada (Miss) S. Grant ave., Crawfordsville Bronson, Evelene Arnold (Mrs E. H.) 1126 Keystone ave., Indianapolis Brower, Martha Sawyer (Miss) 119 West 11th st., Indianapolis Brown, Agnes Fletcher (Mrs John E.) 1014 Central ave., Indianapolis Brown, Cornelia Garvin (Mrs Wm. J.) 921 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis Brown, Edith Elizabeth Kirby (Mrs) 40S E. Jackson st., Muncie Brown, Eva Louise Welch (Mrs Eugene Clifford) Lafayette Brown, Lucy M. (Mrs David M.) "The Savoy," Indianapolis Brown, Margaret Eussell (Mrs Austin H.) Indianapolis Brown, Mary Vance (Mrs John S.) 616 E. Main st., Crawfordsville Brown. Minnie Graves (Mrs Seneca B.)..102 Berry st.. West Fort Wayne Chicago Chapter, 111. INDIAXA. 169 2G399sr Brown, Sarah Minerva (Mrs J. S.) La Grange 5213& Browning, Eliza Gordon (Miss) Public Library, Indianapolis 5723& Browning, Maria Frazee (Mrs Henry L.) 1203 Capital ave., X. Indianapolis 3778e Bruce, Mary Elizabetli (Miss) ". 12th and Roberts sts,. Lafayette 209096 Burdsal, Emma Bryan (Mrs Alfred) 1015 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 21969& Butler, Martha Ellen Meek (Mrs Ovid D.) "The Blacherue," Indianapolis 12'639fc Butterfield, Willie Dyer (Mrs A. S., Jr.) 711 U. Second st., Evansville 49116 Bybee, Mary Isabella Marble (Mrs Addison) "The Denison," Indianapolis 24312|| Calder, Anna Merrill McCall (Mrs William) Connersville 22662c Campbell, Mary Johnston (Mrs J. L.)..502 W. Wabash ave., Indianapolis 14647fc Cantrell, Frances A. (Miss) 507 U. First st., Evansville 238101. Cardwill, Anna E. (Miss) 318 East 5th st.. New Albany 8399i Cardwill, Mary E. (Miss) 318 East 5th st.. New Albany 191466 Carey, Mary Stewart (Mrs John N.)....1116 N. Mei-idian st., Indianapolis 6124e Carnahan, Jessie V. T. (Mrs Edward James) ... .107 Brown st., Lafayette 313866 Carnahan, Nellie Amanda (Miss) Woodruff Place, Indianapolis 114966 Carnahan, Sarah Catherine B. (Mrs A. G.) 107 Brown st., Lafayette 77646 Carnahan, Siisan E. (Mrs James R.) Woodruff Place, Indianapolis 7469e Gary, Jessie F. L. (Mrs Frank M.) 110 North 6th st., Lafayette 14007f Chapman, Blanche H. Loughridge (Mrs James) Rensselaer 57216 Chislett, Margaret Dwight (Mrs Frederick W.).. Crown Hill, Indianapolis 280706 Churchman, Edith Fletcher (Mrs E. M.)..1202 Penn st., N. Indianapolis 30743c Clark, Martha Hall (Mrs Henry M.) E. Jefferson st., Crawfordsville 202836 Claypool, Mary Buckner Ross (Mrs Jefferson H.) Indianapolis 30305fc Cobb, Mary Forbes Gano (Mrs) New London 20922/ Coen, Agnes Brown (Mrs Charles Wilbur) Rensselaer 110966 Coleman, Sallie Downing (Mrs Wm. H.) 1006 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 1440 Colfax, Ellen Wade (Mrs) South Bend 28082i Collins, Mary Scribner Davis (Mrs Henry). .809 East Elm st.. New Albany 19919* Compton, Eva Potts (Mrs Frank) ..,.. .39 Woodruff Place, Indianapolis 346086 Cox, Jessie Bradley (Miss) Peru 26026i Craig, Ada J. (Mrs Henry J.) Indianapolis 22661c Crane, Mary Campbell (Mrs B.) 502 W. Wabash ave., Crawfordsville 23813? Grouse, Bertha Barr (Miss) 10 Cason st., Lafayette 20298 Daily, Barbara (Miss) 811 Chestnut st., Columbus 13318ft Daily, Helen W. (Miss) 620 Broadway, Indianapolis 133197). Daily, Katherine D. (Miss) 620 Broadway, Indianapolis 25927§ Daily, Lydia Percival "(Mrs William D.) Greensburg 119006 Dale Adelaide Gallup (Mrs Charles A.) . .1417 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis 191476 Darlington, Elsie W^. B. (Mrs F. G.) 1218 N. DelaAvare st., Indianapolis 49916 Dean, Kate Noble (Mrs Edward H.) 1317 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis 202846 Denny. Carrie W. (Mrs Caleb S.)..1321 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis 298366 Denny, Frances Gordon Pyni (Mrs A.) 1609 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis 23811 Dewhurst, Emma (Miss) .". 217 State st.. New Albany 21479fir Dick, Sarah McGrew (Mrs Julius) 197 N. Jefferson st., Huntington 1702fc Dodge, Jane Yarick (Miss) 405 U. Second St., Evansville 11503/i. Durham, Ella Edwards (Mrs James Elmer) 314 S. Jefferson st., Muncie 57226 Edwards, Alice (Miss) Crown Hill, Indianapolis 2569Sfc Eells, Elvira H. (Miss) 700 Walnut st., Evansville 25699fc Eells, Isadore J. (Miss) 700 Walnut st., Evansville 4296e Ellsworth, Annie F. (Miss) Lafayette 7108c Ellsworth, Marion Smith (Mrs Edw. Augustus) . .32 Perrin st., Lafayette 27554/= English, Belle Brown (Mrs E. C.) Rensselaer 10004i Evans, Annie Elizabeth (Mrs Adam H.) 227 Park Place, New Albany 1719e Evans, Mary Bunce (Mrs) Lafayette 95586 Fairbanks, Cornelia Cole (Mrs Charles W^)..1608 Park ave., Indianapolis 35807 Fairlawn, Carolyn Randall (Mrs Clam) Fort Wayne 23812i Fawcett, Helen'Mae (Mrs E]wood)..E. Spring and 9th sts.. New Albany 23377f7 Felter, Edna Belle Simons (Mrs Frank) 58 William st., Huntington 28417 Fleener, Lulie E. (Mrs Daniel F.) 1246 E. Washington st., Indianapolis 280716 Fletcher, Emily (Miss) 1023 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis 280726 Fletcher, Leah Pratt (Miss) 538 N. Illinois st., Indianapolis Cincinnati Chapter, Ohio. Capt. Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, N. J. i Mary Fuller Percival Chapter, Ark. 170 DIRECTORY, D. A. R, 15524& Folger, Maria Elizabeth Cole (Mrs Albert Gardiner) Indianapolis 307356 Folsoni, Marj^ Alice Coyner (Mrs E. F.) 1416 Park ave., Indianapolis 21480(7 Ford, Rose Hibbitt Forman (Mrs J. W.) 225 N. Jefferson st., Huntington 7767e Foresman, Harriet Bertha (Miss) 65 N. 4th st., Lafayette 245986 Forrey, Caroline Grace Malott (Mrs E.) 543 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 71136 Fort, Florence Hester Hanna (Mrs Earl) Lafayette 19996 Foster, Harriet Mclntire (Mrs C. C.) 1414 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis 30746fc Foster, Josephine Piper (Mrs John H.)..108 Blackford ave., Evansville 246046 Foster, Mary Maclntire (Miss) . . 1414 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis 9566/ Fowler, Edna (Miss) .' Spencer 16717e Fowler, Eva Hedges Gross (Mrs James M.) Lafayette 9567i Fowler, Lovina H. (Mrs Inman H.) Spencer 25194 Franklin. Marie Adele Porter (Mrs) Ellettsville 10453 Frazer, Flora Eistine (Mrs William D.) 122 S. High st., Warsaw 31392(7 Fry. Ethelinda Griffin (Airs Charles W.) 39 E. Tipton St., Huntinc-ton 25696i Funk, Clara (Miss) 208 Cherry st.. New Albany 284156 Garber, Agnes A. (Mrs W. S.) 1518 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis 12637fc Garvin, Susan Morris (Mrs Thomas Edgar. Jr.) 610 U. 1st st., Evansville 307366 Gates, Carra Atkins (Mrs Arthur D.) 26 W. 13th st., Indianapolis 238206 Gatch, Fannie Lozier (Mrs James D.) 2630 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 26652* Galord, Anna Maria Garritt (Mrs) 1140 Prospect st., Indianapolis 320546 Geddes, Gertrude Parker (Mrs Eobert)..962 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 26783fc Genung, Jessie H. (Mrs James H.) Mt. Vernon 298346 Gibson, Mary Eich (Mrs David) 1711 K. Delaware st., Indianapolis 34109a Gilbert, Lou A. (Mrs Austin Sanford) 326 Front st., Jeffersonville 102546 Gladding, Mary D. (Mrs Nelson A.).. 219 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis 34110O Goodwin, May (Miss) 632 E. Che"stnut st., Jeffersonville 34111a GoodMin, Virginia Katherine (Miss).. 632 E. Chestnut st., Jeffersonville 28948(7 Gould. Emih^ Rosamond Weese (Mrs Charles) Hammond 25189i Greene, Alice L. (Miss).... New Albany 246101 Greene, Anna White Hedden (Mrs Frank C.) New Albany 29436i Greene, Elizabeth (Mrs John Owen) New Albany 20918e Greenhalgh, Harriet M. Partridge (Mrs William Louis) Lafayette 260216 Greer, EHzabeth Finnell Hord (Mrs) 1437 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 83966 Griffin, Brook (Miss) 601 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis 20924(7 Griffith, Ella Wintrode (Mrs Edward L.) 198 N. Jefferson st., Huntington 4528f Griffiths, Caroline H. (Mrs John L.)..1014 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis 36190c Grubb, Mary B. (Miss) Crawf ordsville 26780/i- Guffigan. Emma J. (Mrs M. F.) Hi^V- W. Howard st., Muncie 23809* Gwin, Martha T. H. (Mrs Frank) New Albany 30741c Hall, Belle (Miss) 412 S. Grant ave., Crawfordsville 30742c Hall, Ida (Miss) 412 S. Grant ave., Crawfordsville 280746 Haneisen, Julia Fletcher (Mrs Wm. C.) 1519 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 5867c Hanna, Fannie A'irginia Weaver (Mrs Joseph S.) 1 State st., Lafayette 16762|( Hardin, Virginia Field Norton (Mrs P. W.) 52 E. Maple st., Jeffersonville 280756 Hare. Marea Fletcher (Mrs C. L.)..1525 N. Meridian ave., Indianapolis 25695c Harrison, Frances Jennison (Mrs T. C.) 411 Jenuison st., Crawfordsville 27552c Harrison, Helen Hope (Miss) 411 Jennison st., Crawfordsville 34112 Hendricks, Anna (Miss) .■> 1127 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 26020?* Hendricks, Daisibel (Miss) 2221 College ave., Indianapolis 280761' Hendricks, Jane Thompson (Mrs V. K.) . .1127 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 32058e Henton, Florence (Miss) ■ Peru 19148& Herrod, Mary Applegate (Mrs W. P.) 661 N. Meric^ian st., Indianapolis 29439& Heron, Katherine (Miss) Connersville 13310& Hess, Martha Donnally (Mrs) 1616 N. Alabama st., Indianapolis 118996 Hibben, Jeanie Merrill K. (Mrs Thos. E.) 2330 College ave., Indianapolis 20285& Hodges, Laura Fletcher (Mrs E. V.) 302 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 20292f Holingsworth, Fannie M. Allen (Mrs E. L.) Eensselaer 8393& Holliday, Evaline McF. (Mrs J. H.) 1109 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 9559 Holliday, Lucy E. (Mrs William J.).... 441 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 13314f Honan, Margaret Ellen (Mrs Edward P.) Eensselaer 25187i Hooper; Susan Eleanor (Miss) New Albany 307376 Hopkins, Eliza Martin (Mrs John. O.) 1723 Ash st., Indianapolis 260226 Hord, Mary Perkins (Miss) Marten's Flats, Indianajjolis 27549/i- Howe, Agnes (Miss) 325 E. Washington st., Muncie 31484* Howe, Nancy Jennings (Mrs Ira G.) Lafayette 341146 Howk, May Lorraine Collins (Mrs J. S.) 222 E. Walnut st., Jeffersonville 90346 Hurty, Ethel Johnston (Mrs John N.) 15 E. 11th st., Indianapolis 31395/i Ice, Virginia Eylar Leggett (Mrs Harry H.) 201 E. Wysor st., Muncie ,34614fc Ingleheart, Cora Lee Begley (Mrs A. W.) 1202 Upper First st., Evansville 2331fc Ingle, Mary Van Hock (Mrs John).... 70S U. Second st., Evansville 324536 Insley, Eebecca Ann (Miss) "Indianapolis News," Indianapolis 14002/ Jackson, Grace Emerald Eichards (Mrs Frank D.) Patricksburg 77656 Jackson, Mary Barbour (Mrs) 1413 N. Illinois st., Indianapolis 21087|| Jackson, Pattie Buford (Mrs) 202 W. 2d st., Madison 284166 Jacoby, Julia Eaton (Mrs Elias) 126 W. Walnut st., Indianapolis 23821 James, Carrie P. (Mrs) Brazil 63596 Jameson, ]Maria Butler (Mrs Patrick H.)....1412 Broadway, Indianapolis 21966e Jennings, Marion Elizabeth Mason (Mrs Henry Amos) Lafayette 34117a Jewett, Lila (Miss) 229 W. Chestnut st., Jeffersonville 21478 Johnson, Eliza (Miss) Ligonier 337296 Johnson, Lois Beaver (Mrs John D.) 66 W^oodruff Place, Indianapolis 24611i Johnson, Margaret Mitchell (Mrs Eichard M.) 526 Bank st.. New Albany 90366 Johnston, Elizabeth S. P. (Mrs J. F.) 726 N. Illinois st., Indianapolis 110706 Jones, Catharine Lowes (Mrs John W.) 314 E. St. Clair st., Indianapolis 179766 Jones, Mary Elizabeth Taylor (Mrs Edgar Taylor) Lahr House, Lafayette 307336 Kackley, Emma L. Atkins' (Mrs Thomas) "The Denison," Indianapolis 307346 Kackley, Sarah Frances Atkins (Mrs T.) 1312 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 28921^ Keegan, Bertha Grace Goodell (Mrs Morton B.) Muncie 20927f/ Kelly, Mattie Winters (Mrs W. S.) 35 Poplar st., Himtington 298356 Kelsey, Laura Esther Halliday (Mrs P. T.) 1607 Park ave., Indianapolis 23817f/ Kenner, Prudence (Miss) 29 Henry st., Huntington 23816,r/ Kenner, Mabel (Miss) 29 Henry st., Huntington 346106 Kenny, Jessie F. Benham (Mrs George M.) Peru 267776 King, Emma B. (Miss) 332 N. Illinois st., Indianapolis 27551c King, Katherine Jones (Mrs E. A.) 515 W. Wabash ave., Crawfords-sille 179796 Korbly, Marv Antoinette Bright (Mrs C. A.) St. Clair Flats, Indianapolis 353 Krout, Mary'^ H. (Miss) 1136 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis 30050§ Ladd, Carolyn Norwood (Mrs George T.) 152 E. Berry st., Fort Wayne 5716e Lancaster, Sarah Annette (Mrs Henry Horatio) W. Lafayette 133126 Langdon, Elsie Louise (jNliss) 2020 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis 9572$ Latta, Elizabeth Jack (Mrs James M.) Goshen 114566 Lee, Lydia P. (Mrs Allen) Lafayette 40936 Levering, Julia Henderson (Mrs Mortimer) 40 N. 6th st., Lafayette 34118a. Lewman, Clara Hartwell (Mrs John H.)..332 W. Front st., Jeffersonville 4348 Lilley, Jeanie Daniels (Mrs James E.) 26 E. 2nd st., Indianapolis 202866 Lilly, Virginia Conway (Mrs) 960 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis * Framingham Chapter, Mass. II Deborah Avery Chapter, Neb. 1, Cliicago Chapter, 111. § Cayuga Chapter, N. Y. t Phebe Bayard Chapter, Pa. 172 DIKECTORY, D. A. E. 7468 90376 16716/ 12067f 33295i 14006f 11071?) 32454/f 31396« 33292c 21481(7 1S376* 246127i: 6361 f 26782f 12068f 18419/ 36192e 36191f> 3367311 23S06i 8398& 19749 191 49& 35242P 67687(- 226676 246036 298386 32456P 35805e 36194 27556/ 23S197i 26401 36193 12070/ 202S7f 11260§ 11262§ 25700 14005/ 15528 1 2065 f 246056 289516 8400r 320551' 20928/; 19745/ 320566 30702* 14000/ 29S39r/ 179816 148376 49936 12075/ 33296/ 33294/ 12071/ 99996 148386 Lingle, Frances Elizabeth Dodge (Mrs) 2 Lingle ave., Lafayette Lodge, Harriet Newell (Mrs Jas. I.) 829 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis Logan, Ivy Green (Mrs Fordyce) Martinsville Long, Elizabeth Pnrcupile (Mrs Abraham F.) Kensselat-r Loughmiller, Abigail E. (Mrs William A.).. 810 E. Elm st., New Albany Longhridge, Candace Letitia (Mrs James H.) Eenssalaer Lowe, Martha A. Tuttle (Mrs Eichard H.) 410 E. Walnut st., Indianapolis Ludlow, Ida (Miss) 501 S. Jefferson st.. Muncie Lyon. Sydney (Miss).. cor. Front st. & Lyon ave., JefEersonville McCain, Ethel Rondthaler (Mrs Arthur A.) Crawfordsville Machen, N. Adaline McClaskey (Mrs E. G.) La Grange McClaughry, Helen Demmond" (Mrs Charles Chase) ]\Iiehigan City McCoy, Effie Carr (Mrs Pitt Yandell) 320 Chandler ave., Evansville McCoy, Harriet Taylor (Mrs Thomas J.) Pensselaer McCoy, Luella (Miss) Eensselaer McCoy, Mary Jane (Mrs Alfred) Rensselaer McGinnis, Mary C. Bladen (Mrs Homer L.) Spencer McNutt, Mary ' Orth (Miss) Lafayette McNutt, INIary Orth (Mrs Orren) Lafayette McOuat, Eugenia Burford (Mrs) 312 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis Maginness, Frances Eice (Mrs E. A.) 1214 E. Spring st.. New Albany Maguire, Carrie Conant (Mrs Chas.) 438 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis jNIajor, S. Frances Cory (Mrs William Stephen) Shelbyville Malott, Mary Florence (Miss) 542 North Delaware st., Indianapolis Manson, Martha G. (ISIiss) 405 W. Market st., Crawfordsville Marsh, Martha W. (Mrs) 222 E. Adams st., Muncie Marshall, Caroline L. (Mrs Eobert M.) 1119 W. 11th st., Indiannp dis Marshall, Sarah G. (Miss) 1119 W. 11th st., Indianapolis Martin, Josephine Gardner (Mrs Harry C.) Attica JNIathcr, L. Mabel (Miss) Middlebury Matthews, Ida E. (Mrs S. J.) Tipton Mauck, Mary (Miss) Evansville Mead, Jessie Beem (Miss) Spencer Meeks, Carrie Gertrxide (Mrs Martin L.) 424 E. Washington st., Muncie Merrill, Lida Wilkins (Mrs) 1220 S. 8th st., Terre Haute Merritt, Flora (Mrs Edward H.) 99 Harrison st.. Fort Wayne Meyer, Alice Cora Hopkins (Mrs Frank B.) Eensselaer Milburn, Lticy Fitch MoD. (Mrs J. A.) 32 E. Vermont st., Indianapolis Millard, Lydia Gilbert (Mrs Charles A.) 655 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis Millard, Sarah Gilbert (Miss) 655 N. Delaware st.. Indianapolis Miller, Lucilla Archer Woods (Mrs Geo. C.) 229 E. Broadwaj', Princeton Mills, Anna E. Smith (Mrs Charles E.) Eensselaer Mix, Zella Kenyon (Mrs iMelville W.) Mishawaka INIoody, Mary .Tane (Mrs Granville) Eensselaer Mooney, W'inifred Hunter (Mrs William Allen) Columbus Moore! Alice S. (Mrs Wm. A.) 2136 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis Moore, Cora H. (Mrs Hiram W.) 84 S. 9th st., Lafayette Moore, Deborah Duane (Miss) ... .1522 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis Moore, Dessie (Miss). . . .cor. Tipton and North Jefferson sts., Huntington Moore, Dianah Evans (Mrs W. E.) Eensselaer Moore, Julia Harrison (Miss) 1522 N. Pennsylvania st.. Tnrlianapolis Morgan, Emeline Bradley (Mrs Wm. H.) Middletown Morgan, Gertrude (Miss) Spencer Morrison, Emma Purviance (Mrs W. S.) 55 S. Jefferson st., Huntington ]\rorrison. Fannie Wood (Mrs Lewis) .. .1019 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis Morrison, Grace Wilson (Mrs Charles) 2823 Bellefontaine st., Indianapolis Morrison, Mabel Cobb (Mrs Frank A.) 1412 Park ave., Indianapolis Moss. Susie Parker (Mrs) Frankfort Murphy, Alice Martha Vail (Mrs Eichard Daniel) Floyd's Knobs INIurphy. Elizfibeth .Tane (Miss) Floyd's Knobs Murray, Charlotte O'Neil Hester (Mrs George E.) Eensselaer Neely," Harriet Huston (Mrs Thaddeus A.) 400 E. Adams st., Muncie Newcomer, Nannie IrAvin (Miss).. 1511 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis Chloagro Chapter, 111. Lucy Holcoinb Chapter, D. C. I Oneida Chapter, N. Y. INDIANA. 173 25199 Newkirk, Jane B. (Mrs Benoni M.) 1G03 Michigan ave.. La Porte 20288& Niblack, Sarah Lydia (Miss) 109 W. North st., Indianapolis 9038& Nowland, Justine (Miss) 1110 Dearborn ave., Indianapolis 12337fc Odell, Anna Virginia Iglehart (Mrs Isaac H.) 414 Chandler ave., Evansville 22663c Olive, Elizabeth Williams Eistine (Mrs).. 602 Wabash ave., Crawfordsville 2651111 Oliver, Anna Gertrude (Mrs Joseph D.) South Bend 12069J^ Parker, Isabel Parkison (Mrs Isaac) Eensselaer 233766 Parker, Mary E. McDoel (Mrs Louis Harris) 132 N. 9th st., Lafayette 20293/= Parkinson, Malvina C. Moore (Mrs H. E.) Eensselaer 24607f Parkison, Stella Addalene (Miss) Eensselaer 219706 Patterson, Patsy W. (Mrs S. J.).. North and Maxwell sts., Indianapolis 251S3 Peck, Carrie Etta (Mrs Calvin L.) 25 Belmont ave., Indianapolis 26027; Peden, Euth (Mrs Jesse P.) Spencer 14001; Peden, Sarah Beem (Mrs Thomas Alexander) Spencer 23818(; Penfield, Emily J. Nesmith (Mrs A. P.) 46 Guilford st., Huntington 7110b Perkins, Susan E. H. (Mrs S. E.) 1011 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis 4909c Perrin, Ellenor Bates (Mrs J. O.) Indianapolis 5S68e Perrin, Mary Emma Weaver (Mrs William Henry) Lafayette 57206 Perry, Elizabeth D. (Mrs Joseph E.) 124 E. Pratt st., Indianapolis 20919e Peterson, 011a May Alkire (Mrs Charles) Lafayette 317516 Pierce, Theresa Vinton (Miss) 1415 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 332916 Platter, Amelia Waring (Miss) Wyandotte Block, Indianapolis 34121a. Poindexter, Bertha Fidelia (Miss)., 713 E. Maple st., Jeffersonville 34120a Poindexter, Ophelia Eead (Mrs Charles Edgar) Jeffersonville 34119a Pollock, Annie Belle (Miss) 321 Meigs ave., Jeifersonville 155256 Pomeroy, Ida Louise (Miss) 214 E. 10th st., Indianapolis 320596 Porter,' Kate Cole (Mrs Samuel F.) Peru 246006 Preston, Mary Birkey Wilder (Mrs A. L.) 73 King ave., Indianapolis 209126 Prunk, Harriet Augusta (Mrs) 716 W. New^ York st., Indianapolis 12066^ Purcupile, Elizabeth Hov^^e (Mrs Archibald) Eensselaer 21964(7 Purviance, Mary A. (Mrs) 70 E. Franklin st., Huntington 251816 Quick, Alice Hess (Mrs Austin T.) Irvington 36169f/ Eall, Pearl (Miss) 23 Salomonie are., Huntington 12074f Eandle, Ida Nov^'els (Mrs Eobert) Eensselaer 307386 Eankin, Agnes Eosabelle (Miss) 1832 N. Alabama st., Indianapolis 307396 Eankin, Louisa Melissa (Miss) 1832 N. Alabama st., Indianapolis 34123a Eead, Emma (Miss) 327 Howard ave., Jeffersonville 34124a Eead, Sallie Eawson (Miss) 327 Howard ave., Jeff ersonvi lie 358066 Eeam, Charlotte Abbott Covell (Mrs John H.) 12 S. Clay st., Peru 34122a Eeed, Mary Jewett (Mrs Joseph V.) 609 E. Maple st., Jeffersonville 35246fc Eeilly, Anne Hazelton (Miss) 620 Locust st., Evansville 18428fc Eeilly, Edith (Miss) 620 Locust st., Evansville 27963* Eeynolds, Lizzie Bradford (Mrs Chester Jay) South Bend 256936 Eexford, Carrie Goodwin (Mrs Edwin) 1220 College ave., Indianapolis 133136 Eichards, Alice H. (Mrs W. J.) 1531 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis 209136 Eiley, Elizabeth J. P. (Mrs. B. F.) 1324 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis 28947c Eistine, Ivatherine W. (Mrs T. H.) 602 W. Wabash ave., Crawfordsville 32057c Eistine, Martha Frazer (Mrs W. H.) 418 W. Wabash ave., Crawfordsville 8222c Eistine, Sophia Crane (Mrs Hosea H.) S. Grant ave., Crawfordsville 22670fc Eoach, Frances Keen (Mrs Edward C.) 1105 Upper 3rd st., Evansville 19135 Eobertson, Frances M. Haberly (Mrs Eobert S.) Fort Wayne 324526 Eobie, Bertha Grace (Miss) 117 N. 13th st., Eichmoud 87e Eoby, Lelia P. (Mrs Edward) "Loyal Hall," 108th st. & ave. J., Chi- cago. 111., (Eoby, Ind.) 34606c Eolinson, Nellie Lydia (Miss) 400 E. College st., Crawfordsville 95636 Eoss, Eleanor Margaret Carnahan (Mrs David L.) 88 S. 9th st., Lafayette 226686 Eow, Mary Hamilton (Mrs G. S.) 2015 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis 148356 Sample, Belle Craig (Mrs Henry Taylor) Lafayette 120586 Sample, Sally (Miss) S. 9th st., Lafayette 57246 Sayles, Frances Tuttle (Mrs Charles F.) 1315 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 209146 Scott, Martha Stewart (Mrs William) . .950 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis 13317f/ Scott, Nancy J. Powers (Mrs Joseph G.) 232 N. Jefferson st., Huntington 346131 Scribner, Harriet Eowland (Miss) 106 E. Main st.. New Albany 214776 Seaton, Alice Howland (Mrs William D.) 1512 Park ave., Indianapolis TI Johnstown Chapter, N. Y. Bennington Chapter, Vt. 174 DTRECTOKY, D. A. R. 20929j; Sessions, Sarah E. (Mrs Norman) 187 N. Jefferson St., Huntington 30740c Severson, Hattie Hall (Mrs Clarence) 412 Grant ave., Crawfordsville 298376 Sharpe, Alberta J. (Mrs J. K., Jr.) 1306 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis 352416 Sharpe, Julia Graydon (ISIiss) 2105 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis 14518e Shearman, Flora McKee Linn (Mrs Albert E.) 187 Main st., Lafayette 179786 Shcpard, Rhoda Matilda (Mrs Silas M.) Indianapolis 24611i Sieboldt, Margaret iSIitchell Johnson (Mrs) New Albany 20921e Skinner, Delia Louise Eolan (Mrs John J.) Peru 30526 Sloan, Caroline B. (Mrs George W.) C04 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 29841i Smith, Bella B. (Mrs James) New Albany 29438c Smith, Caroline Evans (Mrs David C.) 602 S. Green st., Crawfordsville 65106 Smith, Eva Wilson (Miss) 2114 New Jersey st., Indianapolis 29840f; Smith, Ida Belle Mangns (Mrs Luther Adam) 18 Guilford st., Huntington 57196 Smith, Ida Virginia (Miss) 2114 N. New Jersey st., Indianapolis 25186J Smith, Mary Annabellah (Miss) 312 W. 4th st.. New Albany 40956 Smith, Nellie Colfax (Miss) 2114 N. New Jersey st., Indianapolis 40946 Smith, Euth Anna E. (Mrs B. W.) 2114 N. New Jersey st., Indianapolis 28952 Smyser, Sarah Eliza Smith (Mrs Peter D.) Fort Wayne 245996 Smythe. ]\Iyrtle (Miss) 2029 N. Capital ave., Indianapolis 13998 Sonntag-, Frances Wheeler B. (Mrs J. H., Jr.) 7 Adams ave., Evansville 14841fc Sonntag, Jeanie Stephens (Mrs Edward F.) 510 Eiverside ave., Evansville 23807i Sowle, Estelle Kinder (Miss) 45 E. 6th st.. New Albany 34106a Sparks, Fannie Belle Pile (Mrs Nathan) 404 E. Maple st., Jeffersonville 31393/; Spencer, Blanche Brookover (Mrs Maurice L.) Huntington 233787t Spilker, Mary Winans (Mrs) 116 E. Adams st., Muncie 24606c Sprague, Ermina P. (Mrs A. A.) S. Water st.. Crawfordsville 12640c Sprague, L. Belle (Miss) S. Water st., Crawfordsville 12072f Starr, Emma Ehoads (Mrs Charles C.) Eensselaer 26400i Steele, Harriet W. (Mrs John E.) 426 E. 4th st.. New Albany 25192ft Stewart, Zerelda Walterhouse (Mrs Marion) 521 S. Council st., IMuncie 231316 Stimson, Bertha Stilwell (Miss) Lafayette 22434 Storey, Katherine Eichmond Thomas (Mrs) 109 E. Pike st.. Goshen 197486' Stoiit, Laura G. Cory (Mrs George W.)..1515 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 126356 Stromout, Kate Kej's (Mrs Gilbert B.) c. o. Soldier's Home, Lafayette 32916 Stuart, Geneve Ellsworth Eeynolds (Mrs W. V.) 136 Ferry ave.,' Lafayette 9998 Studebaker, Lydia Euth lingle (Mrs J. M.) ^ South Bend 63606 Sullivan, Annie Eussell (Mrs George E.) 804 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis 18420; Swigert, Mollie Coffel (Mrs William Earl) Spencer 83946 Taggart, Eva Bryant (Mrs Thos.) 810 Capital ave., N. Indianapolis 20930/; Taylor, Emma M. (Mrs E. T.) cor. Lipton & N. Jeiferson sts., Huntington 167186 Taylor, Isabella Dunbar Sample (Mrs Henrj-) Lafayette 148366 Taylor, Mary Andrew (Miss) Lafayette 95626 Telford, Cecelia Hale (Miss) 138 N. 6th st., Lafayette 26028 Ten Brook, Cora L. (Miss) Eockville 313910 Thomas, Helen Louise (Miss) 414 \\\ Wabash ave., Crawfordsville 6364c Thomas, Josephine Tuttle (Mrs C. L.) 130 S. Water st., Crawfordsville 29441 Thompson, Mary Irwin (Miss) Edinburg 260236 Thompson, Sylvia J. E. (Mrs E. C.)..1908 New Jersey st., N. Indianapolis 25184c Thompson, Caroline Brown (Miss).. 513 W. Wabash ave., Crawfordsville 22665c Thompson, Katherine E. (Mrs E. B.) 513 W. Wabash ave., Crawfordsville 25185c Thompson, Mary Peck (Miss) 513 W. Wabash ave., Crawfordsville 99946 Tinney, Phoebe" Johnson (Mrs Henry C.) State st., Lafayette 57156 Toole, Lela Genevieve (Mrs Halsey Burnett) S. 6th st., Lafayette 122826 Troop, Cora Louise Chamberlain (Mrs James) Lafayette 87426 Tucker, Lucy Pamela B. (Mrs) 123 S. 9th st., Lafayette 31394(7 Tuttle, Josephine AVarnock (Mrs Morton) 35 Henry st., Huntington 22664c Tuttle, Susan C. (Mrs Joseph F.)..506 W. Wabash ave., Crawfordsville 324557/ Tyler, Lotta Ludlow (Mrs Edgar Babcock) 414 W. Howard st., Muncie 21971 Van Buren, Margaret M. (Mrs Wm. A.) 1430 N. Alabama st., Indianapolis 209176 Van Camp, Ella D. Patterson (Miss).. 1324 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis 209166 Van Camp, Fannie A. P. (Mrs C.) 1324 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis 155266 Waite, Calista Anna Clegg (Mrs) 214 E. 10th st., Indianapolis 179806 Walcott, Mary N. (Mrs Benj. D.) 1511 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis 19770 Waldorf, Anna Stout (Mrs William) Whitcomb 246016 Walker, Anna Layton (Mrs Ivan N.) Martens Flats, Indianapolis IXDIAX TEKEITOEY. — IOWA. 175 21088* 12063A; 4992 3138S& 33731c 20297 58696 2518Si 9995e 67676 20299(7 2093111 174746 42956 346116 67646 2755S 238146 9071?j 9571/1 11499 7112& 32545fc 167216 11901& 184326 5718 23379/(. 4527& 20933f7 20932fir 13311b 49106 19747& 202896 22671 27555i 28949fif 30744(7 61236 173506 17351b Walker, Juliet U. (Mrs W.) 202 W. 2nd st., Madison Walker, Lucy Babcock (Mrs James T.) 800 Riverside ave., Evansville Wallace, Margaret Noble (Mrs H. L.)..663 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis Warren, Harriet Treat (Mrs George) 229 E. Pratt St., Indianapolis Waugh, Julia Davidson (Mrs J. Milo) 402 Wabash ave., W. Crawfordsville Way, Margaret Daily (Mrs Chas. S.) 811 Chestnut st., Columbus Weaver, Fannie M. B. (Mrs E. M.) cor. Columbia and 7th sts., Lafayette Webster, Carrie B. (Miss) 1504 E. Elm st., New Albany Vrebster, Sallie McMechen Jones (Mrs J. C.) Ill North st., Lafayette Weigle, Eliza Dana Howe (Mrs Charles F.) Highland Park, Lafayette Wells, Annie Gray Love (Mrs William Thos.) . . 19 Etna ave., Huntington Wells, Clara ^'irginia Healey (Mrs H. S.) 158 N. Guilford st., Huntinaton Wells, Letitia Ellen PoAvell (Mrs Albert Ayres) N. 9th st., Lafayette West, Sarah Ellen Whittredge (Mrs Geo. E.) 156 South st., Lafavette Westf all, Ada W. (Mrs Arthur B.) Lafayette Wetherill, Mary Coleman Benbridge (Mrs C. M.) 121 S. 9th st., Lafayette Whery, Mary Anne (M. D.) (Mrs Wni. P.) 26 Madison st., Foi-t Wayne White, Elizabeth Tyner (Miss) Lafayette Wilder, Eloise Walker (Mrs Chas. P.) 2031 X. Illinois st., Indianapolis Wildman, Sarah Peirce (Mrs John F.) 721 E. Washington st., Muncie Wiley, Eliza Brown (Mrs) Terra Haute Williams, Margaret L. D. (Mrs C. N.) 526 N. Pennsylvania st., Indianapolis Williams Mary Ella (Miss) 714 Upper Third st., Evansville Williamson, Martha E. Lowes (Mrs Jas.) 518 E. Main st., Crawfordsville Wilson, Alma Winston (Miss) 2503 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis AVilson, Eugenia Gross (Mrs Joseph H.) South St., Lafayette Wilson, Lillian Olin Lancaster Arthur (Mrs Frank H.) Indianapolis Winans, Arabella (Mrs Henry C.) 116 E. Adams st., Muncie Winchester, Fanny Wilder (Mrs W. F.) 2031 N. Illinois st., Indianapolis Windle, Georgia J. Kimball ^J^irs William C.) 112 Guilford st., Huntington Windle, Jessie Heiney (Mrs Frank M. B.) 69 1st st., Huntington Winings, Nellie P. (Mrs Daniel P.) 2104 Talbott ave., Indianapolis Winters, Katherine Eand (Mrs James M.) 1435 N. Illinois st., Indianapolis Wood, Emma Downing (Mrs Chas. H.) 424 N. Meridian st., Indianapolis Wood, Juliet Eeese (ISErs Theron) 1706 N. Delaware st., Indianapolis Wood, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) Kokomo Woodrufe, Adelia (Miss) 613 E. Spring st.. New Albany Wright, Edith Belle (Miss) 61 E. Washington st., Huntington Wright, Eliza Ann (Miss) 61 E. Washington st., Huntington Wulschner, Flora Sullivan (Mrs Emil) 802 N. Meriden st., Indianapolis Yerkes, Mary H. (Miss) 1505 Central ave., Indianapolis Yerkes, Susan H. (Miss) 1505 Central ave., Indianapolis INDIAN TERRITORY Members Besiding in the State 263831 Anderson, Mabel Washburn (Mrs John C.) Mnita 28085 Crane, Luta J. Styles (Mrs James Thomas) Eufala 209531 Dent, Mata E. (Mrs M. Board) Chickasha 9573 Duncan, Kate Ann Larzelere C. (Mrs W. A.) Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation IO\¥A State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Julian Richards, Waterloo. 1902, " Deborah Averj' Chapter, Neb. Paducah Chapter, Kj'. X Continental Chapter, D. C. t Madison County Cliapter, Ky. ^"^^ DIRECTORY, D. A. R. CHAPTEES. (19 organized; 4 unorganized) a. Abigail Adams Chapter— Des Moines Organized September 5, 1893; Members, 68 (Pennsylvania, 1; South Dakota, J) Eegent, Mrs Frances Wellslager Treasurer, Mrs C. H. Gaylord Vice-Kegent, Mrs W. H. Baily Eegistrar, Mrs T. A. Cheshire Eec. Sec, Mrs. J. L. Carey Historian, Mrs G. W. Ogilvie Cor. Sec, Mrs O, 0. Eoe Chaplain, Mrs C. T. Hewitt b. Cedar Falls Chapter — Cedar Falls Organized December 8, 1900; Members, 23 OMississippi, 1) Eegent, Mrs H. H. Marldey Cor. Sec, Mrs H. C. Hunt Vice-Eegent, Mrs L. O. Eobinson Treasurer, Mrs L. W. Hubbell Vice-Eegent, Miss Adeline Currier Eegistrar, Mrs F. D. Pierce Eec. Sec, Mrs A. C. Page Historian, Miss Lura Phillips \ Chaplain, Mrs S. T. Walker c. Cedar Rapids Chapter — Cedar Rapids i Organized June 10, 1899; Members, 23 {Illinois, 1) ^ Eegent, Mrs Adeline L. W. Preston Treasurer, Mrs Eunice A. G. Madison ! Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ellen C. M. Harwood Eegistrar, Miss Mary K. Fuller Secretary, Mrs Mary W. Cogswell Historian, Mrs Cornelia S. Waite Chaplain, Mrs Margaret E. J. Dawley ' d. Clinton Chapter — Clinton Organized January 10, 1895; Members, 71 Eegent, Mrs Mary P. Ware Secretary, Mrs Florence O. Lugg 1st Vice-Eegent, Mrs Helen V. Seaman Treasurer, Miss Helen M. Dunbar, 2nd Vice-Eegent, Mrs Minnie Jackson Eegistrar, Mrs Alice M. Blount Historian, Mrs Hannah P. Goodwin e. Council Bluffs Chapter — Council Bluffs | Organized June 26, 1897; Members, JfO (Pennsylvania, 3) Eegent, Mrs Sophie H. Bushnell Treasurer, Mrs Alma C. Bender Vice-Eegent, Miss Adele Dohany Eegistrar, Mrs Carrie L. Henry Secretary, Mrs Lettie D. Montgomery Historian, Mrs Zoe M. Eoss I f. De Shon Chapter — Boone j Organized Aj)ril 21, 1900; Members, 22 (Illinois, 1) Eegent, Mrs Harma L. B. Knowlton Treasurer, Mrs Nannie M. H. Barnes Vice-Eegent, Mrs E. M. M. Goodykoontz Eegistrar, Mrs Eowena E. Stevens Eec Sec, Mrs Florette E. E. Hull Historian, Mrs Augusta D. C. Paine Cor. Sec, Mrs Minnie E. D. Doud • Chaplain, Mrs Martha E. C. Deering Ii / g. Dubuque Chapter — Dubuque " 1 Organized August 22, 1894; Members, 64 (Illinois, 1; Nebi-aska, 1; Foreign, 1; Oldalioma, 1) Eegent, Mrs Harriet T. Kimball Cor. Sec, Miss Mary Lagen Vice-Eegent, Mrs Frances L. Gibbs Treasurer, Mrs Belle C. Chamberlain 1 Eec. Sec, Mrs Elsie McM. Weigel Eegistrar, ]\Irs Caroline U. Fairbanks ' Historian, Miss Edith N. Lane IOWA. 177 h. Elizabeth Ross Chapter— Ottumwa Organized November 12, 1896; Members, 51 (Washington, 1; Kansas, 1; Foreign, 1; California, 1) Eegent, Mrs Harrison Devin Secretary, Mrs Julia M. Ennis 1st Vice-Eegent, Mrs Emma M. Enoch Treasurer. Mrs Mahala LaForce 2nd Vice-Eegent, Miss Emma A. FiedlerEegistrar, Mrs Caroline M. Haven^ Historian, Mrs Mary E. Carpenter i. Fort Dodge Members Eegent, Mrs Louise Pearsons Dolliver. Appointed April 5, 1899 j. Fort Madison Meml)ers Eegent, Mrs Mary Davis I^IcFadden MacHenry. Appointed November 7, 1899 k. Frances Shaw Chapter— Anamosa Organised November !>, 1899; Members, 51 (Illinois, 1; Missouri, 1) Eegent, Miss Helen L. Shaw Treasurer, Mrs Josephine Howard Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary U. Eemley Eegistrar, Mrs Marian Skinner Secretarj^ Miss Harriet A. Cunningham Historian, Mrs Ella T. Eagle 1. Hannah Caldwell Chapter — Davenport Organized January 18, 1897; Members, 40 (Illinois, 2; Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Mrs C. M. Waterman Treasurer, Mrs George T. Baker Vice-Eegent, Mrs Eobert H. Nott Eegistrar, Mrs J. H. Harrison Secretary, Mrs Walter Chambers Historian, Mrs A. P. Doe m. Humbolt Members Eegent, Mrs Mary H. Stoddard Johnston. Appointed May 1, 1901. n. Keokuk Chapter — Keokuk Organized October 6, 1898; Members, 34 (Tennessee, 1; Missouri, 1) Eegent, Mrs Lucy S. Howell Treasurer, Mrs Virginia W. Irvins Vice-Eegent. Mrs Liilu M. Snodgrass Eegistrar, Mrs Mary H. BrowTiell Secretary-, Miss Anna J. Gage Historian, Mrs Euth C. Canby o. Martha JefEerson Chapter — Manchester Organized February 4, ^897; Members, 11 Eegent, Secretary, Mrs Eliza J. W. Tirrill Vice-Eegent, Mrs Lydia A. Howland Treasurer, Miss Florence E. Day Eegistrar, Mrs Sarah E. Crosier p. Martha Washington Chapter — Sioux City Organized February 1, 1896; Members, 34 (Nebraska, 1; Foreign, 1; Illinois, 2; South Dakota, 1; Washington, 1) Eegent, Mrs Augusta E. Dean Cor. Sec, Mrs Mary H. Wakefield Vice-Eegent, Mrs Minnie M. Cochrane Treasurer, Mrs Martha T. Herrick Eec. Sec, Miss Lucy Hoskins Eegistrar, Mrs Josephine K. Marks Historian, Mrs Lucy E. Hills q. Mayfiov/er Chapter — Red Oak Organized June 3, 1897; Members, 17 Regent, Mrs H. C. Houghton Secretary, Miss Edith Palmer Vice-Eegent, Mrs M. E. Fisher Treasurer. Miss Luella Houghton Eegistrar, Miss Claudine Bishop 12 178 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. r. Old Thirteen Chapter — Chariton Organized June 5, 1S96; Members, 11 (Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, j\Irs Lillian G. Howard Treasurer, Mrs Laura E. Gibbon Vice-Eegent, Mrs Anna G. Copeland Eegistrar, Mrs Jessie M. Thayer Secretarjr. Mrs Dora B. Custer Historian, Miss Minnie W. Dungan Chaplain, Mrs Annie L. Mallory s. Pilgrim Chapter — Iowa City Organized J wniury Id, 1898; Members, 23 (Mississippi, 1; Wisconsin, 2; Foreign, 1) Eegent, Mrs Fanny O. Startsman Cor. Sec., Mrs Ella J. Lindsay Vice-Eegenc, Miss Cora B. Morrison Treasurer, Mrs Eleanor S. Briggs Eec. Sec, Mrs Kate Palmer Eegistrar, Mrs Grace P. Smith Historian, Mrs Mary T. Kean t. Spinning Wheel Chapter — Marshalltown Organized October 1, 1898; Members, 22 (Florida, 2) Eegent, Mrs G. F. Kirby Cor. Sec, Miss Mabel Woodbury Vice-Eegent, Mrs C. C. Cottle Treasurer, Mrs J. C. Speers Eec. Sec, Miss Mertie Halbert Eegistrar, Mrs A. G. Glick Historian, Mrs D. H. Gross u. Stars and Stripes Chapter — Burlington Organized April 1, 1891 ; Members, .{S (Illinois, 1; New York, 2; California, t) Eegent, Miss E. Leila Penrose Treasurer, Mrs Alice B. Carjjenter Vice-Eegent, Mrs Alice L. Little Eegistrar, Mrs Florence S. Burt Secretary, Miss Carrie Tucker Historian, Miss Abbie MacFlinn V. Waterloo Chapter — Waterloo Organized Decemlter 8, 1898; Members, 33 (California, 1) Eegent, Mrs Julia A. Eichards Cor. Sec, Mrs L. 0. Eobinson Vice-Eegent, Mrs H. H. Markley Treasurer, Mrs Lou IN". Hubbell Eec. Sec, Mrs Jessie B. Cheasbro Eegistrar. Mrs Helen Hunt Historian, Mrs W. O. Eichards . w. Webster City Members Eegent, Mrs Jessie Dunham McMurray. Appointed January 3, 1900. Members Eesiding in the State 1672'3? Abbott, Caroline Courtright (Mrs Eobt. INIiner) 1026 Brady St., Davenport 16724/ Abbott, Cari'ie Helena (Miss) 1026 Brady st., Davenport 34624? Abbott, Cari-ie Williams (Mrs Lewis Cutler) 7 N. 3rd st., Marshalltown .29842A; Adair, Sarah Jennings Porter (Mrs Lyman J.) Anamosa 18448 Bevier, Mary Ayres (Mrs George I.) 1022 Douglas st., Sioux City 26787^; Bigelow, May Asenath Van Duzee (Mrs Isaac L.) 1057 Main st., Dubuque 8425^ Bigelow, Sarah Moore (Mrs Daniel Ames) Amc s 20305.S Biggs, Eleanor Startsman (Mrs E. C.) 110 Bloomington st., Iowa City 16725/ Birchard, Henriette Elizabeth (Mrs W. J.) . .407 W. Locust st., Davenport 24634(7 Bishop, Claudine C. (Miss) Red Oak 246337 Bishop, Nell Dare (Miss) Red Oak 32061r/ Bissell, Mary Fredericka (Miss) 1272 Locust st., Dubuque 7154(/ Blackwell, Edna Denison (Mrs J. Scott) Muscatine 20300« Blamer, Edna Davis (Mrs Thomas) Independence 18452f/ Bhmt, Alice Mullett (Mrs Arthur Wood) Clinton 24626;; Board, Ellen Nichol Sawyer (Mrs) Keokuk 6432f/ Bohn, Emma Goodwin (Mrs Leander J.) 116 17th st., Dubuque 7771** Bonn3\ Margaret Ankeny (Mrs Charles L.) Clinton 32851f/ Bostwick, Carrie Black (Mrs Ozro Patterson) Clinton 155326 Bowman, Caroline E. (Miss) 504 S. 6th st.. Council Bluffs 28307V Bowman, Caroline Jacobs (Mrs John Howard) Waverly 36464t Boyle, Alice Rebecca (Mrs Harlow A.) Denison 27253? Brady, Lydia Frances (Mrs Edwin W.) 1102 E. Front st., Davenport 33419i: Brainerd, Julia Dana (Miss) Grinnell 214907 Brannan, Mary H. (Mrs W. F.) Muscatine * Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. II Dixon Chapter, 111. il Amor Patriae Chapter, 111. ** Chicago Chapter, 111. t Chester County Chapter, Pa. t Elsa Cilley Chapter, N. H. 180 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R, 31416s Breene, Harriet H. (Mrs George G.) 421 N. Clinton st., Iowa Citv 26801* Bremner, Catherine Catlett (Mrs William) 104 N. 2nd ave., Marshalltown 161007i. Briggs, Harriet Matilda (Mrs Fred L.) 128 E. Court st., Ottumwa 31397ft Briggs, Mary M. (Mrs Walter H.) 1535 High st., Des Moines 27247V Briggs, Winnie Phifer (Mrs) Waterloo 26806V Brown, Currence Van Benthuysen (Mrs C. F.) Waterloo 25702H Brownell, Mary Higbie (Mrs William A.) Keokuk L2284& Bryant, Cornelia Livingston (Mrs Walter A.) Cedar Falls 32463V Buell, Mary Catherine (M. D.) (Miss) Waterloo 77760. Burbank, Caroline Clifford (Mrs Eugene D.)..1121 20th st., Des Moines 5665i/ Burch, Harriet Ellen (Mrs George B.) 381 West 3rd st., Dubuque 36195a Burch, Maria Sabina Kuhn (Mrs E. K.) Denison 27246& Burr, Mary Ann (Mrs Thomas J.) Cedar Falls 21484m Burt, Belle Florence Sigerson (Mrs) 424 North st., Burlington 19768e Bushnell, Sophia Hyndshaw (Mrs D. W.) 127 Bluff st.. Council Bluffs 30757? Butcher, Nannie (Miss) S. O. Home, Davenport 32460s Bj-ington, Frances Brenmer (Mrs Altor A.) West Side, Iowa City 7156d Cadle, Hattie Swan (Mrs Charles F.) Muscatine 31404fif Cady, Catherine Markell (Mrs M. M.) 39 Jefferson st.. Dubuque 19765 Cady, Nellie Reid (Mrs J. L.) Marshalitown 14846a Call, Alice Spear (Mrs George C.) Algona 29S48p Cameron, Lesbia Anna Grant (Mrs) 1216 Pierce st., Sioux City 29849V Camp, Jessie Emeline (Miss) Waterloo 18424rt Canby, Ruth Collins (Mrs Joseph Leister) Keokuk 20949/ Cannell, Marietta Farr (Mrs Thomas) Maquoketa 5668a Carey, Belle Dewey (Mrs John L.) 714 7th st., Des Moines 31417* Carney, Minnie Tilloston (Mrs J. L.) 11 S. 4th St., Marshallton 16106m Carpenter, Alice B. (Mrs Edwin H.) 830 N. 6th st., Burlington 184337t Carpenter, Mary Electa Stuart (Mrs L. D.) 159 E. Maple ave., Ottumwa 27256c Carpenter, Mary Farwell (Mrs Henry M.) Monticello 28092c Carpenter, Nellie Lockwood (Miss) Monticello 29452fc Carpenter, Vada Lamb (Mrs Lewis M.) Oli i 22680m Carter, Eliza Jannett (Mrs Sylvester) 504 N. 8th st., Keokuk 31570§ Carter, Emily Chittenden (Mrs) Fayette 29444a Carter, Mary" E. (Mrs J. S.) Cor. 23rd and Woodland ave., Des Moines 12326 Chadbourne, Martha Holway (Miss) Vinton 14015fi( Chamberlain, Belle Crawford (Mrs Isaac C.) 1015 Bluff st., Dubuque 23389 Chamberlain, Marj- Margaret Hepburn (Mrs R. H.) Clarinda 27561a Chambers, Marie Lewis (Miss) 602 9th st., Des Moines 26408* Chambers, Virginia Davis (Mrs Walter L.) 626 Perry st., Davenport 34126 Chapman, Harriet Josephine (Miss) 705 Park'st., Des Moines 34615(Z Charlton, Jessie G. (Mrs Thomas B.) Clinton 27248y Cheasbro, Jessie Benton Shurtleff (Mrs John R.) .Waterloo 31420 Cheney, Mina Torrey (Mrs) Fort Dodge 23822a Cheshire, Harriet Lo'uise (Mrs) 910 East Grand ave., Des Moines 16105« Chittenden, Catherine McNeal (Mrs Henrv W.) 711 N. 7th St., Burlington 26802* Church, Margaret Owen (Mrs H. A.). .202 North Center St., Marshalltown 19769g Clark, Addie 1,. (Miss) Red Oak 30756/ Clark, Lavina Elethe (Miss) Iowa State College. Ames 33420|| Clark, Martha Cillev Brainerd (Mrs Elbert W.) Grinnell 19168(7 Clark, Rosa Shirk (Mrs Benjamin B.) Red Oak 36196(7 Clawson, Marcia Wilson (Mrs Cornelius Delta) Dubuque 9579fZ Coan, Catharine L. (Mrs William F.) 344 6th ave., Clinton 10008(Z Coan, Mary Alice Welles (Mrs Wm. F.) 327 5th ave., Clinton 32854/3 Cobb, Frances ]\lichler (Miss) 2804 Jennings St., Sioux City 34133p Cochrane, Minnie Mudge (Mrs R. L.) 2817 Nebraska st., Sioux City 15534c Cogswell, Mary Wilkinson (Mrs) 1011 : nd ave.. Cedar Rapids 35257(* Cole, Gertrude Mansfield (Mrs Ansel Orlester) ... 314 S. Sixth st., Lyons 22673e Cole, Kate Penn (Mrs Hugh A.) 400 Oakland ave.. Council Bluffs 34620U Cole, Ora Belle (Miss) 216 Hegs St., Keokuk 6514.7 Collier, Ada Langworthy (Mrs Robert T.) 606 W. 3rd st., Dubuque 18458H Collier, Susie Chambers (Mrs David A.) 310 Concert st., Keokuk 35265« Collins, Gertrude H. (Mrs J. A. M.) 614 Orleans St., Keokuk 30750ft Collisson, Violet Mignonette Ferree (Mrs Charles Fison) Ottumwa § Winonah Chapter, Minn. Elsa Cilley Chapter, N. H. IOWA. 181 35254e Colman, Laura Lucinda (Miss) 98 Fourth st., Council Eluifs 20946H; Combs, Mary Alyce (Miss) Wasliinffton 32070« Comstock, Helen M. (Mr» Gilbert) Keokuk 18453(i Conant, Genevieve Eowena (Mrs John Alexander) Clinton 31401d Cong-ar, Sylvia Frances (Miss) Clinton 20318c Cook, Mabel Cathryn (Miss) 1200 2nd ave., Cedar Rapids 35814 Cooke, Nellie Ford (Mrs Theodore F.) Algona 1510f; Cooley, Clara Aldrich (Mrs Dennis Nelson) 1394 Locust St., Dubuque 45310 Cooley, Josephine Gabrilla (Miss) Dubuque 289577* Cooper, Emma P. (Miss) 404 West 4th St., Ottumwa 10461r Copeland, Anna Gibbon McCollough (Mrs Josiah Carey) Chariton 13324/- Copeland, Sue Darlington (Miss) Chariton 2S959« Copp, Anna D. (Mrs Albert) 60S Starr ave., Burling-ton 27560a Corey, Anna Marie Kirk (Mrs Edgar) 727 17th St., Des Moines 25216# Cottle, May Church (ISIrs C. C.) 202 X. Center st., :\rarshall;own 34618c Couch, Mary L. (Mis s) 1320 2nd ave., Cedar Eapids 294537i; Cowan, Gertrude Herrick (Mrs Thomas J.) Anami>sa 30306a. Cowles, Florence Call (Mrs Gardner) Algona 27252ir Cram, Katharine Edwards (Miss) cor. 17th and West Locust St., Dubuque 29443a Crane, Florence A. (Mrs George H.) Valley Junction 35818|| Crawford, Anna Brown (Mrs Hugh) Maquoketa 31411f Crooks, Luella Mary Parks (Mrs John Sherman) 130 Boone st.. Boone 179850 Crosier, Sarah E. (Mrs) Manchester 25223(7 Crowther, Frances Goodrich (Mrs Richard D.) Wateidoo 29454fc Cunningham, Hattie A. (Miss) Anamosa 272496 Currier, Adeline (Miss) Cedar Falls S75SfZ Curtis, Ettie Lewis (Mrs George M.) 414 5th ave., Clinton 11507rf Curtis, Frances Sophia Wilcox (Mrs George Lewis) 402 6th ave., Clinton 20939rf Curtis, Lucy Bonney (Miss) Clinton 8744(Z Curtis, Nancy Hosford (Mrs Chas. F.) 413 5th ave.. Clinton 35267r Custer, Dora Brown (Mrs Stanton Millan) Chariton 203117 Daniel, Catherine (Mrs Joseph A.) 1422 Arlington ave., Davenport 148527* Daum, Annie Laura Eeeder (Mrs W. R.) 513 N. Court st., Ottumwa 4473« Davis, Harriet Barrow Woodward (Mrs Caleb Forbes) Keokuk 11073/) Davis, Helen Dunlap (Mrs Francis N.) 919 Pierce st., Sioux City 246237 Davison, Mary Berryhill (Mrs Charles) Prospect Park, Davenport 20952c Dawley. Margaret Elizabeth J. (Mrs F. F.) 1110 1st ave., Cerlar Rapids 246310 Day, Florence Eliza (Miss) Manchester 12077a Day, Jennie E. (Mrs John M.) 423 East ll^ii st., Des Moines 28311(7 Day, Winifred (Mrs Alvah O.) Clinton 27570/; Dean, Augusta Robinson (Mrs Joseph Augustus) 1632 Pearl st., Sioux Citv 28966 Deering, Lucretia Bailev (Mrs N. C.) Osage 30754f Deering. Martha Emily Clift (Mrs Alpheus Albert) Boone 6431r/ Dennis Estelle Goodwin (Mrs A. C.) 116 17th st., Dubuque 1748671 Devin, Sarah Lucretia Harrison (Mrs Thomas J.) 436 W. 4th st.. Ottumwa 5666a Dewey, Hetta J. (Mrs Nelson) 716 7th st., Des Moiues ' 9850V Dewey, Mabel Rousseau (Miss) Washington 307587 Dinsmore, Viola Butcher (Mrs Charle3'^ E.) S. O. Home. Davenport 25211« Div«er, Lorene Curtis (Mrs James Brice) 525 3rd st., Keokuk 35811e Dodge, Caroline Louise (Miss) Dodge Place, Council Bluffs 209507 Doe, Julia Margaretta Brvant (Mrs Alonzo P.) 1406 Perry st., Davenport 214856 Dohany, Clara Adele (Miss) 332 Glenn ave.. Council Bluffs 22679 Dolliver, L. P. (IStrs J. P.) (Hamilton House, Wash., D. C.,) Fort Dodge 29856/" Doud, Minnie A. Dryer (Mrs) 415 Boone St., Boone 10235t Doughty, Margaret Davis (Miss) Sioux .City 25212n Driffield, Alice Virginia Todd (Mrs Henry) Keokuk 252066 Dudley, Susan Letchworth P. (IMrs AV. H.) 504 S. 6th St., Council Bluffs 15530(7 Dunbar, Helen M. (Miss) Clinton 3245S» Duncan, Ella Sarah (Miss) 718 Morgan st., Keokuk 20764§ Duncan, Harriet Morrison (Mrs Ward) Altia 10459/- Dungan, Minnie Warren (Miss) Chariton 24627// Dunlap, Elizabeth Wilkins (Miss) Keokuk 294557c Dutton, Sarah Francis Highby (Mrs Henry Shaw) Anamosa II Eunice Sterline: Chapter, Kan. t Crawford County Chapter, Pa. § Mary Ball C:iiapter, Wash. 182 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 34131fc Dyer, Ann Cecilia (Miss) Anamo^a 34625 Eadie, Jennie Moody (Mrs Charles A.) Eagle Grove 33742c Earling, Edna B. (Mrs Herman) « Marion 7132(i Eastman, Elizabeth Gardiner (Mrs L. C.) 338 5th ave.. Clinton 7133fZ Eastman, Ida Gardiner (Miss) 338 5th ave., Clinton 30749// Edwards, Mary Erances Daphne P. (Mrs E. W.) 232 13th st., Dubuque 17982/?- Elliott, Helen (Miss) La Claire 7140rf Ellis, Celeste Ware (Mrs Frank) 318 6th ave. Clinton 35250c Ellis, Mary Louise (Mrs) care Col. Baker, Cedar Kapids 30763 Ellis, Mary Marie Forbes (Mrs" James Whitcomb) Maquoketa 30308fc Ellison, A. Elida McCutchin (Mrs F. O.) Anamosa 34619c Ely, Mary A. (Miss) 527 2nd ave.. Cedar Eapids 191657i ETuerson, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Horace P.) 110 E. Court st., Ottumwa 161017i Ennis, Julia Griswold Merwin (Mrs William W.) 334 W. 4th st., Ottumwa 18423/i. Enoch, Emma Margaret (Mrs A. W.) 207 Woodland ave., Ottumwa 19759e Everett, Mai-y Leonard (Mrs Horace) Council Bluffs 14848« Everson, Ellen E. Pierce (Mrs Norman) Washington 25210(/ Fairbanks, Caroline Desire Fuller (Mrs J. E.) 25 Arlington st., Dubuque 28427t' Fairburn, Fannie A. Loveland (Mrs Arthur J.) 627 Lime st., Waterloo 35816 Ferguson, Etta Call (Mrs William K.) Algona 294567c Ferguson, Mary Eliza Crane( Mrs Duncan) Anamosa 17983/i Ferree, Fannie Susan (Miss) 430 N. Court st., Ottumwa 161027i Ferree, Susan Frances (Mrs Jerome D.) 430 N. Court st., Ottumwa 1843471 Fiedler, Alice (Miss) 519 W. 4th st.. Ottumwa 184357i Fiedler, Emma Adele (Miss) 519 W. 4th St., Ottumwa 5667« Finch, Bertha Dewey (Mrs Daniel) 716 7th st., Des Moines 19169(7 Fisher, Sara C. (Mrs'Milton E.) Red Oak 34132fc Foley, Mary Agnes Dyer (Mrs Thomas William) Anamosa 2267Sj( Foote, Mary Eliza Merrill (Mrs) N. 6th st., Burlington 6772 Forde, Lillian Budington (Miss) 324 6th ave., Clinton ■ 6513£f Foster, Lizzie Dean (Mrs George D.) Preston 214910 Foster, Mae Frances (Miss) Earlville 23829c Fuller, Mary Kendall (Miss) 1408 1st ave.. Cedar Rapicls 25213??. Gage, Anna J. (Miss) Keokuk 27575W Gaibraith, Isabel Sweetser (Mrs Eobert B.) Waterloo 2809371 Gardiner, Bonnie Louise (Mrs Thomas B.) Fort DoJge 32464 Gardner, Aner Edna (Miss) Washington 3347 Garver, Barbara R. (Mrs George) 715 16th st., Des Moines 3350« Gaylord, Mary J. Loomis (Mrs Charles H.) 1418 W. Locust st., Des Moines 21482a Gebhardt, Dixie May Cornell (Mrs George) Knoxville 11515r Gibbon, Laura E. (Mrs William H.) Chariton 9582sr Gibbs, Frances Langwcrthy (Mrs A. H.) 641 W. 3rd st., Dubuque 14849 Gillette, Mary Eliza"betli C. S. (Mrs) (M. D.) 306 E. Main st., Marshalltown 35270i> Girton, Flora E. Woodford (Mrs James L.) Waterloo 17477fZ Given, Maud Ankeny (Mrs AValker) Clinton 333037c Glanville, Ida L. B. (Mrs W. Ewart) Anamosa 25219Z Glick, Helen Abbott (Mrs George Albert) 511 E. Church st.. Marshalltown 5663fir Glover, Sarah E. Curtiss (Mrs H. B.) 1098 Locust st., Dubuque 13323r Goodrich, Sarah Cunningham (Mrs Benjamin) Chariton 31402(7 Goodwin, Hannah Putnam (Mrs Corning E.) 734 Stockholm st., Clinton 23386f Goodykoontz, Mary Elizabeth Moore (Mrs D. F.) Boone 17479r Gray, Margaret Gonrley (Mrs) Chariton 26859* Greeley, Helen Eead (Mrs Charles A.) Nashua 33734» Green,' Lucy Garrison (Miss) 318 High st.. Keokuk 22410V Green, Martha (Mrs) Marshalltown 3294(/ Gridley, Marv Howard (Mrs James Conger) Victor 5669« Griffith, Jennie D. (Mrs Richard A.) 1 720 9th st., Des Moines 25218* Gross, Jennie Milliken (Mrs Daniel H.) 106 N. Center st., Marshalltown 16738/7 Guernsey, Grace (Miss) 71 13th St., Dubuque 27574* Halbert,' Mertie (Miss) 407 W. Main st., Marshalltown 19755P Hallam, Julia Clark (Mrs Joseph Wood) 1323 Pearl st., vSioux City 31412f Halliday, Charlotte Laura Bascomb (Mrs).. 423 Fremont st., Boonesboro 35813« Hamill, Carrie Sherman (Miss) 610 Morgan st.. Keokuk Old South Chapter, Mass. IOWA. 183 28426< Hamilton, Margaret Bigelo^v (Mrs Sydney G.) Ames 3813(7 Hancock, Mary B. (Miss) 11 Highland Place, Diibuqne 26029rt Hand, Sarah Cornelia (Mrs William A.) Des Moines 22675e Harle, Cora Ethel (Miss) cor. 5th are. and 7th st., Council Rluffs 22674e Harle, Josephine W. (Mrs H. D.) cor. 5th are. and 7th st., Council Bluffs 33299c Harmon, Eachel Fisher (Mrs) 112 4th st., Council Bluffs 24617r/ Harriman, Helen M. (Mrs. Henry A.) Hampton 21977ij Harrison, Frances Elizabeth McA. (Mrs) 1711 Grand ave., Davenport 148557t Harrow, Mary Carpenter (Mrs Albert G.) 438 W. 4th St., OttumAYa 29844/c Hartman, Charlotte Page • (Mrs Joshua A.) Anamosa 33305fc Harvey, Jane Merton (Miss) Anamosa 33304fc Harvey, Lticy Lncina Clark (Mrs Edward M.) Anamosa 18425fc Harvey, Mary Evan (Mrs O. E.) Anamosa 18422rt Harvison, Carrie Catlin (Mrs W. G.)..2916 Brattleboro ave., Des IMoim s 21972c Harwood, Ellen C. M. (Mrs F. W.) 1015 3rd ave.. Cedar Eapids 26403f/ Hatch, Eliza Hammond (Mrs George P.) 1554 Locust st., Dubuque 267S9.'7 Hatch, George Ethel (Miss) 1554 Locust st., Dubuqi e lG1037t Haven, Caroline Maria Merwin (]\[rs William) 331 5t]i St., Ottumv.u 26784ft Hawkins, Alice (Miss) 658 20th st., Des ISIointt^s 3580Srt Hawkins, Emma Margaret (Miss) 49 Iliad st., Des Moines 35268 Hawkins, Nannie" Powell (Mrs Wm. Beverly) Marshalltowii 957SfZ Hayes, Frances Coan (Mrs Walter I.) "Revere House," Clinton. 19170<7 Hayes, Kate Loomis (Mrs John) Eed Oak 19171r/ Hayes, Mary Fassett (Miss) '. Eed Oak 15135* Head, Abbie' Davis (Mrs John A.) Boone 29457fc Hejinian, Bertha Stacy (Mrs Aram G.) Anamosa 35259f Held, Evelyn Charlotte Parks (Mrs Harry Charles) Boonesboro 34127b Hemenway, Lanie Schermerhorn (Mrs Herman C.) Cedar Fal's 26796/} Henderson, Cora Spadt (Mrs T. G.) 1514 Nebraska st., Sioux City 289536 Henry, Carrie L. (Mrs Seymour F.) 808 6th ave.. Council Bluffs 24593P Herrick, Martha Telfair "(Mrs John Walter) 1512 Jones St., Sioux City 31405(7 Heustis, Bertha Donna Perez Lincoln (Mrs) ...3 S. Grove Ter., Dubuque 1746711 Hewes, Blanche (Miss) Vinton 29445a Hewitt, Anna L. (Mrs. Charles Taylor) 908 8th st., Des Moines 19761a Hill, Ellen Eolf Beebe (Mrs Albert) 1107 W. Locust st., Des Moines 14017c Hill, Elsie Luceba Lj'on (Mrs) 322 E. College st., Iowa City 4529(7 Hill. Harriet Augusta (Miss) 1073 Locust st., Dubuq\;e 26790a Hillis, Cora Bussey (Mrs Isaac Lea) 1625 Sixth ave., Des Moines 174S4i Hills, Frances Dickman (Mrs Henry Hervey) 822 Brady st., Davenport 13321p Hills, Lucy Eipley (Mrs Frederick C.) Unity Place, Sioux City 352626r Hogan, Sarah Keenan (Mrs) 83 Summit St., Dubuque 34626 Hogg, Corinth Moody (Mrs Andrew J.) Fort Dodge 35252c Hoibrook, Harriett Fuller (Mrs Carleton W.) 846 Third ave.. Cedar Eapids 27577V Holmes, Juliette Farrar (Mrs) 712 La Fayette st., Waterloo 197640 Holmes, Lelia Pettingill (Mrs) Manchester 19162s Holson, Alliene (Miss) Grinnell 29460fc Holt, Clara Louise (Miss) Anamosa. 148537(. Holt, Emma Joanna (Miss) 119 E. Court st., Ottumwa 33736fc Holt, Helen E. (Miss) Anamosa 32853U Home, Nanna McCandless (Miss) 116 Concert st., Keokuk 32069U Hosford, Alice May (Miss) 421 Columbia St., Burlington 26798;) Hoskins, Lucy Margaret (Miss) 1523 Eebecca st., Sioux City 31415f Hostetter, Lillie Carter Hull (Mrs John I.) Colo 19172(/ Houghton, Ella Bacon (Mrs Hiram C.) Eed Oak 19173(/ Houghton, Luella (Miss) Eed Oak 2945S& Howard, Josephine Holt (Mrs Charles E.) Anamosa 13322;- Howard, Lillian Gray (Mrs Charles) Chariton 13320< Howe, Anna S. (Mrs^H. J.) 6 S. Fifth st., Marshalltown 334Sa HoAvell, Elizabeth Brown (Mrs Harold E.) 1619 High st., Des Moines 29446a Howell, Emma (Miss) 1218 7th st., Des Moines 23387H- Howell, Lucy Singleton (Mrs Harrison Scott) Keokuk 25204d Howes, Anna Bedford Howat (Mrs E. M.) Clinton 174850 Howland, Lydia A. (Mrs) Manchester Buntin, Chapter, N. H. Rockford Chapter, 111. 184 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 24628ra Hoyt, Mary Osborn (Miss) (M. D.) Keokuk 35266p Hubbard, Eleanor H. C. (Mrs E. Hamilton) 2804 Jennings st., Sioux City 32857U Hubbard, Laura Dutcher (Mrs Horatio) Waterloo 27250& Hubbell, Frances M. (Miss) Cedar Falls 29459fc Hubbell, Lena (Miss) Anamosa 27576& Hubbell, Lois Wood (Mrs Alexander F.) Cedar Falls 30309fc Hubbell, Eena (Miss) Anamosa 29857f Hughes, Ida May Eeed (Mrs) 1604 Arlington ave., Davenport 1921a Hull, Emma Gregory (Mrs John A. T.) 2422 Forest Drive, Des Moints 21061f Hull, Floretta E. Eice (Mrs S. Asbury) Boone 25704b Hunt, Helen Mar Garrison (Mrs Henry C.) Cedar Falls 32063fc Hunter, Amanda (Mrs William A.) Anamosa 32060a Himter, Lillian Heilman (Mrs George G.) 1250 9th st., Des Moines 30307a Hunter, Mary Bonnet Ankeny (Mrs Fred. H.) 612 E. 5th st., Des Moines 30747a Hurley, Louise M. (Mrs Thomas) 670 ISth st., Des Moines 9577d Huston, Grace Ann (Miss) 502 4th ave., Clinton 9576(i Huston, Marie Loretta (Miss) 502 4th ave., Clinton 23685** Hyde, Louisa Bird (Mrs Arthur A.) Des Moines 16732m Illick, Martha Cilley (Mrs) 625 S. Garfield ave., Burlington 33733/1 Ivins, Virginia Wilcox (Mrs W. S.) Keokuk 25202a Jackson, Marion B. (Mrs) 932 15th st., Des Moines 11506d. Jackson, Winifred Elizabeth (Mrs John) 540 10th ave., Clinton 27257c Jamispn, Matilda Herrick (Mrs J. W.) 1444 2nd ave., Cedar Eapitls 28090p Jarvis, Eleanor Eeading (Mrs Horace Harper).. 815 11th st., Sioux City 32459rt Jenkins, Florence Easton (Miss) 629 High St., Keokuk 20941(i John, Maude Thayer (Mrs Alilo Jesse) Clinton 36202V Johnson, Carrie Eeed (Mrs Elbert L.) 400 Commercial st., Waterlco 20306s Johnson, Ella Frances (Miss) Iowa City 29447a Johnson, Emma Grant (Mrs N. W.) 1168 21st st., Des Moines 100105 Johnson, Leora (Miss) 23 N. Clinton st., lovpa City 56640 Johnston, Ellen Cooley (Mrs John Franklin) Manchester 35817 Johnston, Mary H. Stoddard (Mrs Robert J.) Humboldt 35269« Johnston, Samantha Katherine (Mrs Eobert W.) 914 N. 8th st., Burlington 12649(( Jones, Jessica Childs (Mrs Seymour Harris) 1032 N. 5th st., Burlington 18436/1 Jordan, Laura Hennegin, (Mrs J. W.) 1049 N. Coiirt st., Ottum\\ a 31409ft Jordan, Nellie Butler (Mrs John Casto) 419 N. Court st., Ottumwa 191745 Junkin, Olivette Chevalier (Mrs J. M.) Eed Oak 346176 Keeline, Julia Dohany (Mrs William S.) 1133 E. Pierce st.. Council BlufFs 26800s Keen, Mary T. (Mrs Eichard A.) 433 Govenor st., Iowa City 21985a Kennedy, Adelle Satterlee (Mrs William Howe).. 1809 8th st., Des Moines 31413f Kennedy, Caroline Parmelee (Miss) 1210 Story st., Boone 29851V Kennedy, Mabel Emilie (Miss) Waterloo 27566ft Kerfoot, Daisy Lenore Ferree (Mrs John F.) 436 N. Court st., Ottumwa 29461fc Ketcham, Mary Thompson (Mrs) Anamosa 21486e Key, Mary Claybrook Owens (Miss) 7th st.. Council Bluffs 23686** Keyes, Fanny Ellsworth Hyde (Mrs James Davis) Des Moines 26803* Kibbey, Minnie G. (Mrs William B.) 704 W. Main st., Marshalltown 28421ft Kiester, Mary E. (Mrs George W.) 221 W. 5th st., Ottumwa 19167qr Kikendall, Elsie Byrkit (Mrs J.) Gravity 11508i7 Kimball, Harriet P. (Mrs Nelson W.) 1496 Main st., Dubuque 14S47p King, Ella MacBride (Mrs Erwin A.) 918 Jones st., Sioux City 18459V Kingsley, Mary Hubbard (Mrs Calvin Lyman) Waterloo 16098* Kirby, Jennie Eeed (Mrs George Frederic) 4 S. Fifth ave., Marshalltown 27559a Kirk, Elizabeth Bell (Mrs A. M.) 729 17th st., Des Moires 27571p Kleckner, Emma Eobinson (I\Irs Isaac Franklin) 1215 Jones st., Sioux City 32066p Kneedler, Lillian Stackerl (Mrs Charles Albert) 1413 13th st., Sioux City 23385/^ Knowlton, Harma Landon Baker (Mrs Gerry E.) 104 Yama st., Boone 24622ft Koontz, Delia Millisack (Mrs Alpheus) ". 227 Wapello st., Ottumwa 18437ft La Force, Mahala Dudley (Mrs D. A.) 427 W. 4th st., Ottumwa 21979ft La Force, Mary Black (Mrs James W.) Eldon 21976(7 Lagen, Mary Ferdinand (Miss) 392 Bluff st., Dubuque 23384W Lahee, Effie Frances (Miss) 831 N. 5th st., Burlington 7149d Lamb, Henrietta Smith (Mrs Artemus) 402 5th ave., Clinton Sabra Trumble Chapter, Conn. IOWA. 185 35264Zi; Lamb, Ida Frances (Miss) Olin 7126(i Lamb, Mollie Ankeny (Mrs James) 502 6tli ave., Clinton 28420f7 Lane, Edith Norcross (Miss) 990 Locust st., Dubuque 18442m Lane, Harriet (Miss) COl S. Woodlawn ave., Burlington 18443^ Lane, Martha (Miss) 201 S. Woodlawn ave., Burlington 214S8/7 Langstaff, Clara H. (Mrs Levi M.) ]297 Bluff st., Dubuque OlTO^f Langworthj-, Julia L. P. (Mrs Solon Massey) G2G W. 3d st., Dubuque 7153fZ Lee, Grace Ruth (Miss) 320 5th ave., Clinton 20307s Lindsay, Ella Hortense J. (Mrs J. G.) 935 E. College st., Iowa City 1S444M Little, Alice Louise (Mrs John J.) 515 S. 10th St., Burlington 36199p Livingstone, Eva L. (Mrs E. H.) 1000 Pierce st., Sioux dty 275677; Loomis, Idah ]\Iaud C. (Mrs William Edgar) Marion 36197n Loomis, Lois M. Pierson (Mrs Wesley H.) Cincinnati 3619SW Loomis, Lora Elmore (Miss) Cincinnati 34134p Loomis, Mary Louise Wellman (Miss) Cherokee 35261f; Looney, Margaret McClellan (Miss) Dubuque 29843fc Lull, Elizabeth Hicks (Mrs Charles) Anamosa 30310A: Lull, Emogene Sartelle (Mrs John Z.) Anamosa 25201ft Lyman, Eunie Dorcas (Miss) 308 7th st., Des Moines G516(/ McArthur, Martha H. E. (Mrs Charles H.) 87 Fenelon Place, Dubuque 29464fc McCarn, M. Augusta Hopkins (Mrs Davis) Anamosa 174816 McChesney, Stella Patterson (Mrs Charles C.) 611 5th ave.. Council Bluifs 219S07t McClure, Emily Conawav Porter (Mrs A. W.) Alt. Pleasant 267947^ McClure, Martha (Miss)"^ Mt. Pleasant 26405 McClure, Olive Cecil (Miss) Cedar Falls 19156U McConnell, Eliza H. (Mrs Samuel E.) 1015 N. Gth st.. Burlington 7139fZ McCoy, Clara Augusta Lamb (Mrs Eussell) 402 5th ave., Clinton 8757(7 McCoy, Frances Conger (Mrs Albert Eussell) 439 5th ave., Clinton 20290(7 McCoy, Marie E. Aylsworth (Mrs William James) Clinton 1553671 McCue, Charlotte Eliza (Mrs Albert E.) Ottumwa ^9474f McCune, Louisa Kate (Mrs C. A.)..W. Sth and Forrest ave., Des Moines 20317(7 McDoel* Annette (Miss) 52 Grant St., Dubaqiie 35263fir McFadden, Bernice M. (Mrs John A.). GOG West Third st., Dubuque 36734W MacFlinn, Abbie (Miss) 118 Clay st., Burlington 16733m MacFlinn, Charlotte Ewing (Miss) 525 S. Garfield ave., Burlington 35248a McGorrisk, Anna B. (Mrs) 721 Fifth ave., Des Moines 2946371; Mclntyre, Ada C. Lull (Mrs Wm.) Anamosa 314181; Mack, Lillian Kimball (Mrs J. G.) Jefferson st., Waterloo 12650^7 McKnight, Mary Eebecca (Miss) 1689 Main st., Dubuque 28423 McMurray, Jessie Dunham (Mrs) Webster City 28961 McNeely, Frances D. Tinkham (Mrs G. W.) 401 W. Main st., Marshalltovi^n 3954a Macomber, Mattie Locke (Mrs J. K.) . . 3020 Kingman ave., Des Moines 28418e McPherson, Francis H. Boyer (Mrs Smith) Eed Oak 28944|| McQuiston, Laura Forbes Fitch (Mrs Charles) 1043 21st st.. Des Moinfs 31403c Madison, Eunice A. Glass (Mrs P. C.) 1408 3rd ave.. Cedar Eapids 4113(7 Mahin, Abbie A. Cadle (Mrs Frank W.) Highland Park, Clinton 2269? Malcolm, Eliza Ewing Sample (M^'s) 2219 Perry st., Davenport 16110r Mallory, Annie Louise Ogden (Miss) Chariton 275787) Markley, Lily Emsley (Mrs James E. E.) 203 Cedar st., Macon City 191667) Markley. Mary A. Schenck (Mrs H. H.) Cedar Falls 11897p Marks, Josephine Kilbourn (Mrs Constant E.) 1205 Douglas st., Sioux City 20308s Marshall. Martha A. (Mrs William) 22 E. Jefferson St., Iowa City 87607 Mason, Anne Blaine (Miss) 1219 Perry st., Davenport 87597 Mason, Marj^ Sample (Mrs) 1219 Perry st., Davenport 19154e Maurer, Margaret Dohany (Mrs William A.).. 831 2nd ave.. Council Bluffs 32926 Means, Sophronia E. (Mrs Wm. Wirt) Vinton 264097 Melville, Martha Earhart (Mrs J. H.) 1015 Perry st., Davenport 27573m Mercer, Jennie Bernard (Mrs John) 918 N. Sth st., Burlington 5660f7 Merchant, Ella (Mrs L. Stoddard) Cedar Rapids 28424c Merrill, Anna Mary (Miss) 518 7th st.. Cedar Rapids 209487; Merrill, Garaphelia Burnham (Mrs Joseph H.) 227 E. 6th st., Ottumwa 32858 Meservey, Anna Scott (Mrs) Fort Dodge 32859 Meservey, Elizabeth Scott (Miss) Fort Dodge North Shore Chapter, 111. 186 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E, 352556 Metcalf, Eva Canfield (Mrs Thomas) 131 Bluff st., Council Bluffs 29462fc Millard, Laura L. Lull (Mrs Charles S.) Anamosa 18445m Millard, Mabel Gordon (Mrs Frank Ashley) 1025 N. 5th st., Burlington 24613a Miller, Laura Justena (Mrs James Winfield) Winterset 36201 Miller, Pamelia Isabelle (Miss) 430 Third st.. Fort Madison 35G68& Miller, Vesta Call (Mrs Frank B.) 1117 Clay st.. Cedar Falls 20947/t Mills, Frances (Miss) 326 East 4th st., Ottumwa 14018ft Mitchell, Adelj^n Wilson (Miss) 1619 E. Main st., Ottumwa 126467t Mitchell, Alice Carey Wilson (Mrs J. C.) 222 N. Green st., Ottumwa 3346a Monk, Lillian (Mrs E. H.) Nevada 352566 Montgomery, Eleanor (Miss) 605 Third st.. Council Bluffs 252076 Montgomery, Lettie Dodge (Mrs Eobert E.)..605 3rd st.. Council Bluffs 32845* Morgan, Harriet Gettemy (Mrs William) Wappello 19175(2 Morrell, Gertrude Eogers (Mrs Theodore Cuyler) Red Oak 5002fir Morrill, Cornelia Isabel D. (Mrs Richard) .. 127 Highland Place, Dubuque 25221s Morrison, Cora Belle (Miss) 327 E. Burlington st., Iowa City 26799s Morrison, Elizabeth F. (Mrs W, A.) 327 E. Burlington st., Iowa City 31400a Moulton, Nettie_ Louise (Miss) Stuart 18454(Z Mullett, Valeria Harding (Mrs Eugene R.) Clinton 35249a Musgrave. Cynthia Luella Dewey (Mrs E. C.) 1085 22nd st., Des Moines 27564(Z Musser, Julia Hutchinson (Mrs Peter M.) Muscatine 29465A; Myrick, Theresa Vernette Peet (Mrs Charles Theodore) Anamosa 27562(Z Nagel, Jennie Trvin Patton (Mrs Emil N.) Clinton 2382SP Nettleton, Emily Smith (Mrs) 2102 \Y. 3rd st., Sioux City 29449fc Niles, Nellie S. (Mrs C. L.) Anamosa 3412S& Nims, Georgia Smeallie (Mrs Charles H.) Cedar Falls 30311fc Noble, Elizabeth W. (Mrs George E.) Anamosa 26404V Norman, Belle Norris (Mrs J. A.) 433 Almond st., Waterloo 29852V Norman, Mary Jessie (Miss) Almond st., Waterloo 7152d Norman, Nina Laura (Miss) 632 Stockholm st., Clinton 19981 Nott, Anna Belle (Mrs Robert H.) 130 E. 16th st., Davenport 24624^ Nott, Elizabeth Dinsmore (Miss) 130 E. 16th* st., Davenport 19754^ Nutting, Martha Farr (Mrs James Ralph).. 1312 E. Front st., Davenport 7118(Z Obert, Anna Pratt Lyon (Mrs Casin B.) 402 4th ave., Clinton 3581a Ogilvie, Carrie Margaret (Mrs George W.) 814 Prospect Blvd., Des Moines 28963V OTveefe, Maud Weaver (Mrs Matthew) 40S W. 4th st., Waterloo 7114(? Olney, Ella May (Mrs Arthur R.) 502 5th ave., Clinton 7116(Z Olney, Florence (Miss) 502 5th ave., Clinton 29466fc Osborne, Sarah Thompson (Mrs Edwin) Anamosa 256376 Ostrander, Susan A. W. (Mrs Jas. H.) 6th st. and 8th ave., Council Bluffs 328526 Otis, Julia Henrietta (Miss) 917 2nd ave.. Council Bluffs 19160d Paddock, Helen Cordelia (Mrs Albert Halleck) Clinton 29845fc Page, M. Annette (Miss) Anamosa 29855& Page, Mary Brainerd Chapman (Mrs Abbott Chandler) Cedar Falls 15424f Paine, Augusta Dudley Carlisle (Mrs Freeman L.) 1219 Story st.. Boone 19178(1' Palmer, Edith Carolyn (Miss) Red Oak 19176a Palmer, Emma Richardson (Mrs George) Red Oak 21984s Palmer, Kate L. (Mrs) Lucus st., Iowa City 19177g Palmer, Sarah (Miss) Red Oak 23823a Patrick, Rosabelle I.' Jackson (Mrs) 932 15th st., Des Moines 155336 Patterson, Isabel (Miss) 504 S. 6th st.. Council Bluffs 32457(7 Feabody, Hattie Barr (Mrs William H.) 1428 Locust st., Dubuque 24632tf Peasley, Virginia Smith McCord (Mrs D. W.)..408 High st., Burlington 16727? Peck, Maria Purdy (Mrs W. F.) ...Oak Terrace, Davenport 26804]f Peckham, Lydia Hamilton (Mrs Louis S.)..201 N. 3rd ave., Marshalltown 11510p Peirce, Mary Ely Weare (Mrs Howard Gilpin) . .1110 Pearl st., Sioux City 12076p Pendleton, Mary Lucv (Miss) .1011 Pearl st., Sioux City 29473« Penrose, Rebecca Leila (Miss) 923 N. 3rd st., Burlington 3354a Peters, Mary Helen Bayliss (Mrs Robert R.) Ernhurst 252086 Phelps, Anna Baldwin (Mrs George) 702 1st ave., Council Bluffs 20942fZ Phelps, Helen Dixon (Mrs George Benajah) Clinton 29854& Phillips, Lura Hubbell (Miss) Cedar Falls 16104/1 Philpott, Eva E. (Mrs C. H.) Des Moines Warren Chapter, 111. IOWA. 187 24629» Pickens, Carrie Amelia Nelson (Mrs William Burk) Keokuk ICiliOv Pickett, May Besser (Mrs John Henry) 201 East High ave., Oskaloosa 126i3h Pierce, Julia A. (Mrs Frederick D.) . . . ." Cedar Falls 2322« Pittman, Cora Helen Knowles (Miss) 1528 Fulton st., Keokuk 314196 Piatt, Flora Crosby (Mrs Frederick A.) Cedar Falls 6169/7 Poole, Frances Langworthy (Mrs Horace) 120 17th st.. Dubuque 18447m Poor, Cora Ernestine (Miss) 1103 N. 6th st., Burlington 15537/t Pope, Ida Ursula (Mrs John F.) 121 E. Maple ave., Ottumwa 20316 Powers, Jennie A. (Mrs) Waterloo 2921rt Pratt, Adelia J. (Mrs Edward G.) 2162 Grand ave.. Des Moines 21973e Preston, Adeline Lealand Wood (Mrs) 1017 1st ave.. Cedar Eapids 13891|| Provoost, Grace A. (Mrs) 1058 Bluff st., Dubuque 12651(7 Provoost, Sarah Merwin (Miss) 1060 Bluff st.. Dubuque 3312Z Putnam, Elizabeth Duncan (Miss) 2013 Brady st., Davenport 616? Putnam, Mary L. Duncan (Mrs Charles E.) 2013 Brady st., Davenport 219S2H Eand, Lilian Cora (Mrs Charles W.) "The Pines," Burlington 20756?- Eaquet, Frances May Dodge (Mrs C. G.) Washington 33737/0 Eemley, Bertha (Miss) Anamosa 29469/i; Eemley, Mary Eddj^ Underwood (Mrs Howard M.) Anamosa 27251V Eichards, Julia Anner Bundy (Mrs Walter 0.) Waterloo 6773(7 Eichards, Siddie Frances Pierce (Mrs J. W.)..407 E. Park ave., Waterloo 264480 Eichardson, Emma Jane Cotton (Mrs) Manchester 21961* Eicker, Mabel Ella Tompkins (Mrs Benjamin J.) Grinnell 19157« Bobbins, Carrie Evelyn (Miss) 722 Lewis st., Burlington 1915Sj( Bobbins, Florence Estella (Miss) 722 Lewis st., Burlington 33740i: Eobertson, Edna Walker (Mrs Frederick W.) 715 E. 4th st., Waterloo 24625Z Eobertson, Pearle Patch (Mrs Charles M.)..124 College ave., Davenport 32062f/ Eobinson, Adeline Howie (Mrs Fred. Cyrus) 600 W. 3rd st., Dubuque 6171& Eobinson, Julia N. (Mrs Lewis O.) 807 Clay st., Cedar Falls 20301^ Eoby, Lizzie Wright (Mrs Wyllis Scott) Grinnell 267S5« Eoe, Elizabeth Emmons (Mrs O. E.) 828 E. Grand ave., Des Moines 26033rf Eogers, Alice (Miss) Clinton 26032rf Eogers, Eliza (Miss) Clinton 22677^ Eogers, Frances Loiiise (Miss) Iowa City 19179(/ Eogers, Isabella Cramer (Mrs Hiram Sturgeon) Eed Oak 22676^ Eogers, Kate Brainerd (Mrs C. P.) Iowa City 3809(7 Eogers, May (Miss) 547 Locust st., Dubuque 174836 Eoss, Anna Zoe (IMiss) 617 Willow st.. Council Bluffs 14850/i Eoss, Flora Smiley (Miss) 416 N. Court st., Ottumwa 148517i Eoss, Laura Amanda (Miss) 416 N. Court st., Ottumwa 17482e Eoss, Zoe Melissa (Mrs Lewis Williams) . .617 Willow ave., Council Bluffs 34621« Boot, Julia IVlagee (]Mrs Joseph L.) 224 N. 4th St.. Keokuk 33302r/ Eowan, Mary Keenan (Mrs Joseph J.) 1357 Main st., Dubuque 29468/; Eussell, Theresa Elizabeth Peet (Mrs Frank) Anamosa 6517// Eyan, Gertrude Wilson (Mrs S. D.) 1243 Locust st., Dubuque 33307/0 Sarles, Sarah Ann (Mrs) Monticello 24630;; Sawyer, Elizabeth Maraquita (Miss) Keokuk 25214H. Sawyer, Marcia Louise Jenkins (Mrs) 629 High st., Keokuk 219S6rt Scofield, Francis L. (Mrs Proctor D.) 904 18th st., Des Moines 7128(/ Scott, Elizabeth Jane (Mrs) .'. 314 6th ave., Clinton 30751// Scott, Harriet Louise (Mrs Eichard) 200 Fenelon Place, Dubuque 34627 Schaupp, Emma Hogg (Mrs. John M.) Fort Dodge 7127f/ Seaman. Helen Valeria (Mrs Halleck Wager) 314 6th ave., Clinton 23825// Searles, Grace Albee (Mrs C. J.) 120 W. 11th st., Dubuque 14004 Sears, Arabella Purcupile (Mrs Frank J.) Storm Lake 36200P Sedgwick, Mary Stone Wolcott (Mrs Willis L.) Sioux City 29472/0 Shaw, Elizabeth Crane Higby (Mrs William Tuckerman) Anamosa 4702/b Shaw, Helen L. (Miss) Anamosa 25703n Sheldon, Clara Idella (Mrs) 1422 Fulton st., Keokuk 31414f Sheldon, Fanny Henshaw (Mrs) 1009 3d st., Boone 18446a Shelton, Julia"^ Woodward (Mrs. Charles Eldred) Indianola 1610S»- Sherfey, Euth Carter (Mi^s) 716 High st., Burlington 10009(Z Shoecraft, Jutie Mcintosh (Mrs Simon) 539 5th ave., Clinton Freelove Baldwin Stow, Conn. George Rogers Clarke Chapter, 111. DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. 7120(Z Shoecraf t, Letitia (Miss) 539 Sth. ave., Clinton :22672a Shore, Bertha Call (Mrs F. E. V.) 696 19th st., Des Moines 5661^7 Shoup, Samantha Whipple (Mrs William J.) 180 Nevada st., D^ibuque 23382s Shrader, Eliza A. Melvin (Mrs) Bnrling'ton and Lucas sts., Iowa City 184387J Sibberell, Ora Carpenter (Mrs Sumner) ../.. .1029 N. Court st.. Ottumwa 30760fc Sigworth, Gladj^s L. (Miss) Anamosa 29470fc Sigworth, Jane Meade (Mrs Harrison W.) Anamosa 29471fc Sigworth, Zanonia Welch (Mrs T)e Bud Bowen) Anamosa 11072rt Skinner, Katherine Hooker (Mrs W. D.) 1601 High st., Des Moines 29448A; Skinner, Marian Stacy (Mrs William B.) Anamosa 27565e Slead, Hattie Tuller (Miss) 7th st. and 7th ave.. Council Bluffs 33735W Smith, Ernestine Leech (Mrs Charles J.) Keokuk 32462s Smith, Grace Otis Partridge (Mrs A. G.) 422 N. Dubuque st., Iowa City 29853?; Smith, Mary Jeanette Camp (Mrs William G.) Waterloo 16736a Smouse, Adah E. Hawkins (Mrs A. L.) 704 19th st., Des Moines 2603SW Snodgrass, Lulu M. (Mrs Edward Grant) Keokuk 18421fc Soper, Margery A. (Mrs) Anamosa lS439;i Spaulding, Ella E. (Miss) 415 N. Market st., Ottumwa 23832^ Speers, Elizabeth Boot (Mrs) Marshalltown 30762?} Spencer, Ella Moore (Mrs John P.) 4 Elvyn Place., Oskaloosa 29847? Spencer, Harriet Jane (Mrs. George K.) 1220 Main st., Davenport 35247a Spencer, Mary Burbank (Mrs Carl M.) 1503 W. 5th st., Des Moines 19760** Sperry, Fanny A. Beebe (Mrs) 1119 W. Locust st., Des Moines 272456 Squire, Elizabeth (Miss) 202 Story st., Council Bluffs 34622;) Stackerl, Abbie Dillon (Mrs Jacob) 1449 Douglas st., Sioux City 28954/' Stanger, Katherine Champlin R. (jNIrs) 66 Benton st., Boone 2158 Stanton, Gertrude Evangeline Aughey (Mrs John) Chariton 19766f/ Staples, Abby Croswell (Mrs George McL.) 490 Locust st., Dubuque 1976Sf; Staples, Harriet May (Miss) 490 Locust st., Dubuque 19767i/ Staples, Helen E. (Miss) 490 Locust St., Dubuque 20309s Startsman, Fanny Octavia (Mrs Oliver) .. .110 Bloomington st., Iowa City 20310s Startsman, Winifred (Miss) 110 Bloomington st., Iowa City 11075/) Stevens, Genevieve Davis (Mrs George J.) cor. 13th & Pearl sts., Sioux City 30755/" SteA-ens, Olive Edson (Miss) 728 Linn st., Boone 27580f Stevens, Eowena Edson (Mrs John L.) Boone 24618^7 Stout, Clara Wales (Mrs Frank D.) 1105 Locust st., Dubuque 34589* Strain, Edith Brown Kimball (Mrs. G. Merrill) . .124 4th st., Coimcil Bluffs 21974(7 Sullivan. Hope Drepiierd Lagen (Mrs J. M.) 60 Wilson ave., Dubiique 35067& Suplee, Etta (Miss) 816 W^ashington st., Cedar Falls 27579« Sweetser, Martha Jane Rogers (Mrs William Woodman) Waterloo 25203(i Sweney, Evelyn Dille (Miss) Clinton 30759i Swiney, Florence D. Van Patten (Mrs T. O.) 1300 Ripley st., Davenport 27254fc Tagge, Carrie Emma Brady (]Mrs) 1102 E. Front st., Davenport 14854ft Taylor, Catherine Carpenter (Mrs J. Asbury)..415 N. Court st., Ottumwa 28964?; Taylor, Harriet (Miss) 714 Commercial st., Waterloo 31406fif Temple, Anna Oilman (Miss) 215 Seminary st., Dubuque 27258c Templeton, Luna Farwell (Mrs I. Edward) Monticello 10006a Terrell, Mary Putnam M'Kinney (Mrs) 728 17th st., Des Moines 34616d Tetzlaff, Sara E. (Mrs Herman August) Clinton 31407(7 Tew, Caroline Ellene (Mrs) 968 Bluff st., Dubuque 20944(Z Thayer, Delia Payne (Mrs Edward Harlington) Clinton 26034d Thayer, May Frances (Miss) Clinton 26045d Thayer, Nellie I. (Miss) ' Clinton 8137r Thayer, Jessie Mallory (Mrs) Chariton 246150 Thomas, Ethyl (Miss)" 127 S. 8th st., Coimcil Bluffs 25215)1 Thomas, L. Yictorine (Mrs Francis Gurney) Mooar 20943 Thompson, Anna Louise (Mrs Watson) Clinton 33739/) Thompson, Florence Foster T. (Mrs G. S.) 912 Jennings st., Sioux City •14010 Thompson, Katherine Richardson (Mrs Harry F.) Eock Rapids 2679571 Thompson, Lide Crosby (Miss) Ottumwa 19750ft Thrall, Martha Featherston (Mrs Frank Brooks) Cleveland 35815 Thrush, Ada E. Brown (Mrs J. O.) Webster City 35258/ Tillson, Kittie Hill (Mrs Clarence Dee) 321 Marshall st., Boone Zebulon Pike Chapter, Col. Dorothy Quincy Chapter, 111. IOWA. 189 133250 Tirrell, Eliza Jane Weeks (Mrs) Manchester 21770t3 Tittle, Jane Maclay (Mrs) Waterloo 337325f Tomlinson, Julia Crawford (Mrs Wm. Hite) Security blclg-., Dubuque 4865(7 Torbert, Margaret Eockwell (Mrs G. Lansing) . .1689 Main st., Dubuque 20314? Torbert, Hannah Caldwell McC. (Mrs J. T.) 831 Kirkwood Blvd., Davenport 26410H. Townsend, Cara Curtis (Miss) Keokuk: 30752 Tracy, Amy Pringle (Mrs Henry F.) Brighton 3S08(; Tredway, Fannie Bissell (Mrs Alfred Worthington) 295 17th St., Dubuque 14845// Tredway, Marian McConnel (Mrs Harry E.) 45 Fenelon Place, Dubuque 29846fc Treman, Anna (Miss) Anamosa 32856? Trine, Katherine A. (]\[rs. Charles) 305 W. State st., Marshalltown 197517( Trotter, Mary Blanche (Mise) 424 5th St., Ottumwa. 17476« Tucker, Carrie J. (Miss) 1326 N. 7th st., Burlington 3351a Vail, Hortense Octavia Bailey (Mrs Joseph William) Colfax 7115d! Van Camp, Lilian May Olney (Mrs Samuel) Clinton 16739^ Vanderwater, Clara M. Guernsey (Mrs) Dubuque 8753d Van Kiiran, Annie Gertrude (Miss) 513 5th ave., Clinton 9048a Van Slyke, Eva P. (Mrs Chas. B.) 1410 10th st., Des Moines 28970 Van Valkenburg, Carrie Cooper (Mrs M. W.) Ottnmwa 36203 Vittum, Annie GrisAvold (Mrs Edmund March) 1109 Park st., Grinnell 16728? Vollmer, Jessie Peck (Mrs -Henry) Oak Terrace, Davenport 10007« Vorse, Augusta Terrell (Mrs Chas. S.) 728 17th st., Des Moine& 20782 Waddey, Jessie Miller (Mrs Earnest J.) Waterloo 184496f Wadley, Mary E. Cory (Mrs Samuel Parker) 471 W. 3rd st., Dubuque 35260f Wahl, Nettie Mcintosh (Mrs) Boonesboro 30761c Waite, Cornelia Shugart (Mrs) 1944 1st ave.. Cedar Eapids 34623p Waitt, Ella Lodora Holman (Mrs George W.)..1216 Pierce st., Sioux City 19164P Wakefield, Bertha (Miss) 805 9th st., Sioux City . 26797P Wakefield, Mary H. Hoskins (Mrs) 1512 George St., Sioux City 23132fir Walker, Cornelia Fairbanks (Mrs ISIarshall) . .65 Grove Terrace. Dubuque 14008c Walker, Laura Weare (Mrs William Williams) . .701 2nd ave., Cedar Rapids 17986& Walker, Marion McFarland (Mrs S. T.) Cedar Falls 7122 Walworth, Elizabeth C. Wilcox (Mrs) 402 6th ave., Clinton 7141(Z Ware, Augusta Lamb (Mrs Edward) 318 6th ave., Clinton 7155d Ware, Mary Pomeroy (Mrs Fred. E.) 435 Fifth ave., Clinton 3349a Warfield, Ella Lyford (Mrs Wilson R.) 2116 Grand ave., Des Moines 32064fc Washburne, Mary H. (Mrs R. x\rthur) Anamosa 21489? Waterman, Annie Lowrj^ (Mrs C. M.) Kirkwood Boul'd, Davenport 11514?> Weare, Susanna H. (Miss) 705 Pearl st., Sioux City 2S965r' Weaver, Annie Brown (Mrs Daniel) 406 Lafayette st., Waterloo 26030a Webster, Louie Rhine (Mrs Frank Wolcott) 820 4th st., Des Moines 14009c Weed, Maria Tobey (Mrs) West Union 26788(7 Weigel, Elsie Kathryn McManigal (Mrs F. H.) 1130 Main st., Dubuque 20951« Wells, Gate Gilbert '(Mrs) 910 Jefferson st., Burlington 17475a Wellslager, Anna B. (Mrs R. T.) 2137 Grand ave., Des Moines 21987a Wellslager, Frances Beekman (Mrs M. J.).. 1437 Locust st., Des Moints 28091r Wemple, Amanda Nye (Mrs) Garden Grove 28430r Wemple, Edith Claire (Miss) Garden Grove 35812e Westcott, Catherine (Mrs J. H., Jr.) 205 Stutsman st., Council Bluffs 26798// Wheeler, Ethel Hatch (Mrs Charles) Fort Dodge 16729? Whitcomb, Beulah Beatrice (Miss) Locust and Grand ave., Davenport 18457 White, Kittle Ainsworth (Mrs Fred. W.)- West Union 8755(Z Wilcox, Annie Clarke (Mrs Frederick P.) 402 6th ave., Clinton 16109« Wilkinson, Sarah M. (Mrs Thomas) 715 High St., Burlington 284220 Willey, Hattie E. Brewster (Mrs Frederick W.) Jordan 26807r Williams, Elizabeth Crittenden (Mrs Henry) Waterloo 284296 Williams, Lizzie S. (Mrs H. E.) Cedar Falls 27563(Z Williams, Pauline (Miss) Clinton 25705b Wilson, Clara E. (Mrs James H.) 315 Washington st.. Cedar Falls 34129?) .Wilson, Harriet Miller (Mrs Eldredge) 1716 Clay st.. Cedar Falls 17478d Wilson, Martha Clarissa White (Mrs Owen Gregg).. 521 5th ave., Clinton 16107tt Wilson, Ruth D. Carpenter (Mrs H. P.) Mediapolis 19155e Wirt, Ella Blaine (Miss) 716 Willow ave.. Council Bluffs 35253?) Wise, Emma Silliman (Mrs Clarence H.) Cedar Falls 7130d Wisner. Mary Jeanette Gardiner (Mrs) Clinton 33308it Wood, Margaret M. (Miss) : Anamosa ^^^ DIRECTORY, D. A. K. I nor. J ^^oodbury Mabel Frances (Miss) 407 E. Church st., Marshalltown 35809a. ^\ oodiii, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs) 1043 21st St., Des Moines 24614a Wright, Dorcas Larv (Mrs John E.) CirinTnell 12642Z — • - „,.,•.,- wiiuiieii 16730? 25521a 7041"- Zollinger, Elizabeth JNIarion (Mrs Jeremiah R.) . . . . . . . . . . . .... Newton 7042* Zollinger, Gulielma (Miss) Newton vvrignt, uorcas i^ary (Mrs John E.) Grinnell ,Wylie, Nancy Cable (Mrs Joseph Smith) 1404 Brady st.', Davenport Young, Betsey Drake (Mrs John B.) 422 E. 14th st., Davenport Young, Mary L. Kuhn (Mrs Erank J.) Denui«on KANSAS State Regent, ]901, Mrs. Lucv B. Johnston, 1034 Harrison st., Topeka " " 1902, " " " " " '' " " " CHAPTERS (4 organized.) a. Betty Washington Chapter — Lawrence Organized October 17, 1896; Members, 36 (Colorado, 1) Regent, Mrs Edna B. Fuller Treasurer, Mrs Lillian P. Hall Vice-Regent, Mrs Hattie R. Bruce Registrar, Mrs Inez St. C. Zook Sec, Miss Florence G. Clarke Historian, Miss May H. Spencer b. Eunice Sterling Chapter — Wichita Organized October 21, 1896; Members, J/l (loiva, 1) Regent, Mrs Emma L. Stanley Cor. Sec, Mrs Elizabeth H. Fuller Tice-Regent, Mrs Emma L. H. Reed Treasurer, Mrs Elizabeth B. Rose Rec. Sec, Miss Eva Dewey Registrar, Mrs Alice K. Mortimore Historian, Mrs S. S. Ashbaugh. c. General Edward Hand Chapter — Ottawa Organized February 7, 1900; Members, 19 PiCgent, Mrs M. L. Ward Cor. Sec, Mrs E. M. Sheldon Vice-Regent, Mrs J. Davis Treasurer, Miss J. M. Brooks Sec, Miss F. A. Benson Registrar, Miss I. M. Crawford Historian, Mrs W. E. Beach d. Topeka Chapter — Topeka Organized Aijril 2, 1896; Members 56 (Arkansas, 1; Georgia, 1) Regent, Mrs A. H. Thompson Treasurer, Mrs Myra D. Barkley Vice-Regent, Mrs Eugene F. Ware Registrar, Miss Zu Adams iSec, Mrs Luther Burns Historian, Mrs N. F. Handy Members Residing in the State 12657fZ Adams Zu (Miss) 1501 Warren st., Topeka 26042(i Alexander, Lura Fallass (Mrs Chas.) Stockton 15539& Anawalt, Lucretia S. Grosvenor (Mrs) Wichita 10862t Anthony, Annie E. Osborn (Mrs Dan'l R.) Leavenworth 352716 Ashbaugh, Louise Mansfield (Mrs S. S.) 1340 W. Topeka ave., Wichita 14863a Bailey, Elizabeth A. (Mrs L. D.) 944 Kentucky st., Lfjwrence 13328rf Baker, Caroline M. (Mrs Charles S.) Topeka 260416 Baker, Mollie Garrard (Mrs Albert Edw.) 1000 N. Emporia ave., Wichita 30764a Banks, Helen Mary (Mrs George A.) 1345 Tenn. st., Lawrence 30765a Bardwell, Jane L. (Mrs Jared L.) Manhattan * Faith Trumbull Chapter, Conn. t ilartlia Vineyard Chapter, Mass. KANSAS. 191 27582f/ Barkley, JNlary W. (Miss) 621 Harrison st., Topeka 27oSld Barkley, Mira Davis (Mrs James T.) 621 Harrison st., Topeka 155406 Barrow, Jane Wey Grosvenor (Mrs Clarence W.) Kingman 26627c Beach, Esther Bailey (Mrs Watson Edward) Ottawa 3487911 Bearce, Elizabeth Faulkner "(Mrs F. B.) Abilene 8402a Beck, Mary Hamilton (Mrs M. W.) Halton 28967c Benson, Fannie Amelia (Miss) Ottawa 14S64rf Blakeslee, Grace Barton (Mrs Thomas)... Neodesha 341366 Blackledge, Mattie Allen (Mrs James Franklin) Caney 9181^ Blatchly, Charlotte A. (Miss) Argentine 179S7(Z Boughton, Anna M. Pratt (Mrs Homer) 1108 Topeka ave.. Topek.i 337456 Bristow, Eliza R. (Mrs George W.) .Wichita 32S60C Brooks, Jennie M. (Miss) Ottawa 27054§ Brown, Emma M. Eoot (Mrs John Mill) Axtell 1S461« Bruce, Hattie Atwood Eollins (Mrs liobert Morris) Lawrence 346296 Buflington, Cyntha (Mrs John) Wichita 13327d Burnes, Mary Alice Burwell (Mrs Luther) 1254 Tyler st., Topeka 260406 Burrell, Sarah E. Grant (Mrs Andrew J.).. 407 E. Douglas ave., Wichita 15541a Byrd, Alice Huntington (Miss) Lawrence 17991a Byrd, Elizabeth Adelaide Lowe (Mrs John Hiintington) Lawrence 25224a Cady, Stella Cornelia Gallup (Mrs H. P.) University of Kansas, Lawrence 24621t Carpenter, Eva H. (Mrs Worth O.) Oskaloosa 16742 Carpenter, Mary Wilson Elliott (Mrs Eobert P.) Neodesha 15538b Carter, Lucetta Stevens Fassett (Mrs N. E.) 506 Sedgwick Blk., Wichita 226S4a Chalkley, Constance G. Howland (Mrs T. H.)..1121 Ohio st., Lawrence 33313d Clapp, Nellie Fonda (Mrs Henry B.) Aj kansas City 22685a Clarke, Edith M. (Miss) ' 1210 Ohio st., Lawrence 14186a Clarke, Florence G. (Miss) 924 Ehode Island st., Lawrence 35779| Clarkson, Clara Dunning Sargent (Mrs John) Winfield 346316 Cook, Albertina Case, (Mrs Edward A.).... 813 N. Lawrence ave., Wichita 12656d Cook, Mary White (Mrs Henry F.) 1017 Tyler St., Topeka 29480c Coleman, Fannie L. Sheldon (Mrs W. C.) 718 S. Cedar st., Ottawa 29041* Cotterell, Ivadelle May Cornell (Mrs John Francis) Fort Scott 29477c Crawford, Inez Mabel (Miss) 603 S. Cedar st., Ottawa 24636d Curdy, Helen Sackett (Mrs William W^ilson) , Edna 16112(Z Daniels, Julia Smith (Mrs Aug. T.)..Cor. 21st st. & Topeka ave., Topeka 28968c Davis, Alexina St. C. W. (Mrs Jepthae) 321 3rd St., Ottawa 31611t| Davis, Mary J. McGill (Mrs Samuel Warner) Paola 314216 Dewey, MaVgaret Eva (Miss) 508 Sedgwick Block, Wichita 12591tt Dillon, Susan Finley Brown (Mrs H. P.) 921 Hamsen st., Topeka 16722** Dunn, Mary Elizabeth Moody (Mrs George N.) Wichita 14862a Estabrook, Lucy Pratt (Mrs William) 844 Tennessee st., Lawrence 22783^ French, Grace Gertrude Albers (Mrs Alfred W.) Junction City 324676 Friedley, Hattie Hills (IMrs George Edward) Harris 15542a Fuller, Edna Bradford (Mrs Arthur Newton) Lawrence 324666 Fuller, Elizabeth Havens (Miss) 401 Topeka ave., Wichita 280946 Furlong, Annie H. (Mrs J. P.) 938 N. Washington ave., W^ichita 34138(Z Gardner, Helen W. (Mrs Melvin X.) Greenleaf 17988 Gemmell, Anna E. C. (Mrs Eobert P..) Topeka 29478c Gilley, Jane McLaurine Williamson (Mrs Henry Walter) Ottawa 14866(i Gilmore, Florence Barton (Mrs John S.) ' Fredonia 25225a Gilmore, .Tulia Harmon (Mrs James L) Lawrence 35272c Good, Eosa Ellon Cleveland (Mrs J. P.) 634 Poplar st., Ottawa 31610:j:^ Goodrich, Frances McGill (Mrs Clark Horace) Indpendence 36205 Goodwin, Lillian Beatrice Hamblett (Mrs Orlando W^) Concordia 100116 Graves, Mary Brooks (Mrs Walter H.) 530 University ave., Wichita 29475a Green, Sarah J. Attee (^Slrs William E.) Lawrence 35820d Grisham, Sadie Park (Mrs Thomas H.) Cottonwood Falls 25110 Hahn, Lonnie B. Bennett (Mrs William C.) Fort Scott 16113d Hale, Frances Cook (Mrs G. D.) 303 10th ave., W. Topeka 16746a Hall, Lillian Popence (Mrs Clarence S.) 642 Louisiana st., Lawrence II Col. George Groofhan Chapter, Ohio. il Elizabeth Benton Chapter, Mo. § Western Reserve Chapter, Ohio. t Elizabeth Ross Chapter, Iowa. t Geneseo Chapter, 111. * Ot-si-ke-ta Chapter, Mich. t+ Col. Lowry Chapter, N. .J. ft Rev. James Caldwell Chapter, 111. ** Gen. Van Renssalaer Chapter, Ind. 192 DIEECTOKY, D. A. K. 651S(Z Hand, Martha A. (Mrs Hiram) Holton 122S5(Z Handy, Elizabeth Patterson (Mrs N. F.) 1275 Topeka ave., Topeka 34630& Harding-, Alice E. (Mrs Henry J) 615 N. Lawrence ave., Wichita 17989 Hardt, Mary W. (Mrs John 'w.) 134 Greenwood ave., Topeka 34632/>i Harris, Ida E. (Mrs Kos) 803 N. Emporia ave., Wichita 12652(Z Harrison, Annie W. Blair (Mrs T. W.) 1243 Western ave., Topeka lS463a Haskell, Mabel Bliss (Miss) Lawrence 18462a Haskell, Mary Elizabeth Bliss (Mrs John G.) Lawrence 36204(Z Harvey, Isabelle Cone (Mrs Alexander M.) 1405 Polk st., Topeka 31426(7. Herrick, Ella E. (Mrs) 1119 Tyler st., Topeka 22180J Hogarty, Harriet Rebecca C. (Mrs William P.) .\ . . ". . . .Quindaro 25227 Hornaday, Nettie J. (Mrs W\ H.) 208 E. 8th St., Topeka 12653(7 Horton, Mary A. (Mrs Albert H.) 909 Harrison St., Topeka 314226 Houston, Katharine Brown (Mrs A. C.)..1306 N. Lawrence ave., Wichita 29476e Ingham, Kitlena M. Beach (Mrs William Frederick) Sabetha 23835a Jewett, Sarah Ann Foote (Mrs Samuel) Lawrence 25228(Z Johnston, Lucy Brown (Mrs W. A.) 700 Topeka ave., Topeka 24771 Jones, Mary Elizabeth Richards (i\Irs Selden Wiley) Leavenworth 21495(7 Keating, Mary E. Potter (Mrs Colin) Osawatomie 27583(7 Kellam, Orpha Beulah (Mrs Edward Payson) . . . .415 Topeka ave., Topeka 28431(7 Kimball, Florence (Miss) ! 214 W. Gordon St.. Topeka 95846 Kimball, Luella A. (Mrs Elwood D.) Hotel Metropole, Wichita 16114(7 Kimball^ Susanna Hoyt (Mrs F. M.) 1016 Polk st., Topeka 24055§ Kingsley, Ella Hill (Mrs George) Paola 32468|| Kleiser, Maletta Stapp (Mrs Jonas) Parsons 16111(7 Latham, Lilla Northrup (Mrs A.)..S. E. Cor. 10th & Taylor sts.,- Topeka 25706ffl Lee, Mary Cornelia (Miss) Manhattan 84036 Lewis, Katherine S. (Mrs) Wichita 14867(7 Lowell, Ellen R. (Miss) Holton 19180(7 McAfee, Sarah Louisa Nellie (Mrs Henry Wilson) Topeka 1485SO McAllaster, Apphia Jane (Miss) Lawrence 9174(7, McCall, Louisa St. Clair (Mrs) 736 Mississippi st., Lawrence 18464(7 McGiffert, Alberta Dick (Mrs William C.) 1024 Topeka ave., Topeka 35277(7 McGuire, Clara B. (Mrs) 1008 Topeka ave., Topeka 33312(7 McKnight, Mary Josephine McClure (Mrs G. W.) Junction City 314236 Martin, Elsie (Miss) Wichiia 17990(7 Martin, Maria Merrell (Mrs Samuel E.) 412 W. 5th st., Topeka 233916 Matthews, Maude (Miss) Wichita 12655(7 Mattoon, Lucena Botefiihr (Miss) 815 Huntoon st., Topeka 21493r Meeker, Grace Ruth (Miss) Ottawa 157821111 Melvin, Harriet Gregg (Mrs D.) P. O. Box 124, Troy 13330(7 Miller, Florence Woodbury (Mrs M. M.) 1262 Tyler st., Topeka 35274c Moon, Cora Alphleda (Miss) (M. D.) Ottawa 19771a Moore, Lou Rankin (Mrs) 1012 Rhode Island st., Lawrence 14856a Moore. May (Mrs Henry) 1100 Tennessee st., Lawrence 31427(7 Morgan, Minnie D. (Mrs W. A.) Cottomvood Fjills 268086 Mortimer, Alice Kimball (Mrs Harry Owen) Wichita 35273c Murlin, Ermina Fallas (Mrs Lemuel Herbert) Bahlwin 20455§ Murphy, Helen Phoebe Towslej' (Mrs Charles E.) Junction City 19181d Nellis, "Anna Marie (Miss) 314 W. 5th st., Topeka 34139(7 Nelson, Adelia Howell (Miss) Burlingame 144756 Nighswonger, Jane (Mrs J.) Wichita 174886 Nolle y, Mattie G. Fabrique (Mrs) Wichita 337436 Nye, Edith (Miss) Eureka 337446 Nye, Irene (Miss) Eureka 31428(7 Overholt, Anne Gordon (Mrs H. E.) Copeland Hotel, Topeka 19746* Paxton. Martha IT. Moore (Mrs Joseph) Tola 23390a Pease, Elizabeth Frances (Miss) Care A. N. Fuller, Lawrence 341376 Phillips, Lu M. (Miss) 1924 Arkansas ave.. Wichita 18466(7 Prouty, Hannah Mariah (Mrs Salmon S.) 815 Topeka ave., Top;-ka 12286(7 Putnam, Katherine Douglas (Miss) 718 Taylor st., Topeka 14843 Read, Parke (Miss) .' ]\[nscotah t Osage Chapter, Mo. li .John Marshall Chapter, Ky. § Elizabeth Benton Chapter, Mo. |!l| Moll}' Stark Cliai.tcr, N. IT. * Gen. Van Renssalaer Chapter, Ind. KENTUCKY. 193 140206 Eeed, Bessie Barlow (Miss) Wichita 90506 Heed, Emma Louise Hoff (Mrs William A.) Wichita 29479c Eiggs, Mary Esther Chancy (Mrs John Davis S.)..717 S. Main st., Ottawa 14522tf Robb, Sara Fox (Miss) . . T Independence 294S2C Robinson, Florence (Miss) Ottawa 14859a Robinson, Sara T. D. (Mrs Charles) Lawrence 17G34fZ Rockwell, Julia Marshall (Mrs Bertrand) Junction City 23392fZ Rodgers, Anna Uick (Mrs Alpheus K.) 503 Monroe St., Topeka 75(306 Rose, Elizabeth Adams Barnard (Mrs H. G.) Wichita 20319(/. Ross, Belle (Miss) 620 Louisiana st., Lawrence 35821d Schenck, Nannie M. (Miss) 701 Garfield ave., Topeka 30766c Sheldon, Emma Elder (Mrs Edwin M.) 734 Cedar St., Ottawa 29481c Sheldon, Laura S. (Miss) 718 S. Cedar st., Ottawa 35276d Shirer, Lillian W. (Mrs Hampton L.) 1157 Fillmore st., Topeka 184606 Sim, Nellie S. Huntoon (Mrs Coler L.) 1065 N. Emporia st., Wichita 31424c Sleeper, Eliza Ruth (Mrs L. J.) Tola 35275d Smith, Florence Eustace (Mrs Fred. Dumont) Kingsley 18465 Smith, Mary Lena (Miss) 411 Chestnut st., Leavenworth 12289d Smith, Ruth J. (Miss) 503 Topeka ave., Topeka 25226a Sparr, Betty Washington Mcllhaney (Mrs R.W.) 1417 Tenn. st., Lawrence 25707a Spencer, May Hotchkiss (Miss) Lawrence 280956 Stanley, Emma L. (Mrs W. E.) Copeland Hotel, Topeka 346286 Steel, Carrie Tappan (Mrs George Thompson) Wichita 3 67476 Sweet, Mary Jane (Mrs W. W^) 638 N. Market st., Wichita 238336 Thomas, Alice M. Whitney (Mrs Pembroke Somers) Wichita 10587(Z Thompson, Fannie Geiger' (Mrs Alton H.) 607 W. Tenth st., Topeka ]2288(Z Thompson, Isabella M. (Miss) 808 Topeka ave., Topeka 35776|| Tiffany, Bertha Angle Wallace (Mrs Wilder Mason) Oswego 124176 Towne, W. Ernestine (Mrs John Henry) Conway Springs 314256 Troutman, Marcia Gordon (Mrs James A.).. 131 Greenwood ave., Topeka 31429rf Ward, Belle J. (Miss) 707 Polk st., Topeka 21494c Ward, Jennie Meeker (Mrs Milan Lester) 703 S. Poplar st., Ottawa 13329d Ware, Nettie Huntington (Mrs Eugene Fitch).. 1501 W. 6th st., Topeka 32465a Welborn, Eliza Jane Cutler (Mrs J. B.) 1033 Vermont st., Lawrence 14861a Welch, Gertrude Elizabeth (Miss) Lawrence 14860a Welch, Janet Rosanna (Miss) Lawrence 1973911 Wheaton, Charlotte Flower (Mrs Loyd) Fort Leavenworth 226S3a White, Eliza Jane (Mrs James) Lawrence 238346 Whitney, Carrie Emily (Mrs Benjamin C.)..203 N. Emporia ave., Wichita 11417| Whittlesey, Karolyn Bradford (Miss) Bethany College, Topeka 23836a Wilbur, Lena Aiigusta Spicer (Miss) 902 Louisiana ave., Lawrence 23136 Wilder, Julia M. Hines (Mrs Alexander Pope) Topeka 30767c Williams. Edna (Miss)... 202 E. 7th st., Ottawa 28969a Wilson, Effie Silcott (Mrs Lorin C.) 612 Loiiisiana st., Lawrence 140196 Woolard, Birdine Davidson (Mrs S. F.) 710 N. Lawrence ave., Wichita 174896 Woolard, Winifred W. (Miss) 356 N. Topeka ave., Wichita 31430cZ Youngs, Esther A. Ward (Mrs) 707 Polk St.. Topeka 9172a Zook, Inez C. (Mrs Jacob M.) 734 Miss, st., Lawrence KENTUCKY State Regent, 1901, Mrs. William Lee Lyons, 1721 1st st., Louisville. 1902, " U il u a (( il CHAPTERS (19 organized, 6 unorganized.) a. Ashland Mevibers, 7 Regent. Mrs Virginia S. P. Henderson. Appointed October 4, 1899. 1[ Vassar College Chapter, N. Y. II Chicago Chapter, 111. 13 t Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. 194 DIEECTOKY, D. A. E. b. Bardstown Members Eegent, Mrs Frances A. Carothers. Appointed October 3, 1900. c. Boonesboro Chapter — Riclimond Organized June 4, 1S96; Members, 25 Regent, Mrs Sallie G. H. Clienault Treasurer, Mrs Margaret J. Neale Vice-Regent, Mrs K. P. Caperton Registrar, Miss Margaret Chenault Rec. Sec, Miss Minerva P. Phelps Historian, Mrs Sara W. C. Phelps Cor. Sec, Mrs Alice P. Tribble Chaplain, Mrs Ellen P. Gibson d. Bryan Station Chapter — Lexington Organized February 4, 1897; Members, 14 Regent, Miss Helen Lyle Treasurer, Mrs Victor K. Dodge Vice-Regent, Mrs E. B. Tanner Registrar, Miss Annie Hoagland Sec, Miss Cornelia Hoagland Historian, Miss Lucy Collier Chaplain, Mrs S. T. Harbison. e. Elizabeth Kenton Chapter — Covington Organized February IS, 1SD5; Members, 53 (Indiana, 1; Arkansas, 1; Maryland, 1; California, 1; Ohio, 1; Missonri, I) Regent, Mrs John W. Hall Sec, Mrs W. S. Xock Vice-Regent, Mrs E. P. Wolcott Treasurer, Mrs E. B. Johnson Registrar, Mrs Helen W. McLean. f. General Evan Shelby Chapter — Owensboro Organized. October 23, 1897; Members, 23 (Mississippi, 1; Alabama, 1; Tennessee, 1) Regent, Mrs Rosa B. Todd Cor. Sec, Mrs Emma H. G. Simmons Vice-Regent, Mrs E. W. T. Wandling Treasurer, Mrs M. C. Stewart Rec. Sec, Mrs Emily McH. Hale Registrar, Mrs Logan M. Rowe Historian, Mrs Emily C. Bell. g. General Samuel Hopkins Chapter — Henderson Organized February 11, 1896; Me)ubers, 16 Regent, Mrs Jennie T. Rudy Treasurer, Mrs Mary A. Cunningham Vice-Regent, Mrs C. F. H. Harding Registrar, Mrs Annie D. Hart Sec, Mrs Heleh C. McClain Historian, Mrs Fannie J. McAllister h. Henry Claggett Chapter — ShelbyviHe Organized January 3, 1901; Members, 21 (Nebraska, 1; Missoim, 2; Texas, 1) Regent, Mrs Katie O. Kinkead Treasurer, Miss Mary B. Logan Sec, Miss Verlinda Morton Registrar, Miss Mary Moxley Historian, Mrs Mary S. Armstrong. i. Isaac Shelby Chapter — Shelbyville Organized November 15, 1898; Members, 12 (Illinois, 1; District of Columbia, 1) Regent, Mrs Mary V. T. Guthrie Treasurer, Mrs Annie C. Escott Vice-Regent, Mrs A. McC. Harbison Registrar, Miss Margaret L. Hocker Sec, Miss Nancy P. Ballard Historian, Mrs E. T. Sampson Chaplain, Miss Florence E. Ballard. j. Jemima Johnson Chapter — Paris Organized Jnly 15, 1896; Members, kO (Illinois, 1) Regent, Miss Emma P. Scott Treasurer, Miss Lucy A. Miller Vice-Regent, Miss T. H. LaRue Registrar, Mrs Sarah G. Talbott Sec, Miss Lizabeth C. Spears Historian, Mrs E. C. Rogers Chaplain, Mrs Ann Desha Lucas. KENTUCKY. 195 k. John Marshall Chapter— Louisville Orcjunized January 11, 1S92; Memhers, 126 Eegent, Mrs John T. Bate. Jr, Registrar, Mrs John Midclleton Vice-Reg-ent, Mrs Ernest L. Hughes Historian, Mrs Wm. A. Hughes Sec, Mrs James C. Worthington Chaplain, Mrs Laura T. Ross Treasurer, Mrs Neville Bullitt Vice-Chaplain, Mrs Susan Haggin 1. Judge Samuel McDowell Chapter — Cynthiana Oryanized February 15, 1S96; Members, 15 (Virginia, 1) Eegent, Miss Susan T. Patterson Sec, Mrs H. W. Shawhan Vice Regent, Mrs T. C. Nichols Treasurer. Mrs K. Miisselman Registrar, Miss Nancy M. Collier. m. Keturah Moss Taylor Chapter — Newport Organized May 28, 1S9J,; Members, 1^ Eegent, Mrs Betty W. Taylor Treasurer, Miss F. M. Washington Sec, Mrs G. B. Bailey Registrar, Mrs C. Carothers n. Lexington Chapter — Lexington Organized, October, 1891; Members, 59 (Arizona, 1; Idaho, 1; Illinois, 1; Cali- fornia, 1) Eegent, INIiss Eva C. Stevenson Treasurer, Mrs ]\r. R. L. Diirham \ Vice Regent, Mrs F. B. Threlkeld Registrar, Mrs Marian C. Lyle ll Sec. Miss Lizzie A. Lyle Historian, Mrs G. M. W. Mulligan } Auditor, Mrs F. S. Reese, Chaplain, Mrs E. S. Scott I o. Madison County Chapter — Richmond Organized June 8, 1896; Members, 21 I Eegent, Mrs J. M. Foster Treasurer, Mrs E. B. Hume Vice— Regent, Mrs Bates Shackelford Registrar, INIrs J. T. Shakelford Sec, Miss Sallie R. Burnam Historian, Mrs A. W. Smith ji p. Margaret Taliaferro Chapter — Winchester , Organized October ?', 1897; Members, 12 Eegent, Treasurer, Mrs Adelaide V. Martin j Vice-Regent, Miss Mary B. Miller Registrar, • Eec Sec, Mrs Annie Jouett Historian, Miss Mary E. Bright Cor. Sec, Mrs Sara T. Morton Chaplain, Miss Bettie E. Bright q. Middleboro Eleinbers Eegent, Mrs H. St. L. F. Eobertson. Appointed November 22, 1898. r. New Liberty Members, 5 Eegent, Mrs Cora T. Barker. Appointed April 1, 1897. s. Paducah Chapter — Paducah Organized December 2, 1897; Members, 19 Eegent, Mrs Benjamin E. Eeed Treasurer, Mrs Elizabeth P. Nash Secretai-y, Mrs Frank Scott Eegistrar, Mrs Alice P. Cowgill 196 DIRECTOET, D. A. E. t. Rebecca Bryan Boone Chapter — Newport Organized January 9, 1897; Members, 11 Regent, Mrs Eleanor H. T. Arnold Vice-Eegent, Miss Cornelia E. Paj-ne Eec. Sec., Miss Jessie Southgate Cor. Sec, Miss Sophia Hart Arnold Treasurer, Mrs Florence De M. Glazier Eegistrar, Mrs Betty B. Spanlding Historian, Mrs Hannah P. Thornton Chaplain, Mrs Mary Wilson Lockhart u. B,ussellvine Members Eegent, Mrs Queenie B. Coke. Appointed January 3, 1900. V. St. Asaphs Chapter — Danville Organized February 7, 1900: Members, 17 (Illinois, 1) Eegent, Mrs M. J. Hogsett Treasurer, Mrs A. B. F. Caldwell Vice-Eegent, Miss Susan G. Fox Eegistrar, Miss Kate Tunis Eec. Sec, Miss Amanda Y. Van Meter Historian, Miss N. T. Green w. Stanford Members Eegent, Mrs Sallie E. Sanfley. Appointed October 4, 1899. X. Susannah Hart Shelby Chapter — Versailles Organized January 19, 1895; Members, 20 Eegent, Mrs E. T. Hart Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ezza S. Eailey Sec, Miss Susan Ball Treasurer, Mrs A. E. Milsep Eegistrar, Mrs S. P. H. Camden Historian, Mrs S. G. Humphrey's y. Valentine Peers Chapter— Maysville Organized November 21, 1896; Members, 10 (Ohio, 1) Regent, Mrs G. W. Blatterman Sec, Miss Ann Delia Power Vice-Eegent, Mrs J. J. Wood Treasurer, Miss Alice T. Gill Eegistrar, Mrs Margaret J. Phister. Members Ee'siding in the State 16116 Alden, Edith (Miss) 821 Washington avc, Newport 16149^7 Alexander, Letitia Hart (Miss) Louisville 3582 Alexander, Lucy Fullerton (Mrs A. J.) Woodburn House, Spring Station 30783V Allen, Marie Tunis (Mrs Johnson) Danville 690A- Allin, Marie Lloyd Marshall (Mrs P. T.) 701 W. Chestnut St., Louisville 34637A- Ambrose, Mary Olive (Mrs W. E.) 1444 2d st., Louisville 7784ir Amsden, Laiira E. (Mrs .Tames P.) Versailles 15555i Applegate, Sally Menzies (Mrs Leslie) Falmouth 328697i Armstrong, Mary Scott Moxley (Mrs Geo. Allen) Shelbyville 10014^ Arnold, Eleanor Hart Talbot (Mrs James M.) 38 1st st., Newport 14027^ Arnold, Lucie Brent (Miss) 38 W. Front st., Newport 16115* Arnold, Sophia Hart (Miss) 38 Front st., Newport 32866; Arnsparger, Euby Lowry (Mrs Clifton) Paris 5682/1 Bailey, Georgina Baird H. (Mrs S. C.) 3rd and Monmouth sts., Newport 320760 Baldwin, Ellen Collins (Mrs Thomas E.) Eichmond 15553a; Ball, Susan (Miss) Versailles 24646i Ballard, Florence Effie (Miss) Shelbyville 246451 Ballard, Nannie Peyton (Miss) Shelbyville 30780i' Barbee, Nannie (Miss) Danville 5686W Barbour, Margaret E. (Mrs) Newport 17494 Barker, Cora Turner (Airs Harvey D.) New Liberty 1511fc Barnett, Eliza McCruni (Miss) 1830 1st st., Louisville 5673fc Bate, Margaret Mitchell (Mrs John T., Jr.) 1333 2nd st., Louisville KENTUCKY. 197 8366* Bedinger, Eleanor Campbell (Mrs Daniel L.) Anchorage 20334f Bell, Emily Craig (Mrs J. Hunter) Owensboro 24644 Bell, Jane Hardin (Mrs) Shelbyville 8140fc Bell, Margaret Ward (Mrs Harry Hewett) 1959 1st st., Loni'sTille 2432211 Biggs, Helen Rebecca (Miss) . . ."^ Gravenstein Place, Greenup 24323|| Biggs, Sara Grandin (Miss) Gravenstein Place, Greenup 12294W Bigstaff, Xazzie Webster (Miss) Newport 1125fc Blackburn, Julia Churchill (Mrs L. P.) 1509 4th ave., Louisville 16750 Blackburn, Lucy Scott (Miss) 30 E. 12th st., Covington 16151e Blakeley, Lilly Hudson Landrum (Mrs Laurie J.).. 22 Scott st., Covington 21989 Blanton, Willie (Miss) New Liberty 122962/ Blatterman, Eleanor Orr C. (Mrs Geo. W.) 15 W. 4th st., Maysville 16134; Board, Mary Lake Barnes (Mrs William E.) Paris 16142fc Bohannan, Florence Helm (Mrs Eobert N.) 208 Belgravia ave., Louisville 20364p Boone, Mattie Dade Yaughan (Mrs) Paducah 26812; Bosley, Nannie Gaitskill (Mrs John Logan) Paris 11909?! Boswell, Hannah Moore (Mrs Hartwell) Fayette Park, Lexington 4320fc Boj'ce, Elizabeth Ficklin (Miss) Louisville 13334e Bradley, Kate Dudley (Mrs Edward Anthony) 643 Greenup st., Covington 36210fc Brand, Elizabeth Hay (Miss) " 1405 3rd ave., Louisville 2S097f Brannon, Gertrude Hamilton Bramham (Mrs Gus Tyler) ... .Owensboro 24643a; Breck, Belle (Miss) Spring Station 15556e Brent, Ellen Forman (Miss) W^. 5th st., Covington 31431 Briggs, Anne Eliza (Mrs George W:) , Owensboro 20346p Bright, Bettie French (Miss) , . . '. Winchester 20345p Bright, Mary Emma (Miss) Winchester 14028/i Brown, Lillie Jordan (Mrs Thomas Cumraings) . . . .15 E. 3rd st., Newport S764fc Brown, Mary Brigham (Mrs Ptobt. Wood) 6241/2 4th ave., Louisville 11906 Brown. Mattie Ella Wingfield (Miss) 219 E.~Main st., Lexington 30315a? Bruce, Laura Sutton (Miss) Lexington 35280/^ Bryan, Mag Hawes Tyler (Mrs T. E.) Owensboro 11913n Bryan, Mary B. (Miss) 200 S. Limestone St., Lexington 25235; Buckley, Corday Leer (Mrs B. F.) Paris 23843fc Buckner, Bettie M. (Mrs J. M.) New Broadway & Highland ave., Louisville 43 Buckner, Delia Claiborne (Mrs S. B.) Eio 29861fc Buckner, Mary Aylett (Miss) 1404 New Broadway, Louisville 16759fc Bullitt, Mattie Bohannan (Mrs Neville) 1035 2nd St., Louisville 11523fir Bunch, Mary Stewart (Miss) 225 Green st., Henderson 17835-t- Buntin, Elizabeth Salmons (Mrs John Craughead) Franklin 13336/1 Burgin, Sallie Johnson (Mrs Clifton) 44 Kentucky ave., Lexington 14050O Burnam, Lucia Field (Miss) Richmond 16748c Burnam, Margaret Alexander (Mrs Anthony Rollins) Richmond 95870 Burnam Sallie Rodes (Miss) Richmond 827S|| Burns, Julia Baird Fleming (Mrs James Ferguson) Hopkinsville 26046; Butler, Margaret Prescott (Miss) Paris 16761fc Cain, Madeline (Miss) 1625 4th ave., Louisville 30778V Caldwell, Ann Bell Fox (Mrs Jerry C.) Danville 30316s Caldwell, Delia (Miss) Paducah 25239A; Caldwell, Ella Payne (Mrs Junius) 1719 1st St., Louisville 6090J? Camden, Susan P. H. (Mrs Johnson N.) Versailles 33751fc Camp, Nannie DeMint Hoke (Mrs James Balee) 231 E. Jacob st., Louisville 16120« Campbell, Anna Lucile Kendall (Mrs) 815 Washington ave., Newport 14034c Caperton, Katherine Phelps (Mrs James W.) Richmond 20333 Carney, Octa^da Donnell (Mrs Edward M.) Hopkinsville 5670m Carothers, Caroline B. P. (Thomas P.) 3rd & Berry sts., Newport 32877 Carothers, Frances Ann (Mrs William Burke) Bardstown 16779n Cary, Sydney Theodore Sayre Bell (Mrs A.) 407 E. Main st., Lexington 20336f Casey, Lida Walker (Mrs A.J.) Guthrie 11530 Casey, Lily Marshall (Miss) Dayton 155576 Cassidy, Eliza Guyton (Mrs J. S.) 1555 Madison ave., Covington 29483d Cassidy, Elizabeth (Miss) 67 N. Broadway, Lexington 36216i; Cecil, Rebecca Thomas (Mrs James Granville) Danville * Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, 111. II Joseph Spencer Chapter, Ohio. t Cumberland Chapter, Tenn. H Jane Knox Chapter, Tenn. 198 DIKECTOKY, D. A. K. 27590?i Charles, Laura P. (Miss) Fayette Park, Lexington 14022fif Cheaney, Edith Barbonr (Miss) Henderson 14035c Chenault, Eleanor B. (Mrs John Cabell) Richmond 14041c Chenault, Margaret W. (Miss) Eichmond 27585c Chenault, Mary Emily (Miss) Richmond 27584c Chenault, Robert Erie (Miss) Richmond 7789c Chenault, Sarah Gibson H. (Mrs C. D. ) Madison National Bank, Richmond 16136/ Chorn, Mary Webb Branham (Mrs James) Mt. Sterling 25248f; Clark, Annie Pitcher (Mrs E. S.) Cor. Centre & Ingram sts., Henderson 30314fir Clark, Kate Elam (Mrs Henry W.) 333 Centre st., Henderson 20335f Clark, Margaret Halves (Mrs William Hobson) Owensboro 14876/) Clark, Nancy West Beckner (Mrs) Winchester 35804^ Clarke, Alice Everett Pollock (Mrs Wm. F.) 2133 Floyd st., Louisville 31432f Clarke, Hartley Tyler (Mrs Edward Hobson) .' Owensboro 33317fc Clarke, Lucy Bate '(Mrs Henry Watts) 1541 2nd st., Louisville 25708 Claxon, Anna Quicksill Baker (Mrs William Gipson) Ncav Liberty 14530; Clay, Frances Conn (Mrs Thomas Henry) The Heights, Paris 110867^ Clay, Josephine Russell (Mrs John M.) Lexington 12661??- Clay, Lucie Chenault (Mrs B.)..Cor. Main st. & Ashland ave., Lexington 7472?? Clay, Lucretia Hart (Miss) Lexington 8139; Clay, Mary Harris (Mrs Cassius M., Jr.) Paris 22690/ Clay, Willie Kern (Mrs Oliver Perry) Paris 36211fc Clegg, Helen GifPord (Mrs) 1 1118 Q st., Louisville 35278d Cloud, Mary P. (Miss) i 70 E. Main st., Lexington 12291e Cobb, Catherine Ross Collins (Mrs) 1559 Garrard ave., Covington 25709 Cochran, Kathr.yn (Miss) New Liberty 11085?l Cognets, Anna Russell des (Mrs Hypolite des) Lexington 30319 Coke, Queenie Blackburn (Mrs James Guthrie) Russellville 11908?? Colcamp, Emma Forsyth (Mrs F. W.) 150 N. Limestone st., Lexington 713n Coleman, Isabella Reed M. (Mrs B. L.) 120 S. Broadway, Lexington 26044(i Collier, Lucy Smith (Miss) 31 E. 2nd st"., Lexington 17499i Collier, Nancy Moore (Miss) Cy^nthiana 10654§ Cowan, Anna Gilbert (Mrs Andrew) 912 4th ave., Louisville 20356s Cowgill, Alice B. Parker (Mrs Warwick M.) Paducah 238511/ Cox, Susan Farrow (Mrs W. H.) 228 W. 2nd st., Maysville 341417? Crabb, Melissa Wilson (Mrs Edward Drane) Smithfield 10472(7 Cunningham, Mary Atkinson (Mrs Richard H.) 102 Adams st., Henderson 20357s Dabney, Bertie Vaughan (Mrs A. S.) Paducah 25249 Dade, Lucy Peyton (Miss) Hopkinsville 1046937 Darbishire, Annie Shelby (Mrs Godfrey) Danville 24647i Davis, Eliza Louise Winlock (Miss) Shelbyville 24648i Davis, Georgiana Winlock (Miss) Shelbyville 20320 Davis, Nora Ringo (Mrs LeA^^s W.) Ashland 3583n De Long, Ida C. (Mrs G. A.) 243 N. Broadway, Lexington 21500* De Moss, Icy (Miss) Newport 16117* De Moss, Josephine Calla (Miss) Newport 29484?? Detchmendy, Mary Ada (Mrs George A.) Milton 24640fc Ditto, Ellen Anderson (IMrs Franklin) 227 E. Breckenridge St., Louisville 11912d Dodge, Nora Ward (Mrs) 121 N. Broadway, Lexington 31435s Du Bois, Rachel Schoonmaker (Mrs Stanley) Paducah 12659fc Dugan, Mattie Dickson (Mrs Irwin).. 105 W. Breckenridge st., Louisville 1753 Dunlap, Lina Terrell S. (Mrs Joseph B.) 1835 3rd ave., Louisville 33941* Dvmlop, Lucinda Ellis (Mrs Wm. Stuart) Covington 28972?? Durham. Margaret Robertson Letcher (Mrs Milton J.) cor. Mill & High sts., Lexington 853fc Eaches, Somerville Hayes (Mrs Ewing) 1521 3rd ave., Louisville 11528 Eberhart, Alice Wortley La Rue (Mrs F. W.) Shawhan 19188 Edmunds, Mary Stuart Green (Mrs Stuart Ashley) Hopkinsville 11526fc Edwards, Ida A. (Mrs Charles Grey) ".1036 4th ave., Lotaisville 27375|| Egbert. Ellen MacWilliams Young (Mrs Harry Clay) Fort Thomas 32077 Elder, Belle Bright (Mrs Charles A.) Paducah 21990 Elliott, Mollie Turner (Mrs Henry Washington) Sulphur S Oneida Chapter N. Y. • Jonathan Dayton Chapter, Ohio. II Cincinnati Chapter, Ohio. t Ann Rogers Clarke Chapter, Ind. KENTUCKY. 191> 21499^ Ellis, Bessie Elliston De Moss (Mrs John David) Bellevue 11905m Emmal, Annie Prewitt (]\rrs J. Bnrt) Lexington 15558 Ernst, Susan Brent (Mrs Eichard Pretlow) 119 E. 3rd st., Covington 252321 Escott, Annie Caldwell (Mrs Wilson Haldeman) Shelbyville 20322 Fennacy, Hebe Grayson (Mrs) 112 Winchester ave., Ashland 2125811 Ferguson, Sophie Fullerton Marfield (iNIrs E. H.) 141-1 3rd ave., Louisvill- 778oiP Field, Maria Shelby Tevis (Mrs Willis W.) Versailles 20321 Fisher, Elizabeth Eingo (Mrs Ferdinand Carl) Ashland 104640 Foster, Elizabeth White (Mrs John M.) Eichmond 11525fc Foster, Katherine Sharp (Mrs Thomas L.) care Mrs D. S. Eeynolds, 226 W. Chestnut st., Louisville 307771' Fox, Susan Gist (Miss) : Danville 16768/ Frank, Mabel Eussell (Mrs Bismark) Paris 29858c Frazee, Anna Elizabeth (Miss) Eichmond 18467c Frazee, Lou Ann Martin (Mrs Lewis J.) Eichmond 167516 French, Fannie (Miss) 25 E. 9th st., Covington 20347p French, Julia Williams (Miss) Winchester 23844fc Gait, Mattie Eoss (Mrs) "Homewood," Hikes 20355s Gardner, Irene Cox (Mrs) Paducah 21991 Garriott, Edmonia Sherley (Mrs Thomas E.) Sulphur 36215V Gashwiler, Mattie Fisher "^(Mrs J. G.) Danville 5683fc Gates, Sallie Todd Gibson (Mrs Sidney J.) 1328 New Broadway, Louisville 16752 Gayle, Jane Bond Orr (Mrs D. Howard) New Liberty 31433fc Gheens, Mary Figg (Mrs Charles William) 1043 4th St., Louisville 23393c Gibson, Ellen V. (Mrs William) Eichmond 23845fc GiflCord, Eugenia Eowley (Mrs H. N.) 1118 2nd st., Louisville 15544;/ Gill, Alice Taylor (Miss') 422 W. 2nd st.-, Maysville 14026e Giltner, Mary Ellen O. Duncan (Mrs W. S.) . .1554 Madison ave., Covington 16119i^ Glazier, Florence De Moss (Mrs William Leonard) 335 E. 5th st., Newport 1001511 Gooch, Anna Stout (Mrs D. Linn) Greenup st., Covington 7786a? Graddy, Mary S. (Mrs Jesse) Versailles 30769fc Graham, Annie Palmer (Mrs Samuel Parker) 1289 2nd st., Louisville lOSlfc Grant, Bettie Keeney (Miss) 815 3rd ave., Louisville 18469A; Graves, Octavia Z. Bate (Mrs) Glenview 21996«. Graves, Polly Cloud (Mrs William W.) S. Broadway, Lexington 1084fc Gray, Ella (Mrs Norborn Gait) E. Ormsby ave., Louisville 32072fc Gray, Mary Ormsby (Miss) 717 3rd st., Louisville 1284/v Green, Annie A. (Mrs John Williams) 1612 3rd ave., Louisville 21501 Green, Emma Campbell (Mrs John E.) Hopkinsville 23842^7 Green, Frances Atkinson (Mrs Simeon C.) 312 3rd st., Henderson 30775U Green, Nannie Thomas (Miss) Danville 20328fc Greene, Amy Stevens (Mrs) 720 3rd st., Louisville 12082 Grinnan, Amanda Salter (Mrs Eobert L.) Cynthiana 1336fc Grinstead, Fannie Helm (Mrs Harrv C.) 213 W. Hill st., Louisville 20327fc Griswold, Anna Clifton Grant (]\Irs'H. M.) Jacob & Brook sts., Louisville 16774i Guthrie, Mary Virginia Thomas (Mrs James) Shelbyville 7793a; Haggin, Margaret Saunders Pearl Voorhies (Mrs James B.) . .Versailles 34142//- Haldeman. Lizzie Oft'utt (Mrs William Birch) 824 4th ave., Louisville 20337f Hale, Emily McHenry (Mrs Josiah) Owensboro 155606 Hall, Ellen Dulaney "^(Mrs) 30 W. 4th st., Covington 15559r Hall, Henrietta Schwartz Green (Mrs J. W.) 417 Eussell ave., Covington 33746/(- Hall, Margaret Payne (Miss) Shelbyville 337477^ Hall, Mary Davis (Miss) Shelbyville 2235k Hamilton,' Emily A. P. (Mrs S. M.) 203 E. Broadway, Louisville 3281» Hamilton, Emma (Mrs Archie) Kirk, Covingtoix 2758Sfc Hamilton, Elizabeth Porter (Miss) 1339 4th ave., Louisville 13338n Hanson, Jennie M. (Miss) Market st., Lexington 180021 Harbison, Anna McClarty (Mrs Howard) Shelbyville 32870//, Harbison, Annie Bartlett Hall (Mrs John Harvey) Shelbyville 16131d Harbison, Cecilia McClarty (Mrs S. T.) 145 S. Limestone st., Lexington 34146A; Hardin, Annie Jacobs (Mrs Lemuel S.) 119 E. Kentucky st., Louisville 14021/7 Harding, G. Fannie Hill (Mrs) ". Henderson H Nathaniel Massie Chapter, Ohio. Cincinnati Chapter, Ohio. 200 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 311fc IIard3% Sallie Ewing Marshall (Mrs Wm. J.) 701 W. Chestnut st., Louisville 7783fc Harris, Nannette True (Mrs jSTorvin Trent) ' .Lyndon 270467 Harrison, Malvena Meng (Mrs) N. Middletown 32865fir Hart, Annie McClain Stanley Dennis (Mrs David Banks) Henderson 2D35SS Hart, jNIaria Frances Harris (Mrs George 0.) Paducah. 6089a? Hart, Eebecca Tevis (Mrs William P.) Versailles 23846fc Harvey, Lizzie Haden (Mrs Charles Fox) 1215 Garvin Place, Louisville 3-1634f Hawes, Clara Anne (Mrs George Trother) "Evenland," Maceo 7471e Hawes, Mary (Miss) Povi^ell st., Covington 20338/ Hawes, Susan Elizabeth (Miss) Owensboro 32078 Hays, Bonnie Elder (Mrs Eobert Charles) Paducah 35281Z; Hays, Caddie Flournoy (Miss) Pleasure Ridge Park, Paris 14529/ Hedges, Letitia Clay (Miss) Paris 8404m Helm, Anna Webster (Mrs C.J.) Newport 8225e Helm, Lucy Burdsall (Mrs Frank P.) 3rd & Garrard sts., Covington 81386 Helm, Virginia Ball (Miss) 3rd & Garrard sts., Covington 30637^ Hemingray, Clara Keck (Mrs Daniel C.) 7th & Greenup sts., Covington 8113|| Hemphill, Mary Polk (Mrs F. ,B.) 334 Main st., Louisville 23137 Henderson, Virginia Statira Poage (Mrs Frank) Ashland 28971fc Henning, Julia Duke (Mrs) Louisville 14880fc Henton, Sarah Hansbrough (Mrs Ambrose E.)....1053 3rd ave., Louisville 8410 Herndon, Ellen Washington (Miss) 2111 Floyd st., Louisville 18005 Herndon, Emma Kenny (Mrs Bellville M.) Georgetown 25229c Herndon, Sallie Garner (Mrs J. W.) Eichmond 25230f Herr, Mildred Catherine Taylor (Mrs Henry Clay) Owensboro 8226 Hickman, Eustatia C. Ormsby (Mrs B.) 3rd & Magnolia sts., Louisville 15548 Hickman, Mary Eoberta Perrie (Mrs Samuel T.) Maysville 23849s Hicks, Margaret Thomas (Mrs Eobert A.) Paducah 22688(i Hoagland, Annie Margaret (Miss) 548 S. Limestone st., Lexington 28096d Hoagland, Cornelia (Miss) 548 S. Limestone st., Lexington 24649i Hocker, Margaret Lyle (Miss) Shelbyville 5681m Hodge, Ann Taylor (Miss) 31 Monmouth St., Newport 5679m Hodge, Virginia Lovell (Mrs John T.) Washington ave., Newport 11906« Hoeing, Mattie B. (Mrs) E. Main st., Lexington 19187W Hogsett, Mary Johnstone (Mrs John J.) Danville 1283fc Hollingsworth, Mary A. (Miss) 1330 1st st., Louisville 17997 Holmes, Kitty Todd (Mrs Samuel B.) Frankfort 10467O Holton, Jennie McDowell (Mrs Charles S.) Eichmond 17496/i' Howe, Emma Virginia (Miss) 605 W. Brackenridge st., Louisville 17498i Howe, Elizabeth Keller (Mrs AVilliam Wallace) Carlisle 22689d Hubbard, Sallie (Mrs Charles Henry) Hickman 20331fc Hughes, Sallie Woodruff (Mrs Ernest Lee) ]526 1st st., Louisville 29862fc Hughes, Sarah Thurston (Mrs William A.).. 210 Woodbine ave., Louisville 148700 Hume, Jeannette Stockton (Mrs Edmund Bumam) Eichmond 10465O Hume, Pattie Miller (Mrs Staunton B.) Eichmond 22691 Humes, Eosalie S. Floyd (Mrs James White) 1123 2nd ave., Louisville 30318fc Humphrey, Mary Churchill (Mrs Edward P.) 920 3rd ave., Louisville 7787W Humphreys, Mary Taylor (Mrs Jos. A., Jr.) 1 Woodward ave., Lexington 7788a; Humphreys, Sarah Gibson (Mrs Joseph A.) Lexington 307821; Hunt, Charlotte Ellen (Miss) Danville 9054a? Hunter, Edith Sanders (Mrs Abner C.) Versailles 25240fc Jefferson, Katie Welman (Mrs T. L.) 1 Jefferson Terrace, Louisville 15547 Jenkins, Sallie Perrie (Mrs Eobert Perrine) Maysville 26809d Jewell, Lizzie Berry (Mrs Asa H.) 89 Ashland ave., Lexington 34638fc Johantgen, Leni La Master (Mrs J. F.) 1631 1st st., Louisville 12038* Johnson, Annie Morgan (Mrs Claude M.) Lexington 307686 Johnson, Emily Elizabeth Kelley (Mrs Edward B.) 69 E. 8th St., Covington 19773fc Johnson, Kate Jacob (Miss) 1036 4th ave., Louisviile 26045; Johnson, Margaret Kenney (Mrs) Paris 32878 Johnson, Eosa Vertner (Miss) 12 2nd st., Lexington 275876 Johnson, Marguerite A. C. (Mrs) Sterret ave., Covington 30774t; Johnstone, Alice (Miss) Dan\il]e 12084gr Jonas, Margaret Dixon (Mrs Edward A.) Edgewood, Henderson Martha Washington Chapter, D. C. Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. KENTUCKY. JOl 31434?rt Jones, Mary E. Taylor (Miss) Newport 20349p Jouett, Annie (Mrs Edward) Winchester 84639fc Kelly, Harriette Holly Warfield (Mrs Robert M.) 1536 2nd St., Louisville 2S433e Kenned}', Jessie Craddy (Miss) 535 Garrard ave., Covington S3323V Kenney, Anne Allen (Mrs Joseph I.) Danville 6S3rt Kinkead, Barton Shelby (Mrs Edmond) 57 W. 2nd St., Lexington 665 Kinkead, Elizabeth Shelby (Miss) 61 W. 2nd st., Lexington 840&W Kinkead, Jimmie Pendell (Miss) 206 Walnut st., Lexington 328687^ Kinkead, Katie Offutt (Mrs Warner S.) 27 Park Place, Lexington 16755e Klein, Alice Groom (Mrs Alexander Hamilton) . . . .W^allace ave., Covington 35083 Knott, Annie Ordway (Miss) 127 E. Gray st., Louisville 25241fc La Bree, Amy Jeffrey (Miss) 901-3rd ave., Louisville 26043d Lane, Sara Muir (Mrs Samuel Virgil) .354 E. Main st., Lexington 32073fc Larrabee, Fanny Kinney (Mrs Joseph U. B.) 1823 Baxter ave., Louisville 2917fc Larrabee, Harriet Winslow Bulkley (Mrs A.) 1823 Baxter ave., Louisville 9051fc Larrabee, Hattie Lee (Miss) 1823 Baxter ave., Louisville 11529; La Eue, Tillie Humphreys (Miss) Shawhan 2783411 Lawson, Ella Biggs (Mrs J. Taylor) Greenup 16772?i Le Compte, Margaret Jane (Miss) 48 W 3rd st., Lexington 5672fc Leib, Mary Carr (Mrs Louis) 1121 3rd ave., Louisville 22&86d Lewis, Julia (Miss) 217 W^ 2nd st., Lexington 13339; Lockhart, Florence Kelly (Mrs George C.) Paris 16767? Lockhart, Marj- Wilson (Mrs Marquis Richardson) Newport 15564? Lockhart, Eeba M. (Miss) Newport 24650i Logan, Annie Stuart (Mrs) Shelbyville 32871ft Logan, Mary Bell (Miss) Shelbyville 17490c Logan, Mary Lee (Mrs J. V.) Richmond 23717fc Logan, Viola W^ilbanks (Mrs James Lafayette) ... .1300 1st st., Louisville 33750/1 Longbridge, Frances C. B. (Mrs William J.).. 120 N. Broadway, Lexington 17996 Lott, Nannie Winston Southgate (Mrs George Gearhart) Covington 4685m Lovell, Fannie B. (Miss) 174 E. 2nd st., Covington 9434§ Lovell, May F. Rogers (Mrs Howell L., Jr.) 120 N. Broadway, Covington 1245; Lucas, Ann Desha (Mrs Joseph Williams) Paris 17999d Lucas, Celeste (Miss) S. Broadway, Lexington 17998yville 34640A; Muller, May Glover (Mrs Edv^nn) 1813 First st., Louisville 8405?^ Miilligan, Genevieve Morgan Williams (Mrs J. H.) 237 Eose st., Lexington 333247/- Mundy, Laura Offutt (Mrs William H.) 910 2nd st., Louisrille 337487) Mxmdy, Margaret Offutt (Mrs Marcellus) 910 2nd st., Louisville 20359s Murrell, Cornelia Eandolph (Mrs David Gamble). .707 Broadway, Paducah 23847fc Murrell, Mary E. (Mrs Samuel F.) 323 E. St. Catherine st., Louisville 12079? Musselman, Kittle F. (Mrs W. C.) Cynthiana 9053fc Nalle, Mary Ormsby Gray (Mrs Ion B.) 213 E. Breckenridge st., Louisville 21498s Nash, Elizabeth Powell (Mrs Maurice Backus) Paducah 14046c Neale, Margaret Jones (Mrs Benjamin Howard) Eichmond 12083e Nichols, Hallie Lansing (Mrs Thomas Cull) Morgan 167576 Nock, Cora Updegraff (Mrs W. S.) 625 Greenup st., Covington 842fif Norris, Nannie Deupree (Miss) 436 Centre st., Henderson 16773« Nuckolls, Martha Eebecca Thomas (Mrs S. V.) 126 W. 2nd st., Lexington 3621271; O'Bannon, Caroline Chilton (Mrs James AVilliam)1720 Brook st., Louisville 167637c Offutt, Emily Caldwell (Mrs HenrA^ y.) 121S 1st St., Louisville 32863P Oldham, Daisy Nail (Mrs S. P.) Sorgho 28046* Owen, Anne E. C. (Mrs Wm. O.) Fort Thomas 35S26fc Owens, Eeba Humphreys (Mrs Eobert Waller) 1429 Second st., Louisville 358237c Palethorpe, Minnie Catharine Nelson (Mrs P. E.) 516 W. Oak st., Louisville 40757b Palmer, Belle Brent (Miss) "Gait House," Louisville 4074A; Palmer, Lucy Brent (Mrs Edward E.) 721 Jefferson st., Louisville 12292 Parker, Jane Floyd Humes (Mrs John Alley) 1122 2nd st., Louisville 21497e Parker, Mary E. (Miss) '. . . .320 Johnson st., Covington 21496e Parker, Mary H. (Mrs Joseph) 320 Johnson st., Covington 11907» Parker, Virginia Smith (Mrs Alexander T.) 219 E. Main st., Lexington 148710 Parkes, Eliz'abeth Buford (Mrs John White) Eichmond 346420 Parkes, Fanny Buford (Miss) Paintlick 23840f Parrish, Effie" Solomon (Mrs Arthur L.) Owensboro 567771; Parsons, Minnie G. (Mrs Frank) 1205 2nd st., Louisville 30772)), Patterson, Lucelia Wing (Mrs James K.) "State College," Lexington 175007 Patterson, Susan Todd "(Miss) Cynthiana 16121/ Payne, Cornelia E. (Miss) 1019 York st., Newport Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. KENTUCKY. 203 30770A: Peaslee, Ella HarbesOn (Mrs Charles Eolland) 1323 3rd ave., Louisville 2SS50 Penny, Emily Sanfley (Mrs George L.) Stanford 110S2;( Pepper, Belle (Miss) Lexington 110S3« Pepper, Dixie (Miss) . . . .• ^ Lexington 341457^ Pepper, Ella Offutt (Mrs James EdAvards) Lexington 8762e Perkins, Anna Todd (Miss) 430 Garrard St., Covington 8763e Perkins, Lavinia J. (Mrs Geo. Gilpin) 430 Garrard st., Covington 3280m Peter, Mary Breckenridge McC. (Mrs Alfred Meredith) Lexington 32874/j Petty, Jannie Logan (Mrs Ludlow F.) Shelbyville 14037c Phelps, Minerva Park (Miss) Eichmond 14036c Phelps, Sara Winifred Cobb (Mrs Thomas) Eichmond 23841f Phillips, Elizabeth Hardin Solomon (Mrs H. B.) Owensboro 7474y Phister, Margaret J. Hut chins (Mrs Charles) 128 W. 3rd st., Maysville 5671s Phythian, Mary Ankeney (Mrs John L.) York st., Newport 16758 Picton, Irene 6rr (Mrs John E.) 216 Garrard st., Covington 25242fc Pilcher, Emily Parsons (Mrs Harry Wendover) . . . .1835 1st st., Louisville 23394 Poage, Ivatherine Crawford (Miss) Ashland 32864fc Pope, Mary Tyler (IMrs Alfred Thurston) 227 E. Walnut St., Louisville 615fc Pope, Sallie M*. Ewing (Mrs Henry L.) 701 W. Chestnut st., Louisville 167647c Porter, Mary (Miss) 1528 1st st., Louisville 15549^ Power, Ann Delia (Miss) Maysville 3647e Prague, Elizabeth Pretlow (Miss) E. 4th st., Covington 3646e Prague, Marj^ Edna (Mrs Frank A.) E. 4th st., Covington 17497n Prewitt, Martha Eodes Estill (Mrs David) Lexington 11519c Quackenbush, Mildred McL. (Mrs H. W.) Madison ave. and 15th st., Cov- ington 3407e Queen, Susan Overton (Mrs Henry E.) Garrard st., Covington 16147fc Quigley, Mary Haggin (Mrs Lucien G.) 1703 1st st., Louisville 11084/), Eailey, Ada Pepper (Mrs Charles L.) Lexington 7191X Eailey, Ezza Saunders (Mrs Isham) Versailles 328757i Eams"^ey, Louise Offutt (Mrs J. J.) Shelbyville 26412« Eanck, Helen Carty (Mrs George W.) Lexington 20365 Eankin, Laura McClure (Mrs) Crittenden 8765A: Eankins, Elizabeth K. (]\Irs Ehodes B.) 931 South ave., Louisville 18665.5 Eeed, Mary Funsten (Mrs Benjamin E.) Padueah 16129H Eeese, Florence Sullivan (Mrs John Pickens) . .Elsmere Park, Lexington 298630 Eeid, Belle Eollins (Mrs James) Eichmond 95857 Eeynolds, Marjr Casey (Mrs William L.) 1032 Eussel ave., Covington 9037: Eeynolds, Mattie Bruce (Mrs Dudley G.) 1360 2nd st., LouisvilU* 6662* Eichardson, Mary Cabell (Miss) Covington 122937i; Eichardson, Mary Logan Eobards (Mrs Elisha A.) 1481 2nd st.. Louisville 12086 Eives, Lucy Allison (Miss) 222 S. Green st., Henderson 36213A; Eoberts, Edmonia Brown (Mrs Charles) Bardstown 13790 Eobertson, Mary St. Lawrence Fleming (Mrs Leslie) Middleboro 33321?' Eobinson, Mora' Miller (Mrs Wm Tavlor) Faulconer 23848fc Eoche, Sarah McDowell Eoss (Mrs' John E.) 123 W. Oak st., Louisville 275S6C Eodes, Mary Martin (Mrs Levi Todd) Lexington 9435* Eodgers, Hattie Fallis (Mrs Chas. G.) 190 E. 2nd st., Covington 24639/ Eogers, Elizabeth C. (Mrs Samuel Boyd) Paris 28099fc Eogers, Mary (Miss) '. Louisville 25243A; Eogers, Sarah Logan (Miss) 119 W. St. Catharine st,, Louisville 16123 Eoot, Anna Blanche (Miss) Newport 16122tH Eoot, Margaret B. (Mrs Albert T.) 1st st., Newport 16780?/ Eoss, Catherine Thomas (Miss) 1520 Garrard ave., Covington 23395A: Eoss, Edith (Miss) "Homewood," Hike's Point 56767b Eoss, Laura S. (Mrs) Hike's Point U08n Eoss, Mary Carty Eanck (Mrs George P.) 169 W. 3rd st., Lexington 167496 Eoss, Mary Morton Blackburn (Mrs Walter).. .30 E. 12th st., Covington 5107t Eoss, Violetta Barton Parsons (Mrs J. H.) .1205 2nd st., Louisville 6777c Eothier, Amanda Lura Baker (Mrs Frank A.) 185 E. 2nd st., Covington 14024 Eoulstone, Sally Bradford (Mrs Alexander Grant) Covington 16152c Eouse, Alice Eead (Mrs Shelby) Wallace Place, Covington 20339f Eowe, Logan Mahala (Mrs J. Edwin) Owensboro • Cincinnati Chapter, Ohio. 20 J: DIKECTOllY, D. A. R. 8409fc Eoyle, Selena G. F. (Mrs E. M.) 321 East St. Catherine st., Louisville 11870fir End J, Jennie Tinsley (Mrs Given) WasMngton-Alvasia, Henderson 25233i Sampson, Elsie Todd (Miss) Shelbyville 28974 Sanfley, Nannie Marshall Shelton (Mrs William Berry) Stanfora 28849 Sanfley, Sallie Rowan (Mrs Micah C.) Stanford 272596 Savage, Mary A. (Miss) 40 Kennet st., Lndlow 688n Sayre, Mary Lovell (Mrs James William) Lexington 20361s Scott, Bessie Vaughan (Mrs Frank L.) N. 9th st.. Padueah 14032U Scott, Elizabeth Skillman (Mrs John W.) 68 N. Broadway, Lexington 3277/i Scott, Elizabeth Slaughter B. (Mrs M. T.) 127 N. Broadway, Lexington 12295; Scott, Emma Payne (Miss) ". Paris 25237n Scott, Susan Budd (Miss) 161 N. Broadway, Lexington 16771n Scovel, Nancy D. (Mrs Melville A.) Lexington 11520 Scudder, Kate (Miss) 620 Greenup st., Covington 20324 Seaton, Eliza Isabella Means (Mrs William Boggs) Ashland 6776 Selden, Dixie (Miss) 35 W. 4th st., Covington 6775 Selden, Martha Pevton McMillan (Mrs John R.) 35 W. 4th st., Covington 14049O Shackelford, Callie^Chenault (Mrs D. B.) Richmond 148730 Shackelford, Mary Keen (Mrs James T.) Richm^ond 16770/ Shackelford, Phoebe Agnes (Mrs Talliaferro Otey) Shelbyville 11081» Shanklin, Martha Gist B. (Mrs \\. E. W.) 200 S. Limestone st., Lexington 14029»i Shanks, Mary Belle (Mrs James Warren) Newport 12078^ Shawhan, Helen Musselman (Mrs Hubbard Warfield) Cynthiana 7792V Shelby, Mary Pindell (Miss) Shelby City 17491c Shelby, Susan Hart (Mrs Conrad P.) 134 Walnut st., Lexington 28436 Short!! Mary Churchill (Miss) 1511 Fourth ave., Louisville 1403171 Short, Mary Dudley (Mrs Charles Wilkins) 28 Market st., Lexington 20340/" Simmons, Emma Harris Goodloe (Mrs G. H.) 817 Frederica St., Owensboro 16138; Simms, Lucy Blythe (Miss) Paris 36214fc Simrall, Cornelia Smith (Mrs John Graham) . .1509 Fourth ave., Louisville 20330A; Slack, Sallie Dent (Mrs John W.) 1071 3rd st., Louisville 6091O Smith, Bertha Miller (Mrs Asahel W.) Richmond 15554^ Smith, Elizabeth Hamilton (Mrs William W.) Cynthiana 148720 Smith, Frances Buford Parkes (Mrs Thomas Jefferson) Richmond 4698fc Smith, Mana P. Lackey (Mrs Virgil Drane) 2210 3rd ave., Louisville 14043c wSmith, Mary Chenault (Mrs James) Richmond 20362s Soule, Bettie West (Mrs Leslie) 513 N. 5th st., Padueah 12658^ Southgate, Jessie (Miss) Newport 12081J Southgate, Mary Osborne (Miss) Covington 5685^ Spalding, Bettie Berry (Mrs Richard Young) . .Washington st., Newport 19182; Spears, Elizabeth Stevens (Mrs Woodford) Paris 19184; Spears Lizabeth Clay (Miss) Paris 19183; Spears, Mary (Miss) Paris 16769; Spears, Sallie Archer Woodford (Mrs Edward Ford) Paris 34641fc Speed, Georgia A. (Mrs Austin P.) 409 Park ave., Louisville 24641fc Sperry, Anna May (Miss) 1123 4th ave., Louisville SOOOfc Sperrj^ Sallie Gathright (Mrs David Baldwin) 1123 4th ave., Louisville 20353P Sphar, Emma (Mrs Asa) Winchester 35824fc Sprague, Chastine MacGregor (Mrs Ernest W.) . . . .624 First st., Louisville 28439W Spurr, Julia Hughes (Miss) "Leafland," Pine Grove 25236; Steele, Elizabeth Buckner (Mrs Brice) Paris 35282fc Steele, Mary Gray Fetter (Mrs Robert) 321 E. St. Catherine st., Louisville 14532; Stephens, Mary Miller (Mrs Charles) Paris 23850« Stevenson, Eva Colegate (Miss) 74 N. Broadway, Lexington 28438fc Stewart, Abby Churchill Ballard (Mrs Jeff. D.) 930 4th ave., LouisVille 16148d Stewart, Elizabeth Haggin (Mrs Louis) 1622 Barret ave., Louisville 22687 Stewart, Elizabeth Huntington (Mrs Lewis S.) 367 E. Main st., Lexington 303170 Stockton, Margaret Nuckols (Mrs Robert C.) Richmond 21998; Stoner, Ida Stuart Hamilton (Mrs R. G.) Mt. Sterling 14526; Stuart, Georgia Williams (Mrs John) Paris 28098^ Stuart, Martinette Chinn (Mrs) Owensboro 14042c Sullivan, Mary ^Vhite (Mrs Pattrick) Richmond 35825fc Summers, Margaret Harrison (Miss) 105 E. Chestnut st., Louisville 33752fc Swann, Ethel Innes (Mrs Thomas Mercer) 1215 4th ave., Louisville 8407n Sweeny, Margaret Prewitt (Mrs Wm. Oglesby)..N. Broadway, Lexington KENTUCKY. 205 5674?i Swigert, Annette M. (Mrs Daniel) Fayette Park, Lexington 29860i Switzer, Elizabeth Susan (Mrs Nathaniel) Nr. Cvnthiana 14533; Talbot, Mary Gardner (Miss) ". . . .Paris 2643* Talbott, Lizzie Radford (Mrs Allen) Ill W. Franklin st., Eichmond 14534; Talbott, Sarah Grimes (Mrs Robert C.) Paris 23837d Tanner, Emma Bunch (Mrs) East Main st., Lexington 16125W Taylor, Betty Washington (Mrs John B.) 3rd and Overton sts., Newport 2950fc Taylor, E. Adair Monroe (Mrs Thomas H.)...230 E. Broadway, Louisville 42S8fc Taj'lor, Florence B. (Mrs Richard Lee) 118 W. Ormsby ave., Louisville 3757 Taylor, Kattie Reynolds (Mrs Philip R.) 229 W. Chestnut st., Louisville 20341f Taylor, Susan Elizabeth (Miss) Owensboro 119150 Tevis, Bell Root (Mrs William T.) Richmond 20534p Timberlake, Mary (Miss) Winchester 16139; Thomas, Carrie Hanson (Mrs William R.) Estill Springs, Irvine 16141/ Thomas, Margaret Chambers Brent (Mrs Claude Milton) Pai'is 26810fc Thomas, Susan Harcourt (Mrs Robert Lee) 1327 2nd st., Louisville 8224e Thompson, Jennie Burdsall (Mrs M. De K.) 508 Greenup st., Covington 851 Thompson, Katie Hopkins (Mrs Hite) 1434 1st st., Louisville 24642s Thompson, Mamie Bell (Mrs George C.) Paducah 14040c Thompson, Mary Neale (Mrs) Richmond 16124< Thornton, Hannah P. (Mrs Peter) 1019 York st., Newport 21994^ Thornton, Sarah Jane (Mrs Thomas Griffin) Newport 32867m Thornton, Susy Bacon (Mrs R. H.) 22 E. 6th st., Newport 3276n Threlkeld, Frances Bassett (Mrs W. L.) 86 S. Limestone st., Lexington 14023(7 Trafton, Louise Rucker (Mrs Spaulding) 313 Centre st., Henderson 14039c Tribble, Alice Phelps (Mrs James P.) Richmond 7779e Trimble, Mary Barlow (Mrs) 1026 Madison ave., Covington 23396fc Todd, Sophia Bennett Ross (Mrs James Madison) 1935 1st ave., Louisville 875f Todd, Rosa Burwell (Mrs Charles Henry) . . . .603 Frederica st., Owensboro 12088^^ Towles, Susan Anderson (Mrs Walter A.) 113 Powell st., Henderson 25245fc Tucker, Martha J. B.(Mrs J. H.) Brook st. and Broadway, Louisville 30784V Tunis, Kate (Miss) Danville 34636; Turney, Jesse (Miss) Paris. 16140; Turners Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Amos) Paris 34140/ Tyler, Clara Hawes (Miss) Owensboro 26811r Vandyke, Stella Mitchell (Mrs Robert M.) 1327 2nd st., Louisville 307791; Van Meter, Amanda Yerkes (IVIiss) Danville 33749n Van Meter, Mabelle (Miss) Lexington 30781V Van Winkle, Louise D. (Mrs John S.) Danville 20363s Vaughan, Julia Dade (Mrs Solomon C.) Paducah. 20325 Veyssie, Bettie Berkeley (Miss) 112 Winchester ave., Ashland 28437fc Walker, Florence Miller (Mrs Frank) 927 3rd ave., Louisville 20344f Walker, Lizzie Crutcher (Miss) Hartford. 104630 Walker, Susan Baldwin (Mrs Jason) Richmond 20342/ Wandling, Elizabeth Weller Taylor (Mrs Jacob C.) Owensboro 35827fc Warder, Betty Thomas (Mrs Henry T.) 334 E. St. Catherine st., Louisvillj 33322V Warren, Jean Daviess (Mrs William) Danville 9052fc Washburne, Mary M. (Mrs George R.) Warwick Villa 5684 Washington, Anne Lee (Miss) 4th st., Newport 5690JH Washington, Florence May (Miss) 3rd st., Newport. 33316fc Watts, Margaret Anderson (Mrs R. A.) 121 W. St. Catherine st., Louisville 148740 Watts, Mary Parks (Mrs William Walker) Richmond: 284346 Weller, Eunice Worth (Mrs Jacob) 1515 Madison are., Covington^ 284356 Weller, Mamie T. (Miss) 1515 Madison are., Covington 23839 Wellman, May Goble (Mrs William McGuffey) Catlettsburg 14038c White, Annie Field (Mrs John F.) Richmond 140510 White, Jane Faulkner (Mrs George) Richmond 16765fc Widmer, Kate Webb (Mrs Joseph C.) 1322 3rd ave., Louisvil'e 28100fc Willey, Laura M. (Miss) 1456 2nd St., Louisville 27591fc Williams, Betty Holeman (l^Irs Alver C.) New Liberty 27260e Williams, Katherine Meredith (Miss) 90 Elm St., Ludlow 29485e Williams, Leah Augusta (Miss) 90 Elm st., Ludlow 14524; Williams, Louisa Keiningham (Miss) Paris Old Dominion Chapter, Va. 206 DlRECTOllY, D.' A. E. 16778rt Williams, Mary Lyle Sayre (Mrs Eoger) 50 N. Mill st., Lexington 26813(7 Williams, Sallie Young (Miss) 316 Green st., Henderson 5688 Wilshire, Anna Marshall (Mrs George Potter) . .Washington ave., Newport 3409 Wilshire, ^""ranees Katherine Queen (Mrs N. P.) 440 Greenup st., Covington 7780e Wilshire, Susan Emerson (Mrs) 641 Greenup St., Covington 33320/j Witherspoon, Mary Edmonia Offutt (Mrs Oran Haws) Lawrenceburg 7781e Wolcott, Sallie Bullock (Mrs Frederick P.) 641 Greenup st., Covington 13340fc Wolfe, Mary Converse Kawson (Mrs W. V.) 920 Fourth ave., Louisville 25492* Womack, Lydia Ccmner Biggs (Mrs John T.) Greenup 15551?/ Wood, Letitia Payne (Mrs James J.) Maysville 36209/= Wood, Mary Francis (Mrs A. C.) 712 Frederica st., Owensbi>ro 3440511 Woodruff, Ellen Curd (Miss) 110 S. Upper st., Lexington 34147A; Woodward, Catherine Elliott Miller (Mrs G. B.) 1697 Wilier ave.. Louisville 15550// Wormald, Charlotte E. (Mrs William) Maysville 2830S7 Wornall, Elizabeth Woodford (Mrs) *. Paris 32071c Yewell, Sallie L. (Miss) Owensbcro 30312f Young, Anna Huntington Wright (Mrs N. L.) 27 W. 9th st., Covington 30313e Young, Catherine Elinor (Miss) 27 W. 9th st., Covington 32075/0 Young, Eliza Thompson Sharj) (Mrs Bennett H.) Louisville 1126fc Zane, Emily A. (Mrs Hampden) 1509 4th ave., Louisville LOUISIANA State Reo-ent 1901, Mrs 0. Hamilton Tebault, 623 Lafayette Square, New Orleans " << 1 QO'v* '■ " " " " " " CHAPTEK (1 organized) a. Spirit of '76 Chapter — New Orleans Organized May 2, 1895; Memhers, 21 Regent, Mrs Malvina A. M. Shortridge Secretary, Mrs James Buckley Treasurer, Registrar, Mrs Edward Soule Members Residing in the State 27393** Baldwin, Ida J. Johnson (Mrs Jaben Bush) New Orleans 10970J1II Baxter, Elizabeth H. (Miss) Shreveport 18719:|: Boren, Bertha Brokaw (Mrs Marcellus R.) Mansfield %349« Bradford, Mary Avery Mcllhenny (Mrs Sidney) Avery's Island 5650ft Bradford, Sarah Fanning (Mrs E. A.).. 1749 Colisevim Place, New Orleans ■26413ft Buckley, Rhoda Anatole Wade (Mrs J.) 1315 Louisiana ave.. New Orleans 8768ft Conrad, Norma (Mrs Chas. A.) S. Lafaj^ette Sq., New Orleans 25250ft Cunningham, Julia F. (Mrs A. O.) 1513 Exposition Boulevard, New Orleans 35283ft Dicks, Ella (Miss) 542 Audubon st.. New Orleans 35284ft Dixey, Anna Ladd (Miss) 164 Amelia st.. New Orleans 22693ft Ellis, Josephine Chamberlin (Mrs Ezekiel J.) 1666 Peters ave., Covington 3568 Ferguson, Eliza Cabell (Mrs James M.) 610 Julia st., New Orleans 36321t Ferris, Eloise Polp (Mrs) Lamourie 8412ft Forsyth, Sarah Rice (Mrs Harry D.) 2627 Coliseum st., New Orleans 36219ft Fowler, Anna Davis (Miss) 3430 Coliseiim st., New Orleans :36218ft Fowler, Ethel Pope (Miss) 3430 Coliseum st., New Orleans 36217« Fowler, Fanny Standar (Mrs Isaac Jones) 3430 Colisetmi st.. New Orleans 15566ft Hadden, Leonora Fayssoux (Mrs Robert G.) Covington 4343 Htint, Ruhamah Ludlow (Mrs R.) 1637 Foucher st.. New Orleans 2034811 Jackson, Fanny McRoberts (Mrs Walter) Shreveport Joseph Spencer Chapter, Ohio. Spirit of Liberty Chapter, Utah. Lycoming Chapter, Pa. I Augusta Chapter, Ga. + George Washington Chapter, Texas. t Jefferson Chapter, Mo. I Margaret Taliaferro Chapter, Ky. MAIXE. 207 6348«. Johnston. INIarg-aret H. A. (Mrs Wm. P.) 1528 Harmony st., New Orleans 8769 Krumbhaar, Evelyn Carter (Miss) 1235 St. Andrew st., Xew Orleans 6347a Leeds, Sara Avery (Mrs Paul B.) Avery's Island 18166§ Lewis, Lucy Goode (Mrs John T.) Baton Rouge 31436a Lincoln, Mary (Miss) 1628 Upperline st.. New Orleans 5010a Mcllhenney, Mary E. Avery (Mrs Edmund) Avery's Island 5011a Mcllhenny, Sara Avery (Miss) Avery's Island 25583|||| McMillin, Lucille Foster (Mrs Benton) Shreveport 352S5a Miller, Dora Eichards (Mrs Anderson) . .1729 St. Andrew st., New Orleans 7794a Minor, Katharine Lintut (Miss) Southdown Plantation 35286a Payne, Carrie Smith (Mrs Julian Dowman) 1649 Palmer ave.. New Orleans 32469a Pollock, Mary Elise (Miss) New Orleans 32470 Pollock, Olive Alice (Miss) New Orleans 10474 Richardson, Ada Theresa (Miss) 1625 Prytania st., New Orleans 10473a Richardson, Cora Louise (Miss) 1625 Prytania st., New Orleans 2541a Richardson, Ella Oliver (Mrs John P.) 4706 Amelia st.. New Orleans 10875** Robbins, Sara Lizzie (Miss) 3612 Magazine st.. New Orleans 7475 Roberts, Marj^ Skipwith (Mrs Percy) 3004 Prytania st.. New Orleans 25331§§ Roberts, ISIinnie Lodemia (Mrs) Jennings 12668a Shortridge, Malvina A. M. (Mrs R. C.)..4800 Prytania st.. New Orleans 27895tt Simonds, Elizabeth Rea (Mrs Edward L.) 127 Carondelet st., New Orleans 35828a Soule, Anne Esty (Mrs Edward Everett) 16 Rosa Park, New Orleans 10113 Story, Jeannie Washington (Mrs Benj. S.) "Saxonholm," Chalmette 14610a Tebault, Sallie Bradford B. (Mrs C. H.)..623 Lafayette Sq., New Orleans 31437a Watt, Edna Bartlett Conner (Mrs J.) 2235 Carondelet st., New Orleans 18470a Whitner, Emily Lulah (Mrs Thomas Cobb) 3717 Prytania st.. New Orleans 8772a Whitney-, Laura C. S. (Mrs Charles M.) 3rd & Coliseum sts., New Orleans 34150 Youreei^ Bettie Scott (Mrs P.) Shreveport MAINE State Regent, 1901, Mrs. W. E. Youlaiid, Biddeford. (( u 1902 " " " " " CHAPTERS (11 organized, 3 unorganized) a. Bethel EI embers Regent, Miss Annie M. Frve. Appointed April 26, 1898. Reappointed November* 7, 1900 b. Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter — Portland Orqanlzed Ocioher S, 189.'i; Members, 193 (New Hampshire, 1; New York, 2; Cali- fornia, 1; ixhode Island, 1; Distriet rjf Columbia, 1; Illinois, 1; Massaehnsetts, 2) Regent, Mrs Frank W. York Treasurer, Mrs Abbie M. L. Tenney 1st Vice-Reg., Mrs Sophia B. K. Bedlow Registrar, Miss Luetta King 2d Vice-Regt., Mrs Mary A. E. Waldron Historian, Mrs Sybil M. Paine Rec. Sec, Mrs Eleanor G. Lefavor Chaplain, Mrs Frances O. G. Glasier Cor. Sec, Mrs Edna M. P. Davis Auditor, Mrs Isabel S. B. Merrill c. Eunice Farnsworth Chapter— Skowhegan Onjanized Januarn 13, 189S; Members, 25 (Massachusetts, 2) Regent, Miss Gertrude S. Weston Secre.tary, Mrs Helen C. Wing Vice-Regent, Mrs Fannie Cabot Treasurer, Mrs Lois W. Patten Registrar, Miss Louise H. Coburn Margaret Gaston Chapter, Tenn. Cumberland Chapter, Tenn. Lucretia Shaw Cliapter, Conn. §§ Grey Solon du Lhut Chapter, Minn. ft Pittsburg Chapter, Pa. 208 DIEECTOKY, D. A. E. d. Francis Bighton Williams Chapter — Bangor Organized May 21, 1891; Mein'bers, 46 (Califoimia, 1; New York, 1) Regent, Mrs Jennie D. White Treasurer, Miss M. Josephine Bakhvin Vice-Eegent, Mrs Edith T. S. Babcock Eegistrar, Mrs Mary H. E. Curran Eec. Sec., Miss Mary L. Webster Historian, Mrs Esther P. P. H. Estes Cor. Sec, Miss Charlotte A. Baldwin Librarian, Mrs Alice B. V. Jones e. General Knox Chapter — Thomaston Organized Octoler 25, 1898; Memhcrs, 30 (Connecticut, 1; New York, 1; Massa- chusetts, 2) Regent, Mrs Fannie A. Euggles Treasurer, Miss Mabel E. Hewett Vice-Eegent, Mrs Lois M. Creighton Eegistrar, Miss Eliza K. Levensaler Eec. Sec, Miss Emma A. Fountain Historian, Miss Nettie M. Levensaler Cor. Sec, Mrs Mary S. Thomas Chaplain, Mrs Amelia Eobinson Auditor, Mrs Ella W. Dunn f. Hallowell. Members Eegent, Miss Abby Lyle Everleth. Appointed June 6, 1900 g. Hannah Weston Chapter — Machias Organized February 12, 1901; Members, 19 (Foreign, 1) Eegent, Miss Lucy T. Ames Secretary, Miss Grace Donworth Vice-Eegent, Miss Elizabeth Chandler Treasurer, Mrs Lucy M. Bailey h. Koussinoc Chapter — Augusta Organized December 27. 1897; Members, 32 (Massachusetts, 1) Eegent, Mrs Emma H. Nason Treasurer, Mrs Lilian E. Sherburne Vice-Eegent, Mrs Carrie I\. Partridge Eegistrar, Mrs Persis B. Martin Secretary, Miss Mary W. Huntington Historian, Mrs Florence A. Wliilney i. Lady Knox Chapter — Rockland Organized January 17, 1898; Members, 40 Eegent, Mrs Jennie C. White Treasurer, Mrs E. K. Gould Vice-Eegent. Mrs Emily C. Hitchcock Eegistrar, Mrs Maud Smith Secretary, Miss Jane Falls Historian, Miss Nancy J. Burbank ' Chaplain, Mrs Abbie Cilley j. Mary Dillingham Chapter — Lewiston Organized April 4, 1895; Members, 45 (California, 1) Eegent, Mrs Id.a B. Packard Secretary, Mrs M. E. Stevens Vice-Eegent, Mrs A. Peaslee Treasurer, Mrs M. A. G. Martin Eegistrar, Miss M. Bolster r k. Rebecca Emery Chapter — Biddeford Organized January 25, 1897; Members, 20 Eegent, Miss Sophia Tarbox Treasurer, Mrs Lydia H. Fogg Vice-Eegent, Mrs Lydia McBride Eegistrar, Mrs Olivia B. Walker Secretary, Miss Cora B. Bickford Historian, Mrs S. E. Jelleson Chaplain, Mrs E. H. Burnham 1. Saco Members Eegent, Mrs Annie Perry Winslow. Appointed May 2, 1900 MAINE. 209 m. Samuel Grant Chapter — Gardiner Otg(iHi.::ed June S, 1897; Members, 15 'Regent, Miss Delia H. Collins Vice-Eegent, Mrs Lizzzie J. Clason Secretary, Mrs Nora G. Eice Treasurer, Mrs Ella F. D. Landers Eegistrar, Mrs Clara L. Small Historian, Mrs Emma L. H. Eeynolds n. Silence Howard Hayden Chapter — Waterville Organized January 28, 1898; Members, 2It (Montana, 1) Eegent, Mrs Ellen L. F. Arnold Treasurer, Mrs Marion T. Freeland Eegistrar, Mrs Jennie M. Hammond Chaplain, Mrs Clara A. F. Bessey Members Eesiding in the State Vice-Eeg., Mrs Abbie W. B. Johnson Secretary, Mrs Emma B. Abbott 31499« Abbott, Emma Durrell Boothby (Mrs AYm. H. K.) 16 School st., Water\ille 35288& Alexander, Cora May (Miss) 161 Cumberland st., Portland 35287& Alexander, Sarah Frances (Mrs Chas.) 161 Cumberland st., Portland 34649i Allen, Mary E. (Mrs Wm. L.) Eockland 31452(7 Ames, Lucy Talbot (Miss) Machias 303206 Ames, Miriam Ellen (Miss) 294 Brackett st., Portland 31448/i Arnold, Ellen Louise Furbish (Mrs Willard B.)..34 Silver st., Waterville 20366& Austin, Elizabeth Barbour (Mrs Stephen) Falmouth 24654(Z Babcock, Edith Thaxter Stevens (Mrs Augustus H.)..23 Ohio st., Bangor 19204d Bachelder, Charlotte Carr (Mrs Wm. H.) 4 Adams st., Bangor 119206 Bacon, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs) 238 Main st., Biddeford 17994; Bailey, Flora M. (Mrs Emery) 97 Spring st.. Auburn 8229fir Bailey, Lucy Morey Curtis (Mrs James Henry) Machias 31447?;i Baker, Clara Jewell (Mrs) 26 Lincoln ave., Gardiner 12677d Baldwin, Charlotte Augusta (Miss) 135 Cedar st., Bangor 12676(Z Baldwin, Margaret Josephine (Miss) 135 Cedar st., Bangor 20954d Baldwin, Maud Patten (Mrs Thos. Williams) Boothbay Harbor 203697t Bangs, Amelia S. (Mrs Algernon S.) Bangor 21509i Banks, Mary Anna (Mrs Wm. A.) 12 Middle st., Eockland 352896 Barker. Mary Poor (Miss) 655 Congress st., Portland 268146 Barnes, Bernice Isabelle Knight (Mrs W. W.) 9 Cushman st., Portland 346436 Barnes, Ella Wescott (Mrs James Henry) Hotel Columbia, Portland 303216 Barton, Ida Louise (Mrs George H. W.) 209 Front st., Bath 133446 Baxter, Mehetabel Cummings Proctor (Mrs J. P.) 61 Bearing st., Portland! 58946 Bedlow, Sophia Brazier (Mrs James S.)....345 Cumberland st., Portland 22022» Bessey, Clara Fobes (Mrs Alden) 72 Elm st., Waterville 13350A; Bickford, Cora Belle (Miss) 20 Mt. Pleasant st., Biddeford 17501fc Bickford, Sarah Gilpatrick (Miss) 20 Mt. Pleasant st., Biddeford 341516 Bigelow, Sarah Helen (Mrs) Skowhegan 352906 Bishop, Ada Piper (Mrs Newland) 19 Sherman st., Portland 22010c Bixby, Mary Blanche (Miss) Skowhegan 324731. Black, Clara C. (Mrs) 63 Summer St., Eockland 32085i Black, Grace Ayers (Mrs Alfred Snow) ..Eockland 20367» Bodge, Georgie Kimball (Mrs William F.) Waterville 11090/ Bolster, Martha Florence (Miss) 10 Nudd st., Auburn 58826 Bonney, Harriet Ellen (Mrs Joseph Merrill) 23 Hanover st., Portland 337546 Boothby, Adelaide Eadora Smith (Mrs F. E.) "Falmouth Hall," Portland 19203ri Bowler, Ellen S. (Mrs James H.) 4 Adams st., Bangor 58856 Bradbury, Ellen Eead (Mrs O. N.) ' Norway 23860/ Bradford, Hannah J. (Miss) Lewiston 25258rf Brann, Mercy Lewis (Mrs Nathaniel) Bangor 17992fc Bridges, Lydia Armine Whitten (Mrs W. E. ) Cor. Sumner & Foss sts.,. Biddeford 6175; Briggs, Alice Frye (Mrs Frank A.) Turner st.. Auburn 289776 Brown, Mabel Eebecca (Mrs Theodore J.) 1 Davis Place, Portland 24655^' Brown, Mary O'Brien (Mrs Henry Charles) Machias 197806 Bryant, Margaret Scammon (Miss) 349 Cumberland st., Portland 191906 Bryant, Mary Freeman (Miss) 2 Deering st., Portland 21510i Burbank, Nancy Ingalls (Miss) Eockland 13 210 DIEECTORY, D. A. E. 32079& Burke, Allettice H. (Mrs Morrell) 1 Davis Place, Portland 30329fc Burnham, Elizabeth Haynes (Mrs John H.) 3 Bradbury st., Biddeford 28103fc Burnham, Martha Elizabeth (Mis;s) 16 Beach st. Saco 23862W Burleigh, Kate H. (Miss) Vassalboro 33755i Burrows, Lola Burton (Mrs Calvin I.) Summer st., Rockland 15569i Butler, Eva Arey (Mrs Edward A.) Eockland 19205(i Buzzell, Florence E. (Mrs James C.) 11 Hudson st., Bangor 33326b Buzzell, Laura Marion Harmon (Mrs) Fryeburg 29867b Buzzell, Susan Whitmore (Mrs John) South Portland 23854c Cabot, Edith (Miss) Skowhegan 25265c Cabot, Fanny Jewett (Mrs William Henry) Skowhegan 36223.7 Campbell, Josephine O'Brien (Mrs Fred. I."^) Cherryfield 31438b Carney, Artena Maud (Miss) 85 Federal st., Portland 5884b Carney, Harriet A. Stevens (Mrs W. C. G.) 85 Federal st., Portland 35291b Carpenter, Abby Frances (Miss) 656 Congress st., Portland 33864e Carr, Helen Louise (Miss) Thomaston 34153/; Carver, Mary Fish Randall (Mrs Warner Lyman) Augusta 36225/i Carver, Mary Low (Mrs) .' Augusta 24653c Cass, Louise Haskell (Miss) Skowhegan 22000/ Chamberlin, Mary J. B. (Mrs William) Lewiston 5818£/ Chandler, Elizabeth L. (Mrs John Ulmer) • Machias ?,1439b Charleston, INIary x\delaide S. (Gorman) (Mrs O.) 18 Atlantic st., Portlanrl 18475i Cilley, Mary Abby Butler Burpee (Mrs Jonathan P.) Rockland 6180b Clapp, Mary Jane Emerson (Miss) 447 Congress st., Portland 30787rf Clark, Eliza Catherine Rice (Mrs William Copeland) Lincoln 21502b Clarke, Annie Augusta (Miss) 639 Congress st., Portland 4213* Clarke, Anna Baker (Miss) Augusta 7796b Clarke, Charlotte Augusta (Miss) Box 166, Gorham 7797b Clarke, Georgia Maria (Miss) Box 166, Gorham 5907b Clarke, Harriet E. (Miss) 782 Congress st., Portland 23402WI Clason, Lizzie J. (Mrs) 14 Washington ave., Gardiner 10442|| Clayes, Lydia P. Bullard (Mrs HoUis) 7 Walker st., Portland 34651i Cobb, Harriet F. (Mrs Nathan F.) 29 Beech st., Eockland 346501 Cobb, Lucy B. (Mrs William T.) Middle st., Rockland 25262t Cobb, Minnie Mannella (Mrs Lucius Edward) , Rockland 22011c Coburn, Helen Sophia Miller (Mrs Stephen) Skowhegan 18478c Coburn, Louise Helen (Miss) Skowhegan 20955d Coe, Sada L. (Mrs Thomas U.) Bangor 32884 Cole, Mildred A. Clark (Mrs Albert S.) Thomaston 17513OT Collins, Delia Hortense (j\Iiss) '....3 Washington ave., Gardiner 19788»i Connor, Ella Josephine Gaslin (Mrs Edmund B.) Randolph 22023» Cook, Mary E. (Mrs Benjamin B.) Unity 17502A; Craig, Elizabeth Bickford (Mrs) Biddeford Pool 238676 Crawford, Eliza L. (Miss) Thomaston 23866e Creighton, Clara A. (Miss) Thomaston 23865P Creighton, Lois McLellan (Mrs Charles A.) Thomaston 5906b Crie, Jean Lincoln (Miss) S3 State st., Portland 31442i Crockett, Anna Therese (Miss) Hamden st., Rockland 18474i Crockett, Maria Theresa Butler (Mrs) Rockland 32474i Crockett, Monica L. (Miss) 69 N. Main st., Rockland 19195(f Crosby, Hannah Addle (Mrs Wilson) 303 Hammond st., Bangor 27593(i Cummings, Florence Mildred (Miss) 99 Lincoln st., Bangor 9599b Cummings, Justelle Barbour (Mrs Isaac I.) Box 43, Falmouth 28442e Curling, Louise B. (Miss) Thomaston lS479fZ. Curran, Mary Harris Ellison (Mrs) 54 Penobscot st., Bangor 23855(Z Curtis, Emma Frances (Mrs Joseph N.) 210 Forest ave., Bangor 12719§ Curtis, Gertrude Edna Freeman (Mrs Levi Holbrook) Auburn 26S15b Davis, Edna ^Sfabel Plummer (Mrs Henry Hall).. 285 Bracket st., Portland 21503b Davis, Annie True (Mrs George Roberts) ... .639 Congi'ess st., Portland 20370/1 Davis, Eliza Morrell (Mrs Edward E.) 16 Pleasant st., Augusta 17523/ Day, Harriet Marie (Mrs Horace C.) Auburn 36227m Day, Hattie J. (Mrs Clarence M.) 130 Highland ave., Gardiner Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, 111. § Betsy Ross Chapter, Mass. MAINE. Ill 33757; Day, Mary Alma Holland (Mrs Fessenden I.).. 134 College st., Lewiston 35292b Dealy, Harriet Frances Pride (Mrs G. T.) 52 Melbourne St., Portland 27596ft Deering, Fanny Murray Chase (Mrs Frank C.) Saco 33758; Dennis, Edith Garcelon (Mrs Frank Clifford) Lewiston 19202d Dole, Miriam Drummond (Miss) 122 Coiirt st., Bangor 90576 Dolley. Nettie Gould (Miss) 11 Green st., Portland 25259(1 Donnell, Frances Cone (Mrs Benjamin Woodbridge) Alna 11091.'/ Donworth, Grace (Miss) Machias 5887& Doten, Clara Lizzie (Mrs Koswell F.) 235 State st., Portland 7798& Dow, Cornelia M. (Miss) 714 Congress st., Portland 362206 Downs, Mary Elizabeth Wyer (Mrs John Gilman)..lS6 Pearl St., Portland 9059(i Drummond, Emma Drummond Dole (Mrs) 66 Court st., Bangor 22024?i Drummond, Josephine Prince (Mrs Albert F.) 28 Morrill ave., Watervllle 28440/i- Dudley, Emily C. (Mrs Benjamin Frank) 10 Kossuth st., Biddeford 90566 Dudley, Frances Jane (Mrs Palmer) S4 High st., Portland 22025H Dunbar, Helen M. (Miss) 83 Pleasant Place, Waterville 238696 Dunn, Ella Watts (Mrs Richard Elliott) Thomaston 30785c Elliott, Mary Prudence Baxter (Mrs Adam) Athens 17515Hi Ellis, Anna E. (Mrs Joseph) 9 Eiver ave., Gardiner 20956rf Ellison, Sarah Elizabeth (Miss) W. Brooksville 29879/ Emerson, Mattie Wagg (Mrs Edwin S.) 217 Main st.. Auburn 28976ri Estabrook, Kate Clark (Mrs H. 'Si.) Orono 19198(Z Estes, Esther P. P. H. (Mrs John) . .' 178 Cedar st., Bangor 32479 Eveleth, Abby Lyle (Miss) Hallowell 18476i Fales, Jane Therese (Miss) 5 Beech st., Rockland 32475i Farwell, Elizabeth A. (Miss) Rockland 303226 Fernald, Alice Marie (Miss) 247 Brackett st., Portland 31513 Fernaldj Rachel Maria (Mrs Reginald) Kittery 358296 Fickett, Ellen M. Plummer (Mrs C. H.) 6 Deering st., Portland 298686 Fickett, Helen Chenery (Mrs J. E.) 130 Free st., Portland 197S97t Fisher, Edith Blanche Kimball (Mrs William Henry) Augusta 95956 Fogg, Lucy Webster (Mrs Almon H.) Houlton 20952A- Fogg, Lydia Anne Haley (Mrs James H.) 192 Alfred st., Biddeford 22026n Fogg, Mary W. (Miss) Unity 32SS0e Fountain, Emma A. (Miss) Thomaston 24660/J Freeland, Marion E. (Mrs) High st., Fairfield 18473fc Freeman, Josephine Lois Gove (Mrs William P.) Biddeford 19201d Freese, Mary Drummond Third st., Bangor 23858 Frye, Annie M. (Miss) Bethel 20371?! Fuller, Helen Williams (Miss) Augusta 215046 Furlong, Margaret Webber Brackett (Mrs George W.) Woodfords 23397/1 Gannett, Sadie Hill (Mrs) Augusta 6519 Gardner, Ada Sargent (Mrs Edwin E.) Dennysville 34156f? Gardner, Susan Sanborn (Miss) East Machias 34154fir Gates, Fannie C. (Mrs Edward Vose) Machias 6525; Getchell, May E. (Miss) 316 Main st., Lewiston 34155f7 Getchell, Mina Hay (Miss) Machias 307860 Gifford, Belle Neil (Mrs William R.) Skowhegan S0586 Glasier, Frances Olney G. (Mrs Daniel) 41 Brattle st., Portland 126786 Glidden, Amy Gardiner (Miss) Newcastle 27592; Colder, Esther A. (Mrs) Middle st., Lewiston 58866 Gooding, Grace Ardell (Mrs John M.) 65 Spruce st., Portland 184816 Goodhue, Henrietta Quincy (Miss) 88 Chestnut st., Portland 126716 Goold, Ellen (Miss) Talman Place, Portland 65236 Goold, Sophia Estella (Mrs Walter F.) South Portland 29878i Gould, Fanny Dennis (Mrs Edward K.) 45 Masonic st., Rockland 31443i Graves, Angelica S. (Miss) Rockland 26414(Z Gray, Mary Fuller Braley (Mrs George Alexander) . .4th st.. Old Town 284456 Griffin,, Mary Mildred Fickett (Mrs L. B.)..182 E. Promenade, Portland 22696fc Hackett, Fannie M. (Miss) 13 Clifford st., Biddeford 28446 Hall, Eunice Maxcy Fickett (Mrs Elmer).. 63 St. Lawrence st., Portland 19197(Z Hammatt, Anne Frances (Miss) 178 Cedar st., Bangor 24661n Hammond, Jennie M. (Mrs Frank E.) Burrell st., Fairfield 78006 Harmon, Harriet Files (Mrs Trueman) Woodfords 23400; Harper, Estelle G. (Mrs John) Lewiston 212 DIRECTOET, D. A, R. 19208/1 Hartshorn, Georgiana D. (Mrs) Aiio-nsta 35837; Hartshorn, Minnie Blake (Mrs W. H.) 235 College st., Lew'iston 18477d Harvey, Addie Lillian Bartle (Mrs Francis LeRoy) Orono 7801b Haskell, Ella H. (Mrs Lowell P.) Waldoboro 7162* Haskell, Lila Lowell (Miss) Waldoboro 298706 Haskell, Mary Caroline (Mrs T. J.) 2 Adams Place, Portland 19776; Haskell, Minnie (Mrs J. N.) 130 7th st.. Auburn 6522& Haskell, Sarah Elizabeth C. (Mrs Benjamin F.) 265 State st., Portland 34652i. Hastings, Jerusha (Mrs Edward) Middle st., Eockland 110926 Hathaway, Clara H. (Mrs Charles L.) Norway 65246 Heald, Lydia Isabel (Mrs John S.) 265 State st., Portland 29876(Z Heath, Adelle Flye (Miss) Bangor 17517 Heath, Gertrude E. (Miss) Gardiner 22013c Heath, Mary Steward (Mrs Edward W.) Waterville 28443e Hewett, Mabel Esther (Miss) Thomaston 27595fZ Higgins, Ellen McCully (Mrs John H.) Charleston 25254c Hight. Caroline Farrand (Mrs Hanson) Norridgewock 294866 Hill, Grace Nash (Mrs John Howard) 272 State st., Portland 303246 Hilton. Emeline Dolly Yeaton (Mrs Richard) 130 Lake St., Auburn 25263i Hitchcock, Emily Case (Mrs Francis E.) 22 White st., Rockland 320871 Hitchcock, Mary Eastman (Miss) Rockland 272647/. Holwaj', Olive Augusta Fowler (Mrs Oscar) ....^...Augusta 78026 Hooper, Hattie Carlton (Mrs Frederick N.) 482 Congress st., Portland 71456 Hooper, Sarah Whitman Adams (Mrs True) Hotel Columbia, Portland 19199(Z Hopkins, Mary Ellen Webster (Mrs George H.) 303 Hammond st.. Bangor 77956 Home, Anna Choate McLellan (Mrs Robert M.) 94 Danforth st., Portland 303236 Home, Wealthy Hobbs Noyes (Mrs John F.) 65 Pine st., Portland 314406 Houghton, Alice Josephine B. (Airs F. M.) 393 Stevens ave., Portland 36226/1 Howard, Mary Ann Barker (Mrs Charles H.) 228 State st., Augusta 19777/ Howe, Sarah Kendall (Mrs George Milton) Lewiston 19785/1 Hunt, Rebecca Arey (Mrs Joseph P.)* Hallowell 18472/!. Huntington, Alice Mayo (Miss) 51 Greene st., Augusta 21508/t Huntington, Mary Wentworth (Miss) 42 Sewell st., Augusta 22699« Hutchins, Carrie E. McFadden (Mrs George W.) 11 Dalen st., Waterville 298696 Hutchinson, Jane Adaline Steele Y. (Mrs J. H.)..41 Winter st., Portland 22698/u Hutchinson, Lizzie J. W. Hall (Mrs) Gardiner 358306 Hyde, Daisy Wheelock (Mrs Wm. Pitt) 285 Brackett st., Portland 90626 Ingalls, Lydia Ann Young (Mrs Robert) 233 High st., Portland 175106 Ingalls, Olive A. Glidden '(Mrs Harlan P.) 231 High st., Portland 22004/1; Ingersoll, Marcia Atkinson (Mrs Richnrond H.) 15 Crescent st., Biddeford 17992Z; Jellison, Sarah E. D. (Mrs) Biddeford 23863TO Jenkins, Sarah B. D. (Mrs) 24 High st.. Pleasant Place, Waterville 358316 Johns, Emma F. (Mrs Christian D.) 263 Cumberland st.. Portland 2466271 Johnson, Abbie W. (Mrs Charles F.) 68 Silver st., Waterville 352936 Johnson, Elizabeth Bray (Miss) Windham Hill 4700|| Johnson, Emma Florence (Miss) 7 Walker st., Portland 20957d Jones, Alice Braley Vail (Mrs Storer Wheelwright) 81 4th st., Bangor 27262; Jones, Ella Weeman (Mrs Frederick A.) 340 College st., Lewiston 294876 Jones, Eunice Merrill (Mrs Emery) S. Freeport 294886 Jordan, Mercy Bucklin (Mrs Asa) Cape Elizabeth 31444i Kallock, Louise Crockett (Mrs Charles M.) Rockland 35302(7 Kane, Cora E. (Mrs George) Machias 58836 Keazer, Mary Elizabeth Sawyer (Mrs James) 83 State st., Portland 197816 Keith, Lydia C. (Miss) .' New Gloucester 78036 Kendall, Mary Rebecca Buzzell (Mrs Alfred A.).. 10 Henry st., Portland 32881i Kennedy, Lucy M. (Mrs Peter) Rockland 126726 Kilborn,_Lucietta Sweetser Libby (Mrs W. T.)..204 Bracket st., Portland 324761 Kimball, Almira A. (Mrs George) Rockland 19790/^ Kimball, Malinda S. (Mrs Bradford) Winthrop st., Augusta 58976 King, Frances Olivia (Mrs Marquis Fayette).. 3 Congress Park, Portland 95986 King, Lizzie Thomas Pennell (Mrs Warren C). .782 Congress st., Portland 90606 King, Luetta (Miss) 3 Congress Park, Portland. 34647/1- Kinsman, Alice Penney (Mrs Fred. Greely) 86 Winthrop st., Augusta • St. Louis Chapter, Mo. Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, 111. MAINE. 213 233987i Kinsman, Octavia Greely (Mrs Frank) Aug-usta 167S5& Knight, Sophia S. (Mrs Henrjr) 230 Spring st., Portland 23S56d Knowles, Lydia Jane (Mrs Warren H.) 68 5th st., Bangor 31445i Knov.'lton, Helen A. (Miss) Rockland .35S32& Kyle, Mary L. Ingalls (Mrs Peter Laing) 105 Sherman st., Portland 26S18h( Landers, Ella Frances Drake (Mrs Wm. James) Briinswick ave., Gardiner 167S2& Lang, Caroline Files (Mrs) 46 Brown st., Portland 22027Jt Lang, Sara Drummond (Miss) Pleasant Place, Waterville 34644& Larrabee, Elizabeth Hale (Mrs Frank M.) Woodfords 22001; Leader, Alice Farnham (Mrs John A.) 47 Pierce st., Lewiston 184B2/J Lefavor, Eleanor Heseltine Goodhue (Mrs G. E.) 31 Vesper st., Portland 5898& LeGrow, Lucinda E. (Mrs Orin R.) 772 Congress st., Portland 32080& Leighton, Flora Emma (Mrs Roscoe Green).... 55 Sherman st., Portland 23872e Levensaler, Eliza Kellog- (Miss) Thomaston 23873e Levensaler, Nettie Mary (Miss) Thomaston 17518OT Lewis, Eleanor W. (Mrs Weston) 20 Vine st., Gardiner 19191& Libby, Alice Jose (Miss) 29 Monjoy St., Portland 238746 Linnell, Kate Augiista Flint (Mrs Herbert Ritchie)..... Thomaston 25266e Little, Bessie Smith (Mrs Horace) Thomaston 19193/ Little, Mabel Hill Lowell (Mrs Jacob Roak) 142 College st., Lewiston 8414/ Little, Rosa Roak (Mrs Horace C.) College st., Lewiston 29493c Littlefield, Pauline Dinsmore (Mrs Moses) Skowliegan 32477i Littlefield, Rosalba W. (Mrs Arthur S.) Rockland 17506fr Littlefield, Sadie Cole (Miss) 104 Elm st., Biddeford 28441A; Littlefield, Sarah Emma Berry (Mrs Gilman P.).. 104 Elm st., Biddeford 35833b Livermore, Elsie Leighton (Miss) 129 Free st., Portland 34157r/ Longfellow, Helen Therese (Mrs) Machias 294946 Lord, Annie Waldo (Mrs Herbert M.) Rockland 126736 Lovejoy, Jennie B. McLaughlin (Mrs) 244 Brackett st., N. Portland 19206& Lowell, Phidelis C. (Mrs William W.) 254 French st., Bangor 35835/(. Lyman, Julia Anna Gridley (Mrs Frederick S.) Augusta 233* McAllister, Margaret Jones Wiley (Mrs M. W.)..64 Carlton st., Portland 13351fc McBride, Lydia Hooper Bickford (Mrs) Biddeford, Pool 5905b McDonald, Abbie Louise (Miss) 772 Congress st., Portland 5890b McDonald, Anna A. (Mrs Marshall) 225 Spring st., Portland 17511b McDonald, Dora Pierce (Mrs Charles J.) 286 W. Congress st., Portland 6520b McDowell, Carrie H. (Miss) 9 Deering st., Portland 5896b McDowell, Mary Caroline W. (Mrs Jas. Edward) 9 Deering st., Portland 31451^7 McKellar, Mary Bouker (Miss) Machias 34190JI McKown, Eunice Eliza (Miss) Boothbay Harbor '17524/ Maloon, Augusta P. (Mrs William) 113 7th st., Auburn 29489b Marks, Amanda Stearns (Mrs William Miller) So West st., Portland 22002/ Martin, Mary Augusta Gould (Mrs George P.).. 160 Pleasant st., Auburn 203727^ Martin, Persis Bodwell (Mrs George W.) 76 State st., Augusta 26816b Mason, Abbie J. (Miss) 30 Beckett st., Portland 7804b Matthews, Annie Blanche Harmon (Mrs F. V.)..8 Pearl st., Woodfords 11089/ MaxAvell, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) Lewiston 35294b Melcher, Maude Merrill (Mrs Richmond L.) Andover 1114 Merrick, Annie Brown Harter (Mrs J. Vaughan, Jr.) Front's Neck 1 29866c Merrill, Alice Wilson (Mrs Leon Stephen) Solon ! 32879c Merrill, Elizabeth Powers (Mrs John Palmer) Skowhegan 9594b Merrill, Isabell Somers (Mrs Frank) 65 Brown st., Portland I 25255c Merrill, Jerusha Caroline Dean (Mrs Stephen) Solon ' 11916b Merrill, Marv Elizabeth Hodges (Mrs H. P.).. 727 Congress st., Portland ' 17933/ Metcalf, Amanda Lamont (Mrs Lorettus Sutton) Monmouth 16790 Milliken, Elizabeth D. (Mrs Charles J.) Woodford , 238756 Montgomery, Abbie vStahl (Mrs Ernest Linwood) Thomaston 25261(Z Moor, Susan Brastow (Mrs Thomas S.) 32 2nd st., Bangor 238766 Moore, Ella M. (Mrs Joseph E.) Thomaston 19782d Morison, Frances Williams (Mrs) 43 Highland ave., Bangor 30789?i Morrill, Elizabeth W. (Mrs) Readfield 1 36221b Moulton, Carrie Lane (Miss) 60 Hampshire st., Portland Witness Tree Chapter, Pa. Lucy Knox Chapter, Mass. 21 1- DIKECTOKY, D. A. R, 7477; Moulton, Julia Ann Hatch (Mrs Daniel P.) 100 College st., Lewiston 21505& Montfort, Eliza Shaw Webster (Mrs George C.) Knightville 11917& Nash, Clara Edith Davis (Mrs U. N.) 72 Williams st., Portland 1847l7i Nason, Emma Huntington (]\[rs Charles H.) 51 Green st., Augusta 23877c Newcomb, lada Watts (Mrs William Abram) Thomaston 26050/ Newell, Ida Frances Plummer (Mrs William H.) 149 College st., Lewiston 12679; Norris, Elvira Merrill (Mrs George W.) Monmouth 12674b Norton, Alice Maude Sturdivant (Mrs Edmund Kandall) Cumberland 31450/1 Norton, Hattie B. (Mrs) Augusta 13347& O'Neil, Carrie Ella Knight (Mrs Joseph H.) 230 Spring st., Portland 2387SC Overlook, Flora Watts (Mrs HolHs Monroe) 35 Knox st., Thomaston 8415/ Packard, Ida Barker (Mrs Franklin Herrick)..87 Bartlett st., Lewiston 19192?j Paine, Sibyl Merrill (Mrs) 63 Wilmot st., Portland 609& Palmer, Ann I. (Mrs John E.) 60 Winter st., Portland 298726 Palmer, Annie Osgood (Mrs Frank Willard) 64 Winter st., Portland 19207d Parsons, Celeste D. Lowell (Mrs Francis D.) 254 French st., Bangor 27597/( Partridge, Mary C. (Mrs) Augusta 22014c Patten, Lois Weston (Mrs Eoland T.) Skowhegan 32081?> Pease, Emily Frances (Mrs Gideon L.) 65 Brown st., Portland 12680/ Peaslee, Abbie Ann Capen (Mrs George L.) 42 Goff st.. Auburn 22016* Pegram, Eda Kezia Smith (Mrs) Skowhegan 59 Pendleton, Margaret Riviere Hetzel (Mrs Edmund) Ear Harbor 25257 Pepper, Frances Coburn (Mrs Charles Hovey) Skowhegan 21511* Perry, Edith Frances (Mrs Jarvis C.) Eockland 29791|j Pettigrew, Fanstenah Leighton (Mrs) Kittery 32084c Philbriek, Mabel Ward (Mrs Samuel White) , Skowhegan 353007; Philbrook, Mary Gardner (Miss) Augusta 29873& Pickett, Eebecca Whitmore (Mrs Benj. W.) 10 Henry st., Portland 33327& Plaisted, Thankful Babb (Mrs John) Lim-ington 26049; Plummer, Alice Maria (Miss) 95 Main st., Lisbon Falls 30325& Plummer, Evalyn E. (Mrs William E.) 130 Sherman st., Portland 34655/ Plummer, Helen Freeman Sleeper (Mrs) 326 Main st., Lewiston 9597& Plummer, Mary Eosabel Brackett (Mrs C. A.).. 635 Congress st., Portland 35301i Pooler, Agnes M. (Mrs Willard C.) 72 Middle st., Eockland 352951) Poor, Abbie Gorham Barker (Mrs Olcott Brovv'er) Andover 22695d Porter, Georgia Pulsifer (Mrs Charles Byron) Oldtown 6793 Porter, Katharine Gushing (Miss) Campobello 19778/ Praj% Sophie C. (Mrs Leonard A.) 63 Western Promenade, Auburn 22003/ Prescott, Augusta Jane (Mrs Lyman) 2 Union st.. Auburn 76567J Proctor, Lucinda Page (Mrs John C.) 37 Crescent st., Portland 17525; Pulsifer, Caroline E. (Mrs L. C.) 1 Oak st.. Auburn 13345& Eackleff, Edith Clayton Soule (Mrs Henry A.) 63 Pearl st., Woodford 25251?) Eandall, Alice Tamar (Miss) 17 Beacon st., Bath 25252& Eandall. Flora May (Miss) 17 Beacon st., Bath 19194/ Eead, Mary Salina (Mrs Dan) Auburn 26048b Eedlon, Annie Belle (Mrs Charles Henry) 114 Emery st., Portland 32472b Eedlon, Georgia Anna (Miss) 63 Brown st., Portland 16781b Eedlon, Sarah Phinney Files (Mrs Nathan E.) 46 Brown st., Portland 17516m Eeed, Frances B. Hawthorne (Mrs Ira Hill) Gardiner 358367t Eeynolds, Alice Southworth (Miss) 23 Bangor st., Augusta 26817«^ Eeynolds, Emma Louise Howe (Mrs A. T.) 11 Washington ave., Gardiner 6780; Eeynolds, Kate D. (Mrs E. C.) , Bridge st., Lewiston 22008i Eice, Ellen Adela (Miss) 26 Middle st., Eockland 21512i Eice, Frances Weston (Mrs Albert Smith) 26 Middle st., Eockland 1817m Eice, Nora Grant (Mrs William Powell) Gardiner 5909/ Eich, Caroline W. D. (Mrs Thomas Hill) "Idlehaven," Frye st., Lewiston 21515|[ Eich, Delia (Mrs) Old Orchard 17520m Eichards, Laura E. (Mrs Henry) .' Gardiner 7808/ Eichardson, Isabel M. (Mrs) Lawrence st., Eockland 30326b Eipley, Emma Jane Marean (Mrs Sewell C.) 417 Congress st.. Portland 29495e Eobinson, Amelia Mott (Mrs E. A.) Thomaston 22028«. Eobinson, Eva H. (Mrs William C.) North Anson 28447b Eobinson, Isabel Marr (Miss) Cape Elizabeth Decatur Chapter, 111. Columbia Chapter, D. C. ^ Continental Chapter, D. C. MAINE. 215 96006 Eobinson, Julia Barbour (Mrs Edward B.) E. Deering- 5889& Eobinson, Martha Amelia (Mrs Franklin) 203 Cumberland st., Portland 28101& Eobinson, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 140 Oxford St., Portland 23879e Euggles, Fannie A. (Mrs John) Thomaston 23880e Euggles, Mal-garet George (Miss) Thomaston 31468* Eumery, Emeline Carleton Eollins (Mrs S. D.) 380 Danforth St., Portland 362226 Eundlett, Frances S. (Miss) 76 Federal st., Brunswick 35299/1 Eussell, Ethel May (IMiss) 39 Sewall st., Augusta 34657f7 Sanborn, Lottie K. Campbell (Mrs Harrj') Machlas 34158;; Sargent, Grace Emelina (Miss) Machias 74766 Sawj^er, Mary Eliza Blunt (Mrs William C.) 112 Coyle St., Portland 22029/t Scribner, Josephine G. (Miss) 100 College ave., Waterville 59026 Shaw, Frances Elizabeth (Mrs George Eoscoe) ... .126 High st., Portland 84166 Shepherd, Emma Irene (Mrs Joseph B.) 279 Congress st., Portland 281027^ Sherburne, Lillian Eollins (Mrs) Augusta 18480(Z Simpson, Corelli Caswell Williams (Mrs A. L.) 28 2nd st., Bangor 26417H Simpson, Minnie L. (Mrs William S.) Fairfield 34159; Sleeper, Helen Nash (Mrs Frank E.) Webster, Sabattus P. O. 34160// Sleeper, Winifred Sarah (Miss) Webster. Sabattus P. O. 32883/ft Small, Clara Sanderkin (Mrs Charles Henry) .Brunswick ave., Gardiner 23861; Small, Florence Sabina Wilder (Mrs Addison) 173 Wood st., Lewiston 307887i Small, Medora Frances Clark (Mrs) Oakland 23884e Smalley, Elsie Watts (Mrs Edwin Smith) 7 Hyler st., Thomaston 22030H. Smith, Ada Virginia (Mrs Charles E.) .' Newport 22015r; Smith, Grace Cobiirn (Mrs George Otis) Skowhegan 22018c Smith, Lillian C. (Miss.) .' Showhegan 21513i Smith, Maude Simpson (Mrs George William) 71 Summer st., Eockland 238816 Smith, Eose Alda (Mrs William H.) Thomaston 22009i Snow, Anne Frances Eice (Mrs Carlton Farwell) 26 Middle st., Eockland 9121* Snow, Mira Crocker (Mrs) Paris 59046 Soule, Julia Webster (Miss) 83 State st., Portland 303286 Spaulding, Ella Anginette Y. (Mrs J. W.) 493 Cumberland st., Portland 32478i Spear, Annie B. (Mrs Charles T.) Eockland 23859i Spear, Clara Furbish (Mrs Fred E.) Eockland 346531 Spear, Mary W. (Mrs Walter May) 15 Beach st., Eockland 32086i Spear, Winifred Louise (Miss) Eockland 17507A; Staples, Georgia A. (Miss) 134 Main st., Biddef ord 220066 Starbird, Susan Elizabeth Plaisted (Mrs S. S.) 3 Congress Park, Portland 34646(Z Sterns, Lucia jNlanderville (Mrs Ezra Lunt) Bangor 22031m Stevens, Anna Wentworth (Mrs Charles W.) Boutelle ave., Waterville 27263/ Stevens, Mary Abigail (Mrs) Lewiston 6176/ Stevens, Mary E. (Mrs Daniel B.) 374 Main st., Lewiston 26416rf Stevens, Mary Emma (Miss) 58 Court st., Bangor 35297(1 Stickney, Elizabeth Goodale Hincks (Mrs Thos. G.) 131 State st., Bangor 167866 Stone, Eliza Abbie Goodwin (Mrs Henry G.) 117 Danforth st., Portland 328821 Stubbs, Leila Emmeline (Mrs Eugene M.) 12 Lincoln st., Eockland 126756 Sturdivant, Elizabeth Dana (Miss) Cumberland 303276 Swett, Marv Jane Getchell (Mrs George L.) 17 Thomas st., Portland 24657*7 Talbot, Effie Ward (Mrs) Machias 24659fc Tarbox, Carrie B. (Miss) 21 South st., Biddef ord n5QSk Tarbox, Sophie (Miss) 187 Elm st., Biddef ord 78056 Tate, Sarah E. McDonald (Mrs Augustus) Stroudwater 19779/ Templeton, Nellie Louise (Mrs Albert L.) 76 Webster st., Lewiston 59016 Tenney, Abbie M. (Mrs Nelson) 41 Pitt st., Portland 162e Thomas, Mary SaAvyer-Prescott Moore (Mrs A.) 52 Main st., Thomaston 337536 Thomas, Sara^h E. (Mrs George P.) "Preble House," Portland 220326 Thorners, Viola Bean (Mrs Eobert S.) Cumberland Centre 31446/ Tillson, Margaret E. (Mrs Davis) Eockland 59006 Tobie, Belle Hodges (Mrs LeEoy Harmon).. 457 Cumberland st., Portland 25264?i Totman, Alice S. (Mrs Arthur H.) Fairfield 24663W Totman, Ethel L. (Miss) Fairfield 23403n Totman, Lucy A. (Mrs William H.) Fairfield 333286 Trefethen, Georgia A. Davis (Mrs NeAvell Fails) S. Portland Boston Tea Party Chapter, Mass. 216 DIKECTOEY, D. A. E. 4322b Trull, Jennie P. Cross (Mrs J. F.) 6 Porter st., Biddeford 5832* Turner, Jennie Eliza Eich North (Mrs E. Y.) 33 Main st., Auburn ■23399/^ Vaughan, Mabel Wentworth (Mj^s Philip H. S.) Atigusta 36224(7 Vose, Olive Penniman (Mrs) Machias 24656g Vose, Winifred (Miss) ' Calais 29874& Waddell, Mary Helen Humphrey (Mrs William) Portland 16157& Waldron, Mary Adaline Eaton (Mrs Asbury F.) 240 State st., Portland 226976 Walker, Josephine Percy (Mrs John Edwin) Thomaston 19786fc Walker, Oliva Gould Berry (Mrs) 165 Alfred st., Biddeforcl 29875& Walker, Susan Carroll (Miss) 11 Adams Place, Portland 22019c Walton, Alma B. C. (Mrs Sylvester J.) Skowhegan 22020c Walton, Ethel S. (Miss) Skowhegan 3464S7i Ward, Josephine Thomas (Miss) 5 Green Place, Augusta 34656ft Ward, Mary Brown (Miss) Augusta 7806& Ward, Mary Carlton (Mrs Edmund A.) 311 Spring st., Portland 23857 Wardley, Carrie Evelyn Downes (Mrs Chas. J.) 380 Hammond st., Bangor 23887e Washburn, Cassandra Vinal (Mrs Charles Henry) Thomaston 23886e Washburn, Sarah Watts (Mrs William Goodrich) Thomaston 21507& Waterhouse, Frances P. (Mrs Samuel S.) S. Windham 6178& Watson, ]\Iary Lena (Miss) Woodfords 238886 Watts, Mary 'j. (Miss) Thomaston 24664c Watts, Harriet Roxana (Mrs Edward Brown) Thomaston 22694d Webber, Grace Jewell (Mrs Charles Prescott) '47 W. Broadway, Bangor 19200d Webster, Mary Lurena (Miss) 122 Ohio st., Bangor 27594d Webster, Maud Bartlett (Mrs James Herbert) Orono 21506& Webster, Euth Abby (Miss) .