LF 161 "f. flofrer (ID0llep Me^istti •^. \ ^/j ^%r ^'ffiisa ^"^'■ VA^ yc>%i iM. |8y#. A^- DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 1871—1894. EDITED BY A. H. DAVIS. DOVER : PRINTED BY CUFF BROTHERS, I & 2, SNARGATE STREET. • * c • • • r • ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. PAGE. 14 C. E. Sparke, M.A., add "leaves this term, 1894 (^) J address after August, Brook House, Dover." „ For " T. Davenport, B.A.," read *' J. Davenport, B.A." 16 A. E. Gibson, M.A., founder of Laboratory, (1890 :) this date should go after the colon. 25 For " Francis, F.M.," read "Frames, F.M." 63 Bird, R.M. \ 76 Bird,W. 83 Bird, J. B. Address changed after July, 1894, from " 5, Gloucester Crescent , W." to " 26, Harrington Gardens, S. Kensington, s.wr 63 Downes, O. L. In address, for " Care of Committee. General Downes," read " Care of Commissary-General Downes." 65 For " Corbett, E.P.," read " Corlett, E.P." 75 Knocker, L. C. For "XI., 1888," read "XL, 1889; " for " 1889 {h)," read " 1889 {c)." 93 Winsloe, H. E. For " R. M. A. and R. M. C," read " R. M. A. V. R. M. C." 94 Add to introduction to 1888— Third Term, the present date, (May, 1894). 97 Pike, H. L. Date of leaving, for " 1891 Ic)," read " 1892 (<;)." 103 Mellor, John. Omit " XL, 1893," ^''^^ insert it with Mellor, C. 104 Hamilton, R. C. Add "Avoncliffe, Stratford-on-Avon." 106 After particulars of de Laveleye, E. R. E., insert " Jackson, S. C, [D.] ; left 1893 (&)." 107 Patey, W. M., and Patey, P. E. H. Omit "left 1894 (^)-" 109 Gosselin, W. de F. For " Walter," read " Walton." .^'^"Ltlx^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1 irREFACE Explanation of Arrangement and Abbreviations A Sketch of the History of Dover College Poem which Appeared in "Punch" List of Council Early Recollections of Dover College (a) By a Boarder, E. Bennett (b) By a Day-Boy, W. E. Boyton Head Masters List of Assistant-Masters in the Year of Appointment List of Boys in Year and Term of Entrance ... Honours List School Officers Chief Prize Lists. VL Form Classics and Mayor's Medal for Mathematics House Honours (Athletics) Contests with Rival Schools, with Summary of Matches King's School, Canterbury. Football and vvRICKET ... ... ... ,,, ,,, ,,, Clergy Orphan School. Football and Cricket TuNBRiDGE School. Football Sutton Valence School. Football and l^ricket ... ... ,,, ... ... ... Page. V vii ix xxii xxiv I 8 12 13 21 119 120 121 122 124 126 126 IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Castle Hill, Folkestone. Football and Cricket 128 Football XV's 129 Notes on Football ..' 133 Cricket XI's 134 Notes on Cricket 137 List of Principal Events in Athletic Sports ... 138-9 Account of O.D. Club, By R. M. Bird, Hon. Sec. 140 Index of Masters 150 Index of Boys ... ... ... 151 PREFACE. In bringing his pleasant labours to a close, the Editor desires to thank all those who have helped him by promptly sending him the information required, and especially those whose con- tributions appear in the pages of the work. It was a great pleasure to receive so many kind and encouraging letters from O.D's in all parts of the world. Some of the writers were known to the Editor, many were not ; but all testified to the good feeling existing between the Old Boys and their affection for their old school. It is hoped that this record will have the effect of bringing back to tl^s minds of all O.D's pleasant recollections of their school-days, and causing them to spread abroad the knowledge of their old school, so as to increase its prosperity and sphere of usefulness. Only one letter of an unfriendly nature was received. The Editor hopes to make some comments on this and other amusing incidents of the compilation in some future number of the Dovovian. In cases where no reply to his circulars (sent more than once) was received, the Editor has, as a rule, not recorded addresses which have not been verified by the O.D. addressed or his friends. In view of bringing out new editions of the work, as occa- sion should arise, it may be mentioned : (i) That, if practicable, the next edition will be accom- panied by photographs of the buildings in their old and in their present state, and possibly some portraits. VI DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. (2) The Editor hopes that all O.D's will notify to him from time to time any change in their address, occupation, or profession, so that the labours of bringing out a new edition may be made as light as possible. Any suggestions intended to make the book more interesting or useful will be gladly received. Communications of this nature should be addressed to the Editor, Dover College Register, The College, Dover. Owing to various delays in the printing, the Editor fears that some of the details printed in the Register may be some- what out of date. Where this is the case he would be glad to be informed as soon as possible; and if any general wish for it is expressed, would at once set about preparing for the issue of another edition in about a year's time. An explanation of arrangement and abbreviations will be found on the next page. But the commonest abbreviations are for convenience explained at the foot of the pages of the Register. EXPLANATION OF ARRANGEMENT AND ABBREVIATIONS. The names are arranged in alphabetical order in the term of entrance into the College. To find out about any member of the College it is necessary therefore to look out the name in the Index (at the end of the volume), where year and term, e.g., 1879 {a) [b) [c) i.e., first, second and third term respectively, are given with each name, and then look in the body of the book for that year and term, which are indicated at the top of every page. A separate index is given for the Masters. I After name — School Praefect. The date after the name is the date of birth. Next comes the letter indicating house, in square brackets : [D.]— Day Boy. [Sch.] — School House. [Sp.] — Sparke's House. [St.] — Steedman's House. [W.] —Walters' from 1881 to 1886, Wilhams' from 1890 (&) to 1892 {c). [L.] — Littlewood's (the same house as Walters') 1886(c) to 1890 [a). At the beginning of Mr. Compton's term of office in 1892 {c) the names were changed so as to be permanent : From that date [S.] — School House. [P.] —(Priory House) takes place of Sparke's. [M.]— (St. Martin's) takes place of Williams'. [J.] — Junior School. Vlll DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Next come distinctions gained in the school, exhibitions,, etc., and athletic distinctions, e.g., XL— Cricket XL ; XV.— Football XV. ; the years being given therewith. The only prizes noticed are the two principal ones, for Classics and Mathematics, i.e., the Bodkin Prize and the Mayor's Medal. Next comes date of leaving, where it was easily obtainable,, (but the class Hsts used to be so arranged that finding this out for certain was in many cases so laborious that it had to be given up), {a), (b), (c), first, second and third term respectively. After 1887 it may be taken for granted that where a name is mentioned without any notice of date of leaving, or life since leaving, it is the name of a boy still in the school. May, 1894. Then are recorded distinctions, etc., gained since leaving, the usual abbreviations being employed, e.g., Pr. — Priest ; R.M.C.— Royal Military College, Sandhurst ; R.M.A.— Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, etc. Last come the addresses, given throughout in itaUcs, the second (if there are two) being the more permanent. Perm. Add., or Per. Ad. — Permanent Address, i.e., the address from which letters will always be forwarded if the addressee is not actually living there. A SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF DOVER COLLEGE. When Dover College was opened in 1871, the place looked very different from what it does in 1894. The whole of the property belonging to the College at that time consisted of St. Martin's House, the College Hall, and the Gate House. From the North- West corner of the College Hall there ran a high wall to the Gate House, forming an arc of a circle. At the commencement of the first term the Hall was undergoing restoration and could not be used. The Gate House had a roof on, but was otherwise in a half-ruinous condition, and was, in appearance, very picturesque. The only inhabitants of it were owls, and it was possible to bring them out at any time of the night or day by jumping on the floor at a certain place. The ground on which the Priory House now stands was outside the boundary, and no houses stood between the College premises and the railway. What is now the Chapel was a picturesque old building, divided up by wooden partitions so as to form a stable, a cow-house, and a scullery for the farm-house which stood on part of the ground now occupied by the School- house. The farm-house was partly an old timbered house, and partly of brick. The whole place was extremely picturesque, and had been still more so in former years. The ground between the Hall and the farm-house was used as a potato garden, and between the potato patch and the farm-house there was a broad road, in continuation of the road which runs up from Effingham Crescent. The trees which are now in front of X DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER, the School-house, were standing inside the garden belonging to the farm. The gravel playground to the South of the Hall existed then as it does now. Amid such surroundings, the College began its career on September 12th, 1871. The number of boys who appeared on that day was fifteen ; there were, however, three more entered, and before the end of the term there were twenty-one in attendance. Of these twenty-one, fifteen were day-boys, and six were boarders. The preparation-room at St. Martin's House, as it was then arranged, was the only school-room for the first term. The Staff consisted of the Head-Master, with the occasional help of M. Chambert, a Frenchman. This was not a very brilliant beginning, yet the first term was in many ways a very pleasant one, and left pleasant memories to all who were then in the College. The weather was exceedingly fine, and boarders and day-boys all appeared every half-holiday to play cricket or football. Just as cricket was ending and football beginning, the quiet school-life was interrupted by an interesting ceremony, for it was decided that there should be a public opening of the College. The Hall was then finished, and perhaps no better room could be imagined for such a ceremony. If we were happy in having such a room, we were no less happy in having the late Earl Granville for our President, who was always peculiarly successful in presiding at such ceremonies. A procession was formed at the Town Hall, and marched through the gateway to the College. The principal feature of the pro- ceedings was a speech by Earl Granville, which attracted con- siderable attention at the time. When the ceremony was over, the company returned to lunch at the Town Hall, where there were many more speeches, and many expressions of good-will towards the College. The day was bright and sunny, and, altogether, the opening of Dover College was an imposing DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. xi ceremony successfully carried out. So, after beginning very quietly, the College all at once woke up to fame. The next day, a full report of the opening appeared in all the daily papers, and the Morning Post went so far as to honour the young institution with a leading article. The event was annually commemorated by observing October 4th as a holiday. After Christmas, there was a considerable increase in the number of boys, and a Mathematical Master was also added to the staff of teachers. During this term a field was rented or cricket and football, near Elms Vale Farm. It was held by the College for about two years, and would have been very useful if it had been nearer the College. After Easter, the number of boys mounted up to a little over fifty. At this time a series of cricket matches were played with the Preparatory School, which is now at Castle Mount. Mr. Chignell was then Head Master, and the school was conducted at West Mount. Masters, played on both sides, and the fortune of the matches generally turned upon the length of time Mr. Chignell kept up his wicket, as the little boys played well, but could not make much of a score. These matches took place in what is now the lower level of the Cricket Field, which was at that time rented by Mr. Chignell. As one looks back, it seems that the days then were all sunny, the players endued with a double portion of good humour, and the games more full of interest than games could have been where so little was at stake. Any picture of life at Dover College during these early da ys would be wholly incomplete if it did not include some mention of Mrs. Bell. Perhaps there never was anyone who took such delight in the society of boys as she did, so long as she enjoyed even tolerable health. At that time she planned her whole life so as to be with them as much as possible. She took charge of all the boys' clothes during xn DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. those early years, and did most of the work which is com- monly assigned to a matron ; but she was so rapid in her work, that she could always keep free the hours that the boys were out of school. She might in years have been their elder sister. No elder sister could have been more interested in brothers than she was in the boys of Dover College. The elder boys were her friends and admirers, and some of them spent a large portion of their pocket-money in buying for her flowers or other little presents. The younger boys were in their way no less devoted to her, and one little boy was taken away from the College because he showed a marked preference to Mrs. Bell and the College as com- pared with his mother and his home. And she did not win their affections by indulgence; on the contrary, no one was more severe on idleness and breaches of discipline. She frequently sat with the boys when preparing their lessons^ if Mr. Bell were otherwise engaged, and no master ever enforced better order. In their games she took the most lively interest, sometimes keeping the score at cricket, and never being absent from a football match. Even on the most stormy day of winter she would take up her position at some place where she could see the game, and gathering round her the greatcoat of one of the biggest of the players, and attended by one or two boys who were as enthusiastic as herself, she would watch every point of the game from first to last. In time of sickness, too, she could be one of the kindest and firmest of nurses, and an attack of measles which broke out within the first two years proved rather a benefit than otherwise, as the boys gave such favourable accounts of the nursing and kindness which they received, that it gave parents increased confidence in the management of the School-house. Young and beautiful, and possessed of marvellous vivacity, and full of sympathy for others, she gave up her whole life and thought to the boys,. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. XUl and received in return their devoted affection. Yet even then she had times of great suffering and depression, which were known to one only beside herself. At the end of the first year the prizes were distributed by H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught, who was at that time quartered with his regiment in Dover. The reports of the Examiners were very favourable, considering that it was a new school, and His Royal Highness congratulated all con- nected with the College on the successful beginning which had been made. He ended his speech by requesting for the boys an extra week's holiday, which was granted with pleasure. At the beginning of the second year Mr. C. E. Sparke joined the College. He was then a good all-round cricketer, but especially useful as a bowler. He also played football well. At that time, and for many years afterwards, all the masters spent their half-holidays at cricket and football. This had much to do with the success of the school. The masters and boys knew one another thoroughly, and this intimate knowledge only increased their mutual respect. At one time the masters could make up an eleven which could beat the boys,* and at football they were perhaps better still. It may be news to the younger generation that Rugby Union and Association Rules were then unknown. The first young master who came from Cambridge brought with him what were called the Cambridge University Rules, and these were adopted by the College for a time. When the first matches with the King's School, Canterbury, were played, the agreement was that the play should be in accordance with their rules on their ground, and in accordance with our rules on our ground. The result was profound dissatisfaction on both sides. After two years, we took over the present Cricket Field from Mr. * The masters played the school at cricket in 1893, the first match of the kind for many years, and beat them. [Ed. D.C.R.] XIV DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Chignell, which we rented, as he had done, from a butcher. The lower part of the field was then much as it is now, but the upper part was very uneven, and fenced off for the use of fat bullocks. We had no professional, no ground man, and so had to prepare our pitch before we could play on it. Yet I am not sure that we were not in those days quite as contented as the present generation. It may be asked what kind of fellows the early boys at Dover College were. Well, there are a good many alive to answer for themselves, and they are well able to do so. They were very much the same sort of boy as we have now, only they were younger. In any new school it is generally found that classics are a weak point at the start, and Dover College was no exception. There were a few who played cricket wonderfully well for their age, and they were all devoted to football, as Dover College boys always have been, perhaps because their first Head-Master set them the example. In intellectual power, perhaps the twenty that first entered would compare not unfavourably with any twenty which entered in any subsequent term. Some of them have done very good work already, and may be expected to do still better in the future. They all, without exception, at once attached themselves to the place and became, without hint or guidance of any kind, enthusiastically loyal and patriotic. It is also very wonderful, when one thinks of it, how well they got on together. I suppose that there were now and then jealousies and heartburning, but if there were any such, they were kept well under, for they never appeared on the surface ; from all of which it will be understood that at its beginning Dover College was very much the same in tone and feeling as it has continued to be throughout its career. It may seem to some that too much has been said of these early days, but it must not be forgotten that those early days had much to do with making Dover College what it is. When DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. XV it was started, no one expected that it would be much more than a local day school ; many openly prophesied that it would be a failure. Its early success was entirely due to its staff and to its pupils. The pupils did well and expressed great affection for their school, and so an ever-increasing number of pupils kept flowing to the school. The Governing Body, for the first fifteen years of its existence, confined themselves almost entirely to providing additional accommo- dation as it was required, and left the management of the school in the hands of the Head-Master. Undoubtedly the Council did its part of the work well and helped forward the College by providing good buildings, but the motive power which pushed the College ahead was in the staff, as it is in every school which prospers. It remains now to indicate the various stages of develop- ment as shortly as may be. The growth of the College was very rapid, considering that it had no endowments of any kind, and within about three years the Head-Master's house was filled with boarders, and he was urging the Council to extend the buildings of the College. It was not, however, before 1876 that anything was really done. In the meantime, the Head-Master had rented No. 2, Christ Church Villas, which was soon filled with boarders, and after this was accomplished, Mr. Sparke started his career as a House- Master, by renting No. i, Christ Church Villas. In 1877, the new buildings were completed, which had been begun in 1876. These buildings consisted of Priory House and the Class Room attached to the Hall. The boundary line of the College property was at that time extended to the road which then ran in front of the present School-house, and to the other road which still runs in front of the Priory House. Though so much had been done in a short time, the Head-Master had a desire to do more, and he remembers that about the time when these XVI DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. buildings were completed, he one day offered to a Committee, who were inspecting them, that he would contribute ;^ioo towards the restoration of the ancient Guest House for a College Chapel, if they could obtain it and carry out the restoration. The Head-Master took possession of Priory House after Easter, 1877, and found it very convenient and a pleasant house enough in fine weather, but it is no exaggeration to say that there was not a square yard in its walls which was proof against a shower of rain. In the course of time this was remedied and it is now as good a house as any one would wish to live in. Mr. Sparke then moved into St. Martin's House, and the two houses which had been rented were given up. The number of pupils in June, 1877, was one hundred and twenty, of whom fifty-four were boarders. The growth of the College during this period was very rapid, and in June, 1879, the number of boarders had in- creased to ninety-four. The Head-Master's house and Mr. Sparke's house were both full, and another boarding-house had been commenced, of which a short account must be given. The House-Master was the late Mr. C. E. Steedman, M.A., at that time the Principal Mathematical Master, a man of whom all who knew him have the most pleasant recollections. He was a successful teacher, and fond of games, but the great charm about him was his magnificent bass voice, and his great love of music. By that time we had come to have services in the College Hall, on Sunday evenings, instead of going to St. Mary's, and Mrs. Bell and Mr. Steedman, as organist and choir-master took the chief part in preparing the choir for the musical portion of the services. In addition to this, Mr. Steedman took a leading part in the concerts and other musical entertainments which were given. The house he occupied is now Christ Church Vicarage, and traces of its former occupation DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. XVU by the College may still be seen in the bricked-up doorway leading from the College Close into the Vicarage garden. His career as a House- Master was, unhappily, a very short one. In August, 1879, he was married, and within a year he died at the College. . In the meantime, active steps had been taken to increase the accommodation for boarders once more. The Council had ac- quired the ancient Guest House, with the quaint farm-house attached to it; in 1879. It was found that the road which ran in front of it had never been made over to the public, so that the Council, on acquiring the land on both sides, closed up the road and gave the grounds the appearance which they now have. Before commencing the new house they determined to restore the Guest House for a chapel. A considerable sum, not less than /"Soo, was raised by subscription to carry out the restoration, and the extra cost was met by the Council out of the funds of the College. This was finished some time before Mr. Steedman's death in July, 1880. The School- house was also completed in the year 1880, and the Head- Master began to occupy it in January, 1881. At the same time, Mr. Sparke left St. Martin's House and entered Priory House. There was now ample accommodation for the boarders in the two houses, and the boarders who had been in Mr. Steedman's house were transferred to the School-house. St. Martin's House stood empty for a little while, but, as the other houses were soon practically full, it was enlarged and opened by the Rev. F. B. Walters, (who is now Principal of King William's College, Isle of Man) in September, 1881. St. Martin's House, as restored and enlarged, rapidly filled, and within three years, plans were entertained for building a new house on the hill behind the Chapel, but they were not carried out. Meanwhile, improvements had been carried out in other A Xviii DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. directions. The upper part of the Cricket Field had been levelled and brought into its present form in 1881, under the direction of Mr. Chignell. It was a work of great labour and expense, but when it was done, the College had at last a Cricket Field worthy of it. When this work was completed, the Head-Master set about raising money to build a cricket pavilion. A subscription list was opened, and a fair number of subscriptions came in from parents, but there was little response to the appeal from the proprietors. In the end, however, chiefly owing to the efforts of the late Mr. Steriker Finnis, a member of the Council, and the Head-Master, the present pavilion was erected. The debt which was left on the building was cleared off by the Council shortly afterwards, when they took over the subscriptions to games. In the same year, another great improvement was carried out at the College in the restoration of the gateway, by Sir Richard Dickeson. The people of Dover, who were desirous of showing their appreciation of Sir Richard Dickeson's hberaHty and public spirit, subscribed a considerable sum of money which was to be spent in raising some lasting memorial of their gratitude. As it was left to him to choose the form of the memorial, he decided to restore the ancient Gate-house of the College, that it might serve as a Library. When he had carried out the restoration, at a cost considerably beyond the amount contributed, he handed it over to Earl Granville, the President of the College, in October, 1881. It has proved to be one of the most useful, as it is acknowledged to be the most beautiful, of the College buildings. It has been stated that the College Chapel was restored in 1880. It must be understood, however, that at that time only the necessary work was done to render it available for use as a College Chapel. Since that time many additions have been made to the building and the furniture, the effect of which has been to make it one of the most beautiful and DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. xix interesting of College Chapels. The east end was at the first a dead wall, and the College owes to Dr. Astley, Chairman of the Council of the College, the beautiful apse, which he added at his own cost, in 1886. To the same kind benefactor the College owes the charming organ, which he placed in the Chapel in 1882. Mr. Sparke was the donor of the eagle, and inscriptions indicate the donors of the numerous windows which have been given from time to time. The last addition was the clock which was placed in the turret at the south-west angle of the Chapel, as a memorial of Mrs. Bell, in the year 1892. The last addition made to the buildings of the College in the time of its first Head- Master was the Gymnasium, which was built in 1886. It would be interesting to many to have here some record of the development of the College as a place of education, but it would take up more space than can be spared, and it has been thought better on the whole to omit any such attempt for the present. The growth of the College was, for the first sixteen years, very rapid, and was the subject of constant congratulation to all concerned. It is full of promise for the future that the old Dovo- rians are so devoted to their school. The publication of the Record, in which this will appear, is an indication of the strength of the ties which bind the past to the present. The time will soon come when the second generation will be in- habiting the beautiful buildings where their fathers passed their school days. May they keep up the good traditions of the past, and improve upon their fathers, if they can, by feel- ing an even greater affection for a school which grows more and more in prosperity and fame. W. B. XX DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Mr. Bell's long and successful reign came to an end in July, 1892. Since the appointment of his successor, a new venture has been started, which augurs well for the future of the College. In January, 1893, the Junior School, to act as a preparatory to the College, was opened at West Mount, the beautiful house formerly occupied by Mr. Chignell and by Mr. Jollye. Start- ing with fourteen boys, it now numbers 32, of whom about a dozen are boarders. The enthusiasm shown for football, under the guidance of the assistant master, shows that in that respect at any rate, the establishment at West Mount is *' a chip of the old block." The Junior School forms an integral part of the College, the boys coming to Chapel on Sundays, and taking their places when required in the choir, and their names will be found in this Record, entered in alphabetical order, according to their term of entry, among the rest, but distinguished by the letter [J.] An addition has been made to the Chapel during the last year, in the shape of a pulpit, kindly given by our constant bene- factor, Dr. Astley. Among the changes introduced since Mr. Compton's rule began, it may interest O.D's to know that the after- noon devoted to mathematics — and possibly slumbers — is a thing of the past ; the mathematical and classical work, each in single hours, falling to the masters specially inter- ested in each branch ; and the hours are so changed that in the Winter time, instead of being indoors all the after- noon we get till half-past four for out-of-door recreation, and do our work from 4.30 till 6.30. In the Summer term, the old arrangement, with slight modifications, has been retained, so that the evening can be devoted, as of old, to cricket. Those who wish to witness the College Sports also would find a great" change. They are now held at the usual time for such DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. XXI festivities, in the Lent Term, and on the Cricket Field instead of in the Close. Thus we can get a lap of nearly a quarter of a mile, and the other events, e.g., hurdles and loo yards are more conveniently provided for. Neither can the visitors have any cause to regret the change. Instead of crowding up the Hbrary steps to get their tea, they are accommodated with a spacious tent, and as the weather has, on each of the last two Sports days, been quite as brilliant as we used to get nearly always in the end of May, we may presume that the change is as acceptable to the powers that control the skies as to the boys and visitors. A detailed account of the history of the Priory buildings in old times, and a sketch of the present state of the College was published in The St. James's Bridget of February 23rd, 1894. POEM WHICH APPEARED IN "PUNCH." The following appeared in the Dovovian, No. 14, December, 1880 :— Punch, in his playful way, has been poking fun at us. In his number of July 17th, he has the following verses, headed, " At the Door of Knowledge " : — Ye parents that with anxious eyes Scan rival school lists over, Your troubles spare, and spare your sighs, And take the train to Dover. For lo ! that city's classic gate (No distance from the station) Supplies you, wondrous to relate, With every information. Go when you will, by light, by dark. You could not get it faster — The Knocker is the College Clerk ! The Bell is the Head Master ! And if one says what is not true Or contradicts the other, It's plain to see what you may do Without the slightest bother. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. xxiii For you upon them both may frown, And say that you are shocked, or May knock the Secretary down. And then ring up the Doctor. The writer of these hues (as an old Dovorian latelv found out) had nothing to do with the College, but holds a responsible position in the Church. He should have known also that at the same time the name of the French master was Doerr— whereof the pronunciation is obvious. The Editor received this latter piece of information from the " Knocker." XXIV DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. LIST OF COUNCIL. PRESIDENT : The Right Hon. the Marquess of Dufferin and Ava, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, K.P., G.C.B^, G.C.M.G., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., P.C, etc. VICE-PRESIDENTS : The Right Hon. The Earl Sondes. The Right Hon. Lord Northbourne. The Right Hon. Lord Herschell. The Mayor of Dover. George Wyndham, Esq., M. P., A. Akers- Douglas, Esq., M.P. H. B. Poland, Esq., Recorder. Sir G. Goldney, Bart. C. L. Plumptre, Esq. W. P. Bodkin, Esq. Major R. B. Lawes, D.L. C. S. Hardy, Esq. The Rev. W. Bell, M.A. COUNCIL : E. F. Astley, Esq., M.D., Chairman. T. E. Back, Esq. The Rev. Walker Flower. J. L. Bradley, Esq. Henry Hayward, Esq. R. Chignell, Esq. ^ Ashby G. Osborn, Esq., P. S. Court, Esq. M.R.C.S. Sir R. Dickeson. Charles Parsons, Esq., M.D. Frederick Finnis, Esq. James Stilwell, Esq. BANKERS : Dover Branch, London and County Banking Company, (Limited). HON. SECRETARY : E. Wollaston Knocker, Esq., Castle Hill House, Dover. HON. TREASURER : B. C. Scammell, Esq., Bank House, Dover. BURSAR : Major-General F. Eteson, The College, Dover. EARLY DAYS AT DOVER COLLEGE. By a Boarder. ^ i "lllT'ILL you give us your recollections of the early days V V of Dover College ? " was the request made to me some weeks ago by the compiler of this book, I was for a short time in a state of uncertainty as to my fitness for such an undertaking, and recollecting the well-known principle that no defendant is under any compulsion to incriminate himself, my first impulse was to send a refusal to the Editor. But, on reflection, I remembered that although many of my experiences at Dover College in its early days consisted of misdemeanours which are still unpunished, there were other events with which I was connected, of a less compromising character, which redounded to the credit of the School and its masters, as well as in a kind of reflected way to my own honour. Out of small beginnings most great enterprises have arisen. That is a platitude I am almost ashamed to see in print over my own signature, but I can think of no better way of explaining away the fact that, if I was not actually the first boy entered on the books of the College, I was very nearly the first, and that I was certainly the first boarder. If I have done nothing else in the world to benefit anybody or anything, it will be remembered to my merit, after the publication of this book, that I gave one thoroughly good institution a start. B 2 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Many institutions and schools have been obHged to begin their existences with dummy Hsts of members or of boys, but Dover College began with a real substantial individual. Now let me gather up very briefly my recollections of the College in its first term. I remember everything so very vividly, partly because I had never left home before and partly because we, including both masters and boys, were all quite fresh to the place and to one another. We were all freshmen. And the little party of boarders, how vividly all their faces come back to me ! We had all our meals with Mr. and Mrs. Bell, and Williams and Walker and I sat opposite the two Mortons and DufF. These meals were often extremely painful to me, because at home I had never been able to eat fat, or hot or cold mutton, but for fear of being laughed at by the boys, and of seeing Mr. and Mrs. Bell exchange glances with one another, I invariably bolted the unpalatable morsels and sowed the seeds of a dyspepsia which now occasionally visits me. . But the reward of my sufferings is that I lost my daintiness during that first term of Dover College, and I owe this to the Spartan treat- ment I then underwent. I have mentioned Mrs. Bell, and before I go further, I feel bound to speak of her very definitely, and to give her quite a distinct place in my recollections of the College. For my pleasant experiences were nearly all connected in some way or other with her. In after years she told me that she herself had more vivid recollections of that first term than of any other, and the fact is not surprising, for she too came quite fresh to her new duties. And to me she was certainly always the very personification of kindness, T had never been at school before ; I was a nervous, homesick, and extremely troublesome youth, and it is to Mrs. Bell I owe the fact that before I left the College a very large number of my angles were rubbed off. And she was able to achieve this result not only by acting a second mother's part to me, but also DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. by turning very delicately and very effectively a little mild satire and ridicule on my peculiarities. Her many little kind- nesses must be remembered by my contemporaries as well as by myself. One instance, perhaps, I may be allowed to give, and it concerns an old schoolfellow, who, like Mrs. Bell, is no longer with us. Poor Dufif was, I beheve, caught one day in the act of bolstering somebody or something, and was sentenced to stay in the schoolroom one whole half-hohday while we other boys were at play, and he was ordered to occupy his time by writing out 300 hues from " The Student's Hume." He had struggled vahantly through 30 or 40 of these lines when the door opened, and he saw Mrs. Bell smiling and doing her best to look reproachful. She came in ostensibly to stir the fire, but the sight of a human creature in distress was too much for her. " Poor, unhappy looking boy," she said, " I know he is not going to do it again, and so I'm going to read out his lines to him." And she sat down and patiently waded through the Wars of the Roses, and when even she began to feel weary, she volunteered to see Mr. Bell and let him off the rest. He