Class "g > F JoM. Book ,H4 CopyrightK?_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. LIFE'S GREAT HEALING LAW BY Densie Herendeen With an Introduction by Hon. Nat Ward Fitz-Gerald The Elevator Publishing Company, Washington, D. C. 1901. **> THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received JUK. 8 1901 Copyright entry #LASS£L-XXc. N*. / oif? COPY S3. Copyright 1901 BY Densie Herendeen To My Brothers and Sisters The sick and afflicted — Tr|e dowq-trodden and oppressed — To all wF]o are conscious or uqconscious of trjeir own indwelling God, this book is affectionately dedi- cated by the Author. CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER I. The Laws of Nature 23 CHAPTER II. Nature's Laws in Man 33 CHAPTER III. Birth and Growth of Individual Con- sciousness 41 CHAPTER IV. Magnify the Lord 56 CHAPTER V. Practical Illustrations 66 CHAPTER VI. Laws and Their Application 70 CHAPTER VII. Laws of our Being- 80 CHAPTER VIII. Controlling the Mind 89 CHAPTER IX. How to Attain Desired Results 97 CHAPTER X. "Seek and Ye Shall Find" 109 CHAPTER XL How to Co-operate with God 119 CHAPTER XII. Divine Suggestions 126 INTRODUCTION BY Nat Ward Fitz-Gsrald. The world to-day, stands upon the threshold of a new birth ; pregnant with a mighty portent of good to the children of Adam — the sons and daughters of the living God. The midnight is already passed, and the dawn of this new day, heralding the new era, is upon us. All thinkers must see in the signs of the times, that this new era is at hand ; yet truth to-day is the same as when the morning stars sang together, and all the Sons of God shouted for joy. The new day, when religious strifes and con- tentions will cease — when the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man shall be an ac- complished fact, heralds the advent of religious unity over all the race of man. Prophecy tells of this new era — when the in- habitant of the land shall not sav, I am sick, anv more — when sorrowing and crying shall be done away — when sickness shall be banished forever — leaving naught to molest or make to Life's Great Healing Law. afraid — when all shall come to know God from the least unto the greatest — when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of His glory, as the waters cover the sea. It is well known, that a vague unrest, pervades all nations, and all people. They seem allied with misery, disease, restlessness and despair. Inharmony permeates the very atmosphere. While blindly groping after the desirable, they clutch only the unsatisfying; seeking for peace, rest, contentment and happi- ness ; and grasping strife, turmoil, unhappiness, disease and misery. What is to be done ? If health, contentment and peace are desired, their source must be sought. Your soul must be attuned to vibrative unison, in harmony with the music of the spheres, and catch the rythm of the new song. The twentieth century is the culmination of the ages. Matter is becoming subordinate to soul and spirit. The shifting sands of time and sense have become like the dim visions of a forgotten dream. Physical life is becoming understood as only supported and sustained by Spirit, God. Many who are looking for the glow of the spiritual morning, faintly hear its approaching music, making sweeter and better their long- ing lives. Life's Great Healing Law. ir Would you, dear reader, keep pace with the march of events? Do you desire to be adjust- ed to the new order of things? Remember that the promise is, that what is hidden shall be revealed; for light is dispelling the night of ignorance. , The tallow-dip is supplanted by effulgence borrowed from the sun. Stage coaches have given way to palaces on wheels. Nahum's chariots of lightning rush through our streets. Electricity with its flashing- tongues of flame from storm clouds, that filled ignorance with terror, is the slave of man ; and by its power, men converse with each other in audible tones, though separated by hundreds of miles. While these mighty strides are being made in one direction— a veritable fulfillment of prophecy — equally great have been the steps in another direction, looking to the destruction of sin, disease and death, which is also a like fulfillment of the phophetic word. For centuries upon centuries, Adam's race has unavailingly sought happiness; wandering down the ages in search of what they have never found, — the fabled fountain of perennial youth — tapping every conceivable material fount in the vain hope that its waters would prove a panacea for all ills of the flesh. But 12 Life's Great Healing Law, health and happiness through material means have been vainly sought; continuing forever to elude the grasp of man's frantic clutch. Disease, sin, misery and death, still stalk in our midst, and refuse to succumb to material methods. Where, oh where, is that 'hidden manna,' promised in sacred writ, to the hopeful and be- lieving in every age? Where is that open door to life and joy, which 'no man can shut, and through which the saved shall go no more out?' Where, oh where, is 'the tree of Life,' of which man was promised the right to partake ; and the leaves of which, 'were for the healing of the Nations?' How and where shall we children of Adam, "wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked," find that promised elysian where we should not be hurt of the second death ? Must the cradle and the coffin go hand in hand as accompaniments of Adam's children, down the corridors of time, to all generations ? Shall the maw of death never be filled, but keep on demanding human food for its insatiate craw ? Shall we go on filling cradles forever, merely to keep grave-yards green ? Life's Great Healing Law. 13 Shall the appetite of the coffin never be satis- fied? Shall this farce this lie, — of living to die, — never be stopped? Are the worries and torments of mortal life never to cease ? Do not the same conditions exist, surround- ing Adam's race of sin, disease and death, as existed thousands of years ago, in spite of the never ending struggle of all races to bring about a different condition of things ? Has not the era already dawned, that is de- manding and will strive, to bring about a change ? Has not the time arrived to test the spiritual remedies, which God has promised, through all .the ages, to them that do His Will? Yes, yes, a million times yes! That time has come — or this book could not have been written. Hope, that has been whispering to Love, through the ear of death, in all generations, has at last been heard and recognized. Standing erect, it voices in audible tones to a waiting world, the realization of its dreams, in the conscious conviction of the possibility of eternal life, here and now; and defiantly 14 Life's Great Healing Laiv. throws back into the teeth of disease and death, the lie, told to our first parents. Life, not death, is the watchword, for all the race. Life:, with its Mighty Healing Law, has been uncovered, and presented to a waiting world, in this brave book; written by a noble brave, God-fearing, God-loving and God-living woman. Read it; oh, waiting, longing souls! Gird your loins like a mighty man to run a race ! Bid fears of fleshly foibles and failures, to flee forever. Bid dead hopes arise to renewed life and vigor. Snatch the mask of death from the cradle and the grave, and canopy life with the robes of immortality. This book, when understood, will redeem the race from sin, disease and death. It will bring the flush of health to the cheek of dispair. It will drive out the devil and dis- ease, and replace in their stead God and Glory. It will answer the cries and prayers that have ascended from wailing millions through long ages of agony. Its words sing to the heart, with that match- less rythm, that carries conviction of the truth of the mighty facts it sets forth. No one can read it, without experiencing a beautiful and Life's Great Healing Law. 1 5 harmonious uplifting in mind, ennobling in soul, and strengthening of body. Its words when understood, cannot be forgotten ; for they vibrate with a vital and living force, which is the Eternal Truth. They will bid the tide of time, in the mem- ory of man to roll backwards, until he may raise the curtain, viewing the scene of the first promise made by God to man; and catch the truth of its meaning — " dominion. Dominion, Power, Authority, God-hood, Son-ship, Eter- nal Life, without which ho man can know God. This brave book reiterates the teachings of the Nazarene, which proclaimed that the "Kingdom of God is within you." That this God is ever present, and omnipotent, and is to be obeyed, worshipped and loved, with all one's heart, soul and strength. It teaches that Jesus lived His life on the earth, and saved mankind, by showing them the way to destroy sin, sick- ness and death; thus fulfilling God's law. To save not a few, only in Palestine, but all the race ; save from bondage to flesh, From sin and suffering, at all times and places, and under all conditions, through all the ages. In His day, the sick were healed ; the sinner cleansed, and the dead raised. He taught that 1 6 Life's Great Healing Law. God was Love. He taught, toiled and suffered, that men might learn that Love was, and is, Supreme. He taught the destruction of the works of all evil — through God alone. That man must first seek God's help, before it would be given. He taught that to seek God, was to find Him ; which meant salvation not after death, in realms beyond the skies, but freedom here and now from every human ill. The Christianity of the world, without the healing of the sick, was not what He preached and left to man- kind. He taught that they who walk with God, are empowered now to destroy evil, because it is contrary to an ever-present good. He com- manded His followers to preach the gospel, and heal the sick; and the record shows that they did the work: — the promise being to all who do God's will. This book takes up this line of teaching, and shows how it is that Life does all healing ; and that your own individual life is the Real Man, made in God's Image, who can never be sick, suffer or die. It shows that we are spiritual, harmonious and eternal, because we are co-existent with God the Father, born of Him, not of the flesh, Life's Great Healing Law. 17 and are as indestructible as this Infinite Pa- rent. It shows that we must, by a birth of consciousness, become masters; subordinating the mortal body and its discords, to the reality of a spiritual existence. This book shows how God's Power is the same yesterday, today and forever; and that today, the same miracles by the same laws, are being wrought that were performed in Judea nineteen hundred years ago. This book teaches that we are dependent for life, health and happiness, upon God, and God alone ; and that so long as men look not to God, but depend upon material and physical condi- tions to determine where, when and for how long a time they shall be well and happy ; they will be sick, sinful and miserable. It teaches that an all-loving, all-wise God. does not make men sick and sinful, and visit death upon them: that the command "be ye PERFECT/' means the attainment of perfec- tion through the overcoming of sin, sickness and death, by the consciousness of the Spirit's Mastery over the material. This book teaches that the Universe is gov- erned by law r , — by one God, one Law, one Life, one Power. That nature's laws are God's Laws. That man has unlimited power to con- 1 8 Life's Great Healing Law. trol nature's laws through growth into the higher consciousness; and that through this growth or process, by the law of suggestion we are shown how to come into conjunction with God. It teaches the law of harmony and perfection; proving that all Power belongs to Life, and how the whole man is controlled by suggestion; thus revealing the necessity for correct thinking. It shows that time and space are annihilated through the consciousness of the all-present, omnipotent Power of God. That the sick can be and are healed by the ob- servance of God's laws, in force to-day, the same as when Jesus walked the shores of Gali- lee, healing the sick and calling forth to life the dead from out the tomb. Read this book — Study its pages — learn the mighty principles herein set forth — how that Life controls all and is the master and not the servant of death : — and this mighty fact, when once imbedded in your, consciousness, will roll the stone from your grave away, loosing you from your limitations and preparing you for a walk with God. PREFACE. "The world does not require so much to be informed, as to be reminded. We all have ac- quired much knowledge, through association with nature, that we are unconscious of pos- sessing; because we have neglected to use or apply it. Most of us are familiar with the laws of nature, but never having taken the time to think of their application to our individual lives, we have failed in understanding their relation to and their workings within and upon the human form. There are no laws given, or statements made in this book but such as every student will feel at once, that he has already known. The work is only published to refresh the memory, and