Author t * Title L 13. Imprint. 16 — 47372-2 IPO -',:.:-: Publication No. 7 SOUTHERN EDUCATION BOARD ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS 1904 to 1910 SOUTHERN EDUCATION BOARD WASHINGTON. D. C, Publication No. 7 SOUTHERN EDUCATION BOARD \\ ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS 1904 to 1910 SOUTHERN EDUCATION BOARD WASHINGTON. D. C. 1911 ■ ^\0 THE SOUTHERN EDUCATION BOARD Robert C. Ogden President George Foster Peabody Vice-President and Treasurer WiCKUFFE Rose Executive Secretary Edwin A. Alderman Sidney J. Bowie Wallace Buttrick P. P. Claxton Frank R. Chambers Charles W. Dabney Albert Shaw J. H. Dillard Edgar Gardner Murphy Henry E. Fries Hollis B. Frissell Hugh H. Hanna David F. Houston S. C. Mitchell Walter H. Page J. H. Kirkland John M. Glenn George S. Dickerman Gift DEC 2 1928 j ' c c 6 - JO . -M ft ™ ON 1-1 >% 4> £-> 55 o o O .G 5 - <" bX) o -< 03 w > MlflTf MIOO N\DN -o woo ef tN Tp On On IN «H00 1-1 cr> 1— I I— I O N K3 ON 01 o o . ,c 4) en SO' c M '3 c ■*-> *> - II O 2 .§2 - ©o 19.1 S g m rt ^ > > ^ M c C O x S- u 3 S cj u £2 3 u to ex a ■M -t-> u "O __ U c C «*-( w ^^ . •*VO MO Tf CM i-t OviO 0\ £2 U •5 a> MNm a M 00" 00 o\ t< ^ Ox 9^° 03 CO "*vO 6 rO Q\ CM in vp^vqoq, c 0 CM O Ov o> v© fO CO O x to 1- 2 00 t>» O IDOO \o O* 6 NO CON O O »r> cm VO "5 CM HHU) <*tN.« w- 'C V Ou u. O >+• ' 09 c bfi c3 a S rt CJ IT O a. (fl OJ 5 "3 _5J en u. *J B c« B O c3 en c'-C 0> T3 O OS > C '■S/C-o £ 3 '5 £ " P 0) en a — ° V Im rt u jS (. CJ >>C x <" _c !3§3.5 "3 •— > 2 U — ■ »* CU "- H O O «. m OnHc^Cli d id C TS ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS, I904-I9IO 13 Mississippi 1 . Educational campaigns : a. Conducted from 1905 to 1910. b. Amount contributed by Southern Educa- tion Board.. $6,250.00 2. Purposes of educational campaigns : a. To increase local taxation. b. School improvement. 3. Results of campaigns : a. "Educational sentiment, the value of which cannot be estimated in dollars and cents." b. Amount derived from local county levy, 1909 $287,272 . 1 1 c. Amount estimated from same source, 1910 340,000.00 d. Total for two years 627,272. n* e. Raised by local associations for school improvement from September 1, 1909, to November 9, 1910 75,000.00 /. Money donated in prizes 200.00 g. Contribution by Mr. Thomas 700.00 h. Estimated labor donated 15,000.00 i. Total amount for school improvement . . . 90,000 . 00 Total raised as result of campaign for two years $717,272. 11 ""'Before any money was appropriated for local tax campaign work in this State, no money was raised for school purposes by local taxation, except in the towns and cities." — Supt. J. N. Powers. '4 THE SOUTHERN EDUCATION BOARD < v. i— i O X < O a as O 00 .o 'C a en c ft - c B "J ° ft*3 b£ '3 C .2 u *0 o rt ft CTJ fl X rt 03 u ,_< rt u rt G o ■M a rt U m 3 G O t-H a* 3 Oh 0) rt • O 8 s I V T3 vo 6 vd o •-« M Q •5 'u 00 o 00 a. •* c£ <2 1 s VO IN % o •*- H '■©»■ £■ \0 o CN o u rt 0) o h ON o « d; " in cn o\ o 6\ 6 6 £8 Ov £3 lO o \o o IT) O * 1-x o o oq q o »rj 10 (O rt 3 c en o cu rt en U rt >< en c i5 CU 3 m — rt rt -m C yoo o ■"" o cu >>*" en rt J2 en CO s In -a 3 (J CU-- C UJ *» •-" a vs.~ u «- rt a 05 O •O u H s a 3 a fe< « s-o s--« ©. "3 « en "* V- rt C CU — u -o.2 ^2 <•> rt ^3 cu en^a S C 3T3 c o.{4 rt*5 C propri ent ai mther S-EtB rt O) J-- S..a > ^3^2' XL CO 4-1 cu -•o« n C cu en rt tuD^ •0^*5 n cu 5 .-^ M-< fe O scliool result mpaign H — rt S^o *>*•«, H-> s cu cu'tS ^ 3 J ^ rt C •— > *3 cu bfl e £"rt c .3 , a _o CU r- en bD C cu u a Cv w a u d~~ u rt rt u <-> — r CU c C & ••* ••« -^ 3 ese sre, uca C/) J -3 b."0 1_ r »1 7, ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS, I904-I9IO 15 South Carom n a 1 . Educational campaigns : a. Conducted from 1905 to 19 10. b. Contributed by the Southern Education Board $9,000 . 00 2. Purposes of educational campaigns : a. To encourage local tax levies. b. To launch a movement looking to the con- solidation of rural districts. c. To increase the enrollment and attendance in all schools. d. To build better school-houses. e. To employ better teachers at better salaries. 