• Knightville 35834& Westcott, Estelle Woodman Mosher (Mrs Eeuben) 36 North st., Portland 22021c Weston, Gertrude Sophia (Miss) Skowhegan 22007m White, Alice Darling Walker (Miss) 4 Pleasant st., Gardiner 6174/ White, Helen F. (Mrs Wallace H.) 457 Main st., Lewiston 25260(Z White, Jennie Donnell (Mrs Henry Kirke) 13 Hudson st., Bangor 21514i White, Jennie Tillson (Mrs AVilliam S.) 89 Middle st., Eockland 20373ft W^hitney, Florence Allen (Mrs Arthur Warren) Augiista 346456 Wiggin, Bertha Jewell Conant (Mrs Wm. Henry) 39 Pine st., Portland 17522OT Wilcox, Euleta Flora (Mrs) Augusta 24658 Wilder, Frances Agnes (Miss) Calais 23885e Williams, Clara Eobinson (Mrs) Thomaston 29865c Wing, Hellen Clark (Mrs) Skowkegan 32082 Winslow, Annie Perry (Mrs Burton H.) P. 0. Box 780, Saco 34654i W^inslow, Mary T. (Mrs Frank A.) 189 Broadway, Eockland 33329ft Wixson, Lydia (Mrs James) Augusta 27261d Wood, Chai-lotte Eowena Boynton (Mrs Charles H.) 67 Court st.. Bangor 58996 Wood, Emma Greene (Mrs Otis E.) 137 Newbury st., Portland 352966 Wood, Mabel (Miss) 473 Cumberland st.. Portland 341526 W^ood, Sarah Hill (Mrs Jesse L.) 23 Norwood st., Woodfords 22033W Wyman, Aubigne Ellen (Mrs Elwood Taylor) 12 Winter st., Waterville 58886 York, Clementine E. de P. (Mrs Frank Winslow) 114 Park st., Portland 314416 York, Sarah Etta Trickey (Mrs Herbert H.) 28 Coyle st., Portland 17509fc Youland, Susie F. Teal (Mrs) 4 Union st., Biddeford MARYLAND State Regent, 1901, Mrs. T. Pembroke Thorn, 828 Park ave., Baltimore 1902, " " a li ii li ii i: CHAPTERS (4 organized, 3 unorganized.) Kathorine Gaylord Chapter, Conn. MARYLAND. 217 a. Baltimore Chapter — Baltimore Organised March Jf, 1892; Members, 153 (District of Columbia, 3; Pennsylvania, 3; Yirginia, 3; Arizona, 1; North Carolina, 1) Eegent, Mrs A. Leo Knott Cor. Sec, Mrs Neilson Poe Yice-Eegent, Mrs Wm. Harrison Gill Treasurer, Mrs Andrew C. Trippe Eec. Sec, Mrs Edgar M. Lazarus Eegistrar, Mrs James D. Iglehart Historian, Mrs William D. Booker. b. Croom.. Members Eegent, Miss Susie M. Willes. Appointed October 25, 1S98. Eeappointed January 2, 1901. c, Frederick Chapter — Frederick 04-ganized September 20, 1802; Members, 30 (NeiD York, 2; District of Columbia, 3; Pennsylvania, 2) Eegent, Miss Eleanor M. Johnson Treasurer, Miss Mary S. Maulsby Eec. Sec, Miss Martha E. McCleery Eegistrar, Mrs Edward S. Eichelberger Cor. Sec, Mrs D. C. Winebrener, Jr. Historian, Mrs Marshall L. Etchison d. Frostburg Memhers Eegent, Mrs Mary S. Eandolph. Appointed December 6, 1899. e. Kensington Meml)ers Eegent, Mrs Annie F. N. Edwards. Appointed Maj' 3, 1899. f. Maryland Line Chapter — Baltim^ore Organized May 12, 1896; Members, 38 (Yirginia, 3; District of Columbia, 1; Penn- sylvania, 1; Illinois, 1; North Carolina, 1) Eegent, Miss Elise Steuart Moritz Cor. Sec, Miss Virginia A. Wilson Yice-Eegent, Miss Mar^ Barroll Treasurer, Miss Lillian GifPen Hec Sec, Miss Eosa Dulany Chew Eegistrar, Mrs Claude H. Hall Historian, Mrs Eobert Atkinson. g. Peggy Stuart Tea Party Chapter — Annapolis Organized December 13, 1898; Members, 11 (Yirginia, 1) Uegent, Mrs L. D. Gassaway Treasurer, Mrs Isabella W. G. Welch Vice-Eegent, Mrs Elizabeth P. McCoy Eegistrar, Mrs Julia Bowie Sec, Miss Agnes M. Walton Historian, Mrs Pauline S. Crosley Members Eesiding in the State 32480a Allen, Maud Lambert (Mrs Wm. Doan)..223 E. Lafayette st., Baltimore 30330a Applegarth, Laura Gault (Miss) 920 West North ave., Baltimore 34660a Armstrong, Letitia E. (Mrs Thos.) 926 N. Calvert st., Baltimore 18486f Atkinson, Laura E. (Mrs Eobt.) 2134 Oak st., Baltimore 3003a Atlee, Lucy G. (Mrs) 414 N. Greene st., Baltimore 14368a Bacon, Anna M. (Mrs Lewis M.) Philopolis 35842f Bailey, Claudia Northrop (Mrs J. Lawshi)..212 E. Preston St., Baltimore 3239 Barber, Margaret Green Walls (Mrs John A.) Bud's Creek 19210f Barroll, May (Miss) 16 E. Biddle st., Baltimore 241 Barroll, Sarah Street (Mrs Benjamin C.) 16 E. Biddle st., Baltimore 1515a Barry, John Anna (Mrs Eobert C.) 1305 Maryland ave., Baltimore 218 DIRECTORY, D. A. E. 22578* Bartlett, Helen Conlding- (Miss) 604 Reservoir st., Baltimore 16791a Bartlett, Julia Elizabeth P. (Mrs D. L.) 16 W. Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore 23405f Bartlett, Vashti R. (Miss) 1033 St. Paul st., Baltimore 468** Beall, Ida P. (Miss) Sharon, Branchville P. O. 7480a Beasley, Mary C. McYey (Mrs William A. S.) 823 Utah st., Baltimore 26054f Beck, Martha Bond (Miss) 100 Church st., Annapolis 4981a Bell, Mabel Stevens (Mrs G. A. W.) Derby Sta., E. Baltimore 1669a Belt, Ariana Trail (Mrs Alfred McGill) 1031 Cathedral st., Baltimore 4747a Bergland, Lucy Scott (Mrs Eric) 1116 N. Charles st., Baltimore 1241a Berkley, Ella Linthicum (Mrs Henry Johns) 1303 Park ave., Baltimore 1239/= Blunt, Alice Key (Miss) 919 Cathedral st., Baltimore 34162f Boiling, Elizabeth Southoron (Miss) 819 Park ave., Baltimore 32481a Bolton, Fannie Alfreda Johnson (Mrs F. C.) 1206 St. Paul st., Baltimore 19212a Bond, Lelia Seabury (Mrs) "The St. Paul," Baltimore 22701a Booker, Juliana Thurston (Mrs W. D.)..208 W. Monument st., Baltimore 26051fir Bowie, Julia Y. Waring- (Mrs Robert) Annapolis 19094f Bowie, Marie Bennett (Mrs William D.) Collington 7481a Boyle, Margaret E. C. (Mrs James W.) 935 N. Calvert St., Baltimore 35303a Brinton, Katharine Watson Buck (Mrs W.) 1232 N. Calvert st., Baltimore 15412JI Brooks, Katherine Gaylord (Miss) 2501 Madison ave., Baltimore 1541l|| Brooks, Marilla Phelps (Miss) 2501 Madison ave., Baltimore 20960rt Brown, Elizabeth Bullock (Mrs C. H. Jr.).. 2104 Charles St., N. Baltimore 1642a Brown, Mary Elizabeth A. (Mrs Arthur G.)..1127 St. Paul st., Baltimore 25268a Brown, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs Charles S.)..1410 Madison ave., Baltimore 33331/= Brush, Charlotte Kinney (Mrs Murray) . .1118 N. Calvert st., Baftimore 9072g Buchanan, Alice Lloyd (Miss) Annapolis 26053f7 Buchanan, Letitia McKean (Miss) Annapolis 26819/= Bullock, Caroline Canfield (Mrs) 909 Cathedral st., Baltimore 33759a Bullock, Susan Rich (Mrs Francis S.) 2104 N. Charles st., Baltimore 1153a Burnap, Elizabeth (Miss) 218 E. Biddle st., Baltimore 2002a Cadden, Mary A. H. (Mrs) 1210 Bolton st., Baltimore 13354f Calvert, Eleanor Mackubin (Mrs C. B.)...."Mac Alpine," College Park 19791a Campbell, Lillian T. L. (Mrs) Cor. 10th and Presbury sts., Walbrook, Bal- timore 9070f Cantield, Agnes (Miss) 1010 North Charles st., Baltimore 22035a Clapp, Mary Rowland (Mrs Levi W.) Port Deposit 18488 Clark, Albina C. (Mrs William) Baltimore County 28448a Clark, Anna E. Blackwell (Miss) 14 E. Mt. Royal ave., Baltimore 35839a Clark, Mary E. (Miss) 14 E. Mt. Royal ave., Baltimore 36229r/ Clayton, Isabella B. (Mrs R. Vinton) 17 Market st., Annapolis 1566a Coates, Anne Hunter (Mrs Charles E.) 1000 Cathedral st., Baltimore 30200§ Cole, Anna Lewis (Miss) Kate ave'., Arlington, Baltimore 19792a Cook, Jane James (Mrs George H.) 817 St. Paul st., Baltimore 526J Cooper, Katharine J. (Mrs Philip H.) Naval Academy, Annapolis 1156a Cottman, Cary Chubb (Mrs I. Hough) 1015 Cathedral st., Baltimore 1338 Cottman, Susan Noland Powell (Mrs C.)..41 South Holiday st., Baltimore 26055^; Crosley, Pauline Stewart (Mrs W. S.) 13 Maryland ave., Annapolis 30790a Custis, Sarah Horsey (Miss) 1801 Guilford ave., Baltimore 10019 Daisy, Georgie Deetz (Mrs George R.) Cumberland 404a Daves, Bessie Graham (Miss) 2010 Maryland ave., Baltimore 27602a Davis, Grace Gaddess (Mrs) 2739 St. Paul St., Baltimore 23003^ Davis, Sara Hay Covode (Mrs Charles De Vin) Gaithersburg 33761f/ Douw, Harriet R. Tate (Mrs John de P.) . .94 Prince George st., Annapolis 1238** Drum, Lavina Morgan (Mrs Richard C.) Bethesda 20597O DuBois, Gertrude Christine (Miss) Gambrills 33760a Duer, Virginia Rose (Miss) 1402 Park ave., Baltimore 5180a Dunn, Bessie A. (Mrs Herbert 0.) 14 E. Biddle st., Baltimore 9955 Durant. Mary Justine (Mrs James M.) Gaithersburg 2867a Duval, Mary Rebecca (Miss) 704 N. Howard st., Baltimore 20216 Edwards, Annie Foster Napier (Mrs William A.) Kensington 197930 Eichelberger, Miriam Gray (Mrs Edward Shriver) Frederick * John Pettigrew Chapter, Del. ** Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. t New York City Chapter, N. Y. § Catawba Chapter, S. C. II Katherine Gaylord Chapter, Conn. il Phoebe Bayard Cliapter, Pa. MARYLAND. 219 3465SC Ely, Grace Darling- (Miss) Frederick 34659c Ely, Mabel Darling (Miss) Frederick 3000(1 Emory, Alice Vernon (Miss) 180S Park ave., Baltimore 2353711 Ensor, Helen Irma Risley (Mrs John) Mt. Washington 27598c Etchison, Sybelle Mullinix (Mrs Marshall L.) Frederick City 646f Falkner, Mary Anna Spaulding- (Mrs) 219 W. Monument st., Baltimore 3433 Fenton, Harriet Marshall Baylis Thomas (Mrs Matthew C.) Park Heights ave.. Station E., Baltimore. 14883a Findley, Mary Keesey (Mrs John Van Lear).. 927 St Paul st., Baltimore 18484f/ Fisher, Nannie Poultney Dorsey (Mrs C. D.) 814 N. Charles st., Baltimore 22704c Floyd, Anna Belle (Miss) Frederick 23650- Freeland, Eleanor W. (Miss) 918 St. Paul st., Baltimore 11093fl Fulton, Laura Kimberlj^ (Miss) Albion Hotel, Baltimore 126890 Fulton, Laura Kimberlv (Mrs Albert K.) Albion Hotel, Baltimore 126880. Gaddess, Elizabeth Carter (Mrs C. W. C.)..2739 St. Paul st., Baltimore 298S5f Gale, Gertrude Ashby Stuart (Miss) 1518 Park ave., Baltimore 7482,c Gassaway, Mary Brook Inglehart (Mrs Louis Dorsey) Annapolis 2297f Gault, Mary Virginia (Mrs Matthew) 1422 Park ave., Baltimora 238S9r/ Gearing, Ellen Smith Tucker (Mrs Henry Chalfant) Annapolis 246650 Gibney, Lucella Gilbert (Mrs G. Frank) . ."^ 2303 Bolton ave., Baltimore 16796f Gifeen, Lillian (Miss) 1004 jST. Charles st., Baltimore 1280a Gill, Alice Warfield (Mrs IVIartin Gillet) 1208 N. Calvert st., Baltimore 74830. Gill, Anna Milby Gray (Mrs William H.)..1315 N. Calvert st., Baltimore 34511t Gilpin, Helen August^a (Miss) Elkton 34057t Gilpin, Margaret Ann (Miss) Elkton 34058t Gilpin, Orvilla Adele (Miss) Elkton 97231 Glenn, Eveline Constantia B. (Mrs W.) 310 E. Lafayette ave., Baltimore 11095O Gore, Fannie E. Stillwell (Mrs Albert P.) Eoland Park, Baltimore 1567a Gorter, Mary Eebecca (Mrs Albert L.) 16 E. Chase St., Baltimore 14057 Graham, Caroline Dorsey (Mrs Robert Patterson) Salisbury 35S40fir Green, Eveline Clare (Miss) 46 Charles st., Annapolis 356006 Green, Grace Moore (Mrs C. Singleton) The AJbion, Baltimore 15710 Greenwav, Mary Virginia (Miss) 2322 N. Charles st., Baltimore 1670O Griffith, Alverda (Miss) 1529 McCulloch st., Baltimore 80a Gritlith, Alverda (Mrs Romulus R.) 1529 McCulloch st., Baltimore 32722a Gunther, Lizzie L. S. (Mrs Rudolph W.)..1606 Eutaw Place, Baltimore 15130 Hall, Elizabeth Ward (Miss) 810 Park ave., Baltimore 18487f Hall, Ellen Lazarus (Mrs Claude Haines) 1518 Park ave., Baltimore 20375a Hall, Henrietta Howard (Miss) 1208 John st., Baltimore 203740 Hall, Isabella Bethia (Miss) 1208 John st., Baltimore 5183** Hall, Mary Belle (Mrs G. W. S.) 1419 Park ave., Baltimore 15140 Hall, Mary Stickney (Miss) 810 Park ave., Baltimore 600 Hallowell, Harriett ' (Miss) 817 Park ave., Baltimore 20 Hallowell, Mary Morris (Mrs) 817 Park ave., Baltimore 12687 Hamilton, Clara (Mrs William T.) Hagerstown 22580* Hardcastle, Kate Nandain (Mrs Alexander) Denton 16159 Heath, Anna Waldorf (Mrs Charles Chapin) Roland Park, Baltimore 10017O Hebbs, Mary Stirling (Mrs John L.) 1627 Eutaw Place, Baltimore 27968|| Hendrickson, Louise Hunt (Mrs John D.) Frederick 16160 Hewes, Lucy Perkins (Mrs James) 3 W. North ave., Baltimore 6781a Hill, Harriet Louisa Westcott (Mrs Thos.) . .1302 McCulloch st., Baltimore 23893 Hodgdon, Sarah Ann Dana (Mrs James Hodge) Fishing Point 2670O Hodgdon, Lillian C. (Mrs Alexander L.) "The Albion," Baltimore 12298 Holland, Rosa Maria (Miss) Rockville 3004a Holloway, Grace (Miss) 211 E. Chase st., Baltimore 25712a Holmes, Carrie Whipple Miller (Mrs Edward Abbott) Cold Spring Lane, Roland Park, Baltimore 29882a Hopkins, Frances S. (Miss) Port Deposit 29881a Hopkins, Mary Howland (Mrs Robert Cabeen) Port Deposit 1725a Hughes, Roberta Thorburn (Mrs Thom^as) 1018 Cathedral st., Baltimore 34661a Himter, Mary Devereux (Mrs James Welch).. 1517 Bolton st., Baltimore 1572a Hurd, Mary" J. D. (Mrs H. M.) "Johns Hopkins Hospital," Baltimore H Delaware County Chapter, Pa. t Gen. Lafayette Chapter, N. J. t Caesar Rodney Chapter, DeL *• Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. * .John Pettigrew Chapter, DeL II Ayilliam Henshaw Chapter, W. Va. 220 DIKECTOEY, D. A. E. 2948c Iglehart, Monterey Watson (Mrs J. D.) 211 W. Lauvale st., Baltimore 2997fl Jackson, Esther Gill (Mrs John James) . .1132 Cathedral st., Baltimore 27864^ Jamar, Mary E. (Mrs Eeuben F.) Elkton 1890c Johnson, Eleanor Murdoch (Miss) Frederick 2154c Johnson, Helen Young (Mrs Baker) Frederick 27599c Johnson, Mary Potts (Miss) Frederick 34944§ Johnson, Mille Harrington (Mrs John L.) Galestown 24668c Johnson, Euth Gomerneur (Mrs William C.) 8 Court Square, Frederick 1984$ Johnston, Anna Jane (Miss) 1046 Clinton Place, Baltimore 1268& Kapfe, Anne, von (Mrs J. Frederick) 505 Park ave., Baltimore 189« Keenan, Margaret Phelan (Miss) 1029 St. Paul st., Baltimore 35176 Kennedy, Clara Celinda Eddy (Miss) Kensingto-a 25713a Kensett, Annie Dryden (Mrs John Robert).. 931 St. Paul st., Baltimore 14063a Kensett, Mary (Miss) 931 St. Paul st., Baltimore 22034a Kerr, May Heberton (Miss) 922 St. Paul st., Baltimore 578t Keyser, Mary AVashington (Mrs H. I.) . . 102 W. Monument st., Baltimore 9067a Kilpatrick, Eebecca H. (Mrs W. D.) 1027 St. Paul st., Baltimore 3002a Knight, Emma (Miss) 414 N. Greene st., Baltimore . 21a Knott, Eegina M. (ISIrs A. Leo) 1029 St. Paul st., Baltimore S4662a Lacy, Emma W. (Mrs Benjamin W.) 1630 Linden ave., Baltimore 23404** Lamoreau, Clara Li-ggett (Mrs Thomas B.)..Fort McHenry, Baltimore 24667a Lanahan, Annie Snowden (Mrs Charles M.) 2126 Maryland ave., Baltimore 2604§§ Lawrence, Susan Alexander Zantzinger (Mrs Edward T.) St Mark's Church, Pikesville 1639a Lazarus, Minnie Mordecai (Mrs Edgar M.) 1214 John st., Baltimore 29886a Lee, Emma Herbert Kronan (Mrs James W.) 222 E. 22nd st., Baltimore 7479a Leser, Emilie Annette A. (Mrs Oscar) Stevenson 34340IIII Lowes, Elizabeth T. (Mrs W. E.) 3607 Clifton ave., Walbrook, Baltimore 6660§§ Lyles, Jeanie Garner (Mrs David C.) Harwood 2868 McCay, Marie J. (Miss) 930 North Charles st., Baltimore 26056*7 McCoy, Elizabeth Pinkney (Mrs Harrj--) Annapolis 32089c McCleery, Martha E. (Miss) Frederick 32790tt McClellan, Harriet Esselstyn (Miss) Forest Glen 30791a McCulloch, E. Grace (Miss)"^ 102 West North ave., Baltimore 32482a McElderry, Elizabeth Bradford (Mrs..Thos.) 19 W. 20th st., Baltimore 2746 McKaig, Florence Washington (Mrs Merwin) Cumberland 20961a Mackdermott, Corinne Stirling (Mrs W. M.) 1627 Eutaw PL, Baltimore 25711f Mackenzie, Mary Gertrude Mackall (Miss) 1808 Park ave., Baltimore 12681/ Mackubin, Florence (Miss) Brexton, Baltimore 1693a McLane, Catherine Milligan (Miss).. 1101 North Charles st., Baltimore 883***Macmillan, Mary (Mrs F. J.) Berwyn 25269 McSherry, Cornelia Einggold Rose (Mrs James Eoger) Frederick 33333f Manning, Isabel Bloomfield (Mrs William T.) 30 E. Preston St., Baltimore 24638* Manning, Mary Catherine Waggener (Mrs).. 130 Green st., Westminster 2745** Markland, Fanny Dailey (Mrs Matthew) Crook Crest, Oakland 2366a Mason, Helen (Mrs John Thompson) 808 N. Fremont ave., Baltimore 20379c Maulsb3% Emily Nelson (Miss) Frederick City 18483c Maulsby, Mary Shriver (Miss) Frederick City 33763/ Meeker, Charlotte Isabelle (Miss) 1512 Park ave., Baltimore 20376a. Megraw, Evelyn Supplee (Mrs William A.) 1625 Eutaw Place, Baltimore 24666a Middleton, Cornelia Scribner (Mrs Harve5^)..9 W. Preston st., Baltimore 5181a Miles, Jeanie Wardlaw (Mrs Francis T.) 514 Cathedral st., Baltimore 5424a Miller, Emma Virginia (Mrs William T.) 2010 North Charles st., Baltimore 103 Moale, Alice W. (Mrs Frederick Lansdale) "St. James Hotel," Baltimore 17528a Moore, Kate W. (Mrs AVilliam A.) "The Waldorf," E. North ave., Baltiinore 2258211 Moore, Mary Eliza (Mrs) 2803 St. Paul st., Baltimore 1640a Mordecai, Isabel (Miss) 230 W. Lanvale st., Baltimore 13355f Moritz, Elizabeth Stewart (Miss) 929 Cathedral st., Baltimore 28449a Morton, Lucy Slade Appleton (Mrs Wm, E.) 1711 Park ave., Baltimore 35306 Mudd, Emily Clements (Miss) Hyattsville ^ Chester County Chapter, Pa. § Quaker City Chapter, Pa. t Witness Tree Chapter, Pa. t Mt. Vernon Chapter, Va. ** Armv and Naw Chapter, D. C. §§ Martha Washington Chapter, D. C. III! Joseph Spencer Chapter, Ohio, tt Elizabeth Cook Chapter, Del. *** Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. * Elizabeth Kenton Chapter, Ky. II Elizabeth Cook Chapter, Del. MAEYLAJSTD. 'I'll 1569a Mudge, Caroline Florence (Mrs E. T.) Pikesville 27600c Mullinlx, Frances Alberta (Miss) Frederick City 27265f7 Munroe, Margaret Davidson Hall (Mrs) Annapolis 22036« Myers, Virginia (Mrs "William Govane Howard) Govanstown 27266 Nelson, Katharine Marchand (Mrs V. S.) 115 Prince George St., Annapolis 3865a Nicholson, Emilie I. G. (Mrs Charles G.)...1003 N. Charles st., Baltimore 1754ffl Noble, Mary Spencer (Mrs Horace) S W. North ave., Baltimore 9721 J Nourse, Ed'ith Holmes (Miss) Govans 3549tt Nourse, Frances B. (Mrs James M.) Gorans. 32090f Ober, Eosa Woolfolk (Mrs Robert) 1217 N, Charles st., Baltimore 36228a O'Brien, Bessie Van R. Iv. (Mrs Wm. J., Jr.) 420 E. 22nd st., Baltimore 14065a Oler, Elizabeth Kimberly (Mrs Wesley M.) Catonsville 27267|t Osborn, Julia Hall (Mrs Jesse Alfred) Crooni Station 25939a Paret, Sarah Hayden Haskell (Mrs) 1110 Madison ave., Baltimore 23550a Pascanet, Marj' Chew (Miss) 10 E. Madison st., Baltimore 30792a Patterson, Florence H. (Mrs Thomas G.) 102 W. North ave., Baltimore 19209f Patterson, Margaret Warren M. (Mrs R. L.) 712 St. Paul st., Baltimore 2774f Pennington, Elizabeth Lloyd (Miss) 1207 N. Charles st., Baltimore 1668a Perin, Ella Keck (Mrs Nelson) 1030 N. Charles st., Baltimore 23890a Phipps, Emma H. Wingate (Mrs) 129 North ave.. East Baltimore 30331 Phipps, Ethelyn (Miss) 129 North ave., E. Baltimore 1641a Poe, Alice Henrietta (Mrs Neilson, Jr.).... 146 W. Lanvale st., Baltimore 21517 Poe, Sarah Livingston (Miss) 146 W. Lanvale st.. Baltimore 34663§§ Portman, Adeline Elwell (Dr) Chevy Chase 19211 Post, Margaret Howard (Miss) 10 E. Biddle st., Baltimore 19.02(? Potts, Eleanor (Miss) Frederick 1901c Potts, Louise (Miss) Frederick 14885 Powell, Elizabeth Bowen (Mrs W. S.) "Llangollen," Annapolis Junction 16793a Powell, Sarah Harrison (Miss) Baltimore American Office, Baltimore 27916** Pugh, Eleanor Agness Myers (Mrs Morrow) 251 Robert st., Baltimore 29887 Randolph, Mary Strother (Mrs Beverley) Frostburg 22703a Rasin, Gertrude (Miss) .\ .1039 N. Calvert st., Baltimore 22702a Rasin, Julia Angela (Miss) 1039 N. Calvert st., Baltimore 4682 II II Read, Virginia Minor Gregorj^ (Mrs L. C.) 2117 Druia Hill ave., Baltimore 26821a Reardon, Margaret Louise Atlee (Mrs John T.) 118 W. 22nd st., Baltimore 3464§ Reed, Julia Lyle (Miss) 93 Mt. Royal ave., Baltimore 34060§§§Reeder, Emilie Chesley (Miss) Mechanicsville 1401 Reid, Fanny Brooke (Mrs Andrew) "The Severn," Mt. Vernon & Cathedral sts., Baltimore 33762(7 Ridout, Edith Marden (Mrs Weems) Annapolis 31454f Rieman, Charlotte Lowe (Miss) 221 W. Monument st., Baltimore 1906c Ritchie, Willie Maulsby (Miss) Frederick 10018a Robertson, Estelle Fisher (Mrs A. H.) 1006 Cathedral st., Baltimore 30793a Robson, Juliet M. Stockett (Mrs Arthur W.) 2111 St. Paul st., Baltimore 27601c Ross, Caroline (Miss) Frederick 1889c Rpss, Cornelia Ringgold Potts (Mrs Charles W.) Frederick 299Sa Rowland, Cornelia Talcott (Mrs Samuel Carson) '. .Port Deposit 32483a Sadtler, Delia Cromwell B. (Mrs G. W.) 26 E. Huntington ave., Baltimore 2871* Sasscer, Elizabeth Lyons Fitch (Mrs Henry H. Jr.) North Keys 32091jf Savage, Anne Hoge (Mrs Frederick Adams) Oak Forrest Park, Catonsville 23891a Schermerhorn, Marie Louise (Miss) 632 North ave., West Baltimore 26057fir Screven, Ellen Buchanan (Mrs George Proctor) Annanolis 34161a Shuttleworth, May Flora (Miss) 2414 St. Paul st., Baltimore 279741! Silver, Martha Jane (Miss) 219y, North ave.. East Baltimore 2797511 Silver, Mary Llewellyn (Miss) ; 2191/2" North ave.. East Baltimore 21861a Simpson, Annie M. (Mrs) ". . 3639 Falls Road, Baltimore 21860a Simpson, Margaret D. (Mrs) 3639 Falls Road, Baltimore 1570a Sloan, Louise Gittings Littig (Mrs Robert N.) 253 Hoffman st., Baltimore 33144^ Small, Mary Grant Jackson (Mrs) 16 E. Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore t Gen. Lafayette Chapter, N. J. tt Boudinot Chapter, N. J. it Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. §§ Constitution Chapter, I). C. ** Quaker City Chapter, Pa. jjll Atlanta Chapter, Ga. § Chicago Chapter, 111. §§§ Caesar Rodney Chapter, Del. * Rebecca Mott Chapter, S. C. II William Henshaw Chapter, W. Va. II Mt. Vernon Chapter, Va. 222 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 14SS4f Smith, Helen Randolph (Mrs Thomas Marsh).. 16 E. Eager st., Baltimore 13357/= Smith, Julia Evans (Miss) 1311 Park ave., Baltimore 4489a Smith, M. Alice (Miss) 1525 Park ave., Baltimore 2518« Smith, Mary Evans (Mrs Benjamin Franklin) 1311 Park ave., Baltimore 7485ft Smith, Eachel Perkins (Mrs Joseph) 1010 Madison ave., Baltimore 32885a Stei^henson, Blanche Eosa (Miss) 2314 Eutaw Place, Baltimore 21518 Stewart, Fanny Cole Parker (Mrs William H.) 9 W. German st., Baltimore 29884rt Stirling, Ellen*^ Salisbury (Mrs Yates) 209 W. Lanvale st., Baltimore 4S26a Stockbridge, Fannv E. "^Montague (Mrs H.) 11 N. Calhoun st., Baltimore 9593 Talbott, Laura Williams (Mrs Hattersly W.) .Rockville 5423a Tate, Frances Hargrave (Mrs James H.) 1506 Park ave., Baltimore 4488a Thom, Catherine Grosh (Mrs Joseph Pembroke) 828 Park ave., Baltimore 3563c Thomas, Fannie W. (Mrs Frances Granville) Frederick 3208SC Thomas, Harriet S. McC. (Mrs John B.) Frederick 137611 Thomas, Mary E. (Mrs James M.) Gen'l. Office, Penn. R. R., Baltimore 1568a Thompson, Elizabeth Young (Miss) 16 E. Chase st., Baltimore 35305^7 Tisdale, Julia Waring Merrick (Mrs Ryland Dillard) Annapolis 2669 Tompkins, Anna Albertine S. (Mrs J. A.) 301 N. Charles st., Baltimore 7164ft Trippe, Caroline Augusta (Mrs Andrew C.) 1522 Eutaw Place, Baltimore 11094 Tyson, Florence Mclntire (Mrs Frederick) 251 W. Preston st., Baltimore 1564a Tj'son, Mary Roberts (Mrs John S.) 1000 Cathedral st., Baltimore 26418f/ Walton, Agnes Mackubin (Miss) 10 Francis st., Annapolis 26820/ Watts, Mary Dorsey (Mrs) 1813 Maryland ave., Baltimore 25714ft Webb, Elizabeth K. (Miss) 917 St. Paul st., Baltimore 7165ft W^ebb, Isabella G. (Mrs) 14 E. Biddle st., Baltimore 26058fif Welch, Isabella Waterman Gray (Mrs W. S.) 92 Gloucester st., Annapolis 35841f; Welch, Susan Ogle (Mrs B. Allein) Annapolis 35304rt W'ellmore, Grace Lucretia (Miss) 249 W. Preston st., Baltimore 4980ft WTiitney, Caroline Clarke (Mrs Joseph Gushing) Stevenson 27603f Wight, Agnes Dunlop (Mrs William H.) Cockeysville 10477ft Williams, Elizabeth Bird Young (Mrs Arthur) Elk Ri.lge 2367f Williams, Elizabeth Chew (Miss) 407 W. Lanvale st., Baltimore 2869c W'illiams, Henrietta Maria (Mrs Henry) Frederick 1903c Williams, Margaret Jane (Miss) Frederick 1402ft Williams, Maria Dalrymple (Miss) 1432 Park ave., Baltimore 1240ft W'illiams, Rebecca wilkins (Miss) 915 McCulloh st., Baltimore 2298rt Williamson, Gay Selby (Miss) 902 St. Paul st., Baltimore 21S7C Williamson, Mary Alleine (Miss) Frederick 1263Sf Wilson, Ellinor Donnell (Mrs James W.) 505 Park ave., Baltimore 32092/ Wilson, Virginia Appleton (Miss) 1013 St. Paul st., Baltimore 1905c Winetrenner, Eleanor Nelson Ritchie (Mrs D. C, Jr.) Frederick 31453ft W^ood, Laura Alexander (Mrs George W.) 1700 Eutaw Place, Baltimore 10466 Wygant, Hellene Nye Sollet (Mrs Henry) 23 State Circle, Annapolis 15571ft Yearly, Louise Vacaro (Miss) Catonsville, Sta. G, Baltimore 20872ft. Zollinger, Florence (Mrs William P.) 1709 N. Calvert st., Baltimore 20873a Zollinger, Mary Garner (Miss) 1709 N. Calvert st., ^Baltimore MASSACHUSETTS State Regent, 1901, Miss Helen Winslow, 52 Atherton st.,Egleston Square, Boston CHAPTERS (58 organized) a. Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter — Nantucket Organized January 6, 1S98; Memhers, 31 (Illinois, 1; Minnesota, 2; Connectimt, 1; Pennsylvania, 3; New York, 3; Michigan, 2) Regent, Miss Sara Winthrop Smith Secretary, Mrs Sarah S. C. Raymond Vice-Regent, Miss Gertrude McKing Treasurer, Miss Lydia M. Folger Registrar, Mrs Florence F. Webster t Shikelomo Chapter, Pa. MASSACHUSETTS. 223 b. Abigail Adams Chapter— Boston 'Organized November 26 ISDJt; Members, 138 (New York, J,; Foreign, 2; Netv Hamp- shire,!; Distriet of ColumUa, 1; Pennsylvania,!} ''^'^^«'"P Beg-ent, Miss Gertrude M. Graves Assistant Sec, Miss Louise Johnson J ice-Regent Mrs Liviugston Gushing Treasurer, Miss CorneMa F WMtS Secretary, Mrs Charles H Fiske Ass't. Treas., Miss Mary F Hooper Registrar, Miss Anna G. Carter " c. Anne Adams Tufts Chapter— Sommerville Organized January 6, !S9S; Members, 16 (New HampsMre, 1) Regent, Mrs Helen M. Heald Treasurer, Mrs KatherinI W. Hood iec'"5er mV. T ^''" w''."r ^^ ^^ Eaton Registrar, Miss Adaline L. Sanborn Rec. Sec, Mrs Agnes J\ Maynard Historian, Miss Mary A. Bradford Cor. Sec, Miss Nellie S. Dickey Chaplain, Mrs Caroline L. Maynard d. Attleboro Chapter — Attleboro Organized June 27, 1901; Members, 35 Regent, Mrs Marion P. Caster Treasurer, Miss Harrietta Wilmarth Re7"?^f M ^'vi H^^-^^t f.ushee Registrar, Mrs Jessie M. Gowen ?nv' 1^^" ^r Vr''"'''' ^t^'^o, . . Historian, Miss Elizabeth Wilmarth Cor. Sec, Mrs Florence Theobald Chaplain, Miss Elizabeth Blanding e. Betsy Ross Chapter — Lawrence Organized April 23, 1S96; Members, 3J, (New Hampshire, 1; Foreign, 1) Ilegent, Mrs Abbie B. Shepard Treasurer, Mrs Clara J. Sylvester ^ ice-Regent Mrs^ Arvesta B. Lyon Registrar. Mrs Annie M. Currier Secretary, Miss Louise M. Smith Historian, Mrs Caroline S. Talbot Chaplain, Mrs Sarah A. French f. Betty Allen Chapter— Northampton Organized February, 1S96; Members, 65 (Miehigan, 1) Regent, Miss Mary M. Walker Treasurer, Mrs Charles N. Fitts Vice-Regent Mrs O G Spelman Registrar, Miss Helen C. Sergeant Secretary, Mrs Frederick W. Bement Historian, Mrs Henry T. Rose g. Boston Tea Party Chapter— Boston Organized May 28, 1895; Members, 103 (Pennsylvania, 1; Yermont, 1) Regent, Mrs Ella H Cowles Treasurer, Mrs Mary G. Bun'ton ;S ice-Regent, Mrs Sibylla B. Crane Registrar, Mrs Elizabeth J. Curtis Rec Sec, Mrs Fannie H. Turner Historian. Miss May Holland Cor. Sec, Mrs Abbie F. Rossi Auditor, Mrs Lucy P. Nichols h. Bunker HIH Chapter— Boston Organized June 17, 1896; Members, 91 (California, 1; Colorado, 1) Regent, Mrs Ella W Pendergast Treasurer, Mrs Florence E. Holmes A ice-Regent, Miss Mai-ie W. Laughton Registrar, Mrs Emilie L. W. Waterman Rec Sec, Miss Edith R. Sanderson Historian, Mrs Sadie BroAvn-Bowles Cor. Sec, Miss Ethel G. Gould Chaplain, Mrs Fanny T. Hazen 1. Captain Samuel Sprague Chapter— Chelsea Organized January 8, 1897; Members, 12 Regent, Mrs Electa A. Brown Treasurer, Mrs Henry E. Keough Vice-Regent Mlss Maude L. Brown Registrar, Mrs Kate^F. Faunce Secretary, Mrs Marie C. Holland Historian, Miss Emma A. Benner 224 DIRECTOEY, D, A. E, j. Colonel Thomas Lothrop Chapter — Cohasset Organized June If, 1896; Members, 53 Eegent, Miss Ella Bates Secretary, Miss Eva E. Lawrence Vice-Kegent, Miss Alice B. Arthur Treasurer, Mrs Edith J. Gammons Historian, Mrs Elizabeth 0. Davenport k. Colonel Timothy Bigelow Chapter — Worcester Organized June 7, 1S99; Members, 48 ■ Regent, Mrs Daniel Kent Treasurer, Mrs Albert E. Smith Vice-Eegent, Mrs William T. Forbes Eegistrar, Mrs James B. Stone Secretary, Miss Alice Biickingham Historian, Mrs Eufus B. Dodge 1. Deborah Sampson Chapter — Brockton Organized January 25, 1897; Members, 95 Eegent, Mrs L. B. Hatch Treasurer, Mrs Albert Keith Vice-Eegent, Mrs E. C. Boomer Eegistrar, Mrs Frank A. Sargent Secretary, Mrs Clara L. Atwood Historian, Mrs George F. Littlefield Chaplain, Mrs James H. Howland m. Dorothy Brewer Chapter — Waltham Organized October 7, 1897; Members, 28 (Neio HampsMre, 1) Eegent, Mrs Adeline A. Blandin Eegistrar, Mrs Marj' H. Staples Vice-Eegent, Mrs Josephine E. Farmer Historian, Mrs Nora F. Smiley Secretary, Miss Mary F. Wright Chaplain, Mrs Mary P. Friend Treasurer, Miss Mary A. Hunt Auditor, Mrs Harriet C. Alden n. Dorothy Quincy Hancock Chapter — Greenfield Organized March 5, 1895; Members, 36 Eegent, Mrs Harriett I. Cutler Treasurer, Mrs Fanny W. Abbe Vice-Eegent, Mrs Jessie A. H. Green Eegistrar, Miss Lena S. Stratton Secretary, Miss Edith A. Stratton Historian, Mrs Lucy C. Kellog Auditors, Miss Daphane Graves, Mrs Eleanor W. Smead o. Faneuil Hall Chapter — Wakefield Organized February 11, 1896; Members, 78 (Netc Hampshire, 1) Eegent, Mrs Moses S. Page Cor. Sec, Miss Myra Chapin Vice-Eegent, Mrs Frank Brown Treasurer, Mrs William Brown Eec. Sec, Mrs Josephine P. MacQuinn Eegistrar, Mrs Edward A. Wilkins Historian, Miss Hattie Wilkins p. Fitchburg Chapter — Fitchburg Organized October 31, 1899; Members, 38 Eegent, Mrs Ellen M. L. Gushing Treasurer, Mrs Mary F. H. Corey Vice-Eegent, Miss Kate Chaffin Eegistrar, Miss Dora C. McMaster Eec Sec, Miss Ellen E. Armes Historian, Miss Mary E. Jaquith Cor. Sec, Mrs Caroline G. Tufts Auditor, Mrs Helen Greenwood q. Fort Massachusetts Chapter — North Adams Organized January 30, 1897; Members, 71 (New York, 5; Vermont, 1; Coivucticiit. !)■ Eegent, Mrs Emily N. Walker Treasurer, Mrs Bertha P. Carr Vice-Eegent, Mrs Elizabeth D. Thayer Eegistrar, Mrs Jennie P. Goodrich Secretary, Mrs Helen C. Sanford Historian, Mrs Susan E. Hobble Chaplain, Mrs Susan B. Ellis MASSACHUSETTS. 225 r. Framingliain Chapter — Framingham Organized October 2, 1896; Members, 61 (lUinois, 1; Foreign, 1) Eegent, Mrs Willard Howe Treasurer, Mrs C. U. Fuller Yice-Eegent, Mrs Lucius E. Eastman Eegistrar, Mrs John F. Videto Secretary, Mrs Isaac N. Marshall Historian, Mrs David F. Fiske s. General Benjamin Lincoln Chapter — East Boston Organized February 12, 1896; Members. J,9 (Foreign, 2; California, 1; Kansas 1; Ohio, 1) Eegent, Mrs Joseph H. Barnes Cor. Sec. Mrs J. Frank Hodge Vice-Eegent, Miss Lucy E. Woodwell Treasurer, Mrs Chas. A. Eichardson Eec. Sec, Mrs Willard S. Allen Eegistrar, Miss Josephine L. Eossiter Historian, Miss Mar^- A. Allen t. General Israel Putnam Chapter — Danvers Organized April 19, 1895; Members, .'fl Eegent, Mrs Evelyn F. Masury Cor. Sec, Miss Mary A. Herrick Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ellen F. Morgan Treasurer, Miss Clara P. Hale Eec Sec, Miss Susan W. Eaton Eegistrar, ISIrs Ella J. Porter Historian, Miss Harriet S. Tapley u. General Joseph Badger Chapter — Marlboro Organized January 21, 1898; Members, 32 Eegent, Mrs Hattie M. Manning Treasurer, Mrs Harriet H. Ellis Vice-Eegent, Mrs Elizabeth P. Ingalls Eegistrar, Mrs Cornelia F. Eobinson Eec. Sec, Mrs Lizzie I. Fay Historian. Mrs Sarah M. Jackman Cor. Sec, Mrs Emma T. Page Chaplain, Mrs N. Maria Walker V. Hannah Goddard Chapter — Brookline Organized May U,, 1896; Members, 58 Eegent, Miss Bertha Langmaid Cor. Sec, Mrs Thomas Doliber Vice-Eegent, Miss Augusta T. Lamb Treasurer, Mrs Amasa Clarke Eec. Sec, Mrs Stephen Bennett Eegistrar, Mrs Arthur Williams, Jr. Historian, Miss H. Alma Cummings w. Hannah "Winthrop Chapter — Cambridge Organized June 19, 189.'t; Members, 98 (New Hampshire, 1; District of Columbia,. 2} Eegent, Mrs William H. Wentworth Treasurer, Miss Lydia P. Stevens Vice-Eegent, Mrs William E. Whittemore Eegistrar, Miss Elizabeth Harris Eec. Sec, Miss Marion B. Fessenden Historian, Mrs Walter S. Swan Cor. Sec, Mrs William A. Bunton Hon. Eegent, Mrs William F. Bradbury X. Johanna Aspinwall Chapter — Brookline Organized December 13, 1808; Members, 25 Eegent, Mrs Frederic H. Perkins Cor. Sec, Mrs B. D. Peterson, Jr. Vice-Eegent, Miss M. H. Webster Treasurer, Miss JNIabel H. Chester Eec Sec, Miss E. P. Noyes Eegistrar, Miss S. T. Bowker Historian, Miss Mabel C. Friend y. John Adams Chapter — Boston Organized October 1, 1896; Members, 92 Eegent, Miss Floretta Vining Treasurer, Mrs Inez V. Small Vice-Eegent, Mrs ISTellie M. Morris Eegistrar. Mrs Arvilla F. Bates Eec Sec Mrs Lillian E. Gilligan Asst. Eegistrar, Mrs Lue S. Wadsworth Cor. Sec, Miss Alice B. Eaymond Historian, Miss Marianna P. Smith Auditors, Mrs Ida M. Hall, Mrs Martha L. Koppman 15 226 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. z. John Hancock Chapter — Boston Organised February 15, 1901; Members, 13 Hegent, Mrs Washing-ton G. Benedict Treasurer, Mrs Eben H. Bailey Vice-Kegent, Miss Eebecca E. Joslin Registrar, Mi&s Grace M. Coolidge Secretarj^ Mrs Herbert W. Drew Historian, Miss Alice J. Johnson A. Lexington Chapter— Lexington Organized October 19, 1895; Members, 17 (Georgia, 1; Foreign. 1) Kegent, Mrs Sarah Bowman Van Ness Treasurer, Miss Susan W. Muzzey Registrar, Mrs Carrie E. B. Locke B. Liberty Tree Chapter — Boston Organized November 9, 1896; Members, 23 (New York, 1) Eegent, Mrs Julia W. Howe Secretary, Mrs Joseph E. Davis Vice-Eegent, Mrs George S. Hale Treasurer, Mrs Francis P. Sprague Registrar, Mrs C. M. Greene C. Lucy Jackson Chapter — West Newton Organized December 9, 1896; Members, S3 Eegent, Miss Fanny B. Allen Cor. Sec, Mrs Ella Ledyard Sargent Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary P. Eaymond Treasurer, Mrs Annie Whidden Eec. Sec, Mrs Carrie Y. Carter Registrar ]\Lrs Annie E. Sheruiau^ Historian, Mrs Isabel Ward Carter D. Lucy Knox Chapter — Gloucester Organized October 17, 1895; Members, JiJf (Maine, 1) Eegent, Miss Marietta M. Wonson Treasurer, Mrs Harvey C. Smith Vice-Eegent, Mrs Howard F. Smith Eegistrar, Mrs Wm. A. Proctor Sec, Mrs Henry A. Tarr Historian, Miss Mary E. Wilder E. Lydia Cobb Chapter — Taunton Organized November 9, 1896; Members, 85 (New York, 1) Eegent, Mrs Henry S. Hack Cor. Sec, Miss Marie D. Eobinson Vice-Eegent, Mrs Albert H. Hathaway Treasurer, Mrs Frank M. Hoard Rec Sec, Miss M. Emma Burt Registrar, Miss INIaria Baylies Historian, Miss Mercy M. Hathaway. r. Lydia Darrah Chapter — Lowell Organized June 21, 1901; Members, 15 Regent. Mrs Maria M. Neale Cor. Sec, Mrs Susan F. Sprague Vice-Regent, Mrs Sarah T. Young Treasurer, Miss Lizzie Moore Rec. Sec, Mrs Mary C. Savage Registrar, Miss Florence Moore Historian, Miss Mary A. Farnham. G. Margaret Corbin Chapter — Chelsea Organized July 1, 1899; Members, 32 Eegent, Mrs Lucy A. Fay Cor. Sec, Mrs M. Ella Campbell 1st Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ellen A. Nash Treasurer, Miss Etta Swan 2d Vice-Eegent, Mrs Linda W. Allen Eegistrar, Miss Clara Atwood Eec. Sec, Mrs Mina W. Frost Historian, Miss Caroline Morse H. Martha's Vineyard Chapter — Edgartown Organized October 1, 1896; Members, 62 (Minnesota, 1; Washington, 1; New York, 1, Georgia, 1) Eegent, Mrs Caroline F. Warren Treasurer, Miss Laura G. Vincent Vice-Eegent, Mrs Fannie A. Deane Eegistrar, ISIrs Mary Wesley Worth Eec. Sec., Miss Caroline J. Xevin Historian, Miss Harriet M. Pease Cor. Sec, Mrs M. T. Van Deusen Chaplain, Mrs Harriet F. Shepard MASSACHUSETTS. 227 I. Mary Draper Chap.ter — Jamaica Plain Organized April 2, 1S96; Members, 56 (Florida, 1) Eegent, Mrs H. A. Joslin Cor. iSec, Aliss Alice B. Joslin Vice-Regent, Mrs Lizzie Irving Treasurer, Mrs Mary C. Davis I\ec. Sec, Mrs M. C. Shatswell Registrar, Mrs Mary W. Swift Historian, Miss Laura Wildes. J. Mary Mattoon Chapter — Amherst Organized February 6, 1S96; Members, 44 (District of Columbia, 1; New Hampshire, 1; Connecticut, 1; New York, 13; Colorado, 1) Regent, Mrs Mabel L. Todd Treasurer, Mrs Alice Ward Bailey Sec, Mrs Belle W. Churchill Registrar, Mrs Frances D. Lindsey K. Mercy Warren Chapter — Springfield Organized June 17, 1892; Members, 269 Regent, Mrs Marshall Calkins Cor. Sec, Miss Annie R. Bliss Vice-Regent, Mrs A. 0. Squires Treasurer, Miss Ruth A. Rockv^^ell Rec. Sec, Mrs Edward L. Ross Registrar, Miss Julia L. Avery Historian, Mrs M. L. Orcutt. L. Molly Varnum Chapter — Lowell Organized October 30, 1894; Members, 155 (Foreign, 1 ; Montana, 1; Illinois, 1; New Jersey, 2; Rhode Island, 1; District of Columbia, 1; New Hampshire, 1) Regent, Mrs H. M. Thompson Cor. Sec, Miss Ella H. Stevens Vice-Regent, Miss M. Ida Howe Treasurer, Mrs Geo. L. Richardson Rec. Sec, Mrs Joseph Smith Registrar, Mrs Lena J. Kimball Historian, Mrs Charles Griffin. M. Old Bay State Chapter— Lowell Organized May 5, 1899; Members, 22 Regent, Miss Rosalie A. Williams Cor. Sec, Miss Bernice Ranlett Vice-Regent, Miss Bernice Jewett Treasurer, Miss Emma Hosmer Rec. Sec, Miss Hortense Tabor Registrar, Miss Josephine Webster Historian, Miss May Livingston. N. Old Colony Chapter — Hingham Organized February 14, 189'f; Members, 50 Regent, ^Mrs J. H. Robbins 3d Vice-Regt., Miss Lucj^ Lewis ]st Vice-Regt., Miss Susan B. Williams Secretary, Miss Abby x\. Bradley 2d Vice-Regt., Mrs Henrj- M. Knowles Treasurer, Mrs W. W. Lunt Registrar, Mrs F. H. Lincoln. 0. Old Concord Chapter — Concord Organized October 12, 1894; Members, 50 Regent, Mrs Harriet A. Osgood Sec, Miss Gertrude Todd Vice-Regent, Mrs Henrietta M. L. Chase Treasurer, Mrs Harriet E. Benson Registrar, Mrs Ellen S. W. Raymond. j P. Old Newbury Chapter — Newburyport ] Organized June 17, 1896; Members, 61 (Pennsylvania, 2; New York, 1) Regent, Mrs Sarah Inez Moody Cor. Sec. Miss Mary A. Toppan Vice-Regent, Miss Kate H. Greenleaf Treasurer, Miss Annie H. Knight I Rec. Sec, Mrs Lucy A. Snow Registrar, Miss Judith Rogers Historian, Miss Alice B. G. Boynton. 228 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E, Q. Old North Chtirch Chapter— Boston Organized November 30, 189S; Memhers, 32 fCalifornia, 1; New HampsJiire, 1; New York, 1; Illinois, 1) Regent, Mrs E. E. C. Dinsmore Secretary, Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ida A. C. Gill Treasurer, Mrs E. M. French Eegistrar, Mrs A. N. Abbott, M. D. R. Old South Chapter— Boston Organized December 10, 1896; Members, 136 (New Hampsliire, 1; Neiv York, 1; loioa, 1; California, 1; Yermont, 1) Eegent, Mrs Laura W. Fowler Cor. Sec, Mrs Xancy E. Clemnions Vice-Eegent, Mrs Eose T. Harldns Treasurer, Mrs Vesta H. Eichardson Eec. Sec, Miss Naomi H. Cooke Eegistrar, Miss Helen E. Whitemore Historian, Mrs Alniira J. Prouty. S. Paul Jones Chapter — Boston Organized June 14, 189S; Members, 27 (New York, 1; Pennsylvania, 1; New Hamp- shire, 1) Eegent, Miss Marion H. Brazier Treasurer, Mrs Florence B. Qualters Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ealph McI. Kirtland Eegistrar, Miss Ethel Brigham Sec, Miss Florence Goodhue Historian. Dr. Florella Estes Auditor, Miss Fanny J. Prescott. T. Paul Revere Chapter — Boston Organized April 19, 1894; Members, 125 (Maine, 2; HoutJi Carolina, 1; Minnesota, 1; Neic York, 2) Eegent, Mrs Alvin E. Bailey Treasurer, Miss Ellen W. Eumrill Vice-Eegent, Mrs Clara E. Anthony Eegistrar, Mrs W. Henry Alline Sec, Miss Mary A. Simonds Historian, Miss Mary E. Euggles U. Peace Party Chapter — Pittsfield Organized February 5, 1897; Members, 56 (Foreign, 2; New York, 1) Eegent, Mrs Mary E. Crane Treasurer, Mrs Ellen J. Crane Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary L. Hinsdale Eegistrar, Mrs Margaret E. Baldwin Sec, Mrs Florence N. Peirson Historian, Mrs Hattie G. Stevenson V. Polly Daggett Chapter — Boston Organized December 11, 1900; Members, 11 Eegent, Mrs Alice N. B. Newell Cor. Sec, Miss Mary S. Holbrook Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary E. Bagley Treasurer, Miss Alice Coolidge, Eec Sec, Miss Sara G. Day Eegistrar, Mrs Kate C. Frye Historian, Miss Adelaide W. Gross. W. Prudence Wright Chapter — Pepperell Organized October 19, 1898; Members, 62 (Rhode Island, 2; New York, 3; New Hamp- shire, 1) Eegent, Mrs William F. Heald Cor. Sec, Mrs Augustus D. Phelps Vice-Eegent, Miss Annetta S. Merrill Treasurer, Mrs Marshall Meriani Eec. Sec, Mrs Harry B. Shattuck Eegistrar, Mrs Nathaniel W. Appleton X. Quequechan Chapter — Fall River Organized November 9, 1895; Members, 18 (New York, 1; Rhode Island, 1) Eegent, Mrs Caroline E. B. Mackenzie Cor Sec, Miss Amelia S. Davis Vice-Eegent, Mrs Marion H. T. Bead Treasurer, Mrs Etta L. S. Grinnell Eec Sec, Mrs Mary P. Hartley Eegistrar, Mrs Emma L. F. Brown Historian. Mrs Cornelia W. L. Davol. MASSACHUSETTS. 229 Y. Samuel Adams Chapter — Methuen Organized June 7, 1899; Members, 69 (Xew York, 2) Regent, Mrs Carrie E. Barnes , Treasurer, Mrs Helen M. Barker A'^ice-Eegent, Mrs Sarah A. Kimball Eeg-istrar, Miss Ella P. Bodwell Sec., Mrs Helen F. Spooner Historian, Miss Mary E. Beedle Z. Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter — Medford Organized December 17, 1896; Members, 56 Eegent, Miss Helen T. Wild Treasurer, Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore Yice-Eegent, Miss Eliza M. Gill Eegistrar, Mrs Emma W. Goodwin Eec. Sec., Miss Ida L. Hartshorn Historian. Mrs Ellizabeth A. Chaney Cor. Sec, Miss Bertha G. Paige Chaplain, Mrs Sarah E. Fuller aa. Sea Coast Defence Chapter — Vineyard Haven Organized October 12, 1896; Members, 50 fPennsijhania, 1; New York, 2; Connecticut, 1; Illinois. 1) Eegent, Mrs Elizabeth C. Daggett Ass't Sec, Mrs Jennie D. Munroe Vice-Eegent, Mrs Stisie J. Chase Treasurer, Mrs Louise H. Eandall Sec, Mrs Martha D. Norris Eegistrar, !Mrs Emma F. Cromwell Historian, Mrs Margaret A. Claghorn. bb. Submit Clark Chapter— Easthampton Organized December 6, 1895; Members, 2// (Pennsijlvania, 1) Eegent, Mrs Hattie S. Johnson Sec, Miss Dorcas C. Miller Vice-Eegent, Mrs Susie B. Munn Treasurer, Miss Lucy S. Smith Eegistrar, Miss Edith L. Clark CO. Susannah Tufts Chapter — Weymouth Organized February 18, 1899; Members, 20 Hegent, Mrs A. G. Bowditch Treasurer, Mrs Harriet B. Bachelder Vice-Eegent, Miss Susan C. Eichards Eegistrar, Mrs C. T. Crane Sec, Miss Louise W. Eichards Historian, Miss Mary F. Loud dd. TJxbridge Chapter — Uxbridge Organized February l.'i, 1899; Members. 15 Eegent, Miss Katherine M. Capron Cor. Sec, Mrs Sylvia L. Capron Vice-Eegent, Miss S. Jennie Dudley Treasurer, Miss Helen W. Taft Eec. Sec, Mrs Catherine A. C. Johnson Eegistrar, ^liss Anna L. Capron Historian, Mrs Emogene C. Sayles. ee. Warren and Prescott Chapter — Boston Organized ; Members, 100 (Missouri, 1 ; Maine, I; Micliigan,!; Foreign, 1; District of Columbia, 1) Eegent, Mrs Samuel Eliot Treasurer, Mrs John W. Farrell Vice-Eegent, Mrs W. Scott Fitz Ass't Treas., Mrs Charles E. Grinnell Eec. Sec, Mrs Langdon S. Davis Eegistrar, Mrs Thomas G. Frothingham Cor. Sec, Mrs Wm. F. Humphrej^ Ass't Eeg'tr. Mrs John H. Morison i Historian, Miss Agnes B. Poor. ff. Watertown Chapter — Watertown I , Organised January 10, 1898; Members, Jf5 Eegent, Mrs Annie E. Davenport Cor. Sec, Mrs Mabel E. Tabor Vice-Eegent. Mrs Caroline M. Conant Treasurer, Mrs Mabelle W. Dickinson Rec Sec, Miss Annie L. Ceiley Registrar. Miss Bial W. Willard Historian, Mrs Ablay C. Stearns 230 30819£: 23911« 198231/ 23946Q 25722// 314790 298997ft 19837m 362487' 119390 30798(7 10028/ 16911Z 22106i? 6815L 28502C7 28490/ 28982p 18570P 23498(3 18569P 19249L 33801i2 19823// 24407 19235 303453" 19839 19838771 17544Z 1925* 34671c 4365JS: 1763Z 220860 16825s 32144ee 21135t 27653Z 15615 264196 10083fi? 127897 24703ff 150010 161647(, 2365911 9622L 12725 15613 285200 22115Z 150030 31455& 2210572 133927 22718s 5773E: 268381; 11924s 272686 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. Members Residing in the State Abbe, Emily M. (Mrs) 730 Main St., Springfield Abbe, Fanny W. (Mrs Clarence M.) Park st., Greenfield Abbee, Elizabeth Ann (Mrs) 42 Walnut st., Somerville Abbott, Adelaide N. (Mrs) 30 E. Brookline St., Boston Abbott, Ellen Jeanette (Miss) 27 Chestnut st., Andover Abbott, Georgia L. Fitts (Mrs Wm. O.) 31 Chestnut st., Wakefield Achorn, Ada Alexander (Mrs Clinton Edwin) 120 Bobbins st., Waltham Achorn, Martha A. (Mrs Lincoln E.) 120 Bobbins st., Waltham Adams, Anna Isabelle (Mrs) 8 Cypress st., Brookline Adams, Anna J. Brooks (Mrs Chas. H.) 59 Orient' ave., Melrose Adams, Emily Louise Wardell (Mrs Mark T.) 150 St. Botolph St.. Boston Adams, Georg-iana W. (Miss) ; .Amherst Adams, Fanny Fulton (Miss) 55 George st., Medford, Adams, Harriet Augusta (Mrs John Quincy) 55 Essex st., Chelsea Adams, Ida M. B. (Mrs Chas. E.) 218 W^ilder st., Lowell Adams, Lilian Bailey (Miss) 114 W^endall ave., Pittsfield Adams, Mary C. (Mrs Chas. D.) Amherst Adams, Pamelia A. (Mrs) S. Gardner Adams, Sarah Coffin (Miss) Central Place, Newburyport Adams, Sarah Louisa (Miss) 24 Mt. Vernon St., Boston Adams, Susan Ilsley (Miss) Central Place, Newburj-port Adams, Vivian B. (Mrs Chas. E.) 63 Woodward ave., Lowell Aiken, Susan J. (Mrs Howard L.) 51 Hudson st., Somerville Albee, Elizabeth Ann Patten (Mrs Willard) 42 W'alnut st., Somerville Alden, Alice Weight (Miss) 33 Washington Park, Newtonville Alden, Augusta Bates Hersey (Mrs E. C.)...S6 Howland st., Marlboro Alden, Caroline MayheAv Smith (Mrs Francis, Jr.) Edgartown Alden, Grace Crafts (Miss) 21 Church st., W'altham Alden, Harriet Crafts (Mrs Geo S.) 21 Church st., Waltham Alden, Helen Elizabeth (Miss) 37 Elliott st., Springfield Alden, Katharine E. S. (Mrs C. H.) 33 Washington Park, Newtonville Alden, Maria Dean (Mrs John) Tremont st., Campello Alden, Maud Louise Bidwell (Mrs Ealph) 43 School St., Springfield Alexander, Amy Bowles (Miss) 284 State st., Springfield Alexander Betsy Ann (Miss) West Newton Allen, Adaline A. (Mrs Willard S.) 93 Lexington st., E. Boston Allen, Adeline Amanda S. (Mrs W. H.) 291 Commonwealth ave., Boston Allen, Alice Foster Harris (Mrs Jno. Piatt) 3 State st., Worcester Allen, Annie Brownell (Mrs Eodolphus N.) 365 June st.. Fall Eiver Allen, Annie Kittredge (Miss) W^est Newton Allen, Dorothy (Miss) 20 Fairfield st., Boston Allen, Ellen Way (Mrs) Walpole Allen, Emma Frances (Mrs Henry C.) Park st., W^est Eoxbury Allen, Fannie E. (Mrs Edward E.) Winter st., Watertown Allen, Fanny Bassett (Miss) West Newton Allen, Faustina F. (Mrs Frederick A.) 10 School st., Charlestown Allen, Grace Weston (Miss) Newton Highlands Allen, Harriet C. (Mrs Chas. H.) 57 Eolfe St., Lowell Allen, Helen Churchill (Mrs) 17 Bradford st., Lawrence Allen, Jennie Clark (Miss) West Newton Allen, Linda W. (Mrs Ivory E.) 26 Heard st., Chelsea Allen, Lucy Custis (Mrs John E.) 843 Broadway, Fall Eiver Allen, Lucy Ellis (Miss) West Newton Allen, Margaret Converse (Mrs Wm. Lothrop) Chestnut Hill Allen, Marianna (Mrs O. W.) Braintree Allen, Martha Washington C. (Mrs E. H.)..203 Temple st., W. Eoxbury Allen, Marv Addie (Miss) " 92 Lexington st.. East Boston Allen, Mary W. Pavson (Mrs Thos. H.) 22 Sheldon st., Springfield Allen, Maud F. (Miss) Plj-mouth st., Eoxbury Allen, Minnie Laura McMichael (Mrs E. H.) 32 Princeton st., E. Boston Allen, Eosamond (Miss) 163 Beacon st., Boston * Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. t Fort Green Chapter, N. Y. Mary Clap Wooster Chapter, Conn. JIASSACHUSETTS. 231 26822s 22059/1 14066r 33353W 3335410 14547 18537(7 10552J 13779* 9607&& 321343/ 11563&& 7188L 156345: 239120 34681P 7195 13408L 16806& 16236(/ 32124s 198191/ 24671i 21573ff 4558iV 32925rta 27608 14118D 36246L 26085Q 15691^ 9078^ 7198 1026ee 23944P 25281TF 16257/2 289836 16899P 33347P 30341g 20997'y 13247; 36270d 10410; 25288Z 192570 12322P 26837V 13439P 16921C/ 28771* 155736 22708(? 155726 346726 27660Y 27661Y 119410 28511Y 156140 2098072 21009£: Allen, Sadie Alice Hutchins (Mrs W. B.)..185 Lexington st., E. Boston Allen, Sara Hart (Miss) 354 Massachusetts ave., Boston Alline, Mary Ella Clapp (Mrs W. H.) 45 Westland ave., Boston Allison, Carrie J. (Miss) ...9 Humboldt st., N. Cambridge Allison, Susan C. (Miss) 9 Humboldt st., N. Cambridge Allyn, Abbie M. (Mrs Warren C.) 16 Allyn Place, Lawrence Almy, Annie Dean (Mrs Edward) 18 Woodbine St., Auburndale Almy, Charlotte E. (Miss) 350 N. Main st.. Fall Eiver Almy, Sarah Ella (Miss) 590 Washington St., Boston Alvord, Alice Whitney (Miss) Easthampton Ahord, Grace Brewster (Miss) 113 Varnum ave., Lowell Alvord, Sophia Miller (Mrs Whitney F.) Easthampton Ames, Blanche Butler (Mrs Adelbert) 333 Andover st., Lowell Ames, Eleanor Huse (Mrs James Tyler) Chicopee Ames, Harriot Gillis (Mrs Joseph A.) Wilmington Ames, Nellie W. (Mrs James L.) South Gardner Amory, Ethel (Miss) 133 Marlborough st., Boston Anderson, Anna Francis (Miss) 31 Anne st., Lowell Anderson, Isabel W. Perkins (Mrs Larz) Weld-Abon st.. Brookline Anderson, Lizzie D. (Mrs Elbridge E.) . .Rosemont Terrace, Dorchester Anderson, Martha Elizabeth Sumner (Mrs James) South Natick Anderson, Mary Hine (Mrs W. H.) 414 Andover st., Lowell Anderson, Eosabelle Eollins (Mrs Thomas) 83 Chestnut st.. Chelsea Andrew, Agnes White (Mrs) Watertown Andrew, Edith (Miss) Hingham Andrews, Dina L. (Mrs Samuel) Vineyard Haven Andrews, Edith Alberta (Miss) 77 Ft. Hill ave., Lowell Andrews, Edith Lowe Favor (Mrs Wm. O.) 13 Mason st., Gloucester Andrews, Emma Bent (Mrs William).' 903 Gorham st., Lowell Andrews, Mary Annette T. (Mrs Justin E.) 349 Main st., Everett Andros, Isabel (Mi.ss) Sharon Anthonj^ Clara Eeed (Mrs) Fairhaven Appleton, Eleanor Armistead (Miss) 462 Beacon St., Boston Appleton, Emily Warren (Mrs William) 76 Beacon st.. Boston Appleton, Lydia Amelia Brewster (Mrs N.) 126 High st.. Newouryport Appleton, Nellie Blake (Mrs) East Pepperell Appollonio, Mabel Sawin (Mrs Ihornton D.) 20 Newbury st., Boston Archibald, Lottie Delano (Mrs Frank).. 60 Hamilton st., N. Leominster Arens, Adelma Somes (Mrs Edward J.) 101 State st., Newburyport Amies, Ellen Elizabeth (Miss) 438 Water st., Fitchburg Arnold, Carolyn Huling (Mrs Wm. B.) North Adams Arnold, Tirzah Strong Emerson (Mrs Geo. F.) 81 Davis ave., Brookline Arthur, Alice B. (Miss) Cohasset Arthur, Mary Bushee (Mrs James) "The Bates," Attleboro Arthur, Susan B. (Miss) Cohasset Atherton, Lydia F. (Mrs Caleb) 47 Medford st., Medford Atkins, Eliza Williamson (Mrs Gamaliel P.).. 321 Tremont st., Newton Atkinson, Alice Little (Mrs Chas. H.) 248 Hight st., Newburyport Atkinson, Mary Caroline (Mrs Edward) Heath Hill, Brookline Atkinson, Susan Batchelder (Mrs F. L.) High & State sts., Newburyport Atwater, Alice Maud Allen (Mrs Chas.)..." Broad st., Pittsfielcl Atwood, Adah Carolyn Gorton (Mrs C. F.) 179 W. Eiver st., Hyde Park Atwood, Alice Mary (Miss) Brockton Atwood, Clara Eliza (Miss) 1 Lawrence st., Chelsea Atwood, Clara Lincoln Cook (Mrs Chas. C.) 8 Florence st., Brocton Atwood, May Helen (Mrs Winthrop F.) 95 Whitman ave.. Whitman Austin, Ida C. Gage (Airs Chas.) Methuen Austin, Lucy Ardelle (Mrs Edward W.) Lawrence Austin, Maria J. (Mrs H. K.) Reading Austin, Mary C. Woodbury (Mrs Chas. E.) Methuen Avery, Annie Peabody (Mrs John) West Newton Avery, Jane (Mrs) 194 Huntington ave., Boston Avery, Julia L. (Miss) 103 Thompson St., Springfield Gaepee Chapter, R. I. .'232 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 168905: Avery, Lillian Campbell (Mrs Frank E.) 40 Pleasant St., Westfield 34240 Ayer, Ellen L. (Mrs) 5 Windsor st., Haverhill 13455fir Ayer, Juliette Butterfield Davis (Mrs S. H.)..31S Shawmut ave., Boston 15688(?e A,yer, Mary Eliza Farwell (Mrs Jas. B.) 518 Beacon st., Boston 16242Z Ayers, Hannah Elizabeth Edmands (Mrs Eli) 29 Eoyal st., Medford 91305^ Babb, Lila Bryden (Mrs Geo. \V. P.). 38 Fairview st., Eoslindale 21815 Babbitt, Mary French (Mrs James H.) 130 Main st., Andover 36276(1 Babcock, Abbie Amanda (Miss) 61 S. Main st., Attleboro 177861 Babson, Alice Gary Jordan (Mrs Eobert X.) 172 Howard st., Brookline 26S50Z) Babson, Isabelle Derby (Miss) 120 Washing-ton st., Gloucester 25363* Bachelder, Elizabeth Barber (Mrs John B.) wSummer st., Hyde Park 27293CC Bachelder, Hattie Binney Baker (Mrs H. Mason) .Weymouth 11575L Bacon, Annie Sargent (Mrs Henry M.) 107 Stevens st., Low^ell 22097.S; Bacon, Harriet Breck Hooker (Mrs Wm. Stevens) Longmeadow 26854^: Bagg, Martina D. (Miss) 296 Eiverdale st.. West Springfield 3378710 Bail, Katherine L. (Miss) 1025 Walnut st., Newton Highlands 1192510 Bail, Lizzie Knight (Mrs Geo. W.)..1025 Walnut st., Newton Highlands 26870J Bailey, Alice Ward (Mrs Alfred G.) Amherst 9601T Bailey, Anna L. (Mrs Alvin E.) 27 Eichardson st., Newton 11029f Bailey, Elizabeth Bellamy (Mrs H.) 12 Concord Sq., Boston 333602; Bailey, Emma Hunt (Mrs Eben H.) 827 Boylston s-t., Boston 18549L Bailey, Jessie Piper (Mrs Frank E.) 33 Canton st., Lowell 7824tt) Bailey, Mary Persis (Mrs Hollis E.) 4 Buckingham st., Cambridge 2065611 Baily, Elizabeth (Miss) 991 Beacon st., Boston 35852gf Baker, Ellen Blanche (Miss) Adams 19239?- Baker, Harriet M. (Mrs James) Newton st., Brookline 68285: Baker, Lucy G. (Mrs Asa G.) 6 Cornell st., Sprins-field 303510 Baker, Martha Prescott (Miss) Concord 17602X Baker, Melissa Delmal- Harding (Mrs Charles Andrew) 302 Highland ave.. Fall Eiver 33206** Baldwin, Annie Eloise Olcott (Mrs Henry A.) 10 Atlantic st., Lynn 252896& Baldwin, Harriet Parsons Miner (Mrs l! N.) . .17 High st., Easthampton 28108fc Baldwin, Ella Lois Torrey Peckham (Mrs C. C.) 11 Cedar st., Worcester 45572V Baldwin, Louise Appleton (Mrs Miller C.) Hingham 169221!7 Baldwin, Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs Earl Gray) 114 East st., Pittsfield 341636 Ball, Marian Gill (Miss) 23 Bay State Eoad, Boston 27654Z Ballard, Georgiana (Mrs Chas. M.) 286 Eock St., Fall Eiver 33379 J Bamford, Mary Louise Barnard (Mrs G. Edwin) . .38 June st.. Fall Eiver 119430 Bancroft, Ellen Maria Temple (Mrs Solon) 25 Sanborn st., Beading 12307n Bangs, Elmira Lincoln Tisdale (Mrs Frank W.).. Maple st., Greenfield 22753ee Bangs, Georgiana Skillings (Mrs Elisha Dillingham) Winchester 5893oa Banks, Florence M. K. (Mrs) .^ Vineyard Haven 33784g' Barber, Dora Augusta (Miss) .'. . .144 Pleasant st.. North Adams 36234fc Barber, F. Lillian (Miss) 26 Shattuck st., Worcester 23902^ Barbour, Lovisa Harrod (Mrs) 12 Ellery st., Cambridge 13394J Harden, Harriette Warren (Mrs Frank I.) North Attleboro 27273W Bardwell. Amanda Whiting Kellogg (Mrs O.) Federal st., Greenfield 32106f Bardwell, Carrie Josephine (Miss).. 35 Washington ave., Northampton 145397i. Barker, Annie E. Dale (Mrs) 140 School st., Somerville 78527 Barker, Helen M. (Mrs Stephen J.) Box 200, La^vrence 13391e Barker, Julia Hathaway (Mrs Morris) 25 Kirk st., Methuen 2274217 Barker, Olive Pamelia (Miss) 76 Bartlett ave., Pittsfield 209910^ Barlow, Arabella M. Thayer (Mrs Wm. K.) 19 Church St., North Adams 1071s Barnes, Anna Delia (Mrs Joseph H.)....191 Trenton st.. East Boston 26430s Barnes, Annette Eliot (Miss) 191 Trenton st.. East Boston 26100T Barnes, Carrie E. (Mrs Lewis Edgar) Methuen 346985: Barnes, Celia Adelaide Phelon (Airs Wm. Emerson) Mundale, Westfield 156532' Barnes, Emily Hoiighton Bush (Mrs John Francis) Box 41, Boston 276627 Barnes, Juliette Abbie (Mrs Wm.) Methuen 49756 Barnes, Mary P. (Miss) Ill Marlborough st., Boston 27926|f Barney. Abby (Mrs Edwin) North Swansea 84347 Barney, Mary C. (Mrs Charles C.) 34 Perrin st., Eoxbury Urbana Chapter, Ohio. Elsa Cilley Cliapter, N. H. Chester County Chapter, Pa. ** Ruth Hart Chapter, Conn. T Pawtucket Chapter, R. 1. MASSACHUSETTS. 233 23901f; Barrett, Hannah Newell (Mrs Thos.) 425 Massachusetts ave., Boston 161820 Barrett, Helen Josephine (Miss) 27 Foster st., Melrose 575SO Barrett, Jeanie S. (Miss) Concord 61970 Barrett, Laura Emerson (Mrs Edwin S.) "Battle Lawn," Concord 5777r Barrows, Harriet C. (Mrs John D.) 106 Washington st., Newton lS603ff Barrows, Mary T. (Mrs George) Fayette st., Watertown 31476e Barrows, M. Emma Fullerton (Mrs Albert) \ Brockton 32063e Barrows, Euth Partridge (Mrs Thomas H.) Whitman 2644072 Barry, Flora E. (Mrs) 124 Chandler st., Boston 26200| Barry, Susan Chilson (Mrs Jas. A.).. "The Hamilton," North Hampton 5233§ Barstow, Clara Drew Symonds (Mrs George E.) Dalton 17864t Bartholomew, Frances (lark (Mrs M. H.) Hyde Park 7494ee Bartlett, Alice Galbraith (Mrs Dana P.) 486 Columbus ave"., Boston 22731L Bartlett, Harriett M. (Mrs Charles E. A.) Chelmsford 252S7Z Bartlett, Katharine G. (Mrs Charles H.) 120 «jreorge St., Medford 25366* Bartlett, Lizzie D. (Miss) Washington st., Haverhill 32905J/ Bartlett, Mary Biden (Miss) Chelmsford Centre lli>64hb Bartlett, Mary Jane Wood (Mrs George Dwight) East Whately 23922// Bartlett, Nettie Spooner (Mrs Lester M.) 38 St. Botolph st., Boston 22732L Barton, Marion C. Griffin (Mrs Cyrus) 78 S. Walker st., Lowell 15693Z; Barton, Mary H. (Miss) North Eaynham 22081^; Bassett, Hannah Williams (Miss) 24 Harrison ave., Taunton 12303f Bassett, Mary Brown Colton (Mrs W. G.) 60 Crescent st., Northampton 14540A' Bassett, Mary Louisa Hooper (Mrs Charles A.). .808 Piock st.. Fall Eiver 20390 Batchelder, Ellen Burnham (Mrs) 19 Maple st., Waltham 91456 Batcheller, Tryphosa Duncan Bates (Mrs F.) 29 Harvard st., Worcester 13431/ Bates, Abbie Anna (Miss) Cohasset 26420b Bates, Alma Leighton (Miss) Cohasset 25723y Bates, Arvilla F. (Mrs G. H. W.) 250 W. Newton st., Boston 12692; Bates, Cora Frances (Miss) 129 Webster st., Maplewood 13424/ Bates, Edith Mason (Miss) Cohasset 12691/ Bates, Ella (Miss) North Scituate 21041£^ Bates, Emma Frances Duncan (Mrs T. C.)..29 Harvard st., Worcester 29945«rt Bates, Fannie Stetson Whiting (Mrs William Forest) Hanover 16177/ Bates, Florence Nighting-ale (Miss) 3 Melville ave., Dorchester 29894/ Bates, Georgianna Howard (Mrs Waldo Francis) N. Scituate 9&20t Bates, Harriet IMaria (Miss) Danversport 28459/ Bates, Priscilla J. (Mrs Philander) Cohasset 10638CC Bates, Susannah Lincoln Eichards (Mrs Orren Bradford) . .Weymouth 12790/ Bauer, Ada Marian (Mrs Charles T.)..20 Burroughs st., Jamaica Plain 9114£r Baxter, Isadore F. Bunton (Mrs Wm. Q.) East Milton 32140y Bayley, Mar.y Eichards (Mrs Edward Bancroft) 42 Gloucester st., Boston 15695/; Bayliss, Maria W. (Miss) 1 Spring st., Taunton 4428C/ Beach, Achsa A. (Mrs Wm. N.) 35 Forest Place, Pittsfield 19230s Beadle, Lucy E. (Miss) 227 Webster st., East Boston 26834Z Beal, Abbie Anna (Mrs John F.) 57 Haverhill st., Brockton 1055ee Beal, Loiiisa Adams (Mrs James H.) 104 Beacon st., Boston 28105? Beal, Mary A. (Mrs Charles Sumner) Union st., Eockland 141281' Beal, Mary Isabel Starkweather (Mrs H. F.)..10 Davis ave., Brookline 18306? pjeale, Mary Woodruft' Homan (Mrs Wm. Thomas) Campello, Brockton 29922(r Bean, Mary Miller (Mrs Chas. B.) 64 Washington ave., Chelsea 19807(f Bean, Sarah Jane (Mrs Frank) 17 Chestnut st., Marlboro 33783(7 Beckett, Grace Wentworth Winn (Mrs W\ W.) 91 Marion ave., N. Adams 31487(7 Bedford, Adeline Sanford (Mrs George) 42 Cady st.. North Adams 23411?t' Beebe, Abbie S. Jefts (Mrs Frank Taylor) Hudson WOQee Beebe, Emily A. (Mrs J. Arthur) 199 Commonwealth ave., Boston 16161& Beebe, Emily Esther (Miss) 199 Commonwealth ave., Boston 1878/1 Beebe, Kate E. Olmsted (Mrs Henry J.) 143 Maple st., Springfield 35359r Beedle, Mary E. (Miss) '. Methuen 14961H Beetle, Susie Eussell (Miss) Edgartown 32888e Belcher, Marama Brown (Mrs).. Aged People's Home, Bailey st., Law- rence Onondaga Chapter, N. Gaspee Chapter, R. I. Heber Allen Chapter, Vt. Elsa Cilley Chapter, N. H. 234 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 27634J; Belches. Edith Turner (Miss) Windsor Eoad, Brookline 29500r Belknap, Eebecca J. (Mrs Comer A.) Framing-ham 15581/= Bement, Ella G. (Mrs Frederick Wait) 109 Bridge st., Northampton 30838 Bemis, Abbie G. (Miss) 16 Irving- st., Worcester 19755: Bemis, Ellen Collins (Mrs Thomas Otis).. 199 Chestnut st., Springfield 15650(7 Benedict, Emma Leavitt (Mrs Edward S.) 77 Maple st., Auburndale 6193^ Benedict, Harriet Emily (Mrs Washington G.).."The Washington," Back Bay, Boston 33359Y Benjamin, Mabel Knapp (Mrs Forrest E.) 169 Mountain ave., Maiden 16929i Benner, Emma Arvesta (Miss) 432 Broadway, Chelsea 198172V Bennett, Anna Fuller (Mrs) Dalton 110356 Bennett, Elizabeth Dexter (Miss) Walnut st., Brookline 28505W Bennett, Fannie Elizabeth (Mrs John O.) Pepperell 26839V Bennett, Helen Frances (Mrs Stephen D.) 305 Walnut st., Brookline 5770s: Bennett, Minnie King P. (Mrs C. F.)..210 St. James ave., Springfield 61960 Benson, Harriet C. (Mrs Henry H.) Concord 36235fc Benson, Harriet Molten (Mrs Amasa Benjamin) Cherry Valley 30820S: Benton, Ruth Dickinson White (Mrs) " Chicopee Falls 21575ff Benyon, Mary Alice (Mrs George H.)..47 Watertown st., Watertown 29008?/ Berry, Anna Josephine Clement (Mrs J. W.)..52 Chestnut st., Andover 215267i Berry, Eunice E. (Mrs Henry A.) Grandview ave., Medford 14069ft Bertsch, Julia H. Dale (Mrs) 04 Gore st.. East Cambridge 4364S: Bidwell, Frostine Violet Brown (Mrs J. F.)..148 Main st., Springfield 19846r Bigelow, Agnes Elizabeth Cutter (Mrs E. H.) Pleasant st., Framingham 18553 Bigelow, Ella Augusta (Mrs Edward L.) "Hide and Go Seek Home," Pleasant st., Marlboro 168097;- Bigelow, Elmira J. (Mrs Lyman H.) 376 Main st., Charlestown 31497f/ Bigelow, Gertrude Emmons (Miss) Eockland 4755pe Bigelow, Louise Bennett (Miss) Concord 174621 Bigelow, Mae Palmer (Mrs Frank Bi-yant) . . . .7 Forest ave., Worcester 4779B Bigelow, Mary C. (Mrs Joseph Smith).. 251 Commonwealth ave., Boston 14070 Bigelow, Minnie A. (Miss) 24 Eutland Square, Boston 15644S: Billings, Amy Maria (Miss) 45 Holyoke st., Springfield 16842g Billings, Emma Ellis (Mrs William Silas) 12 E. Quincy St., North Adams 35347/ Billings, Lillie Brinkerhoff (Mrs Dwight M.) ^ Amherst 14926r Billings, Maud Grice (Miss) 8 Melrose st.. South Framingham 15696J5/ Billings, Nancy Hull Goldsbiiry Sampson (Mrs Wm. Bichardson) 15 Harrison st.. Taunton 4878£: Birnie, Ellen Bowen (Mrs George A.) Ludlow 4149£: Birnie, Harriet St owe Chapin (Mrs Wm.) 7 Pearl st., Springfield 3417E Birnie, Sarah Perkins (Miss) 7 Pearl st., Springfield 28464fc Bisco, Ella Maria Fames (Mrs John Waldo).. 21 Cedar st., Worcester 28133 Bishop, Gertrude L.angmaid (Mrs George Warren) Cochituate 35345/ Bishop, Katherine Maria (Mrs) South Amherst 203970* Blacking-ton, Delia Archer (Mrs John) Blackinton, N. Adams 127921 Blackinton, Mary Davis Warren (Mrs J. F.) Park st.. West Eoxbiiry 20399(? Blackinton, Euth Harriot (Miss) Blackinton, North Adams 58152V Blackmar, Helen E. (Mrs Wilmon W.) Hingham 15692^7 Blain, Emma J. (Mrs Charles H.) 141 High st., Taunton 22749 Blair, Katherine Catlin (Mrs Archibald B.)..573 Osborne st., Fall Eiver 35865 Blair, Mellicent Frances (Miss) 64 Walker st., Cambridge 32135W Blake, Achsah Frances Whitney (Mrs Edgar Willis) East Pepperell 31515 W Blake, Emma M. Phillips (Mrs Otis) Ashburnham 36271fZ Blake, Florence Sweet (Mrs Wm. Henry) 251/2 Peck st., Attleboro 21037ee Blake, Mary F. (Mrs) The Abbottsford, Boston 6801 Blake, Mary Lee (Mrs Samuel P.) 39 Brimmer st., Boston 22710^ Blake, Winifred Ballard (Mrs Francis C.) Williamstown 29914C Blanchard, Anna Winifred (Mrs E. E.) 73 Chestnut st., W. Newton 18572/2 Blanchard, Mary Lovell (Miss) South Weymouth 28521(? Blanchard, Mary Swan (Mrs) 641 Broadway, Chelsea 18573jB Blanchard, Susanna Eeed (Miss) South Weymouth 21008it Blanchard, Victoria E. Eockwell (Mrs Wm. H.) 237 Maple st., Holyoke 15016W Blandin, Adaline A. (Mrs Arthur A.) Summer st., Waltham 36275f? Blanding, Elizabeth Carpenter (Miss) 18 S. Main st., Attleboro 162227 Bliss, Alice G. Josselyn (Mrs George N.) 4 Elm st., Jamaica Plains MASSACHUSETTS. 235 34702iV Bliss, Alice Ealston (Mrs Charles Ira) Hingham 17545£^ Bliss, Annie Louise (Mrs James Henry) 17 Locust St., Springfield 6S30Z Bliss, Annie Rebecca (Miss) 17 Locust st., Springfield 27277jff Bliss, Eliza Osborn Fisher (Mrs Leonard Carpenter) 137 Englewood ave.. Boulevard Sta., Brookline IseSOJT Bliss, Genevieve H. (Miss) South Swansea 26431V Bliss, Louise Storrs (Mrs Elias J.) Warren st., Brookline 34699Z Bliss, Lucy (Mrs Luke) 6 Prosj^ect st., Mittineague S442!r Blodgett, Anna E. (Mrs Jno. H.) Williams st., Brookline S495ir Blodgett, Emma M. (Miss) 198 Carew st., Springfield 2684017 Blodgett, Emma Susie Garfield (Mrs Wm. A.) 8 Elm st., Brookline 12939* Blodgett, Harriette M. (Miss) Woodland Park Hotel, Auburndale 12702(7 Blodgett, Mabel Fuller (Mrs Edward Everett) 12 Mason Terrace, Corey Hill, Brookline 25282TF Blood, Lucy Edna (Miss) Pepperell 252S3TF Blood, Margaret Grant (Mrs) Pepperell 29939TF Blood, Mary Louise Howard (Mrs Rolan Horace) Pepperell 26096aa Bodfish, Mabel Downs (Miss) Vineyard Haven 25636f Bodman, Clara Philena (Miss) 123 Elm st., Northampton 281247 Bodwell, Ella P. (Miss) Methuen 281267 Bodwell, Hattie B. (Mrs Josiah White) Methuen 26635t Boise, Fannie Louise Abbe (Mrs Lewis Root) Westfield 215371' Bolton, Ethel Stanwood (Mrs Chas. K.) 30 Upland Road, Brookline 5789^ Bond, Isabella Bacon (Mrs Chas. H.)...128 Commonwealth ave., Boston 18507Z Bonney, Clara M. (Miss) Whitman 34673? Bonney, Helen Gertrude (Mrs Ezra) 68 Harvard st., Whitman 10034/ Boomer, Rebecca Churchill Waterman (Mrs Benj. L.) Brockton 30S21A' Booth, Anna Julia (Mrs Henry A.) Ill Jefferson ave., Springfield 32127Z Booth, Mary Allard (Miss) 60 Dartmouth st., Springfield 127Q8n Booth, Nancy Jones (Miss) Montague 14126A' Borden, Annie Remington Smith (Mrs N. B., Jr.) 736 High st.. Fall Ri'ver 14542 Borden, Bessey (Miss) 618 Rock st.. Fall River 28123 J Borden, Bethana B. (Mrs Philip H.) 383 Jime st.. Fall River 21945^ Borland, Harriet Blair (Mrs John Jay) Victoria Hotel, Boston 16832(/ Boss, Minerva Briggs (Mrs Joseph E.') 12 Church st.. North Adams 12104 Bosson, Marj^ Fisher (Mrs George Chapman, Jr.).. 85 Beach st., Boston 36241 Botsford, Angle S. Sanford (Mrs Herbert) Williamstown 18024.5! Bourne, Annie J. C. (Mrs Frederick W.)..82 Benton Road, Somerville 11574$ Bourne, M. Caroline (Mrs James N.) 80 Moore st., Lowell 5926i(; Bouton, Eliza Jane N. (Mrs John B.) 21 Craigie st., Cambridge 100800 Boutwell, Georgianna A. (Miss) Grot on 6537JV Bouve, Caroline L. (Mrs Charles 0.) Hingham 6538iY Bouve, Charlotte Burr (Mrs Walter L.) Hingham 119400 Bouve, Delia Carter (Mrs Allston Gray) 29 Lafayette st., Wakefield 1153Sc 22754ee 17538i; 7508 20964a 16258 28136ee 29497/> 36231/ 18501f 12769A 11541 239385: 36230fir 314S9W 34177/(- 21576ff 22758/f 119460 30340O 10545Z 31463a 27488/ 5119& 3487* 13452(7 25302ee 34714pe 18505? 18597oa 12095/= 32490? 22127 Clemons Nancy E. D.( Mrs Forrester H.) 64 Clark st Dedham', C eve and, Gertrude Olney Stevens (Mrs Clarence K)P0QuTne1^au- Cleveland, Martha Clara (Miss) 9^7 tif^- ^- «H!umei)aug- Cliff, Ann Elizabeth (Mrs) '^ ^^^ ^^^P'^ st Holyoke" SS: 5SS^JLe'^^^^i^^^ We^s;^V;bster);;^i•E>ard•st., C^S Coutman, Sarah Pratt (Mrs Bertram S.) 1647 Beacon st Bi^ookUne ?Sa-±V^S^^^^^^ Cochrane, Mary LynW (Mr:'^.)::::::2,7- Cori^^^^^Sk^'l^e 'Son S^ffin^TrZn^N^^fn ^,'''-^'' ^^"^ ' ^ ^^^^^^ st., AttlehJ?? Coffin, Charlotte S. (Mrs Jared W ) i^dg-art own Coffin, Chloe McLellan (Miss) • 5 S'^^^"'''^ Coffin, Grace Parkman (Mrs ^Charles- P;)V;;;;;;;;;;;i;V "st SwJod Coffin, Lavmia Morse (Mrs Thomas G.) ^ Edo^flown ^:^^^l^^:l^]t,S^^ ' ""■'■■■■''' Marlhorou,h-st.,^p;S CoS^urn! U:^l^-^If Charles" h:);:;;:;;:::,,8 Beacon" st^B^^ Colby, Alice Edwards (Miss;;;;;;;;;;;;;s55 Centre ^tV Newton'S^Xe en on rt Cole, Annie Talbot (Mrs Samuel V.) . . . . ^0,.+^ Cole, Emma A. (Mrs Lucien D ) " " is?" w,'r^>! '^l ' \r ' ' :-^^^^^^^ ^oieman, ±Mnma Eiiza (Mrs Abner) tar w^-^+t^^^^ x rn . Coleman T^iHaHo t w Af TT ttVn *^ VVmthrop st., Taunton cSS; Martha F„ler**Sis';-)''^-* '"" Eavw""'^,'' Ij" ?°n™ Colesworthy, Mary (iiiS) ' ^"-^o^F""'''- Nantucket Cote"; M:ri^"h£ir '"'''^"' '■°'*" '^^' =*->r'™ Colton Sarah Amelia Conines (Mrs S. A.) Lono-mearlo-v Cohvell Almira Wellington (Mrs F.)..3 Greenough PI / JamarS Pliin cor„t'Ah?nr(''Mr"'; <"" ^■'"■^ "■'■•■ -'^i ?"7- Corey, Eva Downing (Miss) 888 W'ashington st., Brookline 10547 J Corey, Harriet M. (Miss) 187 Rock st.. Fall River. 27627'y Corey, Linda Emery (^Liss) 888 Washington st., Brookline 28991JJ Corey, Mary F. Heywood (Mrs David) "The Wesley," Fitchburg 78395: Cornwell, Ellen Elvira Easton (Mrs W^ B.) 70 Main st., W^estfield 11537& Cotting, Alice (Miss) 249 Commonwealth ave., Boston 29928J7 Cottle, Eudora Lee Marchant (Mrs AVilliam H.) Edgartown 16186? Couch, Donna D. (Mrs Mark E.) 61 Church St., North Adams 16599^; Couch, Mary C. (Mrs D. N.) 17 Walnut st., Taunton 16261i2 Couchier, Caroline L. P. Torrey (Mrs).. 267 Farrington st., Wollaston 33770i Coulter, Olive Lydia Loring (Mrs John Tyler) 373 Broadway, Chelsea 36232/ Cousens, Eunice Jacob Lothrop (Mrs Charles Hobart) Cohasset 19262i Covel, Betsey Paine Gray (Mrs Thomas D.)..46 Franklin st.. Fall River 35329OT Coville, Laura Augusta Short (Mrs) 144 E. Brown st., Waltham 1337J(7 Cowles, Ella Hotchkiss (Mrs Edmund B.)..1027 Beacon st., Brookline 16861J Cowles, Fannie Gary (Miss) Amherst 28486./ Cowles. Sara B. J. (Mrs Herbert T.) ' Amherst a8596aa Coye, Carla Elizabeth (Mrs Henry W.) Vineyard Haven 22741C Coyne, Lucy Hallet (Miss) 38 Eldredge st., Newton 15010/= Crafts, Martha Edson (Mrs Freeman A.) East W^hately 8455B Crafts, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 308 Commonwealth ave., Boston 27617 Crandon, Cara Warren (Mrs E. S.)..1287 Commonwealth ave., Boston 17595C7 Crane, Clara Loomis (Miss) Dalton 17594C/ Crane, Ellen Kittredge (Mrs Zenas) Dalton 91475: Crane* Isabella Graham C. (Mrs) East Long Meadow 27659CC Crane, Lavoune E. (Mrs Charles T.) East Braintree, P. O. Weymouth 35862CC Crane, Lucy Maria (Miss) Braintree and Weymouth 12106C/ Crane, Mary Elizabeth Goodrich (Mrs James B.) Dalton 9112^ Crane, SibvUa Bailey (Mrs Oliver) Hotel Brunswick. Boston 28503C7 Cranston. Ellen Hxibby (Mrs William H.) 182 Fenn st., Pittsfield 10515.S Crawford, ISIary Elizabeth Cushiug (]\[rs C. A.) 56 Eutaw st.. E. Boston 21578ff Crawford, Mattie C. (Mrs Fred. E.) 12 Lincoln st., Watertowoi 31493V Crocker, Annie Lamb (Mrs Ariel Boyden) Brookline 14889aa Crocker, Clara Farnsworth (Mrs R. W.) Vineyard Haven 33786^ Crocker, Cornelia M. (Mrs N. H.) 459 Washington St., Brookline 82305 Crocker, Julia G. Davis (Mrs) 182 Beacon st., Boston 22402& Crocker, Margaret (Miss) 343 Commonwealth ave., Boston 2805ee Crocker, Sarah Haskell (Miss) 319 Commonwealth ave., Boston 14146 Crocker. Susan E. (U. D.) 180 Huntington ave.. Boston 18493/1 Crockett, Grace H. (Miss) 14 Wood st., Charlestown 7194 Crompton, Mirian Van Egmond S. (Mrs R.)..62 William st., Worcester lG2-29aa Cromwell, Emma Farnsworth (Mrs Benjamin, Jr.) Vineyard Haven 33342/ Croning, Eflfie G. (Miss) Norwell 8490L Crosby, Abby Frances (Miss) Chelmsford Clean Chapter, N. Y. MASSACHUSETTS. 243 SofbJ: ^^'^^^hS^^y («- ^'""t" CO gs ParU St Newton Crosby, Helen Bajliss (Mfe) "™ ^'=^°'"' "'- Brpokl™ Crosbj-, T.vflin T r,i-;T,r^ Tv„n.„„ A^/AV V U ' • • • -Ums-ham Cross, Hattie J. (Mrs Charles Fr;derick)\\\\-io Web^tTr I't'' SookH.'^ Grossman, Helen M. (Mrs Fredericks ^veoster st. lirooklme Crowell, Ardella C. (Miss) Sprmg St., Taunton ?ro:4ll;Se^E,4f;rE?o^^\M^ Crowell, Maytie Case (Airs Albert LI ' «;« ru-w" T'^^^^t!""" Cully, Mary Winifred Towne (Mrs aI J.V.- •i49 e' Main si NoVf^Ti'"'"^ Culver, Jennie Barlow (Mrs Henrv % / 407 wwt, ' ^o/^^ Adams ?:^-L°F±?^r7_^.^^?-t/(Mr^C.T) .^-io Greet:Juil^"a?;:y^aiS Pfr Cummings, Annie Appfeton^W: (Mr^s B^nT C^r'^S V^ncW '''so'l'tt Cumnimgs, Harriet A. (Miss)... '' ^ Clark T?n«?%r. Sir Cummings, Letitia J. (Mrs Georg-e M ) .\\\\\\\\-^39 Par^st Zdfnr^^ Currier, Adelaide Wilhelmina (Miss) . ^ . . .Plummer ave Newbu™^^ Currier, Annie Martha (Mrs Charles E.) , "^^^r^^ie., iNewburjport Currier, Clara May (Mrs Nathan) .:.. ..V.V.V. ^ Main st EverTtt Currier, Effie Carolena Hodge (Mrs Warren T.) 560 Tremont st' Boston CurrlS' Jane^'in' m^"v'" ^T^ ' ^ ^'""^^^^ --«•' Newbu^Jport currier, Jane Hill (Mrs Enoch Gerrish) West Newburv Currier, Nellie May Eoss (Mrs) 174 TTi^^v. e+ m i ^ Curtis, Alice TurnVr (Mrs Irvino) ins t?^^ *•' ^ewburyport Curtis Cora Belle (Ws Charles W) fo w°°^ ''''^•' I^o^«^este^ Curtis: Dora Fi.L?(Mr?cl':r\e^ ^^^^^^ ^^ sTcfmbridJe SrS' FranSV%^^r-^\ ^'^^^ ^^- T.V . . /;.37l''Ha;vrrd S; SmSf Curtis' Harrfet A Vif.fr ' ' T « \ ^'^ ^^"*^^ ^t., Jamaica Plain SSI; ^T'^iTcS^r^-^^^:-- -rth stt S| Gushing, Ellen M. L. (Mrs Milton) V.Vo" Proscect Vt" " pitovT w^ Cutler, Anna Evelyn (Miss) 53 S. S:l"; ^CraTa^B.ili^--- -).-■ lVvV„/ft!s^Si"li',^o^|ra^^ Cutler, Ellen Cushman (Mrs Laroy z".) 1 1.";: ."27 ' Sargent' si.', ' Sp'rinS Cut er, Harnett Isabella (Mrs Nahun S.)..10 Highland ave , GreeSfie d Ci^tl!^' ^r T ;i^^'r'^ 310 Walnut St., Brookline CntJp^' ^ni^"" r^ i^7..^^°.''^''^ ^-^ 13S Harvard st., Brookline Sf I^' M ^'■"u ^ J^^f/^ 138 Harvard st. Brookline Cutter, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs William E.) Woburn Cutting Effie A. (Mrs Charles H.) iss E. Main st. 'North Adams C I+,W Lovmah Darwin (Airs Levi) 370 Lincoln st., Marlboro Cutting, Lucy Frye (Mrs Charles) Framino-haTn Cutting, Mary F. (Mrs Louis) Oakda^ mdmen^\'frt>f'^-^^7M-^^'' ^- ^'^ ^'' Aspinwaif •a;^',' Brookline Uadmen, Martha E. (Miss) Chelmsford Dadmun, Etta B Priest (Mrs) 76 Mt. Auburn' It'.,' Watertown Dadmun, Gertrude Alberta (Miss) 10 Salem st., Charlestown Daggett, Eleanor Williams (Miss).... 116 Commonwealth ave., Boston Daggett, Elizabeth C (Mrs Grafton L.) ...... . .Tisbury, Vineyard HaX Daggett, Martha Wheldon (Miss) 549 County st.. New Bedford Daggett, Sara Whittemore (Miss) 116 Commonwealth ave., Boston Molly Stark Chapter, N. H. t Orford Parish Chapter, Conn. 244 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 169012V Dalton, Frances E. (Miss) 335 Beacon st., Boston. 281171/ Dame, Elizabeth B. (Miss) 178 1st st., Lowell 22817|| Damon, Blanche B. (Mrs Frank) Lawrence 28460/ Damon, Hattie M. (Miss) Scituate Centre 5779 Damon, Lizzie Livingston (Miss) Concord ave., Maiden 18026C Damon, Sarah Ann Barton (Mrs J. L.) Putnam st., West Newton 10037s Damon, Susan Collamore (Miss) 72 Trenton st., East Boston 8427r Danforth, Caroline E. Atwood (Mrs G. F.)..7 Eockland Park, Maiden 21381* Daniels, Gertrude (Mrs H. B.) Massachus'etts 21010C Daniels, IMaria S. (Miss) 51 Cj^press St., Newton C en, re 32109fc Daniels, Sarah L. White (Mrs Fred H.) 214 Salisbury st., Worcester 18016^ Darby, Beatrice Tower (Airs Joseph M.) 36 Holbrook s^t., North Adams 14078ft. Darrow, Fanny Gay (Miss) 25 Harris st.. North Cambridge 140797/ Darrow, Lucy Pease Gay (Mrs) 25 Harris st.. North Cambridge 34196Z Dart, Emma" Warren (Mrs Walter H.) 40 Wellesley st., Springfield 215S0/f Davenport, Annie Emeline (Mrs B. F.) 31 Coolidge Hill St., Wateitown 13430; Davenport, Elizabeth Osgood (Mrs George Lyman) Cohasset 33343; Davenport, Mercy Snow (Miss) Cohasset 14077C* Davidson, Charlotte Guild (Mrs Alexander) Windsor Eoad, Waban 16821/f Davidson, Harriet Arnold Willey (Mrs).. 172 Huntington ave., Boston 8457f/= Davidson, Helen F. (Mrs Albert C.) W. Watertown 12787/ Davidson, Marion J. (Mrs Frank A.).. 182 Mt. Vernon st., W. Koxbury 21579ff Davidson, Sarah Coolidge (Mrs H. E.) Coolidge Hill st., Watertown 11940f>» Davies, Minnie F. Lombard (Mrs John Wesley) Beading- 9088L Davis, Abby Frances (Miss) 80 Howard st., Lowell 22057c Davis, Alice L. (Miss) 24 Walnut st., Somerville 23987A' Davis, Amelia Sophia (Miss) 118 High st.. Fall Kiver 7487J Davis, Aurelia B. H. (Mrs Amon W.) ; Amherst 14941r Davis, Clara (Miss) Pleasant st., Framingham 15682«a Davis, Georgiana Whiting (Mrs E. A.)..W. Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard 2804ee Davis, Helene Bartlett (Mrs L. S.).. Sumner & Clinton Eoads, Brookline 12737f Davis, Ina Forrest (Miss) Florence 11934L Davis, Julia Ann (Mrs Nathaniel) 80 Howard st., Lowell 61940 Davis, L. Emily Noyes (Mrs Francis S.) Acton 13376f/ Davis, Lizzie Mabel (Miss) "The Warren," Warren st., Roxbury 2902ir Davis, Lucy Stevens (Mrs Abbott Bricket) Methuen 28471a; Davis, Lucy Watson (Miss) 16 Emerson st., Brookline 15585f DaviSj M. Louise (Mrs Frank E.) 61 Crescent st., Northampton 5804 Davis, Mabel (Miss) 154 Beacon st., Boston 14940r Davis, Marcella (Miss) Pleasant st., Framingham 7187& Davis, Margaret Bradley Sumner (Mrs C.) 393 Marlborough St., Boston 6532J5 Davis, Maria Louisa (Mrs Edward L.)..215 Commonwealth ave., Boston 134200 Davis, Marietta (Mrs Fred) Bedford 23962/2 Davis, Marion R. Brooks (Mrs) Jason st., Arlington 17530e Davis, Mary Abbie (Mrs Franklin B.) . . . .25 Dorchester st., Lawrence 21553L Davis, Mary Alnette Greene (Mrs) 123 Westford st., Lowell 23931/ Davis, Mary C. (Mrs Frederick S.) Corey st.. West Roxbury 264437? Davis, Mary Clement Collyer (Mrs I. H.)..258 Westville st., Dorchester 29539Y Davis, Mary F. H. (Mrs " John E.) Methuen 965/? Davis, Mary W^aldo (Mrs Joseph E.) 154 Beacon st., Boston 16873ff Davis, Miriam Esterbrook Vincent (Mrs) Edgartown 20423aa Davis, Sara Elizabeth Bateman (Mrs) Orleans 168590 Davis, Sarah Frances Orcutt (Mrs Henry Morrison) West Newton 10505fir Davis, Sarah Jane Dike (Mrs Daniel S.) Stoneham 9650Z Davol, Cornelia W. Lincoln (Mrs B. D.) 242 Lincoln ave., Fall River 29747* Day, Ann Elizabeth Eddy (Mrs Clifton P..) Northampton 4153S: Day, Ida L. (Mrs Robert W.) 30 Salem st., Springfield 337790 Day, Lilla Alberta (Miss) Melrose Highlands 315247 Day, Sarah Grosvenor (Miss) 280 Newbury st., Boston 15576J Dean, Helen Amanda Packard (Mrs Edgar E.)..81 Green St., Brocton 36247L Dean, Ina Pratt (Mrs Alfred E.) 173 Stedman st., Lowell 22082^7 Dean, Mary Jennie Bassett (Mrs William F.) Stevens st., Taunton 22083/; Deane, Bertha Louise (Miss) 22 Clinton st., Taunton 14959-ff Deane, Fannie A. (Mrs Charles A.) Edgartown 10044W Deane, Louise Griswold (Mrs Adam C.) 154 Main st., Greenfield Mollie Reid Chapter, N. H. Zebulon Pike Chapter, Col. Esther Stanley Chapter, Conn. MASSACHUSETTS. 245 32901/) Deaue, Mabel L. (Miss) 41 Winter St., Fitchburg 10538X Deane, Mary G. (Mrs John M.) 228 Purchase st., Fall River 337697t Dearborn, S. Harriet (Mrs John B.) 44 Winthrop st., Charlestown 23899^ Deering, Lucia Kimball (Mrs J. Wentworth) . .299 Newbury st., Boston 26062Z Delano, Priscilla Wrig-ht Chamberlain (Mrs A. A.) Webster Sq., Brocton 27813 Delany, May Macdonald (Mrs) 25 Chauncey Place, Jamaica Plain 18529C Dennison, Mary Rosabelle French (Mrs Charles S.) Newtonville 30816C De Normandie, Bertha Louise S. (Mrs H. N.) 36 Webster st., W. Newton 32S91A; Denny, Bertha (Miss) Leicester 12738f De Puy, Ehoda A. (Mrs Elias C.) 12 Bedford Terrace, Northampton 6797 Derby, Caroline Abbott (Miss) 405 Beacon st., Boston 4879£: Derby, Ellen Maria Booth (Mrs P. H.) 65 School st., Springfield 10076O Derby, Martha M. Keyes (Mrs Nathan) Concord 13449s Dever'son, Etta Estell (Mrs William H.) Farrington ave., Alston n550K Dewey, Harriet Palmer (Mrs Charles E.) Palmer 23906(r Dewing, lone Elizabeth Dam (Mrs Ebenezer) . . . .73 Revere st.. Revere 28665* De Wolf, Louise C. (Mrs Homer B.) Northfield 34164& Dexter, Christine Mitchel (Miss) Maple St., Brookline 23937Ji: Dexter, Cora E. Porter (Mrs William H.) 19 Ingersoll Grove, Springfield 308235: Deyo, Paulina Tibbie (Mrs John) 56 Auburn st., Springfield 35316(/ Dickerman, Sarah Ann P. (Mrs H. W.) . .265 Lamartin st., Jamaica Plain 17605c Dickey, Nellie S. (Miss) 20 Spring Hill Terrace, Somerville 3515JS: Dickinson, Elizabeth Williams P. (Mrs G.N.) 230 Fairview ave., Chicopee 12752L Dickinson, Ella Sargent (Mrs Watson A.) 190 Branch st., Lowell 18018(7 Dickinson, Louise Tower (Mrs E. M.)....155 E. Main st.. North Adams 215S2ff Dickinson, Mabelle Waitt (Mrs John D.) Winter st., Watertown 104S6,r/ Dike. Cora Eliza (Miss) Stoneham 7815& Dillingham, Harriet A. Carlton (Mrs T. M.)..607 Boylston st.. Boston 28986p Dillon, Margaret Downe Morse (Mrs F.) 33 Summer st., Fitchburg 11024(7 Dimick, Abby (Mrs Charles W.) 123 Line st., Somerville 3380272 Dimond, Mary C. (Miss) 120 Boylston st., Brookline 21017 Dinsmore, Adelaide Gray (Mrs Wesley F.) Franklin 23947Q Dinsmore, Emma Elizabeth C. (Mrs O. W.) 3 Batehelder st., Dorchester 16246s Dinsmore, Jessie May (Miss) 26 Vine st.. Medford 34712cr* Doane, Emma Amanda Maxwell (Mrs David Greenough) E. Braintree 2333pe Dobson, Mary Evelyn Avery (Mrs H. T.)..196 Huntington ave., Boston 15626D Dodge, Abba Gott (Mrs Albert) 1 Summer st., Gloucester 15656P DodgCj Elvira Nutter (Mrs Chauncey W.) Pond st., Newburyport 12788/ Dodge' Julia M. (Mrs James H.) 21 Burroughs st., Jamaica Plain 264467t Dodge, Mary C. (Mrs Rufus B., Jr.) 8 Massachusetts ave., Worcester 100740 Dodge, Martha A. (Miss) Billerica 21561C7 Dodge, Nancy M. (Mrs D. J.) Pittsfield 6190^: Dodge, Sarah F. W. (Mrs Edwin H.) 58 Princeton st., Springfield 14999P Dodge, Susan Webster (Miss) 211 High st., Newburyport 16852V Doliber, Ada Ripley (Mrs Thomas).. Oak Rise, Goddard ave., Brookline 308101' Doliver, Edith Heath (Miss) Oak Rise, Goddard ave., Brookline 9639D Dolliver, Harriet Proctor Rust (Mrs E.) 10 Chestnut st., Gloucester 5123ij; Doolittle, Emma Cornelia Baldwin (Mrs F. P.) 60 Temple st., Springfield 162627*; Dorr. Katharine Merriara (Mrs L. M.) 20 Dickerman Place, Newton 315177 Dorward, Mary Eva Littlebrandt (Mrs Alexander D.) Methuen 110565; Doten, Georgiana Wells (Mrs Frederick B.) Chicopee 33767f7 Doten, Gertrude Minerva H. (Mrs H. L.)..131 Glenway st., Dorchester 25914 Douglass, Nellie La Nore Simonds (Mrs) Hotel Somerset, Common- wealth ave., Boston 127600 Dow, Alice Burleigh (Mrs Daniel Webster) . .53 W. Emerson St.. Melro=e 32910W Dow, Harriet Pierce (Miss) 30 Arch st., Springfield 26824.'? Dow, Ida jNIav Hutchins (:\rrs Henry C.) 46 Saratoga st.. East Boston 32911TF Dow, Lucv Jane (Miss) ." 30 Arch st., Springfield 10548X Dow% MarV Everett (Mrs Albert F.) .154 Belmont St., Fall River 32909W Dow, Sarah J. Pierce (Mrs Leonard) 30 Arch st., Springfield 20386e Dow, Susan S. (Mrs) 369 Lowell st., Lawrence 260775: Downing. Emma M, (Mrs Hamilton F.) Springfield 15702B Dowse, Fanny Reed (Mrs William B. H.) Temple st.. West Newton 32524 Dowse. Lucy Ada (Mrs Charles Francis) . .347 Marlborough st.. Boston 8433 Dowse, Raymah (Miss) 347 Marlborough st.. Boston * Mohawk Chapter, N. Y. 246 35330O 32117? 84392; 32136TF 1411910 20966a 27290rffZ 11114r 20384ft 18513 4361Z 14965fl^ 362S4ri 16865fl' 17623 110635: 14120W 23921?0 25926ff 15703i; 19271?)i 127206 28465fc 9623L 149 14r 22047c 7172r 8778« 1423 29890ft 8448& 21042 8484^" 33774/ 16178/= 5925/" 19219 192186 19220 105335: 2953ir 33789m? 26090i2 15683aft 185837 966ee 1858ir 2348& 185807 29496a 308141/ 9633L 16169ft 14080ft 3082972 123190 15006C 16858C 19808W 28461; 10025W 16188^ iioeiz 57887 15344* DIKECTOEY, D. A. R. ?^lli ' ?/'*^'-J°""^ (*f^'^ Grant).. 24 Franklin st., Melrose Hio-hlands Drake Mary Frances Taylor (Mrs George E.).... .West Brid-ewater Drew, Mabel Virginia Stoddard (Mrs Herbert) ... .Clfeonda'e Drury, Jenme Eoj-den Kice (Mrs Walter) Fa^t P.^.T^n „ - ^ „ (Mrs Walter) Fast PermpT-pll Duane, Emma Cushman Lincoln (Mrs C. W.)....23 Ware st! cS-Xe Sud eT> ^ 7 ^•- ^^%r"^ ^^^'^ ^^^^"°" S-) .Nantuiket liudiey, S. Jennie (Miss) Whitinsville Dn^Sr' ?T\'\ Walton (Mrs James K.) . . Mason' T^^mce, Brookline Dunbar, Isabel Sumner (Mrs David Albert) Winthrop Hig-hlands Dunbar, Lillian (Miss) ;. .Thorndike st., Brookline Dunbar, Mary Louisa (Miss) 59 Buckingham st., SpringfieM Dunham, Jennie Louise (Miss) ^ ' Edo-artmvn Dunham, Lydia A. (Miss) ./. AttTebo^-o Dunham, Susan Thaxter (Mrs) Ed^artown Dunn, Amanda Eucks (Mrs S. E.) ....■..".•.•.■. Gfefenvine Dunning, Sarah L. Potter (Mrs James G.)....20 Hebron st!,' Sprino-fi eld Durant, Caro me Virginia (Mrs William B.)..9 Lowell st., Cambridge Duttoi Florence Turner Mrs Albert).. 132 Arlington st., Watertown Dwmell, Louise B. (Mrs Byron Lee) ...[ igs High 'st. Taunts Dyer, Angie Lathrop (Mrs EdM^ard H.)....326 Lexington St., Waltham Dyer, Lucy E. (Mrs Clarence Monroe) 303 Haverhill st., Lawrence Eames Mary Greenleaf (Mrs Daniel H.) 41 Dean st., Worcester Earl, Josephine Helen (Miss) 295 Pawtucket st., Lowell Eastman Eebecca Porter (Mrs Lucius E.) . .Pleasant st., Framingham Eaton, Charlotte Dean Bradford (Mrs H. L.)..60 Vinal ave., Somerville Eaton, Lorietta Avery (Mrs Eugene Edgar) 158 Salem st.. Maiden Eaton, Susan Wilhelmma (Miss) Danvers Eddy, Mary Baker G. (Mrs) 395 Commonwealth ave.', Boston Edelfson, Lottie M. (Miss) 307 Broadway, Somerville Edes, Grace Williamson (Mrs) 62 Buckinham st., Boston Edgecomb, Bessie Mildred (Mrs Horace Albert) W^lleslev Edmands, Mary Gertrude (Miss) Hino-ham Edson Ann Maria (Miss) , Central" 'st.', Scituate Edwards, Anna Cheney (Miss) 197 Elm st., Northampton Edwards, Fanny Wendell (Miss) 49 Elm st., Northampton Edwards, Grace (Miss) 55 Bellevue st.. Back Bay, Boston Edwards, Hannah Mercy (Miss) 55 Bellevue st., Back Bay, Boston Edwards, Katherine L. (Miss) Southbridg-e Egbert, Ellen W. A. (Mrs John L.) 28 Ingersoll Grove, Sprinrfeld Eglee, Frances Sammis (Mrs Charles H.)....24 Williams st., Brookline Ela, Hannah Stiles Lyman (Mrs Walter) 13 Ash st., Cambridg-e Eldredge, Lucie W. (Mrs Clarence F.)....35 Algonquin st., Dorchester Eldridge, Sara M. (Mrs Edmund G.) Cottage City Eliot, Emily Bassett (Miss) 15 Fairland st., Eoxbury Ehot, Emily Marshall (Mrs Samuel) 44 Brimmer st., Boston Ehot, Margaret B. (Mrs John F.) 48 Gordon ave.. Hjde Park Eliot, Mary (Mrs Amory) 185 Beacon st'!, Boston Ehot, Mary Lincoln (Miss) 15 Fairland st., Eoxbury Elkms, Grace (Miss) 256 Highland st.. West Newton Elhngton, Susan Sturg-is Smith (Mrs E.) 24 Stetson st., Brookline Ellmgwood, Martha Coburn (Mrs Edward).. 56 Hunting-ton st., Lowell Elliot, Addie (ienevieve (Miss) 59 Oxford st., Somerville Elliot, Mary Elvira (Miss) 59 Oxford st., Somerville Elliott, Frances Louise (Mrs William L.) 66 Whiting st., Eoxbury Elliott, Helen Gertrude (Miss) 29 Chestnut st., Wakefield Ellis, Alice Coggeshall (Mrs E. A.) 139 Sumner st., NeAvton Centre Ellis, Elsie W. Bennett (Mrs George H.) West Newton Ellis, Harriet Harding (Mrs Edward H.) 103 Mechanic st., Marlboro Ellis, Hattie K. (Mrs Walter B.) 61 Mountfort st., Boston Ellis, Jennie S. (Mrs Emmons E.)..1692 Massachusetts ave., Cambridge Ellis. Susan B. Eose (Mrs Samuel J.).. 12 E. Quincy st.. North Adams Ellison, Agnes Smith (Miss) 52 Grosvenor st., Springfield Ellison, Laura B. (Miss) Duxbury Elmore, Laura Augusta Buck (Mrs De Witt) 4 Porter st., North Adams Brownson Chapter, Vt. MASSACHUSETTS. 247 215S3 18490& 18556m 4974tO 5122M7 281297 281307 12743(0 29000^ 14906y 27640^; 5141 32382t 26843m; 21018/i 5806& 36285(Z 2728272 14916r 28510J 21005i^ 31514S 19833Z 22098^ 27631)0 6819Z 33344i 25275r 14912r 14081/t 27664 1660 19273m 2273325' 22734L 3974ee 31511C7 24699?« 12753L 21040ee 20983? 35845? 260611 16265Jf2 8477^ 8473* 260S3L 295155: 19809m 1693lGf 8451& 23412« 18557m 23971? 18492& 34165& 14967J3' 2529366 11062E: 2529066 35854W 1560810 19328* 28987P Elvin, Caroline Brooks (Mrs F. F.) Watertown Ely, Elizabeth B (Miss) Hotel Eoyal, Beacon 'st., Boston Emerson, Clara Badger (Mrs P. Freeman). . . .60 Hiqhland st., Marlboro Emerson, Frances S (Miss) n Sumner Place, Lynn Emerson, Helen L. (Mrs William H.) 395 Broadway, Cambrid-e Emerson, Josephine Davis (Mrs Jacob) Methuen Emerson, Marion Breck (Miss) Methuen Emerton Sibyl Clark (Mrs Ephraim) 19 Chaimcy'st.Vcambrido-e Emery, ii.mma Walker (Mrs James).. 155 Massachusetts ave., Arline-tou Emery, Isabel Frances Pratt (Miss) 21 Billings St., Atlantic Emery, Lydia Presbrey S. (Airs M. G.) 223 W. Springtield St., Boston Emery, Sarah Kitchen Miller (Mrs H. B.) 260 Albany st., Boston Emmons, Hattie Esther (Mrs Marshall) East Haddam Endicott, Abby Hastings Browning (Mrs H.) 151 Brattle st., Cambridge Endicott, Fannie Porter (Mrs Frank B.)....18 Lafayette ave., Chelsea Endicott Helen Shaw (Mrs William) 165 Beacon st., Boston Engley, Bessie H (Mrs Willard A.) 143 Union st., Attleboro Ensign, Martha Stratton (Mrs D. W.)..6 Bigelow st., Cambrido-eport Entwistle, Edeline F. (Mrs James K.) Saxonville Estes, Caroline A. Ling (Mrs J. H.) 986 Plymouth ave., Fall River Estes, Emma Frances (Mrs Frederick Anson) 35 Burtt st., Lowell Estes, Florella (M. D.) (Miss) Trinity Court. Boston Evans, Annie Grinnell (Mrs Allston H.)..64 Boston ave.. West Medford Evans Chloe Ann Day (Mrs John H.) 245 Oak st., Holyoke Everett, Sarah Jane (Mrs Edward F.)....24 Mt Vernon st., Cambridge Ewmg, Amanda W. (Mrs George C.) Enfield Fairbairn, Carrie Spaulding (Mrs J. R.)..50 Thorndike' st.',' Cambridge Fairbanks, Helen G. (Miss) Natick Fales, Ella Maria Richardson (Mrs F.H.) 63 Concord 'st., 's.'Framingham Fales, Mane Abby (Mrs G. A.) "The Bartol," Huntington ave.. Boston Fanning, Helen J. (Miss) 92 Woodland st., Worcester Farlow, Lihan Horsford (Mrs) 27 Craigie st., Cambridge Farmer, Josephine Estella (Mrs) loi Moody st., Waltham Farnham, Mary Antoinette (Miss) 90 Gates st., Lowell Farnham, Satira A. (Mrs) 90 Gates st., Lowell Farnsworth, Alice (Miss) "The Vendome," Boston Farnsworth, Eleanor Bryant (Mrs L. C.) 88 W. Housatonic st., Pittsfield 1 arrar, Sara Frances (Miss) Pepperell Farrington, Myra Blanche (Miss) And'o've'r 'st., Lowell Farwell, Ruby Frances (Mrs John W.) 457 Beacon St., Boston Faulkner, Jennie Elva (Miss) '.no Green st., Brockton i aunce, Annie C. (Mrs Solomon E.) North Plymouth Faunce, Kate Frederica (Mrs Charles Henry).. 422 Broadway, Chelsea Favor, Fannie Smith (Mrs Ferdinand F.) High st., Dedham Faxon, Caroline Boardman (Miss) .'.Danvers Faxon, Grace Baxter (Miss) [[/ Danvers Fay, Anna Elizabeth (Mrs Henry J.) 70 Lawrence 's't'., Lowell Fay, Charlotte Hooker (Mrs) 77 East st., Chicopee Falls Fay, Clara May Potter (Mrs Frederick H.)....15 Ashford st., Allston Fay, Lucy P. Atwood (Mrs Frank B.) l Lawrence St., Chelsea Fay, Margaret H. Welch (Mrs James Story) Dedham Fay, Mary M. (Mrs) Cordaville Fay, Sarah Elizabeth Ingalls (Mrs J. S.) 43 Witherbee st., Marlboro Fearing, Alice Ingraham (Mrs Edwin Thayer) 54 Park st. Newton Fenno, Marion Heller (Miss) 450 Beacon st., Boston Fenollosa, Brenda (Miss) The Charles Gate, Boston Ferguson, Mary Louise Norton (Mrs) Edgartown Ferry, Christine Angela (Miss) Florence Ferry, Fannie Chapin (Miss) 451 Chestnut st., Springfield Ferry, Marie Isabelle Herrmann (Mrs Edward M.) Easthampton Fessenden, Kate H. Cutter (Mrs) Water st., Arlington Fessenden, Marion Brown (Miss) 19 Craigie st., 'Cambridge Field, Gertrude May Dinsmore (Mrs Charles) 192 School st., Athi 1 Field, Mary Frances (Mrs G. Walton) 437 North st., Fit'chburo^ t Nathan Hale Memorial Chapter, Conn. Anna Stickney Chapter, N. H. 248 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 21019/? Fiiield, Alary Swan (Mrs Albert) 121 Main St., Peabndy 18602ee Fish, M. Alice (Miss) Fairhaven 22750 J Fisher, Anne Elizabeth (Mrs) 270 Eock St., Fall Eiver 35859£r Fisher, Clara Belle Gordon (Mrs Henry Butler) Edgartown 14970fl' Fisher, Elizabeth Estej' (Miss) Edgartown 168672/ Fisher, Elizabeth Jane Linton (Airs) Edgartown 12103 Fisher, Emma Abbott Clarke (Airs Jas. Cumleigh) . .85 Beach st., Boston 16866/7 Fisher, Florence Cheston Ripley (Mrs Leroy Yale) Edgartown 14'.)71// Fisher, Grace Coffin (Aliss) Edgartown 1SC256' Fisher, Jessie AI. (Aliss) 217 Church st., Newton 21540V Fisher, Kiameche Cecilia (Airs Horace N.)..2 Alilton Road, Brookline 362S7(f. Fisher, Alarion Baxter (Airs Clarence A) 35 E. Bacon st.. Plainville 32110/v Fisher, Alay Howe Bickford (Mrs C. W.) 1 Monadnock Road, Worcester 14969£r Fisher, Parnell Smith Pease (Airs Charles William) Edgartown 337S0O Fisher, Row^ena Gregg (Mrs Hiram W.) 151 Upham st., Melrose 337810 Fisher, Sarah Maria (Aliss) 151 Upham st., Melrose 14968ff Fisher, Veline Potter (Airs) Edgartown 175525^ Fisherdick, Anna Louise (Aliss) Palmer 22730Z Fisherdick, Alarietta Eunice Webster (Airs George Henry) Palmer 19228r Fisk, Caroline E. (Mrs John AI.) 344 Harvard'st.. Cambridge 14552r Fisk, Ella Whitney (Miss) Salem st., Framingham 3418Z Fisk, Emeline Gratin Adams (Airs Xoves W.)..730 State st., Springfield 162165: Fisk, ^largaret L. (Airs Charles E.) . ." 73 Pearl st., Springfield 161810 Fiske, Agneze Andrews (Airs Wilbur Davis).... 40 Chestnut St.. Alelrose 16T9S& Fiske, Alary Duncan (Airs C. Henry, Jr.).. 114 Alarlborough St., Boston 14933r Fiske, Nellie Rice (Airs David Fuller) Cochituate 12739f Fitts, Lillian De Buy C. (Mrs C. N.)..12 Bedford Terrace, Northampton 69746 Fitz, Elizabeth Lormg Clarke .(Airs R. H.) 18 Arlington st., Boston 2970ee Fitz, Henrietta G. (Airs Walter Scott) 75 Beacon st., Boston 26421& Fitz, Sarah Loring (Aliss) 18 Arlington st., Boston 23907i Flagg, Angelia Arvilla Flint (Airs W. C.) 427 S. Alain st., Brockton 30817D Flaherty, Alabel Elizabeth (Airs John J.) 48 Pleasant st., Gloucester 84630 Flanigan, Ella Chandler (Airs W. H.)..266 Lamertine st., Jamaica Plain 23963/? Fletcher, Joanna White Beaman (Airs Otis).. 15 Stafford st., Worcester 29517L Fletcher, Lucy J. Walker (Airs Luke Lawrence) Chelmsford 19251L Fletcher, Alarianna Holden (Airs Henrj^ H.) 46 Race st., Lowell 17579/2 Fletcher, Rosa (Aliss) (AI. D.) 34 Austin st., Cambridge 175S0/J Fletcher, Sophronia (Aliss) (AI. D.) 34 Austin st., Cambridgeport 18531 Fleu, Alary Louise (Airs Theodore Ashmead) W>st Newton 10544X Flint, Alary Ellen (Aliss) 379 S. Alain st.. Fall River 1659 Fogg, Jeanne Louise Bouton (Airs John S.).."The Vendome," Boston 25040 Fogler, Helen AI. (Aliss) 360 Boylston st., Boston 22117Z Folger, Elizabeth S. (Airs John B.) 113 Park st., Medford 14921r Folger, Emma Choate (Airs Howard J.).. 19 Beach st., S. Framingham 20967a Folger, Lydia AI. (Aliss) 7 Gardner st., Nantucket 7212£: Folsom, Alary Esther (Airs A. T.) 62 High st., Springfield 9627L Folsom, Alary Fredrika (Aliss) School st., Andover 75026 Foote, Frances E. (Aliss) 25 Brimmer st., Boston 20987 Forbes, Arabel Fellows Beal (Airs Ira B.) S. Framingham 468Sfc Forbes, Fannie Elizabeth Hooker (Airs Francis White) Westboro 32111fc Forbes, Harriette AI. (Airs W. T.) 23 Trowbridge Road, Worcester 26065H Forbes, Kate Talbot (Airs Frank Prentiss) 46 Federal st., Greenfield 1627P Forbes, Susan Elizabeth Parsons (Airs A. B.) Fatherland Farm, Byfield 1924110 Ford, Lillian Fisk (Airs George D.) 344 Harvard st., Cambridge 26435L Forrest, Adeline Emmons (Airs) 227 Westford st., Lowell 32498S: Foskit, Dora J. Sampson (Airs) 73 Spring st., Springfield 285137 Foss, Hannah F. (Airs Granville E.) Alethuen 14S91aa Foss, Alary Jane (Airs Otis) Vineyard Haven 32127?/ Foster, Avis (Aliss) Alethuen 21035Z Foster, Blanche Willard Boynton (Airs G. 0.)..17 Walnut st., Aledford 10038s Foster, Celestie Helena Alorse (Mrs A. B.)..223 Trenton st., E. Boston 24693 Foster, Emma V. (Aliss) 24 Rutland Square, Boston 7823ee Foster, Ernestine Louise (Aliss) "The Charlesgate," Boston 14537/1 Fowle, Elida Rumsey (Airs John A.) 337 Boston st., Dorchester 31464(1 Fowle, Emily Alorton Alitchell (Airs Seth A.).. 90 Crawford st., Roxbury 28491 J Fowler, Georgiana W. (Airs) Amherst MASSACHUSETTS. 249 15660P 111672 33368L 23178ee 28470(0 25295 1/ 21539ir 58119C7 24G81S 29519Q 34209X 26105a? 7503& 12721e 28988/J 2332pe 35356(3 362S6(Z 17569/ 984S* 27269?) 13407L 31478/. 12310e 15617C 26104^7 19272W 18536?/ 17549A- 41445: 16848r 22727^ 19797/i 28524(? 19214& 8447fP :33382"F ,26068^5 26855/r 119420 268447/ 1974k 33367L 14942r 10052rr 19267Z 31477Z 12733£: 284547i 27624r 23917r 12765n 23157?/. 220880 22087C 3213Sr 1497277 14920?- 31519T 2470017 12313/0 '33771 fc 307977? 16834(? Fowler, Helen Barton (Mrs Moses H.) 164 High st., Newburyport Fowler, Laura A. Wentworth (Mrs) 589 East st., De'dham Fox, Lizzie Kichardson (Mrs Fred. A.)..Dracut, P. 0. Box 429, Lowell Fox, Mary Susannah (Mrs) De Wolf st., Dorchester Fox, Susan Thayer (Mrs Jabez) 99 Irving st., Cambridge Foxcroft, Emmeline (Miss) Pittsfield Francis, Elaina Thayer (Mrs George Hills).. 295 Walnut st., BrooMine Francis, Harriette Wood (Mrs Charles Churchill) Pittsfield Fraser, Emma C. Towle (Mrs D. A.).. 128 Lexington st.. East Boston Frederick, Lucy Amansa Pierce (Mrs G. E.) 2 1st st., Charlestown Freeborn, Mazelle A. (Mrs C. J\L) 28 Prospect Place., Fall Eiver Freeman, Caroline Stevens (Mrs H. H.) . .Buckminster Road, Brookline Freeman, Caroline Sumner (Mrs James G.) 470 Beacon st., Boston Freeman, Ida Louise (Miss) .'503 Haverhill st., Lawrence Freeman, Mabel Willard Morse (Mrs Franklin) 61 West st., Leominster French, Abbie F. (Mrs Wales) Stoughton French, Anna M. Emery (Mrs George M.) . .Chamberlin Road, Maiden French, Edna Makepeace (Mrs Aldro A.) 93 Pleasant st., Attleboro French, Ellen G. (Mrs John H.) 11 Xewbern st., Jamaica Plain French, Emily (Miss) Melrose French, Helen (Miss) 200 Commonwealth ave., Boston French, Helen Frances (Mrs Josiah B.) 50 Chelmsford st., Lowell French, Lucy Ames (Mrs Walter L.) Brockton French, Sarah Abigail (IMrs A. J.) 17 Valley st., Lawrence Friend, Edith F. (Mrs Arthur P.) Prince st.. West Newton Friend, Mabel Collins (Miss) 5 Harrison st., Brookline Friend, Mary Philbrooks (Mrs William H.) Appleton st., Waltham Frisbie, Harriet Maria (Mrs J. F.) 483 Centre st.. Newton Frissell, Myrtie Pierce (Mrs Glenville C.) 287 Locust st., Holyoke Frissell, Seraph (Dr.) (Miss) 18 School st., Springfield Frost, Amelia Miriam (]Mrs Henry C.) 154 Harvard ave., Brookline Frost, Carrie Brigham (Mrs Frank P.) 67 Church st., Springfield Frost, Charlotte Marie (Miss) 230 Huntingdon ave., Boston Frost, Mina Hill (Mrs) 45 Orange st., Chelsea Frothingham, Anne Gorham (Miss) 29 Gloucester st., Boston Frothingham, Frances A. (Mrs T. G.)..493 Commonwealth ave., Boston Frye, Kate Colony (Mrs James A.).. Trinity Court, Box 1612, Boston Frye, Mary Pickett (Miss) 788 Washington st., Brookline Fuller, Ada Frances (Miss) Westfield Fuller, Carrie Williams Clapp (Mrs A. D.)..15 Lawrence st., Wakefield Fuller, Helen Lemont Cunningham (Mrs).. 8 Blanche st., Dorchester Fuller, Lucy E. Emery (Mrs G. F.) 155 Carew st., Springfield Fuller, Martha M. (Mrs Henry C.) 237 Branch st., Lowell Fuller, Mary Cordelia Sprague (Mrs Chauncey Upham) Saxon ville Fuller, Mary Goddard (INIiss) 36 Millmont st., Roxburv Fuller, Sarah E. (Mrs) 7 Alfred st., Medf ord Fullerton, Emma Frances Tribon (Mrs Richard Morton) ... .Brockton Fulton, Rena Elizabeth (Mrs Albert W.) 76 Spruceland ave., Springfield Furber, Lizzie Ella (Mrs Oscar E.) 21 Grassmer st., Newton Furber, Mary A. (Miss) Walnut st., Framingham Furber, Susie H. (Mrs) Framingham Furbush, Caroline Calista (Mrs M. A.) 23 High st., Greenfield Furlong, Ella Witherbee (Mrs A. W.) 42 Greenville st., Somerville Fylf e, Bessye (Miss) 73 Perkins st., W. Newton FyfPe, Clifford Neff (Mrs Joseph) 73 Perkins st., W. Newton Gabaler, Nellie R. (Mrs William A.) 13 Berkeley st., Lawrence Gabrielson, Mary Belle (Mrs Eric) Edgartown Gage, Angeline A. (Mrs James W. H.)..33 Lincoln st., S. Framingham Gage, Caroline E. (JNIiss) Methuen Gage, Lucie Cutter (Miss) Pepperell Gage, Lucy Clarke (Mrs Charles Sibley) 6 Garden st., Cambridge Gage, Mabel Reynolds Knowles (Mrs H.)....8 Chestnut st., Worcester Gage. Nena Dwinell (Mrs Arthur E.) 8 Sherman Place. Wobiirn Gallup, Florence Houghton (Mrs W. A.).. 31 Church st.. North Adams Bristol Chapter, R. I. 250 16932G' 18035; 15706^ 90S IT 29888f 14918r 13417Z 19245/ 3175* 13411L 27641Z 34192J 16269 227122/ 16267 1156666 16888Z 1156566 8779^ 8475^ 35355Q 14892aa 16170/j 19269TO 150132? 17566 185252/ 32897i; 36306 314596 33776? 290222/ 31471/ 16247Z 16248Z 30343C 10031Z 10032Z 26087Q 21038ee 31509P 141352/ 12731c 36258CC 17531/7 15707^ 32493r 7812-7 145367J 25276r 14538ft 12705J 33335s 210971 15628V 20999V 21541Uy 127186 295407 15008Z 33378S 16266/2 284791; 31500/ DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. Gammons, Susan Adelaide Low (Mrs W. E.)..116 Orano-e st Chelsea Gammons Edith Josephine Tower (Mrs Charles \V^) -t' • .'Co ass' t Gardiner, Kate Eanney (Mrs Charles B.) Eavnham Gardner, Abby M. (Mrs Charles B.) [...., wint;;-;i;,-i^Srtown rJrrW' Sf °-'^'/'S.'^ (^^"L^; ^-^ 87 Eonnd Hill, Northampton Gardner, Harriet A. (Mrs H. W.) Vn«+ Wr.ll,•e+r^r. Gardner, Mary Frances (Mrs Israel PO • • • .4V2 WafnuVtt fIiI five? Cas^tll 't? '''■^^^^''^'i°"1 •^^^- (.¥/' ^- ^-^--^ Newbern st., Jamaica PlIS Gaskill, Emmelme Hawkins (Mrs Henrv Clinton) .... Blackstone Gates, Abbie Ann (Miss) : . . . . ' 75 dates' stTow^l^ Gates, Ella B. Smith (fs Henry M.) ! ! ! 2 ' L^nc'oSlt Iprin.Xld Gates Florence \incent Newton (Mrs Charles Sumner) TAmherst clV i\\7 r rT ^nr''^ \ ^^^^^^ ^^^"^^^ Brookline Gay, Ella C. (Mrs Oliver) Box 41 HavprV.n-11 §a?iord'%''"^^^.^r''^^ ^^'^^*> .KilVyth^ Eoai: ^rooS S^ 1' S^"^^ ^^h'^H-;. Easthampton Gaylord, Frances Cordelia (Miss) Wpstfiplrl Gaylord, Jennie^(Miss) \....! .\\\\\\\\\EkVtrainpton George, Fanny B. (Miss) Danvers George, May Lydia (Miss) DanveS Gerrish Luranie Elizabeth Wood (Mrs F. F.) 591 Columbus avei, Boston Getchell Eebecca Daggett (Mrs Alfred E.) . .Tisbury, Vineyard Haven Gibbs, Ida Augusta (Mrs John Henry) 59 High st., Charlestown Gibbs, Ida Louise Granniss (Mrs John M.)....15 Church st., Waltham Gibbs, Sarah Jessie (Mrs Francis Edwin) 32 Harrison st., Taunton Gibson, Ethel (Miss).. 137 Beacon st., Boston Giddings Hannah E. (Miss) 07 Chestnut st., Andover Gi bert, Charlotte Vming (Mrs Oscar G.) 154 Washington st., Abington Gilbert, Harriet Morton (Miss) Hotel Brunswick, Boston Gi bert, Helen Cordelia (Miss) Canton ave., Milton Gilbert, EobyM. (Miss) Stoughton Gilcreast, Lilhan Eichmond (Mrs W. L. S.)..220 Broadway, Methuen n- r\5 r'^^'^'n? ''J^^-^ ?• Everett) 65 Glen st., East Somerville Gi , Adeline B- (Miss.) og Ashland st., Medford S-Ji' Eliza M (Miss) 28 Ashland st., Medford Gill, Elizabeth Barney Ladd (Mrs A. E.)..269 Highland st., W. Newton Gi , Ellen M (Mrs George) og Ashland st., Medford Gill, Emma Frances (Miss) og Ashland st., Medford Gi , Ida Annette Crosby (Mrs Frank W.) . . . .Chamberlin Eoad, Maiden ?• ' }!-''$}^'^ ^}K^h 411 Marlborough st., Boston GiUett, Ellen A. Lake (Mrs A. P.) 20 Dalton st., Newburvport Gi hgan, Lillian Eich (Mrs) 17 Mvrtle st., Maplewood Giman, Mary Frances W. (Mrs E. M.)..53 Abington Eoad, Brookline Gilmore, Clara Maria Welch (Mrs Alson Augustus) N. Easton Gilmore, Eunice M. (Mrs Edwin W.) T*^ Faston Gilmore, Julia A. (Miss) '. ] In/ r t^ham Gleason, Euth Abbott (Mrs Edward) Saxonville Gleezen, Ellen Morgan (Miss) Amherst Glidden, Etta H. (Miss).... 22 Cordis st., Charlestown* bYstr'ict! Boston Ghdden, Helen Brigham (Mrs Irving E.)....48 Washington st.. Natick Glidden, Louise E. (Mrs) 82 Warren st.. Medford Glynn, Eoselmd E. Eoundy (Mrs H. J.) 61 Lincoln ave., Fall Eiver Godbold, Caroline Agnes (Miss) 150 Trenton st.. East Boston Goddard, Emma E. (Mrs H. M.) .Tyngsboro Goddard, Julia (Miss) Brookline Goddard, Louisa M. (Miss) Hammond st.. Chestnut Hill Goddard, Mary Louisa (Miss) 60 Commonwealth ave., Boston Godfrey, Josephine Drew (Mrs W. H.) 10 Tremont st., Lawrence Goldsmith, Mertina (Miss) Methuen Goodale, Mary Susan (Mrs George L.) 122 Park st.. Medford Goodhue, Florence (Miss) 36 Stedman st., Brookline Goodhue, Vashti Colby (Mrs Charles F.) 36 Stedman st., Brookline Gooding, Emma J. (Miss) 223 W. Springfield st.. Boston Goodnough. Maria T. Dyer (Mrs X. H.)..48 Stratford ave., W. Eoxbury Woonsocket Chapter, R. I. t Matthew Thornton Chapter, X. H. MASSACHUSETTS. 251 12783/ 12784/ 26097(/« 16191q 15737C7 28110r 10075Z 28455/1 5778/' 1G896P 28501Q loGOOo 34716 84267 20403(/ 156490 197987* 7n9T 32505/2 29015Q 3628SfZ 35843(/ 20936c. 161830 26432W 26444Tr 16214Z 22110/2 13766?t 168006 16799& 14131 23167Z 29509y 2167i3 30336? 23166Z 11568;( 23950 23988J 15689ee 6199L 1343SP 18494ft 13437P 32519fla 3334S/) 5499& 23175/2 28134 21554L 100790 21545/*: 34667(7 5924ee 239S9Z 10496/7 272SsiZfZ 10484n 32525F 31472; 11582/ 6784./ 7813f 15624D 30818/) Goodnow, Helen Maria (Mrs J. W.)..27 Burrouglis st., Jamaica Plain roorwr/'^^^" Colman (Miss)....27 Burron|hs st. Jamaica SaS Goodiich, Irances Anna (Mrs E M.) . .Cottage City, Martha's Vineyard Goodrich, Jennie Paul Mrs J. Calvin) .... 14 Chestnut st., North A.iams Goodrich, Mary J. (Miss) Stockbr'd Goodwin, Adaline W. (Mrs Frank' w!) .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' ■.'."".' Saxonvifle Goodwin, Emma W (Mrs James 0.) Hail' 'Pa^k Medford GoodMan, Malvma M. (Mrs George E.) Burlino-ton Goodwin, S. Elizabeth I). Lane (Mrs L.) 155 Charlesbank 'poad. Nekton Goodwin, Sarah Blancliard (Miss) lo Beck st., Newburvport Googins, Adelaide M. (Mrs W. H.)....2012 Dorchester ave., Dorchester Gordon, Alice J. (Mrs Arthur Dinsmore) Readino- Gordon^ Elizabeth (Miss) 99 jason' st.',' AflingtoS Goss, Helen Louise (Mrs Francis W.) 217 Warren st., Roxbury Gosse E izabeth Merntt (Mrs C. H.) 6 Greenville st., Roxbury Gould, Ethel G. (Miss) 60 County Road, Chelsea Gould, Florence Emery (Mrs James) ..16 County Road. Chelsea Gove Amanda M. (Mrs Arthur B.) 559 Massachusetts ave:, Boston Gowell, Ellen Augusta Pope (Mrs A. L.)..18 Van Winkle st., Dorchester Gowen, Jessie Miller (Mrs Edward L.) 54 Bank st.. Attleboro Gowmg, Clara Elizabeth (Mrs Henry A.).... 1041 Beacon st., Brookline Gowmg, Eva Mehalle (Mis.^) Railroad st., Wakefield Gowmg, Juhet Stark (Mrs Samuel Henry) Railroad st., Waketield Gozzaldi, Mary Isabelle J. (Mrs Silvio M.)..96 Brattle st., Cambridge Graham, Mmnie Blake (Mrs Thomas) E Pepperell Granger Mary Daboll (Mrs T. M.) 20 Dartmouth st., 'springfield Graves, Abbie A. Lord (Mrs Henry C.) 87 Elm st., Somerville Graves, Daphne Watso (Miss) 03 High st., Greenfield Graves, Gertrude Montague (Miss) 8 Chestnut st., Boston Graves Louise Britton (Miss) 8 Chestnut st., Boston Gray, Elizabeth Johnson (Miss) 71 High st., Newburyport Green, Annie C. (Mrs George Wetherbee) . .20 Highland ave., Medford Green, Came Frances Schotf (Mrs J. H.) 8 Allerton Place, Marblehead Green, Helen Lincoln (Mrs Charles M.)....78 Marlborough st., Boston Green, Pauline Frances (Miss) 253 Perkins ave., Brockton Green, Melmda Wetherbee (Mrs George B.)..20 Highland ave., Medford Greene, Jessie Allen Hall (Mrs Frederick L.) 4 Park st., Greenfield Greene, Lois Florence (Miss) Waltham Greene, Mabel Lawton (Miss) 514 High st'.^ 'Fall River Greene, Rebecca Andrews (Mrs Francis B.)....1S2 Beacon st.,- Boston Grenhalge, Isabel Nesmith (Mrs Frederick T.) 1 Wvman st Lowell Greenleaf, Anne Edwards (Miss) 9 Parsons st., Newburvport Greenleaf, Elizabeth Jane (Miss) "Parker House," Boston Greenleaf. Ivate Hale (Miss) 9 Parsons st., Newburyport Greenough, Mary Dwight (Mrs Charles P.) 45 Carleton St., Brookline Greenwood, Helen R. (Mrs Alvin M.) Gardner Grew, Annie Crawford (Mrs Edward S.)...185 Marlborough st., Boston Gridley, Fannie Bowen (Miss) 36 Shepard st., Cambridge Gnfhn, Nelhe Stevens (Mrs Horatio Everett) Cochituate Griffin, Sara Robinson Swan (Mrs Charles) 121 S. Walker st. Lowell Griffin, Sarah Elizabeth Wood (Mrs John Q. A.) Concord' Griffith, Hattie Luseta Blanch&rd (Mrs J. E.) 264 Walnut st.. Holvoke Griggs, Susan Vining (Mrs Thomas B.) 555 Washington st., Brookline Grinnell, Elizabeth Washburn (Mrs C. E.) 15 Millmont st., Roxbury Gnnnell, Etta Louisa Smith (Mrs H. F.j 402 Prospect st.. Fall River Griswold, Helen (Miss) 180 Forest St., Medford Griswold, Marcia Peck (Mrs Morton Lyman) Uxbrido-e Griswold, Vivian (Miss) Griswoldvifle Gross, Adelaide W. (Miss) 40 Concord ave., Cambridge Gross, Laura Addison (Miss) Cohasset Gross, Mary Thaxter Lothrop (Mrs Charles Addison) .!!'.!!! 1 icohasset Grosvenor, Lilian Waters (Mrs Edwin A.) Amherst Grouad, Anne Simpson (Mrs George W.) ".'.'.' Reading Grover, Ada Jane (Mrs George William) 14 Gross s't".,' 'Gloucester Grover, Cora Hariet (Miss) 14 Gross st., Gloucester 252 DIEECTORY, D. A. E. 57996 Guild, Charlotte H. (Mrs Curtis, Jr.) 124 Marlborough st., Boston 9086& Guild, Helen (Miss) 222 Commonwealth ave., Boston 23973r Guild, Louise Adams (Miss) 74 Huntington ave., Boston 8786ee Guild, Marianna C. (Miss) 42 Worcester st., Boston 9085& Guild, Marj^ (Miss) 222 Commonwealth ave., Boston 33804^ Guild, Mar^^ A. (Mrs George B.) 45 Xichols st., Chelsea 7189& Guild, Sarah Louisa (Miss) 26 Mt. Vernon St., Boston 32118/i Gunn, Mary A. (Mrs L. O.) Miller's Falls 21535^ Gunn, Ella L. (Mrs George A.) Danvers 18504? Gurne3% Chloe llichmond Lyon (Mrs L. F.) 113 Green St., Brockton 2396472 Gurney, Georgiana Jennette (Mrs) 40 Le^ st., Cambridge 16204.y Gurney, Mary Jane Clifford (Mrs James) 21 Princeton st., E. Boston 8233 Guthrie, Mary Eleanor (Mrs Thomas) 29 Hollis st., Boston 27651TF Gutterson, Harriet Bennette (Mrs) E. Pepperell 21569TF Gutterson, Nellie M. (Mrs Henry A.) T. O. Box 313, E. Pepperell 15709£' Hack, Emily Franklin Wright (Mrs Henry S.) 48 Summer St., Taunton 8461C' Hackett, Alice Abbott (Mrs B. W.) 239 Woodland Road, Auburndale 239520 Hadley, Mary Ann Fowler (Mrs Henry T.) 55 Gray st., Boston 11046E: Hahn, Harriet C. Pendleton (Mrs Benj. D.) 266 Union st., Springfield 8466^ Hale, Clara Putnam (Miss) Danvers 123D5K Hale, Eleanor Woodworth (Mrs George H.) Chicopee 1340B Hale, Ellen Sever (Mrs George S.) 209 Bay State Road, Boston 26059f; Hale, Frances Ann Fletcher (Mrs James M.) Pleasant st., Belmont 4544€e Hall, Alice Coggswell Crossette (Mrs E. G.) 35 Brewster st., Cambridge 11571U Hall, Bathsheba Tisdale (Mrs Eben Allen) 20 Church st., Greenfield 35851p Hall, Emma P. Greeley (Mrs A. H.) 24 Fairmont st., North Leominster 22714J/ Hall, Ida M. Hill (Mrs Fred E.) 224 Alelrose st., Auburndale 28111i? Hall, Lillian Hathaway Paull (Mrs E. G.) 15 Somerset ave., Taunton 35846? Hall, Lottie Wendell (Mrs) \ Brockton 29032(r Hall, Marion Powers Philbrick (Mrs Hudson L.) 18 Carey ave., Chelsea 13377fir Hall, Mary Elvira Soule (Mrs A. D.) 366 Commonwealth ave., Boston 204052/ Hall, Mary Melinda Gregory (Mrs W. S.) 85 Monument st., E. Boston 15609m? Hall, Sarah Adelaide (Mrs Edward Childs) Watertown 15710^ Hall, Susan Jane Drake (Mrs Richard H.) 84 Winthrop st., Taunton 15960fir Halsey, Elizabeth Maria Chapman (Mrs F. W.) 272 Newbury st., Boston 6794& Hamilton, Mary Mackie Pierce (Mrs F.) 62 Mt. Vernon st., Boston 15639/i: Hamilton, Sarah Frances Willis (Mrs 0. H.) Springfield 18540£' Hamlen, Delia Lincoln Merrill (Mrs Edward M.) 149 Weir St., Taunton 7167A Hamlin, Emma Catherine (Miss) Lexington 15648C Hamlin, Helen Alice Church (Mrs E. F.) 58 Pelham st., Newton Centre 9795 Hamlin, Huybertie Lansing Pruyn (Mrs Chas. S.) 2 Raleigh st., Boston 32520ff Hancock, Adelaide Hager (Mrs George) 5 Fayette st., Watertown 19S42fla Hancock, Berta Grunau Hagen (Mrs Willis Russell) . . . .Vineyard Haven 24712 Handy, p:iizabeth L. (Miss) 126 Main st.. Andover 3034975: Handy, Hannah Louisa Clark (Mrs H. B.') 79 Central st., Springfield 23427 J Handy, Louise Holmes (Miss) 139 Rock st.. Fall River 13389e Hanson, Annie Morris (Mrs Frederick S.) 15 Benedict st., Somerville 33350p Hanson,'Mary Adams Smith (Mrs Edgar Trafton) Athol 22012* Hanson, Sarah Abby (Mrs Charles V.) Wellesley Hill 27658(7a Harding, Annie Hodges Wood (Mrs William B.) Cottage City 28517a« Harding, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs William) Vineyard Haven 162707? Harkins, Rose Tufts (Mrs Vincent P.) Weymouth 1S590Z Harlow, Catherine Ellis (Miss) 48 Riverside ave., Medford 15647C Harlow, Ella Hodges (Mrs J. Edwards) 103 Cypress st., Newton Centre 16855A Harlow, Frances K. (Mrs John Martyn) Woburn 35339/ Harrington, Lina Weld (Mrs Ephraira) 164 Mt. Vernon st., W. Roxbui-y 18020s Harrington, Lydia Guild C. (Mrs G. E.) 27 Monmouth st., E. Boston 32S92fc Harrington, Myrtis Sigourney (Mrs) 1014 Main st.. Worcester 34213 Harris, Alice Julia Johnson (Mrs Wm. Giles) Hotel Oxford, Boston 34682p Harris. Edith M. (Miss) Leominster 3418410 Harris, Elizabeth (Miss) 8 Holyoke Place, Cambridge 74907' Harris, Emma Cordelia (Mrs Alphonso S.) 1077 Boylston st.. Boston 20465t Harris, Louisa Hoar (Mrs George) Westminster 23923?/ Harris, Mary Ellen (Miss) 43 W. Newton st., Boston Eunice Farnsworth Chapter, Maine. t Ashuelot Chapter, N. H. MASSACHUSETTS. 253 16S51V Harris, Oliva Dabney Lothrop (Mrs Charles) Wt- ston 203S8i Harrub, Juliet Tyler Dean (Mrs Fred Magoun) East Whitman 231611/ Hart, Grace L. Barter (Mrs Chas. 0.) 29 Ellsworth ave., Cambridgeport 397811 Hart, Helen (Miss) Williamsport 333710 Hart, Helen W. (Mrs Joseph S.) Lincoln 71817" Hart, Martha S. (Mrs William H.) Hotel Berkeley, Boston 29941Z Hart, Mary Wood (Mrs) 193 Winter St., Fall Eiver 14907J Hartley, Mary Pierce (Mrs Edward Marsland) 162 Walnut St., Fall Eiver 19834Z Hartshorn, Ida Louise (Miss) 27 Oakland st., Medford 5782ee Hartwell, Mary L. (Mrs Edward M.) 5 Brimmer st., Boston 27649S Haskell, Jennie Thayer (Mrs) Elm st., Braintree 29915C Haskell, Marion Louise Munger (Mrs Henry Hill) Auburndale 28990p Haskins, Adelberta A. (Miss) Thurston Road, Fitchburg- 28989p Haskins, Sarah E. (Mrs Ashbel A.) Thurston Road, Fitchburg 10488f/ Hastings, C. Augusta (Miss) 86 Bellevue St., Longwood 14953 Hastings, Eliza Amelia (Mrs Ellsworth \V.) 83 Abbott St., Lawrence 276425; Hastings, Emilie Newell (Mrs H. O.) Northampton st., Holyoke 13379(/ Hastings, Gertrude (Miss) Short st., Longwood 14913r Hastings, Lucy Ann (Mrs John C.) 55 EUery st., Cambridge 220446 Hastings, Maria Davis (Miss) 284 Marlborough st., Boston 23898fir Hastings, Marie Louise (Aliss) Short st., Longwood 34688?/ Hatch, Mary W^hitmore (Mrs Robert R.) 56 Wyoming ave., Melrose 22066i Hatch, Myra Blanchard Gurney (Mrs Leonard B.) Whitman 276390 Hatfield, Martha P. (Mrs Charles) 108 Cherry St., W. Newton 140837t Hathaway, Hattie L. (Mrs) 50 Monument Sq., Charlestown UllOy Hathaway, Mary S. (Mrs Charles G.) 136 Court st., Plymouth 18539^? Hathaway, Mercy Maria (Miss) 81 W^ashington st., Taunton 15711S Hathaway, Susan Shaw (Mrs Albert H.) 33 Somerset ave., Taunton 26066M7 Hawes, Alice Gould (Mrs Charles Edward) 872 Mass. ave., Cambridge 18459/1 Hawkes, Josephine (Mrs Benjamin L.) 70 High st., Charlestown 16887ii: Hawkins, Cornelia Morgan Howe (Mrs R. F.) 210 Maple st., Springfield 25294C/ Hawkins. Ethel Wallace (Miss) Pittsfield 14069A' Hawks, ]\Iary Hoadley (Mrs T. H.) 626 Worthington st., Springfield 23408f Hayden, Anna Isabella (Miss) Haydensville 23423iV Hayden, Gertrude E. (Miss) 364 Marlborough st., Boston 45485: Hayes, Addie Louise Clark (Mrs) 620 Main st., Springfield 25372r Hayes, Ella M. (Mrs G. H.) "The Trowbridge," South Framingham 17532(7 Hayes, Henrietta Estelle (Mrs C. H.) 333 Commonwealth ave., Boston 18512r Hayes, Martha Howard Ames (Mrs Edward Adams) Natick 30811V Haynes, Elizabeth Clapp (Miss) Boylston st., Brookline 3337372 Haynes, Viola Archer (Mrs George Leonard) Eliot st., Milton 36261i^ Hayward, Adelaide Moore (Mrs) 39 12th st.. Lowell 27289rfd Hayward, Mary B. (Miss) Uxbridge 20389? Hazard, Mary A. (Mrs) 78 Pleasant st., Brockton 16254Z Hazard, Edna Georgiana Littlefield (Mrs) Brockton 19810i( Hazelton, Carrie Lovina (Mrs Herbert M.) Pleasant st., Marlboro 16217L Hazen, Emma Louise (Miss) 186 School st., Lowell 2989l7i Hazen, Fanny H. Titus (Mrs) 61 Oxford st., Cambridge 11551sr Head, Abbie Maria Sanford (Mrs Nathaniel) . . . .Naples Road, Brookline 11553.7 Head, Annie Sanford (Miss) Naples Road, Brookline 221027 Head, Fanny L. Daggett (Mrs Harris R.) 99 Harvard St., Brookline 22048c Heald, Helen Eliza Magown (Mrs C. J. M.) 438 Broadway, Somerville 19280TF Heald, S. Elizabeth Babbidge (Mrs William Frederic) ^ . . .Pepperell 2S106Z. Hebberd, Margaret K. (Mrs John Calvin) Union st., Rockland 14973i7 Hedden, Maria Pease (Mrs Edward Fitch) Edgartown 100435; Hedges, Clarissa Bissell Bancroft (Mrs Edwin) Westfield 14138(/ Hemenway, Alice Miss) 25 Ash st., Hojikinton 14139y Hemenway, Lizzie Valentine (Miss) 25 Ash st., Hopkinton 25271e Hemenway, Mabel Eastman (Miss) 7 Jackson Court, Lawrence 341975; Hemenway, Sarah J. Knight (Mrs Wm. W.) 14 Howard st., Springfield 1758212 Henderson, Fanny Lull (Mrs George B.)..5 Adelaide st., Jamaica Plain 36245,r Henderson, Gertrude Wells (Mrs Joseph Bartoll) cor. Waverly & Thayer sts., Brookline 11835* Hendricks, Fannie Josephine P. (Mrs E.) 260 Clarendon st., Boston Miriam Danforth Chapter, D. C. * Abigail Phelps Chapter, Conn. 254 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 34695J Henry, Abbie Whipple (Mrs George L.) Amherst 11037X Henry, Annie Frances (Mrs James W.) 121 Cherry St., Fall River 34696(7 Henry, Gertrxide M. (Miss) Amherst 26422b Henshaw, Mabel Warren (Miss) 23 Craigie st., Cambridge 190481 Herendeen, Maude Ingraham (Mrs Frederick W.) Chestnut Hill 156010 Hermann, Edith B. Hunt (Mrs) Franklin St., Melrose Highlands 10066A Herrick, Fannie Russell (Mrs Frank W.) Lexington 10509i Herrick, Mary Abbie (Miss) Boxf ord 18033 W Herrig, Carrie Pierce (Mrs George V.) E. Pepperell 239592V Hersey, Lydia Jane (Mrs David R.) Hingham Centre 16272/2 Hersom, Emma Frances (Mrs Arthur E.) Moultrie ave., Dorchester 13395/ Hewins, Anna G. C. (Mrs Frank A.) Centre st., W. Roxbury 11052Z Heywood, Mary Elizabeth Read (Mrs Silas N.) ISO Maple St., Springfield 35340/ Hibbard, Marion (Miss) 117 Nottingham st.. Dorchester 34687^(7 Hichborn, Ezoa Jessie (Mrs Herman G.) 24 Mt. Vernon st., N. Cambi-irtge 30334/ Higgins, Alice M. Bourne (Mrs Arthur O.) Cohasset 22084^ Higgins, Fannie Pomeroy (Mrs Lewis E.) 5 Bryant st., Taunton 9488* Higgins, Grace Agnes Taintor (Mrs Werter C.) Arlington 8338* Higgins, Lucy P. Warner (Mrs Henry S.) 549 Westford st., Lowell 315267 Hildreth, Alma Estelle (Miss) 320 Beacon st., Boston 17558L Hildreth, Ella F. (Miss) 27 Anne st., Lowell 32501JS: Hildreth, Isabel Marietta Walkley (Mrs E. T.) 19 Holland ave., Westfield 1201e<' Hiler, Grace Greenleaf (Miss) 17 Alverton st., Jamaica Plain 15646C Hill, Caroline Lowder (Miss) 24 Pelham st., .Newton Centre 347107 Hill, Charlotte Sawyer (Mrs Bennie E.) 57 Pelham st., Methuen 29521/2 Hill, Clara Augusta (Mrs Frank) Tileston ave., Mattapan 29013Z Hill, Josephine Lyon Hazelton (Mrs George. H.) W. Springfield 36289(1 Hill, Maboth Wolfenden (Mrs Frederick H.) 167 County st., Attleboro 35337.? Hill, Mary Brigham (Miss) 247 Bellevue st., Newton 5823 Hill, Sarah A. (Mrs Luther A.) 1089 Beacon st., Brookline 299437 Hill, Sylvia C. (Mrs John Quincey Adams) Methuen 10081 Hill, Theoda Josephine (Mrs Alfred) 83 Pinckney st., Boston 1S031H Hillman, Abby B. (Mrs Beriah T.) Edgartown 22122ff Hillman, Caroline Eliza (Mrs Ozro) Hawthorne st., Watertown 28485./ Hills, Adelaide Spencer (Mrs Henry F.) Amherst 20973a Hinchman, Margaretta S. (Mrs) Nantucket 749ir Hinckley, Elizabeth Bass (Mrs Sylvester B.) 93 South St., Chestnut Hill 21568ffa Hincklev, Florence Bearse (Miss) Hyannis 23957Q Hinckley, Mary Ellen Jacobs (Mrs H. L.) 12 Hadley Place, Medford 10030 Hinds, Annie Mason (Miss) 255 Whipple St., Fall River 7486J Hinsdale, Kate Stevens (Miss) Amherst 17597 f7 Hinsdale, Mary L. (Mrs James H.) Pittsfield 27278F Hinson, Bertha Bliss (Mrs J. Miller) 137 Englewood ave., Brookline 149875' Hitch, Louise A. R. (Mrs J. C.) cor. Mill & Summer sts., New Bedford 31494y Hitchcock, Caroline Hanks (Mrs Samuel M.) 387 Harvard St., Cambridge 13366TF Hittinger, Carolyn Manlej^ (Mrs Thomas Starr) Townsend Harbor 8787if Hoag, Carrie Willis (Mrs Chas. Enoch) ... .146 Summer ave., Springfield 15708// Hoard, Alice L. (Mrs Frank M.) 125 Somerset ave., Taunton 32914TF Hobart, Naomi Ruth Baxter (Mrs William) Townsend 16835Q Hobble, Susan Elizabeth Ward (Mrs J. R.) 15 Church st., North Adams 6806tv Hobbs, Victoria B. (Mrs Lewis F.) 120 Alsten st.. West Medford 14072r Hodgdon, Edith Brown (Mrs Turner).. 689 Washington St., Brookline 16555/2 Hodgdon, Louise Turner (Mrs H.) "The Thornton," Winthrop 16193q Hodge, Mary Frances (Mrs) North Adams 22719s Hodge, Myrtle Augusta Low (Mrs Jacob F.) 118 Princeton st., E. Boston 32889^ Hodgson, Mary Cobb (Mrs Richard) Stoneham 25728/ Holbrook, Helen M. (Mrs Henry E.) Bellingham 57867 Holbrook, Isabel Norton (Mrs E. E.) 382 Commonwealth ave., Boston 23918r Holbrook, Josephine G. (Miss) 42 S st., S. Framingham 308367 Holbrook, Mary Storrs (Miss) 382 Commonwealth ave., Bosto:i 34185J0 Holden, Agnes Howard (Mrs Austin) 21 Linnaean st., Cambridge 8425!/ Holden, Elizabeth H. (Mrs Chas. W\) 876 Beacon st., Boston 257180 Holden, Mary Parsons (Mrs Edward Freeman) 32 Lake ave., Melrose t Katherine Gaylord Chapter, Conn. * Faith Trumbull Chapter, Conn. MASSACHUSETTS. 255 34670/ Holland, Edith C. (Miss) 442 N. Main st., Boston 19825G Holland, Maria Parthenia Chase (Mrs A. L.) 89 Congress ave., Chelsea 13365g Holland, May (Miss) Hotel Tudor, Boston 15566/ Holliday, M. Jane Russell (Mrs W. R.) 280 Elm st., Northampton 12316 J Holling•s^vorth, Priscilla C. (Mrs David) 20 Grove St., Fall River 57747' Hollis, Clara C. (Mrs George W.) 432 Cambridge St., Allston 16917/ Holmes, Angle A. (INIrs Frank W.) 130 Spring st., Brockton 22713^/ Holmes, Carrie Addie Smith (Mrs C. D.) 11 Abbottsford Road, Brookline 18009/1 Holmes, Florence E. (Mrs William Boyd) 60 Heath st., Somerville 11038A' Holmes, Mary Louisa (Miss) 381 Pine st., Fall River 246696 Holmes, Mar3' Stacy (Mrs Edward Jackson) 245 Beacon st., Boston 10055^ Holmes, Sarah Eddy (Miss) Lexington 13423Z Holt, Adeline S. Warner (Mrs Albert) 54 Charles st., Springtield 31-190)^ Holt, Agnes Adams (Mrs Charles W.) 95 Raymond st., N. Cambridge 2Go:2E Holt, Lydia Ellen Brightman (Mrs Joseph R.) 5 Coram st., Taunton 18508?t Holton,'^Inez E. (Mrs Frank H.) Northfield Farms 22077H Holyoke, Blanche Essington (Mrs Charles F.) 2 Maple st., Marlboro 210001) Homer, Constance (Mrs Joseph Warren) 14 Irving St., Brookline 220S9C' Homer, Rebecca Davis (Miss) 76 Huntington ave., Boston 26SQ0R Hood, Emma Landon (Miss) 400 Columbus ave., Boston 35,'J32i Hood, Harriet Parker (Mrs Richard) Danversport 22049rt Hood, Katherine ^Vyman (Mrs Charles H) 2 Benton Road, Somerville 10506^ Hood, Lizzie Frances (Mrs Wallace P.) Danvers 4327ee Hooker, Sarah Huntington (Miss).. "The Bristol," Boylston St., Boston 6183iV Hooper, Annie H. (Mrs Sewall H.) Hingham 14945L Hooper, Davis Beal (Mrs George L.) 7 Belmont st., Lov^'ell 184916 Hooper, Mary Frothingham (Miss) 56 Chestnut St., Boston 16171/S' Hooton, Marion E. (Miss) 43 Holborn st., Roxburj- 34683g Hopkins, Jennie Etta Gould (Mrs G.) 169 Pleasant st., North Adams 324940 Hopkins, Lucretia A. (Miss) Reading 25721(0 Hoppin, Eliza Mason (Miss) 191 Commonv^^ealth ave., Boston 28519// Home, Deborah Gushing Gilkey (Mrs R. F.) Phillips st., Watertown 33796L Horner, May Belle Dodge (Mrs John Paul) 353 Westford st., Lowell 13612* Horr, Elvira Cooper Gilbert (Mrs Albert W.) 302 Chestnut st., Chelsea 36290(i Horton, Gertrude Everett (Miss) 106 Pleasant st., Attleboro 14908X Horton, Louise Davel (Mrs) 568 Maple st., Fall River 29501r Hosmer, Alice Gertrude (Miss) 41 Vinal st., Somerville 15014y Hosmer, Augusta Butler (Mrs Fred A.) 15 Concord sq., Boston 16812/i Hosmer, Ella L. (Mrs Charles M.) 15 Essex st., Charlestown 28118.1/ Hosmer, Emma A. (Miss) 202 Westford St., Lowell 16212C' Hosmer, Mabel Stanton Stewart (Mrs Arthur G.) W. Newton 33377S Hosmer, Marian Thompson (Miss) 6 Arlington Road, Woburn 16231o« Hough, Abby Louise (Mrs George A.) Campbell st.. New Bedford 36256aa Hough, Margaret Soule (Mrs Garry de N.) 542 County st.. New Bedford 16836(7 Houghton, Cordelia J. Smith (Mrs Albert C.) 36 Church st., N. Adams 35323/ Hovey, Elizabeth Bonditch Grant (Mrs Harry Halleck) Whitman 12754L Hovev, Harriet C. (Miss) 18 4th st., Lowell 110535: Hovey, Sarah Elizabeth Hey wood (Mrs A.) ISO Maple st., Springfield 33777/ Howard, Anna Cliilrord (Mrs Wm. J.) Whitman 13403L Howard, Charlotte Straw (Mrs William H.) 40 Arlington st., Lowell 15577/ Howard, Edith Frances (Miss) West Bridgewater 16868 Howard, Fannie Beale Hillman (Mrs) Edgartown 346646 Howard, Frances Sargent (Miss) 209 Beacon st., Boston 16255/ Howard, Isabelle (Miss) Campello 14102L Howard, Louise Carlton (Mrs Amasa) Chelmsford 4359ii; Howard, Lucinda Carol vn (Miss) Ludlow 23975 T Howard, IMabel Florence (Miss) 103 St. Botolph St., Boston 18014/ Howard, Mary Allen Cobb (Mrs Daniel S.) 12 N. Main St., Brockton ,29890/ Howard, Mary E. (Mrs Nathan C.) S. Main st., Campello, Brockton 11045 Howard. Mary White (Mrs James R.) 47 High st., Springfield 290247 Howe, Camelia A. (Miss) Methuen 290237 Howe, Cynthia L. (Mrs Alonzo) Methuen 16S76L Howe, Elizabeth Fremont (Mrs Charles Emerson) 45 Varney st., Lowell 28125Y Howe, Elizabeth J. (Miss) Methuen * Le Ray de Chaumont Chapter, N. Y. 256 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 15989 Howe, Ella L. (Miss) 114 Park St., Dorchester 18559tt Howe, Emily Brigham (Miss) 383 Lincoln st., Marlboro 20402iO Howe, Evelyn Eebecca F. (Mrs F. C.) 28 Arlington st., Cambridge 14541t Howe, Grace Hartley (Mrs Louis M.) 162 Walnut st.. Fall River 12709t7 Howe, Harriet A. (Miss) 53 Linden st., Brookline 20994 1( Howe, India H. Arnold (Mrs Louis P.) 235 Pleasant st., Marlboro 15015S Howe, Julia Ward (Mrs Samuel G.) 241 Beacon st., Boston 22721B Howe, Katherine Dexter (Mrs H. S.).. Essex st., Longwood, Brooldine 36242m Howe, Lizzie E. (Miss) 47 Newton st., Marlboro 12715t; Howe, Louise (Miss) 53 Linden St., Brookline 25720« Howe, Mabel Sperry (Mrs Winslow B.) Bolton st. cor. Main, Marlboro 9102^ Howe, Margaret (Miss) Danvers 12693/ Howe, Martha Paul (Mrs Oliver Hunt) Cohassett 10526L Howe, Mary Ida (Miss) 84 Methuen st., Lowell 14911r Howe, Nettie F. (Mrs Willard) 64 Concord st., South Framinjiham 32499^ Howes, Angeline Sampson (Mrs) 74 Pleasant st.. Ilolyoke 19237H Howes, Cora Walker (Mrs Samuel C.) Farm Road. Marlboro 22121ff Howes, Harriet C. (Mrs Samuel C.) 19 Chester st., Watertown 16853)0 Howes, Helen E. (Mrs Richard Taylor) ... .55 Channing st., Cambridge 15603// Howes, Helen Elizabeth (Mrs Jonathan C.)..71 E. Emerson st.. Melrose 285097' HoAves, Lucy Wellington (Mrs Alfred E.) 30 Webster st., Hyde Park 57S7T Howes, Welthea L. (Mrs Eben)..P. O. Boxs292, 546 Mass. ave., Boston 18599aa Howland, Abbie Bradford C. (Mrs J. E.) Vineyard Haven, Tisbury 15574? Howland, Lucy C. (Mrs James H.) Whitman 18585X Hoyt, Annie L. Dodge (Mrs Albert Pierce) 549 Cherry st.. Fall River 3252111 Hovt, Mary E. Britton (Mrs Otis) Watertown 15712^7 Hubbard, Clara Isabel Reed (Mrs Charles T.) 102 Main st., Taunton 175537? Hubbard, Deborah Bowditch Dean (Mrs George H.) Enfield' 18541^ Hubbard, Elizabeth Anna Wheeler (Mrs F; A.) 157 High st., Taunton 14130/ Hubbard, Frances M. (Mrs Joel W.) .\88 Corey st., W. Roxbury 23896& Hubbard, Gertrude (Miss) Hubbard"^ Park, Cambridge 24767* Hubbard, Gertrude E. D. D. (Mrs) 361 Massachusetts ave., Arlington 43695: Hubbard, IMary Stowe (Mrs Josiah Clark) Holyoke 12726e Hubbard, Mehitable B. (Miss) 2 Fern st.. Lawrence 25291 ff Huckins, Jennie M. (Mrs Edgar W.) 11 Fayette st., Watertown 9120 Huff, Clara Genevieve (Miss) 819 S. Fourth st., Boston 34692D Hull, Alary Louisa Knowlton (Mrs William H.) Essex 16194f/ Humphrey, Caroline Amelia (Mrs) N. Adams 1562fe Humphrey, Ellen L. Fowler (Mrs W. F.) 165 Aspinwall ave., Brookline- 17577P Humphreys, Maria Storer P. (Mrs W. T.) Purchase st., Newbur.yport 23974r Hunneman, Louise Lindsey (Mrs Hewes) 16 Holborn st., Roxbury 2334ce Hunnewell, Sarah Melville'^ (Mrs James F.) 289 Beacon st., Boston 15602O Hunt, Abby Smith (Mrs Francis W.) . .Franklin st., Melrose Highlands 14925r Hunt. Ellen Adalena (Mrs Frank H.) 8 Melrose st., S. Framingham 29514iv Hunt, Lydia Wheeler (Mrs) Westfield" 19274H^ Hunt, Alary Alice (Miss) 918 Main st., Waltham 16192(/ Hunter, Ella Elizabeth (Mrs Andrew Walker) North Adams 1857672 Hunter, Mary E. (Mrs Thomas L.) 434 Massachusetts ave., Cambridge 16197f/ Hunter, Susan May Potter (Airs James D.) N. Adams 231717? Hunting, Abbie Boyd (Miss) 55 Tanneger st., Arlington 28992p Huntley, Gertrude 'F. (Mrs Ford L.) Fitchburg 19914t Hurd, Mary Harriet Adams (Airs George F.) 51 Alyrtle ave., Fitchburg 562511 Hurlbut, Annie Alanson (Miss) 28 St. James ave., Boston 26823s Hutchins, Harriet Alarion Jackson (Mrs C.) 46 Saratoga St., E. Boston 18528C Hutchinson, Eliza AI. (Airs George) West Newton 84650 Hutchinson, Elizabeth Brown (Mrs Hiram N.) Bedford 24698W Hutchinson, Florence Adelia Wisner (Airs) Pepperell 24701TF Hutchinson, Alarian Welding (Aliss) Pepperell 26848/7 Hutchinson, Nettie Bickford Fogg (Mrs E. L.)..129 Broadway, Taunton 19836^ Huxford, Carrie Bayliss Coffin (Airs James Brown) Edgartown 321417 Hyde, Alice Charles' (Aliss) 380 Commonwealth nve., Boston 32142"F Hyde, Anna Farwell (Aliss) 380 Commonwealth ar-.. Boston Saratoga Chapter, N. Y. Elgin Chapter, 111. Rebecca Motte Chapter, S. C. t Ashuelot Chapter, N. H. II Colonial Chapter, Minn. MASSACHUSETTS. 257 32143F 1627372 175o6L 36253Z 36252Z 36254Z 71866 18560((. 7213iL 3026£: 17560L 13399/ 239767' 27625 « 26071J5; 11930X 10071Z 38591Z 33792C 43727 15713£' 29921/ 16813/i 4562 12700X 25277? 32502^' 15587f 13457e 119387' 16172/?. 119470 5662 32900/? 10520L 7201/. 257190 3289SZ 17631* 27655Z 5765ce 17632* 192430 23941ff 27655J: 14546f 16869/7 25725// 27609W 23900^ 284980 33363^; 24709fc 140847t 13367 ].4944L 29033 22756f7fZ 18010f 15657P 11533& 333310 123210 115626& 21521& Hyde, Lowan Wight (Miss) 380 Commonwealth ave., Boston H 'Ian eXTi m^'".? ^^^i-^^) •; • -1622 Dorchester ave., Doreheste? ^II^L^hS \^ 5^m:)-?:;;::.3-^S^^!^m^S- iSn^l' f^"" Florence Leland (Mrs G. H.)..126 Howard st., Spr'ngfield Ireland Jeannie Gordon (Mrs Oscar B.)......291 Maple st. Sprii^Sfie d Irish, Anna Marsh Frye (Mrs John C.) ofi7 kL.^^I\^ .f V!'"1i1 67 Nesmith st., Lowell Irving, Lizzie S. (Mrs Franklin C.) 162 Corev st W TJovhnr^ Isenbeck, Maude Elizabeth (Mrs E. G. C.) . .1219 BeaJon It Brooll Z Jackman, Sarah M. (Mrs JoWph V.) . . .' .^IsV LakeS ave.', Ma Who -o Jackson, Abby Crocker West (Mrs John) 259 Beacon st Boston Jackson, Clara Wentworth (Mrs J. H.)....155 Franklin st, FalfS'^r Jacts'Sn' Flfz^T'^wf/m '"^^ ^^^7^ ?" ^•' J-) • -Summit Road, MedforJ TaokSnn' fu n 7^.-^ ^ ^^""""^ ^'^ ^^ Walnut st., Medford Jackson, Ellen D. (Miss) 597 Washington st. Newton Jackson, Geraldme Allison G. (Mrs H. B.).."The Westminster," BoItoS Jackson, Jane Gordon Dean (Mrs E. T.) 30 Ashland st., Taunton Tackson' In'^^ t ,?;^•^ Francis E.) Garfield ave.. West Eoxbur? »|^?;|;"L^Son-(.^^^ Jaggar, Ellen Sophia Cook Mrs E. L.)..62 Clarendon st.. Sprino-field James, Helen Field (Mrs Lyman D.) Williamsbiu-o- James, Myra Angie (Mrs J. F.) [ 375 Broadway ia^ren.^ Jane^'^Aln^n' T^ ^'''\\(^'\^ «• »•) 3 Queen st.f Dorcheste? Tnm^fth A 1 • -f -T/t- ^^l''"" -^"^'"^ 1^0 St. Botolph St.. Boston Jaqmth, Abigail (Miss) Billerica Ta^nH^ M'''■"^^^^'^^-£i^^'■^^ ^^"■J''™^" ^'^ "^^ Columbus aVe., Boston Jaqmth, Mary Ella (Miss) . . 12 Newton Place, Fitchburg Jefferson, Caroline A. (Mrs P. M.) Tewksburv JefFerson Marietta IJichardson (Mrs H. P.) 7 FaiVmont st.. Lowell Jefts, M. Lizzie Woodward (Mrs Ira P.) 8 Ashland st., Melrose Jenkins, Abbie F. (Mrs George O.) Whitman Jenkins, Anna Spalding (Miss) Smith College,' Northampton Jennings, Anne Francis (Mrs Edgar Borden) ... .547 High st.. Fall River Jenkins, Emeline S. (Mrs Charles E.)..506 Commonwealth ave., Boston Jenkins Ruth Dutilh (Miss)... Smith College, Northampton Jenks, Louisa Hawes (Mrs) 34 Linwood Road. Lynn Jenks, Mary Ann Butler (Mrs) Edo-artown Jennings, Anne Francis (Mrs E. B.) 547 High st' Fall River Jennings, Caroline ^lessenger (Mrs) '^ ' Becl et Jernegan Helen M. (Mrs Jared) ■.'.'.'Ed'gartown Jewell Elizabeth Brigham (Mrs W. E.)....31 Langdon st., Cambridge Jewetf, Bernice Bowers (Miss) 1263 Middlesex st., LoAvell Jewett, Evadne Hubbard (Miss) 72 Walden st.. North Cambrido-e Johnquest Florence H. Osgood (Mrs) Somervifle Johnson, Alice Josephine (Miss) 695 Massachusetts ave., Boston Johnson, Amanda M. A. (Mrs Theodore S.) Worcester Johnson, Amelia Bailey (Miss) 224 Salem st.. Medford Johnson, Ann Eliza (Mrs Philip) 177 Central st.. Somerville Johnson, Annie Alden Cahill (ISfrs Walter W^) 25 Nesmith st Lowell Johnson, Augusta (Miss) I07 New Park s't., Lvnn Johnson, Catherine A. C. (Mrs William L.) Uxbrid"-e Johnson, Drusilla (Mr.s) IS Park st., Florence Johnson, Ella May (Miss) Lime st., Newburyport Johnson, Fanny Betts (Mrs W.) 7 Commonwealth ave.. Boston Johnson, Grace Potter (Mrs Augustin Burin) 64 Beacon st Boston Johnson, Hattie Elliott (Mrs Henry E.) Malvern st.. Melrose Johnson, Hatlie M. Strong (Mrs Charles H.) Easthampton Johnson, Louise (Miss) 178 Marlborough st., Boston Elizabeth Benton Chapter. 17 ■258 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E. 162342/ Johnson, Mary E. (Miss) Hopkinton 580a& Johnson, Mary Frothingham (Miss) 123 Marlborough st., Boston 162352/ Johnson, Nellie B. (Miss) Hopkinton ISOllf Johnson, Sara Hall (Miss) IS Park st., Florence 16275i2 Johnson, Sara A. (Mrs) 218 Washington ave., Chelsea 4872A' Johnson, Sarah H. Chamberlain (Mrs J. L.) 269 Union St., Springfield 2Q090aa Johnson, Susan Grafton Hale (Mrs Frank H.) Vineyard Haven 34674? Johnston, Ada Lincoln Freeman (Mrs J. F.) 410 Prospect st.. Fall Eiver 18546^ Jollie, Frances A. Pratt (Mrs Edward) 82 Winthrop st., Taunton 342057' Jones, Adele Wentworth (Miss) 86 Eockview st., Jamaica Plain 27296fc Jones, Annie Kilburn (Miss) Weymouth Heights 26864/S Jones, Bertha Weeks (Miss) 105 Devon st., Dorchester 4366ir Jones, Ellen Jane Brown (Mrs Henry G.) 148 Main st., Springfield 8460O Jones, Lucy Anna A. (Mrs. W^ P.) Copley Square Hotel, Boston 31522CC Jones, Mabel Bacon (Mrs James) Weymouth Heights 2606710 Jones, Mary Loisa (Mrs Charles W.) 285 Harvard st., Cambridgeport 26863)8 Jones, Mary Susan (Miss) 105 Devon st., Dorchester 26867 W Jordan, Angie Marie (Miss) P. O. Box 126, E. Pepperell 6S10Z) Jordan, Harriet Worcester (Mrs Wm. H.) 10 Hovey st., Gloucester 295327" Jordan, Martha Shackford M. (Mrs J. P.).. 20 Greenville st., Koxbury 34198^: Jordan, Mary A. (Mrs Arthur) '. Springfield 184967; Jose, Katie M. (Mrs Mellen) 13 Eden st., Charlestown 12775/ Joslin, Alice Belle (Miss) 46 Burroughs st., Jamaica Plain 12774/ Joslin, Harriet Augusta (Mrs W. B.)..46 Burroughs st., Jamaica Plain 12776/ Joslin, Mary Eeed (Miss) 46 Burroughs st., Jamaica Plain 33364s Joslin, Eebecca Eichardson (Miss) 71 Charles st., Boston 7506.S Josselyn, Alice Lincoln (Mrs Asa H.)..157 Lexington st.. East Boston 22058s Josselyn, Linda G. (Mrs Asa H.) Winthrop 11534& Joy, Edith Marion (Miss) 86 Marlborough st., Boston 26423& Joy, Ellen White (Miss) 86 Marlborough st., Boston 6825Z Joyce, Mary Elizabeth Kenney (Mrs D. H.)..37 Carew st., Springfield 18594Z Kakas, Lydia A. (Mrs Edward F.) 54 Brooks st.. West Medford 21542V Kay, Mary Prentiss (Mrs James M.) Gardner Eoad, Brookline 5922T Keefe, Eliza Sweat (Mrs John A.) 31 Delle ave., Hyde Park 341S2S Keen, Frances A. Eeed (Mrs H. N.) 32 Saratoga st., East Boston 13429/ Keene, Grace Elliot (Miss) .'^ Cohasset 12324J Keith, Cornelia Maria White (Mrs L. E.)..1222 Montello st., Campello 30815// Keith, Eliza Frances Smith (Mrs Isaac Newton) Sagamore 18013? Keith, Ellen Eichardson Howard (Mrs Edwin) Brockton 35325? Keith, Lillian M. (Mrs Elijah A.) 1156 Main st., Campello 35324? Keith, Nellie P. (Mrs. Horace A.) 1090 Main st., Brockton 29897? Keith, Susan J. H. (Mrs Albert) Brockton 19276TO Kelcey, Clara L. (Mrs Henry) Somerville '27965* Keller, Bessie Scott Henshaw (Mrs Jasper Newton) Newton 12.'>06« Kellogg, Lucy Cutler (Mrs Harry W.) 19 Highland ave., Greenfield 239777 Kellogg, Minnie Bradbury (Mrs*E. B.) 1084 Boylston st., Boston 32890(7 Kellough, Hattie Anna Stuart (Mrs Arthur F.) 3l' State st., Boston 18518ti Kendall Blanch (Miss) Dudley st., Brookline 12713V Kendall, Edith (Miss) Dudley st., Brookline 22051c Kendall, Gertrude G. (Miss) 50 Oxford st., Somerville 10521L Kendall, Isabella Perkins (Mrs H. D.) 317 Nesmith st., Lowell 12712V Kendall, Mary Elizabeth Bass (Miss) Dudley st., Brookline 10507? Kenney, Alice Ellen (Mrs Willis H.) Danvers 20995.S Kenney, Annie Maud Joslin (Mrs E. 0.)..19 Claybourne st., Dorchester 8468? Kenney, Isadora Elmira (Mrs Charles Frederick) Danvers 16205.S Kenney, Mary Jane Oliver (Mrs Henry) 17 Tremlett st., Dorchester 268697c Kent, Georgie Tyler (Mrs Daniel) 93 Elm st., Worcester 16934? Keough, Charlotte Adeline Eogers (Mrs H. S.) . .5 Lambert ave., Chelsea 141 OOL Keyes, Marion Sinclair (Miss)'. 102 3rd st., Lowell 15fiG5r/ Keyes, Martha Norman (Mrs S.) 20 Holbrook st., NcJrth Adams 1S593Z Kidder, Carrie Edith Farnsworth (Mrs F. H.)..17 Florence st., Medford 25270(7 Kidder, Grace Hastings (Mrs Edwin Eeed).. 52 Allegheny St., Eoxbury 127590 Kilbon, Lena Gillette (Mrs J. L.) 93 Gibbs st.. Newton Centre 1981417 Kilbourn, Lizzie Adele (Miss) 113 Eagle st.. North Adams 2733 Kilham, Helen Elizabeth Seabury (Mrs E. A.).. 21 Broadway, Beverley 11572L Kimball, Gertrude Sartwell (Mrs C. H.) 100 Myrtle st., Lowell William Henshaw Chapter, W. Va. MASSACHUSETTS. 259 19252L Kimball, Lena J. (Miss) 7S5 Merrimac st., Lowell 290257 Kimball, Maria Stevens (Mrs D. M.) 154 W. Concord st., Boston 264490 Kimball, Marj^ Alrich (Mrs Oliver I.).. 125 Jackson st., Newton Centre 247147 Kimball, Sarah Abigail (]Mrs) Methuen 17607ee Kimball, Susan Day (Miss) 325 Commonwealth ave., Boston 22090 Kimberl3^ Nannie Mari'iott (Mrs Lewis A.).. 72 Perkins st., W. Newton 7197& King, Alice Ormond (Mrs Henry P.).. 205 Commonwealth ave., Boston 284567^ King, Annie E. (]Mrs Stanton H.) 224 Salem st., Medford 20974a King, Gertrude Mitchell (Miss) Union st., Nantucket 314S0O King, Harriet M. (Miss) 31 Chestnut st., Wakefield 6827Z King, Maria Lyon Flynt (Mrs Henry A.) 238 Union st., Springfield 14122i Kingman, Allie V. Keith (Mrs) 253 Perkins ave., Brockton 15714^ Kingman, Hannah Sawin (Mrs Calvin) 13 We^ocer st., Taunton 4324ee Kingsbury, Ellen Henshaw (Mrs Thomas) 504 Centre st., Newton 20395r Kingsbury, Frances J. (Mrs W. A.) 62 Lincoln st., S. Framingham 22091C Kingsbury, Laura D. H. (Mrs Isaac F.) West Newton 19811m Kingsley, Mary Elliott (Mrs Charles) 124 Pembroke st., Boston 5920 Kinney, Lotta May Cooley (Mrs Oscar F.) "The Columbia," Leominster 17145: Kirkham, Emma Lillian Wilcox (Mrs J. S.)..76 Elliott st., Springfield 19796S Kirtland, Lillian M. B. (Mrs Ealph M.) . .15 Paul Gore st., Jamaica Plain 11555* Kittredge. Maria T. (Miss) Amherst 3337472 Knapp, Martha Chesley (Mrs Benj. L.) 76 Frances st., Brookline 12301f Kneeland. Harriet J. (Miss) Paradise Koad, Northampton 18566P Knight, Annie Hale (Miss) High st., Newbury 25732 Knight, Eva Elizabeth (Miss) "The Eliot," 68 Bartlett st., Eoxbury 353417 Knight, Georgia P. Follansbee (Mrs Oscar A.) 105 Beech st., W. Roxbury 18571P Knight, Lizzie wSumner (Miss) Temple st., Newburyport 32893fc Knight, Susan Esther (Miss) Leicester 5824]V Knowles, Alice A. (Mrs Henry M.) Cohasset 156415: Knowles, Mary J. Dickinson (Mrs Charles H.)..66 Pearl st., Springfield 12695D Knowlton, Annie E. T. (Mrs) 6 Mt. Vernon St., Gloucester 204072/ Koppmann, Martha Lincoln (Mrs) 84 Hastings st., W. Eoxbury 14989 Lagate, Lizzie F. (Mrs Burton J.) SlQi/g High st., Newburyport 28453c Lake, Alice E. (Mrs) 16 Westwood Eoad, Somerville 12698Z) Lakeman, Ajinie M. (Miss) 55 Essex ave., Gloucester 13435V Lamb, Augusta Towne (Miss) 138 High st., Brookline 10048L Lambert, Plelen Margaret (Miss) 283 Pawtucket st., Lowell 9625L Lambert, Sarah G. (Mrs Henry M.) 283 Pawtucket st.. Lowell 31512C^ Lament, ]Minnie Norton (Mrs Harry) Pittsfield 14946L Lamere, Elizabeth Frances (Miss).! 829 Bridge st., Lowell 32484^ La Motte, Frances Mary (Mrs Henry) Williamsburg 32523fc Lancaster, Agnes F. (Mrs John Edward).. 91 Salisbury st., Worcester 13402L Lancaster. Mary Maude (Miss) 368 E. Merrimack st., Lowell 239657? Landy, Mary Eliza Prince (INIrs James) 327 Boylston st., Boston 15715^ Lane, Annie"^ Edna (Mrs Oscar C.) 188 Winthrop St., Taimton 34208C/ Lane, Eliza Stevenson (Mrs) 55 W. Housatonic st., Pittsfield 284577i Lane, Hellen Mason Dakin (INIrs George) 21 Eden st., Charlestown 141177) Lane, Judith (Mrs) Annisquam, Gloucester 23928D Lane, Mary S. (Mrs Edwin) 2 School st., Gloucester 15640E: Lang, Ada'Dickerson (Mrs G. D.) 40 Fuller Bldg., Springfield 22076* Langley. Mary A. (Mrs John E.) Danvers 27628r Langniaid, Bertha (Miss) 373 Boylston st., Boston 27657Z Larrabee, J. Annie (Miss) 397 Main st., Medford 1758572 Lathe, Leonora Fletcher (Mrs Appleton) 34 Austin st., Cambridge 260785: Latimer, Clara Louisa Eockwell (Mrs Franklin Ami, Jr.) . .Springfield 155r»6/( Laughton, jNlarie Ware (Miss) Pierce Bldg., Copley Square, Boston 15596/(. Laughton, Sarah Elizabeth (Miss) West Bridgewater 5801& Lavalle, Alice Cornelia Johnson (Mrs J.).. 123 Marlborough st., Boston 14634?> Lawrence, Elizabeth Prescott (Miss) Groton I 32113; Lawrence, Eva Estelle (Miss) Cohasset 31523 Lawrence, Grace (Miss) Forge Village 32509TF Lawrence, Harriet Eleanor (Miss) East Pepperell 3250STF Lawrence, Josephine Maria (INliss) East Pepperell 362407 Lawrence, Marv A. (Mrs Wm. C.) P. O. Box 914 Campello Melzingah Chapter, N. Y. 260 DIEECTORY, D. A. R. 23424TF 9628L 22116 72095: 15684fla 16251Z 10123/= lOBlOf 27280S' 26873 19799/i 22118Z losier 9136^^ 26142* 231650 19215& 33338fc 33 168380- 122200 28132(7 18524)/ 29544 ■ 11124± 29034" 4556^^ 30799/ 7170T 29906?/ 26866T 36291fZ 36292(Z 36293fZ 34180O 45542V 18565JV 21543V 1627772 8464Z 8655ZV 4869.A^ 6824ir 358587? 141167) 15009.7 24673(? 13458P 13442P 14550P 27604fi 1053R 260880 1499SP 239510 16253/. 246S4P 246760 22061. r/ 119367^ 27610il/ 2761 1.¥ 26851D Lawson, Laura Elizabeth (Mrs R. H.) P. O. Box 157, E. Pepperell Lawton, Helen Mack (Mrs Frederick) 213 Pawtucket st., Lowell Lawton, Julia A. (Mrs Henr^y Francis) Walnut st., Fall River Lazelle, Eusebia Arnold Billings (Mrs J. E.)..35S Main st., Springfield Leach, Alethea S. (Mrs William) Vineyard Haven Leary, Fanny Russell (Mrs T. F.) 30 Wareham st., Medford Lee, Emma Dimock (Mrs Samuel W.) liet ds Lee, Julia Bassette (Mrs Isaac S.) 33 Forest ave., Lynn Lee, Lucella Ruth Spencer (Mrs H. H.) 42 Court st., Westfield Lee, Sara White (Mrs William) 1382 Beacon st., Brookline Leeds, Edith May (Miss) 79 Washington ave., Chelsea Leighton, Ella A. (Miss) 72 Waverley st.. Maiden Leighton, Mary A. Kendall (Mrs J. C.) 312 Harvard st., Brookline Leighton, Sarah T. S. (Mrs Emery D.) 63 Monmouth st., East Boston Leland, Alida S. (Mrs) Stoneham Leland, Emma Browning (Mrs Walter Sherman) Concord Leland, Frances Converse (Mrs Lester) 422 Beacon st., Boston Leland, Harriet Mowry Lapham (Mrs F. A.).. 653 Main st., Worcester Leland, Mary Granger (Miss) Fall River Lenox, Calphurnia Briggs (Mrs) North Adams Leonard, Caroline J. (Mrs Henry A.) 499 Lebanon st., Melrose Leonard, Emma Thatcher (Mrs Chas. W.)..130 Forest st., W. Newton Leonard, Helen A. A. (Mrs A. M.) 47 Belleview st.. River Way, Back Bay, Boston Lewis, Ella Hatch (Mrs Alexander) 904 Main St., Worcester Lewis, Emma Riddle (Mrs Walter C.) Haverhill Lewis, Katharine Mary Horton Barney (Mrs).. 259 Beacon st., Boston Lewis, Lucy (Miss) Hingham Lewis, Nellie Parker (Mrs Elmer Warren) Cohasset Lewisson, Sarah Lowrey (Mrs W. Updike) 16 Winchester st., Brookline Libbey, Stella O. (Miss) 115 W. Newton st., Boston Liffler. Rebecca T. (Mrs C, Jr.).. 76 Allegheny st., Roxbury Crossing* Lillibridge, Abbie Allen (Mrs Charles Wesley) Hebronville Lillibridge, Eleanor May (Miss) Hebronville Lillibridge, Harriet Marion (Miss) Hebronville Lincke, Clarinda F. (Miss) 1200 Massachusetts ave., Cambridg-e Lincoln, Anna F. (Mrs Francis H.) Hingham Lincoln, Damietta Clapp (Miss) Hingham Lincoln, Tsabelle (Mrs Edwin H.) 132 Summit ave., Brookline Lincoln, Jeannie Woodbiiry (Mrs A. A.).. Grand View ave., Wollaston Lincoln, Mabel W. G. (Mrs Wm. A.) Governors ave., Medford Lincoln, Mary (Mrs Ernest Wilbur) Hingham Lincoln, Mary Eliot (Miss) Hingham Lincoln, Sarah Converse Flynt (Mrs W. A.).. 265 Union st., Springfield Lincoln, Susan Margaret (Mrs G. F.) 3 Newcomb Place, Taunton Lindberg, Ella A. (Mrs John L.) Rockport Lindsey, Frances Dickinson (Mrs Joseph B.) Amherst Litchfield, Florine Isadore (Mrs Wilbur F. S.) Sewell st.. Revere Little, Cora Amelia (Miss) 44 Smith st., Lawrence Little, Eliza Adams (Miss) Little's Lane, Newbury Little, Fanny Gray (INIrs Henry Bailey) ... .215 High st., Newburyport Little, Henrietta Rogers Anthony (Mrs A. D.) 45 Warren st., Brookline Little, Julia Augusta (Miss) 317 Dartmouth st.. Boston Little, Mary Elizabeth Call (Mrs Noah) 10 Buckman St., Everett Little, Sarah Agnes (Mrs Edward F.) Little's Lane, Newbury Littlefield, Evelyn Greene (Mrs) 321 Broadway, Somerville- Littlefield, Hettie Russell Austin (Mrs George Forrester) Brockton Littlefield, Lora A. (Mrs James C.) .34 Babcock st., Brookline Liverinore, Mary Ashton Rice (Mrs D. P.).. 21 W. Emerson st., Melrose Livermore, Mary Griswold (Mrs Charles C.) 108 Forest st., Berlford Livingston, Ethel (Miss) 77 Livingston ave., Lowell Livingston, Ethel Eddv (Miss) 287 Westford St., Lowell Livingston, Mary Sophronia (Miss) 287 Westford St., Lowell Lloyd, Mary P. (Mrs) 4 Western ave., Gloucester Esther Stanley Chapter, Conn. Reprisal Chapter, N. H. t Molly Stark Chapter, N. H. MASSACHUSETTS. 261 10068.1 210227? 22111i2 84247 10549X 175S4i?, 27665 28135 239530 23413^(5 5817iV^ 33356?P 29913£' 29912i/ 204206& 34707F 100770 16249Z 29937Sf 353627 155947/ 342067' 10054fe 16250Z 36660 31473; 31516CC 19806f 27297CC 3414pe 29917C 33345? 15623D 12791e 3380372 15252V^ 11543 341897) 29916C 284990 29499n 15716^; 34181r 20421f/a 19843aa 34180 333529 10029iS^ 15717^7 260757 4545ee 8737t 3025^: 36259cZd 127236 12724e 11569»' 362647^ 100827 17533^7 577lk 19248^ 281165: jZvI' VlT"\n- ^?^r ?^''' ^"^^"^) Box 95 E. Lexington Locke, Ellen Allen (Mrs) 16 Parker ave Lvnn Locke, Emma Perkins Boylston (Mrs E. F.)..39 Brooks st., W. Medford Lockwood, Henrietta Niles (Mrs) . . T"! . . 7." "!'. .7 .•/'^'■' ""' Lexington Tomh^r^r'l^r ^i'*"^™Ai'^ (Mrs Edg-ar Banks) ■.'.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.Cochituate tZ;^. ' P^a^^^th -Ahneda (Miss) 15 Sycamore st., Somerville Lombard, Lucy S. (Mrs Nathan C.) 529 Prospect st. Cambridge Long, Agnes (Mrs John Davis) Hino-ha^ Longfellow. Alice M .(Mass) ...! i05 Brattle' sV.,' Cambl-idg^ Longf e ow, Nelhe May (Miss) 69 High st., TanntSn Toniw Ul^^'?' ^^r^'r (^^^^ O- S-) 69 High St. 'launton Longley, Abbie L. (Miss) " Easthamnton Loomis, Grace Elizabeth (Miss) 49 Oakland sV., Medford Loomis, Mariam Fitch (Mrs Elihu G.) ' Bedford Loomis, Mary Bella (Mrs Charles H.) 49 Oaldand "st.; Medford Lord, Frances Fuller (Mrs) 7 Earl st Maiden Lord, Mehetta Arvilla (Mrs J. Brown) 75 W. Putland Sq'.', Boston Loring, Fannie Isabel (Miss) i Essex st., ChArtestowS Lormg, L. Adelaule ^ason (Mrs Robert Pearmain) Newton Centre ToZ!' I \^nJ^^''f.P^%^''^ ^-^ 8 Otis Pkice, Boston Lormg, Sarah Ohve (Mrs Freeman A.).. 60 Harvard ave., W. Medford Lothrop, Harriet Miilford Stone (Mrs Daniel) Concord Loud, Abbie Louisa (Miss) Weymouth Loud, Lucie J (Miss) 35 Harrison ave., Northampton Loud, Mary Frances (Miss) Wevmouth Loud Mary Oakes (Mrs Andrew J.) 437 Shawmut avc^Boston Love , Caroline Newhall (Mrs) 40 Lenox st.. Newton Love, Eugenia 1^ ranees Bartlett (Mrs C. E.)..167 South ave., Whitman Lovell, Ida Emma (Mrs L. P.) Oakham Lovejoy, Abby May (Miss) 20 Wren st.',' W." Eoxbury ^nlTV ''''•^T.?; ^^^^^^\^-) 16^ Highland ave., Somerville Lovett Mary Ellen (Miss) Hingham Lovett, Sophia Parker (Mrs Joshua) 504 AVarren st., Roxbury Low, Lizzie Bramerd Burnham (Mrs George P.) S F 5919A' 36265/i' 13397?/ 21552Z 16923 1^ 257337' 10137* 19844/ 314576 25740pe 314586 26429; 27663? 11550fif 35367 35352-1/ 27666 27667 27668 27620W 5927t 29538 246752/ 14893«a 28462; 16936(? 16239fl« 149S8ff 18599«« 14976S^ 14894rt« 33768/t 17559L 26438P 34675/ 14996P 26103$ 26S46J 35677/ 34703P Muzzey, Susan Wood (Miss) Lexin-ton X- ?' ^in""" 'Y"""*"" ^^^^^""^ So"th Weymrmth Aash, Ellen Augusta Blanchard (Mrs Siles J.) 2 Franklin ave. Chelsea ^ash, Lula F (Miss) 2 Franklin ave.. Chelsea IN ash, Maria F. (Mrs Benjamin Lincoln) Abino-ton Na.sh, Martha Arminta (Miss) 427 Broadway, Cambridge A ash, JNellie Munro (Mrs Nathaniel Cushing) 19 Craigie St.. Cambrido-e TV ash, Susan ^y S. (Mrs) 14 Auburn st., BrookliSe V''^^' ^^?"^^^.^ (^i^^^) 19 Bennington St.. E. Boston Aea , Caroline Fiske (Miss) i Monument Sq., Charlestown Nea , Harriet Putnam Pope (Mrs W. H.) 23 Sacramento St., Cambridge ^eale, Maria M. (Mrs Elisha J.) 327 Beacon st., Lowell Neary. Ida May (Miss) Framingham Aeill, Mary Jane (Mrs Joseph Oren) 975 Plymouth ave., Fall Eiver ISesmith, 1 lorence Hildreth (Mrs Thomas) 2 Park st Lowell Nesmith, Leonora S. Pendleton (Mrs Benjamin Ingersoll) . . Wilbraham Aesmith, ALary (Miss) 229 Andover St., Lowell Aesmith, Mary Louisa (Mrs Charles L) ." Realing- Nevin, Anna Josepha S. (iirs W. C.) Pease's Point Way, Edgartown A evm, Caroline Josephine (Miss) Edo-artown Newcomb, Nancy J. McClure (Mrs James) 61 Pincknev st.f Boston Aewell, Alice Norton (Mrs James M.) 196 Commonwealth' ave., Boston Jewell, Carrie Augusta Rust (Mrs (Jeorge H.) 9 Hovev st., Gloucester ^iewe , Hattie Chapin (Miss) 54 CareW st., Springfield Jewell Kebecca Colburn (.Miss) 63 Sixth st , Lowell Jsewha 1, i lorence A (Miss) 26 Blagden st., Boston Newhall, Josephine Merritt (Mrs William Rice) Wilbraham Newton, Emily Stevenson (Mrs William W.) 78 East st., Pittsfield Newton, Martha Ann Bird (Miss) 28 Moreland st., Eoxbury N ewton, N ellie Marie (Miss) Lincoln Nichols, Caroline Frances (Miss) Cohasset ^•''l!''!^' Charlotte (Miss) Sargent "st.', Ne'wton Aichols, Charlotte P. Kimball (Mrs J. Howard) 53 State st., Boston Nicho s, Eleanor Hunnewell (Miss) Sargent St., Newton Nichols, Ella Gertrude Tower (Mrs Edward) Cohasset Nichols, Julia Adelaide Abbott (Mrs Woodburn J.) Methuen Nichols, Lucy (Mrs Edward H.) 97 Sewall ave., Brookline Isichols, Myra Hall (Miss) 97 Sewall ave.. Brookline ^ickerson, Mary Sargent (Miss) 136 Chestnut st., Lowell Ni es, Anna Hale (Miss) HO Beacon st., Boston ^iles, Emily Hale (Miss) 110 Beacon st., Boston Niles, Sarah Fowle (Miss) HO Beacon st., Boston ]\oble, iSancy Eleanor Foster (Mrs John Perkins) 134 Ash st. Waltham Norman, Florence S. (Airs Lionel J. St. A. L.) 62 Cypress st., Brookline Norris, Annie Mutell (Mrs Howes, Jr.) Cottao-e City Norris, Henrietta Livermore (Mrs John O.) 20 W. Emerson st., Melrose JN orris, Martha Daggett (Mrs Howes) Cottao-e ntv Northey, Adelaide L. C. (Mrs Charles H.) Greenbush Norton, Clara Ida Coots (Mrs Gustavus A., Jr.) 55 Heard st Chelsea Norton, Edith Evelyn (Miss) Vineyard Haven Norton, Eliza Adams (Mrs Charles) ".Ed^-artown Norton, Ellen Maria V. (Mrs S. H.) Cottage City, Martha's Vineyard Norton, Lucretia Storms (Miss) Edo-artown Norton, Mary Louise (Mrs John Osborne) Viiiej^^rd Haven Norwood, Jeanie Mary (Miss) 9 Jackson Terrace^, Lawrence Aourse, Edith Frances (Mrs Franklin) Fairmount st., LoweH Noyes, Adella M. Fillmore (Mrs David M.) 41 High st., Newburyport Noyes, Anna Josephine (Mrs Elmer Whiting) Whitman Noyes, Ella Ada (Miss) 12 Essex st., Newburyport Noyes, Elizabeth Prescott (Miss) 287 Walnut st.. Brookline Noyes, Emma Buttrick (Miss) 287 Walnut St., Brookline Noyes, Louie Josephine (Miss) Whitman Noyes, Mabel Walton (Mrs Moody B.) 53 Federal st.,"Ne'wburyr)ort * Buffalo Chapter, R. I. t Gaspee Chapter, R. I. Ashuelot Chapter,. N. H. 266 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 276435: Nye, Martha E. Stone (Mrs George) 670 Worthington st., Springfield 14895fl« Nye, Leila Clifton (Miss) Cottage City 1922972 Obenhauser, Edith Adelaide B. (Mrs C.) 345 Centre st., Jamaica Plain 127610 Odlin, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs Charles C.) 89 W. Emerson st., Melrose 26832; Olmsted, Helen Hartwell, (Mrs Edwin A.) Cohasset 35343/ Onthank, Caroline Heath C. (Mrs N. B.) 216 Temple st., W. Koxbury 33383(7 Orcutt, Elizabeth G. Bailey (Mrs L. W.) 1085 Boylston St., Boston 15645£^ Orcutt, Emily Louise (Mrs Marcus L.) Chicopee 2763210 Orne, Caroline F. (Miss) 107 Auburn st., Cambridgeport 2952372 Oi'ne, Maria Frances (Miss) 427 Mass. ave., Cambridge 19277W Osborn, Sarah G. Kittredge (Miss) 918 Main st., Waltham 1687277 Osborne, Laura Frances (Miss) Edgartown 203837i, Osborne, Laura S. D. (Mrs C. C.) 7 Cedar ave., Winthrop Highlands 33358i/ Osborne, Nellie Porter (Mrs Charles E.) 24 Poplar st., Melrose 119547 Osgood, Bessie V. (Miss) 8 Forest st., Cambridge 127580 Osgood, Emma A. (Mrs Byron A.) 29 Chestnut st., Wakefield 11955* Osgood, Fanny Azubah (Miss) 8 Forest st., Cambridge 100730 Osgood, Harriet A. White (Mrs Herman D.) Concord 34178ft Osgood. Sarah M. (Mrs James M.) 220 Highland ave., Somerville 27279/ Ostrander, Sarah C. (Mrs John Edwin) Amherst 18514s Otis, Clara A. (Miss) 89 Lexington st., E. Boston 22123/f Otis, Ellen Sophia (Mrs Ward Marshall) Mt. Auburn st., Watertown 11312t Otis, Ethel Mansfield Pvoss (Mrs Walter) 13 Forest ave., Everett 22124/^f Otis, Sarah Hobart (Miss) 100 Mt. Auburn St., Watertown 14924r Overhiser, Adriana (Mrs John Seymour) 17 DeLoss st., S. Framingham 34676Z Packard, Fannie E. (Miss) !" Whitman 22068? Packard, Harriet J. (Mrs Nathan F.) Brockton 6540Z Packard, Helen Nancy C. (Mrs John A. A.).. 28 Dwight st., Springfield 21533# Packard, Mary Lord ^Miss) 230 La Fayette st., Salem 35326Z Packard, Susan A. Kingman (Mrs Edward C.) Campello 1759817 Paddock, Anna Todd (Mrs Franklin K.) 93 East st., Pittsfield 185227/ Page, Adelia C. Wait, (Mrs Washburn E.) 375 W. 4th st., S. Boston 8479? Page, Anne (Miss) Dan vera 19835Z Page, Annie M. (Mrs Henry E.) 44 Oakland St., Medford 28487/ Page, Dora French (Mrs James F.) Amherst 14995P Page, Emily Caroline Willis (Mrs David P.) 86 High st., Newburyport 1S561» Page, Emma T. Drurj- (Mrs Ambrose M.) 43 Highland st.. Marlboro 12105O Page, Harriet E. (Mrs Moses SwasejO 63 Lake ave., Melrose 12734r Page, Kate Chase Norcross (Mrs Charles J.) 90 Westland ave., Boston 11009 Page, Kate Stearns (Mrs L. C.) Hotel Westminster, Copley Sq., Boston 2157017 Page, Lucy Bancroft (Mrs Walter B.) Pepperell 19227? Page, Mary Emily (Mrs Ira De Witt) Eandolph 175407; Paige, Abbie Louise (Miss) 16 N. Pleasant st., Taunton 16252Z Paige, Bertha Gertrude (Miss) 83 Sharon st., W. Medford 16220L Paige, Betsey Dearborn (Mrs Charles E.) 60 Thorndike St., Lowell 175397? Paige, Mary Louisa (Mrs Onias) 16 N. Pleasant st., Taunton 185427? Paige, Nora Lizzie Colby (Mrs Nomus) 74 Winthrop st., Taunton 34691C' Paine, Harriet Gould (Mrs N. Emmons) 1650 Washington st., W. Newton 21544i(7 Paine, Mary Woolson (Mrs James Leonard) 21 Centre st., Cambridge 34212ee Palfrey, Sara Hammond (Miss) Divinity ave., Cambridge 1976^: Palmer, Clara Skeele (Mrs) Chicopee 24697TF Palmer, Elizabeth Jewett (Miss) Pepperell 17485: Palmer, Ellen Frances (Miss) Enfield 3290Sr Palmer, Martha Knight (Mrs Charles D.) 45 Westland ave., Boston 6814L Palmer, Eowena H. (Mrs Charles Dana) 129 Fairmount st., Lowell 134190 Palmeter, Ehoda M. (Mrs G. D.) Concord 34491 Park, IMargaret Harriett (Mrs Wm. H.) Springfield 27646L Parker, Adelia Maria (Mrs George A.) 19 Mt. Vernon St., Lowell 17561L Parker, Alice C. (Miss) Belmont ave., Lowell 30356f7fZ Parker, Anna Louise Dunn (Mrs Everett S.) Grafton 221i4?7 Parker, Caroline Goodrich (Miss) 117 South st., Pittsfield 4143L Parker. Dollv Maria Hildreth (Mrs J. M. G.) 115 Tenth st., Lowell 31474/ Parker, Edith Gross (Mrs Harry T.) Cohasset 19247Z Parker, Elizabeth Denison (Mrs F. F.) Chicopee t Pittsburg Chapter, Pa. Ashiielot Chapter, N. H. MASSACHUSETTS. 267 14121Z Parker, Elizabeth Foster (Miss) Brockton 16827 Parker, Emily Ann Goodwin (Mrs W C.) 311 Huntington ave., Boston 12317 Parker, Fannie Stnart (Mrs Peter, Jr.) Framingham 150070 Parker, Frances A. (Miss) Billei'ica 268727 Parker, Frances C. (Mrs James O.) Metliuen 25286TF Parker, Harriet Elizabeth (Miss) East Pepperell 19804 Parker, Helen F. Wetherbee (Mrs Edward E.) 36 xUton Place. Brookline 2952SC/ Parker, Henrietta L. (Mrs Robert Theodore) 557 Fenn st., Pittslield 29019TF Parker, JNIarinda Blake (Mrs John L.) Ripley Road, Cohasset 4368ir Parker, Mary Elliott Cook (Mrs LeAvis) 9 King st., "^Vestfield 7176T Parker, Morgiana Heath S. (Mrs C. W.) 228 Commonwealth ave., Boston 9637I> Parker, Nancj' (Miss) Biggs st., Gloucester 16542i2 Parker, Sarah E. H. Farmer (Mrs H. A.) 2 Brunswick st., Dorchester 2503872 Parker, Susan Williams (Mrs) 40 Greenville st., Roxbury 23416Z> Parkhurst, Mamie B. (Miss) 18 Chestnut st., Gloucester 34491* Parks, Margaret H. (Mrs Wm. H.) Springfield 7214ii: Parks, Sarah Violettie Gaylord (Mrs Robert W.) 69 Court st., Westfield 26836(/ Parmele, Alice Gould Bixby (Mrs Wm. B.) 12 Chestnut st., North Adams 155S8f Parsons, H. Eliza Sears (Mrs Enos)...35 Harrison ave., Northampton 1758812 Parsons, Marcia Eola (Mrs M. S.) 348 Commonwealth ave., Boston 31465/" Parsons, Minnie M. (Miss) 16 Paradise Road, Northampton 240S9t Parsons, Olive Sewall (Miss) Lowell 10489(/ Parsons, Vina Bunton Brackett (Mrs William D.) East Milton 22069Z Partridge, Deborah A. (Miss) Whitman 34019t/ Partridge, Elizabeth M. (Mrs H. W.) 54 Pomeroy ave., Pittsfield 22757 Patch, Jennie E. Townsley (Mrs Henry Severance) Shelburne Falls 4877/1 Patten, Margaret Armour (Mrs Asa K., Jr.) 210 Maple st., Springfield 23966ff Patten, Mary E. (Miss) Marshall st., Watertown 25730/2 Patterson, Eugenia Hunt (Mrs Joseph H.)..410 Codmaii st., Dorchester 295337' Patterson. Marv J. (Miss) 230 Commonwealth ave., Boston 26852/) Pattillo, May Gaffney (Mrs Guy) 337 Main st., Gloucester 1567272 Paxil, Annie F. (Miss) Hooper ave., Dorchester 17589/2 Paul, Caroline (Mrs Moses) 27 John st., Chelsea 14099/y Paulint, Catherine (Miss) 317 Westford st., Lowell 15719£? Paull, Abbie Frances Gushee (Mrs John) 12 Berkly st., Taunton 18684 Payne, Alice Sawyer (Mrs Frederick W.) Chestnut Hill 2686871 Peabody, Caroline E. (Mrs Charles) City Hospital, Worcester 30809? Peabody, Ellen Frances (Mrs George Morris) Danvers 5133T Peabody, Eunice Norcross Burgess (Mrs A. V.) 245 Summer st.. Maiden 15619C' Peabod}', Harriet Avery (Mrs Ellery) Perkins st., W. Newton 9635/) Pearce,"^ Katharine Parker (Mrs Fred. A.).. 100 Prospect st., Gloucester 17571/ Pearson, Adelaide E. (Mrs Henry C.) ... .14 Olmstead st., Jamaica Plain 30825/r Pearson, Alice Cook (Mrs Henry) 578 N. Main St., Springfield 23943P Pearson, Annie S. B. (Mrs P. H. R.) 2 Summit Place, Newburyjiort 231540 Pearson, Hepsibeth Damon (Mrs S. G. Bradlej^ Reading 16198(/ Pearson, Janet Holton (Mrs Frank Plummer) 10 Church st., N. Adams 8453 Pearson, Josie Estelle S. (Mrs J. H. S.) 401 Meridian st., E. Boston 5783f Pearson, Lucy Wright (Mrs Dana).... 19 Henshaw ave., Northampton 7496e., Jr.) Elm st., Brookline 16943/n Peterson, Ida B. Bigelow (Mrs Jacob J. S.) Floyd st., Waltham 16944Hi Peterson, Minnie J. Bigelow (Mrs William E.) 16 Lyman st.. Waltham 33376,S' Pevey, Anna Coburn (Miss) 366 Walker st., Lowell 2528517 Phelps, Harriette Shattuck (Mrs) Pepperell 31503M Philbrick, Carrie Louise (Miss) 389 Walker st., Lowell 3027411 Phillip, Sarah Abbott (Mrs) Chelsea 346771! Phillips, Annie Amelia (Mrs Charles E.) Whitman 26063? Phillips, Jennie W. (Mrs Arthur B.) Whitman 1716iv: Phillips, Julia Bowles Alexander (Mrs H. M.) 284 State st., Springfield 2317372 Phipps, Georgiana I. (Mrs Henry M.) 41 Beacon st., Hyde Park 2349cf Pickering, Mary G. (Mrs Henry) 1 Otis Place, Boston 84227 Pierce, Almira *N, (Mrs George F.) 31 Oak ave.. Dorchester 12100T Pierce, Antoinette L. (Mrs George F.) 835 Adams st., Dorchester 32916Tr Pierce, Catherine Lawrence (Mrs James) Pepperell 16870/7 Pierce, Chloe McLellan (Mrs John) Edgartowu 32917TF Pierce, Frances C. (Miss) E. Pepperell 31491 (r Pierce, Harriet S. (Miss) 10 Marlborough st.. Boston 22017* Pierce, Josie W. Smith (Mrs Wm. B.) Hopedale 9082& Pierce, Katherine Collamore (Miss) 474 Beacon st., Boston 10089f7 Pierce, Louisa L. (Mrs Peter W.) 8 School st.. Brookline 2&297d Pierce, Martha Richardson Williams (Mrs A.) 21 Bank st., Attleboro 10088. Rogers, Harriot Calef (Mrs Allan) 22 Pleasant st., Gloucester 19848e Rogers, Helen M. (Miss) 16 Grand View ave., Somerville 26829/(. Rogers, Helen Stone (Mrs Fred) 21 Vine st., Roxbury 35855K5 Rogers, Henrietta Swain (Mrs Arthur D.) 200 Trenton st., E. Boston 16895P Rogers, Judith (Miss) .54 Middle st., Newburyport 15685rta Rogers, Mary E. (Miss) Vineyard Haven 32485fc Rogers, Nellie Frances (Mrs) 28 High st.', Worcester 110177 Rogers, Ruth W. (Mrs Thomas O.) 250 Commonwealth ave., Boston 2102 Rogerson, Anna Willard Hunnewell Terrace, Newton 23432dd Root, Jane Frances Wheelock (Mrs) Uxbridge 84:97K Root. Helen Minerva Brackenridge (Mrs Lewis F.) Court St., Westfield 2953017 Root, Jennie E. (Mrs John Allen) Pittsfield 1628272 Root, Julia R. (Mrs S. H.) "The Warren," Roxbury District, Boston 33380r Root, Margaret H. (Mrs) Methuen 12740f Roote, Idelle Bothwell (Mrs Clarence B.) Dryad's Green, Northampton 43587L Ross, Annie Mai-ia Hill (Mrs Edward Luther) Indian Orchard 5037* Rose, Arabella Barlow (Miss) Granville 28530^ Rose, Flora A. C. (Mrs James O.) Granville 11039f Rose, Grace H. Backus (Mrs Henry T.) 74 Bridge st., Northampton 1567372 Ross, Attalena Antoinette (Mrs Thomas E.) 114 Brook ave.. Roxbury. District, Boston 3151072 Ross, Caroline S. (Mrs G. E.) 192 Dartmouth St., Hotel Berkshire. Boston 9115g Rossi, Abbie Clapp (Mrs) 93 Montague st., Roxbury 19794.S Rossiter, Josephine L. (Miss) 25 Princeton St., E. Boston 8449& Rotch. Edith Eliot (Miss) 413 Beacon st., Boston 232837?. Rouk, Alice Pollock (Mrs Frank James) 683 Washington st., Brookline 2S475D Rowe, Alice Friend Proctor (Mrs A. E.) 63 Washingtoii St., Gloucester 18502r/ Rowe, Charlotte Eaton Willie (Mrs Edward) 34 Parker st., Chelsea 29510C Rowe, Lvdia Adams (IMrs William Dean) Medfield 7832L Rowell, Clara Webster (Mrs Edward T.) ..70 Methuen st., Lowell 1628172 Royce, Julia M. Lull (Mrs Lorin Henry) 5 Adelaide st., Jamaica Plain 33805Z Rugg, Fannie Webster (Mrs) ^ Medford Deborah Avery Chapter, Neb. * Mary Clapp Wooster Cl'.apttr, Cor.n MASSACHUSETTS. 273 21577ff Eugg, Emma Coolidge (Mrs William W.) 303 Mt. Auburn st., Watertown 36012' Euggles, Emeline (Miss) 24 Charles st., Wakefield 3600r Euggles, Marj- Kosamond (Miss) 24 Charles st., Wakelield 8432r Eumrill, Ellen W. (Miss) 74 Dale St., Eoxbury 8440r Eumrill, Sarah E. (Miss) 74 Dale St., Koxbury o92lT Euss, Carrie Hale (Mrs Willie E.) 7 Park Lane, Jamaica Plain 329227 Eussell, Alvira Gove (Mrs Albert H.) Methuen 23156(/ Eussell, Anna C. (Mrs George) Lowell 33369L Eussell, Emma M. (Mrs Asa Cole) 331 ^^ ilder St., Lowell 20394«. Eussell, Kate Maria Shumway (Mrs W^m. D.) High st., Turner's Falls 290277 Eussell, Laurana (Mrs Frank) Methuen 16199(/ Eussell, Leslie Josephine (Miss) Lowell 215515^ Eust, Alice Eliza Sackett (Mrs) 35 Webster ave., Springfitld 1713A: Eust, Minerva (Miss) 419 Walnut st., Springfield 180281/ Ej^der, Gertrude Yale -(Mrs Godfrey) 321 Pleasant st.. Maiden 11579 Eyder, Vena M. H. (Mrs James F.) temporarily^ 5 York ave., Eefton Park, Liverpool, Eng., Boston 6192r/ Eydingsvard, Anna von (Mrs Karl) Back Bay. Boston 29512/ Eymill, Mary Elizabeth Itussell (Mrs G. H.) 10 Perham st., W. Eoxbury 22078!^ Sacker, Mary Elizabeth Munn (Mrs Barker H.) 1479 Beacon st.. Boston 295417 Sails, Emma'^M. (Mrs James E.) Methuen 295427 Sails, Carrie L. (Miss) Methuen 34679« Salmon, Marj^ Chenerj' (Mrs William L.) Montague st.. Turner's Falls 15607(S' Sampson, Lucy Sophia (Miss) 61 Trenton st.. East Boston 272S6Z Sampson, Mary W. (Miss) 253 Salem st.. Medford 10514)S^ Samson, Louisa Emma Sampson (Mrs C. J.) 60 Trenton St., E. Boston 22054c Sanborn, Adaline Louise (Miss) 35 Prospect st., Somerville 115870 Sanborn, Fanny Margaret (Miss) 68 Upham st., Melrose 168207^ Sanderson, Edith Eodman (Miss) 27 Adams st., Charlestown 16819/t Sanderson, Martha A. Eodman (Mrs G. A.) 27 Adams st.. Charlestown 12749 Sanford, Elizabeth F. (Miss) 336 E. Merrimac St., Lowell 28469(/ Sanford, Helen Collins (Mrs Murray M.) 13 Ashland St., N. Adams 239807 Sanford, Irene Gertrude (Miss) " United States Hotel. Boston 227285: Sanford, Euth Dusenbury (Mrs Edwin' L.) Westfield 2028(7 Sanford, Sarah E. Page (Mrs) 301 Blue Hill ave., Dorchester 22120ee Sanger, Svisan JcAvell (Mrs George Partridge) "The Ludlow," Trinity Terrace, Boston 28463/ Sankey, Bethia Lothrop (Mrs Eichard W.) Cohasset 25301Z Sargeant, Catherine (Mrs Henry W.) 25 Curve St., Boston 284675: Sargent, Annie Louise Bisco (Mrs Joseph B.) 21 Cedar St., Worcester 204042/ Sargent, Araminta Dormer G. (Mrs G. W.) 401 Meridian st., E. Boston 22072? Sargent, Elizabeth Perkins (Mrs Samuel Aiken) Spring st., Brockton 150040 Sargent, Ella Ledyard (Mrs D. A.) W^est Newton 16920Z Sargent, Helen Frances Cooper (Mrs F. A.) 165 Spring st., Brockton 2390SZ Sargent, Lizzie Frances Makepeace (Mrs Clarence L.) North Eaynham 19802/;, Sargent, Lucy H. (Miss) 290 Broadway, Som'erville 9118f/ Sargent, Louise Peabody (Mrs Eodolphus C.) 298 High st., Medford 2102972 Sargent, Mary E. M. (Mrs Oliver Whittredge) 41 Carmel St.. Chelsea 23414Z? Sargent, Mary Eobeson (Mrs Charles Sprague) Brookline 18517i<; Saunders, Carrie H. (Miss) 1627 Massachusetts ave., Cambridge 3975 Saunders. Lucy Titsworth (Mrs Trueman W.) Williamstown 11932F Savage, Marj^ Caroline Smith (Mrs James Francis) 99 11th st., Lowell 34174& Saville, Anne Pierce Whittier (Mrs Huntington) 52 Shepherd st., Boston 1345322 Sawin, Mary Beal (Mrs William J.) 20 Newbury st., Boston 27633(0 Sawyer, Caroline Aiken (Miss) 48 Mt. Vernon st., Cambridge 14109^ Sawyer, Clara Allen (Miss) 11 Eoslyn st., Salem 9099/ Sawyer, Dorcas Ellen Barnes (Mrs Samuel L.) Danvers 1567872 Sawyer, E. Helen Bryant (Mrs Wm. F.) 349 Centre St., Jamaica Plain I 333667r Sawyer, Emma Frances (Mrs William H.)....45 Lociist st., Springfield 342107 Sawyer, Harriette M. (Mrs Wm. H.) Methuen 33370L Sawyer, Jennie H. (Mrs AValter) Chelmsford 35992* Sawyer, Mary B. (Mrs .Tames Madison) Cory Hill, Brookline 14108f Sawyer, Mary Eowell (Miss) 11 Eoslyn st., Salem 281287 Sawyer, Sarah Haskell (Mrs Daniel H.) 71 Pleasant st., Methuen Tioga Chapter, Pa. 18 274 DIKECTORY, D. A. R. 9603&5 Sawj'^er, Susie Winslow (Mrs Edmund H.) Lexington 252Q9dd Sayles, Emogene Cone (Mrs Herbert Eichard) Uxbridge 6539ZV^ Scaif e, Helen Amelia (Mrs Lawriston L.) Hingham 34171/j Scaife, Helen Sprague (Miss) 380 Marlborough st., Boston 2S995i> Schenck, Ellen Eastman (Mrs W. Herman) 465 Main st., Fitchburg 25560t Scott, Mary Dow (Mrs George R. W.) Newton 12767« Scott, Paulina Booth (Mrs Christopher) Montague 21555L Scribner, Carrie Alnette Davis (Mrs) 170 Westford st., Lowell 33797L Scribner, Flora I. (Mrs George A.) , 158 Westford st., Lowell 19226? Sears, Annie Frances Bonney (Mrs F. Irving) Whitman 16162& Sears, Edith Howland (Miss) 15 Gloucester st., Boston 16S187J Sears, Hannah M. (Mrs Eben) 25 Dartmouth st., Somerville 14107^ Sears, Jennie Porter White (Mrs George B.) Danvers 204067/ Sears, Lucy Adele (Mrs) 13 Arlington st., Boston 25742^ Sears, Susan Maria Johnson (Mrs) 63 Whittier st., Andover 28114^ Seaver, Jane Montgomery (Mrs George F.) 134 Winthrop st., Taunton 12779/ Seaver, Susan Hibbard (Mrs C. M.) 156 Bellevue st., W. Eoxbury 16940(r Seaward, Sarah Giles Low (Mrs Charles H.) 116 Orange st., Chelsea 22724S; Sedgwick. Julia Emoline Randall (Mrs John Scott) Palmer 175475^ Sedgwick, Mabel Julia (Miss) Palmer 12093f Sergeant, Helen C. (Miss) S2 Bridge st., Northampton 36237A; Sessions, Josephine Ufford (Mrs Waldo Eugene) 62 West st., Worcester 362387c Sessions, Mary Edith (Miss) ' 62 West St., Worcester 15329:i: Severance, Martha L. (Mrs William S.) 26 Main st., Greenfield 33778? Sharp, Ellen Elizabeth Deane (Mrs Alfred) Whitman 29513/ Shatswell, Mary C. (Mrs Harry K.) 24 Flora st.. West Roxbury 32119p Shattuck, Annie C. (Mrs Frederick D.) 89 Day st., Fitchburg 9091L Shattuck, Grace Carolyn Young (Mrs Elmer) Concord Junction 25735TF Shattuck, Katharine Robinson (Mrs) East Pepperell 32120p Shattuck, Marion Elizabeth (Miss) 89 Day st., Fitchburg 13404L Shattuck, Mary Anne (Miss) 78 Varney st., Lowell 21560P Shattuck, Mary Esther (Miss) 13 Tremont st., Newburyport 24696Tr Shattuck, Mary Lucinda (Mrs) Pepperell 22747Tl^ Shattuck, Mary Lucinda Parker (Miss) Pepperell • 16543/2 Shaw, Almira Elizabeth Lincoln (INIrs F.) 623 County st.. New Bedford 26080/1 Shaw, Amy Ann Renney (Mrs Charles W.) 47 Dartmouth st., Springfield 1502/? Shaw, Anna B. (Miss) Lenox 8443T' Shaw, Harriet Arline (Miss) "The Abbotsford," Boston 2732ee Shaw, Mary N. (Miss) Rockland 15635/? Shaw, Sophie Granger (Mrs De Witt Clinton) AVestfield 13418X Shearman, Garrie Howard (Miss) 623 Rock st.. Fall River 215CAU Shedd, Louise Pitcher (Mrs Horace E.) 112 East st., Pittsfield 28994P Sheddon, Ellen L. Snell (Mrs Elijah) 80 Mechanic st., Fitchburg 123He Shepard, Abbie Bennett (Mrs James E.) 20 Lowell st., Lawrence 16889/?: Shepard, Addie Ellina (Miss) Westfield 928o Shepard, Charlotte M. (Miss) 14 Wyoming ave., Melrose 246957' Shepard, Mary I. (Mrs) 280 Beacon st., Boston 14984/7 Shepard, Harriet Ripley Fisher (Mrs Calvin) Edgartown 14927?