to remind us of the great importance of living by these laws — which pertain wholly to hi$£, and the power which it exercises over matter. This book is not to be read and laid aside, as most books are. It should be studied by all who desire to live in accordance with Lite's Great Healing Law. It should be as carefully studied, as the arith- metic is studied, by those who desire to learn 20 Life's Great Healing Law. the science of numbers. To fit ourselves for making a practical use of the multiplication table, in the business affairs of life, we did not simply read it over and lay it aside, but we stud- ied it, repeated it, until every truth it enunciates became fixed, indelibly in the mind ; where they have ever since remained, ready to respond to our call. And so it is, with the great principles stated in this book. They should be read over, stud- ied, repeated and reiterated, until the conscious Truths which they contain, take hold of the student. We all know that these principles require more than a casual reading, in order to under- stand them. The Science of Life, based on God, is of far more vital importance to the human soul than is the science of numbers, based on the prin- ciples of mathematics. We can live without the science of numbers, but we only exist with out the science of Life. Laws and principles must be studied and un- derstood, if we would apply them. This book is not the promulgation of a the- ory, but of a mighty Law; a law which is re- lated to, and connected with many laws, the principle of which, when understood and ap- Life's Great Healing Law. 21 plied, will not only heal all manner of diseases/ but will redeem the race. We claim no new discovery, but simply pre-' sent in our own way, an old truth, which was manifest in the first plant, that ever appeared on our planet. This book is the outgrowth of years of study, teaching, healing and the practical application of the principles set forth in its pages, which have invariably proved to be the healing law of life. In writing this book, it has been our con- stant aim to simplify, — making the subject as plain as possible, omitting that which might tend to mystify and discourage the student on these lines : — because many have been mysti- fied, and made to feel after years of reading or study, that they were incapable of grasping these truths, — when the fault lay not in them- selves, but in the way this subject had been pre- sented to them. Should it be thought that the terms which are commonly applied to Deity are used too fre- quently, it must be borne in mind that it was written for no other purpose, than to reveal to man his own Divine nature. In speaking of the Divine, we can only use the terms that define or belong to the Infinite, 22 Life's Great Healing Law. whether He be in man, or in the Heavens; hence we have used no words too strong to express our meaning. Strong language is the expression of Strong thoughts. Strong thoughts can only emanate from strong souls ; and strong souls draw their strength from God in whom they are centered, as a tree draws its strength from the soil, in which it is rooted. We sincerely hope that *'Life's Great Healing Law," may reach every sick and hungry soul, who is ready for it ; and cause them to change their thinking from sick- ness to health; from fear to confidence; from death to life; from faith in man, to faith in God. We desire to assure the sick and dis- tressed, in every clime, the unhappy and op- pressed in every land, that a knowledge of and compliance with the laws herein set forth, will bring health, happiness and harmony, into their lives, here and now. Densie HerEndeen. Washington, D. C, May ist, 1901. CHAPTER I. The Laws of Nature. the one: law. There is but one Law in the universe, and that is the Law of God. All the iaws of nature are but branches of this one law ; for the Infinite Law is composed of many laws, as the tree is composed of many branches. For man to have a clear understanding of the nature and operation of any of these laws, he must understand where and how they are connected, and what part they play in the Great Whole. When he understands this, he has a faith that is rooted and grounded in God; the faith that works miracles : — a knowledge that so far transcends faith as it is generally under- stood, that it is indeed the wisdom of God. THE UNIVERSE IS GOVERNED BY LAW. All things are controlled by Law. All na- ture is formed according to law; and this law 24 Life's Great Heeding Law. is omnipotent, omniscient and omrlipresent, in its reality ; for it is God working. This law of God, is the Life of God, and is the activity of the one Infinite, Omnipresent, Universal Power, which God is. Then, for us to have an understanding of the way in which God works, of the activity and nature of life, is, for us to understand the laws of nature. For man to understand the laws of nature, in the full meaning of what the word understand, implies, is for him to be able to control the forces of nature, in proportion to his degree of understanding ; to co-operate with the Laws of God, in proportion to his knowl- edge and faith, in those laws ; or in other words, to exercise the Dominion which was given him, "Over all the earth/' THE LAW OF HEALING. The fact that there ever has been a case of healing on our planet, is proof that there is a law back of it, the harmonious operation of which caused the healing to be. The very fact that people have been healed from time imme- morial, in different ways and by various meth- ods, is proof that there is an Infinite Law back of it all, which in some way has been co-opera- Life's Great Healing Law. 25 ted with either, consciously or unconsciously, by the healer. We will not take time to discuss the many methods in vogue, that affect the cure of dis- eases in the world, for our desire in this work, is to reveal to you the law that does all healing. We should seek to understand the surest and quickest way by which man can come into conjunction with this Infinite Law of God. We should seek to understand how he can control the forces of nature : — the surest and most desirable means, by which he can be- come conscious of his ability to exercise hi? God-given powers. ONK LAW, ONE POWER, ONE LIFE. The great underlying truth on which all heal- ing is based, is the fact that there is but one God ; one Power ; one Law and one Life. Life is the operation of this power. Law is the method or manner, by and through which it operates ; and God is the Infinite Operator. The Universe and all that is contained there- in, is formed by this one Life; controlled and acted upon by this one Law; filled and per- fected, by this Infinite Power. And so man, and all that is within him, is formed by this same Life, controlled and acted upon by this 26 Life's Great Healing Law. same Law, healed and perfected by this same Power. That which is true of the universe is true of man. That which is true of nature is true of man. All nature is reproduced in man; hence all laws, functions and forces of nature, are opera- tive and active in man. man's place in the great WHOLE. It is because man is a conscious being; be- cause he is an individual conscious entity, with power to move and do at will ; that he is greater than all that is external to him. He is more powerful than all nature ; because he has within himself, though latent, the power and ability to consciously control nature. Man's greatness, depends wholly on his con- sciousness. He is great only on those lines in which he is conscious of being master; or upon those in which he exercises his dominion. If, however, he can become conscious of his connection with the Great Whole — become con- scious of his connection with all life — con- scious of his innate ability and power to quicken and exhilerate it — retard and control its action — he is only beginning to take the place in the world, which it was destined for him to occupy. Life's Great Healing Law. 27 It is by the use of man's reasoning powers, "his knowledge of right and wrong, and his in- timate connection, or conscious association with Life itself, that he will be enabled to heal all manner of diseases. GOD FORMS NATURE. Nature is what we see in the world as a re- sult of Life itself, and is the material manifes- tation of its activities. It is this Life within and behind all things, that causes them to be; and forms "Man of the dust of the earth." Then it follows, that the laws of nature, are the laws of life, and the laws of life are the laws of God ; every one of which is eternal and un- changeable in its mode of operation. THE LOWER KINGDOMS. Nature is divided into four kingdoms: — Mineral, vegetable, animal and human. Life is everywhere present, in each and all. It is through the functions that belong to life alone, that these kingdoms are enabled to exist. As has been truly said: "God sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, moves in the animal and comes to consciousness in man ;" or in other words, life sleeps in the mineral, 28 Life's Great Healing Law. breathes in the vegetable, moves in the animal, and comes to consciousness in man. The things that we see, are but the embodi- ment of the life which inhabits them. The dif- ferent kingdoms on our planet but reveal the different conditions or activities of this same life. All mineral life, when quickened and awak- ened, or through its quickening and awaken- ing, takes upon itself vegetable form; and through this activity becomes what we call vegetative or organic life. Thus, by this same law of progress, — this quickening and awak- ening process, — Life takes upon itself higher and higher forms, or more complex and in- tricate organisms, through which it manifests animal life, and then human life. It is to be through this same quickening and awakening process, that there is to come forth upon our planet the Divine life; for "the Kingdom of God is at hand." The functions of vegetative life, or that which constitutes its activity, are its powers of growth, repair and reproduction. Hence, wherever organic life is found, we find these three principles manifest ; for it is the nature of all life to grow, repair, and reproduce every organism, in which it is embodied. In the ani- Life's Great Healing Law. 29 mal kingdom, we find these same functions, op- erating, and as they belong to the life, and not to matter, we find them always operative in all organic forms. That which causes the animal kingdom to be, separating and making it distinct from the veg- etable kingdom, is the function which belongs exclusively to animal life, and is locomotion, instinct and sensation. We must always keep thoroughly fixed in the mind, the fact, that the plant does not grow, but that the life grows the plant; that the animal does not move, but the life moves the animal. It is the nature of the life to repair and reproduce itself, and not the nature of matter. Sensation and instinct do not belong to the animal; but they do belong wholly to the life within the animal. It is through the use of these functions which belong to animal life alone, that it is enabled to control the vegetative forces within it. In other words, the life in the animal must use its pow- er^ of locomotion, following its instincts, in order to satisfy its sensations of hunger, before it can grow, repair or reproduce itself. THE BASIC LAW OF HEALING. The Life's forces, are manifest in vegetable structure. The Life's functions are manifest 30 Life's Great Healing Law. in animal organisms ;• and the Life's faculties^ within and through the human form. It cannot be too strongly emphasized, that, as the life's forces in the animal, are used and controlled wholly by the animal functions, so must the life's faculties in man, or the human mind, wholly and completely use and control all the forces and animal functions, within his. own organism. This is the great fundamental law, on which all healing is based, viz. : that the highest mani- festation of life, operative in any kingdom on our planet, controls wholly and absolutely, all the functions and forces of life which have pre- ceded it, in the order of evolution; and which are operative and active within it. THE KINGDOM OF MAN. We will now consider man — the human kingdom — in whom is operative, all the forces and functions of life, or of nature, which have preceded him ; and which must be controlled by him, if he would be the perfect man that God intended him to be. It is through this law, that man, because of his rational, moral and in- spirational nature, is to control the vegetative forces and animal functions within himself. It is through man's reasoning on what is Life's Great Healing Law. 31 right and wrong, as his inspirational nature reveals it to him — which is his direct conjunc- tion with life itself — that enables him to con- trol his locomotion, instinct and sensation, and his processes of growth, repair and reproduc- tion. Man has consciously trained himself to con- trol his power of locomotion. Through his reason, his feet carry him where he wishes to go and his hands perform the work which he desires accomplished; because, through his brain and nerves, which connect his mind with