was then sent into the drawing room to look at her albums. Th^s was the kind of action which would appeal to a schoolboy, and I have always associated it with my memory of Mrs. Bell, more especially as one or two of us openly wished at the time we had also been caught bolstering. At St. Mary's Church, which we attended in those days, I was selected to sit next Mrs. Bell, because I was always the first boy to openly exhibit signs of exhaustion during the sermon, and she would every now and again whisper words of comfort to me that the Parson had arrived at the last page, or that he would finish in five minutes, or that if I really fidgeted so she would have to speak to Mr. Bell. Need I say how I tried to please her by sitting quiet and attentive under severe provocation to be otherwise ? And when, after being at the school some six weeks, I was laid up with some slight B- DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. ailment, Mrs. Bell sent me to the best bedroom in the house, and she herself used to come and read to me and tell me all that was going on in the school. I began to disbelieve in what I had been told at home, that illness was a misfortune. For it was really very jolly being ill at Dover College, and I thoroughly enjoyed that illness as well as the measles, which I luckily caught in the second term. I have said this much in reference to Mrs. Bell because, looking back to those years and endeavouring to estimate how great is my indebtedness to the College and in what direction that indebtedness lies, I am conscious that the mere scholastic and academical benefits I received were of comparatively small importance beside the revolution which my school life made in all my habits and manners. I feared the ridicule of the boys, it is true, and that certainly helped me to mend my ways, but the strongest influence of all was my wish to please Mrs. Bell, and not to be in her bad books. And although I saw little of her in subsequent years, when I heard of her death, what she had been to me as a boy seemed to come back to me, and I even recollected with pleasure the many occasions when she patted me on the head and told me I was improving, " that the parting of my hair was straighter to-day, that my tie was better tied, that my fingers were less inky, or that I was getting to walk more hke a gentleman and less like a plough- boy." At this late date I feel glad to have pleased her and to have done her training some shght credit, and it was with genuine and bitter regret that I heard of the death of her whom I may fairly call my old schoolmistress. What are my recollections of the College in its scholastic and academical aspect ? And here again the very idea of this paper compels me to strike a personal note. In later years when the College grew larger, Mr. Bell's labours became naturally more speciaHsed. But in the first terms he taught us nearly everything, and his thoroughness and wide DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 5 reading and experience were especially noticeable in such circumstances. Moreover, he seemed inspired by the enthusiasm of the born teacher. Even we, dull ones, were partially transformed into painstaking students at the end of that first term. I remember that at the opening of the College, Earl Granville, who presided, happened to say in the course of his remarks that mathematics formed a most important branch of study, and that without some proficiency in them, success in life was barred to many men. It is the only sentence in his speech which I remember, because it plunged me into the deepest despair ; and I labelled myself at once among the world's failures. Under my previous Master, who was a classical scholar and little else, I never obtained the least insight into mathematical mysteries, and it was owing to the patience, the long-suffering, and the lucid explanations of Mr. Bell that before Christmas I began to see a dim possibility of realising Lord Granville's ideal of an educated man. Even now, whenever I have to indulge in a computation which necessitates wandering beyond long-division sums, the why and the wherefore are recalled in Mr. Bell's words, and not in the less lucid language of Mr. Barnard Smith or Bishop Colenso. I remember, too, Mr. Bell's way of interesting us in our English studies, such as geography, history, and English grammar, and how he made a special point of trying to awaken in us some enthusiasm for these studies. He did not neglect the classics, but in the year 1871 it was comparatively a new experience to find the Head- Master of a school such as Dover College, possessed by the conviction that, for an English boy, the knowledge of his own country, its history and literature, was of first-rate importance. I feel indebted to Dover College on this account, especially, because a great deal of the pleasure of my life has depended on the pursuing of studies, the first impulse towards which came from Mr. Bell. 6 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. The College in 1871 was a very small affair indeed, and it was not until January, 1872, that we moved into the large hall. Everything about the place has now either been restored or enlarged, and when I visit the grounds now I find a difficulty in tracing out the ancient landmarks. The old gateway is there, but it is no longer a picturesque ruin, providing the boys with endless opportunities for mischief. There may be others who recollect equally with me the 5th November, 1871, when Duff fired what he thought was a rocket, but which turned out to be an unpleasant kind of fire- work, which temporarily paralysed him and got us all into dis- grace. Our cricket and football in those days were nothing to boast of, but we managed to do some very creditable things against a big school in the Folkestone Road. And the Duke of Connaught was learning to be a soldier in Dover at the time, and half-holidays were " by Royal request " obtained more frequently I think than they have been in these degenerate latter days. Of the second term I have said little, because the school then took a tremendous stride, and it became more like the College as we know it now. We started a sixth form, and Walker and I were the first members of it, and we wore tassels on our mortar boards. Walker and I were rivals for pre-eminence at the College in both these terms, and apart from our studies, we were like David and Jonathan. In the nightly slipper fights in our long bedroom he always took my side, and only left me to my own resources when at the com- mencement of the second term I arrived with a pair of slippers which had substantial soles. But of even Walker I have quite lost touch. All my old schoolfellows in that first term are only recollections with me. For this, death is partly responsible, while the other causes are not far to seek. Like Charles Lamb — " I have had playmates, I have had companions, In my days of childhood, in my joyful school-days — All, all are gone, the old familiar faces." DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 7 Owing to the death of my father and the consequent changes in my family's position, I left the School during the second year, and the College had little to thank the boy for, who, not content with starting her, was almost the first to set the example of leaving her prematurely. It has been the regret of my life that I left the School so soon, but while memory remains and while gratitude is still alive within me, the College will have a place in my heart. One special corner will, however, ahvays be reserved for that glorious first term, when we lived like fighting cocks, before less well-behaved youths than ourselves had arrived, who necessitated the tightening of the bonds of discipline, and the withdrawal of the many luxuries and privileges which we, at any rate, never abused or presumed upon. Such are a few of my recollections of Dover College. EDWARD BENNETT. 8 EARLY DAYS AT DOVER COLLEGE. By a Day Boy. SOME 22 years since, as a boy of between ii and 12 years of age I was one of, I think, thirteen who came together in that class-room which ahiiost faces Saxon Street. This small number was the root, if it may be so called, of that now robust tree, Dover College. We were very soon joined by the Head Master, Rev. Wm. Bell, who put us through our paces, and finding us all fairly equal, gave us certain necessary instructions as to our proposed course, and the books it was needful to obtain, and then started a class in Elementary Greek. I have a distinct remembrance of the great difficulty I individually had in mastering the alphabet, but others were quicker at this, and one triumphed greatly over the remainder, by reading his own name written in the strange characters. Things soon went swimmingly and, as numbers increased, new classes were formed and fresh masters appeared. It is needless to say that our great national sports were not forgotten at the College, and as soon as sufficient boys were available, clubs were formed. At first, however, our football was, though perhaps correct, not strictly confined as to the numbers of players, and a match on the lines of that memor- able one at Rugby, when Tom Brown covered himself with DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 9 glory, was not uncommon. As time went on, however, proper teams were selected and matches played against others, or against scratch teams of the school. It may here, perhaps, be remarked that the majority, at first, and the whole, eventually, of the recognised College teams, consisted of boarders and masters, which was one of some few grievances which the day boys grumbled over. It must not be supposed that our tasks and games occupied the whole of our time, for, thanks to the many friends in the town who supported the School and advanced its interests at e\'ery available occasion, there were various holidays granted for certain special causes which deserve to be specially noted. One of the first of these was the beating of the Borough Bounds of Dover in the Mayoralty of Mr. (now Sir Richard) Dickeson, who, as is well known, is not only one of our first, but one of our best friends. On this occasion, the whole of the pupils were invited to attend, and having mustered in the play ground, marched through the town towards the Marine Parade, joining the Mayor, Corporation, and various officials, with a strong escort of police, on the way. The proceedings of the day started at Guilford Battery and we made our way from that point, through the various passages, into the Castle, climbing up breakneck ladders, and threading numerous dark and cobwebby galleries until we emerged into daylight over the Northfall meadow. We then went the proper round of all the boundary stones, many of us undergoing the old-fashioned ordeal of bumping at each ; this ceremony being performed in most efficient style by the policemen in attendance. In this manner we reached that pleasant but breezy spot, on which stands Diggle's Folly, where we found elaborate preparations had been made for the comfort of the inner man and boy. Large marquees covered tables on which we discovered many delicacies dear to our hearts, and while the junior members of the pro- lO DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. cession devoured sandwiches, sausage rolls, jam tarts, and imbibed temperance beverages of a cooling but rather gassy description, the reverend leaders of the procession were satis- factorily occupied on other but equally delightful fare. From this point a change came over us. Whether it was ginger-beer, or that our spirits, after temporary obscurity in the strangeness of our occupation, had recovered their tone, I can- not now say, but it is sufficient to say that we here changed places with the officials and performed the bumping ceremony on them instead. From the police, who tried to look as if they rather liked it, we went a little further, and laid hands on certain dignified members of the Town Council, and at length, watching our chance, we captured a master who had become unpopular, and paid off our old scores with interest. We then quieted down until the last mark on the top of Shakespeare's Cliff was reached, when a deputation of the boys requested that Mr. Mayor and the Head-Master would graciously submit to be bumped. They both agreed in most pleasant fashion, and our operating in these cases was done gently. We then passed along under the cliff towards the S.E.R. Station, and, crossing the Ferry, arrived at our starting point after a most enjoyable day. On another occasion, the late Lord Granville, then President of the College, invited us to be present at the opening of the new Dock, which bears his name. We were taken on board one of the Harbour tugs and, after a short trip in the Bay, during Avhich we were provided with refreshments, we entered the Harbour and joined other steamers which entered the Dock with the usual amount of cheering and general jollification. The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of one of the new Houses was another chance which was not overlooked for giving us a little change from our books, but here there is nothing that is specially interesting beyond the fact that one of the pupils who had recently gained a medal for saving a life DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. II from drowning was specially noticed by Earl Granville, who was present also on this occasion. The first prize-giving at the New College was, of course, an event which even at this lapse of time causes others to take a lower place, as the presence of Prince Arthur with his Regi- ment in the town, enabled the authorities to approach him with a view to his presenting the prizes. This he most kindly agreed to do, and as one of the fortunate recipients, I have a vivid recollection of the many instructions given as to the necessary deportment before Royalty, and also of the won- derful amount of "side" we fortunate ones put on, all res- plendent as we were in white ties, white gloves, and other articles of festive attire. Of the actual presentation I cannot say much, beyond the fact that our lessons in deportment were all forgotten, and the Prince was treated quite like any other man, until the joyful moment when he requested Mr. Bell to give an extra week's hohday in honour of his visit. Had the roof then fallen, it would, I think, have surprised but few in the school. One of the principal features of interest at the College in its early days was the great white owl, known as the Priory Owl, which had nested for many years in the roof of the old archway, not then restored. It was, of course, not often seen in daylight, but it did occasionally come out and fly across towards the Chapel, which was then a most dilapidated barn, and on one of these occasions it was wilfully shot by one of the boys, much to the indignation of every one, not only in the school, but in the town, I do not know what became of the body, but it may possibly have been preserved, in which case, the present owner would, I should suggest, be doing a grace- ful act in presenting it to the College, where a convenient space, say in the Library, could, I should think, be discovered to place it. WALTER E. BOYTON. 12 HEAD MASTERS. 1871.— REV. WILLIAM BELL, M.A., Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge. Formerly Assistant Master at Lancaster Grammar School. Left 1892. Vicar of Wymynswould, 1892 ; and of Sitting- bourne, 1892. 1892.— REV. WILLIAM COOKWORTHY COMPTON, M.A., late Scholar of Jesus College, Cambridge. First Class Classical Tripos, 1877 ; Members' Uni- versity Prize (Latin Essay) 1875. Ordained Priest (Archbishop of Canterbury) 1879. Assistant Master at Uppingham School, 1880-92. Author of "Rudiments of Attic Construction and Idiom ; " " Caesar's Seventh Campaign in Gaul," 13 ASSISTANT MASTERS. Appointed by Mr. Bell. 1872. — W. M. Madden, B.A., Scholar of Queen's College, Cambridge; left 1873. C. E. Sparke, M.A., St. Edmund Hall, Oxford ; House Master, Priory House. M. Chambert, Teacher of French ; left 1876. Herr Karl (Gebhard), Teacher of German; left 1880; died 1882. See Dovorian, June, 1882, No. 18. W. DucKETT, Teacher of Drawing ; left 1877. 1873. — Mr. Binfield, Teacher of Music; left 1877; died 1878. Henry Garrett, B.A., Scholar of Caius College, Cambridge ; left 1874. M.A., 1875; ordained Deacon, 1875; pr. 1885 (Bath and Wells). See Clergy List. Rev. W. Linton Wilson, M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge; left 1876. Second Master, Middle School, Burgh, 1872-3 ; at Dover College, 1873-6; Head Master St. George's School, Brampton, 1876-7; of Oakhurst, Chigwell, 1877-89 ; Principal of St. John's College, Loughton, 1886. St. John's College, Loughton. T. Blackman ; left 1887. Licensed Lay Reader, Diocese of Canterbury ; Founder and present Hon. Commandant of Gordon Boys' Orphanage, Dover. Cleveland Wigan, Music Master ; left 1874. 1875. — C. E. Steedman, M.A., Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge ; House Master, 1878; died at Dover College, July 22nd, 1880. See Dovorian, December, 1880, No. 14. 14 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER, H. Read, Teacher of Shorthand; left 1887. J. Stanton Wise, St. John's College, Cambridge. B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1878 ; Mathematics and Science Master, 1875-81. Godivynehirst, Dover. 1876. — Rev. E. J. Luce, M.A., Trinity College, Dublin, left 1876. H. G. Miller, Blundell Scholar of Sidney Sussex . College, Cambridge. B.A., 1876 ; M.A. , 1887 ; left 1878. Ordained Deacon, 1879, pr. 1890. Principal and Divinity Professor of Huron College, London, Ontario, 1890. Author of "Victory, Blessing, and Song," published by H. Keay, Eastbourne, 6/- ; First Editor of Dovorian, iSyg. Hector France, B.A., Officier d'Academie, Comman- deur du Nichan Iftikhar ; teacher of French ; left 1879. Instructor in French at Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1879. Author of " Le Roman du Cure ; " " Les Bureaux Arabes sous le Second Empire ; " " L'amour au Pays Bleu ; " " Le Peche de Sceur Cunigonde ; " " Marie Queue de Vache ; " " Les Va-nu-Pieds de Londres ;" " Les Nuits de Londres ; " " Sous le Burnous;" " L'Armee de John Bull;" "Sac au Dos a Travers I'Espagne ; " " La Caverne de r Eventreur ; " " Au Soleil." 5, Htimber Terrace, Westbourne Park, Blackheath, S.E. W. H. East ; Teacher of Drawing. Head Master of Dover School of Art. East Lee, Maison Dieii Road, Dover. 1871. — W. G. Field, B.A., Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge ; left 1878. T. Davenport, B.A., Tancred Student of Christ's College, Cambridge ; left 1880. M.A. 1882 ; Curate of Alcester, 1880-82 ; of Nuneaton, 1882-83 '■> Vicar of Rainbow Hill, 1883- 90 : of Wickenford, Worcester, 1890 ; Chaplain of Martley Union, 1891. Wickenford Vicarage, Worcester. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. I5 E. R. MosLEY, M.A., Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1885 ; left 1878. Ordained Deacon, 1878, pr. 1879, (Chester). See Clergy List. 1879. — C. A. C. BowLKER, Scholar of Jesus College, Cam- bridge, B.A., (Senior op.) 1879; M.A., 1883. Ordained Deacon, 1881 (Canterbury); pr. 1882; Chaplain, 1881 ; left 1892. Assistant Master, Uppingham School, 1892. Uppingham, Rutland. W. H. WiDGERY, M.A.; St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1879 ; left 1879. Won Harness' Prize for an essay on "Hamlet," 1880. Second Master in Tower Hill School of Brewers' Company, 1880-81; working also on the Stepney Committee of Charity Organisation Society, 1882-91 ; Assistant Master at University College School ; Librarian of Teacher's Guild of Great Britain and Ireland ; died August 26th, 1891. See Dovovian, October, 1891, No. 72, p. 15. J. H. Rose, B.A., Scholar of Christ's College, Cam- bridge ; left 1880. ^5' 1880. — Lieut. Armand Doerr, B.A., French Master; left 1882. C. R. Haines, B.A., Scholar of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge (First Class Classical Tripos), 1880; . M.A., 1885; left 1886. House Master at Uppingham School. Uppingham, Rutland. W. M. Rhodes, Scholar of Caius College, Cambridge, B.A. (Classical Honours), 1877 ; M.A., 1881 ; left 1883. Preparatory School, Hill House, Guildford, 1883; moved to Hill House, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, 1890. Hill House, St. Leonard's-on-Sea. F. C. Hill, M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge; Classical Tripos, 1879; Foundation Scholar and Wright's Prizeman, St. John's College ; left 1881. Deacon (Canterbury) 1882 ; pr. 1883 ; Chaplain to the Forces (retired). l6 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 1881. — C. F. Abdy Williams, B.A., Trinity Hall, Cam- bridge ; Music Master and Organist ; left 1882. M.A., 1882 ; Mus. Bac. Oxon, 1889; Mus. Bac. Cantab., 1891 ; Organist and Choirmaster, St. Mary's Boltons, S.W., 1885-91; Hon. Local Examiner to Royal College of Music for Kensington District, 1887; author of " Historical Account of Degrees in ^lusic," Novello. Married, August 25th, 1881. Hereford Mansions, Bayswater, W. Permanent ad- dress, Savile Club, 107, Piccadilly, W. E. P. Weatherell, M.A., Exhibitioner of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge; left 1882. Ordained 'Deacon, 1883, pr. 1884 (Norwich); formerly Curate-in-Charge of Coniscliffe, Durham, and Pettistree, Suffolk. East Bridge ford, Nottingham. Rev. F. B. Walters, M.A., Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge; House Master ; left 1886. Head Master, King Wilham's College, Isle of Man. King William's College, Isle of Man. J, H. Fisher, B.A., Exhibitioner of Christ Church, Oxford; left, 1881. 1882. — A. E. Gibson, M.A., Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge ; 2nd Class National Science Tripos, 1879. Assistant Master, Faversham Grammar School, 1879-82; Dover College, 1882-88; founder of Laboratory, 1890 ; Instructor in Physics on H.M.S. " Britannia." " Castella,'" Kingswear, S. Devon. Permanent ad- dress, if .M.S. ^^ Britannia,'" Dartmouth, S.Devon. A. H. Stevens, Organist and Succentor of Worcester College, Oxford, B.A., 1881 ; B. Mus., 1883; M.A., 1884; Deacon, 1884 (Cant.); pr., 1887. 4, St. John's Road, Dover. Louis A. Happe, French and German Master. Col- legium Carolinum, Brunswick, Germany. Assistant Master at Lincoln Grammar School, 1871-1882. Author of " One Hundred Passages for Translation at Sight " : Part I., Enghsh ; Part II., French; Part III., German; (publishers, Hirschfeld Brothers) ; " Questions on German Grammar and DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 1 7 Idioms," (publishers, Hachette and Co.) ; "Practical German Readings " : Part I. and Part II., (publishers, Hachette and Co.) 17, Maison Dieu Road, Dover. E. W. Barclay, Assistant Music Master. Organist of St. Mary's Dover. 2, Saxon Street, Dover. 1883. — G. H. Lenox-Conyngham, B.A., Scholar of Caius College, Cambridge ; left 1883. Afterwards Assistant Master at Fettes School, Edinburgh. Rev. J. H. Fry, Trinity College, Dublin, B.A., 1868; Divinity Test, 1869; M.A., 1871. Deacon, i86g ; Pr. 1870 (Rochester) ; Curate of Castle Hedingham, Lamarsh and Pebmarsh, Essex. Engaged in Tuition and Clerical Work at Dover, 1881-84; Chaplain of St, John (Old Church, Rue Nationale), Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1884-87 ; of New Church of St. John, Boulogne, 1888. Author of " Ritualism," " Tears," " Lectures on the Church of England, ever a Branch of the Catho- lic Church, and Never a Part of the Church of Rome," " Excerpts of Christ," (Skeffington, London). 30, Boulevard du Prince Albert, Boulogne-sur-Mer. 1884.— H. J. C. Knight, B.A., Scholar of St. Catherine's College, Cambridge. Tenth Classic, 1882; First Class Theological Tripos, 1884 ; Evans Prize and Schole- field Prize, 1884; left 1884; M.A., 1885; Lecturer of Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1884 ; Tutor, 1885 ; Senior Tutor, 1887. Selwyn College, Cambridge. G. L. CoLBouRNE, B.A., Scholar of Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge. Senior Opt., 1883 ; left 1886 ; M.A., 1887. Mathematical Master, King William's College, Isle of Man. King William's College, Isle of Man. J. M. Farrar, M.A., late Scholar of Magdalene Col- lege, Cambridge. Second Class (Division i) Classical Tripos, 1883 ; Third Class, pt. II., 1884 ; left 1885. Assistant Master at St. John's School, Leatherhead. St. John's School, Leatherhead. 1885.— J. W. E. Pearce, M.A., Scholar of Merton Col- lege, Oxford; Composition Master, 1885-86; Head Master's Assistant, Cranbrook School, 1887-88 ; l8 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Eastbourne College, 1888-91 ; Assistant Classical Master at University .College School. University College School, Gower Street, W.C. L. R. Rawnsley, B.A., Scholar of St. Catherine's College, Cambridge ; Class II. (Division i). Classical Tripos, 1885 ; M.A. ; left 1886. Deacon, 1886 (Ripon), Pr., 1888 ; Curate of St. Paul's, Cross Stone, Todmorden, 1886-89 ; of Hornsey Parish Church, 1889. 770, Turnpike Lane, Hornsey, iV.. 1886.— E. T. Littlewood, M.A., Scholar of St. Peter's College, Cambridge; left 1890; B. Sc, London: Mathematical Master, King's School, Rochester, 1883-86 ; Senior Mathematical Master, House Master, Dover College, 1886-90 ; Assistant to Professor of Mathematics, Glasgow University,. 1890-92. Principal of Wynberg High School, near Cape Town, South Africa, 1892. Wynberg, Cape Toivn, S. Africa^ D. B. KiTCHiN, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge ; M.A. 1890 ; at Dover College, May to December,. 1886. Editor of " Episodes from Le Comte de Monte Cristo," (Longmans), " L'Evasion du Due de Beaufort, from Dumas " (Percival), " An Introduc- tion to the Study of Proven9al " (Williams and Norgate), translator of Monk's " Geschichte der Griechischen Literatur," edited as " The Student's Manual of Greek Tragedy, with notes by A. W. Verrall, Litt. D." (Swan, Sonnenschein and Co.) Per- manent address, care of Swan Sonnenschein and Co.^ Paternoster Square, E.C. A. H. CooMBES, B.A., Scholar of St. John's College, Oxford ; First Mathematical Mods., 1884, 2nd CI.. Finals, 1886 ; M.A., 1889 ; left December, 1889. Assistant Master, 1890. King's School, Pavramatta, N.S. Wales.. 1887.— J. Jackson, B.A., Scholar of Hertford College, Oxford ;. First Class Classical Mods, and Lit. Hum., 1885; M.A., 188S; left 1890. Assistant Master at St. Paul's School, Hammer- smith, January, 1891. 34, Margravine Gardens, Kensington, W.. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. jjg F. Temperley, B.A., Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge ; left 1887. K. TB. Bird, B.A., Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge: left 1888. P. E. Kingsford (O. D.), Teacher of Shorthand. See List of Boys, 1874 ('^)- Excelsior, Priory Hill, Dover. 1888.— A. H. Davis, B.A., Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge ; Second Class (Div. I.) Classical Tripos, 1886; M.A. 1890. St. Martin's House, Dover College. W. H. Thomas (O.D.) ; left 1893. See List of Boys, 1882 [c). The Chorister's School, Salisbury, and Ormonde House, Belvedere. W. H. Pendlebury, M.A., F.C.S., Scholar of Christ Church, Oxford. Author of Papers in the Proceedings of the Royal Society and Chemical Society and " Science " (New York.) 6, Gladstone Terrace, Dover. 1889.— J. H. SwiNSTEAD, B.A., 1886; Scholar of St. Catherine's College, Cambridge; M.A., 1890; Ordained Deacon, 1888 (Durham) ; Priest, 1890 (Canterbury) ; Curate of St. Mary's, Dover, 1889-go; left 1890. Curate of St. Marylebone, 1890-92 ; Itinerant Missioner to Fairs and Travellers of Sarum Diocese and Curate of Sarum Cathedral, 1892. Church House, Salisbury. H. Sewell, B.A., Scholar of Queen's College, Oxford; left 1889. Ordained, 1889 ; Mathematical Master at Grove Park School, Wrexham, and Curate of St. James', Rhondda, 1889-92 ; Senior Mathematical Master at Bury Grammar School, Lancashire, 1893. Fernsholme, Bury, Lancashire. LuciEN Francois, Graduate of L'Ecole Normale Speciale de Cluny ; left 1889. rSgo.— A. E. Wynne, B.A., Scholar of Jesus College, Cam- bridge. Twenty-Seventh Wrangler, 1885; M.A. ,1892; sometime Second Master at Beaumaris Grammar School. 5, Priory Gate Terrace. Dover. 20 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Louis Sers, B. es L,, University of France ; left December, 1890. Assistant Master at Wellington College, January, 1891. Editor of Camille Rousset's " La Bataille d'lnker- mann," " English Passages, for Translation into French, advanced texts," Ernest Legouve's " Ma fille et mon bien," " La Matinee d'une Etoile " ; all pub- lished by Hachette and Co. Wellington College, Berkshire. C. E. Williams, M.A., Scholar of Queen's College, Cambridge ; B.A., 1874 (Twenty-Sixth Wrangler) Assistant Master, Ely ; Second Master, Llan- dovery ; Assistant Master at Wellington College ; House Master, St. Martin's Honse, Dover College. 1891. — H. B. Smith, M.A., Scholar of St. John's College. Cambridge : left 1891. Assistant Master at Durham School. 42, South, Street, Durham. G. GoDARD, B. es L. ; left 1892. 1892. — E. Lauvriere ; left 1892. Appointed by Mr. Compton. Rev. T. T. Carlyon, M.A., Emmanuel College, Cambridge; Senior Opt. Mathematical Tripos, 1885. Assistant Master at Uppingham School, 1886- 1892. 1893. — B. M. Allen, M.A., Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford, ist Class Classical Mods, and Greats ; B.A., 1886; M.A., 1889 ; left 1893. 17, Well Walk, Hanipstead. R. R. Ottley, M.A., Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., 1886 ; ist Class Classical Tripos, Part L (1886), Part IL (1887.) 7, The Paddock, Dover. Junior School. 1893. — Head Master, A. H. Atkinson, M.A., late Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master, Dulwich College. Assistant Master, A. T. Robinson, B.A., Jesus College, Cambridge. 187I (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 21 BOYS. Entrances in the First Term of the College, October, 1871. Agate, John (30th January, 1861) [D.] ; Beaumont Exhi- bitioner, 1874; Mayor's Medal, 1876 ; left 1876 (c) Bennett, Edward (i 6th September, 1857) [Sch.] ; left 1872. Home Civil Service, 1873 ; Clerk in General Post Office ; Editor of " St. Martin's le Grand " (the P. O. Maga- zine) ; Author of " The Amenities of Social Life " (Elliot Stock, 1887). Savings Bank Department, G.P.O., E.G. Boyton, Walter EdwardI (27th June, i860) [D.] ; Jessel Prize, 1872; Astley Scholarship, 1874 '■> J^^y» 1873 won first Prize ever given to the College, (presented by H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught) ; left 1877. In merchant's office. Married, i8th August, 1887. 58, CrowtherRoadf Norwood, S.E. and 5, St. Martin's Place, Dover. Boyton, Charles Taylor (18th October, 1861) [D.] ; won Granville Exhibition, 1877 ; left 1877. Married, 25th August, 1887 ; Accountant, National Pro- vincial Bank of England, Gt. Yarmouth. 104, WellesleyRoad, Gt. Yarmouth, and 5, St. Martin's Place, Dover. Bradley, WilHam (17th March, 1859) [D.] ; Astley Scholar- ship, 2 years ; Mayor's Medal, 1873 ; left 1876 {a) Married, February 19th, 1884. Priesthaiis, Ashford, Kent. Permt. Add. : Care of Bradley Brothers, Dover. Bradley, Edwin | (22nd January, 1861) [D.] ; Jessel Exhi- bition, 1873 ; Beaumont Exhibition, 1874; Offer of Exhibi- tion at St. John's College, Cambridge, 1877 ; Head of vi. Form, 1877-78; Bodkin Prize, 1877; XV., 1877 ; left 1878. Married, 23rd September, 1886. 4, Castlemotmt Terrace, Dover. Per. Add. : Dover. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's; X Praefect. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively 22; DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [iS?! (c) Duff, Charles Murray (20th June, 1857) [Sch.] ; left 1874. Deceased. « Goodwin, Hubert Holtum (7th March, 1858) [D.] ; XL, 1872-3 ; left 1873. Chan^pion Dover Swimming Club, 1886-7-90-92. Married, nth April, 1882. 8, Biggin Street, Dover. Morton, John Robert (3rd November, i860) [Sch.] ; left 1873. Morton, Henry Hume (28th March, 1862) [Sch.] ; left 1873. Osborn, George (29th July, i860) [Sch.] ; left 1876. R. M. A. Woolwich, 15th Place, 1878 ; Lieut. R.A., 1880 ; Captain, 1888 ; Adjutant 4th Durham Volunteer Artillery, 1886-91 ; Ordnance Committee Experimental Officer, Lydd, 1893 ! Kabul, 1880 (Afghan Campaign) ; originated " Gordon Working Lad's Institute," Liver- pool, opened 1888. Married, 7th June, 1887 ; add. Lydd, 1893. CsLteoiDr. A.G.. Osborn, 2, St. Martin's Place, Dover. Page, George (15th July, 1857) [D.] ; left 1874. Parker, Mark (8th February, 1858) [D.]. Poncia, James Marshall Allen (6th August, 1858) [D.] ; left 1874 c) Honours in Examination of Incorporated Law Society, June, 1883 ; Solicitor of Supreme Court ; Commissioner for Oaths. 42, Victoria Road, Deal. Permt. Add. : Care of Messrs. Beckford and Hall, Solicitors, 67, West Smith- field, E.C. Pryor, John Waite (21st September, i860) [D.] . Died at Bordeaux, November 29th, 1885. Richardson, Edward Parker (24th March, i860) [D.] . Richardson, Alfred John (28th July, 1861) [D.] . Rubie, James Lord (28th May, 1856) [D.] ; left 1872. Married, 20th September, 1880. 56, Biggin Street, Dover. Walker, Arthur George Richard (21st September, 1857) [Sch.] ; left 1873. Wells, Walter (7th April, 1861) [D.— Sch.] Left 1877(a). At Gymnasium, Gressen, Germany, May 1877- April, 1878; St. John's College, Cambridge, Exhibitioner, 1879, and Goldsmith's Exhibition, 1881 ; Classical Tripos (Part D.J Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's ; J Praefect. 1872 {(l)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 23 L), Class III. (Division I.), 1882; Part II., Class II., 1S83; B.A., 1882; M.A., 1886; Master at Grocers' Company's School, Hackney Downs, since 1887 i married, 27th December, 1887. 16, Sack Road, Upper Clapton, N'.E. Williams, Alexander Mackenzie (2gth July, 1857) [Sth.] ; left 1873- Electrical Engineer, Member of Institute of Electrical Engineers (M. Inst. E.E.) ; married, 15th August, 1889. Bvadgate, St. MichaeVs Road, Bouvnemouth. Permanent address, 4, St John's Road, Weymouth. 1872. — First Term. Bacon, Percy Long (30th September, 1861) [D. | ; deceased. Dicey, William Cecil (25th May, 1862) [Sch.] ; deceased. Eastes, Arthur Gilbee (3rd June, 1861) [Sch.]. Flashman, Joseph [D.]. Market Square, Dover. Gardner, Augustus Hunter Reid (20th February, 1862) [D.] ; Jessel Exhibitioner, 1874 ; left 1876. U.S.A., 1883 ; ]\Iember of American Association of Con- chologists ; married, 23rd February, 1887. Fort Hamilton, Long Island, New York, U.S.A. Permanent Add. : 10, St. Martin's Terrace, Dover. Killick, William Henry (24th November, 1856) [D.] ; Beau- mont Prize, 1872 ; Mayor's Medal, 1875. .5, Mercer's Row, Novthanipton. Per. Add. : London Road, Dover. La Roye, Edouard [Sch.] . Murton, Claude (14th November, 1858) [Sch.]. Murton, Guy [Sch.] . Pryor, Edward Thomas (2gth September, 1859), [D.]. Raikes, Arthur Hamilton \ (22nd February, 1858) [Sch.] ; Goldney Prize, 1872-3 ; Beaumont Prize, 1873 ; Astley Exhibitioner, 1874; Exhibitioner at Queen's College, Oxford, 1876; Bodkin Prize, 1872-3-4-5-6; Head of vi. Form, 1874-6; Captain of XL, 1875-6; Captain of XV.; left 1876. Date after name, Birth ; {a), {b), (c), first, second, and ihird term respectively. 24 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1872 (J) * Queen's College XL, XV., and VIII. ; B.A., 1880 ; M.A., : married, April, 1886 ; Author of " Violin Chat," (Fisher Unwin). Principal, The Old College, Windermere. Ruble, WilHam Edward (19th November, 1858) [D.] . Left 1872. 76, Effingham Crescent, Dover, Stuart, Henry Gowan (loth October, i860) [Sch.]. Tillard, Henry Percy (17th April, i860) [Sch.]. Travers, Gordon Dermer (19th April, 1863) [Sch.] . Worsfold, James [D.] . 72, Bouverie Chambers, Fleet Street, E.C. 1872. — Second Term. Adams, Henry RoAve( 15th December, 1857) [D.] ; deceased. Arnold, Henry Richard (nth November, 1858) [D.] ; left 1874. Prizeman, Practical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Society, 1875 ; Reporter on Practical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, Students' Association, 1878-9. Author of " Papers on Cantharidin," etc. Now engaged in Wholesale Chemical and Drug Trade ; married, 27th April, 1 88 1. Parkside, FairhoU Road, Lordship Road, London, N. Barlow, George Dudley (15th August, 1861) [Sch.] ; left 1873- Admitted as Solicitor, 1888; appointed Solicitor to Registry of Friendly Societies, 1890. 37, Lee Road, Blackheath. Permt. Add. : St. Stephen's Club, Westminster. Barlow, Edward Heseltine (3rd February, 1863) [Sch.] ; left 1873. On Stock Exchange; married, 1890. The Cottage, Greenham, Eltham, Kent. Douglas, Francis Hammick (20th February, 1861) [D.] ; left 1872. Surgeon. St. Pierrins, Bognor. Douglas, Stafford Edmund (4th January, 1863) [D.]. Lieutenant, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (91st), November, 1884. ^^'^ Castle, Edinburgh, N.B. D. Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's ; I Praefect 1872 (b), (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 25 Druce, Francis Herbert (gth June. 1863) [E>.] ; afterwards at Wellington College. Partner in firm of Nevill, Druce, and Co. 74, King William Street, London. Crofton, Ashstead, Surrey. And care of E. Druce, Esq., C.E., 8, Victoria Park, Dover. Fielding, A. G. [Sch.] . Fox, Charles James (nth July, 1858) [D.] ; deceased. Francis, F. M. [Sch.]. Fry, William Wright (14th December, 1857) [D.] . Has been in New Zealand for about seventeen years. Fry, Horace Thomas (5th November, 1859) [D.] . Fyson, Charles (2nd November, 1857) [D.] . Killick, Charles Rowe (15th July, 1858) [D.] ; Granville Exhibitioner, 1875 : left 1875. M.B., London, 1889 ; late House Surgeon to London Hospital ; entrance, Science, Chemistry, and Medical Scholarships at London Hospital ; married, 19th Janu- ary, 1892. Williton, Somerset, Norris, Richard (5th July, 1857) [Sch.] ; left 1876 {b). Christ's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1883 ; M.A., 1887; College XL and XV., Captain, 1879 ; President of College Athletic Club ; admitted a Solicitor, 1885. El Paso Club, Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S.A. Permanent Address : care of F. B. Norris, Esq., St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, E.C. Perry, Charles Edward (loth August, i860) [D.] . 1872.