* Shepherd, Florence Creighton (Miss).. 102 Walnut st., S. Framingham 36267/' Sheridan, Mabel Salome Banks (Mrs Charles F.). .44 Seventh st., Lowell 14950P Sherman, Martha Gertrude Greene (Mrs W. F.) 114 Youle st., Melrose 16206C' Shermon, Annie Elma (Mrs Frank M.) 11 Fairview Terrace, W. Newton 16787* Shiek, Harriet Lyla Smith (Mrs Frank N.) 1 Crown st.. Worcester 33795JI Shillingford, Josephine W. L. (Mrs H. W.) 59 Spring st., Springfield 8143 Shippee, Caroline Miller Clapp (Mrs Charles W.) 254 Main St., Milford 8115 Shippen, Bessie Herrick Blount (Mrs Eugene) Dorchester 289S0f Shores, Mabel D. (Mrs Harvey Towle) 177 Elm st., Northampton 1925SP Short, Abigail (Miss) ' High st., Newbury 14103L Short, Jane Howard (Mrs Josiah E., Jr.) 45 Royal St., Lowell 22103P Short, Ruth I. (Miss) High st., Newbury 20553 Shuart, Nella Phillips (Mrs Wm. Herbert) 119 Mulberry st., Springfield 239912 Shultis, Katie D. (Mrs Mark) 311 Winthrop st., Medford 28112/7 Shumway, Flora Frances (Mrs Herbert H.) Chestnut st., Taunton t flaspee Chapter, R. I. t Brattleboro Chapter, Vt. Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter, Me. MASSACHUSETTS. 275 Shumway, Margaret B. (Mrs George A.) Warren Shumway, Lizzie E. (Mrs Franklin P.) 95 Hillside ave., Melrose Shute, Harriet Newell (Mrs James G.) 20 Burroughs st., Jamaica Plain Sillowa}', Carrie INI. (Mrs George W.) 8 Barker St., Methuen Silsbee, Alice M. (Mrs Homer Merrill) 43 Main st., Watertown Silver, Abbie M. (Mrs) ■ 45 Palmer st., Roxbury Silver, Katie T. Jordan (Mrs Fayette O.) . . . .6 Hawthorne Place, Boston Simmonds, Ella A. (Miss) "The Majiles," Stoughton Simmons, Annie Clark (Airs Walter S.) Holbrook Simmons, Eliza T. (Miss) 31 Ivy st., Boston Simmons, Elizabeth Flagg (Mrs E. F.) 206 Commonwealth ave., Boston Simmons, Laura A. (Miss) 55 Florida St., Springfield Simonds, Eineline Bridge (Mrs Calvin) 34 Walker st., Charlestown Simonds, Helen E. (Aliss) Methuen Simonds, Mary Adelaide (]\Iiss) 2 Marion Terrace, Brookline Simpson, Adeline Eloise Keith (Mrs Harry J.) 99 Babcock st., Brookline Simpson, Caroline Emma (Miss) 51 Babcock st., Brookline Simpson, Harriet Peaselee C. (Mrs G. W.) 51 Babcock st., Brookline Simpson, Maria E. A. (Mrs Henry D.) 2 Chandler St., Boston Skelton, Henrietta Bood3^ (Mrs Edward O.) 44 Intervale st., Roxbury Skinner, Katharine (Miss) 247 Pine st., Holj'oke Skinner. Ruth Isabel (Miss) 247 Pine st., Holyoke Slack, Addie Howard (Mrs E. A.) cor Harvard & Marion sts., Brooldine Slade, Josephine H. D. (Mrs Albion K., Jr.) 23S W. Emerson St., Melrose Slater, Nellie Wills (Mrs Arthur H.) 1939 Middlesex St., Lowell Slocum, Harriet Olivia (Mrs Edward Tinker) Pittsfield Small, Alice J. (Mrs Warren J.) 82 Pearl st., Charlestown Small, Grace Stoddard (Mrs Solon Bartlett) Thatcher st., Mattapan Small, Inez Valette (Mrs Charles T.) 42 Crescent ave.. Maiden Small, Lillian Hortense (Miss) 102 Chandler st., Boston Smart, Henrietta P. Wixon (Mrs Wm. B.) 11 Allston st., Dorchester Smead, Eleanor Ward (Mrs William Merrill) 11 Franklin St., Greenfield Smilej^ Norah F. (Mrs Frederick J.) 39 Bacon st.. Waltham Smith, A. Louise (Mrs .7. E.) AVorcester Smith, Abbie Baylies (Mrs Charles C.) Edgartown Smith, Abb3' Frances Wheeler (Mrs Julius Michael) Concord Smith, Alice Gaffield Wilder (Mrs Frank L.) 220 Marlborough st., Boston Smith, Anjeanette K. (Mrs Albert E.) 96 Woodlawn st., Worcester Smith, Annie Maria Hiixford (Mrs Holmes W.) Edgartown Smith, Catherine M. (ISIrs Freeman J.) Billerica Smith, Carrie Ella (Miss) 83 Eden st., Charlestown Smith, Cora Haven (Mrs Clarence Bolton) . . . .1064 Beacon st., Brookline Smith, Elizabeth Deborah (Mrs) 1632 Dorchester ave., Dorchester Smith, Elizabeth H. (Mrs Joshua Snow) *. .Rockland Smith, Elizabeth Rapelye (Mrs Albert Reuben) N. Adams Smith, Emma Griscom (Mrs Clement L.) 614 Sparke st., Cambridge Smith, Estelle J. Dickinson (Mrs Henry M.) 69 N. Main St., Springfield Smith, Florence Alton (Miss) . Vineyard Haven Smith, Gertrvide Daniels P. (Mrs H. F.) 115 Prospect st., Gloucester Smith, Grace Piatt (Mrs E. R.) Cottage City Smith, Hannah Webster (Mrs Jeremiah) 4 Berkeley st., Cambridge Smith, Helen G. (Miss) 537 Walnut st.. Fall River Smith, Tzette Bartell R. (Mrs Hervey C.) 10 Orchard st., Gloucester Smith, Janet Worthen (Mrs Joseph) 752 Merrimac st., Lowell Smith, Josephine Amolairde (Miss) 27 BoAvdone st., Springfield Smith, Lizzie Adams (Miss) 17 High st., Newburyport Smith, Louise M. (Miss) 52 E. Haverhill st., Lawrence Smith, Lucy Hunt (Mrs James M.) 73 South st., Northampton Smith, Lucy S. (Miss) Easthampton Smith, Lydia Ann Baker (Mrs Uriah C.)....105 Belcher ave., Brockton Smith, Lydia Bunker Folger (Mrs William Henry H.) ... .Nantucket Smith, Maria R. (Mrs George W.) 52 E. Haverhill st., Lawrence Smith, Marianna S. (Miss) Clifton Smith, Marion Andrews (Miss) Enfield t Brattleboro Chapter, Vt. * Margery Sullivan Chapter, N. H. 276 DIEECTOKY, D. A. R. 15686«« Smith, Martha Adeline (Mrs Presbury L.) Vineyard Haven 35315/i Smith, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) ' 83 Eden st., Charlestown 29537aa Smith, Mary Hallett (Mrs Gilbert Lawrence) Vineyard Haven 8498^: Smith, Mary Pomeroy Abbe (Mrs W. A.) 159 State st., Springfield 2969 Smith, Mary White (Mrs S. F.) NeAvton Centre 26428f Smith, Maud Williams (]\[rs W. A.) Goshen 12771fc Smith, May Montgomery (Mrs Charming) Cherrv Valley 11051^ Smith, Minnie Abbie Sturtevant (Mrs J. B.) 52 Mattoon St., Springfield 13432/i Smith, Prudence Barnard (INIrs Joseph) Colerain 4570a Smith, Sara W. Winthrop (Miss) P. O. Box 241, Nantucket 26835? Smith, Sarah Augusta Grot on (Mrs George J.) Brockton 26830(? Smith, Susan Joanna (Miss) 221 School st., Revere 29511J Smith, Winnifred (Miss) Amherst 14947L Smith, Zenette G. (Mrs Charles) 210 Pawtucket st., Lowell 29030r Snell, Elizabeth Jones (Mrs Cyrus Coral) Methuen 29927(7 Snelling, Martha Lincoln (Miss) 14 Forsyth st., Chelsea 25738f/= Snow, Bertha Home (Mrs Walter B.) Russell five., Watertown 4547£; Snow, Ellen Louise Cooley (Mrs Charles Isaac) Westfield 16938 Snow, Hannah Elizabeth (Mrs Frances W.)...'...29 Garden St., Chelsea 14990P Snow, Lucy Anne (Mrs George W.) 122 High st., Newburvport 29018TF Snow, Mary Ella Marcy (Mrs Henry Edgar) N. Cambridge 31698* Snyder, Frances A. (Miss) .' Williamstown 23155B Sohier, Elizabeth P. (Miss) 79 Beacon st., Boston 5138 Somers, Harriet Parker (Mrs Frank D.) ....Salisbury Road, Brookline 32515/S Somes, Katherine P. (Mrs James R.) 306 Lake ave., Newton Highlands 18516((7 Soule, Annie Manson (Mrs Charles W.) Box 373, E. Wevmouth 23909? Soule, Frances Hobart (Mrs Abisha) Hanover 29014?^ Soule, Harriet Louise (Mrs Allen Pelatiah) Hingham 20984? Soule, Mary A. (Mrs William T.) 92 Washington st., Abington 34678? Soule, Mary J. Bonney (Mrs Amasa S.) 35 Chestnut St., Brockton 26833/ Souther, Mehitable c! Hartwell (Mrs Andrew J.) Cohasset 14544/" Southwick, Marj' Louise (Mrs Elbridge G.) 41 Elm st., Northampton 7512^ Spalding, Elizabeth Clark (Mrs John J.) 75 Sparks st., Cambridge 4551]V^ Spalding, Ella Elizabeth Drew (Mrs Samuel H.) Hingham 71776 Spalding, Mary Evans (Mrs Francis Rollin) Manchester 17565L Spalding, Sarah Rebecca (Miss) 275 Pawtucket st., Lowell 290170 Sparrow, Ethel Hoffman (Miss) 18 Meacham st., W. Somerville 29016Q Sparrow, Maria D. (Mrs Edmund S.) IS Meacham st., W. Somerville 19282m Spaulding, Hattie M. (Mrs William R.) Worcester 123200 Spaulding, Mary Clark (Miss) 120 Green st., Melrose, Highlands 15589/= Spelman, Olive 'N. (Mrs Onslow G.) Williamsburg 30332f/ Spinney, Martha Abigail (Miss) 22 Jerome st., Dorchester 32105& Spooner, Catherine Codman (Mrs Henrj^ G.)....76 Chestnut st.. Boston 34197V gpooner, Emily W. (Miss) 57 Pearl st., Springfield 2687ir Spooner, Helen F. (Mrs) Methuen 290297 Spooner, Helen Mason (Miss) Methuen 3420^: Spooner, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 57 Pearl st., Springfield 4553V Spooner, Marion R. (Mrs J. W.) Hingham 26091T Spooner, Pauline F. (Mrs D. W.) Maverick House, E. Boston 27638?/ Sprague, Anna Osgood (Mrs Charles W^.) 22 Phipps ave.. Roxbuj-y 34704P Sprague, Caroline Luella Towne (Mrs Wm. Dudlej-) Dummer Acad- emy, S. Byfield 10092? Sprague, Elizabeth R. (Mrs F. P.) 229 Commonwealth ave., Boston 31506V Sprague, Grace E. W. (Miss) Hingham Centre 15654C Sprague, Jennie Starbuck (Mrs C. H.) 95 Central st., Auburndale 11018T Sprague, Mary E. (Mrs George H.) 250 Commonwealth ave.. Boston 29902r Sprague, Myra Moore (Miss) Saxtonville 36268i^ Sprague, Rachael Libby (Miss) 57 Willow st., Lowell 36266F Sprague, Susan Frances, (Mrs Levi Kirk) 67 Willow st., Lowell lS498?t Spring, Mary Louise Sinclair (Mrs John Carej^ Kent st.. Brookline 10035? Spurr, Lucy Adelaide Freeman (Mrs W. A.) 38 Howard Place, Brockton 7208^: Squier, Cora May Bigelow (Mrs A. O.) "Hotel Russell," Springfield 9638Z) Stacj-, Jane Parker (Mrs George O.) Angle st., Gloucester 10541V Stafford, Ella Flint (Mrs Foster M.) 520 Rock st.. Fall River 2117fl« Stafford, Harriet R. Perry (Mrs Samuel Bryant) Wellesley Hills Mohawk Chapter, N. Y. SEASSACHUSETTS. 277 Stanton, Eliza A. (Mrs Henry Ellsworth) Huntington Stanwood, Audrey W. (Miss) 3222 Tappan st., Brookline Stanwood, Louie Eogers (Miss) 527 Beacon st., Boston Stapleford, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs James Wesley) Edg-artown Staples, Estelle Breed (Miss) 16 Vernon st., Waltham Staples, Mary Harrington (Mrs Frank W.) 16 Vernon st., Waltham Staples, Olive Ednah Wiggin (Mrs) 55 Franklin st., Lowell Stark, Elizabeth Allison (Miss) 38 Linnaean St., Cambridge Stark, Julia A. (Miss) Edgartown Stark, Sarah Lavinia Weeks (Mrs W. F.) 38 Linnaean st., Cambridge Starr, E. Genevieve (Mrs Charles F.) 157 Walnut st., Brookline Starr, Helen E. (Miss) 24 Beacon st., Boston Starr, Martha Knowlton (Miss) 24 Beacon st., Boston Start, Cora Angeline (Miss) "Waldo House," Worcester Stearns, Abby C. (Mrs Charles A.) Church st., W^atertown Stearns, Alice K. (Mm Thomas) 4 Parke Lane, Jamaica Plain Stearns, Helen Shaw (Miss) 31 Pleasant st., Brookline Stearns, Idella Enesteen (Mrs G. M.) 57 Washington ave., Chelsea Stearns, Marion Howe (Miss) 265 Harvard st., Brookline Stearns, Mary E. Kittredge (Mrs W. F.) Amherst Stearns, Minnie Jones (Mrs Henry Otis) Melrose st., S. Framingham Stearns, S. Louisa (Miss) 5 Holden st., Brookline Stedman, Mabel (Miss) South st., Brookline Stedman, Miriam White (Miss) 224 Marlborough st., Boston Steese, Ellen Sturtevant (Mrs Edward) Gardner Road, Brookline Sterling, Ella Francis Clapp (Mrs Frederick I.) Quincey Sterrett, Josephine Quarrier (Mrs J. E. S.) Amherst Stevens, Adelia W. (Mrs Edwin) ■ Lynn Stevens, Alice Nichols (Mrs Jonathan T.) Park st., Lowell Stevens, Ann Julia (Mrs Thomas M.) Anawan ave., W. Roxbury Stevens, Catherine (Mrs Oliver) • 283 Beacon st., Boston Stevens, Ella Harriet (Miss) 71 Howard st., Lowell Stevens, Harriet Josephine (Miss) Methuen Stevens, Julie Burnett Smith (Mrs Oliver C.)....365 Beacon st., Boston Stevens, Lydia Phillips (Miss) 29 Graj^ st., Cambridge Stevens, Mary Bradford Gooding (Mrs 'Charles F.) Worcester Stevens, Mary E. Ward (Mrs Joseph Wells) 10 Franklin st., Greenfield Stevens, Marj- Elizabeth (^liss) Methuen Stevens, Mary Folger (Miss) Tyler Park, Lowell Stevens, Mary Kittredge (Miss) 105 Ingersoll Grove, Springfield Stevens, Mary Louise (Mrs Frederick T.)..6 Holvoke Place, Cambridge Stevens, Mary S. (Mrs Solon W.) 58 Tyler Park, Lowell Stevens, Sarah Elizabeth Tyler (Mrs S. W.) 18 Harvard st.. Winchester Stevenson, Hattie Cooley (Mrs John McA.) 28 Reed st., Pittsfield SteA-enson, Helen B. (Miss) 41 Princeton st., E. Boston Stevenson, Helen L. (Mrs J. Henry) 41 Princeton st.. East Boston Stevenson, J. Estelle (Miss) 41 Princeton st., E. Boston Stevenson, Seraph Huldah (Mrs John McA.) 55 West Housatonic St.. Pittsfield Stevenson, Sarah Pease Goodman (Mrs W. C.) 135 South st., Pittsfield Stillings, Evelyn Allen Severance (Mrs) 205 St. Botolph st., Boston Stimpson, Isaljelle B. (Mrs Henrj^ Q.) 24 Sachem st.. Lvnn Stimpson, Mary Stoyell (Mrs Charles W.) 123 St. Botolph st., Boston Stockton. Ethel (Miss) 390 Beacon st.. Boston Stockwell, .Jane Seaver (ISlrs Stillman) Petersham Road, Athol Stoddard, Lillie Franklin Crane (Mrs Walter J.) North Scituate Stoddard, Louise Jane (Mrs Alphonso) 86 Jackson st., Lawrence Stoddard, Mary H. (Mrs John L.) West Newton Stoddard, Nellie Lillian (Miss) 86 Jackson st., Lawrence Stoddard, Pauline Cady (Mrs Chauncey) West Newton Stoddard, Sarah Newhall S. (Mrs Henry) 625 Main st., Springfield Stoddard, Susannah Lucretia (Miss) Cohasset t Ruth Wyllis Chapter, Conn. t Vassal' College Chapter, N. Y. § Bellevue Chapter, Vt. * General Knox Chapter, Maine. T Saranac Chapter, N. Y. 278 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 28468Z Stone, Abby Annah. Locke (Mrs James B.) 185 Vernon st., Worcester 65362V Stone, Elizabeth B. (Mrs Henry W.) Hingham 33766& Stone, Ethel Florence (Miss) 71 Strathmore Eoad, Boston 32961t Stone, Georgia Augusta Clifford (Mrs) ' Whitman 2812017 Stone, Isabel J. (Mrs John B.) 18 W. Housatonic st., Pittsfield 110655: Stone, Josephine Eliza Hamilton (Mrs C. A.) 176 Pearl st., Springfield 24c706ff Stone, Josie Hall (Mrs Frank M.) 5 Bigelow ave., Watertown 22215$ Stone, Sallie Wood Oliphant (Mrs Frederick Paige) Otter River 5822K Stone, Sarah Davis B. (Mrs Harlan P.) 176 Pearl st., Springfield 149635 Storms, Lucretia Piobinson (Mrs William Eodolphus) cor. Mill and Svimmer sts., New Bedford 5497 Storrow, Caroline M. (Mrs Edward Cabot) 47 Hereford st., Boston 15627V Storrs, Maria (Miss) 120 Aspinwall ave., Brookline 65350 Story, Ellen M. Howard (Mrs) 132 Pleasant st., Newton Centre 6201f Story, Helen Elmira E. (Mrs Edwin B.) . .. .Dryad's Green, Northampton 1764S; Stowe, Lena Gertrude (Miss) 66 Federal st., Springfield 35346J Stowell, Helen Hubbard (Mrs J.) Amherst 15726E' Strange, Annie Virginia (Miss) 194 Somerset ave., Taunton 10480?t Stratton, Edith Augusta (Miss) 18 Prospect st., Greenfield 11570n Stratton, Ellen Augusta Sawyer (Mrs E. A.) 18 Prospect st., Greenfield 22726ir Stratton, Helen S. (Mrs J. D.) 23 Holyoke st., Springfield 10481?( Stratton, Lena Sophia (Miss) 18 Prospect st., Greenfield 34201Z Street, Sarah Adelaide Wheeler (Mrs W. W.) 62 Mill st., Springfield 7517J\'' Stringer, M. J. Millet (Mrs Oscar Hobart) Hingham llOSOJS: Sturtevant, Julia Emeline Bemis (Mrs W. F.) 68 Elliot st.. Springfield 13447.S Sullivan, Mary Ballard Cline (Mrs F. E.) 26 Monmouth st.. East Boston 20978fl. Swain, Anna G. (Miss) 73 Perkins st.. .W. Newton 14553R Swain, Aurora D. (Mrs Samuel Budd) 405 Marlborough st., Boston 16907 Swain, Caroline Tiffany Dyer (Mrs J. S.) 119 Hillman ave.. New Bedford 14554iJ Swain, Elizabeth Day (Miss) 405 Marlborough st., Boston 285147 Swan, Bessie M. (Miss) Methuen 28528(? Swan, Etta Augusta (Miss) 2 Franklin ave., Chelsea 34694G' Swan, Josephine Mary Rogers (Mrs Wm. Locker) 161 Bloomingdale St., Chelsea QSOlni Swan, Loiiise Murdock (Mrs Walter S.) 19 Everett st., Cambridge 285157 Swan, Sarah Elizabeth Tjder (Mrs Leverett) Methuen 23426TF Swasey, Mary Colburn (Mrs Charles H.) East Pepperell 358636& Swasey, Mitta Davis Piper (Mrs Edward Eenwick) Southampton 1567672 Sweat, Nettie Adine (INIrs) 50 Dennis st., Eoxbury District, Boston 16891Z Sweet, Clara Maria (Miss) 2 Maple st., Springfield 36299 12716f; 3976§ 295240 13413L 21592ff 4542b 14144r 19841 34685(7 13677t 6790& 2110fe 5763 23934^: 33339fc 284735 192440 16288i2 1629172 33807^ 1628912 24705/=/= 29935 34172?) 19283h( 5923 2327^: 24704ff 276076 35336?/ 15605¥ 162037 27645^ 3379110 185007; 2643310 6808 »; 7821& 11935 7S36L 16927C/ 149520 9644B 26094S 358500 7206L 36250T 21556L 1422K 30342?/ 220960 iioesff Whidden, Annie Avery (Mrs Thomas Mar\in) Winthrop st., W. Newton Whipple, Cornelia E. (Mrs Frank) Danvers Whitaker, Lillian (Miss) 59 Washington are., Winthrop Whitcomb, Emma Caroline Clark (Mrs H. J.) 302 Union st., Springfield White, Alice L. (Mrs Walter Harris) 11 Perkins ave., Maiden White, Achsah P. (Mrs B. Loring) 23 Forest ave., W. Xewton White, Amy Earl (Miss) 54 Dean st., Attleboro White, Belle Piatt (M. D.) (Mrs Leander W.) 313 State st., Springfield White, Clara Agnes (Miss) 38 E. Qiiincv st., N. Adams White, Esther Sargent (Mrs Lloyd Everett) 5 Spring st., Tannton White, Evelina Davis (Mrs) Acton White, Gertrude K. (Miss) 213 Commonwealth ave., Boston White, Gertrude Steese (Mrs Norman H.) 60 Gardner Iload, Brookline White, Hannah M. (Mrs Joseph) Williamstown WTiite, Harriet Wetherbee (Mrs Winthrop F.) Concord White, Maria Crosby (Mrs William H.) 250 Nesmith st., Lowell White, Mary A. (Mrs William) 11 5th ave., Watertown White, Olivia A. Eichardson (Mrs C. J.) 259 Marlborough st., Boston White, Sarah E. (Mrs Elisha M.) Salem st., Framingham White, Sarah Elcidania (Mrs Joseph) North Hanson White, Susan Malvina (Miss) 38 E. Quincy st.. North Adams Whitehead, Mary A. (Mrs John) Waltham Whiteside, Adeline H. Cheever (Mrs George S.) 323 Beacon st., Boston Whiteside, Eleanor Anne (Mrs Alexander) 6 Newbury st., Boston Whithed, Sylvina (Miss) 105 Inman st., Cambridgeport Whiting, Anna M. (Mrs William) Holyoke Whiting, Mary E. (Miss) Oakdale Whitney, Georgiana Hay ward (Mrs J. C.) 232 Marlborough st., Boston Whitmore, Edith Permelia Farley (Mrs H.) Sterling st., W. Newton Whitmore, Emma F. (Miss) 614 E. 9th st.. South Boston Whitmore, Frances Annie (Miss) 614 E. 9th st.. South Bosjon Whitmore, Grace Wolcott (Miss) 47 Clifford st., Roxbury Whitmore, Helen R. (Miss) 193 Huntington ave., Boston Whitney, Alice G. (Mrs Charles E.) 123 Main st., WatertoAvn Whitney, Anna E. (Miss) Lancaster Whitney, Catherine (Miss) 39 Carlton st., Longwood Whitney, Ella D. (Mrs Francis) 150 Hammond st., Waltham Whitney, Margaret F. G. (Mrs Henry M.) Cohasset Whitney, Maria Moseley (Mrs Alonzo H.) Westfield Whitney, Minetta Josephine (Mrs Arthur H.) 8 Whites ave., Watertown Whitney, Ruth Bowman (Miss) 107 Commonwealth ave., Boston Whitney, Statira Given (Mrs John W. P.) 56 Wyoming ave.. Melrose Whiton, Helen (Mrs Starkes) Hingham Whittaker, Emily Louise (Mrs Yalmore A.) 14 Quincy st., N. Adams Whittemore, Carrie Eva Colton (Mrs Edgar Clement) West Springfield Whittemore, Evelyn Bullard (Mrs C. A.) 190 Brattle st., Cambridge Whittemore, Grace Sinclair (Mrs P. W.) Lake ave., West Newton Whittemore, Isabella Stewart (Mrs W. R.) 36 Irving st., Cambridge Whittemore, Mary J. (Miss) 7 Holyoke Place, Cambridge Whittier, Cornelia Faxon (Miss) 647 Boylston st., Boston Whittier, Gertrude Boyden (Mrs Nelson) 26 Talbot st., Lowell Whittier, Helen Augu'sta (Miss) 50 Chelmsford st., Lowell Whittlesey, Caroline B. (Mrs William A.) Pittsfield Whittredge, Annie Elizabeth (Mrs E. H.) 5 Berkeley st., Lawrence WhitwelL Marv Crowninshield (Mrs F. A.) 113 Marlborough st., Boston Wickson, Henrietta Marie Woods (Mrs E. E.) SO Blue Hill ave.. Boston Wiggin, Annie May (j\Iiss) 8 Ashland st., Melrose Highlands Wiggin, Hannah M. Bobbins (Mrs William H.) 86 Willis st., Lowell Wiggin, Lavinia Webster (Mrs) 54 Marlboro st., Newton Wiggin, Mary Nutting (Mrs Burton H.) 55 Harvard st.. Lowell Wight. Jane Adaline ^Eaton (Mrs H. K.) Indian Orchard Wilbar, Sara Esther (Miss) Bridgewater Wilbur, AL^bel (Miss) W. Newtoii Wilcox, Efiie Mav (Miss) 148 Carew st., Springfield § Miriam Danforth Chapter, D. C. t Urbana Chapter, Ohio. MASSACHUSETTS. 285 2382* 28113£' 2439A' 10070Z 20393m 3]505il/ 13398/ 30344/ 9107D 192S5Hi- 12782/ 13401/ 215990 22126ff 4555iV^ 27615 23415^: 18544jEJ 32512W 15734/; 18579/2 13433V 15735/; 15730£? 328945: 10519ee 11933L 34191J 20425^1/ 6788b 15732/; 15731/; 15733/; 11578P 16898P 36303d 36304d 16538 26439/* 57Sir 22738L 27291ff 20409J/ 22125/^/= 1804017 18564/? 18563i7 23970/? 32503/i: 35318/1 9612&& 11584/ 23933/ 15679r 23920V 21530O 24682» 16845(/ 16926C7 33365:; lS012f 10546X Wilcox, Lois Mygatt (Mrs John Fleming) Boston Wilcox, Ida May (Mrs William Young) Segregansett Wilcox, Mary S. Howland (Mrs Henry L.) 97 Catherine st., Sprtngfield A\ild, Helen T. (Miss) 28 Main st., ^Medford ^^ ilder, Alice M. (Miss) 118 Chestnut st., Waltham Wilder, Bertha M. Eipley (Mrs Wesley Morrill) 6 Coral st., Lowell Wilder, Helen (Miss) 34 Elm st., Jamaica Plain Wilder, Laura (Mis-s) 22 Burroughs st., Jamaica Plain Wilder, Mary Emma (Miss) 25 Prospect Square, Gloucester Wilder, Mary S. (Mrs Ambrose S.) 1018 Chestnut st., Waltham Wilder, Eebekah Jane (Mrs Edward Francis) 34 Elm st., Jamaica Plain Wildes, Laura (Miss) Centre st., W. Roxbury Wilkins, Hattie A. (Miss) 1582 James ave., Boston Willard, Bial Wellman (Miss) 16 Hawthorne st., Watertown Willard, Susan Barker (Miss) Hingham Wllley, Henrietta Shapleigh (Miss) 124 Appleton st., Lowell Williams, Annie E. (Mrs John A.) Segregansett Williams, Bertha Frances Walker (Mrs John Gilmore) 48 Somerset ave., Taunton Williams, Carrie Isabel (Miss) Groton Williams, Charlotte Amelia (Miss) 43 Ingell st., Taunton Williams, Elizabeth Allen Paine (Mrs F. A.) 331 Waltham st., W. Newton Williams, Elizabeth Whitney (Mrs A. Jr.) Buckminster Road, Brookline Williams, Emily Catherine (Miss) Berkeley st., Taunton Williams, Hannah Louise Standish (Mrs S. E.) 154 Berkeley st., Taunton Williams, Hattie Woods (Mrs Wm. Austin) Worcester Williams, Helen (Miss) 15 Arlington st.. Boston Williams, Josephine A. (Miss) 100 Livingstone ave., Lowell W^illiams, Lizzie Draper (Mrs J. E.) Amherst Williams, Rosalie Agnes (Miss) 100 Livingston ave., Lowell Williams, Ruth (Miss) 304 Commonwealth ave., Boston Williams, Sarah Bradford (Miss) 43 Ingell st., Taunton Williams, Sarah E. (Miss) W. Water st., Taunton Williams, Sophia Pitts (Miss) W. Water st., Taunton Wills, Edith Russell (Miss) 31 Green st., Newburyport Wills, Mary E. (Mrs George E.) 31 Green st., Newburvport Wilmarth, Elizabeth J. (Miss) 73 N. Main st., Attleboro Wilmarth, Harriette L. (Miss) 73 N. ISIain st., Attleboro Wilson, Emily Kate Newcomb (Mrs Francis Asbury) Lanark Road, Ward 25, Boston Wilson, Grace Thurlow (Mrs Albert P.) 15 Horton st., Newburyport Wilson, Harriet Frances (Miss) 122 St. Botolph st., Boston Wilson, Harriet N. Straw (Mrs Edwin T.) 48 6th st., Lowell Wilson, Ida Worcester (Mrs George Levi) Fayette st., Watertown Wilson, Lucy Maria Smith (Mrs George) 19 Revere Road, Quincy Wilson, Mary Caroline (Miss) 143 Main st., Watertown Wilson, Olivia Lovell (Mrs H. Neill) Pittsfield Wimpenney, Emma Retin£\ Silva (Mrs Littleton Cook) Edgartown Wimpenney, Lena Leota Beetle (Mrs Harry Littleton) Edgartown Winch, Ellen M. Belknap (Mrs) Westborough Winslow, Alice Marana Walkley (Mrs George W.) 26 Bush st., Westfield Winslow, Bertha Lucenia Russell (Mrs Samuel Ellsworth) Leicester Winslow, Emily B. (Mrs Joseph W.) Enfield Winslow, Helen M. (Miss) 52 Atherton st., Egleston Sq., Boston Winslow, Mary A. (Miss) 52 Atherton st., Egleston Sq., Boston Winslow, Mary Addle Frances (Mrs E. M.) 293 Marlborough st., Boston Winsor, Linda Kennard (Mrs Alfred) Walnut st., Brookline Wise, Grace Nichols (Mrs Daniel Parker) 139 Webster st.. Maiden Witherbee, Adelaide Bigelow (Mrs C. F.) 42 Greenville st., Somerville Witherell, Anna E. Richmond (Mrs A. J.) 11 Church st., N. Adams Withington, Alfreda Bosworth (Miss) Pittstield Withington, Mary B. (Mrs Augustus H.) 26 Rutland Sq., Boston Witter, Ruth (Miss) Clark School, Round Hill, Northampton Wixon, Susan H. (Miss) 413 High St., Fall River * Pittsburg Chapter, Pa. 286 DIEECTOKY, D. A. R. 907ee 295165: 21566t7 S487Z) 8486D 9626L 5301t 28998P 75 15 JO 284720- 21003iA^ 45630 7205L 18584 22056e 9624|| 9134(J 11561b6 3o847». 22095 C 28516Y 5895* 5129?(; 32107/ 32108f 19826(? 5135r 127570 257317? 15736^; 21593ff 11540s 30347L 3034SL 29004t(J 22128ee 23904<7 315070 14985ff 16875H 16176/1 14982ff 29518L 7493T 32513TF 239405: 3529S1I 23159!< 15666^ 14881§ 29000P 13933C7 14948L 192S4/U 22079H5 35S61A' 10543X 10542X 31486P Wolcott, Edith Prescott (Mrs Eoger) 173 Commonwealth ave., Boston Wolcott, Sarah Amelia (Mrs George Morris) Holyoke Wolfe, Minnie H. (Miss) Pittsfield Wonson, Marietta Merchant (Miss) 142 E. Main st., Gloucester Wonson, Mary A. Parkhurst (Mrs John P.) 142 E. Main st., Gloucester Wood, Abby Abbott (Mrs Horatio) 174 Liberty st., Lowell Wood, Alice Grout (Mrs H. Holton) 284 Walnut St., Brookline Wood, Clara M. (Miss) Kimball Road, W. Pitchburg Wood, Elizabeth A. E. (Mrs Edward S.) 50 Commonwealth ave., Boston Wood, Elizabeth Carpenter (Miss) 44 Cypress st., Brookline Wood, Elizabeth Lowell Hancock (Mrs C. H.) 25 Davis St., Brookline Wood, Ellen S. (Mrs James B.) Concord Wood, Grace Abbott (Miss) 174 Liberty st., Lowell Wood, Helen Minerva Borden (Mrs J. Addison) Townsend Harbor Wood, Katherine Walker (Miss) 14 Greenville st., Somerville Wood, Mary Earl (Mrs Frederick A.) 295 Pawtucket st., Lowell Wood, Sarah Spring (Mrs Ephraim A.) 130 St. Botolph st., Boston Wood, Susan Ann Brimhall (Mrs Hiram Nelson) E. Whately Woodard, Sarah E. Meriam (Mrs' Harding G.) Greenfield Woodbridge, Adele Taylor (Mrs Samuel H.) W. Newton Woodbury, Harriette E. (Mrs George E.) Methuen • Woodbury, Ida Woody Summer (Mrs C. A.) 14 Church st., Newton Woodman, Mary (Miss) 9 Kirkland Place, Cambridge Woodruff, ISIartha Charlieana (Miss) 79 West st., Northampton Woodruff, Mary Alvira (Miss) 79 West st., Northampton Woods, Harriette Frances (Miss) Winthrop ave.. Revere Woodside, Annie Laurie Thomas (Mrs C. L.) 27 Appleton st.. Maiden Woodward, Alice E. (Mrs Frank Ernest) 37 Rockland ave.. Maiden Woodward, Amy Knowlton (Mrs John Anson). . .66 Bowdoin st., Boston Woodward, Caroline Phillips (Mrs George M.)....45 Union st., Taunton Woodward, Mary D. (Mrs Charles W.) Hunt st., Watertown Woodwell, Lucy Elizabeth (Miss) 47 Monmouth st., E. Boston Woodworth, Amy F. Whittemore (Mrs Henry P.) 14 Oakland st., Lowell Woodworth, Lucia Brooks (Mrs Artemiis B.) 15 Hawthorn st., Lowell Woodworth, Mabel Campbell (Mrs Ralph) 15 Buena Vista Park, North Cambridge Woodworth, Sara Elizabeth Campbell (Mrs Alfred S.) 204 Common- wealth ave., Boston Worcester, Bertha Gordon (Miss) 38 Converse ave.. Maiden Worrick, Mary E. (Miss) Cohasset Worth, Cornelia Mayhew (Miss) Edgartown Worth, Emily (Miss) Cottage City Worth, Emily Thompson Jones (Mrs Ira A.) 45 Russel st., Charlestown District, Boston Worth, Mary Wesley Pease (Mrs Benjamin Baze) Edgartown Worthen, Luanna Walker Fletcher (Mrs Frank W.) Chelmsford Worthington, Elizabeth Foster (Mrs Erastus) i . .Dedham Wright, Anna Gertrude Whitton (Mrs Arthur P.) E. Pepperell Wright, Annie Robinson (Mrs H. W.) 77 Alexander st., Springfield Wright, Clara Edna (Mrs Henry Everett).. 31 Pearl st., E. Somervilli, Wright, Ellen A. (Mrs) Hudson Wright, Emily Kej-es (Mrs Charles W.) 20 Holbrook st., N. Adams AVright, Florence Russell (Miss) "Pine Hill," Duxbury Wright, Harriet Lowe (Mrs W. H.) 245 Metropolitan ave.. Hyde Park Wright, Helen M. Smith (Mrs. Charles H.) 26 Maplewood ave., Pittsfield Wright, Helen Waugh (Miss) 152 Pawtucket st., Lowell Wright, Mary Frances (Miss) 5 Summit st., Waltham Wright, Margaret B. Upham (Mrs C. H.) 7 Buckingham st., Cambridge Wright, Martha Ropley (Mrs Charles M.)..42 McKnight st., Springfield Wrightington, Ellen M. (Mrs Stephens C.) 65 Franklin st., Fall River Wrightington, Ethel R. (Miss) 65 Franklin st., Fall River Wyman, Mary R. (Mrs Alfred) Ill Peabody st., Gardner t Sarah Tiiggs Humphrey Chapter, Conn. II Buffalo Chapter, N. Y. * Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter, Maine. \ Hannah Weston Chapter, Me. § Maryland Line Chapter, Md. MICHIGAN. 287 9119^ Wyman, Mary Brewer Churchill (Mrs F.)..44 Alban st., Dorchester 29001P Wyman, Sarah J. (Miss) Westminster 32904C' Wyman, Sarah Metcalf (Mrs Charles A.) 67 Temple st., W. Newton 12736& Yerxa, Ethel Bass Eemick (Mrs H. E.) 1459 Beacon st., Brookline 9090L Young, Abby (Mrs George W.) 1149 Middlesex st., Lowell 9089L Young, Florence (Miss) 1149 Middlesex st., Lowell 308280 Young, Sarah Greenfield (Mrs George W.) Concord Junction 36269i^ Young, Sarah Tisdale, (Mrs Samuel) 62 Sixth st., Lowell 7808* York, Ellen L. Woody (Mrs John W.) Station X, Boston MICHIGAN State Regent, 1901, Mrs. William Chittenden, 134 West Fort st., Detroit " " 1902 " " " " " " " " CHAPTERS (13 organized, 5 unorganized) a. Alexander Macomb Chapter — Mt. Clemens Organized June 10, 1S99; Members, 22 Eegent, Mrs Helen S. Skinner Treasurer, Mrs Francis N. Price 7ice-Eegent, Mrs Elizabeth H. High Registrar, Mrs Katherine C. Knight Secretary, Miss Fandira Crocker Historian, Mrs Francis M. Eussell b. Algonquin Chapter — St. Joseph Organized May 25, 1S9S; Members, 29 (Foreign, 1; Illinois, 1) Eegent, Miss Stella L. Winchester Cor. Sec. Mrs F. L. Pixley Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary King Preston Treasurer, Mrs N. A. Hamilton Eec. Sec, Mrs Emma H. Cole Eegistrar, Mrs Lloyd Clark Historian, Mrs. S. A. Bailey c. Ann Arbor Chapter — Ann Arbor Organized July 3, 1S96; Members, 58 Eegent, Mrs Sarah C. Angell Cor. Secretary, Miss Fannie Groyes. Vice-Eegent, Mrs H. B. Hutchins Treasurer, Mrs D. W. Springer Eec. Secretary, Mrs H. M. Slauson Eegistrar, Miss Emma Bower Historian, Mrs John Bennett d. Anne Frisby Fitzhugh Chapter — Bay City Organized July 28, 1900; Members, 20 Eegent, Mrs M. Louise D. Shearer Cor. Secretary, Miss Kate Forsyth Vice-Eegent, Miss Adelaide H. Savage Treasurer, Miss Jennie W. Jones Eec. Secretary, Mrs Charles E. Wells Eegistrar. Miss Louise C. Whitney Historian, Miss Clara F. Eddy e. General Richardson Chapter — Pontiac Organized February 17, 1900; Members, SO Eegent, Mrs Ada L. Smith Cor. Sec, Mrs Harriet B. Lounsbury Vice-Eegent, Mrs Lillian D. Avery Treasurer, Mrs Josephine B. Sanford Eec. Secretary, Miss Mabel Thorpe Eegistrar, Miss Marion S. TenEyck Historian, Miss Marcia M. Richardson • Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter, Maine. 288 DIKECTOEY^ D. A. E. f. Genesee Chapter — Flint Organized June 3, 1S97; Members, 28 Eegent, Mrs Harriet P. Thompson Ass't Secretary, Mrs Rebecca C. Duraut Vice-Regent, Mrs Annette W. Burr Treasurer, Mis^s Mabel Clarke Secretary, Mrs Mary Young Registrar, Mrs Harriet C. Kelly Historian, Mrs Annie S. Eundell g. Gladstone Members. Regent, Mrs Julia Almira DaA'is Mason. Appointed November 7, 1900 h. Kalamazoo Members Eegent, Mrs Annie Cimd Abbot Stearns. Appointed May 24, 1898 Reappointed April 3, 1901 i. Lansing Chapter — Lansing Organized December 3, 1S96; Members, 68 Eegent, Mrs B. F. Hall Treasurer, Miss Anna A. Grant Vice-Regent, Mrs N. F. Jenison Registrar, Mrs H. B. Baker Secretary, Miss Clara L. Westcott Historian, Mrs Mary A. Miles j. Louisa St. Clair Chapter — Detroit Organized January 19, 1893; Members. 262 (Foreign, 1; Nebraska, 1; Ohio, 1; New York, 4; California, 2; Pennsylvania, 1; Washington, 1) Eegent, Mrs Eichard H. Fyfe Cor. Secretary, Mrs Charles L. Williams Vice-Regent, Mrs Anna D. Connor Treasurer, Mrs E. W. Stoddard Eec. Secretary, Mrs Henry B. Joy Eegistrar, Miss Mary F. Chittenden Historian, Mrs Talcott E. Wing k. Lucy Sprague Tracy Chapter — Big Rapids Organized April 9, 1900; Members, 15 (Indiana, 1) Eegent, Mrs Mattie L. Griswold Treasurer, Mrs Josephine G. Moon Vice-Eegent, Mrs Emma L. G. Darrah Eegistrar, Mrs Mary A. Brown Eec. Secretary, Mrs Sarah S. E. Ward Historian, Mrs Ida M. C. Markham Cor. Seretary, Mrs Jessie W. Wiseman Eeporter, Miss Clara A. Osburn 1. Manistique Members. Eegent, Mrs Jennie Schuyler Putnam. Appointed February 7, 1900 m. Marquette Members Eegent, Miss Anna Minerva Chandler. Appointed December 3, 1896 Eeappointed June 6, 1900 ; n. Muskegon Chapter — Muskegon Organized November 22, 1899; Members, 19 Eegent, Miss Mary A. Wylie Treasurer, Mrs Edward B. Dar>a Secretary, Miss Susan Maria Wood Eegistrar, Miss Mabel X. Keating MICHIGAN. 289 o. Otsiketa Chapter — St. Clair Organized October 4, 1899; Members, 38 (Illinois, 1; Ohio, 1; Kansas, 1) Eegent, Mrs B. W. Crampton Yice-Regent, Mrs E. B. Baird Secretary, Mrs G. J. Ward Treasurer, Miss May Coppernoll Eeg-istrar, Mrs W. L. Sctioales Historian, Miss Hattie C. Whiting" p. Sophie de Marsac Campan Chapter — Grand Bapids Organized May 18, 1896; Members, 80 (California, 1) Eegent, Mrs Harvey J. Hollister Treasurer, Miss Mary Chubb Yice-Eeg-ent, Mrs Edward P. Fuller Secretar3% Miss Edith Studley Eegistrar, Miss Fanny H. Boltwood Historian, Mrs Wm. F. Blake q. Three Rivers Members Eegent, Mrs Lucy Fellows Andrews. Appointed June 8, 1899 r. Ypsilanti Chapter — Ypsilanti Organized October 19, 1896; Members, 20 (Wisconsin, 1; New York, 1) Eegent, Miss Mary B. Putnam Secretary, Miss Emilie Comstock Vice-Eegent, Miss Eunice M. Lambie Treasurer, ^Irs Eunice W. Watling Eegistrar, Mrs Esther H. Johnson Members Eesiding in the State 33390; Acker, Mary C. Gordon (Mrs) Eichmond 31528c Ailes, Annette L. (Miss) Ann Arbor 15028r Ainsworth, Irene Eobinson B. (Mrs O. A.) 511 Chicago ave., Ypsilanti 6832; Alger, Annette Henry (Mrs Eussell A.) 150 W. Fort st., Detroit 9657/ Allen, Sylvia (Miss) 125 Alfred st., Detroit 19855i Allison, Edith Adele (Miss) 215 Walnut st.. South, Lansing 32096e Allison, Lorenia Irene Ehoads (Mrs H. E.) 203 Oakland ave., Pontiac 2237c Angell, Sarah Swope Caswell (Mrs James B.) Ann Arbor 27688 Aspinwall, Maude Fellows (Mrs L. A.) 611 W. Washington st., Jackson 29556 Atwood, Elvira Adams (Mrs George H.) South Haven 29557 Atwood. Elvira Georgia (Miss) South Haven 34720e Avery, Blanche (Miss) 101 Lawrence st., Pontiac 20430; Avery, Clara A. (Miss) 47 Eliot st., Detroit 20146/ Avery, Ella Smith (Mrs John Herbert) 810 Jefferson ave., Detroit 29551e Avery, Lillian Drake (ISfrs Aaron B.) 101 Lawrence st., West, Pontiac 12325c P.abcock. Ella Stanley Butler (Mrs J. L.) 12 X. Division st., Ann Arbor 9665c Bach. Ellen Botsford (Miss) 100 Main st., Ann Arbor 29037O Bacon, Frances Lazette (Miss) St. Clair 150476 Bailey, Florence Huntington (Mrs S. A.) 119 Morton ave., Benton Harbor 285347 Bailey, Lucelia Eice (Mrs Herbert L.) 307 Chestnut st., jV. Lansing 290390 Baird, Feodore Cornell (Mrs Eobert Bruce) Marine City 33391/ Baker, Abby Diantha (Miss) 172 Selden ave., Detroit 16945i Baker, Fanny Howard (Mrs Henry Brooks) 726 Ottawa st., Lansing 26450; Baker, Florence M. (Miss) 81 E. Canfield ave., Detroit 24009/ Baker, Kate Pauline Mead (Mrs) 398 Jefferson ave., Detroit 20431/ Baldwin, Julia Adele Strong (Mrs Lyman) 407 Jefferson ave., Detroit 11590/ Baldwin, Marie Louise (Miss) '. 110 Fort st., AV. Detroit 12107/ Baldwin, Sibyl A. Lambard (Mrs Henry P.) 110 Fort st., W. Detroit 6617 Ball, Elizabeth F. W. (Mrs) " 230 Main st., Menominee 12110/ Ballentine, Laura Caroline (Mrs S. L.) 1805 Military st.. Port Huron 2963/ Ballon, Sara Holton (]\rrs Alphonse A.) 51 Montcalm st., Detroit 29951/ Bamford, Mary Brownell (Miss) 61 E. Willis ave., Detroit 28537/ Bamford, Susan Abagail (Mrs Frederick) 61 E. Willis ave., Detroit 27693 Barber, Gertrude E. (Mrs Homer G.) Vermontville 18627/ Barbour, Ella Tefft (Mrs Edward S.) 210 Lafayette ave., Detroit 19290i Barnard, Emily Persis (Miss) 107 Chestnut st.. N., Lansing 285420 Barnard, Florence (Miss) 522 Park st., Saginaw 19 290 DIEECTORY, D. A= E. 13475p Barnard, Mary E. (Miss) 347 Fountain st., Grand Eapids 32104 Barnard, Mary Josephine (Miss) 383 Jefferson ave., Detroit 9666; Barnum, Mary Hyde (Mrs Hartson G.) Port Huron 19763; Barrett, Helen M. (Mrs) Richland 30366c Bartlett, Bessie Bingham Stevens (Mrs Edwin) Ann Arbor 34723e Bartlett, Emma Jane (Mrs Oscar Eugene) Pontiac 3053; Bates, Elizabeth C. (Mrs Kinzie) 106 Winder st., Detroit 8789; Bates, Octavia Williams (Miss) 53 Baggs st., Detroit 15041P Baxter, Blanche Sherman H. (Mrs C. W.) 6 Windsor Ter., Grand Eapids 35870d Beach, Blanche Miller (Miss) 600 Grant Place, Bay City 24010; Beach, Clarinda Altie (Miss) 108 1st st., Alpena 31547 Beach, Martha Emilie (Mrs Homer N.) Howell 32098i Beamer, Eliza Bush Hinman (Mrs Alfred) Lansing 27302& Bean, Julia Keith (Mrs W. Worth) 502 Broad st., St. Joseph 36308/1 Beardsley, Grace Noble Moon (Mrs) Muskeeon 33392; Bedell, Anna L. (Miss) Borneo 11099; Begg, Louise Breck (Mrs George O.) 67 Davenport st., Detroit 24717c Beman, Helen Burton (Mrs) Ann Arbor 23139; Bennett, Janetta D. (Mrs E. 0.) Soldiers' Home, Grand Rapids 13495c Bennett, Mary Ella Collins (Mrs John AV.) 12yo S. Thayers st., Ann Arbor 19866* Berry, Margaretta T. (Mrs) .' Menominee 16298& Bertch, Mary Delia Miles (Mrs Chas. William)' Lansing 3303; Biddle, Louisa (Miss) 730 Jefferson ave., Detroit 5081; Biddle, Susan Dayton (Miss) Grosse Isle, Detroit 34726p Birdsall, Mattie Brewer (Mrs Isa) 52 Coit ave.. Grand Rapids 29552e Birge, Eliza T. Van Campen (Mrs John W.) Drayton Plains 26878; Bishop, Ella M. Clark (Mrs Jerome H.) Wyandotte 27676; Bissell, Henrietta A. (Miss) 155 W. Fort st., Detroit 31545p Blackman, Amelia (Miss) 54 La Grave ave., Grand Rapids 14162p Blake, Aide Louise Tuck (Mrs W. F.)..214 S. College ave.. Grand Rapids 29550?) Blake, Ophelia Crosby (Miss) 311 Cherry st., Grand Rapids 34724i Blakeslee, Myra E. (Mrs Gordon M.) 110 CJavpool st., Lansing 19295P Blodgett, Daisy Peck (Mrs Delos A.) 369 E. Fulton 'st.. Grand Rapids 24026r Blount, Maude Cady (Mrs Herbert Charles) Wayne 13477p Bocher, Elizabeth Tuttle E. (Mrs M. D'L.)409 E. Fulton st.. Grand Rapids 35372/ Bogue, Clara Martin (Mrs George Garfield) 697 Cass ave., Detroit 18631?) BoltAVOod, Fanny Hasldns (Miss) 65 Morris ave., Grand Rapids 9797JI Bootes, Mary Connable (Mrs Joseph H.) 122 2nd st.. Jackson 24025 Borden, Eva Florella Smith (Mrs Samuel C.) . .318 West st., N. Kalamazoo 290380 Botsford, Mary Bristol (Mrs John Edward) Port Huron 17615t Bourland, Mary Codding (Mrs Ogden P.) 621 S. State st., Ann Arbor 14173c Bower, Emma 'e. (Miss) / 16 N. Nyall st., Ann Arbor 14172c Bower, Margaret V. (Miss) 16 N. Nyall st., Ann Arbor 16297i Boyce, Mabelle M. G. (Mrs) 1 Lansing 766 Boynton, Julia Parsons (Mrs William E.)..530 W^oodward ave., Detroit 33393/ Bradley, Sadie M. (Miss) Romeo 1871811 Brady, Emma G. (Mrs J. E.) Fort Wayne, Detroit 358740 Brakeman, Nannie Caroline (Miss) Marine City 22143t Brayton, Emma Sanford (Mrs James P.) Lansing 25455fl Briggs, Harriet (Miss) Cass ave., Mt. Clemens 23437p Briggs, Julia Peirce (Mrs George G.) 186 Ottawa st.. Grand Rapids 24725p Brigham, Harriet Ferrin (Mrs Homer C.)..27 Morris ave.. Grand Rapids 14648; Brodhead, Jessie Willis (Mrs John F.) 597 Jefferson ave.. Detroit 303626 Brooks, Cynthia M. (Mrs Kendall) 320 South 5th ave., Aun Arbor 35371c Brooks, Gratia G. Dunning (Mrs Kendall Page).. 124 Norton ave.. Pontiac 23436/) Brown, Ella Bradley Shaw, (Mrs) 161 College ave., S. Grand Rapids 25306f Brown, Harriet Loiiise Thompson (Mrs Charles S.)..429 East st., Fliut 13493c Brown, Minnie Kellogg (Mrs William N.) 83 E. Huron st., Ann Arbor 31548fc Brown, Mary Alice Osburn (Mrs Michael) 322 Elm st.. Big Rapids 32103; Buckley, Alia Rosenburv (Mrs Frank J.) U08 5th ave.. Bay City 26111; Buhl, Eleanor Bradford " (Mrs Walter) 1017 West Fort st., Detroit 13476/) Bundy, Mary Goodhue Hollister (Mrs McGeorge) 340 Fountain st.. Grand Rapids • St. Paul Chapter, Minn. T[ Catherine Green Chapter, Ohio. t Nathan Hale Chapter, Minn. II General Lafayette Chapter, N. J. MICHIGAN. 291 18605f 29052O 16295i 3305; 33394/ 25305P 21596/ 21595; 295480 21597; 295470 34725p 25743c 239996 227C7; 34216i 29049O 2767S; 27689c 18G19 18620 8228 299586 30856 15749 22762c 21049i 3037S(Z 240026 11593/ 2687/ 33808/ 2629/ 22129/ 2392/ 15042p 273046 12799/ 2343S/J 3i549fc 285326 18607/= 18606/= 29040O 18608f 21043c 31550p 13479/) 1347S/J 247266 34728/ 32573t 19S59), 295536 31534/ 20432/ 30374(7. 30375rt 33S10r 18626/ 24011/ 12798/ 285550 3466611 Bill- Annette ^^^heeler (Mrs C. B.) Oak Grove Sanitarium, Flint Burtless, Ellen Potter Whiting (Mrs) St Tlair Bush, Minnie Day (Mrs John Jay) Lanski- Butler, Fanny Judson Knight (Mrs William A. Jr.).. 883 2nd aVe.', Detroit Butler LillaMundy (Mrs Frederick E.) 103 Edmund Place, Detroit Butt erfield Amy lolaDunklee (Mrs) 527 Packard St., Ann Arbor Cady, Ehzabeth Caroline (Miss) 57 Watson st., Detroit nP'' ^f'^i^*^ Henri Brewster (Mrs David D.)..57 Watson st., Detroit Cady, Ella Everett (Miss) Port Huron r«H,^' .^^^^^1 Henri (Miss) 57 Watson st., Detroit Cady, Sarah Eleanor (Miss) Poj.^ Huron Campbell, Caroline Portman (Mrs J. H.).37 N. Prospect St., Grand Rapids Campbell, Lavma L. C. (Mrs James B.)..555 S. Division st., Ann Arbor Canaran, Grace Van Der Veer (Mrs Anthony) St Joseph Candler, Mary Virginia Kaple (Mrs Claudius H.)..61 Garfield ave.,' Detroit Cannell, Frances Whittlesey (Mrs Charles) Lansine Carey, Selina A. McElhinney (Mrs Charles E.).758 Water st.. Port Huron Carharlt, Annett^e Welling (Mrs Hamilton B.) . .843 Jefferson ave., Detroit Carhart, Ellen Soule (Mrs Henry Smith).. 521 Monroe st., Ann Arbor Carleton, Christine Kemp (Mrs Guy H.) Sault Ste Marie Car eton, Ella J (Miss) Sault Ste Marie Carleton, Grace H. (Miss) P. O. Box 175, Sault Ste Marie Carpenter, Lucy Harriet (Miss) . .Island Lake Bloomfield, P. O., Pontiac Carver Melissa L (Mrs) . Schoolcraft Chandler, Anna Mmerva (Miss) Marquette Chapin, Lucy E. (Miss) 803 Kingsiey' st.',' Ann Arbor Chapm, Nellie Rose (Mrs Edward C.) 216 Ionia st., W^est Lansing Chapman, Clara (Miss) 1314 Centre ave.. Bay City Chapman, Minnie Florence (Miss) St Joseph Chase, Jessie Clara (Miss) 31 Edmund' Place,' Detroit Cheeseborough, Caroline Robinson (Mrs G. K.)..425 Cass ave., Detroit Chittenden, Irene Guest (Miss) Russell House, Detroit Chittenden, Irene Williams (Mrs William J.).. 134 Fort st., W. Detroit Chittenden, Margaret Bispham (Miss) 134 Fort st W Detroit Chittenden, Mary Farquhar (Miss) 134 Fort st., 'w. Detroit Chubb Mary (Miss) 86 State st.. Grand Rapids Church, Belle S. (Mrs A. L.) . .; St. Joseph Churchill, Amelia Pawling (Mrs Worthy L.) Alpena Clapperton, Hattie Barker (Mrs George) 211 N. Lafayette, Grand Rapids Clark, A. Laurette Jenks (Mrs J. Frank) Big Rapids Clark, Lucy Alice Crosby (Mrs Lloyd) St. Joseph Clarke, Celia Laura Ransom (Mrs Francis D.).. School for the Deaf, Flint Clarke, Cornelia Miles (Mrs John B.) 402 East Court st., Flint Clarke, Helen Disbrow (Miss) St. Clair Clarke, Mabel (Miss) , 402 East Court st., Flint Clarkson, Emily Smith W^atkins (Mrs) 43 South 5th ave., Ann Arbor Cofifin, Flora Osburn (Mrs Charles P.) 274 Paris ave., Grand Rapids Coffinberry, Julia Frances (Miss) SO La Grave st., Grand Rapids Coffinberry, Rebecca Jane (Miss) SO La Grave st.. Grand Rapids Cole, Emma Hinkley (Mrs J. C.) 115 Michigan st., Benton Cole, Isabella Tiffany (Mrs Delos O.) 291 Park st., Detroit Cole, Virtue Sinclair (Mrs Chester) Hillsdale Coleman, Alice Conely (Mrs) 214 Jones st., Lansing Coleman, Anne Loomis Richards (Mrs H.)..134 W. Lawrence st., Pontiac Colwell, Josephine French (Mrs Llewellyn A.) Harrisville Colwell, Mar.y Gardiner (Mrs George W.) Harrisville Coman, Helen F. Barclay (Mrs Lucien S.)..809 N. Sherman st., Bay City Coman, Marian Louise (Miss) 809 N". Sherman st.. Bay City Comstock, Emilie (Miss) 525 Adams st., Ypsilanti Connor, Anna Dame (Mrs L.) 103 Cass st., Detroit Cooley, Elizabeth SAvift (Miss) Jackson Cooper, H. Jane (Miss) 543 2nd ave., Detroit Coppernoll, Mary Ida (Miss) St. Clair Courtis, Lizzie Easton (Mrs William Munroe) . . .449 Fourth ave., Detroit t Benjamin Prescott Chapter, N. Y. Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter, Mass. 21)2 'DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 26116 Cowell, Clarissa Child (Mrs Joseph Harris).. 301 S. Warren are., Saginaw 27673i Cowles, Effie Anderson (Mrs Albert Eugene) 400 Capitol ave., N. Lansing 16299i Cowles, Lizzie Belle (Miss) Lansing 17608i Cowles, Lucie Delia (Miss) Lansing 12800; Coyl, Mary Eice (Mrs Samuel B.) 194 Charlotte ave., Detroit 25309/ Cram, Helen Elizabeth (Mrs Eoys J.) 26 Hancock ave., West Detroit 3139SP Cram, Helen G. M. (Mrs Alexander) 197 S. Union st., Grand Eapids 22130/ Cram, Helen Marion (Miss) 26 West Hancock ave., Detroit 276910 Champton, Emeline Clarke Jenks (Mrs Benjamin F.) St. Clair 30376(Z Cranage, Julia Pitts (Mrs Thomas) 615 Centre ave.. Bay City 30377rf Cranage, Mary Hill (Miss) 615 Centre ave., Bay City 30373e Crawford, Annie (Mrs Joseph B.) 34 Judson st., Pontiac 30849/) Crittenden, Elizabeth Creveling (Mrs C. D.)..41 Coit ave.. Grand Eapids 28545ft Crocker, Fandira (Miss) Cass ave., Mt. Clemens 28543a Crocker, Margaret (Miss) Market st., Mt. Clemens 28544ft Crocker, Mary (Miss) Market st., Mt. Clemens 19854/ Croul, Julia Josephine (Mrs Frank H.) 168 McDougal ave., Detroit 30365c Crow, Adda Laura Stevens (Mrs Samuel) Ann Arbor 26009t[ Cupp, Eleanor Garland Eawlings (Mrs Frank P.) Stevensville 27677/ Currie, Catharine Maria (Mrs Shepard H.) 279 Hancock ave., W. Detroit 30857O Currie, Clara Bacon (Mrs Andrew Alexander) St. Clair 25310/ Currie, Maggie Crane (Miss) 279 Hancock ave., Detroit 35866c Cushman, Cora Watkins (Mrs Elmer Samuel) i Ann Arbor 30363c Cutting, Fannie Kate (Mrs John Hilton) 1520 Hill st., Ann Arbor 285560 Dale, Lizzie Emeline Smith (Mrs Harry) St. Clair 23441ft. Dana, Emilj^ Brockway (]\Irs Edward B.) 60 W. Muskegon ave., Muskegon 31551fc Darrah, Emma L. Gore (Mrs James M.) 105 Elm st.. Big Eapids 25311; David, Jane E. Elizabeth (Mrs Alfred) 389 Woodward ave., Detroit 30852/ David, Sarah Atalanta (Miss) 389 Woodward ave., Detroit 21055; Davis, Adaline W. (Mrs) 173 Canfield ave., W. Detroit 13480p Davis, Alice Barnard (Mrs George A.).. 347 Fountain st.. Grand Eapids 15748 Davis, Jean Amanda (Miss) ' Coldwater 30850/) Davis, Katharine Boswell (Mrs Leonidas H.)74 Bostwick st., Grand Eapids 28140/ Davis, Mary Eliza Bissell (Mrs James E.)....144 Lafayette ave., Detroit 30861c Davis, Sarah Griswold (Miss) ■ Pontiac 18609/= Davison, Elizabeth Munson (Mrs Dewitt Clinton) Court st., W. Flint 19853/ Davock, Sarah Whiting (Mrs Harlow P.) 79 Garfield ave., Detroit 16300/ Day, Sara Carolyn (Miss) 309 Sycamore st., Lansing 13494c Dean, Clara Sedgwick (Miss) Ann Arbor 12801c Dean, Elizabeth Whitten (Miss) Ann Arbor 21056/) Dean, Olive Crane Kendall (Mrs Irving A.) 17 Hollister st., Grand Eapids 29948ft Decker, Emma Adams (Mrs Wilhelm) South ave., Mt. Clemens 18622c Dedrick, Clara Oswald (Mrs Charles E.)..103 Huron St., E. Ann Arbor 18151/ DeForest, Helen Mary Collins (Mrs Wayne) 492 Brush st., Detroit 21054/) Dennison. Julia Butler Barlow (Mrs A. C.)..279 Lyon st.. Grand Eapids 31552fc Devine, Grace E. Darrah (Mrs) Portland 29628/ De Witt, Lillie Hale Garrison (Mrs Charles H.)..114 Pingree st.. Detroit 21044c Dibble, Sarah Elizabeth Dayton (Mrs Gregory Eaton) ..92 Washington St., E. Ann Arbor 29952/ Dickinson, Clara M. (Mrs Julian G.) 40 Canfield ave., W. Detroit 4550* Dickinson, Mary Ann (Miss) Eomeo 24031/ Dix, Bertha Bernice (Miss) 213 Walnut st., S. Lansing 21050/ Donovan, Eoxie Case (Mrs William) 210 Capitol ave., Lansing 12327c Doty, Kate Westcott (Mrs William George) Ann Arbor 26110/) Doughty, Maude (Miss) 24 Orchard Place, Grand Eapids 22768/ Drexel," Katharyn Hotchkiss (Mrs F. A.).. 158 Eosedale Court. Detroit 25315/) Dryden, Jennie H. (Mrs E. E.) 69 Paris ave.. Grand Eapids 1981/ Duffield, Frances Pitts (Mrs Henrj- Martyn) 707 Jefferson ave., Detroit 30855 Duncan. Marv H. (Mrs) ." Schoolcraft 24210/ Dunk, Edith Watkins (Mrs A. 0.) 21 Ledyard st.. Detroit 27674/ Dunton. Edith Bennett (Mrs Carey Winslow) Manistique 34219/ Durand, Flora Moore (Mrs Loranzo T.)..822 N. Michigan ave., Saginaw 18610f Durant, Eebecca Folgar Crapo (Mrs William C.) 309 S. 2nd. st.. Flint 24730)1 Duryea, Alice M. S. (Mrs Eichard C.) Grand Haven U Rev. James Caldwell Chapter, 111. * Mercy Warren Chapter, Mass. MICHIGAN. 293 Duvall, Mary Ellen Strickland (Mrs Harry) Manistique Dj'er, Helena Marie (Miss) Lansing Dj'er, Huldah Anne (Mrs George Allen) Lansing Earle, Martha Goodhue (Mrs Justus E.)..195 Fountain st., Grand Eapids Eaton, Eliza W. (Mrs Theodore H.) 484 Jefferson ave., Detroit Eddy, Clara F. (Miss) 1400 Centre ave.. Bay City Eddy Ella May (Miss) 1400 Centre ave., Bay City Eddy, Florence Taylor (Mrs Frank Woodman) .. 32 Stinson Place, Detroit Eddy, Ida Emily (Miss) 823 N. Farragut st.. Bay City Eddy, Marianna Field (Mrs NcM^ell Avery) ... .615 Grant Place, Bay City Eddy, Mary Colfax (Mrs Lawrence Peterson). 55 Paris ave., Grand Eapids Edmonds, Sarah Louise Conely (Mrs Pobert Garner) Lansing Edwards, Anna Huldah Pierson (Mrs William Henry) . .Beach st., Flint 753/ Edwards, Frances Parsons (Mrs William F.) 530 Woodward ave., Detroit 19291i Elder, Lilah E. (Mrs John A.) Lansing 12218; Ellis, Jessie Eanney (Miss) SO Farrar st., Detroit 20436/= Elwood, Caroline Frances (Miss) 924 Church st., Flint 22131; Emerson, Wilimena H. Eliot (Mrs Justin E.) 128 Henry st., Detroit 30S47?^ Erwin, Edna Loiiise (Miss) 197 Webster ave., Muskegon 26118« Erwin. Fannie T. (Miss) 197 W. Webster ave., Muskegon 25676J Fairbanks, Helen Ellsworth Shepard (Mrs) Elk Eapids 23447; Fales, Alice May Peck (Mrs Bingley Eosseix) Verana Flats, Detroit 22140/) Fallas, Annie Temple (Mrs Edwin) 219 Livingston st.. Grand Eapids 7S40II Farnsworth, Eliza Fiske Valentine (Mrs B. S.) 567 E. Congress st., Detroit 7217; Farnsworth, Harriet Eliza (Miss) "The Alberta," 37 Alexandrine ave., Detroit 8503; Farnsworth, Henrietta Lynde (Miss) "The Alberta," 37 Alexandrine ave., Detroit 22133; Farquhar, Mary Howard (Mrs Frances LTtrich) 115 Selden ave., Detroit 28538; Farrand, Cora Wallace (Mrs William E.) 706 Woodward ave., Detroit 27305; Farwell, Mabel Maltz (Mrs Jeremiah Godfrey) "The Alhambra," Detroit 7519/ Faulconer, Elizabeth Williams Emmons (Mrs E.) 57 Watson st., Detroit 34718ffl Ferrin, Winifred (Miss) 105 North ave., Mt. Clemens 33395/ Finn, Katherine Scott (Mrs) 120 Virginia ave.. Detroit 13482/) Fisher, Fronia C. (Mrs Ernest B.) 321 Cherry st.. Grand Eapids 13483/) Fitch, Louise Martha (Miss) 155 Jefferson ave.. Grand Eapids 3004111 Flagg, Ella Lillias Carter (Mrs Albert B.) Hillsdale 24012; Fletcher, Grace Parker (Mrs Frank AVard) 807 Jefferson ave., Detroit 26880; Flinn, Samantha Witwood (Mrs Elisha H.) 27 Putnam ave., Detroit 16949/) Follmer, Edith May (Mrs Charles Carroll) 291 Fountain st.. Grand Eapids 20437f Ford, Eachel ]\I. (Mrs Frederick I.) Court st., W. Flint 303Sl(f. Forsvth, Kate (Miss) 621 JefPerson st., Bay City 30382(7. Forsyth, Zaidee (Miss) G21 Jefferson st.. Bay City 315430 Foster, Lillian Stickney (Mrs Frederick L.) Port Huron 19217§ Fowle. Anna Emerson French (Mrs John C.) Marquette 22134/ Fox. Emma StoAvell (Mrs Charles E.) 21 Bagley ave., Detroit 15020; Fraser, Abbie M. (Mrs Eobert E.) 1988 Woodward ave., Detroit 29054 Freeman. Alice Wiggins (Mrs Fred. W.) 221 S. Jefferson ave.. Saginaw 24005?) French, INIary E. Swarthout (Mrs W. P.) St. Joseph 28146/ Friedman, Gertrude A. (Miss) 97 Brainard st.. Detroit 14165/) Fnller, Cornelia Granger (Mrs Edward P.) 297 Fulton st.. Grand Eapi-ds 12794/ Fyfe, Abby Lucretia, Eice (Mrs Eichard H.) 934 Woodward ave., Detroit 163107) Fyfe, Helen Stanley (Mrs Laurence Charles) St. Joseph 20433/ Gage, Elizabeth M.' (Miss) 1253 S. Jefferson ave., Saginaw 2159S Gamble, Jessie Louise Green (Mrs Henry P.) Detroit 22139/) Gardinier. Cora Anna (Miss) 186 Barclay st.. Grand Eapids 33396/ Gartner, Lena Brooks (Mrs George) 98" Watson st., Detroit 1983/ Gibbs. Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Eugene B.) 60 Erskine st., Detroit 15019/ Gibson. Mary Alice Thatcher (Mrs Edwin Wells) 98 Piquette ave., Detroit 6965* Gillespie, Mary B. "^AHhieelock (Miss) Fountain st.. Grand Eapids 14650/ Gillett, Charlotte Martha (Mrs Eufus W.) 188 Lafayette ave., Detroit 15048c Gillette, Celia Botsford (Mrs William) 100 S. Main st.. Ann Arbor t Lucretia Shaw Chapter, Conn. t Chicafjo Chapter, 111. I! Warren and Prescott Chapter, Mass. ^ Catherine Schuyler Chapter, N. Y. § Betty Allen Chapter. Mass. • Hermitage Chapter, Tenn. 294 DIEECTOKY, D. A. E. 15049c Gillette, Fredericka B. (Miss) 100 S. Main St., Ann Arbor 18621 Given, Harriet Bell (Mrs Charles Whitsitt) Sault Ste Marie 26877p Goldsmith, Julia A. C. (Mrs John) 118 Madison ave., Grand Eapids 33388/" Goodes, Nellie Beecher (Mrs Claude Charles) Utica 34222p Goodman, Clara Minerva (Miss) 211 Barclay st., Grand Rapids 169461 Grant, Annie A. (Miss) Lansing 13469i Grant, Caroline Felch (Mrs Claudius B.) Lansing 22763/) Graves, Mary Colfax Baldwin (Mrs Samuel).. 55 Paris ave.. Grand Eapids 29959e Gray, Kate Beach (Mrs Mason W.) Pontiac 21594i Greene, Julia Lueretia Baldwin (Mrs George H.) Lansing 34719/" Grieve, Alice A. Pierson (Mrs Angus McDonald) Flint 24013; Griggs, Frances Elizabeth (Miss) 160 Lafayette ave., Detroit 31546ip Griswold, Grace Hall (Miss) 184 N. Lafayette St., Grand Rapids 15750fc Griswold, Mattie Liston (Mrs Leavitt S.) 120 S. Wanen ave., Big Rapids 26107c Groves, Fanny M. (Miss) Ann Arbor 31553fc Gunton, Effie Belle Gore (Mrs Thomas) 630 5th St., Traverse City 28139m Haddon, Sarah Bean (Mrs) Muskegon 34729; Hadzsits, Irma Depue (Miss) IS Montcalm St., E. Detroit 26451; Hale, Mary Farrington (Mrs) • Harrisville 36307; Hale, Myrtle (Miss) Harrisville 30369i Hall, Elizabeth (Miss) 204 Grand St., Lansir.g 23996c Hall, Ella M. Tourtellotte (Mrs E. B.) Ann Arbor 24007?) Hall, Genevieve King (Mrs Perley W.) Benton Harbor 2511811 Hall, Mary Dame (Mrs E. 0.) 103 Cass st., Detroit 17609t Hall, Mary J. (Mrs Banjamin F.) Lansing 24723; Hallock, Isabel Tucker (Mrs Lewis William) 665 2nd ave., Detroit 19303; Hallock, Martha E. (Miss) 68 Erskine st., Detroit 28533& Hamilton, Emma Scott (Mrs N. A.) St. Joseph 26454c Hamilton, Josephine C. (Mrs Francis M.) 427 S. 5th ave., Ann Arbor 35873n Hammond, Jessie Morhous (Mrs Frank E.) 119 Houston ave., Muskegon 24720; Harper, Belle Robinson (Mrs Frederick Butler) Pontiac 29042O Harrington, Alice Virginia Rice (Mrs Charles F.) Port Huron i4163p Harrington, Lydia Turner (Mrs Eli F.)..127 Mt. Vernon st., Grand Rapids 315440 Harris, Katherine Wright (Miss) Port Huron 285351 Hasler, Nella E. (Miss) 304 Grand st., S. Lansing 796; Hatch, Harriet Robbins, (Mrs Eugene E.) 51 Watson st., Detroit 239; Hendrie, Katherine Sibley (Miss) 625 Jefferson ave., Detroit 21047; Henry, Faydelia S. (Miss) 158 Fort st., Detroit 2472111 Henry, Florine Barbour (Mrs William G.) 210 Lafayette ave., Detroit 18043c Herdman, Nancy Bradley Thomas (Mrs William James) Ann Arbor 28546a High, Elizabeth Hubbard (Mrs William C.) Cass ave.. Mt. Clemens 25750 Hill, Alice Gregg (Mrs Smith W.) 502 N. Superior st., Albion 24033p Hillyer, Frances S. Van Vechten (Mrs) . .132 Washington st.. Grand Rapids 35373; Hinchman, Grace (Miss) 172 Lafayette ave., Detroit 22135; Hinchman, Mary (Miss) 117 West Ford st., Detroit 24727c Hinkley, Frances (Miss) Benton Harbor 32101i Hinmaii, Jennie (Miss) Lansing 11098; Hitchcock, Julia Fitch (Mrs Frederick H.) 214 Frederick st., Detroit 25638/ Holley, Marion Thatcher (Mrs John P.) Pontiac 6161/) Hollister, Martha Clay (Mrs Harvey J.) 471 Fulton st., E. Grand Rapids 18629 Holmes, Augusta Jane Chandler (Mrs William) Menominee 18630 Holmes, Charlotte L. (Miss) Menominee 25307f Holmes, Julia Isabella Brush (Miss) 1110 6th st., Bay City 29558i Holt, Carrie F. (Miss) Lansing 29559i Holt, Jessie M. (Miss) Lansing 14156; Holt. Perla M. Ward (Mrs Ira Farnsworth) 199 Perry ave., Detroit 19292i Hoker, Emma E. (Mrs Frank A.) 101 Walnut st., N. Lansing 27675r Hopkins, Clara Potter (Mrs Charles Clark).. 110 Walnut St., S. Lansing 281410 Hopkins, Pamelia Whiting (Mrs Hannibal Allen) St. Clair 34220; Hough, Nellie Sheldon (Mrs J. C.) 415 Woodward ave.. Detroit 30848H Howe, Eva Ladd (Mrs Eugene L.) IMuske'gon 27690 Hoyt, Mary M. Lewis (Mrs Henry Ezra). Kalamazoo 32686t Humphrey," Constance Plumer McCalmont (Mrs Herbert S.) . .Kalamazoo I New York City Chapter, N. Y. II Chicago Chapter, 111. t Venango Chapter, Pa. MICHIGAN. 295 30845i Humphrey, Martha Amelia Boyce (Mrs H.)..201 Sycamore St., N. Lanbing- 14167p Huntley, Julia A. Henshaw (Mrs Emmons K.)..891 Hall st.. Grand J\apias 285316 Husted, Gertrude H. (Miss) St. Joseph 11222c Hutchins, Mary Louise Crocker (Mrs H. H.)..2 Monroe St., Ann Arbor 27679; Hutton, M. Louise W. (Mrs W. H. H.) 603 2nd. ave., Detroit 19293i Huyck, Sarah (Mrs Kichard J.) Little Prairie, Konde 19298/-' Hyatt, Clinton Huffman (Mrs Clark Campbell) 514 East st., Flint 20441 Hyde, Ella Churchill (Miss) 311 2nd. st., Alpena 34217i Imes, Jessie Don Lavy (Mrs Lewis Edison) Lansing 21045c Irland, Amelia B. (Mrs) Ann Arbor 7841/ Hvine, Josephine Emeline Hall (Mrs K. J. C.) Detroit 22764p James, Alice M. (Miss) 130 N. Lafayette st.. Grand Eapids 16302i Jenison, Alice Cowles (Mrs Nelson F.) Lansing 16947i Jenison, Mary Hawley (Mrs Orien A.) 214 Sycamore st., Lansing 28539/ Jenks, Martha Eeed (Miss) 84 Lafayette ave., Detroit 30372r Jenks, Mary S. Clark (Mrs) 313 Forest ave., Ypsilanti 14158; Jennings, Helen F. (Mrs Charles I.) 457 Jefferson ave., Detroit 13485p Jewett, Carrie Belle (Miss) 113 Fountain st., Grand Rapids 22132/ Jewett, Emma Jane Farwell (Mrs Edward H.) ... .Verona Flats, Detroit 33397/ Jewett, Ruth Gould (Mrs D. C.) 771 Humboldt ave., Detroit 26109p Jewett, Sarah Townsley Ward (Mrs) 113 Fountain st., Grand Rapids 22144i Johnson, Emily Rockwell (Mrs) 716 Ionia st., Lansing 15033r Johnson, Esther Hinckley (Mrs Fred. W.) 502 Forest ave., Ypsilanti 30383rf Jones, Jennie Wright (Mrs) 709 Grant Place, Bay City 10093/ Joy, Helen Newberry (Mrs Henry B.) 501 Jefferson ave., Detroit 13484p Judd, Harriet Gooclhi'e Clay (Mrs E. E.) . .105 N. College ave., Grand Rapids 31539n Kanitz, Elizabeth Mary Nims (Mrs Hugo) Muskegon 32530 Kauffer, Nellie M. (Miss) 323 Rose st., S. Kalamazoo 14170n- Keating, Mabel Nano (Miss) 87 Houston ave., Muskegon 14171» Keating, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 87 Houston ave., Miiskegon 35869(7, Keeler, Flora' A. (Mrs Martin C.) South ave., Mt. Clemens 18612f Keeney, Margaret Strong (Mrs) 932 Beach st., Flint 25745/ Keep, Sarah Frances Henderson (Mrs W. J.).. 753 Jefferson st.. Detroit 30042tf Kelley, Genevieve Wright (Mrs Edward W.)... Hillsdale 35369(1 Kelly, Alice Mary (Mrs Martin C.) Macombiss st., Mt. Clemens 19861/" Kelly, Harriet Carey (Mrs Edward W.) 415 S. 5th st., Flint 18625 Kemp, Joanna (Miss) Sault Ste Marie 15744(* Kemp, Minta Proctor (Miss) Sault Ste Marie 3369211 Kephart, M. Caroline (Mrs Augustus) Berrien Springs 3409011 Keves, Catherine L. Fifield (Mrs Riissell M.) Ludington 23998& King, Cora Dell (Miss) St. Joseph 24006& King, Laura Belle (Miss) Benton Harbor 3307/ King, Madeline Davenport (Miss) 608 Jefferson ave., Detroit 3306/ King, Matilda Davenport (Mrs John H.) 608 Jefferson ave., Detroit 25815§ Kirkpatrick, Phebe Finley (Mrs Chas. C.) Fort st., Detroit 290440 Knapp, Pearl Cornell (Mrs Harry Wilson) St. Clair 20434/ Kneeland. Helen Louise Dodge (Mrs Frank Gilbert) St. Louis 27680/ Knight, Elizabeth Gifford (Mrs Stephen H.) 18 Willis ave.. W. Detroit 28548a Knight, Katharine Lee Crocker (Mrs Seth Wells) Clinton st., Mt. Clemens 21051/ Knott, Elizabeth E. (Mrs) Lansing 26876p Konkle, Mary Ella C. (Mrs Franklin) 437 Ottawa st., Grand Rapids 6831/ Lacey, Mary' Ruth (Miss) 628 Jefferson ave., Detroit 12108/ Ladue, Mary Hale Abbot (Mrs George N.) 894 Cass ave., Detroit 13499r Lambie, Eunice Morton (Miss) 112 N. Washington st., Ypsilanti 32527r Lambie, Eimice White Morton (Mrs R.) 112 N. Washington st., Ypsilanti, 30359& Lane, Mary Whitaker (Mrs John) St. Joseph 30846/ Lane, Susanne Lauriat (Mrs Alfred C.)..1316 Washington ave., Lansing 18047/ Lansing, Helen Jane (Mrs Francis E.) Prospect Place, Howell 12797/ Lathrop, Mary Woodward Gillett (Mrs Henrj^ Kirke Jr.).. 190 Lafayette ave., Detroit 27681/ Lawson, Anna Seward Noble (Mrs Charles F.)..66 Piquette ave., Detroit 29966/) Leavenworth. Susia E. (Mrs Alonzo D.) 184 La Grove st.. Grand Rapids 35867/ Lewis, Alice Van Slyke (Mrs) Ann Arbor 1] Catherine Schuyler Cliapter, N. Y. II Chicago Chapter, 111. Huntington Chaffer, Inrl. 296 DIRECTORY, D. A, R. 26882; Lewis, Marie (Mrs Guy C.) Harrisville 25312; Lewis, Marietta Shipman (Mrs H. S.) 439 Cass ave., Detroit 290450 Lightbody, Flora Morse (Mrs James) St. Clair 24014; Lindley, Isabella Howard (Mrs Walter Henry).. 68 Winder St., Detroit 6160 Linton, Ida M. (Mrs William S.) Saginaw 29546/ Lockhead, Grace Eliza Reynolds (Miss) 620 Oak st., Flint 35374; Lockwood, Helen Stone (Mrs Harry A.) Monroe 15738; Lockwood, Kate (Miss) 543 2nd. ave., Detroit 6921 Long, Laira Adelaide (Mrs John C.) 195 Burns st., Detroit 15043p Long, Margaret C. (Miss) 125 Sheldon st.. Grand Eapids 28145; Long-year, Abbie Scott (Mrs Howard W.) 698 Woodward ave., Detroit 24895* Long-year, Abby Beecher (Miss) Marquette 24301* Long-year, Mary Beecher (Mrs John Munro) ....Marquette 1980; Lothrop, Isabella Graham Bethune (Mrs C. B.) 140 Jefferson ave., Detroit 29960e Lounsbiiry, Harriet Beach (Mrs Robert J.) Pontiac 33809 Loveland, Helen Crittenden (Mrs Ealph A.) Saginaw 19852c Loving, Caroline Davis Collamore (Mrs Lunsford Lomax) . . . .Ann Arbor 28549a Lungershausen, Carrie C. (Mrs Oscar C.) Cass ave., Mt. Clemens 18044c Lynds, Emma E. (Mrs James G.) Ann Arbor 5485i McCabe, Ida V. (Miss) 405 Ottawa st., Lansing 26108i McCallum, Rebecca Dana Tracy (Mrs Edward Henry) Lansing 9967t MacCarthy, Elizabeth R. (Mrs Joseph P.) 98 Turner st.. Grand Rapids 1877 McClure, Elizabeth Victoria McAuley (Mrs Theodore) 727 Michigan ave., Lansing 308586 McConnell, Cleantha Bethia Parke (Mrs William M.) Pontiac 18613f McConnelly, Mary E. A. Sayre (Mrs George) 318 2nd st., Flint 13487/) McCoy, Gail Lyon (Mrs Daniel) 82 Paris ave.. Grand Eapids 30371; McDonald, Jessie E. (Mrs Daniel E.) Spruce 29049O McElhinney, Clara Noble (Miss) St. Clair 26106c McFarland, Olive Isabell (Miss) 1115 S. University ave., Ann Arbor 35868c McGilvray, Mary Louise Brow^ne (Mrs) Ann Arbor 31540?! McGraft, Caroline Dayton (Mrs Newcomb) 190 Lake st., Muskegon 13488/9 McKee, Florence McCutcheon (Mrs S. W.) 18 North st.. Grand Eapids 16950p McKee, Laura Emma (Miss) 246 Lyon st.. Grand Rapids 25317n McKelvey, Eliza Bonnell Mann (Mrs L. E.) Muskegon 944511 McPherson, Frances Foster (Mrs Martin J.) Howell 27622 McPherson, Isabel (Miss) Howell 19299 McPherson, Eosa Lee (Mrs Edward Gregory) Howell 13550/ Mahan, Leila Maud Ivins (Mrs John, Jr.) 374 Lincoln ave., Detroit 19862/ Mahon, Gratia E. Dayton (Mrs William) East st.. Flint 26113; Maltz, Elvira Eliza (Mrs George L.) . .Alhambra Flats, cor. Bagg & Park sts., Detroit 30953§ Mann, Clarinda Whitcomb (Mrs J. Maxcey) 54 Spruce st., Detroit 24032n Mann, May Blanchard (Mrs Charles B.) 75 Webster ave.. Muskegon 315557c Markman, Ida May Cook (Mrs Frank Edgar) . .124 S. Eust ave., Big Eapids 19856 Mason, Julia Almira Davis (Mrs Richard) Gladstone 24016/ Mason, Julia Buel (Miss) 67 Erskine st., Detroit 24015/ Mason, Mary Conant (Miss) 67 Erskine st., Detroit 19857i Mason, Myra Belle Eood (Miss) Lansing 30361& IMathews, ' Priscilla Whitaker (Mrs William L.) St. Joseph 23748 Matthe-vvs, Agnes Bounds (Mrs Edwin Scott).. The Wayne Hotel, Detroit 35368(f Moad, Margaret Duncan Rav (Mrs Justin Kellogg) Omer 23997c Medaris, Cai-lotta Louise (Mrs) 402 S. 5th ave.. Ann Arbor 33398/ Metcalf, Mattie Woodbridge (Mrs Charles Horton) Grosse Point 16303/ Meyers, Anna B. (Mrs John H.) 214 Ionia st., Lansing 16304/ Miles, Mary A. (Mrs George Hervey) Lansing 28536/ Miller, Jessie Bailev (Mrs Eav Benient) 307 Chestnut st.,W. Lansing 14277J Mills, Elizabeth Butler Wright (Mrs Willis N.) Menominee 28150 Mills, Emily C. (Mrs) Coldwater 28143/ ]\lills, Helen Marian (Miss) 95 E. Alexandrine ave., Detroit 35375/ Mills. Sarah Oakley Graham (Mrs Elisha).95 E. Alexandrine ave., Detroit Western Reserve ("Tiapter, Ohio. Thicaco Chapter, 111. Zebulon Pike Chapter, Col. 8 Deborah Champion Chapter. N. Y. J Oneida Chapter, N. Y. MICHIGAN. 297 .26024** Mitchell, Emma Josephine (Mrs Jno. Burns).. 410 Church St., Ann Arbor 26025** Mitchell, Jessie Jean (Miss) 410 Church st., Ann Arbor 31530tt Montgomery, Addie Lewis (Mrs John Ambrose) Ann Arbor 31554A; Moon, Josephine Eunice Gore (Mrs li. A.)..G02 S. State St., Big Kapids 29035?^ Moon, Margaret McCloskey (Mrs Charles E.)..612 Main st., St. Joseph 3310; Moore, Katharine Mcintosh DeMill (Mrs George William) 527 Jeffer- son ave., Detroit ^90460 Moore, Laura (Miss) St. Clair 285570 Moore, Mary (Miss) St. Clair 14155; Moore, Eebecca Perit Pierson (Mrs L. S.)..46 Edmund Place, Detroit 32097(' Morg-ans, Mary Cole (Mrs William H.) 36 Wessen st., Pontiac 123547 Morrison, Minnie Hawley (Mrs Julius) The Jelt'erson, Detroit 21048/ Moses, Eena Traver (Mrs Charles Webber) 309 W. Boulevard, Detroit 52102i Mott, Mary Ellen (Miss) Lansing .20428c Murfin, Josephine Kurd Smith (Mrs J. O.)..105 E. Huron st., Ann Arbor 11100; Newberry, Harriet Barnes (Mrs Truman H.)..481 Jefferson ave., Detroit 10094; Newberry, Helen Handy (Mrs John T.) 483 Jefferson ave., Detroit 24020; Nichols, Alice Slocum (Miss) 533 W^oodward ave., Detroit 34221; Nichols, Charlotte Sophia (Miss) 533 Woodward ave., Detroit 4517; Nichols, Elizabeth Truac Slocum (Mrs J. B.) 533 Woodward ave., Detroit 9798* Nichols, Fannie B. Hodge (Mrs) Ann Arbor 24718c Nichols, Letitia Mae Howell (Mrs Arthur C.) 115 N. Thayer St., Ann Arbor 34727fc Nilsen, Henrietta E. (Mrs Hilmar N.) Maple st., Big Eapids 19858i Noble, Emma Grant (Mrs) 317 Seymour st., Lansing 24019; Noble, Lucy Seward (Mrs Bostwick Eoberts) 514 4th ave., Detroit 13486p Norris, Lucy Whittelsey (Mrs Lyman D.)21 N. Prospect st., Grand Eapids 14557/> Norris, Maria Whittelsey (Miss) 21 N. Prospect st.. Grand Eapids 12796; Norton, Louise Vernor (Mrs Edward Kingsley)325 Lafayette ave., Detroit 290470 Oakes, Hannah Annis McElhinney (Mrs" John W.) \ St. Clair 12795/3 O'Brien, Delia Howard (Mrs) ". 28 N. Lafayette st.. Grand Eapids 16296/ O'Bryan, Amelia C. Hall (Mrs Volney)..224 W^ashington ave., S. Lansing 27685$ Odeli, Leila Delite Eipley, (Mrs Samuel W.) 581 Cass ave., Detroit 18614f Olcott, Margaret Thompson (Miss) 932 Beach st., Flint 35380 Osborn, Annette J. (Mrs Harris B.) Kalamazoo 19294; Osborne, Harriet Haynes Wright (Mrs W. H.)..208 Seymour st., Lansing 31556A; Osburn, Clara A. (Miss) 323 Elm st., Big Eapids 30S60e Osman, Charlotte Estelle Monroe (Mrs H. J0..68 Morton ave., Pontiac 18623c Oswald, Martha Spencer (Mrs Andrew) 103 Huron st., E. Ann Arbor 15034r Owen, Abbe Eirene (Miss) 714 Forest ave., Ypsilanti 35378r Owen, Georgiana Webb (Mrs Frank King) ....310 Adams st., Ypsilanti 13497c Pack, Ann Waters (Mrs Clarkson La Forge). .19 N. Ingalls st., Ann Arbor 10092/ Paddock, Jessie Ferguson (Mrs L. H.)..172 Joseph Campau ave., Detroit 31536/ Paine, Ida Moore (Mrs A. H. De Forest) 52 Putnam ave., Detroit lS615f Palmer, Mary A. Woodworth (Mrs Jonathan) 1108 Beach st., Flint 28560/3 Parish. Euth Moore Beckwith (Mrs Thomas Albert) ..Grand Haven 1018411 Park, Harriet Elizabeth Clarke (Mrs J. S.)..450 Vinewood ave., Detroit 29036& Parker, Clarinda Searles (Mrs E. D.)..719 Lake Front Blvd., vSt. Joseph lS62Si Parker, Elizabeth Lonice (Miss) Children's Free Hospital, Detroit 2260/ Parker, Helen Strong Pitts (Mrs Arthur M.) 710 Jefferson ave., Detroit 27686/ Parker, Isabel Mellen (Mrs Willard F.) 50 Pitcher st., Detroit 12614T Parker, Melinda (Mrs William P.) Detroit 29429t Parker, Mertice L. C. (Miss) Detroit 279S6§ Parkinson, Mabel McCoy (Mrs Benjamin C.) Hardwood 765/ Parsons, Grace Douglas (Miss) ' 530 Woodward ave., Detroit 290500 Parsons, Laura Jerome (Mrs Myron P.) St. Clair 26114/ Parsons, Margaret Elwood (Miss) 912 Cass ave., Detroit 31143 Patch, Catherine Junia Cook (Mrs Allen F.) Sturgis 24023 Patchin, Euth Hayward W^atkins (Mrs John Wakely) 435 W>bster st.. Traverse City 31529c Patterson, Merib E. (Mrs G. W. Jr.).. 814 S. LTniversity ave.. Ann Arbor 34721c Peck, Susan Helen Eichardson (Mrs Joseph Anning) Pontiac General de Lafayette Chapter, Ind. • Bpcatvir Chapter, 111. Wyoming: Chapter, Ohio. Chicago Chapter, 111. II OwahsTPna Chapter, N. Y. •i- mini Chapter, 111. § Milwaukee Chapter, Wis. 2Qft DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 34218i Piatt, Elizabeth Clark (Mrs ilamanzo linoM) ^'^^^'^'^^^ ^t Detroit ?2iS^ ?i"f' ^'^"'.^ J^^^ P^^^^°^ (^^r« William Slnryr/'' ii03 Beach" s?p3 14152; Pittman, Mary Gertrude CMrs SamiiPl ir ^ -^i -^ n -t^each st^ J^lmt ■ii S£SSH?k?-S"l|S!tS 25316p Pratt, Mmnie M. (Mrs Charles R) -Lsnpemmg 35379r Putnam,' Sarah Smft^h MrTkni;i)\\\\\\\\\\\- -'a^^^Fre's^ rvt' ISn S S- S?h\T;e"SSrK^ti^Lr ^^"^^^^^ "^ Z^^^S^ RaJ;.nJH''Tf -°''. t^7.?°r ^^ Matteson) 155 Fort st., W Dttroit f.fii ?!^?^^f ' ^„^"^^^.?.- (Mrs spencer By-'s^^/^^S: ^t: Setok^ 14166P Eead, Annie H. (Miss) . . " 77 Ti'^^^^n'ri ^ • J 342150 Penwick, MabelVlJ M;s •Llew;iYyn)\\\\\\\''.'''"'^ ^*-' ^Tn, l?bo? IsSec mchTrt' ^""ff^T ^^'"'^ VV/ • • V ''' ^^^"^^ ^*-' Grand Eapids 299616 P chnrdt? M ^""T/^ .(Mrs Jonathan E.) 75 E. Huron st., Ann Arbor S: Spfey^'^orneSTMissT"' ^"""^^ '' Washing^ton st Pontiae 3?55?fc Eoben'^StS'^^T? ^""If^f./^' ' Nathaniel- ' jV.) :::::::::: '.Grand Ha?:S ;iit>i)ifc Jxoben, Stella Bannett (Mrs) Mar-inn t^^rc. n^rr. -p^r^vi 20429i Eobinson, M. Ethel (Miss) ..'::..:::: ^^^''''''" ^^^^ ^'^ ch^SeU Ifomc ?ob-"'°"' ¥"?f' ^i. ^^''^'^ ■.■.■.'.■.■.•.■.•.425-Ca-ss a;e.,'SeSt S?5 ?°^ °'''''n ^°* '"^ Benedict (Mrs James P.) 320 S. 5th ave., Ann Arbor 306331 Rogers, Georgiana Sargent (Mrs Frank D.) Ypsilanti llllln ^n^V'^r^^^'T^'^i^ ?• (¥.? J- Sumner) Oakhurst, Orchard Lake 2?6S? ?orf«n A°!J'''T??*^^.i^^^' *^^^^^"" <^-) 410 ^- ^^'^Ito^ «t- Grand Eapids 2?fiS^- ^T- ' ^J^^ ^^^?,. M'^'^ 5^9 Woodward ave., Detroit 2?fiSo • 5^1"°^' ^^^^^^^? (Miss) 579 Woodward ave. Detroit llcZl g°J"f °^' Mary Morris Vance (Mrs Brainard) 579 Woodward ave., Detroit 32093a Eottman, Charlotte Trufant Shoemaker (Mrs Harry) Mount Clemens llaL 5°"f ' ^''^?^ '^- (^t'""^ 2^03 S. Washington ave., Saginaw iS ^o^lant^' Frances Lester (Mrs Levi P.) 507 Elm st., Ann Arbor 1 ^no? • 5^^^^°"' Margaretta Lee (Miss) 610 ClifPord st., Flint iloolf S^^i''^' f^""^ f'^^ (Mrs John G.) 427 Stuart ave., Kalamazoo So- S^n^^eU' Annie Stevens (Mrs Warren Scott) 615 Mason st.. Flint friJ- 5"^^%^ Mary E Pumney (Mrs Walter T.) 863 JefPerson ave., Detroit 9659; Eussell, Ellen Wells (Mrs Alfred) 1300 Woodward ave., Detroit ,1^11^ ^".f^"' Frances Miller (Mrs H. E.) Miller st., Mt. Clemens 15745/) Sailor, Margaret Balcom (Mrs John) Sauo-utuck ?tl^?^- o^^^'f' '^'^^^'^ "^"""^ Carter (Mrs Murray W.) 78 Frederick ave., Detroit IIJ>J Sanborn. Nancy Merrill (Miss) 34 E. Alexandrine ave.. Detroit onr^^^ Sanders, Caroline Hinckley (Mrs Josiah F.) 114 S. Huron st., Ypsilanti 295546 Sanford, Josephine Browne (Mrs William Craig) Pontiae ?o^^^^ Savage, Adelaide Hughes (Miss) 908 N. Jackson st.. Bay City 13473/) Savidge, Sarah Caroline Patton (Mrs Hunter) Sprin"-' Lake o^o2^ Sa^^on, Mary F. (Mrs George H.) 215 Chestnut st.. N. Lansing Irll.^ ScJiamher, Florence L. (Mrs Joseph) Gratiot ave., Mt. Clemens 29953; Schell, Helen Lo uise (Miss) 287 Baldwin ave., Detroit • Oshkosh Chapter, Wis. | Continental Chapter, D. C. T Au^sta Chapter, Ga. MICHIGAN. 299 285580 Schoales, Elizabeth Ferguson (Mrs W. L.) St. Clair 16309a Scott, Alice Mary (Miss) St. Joseph 35871/ Scott, Harriet Cain (Mrs Byron H.) Grosse Isle 987711 Seasholes, Grace Lyon (Mrs Charles L.) 1414 Capitol ave., Lansing 8216§ Selden, Sarah Lay (Mrs Samuel) Escanaba 234426 Sesser, Jane Belle (Miss) St. Joseph 9150; Seymour, Sadie Hanna (Mrs) 715 Jefferson ave., Detroit 30854; Shaw, Adelle Pomeroy (Mrs John Thomas) First National Bank. Detroit 28561fZ Shearer, M. Louise Deshler (Mrs Chauncey H.) 1015 Center ave., Bav City 30384rf Shearer, Margaret Elizabeth D. (Miss) 1015 Centre ave.. Bay City 150251 Shelden, Caroline Alger (Mrs Henry D.) 164 Fort st., W. Detroit 8793/ Shelley, Mina Botsf ord (Mrs George E.) Ann" Arbor 13490/) Shelton, Harriet Handy (Mrs John E.) 19 James st.. Grand Eapids 17610; Sherman, Estella C. Ward (Mrs Loren Albert) Port Huron 32529 Shipman, Mary Proudfit (Mrs John B.) Coldwater 754 Sibley, Sarah A. (Miss) Griswold st., Detroit 28552a Skinner, Alice Louise (Miss).... 87 North ave., Mt. Clemens 27694a Skinner, Helen M. (Mrs George A.) 87 North ave., Mt. Clemens 13467; Skinner, Henrietta Channing Dana (Mrs Henry Whipple) 360 Jefferson ave., Detroit 26605c Sluason, Clara C. (Mrs Herbert M.) 433 S. 5th ave., Ann Arbor 23141; Smith, Abigail (Miss) 30 E. High st., Detroit 333876 Smith, Ada Louise (Miss) 148 W. Lawrence st.. Pontiac 29555e Smith, Ada Louise (Mrs Edward C.) 148 W. Lawrence st., Pontiac 24004& Smith, Belle C. (Mrs George) St. Joseph 299626 Smith, Julia Phoenix (Mrs Edward C.) Pontiac 15740; Smith, Lucy Crapo (Mrs H. H. H. Crapo) 789 Jefferson ave., Detroit 10091; Smith, Virginia Ferguson (Mrs James C.) Jefferson Flats, Detroit 31537; Speed, Fredericka D. (Miss) 478 2nd ave., Detroit 24018; Spencer, Louisa Ann Flint (Mrs) 25 Peterborough st., Detroit 16305i Spencer, Mary Wilson (Mrs Clinton) 314 Seymour st., Lansing 28138c Springer, Hattie Lazell (Mrs D. W.) 702 E. University ave., Ann Arbor 28151 Stafford, Nelly Flower (Mrs E. O.) 321 Eidge st.. Marquette 34731; Standish, Grace Mack (Mrs Charles D.) 102 Willis ave.. West Detroit 22138; Starkey, Jennie 0. (Miss) 88 Pitcher st., Detroit 24024 Stearns, Annie Curd Abbot (Mrs Allen Miles) Kalamazoo 29956; Stearns, Ethel Mellen Eidgely (Mrs Allyn D.) 1019 Brush st., Detroit 24724; Stearns, Margaret Johnson (Mrs Samuel C.) 17B Seyburn ave., Detroit 6902* Stearns, Paulina Lyon (Mrs Justus S.) Ludington 31532i Stebbins, Anna Burgojne (Mrs Arthur C.) 616 Ottawa st., Lansing 30368t Steel, Nettie C. (Mrs Eobert G.) 311 Capitol ave., N. Lansing 30370i' Stephenson, Marie Elizabeth Truax (Mrs John H.) Lansing 28540; Sterling, Mary Talman (Mrs Howard Webster) 122 Dubois st., Detroit 25313; Stevens, Anna E. Shipman (Mrs Frederick B.) 69 Eliot st., Detroit 303606 Stevens, Ella Whitaker (Mrs W. L.) St. Joseph 15044p Stevens, Jennie Eobe (Mrs Wilder D.) Grand Eapids 30364c Stevens, Laura C. Warden (Mrs William C.) 304 N. Ingalls st., Ann Ai'bor 26527; Stevens. Melissa (Mrs Charles Dennis) 907 3rd ave., Detroit 14169; Stevens, Nellie Henshaw (Mrs F. W.) 20 Woodward ave. Ter., Detroit 30853; Stoddard, Florine Smith (Mrs Edward W.) 30 E. High st., Detroit 29954; Stoddard, Jennie May (Miss) 271 Woodward ave.. Detroit 32687t Stone, Harriette Osborn McCalmont (M. D.) (Mrs W. A.) Kalamazoo 29955; Stone, Margaret Clare Webster (Mrs James H.) 160 Merrick ave., Detroit 35875 Stowe, Kate Smith (Mrs Eugene A.) Howell 30859c Stowell, Hattie E. (Mrs Elmer H.) Drayton Plains 240036 Stratton, Cornelia J. (Mrs Eobert F.) St. Joseph 24021; Stringham, Harriet Strong (Miss) 115 Winder st., Detroit 14556P Studley, Edith (Miss) 64 N. Prospect st.. Grand Eapids 32930 Studley, Helen Elizabeth (Miss) 64 N. Prospect st.. Grand Eapids 15030J- Sullivan, Jessie Caroline Ainsworth (Mrs J. A.) 511 Chicago ave., Ypsilanti 5080; Summer, Annie Chickering (Miss) 821 Jefferson ave., Detroit 7218/ Summer, Florence Bingham (Mrs Edward A.) 821 Jefferson ave., Detroit 30367c Sumner, May H. B. (]\Irs James E.) Ann Arbor II Jane Douglas Chapter, Tex. § Fort Dearborn Chapter, 111. * Walter Deane Chapter, Ohio, t Venango Chapter, Pa. 300 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E. 14164P Sweet, Sophia Fuller (Mrs Edwin F.)....297 E. Fulton st., Grand Rapids 35S67 Swift, Clara Buel Trowbridge (Mrs CM.) 160 Joseph Campau ave., Detroit 15021; Swift, Irene Battel (Mrs Edward Y.) 184 Lafayette ave., Detroit 16948 Swift, Janet Huntington McKelvey (Mrs Clarence Franklin) Lansing 95521 Swift, Eebekah Eunice (Miss) Ishpeming 24034/; Taggart, Delia Garner (Mrs Edward) .. .109 N. College aveV, Grand Eapids 28547a Taylor, Marion Ferris (Mrs Henry Jr.) New st., Mt. Clemens 29963e Ten Eyck, Marion Eliza Seymour (Mrs J.) 87 Orchard Lake ave., Pontiac 17756; Thatcher, A. Elizabeth West (Mrs John S.) 281 Lincoln ave., Detroit 285546 Thatcher, Grace G. (Mrs Hiland H.) 147 Lawrence st.. West, Pontiac 24729?* Thomas, Alberta Tullia (Miss) Muskegon 8790; Thomas, Hallie Chittenden (Mrs Albert B.) 321 Frederick ave., Detroit 7842f Thompson, Hattie P. (Mrs Almon) 218 S. First st., Flint 31533 i Thoms, Margaret Waller (Mrs F. M.) 1013 Washington ave., N. Lansing 299646 Thorpe, Mabel (Miss) 34 Huron st., Pontiac 13466; Thrall, Alice (Miss) Detroit Screw Works, Detroit 25303& Thresher, Halle Eeeder (Mrs George M.) Benton Harbor . 3344tt Thummel, Edith Hepburn (Mrs W. F.) 719 2nd ave., Detroit 19851 Tilden, Georgia (Miss) 5 Monroe st., Ann Arbor 26453; Tillotson, Abby Kimball (Miss) 30 E. High st., Detroit 405; Trowbridge, Mary E. (Miss) 609 Jefferson ave., Detroit 27687; True, Myrtle Wiley Hutton (Mrs George A.) . .152 McDougall ave., Detroit 25314; Tucker, Jean Henry (Miss) 665 2nd ave., Detroit 16294i Turner, Jessie McCabe (Mrs Charles M.) 405 Ottawa st., Lansing 33384c Turner, Sophie Porter Scott (Mrs James M.) Ann Arbor 16051f Tyler, Esther Eobbins (Mrs George) Union City 11S80 Uhl, Alice Follett (Mrs Edwin F.).'. "Waldheim," Grand Eapids 3531111 Van Alstyne, Ellen Folger (Mrs John S.) Biddle ave., Wyandotte 333866 Van Buskirk, Kate L. Crawford (Mrs Charles M.) 34 Judson st., Pontiac 33399; Van Kleeck, Dida (Miss) Howell 35376; Van Loon, Etta Mack (Mrs Thomas H.) 144 Langley ave., Detroit 7460 Vary, Lucy S. (Mrs William P.) Galloway House, Eau Claire 29965? Vernon, Anne Eugenia Eobinson (Mrs Charles A.) Orchard Lake 4703/ Victor, Eva Carey Woodbridge (Mrs W. F.) "The Churchill," Alpena 10306; Viets, Cordelia T. Eonie (Mrs J. E.) 88 Park st., Detroit 13498c Vosmus, Sarah Waters (Mrs Orrin Dwinal) 19 N. Ingalls st., Ann Arbor 31538; Wadsworth, Katherine Luella Peck (Mrs F. E.) 663 Jefferson ave., Detroit 34214c Waite, Charlotte A. (Miss) 426 S. Eose st., Kalamazoo 33400; Walker, Emily Virginia Norvell (Mrs Henry W.) 197 Iroquois ave.. Detroit 15029r Wallace, Susan Estella Ainsworth (Mrs W. J.) 511 Chicago ave., Ypsilanti 15746/) Wallin, Elizabeth Whittelsey (Mrs V. A.) 101 N. Lafayette, Grand Eapids 15045P Wallin, Hannah Chadbourn'e (Mrs F. B.) 26 S. Prospect st., Grand Eapids 22137$ Ward, Ermine Palmer Ward (Mrs Franklin B.) 27 Ledyard st., Detroit 299570 Ward, Lizzie Grace (Mrs George J.) St. Clair 31558fc Ward, Sarah Smith Robinson (Mrs W. G.) 412 S. Stewart ave.. Big Eapids 35747; Warren, Adelaide Birdsall (Mrs Wadsworth) .. .633 Jefferson ave., Detroit 15026; Warren, Mary Elizabeth Whitney (Mrs C. A.) 789 Cass ave., Detroit 15919§ Warriner, Stella Mercer Farnham (Mrs) Calumet 20134^ Wastell, Ann Eliza Gillette (Mrs William) 1029 6th st.. Port Huron 295490 Waterloo, Clara E. Kimball (Mrs Charles B.) Port Huron 24211 Watkins, Alice (Miss) 176 Bagg st.. Detroit 12435?' Watling, Eunice Wright (Mrs John A.) 121 N. Huron st., Ypsilanti 15037;- Watling, Lucille (Miss) Ypsilanti 30434* Weadlock, Nancy Elizabeth Mary Curtiss (Mrs Thomas A. E.) 2123 Center ave.. Bay City 3252Sr Webster, Priscilla Vining Boyce (Mrs W. H.) 221 Summit St.. Ypsilanti 29949a Weeks, Genevra Caroline (Miss) 157 S. Gratiot ave., Mt. Clemens 13500/ Weeks, Katherine (Miss) 151 Gratiot ave., Mt. Clemens 9664/ Wells, Harriette Hyde (Mrs Frederick L.) Port Huron 303S5f/. W>lls, Idabella S. Fitzhugh (Mrs C. E.) 259 N. Van Buren st., Bay City 30386(i Wells, Margaret Cleveland Hubbard (Mrs) Bay City t Fort Dearborn Chapter, 111. t Western Reserve Chapter, Ohio. ft Abigail Adams Chapter, Iowa. § Wyoming Valley Chanter, Pa. t Susan Carrington Clarke Chapter, Conn. 1, Ascutney Chapter, Vt. II Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter, Mass. * Camden Chapter, N. Y. MINXESOTA, 301 2266; 290530 9560/ 1630Si. 16307i 21599; 2048/ 6964** 329276 2400S& 285590 11097; 29950« 303S7rf 14151; 29655$ 31541/^ 3309; 3308; 353771 15036r 9661; 1982; 6413; 34732; 13468; 5613 •8379& 24022; 34733; 16311p 31559fc 10556; 20440n 20439H 24719c 15741 347226 18624c 2664; 13492P 30851P 28541; 19296P 28553a 25308f Wendell, Jeanie Torrey (Mrs Emory) Jefferson Flats, Detroit West, Arzelia Jenks Beckwith (Mrs Frederick A.) St. Clair West, Bessie M. (Miss) 612 Brush St., Detroit Westcott, Clara Louise (Miss) 200 St. Joseph st., E. Lansing Westcott, Ellen L. (Mrs Thomas W.) 200 St. Joseph st., E. Lansing Wetherbee, Mary E. Phelps (Mrs George C.) 777 Cass ave., Detroit Wetmore, Mary Blanche (Miss) "The Jefferson," Detroit Wheelock, Josephine Elizabeth (Miss) Fountain st., Grand Eapids Whitehead, Julia Coles Leggett (Mrs Alyan Heddin) Detroit Whitehead, Mary Sophronia (Miss) 145 Bellview st., Benton Harbor Whiting, Hattie Coe (Miss) St. Clair Whitney, Beatrice Earned (Mrs Bertram C.)..427 Woodward ave., Detroit Whitney, Florence (Miss) Grand ave., Mt. Clemens Whitney, Louise Carroll (Miss) 1315 Center ave.. Bay City Whittemore, Nellie Dean Putnam (Mrs) 188 Harper ave., Detroit Wickham, Mary E. (Mrs De Witt C.) Pentwater Wickman, Edith Farwell McGraft (Mrs Clarence) 190 Lake st., Muskegon Wight, Bessie Eice (Miss) 403 Jefferson ave., Detroit Wight, Sarah Davenport (Mrs Henry A.) 403 Jefferson ave., Detroit Wiley, Margaret W. (Miss) 8 Witherell st., Detroit Wilkinson, Caroline Sanders (Mrs C. S.) 114 Huron st., Ypsilanti Williams, Edith (Miss) 715 Jefferson ave., Detroit Williams, Jane Phillips H. (Mrs C. Earned) 60 Erskine st., Detroit Williams, Julia H. (Mrs N. G.) 715 Jefferson ave., Detroit Williams, Luc}^ White (Mrs Wm. Brown) Lapeer Williams, Olive Farrand (Mrs Eichard P.).... 458 Woodward ave.. Detroit Wilson, Angeline Aspinwall (Mrs Charles M.) Grand Eapids Winchester, Stella Louise (Miss) St. Joseph Wing, Elizabeth T. (Mrs Talcott E.) 614 Brush st., Detroit Wing, Emma Sterling (Mrs Austin E.) 612 Brush st., Detroit Winsor, Anhella Lull (Mrs Eugene E.) 28 Madison ave.. Grand Eapids Wiseman, Jessie Whales (Mrs Charles M.) 121 Mill st.. Big Eapids Withington, Julia Chittenden (Mrs W. H.) 228 Wildwood ave.. Jackson Wood, Julia Slosson (Miss) Muskegon Wood, Susan Maria (Miss) 173 Clay st., Muskegon Woodbridge, Alice Field (Mrs) Ann Arbor Woodruff, Grace Lowrey (Miss) 1055 Jefferson ave., Detroit Woodruff, Helen Madeleine Peck (Mrs C. DeW.) Sanitarium, Eeed City Woods, Jennie M. (Miss) 88 S. Main st., Ann Arbor Woolsey, Elizabeth Morrison (Miss) 564 Congress st., E. Detroit Works. Charlotte E. Gidings (Mrs A. M.) 559 E. Fulton st.. Grand Eapids Wren, Kate Bonnell (Mrs'William C.) 38 S. Lafayette st.. Grand Eapids Wright. Flora May (Mrs Henry M.) 676 Woodward ave., Detroit Wylie, Jeannette Curtis (Mrs James E.) 70 N. Lafayette st.. Grand Eapids Young, Jennie May Hubbard (Mrs C. W.) 41 Miller st., Mt. Clemens Young, Mary Lovinia Ingersoll (Mrs Henry L.) East st., Flint MINNESOTA State Regent, 1901, Mrs. D. A. Montfort, 282 Dayton ave., St. Paul a ii 1 Q09 " " " " ' " " " " " CHAPTEES (12 organized, 1 imorganized) a. Anthony Wayne Chapter — Mankato Organized June 20, 1SQ9; Members, IS (Washington, 1) Eegent, Miss Carrie A. Brewster Secretary, Miss Fanny Pitcher Vice-Eegent, Mrs E. L. Hawes Treasurer, Mrs Matthew Curran Eegistrar, Mrs Grace Fox Dolly Madison Chapter, D. C. ± Western Reserve Chapter, Ohio. 302 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. b. Charter Oak Chapter — Faribault Organized Septetnber 27, 1S9S; Members, 18 (Colorado, 1) Eegent, Mrs E. H. Loyhed Treasurer, Mrs Lynne Peavey Yice-Eegent, Miss Lulu Van Horn Historian, Miss Stella F. Col'e Secretary, Miss Olive Weld Eegistrar, Mrs W. N. Lockwood Chaplain, Mrs F. A. Theopold c. Colonial Chapter — Minneapolis Organized January 21, 1895; Members, 131 (Idaho, 1; District of Columbia, 1; Penn- sylvania, 2; Foreign, 2; Massachusetts, 1; Neiv York, 1; kioutli Dakota, 1) Eegent, Mrs C. H. Thompson Treasurer, Mrs J. T. Morris Vice-Eegent, Mrs H. H. Kimball Eegistrar, Miss Martha West Eec. Secretary, Mrs E. J. Edwards Historian, Mrs George Higgins Cor. Secretary, Mrs. A. P. Williamson Chaplain, Miss Anna Goodsell . Auditor, Mrs D. D. McDowell d. Daughter of Liberty Chapter — Duluth Organized April 19, 1897; Members, 29 (Nebraska, 1) Eegent, Mrs E. W. Markell Treasurer, Mrs A. W. Button Vice-Eegent, Mrs J. L. Washburn Eegistrar, Miss Julia Ensign Eec. Secretary, Mrs W. S. Bro\^'n Historian, Mrs H. T. Abbott Cor. Secretary, Mrs J. T. Hale Chaplain, Miss Julia Barber e. Distafe Chapter — St. Paul Organized April!, 1898; Members, 58 (New York, 2; Ohio, 1; Illinois, 2; California, 1) Eegent, Mrs Frederick E. Foster Treasurer, Mrs William P. Abbott Vice-Eegent, Mrs Judson W. Bishop Eegistrar, Mrs Edwin C. Haynie Eec. Secretary, Miss Mary Sue Willis Historian, Mrs Oscar C. Greene Cor. Secretary, Miss Frances Eelf Chaplain, Mrs James W. Edgerton f. Fergus Falls Chapter — Fergus Falls Organized January 30, 1899; Members, 18 Eegent, Mrs Mary Parsons Treasurer, Mrs Mary U. Gray Secretary, Miss Elizabeth Underwood Eegistrar, Mrs Emma C. Shouts g. Greysolon du Lhut Chapter — Duluth Organized October 19, 1895; Members, 22 (Louisiana, 1; Wisconsin, 2; Ohio, 1; Missouri, 1) Eegent, Mrs Carrie H. Harbison Treasurer, Mrs Clara S. Clapp Vice-Eegent, Mrs Catherine D. Hammon Eegistrar, Mrs Flora M. Davey Secretary, Mrs Sarah S. McGonagle Historian, Miss Mary S. Clarke Chaplain, Mrs Julia G. Maynard h. Minneapolis Chapter — Minneapolis Organized March 31, 1892; Members, 9'f (Vermont, 1; New York, 1; Washington, 1; District of Columbia, 1; Eoreign, 1; California, 1; Illinois, 1) Eegent, Mrs Eobert Straton Treasurer, Mrs Charles W. Schneider Vice-Eegent, Mrs F. C. Barrows Eegistrar, Mrs Jonas Gilford Eec. Secretary, Mrs John J. McHale Historian, Mrs O. H. Sheplej- Cor. Secretary, Mrs H. H. Weeks Chaplain, Mrs Charles E. Xewcomb Hon. Chaplain, Mrs C. 0. Van Cleve i. Monument Chapter — Minneapolis Organized December 11, 1900; Members, 11 Eegent, Mrs Bella E. Wyman Eegistrar, Mrs Emily H. Bell Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary E. Partridge Historian, Mrs Carrie B. Stone Secretary, Mrs Julia A. Gray Auditor, Mrs Katherine M. Peck Treasurer, Miss Mary L. Shove Chaplain, Mrs Adelaide H. Chapman MIJs^NESOTA. 3QD j. Nathan Hale Chapter— St. Paul Organized Xovemher 25, 1895; MemUrs, L9 (Florida 1 • Olun r • a- t- , Eec. Secretary, Miss Maribel Otis :J^egistrar, Mrs Mary A. G. Fagley Cor. Secre.ar,l Mi., ^^^ti^^^ ^^ISSS: ^:.' ii':i\^'^^' k. Rochester Memhers liegent, Mrs Abbie Frances Faitoule. Appointed December 6, 1899 1. St. Paul Chapter— St. Paul Eegent, Mrs E. E. Sanford rp ,, ' Vife-Eeg-ent, Mrs j'r^'wf de ^riT/aT' Mrs 1^^'^'- 7^'''' Eec. Secretary, Mrs J. C Hill t^?'',^^^T^^ ' ^^ f • T. Big-elow Co. Secre.a4: Mrs E. M.^f „„t, Sfa'SM'r'fM^^S'SwS"' benealogist, Mrs S. P. Crosby m. Wenonah Chapter— Winona Organized February 3, 189S; Members 50 Eec. Secretary. Mis. Mary I McKie ll'SZZ'.-M^^S: B. B^lm Historian, Mrs P. W. Little Membees Eesiding in the State 18653(? Abbott, Gertrude Markell CMrs Howard T^ om ,4.x. ^ 276986 Abbott, Mary Eastman (Mrs WmPra^t^'-^ '■' 'oi^ ?^ ave. Duluth 8066 Adams, Ada Walker (Mrs John (Sine vf^ -13 Laurel ave., St. Paul 18637? Adams, Annie Margery Eank?n Sirs m' 'am ' iV A ^''''^ ^^^^^' ^*- ^^^^ 363096 Adams, Kate Hayward (Mrs) U, r r-''f ^''^•' ^*- ^^"^ 28152W Allen Harriet HViiillton Vm^J " V iI^'t^i'V^!^ Goodrich ave., St. Paul 2612!.^ Auerbacb. Matilda EiceTMrs Mauricer ' ??s J"""'-"; """ f*' J""' 16952» Austin. IsaMIa MeHwh ^£7 3S8 Summit ave., St Paul ic!?ur;i!re?:;^^*.?!^?4'4';Src?"'-'''^s«-o;rnj'^--.^^^ SIL i^-.^Sen-'et'^'Sifr'^-^^^^ 27307/^ Badger, Anna D. (Mrs Walter L.)". Vo^V sih aVe" ' SmUb'M-'''''''^^ r' 11609r P.nilPT AiTTiio Tj;i+ -nt y^T^ ^-l "^^-^ oi^Ji ave., bouth Minneapolis 9Q^rn„, i^f'?!^^ , Annie Hilton Moor (Mrs Francis B.) 84 Willow st Alinneanoh's '^ ^a..,. W:^|i; =a?ijo 715 N. 4th st., Minneapolis 11606c Kelly, Helen (Miss) .• 715 North 4th st.. Minneapolis 6836c Kendrick, Elizabeth Foster (Mrs J. W.) 230 Oak Grove st., Minneapolis 9161? Kendrick, Sarah K. S. (Mrs Fayette C.) 488 Grand ave.. St. Paul 6543ft Keyes. Louise Collins (Mrs Charles W.) 1026 6th st.. Minneapolis 29561m Keyes, Margaret Hull McNie (Mrs Edward) 250 Centre st.. Winona MINNESOTA. 309 17442* Kimball, Frances Palmer (Mrs Henry M.) 69 "The Buckingham," St. Paul 7219c Kimball, Grace E. (Mrs Hannibal H.) 24th st. & 3rd ave., S. Minneapolis 17621Z Kingery, Clara G. (Mrs Newton) 1722 Summit ave., St. Paul 24046i Kingman, Adelaide E. (Mrs) 2022 2nd ave., S. Minneapolis 22169W Kinney, Kate Weed (Mrs Henry M.) 252 W. Wabash St., Winona 30S671 Kirk, Gertrude Allen (Miss) .415 Laurel ave., St. Paul ISOiSl Kirk, Mary E. Allen (Mrs E. A.) 415 Laurel ave., St. Paul 29069/t Kirtland, May (Miss) 2515 E. Lake st., Minneapolis 29061c Kling, Harriet Hulbert (Mrs Willard J.) . .,. . .24 W. Grand st., Minneapolis 23085; Knuppe, Belle Benedict (Mrs John) 1381 Sumpiit ave., St. Paul 15066i Konantz, Minnie Heudrickson (Mrs Edward).. 623 Iglehart ave., St. Paul 15063? Krayenbuhl, May E. (Mrs Francis L.) 688 Marshall ave., St. Paul 25335i Ladd, Anna M. (Mrs Henry Elmer) 131 Oak Grove st., Minneapolis 7774t Lamb, Florence Bingham (Mrs C. E.) 315 Oak Grove st., Minneapolis 29979i Lampher, Charlotte Taylor (Mrs E. A.) 383 Dayton ave., St. Paul 34742m Landon, Kittie M. (Mrs George) Winona 261196 Lane, Susan Studley (Mrs John W.) 703 Lincoln ave., St. Paul 1557e Langford, Elizabeth E. (Mrs Augustine G.) 291 Laurel ave., St. Paul 299746 Lawrence, Clara Bullard (Mrs Charles Grej^ 651 Portland ave., St. Paul 16954c Lawrence, Mary Sidle (Mrs James W.) 1930 S. 2nd ave., Minneapolis 15756/ Leach, Frances M. Peabody (Mrs Heman J.) 600 Holly ave., St. Paul 8235-i Leach, Mary Hammond (Mrs William B.) "The Imperial," Minneapolis 32947i Lewis, Almira (Miss) 275 Charles st., St. Paul 32948i Lewis, Elizabeth Plumer (Miss) 275 Charles st., St. Paul 28567a Lewis, Eva Harriet (Mrs Alba G.) 420 State st., Mankato 29056(1 Lewis, Jessie A. (Miss) 709 S. 2nd st., Mankato 24047? Liggett, Mathilda E. B. (Mrs W. M.) 2201 Scudder ave., St. Anthony Park 5209? Lightner, Carrie D. (Mrs William H.) 318 Summit ave., St. Paul 18655fir Lincoln, Annie Lloyd (Mrs Willard) ' 1825 W. 1st st., Duluth 28573m Little, Florence Sheperd (Mrs Francis Warren) 222 W. 10th st., Winona 3300 Little, Lora Cornelia (Mrs Elijah A.) 2528 N. Aldrich ave., Minneapolis 23978+ Little, Mary Alice (Miss) 1937 Park ave., Minneapolis 5622ft. Littlefield, Caroline P. (Mrs Isaac) 422 Central ave., Minneapolis 264596 Livingston, Mary Steele (Miss) 432 Summit ave., St. Paul 20065.(7 Lobdell, Julia E. F. (Mrs William Noble) 2808 32nd ave., S. Minneapolis 36318HI Lobdill, Claire Man (Mrs Lodivic Taber) Spring Vallev 221496 Lockwood, Mary Lee Clapp (Mrs William N.) Faribault 11102 Lloyd, Sarah J. Jones (Mrs Evan) 101 Garfield ave., Dukith 116040 Long, Annie W. (Miss) 11 E. 17th st., Minneapolis 11603c Long, Jane T. (Miss) ..HE. 17th st., Minneapolis 2370c Loring, Florence C. Barton (Mrs Charles M.) 102 Clifton ave., Minneapolis 2341/1 Loudon, Florence Swain (Mrs George) . .1112 Harmon Place, Minneapolis 21605Z Lovering, Estelle Wilcox (Mrs Thomas D.) 748 Iglehart st., St. Paul ^4734(i Lovett, Sara Eoe (Mrs Charles E.) 1732 E. 3rd st.. Duluth 22148& Loyhed, Frances Ames (Mrs Edgar Henry) . .| Faribault 15067 Lyford, Emma L. Hendrickson (Mrs Chas. C.) 821 S. 3rd ave., Minneapolis 32939(1 Macbeth, Alice A. (Mrs Charles James) 318 N. Broad st., Mankato 11113? McCain, Adelaide M. (Miss) 609 Canada st., St. Paul 13508? McCardy, Amelia Briggs (Mrs J. J.) 197 Kent St., St. Paul 4704? McDavitt, Hattie Easton (Mrs Thomas) 590 Grand ave.. St. Paul 15753?( McDonald, Eachel Josephine (Mrs Willard Perry) Excelsior 9673'" McDonnell, Linda Lord (Mrs Duncan D.) 719 16th st.. East Minneapolis 21602.(7 McGonagle, Sarah Lizzie Sargent (Mrs William Albert) Duluth 26126P IMacGregor, Alice Livingston (Mrs Alexander L.) Duluth 10565?( McHale," Addie BroAvn (Mrs John J.) 619 E. 24th st., Minneapolis 4735? INIcKenney, Marie M. (iNlrs Charles E.) . .( North St. Paul 34739/; McKenzie, Katherine Piatt B. (Mrs E.) 3206 Lyndale ave.. S. Minneapolis 17619? AlcKibbin, Mary Dorsey (Mrs Joseph) 85 Virginia ave., St. Paul 26904f IMcMahon Anna I. (Mrs Martin T.) 119 Vernon ave., W. Fergus Falls 253266 McMasters. May Goodrich (Mrs Sterling E.) 217 Pleasant ave., St. Paul 128026 McMillan, Emily Dana (Miss) 505 10th st., S. E. Minneapolis 803? McMillan, Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs. S. J. E.) 429 Portland ave.. St. Paul 290626 McMillan, Lillian Connor (Mrs Frank G.) 700 10th ave., S. E. Minneapolis 29071m McNie, Hattie Hull (Mrs Alexander) Winona * Columbia Chapter, T>. C. t Clinton Chapter, Iowa. Paul Revere Chapter, Mass. 310 DIRECTORY, D. A. E. 29562ni McNie, Maribella (Miss) 164 E. 4th St., Winona 13504i McPherson, Gertrude Butler (Mrs William W.) 218 E. 3rd st., Stillwater 29070 Malin, Grace Emma (Miss) 305 Oak Grove st., Minneapolis 11596e Mann, Anna Harrison Comstock (Mrs C. E.) 703 Laurel ave., St. Paul 1^5051 Marchand, Lila Young (Miss) 107 St. Albans st., St. Paul 22170HI Marfield Agnes E. (Mrs Othe L.) i Winona 18645(Z Markell, Nelly Bailey (Mrs Edgar W.) Lonsdale Bldg., Duluth 216037t Marsh, Ellen A. (Mrs Charles A. J.) . .324 East Franklin ave., Minneapolis 20451/i' Marshall, L. Emogenc (Mrs Justin) 85 Lyndale ave., Minneapolis 11605c Marston, Isabella C. (Mrs Moses C.) 625 9th st.. South Minneapolis 12804c Martin, Ella Sage (Mrs Charles J.) Minneapolis 10572 Martin, Virginia Pike (Mrs James B.) 299 Dayton ave., St. Paul 2789? Mason, Frances Kingsburj' (Mrs Edwin C.) 554 Holly ave., St. Paul 2790i Mason, Kathro Montague (Miss) 554 Holly ave., St. Paul 34223d Mather, Agnes Kernochan Hill (Mrs Oscar Lord) Grand Rapids 264576 Maxfield, Adelaide Cathcart (Mrs Louis H.) 627 Goodrich ave.. St. Paul 15752c Maxwell, IMary Euth (Miss) 2645 Garfield ave., Minneapolis 11104i? Maynard, Jiilia E. Goodhue (Mrs N. H.) Lake ave. & Pearl st., Duluth 949 Mead, Frances Amanda (Mrs Warren H.)....293 Pleasant ave., St. Paul 10342? Meier, Grace M. (Mrs Edward Joseph) 615 Holly ave., St. Paul 15069? Merrill, Maria SampsOn (Mrs A. C.) 2001 Milwaukee ave., Merriam Park, St Paul 18654// Merriman, Belinda Webster (Mrs Ira) West Duluth 21066/ Messer, Amelia C. Short (Mrs Alonson) 39 Mackubin st., St. Paul 2504? Metcalf, Julia French (Mrs George E.) 110 W. 4th st., St. Paul 31571TO Miller, Emily Search (Mrs Norris N.) Winona 11105? Miller, Lucia M. (Miss) 631 Westminster st., St. Paul 35387TO Miller, Millennie Drake (Miss) Winona 24731e Minor, Louise (Miss) 264 Dayton ave., St. Paul 216066 Mitchell, Emily Whittlesey (Mrs W. B.) 508 1st ave^. South, St. Cloud 24738m Mitchell, Frances Judd (Mrs Oliver Ulmer) 220 Franklin st., Winona 805? Monfort, Mary Jane Edgerton (Mrs D. A.) 282 Dayton ave.. St. Paul 28148a Monks, Fannie H. (Mrs George W.) 320 E. Hickory st., Mankato 2049c Montgomery, Mary Eleanor (Miss) Merrimac Park, St. Paul 32942/1 Mooney, Camille Grant (Mrs John E.) 1004 15th ave., S. E.. Minneapolis 15755; Moore, Elizabeth May Norwood (Mrs S. L.) 454 Holly ave., St. Paul 17611c Moore, Nellie Delight Townsend (Mrs Nathan) " Eichfield 11110? Morrill, Medora O'Ferrall (Mrs Frank H.) Chatfield 22775(? Morris, Lizzie Statham (Mrs Page) 2231 E. 1st st.. Duluth 5008c Morris, Lucy Leavenworth W. (Mrs J. T.) 23 E. 17th st.. Minneapolis 11237§ Morrison, Harriet M. (Mrs J. D.) /. . . .Bishop's House, Duluth 22171m Morrison, Lethe Blackman (Mrs Denslow B.) Cor. of Broadway and Har- riet St., Winona 23450 Mosier, Clara A. (Mrs Byron J.) 616 W. Olive st., Stillwater 6162? Moss, Amanda H. (Mrs Henry L.) 239 South Exchange st., St. Paul 791? Moss, Helen Palmes (Mrs Albert P.) "Dacotah Flats," St. Paul 18407* Mudge, Eve Estelle Hersey (Mrs D. A.) St. Paul 12811; Muir, Frances Pierce Purdum (Mrs) 466 Laurel ave., St. Paul 11109? Murphy, Adelaide C. (Miss) 516 Jackson st.. St. Paul 3020 Murray, Harriet Jewett (Mrs Peter) Fort Snelling 21060 Mvers. Jenny Starkweather (Mrs Benjamin F.) 1127 London Eoad. Duluth 36316? Neal, Sophronia T. (Mrs William H.) ." 431 Portland ave., St. Paul 800? Nelson, Emma Beebe (Miss) i 286 Laurel ave., St. Paul 35388m Nevins, Edith Simpson (Miss) 203 W. Watasha st.. Winona 91697). Newcomb, Elizabeth Jane M. C. (Mrs C. E.) 806 W. Lake st.. Minneanolis 787? Newport, Eliza Thompson Morgan E. (Mrs E. M.) 497 Dayton ave., St. Paul 788? Newport, Mary Morgan (Miss) 497 Dayton ave.. St. Paul 261256 Newport. Eachel Newbokl Eice (Mrs L. E.) 207 Summit ave.. St. Paul 26866c Nickols. Martha Ames (Mrs Charles F.) 1013 3rd ave.. South. IMinneanolis 15061? Nicols. Elizabeth Wright (Mrs Henry^ 130 Summit ave.. St. Paul 25445c Northup. Leila Tucker (Mrs William" G.) 626 S. 9th st.. Minneapolis 23145m Norton, Emma Hayes (Mrs Matthew G.) 254 W. 5th st., Winona 32532m Norton, Mary Tsabelle (Miss) 254 W. 5th st.. Winona 14977) Norton, Mary Janette (Mrs Henry A.).. 1191 Hennepin ave.. Minneapolis § Swe-Kat-Si Chapter, N. Y. Fort Dearborn Cliapter, Til. MINNESOTA. 311 11602c 26131i! 22782TO 29563m 27306? 18050/1 3039l7t 33820i 9164c 24041m 56151 22779; 22778; 3039271 6833c 35396 S794C 198657 26120e 2442e 358797 10104/ 25757 31564(i 33814/1 7937 22172??l 12118i 28149ffl 24038c Noyes, Emily H. (Mrs Charles P.) 89 Virginia ave., St. Paul IS'oyes, Helen A. (Mrs Daniel) 366 Summit ave., St. Paul Nunn, Minnie B. Pillsbury (Mrs Alex. H.) 1817 Laurel ave., Minneapolis O'Farrell, Amelia Harris '(Mrs T. P.) Chatfield Ogden, Emma K. (Miss) D»,'troit City Orton, Adah Lena Hewkins (Mrs F. H.) ; 639 Holly ave., St. Paul Osborne, Consuelo (Mrs Charles E.)....59 Hampshire Arms. Minneapolis Otis, Cecelia Elizabeth Whitacre (Mrs A. G.) 577 Oakland ave., St. Paul Otis, Maribel Ransom (Miss) 1344 Summit ave., St. Paul Paine, Cordelia Ayer (Miss) 2200 Niccollet ave., Minneapolis Paine, Grace B. Moor (Mrs Frederick) ... .914 Second ave., S., Minneapolis Paris, Ida Hine (Mrs) 1122 Hennepin ave., Minneapolis Parker, Camille Mercier (Mrs John James) St. Paul Parsons, Mary McLane (Mrs William L.) 213 Verum ave., W. Fergus Falls Partridge, Mary E. (Mrs) 701 Groveland ave., Minneapolis Partridge, Mattie Curtis (Mrs Harvey Earl) 2177 Dooley ave., St. An- thony Park, St. Paul Patterson, Kate Louise Bogart (Mrs Myron Fayette) Box 2420, St. Paul Paxton, Helen Jane (Mrs James Dunlop) 18 Summit Court St., St. Paul Peavey, Elizabeth Weld (Mrs L.yme) Faribault Peck, Katherine Miller (Mrs Orlando H.) . . . ."The Berkeley." Minneapolis Pennington, Carra L. Johnson (Mrs Edmund) 3180 2nd ave., Minneapolis Pennington, Cynthia Gordon (Miss) 501 S. 2nd st., Stillwater Perfect, Catherine Tirzah Holt (Mrs Otis L.) 596 Portland ave.. St. Paul Petteys, Harriet West (Mrs J. H.) Faribault PfefPer. Ada M. (Mrs William H.) Windom Piatt, Laura Smith (Mrs Silas Hubbel) 129 Highland ave., Minneapolis Pitcher, Emily Montgomery (Mrs Zina) Merriam Park, St. Paul Pitcher, Fanny (Miss) 417 S. 2nd st., Mankato Plovigh, Ella F. Skilton (Mrs Alexander B.) 745 Fairmount ave., St. Paul Polk, Lillie C. (Mrs Duval F.) 1316 Keston st., St. Anthony Park Porteous, Louisa Griswold McKnight (Mrs James S) 1508 Harmon Place, Minneapolis Potter, Frances B. Squire (Mrs W. S.) 2008 2nd ave., S., Minneapolis Powers, Abbic Luthera (Mrs William A.) 1704 Daj^ton ave., St. Paul Prentiss, Charlotte Adele (Miss) 101 E. Broadway, Winona Prentiss, Maude Watson Laird (Mrs S. L.) 217 Broadway, W. Winona Prouty, Emma Dunham (Mrs Emery Mason) 525 Summit ave., St. Paul Putnam, Catherine E. (Miss) 216 3rd ave., S. E., Minneapolis Putnam, Sarah L. (Miss) Merriam Park, St. Paul Quirk, Lillian DeFrance Park (Mrs James) 1920 Vine Place, Minneapolis Eand, Susan J. Mealy (Mrs P. R.) 1526 Harmon Place, Minneapolis Randall, Marie Adele Broom (Mrs Richard A.) WMnona Ranney, Fanny Willis (Mrs G. H.) 107 Virginia ave., St. Paul Ray, Alice Paull (Miss) 114 Snelling ave., N., St. Paul Ray, Jennie Paull (Mrs George M.) 114 Snelling ave., N. St. Paul Reed, Abbie Eells (Mrs Sampson Augustus) 17 N. 15th st., Minneapolis Regan, Kate Sidle (Mrs Martin) 3101 2nd ave., S., Minneapolis Reid, Bessie Mae (Miss) 3420 Hennepin ave., Minneapolis Reid, Jennie Higgins (Mrs F. M.) Holmes Hotel, Minneapolis Reilly, Jennie Taylor (Mrs Philip) 565 Dayton ave., St. Paul Relf, Frances Helen (Miss) 76 Park Place, St. Paul Relf, Hermine (Miss) 76 Park Place, St. Paul Rej'nolds, Katherine Campbell (Mrs O. J.) 783 Fairmount ave., St. Paul Rice, Isabelle Turnbull (Mrs Frederick E.) 322 Summit ave., St. Paul Richards, Caroline Permelia Root (Mrs John B.) 522 W. 5th st.. Duluth Richardson, Katharina von S. (Mrs William E.) 227 W. 3rd st., Duluth Ricker, Florence M. (Miss) 1213 Chestnut ave., Minneapolis Riggs, Mabel E. Pratt (Mrs C. Eugene) 595 Dayton ave., St. Paul Rising, Augusta Camp (Mrs F. A.) Winona Ristine, Mary (Miss) 2500 Park ave., Minneapolis Robb, Minerva Kate (Miss) 329 Cherry st., Mankato Roberts, Jane Cleveland (Mrs Thomas S.) 1603 4th ave., S., Minneapolis Kettle Creek Chapter, Ga. 312 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 24039c Eoberts, Margaret Conklin (Mrs H. P.) 1704 Knox ave., S., Minneapolis 1558e Kobertson, Julia Anna (Mrs Daniel A.) 291 Laurel ave., St. Paul 272361 Eobinson, Clara Howard (Mrs Edward VanD.) 136 Nina ave., St. Paul 34735d Eoe, Lydia Ella (Miss j 1722 E. 3rd st., Duluth 105637t Eogers, Emma E. (Miss) . . . .i 2655 Grand ave.. Minneapolis 78471 Eogers, Frances M. (Miss) 426 Holly ave., St. Paul 25759i Eossell, Carrie (Miss) i 459 Dayton ave., St. Paul 25758i Eossell, Carrie Wells (Mrs James McA.) 459 Davton ave., St. Paul 12333J Eiiff, Lizzie Ada (Mrs DeWitt Clinton) 768 Goodrich ave., St. Paul 10575; Sanborn, Emily Bruce (Mrs Walter H.) 143 Virginia ave., St. Paul 30469* Sanborn, Marian E. (Miss) 143 Virginia ave., St. Paul 7849i Sanford, Julia Wright (Mrs Edward Eollin) 23 St. Albans st., St. Paul 12113J Saunders, Phebe E. (Mrs Merville L.) 228 Dayton ave., St. Paul 1923e Savage, Sarah Adams (Mrs A. B.) Minneapolis 27704a Sawyer, Ella Hesselgrave (Mrs) 120 Grove st., Mankato 4539$ Sayer, Helen Lang (Mrs Eaymond) Shattuck School, Faribault 19310/1 Sayre, Mary Eliza Landers (Mrs Horace B.) 1128 6th st., S., Minneapolis 22152b Scandrett, Cornelia Whipple (Miss) Faribault 34743??i Scandrett, France (Miss) Winona 10097/ Schadle, Jennie E. Miller (Mrs Jacob E.) "The Aberdeen," St. Paul 26894?!. Schneider, Fannie C. (Mrs C. W.) 1007 University ave.. S. E., Minneapolis 13506? Schoonmaker, Harriet Warner (Mrs James) 412 Bates ave., St. Paul 17620/ Schriber, Bertha May (Mrs Bishop Hovey) 727 Fairmount ave., St. Paul 5614/ Schurmeier, Frankie Kline (Mrs Henry) 600 Holly ave., St. Paul 157510 Schutt, Clarissa Edith Maxwell (Mrs) Minneapolis 1559/ Secor, Florence Van Deventer (Mrs C. E.) 761 Goodrich ave., St. Paiil 9676d Selden, Elizabeth Canfield (Miss) Public Library, Duluth 29311 Selleck, Laura Worthington Foster (Mrs Frank L.) Care E. W. Foster, 2527 2nd ave., Sotith. Minneapolis 5155c Semple, Annie Culbertson (Mrs F. B.) Vine & Franklin aves., Minneapolis 26905a Severance, Nettie J. (Miss) 403 S. Broad st., Mankato 9162c Shelvin, Alice A. Hall (Mrs Thomas H.) 129 Oak Grove st., Minneapolis 23446c Shelvin, Harriet Hall (Mrs Edwin C.) 74 Willow st., Minneapolis 809/ Shepard, Annie McMillan (Mrs Frank P.) ,..325 Dayton ave., St. Paul 144686 Shepherd, Annie D. (Mrs George W.) 520 8th st., S., Minneapolis 10566/1 Shepley, Caroline Matilda E. (Mrs O. H.) 2607 Chicago ave., Minneapolis 34227; Shimonek, Blanche Strengham (Mrs Anton) St. Paul 26898 Shipman, Helen B. (Mrs Benjamin J.) 848 Goodrich ave., St. Paul 28565a Shissler, Alice J. (Mrs Ira P.) 934 S. Front st., Mankato 26462f Shouts, Emma Clement (Mrs J. G.) 608 Burlington st., N. Fergus Falls 26463f Shonts, Kate (Miss) 608 Burlington st., N. Fetgus Falls 321471 Shore, Carrie A. Kemplin (Mrs C. B.) 1002 Hawthorne ave., Minneapolis 32148i Shore, Mary Lucy (Miss) 1002 Hawthorne ave., Minneapolis 9154/ Shurick, A. Anna Palmes (Mrs John S.) 11 16th st., St. Paul 18647(/ Silvey, Alice Munger (Mrs William Baird) "The Spaulding," Duluth 1176/ Simonton, Emma Merritt (Mrs Thomas Davis) 83 Summit ave., St. Paul 32944/ Sleppy, Kathrene Stees (Miss) 515 Dayton ave., St. Paul 22153b Smith, Alice Wadsworth Noyes (Mrs) Faribault 20677^ Smith, Amanda (Miss) 112 University are., S. E., Minneapolis 18648 Smith, Annie Bynum (Mrs Sterling Summers) East Superior st., Duluth 22164/1 Smith, Celeste Gray (Mrs Benjamin) 129 Highland ave., Minneapolis 10577e Smith, Eliza Stewart Mann (Mrs Charles E.) 400^ Marshall ave.. St. Paul 12112e Smith, Lucia Wheaton (Mrs Thomas Tunis) P. 0. Box 2337, St. Paul 24040m Smith, Lucy Kendall (Mrs Henrv Gordon) 373 Main st., Winona 6065t Smith, Mary Otto McAllister (Mrs William) 256 Dayton ave.. St. Paul 29566/1 Smith, Sennah P. (Mrs Charles H.) 200 Groveland ave., Minneapolis 15079 Sneed, Eulalie H. (Mrs Frank W.) Minneapolis 24732c Sneve, Katherine Stickney (Mrs Haldor) 288 Summit ave., St. Paul 221737JI Snow, Martha Westcott '(Mrs Arthur Herbert) Winona 804/ Soule, Ellen F. Ward (Mrs Charles S.) 105 E. Isabel st., St. Paul 29063c Sowle, Mary Louise Schermerhorn (Mrs Charles L. G.) 1909 Columbus ave., Minneapolis 10558/1 Space, Maria Thompson Graham (Mrs E. H.) 1401 1st ave., Minneapolis * Vassar College Chapter, N. Y. I Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. MINNESOTA. 313 210591 Spalding, Anna Talbot (Mrs A. Walter) 2905 3rd ave., S., Minneapolis 3506111 Spencer, Ellen Gary (Mrs William H.) Sauk Center 264566 Spencer, Helen Peabody Mattocks (Mrs G.) 302 16th ave., East, Duluth 26899; Sperry, Imog-ene (Mrs Dennis S.) 536 Holly ave., St. Paul 33402/t Sprague, Clara V. (Aliss) Hampshire Arms, Minneapolis 1S639C Sprague, Maria Talcott Lane (Mrs F. E.) 412 Kidgewood ave., Minneapolis 13507/ Squires, Mary Smyth (Mrs George C.) 19 Summit Court, St. Paul 28564rt. Standish, Pauline Hodgson (Mrs William Miles) 519 Byron st., Mankato 23449/ Stanton, Lulu Mattice (Mrs Charles Willard) Appleton 20452? Start, Clara Lizzie (Miss) "The Marlborough," St.' Paul 24433$ Statham, Mary (Miss) Duluth 18649(Z Stearns, Lucy Leach (Mrs Victor) 1105 London Eoad, Duluth 21069 Stebbins, Adelaide Louise (Miss) Rochester 13503c Sterrett, Lilian Josepha (Miss) 1819 Portland ave., Minneapolis 14179/ Stevens, Julia Preston Codding 458 Holly ave., St. Paul 2443e Stickney, Charlotte Adams (Airs Samuel C.) 745 Fairmount ave., St. Paul 26202§ Stone, Caroline Eeed (Mrs Eli) Pine Island 33821i Stone, Carrie Bell (Mrs Frank Bell) 2401 Park ave., Minneapolis 12331ft Stratton, Alice De Ette (Mrs Robert) 2005 2nd ave., S., Minneapolis 16313/ Stringer, Isabel Sevmour (Mrs Edward Charles) 478 Ashland ave., St. Paul 27701f Stringham, Lillian>v. (Miss) 219 Court st., N. Fergus Falls 33819W Swain, Eleanor Warner (Mrs Samuel Glyde) 211 W. King st., Winona 29564?/^ Swain, Frances Lucy (Miss) 211 W. King st., Winona 26081i Talbot, Loretta Townsend (Mrs Frank Le Barron M.) 1915 Portland ave., Minneapolis 19867/ Taylor, Katherine C. (Miss) 565 Dayton ave., St. Paul 19870c Thayer, Harriet Armington C. (Mrs H. M.) 222 W. 19th st., Minneapolis 12808/ Theopold, Anna Laura (Mrs Herbert C.) Faribault 34225& Theopold, Eunice J. (Mrs Francis A.) Faribault 2436* Thoits, Hattie G. W. (Mrs) Minneapolis 17613c Thomas, Anne Butler (Mrs David Owen) 520 Eidgewood ave., Minneapolis 34737^ 5653c 4932H 26767t 21618HI 19322 27708«- 25762c 13511i 26469c 27316««. 21613.^/ 1255r/ 26908c 21082?t 11118H 8799«, 8800/^ 30883H 488011 34747c 21075H 23179? 26920/i 2731SHt 6548c 30892Z 31580? 20171/; 34231U 18396c 10591e 11115c 15775JI. 12S14C 24749H 36039c 21620»i 36332)^ 22801? 22802t 32533r/ 24060n 24746* 35SS27(. 16994 28582« 34764H 105S8C 27317»(. 30S84» Stephens, Laura Moss (Mrs Edwin W.) Columbia Stith, Elizabeth Wardner (Mrs Wilmer C.) 5525 Clemens are., St. Louis Stockton, Nellie E. (Mrs Edward C.) 4434 Laclede ave., St. Louis Stone, Louise Winston (Mrs William J.) Jeiferson City- Stover, Olive Smith (Mrs William Dewey) 5646 Cates ave., St. Louis Streett, Elizabeth Beckley (Mrs St. Clair) 1800 Penn St., Kansas City Strong-, Eosebud Moore (Mrs Vincent F.) Hannibal Swentzel, Carrie Amelia (Mrs Wm. E.) 2900 Campbell st., Kansas City Tate, Frances Casey (Mrs J. C.)....25th and Morrison sts., Kansas Gty Tajdor, Janie M. (Mrs George) Kirkwood Taylor, Margaret Haven Sheafe (Mrs J. M.) Bartold P. O., Hanley Eoad Ten Broeck, Frances A. (Mrs Edward F.) 3012 Shenandoah ave., St. Louis Thayer, Sallie Casey (Mrs W. B.) 619 Westport ave., Kansas City Thayer, Sidney Brother (Mrs Amos M.) 3638 W. Pine st.. St. Louis Thomas, Alice May (Miss) 2327 Park ave., Kansas City Thomas, Anna Bell Ely (Mrs Koscoe) 21st & Faraon sts.. St. Joseph Thomas, Fannie Marie (Miss) 414 Aldine Place, Kansas City Thomson, Annie Trask (Mrs Jesse Lewis).. 3962 Lindell ave., St. Louis Thomson, Mary McCreery (Miss) 3805 Lindell ave., St. Louis Tittman, Emma Roe (Mrs Harold H.) 3726 Washington ave., St. Louis Tomb, ]Maria Harbeson (Mrs Thomas B.) 516 E. 9th st., Kansas City Tootle, Catherine (Mrs Milton) 11th & Charles sts.. St. Joseph Tootle, Lillian Duckwith (Mrs Milton. Jr.) 11th & Charles sts.. St. Joseph Towles, Florence Ewing- (Mrs Thomas Oliver) Jefferson City Townley. Carrie F. (Mrs James P.).... 712 Highland ave., Kansas City Trask, Mary Price (Mrs Walter Bigelow) . .3459 Franklin ave., St. Louis Tredway, Emma Greely (Mrs Dwight) 5143 Washington Blvd., St. Louis Triplett, Mary Walke/ (Miss) 3S47 Pine st., St. Louis Triplett, Sallie Walker (Mrs John Richards) 3847 Pine .st., St. Louis Trotter, Beulah Bright (Mrs James) 4007 Delroar ave., St. Louis Turner, Emma Webster (ISlrs Frank H.) Bonaventure Hotel. Kansas City Tustin, Corinne (Mrs R. T.) 4105 Warwick Blvd.. Kansas Citv Tutt; Margaret A. Garrison (Mrs E. G.) 3885 Washington Blvd., St. Louis Tuttle, Mary A. (Mrs. W. F.) Sedalia Yalliant, Theodosia Taylor Worthington (Mrs Leroy B.) 5032 Westmin- ster Place, St. Louis Van Brunt, Eleanor Cooper Murray (Mrs W. T.) 203 N. 20th st., St. Joseph Van Brunt, Hope Casey (Mrs John) 301 De Groff Way, Kansas City Van Dyne, Vivia Daniel (Mrs John Rudd) 403 E. 6th st., Sedalia Van Riper, Anna Moore Prather (]\Irs John C.) Sedalia Van Sickler, Louise Brush (Mrs W. H.) 5916 Von Verson Ave., St. Louis Van Slyke, Frances Dunham (Mrs William) 1014 Marion st., St. Louis Velie, Emma Ainsworth (Mrs S. H., Jr.) 1800 Jefferson st., Kansas City Voorhees, Ellen Campbell (Mrs W. P.).. "The Brunswick," Kansas City Waddell. Ada Everett (Mrs John A. L.) 2708 Forest ave., Kansas City Wade, Mary B. (Mrs L. M.) 5024 Westminster Place, St. Louis Walker, Alice Brevard Ewing (Mrs J. R.) "The Bonaventure," Kansas City Walker, Carrie McCrary (Mrs Thomas J.) 31 North Sarah st., St. Louis Walker, Ehie Fitch (Miss) 3011 Oak st.. Kansas City Walker, Jessie Turner Brittain (Mrs Stoughton) 302 S 9th st., St. Joseph Walker, Loulie Wear (Mrs George Herbert) .. .3800 Delmar ave.. St. Louis Wallace, Anna Flintham (Mrs J. W., Jr.) 4063 Westminster Place. St. Louis Wallace, Mary Leighton (Miss) 4063 Westminster Place. St. Louis Watkins, Marguerite Mortimer Reading (Mrs Henry Lay) Jefferson City Wear, Nannie E. (Mrs James Hutchinson) 4380 McPherson ave.. St. Louis Webb. Carrie Mae Jewett (Mrs Leroy) Monett Webster, Pansy Sherwood (Mrs George B.) 4133 Lindell Blvd.. St. Louis Weed, Frances Ten Eyck Walker (Mrs N. Herbert) Kirkwood Wells. Anna Garrison' (Mrs John Gaither) 3824 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis Wells, Louisa Plale (]\Iiss) 3824 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis Welsh. Rose Nelson (Mrs jMilton) 1514 Linwood Blvd., Kansas Cily West over. Mary Christopher (Mrs) 1413 Felix st.. St. Jo<^eph Weyer, Mary Marshall (Mrs G. W.) 4020 Westminster Place. St. Louis t National Chapter, 111. II Vassar College Chapter, N. Y. Watauga Chapter, Tenn. 328 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. lOSS-lc Whipple, Jane Gates (Mrs B. Thompson) 504 Garfield ave., Kansas City 13513c White, Emma Sig'gins (Mrs John Barber) 616 East 36th st., Kansas City 22805Z White, Mary B. (Mrs Joseph G.) 203 E. 5th St., Sedalia 25247 w Whiteside, Mary MeC. (Mrs H.) 4346 Olive st., St. Louis 12827/t Whitman, Annie E. (Mrs Charles E.) 2535 Washington ave., St. Louis 216276 Whittemore, Charlotte Cai-r M. (Mrs J. R.) 3130 Lucas ave., St. Louis 26139y Wiidberg-er, Nona Pratt (Mrs Ferdinand J.) Jefferson City 19885c W'ilder, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 1016 W. 39th st., Kansas City 26921i Williams, Susan Creighton (Miss) 3945 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis 2691371 Williamson, Maria Washington P, (Mrs J. W.) 5600 Gates ave., St. Louis 358101 Wilson, Grace Greenwood (Miss) Uniouville 25351fc Wilson, Jennie Allen (Mrs Robert L.) Cape Girardeau 31586« Wilson, Mary Robertson (Mrs Robert N.) 3865 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis 3483/t Winn, Mary Polk (Mrs Charles W.) 3730 Delmar ave., St. Louis 27946U W^instead, Carrie L. (Mrs G. W.) Westmoreland Hotel, St. Louis 33413c Winston, Joe Kennedy (Mrs Charles H.) 641 Olive st., Kansas City 14189tt Wise, Anna Augusta Clift (Mrs William) 3203 Pine St., St. Louis 358S3t Wislizenus, Maud Bereman (Mrs Frederick) 3628 Cleveland ave., St. Louis 12819J^ Wolfe, Georgette Emeline C. (Mrs D. K.) 4045 Washington ave., St. Louis 35406m W^oodson, Margaret Clark Norton (Mrs B. J.) 17th & Felix sts., St. Joseph 11613c Wright, Annie Porter (Mrs Edward C.) 2310 Harrison st., Kansas City 22190c Wright, Sarah S. (Mrs' George M.) 4457 Westminster Place, St. Louis 8798i Wright, Virginia B. (Mrs Richard B.) 5336 Cabanne Place, St. Louis 9331tf Wyeth, Ellen Ashton (Mrs Parker C.) 1027 Faraon st., St. Joseph 253361: Young, Kate Ward (Mrs William Henry) 1220 Cherry st., Kansas City 24758Z Zimmerman, Nellie Carr (Mrs Benjamin Waters) Sedalia MONTANA State Regent, 1901, Mrs Walter Tallant, 832 West Park st., Butte ti Howe, Ida M. (Mrs \Yill Bernard) 35 South st.. Concord 14632? Howison, Evang-eline L. (Mrs Arthur W.) Milford 25359f/ lioyt, Hannah K. (Mrs Andrew J.) Exeter 18679& Hubbard, Annie M. (Miss) 39 Water st., Keene 11630/1 Hunt, Betsey Bisbee (Mrs Nathan Parker) Union st., Manchester 24780p Huntress, Harriet Lane (Miss) 84 Pleasant St., Concord 17657/ Hurd, Eva Gordon (Mrs Clarence I.) 840 Central ave., Dover 18686fc Hussey, Ellen M. (Mrs Webster P.) 68 Concord St.. Nashua 16984b Hutchins, Marj' Deane Bassett (Mrs William Otis) 156 Main St., Keene 2813 Ivy, Julia Dalton Nesmith (Mrs Thomas P.) Centre Conway 234667c JaV'kman, Clara F. (Miss) '. 24 Cross st., Nashua 30898?) Jackson, Ellen Janette (Mrs George H.) 172 Main st.. Keene 18055« James, Cornelia A. (Miss) 25 Monroe st., Manchester 26474r/ Jewell, Maud Louise (Miss) 21 Linden st., Exeter 18694^' Johnson, Lucinda S. (Mrs Levi) Claremont 10603H Johnston, Laura Hood (Airs John W.) N. Elm st., Manchester 12126? Kaley, Harriet Ellen Wallace (Mrs Frank Elmer) Milford 36348; Kay, Martha Young- (JNIrs Edward) P. O. Box 178, Dover 33423(Z Keith, Mary Ella Dustin (Airs Charles) Claremont 2403)) Kellogg, Ethel L. (Mrs Nate M.) N. Elm st., Manchester 3000SO Kempton, Mary Louisa (Miss) Newport 22200f Kendall, Emily Z. (Miss) HiUsboro 151] 5?b Kendall, Sarah W. (Miss) 168 Main st., Nashua 9709? Kendall. Susan H. Kimball (Mrs) Milford 5260)) Kennard, Hannah B. (Mrs John) 200 Myrtle st., Manchester 316067) Kenrick, Arabelle E. (Mrs Charles C.) ". Franlclin 30412fir Kimball, Clara E. (Miss) Exeter 3091371 Kimball, Clara NcAvton Spofford (Mrs Walter Lewis) Tilton 30413,or Kimball, Cleora F. (Miss) Exeter 21656/= Kimball, Eliza Jane Colby (Mrs Obed) Hillsboro Bridge 22821t Kimball, Ellen Louise (Miss) Haverhill 21655f Kimball, Mary Andrews (Mrs Cummings) Hillsboro Bridge 18064^ King, Julia Maria Ingalls (Mrs Aaron) Claremont 24464?) Kinsbury. Ellen Elizabeth (Mrs Frederick H.) 110 Court St., Keene 19334(7 Knight, Emma Mitchell (Mrs Joseph Emerson) Exeter 28162c Knox, Sarah Plumer (Miss) E Pembroke 22814c Lane, Metta Gaiilt (Mrs Eugene) Suncook 338457) Lang, Clara A. McDufPee (Mrs William Parker) Tilton 31460* Laridn, Alice (Mrs) Portsmouth 2421)t Laselle, Agnes Robinson White (Mrs Josiah)..P. O. Box 54, Manchester 15117A- Law, Mary Ellen (Miss) Nashua I8O667 Leete, Minnie Adelphia Ladd (Mrs Clarence M.) Lock Box 17, Claremont 16820 Lewis, Maude I. (Mrs Samuel De Wolfe) Newport 34248)) Libby. Harriet Pulsifer (Mrs George Hobart) Manchester 29092)! Lincoln. Helen M. (INIiss) 427 Hanover st., Manchester 180677 Long, Mary Wilson Putnam (Mrs George F.) P. O. Box 315, Claremont 21662 Lovejoy, Elizabeth Kidder (Mrs Henry Harrison) Littleton 31595A-. Loveiaiid, Annie Vinal (Miss) ^ "The Dumbarton." Nashua 15107?) Lovell, Grace Lincoln Nourse (Mrs Fred. Ellsworth) Newport 18673)) Loveren, Grace Crane (Mrs Harry E.) 577 Pine st.. Manchester 15798/ Low, Sarah (Miss) Dover 1868SA- Luce. Sarah Elizabeth Nichols (Mrs Thomas D.) 6 Berkeley st.. Nashua 142050 McCann, Maria T^Ietcalf (Mrs Dwight James) Newport 151060 McCrillis, Mary E. (Mrs John) Newport 32175))) McFarland. Frances (Mrs) Derry 31596A- MacGregor, Anna (Miss) "The Dunbarton." Nashua 29090))! Mack. Anne Belle (Miss) Lonrlonderry 1 fi987r/ ]\rack. Evelyn Martha (Mrs W\ B.) Hnmpton 29089))! Mack, Harriet Lavinia Pillsbury (Mrs Wallace Preston) Londonderry 25373A- ISfcKenn, Clara Adelia Bowers (Mrs Frank A.) 36 Concord st.. Nashua 21658f McKellips. Cora I. TMiss) Hillsboro Bridsre 9700? McLane, Ellen L. (Mrs John) Milford Oxbow Charter, Vt. Abiirail Adams Chapter, Mass. NEW HAMPSHIEE. 341 13533a McMillan, Janette Osgood (Miss) North Conway 15788fc Manning, Emma J. Murgatroyd (Mrs George H. E.) 4 Abbott St., Nashua 241 5/i Manning, Fanny Bartlett (Mrs Charles H.) Manchester 16319H Mansur, Sarah Boyd (Mrs George William) . .335 Hanover st., Manchester 19338(7 Marcy, Anna A. (Miss) P. O. Box 641. Clareraont 29572(' Marden, Ellen L. (Mrs John) Simcook 186S1{/ Marseilles, Annie M. L. (Mrs Charles) P. O. Box 506, Exeter 14203fi Marsh, Annie Whitney (Mrs James Elwin) 288 JMain St., Keene 15787fc Marsh, Mary E. (Mrs' Ernest M.) Pelham 34773H Marshall, Emily Browne (]\Irs ^Nloses Runnels) Manchester 26141d Marston, Laura A. (Miss) Peerfield 22201?? Marston, Laura Maria (Miss) 112 W. 44th st., Manchester 193290 Massey, Isabella Jones (]\[rs Horace A.) Portsmouth 18695(7 Maynard. Fannie S. (Mrs Frank P.) Claremont 28588fc Meincke, Blanche Dudley Towne (Mrs A. McC.) 99 Courtland St., Nashua 11122m Melvin, Alice Maud (Mrs John) Berry 7859m Merrill, Alice Marion (Miss) East Derry 7860W Merrill, Samanthe Canney (Miss) East Derry 21103; Meserve, Abby Hill (Mrs William Neal) 131 Washington st., Dover M~6~d Mifflin, Mary Bartlett Naire (Mrs Charles West) Main st., Exeter 30009P Minot. Fannie Elizabeth Pickering (Mrs J.) 23 S. State st.. Concord 21657f Mitchell, Emma Wilder (Miss) Hillsboro Bridge 2404»^ Morgan, Celenda A. (Mrs Thomas) ^Sfanchester 16989,(7 Mori-ill. Katharine L. (Miss) Exeter 16990.(7 Morrill, Marietta (Miss) Exeter 25279* Morrison, Elizabeth Belinda (Miss) Melvin Village 23158t Morse, Annie INfaria Chase (Mrs Julius N.)....147 Washington st., Keene 2422n Moulton, Fannie Deborah (Miss) 394 Concord st., Manchester 16988.(7 Moulton, Frances E. (Miss) Exeter 3148211 Moulton, Jennette (Miss) Exeter 971 -Ir Munsey, Marv Jane Otterson (Mrs George F.) Suncook 157S9A: Murgatroyd. Harriet B. Shattuck (Mrs Edward) 4 Abbott st.. Nashua 21102/ Murkland", Helen M. (Mrs Charles S.) Durham 23182/t- IVIurray. Lulu Bemis f]\rrs Charles Orlando) 223 Main St.. Nashua 11624; Nealey, Harriett Ruth Colby (ISfrs B. Frank) 74 Silver st.. Dover 34243 Nichols, Lydia L. (Mrs Mc)ses G.) Epping 24078?) Nims, EllaL. (Mrs Francis O.) 30 Court st.. Keene 9712(7 Norris. Bessie Plumer (Mrs Charles E.) Epping 18068(7 Nott, Abbie Caroline Ainsworth (Mrs Melvin) P. O. Box 557, Claremont 150990 Nourse. Effie Boothe (Mrs George W.) Newport 13531m Noyes, Harriette B. (Mrs John W.) Chester 9191H Noyes, Harriette Eliza '(Miss) Westville 29088.(7 O'Neil. Nannie Alice Walker (Mrs J. N., Jr.) Exeter 2423?) Osborne, Jennie Abbott (Mrs John L.) 11 Harrison st.. Manchester 20471r Osgood, Ellen F. (Mrs James Henry) Amoskeag Bridge 14210/7 Osgood, Katharine S. (Afiss) " North Conway 30007n Paige, Sarah W. D. (Mrs Horace C.) IVranchester 5911?? Palmer, Sarah Margaret (Afrs Frederick A.) Applet on st.. Manchf'ster 36353 Parker. Ella Maria Thompson (Mrs Henry E.) 31 Gushing st., Dover 240921c Parker, Emma Louise (Mrs Joseph B.) 12 Webster st.. Nnshua 2J25?? Parker. Jennie Smith (INfrs H. E.) Franklin st.. cor W. Merrimack St., Manchester 11945fr Parker, Laura E. CMiss) 14 East Pearl st.. Nashua 309020 Parmelee, Anne (Miss) Newport 2957.5??? Parmerton. Lenette Foster ("Mrs J. Henry) D°rry 7862???. Parsons, Marv Nesmith (Miss) Derry 9193??! Parsons. Sarah Dana (Mrs Eben G.) D'^rrv 14206O Partridjre. Marv Elizabeth TMiss) Clnrpmont 12843?? Patten, Etta S." (Mrs Willis C.) 75 Prospect st.. IManchPSt'-r 1361T Patterson. Sarah Bonton (Mrs .7. N.) Corcnrd 10126f? T>avson, Mary A. (Miss'^ Pembroke J6083C Peabodv, Alice M. ("Mrs Henry Smith) Suncook 26475?? Perkins, Helen E. Wood (Mrs EdAvarrI W.)..3S4 Walnut st., Manchester * OUl X.^^th Cliiirfli Chnpl-or. Mass t Opneral .Toseph Badzer Chjipter Mas' II Fanonil TTnll Ohaptpr. Mn=<^. *; Martha Washington Chapter, T). C. 342 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. 18680& Perkins, Susan King- (Mrs Pdchard SuUivan) 339 Main st., Keene 32170fir Perkins, Winifred Linscott (Mrs Stevens W.) Exeter 19337g Perry, Harriet M. (Miss) Claremont 30831§ Pevey, Annie E. (Mrs George E.) East Wakefield 277180 Pierce, Mary Matilda (Miss) Newport 17656{7 Pierson, Cora Blanche (Miss) Exeter 32963 Pike, Ella Frances (Miss) Epping 32962 Pike, Sara Abby (Mrs John Quincy) Epping 242471 Pillsbtiry, Annie W. (Mrs Eosecrans W.) 61 Walnut st., Londonderry 34744 Piper, Grace M. (Miss) Epping 9194jrt Plumnier, Kate Hughes (Mrs Granville F.) Londonderry 7S65?H Pollard, Emma Frances (Mrs James A.) Derry 31750$ Pollard, Margaret Adelaide (Miss) 256 Washington st.. Keene 59127n- Poor, Helen Wallace (Miss) Concord 7863m Poor, Lillian Brickett (Miss) Derry 21093fc Porter, Clara A. (Mrs Roger W.) 53 E. Pearl St., Nashua 36351 Potter, Harriett Wilkins (Mrs Frederick E.) 14 Islington st., Portsmouth 26928& Prentiss, Mary Ann Adams (Mrs William H.) 53 Marlboro st., Keene 7864m Prescott, Elizabeth Greenleaf (Mrs) Derry 18689fc Prescott, Harriet Anderson Nichols (Mrs R. B.) 8 Berkeley st., Nashua 18054n Prescott, Judith Calvina (Mrs Stephen, Jr.).... 25 Monroe st., Manchester 12777* Prescott, Maria Beardslee (Miss) Derry 2426?i Preston, Isabel L. H. (Mrs Frank) N. Elm st., Manchester 29086& Prouty, Elsie Joslin (Mrs Ira S.) 81 Court st., Keene 30899?) Prouty, Emily Glover (Miss) 81 Court st., Keene 26937TO Pulleii, Harriet L. (Mrs John F.) Derry 27717(/ Pushee, Ida Dency (Miss) P. O. Box 273, Claremont 34768.<; Quimby, Betsey H. (Mrs David M.) 19 Elliot st., Exeter 33424(7 Quimby, Ella Maria Sanders (Mrs Olney F.) Claremont 91d2n Quinby, Octavia Cole (Mrs Henry B.) Laconia 18690fc Eamsdell, Eliza Dinsmore (Mrs George Allen) 30 Concord st.. Nashua 24768c Band, Mary Augusta (Miss) Pembroke 30011g Bead. Hannah K. (Miss) P. O Box 467, Claremont 29098 Remich, Elizabeth Kilburn (Mrs Daniel C.) Littleton ISlOlo Richards, Lizzie Maria (Mrs Seth Mason) New^port 16991(7 Richards, Mira W. (Mrs George F.) Exeter 15796^ Richardson, Julia Isadore (Miss) Milford 2430» Richardson, Mary Caroline (Mrs F. T. E.) 481 Lincoln st., Manchester 5268m Richardson, Theodora (Miss) 481 Lincoln st., Manchester 13535a Packer, Anna E. (Mrs L. J.) Walcott. N. Conwav 169807 Riley, Anna Margaret Chandler (Mrs James E.) P. O. Box 496, Claremont 116266 Robertson, Emoretta Taft (Mrs Cadmon) 18 Summer st., Keene 5253» Robie, Louisa Stark (Mrs Albert G.) 11 Harrison st., Manchester 151000 Robinson, Ella G. (Miss) Newport 15108O Rogers, Ellen Hannah (Miss) Newport 25774p Roife, Jennie F. Clapp (Mrs Benjamin Stoddard) 15 Rumford st.. Concord 1309 Rollins, Katharine Wallace Pecker (Mrs Frank W^est) Concord 19335fir Rollins, Lizzie Gilman (Miss) Exeter 18059(7 Rossiter, Bessie R. Balcom (Mrs Leonard J.) Claremont 29095(7 Rossiter, Kate G. Pushee (Mrs Charles P.) Claremont 10857 Rounsevel, Emile Gibson (Mrs Royal Dearborn) Littleton 216460 Rowell, Eliza Young (Mrs Franklin P.) Newport 5256/1 RoAvell, Mary E. (Mrs C. W^. Jr.) North River Road, Manchester 15113s Runnells, Sarah E. Farley (Mrs Daniel F.) 210 Main St.. Nashua 10127c Russ, Fronie Gage (Miss) East Pembroke 5819p Russell, Louisa Webster H. (Mrs Frank W'.) Plymouth 30419(7 Sabine, Clara Arabelle Bardwell (Mrs Silas A.) Claremont 25369(j! Sallinger. Harriet Amsden Butler (Mrs) Rochester 16318W Sanborn, Helen E. (Mrs Edward B. S.) Franklin 228220 Sanborn, Kathreen A. (Miss) Newport 27716(7 Sanders, E. Frances Morgan (Mrs Henry C.) P. O. Box 172, Claremont 32542 Sanger, Tanthe Kneeland (IMrs Thaddeiis E.) Littleton 3217671 Sargent, Bessie B. (Miss) Laconia § Paul Jones Chapter, Mass. + Vassar College (Chapter, N. Y. * Mary Draper Chapter, Mass. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 343 32177ft Sargent, Harriet M. (Miss) Laconia 32172; Sawyer, Elizabeth Coffin (Miss) Dover 2431/1 Sawyer, Fannie Hoyt (Mrs) N. Elm St., Manchester 15799; Sawyer, Gertrude Child Severance (Mrs C. F.) 46 Central ave., Dover 8512; Sawyer, Susan Gertrude Hall (Mrs William D.) 61 Belknap St., Dover 21104; Scales, Ellen Tasker (Mrs John) Dover 18069(/ Scott, Alice Elizabeth Hall (Mrs John L.) P. O. Box 113, Claremont 25360(7 Selleck, Amy Gray Noyes (Mrs George H.) Exeter 23470t Shattuck, Myrtie Lunette (Miss) P. O. Box 9, Brookline 10599f Shaw, Eebecca Peabody Hutchinson (Mrs Christopher C.) Milford 14212a Shedd, Mary Hall (Mrs George H.) North Conway 26929& Shedd, Ehoda Jane Colburn (Mrs Charles Gale) 12 Marlboro st., Keene 52657/1 Shepard, Annie Bartlett (Mrs Frederick J.) Derby 29096g' Shepardson, C. Nell (Miss) Claremont 2432H Shepherd, Betsey Butler (Miss) 54 High st., Manchester 35901p Shurtleff, Eunice Lula (Mrs Fremont E.) Concord 26938//1 Simpson, Susie M. (Miss) East Derry ISOlOq Sisson, Louise S. (Mrs William H.) Cornish 18699(7 Smith, Adelaide Aurilla (Miss) C. C. Hospital, Claremont 11125/1 Smith, Amanda W. (Mrs Isaac W^) Chestnut st., Manchester 30914ft Smith, Clara Little Gray (Mrs Ervin H.) Tilton 30915ft Smith. Clara Mabel (Miss) Tilton 34244 Smith, Ella Greeley (Mrs E. G.) Epping 7866WI Smith, Harriet Maria (Miss) Derry 22207e Smith, Mary J. (Mrs Daniel) Mount Vernon 5266H Snow, Nellie W. (Miss) Myrtle St., Manchester 15116fc Spalding, Anna Martha (Mrs John A.) 10 Auburn St., Nashua 18058ft Spalding, Florence Dexter (Mrs W^illiam Edward) Nashua 28589ft Spear, Rebecca A. (Mrs William R.) Pelham 30916ft Spencer, Frances S. (Mrs George E.) Tilton 17314* Spencer, Maria Louise (Miss) Claremont 15102Q' Spofford, Marcia Baldwin Nourse (Mrs Charles Byron) Claremont 24781p Staniels, Eva Florence Tuttle (Mrs Charles E.) Concord 24782p Staniels, Mabel Ruth (Miss) Concord 2406/i. Stark, Edith F. (Mrs Augustus H.) North River Road, Manchester 24084b Stearns, Mary Emery (Mrs Frank Hall) 232 Main st., Keene 15790fc Steele, Catherine Kendall (Mrs David) '. Nashua 30006fc Stevens, Adelaide M. Johnson (Mrs Aaron F.) 3 Mulberry st., Nashua 25371d Stevens, Amanda (Miss) Nottingham 32169(Z Stevens, Betsey M. (Mrs Daniel B.) Nottingham 30416; Stevens, Lydia Ann Kimball (Mrs John B.) 159 Washington St., Dover 26939//1 Stevens, Martha G. Shute (Mrs Walter D.) West Derry 15785 Stevens, Olive Randall (Mrs Robert I.) Lake ave & Monmouth Road, Manchester 29097(7 Story, Lora Ella Chellis (Mrs Walter H.) Claremont 27714/= Story, Sarah Newell (Mrs William H.) Hillsboro Bridge 25775p Streeter, Lilian Carpenter (Mrs Frank S.) 234 N. Main st.. Concord 607b Sturtevant, Isabella Litchfield (Mrs Luther) 100 Court st., Keene 18675/1 Sturtevant, Mary De Forest Gove (Mrs Ira F.) Ast st., Manchester 16982c Sullivan, Ariannah W. (Mrs John Sullivan) Suncook 17655(7 Sullivan, Margaret W. (Miss) ; Exeter 15124fc Swart, Lizzie Roby (Mrs William D.) 39 E. Pearl st., Nashua 19336^7 Swasey, Ellen E. M. (Mrs Benjamin Franklin) Exeter 2429/i Sweetser, Ada A. Abbott (Mrs William H. F.)..24 Middle st., Manchester 11627b Taf t, Nancy Marietta (Miss) 18 Summer St., Keene 15132b Taf t, Helen Ball (Mrs James Scollay) 178 Main st., Keene 11123/^ Taggart, Elbra S. (Mrs David A.) Pine st., Manchester 32173fir Tapley, Elizabeth Peirce (Miss) Dover 13537a Tasker, Emily Annette Meserve (Mrs) 131 Washington ave., Dover 26936m Terhune, Mary F. (Mrs Gilliam C.) East Derry 15127/(; Thayer, Katherine M. (Miss) 17 Thayer st., Nashua 15126fc Thayer, Lucy F. (Miss) Nashua 15795rt Thomas, Nancy Eaton (Mrs Jesse) Chatham Prudence Wright Chapter, Mass. Ascutney Chapter, Vt. 344 DIIIECTOKY, I). A. K. 34246 Thompson, Caroline S. (JNIiss) Epping 3216SC Thompson, Helen Elizabeth (Mrs William Hermon) Pembroke 16219* Thompson, Hildreth Nesmith (Airs H.j 457 Milton St., Manchester 34245 Thompson, M. Josephine (Mrs George S.) E^jping- 34247 Thomi^son, Mabel J. (Miss) Epping 30004f/ Thompson, Susan E. D. (Mrs Josiah D.) Exeter 30917/i Thyng, Caroline Eeed Bowker (Mrs Charles D.) New Hampton 36251J Todd, Mary Elizabeth Fletcher (Mrs George Washington) Kludge 18074(j' Tolles, Emma Jane Stevens (Mrs Lawrence A.) P. O." Box 579, Claremont 31599; Tompkins, Sarah Augusta Jordan (Mrs Frank S.) Dover 2715711 Towle, Carrie A. (Miss) Haverhill 285907c Towne, Helen L. (Miss) 7 Halls ave., Nashua 35.900g Trickey, Celestia Deland Carroll (Mrs W. H.) Claremont 10128c Truesdell, Mary W. (Mrs E. E.) Sunoook 290876 Tuttle, Mary Abby (Miss) Washington st., Keene 82174/ Varney, Harriet O'Brien (Miss) Hanson st., Dover 15802; Varney, Margaret Pendexter (Miss) Dover 31600; Yickery, Grace Hanson (Mrs John Edwin) 42 Elm st., Dover 23465& Wadsworth, Ella Frances (Mrs Samuel) 29 Beaver st., Keene 18683f7 Walker, Dora Haines (Miss) Court st., Exeter 18682/7 W^alker, Eldora Leonora Haines (Mrs Noah Speers) ... .Court st., Exeter 34249?! Wallace, Carrie Ireland (Mrs Fred A.) Union & Prospect sts., Manchester 97037 W'allace, Ella M. (Mrs Eobert M.) Milford 23467fc W^allace, Mary F. (Mrs Alonzo S.) 35 Orange st., Nashua 24770f W^arne. Emma J. (Mrs John C.) Hillsboro Bridge 22815fir W^arner, Lucy M. (Miss) North Hampton lOROlH Warren, Mary Palmer (Mrs George H.) 461 Hanover st., Manchester 18696^' Washburn, Kate Brooks (Mrs Charles N.) Claremont 151257: Wason, Clara L. Hills (Mrs George A.) 225 Main St.. Nashua 31604(7 Wathen, Jennie E. French (Mrs John M.) Claremont 2437H Watts, Mary Alice (Miss) Beech st. cor. Amherst, Manchester 325407; Weare, Sarah (Mrs William Horace) Tilton 15801; Webster, Lydia Abby (Miss) 519 Central ave., Dov.^r 31602m W^ebster, Sarah P. (Miss) Chester 18072(/ Weed, Hattie M. Eedfield (Mrs Charles H.) P. O. Box 252, Claremont 15803f7 Wells, Sarah Jane James (Mrs Daniel French) Exeter 16993f/ Wentworth, Ellen Lang (Miss) Exeter 24094fc Weston, Clara A. (Miss) 43 Granite st., Nashua 240937i' Weston, Fannie E. (Miss) 43 Granite St., Xashua 23408fc Weston, H. Emma (Miss) 43 Granite st., Nashua 2427m W'eston, Helen Fitts (Mrs Joseph Eussell) . . . .36 Salmon St., Manchester 36345.7 Wetherell, Dora E. Young (Mrs Albert S.) Exeter 14560A- Wheeler, Clara Eoby (Mrs Elbert) 37 E. Pearl st., Nashua 35422(/ Whitcomb, Nina May (Miss) Box 444, Claremont 247727i: W^hite, Helen Eastman (Mrs Nathaniel, Jr.) 30 N. State st.. Concord 25776/> White, Mabel Norton Chase (Mrs Benjamin Cheney) Concord 15792 Wbittemore, Helen Angeline (Miss) 265 Main st., Nashua 26940m Wilcox,' Abbie A. (Mrs Charles T.) E. Derry 3160.3O Wilcox. Georgina C. (Miss) Newport 135326 Wild, Marv Dorr (Mrs Edward Washburn) 44 Gates st., Keene 97047 Wilkins, Fannie H. (Mrs Charles) Milford 186977 Wilkinson, Sarah Thomas (Mrs Fred. C.) Claremont 25768H Williams, Anna M. (Mrs Charles Artemas) 471 Manchester st., Manchest"r 32171.7 Williams, Clara North way (Mrs) Exe+er 21096fc Williams, Eliza A. Weston (Mrs Charles) 88 Temple st., Nashua 33425 Williams, Henrietta Haste (Mrs Frank Gay) Concord 15104O Wilmarth, Ella Maria (INliss) Newport 211077 Winch, Lillian Marie (Mrs William L.) P. 0. Box 127, Claremont 15784?? Wingate, Ida M. (Mrs Charles H.) 489 Hanover st , Manchester 14217r? Wolcott, Lilian P. (Mrs George F.) N. Conway 15098O W^oodbury, Alice Boothe (Mrs George H.) Newport 2402?/ Woodbury. Harriet McGraw (Mrs Freman P.) Eiver Eoad, Bedford 33843A- Woodward, Ann Parker (Mrs Quincy) 73 Kinsley st., Nashua * Afnllv Vnriiun Chnnter. Mas'?. t Prudence Wrijjht Chapter, Mass. Oxbow Chapter. Vt. NEW JERSEY. 345 9705/ Worcester, Anabiah Russell (Mrs George A.) Milford 30005/ "Worcester, Millie A. Greenfield (Mrs Horace) Kochester 14203& Wright, Mary Jane (Mrs Leonard) 143 Main St.. Keene 24783/^ Young, Mary Virgin (Mrs Newell Charles) 5 Pine st., Concord 316087t Young, Georgia L. (Mrs E. J.) Tilton NEW JERSEY State Regent, 1901, Miss E. Ellen Batcheller, Somerville " 1902, " " CHAPTERS (25 Organized, 3 unorganized) a. Bordentown Regent, Miss Louise Blydenburgh Murphey. Appointed June 6, 1900 b. Boudinot Chapter — Elizabeth Organized September 27, 1893; Memhers, 36 (Neiv York, 5; Maryland, 1; 'Wisconsin, 1) Regent, Mrs E. G. Putnam Treasurer, Mrs Otis A. Glazebrook Vice-Regent. Mrs B. H. Campbell Registrar, Mrs F. W. Vincent Secretary, Mrs Ainae Dumazeaud Historian, Mrs James P. Snow c. Broad Seal Chapter — Trenton Organized December 15, ISO'i; Memhers, 16 (Xew To7-k, 1; Foreign, 1) Regent, Mrs Cornelius Hook Treasurer, Miss Mary Dickinson Secretary, Miss Marie L. H. Wilson Registrar, Mrs Charles B. Dahlgren Historian, Mrs James B. Breese d. Buff and Blue Chapter — Trenton Organized January 2, 1873; Memhers, 26^ Regent, Mrs Coleman Kissam Treasurer, iliss Ellen B. Green Vice-Regent. Miss Mary B. P. ,Garnett Registrar. Miss Bessie Van Syckel Secretary, Miss Frances Depue Historian. Mrs George Burleigh e. Camp Middlebrook Chapter — Bound Brook Organized October 11, 1S93; Members, 35 (District of Columbia, 1; Massachusetts. 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Regent, Mrs W. J. Taylor Treasurer. Mrs F. V. D. Voorhees Vice-Regent. Mrs J. Olendorf Registrar, ^Mrs J. C. Somers Secretar}', Mrs C. E. Westervelt Historian, Miss Emelie Messier f. Cape May- Regent, Mrs Letitia Byers Hand. Appointed June 5, 1901 g. Captain Jonathan Oliphant Chapter — Trenton Organized Mag 12, 1896; Members, 26 fPennsglvania. 5; Xorth Dakota. 1: Connecti- cut. 1; Ohio, 2; District of Columbia, 1; Illinois, 1; New York, 2; Massachusetts, 1) ■ Regent, Mrs S. D. Oliphant Treasurer, Mrs S. D. Oliphant, Jr. Vice-Regent. Mrs J. R. Stearns Registrar. Mrs S. C. Allison Secretary, Mrs N. B. Oliphant Historian. Mrs T. J. Falkenbergh Hon. Vice-Regent, Mrs L. H. Hayner 346 DIKECTOEY, D. A. E. h. Colonel Lowry Chapter — riemington Organised June 22, 1897; Members, 16 (New York, 2; Kansas, 2; Pennsylvania, 2} Eegent, Mrs Eva A. Deats Treasurer, Miss Estelle B. Kline Vice-Eegt., Mrs Frances H. C. Williamson Registrar, Mrs Charlotte Burk Secretary, Mrs Julia S. Vosseller Historian, Miss Caroline E. Hill i. Continental Chapter — Plainfield Organized Jamiary 23, 1896; Members, 36 (Netc York, 2; Kentucky, 1) Eegent, Mrs C. W. McCutchen Secretary, Mrs J. Kirtland Myers • 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Eowland Cox Treasurer, Mrs J. G. Foster 2nd Vice-Eegt., Miss Eliza E. Kenyon Eegistrar, Mrs D. H. Eowland j. Eagle Rock Chapter — Montclair Organized June IJf, 1895; Members, 62 (New York, 5) Eegent, Mrs Franklin H. Hooper Treasurer, Mrs Edward L. Tierman Vice-Eegent, Mrs John Porter Eegistrar, Mrs Wilson W. Smith Secretary, Mrs Michel M. LeBrun Historian, Mrs Eobert H. Dodd k. Essex Chapter — East Orange Organized December 7, 1899; Members, 23 Eegent, Mrs M. T. Yardley Treasurer, Mrs Bessie M. Halsey Vice-Eegt., Mrs A. M. Hawkesworth Eegistrar, Mrs F. W. Bingham Secretary, Mrs L. B. Hitchcock Historian, Miss Lilian Bryant 1. General David Foreman Chapter — Trenton Organized January 15, 1896; Members, 28 Eegent, Mrs John Moses Treasurer, Miss M. W. Chambers Vice-Eegent. Mrs Isaac Weatherby Eegistrar, Mrs Elmer E. Green Secretary, Mrs Edmund Wood Historian, Miss Eoberta E. Harris m. General Frelinghuysen Chapter — Somerville Organized January 11, 1896; Members, 29 (New York, 1; North Carolina, 1) Eegent, Mrs Henry Hardwicke Secretary, Miss C. J. Otis 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Wm. H. Hoppock Treasurer, Miss E. G. Nevius 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Annie E. Eeed Eegistrar, Miss Louise Anderson Historian, Mrs Wm. Leupp Van Der Lee n. General Lafayette Chapter — Atlantic City Organized June 6, 1896; Members, 59 (Pennsylvania, 8; Maryland, 2; Netc York, 1; District of Columbia, 1) Eegent, Mrs Sarah N. Doughty Treasurer, Miss Eliza S. Thompson Vice-Eegent, Mrs A. B. Endicott Eegistrar, Mrs James Aikman Secretary, Mrs J. Thompson Historian, Mrs John G. Shreve o. General Mercer Chapter — Trenton Organized December 28, 1900 ; Members, 18 (Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Mrs Mary T. Stull Treasurer, Mrs Ida S. Alpaugh Vice-Eegent, Mrs Julia B. Winans Eegistrar, Mrs Emma J. Forst Eec. Sec, Mrs Julia S. Dimham Historian, Miss Mary S. Conover Cor. Sec, Mrs Abbie F. Foster Custodian, Miss Anna D. Yard p. Haddonfield Chapter — Haddonfield Organized January 28, 1897; Members, 31 (Pennsylvania, 2; Nebraska. 1) Eegent, Mrs H. D. Moore Treasurer, Mrs John C. Hoopes Vice-Eegent, Mrs Wm. J. Hamlin Eegistrar, Mrs Anna D. Babcock Secretary, Miss Mary T. Tunnell Historian, Mrs J. S. Doughty NEW JEESEY. 347 q. Jersey Blue Chapter — New Brunswick Organised February 14, 1894; Members, 40 (Illinois, 1; Foreign, 1) Eegent, Miss Kate Deshler Secretary, IMiss C. L. Hardenbergh 1st Vice-Eegent, Mrs T. B. Warren Treasurer, Miss Louise W. Smith 2nd Vice-Eegent, Mrs T. F. B. Parker Eegistrar, Miss Julia Leupp r. Monmouth Chapter — Red Bank Organized June 29, 1900; Members, 18 Eegent, Mrs Annie Hull White Treasurer, Mrs Elizabeth B. Parsons Vice-Eegt., Mrs Eleanor C. Bennett Eegistrar, Miss Harriet W. Bray Secretary, Miss K. T. Applegate Historian, Mrs Martha L. Freeh s. Morristown Chapter — Morristown Organised November 12, 1895; Members, 33 Eegent, Mrs Sarah Perry Merrell Treasurer, Miss A. H. Ford Secretary, Mrs J. L. Bell Eegistrar, Mrs J. E. W. Cutler t. Nassau Chapter — Camden Orgayxized November 19, 1896; Members, 25 (Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Miss Mary McKean Treasurer, Miss Fannie Sanderson Vice-Eegent, Mrs E. W. Bottomley Eegistrar, Mrs Clara S. Binder Secretary, Mrs Mary A. Godfrey Historian, Mrs I. C. McGeorge u. Newton M&nbers Eegent, Miss Francis A. McMurtry. Appointed May 1, 1901 V. Nova Caesarea Chapter — Newark Organised April 15, 1891; Members, 138 (New York, 7; Pennsylvania, 1; Montana, 1; Colorado, 1; Connecticut, 1) Eegent, Mrs H. L. Jenkinson Treasurer, Mrs Samuel Clark 1st Vice-Eegent, Mrs H. S .Hayward Eegistrar, Mrs F. Thorn 2nd Vice-Eegent, Mrs A. P. Cooper Historian, Miss Mary S. Clark Secretary, Miss Isabel Baldwin Chaplain, Mr Lyman W. Allen Honorary Vice-Eegents. Mrs Cortland Parker Mrs Alexander T. McGill Mrs Donald S. Mackay Mrs ^N. W. Shippen w. Oak Tree Chapter — Salem Organized January 4, 1901; Members, 20 Eegent, Miss Ellen Mecum Treasurer, Mrs M. B. Ayars 1st Vice-Eegent, Miss S. A. Smith Eegistrar, Miss C. S. Harris 2nd Vice-Eegent, Mrs W. S. Smith Historian, Mrs Wm. Sickler Secretary, Miss E. E. Jaquett Auditor, Mrs Harry W, Pettit X. Paulus Hook Chapter — Jersey City Organised April 20, 1899; Members, 48 (New York, 1) Eegent, Mrs A. E. Beadle Cor. Secretary, Miss May F. Bishop 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs E. B. Kiersted Treasurer, Mrs 0. E. Blanchard 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs G. T. Werts Eegistrar, Mrs E. P. Eomaine 3rd Vice-Eegt., Mrs J. F. Eushling Historian, Mrs G. W. Case Eec. Secretary., Mrs T. M. Gopsill Hon. Vice-Eegt., Mrs. Solon Palmer 348 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. y. Peggy Warne Chapter — Phillipsburg Organized January 13, 1901; Members, 16 Kegent, Mrs Jessie G. Schultz Vice-Eegt., Mrs Anna C. S. Howell 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs M. E. S. Sandt Eec. See., Miss Florence C. Shinier Cor. Sec, Mrs Mala A. Pursel Treasurer, Mrs Annie H. Pursel Eegistrar, Mrs Anna C. W. Dawes Historian, ]\Iiss Katherine S. Sandt z. Princeton Chapter — Princeton Oryanized October, 1892; Members, 37 Eegent, Mrs Josephine W. Swann Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary Otis Hale Secretary, Mrs Grace E. Eichardson Treasurer, Mrs Katherine Green Eegistrar, Mrs Annie F. McMillan Historian, Miss Elizabeth P. Harris A. Tempe Wicke Chapter — Sea Girt Organized January 3, 1901 ; Members, 11 (New York, 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Mrs M. A. L. Oglesby Treasurer, Mrs M. L. M. Magee Secretary, Mrs F. B. Durand Eegistrar, Miss Eliza Wilson Historian, Miss Eleanor L. Brown B. Trent Chapter— Trenton Organized January 24, 1S95; Members, 2S Eegent, Mrs A. F. Jamieson Vice-Eegent, Miss Marie A. Quinby Eec. Sec, Mrs Philip F. H. Brakeley Cor. Sec, Mrs J. S. Jamieson Treasurer, Miss Kate A. Mott Eegistrar, Mrs A. M. Lowthrop Members Eesiding in the State 24110;( Adams, Anna M. (Mrs Israel Guthrie) Linwood 31G13/ Adams, Alice Hanks (Mrs Chas. T.) 43 Highland ave., Montclair 2G274* Adams, Ella Mason Turner (Mrs Clarence A.).. 407 Cooper st., Camden 20473?^ Adams, Laura (Miss) Absecon 34826t Addicks, Mary Maiilsby O'Brien (Mrs Lawrence) Perth Amboy 32569 Adlem, Emma G. Finch (Mrs Isaac H.) Eed Bank 31749jf Adlem, Florence White (Miss) 272 Broad st., Eed Bank 12860H Aikman, Grace Pennington (Mrs James M.) 803 Pacific ave., Atlantic City 24108JJ Albertson, Gertrude (Miss) 19 S. South Caroline ave., Atlantic City 13553; Allen, Eunice Euth (Mrs Geo. S.) Irwin Park, Montclair 35431r Allen, Alice Bingham (Mrs Elisha Morgan).. 18 Tremont Place. Orange 30357/i- Allen, Anne Louise (Mrs Joseph Howe).... 150 Prospect st., E. Orange 30017./- Allen, Kittle E. (Mrs A. E.) Wyckoff 1769211 Ailing, Josephine Hill (Mrs Charles) 153 Mountain ave., Montclair 13538r/ Allison, Henrietta W. Oliphant (Mrs wSam'l C.)..325 York st., Jersey City 316390 Alpaugh, Ida Stoll (Mrs Spencer M.) 52 N. Clinton ave., Trenton 142347 Anable, Anna Maria Stafford (Miss) 66 Bayard st.. New Brunswick 142337 Anable, Harriet Isabella Low (Miss) 66 Baj-ard st.. New Bruuswick 11150/« Anderson, Louise (Miss) ' Somerville 2463f Anderson, Margaret, J. Van Dyke (Mrs L. H.) 3 Stockton st., Princeton 111371 Andrews, Mary Schoonmaker (Mrs F. H.)..818 Central ave.. Plainfield 16340/- Applegate, Katherine TratTord (Miss) Eed Bank 199167 Ashwell, Emmeline Contant Eeynolds (Mrs John D.) 78 Bayard st.. New Brunswick 52177 Atkinson, Mary Josephiue (Miss) Hardenburgh st., New Brimswick 63041' Atterburv, Sarah Hays (Mrs Henry) Springfield ave.. Summit 10347& Atwater." Gertrude Oakley (Mrs Edward S) 464 Morris st., Elizabeth 204871-' Atwater. Lillie Belle (Mrs Willis Byron) 1091 Broad st.. Newark 17690 Atwell, Mailon Gaylord (Mrs Edwiri) 16 Norwood ave., Summit * Quaker Citv Chapter, Pa. } New York City Chapter, N. Y. 1i A'assar College Chapter, N. Y. II Fort Greene Chapter, N. Y. XEW JEKSEY. 349 1423217 AA'ery, Jane Ann (Miss) 209 Washington ave., Newark 33850j(? Avars, Ella D. Finlaw (Mrs Maurice B.) Salem 34783;/ Ayers, Delphena M. (Mrs Eobt., Jr.) 5 Front st., Phillipsburg 15140c Aj^res, Anna D. (Mrs Wm. Henry) South Bound Brook 17663)H Ayres, Emma Lilly Coryell (Mrs Sylvanus, Jr.) Bound Brook 22891t:|: Azoy, ]\Iary Letitia (Mrs Anastasio'^C. M.) 28 S. Maple ave.. East Oranoe 16996/j Babcock, A Anna Doughty (Mrs Lewis Henry) 41 Grove st., Haddonfield 31881|[|[ Babcock, Eugenia Lewis (Mrs Geo. H.) Plainfield 19924/j Babcock, Helen Hillman (Mrs Walter H.) W. Main st., Haddonfield 47691 Babcock, Mary Woodruff (Mrs Courtland G.) Princeton 18702t; Bailey, Sarah A. (Miss) Springfield 18700(? Baker, Mary E. (Miss) 40 Walnut St., Newark 2098t^ Baker, Sophie Cornelia (Miss) Millington 16344?; Baldwin, Isabel (IMiss) 22 Centre st., Newark 8151V Baldwin, Josephine Louise (Miss) 8 Centre st., Newark 18717« Balliet, Josie D. (Mrs L. D.) 1001 Atlantic ave., Atlantic Citv 22270|| Bancker, Mary E. C. (Miss) "Maplegate" Grand ave., EngleAvood 16998/^ Bancroft, Margaret (Miss) The Lindens, E. Main st., Haddonfield 21120(/ Barbour, Lola Deal (Mrs Edward L.)..172 College ave.. New Brunswick 24113/( Barstow, Nettie Mabel (Miss) 14 N. Penn ave., Atlantic City 5585m Batcheller, E. Ellen (Miss) Somerville 17006Hi. Bateman, Louise Palmer (Mrs Charles Heisler) Somerville 5847§ Battin, Catherine Van Wyck (Miss) 73 Ocean ave., Jersey City 18103JI Baxter, Katherine Crissey (Miss) 930 Putnam ave., Plainfield 35480JI Bayne, Alice Levering Crane (Mrs George) Nutley 32850tt Beardsley, Annie Wade (Mrs Jonas) Sparta 7530B Beasley,\Tessie F. (Mrs Chauncey H.) 363 Greenwood ave., Trenton 26478^ Beaston, Annie (Miss) \ 123 North 4th st., Camden 19341 J Beatty, Grace Woodhouse (Mrs George Austin) Hackettstown 33852H7 Beckett, Carolyn Louise Wells (Mrs Albert T.) 105 W. Broadway, Salem 13560a? Bedle, Althea Randolph (Mrs Joseph) Freehold 2468i Belknap, Marion Stewart Dumont (Mrs M. B.) 151 E. 7th st., Plainfield 8354s Bell, Laura G. B. (Mrs James) Morristown 7522i? Bell, Mary Agnes Perrine (Mrs James E.) 201 E. State st., Trenton 11167/ Belville, Mary Evans (Mrs Robert C.) 20 Yard ave.. Trenton 9201/ Benedict, Fanny Dater (Mrs Geo. L.) 87 Porter Place, Montclair 32571? Benjamin. Helen Virginia (Miss)... 215 Cooper st., Camden 32552r Bennett, Eleanor Brown Clayton (Mrs Charles A.) Freehold 2990* Bergin, Alice Croasdale Grey (Mrs George) 711 Cooper st., Camden 24122? Binder, Clara Emilia Shimer (Mrs C. K.) 432 Pennsylvania st., Camden 7223H. Bing, ]\Iary Emma (Miss) 36 N. Vermont ave., Atlantic City 22823fc Bingham, Florence Wells (Mrs James) 299 Park ave.. East Orange 36361»J Birdsall, Katherine Hubbell (Mrs James Talmage) Somerville 9210(7 Bishop, Elizabeth Wallace Cannon (Mrs Arthur) Hamilton st.. Cor. Union st.. New Brunswick 23475.r Bishop, May Finley (Miss) 473 Jersey ave., Jersey City 31620.r Black, Alice Greenleaf Haxen (Mrs) 80 Gifford ave., Jersey City 29105/ Blackfan, Agnes (Miss) 207 E. State st., Trenton 6054/ Blackfan, Julia Watkins (Miss) 207 ,E. State st., Trenton 20481(7 Blackwell, Clara May (Miss) Trenton 20482.r Blanchard, Virginia Elmer Ames (Mrs O. R.) 37 Clinton ave., Jersey City 3343011 Bliss, Charlotte (Miss) 24 Kensington ave., Jersey City 321820 Bloom. Mary Hunt (Mrs Jacob Charles) 172 W. State st., Trenton 752Si? Bodine, Frances P. D. (Mrs Joseph) 146 W. State st., Trenton 31615/ Bogart, May Adelia (Miss) Glen Ridge 25781/? Boice, Hannah Ann (Mrs John) Absecon 1496r Borcherling, Mary Ruxton (Mrs Charles) 36 Park Place, Newark 21674? Bottomley, Ella Eliza Woods (Mrs John T.)..611 Cooper st., Camden 19348» Bourgeois, Anna M. Estell (Mrs T. Anderson)... Estellville 32183J" Bowen, Louise Crossman (Miss) Bergen ave., Jersey City $J Marv Washington Colonial Chapter, N." Y. TH Phebe Green Ward Chapter, R. I. t Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. § Mohegan Chapter, N. Y. ^ Vassar College Chapter, N. Y. ft Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Ind. t Dial Rock Chapter, Pa. * Philadelphia Chapter, Pa. II New York City Chapter, N. Y. 350 DIKECTOET, D. A. E 26946V Bowman, Ehoda ToAvnsend (Mrs Robert K.)..306 Chestnut ave., Trenton 3986; Bradley, Ellen P. (Mrs Frank E.) Clermont ave., Montclair 12855; Bradley, Mariana Gulick (Mrs Edwin A.).. 112 Mountain ave., Montclair 9208B Brakeley, Mary Kingman Smith (Mrs Philip F. H.) Bordentown 12851r Bray, Harriet Whitlock (Miss) Matawan 31628f Brearley, Annie B. Sands Sloan (Mrs Charles) "Trenton House," Trenton 30919 Breckenridge, Ella M. T. Andrews (Mrs Clarence E.) Maywood 29576c Breese, Josephine Ormsby Yard (Mrs J. B.)..247 W. State st., Trenton 546011 Brereton, Amelia Melusina (Mrs T.)..147 S. Illinois ave., Atlantic City 5461|| Brereton, Elizabeth D. (Miss) 147 S. Hlinois ave., Atlantic City 27723^ Brokaw, Lillie Fisher (Mrs William Henry) Bound Brook 16324? Brokaw, Minnie Clyde Brokaw (Mrs J. E.) Somerville 21167t Brown, Annie Crawford (Mrs Justis Morris) .. Summit ave., Hackensack 30993|[ Brown, Charlotte R. (Mrs George H.) Upper Montclair 31627A Brown, Eleanor Lyons (Miss) Virginia ave., Manasquan 21108& Brown, Henrietta Brittin (Miss) 1015 N. Broad St., Elizabeth 1461§ Brown, Lily McEntree (Mrs Theodore Van E.) Summit 28602i Brown, Mary E. (Miss) 414 Park ave., Plainfield 22212 Brown, Mary Meredith (Mrs Merritt L.) Montclair 2752; Bryan, Julia Rush Olmstead (Mrs James A.) care Mrs. Alex. McGill 270 Barro-w st., Jersey City 21663; Brj-ant, Frances Giles (Mrs William E.)....47 Prospect ave., Montclair 30013fc Bryant, Lillian (Miss) 22 Evergreen Place, East Orange 19352s Buckley, Adelaide Shackford (Mrs James Monroe) Morristown 285927( Burk, Charlotte Brodhead (Mrs Franklin C.) Flemington 4472d Burleigh, Isis Iturbide Patton Stockton (Mrs George W.) Trenton 193461; Burnet, Kate Laurana (Miss) 1 Warren st., Newark 14221s Burnham, Catherine Lydia Hilliard (Mrs Frederick G.) ... .Morristown 31632A Burroughs, Fanny Adelaide Maggs (Mrs George Van W.) ... .Manasquan 11164? Burrows, Ellen V. Field (Mrs Waters) 138 Chilton st.. Elizabeth 33851W Buzby, Anna Rebecca Smith (Mrs Joseph) Mannington 28603s Byram, Laura White (Mrs John B.) Morristown 292692 Cameron, Anna Wood Finley (Mrs A. G.)..94 Bayard Lane, Princeton 342622/ Camp, Ann Halstead (Miss) Cor. Ballman & Trent sts., Phillipsburg 4481 Campbell, Jean Eno (Mrs Palmer) 60 8th st., Hoboken 3550& Campbell, Mary Purviance (Mrs B. H.) 333 North Broad St., Elizabeth 19921s Campbell, Mary R. (Mrs Quniton) MorristoAvn 28050* Cannon, Mary Morgan (Mrs) Jersey City 5587t7 Carey, Sarah Smith Boardman (Mrs S. W.) ... .Orange Road, Montclair 11653? Carpenter, Susan Mary (Miss) 38 North 2nd st., Camden 26776/1 Carroll, Ellen Sullivan (Mrs Robert) Flemington 34253V Carter, Elizabeth (Miss) 44 Hinsdale Place, Newark 34782V Carter, Mary Louise (Miss) 44 Hinsdale Place, Newark 14229ir Case, Helen M. Herrick (Mrs George W.)..30 Kensington are., Jersey City 163362; Chamberlain, Mary Otis Hale (Mrs) Princeton 27671; Chamberlin, Minerva Perry (Mrs Winfield Scott) Bayonne 30016a! Chambers, Edith Jennings (Mrs Talbot).. 490 Jersey ave., Jersey City 11173? Chambers, Josephine (Miss) 461 Greenwood ave., Trenton 11172? Chambers, Margaret Waydill (Miss) 461 Greenwood ave., Trenton 2853 Chapin, Esther M. Lewis (Mrs Charles M.) Hoboken 29104; Chapman, Caroline B. (Miss) 112 Mountain ave., Montclair 3431V Cheney, Susan Runyon (ISlrs Frederick) . .175 Washington st., Newark 6311 Chenoweth, Emma Leake (Mrs George D.) Woodbury 193675; Chester. Georgiana Waldron Jenks (Mrs Albert T.) 11 Union st.. New Brunswick 16330i Chickering, J. Virginia (Mrs Edward) 822 Madison ave., Plainfield 29585fc Chittick, Margaret Eveleth Yardley (Mrs James) 176 6th st., Roseville 1491q; Clark, Anna Morgan (Mrs S. V. D.) 89 Bayard st., New Brunswick 7523V Clark, Jennie Delane (Mrs Samuel) 173 Clinton ave.. Newark 3555V Clark, Mary Sherred (Miss) Belvidere 6850& Clark, Sarah Mather (Mrs C. H.) 502 Jefferson ave., Elizabeth 7870(? Clark, Sarah Voorhees (Mrs John 0.) 13 Kirkpatrick st.. New Brimswick 18709 Clark, Susen Meeker (Miss) 225 Mt. Pleasant ave., Newark I! New York City Chapter, N. Y. t Knickerbocker Chapter, N. Y. II Owahgena Chapter, N. Y. § Wiltwick Chapter, N. Y. * American Chapter, D. C. NEW JEESET. J51 32811A Clarke, Lucy Safford (Mrs Lloyd) Point Pleasant 16327i Clawson, Augusta Holmes (Mrs Frank T.) 672 W. 7th st.. Plainfield 34260!0 Clayton, Annie L. (Mrs William D.) Woodstown 34261t<; Clayton, Martha L. (Miss) Woodstown 2467t7 Coe'^, Grace Adelaide (Miss) 45 South 12th st., Newark 3914 Coffin, Emma Hopkins (Mrs Amory) South Oregon 34255A Cole, Elyonts H. Yard (Mrs Isaac) 437 State st., Trenton Collins, Catherine Blanche (Mrs Hugh) Pleasantville Collins, Eva Lena (Mrs J.) Hotel Gladstone, Alantic City Collins, Levietta Ives Loomis (Mrs Clarkson A.) Alpine Colt on, Helen Orton (Mrs Frank Bliss) 83 Hillyer st.. East Orange Condit, Anna (Mrs) 81 Gifford ave., Jersey City Condit, Fannie Crane Harrison (Mrs 0. H.)..86 Clinton st., East Orange Connely, Annie Willard (Mrs George W.) 1001 Atlantic ave., Atlantic City Conover, Cora B. (Mrs Henry L.) Absecon Conover, Helen Field (Mrs Francis Stevens) Princeton Conover, Mary Stiger (Miss) Clinton Cook, Helen Craven (Mrs Lewis Skillman) Bound Brook Cook, Margaret Parsons (Mrs Edmund D.) 316 Bellevue ave., Trenton Cooke, Maria Cowdrey (Mrs Henry G.) 7 Livingston ave., New Brunswick Cooper, Elizabeth (Miss) Red Bank Cooper, Mary Eiply (Mrs Abram P.) 22 Pennington st., Newark Corson, Isabel Endicott (Mrs Lucien B.) May's Landing Corvell, Marie Louise Crane (Mrs George V.) South Boimd Brook Cowins, Catherine Campbell (Mrs tieremiah) South Bound Brook Cowins, Florence Nelson (Miss) South Bound Brook Cox, Fanny Cummins (Mrs Rowland) 310 West 7th st., Plainfield Crafts, Susan D. (Miss) 179 Washington st., Binghamton Crane, Anna L. (Mrs Israel) 16 E. Plymouth st., Montclair Crane, Cordelia Matthews (Mrs Edwards N.)..20 Central ave., Newark Crater, Georgia B. (Mrs) 17 Court st., Newark Cray, Li;ella Ingram (Mrs Henry W.) Maj^'s Landing Crissman, Millicent Gulick (Mrs Frank) Bergen Point Crouse, Christine Shelton (Mrs Otto) 11 Bentley ave., Jersey City Curtis, Amelia Beach (Mrs George S.) 24 Maple ave., South East Orange Curtis, Hettie Blanche (Mrs Thomas Cook) Point Pleasant Curtiss, Margaret A. (Mrs Edward B.) Montclair Cuskaden, Annie M. (Mrs Albert D.) 2000 Atlantic ave., Atlantic City Cuthbert, Louisa Gibbs (Miss) E. Main st., Haddonfield Cutler, Julia R. Walker (Mrs Augustus W.) Morristown Cutler, Mary B. H. (Mrs Willard W.) C\itler Place, Morristown Cuyler, Juliana Stevens Baker (Mrs) Library Place, Princeton Daboll, Lizzie Morgan (Mrs Henry E.) Plainfield Dahlgren, Augusta (Mrs Charles B.) 510 West State st., Trenton Dahlgren, Eva Louisa Dudley (Miss) Trenton Dailey, Mary E. Carter (Mrs Hiram).. 74 Carrol Place, New Brunswick Dale, Emily Neilsen Messinger (Mrs) Paterson st.. New Brunswick 15141TO Davenport, Annie Parker (Miss) Somerville 2690d Davis, Anna Shippen (Mrs Howland) Seabright 33579** Davis, Armida Moses (Mrs Ansley S.) 28 East 33rd st., Bayonne 32188g Davis, EHzabeth Stetson Norris (Mrs Edwin Bell).. 81 Easton ave., New Brunswick Davis, Florence Marguerite (Miss) 13 Heckman st., Philipsburg Davis, Jennie M. (Miss) 11 W^alnut st.. East Orange Davy, Sarah M. (Miss) 763 Broad st., Newark Dawes, Anna C. Vliet (Mrs G. M.) 123 W. Washington ave., Washington Dayton, Anna Lewis (Miss) 163 W. State st., Trenton Dayton, Harriet M. S. (Mrs Wm. L.) 163 West State st., Trenton Dayton, Helen McKeen (Mrs Aaron O.) 203 Cooper st., Camden 2989tt Davton, Julia Ridgway Grey (Mrs William C.) 408 Cooper st., Camden 2578Sr Dean, Mary Minton Allen (Mrs Geo. F.) 10 Gould ave., Newark 21670;( Deats, Eva Augusta (Mrs Hiram Edmunds) Flemington 25779?? 30924H 20574 1355SA- 3162l£r 193441; 35426H 25782/j 579;? 325660 24785i 32969 25785(1' 32553r 8804r 15812?). 116416 321806 321816 18711i 7891 13555/ 7869r 153741- 12357?) 35940* 28605J7 66796 32810A 10315$ 35427n- 19355A; 3902s 27331s 4247;r 1089811 1849c 1850rf 6235§ 16345^ 347841/ 111291' 35526 34263)/ 10607c 9205rf. 11132^ * New York City Chapter, N. Y. + Stamford Chapter, Conn. 11 Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. § Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Conn. ** Sumter's Home Chapter, S. C. tt Philadelphia Chapter, Pa. 352 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 33006tt Decker, Helen Estell (Mrs James) Xewton 17008TO Demaray, Josephine Elizabeth (Miss) Somerville 3730i De Mott, Magdalene Dumont (Mrs Jacob K.) Somerville 10124? De Mott, Margaretta C. (Mrs H. V.)..13 Kirkpatrick st., New Brunswick 20480? Dennis, Mary Howell (Mrs Holmes V., Jr.).. 28 Union st.. New Brunswick 1499y Depue, Delia A. (Mrs David A.) 21 E. Park st., Newark 20477n Devine, Lucinda E. Clark (Mrs M. A.) 18 S. Brighton ave., Atlantic City 917? Deshler, Kate (Miss) 106 College ave., New Brunswick 4966? Deshler, Louise (Miss) 151 Livingston ave.. New Brunswick 11637c Dickinson, Mary (]\Iiss) 121 W. State St., Trenton 17696/ Dodd, Emma A. (Mrs R. H.) Upper Mountain ave., Montclair 785* Dodd, Gertrude Ward (Mrs Bethuel L.) 196 Clinton ave.. Newark 205921 Dodd, Isabella Hanson (Mrs Wm. B.) . . . .Oakwood ave.. Upper Montclair 33848? Dodge, Agnes Louise Hastings (Mrs Fred H.) 116 Hamilton St., New BrunsAvick 316370 Dolton, Emma Elizabeth (Miss) 501 E. State st., Trenton 10114s Donaghe, Susan Boyston (Mrs Wm. E.) 52 Maple ave., Morristown 17000p Dotterer, Aletta Elizabeth (Miss) KirkAvood 16999p Doughty, Emma Lippincott Smith (Mrs John S.) E. Main st., Haddonfield 3539/1 Doughty, Sarah N. (Miss) Absecon 33427fc Douglass, Eva Burke (Mrs R. D.) Blythwood, Llewellyn Park, Orange 6225§ Draper, Marion Carter Olmstead (Mrs Charles B.).... Upper Montclair 36360 Drayton, Anna Rebecca (Miss) 506 Springdale ave., East Orange 36359 Drayton, Etta May (Miss) 506 Springdale ave., E. Orange 28591e Drummond, Ida Da^is Van xVrsdale (Mrs Samuel) Bound Brook 158156 Du Four, Marion Hoagland (Mrs Joseph L. M.).... South Bound Brook 3547& Dumazeaud, Mary Ellen Brittin (Mrs A.) 1163 Washington st., Elizabeth 2034i Dumont, Elizabeth Stewart (Mrs John B.) 151 E."^ 7th st., Plainfield 9203; Duncan, Anna Chittenden (Mrs David D.) Porter Place, Montclair 30019 Dunham, Achsah Cannon (Mrs Thomas M.) Ocean Grove 3722e Dunham, Carrie Belle Thompson (Mrs William H.) Bound Brook 31640O Dimham, Julia Silvers (Mrs Edward W.) 365 Wf State st., Trenton 31629A Durand, Floreuce Bates (Mrs Frank) Virginia ave., Manasquan 34254a; Dutcher, S. Ella (Mrs E. C.) 73 Linden ave., Jersey City 3058W7 • Eakin, Constance D. (Miss) Salem 19959* Earl, Mary Annie (Miss) 106 Clinton ave., Newark 32501a? Earle, Jennie E. (Mrs Frank Hasbrouck) 163 N. 7th st., Newark 35902; Eaton, Charlotte Slade Hill (Mrs) 153 Mountain ave., Montclair 21672-?; Edwards, Eleanor Pierrepont (Miss) 333 Belleville ave., Newark 2292111 Eggleston, Agnes Smith (Mrs John C.) Bayonne 30264$ Elder. Edith Mav (Miss) Blairstown 33087** Eldridge, Tabitha Clifton (Mrs Thomas) Cape May City 12861» Endicott, Ada H. (Mrs Allen B.) - 123 States ave., Atlantic City 30014fc Etherington, Grace Garland (Mrs William F.) 57 Munn ave., E. Orange 4467? Evans, Bellita S. (Miss) New Brunswick 12130? Evans, Mary Hunt (Mrs EdAvard W.) Tyler st., Trenton 1092411 Everest, Maria Louisa Wadhams (Mrs C. H.) . .70 Grove st., E. Orange 21973§ Everitt, Lucy Alexander (Mrs EdAvard Ancrum Whistler) Pompton Lakes 363557t EAving, Zoulie Sullivan (Mrs John H.) Flemington 14222s Fairchild, Euth Elizabeth Tichener (Mrs) Parsijipany 13545fir Falkinburg, Sarah Eemsen Oliphant (Mrs Thomas J.) 307 Montgomery St., Jersey City 15334|||| Farley. Freberne' Blossom (Mrs Dickerson H.) 505 E. State st., Trenton 36364^ Farnliam, Georgianna Maria (Mrs Levi Elmer) 416 S. 6th st., Camden 24119-1; Farrand, Anna "b. (Miss) 155 Clinton aA-e., NcAA'ark 14224t; Farrand, Jane Champenois (Mrs D^ulley) 155 Clinton aA'e., NcAvark 11392$! Fennell, Inez Clarine Warner (Mrs W. G.) Walnut st., NcAvark 4654 Ferris, Bertha Bissell Allen (Mrs Floyd) Hoboken 22213/ FcAv-Smith, Eliza Lehman (Miss) ' 428 Market st., Camden tt Onwentsia Chapter, N. Y. t Saratoga Chapter, N. Y. * New York City Chapter, N. Y. II Olean Chapter, N. Y. t Mary Sillinian Chapter, Conn. •* Quaker City Chapter, Pa. U Susan Carrington Clarke Chapter, Conn. § Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Conn. III! Hcher Allen Chapter, Vt. tt Ruth Hart Chapter, Conn. NEW JEESLT, 353 10117s Pford, Rosett-e S\ichley (Mrs H, Ward) Morristown 11141i Field, Mary Dutcher (Mrs Isaac N.) Field ave, Plainfield 30921; Fisher, Mary Chilton (Mrs Calvin) 16 Union st., Montclair 300180' Fisher, Mary Eliza (Miss) 125 Patterson st., New Brunswick 25786^ Fisk, Charlotte E. J. (Mrs James M.) 12 Chestnut st., Newark 28606a; Fisk, Ida C, (Mrs Willard C.) 17 Bentley ave., Jersey City 31622iZ! Fisk, Jane Maria (Mrs Lyman) 17 Bentley ave., Jersey City lllSSi Fisk, Lizzie E. (Mrs Charles J.) 211 W. 7th st., Plainfield 2854 Fisk, Louisa Green (Mrs Harvey) Wilburtha 2934d Fleming-, Diilie Smith Lewis (Miss) 28 James st., Newark 7034t Fliedner, Josephine D. (Mrs A. C.) Arlington 24121V Foote, Cornelia E. Strieby (Mrs J. Merrille) "The Aldine," 2 Lombardy St., Newark 10118s Ford, Annie Rowland (Miss) Morristown 32543i Ford, Hariot Burton (Mrs) 726 Watchung ave., Plainfield 21782** Ford, Sara Wills Ogborn (Mrs Lewis T.) 43 Chestnut ave., Trenton 11498 Forde, Anna L. (Mrs) Columbia Terrace, Clifton Park, Hoboken 20483a? Forman, May Ailing (Miss) 360 Bergen ave., Jersey City 55750 Forst, Emma J. Foster Post (Mrs J. M.) 516 E. State st., Trenton 19451^ Fosdick, Lizzie (Mrs Leonard) 172 Orange Eoad, Montclair 35780 Foster, Abbie Fiske (Mrs George M.) 315 Greenwood ave., Trenton 11170e Foster, Anna Evans (Mrs Daniel E.) 328 Greenwood ave., Trenton 19923i Foster, Fanny G. (Mrs) 91 Mercer ave., Plainfield 7532fc Frazer, Annie Halstead Lindsley (Mrs Everett) ... .81 High st.. Orange 5088r Freeh, Martha L. Brokaw (Mrs George H.) Eed Bank 28174t7 Freeman, Ella Louise Klotz (Mrs Horace) 218 N, 7th st., Newark 10146 Freeman, Eloise Wool Telfair (Mrs Charles D.) Middlesex Lodge, Colonia 16454tt Frishmuth, Anna Biddle (Miss) Eiverton 13726tt Frishmuth, Hannah Biddle (Mrs John Coffin Whitney) Eiverton 16453tt Frishmuth, Mary Grandom (Miss) Eiverton 24114?> Furber, Mary Copeland (Mrs Edward Martin) Merchantville 400D Furman, Isabella Adams de Witt (Mrs G.) 434 W^illiams st.. East Orange 11171/ Gardner, Josephine (Miss) Lake ave.. Ocean Grove 20476» Gardner, Josephine Scull (Miss) ^gg Harbor City 20475m Gardner, Mittie Scull (Mrs John J.) Egg Harbor City 26S9d Garnett, Mary Barton Picton (Miss) Hoboken 29169t t ., 75215 Mott, Kate A. (Miss) ^ '^ ...Elizabeth . 17675i; Mullikin, Jeanette Bell Campbell " fMrs 't " "t^ \ ^V q^ Bordentown ' 28688t Munn, Mary Elizabeth S (Mrs) ^^ 58 Spruce st Newark 22925t Munn, Theodore (Miss) ^ r^^S^"" 14226V Murphy, Janet Colwell (Mrs Franklin) 1027 R^nnH "«; m i 16022 Murphy, Louise Bl ydenburgh (Miss ^ ^^ ^"^"^^ S ni /T''^'^ 16337^ Murray, Julia Richards Haughton (Mr^) 73* Nass;u Vt PH.. T"" 30925P Murray, Sarah Eodman (Mrl Gustavus M T " " Hv MSHt Hn^l^^^^^^ 11650t Myers, Laetitia M. HalseV (Mrs Lawrence 53fESontktplinfie d 27^ £eT'Mi:7L'*1Sls?) ''''' '^ "^^^^'^ ■- ^39 E.-7t^ it llTnllH 11154m Nevius! Anna V. (Miis) ! '. ! ! 1 1 ''' ^'"^^° ^''Jni^M^rT .^^'^ I 11153m Nevius, E. Gertrude (Miss) .' ." vj.* An w"""^ ^ follli J;:^---^', Harriet Jones 'smith (Mrs Curtis ' S;iVesVeV)\- ^'gammon?oS 30424; Nichols, Elizabeth Van B CMrs ^llan'i ^r, -R^n^j/i^ ^'v " . ,"" 8513t; Nichols Helen Isabel (Mss ^ ^ "•^^i. wi^l^ V^" ^^^"i.^^^Se QnoQn« AT- TT x^. V, (.iMibs.; 313 Washington st., Newark poif 5-t^'-?^n'^ Frances Moring (Mrs H. E.)..32 Gifford ave., Jersey City S SSSz; ^-tla Sr^^lif SiS?"""^ • • -Sl^ llSL SSa^J YoSii%^5 ''-' ""'^ Crescent-Shipyard:-^ Eli^^ 26144n North, Cora E. (Mrs Jamesj ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :29' sV T^nnVssee "ay;:,' AtlanTc' Gtv ^onll" Nourse, Elizabeth Clement Boice (Mrs C. D.) Abseoon 04 ; Nye'^ctrfoir Yfv-^ (Mrs Thomas Banniste/) 45 Chur-ch'st,' MontcTai? 2nSn K' Charlotte Atkinson (Mrs George E.) West End ave., Haddonfield JrPIJ ^gden, Sarah Morris (Mrs Edward H.). Eiverton 8766A Oglesby, Margaret Antoinette (Mrs H. J. H ) "Sand own " Sp^ rir+ o^?^?' Olendorf, Elizabeth Herbert (Mrs John) ..■.•.•.: .'^"'^Bound Brook 24104e Olendorf, Helen Parker Herbert (Miss) . ' Bound Brook 6048 Pyne, Eliza Glover (Mrs C. M.) 653 Pearl st., Elizabeth 35906J7 Queen, Rebecca Bird Whitfield (Mrs John Wahl) 13 Kensington ave., Jersey City 10606i? Quinby, Marie Antoinette (Miss) 14 James St., Newark 32563J; Rae, Frances J. Hicks (Mrs Walter) 18 Jewett ave., Jersey Citv 16328! Randolph, Alice F. (Miss) 318 W. 8th st., Plainfiel'd 7529i? Raymond, Minnie Stillman (Mrs Charles H.) Lawrenceville 11151TO Reed, Annie E. (Mrs Hugh B.) Somerville llieOni Reed, Annie M. (Miss) Somerville 11657^ Reeve, Elizabeth Cooper (Miss) 301 State st., Camden 11652^ Reeve, Laura (Miss) 301 State st., Camden 11656i Reeve, Margaretta Willis (Mrs Augusta Henry) Morristown 17662^ Reeve, Mary Joy Grej^ (Mrs William Foster) Morristown 771s Revere, Rosanna Duncan (Mrs Joseph W.) Morristown 14219f Rex, Louise Few-Smith (Mrs Frederick A.) Merchantville 35606t Rice, Emily A. (Miss) Ocean Grove 29769if Richards, Josephine E. (Miss) 201 Park ave.. Orange 19920s Richardson, Alice (Miss) Morristown 8806,::; Richardson, Grace D. Ely (Mrs Ernest C.) Mercer Heights, Princeton 11139B Richey, Mary (Miss) 443 W. State st., Trenton 34252(7 Ridgway, Anna Kirkbride (Mrs Cabel Sager) Lumberton 9869§ Ripley, Jeane Taylor Pomeroy (Mrs Wm. David).. 8 Penna. ave., Newark 14225t; Robinson, Jennie E. (Mrs Oscar) Freehold 35434iP Robottom, Eimice Linford Wickwan (Mrs James) 192 Harrison ave., Jersey City 16338c Rockwood, Hettie Smith (Mrs Charles G., Jr.).. 