these members of the body, he is enabled to control them at will. In the same way he must control his sensa- tion, for every part of his body is permeated with the ramifications of the fine nerves, which are in turn connected with larger ones, until they reach the brain ; which is the organ of the mind. This shows us that through the same reasoning powers, and a conscious knowledge of what is true and what is false, or what we desire and do not desire, man can change and control his sensations, in exactly the same way, that he changes and controls his locomotion. It is because the members of the body are connected with the brain, that they are under the control of the mind. So it is in like man- 32 Life's Great Healing Law. ner, because every part of the body is connected with the brain, that every part of it is under the control of the mind. The reason that we have both voluntary and involuntary functions in the body, is because the mind has never been trained to control the organs, as it has been trained to control the members. Teach the child from infancy its inability and the impossibility, of its accomplishing certain things, and it will never try ; until it begins to think for itself, and to have faith in its own ability to do them. CHAPTER II. Nature s Laws in Man. NATURES LAWS EMPHASIZED. We have thus far in this treatise, set forth the following fundamental truths. First, that life is everywhere present. Second, that life is God, working. Third, that the working, is according to fixed and unchangeable laws, which man is capable of understanding; and fourth, that all laws when understood, can be co-operated with, or used by man. Again, we have the facts clearly stated, that all forces, functions faculties and powers, be- long exclusively to the life that is embodied in the individual form that it is making. It is the life alone, in these individual forms, that grows, repairs, reproduces, moves, knows right from wrong, controls, feels and reasons; because it is connected with the great Life of the Universe, which is the Life of God. our mistake. We have been attributing to matter, the 34 Life's Great Healing Law. power that alone belongs to life. We have been attributing to Caesar the power that be- longs to God. That we "Render unto Caesar, the things which are Caesar's, and to God, the things that are God's," is an absolute necessity. We say, the plants grow ; the animals move ; but when we stop to consider, we know that plants do not grow, but that they are grown; that animals do not move, but are moved. It is the life in each that performs the work. Our thoughts and words, should be in accordance with the truth of that of which we are thinking or speaking ; for the law is, "By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." If the power belongs to God, then admit it, and cease attributing it to matter ; for it is only in this way, that we learn to know God, and become conscious of our connection with Him, "whom to know aright, is life eternal/' man's unlimited powers. It is because man is not conscious of his connection with this universal Power, that he has become limited, diseased, sickened and died. It is by and through his becoming conscious of his connection with this same universal Whole Life's Great Healing Law. 35 — this abundance of life which surrounds him, and of which he has known nothing — that he will yet come to know, understand and realize, his unlimited powers. When man shall, as he will and must, come to a realization of his powers through knowing God, it will enable him to heal all manner of diseases, because it will establish him in the position which God ordained that he should oc- cupy; and thus enable him to use the powers that already belong to him ; because they were conferred upon him by the Infinite Father, hence his by Divine right. Of what use to man has been this God-given dominion? For him to be ignorant of his power, is it not the same as though he did not possess it ? He may be only a servant or slave, throughout his entire existence, because he is ignorant of his real true nature; but when he begins to see the truth of that which his true inheritance implies — begins to understand his power and ability to do and be — because of what he is — he willingly and gladly exchanges the life of servitude for one of mastery ; the life of weakness for one of Power. A MOST IMPORTANT TRUTH. . Another great fact of life which is proven to 36 Life's Great Healing Law. us throughout all nature, and which we must ever keep before the mind, is, that all of these forces and functions of life, wherever operative and active, are working for the perfection of the organism in which they are found. It is a mighty fact, that all life — that the Infinite Universal Life itself, has but one aim and ob- ject; and that is, not only to grow and restore all organisms, but to continue to work within and upon them, until they are perfected. There is no cessation fronj the beginning to the finish, except what we may call rest periods, through different seasons of the year, in which all nature seems to sleep; but, is always awakened with renewed vigor, for everything is working to- ward the final finish : — toward the absolutely perfect. The life starts the little plant from the seed in the ground, brings it up into the open air and sunlight, shoots out its branches, strength- ens its limbs and then brings forth the blossom and fruit. In like manner, it starts the little animals in the world, growing and expanding their organisms, until they become mighty beasts of the fields and forests. By and through this same law an Infinite child is evolved and brought forth, into the world, fed and nourished, cultivated and educated, Life's Great Healing Law. 37 until it stands forth a living, thinking self-con- scious entity. It is this self-consciousness that constitutes the difference between man and nature, and which will enable him to control nature. It is because of_his power to think that man is lifted not only above nature, but is to become conscious of all that is within and behind nature. We must first eradicate thoroughly from our minds, the idea of man's unworthiness ; of his littleness, of his inability to attain anything beyond that which his ancestors have acom- plished before him. The thought that our fore-fathers lives are good enough for us to live, should never be indulged for one moment by us; unless they finished the work that God gave them to do. Man should never be satisfied to leave this planet, until he has not only exercised, but cul- tivated and developed every God given func- tion, faculty and power, to its fullest extent. Man is not prying into the mysteries of God by studying and understanding His works : — His method and mode of operation — in other words, "His will concerning us." We too often excuse our ignorance, our mental laziness, by saying that these things are un-knowable, for- getting that "There is nothing covered, that 38 Life's Great Healing Law, shall not be revealed ; neither hid, that shall not be known/' if man will but get near enough to the Infinite Heart, to see things as the Lord sees them, and to receive instructions from this Divine Master, thus enabling him to do things as God does them. The foregoing laws are but natural laws; revealing to us the way in which God does things throughout nature in a general sense; and also how He does them through and with man, in a particular sense. In other words, all the general laws of nature, are particularized in man ; and each one of us is in the process of becoming conscious of this particularization. That is, becoming conscious of the Universal Spirit, working in the individual. It is facts that we are seeking ; natural facts : — facts that pertain wholly to, and are the re- sult of these natural laws of our being : — f acts, that when seen and understood by us, we would be willing to stake our whole existence on the truth of their reality. THE TENDENCY OF LIFE TO HEAL. Many people have been cured through a blind faith in that which they believed would cure them, without any knowledge or understanding of the process involved; but curing and heal- Life's Great Healing Law. 39 ing, are not the same. Curing, is only tem- porary relief, a change in conditions, a change of sensations ; while healing, is a consciousness born of the true knowledge of the Infinite in- working powers; the consciousness which grows and is strengthened; which is enlarged and broadened by this knowledge, until not only diseases are healed, but all other undesirable conditions are destroyed and overcome with them. The law of healing, is the most wonderful law of life. It is the great repairing process that we find throughout all nature. All the forces and powers of life work together for the advancement and perfection of this re- storing tendency ; this repairing process that we find carried on so extensively, minutely and omnipotently throughout all nature. This is the healing power of God.; and throughout the entire vegetable, animal and human kingdoms, God has not only shown us His ability to heal all organisms when diseased or injured, but His determination to do so. We find this healing tendency operative in man with re-doubled vigor — because in man is the co-operative faculty; the ability to con- sciously work with it, which thereby exhiler- ates, increases or magnifies it, to an unlimited 4-0 Life's Great Healing Law. degree ; thus causing what is termed "instanta- neous healing.'' When man understands and knows that this law of his nature is God, working within hint, he will then have a consciousness of his power and ability to follow the injunction of the Mas- ter, of not only going into the world, and preaching the gospel to every creature, but of healing the sick, casting out demons, and rais- ing the dead. This command would not have been given by one who could and did consciously control all the forces of nature, had He not known that we were to become conscious of, and use, this same Power. In the study of life then, we not only see the law by and through which all these things can be accomplished, but we see the law which Jesus understood, when he said, "Greater things than these shall ye do!' "Except a man be born again," — born from the consciousness of matter and material con- ditions having control over him, into a con- sciousness of life, whereby understanding the laws and forces of nature, he controls all con- ditions external to and below himself, — "He cannot see the kingdom of God." CHAPTER III. Birth and Growth of Individual Consciousness. the: infinite; machine:. When the child is born into the world and placed in its cradle, there is nothing there but life and matter : — the life which formed the little body through its vegetative forces, and the material elements of which this form is com- posed. Within that tiny form is the Divine Mechanic, the Infinite Life itself; also the in- struments and the organs that it has not only invented, but has constructed and placed there for its own individual use. It is only beginning now, to use the machine. The little brain is commencing to act, for the first time ; and the wee lungs have only begun to take in and use the atmosphere. There has never yet been a particle of food taken into the little stomach. Although the whole machine is ready, like an Infinite locomotive, to start on its first run, — it has hardly commenced to move. 42 Life's Great Healing Law. The Infinite Master who made it, lives within it. He is well equipped with all of His propell- ing powers; with all His reconstructing forces, and His intelligent manipulations, to do with it, and for it, exactly as He knows best. If He knows not how to repair it, after bring- ing it here, He surely knew not how to make it. But as it is made, and we look at the perfect little form, watch the wonderful breathing, the beating of the heart, the little eyes rolling around in their sockets, as yet unconscious of the wonders that lie before them; and as it takes its first nourishment, closes them and goes to sleep as naturally as though it had always done so — we cannot help but think of the per- fect intelligence, the Infinite love, and the abso- lute powers of life, that could construct such a wonderful piece of machinery. THE WRONG SUGGESTION. We watch the little mechanism from day to day as it grows, develops and becomes con- scious of the things around it. We see it tak- ing cold, the measles and the mumps; taking them just as it does the medicines that are poured into it; taking all the childrens' dis- eases, which we have been taught that every child must have: — and we think, "You poor Life's Great Heeding Low. 43 little thing ! You have come into a hard world, and there is nothing but a. great struggle for life before you. If you survive without star- vation or the small pox, cancer, or being afflict- ed with some other dreadful thing, you will have done well ; but on the whole, it would have been much better for you, if you had never been born. There's nothing but trials, troubles, afflictions, sufferings and distresses before you in life — which is hard enough at best, — and God only knows what you will have to