— Third Term. Conradi, George Hammond (31st October, 1858) [D.] . Cowie, David (29th May, 1855) [Sch.] . Gale, Arthur Knight (i8th June, 1859) [Sch.] . XV., Captain 1876-77; XL, Captain, 1877 ; left 1877 {h). House Surgeon of the London Hospital, 1881 ; M.R.C.S., England ; and L.R.C.P., London, 1881 ; married, 17th August, 1893. Norton Woodseat, Sheffield. Giles, Arthur [D.] . Hall, Thomas Rowland (27th October, 1858) [Sch.] . Caius College, Cambridge, B.A., 1882 ; M.A., 18S8 ; Date after name, Birth; (a), (6), (c). first, second, and third term respectively. 26 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1872 (c), '73(a) Deacon, 1883 (Ripon) ; Pr., 1885, Exeter; Curate of Penistone, 1883; St. Marylebone, London, 1887. See Clerical Directory. Higginson, Percy Forbes (27th February, 1864) [Sch.] ; left 1874. Admitted as Solicitor of Supreme Court of Judicature, March, 1890: Married, 28th April, 1892. 44, Edwardes' Square, London, S.W. Higginson, Arthur Forbes (23rd September, 1861) [Sch.]. Died, November, 1880. Hoult, William (22nd January, 1862) [D.] . Martin, Frederick (27th August, 1856) [Sch.] . Mills, Edward (17th December, 1857) [D.] ; deceased. Paxton, George (15th June, 1857) [Sch.]. Rees, George - [Sch.] . Ordained Deacon, 1885; Priest, 1887, Derry ; Curate of Drumcree, Armagh. Dnimcree, Portadown, Ireland. 1873. — First Term. Beaching, James [D.] ; went to sea ; drowned on the North ■Esk, 31st March, 1880. See Dovorian, July 1880, No. 13, p. 7. Collingwood [Sch.] . Eykyn, Frederick Bentley (28th August, 1859) [D.] . Forbes, W. A. J (Sp.) ; XI., 1877-78 ; XV., Captain, 1877-9; Secretary of Athletics; left 1879. Football, Kent v. Surrey, 1883 ; nominated to Indian Cadetship, 1879. Goodwin, P. M. [Sch.]; XV., 1877; left 1877. Griffin, William (5th August, 1858) [Sch.] . Hambrook, — [D.] . Hoult (2us) [D.] ; deceased. Killick, Thomas [D.] . • 33, London Road, Dover. Lacroix, Gustave (23rd April, 1858) [D.] . [D.J Day Boy; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's; t Praefect. 1873 (^)}(^)) (^)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 37 Lucas, — [D;]. Matthews,— [D.] . Poulter, Arthur James (14th September, 1857) [D.] . Romney, Henry Redmayne (ist October, 1861) [D.] ; left 1876 (^), Went into commercial Hfe ; lived in U.S.A., 1883- 1886 ; manufacturer of Ceylon Produce ; married, 2nd June, , 1888. 42, Weston Pavk, C vouch End, London, N. 1873— Second Term. Bird, William James (i6th November, 1858) [D.] . Clark, — [Sch.]. Cowie, James Milroy (21st September, 1859) [Sch.] ; 2nd in 100 Yards Amateur Championship, 1882 ; Championship of Northern Counties, 100 Yards, 1883 ; Amateur Champion- ship, 100 Yards, 1883, and Quarter Mile, 1883 ; International 100 Yards, 1884. Davey, A. E. S. t [Sch.] ; XV. 1878-79; left 1879. St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Went to India in Indo- European Telegraph Service ; died of inflammation of the brain. Ellis, Chatham (22nd March, 1863) [Sch.] ; left 1878. Member of London Stock Exchange. Married 3rd October, 1891. Permanent Address : Ellevslie, Staines. Ellis, Montague (4th January, 1887) [Sch.]. Frewin, Frederick (8th July, 1859) [D.] . Iron, John (25th May, 1858) [D.] ; left 1874. Captain in Merchant Service (Indian Emigration Trade) August, 1883 ; Deputy Harbour Master, Dover, Sept., 1892. Permanent iVddress : The Harbour, Dovsr, 1873— Third Term. Brackenbury, William Lumsden Campbell (nth September, 1859) : 1874, Silver Medal for Mathematics ; Beaumont Exhibitioner, 1875 '■> ^st Class Cambridge Local (Seniors), 1875, and Offer of Exhibition at St. John's College, Cam- bridge ; left 1876 (b). Date after name, Birth ; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 28 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1873 (c) Civil Engineer at Messrs, Ransome and Head's Works — sent to Kimberley (S. Africa) Mines to put up machi- nery, 1878, returned 1879 ; Entered Elswick Works, where he showed great ability ; took cold and died of consumption, after 2 years' illness, 25th November, 1884, ^t Davos Platz. See Dovorian, February, 1885, No. 34, and inscription in Chapel. Etherington, Edward Sydney (3rd November. 1861) [Sch.] . Died at Cape. Fisher, Goodricke T. D. (20th May, 1857) [Sch.] . Matatiele, East Griqualand, S. Africa. Greenfield, — [D.] . Johnson, — [D.] . Irvine, — [Sch.] . Knocker, C. McMahon [Sch.] . Marazion, Sidcup, Kent. Koettlitz, Maurice (28th November, 1859) [D.] ; left Christmas, 1876. Medical Student Charing Cross Hospital, 1877; Honours in Anatomy, 1877, i^ Botany, 1878 : Passed final L.S.A., October, 1883 ; final L.R.C.P., London, October, 1885 : Member of British Medical Associa- tion ; late Country Practitioner at Hartfield, Sussex. 75, Folkestone Road, Dover. Koettlitz, Reginald (23rd December, i860) [D.] ; left 1876. Student at Guy's Hospital, M.R.C.S., England, 1884 ; L.R.C.P., Edinburgh, 1886 ; Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Hamsterley District, Auckland Union ; Surgeon- Lt., 2nd V.B. Durham Light Infantry. Permanent Address : Bleak House, Biitterknoivle, Durham. Law, Michael Augustine Fitzgerald (29th May, 1861) [Sch.] ; left for the " Worcester," went to sea. Officer in P. & O. for about three years ; passed Board of Trade Examination for Second Mate ; left Service 1887 ; married, 23rd November, 1887 : J. P. Brievley, Duleek, Co. Meath, Irelaitd. Long, Charles Thomas (24th August, 1861) [D.] ; Granville Exhibitioner, 1878 ; XV., 1877-8 ; left 1878. Professor of Dancing; married, 27th April, 1886. 7, Priory Hill, Dover. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's; % Praefeot. 1873 (^)j '74 (^)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 29 Ormond, Edward Duncan, [Sch.] . Commission to Royal Marine Light Infantry, 1878 ; Pro- bationer in Indian Staff Corps ; killed while mounting his horse at Madras, June, 1883. See Dovorian, July, 1883, No. 25, Polak, Joseph (22nd July, 1859) [D.] ; left 1875. Inspector of Agents for City of London with Sun Life Office ; Married, 5th July, 1881. 16, Grosvenov Road, Highhiry, New Park, N. Sherman, [Sch.] . Tomlin, [D.] . Tunstall, Ernest William (30th January, 1858) [Sch.] ; left same term. Welch, Walter Samuel (27th April, 1859) [Sch.] ; left 1873 (c). Melbourne, Australia. 1874. — First Term. Bode, William Frederick (7th January, 1858) [Sch.]. Solicitor. Brackenbury, Charles Herbert \ (20th November, 1862) [Sch.] ; Granville Exhibition, 1879 ; XL, 1878-79-80, Captain, 1880; XV., 1877-78-79-80 ; left 1880. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1880 ; joined Indian Staff Corps ; died of enteric fever at Karachi, India, 13th July, 1885. See inscription in Chapel. Chantrell, Charles William Hall (15th March, 1858) [D.] ; left Easter, 1874, for business. Craddock, Sidney Ernest (8th November, 1859) [Sch.] . Exhibition for Medical Students, King's College, Lon- don, 1877; Theological and Warneford Prizes, King's College, London, 1879; sailed as Doctor to party, of Emigrants to Sandwich Islands, 1884 ; deceased. FuUerton, John (21st March, 1858) [Sch.] ; deceased. Godfrey, Francis Edward (22nd September, 1859) [Sch.]. Hogben, William Lepine (8th March, i860) [D.] . Lyminge, near Hythe, Kent. Date after name, Birth; (a), (&), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 30 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1874 («),(&) Kerr, John Innes (12th June, i860) [D.] ; left same term. Kerr, Charles Conrad (12th September, i86i) ; [D.] ; left same term. King, John Edgar Douglas (8th March 1861) [Sch.] . Kingsford, Percy Edward I (14th April 1862) ; Freshfield Exhibition, 1875; left 1878. First Editor oi Dovovian, 1878 ; Astley Exhibitioner, 1876- 7-8; Mayor's Medal, 1878: Journalist on Daily Western Times, Exeter, Northern Whig, Belfast, etc. ; Oxford Shorthand, 1887. Excelsior, Priory Hill, Dover. Pain, Robert Andrew Uniacke (26th December 1859) [D,] . Pain, Norman Francis Racket (30th September 1861) [D.] . Poulter, Francis Thomas (27th August 1858) [D.] . 50, High Street, Eccleston Square, London, S.W. Prescott, William Tunbridge (15th July, 1859) [D.] . Scott, Fitzroy Tufton Holt (4th December, i860) [D.-Sp.]. Lieutenant Royal Marine Light Infantry, ist September, 1880 ; Captain, 20th November, 1889 ! Recruiting Ser- vice, Royal Marines, Edinburgh. Royal Marine Barracks, Plymouth. Shepherd, Edward Wodehouse (29th March, 1857) [Sch.] ; left same term. Swift, Richard Meade Pratt (loth July, 1864) [Sch.] ; left 1877. B.A., Oxon, 1886 ; Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1887 ; Lieutenant, H.M. 103rd (2nd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers) 1888. Qnetta, Baluchistan. Care of Sir C. R. McGregor, Bart., 25, Charles Street, St. James's Square, W. Webb, Arthur John (29th February, i860) [Sch.] . 1874. — Second Term. Bowes, Wilham Hely (17th September, 1858) [Sch.] ; Beau- mont Exhibition, 1876 ; Mayor's Medal, 1877 ; Royal Military College, Sandhurst, July, 1878, loth place; Royal Scots Fusihers, Captain, October, 1887; Student at Staff College, 1893. See Army List. Brooke, Arthur George (21st May, i860) [Sch.] . [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's; % Praefect. 1874 (^), {c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 3I Clarke, Alfred Vincent (ist September, 1864) [Sch.] . Hards, Alfred William (6th May, 1859) [D.] . Kerr, Newington, Frederick de Burcham (24th July, 1861) [D.] . Oakes, Augustus John (nth February, 1861.) Osborn, Ashby Frederick | (26th August, 1864) [D.] . Astley Scholarship, 1878 ; Editor of Dovovian, 1879; left 1879 {c). Passed Examination of Municipal Engineers' and Sur- veyors' Association of England, 1886 ; Associate Member Institute of Civil Engineers, England, 1890 : Resident Engineer, Roads and Bridges Department, New South Wales, 1890 ; Member of Royal Society of New South Wales, 1891. Cowra, New South Wales. Permanent address, 2, Priory Road, Dover. Prebble, Percy (19th January, 1864) [Sch.] . North Court Farm, Swingfield, Dover. Richardson, Arthur Wilham (21st January, 1863) [D.] . 1874.— Third Term. Baxter, Richard Arthur (20th April, i860) [Sch.] . Clark, Percy John (nth February, 1864) [Sch.]; left 1879 [b). University College, London ; L.S.A., 1887 ; M.R.C.S., England, 1888. 2, Spital Square, London, E. Permanent Address : 5^^ Medical Directory. Davis, Ernest Harry (31st July, 1864) [D.] . 47, Blomfield Road, Maida Vale, N. Donaldson, John (9th November, i860) [D.] . Fitzgerald, Gerald E. + (i6th March, 1863) [Sch.] ; XV., 1880 ; left 1881. St. George's Hospital— entered 1881 ; L.R.C.P., London, 1887 ; M.R.C.S., England, 1886; married, 1891. Grahanistown, South Africa. Jones, Jonas (30th September, 1858) [Sch.]. Believed to be in Canada. Ormond, — [D.] . Poulter, Herbert (2nd October, 1859) [D.] : left 1875. In Cape for some years, now at Ajax Brewery, Richmond, Surrey. Per. Address: 9, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Date after name, Birth; (a), {b), (c) first, second, and third term respectively. 32 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1875 (^) Ralph, Charles Hugh Danson (2nd October, 1865) [D.] ; left 1877. M.RC.S., L.R.C.P., London, 1892 (Guy's); Registered as Junior Resident Medical Officer, Evelina Hospital, Southwark Bridge Road, S.E. Permanent Address : Carlfovd Cliffs, Bouvmmouth. Robinson, Frank (6th January, 1863) [D.] . Thors, Samuel (31st March, 1863) [D.] . Woollett, Norwood E. | (2nd February, 1862) [Sch.] ; XL, 1878-79 (Captain, 1879) ; XV., 1877-78-79 ; left 1879. St. Thomas's Hospital (XV.) Heathevcote, Towcester. 1875. — First Term. Elwin, Edgar Alfred (20th February, 1864) [D.] ; Freshfield Exhibitioner, 1876: Astley Exhibitioner, 1877; Granville Exhibitioner, 1880: Bodkin Prize, 1878-79-80; Mayor's Medal, 1880 ; Captain of School, 1879-81 ; Indian Civil Service, 1881. 73, Castle Street, Dover. Everest, Walter (24th October, 1863) [D.] . Forster, John WilHam (25th July, 1858) [Sch.] ; left July, 1876. Passed Solicitor's Final, 1882 ; died January 29th, 1883 ; See Dovorian, March, 1883, No. 23. Flashman, Clement Churchill (i8th August, 1864) [D.] ; Captain Day Boys' Cricket ami Football ; Auctioneer and Estate Agent. 23, Folkestone Road, Dover. Permanent Address : Dover. Fullerton, William (13th September, 1859) [Sp.] . Fullerton, James (27th September, 1863) [Sp.] . Igglesden, Benjamin Arthur (19th March, 1864) [D.] ; left December, 1879. 23, Randolph Gardens, Dover. Pain, Alfred (27th January, 1861) [D.] ; left 1877 W- Married, 13th April, 1887. Anindel. Pott, Arthur David Ripley (12th September, 1862) [Sch.] . See Army List. [D ] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's | Praefect. 1875 («)5(^)> (01 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 33 Shervinton, Thomas Robert Montague (28th July, 1858) [Sch.] ; XI., XV., left 1877. Entered Cape Mounted Police (See Dovovian, No. I.) ; Lieutenant in Natal Native Contingent ; Zulu War ; died, 2ist February, 1880, at Durban. Stuart, James (3rd January, 1863) [Sch.] . Wilson, Augustine Thomas ^23rd April, 1863) [D.] . 1875.— Second Term. Bradley, Augustus Montague (23rd April, 1865) [D.] ; Fresh- field Exhibitioner, 1878 ; left 1881 (c). London Matriculation, ist Division, 1882 ; Solicitor, 2nd Class Honours, 1886 ; admitted, 1886. Cotvpev Villa, Dover. Permanent Add., 6, Market Square, Dover. Hardy, Arthur Francis (20th October, 1862) [Sch.]. Harrington, Frank Moore (21st January, 1864) [Sch.] . Herring, W. A. W. (22nd February, 1861) [Sch.]. Koettlitz, Arthur (15th April, 1865) [D.] ; Chief Officer British India Company's Steamship " Ramapoora." Care of Bullock Bros, Rangoon, India. Per. Ad., 75, FolkestoneRoad, Dover. Prime, Charles Joseph (29th June, 1865) [Sch.]; M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Guy's Hospital, XV. ; played football for United Hospitals, 1887 and '90. South Side, Bntterknonule, Darlington. Reed, Thomas (3rd November, 1862) [Sch.] . Youngman, George Arthur (19th March 1861) [Sch.] . Maidstone. 1875.— Third Term. Best, Owen Harrison,:]: (25th January, 1863) [Sch.] ; XL, 1879-80-81 (Captain, 1881) ; XV., 1879-80-81 (Captain, 1880-81); left 1881. Died, 27th September, 1883, at Peri Plantation, Mackay, Queensland. See inscription in Chapel. Burt, Harry William (28th July, 1866) [D.] . Bourdeaux, John (i6th October, 1863) [D.] ; left 1880 {b). Engineer, formerly in Engineering Department of Sub- marine Telegraph Company, now on Submarine Staff Date after name, Birth ; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. D 34 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [l875 (f) of Engineer-in-Chiefs Department ; in 1885, stroke of Junior Four, Dover Rowing Club ; 1886, of the same crew as Seniors ; unbroken record of wins both years. 3, Gladstone Terrace, Dover. Permanent Address,, care oi Engineer-in-Chicf, General Post Office, London, Cockshott, Thomas Dobson (22nd December, 1858) [Sch.] . Waratali, Claremont, W. Australia^ Fenn, Arthur Cooper (i8th September, 1865) [D.] . Care of E. Fenn, Esq., M.D., Maison Dien Lodge, Dover^ Gace, Francis Joseph (8th October, i860) [Sch.] . Cape Civil Service ; married, i6th November, iSgi. Permanent Address : Hope Town, Cape Colony, Gale, Hubert John (17th June, 1863) [Sch.] ; left Christmas^ 1879. Farming. Cuddesdon, Wheatley, Oxon, Harrington, Thomas Flexmore (12th March, 1866). Hawtayne, J. F. [Sch.] ; left 1877 (b). Accountant, Government Secretary's Office, Cape Town, appointed to New Colony in British Bechuanaland;. 1887. See letter in Dovorian, Number 54, March^ 1888. Jackson, Montague Charles (30th September, 1864) [D.] ; left 1880. Surveyor of Fire Risks to Caledonian Insurance Company; married, ist August, 1892. 5, Claremont Terrace, Spratt Hall Road, Wanstead, Essex, Permanent Address : 82, King William Street, E.C, Kingsnorth, Arthur (6th December, 1863) [Sch.] . Lyall, Kenelm Digby (20th June, 1862) [Sch.] . Newton, — [D.] . Pain, Ernest Edward (25th March, 1863) [D.] ; left Easter^ 1881. Articled to Mr. Thomas Lewis, Solicitor, Dover ; Second Class Honours in Solicitors' Final Examination ; ad- mitted as Solicitor, 1886 ; now in partnership with Mr, Thomas Lewis (Lewis and Pain) : married, 13th June^ 1 89 1. 6, Randolph Gardens, Dover, Persse, William Arthur (8th September, 1863) [D.] . Entered Royal Artillery, February, 1883 ; Captain, Feb- ruary, 1892. Roxboro, Longhrea, Co. Gal-way, D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House [Sp.] Sparke's ; : Praefect. 1875 (^)> '6 («)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 35 Stoer, Carl Friedrich (17th June, 1864) [Sch.] . Waterhouse, Charles Wilmot (8th August, 1861) ; XL, 1878- 79 ; XV., 1878-79 ; left 1879. Stock-farmer. Aspdin P.O., Mnsholm, Ontario, Canada. Waterhouse, Edward Haslamj (17th December, 1862); XL, 1878-79-80 ; XV., 1879 ; left 1880. Stock-farmer in Canada. Address : same as above. 1876.- First Term. Bampfield, Frederick Lewis Sharpe | (13th March, 1862) [Sch.] ; XL, 1877-78; XV., 1877-8-9; left 1879. Member of Stock Exchange, 1885 : married, 17th September, 1887. Portmore Lodge, Weyhvidge. Permanent address. Stock Exchange. London, E.G. Briggs, Herbert Grisbrook (21st June, 1862) [D.] ; left 1877 (c). Five years apprenticed to an Engineer ; then studied photography. Studio at 57, Terminus Road, Eastbourne. Cave, — [Sp.] . Clark, Harding Thomas (17th August, 1859) [Sch.] . Oak Lodge, Kilhurn, N.W. Davey, Charles Henry (29th March, 1865) ; died of diphtheria in Manitoba about Easter, 1883. See Dovorian, July, 1883, No. 25, page 22. Forbes, Duncan [Sp-] . FuUerton, William. Hall, Clifford Berney (loth July, i860) [D.] ; left 1876. Hermitage School, Bath, 1877-79; Assistant Master, ToUington Park College, London, 1879-81 ; Emmanuel College, Can-ibridge ; B.A., 1884; M.A., 1888; Assis- tant Master, Monckton Combe School, near Bath, 1884-87 : ordained Deacon, 1886: Pr., 1887 (Bath and Wells) ; Curate of St. Luke's, Lyncombe, Bath, 1886-88 ; of Holy Trinity, Tunbridge Wells, 1888. 14, York Road, Tunbridge Wells. Killick, George Lionel Braikenridge j (13th September, 1859) [D.] ; left 1878 (b). North York Rifles (Militia) 1879-81 ; Second Lieutenant 60th Rifles, February, 1881 ; Lieutenant, 1881-90; Captain, May, 1890 to July, 1893; Deputy-Assistant Date after name, Birth ; {a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. D — 2 36 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [l8y6 (o) Commissary-General, March, 1887 to December, 1888: Attached as Captain to Army Service Corps, December, 1888 to March, 1892 ; retired into first-class Reserve of Officers, July, 1893; campaigns, Egyptian War, 1882 ; present at Kassassin, 9th August, 1882, Tel-el-Kebir, 13th September, 1882 (Medal, Egypt '82, and clasp for Tel-el-Kebir, and Khedivial bronze star), occupation of Cairo, 1882-84 ; Eastern Soudan Expedition, 1884 ; present at Trinkatat, 20th February, 1884, and Battle of Teb, 29th February ; reconnaissance to Tamanieb, 19th March, 1884; two clasps, "El-Teb" and " Suakin," 1884 ; author of " Short Hints on Rations." Great Snieaton Rectory, Northallerton, Yorkshire. Lovegrove, Arthur Charles Adams (7th January, 1863) [Sch.] ; XV., 1878-9 ; left 1879 {a). Westminster Hospital (XV.), qualified in 1888 ; now in practice at Cowton, Yorkshire ; PubHc Vaccinator and Medical Officer of Appleton Wiske District of Northallerton Union. East Cowton, Northallerton, Yorkshire. Packer, Reginald Graham (9th September, 1862) [D.] . Robinson, W. [Sp.] . Stanley, James Charles (20th September, 1865) [D.] . Strachan, Walter | (25th May, 1864) [Sp.-Sch.] ; left 1880 {c). Passed Solicitors' Final with honours, January, 1886, but Member of London Stock Exchange since March, 1887. 35, St. Andrew's Square, Surhiton. Permanent address, 16, Tokenhouse Yard, London, E.C. Swainston, — [D.] Swanston, Frederick John (27th January, 1861) [Sch.] ; left 1880. Worcester College, Oxford; B.A., 1884; M.A., 1887; ordained Deacon, 1885; Pr. 1886 (Chichester); Curate of Burgess Hill, Sussex, 1885-8; of Wimbourne Minster, 1888-90; of St. Clement, Hastings, 1890. Hastings. Ward, James Carpenter (2nd April, 1865). [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; J Praefect. 1876 (b)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 37 1876. — Second Term. Beckett, William Thomas Clifford (29th August, 1862) [Sch.] . Associate Member I.C.E., Bengal Nagpur Railway, Umaria, India. Beckett, Walter Ralph Dune (24th August, 1864) [Sch.]. Blacker, George Francis (23rd October, 1865) [Sp.— D.] ; left 1879. University College Hospital, W.C. ; F.R.C.S., England, 1891 ; M., 1890; L.R.C.P., London, 1890 (University College) ; PreHminary Science, University London (Honours in Zoology), 1885 ; Intermed. M.B., 1888; Exhib. and Gold Medal in Anat., in Mat. Med. and Pharm. Chem. ; Hon. in Physio. ; Atkinson- Morley Surgery Scholarship; Bruce Gold Medal; Erichsen Prizeman ; Senior Demonst. of Anatomy, University College ; late House-Surgeon and Senior Obst. Assistant, University College Hospital. 20, Weymouth Street, Portland Place, W. Blott, Harry (20th October, i860) ; deceased. Bovi^er, Thomas Edward (21st January, 1862) [Sp.] . Dawes, George WiUiam Francis (7th August, 1867) [D.] . Greig, Morland John (i6th October, 1864) [Sch.]; XL, 1881 ; left 1 88 1. Milton Grange, Gravesend. Hart, Alfred (6th February, 1861). Long, William (2nd February, 1865). Mosse, Charles Speke Forbes- (28th March, 1864) [D.] ; XV., 1880 ; deceased. Osborn, Francis Arthur (nth November, 1866) [D.] ; left 1880. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., London, 1892 (Guy's). 2, St. Martin's Place, Dover. Rowland, Thomas Charles (2nd December, 1859) [Sp.] . Surgeon, Royal Navy; M.B. Edinburgh, and CM., 1882, University Edinburgh. Thompson, R. W. [Sch.] . Royal Mihtary College, Sandhurst, 1884 ; 2nd Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (8ist). Mullingar, Ireland. Date after name, Birth ; (n), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 38 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. . [1876 (c) 1876.— Third Term. Barlow, Harry Sibthorpe J (5th April, i860) [Sch.] ; XI. Captain, 1878 ; XV,, 1877-8 ; left 1878. See Dovovian, July, 1889, No. 61, Account of Final Lawn Tennis Championship, H. S. Barlow v. W. Ren- shaw. Championship of London, 1891 ; See Dovovian, Nos. 71 and 72 ; Amateur Doubles Championship, 1891. Boyton, Herbert Henry (30th November, 1865) [D.] ; left 1882. Died, 5th December, 1884. Bower, Charles Lewis (7th February, 1865) [Sp.] . Brackenbury, Richard (3rd June, 1864) [Sch.] ; left 1878. In Africa, 1878-9 ; went to America to learn ranching, 1880 ; now a rancher, and takes pupils ; married, 22nd March, 1893, to Miss Katharine Gibbs, of Gill- well Park, Chingford. Carbon, Cavhon Co., Wyoming, U. S. America. Coleman, Walter Henry (20th May, 1864) [D,] . Christopher, Wilmot Conwav ^: (27th February, i860) [Sch.] ; XV., 1877-8. Cooch, Charles Edward Hyacinth | (nth March, 1861) [D.] ; left 1878. ist (King's Own) Staffordshire Militia, 1878-81 ; 2nd Lieut., 55th Regiment, 1881 ; Lieut., 2nd Batt. Border Regiment, July, 1881 ; Captain, ist Batt. Border Regi ment, January, 1890. Cambridge Barracks, Woolwich Forster, Thomas Frederick I (2nd March, 1862) [Sch.] XV., 1878-9 ; Captain of Second XL, 1879 ; left 1879 (b). M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., Lond., L.S.A., Lond., 1884 married, loth Sept., 1889. The Mansion House, Brampton, Cumberland Gasson, Henry Victor (25th May, 1864) [D.] ; XL, 1880. Green, Robert Harry Morris (4th October, 1865) [Sch.], Associate M.I. C.E. F. C.Rosario, Casilla 104, Buenos Ayres Hawtayne, William Charles Cloete (5th Nov. 1863) [Sch.] . Leicester, Peter Fleming Frederick (25th January, 1863) [D.] left 1879. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; I Praefect. 1876 (6-) '7 («)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 39 Gazetted Lieut. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 1883 ; exchanged to King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 1884 ; half- pay, 1 89 1. Care of ^^V C. McGregor, 25, Charles Street, St. James' Square. W. Leicester, Byron | (23rd January, 1868) [D. — Sch. — Sp.] ; XV., 1885 ; left 1885 {c). R.M.C, Sandhurst, 1885 ; 2nd Lieut., 2nd Batt. The Cheshire Regiment, 1887 ; Lieut. i8go. Belgaum, India Care of Messrs. Cox &= Co., 16, Charing Cross, S.W Leishman, James Timothy Castle (6th April, 1865) [D.] left 1882 {a). Edinburgh University; M.B., Edinburgh and CM., 1887 D.P.H., Cambridge, 1890 (Univ. Edm.) ; s. s. "State of Nebraska," Glasgow. Meadow Bank, Peebles, N.B. Mann, Thomas Edmund (13th May, 1867), [D.] . Died by falling over cliff while at School, loth May, 1881. Robinson, Albert Durrant (ist March, 1862) [Sp.] ; XV., 1877-8. Sargant, William Edward I (26th June, 1862) [Sch.] ; XV., 1877-8 ; left 1878. Swainston, John Parker (17th November, 1862). Thompson, Edward Horwood (22nd June, 1864) [D.] ; left 1879 (a). Assistant Librarian, Reference Department, Free Libraries, Birmingham, 1892. 6, Claremont Road, Sparkbrook, Birmingham. Permanent Address : Reference Library, Birmingham. Thompson, Arnold Edward (9th May, 1866), [D.] . 13, Carlyle Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. 1877.— First Term. Edes, Frederick James Adamson (loth August, 1865) [D.] ; left 1 88 1. One year at Godwynehurst School ; two years Clerk in Royal Engineer's Office ; in a Surveyor's Office, Edin- burgh, 1885-1886; Theological College, Edinburgh (Scottish Episcopal), 1887-90, Second Class Honours; Deacon, 1890; Priest, 1891, Glasgow; in Charge of Date after name, Birth; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 40. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1877 (d} Kinning Park (Glasgo\x) Mission, 1890-92 ; Curate of St. John's, Greenock, 1892 ; Priest in Charge of St. Mungo's Mission, Alexandria, Vale of Leven, Dum- bartonshire, 1893. Upper Bridge Street, Alexandria, Dumbartonshire, Hutchinson, Charles Hammond]: (i8th February, 1862) [Sch,] ; XL, 1877-78-79; XV., 1877-78-79; left 1879. R. M.A., Woolwich, 1879; Commission in R.A., 1882; Captain, ist August, 1890. Trimulgherry, India, Kingsford, Alfred James (21st October, 1867). Mason, Charles X (25th January, 1867 [Sch.] ; left 1883. Beverly, Leigham Court Road, StreatJiam, S.W, Moon, Finnis Dane (8th March, 1864) [D.] ; died 1889. Simons, Walter Arthur Eardley Gunning (26th June, 1867), [D.]. Smith, Joshua Francis (12th July, 1862) [Sch.] ; left 1887. Engaged in Sun Insurance Office. Grendor, Wallington, Surrey, Streatfield, Kenneth Rivers (29th April, 1865) [Sch.] . Stoer, Herman Theodore (13th May, 1868) [Sch.] ; deceased. W^arburton, Gough (19th August, 1862) [D.] . Welsh, John Davis (19th September, 1862) [D.] . Wetherall, Arthur Grant Molesworth (ist June, 1863) [D.] ; left 1 88 1 {h). Lichfield College, 1885; ordained Deacon, 1887: Pr.^ 1888, Lichfield ; Acting Chaplain to the Forces, 1893. Cnrragh Camp, Kildare, W^etherall, Peitzler Sim Batten (29th November, 1863) [D.] ; left 1 88 1. M.R.C.S., England, L.R.C.P., London, 1892, (Univer- sity College Hospital, Gower Street). Permanent Address : 167, High Street, New Brompton, Wetherall, Charles Dakyne X (5th May, 1866) [D.— W.] ; XL, 1882-83-84-85, Captain, 1885; XV., 1883-84-85, Captain, 1885; left 1885. Victor Ludorum, 1884 and 1885 ; farming in Canada, 1887-92 : then, and still employed in Grand Trunk Railway, Canada (in Freight Department) ; several times winner of 100 yards, open to all amateurs, in io|- seconds. Windsor Post Office, Ontario, Canada. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [W.] Walters'; % Praefect, 1877 (^)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 4I 1877. — Second Term. Bridgewater, Henry Scott (28th August, 1864) [Sch.] ; XV.^ 1881 ; left 1881 (c). Painter and Engraver (Exhibits in Royal Academy) ; married, i8gi. The Hermitage, Little Bitshey, Hertfordshire. Clarke, Herbert (14th January, 1867) [Sp.] ; XI, 1880 (?) ; left 1880. In Australia. Union Bank Chambers, Pitt Street, Sydney, N. S. Wales. Gilbert, James Frederick S. (5th August, 1864) [D.] . Gilbert, Robert Glen (ist October, 1868) [D.J . Henderson, Harry Beatty (27th September, 1867) [D.] ; left 1884. Solicitor of Supreme Court of Judicature, December, 1891 ; Attorney-at-Law, High Court, Madras, January, 1893. Care of Messrs. Wilson and King, Madras. Horrex, Theophilus Arthur Gilbert (nth July, 1866) [Sch.] . Kauntze, Ernest Edward (15th April, 1866) [Sch.] . Kauntze, Cedric Richard (20th November, 1867) [Sch.] . Indian Staff Corps, Fifth Madras Infantry, Madras,, India. Lamb, Percival. Morris (8th January, 1867) [Sch.]. Marvin, Bertie W. F. (i6th December, 1868) [D.] . Meadows, Naunton Wingfield Walforde (28th January, 1862) [Sch.]. L.R.C.P.I., 1886 (Guy's). See Medical Directory. McKean, Andrew Edward (nth April, 1864) [Sch.]; left 1880 (rt). Journalist ; married, 13th July, 1886. Permanent Address : 5, Grafton Street, Mayfatr, London, W.^ and care oi Andrew McKean, The Manor House, Walsall. Philpot, Alfred Henry (6th July, 1867) [D.]. Sangster, A. B. [D.— Sch.] ; XL, 1883. Commission in Army, 1886, Indian Staff Corps, 4th Regiment Bombay Infantry, Poona, India : served in Burmese Expedition, 1887, Medal with clasp ; Cham- pionship, Western India Lawn Tennis, Singles and Doubles, 1889. Date after name, Birth; {a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 42 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1877 (b) , (c) Sclater, Percy Howard (4th July, 1867) [D.] . Wood, Frederick Marcus (19th August, 1862) [D,]. Yeatts, Charles Stanley (13th February, 1867). 1877.— Third Term. Barthman, Charles (30th January, 1867) [D.] . Boyton, Percy Mansfield (19th December, 1866) [D.] . Holniesdale, Pviory Hill, Dover. Clarke, Edmund (20th October, 1867) [Sp.] . Afterwards at Crystal Palace School of Engineering ; for some time in New Zealand ; now Engineer under Harbour Board at Melbourne. Care of /. D. Pnrves, Esq., Anstvalian Buildings, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Austvalia. Coste, A. D.t (23rd June, 1861) [Sch.]; XL, 1878-79; XV., 1877-78-79 ; left 1879. Davis, Frederick L. (15th November, 1863) [D.] . Davis, Neville Murray (i6th May, 1867) [D.]. Duncan, Walter Sydney (21st October, 1865) [Sch.]. Dunlop, Keith Wallace (13th August, 1863) [Sch.]. North Yakima, Washington, U.S.A. Greenfield, Harry (23rd February, 1867) [D.] . Hackman, Henry Robert l (i8th September, 1861) [Sch.] ; XI., 1878-79-80; XV., 1879-80; Mayor's Medal ; Editor of Dovorian, 1879 ; left 1880. Cooper's Hill 2nd, 1880; Scholarship, Cooper's Hill, 1882; died in Punjab, India, 6th May, 1887, from effects of a snake bite ; see Dovonan, No. 49, June, 1887, p. 19, and inscription in Chapel. Hiscox, Henry (28th October, 1864) [Sch.]. Hornblower, George Davis (19th September, 1864) [Sch.] ; 'Editor oi Dovorian, 1880-82 ; Captain of School, 1881-82. Granville Exhibition, 1881, 1882; First Class with Honours, London Matriculation, 1884; Bodkin Prize, 1881 ; Mayor's Medal, 1881 ; sometime Sec- retary to Rev. H. P. Gurney (Messrs. Wren and Gurney). Hornblower, Jethro Saunders (19th September, 1864) [Sch.]. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's; t Praefect. 1^77 (^)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 43 Jenney, George William (3rd August, 1866) [Sp.] ; left 1882. Scholarship, Queen's College, Cork, 1883-4-5 ; M.B., 1888 ; Exhibition in Medicine, Royal University of Ireland, 1885-6-8; M.B., M.Ch., M.A.O., R.W.S., 1888; Surgeon Captain, Indian Medical Service. 3, Wellington Terrace, Cork. Permanent Address, from March, 1894 : care of Messrs. Watson &• Co.. Bombay. Koettlitz, Robert (25th November, 1867) [D.] ; left 1882 (b). To India, 1889, tea planting; Assistant on Nuxalbarri Tea Estate, Nuxalbarri P.O., Darjeeling, N. Bengal, India. 75, Folkestone Rd., Dover. Lovell, Henry Arthur Nicholas de Jersey (24th August, 1866) [Sch.] ; left July, 1885. Selwyn College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888 ; Ely Theo- logical College, 1889-90; Deacon, June, 1890; Pr., June, 1891 ; Curate of St. Hilda's, Leeds. St. Hilda s Vicarage, Leeds. Maugham, Charles Ormond j (14th November, 1865) [Sch.] ; Astley Exhibition, 1879; XV., 1881-82-83; Victor Ludorum, 1883 ; Head of School, 1882-83 '■> ^^ft 1883. Law Tripos, Cambridge, 1886. Maugham, Frederick Herbert :[ (20th October, 1866) [Sch.]; Freshfield Exhibition and Astley Exhibition, 1879-80; Gran- ville Exhibition, 1883, and Scholarship, 1884; Head of School, 1883-85; XI., 1885; XV., 1882-83-84 and 1885 ; left 1885. Open Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1885 ; Cam- bridge University Boat, 1888-89; Class II., Mathe- matical Tripos, 1888 ; called to the Bar, Nov. 1890. Permanent Address: 14, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn. Maugham, Henry Neville (12th June, 1868) [Sch.] ; XV., 1883-84-85; left 1885. Solicitor. Perm. Add. : 55, Faubourg St. Honore, Paris. Polak, Samuel Solomon (24th November, 1866) [D.] ; left 1885. Cigar Merchant. 91 , GrosvenorRd., Canonbnry, London, N. Rowan, Melville George (7th October, 1863) [D.] . Date after name, Birth ; {a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 44 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1877 (c), '8 (rt) Stanhrough, Gilbert Acheson (31st August, 1861) [Sch.] . Qualified for Army from Militia, 1879; afterwards served as Private in Egyptian Campaign, 1882, and in Camel Corps, 1884. Swainston, Austin (9th August, 1866) [D.] . Tonfexis, T.S. [Sp.] ; XV., 1877; left same term. Walker, Ernest Pembrook (20th April, 1866) [D.] ; left 1881. Per. Address : Wynaad, Glencldoii Rd., Strcathain, S.W. 1878.— First Term. Corsbie, H. A. [D.] . Friend, — [D.] . Flint, Frederick Sayer (4th January, 1868) [Sp.] . Hayward, William Henry (23rd October, 1867) [D.] ; Farming. S henv 00 d, Amelia County, Virginia, U.S.A. Father's Address : St. Stephen s, Godzvyne Road, Dover. Matthews, Alfred David (17th July, 1864) [D.] . Norton, George James Francis I (17th April, 1862) [Sch.] ; XI., 1878-79; XV., 1877-78; Captain, 1879-80. Militia Candidate, qualified for Army, 1879 ; now in India. Pownall, Frederick David (12th May, 1867) [D.] . Rolfe,— Scott, William Henry (5th August, 1866) [Sp.] ; XL, 1882-83; XV., 1883 ; left 1883 (c). Union Bank of Anstralia, Melbourne. Sharpe, Oliver (5th January, 1863) [D.] . 21, East Cliff, Dover. Smith, Frederick Sharpe (13th July, 1866) [D.] . Died, 9th March, 1879 ; see Memorial Window in Chapel. Smith, Thomas Sharpe t (4th August, 1867) [D.^Sp.] ; XI. ^ 1883 ; XV., 1884; left 1884. 3rd East Kent Regiment (MiHtia), 1886 ; gazetted to 2nd (Duke of Wellington's) Regt., 1888 ; Lieut., June, 1890. 2nd Duke of Wellington s Regiment, Sinionstoivn, S. Africa. Permanent Address, 7, Victoria Park, Dover. Smith, Edward Sharpe I (5th October, 1868) [D.— Sp.] ; XV., 1886-87; left 1886. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; : Praefect. 1878 (a), (6)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 45 3rd Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (MiHtia), 1887; gazetted to 2nd Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (8ist), 1889; Lieutenant, December, 1891. 2nd Batt. Loyal North Lancas. Regt., Fiilwood Barracks, Preston. Permanent Address, 7, Victoria Park, Dover. Sudlow, Edward (13th May, 1863) [Sp.] . Sudlow, John (14th December, 1865) [Sp.] . Swann, Francis Ernest (28th January, 1864) [Sp.] ; left 1881(c). Admitted Solicitor of Supreme Court, May, 1887 ; Corin- thian Yacht Club, etc. ; North London Canine Associa- tion (Committee) ; married, 24th November, 1888. Tower Terrace, Wood Green, London'' N. Permanent Address, 38, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. 1878. — Second Term. Borton, George Lucas Blackleyj (5th July, 1864) [Sch.] ; XV., 1880; left 1881. University of Cape Town ; Solicitor. Vryhuvg, British Bechuanaland, S. Africa. Per. address. Care of Mrs. Borton, 28, Lennox Road, Southsea. Cardew, Frederick AnstrutherJ (6th March, 1866) [Sp.] ; XV., 1881-82-83 ; left 1883. Went out to Manitoba (1883) ; served in Canadian Army through Riel Rebellion, 1885 (Medal) ; then " Cowboy " in Mexico and S.W. ; then at Highland University, Kansas (three years), and one year at Seabury Divinity School, Minnesota ; then at King's College, London ; Theological Associateship, ist Class, 1891 ; ordained Deacon, December, i8gi ; Pr., 1892, London ; Curate of Kensington, 1891. 27, Gordon Place, Kensington. Dean, Alfred Ernest (12th December, 1861) [D.] . Farquharson, E. C. [Sp.] . Hall, Alfred E. (12th February, 1866) [D.] . Hall, Ernest C. (i6th October, 1867) [D.] . Hawkins, John Charles McLeod:t (28th March, 1867) [Sch.]; XL, 1884-85-86 (Captain, 1886); Bodkin Prize, 1884-85-86; Head of School, 1885-86; Scholarship, 1884; Granville Scholarship, 1885. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 46 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [iSjS (b), [c) Scholarship Jesus College, Cambridge, 1886 ; B.A., i88g. Care of Rev. R. M. Hanihins, 60, York Road, Brighton. Hawkins, Robert Leycester McLeod | (24th May, i86g) [Sch.] ; Scholarship, 1883; XI., 1886; XV., 1886-87; left 1887 (a). Farming in Canada. SontJt. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Kellman, John (ist July, 1866) [Sch.] . Kellman, James Cragg (3rd January, 1869) [Sch.]. Killick, Arthur (13th March, 1867) [D.] ; left 1882. Went into residence at Downing College, Cambridge, 1893. - Doivning College, Cambridge, and 33, London Road, Dover. Long, Frederick James (i8th February, 1867) [D.] . Norris, Frank Baker]: (5th November, 1865) [Sch.] ; XL, 1881-82-83-84 (Captain, 1882-84); ^V., 1881-82-83-84 (Captain, 1882-83); left 1884. Christ's College, Cambridge; B. A. ,1887; M.A., 1890; College XL, XV. (Captain) ; Addenbrooke's Hospital, 1888-91 ; ist M.B., 2nd M.B., St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1892. St. Bartholomeiv's Hospital. Pike, Christopher Bilton (5th January, 1868) [Sp.] ; XV., 1883 ; left 1883. Secretary of O.D. Club, 1889-92. Piersfield, StreatJiam Common, S.W., and Hibernia Chambers, S.E. Smart, Duncan Cecil (5th July, 1861) [Sp.] . Winnall, Harry [Sp.] . 1878.— Third Term. Arthur, Frederick Charles (23rd June, 1863) [Sch.] ; XV., 1879. Barnard, David (2nd October, 1868) [D.] ; left 1881. Eastfield House, Spring Bank, Hull. Cardew, Cyril Duncan (8th September, 1867) [Sp.] ; left 1882. In Police Force, Thaiping, Perak, Straits Settlement. Care of Rev. F. A. Cardeiu, 21 , Gordon Place, Kensington, W. Clarke, Seymour Spencer Somerset | (15th March, 1886,) [Sp.— Sch.] ; XV., 1880-1885 ; Captain, 1883-4; XL, 1882- 83 ; left 1885. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's; % Praefect. 1878 (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 47 R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1885. 1st Bait. Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders, Edinhirgh Castle, N.B. Cordeaux, Edward Richard (nth October, 1866) [D.] ; died, 24th November, 1879. Fenn, Ernest James (24th February, 1868) [D.] ; left 1881. Electrical Engineer. Neiv Zealand Electrical Syndicate, Wellington, Neiv Zealand. Field, Edward (20th January, 1866) [Sp.] . Gipps, Walter Herbert Bowdler (27th January, 1867) [D.] . Griffiths, William Walter Gilbert (3rd May, 1866) [Sp.] . 2nd Lancers, Bombay Cavalry. Hunt, Edward \ (15th October, 1865) [Sp.] ; XV., 1882-3 ; left 1883 {b). Assistant Engineer, Great Northern Railway, 1886-89; on Buenos Ayres Great South Railway, 1889-92;- General Manager of Central Railway, Venezuela, from May, 1893 ; married in Buenos Ayres, 24th Sept. 1891. Ferro-Carril Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. Permanent Address : Care of Hunt &> Sacrc, 26, Parliament Street, Westminster, S.W. Hunt, Robert Wallis | (29th October, 1868) [Sp.] ; XL, 1887; XV., 1886-7; left 1887. Scholarship, 1887 ; Freshfield Exhibitioner, 1881 ; Astley Exhibitioner, 1882 ; Bodkin Prize, 1887 ; Head of School, 1886-7; Scholarship, Jesus College, Oxford, 1886; Second Class Mods., 1889; Third Class Greats, 1891 ; Oxford Univ. XV,, 1890-91. Hillhroiv, Rugby. Permanent Address : The Elms, Alleyn Park, West Dulivich. Jackson, Alfred Henry I (2nd July, 1862) [Sch.] ; XL, 1880; XV., 1878-79-80 ; left 1880. In Australia. Jackson, Randolph William | (7th June, 1866) [Sch.] ; XL, 1881-82-83 ; XV., 1883 ; left 1883. Permanent Address ; 28, Fopstone Road, Earl's Court. Jacob, Wilham (3rd September, 1864) [D.] ; XL, 1881 ; left 1881. 31, Grand Parade, Eastbourne. Permanent Address : J, Jevington Gardens, Eastbourne. Jacob, Thomas (i6th January, 1867) [D.] . Date after name, Birth; (a), (&), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 48 ' DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1878(c) '9 (a Jefferies, W. Allen R, (2nd August, 1866) [Sp.] ; deceased. Ludlow, Ernest Horatio (15th x\ugust, 1865) [Sp.] . Norton, Frederick Marmaduke William Cunningham (7th September, 1867) [Sch.] . In South Africa. Orr, Spencer Edward (24th June, 1866) [Sp.] ; XL, 1882; XV., 1881-82-83. Commission in Lancashire Fusiliers — resigned 1892. Raikes, Albert Edward (21st February, 1863) [Sp.] ; XV., 1878-79 ; XL, 1879 ; left 1879. Thompson, Edward Copley (30th June, 1863) [Sch.] ; XV., 1880-81 ; left 1 88 1 {b\. Emigrated to United States, April, 1882 ; moved to Manitoba, 1883, and served in Civil Service till 1884 > served through Riel Rebellion, 1885, received Medal and clasp and grant of 320 acres of land — lived on it till 1892, then moved to British Columbia. Perm. Add : Wethevsfield Ranch, Vernon, British Columbia. Watson, Robert Alexander Lyall (21st March, 1867) [Sp.] . Watson, James Dunbar Lyall (26th July, 1868) [Sp.] . 1879. — First Term. Abrahams, Harry (20th September, 1865) [D.] . Byron, Frederick Rochfort (23rd December, 1867) [Sch.]; left 1883 {c). Joined Service of British South Africa Company, April, 1891 ; on disbanding of B.S.A. Company's Military Force, December, 1891, transferred to Civil Police, now called Mashonaland Mounted Police ; promoted to 3rd Class Sergeant, September, 1893 ! ^ow Senior Sergeant in charge of Victoria District Police. Mashonaland Mounted Police, Victoria, Mashonaland, S. Africa. Care of Messrs. Stilwell and Sons, 21, Great George Street, Westminster. Cuff, E. S. (6th August, 1865) [D.] . Traveller. Folkestone. Farrell, Henry John William (25th December, 1867) [D.] . Lieutenant in Royal Artillery. See Army List. Greig, John Charles Hamilton (26th March, 1868) [Sch.] ; left 1884 (a). Junior Athenanm Club, Piccadilly, London, W, [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's; J Praefect. 1879 («)) (^)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 49 Joseph, Walter (ist June, 1867) [D.] ■ Keeling, John William Howard (22nd November, 1864) [Sch.] ; left 1 881. Played football for Suffolk, 1886-87; married, i8th June, i88g. River House, EayVs Cohie, Essex. Keeling, Graham Beauchamp (i6th November, 1865) [Sch.]. Afterwards went on H.M.S. " Worcester" (prize, 1882). River Hotise, Earl's Colne, Essex. Kennett, Algernon Arthur Francis (6th August, 1868) [Sp.] . Linton, Hubert Dunoon (3rd May, 1865) [D.] • Le Mesurier, Eugene (27th November, 1866) [Sp.] ; left 1882 (a). Commission in Marines, ist September, 1885 ; Plymouth Division till October, 1888 ; Appointed to 28th Bombay Pioneers, October, 1888 ; 6th Bombay Cavalry (Jacob's Horse), August, 1889; Adjutant, April, 1890; Indian Political Department, June, 1893. Assistant Political Agent, Zhob Valley, Afghanistan. Care of Messrs. King, King, and Co., Bankers, Bombay. Raikes, Edgar Paget (28th January, 1868) [Sp.] . Ridley, Francis (21st October, 1862) [St.— Sch.] ; deceased. Ridley, Edward Hope (24th February, 1866) [St. — Sch.]. Rowland, Henry Armitage :f (i6th October, 1866) [Sp.] . Spalding, Augustus James Ward (i6th March, 1865) [Sp.]- 1879. — Second Term. Deacon, Samuel Charles (12th January, 1869) [D.] . Elwin, Ernest Barnes (24th November, 1869) [D.] ; left 1887 (f). Indian Civil Service, 1888 ; Ball. Coh., Oxon.; went to India, 1890. Nursipatam, Vizagapatam, Madras. Permanent Address : Castle Street, Dover. Forde, Henry Bligh (30th October, 1867) [Sch.] ; left 1883 (^>), for Clifton College. Entered Cambridge University, October, 1886; joined Staff of Clarke, Forde, and Taylor, Civil Engineers, in 1889 ; still with them. Permanent Address: St. Brendan's, Wimbledon, Surrey. Date after name, Birth; {a), (6), (c) first, second, and third term respectively. E ^O DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [^879 (^) Forde, Desmonde (23rd April, 1869) [Sch.] ; left 1883 (b), for Clifton College ; Clifton XI, 1886; left 1886. Articled to Chartered Accountant, 1887 ; commenced practice as Chartered Accountant, July, 1893. St. Brendmi's, Wimbledon, Surrey. Care of Woodburn, Kirby and Co., 19, Birchin Lane, E.G.. Gauge, Frederick Whitechurch (17th January, 1868) [Sch.], M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., London, 1891 (University College, London). 40, Court Street, Faversham.. Gange, Osmond Whitechurch (21st November, 1868) [Sch.], Gore, Robert Clements (3rd February, 1867) [St.] ; left i88o.' Lieut. 1886, Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders, Edin- burgh Castle, N.B. Per. Ad : Care of Messrs. Cox and Co., 16, Charing Cross, W.C. Hunt, Bernard Alfred (3rd June, 1867) [Sp.] ; left 1884 (c). School of Mines, 1885-89 ; Associateship Diploma in Mining ; Assayer and Analytical Chemist to Michoacan Railway and Mining Company's works at Las Trojes, Mexico, 1889-92 ; Assayer and Mining Engineer to Mesquital del Oro Mining Co. at their Gold Mines in Mexico, (present position) ; Student of Inst. C.E.^ 1892 ; transferred to Associate Membership, Feb., 1893. Present Address : Mesquital del Oro, via Guadalajara, Mexico. Permanent Address : The Elms, Alleyn Park, W. Duhvich. Matheson, Eric Grant (30th December, 1865) [Sch.] . Ormond, Harold Vere Selby (22nd August, 1866) [D. — Sch.]. Lieut., Lancashire Fusiliers, 1886, Poona, Bombay, India, Palmer, George WiUiam I (7th October, 1869) [D.] . Astley Exhibitioner, 1883; Astley Scholarship, 1884; Granville Scholar, 1886; First, R. M. A., Woolwich (Entrance), 1886; Trinity College, Cambridge, 1887; left 1888; Foundation Scholarship, Trinity College,. Cambridge, 1888, 3, Priory Street, Dover . Smith, Thomas Langford (12th January, 1863) [Sch.]. Warburton, Harris Grant (ist November, 1867) [D.] ; left 1884. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ;[St.] Steedman's. J Praefect- 1879 (^)> (^)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 5I Freshfield Exhibitioner, 1880; Astley Exhibitioner, 1881 ; R. M. A., Woolwich, (3rd), 1884 ; left 1884 ; Indian Civil Service (19th), 1885: Balliol College, Oxon., 1885; Indian Civil Service, 1887; Joint Magistrate, 1892. . Allahabad, N.W. P., India. Vesey, Herbert Charles (17th January, 1864) [Sch.] ; XV., 1880-81-82 ; Captain, 1881-2 ; left 1882. Indian Staff Corps, 2nd Sikh Infantry. Whitlock, Thomas Harrison (3rd August, 1865) TB.] ; left 1881 Married, 19th April, 1891. Silvevstone, Towcestev. Whylock, James Greetham Howard (14th October, 1863) [St.]: left 1879. Gazetted to North Cork Militia, 1883 ; transferred to West Kent Militia, 1884 ; gazetted to 2nd Gloucester Regiment, 25th November, 1885. Care of Cox and Co., Charing Cross, S.W. Permanent Address : Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, S.W. 1879.— Third Term. Arthur, Richard (25th October, 1865) [D.] . M.D., Edinburgh, 1891 ; M.B. and CM., 1888 ; married, March, 1890. Avenue Road, Mortman's Bay, Sydney, N. S. Wales. Bartlett, Edward Cecil (nth August, 1868) fSp.] ; left 1886 {b). Civil and Mechanical Engineer, A. M. I. C. E. 31, Elgin Crescent, Notting Hill. Belden, Arthur (15th May, 1869). Boys, George Legrew (8th December, 1863) [Sch.] ; XL, 1880; XV., 1880; left 1880. Melbourne, Australia. Dixon, Mark William j (nth April, 1867) [Sch.] ; XL, 1885 ; XV., 1885 ; left December, 1885. Christ Church, Oxon., 1886 ; College R. U. F. C, XV. ; B.A., 1889 ; called to Bar, 1891 : played for Somerset- shire in County Championship, R. U. F. C, 1891 : Western Circuit, Bath, Somerset and Bristol Sessions. Western Park, Bath. Permanent Address : Albion Chambers, Bristol ; Doveton, George Joseph Marius Holroyd (4th January, 1865) [St.] . Date after name, Birth ; {a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. E — 2 52 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1879 (c) Fuller, Robert Fitzherbert (7th April, 1863) [Sch.] ; died, 27th November, 1884. Hart, Philip Theodore (3rd December, 1868) [D.] ; left 1883. Perm. Add. : Godivym House, Godwyne Road. Dover. Hewett, Julius Winch (13th March, 1867) [Sp.]. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Lawson, Arthur Ernest | (30th April, 1863, [Sch.l ; XI., 1880- 81 ; XV., 1879-80-81 ; left 1881. October, 1883, Manager of Madras Mail ; 1886, Assistant Editor ; 1890, Co-Editor. Present position : Secretary to Madras Chamber of Commerce ; Gold Medal Madras Gymkhana Golf Club (from Scratch), and other Golfing successes. 123, Mount Road, Madras. Per. Add. : Madras Mail Office, and care oiH. S. King & Co., 65, Cornhill, B.C. Lawson, Herbert Estill + (7th April, 1865) [Sch.] ; XL, 1882; XV., 1 881-2 ; Victor Ludorum, 1882, then given to winner of Mile; left 1882 (b). Honours at Camborne School of Mines, holding medal and certificate of that School. Care of/. M. McLee,Esq., Box 565, Belle Ville, Ontario, Canada. Leishman, Archibald Edward (2nd June, 1868) [D.] ; left 1882(a). Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A. Mayhew, Christopher John (7th September, 1867). Middleton, Robert Moon (nth November, 1866) [D.] . Scott, D. J. XL, 1882 ; XV., 1881-2 ; left 1882. Smith, R. B. ' [Sch.] . Tait, Charles (17th October, 1862) [Sch.] ; XV., 1879-80-81. St. James's Park, Brechin. W^imberley, Charles Frederick Arabin (25th April, 186^) FD.] • left 1881. ^^ L J , Durham University, B.A., 1881 ; Captain of Durham University Rugby XV., and College Boat ; 2nd in 100, and quarter in University Sports; M.A., 1891 ; ordained Deacon, 1889 (Llandaff) ; Pr., 1892, (York); Senior Assistant Master at Llandaff Cathedral School, 1888-90 ; Master of Choir School and Precentor of Holy Trinity, Hull, 1890-3 ; Head Master of Chard Grammar School, 1893. The School House, Chard, Somerset. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [St.] Steedman's ; t Praefect. l88o (a)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 53 1880.— First Term. Bird, Sidney James ( 1 2th June, 1868) [D.] ; Civil Engineer; Stud, Inst. C.E. ; married, 20th July, 1893. Permanent Address : Ivy Bank, Portland. Burnside, Edmund I (13th October, 1863) [Sch.] ; XL, 1881 ; XV., 1880-81 ; left 1881. Burnside, Bertram Wallace (19th October, 1866) [Sch.] . Bush, John N. I (12th June, 1864) [Sch.] ; XI., 1880 ; XV., 1879-80-81 ; left 1 88 1. Permanent Address : Bay Cottage, Walton-on-TJiames. Cheyne, C. [D.] ; XL, 1880 ; left 1880. R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1880 (46th) ; Indian Staff Corps, 1882 ; Half-Pay, 1883. EUston, Albert Ernest (2nd September, 1865) [Sch.]. Evans, Herbert Frederick (28th April, 1866) [Sch.], Evans, Percy Charles (23rd December, 1868) [Sch.] ; drowned in Thames, ist May, 1882 ; see Dovorian, Tune, 1882, No. 17. Evans, Herbert Symonds (14th November, 1868) [D. — Sp.] . Johnston, Joseph (ist January, 1870). Mayes, Herbert Frederick I (i6th July, 1869) [D-] ; Fresh- field Exhibitioner, 1882; Astley Exhibitioner, 1883; Mayor's Medal, 1884, 1887; R.M.A., Woolwich (2nd), 1886 ; left 1887 {h). Indian Civil Service, (6th), 1888 ; BalHol College, Oxford, 1888-90; called to the Bar, 1890. Hoshangahad, Central Provinces, India. Permanent Address : Dover. Oakes, George William (i8th November, 1865) [D.— Sch.] . Phipps, Richard (26th May, 1865) [Sch.] . Clare College, Camb., B.A., 1887; M.A., 1891 ; Camb. Clergy Training School, 1887-8; Wells Theo. Coll., 1888; ordained Deacon, 1889, Nor.; Pr., 1890; Curate of Great Yarmouth, 1889-91 ; All Saints' Cathedral, Wakefield, and Jane Lecturer, 1892. Cathedral Clergy House, Wakefield. Sargant. Shaw, Grenville Reid (29th September, 1868) [Sch.] . Date after name, Birth ; [a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 54 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1880 {o), (b) Symonds, Alfred Percival (25th March, 1865) [D. — Sp.] ; XI., 1881 ; left 1881 (c). Joined firm of Binny and Co., Madras, 1883. Care of Binny and Co., Madras, India. Warburton, Philip Bunbury (15th November, 1868) [D.] ; left 1885. Bank of Bengal, Calcutta. Wylde, Harold (19th January, 1868) [Sch.] . 1880. — Second Term. Berry, Robert Sewers (20th July, 1869) [Sch.] ; left 1887 {b). St. George's Hospital, now M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., and L.S.A. Burton House, Wandsworth Common, S.W. Berry, Guy (5th November, 1870) [Sch.] ; left 1885(c). Surveyor, etc. Burton House, Wandsworth Common, S. W. Dane, Frederick Thomas (25th April, 1868) [D.] ; left 1881. Now in a commercial house, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Per. Add. : Denmark Cottage, Folkestone Road, Dover. Lightfoot, Thomas William (nth November, 1865) [D.] ; left 1885. Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1887 ; gazetted, Aug., 1888, to 2nd Batt. South Wales Borderers; entered Indian Staff Corps, July, 1892; 8th Bengal Infantry. Gautalc, Sikhim. Permanent address : 8th Bengal Infantry, Saugov, India. Spragge, Francis Albert George (30th June, 1871) [D,] . TuUoch, Angus Alexander Gregorie (21st May, 1867) [Sp.] ; left 1885 {b). Class II., Law Tripos, Camb., 1888 ; admitted Solicitor, Dec, 1892; in Solicitor's Final Exam., June, 1892, obtained the Clement's Inn Prize and the Daniel Reardon Prize, and Stephen Heeks' Medal, 1892. 77, Princess Street, Manchester. Tulloch, Thomas Gregorie (15th July, 1868) [Sp.] ; left 1886; R.M.A., Woolwich, 1886 ; represented R.M.A. v. R.M.C. in Athletics, 1887, winning high jump, 5ft. 8 Jin. (record), and pole jump, 9ft. Gin. ; winning Challenge Bugle as Champion Athlete; R.M.A. XV., 1887; entered R.A., Feb., 1888. School of Gunnery, Shoeburyness. Permanent Address : care of Cox and Co., Charing Cross. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; t Praefect, l88o (b), (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 55 Wilkin, Rupert (22nd August, 1869) [Sch.] ; left 1882 (b). The Warren, Bechenham, Kent. AVilliamson, Herbert James (12th August, 1866) [Sch.] . Selwyn College, Camb., B.A., 1892 ; ordained Deacon, 1892 (St. Alban's) ; Curate of Harlow. 1880.— Third Term. Beatson, Leonard F. (28th December, 1865) [D.]. R. M. C. Sandhurst, 1885-6 ; Lieut, in Warwickshire Regiment ; resigned 1893. Beatson, Harold A. (21st May, 1869) [D.] . Bush, E. A. . [Sch.] ; XL, 1881-82. Pelhani Road, Wimbledon. Ditmas, F. B. [D.] . Ditmas, A. R. [D.] ; 9th Madras Regiment, Deputy Assistant Commissary General ; served in Burmah Expedition, 1887-89 ; Medal with clasp. Ellston, Francis W. (23rd January, 1867) [Sp.] . Ellston, John (20th February, 1868) [Sp.] . Ellston, Charles (25th August, 1870) [Sp.] . Evans, Paj^n de Turberville (nth February, 1868) [D.] ; left 1884. 7007, Pine Street, San Francisco, California. Permanent Address : Bnckland Vicarage, Dover. Gibson, Walter E (9th August, 1871) [D] . Hills, Edward H. (17th November, 1867) [D.] . 9, Fovdwych Rd., West Hampstead, N. W., and Park Avenue, Dover, Holmes, Ernest Lewin | (8th August, 1864) [Sch.] ; left 1883 [b). St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1886 ; M.A., 1890 ; Assistant House Master at Cheltenham College, 1886- 93 ; oidained Deacon, 1890; Pr., 1891 ; Assistant Curate, Christ Church, Cheltenham. Hazelwell, College Road, Cheltenham. Per. Ad., Wye, Kent. Manvell, Arnold Edward WilHam (ist July, 1868) [D.] ; left 1885 {b). Wycliffe Hall, Oxford ; B.A., 1891 ; ordained Deacon, 1892 (SaHsbury) ; Curate of Sherborne and Castleton, Dorset. Sherborne, Dorset. Date after name, Birth ; (a), {h), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. e6 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1880 (c), '8l, (i^) Perceval, Samuel Rodney S. (gth November, 1867) [Sch.] . Coimhatare, Madras, India, Ponsford, Percy R. (6th April, 1865) [Sch.] ; XL, 1883 ; XV., 1881-82-3; deceased. Prendergast, Claud M. (24th August, 1866) [D.] Richards, Edward D. G. (17th October, 1863) [D.] ; Lieut. ^ 2nd Batt. South Staff. Regiment (80th), Egypt. Sudlow, Francis (4th July, 1868) [Sp.] , Vaughan, Gus Albert (19th February, 1868) [Sch.] ; left 1885. Went to Australia, 1886 ; returned, 1893, 3, High Street, Folkestone. Welsford, Arthur Gerald (i8th December, 1864) [Sch.] ; left 1882 {c). Caius College, Cambridge ; ist Class Nat. Science Tripos,, Cambridge; B.A., 1886; M.E., B.C., Cantab., 1889 ; . M.D., Cantab., 1892 ; F.R.C.S., England, 1892 ; House Surgeon, London Hospital, 1890 ; Clinical Medical Assistant, 1889 ; Assistant Medical Officer, Central London Sick Asylum, 1891-2 ; Assistant Demonstrator of Physiology, Cambridge University, 1887; married, 14th ]Jecember, 1892. 6, Cambridge Terrace, Dover. Young, — 1881.— First Term. Brown, Frederick Robert (30th April, 1868) [Sp.] ; XV., 1884; admitted Solicitor, 1891. Bush, Harry Stebbing + (7th October, 1871) [Sch.] ; XL, 1885- 86-87-88 (Capt., 1888); XV., 1887-88-89; Victor Ludorum, 1889 ; left 1889 (b). Football for Surrey, 1890 ; Lieut, in Queen's Own Reg. ; Meerut, India. Hann'ortJi House, Hanworth, Middlesex, Elwin, Edgar [D.] . Castle Street, Dover, Engelbach, Ernest Charles^(28th August, 1867) [Sch.] . Laurie, Alexander Cecil (5th January, 1869) [Sp.] ; XL, 1884- 85 ; XV., 1885 ; played Football for Kent Rovers, 1886-87- [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; J Praefect. l88l {a), (b)] DOVKR COLLEGE REGISTER. ' 57 88 ; for Calcutta F.C., 1890 ; in India, Nov. 1888-91 ; 2nd Prize open 100 and open quarter, Calcutta, i8gi. 3, Lyndhurst Gardens, Hampstead, N .W . Permanent Address: 14, St. Mary Axe, E.G. Milson, Ernest Henry [Sp.] . Parsons, Courtney [D.] . N. Staff. Infirmary, HartsMU, Stoke-on-Trent Care of C. Parsons, Esq., M.D., 7, Waterloo Grescent, Dover. Pitcher, Henry Henderson (6th December, 1870) [Sp.] . Tweedie, Maurice Carmichael (23rd March, 1870) [Sp.] ; XV., 1887-88. Faizahad, Oudh, India.. Wood, John Witham Alexander (7th October, 1867) [D.] . Woodman, Ernest Barrington [: (19th October, 1865) [Sp.] ; XL, 1881-82-83-84 (Capt., 1883) ; XV., 1882-83-84; left 1884 {h). Pemb. College, Cambridge ; B.A. 1889 ; ordained Deacon, 1890, Roch. ; Pr., 1891; M.A., 1892; Curate of Holy Trinity, Richmond, 1890; of St. Matthew's, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, 1893. St. Matthew's, St. Leonards-oii-Sea. Woodman, Leicester William (21st January, 1868) [Sp.]. 87, Shooter's Hill Road, BlacMieath, S.E. 1881 — Second Term. Bell, William + (29th April, 1868) [Sch.] ; XL, 1885-S6 ; XV., 1883-84-85-86 ; left 1886. Bell, Thomas Dobson \ (30th January, 1870) [Sch.] ; Scholarship, 1884; XL, 1886-87 (Capt., 1887); XV., 1884- 85-86-87 (Capt., 1886-7); left 1887 (^). Univ. Coll. Hospital, Gower Street ; played Football for United Hospitals. Univ. Goll. Hospital, Gotver Street. Permanent Address ; Brampton, Gnmberland. Bowes, Frederick I (i6th December, 1867) [Sch.] ; XV., 1885-86 ; left December, 1886. Exhibition, \\'adham Coll., Oxford; 2nd Class Mods., 1888 ; ditto Greats, 1890 ; Ceylon Civil Service, 1891. Secretariat, Golombo, Geylon. Per. Ad., 7, Rne Bassano, Paris. Brackenbury, Lionel Wilhelm (8th April, 1868) [Sch.] ; left 1885 {b). Date after name, Birth; (n), {h), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. - 58 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1881 (b) Passing direct into Sandhurst (19th) ; passed out with honours, 1886 ; Commission in ist East Surrey Regt., 1886; joined Regt., Allahabad, Nov., 1886; gained medal and two clasps for Lushai Chin Campaigns ; entered Indian Staff Corps, 44th Goorkha Regt., 1890; mortally wounded at Manipur, leading a small party of native soldiers against the Senapati, 24th March, 1 89 1. See Dovovian, No. 71, July, 1891, and inscription in Chapel. Burt, James Lyndon (24th January, 1865) ; XL, 1881-82 ; XV., 1881-2 ; left 1882 [h). Coulthard, Joseph Thwaites (30th August, 1864) [Sp.] . Coulthard, Frederick John (8th April, 1866) [Sp.] . Davey, Ernest Llewellyn (5th April, 1869) [Sch.J . Medical Student. Care of Dv. R. S. Davey, Hill House, Walmey. Fenn, Edwin Anthony (22nd March, 1890) [D.] ; left 188 1 {c) for Borden School, Sittingbourne, in which he became Captain of Cricket and Football, leaving 1886 ; since travelling in Canada, America, Japan, China, and India. At present purser of R.M.S.S. 'M. Apcar.'' S.S. " Avvatoon Apcav,"" care of Apcav and Co., Calcutta. Permt. Address : care of Messrs. Apcav and Co., Calcutta, India. Foster, Douglas Edward (i6th October, 1867) [D.] ; left 1884. Stock Exchange. Permanent Address : Ripple Vale, Ripple, Near Dover. Gibbon, Arthur Francis Vincent (7th August, 1866) [Sp.] ; left 1884. Entered Banking Firm of Messrs. Herries, Farquhar and Co., May, 1885, which firm is now amalgamated with Lloyd's Bank. Bletchington House, Belvedere, Kent. Permanent Address : 16, St. James's Street, S.W., and Junior Constitutional Club, Piccadilly, S.W. Harries, — [D.] . Ibbetson, Charles Henry Boscawen (4th March, 1867) [Sp.] . Ibbetson, Morice Edward Levett (i6th June, 1868) [Sp.] . Keeling, Herbert Venn (21st May, 1867) [Sch.] ; XL, 1883-4; left 1884 (b). ■ Sussex County XV. (R.U.) 1886-7 ; married, 28th Oct., [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's ; I Praefect. l88l (b), (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 59 1891 ; Captain Lake County C.C., California, 1892' see letter in Dovovian, No. 73, Dec. i8gi. Permanent Address: Lakeporf, Lake County, California, U.S.A. Leith, — [D— Sp.] . O'Neil, — [D.] . Smith, Charles Edward (30th November, 1867) [Sch.] . 1881.— Third Term. Bell, Marmaduke Alexander Thomas (loth October, 1867) [Sch.] . Craik, — [Sch.]. Denne, Cecil Gordon t (15th March, 1867) [W.— D.] ; XV. 1885 ; left 1885 (b). N.W.P. and Oudh Police Force, 15th Nov., 1886; pro- moted to charge of a District Police Force, Oct., 1888. Budaon, N.W.P., India. Permanent Address : N. W.P. and Oudh Police, India. Evans, Harold Ward (13th December, 1871) [D.] . Foster, Philip (5th January, 1866) [Sp.] ; R.M.A., Woolwich (Entrance) 1882 ; left 1882 {c). Commission in R.A., 9th Dec, 1884. Crownhill Fort, R.S.O., S. Devon. Permanent Address : Army S'Navy Club, Pall Mall, or Crinnis, Par Station, Cornwall. Garsia, Clare James (30th November, 1869) [Sch.] . Hight, William Walter (22nd June, 1870) [Sch.— D.] ; XV., 1888; left 1888 (c). Care of S. M. Hight, Carara Estate, Yercand, Sheveroy Hills, India. Care oi Lt. Gen. Hight, Claremont, Park Avenue, Dover. Hughes, Francis Townshend Cunynghame (8th August, 1866) [D.— Sp.] ; left 1884 {b). Commission in Army, May, 1885; entered Indian Staff Corps, Feb., 1887. Permanent Address : Erinpnra, Rajputana, India. Hughes, Charles Morland Cunynghame (29th April, 1870) ; left 1882. Permanent Address : Bank of Montreal, Montreal, Canada. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (b), (r), first, second, and third term respectively. 6o DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1881 [c) Hulke, Sydney Backhouse (8th February, 1871) [Sch.] ; XV. ^ 1886; left 1886. Middlesex Hospital, May, 1887; R.F., XV., 1887-91; Challenge Sculls, 1888 ; M.R.C.S., Eng. and L.R.C.P., Lon., Dec, 1892. 162, Holland Road, Kensington, W. Hunter, Reginald James | (19th August, 1871) [Sp.] ; XI. ^ 1888; XV., 1888-9; Victor Ludorum Cup, 1886 and 1888; left 1889 (^0- Joined Dymes and Co., Madras, Sept., i8go. Permanent Address : Dymes &• Co., Madras, India. Knocker, Reginald Edward (13th September, 1870) [Sch.]; left i88_7 {h). Admitted as Solicitor, Sept., 1893. Permanent Address : Castle Hill House, Dover, ^Lee, Edgar Blaker (loth September, 1867) [W.] ; left 1883 {c). Partner in father's business (J. B. Lee & Sons, Timber Merchants, 3, Gracechurch Street, E.C.) Permt. Address : Snmmerfield, Ravenshonvne Park, Catfovd, Kent. Lee, John Bennett (3rd October, 1869) [W.] ; left 1885 (f). Partner in his father's business, as above. Permt. Address : Snmmerfield. Ravenshonrne Park, Catford, Kent. Macdougall, Dugald (loth May, 1867) [D.] ; left 1883. M.B. and CM., Glasgow, July, 1891. High Street, Campden, Gloucester. Permanent Address : Dainskir, Fort Road, Newhaven, Sussex. Musgrave, Richard Rosewell [Sch.] . Pain, Albert Culmer (3rd November, 1866) [D.] ; Captain of Day Boys' Football Club ; left 1882. 66, North Street, Brighton. Permanent Address: 10 J, Maison Dieu Road, Dover. Pierce, Walter John (9th September, 1869) [W.] ; left 1885 {h). Champion Northampton County Running and Swimming, 1 89 1. Castilian House, Northampton. Tottenham, Robert Loftus (29th October, 1865) [Sp.] ; XV.,, 1883 : Royal Cadet, Sandhurst, 1884 ; Indian Staff Corps ; Qr. Mr., 25th Bengal Infantry. Wellesley, Herbert Arthur % (15th August, 1867) [W.] ; XV., 1881-2-3-4-5; (Captain, 1884-5); XL, 1883-4 ; left 1885. Married, 29th Feb., 1892. Stock Exchange, London. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.jSparke's; [W.] Walters'; J Praefect. l88l (c) '82 (a)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 61 Wellesley, Cecil George | (30th September, 1869) [W.I ; XV., 1885-6; XL, 1886; left 1886. 24th Middlesex R.V., 1890. 41, Gvosvenov Square, London, W. Per. Add. : Bachelors' Club, Hamilton Place, London, W. Wilkin, Lancelot (loth March, 1871) [Sch.] ; left 1883 («)• Afterwards at Haileybury College, 1883-1890; Pemb. Coll., Camb., 1890. ■ The War /en, Beclenham, Kent. 1882— First Term. Adair, Arthur John :|: (17th March, 1867) [W.] ; Head of House, 1885 ; Secretary of Debating Society at its founda- tion ; left 1885 {c). Trin. Coll., Dublin, Nov., 1886; B.A. 1890; M.B., 1893 ; Secretary and Treasurer of Univ. Harriers, and on Athletic Committee. 43, Haddington Road, Dublin. Permanent Address: 21, Crawford Square, Londonderry. Adair, Francis Robert (2nd August, 1868) [W.] ; left 1884(c). Served time in Engineer's Office ; employed by Board of Works, Dubhn, 3 years ; Asst. County Surveyor, Garvagh, Co. JLondonderry. Permanent Address : Londonderry. Bell, Walter [Sch.] . Brackenbury, Henry Langton (26th April, 1868) [D.] ; after- wards at Leamington ; Master at Sir E. Hay Currie's School, Folkestone. Brown, James Mortimer (3rd November, 1866) [Sp.] . Browne, Arthur Howell (i8th April, 1870) [W.] ; left 1889 {c). R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1890. See Army List. Charrosin, Eugene Harry (24th November, 1868) [D.] . Child, Herbert Alexander (3rd April, 1870) [Sp.] ; second in List of Naval Cadets, 1883 ; ^eft 1883. Midshipman , R.N. , July, 1885; Lieut., July, 1891 ; on H.M. gunboat Thrush, 1892 ; Cape of Good Hope and West Africa. See Navy List. Child, Bertram Frederick (6th October, 1872) [Sp.] . Day, Walter (17th March, 1867) [W.] ; Mayor's Medal, 1882. Debenham, Harold Corner (26th March, 1868) [W.] ; left 1885. Farmer. Per. Ad.: Kelsham House, Headcorn, Kent. Date after name, Birth ; («), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 62 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1882 (a) Forbes, George Francis Reginald (6th September, 1866) [W.] . Joined i8th Royal Lancers, 2nd Battn., Aug., 1893. Lucknow, India. Gash, Percy Reginald Frederick (13th November, 1868) [D.] . Henderson, C. [D.] . Ambleside, Castra Rd., Nr. Ulversfone, Tasmania. Hills, Clement (loth May, 1869) [Sp.— D.] ; left 1885. Permanent Address : Shortlands, Park Avenue, Dover. Kirby, Murdock W. (23rd June, 1865) [W.] ; XL, 1882; left 1882 {c). In Ontario, Canada, 1885-88 ; in 1888 settled on a section of Government Land in British Columbia. Permt. Address : Glenwood Post Office, Langley, British Columbia, and Mayfield, Sussex. Lawson, Robert Hosier (29th August, 1870) [Sch.] . Musgrave, Henry A. F. (14th November, 1869) [Sch.] . Passingham, Robert Townshend (15th October, 1867) [D.] . Indian Staff Corps. Plunkett, Arthur William Valentine, (4th May, 1868) [D.— W.]; left 1884(c). R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1886; 2nd Lieut., Manchester Regt., March, 18S8 ; Lieut., Nov., 1889. Dinapore, Bengal. Permt. Address : Care of Messrs. Cox &= Co.. 17, Charing Cross. Plunkett, Edward Abadie t (28th July, 1870) [W.] ; XL, 1886 ; left 1887. Gazetted to loth (Lincolnshire) Regt., March, 1892. Permt. Address : care of Messrs. Cox S' Co., Charing Cross ^ Satchell, Arthur Wild (loth July, 1886) [D.] ; died, 9th Nov., 1888. Shaw, Edward Wingfield (9th June, 1867) [W.] . Talbot, Arthur Maynard I (7th December, 1868) [Sch.] ; XV., 1886; Editor of Dovorian, 1886-87; left 1887 [b). Mayor's Medal, 1887; Math. Sch., Trinity Hall, C amb., 1887; Foundation Scholarship, 1889; Law Student- ship, Trin. Hall, 1892; 3rd Sen. Op. Math. Tripos, 1891 ; ist Class Law Tripos, 1892 ; called to Bar (Inner Temple), 1893.. /4, Stafford Terrace,Kensington, W. Towse, Clifford Henry (2nd November, 1869) [Sch.] . [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's; [W.] Walters' ; X Praefect. l882 (b)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 63 1882. — Second Term. Beadle, Clayton (23rd June, 1868) [Sch.] ; left 1884 (a). Consulting Chemist to Joynson's Paper Mills, St. Mary Cray; reported on Fibres, Indian and Colonial Exhibn., 1886 ; engaged in a tour round the world, examining fibres for paper, 1889, with the assistance of the Chamber of Manufacturers ; entered into partnership with Messrs. Cross and Bevan, 1891 ; Fellow of Chemical Society and of the Imperial Institute. Joint author with Messrs. Cross and Bevan of trea- tise on paper making (published by G. and F. N. Spon), and of numerous pamphlets and articles connected with the subject. Bedonwell, Belvedere, Kent. Beadle, Howard (31st January, 1871) [Sch.] ; left 1887 {a). Avenue Cottage, Brough, E. Yorks. Per. add. : care of Beadle Bros., Erith, Kent (to be forwarded). .Birch, Charles (nth September, 1873) [D.] . Bird, Robert Macdonald (27th January, 1871) [Sch.] ; Capt. 2nd XI., 18871 XV., 1886-7; left 1887 {h). Royal School of 'Mines and Royal Coll. of Science, 1887-91 ; First in ist Class Honours, Practical Metal- lurgy, I St Class Advanced Mining Govt. Science Exams., 1891 ; Capt. Rowing Club ; Rugby F. XV., 1887-91; Hon. Capt. Middlesex Wand. R.F.C., 1892-3. Hon. Sec. and Treas. O. D. Club, 1893. 5, Gloucester Crescent, Hyde Park, W. Downes, Oliver Longcroft (13th August, 1870) [W.] ; Scholar- ship at College ; left July, 1886. Then with Messrs. Wren and Gurney ; R.M.C., Sand- hurst (at head of list), Dec, 1889; Second Lieut., 59th Regt., Dec, 1891 ; transferred to 30th Regt., Feb., 1892 ; appntd. Probationer to Indian Staff Corps, 7th Bombay Lancers, nth April, 1893. 7th Bombay Lancers, Jacodabad, Bombay, and care of Committee. Genl. Doivnes, 7, Earl's Court Square, S. Kensington, S.W. Evans, Percyl (i6th November, 1868) [Sp.] ; XV., 1885-6; left 1886. London Matric, Div. I., 1886; M.R.C.S., Eng., and L.R.C.P., Lond., 1891; M.B., B.S., Univ. of Durham, 1893- 2, Foxton Villas, Richmond. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 64 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1882 (b) Hart, Arthur Henry Seton (19th July, 1870) [W.— D.] ; left 1885 (a). Afterwards at Clifton Coll. and King William's Coll., Isle of Man ; R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1889 ; passed out with honours, i8go ; Second Lieut., East Surrey Regt., Oct., 1890 ; Lieut., June, 1892. 7sf Batt. East Survey Regt., Agra, India. Per. Add. : care of Messrs. Cox and Son, Charing Cross. Levy, Walter (12th January, 1868) [Sp.] . Care of Guillermo Levy, St. Salvador, Central America. Locke, Albert Walter (2nd November, 1868) [W.] . O'Brien, Aubrey John |: (5th December, 1870) [Sch.] ; left 1888. R.M.A., Woolwich, (i_4th), 1887; R.M.C., Sandhurst, (13th) Dec, 18S9 ; First in two-mile race, Sandhurst, 1890, and second in one mile ; gazetted to Loyal North Lane. Regt. (47th), July, 1891. Colaha, Bombay. O'Brien, Edward :]: (20th September, 1872) [Sch.] ; XV., 1889-90 ; left 1890 {h). R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1890-1 ; first in high jump, R.M.C., 5ft. 5in., 1891, and tied first R.M.C. v. R.M.A.; gazetted to Royal Irish Regt. (i8th), Dec, 1891 ; pro- ceeded to India, March, 1892. The Royal Irish, LucJcnow, India. Page, Vaughan (13th November, 1868) [D.] ; left 1885 (c). Solicitor's Final, Jan., 1892. 4, Hurndall Cottages, Mottingham, Eltham, Kent. Permanent Address : Walmer Court, W aimer. Parsons, Cecil (8th December, 1870) [Sp.] ; left Dec, 1888. Passed into Army, Sept., 1890; gazetted to ist Batt. " The Queen's," Feb., 1891. Malta. Per. Address: 7, Palmeira Avenue, West Brighton, Sussex. Raven, Percy John (20th December, 1870) [D.] . Ross, Frederic William Forbes, (17th December, 1867) [Sp.] ; XL, 1884-5 ; left 1885. Edinburgh University ; Silver Medal for Anatomy, Royal College of Surgeons, 1886; Gold Medal for Anatomy, Edin. Univ., 1887; M.B., CM., 1889; M.D., 1893; M.R.C.S., Eng., i8go; L.R.C.P., 1893; married, 27th April, 1892. 747, Victoria Road, Neiv Brighton, Cheshire, and 61 , Lord Street, Liverpool. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's; [W. [ Walters' ; J Praefect. l882 {b), (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 65 Sherman, Percy Frederic de la Feuillade (8th August, 1869) [W.]; XV., 1884-5-6; left 1886 (a). Joined Burma Police, 1887; presented at Durbar; Assis- tant Police Officer to Fort White, 1891 ; Burmese Campaign Medal and Clasp, 1887-9 ; Chin Lushai, 1891-2. The Dog Kennels, Cranbrook, Kent, and care of Inspector General of Police, Rangoon, Burma. Sladden, Lewis Coster (27th March, 1867) [D.] . Surveyor at Inglefield, N. Island of New Zealand ; en- gaged in topographical survey of Southern Alps of New Zealand; Admitted as Surveyor, Sep., 1891 ; Member of New Zealand Inst, of Surveyors, 1893 ! partner with R. H. Davies, Oct., 1892. Ingleivood, Taranaki, New Zealand. Sly, William C. (8th April, 1867) [Sp.] . Stevenson, Harold Thomas (24th March, 1868) [W.] . Scholarship, 1886; Open Math. Scholarship, Trin. Hall, Camb., 1886; Class II. Math. Tripos, 1889. 45, Gresham Road, Brixton, S. W. Symonds, Lewis Frederick (6th February, 1873) [Sp-] • Deceased. 1882.— Third Term. Annesley, Cecil Marcus (3rd March, 1866) [Sp.] . R. M. C, Sandhurst, 1886. Arnold, Harold Baynes (12th January, 1867) [Sch.] . Boothby, Francis Stuart Evelyn (23rd April, 1867) [Sch.] XV., 1884-5 ; left 1885. Entered Army (The Lincolnshire Regiment) 1887 married, 3rd Aug., 1893. The Barracks, Lincoln Perm. Add. : Care of Messrs. Cox and Co., 16, Charing Cross London y S.W. Corbett, Ewan Percy (13th November, 1869) [Sch.] . Craig, Owen Tudor (2nd November, 1864) [D.] ; Mayor's Medal for Math., 1883 ; left 1884. Exhibition at Queen's Coll., Camb., 1884; died, 3rd Jan., 1885. Date after name, Birth ;' (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. F 66 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1882 (c) Craig, Douglas Tudor (7th May, 1867) [D.] ; left 1885. St. John's Coll., Oxon. ; Third Class Class. Mods., 1887 ;, B.A., 1888; M.A., 1892; ordained Deacon, 1890,. (Roch.) ; Pr., 1891 ; Curate of Battersea, 1890. 43, Hyde Lane, Battersea, S.W.. Foster, Cecil (8th April, 1868) [Sp.] . Crinnis, Par Station, Cornwalh Gordon, Alexander S. (27th April, 1871) [D.] . Grant, Francis Douglas (i6th April, 1868) [Sch.] ; left 1885 (b). R. M. C, Sandhurst, (23rd), 1885 ; represented R. M. C, V R. M. A. in Athletic Sports, 1886; entered Army,. Feb., 1887; Indian Staff Corps, 1888; 6th Pun- jab Infantry; Hazara Expedn. (Medal with clasp);. Miranzai Expedn. Militaiy Accounts Department, India. Greig, Arnold Alexander (i6th October, 1871) [Sch.] ; left 1886 (b). In printing trade ; appointed representative of Messrs. White and Pike, of Birmingham (London Branch),. 1893 ; married, 25th Oct., 1892. Holmdene, New Eltham, Kent. Gunter, Francis Ernest (i8th May, 1869) [W.] ; XV., 1885-6^ left 1886 (b). Edin. Univ. ; L.R.C.P. and L.R.C.S., Edin., 1891 ; M.B., Edin., 1893; Edin. Univ. XV., 1890-91; Edin. Univ. B. C. Trial Fours, 1892 ; House Surgeon,, Devonshire Hospital, Buxton, 1892. 4, Medway Villas, Neiv Brompton, Kent. Perm. Add. : 9, Gwendivr Road, W. Kensington, W. Gunter, Austin Herbert (nth .November, 1870) [W.] ; Fresh- field Exhib., 1883; Astley Scholar, 1884; Scholarship, 1885; Mayor's Medal, 1888; left 1888. R. M. A., Woolwich (2nd), 1887 ; Indian Civil Service (9th), 1889: Clare Coll., Camb., 1889-91: Assistant Commissioner in Punjab, Nov., 1891. Abota, Hazara, Punjab, India. Perm. Add. : 9, Gwendwr Road, W. Kensington, W, Hetherington, Barker Thomas (22nd August, 1867) [Sp.] ; left 1883 (r). Auctioneer ; married, 1893. Perm. Add. : Beckfoot, RocTccliffe, Carlisle. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's; [W.] Walters'; J Praefect, l882 (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. , 67 Heywood, Charles Frederic (28th May, 1868) [W.] . Heywood, Thomas (20th September, 1867) [W.] . Hunt, Victor Robert (12th December, 1866) [W.] . Lamb, Albert R. (29th October, 1868) [W.] . Long, Sydney George Hadlow (15th November, 1869) [D.] . Macquoid, Charles Edward Every Francis Kirwan (2nd August, 1869) [W.]; XI, 1886; XV., 1886; left 1886 (c). Commission in 8th King's (Liverpool) Regt., February, 1888 ; now Squadron Officer, ist Lancers, Hyderabad • Contingent. Care of Messrs. W. Watson and Co.,. Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross. Middleton, Stephen Douglas (30th July, 1868) [Sch.] . Student at St. John's Coll., Winnipeg, preparing for ordination. St. John's College, Winnipeg, U.S.A. O'Brien, Murrough Charles (2nd May, 1868) [Sch.]. Captain, United Hospitals' Hare and Hounds, 1889 ; represented United Hospitals in Athletics against Camb. Univ. Ogilvie, Frederick Forbes (7th February, 1871) [Sp.] . Swann, Arthur Henry (19th August, 1868) [Sp.] ; XL, 1884- Passed Solicitors' Final Exam., Easter, 1891 ; entered Corpus Coll., Camb., October, 1892 ; Coll. Lent Boat, 1893 ; XV., 1893 ; President of Camb, Inter-Coll. Christian Union. Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. Perm. Add. : 65, Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, Kent. S.E. Thomas, Wilham Henry (15th October, 1867) [Sch.] ; Editor of Dovorian, 1885-6 ; left 1886 {b). Returned as Master, 1888; left 1893 (^) ! preparing for Ordination at Salisbury Theo. College. The Chorister's School, Salisbury ; and Belvedere, Kent. Turnbull, Peveril Ambrose (23rd June, 1870) [D.] ; left 1884 {b). King's School, Canterbury, 1884-89 (Scholar) ; Exhib., C.C.C. Cambridge, 1889; College Prizes for Classics; B.A., 3rd Class Class. Tripos., 1892 ; Coll. Football XI. ; Master at Ashbourne House, Harrow-on-the- Hill. Vine Cottage, Roxeth Hill, Harrow. Permanent Address ; The Vicarage, Ewell, Dover. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 68 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1882 (c), '3 (a), (&) Vesey, William (ist May, 1868) [Sch.] ; XV., 1884. Ward, Victor Leigh (26th December, 1870) [W,] . Ward, Oscar Rodney (27th December, 1871) [W.] . Wynter, Hugh Talbot (26th September, 1872) [Sch.] ; after- wards at Westward Ho ! United Services Coll. ; R.M.A., Woolwich, 1893 ; Lieut, in R.A., 33rd Field Battery, 1893. Triniulgherry, India. 1883.— First Term. Bower, Henry Reginald [Sp.] . Elkington, Archibald Gordon (ist February, 1868) [Sch.] . Fielding, Makino, Orna, New Zealand. Francis, Arthur H. M. (31st July, 1868) [W.] ; left 1885 (c). Electrical Engineer, and Assoc, of the Institute Elec. Eng. ; Branch Manager for Messrs. Woodhouse and Rawson, at Exeter, and in Dublin ; now with Messrs. Edison and Swan, United Electric Light Co., no, Cannon St., E.C. Permanent Address : 15, Spencef Park, New Wandsworth, S. W. Orr, John Boyd I (15th August, 1871) [Sp.] ; XL, 1887-88-89 ; XV., 1888-9; left 1889 (b). Passed Militia Compet., March, 1893 ! 2nd Batt. Norfolk Regt., Oct., 1893. Dullatur, Camberley, Surrey. Pears, Henry Edward Swaine (19th July, 1869) [Sp.] ; left 1887 {b). Articled to a firm of Solicitors, Worcester, July, 1887; passed Final, Nov., 1892 ; with Messrs. Woodcock and Penny, of Wigan and Southport. 6, Leicester Street, Southport. Permanent Address : Malvern Link. Power, Frederick Tyrone. Vipan, Richard C. H. [Sch.]; left 1887. Winewiser, F. F. O. [W.] . Worsfold, Edward Mowll (14th June, 1891) [D.] ; left 1885 (b). 1 , Christ Church Villas, Dover. 1883.— Second Term. Cockell, Teesdale William (21st December, 1869) [Sp.] ; left 1883. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [W.] Walters' ; X Praefect. 1883 (b)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 69 Douglas, Henry John (8th February, 1870) [D.] ; left 1885 (a) Afterwards at King's School, Canterbury, and Burney's Royal Academy, Gosport ; gazetted to 4th Batt., East Surrey Regt., Ap., 1890; Lieut., Jan., 1893. Permanent Address: 79, Leyhume Terrace, Dover. Emanuel, WilHe (2nd June, 1869) [W.] . Permanent Address : 26, Clifton Villas, W. Hearn, Frank Gill Procter (12th October, 1869) TD.! : left 1888 (C). ^^ L J , Clerk m London and County Banking Co., Brighton, 1889, 67, Blatdiington Rd., Hove, Brighton, and 44, Folkestone Rd., Dover. Jemmett-Browne, Charlton Basil (2nd July, 1866) [Sch.] . Jemmett-Browne, Arthur Blennerhassett, (29th May, 1869) [Sp.J . Kerr, Colin (8th April, 1871) [W.] . Lamb, William (13th May, 1865) [W.] ; XV., 1884; left 1885. Lamb, Alexander McCormick (ist October, 1870). Langdon-Davies, Walter (27th August, 1867) [Sp.] ; left 1885 {h). Student at Royal Coll. of Science, S. Kensington, 1885- 1888 ; obtained 13 certificates, Stud. Member Inst. Elec. Eng., 1888; Associate, 1890; appointed Super- intending Engineer to the Phonopore Co., 1891 ; married, 28th Nov., 1891. Permanent Address : 57, Comeragh Road, W. Kensington, W. Langdon-Davies, Guy (i8th April, 1869) [Sp.] ; left 1885 (^)- Matriculated at London Univ., 1888; entered Selwyn Coll., Camb., 1892. Selwyn Coll., Cambridge. Per. Add. : 45, Redcliffe Square, S. Kensington, S.W. Palmer, Frederick Charles j (23rd January, 1874) [D.] » Freshfield Scholarship, 1885; Astley Scholarship, 1887; Lord Warden's Scholarship, 1891 ; Mayor's Medal, 1889 ; left 1 89 1 {c). 3, Priory Street, Dover- Whittingham, Frederick Samford (6th September, 1871) [Sch.] ; left 1889 {b). ' Articled to Solicitors, Messrs. Rowcliffes, Rawle, and Co., I, Bedford Row, London, 1890, for 5 years. 138, Portsdoimi Mansions, Maida Vale, W. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. yO DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1883 (c) 1883— Third Term. Bartlett, Arthur Wilson (9th August, 1870) [Sp.] ; left 1887 (c). Matric. Lond. Univ. (ist Div.) 1888 ; Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Dec, 1892. Permanent Address, 37, Elgin Crescent, Notting Hill. Bramley, Frederick Burkill (22nd October, 1867) [Sch.] . Engineer in Johannesburg, S. Africa. Home Add. : Langviclc, neav Boston. Byron, Manneville (9th December, 1867) [Sp.] ; XL, 1884. Port-au-Prince, Hayti, West Indies. Claridge, Percy Shelley Freese (15th May, 1868) [Sp.] . Elwin, Edmund Harry. (i8th September, 1871) [D.] ; left 1889 {a). Merton College, Oxford, October, 1890. Merton College, Oxford. Permt. Add., Castle Street, Dover. Eteson, Philip Brander (25th March, 1 87 1) [Sp.] ; left 1885(c). Care of Col. Warren, Grand Prairie, via Duclc Station, C.P. Raihvay, Brit. Columbia, Canada. Perm. Add. : care of General Eteson, Kearsney, Dover. Everington, John (i 8th January, 1873) [Sch.]. Gideon, George Vernon Minchin (29th May, 1867) [W.] . St. Mary's Hospital, M.R.C.S., L.R.C,P., Lond., 1892 ; L.S.A., 1891. Glenroy, Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth. Haslam Henry Cobden) X (4th October, 1870) ; left i88g {a). Scholarship, Caius Coll. Cam., 1888 ; entered Caius Coll., Oct., i88g ; 2nd Class Nat. Sci. Tripos, 1892 ; entered St. Thomas's Hospital, "London, October, 1893. 18, BoUnghroke Grove, Wandsivorth Common, S. W. Hoseason, Cecil de C. L. (2nd August, 1868). Lloyd, Charles Edward (14th September, 1871) [D.] ; left 1886 {h). Secretary's Office, Lloyd's 1890-92 ; fruit grower, Guernsey, 1893. Villa de la Roque, Fort Road, Guernsey. Manvell, Arthur B. (12th February. 1872) [D.] ; left 1885 (b). Gloucester House, Snargate Street, Dover. Partridge, Edward C. (24th May, 1873) [Sch.]. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [W. Walters' ; : Preafect. 1883 (c) '4 (a)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 7I Ricketts, Lancelot H. (23rd September, 1867) [D.l ; XV., 1885. Commission in Army from Militia, 1888 ; Indian Staff Corps. Beaulieu, Bangalore, India. Ricketts, George E.' (19th May, i86g) [D.] ; left— returned again, 1887 (a). Woods and Forests Department, India. Beaulieu, Bangalore, India. Ricketts, Charles D. (23rd July, 1873) [D.] . Nav&l Cadet, 1886; Midshipman, Nov., 1888; Sub-Lieut., Nov., 1892. H.M.S. Centurion, China. Per. Add. : Beaulien, Bangalore, India. Sangster, David K. (19th February, 1868) [D.] ; XL, 1884. Simpson, Frederick Coleridge (13th July, 1870) [Sch.] ; left 1887(a). ■ 99, St. Martin s Lane, W.C, And 36, Novrington Road, Regent's Park, N. Spearing, William Young (31st May, 1868) [Sp.] ; XL, 1885. ToAver, David Eric (ist March, 1870) [Sp.] ; left 1885 (a). Entered Hertford Coll., Oxf., 1890 ; now Clerk in Stamford, Spalding, and Boston Banking Co. ; reading for final Schools. Thrapston, North Hants. Permanent Address : The Vicarage, Weedon, North Hants. Wilbe, Charles Frederick (19th May, 1862) [Sp.] ; XV.. 1887-8 ; left 1888. Played R. U. Football for Blackheath, 1889. 21, Finchley Road, London, N^W. Wolstenholme, Oliver S. (8th January, 1871) [W.] ; Fresh- field Scholarship, 1884; Astley ditto, 1885. Entered R. M. A., Woolwich, Dec, 1887. 1884.— First Term. Armstrong, Charles E. (2nd April, 1872) [Sch]. Brackenbury, Cyril (27th August, 1869) [Sch] : XV., 1886; left 1887 [a). Date after name, Birth ; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 72 n()\-|.;K coi.i.ia.ic Kiaiisi'iCR. [iS"^4 ('') In iSSy, wt'iit U) Anuuica ; ranchiny witli his l)rt)llior (Iv. I!.) till iS()_^; now stiulying luijjfineerin};' at Miiino- apolis I'nix. /•//.'), Uiiivnsi/y Av(inii\ S.I-'.., Miiiiwtipolis, Miiiitrsold, U.S..L llonu* Address : .'/, h'ossclll Mansions, Chelsea, liiowii, Ailluii (i. 11. (jisl Mait-li, 1S70) |Sp.|, Wesijield, the Avenue, l^eehenhaui. Miown, I'l'ivy A. (.' |lii Jamiai V, iS;^) |Sp.|; K^l't 1887(c). AiUlicss : same as above. I'.ullcn, SlcpluMi 1). (;olli April, 1870) [\V.|; loft 1887. I\. M. A., Woolwich, P(H-., 1887; Lieut, in K.A. (^laik, J. 11).| ; Iclt 1888. K'.M. ('., Sandluifst, i8i)o; passed out 17th (honours), 1801. hi lui/i. 1 1 (imps/lire h'eginieel {J7lli.) IV- la riynie, Chaiics Thackorayl (3rd l>(H-iMnbtM-, 1873) |Sih.|; X\'., i8gi-.!; 1m\i>s Chainpion, i8g^ ; lulitor of Dovoi'iiVi, i8i)i-gj; li'lt i8i)^(/0. Christ's Coll., Canib. ; won " rultinj^- the \\'tMi;hl '" in UnivtM'sity I'rrshinen's Sports, i8i)j. ChiisVs Col/ei^e, ('anihridi^e, and W'isloic, / hinlinf^don. Podson, Waller |eii'niiah (i;-,th l''ebruaiy, i8(u)) |l").|. St. Catherine's Hall, Oxf., I'-.A., i8()i ; Stroke of Non. Coll. \l I I., i8c)i, and See. of Non. Coll. i'>oat CMub ; r..A., iSoi; ortlaineil Peaeon ('Trin.), i8i)2 ; I'ricst (^ riiii.), 1803 (l\ipon). ^ lliUiiil/on, /'iisnnniii! \ and eare i^( Mis. PoJson, III, I (Hey luuiti, ( Ivfoid. Duddinj;, l\e!;in. dd h!. h". S. (.'itli Mareh. 1870) |\\'.|. Joineil |lh r..itt. Trineess iA' Wales' Own (late No\[h N'oik Militia) \"orkshire K'ei^inunt, ]'^cc., 1888; Litait.; appointed Instrueliir ol l\luski>try. CiMinanenl Aild. : Sliinton, Hnry SI. h'.dnnind's, or •//// rrincess of Wii/es' (l\-n )\)i'hliii'e Rff^^iment, l\ielunond, Yorksliiye. l''aulknei, llany(iolh januaiy, 1870) |Seh.|; left i88(>(,r). ('leik. riie rtirsontii^e, Croix NoiJ, i'liuue, llappe, Louis W. A. | (^|th November, 1872) |n.|; left i8gi (/'). iveble Coll.. CKloid, Cet., 1803. //, Miiison Ih'en luuui, Pover. HaniiUon, I'dwaid I'. T. (-th (Vtober, 1870) iSeh.]; left .887(/0. in.l n.iy Hoy; |Sch,l Scliool Uousi-; |Sii.|Sp.irlu''s ; |\V.| W, liters' ; X I'r.u'lcct. 188400] DOVER C0LI.EC-.1.; Ul'-GISTER. 73 ilcLluuiiij^loii, William iuMlty (ist Juno, iSCk)) |Sp.|; XL, 1886-S7 ; left 1S87. Went to ICdinburgh to study Medicine, hut died of typhoid (c\cv, 15th D(>c., i8()2, just ht^lore his linal exam. Hide, Horace C. (7tli Septemhci, 1S71) |Sch.|. Hulke, Walter Hackhoust" (lolh Si^plcMuhci', 1S7-) |n.— W.]; XV., t888-() ; left 18S1). K'. M. C, Sandhurst, iS.h; K". M. C XV., i8()T-2; {^azettinl to 2nd Hall. Lincolnshire l\(\t;inicn(, Nov., i8i;2. lOlh [Lincolnshire) Rf^inwnl, Singapore, and car(> of .S'. />. llulkc, Esq., 162, I lolliiiid luuni, London, W. Laughton, Herbert 1' . ( ist Octohcr, i8(h)) 1S[).1; left 1887 (^r)- nijilonia, ilanoviM- Scjuaie IClectrical h^ng. Coll., A.LLv.JC. Sc>e Dovoi'ian, Oct., i8()0, No. 67. 20, Wiwrin^ton Crescciil, W . L.'iwson, Tleniy 15, (17111 August, iS(u)) |1).|; XL, i,S87S; left i8,S8. Farming in Canada. Box 659, hi^t'rsol, Onhjrio, CanaJa. Permanent Address: .)', Winchcbca Crcsmil, Dovn'. Lee, William Stevens 1 (5th Oct., i87r) |W.l ; Scholarship, i88(); XV., 1887-8-9-90, Capt., 1889-90 ; XL, tsdt. Med. Officer, Cookridgo Semi-Convalescent Home, Leeds. 14GnatOrniondSl., London, W.C. Per. Add.: nank House, Deal. Cakes, Percy Llerbert (7th January, i''^7i). 13;Ue al'toi- iiaiiir, lUi-tli ; (d), (''), (1), 'i''sl, sixond, aiiil lliinl tonn i-cspuctivcly. 74 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1884 (a), (b) Pike, Harold B. (8th April, 1869) [Sp.] ; left 1885. Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. Hankoiv, China, and care of C. B. Pike, Esq., q. v. Tennant, Bertie N. (28th November, 1869) [Sch.] ; XV., 1886. Tillard. Arthur Basil (loth June, 1870) [Sch.] ; XV., 1886-7 ; left 1887 (c). Sandhurst, 1889-90; Capt. of XV. R.M.C., 1890; com- mission in Hants Regt., Dec, 1890 ; joined 1-3 Gurkha Rifles, Jan., 1892. 1-3 Gurkha Rifles, Almova, Kumaon, N.W.P., India. Tweedie, John Lannoy Forbes (19th November, 1872) [Sp.] ; XL, 1889-90; Capt. 2nd XV., 1889-90; left 1890 (b). Forest Dept., Oct., 1891 ; N.W.P. India. Care of Col.Tweedie, Inspector-General of Police, N. IV. P., and Oudh. Permanent Address : Forest Dept. India. Waller-Waller (late Waller-Shepherd) Bertie Guy :|; (29th November, 1871) [Sp.] ; XV., 1890 ; Editor of Dovorian, 1890; left 1890 {c). Student L.A.M., St. George's Hall, since April, 1891 ; in theatrical profession at present at Lyceum Theatre, undername " Guy Waller." 20, Beaumont Street, Portland Place, W. Permt. Address: Guy Waller, care oi Actors' Association, 36, St. Martins Lane, W.C. 1884.— Second Term. Bell, Reginald William;|: (26th April, 1874) [Sch.] ; son of Head Master ; XV., 1889-90-1 ; Capt. 1890-1 ; left 1891 {b). Entered R.M.A., Woolwich (22nd), 1891 ; left, 1891. R.M.A. Football XV.; Commission in Royal Engineers, 25th July, 1893 (9th in Final Exam.). Brompton Barracks, Chatham. Permanent Address : The Vicarage, Sittingbouvne. Bottomley, Gerald Turner (21st July, 1872) [Sp.] ; left 1886 (c). Finthorpe, Almondsbnry, Huddersfield. Crothers, Edward;]: (June, 1869) [Sp.] *. XV., 1886-7-8-g, Capt., 1887-9 ; left 1888 (c). Le Chateau, Croix Nord, France. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House [Sp.] Sparke's ; [W.] Walters' ; : Praefect. 1884 (b)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 75 Elkington, Reginald Watson (9th June, 1869) [Sp.] ; left 1887 (^)- Passed Sandhurst Exam., 1889, but failed in eye-sight. The Fivs, King's Norton, Worcestershire. Permanent Address: Jiinr. Constitutional Club, Piccadilly, W. Forsdyke, Clyde A. (6th November, 1870) [D.] . Goulden, John James (19th May, 1872) [D.] ; left 1888 {b). 176, Snargate Street, Dover. Hall, Harry Dansie (27th September, 1869) [Sch.l ; XV., 1885; XL, 1885; left 1885 (^). Melton Lodge, Havelock Road, Croydon. Hearn, Sydney Thomas (29th October, 1871) [D.] . Westbourne Villas, Folkestone Road, Dover. James, Richard (3rd March, 1873) [D.] . Killick, Frederick Henry (9th February, 1869) [D.] . 80, Ockenden Road, Canonbury, N . Permanent Address : 33, London Road, Dover. Knocker, Lionel Chantrell (12th February, 1872) rSp.l ; XL, 1888; left 1889 (^). In Manitoba, farming, 1890-2; now in Wyoming. Lookout, Wyoming. Perm. Address : Castle Hill House, Dover. Laurie, Edward Hamilton (6th July, 1870) [Sp.] . Lawson, Charles Bunbury (3rd August, 1867) [D.] . M.B,, Surgeon-Lieut, in Army. Mian Mir, Punjab, Lidia, and 3, Winchelsea Crescent, Dover. Lee, Archibald Hylton (2nd May, 1872) [W.] ; left 1888 (&). Undeen, Pol el a. Natal. Permanent Address : The Moat, Thame, Oxon. Learoyd, Stanley Brook (ist March, 1873) [Sp.] . Ellerslie, Huddersfield. Mayes, Arthur Edward (23rd March, 1873) [D.] ; left 1888. Passed Matric. City Guilds London Technical Coll., 1891 ; entered Central Institute Electrical Engineering, Oct., 1 89 1. Whitfield, near Dover, dcndl 5, Bench Street, Dover. Pearson, Walter Bagot (19th November, 1872) [W.] ; left 1888 {b). Entered Army, i8th June, 1892 ; Promoted to Lieut., Aug., 1893; Author of "Revised Report on Southern Date after name, Birth ; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 76 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1884 (&) (c), Military Branch Great Indian Peninsular Rail- way." Lancashire Fusiliers, Qnetta, India. Permanent Address ; Kirkhy Lonsdale, Carnforth. Schofield, Robert Radford (23rd January, 1870) [Sch.] . 1884.— Third Term. Adam, Francis Leith Hunter (27th March, 1872) [Sch.] ; left 1889 (b). King's College School, London, 1889-92 ; Selwyn Coll., Camb., 1892. 164, Blomjield Terrace, Paddington, W. Adcock, William Henry (13th July, 1870) [D.] ; R.M.A. Woolwich (34th),' 1887 ; left 1888 {h). 31, TIirogiiiortGJi Street, E.C. Angus, Douglas Forbes (30th July, 1872) [D.] ; left 1885. Baiss, William Arnold (31st March, 1874) [W.] ; left 1888 (&), for Dulwich College ; in business in London. 4, Jewry Street, E.C. Perm. Address, Nevin House, Heme Hill. Baiss, Llewellyn Arnold (29th September, 1875) [W.] ; left 1888 (c), for Dulwich College, 2 years ; one year in Switzerland ; Medical Student. Nevin House, Heme Hill. Beaman, Frank Sydney (27th August, 1867) [Sch.] ; left 1886 (f). Lynnecourt, Parle Hill, Croydon. Bird, William (22nd January, 1872) [Sch.] ; XV., 1887-8-9 ; left 1889 ; (a). Slade School of Art, 1890-1 ; Herkomer's School, 1892-3; Football, Blackheath, "A " 1892-3 HerTcomers ScJiool , BusJiey, Herts. Perm. Ad., 5, Gloucester Crescent, Hyde Park, London, W. Blanford, Ernest I (i8th April, 1870) [Sch.] ; XV., 1S87-8 ; Capt. 2nd XL, 1888 ; Editor of Dovorian, 1887-8 ; left 1888. Matric. Lond. Univ., ist Div., 1888 ; admitted as Solicitor, Dec, 1892 ; Her Majesty's Office of Woods and Forests, May, 1893. Permanent Address, Field House, Bishopsivood Road, Highgate. Brackenbury, Hereward Irenius (30th July, 1871) [Sch.] ; left 1886. Entered Elswick Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1886. Permanent Address, 11, Grove Street, Neivcastle-on-Tyne. [D.] Day Boy ch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's; [W.] Walters'; I Praefect. 1884 (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 77 Douglas Smith, Percy (3rd October, 1868) [Sp.] ; left 1887 (b). Gielgud, Valdemar (ist June, 1869) [Sch.] ; left 1886. Went to Africa ; joined Police Force of Brit. S. Afr. Co. — resigned owing to ill-health ; now in Chlorination Works of Robinson Mines in Johannesburg. Permanent Address : 8, St. Leonard's Terrace, London, S.W. Gunter, Eustace Edward (30th September, 1873 ; [D.I ; left 1888 (b). Electrical Engineering Diploma Central Instn. of City and Guilds Inst. ; Asst. Supt. in the Indian Telegraph Dept., Aug., 1893. Permanent Address : 9, Gwendwr Road, W. Kensington, W. Hadlow, William Francis (loth November, 1873) [D.] . 72, Biggin Street, Dover. Hoare, Percy Henry Villars (22nd February, 1870) [D.] ; Electrical Engineer. Johnston, Gilbert (2nd December, 1869) [Sch.] . Ludlow, Percy Edgar (6th July, 1868) [Sp.] . Ommanney, Francis Cranstoun (15th October, 1870) [W.] ; left 1887. Onslow, Cranley Charlton I (19th September, 1869) [Sch.l ; XL, 1887-88 ; XV., 1887-8 ; left 1888. R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1888. Lt. 1st Batt. Bedfordshire Regiment (16th.) Roberts, Herbert P. W. (15th December, 1871) [Sp.] ; left 1890 {b). Paris. Swanston, Hugh Owen (5th July, 1871) [Sch.] ; left 1888 {b). 3rd York and Lancaster Regiment. /, Lexham Gardens, S. Kensington. Permanent Address : Rosemount, St. Leonard' s-on-Sea. Tait, John M. G. (25th March, 1874) [Sp.] , Thomas, Henry M. + (26th January, 1870) [Sch.] ; XV., 1886; R.M.A., Woolwich, 1887 ; R.M. A. XV., 1887; sword for good conduct, Woolwich, 1889 ; R.A. 36th Field Battery, Kirkee, Bombay, India, and Madnl Kelly, Ceylon. Tower, Walter Ernest (9th March, 1873) [Sp.] ; left 1890 {c). Entered office of Aston Webb, architect, 1891 ; admitted student of Royal Academy, 1893. 180, Ebury Street, S.W. Date after name, Birth; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 78 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1884 (c), '5, («) Walker, Lawrence R. G. (i8th October, 1871 [D.] Probationer, Indian Staff Corps. 1885.— First Term. Agate, Sydney (i8th May, 1872) [D.] ; left 1885. Ballard, William Charles Theodore (7th January, 1871) [D.] ; left 1887 (b) London and County Banking Company, 1889-92 ; now in Bank of British Columbia. Bank of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Ballard, Alexander Herbert St. George (i6th October, 1872) [D.]; left 1887 {b). Preparing for Civil Service. Care of his father, Major Ballard, Corrib Castle, Galway, Ireland. Clarence, Oliver Burchett (25th March, 1870) [W.] ; left 1888 {b). Been on the Stage for three years, now a Member of Mr. F. R. Benson's Company. Permanent Address: Coaxdon, Axminster, Devon. Hills, WilHam Ernest (22nd March, 1872) [D.] ; left 1888. The College, Guy's Hospital, S.E. Permanent Address : Shovtlands, Park Avenue, Dover. Hunt, William Roebuck (21st November, 1870) [Sp.] ; XL, 1888; XV., 1888; left 1888 {c). Articled to F. W. Pixley, Esq., Chartered Accountant, July, 1890; Capt. of O. D. Football Club, 1891-92; played for Surrey Colts, 1891-92 ; passed Intermediate Exam, of Inst, of Chartered Accts. in England and Wales, 1893. Ca.re oi Jackson, Pixley, Browning, Husey and Co., 58, Coleman St., E.C. Permanent Address : The Elms, Alleyn Park, W. Didwich. Learoyd, Reginald Brook (13th July, 1868) [Sp.] . Entered 3rd York and Lancaster Reg. (Mil.), 26th Dec, 1886 ; promoted to Captain, 1891. Permanent Address : Ellerslie, Huddersfield. Macquoid, Patrick M. T. (i6th October, 1876) [W.] ; drowned at Ostend, 1891. See Dovorian, No. 72, Oct., 1891. Mahony, Frederick Henry (24th August, 1874) [D.] . Ricci, Edward da Costa \ (ist July, 1872) [Sp.] ; XL, 1889; left 1890. 86, Ladbroke Grove, W. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [W.] Walters' ; | Praefect, 1885 («), (b)] DOVKR COLLEGE REGISTER. 79 Sanderson, Percy Robert (17th August, 1867) [D.] . Tulloch, James Bruce Gregorie (2nd September, 1870) [D.] ; left 1887. Entered (51st) King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry; 2nd Lieut., 8th Oct., 1890; Lieut., i6th June, 1892. Willowhank Barracks, Belfast. Wood, Arthur (28th August, 1874) [D.] ; left 1886 {c). 1885. — Second Term. Alderson, John (23rd December, 1874) [D.] ; Scholarship, 1887, 1888; left 1888 {c). Scholar of Westminster, 1889 ; Westminster Cricket XL, 1892-93 ; Football XL, 1892-93 ; Open Scholarship, 1893 ^t Selwyn College, Cambridge. 2, Effingham Lawn, Dover. Eve, Charles Gerald (9th December, 1872) [Sch.] ; left 1886. Permanent Address : Elmshnrst. Bedford. Falkner, Henry George (19th September, 1870) [Sch.]. Feilding, Percy Henry (23rd December, 1867) [D.] Foster, William Melville (22nd October, 1871) [Sp.] ; left 1890. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1890 ; O. U. Rifle Eight, 1892-93 ; 3rd Class Honours in Jurisprudence, 1893. Mayfield, Edgerton, Huddersfield. Hunter, Lionel Charles I (nth September, 1875) [Sp.] '■> XV., 1892; Capt. of Athletics, 1893; left 1893 (^)- Permanent Address: 147, Sutherland Avenue, Maida Vale, N. Hutcheson, Charles (27th April, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1887 {h). Killick, Alfred Wheeler (23rd May, 1873) [D.] ; left 1887 {a). North St., Brighton. Permanent Address: 33, London Road, Dover. Levy, Edmund Lewis (6th October, 1870) [Sp.] . Care of Guillermo Levy, St. Salvador, Central America. Westropp, Frederick Malcolm (6th February, 1870) [W,] ; left 1887 (a). R.M.A., Woohvich (9th), 1887; commission in Engineers, (6th), 1889 ; in India, 1891. Poena, Bombay , India. Perm. Add. : Care of Messrs. Grindlay & Co., 55, Parliament Street, Westminster. Date after name, Birth ; {a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 8o DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1885 (b), (c) Westropp, Alexander S. A, (nth April, 1872) [Sch.] ; left 1887 {b). Indian Civil Service (5th), 1891 ; Magd. Coll., Camb., 1891-3 ; Scholarship (Math.) 1891 ; Boat Captain, Magd. Coll., B.C. ; went to India, 1893. Addresses : same as above. Wilson, Claude Richard (13th April, 1873) [Sch.]; left 1889 (c). Student at Colonial Coll. Chilcotin Ranche, Sada Creek, British Columbia. Wolstenholme, Roland Arthur (27th July, 1872) [W.] ; left 1887. Wolstenholme, Cecil Richard (ist March, 1874) [W-] '> Scholar- ship, 1886; left 1887. 1885.— Third Term. Adcock, James (19th August, 1874) \J^-\ J ^^^ 1889 {b). King's Walden, Bury, Hitchin, Hants. Per. Ad. : Care of W. J. Adcock, Esq,, J. P., Merton, Kearsmy. Bowes, James Stuart (5th August, 1872) [Sch.]. 8, Quai de Billy, Paris. Elwin, William Hedger+ (8th May, 1873) [D.]; XV., 1890-1; Granville Scholarship, 1891 ; left 1891 [b). Corpus Christi Coll., Camb., 1891 ; Scholar ; rowed in Lent and May Boat, 1893. 67, South Hill Park, Hampstead, N. W. Permanent Address : The Laivn, Ewell, Dover. Fox, Charles Edmund | (6th April, 1872) [Sch.]; Scholarship, 1886 ; left 1889 {a). The Lodge, Castle B lay iiey, Ireland. Fox, Arthur Maxwell X (ist July, 1875) [Sch.] ; XV., 1891-2 ; left 1892 {b). Afterwards studied for Army, at Frankfort ; now at R. M. A., Woolwich. Permanent Address : The Lodge, Castle Blayney, Ireland. Hannam, Willoughby Arthur (17th September, 1872) [Sch.]; left 1887. Northbourne, Myola, Cairns, Queensland; and care of Rev. A . Hannam, Diddington Vicarage, Huntingdon. Hannam, Robert Wilfred (29th November, 1873) [Sch.]. Addresses : same as above. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [W.] Walters' ; % Praefect. 1885 (^), '6 (a)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 81 Kelly, George Rowley (8th May, 1871) [W.] ; left 1886 (c). Isle of Wight Coll., Head of Modern Side, 1887 ; entered Union Assurance Society, May, 1891 ; now in Secre- tary's Department of ditto. Perm. Ad. : Union Assurance Society, 87, Covnhill, E.C., and Old Hall, Rochester, Kent. Kennedy, James Robert Gage (5th October, 1869) [W.] ; XI., 1886-87. R. M. C, Sandhurst (Indian Cadet), 1888; Madras Staff Corps. Marshall, Claude William Lawrence (i8th March, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1890(a). Robinson, Henry Wellesley (9th December, 1870) [Sch.] ; left 1887 {h). 33, Lee Park, Blackheath, S.E. Streatfeild, Geoffrey (6th June, 1873) [D.] ; left 1889 (b). Smith, WilHam Warren (23rd June, 1869) [Sp.] ; left 1887 (c). Admitted Student, Institution of Civil Engineers, Feb., 1889. Gavstone Park, Godstone, Surrey. Smith, Henry Sudler Warren (30th May, 1873) [Sp.] ; left 1887 (b). Address : same as above. Wilson, Charles Edwardj (2nd June, 1871) [D.] ; XL, 1886- 87-88-89 ; XV., 1888-89 ; left 1889. R. M. C, Sandhurst, Dec, 1890 ; R. M. C. XL and XV. ; won Cricket Ball, R. M. C. (103 yds.), 1891 ; won Putting the Weight v. R. M. A. (36-ft. 4-in.) ; played Football for Eastern Counties, 1891 ; Second Lieut., ist Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment, July, 1892. 1 stBatt. Queen's Regt., Malta. Wright, Bache Allen.]: (12th December, 1874) [D.] ; XV., 1891-92-93 : left 1893 (b) ; R. M. €., Sandhurst, Dec, 1893. 26, Leyburne Terrace, Dover. 1886.— First Term. Driver, Graham Sheldon Dudley | (3rd November, 1872) [Sch.]; left 1889 {c). Stock Exchange. Queen's Club, W. Kensington, London. Field, John Alan Francis (30th September, 1875) [D.] . Date after name, Birth; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. G 82 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1886 (a), (b) Franklin, Henry Pinckard (13th August, 1872) [Sp.] ; XL,, i88g; XV., 1889; left 1889 (c). Handley, Towcester, Novthamptonshire.. Rathbone, Harry (3rd August, 1870) [Sch.] . Smith, Herbert Whitmy (loth October, 1870) [Sp.] ; left 1887 {c). Electrical Engineer. Tower field, Northampton. Permanent Address : 58, Derngate, Northampton. Sneller, Aubrey J. (28th June, 1870) [Sp.] . Stewart, Dudley W. + (6th January, 1870) [Sch.] ; XV., 1887- 88 ; left 1888 (b), Thorpe, Henry William (21st March, 1874) [^-l ! 1^^^ 1890. Thorpe, Charles John (25th October, 1875) [D.] ; left 1892 (c), V^alker, John A. I (22nd September, 1872) [W.] ; XL, 1889- 90-91 ; XV., 1889-90-91 ; Prize for best Batting and Bowling Averages, 1891 ; left 1891 (b). Permt. Address: 3, Theresa Terrace, Castelnan, Barnes, S.W^ 1886.— Second Term. Adcock, Fred + (8th November, 1875) [L».— Sch.); XL, 1891- 92-93 ; Victor Ludorum, 1893 ; left 1893 (^)- Anderson, Robert Holme Banks (28th August, 1871) [Sp.] ; left 1887 {c). Anderson, William Louis Napoleon (i 6th March, 1874) [Sp.] ; left 1887(c). Armstrong, Allan (nth February, 1875) [D.] ; left 1890. Now at R.M.C., Sandhurst. Permanent Address : Croft Lodge, Tenby, S. Wales, Brooking, Hugh Cyril Arthur I (15th September, 1870) [Sp.] ^ XL, 1887-88; XV., 1887-88; left 1888 (b). West Hill House, Frome, Catling, Frank (i8th December, 1871) [Sch.]; XV., 1889-90; left 1890 (a). V Articled to Architect, 1892 Inglethorpe, Broadlands Rd., Highgate, N^ Emanuel, George J. (19th February, 1873) [L.] ; left 1888 {b). Permanent Address : 26, Clifton Villas, W. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [W.] Walters' ; : Praefect' l886 {h), [cY] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 83 Elkington, Frederick Pellatt (29th April, 1874) [Sch.] ; XV., 1889-90; left 1890 (&). Permanent Address : 208, Cromwell Rd., S. Kensington, S.W. Godfrey, George Ernest (17th July, 1871) [Sch.] ; left 1887. Permanent Address : Courtrai, Belgium. Godfrey, Maurice (21st February, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1888. Address : same as above. Gordon, Malcolm (31st December, 1871) [Sch.]; left 1888. In America. . Ibbetson, Cyril Owen (20th March, 1873) [Sp.] ; left 1890(a). Laughton, Eustace Harold (15th June, 1875) [Sp.] ; left 1888 (c). In Australia. Irrigation Colonies, Mildura, Victoria. Permanent Address : 20, Warrington Crescent, London, W. Rawes, Leslie (30th November, 1875) [Sch.]; left 1891 {a). 2, Vicarage Gardens, Montpellier Rd., Brighton, and Lisbon, Portugal. Rawes, Stanley (31st December, 1876) [Sch.]; left 1893 (^)- In father's office at Lisbon. Permanent Address : 61, Rua Nova de Francisco de Paula, Lisbon, Portugal. 1886.— Third Term. [W.] Walters' now becomes [L.] Littlewood's. Adcock, John William (20th September, 1873) [D.] . Vernon House, Bingham, Notts. Bird, John Bowyer (21st August, 1874) [Sch.] ; XV., 1890-1 ; left 1 89 1 (b). Royal Agricultural College ; XV., 1892-3. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Permanent address, 5, Gloucester Crescent, Hyde Park, London. Easton, Samuel (23rd October, 1871) [L.] ; left 1889 {b). Gilby, Edward (4th May, 1871) [Sch.] ; left 1887. Died, July 1893. Hackman, William Francis | (30th August, 1872) [Sch.]; XL, 1889-90-91 ; Captain, 1891 ; XV., 1891 ; Victor Ludorum, 1891 ; Editor of Dovorian, 1891 ; left 1891. Cooper's Hill, 189 1-4. . Permanent Address : The Hermitage, Bishop's Waltham, Hants. Date after name, Birth; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. G — 2 84 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1886 {c) Happe, Oscar Herbert (7th May, 1876) [D.] ; left 1892 (b). Clerk in National Prov. Bank, Dover, 1893 ! went to Canada, March, 1894. Miami, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Permanent Address : 1 7, Maison Dieu Road, Dover. Haslam, Arthur Francis (15th January, 1876) [Sch.] ; left 1890 [c] for New School, Abbotsholme, Derbyshire ; Vice- Captain of Cricket at New School, 1893. Elmside, Wandsworth Common. Hawkins, William Forbes McLeod (17th December, 1871) [Sch.] ; XI., 1887; left 1887 {c). Farming in Canada. South Edmonton P.O., Alberta, N.W.T., Canada, and 60, Yorh Road, Brighton. Hawkins, Cecil Edmonstone (17th May, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1890 {a). Engineering in Ireland — now in U.S.A. 3, St. Lawrence Villas, Canterbury. Hayes, William (15th September, 1875) [L.] ; left 1888 {c). Went to S. Africa ; died of pneumonia in London, 1889. Herve, Louis (loth September, 1874) [Sp-] ; left 1887. Horsley, James Arthur Bernard I (12th May, 1874) [Sp. D.] ; left 1890 {c). 42, Camp Street, Broughton, Manchester. Permt. Ad. : Care of Mrs. Horsley, 28, Pencestev Road, Dover. Hunt, Vivian Barker % (2nd July, 1872) [Sp.] ; Scholarship, 1887 ; XL, 1890; XV., 1889-90 ; left 1890 {b). Articled to Engineer of Gt. Northern Railway Co., King's Cross, London. The Elms, Alleyn Park, W. Dulwich. Knocker, Arthur Gerald X (17th September, 1874) [L- — ^P- 1890] ; XL, 1890-1-2-3, Captain, 1892 ; XV., 1890-1-2, Captain, 1891-3; Head of School, 1892-3 ; left 1893. R.M.C., Sandhurst, Sept., 1893. Castle Hill House, Dover. Koek-Koek, Willy (14th May, 1871) [Sp.] . ; left 1887 {a). Koek-Koek, Fritz (24th July, 1873) [Sp.] ; left 1887 {a). Langley, Reginald Herbert | (27th June, 1872) [Sp.] ; XL, 1889-90, Captain, 1890 ; XV., 1889-90 ; left 1890 (5). New Coll., Oxford, 1890-93; B.A., 1893. 149, Wahvorth Road, London. Levy, Robert Stephen (21st September, 1875) [Sp.] ; left 1890 ip). 162, Westbourne Terrace, London, W. £D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [L.] Littlewood's % Praefect. l886 (c)'] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 85 Littlewood, Francis | (gth December, 1871) [D.] . Scholarship, 1888 ; Indian Civil Service (19th), 1890; Math. Scholarship, Trin. Hall, Camb., 1890-92 ; drowned in Romiiania, on way to India, 27th October, 1892 ; see Dovovian, December, 1892, No. 78. Macquoid, Richard Thomas Hyacinth (12th January, 1874) [L.] ; drowned at Ostend trying to save his brother, 1891. Maturin, John William Henry (20th May, 1872) [Sch.] ; left 1889 {a). R.M.C., Sandhurst, Dec, 1890 ; gazetted to 13th Light Infantry, Aug. 1892 ; sailed for India, Oct., 1892 ; returned Jan., 1894, to Devonport. 13th Light Infantry, Devonport. Maturin, Arthur Edward (29th September, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1889 [a). Entered Guy's Hospital, Jan., 1892. 3, Charlton Park Terrace, Charlton, London, S.E. Norcott, Walter A. D. (i8th June, 1876) [D.] ; left 1887 {b). Ogilvie, Duncan \ (27th October, 1873) [D.] ; XV., 1889; left 1890 {c). R.M.A., Woolwich (7th), Dec, 1890 ; R.M.A. XV., 1891-92; 7th in R.E., 1893 ; i'^ winning "Four" at Chatham Regatta, 1893. Brompton Barracks, Chatham. Permanent Address, Royal Engineers. Ogilvie, Thomas Elliot (17th June, 1875) [D.] , In America. South Prairie, Pierce County, Washington Territory, U.S.A., and care of Col. Ogilvie, Dover. Shortridge, William Lenard (i8th July, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1890 (c). Died 17th March, 1891, at 18, St. Stephen's Square, London, W. See Dovorian, No. 69, March, 1891. Watson, Howard Eric Springett (21st March, 1876) [Sp.] ; left 1892 {b). Pope's Hall, Boiighton Malherhe, Nr. Maidstone. Williams, Stanhope Charles (2nd July, 1871) [L.] ; XV., 1888; left 1888 [c). 77, Warwick Square, London. Williams, Sylton Jesse, (3rd June, 1873) [L.] ; left 1888 (c). Address : same as above. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 86 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1887 (^) 1887.— First Term. Armstrong, Hubert (21st January, 1877) [D,] . Now at Bedford Grammar School. Permanent Address : Croft Lodge, Tenby, S. Wales Ayscough, Henry George Charles Perry | (nth Nov., 1875) [Sch.] ; XV., 1893 ; ^ow in VI. 94, Maison Dieu Road, Dover Bell, Randal (12th August, 1877), son of Head Master, [D.] left 1892 (b) for the Grammar School, Aldenham. Permanent Address : The Vicarage, Sittmgbourne Burnard, Frank Evelyn Chichester (30th March, 1874) [L.] ; left 1889 {b) for Bath College. Royal Marines, Second Lieut., 1892 ; Lieut., July, 1893. Coad, Stanley A. (8th April, 1870) [L.] ; left 1887 [b). Dixon, Geoffrey Walter (19th January, 1876) [D.] ; left 1887. Driver, Cecil Dudley | (2nd April, 1876) [Sch.]; XV., 1891- 92-93 ; left 1892 [c). Permanent Address : Queen's Club, London, W. How, Frederick F.L. (24th January, 1872) [Sp.] ; left 1889 (b). The Forelands, Chesham, Bucks. How, William M. (i8th August, 1873) [Sp.] ; left 1891 (b). Address : same as above. Littlewood, Samuel Robinson (27th February, 1875) [D.] 5 Scholarship, 1888, 1890 ; Scholar of St. Paul's School? 1891 ; Journalist. Virginia Villa, Trinity Road, Muxley, Ware, and Fairhaven, Dover. Newcome. Henry William (14th July, 1875) [L.] ; left 1888 {b). R.M.A., Woolwich (loth), 1892. Permanent Address : Aldershot Manor, Hants. Newcome, George (6th July, 1876), [L.] ; left 1888 {b), for Marlborough College. Address : same as above. Penfold, Hugh Mullens (8th July, 1876) [Sch.]; left 1890 {b) for St. Paul's School. Left St. Paul's, 1892. Permanent Address : 7, Brunswick Place, Brighton. Ricketts, George Edward (see 1883 c). [D.] bay Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparkes ; [L.] Littlewood's ; % Praefect i88y (a), (b)] dover college register. '87 Wickham, Edmund T. E. (13th June, 1874) U^-] ' ^^^^ same term. Woodward, Michael Edward Parnell (28th September, 1872) [Sch.] ; left same term. 1887. — Second Term. Ainslie, George Robert (21st May, 1875) [D.] ; left 1891 (a). Apprenticed to Merchant Service in Barque Oriana, 1891, Messrs. Trinder, Anderson and Co., St. Mary Axe, London. 5, Eastbvook Place, Dover. Banks, Alfred George (31st December, 1870) [L.] ; left 1888 [b). The Lawn, Bexhill, Sussex. Bayley, George Henry Wyndham (24th June, 1875) [Sp.] ; left 1887. De la Pryme, Percy Christopher ^i; (24th Sept., 1875), [Sch.] ; XV., 1892-93 (Captain, 1893) ; Fives Champion, 1893 > ^I-? 1893 '» Editor of Dovovian, 1892-93 ; Captain of School and School House, 1893; ^^^^ 1893 W- Wistoiv, Huntingdon. Fagan, Arthur Newton Dalgleish (26th December, 1870) [Sp.]; XL, 1887-88-89, (Captain, 1889); XV., 1887-88-89; left 1890 {b). R. M. C., Sandhurst, Dec, i8go; XV., 1891 ; Football for Surrey, 1891-2; ist Batt., the Worcestershire, Regiment. Kamptee, Bombay. Fagan, John Laurie (4th October, 1873) [Sp.] ; XL, 1890; left 1890 {b). Hayter, Ross John Finnis (28th February, 1875) [Sp.] ; left 1887. Hearn, Claude Minter (9th May, 1875) [D.] ; left 1893 (^)- 44, Folkestone Road, Dover. Louis, Forster Belfield (14th November, 1872) [Sch.]; left i889(«).- Went to Barbadoes. Care of Miss Clarke, Framfort, E. Grinstead. Mead, Anthony George (2nd November, 1875) [D.] ; left 1889 {c). Apprentice in Merchant Service after 2\ years' service on H. M. S. Worcester ; now at sea. Rownhams Rectory, Hants. Date after name, Birth; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 88 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1887 (&), (c) Robinson, Charles Eugene Barnes (28th July, 1872) [D.]; XV., 1890-91 ; left 1891. R. M. C, Sandhurst. 1, Harold Terrace, Dover.. Robinson, Arthur Pollexfen (4th January, 1874) [D.] ; left 1888. Serving apprenticeship at sea. Permanent Address : same as above* Robinson, Herbert (7th October, 1876) [D.