34 Bayard ave., Princeton 16339c Rockwood, Katharine Chauncey (Miss) 34 Bayard ave., Princeton 29301* Rodman, Harriet Robinson (Mrs Isaac Peace) Bukeley ave., Orange 27347 Roebling, Emily Warren (Mrs Washington A.) 191 State st., Trenton 19356p Rogers, "Lillie I'delle (Mrs William Henry) Merchantville 2933aT Romaine, Emma Franklin Whiting (Mrs Richard Post) 158 Academy st., Jersey City 36363r Roome,"^ Marietta Smock (Mrs John William) Freehold 3968t Root, Katherine Elizabeth (Mrs William Albert) Lakewood 27330/ Root, Marie Antoinette (Mrs Talbot) Glen Ridge 13565s Ropes, Sarah Fluit Chapman (Mrs Albert G.) 10 Morris ave., Morristown t George Clymer Chapter, Pa. § New York City Chapter, N. Y. II Marv Washington Colonial Chapter, N. Y. * Narragansett Chapter, R. I. t Rebecca Mott Chapter, S. C. t Bennington Chapter, Vt. "ii Mary Floyd Talmadge Chapter, Conn. 360 DIRECTOKT, D. A. E. 1580SV Eowand, Augusta Haines (Mrs) , Columbus 772i Rowland, Alice Story (Mrs David H.) 511 W. 7th St., Plainfield 3429i; Runyan, Luranah (Miss) 175 Washington st., Newark 6052a; Rusling, Emily W. (Mrs James P.) 226 E. State st., Trenton 25375/ Russell, Katharine H. Schoonmaker (Mrs T. F.) 60 Union st., Montclair 12353s Russel, Mary E. Marlow (Mrs) Morristow^n 12849& Ryan, Mary"^Cecilia (Miss) 713 Garden St., Elizabeth 11128; St. John, Lucinda (Mrs Theodore) 15 Lexington ave., Montclair 13546^ Sames, Lida Oliphant Falkinburgh (Mrs) 307 Montgomery st., Jersey City 2o376wi Sanborn, Mary B. (Mrs George W.) Somerville 25381^ Sanderson, Fannie Maria (Miss) 221 Linden st., Camden 26947« Sandoz, Helen Crabbe (Mrs Ernest) Princeton 187041? Sayre, Katharine Schuyler Harrison (Mrs W.)..91 S. 12th st., Newark 24118t; Scheerer, Mary Lois Durand (Mrs William).. 47 Reynolds Terrace, Orange 4464^ Schenck, Emily Barker (Miss) Highland Park, New Brunswick 247S45 Schenck, Sophie Kirkpatrick (Mrs W. R.)..210 Hale st.. New Brtmswick 31619g Schneeweiss, Clara Whittemore (Mrs Oliver Parsall) 210 Redmond st.. New Brunsvs^ick 10122g Schneeweiss, M. Cornelia Hardenbergh (Mrs Henry P.) 49 Bayard st., New Brunswick 523911 Schultz, Annie Stoughton Ellsworth (Mrs Emmet).... Arlington 26949y Schultz, Jessie Glen (Mrs Irwin W.) "Longview," Phillipsburg 9728?i Scott, Isabel G. (Miss) 26 S. Tennessee ave., Atlantic City 9726w Scott, Maria Eldridge (Miss) May's Landing 23478i? Scudder, Ida Quinby (Mrs Wallace Mcl.)10 Washington Place, Newark 75275 Scudder, Marvina James Davis (Mrs Henry D.) 10th ave., Belmar 42490 Scudder, Mary Craig Cruser (Miss) Princeton 31644c Scudder, Mary Reeder (Miss) 205 W. State st., Trenton 30015)1 Scull, Florence Townsend Somers (Mrs Martin Van Buren) 2904 Pacific ave., Atlantic City 32966?;, Scull, Lillian Beatrice (Miss) 17 N. Delaware ave., Atlantic City 28171/ Seward, Mary Grant Saxton (Mrs Edward C.)..195 Walnut st., Montclair 12355/ Shaw, Lucie Bliven (Mrs William A.) Reynolds Terrace, Orange 32375$ Sheldon, Ella (Miss) Hamburg 180762; Sheldon, Martha Waring (Miss) ....10 Mercer st., Princeton 27727P Sheppard, Anne B. (Miss) 126 State st., Camden 10119s Sherman, Julia Burnham (Mrs Byron) i.Morristown 10120s Sherman, Julia Frances (Miss).." Morristown 9719p Sherrerd, Mary Eva Moors (Mrs Wm. D.) . .Highland ave., Haddonfield 2958037 Sherwood. Jiilia Benedict (Miss) 32 Communipaw ave., Jersey City 342721/ Shimer, Florence Catherine (Miss) 20 Bullman st., Phillipsburg 342712/ Shimer, Helen Howell (Miss) 20 Bullman. st., Phillipsburg 20474/1 Shinn, Emily Gifford Scull (Mrs Stewart H.).121 States st., Atlantic City 32550i Shipman, Margaret Wilson (Miss) Belvidere 2693d Shippen, Caroline (Miss) Seabright 2691(i Shippen, Ettie (Miss) Seabright 2692d Shippen; Georgie (Miss) Seabright 2694d Shippen, Sofie Morton (Miss) Seabright 2261t Showell, Gertrude Batchelor (Mrs Edward B.) Riverton 2047271 Shreve, Mary E. Rodgers (Mrs John) 906 Atlantic ave., Atlantic City 92075 Shreve, Rebecca Hamilton (Mrs) Riverton 25382f Shults, Ella M. (Miss) 596 Benson st., Camden 309320 Sickel, Margaret Harrington (Mrs W.Gregory) 56 N. Clinton ave., Trent on 33S60IO Sickler. Ruth Sheppard (Mrs William) ". Salem 31636A Sloan, Margaret I. (Miss) Spring Lake Beach 13552 Sloane, Mary Espie (Mrs W. M.) Princeton 17668P Smith, Abby Sweetser Hudson (Mrs William Jones) Hammonton 070411 Smith, Annie Hewitt (Mrs Raymond P.) Memorial Hospital, Long Branch 34780r Smith, Annie M. (Mrs H. Delafield) Red Bank 33862 Smith, Carrie Conant (Mrs) 54 Lord ave., Bayonne 1553c Smith, Dora (Miss) Hoboken 25383t« Smith, Ellen Bradway (M. D.) (Mrs Winfield Scott) Salem 8150/ Smith, Eva D. (Mrs Wilson W.) 20 Harrison ave., Montclair II Abigail Phelps Chapter, Conn. t Sibbil Dwight Kent Chapter, Conn. t Philadelphia Chapter, Pa. \ Lucretia Shaw Chapter, Conn. NEW JEKSEY. 361 33S59i(7 Smith, Hannah H. Fogg (Mrs Ephraim) Salem 32187,r Smith, Hattie L. (Mrs George T.) 100 Glemvood ave., Jersey City 11159OT Smith, Laura Chambers (Mrs Charles J.) Somerville 22214^ Smith, Lillian Chew (Mrs Oliver, Jr.) 534 Cooper st., Camden 3425SH; Smith, Sara Ambler (Miss) Salem 34781/- Sneden, Ella Curtis (Mrs George V.) Eed Bank 12356/^ Snover, Marie L.Ostrander (Mrs Fred. Warren) 219 Littleton ave., Newark 27557* Snow, Emma Holmess Maghee (Mrs Henry H.)....l Main st., W. Orange 11127& Snow, Valeria Elizabeth (Mrs James P.).. ..215 W. Jersey- st., Elizabeth 27729t' Soden, Harriet Anderson (Mrs Charles P.) 67 Broad st., Newark 30922; Solomons, Amelia Piatt (Mrs John Nelson).. 77 Clairmont ave., Montclair 15814e Somers, Florence Eedfield (Mrs John C.) Bound Brook 11229** Sommer, Sarah Sackett (Mrs E. A.) . .Hospital and Dispensary, Bayonne 204841' Sonn, Ada Honness (Mrs George C.) 285 Belleville ave., Newark 32301^ Sooy, Beatrice (Miss) Mount Holly 32300 jl Sooy, Emerette Overfleld (Mrs Mark Beeves) Mount Holly 33432J" Soper, Susan Bliss (Mrs Arthur) 24 Kensington ave., Jersey City 24963| Southern, Jane M. Jenks (Mrs F.).. Pacific and Texas aves., Atlantic City 25780» Southwick, Deborah Kinnard (Mrs J. D.) "The Shelburne," Atlantic City 33538tt Squire, Lillie E. (Mrs William Ayman) Beverly 5087/. Staats, Catherine L. A. Brokaw (Mrs P. G.) S. Bound Brook 32570/J Stafford, Bertha Mae (Miss) Ashland 2470f' Starr, Clara Blanche Dodd (Mrs Henry F.) . .91 Mt. Pleasant ave., Newark 31612i Steele, Mary Chilton (Mrs Eobert B.)" 16 Union st., Montclair 30918& Steelman, Fannie Lawrence (Mrs Silas S.) IS Orchard st., Elizabeth 4463(/ Stephens, Julia Dunham (Mrs David) 231 George st.. New Brunswick 75255 Stephens, Mary Williams (Mrs James P.).. 240 Greenwood ave., Trenton 921c Stevens, Emily Dickinson (Mrs E. F.) 15 Stanley Eoad, S. Orange 454s Stevenson, Eleanor L. D, (Mrs E. W.) Morristown 1285217 Stewart, Anna Trusdell (Mrs William E.) S. Orange 30492|||| Stewart, Mary Lander (Mrs Jacob S.) Phillipsburg 1500^; Stockton, Helen Hamilton Shields (Mrs B.) Princeton 2258s Stockton, Katherine (Miss) Princeton 42440 Stockton, Mary Hunter (Miss) 48 Mercer st., Princeton 342737/ Stone, Alice Hagerty (Mrs Stewart Pursel) S. Main st., Phillipsburg 30923W Stone, Ida M. (Mrs W. W.) Hotel Gladstone, Atlantic City 26945g Storer, Agnes Williamson (Miss) 105 Carroll Place, New Brunswick 17661e Stout, Margaret Willes (Mrs Herbert) Old Bridge 25777; Strong, Adeline T. (Mrs Benjamin) 33 Plymouth st., Montclair 4469Gf Strong, Elizabeth Briard (Miss) 272 Hamilton st.. New Brunswick 26147§ Strong, Susan de L. Van Eensselaer (Mrs A. H.) Inwood, New Brunswick 316410 Struble, Eva E. (Miss) 324 Chestnut st., Trenton 316420 Struble, Louise Bell (Miss) 324 Chestnut ave., Trenton 3733i Struthers, Sarah Penfield (Mrs Stephen E.) 544 W. Front st., Plainfield 1077 Stryker, Helen Boudinot (Mrs William S.) 321 W. State st., Trenton 37256 Stryker, S. Elizabeth L. Foote (Mrs George) Bovmd Brook 329700 Stull, Julia Coryell (Miss) 369 W. State st., Trenton 28607O Stull, Mary Thompson (Mrs Howell C.) 369 W. State st., Trenton 9747* Such, Anna Eidgeway (Mrs George) Melford, South Amboy 2993; Sullivan, Elizabeth Cox (Mrs Theodore G.) 226 Orange Eoad, Montclair 30920; Sullivan, Ethel Van Zandt (Miss) 226 Orange Eoad, Montclair 295S4fc Swan, Lucretia Green Staniels (Mrs Samuel) 35 N. Walnut st., E. Orange 97s Swann, Josephine Antoinette Ward (Mrs J. Thompson) Princeton 10610; Swenarton, Mary Esther Hastings (Mrs S. A.) 169 Union st., Montclair 920^ Swift, Louise Walker (Miss) 105 Carroll Place, New Brunswick 11158»rt Swinton, Phoebe M. B. (Mrs William J.) Somerville 31092t Tack, Anna M. Powell (Mrs Charles W., Jr.).. 215 N. Warren st., Trenton 36362r Talmage, Jennie Charlotte Lyman (Mrs Henry Clay) Eed Bank 9718p Tatem, Minnie A. Moore (Mrs Joseph F.) Manson ave., Haddonfield 13554; Taube, Margaret E. (Mrs Henning C.) Highland ave., Montclair * Vanderburg Chapter, Ind. ** Multonomah Chapter, Ore. 1! Tunkhannoek Chapter, Pa. t Pawtucket Chapter, R. I. tt Delaware County Chapter, nil George Taylor Chapter, Pa. § Manhattan Chapter, N, Y. * New York City Chapter, N. Y. t Quaker City Chapter, Pa. 362 DIEECTOllY, D. A. R, 6053U Taylor, Helen C. (Mrs Henry G.) 305 Cooper st., Camden 27728 Taylor, Helen Lynde (Miss) 825 W. 7th st., Plainfield 18707V Taylor, Henrietta Selleck (Mrs Jerome) 1036 Broad st., Newark 3727e Taylor, Mary Alward (Mrs William Johnston) P. 0. Box 66, Bound Brook 4963(? Taylor, Mary M. (Miss) 14 Kirkpatrick st., New Brunswick 32559r Terhune, Margaret Little (Miss) Matawan 44661; Terhune, Mary W. Crane (Mrs Henry Stafford)'. Matawan 21237|| Ter Kuile, Cora Belle Marvin (Mrs Jacob) Mont Vale 26477i Terrell, Maude James Chilton (Mrs Lemuel W.) 964 W. 7th st., Plainfield 27332 Thomas, Belinda Jane (Mrs Joseph Tuley) Edgewater Park 11165? Thomas, Virginia V. (Mrs Edward) Milf ord 24107; Thompson, Anna E. (Mrs Charles D.) 134 Upper Mountain ave., Montclair 22827U Thompson, Caroline Montgomery (Mrs J. H.) 413 Summer ave., Newark 972571 Thompson, Eliza Scott (Miss) 131 St. James st., Atlantic City 33429r Thompson, Emily L. (Mrs William Martin) Middletown 15816& Thompson, Harriette Price (Mrs Sidney Sayre) 920 N. Broad st.. Elizabeth 31616?i Thompson, Isabella L. (Mrs Joseph).. 122 St. Charles Place, Atlantic City 7225i; Thompson, Margaret McEwen C. (Mrs Joseph Worrell) Millington 16341V Thorne, Mary Stuart Miller (Mrs F. L.) 133 Mt. Pleasant ave., Newark 14228'y Tichenor, Julia Hendrie (Miss) 244 Belleville ave., Newark 24105/ Tiemann, Euth (Mrs E. L.) 2 Union st., Montclair 18716W Tilton, Mariah L. (Mrs Daniel) Absecon 9202V Todd, Mathilda Garthwaite (Mrs Nelson) 349 Belleville ave., Newark 31625i» Toffey, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs J. J.) 155 Magnolia ave., Jersey City Heights 17005p Tomlin, Antoinette Smith (Mrs Francis H.) Ha'mmonton 211136 Tomlinson, Anna Greene (Mrs Everett T.) 462 Jefferson ave., Elizabeth 1852V Townsend, Mary Ludlam (Miss) 34 W. State st., Trenton 299v Tracy, Sarah Frances (Mrs William H.) 930 Bloomfield st., Hoboken 3425910 Troth, Mary Woolman Holme (Mrs J. Elmer) Salem 21669V Truesdell, Anna E. (Mrs Warren N.) 19 Washington st., Newark 12853V Trusdell, Grace C. (Miss) 19 Washington st., Newark 3424V Tucker, Mary A. Spier (Mrs John J.) Belleville 22384| Tully, Grace Iv. (Miss) Brakeley Homestead, Phillipsburg 19357|) Tunnelle, Mary Paynter (Miss) Chestnut st., Haddonfield 32558r Tuthill, Margaret b. (Miss) Matawan 20489s Twining, Mary Gridlev (Mrs Kingsley) 39 South st., Morristown 12863i Tyler, Eliza Margaretta (Mrs Mason 'W.) 525 W. 7th st.. Plainfield 548* Underwood, Virginia Garland (Mrs William Allen) Morristown 46536 Vail, Frances Herbert (Mrs Mott Bedell).. 96 Carroll st.. New Brunswick 22908* Van Antwerp, Martha (Mrs Wm. C.) Tenafly 28604s Vance, Caroline Muchmore (Mrs Alanson A.) Morristown 16373A- Vanderbilt, Emily Augusta (Mrs 0. De G.) 45 Evergreen Place, E. Orange 11148m Van Der Veer, Elizabeth S. (Mrs William L.) Somervitle 11149m Van der Veer, Katherine W. (Mrs Francis S.) Somerville 32554r Van Deventer, Rachael (Miss) South Eiver 11634 Van Doren, Anna Oakes Eibble (Mrs P. V. D.) Millstone 13559V Van Doren, Frances E. Surfleet (Mrs Chas. A.) 1 Eiverside ave., Newark 6055V Van Fleet, Elizabeth Bonnell (Mrs A. V.) Flemington 15805V Van Houten, Clarissa A. (Miss) 38 Schuyler st., Belleville 10617 Van Houten, Cornelia A. Stagg (Mrs Cornelius) Belleville 338611V Vanneman. Mary Harris (Mrs Eobert) Salem 7226(7 Van Syckel, Bessie (Miss) 125 Greenwood ave., Trenton 7526B Van Syckel, Isabel Stephens (Mrs Chas. S.) 234 Greenwood ave., Trenton 165271 Van Tassel, Julia Ely Shelton (Mrs) Morristown 6056& Van Vranken, Mary Gansevoort (Miss) 1016 Lafayette st., Elizabeth 543i Van Wyck, Florence Wadsworth Prescott (Mrs Philip Van E., Jr.) cor Stelle and Plainfield aves., Plainfield 24100?) Vincent, Emily Halsey (Mrs Frederick W.) 222 Williamson st.. Elizabeth 11659V Vinson, Eva Egerton 'Purritt (Mrs Frank) 32 Milf ord ave., Newark 30511|| Vogel, Margaretta Coffin (Mrs Henry W.) Arlington 37326 Voorhees, Anna Louisa M. (Mrs F. Van D.) Bound Brook Mary Weed Marvin Chapter, N. Y. Georgre Taylor Chapter, Pa. New York City Ch.ipter, N. Y. t Milwaukee Chapter, Wis. II Quaker City Chapter, Pa, NEW JERSEY. 363 27724e Voorhees, Carrie Fisher (Mrs Frederic N.) Bound Brook 11600^ Voorhees, Loiiise (Mrs) 315 Cooper st., Camden 28600ft Vosseller, Bertha Weller (Miss) Flemington 28599/i Vosseller, Elizabeth Van Fleet (Miss) Flemington 285987^ Vosseller, Julia Sleeper (Mrs E.) Flemington 11536 Wade, Theodora Irving Knight (Mrs J. B.) 416 Hillside Place, S. Orange 1552 Wait, Carrie Stow (Mrs Horace C.) 54 Clinton ave., Jersey City 35904W Wahl, Carrie A. Wright (Mrs William F.) 126 States ave., Atlantic City 2036s Walker, Mary Mercer (Mrs. Henrj^ Harrison) Morristown 12854V Ward, Anna D. (Mrs Elias S.) 13 S. 9th st., Newark 21666; Ward, Frances Brownell Avery (Mrs Isaac Foster) 55 Grove st., Montclair 19917; Ward, Harriette W. (Mrs Eodney A.) 319 Garfield Place, S. Montclair 325670 Ward, Horacana Buttolph (Mrs John W.) N. J. State Hospital, Trenton 918Q' Warren, Mary E. (Mrs T. Eobinson) 82 Somerset st.. New Brunswick 11959V Watson, Bertha Brooks (Miss) P. O. Box 675, Summit 25124|| Watson, Carrie L. McMahon (Mrs John L.) Pacific ave., Jersey City 23477m Weart, Clara Southmayd (Mrs Spencer) 289 Varich st., Jersey City 11176? Weatherby, Alethia Himt (iirs Isaac) 151 S. Stockton st., Trenton 13562 Weatherby, Edith Hunt (Aliss) 105 Greenwood ave., Trenton 35423; Webb, Mary Gregory (Mrs John Burkitt) 48 Woodland ave.. Glen Kidge 18338$ Webster, Sophia Eiggs (Miss) 34 W. Broad st., Burlington 24120J? Werts, Emma M. (Mrs George T.) Garfield & Danforth aves., Jersey City 163236 Westervelt, Mary Field (Mrs Charles E.) Plainfield 29109r White, Annie Hull McLean (Mrs Henry Simmons) Eed Bank 32560/- White, Helen Coriell (Mrs Clarence) 9 Broad st., Eed Bank 22385§ White, Huldah Brakeley (Miss) Brakeley Homestead, Phillipsburg 17007»;i. Whitenack, Linda Peters (Mrs C. A.) Somerville 35424; Wiggins, S. Minnie (Miss) 301 Orange Eoad, Montclair 32546; Wight, Violetta Talbott (Mrs Louis Allyn) 75 Gates ave., Montclair 22217^ Wikoff, Anna Thomason (Miss) Princeton 34257A Wilcox, Sarah V. (Mrs) "The Wilcox" Farm, New Brunswick 32565a? Wilkinson, Juliet Bastedo (Mrs George) ... .274 Bergen ave., Jersey City 35905? Willets, Hannah G. (Mrs Daniel) Chestnut ave., Trenton 35665? Willets, Letitia C. (Mrs E. E.) 219 Greenwood ave., Trenton 176731' Williams, Annie F. (Mrs Thomas Wright) 78 Oregon ave., E. Orange 32564j^ Williams, Fannie Holden (Mrs Thomas H.) 300 Bergen ave., Jersey City 18803tt Williams, Sara Cecilia (Miss) Eutherford 17670/> Williams, Thyrza Crampton (Miss) "The Lindens," E. Main st., Haddon- field 2860l7t Williamson, Frances Helen Corey (Mrs George) Flemington 32974s Willis, Elizabeth Dickerson (Miss) Morristown 13631* Willis, Jane Mulf ord Knickerbocker (Mrs Henry) Montclair 15230** Wilson, Alice M. (Miss) 156 4th st., N. Newark 12856? Wilson, Anna Margaret Shipman (Mrs Joseph Howell) Belvidere 4649 Wilson, Clara L. (Mrs Washington) Metuchen 34256A Wilson, Eliza (Miss) Spring Lake Beach 11175? Wilson, Katherine Seymour (Miss) 45 Montgomery Place, Trenton 11174? Wilson, Laura (Miss) 45 Montgomery Place, Trenton 329680 Winans, Julie Benedict (Mrs Thomas) 42 W. State st., Trenton 32972ie Winner, Mary Parker (Mrs John Jr.) 491 Bergen ave., Jersey City 36354? Wise, Cora B. (Mrs E. C.) 131 High St., Somerville 24103? Wittke, Henriette W. (Miss) Hillside ave., Westfield 10612; Wolfe, Mary Eoberts (Miss) 35 Hillside ave., Montclair 6051V Wood, Ellen Persis (Miss) 138 E. State st., E. Trenton 19351? Wood, Laura Eushmore (Mrs Edmund) 224 Chestnut ave., Trenton 7228(1 Wood, Matilda Green (Miss) Trenton 24115V Wood, Stella Buist (Mrs Isaac Trumbull) 438 E. State st., Trenton 6554& Woodburn, Etfie Mae Morrell (Mrs E. M.) 1137 Chestnut st., Elizabeth 4121t Woodhull, Margaret E. (Mrs Alfred A.) Somerville 24123B Wright, Anna Emeline (Mrs Nelson) 509 Prospect ave., Newark H Roger Sherman Chapter, Conn. t Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. § George Taj'lor Chapter, Pa. tt Knickerbocker Chapter, N. Y. Hendrick Hudson Chapter, N. Y. Hetuck Chapter, Ohio. Denver Chapter, Col. 364 DIKECTOEY, D. A. E. 32967« 24112JI 14223U 28172P 11635m 316386 33-1280 21671V 19345fc 18708U 2020fc 15146t 32973a; Wright, Anna M. (Mrs Willard) 1001 Atlantic ave., Atlantic City Wright, Georgiana Barstow (Mrs William) 507 Pacific ave., Atlantic City Wright, Laura Champenois (Mrs Oman N.) 49 Lincoln Park, Newark Wright, Sarah Clark (Mrs Walter Stevenson) Manson ave., Haddonfield Wright, Sibyl Farnham BakUvin (Mrs Harrison) Somerville Yard, Anna Deacon (Miss) 519 E. State st., Trenton Yard, Ella H. (Mrs Frederick B.) 940 Berkeley ave., Trenton Yard, Helen Townsend (Mrs George B.) 222 Greenwood ave., Trenton Yardley, Margaret Tufts Swan (Mrs Chas. B.) 332 William st., E. Orange Young, Fanny Taylor (Mrs Charles Edwin) 14 Chestnut st., Newark Young, Katherine Angell (Miss) 61 Glenwood ave., E. Orange Young, Sarah Cornelia (Mrs Charles A.) Asbury Park Young, Sibyl Eager (Mrs Edward L.) 67 Glenwood ave., Jersey City NEW MEXICO State Regent, 1901, Mrs. L. Bradford Prince, Palace ave., Santa Fe " " 190'^ " " " " " " " " CHAPTEKS (1 organized, 1 unorganized) a. Silver City Members Regent, Mrs Nettie A. Ashenfelter Appointed May 1, 1901 b. Sunshine Chapter — Santa Fe Organized October 25, 1S9S; Memljers, 16 (Colorado, 1; California, t; Ohio, 1; Arizona, 1) Eegent, Mrs Ella C. Weltmer Cor. Secretary, Mrs D. A. J. Wood Vice-Eegent, Mrs Caroline E. Otero Treasurer, Miss Alice A. Atkinson Eec. Secretary, Mrs Myra J. Warner Eegistrar, Mrs Mary M. Victory Historian, Mrs Esther B. Thomas ■22481a 163466 31217 9433& 2016* •26951& 27730 6858& 251421 216756 61026 14834 325726 309336 187206 163476 253866 25385 216766 Membees Eesiding in the State Ashenfelter, Nettie A. (Mrs Singleton M.) Silver City Atkinson, Alice Anne (Miss) Santa Fe Barnes, Edith Talbot (Mrs Will Croft) Dorsey Cross, Frances Eandolph B. (Mrs G. H.)....Buena Vista Place, Santa Fe Edmonson, Harriette Frances Codwise (Mrs E. H.) Gallup Harvey, Leah A. Carothers (Mrs Eobert) Santa Fe Graham, Ida Davis Marsh (Mrs Thomas) Graham McEwen, Katherine Kenyon Lippitt (Mrs William) Eddy Maguire, Eose Ida Watson (Mrs E. S.) Fort Stanton Otero, Caroline Emmett (Mrs Miguel Antonio) Santa Fe Prince, Mary Catherine B. B. (Mrs Le Baron B.) Santa Fe Eapp, Jean Morrison (Mrs Isaac Hamilton) Las Vegas Thomas, Esther Bradley (Mrs Benjamin Morris) Santa Fe Victory, Mary Maltby (Mrs John P.) Santa Fe Warner, Myra Jenne (Mrs Milton J.) Santa Fe Weltmer, Ella C. (Mrs) Santa Fe Wheelock, Katherine Hayes Waugh (Mrs) East Las Vegas Whiteman, Fannie Shepard (Mrs Wm. Henry) Santa Fe Wood, Donizetta A, J. (Mrs) Santa Fe Saratoga Chapter, N. Y. % Louisa St. Clair Chapter, Mich. Wiltwyck Chapter, N. Y. NEW YORK. 365 NEW YORK State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Samuel Verplanck, Fishkill-on-Hudson c( u 1 Q02 " " " " " " CHAPTERS (69 org-anized, 6 unorganized) a. Adirondack Chapter — Malone Organized February 9, 1901; Members, 15 Regent, Mrs Daphne T. Fay Treasurer, Miss Alice L. Hyde Vice-Regent, Mrs Mary M. Putnam Registrar, Mrs Constance S. Irving Secretary, Mrs Plorence C. Massey Historian, Miss Martha L. Channell b. Amsterdam Chapter — Amsterdam. Organized Jxme 8, 1900; Members, 44 Regent, Mrs Henry T. McEwen Cor. Sec, Miss Anna E. Morris 1st Vice-Regent, Mrs M. A. Trapnell Treasurer, Mrs William G. Waldron 2nd Vice-Regent, Mrs John F. Morris Registrar, Mrs Harriet J. Billington Rec. Sec, Miss Katherine McFarlan Historian, Mrs Abram V. Morris Ass't Rec Sec, Mrs John G. Serviss Chaplain, Miss Eleanor Enders c. Astenrogen Chapter — Little Falls Organised December 3, 1895; Members, 23 Regent, Mrs Frances A. Lamb Cor. Secretary, Mrs J. J. Gilbert Vice-Regent, Mrs L. LaRue Treasurer, Mrs John I. Randall Rec Secretary, Mrs C. V. Wheeler Reg-istrar, Mrs R. H. Smith Historian, Mrs Charles A. Shiard d. Baldwinsville Members Regent, Miss Anna Blanche Skinner Appointed November 7, 1900 e. Baron Steuben Chapter — Bath Organised January 16, 1897; Members, 35 (Connecticut, 1; Illinois, 1) Regent, Mrs Mary R. Kingsley Treasurer, Mrs Evelyn G. L. Pawling Vice-Regent, Mrs Sarah L. Davenport Registrar, Mrs Luella M. Parker Rec. Sec, Mrs Annah W. B. Robie Historian, Miss Rebecca Leeke Cor. Sec, Mrs Emeline K. Lyon Chaplain, Mrs Clara W. H. Kasson f. Benjamin Prescott Chapter — Fredonia Organized January 2, 1899; Members, 41 (Michigan, 1) Regent, Miss Martha J. Prescott Treasurer, Mrs Arabelle W. Leworthy Vice-Regent, Mrs Mary A. Fullager Registrar, Miss Isabelle White Rec. Sec, Mrs Charlotte E. Kingsland Historian, Mrs Mary S. Hall Cor. Sec, Mrs M. A. T, Jacobi Genealogist, Mrs Mary E. Negus g. Bronx Chapter — Mount Vernon Organized February 16, 1898; Members, 21 Regent, Mrs Roger M. Sherman Treasurer, Mrs Frank Tichenor Vice-Regent. Miss Susan M. Stone Registrar, Mrs William L. Stone Secretar3% Mrs Harry D. B. Hudler Historian, Mrs Herbert L. Baker 366 DIKECTORY, D. A. E. h. Buffalo Chapter — Buffalo Organized March 12, 1892; Members, JfiS (Foreign, 2; California, 1; Illinois, 1; Massachusetts, 1; Connecticut, 1; Virginia, 1) Eegent, Mrs Mary N. Thompson Cor. Sec, Miss Eliza S. Haskins 1st Vice-Regent, Mrs John M. Horton Treasurer, Mrs Charles J. North 2nd Vice-Eegent, Mrs Oscar L. Harries Ass't Treas., Miss Emma D. Dakin 3rd Yice-Eegt., Mrs Edward E. Eice Eegistrar, Miss Florence Lee 4th Vice-Eegent, Mrs G. Barret Eich 2nd Eegstr., Miss Cornelia B. Selkirk Eec. Sec, Miss Florence S. Barnard Historian, Miss M. Edwina Spencer i. Camden Chapter — Camden Organized l^oremher 16, 1S9G; Members, 69 Eegent, Mrs Mary E. Conant Cor. Sec, Mi"s Grace S. Case Vice-Eegent, Mrs Carrie E. Conant Treasurer, Mrs Clara H. Stoddard 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Flora M. Borland Eegistrar, Mrs Elizabeth T. Pike Eec. Sec, Miss Ella M. Dorrance Historian, Mrs Susan B. Cromwell j. Catherine Schuyler Chapter — Belmont Organized June 12, 1897; Members, 71 (Illinois, 1; Texas, 1; Michigan, 1; Pennsyl- vania, 3; Nebraska, 1) Eegent, Mrs Hamilton Ward Eegistrar, Miss Alice Eeid Vice-Eegent, Mrs W. F. Jones Historian, Mrs H. F. Gillette 2nd Vice-Eegent, Mrs Frank S. Smith Ass't Hist., Miss Grace Eutherford Secretary, Mrs Enos W. Barnes Chaplain, Mrs Thomas L. Smith Treasurer, Miss Susan Jennings Librarian, Mrs Frances E. Morris k. Cayuga Chapter — Ithaca Organized December 20, 1894; Members, 36 (Ohio, 1; Foreign, 1; Indiana, 1) Eegent, Mrs Caroline L. E. Williams Cor. Sec, Miss Mary E. Humphrey Vice-Eegent, Mrs Emma W. Pound Treasurer, Mrs Isabella C. Dean Eec. Sec, Mrs Sarah G. Sturdevant Eegistrar, Mrs Anni§ C. Baker Historian, Mrs Harriet A. D. Ireland 1. Chemung Chapter — Elmira Organized February 5, 1897; Members, 63 Eegent, Secretary, Miss Julia Langdon 1st Vice-Eegent, Mrs Julia Diven Treasurer, Mrs W. C. Buck 2nd Vice-Eegent, Mrs Theron Whales Eegistrar, Mrs Grant N. Tidd Historian, Mrs Herbert M. Lovell m. Cherry Valley Chapter — Cherry Valley Organized January 28, 1897 ; Members, 12 Eegent, Miss Lucy L. Smith Treasurer, Miss Eliza C. Smith Vice-Eegent, Miss Catharine Eoseboom Eegistrar, Miss C. L. Swinnerton Secretary, Mrs. Mary S. Leaning Historian, Mrs Sarah W. Schenck n. Cohoes Mem bers Eegent, Mrs Katherine Elseffer Adams Appointed October 1, 1896 Ee-appointed January 3, 1900 o. Deborah Champion Chapter — Adams Organized October 25, 1898; Members, 70 (Pennsylvania, 2; Michigan, 1; Florida, 1) Eegent, Mrs Augusta B. Skinner Cor. Sec, Miss Deborah J. Phillips 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Fanny S. Legg Treasurer, Mrs Mary H. Waite 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Sarah M. Manville Eegistrar, Mrs Sarah E. Taylor 3rd Vice-Eegt., Miss Musette E. Taylor Historian, Mrs Ella C. Brown Eec. Secretary, Mrs Mary L. Bell Chaplain, Mrs Euretta S. Kenyon 1 NEW YOKK. 367 p. Delhi Members t^!l^2l^^^^'^^ ''^'^''' ^'''''' ''°'*' Appointed December 6, 1899 q. Deo-on-go-wa Chapter— Batavia Organized Xovemher 11, 1S97; Members, 66 (California 1) .nd^«ce.Be'gent, Mrs Clarissa ^l^Lad- IZ: lltJ^iTll^^'""'''' ara Viee.Ee,ent, Mrs A B, Eath.one Sl^l.Ta"' JIS tSr^K^^jL, Historian, Miss Frances P. Pratt -^^iroox r. Fort Greene Chapter— Brooklyn Organized December 3, 1896; Members, 208 (Massachusetts, 1; Neto Jcrseu 2) Eegent, Mrs Charles H. Terry Treasurer Arv« tt t, Co. sec, Mrs Wi,Ha„ L^B^^^" "^^^^^^iS^i^^L Auditor, Mrs Alfred F. Wise ^""^us s. Fort Plain Chapter— Fort Plain Organized February 7,, 1891; Members, 2.\ (^'ew Jersey, 1) Eegent, Miss Anna M. Whitwell Secretarv Mr« Vn^^o v ' i ^^^^«^^s|s.:j?^as,.J:=ES^- -Historian, Miss Martha Devendorf t. Fort Stanwix Chapter— Borne Organized January 13, 1896; Members, 71 (Ohio, 1 • Illinois 1) bee, Mrs Lhas. W. Elhs Eegistrar, Mrs Theodora C. Bing-ham Historian, Miss Anna Davis u. Gansevoort Chapter— Albany Organized November 11, 1891; Members, 100 (Foreign, 1) Eegent, Mrs Samuel L. Munson Cor Sec Mrs Ch«rl<.« q q+ a Vice-Eeg-ent Mrs Fdp-ar P> TT^i/i^r, n^ ' <-narles S. Stedman Eec. Sel, Mrs IrthS w' ^ray 5"'"l""^"\^/^%,9.^^.^^^^ J- Buchanan AFinur v\ Pray Eegistrar, Mrs William A. Wallace Historian, Miss Elizabeth Hubbell V. General James Clinton Chapter— East Springfield Organized December 16, 1899; Members U vrSgent! Mrs'SernoS'c'w^'shau, ?'■ '^*'- *l?= ''•"'"- »■ ^-r-i^ier T?«^ c„ TVT T^r ■^^'^^"or c. w. Shaul Treasurer, Mrs Marv Y Walradt Eec. Sec, Mrs Mary B Harbison Eegistrar,' Mrs Sylvi^ E. W Youn^ Historian, Miss Addie L. Gilchrist' w. General Nicholas Herkimer Chapter— Herkimer Organized January 1, 1891; Members, 50 (Illinois 3) vSten? S;r-IvSiam"T T H treasurer, Mrs William B. Howell ■Rpr. «f^ Ir- A ^^^"lam I. Taber Eegistrar, Mrs Irving- W Steele Cor Sec ' M s? Mab^ll^W^'f ^^^^^ Hiftorian; Miss Grafe L Walkins or. bee. Miss Mabel J. Wood Chaplain, Mrs James A. Suiter, Jr 368 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. X. Gloversville Members Kegent, Mrs Elizabeth Eoberts Churchill. Appointed May 1, 1901 y. Goshen Members Eegent, Mrs Mary T. Cuddeback Merritt Appointed November 7, 1900 z. Gouverneur Morris Chapter — Gouveneur Organized January 30, 1S99; Members, 24 Eegent, Mrs Anna B. A. Wolfe Treasurer, Mrs Chas. H. Bowne Vice-Eegent, Mrs E. H. Neary Eegistrar, Miss Sarah H. A. Parker Secretary, Mrs William Neary Historian, Mrs George Pike Chaplain, Mrs G. S. Conger A. Hendrick Hudson Chapter— Hudson Organized December 26, 1S95; Members, 104 (District of Columbia, 2; New Jerseij, 1) Eegent, Mrs A. F. B. Chace Cor. Sec, Mrs Luella D- Smith Vice-Eegent, Mrs I. N. Collier Treasurer, Miss Lydia E. Butler Eec Sec, Mrs Frank V. Uhrig Eegistrar, Miss Harriette A. J^ olger Historian, Mrs C. F. T. Beale B. Irondequoit Chapter — Rochester Organized February 15, 1894; Members, 232 (California, 1; Pennsylvania, 2; Ohio, 1; Maasachnsetts, 2; District of Columbia, 1) Eegent, Mrs Wm. S. Little Cor. Sec, Mrs Porter Farley 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Martin W. Cooke Treasurer, Mrs C. C. Woodworth 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Wm. E. Hoyt Historian, Mrs W. S. Dewey Eec. Sec, Mrs Charles M. Eobinson Eegistrar, Mrs E. fe. Ellwanger C. Israel Harris Chapter— Granville Organized May 3, 1899; Members, 16 Eegent, Mrs Lucy M. B. Henry Cor. Sec, Mrs Carrie \^ogeTS Vice-Eegent, Mrs E. W. Woodard Treasurer, Mrs Deha W. Monroe Eec Sec, Mrs Harriet L. Burtis Eegistrar, Mrs. Almera J. H. lenney Historian, Mrs Ophelia H. Jewett D. James Madison Chapter — Hamilton Organized December 9, 1900; Members, 16 (Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Mrs Eosalia E. Barker Treasurer, Mrs Sarah J. W. Woodruff Vice-Eeo-ent Mrs Mary E. Grosvenor Registrar, Miss Marian M. Crott Secretary Mrs Lulu K. Smith Historian, Miss Gracia B. Darrow E. Jamestown Chapter — Jamestown Organized November 28, 1900; Members, 51 Eeo-ent Miss Stella F. Broadhead Treasurer, Mrs Pauline A. Abbott Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary H. Tuckerman Eegistrar, Miss Sarah E. Dickenson Eec Sec, Miss Alberta G. Dow Historian, Mrs Carrie J- Hyde Cor. Sec, Mrs Jennie W. Cadwell Hon. Vice-Eegent, Mrs Maria C. Hall r. Jane McCrea Chapter— Fort Edward Organized January 27, 1S99; Members, 30 (Yermont, 1; Colorado, 1) Eegent, Mrs Josephine M. C. King Treasurer, Mrs Margaret S. Derby Eec. Sec, Mrs Adda T. Clements Eegistrar, Mrs Mary P. Bascnm Cor. Sec, Mrs Sarah Sawyer Historian, Mrs Grace K. Pans NEW YORK, 369 G, Johnstown Chapter — Johnstown Organized January 25, 1899; Members, 42 (California 1; Rhode Island, 1; Indiana 1) Regent, Mrs Frances F Van \liet Eec. Sec., Mrs Elizabeth F. Waite Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary C. Johnson Cor. Sec, Mrs Cynthia C. Alexander Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary M. Murray Treasurer, Mrs Ella D. DenSton Vice-Eegent, Mrs Susan M. Parrish Eegistrar, Miss Margaret H. Burdick Historian, Mrs Sarah B. Fraser H. Kanisteo Valley Chapter— Hornellsville Organized December 11, 1897; Members, U Eegent, Mrs Harriett McConnell Treasurer, Mrs G. C. Grantier 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Evelyn H. Brcvn Eegistrar, Mrs L. H. Squires 2nd Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ira G. Day Historian, Miss Grace iSerce Secretary, Miss Josephine Mason Chaplain, Mrs Anna B. Hoffman I. Keskeskick Chapter— Yonkers-on-Hudson Organized June 12, 1895; Members, 52 Eegent, Mrs Fannie A. Crandall Treasurer, Miss Janet W Fla^fi- Vice-Eegent, Mrs Wm. Myers Williams Eegistrar, Mrs H. A. Harrison Secretary, Miss Susie L. Heermance Historian, Miss Helen E. Croes J. Knickerbocker Chapter— New York City Organized January 25, 1897; Members, 76 (Foreign, 1) Eegent, Mrs Frederick Hasbrouck Cor. Sec, Mrs Henry H. Suplee 1st Vice-Eegt Mrs James S. Bradley, Jr. Treasurer, Mrs William J. Lyon 2nd \ice-Eegt., Miss M. T. Douglas Eegistrar, Miss Helen M. Fisher Eec Sec, Mrs Charles E. Taft Historian, Mrs Simon Baruch K. Le Ray de Chaumont Chapter — Watertown Organized May 23, 1896; Members, 79 (Missouri, 1; Massachusetts, 1; Pennsylvania 2- Illinois, 1) Eegent, Mrs Frederic C. Peterson Treasurer, Mrs William Casler Vice-Eegent, Mrs George S. Hooker Eegistrar, Mrs Julia K. Mack Eec. Sec, Mrs Charles Comstock Historian, Mrs Joseph Atwell Cor. Sec, Mrs Louis S. Lansing Chaplain, Mrs J. E. Harroun L. Mahwenawasigh Chapter — Poughkeepsie Organized Febrvary 19, 189-',; Members, 104 (Minnesota, 1; Connecticut, 3; Penn- sylvania, 1) Eegent, Miss Myra Avery Cor. Sec, Mrs Arthur Frost Vice-Eegent, Mrs J. Leverett Moore Treasurer, Miss Anna W. Sleight Eec. Sec, Miss Florence Van Vliet Eegistrar, Miss Henrietta Lounsbury Historian, Mrs John Thompson M. Manhattan Chapter — New York Organized November 5, 1898; Members, 30 (Foreign, 1; Long Island, 2; Neio Jersey, 1) Eegent, Mrs Sylvanus Eeed Secretary, Mrs E. A. Ayres 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs W. C. Story Treasurer, Mrs Thomas Eainey 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Alfred Nelson Eegistrar. Mips M. C. Van V. Hopkins Historian, Mrs James F. Tvs^eedy N. Mary Washington Colonial Chapter — New York Organized November 28, 1896; Members, 131 (New York, 4; District of Columbia, J; PeJinsylvania, 1; Long Island, 2; Foreign, 1) Eegent, Miss Mary Van B. Vanderpoel Cor. Sec, Mrs James W. Henning 1st Vice-Eegt., Miss Emily M. de Peyster Treasurer, Miss Bazena T. Downes 2nd Vice-Eegt., Miss Margaret S. Eemsen Eegistrar, Mrs Mary W. Wootton Eec. Secretary, Mrs Walter C. Carr Historian, Mrs Charles E. Treat 24 '^ ' " CIRECTOEY, D. A, B. 0. Mary Weed Marvin Chapter — Walton Organized November ',, 1897; Members, 28 (Rhode Island, 1; New Jersey, 1) Eegent, Mrs Charles B. Bassett Cor. Sec, Miss Anna S. Fitch Vice-Eegent, Mrs Anna B. Haulenbeck Treasurer, Miss Hannah Edson Eec. See., Miss Frances M. White Ileg-istrar, Miss Mary A. Fitch Historian, Mrs Egbert W. Lockwood P. Melzingah Chapter — FishkiH-on-Hudson Organized November IJf, 1895; Members, 52 Eegent, Miss Emily deW. Seaman Treasurer, Miss Cornelia B. Davis Secretary, Miss Anne M. Du Bois Eegistrar, Miss A. C. Brinckerhoff Historian, Miss Marion I. Hammond Q. Mohawk Chapter — Albany Organized January 29, 1895; Members, 106 (Massachusetts, 2) Eegent, Mrs W. B. Van Eensselaer Treasurer, Mrs Edward W. Wetmore Vice-Eegent, Mrs Samuel B. Ward Eegistrar, Mrs A. P. Palmer, Jr Eec. Sec, Miss Margaret T. Pruyn Historian, Mrs Edgar C. Leonard Cor. Sec, Miss Caroline Ten Eyck Librarian, Miss Ellen W. Boyd B. Mohawk Valley Chapter — Ilion Organized September 22, 1898; Members, Jf9 (Wyoming, 1) Eegent, Mrs O. B. Eudd Cor. Sec, Mrs Florence S. Eudd 1st Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ellen B. Harter Treasurer, Mrs Susie P. Eoss 2nd Vice-Eegent, Mrs Alice B. Watson Eegistrar, Mrs Ida D. Whitfield Eec. Sec, Mrs Marian E. Brand Historian, Mrs Mary L. Ingersoll Chaplain, Mrs Frances J. Eaton S. Mohegan Chapter — Ossining-on-Hudson Organized June 5, 1894; Members, 50 (New Jersey, 1) Eegent, Mrs Henry S. Bowron Ass't Sec, Miss Mary C. Fisher 1st Vice-Eegt., Miss Clara C. Fuller Treasurer, Mrs Charles M. Niles 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Frederick Potter Eegistrar, Mrs Edwin L. Todd Eec. Sec, Mrs Eufus Button Historian, Miss C. V. W. Battin Cor. Sec, Miss Eebecca E. Secor Hon. Eegt., Mrs Annie V. E. Wells Hon. Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary H. Hyatt T. Monroe Chapter — Brockport Organized February 8, 1898; Members, 53 Eegent, Mrs Helen S. Sylvester Cor. Sec, Mrs Harriet P. Minot 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Mary J. Holmes Treasurer, Miss Lulu Brown 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs M. A. H. Scranton Eegistrar, Mrs Marian E. Ward Eec. Sec, Mrs Katherine B. Coleman Historian, Miss Lucy Patterson U. Nathaniel Woodhull Chapter — New York Organized May 10, 1901; Members, 13 Eegent, Mrs Mary E. J. Seymour Treasurer, Miss Adelaide Kuper Vice-Eegent, Mrs Alice W. Clark Eegistrar, Mrs Nellie L. Sherman Secretary, Mrs Susie E. Potter Historian, Miss Mary E. Seymour V. New York City Chapter — New York Organized April 19, 1891; Members, 410 (Pennsylvania, 1; Connecticut, 3; Illinois, 1; Foreign, 4; District of Columbia, 1; New Jersey, 22; California, 1; Michigan, 2; Texas, 1) Eegent, Mrs Donald McLean Cor. Sec, Miss Myra Martin 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Clarence Postley Treasurer, Mrs Edward T. Bartlett 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Edwards Hall Eegistr.ar, Mrs Vernon M. Davis Eec Sec, Miss Mary E. Springer Historian. ISfips Emma G. Lathrop Chaplain, Eev. J. Nevett Steele NEW YORK. '571 W. Norwich. Members Eegent, Mrs Grace Van Etten Owen Gladding. Appointed June 7, 1899 X. Olean Chapter — Olean Organized January 6, 1S98; Mernbers, 72 (Pennsylvania, 2; Massachusetts, 2; Neiv Jersey, 1; Minnesota, 1) Eegent, Mrs Anna McI. Strong Cor. Sec, Miss Mary D. Bartlett 1st Vice-Kegent, Miss Lilla Wheeler Treasurer, Mrs Josephine V. C. Forbes 2nd Vice-Kegent., Mrs Janet Humphrey Registrar, Mrs Mary I. Horner 3rd Vice-Eegent, Mrs C. S. Blakeslee Historian, Miss Maud D. Brooks Eec. Sec, Mrs Louise K. Ballard Chaplain, Mrs Eleanor L. S. Eeed y. Ondawa-Cambridge Chapter — Cambridge Orgaiiized November S, 189.'f; Members, 51 (Nebraska, 1; Colorado, 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Mrs Eobert E. Law Cor. Sec, Mrs Edith G. Pratt Vice-Eegent, Mrs Henry M. Eider Treasurer, Miss Helena M. Wright Eec. Sec, Mrs F. H. T. Horsfield Eegistrar, Mrs Edwin J. Fuller Historian, Mrs Lott Woodworth Z. Oneida Chapter — "CTtica Organized Ju7ie 19, 1893; Members 205 (Kentucky, 1; Ohio, 1 ; Indiana, 1; Michigan, 1; Illinois, 2; District of Columbia, 1) Eegent, Mrs Blandina D. Miller Treasurer, Miss Mary P. W^hite Vice-Eegent, Mrs George D. Dimon Registrar, Mrs Smith M. Lindsley Secretary, Mrs Beecher M. Crouse Historian, Mrs Correl Humphrey aa. Oneonta Chapter — Oneonta Organized April 1, 1897; Members, 19 (California, 1) Eegent, Mrs Mary S. Brown Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth M. Blakely Vice-Eegent, Miss Kate M. Denison Eegistrar, Miss Anna D. W. Colburn Secretary, Mrs Harriet F. S. Douglas Historian, Mrs Harriet B. Murdock bb. Onondaga Chapter — Syracuse Organized January 28, 1S95; Members, 103 (Foreign, 1; MassacMisetts, 1; Pennsyl- vania, 1) Eegent, Mrs Mary T. Leavenworth Cor. Sec, Mrs Zilla S. Stone Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ada S. Denison Treasurer, Mrs Anna I. Eich Eec. Sec, Mrs Louise Van L. Lynch Eegistrar, Mrs Eliza A. Dickinson Historian, Mrs Frances W. Marlette CO. Onwentsia Chapter — Addison Organized December 7, 1899; Members, 21 Eegent, Mrs Horace D. Baldwin Treasurer, Mrs David B. Wanton 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Mary E. B. Landers Eegistrar, Mrs Eufus C. Baldwin 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs W. O. Feenaughty Historian, Mrs Delmar M. Darrin Secretary, Mrs George I. True Chaplain, Mrs Frederick C. Taber dd. Otsego Chapter — Cooperstown Organized July 6, 189.'f; Members, 81 (Long Island, 2; Virginia, 1; New Jersey, 1; Tennessee, 1) Eegent, Mrs Isabella S. Ernst Eec. Sec, Mrs Sadie W. Conkling 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Euretta A. Arnold Cor. Sec, Miss Adelaide B. Lippitt 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Fannie G. White Treasurer, Miss Florence V. Sill 3rd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Abbie C. Turner Eegistrar, Miss Cora E. Fowler Historian, !Mrs Cora B. Shipman 372 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. ' ee. Owahgena Chapter — Cazenovia Organised March 5, 1896; Mcmhers, Jf2 (Michigan, 1; Illinois, 1; New Jersey, 1) Eegent, Miss Amanda Dows Treasurer, Mrs Frances Sage-Watkins Secretary, Mrs Katherine S. Burr Registrar, Mrs F. C. S. Eigabroadt Historian, Mrs Frances G. Clarke fE. Owasco Chapter — Auburn Organized April 21, 1891 ; Members, li^ (New Jersey, 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Miss Jenny M. Cox Cor. Sec, Miss Frances Van Vecliten Vice-Eegent, Mrs Caroline B. WoodrufETreasurer, Mrs Florence S. Lee Eec. Sec, Miss Anna E. Armstrong Eegistrar, Miss Martha A. Bullard Historian, Miss Julia C. Ferris gg. Patterson Chapter — Westfield Organized May 2Jf, 1898; Memhers, SI Eegent, Mrs. George W. Patterson Treasurer, Miss Hannah D. Johnston Vice-Eegent, Mrs M. D. Tennant Eegistrar, Miss Sara E. Munson Eec. Sec, Mrs Josephine Dodman Ass't Eegstr., Miss Lizzie Simmons Cor. Sec, Mrs Catherine P. Crandall Historian, Miss Stone hh. PhiUip Schuyler Chapter — Troy Organized November 22, 1898; Members, 59 (Wisconsin, 1; Long Island, 1) Eegent, Mrs Eussell B. Benson Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Eousseau 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs E. Q. Laselle Eegistrar, Mrs Henry J. Speck 2nd Vice-Eegt., Miss Carrie Warner Vice-Eegstr., Mrs James C. Cowee Eec. Secretary, Mrs L. H. Giles Historian, Mrs C. L. Alden Cor. Secretary, Mrs M. G. Curtis Librarian, Miss Phoebe Peckham Chaplain, Miss M. A. Winslow ii. Quassaick Chapter — Newburgh Organized December 21, 1893; Members, 15 Eegent, Miss Adelaide Skeel Treasurer, Mrs John H. Chapman Eec. Secretary, Miss Katherine Lozier Eegistrar, Miss Anna Betts Cor. Secretary, Mrs Hector Craig Historian, Mrs John Eoy jj. Sa-go-ye-wat-ha Chapter — Seneca Falls Organized February 20, 1896; Members, 51 (Illinois, 1) Eegent, Mrs Elizabeth W. Addison Cor. Sec, Miss Claribel Teller Vice-Eegent, Mrs Amelia G. Swaby Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Cowing Eec. Sec, Mrs Harriet W. Yawger Eegistrar, Miss Mary E. Trautman Historian, Miss Maria G. Lawrence kk. Saranac Chapter — Plattsburg Organized February 12, 1895; Members, 69 Regent, Mrs M. P. Myers Cor. Sec, Mrs George F. Hudson Vice-Eegent, Mrs Joseph Gamble Treasurer, Mrs Winslow C. Watson Eec. Sec, Miss Emily T. Gilliland Eegistrar, Mrs D. S. Kellogg Historian, Mrs D. F. Baker 11. Saratoga Chapter — Saratoga Organized September 6, 1894; Members, 118 (Pennsylvania, 3; New Jersey. 1) Eegent, Miss Elizabeth W. Brown Cor. Sec, Miss Agnes L. Putnam 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Louise H. Mingay Treasurer, Mrs Jeanne P. Martin 2nd Vice-Eegt., Miss Esther B. D. Beach Registrar, Mrs Nellie L. Hayden 3rd Vice-Regt., Mrs Emma R. Cairns Historian, Miss Anna M. Jones Eec. Sec, Mrs Harriett M. H. Smith Ass't Hist., Mrs Emily A. Morton NEW YORK. 373 mm. Saugerties Chapter — Saugerties Organized February 13, 1901; Members, 22 Eegent, ]\Irs Katherine C. Spaulding Cor. Sec, Mrs Marie K. W. James A^ice-Regent, Mrs Ljclia C. French Treasurer, Mrs Julia Phelps Eee. Sec., Mrs Annie M. F. Smedburg llegistrar. Miss Jessie F. DaAves Historian, Miss Ethel Grey nn. Seneca Chapter — Geneva Organized July 4, 1893; Members, 16 Eegent, Miss Lillie G. Hopkins Treasurer, Mrs W. Herendeen Vice-Regent, Mrs D. B. Backenstose Registrar, Mrs Ernest C. Coxa Secretary, Miss Jane L. VerPlanck Historian, Mrs W. P. Durfee 00. Swe-kat-si Chapter — Ogdensburg Organised January 9, 1896; Members, 54 (Minnesota, 1; District of Columbia, 1) Regent, Mrs William H. Daniels Treasurer, Miss Laura M. Hasbrouck Vice-Regent, Mrs William V. Mabon Registrar, Miss Grace Proctor Eec. Sec, Mrs Thomas Spratt Historian, Mrs Richard Hutchings Cor. Sec, Mrs Elisha H. Bridges Chaplain, Miss Harriet Hasbrouck pp. Tioughnioga Chapter — Cortland Organized December 6, 1900; Members, 24 Eegent, Mrs. S. W. Sherwood Rec. Sec, Mrs J. D. Sherwood Vice-Regent, Mrs J. G. Jarvis Cor. Sec, Mrs C. P. Walrad Vice-Regent, Mrs N. H. Gillette Treasurer, Mrs W. A. Stockwell Vice-Regent, Mrs A. M. Jewett Historian, Mrs A. P. McGraw Vice-Regent, Mrs A. F. Stilson Registrar, Mrs C. H. Benedict qq. Tuscarora Chapter — Binghamton Organized October 12, 1895; Members, 112 Regent, Mrs Anna C. Gregg Rec. Sec, Miss Louise Witherill Vice-Regent, Miss Lillian A. Gould Cor. Sec, Mrs Edith J. Sisson Vice-Regent, Mrs Lottie E. Morris Treasurer, Miss Alice E. Gray Vice-Regent, Miss Ella E. Woodbridge Registrar, Miss Augusta Childs Vice-Regent, Mrs Lou Eice Winters Historian, Mrs Eadcliffe Lockwood Chaplain, Mrs Marilla W. Childs rr. Vassar College Chapter — Poughkeepsie Organized January 25, 1891 ; Members, 30 Regent, Miss Lucy M. Salmon Treasurer, Miss Margaret A. Pollard Vice-Eegent, Miss Marion E. Sanborn Eegistrar, Miss Euth M. Johnston Secretary, Miss Isabella W. Clarke Historian, Miss Grace L. Kent ss. Washington Heights Chapter — New York Organized April 1, 1897; Members, 27 (Foreign, 1; Wisconsin, 1) Eegent, Mrs Ferdinand P Earle Cor. Sec, Miss J. E. Hotchkiss, Ph. D. 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs. H. M. Bostwick Treasurer, Mrs Howard S. Eobbins 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Emily H. Gary Eegistrar, Mrs Samuel J. Kramer Eec Sec, Mrs Emily L. B. Fay Historian, Mrs Julius H. Caryl Assistant Historian, Mrs Frederick A. Fernald tt. West Point Chapter — New York Organized February 7, 1901: Members, 13 Eegent, Mrs Fannie S. Helmuth Cor. Sec, Mrs Kate P. Bishop Vice-Eegent, Mrs M. Jenny Piatt Treasurer, Mrs Lucy C. Thomas Eec. Sec, Mrs Florence C. Gerrish Eegistrar, Mrs Fannie S. Edgerton Historian, Mrs Orlena Zabriskie 374 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. uu. Willard's Mountain Chapter — Greenwich Organized January 27, 1898; Members, 26 Regent, Mrs Annie D. Scoville Vice-Eegent, Miss Mary E. Bailej^ Eec. Sec, Miss Florence A. Eichards Cor. Sec, Miss Blanche D. Thompson Treasurer, Miss Marj- L. McMaster Eegistrar, Mrs Louise B. Sharpe Historian, Miss Georgiana McGoa\ti Librarian, Mrs Lillian P. Morey vv. Wiltwyck Chapter — Kingston Organized October 11, 1892; Members, 121 Eegent, Mrs A. Y. Y. Kenjon Vice-Eegent, Mrs H. C. Soop Vice-Eegent, Mrs C. A. Shultz Eec Sec, Mrs John Brodhead Cor. Sec, Mrs G. D. B. Hasbrouck Treasurer, Mrs M. J. Michael Eegistrar, Mrs J. H. Everett Historian, Mrs Henry Yan Hoevenberg WW Women of '76 Chapter — Brooklyn Organized December 28, 1900; Members, 13 Eegent, Miss Kate Carleton Yice-Eegent, Miss Helen Eay Secretary, Miss Anna D. Wight Treasurer, Miss Hedelin E. Beck Eegistrar, Miss Madge Miller Historian, Miss Mary H. Billings Members Eesidixg in the State 22286J Abbey, Bessie Lockwood (Miss) 310 Laurens St., Olean 12404ry Abbey, Ida Goodrich (Mrs S. Le G.) cor. Grove & Abruj-n sts., Kingston 22956 Abbey, Julia Amanda (ISIiss) Watkins 34275f Abbe3% Eubie L. (Miss) 74 Central ave., Fredonia 17056 Abbott, Abbie F. H. (Mrs Lyman) Cornwall-on-Hudson 34292i Abbott, Irene B. (Mrs A. W.) Camden S563Z Abbott, Jane Hu'rlbut (Miss) 372 Genesee St., Utica 54457? Abbott, Julia Baker (Mrs Frank W.) 523 Franklin st., Buffalo 31014£' Abbott, Pauline Allen (Mrs C. S.) cor. 4th and Spring sts., Jamestown 116767( Abell, Elizabeth K. (Mrs Daniel W.) 163 N. Pearl st., Buffalo 11677f Abell, Euth Baldwin (Miss) 519 Central ave., Dunkirk 300767? Abrams. Margaret Mills (Mrs Alfred Willis) Ilion 20653jP Achenbach, Jessie X. (Mrs) Glen Falls 22886ff Acker, Mary Clarke (Mrs Milo X.) Hornellsville 24179./ Ackerman, Elf ride (Miss) 145 W. 48th st.. New York 22866./ Ackerman, Mary Ackerman (Mrs Alfred H.) 145 W. 4Sth st.. New York 27032r Adams, Alice Denison (Miss) 155 Congress st.. Brooklyn 286577 Adams, Elizabeth Wheeler G. (Mrs George H.) Brockport 29379JI Adams, Emma L. (Miss) 105 Montague st.. Brooklyn 1464065 Adams, Emma Eoot (Mrs E. Franklin) 604 Irving ave.. Svracuse 2348071 Adams, Hattie A. (Miss) 152 Allen st., Buffalo 7964i? Adams, Ida Florence (Miss) Culver st. cor. Bay st.. Eochester 35915e Adams, Jeanette (Miss) 312 Lake st., Elmira 437r Adams, Judith Crittenden Coleman (Mrs C. H.) 16 E. 67th st.. New York 15161 Adams, Katherine E. (Mrs W. P.) 30 Saratoga ave., "Northside." Cohoes 6282ry Adams, Kathryn H. Osterhoudt (Mrs D. C.) Manor ave., Kingston 25797i Adams, Martha Salladin (Mrs Augustus N.) Camden 216877; Adams, Mary A. (Mrs John C.) 96 Ashland ave., Buffalo 10145 Adams, Mary Helen (Miss) 138 Summit ave., Mt. Yernon 17715JP Adams, May Gooding Burgess (Mrs Bertram Franklin) ... .Little Falls 7965jB Adams, Orel Louise (Miss) Culver st. cor. Bay st., Rochester 18816T' Adams, Susan Willson (Miss) Hotel New Netherlands. New York 11965/7 Addison, Elizabeth Woodworth (^irs E. W.) 67 State st.. Seneca Falls 4616 Adee, Adelaide Stanton (Mrs George A.) Bartow-on-Sound 4617t Adee, Ellen Louise (iSIiss) Bartow-on-Sound 4784Y Adriance, Lucy Sabin (Mrs John) 105 E. 39th st.. New York 32204JE7 Aiken, Carrie Evelyn (Miss) 328 E. 4th St., Jamestown II Mary Floyd Talmadge Chapter, Conn. + Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. XEW YORK. 375 32205^7 Aiken, Corrie Jane (Miss) 328 E. 4th st., Jamestown 17058r Ainslie, Belle Dewey (Mrs Wm. Douglass) . .657 Putnam ave., Brooklyn 32199A Aitken, Caroline Faxon (Mrs Richard Atwell) Hawthorne, Hudson 32202il Aitken, Carolyn Louise (Miss) Hawthorne, Hudson 3703ti Akerly, Charlotte Manigault (Mrs S. M.) ... .Carpenter ave., Newburgh 4908ii Akerly, Lucy Dubois (Miss) Carpenter ave., Newburgh 4907U Akerly, Mary (Miss) Carpenter ave., Newburgh 30435A; Akin, Gertrude Howard (Mrs Elwood Smith) Scipio 338842; Alcott, Miranda Jocelyne (Miss) 67 Marshall st., Rochester 27784/ift Alden, Charlotte Dauchey (Mrs Alonzo) 2506 5th ave., Troy 30983P Alden, Edith (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson 172177i/i Alden, Julia Louise (Mrs Harry M.) 145 1st st., Troy 9782Y Alden, Harriet N. Weston (Mrs Sidney) 14 Meigs st., Rochester 24227/jft Alden, Helen Whynkoop Van Doren (Mrs Edward M.) Myrtle ave., Troy nil6B Alden, Mary E. Bogue (Mrs John F.) 14 Meigs st., Rochester 3668ftft Alden, MarV Langford Tavlor (Mrs Charles L.) 4 Gale Place, Troy 34312^ Aldrich, HaVriette Hollcy Dall (Mrs Spencer) 271 W. 72nd st.. New York 34862/i7t Aldrich, Helen Parker Drake (Mrs Charles S.) Collins ave., Troy 16391i Aldrich, Loeza Marvin (Mrs Clark) Camden 24196F Aldrich, Mary Gertrude Edson (Mrs J. H.)..150 W. 59th St., New York 18329^ Aldridge, Clara Peterson Billou (Mrs D. R.) St. George Hotel, Brooklyn 33448; Aldridge, Esther Evelyn (Miss) Belfast 29602(r Alexander, Cynthia Jeanette Chase (Mrs W. H.) Johnston 11964t Alexander, Eliza Newcomb (Mrs Julius B.)..303 W. 88th st., New York 208* Alexander, Eveline Martin (Mrs Andrew) P. 0. Box 526, Auburn 14249F Alexander, Harriet Crocker (Mrs Charles B.) 4 W. 58th st.. New York 166677 Alexander, Stella Hadden (Mrs A. B.) Carnegie Hall, New York 3711 Allan, Mary Eleanor Gedney (Mrs George) Milton 3701ii Allan, Mary Elizabeth C. (Mrs C. F.) 195 Montgomery st., Newburgh 25840^ Allen, Adelaide McAllaster (Mrs Robert T.) Gouverneur 22919X Allen, Alice Osterhoudt (Mrs Henry G.) Olean 3468611 Allen, Annie Melvina White (Mrs P. Sturges) 337 W. 14th st., New York 20631|| Allen, Bertha (Miss) 434 S. Market st.. Troy 4461i? Allen, Caroline Clarke (Mrs Frederick Percival) 19 Prince st., Rochester 25801m Allen, Dora Mary (Miss) Adams 22832r Allen, Elizabeth "^Brackett (Miss) Brockport 15845^^^ Allen, Elizabeth Moody Rowe (Mrs) 84 Lewis st., Binghamton 24452 Allen, Ethel Buel (Miss) 417 W. 118th st.. New York 31685(? Allen, Frances Loder (Mrs B. W.) 97 E. Fulton st.. Gloversville 33896IV Allen, Hannah Eliza Benedict (Mrs Frank S.) 116 W. 45th st.. New York 4902jB Allen, Henrietta Ward (Miss) 19 Prince St., Rochester 7912 Allen, Mary E. Berford (Mrs Louis J.) 100 W. 74th st., New York 2283ir Allen, Mary Hart (Miss) Brockport 16397B Allen, Mary Percival (Miss) 19 Prince si., Rochester 35465./ Allen, Susan A. F. (Mrs J. A.) Hotel Kenesaw,202 W. 103rd st.. New- York 9259B Ailing, Clementine L. T. (Mrs W.) 880 Oxford st., .Rochester 142507 Ailing, Louise Floyd (Mrs Asa Ailing) 101 W. 81st st., New York 7397:}: Ailing, Marian M. '(Mrs Leonidas W.) 409 W. 145th st.. New York 24192? Ailing, Merritt Fidelia Church (Mrs W.) Brockport 2974P Allison, Anna De Puy (Mrs Henry Edward) Fishkill-on-Hudson 18796J Almond, Eleanor H. \Mrs T. R.).1 Dunwoodie Heights, Yonkers 24839&& Alsever, Ella Salisbury (Mrs Nelson A.).. 1223 E. Genesee st., Syracuse 11247L Ambler, Mary A, (Mrs John P.) 83 Cannon st., Poughkeepsie 4044/i Ames, Anna Morse (Mrs Samuel) 290 Franklin st., Buffalo 51947 Ames, Emma F. Puig (Mrs A. C.) 1009 Sterling Place. Brooklyn 32221fcfc Ames, Lou Mary Slater (Mrs Byron Pond) Plattsburg 12364ff Anderson, Fanny Goodrich Underwood (Mrs J. C.) 79 South st., Auburn 8821rv Anderson, Fannie Vail Elmore (Mrs A. E.) 34 Stuyvesant st., Kingston 6221t Anderson, Isabella H. Carter (Mrs Robert N.) 63 5th ave.. New York 35466/ Anderson, Katherine Schuyler (Miss) Woody Crest, High Bridge 18740ft Anderson, Susan Pieronnet P. (Mrs W. R.) 374 Elmwood ave., Buffalo t William Ellery Chapter, R. I. * Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. ^ Fort Massachusetts Chapter, Mass. II Miami Chapter, Ohio. t Sarah Riggs Humphrey Chapter, Conn. t Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Conn 376 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 18813Q Andrews, Alice Anable (Mrs Arthur L.) 154 Lancaster st., Albany 17722J Andrews, Catherine M. (Mrs George P.) 25 W. 51st st., New York IGiSN Andrews, Effie Cochran (Mrs James M.) 48 W. 57th st., New York 29158P Andrews, Eliza A. (Mrs James W.) , Matteawan 1883766 Andrews, Emily AUerton (Mrs James Milford) . .818 James st., Syracuse 11959fl^ Andrews, Kornelia T. (Miss) 751 Warren st., Hudson 925511 Andrews, Lillian Kate F. (Mrs G. S.)..126 Lake ave., Saratoga Springs 27010&& Andrews, Marcia Shankland (Mrs Charles) . .606 James st., Syracuse 2779711 Andrews, Nelsie P. Hartwell (Mrs E. F.) Circular st., Saratoga Springs 18105 Andrews, Eose (Miss) 1198 Pacific st., Brooklyn 31662m Andrews, S. Helen (Miss) 538 Madison ave., Albany 19393&& Andrus, Mary (Miss) 302 James st., Syracuse 21399* Andrus, Mary Ann Lewis (Mrs Lemuel) Quarryville 21752rj; Andrus, Nellie E. (Mrs Frank M.) Eoxbury 24:816B Angell, Florence Montgomery (Mrs Edward B. )...'. 295 Alexander st., Rochester 31004(70' Angler, Emma Brewster (Mrs Marshall Ballard) Windsor 26956Q' Annabel, Mercy P. (Mrs Charles B.) '. Batavia 25839.:; Anthony, Emilia C. (Mrs Charles) Gouveneur 26155B Anthony, Susan B. (Miss) 17 Madison st., Rochester 2171fi; Appleton, Jerusha Frisbie (Mrs) 192 Washington ave., Albany 15821r Appleton, Mary F. (Mrs R. Ross) 146 Joralemon st., Brooklyn 152115 Archer, Augusta McClure (Mrs G. W.)..67 N. St. Paul st., Rochester 12155^ Archer, Olivia Butterfield (Mrs John D.)..312 N. Washington st., Rome 699411 Armes, Alice Eldridge (Miss) Brooklyn 4940|| Armes, Grace Turner (Mrs Frank H.) Brooklyn 306F Armitage, Helen Harbeck (Mrs Herbert G.) Bay Shore, Long Island 305F Armitage, Martha (Miss) Bay Shore, Long Island 34819/2 Armitage, Stella (Miss) Seneca Falls 15226ff Armstrong, Anna R. (Miss) 8 Grover st., Aiiburn 5991 Armstrong, Carrie Augusta (Miss) Ellis Place, Ossining 22296ff Armstrong, Evelyn Hewson Hollister (Mrs).... 197 Genesee st.. Auburn 2648iy Armstrong, Harriet Wilson (Mrs Robert S.) Cuba 28678Z Armstrong, Inez Irene (Miss) 247 Genesee st., Utica 258000 Arnold, Al varetta E. (Mrs Daniel S.) Adams 16831| Arnold, Elizabeth Searle (Miss) New York 101725(i Arnold, Euretta Armenia (Mrs Lynn J.) Cooperstown 23494H Arnold, Jane T. (Mrs B. W.) 1110 Ten Boeck st., Albany 15859L Arnold, Katherine Innis (Miss) 12 Forbus st., Poughkeepsie 168301 Arnold, Mary Elizabeth N. (Mrs) New York 32609X Arnold, Nellie Lake (Mrs Harry) South Barry st., Olean 1123900 Arnold, Sophia E. Judson (Mrs J. P.) Seymour House, Ogdensbiirg 35926M Arrowsmith, Kathrine W>ed (Mrs William) 201 W. 71st st., New York 15154/i Ashton, Harriet M. Lohnas (Mrs E. B.) 54 Church st., Saratoga Springs 7897h Aspinwall, Eva M. Ingham (Mrs Walter) 468 Ashland ave., Buffalo 23484r Aston, Selena Hinman (Mrs Ralph) 78 Hanson Place, Brooklyn 228902V Atocha, Alice Lansing (Miss) 106 W. 85th st.. New York 3004972 Atwater, Agnes Christine (Miss) 112 E. Green st., Ithaca 2286L Atwater, Caroline Swift (Mrs E. S.) South Hamilton and Livingston st. Poughkeepsie 6012L Atwater, Lucy Jane (Miss) Academy st., Poughkeepsie 1847ft Atwater, Maria Granger (Mrs E. B.) 486 Franklin st.. Buffalo 17691r Atwater, Mary Louise Steele (Mrs H. D.) 184 Joralemon st., Brooklyn 21179^ Atwell, Lily Bond (Mrs Joseph) 2 Winslow st., Watertown 35468E: Augsbury, Gertrude Amanda (Miss) Antwerp 15851ii: Augsbury, Mary Ellis (Mrs Willard S.) Antwerp 12905ft Austin, Louise Ferris (Mrs Arthur W.) 348 Franklin st., Buffalo 79227 Austin, Sara Frances Hall (Mrs A. Eugene) 17 E. 66th st.. New York 4214B Averell, Mary Blossom Buel (Mrs W. H.) 325 East ave., Rochester 12893frfc Averill, Almira Miller (Mrs Henry K., Jr.) Margaret st., Plattsburgh 16428»?i Avery, Anna Margaret (Miss) ". 62 Grove st., Geneva 9477|| Avery, Betsey Avery Bouse (Mrs Christopher L., Jr.) Brooklyn 1464ft Avery, Delia "S. x\ustin (Mrs Truman G.) "The Circle," Buffalo Hannah Woodruff Chapter, Conn. Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. + Fort Massachusetts Chapter, Mass. NEW YORK. 377 12897dd Avery, Edith Virginia (Miss) 26 Cayuga st., Seneca Falls 2959511 Avery, Ellen Colegrove (Mrs) 81 Lancaster st., Albany 18973** Avery, Josephine Baker Gray (Mrs Brainard) Middletown Spa., Vt., and 111 Broadway, Trinity Bldg., New York ;20590;7 Avery, Lucretia Chamberlain (Mrs Z. D.) 26 Cayuga st., Seneca Falls 4636L Averj-, Myra Hubbard (Miss) 137 Academy st., Poughkeepsie 2865121/ Ayers, Joy Lindsley (Mrs Edward Augustus) 23 W. 53rd st.. New York 33S64/^ Ayrault, Belle (Mrs John) Hamburgh 129037* Ayrault, Florence Ellsworth Barrows (Mrs Walter C.) Tremont st., N. Tonowanda 22243!<7 Ayres, E. Maria (Miss) New Hartford 32516*1 Ayres, Emma F. (Mrs) 68 Philadelphia st., Saratoga 6007dd Babbitt, Emma Wentworth (Mrs Otis H.) Auburn 6239|| Babcock, Charlotte S. (Mrs Henry N.) Pelham Manor 329810 Babcock, Harriett Newell Overton (Mrs Willis A.) Adams 17015/1 Babcock, Julie Virginia Pendleton Barker (Mrs Frank A.) 278 Depew ave., Buffalo :21747b?) Babcock, Mary Gifford (Mrs John Noves) 501 W. Genesee st., Svracuse 9303t Bache, Carrie" Bingham (Mrs Wallace) "The Plaza," New York 12875?) n Backenstose, Lillie C. Foote (Mrs Dwight B.) Geneva 36404B Backus, Abbie Mansfield (Mrs) Jamestown 11197< Backus, Francos D. Kinnej^ (Mrs Oswald P.) 1003 N. George st., Rome 31010r Bacon, Harriet Whittesley (Mrs A. S.) 297 Vanderbilt ave., Brooklyn 12908f Bacon, Helen M. (Mrs George E.) Ill Stanwix st., Rome 24027* Bacon, Helen E. (Miss) 44 Irving Place, New York 18765i Bacon, Mary J. (Mrs Chas. J.) Fulton 35510 Badgley, Nora Wathen Harris (Mrs R. T.) 202 W. 103rd st.. New York 8248.7 Baetjer, Catherine R. (Mrs Herman) 422 W. 22nd st., New York 11976Z Bagg, Mary Spencer (Miss) 5 West st., Utica 11975Z Bagg, Sophia (Miss) 5 West st., Utica 26480? Bailey. Belle Baldwin (Mrs William T.) 437 West Clinton st., Elmira 270051' Bailey, Caroline Elmendorf (Mrs James H.) "The Gerard," New York 25280|||| Bailey, Carrie Fling (Miss) Somers 15158/ Bailev, Delia O. (Mrs George G.) 424 W. Court st.. Rome 31708S Bailey, Elizabeth Eddy (Mrs) 322 E. 4th st., Jamestown 1429SA-/r, Bailey, Ellen Maria (Mrs Samuel Pitcher) 111 Margaret st., Plattsburg 291150 Bailey, Emily D. Penney (Mrs Henry) Adams 16429- 10658 12935F 32960| 30962A 36397A 17144L 33000T' 3655t 19449F 657?) 27S10A-fc 15860 286530 18S69 19425A^ 17027i 19951/^ 27806SS 31744/?. 24840r 29610Q 217125 17149J 18801 92220 15176r 3888dd 2737/i 1286P 24801fc 35474J/ 27731e 267F 33084t 20526 26493;? 5849S' 7289-S' 7290S 4032U 78770 4033 I i 3696ii 334517 7915F 31756r Bliss, Nancj- E. (Mrs Joshua E.) "The Berkeley," Johnson Park, Buffalo Bliss, Sarah Jane Fish (Mrs George) 390 6th ave., Brooklyn Bliven, Charlotte (Mrs William Warren) 250 N. Broadway, Yonkers Block, Julia Allen (Mrs W. S.) Utica ave. & Eastern Parkwav, Brooklyn Blodget, Marie Louise Thompson (Mrs H. T.) . .28 W. 25th st^. New York Blodgett, Harriett Eliza Brown (Mrs Charles Whitcomb) Brockport Blodgett, Susan Embury (Mrs F. Jefferson) 140 W. 72nd st., New York Blood, Gazena Elizabeth (Mrs Gardiner) 118 Market St., Amsterdam Blood, Harriet N. Schuyler (Mrs James) 269 Guy Park ave., Amsterdam Bloom, Daisy Dewey (Mrs Nathaniel) 47 E. 31st St., Ncav York Bloomer, Clara E. (Mrs William M.) 38 West ave., Buffalo Bloss, Ann Elizabeth Mulkins (Mrs Clark).. 625 Central ave., Dunkirk Blossom, Julia Osbourne Ilobinson (Mrs F. W.) 103 Montague st., Rochester Blumer, Helen Antoinette (Mrs G. Older) . .Utica State Hospital, Utica Blye, Charlotte A. (Mrs Henry C.) 67 W. 126th st.. New York Board, Anna Tebbetts (Miss) Chester Boardman, Esther E. (Miss) 241 Union st., Hudson Boardman, Mabel L. (Miss) 241 Union st., Hudson Bockee, Mary W'ilkinson (Miss) 8 Virginia ave., Poughkeepsie Bogert, Helen Mae (Mrs Edward S.)..care Mrs J. H. Bailey, 123 W. 44th St., New York Bolander, Jennie D. (Mrs William Henry).. 316 'W. 56th st., New Y^ork Bonar, Susan Dayton (Mrs Pvonald E.) 311 W. 77th st.. New Y'ork Bond, Frances H. W. (Mrs L. M.) "The Banta," 30 W. 15th st.. New York Bonesteel, Mary Greene (Mrs Charles Hartwell) . .Plattsburg Barracks Bonner, Kate Griffith (Mrs Bobert Edwin) 563 Madison ave.. New York Bontecou, Emma Mase (Mrs George) Matteawan Boorman, Charlotte Saj^re (Mrs T. H.)..Fort Washington, New York Boothby, Lilla McDougall (Mrs J. W.) Buckingham Hotel, New Eochelle Borland, Flora Moon (Mrs Harry L.) 136 Main st., Camden Bosche, Lucy Chase (Mrs Charles Clifton) 625 Lafayette ave., Buffalo Bostwick, Henrietta Mesick (Mrs Homer).... 21 W. 69th st.. New York Bosworth, Emma Ingram (Mrs Charles Homer) Troy Bosworth, Libbie (Miss) Buskirks Bott, Lilian Homesley (Mrs Joseph Warner) ... .62 Willett st., Albany Boucher, Grace Mason (Mrs James Halstead) 24 Harvest st., Rochester Boucher, Sophie Holland (Mrs Pierre L.)..237 Central Park, New York Bovee, Kate Howell (Mrs Christian N., Jr.) 38 W. 85th st.. New York Bowditch, Lucy Rathbone (Mrs Edward) 40 Willett st., Albany Bowen, Agnes E. (Miss) 170 Clinton st., Brooklyn Bowen, Grace Scott (Miss) Cooperstown Bowen, Katherine Agnes (Miss) 168 N. Pearl st., Buffalo Bower, Alice Alden (Mrs G. C.) Cairo Bowerman, Omnolee Peck (Mrs E. A.) Buffalo State Hospital, Buffalo Bowers, Louise Willard (Mrs Henry) 221 W. 79th st., New Y^ork Bowes, Clara Gaston McMaster (Mrs Henry W.) Bath Bowler, May Taylor Williamson (Mrs G. P.) Cambridge Hotel, 5th ave., Ne^v York Bowman, Catherine (Mrs Summer) 955 West End ave., New York Bowman, Susan Van Dresar (Mrs Chauncey B.) 115 W.Liberty st.,Eome Bowne, Mary E. (Mrs Charles E.) Gouverneur Bowron, Elizabeth M. (Mrs H. S.) 327 Central Park, West, New York Bowron, Hannah Hoffman Moore (Mrs Watson A.) Mt. Kisco Bowron, Mary Frances (Miss) Mt. Kisco Boyd, Catherine Ten Eyck Lansing (Mrs R.H.) New Windsor, Newburgh Boyd, Ellen Wright (Miss) St. Agnes' School, Albany Boj'd, Margaret Cuthbert (Miss) New Windsor Boyd, Mary Scott (Miss) New Windsor Boynton, Emma Hammond (Mrs Henry Putney) . .6 Maple st., Batavia Boynton, Prudence M. Champlin (Mrs N. A.) 3 E. 62nd st.. New York Brace, Lucy (Miss) Health Home, W. Coney Island •" Nancy Hunter Chapter, Mo. fl Chester County Chapter, Pa. J Rumford Chapter, N. H. t Brattleboro Chapter, Vt. t Quaker City Chapter, Pa. NEW YOEK. 383 20542J Brackett, Anna Speed (Miss) 945 Lexington ave., New York 17723/ Brackett, Charlotte Morrell (Mrs L. C.)--945 Lexington ave., New York 32619SS Brackett, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 50 E. 126th st.. New York 18804J Brackett, Mary Morrell (Miss) 945 Lexington ave., New York 342S0/i Bradford, Harriet Lord (Mrs Moses B.) 32 Highland ave., Buffalo 24149(? Bradish, Jennie H. Haywood (Mrs John Holley)..E. Main st., Batavia 13587Z Bradley, Agnes Sinclair Campbell (Mrs Clinton H.) 148 Park st., Utica 21680? Bradley, Alice Squier (Mrs Charles Clifton) 5 Tracy Place, Batavia 14566F Bradley, Arabella T. (Mrs Frederick L.) 51 E. 29th st., New York 20496g Bradley, Clarissa Curtis (Mrs Bradford Dresser) Batavia 25401/ Bradley, Ella E. Browne (Mrs James S., Jr.) 436 Central Park, West, New York 4451n Bradley, Emma Jane (Miss) 98 Grand st., Newburgh 90117 Bradley, Dell Mountjoy (Mrs Alexander 0.)..45 W. 32nd st.. New York 21743X Bradley, Kate Eaton (Mrs Samuel Henry) 311 Laurens st., Olean 22278iV Bradley, May J. Forrest (Mrs A. J. I.) 16 Park View ave.. New Rochelle 21202J Bradner, Marcia Eice Boardman (Mrs John) Boardmanville 29168ee Bragg, Clara (Miss) Cazenovia 21727Q Braman, Jeanne Laura Sharp (Mrs I. G.) 1531 3rd ave., Watervliet 296lli2 Brand, Alice Alida Herkimer (Miss) Ilion 2417472 Brand, Marion Eaton (Mrs Harrison) West Hill, Ilion 36395(7 Brandon, Flora Eliza Goodrich (Mrs George) 12 E. 119th st.. New York 5848/S Brandreth, Lily Margaret (Mrs Ralph) Ossining 7721qq Brandt, Sallie Eunice Wilbur (Mrs S. C.) 201 Front st., Binghamton 25220 Brannen, Ethel Paterson (Mrs Emory) 247 W. 116th st.. New York 25397U Brate, Mary Frances (Mrs Charles P.) 77 Lancaster st., Albany 1967(1; Bray, Helen Dewey (Mrs Charles) -. 260 Fair st., Kingston 23284* Bray, Helen Mar Pollock (Mrs Charles Ayres) Schenectady 5790 Brayton, Elizabeth Phelps (Mrs G. M.) Clifton Springs 7971Z Brayton, Katherine Curtenius (Miss) 252 Genesee st., Utica 17184Z Brayton, Mary Young (Miss) 252 Genesee st., Utica 23895 Breckenridge, Isabella G. (Mrs John) 185 E. 56th st.. New York 36405E Breeden, Grace Baker (Mrs William) 214 Clinton st., Jamestown 194477 Breese, Eloise Lawrence (Miss) 1 .35 E. 22nd st.. New York 348227 Brennan, Alberta (Mrs James) Brockport 28690fi'fir Brewer, Caroline Elizabeth Selden (Mrs Francis Beattie) . . . .Westfield 18844rfd Brewer, Ernestine A. Dimick (Mrs Charles T.) Cooperstown 18753; Brewer, Tryphena T. Chamberlain (Mrs John) Cuba 6277B Brewster, Alice Chapin (Mrs Henry C.) 353 East ave., Rochester 17117i? Brewster, Elizabeth Harris (Mrs H. P.) 24 N. Goodman st., Rochester 7274B Brewster, Emily Smith (Mrs John H.) 98 S. Fitzhugh st., Rochester 8253B Brewster, Harriet Judson (Mrs Harry L.)...408 East ave., Rochester 317247 Brewster, Isabel Erskine Parks (Mrs S. D.)..126 W. 80th st.. New York 16398B Brewster, Jane Eunice (Miss) 86 S. Clinton st., Rochester 28192i2 Bridenbrecker, Adelma J. (Mrs Alexander) Frankfort 261860 Bridge, Elizabeth Blessing Tower (Mrs C. F.) 600 Madison ave., Albany 1642700 Bridges, Fanny Louise Rockwell (Mrs E. H.)..169 Ford st.. Ogdensburg 5486/i Briggs, Catharine Morse (Mrs Horace) 51 Johnson Park, Buffalo 15156^ Briggs, Hattie S. (Mrs R. C.) 507 N. George st., Rome 32588B Briggs, Minnie Elizabeth Clement (Mrs W. C.) 311 E. 6th st., Jamestown 31676B Briggs, Susan Baker (Mrs James E.) 43 Prince st., Rochester 10183f Bright. Elizabeth R. H. (Mrs William H.) 109 W. Liberty st., Rome 24175R Brill. Mary Comstock (Mrs Addison) Ilion 12866P Brinckerhbff, Adaline C. (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson 17182Z Brinckerhoff, Wilhelmina Corwin (Mrs Albert S.) 376 Genesee st., Utica 735t Brindlev, Sara Lida S. (Mrs Albin) Maysville 51917 Brink, Carrie Archer (Mrs Alfred D., Jr.) "Boxwood," 26 S. Broadway, Tarrvtown 14339JT Brink, 'Sarah E. (Mrs Peter P.) Hurley 23490 Brinkerhoff, Grace B. Cochrane (Mrs R. B.) P. O. Box 52. Pelham Manor 25082|| Bristol, Ellen Gallup (Mrs Charles L.) University Heiarhts. New York 27856 Bristol, Hannah Maria (Mrs) "The Havemeyer," 337 W. 14th st.. New York La Cro?se Thapter, Wis. Pittsburg Chapter, Pa. Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. 384 DIRECTORY, D, A. E. 338972V 326077 1720595 30113S 30114J5; 26531^; 3289| 10675i;u 16411t-v 14331W 194467 5237 269640 23852 8811¥ 7240¥ 11796 18764fc 19418Z 22914Z 852iqq 10618t 36386fc 19432J 11601? 33505(/g' 6272L 11228 354751/ 15190E: 15201^ 10665i? 171280 17761M 13609JS: 20545F 3707 296015 26528fV 15218/i, 17183Z 4641ii 29141B 17020ft 325997 17019ft. 25802O 21186Q 20505; 17724/ 30986T 7330** 29142J5 1430000 33889ff 32615?? 22929oa 21164^9 18795 10134ft Britton, Caroline Berry (Mrs Charles Price).. 253 W. 75tli st., New York Britton, Harriet Lord (Mrs Alexander H.) Newdorp, Staten Island Britton, Harriet Ward (Miss) 88 Chestnut st., Binghamton Broadhead, Lucy Cobb (Mrs William) 30 Warren st., Jamestown Broadhead, Mertie M. (Miss).. 30 Warren st., Jamestown Broadhead, Stella Florine (Miss) 30 Warren st., Jamestown Broadwell, Marie Haines jN'ixon (Mrs Samuel J.) New York Brodhead, Adelaide Vernooy (Mrs John) 194 Fair st., Kingston Brodhead, Cornelia W. Deyo (Mrs John C.) Kingston Brodhead, Gertrude Dejo (Mrs Abraham Deyo) New Paltz Brodhead, Josephine M. (Mrs George) 61 W. 87th st.. New York Brokaw, Elvira Gould (Mrs Isaac Vail) 1 E. 79th st., New York Bromley, Clara W. (Mrs John F.) Granville Bronaugh, Mary Edmunds (Mrs William V.) care Lieut. Wm. Y. Bro- naugh, Navy Yard, Brooklyn Brookfield, Kate Morgan (Mrs W'llliam) . .516 Madison ave., New York Brooks, Florence Miller (Mrs James W.) 201 W. 80th st., New York Brooks, Louise Dudley Davis (Mrs Harlow).. 44 W. 9th st., New York Brooks, Mary 01i^-ia Gauntlett (Mrs A. B.) 309 North Aurora st., Ithaca Brooks, Maud Diana (Miss) 215 N. 1st st., Glean Brower, Jennie Vedder (Mrs Abram G.) 306 Genesee st., Utica Brown, Adele Boyd (Mrs John A.) 2 Dwight Place, Binghamton Brown, Alida Estelle Garretson (Mrs Clarence H.) Ill Richmond Ter- race, W'est New Brighton, Staten Island Brown, Anna M. (Airs Paul) Ithaca Brown, Anna W. Lawrence (Mrs Charles H.)..High Bridge, New York Brown, Caroline Squire (Mrs Hamilton B.)....409 E. Church st., Elmira Brown, Catharine J. (Mrs O. H.) 58 Linden ave., Middletown Brown, Clara Lefferts (Mrs S. H.)..89 S. Hamilton st., Poughkeepsie Brown, Clarissa Belknap (Miss) 21 West st., Ne"svburgh Brown, Clarissa Meacham (Miss) 661 Fifth ave., New York Brown, Cornelia A. (Mrs Herbert J.) 11 Academy st., Watertown Brown, Elizabeth Gilman (Miss) 16 Cottage Place, Utica Brown, Elizabeth Watrous (Miss).. 2 Franklin Sq., Saratoga Springs Brown, Ella Coughlan (Mrs Walter E.) Adams Brown, Ellen M. (Mrs William E.)....64 Circular st., Saratoga Springs Brown, Ettella (Mrs Elon E.) Watertown Brown, Evelyn Hakes (Mrs Shirley E.) Hornellsville Brown, Fannie Everett (Miss) '. 122 W. 124th st., New York Brown, Florence Hoystradt (Miss) 605 Warren st., Hudson Brown, Genevieve Asher (Miss) Ehinebeck Brown, Gertrude Harriet (Miss) 216 High st., Lockport Brown, Harriet Barnard McQuade (Mrs James S.) 38 Broad st., L^tica Brown, Harriet Eighmy (Mrs Charles F.) Grand ave., Newburgh Brown, Helena Mary (Mrs Harvey) 258 Alexander st., Eochester Brown, Jessie Dean (Miss) 512 Ashland ave.. Buffalo Brown, Julia P.. (Miss) 38 W. 130th st.. New York Brown, Julia Brainard (Miss) 512 Ashland ave., Buffalo Brown, Julia Colton (Mrs John Orville) Adams Brown, Kate Eider (Mrs W. Howard) 335 State st., Albany Brown, Louise Adelaide (Mrs Alfred Stewart) Wellsville Brown, Louise M. (Mrs Eobert C.) 106 W. 77th st., New York Brown, Lula Scott (Miss) 21 Spring st., Brockport Brown, Marie Van Dyeke (Mrs F. Alden) New York Brown, Mary Helena' (Miss) 258 Alexander st., Eochester Brown, Marv Chapin Bacon (Mrs Silas Edgar).. 5 Knox st., Ogdensburg Brown, Mary Cole (Mrs William A.) 605 N. Warren st., Hudson Brown, Mary Ursula Skidmore (Mrs C. E.) 136 Circular st., Saratoga Springs Brown Brown BroAvn Brown Marv Swart (Mrs Walter L.) 73 Main st., Oneonta M. Ella (Miss) 72 Hawley st., Ilion Eoberta L. (Miss) 106 W. 77th st.. New York Euth E. (Mrs Milton) Lancaster t Cincinnati Chapter, Ohio. t Nova Caesarea Chapter, N. J. Delaware Count}' Chapter, Pa. NEW YOEK. 385 Brown, Sarah Gertrude (Miss) 21 Spring st., Brockport Browne, Addie Spencer (Miss) 10 Van Nest Place, New York Browne, Helen Bancroft (Miss) 26 E. 68th st., New York Browne, Leda Gano (Mrs William Eoss) 190 W. 36th st.. New York Browne, Mary Kestner (Mrs William H. K.)..26 E. 68th st.. New lork Brownlow, Elsie Marshall (Mrs John H.)..59 Caroline st., Ogdensburg Brownlow, Sarah D. E. (Mrs Walter G.) Kinf,'ston Bruce, Catharine A. (Mrs David W.) 121 E. 27th st., New\ork Bruce, Clara Bertha (Miss) 267 Stuyvesant ave., Brooklyn Bruce, Emily Northrup (Mrs Dwight Hall)... 720 James st., Syracuse Bruce, Ida M. (Mrs James D.) 156 W. 78th st.. New York Bruce, Phoebe A. (Mrs Chandler L.) Lancaster Bruce, Mary Louisa Jones (Mrs William) ; Wellsville Brundage, Elizabeth Frances (Miss) Bath Brundage, Ella E. Murphy (Mrs Charles W.) Fishkill-on-Hudson Brundage, Euby Haverling (Miss) Bath Bruns, Carmelite Constant (Mrs C. L.) 212 W. 31st st.. New York Brusie, Maud Sterling (Mrs C. S.)..Mt. Pleasant Academy, Ossining Bruyn, Jessie (Mrs Charles D.) 663 St. Marks Place, Brooklyn Buchanan, Caroline Van Valkenburgh (Mrs) 156 State st.. Albany Buck, Clara M. (Mrs Samuel Wells) Lyndon Hall, Poughkeepsie Buck, Gertrude S. (Miss) Canisteo Buck, Harriet Moseley (Miss) Buffalo Buck, Maria C. Barnes (Mrs Eoswell E.) 513 Franklin st., Buffalo Buck, Maude Sawyer Black (Mrs Wilmarth S.) 14 Couch st., Plattsburg Buck, Sarah Frances Bonnell (Mrs W. Covell) 412 W. Clinton st., Elmira Buckley, Adeline L. (Miss) Horseheads Buckley, Frances Sacket (Miss) Cape Vincent Bucklin, Carrie Hawley (Mrs Edgar Hiram).. 215 S. Geneva st., Ithaca BiifFum, Clara (Miss) 36 E. 37th St., New York Bulkeley, Abby Isabel (Mrs John Wm.)..167 S. Elliott Place, Brooklyn Bull, Annie Prescott B. (Mrs Louis A.) 665 W. Ferry st., Buffalo Bull, Helen M. Eobinson (Mrs Fred) Irving-on-Hudson Bull, Louise Van Brunt (Mrs Charles M.) 269 Henry st.. Brooklyn Bull, Nancy W^arren (Mrs Edward C.) 38 Linwood ave., Buffalo Bullard, Lillian Grace (Miss) 323 Monroe st., Brooklyn Bullard, Martha A. (Miss) Auburn Bullis, Mary Winifred (Miss) Lancaster Bullock, Helena Mercy Smith (Mrs C. J.).. Cornell University, Ithaca Bullwinkle, Christine Wood (Mrs Henry).. 148 W. 105th st.. New York Bundy, Adelia Wentworth (Mrs Edwin S.) Cooperstown Bunker, Katharine Hackett (Mrs Henry Alden) 158 6th ave., Brooklyn Bunnell, Mary Philena (Mrs A. H.) 48 Genesee st., Hornellsville Bunnell, Maud Almira (Miss) Port Chester Burch, Belle L. (Miss) 5 Eutger Place. Utica Burch, Caroline Amy Cory (Mrs Chas. E.) Cooperstown Burch, Helen E. (Mrs John A.) 433 Prospect ave., Buffalo Burch, Isabel Hubbard (Mrs Eobert) 5 Eutger Place, Utica Burden, Mary Irvin (Mrs James A.) 908 5th ave.. New York Burdett, Emma Loneta (Miss) "The Berkeley," Buffalo Burdick, Margaret Holmes (Miss) Johnstown Burdick, Eubie Mary (Mrs Fred Willett) Portville Burgess, Ida Gooding (Mrs Daniel Maynard) Herkimer Burgess, Euth Payne Jewett (Mrs John W.) 323 W. 57th st., New York Burhans, Emma Lawson (Mrs Cahnn) Hurley Burhans, Mary Swart Hoes (Mrs Charles) 26 Pearl st., Kingston Burke, Florence A. Hartunee (Mrs W. B.) 22 Eutger st., Eochester Burke, Harriet Eugenia (Mrs WMlliam L.) 61 Prospect Place, Brooklyn Burke, Mary Sterling Calhoun (Mrs James S.) 275 Union st., Brooklyn Burke, Nellie Siddons (Mrs Edmtmd John) 43 Prince st., Eochester Burlingame, Anna Elizabeth (Miss) East Springfield § Dolly Madison Chapter, D. C. II Quaker City Chapter, Pa. t Oglethorpe Chapter, Ga. t Man' Washington Chapter, D. C. * Gaspee Chapter, R. I. " Columbia Chapter, D. C. III! Katharine Gaylord Chapter, Conn. 25 386 DIRECTOEY, D, A. E. S0554Z Burnett, Asenath Moseley (Mrs David) Cape Vincent ■277937i7i- Burnett, Lavina Sweeting (Mrs Charles).. 9 Washington Place, Troy -31707^ Burns, Isabella Sutherland (Miss) 417 Spring st., Jamestown 187G7r Burr, Edith (Miss) .151 Taylor st., Brooklyn 12402ee Burr, Katharine Stebbins (Mrs J. H. Ten Eyck) Cazenovia 29183 Burr, Margaret Wendell (Miss) Cazenovia 3616H?^ Burrall, Sarah E. Mellen (Mrs Charles Stacey) Geneva 21699& Burritt, Cornelia (Miss) 121 E. Buffalo st., Ithaca 25S5SA-7i; Burritt, Helen Grace (Mrs Bertie Leonidas) . .36 Loraine st., Plattsburg 187327^ Burrows, Annie E. (Miss) 461 Franklin st., Buffalo 36171:}: Burrows, Sophronia Maria Shaw (Mrs) Deposit 291435 Burt, Frederica (Miss) 250 W. 88th st., New York 12169;; Burt, Stella Elizabeth (Miss) 48 E. Bayard st., Seneca Falls 8537E Burtch, Sophia Jeannette Davis (Mrs C. C.) 409 Prendergast ave., Jamestown 26965(7 Burtis, Harriet Louise (Mrs Willard James) Granville 54SS7i- Burtis, INIary Elizabeth (Miss) 530 Lafayette ave., Buffalo 254367)7i Burton, Adaline Davenport (Mrs Casper V. W.) Washington Park, Troy 27030 Burton, Emma McNab (Mrs Frank) 230 W. Fulton st., Gloversville 316785 Burton, Marian William Perrin (Mrs H. F.) 4 Dartmouth st., Rochester 18835&?) Burton, Mary Williams (Mrs Lebius Delos)..414 Warren st., Syracuse 21745(Zd Burton, Mav Curtis (Mrs James) Cooperstown 36412^ Bush, Alys C. (Miss) Lowville 1873971 Bush, Carrie Cynthia Benson (Mrs Myron P.) 762 Delaware ave., Buffalo .273505 Bush, Eloise Walbridge (Mrs Daniel West).. 907 Park ave., Eochester 291G5Z Bush, Isabella J. (Miss) 90 Main st., Utica 170367 Bush, Julia Sophia (Miss) 756 Park Place, Elmira 20727t Bush, Kate C. (Mrs John Westervelt) 762 Delaware ave., Buffalo 20012r Bush, Sarah M. Hall (Mrs Rufus T.)..202 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn 19976/ Bush, Weltha Jane (Mrs Watson W.) Rushford 16618t Bushnell, Bertha Tudor Thompson (Mrs Ericsson F.) 200 W. 56th st., New York 21677e Bushnell, Harriet (Miss) Bath 11246L Bushnell, Jane Elizabeth (Miss) 23 Washington st., Poughkeepsie 24219X Bussell, Bertha Emeline (Miss) 219 N. 4th st., Olean 24220A' Bussell, Edna Sarah (Miss) 219 N. 4th st., Olean 19404Q Butler, Adda May Kennedy (Mrs Walter Burditt) . .186 State st., Albany 27345 Butler, Antoinnette Wilson (Mrs G. E.) 229 Gates ave., Brooklyn 18839&7) Butler, Emma Pierce (Mrs William Allen) 405 James st., Syracuse 20442* Butler, Georgiana (Miss) 161 W. 4th st., Oswego 3891Z Butler, Julia" Henrietta (Miss) 291 Genesee st., Utica 317232V Butler, Louise Collins (Mrs William Allen, Jr.) 30 E. 72nd st.. New York .2416371 Butler, Lydia E. (Miss) Stottville '9254/ Butler. Marcia Flagg (Mrs Charles Henry) Yonkers 34330WW Buttrick, Louise (Miss) 1239 Dean st., Brooklyn 2S191Q Bvingtou, Katharine Maria P. (Mrs W. W.) 479 Western ave., Albany .212210 Cable, Estella Ells (Mrs Ilobart M.) Walton .28218 Cadoo, Sarah E. F. (Airs Alexander) 334 W. 48th st.. New York 116TS7i. Cadwallader, Caroline A. (Mrs Charles S.)..98 Prospect ave., Buffalo 3171]// Cadwell, Carrie Staples (Mrs John) Lake View ave., Jamestown 31710/; Cadwell, Jennie Wilson (Mrs) 213 W. 3rd st., Jamestown 171997tfc Cady, Catharine (Miss) 77 Court st., Plattsburg 25G59** Cady, Cornelia Ensign (Miss) New Y^ork 2565S** Cady, Sarah L. Ensign (Mrs Henry S.) New York 262Q0qq Cafferty, Jennie Matthews (Mrs) 329 Main st., Binghamton 17041 Cahoon, Mary Bellows Perkins (Mrs J. B.) 313 Columbia St., Elmira 626377 Cairns, Emma Eliza Eiggs (Mrs Jasper) 264 W. 57th st., New York 24191-S Calam, Indiana Vail (Mrs Theodore Henrj') • • 72 Croton ave., Ossining 5S60Z Calder, Adelaide Irena W. (Mrs John Franklin) 34 Eutger st., Utica 13585Z Calder, Elizabeth Holbrook (Mrs Frederick M.)..23 Eutger st., Utica 26358^ Caldwell, Anne Carter (Mrs Everett) 467 Bedford ave., Brooklyn 3704ii Caldwell, Kate Burt (Mrs Charles) 27 Montgomery st., Newburgh t Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, Til. f S'l'nn riirrinsrton rinrk Chapter, Co^ * Distaff Chapter, Minn. ** Mary Clapn Wnostpr Chanter, Conn i; Ilanna Benedict Carter Chapter, Conn. XEW YOKK. 387 Caldwell, Mary Sears (Miss) New Windsor, Xewburgh Caldwell, Matilda B. (Mrs John Nicoll) New Windsor, Newbur^-h Caldwell, Rosalie (Mrs Seth) 94 7th st., Buffa'lo Calkins, Sarah F. (Mrs James V.) Cuba Cameron, Imogene Payne (Mrs W. S.) 17 Fairmount ave., Jamestown Cameron, Jeannie Armsby Dean (Mrs Fred. W.) 351 State st., Albany Cammann, Mary Hooper (Mrs Henry H.).324 W. 80th st., New York Camp, Marg-aret Chichester (Mrs W. D.) 786 West End ave.. New York Campbell, Alice De Wolf (Miss) Cherry Valley Campbell, Clara A. (Miss) 109 E. 2nd st., Jamestown Campbell, Emma Clark (Mrs William H.) Ballston Spa Campbell, Helen T. (Mrs Eobert E.) 267 North st., Buffalo Campbell, Jane Mcintosh (Mrs John P.) New York Mills Campbell, Mary Emeline (Mrs Robert Samuel) New York Mills Campbell, Mary E. T. CMrs Alfred T.) 8 Dwight Place, Binghamton Campbell, Sara M. (Mrs John C.) 2 W. 83rd st.. New York Candee, Julia A. Ward (Mrs Horace).. 518 W. Onondaga st., Syracuse Canfield, Ida Evelyn (Miss) Fort Plain Canning, Jeanie Holden Shattuck (Mrs R.) 574 Palisade ave., Yonkers Cant, Alice M. Stowitts (Mrs Roderick J.) 480 Norwood ave., Buffalo Cantine, Fanny Rudd (Airs Martin) Saugerties Cantine, Sarah A. (Mrs Peter) Saugerties Capron, Cora M. (Miss) Ilion Capron, Matilda Dayton Gray (Mrs J. L.) 619 Whitesboro st., Utica Carder,. Mary E. Harvey (Mrs Homer W.) Frankfort Cardoze, Harriet J. (Mrs Emile) 146 Lark st., Albany Carleton, Adora Niles (Mrs) 420 Greene ave., Brooklyn Carleton, Kate (Miss) 1172 Dean st., Brooklyn Carley, Lydia Kate (Miss) 48 Highlands ave., Yonkers Carmichael, Elizabeth (Miss) Guy Park, Amsterdam Carmichael, Henrietta Stewart (Mrs John).... Guy Park, Amsterdar^i Carpenter, Annie M. (Mrs) Yonkers Carpenter, Elizabeth Taylor (Mrs Joseph H.)...10 Ellis Place, Ossining Carpenter, Elizabeth Ten Ej'ck Rogers (Mrs J. F.) Cazenovia Carpenter, Fannie Louise (Mrs John Milton) Wellsville Carpenter, Fanny H. (Mrs Philip) 265 West End ave., New York Carpenter, Grace Pier (Mrs Leonard) .. .118 Cannon st., Poughkeepsie Carpenter, Jennetta Harsha (Mrs Charles H.) Cambridge Carpenter, Lillian May (Miss) Cambridge Carpenter, JNIira Fiske (Mrs George F.) 304 W. 93rd st.. New York Carr, Grace Elmendorf (Mrs Walter Lester).. 68 W. 51st st.. New York Carr, Lucretia M. (Mrs Walter C.) 53 Manhattan ave.. New York Carrier, Marv Hatch (Mrs Courtland F.) 511 Union Place, Elmira Carroll, Caroline Starin (Mrs Howard) 9 W. 38th st.. New York Carroll, Grace Caroline Priestly (Mrs R. W.) West New Brighton, Staten Island Carroll, Grace Davis (Miss) Rhinebeck Carson, Sarah M. (Mrs David F. B.) 226 Montgomery st., Newbiirgh Carstensen, Mary Rutherford Thomas (Mrs G. A.).. 10 E. 47th st.. New York Carter, Anna Marie (Miss) Sj^racuse Carter, Arline Freeman (Mrs Theron T.) Adams Carter, Elizabeth Swasey Miller (Mrs C. B.) 105 W. 71st st.. New York Carter, Flora Josephine Kilbourne (Mrs Theodore) Oneida Carter, Henrietta Maria (Miss) 12 W. 130th st.. New York Carter, Isabella Davis (Miss) 285 Washington ave., Brooklyn Carter, Lottie Kimball (Mrs V. Perry) Friendship Carter, Louise Downer (Mrs George C.) 43 Eagle st., Utica Carter, Margaret Batchelor (Mrs George T.) . .69 W. 46th st.. New York Carter, Pauline G. (Mrs Andrew P.) 65 Central Park, West, New York Carton. Mary Allen (Mrs Clavton C.) Massena Cary, Emily 'H. (Mrs Isaac H.) 441 W. 162nd st.. New York Carv, Marv Louise Robertson (Mrs J., Jr.). .88 Madison ave., New York Mary Mattoon Chapter, Mass. New Connecticut Chapter, Ohio. 388 DIEECTOKY, D. A. E. 18870SS Caryl, Eliza Jimiel (Mrs) Yonkers 15847i Case, Grace Strong- (Mrs Edward Carroll) Camden 24251rv Case, Harriett L. (Miss) 231 Clinton ave., Kingston 171195 Case, Louise Hartupee Burke (Mrs) 81 Eutger St., Rochester 2819372 Casey, Mary Bellinger (Mrs James E.) Mohawk 24124c Casler, Lotta Alice (Miss) Little Falls 303SC Casler, Martha Hopson (Mrs Philo W.) Little Falls 21180/1 Casler, Nelie Horton (Mrs William Austin) Cape Vincent 31760& Cassidy, Catharine Margaret (Mrs D. D.) 114 Market st., Amsterdam 364217' Caswell, Mary Gumaer (Mrs F. M.) Broekport 544F Catlin, Alice Amanda (Miss) "The Madrid," W. 59th st., New York 7926T' Catlin, Kate Brown Montague (Mrs C. M.)..10 W. 30th st.. New York 17062r Catlin, Louise E. (Mrs Frederick Ward) 285 Henry st., Brooklyn 31736&?) Caton, Sara B. (Mrs Lawton) 105 Onondaga st., Syracuse 286422? Chace, Grace Bloss Daly (Mrs Benjamin B.) 7 Argyle st., Rochester 13626A Chace, Mary Z. Bruce (Mrs A. Frank B.) 4 Willard Place, Hudson 17145>Sf Chadeayne, Sarah Fisher. (Mrs Jacob) 14 Clinton ave.. Ossining 524F Chaffee, Mary Cynthia Baker (Mrs Edward J.) 1 W. 68th st.. New York 35910b Chalmers, Emma Appleton Curtis (Mrs Arthur A.) Amsterdam 20563Q Chamberlain, Anna M. L (Mrs J. Chester) 1 W. 81st st., New York 193617( Chamberlain, Frances A. (Mrs Horace P.) 187 Jewett ave.. Buffalo 24144; Chamberlain, Julia Kate (Miss) Waterloo 18101;7 Chamberlain, Mary Patty Arnett (Mrs Edgar W.) Belmont 7561B Chamberlin, Jane (Mrs James R.) 109 Plymouth ave., Rochester 5447/( Chamberlin, Sarah A. Drake (Mrs John) 90 JohAson Park, Buffalo 17161T Chambers, Anna De La Montanye (Mrs W.)..315 W. 5Sth st.. New York 343171' Champion, Mary G. (Mrs W. A.) 411 Manhattan ave., New York 23496?0 Champlin, Mary Allen (Mrs) 351 Hudson ave., Albany 8833/( Champlin, Ruth Amelia (Mrs Oliver H. P.)... 605 W. Ferry st.. Buffalo 339^0(r(o Chandler, Edwina Agnes (Miss) 210 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn 35084?)& Chandler. Olivia R. (Mrs Charles Louis) 619 E. Fayette st., Syractise 30117a Channell. Martha L. (Miss) .Malone 20514i Chapin, Elizabeth L. Myers (Mrs Charles) Camden 10042JI Chapin, Jennie (Miss) La Concha, Syracuse 8535B Chapin, Rachel Lawrence Shepard (Mrs.L.) 83 S.Fitzhugh st., Rochester 17195ii Chapman, Alice G. (Mrs John H.) 164 Grand st., Newburgh 44427 Chapman, Fanny Lockwood (Mrs B. R.) 150 W. S3rd st.. New York 1124100 Chapman, Latira Shepard (Mrs Henry A.) Chilton, Morristown 22295B Chappell, Harriet Clarena (Miss) 63 Meigs st., Rochester 24168S Chappell, Josephine Gregg (Mrs William) 4 Ericson st., Rochester 329915 Chappell, Louise Amanda (Miss) 105 Plymouth ave., Rochester 29]45i? Chappell, Lucy Virginia (Miss) 38 S. Washington St., Rochester 31759& Charles, Eleanor Rhodes (Mrs William B.) . .Brookside ave., Amsterdam 13000|| Charlier, Jeannette Van Dvcke (Mrs E.) care Walston Brown Brothers, 40 Wall St., New York 32225 Chariot. Carolyn Tobey (Mrs John H.) Cambridge 14276Z Chase, Emma Evart (Mrs Andrew) 288 Genesee st.. Utica 21211b& Chase, Nellie S^vift Huntington (Mrs C. A.) 301 Prospect ave., Syracuse 33512 Chase. Sara (Miss) 81 W. 126th st.. New York 16353r Chase, Susan Burrill (Miss) 120 Clymer st.. Brooklyn 7948A-fc Chase, Theodore Kyle (Mrs F. H.) 64 Court st.. Plattsburg 26987i^ Cheesman, Caroline Elizabeth (Miss) Fort Edward 16511 J Cheesman, Helen King (Mrs James Earle) Fort Edward 24206ff Cheesman. Mary Cuyler (Mrs William Sanderson) Auburn 22893L Cheney, Alma Raub'(Mrs Halsey Haines) 129 Cannon st., Poughkeepsie 20516 Cheney, Bess Stevens Watkyns (Mrs F. A.) 451 Maple ave.. Elmira 9750jE7 Cheney, Ellen Langdon (Mrs Newel) Poland Center 363677^ Cheney, Philena C. Welch (Mrs Edgar 0.)..33 St. John's Place, Buffalo 4233 Chenoweth, Catharine Richardson Wood (Mrs A. C.) 41 E. 59th st.. New York 26952f Cherry, Elizabeth K. Titcomb (Mrs G. A.).. 156 E. Main st., Fredonia 34313{? ■ Chester, Amy (Miss) 139 Lake ave., Albany 4458B Chester, Marion Hills (Mrs Thomas) 7 Granger Place, Rochester II Mercy Warren Chapter, Mass. II Delaware County Chapter, Pa. t Ethan Allen Chapter, Vt. NEW YORK. 389 Chichester, Gertrude Rich (Mrs) 20 Cypress st., Binghamton Childs, Cordelia Butterfield (Mrs Charles Henry) 371 Genesee st., Utica Childs, Ellen Augusta (Miss) 8 Dwight Place, Binghamton Childs, Julia Billard (Mrs Henry A.) Medina Childs, Marilla Weston (Mrs N. T.) 8 Dwight Place, Binghamton Childs, Mary Daisy (Miss) 218 W. Sullivan st., Olean Chittenden, Annie Pratt (Miss) 48 Linwood ave., Buffalo Chittenden, Annie Pratt (Mrs John S.) 48 Linwood ave., Buffalo Christian, Elizabeth (Miss) 8 Kemble st., Utica Christian, Susan (Miss) 8 Kemble st., Utica Christie, Eleanor Gertrude Thomas (Mrs Eugene) Herkimer Christie, Louise Cantrill (Miss) 231 Madison st.. Brooklyn Chubbuck, Julia A. (Mrs W. W.) care Room 38, P. 0., New York Church, Alice Lenita Porter (Mrs G. T.) 12 E. Van Dam st., Saratoga Church, Angelica (Miss) 130 E. 23rd st.. New York Church, Elizabeth Holley (Mrs Irving P.) 209 South ave., Ithaca Church, Gulielma F. (Mrs) 236 Clinton st., Brooklyn Church, Hazel Dearborn Timmons (Mrs C. A.) 210 McLennan ave., Syracuse Church, Helen A. C. (Mrs Henry C.) Cooperstown Church, Ida Kinne (Mrs Frank Benjamin) Wellsville Church, Mary Frances (Mrs F. F.) 255 Culver Road, S. Rochester Church, Mary Van Wyck (Mrs Benjamin S.) 36 W. 12th st.. New York Churchill, Elisabeth Roberts (Mrs Henry) 157 S. Main st., Gloversville Claflin, Agnes (Mrs Horace Brigham) 55 Pierpont st., Brooklyn Clapham. Georgia M. Durand (Mrs Thomas A.) . . . .Roslyn, Long Island Clapp, Edith Frances (Miss) 84 Mercer ave., Plainfield Clapp, Julia Brinkerhoff (Mrs Ernest) Hopewell Junction Clapp, Illie Crawford (Mrs Dwight Parker).. Ill Hicks st., Brooklyn Clark, Alice Woodhull (Mrs W. N. G.)..146 S. 1st ave., Mount Vernon Clark, Caroline Way (Mrs William Sheldon) Honeoye Falls Clark, Cora Lee B. (Mrs Martin) 77 Johnson Park, Buffalo Clark, Eloise Keeler (Mrs J. H.) 354 Maple ave., Elmira Clark, Emeline Rich (Miss) Yonkers Clark, Emily Aiigusta (Miss) 325 Jersey st., Buffalo Clark, Emma Wynkoop (Mrs James J.) 233 Greene ave., Brooklyn Clark, Etta M. Arnold (Mrs Gershom Willard) Owego Clark, Fannie Wynkoop (Miss) 233 Greene ave., Brooklyn Clark, Frances Curtis (Mrs Hiram G.) Palmyra Clark, Francis Read (Mrs Ira B.) Adams Clark, Georgia Webb (Mrs Herbert Vincent) Dexter Clark, Georgina (Miss) 755 Main st., Geneva Clark, Grace A. (Mrs John E.) 4 North st., Binghamton Clark, Jennie Woodruff (Mrs Walter) 37 W. 84th st., New York Clark, Julia Kathryn (Miss) Belmont Clark, Mabel Asenath (Mrs Fred) 8 Elm st., Seneca Falls Clark, Martha W. (Miss) 22 Montgomery st., Newburgh Clark, Mary Austin (Mrs L. F.) 4 John st., Ilion Clark, Mary J. Olney (Mrs Leander) 55 Cannon st., Newburgh Clark, Mary R. Evans (Mrs A. M.) Adams Clark, Mary V. (Mrs William V. A.) 944 Marcy ave.. Brooklyn Clark, Myra Smith (Mrs) 616 W. 113th st.. New York Clarke, Alice (Miss) 258 Saratoga st., Cohoes Clarke, Anna Maria (Mrs George) . ."The Dower House," Cooperstown Clarke, Annie E. (Miss) 2062 Ryer ave., New York Clarke, Dora Rawson Bulklev (Mrs W. B.)..70 Cayuga st., Seneca Falls Clarke, Eliza Dutton (Mrs Stephen C.) 23 W. Swan st., Buffalo Clarke, Eliza Voorhees (Mrs Milton) 6 Portsmouth ave., Rochester Clarke, Elizabeth (Miss) 287 East ave., Rochester Clarke, Florence (Miss) 258 Saratoga st., Cohoes Clarke, Frances Groff (Mrs Augustus P.) Cazenovia Clarke, Isabella Wright (Miss) Poughkeepsie Clarke, Kate Wright (Mrs Frederick J. R.) 133 Albany ave., Kingston t SaratoEca Riesrs Huitiphrey Chapter, Conn. * Faith Trumbull Chapter, Conn. § Nova Caesarea Chapter, N. J. TI Mary Mattoon Chapter, Mass. 390 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 2545217 3537R 10650Z 254216& 17741 5202F 3692t-l7 2511tT 6744L 32589^ 88397(- 30218|| 23193f7 26170!p 26171i'' 171295: 193957? 21729(? 3963 28712 10691B 22313(70' 82407t 25393f 31722£ 27798Zi 5647t 23491 19401A 352977V 9235*Sf 1063271 106317J. 106307(, 27732f 34801^ 23487r 596611 326027 7231F 3S967( 22286aa 11226U 21004 32586A 231857" 254167' 29378F 5515* 29152(? 7623¥ 17106A 3694A 8533r 12876//n 8548&& 29114(7 30991&& 24817B 8831&& 685471 Clarke, Mary Gale (Mrs George Hyde) Hyde Hall, Cooperstown; winter ^ address, 48 Willett st., Albany Clarke, Mary Hall (Mrs L. W.) 287 East ave., Eochester Clarke, Sarah Elizabeth Scoville (Mrs Wallace) . .136 Park ave., Utica Clarke, Sophia A. (Miss) 205 E. Kennedy st., Syracuse Clarkson, Eliza Livingston de Peyster (Mrs> 137 W. 14th st.. New York Clarkson, Elizabeth Komaine (Miss) 419 W. 23rd st.. New York Clearwater, Anna F. (Mrs Alphonso T.) 293 Albany ave., Kingston Clearwater, Mary Frances Hoffman (Mrs E.D.) 94 N. Front st., Kingston Cleavland, Abby Elizabeth (Miss) .... 12 Garfield Place, Poughkeepsie Clement, Alice Matilda (Miss) 552 W. 3rd st., Jamestown Clement, Caroline Tripp (Mrs Stephen M.) 737 Delaware ave., Buffalo Clement, Nettie Starr (Mrs Duane H.) 156 Taylor st., Brooklyn Clement, Sara Stow (Mrs Marshall Howe) 21 1st ave.. Mount Vernon Clements, Adda Thompson (Mrs Augustus M.) Fort Edward Clements, Florence D. (Miss) Fort Edward Cleveland, Emma Baker (Mrs Stephen K.) 31 Ten Eyck st., Watertown Cleveland, Flora (Miss) East Hounsfield Cleveland, Gertrude Van Vranken (Mrs F.) Van Eensselaer Blvd., Albany Cleveland, Eose Elizabeth (Miss) Holland Patent Clute, Gurtha E. (Miss) 219 Union st., Schenectady Cobb, Ada Dewey (Mrs Frederick D. H.) 159 Troup st., Eochester Cobb, Augusta Campbell (Mrs George N.)..63 Carroll st.. Binghamton Cobb, Martha Warner (Mrs Oscar) 37 Church st., Buffalo Cobb, Mary F. (Mrs Marvin W.) 30 E. Main st., Fredonia Cobb, Minutia A. (Miss) 30 Warren st., Jamestown Cobee, Matilda S. (Mrs William) West Albany Cochran, Mary Katharine Chrystie (Mrs A. D.) 32 E 9th st.. New York Cochrane, Ella Louise (Miss) P. O. Box 52, Pelham Manor Cochrane, Eoberta M. (Miss) Wood side Cockcroft, Mary Thurston (Miss) 147 Madison ave., New York Cockcrof t, Sarah V. (Mrs John V.) Ossining Codd, Abigail Jane (Mrs) 369 Delaware ave., Buffalo Codd, Elizabeth Anna (Miss) 369 Delaware ave., Buffalo Codd, Margaret Jane (Mrs) 369 Delaware ave., Buffalo Coddington, Marj^ Stanley (Mrs Samuel 0.) 146 E. Main st., Fredonia Coe, Eliza Maria Kerr (Mrs Elishib Emmons) Oneida Coffin, Elizabeth Wadsworth Shipman (Mrs S.) 287 Henry st., Brooklyn Cogswell, Cornelia McC. (Mrs Ledvard) 318 State st., Albany Cogswell, Theresa F. (Mrs James "W.) 201 W. 138th st.. New York Cohn, Georgia Eddy (Mrs Charles) 57 E. 73rd st.. New York Coit, Emily Seymour (Miss) 192 Georgia st., Buffalo Colburn, Annie De Groff Woodin (Mrs) Centre st.. Oneonta Golden, Abbie Logan (Miss) 141 [Montgomery st., Newburgh Cole, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs George G.) "l411 Main st., Buffalo Cole, Sarah J. S. (Mrs Peter J.) Claverack Coleman, Bertha Helena (Miss) Brockport Coleman, Katherine Baker (Mrs William Henry) Brockport Coleman, Eose McAlister (Mrs John C.) 167 W. 73rd st., Ncav York Coles, Charlotte B. (Mrs Thomas B.) 909 Union st., Brooklyn Colgrove, Ella K. Maxwell (Mrs W. H.)...ll S. Market st., Johnstown Collier, Hannah C. S. (Mrs C. M.) 29 E. 21st st.. New York Collier, Kate Miller (Mrs Isaac N.) Partition and 2nd sts., Hudson Collier, Margaret Mulford (Mrs Fredk. J.) 509 LTnion st.. Hudson Collin, Emily Eiplev (Mrs Charles A.) 6 S. Portland ave., Brooklyn Collins, Caroline Moore (Mrs) Geneva Collins, Catherine Sager (Mrs George K.)...230 Midland ave., Syracuse Collins, Clara Steele (Mrs Louis D.) Batavia Collins, Helen (Miss) 230 Midland ave., Syracuse Collins, Josephine Osgood (Mrs Newton Martin) 9 Argyle st., Eochester Collins, Katharine Marie (Miss) 230 Midland ave., Syracuse Collins, Stephania D. W. (Mrs William H.) 335 Bryant st., Buffalo II Brattleboro Chapter, Vt. i Augusta Chapter, Ga. H Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Con'- * Pittsburg Chapter, Pa. NEW YOEK. 391 19958F 17021/1 33921WW 24205ff 20831|| 25S05O 31936t 19413?; 3007872 171305: 12159^ 14257f 17186Z 34321e'e 11972^ 32214&& 35500PP 35501PP 30431 11969i 11218i. 142925: 354695: 15826?- 31679B 286485: 15188^ 10162P 20003AA 1926ry 163697 13115$ 31754r 286157t 106297t 11667b6 32194r 304301 32721§ 265187 11206ft 286727 4215S 55737? 22307r/g 15871Z 32995L 33933r 1427077 217235: 1481* 22304 24166B 24167B 18083?*^ 35502f>p 10102tt 24828L 35946mm 6461 Collis, Septima M. (Mrs Charles H. T.) 1055 5th ave., New York Colman, Caroline Tiklen (Mrs Harrj^ J.) 198 Franklin st., Buifalo Colson, Sarah Ellicott (Miss) 107 St. James Place, Brooklyn Cohvell, Marj^ Amelia (Mrs Irving S.) 11 Eoss Place, Auburn Combes, Marie Louise de Kaesines (Mrs A. C.) Newtown, Long Island Comins, Sarah Lucinda Burr (Mrs George Henry) Adams Comlee, Hattie L. (Mrs) Ithaca Comstock, Ella Halstead (Mrs G.F.) 540 N. Broadway, Saratoga Springs Comstock, Eunice (Miss) Ilion Comstock, Florence Baker (Mrs Charles G.)..8 Baker st., Watertown Comstock, Frances E. (Miss) 513 N. George st., Rome Comstock, Frances Horlett (Mrs Edward) 513 N. Washington st., Rome Comstock, Jennie Crouse (Mrs Arthur) 21 Plant st., Utlca Comstock, Martha (Mrs Julius C.) Cazenovia Comstock, ]\Iary Reeve (Mrs William H.) Trenton Comstock, Pearle Hale (Mrs William A.) 511 Euclid ave., Syracuse Conable; Lena E. (Miss) Cortland Conable, Nellie L. (Miss) Herkimer Conant, Alice P. (Miss) Camden Conant, Carrie E. (Mrs Eugene H.) Camden Conant, Mary Ella (Mrs George F.) Camden Conde, Catherine Elizabeth Wager Clute (Mrs William W.) 67 Washing- ton St., Watertown Conde, Katherine Clute (Miss) 67 Washington st., Watertown Condon, Ellen Lucy (Mrs John) 139 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn Cone, Alice Arnold (Mrs) Genesee Conger, Aurelia (Mrs William) 6 Trinity Place, Watertown Conger, Martha Adams Church (Mrs Gerrit Smith) Gouverneur Conklin, Barbara E. W. (Mrs William J.) Fishkill-on-Hudson Conkling, Saidie Locke (Mrs John B.) Cooperstown Connelly, Jeanne W. (Mrs M. H.) 98 Fair st., Kingston Conover, Anna C. (Mrs Frank Edgar) 345 W. 87th st., New York Conover, Eleanor G. Smith (Mrs) 324 West 19th st., New York Conrow, Dora Louise (Miss) 213 Berkeley Place, Brooklyn Cook, Adelaide Thorp (Mrs Seelye A.) Medina Cook, Anna Ware Poole (Mrs Joseph T.)..636 Delaware ave., Buffalo Cook, Annette Schuyler (Mrs John Lawton)..313 Hawley st., Syracuse Cook, Cornelia Canlield (Mrs A.) 148 Willow st., Brooklyn Heights Cook, Florence Theresa (Miss) Camden Cook, Jennie Norton (Mrs William Hotchkiss) Hampton Cook, Josephine S. (Mrs Frederick Scott).. 26 Landscape ave., Lowerre Station, Yonkers Cook, Kate Wight Vedder (Mrs Philas G.)..88 Johnson Park. Buffalo Cook, Mary Aldrich (Mrs Ferdinand H.)..249 West End ave., New York Cooke, Augusta Williams (Mrs Martin W.)..69 Clinton ave., Rochester Cooke, Marie Wager Gale (Mrs E. J.) Schuylerville Cooke, Marie Waterman (Miss) 70 Carroll st., Binghamton Cookingham, Mary Louise Sherman (Mrs H. J.) 13 Clarke Place, Utica Cooley, Katherine Sedgwick (Mrs Henry E.) 301 Mill st., Poughkeepsie Cooney, Laura Sampson (Mrs John J.) 657 St. Marks ave., Brooklyn Coons, Maria Ball (Mrs E. S.) Ballston Spa Cooper, Elizabeth Butler Murray (Mrs E. L.) Winslow st., Watertown Cooper, Margaret (Miss) Saugerties Copeland, Blanche Andrews (Mrs Arthur).. 16 Chapel st.. Seneca Falls Copeland, Clara May (Miss) 69 S. Clinton st., Rochester Copeland, Esther Chapman (Miss) 69 S. Clinton st., Rochester Copp, Emily Maltby (Mrs William A.) 1 W. 46th st.. New York Corey, Eliz'abeth P. (Miss) McGraw Cornish, Alice F. O. (Mrs W. D.) Hotel Majestic, New York Cornwell, Mary Eliza (Miss) 41 Cannon st., Poughkeepsie Corse, Edith Van der Heyden (Miss) Malden-on-Hudson Corson, Caroline W. S. (Mrs Cornelius C.)..253 W. 128th st.. New York II Oxford Parish Chapter, Conn. t Oshkosh Chapter, Wis. i Freelove Baldwin Stowe Chapter, Conn. § Heber Allen Chapter, Vt. * Gaspee Chapter, R. I. tt Nathan Hale Chapter, Minn. 392 30082A' 2849(1(1 9627 4820r 300665 123620 12361Q 35534| 300857 17150/ 21203X 35512 20517? 7974Z 24233/7 277927;/^ 17212/(7t 3218// 4961// 5060 33482F 12883qq 33478T 35929C7 21700fc 11261Z o0093//ft 14569ff 21697ft 23304 4225Z c'609wn 35S9Z 602372 6020i? 8522f7fi' 106935 3702it 16352r 31696M 31697M 20556L 97837 5480L 23295^7^' 15866d(Z 31740(7f7 8517Q 291160 20544/ 30038/ 8941'j[ 9229(jq 28865|| 31044$ 33005CC 18096ft 8814F 34831Z 34293i DIEECTOEY, D. A, E. Corwin, Eva M. Brownson (Mrs) . 401 p qa+t, ^ ^t ,^ Cory, Emma (Miss) .... 401 E. 96th st., New York Cory, Florence Elizabeth ' (Mrs 'He---" "^' " ^ -' "-' ' - ' '-' ' • /^^operstown Cory, Florence Pauline (Miss), lenry \\.) 159 W. 23rd st., New York Cory, Margaret A. Brown (Mrs Da^id A) ' ' 2Qfi F.S '*" l'''^ ^°-^^ Cotrell, Annie Hadley (Miss)... . ^^ 296 East a^-e., Rochester Cotrell, Elizabeth Leonard (Miss i3o a^^^ ^*-' ^l^^ny Cotton, Mary Hannah (mTss .' .-. {{, ^ 'H.fT't 'i' ""'^^^ Cottrel,, Nellie M. (Mrs Arthur f ) "^ ^*-' ^^"^ ^"^^^ Cough try, Anna Agan (Mrs W. B ) ^9 Vv ' 00 " V ' •/ -Cambridge Couse, Ida Julia B^rookl (Mrs Ali-CurVisj: 1 1 '.'' ''015^ tt^t'^oT"'' Coutan, Kate Wall (Mrs Adoloh^ 7o cT" X", ^ ^*-' ^^^^^ Covell Emeline EusLll (mS S^oVge Fr^deVitk) l'^^^^^^^^ Coventry, Charlotte D. (Miss) -^reaericK) . .109 Davis st., Elmira Covert, Cora Gordon (Miss)^ on' cV.^^'^ ^.""''^ ^''^•' ^tiea Cowee, Bertha Hyatt (Mrs^ Jam'es 'ciarence) ^^^^%''^-' ?^^^«^ ^alls Cowing, Janet McKay fMissS o. ^^-^ '^,^*-' Seneca Falls coTiel; ZTrLtS. ?IiS)-:;:::;; - ^.oTj^''^^ ^'^ Cox, Alice (Mrs George G ) * ^*-' ^mghamton Cox, Carrie E. (Miss) . . p, •••.••• -^rockport Cox, Clara Fitch (Mrs Wiiliam' T.V.'. ■.'.■.■. "" ^°'"*' ^^^^^^^ York Grot( Cox, Elizabeth Butler (Mrs Frederick J) ma q+o+ + ah. Cox, Emily Dickinson (\Mrs Edward B.)^ '"' I's o J^t ^^^^ Cox, Jenny M. (Miss) . ^ 125 2nd st., Troy Cox, Margaret G. (Mrs Eobert Lynn.) .'.■.■.■.■ .' '^9i'Jer^e'^r''V'vu^\^ Cozzens, Ameia Hills CMissI • • • -^ii^yiLeiior sq. utica Crag Mary White Darrach (Mrs Hector) . .Carpenter ave Newburj^h SS^'ch isYob^;lr?M-^ (""^^ ^- ^- «•> ^^« Ber^.elerpTac;,''Br"ok fn CrSn' Svdn X-l / fAi-'V ^^ W^^* Sl^t «t-' New York Cramer Fnn\S?n^^^^^ ^^ ^'^^^^ '^^^^ ^*-' ^^^ York '^ramer, Ji.iia nelbon (Miss).. 9q<; at^h ■>+ tj^,, i,i Cramer., Jennie Weight (Mrs Edward p:)\\-''^''" ^'•' "^"SbrTdTe C^a'nXli '?a?h "".'^^T^- (^S-) 89 Gardent-si.VPougTkXs^: Cranda 11 Catherine Louise Patterson (Mrs Frank William) Westfield Sr.f i' ^™ly.A"8-u,«*a (Miss) ! 398 Grand a^e , Brooklyn Cranda, Eugenia Johnson (Mrs Samuel Charles) Westfield Crannell, Elizabeth S. (Mrs W. W.) g Hnll Pl^n'/ aiko Crandall, Ida J. Kellogg (Mrs Jerry W.) ! ! ! ! ! i ! 1 ! ] .^'" ^'^''' ^^dZl Crandall, Sophie Davis (Mrs Lyman E.) New York Crane, Jessie Fowler (Mrs Zenas A.) .' New York Crawford, Annie Clay (Mrs H. L.) 41 W. 57th st.. New York Crawford, Margaret M. (Mrs J. N. W.) New York Crawford Mary GofE (Mrs Eugene) ■.'.■.Cameron Mills S^ri. V Pt^^vJ^'^t*^!^ 1^''^ ^- ^-^ 274 Swan st., Buffalo Craykowska, Edith L. Collins (Countess Craykowska) Care Wm. A. liutler, 54 Wall st., New York Crim, Amelia Burgess (Mrs Frank D.) 53 Howard ave., Utica Crimmuir, Carrie Hendley (Mrs Daniel) Camden + .Toseph Spencer Chapter, Ohio 11 Mary Clapp Wooster Chapter, Conn. Sequoia Chapter, Cal. XEW YOEK. 393 65902 Crispwell, Marie De Puy (Mrs Peter) 376 Genesee St., Utica 309997(7t Crissej', Jane Helena (Miss) 115 sth st.', Troy 3373Z Crittenden, Cornelia Goldthwaite (Mrs S. W.) 10 Kutger st.,' Utica 24806i Crocker, Elizabeth Slee (Mrs Elwood B.)..464 Church st., W. Elmira 30463^^ Crocker, Mary Emily Beebe (Mrs Edwin L.)..4 Allen st., Binghamton 75417 Crocker, Sarah J. W. (Mrs Benjamin P.) Cambridge 68567;. Crockett, Helen Ware (Mrs Montgomery A.).. 452 Franklin st., Buffalo 143037 Croes, Helen Robertson (Miss) 205 N. Broadway, Yonkers-on-Hudson 31703D Croff, Marian M. (Miss) Hamilton 24818S Croly, Flora Frederick (Mrs Ed^\'in H.) 43 Norwood ave., Buffalo 5452?)i Crombie, Hattie Anderson Slade (Mrs W. M.) Hotel Empire, New York 1456Si Cromwell, Susan Brownell (Mrs Stephen) 136 Main st., Camden 124031-1; Crosby, Abigail Church More (Mrs Abel A.) Rondout 11227)1 Crosby, Edith Ruth Cassedy (Mrs Wm. C.)..416 W. llSth st., New York 15880rr Crosby, Florence M. (Miss) ...New Rochelle 24185P Crosby, Margaret (Miss) Fishkill 262N Crosman, Ellen Hall (Mrs J. Heron) Tarrytown-on-Hudson 34894* Crosman, Mary B. (Mrs George) 954' Park"^ Place, Brooklyn 22276 Crosman, Mary Hall (Miss) Tarrj'town-on-Hudson 3636S7i Crosman, Sarah Lucretia Jewett (Mrs Zenas F.)325 Jersey st., Buffalo 23495tt Cross, Florence Margaret (Mrs James E.) 27 S. Lark st., Albany 30110n-j(' Crothers, Caro Mandell (Mrs Robert) Greenwich 2619S&b Crouse, Alta Pease (Mrs Charles E.) 715 W. Genesee st., Syracuse 18826Z Crouse, Florence Anderson (Mrs Charles B.) 261 Genesee st., Utica 15203Z Crouse, Harriet Louise (Mrs Henry Prentice) 346 Genesee st., Utica 7973Z Crouse, Louise S. K. (Mrs Beecher "M.) 6 Miller st., Utica 8561Z Crouse. Mary Mcintosh (Mrs William B.) 261 Genesee st., Utica 15872Z Crouse. May Conklin (Mrs John Miles) 264 Genesee st., Utica 21219/7 Crowell, Ellen Tyler (Mrs George Byron).. 67 Green st., Seneca Falls 22282'?>& Crowell, Harriet" Southworth (Mrs H. H.) 106 Slocum ave., Syracuse 14290A' Cruikshank, Nora C. Washburn (Mrs J.) 158 Prospect Park, W. Brooklyn 13603 Crummey, Katharine Duer Murray (Mrs S.A.)Dwight st.,Poughkeepsie 27782ff Cruttenden May L. (Mrs William H.) Cazenovia 34836ff Culver, Ethel Whipple (Mrs Allen M.) Aurora 21143?/ Culver, Jessie Munsell (Mrs Charles Mortimer) 36 Eagle st., Albany 12399/ Cummings, Alice M. (Mrs Edward W.)..719 N. Washington st., Rome 15804f Cummings, Frances C. Roberts (Mrs A. J.) 32 Charlton st., New York 11973Z Curran, Cornelia Douglas (Mrs George L.) 274 Genesee st., Utica 33506f/7 Curran, Emma M. Gilmore (Mrs Benajah S.) 55 Carroll st., Binghamton 4229Z Curran, Gertrude Douglas (Miss) 274 Genesee st., Utica 33507^(7 Curran, Grace Rose (Miss) 55 Carrol st., Binghamton 35481Y Curran, Mary Emily Ambler (Mrs J. R.) 107 E. 57th st., New York 14248F Curry, Sallie A. (Mrs Walker) 21 E. 61st st., New York 8156 Curtis, Augusta Lawler (Mrs Edward) 33 W. 69th st., New York 29624ec Curtis, Caroline Sophia Smith (Mrs Josiah) Addison 19926H Curtis, Charlotte Bancroft (Mrs F. C.) 17 Washington ave., Albany 254377(7! Curtis, Helen L. D. (Mrs Mont G.) Grand st., Troy 34277f Curtis, Jennie Morton (Mrs Enoch A.) 50 Central ave., Fredonia 172117/7i Curtis, Mary Morrison (Mrs Aberdeen Graham) 28 1st st., Troy 300321 Curtiss, Bertha Owen (Mrs Harold) Camden 21191X Curtiss, Ella Hanford (Mrs William Oscar) 326 Laurel ave., Olean 24691§ Gushing, Edith R. (Miss) Fonda 19429iV Gushing, Mabel Augusta Roby (Mrs E. T.) E. Williston, Long Island 22271F Gushing, Gertrude W. (Mrs William T.) 128 W. 93rd st., New York 22305// Gushing, Katherine Greene (Mrs George H.) 12 Park st., Seneca Falls 40415 Cutler, Anna Katharine (Mrs James G.) 314 East ave., Rochester 33493/)p Daehler, Kate Ledyard Duell CMrs Ferdinand) Cortland 180977( Daggett. Lulu Choate (Mrs B. Byron) 2732 Main st., Buffalo 338867? Dake, Clara Orpha (Miss) 327 Carson ave., Rochester 404271 Dakin, Anna Caroline Felton (Mrs C. S.) 149 W. Tupper st., Buffalo 54817/ Dakin, Emma Durant (Miss) 256 Hudson st., Buffalo * Mahoning Chapter, Ohio. § Paul Jones Chapter, Mass. t Nova Caesarea Chapter, N. J. 394 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 5482/1 62707t 22260:y 28205/t-fc 6427 1 1 21144« 28622/= 28625; 1518700 12167;/ 12168;; 325987 35503PP 27783M 8029| 18746ft 29132CC 29131CC 241337t 33022D 33023Z) 12909« 17697?- 97557i 123807t 17014c 31761& 52087^ 36428dd 6860dd 3608 3549600 163707 31757 300530 296227i7i, 20527* 205 67P 31686 80117 3642022 85407 34846mni 22867/ 287017l7^ 20528* 3636971 97657t 20000(ZfZ 194457(71 75567 266030 34847mTO 1885400 34324fcfc 8102* 30944; 11390r 30608* 28679Z 20551H 33863f 4313t Daldn, H. Louise (Miss) 256 Hudson st., Buffalo S«S°vr 7 ?^ i?^'""^ • • V.V • •; 45 P^^-k St., Buffalo i)ale, Elizabeth Remsen Le Eoy (Mrs H.) 791 Madison ave., New York Da e, Lena Almira Elkins (Mrs Charles J.).... 50 Court st., Plattsburff Dalton, Ida May Hill (Mrs Will) 787 State st., Schenectady Danaher, Mary Low (Mrs Franklin M.) 446 Clinton ave., Albany Danforth, Harriet F. (Mrs Theodore Thomas) 429 Central ave., Dunkirk Daniels, Agnes Lewis (Miss) Friendship Daniels, Annie E. (Mrs William H.) 163 State st., Ogdensburg Dame s, Blanche E. (Miss) n Cayuga st., Seneca Falls Daniels, Nora (Miss) n Cayuga st., Seneca Falls Daniels, Sarah E. (Miss) ... .Hotel Castleton, St.'George, Staten Island Darby, Belle M. Burr (Mrs Chester C.) Cortland Darling, Mary Bradford (Mrs EdAvin E.) 228 8th st., Troy Darling, Susan Etta (Mrs Euel S.) 337 W. 23rd st.. New' York Darlington, Elizabeth Trowbridge (Mrs J. A.)... 112 Pine st„ Buffalo Darrin, Katharine Eliza (Miss) Addison Darrin, Mary Hill (Mrs Delmar M.) Addison Darrow, Bessie L. (Miss) 229 Highland ave., Buffalo Darrow, Elizabeth Vernera (Miss) West Eaton Darrow, Graeia Blair (Miss) West Eaton Darrow, Marian (Miss) Syracuse Dauchy, Sophia Warner (Mrs S. T.) 1443 S. Oxford st., Brooklyn Davenport, Esther Chaddock (Mrs Loren Daniel) 292 15th st., Buffalo Davenport, Hattie E. Selkirk (Mrs Loren C.) 292 15th st., Buffalo Davenport, Sarah Lyon (Mrs John) Bath Davey, Kittle C. (Mrs Frederick) 24 Brandt Place, Amsterdam Davidson, Ada S. Prentiss (Mrs G. G., Jr.).. 354 Ashland ave., Buffalo Davidson, Gertrude Amy Bunn (Mrs Clarence W.) Cooperstown Davidson, Linda W. (Miss) . .' Cooperstown Davie, Fidelia T. (Mrs) 607 Warren st., Syracuse Davies, Eunice Euth (Miss) 26 New York ave., Ogdensburg Davies, Mary Pinckney (Mrs Eichard T.) 774 West End ave., New York Davies, Euth Eamsey (Mrs John V.) 20 Sanford ave,. Flushing Davis, Alice Larkin (Mrs Albert T.) Adams Davis, Bertha Newhall (Mrs Frank) 8 Alder ave., Troy Da^ds, Cora Theressa (Miss) 115 Stanwix st., Eome Davis, Cornelia Brett (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson Davis, Elizabeth A. Baird (Mrs William) 38 Grand st., Gloversville Davis, Emma Evelina CMiss) Hotel Majestic, New York Davis, Evelyn Hardy (Mrs George H.) Frankfort Davis, Harriet Lobdell (Mrs Vernon M.)..194 Lennox ave., New York Davis, Kate Stuart Freligh (Mrs John C.) Saugerties Davis, Katharine Huguenin (Miss) 702 St. Nicholas ave., New York Davis, Marj^ Whitney (Mrs John M.) Terrace Place, Troy Davis S. Anna (Miss) 115 Stanwix st.. Eome Da^as, Sarah E. (Mrs Charles W.) 294 Hudson st., Buffalo Davis, Waittie Griff en (Mrs Cyrus E.) 52 Brantford Place, Buffalo Davison, Grace M. (Miss) Cooperstown Daw. Eliza Eugenia (Mrs George W.) .Boradaile, Lansingburg Dawbarn, Carolyn Holmes (Mrs Eobt. H.)..105 W. 74th st.. New York DaAves, Alice Tanner (jSIrs Spencer L.) 255 State st., Albany Dawes, Jessie F. (Miss) "The Hedges," Saugerties Dawley, Mabel Proctor (Mrs Smith L.) 62 Washington st., Ogdensburg Dawson, Jennie C. (Mrs M. Clifton) Peru Day, Alice Hooker (Mrs John) 28 5th ave.. New York Day, Carrie Sherman (Mrs George Henry) Friendship Day, Georgia Parker (Mrs Augustus Pliny) ... .118 Lee ave., Brooklyn Daj', Katharine Seymour (Miss) 28 5th ave., New York Day, Laiira Marguerite (Miss) 3 Armory Place, Utica Day,' Martha Jamison (Mrs Ira G.) South Dansville DaV, S. Elizabeth (Mrs S. Hamilton) 29 Church st., Fredonia Dayton, Cornelia H. Hughes (Mrs W. B.) 126 W. 48th st.. New York II Cumberland Chapter, Tenn. t Pawtucket Chapter, R. I. * Ruth Wyllis Chapter, Conn. t Dorothy Ripley Chapter, Conn. XEW YORK. 395 2987m Dayton, Frances E. Boileaii (Mrs Alphonso A.) 32 Willett st., Albany 10161P Dean, Anna (Miss) Fishkill 22225fc Dean, Isabella Clough (Mrs Oliver Lewis)... 306 N. Aurora st., Ithaca 7919"F Dean, Margaret H. (Mrs Casper W.) 206 W. 81st st.. New York 1123400 Deane, Maria H. (Mrs Henry C.) 78 Franklin st., Ogdensburg- 1123500 Deane, Mary L. (Miss) 78 Franklin st., Ogdensburg 5489/1 Deane, Sarah P. (Mrs Elisha C.) 45 Park st., Buffalo 281902V Deas, Helen Gaines Lyon (Mrs Zachary Canty) 48 W. 48th st.. New York 277530 Decker, Louise Henry (Mrs Edward Clinton) Johnstown 34807W Dederick, Bertha F. (Miss) 1 Lodge st. Albany 34806« Dederick, Marietta M. (Mrs Peter Kels) .1 Lodge st. Albany 28iy De Forest, Anita Hargous (Mrs George B.)..14 E. 50th st., New York 9158* De Forest, Julia Oilman Noyes (Mrs Henry W.) 24 E. 35th st.,New York 14299^^; De Forris, Louise M. (Miss) 9 Oak st., Plattsburg 27812 De GraflE, Alice A. (Miss) 37 Wilmer ave.. Cohoes 18769r De Grauw, Ada Eue (Mrs) 31 S. Portland ave., Brooklyn 222632V De Haven, Julia Gillespie (Mrs W. B.) "The Nevada," 70th and Broad- way, NcAv York 11960A De Lamater, Anna Van Ness (Mrs Ezra) 202 Union st., Hudson 18080/ De Lamater, Elizabeth Lawrence Hasbrouck (Mrs 0. E.) 39 W. 90th St., New York 1432CT Delavergne, Anna Field Du Bois (Mrs C. H.) 303 Clinton ave., Kingston 278147 Delehanty, Tina Densmore (Mrs E. J.) Hotel San Eemo, Central Park, West, New^ Y''ork 286737 De Lima Ruby Burney (Mrs Edward) 33 W. 12th st., New Y^ork 22911/Sf Deming, Emily M. B. Mead (Mrs Eichard)..S. Highland ave., Ossining 9749V Demorest, Alice Gilbert (Mrs William C.) 68 E. 6Gth st.. New Y^ork 17022/i. Dempsey, Laura Hoag (Mrs G. W.) 217 High st., Lockport 22817 Dempsey, Lavinia H. (Miss) 306 W. 56th st., New York 24129/i Denham, Mabel Sherman (Mrs Henry H.) 146 N. Pearl st., Bviffalo 354512? Denio, Elizabeth Harriet (Miss) 3 Gibbs st., Eochester 116686& Denison, Ada Schuyler (Mrs Franklin P.) 700 James st., Syracuse 18843fla Denison, Kate M. (Miss) 26 Elm st., Oneonta 11259b& Denison, Melissa Maria Sutherland (Mrs Henry De L.) 617 James st., Syracuse 30057^ Dennis, Viola Peck (Mrs Merton Orlando) Batavia 270290 Dennison, Ella Caroline Dudley (Mrs J. A.) 13 W. Montgomery st., Johnstown 106277;. Dennj^ Helen Maria Abell (Mrs Jesse Darius) 218 Linwood st., Buffalo 265257; Denton, Adelaide L. (Miss) Church st. Eoad, Saratoga 32964$ Denyse, Louise V. (Miss) 10 Wright st., Stapleton, Long Island 92577 Depew, Elizabeth Emma Pearse (Mrs Edward D.) 72 St. Nicholas Place, New York 3480825' Derby, Anna Louise (Miss) Sandy Hill 261722^ Derby, Margaret Forster Stewart (Mrs John H.) Sandy Hill 18787^0 Devendorf, Margaret Bellinger (Mrs Irving E.) Herkimer 19380s Devendorf, Martha C. (Miss) Fort Plain 322262*" Devine, Ella Baker (Mrs William G.) 1 Mechanic st., Sandy Hill 27151t Devins, Charlotte Elizabeth Hubbard Penfield (Mrs John Bancroft) 138 2nd St., New York 31655i De Voy, Helen Mar (Miss) Camden 65755 Dewey, Abi W. (Mrs W. S.) SO Plymouth ave., Eochester 3169051 Dewey, Adelaide Weltlia Eood (Mrs A. E.) 4 Winslow st., Watertown 33873g Dewey, Louisa Mary Haywood (Mrs George Wolcott) Batavia 34848mm De Witt, Ella Field" (Miss) Saugerties 24243(?g De Witt, Emilv Bartlett Smith (Mrs) Kingston 129047Z. De Witt, Evelyn Shipman (Mrs Charles G.) 128 W. 43rd st.. New York 18847 De Wolf, Sarah (Miss) 114 W. 6th st., Oswego 14357 Dexter, Gabriella Manigault McAllister (Mrs S. W.) 12 E. 12th st.. New York 25830r Dexter, Mary Georgette (Miss) 132 Joralem*n st.. Brooklyn 30105qq Deyo, Edith Austin Weld (Mrs Israel T.) 32 North st., Binghamton neSvv Deyo, Elizabeth (Missi 88 Maiden Lane, Kingston * St. Paul Chapter, Minn. t Col. Lowry Chapter, N. J. t Brattleboro Chapter, Vt. 396 DIKECTORY, D. A. E. 11230a Beyo, Emma Frances (Mrs John) 116 1st st., Newburgh 24250W Deyo, Sara Margaret (Miss) Kingston 1776Srv Deyo, Sarah D. (Mrs Panl T.) Krumville 26499G Deyoe, Caroline Searing (Mrs George M.)..113 Burton st., Johnstown 33464^; Dickey, Clarinda (Miss) 334 E. 5th st., Jamestown 9227bb Dickinson Eliza Austin (Mrs Edwin D.) 720 W. Genesee st. Syracuse 12165/i. Dickinson, Emma Carter (Mrs E. H.) 383 Bryant st., Seneca Falls 29629E Dickinson, Sarah Elizabeth (Miss) Lakeview ave., Jamestown 4439Z Dickinson, Theodora J. (JSliss) 6 Rutger st., Utica 3100l7(7t Dickson, Mary Virginia Warner (Mrs Thomas G.)..1829 5th ave., Troy 32622r Diefendorf, Mary Riggs (Mrs John Jacob).. 657 De Kalb ave., Brooklyn 18316* Diehl, Edith (Miss) Brewater 1135iV Diehl, Margaretta M. (Mrs T. J.) 302 W. 103rd st.. New York 20131T Dill, Susan Jordan (Mrs Samuel) 238 Albany ave., Kingston 1303i;y Dillon, Julia (Mrs) ' 109 Pearl st., Kingston 30069 Dillon, Maude Johnson (Mrs Harry A.).. 69 Washington st., Gloversville 16412i-f Dimmick, Mary Osterhoudt (Mrs Samuel G.) Kingston 3374Z Dimon, Harriette Annie Camp (Mrs George D.)..357 Genesee st., Utica 18766i Disbrow, Jane Penfield (Miss). 36 W. Washington Sq., New York 34869r Ditmas, Jenny Miller (Mrs John A.) 1160 Flatbush ave.. Brooklyn 17033/ Diven, Julia Partridge (Mrs Eugene) 502 Church st., W. Elniira 20518/ Diven, Susan Hepburn (Mrs John M.) 506 W. Water st., Elmira 226 Dixon, Grace McClure (Mrs Nathan F.) 318 State st., Albany 33511 Doane, Harriet M. (Miss) 1 S. 3rd st., Fulton 75350 Doane, Sarah K. C. (Mrs William C.) 29 Elk st., Albany 26190r Dobson, Mary Watson Gardner (Mrs Thomas Hopper) Brockport 4245 Dod, Mary (Miss) 163 W. 91st st.. New York 7562J5 Dodds, Jenny Bellows (Mrs) 109 Plymouth ave., Rochester 28649i!r Dodge, Candace M. (Mrs Frank) Lowville 254171' Dodge, Elizabeth Helen (Miss) 19 2nd ave., New Brighton, Staten Island 130F Dodge, Frances Theodora Bland Pryor (Mrs William Leftwich) care Mrs R. A. Pryor, 3 W. 69th st.. New York 72715 Dodge, Louise Wolcott (Mrs Charles W.) 330 Oxford st., Rochester 20568F Dodge, Mary Flagler (Miss).. 19 2nd ave.. New Brighton, Staten Island 3345324 Dodge, May Agnes Coe (Mrs Richard Piatt).. 521 Western ave., Albany 30996(7^ Dodman, Josephine Plumb (Mrs William Rowell) Westfield 1429ok Dolan, Mary E. (Mrs James) 13 Winslow st., Watertown 21128g Dolbeer, Florence M. Beals (Mrs Charles Hendrix) Batavia 29603 Dominic, Anna E. Zimmer (Mrs John J.) Glovers\'ille 8812 Dominick. Emma Louise (Mrs George Francis) 37 E. 57th st., New York 22250J Donald, Anna Edgar (Miss) 39 W. 46th st., New York 21718./ Donald, Anna J. E. (Mrs Peter) 39 W. 46th st., New York 19430.7 Donald, Mary R. (Mrs James M.) 156 W. 78th St., New York 301F Donohue, Frances Edna Burgen Allen (Mrs F. X.) 80 Warburton ave., Yonkers nnSvv Donohue, Lucy Moseley (Mrs Florince 0.) 405 Warren st., Sj'racuse 25405F Donovan, Katharine Byvanck (Miss) 101 W. 91st st.. New York 27777fl« Doolittle, Ethelwyn (Miss) Elm st., Oneonta 3893Z Doolittle, Mary Isabel (Miss) 243 Genesee st., Utica 268F Doremus. Elizabeth Johnson Ward (Mrs C. A.) 2 E. 15th st.. New York 3757 Doremus, Estelle E. (Miss) 80 Madison ave.. New York 374T Doremus, Estelle E. (Mrs R. O.) 80 Madison ave.. New York 266F Doremus, Mary Haines (Miss) 735 Madison ave.. New York 286291 Dorrance, Bertha C. (Miss) Camden 30941i Dorrance, Bessie L. (Miss) Camden 309421 Dorrance, Ella M. (Miss) Camden 24815R Doty, Florence Etoile (Miss) Ilion 24814i? Doty, Gracia Howard (Mrs Elvert Leslie) Hion 30464(?^ Doubleday, Catherine Clyde (Miss) 41 Cedar st., Binghamton 24855(7(7 'DoiibledaV, Eloise Clyde (Mrs Robert B.) 41 Cedar st., Binghamton 7890gg Doubl^ay, Frances C. (Miss) 177 Washington st.. Binghamton 19370ft Dougherty, Frances Drullard (Mrs C. A.)... 150 Highland ave., Buffalo 3064t Doughty, Martha G. (Mrs William M.) Plattsburg Stamford Chapter, Conn. t Cincinnati Chapter, Ohio. NEW YOKK, 397 4336oa 26182/ 2078t 33433e 30115^; 30447S 106237t 12938iV 32774$ 6585?>& 25429ce 28203 it 14319/t 12422iP 29599l« 33029r 34282/i. 880Sr 5456 6S70y 216887t 10152P 10153P 16354r 31674A 273357t 19416/1 55 3430Sff 16422P 18799J 26957(/ 17745Z 9231 17726/ 55956& 24207ff 15179fc 3614/i)i 261737^' 20008/i 6596 10151r 4446f7 4447fir 354761/ 32217X 35506r 15991t 10661/Sf 18088'W 11646* 12147ee 30747 18825Z 30757 5277 7902/1 17065r 8538r 2280SS 17066r 17187Z Douglas, Harriet Foster Saunders (Mrs I. A.) 40 Walnut st., Oneonta Douglas, Martha Treat (Miss) 16 E. 87th st.. New York Douglas, Minnie Cooley (Mrs John F.)..211 West End ave., New York Douglass, Adra Castella (Mrs A. O.) 23 Ann st., Little Falls Dow, Alberta Gallatin (Miss) 72 Allen st., Jamestown Dow, Harriet Brown (Mrs Frank Fowler) 137 Park ave., Rochester Downer, Frances Beach (Mrs Benjamin H.)..117 Plymouth ave., Buffalo Downes, Bazena Treat (Miss) 1071 Madison ave.. New York Downes, Frances M. B. (Mrs C. T.) New York Dows, Amanda (Miss) Cazenovia Dows, Clara L. (Miss) Buckingham Hotel, New York Doyle, Annabel Wiley (Mrs W. E.) 144 Montgomery st.. Newbiirg Doyle, Willmina Hunt (Mrs William L.) 55 Whitney 'Place, Buffalo Drake, Mary Bellinger (Mrs C. H.) 354 W. 18th st.. New York Drake, Nellie P. (Mrs) Herkimer Driggs, Alice Augusta (Miss) 279 Washington ave., Brooklyn Driggs, Sarah Boardman (Mrs Frederick M.) 49 York st., Buffalo Drisler, Frances Olivia (ISIrs Henry, Jr.) 1443 Pacific st., Brooklyn Drisler. Kate Wolcott (Mrs Herman) 142 S. 9th ave., Mt. Vernon Drisler, Mary (Miss) 1443 Pacific st., Brooklyn Drullard, Susie A. (Mrs George Edward) 313 Linwood ave., Buffalo Dubois, Amy Brown (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson Dubois, Anne Maria (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson Du Bois, Annie Staples (Mrs Howard) 47 Brevort Place, Brooklj-n Du Bois, Eachel (Miss) 318 Allen st., Hudson Dudley, Edith Bullard (Mrs Homer E.) 754 Main st., Buffalo Dudley, Etta Brown (Mrs Frank Alonzo)..626 Pine ave., Niagara Falls Dudley, Lucy Bronson (Mrs) 54 Pine st.. New York Dudley, Mart Chadwick (Mrs Frederick B.) Canisteo Du Mond, Grace L. (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson Duncan, Caroline A. (Mrs John M.) 107 W. 64th st., New York Dunhami, Fanny W. Eandall (Mrs Frederick H.) Batavia Dunmore, Minnie G, (Mrs T.) 75 Eutger st.. Utica Diinn, Katharine S. B. (Mrs John K.)..2 Eay st., Jamaica, Long Island Bunnell, Jane Tucker (Mrs) ."235 W. 76th st.. New York Dunnels, Mary Ernestine Price (Mrs John H.) 613 Willow st., S.yracuse Dunning, Mary Gardiner (Miss) 4 Grover st., Auburn Durant, Eliza Gray Wilson (Mrs Alle^n E.) 206 E. State st., Ithaca Durfee, Katharine S. Butts (Mrs William P.) Geneva Durkee, Elizabeth H. (Mrs J. H.) Sandy Hill Durkee, Jane Josephine (Mrs C. E.) 505 N. Broadway, Saratoga Springs Durphy, Mary Arabella Carroll (Mrs W. H.) 19 W. 103rd st.. New York Duryea, Kate (Mrs Samuel B.) 46 Eemsen st., Brooklyn Duryee, Lillian (Miss) 71 Delaware Place, Mt. Vernon Durj-ee, Lizzie (Miss) 71 Delaware Place, Mt. Vernon Dur.yee, Margaret Sloan (Mrs Joseph Eankin) 139 E. 36th st.. New York Dusenbury, Eloise Fowler (Mrs Edgar G.) Portville Dutcher, Helvetia Burchard (Mrs G. C.) 30 Pierrepont st., Brooklyn Button, Annie K. (Mrs Samuel Edwards) New York Dutton, Mary Fisher (Mrs Eufus) 10 Clinton ave., Ossining Dutton, Sarah Ambler (Mrs William M.) Herkimer Dwight, Helen M. (IMrs M. E.) 31 Mt. Morris Park, West, New York Dwinelle, Louise L. (Miss) Cazenovia Dyer, Cornelia C. Joy (Mrs Herman) Ill E. 17th st., New York Dyer, Delia V. Anderson (Mrs Benjamin N.) 376 Genesee st., Utica Dyer, Katharine Joy (Miss) ill E. 17th st.. New York Eakins, Myrah Gray (Mrs Joseph J.) 256 W. 57th st.. New York Fames, Isabel Eansom Morey (Mrs E. A.) 200 Summer st., Buffalo Earle, Alice Clary (Miss) 242 Henry st., Brooklyn Earle, Alice Morse (Mrs Henry) 242 Henry st., Brooklyn Earle, Lillie Y. J. (Mrs F. P.) Earlecliff, Washington Heights, New York Earle, Mary Pitman (Miss) 242 Henry st., Brooklyn Earll, Alice Josephine Stafford (Mrs John L.) 154 Park ave., Utica t Stars and Stripes Chapter, Iowa. t Mary Clapp Wooster Chapter, Conn. t Sequoia Chapter, Cal. * Continental Chapter, N. J. 398 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 22856« Easton, Caroline N. (Mrs William) 21 Ten Broeck st., Albany 29160i2 Easton, Frances J. (Mrs Francis E.) Hi on 14336B Eastwood, Ellen C. Bigelow (Mrs William) 3 Argyle st., Eochester 3536 Eaton, Gertrude Smith (Mrs Elmer L.) Buffalo 281767^ Eaton, Fannie Potter (Mrs Lewis, Jr.) Lancaster 97627t Eckley, Elizabeth Perry (Mrs Joseph S.) 23 Allen st., Buffalo 32228 Eddy, Florence S. (Mrs Luther D.) 124 Madison ave.. New York 22920Z Eddy, Eosalie B. (Mrs Loren L.) 417 E. State st., Olean 15S28r Eddy, Salome J. Crawford (Mrs W. P.) 272 Clifton Place, Brooklyn 200171DW Eddy, Sara Skinner (Mrs Oscar H.) Greenwich 30440m Edgerton, Anna Louise (Mrs Charles Sherman) 12 Lancaster st., Albany 18760ggr Edgerton, Emily S. (Miss) 91 Front st., Binghamton 21692/1 Edgerton, Emma C. (Miss) 104 Prospect ave., Buffalo 34331/^ Edgerton, Fannie Ida (Mrs Wright Prescott) West Point 187590'^ Edgerton, Mary Waters (Miss) 91 Front st., Binghamton 21693/1 Edgerton, Minnie A. (Miss) 104 Prospect ave., Buffalo 11968 i Edic, Nancy Maria Empey (Mrs Edward) Phelps 4831dd Edick, Evileen Tunnicliffe (Mrs Samuel S.) Richfield Springs 258060 Edmonds, Gertrude H. (Miss) Adams 277630 Edson, Hanna Cornelia (Miss) Walton 18770r Edson, Mary E. (Mrs Benjamin) 83 St. Mark's ave., Brooklyn 24217f)/> Edwards, Charlotte Cornelia (Mrs E. D.) 510 E. Fayette St., Syracuse 106941? Edwards, Emily Frances Eose (Mrs W. C.) 389 Munroe ave., Eochester 23208 Edwards, Emma (Miss) 443 W. 57th St., New York 14296/i-/o Edwards, Emma V. (Mrs John Quincy) Plattsburg 22302// Edwards, Lavinia Medbery (Mrs G.W.) 72 Lincoln ave., Saratoga Springs 28206fc/c Edwards, Margaret D. (Mrs C. E. M.) Plattsburg 212240 Eells, Emma L. (Miss) Walton 212250 Eells, Helen M. (Miss) Walton 212230 Eells, Minnie Bass Tibbals (Mrs Junius H.) Walton 12156^ Egar, Laura Hyde (Mrs John H.) 510 N. George St., Eome 28680Z Egert, Elizabeth Downer (Mrs Julius G.) 7 Lansing st., Utica 248076 Egerton, Mercy C. (Miss) 355 Euclid ave., Elmira 2226l¥ Eidlitz, Jennie Turner (Mrs Cyrus) 343 W. 86th st.. New York 11219ee Eigabroadt, Florence C. Sloan (Mrs Eddy T.) Cazenovia 10141/i Elder, Adeline Cordelia (Mrs Stewart) 826 Auburn ave., Buffalo 14555 Eldridge, Alice Tillinghast (Mrs George Dyer) . . .Eiverdale-on-Hudson 36370ft Ellicott, Ellen Jewett (Mrs John) 157 Lancaster ave., Buffalo 334529 Elliott, Mary Esther Whittelsey (Mrs S. W.). .8 Highland Park, Batavia 16417A^ Ellis, Elizabeth W. Munn (Mrs A. H.) 151 AV. 117th st., New York 15018 Ellis, Harriet Winchell Gillett (Mrs W. E.) 203 W. 103rd st., New York 9773 Ellis, Martha Peck (Mrs James M.) 416 Howard St., Syracuse 15853Z Ellis, Mary J. Buell (Mrs John D.) Antwerp 11200^ Ellis, Mary Wright (Mrs Charles W.) 109 N. Jay st., Eome 18781 Ells, Eliza Hoyt Sherman (Mrs Edgar S.) 301 Henry st., Brooklyn 4252t Ellsworth, Annie Cleaveland Putnam (Mrs S. J.) Far Eockaway, Long Island 7563B Ellwanger, Cornelia Brooks (Mrs G.)..275 Mount Hope ave., Eochester 4040B Ellwanger, Leah C. (Mrs Edward S.)...271 Mount Hope ave., Eochester 23307 Elmendorf, Mary Crooke (Miss) 159 W. 21st st., New York 4440* Elmer, Antoinette (Miss) Waverly 33105* Elmer, Sarah Perkins (Mrs Howard) Waverly 439F Elmes, Eosa White (Mrs Webster) 80 W. 82nd st.. New York 302F Elsworth, Josephine Girard (Miss) 243 W. 72nd st., New York 177317 Elting, Carrie Davis (Mrs Peter J.) 237 N. Broadway, Yonkers 1767rv Elting, Katharine Eidenour (Mrs Philip).. 106 Maiden Lane, Kingston 54655 Elwood, Frederica Hewitt P. (Mrs Frank W.)..253 East ave., Eochester 7279j5 Elwood, Mary Cheney (Mrs G. M.) 18 Ave B, Vick Park, Eochester 14267// Ely, Caroline Ingersoll (Mrs Eichard S.) "The Buckingham," New York 33487(/d Ely, Ellen Caryl (Mrs William H.) Cooperstown 19948/1 Elv, Grace K. (Mrs William Carvl) 319 Elmwood ave., Buffalo 7229 Ely, Kate Moss (Mrs Henry Oliver) 62 Front st., Binghamton 973Sf/7 Ely, Lucy S. (Miss) 113 Henry st., Binghamton t Boudinot Chapter, N. J. . * Tioga Chapter, Pa. NEW YORK. 399' IGSSlggr 4849 68S865 5473&& 4S24& 3078 33S74Q' 329S9J. 544SL 212Uqq 5527* 19-iOldd 20002dd 13628J. 3899!i 14321/t 34S63 33865/t 11198^ 12154^ 31702Z) 21170iJ 34283/t 3715 7SS0Q 14316-1 17023/i 10179t« 4391| 11695//- 26500G SSOlSA-.fc 2544600 16413CT 32577/1 22240!( 31763& 10696£: 11250J5 10652Z 6791 2937 152085 6019S 5467B 364005 10132gf; 309489 30462// 24132/i 7945 23483; 3548SZ 33026 23293* 30116a 18871SS 25435ff 23503ff 24127e 29133ce Ely May La Monte (Mrs) S6 Wasliinqton st., Bino-hampton Embree, Edith Granklin (Miss) "'^TiTbI • Emerick Charlotte B. (Mrs C. m/) /;;;;. SSs' w! Onondaga 'stZ/SyrS Emory, Percy McCarthy (Mrs Thomas).. 600 E. Fayette st. Syracuse Enders Eleanor (Miss) 6 Brandt Place, AnSterdam ?nSf>:h ^^'i',^^'^'"^^^^V;f.^^'^^^^^^ ^-^ 1-^ ^- 130th si, New YoiS English S. Ahce Knode (Mrs Otto B.) Oal-fiplrl English, Winifred Russell (Miss) .....159 W. ' i3Mh kV ' '^iw York Eno, Eachel Eudd (Mrs Frank) ,', .'"''' plne plains lS!'H^el:i^M?s?:^.^^^.^! '"'^^ ^^-^^ ^-^ \\f °E^:^tlve^T^rr Ernst, Isabelli Sco t (Mrs Theodo^^r////////.'.'! .^.^.^V^.Xoo^p^eSwI JLrnst, Katharine (Miss) Coone • t Esselstyn Margaret Hogeboom '(Mrs' Herman v'.j "Cor". ' Union a'nd°7th sts., Hudson Estabrook Lillie Oakley (Miss) ...;... .204 Montgomery st., Newburgh Estee Nettie W. Pierrepont (Mrs D. M.)..211 Highland ave., Buffalo Esterbrook, Mary Nichols (Mrs Eichard) . .778 W. End ave.. New York ?fhi'^Z?''r''^ Larkin (Mrs H. M.) 707 W. Delavan ave., Buffalo S!! -5^ ' i^,?to?nette Huntington (Mrs F. A.) 505 N. George st., Eome Ethridge, Mmnie Patrick (Mrs James M.) 715 N. Washington st. Eome Etson, Julia Amelia (Mrs Eugene Burdette) Hamilton Etz, Anna Cadogan (Mrs) Hornellsville Etzenberger, Laura A. (Mrs George J.) 403 Lafayette ave., Buffalo Evans, Annie Louise (Miss) Osweo-o Evans, Annie M. Eedfield (Mrs George) 25 S.' Hawk "st!," AlbaSy Evans, Carrie fete vens Brown (Mrs E. W^)....418 W^arren st., Hudson Evans, Hannah Brooke (Mrs John L.) 157 Elmwood ave., Buffalo Evans, Margaret Petrie Munson (Mrs Alvin Martin) Herkimer Evans, Mary Ailing (Mrs John E.) 409 W. 145th st., New York Evans, Mary Anna Buck (Mrs Spalding) 158 High st., Lockport Evans, Mary B. (Mrs Eobert J.) iQl S. William st., Johnstown Everest, Lillian Pike (Mrs Egbert Charles) ... .65 Court st., Plattsburg Everest, Myra Luella (Miss) Ogdensburo- Everett, Jennie Benson (Mrs J. H.) 105 Maiden Lane, Kingston Ewell, Florence J. (Miss) 34 Norwood ave., Buffalo Failing, Ada Parsons (Mrs John P.) '..278 State St., Albany Fairbanks, Harriet (Miss) 33 Church st., Amsterdam Fairbanks, Harriet Bates (Miss) Mussey ave., Watertown Fairchid, Harriet Augusta (Miss) 85 Plymouth ave., Eochester Fairchild, Helen Ledyard-Leucklean (Mrs C. S.) 10 W. 8th st., New York Fairchild, Sallie (Miss) > 39 E. 51st st.. New York i airman, Sarah Elizabeth Holden (Mrs J.) 201 W. 83rd st. New York Farlee, Marabel Hart (Mrs Jacob Scudder) . .274 W. S6th st New York Farley, Ita Patrene Midler (Mrs Porter).. 801 St. Paul st.,' Eochester Farley, Kate Allen (Mrs Joseph) 149 Lake ave., Eochester Farman, Adelaide Frisbie (Mrs Elbert E.) Warren Farnham, Cora Thompson (Mrs Leroy W.)..42 Mam st., Binghamton Farnham, Frances Elizabeth (Mrs Eeuben H.) ..Attica Farnham, Katie Peene (Mrs George A.) Saratoga Springs Farnham, Minnie Nye (Mrs G. W.) 109 Norwood ave., Buffalo Farnsworth, Caroline Walworth (Mrs John) 28 Cornelia st., Plattsburg Farnum, Loretta Wildman (Mrs E. J.) Wellsville Farquhar, Dorothea (Miss) The Balliot' School, Utica Faulknor, Dorothy Davis (Mrs Frank E.)..151 Florida ave., Amsterdam Faust, Frances Todd Patterson (Mrs William Harry) Westfleld Fay, Daphne Taylor (Mrs John W.) Malone Fay, Emily Louise Bostwick (Mrs) 530 W. 157th st.. New York Fay, Flora Ward (Mrs Frederick H.) 63 South st.. Auburn Fay, Harriet Adams (Mrs Charles E.) 54 South st.. Auburn Fay, Mary Eveline (Mrs Henry C.) Bath Feenaughtj', Mary Jamison (Mrs W^ O.) .Addison * Philadelphia Chapter, Pa. Sarah Riggs Humphrey Chapter, Conn. 400 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 3538B 52047 136105: 14317/1 14322/1 342S4/i 14323/t 31762& 30106SS 158S7ff 4943^1 222622V 33513 6249|| 33510ri; 27339r 2S610/(. 33479r 549 20594?/ 13196$ 431766 3687 25274r 30994(/(/ 6998t 12373/i. 33882W 82525 17730J 30949g 17146S 21713B 5996Sf 21204X 33909M 8815F 212270 21716/ 34108*- 20581Z 7565B 17043/ 212260 21717/ 26215rv 20530i 343157 205463" 9013 36398A 8569/ 29621firsr 20529/ 14265/i 1SS3666 33899IV 21193A' 22883tP Fellows, Grace M. (Miss) 172 Lake ave., Eochester Fellows, Sarah Kelsey (Miss) 1212 Dean st., Brooklyn Felt, Hattie M. (Mrs Samuel) 5 Mullin st., Watertown Felton, Mary R. (Mrs John) 149 W. Tupper st., Buffalo Fenton, Aurilla B. (Mrs James) 34 Ashland ave., Buffalo Fenton, Cora Battelle (Mrs Clarence M.) 542 Linwood ave., Buffalo Fenton, Mabel A. (Miss) 34 Ashland ave., Buffalo Ferguson, Anna Gates (Mrs James W.) 8 Brandt Place, Amsterdam Fernald, Natalie Richmond (Mrs Frederick A.) Harrison ave., Morris Heights, New York Ferris, Julia C. (Miss) Auburn Ferris, Sarah Minerva (Mrs Henry) West Chester Ferriss, Cornelia Wing (Mrs Orange) White Plains Fessenden, Georgana Eliza (Miss) Candor Fessenden, Helen A. M. (Mrs George P.) "The Arlington," Rome Fessenden, Maude Everett (Mrs W. N.)..256 Washington ave., Kingston Fetterolf , Leila A. de la Mesa (Mrs A. C.) 179 St. James Place, Brooklyn Field, Alice Dell Harlow (Mrs Edward C.) 44 Brantford Place. Buffalo Field, Lydia B. (Miss) Brockport Field, Mary J. (Mrs George W.) 19 W. 31st st., Ncav York Finch, Carrie Delenda Moray (Mrs Clayton Willis) 39 Franklin st., Saratoga Springs Finch, Elizabeth McAlpine (Mrs James) Lyons Finch, Jennie Cosart (Mrs John Spencer) Lyons Finch, Mary Jane Burhams (Mrs W. H.) 17 Pearl st., Kingston Firth, Ada Curtiss Treadwell (Mrs T., Jr.).. 285 Park Place, Brooklyn Fish, Angeline Tticker (Mrs Jerome) Cooperstown Fish, Julia Avery (Miss) 121 Joralemon st., Brooklyn Fish, Lucie Allen (Mrs Edmund Phelps) ... .978 Delaware ave., Buffalo Fish, Mary Mills (Mrs Leonard Frothingham) Fonda Fisher, Harriet S. (Mrs James H.) 183 Mt. Hope ave., Rochester Fisher, Helen Melinda (Miss) 239 Emerson Place, Brooklyn Fisher, Louise Denio (Mrs Henrj^ Blanchard) Batavia Fisher, Marj- Carolyn (]\Iiss) 14 Clinton ave.. Ossining Fisher, Mary Chappell (]\Irs Frank J.) 63 Meigs st., Rochester Fisher, Marv E. (Mrs George Jackson) James st., Ossining Fisher, Minnie Peck (Mrs F. E.) 216 N. 3rd st., Olean Fisher, Sarah Newton (Mrs Clark Howard).. 18 Arthur st., Binghamton risk, Mary Lee (Mrs Harvey E.) 230 W. 72nd st.. New York Fitch, Anna Sinclair (Miss) Walton Fitch, Catharine Hawlev (Mrs Theodore) 456 N. Broadway, Yonkers Fitch, Clara Heat on (Mrs Edward Wright).. 273 W. 84th st.,'New York Fitch, Jeannette Butler (Miss) 361 Genesee st.. Utica Fitch, Louise Lawrence (Mrs Charles Elliott). 313 Oxford st., Rochester Fitch, Margaret R. (Miss) Ill Davis st., Elmira Fitch, Mary Augusta (Miss) Walton Fitch, Mary Goodrich (Aliss) 456 N. Broadway, Yonkers Fitch, Sara Sturges (Mrs Ezra H.) Maiden Lane, Kingston Fitzgerald, Mary Armstrong (Mrs John F.) Rome Fitzgerald, Lina Way Kelly (Mrs Frank T.) 3476 Broadway. New York Fitzpatrick, Mary Ransom (Miss) 31 Church st., Hornellsville Fitzsimons, Lena' (Mrs Edward M.) 2465 Broadway, New Y'ork Flack, Mary E. (Mrs Alonzo) Hudson River Institute, Claverack Flagg, Janet Waring (Miss) Yonkers Flagler, Alta Owen (Mrs Grant S.) Westfield Flandrau, Elizabeth Margaret (Miss) 110 W. Embarga st.. Rome Fletcher, Helen ]\rarian (Mrs L.) 14 Madison ave., Saratoga Springs Flint, Lvdia Augusta Power (Mrs) 604 Willis ave., Syracuse Floyd-Jones. EHzabeth M. (Mrs Olbert) ..Seaford P. O.. Long Island Fobes, Josephine Van Campen (Mrs George) E. State st., Olean Foley, Martha Bellinger (Mrs Michael) Herkimer IJ Lucretia Shaw Chapter, Conn. 11 Katharine Gaylord Chapter, Conn. t Susan Carrington Clark Chapter, Conn t Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. * Ann Rogers Clarke Chapter, Ind. NEW YORK. 401 111S2A Folger, Hariette A. (Miss) 824 Warren st., Hudson 111S6A Folger, Madeline O. (Miss) 211 Union st., Hudson 111S5A Folger, Minnie A. (Miss) 824 Warren St., Hudson 75o4fc Follett, Julia Emily (Miss) 419 Genesee st., Ithaca- 11680/t Folsom, Ella Blanchard (Mrs Benjamin) "The Markeen," Buffalo 33902« Folts, Lizzie (Miss) Hion 33901/e Folts, Margaret Tanner (Mrs Warner) Hion 247947? Fohvell, Florence Doty (Mrs Bainbridge) . .713 Delaware ave., Buffalo 2652211 Fonda, Louise McCracken Broughton (Mrs Eobert Clinton) ISO Union ave., Saratoga 29169ee Foord, Anna Malcolm (Mrs Edward) Cazenovia 29176C' Foote, Anna Elizabeth (Miss) Oneida 26501G^ Foote, Jennie S. (Miss) 211 E. Perry st., Johnstown 199925 Foote, Julia B. (Miss) 37 Eowley st., Rochester 30129 Foote, Katharine Adelia Bruen (Miss) Delhi 7608J Foote, Sara Brooke (Mrs Stephen M.) Cornwall-on-Hudson 8552(Z(Z Forbes, Amanda Brewer Cory (Mrs William H.) Cooperstown 15905* Forbes, Maria Almy (Mrs John Perkins).. 98 Pierpont sts., Brooklyn 518So« Ford, Alice May Whipple (Mrs Merton L.) 46 Chestnut st., Oneonta 21165H7 Ford, Angeline' (Mrs) Lima 30976K Ford, Ann Eliza Walter (Mrs Alexander) Orleans Four Corners 35585f Ford, Anna Perkins (Mrs Edward Irving).... 5 Jav st., Binghamton 28616/t Ford, Caro Louise (Miss) 28 N." Pearl st.^ Buffalo 199467(. Ford, Caroline W. Adams (Mrs James E.) 28 N. Pearl st., Buffalo 101315*/ Ford, Frances Cruger (Miss) 192 West End ave., Binghamton 1769Sr Ford, Frances Sumner (Mrs) 36 8th ave., Brooklvn 29930/(7i Ford, Marietta A. Billings (Mrs Daniel W.) 170 2nd st., Troy 4716Z Ford, Mary Ledyard Seymour (Mrs Willis E.)..266 Genesee st., Utica 20588OO Forrest, Blanche Ellen (Miss) 43 Hamilton st., Ogdensburg 2058700 Forrest, Harriet Frances (Miss) 43 Hamilton st., Ogdensburg 1307fv Forsyth, Katharine Bruyn (Miss) 41 Pearl St., Kingston 8249n Forsj'th, Maria Jane Wheeler (Mrs J. W.)..lll Chamber st., Newburgh 620ru Forsyth, Mary Isabella (Miss) 41 Pearl st., Kingston 1305ft' Forsyth, Mary Linsley Tomlinson (Mrs John) 209 Albany st., Kingston 1302i-v Forsyth, Petronella Bruyn (Miss) 41 Pearl st., Kingston 30068F Forte, Emily Stimson (Mrs Irving C.) Fort Edward 23296gg Fosdick, Sarah Elizabeth Stoddard (Mrs Charles Austin) Westfield 12410Z Foster, Catherine Elizabeth (Miss) 14 Faxton st.. Utica 853271 Foster, Ellen White (Mrs James F.) 410 Delaware ave., Buffalo 309407t Foster, Florence Amelia (Mrs Hubbard A.).. 3 St. John's Place, Bufl'alo 29159P Foster, Frances (Miss) Fishkill 15199Z Foster, Laura J. Dickinson (Mrs James M.) 50 Rutger st., Utica 4627L Foster, Mary Van Gieson (Mrs D. C.)..S. Hamilton st., Poughkeepsie 288921^" Fouquet, Florence Morse (Mrs Norton G.)..124 W. 88th st., New York 4629L Fowler, Catherine Putnam (Mrs Milton A.).. 27 N. Hamilton st., Pough- keejJsie li255dd Fowler, Cora Emma (Miss) Cooperstown 25449ri' Fowler, Hannah M. (Mrs Charles A.) 129 Maiden Lane, Kingston 33034 Fowler, Sarah J. T. (Mrs) 186 Prospect st„ Lockport 277370 Fox, Emma Gilbert (Mrs Henry E.) Adams 28200&& Fox, Gertrude Waggoner (Mrs L. M.) 710 McBride Place, Syracuse 211825: Fox, Sarah B. Carver (Mrs James Harris) Depauville 15858L Fox, Stella B. Carpenter (Mrs Thomas).. 242 Church st., Poughkeepsie 262067(7^ Francis. Alice Evans (Mrs Charles S.) Washington Park, Troy 2736500 Frank, Marion Sanger (Mrs Julius) 70 Franklin st., Ogdensburg 2736600 Frank. Sara Sanger (Mrs Leo) Greene st.. Ogdensburg 181217 Franklin, Mary C. (Mrs James R.) 16 E. 82 st.. New York 3637171 Franks, Jennie Warren (Mrs Orien G.) 138 Park st.. Buffalo 27754(7 Eraser, Sara B. (Mrs Mclntyre) Johnstown 2585111 Frasier, Jennie Elizabeth Shouts (Mrs Wilber Eugene) 156 Washington St., Saratoga 2775010 Frazer, Almyra Tucker (Mrs Erwin David) Frankford 330137i7i Frear, Martha Frances Wright (Mrs William H.) Troy Amiy and Navy Chapter, D. C. Lydia Cobb Chapter, Mass. 26 Tioga Chapter, Pa. 402 DIRECTOKY, D. A. K. 216957( 193S96& 172228 27363(3 15SG7dd 17737^ 478 1730/i 34804S 34845Hi/H. 5433tT 30033? 13Q25H 11970i 6026-4. 16305 19981L 8S32;j 13829|| 354376 24199F 28017/j 26193L 228507i 31706^; 2S623f 7281/? 16371T' 29166F 25390/ 72445" 25391/ 23485/- 6039 187317 17200A:fc 17180('P 7944A7; 20576(/(7 245977; 27355J 39007; 25846/? 261575 187915 21925:}: 187061 187905 24977* 26990,7 257917;, 18811L 2]90o§ 3643:^ »UH 300y 32195» 28872tt 22931 7; 7i 10169A-fc Frederick, Elizabeth Barker (Mrs C. C.) 64 Richmond are,, BufPalo Frederick, Cora Willard (Mrs William J.).. 1917 E. Adams st., Syracuse Freeman, Anna (Mrs A. H.) Fort Plain Freeborn, Wilhelmina (Miss) Tivoli Freeman, Annie Louise (Mrs Charles E.) St. Lukes Hospital, Cathe- dral Heig-hts, New York Freeman, Margaret Hawley (Miss) 77 Columbus st., Albany French, Anna Maude Steers (Mrs J. W.)Port Richmond, Staten Island French, Eva Jane (Mrs Henry Clay) ..1125 Delaware ave., Buffalo French, Frances Jackson (Mrs) 209 Alexander st., Rochester French, Lydia Cantine (Mrs George Edgar) Saugerties Frey, Jennie Weeks (Mrs William) 59 Clinton ave., Kingston Frisbee, Alice Owen (Mrs George A.) 445 Genesee st., Uiica Frisbee, Anna G. Van Alen (Mrs Charles) Stuja-esant Falls Frisbie, Emma S. (Mrs William J.) Camden Fritts, Emma W. (Mrs Crawford E.) 445 Warren st., Hudson Frost, Christine Kellogg Glover (i\Irs Frederick W.) 1094 Prospect Place, Brooklyn Frost, Ella Stafford (Mrs Arthur) 253 Church st., Poughkeepsie Frost, Emma Tripp (Mrs Charles H.) 786 Delaware ave., Buffalo Frost, Harriet Cazenove Minor (Mrs G.) 55 Manhattan ave., New York Frost, Harriet Ellinwood (Mrs Charles Noble) Bath Frost, Maria A. Dow (Mrs) Waldorf Astoria, New York Frye, Maud Josephine (M. D.) (Miss) 224 Allen st., Buffalo Fryer, Ella Augusta (Miss) 30 Oxford st., Brooklyn Fryer, Melissa Pratt (Mrs Robert L.) 685 Delaware ave., Buffalo Fulerton, Anne Madison Breeden (Mrs).... 214 Clinton St., Jamestown Fullagar, Mary Anne (Mrs Langley) 429 Central ave., Dunkirk Fuller, Abigail R. H. (Mrs Walter S.) 184 Spring st., Saratoga Springs Fuller, Agnes Johnson (Mrs James M.) 415 Grand st., Brooklyn Fuller, Albertine Rice (Mrs Edwin J.) Cambridge Fuller, Clara Anna (Miss) Wellsville Fuller, Clara Cornelia (Miss) Ossining Seminary, Ossining Fuller, Hattie Adell (Miss) *. .Wellsville Fuller, Helen Minerva Benedict (Mrs F. A.) 315 W. 3rd st., Jamestown Fuller, Jeanie Stewart (Miss) Holcomb Fuller, Julia Tarliox (Mrs Gardner) Batavia Fuller, Margaret Piatt (Miss).. 13 Maedonough st., Plattsburg Fuller, May (Miss) Chittenangt) Fuller, Sarah Elizabeth Piatt (Mrs Willard A.) 13 Maedonough st.. Plattsburg Fuller, Sarah Eva (Mrs W. P. K.) Cooperstown Fuller, Violette M. (Mrs G. Edward) 960 Main st., Buffalo Fulton. Emma Coleman (kioch (Mrs R. N.) 7 W. 91st st.. New York Fulton, Linda De K. (Mrs Robert) Johnson Park, Buffalo Furman, Ella Remington (Mrs Howard C.) New York City Furmau, Helen Potter (Mrs Charles E.) 254 Alexander st., Rochester Furman, Helen Potter (Miss) 254 Alexander st., Rochester Furman, Katharine A. (Miss) 225 Lafayette st., Schenectady Furman, Nellie Hanford (Mrs Gilbert Monroe) 56 W. 33rd st., New York Furman, Sarah Briggs (Miss) 254 Alexander st., Rochester Furman Stella B. Cady (Mrs Robert T.) New York Furnald, Sarah Ella (Mrs Francis P., Jr.).. 18 W. 46th st., New York Gail, Mary T. (Mrs John Henry) 63 Richmond ave., Buffalo Gaines, Minerva E. (iVIrs Clement C.) Eastman Park, Poughkeepsie Gainfort, Phebe Rockwell (Mrs Wm. L.) Ellensville Gale, Helen Searing (Mrs Diederick G., Jr.) Saugerties Gallaher, Isabelle Lydden Thomas (Mrs R. E.)59 W. 85th st., New York Gallien, Jean Osborne (Mrs Edward J.) 294 Madison ave., Albany Galpin, Sarah L. (Mrs) 30 W. 71st st.. New York Galusha, Elizabeth Osgood (Mrs Henry) 100 1st st., Troy Gamble, Eleanor Acheson McCulloch (Miss).. 15 Broad st., Plattsburg II Old Dominion (iliapter, Va. i Manor House Chapter, P. C. t Nova Caesarea Cliapter, N. J * Fort ^fassac-husetts Chfipter, Mass. § Susan farrina-ton f'lavke Chapter, C>nn. ft Elizabeth Clarke Hull Chapter, Conn. NEW YOEK. 403 79i6kk 363661) 4646 8521,. <.:;.:.■ •^99 \\. Uater st., Elmira si»a?a~iF"=»*i'a^¥i?ss 314 State st., Albany 1^^ ^i^;^|,srs";.i^nt^';^t^- ."/.^^l^^'r^^'ilF i-ewster (Miss). \. "' "" ^ ""'"^"7+' Gere, Sarah Phelps (Mrs W. H H) 716 W P^AILLVV ' 'c ^ ^^ Gerity, Janet Doinc^ (Mrs WilHa^^'scoVt) ^'Vlo1?n fan.^ ^t 'SS IsS -^''" "^''^'^^ ^^'^^ Lewis).. 87 Cakarsie Lane FT^tbush^iZg Gerrans, Maude Murray (Mrs Henry M.)....513 Delaware ave Bntfalo Gerrishs, Florence Chnrehill (Mrs "w. L.)..102 E. 57th st.! S^w S . rneha Baldwin (Miss) Cednr Pla^ Getty, Cornelia Baldwin (Miss) .' " " " Cpfinr Plpn« v „i Gibb, Florence A (Mrs Walter^ ••• ••■'-^^t'ar Place, lonkers Gibbs, Lillie Anna (Miss) e ' Vi;- " -^J"" nT ^^ Gibbs, Lottie S. D. (Mrs F. D.) . . 147 " Snrino-' Vt S °fn « '''' Gibbs, Marv (Miss) ^ ^ ^*-' Saratoga Springs Giblin, Harriet E. d; "(MrsV.".'.'. ■.■.■.■.■.■.".■.■.■. iVl Vth sf'^T '"^ Gibson Anna Youngs (Mrs George H.) .....' i.' .'sgs ' State st \w Vn,v Gibson. Snsan Meta (Miss) f ^....m w! Io3rd tu New York GS^o?d: 'cS:^?on:s^(^s5!". .^.^^^^ -^'^^ ^^^-^^^^^^ Giff ord, Frances P. (lliss)^ •;;;;;;;5oV W. GeTesJe ' s^. "f vrS i° e G ftorc, Grace Collier (Mrs Arthur) 607 GiflEord Place, HiKlson GiiTord, Grace Mason Curtis (Miss) n w 5th st -[^^VZ^nZZ GilS' ^^t^'\:^^'p^^^ Johns Jn (Mrs Lemuli E\\o%\'FrS J^rt Gibert, H. Cornelia Simpson (Mrs William Stanley) ..... .Cambrido-e Gilbert, Jeannette Millard (Mrs Beniamin T.) cLvvillp Gibert Margaret D. Reed (Mrs Joshua) ^^^^V.LiVtle Fa s Gi bert, Mary Anne (Mrs William Edmonds).. 3 W. 46th st., Xew York Gilbert, Mary Chatfield (Mrs Frederick) ....... .407 Genesee st Utica Ci be^ ' J^^-y \- S;?^-^) • • • • -28 Clinton st.! WaterYow; C W' tl\ \ ?[;• '\- ~^'2 State St., Albany Gilbert, Sarah E (Miss) 344 Genesee st., Utica Gilchrist, Abbie Loxea (Miss) p c:TiUr.r;fi 1^ Gilchrist, Frederika Raymond (Mrs) . . . ...•.•.•:.•;: Ym." a?^! t Gilchrist. Louise Walrath (Miss) ...'... ." E'S^^Tn "field Giles, Anna L. Clarke (Mrs Leonard House) Vsunnys de Trov Gi es Elizabeth C. (Mrs John H.) •• Academy sri'^'erTw^ Giles, Florence C. (Miss) 313 Madison ave., New York 0\A South Chapter, Mass. Colonial Chapter, Minn. + Nova Caesarea Chapter, N. J. § Stars and Stripes Chapter, Iowa. 40^ DIKECTOKY, D. A. R. 25462r Giles, Virg-inia Walker (Mrs Stephen Weart) Newkirk ave., cor IQth St., Flatbush, Long Island 21217K Gillespie, Ehobie McM. (Mrs G. L.) 49 E. 53rd st., New York 10674m«^ Gillespy, Mary E. P. (Mrs Howard) Saugerties 20507; Gillette, Alice Robie (Mrs Robert Fremont) Cuba 33494/3P Gillette, Carolyn Elizabeth Rice (Mrs N. H.)..20 W. Court st., Cortland lllSOA Gillette, Grace James (Mrs John W.) 601 Union st., Hudson 24128£r Gillette, Mary Apgar (Mrs William B.)..156 Cottage ave., Mt. Vernon 10170fcA; Gilliland. Emily Thurber (Miss) 32 Broad st., Plattsburg^ 35462/ Gilman, Frances Paxson (Miss) 311 Palisade ave., Yonkers 354637 Gilman, Helen Ives (Miss) 311 Palisade ave., Yonkers 24825^ Gilman, Mary Collins Stone (Mrs William H.) Watertown 7909n Gilmartin, Amelia H. Hathaway (Mrs Harry). 114 Smith st., Newburgh 18758; Gilpin, Mary Helen Church (Airs Henry E.) Hornellsville 25406^^ Girdner, Adela Overton Pratt (Mrs John H.)..31 W. 45th st.. New York 28713 Gladding, Grace Van Etten Owen (Mrs Albert F.) Norwich 19979L Glass, Cleona Minerva Adaline (Miss) ... .244 Church st., Poughkeepsie 27334/1 Gleason, Adele Amelia (Miss) 376 Hudson st., Butfalo 3220fy Gleason, Annie W. (Mrs John B.) 34 W. 88th st.. New York 247977i Gleason, Caroline Stillwell (Airs Ira T.) 250 Bryant st., Buffalo 24150(7 Gleason, Emma Sanford (Airs Frederick B.)..125 Banks st.. Batavia 30943; Gleason, Fanny Stoddard Alarsh (Mrs G.) Marshall 26979B Glen, Abby B. Swan (Airs Eugene) 56 Oxford st., Rochester 247987i Glenny, Charlotte Aliller (Airs Bryant B.)..1160 Delaware ave., Buffalo 26530 Glidden, Cvnthia Elizabeth Lee (Mrs Henry A.) Albion 9096t Glidden, Harriet Holden (Aliss) 2329 E. 19th st.. New York 28178/- Glines, Helen Edith (Aliss) 217 Aladison st., Elmira 15183W Gloo, Iva H. Wood (Airs Charles T.) Herkimer 18771r Goddard, Virginia Burnham (Airs James F.)..779 Carroll st., Brooklyn 29627 Goetschins, Alartha V. R. (Airs Joseph) 410 W. 44th st.. New York 17044/ Goldsmith, Alary Halstead (Aliss) 612 Columbia st., Elmira 35470Z Goodale, Elizabeth Phillips (Aliss) 138 Alain st., Watertown 24826A' Goodale, Fannie Wait (Airs Henry D.) 138 Alain st., Watertown 17133jS: Goodale, Alary A. (Aliss) Alullin st., Watertown 22853/1 Goode, Ida Alae Stone (Mrs Richard Wallace) 14 Soldiers Place, Butt'alo 17746Z Goodier, Lulu Long (Airs Wadsworth L.) 33 Jewett Place, Utica 20166* Goodrich, Alary Alarvin (Airs).. Care Mrs Caleb Huse, Highland Falls 30442« Goodwin, Helen J. (Aliss) 333 State st., Albany 30441m Goodwin, Sarah Coffin Waite (Airs Scott D. M.)333 State st., Albany 14309;; Goodyear, Ellen Amelia Stone (Airs C. 0.)57 State st., Seneca Falls 21149?^ Goold, Louisa Wilson Hunt (Airs) 58 S. Swan st., Albany 23670^ Gordon, Adele Alarion (Aliss) 133 Grace Church st., Portchester 36423T Gordon, Ida AI. (Mrs George C.) Brockport, N. Y. and Hamlin 16731§ Gordon, Jessie AI. Frick (Airs W. A.) Washington ave., Brooklyn 25413P Gordon, Katharine (Airs William H.) Fishkill-on-Hudson 9876F Gordon, Sophia Rowley (Airs Powhatan G.)l W. 102nd st., New York 29179 Gorgas, Alarie Doughty (Airs William Crawford) . .Plattsburg Barracks 22299 Gorse, Louisa Virginia (Aliss) 202 Lander st., Newburgh 30968B Gorsline, Alargaret Howe (Airs William Henry) 334 East ave., Rochester 8157F Goss, Susette Latimer (Aliss) 443 Central Park, W. New York 3211F Goss, Theodocia Curtiss (Airs C. C.)443 Central Park, W. New York 20604Z Gouge, Abbie Aloore (Airs Frederick) 22 Clinton Place, Utica 33007(/d Gould, Eliza Van Home (Airs George Leslie) Cooperstown 22950 Gould, Helen Miller (Aliss) Irvington-on-Hudson 29614X Gould, Leona Euphemia (Aliss) N. 2nd st., Olean 10695qq Gould, Lillian Ann (Aliss) 139 Hawley st., Binghamton 29615Y Gould, Lucie Laurene (Aliss) N. 2nd st., Olean 35950PP Gould, Mary Frances (Aliss) 2 Church st., Cortland 21106(/ Gould, Alelissa S. (Airs) P. O. Box 650, Claremont 171627 Gould, Sarah C. (Airs Edwin) 720 Fifth ave.. New York 24214b& Gott, Sarah Clary (Airs Daniel F.) 913 James st., Syracuse 32196m Gove, Marv Livingston (Airs Charles L.) 257 Quail st., Albany 24786/1 Gowen, Calesta AI. (Mrs Edwin A.) 95 14th st., Buffalo + General Israel Putnam Chapter, Mas-. * Freelove Baldwin Stowe Chapter, Conn. 1 Putnam Hill Chapter, Conn. § Stars and Stripes Chapter, Iowa. NEW YORK. 405 3353 Graber, Antoinette (Mrs Edward D.) Genesee 1611F Graef, Emily Lewis Caldwell (Mrs Harry C.)58 E. 57th st., New York 254:5QE Graff, Grace Ormes (Mrs Joseph) The Gifford, Jamestown 21187P Graham, Heloise (Miss) Matteawan 11191»t Graham, Lillian Louise (Miss) 310 W. 116th st., New York 26954/t Granger, Ellen Anne Loring (Mrs Almon M.)..253 W. Utica st., Buffalo 354605 Granger, Emma Hila Stephens (Dr.) (Mrs Elisha) Hornellsville 30937/(. Grant, Althea Burt (Mrs Homer J.) "The Berkeley," Johnson Park, Buffalo 2263Q Grant, Augusta Kingsley (Mrs John B.) Schoharie 25450VV Grant, Gertrude Vail (Mrs Ulysses S.) 130 Fair st., Kingston 24537JI Grant, Julia C. S. (Mrs H. A.) Tarrytown 54277i; Grant, Martha Schuyler (Mrs Chancey L., Jr.) 120 Gates ave., Brooklyn 27759fl Grantier, Georgiana Wafer (Mrs G. C.) Hornellsville 241427( Gratwick, Martha (Mrs W. H.) 776 Delaware ave., Buft'alo 24143/; Gratwick, Mildred Martha (Miss) 776 Delaware ave., Buffalo 27771T Graves, Ella M. Van Eps (Mrs Edson H.) Brockport 1873o7i Graves, Ellen White (Mrs Luther Pomeroy) 1297 Delaware ave., Buffalo 15993:1: Graves, Florence Christmas Eno (Mrs William L.) "Waldorf-Astoria," New York 16382W Gray, Alice E. (Miss) 52 Main st., Binghamton 27336A- Gray, Caroline C. Parker (Mrs) 306 N. Aurora st., Ithaca 34849mHi Gray, Ethel Hommel (Miss) Saugerties 325S3A Gray, Helen Ingersoll (Miss) 342 Allen st., Hudson 17C327 Gray, Margaret (Miss) Cobble Stones, Elmira 2171077 Gray, Mary A. Bennett (Mrs E. L.) Canisteo 13632A Gray, Susannah McKinstry (Mrs William I.) 91 Green st., Hudson 121347 Greeley, Miriam Pearson Mason (Mrs Edward Addison) New Rochelle 1827jf Green, Amanda Chichester (Mrs Charles F.) 1076 Bergen st., Brooklyn 4954/i Green, Cornelia Marcy (Mrs Powers L.) 160 North st., Buffalo 222:i0(;i Green, Harriet Mumford Campbell (Mrs George de B.) Schenectady 19441/ Green, Lizzie (Mrs Frank P.) . •. Hammondsport 7203Z Green, Martha Gruman (Mrs Charles C.) 164 Park st., Utica 22289X Green, Mary Adelia Frisbie (Mrs Charles W.) . . . . . .Olean House, Olean 54'i-ibb Green, Mary Miller (Mrs Andrew H.) 706 E. Fayette st., Syracuse 354S52 Green, Mary Stuart Lowrj- (Mrs Walter Jerome) 1 Eutger Place, Utica 285'.;rA' Green, Mary Walcott (Miss).. 202 Broadway, W. New Brighton, Staten Island 22869^ Green, Sarah Elizabeth (Miss) 34 Orange st., Brooklyn 9241 Z Green, Sarah K. S. (Mrs Walter J.) 1 Eutger Place, Utica 247S7r/ Greene, Clara Hartson Lathrop (Mrs) 53 Eich ave., Mt. Vernon 3066 Greene, Edna Munson (Miss) 235 W. Central Park, New York 33SPSV Greene, Elizabeth Dunkin Hoff (Mrs Thos. L.) 49 W. 68th st., New York 2609S§ Greene, Ella Gertrude (Mrs William French) 1821 7th st., Troy 293l' Greene, Emily Beach (Miss) Little Falls 2911 So Greene, Jessie Hawes (Mrs Benjamin M.) Adams Centre 2117TJ Greene, Margaret M. Bromley (Mrs Charles A.) 657 5th ave., New York 17213/i7i Greene, Maria Nancy (Mrs David M.) 41 1st st., Troy 314 Greene, Mary Gertrude Munson (Mrs Eichard Henry) 235 W. Central Park, New York 35457/? Greenlund, Jessie Ormes (Mrs Arthur) "The Gifford," Jamestown 26502(^ Greenman, Florence Montgomery (Mrs G. H.) 80 E. Main st., Johnstown 51891' Greenough, Emma P. (Mrs Joseph FajO 35 W. 31st st., New Y'ork 27340r Greenwood, Lola de la ^Nlesa (Mrs J. W^.) 540 Washington ave., Brooklj'n 18S27 Greenway, Ella Marie Eoot (Mrs John) James st., Syracuse 11666r/^ Gregg, Anna Cornelia (Miss) 98 Main st., Binghamton 216S3? Gregg, Mary E. Beach (Mrs J. Leslie) 318 William st.. Elmira 18S72 Gregor, Emmenetta (Miss) 53 E. 9lst st.. New York 14054 Gregor, Ethel Washington Purnell (Mrs C. S.) 53 E. 91st st., New York 21790 Gregory, Ellie Appleton (Mrs Clifford D.)..194 Washington ave., Albany 9778(7(7 Gregory, Emily E. (Mrs David Henderson) Cooperstown 34304S Gregory, Fanny Grant (Mrs John H.) 33 S. Goodman st., Eochester Sibbil Dwight Chapter, Conn. Abigail Phelps Chapter, Conn. Norvvalk Chapter, Conn. 11 Nathan Hale Memorial Chapter, Conn. § Sea Coast Defence Chapter, Mass. 406 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 25831r 1216Q 35945ee 291190 2372iY 33642 9794ee 160271 22953 3378 26194L 8353t 21147ii 20605Z 7976Z 26485/= 21146M 2584772 18880A-7C 11263ff 36407E' 36406i? 317646 14363* 21087t 14283)0 79752 21077t 24136// 29633D 286187t 22899 30039; 8525OT 28211V 28212i7 316997' 30535/i 12146F 24852A-fc 34791.C; 242287(7i. 261487t 33032 12397f 10872j[ 32575f 2601|| 22835T 1426877 28214r 1426977 30979^^ 1296S§ 8536B 26158B 9788/ 35484f7(7 12891B Gregory, Frances Amelia (Mrs) "The Renaissance," 43rd st. and 5th are., Brooklyn Gregory, Julia D. (Mrs) 312 State st.. Albany Greig, Antoinette Mitchell (Mrs James Martin) Corning- Grenell, Adelaide E. Allen (Mrs William H.) Pierrepont Manor Gribble, Mary Wagstai? (Mrs Henry) "Chestnuts." Riverdale Gridley, Caroline (Miss) 21 Hopper st., Ufica Gridley, Sarah (Miss) Cazenovia Griggs, Anne Seymour Cooke (Mrs John Cornelius) . .Metropolitan College of Mu?ic, E. 14th st., New York Griggs, Nellie Ashley (Miss) 307 Lenox ave., New York Grithn, Almira Eussell Hancock (Mrs Eugene) Tarrytown Griffin, Angelica Honeyman (Mrs) 59 S. Hamilton st., Poughk'eepsie Griffith, Gertrude Bailey Tredick (Mrs).. Park Avenue Hotel, New York Griffith, Grace Elizabeth Clute Robertson (Mrs William Harrick) . .989 Madison are., Albany Griffith, Grace Walker Green (Mrs Timothy) 138 State st.. Utica Griffith, Emily Call (Miss) ". 31 Cottage st.. Utica Griffith, Eva C. (Miss) 12 Forest Place, Fredonia Griffith, Mary Louisa Knowlton (Mrs) 328 Hudson ave., Albany Grimes, Abigail Pelton (Mrs William James) 39 John st.. Ilion Grismer, Luna Mabel (Mrs Charles Valentine) Plattsburg Griswold, Alice Hermoine Camjj (Mrs Frank H.)..120 North st., Axiburn Griswold, Martha (IMiss) 10 Prospect st., Jamestown Griswold, Martha Townsend (Mrs Daniel) 10 Prospect st., Jamestown Groat, Nellie Shuler (Mrs Lewis W. V.) 10 Shuler st., Amsterdam Gross, Adaline (Miss) 217 W. 105th st.. New York Grosvenor, Abby Williams (Miss) 1160 Delaware ave.. Bufialo Grosvenor, Carry G. Batchelder (Mrs Thomas Walter) Herkimer Grosvenor, Julia Frances (Miss) 16 Cottage Place. L'tica Grosvenor, Lucretia Stanley (Miss) 1160 Delaware ave., Buffalo Grosvenor, Maria ^'an Horn (Mrs Joseph W.) 118 Plymouth ave., Buffalo Grosvenor, Mary Eliza (Mrs Eugene F.) Hamilton Grosvenor, Mary Fassett (Miss) 118 Plymouth ave., Buffalo Grouard, Maria Louise (Miss) 46 W. 55th st., New York Grover, Emily G. (Mrs) Wellsville Grow, Nelly M. (Miss) 25 North st., Binghamton Guardenier, Blanche Ormiston (Miss) E. Springfield Guardenier, Lucy Hotchkiss (Miss) E. Springfield Guelf, Juliette C. (Mrs Charles P.) Broclvporb Guernsey, Anna B. Lord (Mrs W. A.) 212 Nelson ave., Saratoga Springs Guerville, Laura Belle Spraker de (Mrs A.) 62 W. 45th st.. New York Guibord. Jeannette Mead (Mrs Warren W.) Plattsburg Guion, Ella Durvee (Mrs Alfred B.) 71 Dell ave.. Mt. Vernon Gurley, Grace Piankin (Mrs William F.) 84 4th st.. Troy Gwyer, Sarah Etta (Miss) 33 W^ Tupper st., Buffalo Hack, Estelle Ward (Mrs) Ticonderoga Haff, Laura Bissell (Mrs Frank B.) 113 Stanwix st., Rome Hafe, Marv Christina Harris (Mrs) 137 W. 21st st.. New York Haggert. Anna M. Whitlock (Mrs Jotham C.)...432 Eagle st.. Dunkirk Hague, Harriette Maria Beebe (Mrs Lawrence) . .E. 20th st.. New York Hahn, Mary Pinnev (Mrs F. D.) Brockport Haight, Agnes Ball (Mrs Theodore S.) Ballston Spa Haight, Alice Post (Mrs Frederick E.) 1138 Bergen st., Brooklyn Haight, Elizabeth Ball (Mrs H. Vassar) Ballston Spa Haight, Euphemia Kneeland (Mrs Chas. C.)..150 W. 86th st.. New York Hain. Annie McW. (Mrs) 165 W. 5Sth st.. New York Hakes, .Lelle H. (Miss) 86 East ave., Rochester Hakes. Mary Anne (Miss) 86 East ave., Rochester Hale, Charlotte Elizabeth Prescott (Miss) 106 Locust Hill ave., Yonkers Hale, Ella McEwan (Mrs Frank) Cooperstown Hale, Marv E. Judson (Mrs George David) 409 Lake ave., Rochester + Mary Clapp Wooster Chapter, Conn. t Mary Washing-ton Chapter, D. C. • Piqua Chapter, Ohio. 1[ Lucretia Shaw Chapter, Conn. II Mercy Warren Chapter, Ma?s. § Col. William Montgomery Chapter, Pa. NEW YORK. 4U7 25S32r 15829/- 15830/- 9935$ 2057ir 34789f 1998600 20508; 354535 G283r/; 79237 20013/- 7947A-fc 31753 4448 17108-1 36408^; 393T' 33462£' 18809.Y C259J5 33447fc 79667? 1998700 26151f 28215 5444/j 7976B 22Q43qq 23187i S817-/ 304F 26217/- 394r 30062U 34299it 16401L 34300M 7650^ 9799/; 7977Z 26980B 30439^ 11187W 3007077 33910(70' 19963P 386F 19964P 11685^ 12531|| 19424SS 14304S 34296/ 23515/- 30090fe 142647/. 20593/? 31765/) 8570 30125V Haley, Annie (Mrs Seaburj- Nelson).. 126 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn Haley, Catherine (Mrs Albert) 149 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn Haley, Lncy (Miss) 149 Coknnbia Heiohts, Brooklyn Haley, Mary A. Havens (Mrs Irvin) 62 S. Eliot Place. Brooklyn Hall, Alice Henry (Mrs William Thomas).. 5 Beach Terrace, New York Hall, Alice Marion (]\[iss) Winfield Farm, S. Cushing- Hall, Annie Isabel (Miss) St. Lawrence State Hospital, Ogdensburg Hall, Antoinette Farnum (Mrs Edwin Bradford) TWellsville Hall. Arabell L. (Miss) Wyndham La^^^l, Lockport Hall, Bertha Parker (Mrs Charles Mercer) King-ston Hall, Charlotte Chambers (Miss) 17 E. 66th st.. New York Hall, Ella M. (Miss) 202 Columbia Heio-hts. Brooklyn Hall, Erminia J. (Miss) 31 Broad 'st., Plattsburg Hall, Ida M. G. (Mrs Orville D.) Grand ave., Newburgh Hall, Irene Gilbert Gazzam (Mrs Edward H.) 12 W. 103rd st.. New York Hall, Jennie Hamilton (Miss) P. O. Box 676, Hudson Hall, Lucy jMason (Mrs Frederick P.).. 211 Lake View ave., Jamestown Hall, Margaret M. Chambers (Mrs Edwards).. 17 E. 66th st., New York Hall, Margaret Newlands (Miss) GifEord Hall, Margaret Seymour (Miss) Lawrence Park. Bronxville Hall, Maria Cheney (Mrs) 339 E. 4th st., Jamestown Hall, Mary Frances (Miss) Spencer Hall, Mary Louise (Miss) 130 Spring st., Eochester Hall. Mary Peronne (Miss) Washington st., Ogdensburg Hall, Mary Susan (Mrs Otis Miller) Winfield Farm, Cushing Hall, Nancie Barhydt (Mrs Alexander S.) Ellis HosiJital Schenectady Hall, Pvebecca Northrup (Mrs John A. Jr.).. 572 W. Ferry st., Buffalo Hall, Sallie M. (Miss) 130 Spring st., Rochester Hallock, Estelle (Miss) Lestershire Hallock, Margaret Fell (Mrs Howard Harland) 521 W. Water st., Elmira Hallstram, Sarah Graves (Mrs Eoswell L.)..40 E. 26th st., New York Halsted, Carolyn (Miss) 136 W. 82nd st., New York Halsted, Ellen Ashton (Miss) 166 Schernierhorn st., Brooklj^n Halsted, Laura P. (Miss) 119 E. 37th st.. New York Ham, Caroline Fowler (Mrs Thomas) 29 2nd st., Albany Ham, Delia E. (Mrs Fred. C.) 185 Lancaster st., Albany Ham., Sarah A. (Mrs Stephen M.) Poughkeepsie Hamilton, Ellen (Miss) 149 Hamilton st.. Albany Hamilton. Julia F. (Mrs C. A.) . . . . . .care Mrs Ward, Eichfield Springs Hamilton, Lorraine E. Melvin (Mrs J. Allan).. "The LaSalle," Buffalo Hamilton, Sarah Stafford (Miss) 5 Cottage Place. LTtica Hamlin, Caroline Esther (Miss) 38 N. Goodman st., Rochester Hamlin, Susan Georgianna Coe (Mrs F. M.) 713 N. Washington st., Eome Hammond, Carrie King (Mrs) 205 Court st., Binghamton Hammond. Ellen Harmonia Smith (Mrs Charles H.) 3 E. Washington St., Hornellsville Hammond. Georgena May Smith (Mrs F. F.) 91 Main st., Binghamton Hammond, Grace T. (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson Hammond, Louise Elsworth (Mrs Graeme M.) 58 W. 45th st.. New York Hammond, Marion Isabelle (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson Hammond, Sarah B. (Miss) 402 N. Washington st., Eome Hanan, Alida J. (Mrs James D.) 342 1st st., Brooklyn Hands. Elizabeth Amelia (Mrs J. Baldwin) St. Nicholas ave. and 154th St., New York Hanford, Mary Emma Kipp (Mrs Charles E.) . .Highland ave., Ossining Hanks, Margaret Archibald (Miss) 358 W. State st., Wellsville Hanna, Bessie Brooks (Mrs Isaiah H.) Eichmond Hill Hannum, Grace Loomis (Miss) Cazenovia Hanson, Aimee Lathrop (Mrs W. H.) 588 N. Broadway, Saratoga Springs Hanson, Helen Josephine (Miss) 75 Clinton st., Saratoga Springs Hanson, Josephine B. (INIrs James H.)..10 Mohawk Place, Amsterdam Hanson, Margaret (]Mrs Willis T.) 821 Union st., Schenectady Harbison, Mary Beach (Mrs William W.) East Springfield t Fanny Ledyard Chapter, Conn. ^ Milwaukee Chapter, Wis. Lucrctia Shaw Chapter, Conn. 408 DIEECTOKY, D, A. K. ISTlrr Hardenbergh, Sarah M. (Miss) Lefever Falls 3o449.i Harder, Claudine Sherman (Mrs WilJiam A.).. 816 Warren st., Hudson 15S73i? Harding, Kate Eountree (Mrs John E.) 44 Broad st., Utica 15846/ Harding, Mary Harvey (Mrs Seldon L.) 149 Main st., Camden 32624f Hardy, Johnetta Beall (Mrs George Fiske) 10 Cottage ave., Mt. Vernon 25S5ibb Hargin, Mary Caroline Mrs Charles B.) 411 Fayette Park, Syracuse 12369fygr Harlow, Cornelia Bee Northrup (Mrs C. M. M.) 123 Oak st., Binghamton 286697(. Harlow, Eosaltha L. Kidder (Mrs H. L.) 44 Brantford Place, Buffalo 14685* Harper, Ida A. (Mrs Thos. Winans) 17 Madison st., Eochester 363Slfir Harper, Mary E. (Mrs James) 133 Is. 8th ave., Mt. Vernon 8242/i Harries, Jeanie L. (Mrs Oscar L.) 706 Delaware ave., Buffalo 20617 Harrington, Adelaide Lewis (Mrs Thompson) Lyons 24253 Harrington, Emma (Miss) Albion 12398^ Harrington, Florence Bell (Mrs George Adelbert) 107 Stanwix st., Eome 11827|| Harris, Alba Eliza Boutelle (Mrs Moses) 23 Morniugside ave., New York 17140C> Harris, Caroline Gilbert Cox (Mrs Frederick) 276 State st., Albany 2100| Harris, Elizabeth Patterson (Miss) 53 Washington Sq., New York 6022if Harris, Emma Hall (Mrs Edward) 415 East ave., Eochester 7549(M Harris, Lucy Brown (Mrs Edwin M.) Cooperstown 12S69iS' Harris, Margaret Schenck (Mrs T. E.) St. Mary's Eectory, Scarborough 10873§ Harris, Pauline Goddard (Miss) 137 W. 21st st.. New York 528 Harrison, Ethel Grace (Mrs D. B.) Imperial Hotel, New York 228347* Harrison, Florence Lewis (Mrs Henry) Brockport 272 Harrison, Margaret Louise Baker (Mrs William Henry) 103 E. 38th St., New York 31006(17 Harrison, Martha Fancher (Mrs William E.) 148 Fair st., Kingston 17733Z Harroun, Alice Kimball (Mrs John E.)..l E. Sterling st., Watertown 30088Y Plart, Amy Eichards (Mrs Horace Sedgewick) Cambridge 24808Z Hart, Fanny Eichardson Smith (Mrs C. L.) 325 Clinton st., W. Elmira 17720i? Hart, Florence A. (Miss) 90 Plymouth ave., Eochester 3977.V Hart, Helen Augusta D. (Mrs William Cook) 49 E. SSth st.. New York 9242Z Hart, Lucy L. K. (Mrs Henry G.) 16 Hopper st., Utica 326037 Hart, Mary Johnson (Mrs J. Wilson) 415 Clinton ave., Brooklyn 2iS54qq Harter, Ella Eussell (Mrs George D.) 121 Court st., Binghamton 24176E Harter, Ellen Brand (Mrs Charles) Hion 686A Hartley, Frances Chester White (Mrs M.) 232 Madison ave.. New York 13590Z Hartley, Leonora Berry (Mrs Wilfred) 42 Oneida st., Utica 316507; Hartmann, Alice Sternberg (Mrs John J.) 686 Breckenridge st., Buffalo 27740(/ Hartshorn, Emily Phileno (Miss) Batavia 24S13W Hartt, Ada Cook (Mrs Eugene E.) 407 State st., Albany 27033r Hartt, Mattie S. (Miss) Northport 12925/7 Harvey, Adena Ethel (Miss) 5061/2 N. Broadway, Saratoga Springs 12872i Harvey, Carolyn Peck (Mrs Edwin A.) 144 Main st., Camden n0Sl77 Harvey, Francelia Katherine (Mrs George F.) 506yo N. Broadway, Sara- toga Springs 23418 Harvey, Grace Aitcheson (Mrs Adelbert J.) Mechanicsville 318r Harvier, Evelyn Baker (Mrs Leon) 226 W. 44th st., New York 2222372 Hasbrouck, Ada E. M. (Mrs Josephus) 31 N. Tioga st., Ithaca 3700ii. Hasbrouck, Alice (Miss) 229 Liberty st., Newburgh 1123100 Plasbrouck, Emmeline Knap (ISIrs Louis) 108 Crescent st.. Ogdensburg 4628L Hasbrouck, Esther Jackman (Mrs Frank) 70 Market st., Poughkeepsie 925800 Hasbrouck, Harriet Louise S. (Miss) 72 Franklin st., Ogdensburg 7908?i Hasbrouck, Irene Hathaway (Mrs Harry) P. O. Box 322, Walden 1288800 Hasbrouck, Jane (Miss) . . . .' 100 State st., Ogdensburg 16414rv Hasbrouck, Julia Munn (Mrs Gilbert D. B.) 209 Clinton ave., Kingston 17152J Hasbrouck. Malinda Harriet (Mrs Frederick) 237 Central Park, W., Ne%v York 11240OO Hasbrouck, Laura M. (Miss) 72 Franklin st., Ogdensburgh 4905/1 Hasbrouck, Letitia Viela Warren (Mrs H. C.) 27] Porter ave,, Buffalo 3fi95n" Hasbrouck, Maria H. (Miss) 99 Montgomery st., Newburg 11244L Hnsbrouck, Mary Elizabeth Herriek (Mrs Louis P.) 19 Cannon st., Poughkeepsie t Catherine Greene Chapter, Ohio. * La Puerta del Oro Chapter, Cal. H Milwaukee Chapter, Wis. t Princeton Chapter, N. J. § Lucretia Shaw Chapter, Conn. NEW YOEK. 409 2015r(; 4G?.Si-v 12396f 18114^ 16430C> 291S2a 22S57» 78997? 151 457/ 17223.<; 1937S.>* 6214 33894/7 1940Srf 23579** 23533<[ 7933L 187?9A ■24234A-A-. ■212290 620811 146277( 129077; 17029/ 1640 9 W> 25M/( 26494.- 277947(7/ 251 5 7( 20911* 15153/7 34325A-7C 2519 1513Sr 26503r; 991t 17683? ,32574f 1939SZ? 241517 88367; 10634/; 4826A' 22233r 28708r 291677)/; 14561 Z 14562Z 3073;; 3697 (■;■ 31687(7 5440;;' 199547 5855Z 31767?) 338677; 26526'// 17105A 46347^ 72497 Has Bronck, Matide Helen Young" (Mrs C. E.) 28 Stnyvesant st., King-ston Hasbrouck, Rachel Hardenburgh De Puy (Mrs I.) 147 Main st., Kingston Haselton, Stella Johnson (Mrs Jonathan S.) 118 W. Garden st Rome Haselton. Stella May (Miss) us W. Garden st., Rome Hasey, Cornelia (Mrs Oscar L.) 2 Englewood Place, Albany Haskell. Alta S. (Miss) Malone Haskell, Harriet Reed (Miss).. 44 Chestnut st., Albany Haskms, Eliza S. (Miss) 297 Prospect ave., Buffalo Haskms, Lillian Morgan (Miss).-. 63 Spring st. ,Saratoga Springs Haslett, Edith C. De Graff (Mrs Fred S.) .Fort Plain Haslett, Elizabeth Sternbergh (Mrs John B.) Fort Plain Hastings, Ellen Douglas (Mrs Seth C.) 35 Greenwood Place, Buffalo Hatch, Anna Sanford Head (Mrs Frank Freeman) Lebanon Hatch, Harriet D. (Mrs T]-,omas M.) Chittenango Hatch, Jessie Boyd (Mrs EdAvard) 1033 5th ave., New York Hatch, Mary Riggs (Mrs Nathaniel W. S.) 64 W. 56th st.. New York Hatfield, Frederica Davis (Mrs Wm. A.) 18 Hooker ave., Poughkeepsie Hathaway, Mary Hover (Mrs Charles) P. 0. Box 7, Columbiaville Hathaway, Sarah Imogen Clark (Mrs Franklin Flint) Plattsburg Haulenbeek, Anna Bell (Mrs William Baldwin) Walton Hawes. Florence Goodman (IMrs John B.) 205 W. 79th st.. New York Hawkins, Florence Aurella (iSIiss) 278 Hudson st., Buffalo Hawks, Amanda Smith (Mrs Edward Clinton) 165 Summer st., Buffalo Hawland, Elizabeth W. (]\Irs) Camden Hawley, Anna Gere (Mrs Charles H.) 406 Park ave., Syracuse Hawley, Lavinia Strong (Miss) "The Algonquin," 'Buffalo Hawley, Lucy Chapin (Mrs Charles B.) T Gouverneiir Hawley, Maria Lansing (Mrs Julii:s Sargent) 1909 7th ave.. Troy Hawley, Mary M. (Miss) "The Algonquin," Buffalo Hay, Mary Garrett (Miss) ^ New York Hayden, Nellie Lohnas (Mrs A. C.)....76 Clinton st., Saratoga Springs Hayes, Ida Thomas (Mrs L. Watson) Plattsbiirg Haj'es, Julia Wilkins (Mrs Wm. A.) New York Haynes. Helen Dunham Williams (Mrs David Oliphant) 11 West 94th St., New York Hays, Mary E. (Miss) Johnstown Hays, Susan Marshall Ewing (Mrs J. E.) Albemarle Hotel, New York Hayward, Marj'^ Louise Conant (Mrs S. Henry) Camden Hayward, May (Miss) 20 Terrace st., Fredonia Haywood, Julia Fisher (Mrs George M.) 612 West ave., Rochester Haywood. Nancy Bishop (Miss) Batavia Hazard, Carrie Loverna (Miss) 960 Delaware ave., Buffalo Hazeltine, Mary Emogene (Miss) 7 Allen st., Jamestown Hazen, Emily Hall (Mrs John Cunningham) Pelham Manor Hazen, M. Bell (Mrs Horace C.) 143 Joralemon st., Brooklyn Hazzard, Elizabeth Rockefeller (Mrs William) 211 Schermerhorn st., Brooklyn Head, El'enore Louise Root (Mrs G. S.) 107 W. Kennedy st., Syracuse Head, Helen Frances (Miss) 4 Rutger st., Utica Head. Sarah Elizabeth (Miss) 4 Rutger st., Utica Headley, Adelia J. (Mrs Russel) 189 Montgomery st., Newburgh Headley, Lucy C. (Miss) 189 Montgomery st., Newburgh Heagle, Anna Rosa (Mrs Chauncey) Johnstow^n Heard, Maria Sickles (Miss) Carpenter ave., Newburgh Heath, Ida May Randolph (Mrs M. A.) 795 St. Nicholas ave.. New York Heath, Josephine M. (IMiss) 376 Genesee st.. Utica Heath. Lillie May Sammons (Mrs G. AV). 