go through." Think of this, will you ? This is the way the little Infinite life is taught. This is the quality and character of the suggestions that are poured into it, from infancy to old age. Because 'it is the Infinite Master that dwells within — the Divine Musician — it can play every tune that is thus given it, on its own little harp. It com- mences by playing the cold, sneezing and cough- ing until its little strings are almost broken; then runs the cold into pneumonia, and winds up with scarlet fever; which leaves the poor little instrument, very much battered and badly worn, if not entirely disabled for life. In this w r ay it goes on, throughout its- entire life ; trying as best it may and can to repair and restore its own instrument. And yet, because 44 Life's Great Healing Law. of its nature, because of the law of its being, it must carry out all' of the instructions that are given it. In other words, it must either play, or play at, every horrible tune that is called for,, by the clamoring mob around it. the; right suggestion. On the other hand, one should stand by and see that little form come into the world, know- ing that no power under the heavens or in the universe, could construct and bring it forth, but God Himself. One must also know that its Infinite Maker, has His own plan, His own purpose — and His own idea that He desires to carry out with and for it, the same as He had His idea and purpose in making it. To such an one, is known the fact, that God will not stop His effort, will not cease from His labor, until He has finished the work which He has only just begun. To one who can thus see behind the veil of flesh — if the Divine Suggestions only, are given to this little one — what a vastly different life, is open for it. In its little form would be seen to be, only the Infinite Maker, the Divine Mas- ter, God Himself, working. This Infinite being should be seen, not only at the beginning of the process, but it should Life's Great Healing Law. 45 be recognized as being ever present to cope with all adversities. To fight all battles. To heal all diseases. To comfort all that mourn; and to rule in and reign over the earth, as it rules in and reigns over its own physical organism. No limitations should be placed upon this little one, because the body should be recog- nized as only a physical shape. That which animates and controls it, should be seen to be the very same Infinite Life that it was before it commenced to construct the little form, and bring it into the world. It should be seen to' be the same Life embodied in this human form that is manifest throughout nature. It should be seen to be the Son of God, the child of omnipotence; partaking wholly of the nature quality and attributes of God, its Father. It should be seen to be the Real Man, to whom God gave "dominion over all the earth." It is this idea of its dominion, of its mastery, of its wisdom, of its powers, of its ability to do and be, whatever it desires to do and be ; that should be given to it. It is this idea of its possessing only unlimited powers on every line, and in every conceivable way that will develop and bring forth only the unlimited and perfect nature within it, that should be poured into it, from the very beginning of its 46 Life's Great Healing Lazv. existence ; if it would stand forth in the world, in character, quality and nature, the man that God intended it should be. the; process. This transformation is brought about, by the same law, and accomplished in exactly the same way, that all things are brought about with mankind on our planet. The very same law that fills the human or- ganism with all the imperfections that "flesh is heir to," will fill this same organism with all the perfections, that man, the Infinite son of God, is heir to. This is done wholly, by the law of suggestion, which is a law of God. It is the law that God has established for the purpose of educating man ; for the purpose of quicken- ing, awakening, and developing the individual consciousness in him. The individual consciousness is brought forth, by this law of suggestion. First, the physical consciousness, or the knowledge of being material. Then the intellectual and moral, which is his becoming conscious that he is a living, thinking being — knowing right from wrong ; and next, the psychic and spiritual, which is the consciousness of his immortality, and his conjunction with God his Father. Life's Great Healing Law. 47 These different degrees, or states of con- sciousness, must be quickened and opened in the individual, the same as the different stages and degrees of life, are quickened and opened in nature. Man, being a reproduction of the whole, then that which has been produced in the whole, must of necessity be re-produced in him. As he is a conscious being, constantly climbing^ higher and higher in consciousness, this climb- ing process is but his becoming conscious of the life doing within himself all that it has pre- viously done in nature. BIRTH OF CONSCIOUSNESS. But what is this individual consciousness? From whence does it come? We all know when the child is born into the world, that there is no individual consciousness born with it: — for there is absolutely nothing there, but life and matter. Of course there are the tendencies to limitation, and the tendencies to Infinite possibilities ; but the infant is wholly unconscious of it all. The consciousness, is the result of the life acting within and upon the body, after it brings it into the world. It is the result, of the way the life uses the little brain, or of what it thinks. 48 Life's Great Healing Law. Individual consciousness, is the result of thinking. We must think, in order to know; and what we know, we become conscious of. It is thus, that consciousness is evolved or created — 'tis in this way only, that it is devel- oped. The quality and character of the conscious- ness, is wholly determined by the quality and character of the thinking which preceded it. The physical senses — seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling — are the avenue or chan- nels, which connect this embodied life, this in- dividual entity, with the things external to itself, and to its own organism. It is through the use of these senses that it begins to recognize, reflect, remember, reason, understand, know and finally become conscious of the things through which, in this way, it has come in contact. It is by and through the use of these senses, faculties and powers, which belong to the life alone,, that this consciousness is born, or that the life within, becomes con- scious of being an individual entity. As these faculties and powers, are first called forth by matter, and are used within and upon matter, it is but natural that the life should first acquire a consciousness of being material Life's Great Healing Law. 49 or physical; for all suggestions are taken into life, by and through these same avenues with which it handles, and comes in contact with ma- terial substance. GROWTH IN CONSCIOUSNESS. It is because Life has acquired this physical consciousness through thinking and planning for that alone which pertains to its physical or animal nature, that it becomes, what we call a physical or animal man. You must remember that this physical or ani- mal consciousness, is evolved or created, by man's giving his whole attention to his animal instincts ; and as they are always fed in the body and with the body, he becomes conscious only of his body, hence he thinks that the body is himself. It is because the man desires only matter, and the gratification of the animal instincts which are felt and enjoyed only in and through mat- ter, that this consciousness is called physical or material ; for it is composed wholly of material thoughts. This is natural in a certain stage of the pro- cess of development, but it is only that which all must pass through; for man cannot tarry long in this condition, without injury to the 50 Life's Great Healing Law. intellectual and moral faculties, which must also be awakened and developed. On the higher plane of his being, the phys- ical and animal become his servants, instead of he their slave. His rational and moral nature assumes control ; and his consciousness is grad- ually changed from a sensuous animal, to an in- tellectual and moral man. He becomes con- scious of reasoning and thinking on any line. To all animal instincts he says, "Thus far shalt thou go, and no farther." He not only desires to do certain things, but through his reasoning powers he has cultivated a will, that is strong enough to enable him to do what he desires. Every mental faculty is alert and active ; and man becomes conscious that he is £n intellectual being. And yet, this is not the highest con- sciousness, but only a step on the way. FALSE PREMISE. The most intellectual men we have had on our planet, have been unconscious of being any- thing more than mere physical forms. They have admitted that the machinery in their body runs, that some force or power kept it in oper- ation; but many of them have believed that "death ends all ;"and because they have been un- able to gain any knowledge beyond their physi- Life's Great Healing Law. 51 cal senses, they have believed there was no knowledge beyond. Never having reasoned from life out, but always from matter in, they have failed in getting the true solution to the problem. FROM TH£ NATURAL TO THE) SPIRITUAL. All reasoning that starts with matter alone, must be as limited as matter is. In the same way, all reasoning that starts with life, must be as unlimited as life is. The end, of neces- sity, is involved in the beginning. The whole problem of human and Divine life, is involved in consciousness, and must be evolved from this same consciousness. As we have the vegetative, animal and human life in nature, each following the other, or un- folding out of the other, into higher and higher manifestations, so we have the physical, intel- lectual and spiritual consciousness, which un- fold or open up, into higher and higher degrees of realization. As the life force within nature, is the creating power that forms or causes all of the different organisms to exist, so thought, within man, is the creative power, that forms or causes all of these different states of consciousness to exist. When man begins to see himself, as life, and 52 Life's Great Healing Law. not as matter, as a mental instead of a physical being, he is then only beginning to understand his true nature. But seeing or comprehending this truth does not do away with the physical, but it does adjust it; placing it where it belongs. Also, when man sees himself as being wholly spiritual, composed of life itself, it does not do aivay with the rational being that he thought he was, but places it where it belongs. THE OFFICE OF REASON. Man, is the king on the throne, and Reason is his chief high counsellor. It serves him — he never serves it. Its business is to be out in the world ; to gather all the knowledge and wisdom of the world and bring it to him ; and he must listen to it. It determines and decides all things for him. Through the way it weighs and measures all the information that it gives him, or in others words, through the way he uses all that it brings him, is he enabled to retain his throne. As reason is under him, serving him, so must the physical body, sensation, all the animal instincts and vegetative forces, be under it, and serve it. When man reaches a point in life, where he is taught to believe, because of the suggestions given him, — 'that he is above reason,' 'that he Life's Great Healing Law. 53 has become so spiritual he has outgrown reason/ and he should pay no attention to it, he becomes insane. He 'has lost his reason/ The chief high counsellor has left him. He has no way of controlling his subjects. No way of knowing what is transpiring around him, either within his own kingdom, or outside of it. Reason is the great light-house on the shore of life. Many people are in the asylum today, because of having been taught and made to believe that their reason was beneath them. THK CAPTAIN OF TH£ SHIP OF Utffi. Reason is the captain on the ship, but it is not the owner. The owner is "the master/' and in most of us, he is "asleep in the hinder part of the ship," and has never been awakened. Reason, the strong courageous captain, must be, not only nourished and protected, but obeyed and honored in every respect. All that is done in every part of the ship dur- ing the entire voyage, should be but the carry- ing out of the captain's orders. The ship is put to rights and kept in order, only by his com- mand; repaired and strengthened according to his own directions ; and the willing and obedi- 54 Life's Great Healing Law. ent service of the crew, depends almost wholly upon the way he manages them. Every living being is on the great sea of life; and our human ships exist, only because of the fact that the Infinite Master dwells within. We become water-logged or stranded, drift with the tide, or lashed nearly to pieces by the waves; lamed, halt or blind, just in proportion, as we have not awakened this Infinite Master. Suppose we strike an unseen rock, that