3. Results of educational campaigns: a. Law increasing the maximum mill tax rate from 4 mills to 8 mills. b. Law encouraging consolidation of small schools by creating a State building fund and offering a bonus from this fund to schools that have consolidated. c. School districts levying local tax 1905 389 " " 1910 835 Increase in number of districts levying local tax 1905 to 1910 446 d. In 1910 the average salary for white men teachers increased $59.67; for white women teachers, $9.13; for negro women teachers, $2.89; for negro men teachers, practically no increase. t6 THE SOUTHERN EDUCATION BOARD 0> o 888 oo § g § i-x O O t>» Q O O r>. 00 N * * * •- w- c - 737>&37 Annual increase 1,990,1 1 1 Total increase in local taxation since January h I904 8,524,718 Total increase in income from January 1, 1904, to June 30, 1910, mostly because of campaigns $15,770,843 2,2 the southern education board Virginia i . Educational campaigns : a. Conducted from 1903 to 1909. b. Contributed by Southern Education Board. $20,722.71 2. Purposes of campaigns : a. To increase State, county, and local school funds. b. To secure State aid for high schools. c. To secure better supervision and better teaching in the country schools. d. To adapt the country school to the needs of country life. e. To secure libraries, better buildings, and better sanitation for country schools. 3. Results of educational campaigns : a. In legislation : (a) Law permitting local school boards to borrow from State Literary Fund one-half of cost of school buildings. 1 b ) Law giving State aid to accredited elementary schools. ( c ) Law giving State aid to high schools. | d ) Law requiring county and city su- perintendents to give their whole time to duties of the office and providing adequate salaries for these officers. I e ) Regulation placing examination of teachers in the hands of the State Board of Examiners. t / ) Law providing for establishment of agricultural high schools in each congressional district. 1 y ) Law providing for the establish- ment of 20 normal training classes in high schools. ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS, 1904-I9IO 23 (h) Law establishing school libraries. (i) Law providing for demonstration farm work throughout the State. School officials co-operate with Agricultural College, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, and State De- partment of Agriculture. (/) Law requiring proper facilities for heating, lighting, and ventilating all new school buildings. (k) Law increasing the power of the State Board of Health to provide adequate sanitary arrangements within and around school buildings. 24 TDK SOUTHERN EDUCATION BOARD in co ON m O *0 Nm O O O O O O "88 8 0\ in &9- CS CO ONOOMO ON ■* M MO m CO COM3 n l S 1 .S ft rt * — c O l- s c 5i 2.2 d rt n <•> o s i- •-* __ S. en X ft ft O o O ftft - O o <-> j- a. hp^g g o.^ o ft 3 ft ft 3 "> rt^ K rt rt P-i 4ljj U O D O rt J3 "S h< _cS rt O CO ■a c in » 3 T3"Omh C S_ 33rt IM M-l O ^ o c*n 5 §.25 OQO 3 . O 3 . o rt ■ u Ih . v> .-3 in • bo Ih .'.S O C 3 Mi J o u'C 5J2 o 'u, o* ft o « °-3 5 3;~.2 ft CO J ft _ C8 rs js-~ bfift «'-3 p 5 3ft ** ^-i *♦•» bo*S ;**,!*5 ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS, I904-19IO 25 Summary of Funds Raised as Result oe Educational Campaigns for the Five Year Period Alabama $4,034,371 . 50 Arkansas 2,122,237.33 Florida 729,000.00 Georgia 15,702,448.00 Kentucky 1,282,521 .00 Louisiana 2,027,191 .47 Mississippi 717,272 . 1 1 North Carolina 1,883,816.06 South Carolina 1,790,478.05 Tennessee 15,770,843 .00 Virginia 5,274,329.60 Total for 11 States $51,334,508.12 26 THE SOUTHERN EDUCATION BOARD Increase in Annual Expenditures for Schools During Nine Year Period Total Expenditure for Schools State. 1900. 1909. Increase. Alabama $923,464 $2,498,708 $1,575,244 Arkansas 1,369,810 3,110,165 1,740,355 Florida 765777 *,7W,93& 949> I 6i Georgia 1.980,016 4,005,325 2,025,309 Kentucky 3,037,908 4,850,189 1,812,281 Louisiana 1,135,125 3,607,295 2,472,170 Mississippi 1,385,112 2.674,648 1,289,536 North Carolina 950,317 -.993,045 ^,042,728 South Carolina 894,004 1,095,236 201,232 Tennessee 1, 75 1,047 3404,555 1,653,508 Virginia 1,985,238 4.393,562 2,408,324 Total increase for 11 States $18,169,848 This means that these eleven States are spending in round numbers $18,000,000 more each year for public schools than they were spending in 1900. The educational campaigns have been an important factor in bringing about this result. To aid in maintaining these campaigns the Southern Education Board has expended from $30,000 to $40,000 a year during this period.