11 Mohawk st., Amsterdam Heath, Mary Hubbard (Mrs William R.) 170 Lancaster ave., Buffalo Heath, Mary Jane (Mrs Delos Leroy) . ! 220 Fall st., Seneca Falls Heermance," Emma Warren (Miss) E. Allen st.. Hudson Heermance, Nina Radcliffe (Mrs M.) 60 Montgomery st., Poughkeepsie Heermance, Susie Leeds (Miss) 364 Palisade ave., Yonkers ** Green Mountain Chapter, Vt. I Delaware Coimtv Chapter, Pa. II Eagle Rock Chapter, N. J. * Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Ind. ± Pittsburg Chapter, Pa. 410 DIEECTORY, D. A, E. 13556t 308-V 106446& 122^47 30473^* 29156/ 30974/ 13638JO 26495^ 11663(? 36373ft. 17760;/ 22264iY 11682?; 27755(? 363727;. 269670 15959C 2S668A' 29177 3689ri7 12420/(/i 12877HH 18840ffa. 6868L 15023 17068r 17134J5: 33454?< 31663M 22234)' 18339* 31691S: 22308(7^ 14239 4387 33488frfc 25439/;-7c 32610r 26968C 31665m 19371r 24221 X 54497 11977Z 31766& 30111fv 31733hb 171577 22291X 17069r 317277 32986s 28186 222652V 7543Y 18833&& 75457 359417 3349000 75427 Heg-eman, Marie Louise De IMund (Mrs D. V. B.) 916 Union st., Brooklyn Heilner, Laura Sylvania (Miss) 311 W. 89tli st., New York Held, Martha Thompson (Mrs Ernest) 129 Burnet ave., Syracuse Helm, Eva Brantley (Mrs Samuel W.) "The Nevada." 70th and Boule- vard, New York Helmuth, Fannie I. (Mrs William Tod) 504 5th ave.. New York Henderson. Catherine Mary (Mrs A.) 87 Locust Hill ave., Yonkers Henderson, Elizabeth Hall (Miss) 87 Locust Hill ave.. Yonkers Henderson, Frances Louise -Du Bois (Mrs John D.) Herkimer Henderson. Zelma Burt (Mrs John Wesley) Gouverneur Hendrick. Cornelia Scudder (Mrs James B.) Front Grove Hengerer, Lena Betts (Mrs John A.) 240 Anderson Place, Buffalo Henion, IMary Eachel (Miss) 22 E. Bayard st., Seneca Falls Henning-, Sue Thornton Meriwether (Mrs James Williamson) 103 E. 37th St., New York Henry, Anna S. (Mrs Walter S.) 121 Circular st.. Saratog-a Springs Henrj^ Emma Gertrude (Miss) Johnstown Henry, Grace Davis (INIrs Frank Forrest) 936 Elmwood ave.. Buffalo Henry, Helen Eliza (Miss) Granville Henry. Lucy Myers Bishop (Mrs Georg-e Washing-ton) Granville Henry. Lydia Melissa Purdy (Mrs Otis S.) Poolville Henshaw', Edith Sargent (Miss) 238 W. 56th st.. New York Herbert, Ann B. Turner (Mrs Albert) ...... .65 St. James st., King-ston Herendeen, Ada Chase (Mrs William L.) Geneva Herendeen. Annie Boynton (Mrs Francis Albert) Geneva Herington. Vivian Campbell (Miss) 57 Elm st., Oneonta Herman, Mary Clark (Mrs Warren S.) P. 0. Box 84, 16 Lafayette st., Poughkeepsie Herod, Annette A. (Mrs J.) New Yoi-k Herreshoff. Emilie Duval Lee (Mrs J. B. F.) 19 Pierrepont st.. Brooklyn Herrick. Charlotte W. (Mrs Osgood E.) 21 Sterling st., WatertoAvn Herrick, Florence Birch (Mrs Frank C.) 286 State st., Albany Herrick, Helen Deuel (Miss) 151 Washington ave.. Albany Herriman, Helen (Miss) 143 Joralemon st.. Brookl vn Herring, Elizabeth Sydney (Miss) 342 W. 58th st.. New York Herring, Frances Elvira (Mrs F. W.) 40 W^ashington st.. Watertown Hess. Clementine Coryell Sheldon (Mrs C. F.) 15 Jav st., Binghaniton Hess, Gertrude F. (Mrs Jacob) 82 W. 68th st.. New York Hester, Lillian E. (Mrs Eugene W.) 100 W. 80th st., New York HcAvitt, Alice Frances Everest (Miss)... Plattsburg Hewitt, Ellen Augusta (Miss) Plattsburg HeAvitt, Frances M. Dyer (Mrs) Cambridge Hewitt. Jennie Mae Powell (Mrs Fred W.) Granville Hevwood. Susan Linsley (Miss) 8 Ash Grove Place. Albany Hibbard, Helen Dole (Mrs O. Ford) 406 Clinton st.. Brooklyn Hibbard. Mary E. (Mrs D. V. M.) S. Union st.. Olean Hickcox, Ida Strong (Mrs George H.) 136 Logan st., Brooklyn Hickox, Frances Eliza (Miss) West Fairfield Hicks, Alice C. Van Evera (Mrs H. M.) 37 IMarket st., Amsterdam Hicks, Mary Helen (Mrs Charles) Eoxbury Hier, Louisa Jones (Mrs George Sperry)..600 S. Salina st., Syracrse Higgins, Helen Augusta (Mrs Hamilton) 227 Lenox ave.. New York Higgins, Kate Corinne (Mrs Frank Wayland) . .126 S. Center st., Olean Higgins. Sarah Cushman (IMrs Howard Luther) 40 Macon st.. Brooklyn Hig'lev, Christina J. (Mrs Warren) 68 W. 40th st.. New York Higiev. Marv Elizabeth (Miss) Binghaniton Hildreth. Laura Marvin (Mrs George Whitfield) Gloversville Hilger, Clara Douglas (Miss) 255 W. End ave., New York Hill, Caroline (Miss) Coila Hill, Elizabeth Adams (Mrs Charles E.) 603 E. Fayette st.. Syracuse Hill. Fannie Kobertson (Mrs Alfred G.) Cambridge Hill, Harriet Pike (Mrs Leonard L.) 132 W. 97th st.. New York Hill, Jane Thrall (INlrs William S.) 73 Washington St., Ogdensburg Hill. Margaret (Miss) Cambridge t General Fruylinghuysen Chapter, N. J. Columbia Chapter, D. C. XEW YOEK. ill 20557A' 2059Sf/r/ 34297/ 2637311 2736Sr/7 30459/? 27S18r 27768/2 30040/ 29134CC 29170ff 21477; 28210/f 229021' 325767( 194117. 22206.Y 281S9J 199407i 216847/ 187457; 30120/- 22863B 26975,C 26974^ 1017877 2544277 35508 17163F 20570"F 25430?> 462 6// H 205S5X 72557 25809O 354397t 30102(7(7 163927i 228517; 35454B 33870/ 18S73.S-.S 222197i 14246 30397i, 14245 6266/7 12133 7937L 34820i? 18792B 7921T 12878(? 7276B 338727 286630 30028(7 977177 6562/1 129377 33875(7 187935 18773?- 1454177 22241M 97577i 1520710 222277 21137r 1635Sr Holroyd, Electa Eosabelle Hubbell (Mrs James) 182 Washington ave., Albanj- Holroyd, Jnlia C. McI. (Mrs Georg-e) Waterford Holsapple, Charlotte Taylor Burdwin (Mrs W. Frank) Peachblow Prospect ave., Hudson Holsapple, Emma Laura (Miss) 193 Main st., Cohoes Homan, Martha Louise Mallery (Mrs Geo. W.) Greenport, Long Island Hood, Alice Howell (Mrs Cornelius) 87 Cayuga st., Seneca Falls Hooker, Bertha (Miss) 330 Oxford st., Rochester Hpoker, Caroline Eequia (Mrs George Seeley)..6 State st., Watertown Hooker, Etta E. (Mrs Warren B.) 130 Central ave., Fredonia Hooker, Lillie Josephine (Miss) 289 Gates ave.. Brooklyn Hooker, Susan Huntington (Mrs) 837 N. St. Paul st., Rochesfer Hoornbeek, Catherine Bevier (Miss) Ellenville Hopkins, Eleanora Sherwood (Mrs Charles C.) 200 W. Garden st., Rome Hopkins, Ellen Dunlap (Mrs) 223 5th ave.. New York Hopkins, Emma Augusta Jordon (Mrs James) 43 W. 47th st., New York Hopkins, Fanny Wayne Chambers (Mrs Robert E.) Tarrytown Hopkins, Jennie White (Mrs F. W.) 200 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn Hopkins, Lillie Gallagher (IMiss) Geneva Hopkins, Lizzie J. Andrew (Mrs Frank M.) 43 Green st., Fredonia Hopkins, Marv Catherine Van Vredenburgh (Miss) 33 E. 17th st.. New York Hopkins, Lucj' Bennett (Mrs Walter C.) 1519 Grape st., Syracuse Hopkins, Virginia Murraj- (Miss) Geneva Horner, Mary Irish (Mrs^ William) 219 N. 3rd st., Glean Horsfield, Marianne Moneypenny (Mrs Frederick H. T.) Cambridge Horth, Lucy A. (Mrs George W.) Adams Horton, Abbie Newcomb (Mrs Joseph H.) 1331 Main st., Buffalo Horton, Althea Ball (Mrs Lucien) . . . .72 Riverside Drive, Binghamton Horton, Julia Greenleaf (Mrs George P.) 262 Delaware ave., Buffalo Horton, Katherine Pratt (Mrs John Miller) 736 Main st., Buffalo Horton, Maiw Millenes (Mrs C. T.) 836 Clinton ave., S., Rochester Hoslev. Delia A. (Miss) Cascadilla School, Ithaca Hotclikiss, J. Elizabeth (Miss) 39 E. 50th st.. New York Hotchkiss, Katherine Bush (Mrs William H.) 37 Oakdale Place, Buffalo Hotchkiss, ISIargaret Morgan Porter (Mrs Clark B.) 201 W. 87th st., New York Hotchkiss, Mary Benedict (Mrs William H.) 173 Summer st., Buffalo Hotchkiss, Mvra R. (Miss) 201 W. 87th st.. New York Houghton, Elizabeth Smith (Mrs James W.) 601 Broadway, Saratoga Springs Houghton. Helen Hall (Mrs Charles Frederick) Corning House, Mave Sterling (Miss) 81 Cannon st., Poughkeepsie Hovey, Winifred Haywood (Mrs William S.) Rochester Howard, Alice Potter (Mrs W. J.) 12 Portsmouth Terrace, Rochester Howard, Clara Campbell (Mrs Clarence C.) 57 W. 51st st.. New York Howard, Emilv Theodore (Miss) Bath Howard, Leonora Bowman (Mrs James Or\'ille) 287 State st., Rochester Howe, Anna Lawrence (Mrs Charles J.) 456 Maple ave., Elmira Howe, Annie Holland (Mrs John K.) 379 State st., Albany Howe, Cornelia Marshall (Mrs W. D.) 151 Cottage ave., Mt. Vernon Howe, Eliza Rav (Mrs E. T.) 131 Phila. st., Saratoga Springs Howe Elizabeth M. (Mrs Lucien) 183 Delaware ave.. Buffalo Howe', Elvira Odell Hunt (Mrs Samuel D.) . . . .227 Lenox ave.. New York Howe, Emily Theodocia Hodgkins (Mrs Horace Humboldt) 81 Lefferts Place. Brooklvn Howe, Eva Loomis (Mrs John) 13 S. Goodman st., Rochester Howe, Eveline Burr (Mrs James R.) 188 S. 9th st., Brooklyn Howe, Grace Hartley (Mrs L. McH.) 131 Phila st., Saratoga Springs Howell, Emma White (Mrs Emorv Worth) 245 Lark st., Albany Howell. Jean Helen (Miss) 189 Dearborn st., Buffalo Howell, Marv Greene (Mrs William B.) Herkimer Howes, Claire M. (Miss) 317 Madison ave., Elmira Hoxie, Eliza S. (Miss) 26 S. Portland ave., Brooklyn Hoxie, Rosa Post (Mrs Charles D.) 169 St. Marks ave., Brooklyn XEAV YORK. 413 23517t 33455« 241357(. 31272|| 27747« llllSqq 20523>- 5998i? 1004r 15164/- 2272 97775 33437f 3549700 25834^ 22S62B 17701r 1058$ 3541r 72547 10622 22858lt 22777;. 37187; 32992B 52001 25808O 30055O 28177r; 101677>-A; 291137 18829&& 47S8L 106787 295876 9256/7 18851(i 4237(i 193657; 2116672 24188S 181256 363877i; 34222V 199497; 187447; 12604* 6279Z 72667t. 16630tt 29163X 13099jf 19929« 25394f 151910 31664m 29616X 22855 Hoxsie, Anna Maade (Miss) 636 Delaware ave., Buffalo Hoy, Grace, Helena Birch (Mrs John S.) 61 Lake ave \lbany Hoyer, Josephine (Miss) : 32 Grove st., Toiiavvanda Hoysradt, Grace Hudson See (Mrs Lyman Henry) Pine Plains Hoyt, Belle Carter (Mrs Albert Ellis) 417 Hudson ave., Albany Hoyt, Elizabeth King (Mrs James E.) 5 Warren st., Binghamton Hoyt, Florence Sarah Murphey (Mrs Frederick A.) "The Arlington," Montague st., Brooklyn Hoyt, Grace W. (Mrs Martin B.) 235 University ave., Rochester Hoyt, Jennie F. (Miss) 15 Pierrepont st., Brooklvn Hoyt, Julia Sherman (Mrs Charles Albert) 15 Pierrepont st., Brooklvn Hoyt, Margaretta Ayres (Mrs Frank R.) "San Remo" 75th and Central Park, New York Hoyt, Susan R. (Mrs William E.) 50 Westminster Road, Rochester Hubbard, Alma Rose (Miss) 51 Division st., Fredonia Hubbard, Dora Allen (Mrs Ernest) .Massena Hubbard, Julia A. (Mrs Charles H.) 504 W. Dominick st.. Rome Hubbard, Helen Vosburgh (Mrs W. A.. Jr.) 13 Phelps ave.. Rochester Hubbard, Margaret Greenwood (Mrs H. B.) 73 S. Oxford st., Brooklvn Hubbard, Margaret Sill Hubbard (Mrs E. K.) 375 S. Oxford st., Brooklvn Hubbard, Maria (Miss) 73 S. Oxford st.. Brooklyn Hubbard, Mary N. (Mrs Martin D.) Cambridge Hubbell, Caroline Southmayd (Mrs Wm. S.) 103 Oak Place, Buffalo Hubbell, Elizabeth (Miss) . /. 77 Ten Broeck st., Albany Hubbell, Emily Sears (Mrs Lyman) 78 Irving Place, Buffalo Hubbell, Grace Woodward (Mrs Clifford) 71 Highland ave.. Buffalo Hubbell, Leora DeLand (Mrs Walter Sage) 333 Oxford st., Rochester Hubbell, Sarah Sprague (Mrs H. W.) .Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island Huestis, Edna E. (Miss) Adams Huestis, Eliza Surviah Brooks (Mrs William S.) Adams Hudler, Emma Leora (Mrs Harry) 9 Willow Place, Mt. Vernon Hudson, Eleanor M. (Mrs George H.) 19 Broad st., Plattsburg Hudson, Ida B. (Mrs Adelbert) 410 Baldwin st.. Elmira Hudson, Martha Gore (Mrs Edmund A.) 338 W. Onondaga st.. Syracuse Hufcut, Alice M. Glidden (Mrs Horace D.) Dover Plains Hughes, Antoinette Carter (Mrs C. E.) 570 West End ave.. New York Hughson, Susan Bushnell (Mrs Frederick William) Big Flats Hulbert, Mary V. (Miss) 85 Woodlawn ave.. Saratoga Springs Hulett, Anna (Miss) Balmville, Newburgh Hulett, Ellen Augusta Aspinwall (Mrs D. A.) . .Balmville. Newburgh Hull, Anna Reynolds (Mrs George S.) 16 Soldier's Place, Buffalo Hull, Kate W."^ (Miss) Lewiston Hull, Melissa Angusta (Mrs James Clarke) Kitchawan Hull, Nora (Miss) Bath Hulse, Mary Clark (Mrs) 309 Stewart st., Ithaca Humason, Jessie Kittredge (Mrs Virgil P.) 574 Palisades ave., Y^'onkers Humburch. Elizabeth Halsey Pease (Mrs William C.) 1074 Elmwood ave.. Buffalo Humburch, Harriet Hopkins (Mrs Fred. C.) 101 Windsor ave., Buffalo Humphrey, Elizabeth Emerson (Mrs Simon James) Clifton Springs Humphrey, Helen Millard (Mrs Correl) Clayville Humphrey, Marv Elizabeth (Miss) 301 N. Tioga st., Ithaca Humphreys, Fra^nces Maria Sperry (Mrs Fred.) 22 W. 39th st., New York Humphreys, Janet Birge (Mrs Fred B.) N. 2nd st.. Olean Humphries, Lena Bamber Hepburn (Mrs Robert) 339 Lafayette ave., Brooklvn Him, Caroline Gale (Mrs Edward R.) 35 Elk st.. Albany Hunn, Kittle M. (Mrs John W.) * 29 Free st., Fredonia Hunt, Alice Gilbert (Mrs Isaac L.) Adams Hunt, Beth Downing (Mrs) 30 Eagle st., Albany Hunt, Florence Bradley (Mrs Adelbert Vincent) 267 S. Union st.. Olean Hunt, Frances Adelaide Newton (Mrs Myron W.) Holland Patent II Manor House Chapter, D. C. t Wadsworth Chapter, Conn. t Caesar Rodney Chapter, Del. * George Rogers Clark Chapter, 111. ft Sarah Riggs Humphrey Chapter, Conn. ^ Freelove Baldwin Stowe Chapter, Conn 414 DIRECTORY, D. A. E. So34J 4930 12 141 F 756S5 S'lSdlH 1992S» 3 544 7 » 54T0&/J 12366ff 19105** 106572 34278f 10645 193S7?>?* 20167|[ 254090 113S6JI 12S65P 32311P 20589O0 17557t 22937// 30410* 5590S 72S8-S' 222721" 19443ft 317.142v 2290ir 60 17 A- 22900T 1775900 10]47r 6226t 1321SJ 32578/ 35912?( 8838// 21138/- 36401F 33016/? 10670 /•(• 12409Z 211677? 36374// 204920 281947? 5311' 17045/ 258100 1760r 30952O 1S042§ 1728fc 24842J 31008rt 281S3.:' 20565(? 205649 20566Q Himt, Katherine Humphrey (Mrs Chas. W.) Grimes Hill, Tompkinsville Hunt, Mattie Hatch Mitchell (Mrs W. H.) 511 Union Place. Elmira Hunter, Catherine Stewart (Miss) care of Mr. Ira 0. Miller, 108 Fulton St., Xew York Hunter, Emily E. (Miss) 8 Merriman st., Rochester Hunter, Jennie D. (Mrs Frank Sherwood) Canisteo Hunter, Margaret Williams (Mrs Dexter) 278 State st., Albany Hunter, Mary Seelye (Miss) 268 State st., Albany Huntington, Hannah D. S. (Mrs Fred. D.) 210 Walnut Place, Syracuse Huntington, Katherine Van Vechten (Mrs Ezra Abel) Auburn Huntley, Mary Louise Gordon (Miss) 29 Willow st., Brooklyn Hurd, Mary Oades (Mrs DeWitt C.) 5 Hobart st., Utica Hurlbut, Candace Couch (Mrs Liicius) 29 Day st., Fredonia Hurst, Jane Eitchie Guilford (JNIrs John) 727 Willow st., Syracuse Husband, Millicent Hollister (Mrs James A.) 817 James st., Syracuse Huse, Harriet Pinckney (Mrs Caleb) Highland Falls Husted, Mary Keator (Miss) Bloomville Husted, Viola Harris (Mrs Edwin Winter) Tarrj-town Hustis, Mary Anthony (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson Hustis, Mary L. (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hiidson Hutchings, Beall Compton (Mrs E. H.).... State Hospital. Ogdensburg Hutton,"Eleanor Varnum Mitchell (Mrs L.) 229 W. 34th st.. New York Hutton. Jessie Stewart (Mrs Louis T.) Brookside Farm, Xewburg Hj'att, Edna Libbie (Miss) Columbia College, New A'ork Hyatt, Mary Helen (Mrs Abram) 18 Ellis Place, Ossining Hyatt, Mary Virginia Ferguson (Mrs X. S.) Wolden Road. Ossining Hyde, Adelaide B. (Miss) 39 W. 47th st., New York Hyde, Alice L. (Miss) Malone Hyde, Carrie J. (Mrs Frederick W.) E. 5th st., Jamestown Hyde, Elizabeth Alvina (Miss) 20 W. 53rd st.. New York Hyde, Eloise F. (Mrs Change P.) 302 W. Seneca st., Ithaca Hyde, Ida Josephine (Miss) 20 W. 5jrd st., New York Hyde, Jvilia Orris (Mrs Frederick Judson) Massena Hyde, Mary Crawford Murray (Mrs Ovid A.) 127 E. 93rd st., New York Hyde, Mary Halsey Seymour (Mrs J. M.) 223 Warburton aA'e., Yonkers Hyde, Sarah Eliza'(Mrs Augustus Lord) 210 E. 18th st.. New York Hyland, Evelyn (Miss) Belmont Hyrault, Emily Lawrence (Miss) Hamburg Hyslop, Harriet Allen (Mrs Homer H.) 76 W. Genesee st.. Buffalo Iddings, Viola Hoxie (Mrs Charles F.) 26 S. Portland ave.. Brooklyn Infield. Carrie Hegcman (INIrs C. L.) Sandy Hill Ingalls. Harriette A. (Miss) 03 Franklin st., Saratoga Ingalls, Henrietta Du Bois (Mrs Frederick W.) 679 Broadway, Kingston Ingalls, Sophia Bogue Fo.ster (Mrs Frederic Cyrus) 14 Faxton st.. Utica Ingersoll, Mary L. (Mrs J Delos) 1 John st.. Ilion Ingham. Annie Snell (Mrs Clark Leonard).. 20 Norwood ave., Buffalo Ingham, Catherine M. (Mrs Schuyler R.) Little Falls Ingham, Helen Carder (Mrs Haniilton Haile) Frankfort Inglis. Alice Gray (^Nlrs William O.) 206 W. 52nd st.. New York Ingraham. Alice Hammond Rvon (Mrs C. S.)..374yy W. Gray st., Elmira Ingraham. Almira Edgerton (Mrs A. W.) Adams Ingraham, Elizabeth Phoenix (Miss) 2109 5th ave., New York Ingraham, Elizabeth Whitcomb (Mrs B.) 20 Chestnut st.. Watertown Ireland, Emma Josephine Noyes (Mrs J. R.) 81 Morganside Park New A'ork Ireland, Harriet Dewev (Mrs W. D.) 110 Osman Place. Ithaca Irish. Desire Mitchell '(Miss) 219 N. 3rd .st.. Olean Irving, Constance "Steele (Mrs Lewis M.) Malone Irving, Nina Carpenter (Mrs Andrew) Gouverneur Irwin, Alice (Miss) Greenbush Heights, Albany Irwin, Anna Mary Teller (Mrs William P.) . .Greenbush Heights. Albany Irwin, Martha Teller (Miss) Greenbush Heights, Albany ** JIacon Chapter, Ga. «i Freelove Baldwin Stowe Chapter, Conn. II Ruth Hart Chapter, Conn. t Molly Varnum Chapter, Mass. * Deborah Avery Chapter, Neb. t Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Conn. § Old Newbury Chapter, Mass. XEW YOEK. 415 3037 27024/i 26214 ICW 3343-iP 22S46/( 204947; 359170 32604T" 135697 5633?> 2421()?>ft 7980/ 160711 36416iV 33009fe 22S77/( 11696rc 26953f 79257 1514S// 34SoO*»Hi 15149// lOSlS* 3349()/>/; 34309// 15817« 227Sr 29980 22847 i 359167 4015t 815;- 1 oo 18756/ 11223A- 14313// 22292-Y 33497l)p 6004/i 31769?) 317687) 24152 33877« 25435ff 26971t' 309987;/; 23203// 33892/? 329857 11867§ 13636.1 300S3X 21197 33914fl 24222.Y 354437>- 35494A-A- 15215 30995f7f7 24844A' 25091JI Irwin, Martin Jeanne C. (Miss) 345 W. 85th st.. Xew York CTBLtl?T\ ^^^ Ar ''"^^'^ ^^-^ ' Highland ave. Middletowi i^es, Jjiancne Azelia (jNIiss)... . Qr.nn+i t^ + Ives, Cora Morse (Mrs Charles) .;;/;;;;/;;;■ V Bu^nVtV st little Fn^U Ives, Mary Winslow (Mrs Williim) :^?ToZlnrI;i%I^^l iv:^,ls:L'i:'^s^r.^'^:r.:^-.^-^ '' ^^^^ ^^•^•' ^°^?^: Jackson, Caroline Mather (Mrs E. E., jr.) 266 Clinton ave.'," Brooldvn Jackson, Charlotte Bailey Meyers (Mrs Thomas R.) 230 N. Broadway 1 onkers "^ ' Jackson, Delia Sheldon (Miss) Guy Park ave., Amsterdam Jackson, Emma Jerome (Mrs William) 313 James st., Syracuse Jackson, Irances Alice (Miss) 230 X. Broadway, Yonkers Jackson, Josephme (Mrs Thomas C.) 178 W. 82nd st., Xew York Jackson. Katherine Seymour (Miss) 138 E. 34th st., Xew York Jackson, Mary A. (Mrs Walter C.) Cazenovia Jackson, Mary G. (Mrs J. Carl) 109 Xiag'ara st., Lockport Jackson, Mary loung- Spencer (Mrs Samuel Thomas) Cazenovia Jacobi, Marion Alabama Titcomb (Mrs M.)..156 E. Main st., Fredonla Jacquehn, Josephine Stagg (Mrs John H.) 34 E. 3Sth st., Xew York James, Isabella (Miss) 184 Philadelphia st.. Saratoga James, Marie ^^ ynkoop (Mrs Christopher C.) Livingston st.. Saugerties James. Mary Guthrie (:\[iss) 184 Philaclelphia st., Saratoga Jarnette, Gabriel Harrison de (Mrs Reuben R.) 78 W. 94th st., Xew York Jarvis, Edith Watrous (Mrs Joseph G.) 5 Charles st., Cortland Jeffers, Annette Chadwick (Mrs Albert L.) Canisteo Jenison. Anna Van Allen (Mrs E. Darwin) 82 Lancaster st., Albany Jenkins, Caroline E. (Mrs Charles S.) Xewburo-h Jenkins, Clara Wade (Mrs J. M.) West Point Jenkins, Grace (Miss) Xewburgh Jenks, Anna Juliette Brown (Mrs Robert B.) 300 W. Church st., Elmira Jennings, Annie Burr (Miss) 48 Park ave., Xew York Jennings, Ellen Ewing Buchanan (Mrs Spencer A.) 663 Willoughby ave., Brookljai • Jennings, Susan Sophia (Miss) Belfast Jervis. Martha Marsh (Mrs Benjamin F.)...114 W. Seneca st., Ithaca Jewell, Elsie Howard (Miss) 4 Johnson st., Seneca Falls Jev.ell, Lizzie B. (Mrs Marcius B.) 217 X. 2nd st., Olean Jewett, Clara L. Smith (Mrs Alden March) 15 Monroe Heights, Cortland Jewett, Elizabeth Foster D. (Mrs Edgar B.) Lennox Jewett, Florence G. (Miss) Florida ave., Amsterdam Jewett, Georgiana G. (Mrs Charles A.) Florida ave., Amsterdam Jewett, Grace R. (Miss) -3 Steel st.. Auburn Jewett, Mae Youngman (]\[rs Edward Taylor) 87 Lancaster st., Albany Jewett, Mary Warren (Miss) Moravia Jewett, Ophelia Hicks (Mrs Truman B.) Truthville Jillson, Katherine L. Bull (Mrs Frederick Beckwith) Maple ave., Troy Johnson, Angeline Chamberlain (Mrs Wm.) 53 Caj'uga st., Seneca Falls Johnson, Ann Bennett (Mrs A. C.) Canisteo Johnson, Anna Elderkin Potter (Mrs Cyrus A.) 308 E. Main st., Batavia Johnson, Anna Eliza INIorgan (Mrs Howard F.) Xew York Johnson, Anna Elizabeth Groat (Mrs) 728 Warren st., Hudson Johnson, Anna Survia Goodwin (Mrs James Merrill) E State st., Olean Johnson, Anna Wadsworth (Miss) 118 W. Svillivan st.. Olean Johnson, Beulah B. (Miss) : Malone Johnson, C. Harriet Jackson (Mrs E. M.) 118 W. Sullivan st., Olean Johnson, Caroline H. (Miss) Ithaca Johnson, Elizabeth Fisk (Miss) Plattsburg Johnson. Florence Augusta (Miss) Boonville Johnson, Florence Smith (Mrs Berton G.) Cooperstown Johnson, Gertrude Bestor (Mrs John A.) 314 X. 2nd st., Olean Johnson, Grace Hazelton Bell (Mrs) 201 W. 85th st., Xew York itanor House Chapter, D. C. Jane Dous?las Chapter, Tex. Eunice Dcnnie Burr Chapter, Conn. § Martha Washington Chapter, D. C. II Judea Chapter, Conn. 416 DIKECTOKY, D. A. K. 30072/ 12383/^ 1929* 10641A-fc 258120 21196A' 258110 9232fc 26504(? 2S640A 7547(/(Z 8829dd 23298(7/; 2848d(Z 129277 23297(7(7 261595 5475L 30467rr 7297Z 5436/Z 12896WC 30015 31715/; 33922WW 33889]\^ loiesfcfc 20536 2285274 222672V 18749/ 19366 3220(5/; 6580/i 32207/; 32606F 26995^ 1430y 317297 12894/cfc '163995 ri7i6/; 11184A 30981IV 30956A 24141/1 28913F 25464 20519? 142816 21194X 21195-T 2&959q S879| 17198 205826& 17028i 8807F 97755 81587 211266 27011Z Johnson, Helen Lossing (Mrs Frank E.) 747 Warburton ave., Yonkers Johnson, Helena Jane (Miss) 900 Elmwoocl ave., Buffalo Johnson, ^ane E. Bradley (Mrs Isaac G.).-Spuyten Duj^-il. New York Johnson, Jessie Barber (Mrs Congdon) .'s Peru st., Plattsburg Johnson, Jessie Wheeler (Mrs P. H.) Adams Johnson, Mary A. Hubbard (Mrs J. F.) 117 Hamilton st., Olean Johnson, Mary Abigail Dodge (Mrs Frank E.) Henderson Harbor Johnson, Mary Caroline (Mrs Charles B.) 219 S. Geneva st., Ithaca Johnson, Mary Clarke (Mrs William L.) Johnstown Johnson, Mary Ella (Miss) 14 E. 16th st., New York Johnston, Claudine Stocker (Mrs Jesse Bell) Cooperstown Johnston, Edith Scott (Mrs Henry).. 10 Central ave.. New Brighton, Long Island Johnston, Elizabeth Jane (Miss) Westiield Johnston, Genevieve Cory (Mrs J. A. Melrose) Cooperstown Johnston, Grace J. (Mrs William J.) 11 E. 73rd st.. New York Johnston, Hannah Duncan (Miss) Westfield Johnston, Marion K. Hutchins (Mrs G. F.) 796 De Kalb ave., Brooklyn Johnston, Mary Adams (Mrs Robert) Rhinebeck Johnston, Ruth Mabel (Miss) Port Leyden Johnston, Sarah Louise (Mrs William E.) 3 Henrj^ st., Utica Jones, Anna M. (Miss) 151 Union st., Saratoga Springs Anna Moore Hubbell (Mrs Clarence H.) Chazy Bettie M. Bayne (Miss) 354 W^ 56th st.. New York Caroline Maria Fuller (Mrs E. F.) 16 Broadhead ave., Jamestown E. May (Miss) 202 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn Elizabeth May (Mrs Floyd E.)..Park Avenue Hotel, New York Elizabeth Tompkins (Mrs E. N.) 100 BrinckerhofE st., Plattsburg Ella Sawyer (Mrs Henry Van Liew) Dundee Emma Pratt (Mrs Charles Sumner).. 564 Delaware ave., Buffalo Estelle Bayne (Mrs) 169 W. 83rd st.. New York Gertrude Fassett (Mrs William Folwell) Wellsville Grace Church (Mrs Wright) 751 Norwood ave., Buffalo- Harriet L. (Miss) 212 Prospect st., Jamestown Henrietta Ord (Miss) 151 Union ave., Saratoga Springs Ivah L. (Miss) Jamestown Jennie Creed Pratt (Mrs Zachary T.) 2049 5th ave.. New York Jennie Ladorna Everingham (Mrs Sheppard) Hornellsville Julia Clinton (Miss) ". 476 W. 22nd st.. New York Lily Emerson (Mrs C. H.) "The Dakota," 1 W. 72nd st.. New York Lydia Independence (Miss) Plattsburg Marion Emily (Miss) 9 Buckingham st., Rochester Mary Beebe "^(Mrs Cyrus Emory) Asheville ave., Jamestown Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 320 Allen st., Hudson Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Oliver L.) 116 W. 72nd st.. New York Mary Elizabeth Morgan (Mrs Alfred A.) 320 Allen st., Hudson Sarah Emily (Mrs Albert Edward) 96 Norwood ave., Buft'alo Jordan, Lillie W. (Mrs Frank Bertram) 7 W. 92nd st.. New York Jordan, Marguerite (Miss) 321 W. 89th st., New York Joslyn, Mary Parmelee (Miss) 311 Lake st., Elmira Joy, Mary (Miss) k, '"^^^^ Judd, Flora V. (Mrs Charles D.) S. Barry st., Olean Judd, Neola Permelia (Mrs Ethan Allen) 128 Henley st., Olean Judd, Sarah Waldo (Mrs Franklin Israel) Batavia Judson, Alice Carneal Clay (Mrs W.) Willefs Pomt Judson, Anna Littlejohn Thompson (Mrs William Pierson) care Deputy State Engineer of New York, Albany Judson, Harriet Elmendorf (Airs Edward B.) 822 James st., Syracuse Judson, Huldah Stoddard (Mrs Erastus) Camden Judson, Josephine York (Mrs Alfred Mills).. 302 W. 89th st.. New \ork Judson, Marie Lavenda (Miss) 162 Lake ave., Rochester Judson, Marion Lathrop (Mrs Edmund L.) 53 Central ave., New Brighton, Staten Island Kasson, Clara Williston Hull (Mrs Ambrose) -P^^" Kathern, Helen Maria Williams (Mrs) 112 Park ave.. L tica Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Bronson Chapter, Vt. t George Washington Chapter, Tov NEW YOitK. 417 27021/i/i. 2074/i 26505(i 19970iV 1214Sc« 15194(/(i 2559St 24125C' 858y 30449C^ 8568/ 9787/ 18126iV 10655Z 10166/tA; 17747Z 291200 32612&6 21208ff U37h 20613 316922? 27012Z 26988/^ 30234* 48997? 10681 li 35514 6579/; 22940OO 26201X 24810(7 25470r 14286). 6573L 36418A^ 19386?J& 15833/- 26483r 363757t 309477 30984P 24832]V 194527 60027; 2937511 1434ri; 123857) 15180Y 30056O 60277 17188^^ 4227^5 371 F 40397 9662t 3431 IL 14256fZ(Z 23207 28681 Z 21742^^^ Kavanaugh, Lillian Le Eoy (Mrs Frederic W.) ^'orthside, Colioes Keating, Anna Putnam (Mrs llobert) 198 iNorth at., Uult'alo Keck, Florence Mitchell (Mrs FhiiipJ Jolinstowni^ Keeler, Emma Hebert (Airs Edward Banks) 204 W. 78th st., JN'ew York- Keeler, Jane M. (Miss) Cazenovia Keese, Caroline Mary (Miss) Coopcrstown^ Kegler, Harriet Elizabeth Broughton (Mrs Frederick) Salem Keller, Delight Kansom (Mrs VVillard) Fairfield Keller, Emily S. (Mrs J. \V.) 100 W. SOth st.. New York Kelley, Susie Hoyt (Mrs Charles C.) 21 High st., Gloversville Kellinger, Joanna Vask (Miss) 1 Highland Place, Y'onkers Kellinger, Katharine M. Brown (Mrs De Witt C.) 1 Highland Place, Y'onkers Kellogg, Eliza Mcintosh (Mrs Luther Laflin) 133 W. 70th st., New Y'ork Kellogg, Elizabeth Brownell (Mrs Spencer) 18 Clinton Place, Utica Kellogg, Elizabeth S. (Mrs David S.) 64 Court st., Plattsburg Kellogg, Elizabeth Walcott (Mrs Frederick S.) 17 Clark Place, Utica Kellogg, Florence J. (Miss) Adams Kellogg, Helen Grow (Mrs Walter Palmer) 918 Madison st., Syracuse Kellogg. Jane Brjant (Mrs John Glover) Auburn Kellogg, Jane M. (Mrs Spencer) 211 Summer st., Buffalo Kellogg, Kate Benjamin Washburn (Mrs J. Francis) Avon Kellogg, Mabel Overton (Mrs I. A.) Orchard st., W&tertown Kellogg, Mary Hitchcock (Miss) 386 Genesee st.. Utica Kellog, Mary' Jane (Mrs Charles D.) Sandy Hill Kellogg, Phebe Rood (Mrs William De Witt) NewY'ork Kellv, Mary Louise (Miss) 90 Oxford st., N., Rochester Kelly, Sarah M. B. (Mrs William H.) 67 Grant st., Newburgh Kelsey, Carrie Delia Post (Mrs) Goshen Kelsey, Elnora L. I. (Mrs D. M.) 192 Woodlawn ave., Saratoga Springs Kelsey, Harriet Lynde (Miss) Hermon Kelsey, Sarah Lavina (Miss) , 202 Laurens st., Olean Kelsey, Susanna Eichardson Palmer (Mrs John T.) Caledonia Kempton, Jennie Probasco (Mrs Edwin) 404 Adelphi st., Brooklyn Kendall. Lois Hullda Snow (Mrs Charles F.) Camden Kendrick. Georgia Averv (Mrs J. R.) . . . . Vassar College, Poughkeepsie Kennan, Charlotte Ora Morris (Mrs Alexander P. W.) 320 WT 78th st., Xew Y^ork Kennedy, Bettie Rice (Mrs Dennis M.) 715 E. Genesee st., Syracuse Kennedy, Lucy Brace (Mrs Elijah R.) 33 W. Prospect Park, Brooklyn Kennedy, Susan Pratt (Miss) 33 W^ Prospect Park, Brooklyn Kennedy, Victoria Jewett (Mrs Salem G.) 31 Norwood ave.. Buffalo Kenny. ' Adelaide Richmond (Mrs William J. C.) Batn%aa Kent.' Helen Van Cortlandt Le Roy (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson Kent, Nina Cornelia Gholson Pratt" (Mrs Andrew Wesley) New Rochelle Kent, Rosalie Elona (Mrs Alba Morgan) .. .305 E. 4th st.. Jamestown Kenyon, Ada M. (Miss) 359 Prospect ave., Buffalo Kenyon, Amv C. (Miss) 155 Clifton Place, Brooklyn Kenyon, Anna Van Vechten (Mrs W^ S. K.. Jr.) 104 Fair st., King-ston Kenyon, De Ette E. Snow (Mrs Lorenzo M.) 205 Niag-ara st., Buffalo Kenyon, Elena B. (Mrs Forrest E.) Centre White Creek Kenyon. Euretta E. Smith (Mrs Henry O.) Adams Keoins, Louise Winthrop (Miss) 2914 Broadway, New York Kernan, Elizabeth Butler (Miss) 62 Chancellor Sq.. Utica Kernan, Kathleen Peebles (Mrs John O.) . . . .307 W. 102nd st., N. Y. City Kernochan, Catherine Lorillard (Mrs James P.) 824 5th ave.. New- Y^ork Kernochan. Eloise (Mrs James L.) Hempstead, Long Island Kershner, Caroline Fox (Mrs Edward F.) Corning Ketcham, Alice Bogle (Miss) Wappingers Falls Keyes, Eleanor Thompson (Mrs Squire W.) Cooperstown Kiddle, Florence Isabel (Mrs Alfred W.)...314 W. 98th st.. New York Kilbourn, Nella E. Armstrong fYlrs Judson G.) 246 Genesee st.. Utica KileA% Chloe Celia Sterling (Mrs Michael Henry) Cazenovia ■f Heber Allen Chapter, Vt. * Roloit Chapter, Wis. II .Tudea CViaptpr. Conn. t Louisa St. Clair Chapter, Mich. 418 DIREGTOKY, L). A. K. :2i749(/(/ .24796/t .2ib50hh 17113-i 187-i8h 3S71' S06 25465F 22966 r 32997iV 17047i 32215?>& 18846 26487f 15832 14326/t 10686c 18832 22955 32191f/ 9742qq 13592< 145671 1125/S' 348257 33588* 363SSfc 258130 32590Z; 3371Z 5]87rtrt, 3535Z 9744y 31657i 11555 29605G 14644 68911 13649 18723ff 21168i(? 36417.V 17070r 33878H 18834?)& S357§ 27804// 5845.Sr 33879!/ 8241 7( 17071 >• 49627 216897( 129667 343207 18874SS 23011$ 32592J Kilmer, Frances M. (Mrs Clarence B.) 497 Broadway, Saratoga Springs Ivilmer, Julia Sharpe (Airs Jonas M.) 9 Eiverside Drive, Binghamton Kimball, Abbie Cotton (Mrs Louis M.) 555 Franklin st., Buffalo Kimball, Grace E. (Miss) 186 2nd ave., Lansingburg King, Cornelia (Mrs James W.) Scottville King, Elizabeth Potter (Mrs Joseph Lyman) ... "The Markeen," Buffalo King, Elizabeth K. (Mrs Albert B.) care of 5th ave. Bank, New York King, Esther H. (Mrs Horatio C.) 46 Willow st., Brooklyn King, Josephine Mary (Mrs Joseph E.) Fort Edward King, Kittie Southern (Mrs Walter Gray).. 323 W. 83rd st., New York King, Martha Kneeland Danolds (Mrs W. F.) 17 E. 63rd st.. New Y'ork King, Mary Judson (Miss) 318 William st., Elmira Kingsbury, Lizzie Cox (Mrs William) Canastota Kingsford, Jennie Eva Schuyler (Mrs Thomas P.) 270 W. 1st st., Oswego Kingsland, Charlotte Eddy (Mrs Isaac S.) 11 Forest Place, Fredonia Kingsland, Emma Learned (Mrs) 615 Putnam ave., Brooklyn Kingsley, A. Louisa McWilliams (Mrs S. S.) 368 Linwood ave., Buffalo Kingsley, Mary Eobie (Mrs Charles) ...Bath Kinne, Ella Marie Potter (Mrs E. Olin) 1101 E. Genesee st., Syracuse Kinne, Emma G. (Mrs Erastus M.) 248 Genesee st.. Auburn Kinner, Betsy Jane Graham (Mrs Albert) Batavia Kinnej', Frances Morris (Mrs Eugene H.) 214 Main st., Binghamton Kinney, Jennie Veasie (Mrs George W. G.) 212 W. Embargo st., Rome Kintner, Viola B. P. (Mrs Charles Jacob) 74 Madison ave., New l^ork Kipp, Sarah Allene Hart (Mrs Olivet) William st., Ossining Kirby, Isabelle C. (Mrs Thomas E.) 60 W. 45th st.. New York Kirk, Alary Sears Cowles (Airs Harford B.) 1133 Boston Road, New York Kirkendall, Sarah AI. (Airs John S.) 315 N. Aurora st., Ithaca Kirkland, Elizabeth Horth (Airs Ralph T.) Adams Kirkland, Emma Y. (Aliss) E. 5th st., Jamestown Kirkland, Julia Pierson (Aliss) 231 Genesee st., Utica Kirkland, Lillian Whipple (Airs George F.)....29 Watkins ave., Oneonta Kirkland. Alary C. (Airs Charles P., Jr.) 231 Genesee st., Utica Kissam, Leila Homej^ard Le Baron (Airs William V.) 843 President st., Brooklj'n Kittrick, Alyra L. (Airs H. Jay) CamcTen Kittridge, Al'aria T. (Aliss) ". Fishkill-on-Hudson Klein, Florence Hansen (Airs August) 185 S. Alain st., Gloversville Klots, Aland Ellen (Airs) Huntington, Long Island Knapp, Julia Ann Prime (Airs William W.) 373 W\ 1st st., Elmira Knaiiji, Laura Russell (Airs Robert AI., Jr.) Tarrytown Knapp, Alelissa Stone Aloffatt (Airs James G.) 74 South st.. Auburn Knappenberger, Katherine (Aliss) Dansville Kneeland, Adele (Aliss) 48 W. 46th st.. New York Kneeland, Alary Stuart Wilson (Airs Stillman Foster) 110 Berkeley Place. Brooklyn Knickerbocker, Josephine Youngman (Airs Edmund Charles) 135 Lan- caster St., Albany Knickerbocker. Kate Candee (Airs Arvine AI.) 612 S. Salina st., Syracuse Knight, Gertrude Eltinge (Airs John G. D.) Willetts Point Knight, Mary Lormore (Airs Horace De L.) 81 State st., Seneca Falls Knower, Alary Constance (Airs Benjamin) Scarboro Knowles, Alary Gilbert CAIiss) 148 Lancaster st., Albany Knowlton, Anne Gilbert (Airs Daniel Edward) 178 Summer st.. Buffalo Knowlton. Alary Holberton (Airs Eben J.) 87 Remsen st.. Brooklyn Knox, Florence Rice (Airs Edward AI.) 26 E. S3rd st.. New York Koch, Addie Drullard (Airs Harry J.) 313 Linwood ave., Buffalo Kolock, Alarv (Aliss) Van Dvke Studios, 8th ave. and 56th sts.. New York Koues, Elizabeth Leaycroft (Aliss) 282 W. 85th st., New Y^ork Kramer, Ella (Airs Samuel J.) 238 W. 139th, New York Krebs, Alida Armstrong (Airs Charles) 108 W. 40th st.. New York Kress, Idabelle Sparks (Airs) 417 Alanhattan ave.. New York Ann Arlior Chapter, Mich. Brattleboro Chapter, Vt. Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. William Ellery Chapter, IJ. I. NEW yOEK. 4iy oOTir Krum, Frances A. ^V. (Mrs Hobart) Schoharie 279SS4: Kuhu, Caroline Parker (Mrs Joseph K.) Wesi Toint 35'Jo2L' Xuper, Adelaide (Miss) S4ti E. lo4th st., JSew lork 33441/t Kurtz, Ettie M. (Mrs William H.) 432 Porter ave., Bult'alo 7900/( Ladd, Eleanor M. (Miss) 508 Plymouth ave., Buttalo 14251(/(Z Laird, Bessie Louise Bundy (Mrs Louis K. R.) Auburn 2ooOGgg Lake, Adelaide Elizabeth (Mrs) 192 Hawlej' st., Binghamton 33913 1!/ Lake, Eliza (Mrs liundell J.) 98 Qreen st., Kingston 30977.1/ Lamarche, Kose Nelson (Mrs) 57 W. 75th st.. New York 10174:(.hl Lamb, Fannie Cleaveland (Mrs J. Warren) Cooperstown 11192C' Lamb, Frances A. (Mrs David T.) Little Fklls 35947/»»(- Lamb, Gertrude M. (Miss) Saugerties 3594S»(//i. Lamb, Julia E. (Miss) Saugerties 292 F Lamberton. Anna De Witt (Mrs Charles L.) 46 W. 22nd st.. New Ybrk 22038* Lambie, Mary Bensusan (Mrs John E.) 159 Madison ave.. New York 1SS75SS Lambley, Isabel Smith (Mrs Francis F.) 181 Convent ave.. New Y'ork 65 La Montague, Alice Washington Weir (Mrs E.) Lawrence Station, Long Island 2S6940O Lamping, Genevieve Fish (Mrs Joseph Allen) Massena 13G157L Lance, Florence Starr Peck (Mrs Geo. A.) 15 Winthrop st., Watertown 36414/^ Lance, Laiira Pearsons (Miss) 15 Winthrop st., Watertown 22245pe Landers, Mary Irwin Birdsall (Mrs) Addison 212310 Landfield, Alice Aueusta Marvin (Mrs S. Porter) Walton 212320 Landfield. Ellen Bassett (Miss) Watton 31C45f Landon, Elizabeth Taylor (Mrs) 51 E. Main st., Fredonia 3350Sry(/ Landon, Marv Biggs (Mrs Samuel Gail) Binghamton 2226SA Landon, IMary Grinnell (Mrs Edward H.) 42 E. 66th st.. New Y'ork 22S70J Landon, Mary Ten Broeck (Mrs E. T.) 315 Sterling Place, Brooklyn 35934C7 Lane, Florence Iviola (Miss) 129 Rich ave., Mt. Vernon 35933C' Lane, Ida F. Goodell (Mrs James Y.) 129 Rich ave., Mt. Vernon 217397 Lane, Jane Cutler Conkey (Mrs F. A.) 159 Sidney ave.. Mt. Vernon 17037? Langdon. Julia Olivia (Miss) 303 Main st., Elmira 334C8il Langworthy, Lois Caroline Babcock (Mrs William Franklin) Hamilton 7SS10 Lansing. Alaby Townsend (Mrs) 146 State st.. Albany 136135: Lansing, Carrie Bagley (Mrs Stuart Douglas) Stone st., Watertown 12901 Lansing, Catharine Fox (^Slrs Samuel Stewart) Church st.. Little Falls 1361471 Lansing, Eleanor Foster (Mrs Robert) 12 Mullin st., Watertown 12160A' Lansing, Grace MofPett (Mrs Louis Sherman) 39 Sterling st., Watertown -2rA4Gl-k Lansing, Helen Prescott (Mrs Charles Wendell) Plattsburg 12136F Lant, Mary Parsons (Mrs Jeremiah Hess) 428 W. 57th st.. New Y'ork 24242 Lantz, Mira Lovela Hagans (Mrs Percival) Strong Block, Binghamton 30465qq Lappeus. Adelaide Soule (Miss) 21 Jay st., Binghamton 342S5/( Larkin, Alice Whitin (Mrs Charles Hubbard) 125 Hodge ave., Buffalo 3224 Larkin, Eliza Virginia (Mrs Francis, Jr.) S. Highland ave.. Ossining 33868?? Larkin, Frances Hubbard (Mrs John Durrant) 125 Hodge ave., Buffalo 205697 Larkin, Ida Rahm (Mrs John) 465 W. End ave.. New Y^ork 106467 Larmon, Mary Louise (Miss) Cambridge 34859ff Lamed, Linda Hull (Mrs Samuel B.) 116 W. 69th st.. New Y'ork 18868 Larrabee, Cornelia Hubley Watson (Mrs Jesse) 57 W. 84th st.. New Y^ork 31002^7 Larrabee, Emma May Underwood (Mrs Henry Chester) 12 Edward St., Binghamton 15160/' Larrowe, Elizabeth Ashman (Miss) Cohocron 151596 Larrowe. Kathrine ]\Iorgan (Mrs Albertus) .Cohocton 222570 La Rue, Harriet Avres (Mrs Lawrence A.) Little Falls 317307 Lasar, Elizabeth Hustis (Mrs) 20 Sidney Place. Brooklyn 242307*?/ Lasell, Edna Long Mavnard (Mrs Edwin Q.) 1 Irving Place, Troy 29623// Latham. Alice Alden Hills (Yfrs Wm. A. S.) 83 Cayuga st.. Seneca Falls 21216?? Lathrop, Harriet Monteath Wilson (Mrs) Clinton st., Saratoga Sprmgs 5025f Lathrop, Rose Hawthorn (Mrs George Parsons) New Y^ork 30954« Latimer, Jane T. (Miss) Menands, Albany 30945/ Latta, Josephine Brown (Mrs Adrian C.) Friendship 309-ifi / Latta . Lura Brown (]\rrs Emmit) Friendship 20777/ Laughlin, Leora Campbell Fuller (Mrs John) "The Markeen," Buffalo : .\rmv and Na^T Chapter, D. C. Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter, Mass. t Anna Wamor Bailey Chapter, Conn. 42U DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 12902ft Lautz, Charlotte Wilcoz Cobb (Mrs Carl A.) 771 W. Ferry st., Buffalo 54267 Law, Mary Josepha Woodard (Mrs Kobert E.) Cambridge 23308 Lawlor, Nellie A. Sweet (Mrs JN'orman J.) 315 VV. 81st st., New York 18iy Lawrence, Charlotte Louise (Mrs George A.) 169 W. 78th st., New York 96367 Lawrence, Clementine Grover (Airs G. L.) 343 W. 55th st., New Y'ork 12161^ Lawrence, Electa W. (Mrs) Franklin st., Watertown 41302/ LaAvrence, Elizabeth Spooner (Mrs A. E.) 115 Glenwood ave., Y'onkers 30124V Lawrence, Jennie Shaul (Mrs John J.) 598 E. 140th st.. New' York 254100 Lawrence, Kate Keator (Mrs James Duncan) Bloomville 6269A Lawrence, Louise Huntington (Miss) 128 Park st., Bufl'alo 19442a Lawrence, Lucy Hyde (Mrs Clark J.) Malone 41312;; Lawrence, Maria Greenoak (Miss) West Fall st.. Seneca Falls 32620SS Lawrence, Mary J. (Mrs) 143 Buena Vista ave., Yonkers 6268/t Lawrence, Natalie Dakin (Mrs Ed. L.) 128 Park st.. Burtalo 18774r Lawrence. Virginia Goddard (Mrs Frederick II.) 418 4th st., BrooklVn 326057 Lawton, Almira C. (Mrs Frank H.) 2339 7th ave., New York 72577 Lawton, Eliza Crosby (Mrs Willard) Cambridge 13575&& Lawton, Jennie Lathrop (Mrs Geo. P.) P. 0. Box 145 Saratoga Springs 2172f'y Lawton, Kate Anderson (jNIrs William) Port Ewen 20181-v Lawton, Lizzie Koggen (]\Irs William, Jr.) 42 Crown st., Kingston 27748« Lawyer, Agnes Pershall (Mrs George) 66 Chestnut st., Albany 21130(7 Lay, Henrietta Cross (]\Irs Harry Morgan) 36 Tracy Place, Batavia 2881:^ Layng, Vernona Mitchell Spencer (Mrs J. D.) 29 W. 73rd st.. New York 24863 Leaman, Alice Philips (Mrs Walter L.) 321 W. 75th st., New York 9233(fd Leaning, A. Elizabeth (Miss) Cooperstown 17680d(Z Leaning, Jane Elizabeth Gross (Mrs John Kennington) Cooperstown 17224m Leaning, Mary S. (Mrs Richard S.) Cherry Valley 27017&6 Leavenworth, !Mary Truesdell (Mrs Henry C.) 501 James st., Syracuse 859 Le Boutillier, Isabel Groshon (Mrs George) 200 W. 57th st., New York 347931 Le Clere, Julia Craig (Mrs A. B.) Camden 3897 Le Due, Marie Clinton (Mrs Janvier) 47 W. 35th st.. New York 8659* Ledyard. Abigail Moore (Miss) Southold 30474 Ledj^ard, Catherine Ten Eyck Burr (Mrs) Cazeuovia 18860/ Lee,*^ Adelia ]\rerrick (Miss) ."^. 458 W. 22nd st.. New Y^^rk 17765(7? Lee, Anne Washbon (Mrs Charles E.) 6 North st., Binghamton 25516|| Lee, Charlotte Riddle (Mrs Homer) 553 W. End ave.. New York 2148/1 Lee, Florence (Miss) 567 W. Ferry st., Buffalo 187276& Lee, Florence Snow (Mrs Frederick Harvey) Aubiirn 154S7i Lee, Mary Heywood Shumway (Mrs George F.) 567 W. Ferry St., Buffalo 27778.Y Lee. Maude Lillian (Miss) N. Olean U280e Leeke, Rebecca L. (Miss) Bath 24861 Leffingwell, Emma Frederica (Miss) 331 Macon st., Brooklyn 171350 Legg, Fannie F. (Mrs V. H.) Adams 216907/, Lehman, Mary Louise Squier (Mrs George C.) 354 W. Utica st.. Buffalo 5315* Leighton, Ella Latham (Mrs Melvin) Brooklyn 11962(/(7 Leighton, Harriet Bedford (INIrs Edward F.) 76 Main st., Binghauiton 124197? Leighton, Helene Tappan (Miss) 475 East aveniie, Rochester 30454Y Leland, Mary Permelia (Mrs Frank Dexter) Glean 30058(7 . Lent, Metta Gray (Mrs David Dean) Batavia 92230 Leonard, Bessie Woolworth (Mrs Edgar C.) 196 Washington ave.. Albany 24837&& Leonard, Charlotte E. (Mrs George S.) 402 W. Onondaga st.. Syracuse 4958ii Leonard, Cornelia Montross (Miss) 154 Grand ave., Newburgh 26187Q Leonard, Harriet Olcott (Mrs John Robert) 158 Chestnut st., Albany 8330 Leonard, Julia S. Carter (]\Irs Frank H.) 5 Montague st., Brooklyn 24208ff Leonard, Mary Annette (Miss) 93 E. Genesee st.. Auburn 18800 Leonard, Mary Helena (Mrs George. William) 1845 7th ave.. New York 68520 Leonard, Mary Louise (Miss) 56 Willett st., Albany 12914* Leonard, May" Halstead (Mrs Edwin King) Blossdale 34302A Leonard, Nettie Maria (Miss) Lock Box R, Hudson 85 Leonard, Sarah Woods Norvell (Mrs N. W.) 115 W. 48th st., New York 23S70§ Lermond, Margaret Hall (Miss) New York 28698SS Leshure, Charlotte Schoener (Mrs John) 187 Convent n\e.. New York 7918;; Lester, Elizabeth Belle Campbell (Mrs Frederick. W.) 81 Cayuga st., Seneca Falls t Oglethorpe Chapter, Ga. * Fanny Lt'd}'ard Chapter,. Conn. II Chester County Chapter, Pa. § General Knox Chapter, Maine. NEW YOKK. 421 ISOTS^f Lester, Josephine Ivnapp (Mrs George) 74 South st., Auburn 35991:); Lester, Mabel Frances (Mrs Albert Joseph) Waverly 34833Zy& Le Strange, Irene B. (Mrs Frederick T.) 707 Irving ave., Syracuse 23504/f Letchworth, Anna M. (Miss) Moravia 13G42/( Letchworth, Katharine Edson (Mrs Josiah) 420 Franklin st., Buffalo 20767^ Letchworth, Laura Cutter (Mrs William C.) 98 Anderson Place, Buffalo 1463/; Letchworth, Laura Strong (Mrs Ogden P.) 605 Niagara st., Buffalo 291475 Lettington, Luta Blanche (]S[iss) 21 Hamilton Place, Rochester 22301?/ Levengston, Emma Clark Pike (Mrs Harry M., Jr.) 115 Circular st., Sar- atoga Springs 20m0qq Leverett, Annie Matilda (Miss) 41 Lewis st., Binghamton 12882(77 Leverett, Annie Matilda Lockwood (Mrs J. S.) 41 Lewis st., Binghamton 18831?*6 Lewis, Caroline E. (Mrs Alfred E.) 712 James st., Syracuse 6563rr Lewis, Elizabeth B. (Mrs Theodore D.) 80 Pearl st., Kingston 1651T Lewis, Louise Miller Williams (Mrs John T.) 15 W. 22nd st., New York 20601 Lewis, Marion Fassett (Mrs) 214 Court st., Binghamton S4n7( Lewis, Mary Sneed (Mrs John F.) 453 Niagara st.. Buffalo 33438f Leworthy, Arabelle Wheeler (Mrs Henry)... 14 White st.. Fredonia 7564B Lillienthal, Florence C. (Mrs Albert W".) 267 Mt. Hope ave., Rochester 27S08SS Lincoln, Josephine Vermilye (Mrs James M.) 405 Lenox ave., New York 27809.SS Lincoln, INIary Moore (Miss) 405 Lenox ave.. New York 25487; Lincoln, Sarah Brewster (Mrs Henry P.) 26 Richmond ave., Buffalo 24S20B Lindsay, Adelaide Hatch (Mrs Alexander M.) 373 East ave., Rochester 2918 Lindsay, Eleanor Homes (Mrs William) "The Osborne," 7th ave. and 57th St., New York 24S21i? Lindsay, Marion H. (Miss) 373 East ave., Rochester 8559Z Lindsley, Dorlissa J. (Mrs M.) 31 Rutger st.. Utica 82545 Linn, Edith "^'^^illis (Mrs Samuel H.) 243 Alexander st., Rochester 164]5(r Linson, Ida M. (Mrs John J.) 113 Fair st., Kingston 10163C> Linther, Frances Hutchinson (Mrs J. Albert) 98 S. Hawk st., Albany 2173Sr Lippert, Frieda E. (M. D.) 147 Ave B., Y. W. Christian Home, New York 10171(/fZ Lippitt, Adelaide Bowe (Miss) ^ Cooperstown 355(0 Lisman, Leonora Cohen (Mrs Frederick J.) 311 W. 76th st.. New York 19359 7" Littell, Gertrude Wilson (Mrs John) Broekport 8607? Little, Caroline Crafts (Mrs William S.) 188 Brunswick st., Rochester 35511 Little, Cynthia M. (Mrs) 411 E. 16th st., Flatbush, Brooklyn 21]50(r Little, Edythe Herbert (Miss) "Forest Hill," Menands, Albany 4903 7? Little, Julia (Miss) 397 East ave., Rochester 21]51)f Little, Milla Adelaide (Miss) "Forest Hill." Menands, Albany 228547/ Littlefield, Lydia H. (Mrs Ira Bavless) "The Otowego." Buffalo 6556* Livingston, Emily A. (Mrs William S.) 113 E. 17th st.. New York 30475 Livingston, Julia Raymond (Miss) Carmel 1845)r Livingston, Mary Monchieffe (Miss) 31 Green st.. Kingston 1645Y Lloyd, Nina Ann Tilghman (Mrs Isaac Ferris) 33 W. 70th st.. New York 12895A-7;-. Lobdell. Mary Mignault Piatt (Mrs Frank P.) Plattsburg 234807 Locke, Mary' E. Covell (Mrs George E.) Broekport 317257' Lockwood, Beatrice C. Stratton (Mrs R. M.) 29 W. 76th st.. New York 12300 Lockwood, Harriet (Mrs Egbert W.) Walton 23517 Lockwood, Mary A. Phillips (Mrs James L.) 209 W. 85th st.. New York 31003r/(7 Lockwood, Mary Brewster (Mrs Radcliffe B.) 43 Main st., Binghamton 12368(yg Lockwood, Mary C. (Miss) 41 Lewis st., Binghamton 29606 Lockwood, Mary E. (Mrs) 67 S. Main st.. Gloversville 158577> Long, Cora Alice Reynolds (Mrs Ervin G.) 52 Carroll st., Poughkeepsie 29C)-\9hh Long, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) E. Syracuse 364317/7? Longendyke, Iva David (Mrs Herbert) Terrace Place. Troy 241707? Loo'mis, Celeste Gardiner (Mrs George W^elch) P. O. Box 179. Rochester 251 20t Loomis, Ellen Seymour (Mrs A. G.) 149 Riverside Drive, New York 32585A Loomis, Emma (Miss) 528 Warren st.. Hudson 17717/0 Loomis, Zinnia Ruth Prescott (Mrs Benjamin Gaj^lord) Herkimer 112097/ Looney. Florence Fuller (Mrs Robert) Lancaster 204977 Lord, Elizabeth Watson Russell (:Mrs Asa Dearborn) Batavia 27756 Lord, Frances Brown Warner (Mrs Addison) 73 Forest st.. Gloversville 342867/ Lord, Lura B. (Miss) 32 Highland ave., Buffalo 4 Tioga Chapter, Pa. * Nova Caesarea Chapter, N. J. t Ruth Wyllis Chapter, Corn. 422 DIEECTOKY, D. A. E. 348o8ss Lord, Mary Hussey (Mrs George Washington Taylor) care of Mrs F. P. Earl, "Earle Cliff," Washington Heights, New York 27371SS Lorimer, lluth Nellie Standish (Mrs J. O., Jr.) 161 W. 130th st.. New York 23205;7 Lormore, Jennie Down (Miss) SI State st., Seneca Falls 21205// Losie, Stella F. Enos (Mrs) Hornellsville 21809//- Loud, Mary Cantrell (Mrs Eobert Lingard) 309 Norwood ave., Buffalo 171657 Louderback, Emma Beekman (Airs Wni. S.) 310 W. 70th st.. New Y'ork 17166F Louderback, Etta Beekman (Miss) 310 W. 70th st.. New York 18783s Lounsbery, Daisy E. (Miss) Eandall 10667L Lounsbury, Henrietta (Miss) Hudson Eiver State Hospital, Pough- keepsie 33003Z ■ Love, Jessie Risley (Mrs Henry M.) 8 Kemble st., Utica 1866/i. Love, Maria Maltby (Miss) 184 Delaware ave., Buffalo 31688 Loveday, Ella Van 'Natter (Mrs George W.) 17 Orchard st., GloversvJlle 194262V Loveland, Isabella Sayles (Mrs Frank C.) "The Beresford," 1 W. Slst St.. New Y'ork 391M Lovell, Isabel (]\Iiss) 9 N. Washington Sq., New York 22226? Lovell, Lillian Truesdell (Mrs Herbert Marlow) 354 Grove st.. Elmira 24095* Lovell, INIary Seymour (Mrs Charles O.) Sickles ave.. New Eochelle 390il/ Lovell, M. Louise Lewis (Mrs Frank H.) 9 N. Washington Sq., New York 13581A-fc Low, Anne E. Emerson (Mrs Elliott Colburne) Plattsburg 325F Low, Annie Wroe Scollay (Mrs Seth) 30 E. 64th st.. New York 18223t Low, Fannie Tucker (Mrs) "The Burlington," 10 W. 30th st.. New York 11212 Low, Jennie Moulton (Mrs Philip B.) 103 W. 132nd st.. New York 1446 Low, Marian (Mrs A. A.) 156 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn 33435c Lower, Carrie Le Bart (Mrs) 570 John st.. Little Falls 24S36Z Lowery, Celeste Stafford Wood (Mrs) .441 Genesee st., Utica 33008ee Loyster, Dora Freeborn (Mrs J. A.) Cazenovia 17194fi. Lozier, Elena Martha (Miss) 82 Lander st., Newburgh 17193U Lozier, Katherine May (Miss) 82 Lander st., Newburgh 1812|[ Lucas, Martha P. N. '(Mrs Edward French) Ccirning 309802V Luce, Katherine Hunter Moxley (Mrs H. J.) 32 W. 73rd st.. New York 534 Ludin, Minnie Berford (Mrs George) 100 W. 74th st.. New Y'ork 233357 Ludlow, Ethel (Miss) 573 Putnam ave., Brooklyn 1256 Ludlow, Harriet S. (Mrs Henry G.) Troy 19994B Luetchford, Alma (Miss) Pittsford 19993B Luetchford, Mary E. Hamilton (Mrs Arthur) ' Pittsford 21698ft Lufkin, Lulu M. (Mrs Elgood Chauncey) 150 North st., Buffalo 21422 Lunger, Jane Burnett (Mrs John B.) Greenwich, Conn., and 2 W. 43rd St., New Y'ork 33028 Lunham, Minnie Eurania Brockway (Mrs W.) 413 Hancock st., Brooklyn 34800r Lupton, Annie Estelle (Mrs Frank M.) 839 St. Marks ave., Brooklyn 17074r Lutkins, Maude Loring (Mrs Clifford L.) 141 Berkeley Place, BrookljTi 25466 Lyall. Josephine M. (Miss) 236 W. 4Sth st.. New York 26220 Lydecker, Susan (Mrs John Jacob) 236 W. 48th st., New York 3045 Lyden, Annie Wilson (ISIrs Frederick) 2340 7th ave., New Y'ork 20537 Lyman, Lora L. (Miss) 6 Lawrence ave., Potsdam 3527Z Lynch, Abigail Louisa J. (Miss) 15 Plant st.. Utica 2307F Lynch, Augusta T. H. (Mrs Bernard L.) 122 W. 90th st.. New York 18828b6 Lj'nch, Louisa Van Loon (Mrs Andrew .Tackson) 301 James st., Syracuse 25544 Lynde, Louise Hortense Patterson (Mrs Joseph W.) 318 W. S6th st., New York 12372dd Lynes, Eliza Burditt (Miss) Cooperstown 4175 Lynes, Grace Elizabeth (Miss) 170 W. 7.5th st.. New York 21741F Lyon, Charlotte A. (Mrs) 257 W. 100th st.. New York 211246 Lyon, Emeline Kemp (Mrs Eeuben Eobie) Bath 21679e Lyon, Harriet N. (Miss) Bath 33509qq Lyon, Mabel Parker (Mrs AVilliam E.) 25 Walnut st., Binghamton 21152m Lyons, Caroline I'vichmond (Mrs Samuel P.) 33 Pine ave., S.. Albany 1698 Lysterk, Martha Guthrie Doughty (Mrs W. J. L.) Plattsburg Barracks 6853ft Lytic, Alice Hastings (Mrs Albert T.) 200 Lexington ave., Buft'alo 199S2L Mabbett, Louisa Hart (Miss) 215 Mill st., Poughkeepsie 26207OO Mabon, Eosa Vedder (Mrs William) State Hospital, Ogdensburg * Reprisal Chapter, N. H. t La Crosse Chapter, Wis. Bristol Chapter, E. I. NEW YORK. 423 125S& McAllister, Julia Gabriella (Miss) 149 Second ave., New York 263 McAllister, Louise W. (Miss) 603 Madison ave., ^'ew York 18794i? MacAlpine, Florence (Miss) 153 Plymouth ave., Rochester 24229M MacArthur, Ella E. (Mrs Arthur) ". 110 1st st., Troy 34319F McAulitfe, Margaret Gervais (Mrs George B.) 57 E. 65th st., Xew York 32596r McBride, Anna Maria Truax (Mrs Wilbur) 1992 Madison ave., New York 9790A.fc McCaffrej', Jane Ketchum. Morgan (Mrs William J.) 11 Macomb st., Plattsburg 18725ff McCarthy, Isabella Laas (Mrs Eugene F.) 190 Genesee st.. Auburn 42196& McCarthy, Mary Bache (Mrs Dennis) SJ7 James st., Sj'racuse G273L McCarthy, Emma J. (Miss) Ehinebeck 20524r McChain^ Gertrude Lott (Mrs Richard F.) 1040 Flatbush ave., Brooklyn 34S16ff McClary, Patience Ford (Mrs Martin Eugene) Malone 35450A McClellan, Annie Duncan (Miss) 42 Lancaster st., xVlbany 5471&& McClelland. Alice G. (Mrs Eugene B.) 308 McBride st.. Syracuse 31770& McClumpha, Margaretta McGregor (Mrs Jacob) 274 Guy Park ave., Amsterdam 17025/f McComb, Mary Hoag (Mrs Willianj E.) 135 Pine st., Lockport 20006/? ISIcConnell, Harriet Hopkins (Mrs Benton) Hornellsvi'ile 21173// McConnell, Jennie (Mrs) Hornellsville 6885Y McCord. Helen Washburne (Mrs William M.) 50 W. 60th st., New York 4036!f McCroskery, Henrietta Young (Mrs John J.) 202 Grand st., Nevvburgh 30833— MacDonakt Ada Tenney (Mrs Robert) 426 Grand ave., Brooklyn 25T957i MacDonald, Cora A. (Miss) 414 Delaware ave., Buffalo 25407 MacDonald. Elizabeth Hardy (Miss) Pleasant villa 3174:6qq McDonald, Erminie Swift (Mrs John G.) "The Clinton" House, Ithaca 24238 MacDonald, Jeanette Smith (Mrs) 215 S. Centre st., Schenectady 4436/(. McDougall, Anna C. ]\r. (Mrs Sidney) 302 Slimmer st.. Buffalo 29112 MacDowell. Frances (Miss) " 625 W. Water st.. Elmira 8153fc McElheny, Jane Coryell (Mrs Thomas J.) 318 North Aurora st.. Ithaca 21153!* McEwan,' Abby Stuart (Mrs Walter) Loudonville 21155it McEwan, Jessie Ellis (Miss) Loudonville 32189ft McEwen, Anna M. :Martin (Mrs Henry T.) 23 Church st., Amsterdam 31771& McFarlan, Sarah Katharine (Miss) 64 Church st., Amsterdam 199437! McFarland, Frances Otterstatter (Mrs Thomas Scot) 409 Linwood ave., Buffalo 7260r McFarland, Georgia Wallace (Mrs Mitchell) Cambridge 72637 McFarland, Grace Rosina (Miss) Cambridge 7302Z MacFarland, Lucinda H. Hicks (Mrs Luther W.) New Hartford 7264r McFarland, Martha Hill (Miss) Cambridge 72567 McFarland, Mary (Miss) Cambridge 24247 (CW McGown, Georgiana (Miss) .^ Greenwich 32556^ MacGrath, Annie Minott Mitchell (Mrs Webster Reeves) W'hiteplains 33499/))) McGraw, Enieline Childe (Mrs Albert Perrin) McGraw 20878|| McGregor, Caroline Woodruff" King (Mrs Robert) Army Bldg, New York 20026t MacHarg, Cora Bushnell (Miss) 308 N.^George st., Rome 31738//= Mcintosh, Julia Elizabeth (Miss) Cayuga 5190 Mclntyre, Frances Shaw (Mrs Cahin) Rural Delivery, Memphis 30957// Mclntyre, Maude L. (Mrs Howard) Worth ave., Hudson 6S87&& ISIcIntyre. Stella Elizabeth (Miss) 124 Furman st., Syracuse 31694K Mack," Julia Kimball (Mrs Clarence Adelbert) Academj- st., Watertown 29135CC McKay, Charlotte Ireland (Mrs Hiram C.) Addison 3817$ MacKay, Helen Lawrence (Mrs Donald Sage) New York 170737- McKav% Jenny Wilson Pope (Mrs N.) 323 McDonough st., Brooklyn 5223Z McKee. Arabella Graham (Mrs Wilbur L.) Sackett's Harbor 171677 McKee, Mary Cora (Mrs William) 80 W^ 82nd st., New York 25221 McKee, Mary Harrison (Mrs James R.) Saratoga Springs 15822r McKeever, Marie Louise Van Brunt (Mrs Harris) . .Shore Road and S'Sth St.. Brooklyn 19975/ Macken, Marv Gaylord Farnum (Mrs Chauncv B.) Wellsville 34333/f McKibbin, Mary L. (Miss) 350 W. 20th st., New York 72627 McKie, Kate M." (Miss) Cambridge Samuel Adams Chapter, Mass. Monmouth Chapter. N. J. Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. } Nova Caesarea Chapter, N. J. t Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Ind. 424 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 7S92qq McKinney, Eliza Niven (Mrs William A.).... 187 Court st., Binghamlon 35-164/ Macklin, Elizabeth Gleason (Mrs George E.) 3 Philliyse Place, Yonkers 17050i McKnight, Julia Elizabeth Pitkin (Mrs George H.) 304 Main st., Elniira 26150^ McKnight, Kate Barry (Miss) 304 N. Main st., Elmira 7282?? McKnight. Katharine Du Bois (Mrs Charles Scott) 160 Union ave., Sara- toga Springs 44572? McKown, Anna Campbell (Miss) 11 Brunswick st., Rochester 11221dfZ McLaughlin, Fanny E. (Mrs N. B.) 146 W. 130th st., New York 4449ii McLaughlin, Frances Irene Hulse (Mrs Alfred S.) 25 High st., Newburgh 11836* McLean, Anna Genevieve (Miss) 101 Park ave., New York 269F McLean, Emily Nelson Eitehie (Mrs Donald) . .186 Lenox ave., New^ York 309S9r McLean, Martha Elizabeth Valentine (Mrs Andrew) Shusham 12911? McMahon, Julia Frances, (Mrs John D.) 215 W. Thomas st.. Eome 36380^^ MacMartin, Elizabeth Campbell (Miss) 115 Union ave., Mt. Vernon 26507(r McMartin, Margaret Miller (Mrs James) Johnstown 30965A MacMaster, Charlotte Hitchcock (Miss) Hudson 211256 McMaster, Katharine A. (Miss) Bath 6278Z MacMaster, Marian Hull (Dr.) ._ Homer 17688W. McMaster, Mary G. (Mrs Edward A.) Baldwins\alle 13622uno McMaster, Mary Lena (Miss) Greenwich 19419(n(5 McMaster, Mary Sheldon (Mrs William S.) Greenwich 11249B McMath, Eliza Sargent (Mrs Morrison H.) 373 Oxford st.. Eochester 33020rt5 MacMillan, Laura Knight (Mrs Harry) Kingston 235012?' McMullin, Atta Clay "(Mrs George Collise) Winslow st., Watertown 229337i7t McMurray, Jeannie' Newcomb Bucklin (Mrs C. F.) 76 1st st., Troy 692f McMurtry. Clara Lathrop (Mrs George) 812 5th ave.. New Y^ork 27354 McNab, Eliza Clarke (Mrs John) 230 West Fulton st., Gloversville 1 7047i McNair, Marie Louise (Miss) "The Lenox," Buffalo 334740 MacNee, Jennie Garrison (Mrs P. Smeallie) Walton 193607^ Macniel, Harriet C. Hamlin CMrs Dugald) 95 Ashland ave.. Buffalo 258537 MacNish, Helene Bininger (Miss) Cambridge 116717 MacNish, Jessie (Miss) Cambridge 254037 MacNutt, Mary Stokes (Mrs Howard) 731 St. Nicholas ave.. New York 170247* Macomber, Augusta Woodruff (Mrs Wm.)..24 Anderson Place, Buffalo 54665- Macomber, Laura Page Ward (Mrs Frank) 23 Oxford st., Eochester 1900* McPherson, Margaret W. (Miss) 134 W. 57th st.. New York 143277i McWilliams, Mary Hubbell (Mrs Ealph) 216 Highland ave., Buffalo 17095r McWilliams, Susan Wilkin (Miss) 39 South Portland ave., Brooklyn 16378 Macy, Harriette Whitlock (Mrs A.) 888 St. Nicholas ave.. New York 32988-1 Macy, Olivia A. (Mrs Eichard) 353 Union st., Hudson 32200A Macy, Margaret Ten Eyck (Mrs Frank A.) 522 Union st., Hudson 247957/ Madden, Bertha Colby Barnard (Mrs H. S.) 933 Elmwood ave., Buffalo 188197 Maddock, Alice Patten (Mrs Thomas) 18 Lafayette Place, New York 34794i Magee, Mildred Harvey (Mrs Clarence) Camden 3301700 Magone, Mary T. Gordon (Mrs Daniel) ... .85 Caroline st., Ogxlensburg 7422 Maigille, Helene Cai-ter (Mrs Wm. P.) 285 Washington ave., Brooklyn 33470O Main, Charlotte B. (Mrs Gordon H.) Maione 18S45ee Maine, Florence Keeler (Mrs Paul Stephen) Perryville 18876 Mallon, Irene Black (Mrs George B.) 542 West End ave.. New York 7C76J Mallory, Annie Stark (Miss) Brooklyn 1707Sr Mallory, Cora Pynchon (Mrs H. E.) 128 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn 24851n Maltby, Ellen Farren (Mrs Oliver Ellsworth) 189 Grant st., Newburgh 11249 Mamath, Eliza Sargent (Mrs Morrison H.)....73 Oxford st., Eochester 16416r!; Manchester, Jennie (Miss) 9 Grove st., Eonrhmt 21199T Mandeville, Helen L. Eastman (Mrs W. H.) 223 N. 1st st., Olean 7938L Mandeville, Jane H. (Mrs John H.) 17 Cannon st., Poughkeepsie 17077r Mangam, May Talmage (Mrs Daniel D., Jr.) 41 Garden Place, Brooklyn 6SS3iSi Mangam, Susan Jane (Miss) South Highland ave., Ossining 34823r Mann, Jean W. (Mrs Horace J.) Brockport 29598m Manning, Emma Austin (Mrs James Hilton) 409 State st., Albany 6568'('U Manning, Henrietta Lois (Miss) 31 Green st., Kingston 85467 Manning, Mary G. (Mrs David F.) 222 Hancock st., Brooklyn * Abigail Plielps Chapter, Conn. t Pittsburg Chapter, Pa. * Fredorick Chapter, Md. t Fann}' Ledyard Chapter, Conn. NEW YOEK. 425 106&3Q Manning, Mary Margaretta Fryer (Mrs Daniel) 153 Washington ave., Albany ; 22279 Manross, Martha Elizabeth Wilson (Mrs W. D.) ^Mission House, Onon- daga Castle 14320/1 Mansfield, Martha Eogers (Mrs Alonzo J.) 185 High St., Lockport 25S140 Mamalle, Sarah M. (Mrs Marquis D.) Adams 4(>-!0/( ISIapes, Jane Carter (Mrs Charles H.) 200 Grant st., Newburgh 2G21Sr Marckwald, Mary Halstead (Mrs Augustus V.) 136 Amity st., Brooklyn 4S9S7( Marcv, Ann E. Feeter (Airs William ^T.) 160 North st., Buffalo SS:!7/(- Marcy, Carrie Childs (Mrs Wm. L.) 160 Xorth st., Buffalo 12936F Marean, Elizabeth Eichards (Mrs Josiah T.) 126 Willow st., Brooklyn S52S7( Marion, Anna L. (Mrs E. M.) 31 Whitney Place, Buifalo 2O5.S07)6 Alarlette, Frances Wright (Mrs E. E.) 316 Leavenworth ave., Syracuse 30044/ Marsh, Betsey Marsh (Mrs Dexter) Marshall 22269A INIarsh, Ella Sherman (Mrs Eben Jones) 349 W. S5th st., New York 3549SOO Marsh, Emma Allen (Mrs Edwin) Massena 359137? Marsh, Grace Elizabeth (Miss) 136 Hodge ave., Buffalo 26160i? Marsh, May (Miss) 71 Chestniit st., Eochester 3483577 Marshall. Belle Anderson (Mrs Floyd F.) Cazenovia 27353 Marshall, Caroline Jenner (Mrs H.) 26 North Judson st., Gloversville 22682 Marshall, Josephine Holcomb (Mrs Wm. W.) 295 Clinton ave., Brooklyn 22681 Marshall, Lillie Holcomb (Mrs George M.) 839 Carroll st., Brooklyn 17181ff IMarsliall, Martha C. Eevnolds (Mrs Charles P.) Cazeno^da 2693411 Marston, Ella Chase (Miss) 112 W^ 44th St., New York 10168M- Martin, Adelia W. (Mrs John) 6 Couch st., Plattsburg 2747h» Martin, Ann Elizabeth Swift (Mrs John Williams) Geneseo 2001 OTT Martin, Celia Wait (Mrs Gardiner C.) 13 Sterling st., Watertown 106S-2Q Martin, Helen Tremain (Mrs E. Throop) 194 State st.. Albany 19422rr Martin, Isabel M. (Mrs William N.) 84 Johnston ave., Kingston 2652477 Martin, Jeanne Peters (Mrs VJ. M.) 28 Marion Place. Saratoga Springs 20543.7 IMartin, .Tulia F. (Mrs George F.) Hotel St. Andrew, New York 8547r Martin, Myra B. (Miss) 27 William st.. New York 3046177 ISlartin, Viola Grace Barber (Miss) 14 Lake ave.. Saratoga Springs 36409/7 INlarvin, Elizabeth Warner (Mrs Eobert W.) Jamestown 3594'?r INlarvin, Grace Carter (Mrs David M.) 12 W. 130th st.. New York 85200 Marvin, Grace Parker (Miss) 344 State st., Albany 212340 Marvin, Julia Fitch (Mrs Nathaniel Curtis) Walton 78«5(> Marvin. Katharine Langdon (Mrs Selden E.)..344 State st., Albany 212350 Marvin, Mary Aletta (Miss) Walton 25399/ Mason, Anne Lefferts (Miss) 83 W-^arburton ave., Yonkers 9735r/^ Mason, Annie Marie Bigelow (Mrs Wm.) 93 Chestnut st., Binghamton 9733r/(/ Mason, Belle A. (Miss) 22 Front st., Binghamton 19957T Mason, Cassity E. (Aliss) The Castle. Tarrytnwn 35951p;) Mason, Harriet B. (Mrs Charles H.) 44 Church st., Cortland 2117277 Afason, Josephine Emily (Miss) 58 Seneca st.. Hornellsville 2267* Mason, Margaret Camp (Afrs Eodney) Sackett's Harbor 129067/ Mason, Martha Sprague (Mrs Edward C.) "The Algonquin," Buffalo 8526 Mason, Mary A. (Miss) South Mountain Park, Binghamton 29630rf Massey, Florence E. Channell (Mrs C. A.) T.Malone 193697/ IMasten, Ida Goodsell (Mrs William I.) 197 Lancaster ave.. Buffalo 18881 Masters, Delia A. (Miss) 550 Franklin ave.. Brooklyn 188617 IMasters, Ella Eodney King (Mrs Francis Eobert) Buttonwood — Liv- incrston ave., Dobb's Ferrv 277± IMather, Edith Herbert (Mis's) 59 E. 62nd st., New York 291210 IMather, Jennie E. (Miss) Adams 194357 Mather, Mary Eedeker (Mrs Corneliiie B.) . . . .520 West Gray st., Elmira 3261 7/7g Mathers. Grace Ludlow (Mrs W^illiam J.) Chenango st., Binghamton 30479)- Matheson. Hattie Torrey (Mrs William J.) 24 Eemsen st.. Brooklyn 2911 IT Matson, Eose Eandall (Mrs Willis Arthur) 52 South ave., Brockport 18841flr/ Matteson, Anne Steere (Miss) 65 Ford ave., Oneonta 7903r/rt Afatteson, Florence May (Miss) 65 Ford ave., Oneonta 18122r/rf Matteson, Lyra Foote (Miss) 65 Ford ave.. Oneonta 97607/ Matthews, Jennie L. (Mrs Charles" B.) 309 West ave., Buffalo Elsa Cilley Chapter. N. H. Louisa St. Clair Chapter, Mich. t Buff and Blue Chapter, N. J. 426 DIRECTORY, D. A. E. 25S56U 199467J S826qq 26161B 25128t 21131Q 1457210 26163B 11264Z 34287/1 212330 14260 5858Z 5437^ 15877)0 21101** 6884»S' 3349SPP 334760 26508G 19708^ 35467J 24792/1 24130/;. 5487/t 5477 13574// 13573// 17049/ 23195.9 5856Z 12929F 33442/i 12400A 22922X 172210 6582/? 5430(/ Eichards, Florence Whittier Elmendorf (Mrs Eugene Lamb, Jr.) 210 W. 57th St., New York ^,, „ o ^ Frankfort Eichards, Marianetta Cady (Mrs Seymour S.) YonkeS Eichards, Mary Elizabetli (Miss) •••••;•- -Western a^e.', Albany Eichardson, Ella L. (Miss) .........•••••••; • Hornellsville Eichardson, Elsie Hammond (Mrs William) • - • " ^ f^"^ jf ''iVi^,, Eichardson, Harriet Dygert (Mrs Thomas) 155 W. Mam st^, n^on Eichardson, Laura A. (Mrs) •• • at \"r^omAT-nv Pnrk Eichardson, Mary Ketchum Bowne (Mrs George N.) Gramercj BarK 19417 7887C> 30960A 27407; 17111A 26199bb 4045/( 26479i 20532M;iO 54537 270007? 36435 32212P 277605 26999i? 21259* 242017 35924J 187377; 229057 44387; 129347 34083t 31717B 30045/ 32987m? 7544Y 79307 36446 30107S.S 17721B 120737; 27805^0' 277380 21434tt 33469D 1065^ 28697n 5811$ 28199/g 30972B' 12236^ 22317SS 1223711 4430ii ii:rr%"ess^°Tnrner"M;r5eo;.rilfred) 15, Highland av.^^^ Eieksecker, Frances Wild (Mrs T.) =0 Morningside Park, >ew ^ork ^.S,^Sn?a'S rpLgr<.?i^¥.T, :i tr ViraJe*:; .^mesto.n Eider, Bessie Alley (Miss) ■•■••■■■:. Cedar Lake Eider, Frances S. (Mrs Byron Adelbert) Cambridge Eider, Maria L. Jf ^^^^^^iJ^^^ ^^^^^ ^59^ Lefferis' Place, Sooklfn Eidgway, Esther Moliere (Miss) ''31^ W 5Sth st.! New York Eigby, Cora (Miss).......... ^..•; ••"•••• -^-^..^^^ ^^,^ Yonkers n Eingrose, Harriette Farnham (M.. ----- "' Adams Eipley, Florence Patrick (Mrs Charles E.) .Brooklyn Eippere, Caroline Pratt (Mrs John) Hamilton Eisley, Zayda M (Miss) ""The'cheisea," New York Bitter, Ida Pitt (Mrs , ^^^ ^ne^ ^Te,vburgh Eix, Frances Dewey (Miss) 4-3 ^ra ^^^^^ Eobb, Cornelia V. E. (Miss) ,• • — i'arK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bobbins, Bertha M. (Miss) ••■••:' V ' V \ Hornellsville Clara Kendall (Mrs Frederick ^•)- ■■■•■■• ■•■■\-^°r'^l.rL^, ,e Phelps (Miss) 56 E. 57tl Bobbins, Hattie Elizabeth (Mrs Howard Summer) Bobbins, Clara Kenaaii yiri, n^^^x.^r. "•^••- ^ york Bobbins, Geneyieye^Bhelps M-) • • ' ^ - " ^^^^ JJf h'^^^^^^ .56 E. 57th St., New York 81st St., New York ^ Bobbins, Mary (Miss) ....... • • • • ••••••• * " " w^-TcfTE '^7th st New York Bobbins, Mary Ayres Bhelps (Mrs Horace W.) 56 E. o7th St., t Abigail Adams Chapter, Mass. » New Connecticut Chapter, Ohio. t Chicago Chapter, 111. tt Greenwoods Chapter, Conn. i Abigail Phelps Chapter, Conn. 440 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 9-'37.S' P^K r ' ?™^^ia Mmerva (Miss) ... 1 1 1 ^ ^^i^" i Medina 23489r ^^K .'' n"''^ Gertrude (Miss) ^"" Delaware ave., Buffalo 51??* Roberts, Carrie (Mrs Dudley D.) V«V r/-- ; ^°^^'« ^^rry loUsZ ^°k''' '' Elizabeth H. B. (&rs t') '^' ^^^"*°" a^^-' Brooklyn l"!l'/ Vol !'' .^^^^"'"^ ^^'hite (Mrs HeirV)' I'i -r,- ■; Eiverton 220^;!- i-oberts, Grace Waring (Mrs).. ^ ^ " •;; " ^ ' ^^ Clinton Place, Utica 2225o£: Roberts, Jessie Netta Pir^o7^« VV/ " ' V;^ ^ Locust Hill ave., Yonkers llm r°^^^'"' ?^^^^^- DreLer'^M?: jfres^ITn ."^V.^ ", PhiladelpS 43180 i r?' ?r^^'^ ^- (Miss)......._°''' ^-^ "^p/t'ir^^e ^^'- ^"ff^io 1 77fi7 Roberts, Mary Pratt (Miss) .... \i^.\^ ^^^^ ^^^^ York lliln S^b^^t^' Rosamond (Miss)... . Vo r' ' "? ^.^^ • ^^^^ ^*-' ^^l^'^ny QoTIo Robmson, Cornelia Grace (Miss) 67 "9* W f- ^t*^ '*•' ^'^^^' Y<^rk 92I0B Eobmson, Eliza Ten Evck Pr uvn ' ^M^ n?' ^y^shing-ton st., Eochester ington St., Eochester ^"^ ^^'' ^^^^^^« Mulford) 65 S. Wash O'^oi ixobmson, Elizabeth Dp XVn-++ /ht- n 21?0?f g°J;ns»n. Jane Howell (Mrs Arthur) 67' Vw' ' i,'-' ' V Hoopw dlOO/a Eobmson, Mary E. (Mrs) ^ ^^^ Delaware ave., Buffalo II0I?"! ^^^^%^"^r' Julia (Miss)' ■.■.;•.■.; Malone Smhh ij°^"^'e^«^ll<^r, Lucinda Van Ness (Mrs cinudn\;\' '-' ^^rnV " V " -Germantown ?7204o« ^"^kwell, Jerusha Taylor (Mrs) ^^^^^'""^ ' ^^illard Place, Hudson 32?fi7^« S°'^^' -^"'^^ ^"^^ Merritt (Mrs HenVvS' qV r VV; Marcellus 12367(7g Eodgers, Elizabeth Van Alstvne (Mrs kll. 7'i^^"* ^,^^^' O^densburg 8301+ P 'V' Binghamton ^"^"^ ^^^^' ^'^^ert Edward) 38 Stuyvesant moo^ Eol^j:;„nome';;ttM^^^ ?ohn'or J-^K-. ^— '^ ^^^and '?!?- Joe, Catharine (Miss).^ "" ^"^ ^^ ^- Goodman st., Eochester i-s« |l""s:^^iret"^,„^;;if'"if^^^^^^^ ^ ? ^^ofS; irn: R-y-irSs-' ■■■■•■•■• •■•■-- -"^ -: - !t\' 21^7^ eT'"'' a^""^." ^^^^'^^ (Mr- Chari;;- Ed„ar)-202"-TV V^l^^ ^^^^ 269?o^ 5°f^'' A"tonette M. (Mrs Alonzo M )^ ^ 222- Henry st. Brooklyn 2%3o, p"-^'^''-"' ^f"^^' Pratt (Mrs Deliverance) ^""^ '*•' Wat^rto^vn 1429 ; 5 -'^"''' ?,^^^^ ^^- (Mrs) '''''^^-' ' " " "A "-p Granville Q„o^ ^og'ers, Eleanor Eoot Silliman Vm.VVj^; ' ' ' "a 7 Greene ave., Brooklyn -,A^!!2^ Rogers,' Fannie l/:lL Rogers, Florence 1018-7 Roft-ers, Florenc 11967// eCKS: Si^nie'^u^b^arSudX'^to^TMr?-^ '' "^■^^-<3-' --•> Yonkers St., Seneca Falls -^"^^^eston (Mrs George Pomeroy) 60 Cavuga ^ir^I? Rogers, Euletta Belknap (Mrs Tohn P ^ loll-^ Rosrerson, Frances Eice mil) ^^ Vo Warwick 25408Y p'°i^?'^' ^"^ Katharine gS (Mrs" C )' ' ' ' ioo' k' ^^^T ''^ ^"^^°° ^5408.V Eolhns, Lucy Ward (Missi <-•).... lOo Norwood ave.. Buffalo '- 1 ^ 2 E. 45th St., New York * Pluladelphia Chapter, Pa 7Z~L ' II Ann Story Chapter, Vt I ."*^ Wyllig Chanter, Conn T Army and Navy Chapter, d" C NEW YOEK. 441 ^264SSf 40271' 23302gff lOloiP 10155P 3619iT 6567rL" 2695* 34S02ini 29r,lre 19437/ 3045 li) 301 5«« 32623 •163S4W, 7955A-it 34S24r 322]n 20509/ 21744dd 10140?? 258487? 35919.1 19999/(ft 15S447r/ 28662L 5591.'? 14305S' 13597f 13594/ 17750Z 17749Z 5032rc' 26976? ISSUQ 205417? 258497? 307F 1095SF 364277 24232;/ 25445;/ 34840/; 7969S 18081/ 34820F 15436 SlOllr 23498m 26188Q 22236r 92199 12407Z 273387 26991/ Eolph, Ella McClanathan (Mrs Eonin T \ 99r r + i Eonalds. Bertha Constance PerrvnvS T?"^ 226 Central are.. Dunkirk Rood, Estelle Wood (MrSEdir) ^"^^ ^^^^' '*■' '"^'"'^ ^'°^^ Eoosa, Laura (Miss) Westfield Eoosa, Margaret C. (Miss) Fishkill Eoosa, Mary Acken Stitt (Mrs De' Wit« ''~o^''"V ■■/^''^^^^^ Eoosa, Phoebe Elizabeth D. (Mrs Hvmanr3S 'm.^VI T '*•' Jb!^g-«^o" Eoosevelt, Kate Shipnen CMr.. T^tu.^^ i n Maiden Lane, Kino-ston Root, Ada HelnferTlrs^ aJrfn^'e" BeTt)"^-^ '' ^- ''''' ^*-' ^h^^ J^^ Eoot, Alice Haskell (Mrs Charles C.) Herkimer Eoot, Lilhan Blanche (Miss) A Leroy Eoot, Martha (Miss) Cooperstown Eoot, jVancy A. (Miss) Cazenovia Eosa, Effie C. (Mrs Frederick T^iy,Vr.'r^\ ^ Cazenovia Eose, Amy BraVy Childs (Ls Sam-ci Fishkill-on-Hudson Eose, Edith Ayrault (Mrs iswald JohTcO^ Ellenvnie Eose, Georgie (Miss) ... ^'u. k..) Genera Eose. Mabel C. (Miss) Cazenovia Eose, Margaret Feete- VVr^l" 't^I^/JI: ' ' ' •^•, ?^^ Magee St.. Elmira E{ Ec Roseooom, Catharine (Miss) ' '""' " — ^"^"^ ^-c Eoss, Elizabeth Swetland (MiVs\ '-in'r^.'^^'"-,'"^"^ ^^^^' Valley Eoss, Ella Holmes (Mr^W F ) Z^^-^".'? ^'^^•' P^'-^ttsburg Ross, Florence Peale (Mr^ H^rVeV). ''' ""• ''''' '\f'''' ^^^ Eoss, Jennie Stillman CAfrs wnHoT^ n^i s Gloversville Eoss, Mary S. L. (Mr? C W co °^ Coleman) Wellsville Eoss, Nellie BroM'n (Mrs Eennick e")' oa 'tt'-" l^^operstown Ross, Susie. Paddock (Mrs DeWn GiVleii)" ''Af f '.^^^f^^ Rossman, Florence Hoysradt (Mrs Clark GreenV lV " "5 Ellis Place, Ossming Eowland, Alice J. (Mrs) ... Von k' Vv ^■ r^" ^ssining Eowland, Jeanie M. Barton (Mrs" Eu;ene '!") \lfo^ 'V' 5°"^^ Eowley, Edith Adella (Miss) "^^ ""^"^^"^ ^•) 304 George st., Eome Eowley, Julia Waite (Mrs Warren C ) q'- n"^ •^'' ^l" ?^^^ Roy, Cora Harris (Mrs John hT VV^ i ^""^"^ ^*-' ^^""^ Roy.e, Nettie Cleveland (Mrf" George') '' ''"'^''" St., Xewburgh Rudd, Aimee Allen (Mrs William Piatt ^tV kV.V -^^^^^^eur Eudd, Amanda E. (Mrs Orange B) ^ ^^""^^ ^*-' ^^'^""y Eudd, Florence Sheppard SmUh (Mrs ' Joseph Holland^ t r °'' Eudisch, Duxie Halstead (Mrs Julius) ^-T tT^T^ h ' \; ' ' ' 'J^^^^ Euete, Annie T. (Mrs ChailesV:) . .^.•. '' ^^ ''^^ 'Vh rP^^^"" Euggles, Grace B. (Mrs James F ) o w ' VfiV^' ' \ at ^l^'"^^ Rumsey, Anne Kellogg Osborne afrs E " mV V Vp i*\'*o ^^"^ ^°^^ Rumsey, Eleanor E (Miss) ^^ ^''^ ^'*-' '^''"^''^ ^^"^ Rumsey, Luella B. (Miss) o " " "J * " " -"y^'^^cott Eumsey, Lydia (Miss) .....;:; go'V w''i\--„,l''^^ Springs ^^o^tJ;!t% '|\?i !Srv'^" ^-^ -" -- ^SJl'^J'^ S. 6th St., Hudson atervliet Russell, Anne Van Eensselaer (Miss) qqq c+ + ^ *i, Russell, Emma Louise (Mrs Charles p") ^.Pp^*"^^ st Albany Russell, Jane E. (Miss) ........ .; ~^' Genesee st.. Utica * Buff and Blue Chapter, N. J. ' ' 442 DIBEOTOKY, D. A. E. 35489Z Rutherford, Caroline Woodruff (Mrs William) 96 West st., Utica 20512/ Rutherford, Edith (Miss) Ang-elica 29180r Rutherford, Elizabeth White (Mrs C. H.) 231 Jefferson ave., Brooklyn 20513; Rutherford, Grace (Miss) Angelica 20616WI Ryder, Elizabeth Lou (Mrs) 94 4th st., Troy 17051? Eyon, Cora Gaylord (Mrs Edward Anderson) . .413 W. Water st., Elniira 1720300 Eyon, Emma Frances Davis (Mrs G. L.) 58 Franklin st., Og-densburg- 265207 Eyttenberg, Isabella Levy (Mrs M. George).. 63 E. 78th st., New York 217362V Sabin, Susan Gould Tilden (Mrs Chas. D.) 175 W. 58th st., New York 23511gg Sackett, Mary A. Dickson (Mrs Charles) Westfield 32996L Sadlier, Hattie C. M. (Mrs James E.) 295 Mill st., Poughkeepsie 2146ft Safford, Abby Clarke (Miss) 790 Potomac ave., Buffalo 78890 Sage, Sarah Manning (Mrs Dean) "Menands," Albany 10164Q Sage, Sarah Porter (Miss) "Menands," Albany 23198(/ Sagerman, Hattie Vera (Mrs Wm. G.) 18 Cottage ave., Mt. Vernon 34854TOm Sahler, Katharine (Miss) Saugerties 277390 Salisbury, Mary Janet (Miss) Sandy Creek 12931rr Salmon, Lucy Maynard (Miss) Poughkeepsie 31012Q Sanders, Jane Ten Eyck (Mrs) 250 State st., Albany 27779a? Sanders, May Haskin (Mrs William R.) Glean 861L Sands, Mary Thompson Gardner (Mrs William R.) New Hamburg 11255;; Sanford, Lillias Rumsey (Mrs Leonard G.).. Terrace Row, Seneca Falls' 229 Sanford, Marietta (Miss) 120 E. 45th st.. New York 20607Z Sanger, Mary Ethel Cleveland Dodge (Mrs Wm. Gary) Sangerfield 23192Q Sard, Caroline Woolverton (Mrs Grange) 397 State St., Albany 18722/"/" Sartwell, Amarilla Beardsley (Mrs Henry J.) 88 South st., Auburn 31654/i Satterfield, Marie G. (Miss) 1022 Delaware ave., Buft'alo 316537* Satterfield, Matilda Martin (Mrs John) 1022 Delaware ave., Buffalo 28877* Saunders, Fanny A. Rathburn (Mrs E. E.)..531 Decatur st., BrookljTi 15219ft Sawyer, Anne Maria Wilkinson (Mrs F. J.) 31 East ave., Lockport 30122 Sawyer, Cora Belle Smith (Mrs Edward Maston) Dundee 17137ff Sawyer, Frances Caroline (Mrs Azariah H.) 5 Ten Eyck st., Watertov/n 364135: Sawyer, Lillian Lydia L. (Miss) Adams Center 26176i^ Sawyer, Sarah E. L. (Mrs Everett R.) Sandy Hill 31739CC Saxton, Carrie Phelps (Mrs Fred. F.) Addison 286445 Saxton, Louise Porter (Miss) 104 E. Fitzhugh st., Rochester 378 Saxton, May Jenkins (Mrs).. "The Dakota," 1 W. 72nd st.,. New York 15875Z Sayre, Amelia Van Ranst (Miss) 142 Park ave.. Utica 5431fV Schaeffer, Linnie Snyder (Mrs J. M.)..206 Washington ave., Kingston 15838 Schaumberg, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs G. W.) 235 Harrison st., Brooklyn 3528Z Schautz, Louise C. Graham (Mrs) 241 Genesee st.. Utica 16386HI Schenck, Sarah Whiten (Mrs Peter Lawrence) .. .95 6th ave., Brooklyn 11701f Schermerhorn, Mary Browne (Mrs J. Maus) 120 E. 34th st.. New York 18850 Schermerhorn, Mary Veeder (Miss) Schenectady 28196P Schlosser. Lillian Latson (Mrs John F.) Fishkill Landing 171707 Schmidt, Florence Doris (Miss) 24 E. 80th st., New York 22283i? Schmidt. Jessie Wisner (Mrs Walter) 4 Stevens st., Utica 35914ft Schoeman, May Ayrault (Mrs W. H.) 314 Norwood ave.. Buft'alo 32223W Schoonmaker, Alberta Lewis Benedict (Mrs John Davis) W. Chestnut St., Kingston 2170ff Schoonmaker, Louisa (Mrs Augustus) 42 Crown st., Kingston 286607' Schouten, Clara E. (Miss) Brockport 28659r Schouten, Jane S. Thomas (Mrs Orlo) Brockport 22253/ Schultze, Ida Kate Leonard (Mrs E. F. E.) 244 W. 130th st.. New York 317287 Schurar, Florence (Miss) 24 W. 129th st., New Y^ork 25859fr7v Schuyler, Chastine Hartwell (Mrs C. C.) Plattsburg 7296Z SchuVler, Emeline Watson (Mrs W. J.) 3 Hopper st., Utica 2055017 Schuyler, Harriet Bostwick (Mrs Peter D.) 209 Main st.. Hornellsville 25459 Schuyler, Katherine B. Livingston (Mrs M.) 1025 Park ave., New York 7303Z Schuyler, Nancie M. (Miss) 15 Court st., Utica 11662() Scofield, Josephine Sears (Miss) St. Agnes' School, Albany 16402L Scofield, Mary B. (Miss) 253 Church st., Poughkeepsie 14378JJ Scott, Bertha Lawshe (Mrs William S.) Lyons * Fanny Ledyard Chapter, Conn, t Miriam Danforth Chapter, D. C. 1! Shikelimo Chapter, Pa. NEW YORK. 443 18864SS Scott, Ella Frances Bower (Mrs Albert E.) 308 W. 13Tth st.. New York 211835: Scott, Frances Lord (Mrs Eoss C.) 38 State St., Watertown 7934L Scott, Harriet Sleight (Mrs Samuel H.) 138 Cannon st., Poughkeepsie 29181 Scott, Isabel Gavin (Miss) 346 W. 19th st., Xew York 34866 Scott, Mary (Mrs Daniel Lee) Tivoli 22300H Scott, Minnie (Miss) 104 Smith st., Newburgh 14254(Zd Scovel, Katherine E. Jarvis (Mrs Arthur D.) 499 W. 129th st.. New York 19420WW Scoville, Amie Dobbins (Mrs Frank Churchill) Greenwich 2958Se Scrafford, Mary Waldron (Miss) Bath 277767' Scranton, Mary Huntington (Mrs Charles H.) Brockport 13567/ Scribner, Sarah Marguerite (Miss) Yonkers 13568/ Scribner, Sarah Pettengill (Mrs G. Wilton) Y'onkers 8567/ Scrugham, Mary Kellinger (Mrs W. W.) 1 Highland Place, Y'onkers 15178r Seabury, Sarah Augusta Bremmer (Mrs F. C.) 414 Grand ave., Brooklyn 24155q' Seacord, Amanda Jane Hopkins (Mrs J. M.) 16 Tracy Place, Batavia 10157P Seaman, Emily de Wint (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson 6578 Seaman, Caldwell (Mrs William B.) 45 William st., New York 10158P Seaman, Mary Groebe (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson 34855m.ni. Seamon, Eliza Eussell (Mrs George) John st., Sauge:i'ties 4818ru Searing, Annie Eliza Pidgeon (Mrs John W.) 202 Albany ave., Kingston 33004Z Searle, Alice Lucretia Hotchkiss (Mrs Charles H.) 13 Kemble st., Utica 10687^ Searles, Eloise Eumney (Mrs James H.) 600 N. George st., Eome 143297i Searls, Margery (Mrs M. B.) East Aurora 18098/i. Sears, Frances Demarest (Mrs Edwin P.) 215 Highland ave., Buffalo 295927^ Sears, Leora C. Brown (Mrs Hector) 443 Delaware ave., Buffalo 34788a Seaver, Agnes Haskell (Mrs Herbert H.) Malone 26184/ Seaver, Caroline Horth (Mrs Charles H.) 241 W. 135th st.. New York 9236S Secor, Eebecca Eeynolds (Miss) Highland ave., Ossining 13647e Sedgwick, Charlotte (Miss) Bath 10661' See, Euth Eoss Maffet (Mrs Horace) 50 W. 9th st.. New York 15283L Seeley, Affa G. (Mrs James) 51 S. Hamilton st., Poughkeepsie 17862** Seeley, Cora Adell Collins (Mrs Jurden Elisha) New York 27744gf Seeley, Eose B. (Mrs Clarence E.) Attica 27774T Seeley, Susan Warner (Mrs Charles D.) Brockport 23500/2 Segur, Helen Marie (Mrs Samuel) Ilion 7882(? Selden, Abby Spencer Lansing (Mrs Edward G.) 146 State st., Albany 13571/Z Selden, Lucy A. Woodbridge (Mrs E. D.) 161 Circular st., Saratoga Springs 12379fc Selkirk, Cornelia Bessie (Miss) 205 Niagara st., Buffalo 25792?t Selkirk, Emily Peabody (Mrs George Holden) 277 Depew ave., Buffalo 123767i Selkirk, Jennie A. Snow (Mrs Charles E.) 205 Niagara st., Buffalo 33014// Selleck, Bertha Bly (Mrs Eobert Eolph) 53 Decatur st., Brooklyn 9928^ Selleck, Eebecca J. (Miss) 579 Green ave., Brooklyn 31777/) Serviss, Lottie B. (Mrs John G.) 167 Spring st., Amsterdam 34279f Sessions, Eosie E. (Mrs Monley M.) 80 Central ave.. Fredonia 26977^ Severance, Philona S. (Mrs Benjamin Warren) Gouverneur 7294Z Seward, Anna Eavmond Beardsley (Mrs Alex.) 16 Cottage Place. Utica 277652V Seward, Janet Watson (Mrs William H.) Auburn 97467 Seybel, Lalla Baldwin ]^[orton (Mrs Daniel Edward) "The Knicker- bocker," 5th ave. and 58th st., New York 364257 Sevmour, Georgiana E. (Miss) 152 W. 49th st.. New York 364247 Sevmour, Jane A. (Miss) 152 W^ 49th st.. New lork 21735iY Seymour, Jeannie Frances Billings (Mrs Julius Hubbell) 304 W. 86th St.. New York 22280/)/) Seymour, Harriet Stephens Hoes (Mrs O. H.) 421 E. Willow st., Syracuse 17202/i Seymour, Maria Vandevere (Miss) 29 Cayuga st., Seneca Falls 22842T SeymouT. Mary (Miss) Brockport 12898// Seymour, Marj^' Avery (Mrs Willis Taylor) 26 Cayuga st., Seneca Falls 35937C^ Sevmour, Mary E. (Miss) 960 S. West ave., Mt. Vernon 23194f7 Seymour, Mary E. Jennine-s (Mrs) 512 S. West ave., Mt. Vernon 28887$ Seymour, Mary Floyd Tallmadge (Mrs E.) 20 W. 17th st.. New York 20935* Sevmour, Mary Menzies (Mrs) Flushing, Long Island 21218/J Sevmour, Sarah Elizabeth (Miss) 171 Broadway, Ncav Y'ork ♦♦ Heber Allen Chapter, Vt. H Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Conn. Mary Floyd Talmadge Chapter, Conn. Vanderburgh Chapter, Ind. 444 34795J 19984L 55507 726ir eisf 14311;; 27761i? 3618 17762(t;M7 32511|| 32227r ■6638 33489A-fc 12899P 18849A-A; 3363Z 15S74Z 7301Z .25843f 28188F 31719^ 68697 277o2i^ 28637^ 5241?- 1124200 9249// 34861 f^ 1124300 123747(. 234Sl/( 11181.4 :286697? 64621 9770« 20611 17219»-(r 4037f(. 146267( 14627/ 1062Sft 30455Y 2284S7J 54437; 1119400 231970 35936^ 18780?- 12933F 22797(71, 32192(7 13S94ff 11 25 IB 33501PP 21110PP 10660.? 31013() 1237-[dd DIRECTORY, D. A. R. Shaffer Shaffer Shaff' fer, Cora B. (Miss) p ter, Harriet M. (Mrs Gorman i:)\\\\-i2 '6annon 11]; Fono±itel^^^^^ QK ' ^^^"^^ ^^*^^ ^^^^'^ -^aco^ Herbert) 34 Plaza st BiSflflvn Shanou, Edna M. McFarland (Mrs Georse H) ^t. Biookyn Sl.arp. Dora Adams Hopkins (Ws Wmo^g'hby V- '. l ; '. ; ; l New ?oS Sharp, Ehza Williams (Mrs Samuel T ) im F«iVV+ a x^ „ Sharp, Jessie Eawson \Mrs Donluci^i.-.-.-.-e? M^Sn :; HoTnTlls'vi ^ Sharpe, Frances Paynter (Mrs Severyn B.) 15 Albany aveKiniton Sharpe Louise Boies (Mrs Benjamin Franklin) ?. Greenwich Shaw, Kate Woodruff (Mrs James) oquare, _AevN loik ""SiufeS' ^""""^^ '"'' ^^''^ Cha;i-es-X;thury;;5V8-Momo: s^ Shedden, Kate Alden (Mrs Lucien LI r.i ++ 1 Sheffield, Amelia Hotehkiss (mL") . .:V;;;;;; " ' ' V2 CoUa^e f uS Sheffield, Louisa Meigs (MrsV'harles A.) .....: 42 CottaS s "' Ut ca Sheffield, Sarah K. (Mrs Frederick William H.) 42 Cottlfe st Ut ca Sheldon, Emma (Miss) 7 knrdnW^tr^ ftViplrlon TT'T-r, A \-\f r^ s Lroroon St., Gouverneur bneiaon, E\a A. (Mrs Geors-e) qanrix. wn sLIdoS' irr';^l%Mrr ^""^^ ""'''''' ^-^ 3rwa;;en st-.'-SSto'^^n Sheldon, Mary A.. (Miss) 1 w. 127th st., New York Sheldon, Mary S. (Mrs', Frank) ......■..'.■.■.■;■ '^ " ' ^""" ""'sanrt.. tt^h Sheldon, Millicent Pope (Mrs Lerov) bandy Hill ^ZlZ^,' S^,!!'°T"li^.^.^^^^(?^^«^)• •••••.•: -83, Franklin st., Ogdensbur^ Slemr ' fd". W a!F ^lf'T ^^^^^"^^^ J-) 1^ Pearl Place, BuffalS Shepard, Ida W Adams (Mrs) 243 W. 99th st.. New York densburi''"^ Kruger (Mrs George B.) 104 Caroline st., Og- Shepard. Jessie (M. D.) (Miss) 21 irvino- Place Buffalo Shepard, Mary Berdan (Mrs Walter J.) 70 Ashland av?' Buffa o Shepard, Mary Van Kleeck (Mrs Robert M.) 531 Union s'.",' Hudson Shepardson Esther A. Purdy (Mrs Hubbard) PooMlle Ih'S"'^' Elizabeth (Miss) 053' w. 128th ;t. New York Shepherd, Harriette L. Briggs (Mrs Augustine W.) Greenfield aTe^ Saratoga Springs ' Sheppard, Margaret R. L. (Mrs Walter B.) Penn Van Sherman, Caroline Amelia Whipple (Mrs Job Gray) .'.■.■.■.■ .".Greenwich Sherman, Cornelia Anna Deyo (Mrs Daniel D.) P. 0. Box 523 Nvack Sheiman, .Tu a Avery (Mrs Richard J.).... 455 Delaware ave. Buffalo Sherman, Ju ha T (Miss) 434 Linwood ave. Buffalo Sherman, Julia Whelden (Mrs George L.)...... Cambridcte ?w^«!^-/'h^' T'^lf ^^'\'^J^^ ^^^"§-) 78 Summer' St., Buffalo Sherman, Lydia P. Mrs B. F.) 434 Linwood ave. Buffalo Ih™'"' A?''-'' ^^\i^'^^^ 64 Elizabeth St., Ogdensbur? Sherman, Mary D (Mrs Roger M.) 17 Summit ave., Mt. Vernon Sherman. Nellie L. (Mrs Frederick J.) Crotona Park, E , New York Sherman Susan A (Miss) 15 Pierrepont st., Brook^vn Sherrill, Lilhe E (Mrs Horace Dyer).... Far Rockaway. L^ng Island Sherry, Frances Maria Scott (Mrs Arthur G.) 86 8th st Trov Sherwin, Helen Moss (Mrs Sydney AUyn).. BataviX Sherwood, Annie Velona Clark (Mrs J. M.) 127 Bainbridge sV..' Brookh-n Sherwood. Effie Dodd (Mrs Fred. A.) 7 Livingston Park, Rochester Sherwood, Ina Estella (Mrs James D.) 30 N. Church st.. Cortland bherwood, Jeannette Cleaveland Benton (Mrs Silas William) 4'> E Court St.. Cortland Sherwood. Phebe Esther Acker (Mrs Edward B.) South Highland ave., Ossming ^ ' Shields, Charlotte Agusta Holmes (Mrs F.) 204 Lancaster st.. Albany Shipman, Cora Bowen (Mrs Ambrose C.) Cooperstown Atlanta Chapter, Ga. Prudence \Vright Chapter, Mass. ± Mary Clapp Wooster Chapter, Conn. 1, Freelove Baldwin Stowe Chapter, Conn NEW YOKK. ^^5^ 16395ii Shipp, j^T^uie Maltby (Mrs Samuel V) iqq r- 3621A- Shirley, Josephine Greenleif (Mrsf '' ' x^^' f^ ''^^ ^^^ ^^'-^^- ^'--^ 19436Z Shoemaker. Mora Hnln../?A,i '.'il:;.; V; : "^ Wmthrop st., Waterto. 211oS!( 28213 48 IF III^JJ off''^' -^*'^*^^' E- (^irs George F) ~' s v ««,^ ^ .. 31' '9 Shuler, Alice Du Bois (Miss-) ". o ^*^ ^*-' ^^^^ York 8531ft Shuler, Nettie Eogers (Mrs F;ank "Y) l-s ^""17 ^*-' ^^^s^erdam 28olfv Shultz, Florence Herbert Mrs r a r ^V \;^i,^^^^^"^ ^^'^^ Bufealo U253dd Shumway, Lillian Todd (Miss) '^ ^- ^^^^^^^^t ^t- Kingston 37105 Siblej^ Elizabeth C fJMr^ 7?iif,ie' "\'i' x' Cooperstown 28683^ Sicai^i, Mary Gridley (Mrs Senh^f^ '^ ''' ^"^'^ ^''"•' ^o-^^^^ter 5495ft Sickels, Belle W. H (Mrs Geov;! V " 'V V •;^- i^.'^ ^°PP"- «*•• Utica 5S54ft Sidway, Charlotte Spin ding "FrsFra^k^in ^rf ''?^ ''^^"•V ^"^'^^'^ 18 r 33ft Sikes, Sarah Colton (Miss) i^ranklm) The Lenox,"' Buffalo .?mlf f e-!l: ^ior^"^e Virginia (Mi^s) ! ! ! ! ~^^ A^iagara st.. Buffalo 32bl4ftft, Silhman, Martha A. Tno-ram (Mv^ <:?"a ' ' ' ' ": ' ' ; Cooperstown 34839H- 1-1 ""^^^', ^'^^y Aurelia '(Mils .'• ^^^^-t-) • • • -l^l^ 5th ave Troy -84 Simmon. ^B^ertha ElU^sL^TJs^^i^ -(Mi^ ^'^^n^^^ti 8961,- Simmons, HarrietN^' Mrs Tol.lY ^^^°^'' ^^'^ • • • '^^^ ^^^ ave.. Brooklyn 29174^^ Simmons, Lizz'e F (£) ^'^^^^°^^ ^80 Greene ave., Brookhn 28675F Simons, M. Agnes (Miss) Vo' V;; Westfield 25593r Simpson, Charlotte Pme'e "(Mrs' F ' u'V IL \ !f'^^ ^*-' ^^^^^' ^^'^^'^ 3168 Simpson, Hattie C. (Mrs John B)'^'"io'^ Madison st.. Brooklyn 107571 Sinclair, Marv F. (MiS ''The sT' T ^V " ^Vr'H^ "*•' Binghamton St., New York ^ ^*- ^^^^'^ence," Madison ave. and SStn Sisson, Alice Conant (Mrs). on r> i . ^. Skmner, Anna Blanche (Miss) ^ . Newburgh Skinner, Augusta B. (Mrs Orville "w") -t5aldwinsville Skinner, Jeannie York (Mrs John Arthur)'.". AXWfi",'^ Skmner, Laura Ada (Miss) ^ Uestfi^ld Slade, Cornelia Wheeler Strong-' VmVs 'g 'p Tfio' ;^' ' aV+I' ' V ' "^t ^^^?''^'^ S ade, Emma Hardy (Mrs Willhixn G ) ^fo w R^th '^ ?"''' V'''} Slater, Phebe Esther Morgan (Mrs J 'r')' "194^? 19+I ^Z- ^.*^^^' "^"^^ Slauson. Elizabeth (Mrs Rexf orcT^ . :^' ^'^ 217 W ' 105th S" S"" J""!' S ee, Emma Underbill (Mrs John Fletcher) 2IS W i^' ^,''\}''}-^ Sleight. Anna Ward (Miss) ^^excner) . . .218 W 1st st., Elmira Sloan, Alvira C. (Mrs George 'b) iJ" w^v^V*'' P^^^J^keepsie Sloan, Caroline I. (Miss) ^ -* ^' ^^ ' Y^^, ^^^^" ^*- Os^vego Sloan, Emily Louise Harris '(Mi^s ' William' 'F-i 'i a T' f- Brooklyn Sloan, Ethel Donaldson (Mls^toleYS^^yl .\tI'^t^^^^^^ Sloan, Margaret Elmendorf (Mrs Samuel) 7 F%8tK If V ^^^ll^g^^ Sloat, Lunette T. Greenleaf Qlrs M bV^^'at ,kl ^*" ^''^^' ^"'^^ Sly, Ella Brooks (Mrs Will am S) ^ '' 8 Cn^ ^'"•' ,^"- "^7^°- Smalley, Anna Eliza PercivainVIrs Afbert'l")' 31 fi F S^''^/^' Fredonia '-^ SZL"^^^^- (Mrs^Har^^B^-^'^^BS^cJ^^y^X^n p:s^i^:^i-s^j----)-^^^^ Smedley, Minnie Curtis (Mrs Frank E.) . . . . AdHiln^ Smrth^''\r"%^;i'^''^^'?^ ^^^^" ^^^^^^ T.)....299'Hami'lio'n'st'.; AlbaS? Smith, Alice Butler (Mrs Wil liam Howes) Schenectady 446 SSlOl' 28619f 4642 F 15888 9238Z 15855E: 21701fc 32582S 1704SJ 18755J 21721J 72735 14259/?. 3391lGfgf 187983/ 16388?>i 28620/= 85447 110771 14301OO 12S92B 2S654F 3301066 9769?/ 28655P 211339 31701T 22237r 18812L 28621f 15147» 28634 28704 3542J/ 18728ff 27767L 17190Z 13633.1 16364r 24224X 14273P 15878/ffc 30445JO 1123600 22238r 16387OT 32594D 6021J5 24240 27031 14279Z 286S6A- 33908P2J 32990A 28597 22926^74 106467 35505ft 35918.9 42 39 if 31673--1 2273c 21691/f DIliECTORT, D, A. R. Smith, Alice L. Stanton (Miss) St Jame^, ^ong Island t;mith Ann E fMiss) 1^ Green st., J^redonia sS h! iSSa El zabeth (Miss) 151 W. 48th st., New York ISnth Anna Gray (Mrs Hiram) 307 W. ^ndst Jamestown Smith Carrie Martha (Miss) 17 Scott st., Utica Smth Carrie Sigourney (Mrs Ealph'T.) 47 St^te st., Watertown Smith Celia Mattison (Mrs William Hazlett) 16 Oak ave., Ithaca Smith, Celia Shell (Mrs Joseph) • 1 •. ' ; V ' '/ ' " i.-'i ,. fv^ Smith Charlotte Ward Keeler (Mrs A. L.)....354 Maple ave. Mmua Smith Clara Alzina Hapgood Higgins (Mrs Frank Sullivan) Angelica Smith Corinne B. (Mrs George Rodney) .. .248 W. lOoth st., -^ew loik sSith Cornelia Cnlver Ely (Mrs Howard A.) 450 East ave., Rochester sSith Delia E. Prior (Mrs A. B.) 54iy, N. Broadway, Saratoga Springs Smith Donna Marie Crandall (Mrs E. P.) 91 Main st. Bmghamton Smith, Elizabeth Stiles (Mrs Jerome) ; " " X^? 1?^.„ sSith Ella May Eowell (Mrs Harry W.) 80 Greene st., Ogdensburg sSi h Ella Pierce (Mrs Edmnnd C.) 135 Plymonth ave Rochester imith Elsie M. Bishop (Mrs George C.) ^^'^'^^^''T^via Smith, Emma Needham (Mrs Anelsem M).. R.ilston Sna Smith Emma Thompson (Mrs Andrew W.) .Ballst^n bpa sSith, sSelle Place (Mrs Bertram Llewellyn) ... .rishkiU-on-Hndson Smith, Eveline Dolbeer (Mrs Wilbiir) . . . . B^ockport Smith, Fanny Taylor (Mrs David Eugene)..... :••;• -^ ?fy„ sSth Florence K. (Mrs Clarence E.) 12 Pierrepont st., Brooklyn Smith, Frances E. (Mrs Charles) Eastman^ P^ark,^ iT^^relZl S; g^rr^:? rS!\MrVF;ankH.r63-Chu;ch st., Saratoga Springs Smith Harriet W. (Mrs Abram D.) .' '^'-^t ^' f Sh Harriet Wells (Mrs S. Newton) "Waldorf-Astoria," New York Imith, gelen Evertson (Miss) "The Manhattan," E. 84th st., New York S: r^^S?(S^s&;Gov;;:-.35-chur^ S: ^i: io^^^^^iS:. Yi^ •38-Corneiia '^J^^^ S' Y^s^tS^J^'h^ ^? AO -74 Washington- Vt!%|S.rg SmltS: LucX C' (Miss).: 220 Columbia HeigMs, Brookl^^^^ sSLXi;rr;^&-^m;r-w\mam);;:;::::v::::^:....:^^^^^ Imith, M^ria Antoinette (Miss) 18 Grove Place, ^Eoche^^^^^^ Smith, Mary A. Eead (Mrs D_e Wane B.) •_ -^ •^■^. f^^^f'l Smith, Mary I. Thompson (Mrs Menzo A.) ^ c?mbriZe ' Smith Marv Louise Larmon (ISIrs Ernst E.) • camorui^e Imih, MaVy Louise Kiley (Mr, Albert) 241 W. 74.h ^t- ^^ew ^ork IS H: Sy A.n'ef SiW).-. . ; , ..... . . ... ... .515 union ^t Hudson Smith Nellie Bramer (Mrs Eollm Hurlbut) ■ • • l^i"le i^aiis Imith Euth W. Edgerton (Mrs Willard E.) 104 Prospect ave.. Buffalo J Denver Chapter, Col. NEW YORK. 447 26 Smith, Sadie Adams (Mrs Le Eoy S.) 151 W. 117th st., New York 27762J Smith, Sara B. (Mrs Julius Paul) 100 W. 80th St., JNew York 20510; Smith, Sarah Asenath Wright (Mrs Thomas Lyell) Wellsville 34790f Smith, Sarah Kimball (Mrs W. V.) 40 Mill st., Fredonia 24194T Smith, Sarah L. (Miss) BrocKport 25S20O Smith, Sara Sawyer (Mrs Fred J.) Adams 20750* Smithers, Kathleen Saunders (Mrs J. T.) 836 West End ave., New York 3150SJ Smock, Ada Mima (Miss) 646 W. End ave., New York 34314F Smylie, Julia Ely (Mrs Charles Albert) 140 ^Y. 5Sth st.. New York 33443/t Snelgrove, Mary Conde (Mrs J. B.) 233 Normal ave., Buffalo 28635s Snell, Ellen Van Camp (Mrs John A.) Fort Plain 25S36H; Snell, Flora Getman (Mrs Truman) Mohawk 30060g Snow, Laura A. (Mrs Emerson E.) Batavia 18729ff Snow, Mary (Miss) Auburn 29877§ Snow, Mary Sophia (Miss) Brooklyn 8630|| Snow, Susan Conant (Mrs Louis F.) 259 92nd st., New York 2901| Snyder, Alice Mary (Miss) Elmira 7555t:u Snyder, Carre L. Tompkins (Mrs Henry B.) 26 Grove st., Station E., Kingston 106777 Snyder, Mississippi (Mrs Edward L.) 539 9th st., Brooklyn 23198(/ Sogeman, Hattie Vera Bacon (Mrs W. J.) 18 Cottage ave., Mt. Vernon 329830 Sohmer, Pearl Edgerton (Mrs Francis Joseph) Whiteplains 35938f/ Sohon, Sallie Marsteller (Mrs Michael D.) 960 E. 169th st.. New York 27358L Somers, Helen Ward Stockholm (Mrs Howard Adams) 301 Church st., Poughkeepsie 18155|||| Sonneborn, Gertrude Gearhart (Mrs G. H.) 154 \\. 103rd st., New York 3617rv Soop, Helen M. (Mrs Henry C.) 67 Maiden Lane, Kingston 10689? Soper, Hetty Mann W'ardwell (Mrs A. W.) 150 W. 59th st.. New York 27816r Soper, Luella Hartt (Mrs Charles A.) 78 Madison st., Brooklyn 10717 Soper, Mary Theresa (Miss) Kome 26997K Soule, Caroline J. (Mrs L. W.) Cape Vincent 1640S&6 Soule, Grace Gere (Mrs Frank C.)..509 W. Onondaga st., Syracuse 123581$ Southgate, Elizabeth Sumner Barbour (Mrs Hutchinson) 65 E. 89th St., New York 7956/i7c Sowles, Lucy Beckwith (Mrs Merritt) Prospect Hill, Plattsburg 23309(H//i Spalding, Katharine Culver (Mrs Charles A.) Saugerties 2292S?;& Spalding. Martha Eeed (Miss) 207 Townsend st.. Syracuse 8813 Sparks, Mary (Miss) 37 E. 57th st.. New York 146257^ Spaulding, Annie Margaret Watson (Mrs S. S.) 472 Delaware ave., Buffalo 241897 Spaulding, Mary C. (Mrs) Ossining 34604 Spaulding, Mary Emma (Miss) Saratoga Springs 7324ff Speakman, Aimee Du Val Zane (Mrs C. A.) 64 Herkimer st., Brooklyn 2778&hh Speck, Helene Keller (Mrs Henry J.) 277 Pawling ave., Troy 17728.7 Spencer, Anna Margaret (Mrs John Stowe) 64 W. 68th St., New York 1147F Spencer, Emma Fish Guilford (Mrs) 134 Eich ave.. Mt. Vernon 2878** Spencer, Louisa Vivian (Mrs Samuel) 29 W. 73rd st., New York 9756/1 Spencer, Marion Edwina (Miss) 189 Dearborn st., Buffalo 14287( Spencer, Marion Howell (Mrs C. A. De M.) 189 Dearborn st., Buffalo M59B Spencer. Marj^ Louise »Smith (Mrs T. D.) 24 S. Union st., Eochester 15200Z Spencer, Mary O. Dickinson (Mrs Thomas W.) 43 Eutger st., Utica 286S4Z Spencer, Mary Eoss (Miss) 43 Eutger st., Utica 28685 Spencer, Maude Hughstein (Miss) 43 Eutger st., Utica 6310^ Spencer, Sarah Pope (Miss) New Lebanon 34S34&& Sperry, Celia Evelj-n (Miss) 1305 E. Genesee st., Syracuse 258210 Spicer, Mary W^ood (Mrs Charles E.) Adams 21184Z Spicer, Minnie Alice Wood (Mrs Fremont Wayne) Dexter 142945: Spink, Adelia Wright (Mrs Laban F.) * Eodman 17088?- Sprague. Julia Muller (Mrs Irvin A.) 166 Amity st., Broolflyn 7265A; Sprague, Louisa J. (Mrs Joseph B.) 304 Titus ave., Ithaca 7232 Sprague, Eay Ellison (Mrs Charles E.) 116 W. 75th st.. New York * Jane Doiicrlas Chapter, Tex. t Old Newhury Chapter. Mass. S Frances Disrhton Willianis Chapter, Me. il Oaspee Chapter, R. I. t Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Ind. nil William Montgomery Chanter, Pa. it Buff and Blue Chapter. N. .J. ft Chester County Chapter, Pa. ** Oerlethorpe Chapter. Ga. 1' Boudinot Chapter, N. J. 448 DIKECTOllY, D. A. E. 15220(Zd 27801OO 27S02rr 595|| 228457i 58711 44447 2542F 4445F 33019t'V 26996ff 18865 15150W 17052Z 28197P 17707r 20855** 2290F 22872 4777j[ 441 277757 3388310 26985 26984 11694t-t; 19044§ 33931r 23653:|: 10637/ 29150i^ 15202Z 232121 97647;. 5195r 1240lee 26204ee 21154tt U62B 21821 17087r 25837'W 14284?f 216947J 18089?/? 15836r 476 477 25502* 3549900 36426y 232026& 23201&& 6877L 3164971 316517^ Spraker, Fannie Dunkel (Mrs Ferdinand W.) Cooperstowa Spratt, Emily Jane (Mrs Thomas) 90 Washington st., Ogdensburg- Spratt, Mary Margaret (Miss) 90 Washington st., Ogdensburg Spring, Anna Melazina (Miss) I8l W. 75th st., New York Spring, Anna Tarbell (Mrs Alfred) Franklinville Spring, Mary O'Hara (Mrs) isi W. 75th st., New York Sprmger, Annie Grace (Miss) "The Elliott,"' 61 W. 86th st.. New York Springer, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) "The Elliott," 61 W. 86th st.. New York Springer, Ynes Virginia (Miss) "The Elliott," 61 W. 86th st.. New York Squire, Harriet P. More (Mrs Oliver D.) 249 Wall st., Kingston Squires, Jennie Clark (Mrs Lyman Hamilton) 51 Main st., Hornellsville Stacey, .May Banks (Mrs May H.) 137 W. 67th st., New York Stafford, Mary Excie Cady (Mrs Judson Harvey) 171 Nelson ave., Sar- atoga Springs Stancliff, Carrie Radeker (Mrs Edwin Eldridge) 240 Lake st., Elmira Stanlejr, Emily Whitney (Miss) Matteawan Stanton, Caroline Rowland LjTies (Mrs G. A.) 128 Remsen st., Brooklyn Stanton, Elizabeth Harper Belcher (Mrs J.) 47 W. 48th st.. New York Stanton, Elizabeth Romaine (Mrs John) 419 W. 23rd st.. New York Stanton, Mary Augusta Shattuck (Mrs L. M.) 31 W. 71st st.. New York Stanton, Pauline Williams Dixon (Mrs L. L.) 30 W. 49th st.. New Y'ork Staples, Hannah T. Otis (Mrs M. W.) 31 Colonial Place, New Rochelle Staples, Mary A. (Miss) Brockport Starmg, Arvilla (Mrs De Witt) Frankfort Stark, Harriet Bostwick (Miss) 22 Park ave., Rochester Stark, Mary E. Bostwick (Mrs Thomas F.) 22 Park ave., Rochester Starkey, Katherine W. Sleight (Mrs Herbert A.) Port Ewen Starr, Abbyline Tift (Mrs Nicholas) Cortland Starr, Emma Tillinghast (Mrs F. W.) 16 Montgomery Place, Brooklyn Starr. Sarah (Miss) East Hampton, Long Island Stanffer, Florence Scribner (Mrs David McN. K.) Yonkers Stearns, Ellen M. (Mrs William O.) Glens Falls Stearns, Emilie Elizabeth (Miss) 346 Genesee st., Utica Stearns, Helen Mason (Mrs) Rome Stearns, Mary Schauffler (Mrs George C.) 205 Linwood'ave.', Buffalo Stebbins, Elma Miller (Mrs George Coles) 19 Verona Place, Brooklyn Stebbins. Katherine Fairchild (Mrs John) Cazenovia Stebbins, Margaret Dows (Miss) Cazenovia Stedman, Agnes Lander McEwan (Mrs C. S.) 94 Chestnut st., Albany Stedman, Alice Sherwood Wells (Mrs John H.) 42 Westminster Place, Rochester Steele, Agnes Elizabeth Hall (Mrs W. F.) 79 Broad st., Gloversvill? Steele, Carrie Hinman (Mrs Sanford H.)..36 Pierrepont st., Brooklyn Steele, Ella Dieffendorf (Mrs Irving W.) Mohawk Steele, Franc Lockwood Irwin (Mrs Abram B.) Herkimer Steele, Helen Varian (Mrs Frank B.) 183 St. James Place, Buftlilo Steele, Mabel Munger (Mrs Robert Etheridge) Albany Steele. Mary E. Porter (Mrs Hiram Roswell) 242 Carroll st., Brooklyn Steers, Anna Mersereau (Mrs Edward Paulett) 2076 5th ave.. New York Steers, Susan C. Mersereau (Mrs Abraham) P. O. Box 279, Port Rich- mond. Staten Island Steil, Mary Jane GratHin (Mrs Otto Lincoln D.) 403 Water st., Troy Stephens, Edith Warner (Mrs Wm. Marshall) 54 Morris st., Ogdensburg Stephenson, Amadore Frazee (Mrs Edward F.) 24 Dixon st., Tarrytown Stephenson, Emma Leonora Hughes (Mrs Benjamin) lOS Burnett ave., Syracuse Stephenson, Frances Avery Cobb (Mrs F. H.) 708 James st., Syracuse Sterling. Mary H. (Miss) 81 Cannon st.. Poughkeepsie Sternberg, Laura D. (Mrs Chester U.) 636 Breckenridge st., Buffalo Sternberg, Mary Blackmarr (Mrs Charles F.) 1355 Main st., Buffalo II Pittsburg Chapter, Pa. ** Putnam Hill Chapter, Conn. 11 Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. § Fanny Ledyard Chapter, Conn. t Lucretia Shaw Chapter, Conn, t William Mason Chapter, N. C. * Miami Chapter, Ohio. NEW YORK. 449 163727 27807SS 28687Z 30098F 20572F 22889F 20029< 26211 W 30035i 22887ff 25396^ 304460 8541F 30065(0 72587 2612SZ 6975F 36389fc 25838((7 3767 32276* 34864 20534WW 6583&& 27019J*& 23189m 72337 354613' 3177S& 14609 8518Md Todd, Florence M. (Miss) Toddsville 5995S Todd, Florence Washburn. (Mrs Edwin L.) 14 Ellis Place, Ossining 21704r Todd, Lillie Antoinette (Mrs William C.) 275 Clinton ave., Brooklyn 30988(? Toedt, Lucy Van Santvoord (Mrs E. B.) 304 Washington st., Albany 20498(7 Tomlinson," Una Eedfield (Mrs Daniel Webb) Batavia 300527c Tompkins, Ada Belle Kellog (Mrs Myron N.) 309 N. Tioga st., Ithaca ISlOOr Tompkins, Frances Emma H. (Mrs E. S.) 47 Brevoort Place, Brooklyn 16423P Tompkins, Jennie (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson 25414P Tompkins, Eeta Ida (Miss) Fishkill-on-Hudson 14242F Tooker, Maude W. Stimson (Mrs Edmund C.) 68 W. 40th st.. New York 19990 Topham, Virginia Ann (Mrs Henry Albert) Audubon ave. and 166th St., W., New Y'ork, 2001 5r Topping, Grace Bell (Mrs Frederick) 24 Munroe Place, Brooklyn 4050Z Tourtellot, Elizabeth Hubbard (Mrs L. A.) 42 Broad St.. Utica 18fl47( Townsend, Elizabeth Jackson (Miss) 65 Ashland ave., Buffalo 2424S(rH; Townsend, Lucy Foster (Mrs F. L.) Greenwich 33907/)/) Townsend, Rosabelle Van Siclen (Mrs W. H.) 101 N. Main st., Cortland 7003± Townsend, Sarah E. (Mrs Edward Mitchell) 19 E. 22nd st.. New Y^ork 33459B ToM-nson, Marie Antoinette Castle (Mrs A. J.) 325 Oxford st., Rochester 1775567) Tracj^ Sarah Osgood (Mrs James Grant) ... .620 James st., Syracuse 3S2 Trafton, Linie Kiersted (Mrs William H.) 435 W. 23rd st.. New York 36419 Tranchard, Mary Stafford (Mrs Edward) 50 W. 92nd st.. New York 317806 Trapnell, M. Annie (Mrs William H.) 58 Church st., Amsterdam 24164JL Traver, Emma NeM-man (Mrs William H.) 1 Willard Place. Hudson 25469m Travis, Mary Elizabeth Hart (Mrs M. V. B.) 171 W. 76th st.. New Y^ork 22306// Trautman, Mary Edith (Miss) 8 Clinton st., Seneca Falls 194547 Treacy, M. Camilla (Mrs P. S.) Dunwoodie Heights, Yonkers 59997( Treat, Emma Louise (Miss) 89 Norwood ave., Buffalo 32oy Treat, Julia Hubbell (Mrs Charles R.) 201 W. 100th st.. New Y^ork 1541Gt Treganza, Caroline Gaylord (Mrs James) 503 10th st., Brooklj^n 11195f Tremain, Laura Munsell (Mrs William F.) W. Bloomfield st., Rome 30051 1 Treman, Belle Norwood (Mrs Ebenezer M.) 315 W. State st.. Ithaca 16420rr Tremper, Ann Rouse Staples (Mrs Burton Morse) Kingston 628nri? Tremper, Rachel Louise (Miss) 208 Albany ave., Kingston 177347( Trevor, Katherine (Mrs Francis Nathaniel) 453 Willow st., Lockport 342907( Trible, Ella Jane (Mrs J. Philip) 297 Delaware ave., Buffalo 342917) Trible. Grace Barbara (Miss).. 297 Delaware ave., Buffalo 22246B Trimble, Mary B. (Mrs Edward R.) 19 Buckingham st., Rochester 21277) Trott, Elizabeth C. (Miss) 1139 Main st., Niagara Falls Bennington Chapter, Vt. Abigail Adams Chapter, Mass. t Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. t Katherine Gaylord Chapter, Conn. 454 DIBECTORT, D. A. E. lS762fyfjf Trowbridge, Emilie Brass (Mrs) 3 Chestnut st., Biug-hainton 1462S/1 Trowbridge, Harriet S. (Miss) Lancaster 35441/1 Trowbridge, Lucy Horton (Mrs Grosenor R.) 1331 Main st., Buffalo 32219A' Troy, Minnie H. (Mrs Jolin) N. Barry st., Olean 483 Truax, Alice Hawley (Mrs Chauncey S.) 780 Madison ave.. New Yorlc 29138CC True, Louise Turner (Mrs George Ivers) Addison 21140r Truslow, Annie Gates Babcock (Mrs F. C.) 83rd st. and St. Mark's ave., Brooklyn 151950 Tucker, May Newman (Mrs Willis J.) 166 Washington ave., Albany 25411(? Tucker. Sara Edwards Miller (Mrs Gilbert M.) 304 State st., Albany 8820S Tuckerman, Josephine (Miss) 339 E. 4th st., Jamestown 7235^/ Tuckerman, Mary Hall (Mrs) ....339 E. 4th st., Jamestown 17155¥ Turnbull, Katherine E. (Miss) 113 E. 39th st.. New York 2373(M Turner, Abbie Cory (Mrs Theodore C.) _ Cooperstown 34843CT Turner, Emma Lutetia (Miss) 102 Home st., Rondout 368SnJ Turner, Frances Eugenia (Mrs William H.) 65 St. James st., King-ston 29139CC Turner, Jessica Ivnapp (Miss) Addison 242027 Turrell, Frances Wright Robinson (Mrs Herbert) 64 Edgecomb ave., New York 205151 Tuthill, Mary L. (Mrs R. B.) Camden 24258 Tuttle, Adaline Terry (Miss) Watkins 2114 Tuttle. Adelaide Underwood Bates (Mrs E. G.) 56 W. 46th st., New York 188227 Tuttle, Eula Kate Brown (Mrs Clifford) 269 Clinton ave., Brooklyn 22907F Tuttle, Isadora B. Cheney (Mrs E. A.) 131 Lexington ave.. New York 79587cfc Tiittle, Maria Jeannette Brookings (Mrs George F.) Prospect Heights, Piatt sburg 10149m Tweedy, Alice Belcher (Mrs James F.) 712 West End ave.. New York 11385|| Twichell, Ellen E. (Mrs James C.) Cazenovia 17090r Tj^ler, Lena Louise (Miss) 682 Ocean ave., Brooklyn 18884 Tyler, Sarah Wyeth (Miss) Sacket's Harbor 6086$ Tyng, Emma Moft'ett (Mrs Thomas M.) New York 2960010 Uhlee, Margaret Lotridge (Mrs Henry M. P.) Herkimer 211857i: Uhlein, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs John Copley) 28 Mullin st., Watertown 31675A Uhler, Martha Chamberlain (Mrs George)' 3 AVillard Place, Hudson 27348A Uhrig, Anna Feroe (Mrs Frank V.) 44 Worth ave., Hudson 27349A Uhrig, Clara Belle (Mrs George) '. 44 Worth ave.. Hudson 3080 LTmbstaetter. Mabel A. Frost (Mrs Robert Jerome) The Inverness 200 W. 57th St., New York 25S52S Underbill, Anna Murray (Mrs Abram S.) 38 Linden ave., Ossining 3S947( Underbill, Anna Price (Mrs C. M.) 849 Delaware ave., Buffalo 18099 Underbill, Eliza Otto (Mrs Francis Jay).. 731 W. Delavan ave., Buffalo 15162?- Underwood, Annie (Mrs J. P.) \ 766 Quincy st., Brooklj'n 36410E LTnderwood, Elizabeth E. (Mrs Fred) Jamestown 28711ff LTnderwood, Grace Kennard (Mrs George) 72 South st.. Auburn 261787^ Underwood, Jennie A. Gregory (Mrs George F.) 263 Central Park, W., New York 12224f Underwood, Marie Antoinette Si^urr (Mrs Lucien Marcus) 59 Morn- ingside ave.. New York 17091r Upham, Elizabeth T. (Mrs Vernon B.) 159 Bainbridge st., Brooklvn 5771* Upson, Lily Maria (Miss) Cortland 310097; Usher, Lucy J. Streeter (Mrs Allen T.) 101 E. 4th st., Jamestown 12163// Usher, Phebe (Mrs W. T.) 48 E. Bayard st., Seneca Falls 28628/ Utter, Mary Busby (Mrs F. R.) .' Friendship 25451rv Vail, Elsie Le Fevre (Mrs John) 130 Fair st., Kingston 23358^1 Vail, Louise Cleveland Shepard (Mrs T. H. S.) 44 9th st., W., New York 18810L Valentine, Anna S. Hunting (Mrs HenrjO 227 Mill st., Poughkeepsie 15818m Van Allen, Elizabeth Morgan Barker (Mrs Garret A.) 24 Lancaster ave., Albany 22311g'q' Van Alstyne, Carolyn Shults (Mrs J. L.)..100 Hawley st., Binghamton 28639ff Van Alstyne, Eleanor Van Ness (Miss) N. Chatham 23499it Van Alstyne, Laura Wurdemann (Mrs Thomas J.) 289 State st., Albany II Ruth Hart Chapter, Coim. J OKlethorpe Chapter, Ga. t Light Horse Harry Lee Chapter, Ala. * Katherine Gaylord Chapter, Conn. ^ Mary AVashington Chapter, D. C. NEW YORK. 455 10188ii Vanamee, Lida Ward Ostrom (Mrs William) 268 Orange st., Newburgh 15175r Van Anden, Susan M. (Miss) 218 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn 17739Q Van Antwerp, Zaidee Sarah Scudder (Mrs T. 1.) 9 S. pnox st., Albany 17666|| Van Arsdale, Eugenie Humphreville (Airs Eobert M.) 276 W. 71st st., New York 199527t Van Arsdale, Minerva Walker (Mrs J. A.) 192 St. James Place, Buffalo 34301A Van Bergen, Minnie Mayica (Miss) 117 Warren st., Hudson 10671i't' Van Buren, Catherine (Mrs A. H.) 262 Washington ave., Kingston 539F Van Buren, Florence Trumbull Lanman (Mrs Thomas Broadhead) 238 W. 70th St., New York 205S6X Van Camj)en, Alice Hamilton Bennie (Mi's Marcus) Olean 24145/ Van Campen, Bettie Eichardson (Mrs Frank) Belmont 205385 Vance, Ethel Mette (Miss) Potsdam 16421ry Van Demark, Minnie C. (Mrs John) Eosendale 304485 Van Der Beek, Alice Clay Watson (Mrs C. A.) 16 Gibbs st., Rochester 121457 Vander Burgh, Martha Strong (Miss) 67 W. 114th st., New York 16374F Vanderhoef, Lizzie V. (Mrs George WyckofE)..29 W. 48th st.. New Y^ork 273iV Vanderpoel, Mary Van Buren (Miss).. "The Buckingham," New York 2S888f Vanderpoll, Emily Noyes (Mrs John A.).. 224 Madison ave.. New Y'ork 31781& Van der Veer, Eloise T. (Miss) 52 Grove st., Amsterdam 19934;/ Vander Veer, Margaret E. (Mrs Albert) 145 State st., Albany 3390022 Van Deusen, Ethel Lee (Miss) Ilion 11183J. Van Deusen, Grace Taintor (Mrs Charles A.).. 441 E. Allen st., Hiidson 22318i-i; Van Deusen, Harriet Terry (Mrs Columbus) W. Chestnut st., Kingston 1460ry Van Deusen, Mary Westbrook (Mrs J. L.) 68 W. Chestnut st., Kingston 30071H Van Dusen, Mary Bennett (Mrs William Bellenger)) . . . .Hornellsville 33021VV Y"an Etten, Olive Caskey (Mrs Amos) Chestnut st., Kingston 34844fu Van Gaasbeek, Charlotte Basten (Mrs L. B.) 156 Pearl st., Kingston 2019rv Van Hoevenberg, Sarah Louise (Mrs Henry) ... .195 Wall st., Kingston 2S656P Van Houten, Lillian (Mrs F. H.) Matteawan 35921/ Van Inwegen, Emma L. (Mrs Charles F.) 28 Cole st.. Port Jervis 14338* Van Keuren, Jean Morrison (Miss) Peekskill-on-Hudson 7935L Van Kleeck, Sara Sleight (Mrs Frank) 49 S. Hamilton st., Poughkeepsie 6572L Van Kleeck, Sarah Lent (Mrs Walter) 255 Mill st., Poughkeepsie 34326/; Van Kluck, Katherine M. Beadle (Mrs P.) . .238 W. Fall st., Seneca Falls 3690rt' Van Leuven, Mary (Miss) 63 Main st., Kingston 8549&& Vann, Florence Dillaye (Mrs Irving G.) 702 Lodi st., Syracuse 300997 Y'an Nest, Katherine "Elizabeth (Miss) 325 W. 57th st., New York 10148T'' 'Van Patten, Emily L. Adams (Mrs P. S.) 146 Prospect ave., Mt. Vernon IIGQIQ Van Renpelaer, Louisa Greenough L. (Mrs W. B.) 385 State st., Albany 17107A Van Rensselaer, Anna Christina (Miss) P. O. Box 676, Hudson 7817 Van Rensselaer, Caroline Elizabeth FitzGerald (Mrs C. A.) 55 E 65th St., New York 11179.1 Van Rensselaer, Elizabeth Wendell (Miss) 238 Union st.. Hudson 348277 Van Sickle, Emma Wyman (Mrs J. T.) S91 West End ave., New Yoi'k 17708r Van Sinderen, Mary Brinsmade (Mrs W. L.) 133 Henry st., Brooklyn 24558 Van Slingerland. Nellie Bingham (Mrs) Clarendon Hotel, 4th ave. and 18th St., New York 23492 J. Van Slyke, Jennie A. (Miss) 12 Union st., Hudson 317481V Van Tassell, Alida Budd (Mrs Albert W.) Kingston 22878/t Van Valkenburgh, Carrie Doolittle (Mrs C. M.) 185 Locust st., Lockport 17174 Van Valkenburgh, Clara L. (Mrs Willis) 438 7th st.. Brooklyn 25387c Van Valkenburg, Ellen Snell (Mrs Andrew) Little Falls 12365f/= Van Vecbten, Frances (Miss) Auburn 35954 Van Vliet, Abbey Murray Mrs William Downs) Goshen 21726L Van Vliet, Florence (Miss) 39 Virginia ave., Poughkeepsie 25458(7 Van Vliet, Frances Fowler (Mrs W. B.) 15 N. William st., Johnstown 20172$ Van Vliet. Lelia A. (Mrs William C.)..198 St. James Place, Brooklyn 30969B Van Voorhis, Frances A. (Mrs John) 256 East ave.. Rochester 8272F Van Vredenburgh, Evelyn L. (Miss).. 356 Richmond Terrace, New Brighton, Staten Island 397F Van Wagenen, Caroline Adams (Miss) Pelham Manor 217309 Van Wert, Maude Cleveland (Mrs W. Everett) 434 State st., Albany- Captain Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, N. J. Mary Floyd Talmadge Chapter, Conn. * Maria Jefferson Chapter, Fla. t Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Conn. 456 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. 17094r Van Winkle, Abbie Bishop (Mrs C. D.) ..272 McDonough st., Brooklyn 34818P Van Wyck, Edith Anna (Miss) Johnsville 1516Sr Van Wyck, Fanny Gilfillan (Mrs Albert) 98 Kenasen st., Brooklyn 5S51*Sf Van Wyck, Joanna Livingston (Miss) Grove Hill, Ossining 17709/- Van Wyck, Lelia Gordon Wilkins (Mrs A.) 172 Hancock st., Brooklyn 27429 Van Zile, Madeleine (Miss) 379 West End ave.. New York 33880m Varick, Mary Buel (Miss) 63 Lancaster st., Albany 205525 Varnum, Louise Bradford (Mrs J. P.) 33 S. Washington st., Rochester 21686/i Vaughan, Louisa Marion (Miss) 294 Prospect ave., Buffalo 33777t Vedder, Caroline Maria (Miss) 543 Franklin st., Buffalo 17173F Velasco, Mary Fernandez de (Miss) Hoffman House, New York 3611?m Ver Planck, Jane Lesley (Miss) 255 Main st., Geneva 9230P Verplanck, Katherine E. Wolcott (Mrs Samuel) Fishkill-on-Hudson 10160P Ver Planck, Virginia Eliza (Mrs William E.)..267 79th st., New York 35955/ Vinton, George Waldo (Miss) '''09yo N. Main st., Elmira 19953F Von Mayhoff, Amelia Levy (Mrs Carl) 66 E. 34th st.. New York 317S26 Voorhees, Elizabeth Ann (Miss) 52 Grove st., Amsterdam 31783?) Voorhees, Elizabeth Maria (Miss) 52 Grove st., Amsterdam 22099* Vorce, Mary Heaton (Mrs) 210 W. 4th st.. New York 25412/- Vosburgh, Harriet Pauline Thayer (Mrs F.) 275 Clinton ave., Albany 228655 A'osburgh, Isabella Richardson (Mrs) 13 Phelps ave., Rochester 24241(70' Vosbury, Catherine M. Poindexter (Mrs) 73 Main st., Binghamton 31652/( Vought, Natalie Blackmarr Sternberg (Mrs William G.) East Aurora 367F Vreeland, Helen Kearny Harris (Mrs).. 136 W. 111th st., New York 30048/ Vreeland, Mj-ra Price (Mrs Edward B.) Salamanca 33033 Vrooman, Ann Ford (Mrs John W.) Herkimer 19936// Wadhams, Emma L. J. (Mrs F. E.) 140 State St., Albany 4232/t Wadsworth, Emily Marshall (Mrs G.) 370 Franklin st., Buffalo 17677?) Wadsworth, Jane Morris Vrooman (Mrs L.) 96 W. Main st., Amsterdam 83447t Wadsworth, Mabella Miller Vredenburgh (Mrs Henry C.) 370 Franklin St., Buffalo 13598/ Wager, Charlotte S. (Miss) Westernville 13599^ Wager, Harriet S. (Miss) Westernville 33097t W^ainewright, Martha Beebe (Mrs Frances A.) 121 E.27th st., New York 36403F Wait, Delia Ewing Abbot (Mrs Franklin Wood) .....Glen Falls 262Q3ff Wait, Lydia Bryan (Mrs William F.) • Auburn 2544i^ Wait, Mary Antoinette L. (Mrs John J.) Sandy Hill 30091ff Wait, Nellie R. (Mrs Horace R.) 215 Genesee st., Auburn 258250 Waite, Bertha Belle (Miss) Adams 2Q515G Waite, Elizabeth Foote (Mrs Abbyron O.) 211 S. Perry st., Johnstown 22242M Waite, Julia Noble (Miss) The Child's Hospital, Albany 291260 Waite, Mary Hawes (Mrs Edward J.) Adams 258240 Waite, Ruth Allen (Mrs Willis A.) Adams 9549^: Wakefield, Julia Sherman (Mrs Homer) New York 25443?; Wakely, Laura Fidelia Adams (Mrs P. S.) 12 5th ave., Saratoga Springs 34811i?' Wakeman, Louise Vail (Mrs Abram) Sandy Hill 2109/1 Walbridge, Emily Avery Newman (Mrs Harrj') 17 N. Pearl st., Buffalo 3889Z Walcott, Emma Welch (Mrs William Stuart) New York Mills 3372.Z Walcott, Josephine M. (Miss) 60 Oneida st., Utica 199722V^ Waldo, Gertrude Rhinelander (Mrs Francis).. 31 E. 72nd st.. New York 194096 Waldo. Mary M. (Miss) Bath 31784b Waldron, Harriet Gildersleeve (Mrs H. B.) 161 Spring st., Amsterdam 18878?) Waldron, Mary C. V. (Mrs William G.) 151 Spring st., Amsterdam 20521J Wales, Zippie Brooks (Mrs Theron E.) 403 William st., Elmira 24161// Walker, Ada Craig (Mrs William J.) 423 State st., Albany 25106|[ Walker, Clara Rosanna (Miss) New York 6000?/ Walker, Fannie W. T. (Mrs Stephen) 89 Norwood ave., Buffalo 72427 Walker, Florence Hall (Miss) 268 W. 91st st., New York 35491gg Walker, Jennett Taber (Mrs W. H.) Westfield 31670W Walker, Sarah Elizabeth Benedict (Mrs John E.) 184 Washington ave., Albany 6613 Walkley, Helen V. Shearer (Mrs Charles T.) "Zion Rectory," Palmvra 9212Q Wallace, Alice Wheelwright (Mrs William) ....148 State st.. Albany * Mary Mattoon Chapter, Mass. t Quaker City Chapter, Pa. t Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, 111. i[ Mary Clapp Wooster Chapter, Conn. NEW YOKK. 457 8501W Wallace, Frances lone (Mi-s William A.). -.199 Lancaster ave., Albany olllh Wallace, Frances Seymour (Mrs George A.) 149 Chenango st., Buft'alo 15SS9J Wallace, Helen Peters (Mrs Charlton) 156 W. Sth st., New York 1U676V Wallace, Kate Douglas (Mrs William C.) 69 Gates ave., Brooklyn 189431' Wallerstein, Addle (Mrs Harry) 23 W. 60th st., New York 33503p;j Walrad, Grace Boies C. (Mrs Calvin P.) 13 Lincoln aA'e., Cortland 26ii26i: Walradt, Mary E. (Mrs Charles D.) E. Springfield 12149ee Walrath, Ella Kellogg (Mrs Peter) Chittenango 262271; Walrath, Florence L. Young (Mrs John Jacob) E. Springfield 258260 Walsworth, Abbie A. Looker (Mrs Franklin N.) Adam3 23679* Walter, Susie Maria Hubbell (Mrs George) Scarsdale 2S121|| Walton, Adele (Miss) .106 Willow st., Brooklyn 5//' Walworth, Ellen Hardin (Mrs) 525 Broadway, Saratoga Springs 976S?Z Walworth, Ellen Hardin (Miss) 525 Broadwa3', Saratoga Springs 22875./ Ward, Ada Davis (Mrs Charles Dod)..702 St. Nicholas ave., New York 5G51 Ward, Annie Willis (Mrs Aaron) Eoslyn 12421 Ward, Charlotte Allen Baldwin (Mrs R. Halsted) 53 4th st., Troy 21702/ Ward, Edith E. Patterson (Mrs Dana) Svlvan Beach 17142f/ Ward, Elizabeth Scofield (Mrs Charles E.) 42 Glen ave.. Mount Vernon 316835 Ward, Florence Yates (Mrs Levi Smith) 335 East ave., Rochester 7879^ Ward, Grace Schenck Corning (Mrs Samuel B.) 281 State st., Albany 32193(/ Ward, Isabel D. (Mrs John H.) Batavia 4453// Ward, Julia Pelton (Miss) 206 Montgomery st., Newburgh 2866ir Ward, Marion Root (Mrs George R.) Brockport 10150 Ward, Marion Lonette Matson (Mrs Edwin C). .262 Hicks st., Brooklyn 17752/ Ward, Mary Adelia Chamberlain (Mrs Hamilton) Belmont 13600^ Wardwell, Elizabeth W. (Mrs W^illiam W.) N. George st., Rome 12158^ Wardwell, Julia Halstead (Mrs Charles E.) 704 Washington st., Rome 13596/ Wardwell, Mary Ella (Mrs John S.) 12 W. Embargo st., Rome 28693// Waring, Cora Estella Scott (;Mrs H.) 354 Broadwaj', Saratoga Springs 27022hh Warner, Caroline Augusta (Miss) 1820 5th ave., Troy 33473Y Warner, Elizabeth Havward (Mrs A. L.) 2643 Broadway, New York 20737/ Warner, Mary S. (Mrs "Edward C.) 640 7th st., Buffalo 212380 Warner, Sarah Elizabeth Standish (Miss) Walton 30472«(Z Warren, Alice B. (Mrs Russel) Cooperstown 14275Z Warren, Frances Yaughan (Mrs) 21 Clinton Place, Utica 5020§ Warren, Georgia W. (Mrs George Henry) 28 E. 64th st., New York 10620;( Warren, Henrietta Hinsdale (Mrs Seth W.)..38 Linwood ave., Buffalo IMQQkk Warren, Lucy Rebecca (Miss) Plattsburg 11974Z Warren, Mary Louise Shepard (Mrs) Hion 7959A7i Warren, Mary W. Sailly (Mrs A. M.) 3 Cumberland ave.. Plattsburg 20577f/cZ Warrin, Sarah Helen (Mrs Samuel L.) Cooperstown 291280 Warriner, Adell Freeman (Mrs Milvern E.) Adams 258270 Warriner, Nellie E. (Mrs William W.) Adams 5992.Sf Washburne, Maria Kip (Mrs Stephen Ferris) 14 Ellis Place, Ossining 26492f Waterhouse, Rose Kimball (Mrs John A.) 57 Central ave., Fredonia 26189Q Watei-man, Jennie Louise Holbrook (Mrs Edward N.) 212 Lancasler St., Albany 18761r/(7 Waterman, Mary M. Cooke (Mrs) 70 Carroll st., Binghamton 295937/ Waters, Adele C. Lester (Mrs W^illiam R.) "The Markeen," Buffalo 27020ff Waters, Alma Oyler (Mrs William Everett) Aurora ^3504//;) Waters, Cora M. "(Mrs Louis L.) 341 Westcott st., Syracuse 49017? AVaters, Ethel Charaberlayne (Miss) 8 Grove Place, Rochester 54837 Waters, Hattie B. (Mrs William C.) Cambridge 1900B Waters, Mabel Ward (Miss) 8 Grove Place, Rochester I645jB Waters, Marv Elizabeth (Miss) 8 Grove Place, Rochester U15/ Watkins, Belle Mitchell Carley (Mrs De Lancey Walton) 23 Washington \ ave., Schenectady AlSdd Watkins, Caroline" Louise (Miss) Cooperstown l43fe Watkins, Frances S. (Mrs William) Cazenovia 2^5iv W^atkins, Grace lone Richardson (Miss) E. Schuyler 'lir Watkins, Julia L. (Mrs Robert H.) Cambridge 224ir Watkins, Mary lone Richardson (Mrs James Henry John) E. Schuyler Cincinnati Chapter, Ohio. Sarah Riggs Humphrej' Chapter, Conn, II Prudence Wright Chapter. Mass. § Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. 458 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 26482; Watrous, Mary Helene (Miss) Cuba 30080i2 Watson, Alice Burbeck (Mrs George H.) Frankfort 13582A;A; Watson, Ella Barnes (Mrs Wiuslow Charles) Plattsburg 247937i. Watson, Ellen Ogden (Mrs Henry M.) 622 Delaware ave., Buffalo 38922 Watson, Julia Millard (Mrs William H.) 270 Genesee st., Utica 14719|) W^atson, Julia Vail (Mrs Austin Hall) New York 4226Z Watson, Lucy Carlile (Miss) 270 Genesee St., Utica 29440 Watt, Evelyn Bond (Mrs William) 259 W. 92nd st.. New York 321'ih Wayland, Mary S. Lord (Mrs John W.) 1132 Delaware ave., Buffalo 248007* Weaver, Catherine Antoinette Cady (Mrs Francis Phelps) 218 High St., Lockport 4456B Webb, Caroline Bloss (Mrs Charles H.)..15 S. Goodman st., Rochester 363920 Webb, Esther Webb (Mrs Reuben) Adams Center 22041t Webb, Florentina (Mrs Herbert Laws) 253 W. 42nd st.. New Y'ork 15204tT Webb, Ida Elizabeth (Mrs Charles J.) Ellenville 44605 Webb, Mary Henrietta Clarke (Mrs William Watson) 45 Westminster Bow, Rochester 199427* Webber, Carrie E. (Miss) 141 Pine st., Lockport 8482$ Wedge, Jessie Endicott Bly (Mrs A. H. H.) 434 Jefferson ave., Brooklyn 112077* Weed, Edith (Miss) 221 Summer st., Buffalo 79607cA; Weed, Frances Ross (Mrs George S.) 1 Cumberland ave., Plattsburg 112087* Weed, Kate Shelton (Miss) 221 Summer st., Buffalo 10799r Weeden, Louisa Lyman Robinson (Mrs G.F.) 13 Garden Place, Brooklyn 36411^ Weeks, Bertha (Miss) Lake View ave., Jamestown 229467T Weeks, Julia Manley (Miss) 789 Madison ave.. New Y'ork 441911 Welch, Fannie A. Eno (Mrs Peter) 122 W. 123rd st.. New York 18866 W^elch, Grace Francis (Mrs David) 68 W. 68th St., New York 443y Welch, Jane Meade (Miss) "The Algonquin," Buffalo 11971S Weld, Sarah Bertha Brandreth (Mrs DeW. C, Jr.) Ellis Place, Ossining dOlOiqq Weld, Virena Austin (Mrs Eliakim S.) 32 North st., Binghamton 21174J? Weldon, Louise Cole (Mrs George) 321 East ave., Rochester 8828s Weller, Clara Faulkner (Mrs Lester Myron) Fort Plain 33881V Weller, Josephine H. (Miss) 945 St. Marks ave., Brooklyn 29626CC Welles, Marietta Eliza Smith (Mrs Edward M.) Addison 81635 Wellington, Anna Hale (Mrs Edward F.)..19 Tremont St., Rochester 14563r Wellman, Ella (Mrs Timothy B.) 726 Halsey st.. Brooklyn 24805; Wellman, Hattie Baldwin (Mrs Asher Miner)..... Friendship 26514(? Wells, Alida G. (Mrs David A.) S. Melcher st., Johnstown 4028*S' Wells, Annie Van Rensselaer (Mrs Alexander) Grove Hill, Ossining 11245L W^ells, Caroline Thorn (Miss) Rhinebeck 1364100 Wells, Ella Louise (Mrs James M.) 67 Green st., Ogdensburg 8809r Wells, Florence Adelaide F. (Mrs D. S.) 1273 Pacific st., Brooklyn 265130^ Wells, Margaret E. (Mrs John E.) Sir Wm. Johnson Hall. Johnstown 4307* Wells, Mary Frances Pomeroy (Mrs B. H.) 71 W. 45th st., New York 10951m W^entz, Georgie Banyer Nichols (Mrs J. G.) 312 W. 82nd st.. New York 30183§ Wentz, Stella Haldeman (Miss) 73 Downing st., Brooklyn 17031* West, Harriet Allen (Mrs Leonard) Camden 1459&& Westbrook, Kate E. (Miss) 153 Fair St., Kingston 8S24Q Westcott, Josephine (Mrs Horace F.) Glenmont 32584A Westfall, Carrie Van H. (Mrs Frank L.) Hudson 6683ft. Weston, Clarissa Cook (Mrs George B.) 52 Bidwell Parkway, Buffalc 13577Q Wetmore, Martha Cox (Mrs Edward Willard) 113 Lake ave., Alban; 30433* Wetmore, Mary B.. (Mrs Charles) Camde 30096/; Wetsel, Emma' Estelle (Miss) 105 Circular st., Saratoga Spring 3009577 W^etsel, Gracia Buckley (Miss) 105 Circular st.. Saratoga Sprinf 4029m Wevgant, Charlotte S. (Mrs C. H.) 14 Bav View Terrace. Newbur* 31734&& Wheatley, Katharine Sabra Tallman (Mrs Thomas A.) 104 Borden ai^ Syracuse 13591Z Wheeler, Cora Maria (Miss) 5 Hobart st., Ufa 22220e "^^Tieeler, Emily (Miss) Tlh 22924.T "V^Tieeler, Emily A. Mersereau (Mrs William Egbert) Port-Je 5478L Wheeler, Emma Gertrude (Miss) 69 Montgomery st., Poughkee-ie II Stamford Chapter, Conn. t Abiah Fnlger Franklin Chapter, Mass. ± General Israel Putnam Chapter, Mass. •! Abigail Phelps Chapter, Conn. * Dorothy Riplev Chapter, Conn. § Witness Tree Chapter, Pa. NEW YOKK. 45i> 5479L Wheeler, Harriette W. (Miss) 69 Montgomery st., Poughkeepsie 3707c ^Yheele^, Helen Xellis (Mrs Charles V.) Little Falls 24848A' Wheeler, Lilla C. (Miss) Portville. 30935/t Wheeler, Loreua L. (Miss) i 555 Pine St., Loekport 22917Z Wheeler, Louise Vanette (Mrs Frank E.) 4 South St., Utica 21207/f Wheeler, Lucy Maria (Miss) 33 William St.. Aubr.rn 30100F Wheeler, Lucy Stoughton C. (Mrs C. W.) 119 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn 24847A" Wheeler, Marilla Clarke (Mrs) Portville 36423F Whe&ler, Rosalie (Miss) 119 Lincoln Place, Brookl\ n 20882 Wheeler, Rubie (Mrs W. A.) 149 Lake ave.. Albany 17372|| Wheelock, Harriet Tvler Young (Mrs) Cuylersville 22874J Wheelock, Mary T. (Mrs James W.) 253 W. 57th st., New York 9248/( Whelpton, Edith Kidder (Mrs George C.) 203 Bryant st., Buffalo 8293t Whipple, Agnes R. (Miss) Jamestown 17757 Whipple, Cora Wilson (Mrs Walter S.) 41 Chestnut st., Oneonta 30480rt Whijjple, Mary Allison T. (Mrs George J.) Malone 22222rc Whipple, Mary Sophia (Miss) Cazenovia 7548rf(Z Whitbeck, Florence Elizabeth (Mrs Leonard Field) Cooperstown 26978A Whitbeck, Mary Polland Thomas (Mrs John) 65 Green st., Hudson 26213»H Whitcomb, Carrie Byington (Mrs George Harris) GreenAvich 15486* White, Ada (Mrs) . /. New York 31785?* White, Catharine Judith Maxwell (Mrs J. N.) 26 Pearl st., Amsterdam 12222?- White, Eliza M. Chandler (Mrs S. V.) 210 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn 8530;i White. Elizabeth Tew (Mrs G. C.) 285 Delaware ave.. Buffalo 33001F White, Ella Holmes (Mrs John S.) 32 W. 52nd st.. New Y'ork 18734/; White, Ellen Eliza (Mrs Henry S.) 472 Ashland ave., Buffalo 27397? White, Ellen M. (Mrs Isaac D.) 74 Richmond ave.. Buffalo 4024B White, Ellen Stevens (Mrs T. C.) 37 S. Washington st.. Rochester 5^29(1d White. Fannie Grant (Mrs R. Heber) Cooperstown 25404L White, Florence (Mrs Ezra) 53 S. Clinton st., Poughkeepsie 729SZ White, Florilla Mansfield (Miss) , 294 Genesee St., Utica 212400 White, Frances Mary (Miss) Walton 212390 White, Hanna Maria "North (Mrs William F.) Walton 26491 f White, Tsabelle (Miss) 52 E. Main st.. Fredonia 31786& White, Lucy Mary (Miss) 26 Pearl St., Amsterdam 261950 White Martha A' (Miss) Walton 15213/? White. Mary Augusta (Miss) 67 St. Paul st., Rochester 2616S/? White, Mary Brown (Mrs Theodore T.) 255 Culver Road, Rochester 15212J5 White, Mary McClure (Mrs Henry Curtis) 67 St. Paul st., Rochester 3178SB White, Mary Olmsted (Mrs Edward Payson) 24 Pearl st., Amsterdam 7299Z White. Mary Pierrepont (Miss) 294 Genesee st., Utica 24961§ White. MarV S. (Mrs Henry) 20 Gardner Place, Montclair 22861m White, Maude (Miss) 349 State st.. Albany 31787?) White, Sarah Eliza (Miss) 26 Pearl st., Amsterdam 12394^ White. Susan H. Perkins (Mrs Charles W.) 318 E. Whitesboro st.. Rome 257937? White, Susan Winslow (Mrs Henrv G.) 32 Irving Place. Buffalo 6309$ Whitehead. Mary C. (Mrs H. P.) . ."! New Lebanon 32621 /r»' Whiteside. Grace Ostrom (Mrs Edward) South Cambridge 187887? Whitfield, Ida Dotv (Mrs James Alfred) 16 John st., Ilion 68557? Whiting. Arabella' Reyburn (Mrs Charles L.) 81 Bryant st.. Buffalo 222817)6 Whitlock. Edith Hunt "(Mrs Arthur P.) 120 South ave., Syracuse 34842/)p Whitmore, Carrie H. T. (Mrs F. E.) 22 Grant st., Cortland 199387? Whitmore. Ella (Miss) 228 Gooding st., Lockport 199457? Whitney, Anna (Miss) 1110 Main St.. Niaeara Falls 3016*1 Whitney. Anna Josepha Newcomb (INIrs Edward Baldwin) "The Monte- rev." 'W. 14th St.. New Y^ork 15843r Whitney, Catherine S. (Mrs Henry M.) 65 S. Oxford st.. Brooklyn 258507? Whitne"v, Elmina Folts (Mrs Henry G.) THon 5451F W^hitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt (Mrs Henry Payne) 2 W. 57th st.. New Y^ork" 329840 W^hitney, Kate Barney (Mrs W^ortley) Henderson II Faith Trnmbnll Chapter. Conn. + Bronson Chapter, Vt. * Wadsworth Chapter, Conn. ? PawtiK-ket Chapter, R. I. t Rniidir^t Chapter. N. J. H Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. 4bO DIKECTOEY, D. A. R. 64737 VYliitney, Lucy W. Hallam (Mrs Thomas 11.) La Lourette, Bergen Point, JXew I'ork 24846A' Whitney, Lydia Smith (Mrs Itussell) 116 Laurens St., Olean 23303ffg Wliitney, Mary E. (Mrs Edward Prentiss) VVestheld 28184.5 Whitney, JSettie Sternburg (Mrs) Gouverneur 26992^/ Whitou, Caroline Ward (Mrs Augustus S.) 116 W. 76th st., New York 291™'7u Wiiiton, Jblannaii M. Grant (Mrs Jlenry B.) Adams 5199 VVhiton, Mary Partlett (Aliss) 43 W. 47th ^t., New York 199896-5 Whittaker, Ella Elorence Eaton (Mrs W. W.) 429 Greene ave., Brooklyn .7mikk Whittelsey, Alice (Mrs Sidney Smith) 43 Court st., Plattsburg 8161if Whittlesey, Frances Cogswell (Miss) 123 S. Fitzhugh st., Kochester 75526" Whitwell, Anna Maria (Miss) Fort Plain 7551s Whitwell, Elsie Nukerck (Miss) Fort Plain 855066 Wiard, Flora B. Collins (Mrs William W.) 112 Holland ave., Syracuse 17125ii Wickes, Alice Herriman (Miss) i 229 Oxford st., Rochester 24212/7 Wickes, Clara Leonard (Mrs Benjamin Charles) 22 Lewis st., Auburn 33927it-t Charlotte 348736 Allen, Annie Murray (Mrs Charles S.) Ealeigh 9896t Allison, Annie C. (Mrs John P.) Concord 29193a Amiss, Jane Banks (Mrs James Taylor) 128 Haywood st., Ashville 29190 Arthur, Fanny Victoria (Miss) 324 College st., Ashville 27034& Avery, Sarah Thomas (Mrs) Morganton 25471d Barringer, Margaret Long (Mrs Eufus) N. Tryon st., Charlotte 29634d Baruch, Deborah Sampson (Mrs Herman) 408 East ave., Charlotte 35518d Bass, Sallie Leftwick (Mrs David Ethelbert) Dilworth. Charlotte t Dorothea Henry Chapter, Va. XORTH CAEOLIXA. 465 291S6rt Beale, Bertha (Miss) Arden 291S7a Beale, Margaret Abert (Miss) ['. Arden 28714(1 Beale, Maria P. Taylor (Mrs Charles M.) Arden 3012Srt Blood, Katie Brown (Mrs S. William) 127 Cumberland ave., Asheville 35957rf Brannon, Mamie Garland Bussej- (Mrs Eobert Means) Charlotte 31020& Brauner, Josephine Love (Mrs) Waynesviile 265336 Briscoe, Elizabeth Frisby (Miss) Waynesville 10698 Broadf oot, May Marceline (Aliss) Fayettville 30127O. Brown, Maria T. (Miss) , 129 Cumberland ave.. Asheville 26329t Brown, Mary Wilson (Miss) Locust Hill 31017d Brunson, Jessie Mellicamp (Mrs Peter C.) Charlotte 1543rf Bryant, Eva Cranberry Sumner (Mrs H. E. C.)..N. Tryon st., Charlotte 35517rf. Burrowes, Edith G. (Mrs John C.) 201 E. Morehead st., Charlotte 35516(Z Burwell, Frances Armistead (Miss) 705 N. Tryon st., Charlotte 310246 Burwell, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs) Henderson 30481& Butler, Amelia Phelps (Miss) Waynesville 23476* Buxton, Ruth A. (Mrs G. T.) Charlotte 33216§ Calais, Margaret Malvina (Mrs William James).. 55 College st., Asheville 26232c Caldwell, Fannie Alexander (Miss) Salisbury 31121** Carmine. Mary Campbell (Mrs) Preston 35515rf Carson, Ella Burwell (Mrs Richard C.) Charlotte 25472d Chambers, Grace S. Dewey (Mrs Joseph L.) 200 W. lOth st., Charlotte 13019tt Chambers. Sallie White (Miss) Durham 11923 Cheshire, Elizabeth Landale Mitchell (Mrs Joseph Blount) "The Bish- op's House." Raleigh 29195rf Child, ISIary Elizabeth (Mrs William Spencer) 50 Baird st., Asheville 31025e Cooper, Fannie Spotswood (Mrs John Downey) (..Henderson 31028e Cooper, Lucy Bell (Miss) " Oxford 31026P Cooper, Mary Person (Mrs J. W.) Franlvlinton 31027e Cooper, Sallie Metts Mitchell (Mrs Charles M.) Henderson 270356 Conrad, Janie Love (Mrs Holmes. Jr.) Waynesville 31022^ Davis, Mary AVatldus (Mrs Elihu G.) Henderson 11773|||| Davol, Carrie Elizabeth Drown (Mrs Charles S.) Charlotte 25473(7 Dodsworth. Mary Moore Young (Mrs Lawrence) Charlotte 24867(7 Durant, Josephine Phifer (Mrs W. G.) 712 N. College st., Charlotte 14643-j-f Fanning, Eugenia Chambers (Mrs) Durhnm 27822e Fortier, Virginia Kemper Hamner (Mrs Frank J.) High Point 18351tI1[ Fries, Margaret Conigland (Mrs A. P.) .^ AsheviPe 262436 Gilmer, Love Brauner (Mrs. Robert) .' Wayuesville 13696((. Grant, Nellie Janes (Mrs Lionel) Biltmore 98601 Gregory, INIary Belle (Mrs) Southern Pines 2623Sr' Gregory. Mary M. Overman (Mrs Edwin C.) Saulsbury 262416 Gudger", Annie E. (Miss) Waynesville 27821e Hamner. Clara Louise (Miss) High Point 310236' Harris, Cary Page (Mrs Fletcher R.) Henderson 31032e Harris, Jane Yancey (Mrs John Fletcher) Henderson 29185f( Hemphill, Ella Rebecca Beale (Mrs William Edgar) Arden 29188(7 Hemphill, Rosa E. (Miss) Glen Inglis 26234c Henderson, Elizabeth Brownrigg (Miss) Salisbury 26233c Henderson, Minnie Lora Scales (Mrs Richard) Salisbury 25901$ Hobson, Anne Morehead (Mrs S. A.) Jerusalem 25474(7 Hoke, Sallie Badger (Miss) Charlotte 35602tt Holt. Dolores D. Stevens (Mrs Edwin Cameron) Wilmington 23057t Horney, Jennie Johnston (Mrs William Adams) Greensboro 31030c Horton, Mary Davis (Miss) Altamahaw 31031c Hunt, Hallie' Young (Mrs William A.) Henderson 24868(7 Hutchinson. Sarah'White Steele (Mrs D. P.).. 603 N. Tryon st., Charlotte 348766 Hyatt. Sybil (Miss) Kingston 348716 Hvatt, Sybil Henry Miller (Mrs Henry Otis) Kingston 25475(7 Irwin, Margaret Henderson (Mrs John R.) 401 N. Tryon st., Charlotte 24869(7 Jackson. Mary Anna (Mrs Thomas J.) W. Trade st., Charlotte 27824(7 Johnston, Annie Lee Thorn (Mrs Latta C.) ..609 N. Tryon st.. Charlotte t Porothea Henry Chapter, S. C. * Oeneral Frelinphuvpen Chapter, N. J. S roHtincntal Chapter, S. C. »* Rebecca Mott Chapter, S. C. 30 ft Cowpens Chapter, S. C. nil Bristol Chapter, R. I. H^ .Tacksonville Chapter, Fla. t Cohimbia Chapter, S. C. 466 DIKECTOEY, D. A. K. 3314211 Johnston, Cora Williamson (Mrs John Stadler) Kuffin 3455211 Jordan, Tamron F. (Mrs C. S.) Milton 26235c Kluttz, Jeanie Caldwell (Miss) Salisbury 45** Lane, Elizabeth Carter Ball (Mrs Giles) Cranberry 19103rf Latta, Hattie Nisbet (Mrs Edward Dilworth) Dilworth 24259& Lewis, Lucy Biddle (Mrs J. Eeece) \Yaynesville 33332tt Lilly, Hester Virginia Calvert (Mrs Henry Walter) Fayetteville 25476d Long, Elizabeth Webb (Miss) Presbyterian College, Charlotte 27039?) Lonis, Minnie Love (Miss) Sylva 32231a Loudon, Minnie Bryan (Mrs Henry Adolphus) W. 10th St., Charlotte 27036?) Love, Bessie Avery (Miss) Wa^^nesville 270376 Love, Mary William (Miss) .'. . . Sylva 26231c McKenzie, Alice Caldwell (Mrs W. W.) Salisbury 26230c McKenzie, Katharine Henderson S. (Mrs Ernest Brandon) ... .Greensboro 36436(Z Maffitt, Lottie C. (Mrs Walter C.) Charlotte 27823d Mallory, Helen (Miss) 711 North College st., Charlotte 27040& Marshall, Margaret Love (Mrs Harry C.) Waynesville 281S9a Martin, Esther King (Miss) Ashville 28450 Maslin, Alice Virginia (Mrs) 839 W. 4th st., Winston 28451 Maslin, Edna Glenn (Miss) 839 W. 4th st., Winston 25477(7. Miller, Ida Williams (Mrs John Walter).. 400 North Tryon st., Charlotte 23279(Z Miller, Nannie L. Otey (Mrs) N. Brevard st., Charlotte 348726 Mitchell, Maria Moore Love (Mrs Eobert Harris) Waynesville 26237c Moore, Beulah Stewart (Mrs James Pinckney) Salisbury 2545$!: Morehead, Louise d'A. B. (Mrs John Lindsay) Charlotte 29191a Morris, Emma E. Forney (Mrs Thomas A.) ... : Skyland 29196rt Morrison, Ella Henrietta (Mrs Theodore S.) Asheville 26236C Murphy, Miriam Helen Wiley (Mrs Nettleton Payne) Salisbury 34337(Z Myers, Mary Rawlinson (Mrs John Springs) East ave., Charlotte 1158 Nash, Mary McKinlev (Mrs) Newbern 22457rf Old, Claudia Paxton "(Mrs Jonathan) Charlotte 25478rf Osborne, Mary (Mrs Francis Irwin) 500 W. Trade st., Charlotte 33576* Overman, Flora Keith (Mrs Wm. C.) Salisbury 13825c Overman, Jenny Walters Williamson (Mrs Edwin R.) Salisbury 29194a Pelton, Mabell Shippie Clarke (Mrs F. Alaric) Arden 32232e Perry, Jane Hall (Mrs Henry) Henderson 310336 Perry, Stella (Miss) Henderson 24870rf Phifer, Cordelia White (Miss) 712 N. College st., Charlotte 35755t Phipps, Polly (Mrs) Barneville 33514a Piatt, Loula Roberts (Mrs Charles Malcom) Busbee 26229c Quinn, Mary Phifer (Mrs Martin Clifton) Salisbury 31018(? Eankin. Margaret G. (Miss) 500 N. Tryon st.. Charlotte 636 Roach, Sarah Rowena McDowell (Mrs Edward W.) Trade st., Charlotte 24871d Robertson, Cora J. (Mrs Thomas R.) 417 W. Trade st., Charlotte 2981 Robeson, Susan Stroud (Miss) Guilford College 1855 Roebling, Margaret Shippen (Mrs J. A.) 134 Cumberland ave., Asheville 31034c Rose, Martha Leah (Mrs George A.) Henderson 27643(Z Ross, Mary B. (Mrs John B.) 504 N. College st., Charlotte 29184rt Rutledge, Helen Blake (Mrs Oliver Middleton) Fletcher 33038(i Scott, Annie Graham (Miss) Mebane 25479d Sexton, Margaret Dickerson Branch (Mrs J. L.) "Dilworth," Charlotte 310216 Shannon, Alice Bloxmt (Mrs William Oscar) Henderson 32233R Singleton, Annie Hufham (Mrs James Richard) Henderson 310196 Skinner, Belle Anderson (Mrs Thomas C.) Waynesville 24S73(Z Smith, Virginia Louise Young (Mrs A. L.) 702 N. Tryon st., Charlotte 25863(i Springs, Caroline Clarkson (Mrs Brevard D.) "Dilworth," Charlotte 25864d Springs, Julia Baxter (INfrs Andrew Baxter) ... .S. Tryon st., Charlotte 25480(7 Stephenson, Florence Doty (Airs Columbus B.) "Dilworth," Charlotte 254816 Stringfield, Mary Love (Miss) Waynesville 33036(7- Thompson, Eugenia Douglas (Mrs Edwin William) Charlotte 32230f7 Thompson, .Tulia Bass (Mrs Percy Maran) "Dilworth," Charlotte 33037(7 Thompson, Margaret Graham (Miss) Mebane !l Dnrotlion Honry Chapter, Va. II Joseph Habersham Chapter, Ga. ** Marv' Washinerton (Z^aptpr. Md. tt Maryland Line Chapter, Md. it A\ic:iista Chnpter, Oa. * Cateechep Chapter, S. C. t Joseph Hahersham Chapter, Oa. NOETH DAKOTA. 467 34870O Troj-, Ida Roberts (Mrs Balfour) Balfour 773d Van Landingham, Mary Dates Spratt (Mrs .7. H.) 500 East ave., Charlotte 18885 Van Noppen, Addie Donnell (Mrs C. L.) 406 W. Gaston st., Greensboro 14802 Van Schaick, Kate Nelson Cheney (Mrs Harry) AsheviUe 24874(7 Walker, Nettie V. (Mrs P. D.) . . . .* S. Tryon st., Charlotte 27041& Waj^ Marietta Welch (Mrs) Waynesville 270426 Welch, Nora Lee (Miss) Waynesville 24875d White, Sarah Caldwell (Mrs William Edward) E. 7th st., Charlotte 26240c Whitehead, Rose Irving Morris (Mrs John) Salisbury 26239c Wiley, Annie Shannon (Miss) Salisbury 24876d Williams, Adelaide White (Miss) 603 Tryon st., Charlotte 32229a Williamson, Addie Davidson (Mrs William B.) Asheville 10499d Willis, Sarah E. (Mrs John D.) Charlotte 35756f Wilson, Paulina (Mrs) Cane River 34S75e Young, Charlotte Anne (Miss) Henderson NORTH DAKOTA State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Sarah B. Lounsberr}-, Fargo 1902, " CHAPTERS (1 organized, 2 unorganized) a. Bism,arck Regent, Mrs Marj' B. H. Devine. Appointed February 16, 1901 b. Carrington Regent, Miss Susie Margaret Bill. Appointed January 27, 1898. Reappointed October 3, 1900 0. William Mason Chapter — Fargo Organised December //, 1S97 ; Members, 15 (Minnesota, 1; Montana, 1; Neio Jersey, 1) Regent, Mrs Mary A. Pinney Treasurer, Mrs Ruth R. Haggart Secretarj', Mrs Sarah A. McConnell Registrar, Mrs S. H. Baldwin Historian, Mrs Luella M. Hildreth Membees Residing in the State 20623c Baldwin, Sarah Hale (Mrs Myron A.) Casselton 21246 Bill, Lucie Margaret (Miss) Carrington 28219 Camp, Mary A. (Mrs Alonzo) Reynolds 22321c Chacey, Ruth J. L. (Mrs P. P.) Fargo 22322c Churchill, Lula Elmira Knapp (Mrs George Silas) Casselton 22320 Cochrane, Frankie Merrill (Mrs J. M.) Grand Forks 16567§ Collins, Mary Clementine (Miss) Fort Yates 24877c Cox, Grace Van Voorhis (Mrs Alfred Beecher) Sanborn 20618 Devine, May B. Hanscom (Mrs Joseph M.) Towner 30482 Dickson, Alary La Tourrette (Mrs George C.) Grand Forks 24262 Eckler, Fannie Allen Topping (Mrs) Reynolds 20622c Haggart, Ruth Roberts (Mrs Gilbert R.) ...202 Roberts st., Fargo 15139$ Havnes, Caroline B. Oliphant (Mrs Levi Hasbrouck) 216 8th st., Fargo 18887 Hildreth. Luella Davis (Mrs Melvin A.) Fargo 9732 Holley, Frances Chamberlain (Mrs Henry Jones) P. O. Box 804, Bismarck 12810* Hunt," Nettie Rumney (Mrs William) . . . ". Fargo 23518 La Tourrette, Margaret W. (Miss) Petersburg 24263 Lav. Margaret Allen (Mrs) Reynolds t Joseph Habersham Chapter, Ga. § Faith Trumbull Chapter, Conn. t Captain Jonathan " Oliphant Chapter, N. J. * St. Paul Chapter, Minn. 468 DIRECTORY, D, A. R. 20620c Lockwood, Ferdina M. (Miss) Rugby 16432c Lounsberry, Sarah R. (Mrs) Fargo 18886c McConnell, Sarah Anita (Mrs J. D.) Fargo 24260 McLain, Georgia B. (Mrs) Jamestown 17225c Peck, Mellie Hall (Mrs Hartwell H.) Fargo 16433c Pinney, Mary Anna (Mrs Samuel Benjamin) Fargo 24261c Eussell, Mary Lonise (Miss) Jamestown 27044 Eutledge, Miriam Fxiller (Mrs Samuel W.) Grand Forks 14633|| Seward, Katharine Himtington (Miss) Riverside Park, Grand Forks 34877c Slaughter, Linda W. (Mrs Benjamin F.) Bismarck 24266 Standish, Adaline Seward (Mrs William H.) Grand Forks 810* Stephenson, Martha B. (Mrs Charles) Mandan 24264 Topping, Carrie Clare (Miss) Reynolds 24265 Topping, Julia Royce Allen (Mrs) Reynolds 23519 Treichler, Elizabeth Allen Crush (Mrs George L.) Niagara 28956JI Vosburgh, Mary E. Snowden (Mrs J. N.) Grand Forks 33035 Young, Ellen L. Davis (Mrs) Casselton OHIO State Regent, 1901, Mrs. John A. Murphy, Burnet House Cincinnati i( <; 1902 " " " " '" " " CHAPTERS (30 organized, 3 imorganized) a. Canton Chapter Regent, Mrs Hattie Merritt Erdman. Appointed June 7, 1899 b. Catherine Greene Chapter — Xenia Organized December 16, 1894; Members, 36 (Michirjan, 1; New Jersey, 1; Kenhickij, 1; Regent, Mrs W. M. Wilson Vice-Regent, Mrs Henry H. Eavey Secretary, Miss Sarah B. Williams Illinois, 1; New York, 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Treasurer, Miss Emma C. King Registrar, Miss Amelia I. Harbine Historian, Miss Mary B. Hawkins c. Cincinnati Chapter — Cincinnati Organised April 27, 1893; Members, 258 (New York, J,; Pennsylvania, 1 ; Arkansas, 1; Illinois, 1; Kentucky, 3; California, 1; Indiana, 1; Foreign, 1) Regent, Miss Ella S. Hollister Treasurer, Miss Mary I. Harrison Vice-Regent, Mrs Thomas Kite Registrar, Mrs P. J. Cadwallader Rec. Sec, Miss Annie P. Burkam Historian, Mrs Herbert Jepney Cor. Sec, Mrs F. J. Waddell Custodian, Miss Nellie Bechtel d. Colonel George Groghan Chapter — Fremont Organized January 7, 1901; Members, 27 (Illinois, 1) Regent, Miss Julia M. Haynes Treasurer, Miss Minnie JL. Failing Vice-Regent, Mrs Fanny H. Smith Secretary, Mrs Mary Colby Norton Registrar, Mrs Maude E. Garvin Historian, Miss Lucy E. Keeler e. Columbus Chapter — Columbus Organized November 9, 1899; Members, 69 Regent, Mrs James Kilbourne Vice-Regent, Mrs Alfred Kelley Secretary, Mrs F. Sinks Treasurer, Mrs B. Bowen Registrar, Mrs C. Harper Historian, Mrs G. Knight II Oneida Chapter, N.* Y. * St. Paul Chapter, Minn. t Dubuque Chapter, Iowa. OHIO. 469 f. Cuyahoga Portage Chapter — Akron Organized January 25, 1897; Members, 5'/ (Foreign, 2; Pennstjlvania, 1; Neiv York, t) Regent, Mrs Ella S. Allen Cor. Sec, Mrs Harriet B. Durham Vice-Regent, Mrs Sarah S. Parsons Treasurer, Mrs Mary W. Doyle Rec. Sec, Mrs Minnie W. Franz Registrar, Mrs Ellen W. Morse Historian, Mrs Sue S. Sargent g. Dolly Todd Madison Chapter — Tiflan Organized December 20, 1897; Members, 27 Regent, Mrs William Harmon Secretary, Miss Mabel Chandler Vice-Regent, Mrs S. B. Sneath Treasiirer. Mrs J. M. Molan Registrar, Mrs W. B. Stanley h. Eaton. Members, 5 Regent, Mrs Rhoddie Reynolds. Appointed February 1, 1894 i. Elizabeth Sherman Reese Chapter — Lancaster Organized Ajn-il 23, 1900; Members, 23 (Illinois, 1; Texas, 1; Connecticut, 1) Regent, Miss Mary F. Mumaugh Treasurer, Miss Mary White Vice-Regent, Mrs Rose S. Rising Registrar, INIiss Helen J. Keller Secretary, Mrs Viola A. Silbaugh Historian, Mrs M. E. Martin j. Fort Findlay Chapter — Findlay Organized February 13, 1897; Members, 27 (Indiana, 1) Regent, Miss Marian Stephenson Treasurer, Miss Carrie E. Glines Vice-Regent, Mrs C. B. Metcalf Registrar, Mrs G. H. Phelps Rec. Sec, Miss Josephine 0. Firmin Historian, Mrs D. B. Wright Cor. Sec, Mrs W. S. Bish Chaplain, Mrs C. S. Munson k. George Clinton Chapter — Wilmington Organized January 30, 1896; Members, 33 (District of Columbia, 2; Illinois, 1; Wisconsin, 2) Regent, Mrs J. M. Miller Treasurer, Mrs C. C. Nichols Vice-Regt., Dr. Elizabeth Shrieves Registrar, Mrs Robert J. Lacy Secretary, Mrs F. M. Wegman Historian, Mrs S. G. Smith L Greenville Members Regent, Mrs Grace Miesse Ivatzenberger. Appointed April 3, 1901 m. Hetuck Chapter — Newark Organized October 19, 1896; Members, .'t3 (Maryland, 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Regent, Mrs Sylvia Woodbridge Treasurer, Mrs E. Smith Vice-Regent, Mrs Ida W. Prout Registrar, Mrs Christa Metz Rec Sec, Miss Nellie McCune Historian, Mrs Harriet Webb Cor. Sec, Mrs F. J. Collins Asst. Historian, Mrs A. Sites n. John Reily Chapter — Hamilton 'Organized February 15, 1896; Members, 31 Regent, Mrs Lou J. Beauchanip Treasurer, Mrs John E. Heiser Vice-Regent, Mrs B. K. Urmston Registrar, Mrs J. R. Reeder Secretary, Mrs Will Thomas 470 DIKECTOEY, D. A. R. o. Jonathan Dayton Chapter — Dayton Organized Fehruary Jf, 1896; Members, 31 (California, 1) Eegent, Mrs Frances L. Achey Treasurer, Mrs Martha 0. Hawes Vice-Eegent, Mrs L. L. Davisson Eegistrar, Mrs A. K. Welliver Secretary, Mrs F. I. MacGregor Historian, Mrs F. L. Hodge p. Joseph Spencer Chapter — Portsmoxith Organized May 21,, 1898; Members, U (Maryland, 1; District of Columbia, 1; New York, 1; KentvcJcy, 1; Rhode Island, 1; Illinois, 1; West Virginia, 1) Eegent, Mrs Ada Harsha Treasurer, Mrs Jessie Bradford Vice-Eegent, Mrs Laura Lloyd Eegistrar, Miss Editha Fulton Secretary, Miss Bessie L. Anderson Historian, Miss Janette Silcox q. Mahoning Chapter — Youngstown Organized April 18, 1893; Members, j9 (Pennsylvania, 6; Missouri, 1; New York, 1; District of Columbia, 1) Eegent, Mrs Ella B. Botsford Treasurer, Mrs Carrie L. Hood Vice-Eegent, Mrs Alice S. Hills Eegistrar, Mrs Mary J. P. Hitchcock Secretary, Mrs Mary B. Thorne Historian, Mrs B. B. Jacobs r. Martha Pitkin Chapter — Sandusky Organised May 7, 1897; Members, 39 Eegent, Mrs Mary F. Mack Treasurer, Mrs C. L. Warren Vice-Eegt., Mrs Curtis Brewer Eegistrar, Mrs J. D. Mackey Secretary, Mrs Carrie C. Moss Historian, Mrs Charles H. Mertz s. Mary Washington Chapter— Mansfield Organized October 24, 1895; Members, 17 (California, 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Mrs Helen P. Weaver Treasurer, Mrs Julia P. Tolman Vice-Eegent, Mrs C. B. Eichelberger Eegistrar, Mrs Sarah A. Hand Secretary, Miss Mary E. Eunyan Historian, Mrs M. W. Douglass t. Miami Chapter — Troy Organized January 25, 1899; Members, 15 (Massachusetts, 1) Eegent, Mrs E. S. Freshour Treasurer, Mrs H. E. B. Moorhead Vice-Eegt., Mrs Nancy J. S. Sullivan Eegistrar, Mrs E. G. D. C. Carr Secretary, Mrs A. C. A. Kincaid Historian, Mrs H. M. S. Gahagan u, Muskingum Chapter — Zanesville Organized October 13, 1893; Members, 31 (West Virginia, 1) Eegent, Miss Mary F. Linn Treasurer, Mrs Cora A. Wells Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary B. Stanbery Eegistrar, Miss Alice Searle Secretary, Miss Ida M. Potts Historian, Mrs M. D. M. Fulton V. Nathaniel Massie Chapter— Chillicothe Organized January 3, 1895; Members, 21 (West Virginia, 1; Kentucky, 1; Maryland, 1) Eegent, Miss Eliza I. Vanmeter Treasurer, Miss Mary P. McClintock Secretary, Mrs Juliet M. Massie Eegistrar, Miss Jane L. Marfield Historian, Miss C. M. Sproat •w. New Connecticut Chapter — Painesville Organized November Ji, 1897 ; Members, 36 (New York, 1) Eegent, Mrs Mary G. McAbee Treasurer, Mrs C. W. Paige Vice-Eegent, Mrs M. E. T. Wyman Eegistrar, Mrs Ada O. Viall Secretary, Miss Mary E. Tisdel Historian, Mrs M. H. Collacott OHIO. • 471 X. Old Northwest Chapter — Ravenna Organized February 22, 1901; Members, 15 Regent, Mrs Ellisif E. Beebe Secretary, Miss Eleanor H. Smith 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs V. E. Eobinson Treasurer, Miss H. M. H. Dunstull 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Mary P. Clapp Historian, Mrs Maud F. Marsh 3rd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Mary A. W. Brooks Eegistrar, Mrs Cora W. Hart y. Piqua Chapter — Piqua Organised Jitne l.'f, 1896; Members, 17 (Neio York, 2; lyidiana, 1) Eegent, Mrs F. E. E. Nelson Treasurer, Miss Martha H. Wood Vice-Eegent, Mrs L. W. McKinney Eegistrar, Miss Daisy M. Smith Secretary, Miss M. B. Widney Historian, Mrs J. H. Baker z. Springfield Chapter — Springfield Organized April 21, 1895; Members, 29 Eegent, Mrs Elizabeth W. Seys Cor. Sec, Mrs H. B. Dimond Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary Fitch Eoss Treasurer, Mrs Perlie A. V. Cochran Eec. Sec, Mrs N. W. Elliott Eegistrar, Mrs J. L. Thomas A. Urbana Chapter — Urbana Organized May 23, 1896; Members, 25 (New York, 1; Massachusetts, 3; Foreign, 1; Yirginia, 1) Eegent, Mrs Laura L. McDonald Cor. Sec, Mrs J. Houston Vice-Eegent, Mrs F. C. Murdoch Treasurer, Miss E. G. Sullivan Eec. Sec, Mrs Eosetta B. Conrey Eegistrar, Mrs Mary G. Vance Historian, Miss Clifford Warnock B. Ursula Wolcott Chapter— Toledo Organized January 12, 1895; Members, 90 Eegent, Mrs Mary E. E. Welch Treasurer, Mrs Myra L. D. Dowling Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary S. Hayes Eegistrar, Mrs Alice L. Bowman Secretary, Mrs Anna M. Whinerj^ Historian, Mrs Anna B. MacLaren C. Wah-wil-a-way Chapter — Hillsboro Organized March 1, 1895; Members, 18 (Colorado, 1) Eegent, Mrs S. M. Glenn Treasurer, Mrs Mary P. Steele Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ida F. Matthews Eegistrar, Mrs Stella G. Sands Secretary, Mrs E. E. Eockhold Historian, Mrs Katherine D. Barrere D. Walter Dean Chapter — Conneaut Organized October 6, 1893; Members, 10 (Wisconsin, 1; Nebraska, 1; Michigan, 1; Illinois, 1) Eegent, Mrs Eowena B. Hickok Treasurer. Mrs Edward D. Haj'ward Secretary, Mrs M. H. Burrington Eegistrar, Mrs Kate H. Palmer E. Washington Court House Chapter — Washington Court House Organized October 25, 1898; Members, ^9 Eegent, Mrs Mary S. Stutson Treasurer, Mrs M. E. Gest Vice-Eegent, Mrs May M. Howat * Eegistrar, Miss Liicy Brownell Secretary, Mrs M. P. Quinn Historian, Miss Minnie Persinger F. Western Reserve Chapter — Cleveland Organized December 19, 1891; Members, 222 Eegent, Mrs Virginia S. Hodge Treasurer, Mrs Edward L. Harris Secretary, Mrs Cyrus W. Merrill Eegistrar. Mrs Lee Burgert Historian, Mrs William B. Neff 1 ■472 , DIKECTORY, D. A. E. G. Wyoming Chapter — Wyoming Organized February 13, 1S96; Members, 25 (North Carolina, 2; Michigan, 1) Eegent, Mrs Eeuben Tyler Vice-Iiegent, Mrs George Kinsey Secretary, Miss Mary E. Laurence Treasurer, Miss Lizzie W. Bacon Registrar, Mrs C. G. Waldo Historian, Mrs H. A. Hills Members Eesiding in the State 3640« Abbot, Ella Brown (Mrs C. H.) Maple ave., Zanesville 22367i^ Abbott, Anna K. Smith (Mrs Henry Stanley) . .690 Euclid ave., Cleveland 9274f Abbott, Carrie Gardner (Miss) "...2623 Euclid ave., Cleveland 112650 Achey, Frances Louisa (Mrs John J.) 131 W. 3rd st., Daj'ton 5552/^ Acklan, Laura Crocker (Mrs) 845 Euclid ave., Cleveland 610Sb Adair, Clarissa C. N. (Mrs Robert D.) 424 N. Galloway st., Xenia 28723?) Adair, Lavina (Mrs Louis Dent) E 4th st., "Portsmouth 32638i? Adams, Augusta (Miss) Washington Court House 31051W? Adams, Grace Abigail (Miss) 220 Liberty st., Painesville 20644; Adams, Martha Sweet (Mrs John) 206 W. Front "st., Find'lay 22324c Albert, Ethel Walton (Mrs Clifford E.) 1775 E. McMillan st.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 36565^ Alcorn, Jessie Walton Glover (Mrs John B.) Gallipolis 5873(i' Alexander, Eliza C. (Mrs J. L.) 236 Holmes st., Youngstown 34898m Alexander, Elizabeth Kirkwood Kennon (Mrs Henry Eckert) 176 Mcln- tyre ave., Zanesville 27826f Allen, Ada E. Rowe (Mrs Jesse Morgan) 128 Crosby st., Akron 2063K Allen, Bertha Coleman (Miss) Troy 20040f Allen, Ella Shepard (Mrs Victor J.) 152 S. Broadway st., Akron 17227f Allen, Frances De Wolf (Mrs Miner J.) 108 Bowery st., Akron 17228f Allison, Caroline Augusta Hine (Mrs Bvron M.) 1047 E. Market st., Akron 27187* Allison, Florence M. D. (Mrs George D.) Cincinnati 35519& Allison, Janet (Miss) W. 2nd st., Xenia 6913& Allison, Mary Louise H. (Mrs Samuel M.) 101 W. 2nd st., Xenia 34905F Allyn, Viola Alberta (Mrs Arthur Merrill) . .363 Russell ave., Cleveland 25494m Alsdorf, Lillian Miller (Mrs W. A.) Utica 2489110 Alvord, Helen Hine (Mrs Horace) Painesville 29648F Ambler, Flora Elizabeth (Mrs W. E.) 76 Lincoln ave., Cleveland 7821^ Ambler, Martha Buell (Mrs) Fairmount Place, Cleveland 5074(? Ambrose, Lucy Daugherty (Miss) 812 Dayton st.. Cincinnati 23221p Anderson, Bessie Lo'uise (Miss) 149 E. 4th st., Portsmouth 31790f Anderson, Georgia Jean (Miss) 418 Park st., Akron 33526/) Anderson, Ida Frances Cole (Mrs T. C.) 149 E. Fourth st., Portsmouth 31789f Anderson, Jennie Harriett (Mrs Millard F.) 418 Park st., Akron 33529r Anderson, Mary West (Mrs George Frederick) 603 W'ayne st., Sandusky 28232s Anderson, Mary Wood (Mrs Oliver Hale) 231 S. Fountain ave., Springtiel'd 292036 Anderson, Princess Amanda Miller (Mrs James House) 788 E. Brood st., Columbus 23224p Anderson, Rebecca Ann Hensel Warwick (Mrs G. W.) 823 Offnere st., Portsmouth 4308 Andrews, Eleanor (Miss) Milan 7581 Andrews, Gertrude S. Reynolds (Mrs Frank M.) Dayton 4691(7 Andrews, Louise Baldwin (Mrs Chauncey H.) 750 Wick ave., Youngstown 7306c Andrews, Mary (Miss) Main ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 3446c Andrews, Mary A. Canfield (Mrs W. W.) Reading Road, Avondale, Cincinnati 25486c Archer, Sarah Louise Branham (Mrs R. N.) X. Warwick Flats. Avon- dale, Cincinnati 3138(7 Arms, Katherine (Miss) * Scotts st., Youngstown 25485c Armstrong, Abbie Newton (Mrs) 2213 Highland ave., Mt. Auburn. Cin- cinnati 15243 Armstrong, Leona Valeria Grant (Mrs) Hebbardsville 2952c Arnold, Elizabeth Mills (Mrs B.) Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 18901g Ashbaugh, Clarice Virginia Butler (Mrs W. N.) 806 Mill st., Youngstown + Vassar College Chapter, N. Y. % Col. Charles Lewis Chapter, W. Va. Louisa St. Clair Chapter, Mich. OHIO. 47^ 3-J906J' 2S237» 33517(' 16443 135/'' 212Tl(r 242SS(r 10202.S- 20625c 7817^ U'J2F ■20033 c;- 2704:?> 92S6(f 4SS5r 34903/; 17230f 24274?> 24326// 28239/^ ]92r; 34S99A 27063/7 33533 ?r 223556 1188/^ 17778; 10710 14358r/ 34341^7 22971F 10724r' ■29649F 66000 34339/) 31814/? 223 54B 28235/? 33039r 27857/^ 79S8C' 7577/" 36452s 23528 33063/: 24324 33536r/ 9288/? 29642/? 12425« 35961c 121S2C 24334(-- 18897F 22342c 28730J- 6608c 33064/: 33935c 33065/: 22356B 24277 Asplin, Jennie Jewelt (Mrs John H.) 134 Brookfield st., Cleveland Atwell, Daisy Childs (Mrs Charles T.) Brighton Blvd., Zanesville Atwood, Anna Eichmond (Mrs Julius W.) 148 Lexington ave., Columbus Ault, Jennie De Goh'er Eandall (Mrs Albert W.) Wyoming Avery, Catherine Hitchcock Tilden (Mrs Elroy M.) 657 Woodland Hills, Cleveland Avery, Evelyne Mary (Miss) Painesville Averj', lone Lester (Mrs Frederick Burt) Painesville Avery, Mary D. Tracy (Mrs Eufus L.) 136 W. Park ave., Mansfield Ayres, Louise McLean (Mrs Stephen Cooper) Yernon Place, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati Babcock, Caroline Aug-usta Baldwin (Mrs Percy Hunting-ton) 1964 Euclid ave., Cleveland Babcock, Elizabeth Corintha (Mrs B. D.) "American House," Cleveland Bacon, Lizzie* W. (Miss) Lockland Bagnall, Fanny Dorcas (Mrs Isaac T.) N. King st., Xenia Bailey, Caroline Augusta (Mrs Willis) Maple ave., Zanesville Bailej-, Clara Langdon (Mrs John W.) 18 E. 7th st.. Cincinnati Bailey, Jennie Ervin (Mrs Joseph Perry) Washington Court House Baird, Lucy Allyn Voris (Mrs Charles) 929 E. Market st., Akron Baker, Charlotte Luella (Miss) W. 3rd st., Xenia Baker, Helen Constance Castle (Mrs J. H.) 215 Ash st., Piqua Baker, Ida Smith (Mrs Elbert Hall) 84 Streator ave., Cleveland Baker, Julia I. (Miss) Yellow Springs Baker, Juliette M. (Mrs John M.) LTrbana Baker, Kate ]\Iiles (Mrs Oscar) Washington Court House Baker, Mary Augusta Wolff (Mrs Charles P.).. 144 Bank st., Painesville Baker, Mary Howard (Mrs Eufus Harold) 2116 Madison st., Toledo Baldwin, Caroline Prentiss (Mrs C. C.) 1345 Euclid ave., Cleveland Baldwin, Elizabeth Eleanor (Miss) 123 E. Hardin st., Findlay Baldwin, Isabella Douglas (Miss) 40 Putnam ave.. Zanesville Baldwin, Laura Newport Bobbins (Mrs H.) 322 W. Wood st., Youngstown Baldwin, Lida F. (Miss) Wood st., Youngstown Baldwin, Lilian Converse Hanna (Mrs P.).... 736 Prospect st., Cleveland Baldwin, Mary Eiddle (Mrs A.) 2539 Belle Place. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati Baldwin, Sophia Taylor Doane (Mrs Claire E.) 16 Knowles st., Cleveland Balke, Jessica Starbiick (Mrs J.) 2303 Park ave.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati Barber, Emma (Miss) 309 Gallia ave.. Portsmouth Barber, Isabel Messinger (Mrs John J.).... 2271 Scottwood ave., Toledo Barbour, Bernardine Wicker (Miss) 1611 Jefferson st., Tolecft> Barbour, Marj' Wicker (Mrs Marcus Victor) 1611 Jefferson st., Toledo Bargar, Frances Arabelle (IMiss) 59 Wilson ave., Columbus Barnum, Helen Wight (Mrs Tracy) Geneva Barrere, Katherine Stella Dawson (Mrs George W.) Hillsboro Barriss, Kittie Oviatt (Mrs William H.)..774 Fairmoimt st., Cleveland Bartlett, Martha Melvin Miller (Mrs) 307 X. Main st., Mt. Gilead Bass, Susie E. (Mrs Josiah Quincy) Mulberry Bateman, Ada Bell (Miss) . .'649 N. North st., Washington Court House Battelle, Frances (Miss) 711 N. Wayne st., Piqua Baumann, Annie Eose Greene (Mrs Albert Vogt) . .Croghan st., Fremont Baumgardner, Matilda E. (Mrs L. S.) 406"" W. Woodruff ave., Toledo Beach. Harriet Brigham (Mrs William A.) 2439 Monroe st.. Toledo Beauchamp, Mellic Gardner (Mrs Leon J.) 714 Sycamore st., Hamilton Bechtel, Elizabeth Taylor (Mrs Henry H.)..830 Dayton st.. Cincinnati Bechtel, Nellie Agnew (Miss) 830 Dayton st., Cincinnati Bechtel, Sara Cowden Garretson (Mrs J. A.) 830 Dayton st., Cincinnati Beckwith. Maria Paris (Mrs David H.)....94 Dorchester ave., Cleveland Bedwell. Margaret Kirker (Mrs Charles E.) 1234 Bryden Eoad, Columbus Beebe, Ellesif Eeeves (Mrs William H.) Eavenna Beecher, Nannie O'Hara (Mrs George B.) Hillsboro Bell, Anna Eliza (Miss) 354 E. Market st.. Washington Court House Bell, Anne Law (Mrs Charles W.) Bell Place, Walnut Hill, Cincinnati Bell, Lizzie Wallace (Miss).. 354 E. Market st., Washington Court House Bell. Marie Snydam (Mrs James B.) 1825 Collingswood ave., Toledo Belt, Harriet West (Miss) Milford 474 DIKECTORY, D. A. R. 33518e Benham, Caroline Thrall (Mrs George C.) "The Norniandie," Columbus 136927.: Bennett, Sarah Elizabeth Churchill (Mrs N. E.) Wilmington 36447/; Bentley, Sarah Irma (Miss) 585 Oak St., Columbus 22958/^ Benton, Carrie Anneke (Miss) Lamont St., Cleveland 22377j'^ Benton, Martha Ann (Mrs Lucius Augustus) Lamont st., Cleveland 24878--1. Berr3-, Dora V. (Mrs Thomas C.) Urbana 17229/= Berry, Martha W. K. (Mrs) 210 Fir st., Akron 8571 Betts, Florence Huntington (Miss) Riverside 75876 Beveridge, Jennie N. (Mrs John A.) Ludlow st., Dayton 101997i: Bickham, Maria E. Strickle (Mrs W. D.) 117 Monument ave., Davton 194560 Bidleman, Lizzie Stout (Mrs Charles Daniel) 422 W. 2nd st., Dayton 29199c Bienfang, Elsa S. (Miss) 816 Mann Place, Avondale, Cinciiinati 25S67C Bienfang, Johanna Maria Wilber (Mrs Herman E.) 816 Mann Place, Avon- dale, Cincinnati 33944; Bigelow, Viola S. (Mrs Frank F.) '.N. Main st.. Findlay 9045f Biggs, Frances Febiger (Miss) Avondale. Cincinnati 24270 Bird, Anna Hyde (Miss) 108 Mason st., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 16445/ Bish, Alice Anderson (Mrs William S.) 300 1st st.. Findlay 79860 Bishop, May (Miss) 2150 Fulton ave.. Walnut Hills. Cincinnati 22327/= Bissell, Irene L. (Miss) 1000 E. Market st., Akron 217547)^ Black, Alice Hinkley (Mrs Frederic Morton) 525 N. 3rd st., Newark 12434W Black, Anne Eliza Dille (Mrs James Rush) 118 E. Main st.. Newark 3771 Black, Cornelia Van Hamm (Mrs Thomas S.) 20 Putnam ave., Zanesville 292076 Black, Lucy Galloway (Mrs William Francis) 553 E. Town st., Columbus 107440 Black, Mary Anthony (Mrs Joseph K.) 243 N. Fountain ave., Springfield 24300 Black, Sara Layton Walker (Mrs Morris) The Croxden, Cleveland 29225 Blackburn, Mary St. Clair (Mrs Charles H.) 2970 Colerain ave., Cincinnati 21265(0 Blackmon, Lucy Chaniberlan Matthews (Mrs Chauncey J.) Painesville 33936c Blaine, Anna Coons (Miss) 518 Forest ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 26534c Blake. Marguerite (Miss) 3572 Bogart ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 24880^ Blakeley, Olive P. (Mrs G. W.) W^ashington Court House 25489 Blecker. Anna E. (Miss) 120 W. Front st., Findlay 124362' Blee, Achsa E. Vorce (Mrs William H.) 456 E. High st., Springfield ?,2235f Bliss. Cynthia E. French (Mrs Albert N.) 119^Forge st., Akron 24299F Blossom". Eva Baltoise Gillam (Mrs Henry S.) The Oaks, East Cleveland 11717r Boatt, Fanny Ethelinda Griswold (Mrs John M.) Ashtabula 30486r Boatt, Fanny Moss (Miss) Norwalk 30487r Boatt, Marian (Miss) Norwalk 6358B Bodman. Fannie Leland Bowman (Mrs L. 0.) 2272 Ashland ave., Toledo 29206c Bohannan, Forence Ella Short (Mrs Eosser Daniel) cor. 16th and In- dianola aves., Columbus I8894i^ Bolton, Emeline Eussell (Mrs Thomas) 1568 Euclid ave., Cleveland 11112* Bonfoey, Genevra (Miss) Ingleside Place, Cincinnati 31347 Bonnell. Lucretia H. (Mrs William Scott) 305 Wick ave., Youngstown 97966 Bontecou, Sarah Celestia (Miss) N. King st., Xenia S4900B Boos, Emma McNutt (Mrs George W".) 2007 Eobinwood ave., Toledo 34901B Boos, Lottie E. (Miss) ^ 2007 Eobinwood ave.. Toledo 8572c Boring, Alice Kemper (Mrs Daniel 'Z.) 2930 Gilbert ave., Walnut Hill, Cincinnati 29224 Bosworth, Louise Maltby (Mrs Tasker Bourne) Marietta 3122(/ Botsford. Ella Blaine (Mrs James L.) 664 Wick ave., Youngstown 32628c Bowen, Grace Bowen King (Mrs Benjamin L.) 775 E. Broad st., Columbus 33519e Bowen, Marsraret W. Matthews (Mrs A. H.) 197 State st.. East, Columbus 3329c Bowler. Alice W-. (Mrs Eobert) Mt. Storm, Clifton 6357B Bowman, Alice Lee (Mrs J. H.) 2238 Madison st., Toledo 28236B Bowman, Elizabeth Woods (Mrs Madison H.) Bancroft st., Toledo 22982i^ Bowman, Harriet (Mrs I. C.) 1234 Curtis ave.. Cleveland 20633B Bowman. Zorah Warne (Mrs Charles Eevnolds) 2119 Ashland ave., Toledo 24310P Bradford. Jessie Clough Hurd Smith (Mrs Claudius A.) 70 E. 8th st., Portsmouth 4689c Bradford. Mildred Taylor (Mrs H. P.) 1021 13th ave.. Cincinnati 31063i^ Bradlev, Clara Alida tuthill (Mrs Charles) Great Southern. Columbus 317980 Brady,' Martha J. (Miss) 310 W. 3rd st., Dayton St. Paul Chapter, Minn. t Spencer Chapter, Ind. OHIO. 475 92600 Brady, Mary M. (Miss) 310 W. 3rd St., Dayton 31070/. Brasee, Anna Dickinson (Miss) Lancaster 4894c Breneman, Ennice Swift (Mrs Herbert L.) 15 E. 3rd st.. Cincinnati 29204e Brent, Maria Louise (Miss) 85 Jefferson ave., Columbus 11718/- Brewer, Annette Fitch (Mrs) Sloane House. Sandusky 22361F Brewer, Clara Genella Tag-g (Mrs A. T.) 26 Hawthorne ave.. Cleveland 21289// Brewer. Harriet Ensign (Mrs Albert) 95 Water st.. Tiffin 189085 Brigham, Ida Brown (Mrs Will E.) 200-* Madison st.. Toledo 10200s Brinkerhoff, Adelaide H. (Miss) 451 Park ave.. Mansfield 33072(i Brinkerhoff, Mary Otis (Mrs Samuel) 506 Court St., Fremont 27049»(. Brister, Jennie May Robinson (Mrs E. M. Putnam) Newark: 193-2 Bronsen, Euth Leonora Eanney (Mrs Hiram V.) Peninsitla 107347<' Brooks, Anna Maria Curtiss (Mrs Thomas H.) 1114 Euclid ave., Cleveland 35966fZ Brown, Athenia C. (Mrs W. D.) S. Front st., Fremont 22362F Brown, Carrie M. (Mrs Alexander Ephraim) 1151 Prospect st., Cleveland 33939e Brown, Fannie Wilkin Barker (Mrs John E.) 235 S. Town st., Columbus 20624c Brown, Helen Hulburd (Mrs Hugh Wilson) 2229 Nelson ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 9292r/ Brown, Henrietta Arthura (Mrs Eichard) 205 Madison ave., Youngstown 1529* Brown, Isabel (Miss) 2220 Madison ave.. "^Toleda 212527^ Brown, Julia F. Henry (Mrs Lemuel S.) 2171 Broadway, Cleveland 32629c Brown, Katharine Loving (Mrs Walter Wood) 940 E. Broad st.. Columbus 4967c Brown, Laura Ilasbrouck Le Fevre (Mrs George Houston) 350 Eesor ave., Clifton. Cincinnati 11715c Brown, Lucy Chappell (Mrs Harry Whiting) Glendale 23219y) Brown, Nannie Power (Mrs Charles Carroll) 819 Offnere st., Portsmouth 33059E Browne, Minnesota Louella Pine (Mrs) 437 N. North st., Washington, Court House 24291B Brownell, Lucy Eichmond (Miss) Washington Court House- 31813Z? Browning, Alice S. (Mrs Otis A.) 313 Broadway, Toledo 10742h Brundage, Lida Fleming (Mrs Lawrence H.) 34 W. 3rd st.. Xenia 4086?f Brush, Alice Cone (Mrs Edmund) 81 7th st., Zanesville 1541?f Brush. Fanny Eiissell (Mrs Edward Cone) 81 7th st.. Zanesville 31S02± Bryan, Marv Margaret Simpson (Mrs Nathaniel Lyons) Portsmouth 23521c Buchanan. Julia Tarbell (Mrs Eobert W.) 3335 Fisher'^ave., East Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 5558c Buchanan, Marv Perin (Mrs) Grand Hotel. Cincinnati 7585i? Burbank, Kittle ISlarvin (Mrs Ernest W.) 327 West Woodruff ave.. Toleda 20639B Burgert, Aletta Bronson Warne (Mrs) 627 Virginia st., Toledo 270627? Burgert, Florence G. (Miss) 2915 Cherry st.. Toledo- 229687" Burgert, Lucy Amelia Herrick (Mrs Levi) 128 Olive st., Cleveland 35520r Burgett. Sadie (Mrs J. A.) 3556 Bogart ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 3765D Burington, Minnie H. (Mrs George M.) .Conneaut 29201c Burkani. Annie Prudence (Miss) 2110 St. James ave., Walnut Hills. Cin- cinnati 24304P Burke, Ella M. (Mrs Stevenson) 1171 Euclid ave., Cleveland 229847" Burke, Jessie Hayward (Miss) 1059 Prospect st., Cleveland 223737" Burke, Maria San'ford (Mrs Clarence E.) 1059 Prospect st.. Cleveland 32041t Burke. Susan Miller (Mrs George W., Jr.) Mt. Vernon 229837" Burnett, Adelia Sturtevant (Mrs Charles C.) 790 Euclid ave.. Cleveland 330527.- Burnett, Cora Adams (Mrs Thomas M.) Wilmington 22328f Burnett, Freelove Lillian Ayres (Mrs E. P.) 602 W. Market St.. Akron 349077" Burnham, Emma L. (Mrs Walter) 54 Spangler ave., Cleveland 92630 Burns, Louise Latham Devereaux (Mrs Silas E.) Kuhn's Bldg.. Dayton 29205c Burr. Elizabeth Palmer (Mrs Charles E.) 60 JeflEerson ave.. Columbus 21260K7 Burrows, Clara Evelina Woodruff (Mrs Jerome Benson) 144 State st., Painesville 229677" Burrows. Lottie Thomas Mott (Mrs C. W.) 738 Genesee ave.. Cleveland 10715c Burt, Juliet (Miss) 113 E. Mt. Auburn ave., Cincinnati 3050c Burtis. Hannah Louise Monfort (Mrs Arthur B.) 915 Foraker ave.. Wal- nut Hills, Cincinnati 4896c Burton, Jennie Langdon (Mrs W. T.) Clifton ave.. Clifton, Cincinnati 6900c Burton, Martha (Miss) Clifton, Cincinnati * Woonsocket Chapter, R. I. t Col. Charles Lewis Chapter, W. -Va. t North Shore Chapter, 111. 476 DIKECTOEY, D. A. E. 75S7F Burus, Anna Wiley (Mrs Andrew M.) 19 Wilbur Place, Cleveland 32639E Bush, Minnie Wilson (Mrs Alva Mathews) Washington Court House 49o6;~ Bushnell, Ellen Ludlow (Mrs Asa Smith) 394 East Hig-h st., Springfield 6591c Butler, Alfreda Martin F. (Mrs K. L.) Linwood Road, Mt. Lookout, Cin- cinnati 13668c Butler, Alice (Miss) 2129 Auburn ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 24050* Butler, Bertha Belle (Miss) 1455 Highland st., Columbus 13667c Butler, Florence H. (Miss) 2129 Auburn ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 34888i Butler, Helen Catherine Eeese (Mrs Samuel) E. Broad st., Columbus 13652c Butler, Lilly Lovell (Mrs) 967 E. McMillan st.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 13666c Butler, Mary Kina (Miss) 2129 Auburn st., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 13665c Cadle, Anna Barrus (Mrs Cornelius) 84 Helen st., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 5227c Cadwallader, Ella Bacon (Mrs Price J.) Vernon Place, Mt. Auburn, Cin- cinnati 27S35« Caldwell, Mary Lida (Miss) 41 North B st., Hamilton 318087 Campbell, Esther J. (Mrs James) 19 Lincoln ave., Youngstown 29663 Campbell, Gertrude Farnsworth Coombs (Mrs Noble Thomas) 215 South Wells St., Canton 27048^/ Campbell, Laura Eugenia (Miss) 25 Washington st.. Tiffin 33537 Campbell, Laura Harrison (Mrs W'illiam Wildman) Napoleon 273785 Campbell, Julia (Miss) 1909 Parkwood ave., Toledo 7314B Campbell, Matilda Gertrude (Miss) 1909 Parkwood ave., Toledo 28729F Canniff, Ella Oviatt (Mrs William H.) 594 Prospect st., Cleveland 22976F Cannon, Alice Amidon (Mrs James Calkins) Lakewood 33525A' Carlile, Maud McLain (Mrs Charles Lawrence) . .80 Starr ave., Columbus 36566t Carpenter, Elizabeth H. (Miss) Carpenter 27055F Carpenter, Emma Howard (Mrs) 128 Olive st., Cleveland •21292^ Carr, Edith Carver (Mrs Joseph Henry) 508 South Plum st., Troy 322370 Carr, Fannie Smith (Mrs Sylvester H.) 210 West 2nd st., Dayton 2953c Carroll, Mary Arabella Piatt (Mrs Robert W.) 546 Hale ave., Cincinnati 17769f Carter, Helen R. (Mrs Rollin B.) 106 Adolph st., Akron 364552: Cartmell, Dena W^ood (Mrs William Mattox) : Springfield 8000s Cartmell, Emma Anthony (Mrs Joseph B.)..478 East High st., Springfield 21291* Carver, Elizabeth Green Dye (Mrs W. A.) 252 Race and Grant sts., Troy 18890c Cary, Jessie Benton (Miss) ■ College Hill 8001^ Cassilly, Mary (Miss) 249 North Limestone st., Springfield 1395jP Castner, Anna Potts (Mrs) 254 Detroit st., Cleveland ■20041f Chamberlain, Emma Virginia Fay (Mrs J. W.) 928 E. Market st., Akron 21279f7 Chamberlain, Livonia B. (Mrs John W^ilson) 120 Sycamore st.. Tiffin 21286^7 Chandler, Mabel Claire (Miss) 59 Maine st.. Tiffin 12178 Chatfield, Eliza Steuart Wade (Mrs William) 810 Dayton st., Hamilton 22988c Cheever, Grace Marie (Miss) 418 W. 4th st., Cincinnati 12176 Childe, Jessamine Pollock (Mrs John Brackett) Wyoming 18898F Childs, Mary Edwards (Mrs Oscar A.) 83 Dorchester ave., Cleveland 24305P Chisholm, Mary H. St owe (Mrs William) 779 Euclid ave., Cleveland 349220! Clapp, Marj' Reeves Parsons (Mrs Milo Ford) The Ingleside, Tngle- side ave., Cleveland 117360 Clark, Hannah (Mrs Strong) 74 E. Gay st., Columbus 32625c Clark, Margaret H. (Mrs Alexander) 927 South Crescent ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 36443c Clark, Phebe Lord Rogers (Mrs Charles F.) 188 E. State st., Columbus 6113q Clark, Reinette Ford (Mrs Addison M.) 112 Lincoln ave., Youngstown 305Sl| Clark, Sadie Theresa Smith (Mrs Charles S.) River st., Wakeman 20626c Closterman, Julia E. (Miss) Mt. Echo ave., Price Hill, Cincinnati 25501* Clvde, Sarah M. Green (Mrs William J.) 310 West Franklin st., Troy 23231s Cochran, Perlie A. V. Wilber (Mrs) 301 S. Limestone st., Springfield 27850^^ Coe, Antoinette Bingham (Mrs Leroy B.) 46 Euclid Place, Cleveland 34881fZ Coe, Harriet A. (Miss) E. State st., Fremont 33062E Coffman, Magdalena Harlowe (Mrs N. J.) 335 East st., Washington Court House 19470>- Cogswell, Fanny Maria (Miss) Market st„ Sandusky 28572 Cole, Jessie Gilbert (Mrs O. K. K.) Station H, Washington ave., Cincinnati 6605e Cole, Mary Beach (Mrs Edward Everett) 1237 Bryden Road, Columbus • Nathan Hale Chapter, Minn. t Col. Charles Lewis Chapter, W. Va. t Freelove Baldwin Stowe Chapter, Conn. OHIO. 477 24885^ Coleman, Eleanor Dye (Mrs George E.) Troy 31052(0 Collacott, Mary Hover (Mrs H. E.) 410 South State st., Painesville 27380 Collier, Elizabeth Johnson (Miss) 224 North 2nd st., Coshocton 9267c Collier, Susan Caroline How (Mrs)' 131 Huntington Place. Cincinnati 12951W Collins, Frances J. (Mrs Richard Frasier) 136 Korth 3rd st.. Xe^^^k 26536c Comegys, Ellen Tiffin (Miss) 1278 Grace ave., Mt. Lookout, Cincinnati 26535c Comegys, Mary Porter (Aliss) . .1278 Grace ave., Mt. Lookout, Cincinnati 24327 Compton, Anna E. (Mrs James N.) Clarksville 35549F Comstock, Mary E. (Miss) 861 Scranton ave., Cleveland 11735Cr Conant, Helen Pabodie (Mrs Frank A.) Wyoming 28946 Conard, Clara Bricker (Mrs Howard Louis) 30 West Church st..