in- jures and disables the ship, and, unconscious of the power of the Master on board to repair the injury, we hoist the signal of distress, and call in a doctor to repair the damages. This is slow, laborious, and always expensive. Many times the ship sinks, before the doctor arrives ; and often after his appearance, on the scene, because of his lack of knowledge, the engine ceases to act, and the ship goes down. CALIv THE OWNER. The true way is to awaken or call the Master. He who not only built the ship in the beginning, but invented it, as well. He who made all the materials, out of which it was constructed ; and more than this, he formed the substance out oi which all the materials were made. He not only knows how to turn water into Life's Great Healing Law. 55 wine, but how to turn water into blood : — pure, perfect, healthy blood. Knows, not only how to multiply loaves and fishes : — but to multiply the flesh, functions, faculties, vitality and powers, strengthening and renewing every part and par- ticle of this great machine. When this Master is awakened, we then have on deck with us, our own mechanic, lawyer, priest and physician. To awaken this Master, this Owner, and keep him on deck with us all the time, is the object and aim of all true heal- ing. The only purpose of this book, is to re- veal the Law, by and through which this may be accomplished. The reason why our ship has not gone to the bottom, been lashed to pieces by the waves and breakers, or stranded on the rocks and shoals, is because it carries this Infinite Master ; for : — "Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea, Or demons or men, or whatever it be, No waters can swallow the ship where lies, The Master of Heaven, and earth, and skies." CHAPTER IV. Magnify the Lord. REAL HEALING. Real healing is to "magnify the Lord." To magnify anything or any one, we must in speaking or thinking of it or them, always ex- aggerate, enlarge upon, that of which we may have only caught a glimpse, until we have in our own mind and consciousness, so increased the character and nature of that which we are magnifying, that it appears to our mental vision to be, and we really believe it is exactly as we have magnified it. This is all done by the law of suggestion, which is the GREAT law OF LIFE. All healing is done by the law of suggestion, — whether that suggestion is material, oral or mental. The life forces within the patient are "amenable to control, by suggestion," and they are wholly and completely under its sway. If the suggestion of disease is held to, more tena- ciously than that of health, the disease will make its appearance in the body; and the pa- Life's Great Healing Law. 57 tient will die, if the suggestion of death, is stronger than that of life. The doctor suggests to his patient his ability to heal him, by taking his case. He follows up this suggestion with medicines, all the time, adding others by words of encouragement and cheer; such as — "Oh! you'll soon be all right; you'll be better to-morrow; the fever or pain will soon be gone; get a good sleep now and you will wake up feeling much better." In ad- dition to his medicines and words of hope, are his mental suggestions, which are his faith in the patient's recovery; in his own ability to heaJ the disease or keep the patient sick with the drugs, in which he has so much confidence. All of these different forms of suggestions, would amount to nothing were it not for the life in the body. It is the life that takes up every suggestion and acts upon it, exactly in proportion to the weight that the suggestion carries with it; and that is determined wholly by the power that any prior suggestion may have over that. You should always keep in mind the impor- tant fact, that this life in the patient's body, is the Lord of that particular individual ; and that it is this Lord who reigns supremely through- out every particle of the entire organism. 58 Life's Great Healing Law, It is this life or Lord, that made the body in the first place; and it is this same life or Lord that digests, assimilates and appropriates all foods, for its own use. There is but one life; and yet there are lives many. "There is but one Lord, and yet there are Lords many." No doctor or healer, of whatever "pathy," or "faith," will treat a corpse. When the life is gone, or this individual Lord has left His ma- terial habitation, all work ceases; and mortal man stops his efforts. The desire and effort of every physician on every line — from the little pill doctor, to the Great Physician — is to quicken or awaken; to exhilerate or in some way control this life, or Infinite Lord within. Each one undertakes it, according to his understanding of what it is, and his belief in his own ability to accomplish what he desires to do. THE LAW OF SUGGESTION. This law of suggestion, is the basis of all education ; for it controls the entire mental and physical man. Material, oral and mental sug- gestions, are poured into the individual from infancy to old age. His whole life is controlled by suggestion; and the quality, character and success of his life, is determined wholly by the Life's Great Healing Law. 59 suggestions he has received, and the way he has acted upon them. All suggestions are made to the life within M either consciously or unconsciously. This is proven by the fact that no one ever makes sug- gestions to a lifeless form. No one ever sug- gests to it, what it might, can or should do; thus proving that it is the life alone, that re- ceives and acts upon the suggestion given. It is the life alone, that takes up every suggestion, and works it out into — what we may call — the individual consciousness, and the physical or- ganism. All healing, on every line, practiced to-day, is but an effort on the part of the healer, to "magnify the Lord." He does this in his own way, either blindly and ignorantly, or intelli- gently and consciously; which depends wholly on his understanding of who and what the Lord is, or in other words, his understanding of the activity and nature of the Infinite life. Real healing then, is the result of a clear, true understanding of the nature and tenden- cies of the life or Lord within; and in having all suggestions made in exact conformity with its real and true nature. Every suggestion given, is accepted by it, whether true or false ; and as it is Infinite in its power of operating, 60 Life's Great Healing Law. it quietly goes forward, carrying out the sug- gestions it receives, to the best of its ability; whether it be to produce a cold or cure one, to create a fever, or control one. But the true suggestion, given with a clear understanding of the truth involved, carries with it, infinitely nwre force and power; be- cause it awakens in the life the consciousness of what it really is. This causes it to manifest in the flesh, the truth of its being; which is perfect health, and perfect happiness. the: power of imagination. The diseased, unhappy poverty-stricken con- dition of mankind to-day, is the result of the ignorant use, or abuse, of man's great magnify- ing faculty ; which is imagination. Ninety per cent of all the diseases, unhappiness and pov- erty in the world, is the direct result of distort- ed imagination. To imagine one's conditions as worse than they are, is a sure way to bring about those worse conditions ; because all such thoughts are auto-suggestions, which too often carry with them, the controlling power. To magnify our aches and pains, — the evil things that have been said about us, — our ina- bility to do what we would like to do — our lack Life's Great Healing Law. 61 of money — or, the fear that what we now have, will not last us long, or will give out before the arrival of that dreaded 'rainy day/ — is to give directions to the Infinite life within; and sug- gests to it, that which it faithfully carries out and externalizes, in the individual conscious- ness. FALSE TEACHING. We have given no heed to the command to "Magnify the Lord," because we have spent all of our time in magnifying 'the Devil/ The Devil having been believed to be, the being who opposes everything that, the Lord undertakes to do ; and we having been taught from infancy, that because of our forefathers having entered into conversation with him, he led them into sin, from which they have never escaped. We have also been taught, because we are children of these same ancient relics of ignorance and selfishness, that we were born in this same sin — that we are under his control, and all unhap- piness, poverty, diseases and death, are the di- rect result of our association with him. All of these old ideas or suggestions, must be eradicated from the mind, before we can ex- pect or hope to be healed, or to understand God's laws. There is no way by which we can 62 Life's Great Healing Law. loosen our hold on the so-called Devil or his hold upon us, so quickly as by taking a firm hold upon God. "We cannot serve two mas- ters." CONSCIOUS CONJUNCTION WITH GOD. We must learn to recognize the omnipotent power of God in all things, working for Good. We must also recognize the fact that no living being, creature or thing, demon or saint, can interfere with God's work, within and for us, if we but keep ourselves in conscious conjunc- tion with Him. Conscious conjunction with Him, means conscious connection with the uni- versal Life ; drawing from it constantly, health, strength and vigor, happiness, peace and love, courage, success and plenty. There is nothing that can shut us off, or come between us and this Infinite reservoir, unless we let it. Nothing can interfere with us in any way, but we ourselves. No power can hold the disease in our body, the beliefs in our mind, or the ignorance pertaining to all things, but we ourselves. Every living being who is conscious of his thinking power ; conscious of his ability to con- trol his own mind, can determine what he will think, and w^hat he will not think — what he Life's Great Healing Law. 63 will become conscious of, and what he will not become conscious of. Through the same way that he determines what he will do and what he will not do, so does he determine what he will feel and what he will not feel. It is through the reasoning power that man controls his locomotion, and so by the same method does he control his sensation. The suggestion is made as to where he will go, and what he will do — reason deciding what is best and most desirable under the circum- stances, — and the life within moves the body away to accomplish the desired results. In like manner with regard to sensation. The sug- gestion of pain or pleasure is given ; and reason takes it up deciding what is best, what is right and most desirable ; and the life within the body responds as readily, automatically and per- fectly, to carry out the desired results, as it does in the other instance. TH£ ignorant man. The reason why we have not heretofore rec- ognized the importance of this mightly truth, is because we have never given the subject proper attention. It is only the densely ignor- ant man or woman who condemns without in- vestigation, any subject that they do not under- 64 Life's Great Healing Law. stand. The wise and honest man will always admit that he does not know, thus placing him- self in an attitude to learn the truth, by recog- nizing the fact that because he does not know or understand the truth, is no reason why it should not exist. That because he is not fa- miliar with all the laws of nature, does not signify that nature has no laws. Paul says, "That which is not of faith is sin/' All ignorance is sin. Being born in sin, is be- ing born into ignorance. Remaining in sin, is to remain in ignorance. Getting out of or free from sin, is only done through knowledge, and this knowledge or wisdom, comes only through proper thinking. Knowledge of God, and the things of God, gives the required faith that not only lifts man above sin, but stops his sinning; for it lifts him out of ignorance, and puts an end to his folly. Just so long as we believe in a 'personal Devil/ or an 'evil power,' that can interfere with God's work with us, anti our work with God, we are a house divided against itself ; and Jesus emphasized the fact, that a house thus di- vided cannot stand. SUFFICIENT FAITH. Man always has enough faith to accomplish Life's Great Healing Law. 65 his purpose; but in order for him to make a success in everything, both for himself and others, he must centre this faith on that which will do him the most good. To centre all of his faith in God, is to be so closely united to Him, that God and one become a majority: for Whatsoever ye shall ask, believing it shall be done unto you, of my Father, which is in Heaven. But to centre his faith in the power of evil, in the Devil ; the Devil and one become a ma- jority; for 'As your faith, so be it unto you." This axiom, given us by the Divine Master, "As your faith, so be it unto you," is a universal law: and hence, applicable in all circumstan- ces and conditions of life. CHAPTER V. Practical Illustrations. THE GROWTH OF A BOIL. When you see a little speck of inflammation showing forth upon the body, and you begin to suggest to yourself and