— L.]; left 1889 (^). Now at Wellington College, Wokingham. Permanent Address : same as above. Stewart, Archibald Thomas (loth January, 1876) [D.] ; left 1889 (b). Thomas, Arthur George (4th July, 1872) [Sch.] . Died, 4th Feb., 1889, shortly after leaving school. \yyatt, Francis 0_gilvy(iith July, 1871) [Sch.]; XL, 1888- 89; Lawn Tennis Champion, 1887-88; left 1889 (^)' Commission in R. A., Dec, 1891. Fort Westmoreland, Queenstown, Ireland. Permt. Address : Piccadilly Club, 128, Piccadilly, London, W, 1887.— Third Term, Baker, Sydney Bridgeman| (28th February, 1873) [Sch.] - XV., 1889 ; left 1889 (r). Cornard, Sudbury, Suffolk. Blumberg, Frederick Thomas (5th February, 1876) [D.] ; left 1888. Brandon, Rupert Augustus Lacy (3rd June, 1872) [Sch.] ; left 1891. Went out to South Africa. Permanent Address : Kingston, Orange Free State, S. Africa, Burt, Edwin John (8th January, 1875) [Sch.] ; left 1889 {c). Mechanical Engineer. 13, Queen's Road, EritJu Permanent Address : 3, John's Gardens, Hotting Hill, W, Courtney, Reginald William (i6th January, 1875) [Sch.] ; left 1890 {a). Afterwards at Uppingham; left 1892, for India; tea planting. Fairfield, Purnand, Travancore, India. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's [L.] Littlewood's ; J Praefect- 1887 (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 89 Cruikshank, Alexander Norman (26th May, 1871) TD.] : left 1888 (&). In business in U.S. America. Permanent Address : Langley Park, Montrose, N.B, Cruikshank, Edward (27th December, 1872) TD. — Sp.l ; left 1889 (c). In South Africa. Care of VV. Ehrlich, Esq., Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. Permanent Address : same as above. Delavoye, Alexander Edwin X (i6th November, 1871) rSch.l ; XL, 1888; XV., 1887-88-89; left 1889 («). R. M. C, Sandhurst, 1891 ; XV., 1891 ; 2nd Lieut., ist Batt., The Suffolk Regiment {12th), Colchester. Delavoye, Francis Bethune (23rd December, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1890. Passed Civil Service Examination. 42, Wynnstay Gardens. Kensington, London. Per. Add. : Winchester House, St. James's Square, London. Devisme, Robert Francis James (3rd May, 1873) [D.] ; left 1890 {b). Entered Wadham College, Oxford, 1892. Beatimont Villa, Folkestone Road, Dover. Freeman, Richard Bungay (19th May, 1873) [D.] ; left 1885 (c). Violinist and Organist. 77, Biggin Street, Dover. Goulden, Richard Reginald (3i&t August, 1876) [D.] ; left 1 89 1 (b). 776, Snargate Street, Dover. Granville, Reginald Kerr (29th July, 1874) [Sch.] ; left 1891 {b). Afterwards at Berkhamsted School, Herts., where he was Senior House Prefect ; in Football XL, 1891-92-93 ; Cricket XL, 1893 \ Gymnasium VIIL, 1892 ; won Challenge Cup for Paper Chases and Medal for Fives ; First in Mile and Cricket Ball, 1893. The Red House, Petworth, Sussex. Harvey, Charles Blundell X (nth Tune, 1873) TD.] ; left 1890 {b). R.M.A., Woolwich (17th), Sept., 1890 ; 4th into Engineers, 1891 ; 3rd in Final Exam., 1892 ; Com- ■ mission in Engineers, July, 1892. Brompton Barracks, Chatham. Permanent Address : care of Cox & Co., Charing Cross. Date after name, Birth; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. go DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1887 (c) Hawkins, Donald McLeod (24th May, 1874) [Sch.] ; Scholar- ship, 1887 ; left 1889 (a). Farming in Canada. Edmonton P.O., Alberta, N.W.T., Canada, and 60, York Road, Brighton. Heywood-Smith, Walter (8th March, 1873) [Sp.]. ; left 1889 (c). In Canada. Holder, Henry J. V. Shakespear (17th September, 1874) [Sch.] ; left 1891 {c). Tea Planter. Fairfield, Purnarid, Tvavancove, India. Permt. Address: 13, Boidevard du Sud, Avranches, France. Isaac, Charles Powys j; (ist July, 1871) [Sch.]; XL, 1888; XV., 1888-9 ; left 1889 {b). Appointed Clerk, Colonial Branch of Exchequer and Audit Department, Aug., 1890. Exchequer Audit Office, Somerset House, London. Kerr, Ronald Herbert (27th September, 1877) [D.] ; left 1888. Knocker, Alfred de Burgh (ist October, 1874) [Sch.] ; left July, 1892. Ash Cottage, Bexhill, Sussex. Lithgow, Edwin Malcolm (i6th September, 1870) [D.] . ; left 1888. Lithgow, John David (i6th April, 1874) ) [I^-l 5 left 1888. Murray, Lancelot L. (21st September, 1875) [D.— Sp.] ; left 1891 (b). Phillips, Phihp John (22nd March, 1874) [D.] ; left 1888. The Parks, Evesham. Ross, Hugh Lockhart (27th November, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1888 {a). Schneider, Edward (20th November, 1872) [Sch.] ; left 1890 (a). London Hospital, 1891 ; XV., London Hospital. Wateringbnry, Maidstone. Schon, Edward Aubrey, (13th October, .1875) [Sp.] ; left 1892 [b). 13, Warrior Gardens, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Tribe, John Campbell (7th May, 1870) [D.] ; left 1888. Tribe, William Fooks (7th May, 1870) [D.] ; left 1888. Woodhouse, Vernon Kerslake (2nd July, 1874) [Sch.] ; left 1888 {a). [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House [Sp.] Sparke's ; [L.] Littlewood's ; J Praefect. l888 (a)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. g:^ 1888.— First Term. Barrows, Joseph Ernest;]: (29th October, 1872) [L.] ; Head of Mr. Williams' house, 1891 ; Secretary of Games Committee, 1891 ; left 1891 (c). Articled pupil to Architect and Land Surveyor. Debonnaire, Knqle Road, Bournemouth. Per. add. : Ferndale, Harhorne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Blest, Thomas (29th July, 1876) [Sp.] ; XV., 1893 ; left 1894 (^)- Bloomscroft, Wateringbury. Carey, Edward Sausmarezj (22nd June, 1873) [Sp.] ; XL, 1890-1; XV., 1891 ; House Scholarship (three years); Head of House, 1891 ; left 1891 [b). R.M.C., Sandhurst, Dec, 1891 ; gazetted to Royal Innis- killing Fusiliers (2nd Batt.), i8th July, 1893. Burmah. Gardiner, Colin Dundas (i6th May, 1871) [D.] ; XV., 1889-90 ; left 1890. Graham, Allan Duncan (23rd July, 1878) [D.] ; left 1888. Henry, Hugh Stowell (29th December, 1875) [Sch.] . left 1889. Care oiMrs. Leivis, Bishopsleigh, Kingston, Canada. Hobday, Lewis (3rd April, 1875) [D.] ; left 1889. Engineer. Marquise Villa, Grabble Hill, Dover. Hogg, Arthur Robert (9th November, 1875) [D.] ; left 1888. Jeffery, Thomas Morris (26th October, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1 89 1 {a). Monk's Orchard, Dartford, Kent. JefFery, Jack Lane (21st May, 1875) [Sch.] ; left 1893 {a). Entered for School of Science and Art (Mines), Kensing- ton. Address : same as above. Moore, Edward Du Pre Herford (14th June, 1872) [D.] ; left 1888. Ramsbotham, Edward Richton (7th April, 1875) [Sch.] ; left 1890 {c). . Studied for law at Ipswich ; now with a land agent in Lewes, as pupil. 19, St. Amies Crescent, Lewes. Permanent Address : The Warren, Croivborough, Sussex. Savile, Albany Robert Cecil (13th September, 1871) [Sp.] ; left 1889. 1st Batt. The Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regt., Malta. Smith, Dudley (7th February, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1889 W- In business with his father on London Stock Exchange. New Club, Grafton Street, and 8, Maida Vale, N. W, Date after name, Birth ; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 92 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1888 {a), (b) Sparke, Charles Ethelbert (31st October, 1877) [D.] ; XL, 1893; XV., 1893 ■' Royal Humane Society's Medal, for Life Saving Competition, 1893; left 1893 (^)' for King William's College, Isle of Man. Per. Ad. : care of C. E. Sparke, Esq., Priory House, the College, Dover. 1888.— Second Term. Bowen, Frederick Livingstone (29th June, 1873) [Sp.] ; left 1890 (c). Bowen, Francis A. (26th May, 1876) [Sp.] ; left 1892 {b). Byron, George Rochfort (17th January, 1875) [D. — Sp.] ; left 1892 (b). 3, Ringley Cottages, Reigate, Surrey. Byron, Richard Rochfort+ (28th March, 1876) [D.— Sp.] ; XV., 1893. Still at School. Castle, Hubert Arthur (23rd November, 1873) [Sp.] ; left 1889 {c). Entered St. Peter's Coll., Camb., Oct., 1892. St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Castle, Sydney Oswald (ist May, 1876) [Sp.] ; left 1889; re- turned 1890 (r) ; left 1892 {b). Kings College, Strand, London. Clement, Sydney Reynold (4th March, 1873) [L.— Sch.] ; left 1889 {b). Davy, Arthur Macdonald (loth July, 1877) [D.] ; left 1891 {c). Per. Ad.: care of Sir C. McGregor, Bart., 25, Charles Street, St. James s Square, W. Foster, Harold Bevington. (7th June, 1872) [L.] ; XL, 1890 ; XV., 1889-90 ; Capt. of Football elect., 1890 ; left 1890 (b). Permanent Address: Etherstone, Leigham Court Road, Streatham. Franklin, Edward Lane (9th January, 1892) [Sch.]; left 1889 {b). Permanent Address : Manor House, Stadhampton, Wallingford. Gillespie, RoUo St. John (28th September, 1872) [D.] ; left 1890. Entered R.M.A., Woolwich, 25th Nov., 1890 ; Com- mission in R.E., i2th Feb., 1892. Brompton Barracks, Chatham. Permanent Address : Royal Engineers, Chatham. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House [Sp.] Sparkes ; [L.] Littlewood's ; I Praefect. l888 (b)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 93 Gillespie, William Robert Beauchamp (6th April, 1876) [D.] ; left 1892 (b). Permanent Address : 24, Leyburne Terrace, Dover. Green, Arthur Alfred (loth November, 1873) [Sch.] ; left i8gi (a). Happe, Walter Ferdinand (17th Dec, 1878) [D.] ; still at school. Hunter, Arthur Simpson (25th February, 1876) [L.] ; left 1888. Oldrey, Cecil Paige :[ (8th August, 1874) [Sp.]; XL, 1890-91- 92, Capt., 1892 ; left 1892 (b). 10, Gledstanes Road, W. Kensington. Patey, George Edward Russell (13th March, 1874) [Sp.] ; left 1892 {a). At Aldershot Army College, until Nov., 1892 ; 3rd Batt. Royal Dublin Fusihers (Kildare Militia). Permanent Address: Kingston Lodge, Golden Ball, Co. Dublin. Strode, Louis Edward Maitland | (24th March, 1874) [Sch.]; XL, 1891-92; XV., 1891-92; Victor Ludorum, 1892; left 1892 (c). Pub. Sch. Record High Jump, 5ft. 5|in., 1892. Bray Court, Maidenhead. Thorne, Yoell (loth February, 1876) [L.— Sp.] ; left 1892 (b), for Colonial College, Hollesley I3ay, Suffolk. Permanent Address : Southover Grange, Leives, Sussex. Turner, Robert Frederick + (9th March, 1874) [Sch.]; XV., 1891-92 ; left i8gi {c). Engineer. Aldwarhe, Rotherham. Walker, John Hanson (6th March, 1874) [Sp-] ; left 1889 (a). Whyte, Charles Atheney Jukes (14th November, 1875) [L. — Sch.] ; left 1891 (c). Permanent Address : 18, Stanley Gardens, Kensington Park, W. Whyte, Harold (i6th January, 1877) [L. — Sch.] ; Scholar- ship, 1890; VL Classical Prize and Mayor's Medal, 1892; left for Tunbridge School, 1892 (b). Add. : same as above. Winsloe, Herbert Edward (14th November, 1873) [D.] ; Scholarship, 1888 ; Mayor's Medal, 1889-90 ; R.M.A., Wool- wich (5th), 1890; R.E. (5th), 1891; Mathematical Prize, i8gi ; represented R.M.A. and R.M.C., in Gymnastics, equal second place, 1892; 4th in Final Examination, 1892; Commission in R.E., July, 1892^. Brompton Barracks, Chatham. Date after name, Birth {a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 94 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [l888(&),(c) Winsloe, Aubrey Rotberg (8th September, 1877) [D,] . Address : same as above. Woodward, Frank (5th September, 1873) [Sp.] ; left i8go (c). Apprenticed to Davey, Paxnian and Co., Feb., 1892 — Sept., 1894. 117, Winnock Road, Colchester. Permanent Address : Feltham Lodge, Feltham, Middlesex. Wright, John Freeman (24th August, 1873) [D.] ; left 1889 [a). Ironmonger's Assistant. Permanent Address : 24, Randolph Gardens, Dover. 1888.— Third Term. After this date, if nothing is said about leaving, or occupation since leaving, the name is that of a present member of the school. Arthur, David William Berry (i8th October, 1876) ; [D.] . left 1 89 1, became in 1893 Student at Hawkesbury Agricitlhiral College, N.S.W. Perm. Add : Avenue Road, Mossman's Bay, Sydney, N.S.W. Clarke, Percy Amelius Lovell I (2nd February, 1872) [L.] ; Scholarship; XV., 1890-91; Editor of Dovorian, 1889-91 ; Head of School, 1890-91 ; Sec. and Vice-President of Lit. Soc. ; left 1 89 1 {h) Christ Coll., Camb., 1891 ; Chr. Coll. Boat, May, 1893. Christ's College, Cambridge. Permanent Address : The Rectory, Little Mongeham, Deal. Crothers, John Samuel | (25th July, 1872) [Sp.] ; XV., 1890- 91 ; Captain elect, 1891 ; Captain of 2nd XL, 1891 ; Captain of School, 1891-92 ; left 1892 (i). Le Chateau, Croix-Nord, Lille, France. Elwin, Ernest Andrew (12th March, 1877) [D-] ; left 1891 (b). The School House, The Close, Norimch. Permanent Address : Buckenham Rectory, Norwich. Gillespie, Franklin Macaulay (19th August, 1872) [Sch.] . R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1890 ; 2nd Batt. South Wales Borderers (24th Foot), 1893. Goulden, Algernon Arthur (26th January, 1879) [D.] ; left 1893. Snargate Street, Dover. Green, James Edward I (nth January, 1874) [L-] I XV., 1890; left 1891 {b). [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [L.] Littlewood's ; t Praefect. l888 (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 95 R.M.C., Sandhurst, June, 1891 ; R..M.C. Shooting VIII. and Rep. of R.M.C. v. R.M.A. for " Revolver Cup ; " gazetted to East Lane. Regt., Dec,, 1892. East Lane. Regiment, Gibraltar. Per. Add. : Stonylands, Dedham, Essex. Hamilton, William J. K. (27th August, 1875) [Sch.] ; left 1891 (a). Afterwards at Cowley Military College. Leith, Henry Hugessen (27th April, 1874) [L.] ; left 1891 (c). In Cape Mounted Rifles. Liverpool House, Walmer, Kent. Lenon, Arthur Fitzmaurice (7th February, 1872) [D.] ; left 1889 (b). Emigrated to Canada. Boivden P.O., Calgavy, Alberta, Canada, and care of Capt. Lenon, R.N., 23, Leybiirne Terrace, Dover. O'Neill, James Charles (17th December, 1874) \J^-\ I ^^^^ 1889 {a). Revy, Francis Charles (6th September, 1873) [L.] ; left 1890 [c). Satchell, Edward Wade (14th April, 1874) [D.] ; left 1890 {a). died July 26th, 1892. Sawyer, Edmund Wilder (i 8th October, 1874) [Sp.] ;left 1890. Stansfeld, Cyril Grey (17th July, 1871) [Sch.] ; left 1889 (&). R.M.C, Sandhurst, Dec, 1890; commission in 2nd Batt. Manchester Regt, Aug., 1892. Dinapore, India ; and care of Messrs. Grindlay &= Co., 55, Parlia- ment Street, London, S.W, Thomson, Edward D. (i6th May, 1873) [Sp,] ; left 1889 {b). Tucker, Wilham Hancock I (7th June, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1891 (&). Entered Medical School, St. Thomas's Hospital, Oct., 1891. Combe Lodge, Teddington. Permanent Add. : Students' Club, St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Waddington, Edward Willoughby (20th July, 1874) [L.] ; left 1891 (c). R.M.C, Sandhurst (15th), Dec, 1891 ; Indian Staff Corps, September, 1891. East Yorkshire Regiment, Poonah, India. Permanent Address : The Chestnuts, Pangbourne, Berks. Date after name, Birth; {a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. gS DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1888 (c), 'g, (a) Wiltshire, Leslie (28th April, 1873) [Sp.] ; XV., 1890; left i8go (c). Cotmandene, Gipsy Hill, S.E. Withers, Alfred Ross (4th August, 1878) [Sp.] . Withers, Gordon Stenett (4th August, 1878) [Sp.] . King's Gate, Cyickleivood, London. 1889.— First Term. Adams, Lewis Charles (3rd September, 1877) [D.] . left 1893 [c). 4, De Vere Gardens, Dover. Arthur, Edward Francis (28th October, 1874) [Sp-] ; left 1890 (c). 19, Rue Marhoeuf, Paris. Bowles, Walter Cullen (15th May, 1877) [D.] ; Scholar, 1891; now in VL form. 57, Limekiln Street, Dover. Boys, Basil Carey (2nd July, 1872) [Sch.] ; left 1889 (1;-). Corpus Coll., Camb., 1890 ; C. C. C. XV., 1891-92 ; B.A., 1893, (Theology). Beverley, Sidcup, Kent. Dixon, Alfred Charles Hugh (loth March, 1874) [Sp.— D.] ; left 1890 {c). Entered 5th Battalion Royal Fusiliers, March, 1893. Permanent Address : care of /. Fornihy, Esq., Formby Hall, Formhy, Lancashire. Elwin, Arthur Jacob (15th July, 1877) [P- — ^0 ! now in VL form. Hangchow, China. Hand, Frederick Harold (14th March, 1874) [L.] ; left 1891 {a). Hardy, Ernest William (12th December, 1874) [Sch.]; left 1891 {c). Studied music and languages at Gotha, in Germany. Hey ford Hills, Weedon. Hickman, Harry Robert Beauclerk (5th September, 1871) [Sp.] ; left 1890 (c). Ivy Bank, Kearsney. Howell, Henry Wilhams Lloyd (19th June, 1872) [L.] ; left same term. Moore, Cyril Coryndon Du Pre (loth September, 1875) [D.] ; left 1889. Nathan, Geoffrey (27th February, 1874) [Sp.] ; left 1892. Worcester Coll., Oxford ; XL, XV., Via Dell Scrofa 117, Rome, Italy. Worcester College, Oxford. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [L.] Littlewood's ; J Praefect. 1889 (a), (b)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 97 Newport, Alexander Charles (13th December, 1874) [Sch.] ; left 1890 (c). Pike, Harry Leonard (14th October, 1874) [Sp-] *> Lawn Tennis Champion, 1892 ; left 1891 (c). Permanent Address : St. Clair, Reading. St. John, Henry Beauchamp (26th August, 1874) [Sch.]; XI., 1891 ; XV., 1890-91-92 ; left 1891 (r). R. M. C, Sandhurst, December, 1891 ; entered army, Aug. 1893 ; Indian Staff Corps. Cranmore Cottage, Aldershot. Tuckett, Charles Paul _(26th March, 1876) [Sp.] ; left 1893 (^)- 3rd Lieut., Canadian Voluntary Naval Force, 1892. Ontario, Canada. Tweedie, Francis Forbes (29th August, 1874) [Sp-] ! left 1892 (a). Engaged in Mechanical Engineering, Crystal Palace. 150, Rosendale Road, W. Dulivich, S.E. Permanent Address : Broomhill, Playden, Rye, Sussex. V/alker, George Ranee (20th October, 1871) [Sch.] ; left 1889 [a). 1889. — Second Term. Alderson, Edmund Walter (17th August, 1878) [D.] ; Scholar, 1892. 2, Effingham Latvn, Dover. Darton, Frederick Joseph Harvey (22nd September, 1878) [Sch.] : left 1892. Schol. at Sutton Valence Grammar School, nr. Staple- hurst. 10, Dartmouth Park Road, Highgate, N. W. Elhs, Charles Edward Lumley (17th October, 1876) [Sch.]; left 1892 {c), for Malvern College. The Willows, Malvern. Fitz-Stubbs, Reginald Ernest Edwin (28th October, 1875) [Sp.]; Capt. 2nd XL, 1893 ; left 1893 (^)- Beau Chene, Fitzjohns Avenue, Hampstead, N.W. Green, Leslie William (6th February, 1875) [Sch.] ; left 1891 {h). 149, Sutherland Avenue, London, W. Hodges, Robert William (7th September, 1877) [D.] ; left i^^g(b): Date after name, Birth; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. H gS DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [l88g {b),{c) Holden, John Rose (gth September, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1 89 1 (a). The Sports Club, 8, St. James's Square, S.W., and 13, Victoria Park, Dover. Kinnell, Augustus Stanislaus (i8th November, 1870) [Sp.] ;, XV., 1889-90; left 1890 {c). Kinnell, Alexander (30th March, 1873) [Sp.] ; XV., 1891 ;. left 1 89 1 {c). Mason, Alfred (27th September, 1877) [D.] ; left 1890 (a). Afterwards at the English College, Bruges, and at Epsom College, 1891-3. The Limes, Deal. Prime, Frank Hutton (4th March, ,1878) [Sch. — Sp.] ; scholar 1892 ; XL, 1893 ; Capt., 1894. 225, Nonvood Road, Heme Hill, S.E. Robinson, Sydney Charles Herbert (23rd April, 1878) [Sp.] . Turner, Bingham Alexander (30th May, 1877) [D.] ; left 1890 {c). Went to Wellington Coll. Hillersdon House, Dover. Wright, Robert Reginald Hornsby (21st January, 1878) [D.] . 26, Leybtirne Terrace, Dover, 1889.— Third Term. Adams, Frank John (19th May, 1880) [D.-Sch.] ; left 1893 W- 4, De Vere Gardens, Salisbury Road, Dover, Barry, Ian (i6th September, 1875) [D.] ; left 1890 (b). Three years at Dulwich Coh. ; D.C. XL, 1893. 8, Eastmearn Road, W. Dulwich, S.E, Barry, Wilham Thurburn (loth May, 1874) [D.] ; left 1890 {b). Passed qualifying Examination for Militia (3rd). Address : same as above, Buckman, Wilham Alexander (i8th June, 1876) [D.] ; left 1890(0). 2, Priory Grove, Dover, Crothers, Holden (loth May, 1878) [Sp.] ; XV., 1893. Le Chateau, Croix Nord, France, Doidge, Sidney Wilham (27th June, 1874) [Sch.] ; left 1890 {b). Brentor, The Ridgway, Enfield, [D.] Day Boy [Sch.] School House; [Sp.] Sparke's; [L.] Littlewood's ; t Praefect 1889 (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 99 Driver, Sidney Dudley (ist December, 1878) [Sch.] . 74, Denmark Terrace, Brighton. Ellis, Rupert Lumley (15th September, 1879, [Sch.] ; left 1892. Now at Malvern College. The Willows, Malvern. Falconer, John (15th July, 1877) p.] ; left 1892 (c). Apprenticed to outfitting business, Jan., 1893. Moray House, Maison Dien Road, Dover. Hilton, Charles Guy Salter (23rd December, 1873) [Sch.l ; left 1892 {b). Matriculated London University, 1892. Lane, Alfred Pitcairn (19th June, 1873) [Sch.] ; left same term. Mulligan, Montague Baldwin (7th December, 1876) [Sch.] ; left 1893(a). Permanent Address : 5, Rue du Greffe, Courtrai, Belgititn. Nockolds, Stephen (13th March, 1877) [Sch.]; Scholar, 1892;. Editor of Dovorian, 1894 C^)- - Medina Lodge, West Cowes. Robins, William Rumney (5th July, 1875) [Sch.]; left same term. Shepherd, Charles Edward (i6th April, 1878) [Sch.]. Lt.-CoL, C. E. Shepherd, Lucknow, India., andG.H. Shepherd, Esq., Care of Messrs. Child and Co., 1, Fleet St., E.C. Simpson, William Henry (nth September, 1876) [D.] ; left 1891 {b). Simpson, Frederick Samuel (2nd April, 1878) [D.] ; left 1 891 (b). Taylor, Glenleigh John Achill (2nd January, 1877) [Sch.]; XV., 1893-4. Glenleigh, nr. Hastings. Walker, Edward Charles Heath (22nd October, 1875) [Sp.— D.] ; left 1893 (Ofor Univ. Coll. School. Permanent Address : care of G. E. Waller, L.R.C.P., Holloway Prison, N. White, Arthur (i 6th June, 1875) [D.] ; left 1890(a). 18, Albert Road, Dover. Whitton, Percy (26th April, 1874) [Sp.] ; left 1891 (b). Land Agent. Garden Cottage, Margam, Port Talbot, S. Wales. Per. Ad. : care of William Whitton, Esq., Solicitor, Towcester. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. H — 2 100 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [l8gO (a) 1890. — First Term. Austin, Edmund George (5th October, 1873) [Sp.] ; XV., 1891 ; left 1 89 1 (c). Dobson, Philip John (nth March, 1874) [Sch.] ; left 1893 (a). 84, Thicket Road, Anerley, Surrey. Permanent Address : Geltsdale, Carlisle. Harris, George Temple James % (31st May, 1876) [Sp.] ; XL, 1893; XV., 1892-3-4; Victor Ludorum and Captain of Athletics, 1894 ; Editor of Dovorian, 1893-4 5 ^^^t 1894 {a). 23, Westhourne Gardens, Follcestone. Jeffery, Walter (28th April, 1877) [Sch.]; left 1893 (b). Monk's Orchard, nr. Dartford, Kent. Messenger, William Thomas (19th August, 1877) [D.] ; left 1892 (a). Apprenticed under Mr. Kirtley, Loco. Dept., L. C. & D. Ry., as Mechanical Engineer. 2, Clarence Lawn, Dover. Plant, William Trew (14th January, 1875) [Sch.] ; left 1890. 13, Palmerston Road, Upper Rathnines, Co. Dublin. Care of Col. W. C. Plant, Commr., Maulmain, Burma. Rewse, Henry Bingham Whistler Smith (22nd August, 1876) [Sch.] ; left 1890 (c). Sheppard, Thomas WiUiams (14th July, 1880) [D.] ; Scholar 1892. 78, Leyburne Terrace, Dover. Smith, Frederick (20th January, 1875) [D.] ; left 1891 [a). Stace, Henry Watson (2nd April, 1877) [Sch.] ; left 1893 (^)- Colonel Edward V. Stace, 34, Denning Road, Hampstead. Tennant, Stephen Leonard I (loth January, 1874) [Sch.] ; XV., 1890-1-2 ; 'Kdiior oi Dovorian, 1891 ; Head of School House; left 1892 {c). With Heathcote and Rawle, Architects, Manchester. Kingsfield, Sale, Cheshire, Turner, Francis Montague (8th November, 1875) [Sp.] ; XV., 1891 ; left 1 89 1 {c). Clerk in City. Colonel Turner, 45, Lee Park, Blackheath. Walker, Cecil Sandys (27th December, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1891 (c). [D.] Day Boy [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [L.] Littlewood's ; J Praefect, i8go{a),{b)] dover college register. ioi Watts, Harry Stuart (28th August, 1875) [Sp.] ; XL, 1892 ; XV., 1892 ; Gymnasium Champion, 1892; left 1892 (c.) In Paris. 2, Rue Gitttemberg, Pare des Princes, Boulogne-sur-Seine, Paris. Permanent Address : Hawthorn Villa, Deal. 1890. — Second Term. After this date (L.) Littlewood's became (W.)Williams' Adams, William Bradford (19th June, 1874) [W.] ; left 1 89 1 [b). The Elms, Winchmore Hill, London, Adams, George Bradford :[: (12th July, 1875) [W.] XL, 1893 '■> left 1893 {^)- Address: same as above. Beames, Hewitt Pearson Montague (9th May, 1875) [Sch.] ; left 1 89 1 {b). 9, Upper Mount Street, Dublin. Boyton, James Noel (28th October, 1874) [W.] ; left 1891 [a). Died 6th April, 1891, within a few days of leaving school, at Essendene, Croydon. See Dovorian, No. 70, June, 1891. Edwards, Washington Ernest (17th July, 1876) [Sch.] ; left 1891 {a). Engineering Student at King's Coll., Lond., Ap., 1893. 29, Hampstead Hill Gardens, N. W. Hammond, Harold Sankey (4th July, 1878) [Sch.] ; left 1 89 1 [a). Bagham Cross, Chilham. Permanent Address : Milton Chapel, Canterbury. Hartopp, Francis Gerald Cradock (6th June, 1877) [Sch.] . Lieut. -Col. E. C. C. Hartopp, 7th King's Royal Rifles, Copsewood, Walton-on-the-Hill, Epsom, Harvey, Arthur Weldon (25th April, 1876) [D.] ; Scholar, 1891 ; Mayor's Medal, 1892-3 ; left 1893 (^)- Lieut. -Col. C. S. Harvey, R.A., 21, Harold Terrace, Dover. Holden, Hyla Henry (9th September, 1873) [Sp.] ; XV., 1891-2; XL, 1892; left 1892 {b). Worcester Coll., Oxford. 13, Victoria Park, Dover. Permanent Address : National Sports Club, London, Date after name, Birth ; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 102 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [l8go (b), (c) Lister, Walter Kenrick (14th July, 1879) [Sch.] ; left 1891. Great Walton, Eastry, near Dover. Macquoid, Richard Thomas Hyacinth (12th January, 1874) [Sch.— W.] ; left 1891. Miller, Harold Arthur Beaconsfield (14th June, 1876) [D.] ; left 1892. 3, Beaumont Terrace, Dover. Overell, Percy William (i6th December, 1873) [Sp.] ; left 1 89 1 (c). Trafford, Richard Wynne (nth November, 1876) [D.] ; left 1890 (b). Trafford, William Leigh (6th December, 1877) ['^•] J left 1893 (a). Now at the English Coll., Bruges. Worsfold, Henry Hewitt j (14th October, 1876) [D.] ; Scholar, 1890 ; XV., 1893-4 ; Capt. of School now (May, 1894). Christ Church Villas, Dover. 1890.— Third Term. Anderson, Arthur W^harton (loth December, 1876) [Sch.] ; left 1892 (c). Apprenticed to Goodyear and Co., Steamship Owners, Liverpool. 28, Thorndale Road, Waterloo, Liverpool. Permanent Address : Oahlands, Wetheral, Carlisle. Aveling, Ralph Clifford (23rd January, 1878) [Sch.] . Finsbury, Rochester. Blaine, Gerald Howie (28th November, 1879) [D.— W.] . Sir C. F. Blaine, Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony. Comber, Peter Graham | (22nd June, 1874) [Sp.] . XV., 1891 ; XL, 1892 ; left 1892 (b). Ashburne, Cleveland Road, Ealing. Care of Messrs. Antony Gibbs Bros., London. Codrington-WilHams, John George (4th December, 1876) [W.] ; left 1 89 1 (a). Crothers, Norman Holden (loth October, 1879) [Sp.] . Le Chateau, Croix Nord, France. Dorneau, Charles (7th August, 1876) [W.] ; left 1891 (a). [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House ; [Sp.] Sparke's ; [W.] Williams' ; J Praefect. iSgO (c)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. IO3 Griffith,Walter Meyer (9th August, 1878) [Sp.] ; left 1893 («)• Now at Hotel Gibbon, Lausanne. Permanent Add, : 87, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London. Hanlon, Aubrey Pearcy (14th January, 1878) [Sp.] ; left 1891 (b). Hayward, Cecil John (23rd June, 1877) [D.] . St. Stephen's, Godwyne Road, Dover. Henderson, Robert Morley (ist June, 1880) [D.] . Choral Scholar. 6, Norman Terrace, Dover. Hewlings, Herbert Isaac (12th February, 1878) [Sch. — D. — W.). Care of i^. C. Edwards, Esq., 92, Shooter s Hill Road, Blackheath. Hickman, Philip Devereux (loth May, 1877) [Sp.] ; XI., 1892 ; left 1892 (b). Care oi Major Hickman, Kearsney, Dover. Hounsfield, Francis Cecil (4th February, 1877) [Sch.] ; left 1892 {b). Victoria College, Bingen-am-Rheiu, Germany. Perm. Add. : Les Moulins, Rue de la Fontaine, Sevres, France. Hounsfield, Arthur Gerald (12th November, 1879) [Sch.]. Les Moulins, Rue de la Fontaine, Sevres, France. Kent, Edward Cavendish + (29th March, 1876) [W.] ; XL, 1892; XV., 1892-3; left 1893 («)• Coffee Planter, Yellikodiji Estate, Aldur, Kadur District, Mysore, India. Permanent Address: care of Mrs. Kent, Ludlow. Lewis, Ivor Cadwaladyr X (9th December, 1875) [Sp.] ; XV., 1892-3; XL, 1893 (Vice-Capt.) ; left 1893 (4 7, Campsbourne, Hornsey, London, N. Melloi, John | (29th July, 1875J [W.] ; XV., 1892-3-4, Capt. 1894 («) ; ^I-> 1893 ; left 1894 («)• Care oi Rob. Browne, Esq., Alexandria, Egvpt, Mellor, Sidney (27th December, 1876) [W,] ; XV., 1893-94. Mellor, Charles (27th December, 1876) [W.] ; XV., 1892-3-4. Nanson, Geoffrey Aston (30th November, 1875) [Sp.] ; left 1892 ih). Student at King's College ; Clerkship on Stock Exchange. Garfield, Ealing Common, Ealing. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectiely. I04 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER, [189O (c), 'l, (rt) Rose, Aubrey R. de Burgh (gth May, 1877) [W.] ; Choral Scholar ; XL, 1893. Care of Surgeon-Gen. Rose, School of Musketry, Hythe. Saunders, Ernest Howie (i8th November, 1877) [D.] , Surgeon-Col. W. E. Saunders, 5, Maison Dieu Road, Dover.. Saunders, Cecil Howie (15th June, 1881) [D.] . Surgeon-Col. W. E. Saunders, 5, Maison Dieu Road, Dover. Thompson, John Wychfife (27th January, 1875) [Sch.] ; left 1892 (h). Present Address, Soutkminster, Essex. Permanent Address, Wethersfield Place, Braintree, Essex. Tordiffe, Francis Michael (5th October, 1877) TD.! ; left 1891 [h). i8gi. — First Term. Amies, Ernest Henry (20th December, 1876) [Sch.]. 8, Ashford Road, Maidstone. Blair, James Ernest (12th May, 1879) [W.] . Care of T. Blair, Esq., Solicitor, 1, Wool Exchange, London. Chave, Lewis Henry Tanner (26th September, 1877) [Sch.] ; left 1893 (^)- Rookville, 2, Upper Richmond Road, Putney, and care of E, L. W. Chave, Esq., Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate St., E.C. Colbeck, Bernard Bowles (17th June, 1879) [D.] ; Scholar, 1892. 2, Cambridge Terrace, Dover. Elwin, Walter Douglas (23rd March, 1879) [D.— W.] ; left 1893 (^)- Now at the Charterhouse School, Godalming. Permanent Address : 2, Castle Street, Dover. Falconer, Charles Duncan (14th January, 1882) [D.] ; left 1892 (b). Moray House, Maison Dieu Road, Dover. Hamilton, Robert Caradoc (22nd March, 1877) [Sch.] ; left 1892 (a). Logan, Lionel Stuart I (4th January, 1874) [Sch.] ; XL, 1891- 92 ; left 1892 (b). R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1892. Lynham, Frederick Charles (22nd February, 1876) [Sp.] ; left 1893 (b). Permanent Address: Moat House, Letcombe Regis, Wantage. [D.] Day Boy; [Sch.] School House ; [S.p.] Sparke's ; [W.] Wilhams' ; I Praefect. iSgi (<^), (&)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. IO5 McGoverne, Herbert \ (8th March, 1876) [D.]; XL, 1892- XV., 1892 ; left 1893 {a). National Provincial Bank of England, Dartmouth, Devon. Permanent Address : 75, Belgrave Gardens, Dover: Reidpath, John Govan Stewart (30th November, 1874) [Sp-] ; left 1892 (a). Hermistan, Hornsey, N. Thomas, Basil Walter (27th January, 1878) [D.] . Castle Knowle, Dover. 1891. — Second Term. Burnett, Arthur Basil (8th September, 1876) [Sch.] ; left 1893 (a). Capt. A.J. Burnett, Laurel Dene, Hampton Hill, Middlesex. Clark, Sydney Hatch (i 6th April, 1875) [D.] ; XL, 1891; left 1892 {a). In business in United States. P.O. Box 869, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, U.S. A. Permanent Address : Fairbo2irne, Harrietsham, Maidstone. Gilchrist, WilHam Forbes (ist May, 1877) [Sch.] ; left 1893 (c). Care of Col. R. A. Gilchrist, Hingoli, Deccan, India. Gilchrist, Robert Crooks (24th June, 1878) [Sch.]; Scholar, 1892. Ditto, and 41 , Onsloiv Road, Richmond. Hill, Francis Charles (loth October, 1873) [D.] ; left 1891 {c). In Bank of Africa, London. Col. F. C. Hill, 22, Godivyne Road, Dover. Hill, Rowley Richard (21st July, 1876) [D.] . Address : same as above. Hughes, Adrian Francis Theodore (6th May, 1878) [Sch.]; left 1892 {c) for Oxford Military College, Cowley. Drinagh, Hamilton Road, Ealing. Lynham, Henry James, (4th April, 1878) [Sp.] . Moat House, Lelcombe Regis, Wantage. Parsons, Francis Newton | (23rd March, 1875) [D.] ; XL, 1891 ; left 1892 {h). Now at R. M. C, Sandhurst. Care of C. Parsons, Esq., M.D., 7, Waterloo Crescent, Dover. Date after name, Birth; {a), (&), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. Io6 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [189I (i), (c) Rawes, Douglas (21st January, 1881) [Sch.] . Lisbon, Portugal. Sarson, Maurice John (4th November, 1881) [D.] . Rev. G. Sarson, Holy Trinity Vicarage, Dover. Whyte, Archibald (26th October, 1879) [Sch.] ; left 1893 (^)- 18, Stanley Gardens, Notting Hill, W. 1891.— Third Term. Adams, Ernest Bradford (ist July, 1878) [W.] . The Elms, Winchmore Hill, London. Armytage, F. F. H. (25th October, 1873) [Sch.] ; left 1892. Como, South Yarra, Melbourne, Australia. Bolton, Felix Dickeson (19th January, 1879) [Sp.] . 10, Shornden Villas, St. Leonard's -on-Sea, Care of Sir R. Dickeson, Grand Hotel, London. de Laveleye, Emile Robert Edouard (2nd June, 1880) [Sch] . Care of E. E. A. de Laveleye, Civil Engineer, 28, Rue Courtois, Liege, Belgium. Middleton, Guy Henry Gabriel (19th December, 1874) [Sch.] ; XV., 1891-2; left 1892 {a'j. Died July 6th, 1892. See Dovorian, July 19th, 1892, No. 76. Middleton, Eustace G. C. G. (ist July, 1876) [Sch.] ; left 1892 {a). Mulligan, Joh» Brown Grogan (20th September, 1880) [Sch.] ; 5, Rue du Greffe, Couvtvai, Belgium. Neumann, Charles William (12th August, 1878) [Sch.]. Roivde House, Rowde, Devizes. Phillips, Edgar Phillips Bromworth (9th July, 1879) [Sp.] ; left 1892 {b). Hotel Richemont, Lausanne, Switzerland, and Tymyrho, Chirk, Ruabon. Shewell, George Lewis Forster (3rd October, 1878) [D.] . Col. G. M. Shewell, Park House, Park Avenue, Dover. [D.] Day Boy ; [Sch.] School House [Sp.] Sparke's ; [W.] William's ; % Praefect, 1892 (a), [b)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. IO7 • 1892. — First Term. Bengough, Harcourt George Lionel (22nd November, 1877) [Sch.] ; left 1892 (c). Bedford Grammar School. Col. H. Bengough, Oakfield, Kimbolton Road, Bedford. Bengough, Douglas Henry Victor (13th November, 1878) [Sch.] ; left 1892 {c) ; Bedford Grammar School, Address : same as above. Farrar, Frank Richard (14th November, 1876) [Sch.] ; left 1892 {h). Flachfeld, Henry WilHam (17th August, 1878) [Sch.] ; left 1892 {c). Geard, Walter Leslie (20th December, 1876) [W.] ; left 1893 [a). Care of H. Geard, Esq., 95, Finshury Pavement, E.C. Permanent Address : Fernshaw, Limpsfield, Surrey. Leveaux, Frederick Joseph Ellis (13th July, 1877) [Sch,] ; left 1893 (b). Girton Lodge, East Tivickenham, Middlesex. Nix, Sidney (8th October, 1878) [Sp.] . E.J. Nix, Esq., 11, Weymouth Street, London, W. Patey, WilHam Macnamara (8th January, 1876) [D. — Sp., 1893] ; l^ft 1894 (^)- Kingston Lodge, Golden Ball, Dublin. Patey, Percy Edward Hughes (8th May, 1878) [D— Sp., 1893] ; left 1894 ('^)- Address : same as above. Plummer, Vincent (30th April, 1878) [Sch.]; left 1893 (h). The Firs, Canterbury. Sherren, Arthur Oswald (4th September, 1879) [D.] . 70, Folkestone Road, Dover. Sherren, Hugh Godwin (nth September, 1882) [D.] . Address : same as above. Thompson, Harold Marsh | (nth February, 1875) [D.] . Lt.-Col. J. A. Thompson, 3, Alfred Place, Dover. Torrance, Alexander Eraser (12th February, 1878) [Sp,] ; left 1892. 1892. — Second Term. Barker, Ernest Francis William (2nd July, 1877) [Sch] . Col. F. W.J. Barker, R.A., Stanley House, Mayjield Road, Moseley, Birmingham. Date after name, Birth; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. Io8 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 1892 (b), {c Grant, Edmund Hume (7th September, 1877) [D.] . F. Grant, Esq., Kensington House, Demerara, British Guiana, West Indies. Knocker, Wollaston Ernest (3rd January, 1879) [D. — W., 1893] • Castle Hill House, Dover. Tennant, Frank (8th June, 1877) [Sch.] ; left 1893 [a). Care of Capt. Donald Grant, The Chantrey, Frome. 1892.— Third Term. Entered under Mr. Compton. Houses henceforward — School House [S.] , Sparke's [Sp.] becomes Priory [P.] , Williams' [W.] becomes St. Martin's [M.] . Bagshawe, Leonard! (15th November, 1876) [D.] ; XV., 1893-4; XL, 1893. ^4, East Cliff, Dover. Causton, Cyril Powys (15th March, 1878) [S.] . Poti'ys Court, E. Croydon. Cox, Stanley John (14th May, 1877) [M.] ; Scholar, 1892. VI. Classical Prize, 1893. 40, Clapham Road, London. Dixson, Wilham John (loth October, 1878) [S.] . Little Samp ford Rectory, Braintree, Essex. Duke, Cyril Edwin (25th March, 1875) [D.] ; left 1893 (^)- 18, Randolph Gardens, Dover. Duke, Ernest (4th January, 1877) [D.] ; left 1894 (^)- Address : same as above. Elwes, William Barton ^25th May, 1878) [S.] ; left 1893 (c.) Acton Vicarage, Sudbury. Evans, Evan [P.] ; left Nov., 1893. Gerard, Louis Gustave Rene (5th March, 1876) [M.] ; left 1893 (b) for Liege University. Perm. Add. 76 Rue Louvrex, Liege, Belgium. Gosselin, Corbet Le Marchant (14th April, 1876) [D.] ; XV., 1892 ; left 1892 (r) for Univ. Coll., Gower Street. 14, Beaumont Terrace, Dover. [D.] Day Boy [S.] School House ; [P.] Priory ; [M.] St. Martin's ; X Praefect 1892 (c) '3 (a)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. '109 Gosselin, Walter de Ferrers (24th July, 1881) [D.] . 14, Bemimont Terrace, Dover. Hutchinson, George Thomas (30th July, 1880) [D.] ; left 1894 [a), for Marlborough. Channouth. McClure, Andrew (6th September, 1878) [S.] ; Scholar, 1892. Whittington Moor, Chesterfield. McHarg, Sidney (17th August, 1876) [S.] ; XV., 1892; left 1893 {h). 31, Rue de Calais, Botdogne-sur-Mer, France. Ormrod, Ernest Percival (21st March, 1877) [S.] ; left 1893 (O- Halliwell Lodge, Bolton, and Wyresdale Park, Garstang, Lanes. Prffitorius, A. C. W. Edward (8th November, 1877) [M.] ; XV., 1 893. Prcstoria Howse, Folkestone. Scorer, Edgar Selot (6th March, 1877) [P.] . Ahercorn Lodge, Upper Hamilton Terrace, N.W. Smith, John Wetherall (13th April, 1882) [S.] . Removed to Junior School, Jan., 1893. Major-Gen. C. H. Smith, Mayestorne Manor, Wendover, Tring. Starck, Charles Oliver Ellis (3rd August, 1881) [M.] . Removed to Junior School, January, 1893. 30, Rue de Bassano, Paris. Todd, Chester William (14th July, 1878) [S.] ; left Nov., 1893. Waddell, Malcolm Graeme (28th February, 1878) [S.] ; left Nov., 1893. Watts, Stanley Lewis (i8th July, 1877) [P.] . Hawthorn Villa, Deal. In January, 1893, the Junior School was established ai West Mount, denoted by (J.) 1893. — First Term. Adam, George Jefferys (6th September, 1883) [J.] 11, East Claremont Street, Edinburgh. Bruce, Harry Kendal Walpole (3rd July, 1880) [D.] Gen. Bruce, 1, East Cliff, Dover. Dawes, Herbert Edwin T. (nth February, 1881) [J.] . Manor House, Maxton. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. no DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [1893(a) Fanshawe, Richard Evelyn (25th March, 1877) [S.] Abherley House, Great Shelford, Camhs. Francis, Thomas Sydney (nth June, 1881) [J.] 68, High Street, Deal. Gossehn, Guy St. Leger Hyde (20th January, 1885) [J.] . 