*^ Xenia 12626* Conde, Elizabeth L. Collier (Mrs Samuel Lee) Cleveland 2954c Conner, Levietta Bartlett (Mrs John S.) North Bend 36460(r Connor, Eva Comstock Cooke (Mrs William H.) Wyoming 14343x4. Conrey, Eosetta Bunker' (Mrs David W.) Urbana 8579i' Cook, Eowena Nye (Mrs Isaac Scott) Chillicothe 31049r Cooke, Mary Augusta Turnej- (Mrs Charles E.) 502 Wayne st., Sandusky 11989r Cooke, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) Gypsom 6109& Cooper, Lua M. Carey (Mrs George F.) 124 West Church st., Xenia 3334P Copeland, Arabella (Miss) 65 City Hall, Cleveland 22359fc Corbin, Mary Grace (Miss) Dayton 18899/1 Cornell, Celia Smith (Mrs John B., Jr.) 128 North 2nd st., Hamilton 243142? Corson, Emma Jane Hempstead Lodwick (Mrs Francis B. M.) 75 W. 4th St., Portsmouth 17779/ Corthell, Mary Boyington (Mrs Clinton S.)..131 West Front st.. Findlay 35526f Cory, Kate Whipple (M. D.) (Mrs Nelson S.) Barberton 23223p Cotton, Grace Gajdord (Miss) 3rd and Court sts., Portsmouth 11980A; Cotton, Mary Slocumb (Mrs) 3rd and Court sts., Portsmouth 24275 Cotton, W'illia Dawson (Miss) 412 5th st., Marietta 22974F Coulton. Mildred Smith (Mrs Eichard Marshall) 70 Miles ave., Cleveland 3447F Cowing, Hattie Josephine (Mrs John Philo) 51 Sibley st., Cleveland 34880rf Cox, Emma Bailey (Mrs William A.) Croghan st.. Fremont 34S82(Z Cox, Lora E. (Miss) Croghan st., Fremont 13663c Craig, Carrie Eoyer (Mrs Thomas L.) care Eobert Mitchell, Avondale, Cincinnati 18900H, Craig, Daisy Mae (Miss) Overpeck 18130A Crane, Effie Muzzy (Mrs Marcus Harrison) Urbana 24267c Crane, Emma A. (Mrs J. C.) 2427 Auburn ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 22987c Crane, Louella (Miss) 251 McGregor ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 17247c Crawford, Cora Hayward (Mrs John Martin) 2314 Auburn ave.. Mt. rTu- burn, Cincinnati 24278s Creveling, Agnes Long (Mrs H. L.) 148 N. Mulberry st., Mansfield 330702: Crigler, Apphia Harryet (Miss) 279 High st.. East, Springtield 1628F Crocker. Eliza Proctor Otis (Mrs T. D.) 845 Euclid ave., Cleveland 6610 Croslev, Lotta Davis (Mrs) 195 West 9th st., Columbus 14344C Crossland. Lenore Downing (Mrs Edward E.) Hillsboro 14354jF Crum, Marcia Phelps (Mrs X. X.) 30 Hilburn ave., Cleveland 25500* Culbertson, Eliza S. (Miss) Troy 10716c Cullen, Sarah Eliza (Mrs James) 714 West 6th st., Cincinnati 26161(7 Cummings, Julia Alice (Miss) Painesville 17771f Cummins, Ethel E. L. Sheldon (Mrs Alexander) Akron 36444c Currv, Lucille (Miss) 316 W. 7th ave., Columbus 3339i^ Curtis, Emily Christie (Mrs M. M.) 43 Adelbert st., Cleveland 6599c Curtis. Evelyn Goss (Mrs H. M.) 103 East Auburn ave., Mt. Auburn. Cin- cinnati 188527? Cutting. Louise S. (Mrs Hurlburt) 2486 Lawrence ave.. Toledo 23523c Dae. Addie Bird Leach (Mrs) 1773 Forest ave.. Avondale. Cincinnati 31035c Dale, Anna Harvev (Mrs Benjamin B.) 2925 Vernon Place, Cincinnati 19710 Dana. Marv Anderson Sayre (Mrs Charles S.) 609 3rd st.. Marietta 194597^ Dangler, Antoinette K. Cornith (Mrs C. T.) 1415 Euclid ave., Cleveland 33054n 36463 29232 6107& Danser, Amv Pugh (Mrs Lee) Camden Daoust, Bessie Creager (Mrs Charles J.) 513 Park ave.. Defiance Darling. Julia Finley (Mrs) Auburn Hotel. Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati Darlington. Melissa" Snively (Mrs Charles) 107 West 2nd st.. Xenia Rockford Chapter, 111. 478 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. 35538H' Darrow, Adelia Field (Mrs John Q.) Painesville 34346i; Daug-herty, Lizzie Hegler (Mrs M. S.) Washington Court House 30133c Davis, Eleanor Bradford (Miss) 3634 Heading Eoad, Cincinnati 8573c Davis, Frances C. (Mrs William B.) Glenroy ave., Clifton, Cincinnati 30132f Davis, Hanna Bradford (Miss) 3634 Eeading Eoad, Cincinnati 60rs* Davis, Lulu Eloise Hyde (Mrs Charles S.) Monticello, Toledo 112660 Davisson, Jessie Leech (Mrs Oscar F.) 307 Central ave., Dayton 79S70 Dawson, Anne Louise (Miss) Hillsboro 10204 Day, Mary Frances (Miss) Mansfield 10718c De Lang, Luella Townley (Mrs Alfred) 422 W. 17th St., Cincinnati leOof Deniing, Henrietta Brinton (Mrs William L.) Salem 11690 Denison, Elizabeth Brainerd Thomson (Mrs Robert Fuller) "The Clin- ton," Clinton st., Cleveland 28716(' Deshler, Louise (Miss) 86 E. Broad st., Columbus 28715e Deshler, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs William' G.)..86 E. Broad st., Columbus 9262c Devereaux, Francis Marion (Miss) 615 W. 4th st., Cincinnati 32630e De Vol, Alice White (Mrs) 387 E. Broad st., Columbus 19477c Dibble, Maria L. (Mrs William E.) 2640 Elmwood ave., Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati 25231$ Dickey, Jennie Hoop (Mrs Oline H.) Portsmouth 35522e Dickej', Marj- Katharine Evans (Mrs John L.) 94 Wilson ave., Columbus 35967(Z Dickinson, Mary (Mrs Louis A.) Fremont .35962c Dille, lone Candace (Miss) 876 Buena Vista Place, Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati .20628c Dille, Mary Isabelle (Mrs Francis Miller) 876 Buena Vista Place, W^al- nut Hills, Cincinnati 5574J5 Dimick. Helen Wolcott (Mrs Charles M.) 1454 Milburn ave., Toledo 4S91~ Dimond. Harriet B. (Mrs Henry C.) 431 East High st., Sprigfield >6595c Disney, Sallie Von Phul (Mrs David T.) 243 Albion Place, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 11981c Doane, Frances Treat (Mrs W^illiam H.) 2223 Auburn ave., Cincinnati 6598c Doane, Ida Frances (Miss) 2223 Auburn ave., Cincinnati 6597c Doane, Marguerite (Miss) 2223 Auburn ave., Cincinnati 12170c Dolph, Mary Grace (Miss) Evans Place, Clifton, Cincinnati 2S225C Donnelly, Minnie Blinn (Mrs J. W.) Lenox Place. Avondale, Cincinnati 12523[| Doolittle, Fanny Isbell (Miss) "The Croxden," 977 Prospect st.. Cleveland 326365 Dority, Emma Agnes Lang (Mrs Samuel R.) 1806 Madison st., Toledo 23213?/ Doroii. Ellen Susan Shuler (Mrs Joseph W.) Prospect Hill, Hamilton .30145(? Dorr, May Harris (Mrs Frederick H.) 418 Birchard ave., Fremont 117190 Dorsey, Anne M. (Mrs George Washington) ... 236 Grafton ave., Dayton 6892y Douglas, Lucia Clapp Taylor (Mrs Albert) Paint st., Chillicothe 33055s Douglass, May W^eagley (Mrs Silas Marion).. 437 Park ave., W., Mansfield 34920J" Douthitt, Martha Malvina Harmon (Mrs George F.) Ravenna 12427B Downing, Myra Lucilla Dorr (Mrs Patrick H.) 703 Elm st., Toledo 27852F Down, Rachel Bourn (Mrs William Chapman) 839 Case ave., Cleveland 47907? Dovle, Alice F. S. (Mrs John H.) 1920 Parkwood ave., Toledo 27045f Doyle, Ida May Westfall (Mrs Dayton A.) 600 W. Market st., Akron 35550F Doyle, Leonie Lyons Starr (Mrs M. J.) 76 Hibburn st., Cleveland 35960b Drees, Hannah j'. (Mrs Frank B.) 139 W. 2nd st., Xenia 32634.a Dresbach, Maria Louise (Miss) 121 N. Washington st., Tiffin 32633;/ Dresbach, Mary Virginia (Miss) 121 N. Washington st.. Tiffin 36448 Drew, Ella Gates (Mrs Irving) 191 Gallia ave., Portsmouth 33949F Duncan, Sarah McKinley (Mrs Anderson J.) 190 Oakdale st., Cleveland 223S0F Dunklee, Mary A. Prentice (Mrs Charles A.) 478 Russell ave., Cleveland 34S86f Durham, Harriet Louisa Baldwin (Mrs John) 119 xVdolph ave., Akron 6]14fy Dutton, Phelie Sophia S. (Mrs C. Seymour) . .656 Bryson st., Youngstown 29226 Eastman. Nellie Hunt Reynolds (Mrs George E.) Eaton 22340c Eaton, Alice Wright (Mrs Frank Collins) 398 W. 5th ave., Columbus 25868 Eaton, Harriet Wilber (Mrs Oscar) Bryan 4SS1C Eaton, Mary (Miss) 330 W. 4th st., Cincinnati 6612?) Eavey, Rebecca A. Galloway (Mrs Henry) ... .106 W. IMarket st., Xenia 22329f Ebright, Julia Bissell (Mrs Leonidas S.) 1000 E. Market st., Akron 29643B Ecke'l, Marv R. (Miss) 2137 Jefferson st.. Toledo * Cayugra Chapter, N. Y. t Donegal Chapter, Pa. t Elizabeth Kenton Chapter, Ky. II Mary Clapp Wooster Chapter, Conn. OHIO. 479 31819F Edgerton, Ida M. (Miss) 39 Mentor ave., Cleveland 1151S Edwards, Lutie Kale (Mrs Edward Lewis) 308 S. Blvd., Dayton 10729s Eichelberg-er, Cora Bartlett (Mrs Norman McI.) 195 W. 1st st., MansfieM 16437 Eichelberg-er, Emma Straw (Mrs Edwin S.) Urbana 177SS-1 Eichelberger, Susan Ring- (Miss) Urbana 34S97W Elder, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 123 Woodlawn ave., Zanesville 27846c Elliott, Nora Wood (Mrs John Siidler) . .355 S. Fountain ave.. Springfield 6603r Ellis, Mary Rhodes (Mrs F. R.) 969 Marian ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 181355 Ellsworth, Kate Higgins (Mrs Samuel W.)..., 224 12th St., Toledo 40SSC Ely, Agatha Eustice Bell (Mrs Seneca W.) 520 Ludlow ave., Clifton, Cin- cinnati 26247F Ensign, Cari'ie J. (Miss).. care Mrs Osborne, 1555 Euclid ave., Cleveland 17793^ Ensign, Grace Otis (Mrs John E.) 574 Prospect st., Cleveland 3133f/ Ensign, Jennie Jacobs (Mrs Charles A.) 522 Elm st., Youngstown 18902; Eoff, Lillie Burket (Mrs Louis W.) 521 W. Sandusky st., Findlay 28731 Erdman, Hattie Merritt (Mrs Henry Lewis) ". Canton 27052s Erwin, Martha MacDowell (Mrs Alexander J.) 177 W. Park st., Mansfield 3125f/ Euwer, Anna M. C. (Mrs Walter D.) 787 Wick ave., Yoimgstown 29C57(/ Failing, Minnie Louise (Miss) 510 W. State st., Fremont 4954P Farrell, Sultana S. (Mrs John M.) Hillsboro 11733fr Fay, Sarah Hurin (Mrs Charles) Wyoming 2957 Feltpn, Dora Hamilton (Mrs Samuel Morse) 114 East 14th st., Cincinnati 15895F Ferguson, Laura A. (Mrs) 181 Franklin ave., Cleveland 27061 F Feld, Mary Elizabeth Scofield (Mrs A. S.) 466 Dunham ave., Cleveland 15903/ Firmin, Josephine O. (Miss) 304 E. Lincoln st., Findlay 16446/ Firmin, ^Mary Humphrey (Mrs Lorenzo) 504 N. State st., Findlay 27S2Sf Fisher, Adelaide Barker (Mrs William Ellsworth) 529 Prospect Place, Avondale, Cincinnati 11087 Fisher, Sarah Thornton Williams (Mrs) 2107 Grand st., AValnut Hills, Cincinnati 13694(7 Fisk, Grace Gatch (Mrs John F., Jr.) Wyoming 8584F Fitch, Alta D. Winchester (Mrs Edward Hubbard) Jefferson 20651 Fitzgerald, Hannah (Mrs John) 47 Franklin ave., Newark 30142S Flagg, Annette Haskell (Miss) 423 Islington st., Toledo 30141B Flagg, Mary Haskell (Mrs) 423 Islington st., Toledo 27051n( Fleek, Martha Grace (Mrs John Sherwood) 67 N. Fifth st., Newark 32241B Flint, Samantha Morrison (Mrs) 120 l-Oth st.. Toledo 4693F Flower, Eva Rowland (Mrs James F.) 29 W. Broad st., Elyria 26244c Folsom, Anna Hurd (Mrs Richard) 9 W. 4th st., Cincinnati 10751B Ford, Carrie J. (Mrs Edward F.) 2215 Collingwood ave., Toledo 24S96F Ford, Ida T. (Mrs H. Clark) 2464 Euclid ave., Cleveland 25504S Ford, Mary (Mrs Nathaniel) Washington Co\;rt House 24S97F Ford, Mildred Elm (Miss) 2464 Euclid ave., Cleveland 311SC Foster, Anna Haines (Miss) 66 Lawrence st., Cincinnati 13695F Foster, Betsey (Mrs) Berea 3049c Foster, Frances Mary Livingston (Mrs Joseph) Clifton, Cincinnati 31S15B Foster. Harriet Howell (Mrs Cassius M.) 571 Lincoln ave., Toledo 348907- Foster. Jessie (Miss) "The Sloane." Sandusky 40S9C Foster, Julia Resor (Miss) Glenway ave., Clifton, Cincinnati 24S92»' Fowler, INIary Matilda Donaldson (Mrs William H.) Paines-dlle 3466* Fowler, Nora Baker (Mrs Henry) Columbus 18907(r Fox, Josephine S. (Mrs George R.) 1207 Maple ave., Zanesville 21262 Frank. Helen Dunning (Mrs Charles H.) Painesville 24272 Franz, Minnie Weston (Mrs Christian) 112 N. Summit st., Akron 22360F Fraser, Libbie Isenhauer (Mrs George O.) 200 Cedar ave., Cleveland 22326r Frazer, Elizabeth (Mrs) 2365 Auburn ave., Cincinnati 20642/ Frazer. Susie E. Winders (Mrs Thomas E.) 514 W. Sandusky st.. Findlay 6351?( Frfizier, Emma L. (Airs Alfred A.) Zane ave.. Zanesville 7984r French, Adaline C. (Mrs Maynard) Harvard Place. Glendale 4897/ French, Pamelia A. (Mrs Joseph) 202 Adolph ave., Akron 25503f Fresh our. Emma Shellenberger (Mrs William) 112 W. Franklin st., Troy 28721 Frew, Eliza V. (Mrs William C.) Coshocton 359775' Fried, Annie Knott (Mrs Carl Christian) 183 S. Limestone «t.. Sprinjrfield Chicago Cliapter, 111. 480 DIRECTOKT, D. A. E. 12957W Frishmin, Mary Pool (Mrs Joseph) Hamilton 25S73-B Fullerton, Carrie Stewart (Mrs Frank M.) Washington Court House 21257V Fullerton, Marj' MacArthur (Mrs William Dixon) E. 5th st., Chillicothe 14362c Fulton, Blanche Dorothy (Miss) 1056 Baymiller st., Cincinnati 23228P Fulton, Edith Holman (Miss) 192 E. 2ncl st., Portsmouth 3773« Fulton, Margaret Dillon Matthews (Mrs E.) Woodlawn are.. Zanesville 23227 Fulton, Pearl Cutler (Miss) 192 E. 2nd st., Portsmouth 349210? Furry, Alice D. M. (Mrs James W.) 271 Spruce st., Eavenna 7462t Furst, Kate Allen (Mrs William C.) Colonial Hotel, Cleveland 20632^ Gahagan, Hannah tMaria Smith (Mrs W. H. H.) 25 N. Mulberry st., Troy 603 Galbraith, Myra Fonda (Mrs) National Military Home, Davton 33945^/ Galloway, Anna E. Slater (Mrs William G.) 306 W.' High st., Piqua 6354& Galloway, Maud Lyon (Mrs William A.) W. Main st., Xenia 9276F Gallup, Cora Emily (Mrs Xoyes P.) 235 Union st., Cleveland 17231f Ganter, Henrietta Dall Sanford (Mrs Eichard Leo) 502 Market st., Akron 322425 Gardiner, Alice Bentley (Mrs Edward D.) 2267 Eobinwood ave., Toledo 17798 Garford, Mary Nelson (Mrs) Washington ave., Elvria 26250i^ Garlock, Florence Adell Ingell (Mrs W. H.) 1275 Wilson ave., Cleveland 4883c Garrard, Anna Knapp (Miss) Burnet House, Cincinnati 4888c Garrard, Edith (Miss) Burnet House, Cincinnati 15892c Garretson, Harriet E. (Miss) 2531 Stanton ave., Cincinnati 29659d Garvin, Maude Edgerton (Mrs) 618 Haves ave., Fremont 29658(Z Gast, Harriet Amsden (Mrs Edward C.) 115 S. Clover st., Fremont 17774 Gatch, Elizabeth Drake (Mrs Philip B.) "The Eawson," Flat 10, Cleveland 248866 Gatch, Mary Belle (Miss) N. Detroit st., Xenia 5559c Gates, Lillie Langdon (Mrs James H.) 49 Beecher st.. Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati 19468» Gath, Maggie Lintner (Mrs Charles Wesley) 19 S. B st.. Hamilton 25011* Gebhardtr Harriet E. Perry (Mrs Frederick) 422 Franklin ave., Cleveland 117250 Gebhart, Marv Ellen (Mrs David) 215 S. Main st., Dayton 181365 Geddes, Kate Eosbrugh (Mrs Frederick Lyman) 2105 Putnam st., Toledo 1295QF Geer, Fanny Halsey Brewster (Mrs T. H.) 1069 Prospect ave., Cleveland 24294^7 Gest, Minnie B. Evans (Mrs Joseph) Washington Court House 24325 Geyer, Geraldine Castle (Mrs William Henry) Piqua '27372c Gianque, Mary Miller (Mrs Florian) " Glendale 28226f/ Gibson, Lucj- Maria McNeal (Mrs D. E.) cor Sandusky and Miami sts.. Tiffin. 31059i<' Gibson, Mar^y Frances (Mrs Charles Clifton) Edgewood Place, Cleveland 10725c Gibson, Mary Eachel (Mrs James L.) 410 Pike st., Cincinnati 22366if' Gilchrist. Flora M. Smith (Mrs Frank E.) 690 Euclid st., Cleveland 296376 Gill, Allis Bradford (Miss) 34 N. Grant ave., Columbus 292086 Gill, Ellen Price (Mrs George Waters) 287 E. Broad st., Columbus 4686m; Gillespie. Alice Stewart (Miss) 228 Woodlawn ave.. Zanesville 34904jB Gillespie, Lucy Lovejoy (Miss) Washington Court House 27859 Gipson, Leora' Blanche (Miss) Upper Sandusky 29650 Gleason, Sarah Challis (Mrs Eoscoe F.) 947 Case ave., Cleveland 31036c Glen, Clara Stoddard Gooch (Mrs W. W.) South Norwood. Cincinnati 7989C Glenn, Sallie Marshall (Mrs W. W.) Hillsboro 24279/ Glines, Carrie Etta (Miss) 310 E. Harding st., Findlay 10713c Godley, Eebecca Hodgson (Mrs Samuel S.) The Westminster, Walnut Hills. Cincinnati 21256jF Goff. Harriet A. Lufkin (Mrs Isaac Charming) 38 Streator ave., Cleveland 3286c Goodman, Grace Griswold (Mrs W. A.) "The Ortiz," E. 4th st., Cincinnati 3011c Goodman, Kittie Pratt (Miss) Grandin Eoads, E. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 4688c Goodman. :Mary Wright (Mrs William A., Jr.) 1707 E. McMillan st.. Wal- nut Hills. Cincinnati 35528i Goss, Frances Eosaline Wells (Mrs John Henry) Lancaster 15897F Goss, Gertrude Emelie (Miss) 78 McLean st., Cleveland 1325F Goukler, ]\Iary Eankin (Mrs Harvey) 45 Hilburn ave.. Cleveland 14575«i Graham. Evelvn Sarah Norton (Mrs Joseph Marshall) Newark 20648 Graham. Nellie D. S. (Mrs Clarence V.) 26 N. 6th st., Zanesville 3774(0 Granger, :Mary Hojt Eeese (Mrs M. K.) 140 Muskingum ave., Zanesville t Chicago Chapter, 111. La Crosse Chapter, Wis. OHIO. 4:81 355361/; Granger, Maude Dawson Follett (Mrs Sherman Moorhead) 812 Musk- ingum ave., Zanesville 12433?^^ Grant, Abbie Jane Brice (Mrs John) 281 Elm st., Newark 24884£' Grant, Eleanor Patton (Mrs Jesse) Columbus 24289W Grant, Sadie M. (Mrs Gail G.) Painesville 4792B Graves, Grace Alice Doyle (Mrs Charles) 1920 Parkwood ave., Toledo 32641/ Graj', Charlotte Taylor (Mrs) 829 S. Main st., Findlay 13661c Gray, Mary Free (Mrs Adam) N. Crescent ave., Avondale, Cincinnati! 21251i^ Green, Kate L. Brown (Mrs John A.) Cleveland! 34883(Z Greene, Emma Elsie Shaw (Mrs John Lynde) 124 Wood st., Fremont 22979i^ Greene, Lucy Sherrill (Miss) 295 Franklin ave., Cleveland: 35928t Greer, Cornelia Huntington (Mrs) Ashtabula 3576c Greve, Harriet Fisher (Mrs Theodore L. A.) 408 W. Sth st., Cincinnati 16441i^ Griffin, Mary Imogene (Mrs Henry A.) 33 Hawthorne ave., Cleveland 33940e Griffith, Fora Schneider (Mrs Frank Libby) 267 E. State st., Columbus 24819* Griggs. Clarence T. (Mrs) '...792 Eepublic st., Cleveland 27843^0 Griswold, Maria Louise (Mrs Hiram S.) Painesville 21926:|: Grosvenor, Louise Harriet (Mrs Charles H.) Athens 1833311 Grurer, Abbie S. (Miss) Middletown 18334|| Grurer, Emma M. (Miss) Middletown 92777*^ Guenther, Alice V. M. (Mrs W. G.) 215 Union st., Cleveland 33071 Gump, Lucy Ann (Mrs) Upper Sandusky niQlF Gundry, Frances Gilchrist (Mrs John Murten) 1511 Euclid ave., Cleveland 15545^ Guthrie, Mary Power (Mrs J. W.) Aberdine 27849J5 Hadlej', Olive Batchelder (Miss) Washington Court House 27848B Hadley, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs Horace L.) Washington Court House 28220& Hagar, Mary Gertrude (Miss) N. Galloway st., Xenia 29227& Hagar, Mary Luella Stewart (Mrs Edwin Walter) W. 2nd st., Xenia 28221b Hagar, Sarah Bowman (Miss) N. Galloway st., Xenia 25495)H Hahn, Ethel Fern (Miss) 190 Central ave.. Newark 364450 Haines. Ivaloo Curry (Mrs Lowell Barkdrill) 316 W. 7th ave., Columbus 31066i Hair, Lilla Sturgeon (Mrs Benjamin W.) Lancaster ll282fr Hale, Amy Fuller (Mrs W. R.) Wilmington 355236 Hall, Bertha Hereford (Miss) 151 E. Broad st., Columbus 34908i^ Hall, Bessie (Miss) 54 Spangler ave., Cleveland 6630W Hall, Ina Buckingham F. (Mrs Willis E.) 128 Dayton st.. Hamilton 24316P Hall, Julia Helen (Miss) 133 E. 2nd st., Portsmouth 24315P Hall, Lucy Williams (Miss) 133 E. 2nd st., Portsmouth 310671 Hall, Maude Sturgeon (Mrs Edward Howard) Lancaster 15890c Halliday, Mabel (Miss) North Bend 33047(; Hambly, Clara Adele Norton (Mrs) 338 Sandusky st.. Tiffin 5092B Hamilton,' Ethel Beecher Allen (Mrs J. K.) 2317 Scottswood ave.. Toledo 3333.S Hand, Sara Avery (Mrs Alfred C.) . . : 136 W. Park ave., Mansfield 10736i^ Handy, Amy Littlefield (Mrs Edward A.) 57 Cornell st., Cleveland 13654c Handy, Marietta Bishop (Miss) Auburn ave.. Mt. Aiiburn, Cincinnati 229707^ Hanna, C. Augiista Ehodes (Mrs M. A.) Glenmore. Lake ave., Cleveland 18889c Hanna, Eva Bishop (Mrs John Parker) 210 E. Auburn ave., Cincinnati 364406 Hanna, Frances L. (Mrs James Johnston) 88 Jefferson ave., Columbus 5563c Hanna, Martha (Miss) 210 E. Auburn ave.. Cincinnati 5562c Hanna. Mary McCune (Miss) 210 E. Auburn ave., Cincinnati 22978F Hannon, Clara Maria Cobb (Mrs Ewing) 1383 Euclid ave.. Cleveland 10740b Harbine, Amelia Irene (Miss) N. King st., Xenia 6353& Harbine, Sarah E. S. (Mrs John Thomas) N. King st.. Xenia 4884c Hargrave. Lydia Perry (Mrs J.) 2868 May st.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 33061B Harlow. Frances Mary Persinger (Mrs William A.) 335 East st., Wash- ington Court House 10604§ Harmon, Alice E. V. (Mrs Charles L.) Cleveland 25490/7 Harmon, Clara Sawyer Hubbard (Mrs A. D.) 226 E. Market st.. Tiffin 21276.or Harmon. Margaret Glassal SnoAvden (Mrs W.) 226 E. Market st.. Tiffi.n 29209c Harper. Catherine Medill Patrick (Mrs Charles Wells) 73 Jefferson ave., Columbus 3306877 Harper, Nina Silcott (Mrs Joseph H.) Washington Court House t Monroe Chapter, N. Y. II Continental Chapter, D. C. * Irondeqi'oit Chapter, N. Y. T Valentine Peers Chapter, Ky. J Manor House Chapter, D. C. § Mollie Stark Chapter, N. H. 31 482 DIEECTORY, D. A. R. 270562^ Harris, Eva Ellsworth Gould (Mrs Edward L.) 171 Oakdale st., Cleveland 29197c Harris, Lucinda Symmes Hunter (Mrs Lee C.) 1036 Dayton St., Cincinnati 229632<' Harris, Mary McCalla (Mrs Charles) 21 Cutler st., Cleveland 335216 Harrison, Flora Anthony (Miss) 196 State st., Columbus 22343 Harrison, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Eugene B.) Napoleon 48S6C Harrison, Mary Torrance (Miss) 1886 Madison Eoad, Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati 335206 Harrison, Eachel Frances (Miss) 196 State st., E. Columbus 5557c Harrison, Sallie E. (Mrs George T.) Oak st., Vernonville, Cincinnati 13670c Harrison, Vanelia James (Mrs Joseph T.) 2867 May st.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 23216/; Harsha, Ada Barnard (Mrs Paul Howard) 263 Gallia ave., Portsmouth 34915J? Hart, Cora Wadsworth (Mrs John Homer) Ravenna 24898i^ Hart, Jennie Sophia Griswold (Mrs Frank W.) 378 Sibley st., Cleveland 17232/= Hart, Phebe A. (Mrs Delos) S. Arlington st., Akron 17770f Hart, Sara Cordelia (Miss) South Arlington st., Akron 12953rti Hatch, Annie Grace Barrows (Mrs Charles Andrew) Newark 22981i^ Hatch, Stella Tracy (Miss) 148 Franklin ave., Cleveland 287186 Hatton, Frances Gage (Mrs Charles F.) 611 Franklin ave., Columbus 292106 Hatton, Jennie Cowell Hough (Mrs E. M.) Hotel Vendome, Columbus 11723s Hawes, Martha Olivia (Mrs Calvin Luther) Belmont ave., Dayton 101416 Hawkins. Mary Belle (Miss) '. Xenia 50755 Hayes, Mary Sherman (Mrs Birchard A.) 2112 Ashland ave., Toledo 17233f Hayne, Minnie Wheeler (Mrs Mark Roys) 946 E. Market st., Akron 24:8S1E Haynes, Daisj^ Patton (Mrs George Carey) Washington Court House 10212(Z Haynes, Julia Maria (Miss) 209 Justice st., Fremont 20646?/ Haynes, Olive Ashton (Mrs John T.) Soldier's Home, Sandusky 33066£' Hays, Eda Florence (Miss) cor. North and Cherry sts., Washington Court House 33067J5 Hays, Ida May (Miss) cor. North and Cherry sts., Washington Court House 3766D Hayward, Ednali Deane (Mrs Samuel) Conneaut 31060i^ Healy, Ellen Mead (Mrs Caleb E.) Greenwich 31810s Heffelfinger, Gertrude McDonald (Mrs) 242 Limstone st., N. Springfield 22331f Heintselman, Eva Proctor (Mrs Albert Edward) 209 S. Union st., Akron 24890/1 Heiser, Anna Miller (Mrs John E.) 731 Dayton st., Hamilton 13680OT Hempstead, Mary Elizabeth Eells (Mrs Charles) Newark 5013 Henderson, N. (Miss) Middletown 23214r Herbert, Elizabeth Lea (Mrs W. H.) 404 E. Washington st., Sandusky 3839c Herron, Georgie Mai Aldrich (Mrs John C, Jr.) 240 Albion Place, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 28726i? Hess, Susan Milliken (Mrs Fuller) W. Hinde st., Washington Court Housd 29644J5 Heston, Mary May (Miss) 2901 Collingwood ave., Toledo 25865c Hewitt, Lida Baldwin (Mrs Edmund G.) cor. Harvey ave. and Shillito St., Avondale, Cincinnati 25866c Hewitt, Mary Chatfield (Miss) cor. Haryey and Shillito st., Avondale, Cincinnati 29200c Hewitt. Nellie M. (Mrs Paul A.) 2330 Ashland ave., Cincinnati 23529B Hibbard, Marie A. (Miss) 1018 Jefferson st., Toledo 31061F Hickox, Clara Maria Caswell (Mrs Clayton Eugene) Cleveland 32243J5 Hickox, Emelyn Colton (Mrs Edward Piatt) 2360 Monroe st., Toledo 3639D Hickox, Rowena Bloss (Mrs Henry W.) Kellogsville 3117?/ Hicks, Augusta Isham (Mrs James) 528 Caldwell st., Piqua 24296^; Hidy, Florence L. (Mrs Joseph) Washington Court House 23372* Hic-gins, Martha Paine (Mrs H. A.) • Cleveland 11709fc Hill. Emma (Miss) Wilmington 35553fc Hill. Louisa Fuller (Mrs Robert J.) Wilmington 11275F Hilliard, Laura W. (Miss) 582 Prospect st., Cleveland 3124(? Hills, Alice Smith (Mrs Howard B.) 704 Bryson st., Youngstown 29656(? Hills, Ellen Stewart (Mrs Henry A.) Wyoming 19462f/ Hine, Emma Kirtland (Mrs Samuel) Poland 2490c Hinkle, Kate Davis (Mrs A. Ho^^ard) 313 Pike st., Cincinnati 5857t Hitchcock, Bertha Rockwell Cowles (Mrs Frank) Youngstown George Rogers Clarke Chspter, 111. t Oneida Chapter, N. Y. OHIO, 483 3127(/ 9280i^ 254S7C 112700 7579f 4786c 112S1 3491S.r 35539.C' 35540s 3006c 9340t 22347fy 35535rf 28228«(. 25969 55 64c 364590 5S72g 14350F 22P.30f 26540A 15239.4. 27057F 296461; 30716|| 11727// 23526i^ 26112F 19471B 3477011 1630 22341c 3570c 5560c 30130c 3569c 28224c 15902- 35974,r 1S891C 3325c 33040c 20645 11728» 11730/? 17780/ 1396F 23220p 13689/ 34432c 4955 3641c 8256// 10704 Hitchcock, Mary Johnston Peebles (Mrs William J.) 655 ^Yick ave., Youngstown Hitchcock, Sarah Wilcox (Mrs Peter M.) 861 Prospect st., Cleveland Hobart, Edith Irwin (Mrs Lowell Fletcher) 423 E. Pearl st., Cincinnati Hodge, Flora Lewis Hughes (Mrs .Ambrose) 920 Kichard st., Dayton Hodge, Virginia Sophia Shedd-Clark (Mrs Orlando J.) 1096 Euclid ave., Cleveland Hodgson, Sara (Miss)..' 212 Hampton PI., Riverside Hogg, Clara Hyde Dewey (Mrs Charles M.) Cadiz Holden, Fannie Austin (Miss) Eavenna Hollenbeck, Anna Marfield (Miss) 309 E. High st., Springfield Hollenbeck, Nellie Barrere (Miss) 309 E. High st.. Springfield Hollister, Ella Strait (Miss) 2G7 Southern ave., Cincinnati Holmes, Emily Parsons (Mrs Joseph W.) Gallon Hood, Carrie La Halle Adams (Mrs Frank P.) Capel Place, Youngstown Hoot, Anzaletta Willard (Mrs) 1005 Garrison st., Fremont Hoover, Marie Max (Mrs Harry J.) 74 Granville st., Newark Hopkins, Edith L. (Miss) Bryan Hopple, Sara Hanna (Mrs Casper V.) 210 E. Auburn ave., Cincinnati Horst, Metta Williams (Mrs John R.) Hillsboro Hosmer, E. Ella Palmer (Mrs E. H.) 639 Bryson st., Youngstown Hotchkiss, Mary Letitia W'arner (Mrs E. W.) 771 Genesee ave., Cleveland Houghton, Lottie Melissa Merriam (Mrs H. B.) 531 E. Market st., Akron Houston, Jeannette Eichelberger (Mrs) Urbana Houston, Nancy Tappan (Mrs Frank) Urbana Housum, Ada Weaver (Mrs Bird W.) 67 Lincoln ave., Cleveland Howat, May McLean (Mrs Robert) Washington Court House Howe, Marie Eugenie (Miss) care of Mr. Charles M. Howe, Shelby Howells, Mary Coggeshall (Mrs Henry C.) 304 N. Front st., Hamilton Hower, Clara Haines (Mrs J. M., Jr.) 909" Logan ave., Cleveland Howland. Jeannetta Paxton (Mrs Oakley Davis) The Northampton, Prospect St., Cleveland Hubbard, Clarissa Graves (Mrs Thomas) ... .444 W. Bancroft st., Toledo Hubbard, Helen Mary Sawyer (Mrs Elisha Biair) Tiffin Hubbard, Lucv Lvman (Mrs Joseph W.) Kenilworth Hubbard, Mary Jane Whit on (]\rrs H. M.) 371 E. Broad st., Columbus Hubbs, Jane Amelia (Miss) Clifton, Cincinnati Hudson, Mary Patten (Mrs Otho R.)....117 Garfield Place. Cincinnati Hughes, Marj' Elizabeth Jacocks (Mrs Henry E.) 711 McMillan st., Wal- nut Hills, Cincinnati Hulbert, Caroline Matilda (Mrs William P.) Green Hill ave., Clifton, Cin- cinnati Hulbert, Elizabeth Chalfonte Johnston (Mrs Harris C.) 333 Lafaj'ette ave., Clifton, Cincinnati Hulick, Anna D. Hall (Mrs John) W^oodlawn ave., Springfield Hunt, Anna Barnes Day (Mrs Per Lee) E. Main st., Massillon Hunt, Jennie Edwards (Mrs Charles Judson) San Marco, Woodburn and Madison aves.. Walnut Hills. Cincinnati Hunt, Martha Trotter (Mrs Samuel) 627 Oak st.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati Hunt. Nettie Alice (Miss) 1344 N. High st., Columbus Huntington, Anne Whiting (Miss) 231 W. Tuscarawas st.. Canton Huntington, Ella Shaffer (Mrs Charles Lyman F.) P. O. Box 32, Hamilton Huntington, Ruth (Miss) "^ P. 0. Box 32, Hamilton Hurd. Clara (Miss) 221 W. Harden st., Findlay Hurlbut, Harriet Amoretta Sheldon (Miss) 887 Case ave., Cleveland Hutchins, Alice Kinney (Mrs Dudley Brooks) 144 E. 2d st.. Portsmouth Hvatt, Mary Josephine Keeler (Mrs'^ Benjamin F.) Hyatt Block. Findlay Hynson, Alice Darby (Mrs Percy R.) 1465 E. Broad st., Columbus Ingalls, Katherine Davis Hinkle "(Mrs George H.) 313 Pike st., Cincinnati Iredell, Adelaide Hubbard Monfort (Mrs Charles J.) N. Crescent ave., Avondale, Cincinnati Irvin, Gertrude Mavne (Mrs Frank P.) 722 Caldwell st., Piqua Irvine, Mary Edith (Miss) S. 7th st., Zanesville Crawford County Chapter, Pa. Chicago Chapter, 111. H Matthew Thornton Chapter, N. H. 484 DIRECTOKT, D, A. E. 10720c 31800O 9269c 25S75E 25874J5 3131(Z 3132(/ 3130g' 223386 14576 3573? 3104Gr; 21263)0 35819* 69105 20038/" 30137P 209201 24306/-' 3571F 2615/' 69086 35972r 17782/ 9264c 189095 17781/ 15237/" 12959A 35676e 4090c 35554 21281(7 33056?(J 30146rf 4890c 80022; 355291 21249 254836 21250 254826 6352 27053tt 330416 28223c 751/" 9270c 112670 18134/? 18133/? 35243:j: 12944 12945 12943 292237c 15231m 21247 22337c Irwin, Mary Louise Orr (Mrs \yilliam T.) 423 E. 4th st., Cincinnati Isenberg, Clara Elizabeth (Mrs William) Belmont ave., Dayton Isham, Mary Iveyt (Miss) 849 Oak ave., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati Jackson, Emma Bertha (Miss) Washington Court House Jackson, Ida Fullerton (Mrs George) \vashington Court House Jacobs, Amanda (Miss) Crabb Creek, Youngstown Jacobs, Belle (Miss) Crabb Creek, Youngstown Jacobs, Bettie Baldwin (Mrs W. Lloj-d) 710 Elm st., Youngstown Jetfrey, Alice Kilbourne (Mrs Eobert) Winner ave., Columbus Jenckes, Florence Hyde Briggs (Mrs) Huron Terrace, Cleveland Jennets Mary Perrj^ (Mrs Jierbert) Vernon Place, Cincinnati Jennings, Grace Wheeler (Miss) 121 E. Perry st.. Tiffin Jerome, Lucy E. D. (Mrs Frank J.) 113 Park Place, Painesville Johnson, Belle Frances (AHss) Burton Johnson, Ella Miller (Mrs Charles Shaw) 30 W. Church st., Xenia Johnson, Harriet Butler Stoddart (Mrs William P.) 334 Aumesburj' ave., Cleveland Johnson, Margaret Fulton (Mrs A. T.) Portsmouth Johnson, Mary C. (Miss) Leesburg Johnson, Mary Emily Doan (Mrs George J.) 1108 Euclid ave., Cleveland Johnson, Minnie L. (Mrs Merrick E.) 780 Giddings ave., Cleveland Johnston, Flora F. Kimball (Mrs Albert W.)..91 Adelbert st., Cleveland Johnston, Maud Lauman (Mrs James A.) 22 W. Market st.. Xenia Jones, Charlotte Bancroft Wickham (Mrs Frank Herbert) 11 W. Main St., Norwalk Jones, Cornelia Frances (Miss) 313 Sandusky st., Findlay Jones, Frances Bering (Mrs Frank Johnston) cor. Oak and Reading Road, Cincinnati Jones, Helen Beach (Mrs Samuel Milton) 2439 Monroe st., Toledo Jones, Pamelia E. (Mrs) 313 E. Sandusky, st., Findlay Jones, Phedora Turner (Mrs Newton) Geneva Jordan, Mary H. Blickensderfer (Mrs Gwj-n Tompkins) Urbana JoAce, Eliza Le B. (Mrs John) 471 E. Town st., Columbus Judkins, Xellie Anderson (Mrs W'illiam) . . .122 Garfield Place, Cincinnati Katzenberger, Grace Miesse (Mrs George A.) 114 W. Main st., Greenville Kauy, Lillian Eugenia (Miss) 134 Noble st., Tiffin Keech, Mary Wyman Sinclair (Mrs James E.) Perry Keeler, Lucy Elliot (Miss) 417 Birehard ave., Fremont Keifer, Julia A. (Mrs William) Alaska ave., Avondale, Cincinnati Keifer, Martha Steele (Mrs William White) 560 E. High st., Springfield Keller, Helene Julia (Miss) Lancaster Kelley, Eva Megrue (Mrs Thomas Arthur) . .1317 Euclid ave., Cleveland Kellej^ Gwendolyn Dunlevy (Miss) 282 E. Broad st., Columbus Kelley, Lucy Anna (Miss) 1317 Euclid ave., Cleveland Kelley, Mary Craig Uunlevy (Mrs Alfred) 282 E. Broad st., Columbus Kelly, Alice Emma (Mrs George H.) Eaton Kelly, Laura Taylor (Mrs Frank A.) New Lexington Kelton, Laura Brace (Mrs Edwin) 586 E. Town st., ColumDus Kemper, Louisa Alexander (Mrs Andrew C.)....305 Broadway, Cincinnati Kendall, Virginia Hutchinson (Mrs Fred. A.) 44 Cornell st., Cleveland Kendrick, Caroline (Miss) Riverside. Cincinnati Kennedy, Louise (Mrs Grafton C.) 131 W. 3rd st., Dayton Ken von, Jeannette C. (Miss) 224 12th st., Toledo Kenvon, Kate A. (Miss) 224 12th st., Toledo Kerns. Sarah Manson (Mrs Arthur Elmer) Findlay Kerr, Eva Livingston (Miss) Bucyrus Kerr, Gertrude Livingston (Miss) Bucyrus Kerr, Hallie Moore (:Miss) Bucyrus Kester, Emma (Miss) Wilmington Kibler, Kate Virginia Wilson (Mrs Edward) 179 Granville st.. Newark Kidd, Abigail Elizabeth Hopkins (Mrs Wilmot Ralph) 227 Gilman ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati Kilbourne, Anna Bancroft (Mrs James) 604 E. Town st:, Columbus Eunice Sterling Chapter, Kan. General de Lafayette Chapter, Ind. t Dorothy Q. Chapter, Ind. OHIO, 485 2624GF 29043t 20630f 393S& 117220 4292?) 2 1204 K' 33057 R' 3007c 1629F 29660rf 23217;; 24317 232S9P 11732G 3067G 31943 29r.45B 194 5SF 11279? 21S55F 35978B 29211/ 9290?) 22332f 9294^ 167560 25697* 14642r 112S4fc 11283A- 30147d 79S3C 35973r 31053H' 11731G 330585 6602c 5071c 3009c 33522e 29212e 75SF 13672 23222/) 34917X 1225SH 11GS6H 29651F 22959F 34919X 12955F 24269c 14641c 24887 8008H7 1189F Kimball, Fannie E. Palmer (Mrs Hiram) 371 E. Prospect st., Cleveland Kimball, Netty Cornell (Mrs Frank Everett) Elyria Kincaid, Aiig-usta Margaret Allen (Mrs Charles) 434 Market st., S. Troy King, Emma Cornelia (Miss) "The Kingdom," Xenia King, Harriet Snyder (Mrs Kobert N.) 133 W. 2nd st., Dayton King, Isadore F. (Miss) "The Kingdom," Xenia King. Jane S. (Mrs Seelye E.) Ill Washington st., Painesville King, Josephine M. (Mrs Osman S.) 123 South st., Painesville King, Louise Este King (Mrs Eufus, Jr.) 352 Lafayette ave., Cincinnati King, Nellie Clarke (Mrs James A.) 1325 Euclid ave., Cleveland Kinney, Harriet Edgerton (Mrs George) Haj-es ave., Fremont Kinne}-, Isabel (Miss) Kinney's Lane, Portsmouth Kinney, Kate Doane (Miss) Portsmouth Kinney, Louise Epworth Briggs (Mrs W.) Chillicothe Pike, Portsmouth Kinsey, Edna (Miss) Wyoming Kinsey, Martha J. Humphreys (Mrs George) Wyoming Kirk. Mary A. (Mrs James) Wilmington Kitchen, Anna M. (Mrs Francis A.) 2137 Jefferson st., Toledo Kitchen, Grace Kingsley (Mrs Henrj^ W.) 292 Prospect st., Cleveland Kite, Eva M. (Mrs Thomas) \ Delhi Kline, EflRe Hinchley (Mrs Virgil P.) 1829 Euclid ave., Cleveland Kline. Lillie Warren (Mrs A. Theodore) 2006 Madison st., Toledo Knight, Mariette Amanda Barnes (Mrs George Wells) University Grounds. Columbus Knowles, Mary Jane Stevenson (Mrs Eobert E.) State Hospital, Dayton Kohler, Lora Standish Alden (Mrs George C.) 801 E. Market st., Akron Krauter, J^Iary Elizabeth McCartney (Mrs C. A.) Park ave., Youngstown Kroger, Lucy Eitchey Orr (Mrs Eobert J.) 772 E. Eidgeway ave., Avon- dale. Cincinnati Kruger. P^sther E. Daniels (Mrs) 2669 Belleview ave., Mt. Auburn,- Cin- cinnati Kumler, Josephine P. (Mrs P. H.) 743 Mt. Hope ave.. Price Hill. Cincinnati Lacy, Louie Augusta Evans (Mrs Eobert J.) Wilmington Lamb, Clara Eannelle (Mrs Charles De V.) Wilmington Lang, Jeannette Amsden (Mrs William E.)....215 S. Wood st., Fremont Langdon, Eleanora West (Mrs Perin) Vernon Place, Cincinnati Latham, Mary Bauton (Mrs) 816 Adams st., Sandusky Laurence, Martha Elizabeth (Miss) 474 Mentor ave., Painesville Laurence, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) Eeading Lawrence, Ida Eckert (Mrs Frederick A.) 1608 Monroe st., Toledo Laws, Alice (Miss) 818 Dayton st., Cincinnati Laws, Annie (Miss) 818 Dayton st., Cincinnati Le Boutillier, Lucy Goodman (Mrs) Grandin Eoad, E. Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati Lee, Grace Livingston (Miss) 1414 E. Broad st., Columbus Lee, Martha Wilson (Mrs Samuel) 1414 E. Broad st., Columbus Lee, Marj' Olive (Mrs Howard J.) 71 Tilden ave., Cleveland Leedom. Louise Stockton (Miss) 17 E. Sth st., Cincinnati Leete, Louise Grosvenor (Mrs Phelps C.) Portsmouth Leffingwell, Lottie Isabelle (Miss) Eavenna L'Hommedieu, Emma (Mrs Samuel) 339 Dayton st., Hamilton Leib, Mary Eleanor (Mrs Harrison) Hamilton Lembeck, Mary Adams (Mrs Julius) 46 Streator ave., Cleveland Leonard, Louise Lemira Herrick (Mrs) 128 Olive st., Cleveland Leonard, Lura Augusta Beecher (Mrs Charles bullivan) 151 N. Chestnut St., Ravenna Leslie, Nettie Fay (Mrs Mortimer D.) Cleveland Lewis, Martha Brooks (Mrs William H.)..3013 Staunton ave., Cincinnati Lewis, Euth Hanford Matthews (Mrs Howard) 15 Westmoreland Bldg., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati Lincoln. Theodora Annette Phelps (Mrs George) London Linn, Mary F. (Miss) 123 Putnam ave., Zanesville Little, Annette Pettibone (Mrs George W.) 35 Hayward st., Cleveland Ot-Si-Ke-Ta Chapter, Mich. Vanderburgh Chapter, Ind. 486 ■ DIKECTOKY, D. A. K. 3119c Livingood, Lily Broadwell Foster (Mrs Charles J.) 2718 Eeading Eoad, Cincinnati 36449p Lloyd, Genevieve (Miss) 25 E. 2nd st., Portsmouth 25491P Lloyd, Laura Jane Bentley (Mrs Charles P.) 25 E. 2nd st., Portsmouth 31042 J Locke, Carrie Maria (Miss) 152 Jeif erson st., Tfthn 265437/ Locke, Florence Edgerton Nelson (Mrs Charles) 510 X. Wavne st., Piqua 326375 Locke, Mary Ruth (Miss) Gray Gables. 14th st.. Toledo 31041f/ Locke, Sallie Philamelia (Miss) !! , 152 Jefferson st., Tiffin 22335 Long, Eugenia Perrin (Mrs John W.) Bryan 16436« Long, Hannah C. (Mrs John G.) Mt Hope ave.. Price Hill, Cincinnati 36453t Longbridge, Frances Wood (Mrs W. E.) 17 N. Mulberry st., Mansfield 85771(7 Longstreth, Blanche Ord Cresap (Mrs Robert B.) Union Furnace 16434 Loury, Elizabeth Richards Morrison (Mrs Felding) Dayton 34338d Loveland, Harriet N. (Mrs John B.) W. Hayes ave., Fremont 12728* Lowe, Bethia Giddings (Mrs Daniel) Defiance 242812" Ludlow, Elizabeth Gertrude (Mrs Jason Seaman) 328 W. Limestone St., Springfield 61191*' Lybrand, Martha C. (Mrs Archibald) 133 Washington st., DelaAvare lS905f Lyman, Alice Delia Bierce (Mrs Alfred) lUVs Adolph ave.. Akron 20031c Lynch, Clara Spining (Mrs W. I.) Helen st. and Highland ave., Cincinnati 2784210 McAbee, Mary Green (Mrs Newton S.) 118 Erie st.. Painesville 35975ir McAdoo, Mary J. Osborne (Miss) North Bloomfield 11792F McBride, Harriet E. Wright (Mrs Leander) 1351 Euclid ave., Cleveland 24313 MacBride, Winnie Gould (Mrs James T.) Franklin Furnace 13658c McCall, Sarah Anna Merrell (Mrs Oliver C.) 34 Weggins Blk., Cincinnati 36451g McCartnej% Clara Belle (Miss) 305 W. Rayen ave., Youngstown 339376 McCaulley, Kate Dunlevy (Mrs William) 282 East" Broad st., Columbus 14353 McClelland, Julia Elizabeth Read (Mrs H.) 282 Harkness ave., Cleveland 6118;; McClintock, Elizabeth Mary (Mrs William T.) 45 W. 5th st., Chillicothe 3638V McClintock. Mary Petrea (Miss) 45 W. 6th St., Chillicothe 24268c McConn, Frances Mather (Mrs George W.) 36 W. 4th st., Ironton 9295 McConnell, Fannie Louise (Mrs John T.) 243 Lincoln ave., Youngstown 318061 McCoy, Margaret J. (Mrs Claudius) Lancaster 22353A MacCraken, Anna Sparrow (Mrs George W.) Urbana 28720i MacCracken, Elizabeth Wynkoop (Mrs William Brooks) Lancaster 12952W McCune, Nellie Brown (Miss) 144 N. 5th st., Newark 36461 McCurdy, Mary Belle (Mrs William J.) 238 W. 4th st., Greenville 6907& McCurdy, Mary Spencer (Miss) Xenia 31821 McDaniel, Minnie Fuller (Mrs James T.) New Lyme Station 13678A McDonald, Laura Lamme (Mrs Duncan B.) Urbana 26538c McDonald, Laura Palmer (Mrs Alexander) Dalvey, Clifton, Cincinnati 20028^. McDowell, Eva Sherwood (Mrs Francis) 877 Dennison ave., Columbus 9279F McGraw% Helen Beecher (Mrs Alexander H.) 456 Russell ave., Cleveland 318010 'MacGregor, Florence Hawes Isenberg (Mrs C.) 203 W. 3rd st., Dayton 28231;^ McGrew, Elizabeth BaldAvin (Mrs S. F.) 203 N. Limestone st.. Springfield 55532^ McHenry, Annie D. (Mrs Albert D.) 790 Case ave.. Cleveland 229627^ Mcintosh, Elizabeth Weaver Ellis (Mrs George Thorborn) 1091 E. Madi- son ave., Cleveland 17776r Mack, Mary Foote (Mrs Isaac Foster) Waj-ne st., Sandusky 18914r Mack, Flora Alice Davenport (Mrs John Tolnian) Wayne st., Sandusky 11280c McKee, Loiiise McClintock (Mrs Edward Sydney) Grand and Nassau sts.. Walnut Hills. Cincinnati 25507g McKeefrey, Chloe Spearman (Mrs William Donald) Leetonia 6116t; McKell, Maria W. (Miss) N. High st., Chillicothe 292146 Mackenzie, Winifred Eleanor Brent (Mrs A. W.) E. Town St., Columlaus 25496r Mackey, Mary Stuart (Miss) Columbus ave., Sandusky 301387- Mackey, Maryette Goodwin (Mrs D. J.) 1204 Columbus ave., Sandusky 22379jP McKinney, Julia P. Sinnell (Mrs Price) 1171 Euclid ave., Cleveland 152401/ McKinney, Louise Wood (Mrs John F.) 430 W. Ash st.. Piqua 312Ggr McKinnie, Mary E. Mahan (Mrs George) 1506 S. Market st., Youngstown 18910i? Maclaren, Anna Beach (Mrs Selah Reeve) 2313 Madison st., Toledo 22357B Maclaren, Elizabeth Weston (Miss) 2313 Madison st., Toledo 18911B Maclaren, Harriet Reeve (Miss) 2313 Madison st.. Toledo t Lexington Chapter, Ky. 1 Fort Stanwix Chapter, N. Y. • General Benjamin Lincoln Chapter, Mass. OHIO. 487 18228 Maclean, Anne Maj^e Fitzhugh (Mrs William L.) 353 S. Main st., Dayton 296i7E McLean, Kose (Miss) Washington Court House 124295 Mcmaken, Georgie Dorr (Mrs William V.) 2215 Scottwood ave., Toledo 36457i? McMillan, Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs James C.) 120 10th st., Toledo 28722Ht McMillen, Martha (Miss) Granville 5556c MacMullin, Belle Matthews (Mrs Samuel H.) Widows' Home, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 27830/;^ McMurray, Minnie Carroll (Mrs James A.) 291 Prospect st., Marion 17234/" McNeil, Emma E. (Mrs Albert) 142 North Forge st., Akron 113085 McNichol, Laura S. (Mrs George P.) 204 Irving st.. Toledo 326316 McPherson, Lucretia Heston (Mrs William) 65 Hamilton ave., Columbus 35521c Magnus, Eleanor Oppenheim (Mrs Joseph A.) 3016 Fairfield ave., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 17847c Magruder, Ellen Fall (Mrs William Thomas) "The Marion," Columbus 349092^ Mahon, Harriet Ailes (Mrs William L'E.) 558 Cedar ave., Cleveland 296537^ Makepeace, Grace Emily (Miss) 220 Starkweather ave., Cleveland 22372jP Malone, Cora Bowler (Mrs M. J.) 89 Cedar ave., Cleveland 206345 Manley, Virginia Moulton (Mrs Dean Van R.) 2260 Scottwood ave., Toledo 9801g Manning, Annie Sophia Edwards (Mrs John).. 773 Wick ave., Youngstown 4787V Marfield, Jane Love (Miss) Caldwell st., Chillicothe 14345« Markt, Josephine Carpender (Mrs Constantine) 214 S. 2nd st., Hamilton 92757*' Marlatt, Julia Katherine Morgan (Mrs W. H.) 221 Union st., Cleveland 34916J Marsh, Maud Freeman (Mrs William H.) Bowery st., Ravenna 10727c Marshall, Caroline Munson (Mrs Richard S.) Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 6592c Martin, Alfreda C. H. (Mrs George W.) Bond Hill 292136 Martin, Cecilia W. (Mrs Benjamin F.) 116 S. Washington ave.. Columbus 29220i Martin, Maria Ewing (Mrs Edwin Stanton) New Straitsville 80032; Martin, Mary McCoy (Mrs Oscar T.) 271 N. Limestone st., Springfield 5072c Martin, Neva Weir (Mrs John Henry) Bogart ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 5226r Massie, Juliet Matthews (Mrs David M.) 242 W. Water st., Chillicothe 22964i^ Mather, Flora Stone (Mrs Samuel) 331 Euclid ave.. Cleveland 27374c Matlack. Cora Tebbs (Mrs Harrv Crout) Neave Bldg., Cincinnati 50730 Matthews, Ida Farrell (Mrs Albert) Hillsboro 194&3q Mays, Lucy Kirtland (Mrs Dallas V.) Poland 35963c Meacham, Lida Douglas (Mrs Daniel Brownson) 855 Hutchins ave., Avon- dale, Cincinnati 10728c Mecham, Elmyra B. Shoemaker (Mrs Wharton) 410 Pike st., Cincinnati 17250c Melish, Sallie Gatch (Mrs William B.) Rose and Clifton aves., Cincinnati 6104c Mellen, Angeline C. B. (Mrs William C.) Milford 343455 Melvin, Alice Gertrude (Miss) 443 W. Bancroft st.. Toledo 29198c Merrell, Amelia (Miss) Eden Flats, Grand st., Cincinnati 5069F Merrell, Nellie Drvden (Mrs Cvrus Winslow)..73 Hilburn st., Cleveland 10013 Merrill, Margaret E. (Mrs William E.) Flat 12. 411 E. 3rd st., Cincinnati 317946 Merrill, Mary Eliza Rath (Mrs J. Palmer)... 80 Winner ave., Columbus 15235?' Merz, Sakie Emeline Prout (Mrs Chas. H.) 603 Columbus ave., Sandusky 28222& Messenger, Amanda Long (Airs Asa Clay) Xenia 27853F Metcalf, Clara Louise Burt (Mrs Guy L.) 70 Cornell st., Cleveland 17783/ Metcalf, Eva Maria Hurd (Mrs Clarendon B.) 921 W. Harding st., Findlay 17773HI Metz, Christa Abba Smith (Mrs Charles Christian) 20 N. 1st st., Newark 32236 Mickle. Lurancy Simpson (Mrs Henry Lane) 126 Bowery st.. Akron 22365F Millard, Cora Sprague (Mrs William "C.) 869 Doan st.. Cleveland 13679m Miller, Alice Graham Fleek (Mrs William C.) 77 N. 4th st., Newark 92895 Miller, Amanda C. (Miss) 406 W. Woodruff ave., Toledo 232297^1 Miller, Daisy Ella Graves (Mrs Charles W.) 244 W. Church st., Newark 12377fc Miller, Eliza'beth West (Mrs James M.) Wilmington 16439 Miller, Ellen Robertson (Mrs Edgar E.) Canton 3008c Miller, Grace Maitland (Miss) Clifton, Cincinnati 25497?- Miller, Hulda Gazley (Mrs A. W.) 910 Wayne st.. Sandusky 33942p Miller, Margaret M. (Miss) 6th and Washington sts.. Portsmouth 9044 Miller, Margaretta Riggs (Mrs Charles H.) Avondale, Cincinnati 27836H- Miller, Mary Symmes Hunter (Mrs W. C.) cor Main and B sts.. Hamilton 28240i/ Millikan, Ruth Marie (Miss).. 426 N. North st., Washington Court House 15236?* Milne, Alice McKelvey Melville (Mrs James M.) Fulton st., Sandusky 30879 Milton, Lucy L. (Mrs Charles J.) Cincinnati "188 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. * 136o5c Mitchell, Helen Handy (Mrs Jethro) 210 Auburn ave., Cincinnati 21283(7 Molen, Emma Violetta Huston (Mrs Julius Penn) 36 Adams st., Tiffin ( 30516' Monfort, Mary Este (Miss) 918 Foraker ave., Cincinnati 27860e Monnett, Ella Gormly (Mrs Francis S.) Bucyrus 13681HI Montgomery, Esther Elizabeth Brown (Mrs E. M.) E. Main st., Newark I 5066c Montgomery, Martha Pitts Harrison (Mrs Clark Bates) Vernonville I 3129(/ Montgomery, Martha Stewart (Mrs Eenwick H.) Spring st., Youngstown 2126S(t' Moodey, Lydia C. (Mrs Prank Chapin) Painesville 29652/^ Moore, Elizabeth B. (Mrs Luman G.) Kinsman 34884d Moore, Elta B. (Miss) Ballsville 4770/*' Moore, Isabella Maria De Veny (Mrs C. E.) 790 Case ave., Cleveland 27840*; Moore, Phebe li. Andrews (Mrs Thomas L.) Wood st., Youngstown 36456^ Moores, Mary Baldwin (Mrs Herbert H.) Springfield 25498^ Moorhead, Hester Emma Belle (Mrs James Thomas) Mulberry st., Troy 3005(' Morehead, Margaret Conger Monfort (Mrs Henry B.) 2950 Gilbert ave.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 335236 Morehead, Mary Sullivant (Mrs Albert H.) 32 Hoffman ave., Columbus 12424 More3% Winona Chadwick (Mrs James Ellwood) 323 Dayton st., Hamilton 66040 Morgan, Eleanor Moore (Mrs Asa B.) 926 Dana ave., xVvondale, Cincinnati 4893c Morgan, Eliza Bushnell (Mrs William H.) Price Hill & Mt. Hope ave., Cincinnati 34343r Morgan, Ella Cooke (Mrs Henry Augustus) 53 E. 1st ave., Columbus 177967^ Morgan, Nancy G. (Mrs) 60 Mentor ave., Cleveland 9278i<' Morgan, Sarah Hannah Smith (Mrs Herman L.) 221 Union st., Cleveland 27060/' Morley, Helen Rockwell (Mrs J. H.) 728 Prospect st., Cleveland 33046f Morrison, Elizabeth Barker (Miss) 121 Park Place Akron 29228 Morrison, Olive Louise (Miss) Brj^an 29231 Morrison, Mary Catherine (Miss) 1117 Oak st., Columbus 32632f Morse, Ellen White (Mrs Nathan) 215 Spicer st., Akron 20635Z? Mortimer, De Lene (Mrs Edward T.) 2023 Vermont ave., Toledo 4889 Morton, Mary Loomis (Mrs Samuel) 15 W. 4th st., Cincinnati 24S79A Mosgrove, Margaret Frances (Miss) Urbana 13900r Moss, Caroline Curtiss (Mrs Augustus Leicester) Adams st., Sandusky 31S07r Moss, Emeline Knap (Miss) 609 Wayne st., Sandusky 8578r Moss, Frances Boatt (Mrs Jay 0.) Wayne st., Sandusky 29221i Mumaugh, Mary Frances (Miss) Lancaster 13686!0 Munger, Emily A. Gill (Mrs Willie H.) Geneva 69126 Munger, Mary Augusta (Miss) 231 N. King st., Xenia 18128/ Munson, Harriet Augusta Cooper (Mrs C. S.) 205 Harding st., Findlay 3645n Munson, Julia Frances (Miss) 845 Pine st., Zanesville 9284?t Munson, Lucy Sturges Potwin (Mrs Gilbert D.) Zanesville 24422| Murdoch, Clarissa Abigail (Mrs William) S. Broadway, Akron 16438A Murdoch, Florence C. (Mrs James Eiley) Urbana 35025J Murdoch, Ruth Sophia (Miss) Akron 24280s Murphy, Alice Buckingham (Mrs) 344 E. High st., Springfield 3326c Murphy, Caroline Winston Menzies (Mrs J. A.) Burnet House, Cincinnati 11988/i Murphy, Mary Perdue Elliott Murphy (Mrs J. T.) 225 Main st., Hamilton 31058// Murray, Sina Logan (Mrs C. H.) 337 Fayette st., Washington Court House 19465f Musser, Elizabeth Hammond Huston (Mrs HarvejO I'lO Ash st., Akron 9261c Mussey, Mary Gano (Mrs Reuben D.) Laurel ave., Glendale 3643i« Nash, Minerva Tupper N. (Mrs Simeon).. 102 Muskingum ave., Zanes\^lle 12180Hi Neal, Anne Brice Kibler (Mrs William Wells) 45 N. 5th st., Newark 3940c Neave, Emma Harrison (Mrs Joseph) . .Grandin Road, W. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 26141?' Nefe, Elizabeth Clifford (Miss) 361 Russell ave., Cleveland 3331/^ Neff, Elizabeth Hyer (Mrs William Byron) 231 Lake st., Cleveland 9271c Neff, Isabel Howard (Miss) 2519 Auburn ave., Cincinnati 265442/ Nelson, Frances Elizabeth Edgerton (Mrs G.) 510 N. Wayne st., Piqua 7990O Nelson, Nellie Marshall (Miss) Hillsboro 9291F Nesbitt, Helen Gaskill (Miss) 203 Kennard st., Cleveland 355330 Nevin, Frances Borland (Mrs William R.) 115 3rd st.. West Dayton 11992r Newberry, Clara White (Mrs Spencer B.) Washington st., Sandvisky 24321p Newman, Charl Thompson (Mrs Oscar W.) ^Y. 2nd st., Portsmouth J Ethan Allen Chapter, Vt. OHIO. 489 SlTOo/" jSTewsome, Sarah Maybell Monj-penj' (Mrs L. C.) 492 Broad st., Colunibiis 9266c ]N"ewton, Abbie How (Mrs G.)..2415 Auburn ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 3571c Newton, Clara Chipman (Miss) Perrin Bldo-, Eooni SS, Cincinnati 7304c Newton, Ellen Huldah (Miss) ? College Hill 5871g Nicholas, Elosia Belle Chamberlain (Mrs Arthur J.) 231 Champion st., Youngstown 522oA: Nichols, Elouisa Fitch King (ISIrs Clinton Corkin) Wilmington 25499? Nicol, Mame Barry (Mrs Albert Conrad) E. Main St., Troy 22965-?" Nicola, Ada Boyden (Mrs Charles Andrew) 782 Cass ave., Cleveland 16556f Nighman, Sarah Elizabeth Sholes (Mrs Thaddeus C, Jr.) 237 S. Mclvinley ave.. Canton 25S0C Niles, Eleanor C. Miller (Mrs Louis E.) 219 North st., Springfield 318165 Niles, Fanny Sneath (Mrs C. F. M.) 2017 Robinwood ave., Toledo 212SSf/ Noble, Alice (Miss) 10 Washington st.. Tiffin 21237r/ Noble, Harriet Campbell (Miss) 10 Washington st.. Tiffin 30140ir Noble, Lydia P. (Miss) ; Painesville 7311c Norman, Minnie Merrell (Mrs Andrew G.)....105 Mason st., Cincinnati 3304Si/ Norton, Adaline Hemming (Mrs James A.)..33S N. Sandusky st.. Tiffin G5'.!4 Norton, Edith Eliza A. (Mrs Thomas H.) Clifton, Cincinnati 206r;6i? Norton, Julia Paige (Miss) 2452 Monroe st.. Toledo 296''lfZ Norton, Mary Colby (Mrs).. 512 S. Arch st., Fremont 119S2C Noyes, Alice Hutchins (Mrs Joseph C.) 2403 Highland ave.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 33527/) Nye, Jane (M. D.) (Miss) .15 W. 4th st., Portsmouth 223517? Ogle, Alfaretta Louise (Miss) Washington Court House 242937? Ogle, Asenath Grace (Miss) Washington Court House 22350/? Ogle, Florence (Miss) Washington Court House 33043r Ods, Effie (Miss)... 82 Jefferson ave., Columbus 13539* Oliphant, Ellen Duncan Oliphant (Mrs John C.) 624 Bush st., Toledo 135^01: Oliphant, Jane Duncan (Miss) 720 Stickney ave., Toledo 13542i Oliphant, Mary Campbell (Miss) 624 Bush st., Toledo 290^«-'- O'Neil, Nannie Alice Walker (Mrs J. W., Jr.) Bealsville 731 2A- Orebaugh, Jessie T. Owens (Mrs J. E.) Wilmington 10726c Orr, Anna Ogden Spencer (Mrs George B.) 425 E. 4th st., Cincinnati 29215c Orton, Mary Princess Anderson (Mrs E., Jr.) "The Normandie," Columbus 111 Osborh, Effie B. Reeme (Mrs Frank Stewart) Hotel Endicott, Columbus 1394F Osborn, Mary King (Mrs H. W.) 1555 Euclid ave.. Cleveland 30129c Osborne. Elizabeth Woods (Mrs E. W.)..969 Windsor st.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 27827f Otis, Jessie Wolfe (Mrs Edward Payson) 121 Adolph ave., Akron 20641F Otis, Lucia Edwards (Mrs Charles A., Jr.)... 606 Euclid aA'e., Cleveland 194607^ Otis, Mary Curtiss Brooks (Mrs Harrison G.) 794 Euclid ave., Cleveland 24894;) Overturf, Ella Kendall (Mrs JohnN.) 289 7th ave.. West Columbus 7307(t Pabodie, Maria M. Plimpton (Mrs William H.) Wyoming 12175(r Paddack, Mary Alice (Miss) Wyoming 143487^" Paddock, Lydia Florence Warner (Mrs Charles Stoughton) 62 Dorchester ave., Cleveland 15234(? Page, Laura T. (Miss) Hartwell 31S09(p Paige, Caroline Wilcox (Mrs Charles C.) Painesville 23215r Paine, Frances A. Canfield (Mrs G. W.) Lawrence st., Sandusky 3764Z) Palmer, Kate Hayward (Mrs James G.) Conneaut 14356 Parker, Charlotte Bemis (Mrs Philip B.) 1280 Cedar ave., Cleveland 17235f Parshall, Harriet E. Pardee (Mrs Samuel Wilson) 116 Fay st., Akron 1S913B Parsons, Catharine Elizabeth (Miss) 2256 Robinwood ave., Toledo 339467^ Parsons, Elizabeth White (Mrs Henry C.)..1032 Willson ave., Cleveland 189125 Parsons, Georgianna Parke (Mrs John E.) 2256 Robinwood ave., Toledo 194577^ Parsons, Marion Andrews (Miss) 662 Prospect st., Cleveland 31793f Parsons, Sarah Seymour (Mrs William Cheney) 205 Fir st., Akron 112710 Patrick, Sara Jerome (Mrs I. M.) National Military Home, Dayton 32640/ Patterson, Minerva Taylor (Mrs Joseph S.) 823 S. Main st.. Findlay 30134c Pauly, Lida Corwin (Mrs C. A.) 862 Forest ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 310681 Pearce, Mary W. (Miss) Lancaster 7991 C Pearne, Carrie McDonald (Mrs T. H.) Cincinnati t Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. ♦ Exeter Chapter, N. H. t Captain Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, N. J. 490 DIRECTORY, D. A. R, 18895i^ Pechin, Bertha Shelley (Miss) 587 Prospect st., Cleveland 17795^' Pechin, Mary Shelley (Mrs Edmund C.) 587 Prospect st., Cleveland 15891c Peck, Edith Mary (Miss) 224 McGregor ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 13657c Peck, Mary Kilburn (Mrs Hiram Harper) . .3611 Eeading Road, Avondale 17772c Peebes, Lucille (Miss) 1810 Young st., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 17784; Pendleton, Belle Sutphin (Mrs George) 810 S. Main st., Findlay 3068c Perin, Matilda Hulbert (Mrs Frank L.) Lafayette ave., Clifton, Cincinnati 11276 Perin, May (Miss) 743 E. Eidgeway ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 243072*' Perkins, Sarah M. Clinton (Mrs Orren) 121 Adelbert st., Cleveland 2577* Perry, Anna Morris (Mrs Alfred) Marietta 143512^ Perry, Ella \yarner (Mrs Arthur Eodney) 62 Dorchester ave., Cleveland 55552^ Perry, Lydia Kimball Potter (Mrs Allen T.) 814 Case ave., Cleveland 28727i? Persinger, Fanny (Miss) Washington Court House 28728^/ Persinger, Minnie (Miss) Washington Court House 3010c Peters, Eleanor Hartshorn (Mrs Ealph) . .Grandin Eoad, E. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 21284sf Peters, Louisa Willard (Mrs) Fostoria. Tiffin 5565c Peters, Mary King (Mrs G. M.) Luray ave., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 301435 Pettit, Kelle D. Scott (Mrs John B.) 130 23rd st., Toledo 17785; Phelps, Ada Coe (Mrs George H.) 2212 N. Main st., Findlay 33382^ Phelps, Jennie Marcia Pomeroy (Mrs) 30 Hilburn ave., Cleveland 249002^ Phelps, Mary E. (Miss) Glenmen, Lake ave., Cleveland 278512^ Phillips, Edith Bourn (Mrs Frederick C.) 839 Case ave., Cleveland 27S61 Picking, Sue Gormly (Mrs Wilford H.) Bucyrus 343472^ Pierce, Kittle Josephine (Mrs Stephen L.)..675 Prospect st., Cleveland 12423m. Pierce, Nettie Chadwick (Mrs David) 343 Dayton st.. Hamilton 22986f Pillmore, Gertrude Feeter French (Mrs E. M.) 202 Adolph ave., Akron 34896'W Pillsbury, Hester Ward (Miss) 131 Woodlawn ave., Zanesville 33060J5; Pine, Amy Ethel (Miss) North st., Washington Court House 29202C* Pine, Catharine J. (Mrs Wm.) 172 McMillan st., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 262482^ Pinney, T. Dot (Miss) 80 Burt st.. Cleveland 80042 Plaisted, Mary Steele (Mrs Elwyn David) 717 E. High st., Springfield 13659c Pogue, Fannie West (Mrs Samuel) . .509 Linden ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 1506 Pope, Sarah Lee (Mrs Benjamin Franklin) Columbus Barracks, Columbus 31056B Porter, Hva Nichols (Mrs" William Harley) 727 Grove Place, Toledo 35527i" Poston, Belle Garland Cresap (Mrs Webster Wesley) Nelsonville 17246c Pottenger, Mary Townley (Mrs David H.) College Hill 16435S Potter, Anna Claire (Miss) "The Monticello," ^Toledo 9283U Potts, Ida N. (Miss) 228 Adams st.. Zanesville 31048^ Powers, Grace Brown (Mrs Frank M.)....274 W. Wood st., Youngstown 22336 Pratt, Marv Wilmarth Northrup (Mrs Albert M.) '^Brvan 349025 Pray. Mabel Lucina (Miss) "The Monticello," Toledo 232702*' Prentice, Georgiana Crary (Mrs Noyes B.) 993 Willson ave., Cleveland 7309c Probasco Moiilton (Mrs Henry E.) Glendale 12432W Prout, Ida L. Woodbridge (Mrs William) 63 E. Main st., Newark 24883i/ Pruden, Lucj^ Howard (Mrs Charles C.) Washington Court House 6607c Pugsley, Cornelia D. P. (Mrs Jacob J.) Hillsboro 25505^/ Pursell, Anna Ford (Mrs Charles W.) Washington Court House 24319P Pursell, Marv Clough Dunham (Mrs Henrv P.) 33 W. 4th st., Portsmouth 24276 Putnam, Elizabeth ^Edgerton (Miss) ' 415 5th st., Marietta 22989B Pa'Ic, Lenore Sherwood (Mrs John Sherman) . .2123 Ashland ave., Toledo 22376^ Quayle. Eomelia M. (Mrs William H.) 2658 Euclid ave., Cleveland 112867i- Quinn. Mary Fisher (Mrs Allan T.) Wilmington 24292^7 Quinn, Mary Pugsley (Mrs) .' Washington Court House 23524U Quinn. Sarah Ellen Campbell (Mrs James C.) W. 2nd st., Chillicothe 22333f Eabe, Minnie Maud Nash (Mrs James William) .. 709 E. Market st., Akron 158962*' Eadcliffe. Cora Goss (Mrs) 78 McLean st.. Cleveland 32627c Eainforth, Florence Marion Barrett (Mrs Harry) 3047 Fairfield ave., Cin- cinnati 12822 Eamsay, Christine Tuttle (Mrs Stanley M.) 2727 Ingleside Place, Walnut Hills. Cincinnati 164440 Eandall, Edith De Golyer (Mrs S. Herbert) Wyoming 29640gr Eandall, Laura E. (Mrs) 11 The Eden, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 310386 Eandall. Mary Ann Coy (Mrs Emilius 0.) 1025 Oak st.. Columbus * Ruth Wyllys Chapter, Conn. OHIO. 491 26542fc Eannells, Sarah Louella (Mrs William Henry) Wilmington 79S2C Eawson, Fannie D. (Mrs Warren) 3791 Clifton ave., Clifton, Cincinnati 17794^ Eawson, Louise Barron (Mrs Marius E.) 762 Genesee ave., Cleveland 365916 Eay, Pauline Hollenbeck (Mrs Franklin Arnold) 137 King ave., Columbus 107377^ Eaymond, Emma S. (Mrs Samuel A.) 1030 Euclid ave., Cleveland 17237f Eaymond, Helen Beebe (Mrs William B.) 300 N. Prospect st., Akron 23232 Eajnor, Katherine Glover (Miss) 3339 Cherrv st., Toledo 32244JS Eead, ^>llie L. (Mrs William H. A.) 1451 Summit st., Toledo 23292P Eeed, Ella Kinney (Mrs Samuel) 68 E. 2nd st., Portsmouth 11729» Eeeder. Grace Gray Shatter (Mrs James S.) P. O. Box 32, Hamilton 229S0J^ Eees, Cornelia Maynard (Mrs William David) 972 Euclid ave., Cleveland 22325c Eeid, Anna Bissell (Mrs Alexander) Highland ave., Cincinnati 21282(/ Eeif snider, Elizabeth Shriver (Mrs Charles D.) 34 Clay st., Tiffin 35970i Eempel, Ella M. Dunsmoor (Mrs Ferdinand F., Jr.) Logan 24889c Eenahan, Evelyn Marshall Kinney (Mrs John Alfred) 584 Mitchell ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 24282« Eenick, Elizabeth Waddle (Mrs Alexander) 65 4th st., E. Chillicothe 27373c Eenner, Martha Miller (Mrs O. J.) Southern ave., Fairview Heights. Cin- cinnati 17236f Eeplogle, Jennie Endora Hine (Mrs Jacob W.) 220 X. Arlington st., Akron 4S95C Eesor, Eunice Swift Thorns (Mrs Eobert L.) 2300 Auburn ave., Cincinnati 28227; Eeyle, Helen Dudley Teetor (Mrs George) 121 Baldwin ave., Findlay 7582 Eeynolds, Jane Culbertson MacCoy (Mrs John Eussell) Davton 4091 Eeynolds, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs Eoddie) Eaton 317990 Eeynolds, Sophia Trask Gardner (Mrs Lucius D.) 519 W. 2nd st., Dayton 1S906?J^ Ehoads, Bess Gertrude (Miss) 74 Granville st., Newark 13653* Ehodes, Jennie H. (Mrs D. W.) Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 16U0F Ehodes, Kate Newell Castle (Mrs Eobert Eussell) Lakewood 11979c Ehodes, May Lovell (Mrs Thomas) .Woodlawn 35968(Z Eice, Lizzie W. (Miss) Court st.. Fremont 24320/) Eice, Marinette lams Gharky (Mrs Samuel L.) 58 W. 4th st., Portsmouth 79920 Eichards, Elizabeth Stoneman Eddy (Mrs Joseph Henry) Hillsboro 79930 Eichards, Martha Eaj^mond (Miss) ...Hillsboro 22960F Eichardson, Anna Leigh (Miss) 1188 E. Madison ave., Cleveland 229612-' Eichardson, Bertha June (Miss) 1188 E. Madison ave., Cleveland 24328 Eichardson. Sarah Alice (Mrs Edwin George) 519 Congress st.. Toledo 6601c Eicketts, Elizabeth L. (Mrs B. M.) Lexington ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 31062(- Eisinff, Eose S. (Mrs Eudolph) Lancaster 21285(/ Bobbins, Ellen Buell (Mrs Theodore Hiram) 152 Monroe st.. Tiffin 7308c Eobbins, Harriet Chase (Mrs Edward Y.) 2367 Auburn ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 282332 Eobbins, Meta Medera (Mrs Chandler) 309 N. Limestone st., Springfield 11~03F Eoberts, Amanda Bartlitt Cowan (Mrs Ansel) 1020 Wilson ave.. Cleveland 755jP Eoberts, Sophia Edwards (Mrs E. C.) 631 Woodlawn Hills ave., Cleveland 17777r Eobinson, Cora Eugenia Mack (Mrs John Cooley) Wayne st., Sandusky 22368F Eobinson, Mary Ida Odell (Mrs James A.) ". . .73 4th ave., Cleveland 34914a; Eobinson, Verdie Eliza Seymour (Mrs G. H.) 161 N. Chestnut st., Eavenna 2063SB Eobison, Virginia Smith (Mrs James J.) 2104 Parkwood ave.. Toledo 102101' Eockhold, Cidna Maria (Mrs Elijah C.) Bainbridge 79940 Eockhold, Elizabeth Priscilla Eichards (Mrs Flint) Hillsboro 4504« Eoe, Mary Josephine (Miss) Gilbert 339386 Eogers, Mary Hulbert (Mrs Edwin E.) "The Normandie." Colimibus 752i^ Eose, Martha Emily Parmelee (Mrs W. G.) 1022 Euclid ave.. Cleveland 27837?(. Eose, Mary Eandolph Garrison (Mrs David G.) 216 S. 2nd st.. Hamilton 23291p Eoss, Anna Eandall (Miss) 310 Court st., Portsmouth 136842 Eoss, Mary Fitch (Mrs Elmon W.) 528 E. High st.. Springfield 355512*" Eossiter, Gertrude Elizabeth Ely (Mrs Horace Ludington) 42 Lohengrin St., Cleveland 17244c Eowe, Florence Champion (Mrs James William) 725 McMillan st.. Wal- nut Hills, Cincinnati 8581B Eowland, Edna S. (Miss) 1707 Monroe st., Toledo 26249F Eowland, Nettie HofPner (Miss) Oberlin 107451/ Eoyer, Bessie Alexander Gabriel (Mrs Theo.) 208 N. Downing st., Piqua St. Paul Chapter, Minn. 492 DIRECTORY, D. A. E. 3394SF Eunge, Alvena K. Drayton (Mrs Gustave) 87 Aclelbert st., Cleveland 10731s Eunyan, Mary Ellen (Miss) 130 Marion ave., Mansfield 6122F Eussell, Nancy Jane H. (Mrs Eichard L.) 229 Euclid ave., Cleveland 35971i Eyan, Ellen Jane (Miss) Athens 143522^ Sackett, Amanda Blair (Mrs William K.) Amherst 8574c Sage, Elizabeth (Mrs Henry W.) McGregor ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 35964c Sampson, Virginia Wright (Mrs William S.) 71 HoUister St., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 10711t Sanders, M. Isabel (Mrs Charles A.) 19 Grand ave., W. Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati 301440 Sands, Estella Gallup (Mrs John Emile) Hillsboro 23o30c Sanford, Anna ^'arner (Mrs Angus L.) Eose Hill, Avondale, Cincinnati 17238f Sargent, Sue S. (Mrs Albert H.) Glendale ave., Akron 7310c Saunders, Susan Elizabeth (Miss) Bigelow ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 17239/" Sawyer, Bessie Coe Voris (Mrs William T.) Eairview Terrace, Akron 3332^" Sawyer, Caroline H. (Mrs Pascal H.) 54 Streator ave., Cleveland 34912F Schelly, Eoda Corrinna Young (Mrs Percy Y.) 363 Eussell ave., Cleveland 10709fr Schultz, Ethel Granger (Mrs \V. F.) Putnam ave., Zanesville 35535^ Schwartz, Ethel Cotton (Mrs W. E.) W. 3rd st., Portsmouth 47915 Scott, Elizabeth Wolcott Doyle (Mrs Josiah) 2225 Glenwood ave., Toledo 22344^ Scott, Milley Cowdery (Mrs James B.) Pomeroj^ 212(56w Searl, Lizzie Tisdel (Mrs Fred A.) Painesville 3775U Searle, Alice (Miss) 123 Woodlawn ave., Zanesville 31S171? Seek, Emma Wheeler (Miss) 1728 Summit st., Toledo 10712c Seely, Helen (Mrs W. W.) 4th and Broadway, Cincinnati 34891r Selkirk, Marion Alden (Miss) 813 W'ashington st., Sandusky 34892/- Selkirk, Susie May (Miss) 813 Washington st., Sandusky 33042e Sells, Minnie Bargar (Mrs Francis Asbury) 545 E. Town st., Columbus 29217e Sells, Ehoda Jane Cross (Mrs Lewis) 1223 Neil ave., Columbus 27838H Seward, Esther Woodruff Hunter (Mrs John)....N. 2nd st., Hamilton 6120/^ Seymour, Eleanor I. H. (Mrs Belden) 248 Franklin ave., Cleveland 6121f Seymour, Helen Maria (Miss) 248 Franklin ave., Cleveland 32635^ Se'ys, Elizabeth Wickham (Mrs Henry H.) 234 S. Fountain ave., Springfield 17797i^ Shackleton, Lillian Peck (Mrs P.) . .'. 511 Sibley st., Cleveland 34910F Shafner, Belle J. (Mrs Ernest L.) 37 Oakdale st., Cleveland 34S95g Shannon, Cynthia Cora (Miss) 107 W. Wood st., Youngstown 30490d Sharp, Este'lle. Avery (Miss) S. Front st., Fremont 335246 Sharp, Ethel Marie (Miss) 87 Cleveland ave., Columbus 330440 Sharp, Lillian Hindle (Mrs Amor W.) 1262 E. Main st.. Columbus 21028(Z Shaw, Elsie Mow (Mrs) S. W^ood st., Fremont 27829e Shedd, Agnes JefPrey (Mrs Frederick) 1297 Oak st., Columbus 23288e Shepard, Grace Grosvenor (Mrs) Athens .35524c Sheldon, Harriet Thrall (Mrs F. B.) 89 Lexington ave., Columbus 19461F Sheridan, Clara Kimball (Mrs Henry Brinsley) 1364 Euclid ave., Cleveland 206375 Sherman, Catherine Bowmer (Mrs Walter J.) 2044 Ashland ave., Toledo 1424* Sherrard, Nancy (Miss) '. Wooster 79S1B SherAvood, Kate Brownlee (Mrs Isaac E.) 2123 Ashland ave.. Toledo 34S85rf SherAvood, Susan Lewis (Mrs Norman) 424 S. Arch st.. Fremont 35545B Shields, Mary Cook (Mrs Charles Henry) 349 Batavia st., Toledo 304S4C Shields, Mary La Salle Wing (Mrs Charles E.) 1642 Neil ave., Columbus 7305C Shouse, Mary Alice (Miss) 828 W. 7th st., Cincinnati 11994A: Shrieves, Elizabeth E. (Miss) (M. D.) Wilmington 31805i Silbaugh, Viola A. (Mrs Lerov G.) 409 N. Broad st.. Lancaster 24318P Silcox, Janette Stewart (Miss) 712 Washington st., Portsmouth 1602F Simmons, Clara Loraine Hurlbut (Mrs T.) 787 Case ave., Cleveland 30483c Sinks, Katharine Thurman (Mrs Frederick N.) 90 Miller ave., Columbus :30135m Sites, Angelina Sullivan Cox (Mrs Thomas H.) 22 E. Locust st., Newark 17775 Slauson, S. Matilda Scott (Mrs Eichard) Piqua 11990r Sloane, Helen Frances (IMrs Eush E.) Adams st., Sandusky 7997e Sloane, Sarah Buckingham (Mrs Ulric) Hillsboro 11991r Sloane, Sarah Maria Carswell Cooke (Mrs Thomas Morrison) Columbus ave., Sanduskv 6111 Small, Martha Jennings (Mrs Philip M.) Eaton t Lucv Jackson Chapter, Mass. • Washington County Chapter, Pa. t Col." Charles Lewis Chapter, W. V». OHIO. 493 10748fc Smith, Althea Moore (Mrs Simeon G.) Wilmineton 136970 Smith, Belle Mitchell (Mrs W. W.) 138 W. 3rd st., Dayton 30131c Smith, Blanche Stevens (Mrs Thomas G., Jr.) 831 Glenwood ave., Avon- dale, Cincinnati 11714 Smith, Carolyn Austin (Miss) X. Warwick, Avondale, Cincinnati 10738i^ Smith, Catherine G. (Mrs Stiles C.) 690 Euclid ave., Cleveland 34342gr Smith, Clara liermon (Mrs Wm. A.) 101 Lincoln ave., Youno-stown 6904i/ Smith, Daisy Mary (Miss) Caldwell st."; Piqua 31057I> Smith, Daphne Jones (Mrs Sajito I.) Conneaut 35548 Smith, Dorothy Windsor (Miss) Oakland ave., Washington C. H. 34913J? Smith, Eleanor Harris (Miss) 271 Chestnut st., Eavenna 24311 Smith, Eliza Abigail (Miss) Portsmouth 12428B Smith, Elizabeth Lucia (Miss) Hotel Madison, Toledo 36441e Smith, Elvira Abbie Thrall (■Mrs Marshall) 1463 Neil ave., Columbus 36454a7 Smith, Elvira Betsey McManus (Mrs Robert) 430 Cleveland ave., Eavenna 24:28(3111 Smith, Emmaretta Wilkins (Mrs James Harrison) 300 Eddy st., Newark 6605rf Smith, Fanny Hayes (Mrs Henry Eaton) Spiegel Trone, Fremont 33528iJ Smith, Florence Slack (Mrs Floyd L.) 84 E. Second st., Portsmouth 8582B Smith, Frances Griswold (Miss) 2121 Madison st., Toledo 3448c Smith, Hattie B. (Miss) 102 Mason st., Cincinnati 4290B Smith, Julia Welles Griswold (Mrs Wm. H. M.) 2121 Madison st., Toledo 3449c Smith, Laura May (Miss) 102 Mason st., Cincinnati 17657^ Smith, Louisa Johnson (Mrs Charles H.) 121 Cedar ave., Cleveland 31064( Smith, Martha Mary (Mrs N. Frank) Lancaster 13298* Smith, Mary E. (Miss) Cleveland 27725£' Smith, Mary Sophia Kendall (Mrs Homer L.) . .Washington Court House 6895c Smith, Olive Douglas Perkins (Mrs Samuel Watson, Jr.) Madison Eoad, and Fairfield ave., Cincinnati 13669f Smith, Vanelia James (Mrs Thomas Gardener) 965 Gilbert ave., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 21275(7 Sneath, Laura Stephenson (Mrs Samuel B.) 179 Monroe st., Tiffin 21277(7 Sneath, Nannie Hurst Moore (Mrs Ealph Davis) 392 Sandusky st., Tiffin 355256 Snee, Sara Miller (Mrs John C.) 176 Lexington ave., Columbus 21278(7 Snowden, Ethel (Miss) 226 E. Market st.. Tif.tn 34344/- Snyder, Alice Eitchart Mack (Mrs E. C.) 223 W. Hardin st., Findlay 14346H Sohngen, Adda Markt (Mrs Edward C.) 213 S. C st., Hamilton 28229Hi Sook, Gertrude (Miss) 95 N. 3rd st., Newark 18337:j: Sorg, S. Jennie (Mrs Paul J.) Middletown 22973F Southern, Elizabeth Gale (Mrs Lemuel M.) 1670 Lamont st., Cleveland 229757^ Southern, Myrtle Stanley (Mrs William M.) 1670 Lamont st., Cleveland 28719e Sowers, Elizabeth Deshler (Mrs Daniel H.) 1134 E. Broad st., Columbus lOlOlio Spangler, Leola May (Miss) 9 Woodlawn ave., Zanesville 377210 Spangler, Mary Sullivan Cox (Mrs T. F.) 9 Woodlawn ave., Zanesville 81640 Spargue, Alice Pugsley (Mrs Harry W.) Hillsboro 27839H Sparks, Emma Sarah Eose (Mrs William B.) Treble Flats, 216 S. Snd St., Hamilton 35546J? Spencer, Belle Scribner (Mrs Joseph M.) 350 W. Woodruflf ave.. Toledo 35547B Spencer, Gertrude Belle (Miss) 350 W. Woodruff ave., Toledo 21273 Spitzer, Cornelia Eldred (Miss) Medina 5014B Spitzer, Sarah Strong (Mrs Adelbert L.) 1904 Aladison st.. Toledo 22364F Sprague, Elizabeth Doan (Miss) 34 Dell ave., Cleveland 556Sr Sproat, Caroline M. (Miss) W. 2nd st., Chillicothe 7574t' Sproat, Eliza McCoy (Mrs Benjamin Franklin) 146 W. 2nd st., Chillicothe 5567r Sproat, Emma (Miss) '.W. 2nd st., Chillicothe 4098F Squire, Eleanor Seymour Sea (Mrs Andrew) 933 Euclid ave., Cleveland 35980F Squire. Nancy W. (Mrs Samuel) Oberlin 12430F Stair. Belle Bierce (Mrs Harry Hamilton) 751 Fairmount st., N. Cleveland 9293? Stambaugh, Elizabeth McC. (Mrs Jacob) 254 W. Wood st., Youngstown 3642vr Stanberv", Mary Brown (Mrs Henry E.) Granger ave., Zanesville 21280(7 Stanlev.' Elizabeth (Mrs William B.) 383 Sandusky st.. Tiffin 235277^ Stanley, Jessie L. MacMath (Mrs George A.) 899 Prospect st.. Cleveland 26537c Stanton. Harriet Brown (Mrs Byron) 931 Dayton st.. Cincinnati 55702/ Statler, Ella Manson (Mrs George Walker) S. Main st.. Piqua * Rev. James Caldwell Chapter. 111. t Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Ind. t Continental Chapter, D. C. 494 DIKECTOET, D. A. R. 22972i^ 7996C 7995C 25502^ 33530?- 21253f 16447; 34889; 34923a; 15893c 5576m 27050??l 5067c 4S92C 19475»!. 146170 21290* 7998C 20035?c 304897^ 24283t' 10195 10194 29639rw. 1019Sfc 27858 10201s 24303i^ 17245c 12inc 3048Sr 10702 10749fc 24205£' 24290jE; 30491A 13883/ 27493 10197 223585 11705fc 17252« 13662c 30046f 27831'W 11985C 2919P' 330511 10211(? 8583B 248SSC 4505& 32234C 22977F 296356 29636c 2921Se 6356// 10207fc 10208fc Stebbins, Alida Gale (Mrs DeWitt C.) 2260 Euclid ave., Cleveland Steele, Elizabeth Eussell (Miss) Hillsboro Steele, Mary Fowler Poor (Mrs Samuel Francis) Hillsboro Steil, Mary Grafflin (Mrs Otto) Troy Stein, Hattie M. (Mrs Frank) Norwalk Stephens, Oriana Burwell (Mrs James Arthur) 1477 Euclid ave., Cleveland Stephenson, Marian (Miss) 2610 N. Main st., Findlay Stephenson, Mary Anderson (Mrs William) 2610 N. Main st., Findlay Stevens, Harriet Harmon (Mrs George Philander) W. Main st., Kavenna Stevens, Jerusha Smith (Mrs Benjamin R.) Glendale Stevenson, Mary Louise (Mrs Thomas M.) Dresden Stewart, Frances D. Eobinson (Mrs Willard J.) Newark Stewart, Harriet Kebecca Torrence (Mrs Hiigh) -1934 Bigelow ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati Stewart, Helen Morgan (Mrs W. H.) 751 N. Crescent st., Avondale, Cin- cinnati Stewart, Louise E. (Miss) Newark Stillwell, Elizabeth Snyder (Mrs Edwin E.) 513 W. 1st st., Dayton Stillwell, Eoxanna Davenport Harris (Mrs John W.) 409 Market st., Troy Stockton, Virginia McDowell (Mrs) Hillsboro Stockwell, Mary Augusta Avery (Mrs Norris P.) Painesville Stoddard, Louise M. (Miss) .334 Ammesbury ave., Cleveland Story, Mary Anne Campbell (Mrs Clark W.) W. 2nd st., Chillicothe Stout, Julia Irene (Miss) 324 W. 2nd st., Dayton Stout, Virginia Chelton Thomas (Mrs Atlas L.) 324 W. End st.. Dayton Strayer, Ellen M. (Mrs) Royalton Strickle. Eebekah H. (Miss) 117 Monument ave., Dayton Strohl, Lena Eichards (Mrs Joshua G.) Genoa Strong, Frances Whitney (Mrs Lyman A.) 156 Park ave., Mansfield Strong, Mary Ella Clarke (Mrs Edgar E.) 82 Brookfield st., Cleveland Strunk, Ella Garretson (Miss) 2537 Stanton ave.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati Strunk, Ella Garretson (Mrs William) 2537 Stanton ave., Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati Strutton, Caroline Wooster (Mrs John A.) Norwalk Stultz, Margaret Marshall (Miss) 173 Woodlawn ave., Zanesville Stumm, Henrietta Moore (Mrs Eobert C.) Wilmington Stutson, Mary Josephine (Mrs) Washington Court House Stutson, Mary Stimson (Mrs T. L.) Washington Court House Sullivan, Ella Gertrude (Miss) Urbana University, Urbana Sullivan, Nancy Jane Seager (Mrs Theodore) Troy Sunderland, Jessie Adelaide (Miss) care of W. H. Sunderland, Dayton Sutton, Belle Stout (Mrs A. S.) 324 W. 2nd st., Dayton Suydam, Helen (Miss) 1007 Grand ave., Toledo Swaim, Laura Eudduck (Mrs Charles Wesley) Wilmington Sweetland, Lucy (Miss) Zanesville Sweney, Harriet Orr (Mrs W. J. H.) Luray ave.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati Sylla, Grace Capron (Miss) 143 Carroll St., Akron Symons, Louise Stanbery Brice (Mrs Walter C.) 1614 W. Main st., Newark Taft, Mabel B. (Mrs Samuel H.) Flat 9, Oritz Bldg., Cincinnati Talbot, Clementine A. S. (Mrs Lyman) 124 Dunham ave., Cleveland Tallmadge, Abbie May Hedges (Mrs Frank).. 20 Deshler Blk., Columbus Tangeman, Fannie Patterson (Miss) Wyoming Taylor, Ellen IJ. (Mrs W. B.) The Madison, Toledo Taylor, Helen Collard (Mrs William Henry) 553 W. 7th st., Cincinnati Taylor, Helen Gulielma Moorehead "(Mrs Van Derveer) 2913 Woodburn ave.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati Taylor, Helen Hughes (Mrs J. Gordon) 2623 Park ave.. Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati Taylor, Lucy Leaning (Mrs Benjamin Franklin) 128 Olive st., Cleveland Taylor, Lucy Munson (Mrs Archibald A. E.) 1331 Long st., E. Columbus Taylor, Lucy Munson (Miss) 1331 Long st., E. Columbus Taylor, Margaret Livingston (Miss) 1400 E. Broad st., Columbus Tavlor, Nellie Eliza Wood (Mrs) Hartwell Teifair, Lavinia V. (Miss) Blooming'ton Telfair, Maria T. (Miss) Bloommgton OHIO. 495 10209A; Telfair, jSIartha A. (Miss) Bloomington 121T7« Thomas, Annie St. Clair Murphy (Mrs W. F.) 225 Main st., Hamilton 35541^' Thomas, Fanny Senteny (Mrs William S.) 345 E. Hig-h st., Springfield 3116e Thomas, Isabella Bryce Isham (Mrs Elbridge Lawrence) 2667 Highland ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 15242C' Thomas, Jennie Lamed (Mrs Charles E.) cor. N. Limestone and Cooper aves., Springfield 12949/u Thomas, Jessie Clarke (Mrs Edward) 116 IS". 5th st., Newark 310396 Thompson, Estelle Clark (Mrs W. O.) Ohio State University, Columbus 36442/ Thompson, Frances Hanna (Mrs Paul M.) 88 Jefferson ave., Columbus 17240/ Thompson, Laura Cooke (Mrs Harry Thompson) 817 E. Market st., Akron 35542^ Thompson, Margaret Weed (Mrs) 70 W. High st., Springfield 4502c Thoms, Mary Swift (Mrs J. C.) 2300 Auburn ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati 18139c Thomson, Laura Gamble (Mrs Peter G.) College Hill 5870g Thorne, Mary B. (Mrs E. P.) .* 1004 Mill st., Youngstown 330456 Thurman, Harriett Webb (Mrs Allen W.) 513 E. Eich st., Columbus 33934c Tilden, Marion Reakirt (Mrs Harvey) 2531 Axiburn ave., Cincinnati 21267 w Tisdel, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) Plainsville 18132H Tobey, Fannie Smith (Mrs Walter Lawrence) Prospect Hill 13660c Todd, Elizabeth Margaret Pogue (Mrs William Eobert) Linden ave., Avon- dale, Cincinnati 30148 'Todd, Ophelia (Mrs J. H.) Wooster 124265 Tolerton, Mary Wilber (Mrs Elihu Warner) 1704 Jefferson st., Toledo 109312^ Tolles, Jessie King (Mrs Sheldon H.) 1541 Euclid ave., Cleveland 10730s Tolman, Julia M. (Mrs Walter S.) 347 Park ave., W. Mansfield 31797(7 Tolmie, Rose Oswalt (Mrs James) 391 Sandusky st.. Tiffin 9265c Torrence, Elizabeth Findlay (Miss) 2670 Moorman ave., Walnut Hills, Cin- nati 22371 Towne, Aurelia Crary (Mrs Orron Charles) 993 Willison ave., Cleveland 282381; Towne, Harriet Nye (Mrs Henry A.) W. 2nd st., Chillicothe 35532Hi' Townsend, Isabel Lewis (Mrs) 144 Grandville st., Newark 31065i- Towt, Clara Brasee (Mrs Frederick M.) Lancaster 31820F Tozier, Kathleen B. (Mrs Charles B.) 221 Hough ave., Cleveland 10205s Trac3', Anna Tracy Lord (Mrs F. E.) cor. W. Park and Douglass aves., Mansfield 1367F Tracy, Jane Alwyn (Mrs James J.) 502 Euclid ave., Cleveland 25870Q Travis, Virginia E. (Miss) Spring st., Youngstown 2548SC Trevor, Jennie Emily Newton (Mrs) 2209 Auburn ave., Mt. Auburn, Cin- cinnati 8165C Trimble, Alice M. (Miss) New Vienna 35976Z Troupe, Olive (Miss) 304 S. Fountain ave., Springfield 6939* Truby, Alice C. (Miss) 536 Montor ave., Painesville 27844ir Trub3% Susan (Mrs William) 416 Jackson st., Painesville 11716»!. Tucker, Ida Irene Moore (Mrs John) 176 North 3rd st., Newark 14355 Tiickerman, Mary E. (Mrs) 298 Central ave., Cleveland 36462 Turner, Rome Elizabeth (Miss) 311 W. 3rd st, Greenville 17790F Turner, Winifred (Miss) 57 Broad st., Elyria 31050r Turney, Josephine Azuba (Miss) 502 Wayne st., Sandusky 31055»' Tuttle, Natalie Agnes Thompson (Mrs H. A.) 545 State st., Plainsville 34911F Twiss, Nellie Learning (Mrs George R.) 56 Mayfield Road, Cleveland 73130 Tyler, Alice H. (Mrs Reuben) \ Wyoming 136881(7 Tyler, Caroline B. Gill (Mrs Azro M.) Geneva 19467« Urmston, Lillian Irene Shields (Mrs B. K.) Princeton Road, Hamilton 32280£' Ustick, Arabella L. Waldo (Mrs George McJ.) Washington Court House 17249c Utter, Virginia Lyon (Mrs James W.) 1412 Chapel st., Cincinnati 24287r Van Alstyne, Anna Paine (Mrs Pierre) Washington st., Sandusky 26541A Vance, Mary Glenn (Mrs Alexander Franklin) Urbana 5569V Vanmeter, Eliza Irwin (Miss) 178 Church st., Chillicothe 2955c Van Voast, Virginia Moss (Mrs James) 507 E. 3rd st., Cincinnati 2956c Van Voast, Virginia Remsen (Miss) 507 E. 3rd st., Cincinnati 212Q91C Viall, Ada Osborn (Mrs Christopher C.) 554 Mentor ave., Painesville 23238c Villiers-Stuart, Maud Huteheson (Mrs Gerald) 520 E. Town st., Columbus 17241f Voris, Lizzie H. (Mrs Alvin C.) 213 Fir st., Akron * Pittsburg Chapter, Pa. 496 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. 17242/= Voris, Lizzie U. (Mrs Edwin F.) 206 S. Union st., Akron 26539c Waddell, Ella Evans (Mrs Eobert Stuart) Hartwell 13S06C Waddell, Ethel W. (Mrs S. J.).. 24 Calhoun st., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 33069f Wade, Ellen Garretson (Mrs Jeptha H.) 1043 Euclid ave., Cleveland 2m54F Wagar, Ettie Serena (Miss) Lakewood 17251^ Wagar, Francie Grant (Mrs Mars Edward) 174 Franklin ave., Cleveland 69055 Waite, Alice L. (Miss) 737 Ontario st., Toledo 22378i^ Waite, Frances Parsons (Mrs Henry W.) 521 Euclid ave., Cleveland 11501 Waite, Katharine Wiley (Mrs) 1241 Superior st., Toledo 6906B Waite, Maria (Miss) 737 Ontario st., Toledo 12174(r Waldo, Evelyn Colburn (Mrs Charles G.) Wyoming 6115P Walke, Susan Virginia (Miss) "The Walton," Chillicothe 61057i; Walker, Mary Clarissa Nichols (Mrs W. D.) 258 W. Hernnan ave., Dayton 35531; W' alters, Ada Ardinelle (Miss) 1039 N. Main st., Findlay 35530/ Walters, Mary Celoma Smith (Mrs George W.) Findlay 172530 Walters, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 35 E. 1st st., Dayton 22323c Walton, Harriet Foster Graj^don (Mrs James Franklin) E. Locust st.. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 21272i^ Warner, Amelia, M. Pierce (Mrs Carlos J.) Medina 10739P Warner, Cornelia Fraley Blakmore (Mrs Worcester R.) 1722 Euclid ave., Cleveland 14349i^ Warner, Letitia Murdock Combs (Mrs Stephen Charles) 62 Dorchester ave., Cleveland 22352A Warnock, Cliltord (Miss) 514 Scioto st., Urbana 28724t« Warren, Kate Tracy Morley (Mrs Henry A.) 125 Wood st., Painesville 33943r Warren, Maria A. (Mrs Charles C.) Sloane House, Sandusky 5554* Wasson, Mary de Veny (Mrs Edmund A.) 990 Case ave., Cleveland 13687 Waters, Eunice L. Gill (Mrs P. B.) Geneva 23233i^ Watson, Lucy Morgan (Mrs Albert) 551 Lilley st., Cleveland 17254 Weaver, Eleanor E. Thomas (Mrs George A.) Urbana 12947s Weaver, Helen Sturges Purdy (Mrs H. M.) 191 W. Park ave., Mansfield 27832J?i Webb, Harriet (Mrs George Penny) 248 W. Church st., Newark 36439c Weber, Mary Louise McLeish (Mrs C.) Erie ave., Hyde Park, Cincinnati 1128S)t Webster, Clara Louisa (Miss) 707 Ross ave., Hamilton 11287?( Webster, Harriet Louisa (Mrs James R.) 707 Ross ave., Hamilton 188932*" Webster, Helen Curtis (Mrs John Howard) 92o Prospact st., Cleveland 27854f Webster, Jean Howard (Miss) 925 Prospect st., Cleveland 11704fc Wegman, Minnie Wire (Mrs Fred M.) Wilmington 13284 Weirick, Margaret A. (Miss) Glendale 152385 Welch, Mary Eliza Richardson (Mrs Ferdinand) Boody House, Toledo 10732s Weldon, Mary Hodge Purdy (Mrs William H.) 185 W. 3rd st., Mansfield 322400 Weller, Nellie Schaei¥er (Mrs Samuel) 141 Salem st., Dayton 112720 Welliver, Anna Kimmel (Mrs James E.) 111 N. Jefferson st., Dayton 30139% Wells, Cora Agnew (Mrs W. Pitt) 24 Convers ave., Zanesville 27059^/ Wells, Ella Roberts (Mrs Daniel Morgan) 116 Arlington st., Cleveland 23230m Wells, Mary Eells Hempsted (Mrs William C.) 28 Pearl st., Newark 31812B Welton, Myrtle Jane (Miss) Washington Court House 34878c West, Elizabeth Hoyt (Mrs) Milf ord 33531r West, Harriet Campbell (Miss) 603 Wayne st, Sandusky 34924(? Whallow, Margaret E. Kitchell (Mrs Edward P.) W^yoming 31792f Wheeler, Calista Willard (Mrs David P.) 102 Fir st., Akron 4087c Whelplev, Kate Gordon (Mrs Albert W.) Clifton ave., Clifton, Cincinnati 287255 Whinery, Annie Hope Maher (INIrs Charles) 1808 Jefferson st., Toledo 24297 White, Amelia Burton (Mrs Alvin Clark) Jefferson 223747^ White, Delia Bulkley Holden (Mrs W. T.) 366 E. Prospect st., Cleveland 31069i White, Mary (Miss) Lancaster 46927^ Wliite, Sabrina Capron (Mrs Henry C.)..344 Harkness ave., Cleveland 33050i W'hite, Sarah E. (Mrs John F.) Logan 4690c Wiborg, Adeline Sherman (Mrs F. B.) 3440 Clifton ave., Clifton, Cincin- nati 3123(/ Wick, Nellie Botsford (Mrs Frederick Henry) 664 Wick ave., Youngstown 3135q Wick, Sallie Thorn (Mrs Charles J.) 133 Lincoln ave.. Youngstown Silver Bow Chapter, Mont. OHIO. 497 1187i^ Wickham, Gertrude Van Eensselaer (Mrs S. C.) 242 Harkness st., Cleve- land 273762/ Widney, Maria Helen (Miss) Piqn^ 27377?/ Widney, Mary Brown (Miss) Piqua 27855/i' Wight, Mary Otis (Mrs Edwin Buckminster) 574 Prospect st., Cleveland 840F Wilcox, Julia Virginia (Mrs John Miller).. 746 Genesee ave., Cleveland 229901O Wilcox, Mary Emily (Miss) Painesville 254930 Wilcox, Mary Glenn Crosley (Mrs) 232 N. Bordavard ave., Daytoti' 24285m Wilkins, Amanda Bray Martin (Mrs Noah) bOO Eddy st., Newark- 13673A Williams, Adelaide Hamilton (Miss) Urbana 756F Williams, Eva (Mrs M. D.) 438 Eussell ave., Cleveland"; 34893r Williams, Gertrude B. (Mrs Oliver Watson) 16 Bank st., Norwaih' 34887f Williams, Helen Weston (Mrs J. K.) 135 Kirkwood st., Akron 364386 Williams, Mary Josephine (Miss) 219 E. Main st., Xenia 24298A Williams, Mary Loring (Mrs Milo G.) Uroana 13674A Williams, Mary Louise (Miss) Urbana 20629* Williams, Olive Gordon (Miss) . '. Troy 6911& Williams, Sarah Bell (Miss) 219 E. Main st.. Xenia 23225P Williams, Sarah Jane Anderson (Mrs Francis H.) 9th and N. Wallace sts., Portsmoiith 21274(7 Williard, Electa Stout (Mrs Parker) 121 Perry st., TiflRn 15230TO \v ilson, Alice M. (Miss) 156 N. 4th st., Newark 15232 Wilson, Buena Vista (Miss) 179 Granville st., Newark 6106& Wilson, De Etta Grenier (Mrs William M.) E. Market st., Xenia 29219e Wilson, Elizabeth Thompson (Mrs E. F.) 1130 Franklin ave., Columbus 3069? Wilson, Juliet Guthrie (Mrs Frank) Ortiz Bldg., Cincinnati 33947jP Wilson, Louise Emily Fellows (Mrs T. H.) 80 Spangler ave., Cleveland 20627c Wilson, Lucy Fallis Thorpe (Mrs Moses Fleming) 740 Eidgeway ave., Auburndale, Cincinnati 33372^ Wilson, Margaret Ann (Mrs Wesley H.) 365 Bond st, Cleveland 35537« Windle, Helen Belle (Miss) Zanesville 27833TO Wing, Elizabeth Brown (Miss) N. Bloomfield 28230W Wing, Julia King (Miss) N. Bloomfield 12179ni Wing, Mary Maria Middleton Mayhew (Mrs L. B.) 103 E. Main st., Newark 14764f Winslow, Pauline Horton Askew (Mrs Edward) Cleveland 27841(7 Winsworth, Sarah E. (Mrs William H.) Madison ave., Youngstowm 11706fc Wire, Esther Taylor (Mrs John W.) Wilmington 10203s Wood, Elizabeth Farmer (Miss) 17 N. Mulberry st., Mansfield 18131.4. Wood, Isabella Burnet (Miss) Urbana 15894e Wood, Lillian Johnson (Miss) 803 Franklin ave., Columbus 63557/ Wood, Martha Hannah (Miss) Piqua 5395* Wood, Minnie L. Tuttle (Mrs Charles) 2454 Lawrence ave.. Toledo 13691fc Wood, Phebe Hildreth (Mrs Eobert P.) Wilmington 12181m Woodbridge, Sylvia Wing (Mrs Henry D.) 21 S. 1st st., Newark 17248c Woodbrough, Mary Julia Wilson (Mrs James Eichards) 570 Linden ave., Avondale, Cincinnati 22959fir Woodford, Isabella Wheeler (Mrs W. E.) 80 Dorchester ave., Cleveland 36458B Woods, Emma Blanche (Miss) 424 W. Bancroft st., Toledo 25506£' Woodward, Harriet Forsyth (Mrs William B.) Washington Court House 19472J5 Woolson, Frances Delia (Mrs S. M.) 2057 Parkwood ave., Toledo 36450r Woolworth, Abbie Bartlett (Miss) 829 Washington st., Sandusky 30485f Work, Henrietta Willcox (Mrs Alanson) Perkins Hill, Akron 31796? Workman, Cordelia Guitner (Mrs Thomas E.) 527 E. Town st., Columbus 20042; Wright, Augusta Blecker (Mrs David E.) 126 W. Front st., Findlay 31791f Wright, Harriet Sperry (Mrs John Baker) 526 W. Market st, Akron 223396 Wright, Helen (Miss) 604 E. Town st., Columbus. 20036F Wright, Helen Chase Perry (Mrs Darwin E.) 749 N. Logan ave., Cleveland 13682?H Wright, Martha Fleck (Mrs Virgil Hillyer) 342 Granville st., Newark 21756G Wj-att, Alice Walker (Mrs Eichmond Ellsworth) Wyoming 21270if Wynian, Mary Elizabeth Tisdel (Mrs Lloyd) Painesville 35969i Wynkoop, Arthra J. Kreider (Mrs Henry Miller) Lancaster 35552F Yates, Elizabeth Sheldon (Mrs Preston K.) 532 E. Prospect st., Cleveland 33532r Yeomans, Frances A. (Miss) Sandusky t Sergeant Newton Chapter, Ga. * Katherine Gaylord Chapter, Conn. 32 498 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. 4503c Yei-gason, Katherine Bartlett (Mrs H. C.) 232 Albion Place, Cincinnati 35543-B Tingling, Jennie Elmore (Miss) 89 E. Perry st., Tiffin 355445 Tingling, Lila Annette (Miss) 89 E. Perry st., Tiffin 75865 Toung, Cora Miranda Day (Mrs Charles Luther) . .Parkwood ave., Toledo 18904A Young, Maria C. (Mrs liobert) Urbana 112680 Young, Sarah Dechert (Mrs Edniond S.)--306 W. Monument ave., Dayton 158992^ Zerbe, Ida (Miss) 56 Cornell st., Cleveland 8005 Zimmerman, Helen Ballard (Mrs John L.) E. High st., Springfield 19469 Zimmerman, Mary Eliza Clark (Mrs J. Kobert) Wooster 359790 Zink, Sarah Elizabeth McClure (iMrs P. B.) Hillsboro OKLAHOMA TERRITORY State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Cassius McD. Barnes, Guthrie II u 1 OAO " " << <> (( Membeks Eesiding in the Territory 5210 Barnes, Mary E. Bartlett (Mrs Cassius McDonald) Guthrie 22510 Brooke, Mildred K. Baldwin (Mrs F. K.) The Bishop's House, Guthrie 16742 Carpenter, Mary W. E. (Mrs llobert P.).. 312 Walnut st., Oklahoma City 25130* Kellogg, Mary Wickham (Mrs Edgar li.) Fort Sill 17926 McComas, Saidee F. Drown (Mrs Eugene) Pawhuska 29820t McCord, Marion Wilcox (Mrs Wm. M.) Enid OREGON State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, 251 7th st., Portland u u 1 902 " '■ " " * " " " " CHAPTEE (1 organized) a. Multnomah Chapter — Portland , Onjanized March 16, 1896; Members, 1,0 Eegent, Mrs Katherine S. McCaniant Treasurer, Mrs Anna S. Bernard Vice-Eegent, Mrs Laura L. Batchelder Eegis'trar, Mrs Lalla Thomas Secretary, Mrs Jane L. Chapin Historian, Mrs Anna W^. Mears Me:mrers Residing in the State 29442§ Archer, Annie (Miss) 491 Alder st., Portland 13606 Barry, Caroline Susannah Scull (Mrs Eobert) 421 12th St., Portland 255120 Batc'helder, Laura Lightfoot (Mrs J. F.) 166 N. 23rd st., Portland 22993a Bell, Ann J. (Mi-s John A.) 292 12th st., Portland 15244a Bernard, Anna Seeley (Mrs Ceylon E.) 443 Alder st., Portland 7589a Bingham, Kate S. (Mrs Edward W.) 270% Morrison st., Portland 11798^ Burnette. Leola Harrison (Mrs Owen D.) ~. .203 12th st., Portland 12437a Card, Jane C. (Mrs I. W.) 380 32nd st., Portland 6914a Chapin, Jeane Lewis (Mrs Willard H.) 580 4th st.. Portland 23621| Curtis, Sarah Lisbeth Hobart (Mrs Carlton) 163 12th st., Portland 25511a Fraley, Ellen Arbuckle (Mrs Wallace De Witt) 424 3rd st.. Portland 8257a Gile, Eleanor (Mrs) 686 EA-erett st., Portland 25513a Gill, Susan Moreland (Mrs Mark Willson) 685 Hisan st.. Portland Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. Genesee Chapter, 111. Vanderburgh Chapter, Ind. T Jane Doufflas Chapter, Tex. I Sequoia Chapter, Cal. PENNSYLVANIA. 499 13702O Gray, Grace Howard (Mrs James Taylor) 533 Morrison st., Portland 25113a Hill, Jessie Ivatherine Adams (Mrs Joseph Wood) Portland 24592a Hoge, Harriett Hallam (Mrs Eichard E.) Portland 255140 Jackson, Maria -Clopton (Mrs Charles Samuel) Pendleton 7315a Ladd, Mary Andrews (Mrs X. H.) Portland 12963a Lamson, Jennie Estelle Montague (Mrs E. B.) 1015 Ealeigh st., Portland 12960« Lewis, Lucia Abigail Loomis (Mrs Daniel Webster) Portland 18917 Loone^', Pauline Euby Grain (Miss) Jefferson 12439a McCamant, Ivatherine S. (Mrs Wallace) Portland 18140a Mays, Genevieve Wilson (Mrs Franklin Pierce) Portland 13841a Mears, Annie Otelia Whipple (Mrs William Allen) Portland 1064fl Montgomery, Mary Phelps (Mrs J. B.) 251 7th st., Portland 22994a Northup, Laura Harkness (Miss) 261 14th st., Portland 24329a Eockey, Phila Jane (Mrs A. E.) 671 Glisan st., Portland 12962a Eoss, Emily Lindsley (Mrs J. Thorburn) 590 Main st., Portland 24595a Sansbury, Alice H. (Miss) Portland 32245a Shaw, May Travis (Mrs) 90 E. 19th st., Portland 12961a Sherman, Helen Frances Paddock (Mrs D. F.) 662 Johnson st., Portland 12184a Stuart, Bertha (Miss) 181 17th st., Portland 27064 Theilson, Annie Western (Mrs J. E.) Portland 27862 Thomas, Lalla E. (Mrs) 628 Salmon st., Portland 12964^1 Valentine, Blandina F. L. (Mrs J. H.) Portland 25112a Wakeman, Emma Jane Adams (Mrs Maurice Banks) Portland 12183a Warren, Anna S. A. (Mrs Frank M.) 213 W. Park st., Portland 12965a Warren. Frances Elizabeth (Miss) 213 W. Park st., Portland 34348a Whitfield, Medora A. (Miss) 401 Oxford st., Portland 13703a Wilbur, Alice Houstis (Mrs Ealph William) 62 21st st., Portland 25515a Winch, Nellie Amelia (Mrs Martin) 241 7th St., Portland 14365a Withington, Elizabeth Forsyth (Miss) Portland 12438a Woodward, Maj-annah (Miss) 10th and Montgomery sts., Portland PENNSYLVANIA State Regent, 1901, Miss Susan Carpenter Frazer, Lancaster <( (( 1 QO'^ " " " " " CHAPTEES (41 organized, 1 unorganized) a. Bellefonte Chapter — Bellefonte Organized October 10, 1895; Members, Jf2 (District of Columbia, 1) Eegent, Mrs Deborah D. Mitchell Treasurer. Mrs Elizabeth S. Potter Vice-Eegent, Mrs Anna O. Keller Eegistrar, Airs Louise H. Eeynolds Secretary, Mrs Elizabeth S. Eeeder Historian, Miss Helen E. Overton b. Berks County Chapter — Reading Organized December 3, 1892; Members, 29 Eegent, Airs Annie M. Jsicolls Treasurer, Mrs John Stewart Vice-Eegent, Mrs. Cyrus G. Derr Eegistrar, Mrs William E. AIcHvain Eec. Sec., Airs Jonathan C. lllig Ass't Eegstr., Mrs N. Ferguson Cor. Sec, Airs Alary 0. Steinmetz Ass't Eegstr., Aliss Adelaide Owen Historian, Aliss Anna F. Heckman 0. Brookville Chapter — Brookville Organized December 1, 1899; Members, 25 (Illinois, 1) Eegent, Airs Anthony W. Cook Cor. Sec, Aliss Edna Craig Vice-Eegent, Airs Charles Corbet Treasurer, Aliss Ann A. Clark Eec. Sec, Aliss Elsie Leason Eegistrar. Aliss Alinnie Eodgers Historian, Miss Caroline Matson ^ Mercy Warren Chapter, Mass. 500 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. d. Canadohta Chapter — Titusville Organised January 25, 1899; Members, 2h (Colorado, 1; California, 1) Regent, Mrs Alma S. Sherman Cor. Sec, Mrs Mary C. Thompson Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary A. C. Fletcher Treasurer, Mrs Jeannette C. Martin Eec. Sec, Miss Helen M. Patterson Eegistrar, Mrs Annette F. Grumbine Historian, Mrs Carolj'n N. Hyde e. Chester County Chapter — West Chester Organized January, 1894; Members, 65 (Massachusetts, 1; New York, 5; Minnesota, 1; Foreign, 2; Maryland, 2) Eegent, Mrs Joseph T. Eothrock Cor. Sec, Mrs Thomas D. Dunn Vice-Eegent, Mrs Horace A. Beale Treasurer, Mrs Lissie M. Cobb Eec. Sec, Miss Hannah A. Marshall Eegistrar, Miss Elizabeth P. Marshall Historian, Miss Mary I. Stille f. Colonel Crawford Chapter — Meadville Organized September 15, 1893; Members, 58 (New York, 3; Ohio, 1) Eegent, Mrs Sara E. Sennett Secretary, Miss Margaret Hartman Vice-Eegent, Mrs Elizabeth M. Fuller Treasurer, Miss Charlotte E. Dutton Historian Mrs Anna E. S. Smith g. Colonel William Montgomery Chapter — Danville Organized February 5, 1894; Members, 17 (New York, 2) Eegent, Mrs Anna B. Boyd Treasurer, Miss Penina Bright Secretary, Miss Emmeline S. Gearhart Historian, Miss Helen T. Magill h. Conrad Weiser Chapter — Selinsgrove Organized November 18, 1897; Members, 14 Eegent, Mrs L. E. E. Schoch Treasurer, Mrs Annie K. Gregory Vice-Eegent, Mrs H. E. Pine Eegistrar, Mrs Annie E. North Scjcretary, Miss Jennie H. Miller Historian, Mrs Mame H. Boyer i. Cumberland County Chapter — Carlisle Organized May 16, 1895; Members, 22 (Delaware, 1; New Jersey, 1) Eegent, Mrs Edmund Paulding Treasurer, Mrs E. A. Shulenberger Vice-Eegent, Mrs John Hays Eegistrar, Mrs A. D. B. Smead Secretary, Miss Helen A. Beatty Historian, Mrs J. E. Boher j. Delaware County Chapter — Media Organized October 19, 1894; Members, 67 (New York, 2; Foreign, 1; Maryland, 1: California, 1; New Jersey, 1; Rhode Island, 1) Eegent, Mrs Eichard Peters Cor. Sec, Mrs Charles J. Essig Vice-Eegent, Mrs J. Watts Mercur Treasurer, Miss Mary L. Dunn Eec. Sec, Miss Lydia E. Baker Eegistrar, Miss Sallie Flickwir Historian, Mrs Philip H. Mowry k. Dial Rock Chapter — Pittston Organized October 14, 1896; Members, 40 (Neic Jersey, 2; Illinois, 1; Colorado, 1} Eegent, Mrs Samuel Fear Cor. Sec, Miss Martha Lance Vice-Eegent, Mrs Samuel Urquhart Treasurer, Mrs S. Judson Stark Eec. Sec, Mrs William J. Peck Eegistrar, Mrs William A. Wilcox Historian, Mrs Annette J. Gorman PENNSYLVANIA. 501 1. Donegal Chapter — Lancaster Organized April 21, 1892; Members, 89 (Illinois, 1; New York, 1) Regent, Miss M. Louise Eohrer Cor. Sec, Miss Susan E. Slaymaker Vice-Eegent, Mrs Emma J. Blackwood Treasurer, Mrs Silas K. Eshelman Kec. Sec, Miss Grace M. Chittenden Eegistrar, Miss Susan M. Holbrook Historian, Mrs Arthur Boardman m. Du Bois Chapter — Du Bois Organized January 9, 1901; Members, 16 Eegent, Mrs Willie G. DuBois Cor. Sec, Mrs Blanche M. Gray "Vice-Eegent, Mrs Eva K. Truxal Treasurer, Mrs Caroline M. Smith Eec Sec, Miss Vina Sweeny Eegistrar, Mrs Jennie N. Cole Historian, Miss Alice A. Truxal n, George Clymer Chapter — Towanda Organized April 14, 1896; Members, 37 Eegent, Mrs Eodney A. Mercur Treasurer, Mrs Louis M. Hall Vice-Eegent, Mrs E. O. Macfarlane Eegistrar, Mrs W. Henry Dodge Secretary-, Mrs Edward L. Smith Historian, Mrs Simon Eendall o. George Taylor Chapter — Easton Organized March 6, 1895; Members, 35 (New Tork, 1; New Jersey, 4) Eegent, Mrs L. B. Hapgood Treasurer, Mrs C. B. Comstock Vice-Eegent, Mrs F. H. Michler Eegistrar, Mrs O. H. Meyers Secretary, Mrs W. H. Dudley Historian, Mrs E. B. Dawson p. Germantown Chapter — Germantown Organized June 10, 1898; Members, 19 Eegent, Mrs Herman Burgin Treasurer, Mrs Gilbert Jordan Vice-Eegent, Mrs Thomas Barlow Eegistrar, Mrs William H. Cavanagh Secretary, Miss Laura S. Jenkins Ass't Eegstr., Miss Elizabeth L. Otto Historian, Miss M. Helen Eadford q. Harrisburg Chapter — Harrisburg Organized May 19, 189.^; Members, 85 (South Carolina, 1; Missouri, 1) Eegent, Mrs Levi B. Alricks Cor. Sec, Miss Mary Jennings 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs George D. Eamsay Treasurer, Miss Emma Melick 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Eichard J. Haldeman Eegistrar, Miss Ellen K. McCullough Eec. Sec, Mrs Ira H. Shoemaker Historian, Miss Caroline B. Pearson r. Hugh White Chapter — Lock Haven Organized January, 1895; Members, 28 Eegent, Mrs Sallie E. Perkins Treasurer, Mrs Emma M. T. Smith Vice-Eegent, Mrs Emma P. Corss Eegistrar, Mrs Helen E. Good Secretary, Mrs IVIinnie C. McAleer Historian, Mrs Mary E. Smith s. Independence Hall Chapter — Philadelphia Organized January 3, 1899; Members, 83 Eegent, Mrs Amelia S. Quinton Cor. Sec, Mrs C. P. Franklin 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs John G. Hovey Treasurer, Mrs James G. Leiper 2nd Vice-Eegt., Mrs Samuel S. Thompson Eegistrar, Mrs William Leverett Eec. Sec, Mrs Henry Beates, Jr. Historian, Mrs Harriet S. C. Atwater 502 DIEECTOKY, J). A. E. t. Lawrence Chapter — New Castle Organized June 14, 1900; Memhers, 31 Regent, Miss Jennie L. Morgan Cor. Sec, Miss Susan Gageby Vice-Regent, Mrs Elizabeth Rljodes Treasurer, Miss Lucy Treadwell Rec. Sec, Miss Mary R. Clarke Registrar, Mrs Belle S. Kimes Historian, Mrs Elizabeth R. Royce u. Lebanon Chapter — Lebanon Organized April IS, 1S96; Memhers, 15 (Colorado, 1) Regent, Mrs Horace Brock Secretary, Mrs Bessie L. Couch Vice-Regent, Mrs George Bowman Treasurer, Miss Adeline Guilford Reg-istrar, Mrs Henry Gilbray V. Liberty Bell Chapter — Allentown Organized October 12, 1892; Members, 30 (District of ColumUa, 2) Regent, Mrs Alfred G. Saeger Treasurer, Mrs Daniel Yoder Vice-Regent, Miss Irene B. Martin Registrar, Mrs Joseph P. Mickley Rec. Sec, Miss Naomi Phillips Historian, Mrs William Eudy Cor. Sec, Mrs Walter E. Cox Librarian, Mrs Thomas L. Rhoads Hon. Regent, Miss Minnie F. Mickley w. Lycoming Chapter — Williamsport Organized December 9, 1896; Members, 73 (Montana, i; Louisiana, 1) Regent, Mrs Mary W. Emery Treasurer, Mrs Gula W. Johnson Vice-Regent, Miss M. Anna Doebler Registrar, Mrs Mary W. Laird Secretary, Mrs Celeste S. R. Arms Historian, Miss Kathryn D. Burrows X. Merion Chapter — West Philadelphia Organized Febrvarg 16, 1895; Memhers, 30 (Illinois, 1) Regent, Miss Margaret B. Harvey Rec. Sec, Mrs Shelley T. Jones Vice-Regent, Mrs J. G. Walker Cor. Sec, Mrs Peter J. Hughes Vice-Regent, Mrs Moses Veale Treasurer, Miss Ellen J. Heston Vice-Regent, Miss Mary E. Harding Registrar, Mrs George D. Tait Historian, Mrs Dora Harvey Munyon y. Philadelphia Chapter — Philadelphia Organized August 11, 1S92; Members, SW (New Jersey, 8; New York, 1) Regent, Mrs Edward H. Ogden Cor. Sec, Mrs Henry C. McHvaine Vice-Regent, Mrs Frank H. Getchell Treasurer, Mrs Herman Hoopes Rec Sec, Mrs Henry W. Wilson Registrar, Mrs Francis H. Williams Historian, Mrs R. Somers Rhodes z. Phoebe Bayard Chapter — Greensburg Organized January 25, 1896; Memhers, 10 (District of Columbia, 1; Indiana, 1) Regent, Mrs Jefferson Taylor Treasurer, Mrs Howard Tebbetts Secretary, Mrs Frank W. Highberger Registrar, Mrs Well A. Huff Historian, Mrs John F. Wentling A. Pittsburg Chapter — Pittsburg Organized June 10, 1891; Members, 408 (New York, 6; Foreign, 7; District of Colum- bia, 4; California, 2; Massachusetts, 2; Florida, 1; Louisiana, 1; Ohio, 2) Regent, Mrs Samuel A. Ammon Cor. Sec, Mrs William T. Wallace Vice- Regent, Mrs Frank B. Nimick Treasurer, Mrs William D. Hamilton Rec Sec, Mrs Oliver D. Thompson Registrar, Mrs Joseph W. Marsh Historian, Mrs William McC. Grafton PEXXSYLVANIA. 503 B. Pottstown il embers Eegent, Mrs Elizabeth G. Hammond Hoffer. Appointed December 5, 1900 C. Presque Isle Chapter — Erie Organized June 8, 1897; Members, JfS Eegent, Mrs M. B. Morrison Treasurer, Miss Nona Moore Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ella M. Eeed Eegistrar, Mrs Emma Locke Secretary, Miss Bell Winchel Historian, Mrs Grace E. Johnson D. Quaker City Chapter — Philadelphia Organised December 6, 1897; Members, 201 (New Jersey, 7; New York, 5; New Hamp- shire, 1; Maryland, 3; Missouri, 1; Washington, 1; Massachusetts, 1; West Virginia, 1) Eegent, Mrs G. W. Kendrick, Jr. Cor. Sec, Miss Emma L. Growell Vice-Eegent, Mrs James L. Garhart Treasurer, Miss Laura Eowen Eec. Sec, Mrs Theodore Evans Eegistrar, Miss E. E, Massey Historian, Mrs H. H. Fisher * i E. Shikelimo Chapter — Lewisburg Organized June 15, 1893; Members, 45 Eegent, Mrs E. M. Heim Cor. Sec, Miss Anna Dale Vice-Eegent, Mrs Alfred Hayes Treasurer, Mrs S. D. Bates Eec. Sec, Mrs W. C. Bartol Eegistrar, Miss Ida Frick P. Sunbury Chapter — Sunbury Organized February 6, 1893; Members, 22 (New York, 1) Eegent, Miss Elizabeth Donnel Treasurer, Mrs Norman S. Engle Vice-Eegent, Miss Mary E. Shuman Eegistrar, Mrs Frances W. Van Alen Secretary, Mrs Alfred C. Clark Historian, Mrs Alice W. Clement G. Susquehanna Chapter — Clearfield Organized March 24, 1896; Members, 37 Eegent, Mrs Jennie B. Hartswick Cor. Sec, Miss Bessie Bigler Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary P. Eussell Treasurer, Mrs Phila T. Thompson Eec Sec, Miss Elizabeth Murray Eegistrar, Mrs Eebecca W. Eeed Historian, Mrs Nannie E. Fulford H. Tidioute Chapter — Tidioute Organized November 8, 1900; Members, 18 Eegent, Mrs Charlotte J. S. Cumings Eec Sec, Miss Georgiana Siggins Vice-Eegent, Mrs Lucinda M. Turner Cor. Sec, Miss Alice N. Siggins Eegistrar, Mrs. Harriet L. C. Sha'w Historian, Miss Susan E. Magee I. Tioga Chapter — Athens Organized October 5, 1900; Members, 29 (New York, 5; Massachusetts, 1) Eegent, Mrs. Charlotte M. Matirice Cor. Sec, Miss Marian B. Maurice Vice-Eegent, Mrs Sarah P. Elmer Treasurer, Mrs Harriet A. Thurston Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary B. Stockbridge Eegistrar, Mrs Ethel E. Maurice Eec Sec, Mrs Anna S.'West Historian, Mrs Lydia K. Park J. Tunkhannock Chapter — Tunkhannock Organized June 9, 1900; Members, 48 (New Jersey, 2; California. 1) Eegent, Mrs Francis O. Piatt Cor. Sec, Miss Lillian M. Childs 1st Vice-Eegt., Mrs Mary M. Laning Treasurer, Mrs Martha H. Bunnell 2nd Vice-Eegent, Mrs Jessye C. Camp Eegistrar, Mrs Mary B. Tewksbury 3rd Vice-Eegent, Mrs Elmore H. Wells Historian, Mrs Stella S. Jorden Eec Sec, Miss Mary A. McKo-wn Chaplain, Miss Nancy A. Wells 504 DIKECTORY, D. A, R. K. Valley Forge Chapter — Norristown Organized December 11, 189.'t; Memhers, 37 Eegent, Mrs Margaret S. Himsicker Treasurer, Mrs Frances B. Brown Vice-Regent, Mrs Eebecca Mclnnis Registrar, Mrs Emma J. P. Naile Eec. Sec, Miss Leila Jenkins Historian, Mrs Annie S. Fisher Cor. Sec, Miss Mary Mclnnis Chaplain, Mrs Ellen K. Fornance L. Venango Chapter — Franklin Organised November 7, 1895; Members, 25 (Michigan, 2; Illinois, 1) Eegent, Mrs James D. Hancock Treasurer, Mrs James Smith Secretary, Miss Louise H. Bostwick Registrar, Mrs Thos. Alexander M. Washington County Chapter — Washington Organized January, 1892; Members, 13 (Ohio, 1) Eegent, Mrs Minnie Borchers Treasurer, Miss Ida V. Steen Secretary, Miss Jessie B. Hawkins Registrar, Miss Rebekah J. Johnson Historian, Mrs Gertrude A. Maxwell N. Witness Tree Chapter — Columbia Organized January 27, 1898; Members, 24 (Maine, 1; Maryland, 1; New York, 1) Eegent, Mrs Serena M. F. North Cor. Sec, Miss Maud Haldeman Vice-Eegent, Mrs J. S. C. Lineaweaver Treasurer, Mrs Francis H. Stauffer Eec. Sec, Miss Thomas Welsh Eegistrar, Mrs Mary S. Evans Historian, Miss Alice D. Welsh 0. Wyoming Valley Chapter — Wilkes-Barre Organized April 29, 1891; Menibers, llJt; (California, 1; New York, 1; Michigan,!; Illinois, 1) Eegent, Mrs Katharine McCartney Cor. Sec, Miss Elizabeth W. Green Vice-Eegent, Mrs Sarah B. Woodward Treasurer, Mrs Marie O. Beaumont Eec. Sec, Mrs Martha Corss Registrar, Miss Annie B. Phelps Historian, Mrs Marie F. Rice P. Yorktown Chapter — York Organized October 10, 1894; Members, 32 (Maryland, 1; Georgia, 3) Eegent, Mrs Annie E. E. Eupp Cor. Sec, Mrs Ida J. Walker Vice-Eegent, Miss Louise A. Fulton Treasurer, Miss Eliza E. Cochran Eec. Sec, Mrs Smyser Williams Eegistrar, Mrs Metta F. Eisenhart Historian, Miss Anna D. Gamble Members Eesiding in the State 9815A Adams, Ann (Mrs T. D.) 540 Clawson st., Pittsburg 8173A Adams, Emma V. (Mrs S. Jarvis) Kenpaawr, Pittsburg 25532A Adams, Ida Bright (Mrs Marcellin C.) Kenmawr, Pittsburg 5537y Adams, Mary Benson Mann (Mrs Herbert) . .1348 Spruce St., Philadelphia 29246V Adams, Susie Weaver (Miss) South Bethlehem 8258?/ Addicks, Anna Wetherill (Mrs W. H.) 214 Walnut st., Philadelphia 7612A Albree, Martha Bidwell (Mrs Joseph) 1116 Western ave., Allegheny 3506A Albree, Mary Phillips Lyon (Mrs Chester) . .1116 Western ave., Allegheny 9337L Alexander, Anna M. Dale (Mrs Thomas) 1407 Elk st., Franklin 35577Z) Alexander, Ellen C. (Miss) 407 Green Lane, Eoxborough 7591fir Alexander, Jane (Miss) 145 E. Market st., Danville 2551J/ Alexander, Harriet J. (Miss) 1307 Walnut st., Philadelphia 1802A Alexander, Harriet King (Miss) Monongahela 27900y Alexander, Mary Corlinda Batcheller (Mrs Eobert) "The Bertram" 33rd and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia PENNSYLVANIA. 505 6300 J. Alexander, Mary Eloise (Miss) Monongahela 310S2/- Allbach, Lula F. (Miss) 109 W. Church St., Lock Haven 3U450t Allen, Claire J. (Mrs M. Newton) Titusville 15915A Allen, Edna Jay (Miss) Braddock ave., Pittsburg 5ol2A Allen, Elizabeth Eobinson (Mrs) Pittsburg 32(563s Allen, Eunice P>elknap Colladay (Mrs W.)..1621 X. Broad st., Philadelphia 1252S?/ Allen, Florence C. Lemmon (Mrs N. P.) ..413 Church Lane, Germantown SS4S// Allen, Mary Burnet H. (Mrs S. A.) 5535 Morris St., Germantown 15yi4A Allen,Mary Lucv (Miss) Braddock ave., Pittsburg 34940Z) Allen, Mary Noble (Mrs Arthur H.) 1713 N. 52nd St., W. Philadelphia 16456W Almy, Emily White (Mrs Edvrard P.) 507 W. 4th st., Williamsport 4S41(/ Alricks, Emilie Shevell Fisher (Mrs Levi B.) 121 W. State St., Harrisburg G(i// Anshutz, Effie Eussell (Mrs Thomas Pollock) Derby 2S752 Anthony, Carolina May (Miss) 917 Locust st., Philadelphia 29667/ Appel, Ella J. (Mrs John W.) 228 Lancaster ave., Lancaster 29668? Appel, Marion Parker Baer (Mrs W. N.) 419 E. King st., Lancaster 1942?) Archer, Caroline Eoberts Derr (Mrs John) 245 S. 5th st., Eeading 4340// Archer, Mary Eoach (Mrs Pierce) 2011 Spruce st., Philadelphia 26553(0 Arms, Celeste Stoughton Easer (Mrs A. N.) ..412 3rd ave., Williamsport 29249// Armsbruster, Caroline Tryon (Miss) Merion 8997? Armstrong, Elizabeth G. (Miss) 406 N. Duke St., Lancaster 10233:' .Vrmstrong, Jane M. C. (Mrs James) Greenburg 26273.1 Armstrong, Mary Crawford (Miss)..Penn ave. and Murtland ave., Pitts- burg 13709(r Arnold, Ellen Irvin (Miss) Dubois 17263,/' Arnold, Louisa Harley (Mrs H. A.) Ardmore 12002e Arnold, M. Louise (M'iss) 4819 Eegent st., Philadelphia 143S3? Arnold, Nettie F. Mrs Ira W.) Marietta ave., Lancaster 4655.1 Arthurs, Harriet Alden (Mrs E.).. Centre ave. near Francis st., Pittsburg 8843// Aschenbach, Katherine Emily E. (Mrs F.) 309 W^. School St., Germantown 27S78.< Ashbridge, Eliza Helen (Miss) Eosemont 27S79S .\shbridge, Emily Eebecea (Miss) Eosemont 27SS0.S Ashbridge, Mary Pechin (Miss) Eosemont 36467? At-Lee, Olive Houston (Mrs Benjamin C.) 226 E. Orange st., Lancaster 30165s Atwater, Harriet Stark Chase (Mrs) 3816 Spruce st., Phladelphia 10236a Atwood, Emma Colhoun (Mrs Francis) Eellefonte 1537.4. Atwood, Jane Baird (Mrs Moses) 946 Eidge st., Allegheny 243845 Atwood, Katherine Evans (Mrs Porter C). ..634 S. 48th st., Philadelphia 7611.1 Aull, Anna Martin (Mrs W^ F.) 4259 5th ave., Pittsburg 7336A Aull, Florence (Miss) 4259 5th ave., Pittsburg 33570 Avery, Harriet M. (Mrs Charles) Lynn 14399 Avery, Eachel Gordon Heron Foster (Mrs C. M.) Somerton, Philadelphia 3915// Ayres, Jane Lyon (Miss) Tyrone 2858// Ayres, Mary Bucher (Miss) Tyrone 918// Ayres, Mary Cryder Beach (Mrs J. C.) 1805 Mt. Vernon st., Philadelphia 318680 Ayres, Mary Slocum Butler (Mrs) Wilkes Barre 30950§ Babcock, Emma Whitcomb (Mrs C. A.) 110 Bissell ave.. Oil City 30500b Babcock, Maud Mav (Miss) 3302 N. Broad st., Philadelphia 292927) Babcock, Sarah J. IButler (Mrs W. W.) 3302 N. Broad st., Philadelphia t Madison Chapter, N. Y. $ Martha Washington Chapter, D. C. * Mahoning Chapter, Ohio. § Deborah Champion Chapter, N. Y. 506 DIEECTORY, D. A. R. 15367t _ 6934y 270SSA 985A 34354(/ 28732/. 13730?/ 14614^ 1625 35985A 195152/ 7609 200487/ 11752/ 13931A 24337/ 9838£? 28243; 28244/ 27884(0 6042e S006A 13543$ 10710 40612/ 189180 355682/ 18934r 195380 10213A 23474|| 19526S 181482^ 19342 6944 8263// 24913P 51702/ 51592/ 14582A 36481A 6945P 32674?/ 21190* 14369B 23792/ 32268D 1654A 27116i^ 20424§ 3240fi 5547f 20044Z 113022/ 21294 17266^; 243652/ SOlOi i!6683^ Bachekler, Annie L. Chapin (Mrs Verne) 33 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Bacon, Annie Biirroug-hs (Mrs Josiah M.) 919 Clinton st., Philadelphia Bailey, Alice Craft (Mrs Henry C.)' Crafton Bailey, Catherine Graydon McFaden (I^frs II. J.) 315 Aiken ave., Pittsburg- Bailey, Eliza Rutherford (Mrs Arthur Hamilton) . .P. 0. Box 24, Paxtang- Bailey, Fay Alg-er (Mrs William Elder) Thorndale Bailey, Susan Lloyd (Mrs Joel J.) 1826 Arch st.. Philadelphia Baird, Anna Wright (Mrs Matthew) Merion Station Baird, Elizabeth Borden (Mrs R. Loper) 905 W^alnut st., Philadelphia Baird, Emma Fralich (Mrs Milton I.) Glenfield Baird, Fanny Brown (Mrs Thomas E.) Haverford Baird-Huey, Harriet J. (Miss) 4627 Pulaski ave., Germantown Baird, Marian (Miss) "Bardwold," Merion Station Baker, Courtenay Hamilton (Mrs Jesse M.) Media Baker, Hattie Lathrop (Mrs Mark C.) 339 Pacific ave., Pittsburg Baker, Lydia Eyre (Miss) 537 Broad st., Chester Baker, Margaret Stuart (Miss) Lewisburg Baker, Margaretta Coleman Hemphill (Mrs John Mitchell) Chadd's Ford Baker, Margaretta Hemphill (Miss) Chadd's Ford Baker, Mazie Eeinhold (Mrs) 76IV2 W. 4th st., Williamsport Baker, Sarah Andrews (Mrs Louis C, Jr.) Bela Baldwin, Emily Wilson (Mrs W. A.) Sewickley Baldwin, Helen Marion Abbott (Mrs C. K.) 420 Cherokee st.. South Beth- lehem Baldwin, Isabella Douglas (Miss)..". 633 Maple st., Sewickley Baldy, Henrietta (Miss) Williamsport Ball, Helen (Miss) 135 E. 6th st., Erie Ball, Maggie Doebler (Mrs George Meredith) 4010 Pine st., Philadelphia Ball, Mary Louise Mackey (Mrs Francis P.) 201 E. Water st., Lock Haven Ball, Osie (Miss) 135 E. 6th st., Erie Balmain, Margaretta Anshutz (Mrs George P.) 7109 Penn ave., Pittsburg Bankerd, Sarah Moore Hand (Mrs A. J.) 1939 Park ave., N., Philadelphia Barber, Jane Van Valzah (Miss) Lewisburg* Barboiir. Irene A. Sllliman (Mrs) Mt. Carmel Bardwell, Harriet Little (Mrs Frank Judson) Tunkhannock Barker, Alice M. (Miss) 332 Madison ave., Scranton Barker, Catherine Crane (Mrs .Abraham) 215 S. 42nd st., Philadelphia Barlow, Kate Sanderson (Mrs Thomas W.) 229 Harvey ave., Germantown Barnes, Anne Hampton (Miss) 1727 Spruce st., Philadelphia Barnes, Lucy Sellers (Mrs George T.) 214 N. 33rd st., Philadelphia Barnes, Mary W. S. D. H. Clark (Mrs L. C.) 310 Oakland ave., Pittsburg Barnett, Frances Craft (Mrs Abram Garrison, Jr.) . .Noble ave., Crafton Barnitz, Mary Jane (Miss) 28 W. Market st., York Barrows, Emma H. Shattuck (Mrs W. E.) 2312 Spruce st., Philadelphia Bartlett, Anna Payne (Mrs Frank H.) 172 South ave., Bradford Bartol, Martha Belle Africa (Mrs William Cyrus) Lewisburg- Bartol, Mary Grier (Mrs George Edward).. 262 S. 21st st., Philadelphia Barton, Sadie Missimer Clampitt (Mrs Charles) Oak Lane, Germantown Bassett, Mary Cooley (Mrs Charles Wesley) P. O. Box 391, Sewickley Bastress, Louisa Ellen (Mrs Alfred L.) 815 E. Simbury st., Sham.okin Bateman, Clara Weston (Miss) 3329 N. 16th st., Philadelphia Bates, Augusta W^olfe (Mrs Samuel Davis) Lewisburg- Bates, Sarah Josephine (Mrs Samuel P.) 628 Highland ave, Meadville Baumgardner, Florine (Mrs John H.) 139 E. Walnut st., Lancaster Bayard, Bessie Henry Armstrong (Mrs J.) 106 E. Johnson st., German- town Bayard, Dora G. Field (Mrs) 1745 2nd ave., Pittsburg- Beale, Carrie (Miss) Sunbury Beale, Maria LcAvis (Mrs Edward F.) 240 S. 13th st., Haverford Beall, Amelia S. Givin (Mrs Walter) Carlisle Beaman. Marv S. (Mrs William) U. S. Naval Home, Philadelphia t Beloit Cliapter. Wis. t Captain Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, N. J. II Nova Ceasarea Chapter, N. J. * Olean Chapter, N. Y. § Sea Coast Defence Chapter, Mass If Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. PENNSYLVANIA. 507 296736- Beates, Agnes Trevette Barrington (Mrs Henry, Jr.) 1504 Walnut st.,^ Philadelphia. 6915i Beattj^ Helen Ansley (Miss) Carlisle 11310.1 Beatty, M. Bena (Miss) 428 Denniston ave., Pittsburg- 1672(r Beaumont, Maria Lindsley Orton (Mrs E. B.) 54 Union st., Wilkes-Barre 391SA' Beaver, Amelia S. (Mrs John B.) Main st., Norristown. 14367J5 Beaver, Emma (Miss) Hartleton S167a Beaver, Mary McAllister (Mrs James A.) Belief onte 20069Ai Beaver, Mary Patterson (Mrs David Richardson) Conshohocken 32304rf. Beebe, Delia J. (Mrs William D.) Pleasant ville 24901/- Beetem, Anna Elizabeth (Miss) Carlisle 25041O Beisel, Ada Lawall (Miss) 126 W. Broad st., Hazleton 35571.1 Bell, Eliza Brothers (Mrs Davis Bates) 244 Darrah st., Pittsburg 32669;/ Bell, Fleurette de Benneville (Mrs John C.)..324 S. 24th st., Philadelphia 33077fc Benedict, Anna Scureman (Mrs George W.) Wilkes-Barre 5507gf Benjamin, Helen Ewing (Mrs Allen Francis) 1007 S. 49th st., Philadelphia 9804a Benner, Sarah Elizabeth (Miss) Belief onte 137740 Bennett, Anna Augusta (Mrs W. M.) 28 Academy st., Wilkes-Barre 33962y Bennett, Ellen Douglass Carpenter (Mrs W. H.) 1837 Chestnut st., Phila- delphia 24904/ Bent, Clara Felton (Miss) 9th and Highland aves., Chester 20045(/ Bent, Ellen Rutherford (Mrs George C.) 7 Front st., S. Harrisburg 249()5y Bent, Mary Blake (Miss) 9th and Highland aves., Chester 16457)<; Bentley, Josephine Searle (Mrs B. S.) Mifflin Place, Williamsport 27G9(' Berger, Florence Iredell (Mrs Robert I.) N. 4th st., Allentown 21320/t Bergstresser, Mary Weiser (Miss) Selin's Grove 19124$ Besler, Effie Lewis (Mrs William G.) Reading 14748Z? Best, Lizzie Emmie (Miss) 236 Morris st., Philadelphia 14749B Best, Mary Matilda (Mrs Wesley Clarke) .. .236 Morris st., Philadelpnia 4054// Bettle, Helen Biddle Griscom (Mrs Samuel) Haverford 33076?; Beyerle, Marie L. (Miss) 84 Penn st., Reading 31099G Bigler, Bessie (Miss) Clearfield 13752fy Bigler, Caroline Haldeman (Miss) Commonwealth Hotel, Harrisburg 34367G Bigler, Emily A. (Miss) Clearfield 34948G Bigler, Sarah Steedman (Miss) Clearfield 33100G Bigler, Virginia W. (Miss) Clearfield 32282J Billings, Carrie May Graham (Mrs Frederick J.) Tunkhannock 32690J" Billings, Ella Russell (Mrs Harry) '. Tunkhannock 46686 Bingham, Mary Louise Johnston (Mrs Edward D.) West Chester 331041 Bishop, Mary Helen Wells (Mrs Joseph W.) Sayre 25090* Bissell, Katherine (Mrs) . ., Oxford Parish, Philadelphia 65?, A Bissell, Sarah Eliza (Miss) Woodland Road, near Shady, Pittsburg 630A Bittinger, Lucy F. (Miss) , Sewickley 963P Black, Louise Dawson (Miss) '. Brockie, York 13544t Black, Louise Oliphant Hulme (Mrs Edgar N.) 207 S. 33rd st.,Philadelphia 19487.1 Black, Mary Palmer (Mrs George P.) 5th ave., near Aiken, Pittsburg 24336/ Black, Virginia Leiper (Mrs John L.) 1227 Patten st.. Chester 28245Z Blackwood, Emma Jerome (Mrs William) North Duke st., Lancaster 8264V Bladen, Elizabeth Simpson (Mrs W. L.) 708 S. 10th st., Philadelphia 32651fc Blair. Lovisa T. (Miss) 342 S. River st., Wilkes-Barre 1673? Boardman, Mary King Alexander (Mrs A.) . .544 W. Orange st., Lancaster 5508ff. Bogle, Emma Norris (Mrs John Armstrong) Howard 152551 Boher, Sarah Hogan (Mrs John E.) Shippensburg 25877? Bolenius, Emma Miller (Miss) 46 S. Queen st., Lancaster 20061C Bonney, Harriet Frances Spraker (Mrs W. P.) 361 W. 7th st., Erie 2490Sfc Bonstein, Mary Roberta Childs (Miss) West Pittston 34376m Booher, Blanch L. (Mrs J. C.) Falls Creek 26298il/ Borchers, Minnie Ruch (Mrs William F.) S. Lexington st., Washincton 23242Z) Boreden. Susan Kennedy Powell (Mrs T. J.) 2222 Wallace st.. Philadelphia 11750L Bostwick, Louise Helen (Miss) 148 Otter st., Franklin 9816L Bostwick, M. Louise Johnson (Mrs Hirato W.) 148 Otter st., Franklin 13002« Boughter. Caroline Elizabeth HofEer (Mrs) 10th st., Lebanon 107505: Bowden. Catherine (Mrs John) Honesdale ± Warren Chapter, 111. * Mary Floyd Tallmadge Chapter, Conn. t Captain Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, N. J. .508 DIRECTORY, D, A. R. 282Q Bowman, Ella Monroe (Miss) 78 Union st., Wilkes-Barre 10750 Bowman, Isabella Watson (Mrs C. F.)..77 Northampton st., Wilkes-Barre 11297m Bowman, Mary Hoft'er (Mrs George S.) 325 Cumberland st., Lebanon 145SSu^ Bowman, Virginia Vanderslice (Mrs) Phoenixviile 3141(j Boyd, Anna _i.ijz,abetli (Mrs Joseph Cowen) 332 Bloom St., Banvuie 15260 Boyd, Annie Elizabeth (Mrs Albert Darlington) Uniontown 20664g Boyd, Eleanor Herr (Mrs John Yeomans) 124 Pine st., Harrisburg 243Q0y Boyd, Elizabeth Longstreth (Mrs James) Haverford 13766Z Boyd, Jane Dean Hammond (Mrs Coleman) Lebanon 1904$ Boyd, Jane H. Ritchie (Mrs Allen E.) 1636 Walnut st., Philadelphia 22387A' Boyd, Mary Slingluff (Mrs Howard)- 29 E. Main St., Norristown 24474A^ Boyer, Mame Hoffman (Mrs H. W.) Selins Grove :27S3S.-1 Bo3'le, Mary Frances (Mrs John Dawson) 5742 5th ave., Pittsburg .34941Z) Brady, May Augusta Palmer (Mrs W. H.) 1840 N. Bouvier st., Philadelphia 359S2g Brandt, Elmira A. Bailey (Mrs Levi) ♦ . .116 Chestnut St., Harrisburg 27092 J. Brant, Mary Emma (Miss) Tidioute 33743/ Brawley, Isabella Hurst (Miss) 361 Walnut st., Meadville 34932f/ Brawn, Ethel Eckman (Mrs George H.) S. Danville 33556J Breidinger, Mary B. (Mrs Jacob P.) Tunkhannock 4847.1 Brenneman, Charlotte Culbertson Hancock (Mrs) De Haven Station 2549f Brewster, Roberta (Miss) 73 Greenwood ave., Lansdowne 2925Sr Bridge, Charlotte M. (Mrs Horatio) Athens 12967(7 Bright, Penina (Miss) W. Market st., Danville 322671) Brinton, Frances Helen (Miss) 128 West Gay St., West Chester 8852? Brinton, Susan M. (Mrs William P.) 549 North Duke st., Lancaster 11298H Brock, Debbie Norris Coleman (Mrs Horace) Lebanon 11299if Brock, Sarah Coleman (Mrs Arthur) Lebanon 132e Brodhead, Edith Read (Mrs E. H.) Parkesburg "335600 Brodhead, Fanny Vaughan Loveland (Mrs Robert Packer) Kingston 760611 Brooke, Esther Willing (Mrs John Brooke) Radnor 2558?) Brooke, Mary B. Irwin (Mrs George) "Brookwood." Birdsboro 7604Jt Brooke, Sarah N. (Mrs Alfred) 25 East Elm st., Norristown 33552D Brookfield, Alice Benson Mann (Mrs R. M.) ..704 W. 20th st., Philadelphia ■20698Z) Brooks, Anna Rebecca (Miss) 1437 N. 19th st., Philadelphia 31S35S Brooks, Mary Adams (Mrs Conrad Frye)..4847 Pulaski ave., Germantown 12446/ Broomall, Ella Horner (Mrs John M.) 702 Madison st., Chester 10756^ Brown, Alice J. (Miss) Lewisburg 35994/ Brown, Bertha Avery (Mrs Aaron) Tunkhannock 21767TF Brown, Carlie Cone (Mrs James V.) 239 E. 3rd st., Williamsport S026A Brown, Elizabeth M. Utley (Mrs James P.).. 612 Euclid ave., Pittsburg 4257.1 Brown, Elizabeth Utley (Miss) 612 Euclid ave., Pittsburg 33885* Brown, Florence M. (Miss) Lancaster 14402B: BroAvn, Frances Bailey (Mrs Nathaniel H.)..1213 De Kalb st., Norristown 12450& Brown, Frances E. Keeley ' (Mrs) 36 S. 4th st., Reading 3268S Brown, Huldah A. (Mrs) Peckville 24374A Brown, Lulu Eaton (Mrs Louis) Bidwell st., Pittsburg 20672A Brown, Margaret B. (Mrs W. H.) 5th and Murray Hill aves., Pittsburg .287550 Brown, Margaret Sloan (Mrs John F.) '...240 W. 7th st., Erie 32247r Brown, Minnie White (Mrs Willard Fearon) Clintondale 29236? Brown, Nona Pusey (Miss) 225 N. Duke st., Lancaster 5160y Browne, Alice E. Morton (Mrs John Coates) 907 Clinton st., Philadelphia 24906/ Browning, Amy Florence (Miss) 1904 Pine st., Philadelphia 18926 Browning. Carrie A. (Miss) 813 .4dams ave., Scranton 359992V Brugh, Nelle Getzendanner (Mrs Howard Searight) Columbia 32642?) Brusstar, Virginia Hunter (Mrs William de B.) Birdsboro 35981fif Bryan, Mary Eliza (Miss) Danville 19478A BrVce, Mary Emelia Wolf (Mrs R. D.) 215 2nd ave.. Homestead 20682D Bu'bna, Augusta Amelia Marsh (Mrs Karl de) 1917 Mt. Vernon st., Phila- delphia 17816A Buchan, Elizabeth B. S. Ward (Mrs) 826 Lincoln ave., Allegheny 3911N Buchanan. Sarah Josephine (Miss) .Marietta 3238 Bucher, Mary Walls (Mrs Joseph C.) Lewisburg 86030 Buckman, Elizabeth Tindall Warne (Mrs E. K.) 5 Centre Square, Easton t Frederick Chapter, Md. II Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. Irondequoit Chapter, N. Y. PENNSYLVANIA. 509 3627/ Buddj', Katherine V. Gridley (Mrs) 234 W. 6th st., Erie 5504gr Buehler, Eloise (Miss) 227 N. 2nd st., Harri'sburgr SlSlg- Buehler, Martha Wolf (Miss) 232 N. 2nd st., Harrisburg- 24914/) Bullus, Margaretta Ellison (Miss) 162 W. Penn st., Germantown ^17066/ Bunnell, Elizabeth H. (Miss) Tunkhannock 27065 J Bunnell, Martha H. (Mrs Frank C.) Tunkhannock 349520 Bunting, Laura Whitney (Miss) 26 W. Koss st., Wilkes-Barre 26275Z) Burden, Anna Elizabeth (Miss) 3314 Spruce st., Philadelphia 3438J/ Bureau, Margaret Hughes (Miss) W. Marden st., Washington 24934i?' Burg, Cora Horton (Mrs II. W.) Northumberland 326687 Burgin, Alice (Miss) 225 N. 20th St., Philadelpiiia 5529p Burgin, Elizabeth Wetherill Janeway (Mrs Herman) 63 W. Shelton ave., Germantown 28750s Burgin, Ella (Miss) 2037 Arch st., Philadelphia 2175A Burgwin, Mary (Miss) 116 Craft ave., Pittsburg 828A Burgwin, Mary Blair (Mrs George C.) Craft ave., Pittsburg 21778A Burns, Frances Van Horn (Mrs John S.)...225 Coltart Square, Pittsburg 62990 Burr, Matilda Bryan (Mrs James Edward) ... .82 Lincoln ave., Carbondale 32666!/ Burroughs, Elizabeth Fenner (Mrs John) . . 1023 Clinton st., Philadelphia 262611/ Burroughs, Mary Stewart (Miss) 1023 Clinton st., Philadelphia 27384J Burrowes, Salome Jane (Miss) 234 Charlotte st., Lancaster 2552F Burrows, Elizabeth Masser (Mrs Gilbert S.) Chestnut st., Sun bury 33079A Burrows, Eva Josephine Wadsworth (Mrs Frederick) Sewickley 16458(0 Burrows, Kathryn Dickinson (Miss) 606 Pine st., Williamsport 32251; Burt, Theodora E. Hyatt (Mrs M. C.) P. M. C. Chester 20062C Burton, lone Ball (Mrs George) W. 8th st., Erie 22393?/ Butcher, Ellen Page (Mrs Henry C.)..2001 De Lancey Place, Philadelphia 249360 Butler, Alice (Miss) 52 Canaan st., Carbondale 129850 Butler, Gertrude Stoddart (Mrs G. H.) 23 Bennett Bldg., Wilkes-Barre 32277B Butler, Helen Beatrice Murray (Mrs W. W. S.) Milton 2006O Butler, Julia Gloninger (Miss) 77 Northampton st., Wilkes-Barre 66221/ Butler, Mary Quincy P. (Mrs Bayard) 3405 Walnut st., Philadelphia 4836V Butler, Sarah Elizabeth M. (Mrs'^Charles E.) Park Place, Allentown 21321ft Buyers, Emily Alice (Miss) Selin's Grove 742A Byers, Ann McCully Hays (Mrs Ebenezer M.) 717 Ridge ave., Allegheny 262850 Byles, Emma Axtell (Miss) 26 E. Walnut st., Titusville 20706D Calder, Jessie Remington (Mrs William J.).. 503 N. Front st., Harrisburg 16471g Calder, Mary Kirkwood (Miss) 105 N, Front st., Harrisburg 27389(1' Calder, Maud Hanna (Mrs Howard L.) 110 S. 38th st., Philadelphia 24331a. Callaway, Elizabeth Humes Bush (Mrs Charles L.) '.Belleionte 32283J Camp, Jessj^e Carver (Mrs Louis F.) Tunkhannock 262710 Campbell, Editha May Simmons (Mrs) Cor. 7th and Myrtle sts., Erie 10771/ Campbell, Elizabeth Mowry (Mrs James A. G.) ..423 E. Broad St., Chester 25205t Campbell, Florence Fellows Search (Mrs Charles Post) Shickshinny 36365t Campbell, Katherine Harper (Mrs John Garsed) 5003 Penn st., Frankford 82652/ Campion, Anna M. (Mrs Harry C.) 505 South 42nd st., Philadelphia 31858C Canby, Louise Prescott (Miss) Oak Lane, Philadelphia 19534(1 Canfield, Jennie Orvis (Mrs Albert E.) Wyncote 20249* Capwell, Irene Stoddard (Mrs. Chas. A.).. 338 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia 5530D Carhart, Catherine Smith (Mrs James Larison) Lansdowne 1951Z) Carhart, Virginia L. (Miss) Oxford 1647(7 Carlton, Isabel P. (Miss) 232 N. 2nd st., Harrisburg 92711 Carman, Louise Hamilton (Miss) 1235 S. Broad st., Philadelphia 27396D Carpenter, Lucretia D. (Mrs Alfred L.) 400 Church Lane, Germantown 1451? Carpenter, Sarah Billings Boardman (Mrs H.) 230 E. King st., Lancaster 8842?/ Carryl, Elizabeth S. (Miss) 316 S. 10th st., Philadelphia 13742A Carter, Abby Guild (Mrs David A.) Ingram 55347/ Carter, Cornelia Redington (Mrs W^ T.) 2116 Walnut st.. Philadelphia 2479"2V^ Case. Sarah McCorkle (Mrs David B.) Mt. Bethel, Columbia 27876H Cash. Anna Tyler (Miss) 106 Pine st., Towanda 28758F Cassel. Mary Ann (Mrs H. Burd) Marietta 2032A Cassidy, Margaret S. Beaver (Mrs William H.) 622 Lilac st., Pittsburg t Council Bluffs Chapter, Iowa. t Nassau Chapter, N. J. Chicago Chapter, 111. General Lafayette Chapter, N. J. 510 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 5519A Caughey, Mary A. (Miss) P. O. Box 424, Bellevue 24915P Cavanagh, Antoinette J. (Mrs W. H.) 237 West Chelton ave., Gei-mantown 322531 Cessna, Flora Eaby (Mrs Harry) Bedford 35555^7 Chalfant, Gertrude (Mrs Charles) S. Danville 34927e Chambers, liebecca Ballard (Mrs Samuel Kemble) . ., West Grove 335456' Chandler, Florence ISpangler (Mrs David Woelpper) 1015 Mount Vernon St., Philadelphia 33086D Chandler, Kate H. (Miss) 1511 Girard ave., Philadelphia 692211 Chapin, Grace Card Seldon (Mrs Frederick L.) 258 W. 6th St., Erie 27395 Chapman, Elizabeth McClung (Miss) 5902 Wayne ave., Germantown 35578D Chapman, Emily Ann (Miss) Glenolden 26546fc Chapman, Kate A. Kyon (Mrs Maxwell) 1660 Madison ave., Scranton 15276& Chapman, Martha S. (Mrs Charles J. A.) Port Blanchard 7615A Chapman, Millie Jane (Miss) 5525 Centre ave., Pittsburg 13747A Chapman, Nellie Stanley (Mrs John B.) .."The Schenley" Pittsburg 7614A Chapman, Sarah Ann (Miss) 5525 Centre ave., Pittsburg 335610 Chase, Augusta Dana Coolbaugh (Mrs Luther W.) 26 Academy st., "Wilkes- Barre 26286(i Chase, Lizzie Adelaide (Miss) Ill North Perry st., Titusville 24916p Cheezum, Alice Colquhoon (Miss) 5908 Green st., Germantow^n 25540i/ Cheezum, Caroline Emory (Miss) 1526 Spruce st., Philadelphia 3233A Chess, Annie B. (Mrs Harvey B.) 816 Aiken ave., Pittsburg 2383A Chess, Mary Boles (Mrs Walter) Wightman st., Pittsburg 29234/1 Chestnut, Anna Lydia Keampfor (Mrs John Graham) Sunbury 19507J/ Chev\^, Mary J. Brov^'n (Mrs Samuel) 1716 Walnut st., Germantown 35984m; Cheyney, Anna Linn (Mrs Howard) 323 Elmira st., Williamsport 6454. Childs, Anne McDowell Price (Mrs Albert H.) Amberson ave., Pittsburg 590A Childs, Caroline Denny Cocoran (Mrs Asa P.).. 607 Shady ave., Pittsburg 32284./ Childs, Lillian Merriam (Miss) Tunkhannock 11744 Childs, Mary Edith (Miss) care of Augusta E. Childs, Philipsburg 28247/ Chittenden, Grace M. (Miss) Paradise 20704s Chorley, Sarah Elizabeth Colladay (Mrs Henry Frank) 1507 North 19th St., Philadelphia 1895 J. Christie, Pauline Watson (Mrs Robert) 725 Eidge ave., Allegheny 8855/ Christy, Mary Rohrer (Mrs Frank) 1220 13th st., Altoona 32269Z) Clampitt, Maude Adele (Miss) Union ave.. Oak Lane, Philadelphia 32270Z) Clampitt, Xenia Claudine (Miss) Union ave.. Oak Lane, Philadelphia 2677A Clapp, Mary Stuart Robinson (Mrs. T. Harold) 221 Fourth ave., Pittsburg 17695 Clapp, Sarah E. (Mrs W. G.) 5222 Greene st., Germantown 29272c Clark, Ann Amelia (Miss) Brookville 30514/ Clark, Anna M. (Mrs James M.) , New Castle 31828^ Clark, Helen Culbertson (Miss) 219 State st., Harrisburg 13720)/ Clark, Irene Hopkins (Mrs Ellis) 124 W. Rittenhouse st., Germantown 13745A Clark, Jean McLean Swan (Mrs J. M.) 450 Fourth ave., Pittsburg 4657.1 Clark, Julia Leach (Mrs Frank Leslie) Sewickley 8773 Clark, Kate Richardson Avery (Mrs J. S.) Allen Lane and Green sts., Ger- mantown 2868/ Clark, Martha Bladen (Miss) 227 E. Orange st., Lancaster 292562?' Clark, M. Elizabeth Reess (Mrs Alfred Craven) 241 Market st., Sunbury 26269 Clark, Mary Brown (Mrs George R.) Peach st., cor. 9th., Erie 32265A Clark, Mary E. (Mrs Charles) Idlewood, Pittsburg 16065?/ Clark, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs W. Goodell) . . . .112 S. 38th st., Philadelphia 30515f Clark, Marv W. (Miss) 141 Neshannock ave., New Castle 26565C Clark, Roliie Marie Elderkin (Miss) 411 W. 6th st., Erie 18919C Clark, Sophy McCrearv (Mrs Henry Alden) 131 E. 6th st., Erie 18920(7 Clarke, Alice Churchill (Mrs Charles Seymour) 231 W. 7th st., Erie 14360/ Clarke, Louise (Mrs Charles L.) 178 E. North st.. New Castle 1047A Clarke, Martha Ella (Miss) 1211 Fayette st., Allegheny 1050-4. Clarke, Mary Dale (Miss) .1211 Fayette st., Allegheny 1046A Clarke, Mary Kingsley (Mrs Cyrus, Jr.) 1211 Fayette st., Allegheny 32664/ Clarke, Mary R. (Miss) 178 E. North st.. New Castle 19492U' Clarke, Virginia Anable (Mrs William P.) 409 E. 3rd st., Williamsport 31847.4 Clarkson, Caroline M. B. (Mrs George T.)..343 Stratford ave., Pittsburg 1! Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. PENNSYLVANIA. 511 8023//' 2ib[)7y 26255; 25i7F 24377 2 Davis, Deborah Scudder Hart (Mrs David) 1437 N. 16th st., Philadelphia 1930f Davis, Frances Isabel (Miss) 276 Center st., Meadville 8015a; Davis, Hannah Wynn Compton (Mrs) Old Lancaster Pioad, Philadelphia 33449Z Davis, Mary Gardner (Miss) 1120 14th ave., Altoona 33449f Davis, Maude Long, (Mrs William Herman) Kane 35995;/ Davis, Susan Ashley (Miss) Springville 32672?/ Dawson, Caroline S. (Miss) 908 Franklin st., Philadelphia 3320 Dawson, Elizabeth Amelia Saj^re (Mrs Eodman Browne) N. 13th and Bush- kill sts., Easton 24917/J Dawson, Ella North (Mrs Alfred Hunt) 5908 Green st., Gerniantown 28744s Dawson, Marie Louise (Miss) 1420 Mt. Vernon st., Philadelphia 15277A- Day, Helen Mar (Mrs Oliver) Tunkhannoek 30166s Day, Olive Sophia (Miss) 1824 Arch st., Philadelphia 12447m Dayton, Deborah Catharine Kuvkendall (Mrs George A.) Towanda 349530 Dean, Elizabeth May Chapman (Mrs W. H.) 167 W. River st., Wilkes-Barre 34361A Dean, Jeannette Anderson Laird (Mrs George W.) 4916 Wallingford st., Pittsburg 33955A Dean, Lyde Winans (Mrs Frank A.) 1233 Fayette st., Allegheny 22388 Deans, Clara Barr (Mrs John Sterling) Phoenixville 16476K Deans, Priscilla Lj'ons (Mrs Charles Woodbury) . .Main st., Phoenixville 10763a? De Armond. Elizabeth W. (Mrs George J.) Merion Station 34935H Decker, Helen Mar (Mrs Perry L.) Towanda 2739010 Deemer, Laura Hunt (Miss) 711 W. 4th st., Williamsport 27392«? Deemer, Lulu May (Miss) 711 W. 4th st., Williamsport 2739171? Deemer, Marv Lillian (Miss) 711 W 4th st., Williamsport 27910I> Deetz, Catharine Lavinia (Mrs Charles D.) 2028 N. 8th st., Philadelphia 107586 De Haven. Sarah Cole (Miss) Westtown 292440 Deichmann, Ellen Matteson (Mrs Abraham S.) 8 Centre Square, Easton 32049* Delancy, Mattie Washburn (Mrs John E.) Roaring- Branch 25881A Dempster, Ella Davenport (Mrs A.) Stanton & Euclid sts.. Pittsburg 32256^- Denehev, Fannie Herr (Mrs William Robert) 1423 N. Front st., Harrisburg 60437/ Denis, Ellen Lott (Miss) 4001 Walnut st., Philadelphia 7331?/ Denis, Emma L. (Mrs E. E.) ,. .4001 Walnut st., Philadelphia 4837/ Denis, Helene (Miss) 19th and Chester sts.. Chester 5523; Denis. Marietta N. Randolph (Mrs Narciose F. H.) 1805 N. Logan Square, Philadelphia 9320t Denison. Caroline Peterson Mahon (Mrs Harvey S.) The Stratford, Phil- adelphia 30180D Denney, Katharine A. (Miss) 1609 E. 3rd st., Philadelphia 32264.4 Denniston, Edith Darlington (Miss) 4711 Mariepoe ave., E. End, Pittsburg 32263A Denniston, Eliza Olver (Miss) 4711 Mariepoe ave., E. End, Pittsburg 11309A Denniston, Nannie E. (Mrs J. F.) 428 Denniston ave., Pittsburg 516A Denny, Matilda Wilkin s (Miss) 713 Eidge ave., Allegheny 1937b Derr.Mary Virginia Weidman (Mrs Cyrus G.) 147 N. 6th st., Reading 32285J DersheimeV, Amv Elizabeth (Mrs C. Oscar) Tunkhannoek 17529 Despard, Diana M. (Miss) . , 1432 Pine st., Philadelphia 30495« Detweiler. Mary Stowe (Mrs Benjamin H.) 327 E. 3rd St., Williamport 28249fc De Witt, Amy Harding (Mrs Clinton G.) Pittston 22996/ Dickeson, Ada Sidney Turner Cooper (Mrs William Eunice) Media 145S4A Dickey, Anna Linda "(Mrs Samuel) 348 S. Highland ave., Pittsburg 6957 Dickson, Anna H. (Mrs Thomas S.) Kittanning 989 A Dickson, Kate Giithrie (Mrs Thomas Huntington) McKees Eocks riatherine Schuvler Chapter, N. Rochelle Chapter, 111. 33 Caesar Rodney Chapter, N. J. 514 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E. 200720 Dickson, Ivatliarine Swetland Pettibone (Mrs Allan H.) 75 North River St., Wilkes-Barre 119980 Dickson, Laura Hancock Heynolds (Mrs James P.) Scranton 1371A Dickson, Sarah Hanna Caldwell (Mrs John S.) 739 Eidge ave., Allegheny 12912/ Diehl, Sarah Mcllvain (Miss) 3624 Chestnut st., Philadelphia 3249y Dillard, Sallie Poultney (Mrs Henry K.) 234 S. 20th st., Philadelphia 1741i Diiler, Lydia (Miss) 239 E. Orange st., Lancaster 2863f Dillworth, Elizabeth Shryock Gill (Mrs John) 1106 S. Water St., Meadville 25553A Dinger, Mary S. Bier (Mrs Henry Frank) ....46 Fairmount st., Pittsburg 34925a Dinges, Catherine Miles Green (Mrs Clevan) Belief onte 32654g Disniukes, Maude Amelia Hench (Mrs D. E.) 1015 N. Front st., Harrisburg 20679D Disston, Effie Fleming (Mrs Jacob Steelman) Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia 9316y Dixon, Mary Q. (Mrs George D.) Eosemont 287466- Dixon, N alia Walker (Mrs Lewis) 1428 Pine st., Philadelphia 243522/ Dobbins, Laura E. (Miss) 1811 Arch st., Philadelphia 243532/ Dobbins, Mai-y A. (Miss) 1808 Eittenhouse Square, Philadelphia 4732/= Dockstader, Carrie Belle (Miss) 1093 S. Water st., Meadville 33634? Dodge, Anne Seymour Quinn (Mrs L.) 554 N. Duke St., Lancaster 22998/i Dodge, Helen Frost (Mrs William Henry) Towanda 13723?/ Dodge, Mary A. E. (Mrs Guy P.) Ardmore 15918W Dodson, Harriet E. Walker (Mrs Eichard T.) Arnot 30168 1; Dodson, Jane E. Craig (Mrs Weston) Bethlehem 4950i; Dodson, Maria E. (Mrs Charles M.) Bethlehem 16459(0 Doebler, Elizabeth Hepburn (Mrs V. S.) 1044 W. 4th St., Williamsport 1646i<; Doebler, Mercy Anna (Mrs Valentine) 1044 W. 4th st., Williamsport 2978?/ Donaldson, Elizabeth Aj'res (Mrs Wm. F.) 2003 Chestnut st., Philadelphia 2557J^ Donnel, P]lizabeth (Miss) Simbury 2556i^ Donnel, Frances M. F. (Miss) 212 Market sq., Williamsport 195142/ Doran, Marie Louise (Miss) 120 S. 19th st., Philadelphia 13776 Dorris, Julia Miles (Mrs William) 401 Penn st., Huntingdon 2337* Douglass, Eliza Jane Pease (Mrs J. D.) 142 Mai^le ave., Germantown 22389;/ Dreer, Abigail Dickinson (Miss) 1520 Spruce st., Philadelphia 29862/ Dreer, Anna Williams (Mrs William F.) 714 Chestnut st., Philadelphia 14370i? Dreisbach, Anne Kaler (Mrs H. Grant) — Lewisburg 2354310 Du Bois, Jessie Elizabeth (Miss) ' 525 W. 4th st., Williamsport 31872m Bu Bois, Willie Gambill (Mrs John E.) Dubois 27883.S Dudley, Alice M. (Miss) 1518 Arch st.. Philadelphia 282510 Dudley, Lillian T. (ISIrs W. H.) >. .3 Center sq., Easton 16332$ Duerr*. Stella Merit Abbott (Mrs Harry O.) . .Seneca st.. South Bethlehem 17819L Duffield, Imelda M. (Miss) Elk st., Franklin 20053W Duffy, Amy M. T. Wilkins Covert (Mrs Charles) Park Hotel, Williamsport 25528(0 Duffy, Frances Charlotte Covert (Miss) Park Hotel. Williamsport 270730' Dull," Helen Montgomery Boyd (Mrs A. P. L.) 211 N. Front st.. Harrisburg 14372i/ Duncan, Margaret 1. (Miss) Lewisburg 23557D Dunlap, Elizabeth Notson Borden (Mrs John, Jr.) 909 N. 16th st., Phila- delphia 243562/ Dunn, Frances L. (Mrs William E.) 800 N. 63rd st., Philadelphia 4669? Dunn, Kate C. (Mrs Thomas D.) 11 W. Biddle st.. West Chester 29677/) Dunn, ]SIabel Adelaide (Miss) 1684 Harrison St., Frankford, Philadelphia 25882D Dunn, Mary Hoover (Mrs J.) 1684 Harrison St., Frankford, Philadelphia 12443/ Dunn, Mary L. (Miss) Garrettf ord 213020 Dunning, Kate Arnot (Miss) 251 S. .Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre 213030 Dunning, Maria White Qliss) 251 S. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre 28751s Durand, Marian Emily (Miss) 4822 Cedar ave., Philadelphia 137322/ Durant. Clara Elizabeth (Mrs Frederick Clark) 228 W. Eittenhouse Square, Philadelphia 32271I> Durham, Mathilde E. (Mrs Thomas F.) 1323 Pine st., Philadelphia 27867/' Dutton, Charlotte Eeed (Miss) Erie 2386A Duxbury, Felicia Hagans (Mrs) Confluence 31827? Eaby, Eachel Alice (Mrs George W.) Lancaster 341356* Eariiart, Emogene Marie (Dr) 222 W. 8th st.. Erie 33080.4 Earhart, Margaret Boyd (Mrs Joseph) Chicora 1048A Earl, Ella Kingsley (Mrs Edwin F) 1213 Fayette st., Allegheny Colonial Chapter, Minn. I Captain Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, N. J. PENNSYLVANIA. 515 34251* 2T0S9A 28733/ 6046P 30155/ 3o557Qf , 19436 19518Z> 86050 2355SD 14373C' 2S739f/ 29237/ 32305(Z S26QK 1439 If/ 28266f 30163s 3049S(/ 31S59Z) 32912s 273S2 14496t 29289 3250(/ 5173(/ 6619jV 674A 26287(Z 51631/ 30161s 20668 iP 13775lf 3232s 28736/) 278S6r 36002 11745 18147F 1299S(Z 25527(7 17255.V 2458& 24333/) 20683?/ 10230/ 20058r 9342 f 28242f 7328/" 32260(/ 2707SS 14374jE; 4262^: 15921 2175SA' 195207) 41iY 28261s 19510// 24385'D Earnshaw, Margaret Taylor (Mrs E. H.) 5029 Morris st., Germantown Eaton, Emily Craft (Mrs Percival J.) 131 X. Hilaud ave., E. E. Pittsburg Ebernian, Anna Hopkins (Mrs Edwin, Jr.) 731 N. Duke St., Lancaster Ebert, Mary Scheller (Mrs Henry A.) 142 S. Beaver st., York Ebert, Susannah Jones (Mrs H. K.) .\V. Pittston Eby, Fanny Mae (Miss) 2030 3rd st., N. Harrisburg Eckert, Mary Trexler (Mrs George Brown) 138 S. 5th st., Reading Eddowes, Kathryn Massey (Mrs Archie B.)..826 N. 21st st., Philadelphia Edgar, Lucretia Copp (Mrs Francis W.) 143 Bushkill st., Easton Edwards, Christianna A. (Mrs John E.)..1728 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Edwards, Ida Moe (Mrs Thomas A.) Bucknell University, Lewisburg Egle, Catharine Irwin (Miss) 305 N. 2nd st., Harrisburg Ehler, Laura Bell Ellmaker (Mrs Charles L.) 204 E. King st., Lancaster Eickbaum, Julia A. Beebe (Mrs William) Pleasantville Eisenberg, Harriet Dawes (Mrs Philip Y.)..221 W. Main st., Norristown Eisenbrey, Alice McNeill (Mrs W. Harrison) 1717 Locust st., Philadelphia Eisenhart, Metta Focke (Mrs Clarence E.) Ill Market st., E. Yoi-k Eldridge, Lina Budd Hawley (Mrs) 1337 N. Broad st., Philadelphia Elkins, Maria Louise Broomall (Mrs W. L.) Hotel Flanders, PhiladeliJhia El linger, Emily HartTustin (Mrs TheophileJ.) 737 N. 41st st., Philadelphia Elliott, Helena Wilbur (Mrs) Bryn Mawr Elliott, Minnie (Miss) 4237 Walnut st., Philadelphia Ellis, Harriet Emily C. (Mrs Theodore Horatio) Tiona Ellis, Henrietta Zeilin "Wilson (Mrs Amos) Care Mrs A.. M. Wilson, N. W., cor. 9th and Filbert sts.. Philadelphia Ellis, Mary Reed (Mrs William S.) ' Pottstown Ellison, Ellen F. (Mrs William P.) 1526 Walnut st., Philadelphia Ellison. Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Henry Howard) 1314 Locust st., Philadelphia Ely, Mary H. B. (Mrs George W.) 352 Locust st., Columbia Ely, Mary Rodman Updike (Mrs) 923 Bidwell st., Allegheny Emerson, Lilian Ellis (Mrs John Leonard) Titusville Emerson, Mary Crawford Suplee (Mrs Harrington) 417 W. Chelten ave., Germantown Emerson, Mary Eaton (Miss) 4719 Chester ave., Philadelphia Emery, Emily Judson (Mrs William W.) 535 W. 4th st., Williamsport Emerv, Marv'White (Mrs W^illiam) 835 W. 4th st., Williamsport Emmons, Bertha Ewart (Mrs Charles D. M.) 3225 Wallace st., Philadelphia Emory, Emilie jS". (Mrs John) 115 Maplewood ave., Germantown Endey, Ida Y. Berger (Mrs William Gilbert) Bethlehem Endsley, Mary Connelly (Mrs James William) Somerfield Engle, Gertrude Secor (Mrs Louis) Dunmore Engle, Jane Weaver Haas (Mrs Norman J.) Sunbury Ensign, Mary Jenkins (Mrs Henry Le Grand) Ardmore Ent. Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Wellington H.) Bloomsburg Erben, Emma Ten Broeck (Mrs W.)..2021 De Lancey Place. Philadelphia Ermentrout, Adelaide Louise Metzger (Mrs Daniel) .. .Hill Road, Reading Ermentrout, May C. (Miss) 750 N. 2nd st., Reading Ernst, Olivia Fitler Davis (Mrs William) ISOO S. Logan st.. Philadelphia Eshleman, Emma Harriett (Mrs Silas K.) Leaman Place Esser, Mary Caroline Mott (Mrs Oscar O.) Sayre Essex, Anna (Miss) 485 Chestnut st., Meadville Essex, Maria (Miss) Cambridge Springs Essig. Mary Sturges (Mrs Charles J.) Wallingf ord Este", Christine E. (Mrs Charles) 4111 Baltimore ave., Philadelphia Evans, Anna Mahr (Mrs Jason) "Aldine Hotel," Philadelphia Evans, Annie (Miss) Lewisburg Evans, Annie R. (Mrs Miller D.) 19 High st., Pottstown Evans, Catharine Elizabeth Wheeler (Mrs John H.) 301 W. 3rd st.. Oil City Evans, Ellen (Miss) 522 Swede st., Norristown Evans, Eliza Allen (Miss) Lansdowne Evans, Lilian, Slaymaker (Miss) 432 Locust st., Columbia Evans, Lilie Feinour (Miss) 1908 Green st., Philadelphia Evsns, Louise Knowles (Mrs Clarence) Upland Evans, Margaret Worrall (Miss) ,822 N. 23rd st., Philadelphia Camp Middlebrook Chapter, N. J. Elizabeth Cook Chapter, Del. 516 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 33971W Evans, Mary J. Fuller (Mrs) Dubois 262651/ Evans, Mary Shipman McCalla (Mrs Louis P.) 124 S. 12th st., Philadelphia 24392iV Evans, Mary Shoh (Mrs Samuel) 432 Locust st., Columbia 5531Z> Evans, Minnie Smith Carhart (Mrs Theodore) Lansdowne 24366// Evans, Rebecca Levels (Mrs Allen) Haverford 24386D Evans, Sarah A. (Miss) 822 N. 23rd st., Philadelphia 13748A Everson, Clara Eeese (Mrs John Q.) 200 Homewood ave., Pittsburg 8606 Eyerman, Lucy Evelyn Maxwell (Mrs John) Oakhurst, Easton SlSSlg Eager, Ella Elizabeth (Miss) 122 Walnut st., Harrisburg 34937g Eager, Susan Hummel (Mrs Charles B.) 120 Walnut st., Harrisburg 27911Z» Fairbrother, Laura Grant (Mrs Ealph E.) 545 N. 16th st., Philadelphia 12630 Fargo, Georgene Louise Watkinson (Mrs Frank Millar) 36tli and Keed sts., Philadelphia 12973A Farley, Fannie Livingston (Mrs William T.) 4760 Wallingford st., Pittsburg 2830 Farnham, Augusta Dorrance (Mrs A.) 90 W. South st., Wilkes-Barre 3245 Farnum, Isabelle B. Thomas (Mrs) 3607 Chestnut st., Philadelphia 8027 Farquhar, Frances Elizabeth (Mrs Guy E.) Pottsville 5861A Farrar, Marietta Cooke (Mrs S. C.) . . . T Clavton ave., Allegheny 26288d Farwell, Anna (Miss) ."' Titusville 9336L Fassett, Leah J. Dale (IStrs L. H.) 1411 Elk st.. Franklin 15270fc Fear, Elvira, Augusta (Mrs S.) Lindon st., P. 0. Box No. 224, W. Pittston 28260s Feinour, Eliza A. (Miss) 1908 Green st., Philadelphia 2024f Fell, Eliza Hampton (Mrs) 127 North ave., Allegheny 26277D Fell, Mary Ann (Mrs) 319 N. 16th st., Philadelphia 7596g Felton, Alice Bent (Mrs Edgar Conway) Overbrook 16040* Fenger, Elizabeth M. (Mrs Charles C.) Philadelphia 19466 Ferguson, Anna Eodman Jones (Mrs Nathaniel) . .227 N. 5th st., Reading 278991/ Fernberger, Julia W. (Mrs Henry) 1332 Spring Garden st., Philadelphia 15172;y Ferree, Annie Appleton (Mrs Samuel Patterson) 822 Pine st., Philadelphia 151732/ Ferree, Annie Drown (Miss) 822 Pine st., Philadelphia 5548d Fertig, Laura Patterson (Mrs John H.) Care Standard Oil Company, Sing- apore, Straits Settlements, or Titusville 23000W Fessler, Mary M. (Mrs Henry S.) Elkland 25558 Finley, Emma Louisa Moses (Mrs Albert W.) New Salem 31077/ Firth, Eva Emma Foster (Mrs Henry E.) Marietta ave., Lancaster 112925; Fisher, Annie Schall (Mrs Irwin) Chestnut st., Norristown 20694D Fisher, Clara SlinglufP (Mrs) 617 De Kalb st., Norristown 1610 Fisher, Louise Bogert Rej-nolds (Mrs B. Frank, Jr.) 1205 Belmont ave., Philadelphia 47801 Fisher, Mary Tyler Gatchell (Mrs Ellicott) "The Aldine," Philadelphia 16635Z) Fisher, Miriam R. (Mrs Warren T.) Ridley Park 25530A Fitch, Eleanor Sherman (Miss) 5598 Baum st., Pittsburg 33957A Fitch, Gray Morrison Emery (Mrs Thomas W. Jr.) 234 Craig st., Pittsburg 5522A Fitch, Maria Ewing Sherman (Mrs Thomas W.) 5598 Baum st., Pittsburg 8174A Fitler, Frederika Crosman (Mrs Frederick K.) 1310 Ridge ave., Allegheny 262662/ Fitler, Nannie M. (Mrs Edwin H., Jr.) 1530 Walnut st., Philadelphia 20705s Flagg, Laura May Hellings (Mrs G.) 2019 Spring Garden st., Phialdelphia 33081A Fleming, Harriet*^ Louise (Mrs Robert James) 4737 Bayard st., Pittsburg 20680s Fleming Lucy Tarr (Mrs David) Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia 27800A Flenniken, Caroline (Miss) Edgewood 27889A Flenniken, Eoselma (Miss) Edgewood 26289rf Fletcher, Mary Anne Chase (Mrs Renal D.) 183 W. Central ave., Titusville 27104d Fletcher, Mary Chase (Miss) 183 W. Central ave., Titusville 31090D Fletcher, Mav Austin (Miss) 1721 N. Park ave., Philadelphia 15911; Flickwir, Sallie (Miss) 309 E. Broad st.. Chester 30149f Flower, Mary Artemesia (Miss) Cambridge Springs 21192+ Fobes, Lois Gilbert Strong (Mrs John R.) Oil City 33963y Focht, Carrie Reeves (Mrs William) 4821 Windsor ave., Philadelphia 102320 Fogel, Anna Jane (Miss) 182 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre 8009t3 Fogel, Minnie Grace (Miss) Fogelsville 339531P Foley, Elizabeth M. (Miss) , 850 W. 4th st., Williamsport 21324W Follmer, A. Maude Schoch (Mrs H.) Huntington 9827i Fon Dersmith, Ida Margaretta Slaj^maker (Mrs Frank B.) 546 N. Duke st., Lancaster * Ruth Wyllys Chapter, Conn. t Olean Chapter, N. Y. t Baltimore Chapter, Md. PENNSYLVANIA. 517 15271/2 2ioiSiV 2773K 10144 20047// .30152 i 19522Z> 14375£ 31830(7 262965: 17817A .30151f .29100* 13717// 27868f 318421/ 30179D 26259s 25S7S.S 21 308.9 9^411.1 3235.1 13746A 1540)/ 1450Z 26276D 8028 12452 20G57r 32249f 19498!/ 326780 35546f 4339;/ 3361B 36487r> 12451E' 27103(? 2771f 33972»i 33971HI 7480. 18146P 14460c 15381 sseoiJ 10760r 8864a 8614;- 28262 305181 27404 30186f 189220 27403P 20055 W 1S14210 20056(0 26554H) 20057»' 1646170 27402P Ford, Ellen (Mrs Thomas) West Pittston Foresman, Margaret Smith (Mrs H. Melick) 2156 ^V. 4th st., Williamsport Fornance, Ellen Knox (Mrs Joseph) W. Main St., Norristown Forney, Jane Eichardson (Mrs James) League Island Navy Yard, Phila- delphia Forrest, Emma Safford (Mrs Molten H.) 2000 Spruce St., Philadelphia Forster, Elizabeth E. (Miss) U. S. Indian School, Carlisle Forster, Ella List (Mrs Robert Elder) 313 N. 34th St., Philadelphia Forster, Helen Gordon (Mrs William) Lewisburg Forster, Margaret Van Valzah (Miss) 1205 N. 2nd st., Harrisburg Foster, Elizabeth Lee Naile (Mrs Thomas C.) Wissinoming, Station F, Philadelphia Foster, Harriette Dunglison (Mrs W. S.) 252 Shady ave., Pittsburg Foster, Marion Gray Thorp (Mrs William Eugene) ..Cambridge Springs Foster, Mary J. (Mrs C^harles D.) 29 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Fox, Eleanor Landell (Miss) The Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia Fox, Maybell B. (Mrs Frank Mason) Erie Francis Sara Bliven (Mrs Charles King) ..4037 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Franklin, Elsie N. (Mrs Melvin M.) 1700 Oxford St., Philadelphia Franklin, Mariana Wills (Miss) 2013 Upland Way, Overbrook Franklin, Marianna Cadwallader (Mrs M.)..2007 Upland Way, Overbrnok Franklin, Mary Louise (Mrs Clarence) 1638 Fairmont are., Philadelphia Franks, Thetta Quay (Mrs Robert A.) Sewicklej- Fraser, Irene Cowan (Mrs Chas. Duncan) 1045 Murray Hill ave., Pittsburg Frazer, Elizabeth M. (Mrs) Shady ave. above Fifth ave., Pittsburg Frazer, Sallie Mason Waterman (Mrs Reah) "The Lincoln," Philadelphia Frazer, Susan Carpenter (Miss) 38 N. Lime st., Lancaster Frazier, Anna M. (Mrs John W.) 3812 Spruce st., Philadelphia Freeby, Isabella Nemons (Miss) S. Franklin st., Washington Freeby, Sarah Margaret (Miss) S. Franklin st., Washington Freeman, Ethel Bell Goodell (Mrs W. 6.).. 723 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Freeman, Marj- Elizabeth Wilcox (INIrs George R.) Cambridge Springs Freeman, Mary Patten (Mrs Harold Augustus) St. Davids, Philadelphia French, Esther Wadhams (Miss) Forty Fort Frew, Emma Jane Woodworth (Mrs James H.) 260 Reid ave.. New Castle Frick, Emma B. (Miss) , 529 E. Broad st., Chester Frick, Ida (Miss) Lewisburg Fritz, Mary (Mrs John G.) 377 S. Darlington st.. West Chester Fruit, Lucretia Chamberlin (Miss) Lewisburg Fulf ord, Nannie E. (Mrs) Clearfield Fuller, Elizabeth Magaw (Mrs Albert Milton) 583 Chestnut st., Meadville Fuller, Kate Florence Kelly (Mrs William C.) Dubois Fuller, Mary J. (Mrs Sidney) Dubois Fuller, Ruth Parrish (Mrs Henry A.) 28 South River st., Wilkes-Barre Fulton, Louise A. (Miss) Muddy Creek Forks Fultz, Anna M. (Mrs) Frazer Fundenberg, Jennie Horton (Mrs Walter H.) 5805 5th ave., Pittsburg Furman, Sarah Alden (Mrs George Roberts) Russell Hill Furst, Annie Brown (Mrs Albert S.) Cedar Springs Furst, Caroline Watson (Mrs Austin Owen) Belief onte Furst, Jennie Beaver (Mrs Cline G.) 220 Water st.. Lock Haven Gage, Marie Louise Burton (Mrs D. T.) 4711 Chester ave., W. Philadelphia Gageby, Emma Fend (Miss) 323 Main st., Johnstown Gageby, Mary E.* (Miss) P. O. Box 126, Johnstown Gageby, Susan A. (Miss) 18 W. Falls st.. New Castle Galbraith, Winifred Downing (Mrs Davenport) 259 W. 6th st., Erie Gamble, Anna Dill (Miss) Cor. Duke and Cottage Place, York Gamble, Barrie (Miss) 157 E. 3rd st., Williamsport Gamble, Creacy E. (Mrs John A.) 157 E. 3rd st., Williamsport Gamble, Ellen 'Gamble (Miss) 157 E. 3rd st., Williamsport Gamble, Isabel White (Miss) 835 W. 4th st., Williamsport Gamble, Margaret Brown (Miss) 157 E. 3rd st., Williamsport Gamble, Martha White (Miss) 835 W. 4th st., Williamsport Gamble, Phinie Miller (Mrs) Cor. Duke and Cottage Place, York • Colonel Lowry Chapter, N. J. Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. 518 DIEECTORY, D. A. E. 1 Till ^''''h ' Elizabeth Batterson (Miss) 35 N. Lime st., Lancaster 16589t Gardner, Lucy Thomson (Mrs) Holliriavshiira- 33958.1 Gardner, \iolet McClure (Mrs E. Roy) Bunola ^ll70n ^«^-l«"d- Eb^a McFadden Bailey (Mrs J. W.) 210 S. Euclid ave., Pittsbur| lltlll ?'■'■''■■ it''\^^-J^^:^. <^^^^'l^^) State Hospital. Harrisburi llilon ?''''''■' ^/'''^^T'^- ^V.V'.'^ \ State Hospital. Harrisbur^ Itlr-ln p'"''''-"' c "^ Y- ^^ T^"" ^^.T^ 1930 Wallace st., Philadelphia l^tL^n S^T"' ^°i?^? ^^''°'' ^^""^ William J.).... 1930 Wallace st., Philadelphia ?ic^on g^^!°"' Elizabeth Blanche (Miss) 2833 Diamond st., Philadelphia ^}a„.P ^«ston, Ida Estelle (Miss) 2833 Diamond st., Philadelphia l««f^ ^^^f ^"V S^^'^^^- }y- (^^^^ E- T-) South Bethlehem 4b63A Gayley, Julia Gardiner (Mrs James) 5519 5th ave.. Pittsburg- 14591fir Gearhart, Amanda H. (Miss) Sunbury st.. Riverside, Danville 12969fir Gearhart, Emeline Stuart (Miss) W. Market st., Danville 6926r Geary, Allison White (Mrs Benjamin F.)..317 W. Main st.. Lock Haven 34942D Geisler, Kate J. (Miss) 1417 Tioga st., Philadelphia 271080 George. Grace Smith (Mrs John Kerr) Waverlv 9810« Gephart. Ella Hayes (Mrs J. W.) Belief onte 82391J/ Gerry, Lizzie G. Corey (Mrs Frederick R.) 37 S. 19th st., Philadelphia 13729?y Getchell. Frederica Constantia (Mrs F. H.) 1432 Spruce st., Philadelphia 20661i Getz. Lizzie (Miss) 39 S. Lime st.. Lancaster 243622/ Giger, Emma Alder (Mrs Frederick Sidney) 3703 Locust st.,W. Philadelphia 10759P Gilbert, Annie Hay Davis (Mrs Benjamm S.) W. Market st.. York 2772/= Gill, Blanch St owe (Mrs William) "The Terrace," Meadville 11761A Gillespie, Ada Robinson (Mrs Wm. K.) 1310 Western ave., Allea-heny 10773J/ Gillespie, Elizabeth Duane, (Mrs Archibald H.) 250 S. 21st st., Philadelphia 27894A Gilmore, Hattie Grymes (Mrs Edvs'ard) • Sewickley 1252J/ Gilpin, Emily Ogilvie (Mrs Hood) 260 S. 15th st.. Philadelphia 88441/ Gilpin. Alice (Miss) 721 Locust st., Philadelphia 11296tt Gilroy, Mary Ann Gloninger (Mrs H. E.) 9th & Cumberland sts.. Lebanon 143862V Given, Mary Bruner (Mrs William Barnes) Chestnut and 4th sts., Columbia 2296V Glace, M. Jennie Stark (Mrs William H.) Catasauqua 31008^ Glenn. Alice Pearson (Mrs John T.) 75 North st., New Castle 17813n Gloninger. Anne Wiley (Mrs Andrev? B.) Lebanon 33099^; God Charles. Elizabeth' Hobart, (Miss) Milton 33098^ God Charles. Lizzie Burkenbine (Mrs C. A.) Milton 19531 Godfrey, Mary (Miss) Radnor 8262D Goebel, Emilv Dunn (Mrs George) 1601 Columbia ave., Philadelphia 31093 Goldsmith, Olivia G. Nathans (Mrs Meyer) 2014 N. 12th st., Philadelphia Good, Helen Elizabeth (Mrs Daniel F.) ..316 N. FairvieAV st.. Lock Haven Goodell, Mary Sener (Miss) 408 W. James st., Lancaster Goodhart, Rosanna Hamilton (Mrs James M.) Lewistown GoodAvin, Ellla R. (Mrs J. B.) 4922 Warrenton ave., Philadelphia 994A Gordon, Eliza Horner (Mrs Franklin M.) 1108 Wood St., Pittsburg- 4949G Gordon. Mary W. (Mrs Cyrus) Clearfield 6303r 31076^ 14390ff 24428y 36490/ Gore, Cynthia Farnham (Mrs Wm. Henry Harrison) Athens 1527272 Gorman, Annette Jenkins (Mrs C. R.) Pittston 4255A - - . 28088* 22396 25876r 22395C 76102/ Gormly, Grace Adele (Miss) 819 Lilac st., Pittsburg- Goss. Harriet Long Fellows Barrett (Mrs) Cambra Gould, Edwina Ensign (Miss) 20 W. 8th st.. Erie Gould, Emma E. (Miss) 320 W. Main st.. Lock Haven Gould, Mary Ensign (Mrs Edward Powell) : . . .. 20 W. 8th st.. Erie Govett, Elizabeth Jones (Mrs Annesley R.)..Cor. Walnut and 36th sts., Philadelphia 23703|| Graeber. Minnie Evelyn Karsner (Mrs Daniel B.) 3419 Ridge ave., Phila- ' delphia 4510 Graeme. Ella Hendrick Wright (Mrs Thomas) 34 S. River st., Wilkes-Barre 19496?/ GraflP. Clara E. (Miss) Ardmore 24361?/ GrafP. Tsabelle Audenreid (Miss) 4048 Walnut' st.,' "Philadelphia 8110+ Graff, Katharine Edith Arndt (Mrs Charles F.) . . . .Oak Lane, Philadelphia 129, 6A Grafton, Elizabeth Mason B. H. (Mrs William McColough) Rewickly t Mary Clapp Wooster Chapter, Conn. * Council Bluffs Chapter, Iowa. II John Pettigrew Chapter, Dpi. t Caesar Rodney Chapter, Del. PENNSYLVANIA. 519 30176;/ Graham, Elizabeth Ann (]\liss) 3918 Spruce st., Philadelphia 3241 Graham, Fannie Alice (Miss) Lewisburg 15247 J Graham. Sarah Maria Meredith (Mrs William Gibson) Tunkhannock "8847^ Granlees, Svisan U. I. S. (Mrs W.) "The Kittatinny," Delaware Water Gap 677 A Gray, Alice (Miss) Watson Roads, Sewickley 23552C Gray, Anna J. (Mrs Thomas H.) 23' W. 10th st., Erie 34373//t Gray, Blanche Mead (Mrs Ezra S.) Dubois 31103 Gray, Cora E. Sanborn (Mrs Samuel Huson) Franklin 1372A Gray, Mary Hanna (Miss) Watson Eoads, Sewickley 29274e Gray, Mary Julia (Mrs William Henry) •• .Brookville 31101 Green, Elizabeth Dickinson (Miss) 239 S. 5th st., Reading 33073a Green, Emma (Miss) Belief onte 1870311 Green, Emma M. (Mrs HoAvard W.) Easton 200730 Green, Martha Searle (Mrs James Dean) Wyoming 2241011 Greene, Martha Arey (Mrs Merritt) Shields 2553F Greenoug-h, Mary C. ^ (Mrs William J.) Sunbury 213237; Greg-orv, Annie Knig-ht (Mrs B. F.) Selins Groye 3228(5./ Grenyille, Anna W. (Mrs Thomas B.) Tunkhannock 1437G£ Gretzinger. Mary Stoner (Mrs W. C.)..Bucknell Uniyersity, Lewisburg 6942.1 Grier, Adelaide Paulson (Mrs James Aiken) 925 BidAvell st., Allegheny 10221 J. Griffith, Jennie S. (Mrs Samuel B.) 640 Maryland ave., Pittsburg 26552 Griffith, Mary Catherine (Miss) 1531 Locust st., Philadelphia 1298S« Griffiths, Anne Maria (Miss) Towanda 10S3« Griffiths, Mattie Morse (Mrs Patton W.) 24 Main St., Towanda 25888L Grimm, Emily S. (Mrs Edward F.) 1421 Elk st., Franklin 17262?/ Griscom, Dora Ingham Hale (Mrs W^illiam W.) Haverford 3248// Griscom, Frances Canby (Mrs Clement Acton) Haverford 12004/; Groff, Margaret Marshall (Mrs George G.) Lewisburg 3015Sf/ Gross, Nancy CrisAvell (Mrs Edward Z.) 23 N. Front st., Harrisburg 29475: Groveman, Sarah Byrnes E. (Mrs William K. M.) Bridgeport 1761?/ Grubb, Daisy Elizabeth Brooke (Miss) 2105 Walnut st., Philadelphia 26290(f Grumbine, Anette Farwell (Mrs) Titnsville 9302-4 Guffey. Pauletta (Miss) 5200 Liberty ave., Pittsburg 152450 Giiie, "Emola B. (Miss) Wilkes-Barre 11748// Guilford, Adeline Elder (Miss) 9th and Cumberland sts.. Lebanon 3737.4 Guthrie, Annie S. (Miss) Ellsworth ave., Pittsburg 1465.4. Guthrie, Maria Louisa (Miss) McKees Rocks 1467A Guthrie, Mary Kilbreth (Miss) McKees Rocks 27913D Hahn, Clara (Mrs Henry) 1403 N. 19th st., Philadelphia 25157 Haines, Maud Hnghes Stone (Mrs) 4305 Walnut st., Philadelphia 6586* Halcomb, Annah Sumner Teale (Mrs Charles) . .701 Ridge ave., Allegheny 5509(7 Haldeman, Caroline R. (Mrs Jacob S.) Commonwealth Hotel, Harrisburg 93337 Haldeman. Margaretta Cameron (Mrs R. J.) 219 S. Front st., Harrisburg 28759A'' Haldeman, Mary J. (Mrs Levi S.) Marietta 27115i\^ Haldeman, Maud (Miss) Marietta 36468)/ Hale, Helen Rodgers (Mrs Benjamin Taylor) Towanda 25542,)/ Hale, Mary Louise (Miss) 4428 Paul st., Frankford, Philadelphia 143667 Haley, Ann Wayne (Miss) West Chester 29275c Hall, Alice Keith (Mrs Clarence R.) Rejoioldsville 31854J. Hall, Augusta Day (IMrs William Maclay) 513 S. Highland ave., Pittsburg 26566(7. Hall, Mary Haines (Miss) ". 203 E. Central ave., Titusville 12984/) Hall, Ulilfa Hoyt Tracy (Mrs Louis Manning) 101 York ave., Towanda 33089D Halliday, Margaret Cushing (Mrs James) 2031 Arch st., Philadelphia 16333t Halliday, Mary Adelaide Forsyth (Mrs Merit) Market st., Bethlehem 32555t Hallock, Isabella Hull McLean (Mrs W. E.) 5th and Aiken aves., Pittsburg 10222.1 Hamilton. Carolyn Penney Haney (Mrs W. D.) 940 North ave.. Allegheny 3916(7 Hamilton, Isabella Cass Hamilton (Mrs Hugh) 315 Walnut st.. Harrisburg 32670)/ Hamilton, Olivia (ISIrs Charles L.) 264 W. Walnut Lane, Germantown 34358/i' Hammond, Frances Brady (Mrs John) Watsontown 4860§ Hammond, Harriet Habersham May (Mrs M. Clande) 1032 Spruce st., Philadelphia 11747« Hammond, Sarah (Miss) Lebanon II Nova Caesarea Chapter, N. J. y Martha Jefferson Chapter, Iowa. * Onondaga Chapter, N. Y. t Captain Jonathan Oliphant Chapter, N. t Monmouth Chapter, N. J. § Savannah Chapter, Ga. 520 9557? 9820L 9819L 4846.-1 9818L 172710 DIRECTORY, D, A, R. Sa„7„'°"'|;K ^t^i-i ^- '""' =<"» Arch St., Philadelphia ,i!i« s-^. *'"T L,-min p:;ch„ds<^-iMrs rVp.; -.^4* J^.' lo^!; si:; ^l{l:s:itj- era, (Missl !"-.-.-?. ."-. .''•-'?; -,J--1^.- Handscluih, Laura Virginia (Mrs A. A ) Hanna, Eleanor Grav fMi^sil Ha»na, Ma.v V, aL%'% i ; 1 1 ; ; ; : ; : : : : ■ ■ ■ • ;,„-rii't' ^k «"?" 27912i> 22400.4. 8845?/ 51712/ 243450 Hapg-ood, Ellen Davis (Mrs LuVprT "'''■ VV-' ■+ i t. - — 1469 Happer, Matilda Watsin (Mrs) ^^ Clinton anc Porter sts., Easton 34938^ Harbison, Edith (Miss) ^- ^^^^^eling st., Washington 741A Harding, Julia Moro-an rMissS' u^l X Mill st.. New Castle 'I29I Sr r"^' r"^"". ^'^^^^^^^ (Mr^ Edward -Heston?' I^enxnawr," Pittsburg POA?of Harding, Lavinia Maria Morgan (Mrs E D T -tI;; V' ,;•••.••• ^^^^ «mf g'^rding, Mary A. (Mrs Henry) / ^'^ " " ^^'^ Ivenmawr," Pittsburg 801637 Harding, Mary Ella (Miss) T-unkhannock la a i6462», 5a;;i^;' juii;:^^;?^^!,;^" '"'''" ^■^■-■■'' ^- ^^--^ st., west'^SS" 32655(/ Harris, Katherine Elizabeth 'rMrV "w' ' Vf V'V-,"^ "t:^ " ' V • ^^^^^y Shore 23 6D S"'"'' .^r""^^". '^^^ Tries Mrs' Ja'ni'es Ssse ) '' "^^""^ ^*-' ""^,^^'7 23556D Harris, Mary Morrow Borden (Mrs Frani- ^^on'aW'n J ' • • -Bellefonte 29253// Harris, Mary Powers CAfr^ T^i^rTr , ,,. '^ ^"^^^ *^^^^" ^*-' Philadelphia 19527^ Harrison, Elefn^r Cameron (Miss)™'' ^^ '''' '''"'""* ''^ Philadelphia 212// Harrison, Ellen Wain CMrs rVim-l^i 'r',M. + ' \' ■-.■^-.■; '-; Lewisburg 33968A' Harry, Mary S. Wood (Mrs David wf'^ " ^"""'' '*•' P^iladelphiS 28749^ Hart, Eleanor D. (Mrs William ^^ Conshohocken 33090Z) Hart, Gertrude A. (Mrs Harrie B i Anoo'i,' "■ Eosemont 1113* Harter, Mary Brown (Mrs Mi"ha7l) Vnf^r\^''?''K ^l^ P^^iladelphia 10218.4 Hartley, Eliza HoHand Dav u f M s" F ' n \' ' ^^^^^^ ^t., Philadelphia 34356. HartmL ArethusaJMi?:;.!!.^.''.". "":. ""Ae £ J^Srio'f s^J "'' '''"-''"^^ Hansen, Emilie Vogdes (Mrs^Howarc F ) ^4 S 16^h st" ??-^'^' ^t^^ Hapgood, Ellen Davis (Mrs Luke B ) PlVnT^^ i !> I " ^l^ladelphia Happer, Matilda Watson (Mrs) ^^ ^ f wh^ '"'"l^" Harbison, Edith (Miss) ..'.... loo x Irif 'J'' Harding, Julia Morgan (Miss) ;: 'S^l?V.^/^" ^*-' Hare, Katherine Krider CMissS t'o^V 'c' ", P^h Hare, Margaret Ivride7 nh f P t\" ^^°" ^"^^^ ^*-' PhUadelphic Hargnet, May L (Misl)5 . . . . ?;;.V.V. ^~"^ ^^^^"^ ^^- Philadelphia 35987D 30503i> 7337A 10225e Harlan, Martha Sam'pTe' [mi^s Justin e')' 21779A 6040e 27869/ 27870f 36494P 28089|| 13724// 137126^ Hartman, Blanche Taggart CMrs d c' (i ~> fi7i7 at r.u "T'^'X." ^'^'' Hartman, Laura May (Miss) -* 1 1 J 1. ^^F^7^°" ^*-'^- Pittsbu ^ Hartman! Margaret (Miss) .■.:::; •.::;;;;;:"^ .^- ^^^^^* "*■' ^est Chester New Castle Hartman, Marion (Miss) ^^'^^ 32616t Harvey JuHa M S„nf„ri M H^""-}- H.) . .263 S. Franklin st., Wilkesbarre '5^^;! S"'^''- I'" "a„?."l°^?,r?reo"„ A^.'.isoni : i ^"'f . ''"'"^ "- ^^'^^^'^ie I3??1S g°j;iJ: SfSss^^ <"'^=» ms N. 52nd St.;w.-Phiiaieiph;a 7319r Harvey Sarah HeS ,V„ ' Hi-' ' \ ^^ ^- ''■■anklin st., Wilkes-Barre 4952^ Hassler, Ella Davis (Mrs James pV ??„ w . ;' «''°5"?,';'' Ifvitl ST?"'- "|'^'^»M? Benjan,in' .L* Gilbert h!) sfoV^lnT t'*Ha*^^r"b,',rS ^ |rs ISIS, SiVrn^kS ss rjej ^h.v':=!^^-"" ^- ^sH xiaM'es, Katherine Breed (Mrs ^^'-^^ — tt , ,^^10, 27067A; 15259// 23541W 35996./ 743A 29254L 28267I> Hav,.ke. Mabel Mowry iMrl" Sam "e'lr "™'''' ^Towanda Hawkins, Jessie Benton (Miss) 49 Hawks, Viola V. Waite (Mrs) Wade ave. Wa shine ton ....Strafford Mary Washingrton Chapter, Ohio. Council Bluffs Chapter, Iowa. t Saratoga Chapter, N. Y. PEXNSYLVAXIA. 521 .30164s 10229^ 43416 21310s 23234a 6920 i. 694J. 34352f 17272Jf .27083 1347il/ 13481/ 33562 9841 A 2979^ 2177 5^ 11350& 12036t 913711 21786^/ 322 21787!/ 2721Sf; 12999/ 159 J 6* 2923SJ? 10761^ 9323 S607 42746 4273e 6037/ 34955P 29277e 29277i 29674 2927SC 194P0A 29279c 7316t 28077 32657s 25524s 6627A 20059 (,' 20663ry 10220J. 9306.4 24926(7 801 7(y 15994!| 15275fc 33542(7 13754(7 27070(7 13753g 9823- 35997/ 20060C 28250fc 31849A Hawley, Lma Stanton (iMiss) 1337 N. Broad st., Philadelphia Hayes, Mary Van Valzah (Mrs Alfred) Lewisburg Hayes, Kachel H. (Mrs William M.) West Chester Haynes, Louise Holman (Miss) 2204 Walnut st., Philadelphia Hays, Blanche M. (Miss) Bellefonte Hays, Jane Van Ness Smead (Mrs John) Carlisle Hays, Margaret I. (Mrs Richard) 717 Eidge ave., Allegheny Hays, Marion Mead (Miss) Park ave. and Randolph sts., Meadville Hays, Sarah Burrows Coryell (Mrs J, K.) 845 Hepburn st., Williamsport Hayt, Lucy E. (Miss) Rosemont Hazlett Helen Woodhull (Miss) 68 E. Maiden st., Washington Hazlett, Lucy Woodhull (Mrs Samuel) 68 E. Maiden st., Washington Hazzard, Harriet Ht (Miss) Monongahela Heard, Margaret Eaton Neale (Mrs George) Bayard st., Pittsburg Heaton, Maud (Miss) 2117 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Heckert, Edith (Miss) 132 W. Philadelphia st., York Heckman, Anna Freidt (INIiss) Green Terrace, Reading Hedding, Katherine Baker Cobb (Mrs Benjamin) Morrisdale Heilner, Adelaide Dunn (Mrs Samuel) 4207 Walnut st., Philadelphia Heilner, Gertrude Emily (Miss) 4207 Walnut st., Philadelphia Heilner, Mary Isabella S. (Mrs. E. M.)..414 Mahantongo st., Pottsville Heilner, Mary Van Camp (Miss) 4207 W^alnut st., Philadelphia Heim, Elizabeth Eddelman (Mrs Ephraim) Lewisburg Heins, Anne Maria Vaughan (Mrs John) Media Heiser, Mary A. (Miss) 2311 N. 22nd st., Philadelphia Heitshu, Hai-riet (Miss) 30 N. Lime st., Lancaster Heitshii, Mary G. (]\[rs William A.) 512 E. King st., Lancaster Helifenstein, Elizabeth (Miss) 1008 Schackamaxon st., Philadelphia Heminway, Alice S. (Mrs Charles L.) N. 4th st., Easton Hemphill, Clara (Miss) 220 W^ Gay st., West Chester Hemphill, Rebecca (Miss) 220 W. Gay st., West Chester Hempstead, Annie M. W. (Mrs Ernest A.) 654 Main st., Meadville Hench, Emma F. (Mrs S. Nevin) 501 Linden ave., York Henderson, Anna Craig (Mrs Samuel S.) Brookvflle Henderson, Anna Craig (Mrs Samuel S.) Brookville Henderson, Bertha S. (Mrs George) 6622 Greene st., Germantown Henderson, Cora (Miss) Brookville Henderson. Ida Masten (Mrs Thomas Preston) Treasurer's Dept., Penn. Co., Pittsburg Henderson, Jennie (Miss) Brookville Henderson, Rebecca (Miss) Carlisle Hendricks, Hannah Kinney B. (Mrs John, Jr.) Cynwyd Hensel, Amanda Belknap 'CoUaday (Mrs George S.) 1333 N. Broad st., Philadelphia Hensel, Charlotte Colladay (Miss) 1333 N. Broad st., Philadelphia Herbert, Alice M. McLanahan (Mrs) 5310 Westminster st., Pittsburg Herbst, Caroline Ellen (Miss) Trexlertown Herr, Nannie Gilmore (Mrs Andrew Jackson) 19 N. Front st., Harrisburg Herron, Emily Sprankle (Mrs John B.) S. Linden ave., Pittsburg Herron, Louisa Jannette Hills (Mrs W. A.).. 4837 Fifth ave., Pittsburg Hess, Hannah (Mrs Amos) 1006 N. 6th st., Harrisburg Heston, Ellen J. (Miss) 5306 Lancaster ave., W. Philadelphia Heyl, Ella Willis (Mrs Jacob E.) 505 N. 7th st., Philadelphia Hice, Esther Ann Jones (Mrs Jacob Sharps) W. Pittston Hickok, Louise Anderson (Miss) 508 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg Hiestand, Elizabeth McCorkle Fitzgerald (Mrs Henry S.) Marietta Hiester, Annie M. (Miss) Estherton, Harrisburg Hiester, Mary Catharine (Miss) 813 N. 2nd st., Harrisburg Hiester, Sara (Miss) Estherton, Harrisburg Hishberger, Mary R. Laird (Mrs F.) 641 Maryland ave., E. E.. Pittsburg Hight. Harriet Van Scov (Mrs Furman Barcley) Tunkhannock Hiibish, Mary E. Atkins ^(Mrs) M64 W. 5th st.. Erie Hileman, Marv Elizabeth Church (Mrs Joseph) Pittston Hill, Eliza Greenleaf Lynde (Mrs James Latta) Bndgeville t Caesar Rodney Chapter, Del. T Boston Tea Party Chapter, Mass. Continental Chapter, D. C. Abigail Phelps Chapter, Conn. 522 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 27892A Hill, Hallie B. (Mrs, Charles K.) 607 Union ave., Allegheny 21774Jf Hill, Margaret G. (Mrs J. F.) Canonsburg 107S2& Hill, Valeria Elizabeth Clymer (Mrs S. S.) Werner sville 4530 Hillard, Esther Jane (Mrs Thaddeus S.)..70 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre 23260 -Hillard, Josephine (Miss) 58 W. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre 4258A Hillman, Elizabeth (Miss) Shadj- ave., above Fifth ave., Pittsburg 19481A Hillman, Sallie Murfree Frazer (Mrs J. Hartwell) N. Negley and Mar- garetta sts., Pittsburg 1608C Hinies, Sophia K. Mcllvaine (Mrs Clinton) Gap 28256A Hinchman, Alice Davis (Mrs William Alfred) New Kensington 20971$ Hinchman, Anna Barker (Miss) 3635 Chestnut st., Philadelphia 20970:|: Hinchman, Lydia S. (Mrs Charles S.) 3635 Chestnut st., Philadelphia 33973m- Hindman, Florence Taylor (Mrs C. C.) .* 221 Du Bois st.. Dubois 339747H Hindman, Mary Jane Taylor (Miss) 221 Du Bois st.. Dubois 6927r Hippie, Isabella White (Mrs Torrence C.) 244 W, Main st.. Lock Haven 35574 J. Hitchcock, Virginia White (Mrs) Indiana 27386p Hodge, Martha Gray Janeway (Mrs C, Jr.) 401 W. Price st., Germantown 20693 Hodge, Mary E. Page (Mrs William) 2045 Wallace st., Philadelphia 146112/ Hodgson, Ella (Miss) 2317 Green st., Philadelphia 21784Z) Hodgson, Margretta Moore (Miss) Oxford 11311A Hodkinson, Katherine Kerfoot Bailey (Mrs Francis) 5576 Centre ave.^ Pittsburg 9831 Hoffer, Elizabeth Clarke Hammond (Mrs Allen D.) Lebanon 14590(7 Hoffman, Annie E. (Miss) 125 W. Market st.. Danville 227A Hogg. Julia K. (Mrs Nathaniel B.) 520 Church ave., Allegheny 2622-j- Holbrook, Hannah Slaj^maker (Miss) 322 E. Orange st., Lancaster 15262i Holbrook, Susanna Margaretta (Miss) ... .332 E. Orange st., Lancaster 36491/ Holcomb, Grace Shoulders (Mrs John T.) Athens 6983C Holcomb, Mollie Wheeler (Mrs Henry I.) Erie 517A Holdship, Maria Irv^in (Mrs Henry) 828 Lincoln ave., Allegheny 631A Holland, Carrie T. (Mrs W. J.) 5th and Bellefield aves.. Pittsburg 27397D Hollar, Mary Eankin (Miss) 4506 Chester ave., Philadelphia 9830/= Hollister, Frances Shippen (Mrs Clarence G.) 403 Chestnut st., Meadville 2409* Holmes, Alice Hermoine Stoke (Mrs) Pittsburg 32266A Holmes, Gertrude Clark (Mrs Frank W.) Craft on 2873Sg Holmes, Sarah Egle (Mrs Robert John) 1616 N. 2nd st., Harrisburg 7335A Holmes, Sue E. (Mrs John G.) Braddock ave., Pittsburg 3623e Hoopes, Malinda Marshall (Mrs Abner) W. Chester 1131// Hoopes, Margaret Warheld (Mrs Herman) West Chester 28254ir Hoot, Matilda Heston (Mrs Wesley H.) 5306 Lancaster ave., Philadelphia 117680 Hopkins, Julia Eliza (Miss) Bostwick Homestead, Stevensville 117670 Hopkins, Essy (Miss) Bostwick Homestead, Stevensville 1377SF Horan, Martha Caroline (Mrs Thomas Joseph) Mt. Carmel 27906?/ Horn, Sallie M. (Miss) Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia 15913A Home, Eleanor Pendleton (Mrs Albert A.).... 