others, — "It's a boil. I'm sure that it's a boil ; because I have seen and had them; and I guess / know perfectly well what boils are." You watch the, at first, little speck enlarge and grow, until it is "unto thee, according to thy faith." Your faith is wholly in the boil; in the pain and suffering which it produces ; and this faith, this fear, brings you into a full and complete realization of it. On the other hand, if you had faith in God — if you as certainly knew and thought that your body is a temple of God, and the Spirit of God dzvells within His holy temple — you would sug- gest to this perfect life within — even though the boil might be far on the way — that IT had the Life's Great Healing Law. 67 power and ability to stop all inflammation, and to heal the boil immediately. You would set your reasoning faculties to work, to suggest or remind the life within, that it had constructed channels within that body, gates and doors, by which all the refuse should be carried off, without breaking through the walls or eating holes in the flesh. This suggestion would at once be taken up by the life; and it would much more willingly and easily stop the pain, and reduce all inflam- mation, than it would continue to 'bring the boil to a head ;' because, that is its normal way of operation. The intense desire of all the forces, functions and powers of its nature, are on the line of construction, and not of de- struction. The Infinite power of the universe is bearing down upon them, and compelling them to heal. God being the Infinite all perfect one, all the forces and laws of His being must not only be perfect, but must bring forth perfection. It is the innate tendency of all the life forces to pro- duce perfection. Hence, when you talk boil, think, suggest and have faith in boils, the Infin- ite power sees to it, that you get a perfect boil. 68 Life's Great Healing Law. PERFECT DISEASES. The life's nature is to carry out every sug- gestion given. It's nature is to perfect, every- thing that it creates. As it creates or exter- nalizes in your consciousness all suggestions given to it, you have as a result, not only per- fect boils, but perfect felons, perfect gout, rheu- matism, paralysis, consumption, dyspepsia, smallpox; and in fact you are disabled, "laid up," as the result of your own suggestion, and the suggestions of others, by this same Infinite life. Just as long as you continue to believe that there are diseases which your flesh is heir to, "as your faith, so be it unto you." We all receive what we inherit. Every case is tried before the Supreme Court. The Infinite Judge is always at his post of duty, and every one receives according to the claims which he makes before this Judge, who is the Life in each. If he insists upon having what his fore- fathers left him; that which has been handed down to him from generation to generation; and which constitutes all the infirmities of the flesh ; the court decides in his favor, thus "visit- ing the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation." Life's Great Healing Law. 69 On the other hand, if he is making the claim for his Divine inheritance — for all the condi- tions that belong to man as the Son of God — for the recognition and realization of his own Deific powers to create for himself health and happiness; the decision of the same court will be in his favor; and he will receive the full amount of his claim; for the Infinite Judge "shows mercy/' unto all those who "love Him and keep His commandments." As long as you have faith in, or are afraid of, tuberculosis, microbes, bacteria, bacilli and all kinds of disease germs — faith in these to de J stroy and eat up your flesh — you have not faith in God. And, to make a long story short, and bring it right down to where you can see it : — you are either absolutely ignorant of the fact, that "your body is the temple of God," or else you believe that all of these parasites are greater gods, and exert more power, than the Infinite Almighty Himself. CHAPTER VI. Laws and Their Application . THE LAW OF PERFECTION. In the preceding pages, we have already enu- merated several important facts of life. One of the prinpical ones, of which is, that it is the nature of the creative power to perfect every organism that it creates. That just exactly as the plant is formed and continually acted upon, by this Infinite life within it, until it is not only a perfect organism, but brings forth perfect blossoms and fruit; and as the animal is not only formed but is continually acted upon by the perfect life within, until it becomes a strong beautiful, intelligent animal; so is the organ- ism of man formed, and is continually acted upon by the Infinite life within, until, not only the blossom and fruitage of manhood is brought forth, but the strength, beauty and sublimity of character is evolved; until man stands forth in his maturity, not only conscious of this In- finite power working within him, but conscious that he is working with it, and that he is it. Life's Great Healing Law, 71 He becomes conscious that he is directing and using it for the accomplishment of his highest ideals. Conscious that "all power in Heaven and Earth," has been really and truly given unto him ; and that the command of God, "Let him have dominion," has become an establish- ed fact, and is no longer a meaningless and hol- low statement. ALL POWERS BELONG TO LIFE. Another important fact is,- that all the forces, functions, faculties and powers belong to the life itself, and not to the plant, animal or human organisms. This life has proven its supreme power over all matter, not only by making mat- ter, but by forming all material conditions. The fact that the life does the growing, that the organisms do not grow but that the life grows them, must always be kept before the mind. Also the facts, that the restoring and repairing process is accomplished by the life alone. That it is all wise; knowing exactly how and where to do the work. Also, it is in- stantaneous in its operations; for the moment the injury is done, the healing forces are set at work to heal the wound. The reproducing power belongs to life; for no organism can be brought forth on the earth, J2 Life's Great Healing Law. without the consent of the Infinite Master ; and not only His consent, but under His own direct instructions and supervision. No organism moves itself, but the life within moves it ; and not only that, but the life knew exactly how to construct the many varieties of machines, from the tiny insect to the most perfect human form, in order to move them in the way it wanted to go ; and that it might do with them what it had planned. It is the life alone that feels ; that uses its physical senses, as a means of knowing what is going on throughout its own organism, and external to it ; and it uses its instinct for its own self-protection and self-preservation. the; child of life:. To life alone, belongs all of these powers, faculties, forces and senses. As the individual life, that which is embodied in the individual organism, is but the child or offspring of the universal life; it must of necessity partake wholly of the nature, characteristics, attributes and substance of the Infinite Father, of which it is the offspring. All children, all offspring, partake wholly of the nature, characteristics attributes and sub- stance of the parent, of which they are the child. Life's Great Healing Law. 73 It is a universal law of life, that everything reproduces after its kind. God, the Divine Father, the Universal Infin- ite Power, "created Man, in His own Image," or after His kind, hence all finite beings, crea- tures and things, must reproduce after their kind; for they are all reproductions of God's Law. As we have all our lives studied the finite be- ings, creations and things, in order to gain the knowledge that we have, thereby becoming con- scious of the finite only: so must we in like manner devote as much time to studying the In- finite, the loving and eternal, if we would gain knowledge of it, and become conscious of the Infinite loving and eternal beings, which we are, as children of this Infinite loving Father. Beloved, 'Now are we the sons of God; but it doth not yet appear what we shall be," be- cause we have not yet become conscious of be- ing this Infinite life; and "what we shall be," will never be revealed until this life has ap- peared to us, and then shall we be like it ; for we shall have seen it as it is, and will then become conscious that we are it. This great change is to take place, only in and through consciousness. Through right thinking, this consciousness is to be changed 74 Life's Great Healing Law. from the mortal to the 'immortal. It is to be changed from a diseased creature, to a healthy being; from an unhappy creature, to a happy being; from a failure in life to a success. By letting "the same mind be in you, that was in Christ Jesus our Lord," you change the indi- vidual from the weak, diseased, ignorant, sel- fish creature, that he has made himself, — by his own and others' suggestions — to the conscious- ness of being the perfect, healthy, unselfish and mighty being — the Divine image, as God cre- ated him. It is because man has imbedded or centered his consciousness in matter — in the physical body, that he has become weak and limited; hence unconscious of his Divine prerogatives. We always become conscious, of that in which our thought is centered. We always become conscious of being that which we really and truly think we are, for "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." If he thinks he is com- posed only of flesh and blood and bones, this becomes as real to him as though he truly were. CHANGING CONSCIOUSNESS. In order to transfer this consciousness from the physical organism to the life within, man must think that he is life. He must imbed or Life's Great Healing Law. 75 centre his consciousness in life. He must think of himself as doing and being, all that life is and can do. As he became conscious of his limitations while living in matter only, because matter is limited, so must he become conscious of his unlimitations while living or centered in life, because life is unlimited. In other words, he must deliberately and persistently, change his abode of habitation, from matter to life, from the physical to the spiritual, from Mammon to God. Instead of thinking of seeing with his eye?, and hearing with his ears and feeling with his nerves, all of which are material and limited; he must think of seeing, hearing and feeling through them. He must think of himself as centered in Life, as being the very centre of all life; thus seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling with the Universal. He must see that the Universal Powers are his powers. That because he is cen- tered in It, It is centered in him ; and through the consciousness of his being centered in It, the Universal Power works in and through him. He sees all things as it sees them. He hears all things, as it hears them and is to be- come conscious of all things as they are in It. y6 Life's Great Healing Law. Thus centered in It, he looks out through his physical eyes. He must remember that he is seeing with the universal sight, but seeing through his eyes, as one looks out through his window into the outside world. In remembering this fact, he knows that the universal sight cannot be weakened or injured, in any way. It is Infinite and Omnipotent in its mode of operation; for it is the all-seeing eye of God. Inseparable from this universal sight, is the perfect constructing and reconstructing power of the Almighty. This is there not only to heal and restore, but it is there to invent, construct and perfect the physical organism, for its own use. RESTORING THE SIGHT. In studying life outward from God, from the very centre of life, to the circumference of mat- ter, one not only gains a higher and holier con- ception of Deity, but gains a consciousness of the mighty fact that he can of himself do noth- ing, but that it is the Father dwelling within him, who doeth the work. That which a man thinks in his heart, he of necessity knows, and what he knows, he be- comes conscious of. Thus we see why it is, Life's Great Healing Law. yy and how it is, that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." It makes not the slightest difference to the Infinite law of God — to the universal construct- ing and reconstructing powers of the Almighty — whether you have cataract growing over the eyes, are cross-eyed or have astigmatism; are near-sighted or far-sighted, weak or otherwise. It not only has the ability and the will to re- move and restore all, but it always carries with it, the necessary materials and instruments, through which the work is to be accomplished. All that is required, for you to become con- scious of perfect sight, is your belief in its ability, and your faith in its determined effort to do the work. "Have faith in God, and noth- ing shall be impossible unto you," for, "as your faith, so be it unto you." It is because you believe that the cataract can shut out the light of God, that gives it power to do so. The cataract and one are a majority, in