14, Beaumont Terrace, Dover. Grover, Edward Brockett (14th May, 1879) [S.]._ Clydach Court, Pontypridd, S. Wales. Grover, Harry Montague Gwynne (i6th April, 1880) [S.] Address : same as above. Guimaraens, George Pearson (29th September, 1877) [S.] ; XV., 1893. ■ Parkside, Warham Road, Croydon. Harvey, Percy Robert de Yuon(5th September, 1882) [J.] . Choral Scholar, 1893. Colonel C. S. Harvey, R.A., 21, Harold Terrace, Dover. Herring, Edward Charles (24th May, 1880) [J.] Victoria House, Buckland. Mackenzie, Herbert John (19th September, 1878) [D.] . Douglas Villa, Castle Avenue, Dover. Mackenzie, Donald Francis (26th May, 1881) [J.] Address: same as above. Middleton, Hugh Keating (9th November, i879)[S.]; Exhib., 1893 ; left 1893 r^j> for Merchant Taylor's School. Neivport Lodge, Bromley, Kent. Norman, Alfred Headley (27th August, 1881) [S.] . Gweedore, Castle View Road, Strood. Sadleir, Thomas Ulick (15th September, 1882) [J.]. Rev. F. Sadleir (Army Chaplain), 4, Ennismore Gardens, Dover. Shewell, Arthur Meade Moore (14th December, 1883) [J.] . Colonel J. M, Shewell, Park House, Dover, Thomas, Peter (14th March, 1881) [J.] ; entered Coll., 1893 (b). • 3, Waterloo Crescent, Dover. Walker, John Bernard (i6th January, 1882) [J.] ; left 1893 W- Care of G. E. Walker, Esq., Holloway Prison, N. Wright, Wilfrid Hornsby (20th October, 1884) [J.] . 26, Leyhurne Terrace, Dover. [D.] Day Boy ; [S.] School House ; [P.] Priory ; [M.] St. Martin's ; [J.] Junior. 1893 (^)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Ill 1893. — Second Term. Blackwood, Henry Price (8th December, 1877) [S.] . Norton Court, Sittinghoimie .■ Cobbett, Richard (20th August, 1879) [S.] . Woodlands, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Compton, Cuthred (2nd July, 1884) [J.] . The School House, Dover College. Crundall, WiUiam Henry (22nd June, 1882) [J.] ; left 1893 (f^)- Woodside, Dover. Crundall, Eric Randolph (30th September, 1883) [J.] ; left 1893 (0- Address : same as above. Douglas, William Shepherd (20th October, 1878) [S.] . 77, Lyndkuvst Road, Hampstead. Douglas, Francis Fraser (19th August, 1880) [S.] . Address : same as above. Fielding, GeofFry Kenmil (25th June, 1884) [J-] • 2, Beaumont Terrace, Dover. Goodbody, Lionel William Sturge (ist June, 1881) [J.] 90, Darenth Road, Stoke Newington, N. Harrison, Clarence Edward (24th March, 1877) [S.] ; left 1893 {<^)- 36, Nevern Square, Earl's Court, S.W. Harrison, Ernest Vernon (22nd November, 1880) [J.] . 57, Elgin Crescent, Notting Hill, W. Jackson, Bernard (4th February, 1880) [S.] ; left 1893 (^)- Westfield Vicarage, Battle. Lea, Donald Henry (28th February, 1880) [S.] . Moorgate, 78, Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Llewellyn, William Llewellyn (14th October, 1879) [S.] . Lugg Vale, Hereford. Llewellyn, Arthur Henry Llewellyn (4th January, 1881) [S.] . Address : same as above. MelHs, Atherley Renfrew (2nd October, 1885) [J.] . 20 j Castle Street, Dover. Podevin, George S. (21st January, 1878) [D.] ; left 1893 (^)- 2, Church Villas, Dover. Pooley, Walter Robert (26th September, 1880) [S.] . Northumberland Lodge, Cheltenham. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (6), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. 112 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. \^I 8g 2, {b),{c) Pooley, John Anderson Sinclair (i2th December, 1881) [S.] . Address : same as preceding. Pooley, Andrew Melville (i 2th December, 1881) [S.] . Address : same as above. Roberts, Charles Malcolm Paisley (15th May, 1878) [P.]. left 1894 W- Satow, Norton Lancaster (20th February, 1879) [S.] . 76, The Common, Upper Clapton, N.E. Scammell, Benjamin Pascoe Taylor (8th February, 1879) [D.] . Bank House, Dover. Sparke, Harold Edward (15th March, 1884) [J.] . Priory House, Dover College. After August, 1894, Broolc House, Dover. 1893.— Third Term. Barlow, Frank Lewis Thornhill )3ist August, 1883) [J.] . 5, Waterloo Crescent, Dover. Blackborne, Anthony Charles (19th July, 1880) [P.] . 35, South Audley Street, London. Blanford, Harry Richard (15th June, 1884) [J.]. 72, Bedford Gardens, S. W. Blanford, Arthur William (13th August, 1885) [JO • Address : same as above. Carlton, Malcolm Thomas (6th May, 1880) [S.] . Marlow House, New Swindon. Darwall, John Randle (7th January, 1878) [D.] . Vernon Cottage, East Cliff, Dover. Finnis, John Turner (6th December, 1883) [J.]. 1, St. John's Road, Dover. Finnis, Steriker (24th July, 1885) [J.] . Address : same as above. Habgood, Arthur Henry (22nd July, 1882) [S.] ; Choral Scholar, 1893. Stafford House, Upperton Road, Eastbourne. Hawes, Edward Montagu (2nd October, 1879) [S.] . Major-General Hawes, 19, The Barons, East Twickenham. Livermore, Edward Gillespy (i8th May, 1879) [D.] ; Exhibn., 1893. Effingham Crescent, Dover. [D.] Day Boy ; [.S.] School House ; [P.] Priory ; [M.] St. Martin's ; [J.] Junior, 1893 (^)> '4 (^)] DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. II3 Livermore, GeofFry Ezra (13th June, 1884) [J.] . Address : same as preceding. Madden, Samuel Fitzgerald (30th July, 1878) [S.] ; Scholar, 1893. 25, Albany Street, Bedford. Robinson, Bernard (19th February, 1879) [S.] . 69, Grand Rue, Boulogne-sur-Mer. Salmon, Joseph Harold (28th April, 1879) [M.] ; Exhibition, 1893. Glenelfin, Eastern Avenue, Reading. Sheather, Charles Herbert (22nd November, 1881) [J.]. 40, Christchurch A venue, Brondesbnry, N. W. Sheather, Alfred Leslie (2nd December, 1883) [J.] . Address : same as above Smart, George Henry (29th April, 1883) [J.] . Care of General Smart, R. A., Woolwich. Smith, Charles Hodgkinson (2nd March, 1877) [S.] . Mayestorne Manor, Wendover, Tring. Vickery, George (23rd April, 1879) [P.]; Scholar, 1893. 15, St. Andrew's Sqtiare, Surbiton, Surrey. 1894. — First Term. Armitage, Harry Ingram (13th April, 1878) [M.] . High Royd, Hanley, near Huddevsfield. Best, Eustace Charles (i8th August, 1881) [J.] . 2, Christ Church Villas, Folkestone Road, Dover. Best, Winfred Hugh Francis (4th October, 1882) [J.] . Address : same as above. Best, Edward Bertram (19th November, 1884) [J.] . Address : same as above. Darwall, Robert Henry (3rd October, 1879) [D,] . Vernon Cottage, East Cliff, Dover ^ Hills, Herbert John (4th September, 1882) [D.] . Shortlands, Park Avenue, Dover ^ Little, Harry Leslie (23rd August, 1881) [S.] . 14, The Barons, East Twickenham. Loring, Roger Watson (15th November, 1885) [J.] Little Water send, Ewell, Dover. Date after name, Birth ; (a), (b), (c), first, second, and third term respectively. I 114 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. [l8g/\. (a) McClure, Randolph Shaw (30th September, 1883) [J.] . Thos. McChire, Esq., M.D., Whittington Moor, Chesterfield. McClure, Septimus (26th August, 1884) [J.] . Address : same as above. Powell, James Farquharson (loth October, 1878) [D.J . Stirgeon-Major Poiiiell,25, Liverpool Street, Dover. Routledge, Ernest Bird (22nd January, 1877) [M.] . Care of Col. Routledge, 3, Belsize Grove, N .W., and 50, Russell Square, W.C. Spencer, Francis Elmhirst (25th July, 1881) [D.] . Lt.-Col. Spencer, 2, Harold Terrace, Dover. Stone, Reginald Joseph (29th June, 1879) [S.] . 18, Shorncliffe Road, Folkestone. Vandeleur, Thomas Pakenham (21st October, 1877) [S.] . 52, Evelyn Gardens, S. Kensington. Winch, Henry Courtenay (17th October, 1877) [D.] . 12, Guilford Terrace, Dover. Woods, Charles Murray (8th August, 1880) [D.] . 28, Maison Dieu Road, Dover. [D.] Day Boy; [S.] School House ; [P.] Priory ; [M.] St. Martin's ; [J.] Junior.. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. '^ II5 HONOURS. This list includes distinctions gained outside the College — Entrances at R.M.C. and R.M.A., Scholar- ships and Honours at Universities, etc. 1875 — W. L. C. Brackenbury, offer of Exhibition at St. John's Coll., Camb., being first in First Class Seniors, Camb. Local. 1876 — A. H. Raikes, Exhibition at Queen's Coll., Oxford. 1877 — S. E. Craddock, Exhibition for Medical Students, King's Coll., London. E. Bradley, offer of Exhibition, at St. John's Coll., Cambridge. 1878 — W. H. Bowes, Sandhurst, entrance, loth place. 1879 — S. E. Craddock, Theological and Warneford Prizes, King's Coll., London. C. H. Hutchinson, Woolwich, entrance. H. R. Hackman, Cooper's Hill, 2nd place. C. H. Brackenbury, Sandhurst, entrance. 1881— W. Wells, offer of Exhibition at St. John's Coll., Camb. ; Goldsmith's Exhibition of £^0 per ann. E. A. Elwin, Indian Civil Service. 1882 — W. Wells, Honours in Classical Tripos, Cambridge. A. M. Bradley, Lon. Univ., Matriculation, Div. i. H. R. Hackman, Scholarship in Science, Cooper's Hill. P. Foster, Woolwich, entrance. 1883— W. Wells, 2nd Class Classical Tripos, (Part H.) G. W. Jenney, Scholarship, Queen's Coll., Cork. H. Child, 2nd in list of Naval Cadets. 1884 — C. R. Killick, Science Scholarship, Lon. Hospital. R. W. Thompson, Sandhurst, entrance. F. H. Maugham, Scholarship, St. Cath. Coll., Cam- bridge. F. T. C. Hughes, Sandhurst, entrance. R. L. Tottenham, Royal Cadet, Sandhurst. I — 2 Il6 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 1884 — G. D. Hornblower, ist Class Honours, Lon. Univ. Matriculation. H. G. Warburton, Woolwich, entrance, 3rd place. 1885 — L. W. Erackenbury, 19th Sandhurst, entrance. S. S. S. Clarke, Sandhurst, entrance. F. Grant, 23rd Sandhurst, entrance. B. Leicester, 76th Sandhurst, entrance. H. G. Warburton, 19th Indian Civil Service. 1886 — F. Bowes, Exhibition, Wadham College, Oxford. P. Evans, London University Matric, ist division. J. C. M. Hawkins, Classical Scholarship, Jesus College, Cambridge. E. L. Holmes, Mathematical Tripos, Cambridge. R. W. Hunt, Classical Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge. C. E. E. K. Macquoid, Sandhurst, entrance. C. O. Maugham, Law Tripos, Cambridge. H. F. Mayes, 2nd Woolwich, entrance. G. W. Palmer, ist Woolwich, entrance. A. W. V. Plunkett, Sandhurst, entrance. C. D. Ricketts, Naval Cadet. F. W. F. Ross, Gold Medal for Anatomy, Edinburgh. H. T. Stevenson, Mathematical Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge. T. G. Tulloch, Woolwich, entrance. A. G. Welsford, Natural Science Tripos, Cambridge, ist class. 1887 — W. H. Adcock, 34th Woolwich, entrance. S. D. Bullen, Woolwich, entrance. A. H. Gunter, 2nd Woolwich, entrance. G. W. Palmer, Sizarship, Trinity College, Cambridge. A. M. Talbot, Mathematical Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Ho M. Thomas, Woolwich, entrance. O. S. Wolstenholme, Woolwich, entrance. 1888— A. W. Bartlett, Lon. Univ. Matric, Div. i. E. Blanford, London Univ. Matriculation, Division i. F. Bowes, 2nd Class Classical Mods., Oxford. E. B. Elwin, 22nd Indian Civil Service, entrance. H. C. Haslam, Mathematical Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Jt R. G. Kennedy, Indian Cadet, Sandhurst. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. II7 1888 — F. H. Maugham, Senior Optime, Mathematical Tripos, Cambridge. H. F. Mayes, 6th Indian Civil Service, entrance. C. C. Onslow, Sandhurst, entrance. G. W. Palmer, Foundation Scholarship, Trin. Coll., Cambridge, A. A. G. Tulloch, 2nd Class Law Tripos, Cambridge. 1889 — A. H. Browne, Sandhurst, entrance. F. M. Gillespie, Sandhurst, entrance. R. St. J. Gillespie, 25th Woolwich, entrance. A. H. Gunter, 9th Indian Civil Service. J. Mc. C. Hawkins, 3rd Class Classical Tripos, Cambridge. R. W. Hunt, 2nd Class Class. Mods., Oxford. W. S. Lee, Class. Exhibition, Wadham College, Oxford. F. Littlewood, Math. Scholar, Trinity Hall, Cambridge. A. J. O'Brien, 13th Sandhurst, entrance. H. T. Stevenson, Sen. Op., Math. Tripos, Cambridge. A. M. Talbot, Scholarship, Trinity Hall, Cambridge. H. M. Thomas, Sword of Honour, Woolwich. 1890 — F. Bowes, 2nd Class, Classical Final Schools, Oxford. E. B. Elwin, 6th Indian Civil Service, final. C. B. Harvey, 17th Woolwich, entrance. F. Littlewood, 19th Indian Civil Service, entrance. E. O'Brien, 70th Sandhurst, entrance. H. E. Winsloe, 5th Woolwich, entrance. 1 89 1 — R. W. Bell, 22nd Woolwich, entrance. F. Bowes, Ceylon Civil Service. P. A. L. Clarke, Sizarship, Christ's Coll., Cambridge. W. H. Elwin, Math. Scholarship, Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge. W. F. Hackman, Cooper's Hill, entrance. C. B. Harvey, 4th Place in Engineers. A. M. Talbot, Senior Optime, Mathematical Tripos, Cambridge. H. E.. Winsloe, 5th Place in Engineers. 1892 — J. Bird, Scholarship at Royal Agricultural^^College, Cirencester. W, M. Foster, 3rd Class Honours, School of Jurispru- dence, Oxford. W. S. Lee, Scholarship, Wadham College, Oxford. Il8 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 1892 — R. H, Langley, 2nd Class Honours, School of Juris- prudence, Oxford. A. A. G. Tulloch, The Stephen Heehs' Gold Medal for Law. M. L. F. Tweedie, ist in Examination for Inspector- ship of Police, India. 1893 — K- W. Bell, 1 2th Woolwich, final examination. A. G. Knocker, 72nd Sandhurst, entrance. A. M. Fox, Woolwich, entrance. B. A. Wright, Sandhurst, entrance. F. N. Parsons, Sandhurst, entrance. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 119 SCHOOL OFFICERS. Captains of School. There was no regular officer Avith this title during the first few years. 1874-76 — A. H. Raikes. 1876-77 — W. H. Bowes. 1877-78 — E. Bradley. 1879-81— E. A. Elwin. 1881-82 — G. D. Hornblower. 1882-83— C. O- Maugham 1883-84— S. S. S. Clarke. 1884-85— F. H. Maugham. 1885-86— J. C. M. Hawkins. 1886-87— R. W. Hunt. 1887-88— G. W. Palmer. 1888-89— W. S. Lee. 1889-90— W. S. Lee. 1890-gi — P. A. L. Clarke. 1891-92 — J. S. Crothers. 1892-93 — A. G. Knocker. 1893 — P. C. De la Pryme 1894 — H. H. Worsfold. Editors of Dovonan. 1878 — 1879 - 1880 - 1881 - 1882 - 1883-85- 1885-86- 1886-87- 1887-88- 1888-89- 1889-90- 1890-91- 1891-92- 1892-93- 1893-94- 1894 — H.G.Miller, Esq., B.A. P. E. Kingsford. H. R. Hackman. A. F. Osborn. -G. D. Hornblower. -G. D. Hornblower. -F. H. Maugham. -F. H. Maugham. -W. H. Thomas. -A. M. Talbot. -E. Blanford. -W. M. Hawkins. -W. S. Lee. -P. A. L. Clarke. -B.G.Waller Shep- herd. -R. W. Bell. -W. F. Hackman. -J. S. Crothers. -C. T. De la Pryme -S. L. Tennant. -L. E. M. Strode. -F. Adcock. -P. C. De la Pryme -P. C. De la Pryme -G. T. Harris. S. Nockolds. , 120 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. PRIZE LISTS. VI. Classics. 1872 — A. H. Raikes. 1873 — A. H. Raikes. 1874 — A. H. Raikes. 1875 — A. H. Raikes. — S. E. Craddock. 1876— A. H. Raikes. — S. E. Craddock. From this date given by W. P. Bodkin, Esq. 1877 — E. Bradley. 1878— E. A. Elwin. 1879 — E. A. Elwin. 1880— E. A. Elwin. 1881 — G. D. Hornblower. 1882 — R. W. Thompson. 1883— C. O. Maugham. 1884— J. CM. Hawkins. 1885— J. CM. Hawkins. 1886— J. CM. Hawkins. 1887— R. W. Hunt. 1888— W. S. Lee. 1889— W. S. Lee. 1890— W. S. Lee. 1891— P. A. L. Clarke. 1892— H. Whyte. — L. W. A. Happe. 1893 — S. J. Cox. Mayor's Medal — Mathe- matics. 1872— W. H. Killick. 1873— W. Bradley. 1874— W. L. C Bracken- bury. 1875— W. H. Killick. 1876 — J. Agate. 1877— W. H. Bowes. 1878— P. E. Kmgsford. 1879 — H. R. Hackman. 1880— E. A. Elwin. 1881 — G. D. Hornblower. 1882— W. Day. 1883— O. T. Craig. 1884— H. F. Mayes. — G. W. Palmer. 1885— F. H. Maugham. 1886— G. W. Palmer. — H. T. Stevenson. 1887— A. M. Talbot. — G. W. Palmer. — H. F. Mayes. 1888— A. H. Gunter. 1889— G. W. Palmer. — H. E. Winsloe. 1890 — W. H. Elwin. — H. E. Winsloe. 1891 — E. W. Waddington. — W. H. Elwin. 1892 — A. W. Harvey. — H. Whyte. 1893 — A. W. Harvey. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 121 HOUSE HONOURS. Athletic Cup. i88g — School House. i8go — School House, 1891 — School House 1892 — Priory House (Sparke's). 1893 — Priory House. 1894 — Priory House. Cricket Shield. 1890 — Priory House. 1891 — Priory House. 1892 — Priory House. 1893 — Priory House. Football Cup (all ages.) 1892 — Priory House. | 1893 — School House. Football Cup (under 16.) 1892 — School House. | i893^Priory House. Fives Cup. 1893— School House. | 1894 — St. Martin's House. ■ Gymnasium Competition. 1893 — Priory House. | 1894 — Priory House. 122 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. SUMMARIES OF MATCHES AGAINST OUR RIVAL SCHOOLS. Dover College v. Kings School, Canterbury. FOOTBALL. 1877 — Dec. 6, at Canterbury ; drawn. 1878 — March 5, at Dover; won, 3 goals and 3 tries to i try. Nov. 19, at Dover ; won, 3 goals and 3 tries to nil. 1879 — Feb. 25, at Canterbury ; won, 2 goals and i try to nil. °* 1879-84, no records. 1884-5 — Nov. 5, at Dover ; won, 5 goals and 6 tries to nil. 1885-6 — Nov. II, at Dover ; won, 4 goals and 8 tries to nil. 1886-7 — Oct. 23, at Dover ; won, 6 goals and 4 tries to nil. Feb. 10, return at Canterbury ; won, i goal and 6 tries to nil. 1887-8 — Nov. I, at Canterbury ; won, 3 goals and i try to nil. Nov. 23, return at Dover ; won, 6 tries to nil. 1888-9 — Oct. 17, at Canterbury; won, 5 goals and 4 tries to nil. Nov. 15, return, at Dover; won, 2 goals and 11 tries to nil. 1889-90 — Nov. 2, at Dover ; won, 3 goals and 2 tries to nil. 1890-91 — Nov. II, at Canterbury; lost, 2 goals and i try to nil. Feb. 18, return, at Dover ; won, 6 goals and i try to nil. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. I23 1891-2 — Oct. 27, at Dover; lost, i goal to nil. Feb. 23, return, at Canterbury ; won, i goal and 2 tries to nil. 1892-3 — Oct. 27, at Dover ; won, i goal to a try. March 2, return, at Canterbury ; won, 2 tries to nil. 1893-4 — Nov. 8, at Dover ; won, 2 goals and 2 tries to nil. Feb. 8, return, at Canterbury ; lost, i goal and i try to nil. Thus, out of 21 matches recorded, the College has won 17, lost 3, and i has been drawn. CRICKET. 1878 — At Dover College; lost by 13 runs. The College 30 and 30 ; K.S. 32 and 41. Return, at Canterbury ; lost by 241 runs. The College, 26, and 51 for 6 wickets; K.S., 267 (B. Blaxland, 129). 1879-85 — Not played. 1886 — June 3, at Canterbury ; lost by 16 runs. The College, 91 and 69 ; K.S., 107. July 7, return, at Dover; won. The College, 159, and 98 for 7 wickets. K.S., 135. 1887 — June 20, at Canterbury ; won by 30 runs. The Col- lege, 163 ; K.S., 133. 1888 — July 5, at Dover; won by 102 runs. The College, 228 (H. S. Bush 132, A. N. Fagan 42). K.S., 126. 1889 — June II, at Dover; won by 24 runs. The College, 117, and 115 for 4 wickets. K.S., 93. 1890 — July I, at Canterbury ; won by 3 wickets. The Col- lege, 107 for 7 wickets ; K.S., 102. 1 89 1 — June 30, at Canterbury ; lost by 79 runs. The Col- lege, 69 ; K.S., 147. 124 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 1892 — June 7, at Dover; won by 18 runs. The College, 125, and 50 for 2 wickets ; K.S., 107. 1.893 — Juty 4' ^t Canterbury ; lost by 52 runs. The College, 107 (F. Adcock 54, not out) ; K.S., 159. Thus, out of II matches the College has won 6 and lost 5. Ddver College v. Clergy Orphan School^ Canterbury. FOOTBALL. Up to 1883, 7 matches had been played, of which the College had won all ; since then the match has not been played, as now C. O. S. plays Association. CRICKET. 1878 — June I, at Dover College; lost by 59 runs. The College, 45, and 42 ; C. O. S., 97, (Roe, 58), and 49, (Roe, 24, not out). Return, at Canterbury, lost by an innings and no runs. The College, 48 and 97, (H. S. Barlow, 39); C.O.S., 256, (W. N. Roe, 114 ; R. S. Goodchild, 69). 1879 — May 21, at Canterbury, won by 29 runs. The College, 27 and 90 ; C. O. S., 38 and 50. Return, at Dover, July 5, won by 9 wickets. C. O. S., 43 and 41 ; the College, 70 and 18 (i wicket). 1880 — At Dover, won by 58 runs. The College, 139; C. O. S., 81. Return, at Canterbury; lost by 27 runs. The College, 103 ; C. O. S., 130. 1881— May 28, at Dover, lost. The College, 68 ; C. O. S., 86. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 125 1882 — June 7, at Canterbury, won by 54 runs. The College, 119 ; C. O. S., 65 and 48 for 7 wickets. July I, return, at Dover, won by C. O. S. on first inn- ings. The College, 98, and 47 for four wickets : C. O. S., 112 and 67. 1883 — June 9, at Dover, lost by 152 runs. The College, 37 and 63 ; C. O. S., 76 and 176. June 23, return, at Canterbury; lost. The College, 90 ; C. O. S., 108, and 75 for 2 wickets. 1884 — At Dover ; lost. The College, 54 ; C. O. S,, 78. Return, at Canterbury ; lost. C. O. S., 88 ; the College, 18 and 105. 1885 — June 3, at Canterbury; lost. The College, 44 ; CO. S., III. July 18, return ; won. The College, 70 ; C. O. S., 26, and 69 for 8 wickets. 1886 — June 3, at Dover ; won. The College, 178; C. O. S., 56, and 66 for 2 wickets. 1887 — June 8, at Dover ; won by 74 runs. The College, 193, (C. E. Wilson, 76 ; H. S. Bush, 51) ; C. O. S., 119. July 2, return, at Canterbury ; lost by 174 runs. The College, 29 ; C. O. S., 203. 1888 — June 6, at Dover ; won by 66 runs. The College, 94; C. O. S., 28 and 136. June 30, return, at Canterbury; won by 77 runs. The College, 155 ; C. O. S., 78. 1889 — June 12, at Dover; won by an innings and 25 runs. The College, 181, (H. S. Bush, 48 ; A. N. D. Pagan, 70) ; C. O. S., 44 and 112. 1890 — July 2, at Canterbury; lost by 22 runs. The College, 89 ; C. O. S., III. 1 89 1 — -June 3, at Canterbury ; lost by 23 runs. The College, ~ 66 ; C. O. S., 89, and 92 for 8 wickets. July 7, return, at Dover ; lost by 27 runs. The College, 66 ; C. O. S., 93. 1892 — June 15, at Dover; lost by 141 runs. The College, 176, (F. Adcock, 64) and 105 for 5 wickets ; C. O. S., 317, (F. Bell, 129, not out). 126 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 1893 — ^June 17, at Dover; lost. Thus, out of 26 matches, Dover College has won 11, lost 15. Dover College v. Tiinbridge School. FOOTBALL. 1883 — Jan. 7 ; lost by i goal. 1883 — Nov. 7; drawn, no score. 1884 — Nov. 15, at Tunbridge ; lost, 3 goals to i try. 1885 — Nov. 14, at Dover ; won, i try to nil. 1886 — Nov. 13, at Tunbridge ; drawn, no score. 1887 — Nov. 26, at Dover ; lost, i goal to nil. 1888 — Nov, 17, at Tunbridge; won, i goal 9 tries to nil. 1889 — Nov. 16, at Dover; lost, 2 goals to nil. 1890 — Nov. 22, at Tunbridge ; lost, 6 goals to i try. 1891 — Nov. 14, at Dover ; lost, 3 goals and 5 tries to nil. 1892 — Nov. 5, at Tunbridge ; lost, 6 goals and 6 tries to i try. 1893- -Nov. 25, at Dover ; lost, 2 goals and 4 tries to nil. Thus, out of 12 matches Dover College has won 2, lost 8 and 2 have been drawn. Dover College v. Sutton Valence School. FOOTBALL. 1889 — March 16, at Sutton Valence ; won, 2 goals and 6 tries to nil. 1889 — Oct. 30, at Dover ; won by i goal to nil. i8go-i — Nov. 8, at Sutton Valence; lost, i goal and i try to nil. Feb. 21, return at Dover ; won, 2 goals and 2 tries to 2 goals. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 127 1 89 1 -2 — Nov. 4, at Dover ; lost by 2 tries to i try. Feb. 9, return, at Sutton Valence ; lost, 5 goals and 4 tries to nil. 1892-3 — Nov. 2, at Sutton Valence ; lost, 2 goals and 3 tries to I try. Nov. 12,- return, at Dover; drawn, i try each. 1893-4 — Nov. 4, at Dover ; lost, 4 goals and 2 tries to nil. Dec. 6, return, at Sutton Valence ; lost, 4 goals and i try to I try. Present score : — -Out of 10 matches Dover College has won 3, lost 6, and one has been drawn. CRICKET. 1890 — July 12, at Dover ; lost by 10 wickets. The College, 30 and 61 ; S.V., 88 and 4 (no wicket). 1891 — June 10, at Dover; lost by 7 wickets. The College 56 and 99 ; S.V., 97 and 52 (3 wickets). July 8, return, at Sutton Valence ; drawn (stopped by rain). 1892 — June 25, at Sutton Valence; lost by an innings and 47 runs. The College, 45 and 53 ; S.V., 145. 1893 — J^iy 1 5 ^t Dover ; lost by an innings and 24 runs. The College, 28 and 56 ; S.V., 108. July 8, return, at Sutton Valence; lost by 48 runs. The College, 62 and 47 ; S.V., 82 and 74. Present score : — Out of 6 matches, the College has lost 5 and one has been drawn. 128 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Dover College v. Castle Hill (Sir E. Hay Curriers School), Folkestone. FOOTBALL. i8gi-2 — Oct. 3, at Dover ; won, 3 goals and 2 tries to nil. Feb. 13, return, at Folkestone, won, i try to nil. 1892-3 — Oct. 22, at Dover ; won, i goal and 4 tries to 2 goals. Nov. 16, return, at Folkestone ; lost, i try to nil. 1893-4 — Oct. 28, at Dover ; won, i goal and 3 tries to 2 goals and I try. Return not played. Out of 5 matches the College has won 4 and lost i . CRICKET. 1892 — June 29, at Dover ; won by 36 runs. The College, 193 (C. P. Oldrey, 67) ; C.H., 137 (Campbell, 69). 1893 — June 14, at Dover ; lost by 5 runs. The College, 51 ; C.H., 56 and 72 (5 wickets). July 22, return, at Folkestone ; lost by 76 runs. The College, 68 ; C.H., 144. Out of 3 matches The College has won i and lost 2. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 129 FOOTBALL FIFTEENS.* 4 backs. ^ 1877-8. P. M. Goodwin, back. F. L.S.Bampfield| j^ v, v G. J. F. Norton j 2 ^acKS W.A.Forbes (capt.) C. H. Hutchinson A. D. Robinson E. Bradley H. S. Barlow N. E. Woollett C. T. Long A. D. Coste W. C. Christopher T. S. Toufexis C. H. Brackenbury W. E. Sargant Matches, 10 ; won, 6 ; lost, 2 ; drawn, 2. 1878-9. W. A. Forbes (capt.) N. E. Woollett A. D. Coste C. H. Hutchinson F. L. S. Bampfield C. H. Brackenbury T. F. Forster C. W. Waterhouse G. J. F. Norton A. E. S. Davey A. E. Raikes A. H. Jackson A. C. A. Lovegrove Matches played, 16 ; won, 14 ; lost, I ; drawn, i. Points for, 56 goals, 51 tries ; against, 3 goals, 2 tries. 1879-80. G. J. F. Norton (capt.) F. C. Arthur A. E. S. Davey H. R. Hackman C. H. Hutchinson A. H. Jackson A. E. Lawson O. H. Best C. Tait C. W. Waterhouse E. H. Waterhouse C. H. Brackenbury J. N. Bush Matches played, 9 ; won, 4 ; lost, 3 ; drawn, 2. * The lists of teams begin with the publication of the Dovovian in 1875 previous years are not obtainable from any source known by the Editor. Those of K I30 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 1880-I. O. H. Best (capt.) G. L. Borton G. L, Boys E. Burnside J. N. Bush S. S. S. Clarke G. E. Fitzgerald A. E. Lawson C. S. F. Mosse C. Tait E. C. Thompson H. C. Vesey ■ 1881-2. H. C. Vesey (capt.) S. S. S. Clarke H. E. Lawson CO. Maugham D. J. Scott F. B. Norris J. N. Bush J. L. Burt H. A. Wellesley P. R. Ponsford F. A. Car dew S. E. Orr Matches, 12 ; 8 won, 3 lost, I drawn. 1882-3. F. B. Norris (capt.) F. A. Cardew S. S. S. Clarke E. Hunt R. W. Jackson CO. Maugham F. H. Maugham S. E. Orr P. R. Ponsford H. A. Wellesley E. B. Woodman Matches played, 17 ; won, 15, lost, 2. Points for, 36goals, 28 tries; against, 4 goals, 4 tries. 1883-4. S. S. S. Clarke (capt.) W. Bell F. A, Cardew R. W. Jackson F. H. Maugham H. N. Maugham F. B. Norris S. E. Orr C B. Pike H. A. Rowland W. H. Scott R. L. Tottenham H. A. Wellesley C D. Wetherall E. B. Woodman Matches played, 11 ; won 7, 3 drawn, i lost. Points for, 11 goals, 15 tries; against, i goal^ I try. 1884-5. H. A. Wellesley (capt.) W. Bell T. D. Bell F. S. Boothby L. W. Brackenbury F. R. Brown S. S. S. Clarke W. Lamb F. H. Maugham H. N. Maugham DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 131 W. C. Mayo P. F. Sherman T. S. Smith W. Vesey C. D, Wetherall Matches, 14 ; won 9, drawn 2, lost 3. Points for, 23 goals, 22 tries ; against, 3 goals, 6 tries. 1885-6. W. C. Mayo, b. W. Bell A. C. Laurie CD. Wetherall (capt.) M. W. Dixon C. G. Wellesley T. D. Bell F. Bowes C. G. Denne P. Evans F. Gunter H. D. Hall L. H. Ricketts B. Leicester P. F. Sherman This team won every match — only 2 tries scored aginst them. 1886-7. W. C. Mayo, b. E. Crothers T. D. Bell (capt.) R. M. Hawkins A. B. Tillard R. W. Hunt F. Bowes S. B. Hulke C. E. Macquoid } B. N.Tennant H. M. Thomas C. Brackenbury E. S. Smith A. M. Talbot R. M. Bird Matches, 10; won 7, lost 2, drawn i. 1887-8. H. B. Lawson, b. E. Crothers (capt.) H. S. Bush A. N. D. Fagan A. B. Tillard C. F. Wilbe W. S. Lee E. Blanford D. W. Stewart W. Bird J. B. Orr A. E. Delavoye H. C. Brooking M. C. Tweedie C. C. Onslow Matches, 13 ; won 10, lost 2, drawn i. 1888-9. W. Hight, b. E. Crothers (capt.) H. S. Bush R. J. Hunter A. N. D. Fagan W. R. Hunt W. S. Lee W. Bird J. B. Orr A. E. Delavoye } } K — 2 132 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. M. C Tweedie C. P. Isaac S. C. Williams W. B. Hulke C. E. Wilson Matches, ii ; won g, drawn 2. 1889-go. C. D. Gardiner, b. A. N. D. Pagan A. S. Kinnell E. O'Brien P. Catling V. B. Hunt W. S. Lee (capt.) D. Ogilvie H. B. Poster J. A. Walker R. H. Langley H. P. Pranklin R. W. Bell P. P. Elkington S. B. Baker Matches, 1 1 ; won 8, lost 3. 1 890- 1. C. E. B. Robinson, b. W. P. Hackman J. S. Crothers W. H. Elwin H. B. St. John A. G. Knocker R. W. Bell (capt.) J. A. Walker B. G. Waller-Shepherd J. E. Green J. B. Bird L. Wiltshire S. L. Tennant E. S. Carey P. A. L. Clarke 1891-2. L. E. M. Strode, b. A. G. Knocker (capt.) C. T. De la Prynie G. Middleton H. B. St. John A. M. Pox S. L. Tennant A. Kinnell P. G. Comber E. G. Austin R. P. Turner H. Holden CD. Driver P. M. Turner B. A. Wright Matches, 12 ; won 6, lost 6. 1892-3. C. Mellor, b. A. G. Knocker (capt.) L. E. M. Strode L. C. Hunter H. S. Watts P. C. De la Pryrae CD. Driver B. A. Wright C le M. Gosselin H. McGoverne J. Mellor I. C Lewis C E. Kent S. McHarg G. T. Harris Matches, 16 ; won 9, lost 4, drawn 3 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 133 1893-4. S. Mellor, b. ". Mellor ) C. Mellor k L. Bagshawe J P. C. de la Pryme }* T. Blest G. T. Harris C. E. Sparke H. H. Worsfold H. Crothers G. P. Guimaraens R. R. Byron H. G. C. Perry- Ayscough G. J. A. Taylor C. W. A. E. Prffitorius Matches, 16 ; won 6, lost 8, drawn 2. NOTES ON DOVER COLLEGE FOOTBALL. It will be seen by reference to the lists of Football matches that at the College Football has been more uniformly successful than Cricket. The especially notable seasons are 1885-6 and 1888-9. The first of these teams, under the captaincy of C. D. Wetherall, won all its matches, only two points being scored by its opponents the whole season. The second invincible team, in 1888, under E. Crothers, and including H. S. Bush, A. N. D. Fagan, and C. E. Wilson, had the same number of points (two) scored against them, but two matches were drawn. Of these one was against a very strong team of O. p's, the other against Dulwich College vacation team, which meant their school team assisted by some distinguished old boys, among them W. R. M.Leake, of Cambridge University XV., and R. Easterbrook. If this match had been played on our ground the superior pace of our outsides would probably have won them the game, but the Dulwich ground was in a fearful state of mud, to which our team was not at all accustomed. As it was, the game was quite evenly contested, and resulted in a draw of one try on each side. The points scored by this team were 162 in 11 matches. The two teams above mentioned are the only ones which have proved victorious over Tunbridge School ; but it is encouraging to note that the team of 1893 did better against this most formidable rival than any since 1889. With regard to the other schools with which we contend, particulars are given elsewhere. Let it suffice here to note that whereas we have been nearly always successful against King's School, we have lately failed to beat Sutton Valence. This shows that superior numbers are not sufficient to ensure a superior team, for the numbers at Sutton Valence are considerably less than our own, a fact which ought to spur us on to increased energy and determination. 134 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. CRICKET ELEVENS. 1878. H. S. Barlow (capt.) W. A. Forbes F. L. S. Bampfield C. H. Brackenbury C. H. Hutchinson C. W. Waterhouse N. E. Woollett E. H. Waterhouse G. J. F. Norton H. R. Hackman A. D. Coste 1879. N. E. Woollett, (capt.) A. D. Coste C. H. Brackenbury C. H. Hutchinson C. W. Waterhouse E. H. Waterhouse G. J.F.Norton A. E. Raikes O. H. Best A. H. Jackson H. R. Hackman Matches, 20 : won, 13 ; lost, 6 ; drawn, i. 1880. C. H. Brackenbury (capt.) E. H. Waterhouse O. H. Best H. R. Hackman C. Cheyne J. N. Bush G. L.'Boys A. E. Lawson J. W. H. Keeling H. V. Gasson H. Clarke Matches, 13 ; won, 5 ; lost, 7 ; drawn, i. 1881. O. H. Best (capt.) A. E. Lawson E. B. Woodman F. B. Norris E. A. Bush J. L. Burt R. W. Jackson M. Greig E. A. Burnside P. S. Wetherall N.B.— This team was not given in full in the Dovorian, so the list cannot be Belied on as absolutely accurate. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 135 1882. F. B. Norris (capt.) J. L. Burt E. B. Woodman E. A. Bush R. W. Jackson H. E. Lawson M. W. Kirby D. J. Scott C. D. Wetherall S. S. S. Clarke W. H. Scott S. E. Orr Matches, 19 ; 9 won ; 7 lost ; 3 drawn. 1883. E. B. Woodman (capt.) F. B. Norris R. W. Jackson W. H. Scott S. S. S. Clarke C. D. Wetherall A. B. Sangster H. V. Keeling P. R. Ponsford T. S. Smith H. A. Wellesley An unsuccessful season. 1884. F. B. Norris (capt.) M. Byron J. C. M. Hawkins H. V. Keeling A. C. Lawrie F. W. F. Ross D. K. Sangster A. H. Swann H. A. Wellesley C. D. Wetherall E. B. Woodman Matches, 17 ; won, 9 ; lost, 4 ; drawn, 4. 1885. - C. D. Wetherall (capt.) W. Bell H.S. Bush M. W. Dixon H. D. Hall J. C. M. Hawkins A. C. Lawrie F. H. Maugham F. W. F. Ross W\ T. Spearing A. H. Swann 1886. J. C. M. Hawkins (capt.) W. Bell T. D. Bell H. S. Bush R. L. M. Hawkins W. B. Hetherington J. R. G. Kennedy C. E. Macquoid E. A. Plunkett C. G. Wellesley Matches, 10 ; won, 4 ; lost, 4 ; drawn, 2. 1887. T. D. Bell (capt.) H. S. Bush C. E. Wilson W. B. Hetherington 136 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. J. R. Kennedy H. C. A. Brooking A. N. D. Fagan R. W. Hunt J. B. Orr W. M. Hawkins C. C. Onslow Matches, 17 ; won, 13 ; lost, 4. 1888. H. S. Bush (capt.), (av. 45) C. E. Wilson A. N. D. Fagan H. C. A. Brooking F. O. Wyatt A. E. Delavoye C. C. Onslow J. B. Orr R. J. Hunter C. P. Isaac W. R. Hunt Matches, 13 ; won, 12 ; lost, I. 1889. A.N. D. Fagan (cap.), (av. 35) C. E. Wilson (av. 30) J. B. Orr R. H. Langley J. L. F. Tweedie W, F. Hackman J. A. Walker W. S. Lee L. C. Knocker E. Ricci H. P. Franklin Matches, 17; won, 11; drawn, 5 ; lost, i. W. S. Lee (capt.) E. S. Carey J. L. Fagan H. B. Foster W. F. Hackman V. B. Hunt A. G. Knocker R. H. Langley (av. 25) C. P. Oldrey J. L. F. Tweedie J. A. Walker Matches, 19 ; won, 4 - lost, II ; drawn, 4. 1891. W. F. Hackman (capt.) J. A. Walker A. G. Knocker S. H. Clark C. P. Oldrey E. S. Carey H. B. St. John L. E. M. Strode F. N. Parsons L. S. Logan F. Adcock Matches, 17 ; won, 2 ;. lost, 12 ; drawn, 3. 1892. C. P. Oldrey (capt.) A. G. Knocker L. S. Logan L. E. M. Strode F. Adcock P. G. Comber C. E. Kent DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. P. D. Hickman I. C. Lewis H. S. Watts R. A. de B. Rose H. H. Holden G. B. Adams H. McGoverne C. E. Sparke P. C. de la Pryme Matches, 12; won, 4; F. H. Prime lost, 7 ; drawn, i. L. Bagshawe C. Mellor 137 1893. G. T. Harris A. G. Knocker (capt.) Matches, 18 ; won, 4 F. Adcock lost, 14. NOTES ON DOVER COLLEGE CRICKET. It may be interesting to make especial mention of occasions on which notable scores have been made for and against us. In 1878, our match v. King's School produced some notable scoring. We made 26 in our first innings, our opponents 267, of which Blaxland contributed 129. In the same year the Clergy Orphan School had a cricketer who after- wards became famous as the record long scorer, W. N. Roe. In that year he played three innings against us, scoring 58, 24 not out, and 114. In 1884, Mr. G. L. Colbourne made 100 for Masters against School, and 129 not out V. the Royal Artillery. In 1887, Mr. A. H. Coombes scored 125 not out v. St. Augustine's College, and H. S, Bush 122 v. East Surrey Regiment. In 1888, H. S. Bush (who that year had an average of 45) made 132 against King's School, Canterbury, and 157 v. the Royal Artillery. In the latter match Mr. Coombes also made 107 (the first wicket falling at the remarkable score of 261). This match was thus a record in several ways for our ground, as producing the biggest individual score, two scores of over a hundred, and the highest number of runs for the first wicket. In 1889 again, Bush, who was not playing regularly and is not counted in the team, played a splendid innings of 134 not out v. the Buffs, Mr. Coombes having made 64 and Fagan also 41 not out. This was the first occasion on which the new rule allowing " declaring" was used and was the second match of the season. Once more in this year Bush topped the 100, making 117 v. Dover Club. In i8go, playing against the O.D.'s, H. B. Foster made 105. In 1891, which was, on the whole, an unsuccessful season, the record for the ground in individual scores was made by Mr. A. E. Wynne, who scored 165 against the Royal Artillery, the innings being declared at an end with the score at 303 for 5 wickets (W. F. Hackman, 64). This record was beaten in 1892 by one of our opponents, when in the match V. Dover Club, on our own ground, Mr. E. Hayward scored 172. In the same year for C.O.S. Canterbury, F. Bell made 129 not out. 1893 also saw two scores of over 100 made by our opponents, for the Hon. G. Cadogan made 128 not out in the Shornclifte match, which proved such a miserable show in Dover College cricket : and Mr. Enderby made 108 for the Northumberland Fusiliers: 138 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. C o o o o XJ o (U > o Q c o XI w u CO ;-< O a, m o 0) I-H x: ■4-1 So" w > ^^-^ ^--^ M K ^^-^ 1^ ^ Q >o r^^-^ CX) 1-1 >| M M lu^ , _n ^ D. Fagan Brien . Hachnan Knocker ( Knocker ( Harris (18 w W Q 'A ID . Forbes . Forbes ( Brackenb DLES, no Bush Maugham Norris Wetherall Hunter . Thomas Hunter ■*.-, >^ , _ d ^T" en P A < O o . Forbes (i . Forbes (i Lawson (] , Scott (10- Maugham ( Woodman Wetherall 3. Kenned G. Kenned others . Tribe Delavoye Kinnell . Tucker De la Pryi cock (11) gshawe (u M «^ . d P^ q ^- p; u ^ w c/) ^ H < m ii< ^ w d ^hAW ^ < <; ^ u fx^ J CTt '■'■"v ir> »o w I-H % 1 W H < . Sargant Jackson (59' it (59) E. Lawson (61 B. Woodman (1 A. Wellesley C. Lawrie . Warren-Smith Parsons F. Wilbe Delavoye Foster , Hachnan De la Pryme( cock (57) Saunders (6 wk^ wm^H<^ ^ d d <^ K ^ u fe w ^ 'R "cT ^-^ IN M ^ N. *-< ^■^ in ^ O^ io '"' ' ** — ^ 1— 1 ^^ — ^ ^S d ^ § d ^i^S w d SS P! a j5 d [fj enS J 5^ ^'^ en rd d p: .i^ tl tn CD Bush Lee '.. Elwi Crothe: Adam . Wors § rt 03 oj d a i-i M CO ^ >J~)VO t^oo O^ w M 00 ^ rv r^oo 00 - ' - 00 rs »x -s (_( 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 ^cn^^CTi^CTi^o^ en (N "^.Tf 1^ ^ l>^ l>^ >~. >~. >-. 1=-. U U IH ^ 1 " ^ 9r'u ^ ^ cti o3 o3 cti o3 o3 April Apri Mar d oj ^ g^SSgg o -a 3 .S > g t3 >. c > b n) C M ^ ■« C H ^ 0! 