924 Beech ave., Allegheny 2674A Home, Elizabeth McMasters (Mrs Joseph O.) 838 Lincoln ave., Allegheny 326751/ Horner, Mary W. (Miss) 1628 Spruce st., Philadelphia 984A Horner, Mat"ilda Graham (Miss) 1108 Wood st., Wilkinsburg 23772/ Horner, Julia Maria Washington (Mrs Caleb Wright) Bryn Mawr 2195A Hostetter, Allene Tew (Mrs Theodore E.) 1020 Western ave., Allegheny 20671A Hostetter. Eosetta Eickey (Mrs David) 1127 Western ave.. Allegheny 30169?t7 Hough, Ivathrin Hagenbuch (Mrs Charles N.) 765 W. 3rd st., Williamsport 5158A House, Martha Cameron (Mrs William H.) 3025 Center ave., Pittsburg 16477Z Houston, Margaret Wiley (Mrs Eobert J.) 228 E. Orange st., Lancaster 28845 Houston, Mary Virchaux (Miss) 3915 Walnut st., Philadelphia 32257s Hovey, Henrietta Battle (Mrs John Gorham) Eadnor 30184/ Hovey. Martha Owen (Mrs Otis Ellis) 6329 Burbridge st., Germantovm 33088D How, Clara Dewey (Mrs W. S.) 1815 Ontario st., Philadelphia 12445D Howard, Besse Pearce (Mrs Frederick A.) Chester 34943/) Howard, Caroline Mae (Miss) 1441 S. 16th st., Philadelphia 27091A Howard. Mary Hays Painter (Mrs Hartley, Jr.) Arnold 20688/) Howard. Salfie Hart (Mrs George) 1327 Clearfield st., Philadelphia t Abiah Folder Franklin Chapter, Mass. t Susan Carrington Clark Chapter, Conn. * Owasco Chapter, N. Y. PEXXSYLYANIA. 523 28747 Howard-Smith, Lida McKinney (Mrs R. Spurrier) Pulaski ave., near Logan St., Germantown 2033-1 Howe, Martha Jones (Mrs George A.) Woodland Eoad, E. E. Pittsburg- 32676// Howell, Cora Lamson (Mrs Samuel) 921 X. 20th st., Philadelphia 27881 Howell, Emma Day (Miss) 108 N. 50th st., Philadelphia 1S05O Hoyt, Augusta (Miss) Kingston 26115A Hubbard, Cora E. (Mrs J. W.) Colonial Place, Pittsburg 31855C Hubbard, Gertrude Eobbins (Mrs) Philadelphia 1653 Hubbell, Anne Law (Miss) 224 S. 20th st., Philadelphia 23S7y Hubbell, Helena (Miss) 224 S. 20th st., Philadelphia 5169a? Huber, Helen (Miss) Wayne and Apsley sts.. Germantown 16463W Huber, Margaret McMicken (Mrs Milton) 520 Pine st., Williamsport 20674A Hubley, Gertrude Littell (Mrs Samuel D.)..327 Pacific ave., Allegheny 14384? Hubley, Sarah Carpenter (Mrs John E.) 140 E. Clay st., Lancaster 75930 HufL", Henrietta Hublej^ Burrell (Mrs George F.) Greensburg 10234fir HufF, Kate E. (Mrs William A.) Greensburg 243351 Hughes, Caroline W. (Mrs W. F.) Media 27100iJ Hughes, Emily Hancock (I\Irs Simon P.) Williamsport 760237 Hughes, Gertrude Harvey (Mrs Peter J.) 1712 N. 52nd st., W. Philadelphia 21785Z) Hughes, Helen M. (Miss) 3623 Powelton ave., Philadelphia 33074rt. Hughes, Mary Green (Mrs) Bellefonte 3738A Humbird, Emma Barlow Chambers (Mrs James S.) 325 Morewood ave., Pittsburg 29664a Humes, Ann Elmira (Miss) Bellefonte 36470? Hummel, Eliza Bucher (Mrs Eichard H.) 107 S. Front st., Harrisburg 11739(/ Hummel, Marj"^ Eoss (Mrs Valentine) New Cumberland 28043t Humphrey, Anna Cavada (Mrs) Overbrook 4660 j Humphrey, Maude Fundenberg (Mrs) 323 Amber st., Pittsburg 30607i: Hunsicker, Maggie S. (Mrs Charles) 907 De Kalb st., Norristown 7490 Hunt, Grace Stanton Lea (Mrs Charles) 91 N. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre 3558877 Hunter, Lillian Acomb (Mrs Li^^ngston L.) Tidioute 3268477 Hunter, Margaret Eebecca Magee (Mrs John) Tidioute 9334). Huntington, Julia Montgomery Biddle (Mrs C. S.) 115 S. Front st.. Har- risburg* 30188 Hurlbutt, Sarah C. (Mrs) Little Marsh 21771i Hursh, Catherine Scott McGingan (Mrs John Jacob) jSTewville 21776A Huselton, Eva Haj^es (Mrs William S.) 5th and Morewood ave.. Pittsburg 14532V Hutchinson, Serena Mayer North (Mrs) 1304 Spruce st., Philadelphia 734.1 Hutchinson, Sophia Lord Cass (]Mrs Frank M.) Sewickley 31824y Hyatt, Kezia West (Mrs Charles Elliott) Pa. Military College. Chester 12119d Hyde, Carolyn Knowland (Mrs Francis de Lacy) Titusville 1947& Hlig, Kate E. Smith (Mrs Jonathan C.) 13 N. 4th st., Eeading 1734? Ilyus, Eosa Burwell (Mrs Edmund B.) 13 E. Walnut st., Lancaster 36476A Imbrie, Hattie Silliman (Mrs A. M.) 6409 5th ave., Pittsburg 93460 Ingham, Mary A. (Miss) 2 Union st., Wilkes-Barre 301817) Inman, Annie Eyre (Mrs William) 2031 Arch st., Philadelphia 12831* Inslee, Susan Carr (Mrs J. A.) Philadelphia 2770& Iredell, Matilda G. (Mrs Eobert, Jr.) 313 N. 4th st., Allentown 14377^; Irland, Emma McCurdy (Mrs T. Edwin) Lewisburg 14397// Irving, Ella Floyd (Mrs William A.) Chester 51SA Irwin, Hannah (Miss) Edgwood 740A Irwin, Marjorie C. (Miss) Edgwood 7327A' Isett, Anna Evans (Miss) 210 E. Main st., Norristown 11753/ Jack, Viola Marston (Mrs L. Foster) Wallingford 1335311 Jackson, Bella Caton (Miss) 312 S. 19th st., Philadelphia 35986A Jackson, Honora S. Carmack (Mrs E. T.)..744 Wallace ave., Wilkinsburg 22700 Jackson, Mathilde Chardon Heyl (Mrs J. J.) 114 S. 19th st., Philadelphia 23544W; Jackson, Sarah Williams (Mrs Huston) . .1134 W. 4th st., Williamsport 28737? Jacoba, Eomaine Merkel (Mrs Michael W.) 1017 N. Front st., Harrisburg 20691D Jacobs, Maria L. (Miss) 1349 De Kalb st., Norristown 34945D Jamieson, Ella Shinn (Mrs John Paterson) .^ Ambler 5216/ Janeway, Alice Hodge (Mrs Price Wetherill) 4*1 E. Front st.. Media t Caesar Rodney Chapter, Del. t Saratoga Chapter, N. Y. * St. Louis Chapter, Mo. II Maryland Line Chapter, Md. 524 DIRECTORY, D. A, R. 13731?/ Janney, Deborah Tower Lee (Mrs Eobert M.) 1826 Eittenhouse Sq., Phil- adelphia 178040 Janvrin, Laura Lawall (Mrs Joseph Edward) Easton 20049;/ Jeans, Cora Baird (Mrs Henrv T.) 2012 Spruce st., Philadelphia 33091Z) Jefferson, Alice M. Welmore ^(Mrs J. P.) Warren 10555* Jefferys, Amy Elizabeth Faulconer (Mrs Edward M.) . ., Doylestown 30505D Jeffries, Letitia H. (Miss) 308 W. Mt. Pleasant ave., Mt. Airy, Philadelphia 30504Z) Jeffries, Mary Caroline (Miss) 108 W. Mt. Pleasant ave., Mt. Airy, Phil- adeliJhia 32307A Jenkins, Clara Horton Shaw (Mrs Thomas C.) 705 Colleg-e ave., Pittsburg- 33426t Jenkins, Florence Foster (Mrs F.) 16th and Spruce sts.. The Newport, Philadelphia 3906/j Jenkins, Laura Stout (Miss) 6406 Germantown ave.. Germantown 15917Z Jenkins, Leila (Miss) 510 Swede st., Norristown 2S248fc Jenkins, Rhoda Spencer (Mrs John S.) W. Pittston 30171-1 Jenkinson, Gertrude Fry (Mrs Alexander M.) "The Schenlev," Pittsburg- 326440 Jenks, Carrie B. (Miss)"^ \ . .Brookville 32645c Jenks, Jennie (Miss) . , Brookville 25538.1 Jenning-s, Clara Crawford (Miss) 5226 5th ave., Pittsburg 25537.4 Jennings, Florence Crawford (Miss) 5226 5th ave., J^ittsburg 2384.1 Jennings, Mariah Sawyer (Miss) 1212 Fayette st., Allegheny 20666(7 Jennings, Mary (Miss) 223 W. State St., Harrisburg 4062y Jennings, Sara Hurley Baldy (Mrs Irving H.) Danville 625.1 Jennings, Zelie (Miss) Sewickley 9730t Jerman, Anna T. (Mrs Theodore) Holmsburg, Philadelphia 55180 Jessup, Sarah Louise (Miss) Montrose 3116411 Johnson, Augusta Rosina (Miss) 3345 N. 19th st., Philadelphia 152Sl/i Johnson, Ella Robertson (Mrs George D.)..109 Luzerne ave., W. Pittston 1130A Johnson, Felicia Ross (Mrs Sullivan) 1302 Western ave., Allegheny 19730 Johnson, Grace Derr (Mrs Walter) 93 W. Union st., Wilkes-Barre 189230 Johnson, Grace Everett (Mrs William N.) 230 W. 10th st., Erie 16464?ci Johnson, Gula White (Mrs Newell Lowrie) ..629 W. 4th St., Williamsport 2975 it? Johnson, Helen Gertrude (Miss) 901 W. 4th st., Williamsport 2916W Johnson, Laura Louise (Miss) 901 W. 4th st., Williamsport 301771/ Johnson, Laura Raguet (Mrs Israel) 117 S. 42nd st., Philadelphia 35564JO Johnson, Mary Green (Miss) 901 W. 4th st., Williamsport 15924^1/ Johnson, Rebekah J. (Miss) 222 East Wheeling st., Washington 255230 Johnson, Ruth Isabella (Miss) Cor. Porter and Clinton sts., Easton 230050 Johnson, Susan Baird (Mrs) 824 French st., Erie 2026.4. Johnson, Thea Sullivan (Miss) 1302 Western ave., Allegheny 10719.1 Johnston, Emma Townley (Mrs G. W. C.) 1415 Wightman st., Pittsburg 143937/ Jones, Elizabeth D. (Mrs) 7737 St. Martin's Lane, Wissahickon Heights SOISj? Jones, Florence N. Heston (Mrs S. T.) 5404 Jefferson st., Philadelphia 35567// Jones, Kathryn Riter (Miss) care of Levering Jones, Drexel Bldg., Phila- deliihia 24924(7 Jones, Mabel Cronise (Mrs Thomas MacDowell) 823 N. 2nd st., Harrisburg (y(^lE Jones, Margaret A. G. (Mrs Oliver B.) 1509 Diamond st., Philadelphia 29851/ Jones, Mary Bancroft (Mrs Norman M.) 422 Stafford Road, Germantown 36477A Jones, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) Elizabeth 34363D Jones, Mary Huston (Mrs Joshua R.) 2051 Walnut st., Philadelphia 359S3f Jones, Mary Mowry (Mrs Robert Newton) , Mercer 1952SU Jordan, Eleanor Beaumont Gloniger (Mrs) Oak Lane, Philadelphia 24918p Jordan, Ellen Pointer (Mrs Gilbert) 6113 McCallum st., Germantown 55361/ Jordan, Linda Howell (Mrs George F.) 1719 Locust st., Philadelphia 617(7 Jordan, Mary H. (Mrs Francis) 202 W. State st., Harrisburg 32287/ Jordan, Stella Sickler (Mrs Edwin James) Tunkhannock 17811 Karmany, Nellie Goodhart (Miss) Lebanon 305121 Karner, Julia Frances (Miss) Athens 21111; Kauffman, Arabella Balliet (Mrs Morris L.) 43 S. 7th st., Allentown 869j1 Kay, Jane O'Hara McDowell (Mrs Frederick S.) Forbes ave., near Mur- dock, Pittsburg 29666fc Keeler, Esther Franklin H. (Mrs H. Harrison) 304 York ave., W. Pittston 34366D Keelor, Charlotte S. (Miss) 1651 Columbia ave., Philadelphia * Louisa St. Clair CThapter, Mich, t Colonel Lowry Chapter, N. J. t General Lafayette Chapter, N. J. II William Henshaw Chapter, W. Va. PENNSYLVANIA. 525 34365D Keelor, Emma J. Holman (Mrs K. S.) 1637 Columbia ave., Philadelphia 23117t Keifer, Kate Fagiey (Mrs Thomas J.) Mt. Carmel 1939& Keim, Emma Trexler (Mrs lienry May) N. 5th st., Reading- 31873| Keim, Harriette Virginia de Benneville (Miss) . ."Edge-Mont," Eeading 486 Keim, Jane Sumner Owen (Mrs deB. Eandolph) . ."Edge-Mont," Heading 200Q6E Keiser, Jeanie Deans (Mrs E. E.) 3710 Longshore st., Tacony, Philadelphia 9332g Kelker, Agnes Keyes (Mrs Luther K.) 128 Walnut st.; Harrisburg 301593 Kelker, Edith Victoria (Miss) 25 S. 2nd st., Harrisburg 30160^ Kelker, Ellen (Miss) 25 S. 2nd st., Harrisburg 14380i Keller, Anna Dickey (Mrs William Heustis) ..Wheatland ave., Lancaster 130030. Keller, Anna Or\is (Mrs Henry) . .i Belief onte 9811a Kelly, Jean Stewart Shugert (Mrs David) Williamsport 14403f Kemp, Annie J. (Mrs Charles H.) Kane 3575311 Kendrick, Florence (Miss) 404 Locust St., Philadelphia 19517Z) Kendrick, Minnie Murdock (Mrs G. W., Jr.) 3507 Baring st., Philadelphia 92994 Kennard, Beulah Elfreth (Miss) 6015 Howe st., Pittsburg 164512/ Kennedy, Annie C. (Mrs William H.) 3608 Baltimore ave., W. Philadelphia 1127J. Kenned^', Elizabeth B. (Mrs J. M.) Wilkins ave., near 5th ave., Pittsburg- 51652/ Kennedy, Emilie Posey (Mrs A. E.) 2203 Walnut st., Philadelphia 243631/ Kenney, Ellen Ide (Miss) Eidley Park 2S757A Kenney, Flora Josephine Wilson (Mrs James Matthews) 516 S. Highland ave., Pittsburg 88571 Kepler, Mary Matilda (Mrs Aaron Conrad) 315 N. Lime St., Lancaster 1607? Kepler, Mary Slaymaker (Miss) 315 N. Lime st., Lancaster 28268iP Kerbaugh, Kebecca T. (Mrs) South Hampton 86182/ Kerr, Caroline Damon (Mrs Samuel T.) 1907 Spruce st., Philadelphia 18929G Kerr, Julia Boardman (Mrs James) Clearfield 292482/ Kessler, Evelina M. (Mrs J. Millard) 36 S. 5th st., Philadelphia 6029A Killikelly, Sarah Hutchins (Miss) 308 S. Highland ave., Pittsburg 172572/ Kimball, Katie Campbell (Mrs Wm. Spooner) 404 S. 42nd st., Philadelphia 32258^ Kimes, Belle Shilling (Mrs Thomas Atwell). .13 W. Grant ave., New Castle 40562/ Kimmell, Mary Scott (Miss) 2217 Spruce st., Merion 31837f King, Anna Patterson (Miss) 192 Lincoln ave.. New Castle 7539* King, Clara Elizabeth (Miss) 1026 Arch st., Philadelphia 2S764L King, Frances Lee (Miss) 934 Liberty st., Franklin 28763L King, Mabel H. (Miss) 934 Liberty St., Franklin 31836^ King, Margaret (Miss) 192 Lincoln ave.. New Castle 7538* King, Nancy McFarland (Mrs James M.) 1026 Arch st., Philadelphia 20054i« King, Sara V. F. (Mrs Augustine W.) Newbury 3311211 Kinsey, Maria Buttolph (Mrs William Philip) Easton 1604? Kinzer, Edith I. Slavmaker (Mrs Joseph B.) 430 E. King st., Lancaster 9305A Kirk, Ella Boyce (Mrs David) 220 Darrah st., Pittsburg 3113 Kirk, Kate L. (Mrs John L.) 1340 Middle st., Sharpsbur'g 27093D Kirk, Matilda Eyre (Mrs John Jones) 1840 N. 18th St., Philadelphia 176582/ Kirkbride, Mary S. (Mrs G. B.) "The Covington," 378 Chestnut st., Phila- delphia 34370 Kirkendall, Eleanor C. Gearhart (Mrs E.) W. Union st., Wilkes-Barre 85990 Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth Huntington (Mrs William S.) 20 N. 3rd st., Easton 39042/ ' Kirkpatrick, Fanny Haverstick (Mrs W. A.) 3915 Walnut St., Philadelphia 24338; Kitts, Katherine Wallace (Mrs J. F.) 7th and Fulton sts., Chester 195012/ Kline Isadore Emilie Unger (Mrs Mahlon N.) 266 W. Tulpehoeken st., GermantoAvn 13777m Kline, Martha W. (Mrs) 916 Cumberland st., Lebanon 364S0A Knable, Susanna Elkins (Mrs John P.) 5325 Ellsworth ave., Pittsburg 30494(7 Knight, Josephine Breaux (Miss) 305 S. Front st.. Harrisburg 8593fZ Knight, Marv Bonesteel (Mrs Fletcher H.) Hokendauqua 331037^ Knight, Mary Martin (Mrs Harry S.) 134 N. 2nd, Sunbury 243542/ Knowles, Emma Crozer (Mrs Gustavus W.) 1628 Spruce st., Philadelphia 172582/ Knowles, Helen Safford (Mrs William Gray) Ridley Park 22394C Koch, Emma Augusta (Miss) 216 W. 4th st., Erie 13743A Koethen, Lidie C. W. (Mrs J. Ludewig, Jr.) 2524 Stanton ave., Pittsburg 26291(Z Krai?ert, Tannic Lauman Chase (Mrs B. F.) Ill N. Perry st.. Titusville t Continental Chapter, D. C. t Lucy Holcomb Chapter, D. C. II .Joseph Habersham Chapter, Ga. * Ondawa Chapter, N. Y. H General Mercer Chapter, N. J. 526 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. 32288J 9348?- 33966(? 33965(? 8613/- 28760 2SS44g 5156g 15906g 16465(0 6925g 32672.V 2654Sfc 262990 14651)/ 25291* 152T4A: 12449./ 5549P 9817L 3561f 253740 20689s 19521 3559P 16448i/ 217SSD 19506y 738A 2 673 A 35085^/ 3598SI> 31825A- 195370 22399A 137372/ 137601; 3234A 9298A 27905y 4652)/ 21295J- 32646f 20972t 20380§ 32649? 26264;/ 25553A' 13727/y 25SS0S 6045/ 2005 lA' 51530 5:i58 24911? 1893Sr 671A 31631$ 32279£: Kram, Jennie Bardwell (Mrs Frank Hanison) Tunkhannoek Kreamer, Mary Farnsworth (Mrs Frederick) . .47 Water st., Lock Haven Krebs, Katherine Evelj^n (Miss) Clearfield Krebs, Mary Wallace (Mrs David L.) .Clearfield Kress, Lide Chatham (Mrs Wilson C.) 344 W. Water st., Lock Haven Krou, Eva Elizabeth (Miss) Water st., Kittanning Kunkel, Eliza Waugh (Mrs Charles A) 221 N. Front st., Harrisburg Kunkel, Elizabeth Crain (Mrs John C.) 17 S. Front st., Harrisburg Kunkel, Elizabeth Gamble Scott (Mrs G. B.) 1113 N. 3rd st., Harrisburg Laird, Mary Wilson (Mrs Herbert Russell) . .724 W. 3rd st., Williamsport La Lanne, Ellen. Damon (Mrs Charles P.) 2013 Pine st., Philadelphia Lamberton, Annie Buehler (Mrs Robert A.) Ill N. Front st., Harrisburg Lanison, Caroline Smith (Miss) 908 Franklin st., Philadelphia Lance, Martha L. (Miss) 301 Wyoming ave., W. Pittston Landmesser, Millicent Worrall (Mrs L. B.) 19 E. South st., Wilkes-Barre Lane, Annie Hansell (Mrs) 3802 Locust st., Philadelphia Lane, Bertha (Miss) Honesdale Langford, Mary Arabella (Mrs Joseph) 300 Wyoming ave., W. Pittston Laning, Mary Mowry (Mrs Robert H.) Towanda Lanius, Mary Smyser (Miss) 400 W. York st., York Lapsley, Catharine Dale (Mrs William J.) 1428 Bufl:"alo st., Franklin Larned, Marion Louise Boileau (Mrs J. M.) cor. Walnut and Water sts., Meadville La Rue, Laura (Mrs William A.) 77 N. 2nd st., Easton Lathrop, Fanny Comstock (Mrs F. C.) 1512 Centennial ave., Philadelphia Lathrop, Ruth Webster (Miss) 1417 N. 18th st., Philadelphia Latimer, Anne Helen (Mrs James W.) 118 E. Market st.. York Latta, Kitty (Mrs William J.) Wissahickon Heights, Philadelphia Latta, Margaret Douglas Wilson (Miss) 3719 Hamilton st., Philadelphia Latta, Susan Withers (Mrs James W.) 1525 Mt. Vernon st., Philadelphia Laughlin, Martha Page (Miss) 1006 Lincoln ave., Allegheny Laughlin, Mary Franklin (Mrs Alexander, Jr.) 709 Irwin ave., Allegheny Laurance, Jane Letitia (Mrs Edw^ard) 4401 Baltimore ave., Philadelphia Laverty, Emma Kennedy (Mrs William M.) 3914 Girard ave., Philadelphia Law, Ellen Augusta Atwater (Mrs Charles) Pittsfon Lawall, Rebecca R. R. (Mrs Cyrus) 45 N. 3rd st., Easton Lawrence, Mary S. (Miss) " 950 Lincoln ave., Allegheny Lawrence, Susan Baily (Mrs Henry Horton) . .1826 Arch st., Philadelphia Lawshe, Eleanor Metzgar (Miss) Lewisburg Layton, Mary Evans (Mrs Lewis S.) 5016 Liberty ave., Pittsburg Lazear, Christine McKelvy (Mrs Jesse T.) 917 N. Negley ave., Pittsburg Lea, Caroline Tvler (Mrs Arthur H.) 2203 Walnut st., Philadelphia Lea, Charlotte A. B. (Mrs Charles) 2000 Walnut st., Philadelphia Leak, Jennie Fulmer (Mrs John F.) 2031 N. 32nd st., Philadelphia Leason, Elsie Woods (Miss) Brookville Le Boiteaux, Mary Mitchell Hinchman (Mrs Isaac) 3635 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Lee, Alexandra (Mrs Lawrence) 421 Denniston ave., E. E., Pittsburg Lee, Eliza A. (Mrs Amos) W. King st.. Lancaster Lee, Jeannette, Drysdale (Mrs Charles R.)..1307 Locust st., Philadelphia Lee, Mary Valeria (Miss) Port Kennedy Lee, May'Philler (Mrs Edward Clinton) 2117 Spruce st., Philadelphia Leete, Elizabeth Morris (Miss) 4806 Chester ave., Philadelphia Leiper, Eliza Snowden Thomas (Miss) Chester Leiper, Mary Belle Fleming (Mrs James G.) 1602 Master st., Philadelphia Leisenring, Lillian Jay Jessup (Mrs Albert Conrad) Upper Lehigh Leiser, Susan Brickenstein (Mrs Andrew A.) Lewisburg Leman, Adelia (Miss) 55 E. Orange st., Lancaster Lemmon, Henrietta M. (Mrs S. Marple) Honey Brook Le Moyne, Lucretia Orth Lewis (Mrs Frank) Denniston ave., near Irwm, Pittsburg Lennig, Margaret Antoinette (Miss) 1221 S. 47th st., Philadelphia Lessig, Emma Steiman (Mrs Joshua) Pottstown Submit Clark Chapter, Mass. Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter, Mass. § Frederick Chapter, JId. t Tempe Wicke Chapter, N. J. PEXNSYLYANIA. 527 27077s Leverett, Elizabeth W. McKelvy (Mrs William) 1824 Arch st., Philadelphia 27914Z) Lewis, Anna M. (Mrs B. F.) Gwj nedd 34360.4. Lewis, Anne Laird (Mrs William J.) Hotel Schenlejs Pittsburg- 24931C Lewis, Alice Baldwin (Mrs George Trnmbull) 540 W. 7th st., Erie 5172// Lewis, Ella Harrison (Mrs Percy M.) 904 Spruce st., Philadelphia 10224/ Lewis, Hannah Andrews (Mrs George D.) Germantown 32291J Lewis, Helen Mary (Miss) Timkhannock 12997?/ Lewis, Josephine (Miss) 2218 St. James Place, Philadelphia S2693./ Lewis, Mabel Dana (Miss) Tunkhannock 32290./ Lewis, Marj^ Genevieve (Mrs Bradley W.) Tunkhannock 5511/ Lewis, Mary Miller (Miss) Media 6044/ Lewis, Sarah Brooke (Mrs George M.) Media 3905?/ Lex, Pattie Barclay (Mrs William Henry).. 228 S. 22nd st., Philadelphia 25549(r Lichteberger, Zoe Barter (Mrs Herbert) Indiana 35569f Liggett, Delia Crosby (Mrs John, Jr.) 714 Marjdand ave., Pittsburg 0395410 Lightner, Elizabeth Hepburn (Miss) 1044 W. 4th. st., Williamsport 29247// Lillie, Narcissa Neff, (Mrs S. M.)..1000 Farragut Terrace, Philadelphia 17269A Lindsay, Cora A. Weber (Mrs. Robert Hamilton) 905 Locust st., Pittsburg 6625.4. Lindsay, Isabella W. (Mrs Henry D.) 46 Beech st., Allegheny 330S2J. Lindsay, Jessie Nye Davis (Mrs John) 636 Maryland ave., Pittsburg 1735^ Lineaweaver, Jane Strickler Crane (Mrs J. K.) 126 Walnut st., Columbia 137591;' Linn, Mary Ellen (Mrs James Merrill) Lewisburg 2988 Lintner, Ella Duncan Snyder (Mrs J. E.) Blairsville 30178// Lippincott. Sallie Erie (Mrs C.) 218 W. Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia 9310// Little, Antoinette White (Mrs William) Media .32292J Little, Carrie S. (Mrs W. E.) Tunkhannock 26282(r Little, Daisy Patton (Mrs David P.) Germantown 31073/7 Little, Deborah Tustin (Mrs R. R.) Bloomsburg 21762H Little, Eleanor G. (Mrs Stanley W.) Towanda 32694J Little, Eleanor J. (Miss) Tunkhannock 12992?i Little, Ella Mcfarlane (Mrs William) Towanda 9309// Little, Marian White (Miss) Media 15257/ Little, Mary Downing Hatch (Mrs Henry Ashton) Wallingford 18156C Little, Susa'n Brewster (Mrs Lowell Mason) 254 W. 9th st., Erie 33967fr Liveright, Margaret Krebs (Mrs Alfred M.) Clearfield 20690Z) Livezj-, Katherine Evans (Mrs Maurice P.).. 256 Harvey st., Philadelphia 30174// Lloyd, Mary Helen Wingate (Mrs Horatio, Jr.) Haverford 29239/ Locher, Lily Reno (Mrs ^Charles Howell) 207 S. Queen st., Lancaster 22397C Locke. Emma McSparren (Mrs Philip A.) 110 W. 10th st., Erie 5157; Lodge, Anna Howard Wilson (Mrs Louis K.) Media 648.1 Logan. Anna Clarke (Mrs Edward P.) 1010 Ridge ave., Allegheny 18143iP Logan, Elizabeth (Miss) 410 3rd ave., Williamsport 644-4 Logan, Fanny Lyon (Mrs George G.) Lincoln Place, Allegheny 25539A Logan, Susan Elanor Murphy (Mrs, Albert Johnston) "The Schenley," Pittsburg 32579f Long, Abbie Louise Marsh (Mrs) State Hospital, Warren ' 33547f Long, Clara Louise (Miss) 82 East st.. New Castle 33548^ Long, Ellen Morehead (Miss) 82 East st.. New Caslle 24339/ Long, Garretta Roach (Mrs Frederick F.) 7th and Kerlin sts., Chester 27873/ Long, Harriet Haj'es (Mrs John C.) 49 Carpenter st., Germantown 30043t Long, Myra Alda"^ Marsh (Mrs L. Hawes) New Castle 1606/ Long, Sarah Steele (Miss) 126 N. Duke st., Lancaster 11754// Longaker, Clara Weidner (Mrs David A.) Chester 20695D Longaker, Mary Moore Slinglufle (Mrs A. B.) 1331 De Kalb st., Norristown 5532I> Longcope. Ellen N. Carhart (Mrs Thomas M.) Lansdowne 2388 Longnecker, Bessie Lewis (Miss) 438 Hamilton st., Allentown 32273D Longstreth, Edna B. Clampitt (Mrs E. T.) 11th st.. Oak Lane, Philadelphia 5524// Longstreth, Mary Oliver Hastings (Mrs N.)..1416 Spruce st., Philadelphia 137581; Loomis, Augusta Tucker (Mrs Justin R.) Lewisburg 23250 Loop. Harriet A. Lander (Mrs Edward S.) 152 S. Main st., Wilkes-Barre 5179// Longhead, Estelle Brooke (Mrs Isaac M.) Haverford 213117) Lovaire, Carrie Murdock (Miss) 832 Wharton st., Philadelpha 33549< Love, Jane Anna (Miss) 72 Milton st.. New Castle t Catherine Schuyler Chapter, N. Y. 528 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. 33083.4 7613A 23534; 224052/ 2357 22390)/ 343702V 3493910 6940^ 98212' 24332a 7G164 19535a 29264/ 326813' 326805^ 4S43g 23532g 318391/ 11307(? 13275* 15912fc 26547fc 3230A 3231A 22581§ 32685L 27079s 1049A 591A 1017 871A 667A 20685D 27071g 7470 1450 28735P 28259s 32653g 6041? 32791t 249290 15907r 16466t« 7318£r 20068Jf 22348< 16480A 4254A 12186?/ 3229A 48452/ 62942V 30157gr 27072(7 27068? 24347M5 31086A Lovejoy, Jane Fleming' (Mrs Francis T. F.) Bradock ave., Pittsburo- Lowry, Mary W. Elder (Mrs John G.) 1514 8th ave., Beaver Falls Luckie, Mary Barton (Mrs S. B.) 333 E. Broad st., Chester Ltiders, Mary Selfridge (Mrs T. L., Jr.) . . 4418 Sansom st., Philadelphia Ludlow% Clara Southmayd (Miss) 224 Spring Garden st., Easton Lukens, Matilda Clark Barnes (Mrs CM.) 3 E. Walnut Lane, Germantown Lutz, Hattie Elizabeth Way (Mrs John) Bedford Lynn, Mary Jane (Miss) "Home of the Friendless," Williamsport Lyon, Alice Patton (Miss) Lincoln Place, Allee-heny Lyon, Clara Whitaker (Mrs Elmer E.) Green'sburg Lyon, Eleanor Mitchell (Mrs) Pennsylvania Furnace Lyon, Hannah (Miss) 521 Beatty sVeet, Pittsburg Lyon, Eebecca Pugh (Miss) Philadelphia Lyons, Carrie Buck (Mrs Smith Effingham) Athena Mabie, Grace Emeline (Miss) Tidioute Mabie, Nancy Ann Magee (Mrs William H. H.) Tidioute McAlarney, Ada Hoffman (Mrs Matthias W.) 214 W. State st., Harrisburg McAleer, Minnie Christ (Mrs John Stuart).. 320 W. Main st.. Lock Haven McAllister, Marian Mathues (Mrs James Cook) 328 W. State st.. Media McAllister, Mary Catharine (Miss) Fort Hunter MacArthur, Keturah Pratt (Mrs Archibald) . .5015 Hazel ave., Philadelphia McCabe, Betsey F. (Mrs Wesley T.) 600 Packer ave., Pittston McCabe, Laura Lance (Mrs James) 1000 Packer ave., Pittston McCallam, Eleanor Gillespie (Miss) 422 Wood st., Pittsburg McCallam, Mary Wandelohr (Miss) 422 Wood st., Pittsburg McCallum, Elizabeth Townsend Willis (Mrs W^illiam Henry) 6602 Ger- mantown ave., Philadelphia McCalmont, Elenthera Du Pont (Mrs James Donald) 16th and Liberty sts., Franklin McCandless, Lillie Wattson Walker (Mrs William) 1423 Mt. Vernon st., Philadelphia McCandless, Lucy Hayes Cook (Mrs E. Y.) 4725 Bayard st., Pittsburg McCandless, Mary Elliott (Miss) 5522 Hays st., Pittsburg McCandless, May (Miss) Pittsburg McCandless, Sarah Collins (Miss) 332 Winebiddle ave., Pittsburg McCandless, Sarah N. (Mrs Wilson) 5522 Hayes ave., Pittsburg McCape, Emma Levan (Mrs Christopher J.) 609 N. 10th st., Philadelphia McCarrell, Rebecca Wallace (Mrs Samuel J. M.) 121 Locust st., Harrisburg McCartney, Eleanor Amanda Dimock (Miss) 332 S. River st.,Wilkes-Barre McCartney, Katharine Searle (Mrs W. H.) 332 S. River st., Wilkes-Barre McCaul, Mary Needles (Mrs Charles) 107 N. 19th st., Philadelphia McCauley, Olive Lay (Mrs C. A. H.) 4821 Walton ave., W. Philadelphia McCaulev, Sarah Elder (Mrs Gilbert M.) 13 S. Front st.. Harrisburg McClellan, Christiana L. (Miss) West Chester McClellan, Mary Helen (Miss) Analomink McClelland, Ma'rtha Allen (Mrs John Chandler) 126 W. 20th st., Erie McCloskey, ]\rargaret (Miss) 3rd and West Main sts.. Lock Haven McClure. 'Annie Rachel (Miss) 835 W. 4th st., Williamsport McClure, Irene (Miss) 442 Chestnut st., Columbia McClure. Lizzie Reed (Mrs Walter P.) 1219 Powell st., Morristown McComb. Anna Louise Guerard (Mrs E. B.) 82 X. Mercer st., New Castle McCombs, Elizabeth (Miss) 348 S. Highland ave., Pittsburg McConwav, Josephine Alden (Mrs William) 220 Lexington ave.. Pittsburg McCook, Eleanor Donaldson Snyder Abbey (Mrs H. C.) 3700 Chestnut St., Philadelphia McCook, Marv Ahl (Mrs Willis F.) Swissvale McCord. Margaret Louise Patrick (Mrs J. S.) 324 S. 21st st., Philadelphia McCorkle, Marv McCorkle Owen (Mrs S. E.) Mt. Bethel, Columbia McCormick, Annie Criswell (Mrs Henry) ... .301 N. Front st., Harrisburg McCormick, Marv Bovd (Mrs Henry B.) 305 N. Front st., Harrisburg McCormick, Mary White (Mrs Daniel E.)..246 W. King st., Lancaster McCormick. Nelle (Miss) 620 W. 4th st., Williamsport McCormick, Sophia Grant (Miss) 6205 Howe st., Pittsburg * Chicago Chapter, 111. § John Pettigrew Chapter, Del. t Elizabeth Cook Chapter ,Del. PENNSYLVANIA. 529 20S77S McCoy, Annie Adela Parks (Mrs John F.) 1631 N. 40th St., Philadelphia 26253/= McCoy, Caroline B. (Mrs Adrian W.) Erie 9807O McCoy, Eleanor Allison (Mrs Frank) Belief onte 20675* McCready, Ellen Pearson (Mrs James Campbell) . .163 East st.. New Castle 8261? McCulloch, Ellen Katharine (Miss) 1202 N. Second st., Harrisburg 29266/ McCurdy, Susan Welles (Mrs Delos) Athens. 6290// McDowell, Martha Austin (Miss) 1727 Walnut st., Philadelphia 15249a; McDowell, Minnie Kothermel (Mrs Samuel Rothermel) Narbertht 21783I> McElmell, Leonie (Mrs Joseph) 4218 Westminster ave., W. Philadelphia. 42532/ McFadden, Emily B. Iv. (Mrs George H.) 1428 Walnut st., Philadelphia 9314)/ Macfarlan, Janet Taylor (Miss) 3308 Hamilton st., W. Philadelphia 36483A Macfarlane, Eliza (Miss) 5G39 Eipley st., E. E. Pittsburg 224062/ MacFarlane, Kathleen Selfridge (Mrs Charles William) Narberth 12987» MacFarlane, Mary Frances Bartlett (Mrs Edward Overton) ....Towanda 28741 McGuigan, Clara Maria Hammond (Mrs John F.) 6018 Drexel Eoad, Phila- delphia 35565y McHenrj-, Isabel Northrop (Mrs James O.) 1525 Spruce st., Philadelphia 5514 MacHenrjr, Mary Davis MacFadden (Mrs Charles W.) Mt. Washington, Pittsburg 4670c McHvain, Elizabeth M. (Mrs J. Gibson) E. Downingtown 194S?> McHvain, Emily Reed Smith (Mrs Wm. Robinson) 210 N. 5th St., Reading 22383f' McHvain, Martha Gibson (Miss) East Downingtown 8861i Mcllvaine, Ella (Miss) . Bellemonte 3910// Mcllvaine, Fannie N. R. (Mrs H. C.) 3308 Hamilton st.. West Philadelphia 18150Z Mclnnes, Martha H. (Miss) 701 De Kalb St., Norristown 18149£: Mclnnes, Mary T. (Miss) 701 De Kalb st., Norristown 6931£r Mclnnes, Rebecca (Mrs Hugh) 701 De Kalb st., Norristown 129950 Mclntire, Ella G. (Mrs Charles) 222 Spring Garden st., Easton 326672/ Mclntire, Helen Hirst Pierie (Mrs W. C.) 1337 Thompson st.. Philadelphia 3.J561^ ISIcKarnes, ]\Iargaret (Miss) 85 Neshannock ave.. New Castle 36486A McKay, Helen C. (Miss) 515 Emerson st., E. E., Pittsburg 36485A McKay, Jennie Spurway (Mrs W.) 515 Emerson st., E. E., Pittsburg S66A McKee, Anne Patrick (Mrs Christian T.) McKee Place, Pittsburg 24375A McKee, Jeannette E. Hartupee (Mrs Henry S.) 911 Ridge ave., Allegheny 31865G McKee, Mary J. Stewart (Mrs William A.) Houtzdale 6G23A McKelvy, Ella Kumler (Mrs William) ... .5th and College aves., Pittsburg 987A McKelvy, Isadore Adams (Mrs James S.) 11 Oakland Sq., Pittsburg 9845A McKelvy, Jane Hays (Mrs John H.) North Negley ave., Pittsburg 3434L Miackey, Lauretta Barnes Fay (Mrs Charles Wm.) . .1138 Elk st., Franklin 20662 Mackey, Sarah (Mrs William P.) Walker ave., Butler 40631; McKill'ip, Mary C. (Mrs Harvey Alexander) Bloomsburg 25879s McKinney, Florence Fleming (Mrs) Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia 3:i964yy McKnight, Gertrude L. (Mrs W. C.) . . Wissahickon Heights, Philadelphia 597A McKnight, Kate Cassett (Miss) 1212 Western ave., Allegheny 32695J McKown, Frances Jae (Miss) Tunkhannock 32289/ McKown, Mary Adelaide (Miss) Tunkhannock 27893A McKown, Mary E. (Mrs William) 3424 Forbes st., Pittsburg 9307A McLean, Clara* Chamberlin (Mrs Charles B.) Harriet and Winebiddle ave., Pittsburg 30499A McLean, Marion Louise (Miss) Winebiddle ave., cor. Harriet st., Pitts- burg 33093Z) McLearn, Josephine (Mrs Samuel) 2031 Arch st., Philadelphia 11430A INIcLure, Cornelia R. (Mrs E. C.) Wallingford near Neville ave., Pittsburg 3264S; McManus, Martha Boas (Mrs W. S.) 9th st., near Highland ave., Chester 55352/ McMichael, Anna Mallet-Prevost (Mrs C. B.) 2110 Pine st., Philadelphia 24372A MacMillan, Lila Christy (Miss) Idlewood 24371A MaclSIillan, Lvdia Harper (Miss) Idlewood 25784* McMullin, Martha A. (Mrs Charles T.) 4805 Chester ave., Philadelphia 21118* McMullin, Mary Bella (Miss) 4805 Chester ave., Philadelphia 23401A McNauger, Mary J. Scott (Mrs) Lafayette st., Allegheny 14110 MacOwen, Marv Ednah Swaney (Mrs A. H.) 4027 Brown st., Philadelphia 20665(7 McPherson, Annie Patterson (Mrs John B.) 2216 Walnut st., Philadelphia 27877H McPherson, Bernice McGill (Mrs Tsaiah) Towanda 35575C McSparren, Isabella M. (Mrs Charles A.) 152 W. Ninth st., Erie • General Lafayette Chapter, N. J. 34 530 DIRECTOEY, D. A. K. 93350 29427/ '2944^ 2943)/ 32683^ 326827/ 4266i/ 20070(/ 24930(7 11922* 11921!/ 28761 20677!/ 23535; 9829f 32273/) 8013/- 33554Z) 31046* 31047* 93280 37392/ 30162s 32255(/ 9304A 36437$ 6287e 10766; 4276e 117646 255176 4275e 17264A' 4658A 2007f 26293(Z 19093 1 1 24902i 3247/; 29679/? 6285/; 29282c 29670s 28257/ 29259/ 29261/ 29260/ 35583/ M604O ^ 534.1/ 80190- 76570 12982H 30507D 13721D 17268(t sr,i6// 24925f/ 2023A 32293J 29288 Maffet, Martha A. (Miss) 6 Northampton st., Wilkes-Barre Magee, Anna Justina (Miss) 1720 Walnut st., Philadelphia Mag-ee, Eliza Jane ( ■Miss) 1720 Walnnt st., Philadelphia Magee, Fannie Sarah (Miss) 1720 Walnut st., Philadelphia Magee, Mary Louise (Miss) Tidioute Magee, Susan Emeline (Miss) Tidioute Magill, Helen Toucey (Miss) 113 W. Market st., Danville Magill, Laura Durr Toucey (Mrs Eobert D.) 113 W. Market st., Danville ]\Iagill, Louisa Jones (Mrs William E.) 932 Peach st., Erie Magruder, Mary Lynn (Miss) 4042 Walnut st., Philadelphia Magruder, Susan Larkin (Miss) 4042 Walnut st., Philadelphia Main, Ada Miller Sherwood (Mrs Comer B.) Union City Maison, Emma Crozer (Mrs Eobert S.) 7th and Poplar sts., Chester Major, Maud Kline (Mrs Henry K.) Media Malone, Kate Latta (Mrs Joseph S.) 1225 Walnut st., Philadelphia Mann, Emeline Howard (Miss) 1003 Oxford st., Philadelphia Mann, Helene Tome (Mrs William Harris) Mill Hall Mann, Mabel Howard (Miss) 704 N. 20th st., Philadelphia Mansfield, Lucy Mygatt (Mrs Ira Franklin) Beaver Mansfield, Mary L. (Miss) Beaver March, Mildred Stone Conway (Mrs Francis A.) College Campus, Easton Maris, Susan Bryson (Mrs Henry J.) 929 Clinton st., Philadelphia ISIarlin, Ella Henderson (Mrs Benjamin McC.) Dubois Marple, Emily M. (Mrs J. G.) 221 X. 2nd st., Harrisburg Marsh, Anna E. Ingraham (Mrs Joseph W.) Wallingford and Neville sts., Pittsburg Marsh, Juliet Hamill (Mrs Fred Herman) ... .226 N. 2nd st., Harrisburg Marshall, Catharine Dallett (Mrs Thomas Webb) West Chester Marshall, Elizabeth Gratz (Mrs Henry C.) Media Marshall, Elizabeth Pusey (Miss) West Chester Marshall, Frances Lloyd (Mrs William Pusey) West Chester Marshall, Jane C. (Miss) Kennett Square Marshall, Hannah Andrews (Miss) West Chester Alarshall, Virginia (Miss) 1411 N. 16th st., Philadelphia Martin, Anne Brewster Kennard (Mrs J. S.) 6201 Walnut st., Pittsburg Martin, Irene Ballet (Miss) 11 S. 5th st., Allentown Martin, Jeanette Chase (Mrs Charles Edward) 96 N. Perry st., Titusville Martin, Mary Stout (Mrs James) 1716 Locust st., Philadelphia Martin, Nancy (Miss) Shippensburg Massey, Elizabeth Estell (Miss) 2018 Vine st., Philadelphia Massey, H. Adelia Turner (Mrs T.) 4248 Parkside ave.. West Philadelphia Matlack, Ema Jane (Mrs George Smedley) Lewisbiirg Matson, Caroline Robinson (Miss) Brookville Mattson, Katharine Ten Brook.(Mrs T. L.) 1412 N. 15th st., Philadelphia Maurice, Charlotte Marshalll Holbrooke (Mrs Charles Stewart) . .Athens Maurice, Cornelia (Miss) Athens Maurice, Ethel Elgin (Mrs George Holbrooke) Athens Maurice, Marian Bridge (Miss) Athens Maurice, Margaret Stewart (Miss) Athens Maxwell, Elizabeth Crane (Miss) 140 Bnshkill st., Easton Maxwell, Gertrude Appleaet (Mrs James M.) Monongahela ]\Iaxwell, Margaret C. Wynn (Mrs H.) 4227 Mantue ave.. West Philadelphia Maxwell. Mary Elizabeth McClelland (Mrs Henry D.) Spring Garden st., Easton ' Mayberrv, Susie Ever (Mrs Charles B.) 207 York ave., Towanda Mecke, Eliza Webster (Miss) 1806 N. 18th st., Philadelphia Mecke, Mary Voorhees (Airs Henry C.) 1806 N. 18th st., Philadelphia Medlar, Ella M. (Mrs William A.) 115 N. 6th st.. Beading Mein, Annie E. (Mrs B. V.) 1621 Green st., Philadelphia Mellick, Emma (Miss) 800 Capitol st., Harrisburg Alellon, Bachel Hughev (Mrs James IIoss) 400 N. Negley ave.. Pittsburg Mentzer, Alzina Jenkins (Mrs William H.) Ha/.leton Merchant, Charlotte Agnes (Miss) 14 Colbert ave.. Oil City * Mahoning Chapter, Ohio. t Ciithei-ine Green Chapter, Ohio. .John Pettigrew Chapter, N. J. PENNSYLVANIA. 531 263C0 4666; 31823; 33&52S 2090/ 3236.1 829A 32294J 29669/ 17S05O 27109"- 14395// 32662s 8608rf 1970r 13719// 9S36Z/ 1740y 5517-1 10775 33111 35584/ 8617// 19505// 33559.1/ 2008 23240 21777A 24903/i. 301 90L 270S5J' 31074fc 27383/ 350S7 S5S6C 9297A 46716 670A S5S7(' 22411 17S06O 5513A 232460 339690 32430 9:n9// 11295 31C83S 7322// 310S4S 9fC5a ef36// 3irs5s 55C2r/ 137507 17260/y 13716// 30:82D sonoip 30l67.'!< Merchant, Julia Evangeline (Miss) 14 Colbert ave., Oil City Mercur, Marie D. (Mrs James W.) Wallino-f ord Mercur, Marietta Denis (Miss) Wallinoford Mercur, Mary Ward (Mrs Rodney Augustus) .Towanda Merrill, Julia Husted (Mrs Charles W.) 2040 X. Park ave., Philadelphia Merwin, Emma A. Shryock (Mrs Noble H.) 849 "The Terrace," Meadville Merwin, Maria Louise (Mrs Walter Lee) 327 Howe st., Pittsburo- Messier, Agnes Caldwell (Mrs Eemsen Yarick) Morewood,' Pittsbur" Metcalf, Marian G. (Miss) Tunkhannock Metzger, Mary Gertrude (Miss) 36 X. Lime st., Lancaster Mej-ers, Isabel Heckman (Mrs Oliver H.) Easton Meylert, Harriet Hodgdon (Mrs A. P.).. 49 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre jNIichener, Ella Hansell Bullock (JIrs F. L.) 3829 Walnut st., Philadelphia Michener, Mary E. Belknap (Mrs E. O.) 4615 Pulaski ave., Germantown Michler, Julia Augusta (Mrs Francis) . .Cattell st., College Hill, Easton Mickley, Annie Desdemona (ISErs Joseph P.) Mickley's Middleton, Grace Landell (Mrs G. P.) 957 Franklin st., Philadelphia MiflHin, Lily Sturgis Wight (Mrs James).. 1824 Spruce st., Philadelphia Mitfiin, Martha J. (Miss) 169 Walnut st., Columbia Miller, Anne Morehead Clark (Mrs J. J.) 4924 Washington st., Pittsburg Miller, Aralene Paul (Mrs Walter P.) 211 W. Upsal st., Germantown Miller, Charlotte (Miss) 411 Penn st., Huntington Miller, Clara E. Frost (Mrs George Wellington) Athens Miller, Cora Eshleman (Mrs Chas. W.) Bloomsburg Miller, Gertrude Ellison (Mrs Ewing L.) 319 S. 15th st., Philadelphia ]\Iiller, Gertrude Schumann (Mrs) Washington Miller, Helen Murray- Eejmolds (Mrs) care Mr. M. Eeynolds, Wilkes-Barre Miller, Hettie Searle (JNIrs) 91 N. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Miller, Isabelle Collins (Mrs) 248 Merion ave., Pittsburg- Miller, Jennie H. (Miss) Selin's Grove Miller, Louie Gertrude (Mrs Albert F.) 1403 Buffalo st., Franklin Miller, Louise Rothermel (Miss) 6306 Overbrook ave., Philadelphia Miller, Lj'dia McMillan (Mrs Eoger) Wilkes-Barre Miller, Mahala Bolles Harding (Mrs Punderson A.) Tunkhannock Miller, Mariana Pvhett (Mrs Andrew Harold) 119 S. 20th st., Philadelphia Miller, Mary Park (Mrs B. L V.) E. Downington Miller, Rachel ]SIc:Masters (Mrs Mortimer C.) Turtle Creek Miller, Sallie E. (Mrs Francis P.) E. Downingtown Miller, Sarah C. (Mrs Charles H.) 157 Buena Yista st., Allegheny Miller, Sarah G. (Miss) E. Downingtown Miller, Susan J. Oursler (Mrs W. V.) Oil City Miller, Anna Frothingham (Mrs John C.)..cor. Monroe and Broadhead sts., Easton Milliken. Carrie Morris (Mrs Andrew) Coraopolis Miner, Eliza Eoss Atherton (Mrs C. A.) 264 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Miner, Elizabeth (Miss) 264 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Miner, Hetty Lonsdale (Mrs Asher) 292 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Minnich, Mary Lovell (Mrs M. Eeed) 4021 Baring st., Philadelphia Misener, Mary A. Dolph (Mrs James Graham) 106 Brook st., Dunmore Mitchel, Kathrvn Alulford (Miss) 922 Farragut Terrace, Philadelphia Mitchell, Adele"^ (Miss) 253 S. 17th st., Philadelphia Mitchell, Agnes Marv (Miss) 1525 N. 16th st., Philadelphia Mitchell. Deborah d\ (Mrs Isaac) Bellefonte INIitchell. Fannv Elizabeth Kessler (Mrs W.) 262 S. 17th st., Philadelphia Mitchell', Miranda Gertrude (Miss) 1525 N. 16th st., Philadelphia Alitchell, Nancy (Miss) ' Oak Lane, Philadelphia Mitchell, Regina Calder (Mrs F. B.) 315 N. Front st., Harrisburg Mitchell, Rosalie Leonard (Mrs J. Nicholas) 1505 Spruce st., Philadelphia Mitchell, Sara Patterson Snowden (Mrs John Stevenson) 2205 Walnut st., Philadelphia _ . , -,^, .^ -, , w Moffatt. Ara Emma (Mrs Edwin M.) 4220 Pans st., Philadelphia Mohr. Emma Noble (Mrs William E.) • . .•••.• • • ^Y'"^*^^' Molony, Leonora Barrington (Mrs C. T.)....506 N. 16th st., Philadelphia Dorothea Henry Chapter, Va. DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 23243I> 17821i^ 31072ft 343647) 21312Z) 31045|| 35560^ 865A 669J. 20064», 29638* 31848.4. 2899C' 6275t 25508^ 2064011 650A 6933// 27381** 27902// 25883b 8610A 26568 164790 15267// 238A 235391 20SS 27909// 7334A 8589/ 30506Z) 4470 11749L 10311tt 32246c 7603X 24376A 21313D 22404Z) 21769§ 7460 164740 :.'5546G 212990 29262/ 34950G 55390 28255A 15908i. 3964// 3251// 20CS4 27112 24432IIII 6293? 35989D 9839/1 Moncure, Lalla Vance (Mrs John) 1423 S. 6th st., Philadelphia Montelius, Carrie E. (Mrs E. M.) Mt Carmel Montgomery, Elizabeth MulHy (Mrs Joseph Lingle) '.'..'. . Belief onte Montgomery, Hannah Clark (Mrs H. T.) 3332 N. Park ave., Philadelphia Moody, Anna L. (Mrs Robert V.) 341 N. 52nd st., Philadelphia Moody, Mary Kirtland (Mrs Samuel) Beaver Moody, Mary Louise (Mrs Georoe W.) Highland ave.. New Castle Moorhead, Emily Black (Mrs William J.) 610 Lilac st., Pittsbur"- Moorhead, Mary Heberton (Mrs M. K.) 5221 Ellsworth ave., Pittsburg- Moore, Charlotte E. (Miss) Towanda Moore, Elizabeth (Mrs) Derrv Station Moore, Hettie Evans (Mrs Frank E.) 922 Western ave., Allegheny Moore, Nena (Miss) 114 W. 4th st.. Erie More, Kathryn le Fevre (Miss) Bangor Morgan, Jennie Law (Miss) 113 E. Grant ave.. New Castle Morrell, Cornelia Ingersoll (Miss) Henrietta Morris, Alice Petton West Lyon (Mrs C.) 840 Eidge ave., Allegheny Morris, Ellen Douglas (Mrs Effingham Buckley) Ardmore Morris, Ida Elliott (Mrs James H.) 4237 Walnut st., Philadelphia Morris, Lydia Tompson (Miss) 826 Pine st., Philadelphia Morris, Margaret F. (Miss) Harrowgate Lane, Old Front st., Philadelphia Mor-ris, Eebecca Shiras (Mrs James H.) 609 Stanton ave., Pittsburg Morrison, Helen S. Gardner (Mrs Thomas A.) Smithport Morrison, Missouri Bliss (Mrs Leverett Adolphus) 338 W. 6th st.. Erie Mort, Amelia Ewing (Miss) 2201 Spring Garden st., Philadelphia Morton, Mary Belle (Mrs Howard) 314 Cedar ave., Allegheny Moss, Esther Lewis "Williamson (Mrs James B.) 509 Kerlin st., Chester Mott, Marilla Fellows (Miss) Scranton Moult on, Elizabeth Hunter (Mrs Byron P.) Eosemont Mowry, Margaret Louisa (Miss) 65 Buena Vista st., Pittsburg Mowry, Sarah Du Bois (Mrs Philip H.) 225 E. 5th st., Chester Moyer, Edna Hillyer Mecke (Mrs Albert) 1727 Diamond st., Philadelphia Mullican. Julia Bowman (Mrs E. L.) 115 N. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Mullins, Elizabeth Johnson Bostwick (Mrs W. J.) S. Park st., Franklin Mumford, Mary Eno (Mrs Joseph P.) 1401 N. 17th st., Philadelphia Mimdorff, Ada Rodgers (Mrs Henry W.) Punxsutawney Munyon, Dora Harvej^ (Mrs James M.) "The Towers," Old Lancaster Eoad, below City ave., Philadelphia Murdoch, Cecilia C. Jones (Mrs Frank Hale).. 808 Aiken ave., Pittsburg Murdoch, H. Kate (Miss) 3219 Wallace st., Philadelphia Murphey, Jennie M. (Mrs Abner Greer) 1612 Christian st., Philadelphia Murphy. Ellen Maclay (Mrs Robert S.) Johnstown Miirphy, Frances Parrish (Mrs Joseph A.) 49 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Murphy, Louise Clarkson (Miss) 49 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Murray, Belle Holt (Miss) Clearfield Murray, Elizabeth Eeighard (Miss) Clearfield Murray, Elsie (Miss) Athens Murray, Helen (Miss) 120 S. 2nd st., Clearfield Murray, Katharine May Winton (Mrs) 436 Wyoming st., Scranton Murray, Katharine Mowry (Mrs John S.) De Haven Murray, Margaret B-. (Mrs John H.) 133 W. High st., Carlisle Musgrove. Margaret Montgomery (Mrs Thomas Cory) 2226 De Lancy Place, Philadelphia Mutchmore, Mary Burtis (Mrs S. A.).. 18th st. and Montgomery ave., Philadelphia Mj^ers, Anna Borden (Mrs David) 1625 Arch st., Philadelphia Myers, Emily Eebecca (Miss) Bethlehem Myers, Marg-aret A. (Mrs Nathan) "The Stratford." Philadelphia Mvlin, Caroline Hepburn (Mrs Ames H.) Lancaster Nagle, Emily Elizabeth (Miss) 1617 N. 24th st., Philadelphia Naile, Emma J. Patterson (Mrs Frederick J.) 906 De Kalb st.. Norristown II Mahoninp Chapter, Ohio. * Hetuck Chapter, Ohio. t Mahwenawasigh Chapter, N. Y. H Mary AVashinpton Chapter, Ohio. ** Multonomah Chapter, Ore. t Delaware County Chapter, Del. tt Esther Stanley Chapter, Conn. § Old Thirteen Chapter. Iowa. II II Albemarle Chapter, Va. PEXXSYLYAXIA. 533 12996? iS'aumaii, Lizzie Henderson (Mrs George) 439 E. King st., Lancaster 29702* Nead, Jessie Constance (Aliss) Chambersburg 5521/1 Neale, Eliza Clark (Mrs) Bidwell st., Pittsburg 19509y Keide, Martha S. (Miss) 3821 Chestnut st., Philadelphia 13715^/ Neilson, Sarah Claypoole (Mrs Thomas) 325 S. 12th st., Philadelphia 30G1£' Nesbit, Eebecca Morris (Mrs Joseph Candor) Lewisburg 10217J. Nevin, Adelaide Mellier (Miss) Sewickley 2'135Sy Nevin, Harriet M. Ogden (Mrs Charles W.) 2322 S. Broad st., Philadelphia 3493617 Nevin, Lilias Grove (Mrs David W.) Paxinosa ave., Easton 10216iL Nevin, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Theodore W.) Sewickley 33555D Kewbern, Marion C. Whiteman (Mrs K. H.) 5201 Archer st., Germantown 36469?* Newell, Sallie Fairchild (Mrs Fred.) Dushore 8177e Nibecker, Bell S. Pendleton (Mrs Franklin H.) Glen Mills 246S2D Nichols, Lois Weeks (Mrs H. B.) Lansdowne 2191C Nicholson, Emma Sophia G. (Mrs William Henry).. 132 E. 5th st., Erie 1944& Nicolls, Annie H. Muhlenberg (Mrs G. A.) 200 N. 4th st., Reading 343496r Nicolls, Clara Valentine Lyon (Mrs William Jasper) Philadelphia 25534A Nimick, Eleanor Howe (Mrs Frank B.) 6315 5th ave., Pittsburg 26558-4 Noble, Elizabeth Howard (Mrs Daniel C.) 5710 Howe st., Pittsburg 8863(? Norris, Mertie Miller (Mrs) 207 S. Front st., Harrisburg 8862a. Norris, Sarah Comly (Miss) Howard 21325fr North, Annie Eichter (Mrs Calvin B.) Selin's Grove 1452N North, Serena Maver Franklin (Mrs) 28 Cherry st., Columbia 29268/ Northrup, Artella' Talladay (Mrs Samuel) .' Athens 282520 Norton, Anna C. B. (Mrs Horace M.) 25 S. 2nd st., Easton 9300A Oakley, Imogen Brashear (Mrs John M.) 3913 Walnut st., Philadelphia 22-J07D Obdyke, Helen Elizabeth Latta (Mrs B. F.)..5927 Drexel Eoad, Philadel- phia 20G55C Oberly, Ella Mae (Miss) Womelsdorf 20G54& Oberly, Emma (Miss) Womelsdorf 1457SA O'Brien, Lucinda Winters Bingey (Mrs C. A.) 234 Dithridge st., Pittsburg 27920 O'Brien, Sarah Harrison (Mrs Eichard) . . . .501 Washington ave., Scranton 27074(/ Oenslager, Jane L. C. (Mrs John, Jr.) 711 N. 3rd st., Harrisburg 520.1 Oliver, Amelia Neville (Miss) Shields 519A Oliver, Amelia Neville Shields (Mrs James Brown) Shields 194900 Oliver, Anna Miner (Mrs) Oliver's Mills, Wilkes-Barre 8260// Oliver, Marv Schermerhorn (Mrs C. A.) 1507 Locust st., Philadelphia 11117A Olten, Susan (Mrs J. W.) 3336 5th ave., Pittsburg 2173-1 Orr, Anna Lyon Lazear (Mrs Charles P.) 370 S. Highland ave., Pittsburg 143S9a Orvis, Caroline Atwood (INIiss) .' Belief onte 19536a Orvis, Mary Lyon (Mrs Ellis Lewis) Belief onte 27919/? Orwig, Margaret H. (Mrs Samuel H.) Lewisburg 25S84D Osborne, Anna H. Barnitz (Mrs J. A.) Milton 31866L Osmer. Jennie Griggs (Mrs J. H.) 1531 Liberty st., Franklin 273SSp Otto, Elizabeth Leete (Miss) 9 School House Lane, GermantoAvn 36473.1 Oursler, -4nna F. (Miss) 312 Lowell st., E. E., Pittsburg 107S3:r Oursler, Mary C. (Miss) Latrobe 36474-1 Oursler, Mvra Morton (Miss) 312 Lowell st., E. E., Pittsburg 3310SO Overton, -\delaide Blanche (Miss) 114 Academy st., Wilkes-Barre 12979H Overton, Colette Therese (Mrs Edward) Towanda 255550 Overton, Frances Jane (Miss) 141 Academy st., Wilkes-Barre 29665a Overton. Helen Eliza (Miss) Bellefonte 1936b Owen, -\ddie Caroline (Miss) 545 Centre ave., Eeading 345581 Packard. Eebekah (Mrs) Covington 32248r Packer, Katherine W. (Mrs Boyd C.) 112 W. Main st., Lock Haven 7592/ Page, Mary Crozer (Mrs Louis Rodman) 115 S. 19th st., Philadelphia 737A Page, Sidney (Miss) 627 Clyde st., Pittsburg 355S2/ Paine. Charlotte Eastham (Miss) Troy 331090 Paine, Maria Hubbell (Mrs J. C.) W^ilkes-Barre 152460 Paine, Priscilla Lee (Miss) 69 N. Ei^er st., Wilkes-Barre 614A Painter, Ellie Guthrie (Mrs Park) 850 Eidge ave., Allegheny 6931 Painter, Mary Lothrop (Mrs Bvron Hays).. 1027 Western ave., Allegheny 11763P Palmer, Elizabeth Wood (Mrs Charles E.) 300 N. High st.. West Chester 3K940 Palmer, Ellen Constance (Miss) 247 S. Franklin st.. W'ilkes-Barre Dorothea Henry Chapter, Va. t Joseph Habersham Chapter, Ga. 534 31080;j 7203^ 31863Z> 29263/ 2631A 30513/ 206S6y 26688* 3650 3640 129S9;t 27398/) 21300G' 20692 6344 4264d 36482J. DIHECTORY, D. A. E. Palmer, Harriet Vail (Mrs FdwiT1^ Pancoast, Elizabeth C. (Mrs Henrv P \ '^^'^^ ^*-' Philadelphia Pancoast, Harriet N. (Mrs Charles -p \ oo«* 4tV V Cornswells Park, Cordie Parshall (Mrs S- k\' " ' ' ^^^ ^"^^"^ ^'^■' Pl^il^delphia Park, Ettie Purviance (Mrs Jamps''TT \ V+V "o ' ^" i' W ' ", Athens 1 Park, Lydia Minerva KaSer ?Mrs b;;. #\^^- ^^^^^^ ^^^«- ^ ' Parrott, Belle Spalding Collins (Mrs To^pL' 'w ' ^'''°°'^' °^'^^^^ ^^^"s Paschall, Hettie E. (M?s Sanmel m ^An^rl^'"'^ 'r Towanda Patchin, Sallie A. (Miss) . . . °° Church Lane, Germantown Patterson, Bertha E CMi'-q t' '^ii;'^V+\ /„ Bnrnside Patterson! Elizabett' Bah d ^Hss) ^ '''' ^"""^ ^*-' Philadelphia J Patterson, Helen Margaret (Miss)".'.'.'.'.'. : ^hiekls ^ Patterson, Margaret Laird (Mrs Jo'hn 'm") ' Titusville 364844 Patterson; Marirr^ttlTlcDowen^iHssJ'^ 5^4' S^^^^'^ ^*-' Pi^sbnrg — Patterson, Saral. A. (Miss) . . . .'!V^'!;^!^;;;;;;;.^?o\SPn^ ^k.T^^.^^,^"^? 55882/ 18939 25871? 93117/ 137046? 25547G 113032/ 28742s 80252/ 15256i 98330- , Susan Letchwo^th (Mis's') ^^ ^^'^^'^ st. Philadelphia . Williamina Kirkpati-iek ira^iora (Mr^ GeoVge) .'Aei^Tlerlll ey St., Germantown Curwensville Patterson Patterson St., New Castle Patton, Florence Paul (Mrs J. Lee).... 071 tj„„.. Patton, Honora Louise (Miss) ---1 Harv Patton, ^'^ "^•" '"' - Mary Dill (Mrs Alexander E ) n"^ " Patton, Mary Lee (Mrs Edward W ^ ''^V "^"\ • -Curwensville Paul, Annie E. (Mrs DanieT G) ^^ i J9' w^f,''^""^™' Philadelphi Paul. -RehPo... AW... n^lA„^-/.-;---^V:---1722 Wallace st., Philadelphi Pan., Eebecoa Norri. Coa.es -(mVs Ed^in' 5.')^^.™ T Upsal st'SeSSI^' iia delphia Paulding. Mary Lamberton (Mrs Edmund Elmendorf ) . Carli 1p (Mrs Stephen) 1327 N. 21st St., Philadelphia Paulhn, Lydia Wynn MacD. tltlt P^^J^o^'K^te Conway M. (Mrs Frank C.).'...... "^^•' ^ '"^ 36220 Paxson, Anna Kraff, CAf^<=c^ '^ ^e 343 2 279042/ Pearce 364722/ Pearso^rsTna i^^lson '(M^^'Fr'ank^ iS?i 1^"""^ ^h Ph^adelp'nia 4844(7 PearsoT. r«.r,l,-.. (Miss) -^^^"^'^ ^^l^ .Spruce st., Philadelphia 3622& Paxson, Anna Kraft (Miss) '^ pVs a^' "fiVV ' *; ^^^^''^^^^l^y 43o9iC Payne, Marion Vaughn (Mrs Fred Huribuir.ii^i'w z.+^" ^*^,!^•^^^^^^'^§■ 79032/ Pearce, Jane Esher^Mrs John w') "" *^ on'on Jl" **„^ "*•' ^I^"^^™?!'."!'* (Mrs John W.) Jennie (Miss) . . . . .'.".T:. ; ' " HH S?''"'''^ '*•' ?l^^l^'^^lpl"a . ■n.n„ ^.T.M.^^ (^j^g Frank).... '.'.". ■.'.■.1911 31096, Pearson, Jane Lou^SyW George) l ;; l ■.; l : l" rl NoX It.'; ^ew"ct"if 137404. Pearson, Mary (Miss) 35556, Peay Lilla Augusta (Mrs 'Ge'or'ge 'Keats) .' .' .' .' .' .^Tis 'n. ' 6th' st -t-ecnm, Lilla Sellers (Miss) 04-3 a lo+i, „+ -D^..^ , , , .- Peck, Mary Almira (Miss). ^- ^"^^ ^*-' Philadelphia ^^'^J^'.^ffP' Lawson, Dymond Hart (Mrs 'wiilia'm') Ivmgston 279012/ 35998J 20659fc New Castle Harrisbiirg Kings! 220 Washington st., W. 178144 29680/) 25484^ 29681D 1475311 10226e 55282/ 35587/ 27882 28258 8014r 12862f 2300110 69352/ 355Q2t 35563f 24383 Pittston ?e?ce' Edr&L'TMlif '' ^'""^'^ ^'^ ^^"" * Braddock aves.. Pittsbu j^eiice, jiaa May (Miss) ifiifi Tsr ■R7.,-,ari c+ -di,-i i ^ 1 Peirce, Jeannette Trevo'r (Mrs Wiimott) .' . ."^ '. .^^ ''"'' '*•' ?m ad^ S Peirce, Mary Bisbing (Miss) \aic. A^ i^V^^Y V/ * 'i^M^.^ll. 1616 K Broad st. Pittsburg ilia Ilia Philadelphia Peirson, Martha Frances (Miss) ! i.'.' .'i [i 3911 Haverford ave Philadelphia Pennypacker, Clara K._ (Mrs Henry C.) "Moore Hall!" PhoeiiixviiS .4047 Spruce st. .Athens ^^-A?-r''^ Caroline Amelia Heberton" (Mrs EdwarcfLang) Philadelphia '^■^ Perkins, Ellen Gertrude (Miss).. Perkins' ^^ n ' -^^^ ^^'if ^ "^ ■■.■.'.'.'.■4'l'3 's.' B;oad' 's't'.. Philadelphia Perk u?' S fp%l /'"".tr^^^;" ^^T.^? H.)..413 S. Broad st., Philadelphia Perks Tot 7T m?/'' r (^I^^^'^e^« Wilmer)..53 E. Church st.. Lock Haven 1 eiks. Tola H. (Mrs George) 1235 g. j^^,^^^ g^ Philadelphia Pero7'M?.°v S§-8-^"V^'"' Allen Putnam) 309 Campbell st.,' Williamsport 1 ei ot, Mary Elena Burroughs Mrs Effingham) \rdniore Perry, Anna Russell (Miss) !.336 S. Mill st. New Cas le Perry, Margaret^Li llian (Miss) 536 S. Mill st. New Cast e Perry Eebecca Decker Woglom (Mrs Ophir La Forrest) . Philadelphia ^ .3717 Baring st., Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. Cincinnati Chapter, Ohio. Elizabeth Cook Chapter, Del. General Lafayette Chapter, N. J. PEXXSYLVAXIA. 535 551G.-i 31829(/ 7329/ 343680 31095 20-478t 7G190 4480 2174A 35445* 32274Z) 649A 25526V 32295J 21761J 15279J 32297/ 32296J 34351/= 29832/ 596A 21792(7 34931f 21326/i. 12448« 9824a 21768)0 9066$ 31088C' 255520 23756 3867s 8007A 5176iy 23002U' 5525.V 9803a 31843?/ 27394)/ 2992 31869 23006s 21301(? 26279D 27098D 270997) 31822P 5175)/ 6928/i: 33094D 12444/ 8588; 3908?/ 32275Z) 401 27907)/ 27094Z) ]4653il/ 14652M 17265A 8171A 8172A 19525s Pershing, Charlotte Lucretia (Mrs Israel C.) 400 Biddlee ave., Wilkinsburg Peters, Ada Bishop (Mrs William Clancy) 204 W. State st., Harrisburg Peters, Harriet Parker (Mrs Richard) 1101 Spruce st., Philadelphia Petrikin, Ray Weaver (Mrs Jacob) Clearfield Pf eiffer, Nellie Boyington (Mrs William S.) Roulette Pfersching, Caroline C. S. (Mrs Heman) Tioga Pfouts, Fanny Levering (Miss) Buttonwood, Wilkes-Barre Phelps, Anna Bennett (Miss) 54 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Phillips, Anne Stevenson (Miss) 637 Ridge ave., Allegheny Phillips, Ilattie S. (Miss) 110 Bissell ave.. Oil City Phillips, Kate Anna Nagle (Mrs A. Lincoln) Lindenwold Phillips, Margaret Crosman (Mrs Oliver O.)..1001 Ridge ave. .Allegheny Phillips, Naomi (Miss) 402 Hamilton st., Allentown Piatt, Carrie A. Peck (Mrs Joseph Wood) Tunkhannock Piatt, Eulalie Mae (Miss) Tunkhannock Piatt, Frances Overfield (Mrs James W.) Tunkhannock Piatt, Mary Dana (Mrs Frank H.) Tunkhannock Piatt, Ruth Peck (Miss) Tunkhannock Pickett, Lydia Ophelia (Miss) 706 Highland ave.. Mead\-ille Pidjeon, Emily Eckfeodt Levering (Mrs T. F.) Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia Pierce, Flora McKnight (Mrs William L.) . .1238 Western ave., Allegheny Pierce, Garetta Hatch (Mrs) cor. 7th and Walnut sts., Meadville Pierce, Lucy Irene (Miss) Meadville Pine, Hannah E. Rhoads (Mrs Harley Hooker) Milton Piollet, Georgianna Mowry (Mrs Louis) Wysox Piper, Elizabeth Lytle (Miss) 24 E. 4th st., Williamsport Piper, Helen A. (Mrs George T.) 239 E. 3rd st., Williamspo:»t Pitts, Ella Dixon (Mrs Fred L.) Girard ave., Philadelphia Piatt, Mary Sturgeon (Mrs George) 807 Sassafras st., Erie Plunier, Rachel Lewis (Mrs Arnold Adams) Liberty st., Franklin Pomeroj', Ellen Malvina (Miss). 1353 Mineral Spring Road, Reading Porter, Alice Isabel Bauer (Mrs Isaac, Jr.).. 4809 Regent st., Philadelphia Porter, Jane Wilson Baldwin (Mrs John Ebbert) Sewickley Posey, Emily Jewell (Mrs David R-) 1435 Walnut st., Philadelphia Pott,' Annie E. (Miss) 514 W. 4th st., W'illiamsport Pott, Emma (Miss) Pottsville Potter, Elizaijeth Sanderson (Mrs George L.) Bellefonte Potter, Emily Graff (Mrs Harry Clay) 1913 Spruce st.. Philadelphia Potter, Lily Alexiena Wilson (Mrs T., Jr.) . .Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia Potter, Marie E. (Mrs George) 632 S. 48th st., W. Philadelphia Potts, Kate Scudder (Mrs George H.) Pottstown Powel. Mary F. Burgin (Mrs William R.) 2037 Arch st., Philadelphia Powell, Annie McLeod (Mrs Alexander Reed) Clearfield Powell, Ella May Richards (Mrs Charles Harvey). .2029 Spring Garden st., Philadelphia Powell, Jessie (Miss) 5910 Wayne ave., Germantown Powell, S. Jennie (Miss) 5910 Wayne ave., Germantown Power, Emma McClellan (Mrs James Patrick) Scottdale Pratt, Florence A. (Mrs James Dundas) 250 S. 23rd st., Philadelphia Preston, Mary Krause (Mrs Mahlon) 15 E. Penn st.. Norristown Price, Caroline Marqueze (Mrs William) 119 N. 21st st., Philadelphia Price, Lucy Adele Brooks (Mrs Edward A.) Media Price, Lucy Brooks (Miss) Media Price, Rachel Louise Wallis (Mrs John Church) 601 W. 7th st., Chester Price, Rosalie Coleman (Mrs T. B.) . .18th and Mt. Vernon st., Philadelphia Prime, Lauretta T. (Mrs Frederick) 108 Spruce st., Philadelphia Prowattain, Josephine Worrell (Mrs Ivan) 4217 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Purves, Elizabeth Deborah (Mrs Charles) 1910 N. 31st st., Philadelphia Quail. Anna Grizella (Miss) Washington Quail, Elizabeth West (Miss) Washington Quay, Elizabeth Loring Waters (Mrs Richard Roberts) Sewickley Quay, Catharine, (Miss) Morganza Quay, Marion Pryde (Miss) Morganza Quinton, Amelia Stone (Mrs) 1725 Arch st.. Philadelphia t General Lafayette Chapter, N. J. * Deborah Champion Chapter, N. Y. t Baltimore Chapter, Md. 536 DIKECTORY, D. A. K. 2i096Z) Radeker, Carrie Elizabeth aiissl 27095Z> Iladeker, Evelyn H. (M^-s C \V K>' i Sheffield 27097Z> Kadeker, Mvranelle (Miss) '' Sheffield 31079/) Radford, Wary Helen (]\liss) VmV 'w"\\"\ Sheffield 19-1S3A llafferiy, Lyde Seyeran -e (Mrs Olh-er w\ I'-mTV^'^'J ^^'- I''»l='^l^-lpliia oJISn ;i"^^™' ^'"^"••^ ^""^^« (Mrs John M^^-^ ••'''' ^^'^" ^l.bQD Rai^uel, Ellie Magee (Miss) ;.;.;• V.' •:^;. lowanda IS'; 32 31100 Jiamsey, Margaret EaAvrenop T inHcio,, V\V ' 'tI 'i' •■■•^urz wasning-ton 35559s Randolph, Elfnore Xyd ^^1^1 '"^ ^^^'''^ ^1"^'^^* ^^-^ rottsyille 678A Rankin! Katharine (Mrs l\ T '^'' ^'- "'^ ^*-' Philadelphia 24919;) Rankin, Maria Amelia .TefFerip« /ArVV W'Ai ■' V^" ' T- Shields ave., Germantown '^^^"^"^^ (^^^^^ Wilham A\ashington) 5900 Wayne 24920 Rankin, Mary Amelia (Miss) aao c+.« i ^ r. 32647C Rankin, Olive Adelaide (Mrs Francis pT Stafford st., Germantown 12978« Ransom, Alice (Miss) -* Brookville 29240/ Ravvn. Af:,ro-.n^,.f r.',:,.\."; ■;;;:::; • • • • • Ulster • Fort Washington Bntler 2490?; S:'; S^anS^^Sl^TSsS^^^ "• «•)•• ^o^er Main and State sts., Shar^in 3£298J Reed, Elizabeth De Witt (Mrs' Chauncev) n " Tv ' ^^^^^'^ 23549 Reed, Elizabeth Sturo-es (Mrs C MofT' onV i V ^""Ivhannock '^! S-^' ^1- ^l^'-i.on^?Sj ChaH;s^S;i,S). ""f!"'^-^'^ Wilkinsburg son (Mrs Robert) 4614 ' (Mrs Frank B.) r;;'. .".'.V: .cl^krfield 18 990A Reed, Mary Louise Davison (MrrRobe^r^;;-. V. 4614- 5 h a;ePm;i^ lo-llO Reed, Rebecca Weaver (Mrs Fra.nk r/ ••••*o-14 otn ave., 1 ttsbnr 10780,)/ 14579A 27S8510 33421 Eeill, , E„,ma Tower iUrV 'J' A.Y isii -TiitVenho^r s"n "°e'=%bn;':?e'.n;;S S "r"',","-,fj°':!r;?. •'""!1^<*'" Robert T.) . . . .715 EicLell W SISj Reinhold, Hannah C. (]\[iss) 761V W 4th st Wiir ^1^:iifl°"V?!^'^''^' ^- ^'^^'-^^ (^f^« '^rihur W.):.20G4 E. Cumberl'and^ St., hamsport 6031.4. 15254n 34525 20696Z) 45 Philadelphia obe nda ter 7073O 19130 3290 1609? 32299/ 11654 9809a 20500 Remmy, Ellen D. W. (Mrs Louis F.) . Tn + Rendall Isabella Pratt (Mrs Simon) .'.' '.■ "LaunchieV ilouVe Tmr-iT OLJ ixex, !^arah blinglurff (Mrs Jacob L.) 901 Swede st Norristown W Re^molds. Annie Buckingham Dorrance (Mrs Sheldon) ... 92 SI«^-erst Wilkes-Barre ' ivi\ei bi., Reynolds, Chauncie Emily (Miss) 437 Wyoming ave., Scranton Reynolds, Emily Dain (Mrs John B.) f ^. . . . .'. Kino-ston Reynods, Louise Hoy (Mrs William F.) Bel'efonte Reynolds. Lydia Jane (Miss) ^.ifiSS Sanderson" aVe.'.Sc Emily Bovie (Mrs James M.) Arr1nir.v« 3912:v Rhodes, Fannie Price (Mrs R. Somers) .'goi W " 7th VtC ester 21316/> Rhodes, Mabel Walter (Miss) ! 6445 Green st..Gfrmant"^^^^ * Chicago Chapter, 111. t Nassau Chapter, N. J. Mahoning Chapter, Ohio. PEXNSYLVAXIA. 53-^ ice, Maria Fuller (Mrs Charles E) 147 q t? 1 i- ice, Marion Lawrence Clark (Mrs John r ^rn t '^'""t ^^•' ^^'^Ikes-Barre tenham Academj-, Oe-ontz '^ ^"^'''^ ^^- ^^^"^ <^"- ^^ice, Chel- 4490 Eice, Maria 23239D E '^f'.-io.s- i.ichmond, Annie Louise fMiss^ ' nn,\t^''' ~^* ^^ ' ^^^ «*., Erie 33539A: Sl^l^-^^, Virgiuia VaLe (Ss Hi^an/L.r •''' "^^ '''}j';^.^''''-^.'\P^'^ 5530 194890 145S1.1 25518c 'iooisc iacldie, Lydia C. (Mrs Samuel) oucu.eiu St., Aiieohenv of 5'^ Kieg-el, Margaret Louise (Mrs J) ^o^^r ; ' 'A^'"'" ^^^^^^ 24r,30 Riley, Margaret Givin (Miss' ^''^"' ^*-' Gp"nantoAvn ''''" "p'hii^^deShYa" °'°''^"'"" '"=-""•'» "'- Mchae, MiHer) ,o, ^,. ,o,^ ,,., 24340/ Eoach, Mary Caroline Wallace rMrs T V \ a+y. i t- ,• lT^V ?"?^ ¥'''''' ^^^^^^"^« (Mrs HeirA B)^' "^ ''"■^'" '''ri ""''T'^, }^.lf\ ^°^b, feusan Glatz Barnitz (Mrs J.' Albert \\:::-ji^r'^^,!°^^ i^;. Ko°iSr;:; ^"."n^L;:,":: /.^^if^H-p-) -^o-d-jf 'ch"f/-' ='- Philadelphia SSGfiA Eobinson! Elizabeth E(mL's)\\\\\-. ^^"''^ Garden st Philadelpl 36001)11 Eobinson, Elizabeth E (Miss) " ^ -«iucn ^,t. ±'niiaaeipma Eobinson, Mary E. D. (Miss) ' oV-' •■^" , • '' '' I^i^nf^inj? T?ni,i^c.^„ -nr^-.:. AT ^ U>iJss; •••••...... 31o Dubois ave.. Dubois Philadelphia s?.x^ J?°:!::,':llr:: fsr.S'e"iT.t SS'i^»p-vv^tt i ;i;;::^ s■•■■^^!F^|"- 29285r' Eodgers, Minnie (Miss). ^ -* g^""^';"^ 2«™i ttll: ^! £.S rsS" <"'^ "^^ ^"'^^ t^ 5-r '; ■ |="-t" 3o<)o9A Eolfe. Mary Ann Le Bosquet (Mrs Herman M ^ qin t«,.+t^ o.\ V i S 21314D Eoney. Arabella Wood Miss) ^ol? P?np\r%>??Tf l^^ 213I5D Eonev. Marv Elizabeth rAIiss) o-".'. „ mI ^1" PJ^'fK^lelphia 483.5i Eose: Sarah E^ed wl t/ (Mr •william'john) ^""^^^*°" '^^0^''"''^^^'" 3242f Eo.se, Susan F. (Miss).. ^ ' ' .W^' 'i^l-A' T.'^'f'-^.^ ^ ^ ^ 043 Park ave., Meadville * B.altimore Chapter, Md. 538 DIRECTORY, D, A, R. 23714D Eosenberger, Katherine W. (Mrs A.) Oo-ontz S609A Koss, Callie Frey (Mrs Mansfield A.) Coraopolis 36471^ Eoss, Elizabeth (Mrs Harry C.) 219 Pine St., Harrisburg 20667(/ Eoss, Fanny Jennings (Mrs George) 637 N. 16th st., Philadelphia 29283c Eoss, Harriette Cook (Mrs Charles Clifford) Clarion S8581 Eoss, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) Columbia ave.. Lancaster 28241f Eoss, Alary FuUerton (Mrs Mowbray Bartlett) Cambridge Springs 3736A Eoss, Mirah Lemaire (Miss) Addison 36495W Eoss, Susan Angus (Mrs) Ill Mt. Scribner ave., Du Bois 14587a; Eothermel, Alice M. (Miss) Narberth 178186 Eothrock, Elizabeth May (Miss) 428 N. Church st.. West Chester 43426 Eothrock, Martha May (Mrs Joseph T.)..428 N. Church st.. West Chester 6292?/ Eouse, Emily Elizabeth A. (Mrs Francis W.) Lansdowne 32665// Eowand, Lillian Peale (Mrs Neville J.) 4818 Cedar ave., Philadelphia 22408Z) Eowen, Laura (Miss) 535 E. Thompson st., Philadelphia 19497// Eowland, Helen May (Miss) Eowlandsville, Philadelphia 20052Z> Eowland, Maria Van Neste Schenck (Mrs Wm. N.) 1514 Green st., Phila- delphia 30517* Eoyce, Elizabeth Eebecca (Mrs C. S.) 205 N. Mercer st.. New Castle 3114P Eupp, Annie Elkinton Eiter (Mrs David) 113 E. Market st., York 23237r Eussell, Laura (Miss) 204 W. Main st.. Lock Haven 16467m; Eussell, Margaret Jane (Miss) 962 Vine st., Williamsport 137060 Eussell, Mary P. (Mrs Charles S.) Curwensville 12990/i. Eussell, Mary Park Spalding (Mrs Chauncy S.) Towanda 4838e Euth, Sarah Kesiah McClellan (Mrs) West Chester 26550g Eutherford, Anna Espy (Miss) P. 0. Box 104 Eutherford Station, Harrisburg 5506(? Eutherford, Margaret Susannah (Miss) P. 0. Box 239, Harrisburg 5505q Eutherford, Martha K. (Miss) P. O. Box 239, Harrisburg 32689f Eyan, Elizabeth Horner Stafford (Mrs Isaac H.) Lancaster 2084V Saeger, Ella E. Troxell (Mrs Alfred G.) 411 Walnut st., Allentown 2086y Saeger, Florence A. Troxell (Mrs Thomas W.)..113 S. 4th st., Allentown 2776 Saffer, M. A. J. Esther (Miss) 431 Eedwood st., Philadelphia 3837$ Saff ord, Katherine Landon (Miss) Philadelphia 34269 Sandt, Elizabeth Fogle (Miss) 671 Ferry st., Easton 34270 Sandt, Katharine Stryker (Miss) 671 Ferry st., Easton 34268 Sandt, Mary Elizabeth Stryker (Mrs C. Albert, Sr.) . .671 Ferry st., Easton 7597r Satterlee, Adaline Boon (Mrs Orrin Day) 316 N. Fairview st.. Lock Haven 25522; Saulnier, Mary B. P. (Mrs Theophilus P.) Media 25536A Saunders, Isabel lies (Mrs Augustus M.) 534 N. Park st., McKeesport 9843A Scaif e, Alice L. (Miss) 514 North ave., Allegheny 9842A Scaif e, Lois E. (Miss) 514 North ave., Allegheny 35415* Scales, Kate Hubbard Eeynolds (Mrs) Philadelphia 34933; Schaffer, Susan Ashley (Mrs William Quinn) 602 W. 9th st., Chester 6298jS: Schall, Margaret (Miss) 218 E. Main st., Norristown 3557P Schmidt, Anna Maria Albright Small (Mrs J. C.) 900 S. George st.. York 3628P Schmidt, Mary Eichardson Small (Mrs G. S.) 802 S. George st.. Y^ork 327 Schober, Emily Isvphena Hart (Mrs F. W.)..3711 Brown st., Philadelphia 28265D Schoch, Elsie G. (Mrs Parke) 2033 Park ave., PhiladelpMa 17820P Schoch, Emma Catharine (Mrs H. Harvey) Selins Grove 29235/t Schoch, Ethel Davis (Miss) Selins Grove 200677^ Schoch, Laura Edith Eichter (Mrs Ida C.) Selins Grove 3228A Schoen, Fanny Scully Smith (Mrs William H.) Shady ave., Pittsburg 5174// Scholfield, Ellen Pol'hemus (Miss) 3918 Walnut st., Philadelphia 867A Schoyer, Lucy O'H. Alorrison (Mrs) 600 Shady ave., Allegheny 29241? Schroeder, Mira Locher, (Mrs Jay Nevin) 331 E. Orange st., Lancaster 30510Z) Schroeter, Harriet Krider (Mrs Philip) 6067 Westminster ave., West Philadelphia 2132871 Schrover, Eva Katharine Schoch (Mrs) Selins Grove 3436J7 Schultz, Hannah L. M. (Mrs S. S.) 42 N. Walnut st., Philadelphia 1727371 SchAveiker, Frances Gifford (Mrs F. D.)... .628 W. 3rd st., Williamsport 14394// Scollay, Annie Hansell Lane (Mrs John) 4014 Spruce st., Philadelphia 654A Scott, Anna Wallis Jacobus (Mrs James B.) Perryville ave., Allegheny 31851A Scott, Frances White (Mrs John Eeed)....615 Clyde st., E. E., Pittsburg t Haddonfield Chapter, N. J. II Pepfgy Warne Chapter, N. .1 t Bennington Chapter, Vt. * Margery Sullivan Chapter, N. H. PENNSYLVANIA. 539 137331/ Scott, Hannah Lewis (Miss) 1806 S. Rittenhonse Square, Philadelpliia 11294/- Scott, Harriet S. (Mrs Jacob) 444 \V. Main St., Lock Haven 522A Scott, Henrietta Logan (Mrs Charles H.) 6214 Wayne ave., Allegheny 17S0SO Scott, Imogene Lawall (Mrs Henry Wyatt) .". .N. Srd st., Easton 3357r Scott, Margaret Sterling (Mrs Louis Albert) 326 Main st., Lock Haven 12974-1 Scribner, Mary Lee Myers (Mrs Henry S.) Ben-Avon 6296 Scull, Caroline T. B. (Mrs George) Somerset 26562A Scull, Edmonia Coffroth (Mrs Edward B.) . .602 Shady ave., E. E. Pittsburg 2937/i Scully, Amanda W. (Mrs William O'Hara) N. Linden ave., Pittsburg 33976HI Scully, Helen Sweeny (Mrs) 123 E. Long ave., Dubois 4652 Sea, Charlotte Augusta Brown (Mrs C. M.) 706 Sansom st., Philadelphia 25209* Search, May Myrtle (i\Iiss) Shickshinny 1466A Seeley, Mary W^orthington (Mrs Frank Hepburn) . .Logan House. Altoona 117584 Seely, Sarah Mcllvaine (Miss) 832 Farragut ave., Pittsburg S30JL Seely, Sarah J. Mcllvaine (Mrs Charles B.)..832 Farragut ave., Pittsburg 26283^; Seller, Caroline G. Linn (Mrs Carl) Lewisburg 26294J5 Seller, Emma Diruf (Miss) Lewisburg 4260A Sellers, Caroline Eobison (Mrs Henry D.)..1422 Wightman st., Pittsburg- 2176A Sellers, Priscilla (Mrs Francis) 6216 Howe st., Pittsburg 9312y Semple, Lydia Roberts (Mrs Matthew) 1910 Spruce st., Philadelphia 586A Semple, Mary Patterson (Miss) Boquet st., Pittsburg 18930i Sener, Frances Mary (Miss) 124 N. Prince st., Lancaster 3244/= Sennett, Sarah Essex (Mrs George B.) 311 W^alnut st.. Meadville 30154fc Severson, Ellen (Mrs O. L.) West Pittston 26294(i Seymour, Harriet (Miss) Titiisviile 13741 JL Shafer, Margaretta White (Mrs) Bellevue 4277e Shafer, Martha Louise (Miss) 442 N. High st.. West Chester 4482e Shafer, Mary Evans (Mrs) 442 N. High st.. West Chester 23235« Shaffner, Anne Poultney (Miss) 251 S. 13th st., Philadelphia 5533D Shallcross, Mary A. (Mrs Giles L.) 1601 Columbia ave.. Philadelphia 31833 Shanfelter, Mary Cecilia Covert Duffy (Mrs John Joseph) The Brocker- hoff, Bellefonte 14585A Shannon, Henrietta McI. (Mrs Phillip Mark) "The Schenlej'," Pittsburg 13767W Shantz, Mary Watson (Miss) Trinit^^ Place, Williamsport 112910 Sharpe, Elizabeth Montgomery (Miss) 80 W. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre 112900 Sharpe, Martha (Miss) ". 80 W. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre 2860 Sharpe, Mary A. (Miss) 80 W. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre 4120 Sharpe, Sallie (Miss) 80 W. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre 9330; Sharpless, Elizabeth Denman (Mrs Walter Morgan) Media 12972f/ Sharpless, Lois Martin Gearheart (Mrs John Eobins) Hazleton 255196 Sharpless, Mary Marshall (Mrs W. T.) 100 N. Church st., West Chester 2194A Shaw, Fanny Maria Patchen (Mrs Henry C.) Glenshaw 33564ff Shaw, Harriet Livingston Curtis (Mrs Frederic A.) Tidioute 31097^ Shaw, Laura S. (Miss) 23 N. Mill st., Xew Castle 13369§ Shelden, Ellen Honora Allen (Mrs Henry) Torres^la'.e 2113i Shenk, Cecilia Porter Slaymaker (Mrs David H.) 229 W. Duke st., W. Lan- caster 19529 Shenk, Katharine Veronica (Miss) Lebanon 20658i Sheppard, Abigail Goodell (Mrs Frederick C.) 300 S. 13th st., Philadelphia 27917Z) Sheppard, Laura (Miss) 109 N. 19th st., Philadelphia 6036(Z Sherman, Alma Seymour (Mrs Eoger) 27 E. Walnut st., Titusville 271020^ Sherrell, Laura M. (Mrs William M.) 2233 Norris street, Philadelphia 932^60 Sherred, Carrie T. H. (Mrs John M.) 122 N. 2nd st., Easton 584i. Shields. Rebecca (Miss) Shields 34951(? Shillingford, Elizabeth Lewis Webb (Mrs Eobert A.) Clearfield 992A Shinkle, Adelaide Benny (Mrs Charles H.) 4237 Fifth ave., Pittsburg 34946D Shinn, Almira Frank Jackson (Mrs George Wolf) Ambler 28265D Shock, Elsie C. M. (Mrs Park) 2033 Park ave., Philadelphia 119990 Shoemaker, Anna Elizabeth Hoyt (Mrs George) Forty Fort 355661/ Shoemaker, Eloise Olmsted (Mrs George A.).. "The Aldine," Philadelphia 28743S Shoemaker. Mabel Warren (Mrs William T.) 2038 Arch st., Philadelphia 195131/ Shoemaker, Mary Jane Steen Logan (Mrs John V.) 1519 Walnut st., Phila- delphia 287409 Shoemaker, Mary Watson Craig (Mrs Ira H.) 217 N. 2nd st., Harrisbnrg Council Bluffs Chapter, Iowa. § Boston Tea Party Chapter, Mass. 540 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. 62881/ 30153i 2550F 1133F 7595q :364S9 33567H 33565 33566F 34954J3' 19112/ 1910)/ 36475-1 27399Z) 26270(7 6390 26281D 8622^ 1536A 350861/ 39137/ 32259(0 29242i 982SZ 18931Z 14385? 9826? 8854? 1603? 16418t 643 4840(/ 48391/ 32254P 30173A 750O 3629P 36493P ■27400D 30509Z> 20697Z) 6919? 6916? 194S5A 4477.V 9341f 11751f 15250iP 34375»i 21245* 19123§ 9345 15655$ 9313// 1941// 4951r 3227.-L 13735// 159200 ■24941 Shourds, Hannah Warner (Miss) 2049 Oxford st., Philadelphia Shulenberger, Lillie A. (Mrs E. A.) Carlisle Shuman, Emily A. (Miss) 121 N. 18th st.'," jp'hiladelphia Shnman, Mary 11. (Miss) 121 N. 18th St., Philadelphia Shunk, Gertrude Wyeth (Mrs William Findlay) Harrisburg Sidler, Annie J. Siming-ton (Mrs Charles Arthur) 1045 Market st., Sunburv Siggins, Alice Hall (Mrs Orion) West Hickory Siggins, Alice Neill (Miss) West Hickory Siggins, Clara C. (Miss) Tidioute Siggins, Georgianna (Miss) [ ixidioute Siggins, Ida (Miss) Tidioute Silvester, Amy Hampton (Miss) 2120 N. ISth st., Philadelphia Silvester, Mary Hay Westcott (Mrs W. W.)..2120 N. ISth st., Philadelphia Simeral, Cora Everett (Miss) 539 Forest ave., Bellevue Simler, Martha Engell (Miss) ; 830 N. 20th st.. Philadelphia Simmons, Susanna Alsdorf (Mrs Frank Eodolphus) . .429 W. 6th st., Erie Simon, Mary Elizabeth Sayre (Mrs Herman) N. 13th and Bushkill sxs., Easton Simpson, Anne Mae Frazier (Mrs Samuel German) Sharon Hill Simpson, Emma Cornelia Morgan (Mrs William. Jr.) Overbrook Singer, Julia Beach Morgan (Airs Henry) "The Kenmawr," Pittsburg Sinnott, Annie Rogers (Mrs Joseph F.) Rosemont Siter, Susan Harlan Hollingsworth (Mrs E.) 1526 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Slate, Florence Walton (Miss) 361 Mulberry st., Williamsport Slaymaker, Laura (Miss) 162 E. King st., Lancaster Slaymaker, Leah Fence DuBois Aitken (Mrs Robert McI.) 546 N. Duke St., Lancaster Slaymaker, Margaret (Miss) 162 E. King st., Lancaster Slaymaker, Martha J. (Miss) Gap Slaymaker, Mary Mcllvaine (Miss) 546 N. Duke st., Lancaster Slaymaker, Mary Steele (Mrs Henry Edwin) . . 149 N. Duke st., Lancaster Slavmaker, Susan Reigert (Miss) 149 N. Duke st., Lancaster Sleght, Blanche Lisette (Miss) 1823 N. 22nd st., Philadelphia Slemmons, Laura H. Spaulding (Mrs John O) 428 S. 42nd st., Philadelphia Sloan, Frances Burrows (Miss) 1924 Race st., Philadelphia Sloan, Frances Burrows (Mrs Andrew J.) 1924 Race st., Philadelphia Sloan, Helen Lowe (Mrs Charles Williams) 2205 E. Willow Grove ave.. Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia Slocum, Francelia H. Proctor (Mrs).... 401 S. Linden ave., Philadelphia Slosson, Mary Mills (Miss) 73 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Small, IsabefCassett (Miss) 114 E. Market st., York Small, Margaret McKinnon (Mrs John H.) 100 E. Market st., York Smaltz, Elizabeth Frances (Miss) 1522 N. 16th st., Philadelphia Smaltz, Marion Glover Smith (Mrs John H.) 403 Wister st., Germantown Smaltz, Rebecca Weiss (Mrs Joseph E.) 1522 N. 16th st., Philadelphia Smead, Elizabeth Cummings (Miss) Carlisle Smead, Jane Stuart (Mrs Alexander Dallas B.) Carlisle Smith, Agnes Wolf (Mrs L. S.) Amberson ave., near 5th ave., Pittsburg Smith, Alice W\ (Miss)..' 1431 Walnut st.. Philadelphia Smith, Anna E. Salisbury (Mrs James W.) 677 N. Main st., Meadville Smith, Anna Mae Goff (Mrs Sion B.) 677 N. Main st., Meadville Smith, Annie Rothermel (Mrs Erwin H.) 6306 Overbrook ave., Overbrook Smith, Caroline M. (Mrs R. C.) Dubois Smith, Caroline Simons (Mrs) Factoryville Smith, Edith INIav Lvtle (Mrs Craig) 1332 Locust st., Pittsburg Smith, Edith Palmer (Miss) Waverly Smith, Edna Frances (Miss) 501 S. 9th st., Reading Smith, Elizabeth Stanley (Mrs W. P., Jr.) 2037 Sansom st., Philadelphia Smith. Ella Jane Grubb (INtrs L. Heber) 2039 Walnut st., Philadelphia Smith, Emma M. Troxell (Mrs Frank K.) 421 W. Main st.. Lock Haven Smith, Gertrude Brown (]Miss)..5th ave. near Beechwood ave., Pittsburg Smith, Jacqueline Harrison (Mrs W. H.) Montgomery ave., Bryn Mawr Smith, Jane S. (Miss) Waverly Smith, Jeannette Emma (Miss) 241 S. 41st st., Philadelphia Wiltwyok Chapter, N. Y. Camden Chapter, N. Y. § Decatur Chapter, 111. J Old Newbury Chapter, Mass. 20660/*; Smith, Margaret Steele Ferr 26754 Smith, Ma 2627SZ> Smith, Ma PEXXSYLVANIA. 541 irg-aret Steele Ferris (Mrs John B.) . . . . PUn^nn^i, rgaret \\. (Mrs Norman W.) 5th ave., cor. Beechwood Pi't?:b r^ 2I318Z> Smith. MaX tTprdS ^ifrer'J^^ )N54 t' V"" -•' 1^^^'^!^ 11072/ Smith, Marv Eleanor D m, «^ t ^^ ■ .\^ Powelton ave., Philadelphia 6302r Smith Mar> Ellen C. fMr; Francfs sT" '\n''i^'lv"r '^- ^^^^^'^^i^^- If-Tj ^^*^ '/^^^ ^^°^^ CroTe (Mr?rewis-khuyler) ""■ ''''"' ■'^'•' ^-■\Haven 26o49/c Smith, May Virginia (Miss) ocnuyierj .Muncy 21763» Smith, Mildred Kahm (Mrs Edward Liither\ "m*-^' "^"^'^ 21304fc Smvth, Marv Elizabeth T)iik*^ " rVr,U ' W r ^" . . ^Jeorge st., York 6923, Snodgi'ass, inna Peale (Mrs EotS^) '™"'S?rw ConshohocRen 117422/ Snowden, Louise Hortense (Miss) oon, w ' i ^/^ st-, Harrisburg 16468*. Snyder, Anna Butler (Miss) -• 220^ ^^ alnut st Phi adelphia 33541, Snyder, Cora Lee (Miss) . . . So N 2^ ^"f Wilhamsport 19493(0 Snyder, Fannie Evans (Miss) °^ ^- ^""'^ ^*-' ^J^r}^^''}]^ 2861io Snyder, Mary Beck (Miss) • • :,?>"'^''^"<^ 223922/ Snyder, Euth (Miss) iRnV V?\-V;" ' V ^\llllamsport 13707G Sommerville, Bess fe L (Miss) Eittenhouse sqr., Philadelphia 2499* Spalding, Katherine H. A. (Mrs' Phi'lip) VsV c '^hth'::' " ^i:^ '^^,"'>'^*' 44762/ Spear, Emma L. (Mrs John C). ^Coatesville 17799t Spearman, Eva (Miss) . ^ orristown lllllc If""'"' ?'"^-^- E^^™^"' "('^^^' S^'"^'^^l 's.V/.'.V.-.-.-.'loV W; State "st Erie 26???/ fP°°^^^^' Caroline Babbitt (Mrs Alfred Ballard) 325 E 6th st" Erie 2625^o*f 15^82A- Strn-V T?,-Q w fur q t , *^-^\*^^ *^ •>' Tunkhannock lo^ti^h, btark, J^\a W. (Mrs S. Judson) w p;t+c+^„ 27875; Starr. Arabella D ver (Miss) 2Y5 P ' VA " W ^^1^+ '^42^ slauS^r' 'll^^^^^J^^^^l-}^-^ (Mrs Henry S.);;;;426-Chestufs; Co'iumb a oItS? I+!^S ' '^f "^^1^^ C Lmea^veaver (Mrs H. B.) 126 Walnut st.. Columbia S Staufter, Magdalena Strassburger (Mrs Wilfred Ludwig) . . . .Norristown llfn § ''"^''' rf"''-^ P'.f^TJ ^^^'' ^^'^"^''•^^ ^-^ • • • -^42 N. Duke st.. fancaste? qsS I '^r r ^^T'"'^^^- ^^°"^.^^'^ (^^^'^ ^- ^-^ ^05 Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre oJoS? II ' fr''''°^'"T't Modisette (Mrs Amos) 4217 5th ave.. Pittsburg 24921 Steel, Mercy Ivelsey Sanderson (Mrs George P.) 223 Tulpohockon st Germanto\\Ti ■' ^JSSof f!"^^"' ■^?'' ^J^'^H'' (Miss) 74 W. Baux st., Washington 28?^!/ I !r"' '' ^f'"'-^ i- ^: ^.^^';^ ^^^"^^^) South 6th St., Reading 28/34^ Stemmetz, Mary Virginia HaAvthorn (Mrs Jacob L.) 427 N. Duke st Lan- caster ■' 31081g Stenger , Emma Stroud Williams (Mrs W. R.) 101 Chestnut st., Harrisburg * Abigail Adams Chapter, Mass. t Mahoning Chapter, Ohio. 542 DIEECTOKY, D, A. E. 2855!/ 194S4A 279081/ 255540 35580D 22398^ 273952/ 25525/S 16450i/ 152846 28762 27872f 21306Z) 28925* 24369J. 2385A 30496tC 85970 llllft 2864Z 2941A 474e 36483J? 36492/ 29207/ 24341/ * 12991 326717/ 292511/ 147551 6038f 11756ii 33970P 24933 32643& 31834s 34568$ 235471/ 364656 93151/ 4052 200710 34350f 21317D 10322|| 6033.-t 51641/ 51621/ 195031/ 195041/ 20670!«? 10769; 33977Hi 632A 32303/ 8615 G937 34369 137080 217721 Stenger, Helen Mar (Mrs William S.)....1420 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Stenger, Mary Agues Cunningham (Mrs Bernard J.) Forbes ave. and Mur- dock St., Pittsburg Sterling, Annie E. (Mrs Walter H.) 1707 Green st., Philadelphia Sterlmg, Mary Hopson Beardsley (Mrs Addison Alexander) W. Eiver St., Wilkes-Barre Stern, Hannah Clark (Mrs Charles B.) 1801 Ontario st., Tioga Sterner, Nora M. Finney (Mrs Lloyd Parvin) Bloomsburg Stetson, Anna Van Dusen (Mrs James N.) 4404 Sansom st., Philadelphia Stetson, Mary L. (Mrs David S.) 2323 De Lancey Place, Philadelphia Stevens, Anna M. (Mrs William Bacon) 1914 Eittenhouse sq., Philadelphia Stevens, M. Catherine (Mrs Garrett B.) 320 N. 5th st., Beading Stevens, Sarah Covell, Maffett (Mrs Charles J.) Wilkes-Barre Stevenson, Carrie Victoria Young (Mrs Horatio) Erie Stevenson, Clara Brainerd (Miss) 238 W. Logan Sq., Philadelphia Stevenson, Margaret Dart (Mrs) Burnham Stewart, Addie Peeler (Mrs D. C.) Derry Station Stewart, Bettie Plumer Cunningham (Mrs David) Sewickle\- Stewart, Edna Stowe (Miss) 327 E. 3rd st., WilliamsporV Stewart, Ella Muirhead (Mrs W. G.) Paxinosa ave., Easton Stewart, Emily Hollester Pomeroy (Mrs John) 1353 Mineral Spring Boad, Beading Stewart, Margaret M. S. (Mrs Samuel C.) Birmingh'am Stewart, Martha Neil (Miss) 926 North ave., W^. Alle£?-hen\ Stille, Mary Ingram (Miss) 120 W. Gay st.. West Chester Stillman, Amelia C. Turner (Mrs J. A.) Tidioute Stimson, Lilly Fanny (Mrs George H.) Athens Stockbridge, Mary Barstow Williston (Mrs George E.) Athens Stoever, Maria Wilson (Mrs Heni-y Von H.) 400 E. 13th st., Chester Storrs, Lillian G. (Miss) Standing Stone Story, Lilla P. (Mrs Henry Newman) 1533 Pojjlar st., Philadelphia Stotesbury, Edith Lewis (Miss) 1925 W^alnut st., Philadelphia Stovell, Mary Alice (Mrs James A.) 4516 Springfield ave., W. Philadelphia Stowe, Almy Gertrude Slocum (Mrs William H.) Linesville Strassburger, Mary Beaver (Mrs Jacob A.) ....De Kalb st., Norristown Strawinske, Helen Dennie (Mrs J. G.)..229 E. Philadelphia st., York Strickland, Emma Gunnison (Mrs David Haye) . . . : Erie Strodach, Mary Louise (Mrs Henry B.) 325 N. 5th st.. Beading Strong, Laura Deming (Mrs Walter) 2105 N. 13th st., Philadelphia Struthers, Vannie Durborow (Mrs William) Bryn Mawr Stryker, Grace Medora Bartlett (Mrs Samuel S.) N. E. cor. Walnut and 39th sts., Philadelphia Stubbs, Ida E. (Miss) Oxford Stull, Evelyn Lewis (Miss) 517 S. 42nd st., Philadelphia Stull, Lavinia Chatham (Mrs' Austin) P. O. Box 195, Sunbury Sturdevant, Ellen Urquhart (Miss) 84 N. Main st., Wilkes-Barre Sturdevant, Sarah A. Gleason (Mrs J. C.) Conneautville Styan, Jennie Kendrick (Mrs Thomas B.) 818 N. 38th st., Philadelphia Sullivan, Clara Ashmead (Mrs John R.) 1622 N. Broad st., Philadelphia Sullivan, Jennie P. A. (Mrs Edwin A.)..Baquet and Frazier sts., Pittsburg Suplee, Eleanor Harrison (Miss) 416 W. Chelton ave., Germantown Suplee, Maria Isabella (Mrs Nathan 11.) 416 W. Chelten ave., Germantown Supplee, Fannie Louise (Miss) 4102 Walnut st., Philadelphia Supples, Olive Clarissa (Miss) 4102 Walnut st., Philadelphia Sweely, Carrie Cook (Mrs James W.) 777 W. 3rd st.. Williamsport Sweeney, Henrietta Mowry (Mrs Frank G.) 415 E. Broad st., Chester Sweenv,' Vina A. (Miss) 123 E. Long ave., Dubois Sweitzer, Marv H. (Mrs J. Bowman) 842 Beach st., Allegheny Swetland, M. 'Blanche (Miss) Mehoopany Swinford, Harriet B. (Miss) 124 S. 12th st., Philadelphia Swinford, M. Katherine (Miss) 124 S. 12th st., Philadelphia Swoope, Elizabeth Hartswick (Mrs W. I.) 204 Second st., Clearfielcl Swoope, Susannah P. (Airs Henry Bucher) •• • .Clearfield Swope, Belle McKinnev Havs (Mrs Gilbert E.) Newville * Fort Armstrong Chapter, 111. t Elizabeth Cook Chapter, Del. t Savannah Chapter, Ga. I! Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Conn. PENX S YL Y ANI A . 543 278870; 5520A 23559 292S6e 107545 6943 23241(7 27S66e 23004;r 29671s 29071s 32G96J 2436SJ. 7333J. 34926(4 3317D 3432 152520' 95020. 212'J6D lS936ii: 623A 152530 8612 33075ff 32658s 2S263D 9812ft 1074J. 26295(Z 152520? 21115* 217S0G 4502t 599i/ 30150F 32677/ 310S7A 217701 26573' 17S09f "24355y 26267// 20063C 21781(? 8022(/ 4270f^ 19530 129S6« 12983» 1409811 21297 301S7f 5543 26563J\: 276Sr. 24922P 19494f(; 33<''79h« 3"978/H Swope, Julia Harvey (Mrs Elmer E.) 4210 Powelton ave., W. Philadelphia Tait, Florence Stone (Mrs George D.) 1342 X. 52nd st., Philadelphia Taylor, Grace Kean (Miss) 5533 Hays st., Pittsburg Taylor, Hanna E. Tice (Mrs Arthur G.) 926 Spruce st., Philadelphia Taylor, Julia Eleanor (Mrs David L.) East Brady Taylor, Margaret McBride Gallagher (Mrs Jeffrey W.) Greensburg Taylor, Nellie Barker (Mrs William H.) 616 Webster ave., Scranton Taylor, Priscilla Moore (Miss) 148 W. 6th st., Erie Taylor, Euth H. (Miss) Parkersville Tebbetts, Sarah Eeed (Mrs Howard) Greensburg Ten Brook, Annie Stewart (Miss) 192S Chestnut st., Philadelphia Ten Brook, Mary Eainier (Miss) 1928 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Tewksbury, Mary Beardsley (Mrs Anderson Dana) Tunkhannock Thaw, Elizabeth D. (Mrs William J .) 930 Lincoln ave., Allegheny Thayer, Kate Quay (Mrs Dexter J.) 1002 Eidge ave., Allegheny Thomas, Eliza Miller (Miss) Belief onte Thomas, Emily Massey (Mrs Chas. W.) 1812 N. 21st st., Philadelphia Thomas, Esther Petrie (Miss) 3607 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Thomas, Mary E. (Mrs John L.) 3432 Powelton ave., W. Philadelphia Thomas, Mary S. (Miss) 4839 Chester ave., Philadelphia Thompson, Anna Lizzie Mears (Mrs Benjamin) St. Davids Thompson, Anna Williamson (Mrs Joseph Whitaker) Montclare Thompson, Bessie Gray Taylor Bissell (Mrs F. Du Pont) 1115 Mulberry St., Scranton Thompson, Clara (Miss) 207 E. 12th st., Erie Thompson, Elizabeth Baldwin (Mrs William C.) Butler Thompson, Elizabeth Boal (Miss) Lemont Thompson, Emma Lukens (Mrs Samviel S.) 2029 Spruce st., Philadelphia Thompson, Emma Osborn (Miss) St. Davids Thompson, Jennie Irvin (Mrs James I.) Lemont Thompson, Kate Wentworth Dresser (Mrs Oliver David) "The Schenley," Pittsburg Thompson, Mary Celia (Mrs Walter W.) Titusville Thompson, Mary Eothermel Sinclair (Mrs John L.) Narberth Thompson, May E. (Miss) care Dr. S. Eisley, Media Thompson, Phila Tompkins (Mrs Grant H.) „ Burnside Thorns, Mary Swift (Mrs Joseph C.) 152 Auburn ave., Cincinnati Thornton, Mary Crosman (Mrs William F.) 403 W. School Lane, German- town Thorp, Lena Bullock (Mrs W'illiam S.) 423 Walniit st., Cambridge Springs Thurston, Harriet A. (Mrs Joseph Spalding) Athens Till, Anna May (Miss) T 17 Warren st., Allegheny Tittle, Jane IMaclay (Mrs John S.) Johnstown Tittle, Mary Nelle"(Miss) 547 Vine st., Johnstown Titus, Mary Frances (Mrs George B.) 24 N. 3rd st., Easton Todd, Alice Ferree (Mrs M. Hampton) 4031 Walnut st., Philadelphia Todd, Jean Miller (Miss) 4031 Walnut st., Philadelphia Todd, Sarah (Mrs) 164 W. 6th st., Erie Tompkins, Mary Patchin (Mrs Milton J.) Burnside Tower, Helen Smith (Mrs Charlemagne, Jr.) 228 S. 7th st., Philadelphia Townsend, Elizalieth E. (Mrs Thomas B.) Parkesburg Townsend, Ethel Godfrey (Mrs E. M.) 1018 Locust st., Philadelphia Tracv, Clara M. (Miss) . .' Towanda Tracy, E. Frances (Mrs Charles Lockwood) Towanda Trasiv, Abby J. Parker (Mrs J. L. E.) 495 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Treadwav, Annie Leisenring (Mrs) 39th and Locust sts., Philadelphia Treadweil, Lucy H. (Miss) 169 Neshannock ave.. Xew Castle Trevor. Sarah McClurg (Miss) Philadelphia Tripler. Lizzie Bruen (Mrs Henry Edwin) 1329 Powel st.. Norristown Troxell, Clementine Eosa (Miss) 26 Washington st., Wilkes-Barre Trump, Elvera Eue (Mrs Michael) 6635 McCallum st., Germantown Trump, Virginia S. (Mrs Henry C.) Jerse,y Shore Truxal, Alice Anslev (Miss) : Dubo'= Truxal, Eva Kelly (Mrs L. M.) Dubois Oeneral Lafavette Chapter, N. J. Cincinnati Chapter, Ohio. ± Council Bluffs Ch3pt>=r, Ohio. 11 Mercy Warren Chapter, Mass. 544 DIKECTORY, D. A. li. 11743y 26263i/ 8330 450O 15258 25557L 335685 29291 35589H 137252/ 2554S(/ 24923/J 36466/ 1128A 5167 9832a; 32660s 32659s 21329/1. 28756A 660O 6620 213307i 27382/ 4667t 26569P 16481A 8859? 8021,P 1U21 745? 2559A 33951? Tryon, Adeline S. (Miss) 1931 Eace st., Philadelphia Tryon, Florence Arline (Miss) 1931 Eace St., Philadelphia Tubbs, Carrie Ladd (Mrs Benjamin R.) Kingston Tnbbs, Marjr Covell (Miss) Kinoston Tuckerman, Florence Sophia (Miss) 408 Penn ave., Pittsburg Tullock, M. Lutetia (Mrs) St. Petersburg Turner, Lucinda M. (Mrs W. H.) Tidioute Turner, Marian (Miss) 1621 Summer st., Philadelphia Turner, Nellie Gertrude (Miss) W. Hickory Tyler, Helen Beach (Miss) 1426 Spruce st., Philadelphia Tyler, Phebe R. (Miss) Tyler Tyson, Emma N. (Mrs Canby Steel) 239 Harvey st., Germantown Tyson, Lucy C. (Mrs Ehvood) 20th and Hyatt sts., Chester Umbstetter, Wilhelmina L. Shields (Mrs James E.) Shields Underwood, Deborah Creswell (Mrs C. L.) 406 Church Lane, Germantown Unz, Emily Sommer (Mrs Henry H.) "The Ivittenhouse," Philadelphia Updike, Ulilla M. (Mrs Hampton) ; . . . Towarida Urquhart, Fanny (Mrs Samuel) 322 Parke st., Pittston V'alentine, Caroline Marqueze Haseltine (Mrs Abram Sharpless) 1707 Spruce St., Philadelphia Valentine, Lucinda J. Kockwell (Mrs Harrison) Honesdale Van Alen, Frances Withington (Mrs) Northumberland Vance, Emma E. H. (Mrs Clayton E.) 253 Shady ave., Pittsburg Vance, Miriam Cotton (Miss) 620 W. 7th st., Chester Vance, Sarah Haj^ (Airs Joseph) 620 W. 7th st., Chester Vandling, Nellie Blair (Mrs James W.) 342 S. River st., Wilkes-Barre Van Dusen, Lavinia (Miss) 2020 Diamond St., Philadelphia Van Hook, Mabel L. (Miss) 632 S. 4Sth st., W. Philadelphia Van Horn, Minerva Lennon (Mrs F. M.) 905 Clinton st., Philadelphia Van Kirk, Marie Louise (Mrs John) 1333 Pine st., Philadelphia Van Ness, Minnie Brenton Kyte (Mrs Selah) 26 Exeter st., W. Pittston Van Osten, Cornelia Ewart (Mrs F. W.) 2526 Centre ave., Pittsburg Van Riper, Clara C. (Mrs Frank).. 4704 Springfield ave., W. Philadelphia Van Tasser, Alice Henderson (Mrs vVlexander Ruben) Dubois Van Voorhis, Ivie Ruth (Miss) Monongahela Van Voorhis, Marj'^ Belle (Miss) Monongahela Van Voorhis, Ora Overhiser (Mrs John S.) Belle Veron Van Voorhis, Sarah A. (Miss) Monongahela Varian, Mary Litchfield (Miss) Titusville Vaughan, Helen Maury Polk (Mrs Henry H.) 130 N. 5th st., Reading Vaughan, Matilda Ramsay (Miss) 1008 Shackamaxon st., Philadelphia Vaughn, Catherine Love (Mrs Frank M.) Neshoppen Vaughn, Marian Preston (Mrs Stephen) Dorranceton Vautier, Julia Elizabeth (Mrs Andrew) 1305 Castle ave., Philadelphia Veale, Emma MacD. (Mrs Moses) 509 S. 42nd st., W. Philadelphia Vincent, Ethel (Miss) 1216 Master st., Philadelphia Vincent, Mary C. (Mrs Isaac C.) 1216 Master st., Philadelphia Voelkler, Lottie Pine (Mrs L. H.) Milton Wade, Christine Von K. (Mrs Francis Henry).. 230 North ave., Allegheny Wadhams, Esther Taylor French (Mrs E. C.) S. Franklin st., Wilkes- Barre Wadhams. Stella Catlin (Miss) 275 S. Franklin st., Wilkes-Barre Wagenseller, Lulu Schoch (Mrs George C.) Selin's Grove Wainwright, Laura Llovd (Mrs J. Reeves).. 17 S. Spruce st., Philadelphia Walbridge, Caroline C. '(Miss) 535 Hancock st.. Germantown Walker, Ida Jaqua (Mrs Benjamin F.) 132 S. Beaver st.. York Walker, Jane Dill Wilson (Mrs William) California ave., corner Ter- mon. Allegheny Walker, Nancy Jane McC. (Mrs E. Enfield) Gap Walker, Rebecca Longstreth (Mrs J. G.) 649 40th st.. Philadelphia Walker. Sarah Watson (Miss) G-'P Walker, Susan Pusey (Miss) Gap "Walker, Susan AA'ilev Cooper (Mrs John) 132 Western ave., Allegheny Wallace, Helen Crawlev (Mrs G. A.) 241 E. Orange st.. Lancaster Nathan Hale Chapter, Minn. Saratoga Chapter, N. Y. PENXSYLVAXIA. 545 Wallace, Katherine Jones (Mrs W. T.) 1028 Murray Hill ave., Pittsburg Wallace, Sarah Gertrude (Miss) 713 Kerlin st., Chester Waller, Alice Buckalow (Mrs Levi Ellmaker) 72 S. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre Walls, Anna Frick Slifer (Mrs William Cameron) Lewisburg Walter, Alice Maud Betts (Mrs Robert S.) Clearfield Walter, lone Eeader (Mrs Edwin L.)....606 Washington ave., Scrantoa Walter, Kate Cecilia Stryker (Mrs William Henry) Eastoit Walter, Marilla A. Swetland (Mrs Thomas G.) Tunkhannock Walton, Frances Foster Colter (Mrs E. A.).. 356 Chestnut st., Meadville- Walton, Virginia Clay (Mrs Henry C.)..4227 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. Ward, Cornelia Somerville Ewing (Mrs David F.) Williamsport Ward, Louise Overton (Mrs James Monroe) Towanda, Ward, Mary (Miss) 19 Bruckton ave., Pittsburg Ward, Rosalie M. (Miss) 4240 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Warfield, Nellie Frances (Mrs Ethelbert D.) Cor. Chestnut and McCart- ney sts., Easton Warner, Lydia Yardley (Mrs George) 1506 N. 17th st., Philadelphia Warren, Lizzie Earp Saft'ord (Mrs F. P.) 519 S. 41st st., Philadelphia Warthman, Elizabeth Eeed (Mrs Charles H.) 2123 Green st., Philadelphia Watkii^s, Mary S. Davis (Mrs Samuel P.) 1437 N. 16th st., Philadelpnia Watrous, Fanny Shove (Mrs Francis Edwin) Wellsborough Watson, Jane Gilman (Miss) Washington Watt, Laura Geiger (Mrs Peter) Marietta ave., Lancaster Watt, Susan A. Bahn (Mrs Andrew) 26 S. Duke st., York Watts, Mary Estelle Mott (Mrs Frank D.) Scranton Waugh, Isabella (Miss) ... .Presley Home, 5Sth st. and Woodland ave., Philadelphia Wayland, Lillian H. C. (Mrs Francis L.) 210 S. 42nd st., Philadelphia Weaver, Elizabeth Wiley (Mrs William D.)..27 N. Shippen st., Lancaster Weaver, Georgie E. (Miss) Clearfield Weaver, Jane S. (Miss) 1013 S. 46th st., Philadelphia Weaver, Mary M. Patterson (Mrs Ethan Allen) 3215 Spencer Terrace, Philadelphia Weaver, Nannie Irvin (Mrs A. Bowman) Clearfield Webb, Katharine Spangler (Mrs C. J.) 1425 N. Broad st., Philadelphia Webb, Mabel Randolph (Miss) 1804 N. 18th st.,' Philadelphia Webb, Marj' Isadore (Miss) 151 Larimer ave., Pittsburg Webster, Harriet Hicks (Mrs Frederic Smith) 5072 Forbes st., Pittsburg Weeks, Emma Fowler (Miss) Lang ave., E. E. Pittsburg Weeks, Gratia Clark (Mrs Edson J.) 118 Pelham Eoad, Germantown Weidman, Ethel Eoberts (Miss) 19 N. 9th st., Lebanon Weimer, Florence Wiley (Mrs John A.).. 128 Cumberland st., Lebanon Weinsheimer, Margaret Balliet (Mrs W. H.) 447 Walnut st., Allentown Weiss, Fannie (Mrs Solonjon) Tunkhannock Welch, Emma Finney (Mrs Ashbel) 152 W. Walnut Lane, Germantown Weller, Mabel Saunders (Mrs Morgan) Wilkes-Barre Welles, Charlotte Eose (Miss) Kingston Welles, Katharine A. (Mrs Theodore Ladd) Clearfield Wells, Annette C. (Mrs Charles D.) 117 W. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre Wells, Hepsey Norris (Miss) 1112 Wallace st., Philadelphia Wells, Leila Jayne (Mrs Elmer H.) Meshoppen Wells, Nancy Amanda (Miss) Meshoppen Welsh, Alice (Miss) 502 Chestnut st., Columbia Welsh, Thomas Annie (Miss) 552 Chestnut st.. Columbia Wentling, Nancv Jack (Mrs John F.) Greensburg Weseman , F. ]Sfatilda (Mrs) Bainbridge West, Anna Satterlee Angin (Mrs Charles C.) Sayre Westbrook. Henrietta Pajme (Mrs Eichard Brodhead) 1707 Oxford St., Philadelphia Wetmore, Maria Shattuck (Mrs Lansing D.) Warren Weyman, ISfartha Lothrop (Mrs William P.) 1027 Western ave.. Alleo-heny Wharton, Clara Dennv (Mrs) 424 N. 59th st., Philadolphia Wheeler, Maria S. (Mrs Charles F.) 3961 Fairmount ave., Philadelphia • Saratoga Chapter, N. Y. t Pegfry Warne Chapter. N. J. % Irondequoit Chapter, N. Y. 35 § Continental Chapter, D. C. II Elizabeth Cook Chapter. Del. 5-^6 DIRECTORY, D. A. R, 32262A Wheeler, Mary Yandes (JMiss) 948 Western ave., Allegheny 29618 Wheeler, Kachel Flora (Miss) Endeavor 322(31J. Wheeler, Sarah Van Cise (Mrs Charles Y.)..948 Western ave.,' Allegheny 16449// Whelen, Laura Baker (Mrs ilenry J.) 1709 Locust st., Philadelphia 930Si/ Whelen, Sarah Smith (Mrs Alfred) 2036 Locust st., Philadelphia 9656 Whidden, Edith Kenny Smith (Mrs Guy C.) 5215 Archer st.,' Germantown 7600J? Whilldin, Leulah Harvey (Mrs) 1712 i\. 52nd st., West Philadelphia 28264D Whitaker, Evelyn Linderman (Miss) 1742 Green St., Philadelphia 33095I> Whitaker, M. Grace (Miss) 1742 Green st., Philadelphia 27915I> Whitaker, Mary Jeannette Coffin (Mrs George Washington) 1742 Green St., Philadelphia 30183Z) Whitaker, Sarah Gregory (Miss) 1742 Green st., Philadelphia 35572A White, Anna Lena Sutton (Mrs) Indiana 23545(0 White, Euphemia Du Bois (Mrs Hugh L) 525 W. 4th st., Williamsport I 35573.1 W' hite, Helen (Miss) Indiana 32650? White, Lydia A. (Mrs Jacob) 232 N. Mulberry st., Lancaster 22409Z) White, Mary Ellen Frances (Miss) 303 S. 3rd st., Philadelphia 2977 J. White, Mary Eva Porter (Mrs) .914 Western ave., Allegheny 23551G' W'hitehead, Nannie Spotswood Campbell (Mrs N. J.) 148 8th st., Erie 31864D Whiteman, Dora Alexander (Miss) 1917 Spring Garden sIj., Philadelphia 17256)/ Whiting, Fannie Kenett (Mrs Frank H.) 317 S. 41st st., Philadelphia 5152i^ Whitmer, Isabel (Miss) 4200 Chester ave., Philadelphia i 9322(/ Whitney, Emma Varian (Mrs W. B.) 146 E. Walnut Lane, Germantown 9035* Wick, Alice Barber (Miss) Philadelphia 14387i Wickersham, Jessie Williams Hough (Mrs James Harold) 506 N. Duke St., Lancaster 31844 Wickham, Mary E. (Mrs Delos) 225 S. 39th st., Philadelphia 35559S Widdis, Elinor F. Buddolph (Mrs E. E.) 1322 S. Broad St., Philadelphia 31840i/ Widener, Eleanore Elkins (Airs George D.) Ashbourne 19523s Wigton, Mary Bailey (Miss) "The Covington," Philadelphia 32919s Wilbur, Harriet Lawrence (Mrs Henry Oscar) Bryn Mawr 19466t Wilcox, Delia May (Mrs) 916 Poplar st., Erie 15280fc W'ilcox, Katherine Jenkins (Mrs William Alonzo) Scranton 19500i/ Wilkinson, Sarah Forde (Mrs Charles B.) 4201 Chester ave., Philadelphia 25887Z> W'illard, Mary Warner (Mrs Walter) 2313 N. 21st st., Philadelphia 5510(/ Willcox, Alice M. Wilson (Mrs Percy).. 5959 Woodbine ave., Overbrook 10772J/ Williams, Estalena M. (Mrs Samuel) Haverford 2859// Williams, Hannah Biddle (Mrs Charles) Haverford 27992r Williams, Henrietta Charlotte Hersh (Mrs S.) . .West Market st., York 22997» Williams, Hila Nobles (Mrs Uobert H.) Towanda 4259/1 Williams, Martha Cook (Mrs L. H.) Shields 19499y Williams, Mary B. Houston (Mrs Francis H.) Green st., Philadelphia 3647SA Williams, llebecca La Bosquet (Mrs John H.) 310 10th ave.. Homestead "235387 Williamson, Elizabeth Sterling Wilson (Mrs Charles Francis) Media 181540 Williamson, Harriet (Miss) 31 S. River st., Wilkes-Barre 206811) Willing, Alice Margaret (Mrs John) 1918 Spring Garden st., Philadelphia 15996$ Willis, Mary Tuller (Mrs James C.) 505 N. 7th st., Philadelphia 13206|| Wilsey, Anna Montague Blackwell (Mrs Benjamin Stokes) 2261 Wood- stock St., Philadelphia 4664fir Wilson, Agnes Louise Pursell (Mrs) 221 Mill st., Danville 768 Wilson, Ellen Conway Howard (Mrs E. D.) 41 Perrysville ave., Allegheny 5161// Wilson, Harriet McFarlan (Mrs Henry W.) 909 Clinton st., Philadelphia 31867L Wilson, Ida Gordon (Mrs John Adams) Liberty and 11th sts., Franklin 18145(0 Wilson, Jane Margaret (Miss) 470 Pine st., Williamsport 14498^ Wilson. Alary C. Zeilin (Airs) N. W'. cor. 9th and Filbert sts., Philadelphia 22386(r Wilson, Alary Smith (Airs James Dale) 414 Trinity Place, Williamsport 34061** Wilson, Sarah AI. (Aliss) 5827 Thomas ave., W. Philadelphia 14583A W'ilson, Sarah Patterson (Airs C. J.) 215 S. Highland ave.. Pittsburg 5623)/ Wilson, Susan Tripler (Airs W^ D. H.) 3739 Spruce st., Philadelphia 26272C' Winchell, Belle (Aliss) S31 Peach st.. Erie 4475)/ Winpennv, Susan G. S. (Airs J. Bolton) . .1432 N. Broad st.. Philadelphia S849)y Winsor, Eebecca* (Airs James D.) Glen Hill, Haverford 23548 Wise, Laura Barr AIcQuistion (Airs William H.) 107 W. 2nd st.. Oil City • Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Ind. II Wadsworth Chapter, Conn. + Cuvahoga Portage Chapter, Ohio. 1 Elizabeth Cook Chapter, Conn. t Abigail Phelps Chapter, Conn. ** Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. PE XKS YLYAXI A . 547 .31852-1 ISOl 194S6--1 137So£ 12977-1 16711; 3059£ 13765i; UlG-iE 20G73(/ 1950Si/ 211S1* 6034A 2022.1 44S0O 271110 23542// 250S3J 9339/ 32699,/ 23546W 2870 2 177 J. 33551^ 34357^ 2938-1 137730 18160 18159 33961-1 27107rf 20203t 36497 21765r 21766r 13;;53 986.1 3406|| 4842(/ 1861 88601- 31075A; 1971r 27921 17S10O 270S4S 34371// 11740// 27S71f 7332-1 7325e 14500D 11293/- Wishart, Helen K. (Mrs William Wilson) 6457 Aurelia st,, E. B., Pittsburs- Wister, Sarah Tyler (Mrs John) Duncannon Wolf, Anna Hurst (Mrs George Johnson) Amberson ave., Pittsburg Wolfe, Annie Earnest (Mrs Harry M.) Mift'linburg Wolfe, Caroline Childs (Mrs Charles A.) 560 Forbes st., Pittsburg Wolfe, Isabel M. S. (Mrs Leon Baldwin) Lewisburg Wolfe, Martha E. Meixell (Mrs Charles S.) Lewisburg Wolfe, Maude Walls (Mrs Phillip B.) Lewisburg Wolfe, S. Alice (Mrs Henry C.) Lewisburg Wolgamuth, Virginia Estelle (Miss) 3804 Chestnut st., Philadelphia Wood, Catharine Stewart (Mrs William B.) 183S Green st., Philadelphia Wood, Edith M. Everett (Mrs E.) 621 Bridge st., Harrisburg Wood, Frances Alberta (Mrs Alan) Forbes and Meyran aves., Pittsburg Wood, Jennie Boas (Mrs Joseph) 5127 Ellsworth ave., Pittsburg Woodin, Annie Jessup (Mrs William H.) Berwick Woodin, Mary Louise (Mrs Clement liicketts) The Heights, Berwick Woodruff, Harriet L. (Mrs George) Towanda Woods, Ethel lone (Miss) 1811 N. 18th St., Philadelphia Woods, Grace (Miss) Gap Woodward, Isabella Hankinson (Mrs William Walter) Meshoppen Woodward, Mary Frances (Miss) 721 5th ave., Williamsport Woodward, Sarah Ilichards 13utler (Mrs S.) . .110 S. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre Woodwell, Margaret Emory Sellers (Mrs Joseph E.) Penn and Home- wood aves., Pittsburg Woodworth, Grace Elma (Miss) 31 Pearson st.. New Castle Woodworth, Mary Adeline Stritmater (Mrs Hiram Eugene) 37 Pearson St., New Castle Wooldridge, Julia M. W. (Mrs W. P.) 5th ave. and Beachwood st., Pitts- burg Worden, Anne Scott Paine (Mrs Thomas D.) 69 N. Eiver st., Wilkes-Barre Worrell, Edna Eandolph (Miss) State Eoad, Frankfort Worrell, Nina Acadia Turner (Mrs Thomas W.) State Eoad, Frankfort Wray, Jennie Johnston (Mrs Charles Eowan)) 916 Lilac st., Pittsburg Wray, Mary Watson (Mrs W. Allen) Pittsburg Wright, Harriet IMaxwell (Mrs) Morristown Wright, Janetta Bray (Mrs Harry T.) .... 5125 W^oodlawn ave., Pittsburg Wright, Mary Swift (Miss) 334 W. Church st., Lock Haven Wright, Naomi (Miss) 334 \Y. Church st.. Lock Haven Wright, Sallie Howard Murdock (Mrs Eobert C.) 1430 8th ave., Altoona Wuth, Camilla B. (Mrs Wilhelm August 0.) 127 N. Linden ave., Pittsburg Wyeth, Henrietta Braxton Horner (Mrs Francis Houston) 1912 S. Eitten- house Sq., Philadelphia Wyeth, Sarah Campbell (Mrs Francis) 201 N. Front st., Harrisburg Yardley, Madeline D. (Mrs John H.) Overbrook "^^ager, Harriet Ella (Mrs W. E.) 47 S. 7th st., AUentowu Yeager, Margaretta E. E. Smith (Mrs E. E.) Forty Fort Y'oder, Amanda Elizabeth G. (Mrs Daniel) Catasauqua Y'oung, Ada M. Taylor (Mrs De Witt Clinton) Smethport Y'oung, Annie Eliza (Mrs J. Edgar) 24 N. 3rd st„ Easton Y'oung, Clara L. (Miss) 6320 Overbrook ave., Overbrook Y'oung, Deborah Ann Armitage (Mrs P. S.) 2452 Serot st., Philadelphia Young, Ellen Miles Marshall (Mrs George Bright) U. S. Marine Hospital, Harrisburg Y'oimg, Marj' Ehodes (Mrs Joseph Cracraft) Erie Zahn, Ada Kemp (Mrs William Andrew) Craf ton Zane, Genevieve S. (Miss) 342 Miner st.. West Chester Zeilin, Fernanda Virginia (Miss) 1316 Spruce st., Philadelphia Zeller, Mary Hubley (Miss) 533 Church st., W. Lock Haven Le Ray de Chaumont Chapter, N. Y. Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. t Colonel Haslett Chapter, Del. II Mt. Vernon Chapter, Va. 548 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Metnhers, 13 Eegent, Miss Mary Rust. Appointed December 6, 1899 27025 Clement, Mary Edgerton (Mrs Harry C.) care Lt. Harry C. Clement, 21st Eeg-t. U. S. A., Manila 11995* Conger, Emily B. (Mrs) care Lt. A. L. Conger, 18th Inf. U. S. A. Manila 324611 Ely, Mary E. Barker (Mrs Hansom E.)..care Lt. H. Elj', U. S. A., Manila 252751 Fairbanks, Helen G. (Miss) U. S. Military Hospital, No. 1, Manila 173|| Greenleaf, Georgine Henrv Franck (Mrs C. E.) Manila 24590^ Hall, Mary Hepburn (Mrs'W. E.) Manila 33113 Lynch, Eosamond Eust (Mrs Charles) care Dr. Charles Lynch, U. S. A., Chief Surgeon, Manila 2791** Moore, Mary Mason (Mrs T. J.) Manila 30189 Eust, Mary (Miss) care Capt. Charles Lynch, Chief Surgeon, U. S. A., Manila 28800tt Seabright, Sara Eebecca (Miss) Philippine Islands 21604** Wade, Clara L. (Mrs J. F.) Manila 28591** Wade, Maude Tracy (Mrs J. P.) Manila 10800|t Wotherspoon, Mary Adams (Mrs William W.) Ho Ho PORTO RICO Members Eesiding in the Island. 9622|||| Allen, Harriet C. (Mrs Charles H.) Porto Eico 4306 Davis, Margaretta Matilda Stewart Bowers (Mrs Charles L.) care Maj. C. L. Davis, 11th U. S. Infantry, San Juan, Porto Eico RHODE ISLAND State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Cliarles Warren Lippitt, 7 Young Orchard ave. Providence a (< 19n'2 " " " " " " '* CHAPTEES (9 organized; 1 unorganized) a. Bristol Chapter — Bristol Organized December 17, 1891; Members, 79 (Foreign, 1; Netc York, 1; Massachusetts, 3; Illinois, 1; District of Columbia, 1; No7-th Carolina, 1) Eegent, Mrs Mildred L. Williams Treasurer, Miss Evelyn Bache Secretary, Mrs Harriet G. Easterbrooks Eegistrar. Miss Evelyn Munro Historian, Miss Anna B. Manchester b. riint-lock and Powder-horn Chapter — Pawtucket Organized Noreniber 26, 1898; Members, 82 Eegent, Mrs Nelly F. Conant Treasurer, Mrs Cornelia L. Dana Vice-Eegent, Mrs Susan J. Fisk Eegistrar. Mrs Mary Mac I. Hervey Eec. Secretary, Miss Ella F. Mason Historian. Mrs Ann A. Bullock Cor. Secretary, Mrs Clara J. Barnefield Auditor, Mrs Mary G. Webster * Cuyahoga Portage Chapter, Ohio. t Piigrim Chapter, Iowa. t Framingham Chapter, Ma^s. II La Puerto Del Oro Chapter, Cal. TI Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. ** St. Paul Chapter, Minn, ft Thankful Hubbard Chapter. Tex. }+ Narragansett Chapter. R. I. II II Molly Varnum Chapter, Mass. RHODE ISLAND. c. Gaspee Chapter — Providence 549 Organized January 11, 1892; Members, 293 (Massachusetts, S; New York, ^; Colorado, 1; Foreign, 2; Connecticut, 2) Eegent, Mrs John F. Huntsman Treasurer, Mrs W. Louis Chapman Recording Secretary, Mrs John E. Hess Registrar, Miss Mary B. Anthony Cor. Secretary, Mrs Thomas W. Aldrich Historian, Mrs llichard J. Barker d. General Nathaniel Greene Chapter — East Greenwich Organized October 21, 1895; Members, .'{2 Eegent, Mrs Mary E. Wight man Cor. Secretary, Mrs Anna B. Greene Yice-Eegent, Mrs Antoinette Potter Treasurer, Mrs Ellen L. Allen Eec. Secretary, Miss Anna F. Holden Registrar, Mrs Mary A. Hill Historian, Miss Mary A. Knowies e. Narragansett Chapter — Kingston Organized September 7, 1895; Members, 25 (Massachusetts, 3; Foreign, 1; New Jersey, 1) Eegent, Miss Florence L. Lane Treasurer, Mrs Nettie C. Lewis Yice-Eegent, Mrs Martha M. Washburn Registrar, Miss Elizabeth L. Randolph Secretary, Mrs Ellen M. Bosworth Historian, Mrs Sara P. Marchant f. Pawtucket Chapter — Pawtucket Organized May 12, 1892; Members, 92 (Massachusetts, 1; New York, 1; New Jersey, 2) Begent, Mrs Ida E. Beede Treasurer, Miss Lydia L. Hill Yice-Eegent, Mrs Mary E. Darling Eegistrar, Miss Anna E. Whitney _ Eec. Secretary, Miss Anna Darling Historian, Miss Emily L. B. Goodrich Cor. Secretary, Mrs Louise J. Shaw Auditor, Mrs Sarah T. Mann g. Phebe Greene Ward Chapter — Westerly Organized November 12, 1896; Members, 7/7 (New York, 1; New Jersey, 1) Eegent, Miss Minnie A. Taj^lor Cor. Secretary, Miss Fannie D. Holmes Yice-Eegent, Mrs Ada L. Burdick Treasurer, Mrs Georgia S. Langworthy Rec. Secretary, Mrs Tacie E. L. Stillman Registrar, Mrs Harriet S. Langdon Historian, Mrs Susan M. H. Johnson h. Providence Members Regent, Mrs Maria A. Manchester. Appointed and confirmed April 3, 1901 i. William Ellery Chapter — Newport Organized October 27, 1896; Members, Ift (New York, 3) Regent, Miss Susan P. Swinburne Treasurer, Mrs Cynthia Stevens Yice-Eegent, Mrs Henrietta Titus Eegistrar, Miss Edith Tilley Secretary, Miss Susan W. Swinburne Historian, Mrs Isabella Sanborn j. Woonsocket Chapter — Woonsocket Organized February 8, 1893; Members, 50 (Ohio, 1; Massachusetts, 2) Eegent, Miss Mary C. Larned Treasurer, Mrs Adele S. Jackson Yice-Eegent. Miss Mary F. Smith Eegistrar, Miss M. Louise Cole Secretary, Mrs Flora H. Thayer Historian, Mrs Abbie S. W. Eickard Members Eesiding in the State ■25S99& Adams, Mary E. (Miss) 351 Broadway, Pawtucket 164S20 Aldrich, Clara H. (Mrs Thomas W.) 181 Broadway, Providence 19549/ Aldrich, Cyrena Josephine Cook (Mrs J. B.) 66 Prospect st., Woonsocket 550 DIRECTORY, D. A. R • Pawtucket ?S f^"^"' Cordelia L. (Miss)..... ^""'^^ ^^ •■••;«• \; ^^ Gi-eenvvich f ^^^^ ^t., Bristol 10789d Bailey, Luella H. (Mrs GeorS e'i' ^-^^^^ "^•' ^"^*«1 20715/ Baker, Clara Luella (Miss) ^ ^^ ii -w-V/ ' " •^''^'* Greenwich 2190C Balch, Harriet ComstocT (■Mi;s) 'L^l^^^°^^ ^*V Woonsocket^ 21332; Balcom, Carrie May (Miss ^ V-, T.rn'""^^ ^*-' Providence 2330a Baldwin, Ellen Whitnev rMrs'Fdw;..'^ 'rV^V ";. ^^^'"""^ ^*-' Woonsocket «951c Ballon, Ella Corey (Mrs WalLr S ) ^^'^^Ti^ ^ 'ir "^^P" I.*"' ^"^^^^ 24950c Ballon, Frances Eveline W rMrsH' 'c'V' 'fi.' "I^ l^^"" ^^'''•' P^o^'i^ence 2391; Ballon, Harriet A. (Mrs Allen F) '^ ' ' ^i^o^^^^^ ''''^•' P^'^^'idence 31109; Ballon, Marie Louise (Mits '^ ^V^^ Social st., Woonsocket 2293/ Ballon. Sarah Little Fales (fc^'HenrV C \" " ' it^p^''"" ^'^!-' Woonsocket 1472; Ballon, Susan A. (Mrs H L ) ^ ' ' ' .1' t?'^™'''' '^- ,\\o«"^o^ket 32308^ Barber, Ada Campbell TMrs Tosenh 'tt'V Virw^T^ ^''"L'' ^^ oo^socket 10804.(7 Barbour R..«h if tIU. A.'i^^^P'' ^-.^ 113 W. Broad st., Westerly 10804.7 Barbour, Sarah F. Lewis (Mrs James) ' o'' J^^^ . w 23010i Barker, Minerva Stone (Mrs Ralph E ) ik -Rt,n + at 28779i Barker, Minnie Coggeshall (Mrs J Alton) I'o 'ir iJ ^^•- ^/^^P^^* EHODK ISLAND. 551 Barnefield, Florence May (Miss) 99 Summit St., Pawtucket Larnes, Sarah Dyer (Miss) Manton Barstow, Grace Palmer (Mrs Amos C.) 224 Angell st., Providence Barton, Annie Church Spooner (Mrs Harry) Hope st., Bristol Bateman, Mary Cornelia (Mrs Louis M.) East Greenwich Bean, Betsej^ Gale (Miss) Providence Beebe, Agnes Newman (Mrs Herbert Gould) W Humes sit., Pawtucket Beede, Ida E. (Mrs) 51 Clay st.. Central Falls Bellows, Elizabeth A. (Mrs John J.) 66 Tanner st., Providence Bennett, Emma Gilmore (Mrs Herbert Frank) Hope st., Bristol Benson, Elizabeth Howard (Mrs A. S.) 20 Rhode Island ave.. Newport Berry, Cora T. (Mrs Nicholas L.) 157 Atlantic ave.. Providence Bibby, Charlotte Brown (Mrs William) Lonsdale Bishop, Mary Newell (Mrs Louis Walcott) 257 High st., Pawtucket Black, Mary M. A. (Mrs) Warren Blake, Elizabeth Ellery Vernon (Mrs Eli W.) 199 Williams st., Providence Blanchard, Caroline P. (Mrs Horace K.) 12 Mawney st.. Providence Bliss, Caroline Seagrave (Mrs Theodore H.) 46 Cooke st., Providence Boardman, Sara Adele (Miss) 110 High st., Pawtucket Bogert, Alice W. Danielson (Mrs T. P.) 24 Dimon Place, Providence Booth, Ida Louise (Mrs Fred) 278 Broad st.. Providence Bosworth, Anne Lucy (Miss) Kingston Bosworth, Edith Sherwood E. (Mrs A. F.) 9 Mawnev st.. Providence Bosworth, Elizabeth (Miss) 35 Spring st., Newport Bosworth, Ellen Metcalf (Mrs Alfred) Kingston Bosworth, Isabella Essex (Miss) Hope st., Bristol Bosworth, Eebecca T. (Miss) 11 Gould st., Newport Bourn, Emma Elliott (Miss) 49 Westfield St., Providence Bowen, Louise (Miss) East Greenwich Bowen, Mary Ellen Collyer (Mrs Clovis H.) 134 Pine st., Pawtucket Bowers, Caroline Hicks (Mrs W. L.) 16 Pitman st., Providence Boyden, Ann Olivia Cook (Mrs John E.) 77 Blackstone st., Woonsocket Boynton, Hortense Adele (Miss) State st., Bristol Bovnton, Josephine Lj^man (Miss) State st., Bristol Bradford, Emilj- Jane (Mrs George W.) 63 Bradford st.. Providence Bradley, Maria L. (Mrs) 63 Elmwood ave.. Providence Brayton, Antoinette P. B. (Mrs C. E.) Narragansett Hotel, Providence Bridgham, Edith Hopwood F. (Mrs S. W.) 14 Cooke st., E. Providence Briggs, Ella Maria Wells (Mrs Alexander Burdick) Ashaway Briggs, Lavinia Bayley Eobley (Mrs Osmond) 12 Kossuth st., Pawtucket Brown, Anna J. (Miss) East Greenwich Brown, Annie North (Mrs Henry Martin) 295 Angell st.. Providence Brown, Isabel Barrows (Mrs Daniel E.) 280 Washington st.. Providence Brown, Mary Anna (Mrs John E.) East Greenwich Brown, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs John E.) 200 Lexington ave.. Providence Brownell, Fannie Drown (Mrs Edward I.) High st., P. O. Box, 287. Bristol Brownell, Sarah Hicks (Mrs Ephraim W.) Adamsvllle Brunsen, Sarah Wilhelmina (Miss) Bristol Brj-ant, Annie M. Spear (Mrs George H.) 15 Summer st., Newport Bu'cklin, Jessie Howard (Mrs Edward C.) 100 Angell st.. Providence Budlong, Martha A. (Mrs John Clarke) 604 Westminster st.. Providence Buft'um, Harriet Mitchell (Mrs) 190 Hope st.. Providence Bullock, A. Adella (Mrs Edwin R.) 38 Brook st., Pawtucket Bullock, Elizabeth Saunders (Miss) Warren Bullock, Emma W'estcott (Mrs Jonathan Eussell) Bristol Bullock. Marv Wild (Mrs George Saunders) Warren Burdick, Abbie J. Bliven (Mrs Evan C.) 14 Dixon st.. Westerly Burdick. Ada Langworthv (Mrs George N.) Potter Hill Burlingbam. Kate Frisbie" (Mrs Thomas) 167 Spring st.. Newport Burnham, ISIary Chamberlain (Mrs Hiram) Providence Burrough, Harriett Elizabeth F. (Mrs F. M.) 184 Bowen st., Providence Burt, Leah Mary (Miss) 53 Beacon ave.. Providence Butterworth, Harriet Newell (Mrs Charles F.) 345 Broadway, Pawtucket Quequechan Chapter, Mass. t Elizabeth Porter Putnam Chapter, Conn. 552 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. Itlial ;^""°'Ph,' O^-^^tta Lummus H. (Mrs B G ) 1< 23560t Calder, Julia Eddy (Mrs John Lewis) '^^ 1494a Canfield, Helen V (Mrs) ^^wisj o] 20096/ 159347 1323P 17S28f 34382c 189 Lenox ave., Providence (Mrs) ' '^'^'^ Prairie ave., Providence Capron, Phebe A. M. (Mrs Vdin) ^^^' ^'^^w, Bristol C arpenter, Clara Sumn Stillw^ater J,. ,----., ..oonsocket "„("'-) ■.;•.■■■.» Mu.beVVy -s,- ■ PauauSe" on ave., Providence Grove st., Providence lapin ave.. Providence ) East Greenwich 1521c Chace, Sarah Frances Pntio,- VVr ^"'^"^^ ^'l ^^^^ Greenwic 10785C Chace Sylvia i. (Mrs MoTcsb'" "^'"'"iAv' t™",'^ "^•' ^--^enc J^. S!-^^?' An-ie ^Andrews^^(^^ wiliian; •s'L]^!^^^"^^^,^^- 28783i 287841 21222$ 8626c 19539^7 30196c 28781i 16485c 14410c Champlin, Cornelia'-M^ad "cm-'y \MVrUonelHV P^wtucketrNeck Champlin, Phebe Ann (Miss) -Lionel ±1.) Jamestown Chapman, Dency Eug^enia Marvin '(Mrs" Pob^rt' B ) Jamestown Chapman, Katharine Ma^e Davis Urs ^"^ S^ B.neM i;^::^^^;^^^ ..S9. S:: SL^^cS^ri^^i-- -SS^y^^^^ e^e.„ Pine St., Providence C6 9852^ Chester, Elizabeth r(^MV;ilb;rt£)^""""^^ ^4 Park Pla< ~ 3088a Church, Emily Lincoln (Miss) '* ^ ^^^"" "*•' Westerly /-^i_^- ,, . ,. _„ ' Warren ence vill, 14408(i 33574/= 2206f 26572/ 13783/= 1359c 16488c 6953c Claflin, Mary Alice Howard f Afrs A "Vv T ion' \v' V .......VVa 14407./ Clapp, Mar^-"^ Stafford Waerma^n(MissI"^ ^^aterman st., Provid "^"^^ S; Si ??^S-.<^^ A^l^^i•■••■■••■•■•■••K™^?fii Clark, Marv Edith Carpenter CMro! x ' r { i'ln'^ J ...Lincoln Clark Theo H^nft r-Af,-« T^.i, i o! T''' ^^^ Broadway, Pawtucket PI 1 ni! 1 1: *i Edward Strong) 40 Stimson ave Providence Clarke, Charlotte Katherine fMiss^ «iq tt i x f^'^V" ^^ 15937; Clarke, Fendora Stevens Sayers(lk"E 'd ^ 68 HaS 25566 Clarke, Sarah Ida (Miss) ^^ Hamlet ave., Woonsocket 17282C Clarke, Sarah Savage (Mrs E.' Webster)' ^'q '^'.W'' " V ' • '^^y.^n^ng go^Seb'^Trn^oMTMrs^ E;Lo""" ""^""^"^ '^ ^'^^^^Ea'-; ?^^-^^-- Coggeshall, Elizabeth Taylor (Mrs Aaron)\\\\\\\\-i ThamS st NeZon Coggeshall, Josephine Barker CMiss) P7 p^kv.. ' i,;^^^Po^^ Cole, Alice Bradford (Miss) ^ ^ ^^ ^'^^^ ^^^^ ^I^wport Cole, Louise Jarvis (Miss)......' Warren Cole, M. Louise (Miss) 46 g Collins, Harriet Hull Porter (Mrs Albert B.) 5 ) ^^!1^"^',.^^T^ ,?°r!«^,XMis!) ••••■_ .5 Pleasant st.. Westerly «n^fS ^^''^''1^7' ^^^^y Putnam (Mrs William Harri 35598 .28782'i 9353a 9352a 17290; Cole, M. Louise CMiss'l ' /o o • . -.^r ^^ Sr ^' ?-'!' p ^ortVr -(Mrs Albert b!) 1 ^^;-'Ir^:^l ittVf P°"'""; if'^'^'i' ^^""*°" (^^^-^ ^^^^^^r^« T-) 69 Prospect s?rWoon!ock?t oJSo^ Conant, Mary Eaton Mrs Hezekiah) 99 Clav st Central Fnlls 25898^ Conant, Nelly Ferguson (Mrs Samuel Morris) ... .104 Clay st., Pawtucke? CoT AU ^^"l'^ ^ ^^\7- T""'™ P-^ • -^^^^ Gree^.^Vh -95/ Cook f^ioT. tr^^^'^^A/^'f ^ • ■ • T^-^ ^'^ ^I^™^^* ^^■^•' Woonsocket 218mc Cnnh 1\ • ^!°l;?f . ^^^^^ .??.™"^^ ^-^ Woodland Park, Woonsocket llltla ?onte' jtTV^^iW^^ ^^"''^ 42 S^"^fi^ «^-' Providence o?I2f! Pnni TT^ • + ^^ ^^\ff) ' ' ^- ; ••••32 State St.. Bristol Coon, Harriet Jewell Gardiner (Mrs Charles Barber) 4 Elm st.. Westerly Corey, Mary Fannie Niles (Mrs John L.) Pone Vnllev Cov ''aki.^'V"^* .^r"''^^ "^ ^^^""^ ^'^^^^^^ P-) •••••••• -Westerly Cn^/^.?^'?"?J^^''-^l;.--\ East Greenwich CrJ;ln p^r'^'*T.%'^^ 13 School st.. Westerly cll^i]]' S/'^^^'ir ^L ^^^'""^ 9 Grove ave.. Westerly Crandall, Ellen M. (Mrs) East Greenwich 18944rf 2292; ^295; 31S22.f/ 15938^7 4761* 33981f/ 19540(7 13005(7 33982d t Sabr.i Trumbull Chapter, Conn. I Mary Weed Marvin Chapter, N. Y. Johnstown Chapter, N. Y. Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. KHODE ISLAND. 553 14S7C 8S67C :24396e .31877c 1322c 20713/= 25892& 2207/= 24960/= 51108/ 3846a 2183/= 8627c 20089c 8672t 19550; .349671 1191c 922a 8625c 1353c 14406/= 19541(7 33114a. 978c 6636c 20083c 17823c 803 IC 6997* 1676c 21797c lOSOSa 2042c 5601a 31SS3fir 9354c 925c 1316/= S35C 14423 13006fZ 13780a 13007/= 20079 (■ 159321 33119i 33571(7 10243c 15939/ 137S5 13784 1731/ 23259f 26305ft 2.-891& 1520c 1480c 2013SC 20094c 30192?) 9350c 2G303?J 17830^ 24397c Cranston, Eliza Young (Miss) 395 Benefit st., Providence Cranston, Irene Guild (Miss) 395 Benefit st., Providence Crossley, Susannah Belchei: Guild (Mrs John) Kingston Crowell, Mary Louise (Mrs James L.) 37 Forest st.. Providence Gushing, Anne Cooke (Miss) 58 Olive st.. Providence Dana, Angelin F. Tillinghast (Mrs Paissell) 147 ^Yalcott st., Pawtucket Dana, Cornelia Louise (Mrs) 147 Walcott st., Pawtucket Darling, Anna Frances (Miss) 156 Broadway, Pawtucket Darling, Hannah Corbin (Miss) 282 Cottage st., Pawtucket Darling, Jennie Hawes (Mrs Charles Henry).. 42 Harris ave., Woonsocket Darling, Patience (Mrs liiley) East Greenwich Darling, Mary Ellen (Mrs Edwin) 282 Cottage st., Pawtucket Davis, Harriet Porter (Mrs. James S.) 136 George st.. Providence Day, Mary Love (iSIrs Henrj^ Gould) 65 Humboldt ave., Providence Deane, Sarah Sprague (Mrs Arthur W.) Phenix Delabarre, Hannah Farrington (Mrs E. C.) 53 Blackstone st., Woonsocket Dennis, Clara Ellen (Mrs Joseph G.) Portsmouth De Wolf, Elizabeth (Miss) 293 Brook st., Providence De Wolf, Florence Griswold (Miss) Griswold ave., Bristol Dews, Alice Davis (!Mrs Frederick S.) 136 George st., Providence Dexter, Elizabeth Bridgham (Miss) 56 Waterman St., Providence Dexter, Fannie Wheaton (Miss) 18 Church st., Pawtucket Dickins, Hannah Frances (Miss) 47 Elm st., W^esterly Dixon, Harriet M. Fales (Mrs Fred M.) High st., Bristol Dorrance, Sxisan Greene (Mrs Charles T.)....98 Waterman st.. Providence Douglas, Alice Barnes (Mrs Samuel T.) 222 Williams st., Providence Dow, Cordelia (Miss) 98 Harrison st.. Providence Dow, Ervina Olive Sawin (Mrs Kelsey) . . . .61 Bainbridge ave.. Providence Downes, Marj^ Lois Seagrave (Mrs L. W.) 484 Elmwood ave.. Providence Doyle, Almira S. (ISIrs Thomas Arthur) Providence Doyle, Sarah E. (Miss) 119 Prospect st.. Providence Draper, Freelove Jenckes (Mrs Franklin S.) 40 Olive st., Pawtucket Draper, Harriet Lee (Miss) Nyatt Draper, Martha M. (Miss) 62 Benefit st.. Providence Dunbar, Fannie Morgan (Mrs Eichard Harker) Hope st., Bristol Dunn, Desire Ann Gavitt (Mrs Edward M.) Haversham Durfee, Anna Nichols (Miss) 23 Halsey st.. Providence Durfee, Emily Elliott Hall (Mrs Albert Gallatin) Wickford Durfee, Sarah J. Greene (Mrs) 322 Broad st.. Central Falls Dwight, Margarethe Lyman C. (Miss) 66 Williams st.. Providence Dyer, Mary Potter (Mrs Eodney Fenner) Barrington Center Earnshaw," Effie Tillinghast (Mrs Elmer Ellsworth) East Greenwich Easterbrooks, Harriet Gardner (Mrs Edward G.) Bay View, Bristol Easton, Agnes Frieze (Mrs Frederick W.) 162 East ave., Pawtucket Easton, Frances Ann Franklin (Mrs John) 204 Broadway, Newport Easton, Jennie Smith (Miss) 204 Broadway, Newport Ebbs, Minnie A. King (Mrs Eobert) 34 Powel ave., Newport Eddy, Carrie M. (Miss) 117 High st., Westerly Eddy, Mary Andros (Miss) 380 Benefit st.. Providence Edwards, Laura Ballon (Mrs Daniel Mann) St. James Hotel, Woonsocket Ellery, Henrietta Channing (Miss) : 3 Thames st., Newport Ellery, Mary Goddard (Miss) 3 Thames st.. Newport Ellis, Mary Howe (Mrs John W.) 50 Prospect st., Woonsocket Ellis, Sarah E. (Mrs A. L.) 65 Burnett st.. Providence Emerson, Annie Pierce (Mrs Lowell) 128 Walcott st., Pawtucket Fairbrother, Evelyn Greeley (Mrs Jesse May) 80 Summit st., Pawtucket Fay, Ida Garland (Mrs Henry Harrison) Newport Fenner, Jane Clyde Hopwood (Mrs Jesse C.) 14 Cooke st.. Providence Fenner, Mabel Lippitt (Miss) 120 Bridgham st.. Providence Fenner, Mary Lovell (Miss) 120 Bridgham st.. Providence Field, Josephine (Miss) 42 Park Place, Pawtucket Fish. Flora J. Capron (Mrs W. A.) 190 Angell st., Providence Fisk, Susan Joanna (Mrs Stephen Francis) 14 Main st., Pawtucket Fitts, Mertie Freeman (Mrs Levi N.) East Greenwich Flagg, Celinda Evelyn (Mrs Charles Otis) Kingston Deborah Avery Putnam Chapter, Conn. Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. 554 DIKECTOEY, D. A. E. 243986 14313c 4969c 1732c 1160c 564c 1295c 4773* 929rt 2910f 24949c 10802; 15935/ 839c 3843a 178326 30522i 34960c 34959c 31879c 763a 10963t 25610 5599a 24394; 17276(i 2116f 566c 23255c 4719f 34969f 13782/= 1649 If 1248f 1247f 339866 9097* 34958c 8623c 9358c 34963d 25890b 13787(Z 1475f 926c 1526c 2184f 35o95c 1299c 1297c 25563f 1161c 32913$ 255676r 7341c 17825c 15293 8868c 22419y 5606c 23252c Flagg, Martha Eebecca (Miss) Kino ston Flint, Mary Harvey (Miss) 193 CliflEord st.',* Providence Flint, Susan Amelia (Mrs Alonzo) 122 Waterman st.. Providence Foster, Ellen Louisa (Mrs John) 89 Courtland st.. Providence Foster, Juha Appleton (Mrs William E.) 240 Bowen st.. Providence Foster, Mary Henshaw (Mrs Louis T.) 6 Olive st.. Providence Foster, Mary A'ightingale (Miss) 6 Olive st., Providence Frankenstein, Fanny Dixon (Mrs Louis Jerome) Westerly French, Elizabeth Gray (Mrs George) Hope st., Bristol French, Florence SpafEord Wells (Mrs C. H.) 109 Broadway, Pawtucket Frost, Alice A. Barber (Mrs Walter B.) 233 Ohio ave.. Providence Fuller, Anne Eliza (Miss) 17 Prospect st., WoonsocKet Fuller, Nettie Eebecca (Miss) 17 Prospect st., Woonsocket Gammell, Eliza Anthony Hoppin (Mrs K. I.) 327 Benefit st.. Providence Gardner, Alice Louise (Miss) Warren Gardner, Martha Adams (Mrs) Slocums Gaskill, Jessie May (Miss) Gaskill st., Woonsocket Gay, Addie Studley (Miss) 275 Friendship st.. Providence Gay, Julia Frances Studley (Mrs J. B.) 275 Friendship st.. Providence Gibbs, Sarah E. D. (Mrs Frederic E.) 98 Hicks st.. Providence Gibson, Abby De Wolf (Mrs Charles D.) Hope st., Bristol Gibson, Jeannette (Mrs Albert) 403 Knight st., Providence Gibson, Maria Griswold (Mrs Henry Maitland) Hope st., Bristol GiflPord, Mary Ann (Mrs James Munro) State st., Bristol Gilbert, Annie Louise Arnold (Mrs W. H.) 534 S. Main st., Woonsocket Gilbert, Caroline E. (Mrs Joseph) Apponang Gilmore, Jane Amelia (Miss) 165 High st., Pawtucket Goddard, Eebekah Burnett Groesbeck (Mrs Eobert Hale I.) 160 Hope st.. Providence Godding, Charlotte Snow (Mrs Clarence M.) 312 Benefit st.. Providence Goflf. Elizabeth Lee (Miss) 56 Wolcott st., Pawtucket Gooding, Jennie Wood (Mrs William H.) 10 Washington st.. Central Falls Gooding, Lydia Burlingame (Mrs Joshua B.) 14 Ashley st., Central Falls Gooding, Maude E. (Miss) 14 Ashley st., Central Falls Goodrich, Charlotte Elizabeth Nutter (Mrs M.) 151 Cross st., Central Falls Goodrich, Emily Le Bosquet (Miss) 151 Cross st.. Central Falls Goodwin. Elenora Phoebe (Mrs Ozias Chapman) Peace Dale Gorton, Elizabeth Langley (Mrs William A.) Butler Hospital, Providence Gorton, Martha (Miss) 269 Friendship st.. Providence Granger, Caroline Eichmond Pitman (Mrs W. S.) 42 Olive st., Providence Granger, Mary Alice (Miss) 42 Olive st.. Providence Gray, Mary Latimer (Mrs W. L.) E. Greenwich Academy, E. Greenwich Greely, Susanne (Miss) 80 Summit st., Pawtucket Greene, Anna S. Bissell (Mrs Albert E.) Cowesett Greene, iVnnie H. (Mrs Edward A.) 85 Cross st.. Central Falls Greene, Alice Hall Durfee (Mrs Joseph W) Wickford Greene, Caroline Cornelia (Miss) Eiver Point Greene, Hattie Spencer (Mrs Herbert F.) 152 Cross st.. Central Falls Greene, Jeanette Vreeland (Mrs Francis W.) : . . .Eiver Point Greene, Mary Anne (Miss) 55 Keene st.. Providence Greene, Mary Frances Low 55 Keene st.. Providence Greene, Muriel Houghton (Miss) Central Falls Greene, Sarah Franklin (Miss) 38 Coke st., Providence Greenhalgh, Grace Page (Mrs George T.) 23 Daniels st., Pawtucket Greenman, Ellen Lucv Peck (Mrs) Westerly Gregory, Harriet Vaiighan (Mrs William) .. .253 Broadway, Providence Gregory, Mary Louise (Miss) 253 Broadway, Providence; also "The Oak- lands," Wickford Griffin, Abby C. Hoxsie (Mrs) 5 Grove ave.. AVesterly Grosvenor. Eose Dimond Phinney (Mrs W.)..51 Prospect st.. Providence Grout, Ellen Maria Ballou (Mrs) 85 Carrington ave.. Woonsocket Guild, Georgiana (Miss) 34 Pratt st.. Providence Guild, Olive Lincoln (Miss) 34 Pratt st.. Providence Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. Deborah Avery Putnam Chapter, Conn. General Israel Putnam Chapter, Mass. Prudence Wright Chapter, Mass. KHODE ISLAND. 555 24946c Gurney, Mary A. J. (Mrs Paul E.) 39 Harvard ave., Providence 24400f Hall, Margaret Isabel (Miss) 200 East ave., Pawtucket 4S0St Hall, Mary L. (Miss) Westerly 14421c Hallett, Eosa May Kellen (Mrs Plarrison) 283 George st., Providence 1S945(Z Hamond, Delia E. (Mrs) Woodbine st., Auburn 3S44« Handy, Mary Abbott (Mrs Charles Henry) Warren 1193c Harkness, Katherine Margaret Beebe (Mrs A. G.) 7 Cooke st., Providence 7343f Harley, Nellie Maria Coolidge (Mrs David) 22 Church st., Pawtucket 20092c Harrington, Annie E. S. (Mrs Charles Nelson) 426 Brook st., Providence 1527c Harris, Mona Elizabeth Tower (Mrs B. P.) 47 Adelphia ave.. Providence 1190c Hartshorn, Eliza Dayton Gardner (Mrs I.) care A. L. Mason, Newport 20087c Harvey, Abbie M. (Miss) 181 Broad st., Providence 1601a Hasbrouck, Sarah Penoyar (Mrs Cornelius J.) State st., Bristol 6204c Hazard, Anna Lauriston Hartwell (Mrs Jeffrey) 216 Hope st., Providence 33117c Hemenway, Alice Maude Spaulding (Mrs Herbert Lewis) 86 Weybosset St., Providence 2Q>o71j Hendrick, Phebe Smith (Miss) Woonsocket 2041c Henshaw, Harriet F. (Miss) 100 Bowen st.. Providence 923a Herreshoff, Clara De Wolf (Mrs Nathaniel G.) Walley st., Bristol 3086a Herreshoff, Eugenia Tarns Tucker (Mrs John Brown).. High st., Bristol 29296& Hervey, Mary Mcintosh (Mrs Henry Dwight) 80 Lyon st., Pawtucket 29255c Hess, Clara M. Lovrien (Mrs John R.) 21 Oriole ave., Providence 21331^ Hill, Emma Green (Mrs Frank) Ashaway 1250f Hill, Lydia Lavinia (Miss) 60 Exchange st., Pawtucket 17S31d Hill, Mary A. (Mrs Charles G.) East Greenwich 31112 Hill, Minnie Velna (Mrs James Herbert, Jr.) Cranston 27118(7 Hillard, Addie Woodbury (Mrs William A.).. 137 W. Broad st., Westerly 5026t Hillard, Caroline Matilda (Mrs Paul H.) 137 W. Broad st.. Westerly 24951c Hodges, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 463 Friendship st., Providence 11776(Z Holden, Anna Frances (Miss) East Greenwich 20077fif Holmes, Fannie Denison (Miss) 53 Elm st.. Westerly 24955c Hopkins, Jane Knight (Mrs Charles W.)..417 Cranston st.. Providence 557c Hoppin, Frances Street (Miss) 99 Power st.. Providence 29683f Houghton, Mary S. (Miss) Central st., Central Falls 971c Howard, Edith Lockwood Danielson (Mrs Elisha Harrison) 208 Governor St., Providence 15931i Howard, Marion Caswell Bryer (Mrs W. R.) 309 Broadway, Newport 28274i Howard, S. Florence Sanborn (Mrs Albert S.) 265 Broadway, Newport 25568/ Hoyt, Carrie Barker (Mrs Henry F.) 639 Social st., Woonsocket 15936; Hudson, Hattie Buell (Mrs Samuel E.)..99 Carrington ave., Woonsocket 51156 Hunt, Annie Randolph (Mrs) Kingston 2494SC Hunt, Ellen R. (Mrs Henry B.) 95 Warren ave., E. Providence 13016c Huntsman, Zerrie S. F. R. (Mrs John F.)..367 Angell st., Providence 33987f Irish, Phebe R. (Mrs Perry C.) 43 McKinley st., Providence 1679c Irons, Hannah Frances Sayles (Miss) 447 Friendship st.. Providence 4861; Jackson, Adele Sone (Mrs Frank Anthony) 399 S. Main st., Woonsocket 930c Jackson, Lucy Anna Greene (Mrs Benjamin A.) 10 Young Orchard ave.. Providence 2741/ Jenckes, Clara Hunt (Miss) 47 Spring st., Woonsocket 9366/ Jenckes, Ellen A. (Miss)... 414 S. Main st., Woonsocket 20095c Jenckes, Ida Kelly (Mrs John) Nayatt 10795f Jenks, Annie Cleveland Rice (Mrs Albert A.).. 45 Cottage st., Pawtucket 23257c Jillson, Clara Ladd (Mrs Ollys Allen) 68 Chapin ave.. Providence 20081f Johnson, Alice Adams (Mrs Edward Lewis).. 158 Cross st.. Central Falls 2752a Johnson, Mattie A. (Mrs Charles A.) Hope st., Bristol 5441(7 Johnson, Susan Maud (Miss) Dixon House, Westerly 13004^ Johnson, Susan Montgomery Higgins (Mrs G.) Dixon House, Westerly 12453c Jones, Alice Clark (Mrs Edward S.) 1266 Westminster st.. Providence 21802c Kelly, Caroline (Miss) 42 Benefit st., Providence 2S269a Kendall. Lydia Williams (Miss) Bristol 172S0C Kendrick. Helena May Bovs (Mrs John E.) 433 Broadway, Providence 34386i Kennan, Lilla Hill Sligh (Mrs Asa B.) 39 School st., Newport 34380c Kent, Emma Stanley (Mrs Edwin Francis) 12 Hawthorne st., Providence 5592c Kenyon, Harriet Arnold (Mrs James Stanton) 167 Angell st., Providence t Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. 556 DIRECTORY, D. A. R 18161(7 4565c SS70C ,293006 16Sle 1675C 1678c 12751* 3028c 10242c 1G83C 12190d 14427c 33118c :31104c 19546i 9363e 9362e 28775c •207115' 28775c 29304/= 29303(; 22414(7 1533; 1532/ 133481 22910, 2687i 16487C 9356c 24962f ;36434t 20712(/ 124546 33983(Z 1525c 14592c 2807c 25564f 17S27C 2625f 17829f 22415(7 24956c 10793rt 31i06f 17S26C 34S4rt 9847«. 1052Sf 31S76& 33984(7 1376a 6632« 27928 28520 11775f 164896 1294c 9720 279236 217996 Kenyon, Mabelle Terry Clarke (Mrs Charles) 56 Granite st., Westerly Kimball, Sarah Ella (Mrs Horace Arnold).. 142 Angell st., Providence Kingman, Lucia Collins (Mrs Eugene) 327 Broad st.. Providence Kinney, Helen May Wells (Mrs Lorenzo Foster) Kingston Kittredge, Goldina C. (xMrs Georg-e M.) 27 Eing-gold st.. Providence Knight. Amelia Sumner (Miss) 366 Broadway, Providence Knight, Elizabeth Gair Greene (Mrs E. B.) 366 Broadway, Providence Knight, Emma J. (Miss) East Greenwich Knight, Sarah W. (Mrs Webster) 118 Princeton ave.. Providence Knight, Sophie Potter (Mrs Richard W. B.) P. O. Box 1506, Providence Knowles, Martha Jones Doyle (Mrs J. C.) 92 Williams st., Providence Knowles, Mary Alexander (Miss) East Greenwich Ladd, Amey Narcissa Snow (Mrs I. Gilford) . .165 Ang-ell st.. Providence Ladd, Marion Gay (Mrs) '.73 America st.. Providence Laird, Caroline Lydia Kelley (Mrs F. J.) 72 Marshall st., Providence Landers, Sarah P. Clarke (Mrs Albert C.) Rhode Island ave., Newport Lane, Emily Taylor (Miss) Kingston Lane, Florence Lyman (Miss) Kingston Langdon, Bertha Eddy (Mrs Weldon C.) 49 Bradford st.. Providence Langdon, Harriet Elizabeth Smith (Mrs) Avondale Langford. Bertha Ely (Mrs W. C.) Hotel Hallet, Providence Langley, Marj- Ann Frances Wheeler (Mrs) 31 Mt. Vernon st.. Providence Langworthy, Emma Sheldon (Miss) 33 Elm st., Westerly Langworthy, Georgie Sheldon (Mrs Albert H.) 33 Elm st.. Westerly Larned, Elizabeth Earle (Mrs William) 58 Social st., Woonsocket Earned, Mary Cook (Miss) 58 Social st., Woonsocket Laughlin, E. Gertrude (Mrs Arthur W.) East GreenAvich Lawless, Louise Lockhart (Miss) Hope st.. Bristol Lawton, Ida Frost Robinson (Mrs Thomas A.).. 207 Broadwa^v. Newport Lawton, Mary Dunham Thornton (Mrs Walter Vose) Greenville Lee, Anna C. (Mrs Charles F.) 5 East st., Providence Lennon, Helen Cora (Mrs John F.) 69 Summit st., Pawtucket Lewis, Elizabeth S. Wynkoop (Mrs R. C. W.)..32 Summit st.. Providence Lewis, Lois Clarke (Mrs James N.) Ashaway Lewis, Nettie Chester (Mrs Nathan Barber) W. Kingston Lillibridge, Maude Evelyn (Miss) East Greenwich Lincoln, Emma Bicknell (Miss) 368 Pine st., Providence Lippitt, Margaret Barbara Farnum (Mrs Charles Warren) 7 Young Or- chard ave.. Providence Lister, Amelia Wharton (Mrs James, Jr.).. 103 Williams st.. Providence Littlefield, Clara H. (Mrs Alfred H.) 65 Clay st.. Central Falls Littlefield, Emma Warren (Mrs George A.) 98 Prospect st.. Providence Littlefield, Ida Allen Ballon (Mrs Eben N.) 42 Wolcott St., Pawtucket Longlej', Henrietta Augusta (Mrs Charles E.) 87 Wolcott st., Pawtucket Loveland. Sarah Sheldon (Mrs John) 33 Elm st.. Westerly Luther, Annie Leffingwell Rawson (Mrs J. W.) 335 Thayer st.. Providence Luther. Eleanor Russell (Miss) High st.. Bristol Macartney. Harriet Davison (Mrs R. F.) 12 Ashley st.. Central Falls McCaw. Clara Medora Church (Mrs William) 222 Benefit st.. Providence McDougall, Annie E. INlunroe (Mrs) Bristol MacDougall, Emily D. Bennett (Mrs Benjamin M.) Bristol MacGregor. Alice' Wentworth (Mrs Eben) 14 George st., Providence Mackillop. Adela Josephine (Mrs Robert Kelso) 21 Brook st., Pawtucket Madison, Louise (Miss) East Greenwich Manchester, Anne Buehler (Miss) Hope st., Bristol Manchester. Harriet Austin (Miss) Bristol Manchester, Maria A. (Mrs Isaac C.) Ill Ocean st.. Providence Manly, Abigail Brownell (Mrs William) Tiverton Mann, Sarah T. Bucklin (Mrs Augustine A.) 286 Broad st.. Central Falls Marchant. Sarah Peckham (Mrs Frank Edward) West Kingston Martin, Marian Clifford (Miss) P. O. Box 726, E. Providence Mason. Edith Bucklin Hartshorn (Mrs A. L.) Hallidon Hill. Newport Mason, Ella Frances (Miss) 6 Montgomery st., Pawtucket Mason, Ella Knapp (Mrs Fletcher S.) 333 Gano st.. Providence * Molly Varniim Chapter. Mass. t Elizabeth Wacisworth Chapter, Me. t Paiifferties Chapter, N. Y. RHODE ISLAND. 557 Mason, Gabnella Postlethwaite (Mrs C. F.) 321 Angell st., Providence Mason, Marian Eliza (Mrs Benjamin Lindsay) ITS liigh st., Pawtucket Mason, Mary Congdon (Mrs Edward U.) 34 Mawney st., Providence Mason, Xannie Worthington (Miss) 321 Angell st.. Providence Mathews, Anne Hopkins (Mrs George S.)..417 Cranston St., Providence Mathewson, Anna E. (Mrs Syria W.) Narragansett Pier Mathewson, Celia M. (Mrs Thomas G.) East Greenwich Mathewson, Kachel Graham Jackson (Mrs Frank M.) 224 Bowen st.. Providence Mauran, Eliza (Miss) 132 Benefit st.. Providence Mauran, Julia Lippitt (Miss) 287 Butler ave.. Providence Meader, Lucie Claflen Briggs (Mrs Charles A.) Phenix Merchant, Mary Jolls (Miss) Warren Merrill, Mary E. S. (Mrs John Harvey) 19 Barton st., Pawtucket Metcalf , Anna (Miss) 81 Brown st.. Providence Metcalf, Esther Pierce (Mrs Stephen O.) 132 Bowen st.. Providence Miller, Annie (Miss) 75 Park Place, Pawtucket Miller, Mary (Miss) 75 Park Place, Pawtucket Miner. Amy Estance (Miss) 658 Main st., Pawtucket Miner, Susan (Miss) 3 Temple st., Providence Mitchell, Jennie Potter (Miss) St. James Hotel, Woonsocket Moies, Amy Seymour (Miss) 71 Clay st.. Central Falls Moies, Florence Damon (Mrs Charles. P.) 69 Clay st.. Central Falls Moss, Elizabeth Hazard (^Nlrs William Dixon) \ Westerly Moulton, Minnie Preston Sumner (Mrs Wilson Perry) 65 Humboldt ave.. Providence 2925; Mowry, Lenette (Miss) 365 S. Main st., Woonsocket 2926/ Mowry, Martella Brown (Miss) 365 S. Main st., Woonsocket 6634ff Munro, Evelyn (Miss) Hope st., Bristol 6633rt Munro, Lillian F. (Miss) High st, Bristol 1374a Munroe, Annie Fales (Miss) Franklin st.. Bristol 28774c Nealey, Grace G. (Mrs James A.) 27 Cabot st.. Providence 5602a Nelson, Florence Talbot (Miss) Hope st., Bristol 243991 Kichols, Mary Ella (Miss) 14 Everett st., Newport 9361c Nightingale, "^Constance A. P. (Mrs W. G.) 425 Brook st., ProAidence 2119a Norris, Maria Dimond (Miss) Llope st., Bristol 34377c Noyes, Katharine Howland (Mrs Robert F.) 53 Jackson st.. Providence 933a Ostrander, Sylvia De Wolf (Mrs Cornelius Van B.) Church st., Bristol 1530c Owen, Mary Collins Bucklin (Mrs Charles D.) 110 Bowen st.. Providence 24395(7 Pagan, Helen Mar Elwell (Mrs Frank Cousins) Westerly 32915* Page, Adelle Frances Gates Page (Mrs George B.) 59 Lyon st., Pawtucket 34956c Paine, Elizabeth Mary Butler (Mrs George L.) 121 Messer st.. Providence 27117r/ Palmiter, Altana Alaria W^ells (Mrs Alanson A.) Ashaway 927f Park, Anna Hatheway (Mrs William H.)....52 Exchange st, Pawtucket 1478c Pearce, Caroline Lay (Mrs Sturgis) Portsmouth 1321c Pearce, Clementine Chappotin (Miss) 450 Brook st.. Providence 1680c Pearce, Isabelle Vincent Seagrave (Mrs E. D.) 157 Hope st.. Providence 979c Peck. Louise Lyman (Mrs Walter A.).... 113 Waterman st.. Providence 21795c Peck, Milliscent Clay (Miss) Home for Aged Women, Providence 19548!- Peckham, Bertha (Miss) 7 Newport ave., Newport 19542i Peckham, Etta (Miss) 7 Newport ave., Newport 31885i Peckham ,Martha Underwood (Mrs T. P.) 7 Newport ave., Newport 343881 Peckham. Mary Burdick (Mrs Howard) ... .Aquidneck ave., Middletown 1485c Pegram, Isabel Homer (Miss) 49 Angell st.. Providence 15290(7 Pendleton, Bethena Arabella Spencer (Mrs J. M.) 46 Elm st.. Westerly 29297?) Pervear. Ellen Louisa Gilbert (Mrs) 57 Elm st., Pawtucket 28272f Pervear, Ethel Stevens (Miss) 57 Elm st., Pawtucket 14416c Phillips. Edith Remington Peck (Mrs F. N.) 164 Butler ave.. Providence 172S1C Pierce, Julia A. White (Mrs Alfred G.) 81 Parade st.. Providence 28785f Pinniger. Clara Atkinson (Mrs David) 220 Broadway, Newport 23013( Pitman, Julia (Miss) 6 Cranston ave., Newport 17822c Place, Lillian x\rabelle Fuller (Mrs W. H.) 13 Parkis ave.. Pro^-idence 18162.(/ Pollette. Ednah Elwood Perry (Mrs James W.) 31 School st.. Westerly 22416(7 Potter, Amelia (Miss) ' 113 High st.. Westerly t Anna Warner Bailey Chapter. Conn. Prudence Wright Chapter, Mass. 558 20709(Z 292986 107S7(i 2144e lOSOle 20084c 25559c 1476a 9359c 2091c 15291fir 5116e 8178ft 26304f 2792ib 10790d 13012c 11769c 24945c 24947c 24944c 16484c 1192c 1810; 26570i 31878c 93656 18941i 1531a 6246t 28773c 27874* 1477c 11771c 1311c 195441 17824c 200801, 19543! 1684c 20707c 20708c 21793c 27119(7 20078f; 14415c 14411c 11774/= 200S2f 4620t 20090c 5605c 263075 25S97& 30520e 19545/ 7344/= 34379c 1473a 1471a 13009a 28786; 282751 2972/ DIEECTORT, D, A. E. Potter, Antoinette Arnold (Mrs Louis E.) Apponang Potter, Eleanor Luther (Mrs William H.) 285 Cottage st., Pawtucket Potter, Eliza H. (Mrs Elisha E.) E. Greenwich Potter, M. Helen (Miss) 198 Waterman st., Pro\ddence Potter, Mary Le Moine (Miss) Kingston Potter, Sarah Jane (Miss) 1168 Westminster st., Providence Powell, Bertha Y. Forsyth (Mrs T. C.) P. O. Box 1043, Providence Pratt, Louisa Marston (Mrs Frank Stow) Hope st., Bristol Preston, Mary M. (Mrs Walter L.) 249 Hope st., Providence Putnam, Abbie Wilbur (Miss) 89 Keene st.. Providence Eandall, Charlotte S. D. (Mrs John Pendelton) 2 Spring st.. Westerly Eandolph, Elizabeth Lyman (Miss) Kingston Eansoni, Annie Frank Abbot (Mrs William McC.) Warren Eead, Jane Thacher (Mrs John B.) 97 Wolcott st., Pawtucket Eead, Louise Sherman (Miss) 178 Wolcott St., Pawtucket Eeeve, Mary Elizabeth Arnold (Mrs Elisha P.) .East Greenwich Eemick, Faith Eloise (Miss) 356 Elmwood ave.. Providence Ehodes, Alice Caroline (Miss) 17 Keene st., Providence Ehodes, Ida Dow (Miss) 36 Harvard ave., Providence Ehodes, Maria A. (Mrs Edward S.) 36 Harvard ave.. Providence Ehodes, Maria Amelia (Miss) 36 Harvard ave.. Providence Eichardson, Lillie E. Andrews (Miss) 80 Pitman st.. Providence Eichmond, Eliza Jones (Mrs Frank E.) 154 Angell st., Providence Eickard, Abbie S. Weld (Mrs James H.)..28 Hamlet ave., Woonsocket Eiggs, Adaline King Garretson (Mrs G. H.) 20 Cranston ave., Newport Eobbins, Olive E. Clark (Mrs Everett C.) Drownville Eobinson, Margaret Arnold (Miss) Wakefield Eobinson, Mary Mumford Swinburne (Airs Edwin) 12 High st., Newport Eockwell, Martha Briggs Skerry (Mrs Charles B.)....Hope st., Bristol Eogers, Mary Noyes (Mrs Orson C.) 120 W. Broad st., Westerlj' Eose, Florence Slade (Mrs Henry Brayton) 76 Comstock ave., Providence Eoth, Lillian E. C. (Mrs Henry N.) 170 Waterman st., Pro\idence Eoworth, Harriet Johnson Hale (Mrs) 109 Bowen st., Providence Eussell, Mary Elizabeth 1. (Mrs Albert G.) 447 Friendship st.. Providence Safe, Harriet Ives Gammell (Mrs T. S.) Newport Sanborn, Isabella (Mrs John P.) 265 Broadway. Newport Sawin, Ida E. (Miss) 582 Broadway, Providence Sayer, Sarah A. Norman (Mrs Archibald) 13 Ehode Island ave., Newport Sayer, Sarah Annie (Mrs William Davis) 23 Powel ave., Newport Sayles, Mary Dorr Ames (Mrs Frank A.) Pawtucket Scott, Angle Lyon (Mrs James Martin).. 445 Elmwood ave.. Providence Scott, Mary Lyon (Miss) 445 Elmwood ave., Providence Seabury, Sarah Alzada (Mrs Benjamin) 72 Keene st., Providence Segar, Bessie (Miss) 6 Elm st.. Westerly Segar, Mary Louise Stillman (Mrs C. Le E.) 8 Granite st.. Westerly Seymour, Juliette Lucretia (Mrs Manuel F.)..83 Camp st., Providence Shaw, Emma Buzzell (Mrs Frederick E.) 126 Melrose st.. Providence Shaw, Louisa Jane (Mrs Arnold D.) 25 Jenks ave.. Central Falls Shaw, Lulie Bennett (Miss) 25 Jenks ave.. Central Falls Sheffield, Maria Noyes (Miss) Westerly Sheldon, Harriet Louise (Miss) 8 Cooke st.. Providence Sheldon, Mary E. (Mrs Francis J.) 8 Cooke st.. Providence Sheldon, Mary Moore (Miss) 1158 Westminster st.. Providence Sherman, Ellen Holmes (Mrs C. Walker).. 298 Highland ave.. Providence. Sherman, Harriet Watson (Mrs Joseph) W. Kingston Sherman, Mary Eliza Barker (Mrs Albert) 12 Clarke st.. Newport Shore, Mary Daniels Whittlesey (Mrs Alfred) 232 High st., Pawtucket Simonds, Helen Marie (Mrs Frederick M.)..350 Thayer st.. Providence Skinner, Harriet Dayton (Miss) Hope st., Bristol Skinner, Miriam Williams (Miss) Hope st., Bristol Skinner, Sarah Church (Mrs Parmenas) Hope st., Bristol Slocum, Ella Elizabeth Patt (Mrs Philip W.) 433 Benefit st., Providence Slocum, Grace Woods (Miss) 433 Benefit st., Providence vSmith, Annie Isabel (Miss) 390 Park ave., W'oonsocket Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. Delaware County Chapter, Pa. EHODE ISLAND. 559 2324SC 3019Se 24959c 4618* 25889c 2192/ 23251c 10241c 35596/= 9349c 2708/= 663 7C 2145c 24943c 25896& 25S93& 258946 2241Sg 14414c 28270g 34S3rt 2115f 1296/= 18948/= 6948/= 27122i 27123J 343S7i 12189 23014i 31884fir 22417fir 559c 560c 1486c 1317c 27929i 15933i 23015! 23254c 836c 569c 558c 555c 15929(" 27930i. 27120f7 2043c 1313/= 23018; 24965/= 980c 837c 981c 8631c 15928i 5928ft 1069/= 33121/= 7338c 20093c 31875ft 'i?40c Smith, Elma Elizabeth (Miss) - tj ■ Smith, Emma Cordelia (Mrs Al wV vvV+ ? Brighton st., Providence Smith, Evelyn Bates (Mrs EdiarB^"""^ ''■' Providence Smith, Julia Emeline (Miss) Greene st.. Providence Smith, Lillie Collamore f Miss^ t> ^; ' U Westerly Smith, Mary Frances (Miss) ^^ ^"r.^J^Sluflf House, Edgewood Snow, Ellen (Miss) "loo b. Mam st., Woonsocket Snow, Mary Virginia (Miss) ^^^ Broadway, Providence Southwick, Hannah Amsburv " (Mrs ' Tn^^nV^ 'i'qq 'aV W Phenix Southwick, Lillian Capron (Mrs Wa °ter^s\ ?L P^^«7 ">' ^^^^'t^^ket Spencer, Margaret Sterling (Mrs Henrv T i ^ -fn ?"'''^-. ^*" P^^^'idence Sprague, Harl-iet Byron (Mrs Amasa? '^ ^''™°"* '*•' P^Avtucket Sprague, Hettie Thurber (Mrs CharleVnTid" «+• --Cowesett Sprague, M. Alice (Miss) ^^arles H.) 4^4 Stimson ave.. Providence Stanley, Elvira Colwell (Mrs Georn-e' h') ^'^ Cranston st.. Providence Stanley, Eunice May (Mrs Arthx^rA^Tl'/is^ 't T™'"'" '*•' P^^^'t^^ket Stanley, Mabelle Ci?shman YS) ^ t |P™8^ ^t"' Jawtucket Stanton, Adeline Wheeler Burdick" VVr;;' VvVii- A'?°^ ^*-' ^awtucket Stanton, Belle Flint (Mrs Robert L ) ^''"n^tf^ ' •.' " V ' •-^•^^".^*^^^y Stanton, Clara Crandall (Mrs Chaises H.): ' -''"^ ^'^s^Eh '' ^^"^'^'^^^^^ Stanton, Margaret Diman Bradford (Mrs G Stearns, Anna Edith '^"^ Stearns, Kate RusseL Steele, Annie Lee (Miss) Steele. Sarah Goflf (Mrs _ ...^w..^; bte\ens, Cynthia Cooke A. (Mrs William a\ a -a . ^r Stevens, Catherine M (Misi) .'^^^l^^": .^i^ "^^oV^^.! I' ^IZ^.'JJ. ens, Salhe B. M. (Mrs David) . 1^1' ^?.^^^.£°lbF" (Miss) ■.V.V.Vs Brighton st.. Providence Newport Ashaway m St., Westerly 'Vm?s ?ITT''''a {""'"'^ ^^""''^^ ^-^ 27 Hope st., Bristol 1 (Mis^^ ^''' ^-^ II' ^'^y ^t.. Central Falls ,Iiss) ^^ ^'"^y ^^^ Central Falls Stevens, Katherine M. (Miss). ^ ' ' ' ' 292 B^n^^H^ '*•' ^^^^P^^* Stevens, Sallie B. M. (Mrs David) oil g^^^^'^^^' ^ewport Stevens, Sarah Colburn (mS) ••••• 292 BroadwaJ^ Newport Stockbridge, Mary Suchet (Miss) tl? "S ^t ""^ Providence Swinburne, Elizabeth hV (Miss)\\\\\\\\\\\\\''. .^Yis'"'"^'' ''" P^^^'id^^'^^ Swinburne: Sus^n R (Miss) ' 'of^'^l'^'T '*•' ?^"'P°^* Swinburne, Susan Wa.V (MiVsy.-.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V ' -'^'B^fri^!!^' ^^"^^ Taft, Eliza Fiske Williams (Miss) . j Talbot, Harriet (Miss) '^Og'willia Taft, Eliza Fiske Williams (Mss). Pawt^v^f ' p^^^^P°^* Talbot, Harriet (Miss) ^ ^oq'wiinfr f ^^'"'^5'*°" Talbot, Helen (Miss) .... ono xiur l*" Providence Talbot, Mary cirnei4 (^o^s):: i! 1 ! ::::;:; 1 ilS^'vliiTs S' ?ro;-d:s^: Talbot, Mary Cornelia (Mrs William R.) 209 Williams st Prov deSce Tanner, Abby Anna Barker (Mrs Edmund J.) 11 Newport ave NewDor? Taylor, Harriet Cook Holmes (Mrs James H.) 209 sJrTng st." NewSCrt laylor, Mmnie Agnes (Miss) ,i t?i / Txr / , Thayer, Flora Heath TMrs ChnrlP« T? ^ 9-.; - ^I:paaway,_t'a^^ tucket Thayer, l^.'il'/j ^\°^^«^^^^^,..(Mrs Charles F.) 235 N. Main st.: Woonsocket Florence (Miss) ' ^■^"-.^ ^.., """"^ Thomas, Ann Eliza Porter (Mrs Philander) ■.■.'.■.■. ■.■.■.■.'.■.■. ?Yickford Thomas, Harriet Elizabe,th Perry (Mrs) 87 Lloyd 'st:,' ProvMence Thomas, Helena Porter (Miss) '^ WiokfnrH Thompson, Anna D- (Mrs Thomas) ... .260 Wate'rman" aVe.', " Providence Thompson, Helen (Miss) 21 Avrault .^t XWr>r.,.+ Thompson. LeHa L.^ (Miis) 206 W^termaSllefpro^Tn Thornton, Edith Conant (Mrs George M.) 103 Clay st.. Central FalK Thresher, Cara Bell (Mrs Henry Gilbert) 11 Hlinois st.. Central Falls Thurber, Ahce (Miss) 19 Dimon Place, Providence Thurston Amelia S. Jillson (Mrs Benjamin) 5 Franklin st.. Providence ?n7;y'-Fr 'th^M' ""^l- '^^ ^'""^' ^'^ ^1 Brook st.'. PawUicket Tie,^, Edith May (Miss) 7 Rhode Island ave., Newport Tilhnghast, Annie B. A. (Mrs William R.)....268 Augell st.. Providence * Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. 560 DIKECTOItY, D. A, R. 14412c 14422c 7621c 34378c 13008/= 6950c 2S788i 15940f 16486c 34964d 23256c 23561a 5604c 27121/= 7340c 33985c 14409d 22497* 31107/= 13015c 974c 5600a. 27927/= 3980/= 8869c 16493a 33115a 1377a 17833; 554c 5598c 9364c 834c 28776c 5929c 34384c 13010a 31880c 28769& 1733c 27406/ 5594c 14405/= 9357c 22418,0' 2389c 2061§ 5597c 983c 14424c 24S7f 17279rf 34965(1 19552(Z 15292.r7 2S770'& 35592a 23019/ 5034t 924a 7342c lillmghast, Annie Isabel Cushing- (Mrs A. H.) 177 Brown st., Providence Tilhnghast, Eliza Anna (Mrs Lodowick H.) 211 Adelaide ave., Providence Tillinghast, Florence Louise (Mrs John li:.) 89 Courtland st., Providence Tiliinghast, Mabel Evelyn (Mrs George Leon) Edo-ewood Tillinghast, Mary E. (Miss) 776 Broad st., Central Falls. Tillmghast, Sophie T. A. (Mrs Henry A.) 33 Angell st. Providence Titns, Judith Henrietta (Mrs Augustin C.) Broadway, Newport Tolman, Alice Lee (Miss) 'i 126 Prospect st.,'Pawtucket Traver, Delia E. A. (Mrs William H.) 1U6 Williams st., Providence Tucker, Mabelle Dorcas (Miss) East Greenwich Turner, Louise Ladd Sawyer (Mrs F. E.) 44 Sycamore st.. Providence Turner, Susan Emma (Miss) Hope st., Bristol Tweed, Isabella Potter (Mrs Samuel) 765 Cranston st.. Providence Van Doom, Judith E. (Mrs Henry) 487 Friendship st., Providence Vaughn, Alice Eliza (Miss) 133 Bridgham st., Providence Vaughn, Bertha C. (Miss) East Greenwich Vaughn, E. Louise T. Remington (^Irs W.)..76 Bridgham st., Providence Vaughn, Helen Elizabeth Kenyon (Mrs William) Greenville Voelker, Hattie Shumway (Mrs Frederick W.) Arnold Mills, Cumberland Vose, Elizabeth Eliot (Miss) 282 Washington st., Providence Vose, Sarah Franklin (Miss) 282 Washington st., Providence Waldron, Elizabeth Wyatt Spooner (Mrs L. B.) Constitution st., Bristol Walker, Bessie Capron (Miss) 200 East ave., Pawtucket Walker, Mary E. (Mrs George E.) 200 East ave., Pawtucket W-all, Lucy Coolidge Lincoln (Mrs Ashbel T.) East Greenwich Wardwell, Annie Elizabeth (Mrs Samuel D.) Hope st., Bristol Wardwell, Elizabeth Church (Mrs John Henry) High st.. Bristol Wardwell, Lenora Frances (Mrs William T. C.) Bayview. Bristol AVarfield, Georgiana L. (Mrs George P.) 47 Carrington ave., Woonsocket Washburn. Cornelia Vavasovir (Mrs Oliver 0.) 241 Meeting st.. Providence Washburn, Helen Abbott (Mrs Maurice King).. 15 Cabot st.. Providence Washburn, Martha Williams M. (Mrs John H.) Kingston W^ashburn, Marj- Fessenden Sayles (Mrs E. S.) 103 Prospect st., Provi- dence Waterman, Frances Briggs (Mrs Frank A.).. 1020 Westminster st., Provi- dence Watson, Annie Potter Sprague (Mrs Arthur) 283 Benefit st.. Providence W^atson, Harriet Amanda (Mrs George E.) 131 Elmwood ave.. Providence W^atson, Mary Abby Spooner (Mrs John Gifarde) High st., Bristol Weaver, Sarah L. Lake (Mrs Charles H.)....728 Broad st.. Providence Webster. IMary Josephine Gale (Mrs George Eldredge) 241 Waterman ave., E. Providence Weeden, Jeanie Lippitt (Mrs W'illiam B.)..158 Waterman st.. Providence Welch, Eoby Cole (Mrs James Aldert) 151 George st., Pawtucket Wells, Sarah Emily Perry (Mrs Herbert Johnson) Kingstoii Wheaton, Anna Maria (Mrs .Tames Lucas) ... .162 Broadway, Pawtucket Wheaton, Louise Cameron (Miss) 176 Congdon st.. Providence Wheeler, Lucy Grant (]\Iiss) 52 Elm st., W^esterly Wheeler, Mary Coleman (Miss) 26 Cabot st.. Providence W^hite, Harriet Eoss (Miss) 93 Pelham st., Newport- White, Josephine Hazard (Mrs Amos A.).. 765 Cranston st.. Providence White, Kate Merwin (]\Irs William W^erts)..150 George st.. Providence Whitford, Alice Potter (Mrs Byron) 1168 W^estminster st., Providence Whitney, Anna Eussell (Miss)' 130 Mineral Spring ave.. Pawtucket Wickes,' Sarah Arnold (Miss) '. East Greenwich Wightman, Lucie E. (Miss) East Greenwich Wightman. Marv Elizabeth (Miss) East Greenwich W^ilcox. Eliza Bliven (Mrs Thomas O.) 33 Beach st.. Westerly Wilkinson, Edith Loraine (Miss) SO Cottasre st.. Pawtucket Williams, Abbv Louise JMiller (Mrs) Hope st., Bristol Williams, Lillian A. (Mrs William Everett) . .409 S. Main st., Woonsocket Williams, Marv Emma (Mrs Seth W.) 13t Broad st., W'csterly Williams, Mildred Lewis Williams (Mrs W^illiam F.) Bytield st.. Bristol Winsor, Eliza Vaughn (Miss) 45 Brighton st.. Providence * Elizabeth Porter Putnam Chapter. Conn. § Warren and Prescott Chapter, Mass. Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. SOUTH CAROLINA. 561 5028t Wood, Abbie E. Bugbee (Mrs De Lorin F.) Westerly 1378& Wood, Alice Amelia (Miss) 31 Grove st., Pawtucket 34968f Wood, Flora P. (Miss) 10 Washington st., Central Falls 32309^7 Woodmansee, Jessie Louise Hiscox (Mrs F. La C.) 5 Grove ave.. Westerly 1315f Wooley, Mary Emma (Miss) 288 High st., Pawtucket 10240c Woolsey, Mary Effie (Miss) Phenix 21794c Woolworth, Lillian Florence Eawson (Mrs James G.) 11 Halsey St., Providence 31111 Yeaw, Ethel Hunt (Miss) Cranston 32700c Young-, Suzy Howell (Mrs Herbert Piatt) 301 Bucklin st., Providence. SOUTH CAROLINA State Regent, 1901, Mrs. W. H. Ricliardson, Columbia a (I 1902 " " " " " CHAPTEES (10 organized, 4 unorganized) a. Catawba Chapter — Rock Hill Organized Felrtmry 22, 189S; Members, 16 Regent, Mrs Eliza F. W. Buist Secretary, Mrs Alice N. Smith Treasuver, Mrs Helen Mills Reid Kegistrar, Mrs Thomas L. Johnson b. Cateechee Chapter — Anderson Organized January 28, 1899; Members, 19 (North Carolina, 1) Eegent, Mrs Sylvester Bleckley Secretary, Miss Emily Divver Vice-Eegent, Mrs J. M. Patrick Treasurer, Mrs I. L. McGee Eegistrar, Miss May Eussell c. Columbia Chapter — Columbia Organized May 10, 1893; Members, Jfl (Tirginia, 1; North Carolina, 1; Georgia, 2) Eegent, Mrs Annie I. Eobertson Treasurer, Mrs Elizabeth Gibbes Secretary, Miss Fannie C. McCants Eegistrar, Miss Jennie M. Gibbes Historian, Miss Mary E. Lyles d. Cowpens Chapter — Spartanburg Organized June 13, 1894; Members, 30 Eegent, Mrs Minnie L. Xicholl Vice-Eegt., Mrs Octavia Heinitsh Secretary, Mrs Georgia Cleveland Treasurer, Miss Lizzie Cleveland Eegistrar, Mrs Lizzie D. Fleming Historian, Mrs Dora F. Jones e. Esther Marion Chapter — Aiken Organized November 4, 1893; Members, 7 Eegent, Mrs Lillie E. Henderson Vice-Eegt., Mrs Maria E. Ganimell Secretary, Mrs B. G. Woolsey Treasurer, INlrs Eliza E. P. Legare Eegistrar, Miss Dessie Hutson Historian, Miss Julia Carroll f. King's Mountain Chapter — Yorkville Organized March 24, 1898; Members, 19 Eegent, Miss L. D. Witherspoon Vice-Eegent, Mrs W. M. Moore Secretary, Mrs T. H. McNeel Treasurer. Aliss M. ^I. Moore Registrar, !Mrs Virginia M. Bratton Historian, Miss Maxeraret A. Gist Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. .36 562 DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. g. Lancaster Members Regent, Mrs Grace W. Springs. Appointed June 7, 1899 h. Laurens Members Eegent, Mrs Lillie Montague Cof)eland. Appointed June 7, 1899 i. Mary Adair Chapter — Cliester Organized June 12, 1900; Members, 15 Regent, Mrs M. L H. Stringfellow Treasurer, Mrs Ethel M. McFadden Vice-Eegt., Miss Marion M. Durham Registrar, Mrs Janie G. Gage , Secretary, Miss Charlotte A. Hardin Historian, Mrs Katherine M. Wylie j. Nathaniel Green Chapter — Greenville Organised November 12, 1896; Members, 11 Eegent, Mrs Hattie D. Smith Treasurer, Mrs Nannie W. Wright Yice-Eegt., Mrs Brucie W. Hellams Eegistrar, Mrs Mary W. Gauble Secretary, Mrs Fannie S. McDavid Historian, Mrs Flora P. Dill k. Orangeburg Members Eegent, Mrs Turline Mellichamp Legon. Appointed February 16, 1901 1. Rebecca Motte Chapter — Charleston Organized 'November 22, 1895; Members, 56 (Florida, 1; New Jersey, 2; North Caro- lina, 1; Wisconsin, 1; District of Columbia, 1; Maryland, 1) Regent, Mrs Fannie M. Jones Cor. Sec, Mrs H. C. Hughes Vice-Eegent, Mrs Ella S. Kinloch Treasurer, Mrs F. McMaster Eec. Sec, Mrs Lee C. Harby Eegistrar, Miss Mabel Webber Historian, Mrs Janie S. Hey ward m. Seneca Members Regent, Mrs Ludie M. Coleman. Appointed Februar}' 16, 1901 n. Sumpter's Home Chapter — Sumpter Organized November 2, 1900; Members, lit Eegent, Miss Edith M. DeLorme Treasurer. Mrs E. Virginia Schwerin Vice-Eegent, Mrs Jeannie M. Baker Eegistrar, Miss Diilce Moise Secretary, Miss Katherine Moses Members Eesiding ix the State 35604e Aldrich, Frances Lebby (Mrs James) Aiken 14431c Atkinson, Eleanor de Treville (Mrs) Columbia 1390c Bacon, Eebecca Calhoun (Mrs John E.) 100 Plain st., Columbia 8032c Badham, Anne Trezevant (Mrs V. C.) Laurel st., Columbia 31890H Baker, Jeannie M. (Mrs S. C.) Sumter 19555rf Baker, Julia C. (Mrs Thomas X.) Spartanburg 259Z Bell, Elizabeth Tavel (Mrs Stephen E.)..17 Wentworth st., Charleston 36500c Bellinger, Frances J. (Mrs G. Duncan) 1321 Plain st., Columbia 15296/ Black, Nannie Hoke (Mrs) Greenville 27132b Bleckley, Elizabeth Hammond (Mrs Sylvester) Anderson 36003 Bomar," Amaryelis (Miss) Spartanburg 25601(? Bowden, Kate Crook (Mrs Melvin E.) Spartanburg SOUTH CAEOLIXA. 563 22597* Brawley, EunTce" (k%W/?. .(^Irs Mason) Guthriesville 21S03 Brock, Eleanor Caroline Heed (iSlrl^'JLii-, M.) Guthriesville 26574& Brown, Mamie McC. (Mrs Frederick G.) ..^-. ^ Chester 25903e Buell, Martha Mcintosh (Mrs George) 216 Eutledge ave., Cha^i\3»^n 6955a Buist, Eliza F. W. (Mrs Hugh B.) Eock Hill 36510 Biill, Jessie Brj^an Williams (Mrs) Orangeburg 23563e Bulow, Fannie J. (Miss) 40 Corning St., Charleston 33122(Z Biirnett, Gertrude Du Pre (Mrs Wilbur Emory). Spartanburg 365010 Burney, Minnie Melton (Mrs William B.) S. C. College Campus 12455(Z Carrington, Nellie H. Bougham (Mrs Walter C.) Spartanburg 55S0e Carroll, Julia Peoples (Miss) Aiken 5579(i Carson, Catherine Bowman Johnson (]Mrs Ealph K.) Spartanburg 20728 Carson, Marian Kershaw (Mrs Lawrence Scott) Sumter 33577c Cathcart, Maria L. A. (Mrs George).. cor Lumber and Bull sts., Columbia 16494; Cauble, Mary Wright (Mrs James Oliver) Greenville 14594e Chapman, Caroline Conner (Mrs Eobert B.)....l Water st., Charleston 25673& Chapman, Janie Weston (Mrs James Davis) Anderson 3G203d Chapman, Eachel Buchanan (Mrs James A.) Spartanburg 3921 Charles, Caroline Augusta (Mrs Hugh L.) Darlington 25569c Childs, Bessie S. (Mrs L. D.) Columbia 31S91H Childs, Clara A. (Mrs Thomas) Sumter 2S7S9d Christman. Pearl A. Lipscomb (Mrs Charles) Spartanburg 3441c Clarkson, Margaret E. (Mrs John O. H.) 1502 E. Blanding st., Columbia 4~12c Clarkson. Harriet Jane (Miss) 1502 E. Blanding st., Columbia 36C04 Cleveland, Carrie Choice (Miss) Spartanburg 55Slrf Cleveland, Elizabeth Emily (Miss) Spartanburg 5583d Cleveland, Georgia Alden (Mrs John B.) Spartanburg 33578 Clifford, Mary Scofield (Mrs B. G.) Union 31301§ Cloworthy, Susan Letitia Eice (Mrs John Baird) Aiken 35088 Coleman, Ludie Merriman (Mrs Mathew W.) Seneca 35608 Converse, Marie Alberta (Miss) Spartanburg 16495; Copeland, Lillie Montague (Mrs James Alexander) Laurens 2S280rf Crawford, Lucia Earle (Mrs T. Sloan) Spartanburg 4850 j Cunningham, Floride (Miss) P. O. Waterloo 36503 Darden, Alleine Charles (Miss) Spartanburg 36504 Darden, Frances Elizabeth (Miss) Spartanburg 365(^5 Darden, Maria Thompson (Miss) Spartanburg 36506(?. Darden, Margaret Arabella (Mrs John Parker) Spartanburg 293!\Si Darwin, Mary L. Fleetwood (Mrs J. T.) Blacksburg 23020Z Dawson, Sarah Morgan (Mrs F. W.) 43 Bull st., Charleston 20716f? Dean, Amelia Crook (Mrs Hosea J.) Spartanburg 36^^05 Dean, Dot Camp (Miss) Spai'tanburg 33575?) Dean, Edna Divver (Mrs L. Oscar) Deans Station 24405fZ Dean, Hattie C. (Mrs George) Spartanburg 360n6 Dean, Jesse Eosswell (Miss) Spartanburg 120n7H De Lorme, Edith Margaret (Miss) Sumter 31S93?i De Lorme. Eleanor E. (Miss) Sumter 9865Z Dewees, Charlotte Irene (Mrs Thomas H.) 83 Society st., Charleston 9863Z Dewees, Daisie Irene (]\Iiss) 83 Society st., Charleston 9864/ Dickson, Julia Amelia Dewees (Mrs James M.) 83 Society st., Charleston 31115/ Dill, Flora Putnam (Mrs Charles Frank) Greenville ]59-'4rZ Dillingham, Lulie White (Mrs William E.) Spartanburg 34G70C Dixon, Hattie E. (Mrs C. H.) 1225 Laiirel st., Columbia 42S4C Dixon, Sue Elizabeth (Miss) Eichland st., Columbia 27133& Divver, Emilv (Miss) Anderson 2712SZ Doar, Elizabeth Shephard (Mrs) Georgetown 60S1(Z Duncan, Carrie Virginia fMiss) Spartanburg 10245(Z Du Pre, Helen A. Stevens (Mrs Daniel A.) Spartanburg 36007 Dn Pre, Mary Svdnor (Miss) Spartanbura- 265771 Durham, Marion ISIoblev CMiss) Blackstock 70± Earle, Mary Orr (Mrs William) Greenville rir:24Z Eason. Mary Caroline Gary (Mrs James M.) 114 Beaufain st.. Charleston * Elizaheth Jackson Chapter, D. C. § Kettle Creek Chapter, Ga. t Mt. Vernon Chapter, Va. t Mary Washington Chapter, D .0. 564 DIRECTORY, D. A. E. , Cokesburg 1S949« Emanuel, Armida C. (Mrs Solomp.i^} Xlock Hill 35599& Epps, Evelyn Merrim,'^" (,l\ifs D. E.) Yorkville 20722a Feweliii^, Elizabeth Alice Bedon (Mrs Benjamin Postell) Walterboro ■KXfiP'S ' Fleming, Gladys (Miss) Spartanburg 13789d Fleming, Lizzie Dean (Mrs Charles Edwin) Spartanburg 21804c Flenniken, Margaret M. Caldwell (Mrs D. R.) 1214 Sumter st., Columbia 35764^ Flournoy, Mary Louisa Bruce (Mrs William E.) Columbia 28282^ Forrest, Felicia H. Brinton (Mrs John) 10 King st., Charleston 27934d Foster, Isabel (Miss) Union 28278i Gage, Janie Gaston (Mrs George W.) Chester 24404c Gaillard, Louisa C. (Mrs David) Winnsboro 327051 Gale, Stanhope Crockett (Mrs Frank M.) Richburg 47426 Gammell, Marie H. (Mrs W. A.) Aiken 5584d Gamewell, Julia McDowell (Mrs J. A.) Spartanburg 36010 Gamewell, Mary Lillj' (Miss) Spartanburg 34971c Gantt, Adrienne Culbertson (Mrs J. T.) 1114 Senate st., Columbia 10805/ Gary, Eliza Tusten (Mrs Eugene B.) Edgefield 27931c Gibbes, K. Elizabeth (Mrs James G.) 1503 Senate st., Columbia 20721c Gibbes, Heloise Weston (Mrs Wade H.) Columbia 26310c Gibbes, Jennie Mason (Miss) 833 Pickens st., Columbia 34974c Girardeau, Carrie Dodge (Mrs Claude Hearne) Columbia 21340/ Gist, Margaret Adams (Miss) Yorkville 21339/ Gist, Sarah Frances (Miss) Yorkvflle 21334fZ Gray, Emma Swink (Mrs Walter Scott) Woodrutf 7730* Gray, Ida Estelle Edwards (Mrs Wade Hampton) Woodruff 5879c Guignard, Susan Richards (Miss) Columbia 14595? Hacker, Marie Anna (Miss) 33 Pitt st., Charleston 14430c Hamby, Elizabeth McXultv (Mrs) Columlna 18953/ Hanahan, Hattie Bratton (Mrs) Winnsburo 18952i Harby, Lee C. (Mrs) 68 Rutledge ave., Charleston 30523i Hardin, Charlotte Ann (Miss) ' Chester 28281/ Hart, Jennie Adele (Miss) Yorkville 35605; Hayne, Marianna Irvine (Mrs Paul Trapier) 403 McBee ave., Greenville 13018(Z Heinitsh, ]\I. Addie Fogartie (Mrs George W.) Spartanlnirg 13022cZ Heinitsh, Octavia Chambers (Mrs Henry Ernest) Main st., Spartanburg 15945; Hellams, Brucie White (Mrs Robert Yancej^) Greenville 32706i Hemphill, Bessie McLure (Mrs Paul) Chester 23022/! Hemphill, Rebecca True (Mrs James Calvin) 4 E. Lamboll St., Charleston 4851e Henderson. Lillie Ripley (ISIrs Daniel S.) . Aiken 26311c Henning, Susan Pope (Mrs) Columbia 31887c Herbert, Elizabeth Susan (Mrs Chesley Worthington) Orangeburg 31120/ Herndon, Mary Fant (Mrs Robert J.) Yorkville 17293? Hevward, Janie Screven (Mrs) 15 Franklin st., Charlesti-n 31117i Hicklin, Hattie McDavid (Mrs) Bascomville 8441f Hicks, Isadora (Mrs Joseph) Calhoun Fa'ls 27936? Holman, Isabel Aldrich (Mrs W. A.) 176 Rutledge ave., Charleston 7007? Holmes, Evelyn (Miss) 141 Rutledge ave., Charleston 18954? Howell, Addie Matilda (Miss) 37 Hasell st., Charleston 13h'92? Hubbard, Fannie S. (Miss) 2y, Atlantic st., Charleston 22425a Hughes, Eva Raymond Frazer (Miss) Rock Hill 17834? Hughes, .Tulia G. Smith (Mrs Horatio C.) 15 Logan st.. Charleston 20729/ Hughes, Marv E. (Miss) Yorkville 25603(:? Hunt. Lucy Baxter (Mrs W^alter AV.) Spartanburg 20723a Hutchinson, Jennie Johnston (Mrs William Cami^bell) Clay st.. Rock Hill 13023? Jackson, Carrie Louise (Miss) 50 Church st., Charleston 20724a Johnston, Daisy Donnell (Mrs Thomas L.) Rock Hill 36499?) Johnstone. Lalle Witherspoon (Mrs Albert Pope) Anders n 27125c Jones, Augusta Porcher (iMrs Allen) 1431 Pendleton st., Columbia 27932(? Jones, Charlotte Power (Mrs Samuel B.) Spartanburg 27933f? Jones, Dora Fanning (^Mrs William Montague) Spartanburg 13021f? Jones, Ernestine Heinitsh (IVfrs Satuuel P..) Kennedy st.. Spartanburg 2093? Jones, Frances ISfather (ISfrs Alexander David) 162 Broad st., Charleston II Elizabeth Jackson Chapter, D. C. ^ Oglethorpe Chapter, Ga. Serp-eant Nevvtop Chapter. Ga. Paul Revere Chapter, Sfass. SOUTH CAROLINA. 565 32'612l 1072c 2S».1S5/ 282770 26575?> 296876 4713rf 47 lie 4493e 24'J71 2496Srf 3oOb9 271366 23562/ 32310c 30204?i 20720C 31116/ 32702f 2S279i. 271376 2G309rf 33;81i 31122i 15942/ la9ilf 32 57c 33i:>0« 34970H 3C56C 18164? 249706 271346 22422? 22427r; 224 26« 24-!02h 31892?i 3650S(i 34555* 27935fZ 32701f 23023f 18163/^ 18951 H 18950)). 3022c 13017(/ 15295/ 6956(7 27131? 29309i 19554? 15946/ 29-066 31123! 25902c ■271356 500 5 f? 24403)) .29192* 20725r/ Kaminski, Rosa Baum (Mrs Heiman) Georgetown Kendall, Louise Berrien (Mrs Francis Drake) Plain st., Columbia Kent, Minnie E. (Miss) 31 Pinckney st., Charleston Kinloch, Marj- Lawson Simms (Mrs John M.) 71 Anson st., Charleston Kohn, Irene Goldsmith (Mrs August) 1614 Gervais st., Columbia Laughlin, Ella Bleckley (Mrs William) Anderson Laughlin, Mecca Avery (Mrs Richard Charles) Anderson Law, Lucy Goode (Mrs William Adger) Spartanburg Leg-are, Anna Goodwyn (Mrs Thomas Keith) Henderson st., Columbia Leg-are, Eliza Catherine (Mrs J. S. K.) .' Aiken Ligon, Cora Sara Keed (]\Irs William Seibels) Anderson Ligon, Luc3' Eoline Keed (Mrs Henry Arthur) Spartanburg Ligon, Lurline Mellichamp (Mrs A. Clarence) Orangeburg Ligon, Mamie Benson (Mrs Robert) Anderson Lindsay, Rosa James (Miss) Yorkville Lyles, Mary Earle (Miss) 1401 Blanding st., Columbia Ljon, Rebecca Schwerin (Mrs L.) Sumter McCants, Fannie Calhoun (]SIiss) Columbia McDavid, Fannie Sullivan (Mrs P. A.) 304 Main st., Greenville McDow, Mary Clarkson (Mrs Thomas Franklin) Yorkville McFadden, Ethel Means (Mrs) Chester McGee, Mallie Eugenie (Mrs J. L.) Anderson McLaughlin, S. Laura (Mrs E. C.) Spartanburg .McLure, Mary Chalmers ' Xowell (Mrs Paul Wheeler) Chester McLure, Mary M. Thomjjson (Mrs J. C.) Chester McMaster, Elizabeth Sheppard Waring (Mrs Fitz-Hugh) 96 Rutledge ave., Charleston McNeel, Theodora Hughes (Mrs Samuel M.) Yorkville McQueen, Ellen E. (Mrs Donald) 175 Gadsden st., Columbia Manning, Annie Pe,yre (Mrs Richard Irvine) Sumter Manning, Lelia Bernard Meredith (Mrs Richard I.) Sumter Martin, Isabel D. (Miss) 1702 Blanding st., Columbia • Matthews, Myrtis Peck (Mrs C. G.) 168 Broad st., Charleston Mauldin, Mary Eliza Reed (Mrs Benjamin Franklin) Anderson Means, Annie (Mrs Albert G.) Anderson Miles, Roberta Lawrence Hall (Mrs John Allen) 69 Hasell st., Charleston Mobley, Aline (Miss) Rock Hill Mobley, Cornelia E. (Mrs Edward B.) Rock Hill Moise,"^ Dulce (Miss) Sumter Moise, Isabel De Leon (Mrs Marion) Sumter Monk, Elizabeth Camp (Mrs) Campton Monroe, Frances (Mrs) Barksdale Montgomery, Bessie Gibbes (Mrs Walter S.) Spartanburg Moore, Annie Lee Adickes (Mrs Walter Bedford) Yorkville Moore. Maggie Meek (Miss) Yorkville Moore, Wilhelmina McCorkle (Mrs Be Neely) Yorkville Moses, Caroline (Miss) Sumter Moses, Katherine (Miss) , Sumter Munro. Elizabeth Berkley (Mrs William) Union Nicholls, Minnie Jones (Mrs George W.) Spartanburg Norris, Bessie Caldwell (Mrs D. K.) Pendleton Nott, Sara Fleming (Mrs Thomas Edwin. Jr.) Spartanburg O'Driscoll, Elizabeth Barry (Miss) 22 Church st., Charleston Osborne, Mary (Miss) . . Cabal Oswald, Florence Davis (Mrs George D.) James Island Owens, Theo Davis Wright (Mrs) Greenville Patrick, Carrie McCully (Mrs John M.) Anderson Patrick, Janie Thompson (Mrs William Minter) Woodward Peck, Lila M. (Miss) 1413 Blanding st., Columbia Peoples. Josephine (Mrs John E.) Anderson Petty, Clementina C. (Mrs Paul) Spartanburg Phelps. R. Virginia (Mrs A. C.) Sumter Pinckney. Annie Morris (Mrs Charles C.) "Runnymede," near Charleston Poe. Annie Lyle Roddey (Mrs Orin) Rock Hill * Joseph Habersham Chapter, Ga. * Arden Chapter, N. C. 566 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 24967« Pope, Mary Gary (Miss) Eock Hill 22420J Price, Kate Hammond (Miss) 22 New st., Charleston 22421i Price, Mary Isabel (Miss) 22 New st., Charleston. 31119/ Putnam, Mary J. S. (Mrs George) Greenville 1215f Randolph, Virginia Bayard (Mrs John F.) Charleston 28283Z Read, Susan Chisholm (Miss) 44 S. Battery st., Charleston 20727a Eeid, Helen Mills (Mrs James F.) Main st.. Rock Hill 4853c Richardson, Sara A. (Mrs Henry) Columbia 21335ff Roach, Emma Watson (Miss) Eock Hill 12192c Robertson, .Annie Isabella (Mrs Thomas C.) 1310 Senate st., Columbia 27116c Robertson, Carrie Aiken (Mrs MacBryde C.) Columbia 20726O Eoddey, Anna Baskin (Mrs W. L.) Rock Hill 29686? Rouse, Charlotte A. (Miss) 143 Wentworth st., Charleston 9867? Rowe, Mary Augusta (Miss) , Wentworth st., Charleston 21336a Russell, Alethea Kennedjr (Miss) Anderson 26576& Russell, Alice May (Miss) Anderson 36509 Salley, Lizzie Austin Bull (Mrs) Orangeburg 33988? Scott, Olive G. (Mrs) 2 Hudson st., Charleston 3634c Screven, Mary P. (Mrs Edward W.) 45 Senate st., Columbia 32703? Sellers, Ella Simms (Mrs George D.) Orangeburg 31113c Shand, Louisa Coffin (Mrs) Columbia 30493$ Simonds, Daisy Breaux (Mrs AndrcAv) 4 S. Battery, Charleston 21338? Simons, Henrietta Clarkson (Mrs Samuel W.) 164 Broad st., Charleston 13788?i Chism, Shirley Douglas (Mrs Samuel Baker) Shelby st., Memphis 73666 Clare, Mary Hadley" (Mrs William) 1524 Broad st., Nashville 10806c Clift, Florence Parrott (Mrs M. H.) 240 McCallie ave., Chattanooga 365126 Cobb, Cora Crosby (Mrs P. L.) Farrell ave., Nashville 20740; Cochrane, Leighla Perkins (Mrs Harden Perkins) Franklin 6963f Coffee. Sarah Donelson (Miss) care Judge Galloway, Memphis 30207c Colburn. Ada Elizabeth Brabson (Mrs W. J.) 409 W. 6th st., Chattanooga 271396 Coleman. Elizabeth Brown (Mrs Lindsley) . .1521 W. Broad st., Nashville 34995c Condon, Margie McMillan (Mrs Martin J.) Addison ave., NashviPe Bronson Chapter, Vt. TENNESSEE. 571 207417 Cowan, Hattie McGavock (Mrs George L.) Franklin lOSlSe Craighead, Rachel Carter (Mrs Thomas D.) High & Union sts., Nashville 12009/; Craik, Marie Louise (Miss) Columbia 18174fc Crow, Ehyburn Dickerson (Miss) Pulaski I8I75/1; Crow, Sarah Catharine Dudgeon Dickerson (Mrs H. Clav) Pulaski 30206e Dake, Adelaide Augusta Wiggin (Mrs W. C.) 322 N. Vine St., Nashville 3270S« Dale, Helen Inez (Miss) Knoxville 35009? Dance, Elizabeth Eainey (Mrs Russell) Dver 35612J? Dancy. Sarah Brown (Mrs Clifton) Jackson 18195/ Davidson, Mollie Thomp;:-on (Mrs Hugh L.) 626 Market st., Chattanooga 11795 Davis, Annie Dudley (Mrs Edwin Augustine) Harriman 8274?» Davis, Minnie Cranberry (Mrs Harry P.) Euphan ave., Memphis 4710W Day, Mary Robertson (Mrs Thomas) 256 Poplar st.. Memphis 3402« Deaderick, Rebecca Williams (Mrs Chalmers) Deaderick Bldg.. Knoxville 10256& Denny, Lucy Chase Chapman (Mrs C.) Vanderbilt University. Nashville 32709« Dick,*^ Nellie H. (Miss) .*. . Knoxville 6420fl Dickson, Evelyn McFarland (Mrs William) Morristown 17309(7. Dickson, Jennie McFarland (Miss) Morristown 18176A; Dickerson, Bessie Bannister (Miss) Buford Station 18177fc Dickerson, Rosabel Stone (Miss) Buford Station 124046 Dickinson, Martha Overton (Mrs J. MacG.) 2142 Church st.. Nashville 13804e Dickinson, Nannie Hill (Mrs L. T.) 924 Gillespie st., Chattanooga 15950& Dismukes, Andrea Russell Humes (Mrs John L.) Tulane Hotel, Nashville 35212* Dismukes, Mary Ethel (Miss) Pulaski 35213* Dismukes, Mary Humes (Miss) Nashville 28793c Dodd. Florence Fite (Mrs Hayden M.) 7 Beach ave.. Nashville 3937e Dorris. Mary Cnrrey (Mrs Duncan R.) 207 N. Spruce st.. Nashville 31125e Douglas, Adelaide (Miss) 132 Spruce st.. Nashville 24973& Douglas, Isabella McG. Geddes (Mrs) 74 4th st., S. Nashville 23266(/ Drake, Frances Anne Cash (Mrs John B.) 452 Dunlap st.. Memphis 19560?) Drane, Mary Stacker Luckett (Mrs) Clarksville 28285(/ Drew, Lizzie White (Mrs Charles M.) 338 Linden st., Memphis 6967P Drouillard, Mary Florence K. (Mrs J, P.) 122 Vauxhall Place, Nashville 28287f/ Du Bose, Jessie' Mclver (Miss) 286 Johnson ave.. Memphis 31897c Dugger, Nannie Williams (Mrs Jesse Tyner) 415 Poplar St., Chattanooga ]5951?> Duncan, Carrie Eastman (Mrs William) 1411 Broad st.. Nashville 34984(/ Dyche, Clyde (Miss) 124 Adams st.. Memphis 18194? Dyer, Anne (Miss) Shelbyville 24980 Easley, Logan Waters (Mrs George Woodson) Harriman SlSle East,"Elizabeth Elliott C. (Miss) 303 N. High st.. Nashville 2667 East, Ida Tennessee (Mrs Edward H.) 303 N. High st.. Nashville 153076 Eastman, Kate Cantrell (Mrs Charles H.) 417 N. Vine st.. Nashville 34981& Eastman, Lillian Ford (Mrs Lewis E.)..146 Spruce st.. North. Nashville 34982& Eastman, Lucy (Miss) 146 N. Spruce st.. Nashville 40S4f Edmonds, Sophie Rutherford H. (Mrs Cyrus Walker) Shelby st.. Memphis 17856f Elcan, Lucy Elizabeth (Miss) 275 Main st.. Memphis 27412& Ellis, Josephine Eloise Towson (Mrs Hudson Chamberlain) . .Hartsville 9370c Embrey, Cecilia Tyler (Mrs Hugh H.)..1011 E. 9th st.. Park Place. Chat- tanooga 16502(7 Entoe, Fannie Ashworth (Mrs B. A.) 709 Long st., Jackson 19556m Erskine. Loulie Gordon (Miss) 238 Beale st., Memphis 32313c Evans, Marie Horton (Mrs Henry W.) Nashville 331246 Eve, Alice Horton (Mrs Duncan).' 207 N. Vine st., Nashville 24976c Eve. Jennie Brown (Mrs Paul F.) Nashville 20733c Fall, Margaret Evans (Mrs Joseph Horton).. 