their ability to make you blind, the same as God and one are a majority, in their ability to make you see. For man to transfer his consciousness from matter to life, is for him to become as abso- lutely conscious of the fact, that he lives, moves yS Life's Great Healing Law. and has his being in life, as he is now conscious, that he lives, moves and has his being in matter. the healing power is in the individual. That which is true of the eyes, is also true of the ears. That which is true of the Infinite power seeing, is also true of the Infinite power hearing. We must have it stamped indelibly on the mind, so that it can never be eradicated or changed ; that the healing and restoring power of God Himself, is inseparably connected with every faculty, function, sense and portion, of the entire human organism. It makes no difference whether it is for the perfection of the ears, so that the Infinite life can hear all sounds through them, or the per- fection of any of the other organs of sense. Whether it is for the perfection of the organs within the body, so that the Omnipotent func- tions of life can perform their work perfectly — or the muscular and nervous systems — the cir- culation of the blood — or the strengthening of the bones : — in fact, throughout every atom of the entire human form, it makes no differ- ence in what part of it, or in what connection we find it, this mighty fact of God remains the same: — that is, that the healing and restoring powers of the Divine life within yourself, are Life's Great Healing Law. 79 inseparably connected with every function of the body ; every particle and portion of it ; every faculty of the mind ; and every sense and activ- ity of the whole being of man. We must also keep in mind, that the only re- quired condition for perfect restoration, per- fect health and understanding on every line, is, through man consciously connecting himself with the Infinite Power — God — in thought. He must acknowledge Him in all his ways; by holding to the fact that it is "the Father dwell- ing within" him, that is doing the work — and "I can of myself, do nothing." CHAPTER VII. Laws of Our Being. ONE GRAND WHOLE. Man must always think of life, as being one universal whole ; connecting and permeating all things. He must think of himself as being that part of the universal whole, which is em- bodied in his own human form. "We are all one body, with many members/' Every human being is but a member of this Great Body. Then this universal life that we are to become conscious of, is but the Soul or Lord of this Great Body, of which we all are members. Thus we see how necessary it is, for us to not only think, but to know that all the faculties, functions, forces and powers of the universal life, belong to and are operative in us, and that we are in the process of becom- ing conscious of this Infinite operation; for in this way we not only see, but we understand why and how, "I and the Father are one/' and "All that is mine is thine." Life's Great Healing Law. 81 Man thus sees that, whereas once he, as a physical conscious entity — was a prodigal in the far country of matter and material limita- tions — now he has returned home to his Fath- er's house. In this way, through constantly and rationally, thinking and dwelling on this line, he transfers this consciousness from mat- ter to life ; thus becoming conscious that he is the "Son of God :" while before, he knew only of his physical existence, as the son of man, who was in the far country feeding swine — that is, feeding only the animal instincts and tenden- cies of his own selfish nature. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," is a spiritual truth, the same as it has been a phys- ical fact; because it is founded on law. If a man's consciousness is wholly composed of what he thinks, if it is a law, that he must think, in order to know, and what he knows, he becomes conscious of; then the first knowl- edge to be attained is, what to think and how to think. THINKING AND FEEUNG. But before we take up this subject, it is nec- essary to understand, and always remember that, thinking and feeling, go together. Sen- sation and attention go together. These are 82 Life's Great Healing Law. the two feet, on which the individual travels around in consciousness. If we think unkind and angry thoughts to- ward others, we feel unkind and angry toward them. If we think unhappy and miserable thoughts in regard to ourselves, we will feel unhappy and miserable. The character and quality of every thought that we think with the individual brain, is car- ried down through the nervous system, into every part of the body. Thus we feel misera- ble and unhappy, or angry and disagreeable all over. If we imagine we have been injured or imposed upon, or that some one has hurt our feelings, we feel depressed accordingly. On the other hand, if we think how happy we are, how loving, kind and good we are, we will feel happy, loving, kind and good. We always feel exactly what we think, and we have always been thinking what we have felt. If we feel a pain, we think what an awful pain it is, and how miserable it makes us feel. If we feel indigestion, we are afraid it is going to become chronic gastritis or dyspepsia, and we keep on thinking about it, and feeling it, in other words, magnifying it until we get it. This is a law and it is op- erative all the time, whether we are con- Life's Great Healing Law. 83 scious of it, or not. We feel what we think, and think what we feel, whether of pleasure or of pain; strength or weakness; health or sick- ness; and so on, down the whole scale of hu- man existence, whether desirable or unde- sirable. Remember that the brain is like the central telephone office; and the nerves are the wires connecting it with all parts of the body, which carry every message to the end of the line ; and the character and nature of the message, is re- ceived by the individual consciousness, to the very utmost extent of its borders. SENSATION AND ATTENTION. It is a law of our being that sensation and attention belong together. We always get* the sensation from that upon which we place our attention. If we hold our attention upon a beautiful pic- ture, the more we become absorbed in it, the more we receive the sensation from it, until we feel as beautiful as it is. Or, if, upon the other hand, we place our attention upon a sad or hideous picture, and become absorbed in it, we will feel as sad and ugly as it is. We never hear sounds, see objects, smell odors, taste or feel things, unless our attention is placed upon 84 Life's Great Healing Law. the object or thing, with which the senses come in contact. THE ARM OF SENSATION. It is because sensation belongs to the Great Whole, to life itself, that it is at one with all life, and therefore, is universal. Sensation is to the individual life, what the arms are to the body. The end of the arm reaching out from the body, has its five fingers ; the other end be- ing connected with the body, is at one with it. If we could look down through the arm, into the fingers, we would see only as far as the ends of the fingers ; then by looking up into the body, we could not only see throughout the entire body, but would be able to know all that was going on within it. The universal sensation, that which reaches out through the individual body, has its five physical senses ; and these physical senses being the fingers on the great arm of sensation, they are necessarily limited ; but it is through them and with them, that life handles and uses mate- rial things. As the arm of sensation belongs to life itself, it is in looking in and through this arm to life, instead of out through the physical senses to the world, that man becomes conscious of his con- Life's Great Healing Law. 85 nection with life. In this way by looking back into life, by centering the attention on life, we must by the same law receive the sensations of life,- because we are holding our attention upon it. As we know that life itself is healthful, pow- erful, intelligent, joyful and courageous, we know that by holding our attention upon it, we get the sensations of health, strength, joy and courage from it. By this same law, in thinking of life, or the things of God — for life is God — meditating and dwelling upon His law day and night, we are compelled to feel in our physical bodies, the harmonious operation of this life. These are not theories, but they are mighty facts; facts which we have known all through our lives; but facts, the importance of which, we have never stopped to consider. We have always known that to see a creeping reptile, crawling, gives us a creepy, crawling feeling all over; and to talk about all of these unpleasant things always makes us shudder. "thk worst headache:." In the same manner with disease. We re- tire at night thinking how tired and exhausted we are from the day's exertion ; and conscious 86 Life's Great Healing Law. of "that tired feeling," as well as thinking of it. We think it more than probable, that we shall have a sick headache in the morning, because we are "subject to them, ,, and as we awaken, we begin to think and wonder how we feel. This thought starts out the millions of little feelers, all over the body to tell us whether we feel better or worse. We decide that we feel about the same, until we meet others of the fam- ily or houshold and each one inquiring "How do you feel?" This necessitates that much more thinking about our trouble, hence that much more feeling for the pain. They tell us how badly we look, and pitying us with "you poor thing, I'm so sorry for you," which makes us only feel their pity, and our own poor con- dition; until, by the time we have heard them all, we are ready to admit, "I have the worst headache, I ever had in all my life." Yes, and it has been brought about in the same old way, and by the same law, which is the law of sug- gestion. PROOF THAT SUGGESTION IS THE CONTROLLING LAW OF CONSCIOUSNESS. The law of suggestion, is the controlling law of individual consciousness. In other words, it is the law through and by which all human con- sciousness is formed. Life's Great Healing Law. 87 This can be proven to any one, who will take the trouble to read the historical record of where a child, in infancy, was confined alone in a dungeon until twenty years of age. He was not permitted to converse with any human be- ing. When he was brought out into the world, — because there had never been any suggestions given to him, because the life in that human form had never had suggested to it, in thought, word or deed, what it could do, or might be- come — this human creature, was unconscious of doing or being anything. He could neither speak nor think; and was as helpless and un- conscious, as when first placed in the dungeon. If this proves to us, that through education by suggestion the individual becomes conscious, not only of matter, but of being material ; not only of diseases, distresses and miseries, but of being diseased, distressed and miserable, it must also of necessity prove to us, that this same individual, can through this same law of suggestion, become conscious, not only of life, and of being life, but of possessing all that per- tains to life. Every suggestion is made through the mind ; and the more it is dwelt upon, and thought 88 Life's Great Healing Law. about, the stronger and more powerful it be- comes. This brings us to the fact, that it is of great importance for us to know what to think and how to think; or what to suggest and how to suggest. CHAPTER VIII. Controlling the Mind. IS IT TRU£ ? Let us look at this subject for a moment, in another way. Is it true that your life is in your body? Is it true that your individual life — that which is embodied in your human form — is a part or portion of all life? Is it true that not a drop of blood can flow within your body — not a particle of food be di- gested — not a muscle move — not a nerve re- spond — in fact, not the smallest degree of work be accomplished in any way, unless this life within does it ? Is it true that human life, is the culmination of all mineral, animal and vegetative life? Is it true, that this life principle in nature has not only formed matter, but has the power to construct and reconstruct it, into any form it desires ? Is it true that this Infinite life has the power 90 Life's Great Healing Law. to transmute mineral substances into vegetable forms, and to continue to transmute these nat- ural substances, from vegetable forms into ani- mal flesh ; and through its own innate potencies, transmute these same elements into human flesh — construct a brain — connect this brain with all parts of the human form, so that it can control this form at will, performing every function, and controlling every faculty, force and power that belongs to this Infinite life itself? Is it true that at birth, there is nothing but this life and the material structure in which it lives? Is it true that through the use of functions, senses and factulties, that belong to this life alone, an individual consciousness is brought forth and begins to open up and unfold, in pro- portion to the nature and quality of the