0) n IS O, _a) T3 T3 C "-I bj3 C 0! S o 3 o CD "o o c •►? I-i "3 c o o en •s. S > 00 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 139 • H W 00 l-H cq i61bs. . Lawson (28-10) Jackson (33-4) ell (28) CO 1 06 pq Wilson (28-11) Wilson (30) Green (30-6) )mber (2g-3) Knocker (26-2) , Harris (27-g) K w^m ci Q WW H ^ ^' ^ cJ Kp^^ H d u ^6 < 6 „,. — s» '■' -Ny- ^ ^ — ^ y- V ^ N. ^ ^ vo 1-1 (N ^^.-vO ^— . lO . in 1 1 l-( 1J~) 1 _ 7 <^ ^S' M ^ C^ V ^ M g,jpo6 1— ] <: pq 3$o ^ 9 3fl §1 2 U-) t1-v£) cn vii; a^oo rj (-1 c^ S tU h i:? '-' r-i S Si^ 1^ ''-' H u pqh— , t/3 'O ''^ S ^ ,-^^ Vi '^ C/5E w ^« QWW w w fe ^^ ki 6 ffi" X< oi PQPh be N • »— t III QQq bx) k:,^ b W ki H hi ffih 6 ucJG G ^d D^' tq w w .4 6 ci CO a^ M ro ^ u-jijD r^ 00 O^ M M ro T^ t^ t^ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO ^0^^0^_^0^__C3^_C^ ^ ^ "^ " 00 00 ^ • s C^ CO t>^ +-" ti >^ l>^ 1>^ >~. >-.>-. 1-^ s-^ M ^_^ , 9:'! i^ cd rt rt o3 rt rt rt o3 S-i 0) CO S ^ggg^^g ^< ^ 3 1 — > 140 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. THE OLD DOVORIAN CLUB. By an O.D. 1887 — On the occasion of the Annual Past and Present Football Match at Dover, on December loth, 1887, there was a meeting of Old Boys to discuss the desira- bility of forming an Old Dovorian Club, with its head- quarters in London, for the purpose of football, cricket, and social gatherings. Richard Norris was the proposer of this scheme, which was received with general approbation. A Committee was thereupon elected, which consisted of the following : — Rev. Wm, Bell, President ; C. E. Sparke, Esq., E. T. Littlewood, Esq., Vice-Presidents ; T. D. Bell, R. M. Bird, M. W. Dixon, B. Hunt, R. W. Hunt, F. H. Maugham, E. H. Plunkett, C. B. Pike, C. G. Wellesley, and E. B. Woodman, Com- mittee ; with R. Norris, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. Previous to 1887 — Previous to this date, however, it should be stated that it had been a general custom to play an annual football and cricket match between the Old Boys and the Present, at Dover. The earliest date of an Old Boys' visit to the College was for a football match which took place on February 8th, 1879. During the Summer of that year the first Cricket Team also visited the College. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 14I Since 1879 annual visits have been paid for football matches (except season 1881-2) and cricket (except 1 881) up to the time of the formation of the Old Dovorian Club. 1887 — The meeting, besides electing a Committee for the management of the Club, decided to have a dinner at an early date in London, to which all O.D.'s were to be invited. The Committee met for the first time on December 1 6th, and sent notices out to those whose addresses were known, acquainting them of the formation of the Club, asking for their support, and inviting them to the dinner. The subscription was fixed at los. and 5s., for playing and non-playing members respectively. 1888 — Mr. Bell presided at the first dinner, which was held at the First Avenue Hotel, on January 12th, 1888. It may be of interest if the names of those present be added : — C. E. Sparke, Esq., E. T. Littlewood, Esq., Rev. F. B. Walters, A. E. Gibson, Esq., C. R. Haines, Esq., G. L. Colbourne, Esq., L. Happe, Esq., Rev. H. Garrett, F. Bampfield, C. Beadle, T. D. Bell, R. M. Bird, F. Bower, F. Bowes, F. R. Brown, M. W. Dixon, W. Emanuel, P. Evans, M. Greig, J. C. H. Greig, E. Hunt, B. Hunt, R. W. Hunt, W. Jacob, G. W. Keeling, C. Mason, H. N. Maugham, R. Norris, F. B. Norris, M. O'Brien, G. Osborn, R. Phipps, A. H. Raikes, W. Strachan, A. M. Talbot, H. A. Wellesley, and C. G. Wellesley. The dinner was a decided success, and it was hoped by those present that it would become an annual affair. The Old Dovorian Football Club, although not as yet properly organised, played a match at Dulwich, on January 28th, v. Kent Rovers, a team of some 142 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. standing. The O.D.'s won this, their first match, by I goal and r try to nil. Unfortunately, no minutes were kept of the earlier meetings of the Committee, but the following were the cricket matches played by the Club that year : — v. Dover College and v. Dover Club. R. Norris, who had been one of the founders and had piloted the Club as Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, left England before the Summer was over, to the regret of all O.D.'s. Christopher B. Pike was elected by the Committee in his stead. The first minutes of a Committee meeting are entered on October 8th, 1888. The Committee issued the Rules of the Club and the match Hst which had been arranged. T. D. Bell was elected Captain of the Football Team. The O.D.C. won 4 (Middlesex Wanderers, Dover Garrison, Surrey Wanderers, Clapham Rovers), lost 5 (Kent Wanderers, Blackheath A., Kensington A., Royal School of Mines, Sydenham), and drew 3 (Dover College, Clapham Rovers, Marylebone) in the season 1888-89. On December i6th, a general meeting was held at Dover, C. O. Maugham in the chair. The report of the Club's progress was read and the balance sheet approved. The following officers were elected for the ensuing season, 1889-90: — H. A. Wellesley, Captain; C. B. Pike, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer ; T. D. Bell, R. M. Bird, S. B. Hulke, C. O. Maugham, C. G. Wellesley, Committee. It was further decided that the Club be affiliated to the Rugby Union. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. I43 1889 — The second annual dinner was held at the Holborn Restaurant, on January 14th. Mr. Bell presided, and there were 48 O.D.'s present. At a Committee meeting held on March 3rd, it was decided to lease a football ground at Hyde Farm, Balham, for the season 1889-90. The Club was unable to play any cricket matches, owing to the scarcity of playing members. They visited the College, however, but the match had to be abandoned, owing to inclement weather. The football card of 1889-90 was a very full one. The result was fairly satisfactory. Fifteen matches were played ; of these 7 were won, 7 lost, and i drawn. A general meeting was held at Dover on December 8th, M, W. Dixon being in the chair. It was announced that the Right Hon. the Earl Granville, K.G., Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, had kindly consented to become President of the Club; the Vice-Presidents being Rev. Wm. Bell, M.A. ; C. E. Sparke, Esq., M.A. ; E. T. Littlewood, Esq., M.A. ; and E. F. Astley, Esq., M.D. S. B. Hulke was elected Captain of the Football Club for the season 1890-91. C. G. Wellesley and M. W. Dixon were elected Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer, respectively, with R. M. Bird, P. Evans, W. R. Hunt, C. B. Pike and H. A. Wellesley as Committee. At a subsequent Committee meeting, held on December 19th, both C. G. Wellesley and M. W. Dixon retired in favour of C. B. Pike, who was re- elected Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, C. G. Wellesley and M. W. Dixon being elected onto the Committee. 144 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. i8go — The third annual dinner was held at the First Avenue Hotel on January 13th, Mr. Bell being in the chair, and there were 25 O.D's. present. The Club only played one cricket match, and that against the College, on July 7th. The Football Club played 14 matches ; of these 8 were won, 5 lost, and i drawn. This was a very satisfactory season, as the opposing Clubs were of a better standing than in previous years. On December 7th, a general meeting was held at Dover, C. B. Pike presiding. It was decided to join the Surrey County Rugby Union. C. E. Williams, Esq., M.A., was elected in the place of E. T. Littlewood, Esq., who had left the College. W. R. Hunt was elected Captain of the Football Club for the season 1891-92. C. B. Pike was re- elected Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. The following were elected to form the Committee : — T. D. Bell, W. Bird, P. Evans, R. W. Hunt, S. B. Hulke, and C. F. Wilbe. 1891 — The fourth annual dinner was held at the First Avenue Hotel, on January 12th, Mr. Bell being in the chair, and there were 32 O.D's. present. The annual Cricket match was played at the College on July nth, the O.D.C. winning by 75 runs. On Advent Sunday, November 29th, 1891, Mrs. Bell died, regretted by all who knew her, especially by Old Dovorians, for whom she had always a most hearty welcome, when visiting their old school. She was buried at Dover on December 2nd, several representa- tives of the O.D.C. being present to testify their regard for her memory and sympathy with Mr. Bell, our head- master, in his great bereavement. On December 7th, a committee meeting was held, at DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. I45 which it was decided that a notice be sent to all O.D's., asking for donations towards a memorial of Mrs. Bell, which should form part of a general fund with that of the College. It was also arranged that the football match with the College be postponed. 1892 — The fifth annual dinner was not postponed, at Mr. Bell's request, and was held at the First Avenue Hotel, on January 4th, C. E. Sparke, Esq. being in the chair, and there were 32 O.D's. present. The Club visited Dover on January 30th, and played against the School. The football season of 189 1-2 resulted in the Club winning six and losing six matches, frost being the cause of eight fixtures being cancelled. In this season, the Club got together on two or three occasions the strongest teams it had ever put into the field, notably those against Blackheath A. (won by O.D.C. by three goals, two tries, to one goal, one try), and Marlborough Nomads (won by O.D.C. by one goal, one try, to nil). But, at the same time, it must be mentioned that the support given the club by many of its best players was not very hearty, due to the fact that O.D's. found that their services were appreciated by first-class clubs, with whom they could always obtain a good game ; also to the fact that the recruits from the School were few. At a general meeting held on March 5th, at the Horse Shoe Hotel, London, presided over by C. B. Pike, the following officers were elected for 1892-3 : — T. D. Bell, Captain ; B. G. Waller-Shepherd, Hon. Secretary ; C. F. Wilbe, Hon. Treasurer ; with W. Bird, P. Evans, H. B. Foster, R. W. Hunt, W. R. Hunt, and C. B. 146 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Pike, Committee. C. B. Pike retired at this meeting" from the post of Hon. Secretary and Treasurer to the Club, which he had held since 1888. Much is owed to him by all Old Dovorians, for the thorough success of the Club. He spared himself neither time nor trouble, and his services in the football field were of inestimable value. It was further decided, that owing to O.D's. play- ing for other Clubs, the Club should not arrange more than eight fixtures ; also that the ground should be given up at Balham, and that the subscription should be 5s. per annum. The retirement of the Rev. William Bell from the position he had occupied as Head-Master of the College from 1 87 1, was announced during the Summer. To enter into a history of the School, of which he was the Alpha, is not the object of this paper. Old Dovorians will always honour his name, and they can with pride point to Dover College during those twenty and one years and say of him, " Si monumentum requiris circum- spice." The memorial to Mrs. Bell took the form of a clock and bell, which were placed in the Chapel Tower, with a tablet in the Chapel itself. The cricket match was played on July 9th, and was won by the College by 63 runs. The general meeting was held on July loth, at Dover, F. B. Norris presiding. It was decided that all Old Boys be communicated with for the object of presenting to Mr. Bell a testimonial, as a sign of their affection and esteem, on his resignation of the Head- Mastership. F. B. Norris, W. R. Hunt, and C. F. Wilbe, with ' the Hon. Secretary of the Club, were appointed a com- DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. I47 mittee to carry out all arrangements. The Rev. C. A. C. Bowlker left the College at the same time as Mr. Bell. Old Dovorians have much cause to be grateful to him for his untiring energy in making the Athletic Sports each year so successful, and for his enthusiastic support in all games, especially Football. On December loth, the Old Boys played the College at football and won by 3 goals and i try, to i goal. This was the first visit of the O.D.C., after the appointment of the Rev. W. C. Compton to the Head- Mastership of the College. A general meeting was held on December nth, at Dover, T. D. Bell presiding. The Rev. Wm. Bell was elected President, and the Rev. W. C. Compton, C. E. Sparke, Esq., C. E. Williams, Esq., and Dr. E. F. Astley, Vice-Presidents. It was further decided that the election of officers of the club be postponed till the next annual dinner. A committee was elected for the management of the dinner, as follows : — Rev. W. Compton, C. E. Sparke, Esq., C. R. Haines, Esq., W. H. Thomas, Esq., F. S. Bamfield, R. W. Hunt, C. B. Pike, B. G. Waller, and R. M. Bird (Hon. Sees.) The committee, however, never met. 1893 — The sixth annual dinner took place at the First Avenue Hotel, on Tuesday, January 17th, the Rev. W. C. Compton presiding. There were 52 O.D.'s present. At the meeting held that evening the following were elected on the committee, H. A. Wellesley presiding. T. D. Bell (Captain), R. M. Bird (Hon. Secretary and Treasurer), S. B. Hulke, R. W. Hunt, W. S. Lee, C. B. Pike, W. H. Thomas and H. A. Wellesley. The Old Boys' Present, which had been subscribed for on Mr. Bell's resignation of the Head-Mastership, L — 2 148 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. was on view during the dinner. It consisted of a solid silver tea tray, silver tea kettle with spirit lamp, etc., which were inscribed as follows — " Presented to the Rev. W. Bell, M.A., for twenty-one years Head-Master of Dover College, as a mark of sincere regard and esteem of his Old Boys, on his resignation, July, 1892." It was in response to sentiments expressed at this dinner, that it was decided to compile and start a Dover College Register. The announcement was made in the following March that A. H. Davis, Esq., had under- taken the Editorship of the Register, the O.D.C. subscribing towards the Guarantee Fund. In the Summer, Old Boys visited the College in large numbers in response to invitations from the Head- Master. There was a two-days' cricket match (June 23rd and 24th) which the O.D.C. won by 5 wickets. A 2nd XI. of O.D.'s also beat the College 2nd XI. Tennis tournaments between Old Boys and the Masters were played, and both the doubles and singles were won by the O.D.C. A garden fete was given by Mr. and Mrs. Compton in honour of the Old Boys' visit, and was much enjoyed by all. A general meeting was held on June 25th, at Dover, when the meeting discussed the ultimate destination of the St. Martin's Charity Fund, which the Head-Master had desired the O.D.C. to decide. It was agreed that the O.D.C. should obtain, by donations, a sum of £^ each year for the cot in the Dover Hospital, which would be founded by the school, and called " The Dovorian Cot." Donations to be limited to 2s. 6d. The annual football match was played on December gth, and was won by the O.D.C, by 2 goals, 5 tries, to nil. DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. T49 A general meeting was held on December loth, C. B. Pike presiding. The following were elected officers of the Club for 1894. C. B. Pike, (Captain), R. M. Bird, (Hon. Secretary and Treasurer), P. C. De la Pryme, P. Evans, W. R. Hunt, B. G. Waller, C. Whyte, and C. F. Wilbe. 1894 — The seventh annual dinner was held at the First Avenue Hotel, on Tuesday, January i6th. The Rev. William Bell, M.A., (President), was in the chair, and the dinner was attended by 42 CD's. The Results of Football and Cricket Matches between Old Dovorian Club and Dover College. FOOTBALL. 1887 — Dec. 10, O.D.C, won ; i goal, i try, to i try. 1888 — ,, 15, drawn; nil to nil. 1889— ,, 7, ,, won; I goal, i try, to i try. 1890 — ,, 7, ,, ,, 4 goals, 6 tries, to nil. 1892 — Jan. 30, ,, ,, I goal, 5 tries, to i goal. 1892 — Dec. 10, ,, ,, 3 goals, i try, to i goal. 1893 — " 9> M M 2 goals, 5 tries, to nil. CRICKET. 1888 — July 14, O.D.C, lost ; by an innings and 62 runs. 1889 — ,, 20, drawn. 1890 — ,, 7, ,, lost; by 129 runs and 3 wickets. 1891 — ,, won; by 75 runs. 1892 — ,, 9, ,, lost ; by 63 runs. 1893 — June 23 and 24, O.D.C. won ; by 5 wickets. All communications relating to the O. D. Club should be sent to R. Macdonald Bird, Hon. Sec, and Treasurer, 5, Gloucester Crescent, W. — until July 1894 ^ After July 1894, to 26, Harrington Gardens, South Kensington, S.W. 150 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. INDEX OF MASTERS. PAGE PAGE Abdy- Williams, C. F. i6 Kitchin, D. B. 18 Allen, B. M. 20 Knight, H. J. C. ... 17 Atkinson, A. H. 20 Lauvriere, E. 20 Barclay, E. W. 17 Lenox - Conyngham, BELL, W. ... 12 G. H. 17 Binfield 13 Littlewood, E, T. ... 18 Bird, K. H 19 Luce, E. J. ... 14 Blackman, T. Bowlker, C. A. C. ... 13 15 Madden, W. M. ... Miller, H. G. 13 14 Carlyon, T. T. 20 Mosley, E. R. 15 Chambert, M. Colbourne, G. L. ... 13 17 Ottley, R. R. 20 COMPTON, W. C. 12 Pearce, J. W. E. ... 17 Coombes, A. H. 18 Pendlebury, W. H. 19 Davenport, J. 14 Rawnsley, L. R. ... 18 Davis, A. H. 19 Read, H H Doerr, A. ... 15 Rhodes, W. M. ... 15 Duckett, W. 13 Robinson, A. T. 20 East, W. H. 14 Rose, J. H. ... 15 Farrar, J. M. Field, W. G. Fisher, J. H. France, H. ... Fran9ois, L.... Fry, J. H. ... 17 14 16 14 19 17 Sers, L. Sewell, H. ... Smith, H. B. Sparke, C. E. Steednian, C. E. ... Stevens, A. H. Swinstead, J. H. ... 20 19 20 13 13 16 19 Garrett, H. ... Gibson, A. E. Godard, G. ... 13 16 20 Temperley, F. Thomas, W. H. ... 19 19 Haines, C. R. Happe, L. A. Hill, F. C 15 16 15 Walters, F. B. Weatherell, E. P. ... Widgery, W. H. ... Wigan, C. ... 16 16 15 13 Jackson, J 18 Williams, C. E. 20 Wilson, W\L.' ... 13 Karl (Gebhard) ... 13 Wise, J. S ^ Wynne, A. E. 14 Kingsford, P. E. ... 19 19 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 151 INDEX OF BOYS. To find the particulars of the name required, observe date of entrance — e.g. 79 (a), (b), (c), i.e., ist, 2nd, or 3rd Term— and look it out in the body of the Book, where the date is given at the heading of each page. The names of boys entered this Term (May, 1894) are not included. Name. Abrahams, H. Adair, A. J. F. R. Adam, F. L. H. G.J. ... Adams, H. R. L. C ... F.J. ... W. B. G. B. Adcock, W. H. J. ... F. J. W. Agate, J. ... S. Ainslie, G. R. Alderson, J. — E. W.... Amies, E. H. Anderson, R. H. B W. L. N. A. W.... Angus, D. F. Annesley, C. M. Armitage, H. I. Armstrong, C. E. A. ... H. ... Armytage, F. F. H. Arnold, H. R. H.B. ... Arthur, F. C. R. D. W. B. E. F. Entered. Name. . iSjga Austin, E. G. 82a Aveling, R. C. S2a Ayscough, H.G.C 84c 83^ Bacon, P. L. J2b Bagshawe, L. 89^ Baiss, W. A. 8gc L. A. gob Baker, S. B. gob Ballard, W. C. T gic A. H.St. G. 84^ Bampfield, F. L. ' 85c Banks, A. G. 86b Barker, E. F. W. 86c Barlow, G. D. yic E. H.... 85a ■ H. S. ... 87^ F. L. T. 85^ Barnard, D. 890 Barrows, J. E. gia Barry, I. 86b W. T. 86^ Barthman, C. goc Bartlett, E. C. 84c A. W... 82c Baxter, R. A. 94a Bayley, G. H. W. 84^; Beadle, C. 86b H. ... 8ya Beaman, F. S. 91^ Beames, H. P. M 726 Beatson, L. F. 82c H. A. 78c Beckett, W. T. C ygc W. R. D. 88c Beeching, J. 89a Belden, A. Entered. 1890^; goc P. 87a 72a 92c 84c 84c 87c 85a 8sa y6a 87h g2b y2b y2b y6c 93^ 78c 88a 8gc 8gc yyc ygc 83c 74c 8yb 82b 82b 84c gob 80c 80C y6b y6b 73« ygc 152 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Name. • Entered. Bell, W i88i5 T. D 8i& - M. A. T. ... Sic • W 82a R. W. ... 84& R 87^ Bengough, H. G. L. 92^ D. H. V. ... 92a Bennett, E. ... 71c Berry, R. S. ... 80^ G 80/^ Best, O. H 75c E. C 94« • W. H.F. ... 94rt E. B. ... 94« Birch, C 825 Bird, W. J 73^ S. J 80a R. M. ... 82/) W 84c ■ J. B 86^ Blackborne, A. C... 93c Blacker, G. F. ... j6b Blackwood, H. P.... 93/) Blaine, G. H. ... 90c Blair, J. E, ... gi« Blanford, E. ... 84^ H. R. ... 93r __A. W. ... 93^ Blest, T.... ... 88ri Blott, H. ... ... 76^ Blumberg, F. T. ... 871; Bode, W. F. ... 74^ Bolton, F. D. ... gic Boothby, F. S. E. 82c Borton, G. L. B. ... 786 Bottomley, G. T. ... 84/) Bourdeaux, J. ... 75c Bowen, F. L. ... 88& F. A 88& Bower, T. E. ... jbh C. L. ... ... 76c H. R 83^ Bowes, W. H. ... 746 Name. Bowes F. ... — J.S. ... Bowles, W. C. Boys, G. L. B. C. ... Boyton, W. E. C. T. ... H. H. P. M.... J. N. ... Brackenbury, W. C. H.... R. L. W. H. L.... C. H. I. ... Bradley, W. E. A. M.... Bramley, F. B. Brandon, R. A. Bridgewater, H. Briggs, H. G. Brooke, A. G. Brooking, H. C, Brown, F. R. -J. M. ... A. G. H. P. A. ... Browne, A. H. Bruce, H. K. W. Buckman, W. A. Bullen, S. D. Burnard, F. E. C Burnett, A. B. Burnside, E. B. W. Burt, H. W. J.L. E.J. ... Bush, J.N... . E. A. ... H. S.... Entered.. ... i88iZ> 85^ 89a 79c 89^ 71^ 71C y6c Tjc gob L. C. 73c 74rt 76c 81b S2a 84a 84^ 71c 71c 75b 83c S7C 77b 76a 74^ 86b 8ia 82a 84^ 84^ 82^ 93^ 8gc 8^a. 87a gib 80a 80a 75^ 8ib 87c 80a 80c 81a L. S. A. DOVKR COLLEGE REGISTER. ^53 Name. Byron, F. R. M. ... G. R. ... R. R. ... Cardew, F. A. C. D. ... Carey, E. S. Carlton, M. T. Castle, H. A. S. O. ... Catling, F. ... Causton, C. P. Cave, ..>" Chantrell, C. W. H Charrosin, E. H. Chave, L. H. T. Cheyne, C — Child, H. A. B. F. ... Christopher, W. Clarence, O. B. Claridge, P.S. F. Clark, P. J. H. T..".'." Clarke,' A. "v. H. ... E. S. S. S. P. A. L. Clement, S. R. Coad, S. A. Cobbett, R. Cockell, T. W. Cockshott, T. D. Codrington- William J. G. ... Colbeck, B. B. Coleman, W. H. Collingwood, Comber, P. G. Compton, C. Entered. 1879a 83c 88b 88b 78b 78c 88a 93^ 88b 88b 86b g2c 76a 7\a 82a gia 80a 82a 82a 76c 85a 83c 1¥ 76a 916 74& 77h 77c 78c 88c 88b 87a 93^ 83^ 75^ goc gia 76c 73« 90c 93& s, Name. Conradi, G. H. Cooch, C. E. H. Corlett, E. P. Cordeaux, E. R. Corsbie, H. A. Coste, A. D. Coulthard, J. T. F.J. ... Courtney, R. W. Cowie. D. ... J. M. ... Cox, S. J. ... Craddock, S. E. Craig, O. T, D. T. ... Craik, J. ... Crothers, E. J.S. ... H. ... N.H.... Cruikshank, A. N E. Crundall, W. H. E. R.... Cuff, E. S. ... Dane, F. T. Darton, F. J. H. Darwall, J. R. R. H.... Davey, A. E, S. C. H.... E. L.... Davis, E. H. F. L. ... N. M.... Davy, A. M. Dawes, G. W. F. H. E. T. Day, W. ... Deacon, S. C. Dean, A. E. Debenham, H. C. De la Pryme, C. T Entered. 1872c 76c 82c 78^; 78^ 77c 8ih 81b 87c 72c 73^ g2c 7\a 82c 82c 8\c 84^ 84& 88c 8gc goc 876- 87c 93^ 93^ 79« 80^* 8gb 93^ 94« 73^ 76a 8\b 1¥ 77c 77c 88b 76h 93^ 82a 7gb 78b 82a 84a 154 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Name. Entered. De la Pryme, P. C. 18876 DeLaveleye,E.R.E. gic Delavoye, A. E. ... Syc F. B 87c Denne, C. G. ... 8ic Devisme, R. F. J.... 87c Dicey, W. C. ... 72a Ditmas, F. B. ... 80c , A. R 80^ Dixon, M. W. ... 790 G. W. ... 87^ A. C. H. ... 89^ Dixson, W. J. ... 92c Dobson, P. J. ... 90a Dodson, W. J. ... 84a Doidge, S. W. ... 89c Donaldson, J. ... 74c Dorneau, C. ... 90c Douglas, F. H. ... 72b S. E 72b H.J 836 -W. S 93^ F. F 93^ Douglas-Smith, P. 84c Doveton, G. J.M.H. 79c Downes, O. L. ... 82b Driver, G. S. D. ... 86a CD 87a — -S. D 89c Druce, F. H. ... 72b Dudding, R.E.F.S. 84^ Duff, C. M. ... 71c Duke, C. E. ... 92c E 92c Duncan, W. S. ... 77c Dunlop, K. W. ... 77c Eastes, A. G. ... 72a Easton, S. ... ... 86c Edes, F. J. A. ... 77^ Edwards, W. E. ... gob Elkington, A. G. ... 831^ R. W. ... 84^ F. P > 86& Name. Entered. Ellis, C 18736 M 736 C. E. L. ... 89b R. L 89c Ellston, F. W. ... 80c J 80c ■ C 80c A. E. ... 80a Elwes, W. B. ... 921; Elwin, E. A. ... 75^ E. B 79b E 8ia E. H.... ... 83c W.H 85c - — E. A 88c A. J 89^ W. D. ... 91a Emanuel, W. ... 836 G. J 86b Engelbach, E. C. ... 81^ Eteson, P. B. ... S3C Etherington, E. S. 73c Evans, H. F. ... 80a P. C 80a H. S 80a P. deT. ... 80c H. W. ... 81c P 82b E. ... ... 92c Eve, C. G 856 Everest, W. ... _ 75a Everington, J. ... 83c Eykyn, F. B. ... 73a Fagan, A.N.D. ... 87b J. R. ... 876 Falconer, J. ... 89c C. D. ... 91a Falkner, H. G. ... 856 Fanshawe, R. E. ... 93^ Farrar, F. R. ... 92^ Farrell, H.J. W. ... 79^ Farquharson, E. C. 78b Faulkner, H. ... 84a Feilding, P. H. ... 856 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 155 Name. Fenn, A. C. E.J. E. A. Field, E. J. A. F. .., Fielding, A. G. — G. K. Finnis, J. T. S. Fisher, G. T. D. .. Fitzgerald, G. E. .. Fitz-Stubbs, R.E.E, Flachfeld, H. W. ... Flashman, J. C. C. Flint, F. S. Forbes, W. A. D. G. F. R. Forde, H. B. D. Forsdyke, C. A. ... Forster, J. W. T. F. Foster, D. E. P. C. W. M. H. B. ■Fox, C. J. \-^ • S—^ • • • • A.M. Frames, F. M. Francis, A. H. M.... T. S. Franklin, H. P. '.".". E. L. Freeman, R. B. Frewin, F. Friend, Fry, W. W. H. T. Fuller, R. F. FuUerton, J. Entered. Name. . 1875c Fullerton, W. • 78c J. 81& W. y8c Fyson, C. 86a y2b Gace, F. J. 93^ Gale, A. K. 93c H. J. 93c Gange, F. W. 73c O. W. 74c Gardiner, C. D. 8g^ Gardner, A. H. R 92a Garsia, C. J. 72« Gash, P. R. F. 75fl Gasson, H. V. ySa Geard, W. L. 73^ Gerard, L. G. R. y6a Gibbon, A. F. V. 82^ Gibson, W. E. ygb Gideon, G. V. M. ygb Gielgud, V. 846 Gilbert, J. F. S. 75« R. G. 76c Gilby, E. 81b Gilchrist, W. F. 81C R. C. 82^; Giles, A. 855 Gillespie, R. St. J. 88^ W. R. B. y2b F. M. 85c Gipps, W. H. B. 85c Godfrey, F. E. 726 G. E. 83^ M. 93« Goodbody, L. W. 863 Goodwin, H. H. 886 P. M. 8yc Gordon, A. S. 73& M. y8a Gore, R. C. 726 Gosselin, C. le M y2b W. de F. 79c G. St. L. H. 74« Goulden, J. J. Entered. 1875^ y6a 726 y2c 7bc ygb ygb 88a y2a 81c 82a y6c g2a g2c 81b 80c 8y 8^c 776 yyb 86c gib gib 72c 88h 88b 88c 78c 74a 86^> 866 93^ yic 73« 82c 86b ygb g2c g2c 93« 846 156 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Name. Entered. Goulden, R. R. ... 1887c — ^A. A. ... 88c Graham, A. D. ... 88a Grant, F. D. ... ^2c E. H. ... g2& Granville, R. K. ... 87c Green, R. H. M. ... 76c A. A. ... 88& J. E. ... 88c — L. W. ... 89^ Greenfield, ... 73c H. ... 77c Greig, M. J. ... ' 766 J. C. H. ... 79a A. A. ... 82c Griffin, W. ... 73a Griffith, W. Meyer 90c Griffiths, W. W. G. , 78c Grover, E. B. ... 93a H. M. G. ... 93« Guimaraens, G. P. 93a Gunter, F. E. ... 82c A. H. ... 82c E. E. ... 84c Habgood, A. H. ... 93c Hackman, H. R. ... 77c W. F. ... 86c Hadlow, W. F. ... 84c Hall, T. R 72c C. B. ... ... 76a A. E 78^ E. C 78^ H. D. ... %^h Hambrook, ... 73a Hamilton, E. F. T. 84^ W.J. K. ... 88c R. C. ... ... 9ifl Hammond, H. S, ... goh Hand, F. H. ... 89a Hanlon, A. P. ... 90c Hannam, W. A. ... 85c R. W. ... 85c Happe, L. W. A. ... 84a O. H. ... 86c Name. Happe, W. F. Hards, A. W. Hardy, A. F. E. W. Harries Harrington, F. M, T. F Harris, G. T.J . Harrison, C. E. E. V. Hart, A. P. T. A. H S. Hartopp. F. G. C. Harvey, C. B. A. W. P. R. de Y. . Haslam, H. C. A. F. Hawes, E. M-. Hawkins, J. C. McL. R. L. McL.... W. F. McL.... C E. D. McL. Hawtayne, J. F. ... — w. c. c. Hayes, W. Hayter, R. J. F. ... Hayward, VV. H. ... C.J. Hearn, F. G. P. ... S. T. CM. Henderson, H. B... C. R. M. Henry, H. S. Herring, W. A. W. E.G. Herve, L. Hetherington, B. T. W. B. Hewett, J. W. Entered. . 1888^' 74& 89a 81^ goa 93& j6b 79c 82^ gob 87c gob 93« 83c 86c 93^ 78^ 78?^ 86c 86c 87c 75^ 76c 86c 87b 78a 90C 83b 84& 87& 77& 82a 90C 88a 75& 93^ 86c 82c 84a 79c DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 157 Name. Hewlings, H. I. Heywood, C. F. T. Heywood-Smith, W Hickman, H. R. B P. D. Hide, H. C. Higginson, A. F. P. F. Hight, W. W. Hill, F. C. R. R. Hills, E. H. C. W. E. H. J. Hilton, C. G. S. Hiscox, H. Hoare, P. H. V. Hobday, L. Hodges, R. W. Hogben, W. L. Hogg, A. R. Holden, J. R. TT TT Holder^ H. J. V. S Holmes, E. L. Hornblower, G. D J.S. Horrex, T. A. G. Horsley, J. A. B. Hoseason, C. de C Hoult, W. Hounsfield, F. C. A. G. How, F. F. L. W. M. Howell, H. W. L Hughes, F. T. C. CM. C. A. F. T. Hulke, S. B. W. B. Entered. 1890C 82c 82c 87c 89a 90c 84^; 72c 72c 81C 916 91& 80c 82a 85a 94a 89c 77c 84c 88a 896 74a 88a 896 906 87c 80c 77c 77c 77& 88c 83c 72c 73^ 90c 90c 87a 87a 89a 81C 81C 91& 81C 84a L. Name. Hunt. E. Hunt, R. W. B. A. V. R. W. R. V. B. Hunter, R. J. L. C. A. S. Hutcheson, C. Hutchinson, C. G.T. H. Ibbetson, C. H. B. M. E. L. ... CO Igglesden, B. A. ... Iron, J. Irvine Isaac, C P. Jackson, M. C A. H R. W. S. C B Jacob, W X James, R. ... Jefferies, W. A. R. Jeffery, T. M. J-L w J emniett- Browne, C A. B Jenney, G. W. Johnson Johnston, J. G Jones, Jonas Joseph, W.,.. Kauntze, E. E. C R. Entered. . 1878c 78c 795 82c 85^ 86c 81C 856 88& 8sb 77a 92c 816 8ib 86b 75« 73^ 73^ 87^ 75^ 78c 78c gic 93^ 78c 78c 846 78c 88a 88a goa B. 83& 83b 77c 80a 84c 7¥ 79a 77h 776 13^ DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Nanu. Keelin?. J. W. H.., G". B H. V Kellnian, J. J. C KeUy, G. R. Kennedy, J. R. G.. Kennett, A. A. F... Kent, E. C. Kerr, J. I. ... C C v^ > v> • • • • • ■ C Killick.W." H. .'. C. R T. ... G. L.B. A F. H A. W. King, J. E. D. .. Kingsford, P. E. .. I\.m J • . . . • . Kingsnorth, A. Kinnell, A. S. - — A Kirby, M. W. Knocker, C, Mc^I. R. E. T C A. G. A. deB. W. E. Koek Koek, W. .. F Koettlitz, M. R. R. Lacroix, G. Lamb, P. M. A. R Entered. . 1879a 79a 816 786 786 . 85. . S5C 79a goc 74fl 74a 746 836 ■ S7. 72a 726 76a 786 846 856 74a 75c 896 896 82a 73c 81G 846 86c 87c 925 86c 86c 73c 73c 75b 77c 73« 776 82c Name. Lamb, W A. McC. Lane, A. P. Langdon-Da\-ies, \\ Langley, R. H. La Roye, E. Laughton, H. F. ... E.H Laurie, A. C. E.H Law, M. A. F, Lawson, A. E. H. E R. H.... H. B C. B Lea, D. H Learoyd, S. B. R. B Lee, E. B. ... J-B A. H W. S. Leicester, P. F. F. B Leishman, J. T. C. A F Leith H. H. Lemmon, E. W. Le ]Mesurier, E. Lenon, A. F. Leveaux, F Le^-y, W. .. E. L. ... R. S. ... Lewis, L C. Lighlfoot, T. W Linton, H. D. Lister, W. K. Lithgow, E. M, J.D.... Little, H. L. J. E. Entered. 18836 83J 89/7 ■. 83^ 836 86c 72a 84a 86^> 8ifl 846 73<^- 79c 79c 82fl 84fl 846 93^ 846 85a 81C 81C 846 84^ 76c 76c 76c 79c 81& 88r 84/1 79« 88c 92« 826 85^ 86c goc 80& 79« gob 87c 87c 94a DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 159 Name. Littlewood, F. S. R Livermore, E. G. .. Llev.-eU)Ti,' W. L.'! A. H. LI. .. Lloyd. C. E. Locke, A. W. Logan, L. S. Long, C. T. W F-J S. G. H. Loring, R, W. Louis, F. B Lovegrove, A. C. A Lovell, H. A. N. de Lucas, Ludlow, E. H. p F Lyail, K. D. L\-nham, F. C. -^H. J MacDougall, D. ... Maciver, Mackenzie, H. J. ... ■- D. F Macquoid, C. E. ... P. M.T. R. T. H. 86(0 Madden, S. F. Mahony, F. H. Mann, T. E. ManveU, A. E. W. A. B MarshaU, C. W. L. Martin, F. ... Margin, B. W. F.... Mason. C A ]Matheson, E. G. J- Matthews,. Entered. . i886r 87s 93^ 93<^ 93^ 93^ 83c 82Z> 91a 73<^ ySb 82c 94^ Sjb ■j6a 73« 78c 84c 75^ gia gib 81c 83c 93^ 93« 82c 8sa and gob 93c 8sa 76c 80c 83c 85c 72c 77& 77« 89^> jgb 73^ Name. Matthews, A. D. Maturin, J. W. A. E. Maugham, CO. F. H. ... H. X.... H Entered. 1878a 86c 86c Maves, H. F. ^A. E May hew, C. J. Mayo, W. C. McClure, A. R. S. ... ^S McGoveme, H, McHarg, S. McKean, A. E. ... Mead, A. G. Meadows, X. W. W. MeUis, A. R. Mellor, J S c Messenger, W. T,... Middleton, R. M. ... S. D G. H. G. ... E. G. C. G. ... H. K. MiUer, H. A. B. ... Mills, E Milson, E, H. Moon, F. D. Moore, E. Du P. H. C. C. DuP.... Morton, J. R. -H. H Mosse, C. S. Forbes- MuUigan, M. B. ... J. B. G. Murray, L. L. Murton, C G ^lusgrave. R. R. ... H. A. F. 77c 77c 8oa 84^* 79c 84/1 92c 94fl 94^ gia 92c 77^- 8-jb 93^^ 90C 90c goc goa 79c 82c 91C 91C 93« 90?» 72c 8ia yya 68a 8ga 71C 71C 766 89c 91c 87c 72a 72a 8ic 82c i6o DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Name. Entered. Nanson, G. A. ... 1890c Nathan, G. ... 89a Neumann, C. W. ... 91c Newcome, H. W.... 87a G. ... 87^ Newington, F. de B. 74^ Newport. A. C. ... 89a Newton, — ... 75^ Nix, S. ... 92^ Nockolds, S. ... 89c Norcott, W. A. D.... 86c Norman, A. H. ... 93^ Norris, R. ... T^h F. B. ... 78^ Norton, G. J. F. ... 78^ F. M.W. C... 78c Oakes, A. J. ... 74^ G. W. ... 80a P. H. ... 84a O'Brien, A. J. ... 82^ E. ... 82& ■ M. C. ... 82c Offilvie, F. F. ... 82c __ D. ... 86c T. E. ... 86c 01drey,C. P. ... 88& Ommanney, F. C... 84c Onslow, C. C. ... 84c O'Neil, ... 81& O'Neill, J. C. ... 88c Ormond, E. D. ... 73^ Ormond, ... 74^ H. V. S. ... 79^ Ormrod, E. P. ... 92c Orr, S. E. ... 78c J.B. ... 83a Osborn, G. ... T^-c ^ A. F. ... 74^ F. A. ... 76^ Overell, P. W. ... ' 90& Packer, R. G. ... 76a Name. Entered. Page, G. ... 1871C V. ... 82& Pain, R. A. U. ... 74^ N. F. H. ... 74^ A. ... 75^ E. E. ... 75c A. C. ... 81C Palmer, G. W. ... 79^ F. C. ... 83& Parker, M. ... 71^ Parsons, C. C. ... 8ia C. ... 826 F.N. ... 91^ Partridge, E. C. ... 83c Passingham, R. T. 82a Patey, G. E. R. ... 886 W. M. ... 92« P. E. H. ... 92^ Paxton, G. ... T^c Pears, H. E. S. ... 83a Pearson, W. B. ... 846 Penfold, H. M. ... 87a Perceval, S. R. S.... 8oc Perry, C. E. ... ^^h Persse, W. A. ... 75^ Phillips, P. J. ... 87c E. P. B. ... 9T-C Philpott, A. H. ... 77& Phipps, R. ... 8oa Pierce, W. J. ... 8ic Pike, C. B. ... 78& H. B. ... 84a H. L. . ... 89a Pitcher, H. H. ... 8irt Plant, W.T. ... 90« Plmiimer, V. ...- 92a Plunkett, A. W. V. 82^ E. A. ... 82fl Podevin, G. S. ... 93^ Polak, J. ... 73^ S. S. ... 77^ Poncia, J. M. A, ... 71c Ponsford, P. R. ... 8oc Pooley, W. R. ... 93^ DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. I6l Name. Entered Pooley, J. A. S. ... 1893^ A. M. ... 936 Pott, A. D. R. ... ysa f'oulter, A. J. ... 73a F. T. ... 74a H. ... 74c Powell, J. F. ... 94« Power, F. T. ... 83^ Pownall, F. D. ... 78^ Praetorius, A.C.W.E. 92c Prebble, P. ... 74^ Prendergast, C. M... 80c Prescott, W. T. ... 74^ Prime, C. J. ... 756 F. H. ... 8gb Pryor, J. W. ... 71c E. T. ... J2a Raikes, A. H. ... 72^ A. E 78c E. P. ... ... yga Ralph, C. H. D. ... 74c Ramsbotham, E. R. 88a Rathbone, H. ... 86^^ Raven, P. J. ... 826 Rawes, L. ... ... 866 S 866 D. ... ... 916 Reed, T. ... ... 756 Rees, G. ... ... 72c Reidpath, J. G. S. gia Revy, F. C. ... 88c Rewse, H. B. W. S. 90^1 Ricci, E. da C. ... 85a Richards, E. D. G. 8oc Richardson, E. P.... 71c A. J. ... ... yic A. W. ... 746 Ricketts, L. H. ... 83c G. E. ... ... 83c C. D. ... ... 83c Ridley, F yga E. H yga Roberts, H. P. W. 84c Name. Roberts, C. M. P... Robins, W.R. Robinson, F. W. ... /i.» J--'* ••• «< H.W... .. ' v-/» i-^» J3« •« A. P. H S. C. H. .. B Rolfe Romney, H. R. Rose, A. R. de B. ., Ross, F. W. F. .. H. L.... Routledge, E. B. .. Rowan, M. G. Rowland, T. C. .. XI. • x\ • • • • • • Ruble, J. L. W. E. Sadleir, T. U. Salmon, J. H.^ Sanderson, P. R. .. Sangster, A. B. D. K Sargant, W. E. .. Sarson, M. J. Satchell, A. W. ... E. W. Satow, N. L. Saunders, E. H. ... V.-» • XjL • • • • Savile, A. R. C. ... Sawyer, E. W. Scammell, B. P. T. Schneider, E. Schofield, R. R. ... Schon, E. A. Sclater, P. H. Scorer, E. S. Entered. 1 8936 89c 74c 'j6a 76c 85c 876 876 876 896 93c ySa 73^ 90c 826 87c 94a 77c 766 yga yic y2a ' 93« 85a 776 83c 76c 80a 916 82a 88c 93& 90c 90c 88^ 88c 93& 87c 846 87c 77^ g2c M I §2 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Name. Scott, F. T. H. W. H. D.J. Sharpe, O. Shaw, G. R. E. W. Sheather, C. H. . ■ xi. X-/» ..• Shepherd, E. W. . C. E Sheppard, T. W. ., Sherman P. F. de la F. Sherren, A. O. H. G. Shervinton, T. R. Shewell, G. L. F.. A. M. M. . Shortridge, W. L Simons, W. A. Simpson, F. C. W. H. F. S. ... Sladden, L. C. Sly, VV. C... Smart, D. C. G. H.... Smith, J. F. F. S. T. S. Sneller, A. J. Spalding, A. J. W. Sparke, C. E. Entered. Name. . 1874^ Sparke, H. E. 78^ Spearing, W. Y. 79c Spencer, F. E. 78^ Spragge, F. A. G. 80^ Stace, H. W. 82^ Stanbrough, G. A. 93c Stanley, J. C. 93c Stansfeld, C. G. 74^ Starck, C. O. E. 89c Stevenson, H. T. goa Stewart, D. W. 73c A. T. 82& St. John, H. B. 92^ Stoer, C. F. 92a H. T. M. 75« Stone, R. J. ^10 Strachan, W. 93« Streatfeild, K. R. 86c G. 77a Strode, L. E. M. 83c Stuart, H. G. ... 89. J. 89c Sudlow, E. 82Z) J. 826 F. ■ 78^ Swainston, 93^ J-P- 77a A. 78^ Swanston, F. J. 78a H. O. 78^ Swann, F. E. 79& A. H. 79c Swift, R. M. P. 816 Symonds, A. P. 85c L. F. 85c 86a Tait, C. 88a J. M. G. 90a Talbot, A. M. 92c Taylor, G. J. A. 93c Tennant, B. N. 86a S. L. 79a F. 88a Thomas, W. H. Entered. 1893& 83c 94a 80& 90a 77c 76a 88c 92c 82& 86a 89a 75c 77^ 94a 76a 77a 85c 88i 72a 75^ 78a 78a 80c 76a 76c 77c 76a 84c 78a 82c 74a 80a 82& 79c 84c 82a 89c 84a goa 926 82c DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. 163 Name. Thomas, H. M. A. G. B. W. P. Thompson, R. W. A. E. E. H. E. C. J. W. H. M. Thomson, E. D. . Thorn e, Y. Thorpe, H. W. C.J. Thors, S. Tillard, H. P. A. B. Todd, C. W. Tomlin, Tordiflfe, F. M. Torrance, A. F. , Tottenham, R. L. Toufexis, T. S. Tower, D. E. W. E. Towse, C. H Trafford, R. W. , W. L. Travers, G. D. Tribe, J. C. W. F. Tucker, W. H. Tuckett, C. P. Tulloch, A, A. G. , T. G. — J. B. G. Tunstall, E. W. , Turnbull. P. A.^ , Turner, R. F. B. A. F. M. Tweedie, M. C. J. L. F. F. F. Entered. Name. . 1884c Vandeleur, T. P. ... 87^ Vaughan, G. A. ... 91a Vesey, H. C. 93^ W. 76^ Vickery, G. A. 76c Vipan, R. C. H. ... 76c 78c Waddell, M. G. ... 90C Waddington, E. W. g2« Waller (Shepherd), 88c B.G 886 Walker, A. G. R.... d>ba E. P 86^ L. R. G. 74c J. A 'j2a J. H. 84^ G. R. 92c E. C. H. ' / 3 y^t o» • • • goc J. B. 92^ Warburton, G. 81C H. G 77c P. B 83c Ward,]. C. 84c V. L 82^ __0. R 906 Waterhouse, C. W. gob E. H. 72^ Watson, R. A. L. ... 87^ J. D. L. 87^; H. E. S. 88c Watts, H. S. 89a S. L 806 Webb, A. J. 80& Welch, W.S." 85^ Wellesley, H. A. ... 73c C. G. 82c Wells, W 88& Welsford, A. G. ... 896 Welsh, J. D. 90^ Westropp, F. M. ... 8m A. S. A. ^a Wetherall, A. G. M. 89a P. S. B. Entered. 1894a 80c 79& 82c 83a g2c 88c 84^ yic yjc 84c 86a 88b, 8ga 8gc goa 93^ 77a ygb 80a 76a 82c 82c 75^ 78c y8c 86c goa g2c 74a 73^ 81C 81C 71c 80c 77a 85b 85b yya yya M — 2 164 DOVER COLLEGE REGISTER. Name. Wetherall. C. D White, A. ... Whitlock, T. H. Whittingham, F. S Whitton, P. Whylock, J. G. H Whyte, C. A. J. H. ... A. ... Wickham, E. T. E. Wilbe, C. F. Wilkin, R.... L. ... Williams, A. M. . S. C. ... S.J. ... Williamson, H. J, Wilson, A. T. C. R C. E. Wiltshire, L. Wimberley, C. F. Winch, H. C. Winewiser, F. F. O Winnall, H. Winsloe, H. E. A. R. ... Withers, A. R. Entered. Name. Entered. . iSyya Withers, G. S. ... 1888c Sgc Wolstenholme, O. S. 83c ygb R. A 85^ 83c C. R 856 89c Wood, F. M. ... 77& ygb J. W. A. ... ' Sia 88b -A 85^ 88b Woodhouse, V. K. 87c gib Woodman, E. B. ... 8ia 8ya ■ ^ L. W. ...- 8ia 83c Woods, CM ... 94a 806 Woodward, F. ... 88^> 81c M. E. P. ... 87^ yic Woollett, N. E. ... 74c 86c Worsfold, J. ... 72a 86c E. W 83a 80& H. H. " ... gob ysa Wright, B. A. ... 85c 8sb J. F 88b 85c R. R. H. ... 89& 88c W. H. ... 93« 79c Wyatt, F. O. ... 87^ 94^ Wylde, H.... ... 80^ 83a Wynter, H. T. ... 82c y8b 88h Yeatts, C. S. ... 776 88b Young, 8oc 88c Youngman, G. A.... 756 A. FINIS. V LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 027 562 304 0»