303 N. Vine st.. Nashville 9856c Fall, Sarah Polk (Mrs George W.) 307 N. Vine st., Nashville 20734c Fall, Willie Evans (Miss) 303 N. Vine st.. Nashville 17310HI Farrow, Catherine Gooch (Mrs George F.) Memphis 16501c Faxon. Florence Herring (Mrs John W.) 305 High st., Chattanooga 20742m Fentress, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Francis) . .191 Wellington st.. Memphis 31895c Ferger, Julia Rabb (Mrs J. F.) 1001 IJth st., Chattanooga 27941(/ Finley. Amante Electra Semmes '(Mrs Percy).. 362 Vance st.. Memphis 17884& Finley. Mary Lurton (Mrs Robert Johnson) 301 S. Spruce st.. Nashville 10255& Fite, "Eunice Williams (Mrs Leonard B.) 1600 McGavock st.. Nashville 27411; Fitts, Sophia Holland Cochrane (Mrs Phillip A.) Franklin George Walton Chapter, Ga. 572 DIEECTOEY, D. A. R. loeoo ForTl4?e"(Mii)^'^"^ ''''^ ^''^^ ^^--^°^Pl^) 300 Linden st., Men.phis 17S42i Foster, Annie Stai-k \'mVs B'enjaniin Smith '""^ ^^^" ^^^' '*•' ^'^a^anooo-a 259056 1 oster. Susan Collinssworth rofl-rni^M, V-" i ' ' ' " ; " ,\V Lebanon Webb, Nashville (otknll (Mrs Edward West) care Foster & 32710a Foust, Marv Bvni. ...,^^ G64Sni Frazer; Letitia7urs?fn7krs^CliaHes W.j ;.■;;: ::f?f3i^"''^- ^'^^'' '^^^""^^^^^ 259056 1 oster. Susan Collingsworth '- " "^'^^^ t .k„ Webb, Nashville H]n^' T^"""^*' ^^^^^' B.vnum (Miss). fe040« I razee, Caroline Saxton (Mr Frazer, Letitia Austin (Mrs C Frazier, Louise Keith (Mrs JamVrB:i::V ■■■'■' VirOa^s?^' rl'' .^^"""^'^^ French, Sarah Love Wvatt (Missl ij n\^ ^•' Chattanoog Gant, Sarah Ewing (xMrs) . .^f ^ ^^f.^^lV%r^-' Chattanoog 1594SC 20747 17302& uant, Sarah Ewing (Mrs). -,10 ^. -,7- ^ -- }?gf Gardner, Elizabeth McKiine '(Mi;;] '. '. '. ''t^'J^,]^]". l*-' ^l^^l"'"! --- g'rdner' m""''"*^^!^^ ^^'^^^ ^^^^""^ -— ^ Oardner, Marion (Miss) ^on vir Gardner, Mary Murphy (Mrs) ^, ,- 26oj3e Gardner. Saidee Poll,- F-.li ^i\t,.c.' at ' Hi. nir' V.\ iNashville Gary, Alice Foster m/'Ve '"'"''"^' "cC.) 307 n^ Vine st Nashville ^11- ¥»?-,"'»,.4: Jones (m;^- watVo„-M.,v.-.v;'/!.'".".':':.!'::.SS;n Franklin Gentry. Susie (Miss). Gilchrist, Annie Somers (Mrs Jolin' '\ \ qVo V i '/ ' \^'ranklir GlliTS- ?»t^='F. (M- Willia'm B^i„4-'i?8- ^"Tn'^e'' s^' S" 1: Gilliland, Jimmie Smith TMrs Edwnvri r^,..A ^ ^^^ J^as^^J^ie le (Mrs John C.) Ridoedale £ F.1 ••••■« \-~30 Elliott St., Memphis 19559f Gardner, Marion "(Mis;) V ^^^ ^^'''"'^ ^""'^^^^ ••••-•• •;• Avondale 33276 Gardner, Mary Murphv (Mr;) Elhott st., Memphis e Gardner, r-"" y --V_ ' ^ 13062 8639/ 8640; 8636 33127e 27945d 35 937 3 18 .^_.,, SJ3/ ^^'^^^' Marga-retrMcComb;' (Mr^'MTr 50o2/ '- ^"^^ '^ — 7627e 218086 i53C3r tanooga 6959c Grimmer. Louisa S P<:^al 10251,. Grosvenor, Olivil lofk Hm^Mrs'charles' n') '^l^^'^'"^^; Chattanooga 16503 Hamilton, Nellie White (Mrs John J.) ^^ ' ^°""' "'•' f'l^'^^'^ 2o2.5fc Hampton, Sarah E. Roberts (Mrs Stephen' FVanklin) vl^T- Hardin. Lyde Martin (Miss) . . . ^ rT^^'^ v/^^^^' Hardwick, Cooksey Harris^ (Mrs "Joseph' H^nrVr ''^■'n'°'f^"^' Harlan, Martha Sue Hunt (Ws ASsiTn I)Z']::y- ' ' ' cVo,^^^^^^^^ Harris, Leila Johnson (Mrs Charles N.) . TaA " Hayden, Euth Davenp;>rt (Mrs^ Wmiam)\\\\\\\\\\st.- •paul'^;7".wi^ Haynes Gertrude Pillow (Mrs L. C.) Broad & VauxhaH s 4 NashSle g:™dr^SnrtcS:%ii^r ''^''' ''' -s^-si-^ce-kt:.- N^i|: Hewitt, Katherine (Miss)....... ^ oqV V« " . V+' ' at ^^ Hewitt, Lida (Miss . . 90/ v \*- ^J^™P^?^ Hicks. Anne liandl.i (Mrs' Alfred HoVte)\\\\\\\- GapJtirPil^ N.'^^^^^^ Hicks, Helen Mary Maxwell (Mrs Thomas H. . . . . ^''' k^ox .^ ^ iin AHcT^P^W^v''^'" ?^^'/ ^^"f"" ^^- ^-^ '' ^'"^''^'^y ave'" Nashville Hll mI^! 5 • ,^i?°^ward (Mrs Jesse T.)..558 Oak st., Chattanooga ■!?lii«?^ •prr^iior,.! TT^Vi- a \^- ' ' Wr" : ^^'^ Lataj^ette st.. Jackson aiiibfl Holland. Hattie Sullivan (Mrs) Ta,.Vc.r^T, 230266 Hollins, Caroline Catherine (Miss) ".■." ■."■■■ Ve S ' Vth 'st ' 'Na^hvnie -2 !r gorlon' ¥"^^"J^"^^* /'^^^ S.^-^ .309 Pontotoc st M^mpl ^oSli iSs^lia^rS. ^iS"'^^^^^ ^ ^'"^' — --"^-^-aVe^-SsS 2 :34985d 36513i 26392t 36517(7 6642c 207356 5696f 8061 3926f '28288(i 76286 207377;. 4509/= 4510f 274096 20100 178456 27569* 271420 Hoss, Mary S. (Miss) 2106" West End t Augusta Chapter, Ga. Keokuk Chapter, Iowa. TENNESSEE. 573 20743; House, Ophelia Caroline Wood (Mrs William) Franklin 12193/t Howard, Lucia Branch (Mrs John William) Columbia 5691f Howard, Marj' Lee Murphy (Mrs Emmett) 239 Beale st., Memphis 5t392a Hudson, Mabelle Evelyn (Miss) Circle Park, Ivnoxville 7362« Hudson, Margaret L. Hajes (Mrs Henry) 914 Hayes ave., Knoxville 339891 Huffman, Maude Merriman (Mrs C. Wain) Lebanon 11790a Hunt, Sarah Ella (Miss) 1132 X. 4th ave., Knoxville 6647d Huntington, Flora Clarke (Mrs Charles C.) Madison Heights, Memphis 8055 Ingraham, Blanche Elder (Mrs Paul) 1 loy 31126e Jackson, Amie A. Eich (Mrs Andrew) ... .1300 Demonbreun St., Nashville 23583* Jennings, Florence Parish (Mrs) Bristol 34392(Z Johnson, Augusta Eoberts (Mrs Albert S.) Waldren ave., Memphis 173036 Johnson, Levisa Moore (Mrs ^Villiam M.) Ill Belmont ave., Nashville 27140/ Johnson, Pattie Gooch (Mrs) Smyrna 29805f Johnson, Sophia Flournoy Carter (Mrs) Sewanee 16498e Jones, Medora (Miss) . . .'. 407 N. Vine st., Nashville 4996f Jones, Valerie Wooten (Mrs Helver) Lauderdale st., Memphis 17837 Jordan, Mary Webb (Mrs) 303 N. High st., Nashville 7372m Kealhofer. Alice Starr (Mrs Charles William) 121 Adams st., Memphis 1S182« Keeling, Jennie Dickerson (Mrs James H.)..518 Church st., Knoxville 16504a Kennedj% Elizabeth Vanuxem (Miss) 117 W. Clinch ave., Knoxville 3932f Kennedy, Sara Beaumont (Mrs Walker) Memphis 6654c Kej'. Elizabeth Lenoir (Mrs David McK.)..339 Chestnut st., Chattanooga 1081611 Kimball, Maria Cage (Mrs Stephen H. M.) Memphis 45076 Kirkland, Mary Henderson (Mrs J. H.) . . Vanderbilt Campus, Nash\ille 9377e Kirkman, Katherine Thompson (Mrs Van Leer) Franklin Road, Nashville 178466 Kirkman, Nellie Mayer (Mrs Norman) Belmont Place, Nashville 7374HI Lake, Stella McKnight Hoffa (Mrs Eichard P.).. Orleans st., Memphis 17853^ Lang, Ellen Sandusky (Mrs) Cleveland 9511| Lang, Letty Pope (Mrs James) Knoxville 32713rf Langstaff, Lottie Galloway (Miss) 33 Cvnthia Place, Mem}>his 4506(i Langstaff, Sara McCall (Mrs A. D.) 318 Beale st., Memphis 17855f Latham, Mary Vance (Mrs P.) Bellevue Place, Madison ave., Memphis 5053f Latham, Mary Wooldridge (Mrs T. J.) 323 Eayburn ave., Memphis 9858 Layne, Anna Cosby Weir (Mrs Max) Arlington Hotel. Clarksvflle 5061f Lemman, Kate S. (Mrs D. R.) 420 Adams st., Memphis 18167( Lester, Martha Dillon (Mrs John A.) Lebanon 263156 Le Sueur, Mary Williams (Mrs E. A.) Waverley Place, Lawrence ave., Nashville 23272f Lewis, Maud L. McKinney (Mrs) Hernando st., Memphis 153066 Lewis, Pauline Dunn (Mrs Eugene C.) 119 S. Belmont st., Nashville .153056 Lindsey, Clifford B. (Mrs Edward M.) McGavock st., Jackson 189576 Lindsley, Louise Grundy (Miss) S. Spruce st., Nashville 4998f Livermore, Lelia Eobertson (Mrs A. S.) 258 Linden st., Memphis 73676 Lipscomb. Louisa Allison (Mrs James) 1008 Belmont ave., Nashville 23607|| Llovd, Mary E. Norvell (Mrs) 914 Hayes ave., Knoxville 6421a Lockett, Blanche Kelly (Mrs William B.) 703 Hill st., Knoxville 159526 Lurton, Fannie Owen (Mrs Horace Harmon) 301 S. Spruce st., Nashville 11791a Lynn, Alice Hunt (Mrs Hugh Walker) 804 N. 4th ave., Knoxville 34391f7 McCormick, Eleanor (Mrs James) . .McLean and Madison aves., Memphis 230246 McEwen, Ellen Shelby (Mrs John A.) 219 N. Cherry st., Nashville 34986rf McGiiire. Nellie (Miss) 370 Vance st., Memphis 138016 McGuire. Pattie White (Mrs John Griscom) McMinnville 130271 Mackenzie. Lucy Smith (Mrs Joseph Neal) Lebanon 4371 McKenzie, Minnie Belle Hill (Mrs) 935 Eussell st., Nashville 24406a McKinney, Annie Booth (Mrs Samuel) KnoxviPe 14435/j. McKinney, Mary Adeane Wilkes (Mrs R. L.) Columbia 98596 McMillan, Frances (M. D.) (Miss) Vine st., Nashville 9373m McNees. Clara Cordelia Davidson (Mrs Arthur E.) Union ave., Memphis 3]898(Z Macrae, Blanche Lytic Avent (Mrs George W.) 310 Adam.s st., Memphis 27141 Macrea. Euth Faxon (Mrs John M.) Clarksville S042ff AfcTeer. Jennie Fouche (Mrs George) Palace Hotel. Knoxville 18959e Maddin, Annie Downs (Mrs J. W.) 220 N. Vine st.. Nashville * Blue Ridpre Chapter, "Va. t Augusta Chapter, Ga. T George Washing-ton Chapter, Texas. I Kettle Creek Chapter, Ga. II Light Horse Harry Lee Chapter, Ala. 574 DIRECTORY, D. A, R. 19563e Mag-uire, Mary Paul Johnson (Mrs) 302 N. High st., Nashville 323146 Malone, Julia (Miss) care Col. Thomas H. Malone, Nashvnie 7375W Mansford, Carrie Young (Mrs Eichard M.) 345 Linden st., Memphis 8637e Marshall, Harriet Pierpont (Mrs A.).. Cedar and High sts., Nashville 64240 Marshall, Katherine Montague (Mrs William S.) 131 E. Terrace st., Chat- tanooga 21S11C Martin, Alice Gillespie (Mrs William H.)..126 McCallie ave., Chattanooga 36519^7 Martin, Elma Sullivan (Mrs M. P.) Martin 207367; Martin, Louise H. (Mrs G. P.) Columbia 3931f Martin, Martha Euth (Miss) Talbot Place, Memphis 27938(Z Marye, Mary Clarke (Mrs Ambrose Madison) 29 Cynthia Place, Memphis 3936/ Massey, Alice T. (Mrs Irvin McD.) 381 Beale st., Memphis 1426(i Mathes, Mildred Spottswood (Mrs J. Harvey) 29 Cynthia Place, Memphis S053(Z Mathes, Viola Belle (Miss) 29 Cynthia Place, Memphis 20101a Maxwell, Harriette Jeannette Brown (Mrs Anthony Leggett) 210 E. 5th ave., Knoxville 22431m Miller, Eula Smith (Mrs William Phipps) 12 Linden st., Memphis 28284(Z Miller, Fanny Lea (Mrs Austin) 104 Adams st., Memphis 23267f Miller, Mary "^ Weston Hunter (Mrs Charles P.) 130 St. Paul st., Memphis 7352/= Miller, Maud (Miss) 130 St. Paul st., Memphis 32711a Milton, Sarah Fort (Mrs Harvey Oliver) Knoxville 9379c Mitchell, Minta Hall (Mrs W. B.) 405 W. 6th st., Chattanooga 23566c Montague, Genevieve Allan (Mrs D. P.)....E. Terrace st., Chattanooga 6425c Montague, Mary Thayer (Mrs Theodore G.) 504 Walnut st., Chattanooga 18196Z Moody, Georgie Etta (Mrs George Wharton) Shelbyville 21S10f Morgan, Mary Eliza Neil (Mrs Eobert F.) 110 N. Addison ave., Nashville 86337t Morgan, Nancy Lee Williams (Mrs W. P.) W^ 7th st., Columbia 736S& Morris, Lucy Hudson (Mrs Eobert L.) Eidgetop 9372m Morris, Pauline Castleman (Mrs Jordan W.) 256 Poplar st., Memphis 2557S& Morrison, Martha L. Eogan (Mrs William J.) 717 Church st., Nashville 5050m. Morton, Laura Eandolph (Mrs Samuel Watkins) 300 Beale st., Memphis 8877& :Mosby, Emma McClelland (Mrs John W.) 237 Watson st., Nashville 28795(Z Moyston, Blanche Elizabeth (Miss) 33 Cynthia Place, Memphis 36518/7 Murray, Anne (Miss) Jackson 34999/; Murray, Eloise Macpherson (Mrs P. J.) Jackson 18185& Myers, Anne Eliza Wadsworth (Mrs Thomas E.) Shelbyville 33125& Myers, Ethel (Miss) Shelby\-ille 2611f Myers, Minnie Walter (Mrs Henry C.) Pontotoc st., Memphis 34393(Z Neel, Anne Josephine Latimer (Mrs W. H.) 62 Poplar st., Memphis 33128c Nelles, Lena Ealston (Mrs George T.)..304 McCallie ave., Chattanooga 249756 Nelson, Charlotte Ely (Mrs Henry Philip).. 521 Vine st., North, Nashville 34994P Northei'u, Landis Inez (Mrs William Wallace) Nashville 27942(Z Nowland, Harriett Carroll (Miss) Gayoso Hotel, Memphis 23571 Ogden, Clara W. McPheeters (Mrs W. F., Jr.) 454 Court St., extende-i Memphis 6094c Olmsted, Marv Sevmour (Mrs Henry W.)..607 W. 6th st., Chattanooga. 17S48& Orr, Alice Eebekah (Miss) 313 Woodland st., Nashville 20103m Overton, May Hill, (Mrs Samuel Watkins) Union ave., Memphis 14439c Paddack, Laura St. Clair (Mrs Charles Edgar) Eidgedale, Chattanooga 81S2d Park, Elizabeth Cash (Mrs T. C.) Walcham ave., Memphis 31S997 Parker, Mary Sherman (Mrs Charles G.) Shelbyville 30205a Patterson, Antoinette Eleanor S. (Mrs Michael Lafayette) . .Knoxville 6643c Payne, Mary Eaton (Mrs Thomas H.)..10S McCallie ave., Chattanooga 31896c Peak, Hattie Erwin (Mrs Luke L.) 226 Vine st., Chattanooga 9376a. Perkins, Angle Warren (Mrs C. A.).. Temple and church aves., Knoxville 8276?) Perkins, Julia Putnam (Mrs W. O'N.) Demonbreun st. Nashville 12008; Perkins, Louisa Henrietta Cochrane (Mrs Thomas Fearn, Jr.) Franklin 2394f Perkins, Susie Ashton Chapman (Mrs C.) 480 Eandolph BUlg., Memphis 5051m Person, Alice W^inchester (Mrs Eichard J.) "Glen Burnie" 21346& Phillips, Louise Porter (Mrs William KnHng) 1717 W. End ave., Nashville 23268f Phillips. Maria Eliza Hunter (Mrs William P.) 130 St. Paul st., Memphis 7369& Picton, Lizzie Kelley (Mrs John Moore) Belmont ave.. Nashville 30S73* Pierce, Mary Hunter (Mrs Eice A.) Union City 760?) Pilcher, Margaret Campbell (Mrs James Stuart) . .Addison ave., Nashville Mary Silliman Chapter, Conn. TENNESSEE. DTO 2073S7J Pillow, Sara Parrott (Mrs Robert) Columbia 137970 Pitt, Harriot E. Gordon (Mrs) 318 King St., Knoxville, Clinton Pike P. O. 25906f Plummer, Laura Wharton (Mrs James E.) 210 McLemore ave., Memphis 21345b Polk, Prudence (Miss) 1208 McGavock st., Nashville 32315e Pride, Monnell (Miss) 2009 Terrace Place, Nash%-ille 6644c Eathburn, Katharine W. D. (Mrs William P.) 603 Pine St., Chattanooga 24977e Eathmell, Edith Beach (Mrs John E.) 413 W. 6th st., Chattanooga 27939d Eees, Mary Emmey Taylor (Mrs William M.)..43S Vance st., Memphis 9375/ Eeese, Mary Low (Miss) Franklin 36520^7 Eeid, Sophie Beatty (Miss) Jackson 4344(i Ehea, Bella Cowan (Mrs Eobert M.) 406 S. 9th st., Knoxville 73705 Eichards, Margaret Douglas (Mrs E. D.)..1612 W. End ave., Nashville 803oc Eichmond, Harriet Burgert (Mrs T.)..657 McCallie ave., Chattanooga 735SC Eichmond, Sarah Bessie (Miss) 657 McCallie ave., Chattanooga 16499e Elvers, Lidie Avirett (Mrs Flournoy) Pulaskie 34987d Eoberts, Daisy C. (Miss) Waldren ave., Memphis 23276fc Eoberts, Sarah J. Anthony (Mrs Joseph Coleman) Pulaski 35000fir Eobertson, Katherine Campbell (Mrs G. Harris) Jackson 31129i. Eobertson, Mittie ' Fite (Mrs Nathan Glenn) Lebanon 35090fir Bobbins, Emma Dorothy Botts (Mrs James Macaulay) 313 N. Cumber- land St., Jackson 33126& Eodes, Louise Horton (Mrs Eobin) 312 S. Spruce st., Nashville 13032fc Eomine, Lizzie Wilkes (Mrs William Bethel) Pulaski 323166 Eose, Gennett Pride (Mrs Granville P., Jr.) Glenrose, Nashville eiOOni Eupple, Clara McD. (Mrs Henry H.) Poplar & Dunlap sts., Memphis 349S8(Z Eussell, Gertrude Alcorn (Mrs Percy) 426 Orleans st., Memphis 349S3& Eust, Cynthia Westfall (Mrs John O'B.) 709 Woodland st., Nashville 18186? Eyall, Elizabeth (Miss) Shelbyville 25579c Sanders, Norinne (Miss) Montgomery ave., Chattanooga 4736a Sanford, Lutie Woodruff (Mrs Edward Terry) 720 Hill st., Knoxville 34394d Saunders, Fannie (Mrs W. J.) 370 Vance st., Memphis 8050(1 Saxton, Sarah Sutherland (Mrs Henry Nevett, Jr.) Fairview, Dandridge Pike, Knoxville 5695m Scales, Susan Winchester (Mrs D.M.) McLemore & La Eose sts., Memphis 36511b Schurman, M. Eobert Banks (Mrs W. H.) . . Vanderbilt Campus, Nashville 15311f Scruggs, Eebecca Oliver Wilburn (Mrs) 85 Madison st., Memphis 14437Z Scudder, Abbie Bright Wardlaw (Mrs Philip Johnston) Shelbyville 2274f Scudder, Margaret Longstreet (Miss) 262 Beale st., Memphis 28290e Seay, Donna (Miss) 1010 S. College st., Nashville 263146 Seay, Janie B. (Miss) 1010 S. College st., Nashville 56947H. Selden, Elise Massey (Mrs C. C.).. Green Gables, Pauline st., Memphis 6426c Sellers, Anna (Miss) Eidgedale. Chattanooga 6966m Semmes, Eleanor M. (Mrs J. M.) 554 Shelby st., Memphis 144386 Settle, Laura G. (Mrs W. S.) 311 Vine st.. Nashville 18964/ Shappard. Mildred (Miss) Shelbyville 23025b Sharp, Laura Boddie (Mrs Mora H.) 203 N. Cherry st., Nashville 34989rf Shepherd, Amanda Polk (Mrs Benjamin A.) 268 Front st., Memphis 34395f/ Shepherd, Lelia (Miss) 268 Front st., Memphis 32318cZ Shepherd, Lottie (Miss) 268 Front st., Memphis 23567 Shields, Alice Watkins (Airs William S.) Church st., Knoxville 200996 Shook. Theresa Thomas Estill (Mrs A. M.)..221 N. Spruce st., Nashville 10807c Silva, Caroline Beecher (Mrs William P.) 734 Market st.. Chattanooga 23273f Sim, Mary A. (Mrs Frank L.) Hernando st., Memphis 15313Z Sims, Carrie Choice .(Miss) Shelbyville 165006 Smith, Bessie (Miss) Franklin Pike, Nashville 23804* Smith, Estelle (Miss) ; Pomona 343896 Smith, Harriet Otis (Miss) 636 Douglas st., Chattanooga S044f/ Sneed, Lizzie Williams (Mrs Joseph W.) 1313 McCammon {ive., Knoxville 18962/! Snyder. Annie Porter (Mrs Elmer Elis) Columbia 29n4(Z Soiitherland, Katherine Pendleton (Miss) . .208 Wellington st.. Memphis 2787f Speers, Clara Randall (Mrs Noah Walker) Ealeigh Eoad, Memphis 2F796(i Speers, Laura Williams (]\Irs Simpson Taylor).. 19 Linden st., Memphi'; 2S794ff Speers, Marian Eandall (Miss) 146 2nd St.. Memphis 274106 Spencer, Louise McCrory (Mrs William G.) 509 Stevenson ave.. Nashville * North Shore Chapter, 111. 576 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 26578W Stanley, Virginia Grain (Mrs Philip Maples) . .278 Linden st., Memphis 13796a Stephenson, Alary Jean Pitt (Mrs) 318 King- st., Knoxvilie 13805c Steward, Caroline Watson (Mrs George C.) Lindsay st., Chattanooo^a 178496 Stewart, Ellen Way (Mrs Thomas William) 1502 McGavock St., Nashville 24407/^ Stratton, Florence Chastelette (Miss) Bellevue ave., Memphis 1785ri Stratton, Leila Owen (Mrs Samuel Golladav) Lebanon 15309e Stubblefield, Genoveva Beatrice Smith (Mrs H. B.) Enssell st., Nashville 7371& Stiibblefield. Hetty Wilkin (Mrs D. Pvankin) 200 Elliston ave., Nashville 23269f Sug-gs, Margaret Elizabeth (Miss) 579 Poplar Blvd.. Memphis 8034c Swaney, Mary Cooke (Mrs William Bentlev) 409 High st., Chattano-iaa 17850& Tanner, Margaret Cantrell (ilrs William P.)' 313 Vine St., Nashville 8641i Tarver, Susan Shelton (Mrs B. J.) Lebanon 16506a Taylor, Catherine Lane (Miss) Knoxvilie 19562a Taylor, Ellen Lane (Mrs Alfred Bousall) Knoxvilie 16505a Taylor, Mabell Pyle (iMiss) Knoxvilie 32714d Taylor, Mary Cornelia (Mrs William Vannah)..436 Vance st., Memphis 3147a Temple, Mary Boyce (Miss) -.316 W. Cumberland st., Knoxvilie 3636a Terry, Harriet (Miss) 702 Church st., Knoxvilie 3635a Terry, Isadore L. W. (Mrs Adrian) 792 Church st.. Knoxvilie 11792; Thomas, Bettie Martin (Mrs Atha) Franklin 17307c Thomasson, Nannie Gillespie (Mrs Eugene) . .McCallie ave., Chattanooga 18197J Thompson, Francis Elizabeth (Miss) Shelbyville 16169 Thorndike, Ida Chase (Mrs Edward Octavius) Harriman 18960e Thurston, Fanny Dorman (Mrs Gates P.) 318 N. High st., Nashville 31894b Tillman, Aileen (Miss) Nashville 4346a Tipton, Lula A. D. (Mrs J.) 518 Main st., Knoxvilie 8163m Toof, Grace (Miss) 270 Lauderdale st., Memphis 80596 Trousdale, Eleanor Katherine (Miss) Academy Place, Gallatin 12456a Turner, Helen Hamilton (Miss) Knoxvilie 36514c Tyler, Ethel Margaret (Miss) 17 BluflP View, Chattanooga 2907a Tyson, Bettie McGhee (Mrs Lawrence David).. 218 Temple st., Knoxvilie 9855e Warner, Margaret Lindsley (Mrs Percy).. 125 N. Spruce st., Nashville 942e W^ashington, Mary Boiling Kemp (Mrs Joseph Edwin) Cedar Hill 22435 W^atkins, Anna Neilson Gillespie (Mrs Arthur P.) Church st., Knoxvilie 34991d Weathers, Kate Pickett (Mrs Limdy M.) Pontoloc St., Memphis 28975 Webb, Helen Sanfley (Mrs Thomas's., Jr.) Knoxvilie 29313a Webb, Mary Polk Yeatman (Mrs Thomas S.) Knoxvilie 23270/ Weisigner, Elizabeth Humphreys (Mrs Carey N.) Union ave., Memphis 181876 Wheeler, Mary Bell (Mrs Albert Johnson) ...".. .15 N. Vine st., Nashville 30208d White, Harriet E. (Mrs Will) 12 Osage ave., Memphis 30876 Whitesell, Clara Hunter (Mrs Piobert) Union City 18191? Whitthorne, Juliet Shelby Pwall (Mrs Bromfield R.) Shelbyville 17840? Wilhoite. Jennie Moore (Mrs Thomas P.) Shelbyville lOSlOfc Wilkes, Florence Barker (Mrs John S.) Piilaski 34990(i Wilkinson, Eva Bowen (^[rs Thomas W.) 492 McLemore ave., Memphis 22432m Williams, Amanda Smith (Mrs Nicholas McL.) 227 Beale st., Memphis 23274; Williams, Charlotte Eobertson (Mrs Nathaniel Green) Franklin 8045a Williams, Lizzie Nelson (Mrs John) 609 W. Cumberland st., Knoxvilie 15868* Williams, Lucy Elizabeth Cooke (Mrs Howell L.) Ringgold 34992(Z Williams, Mat'tie C. (Mrs J. J.) Memphis 3927f Williamson, Delia Talbot (Mrs Robert Chapman) Talbot Place. Memphis 25581/ Williamson, Susannah Britania (Mrs Milton T.) care A. B. Clare, Stamp Dept., P. O., Memiihis 15308e Wills, Eleanora Willauer (Mrs Andrew W.) Broad st., Nashville 4737a Woodruff, Anna Paiiline (Miss) 602 Cumberland ave., Knoxvilie 12473t Woods. Tallulah Gachet (Mrs M. M., Jr.) 629 Annesdale ave., Memi)his 138026 W^oolwine, Fanny Hicks (Mrs William Morton) 412 Sigler st., Nashville 6652 Word, Mary Alice (Miss) 518 Shelby st., Memphis 189556 Wright, Bettie Mills (Mrs Moscow) .' Hartsville 50567)1 Wright, Katherine Middleton Semmes (Mrs Luke E.) 11 Jessamine St., Memphis 30526m Weight, Lula May Russsell (Mrs Junius Paul).. 371 Vance st., Memphis 34993(i Wyatt, Tmogene Cash (Mrs) Poplar st., Memphis Otsego Chapter, N. Y. Light Horse Harry Lee Chapter, Ala. TEXAS. 577 20746c Wyatt, Maude Love (Mrs James Ludy)..205 McCallie ave., Chattanooga 31900m Yates, Grace Irwin (Mrs Walter Frayser) 121 Washington st., Memphis 18S4|| Young, Ella (Miss) Richelieu, Knoxville TEXAS State Regent, 1901, Mrs. John Lane Henry, 513 Gaston ave., Dallas (C a "1902 " " '' '* " *" *' "" CHAPTERS (5 organized; 8 unorganized) a. Alvin Metnbers Regent, Mrs Sarah Fontaine Sampson. Appointed April 2, 1896. Reappointed June 7, 1899 b. Angleton Members Regent, Miss Anne E. Y^ocum. Appointed February 7, 1900 c. Bouliam Members Regent, Miss Louise Bogy. Appointed October 3, 1900 d. George Washington Chapter — Galveston Organized June 17, 1895; Members, 57 (Alabama. 1; Yirffinia, 1; Tennessee, 1; Louis- iana, 1; Arkansas, 1; District of Columbia, 1) Regent, Mrs Thomas J. Groce Registrar, Mrs W. E. Evans Vice-Regent, Mrs Edward F. Harris Historian, Mrs Sydne3^ Wheless Secretary, Mrs. John R. Hedges Librarian, Miss Emma Davis Treasurer, Miss Eloise Noble Curator, Mrs F. K. Thompson e. Jane Douglas Chapter — Dallas Organized December 19, 1895; Members, 65 (Oregon, 1; New York, 2; Illinois, 1; Mis- sissippi, 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Regent, Mrs J. M. Wendelkin Treasurer, Miss Eva F. Pike Vice-Regent, Miss Lucy Collier Registrar, Mrs H. L. McLaurin Rec. Secretary, Mrs Henry Stanbery Historian, Miss Elizabeth G. Collier Cor. Secretary, Mrs P. B. Hunt Curator, Mrs S. M. Welch f . Lady Washington Chapter — Houston Organized December 7, 1899; Members, 29 Regent, Mrs Ella H. Sydnor Treasurer, Mrs Bettie H. Stuart Vice-Regent, Mrs Lelia L. Crane Registrar, Mrs Bettie P. M. Hutcheson Rec. Sec.^ Mrs Mary B. Fitzgerald Librarian, Mrs Eva H. Robertson Cor Sec, Mrs Margaret H. Foster Curator, Mrs Carrie B. Lane g. Mary Isham Keith Chapter — Fort Worth Organized June 15, 1898; Members. 27 (Foreign. 2; Arizona, 1; Tennessee. 1) Regent. Mrs Elizabeth D. Bell . Treasurer, Miss Ruth Wingfield Vice-Regent. Mrs James B. Naylor Registrar, Mrs Lortah K. Stanbery Secretary, Mrs Robert W. Flournoy Historian, Miss Mary A. Waller II Keskeskick Chapter, N. Y. 37 578 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. h. Palestine Me77ibers Eegeiit, Mrs Katie Black Howard. Appointed April 3, 1901 1. San Antonio Members Eegent, Miss Mary Eleanor Brackenridge. Appointed June 5, 1901 j. Thankful Hubbard Chapter— Austin Organised February 28, 1899; Members, 21 (Illinois, 1; Foreign, 1) ^ -yr T XT T?„oT.c Cor Secretary, Mrs John D. Claybrook ^iSEeg'nt'Mrs^fohra Lewis Seasl.er M^ John Bre^ond Eee! Secretary. Mrs Edward E. Smith rje|ktrar Mrs James ,T. Arthur Historian, Miss Edith L. Clark k. Tyler Members Eegent, Mrs B. Eobertson Johnson. Appointed October 3, 1900 1. Waco Members Eegent, Mrs Josie Downs Marshall. Appointed May 2, 1900 j m. Weatherford Members I Eegent, Mrs Alice K. EgelhofE. Appointed April 3, 1901 ; Members Eesiding in the State 118026 Adams, Helen Clark (Mrs Hubert) . 136 Maple ^ve- Da^\^« I 32329* Alf ord, Marie Stevens (Mrs Milton) ^ ' ^ W " i; TwIrS/J ' 30037 Allison, Louise Sylla (Mrs) Ik'^-^^i^T I FnvthWorth ■ 10289;; Andrews, Eoberta Flournoy (Mrs) ..500 Wheeler st., Foith Worth ^ 7851tt Andrus, Marie Josephine B. (Mrs Edwm P.) ••••••' -^^^^ss"!" sJSif Irthur,'Dora Fowler (Mrs James J.) . .^ .... ...1802 Pearl St., Austin 27967** Baker, Annie Connell Henshaw (Mrs Earl Kenneth) ■ . .Austin 939 d, Bailinger, Betty (Miss) , 202 Broadway, Ga ves on 31130d Beissner, Ella Mary (Miss) 1J02 Avenue H, Ga ves on 30527(Z Beissner, Mary Gertrude (Mrs) -'••••••• ^^^^ Avenue H, Galveston 144447 Bell, Elizabeth Douglas (Mrs William Stephenson) ........ .Forth Worth 31905/ Bell, Marv Berkeley Miller (Mrs William H.) 802 San Antonio st., Austin 35014 Best, Nora Warner (Mrs George) (- °^™"^ 21350 Bolinger. Earle Harrison (Mrs Dewitt Clinton) ^ . \A aco 33130 Bogy, Louise (Miss) • • ' '. a" •■^^^'"'^P 36527 Brackenridge, Mary Eleanor (Miss) 1401 Mam ave., San Antonio 26317; Bremond, Julia Swart (Mrs) • • "^^ * ' " V " n " • '^"^.""^ 90194f7 Briogs, Olive Branch (Mrs George D.) 1421 Postoffice st., Galveston 2S291r Bristol, Elva (Miss) 2S3 Peabody ave.. Dallas 6S2d Bruce, Alice (Mrs Edwin) 2416 Avenue L Galveston 137986 Brvan, Mattie Shepard (Mrs Lewis Eandolph) ... .905 Austin st., Houston 230306 Bu'ckner, Viena Long (Mrs Eobert Cook) 209 Worth st., D^las 35616? Bunton, Brewye' (Miss) : * ' ■;; % V W ^^!.t 98756 Callaway, S. Tsadore Miner (Mrs W. A.) 148 Holmes st^ Dallas 31904f Cargill, Caroline Ennis (Miss) 1518 Mam st.. Houston 35004 Carter, Mary W. (Mrs James M.) ^^ a^" • Ranier Chapter, Wash. ** Sequoia Chapter, Cal. tj St. Paul Chapter, Minn. ^ TEXAS. 579 93S2e Chandler, Eebecca H. (Miss) P. O. Box, 546, Dallas 31153f Cherry, Emma Kichardson (Mrs Dillon Brook) Houston 3500Sr/ Childress, Madora Eainey (Mrs Charles W.) Forth Worth 2794S(Z Christian, Mattie Meriwether (Mrs James Kussell) 1523 31st St., Galveston 36524/ Christian, Stella Louise Jones (Mrs William) 1110 Clay ave., Houston 82797 Clark, Edith Lanier (Miss) University of Texas, Austin 13267 Clark, Florence Anderson (Mrs James B.) University of Texas, Austin 11S02 Clark, Helen (Miss) 325 Worth st., Dallas 7T72<' Clark, Minette Stockwell (Mrs Arthur D.) 324 Worth st., Dallas 24984; Clay brook, Elvie Smith (Mrs John D.) 205 West 10th st., Austin 21S14 Cleveland, Louise Hardie (Mrs Charles Lander) Galveston 18331$ Clifford, Maria T. (Mrs Charles H.) care U. S. P. O., San Antonio 35012f/ Cobb, Mary Louise (Mrs D.) 112 Adams st.. Forth Worth 31133e Collier, Elizabeth G. (Miss) 151 Browder st., Dallas 31134e Collier, Lucy A. (Miss) 151 Browder st., Dallas 12196t Collins, Jennie Kendrick (Mrs James C.) Almo Heights, San Antonio 34397 Conger, Vara Hannah (Miss) ■. 922 North Fifth st., Waco 13040/ Crane, Delia L. (Mrs William C.) 1410 Crawford st., Houston 2750otf Currie, Katie Cabell (Mrs John Bufus) Dallas 93S5e Darnell, Euth Chandler (Mrs Samuel P.) Dallas 10S14rf Davidson, Laura Jack (Mrs Robert V.) 302Q Avenue O, Galveston 21S13|| Davis, Antoinette Wells (Mrs Britton) 500 Mag-offin ave.. El Paso 9878e Davis, Camilla Hardin (Miss) Ill Ewing ave.. Oak Cliff llS04d Davis, Emma Coit (Miss) 1124 24th st., Galveston 10817e Davis, Mary Hill (Mrs Lee F. S.) 234 GrifHn st., Dallas llSOSd Davis, Mary H. (Miss) 1124 24th st., Galveston 36134|[ De Wolf, Nellie Bog Slade (Mrs Silas Wright) Laredo 20748e Dillard, Mary Eoundtree (Mrs Frank C.) Sherman 34398 Dilworth, Mary Lankford (Mrs Thomas M.) 421 N. 13th st., Waco 28292 Drake, Maydelle (Miss) Eagle Pass 28802c Dunbar, Sallie Eucks (AI^'s Eichard Field) 203 Eouth st., Dallas 31132d Durand, Frances Ella (Mrs) 1702 Avenue H, Galveston 27951e Egelhoff, Alice K. (Mrs Frederick B.) Weatherford 21353; Evans, Francese Abi Hurlbut (Mrs Ira Hobart) Austin 9S72d Evans, Jessie Davidson (Mrs William Earle)..3216 Avenue 0, Galveston 26396* Ferris, Anabel Markoe (Mrs Herbert C.) Paris llS05rf Finlay, Alice Downs (Mrs Quitman) 3128 Avenue OVo, Galveston 36013(Z Finlay, Carrie Eea (Mrs George P.) 3227 Avenue P, Galveston 20111/ Fitch, Sallie Ashe (Mrs Charles Louis) 1906 McKinny ave., Houston 20934(Z Fitzhugh, Juliette Menzies (Mrs) Galveston 29314/ Fitzgerald, Mary Botts (Mrs George G.) 1106 McKinny ave., Houston 18969f7 Flournoy, Martha Redd Fontaine (Mrs E. W.) Fort Worth 671 Fontaine, Julia W. (Mrs Sydney T.) 1004 Market st., Galveston SS78(Z Fontaine, Shirley V. Washington (Miss) 1004 Market st., Galveston 13037e Foster, Fannie Segar (Mrs George Wheeler) 117 Maple ave., Dallas 29690/ Foster, Margaret Hadley (Mrs) 919 Austin st., Houston 29691/ Franklin, Julia Hadley (Mrs Thomas E.) 904 Travis st., Houston 32231 French, Sarah Lorinilla (Mrs) San Antonio 32715/ Fulniore, Luella Eobertson (Mrs) 310 W. 13th st., Austin 34396(Z Gardner, Lena Darrell (:Mrs Eobert Henry) 1520 31st st., Galveston 36523 Garland, Naiad Cresap (Mrs) ' Waco 21352 Gill, Miriam Fort (Mrs William Francis) 235 S. Birmingham st., Paris 27140P Goodman, Etta Gwendolen (Miss) Tyler 31131fZ Goodwyn, Isadore Cantrell (Mrs Philo Hiram) Dallas 27145; Gribble, Josephine W. (Mrs Eobert) Hyde Park, Austin 9392(Z Groce, Clifford Loverin (Mrs Thomas J.) 3112 Avenue O, Galveston 130336 Groce, Florence Craig (Mrs John Sheppard) . .184 St. Louis st., Dallas 34399 Harman, Lois Conger (Mrs Will C.) SOS N. 5th st., Waco 8643(Z Harris, Emma Gillison (Mrs Edward F.) 3610 Avenue P, Galveston 8880(Z Harrington, Mary Josephine (Mrs John A.) San Antonio 34400 Harrison. Daisy Hill (Mrs Charles W.) ISOl Columbus st., Waco 30213fir Harrison, Martha S. Blassingame (Mrs W. B.) 328 Adams st.. Fort Worth } Continental Chapter, D. C. t Old Glory Chapter, Tenn. '■, Oglethorpe Chapter, Ga. II New York City Chapter, N. Y. * Rev. James Caldwell Chapter, 111. 580 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. 34401 Harrison, Mary Sterling Robertson (Mrs Richard Henry) Waco 33Q90d Hawkins, Elmira Laudes (Mrs Eugene) . .1604 Post Office St., Galveston 27949d Hedges, Margaret V. (Mrs John R.) 1906 Avenue H, Galveston 24982(/ Hendricks, Emma Stockman (Mrs Harrison G.) Mobeetie 8067e Henry, Cornelia Jamison (Mrs John Lane) 313 Gaston ave., Dallas 36521e Henry, Ella Jamison (Miss) Cleburne 14443e Henry, Eunice Campbell (Mrs William Thomas) 509 Gaston ave., Dallas 35614rf. Hill, Fannie Gillett (Mrs James Hamilton) . . 1628 Broadway, Galveston 6150|| Hill, Grace E. G. (Mrs Sullivan M.) Cleburne 18198rf Holmes, Lucie Brashear Brown (Mrs John R.) Galveston 35617 Howard, Katie Black (Mrs Alfred Ryland) , Palestine 350076 Hughes, Ella Hughey (Mrs Joel Ashford) 328 Canton st., Dallas 31292* Hull, Mary Clay Fishburne (Mrs John R.) El Paso 2879* Hull, Sarah Jones Benning (Mrs Herbert L.) Fort Worth 335836 Hunt, Margaret Scott (Mrs Philemon Burgess) . .939 Bryan st., Dallas 29315f Hutcheson, Bettie Palmer Milby (Mrs Joseph C, Jr.) 1417 McKinney ave., Houston 24410fif Hyman, Sallie Polk Rayner (Mrs Joseph Henry) Stephenville 24411fir Hyman, Susie Polk (Miss) ' Stephenville 473 Ions, Maria Lewis (Mrs Penrose Nevins) San Angelo 20890^ Johnson, Alice (Miss) Corsicana 33132 Johnson, B. Robertson (Mrs Cone) 435 E. Front st., Tyler 36525/ Jones, Alice Mae (Miss) 1110 Clay ave., Houston 108196 Jones, Carrie R. (Mrs Robert P.) Sherman 9387d Jones, Margaret Mary (Miss) 2815 Aveniie H, Galveston 28S03f Journeay, Mary Baldwin (Mrs James) 1718 Caroline st., Houston 13039(Z Kenison, Ellen May (Mrs Alphonse) 1126 Tremont st., Galveston 25139t Kight, Sarah Ellen (Mrs Charles N.) 223 4th st., San Antonio 35010(7 King, Mary Rayner Hyman (Mrs) Stephenville 232e Kinney, Annette Peabody Trowbridge (Mrs Caleb) 282 Cadiz st., Dallas 32716fir Klein, Sue Boyd Harris (Mrs Louis A.) Fort AVorth 35615/= Knox, Pearl Wallis (Mrs R. W.) 2303 Main st., Houston 117996 La Moreaux, Marie Greene (Mrs Franklin Frisbie) 150 Lear st., Dallas 20752f Lane, Carrie B. (Mrs W. L.) 1303 Lamar ave., Houston 350066 Lane, Lulie Hughey (Mrs Alvin V.) 135 Maple ave., Dallas 31901 Lee, Anne Eliza Jones (Mrs) 105 San Pedro ave., San Antonio 271476 Le Grande, Sallie Goodman (Mrs James Hutcheson) Tyler 27413; LeAvis, Maria Thacher (Mrs John C.) Austin 235726 Lightf oot, Mattie Gano (Mrs) Paris 153166 Lindop, Ada Bowen (Mrs Albert Henry) 217 9th st., Oak Cliff 19564fir Littleton, Mary B. (Mrs) Fort Sam Houston 27143/ Lubbock, Sarah Elizabeth Black (Mrs F. R.) 1412 Congress ave., Austin 30211f Lummis, Charlotte Minerva Rice (Mrs Henry H.) 1718 Polk ave., Houston 93836 McElhone, Blanche Mitchell Finlev (Mrs F. H.) 366 S. Ervay st., Dallas 6087* McFall, Eugenia F. Moffett (Mrs D. A.) 209 E. 12th st., Austin 28908 McFall, Mary Rosa Russell (Mrs) 209 E. 12th st., Austin 113306 Mclaurin, Ida Stevens (Mrs Lanch) 243 Lancaster ave., Dallas 201076 McLaurin, Kate Gano (Mrs Hugh L.) 209 S. Ervay st., Dallas 263166 McReynolds, Katharine Seay (Mrs John Oliver) 571 S. Ervay st., Dallas 9870(Z Magnenat, Lucille S. Evans (Mrs Louis E.)..3216 Avenue 0, Galveston 23576 Marshall, Josie Downs (Mrs John F.) 724 S. 3rd st., Waco 17311 Martin, Mary E. Redenbaugh (Mrs T. P.) 304 Florence st.. Fort Worth 33131 Matthews, Christina W. (Miss) Fort W^orth 9389fZ Mills, Lucy Ballinger (Mrs) 2004 Broadway, Galveston 32320{7 Mims, Mary Jane Paxton (Mrs Shadrock) Thurber 24987 Morehead, Lemire Morris (Mrs Charles Robert) El Paso- 9873(Z Morris, Eulah Evans (Mrs Seth M.) 3216 Avenue O, Galveston 271486 Morten, Kathryne Edith (Miss) Farmersville 24412(7 Naylor, Minnie Colburn (Mrs James Bradshaw) Whitesboro 24986 Newman, Fanny Morris (Mrs Ezekiel S.) El Paso 29317 Xewman, Myra'(Miss) care C. R. Morehead, State National Bank, El Paso 24750 Newman, Sallie Morris (Mrs Henry L., Sr.) El Paso 31902fZ Nichols, Mary Matthew (Mrs Henry J.) 1320 Post Office st.. Galveston II Moline Chapter, 111. H Piedmont Continental Chapter, Ga. * Oglethorpe Chapter, Ga. t Atlanta Chapter, Ga. TEXAS. 581 9S74d 249S5; 230G2e 2243Sd 14-t41d 21351 25585; SSOllfiT 93900^ 21349/7 2839* 23573 255S6f 3601 Be 13690 335846 28805/= 32ST6t 35013;; 3271211 195666 1303S 10257c 265796 24414(Z 35002^; 30529fif 138086 201096 9391d 9394fZ 36014(? 36015(i 339916 201086 36526/ 36522(?. 3961 66516 28801/ 23032fir 189686 31903(Z 23577 36019/ 20105(Z 29316f 138096 635011 12197f 224376 8881; 8054fir 20110/= 93S6(Z 20106(Z 25907; 30212/ 124576 255S4or 66506 33129(Z Noble, Emma Eloise (Miss) 3508 Broadwaj^ Galveston Parker, Bessie Smith (Mrs Jolin W.) Taylor Pike, Eva Francis (Miss) ". 261 Live Oak st., Dallas Polk, Daisy Cantrell (Mrs Lucius Junius) 1502 31st St., Galveston Poole, Martha H (Mrs Valentine B.) 3427 Ave. L, Galveston Preston, Josepha Fort (Mrs Thaddeus Stocks) Paris Proctor, Mary Wilkinson (Mrs George A.) 209 W. 9th St., Austin Rainey, Elizabeth Louise (Mrs Stephen D.) ..112 Adams st.. Fort Worth Eandall, Laura Ballinger (Mrs Edward) 2004 Broadway, Galveston Eayner, Susan S. (Mrs Kenneth) Stephenville Eichardson, Georgia Mildred Goodman (Mrs Beale Howard) .... Portia va Eice, Mary Jimmie Eoss (Mrs Jonas L.) Huntsville Eing, Elizabeth L. (Mrs H. F.) 1510 Crawford st., Houston Eippetoe, Hallie Crane (Mrs J. A.) Washington ave & Floyd st., Dallas Eoberts, Nannie Diival (Mrs Cyrus Swan) care of Maj. C. S. Eoberts, Fort Sam Houston Eobertson, Ellen Boren (Mrs Sa■^^dn) Congress ave., Austin Eobertson, Eva Harris Hutchins (Mrs W. E.) 911 La Branch St.. Hoiiston Eobinson, Elizabeth Crabb (Mrs Alexander McKee) Esperanza Eoe, Jenny Henry Scranton (Mrs A. J.) . . . .900 St. Louis ave., Fort Worth Eowan, Susan L. (Mrs J. C.) . .i Waco Eutledge, Addie Kinabrew Morton (Mrs J. M.) Cleburne Sampson, Sarah Spotwood Fontaine (Mrs Henry) Alvin Samuel, Sallie W. (Mrs H. O.) . .; \ Dallas Scarbrough, Julia Mac Eae (Miss) . . . .Whitin ave. and W. 27th st., Austin Schoolfield, Harriette Louise Waters (Mrs D. E.) 2007 Ave. L, Galveston Scott, Mary Martin (Mrs James E.) New Waverly Scott, Sarah Minna Chalk (Mrs William Thomas) , Fort Worth Scruggs, Ethel Hastings (Miss) 182 Canton St., Dallas Scurry, Emma Gano (Mrs Thomas) Austin Seeligson, Lillian Meade (Miss) 1220 Avenue H, Galveston Seeligson, Maria Meade (Mrs George) 1220 Aveniie H, Galveston Settle, Julia Finlay (Mrs Hart H.) 3227 Avenue P, Galveston Settle, Julia Finlay (Miss) 3227 Aveniie P, Galveston Seymour, Margaret Stewart (Mrs Harry P.) ..437 N. Harwood st., Dallas Shaw, Mary E. (Mrs Wilber S.) ." 113 Maple ave., Dallas Shelly, Lydia Jane Penderton (Mrs Eobert C.) Austin Skinner, Adele Preston (Mrs W. C.) Galveston Smith, Brooksie Eachel Trezevant (Mrs Samuel Oliver) Clarksville Smith, Fannie Gertrude E. (Miss) 160 Masten st., Dallas Smith, Maria Burnap (Mrs Edward Everett) 1004 E. 9th St., Austin Stanbery, Lortah Knight (Mrs E.) Fort Worth Stanbery, Jeannette Stevenson (Mrs Henry) 244 Live Oak st., Dallas Stewart, Sarah Bocock (Mrs Clegg) !: 2416 Avenue L, Galveston Streeter, Mollie Work (Mrs George Dallas) Waco Stiles, Margaret Lyford (Mrs) 2501 University ave., Austin Stone, Cornelia Branch (Mrs Henry Clay).. 1421 Post Office st.. Galveston Stuart, Bettie Heath (Mrs David F.) , 1116 Texas ave., Houston Sturges, Henrietta Hawley (Mrs George) Oriental HoteL Dallas Swain, Elizabeth Janet C. (Mrs William F.) i Houston Sydnor, Ella Hutchins (Mrs Seabrook) 1416 Franklin ave., Houston Taylor, Helen Minge (Mrs G. F.) Tjler Taylor, Maria Montgomery (Mrs Thomas) ..University of Texas. Austin Taylor, Mary Dulin Mathes (Mrs J. D.) Hamilton Tempest, Susan Eogers (Mrs J. A.) 1316 Boulevard, Houston Heio-hts Thompson, Ella Burdett (Mrs Theodore K.) 3305 W. Broadway, Galveston Thompson, Eleanor Waters Eoeck (Mrs J. E.) 3224 Broadway, Galveston Thornton, Mary Fitzhugh (Mrs) 700 Lavaca St., Austin Timpson, Lillian Eice (Mrs Paul B.) 716 San Jacinto st., Houston Townsend, Alice Forbes (Mrs Wales J.) 231 Eoss avenue, Dallas Triplett, Alberta (Miss) Fort Worth Van Slyke, Sarah E. V. (Mrs John S.) 160 Masten st., Dallas Vedder, Florence M. (Mrs Charles) Denver Eesurvev, Galveston * Oglethorpe Chapter, Ga. t Henry Claggett Chapter, Ky. ^ Bonny Kate Chapter. Tenn. li Columbia Chapter, D. C. 582 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E. 13807 Vincent, Louella Styles (Mrs James U.) Stephanville 287986 Waganer, Annie Venable Nelson (Mrs Leslie) X. Ervay st., Dallas 24413(Z Walker, Clara Wilson (Mrs John C.) 2215 Avenue L, Galveston 20753f/ Waller, Mary Alice (Miss) Fort Worth 29692(i Walthew, Elizabeth Cynthia (Mrs) 24th and Broadway, Galvesto:i 28765^ Ward, Cornelia S. E. (Mrs D. F.) Navasota 28804f Warner, Edith Baldwin (Mrs Harry T.) 1714 Caroline st., Houston 27950d Washing-ton, Jessie Hale Cleveland" (Mrs C.) 614 16th st., Galveston 7629e Welch, Elizabeth McDowell (Mrs Samuel M.) 467 Bryan st., Dallas 113286 Wendelken, Sarah Sisson (Mrs J. M.) 251 Cadiz st., Dallas 34402 West, Decca Lamar (Miss) 624 Dutton st., Waco lOSlSd West, Ella Mary Fishback (Mrs Hamilton A.) 1202 Avenue H, Galveston 35003 West, Marv E. (Mrs John C.) 624 Dutton st., Waco 230316 Westerfield, Robbie Cooke Buckner (Mrs T. L.) 209 Worth st., Dallas 14183t Withers. Leah Barnett Asbury (Mrs John) Sheerman 350056 Whitselle, Kate Hughey (Mrs James E.) Corsicana 31136fir Wingfield, Paith (Miss) Fort Worth 113296 Worthing-ton, Celeste A. Royster (Mrs Thomas P.) Dallas Co. 15315 Yocum, Anne E. (Miss) 471 Gaston ave., Dallas UTAH State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Inez G. H. Wallace, 5 Laurel st., Salt Lake City '< i( 190'^ " " " '" " "• " " " " " CHAPTER (1 organized) a. Spirit of Liberty Chapter — Salt Lake City Organized January Ui, 1897; Members, 3S (Eentiickij, 1) Regent, Mrs Corinne M. Allen Treasurer, Mrs Belle A. Gemmell Vice-Regt., Mrs N. Jeanette K. Chrisholm Registrar, Miss Catherine A. Lowe Secretary, Miss Anna E. Murphy Historian, Mrs Frances A. S. Allen Mejibers Residing in the State 98S0a Allen, Corinne M. (Mrs Clarence E.) 234 S. 10th East st., Salt Lake City 16534a Allen, Frances Adelia Senter (Mrs J. F.) 53 5th East st., Salt Lake City 35618a Allen, Mary Montague Ferry (Mrs) Park City 16508a Bascom, Mary Senter Walker (Mrs F. S.) 435 S. W. Temple St., Salt Lake City 19873 Bentley, Hannah Webster (Mrs Richard) St. George 16507a Bootes, Ada J. Caldwell (Mrs) 19 S. State st., Salt Lake City 34403a Breeden, Anna Mary (Mrs Marshall A.) 817 East, Second South St., Salt Lake City 13241* Brown, Isabel Cameron (Mrs A.) ..201 East S. Temple st., Salt Lake City 30530a Bruback, Jessie McLane (Mrs) 147 East South Temple st.. Salt Lake City 24415a Cannon, Annie Wells (Mrs) corner 3rd East and Sherman ave., Salt Lake City 17312a Chisholm, N. Jeannette (Mrs William W.) 644 East, South Temple, st., Salt Lake City 30533a Day, Sarah McLaughlin A. (Mrs John O.) 2541 Fowler ave., Ogden 19567a Fisher, Margaret Terry (Mrs Robert Wells) 159 East, Second South st., Salt Lake City 16537a Gemmel. Belle Anderson (Mrs) 223 Second East st.. Salt Lake City 30215a Gray, Mary Olive (Miss) 39 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City 16536a Hall, Anna Hood (Mrs Lucius E.) 78 East First North st., Salt Lake City 35619a Hancock, Kate HarAvood (Mrs George R.) 545 East Sixth South St., Salt Lake City t Elizabeth Benton Chapter, Mo. * Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. VEKMO^S^T. 583 35620a Hobbs, Maydelia Alden (Miss) 031 East Seventh South st., Salt Lake City 35621a Jennings, Olive E. (Miss) Hotel Manitou, Salt Lalie City 36020a Jones, Esther Denison (Mrs Edward LeEoj) ..601 S. W. Temple st., Salt Lake City 33133a Keane, Jeannette (Miss) 4GS S. W. Temple st.. Salt Lake City 30531a Kenyon, Lily Bradley (Mrs) 1145 East Sixth South st.. Salt Lake City 25587a Kinkead, Anna Skinner (Mrs John Spottsvs'ood) 201 East Third South st., Salt Lake City 27149a Kinney, Antoinette Brown (Mrs Clesson S.) 820 East Fourth South st.. Salt Lake City 20754 Lewis, Caroline Lee (Mrs Eugene) 929 First st., Salt Lake City 13042a Lowe, Catharine Aurelia (Miss) 308 East First South St.. Salt Lake City 30214a Miller, Minnie Williams (Mrs Lee Charles) 943 East First South st., Salt Lake City 15318a Monroe, Sophronia L. (Miss) ..64 West Second South st., Salt Lake City 35622a Morrison, Fannie Frink Pettit (Mrs S. W.) 625 Third st.. Salt Lake City 30532a Murphy, Anna E. (Miss) 151 Second East st., Salt Lake City 3404a Nye, Elizabeth Hubbell (Mrs Joseph C.) Ogden 18971a Pfoutz, Elizabeth Denison (Mrs John S.) 1136 East First South st.. Salt Lake City 7607a Salisbury, Margaret Blaine (Mrs Orange J.) 574 East First South st., Salt Lake City 32322a Salisbury, Stella Julia (Miss) 574 East First South st.. Salt Lake City 14445a Sells, Harriet W. (Mrs Eli.iah) ..1175 East First South st.. Salt Lake City 30216a Terhune, Florence Briggs" (Miss) 562 S. Main st., Salt Lake City 32323a Tracy, Luella Smith (Mrs Eussel Lord) 1024 First st.. Salt Lake City 16795a Wallace, Inez Cora Belden (Mrs G. Y.) "Popperton Place," Salt Lake City 27952a Wallace, Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs) ..25 Twelfth East st., Salt Lake City 33134a Walker, Margaret J. (Mrs Joseph K., Jr.) 414 S. Main st.. Salt Lake City VERMONT State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Julius J. Estey, Brattleboro " 1902, " (I (( CHAPTERS (16 organized, 3 unorganized) a. Ann Story Chapter — Rutland Organized May 13, 1893; Members, 79 (New Tork, 1) Eegent, Mrs Abel Leavenworth Rec. Sec, Mrs A. B. Engrem Cor. Sec, Mrs Theodore A. Davis Treasurer, Mrs H. Edward Dyer Registrar, Mrs L. G. Kingsley Historian, Mrs Arima D. Smith b. Ascutney Chapter — Windsor Organized April 1, 1897; Members, 26 (California, 1; Indiana, 1; Netv Hampshire, 1; Michigan, 1; loiva, 1) Regent, Mrs Helen E. J. Davis Vice-Regent, Miss Maria L. Spencer Secretary, Mrs Mary C. Hiibbard Treasurer. Mrs Susan E. W. Goodwin Registrar. Mrs Winnie A. Coy Historian, Miss Jessica D. Penniman c. Bellevue Chapter — St. Albans Organized April 2, 1896; Members, 25 (Massachusetts, 1; Illinois, 1; Netc Tork, 1) Regent, Mrs Achsa N. Chittenden Treasurer, Mrs Emma W. Avery Secretary, Miss Anna R. W^alker Registrar, Mrs Elizabeth McD. Locke 584 DIRECTOKT, D. A. E. d. Bennington Chapter — Bennington Organised August 16, 1S93; Members, 53 (District of Columbia, 1; Pennsylvania, 1; Neiv York, 3; Illinois, 1; Neic Jersey, 1) Eegent, Mrs Fannie G. Pratt Treasurer, Miss Jennie A. Valentine Yiee-Eegent, Mrs Frederic Abbott Registrar, Miss Edith M. Dewey Secretarj^ Mrs S. Huling Blackmer Historian, Miss Katherine J. Hubbell Chaplain, Mrs W. B. Selden e. Brattleboro Chapter — Brattleboro Organized October !f, 1S93; Members, 78 (New York, .}; Connecticut, 1; New Hamp- shire, 1; Massachusetts, 8J Eegent, Miss Susan M. Clark Treasurer, Mrs C. F. E. Jenne Vice-Eegent, Mrs F. W. Weeks Eegistrar, ]\Irs H. F. C. Todt Secretary, Mrs G. B. White Historian, Miss Maria L. Stedman f. Bronson Chapter — Arlington Organized August 11, 1892; Members, IS Eegent, Mrs Nellie L. Stone Treasurer,' Miss Frances G. West Vice-Eegent, Mrs James E. Dalglisch Eegistrar, Miss Ida C. Nichols Secretary, Miss Agnes Whipple Historian, Miss W. D. Hawley g. Ethan Allen Chapter — Middlebury Organised December 16, 1896; Members, 35 (Nexc York, 1; New Jersey, 1; Ohio, 2) Eegent, Miss Katherine E. Wright Treasurer, Mrs Henry M. Seely Vice- Eegent, Mrs Charles N. Brainerd Eegistrar, ISIrs Charles B. Wright Secretary, INIiss Harriet W. Mead Historian, !Mrs William W. McGilton h. Fair Haven Members Regent, Mrs Jessie E. Dailey Allen. Appointed January 2, 1901. i. Green Mountain Chapter — Burlington Organised April 28, 1892; Mernbers, -'i5 (New York, 2; District of Columbia, 1; Maine, 1) Eegent, Mrs Frances A. Eichardson Treasurer, Mrs Annie H. Auld Vice-Eegent. Miss Mary Eobert Eegistrar, Mrs Agnes H. Burgess Secretary Miss Jennie A. Wood Historian, Mrs Laura B. Gay Chaplain, Mrs J. Isham Bliss j. Hands Cove Chapter — Shoreham Organized June 11, 1901: Members, 27 Eegent, Mrs Anne Bascom North Treasurer, Mrs Clara B. Delano Vice-Eegent, Mrs Mary M. Piatt Eegistrar, Mrs Charlotte D. Howard Eec. Sec, Mrs Ella H.'Waite Historian, Miss Nellie E. Piatt k. Heber Allen Chapter — Poultney Organised December 19, 1896; Members, 38 (Nexo Jersey, 2; New York, 5; Massa- chusetts, 1; Illinois, 1) Eegent, Mrs Elmira Vail Eoss ' Treasurer, Mrs Jennie N. Cook Vice-Eegent, Mrs Clara B. Piatt Eegistrar, ^^Irs Ella B. Nathaniel Secretary, Mrs Lida L. Eipley Historian, Mrs Frances A. H. Eice 1. Lake Dunmore Chapter — Brandon Organised January 2, 1896; Members, 19 (Pennsylvania, 1) Eegent, Mrs E. J. Ormsbee Secretary, IMrs IVIinnie J. Fletcher Vice-Eegent, Miss J. A. C. Jackson Treasurer, Miss P. E. Seger Eegistrar, Miss Marion E. Seger veemo:nt. 585 m. Marquis de Lafayette Chapter — Montpelier Organized October 11, IH'JS; Members, .'/S llegent, Mrs Mary E. More Treasurer, Mrs Mai-y B. Peck ISecrc'tary, Mrs Augusta C. De Boer Eegistrar, Mrs Miuuie V. Adams Historian, Mrs Ellen P. Simlie n. Ormsbee Chapter — Manchester Organized April 2, 1896; Members, 11 (Xew York, 1) Kegent, Mrs Mary L. Botsford Treasurer, Mrs Janet P. Black Vice-Eegent, Mrs Helen M. Snyder Eegistrar, Mrs Jennie Hilliard Secretarj^, Mrs Mary U. Eobbins Historian, Mrs Olive Beach Chaplain, Miss Susan Bucklin o. Ottauquechee Chapter — Woodstock Organized January 27, 1S9S; Members, 25 Regent, Mrs Ada F. Gillingham Treasurer, Mrs Georgiana T. Gushing Vice-Regent, Miss Grace G. Marble Registrar, Mrs M. G. F. Howes Secretary, Miss Alice L. Eaton Historian, Miss JMadeline Smith p. Oxbow Chapter — Newbury Organized February 1, 1891 ; Members, 25 (Massachusetts, 1; New Hampshire, 2; New York, 1) Regent, Mrs Louise F. Wheeler Treasurer, Mrs Carrie K. Hale Vice-Regent, Mrs Ella H. Atkinson Registrar, Mrs Lucia D. Darling Secretary, Mrs Emma C. Kimball Historian, Mrs Mary M. Merrill q. Peru Mem bcrs Regent, Mrs. Abby Davis Batchelder. Appointed November 1, 1899 r. St. John de Grevecoeur Chapter — St. Johnsbury Organized Jiine 11, 1891; Members, 15 Regent, Mrs Perley F. Hazen Treasurer, Mrs Robert Mackinnon Secretary, Mrs Charles H. Stevens Registrar. Mrs John W. Titcomb Historian, Mrs Elisha May s. Vergennes Members Regent, Mrs Lucy Churchill Cutting Hinds. Appointed February 28, 1899. Re- pointed April 3, 1901 Members Residing in the State 3440S(? Abbott, Eliza Squire (Miss) Bennington BSood Abbott, Laura Tirzah (Mrs Frederick) Bennington 5915m Adams, Minnie J. Vinton (Mrs Frank A.) 128 State St., Montpelier 25595fZ Alger, Edith Goodyear (Mrs John Lincoln) Johnson 23040»i- Allen, Elizabeth Sprague Billings (Mrs George ^V.) Woodstock 271531 Allen, Florence Lyman (Miss) 142 University Place, Burlington 28807 Allen, Jessie E. Dailey (Mrs Charles R.) Fairhaven 1416i Arthur, Harriet Fowler Hall (Mrs John A.) North ave., Burlington 1415i Arthur, Mar Ellen (Miss) North ave., Burlington 17323/9 Atkinson, Ella Hibbard (Mrs William Hazen) Newbury 17328p Atkinson, Frances M. (Miss) Newbury 25599/) Atwood, Louisa B. (Mrs William) Newbury 26327-! Auld, Annie Howe (Mrs Joseph) 424 S. Union st., Burlington 17681 A- Austin, Stella Baker (Miss) College St., Poultney 586 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 21355c Avery, Emma Wait (Mrs W. H. H.) St. Albans 21815 Babbitt, Mary French Abbott (Mrs James Howard) ...West Brattleboro 27960c Bailey, Eleanor Mary (Miss) St. Albans 12458c Baldwin, Harriet H. (Mrs Francis Wayland) St. Albans 7640a Baldwin, Mary Hatch (Mrs W. H.) 23 Washington st., Eiitland 24416a Ballon, Ella M. (Miss) 35 Sumner St., Eutland 2161WI Bancroft, Harriet Emily (Mrs) Liberty St., Montpelier 331356 Barber, Ella Stevens (Mrs George F.) Brattleboro 14454i Barker, Margaret Griswold (Mrs Julius Graves) ....Leicester Junction 24424(7 Barnes, Sara Frances (Miss) St. Albans 10268a Barrett, Ellen C. (Miss) 15 Washington st., Eutland 8069fc Barrett, Mary Warner (Mrs F. B.) Poultney 7637?n Barrows, Nellie P. (Miss) 102 Elm st., Montpelier 36547; Bascom, Ellen Griswold (Mrs Cassius C.) Orwell 36546; Bascom, Harriet Hemenway (Mrs Henry D.) Orwell 36537; Bascom, Laura Atwood (Miss) Eichville 29695 Batchelder, Abby Davis (Mrs Charles) Peru 26326OT Batchelder, Mabel H. Guernsey (Mrs) Main st., Montpelier 33460* Batchelder, Anna Louisa (Miss) Wallingford 12198 Batchelder, Julia Newton (Mrs Charles N.) Wallingford 33585(Z Bates, Estella Eldred (Mrs E. L.) Bennington 1695t Bates, Harriet C. (Mrs) Woodstock 1411i Baxter, Frances Ashley (Miss) 47 Adams st.. Burlington 23894a Baxter, Sarah Folger Coffin (Mrs John N.) 33 Cottage st., EiUland 3658e Bemis, Frances A. C. (Mrs Orlando) High st., Brattleboro 17859A; Bessey, Alice Jessica (Mrs George H.) Poiiltney 16515A; Bessey, Laura C. (Mrs W. Albert) Poultney 153306 Bigelow, Mary A. (Mrs William Howard) Brattleboro 319096 Bingham, Dora Allen (Mrs Charles F.) Oak st., Brattleboro 31908 Bingham, Fannie Theresa Loring (Mrs Henry Stephen) Bennington 35625sr Bingham, Jessica Duncan (Mrs Arthur Walker) West Cornwall 15966(7 Bingham, Pauline E. Walker (Mrs Eugene Webb) West Cornwall 17336A- Bixby, Caroline Wilcox (Mrs Edwin M.) Poultney 15955d Blackmer, Fanny Abbott (Mrs Samuel Huling) Bennington Centre 2801» Blackmer, Janet P. (Mrs John C.) Manchester Depot 1410i Bliss, Ann E. (Mrs J. Tsham) 404 Pearl st., Burlington 1166i Bliss, Ivatherine L. Shattuck (Mrs George Y.) 44 Pine st., Burlington 15957fc Bliss, Priscilla Babcock (Mrs George L.) PouUney 38226 Bond, Marie L. Knight (Mrs Henry E.) 25 S. Main st., Brattleboro 36536; Booth, Mary Loraine Eich (Mrs Henry Harry) Eichville 12850c Borden-Smith, Annie E. (Mrs Samuel) .. .Holy Trinity Eectory, Swanton 8635i Bosworth, Grace Mabel (Miss) Bristol 8634i Bosworth, M. Helen (Miss) Bristol 10265» Botsford, Mary Louise, (Mrs Albert A.) Manchester Centre 1839a Bottum, Nancy Hyde (Mrs George Koswell) 90 Grove st., Eutland 319106 Bowen, Louise Perrigo (Mrs Edwin Stratton) Brattleboro 13043?i Bowen, Sarah Williams (Mrs Andrew) Manchester Centre 1879 Boynton, Ann Brownson (Mrs Amos B.) Manchester 33136ft Boynton, Sybil Verena (Miss) Woodstock 34410d Bradford, Minnie Lawrence (Mrs Edward W.) Bennington 15342d Bradford, Harriet Armstrong (Mrs Franklin B.) Bennington 4767n Bradley, Jennie (Miss) Manchester 22444/7 Brainerd, Emily Sanford (Mrs Charles Nelson) Middlebury 201177- Braley, Edith Eoss (Mrs Charles G.) St. Johnsbury 7638HI Briggs, Emelia F. (Mrs William A.) 7 Sumner st., Montpelier 35020TO Brock, Sarah Carpenter (Mrs James W.) Montpelier 36541; Brookins, Emma E. (Miss) East Shoreham 3654 Brown, Helen Tyler (Miss) Tyler st., Brattleboro 1891f Buck, Esther Ann Littlefield (Mrs Edward D.) West Arlington 8885?^ Bucklin, Susan (Miss) Manchester Centre 1869f Burdett, Cornelia C. (Mrs Jesse) Arlington 19912§ Burdick, Mary Brown Wells (Mrs Job Green) Chester 13811? Burgess, Agnes A. (Mrs Frederick E.) 227 S. Willard St., Burlington • Jane McCrea Chapter, N. Y. t Minneapolis Chapter, Minn. § Samuel Ashley Chapter, N. H. VEEMONT. 5ST 784 Butterfield, Maria Frost (Mrs F. G.) Derbj^ Line 19569/. Buttles, Mandana llussell (Mrs Stephen) Brandon 20114/;; Buxton, Antha Clife (Mrs John Emery) Poultney 182016 Cabot, Jessica White (Mrs Frank Leslie) Windsor 25910« Cadj^ Nellie Trowbridge (Mrs William Porter) 69 Church st., Rutland 10264(7 Callender, Ada B. (Miss) Middlebury 7641rt Cardelle, Frances M. (Mrs Charles E.) 85 Park st., Rutland 3662/u Carleton, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Hiram) State St., Montpelier 11813Hi- Cate, Eva J. Bancroft (Mrs H. W.) 72 East State st., Montpelier 31690- Caverly, Mabel Tuttle (Mrs C. S.) 9 Court st., Rutland 10267(1 Chaffee, Mabel Rose Gibson (Mrs Newman K.) 162 S. Main st., Rutland 13044c Chamberlain, Bessie Livingston Brainerd (Mrs M.) St. Albans 18980p Chamberlain, Elizabeth Bayley (Mrs Ezra Bartlett) Newbury 17333p Chamberlain, Hannah Corliss (Mrs Preston S.) Bradford 17329p Chamberlain, Helen Frances (Mrs Remembrance W.) Newbury 17327;; Chamberlain, Laura H. (Miss) S. Newbury 34409d Chandler, Mary A. (Miss) Bennington 319140 Chapman, Sarah Blanchard (Mrs Cyrus) Bethel 24418a Chatterton, Bertha Morgan (Mrs Harley M.) Evergreen ave., Rutland 22443(1 Childs, Clara M. Sherman (Mrs) Bennington 11809c Childs, Juliette Neilson (Miss) Saint Albans 3819c Chittenden, Achsa Adaline North (Mrs Edward A.) St. Albans 27414c Church, Emma Johnson (Mrs Daniel T.) 35 Ferris st., St. Albans 36544; Clark, Emeline E. Boltum (Mrs Daniel Wyman) Orwell 292991 Clark, Helen May (Miss) Middlebury 331376/ Clark, Mattie Herrick (Mrs George W.) Bennington 16512k Clark, Sarah Adelaide Campbell (Mrs Jonas) Poultney 20757e Clark, Susan Eliza (Miss) West Brattleboro 6657e Clarke, Lemira Dean (Mrs Isaac Lewis) Grafton 190Sfl- Clement, Elizabeth Wood (Mrs Charles) Center Rutland 1968rt Clement, Maria Hinman Goodwin (Mrs Pervical Wood) Center Rutland 7631/ Clement, Mary L. Kimball (Mrs Job L.) Brandon 1816(1 Clement, Sarah Salome (Mrs W. C.) 23 Washington st., Rutland 21820fir Clift, Louise Edgerton (Mrs Edwin Buxton) Fairhaven 2751/ Cobb, Annie Gray (Mrs M. L.) Linden ave., Brattleboro 36552; Collins, Elizabeth Douglas (Mrs Charles Davis) Shoreham 16518OT Conant, Mary Ellen Jones (Mrs) Bradford 214:2(1 Cone, Helen Frances Hawks (Mrs Clement H.) Bennington 10266n Connor, Gertrude Eliza (Miss) Manchester Depot 6968»- Connor, Mary L. (Mrs Alfred B.) Manchester Depot 1501i Converse, Helen C. (Miss) .• 272 Church st., Burlington 1580i Converse, Julia A. (Miss) 272 Church st., Burlington- 31906(1 Cooley, Winnifred Harper (Mrs George E) 40 Washington st., Rutland 35018« Cooli(ige, Rose Smith (Mrs Ashbel Gould) 49 Ivingsley ave., Rutland 21105* Cowles, Carrie Imogene Foster (Mrs) Barton 29694/j Coy, Minnie Amsden (Mrs Dana N.) Windsor 335876 Cramer, Lucy Ellsworth Cowles (Mrs Francis C. F.) Claremont 17330/; Credeford, Ella Mabel Bixby (Mrs) Wells River 3659/ Crosby, Mattie B. (Mrs Charles R.) High st., Brattleboro 3663?tt Cross, Carrie Lamb (Miss) 39 School st., Montpelier 1707/ Cross, Edna Marcia (Mrs Henry Clark) Brandon 28S08r Cross, Ellen M. (Mrs George) St. Johnsbury 7639m Cummins, Mary F. (Mrs Albert O.) 54 College st., Montpelier 24419(1 Curtis, Lena A. (Miss) 28 Grove st., Rutland 23041O Gushing, Georgiana Tower (Mrs Nathan) W^oodstock 3834(Z Cushman, Eliza Davis Hall (Mrs Henry T.) North Bennington 230420 Dana, Harriett Percy Grosvenor (Mrs Joseph Loomis) Woodstock 66566 Daniels, Lucy J. C. (Miss) Grafton 31907fZ Darling, Agnes Christmas Norton (Mrs Charles Hial) Bennington 25600/) Darling, Lucia J. Doe (Mrs Charles Francis) Newbury 29696/ Davenport, Annie Potter Laughton (Mrs Charles H.) Brattleboro 18207/= Davis, Edna Lucia Fletcher (Mrs R. H.) Ludlow 230430 Davis, Eva Smith (Mrs Harry E.) Woodstock 29318a. Davis, Gertrude Smith (Mrs Theodore Allbyn) 73 Main st., Rutland t Narragansett Chapter, R. I. Samiiel Ashley Chapter, N. H. 588 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E. 15323& Davis, Helen Elizabeth Jones (Mrs George F.) Windsor 18982W Dfeavitt, Carrie Ellen Harrington (Mrs T. J.) 11 Baldwin st., Montpelier 15339W Deavitt, Carrie Esther (Miss) 11 Baldwin st., Montpelier 3022(>/;^ De Boer, Augusta Charles Featherlj- (Mrs Joseph A.) 9 Baldwin St.. Montpelier 36540; Delano, Clara L. (Mrs Warner T.) East Shoreham 15340OT Deming, Carrie (Mrs Charles H.) State st., Montpelier 33591fc Derby, Lida M. (Mrs Horace Eice) Poultney 36553; Douglas, Marcia Ann (Miss) Shoreham 6614TO Dewey, Betsey Tarbox (Mrs Charles) 135 State st., Montpelier 3824(i Dewey, Edith (Miss) ....220 Main st., Bennington 27962(Z Dewey, Emma Bradford (Mrs Charles Henry) Bennington 8884H' Dewey, Junia Burnham (Mrs Clarence Willis) Manchester Centre 25597fc Dewey, Lottie May (Miss) East Poultney 302196 Dowley, Ada E. (Mrs George S.) Brattleboro 16517»t Dunton, Elizabeth C. (Mrs Warren E.) Dorset 3171a Dunton, Miriam Barrett (Mrs Walter H.) 15 Washington st., Eutland 24994A; Durfee, Annie Eosetta Mott (Mrs Herbert Augustus) Burlington 2968a Dyer, Abigail Jane (Mrs Horace H.) Dyer Place, Eutland 50S3a Dyer, Lillian Geoffrey Hasler (Mrs Horace Edward) Glen 230440 Eaton, Alice Lovell (Miss) Woodstock 15965f; Eaton, Mary Myers Wright (Mrs William Wells) Middlebury 23036fif Eddy, Louise Seely (Mrs M. H.) 6 Weybridge st., Middlebury 17858fir Edgerton, Lucy Seymour (Mrs) Middlebury 22439a Edson, Julia Wood (Mrs Melzar) 51 Williams st., Eutland 36528a Egelston, Bertha O. (Mrs Lewellyn J.) 38 Bellevue ave., Eutland 10825d Elmendorf, Agnes (Miss) ..Bellows Falls 5609a Engrem, Jessie A. Warner (Mrs Andrus B.) 148 N. Main st., Eutland 153266 Estabrook, Sarah Abigail Tiffany (Mrs John Welsey) Pittsford 27506 Estey, Florence Gray (Mrs Julius J.) Florence Terrace, Brattleboro 4354a Everts, Frances Porter (Mrs Martin G.) Brock House, Eutland 11812a Ewing, Stella Dyer (Miss) West Clarendon 17324p Fabyan, Martha Chamberlain (Mrs George C.) Newbury 230460 Fairbanks, Ellen Augusta (Miss) Woodstock 7632? Farrington, Ella Eeynolds (Mrs Frederick H.) Brandon 1S202P Felton, Caroline H. Lang (Mrs) Newbury 30534a Fenn, Etta Churchill (Mrs Frederick) 102 Church st., Eutland 29319a Field, Georgetta Allen (Mrs Wilbur) Burlington 1420i Fisk, Elizabeth H. (Mrs Nelson W.) Fisk 28294e Flagg, Lizzie Achsah Barber (Mrs Joel, Jr.) Guilford 23039? Fletcher, Minnie J. (Mrs W. C.) .- Brandon 25618* Flint, Katherine Ellen McGeoch (Mrs John Wyman) Bellows Falls 31142™ Foster, Persis Olivia Kingsbury (Mrs) Derby Line 25588a Francisco, Anna Estelle Tytler (Mrs I. H.) 39 Washington st., Eutland 29320a Francisco, Julia E. (Mrs Ashley D.) 99 Center st., Eutland 3023a Francisco, Margaret Holmes (Mrs M. J.) 39 Washington st., Eutland 17863fc Frasier, Jennie Clark (Mrs W. A.) Eutland 31916r Frost, Anna Spencer (Mrs George H.) St. Johnsbury 32324a Fullam, Carrie Kendall (Mrs Ernest L.) Ludlow 17056 Fuller, Abby Estey (Mrs Levi K.) Pine Heights, Brattleboro 21354& Gage, Olivia Arnold Hitchcock (Mrs Newton) Ascutneyville 31141m Gale, Ellen A. Woodbury (Mrs) Barre st., Montpelier 3412i Gaj', Laura Baker (Mrs Frederick) 194 S. Prospect st., Burlington 173160 Gillingham, Ada Elizabeth Fairbanks (Mrs Frank Henry) Woodstock 17320/??, Gleason, Ann Louise (Mrs Louis P.) Spring st., Montpelier 17321m Gleason, Mary Parker (Mrs Herbert C.) Loomis st., Montpelier 3967(i Godfrey, Euth Barney (Mrs Samuel Leonard) " Bennington 271581 Gonva, Ina Belle Gate (Mrs Edward E.) Island Pond 25590& Goodwin, Susan Estella Watson (Mrs Fred. Marsh) Hartland lS972fc Gorham, Mary Crittenden (Mrs Henry Grant) Poultney 8281 Goss, Anne e\ (Mrs Story N.) Chelsea 34407(i Graves, Isabelle Eldred (Mrs Frederick O.) Bennington 3969d Graves. Maud Alden (Mrs Louis Agustus) Bennington 18974fc Gray, Sarah A. (Mrs Albert Y.) Middletown Springs Milwaukee Chapter, Wis. t Stevens Point Chapter, Wis. VERMO^'T. 589 19576e Gregg, Eleanor Eutledge (Mrs Lewis Andrew) 4 Oak st., Brattleboro 29321a Griffith, Kate Tiel (Mrs Silas L.) Danby 36548; Griswold, Jessie Moon (Miss) Orwell 26319e Haigh, Delia Cobb (Mrs William T.) 2 Terrace St., Brattleboro 17325p Hale, Carrie Kimball (Mrs James B.) Newbury 263226 Hall, Agnes A. (Mrs Addison B.) Brattleboro 327200 Hapgood, Evie Alice (Miss) Woodstock 1969a Harris, Charlotte Metcalf Sessions (Mrs C. P.) 43 Pleasant st., Kutland 19571/c Harris, Mary Gray (Mrs C. F.) Poultney 10823? Harrison, Alice Mary (Miss) Brandon ' 19o70i Harrison, Helen Parmelee (Mrs William Henry) Chittenden, Pittsford 14455d Harwood, Harriet Biantha (Miss) Bennington 3657e Haskins, Esther M. (Mrs Killridg-e) Terrace st., Brattleboro 36542; Hathorne, Martha Jones (Mrs Farwell H.) Shoreham 15346a Hawkins, Charlotte Liicretia Amsden (Mrs) Reading 31138e Hawley, Laura Taft (Mrs Luther W.) Brattleboro 2967f Hawley, Wilhelmina Douglas (Miss) Manchester 7381f Haynes, Annie Smith (Mrs David Nicholson) Clarendon 1412|| Hayward, Ella Frances (Mrs Charles E.) Pearl st., Burlington 18976/' Hazen, Minnie Baker (Mrs Perley F.) St. Johnsbury 19573r Hazen, Sarah Tilden (Mrs) St. Johnsbury 350150 Heald, Susan (Mrs Warren) Chester 24425f/ Higley, Emma Little (Miss) Middlebury 12459c Hill, Ida Eand (Miss) St. Albans 23578/t Hilliard, Hattie Eead (Mrs John Frank) Dorset 12460)(' Hilliard, Jennie Eead (Mrs Merritt) Manchester Centre 27415 Hindes, Lucy Churchill Cutting (Mrs Jacob G.) Vergennes 28806fc Hitt, Sara J. Crowley (Mrs Galen E.) Poultney 33995a Hodge, Ethel (Miss) 51 West st., Eutland 23033O Hodge, Nellie C. Baker (Mrs Hiram A.) 43 West st., Eutland 41366 Holden, Harriet Wales (Mrs Fred H.) Brattleboro 3656e Holton, Ellen Holt (Mrs Henry D.) Main and Walnut sts., Brattleboro 35021HI Hopkins, Ellen Deane (Mrs Herman Deming) 36 College St., Montpelier 15335fc Hosf ord, Mary Helen (Miss) Poultney 2164W Houghton, Grace Eittenhouse (Mrs James H.) 17 Baldwin st., Montpelier 23581TO Houghton, Julia Morton (Miss) School st., Montpelier 36532; Howard, Charlotte Naomi Douglas (Mrs Charles Willard) Shoreham 36533; Howard, Florence Anjelia (Miss) Shoreham 17360? Howe, Emma Dana (Mrs John) Brandon 36531TO Howe, Jennie Fifield (Mrs S. L.) Montpelier 230470 Howes, Margaret Gray Fairbanks (Mrs Fred Williams) Woodstock 24989?> Hubbard, Mary Chamberlain (Mrs James) Ascutneyville 3825d Hubbell, Katherine J. (Miss) Bennington 24420a Hulett, Grace Georgiana Crowley (Mrs W. D.) 33 N. Main st., Eutland 36023(Z Huling, Florence Simmons (Mrs Clarence Floyd) Bennington 2160OT Huse, Harriet Olivia Woodbury (Mrs Hiram A.) 3 Baldwin st., Montpelier 4134i Jackson, Bertha E. Wells (Mrs) 158 S. Willard st., Burlington 11336? Jackson, Julia Amanda Clifford (Miss) Brandon 36606 Jenne, Ida Sherman (Mrs Clarence F. E.) 14 Oak st., Brattleboro 3826(Z Jenney, Sarah Dewey (Mrs Burt C.) Bennington 34412m Jewell, Sally (Miss) Montpelier 181241 Jocelyn, Mary E. (Mrs) 305 Main st., Burlington 9094p Johnson, Myra L. Burbeck (Mrs Herbert T.) Bradford 1863m Jones, Calista E. (Mrs Charles) Bradford 36545/ Jones, Ella Eebecca Clark (Mrs Miner Horatio) Shoreham 29717 Jones, Mary Bennett (Mrs Louis Ealph) 43 S. Prospect st., Burlington 24427? Jones, Winifred Emogene Cook (Mrs S. W.) Brandon 15320a Kilburn, Charlotte A. (Miss) 26 Main st., Eutland 15321a Kilburn, Grace (Miss) 26 Main st., Eutland 18203P Kimball, Emma Clark (Mrs Frank E.) Newbury 1710i Kimball, Ursula Lazelle (Mrs Elbert B.) 236 N, Prospect st., Burlington 1870« Kingsley, Cornelia Sophie (Mrs Levi Gleason) 73 Pine st., Eutland 1840a Kingsley, Adelaide Keeler (Mrs N. P.) 92 Grove st., Eutland 20755& Kinsman, Susan Ann Gillette (Mrs Charles C.) Wilder Louisa St. Clair Chapter, Mich. 590 DIRECTORY, D. A. E. 20135f7 Kelley, Geneva Wilder (Mrs Ernest L.) W. Salisbury 17332p Keyes, Harriet E. (Miss) Newbury 35016ft Keyes, Lorette Charlotte Hawkins (Mrs Elemer D.) 83 Grove st., Rutland 22440d Keyes, Susan Bannister (Mrs Samuel) Bennington 305376 Knight, Kittie Wales (Mrs. Arthur E.) 46 High st., Brattleboro 2932Se Knight, Mary Esther (Miss) Dummerston 21Q5i Laech, Emily Sowles (Mrs C. S. L.) Swanton 19574r Laird, Gertrude S. Jones (Mrs George Allen) Eovalton 293350 Laird, L. Ella Ryan (Mrs William Herbert) White River Junction 560Se Lamson, Phila Holden (Mrs Caleb B.) 32 Washington st., Brattleboro 29322rt Landon, Mattie Gordon (Mrs Charles H.) 43 Grove st., Rutland' 36538/ Larrabee, Lillian Baker (Mrs Wallace Grover) Shoreham ISlSf Lathrop, Mary Ann (Mrs Eli Brownson) Sunderland 5496« Leavenworth, Lucy W. (Mrs Abel E.) Castleton 22442a Leavenworth, Sarah Theodosia Allen (Mrs Philip Reynolds) Castleton 50S2W Lewis, Sarah Maria (Mrs A. N.) 128 State st., Montpelier 2564i Linsley, Faustina W. (Mrs George C.) 409 Pearl st., Burlington 144500 Locke, Elizabeth McDonald (Mrs William) St. Albans 29327e Love, Georgie Morse (Mrs) S. Newf ane 30221HJ. Lynde, Clara Louise (Mrs J. K.) Williamstown 7633? Lyon, Cornelia J. Seger (Mrs Bradford) Brandon 33996ft McCammon, Grace Landon (Mrs R. L.) 41 Washington st., Rutland 15322 McCuen, Kate H. Allen (Mrs Nicholas J.) Vergennes 36022i McGeary, Emma E. W. (Mrs John W.) 272 S. Union st., Burlington 16510f/ McGilton, Alice King (Mrs William W.) Middlebury 2163«. Mclntyre, Mary A. Phinney (Mrs) 123 N. Main st.. Rutland 32719r Mackinnon, Mary Emeline Newell (Mrs Robert) St. Johnsbury 230480 Marble, Grace Goulding (Miss) Woodstock 25596(Z March, Alice Fowler (Mrs Charles B.) Bennington 189S1& Martin, Mariana Jones Bowen (Mrs Callen E.) Weathersfield, P. 0. As- cutneyville 21356fc Mason, Almira Bannister (Mrs James N.) East Poiiltney 3821r May, Eunice Ann Storrs Arnold (Mrs Elisha) St. Johnsbury 33o92Hi Mayo, Emma Lvnde (Mrs William B.) Northfield 34411(7 Mead, Harriet W. (Miss) Middlebury 17322« Mead, ISIary Sherman (Miss) 36 Washington st., Rutland 15968/7 Means, Laura Haven (Mrs David McGregor) Middlebury 3839rf Merrill, Mary Bingham (Mrs James Edward) Bennington 3829rf Merrill, Mary Dewej^ (Mrs Charles F.) Bennington 18204;) Merrill, Mary L. (Mrs John L.) Newbury 11332e Miller, Delia E. (Miss) West Brattleboro 319150 Miller, Mary J. (Miss) North Hartland 11333(? Mimms, Leonora Huntington (Mrs John II.) St. Albans 296976 Miner, Harriet Wyman (Mrs Sidnej' O.) Brattleboro 230490 Montague, Louise Frances Marble (Mrs Charles Richard) Woodstock 35017a. Moor, Emily Penelope Smith (Mrs Clark R.) 49 Kingsley ave., Rutland 230356 Moore, Fanny Caroline Wilson (ISIrs Carroll A.) Bellows Falls 38554/ Moore, Jane Hammond (Mrs William Walker) Shoreham 36551/ Moore, Ruth E. Rugg (Mrs Charles Franklin) Shoreham S2S2m More, Mary Emma (Mrs Charles Herbert) 139 State st.. Montpelier SSS2H Morris, Ellen Hilliard (Mrs Edward) Dorset 153336 Morse, Allie F. (Miss) Vernon 35022W Morse, Nellie Haselton (Mrs George W.) 25 Main St., Waterbury 2S293C Morton, Hannah Louise Blake (Mrs Henry G.) St. Albans 23037/7 Morton, Jane M. (Miss) West Salisbury 18205m Moulton. Inex Blanchard (Mrs Clarence E.) Clarendon ave., Montpelier 27959a Mound, Lizzie Olena Wardwell (Mrs Thomas) 08 Grove st., Rutland 15969/7 Nash, Martha Caroline Jewett (Mrs William Phelps) Middlebury 17335fc Nathaniel, Ella Bosworth (Mrs William) Poultney 1711wi Newcomb, Amanda Thomas (Mrs Luther) 94 Elm st., Montpelier 76366 Newton, Lillian Clara (Miss) 7 Thomas st., Brattleboro 33993; North, Anne E. Bascom (Mrs Clayton Nelson) Shoreham 36534y North, Elizabeth Clark (Miss) . . . ." Shoreham 3S27(i Norton, Alice Leavenworth Godfrey (Mrs Luman Preston) Bennington 3828d Norton, Annie B. (Mrs Harrison I.) Bennington 230(Z Norton, Elizabeth Dewey Pratt (Mrs Luiuan Si)ooner) Bennington VERMOXT. 591 29332d Norton, Helena Louise (Miss) Bennington 29333(Z iN'orton, Mary Perces (Miss) Bennington 24519* Noyes, Marion Lelia (Miss) 16 Brook st., Brattleboro 29337W Xutt, Emma Grout (Mrs E. C.) State st., Montpelier 1444Si. Ordway, Eosette Hendee (Mrs Charles De F.) 234 Maple st., Burlington 3599? Ormsbee, Frances D. (Mrs E. J.) Brandon 3823(1 Park, Anna C. (Miss) Bennington 3S30d Park, Sophia E. (Miss) Bennington 189780 Parker, Alice E. (Miss) Eoyalton 35623c Parker, Elvira Sarah Kinney (Mrs George ^Yashington) St. Albans 14452« Parker, Julia Euggles (Mrs Wilbur Fisk) Main st., Faii-haven 159G2y Parker, Susan Denton (Miss) Middlebury 27154wi Patterson, Edith Tuttle (Mrs Morris) Fair Haven 4321( Pease, Mary Matilda (Mrs Frederick S.) 468 College st., Burlington 1030i Peck, Agnes Louise Lesslie (Mrs Theodore S.) 275 College st., Burlington 1165/u Peck, Mary Blake (Mrs) Elm st., Montpelier 36021^ Peck, Theodora Agnes (Miss) 275 College st., Burlington 25913A; Pember, Carrie Winchell (Mrs E. E.) Wells 28297& Penniman, Jessie Damon (Miss) Hartland 81S6« Perkins, Emilie C. (Mrs Edward C.) Manchester 16516fc Perry, Loraine Langdon (Miss) Poultney 305386 Pettee, Eugenia M. (Mrs Fred G.) West Brattleboro 2162/)t Phinney, Jennie P. (Miss) 4 Spring st., Montpelier 6S72 Pickells, Mary Hamilton Farlej^ (Mrs) St. Johnsbury 14453rt Pierce, Sarah Euggles (Mrs Henry Harrison) 16 Madison st., Eutland 35023O Pinney, Mary A. (Mrs Benton H.) Woodstock 228e Plantz, Laura M. Wheeler (Mrs) Putney 36550; Piatt, Amber B. Carr (Mrs Fred Elmore) Larrabee's Point 17334fc Piatt, Clara Eugenia Badger (Mrs Frederick S.) Poultney 36539y Piatt, Mary Augusta Mixer (Mrs William Nichols) Shoreham 31684; Piatt, Nellie Eay (Miss) Larrabee's Point lo953b Pollard, Katharine Putnam Ainsworth (Mrs Dallas) Hartland 32325a Pond, Harriet Louise Eoys (Mrs Edmund M.) 29 S. Main st., Eutland 1417i Powell, Georgiana Eeed (Mrs E. Henrj^) . i . .70 Williams st., Burlington 17102t Power, Harriet B. (Miss) P. O. Box 43, Manchester 24421e Pratt, Esther Julia (Mrs Charles S.) Brattleboro 29334d Pratt, Fanny H. Green (Mrs. S. S.) Bennington 33999e Prouty, Sally (Mrs Forsdic) 47 High st., Brattleboro 29329e Putnam, A. Louise (Mrs Edwin H.) ! Brattleboro 3838(Z Putnam, Thetis Bishop (Mrs Elbert) Bennington 18206(Z Eamsdell. Alice E. (Mrs Henry Martj-n) Bennington 27961e Eanlett, Helen Augusta (Miss) 14 Bank st., St. Albans 36530fc Eav, Carrie Louesa Goodsell (Mrs Frederick E.) Orwell 153326 Eeed. Ellen M. (Mrs Marshall I.) Vernon 130450 Eeynolds, Flora Livingston (Mrs Martin Montg-omerj-) St. Albans SlSSfc Eice, Frances Adalaid Hewitt (Mrs Benjamin Guy) Poultney 293230. Eice, Jennie M. (Mrs George L.) 86 N. Main st., Eutland 1657 J Eichardson, Frances A. (Mrs Albert E.) 52 Williams st., Burlington 18200& Eichmond, Ellen Amelia Whitney (Mrs Deane) State st., Windsor 25911/' Eichmond, Emma Jones (Mrs Lemuel) Eandolph 296930 Eichmond, Winifred E. Jones (Miss) Eandolph" 18975fc Eipley, Lida Loomis (Mrs George Harris) Poultney 23580i Elvers, Katharine Fenlon (Mrs) Fort Ethan Allen S185« Bobbins, Mary Utlej- (Mrs Chillion) Manchester 89591 Eoberts, Edith E. Chidsey (Mrs Herbert A.) 8 Walnut st., Brattleboro 1419i' Eoberts, Mary (Miss) 83 Main st., Burlington 2563i- Eoberts, Minnie E. (Mrs Eobert) 232 S. Willard st., Burlington 25908ff Eoberts, Miranda E. Smith (Mrs Leonard H.) 61 Library ave., Eutland 25912i Eoby, Harriette A. (Mrs Eodney) 110 N. Union st., Burlington 24423^; Eogers, xVbigail Allen (Mrs) Middlebury 1414i. Eohrer, Charlotte Haight Arthur (Mrs Karl) ... .North ave., Burlington 31913P Eone, Emma E. Cox (Mrs Harry) 5 Green st., Brattleboro 15341d Eoot, Mary Gale (Mrs Henry G.) Bennington * Fanny Ledyard Chapter, Conn. + Sarah Riggs Humphrey Chapter, Conn. t Hendrick Hudson Chapter, N. Y. 592 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 255916 Eoot, Nellie G. Bond (Mrs Wilfred Franklin) Brattleboro- 8642 Eoss, Adelaide Abbott (Mrs Volney) Brandon 15336/i; Eoss, Elmira Vail (Mrs Elijah) Poultney 30222r Eoss, Helen Daggett (Mrs Jonathan) St. Johnsbury 10822c Eoyee, Christiana Burgess (Mrs Homer C.) .St. Albans 32718c Eoyce, Eleanor C. Lufkin (Mrs Stephen E.) St. Albans 26318a Eound, Minerva Briggs (Mrs Stephen Dexter) Clarendon 14451a Euggles, Clarissa Jane (Miss) 16 Madison st., Eutland 249906 Sargent, Lucy Mack (Mrs Herbert Wells) Brattleboro 6181d Scott, Jessie L. Hurlbut (Mrs Edward H.) Bennington 20759J Seager, Marion Ellen (Miss) Brandon 22445(7 Seely, Sarah Matthews (Mrs Henry M.) Middlebury 7635Z Seger, Pamela Esther (Miss) Brandon 3024a Senton, Clara May Hatch Bardy (Mrs) 54 N. Main st., Eutland 7642a Sheldon, Caroline A. (Mrs John A.) 12 N. Main st., Eutland 12010a Sheldon, Carolyn Pearl (Miss) 12 N. Main st., Rutland 31140d Sheldon, Maria Holley (Mrs W. B.) Bennington 3661e Sherman, Delia M. (Miss) Mountain View, Brattleboro 29331(? Sibley, Harriette L. Morgan (Mrs A. Buel) 127 Union st., Bennington 3841(Z Sibley, Jeannette Henderson (Mrs Simeon W.) Bennington 25593* Simpson, Charlotte Pettee (Mrs F. U.) ..... .Brooks House, Brattleboro 293360 Skinner, Lucy (Miss) Eoyalton 153316 Slate, Genevieve Miller (Miss) Brattleboro 1409i Smalley, Caroline M. B. (Mrs Bradley B.) 47 Adams st., Burlington 8068^ Smart, Sarah J. Chipman (Mrs William S.) Brandon 5086TO Smilie, Ellen Pinneo (Mrs Melville Earl) 122 State st., Montpelier 3818c Smith, Annie B. (Miss) St. Albans 4137c Smith, Anna James (Mrs Edward Curtis) St. Albans 34413TO Smith, Catharine Chapin (Mrs Carl S.) 9 Barre st., Montpelier 173386 Smith, Edith Winkler (Mrs Fred L.) 10 Prospect st., Brattleboro 25589a Smith, Emma Kneeland (Mrs Arima Dyer) Clarendon 15324& Smith, Harriet Patrick Jones (Mrs Columbus) W. Salisbury 263216 Smith, Jennie Crane Stebbins (Mrs I. 0. P.) 22 Canal st., Brattleboro 230510 Smith, Madeline (Miss) Woodstock 282956 Smith, Mary Ellen (Miss) Guilford 28809)t Snyder, Helen Smith (Mrs) Dorset 15327& Sparhawk, Lydia Ann Hendee (Mrs George E.) Burling'ton 263246 Spaulding, Alice Thurber (Mrs Harry W.) 75 Linden st., Brattleboro 230500 Spear, Maude Ainsworth Hadlej' (Mrs Ernest Alton) Woodstock 340006 Spence, Eosamond Vespersia Mann (Mrs Charles Porter) Brattleboro 1706i Stacy, Jennie (Miss) 3 Elmwood ave., Burlington 340016 Stafford, Abbie Mather (Mrs J. Gilbert) Brattleboro 30223r Stafleord, Florence Sinclair (Mrs Wendell Phillips) St. Johnsbury 293306 Starkey, Ella G. (Mrs Edward A.) 5 Oak st., Brattleboro 282966 Stedman, Maria Louise (Miss) W. Brattleboro 7380a Sterl, Elizabeth H. Porter (Mrs O. W.) Brock House, Eutland 15337r Stevens, Isabella Crawford (Mrs Charles H.) St. Johnsbury 15970fif Stewart, Elga (Miss) Middlebury 33994(/ Stewart, Jessica (Miss) Middlebury 218166 Stockwell, Julia Tyler (Mrs Julius L.) W. Brattleboro 1876f Stone, Nellie Lathrop (Mrs Adelbert) East Arlington 1709i Stone, Ettie H. Stannard (Mrs W. L.) 76 N. Winooski ave., Burlington 8187fc Stoddard, Phebe Northrop (Miss) Poultney 3816c Stranahan, Miranda Addis Brainard (Mrs F. Stewart) St. Albans 24429/) Swasey. Leona A. Worthen (Mrs Sherburn L.) Newbury 3840d Swift, Semantha Eobinson (Mrs Edward H.) Bennington 4913i Sykes, Anna Parmelee Wells (Mrs James G.)..61 Summit st.. Burlington 9019i Tesson, Margaret B. (Mrs L. S.) Fort Ethan Allen 8883?i Thayer, Junia Burnam (Mrs Stephen E.) Manchester Center 218176 Thomas, Esther Nettie (Miss) Brattleboro 1534:3d Thomas, Helen J. Eddy (Mrs Dwjght B.) Bennington 153286 Thompson, Emily Miller (Mrs Henry H.) Brattleboro 22446f7 Thorp, Mary Brownell (Mrs Ervin H.) Middlebury 12200a Thrall, Lura Bump (Mrs George C.) 140 N. Main st., Eutland * Ft. Greene Chapter, N. Y. VEHMOXT, 593 72152e Tibbetts, Lorinda Rachel (Mrs William H.) Putney 15325b Tiffany, Eliza Maria Hendee (Mrs Amos D.) Pittsford 33590(/ Tilden, Emelyn Wells (Miss) Middlebury 16509f/ Tilden, iSIary L. (Mrs) Middlebury 20116/- Titcomb, Martha Pvoss (Mrs John W.) St. Johnsbury 5607e Todt, Gertrude Eobbins (Mrs Henry F. C.) 2 Terrace st., Brattleboro 3G549; Townsend, Belle Hanks (Mrs Edwin Frost) Shoreham 27155?» Tuttle, Emily Adelia (Mrs Albert) Montpelier 16514fc Tuttle, Mary Malona (Miss) Poultney 29324a Tuttle, Eachel Mann (Mrs Egbert Clayton) 2 Nickwackett st., Rutland 1413i Turk, Emeroy (Mrs Bennett) 368 College st., Burlington 19568r/ Twitchell, Alice 1. (Miss) Middlebury- 13046e Udall, Elizabeth C. (Miss) Brfittlebor» 10258? Vail, Carrie T). Capron (Mrs Aaron) BrandoiT 3831(/ Valentine, Alma Park (Mrs Alonzo B.) Bennington 3832rf Valentine, Jennie A. (Miss) Bennington 173377i Varney, Mary Stevens (Mrs Addison H.) Poultney 230530 Vaughan, Mary Phelps Marble (Mrs Rush) Woodstock 1708/ Vilas, Ellen Hamblin (ISIrs Lucius N.) 446 Pearl st., Burlington 24993f/ Wainwright, Sarah Bell (Mrs Rufus) Middlebury 36543; Waite, Ella Hathorne (Mrs P. Willis) Shoreham 33992*7 Wales. Frances F. (Mrs Benjamin F.) Middlebury 25594c Walker, Anna R. (Miss) ; St. Albans 17319HJ Walker, Mary Ball Carleton (Mrs Harris H.) Burlington 11811« Walker, Minnie Lydia (Miss) Clarendon 25601;j Wallace, Grace Bayley (Miss) Newbury 17331p Wallace, Mary Bayley (Mrs Charles Clark) Newbury 25602Hi Ward. Clara I3enedict (Mrs Charles Frederic) Montpelier 283120- Wardwell, Etta Severance (Mrs Edw'ard Francis) Woodstock 350240 Washburn. May Lillian (Miss) Woodstock 34406rt Webb, Annie L. (Miss) N. Clarendon 41356 Weeks, Alice G. (Mrs Frank W.) Brattleboro 10824(/ Weeks, Hattie J. D. (Mrs John E.) Middlebury 18977r Weeks, Ida Ballon (Mrs Clinton B.) St. Johnsbury 249916 Wellman, Addie K. (Mrs Henry V.) Brattleboro 4133i Wells, Arahanna Richardson (Mrs William) 158 S. Willard st., Burlington 4912i. Wells, EflRe Elizabeth Parmelee (Mrs Edward) 61 vSummit st., Burlington 11334/ Wells, Mary E. (Mrs Henry) 378 Main st., Burlington 1882/ West, Frances Genevieve (Miss) Arlington 319126 Weston, Gertrude Fannie (Miss) 25 Westminster Terrace, Bellows Falls 17315rt Wheeler, Julia Sheldon (Mrs Marcellus Edgar).. 55 Pleasant st, Rutland 1614/> Wheeler, Louisa Fuller Johnson P. (Airs) Newbury 24678* Whipple, Ethel lone (Miss) North Pownal 27156W White, Maria D. (Miss) Main st., Montpelier 113316 White, Nellie A. Perry (Mrs George B.) 31 Western ave.. Biattlt-boro 138106 Whitney, Julia Spring Brooks (Mrs Edwin Davis) P.rattleborn 339980 Whittier, Alice Landon (Mrs Harry B.) 30 West st., Rutland 36529(7 Wigging, Louise Catherine (Mrs Pierce L.) Middlebury 15971*7 Wilcox, Emma N. (Miss) Middlebury 224416 Williams, Emily Frances Cole (Mrs Nathan Gallup) Brattleboro 32506J Wood, Abigail Harris (Mrs Lorenzo F.) Chester 29326rt Wood, Florence May (Miss) 50 Kendall ave., Rutland 3820/ Wood, Jennie Amelia (Miss) 14 Hickok Place, Burlington 29325a Wood, Leonie Houston (Mrs Edgar H.) 50 Kendall ave., Rutland 35624d Wood, Mary Dewey Pratt (Mrs George A.).... 119 Union st., Bennington 335896 Wood, Sarah Jane' (Miss) 60 S. Main st., Brattleboro 7378/ Woodburj', Paulina L. Darling (Mrs Urban A.) 416 Pearl st., Burlington 19575r Woodruff', Caroline Salome (Miss) St. Johnsbury 271506 Woolson, Lulu May Fenno (Mrs Charles Amasa) Springfield 3411a Wooster, Ava S. (Mrs Orlando) 18 Church st.. Rutland 15963(7 Wright, Clara A. (Mrs Charles B.) Middlebury 15964fif Wright, Katherine E. (Miss) Middlebury 218186 Wright, Norma (Mrs George E.) Burlington 23053O Wright, Ruth Elizabeth Montague (Mrs Ernest Kimball) Woodstock 11808H Wyman, Mary Louise (Miss) Manchester Centre Fort Massachusetts Chapter, Mass. Old South Chapter, Mass. 59-1 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. VIRGINIA State Regent, 1901, Mrs. Hugh Nelson Page, 212 Granbv st., Norfolk " " 1902, " CHAPTERS (15 organized, 1 unorganized) a. Albermarle Chapter — Cliarlottesville Organized February 19, 1892; Members, 30 (District of Columbia, 2; Pennsylvania, 1; South Carolina, 1) Eegent, Mrs T. B. Lyons Cor. Sec, Miss Anna S. Tuttle, Yice-Eegent, Mrs George W. Olivier Treasurer, Mrs J. T. Brown Eec. Sec, Mrs J. E. Early Registrar, Miss M. N. Page Historian, Miss Georgella Digges b. Betty Washington Lewis Chapter — Fredericksburg Organized February 10, 1900; Members, 13 Eegent, Mrs J. T. Goolrick Treastirer, Mrs V. S. F. Doggett Yice-Eegent, Mrs H. M. D. Martin Eegistrar, Mrs B. W. C. Chancellor Secretary, Miss Sallie N. Gravatt Historian, Mrs V. Fleming c. Beverly Manor Chapter — Staunton Organized September 22, 1893; Members, 26 Eegent, Mrs Franklin M. Hanger Cor. Sec, Mrs Charles Currj^ Yice-Eegent, Mrs George F. Wilson Treasurer, Mrs William F. Summerson Eec. Sec, Miss Kate E. Eichelberger Eegistrar, Mrs E. Lacy Gibson Historian, Miss Maria P. Duval d. Blue Ridge Chapter — Lynchburg Organized October, 1894; Members, 33 (Tennessee, 1) Eegent, Miss Euth H. Early Treasurer, Mrs T). P. Halsey Yice-Eegent, Miss Ella H. Miller Eegistrar, Mrs John S. Glass Secretary, Mrs J. L. Lewis Historian, Mrs E. C. Hamner e. Dorothea Henry Chapter — Danville Organized March, 1894; Members, 93 Eegent, Mrs James G. Penn Treasurer, Mrs E. W^. Peatross Mce-Eegent, Mrs George S. Hughes Eegistrar, Mrs Stanley W. Martin Secretary-, Mrs J. P. Williamson Historian, Mrs Walter Paxton f. Fort Nelson Chapter — Portsmouth Organized May 7, 1896; Members, 21 Eegent, Mrs Charles E. iVash Cor. Sec, INIiss Esther M. Wilson Yice-Eegent, Mrs T. H. Wright Treasurer, Mrs Alexander B. Butt Eec Sec, Miss Lucj' M. Wright. Eegistrar, IMrs James F. Maupin historian, Mrs Charles T. Parrish g. Frances Bland Randolph Chapter— Petersburg Organized Fihruary 6, 1901; Members, 31 Eegent, Mrs Alice M. Finch Cor. Sec, Miss Mary D. Bunting Yice-Eegent, Mrs S. J. A. C. Mcllwaine Treasurer, Mrs S. Temple Eec. Sec, Mrs Bessie S. Drewry Eegistrar, Mrs Lillie G. Grigg VIRGINIA. 595 h. Great Bridge Chapter — Norfolk Organized February 21, 189^; Memhers, 52 (New York, 1; Colorado, 1) Eegent, Mrs James Riddle Cor. Sec, Miss A. Serpell Vice-Regent, Mrs Barton Myers Treasurer, Mrs L. W. Tazewell Rec. Sec., Miss Mary Nash Registrar, Mrs P. E. Yeatman Historian, Mrs Walter H. Doyle i. Hampton Chapter — Hampton Organized Fehruary 15, 1900; Memhers, 15 (Foreign, 1) Regent, Miss Frances Weidner Treasurer, Mrs K. H. Flecker Secretary, Mrs J. A. Hewins Registrar, Mrs F. T. Bodell Historian, Mrs S. H. Sayre j. Margaret Lynn Lewis Chapter — Boanoke Organized June 7, 1S94; Members, 21 (New York, 1) Regent, Mrs S. W. Jamison Treasurer, Mrs Millard A. Bragg Vice-Regent, Mrs Thomas Lewis Registrar, Miss Fauline Massie Secretary', Mrs J. R. Schick Historian, Mrs John F. West k. Massanutton Chapter — Harrisonburg Organized January 25, 1897; Members, 10 Regent, Mrs J. P. Paul Treasurer, Mrs Edward C. Martz Secretary, Mrs A. E. Heneberger Registrar, Miss M. L. Conrad 1. Montpelier Chapter — Orange Organized January 27, 1898j Members, 17 Regent, Mrs Anne W. Harper Cor. Sec, Mrs Annie B. Reveley Vice-Regent, Mrs Agnes M. Maupin Treasurer, Miss Eugenia Hubbard Rec. Sec, Miss Sallie I. Williams Registrar, Mrs V. R. Shackelford Historian, Miss Mary Holladay m.. Mount Vernon Chapter — Alexandria Orqanized May 13, 1893; Members, 52 (District of Columbia, 13; West Virginia, 1; ^:outh Carolina, 1; Maryland, 3; Wyoming, 1; New York, 1; Pennsylvania, 1) Regent. Mrs E. S. W. Hunter Cor. Sec, Mrs F. P. S. Monroe Vice-Regent, Miss Nannie B. Norton Treasurer, Miss C. M. Wise Kec Sec, Mrs Mary M. Lead beater Registrar, Mrs H. F. N. Brockett Historian, XI. Old Dominion Chapter — Richmond Organized January 25, 1892; Members, 102 Reii-ent, Mrs Dabney Crenshaw Cor. Sec, Miss Madge Freedley Ist^Vice-Regt., Miss R. Z. Allen Treasurer, Miss M. P. Florance 2nd Vice-Regt., Mrs Stephen Putney Registrar, Mrs Ben. Purcell Rec. Sec, Miss Eleanor Tree Historian, Mrs W. G. Stannard o. Stuart Chapter — Wytheville Organized February 16, 1896; Members, IS Regent, Mrs Susie S. Campbell Treasurer, Mrs Willie W. Caldwell Secretary, Miss Willie Withers Registrar, Miss Florence Blair Historian, Mrs Ellen B. Stuart p. Winchester Members Regent, Miss Cornelia Billings Shepard. Appointed November 1, 1899 596 DIRECTOKY, D. A. E. 2Mln 2645;t 12014e S702n 30542i 26584/t 35029f/ 31161; 27165W 24997e 288141 3001t 11339/1 1776/1 21357e 8S88/t 24864? 35629(7 24439/ 1777n 23588/i 25003/1 18280. 288151 288161 6318e 4855c 18991?/ 13826f 26564 31921/ 35630fir 12013e 6526n 311510 138367/ 6327P 28818/ 9900(Z 35031(7 28811a 323277/ 2599// 36027?/ 201197/ 15355e 28817/ 21824P 2644?/ 35030(7 18990/ 1780?/ 4857; 2778// 3252/?/ 29338rt. Members Eesiding in the State Adam, (Mrs Richard) 3605 East Broad st., Richmond Adkins, Lou (Miss) " ihe l^ra.iKiiu," Richmond Agnew, Mary V. (Miss) 500 Duke st., Alexandria j Alexander, Kell^' France (Mrs James M.) Danville Allen, Roberta Zimmerman (Miss) 102 Grace st., E. Richmond Allison, Mamj^e Carolina (Miss) RoanoKB Allyn, Elizabeth (Miss) 128 Bute st., Norfolk ^ xVnderson, Jessie Hoye Good\\yn (Airs li. B.) 57 Bolingbroke st., Pe- tersburg Andrews, Mary Gambill (Mrs William Kossuth) 812 3rd ave., Roanoke Ansley, Harriet Fuller (Mrs Harrie Craig) ... .813 Prince St., Alexandria Apperson, Moselle Dibbrell (Miss) Danville Armstrong, Mary Frances (Mrs) Hampton ' Arsheton, Juliet Nelson Wheelwright (^Irs) ....Rock Spring, Warrenton Atkinson, Lucy Clair (Miss) 811 East Grace st., Richmond Axtell, Ellen May Cantrell (Mrs Decatur) ...."The Jefferson," Richmond Ayres, Mary Clifton (Miss) ' Danville Baker, Blanche (Miss) : 60 Boush St.. Norfolk Baker, Cassie Moncure Lj'ne (Mrs Clairborne) Richmond Baker, Maria Fleming (Mrs M. F.) 236 Hinton st., Petersburg Barger, Daisy Caldwell (Mrs David N.) Roanoke Barksdale, Emily Woodson (Mrs) 103 E. Main st., Richmond Barksdale, Mary Dean Cannon (Mrs F. D.) ..314 W. Grace st., Richmond Barney, Louise J. (Mrs Edward Everett) Meadowville Barringer. Nannie tiannah (Mrs P. B.) University Station. Charlottesville Baulch, Mary H. Seymour (Mrs William) Fortress Monroe Baulch, Mary Seymour (Miss) Fortress Monroe Beadles, Annie Boisseau (Mrs Edward P.) Danville Bell, Emma Lyle Frazier (Mrs Richard P.) 306 W. Frederick st., Staunton Bennett, Mary C. P. (Mrs) 1041/2 W. Grace St., Richmond Bethell, Fannie Maude (Miss) Danville Betts, Lorena Hill (Mrs Basil Henry) care Miss Pitzer, Franklin and 2nd sts., Richmond Bickf ord, Caroline M. (Mrs) Hampton Binford, Mary G. (Mrs J. A.) 236 Hinton st., Petersburg Blair, Annie Penn (Mrs Richard White) Danville Blair, Bertha Small (Mrs Andrew B.) 224 S. 3rd st., Richmond Blair, Florence Bell (Miss) Wjethville Bland, Alice Nash (Miss) 132 Bute st.,' Norfolk Boatwright, Rena Walker (Mrs William P.) Danville Bodell, Pinkney Thomas (Mrs William J.) Fortress Monroe Bohmer, Addie Lons (Mrs Henr3\ Jr.) Lynchburg Bond, Mary Langhorne (Mrs Thomas B.) Petersburg Boocock. Miriam Dike (^Irs Murray) "Castalia," Keswick Booker, Frances Lee (Mrs Henrj^ Wise) Hampton Bosher, Mattie Cox (Mrs Robert Semple) ..2 E. Franklin st., Richmond Bossieux. Irene Orndoeff (Miss) 7 W^ Grace st., Richmond Bottimore, Lizzie E. B. (Mrs Thomas) 506 E. Main st.. Norfolk Bouldin, Ella C. (Miss) Broad st., Danville Boutelle. Lucia Frances Merrill Fenner (Mrs James Thacher) Hampton Bowen, Evelina W^. (Mrs Frederick Fillison) 850 Grove st., Danville Boykin, Ellen Pittield (Miss) 419 E. Franklin St., Richmond Bragg, Eliza Willson (Miss) 169 High st., Petersburg Bragg, Mary Waugh (Mrs William F.) Roanoke Branch, Martha Louise (Mrs J. R.) 914 W. Franklin st., Richmond Bransford, Sarah Carrington Lathrop (Mrs Thomas Hatcher) 908 Nelson St.. Roanoke Brock, Elizabeth Tyler (Mrs C. W. P.) ..206 East Franklin St.. Richmond Brockett, Hattie Foster Nourse (Mrs Albert Doyle) 318 North Washing- ton St.. Alexandria Brown, Belle Bolton (Mrs J. Thompson, Jr.) Charlottsville * Martha Washington Chapter, D. C. t Maryland Line Chapter. Md. VIEGINIA. 597 Brown, Elizabeth Watkins (Mrs John Williams) Marshall and Fulton sts., Hampton Brown, Ella Poage (Mrs A. E.) Wytheville Brown, Emily Carrington (Mrs W. N.) 124 Jefferson st., Danville Brown, Letit'ia Dean (Mrs William W.) 227 Jefferson St., Danvil:e Bruce, Betty Tunstall Taylor Newton (Mrs Philip Alexander) 103 Free- mason St., Norfolk Bruce, Mary Anderson (Mrs Thomas Seldon) Milford Bruce, Mary Howard (Mrs Albert Carson) 1400 N. Grove ave., Richmond Buchanan, Eleanor Fairman (^Mrs B. F.) Marion Bunting, Mary Dandridge (ISIiss) 31 Union st., Petersburg Burgess, Julia Zellinger (Mrs) Norfolk Burruss, Adelita Chartel (Miss) 253 Freemason st., Norfolk Biirruss, Marguerite Walters Dey (Mrs N.) ..253 Freemason st., Norfolk Burruss, Marguerite Walters (Miss) 253 Freemason St., Norfolk Burson, Emuella Eandolph Davis (Mrs J. W.) 607 Oronoco st., Alexandria Butt, Emily Dallam Nimmo (Mrs A. B.) ..325 Crawford st., Portsmouth Cabiniss, Katherine Drayton (Mrs C. F.) 122 S. Main st., Danville Cabell, Annie Branch (Mrs R. G.) "The Franklin," Richmond Cabell, Essie Frederick (Mrs Nathaniel) Danville Cabell, Mary Virginia Ellett (Mrs William D.) Norwood Caldwell, Willie Walker (Mrs Manley M.) Wytheville Cameron, May Brodnax (Mrs George, Jr.) Ravenscroft, Petersburg Campbell, Fannie Grace Cabell (Mrs Richard Kenna) 317 N. W^ashington St., Alexandria Campbell, Susie Stuart (Mrs Archibald) Wytheville Caiiers, Nellie Hawes (Mrs James H., Jr.) ....922 Floyd ave., Richmond Carr, Elvira Elizabeth (Miss) 201 Dinwiddle st., Portsmouth Carrington, Ada Bologne (Miss) 916 Park ave., Richmond Carrington, Ella Gordon (Mrs Alfred R.) ....1023 Jackson st., Lynchburg Carrington, Maria Louisa (Mrs W. C.)..207 West Franklin st.. Richmond Carson, Catherine Valentine Montague (Mrs James Preston) 811 West Franklin st., Richmond Cassell, Virginia Stevens Wigg (Mrs N.) ....108 Loudon st., Portsmouth Carter, Maggie Redd (Mrs John W.) Danville Chalkley, Eleanor Desha Breckenridge (Mrs Lyman) 332 E. Beverly st., Staunton Chancellor, Bettie Caldwell (Mrs M. S.) Fredericksburg Chew, Jane Benson (Miss) Thoroiighfare Chew, Rosa Dulany (Miss) Thoroughfare Chinn, Dora (Miss) 1010 Prince st., Alexandria Christian, Minnie Samuels Haas (Mrs J. H.) 612 Court St., Lynchburg Churchill, Anna Green (Mrs Charles Spencer) 813 Nelson st., Roanoke Claiborne, Kate Hamilton Cabell (Mrs H. A.) 609 W. Grace st., Richmond Clarke, Ellen Meade (Mrs -Lewis H.) P. O. Box 1, Richmond Clarke, Mary M. (Mrs Thomas) Occoquan Cobb, Jennie Scales (Mrs Henry Wellington) Danville Coke, Emma Overboy (Mrs John Archer) 7 West Franklin st., Richmond Conrad, Mary Lynn (Miss) Harrisonburg Converse, Queen Camjibell (Miss) Watkins Cook, Emma Blow Freeman (Mrs Allan M.)..128 Freemason st.. Norfolk Cooke, Lily Morton Browne (Mrs Edwin Oscar) Hampton Cooke, Paulina W. (Mrs Robert Bruce) 100 York st., Norfolk Cooper, Lena Lawson (Mrs W. R.) Wytheville Copenhaver, Susan Montgomery Sheffey (Mrs Marcellus) Marion Cosby, Mary S. (Mrs John H.) Danville Covington, Sallie J. (Mrs) Meadville Cox, Almira Josephine (Miss) 229 West Main st., Charlottesville Crenshaw, Anne Clay (Mrs Spotswood D.) 219 East Grace st., Richmond Cresap, Anne Leavitt (Mrs James C.) Norfolk Gumming, Elizabeth B. Waller (Mrs) Hampton Curry, Grace Duncan (Mrs Charles) 108 Prospect st., Staunton * Baltimore Chapter, Md. t Mar.vland Line Chapter, Md. § Martha Washington Chapter, D. C. II Columbia Chapter, D. C. 11 Joseph Habersham Chapter, Ga. t Peggy Stuart Tea Party Chapter, Md. 598 DIEECTORY, D. A. E, 19581d Dabney, Margaret Henry (Miss) 807 Clay st., Lj^nchburg 12212JI Daniel, Hallie Williams (Mrs James E. V.) 11 North 6tli st., Eichmond 28813& Daniel, Marion, Maria Mason (Mrs Peter Vivian) Fredericksburg 954n Davenport, Ellen McCaw (Mrs Charles) 8 West Franklin st., Eichmond 13822; Davenport, Mary T. (Mrs) Graham 27954a Davis, Caroline Preston (Miss) Preston Heights, Charlottesville 5405d Davis, Lucy Lee (Miss) Lynchburg 35035^; Davis, Lucy Pry or Mcllwaine (Mrs Arthur Kyle) Southern Female Col- leg'e, Petersburg 3163m Davis, Nannie Mason (Mrs Samuel B.) 121 Washington st., Alexandria 35034(/ Davis, Sallie Field Bernard (Mrs Charles Hall) Petersburg 23055e Day, Male Dove (Mrs William C.) Danville 15350fc Dean. Mattie (Mrs William) Harrisonburg 18213a Digges, Georgella (Miss) Charlottesville 31146& Dill, Kate Tichenor (Mrs J. S.) Fredericksburg 2639rt Dodamead, Helen Maria Adam Gray (Mrs Charles H.) Pulaski Citj' 18340b Doggett, Virginie Sara Francois Boisseau (Mrs) Fredericksburg 872« Doolej', Sallj^ May (Mrs James H.) Maymart, Eichmond 5402fZ Dornin, Anna Willing (Mrs William W.) Lynchburg 13051/i Doyle, Virginia Pendagrast Camp (Mrs Walter Herron) 238 Pembroke ave., Ghent, Norfolk 35033fir Drewry, Bessie Seabury (Mrs William F.)....lll Liberty st., Petersburg 14456/1 Driver, Lucy Waring Baylor (Mrs W. E.) Freemason and Boush st., Nor- folk 120176 Dudle^y. Lucie Estes (Mrs Oliver Witcher) Danville 11338?(. Dudley, Margaret Atkinson (Mrs Sidney J.) 323 S. 3rd st., Eichmond 35092a Duke,' Edith May Coleman (Mrs William E.) Charlottesville 1213a Duke, Edith Eidgway (Mrs E. T. W., Jr.) Charlottesville 9399e Dula, Ella Hart (Mrs Ealph) Danville 10833 Dula, Julia (Mrs C. C.) Danville 35632f; Dunlop. Marie Eloise (Mrs Eobert) Franklin st., Petersburg 159770 Dunn, Margaret Grayson Williams (Mrs Grayson) Wytheviile 33145?)i Dunn, Mary C. Eeid (Mrs Emmett Clarke) 504 Duke st., Alexandria 35762* Du Pont, Euby de Graffenreid (Miss) 216 Glasgow St., Portsmouth 3748c Duval, Maria Pendleton (Miss) 309 Federal st., Staunton 33593a Early, Henrietta Powell (Mrs J. E.) Park st., Charlottesville 5403(Z Earlj', Mary Judith (Miss) Lynchburg 9893(Z Early, Euth Hariston (Miss) Lynchburg 296996 Echols, Harriette Miller (Miss) 169 Holbrook ave., Danville 23278ci Edmunds, Mallie Otey (Mrs Paul C, Jr.) Federal st., Lynchburg 5103c Effinger, Fannie Smith (Mrs J. F.) 220 Beverly Terrace, Stauntoa 6969c Eichelberger, Kate Edith (Miss) 10 N. New st., Staunton 17343/i Eldredge, Genevieve Eedfield (Mrs Charles H.) 114 Freemason st., Norfolk 31029t Elliott, Jeanette Tunstall (Mrs Charles G.) Norfolk 23585f p]mmerson, Annie (Miss) Portsmouth 15348/" Emmerson, Claudia Mildred Vaughan (Mrs J. C.) 419 High St., Portsmouth 28176§ Evans, Mary Tripple B. (Mrs) Eichmond 2500l£r Finch, Alice McKinnj' (]\Irs Edward Willis) Petersburg 35626a Fishburne, Mar,y Norwood (Mrs John W.) Charlottesville 1383111 Flannagan, Elsi'e Coke (Mrs M. Dallas) 7 W. Franklin st.. Eichmond 33146/1 Flippen, Florence Armistead Brown (Mrs Oliver Garland) .. .Cumberland 25000«. Florance, Mary Phillips (Miss) 1104 E. Broad st., Eichmond 5100/ Ford, Agnes Palmer (Mrs) Lexington 13671** Foster, Louise S. (Miss) Salem 5632 Fowler, Mary Bailey (Mrs Ebert) Allegheny Springs 2642?i- Freedley, Madge (Miss) 105 E. Franklin st., Eichmond 87926 French, Cornelia Murphey Worth (Mrs George E.) Danville 6072/ Frey, Eleanor Mitchell (Mrs M.) 210 8th ave., S. W.. Eoanoke 18984m Fuller, Bettie Fitzhugh S. (Mrs E. W.) 420 N. Washington st., Alexandria 18992H Gardner, Julia G. (Miss) W. Grace st., Eichmond 988371 Garnett, Louisa Bowdoin (Mrs Theodore S.).. Warren Crescent. Norfolk 23584c Gibson, Mary C. M. (Mrs E. L.) cor. Frederick & Augusta sts., Staunton * George Walton Chapter, Ga. t Whitmel Blount Chapter, N. C. § Columbia Chapter, D. C. Eagle Rock Chapter, N. J. Urbana Chapter, Ohio. VIRGINIA. 599 2978611 Gilman, Katharine Jerome (Mrs) Fort Meyer 1795m Gilham, Isabella Adair Pleasants (Mrs K.) 12 S. .Adams st., Eichmond 35633f Gilliam, Blanche Syme (Mrs Charles Macalester) Sycamore St., Peters- burg 13331$$ Givens, Annie Sharnham (Mrs David) Newport News 24996f7 Glass. Eliza Saunders Pollard (Mrs John S.) 820 Court st., Lynchburg 27957j( Glazebrook, Hawsie Sutton (Mrs L. W.) 208 W. Main st., Ivichmond 2742$ Glass. Katherine Jl. (Miss) Winchester 11-814/f Goddard, Elizabeth Gordon (Miss) 122 Duke st.. Norfolk 3313Se Gooch, Mary Watson Payne (]\Irs Garrett G.) 22 S. Market st., Staunton 6070; Goodwin, Martha Leftwick (Mrs) 726 JefEerson st., Eoanoke 30230& Goolrick. Frances Bernard (Mrs John T.) Fredricksburg 224587t Gordan, Ida Johnson (Mrs George Washington) 156 Bermuda st., Norfolk 6077/t Graham, Florence Beale (Mrs John) Beachwood Place, Norfolk 1782n Graham, Lucy Alfred Wood (Mrs William H.) 300 W. Main st., Eichmond 297006 Grasty, Jennie Clark (Miss) Danville 311476 Grava'tt. Sallie Nelson (Miss) Fredricksburg 124646 Gravely, Eoberta Tredway (Mrs Willis L.) Danville 35091f/ Gray, Ida Morrison (Mrs) 231 Hinton st., Petersburg 707 Green, Anne S. (Mrs James W.) Culpeper 13946 Green, Julia Dismiikes (Mrs) Eichmond 18983m Green, Nina Bouldin (Mrs Berrj^man) . . .407 N. Washington St., Alexandria 20761c Greene, Cornelia Peyton (Mrs W^illiam Hastings) Staunton 31917 Greene, Urith Newport (Miss) Norfolk 5649fir Grigg, Lillie Goodwyn (Mrs Edward W'.)..57 Bollingbrook st., Petersburg 33140e Griggs, Alice Winston (Mrs George King) Danville 23066e Griggs, Pocahontas Claiborne (Mrs William Edgar) Danville 350277 Grinnan, Georgia Bryan (Miss) Madison Mills 350287 Grinnan, Nina Stuart (Miss) Madison Mills 9889A; Haas. Bettie Conrad Logan (Mrs T. W.) Harrisonburg 23056e Hagedorn, Mary Wemple (Mrs Frederick AVilliam) Danville 297016 Hairston, Lettie Stone Grasty (Mrs Nicholas H.) Danville 173456 Hairston, May Julia Jopling (Mrs Samuel) Danville 36024fir Hale, Cora M .(Miss) 166 High St., Petersburg 16521n Hall, Anne Fisher (Mrs Virginius) 306 N. i2th St., Eichmond 29698d Halsey, Mary Micheaux Dickinson (Mrs Don P.) Court St., Lynchburg 21360?t Hamberlin, Lily Wilson (Mrs) 819 Grace st., W. Eichmond 1864(7 Hamner, Elizabeth White (Mrs Edward Chambers) Lynchburg 138387t Hanckle, Alice W'atts Eobertson (Mrs Allan K.) 103 York st., Norfolk 24435c Hanger, Martha McDowell (Mrs Franklin M.) 208 Maple ave., Staunton 2452 Harris, Elizabeth Eandolph (Mrs John) Harrisonbiirg 63266 Harris, Kerr Morehead (Mrs William T.) Danville 1793n Harrison, Gracie Henry (Mrs Matthews B.) 415 E. Franklin st., Eichmond 1518« Harrison, Mary Louise (Mrs) 209 E. Grace st., Eichmond 3199911 Hartwell, Ann Chamberlayne Winston (Mrs).. 607 W^ Grace st., Eichmond 120186 Harvie, Martha Old (Miss) Danville 230586 Henderson, Eebecca Lea (Mrs James A.) Danville 9403; Henderson, Virginia Piper Curry (Mrs George E.) Eoanoke Slllff Hendricks, Elizabeth C. (Mrs) ^ Falls Church 9887fc Henneberger, Lucy L. B. (Mrs Andrew E.) Harrisonburg 874» Henry, Lucy Gray (Mrs William Wirt).... 415 E. Franklin St.. Eichmond 10706m Herndon, Mary Zulette (Mrs Dabnej-^) 919 Prince st., Alexandria 250027^ Herrick, Delha Lamb (Mrs Howard J.) 203 W. Grace st.. Eichmond 178687i; Herring, Mary B. H. (Mrs George Griffin) Harrisonburg 28S20i Hewins, Jessie Andrus (Mrs) Hampton 331416 Hickey, Marie Cook (Mrs J. J.) S. Main st., Danville 32723a Higginson, Eleanor Fisher (Mrs James M.) Ivy Depot 5027t Hill, Miriam (Miss) '. Orange 35036(7 Hill, Eosa Bland Batte (Mrs Eobert E.) 161 S. Sycamore st., Petersburg 1771m Hobson, Fannie Anderson (Mrs Edwin L.) 2 W^. Franklin st., Eichmond 30226c Hobson, Lightfoot G. (Mrs) Danville 288277 Holladay, Mary Crump (Miss) Eapidan 11 Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. tt Jud^e Samuel McDowell (Chapter, Ky. + Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. II Martha Washington Chapter, D. C. H Columbia Chapter, D. C. t Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. 6U0 26583/ 6859* 230596 3751c 29341/= 27956d 271626 3156»« 31158§ 8190/f 29342Z 224546 6324P 14458/1 30539c 3157W 28825?l 32725c 36561*7 12011e 14623c 6069/ 25603/= 28828i 5106W 7163t 23060e 9891fc 35634fjr 2S830TO 120216 93986 122066 28301/= 32726ft 25610 35628c 6328; 1322811 32326(Z 6073/1 28821i 11816/t 4491JI 224566 8193** 2445/i 35635^7 102720 10275; 263286 29343W 302256 361131 98847t 2597» 22459ft 13818; 1786H 17341d DIRECTOEY, D. A. R. Holladay, Sally Blount (Miss) 206 Middle St., Portsmouth Holland, Emily Eandall Gregory (Mrs Bernard P.) Yire-iuia Beach Holland, Maria Sue (Mrs Asa Thomas) Danville Holliday, Mary A. K. (Mrs F. D. McH.) 308 W. Frederick st"., Staunton Hope, Annie Macon West (Mrs Frank S.) 413 North st.. Portsmouth Horton, Mag-gie Thomas (Mrs William) 810 Clay st., Lynchbur"- Howard, Clara Randolph (Mrs William Key) Fredricksbur'o- Howard, Eleanor Selden Washington (Mrs Julian) 317 X. ^Vashin"•ton st'' Alexandria ' Howard, Sarah .Smith (Miss) 317 N. Washino-ton St., Alexandria Hubard, Sallie Loyall laylor (Mrs James R.) 168 Freemason st., Norfolk Hubbard, Eugenie (Miss) Oran"-e Hughes, Margaret M. Keppel (Mrs Samuel E.) Danviflf^ Hughes, Margaret P. (Mrs George S.) Banville Hughes, Virginia Brock (Mrs Floyd) 176 York st'.,' Norfolk Hulhhem Elizabeth Campbell (Miss) 14 Church st., Staunton S,^\r'' vr ^\ .1 « "..\V''^"«'^"'' (^^^'^ ^-^ ^"« P""^^ «t-. Alexandria Hunter, Ehzabeth S. Miss) 215 Franklin st.. E. Pichmond Hutchinson, Helen (Miss) 304 W. Frederick. st., Staunton Jackson Marj- (Miss) Washington st., Petersburg James, Annie May Schoolfield (Mrs R. B.) Danville Jamieson, Kate Sanford (Miss) 404 S. Chestnut "st.', "Danville Jamison, Alice P. Terry (Mrs Samuel W.) Eoanoke iT^^'Z^'u^^'P' }t''^H'''& ^^^^^ "^^^^ ^-^ 326 North St.; Portsmouth Jett, Belle \ . (Mrs John) Washine-ton Johnson, Anna F. (Mrs W. J.).._... 13 E. Franklin' st., Richinond Johnson, Mary Roche (Mrs Joseph Esrey) Lono-dale Johnston, Anna Gouldylock (Mrs) S62 Main 'stV, Danville Jones, Fannie Kyle (Mrs Thomas O.) Harrisonburg Jones, Mary Meacham (Mrs W. B. P.) 121 S. Sycamore st., Petersburg- Jones, Sarah McCay^(Mrs Robert S.) 219 N. Washington st., Alexandril Jordan, Addie Lea Henderson (Mrs) Danville Jordan, Alice Witcher (Mrs P.) .... Danv e J*idkins, Kate Holland (Mrs William D.) Danville Kennedy, Bessie Marsden M. (Mrs R. M.) 222 Crawford st., Portsmouth Ken? S*;. p"^ ^^'^A •• • \ 1^^ Botetout st., Norfolk Kent Sue Peyton (Miss) Wytheville Ker Mary Winters (Mrs James, Jr.) 8 Berkley Place, S^taunton Kiw'm' %'^ Tmsle^. (Mrs E. T.) 32 7th ave., S. E. Roanoke King, Mary Lovinia (Miss) Carlin Sprine-s K3'le, Alice James (Mrs James R.) 1106 Federal st., Lynchburg jt^rii r^^- ?•• ^- ^r'^ ?""^""* ^-^ 12 N. Laurel st., Richmond L^mb SdgeTMiS -^''^^ "^ ^•' ''' 5;' Bute" " V'TT.i Lambert, l§a W^llLk -(Mrs Daniers.)-;. •.■.•.;■. ■.•.•.-.•.■.'' ""'''' tVnchburg Lambeth, Virginia Jessie Parker (Mrs Samuel S.) Bedford Citv Lamson, Lena (Mrs) .'' Uppervme Lancaster Wllliamine Cabell (Mrs R. A.) 207 W. Franklin st.,' Richmond Lauterback, Fannie Hicks (Mrs Charles F.) 117 Franklin St., Petersburg- Lawson, Anne Brooke (Mrs Anthony) Wvtheville Lazel^ Julia Cilley (Mrs Ellis D.) . . ."^^^ Walnur^t Sc^anok: Lea Emma Betts (Mrs George A) 155 W. Main St., Danville t!^ M^'^f^' ^^""^ ^""^.l" ^^^' -^"^"^ 504 Prince st., Alexandria Lee, Martha Spencer (Mrs William Gaston) Danville Lee, Mary Custis (Miss) 220 N. Washington si.',' Xl'exandria ^P?;nt <.Tir ""w l^""" .^r^.""''^^ "^^ Dinwiddle st.. Portsmouth Tp,vrV ^^^'''i' Z.^''"^; lis E- Franklin st., Richmond Leigh, Frances Baird (Mrs James Y.) 78 York st., Norfolk Lejeune, Elbe Murdaugh (Mrs John A.) Portsmouth Lewis, Janie Looney (Mrs Lunsford L.)..312 W. Franklin st., Richmond Lewis, Lena Hannah (Mrs James L.) 924 Court st., Lynchburg • Otsego Chapter, N. Y. § Lury Holconib Chapter, D. C. t Baltimore Chapter, Md. II Columbia Chapter, D. C. U Xavier Chapter, Ga. ** Mary Ball Chapter, \Vash. t Mary AVashington Chapter, D. C. VIKGIXIA. 601 '. Dip.ori- lid 7th avc, Koanokp .nklin rt., Kicitmoiid irrisoiiburg- .... Ivossly* .1' redericksbur£- Ui-ange ' -I" ; . . . .Poi tsmouth 111 St., Uiciini.md . .Charlottesville W Vfthville Portsmouth Glasgow ..... .Lynchburg Howarisviile Beverly St., Staunton Berry ville ]ast Grace st., (lichmond .) . . . I'airfax Coiiri House 708« Lewis, Mary Imogen (Mrs) olOly Lewis, Mary Ingles (Mrs Thomas 957u Lewis, IMary Weller (Miss) 319.-'4/c Liggett, S. Isabelle Spence (Airs • 114i)t Lipsscomb, Lamar II. ■(Mrs .\ndr 32724?) Lipscomb, Virgilia Ascham (Miss 27164/ Lockwood, Alice Fitzhvigh (Miss 2012:;/' Lowndes, Edith Hosmer Kan: ■ ■ licniii. Lyons, Elizabeth Henry (Mrs 33594(1 Lyons, Jdary Amanda (Mrs ... 31926'; Macalester, Olive \Vilkinson (Airs i.Ui;;-lc.-j. 23587/' McAlpine, Elizabeth Courtney Smith (Mi • 17340rf MacCorkle, Lelia Johns (Miss).. 30540rf McCraw, Isabel Scott (Mrs Otho 3192nu McCulloch, Caroline IJiddle (Mrs 40C4C McCullough. Ellen ]\Iay Nellie {V 25 McDonald. Mary E. (Mrs 'Marsiiai! ; . 1279H McGuire, Mary Stuart (Mrs Hunter)). ]6.")3:) ]\[achen, Georgia Frances Golden (Mr, 3749r Mcllhany, Eannie Barton Jones (Mrs M. M.j 350 E. Beverly St.. Staunton 35039(7 Mcllwaine, Sarah J. Allston Claiborne (Mrs William Ilaird) Petersburg 35636f/ ]\Icllwaine, iMary Plummer {'Mm R. D.) Washington St., Petersburg 4978/( Mcintosh, Mary Saunders (Mrs George) 72 Freemason St., Norfolk 28822/ McLaughlin. Nellie S. (]\Irs Henry Woods) Hampton 35037.(/ INIann, Elizabeth Weldon Claiborn (IMrs Bernard) Pelershurg 31153/« Marbury. Clara Forsyth (Mrs Leoiiard) 114 S. Pitt st., Alexandria 2720711 IMarshail, Lelia Pegram (Mrs) Hume 2648;; INIarshall, Sally Russell (Miss) 83() West (irace St.. Ricdimond 13821/ Marshall. Susan Lewis Marshall (Mrs B. S.) Ill ^Middle St., Portsmouth 27163ft Martin. INIary Ella McCarty (IMrs Hugh McDonald) Fredericksburg 98S8A: Martz. Stella Bowcock (:Mrs Edward "C.) Harrisonburg 35026ft Mason, Maria Jefferson Carr (Mrs Charles) Fredericksburg 17449 Mason, Sarah Blount (]\liss) Comorn 1633(7 Massie, Nellie Hinton (Mrs Frank Autrey) Charlottsville 10836/ Massie. Paxiline (Miss) 37 7th ave., Roanoke 34390* ]Mathes, Fleta Mary (I\Irs Lee Dandridge) Sewall's Point, Norfolk 18983? iNlaupin, Agnes Marshall (Mrs Robert Washington) Rapidan 9397/ Maupin, Edmonia Fitzhugh Tomlin (Mrs J. F.) 608 Court St., Portsmouth 12016(' Maury. Mary Rutherford (Mrs Greenhow) Danville 3753r May, Eloise "Pissell (:Mrs David) 614 W. Frederick st.. Staunton 18993H Mayo, Annie Wise (Miss) 106 N. 9th st., Richmond 1273H ]\Iaj-o, Louisa Randolph (Mrs George W.) 611 East Franklin st., Richmond 1305SH Mayo; Mary Lyons (Miss) 106 N. 9th st., Richmond 36562 Meade, Lizzie Brockenbrough (Miss) Accotink 4281a Meade, Mary Nelson (Miss) Charlottesville 34415/ Merrell, Clara Ingalls (Mrs G. W.) Roanoke 540S(l Miller, Elvira Henry ^Miss) Lvnchburg 3747c Miller, Fanny Braxton (Mrs J. Mason, Jr.) 322 E. Beverly st., "Staunton 3439§ Miller, Frances Laura H. (Mrs Crosby P.) .' . .Fort Monroe 6317e Miller, Jeannie Gray (Mrs Henry R.) Danville 12462e Mitchel, Laura Martin INIacon (Miss) Danvflle 35040(7 Mitchell, Matty Vaughan. Holladay (Mrs Samuel P.) 321 Washington St., Petersburg 21358e Montague, Elizabeth Lyne Hoskins (Mrs Andrew Jackson) Danville 259SH Montague, Helen (Miss) 118 E. Franklin st., Richmond 29344H!, Monroe, Frances Pitman (Mrs Samuel L.) 603 Queen st., Alexandria 31919« Aloore, Dorothy Allison (IMrs Thomas) 102 E. Grace st., Richmond 26585/( Moore, Elizabeth Allyn (Miss) 202 Freemason st.. Norfolk 14461» Moore, Marie Dunlop (Mrs Warner) 813 W. Franklin st.. Richmond 15976/ Moore, Mary Beverley Parker (Mrs) 113 Middle st.. Portsmouth 410(-( Moran, Jane Wormly Blackburn (Mrs F. B.) Cornyn Hall, Charlottesville 30545§ Morgan, Mollie Brownsou (Mrs) \ Fort Myer 1277« Morris, Mary Augusta Kent (Mrs Junius).. 216 E. Grace st.. Richmond Mary Washing:ton Cliapter, D. C. Elizabeth Cook Chapter, Del. • Commodore Perry Chapter, Tenn. § Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. 602 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 13833^^ 13832m 34433t 9068|| 213596 3503Sfir 2594/t 13820/ 201207J 28302/t 19580/i 1274 30227/i 13052f 189867 25609H- 35041f/ 10269a 30229/^ 124636 3161TO 25604a 5406(Z 173446 24434(Z 35627a 46767t 13815f 2449?l 7383A; 31150; 63206 18994/i 36029/^ 224556 138246 230616 108316 108326 32536 17847J 11342(Z 63236 15352?l 2S823i 122020 3164TO 10828O 230677 95671 2446n 31156m 21822(7 2658671 24995(7 30544OT 18989a 29705?t 36555(7 33249/1 29345 4977/t 16520/= 25608TO Morrison, Helen H. (Miss) T{,VhTnr.T,fl Moseley, Maria Pleasants (Miss Kiehmond Morton, Alice Wilder (Mrs J. E.) ' Newport News Moss, Lucy Michaux (Mrs William Franklin) ' Dam^He Mu^o^'?"i""t%-^^'''fl- ■■■;•■. '^' S- Sycamore St.! Peter sbnr? Munce, Leha Gilliam (Mrs John Sinclair) 5 W. Main st., Eichmond Miirdangh Anna Fleet Wilson (Mrs Claudius Walke, Jr.) . .Portsmouth Myers, Kate Baldwin (Mrs Bartow) 426 Freemason st., Norfolk Nash, Emma Dey (Miss) . 261 Granby st., Norfolk AT J' S^'^u ^^}%''^. ^^y (^^^ Camillus Albert) 261 Granby st., Norfolk Nash, Martha Melville (Mrs Benjamin H.) Portsmouth at'"''?' ^^P' ^°\'i^'' ^^^'^^^ 181 Freemason st., Norfolk Nash, Eebecca Marshall (Mrs Charles Eeid) 313 Middle St., Portsmouth Ne son, Agnes Horwood (Miss) Eapidan Ne son, Carrie McKenney (Mrs William Hugh) 710 E. Leigh st., Eichmond Ne son, Maud Langhorne (Mrs W. J..) Petersburg Nelson Selma (Miss) Charlottesvilll Neely, Clara Johnson (Miss) 202 North st., Portsmouth Noell, Hattie Butler Lovelace (Mrs William Y.) 1021 Main st., Danville N()rton, Nannie Burwell (Miss) 616 Prince st., Alexandria Olivier, Kate Eoy (Mrs G. W.) . .University of Virginia, Charlottesville Otey, Mallie Floyd (Mrs Peter Johnston) Lynchburg Overbey, Mary Cabell Echols (Mrs Daniel A.) . . . .Holbrook st., Danville (Mrs Charles T.) 52 Court st., Portsmouth Patterson, Cora Lathrop (Mrs James T.) 409 W^ Franklin st., Eichmond Paul, Katherine S. G. (Mrs John) Harrisonburg Paul, Susan Baldwin Gray (Mrs E.)....1202 S. Jefferson st., Eoanoke Paxton, Elizabeth Williams (Mrs Walter P.) Danville Payne, Carrie Zollickoffer (Mrs William J.) 1012 Park ave., Eichmond Payne, Mary Emma (Mrs Eobert L.) 300 Freemason st., Norfolk Peatross, Sallie Eedd (Mrs Eichard Warner) 804 Pine st., Danville Penn, Annie Elizabeth Bethell (Mrs John L.) Danville Penn, Annie Lee (Miss) Danville Penn, Kate Eucker (Mrs Greenville) Danville Penn, Mary Katherine Penn (Mrs Barnes) Danville Penn, Sallie McAden Johnston (Mrs James G.) Danville Perkins, Mary Bell (Miss) 115 N. 5th st., Eichmond Phelps, Ashburyna Tilden (Mrs Eichard) Lynchburg Phifer, Wilhelmina Glenn (Miss) Danville Pleasants, Virginia Mosby (Miss) 11 E. Franklin st., Eichmond Flecker, Kate Houston (Mrs Walter A.) Hampton Powell, Frances Jouet Fulton (Mrs) Wytheville Powell, Eebecca C. (Miss) siS King st., Alexandria Preston, Elizabeth Stuart (Mrs) T Wytheville Preston, Sidnie Blakemore (Mrs Walter G.) Orange Purcell, Lydia Mosby Pleasants (Mrs Benjamin) 16 S. 3rd st., Eichmond Putney, Ellison Withers (Mrs Stephen) 921 W. Franklin st., Eichmond Purvis, Nellie B. Ashby (Mrs William E.) 112 S. Columbus St., xVlexandria Quinn, Evelyn Lee (Mrs Eeuben C.) Cor. 11th and Wise sts., Lynchburg Quimby, Lucy Page Spotswood (Mrs John) Fort Norfolk, Norfolk Eadford, Mary Grace Sayre (Mrs du Val) Forrest Depot Eamsay, Mary (Miss) 517 Cameron st., Alexandria Eandolph, Carolina Eamsay (Miss) Shadwell Eandolph, Cornelia Whelan (Miss) 512 E. Grace st., Eichmond Eandolph, Ethel Patterson (Mrs Gary Euffin) Edgehill, Shadwell Eandolph, Laura Lester (Mrs Thomas Jefferson) 65 York st., Norfolk Eathbone, Sara Dwight (Miss) 1012 Prince st., Alexandria Eeed, Baynie Saunders Taylor (Mrs W. H. M.) 103 Freemason st., Norfolk Eeed, Margaret Wilson (Miss) 101 Middle st., Portsmouth Eeid, Emma C. Jackson (Mrs L. Wilber) 504 Duke st., Alexandria t Andrew Jackson Chapter, Ala. Baltimore Chapter, Md. VIRGINIA, 6oa 2306SZ Reveley, Annie Bull (Mrs Thomas Croughton) Orange 31144& Eichards, Florence Chinn (Mrs William Hylton) Fredericksburg 30228ft Riddle, Mary Peabody Leavenworth (Mrs James).. 329 Boush st., Norfolk 63166 Rison, Lillie Penn (Mrs John F.) Danville 263306 Rison, Sallie Warde (Miss) Danville 14064ft Ritchie, Edith Kensett (Mrs John) 159 Boutetourt St., Norfolk 18995« Roberts, Maria Louise (Miss) Barton Heights 1110c Robertson, Margaret Briscoe (Mrs A. F.) 107 Church st., Staunton 1783/i Robinson, Evelyn Carter Cabell (Mrs William Russell) Wingina 5418m Robinson, Frances V. Johnston (Mrs Thomas W.) 311 N. Washington St., Alexandria 24440fc Roller, Lucy Brown Cabell (Mrs John E.) Harrisonburg- 36557(7 Roper, Helen Randolph Willson (Mrs P. L.) S. Sycamore st., Petersburg 1788/i- Ruffin, Rebecca Beverley (Miss) Marlbourne 36028H Ruggles, Virginia Cabell (Mrs Charles H.) Richmond 35042f/ Russell, Laura Mason (Miss) Adams st.. Petersburg 3632a Sale, Grace Douglas Tunstall (Mrs Nelson) Bedford City 23070^ Sale, Mary Louisa Spottswood (Mrs William Davis) Orange 1701O Sampson, Ann E. Woods (Mrs J. R.)..Pantops Academy, Charlottesville 130496 Sangston, Martha W. C. (Mrs Edmund P.) Danville 10574t Sawyer, Kate Hudson (Mrs J.) Louisa 31923i Sayre, Annie Woolsey Morris (Mrs Samuel Huntting) Hampton 13059/ Schick, Ida A. Norman (Mrs James Reese) Roanoke 29703P Schoolfield, Daisy (Miss) Danville 120156 Schoolfield, Lucy France (Mrs James Edmar) Danville 120126 Schoolfield, Susan France (Mrs John H.) Danville 15622d Scott, Anne Norvill Otey (Mrs James A.) 806 Court st., Lynchburg 3601611 Scott, Agnes M. (Miss) Staimton 36017|| Scott, Nannie Brook (Miss) Staunton 32727ft Serpen, Alethea (Miss) 108 Duke st., Norfolk 23069? Shackelford, Virginia Randolph (Mrs George Scott) Orange 9396ft Sharp, Eliza Darrah Williams (Mrs W.) 118 Freemason st., Norfolk 24441f Sharp, Sophia Forney Hunter (Mrs John H.) Portsmouth 230636 Shelton, Mary Frances (Mrs) Danville 14160 Shepard, Cornelia Billings (Miss) "Fairfax Hall," Winchester 28826 Sherman, Anna R. (Mrs Smith Grant) Luray 11815 Shields, Mary Orra Love (Mrs Le Roy Hamilton) . .68 York st., Norfolk, and 31 Blvd. Hausm.ann, Paris, France, care Morgan, Hayes & Co. 4490* Sicard, Margaret D. Ritchie (Mrs William Floyd) Hampton 122106 Slaughter, J. Edmonia (Miss) Danville 7647c Smeltzer, Blanche Eichelberger (Mrs S. H.) 106 N. New st., Staunton 9835 Smith, Emily Jack (Mrs Frank W.) Fredericksburg 22453/;. Smith, Jessie Dent (Mrs Lucius Green) Staunton 5416TO Smith, Margaret Vowell (Miss) 510 Wolf st., Alexandria 271606 Smith, Mary Cabell (Mrs O. C.) Martinsville 1185 Smith, Mary Stuart (Mrs F. H.) University of Virginia, Charlottesville 6071 Smithey, Annie B. Shackelford (Mrs R. B.) care Randolph-Macon College, Ashland 9899m Smoot, Bettie C. (Mrs William A.) 1111 Orinoco st., Alexandria 28300m Smoot, Harriet Ansley (Mrs William Albert) 904 Prince st., Alexandria 30543H! Smoot, Laura Eliza (Miss) 1009 King st., Alexandria 31154W Smoot, Margaret Le Compte Cator (Mrs W. B.) 804 Prince st., Alexandria 27416n Smoot, Ella Rose (Miss) 611 Prince st., Alexandria 2777« Snyder, Annie Lee (Miss) Ill N. Morris st., Richmond 122056 Spencer, Annie Clark (Mrs John Dillard) Danville 311486 Spencer, Lettie M. (Mrs) Fredericksburg 36026<7 Spicer, Alice Craig (Miss) Franklin st., Petersburg 36025f/ Spicer, Fannie Claiborne (Miss) Franklin st., Petersburg 35637f/ Spicer, Kate Winfield (Miss) 306 Franklin st., Petersburg 102730 Spiller, Sue Montgomery (Miss) Wytheville 2999§ Spotswood, Virginia R. (Mrs Charles F.) Monticello, ^Norfolk 711l| Stahl, Blanche Vinton (Mrs Albert W.) Norfolk 31918(i Stalling, Ellen Banister (Mrs Gustav) Lynchburg t Nathan Hale Chapter, Minn. II George Washington Chapter, Tex. * Frederick Chapter, Md. § Baltimore Chapter, Md. t Gen. de Lafaj^ette Chapter, Ind. '604 DIRECTORY, D. A. R. 1790rt 541 ly G()75>i 2710t 2Uo82(i SGoao 23.582. 474AH 88890 94n()f? l()S27f> 5864c 122076 264 3« 4S56C 1;)S30h 13817f 35639 4154r 4979/i 15354,^/ 6007/ 297046 2453H 95266 1779H, 33143/ 1212a 12213»f 13823/ 14457/!. 30541/!. 34002 1821 5r/ 1 1340(7 1635r/ 3167»f. 2595H 1787H 311496 3744c 14597;( 5409// 1792« 27955f/ 26717* 201 1S« 9395/( 12465(1 5407(Z 15792(Z 6321c 9402»|. 28824/ 31145 2451H 3655S.(/ 36559.f/ 1775// 230646 23065r' 3564/ 23227(7 Stamiar(3, Mary Mann Page (Mrs W. G.) 717 E. (}race St., Richmond Staples, Sallie Hunt (Mrs Abrara Penn) Roanoke st., Roanoke Stearns, Rena S. (Miss) 815 I'ark ave., Richmond Steever, Julia B. C. (Mrs Edcrar) Fort Aleyer Step.toe, Carrie MacCarthy (Mrs Willijim H.)..516 Court st., Lvnchburg Sterrett, Maria JJoys Cochran (Mrs Tate) Hot Springs Strother. Roberta iMorgan (Mrs \Villiam M.) 510 Federal st., Lynchburg Strudwick. Nannie Hughes (Mrs Edmund) 514 W. Franklin st., Richmond Stuart, Kllen Hrowii (Mrs William Alexander) Wytheville Stuart. Ellen Douglass (Miss) Female Institute, Staunton Stuart, Flora Mclvor (Miss) WythevI'lle Summerson. Fannie Lewis S. (Mrs \V. F.) 216 Kalorama st., Staunton Swanson, Annie Estes (Mrs) Danville Talbott, Lizzie R. (Mrs A.) Ill W. Franklin st., Richmond Tarns, Sue Lewis Frazier (Mrs William P.) 221 E. Beverly st., Staunton Tatum, Annie (Miss) 8041/:, E. Leigli st., Richmond Taylor, Annie Hartwell Hume (Mrs) Norfolk Taylor, Grace Lee (iriffith (Mrs Joseph Edward) Bedford City Taylor, Maria Baldwin (Mrs ,T. ]v., Jr.).. 6 Berkeley Terrace, Staunton Tazewell, Mary Louisa Walke (Mrs Littleton W.) 203 Duke st., Norfolk Temple, Susanna Poythress (Mrs Edward Graves) Edgerton Terry, Mary Lila (Miss) 726 Jefferson st., Roanoke Thonuis, Harriet Urquhart (Mrs R. Hugh).. 157 Holbrook ave., Danville Thomas, Maria Powell (Mrs William D.) 113 E. Grace st., Richmond Thomas, Sallie Lawson (Miss) Valdosta Thorp, Lucy Brent (Mrs Robert T.) Boydton Toomer, Rebecca Dorothy Chappell (Mrs James Hodges) . .Portsmouth Towles, Mary Ellen Thompson (Mrs William Beverley) University Sta., Charlottesville Tree, Eleanor LafFerts (Miss) "The Denham," S. 3rd st., Richmond Trout, Martha Belle (Miss) Roanoke Tunstall, Elizabeth Walke (Miss) 72 Freemason st., Norfolk Tunstall, Isabel Mercein (Mrs Richard B.) 224 Pembroke ave., Norfolk Turpin, ISIary Lamar (Miss) ; 908 W. Main st., Richmond Tiittle, Anna. Seeley (Miss) University Station, Charlottesville Tuttle, Clara May "(Miss) University' Station, Charlottesville Tuttle, Kate Austin (Mrs Albert H.) University Station, Charlottesville Uhler, Nellie Selden Lloyd (Mrs George) 611 Cameron st., Alexandria Vaden, Margaret Heth (Miss) Manchester Valentine, Lila Meade (Mrs Benjamin B.)..101 S. 3rd st., Richmond Vass. Minnie Frances (Mrs Henry F.) Danville Waddell, Laleah Dunwodv (Mrs Joseph A.) 114 Prospect St., Staunton Wales, Elizabeth Butler (Miss) 162 York st., Norfolk Walke, Annie Nivison Bradford (Mrs Richard) Bute st.. Norfolk Walker, Annie Rose (Miss) 600 W. Franklin st., Richmond Walker, Ellen Ellery (Mrs J. Stewart)... Federal st., Lynchburg Walker, Lelia (Miss) Lynchburg Wallace, Mary Gardner M. (Mrs) University Station, Charlottesville Walton, Mary Caroline Higgins (Mrs Joseph A.) 258 Bute st., Norfolk Ward, Alice Varney (Mrs James Stuart) Charlottesville Ward, Nathalie F. 0. (Mrs Anselon Lynch) Lynchburg Warfield, Elizabeth Button (Mrs E. A.) 1006 Clay st., Lynchburg Watson, Vinna Selden (Mrs W^alter D.) Danville Wattles, S. Ellen (Miss) 306 N. Washington St., Alexandria Weidner, Frances (M. D.) (Miss) Hampton W'eir, May Frothingham (Mrs) Fredricksburg Weisiger,*Ella Storry Snyder (Mrs H. E.) 900 W. Grace St.. Richmond Weisiger, Lucie Evelyn (Miss) 19 Friend st.. Petersburg Weisiger, Mary Leigh (Miss) 19 Friend st., Petersburg Welch, Jennie" Watkins McP. (Mrs J. A.) 309 W. Franklin st., Richmond Wemple, Alice Dorothy (Miss) Danville Wemple, Blanche (Miss) Danville West, Kate Greenwood Kilby (Mrs Frank) "The Frederick," Staunton White, Lula Johnston (Mrs A. S.) 511 Federal st., Lynchburg t Army and Navy Chapter, D. C. * Sergeant Newton Chapter, Ga. WASHIKGTON. t)U5 25610/t White, SoiJhia Berney (Mrs Joseph A.) 200 E. Franklin ave., Ivleiimond 17b5 \Miitneicl, ^vunie Alorehead (Mrs iienjamin T.) jO'J K. rranKlin, iiKhmund 2o5t59/i \\ iclinani, J uiia I'orclier (Airs i. Asnley) -Lorraine I6yy«/' Wilcox, Margaret Jjowning (xMrs Edwara ^\.) PoribUiouth 35038f/ Wilkins, Annie William bpieer (Mrs \\ .) oiO Washington St., Petersburg b4416//i. Williams, Frances Swaun (Mrs \\.) '•Mainside," Dun Loring 166651 W illiams, Jivate Murat (Airs J ohn U.) Orange loy77y \\ illiams, Aiarg'aret Grayson (Aiiss) Wythevule 1821ii/ Williams, tSallie Innes (Missj Orange 13837/t Williams, Virginia Bland (Mrs John Isewton) 132 Bute St., Norfolk 6322e Williamson, iannie Harvie (Airs James k'.) Danville 12211e Williamson, Alartha Freeman Clark (Airs W. \\.) Danvihe 6078/ Wilson, Esther Murdaugh (Miss) Portsmouth 24500 Wilson, Hattie Bissell (Airs George Francis) 614 Frederick st., Staunton 36560j; Willson, Anne Coleman (Aliss) 122 Sycamore St., Petersburg 1797» Winston, iSannie B. (Aliss) Glen Allen 19578/1 Winn, Kate Seymour Exall (Airs Edwin A.) 800 Marshall Place, Richmond 'Sli51m Wise, Caroline May (Aliss) 421 King st., Alexandria 6492H Wise, Caroline H. C. (Mrs Barton H.) 306 W. Franklin st., liichmond 24999/ Wise, Nellie Virginia (Miss) Navy Yard, Norfolk 3213t Wisser, Georgiana Hollister (Airs John P.) Fortress Alonroe 230710 W^ithers, Willie Clare (Miss) "Jngleside," Wytheville 1829« Woods, Matilda Minor Alorris (Airs Micajah) Charlottesville 13819/ Wright, Katherine Fulton (Airs Thomas H.) Portsmouth 15349/ Wright, Lucy Murchison (Aliss) Portsmouth 26587/1 WMght, Mary Alorrison (Airs Kichard H.) 4 Ghent St., Norfolk 5104/1 Yeatman, Anna Alaria Dandridge Smith (Mrs P. E.) 191 York St., Norfolk WASHINGTON State Regent, 1901, Mrs. George W. Bacon, 512 10th ave., South, Seattle CHAPTEES (4 organized; 1 unorganized) a. Esther Beed Chapter — Spokane Orffanized June IJ/, 1900; Members, 25 (Idaho, 1) Eegent, Airs Augusta P. Foster Treasurer, Mrs M. A. Phelps Vice-Eegent, Airs Lemuel H. Wells Eegistrar, Aliss Inez De Lashmutt Eec. Secretary, Aliss Letha E. Putnam Historian, Airs T. E. Tannatt Cor. Secretary, Airs John G. Slayden Librarian, Mrs AI. A. Cooper b. Mary Ball Chapter — Tacoma Organized June, 189^; Blembers, 5.'i (Iowa, 1; California, 1; Tirginia, 1; Montana, 1) Eegent, Airs J. Q. Alason Corresponding Secretary, Mrs J. E. Noe] Vice-Regent Aliss M. Eemington Treasurer, Mrs AI. G. Alacoughtry Eecording Secretary, Mrs E. L. Dent Eegistrar, Airs G. H. Stone Historian, Airs J. W'hitehouse c. Rainier Chapter — Seattle Organized September 20, 1895; Members, 51 (Texas, 1) Eegent, Airs Julia R. Hardenburg Cor. Secretary, Airs Byron T. Carr 1st Vice-Regent, Airs Edmund Bowden Treasurer, Airs C. H. Rollins 2nd Vice-Regent, Airs R. R. Drummond Registrar, Airs James B. Howe Rec. Secretary, Airs Gibson Tavlor Historian. Aliss Jessie Reeves Buffalo Chapter, N. Y. 606 DIRECTOKY, D. A. R. d. Seattle Meinbers Eegent, Mrs Mary E. Perkins Phelps. Appointed June 5, 1901 e. Virginia Dare Chapter — Tacoma Organised April 13, 1900; Members, 16 Eegent, Mrs J. A. Parker Cor. Secretary, Mrs. C. M. Eiddell Vice-Eegent, Mrs A. N. Fitch Treasurer, Mrs T. J. Temple Eecording Secretarj^ Mrs D. A. Gove Eegistrar, Mrs 0. G. Ellis Historian, Mrs George Osgood Members Eesiding in the State 244426 Alexander, Emma Foster (Mrs Edward S.) 204 N. Tacoma ave., Tacoma 36564 Allen, Benja Marshall (Mrs John Howard, Jr.) Seattle 4709a Allyn, Nellie Levering Turner (Mrs Frank) South G St., Tacoma 12467 Anderson, Elizabeth Van W. (Mrs T. McA.) Vancouver Barracks 12466 Anderson, Elizabeth Van Winkle (Miss) Vancouver Barracks 23073f* Anderson, Juliet Cantrell (Mrs Adna) 508 South J st., Tacoma 27167& Avery, Edna Irene (Miss) Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Tacoma 13061c Bacon, Ellen D. (Mrs George W.) 512 10th ave., South, Seattle 33595a Bailey, Julia Persis (Miss) 2209 Pacific ave., Spokane 28S32C Bannard, Elizabeth Gilman W. (]\Irs H. F.) "The Lincoln." Seattle 32764t Beck, Louise Coman (Mrs William Wirt) Eavenna Park, Seattle 32736a Benham, Mary Louise Eoot (Mrs William L.) 7th ave., Spokane 224476 Bliss, Loretta' Sidle (Mrs Christopher A.) Tacoma 302316 Bosworth, Julia S. (Miss) 811 Yakima ave., Tacoma 15356e Bowden, Angle E. (Mrs Edmund) 1330 18th ave., Seattle 28314 Boyer, Sarah E. (Mrs John F.) 204 Newell st., Walla Walla 32330c Bronson, Hallie (]\[rs Ira) 501 Olympic Place, Seattle 33148a Brooke, Julia Isabella Hill (Mrs George Smith) 1221 Tenth st., Spokane 32739a Brown, Laura Baily (Mrs Bedford) East. 109 Sinto ave.. Spokane 9902 Brown, Mary ISIcLaren (Mrs David E.) Hotel Eochester, Tacoma 34417c Burchard, Adelaide G. (Mrs Dudley W.) 1208 Marion st., Seattle 31928c Calkins, Adelaide Eogers (Mrs Dan D.) 824 North T st., Tacoma 8072 Cannon. Fannie L. Welton (Mrs William A.) P. O. Box, 936, Spokane 29346c Carr, Mary Sewall Buck (Mrs Byron Thorpe) 1233 17th ave., Seattle 5006c Clary, Harriet L. Briggs (Mrs Charles) 1410 Belmont ave., Seattle 13S42e Coiner. Ida Hare (Mrs Beverly Waugh) Eiffe 6430 Cole, Emma M. (Mrs John C.) , 1208 Marion st., Seattle 32331 Colwell. Alberta Wing (Mrs Nelson Jay) . .515 Bellevue ave.. North, Seattle 297146 Cook, Catherine Ford (Mrs) ". 708 South D St., Tacoma 33596a Cooper. Adalena Meeks (Mrs John Tilly) 1919 Pacific ave., Spokane 36031a Coulter, Mary Titcomb Dean (Mrs Jesse) 328 S. Monroe St., Spokane 297066 Cushman, May E. (Mrs Francis W.) Tacoma 230746 Dailey, Fannie Averill (Miss) 602 North I st., Tacoma 36032a Dean, Lucy Frances (Miss) 328 S. Monroe st., Spokane 32340a De Lashmutt, Inez (Miss) 1605 10th ave., Spokane 32339a De Lashmutt, Maria C. (Mrs Van B.) 1605 10th ave., Six.kane 274176 Dent, Ellis Lewis (Mrs Albert) 814 N. Yakima ave., Tacoma 12172c Dunbar, Virginia Lyndall (Mrs H. B.) Eanier Grand Hotel, Seattle 29347c Drummond, Anna Winthrop L. (Mrs E. Eoscoe) 733 19th ave., Seattle 2076Se Ellis, Jennie Wilhite (Mrs Overton Gentrj-) 903 N. K St., Tacoma 323426 Farrell, Eachel Anna (Mrs William) \ Whitmore College, Tacoma 7272c Fitch, Helen Woleott Hooker (Mrs A. N.) 412 N. C St., Tacoma 20769a Foster, Augusta Plummer (Mrs) 1927 W. Eiverside ave., Spokane 3021c Foster, Elizabeth Dunster Gibson (Mrs H. G.) 412 North J st., Tacoma 105796 Foster, Martha Wetherbee (Mrs Addison G.) Tacoma 35044c Fulton, Martha W. (Mrs) Starr Bovd Block, Seattle 31163c Garrett, Ethel Graham (Miss) .1017 ISth ave., Seattle 31162c Garrett. Jessie Simonton (Mrs Thomas A.) 1017 ISth ave., Seattle 182176 Gear, Elizabeth C. (Mrs) ( hehalis t John Wade Keyes Chapter, Ala. WASHINGTOJSr. GO' 15535* Gephart, Rosaling (Mrs A.) 102 Tacoma ave., Tacoma 232806 Gove, Eva Wead (Mrs David A.) 510 N. F st., Tacoma 1344c Gow, Emilie Harding (Mrs John L.) 710 Terry ave., Seattle 207626 Graham, Katherine Harriet (Miss) 602 Yakima S. ave., Tacoma 20124& Graham, Lydia Josephine (Miss) 602 Yakima S. ave., Tacoma 35641c Graves, Helen Wadsworth (Mrs F. P.) University of Washington, Seattle 15978c Green, Bentonia J. (Mrs W. H. H.) 1203 Boylston ave., Seattle 327286 Gregg, Isabella Adeline (Miss) East Sound 274186 Griggs, Anna B. (Miss) 401 N. Tacoma ave., Tacoma 22646 Griggs, Martha A. (Mrs Chauncey W.) 401 N. Tacoma ave., Tacoma 32333c Hanf ord, Ada Levering (Miss) ' 1021 Madison st., Seattle 263316 Hanf ord, Julia M. (Miss) Sll S. 11th st., Tacoma 4707c Hardenbergh, Julia Eandolph (Mrs T. F.) 1730 14th ave., Seattle 47066 Harvey, Jane Clarke (Mrs O. C.) 2612 N. Puget Sound ave., Tacoma 24436 Harvey, Mary Curtis (Mrs Miles M.) Tacoma 32332c Hegg, May Thornton (Mrs Elmer Ellsworth) 1115 Madison st., Seattle 8071c Heilbron, Adelaide E. (Mrs George H.) 1107 Cherry st., Seattle 350456 Hellar, Irvie M. Smith (Mrs George Martin) 121 S. G St., Tacoma 36034c Herrman, Sarah White (Mrs William Tell) 917 Main st., Seattle 319306 Holt, Rhoda A. Lillie (Mrs James B.) 3716 X. 36th st., Tacoma 108406 Holt, Welthe Euggles Tucker (Mrs H. H.)..608 S. Tacoma ave., Tacoma 17495c Howe, Rose Ford (Mrs James Blake) 211 32nd ave., Seattle 1083S Hudson, Nannie Hill (Mrs Robert G.) E and 5th sts., N. Tacoma 29348c Hussey, Carrie Brokaw (Mrs Ernest B.) 1605 10th ave., N. Seattle 35043c Hyland, Helen Holmes (Mrs Ivan Lansdale) 216 30th ave., S. Seattle 24445 Ingersoll, Avis Elsie (Miss) Tacoma 32731a James, Jingie Glidden (Mrs George W^.)..1S18 Riverside ave., Spokane 21362c Joslyn, Lois Sheafe (Mrs Howard) Seattle 9407c Kelleher, Elise Campbell (Mrs Daniel) 1116 Spring st., Seattle 21S27C Kendall, Sarah (M. D.) (Miss) 9 and 10 Holyoke Bldg.. Seattle 28S31C Kerleg, Flora E. Austin (Mrs James C.) Republic 9406c Leary, Eliza Ferry (Mrs John) 208 Madison st., Seattle 47086 Lehman, Elizabeth Brooke Lawson (Mrs Robert B.) 221 N. I st., Tacoma 34612 Littell, Margaret C. (Miss) Seattle 244446 Macoughty, Mary Groverman Bailey (Mrs T. H.) 511 N. P st., Tacoma 34003a Martin, Olive Buttles (Mrs George H.) 1629 Cincinnati st., Spokane 213636 Mason, Virginia Wilson (Mrs John Quincy) 811 N. 8th st., Tacoma 263326 McDaniels, Mattie Richards (Mrs Clinton) 613 K st., S. Tacoma 9405c Meem, Nannie Rose (Mrs Gilbert S.) 1303 Seneca St., Seattle 31268 Millis, Mary Raoul (Mrs John) 502 E. Republican st., Seattle 33738JI Moller, Jennie Pierce (Mrs) Seattle 32334 Moore, Eugenie (Mrs James A.) "The Lincoln," Seattle 3849f Morgan, Sarah Hinctiley (Miss) Port Townsend 32341ff Murphey, Madeline Gibbs (Mrs Alonzo Miles).. 2424 W. 2nd ave., Spokane 263336 Murray, Jennie Richards (Mrs Charles A.) 901 N. K st., Tacoma 108696 Noel, Eleanor Freneau (Mrs Jacob E.)....910 N. Yakima ave., Tacoma 32335c Norton, Emma Louise (Mrs Homer F.) 1215 16.th ave., Seattle 36033c Olds, Katherine Beman (Mrs Darwin Dudlej^) Fremont 319276 Osgood, Caroline Storrs, (Mrs George Root) 402 N. D st., Tacoma 3050S§ Osgood, Mary Anna (Mrs) 304 South Palouse ave., Walla WaTa 9901e Parker, Blanche Burnett (Mrs John A.) 1022^ I st.. North Tacoma 297086 Peirce, Mary E. T. (Mrs Joshua) 321 S. G st.. Tacoma 32336c Perkins, Cora Ella Chamberlin (Mrs W. D.) 356 Denny Way, Seattle 7653c Peters, Frances Van Wvck (Mrs William A.) 1318 Minor ave., Seattle 27964 Pettibone, Eoxanna Seefey (Mrs Roswell G.) 801 L st., Tacoma 32337c Phelps, Mary E. Perkins "(Mrs Augustus H.) 202 Olympic Place, Seattle 33149a Phelps, Netta W. Sheldon (Mrs Moses A.) 2118 2nd ave., Spokane 28041c Phillips, Anna Pease (Mrs Horace) 223 Terry ave., S. Seattle 297076 Philips, Katherine Thomas (Mrs Calvin) 523 N. D st., Tacoma 68401 Pillsbury, Frances H. B. (Mrs C. F.) 484 Olympic Place, Seattle 21825 Porter, Aimee Middleton (Miss) 'I Roslyn 30233 Porter, Sue O'Bannon (Miss) Roslyn 2095 Post, Mary Delphine (Mrs Linus Edward) . .Hotel Rochester, Tacoma Elizabeth Ross Chapter, Iowa. Martha Washington Chapter, Iowa. Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. § Quaker City Chapter, Pa. ii Minneapolis Chapter, Minn. 608 DIRECTOKY^ D. A. E. 7654-}- Pratt, Caroline Crittenden (Mrs John F.) 1320 Boren ave., Seattle 23590c Preston, Abbie Dewey (Mrs Clarence Stanley) . .1522 35th ave., Seattle 32738a Putnam, Letha Eastwood (Miss) 32^ Symonds Block, Spokane 263346 Quimby, Lida (Mrs) Olympia 32735a Kalston, Mary Amanda (Mrs James G.) 2423 Summit ave., Spokane 2S833C Reeves, Jessie Muriel (Miss) 320 14th ave.. North Seattle 28834c Reeves, Minnie (Miss) 1203 3rd ave., Seattle 29709?> Remington, Maria S. (Mrs Cyrus C.) 414 N. D st., Tacoma 29710& Remington, Maud Estelle (Miss) 414 N. D St.. Tacoma 36563a Richards, Jennie Morris (Mrs Henry M.) 2136 W. Riverside ave., Spokane 263366 Riddell, Carrie Page (Mrs Crockett Morgan) 720 N. K st., Tacoma 29929|| Roberts, Sara Fisher Norton (Mrs W. H.) 553 S. C st., Tacoma 33150 Robertson, Grace Barrett (Mrs William W.) North Yakima 319296 Rogers, Adelaide Crawford (Mrs Adolphus D.) 824 N. T st., Tacoma 12214c Rollins, Alice Williams (Mrs Charles H., Jr.) 1214 7th ave.. West, Seattle 297126 Sammons, Elizabeth Wheeler (Mrs Thomas) .. 1008 Okaeo st., Tacoma 33147a Savage, Marion Emma (Miss) 2022 W. Riverside ave., Spokane 8890c Shepard, Alice Galloway (Mrs Charles Edward) 413 Terry ave., Seattle 319316 Sherwood, Abigail Eloise (Miss) 1012 N. 9th st., Tacoma 213646 Sherwood, Sarah Maria Woodbury (Mrs G. M.) 1012 N. 9th st., Tacoma 32734a Slayden. Martha Bell (Mrs John" G.) 1732 Pacific ave., Spokane 207656 Smith, Belle Morrison (Mrs Willard D.) 252 ClifE ave., Tacoma 302326 Smith, Isabella Stuart (Miss) 314 N. 11th st.. Tacoma 81926 Smith, Kate Henderson (Mrs Alexander) 314 N. 11th st., Tacoma 9904c Smith, Susan Chichester (Mrs Clarence A.) 617 Chestnut st., Seattle 32729c Souper, Lura Anna King Gregg (Mrs) 516 Seneca st., Seattle 210596 Spalding, Anna Talbot "(Mrs A. W.) 1014 N. L st., Tacoma 2396 Stallcup, Mary Shelby (Mrs John C.) 409 N. D St., Tacoma 25612 Stevens, Gail Robinson (Mrs Richard C.) 1325 18th ave.. Seattle 18636^1 Stein, Abbie Young (Miss) 815 Jefferson ave., Seattle 69726 Stiles, Mary Louise (Mrs T. L.) 411 N. D st., Tacoma 218266 Stone, Grace Pinckney Beebe (Mrs George H.) 203 S. G st., Tacoma 9408c Strudwick, Sally Patteson (Mrs R. C.) 1702 16th ave., Seattle 32733a Taft, Kitty Upson (Miss) 2209 Pacific ave., Spokane 25915a Tannatt, Elizabeth Forster Tappan (Mrs Thomas R.) Farmington 25916a Tannatt, Miriam Hooper (ISIiss) Farmington 28835c Taylor, Sara Hanson (Mrs Gibson) Seattle 263356 Temple, Mary Sherwood (Mrs John Frederick) 712 Asotin st., Tacoma 14462c Terry, Virginia Secessia Withers (Mrs John Young) Seattle 130606 Thomas, Hattie M. (Mrs John W.) : 608 N. I st., Tacoma 297136 Thomas, Mary Genevieve (Miss) Tacoma 9930* Tillinghast, Ida (ISLrs Philip) Tacoma 102766 Todd, Anna Curry (Mrs Alexander B.) Charlestown 356406 Todd, .Clara Newcomb (Airs Wilbur Russel) . .3121 Pacific ave., Tacoma 189996 Tylee, Rebecca Smith (Mrs Edward) 717 N. I st., Tacoma 235896 Wagner, Heartie Dimock Griggs (Mrs G. C.) 324 E st.. North, Tacoma 22761 Warren, Annie Spencer (Mrs Peter) Tacoma^ 32737a Wells, Henrietta Bright (Mrs Lemuel H.) . .2227 Pacific ave., Spokane 108396 Wheeler, Elizabeth A. (Miss) "The Irving," Tacoma 297116 Whitehouse, Mildred Post (Mrs Joseph S.) 818 'N. I st., Tacoma 2632 Wholley, Estelle Kathleen Hagan (Mrs John H.) Vancouver Barracks 28556$ Williams, Carrie E. W. (Mrs Paul) 1426 2nd ave., Seattle 33641§ Willis, Georgia Clark (Mrs Park Weed) Seattle 32338c Wood, Georgie Warner (Mrs Myrick Ray).. 202 Olympic Place. Seattle 26883** Young, Edith Field (Airs George S.) care Capt. Young, 7th Inf., U. S. A., Vancouver Barracks t Mary Washington Chapter, D. C. II Martha's Vineyard Chapter, Mass. ij Nathan Hale Chapter, Minn. * Anna Warner Bailey Chapter, Conn. J Anthony Wayne Chapter, Jlinn. S Freelove Baldwin Stowe Chajiter, ** Louisa St. Clair Chapter, Mich. WEST VIRGINIA. Bruns, Isabel Copeland (Mrs George H.) Lake Mills 25198k? Buck, Elizabeth Malott (Mrs Henry) 217 E. Park ave., Waukesha 24463 BuckstafP, Florence Tyng Griswold (Mrs George A.) Oshkosh 34426W Bullard, Rosalie Means' (Mrs Ernest L.)..317 Arlington st., W^aukesha 14615??^ Bunge, Sarah Emily W^heeler (Mrs George) 1229 State st.. La Crosse 32344£f Burchard, Elizabeth Janet Hunter (Mrs Paul C.) 52 Edwards st.. Fort Atkinson 31168(7 Burchard, Harriet Stevens (Mrs Robert Charles) Fort Atkinson 32740b Burdge, Mary Bicknell (Mrs Richard J.) 361 Euclid ave.. Beloit 18220O Burnell, Carrie Morgan (Mrs George W.) 231 Algoma st., Oshkosh 2513?* Burnell, Fanny Newcomb (Miss) 134 8th st., Milwaukee 8285n Burnham, Eliza Carpenter (Mrs William Amni) 1620 Wells st., Milwaukee 27177w( Burton, Belle Deborah Cone (Mrs George W".) 134 S. 15th st.. La Crosse 4516/i Buttrick, Mary Sawyer (Mrs Edward King) South Milwaukee 35647f Cameron, Frances Converse (JNIrs E. Henry) 39 Fourth st.. Fond du Lac 2913W Cameron, Mary Baker (Mrs Angus) 424 S. 4th St., La Crosse 201270 Campbell, Carrie Morgan (Mrs AVilliam J.).. 215 Wisconsin ave.. Oshkosh 3442710 Carleton, Hattie Sherman (Mrs) 305 East ave., Waukesha 551n Carpenter, Caroline Dillingham (Mrs M. H.) 557 Van Biiren st., Milwaukee 30547i Carpenter, Emma A. (Mrs Edwin F.) 105 East st.. Janes^ille 31932flr Carpenter. Laura Janes Bagley (Mrs W^illiam Alfred) 59 W^ashington st.. Fort Atkinson 20126?! Carter, E. Clinton (Mrs Charles A.) 174 21st st.. Milwaukee Greysolon du Lhut Chapter, Minn. WISCONSIN. 615 27181g Case, Ljdia Ann (Mrs Jerome Increase) 820 Main St., Racine 35053JO Cass, Gertrude M. (Miss) 208 St. Paul ave., Waukesha 27845 Castle, Mary Geraldine Downs (Mrs P. B.) Black Kiver Falls 24467*/ Caswell, Anna Rogers (Mrs Lucien B.) 50 N. Main st., Fort Atkinson 22469f Cate, Ruth Gray (Miss) 321 Ellis st., Stevens Point 10850fc C'avanaugh. Nellie Parkinson (Mrs James) Kenosha 32746;i Chamberlin, Martha M. (Mrs Anson B.) 104 20th st., Milwaukee 13844/1 Chandler, Sarah O. (:Mrs Walter S.) Plankinton House, Milwaukee 1536S& Chapin, Ellen F. (Miss) 709 College st., Beloit 17875H Chapman, Alice G. (Miss) 578 Cass st., Milwaukee 24466e Chase, Jennie Eaton (Miss) Platteville 173550 Chase, Xia Sawyer (Mrs Charles Curry) 785 Algoma st., Oshkosh 31165& Chesbrough, Anna L. Moss (Mrs William H.) 1214 Chapin st., Beloit 2508H Chester, Marion Merrill (Mrs William) 3355 Grand ave., Milwaukee 10846H Childs, Ella V. (Mrs C. N.) 2830 Cedar st., Milwaukee 9415^ Chittenden, Melissa (Miss) Ill N. Academy st.. Janesville 27419fir Clapp, Samaria C. (Mrs Joseph D.) 17 Milwaukee ave.. Fort Atkinson 21365^ Clark, Aimee Paine (Mrs ^'athan O.) Janes\'ille 360510 Clark, Jennie Lampard (Mrs Frank James) 149 High st., Oshkosh 25630g Clement, Susan Paj-ne (Mrs) 1220 Park ave., Racine 20136 Cline. Mary Ellen Thompson (Mrs) Hudson 36054t; Clough, Elsena Wiswall (Mrs Willoughby Goeway) Portage 30555r Cochrane, Lucy Rebecca (]Mrs Robert) Portage 31941f Cole, Anne E. Hurd (Mrs William E.) Harnig st.. Fond du Lac 13076(/ Cole, Isabel Caswell (Mrs G. Luther) 54 North Main st.. Fort Atkinson 19005?i Collins, Frances Irene (Mrs Roderic G.) 524 Frederick st., Milwaukee 11821OT Colwell, Nannie (Miss) Colwell Court, 330 South 6th st., La Crosse 13S51HI Conant, May C. (Miss) 520 King st., La Crosse 24455». Conklin, Sophie A. (Miss) 908 11th st., Milwaukee 27979e C6nstantine, Hattie Hulburt (Mrs Chester) Madison 302380 Cook, Rhoda Day (Mrs Ossian) 183 Chvirch st., Oshkosh 27424(7 Cooley, Eliza A. (Miss) 1047 Lake ave., Racine 356501 Copeland, Adelaide Mary (Miss) Jefferson 33597^7 Cornish, Carrie Porter (Mrs Oscar Byrd) 6 S. Fourth st.. Fort Atkinson 32745fir Cornish, Elizabeth Whitney (Mrs O. S.) 34 S. Sherman ave.. Fort Atkinson 293610 Cornish, Grace A. (Miss) 92 Park St., Oshkosh 19001« Cottrill, Ellen M. (Mrs Jedd P. C.) 740 Cass st., Milwaukee 305481 Cowles, Lizzie E. (Miss) 1 East Oak st., Janesville 14470rt Cramer, Harriet L. Barker (Mrs W. E.) "The Plankinton," r^Iilwaukee 323470 Crane, Lilian Felker (Mrs Edward) 261 Washington st., Oshkosh 25616/t Cronyn, Carrie Levara Cate (Mrs William Jerome) 245 14th st., Milwaukee 19603^ Crosby, Emma Erskine (Mrs William Howard) 1042 Main st., Racintf 20773 Cross, Mary A. G. (Mrs Charles A.) Hudson 4987n Grossman, Larry Belloni (Mrs G. B.) 709 Marshall st., Milwaukee 10841JI Crossman, Larry L. (Miss) 709 Marshall st., Milwaukee 27427 j; Culver, Amorette Chapman (Mrs John F.) Portage 34420f/ Curtis, Anna Belle (Miss) 24 E. Sherman ave.. Fort Atkinson 32343^7 Curtis, Ida Stroud (Mrs Clarence B.) 46 Clarence st.. Fort Atkinson 20128O Daggett, Bessie Lou (Miss) ...280 High st.. Oshkosh 8074/^ Daniell, Irene Stiles (Mrs William M.) 550 Stowell Place, Milwaukee 259197J. Daniels, Anna (Miss) 754 Holton st., Milwaukee 36587 Davies. Frankie I. (Mrs) 107 Grand ave., Waukesha 24460a Davis, Emma Wait (Mrs Buel T.) 71 Wangoo st.. Oshkosh 15361H Day, Aley Jeannette (Mrs Frederick T.) 2016 Grand ave., Milwaukee 22463H Day, Lillian (Miss) 2016 Grand ave., Milwaukee 25626U • Decker, Minnie Josephine (Miss) Columbus 250150 De Long, Mary J. S. (Mrs William M.) 37 Elm st.. Oshkosh 10277/1 Denison, Harriet (Miss) Whitewater 31196 Dennett. Clara Rawson (Mrs Fred A.) Sheboygan 13287* De Eeimer, Alicia (Miss) Wisconsin 27i23g Dexheimer, Florence Chambers (Mrs George W.) 14 Whitewater ave.. Fort Atkinson 33152/t Dexter, Mary J. Dana (Mrs David H.) Sta "B,' R., No. 2 Lisbon ave., Milwaukee Peoria Chapter, 111. 616 DIEECTOEY, D. A. E. 3-iOllq Dingee, Martha Parker (Mrs William W.) Eacine 27980i Dixon, Susie (Miss) New London 35667 w Dodge, Alice Sabin (Mrs Edward ClifEord) Lake Mills 35049H Donnelly, Lois D. (Mrs) 549 Murray ave., Milwaukee 22450ra Dorset, Helen (Miss) 230 S. Sixth St., La Crosse 22451m Dorset, Marian (Miss) 230 S. Sixth st., La Crosse 22449??i Dorset, Nannie C. (Mrs C. P.) 230 S. Sixth st., La Crosse 27996 Dorwin, Flora Felicia (Mrs William V.) Durand 3505810 Douglass, Carrie Brown (Mrs Henry L.) Lake Mills 17354& Dowd, Sarah Amanda (Mrs E. Jared) 618 Bluff st., Beloit 4294n Drake, Julia C. (Mrs Harvey W.) 607 Jefferson st., Milwaukee 17358 Dunham, Frances Lawton (Mrs) De Pere 36044& Eddy, Clara (Miss) Beloit 23594V Edwards, Elizabeth Jane Baxter (Mrs) Portage 34006m Egbert, Mary Spier (Mrs F. M.) 226 N. 7th st.. La Crosse 195976 Ehlert, Matie J. Porter (Mrs M.J.) Wonewoc 25923W Ehlman, Frances Graham (Mrs William A.)... 132 19th st., Milwaukee 25617» Eimermann, Ida F. (Mrs Adam J.) 376 24th st., Milwaukee 9416i Eldredge, Sarah Cornelia (Mrs William M.)..65 Prospect ave., Janesville 34012'M; Ellis, Fannie Ledyard (Miss) 108 Carroll st., Waukesha 26341^ Emerson, Eliza J. Woodman (Mrs Thomas J.) 842 Main st., Eacine 297193 Emerson, Lucy Knight (Mrs Charles) 842 Main st., Eacine 25631g Erskine, Emma Paj^ne (Mrs) The Oaks, Station A, Eacine 36059i(3 Estberg, Adaline Beldon Olin (Mrs Emil) 507 E. ave., Waukesha 23381* Fairall, Henrietta (Miss) John st.. West Superior 23380* Fairall, Lillian (Mrs H. S.) John st.. West Superior 35661; Fairchild, Caryl Frances (Miss) 302 Monona ave., Madison 35660; Fairchild, Frances Bull (Mrs Lucius) 302 Monona ave., Madison 36052g Fancher, Helen Louette (Mrs Walter Harvey) 1401 Wisconsin st., Eacine 31944« Fargo, Addie Hoyt (Mrs Enoch J.) Lake Mills 35059m Fargo, Minerva Joslin (Mrs Eobert) Lake Mills 27985/1 Fellows, Phoebe Foster (Mrs Frank E.) Jefferson 6411?i, Ferguson, Marcia B. (Mrs Edward) 498 Van Buren st., Milwaukee 23077» Ferry, Cora Phillips (Mrs George B.) 19 Woodland Court, Milwaukee 23600i Fethers, Frances Conkey (Mrs O. H.) 51 St. Lawrence Place, Janesville 16526 Field, Imogene H. (Mrs' George Louis) 304 Jackson st., Eipon 23599i Fifield, Anna Dotj- (Mrs Charles Leavitt) . . .201 Jackman st., Janesville 23282t Fifield, Catharine' Eeed (Miss) 204 N. Jackson st., Janesville 23281i Fifield, Jessie Cowles (Mrs James S.)..123 Washington st., Janesville 244610 Finney, Jessie Goe (Mrs Eoland P.) 435 Washington st., Oshkosh 25632^ Fish, Mary Annie Stowe (Mrs Frank Marson) 733 College ave., Eacine 19591?t Fitch, Eliza Eliot (Mrs Grant) 232 Biddle st., Milwaukee 11828» Fitzgerald, Helen Drake (Mrs William N.) 756 Marshall st., Milwaukee 20133V Flanders, Lydia A. (Mrs Arthur Carlton) .Portage 6412m Flanders, Mary Cornelia Haney (Mrs J. G.) 161 Prospect st., Milwaukee 331530 Fling, Nellie Pierce (Mrs Harry) Jackson st., Oshkosh 13849?^ Flint, Frances (Mrs John Gardiner) 272 Martin st., Milwaukee 13070H. Flint, Jane Louise Eay (Mrs W. K.) 272 Martin st., Milwaukee 195866 Forbes, Ella F. Yates (Mrs L. D.) 700 Broad st., Beloit 182170 Forbes, Lucy A. Tolman (Mrs) 110 Union st., Oshkosh 182190 Forbes, Mary E. (Miss) 110 Union st., Oshkosh 30551m Foster, Alice M. (Mrs L. W.) 118 S. 8th st., La Crosse 25614TO Foster, Elizabeth Wallin (Mrs Harry Howard) Merrill 30550W Foster, Ellen M. (Mrs A. M.) 812 Main st.. La Crosse 30552W Foster, Gertrude M. (Miss) 118 S. 8th st.. La Crosse 2651f Foulkes, Virginia Tallmadge (Mrs Edward W.) 109 Sheboygan st.. Fond du Lac 30556V Fowler, Carrie J. Smith (Mrs Chester A.) Portage 6159« Fox, Frances Antill Tappen (Mrs J. M.) 686 Shepherd ave., Milwaukee 30236m Fox, Eachel Janet (Miss) 686 Shepherd ave., Milwaukee 190120 Fraker, Mary Eeeve (Miss) 388 Algoma st., Oshkosh 13846U French, Minnie Inez (Mrs Samuel William) 1216 Grand ave., Milwaukee 11826/1 Frost, Ida Canfield (Mrs Edward W.) 705 Marshall st., Milwaukee 23598m Fruit, Marion E. (Mrs J. J.) 136 S. 13th st.. La Crosse Pilgrim Chapter, Iowa. WISCOXSIX. 617 25633(7 Fuller, Henrietta Case (Mrs Percival Strong) 826 Main St., Eacine 365TS/ Fuller, Jessica Haskell (Mrs Edward M.) Madison S2S^;i Fuller, Kate Fitzburg (Mrs Oliver C.) 595 Marshall ave., Milwaukee 36579; Fuller, Shirley (Miss) Madison 31934/1 Gates, Katherine Mead (Mrs James L.)....171 Prospect ave., Milwaukee 27185/' Giddings, Hattie Bell Hunter (Mrs George) Sheboj-gan St., Fond du Lac 274250 Gilkey, Elma Lowd (Mrs Geoi-ge Freeman) .... 199 Church st., Oshkosh 365820 Gillet, Susannah Atwater (Mrs Gurdin) 371 Grand ave., Kenosha 244620 Goe, Martha M. (Miss) 64 Mt. Vernon st., Oshkosh 224670 Gould, Emma J. (Mrs James P.) 138 Algoma st., Oshkosh 4251JI Grant, Mary Jeannette (Mrs) Eu Claire 10854fc Grant, Mary Thomas (Mrs Emory L.) 479 Prairie ave., Kenosha 102Sl;t Graj^ Marietta W. (Mrs Edward) 460 Cass ave., Milwaukee 14618 Graj-, Sara Winchester (Mrs Carroll Eugene) Whitewater 10287i Green, Cora Hoxie (Mrs Ellsworth J.).. 252 S. Franklin st., Janesville 13843U Green, Mildred Ormsby (Mrs Harrison) 3102 Wells st., Milwaukee 26590;/ Greene, Jeannette Guile (Mrs Walter S.) 655 Milwaukee st., Milwaukee 11346U Greenslade, Mary Sands (Mrs Oliver M.) 340 Prospect ave., Milwaukee 15357U Gregorj^ Ella Kneeland (Airs Arnold) Grand ave. and lOtli and 11th sts., Milwaukee 20772& Gregory, Jennie S. (Mrs Carroll S.) 516 College st., Beloit 11831/t Grimes, Belle S. (Miss) 561 Jackson st.. Milwaukee 340046 Grinnell, Almira C. (Mrs William H.) 407 Bluff st., Beloit 35055 Griste, Millicent L. Quiggle (Mrs Perry Oliver) E. Troy 35054(0 Griswold, Sara A. (Mrs^Milton S.) 317 Carroll st., Waukesha 24468f Haber, Mary Ellen Dickinson (Mrs P. H.) Second st., Fond du Lac 35056«; Hadfield, Eunice Mower (Mrs Samuel) 602 Wisconsin ave., Waukesha 25013/1 Hadlev, Daisie Maud (Mrs Frederick Seward) 528 Cass st., Milwaukee 195S7& Hall, Ella Lynde (Mrs William D.) 913 Broad st., Beloit 20649* Hanitch, Elizabeth Strickle Farquhar (Mrs Louis) West Superior 146056 Hansen. Carrie R. (Mrs Edward F.) 924 Chapin St., Beloit 8893/1 Hard, Emily Allen (Mrs Albert W.) 2504 Wells st., Milwaukee 327426 Hardy, Julia Elizabeth (Mrs Charles F.) 147 W. Bridge st., Beloit 2270O Harmon, Marion Ellen Hicks (Mrs Lorenzo D.) 26 Jefferson ave., Oshkosh 331560 Harney, Edith Isabel (Miss) 228 Jefferson ave., Oshkosh 340100 Harney, Laura (Miss) 228 Jefferson ave., Oshkosh 331550 Harney, Mabel T. (Miss) 228 Jeft'erson ave., Oshkosh 13071/i Harper, Mary Palmer (Mrs John Fletcher) .. .229 Ogden ave., Milwaukee 331540 Harper, Maude De Lano (Mrs Corwin Dewey).. 139 Church st., Oshkosh 25024e Harris, Juliette Parker (Miss) Eeedsburg 9419i Hart, S. Louise (Miss) 301 Court st., Janesville 31939(7 Hart, Stella Blake (Mrs Sands M.) 1024 Main st., Eacine 35668« Harvey, Mary Lydia (Miss) Lake Mills 35669/6 Harvej", Mary Jane (Miss) Lake Mills 8075/6 Hauxhurst, Julia Frances (Mrs Sidney) 312 Knapp st., Milwaukee 35656/0 Hawley, lone Gove (Mrs Charles Frederick) 200 E. Park ave., Waukesha 182210 Hay, Mary Townsend (Mrs Will Jay) Oshkosh 311740 Hayes, Josephine Waters (Mrs Henry M.) 215 Washington st., Oshkosh 34428/0 Haynes, Katella Jackson (Mrs) 212 Wisconsin ave., Waukesha 311750 Hays, Florence Catherine (Miss) 215 Washington st., Oshkosh 4545//. Hazleton, Anna (Miss) 202 Juneau ave., Milwaukee 19016/6 Heaton, Mabel Hunt (Mrs) Eeedsburg 35670/6 Hebard, Agnes A. (Miss) Lake Mills 353821 Heisel, Marian J. (Mrs Henrj") West Superior 25619// Henning, Lizzie B. (Mrs Charles W.) 3100 Cedar st., Milwaukee 30246f Henrj^ Linda I. (Mrs George A.) Sheboygan st.. Fond du Lac 27970§ Henshaw, Louise (Miss) Antigo 31172//6 Higbee, Ina (Miss) 1602 Ferry st.. La Crosse 27370t Hill. Sylvia Emeline Newell (Mrs Thomas) .; Spring Green 17443f[ Hills, Abigail (Mrs) Darien 34422// Hillyer, Angeline Coe (Mrs Edwin) Waupun 190130 Himebaugh, Margaret Downs (Mrs John W".)..53 W. Algoma st., Oshkosh Rebecca Mott Chapter, S. C. George Clinton Chapter, Ohio. Greysolon du Lhut Chapter, Minn. § William Henshaw Chapter, West Va. t Washington Heights Chapter, N. Y i Columbia Chapter, D. C. 618 DIKECTOEY, D. A. E. 15988 Hinkley, Elizabeth A. (Mrs L. D.) Waupun 70461J Hitchcoch, Nancy Hull Argall (Mrs) Berlin 21S30W Hixon, Ellen J. (Mrs Gideon C.) La Grosse 31933i/ Hoard, Grace Edith McPherson (Mrs Arthur Ealph) 54 Merchant's ave., Fort Atkinson 27421(7 Hoard, Luella West (Mrs Frank Ward) 7 Milwaukee ave., Fort Atkinson 356627 Hobbins, Katherine Stone (Mrs Harry B.) 135 Langdon st., Madison 32345W Hogan, Gertrude M. (Miss) 204 S. 11th st., La Crosse 17347vt Holbrook, Josephine Tenney (Mrs Arthur) 175 18th st., Milwaukee 23597i7 Holden, Susan Abigail Baxter (Mrs) Portage 35652fc Holderness, Emily Sloss 'Mullins (Mrs T.) 515 Ashland ave., Kenosha 1734671 Holliday, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) 726 Marshall st., Milwaukee 13063/i. Hollister, Alice Martha (Miss) 118 14th st., Milwaukee 21831m Holway, Delia Griswold (Mrs Orlando) 626 Cass ave.. La Crosse 263390 Hooper, Jessie Jack (Mrs Ben) 736 Algoma st., Oshkosh 27420(/ Hopkins, Nellie Clapp (Mrs Norman Marston) 51 South Fourth and Foster sts.. Fort Atkinson 30558f Hoskins, Mary Aurelia (Mrs Francis Bailey) Fourth st., Fond du Lac 1900611 Hoyt, Hettie J. (Mrs Frank M.) 222 Prospect ave., Milwaukee 32747/t Hoyt, Miriam (Miss) Wauwatosa 31180/= Huber, Grace Mihills (Mrs Edward) 123 Harney st., Fond du Lac 9413i Hunt, Helen Eliza (Miss) 12 Mineral Point ave., Janesville 28304J7 Hunter, Ida Drew (Mrs Robert T.) 30 Madison ave.. Fort Atkinson 19019(7 Hurlbut, Eniilie Jaques (Mrs Henry Warner) 1844 Maine st., Racine 36590 Hurlbut, Margaret Medora (Miss) Elkhorn 2612n Hustis, Josephine L. (Miss) 757 Marshall st., Milwaukee 36584V Hutchinson, Hattie Lavantia (Mrs James W.) Randolph 19583& Hutchinson, Laura Frances Jenkins (Mrs Andrew) 627 Broad st., Beloit 2SS38H Hyman, ]\Iarie Moise (Mrs J. C.) 231 Ogden ave., Milwaukee 36055V Hyland, Eva Wiswall (Mrs Harvey George) Portage 30549i Hyzer, Harriet M. (Mrs Edward M.) 252 Park Place, Janesville 14600& Ingersoll, Theresa May Jenkins (Mrs George B.) 537 Public ave.. Beloit 22468f Jack. Mary E. (Mrs David) Fond du Lac 10856'i Jackman, Clarice Juliett Hanchett (Mrs C. S.) 57 Park Place, Janesville 24447i Jackman, Mabel (Miss) 108 S. East st., Janesville 34429'm; Jackson, Eliza Wilbor (Mrs Calvin) 212 Wisconsin ave., Waiikesha 36058?^' Jacobs, Lucetta Hartshorne (Mrs B. U.) 409 Grand ave., Waukesha 31940t; Jaeger, Mary Rosenda Peabody (Mrs Ernest L.) Portage 34007m James, Jessie Wood (Mrs Alfred) 710 Vine st.. La Crosse 19592H. James, Venice (Miss) 715 Astor Place, Milwaukee 250096 Janvrin, Josephine A. (Mrs Joseph A.) 437 Prairie ave., Beloit 6158(. JefEris, Nancy Roys (Mrs Malcolm G.) 254 S. Main st., Janesville 15365i' Jeft'ris, Susan Alice (Miss) 58 S. Jackson st., Janesville 2680n Jenkins, Alice Miller (Mrs James Graham) 284 Knapp st., Milwaukee 23079)1 Jenks, Helen E. Prentice (Mrs Jonathan R.) 136 Farwell ave., Milwaukee 15366i Jerome, Susan Martha Brown (Mrs Charles L.) Janesville 5493?i Johnson, Electa Amanda Wright (Mrs D. H.) 734 Marshall st., Milwaukee 25620JI Johnson, Emma L. (Mrs W. B.) Belvidere, No. 5, Milwaukee 29359/( Johnson, Jessie (Miss) 629 Van Buren st., Milwaukee 31179f Johnson, Persis A. (Mrs) 200 E. 2nd st.. Fond du Lac 11830H Johnson, Rose Higbee (Mrs Jerome B.) 629 Van Buren st., Milwaukee 33599(7 Johnston, Frances Butler (Mrs T. Lyne) 58 Grove st.. Fort Atkinson 26001|| Johnston, Martha J. Hubbard (Mrs James) Hotel Athern, Oshkosh 11074t Jones, Frances Frisbie Shepard (Mrs Arthur H.) 311 S. Jefferson st.. Green Bay 26591fir Jones, Mary Frances Cole (Mrs Milo C.) 22 Jones ave.. Fort Atkinson 31178t; Jones, Phifena Leonore Converse (Mrs James Edwin) Portage 13064t^ Joys, Alma Mervin (Mrs Andrew M.)...^ 209 Mason st., Milwaukee 3013r( Ka'ine, Alice J. (Mrs John L.) 582 Maryland ave., Milwaukee 2S839rt Kalk, Maria Porter Dunham (Mrs Charles Frederick) Cumberland 21829& Keeler, Katharine Spalding (Mrs Chauncey C.) 563 Broad st., Beloit 15360 Kelley, Katharine M. (Mrs Frank R.) 908 Main st., Racine 5657n Kempster, Frances Saunders (Mrs Walter) Hotel Aberdeen, Grand ave., Milwaukee H Dorothy Riplev Chapter, Conn. II Chicago Chapter, 111. Elizabeth Benton Chapter, Mo. WISCONSIN. 61& 30546& Kent, Nettie Cowles (Mrs F. S.) 635 Park ave.. Beloit 25022e Kent, Sarah Alice (Miss) Baraboo 26897* Kerr, Clara Emma Seaman (Mrs Isaac Kendall) Eau Clair 19014i Kimball, Abby Elizabeth Prichard (Mrs George Fenner.) Janesville 10852fc Kimball, Anna Mortland (Miss) Kenosha 8073fc Kimball, Emily Nelson (Mrs Julius Henry) Kenosha llOi. Kimberley, Ada Pratt (Mrs E. D.) 6 S. Franklin st., Janesville 25920U Kimberlin, Nettie Dansman (Miss) 309 Pabst Building, Milwaukee 31935H Kloes, Mary Easton (Mrs Henry) 671 Astor st., Milwaukee 25921?i Kneeland, Lizzie Moulton (]\Irs Lorenzo Dow) Hotel Pfister, Milwaukee 28313?/. Kurtz, Juliette Wilson (Mrs) 184 Knapp st., Milwaukee 25922U Laflin, Helen M. (Mrs John W.) 108 20th st., Milwaukee 27173H Laflin, Mary Luella (Miss) 108 20th st., Milwaukee 35649i Lane, Elizabeth Copeland (Mrs Henry Howard) Jefferson 17871) Lappin, Mary Jane (Mrs Thomas) 252 Park Place, Janesville 15981f Larrabee, Ellen (Miss) Sheboj-gan st., Fond du Lac 25025?; Latimer, Laurie Bodine (Mrs Clark W.) Portage 31169f; Laughlin, Frederica Dearborn (Mrs Thomas J.) Dodgeville 250170 Leach, Mary Frances Curtis (Mrs Elmer) 430 Washington st., Oshkosh 25007ft - Leonard, Emily Wheeler (Mrs Horace J.) 819 Bushnell st., Beloit 5212 Leonard, Erminia Elizabeth Newton (Mrs Bernard A.) Du Pere 10843« Le Valley, Helen Pitkin (Mrs C. W.) 345 Summit ave., Milwaukee 28305/(t LohmilleV, Charlotte Hickox (Mrs William) 126 N. Vf. ave., La Crosse 213671 Loomis, Etta Boyce (Mrs E. E.) 261 Washington st., Janesville 35046»^ Looney, Elizabeth V. (Miss) , 124 S. Ninth St., La Crosse 8194i- Lovejoy, Julia Isbell Stow (Mrs Allen Perry).. 158 Park Place, Janesville 259241' Low, Sarah Hand (Mrs Lewis) Portage 23084e Lowry, Emma W. (Mrs Edward M.) Lancaster 31943 Luce, Maud Miller (Mrs George Slayton) Galesville 35228f Lush, Ellen Jewell (Mrs Charles Keeler) 14 Melrose Flats, Milwaukee 7384U McAlpine, Mary J. Root (Mrs James) 3700 Grand ave., Milwaukee 3403/H. MacArthur. Eloise Johnson (Mrs Daniel S.) 1103 Main st., La Crosse 16530/H McArthur, Mary L. Dean (Mrs) 212 S. Sixth st., La Crosse 26338f> McCawley, Margaret G. (Miss) Platteville 19590ft McCommons, Jennie B. Lowe (Mrs Perry G.) 644 Park ave., Beloit 36576t McConnell, Eleanor Swain (Mrs John E.) 403 Orchard Place, La Crosse 15987W McCord, Agnes Eoosevelt (Mrs James) 237 S. 11th st.. La Crosse 18225^ McDill, Alice S. (Mrs G. E.) 625 Main st., Steven's Point 27982 McDowell, Helen Bain (Mrs Gerald E.) Kenosha 25621n McGeoch, Alma (Miss) 245 Prospect ave., Milwaukee 25622H McGeoch, Clara (Miss) ' 245 Prospect ave., Milwaukee 19588ft Mcintosh, Eva (Mrs John Carey) Beloit. 23602O McKoy, Sarah Goe (Mrs Horace W.) 64 Mt. Vernon st., Oshkosh 32741ft McLenegan, Annie S. (Miss) Beloit 10282». Mcleod, Genevieve (Mrs John D.) 406 Keene st., Milwaukee 27995 McMahon, Almon L. (Mrs M. H.) Eipon 35653/? Mann, Sarah Steele (Mrs Charles D.) 99 Prospect ave., Milwaukee 10847/? Martin, Mary Hunkins (Mrs Eobert) 210 Greenbush st., Milwaukee 10848/? Martin, Mary Luella (Miss) 210 Greenbush st., Milwaukee 36045/ Mason, Josephine Vroman (Mrs Edwin C.) 268 Langdon st., Madison 311760 Maxcy, Isabel Thompson (Mrs W^arren Gardiner) 108 Church st., Oshkosh 32748// Mavnard, Sarah Dunckles (Mrs Charles A.) 315 Knapp st., Milwaukee 33598// Mead. Betsey Eobinson (Mrs) Waldo 25008ft Menzie, Emeline N. (Mrs Charles H.) 524 Broad st.. Beloit 14599ft Merrill, Ellen C. (Miss) Beloit 13848/? Merrill, Harriet Bell (Miss) Do^vnes College, Milwaukee 2506// Merrill, Mary (Mrs S. S.) 3355 Grand ave., Milwaukee 27991// Miles, Flora Erskine (Mrs Herbert Edwin) 1042 Main st.. Eacine 244656 Miles, Marj^ J. (Mrs William) Eeedsburg 29722 Mills, Alice' Augusta Jones (Mrs John H.) Black Eiver Falls: 30557?) Mitchell, Abby Ormsbee Briggs (Mrs Robert) Portage 22470/ ISIitchell, Clara Z. Blake (Mrs William White) 711 Clark st., Stevens Point 35663/ Moore, Aubertine Woodward (Mrs Samuel H.) 212 Monona ave'., Madison 8283/? Morris, Julia Eobertson (Mrs Howard) 333 Summit ave., Milwaukee Nathan Hale Chapter, Minn. t George Rogers Clarke Chapter, 111. 620 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. 19601 Morris, Lucy E. (Mrs Charles S.) Berlin 3085» Myrick, Harriet Pierce (Mrs Frederick C.) 446 Marshall st., Milwaukee 27184/= Neal, Georgia Ella Hunter (Mrs John Edward) Arndt st., Fond du Lac 23603e Neely, Fannie Lewis (Miss) .Reedsburg 27171 Nelson, Eflfie Coleman (Mrs John H.) 380 Irving Place, Milwaukee 14463fc Newell, Frances Harriet (Miss) Kenosha 19011^: Newman, Alice Fellows (Mrs Samuel C.) Kenosha 13075/, Norris, Sallie Carrington (Mrs Sutton) 155 N. High st., Janesville 259176 Northrop, Kittle F. (Miss) 818 Church st.. Beloit 29589* Norton, Anna M. Winne (Mrs Edwin Franklin) Hudson 23081i Nowlan, Jennie Marlette (Mrs Oscar F.) Janesville 24459W Noyes, Mary Warren (Miss) 1830 Grand ave., Milwaukee 36046/ Oakley, Marj^ (Miss) The Evergreens, Madison 27186^; Ogden, Elva Davis (Mrs Henry)... 21 Merchant's ave.. Fort Atkinson 35052(/ Ogden, Mary A. Vorce (Mrs James M.) 910 Wisconsin st., Racine 26600y Older, Florence Coapman (Mrs James A.) Portage 9907(/ Olin, Mariette T. (Mrs Daniel A.) 1144 Main st.. Racine 35050H. O'Neil, Clara J. Martin (Mrs Charles H.) 3500 Grand ave., Milwaukee 35654» O'Neil, Ethel Linn Virgin (Mrs George E.) 3500 Grand ave.. Milwaukee 297210 Oryall, Latie A. (Mrs Frank C.) 900 Briggs st., Steven's Point 25023e Outerbridge, Delia G. Dennett (Mrs R. P.) Reedsburg 24471* Owen, Dora Webster (Mrs William F.) , Steven's Point 35664/ Owen, Emilie Brace (Mrs Edward Thomas) 614 State st., Madison 201300 Paine, Elizabeth Hosford (Mrs Edward Wheeler) 870 Algoma st., Oshkosh 20771& Paley, Clara H. (Miss) 802 Park ave., Beloit 207706 Paley, Henrietta Hollister (Mrs John) 802 Park ave., Beloit 340056 Palmer. Cora Ellen (Miss) Emerson Hall, Beloit 34430W Park, Marie L. (Mrs Edward S.) 4051/2 Dunbar ave., Waukesha 146036 Pai-ker, Elinor Dudley (Mrs Lowell Holden) . . . .~. .723 Parker ave., Beloit 24448i Parker, Susan Wells (Miss) 161 Prospect ave., Janesville 14635/ Parkinson, Anna Strong (Mrs John M.)....25 Mendota Court, Madison 23605* Parmeter, Elzura P. (Mrs Orin) 524 Church st., Stevens Point 13853 Patrick, Sarah Wellman (Mrs Lewis Searman) 350 State St., Marinette 1535Sn PajTie, Lydia Wood Van Dyke (Mrs Henry C.)..586 Astor st., Milwaukee 32750(/ Pearce, Elizabeth Hart Ely (Mrs John P.) Racine College, Racine 9418i Pease, Cornelia Maria Riiger (Mrs J. J. R.) 65 Prospect ave., Janesville 9421i Pease, Mary Wilton (Miss) 65 Prospect ave., Janesville llS&n Peck, Ellen M. H. (Mrs James Sidney)... 5 Waverly Place, Milwaukee 263400 Peck, Florence Jack (Mrs Merrick J.) Fond du Lac 2120/1 Peck, Katharine Hayes (Miss) 5 Waverly Place, Milwaukee 331570 Peck, Lucinda Whitnev (Mrs Oscar Daniel) 303 Elm st., Oshkosh 178696 Peet, Louise Choate (Mrs J. B.) 707 Bushnell st., Beloit 24456JI Peirce, Ella Crumbaugh (Mrs Jonathan F.) 199 10th st., Milwaukee 7386n Pennell, Clara Lee (Miss) 504 Oakland ave., Milwaukee 22460fc Pennoyer, Alice (Miss) Somers 30244f Perkins, Emeline Larrabee (Mrs George) 30 Sheboygan st., Fond du Lac 26594(/ Perry, Elizabeth May (Mrs F. J.) 50 North Main st.. Fort Atkinson 159836 Perry, Helen Neely (Mrs R. P.) Reedsburg 9909fc Pettit, Alma Robinson (Mrs 0. M.) Kenosha .27182(1' Philbrook, Sarah Snell (Mrs) 1244 Wisconsin st., Racine 30239O Phillips, Marcia H. (Mrs M. C.) 353 Algoma st., Oshkosh .27988/t Pier, Harriet H. (Miss) Plankinton House, Milwaukee .279S9U Pier, Kate H. (Miss) Plankinton House, Milwaukee 25014rt Pierce, Lucy W. (Mrs Clarence S.) 219 32nd st., Milwaukee 8284/^ Pillsburv, Kate S. (Mrs Harry M.) 308 Farwell ave., Milwaukee 33600^; Porter, Minnie E. (Miss) 6 S. Fourth st.. Fort Atkinson 4115» Pratt, Annie Barclay (Mrs Julius H., Jr.) 469 Van Buren st., Milwaukee 26592f7 Pratt, Sarah Palmer Hall (Mrs George A.) . . 15 Jones ave.. Fort Atkinson 23080?* Prentiss, Sarah Ellen (Miss) 136 Farwell ave., Milwaukee 266011' Puffer, Bennie Dockstader (Mrs Herbert James) Portage 24450/H Purdy, Edith Alma (Miss) Platteville .2830317 Purdy, Helen Merrell (Mrs Edmund S.) Portage 11343fc Purnell, Kathrine Lackland (Mrs William H.) Kenosha 3012JI Quarles, Caroline Saunders (Mrs Joseph V.) 286 Juneau ave., Milwaukee Baron Steuben Chapter, N. Y. WISCONSIN. 621 10845« Quarles, Emma Thiers (Mrs Charles) 539 Farwell ave., Mihvaukee 27983 Quarles, Ethel Julia Grant (Mrs Joseph) ... .479 Prairie ave., Kenosha 35648f Quick, Jeannett Gilbert (Mrs Elwood) Sheboj'gan st.. Fond du Lac 4782 Eamsay, Kate Graveraet King- (Mrs Bertin)..520 Colleg-e ave., Appleton 20131e Eamsav, Orie Huntington (Mrs W. H.) Eeedsburg- 293526 Eandall, Charlotte O. (Miss) 804 Church st.. Beloit 293536 Eandall, Sarah Gertrude (Miss) 804 Church st.. Beloit 26595f/ Eankin, Amelia M. (Mrs Edward) 28 Madison ave.. Fort Atkinson 28S40M7 Bay, Ida Velie (Miss) 203 Wisconsin ave., Waukesha 28S41H- Eeid, Estelle Eay (Miss) Appleton 24469^ Eeton, Marion Claflin (Mrs Niels E.) 919 Normal ave., Steven's Point 9417i Eichardson, Caroline A. Pease (Mrs H.) 107 Prospect ave., Janesville 19010fc Eipley, Florence May Fellov^'s (Mrs George Henry) Kenosha 19602 Eobinson, Emma Weston (Mrs J. W.) Necedah 9908fc Eobinson, Ida Ann (Miss) Kenosha 24457/1 Eobinson, Mabel Porter (Miss) 498 Milwaukee st., Milwaukee 9910fc Eobinson, Maria Louise (Miss) Kenosha 138520 Eobinson, Nellie Cherry (Mrs Frederick Fletcher) 28 Union st., Oshkosh 24458»i. Eobinson, Edith Porter (Miss) 498 Milwaukee st., Milwaukee 36057t; Eockwood, Flora Phelps Hawley (Mrs S. S.) Portage 15984 Eodes, Jennie F. (Mrs Abraham) 653 State st., Marinette 2<5596(j Eogers, Grace Gertrude (Miss) 50 N. Main st.. Fort Atkinson. 30724* Eogers, Laura Gertrude (Mrs Henry Gilman) Milwaukee 27174/t Eogers, Laura Seager (Miss) 486 Marshall st., Milwaukee 35051^ Eogers, Mary Marsh (Miss) College ave. and 13th st., Eacine 27422f/ Eogers, S. May (Mrs Jackson S.) 17 Milwaukee ave., Fort Atkinson 250106 Eood, Susan Cunningham (Mrs J. F.) 1024 Chapin st.. Beloit 327446 Boss, Clara Evelyn (Mrs N. J.) 819 Park ave., Beloit 10284fc Eowe, Caroline S. (Mrs N. A.) Kenosha 19593 Eowley, Julia M. (Mrs) 1121 University ave., Madison 34421f/ Eoyce, Jessie Custis (Mrs Theodore Byron) Maple st.. Fort Atkinson 10853A' Eunals, Carrie Warburton Stryker (Mrs Frank A.) Kenosha 25635/ Eusk, Mary E. (Miss) Viroqua 173560 Eussell, Edith Leigh (Miss) 300 W. Algoma st.. Oshkosh 2612111 Eussell, Isabel D. (Mrs S. G.) Milwaukee 35063« Eussell, Mary Emma (Miss) Oakfield 19598e Eyan, Jessie F. Barnhart (Mrs O. E.) Eeedsburg 213661 Eyan, Susie C. (Mrs Edward H.) 231 S. Main st., Janesville 20774 Sacket, Alma Christina (Mrs George Beckwith) Berlin 27183/= Sackett, Hattie Brown (Mrs Howard T.) 87 Sheboygan st., Fond du Lac 27993^ Sage, Emma M. (Miss) 938 Superior st., Eacine 195856 Salmon, Julia A. (Miss) 618 Church st., Beloit 21832i Samuels, Augusta Virginia Chase (Mrs E. J.) Darlington 36056D Sanborn, Helen Elizabeth Parker (Mrs Frank L.) Portage 19595H Sanborn, Jane White Bobbins (Mrs P. E.) 315 Farwell ave., Milwaukee 250190 Sawyer, Caroline Upham (Mrs Philetus Horace) 785 Algoma st., Oshkosh 330SO Sawyer, Mary Eleanor Jewell (Mrs Edgar P.) 785 Algoma st., Oshkosh 327436 Schall, Minnie lone (Mrs Henry Derby) 737 Park ave., Beloit 290SH Schley, Jessie A. (Miss) 586 Astor st., Milwaukee 36589 Schrage, Annie Thayer (Mrs William) Sheboygan 26597(7 Schreiner, Lillian Stair (Mrs) 56 S. Third st.. Fort Atkinson 30094f Schiiyler, Delia M. (Miss) Oconomowoc 9911HI Scott, Olive L. Crosby (Mrs George W.) 119 N. 11th st., La Crosse 13068» Seaman, May Mooers (Mrs Horace Martin) 361 Irving Place, Milwaukee 30245f Sexmith, Harriet Cornelia (Miss) Sheboygan st., Fond du Lac 16529/1 Sexton, Ellen G. (Mrs) Plankinton House, ]SIilwaukee 2507?i Sexton, Mary E. (Mrs Kellogg) 661 Marshall st., Milwaukee 32346»?i Seymour, Sophia White (Mrs Thomas J.) 718 Main st.. La Crosse 12215m Shadbolt, Mary Webb (Mrs George Brinton) 139 S. 7th st.. La Crosse 16528H Shawvan, Lilian M. (Mrs Kerellie) 126 17th st., Milwaukee 1400 Sheldon, Anna Eussell (Mrs S. L.) 16 Langdon st., Madison 2666/1 Sheldon, Georgiana Eussell (Miss) 16 Langdon st., Madison 35646 Shelton, Mary Howe (Mrs A. W.) Ehinelander George Rogers Clarke Chapter, 111. Distaff Chapter, Mich. t Philip Schuyler Chapter, N. Y. 622 DIRECTOEY, D. A. E. 11823U Shepard, Clara B. (Mrs Frederick H.) 2227 Grand ave., Milwaukee 293o6i" Sherer, Clara L. (Mrs William T.) Janesville 25026 Shores, Emma Warren H. (Mrs) Ashland 19017Hi Shoiise, Marie Van Buren (Mrs) 225 S. 7th st., La ( rosse 11993* Shrieves, Emma Willard (Miss) Milwaukee 159S6«! Sill, Frances E. (Miss) 929 State st., La Crosse 271S0HI Sill, Margery (Miss) 929 State st., La Crosse 159S5/H Sill, Mary Grace Edgar (Mrs William Raymond) 929 State st.. La Crosse 31167fc Simmons, Adelaide Louise Johnstone (INIrs Ezra) Kenosha lOSSofc Simmons, Frances Grant (Mrs Zalmon G., Jr.) Kenosha 33700J Sinclair, Lucy Evelyn (Miss) 817 Main st., Racine 2134t Sinclair, Mattie Mitchell (Miss) 817 Main st., Racine 21833 Sisson, Gertrude M. Gee (Mrs George D.)..697 Marietta ave., Milwaukee 25021f Smith, Edna E. (Miss) Amherst 21980 Smith. Emma L. Garrison (Mrs Ira B.) 612 Newberry Blvd., Milwaukee 144740 Smith, Jennie G. W. (Mrs Edward H.) 102 Church st., Oshkosh 25769|| Smith, Laura Grover (Miss) 3 Jefferson Flat, Milwaukee 2246oi Smith, Margaret Sheldon (Mrs Samuel M.) Janesville 357731 Smith, Mary A. (Miss) Stoiighton 19007/ Smith, May Easterbrook (Mrs James Sargent) 125 E. Gilman St., Madison 279877t Smith, M. Irene (Miss) 319 Prospect ave., Milwaukee 8286 Snell, Elizabeth Freeman, (Mrs I.) Room 45 204 Grand ave., Milwaukee ' 7387H Southwell, Sarah J). (Mrs Charles C.) 931 Cambridge ave., Milwaukee 11349« Spalding, Charlotte E. (Mrs Edmund M.) 820 Racine st., Milwaukee 23083!" Spaulding, Caroline L. (Miss) Brodhead 29723 Spaulding, Jane May (Miss) Black River Falls 23082i Spaulding, Lena A. (Miss) Brodhead 29724 Spaulding, Mary Ellen (Miss) Black River Falls 25628y Spear, Eva Dow (Mrs M. W.) Wyocena 2652« Spence, Maria Cornelia Tallmadge (Mrs Thomas W.) 105 Prospect ave., Milwaukee 365807 Spensley, Florence Bashford (Mrs C. F.) 423 N. Pinckesej^ st.. Madison 340084>4< •I' 4>4"I'4*K I HaLffisbMrg P\iblisKii\g Company % + E. J. STACKPOLE. Manager ^ * t We Print 1 I . . I I For All Societies | * I * ± * t + 1^ * _^__^__^— ^ * t THIRD AND MARKET STREETS, HARRISBVRG, PENN'A % X4.4'4.4'4'4'4.4'4>4>4'4>4>4>4>4'4.4'4>4>4<4>4<4<4>4.4>4<4'*f'>f4>4'*f-f-f*l"f4'4"l'«f'*f'-f4"f'f*fl"f4"fK WASHINGTON, D. C. I4th and G St., N. W. NEW YORK Waldorf-Astoria and n53 Broadway ^e<^ F. H. EDMONDS OPTICIAN Maker of Perfect Fitting Spectacles and Eye Glasses Prescription and Special Lens Grinding 14 1 8 New York Avenue Washington, D. C. Cbe- nicDonald-Ellis School for Girls Dr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Lewis Principals I "HIS School is now in its twen- tieth year. It has a full faculty of connpetent and experienced teachers for its Primary, Preparatory and Aca- demic Departments. Prepares for any college for women ; gives opportunity for post-graduate work and offers spe- cial courses in Music, Art and Lan- guages. DR. E. R. LEWIS 1305 17th Street HcKNEW'S 953 Pennsylvania Avenue Leading Cloak and Suit House of Washington^e^ strictly reliable qualities )j W 65 ,^^ ^^. ^, -. •- / V*'^*/ \-^-\/ V'^^*/ >i';^*. ^o ,-l«^ ,. V'^^J^f^V'^ %'"'^-'/' \^^-\^^' <^ *-^7r« ,0 ■/"^. .^^\^;^'.V >^\^:V^';%%. .^^\^ieik'. %. .^■^\^A^; O^ ' o , , * A 'bV^ ,v --"^^ y o^ •..0- .0-' ^^^r wV^. ^ -.-^^ . -^ ^ --M»^.- -o.'*'*^''^^^ "-y??^*' ^^ ^^ \ •^^ '* '^bt