sug- gestions given it? Is it true that the law of suggestion, is the great law of human or individual conscious- ness; and that by and through the operation and use of this law, man becomes a self-con- scious entity? Is it true that he can, in proportion to his own desire and faith, centre his attention on that Life's Great Healing Law. 91 which he desires, or does not desire, until he becomes conscious of it? Is it true, that through this process of evolv- ing consciousness, he has evolved for himself, only that which he involved, through the law of suggestion ? If so, is it not also true, that by this same process of evolving consciousness, he can evolve for himself only that which God involved in him, and that by this same law of suggestion? INDIVIDUAL DECISION. • Each and every individual must answer these questions, for himself, and this he will do, ac- cording to his own understanding of the laws pertaining to individual consciousness. These statements, if true, are true because they are literal facts ; for every truth, is a literal fact. Then all facts must be admitted as facts, all truths must be admitted as truth; for it is the admitting it as truth, the thinking about it, dwelling upon it, that gives man the knowl- edge of its being true. It is this knowledge, that frees us from the consciousness of limita- tion, diseases and all unhappy conditions. It is in this way only, that you can "know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." We must recognize, that the laws of life are 92 Life's Great Healing Law. the laws of the Lord ; and it is on these laws, that man is to meditate day and night, if he would "be like a tree, planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth fruit in his season: whose leaf also shall not wither, and whatso- ever he doeth shall prosper." the power of thought. Man's power to think is Infinite. His mind is never still one moment. He is constantly thinking whether awake or asleep, in an object- ive or subjective condition. Thoughts pour through his mind, like the water through a hose, and these thoughts are the suggestions, which act upon the life itself, causing it to create in his body and in his con- sciousness, that which corresponds with what he thinks. It is the nature of these thoughts, to create corresponding conditions, the same as it is the nature of the water to moisten the soil or plants, on which the hose is turned. As it is the nature of water to wet, so is it the nature of all life to create. It cannot help itself. It must create for the individual every suggestion that is persistently held in the mind, without regard to pain or pleasure, disease or health ; the same as the water moistens the soil, regardless of fruit or weeds, thorns or flowers. Life's Great Healing Law. 93 CONTROLLING WILD HORSES. We never know what a mighty power the mind is, what an Infinite force it is, until we un- dertake to control it. Many people spend a whole life time in letting the mind run wild, the same as a man would let his horses run wild in the fields, without thought or knowledge of their power and ability to pull the loads, and do his work for him. To get our mind under control, and compel it to think what we want to think, is no easier than for the man to tame and harness his wild horses, and compel them to perform the work that he wants done. It is on exactly the same principle, and is accomplished in the very same way. First, the man must be made to believe that the horses are his own individual property, to be used as he wills. vSecond, he must understand that he has the power and ability to tame and control them, thus compelling them to do his work. Third, it mtist be shown him, that the horses are powerful creatures. That with a sufficient number of them harnessed together and moved at his will, he can pull any load and perform any work required on his own or another's premises. 94 Life's Great Healing Law. These are the three important requirements, which must be instilled into the man before he will undertake the work. In the first place, he must be brought to see the force and power, which is being wasted by these animals in their present untrained state. Then, he must also see the great advantage it will be to himself and others, for him to utilize this force and power, in his daily work and life. These facts must all be firmly rooted in his mind, before he can have sufficient faith in his own ability to cope with the situation. Be- cause, he knows that there will be many traces kicked over, many dash-boards splintered, and many times his arms will be nearly pulled from their sockets, before he has become master of the situation. However, the result of the entire work, will depend wholly on the amount of desire and faith, will and understanding, or persistent ef- fort, which he consciously applies, during the entire undertaking. TAMING AND CONTROLLING THE) MIND. It is in this same way, that man is to become conscious of possessing the many forces and faculties of his own nature, and the mastery of his own mind. Life's Great Healing Law. 95 First, he must be made to believe that all of these forces, faculties and powers, are his own individual property, to be used and controlled by his own will. Second, he must be made to see that he has the power and ability to develop and control them, and to command their obedience to his will. Third, he must also be shown that these pow- ders are omnipotent. That with them harnessed together or separate — as the case may require — he can accomplish any work desired, in the scope of his own mental horizon. He must also be brought to see, that the forces and powers within his own body are not only being wasted, but are running wild; de- stroying and tearing up the flesh; thus break- ing down the different faculties, functions and senses, which are his most valuable possessions. "the last enemy to be overcome is death/' Then he must see the great advantage it will be to him, not only for temporary, but for per- manent relief. Not only to enable him to "grow old gracefully," remaining healthy to the last, but that he may utilize, these forces and powers, in his daily walk, conversation and thought, until "he returns to the days of his 96 Life's Great Healing Law. youth ;" for this life within him, and which really constitutes his own being, never grows old, never decays, and never can be destroyed. Thus it follows as a logical sequence, that as man not only becomes conscious of this life working within and upon him, but becomes con- scious that he is this very life itself, he can not grow old, decay or in any way be destroyed. The law is, that man partakes wholly of the nature and quality of that, of which he becomes conscious. His body, being but the embodi- ment of his consciousness, it is by and through it that he manifests or shows forth the state or degree of consciousness, which he possesses. These facts must all be firmly rooted in his mind. He must believe in their possibility. He must have sufficient faith awakened in his own ability, to control with his own mental faculties, the functions, forces and powers of his own nature, before he will persevere, until he has established his mastery over them. In like manner and according to the desire faith, will, and understanding, that he uses, will he accomplish the desired result, or reach the goal. CHAPTER IX. How to Attain Desired Results. PERFECT MEMORY. The next step to be taken in this process, is the practical application of the laws involved. When you read this book, you must not think "Oh my memory is so poor* it has been failing for so long, I know I shall remember but very little of this. If I could only remem- ber it, I know it would do me a world of good. Why didn't I get hold of it before my brain became so weakened that I cannot remember anything ?" Steady there ! Now, this is the first kick over the traces, and brings the horse to a standstill, blocking and preventing the accomplishment of what you desire done. "You must not get discouraged/' This discouraging thought should call your mind to the fact that your memory is absolutely perfect, although you may be unconscious of it. Of course what you 98 Life's Great Healing Law. are unconscious of possessing, you cannot con- sciously use. If you want to become conscious of having a perfect memory you must begin to sow the right kind of seed to produce it. Every thought is a seed sown in consciousness; and the law is, that each seed brings forth after its kind. By thinking that the life within is per- fect, and that the power of memory belongs to it alone, hence must be as perfect as the life from which it emanates — you are sowing the seed that will bring forth the perfect memory. You must remember that you, yourself, are the embodied life to which this perfect memory belongs. Seeing this truth you can truly and con- scientiously say, "My memory is perfect. I can remember all things that I desire to remember ; and my power to forget is also perfect, for I can forget those things which I do not wish to re- member. I can and I will forget the limited being that I have believed myself to be, forget that I ever had a poor memory, and remember always the perfect unlimited being that I must become conscious of, because of what I really and truly am. Life's Great Healing Law. 99 the; wild imagination. As you read on down these pages, you may find that you have another kind of horse to deal with, a regular bucking broncho; and you are brought to a standstill with this exclamation: "Yes, I can see how all this might be a great help to nervous people, or to people who have only some little physical ailment; but with spinal trouble like mine, and a weak stomach, enlarged heart, torpid liver, gout, lumbago, ver- tigo, bronchitis and corns like I have, its differ- ent. This might do all right for those who have a happy home, and pleasant surroundings, but with any one who has a husband like mine to live with, or children that treat them as mine do me, or not knowing where the money is to come from to pay the next month's rent, or where we will get our next meal : — you see, my troubles are greater than other peoples ; and if things were only different, I don't doubt but this would do me much good." Right here is where your imagination plays havoc. You imagine that your special troubles are greater and stronger than the Almighty Him- self. You imagine your load is larger than the LofC. ioo Life's Great Healing Law. Lord can carry, and your disease worse than the Infinite Power can heal. This is all false ! You do not mean to tell or think, what is untrue, but when you stop to think, you see that you are magnifying every- thing but the Lord, thereby increasing and en- larging everything, that you do not desire. You must stop sowing thorns and thistles if you do not want them ; for your body is the soil in which these seeds grow. TAMING THE WILD IMAGINATION. You must keep in your mind something like this: "I am sustained and upheld by the Infinite power of God, by Love itself. All the troubles, trials and diseases of my life, are as chaff be- fore the omnipotent force of this Infinite Love. "My husband, or my wife, is filled with the love of God, the same as I am filled with it. 1 will turn my eyes from the circumference of things into the very centre of all Power, and I will ,see this Infinite Power, centered in all things. I will see that all of these trials, have been but a disturbed condition on the circumference, — in the world N of matter — to drive me into the Centre, into my God. When I am centered in Life's Great Healing Law. 101 God, I am conscious of being surrounded with Infinite Love, Peace, and Joy. Hence, my sur- roundings must become pleasant, and my home happy, because of the perfect life which is working in me, and in each one around me ; and because of the Infinite love which I am radiat- ing. My children are God's children. Within them is the Divine spark of Infinite possibility ; and I will breathe on this spark, the love of God which fills my soul, until I fan it into an In- finite flame. And this flame of fire will con- sume all of the envy, hate, jealousy, passions and selfishness, which I have seen growing within them ; for 'My God is a consuming fire/ 'My God will supply all my needs,' for He knows the rent must be paid, to keep my fam- ily sheltered, and that the food is needed by the life, to sustain and keep these bodies in a healthy condition. As these bodies belong to the Lord our God, who is the life that made, and is within them, I know that He will care for His own. My troubles are nothing, as compared with what they might be. Therefore, I shall cultivate a faith in His protecting care until I am conscious that He is reigning in and ruling over me. And accord- 102 Life's Great Healing Law. ing to the strength, will and faith that I possess, will I persist in thinking the truth of that which I know I am." HOW TO THINK, SPEAK AND ACT. You must always remember, that the Lord, your God, is your own individual life — your own spirit. Then you must meet with this same line of reasoning, every thought that is contrary to the way the Lord your God would think it. Every word that is contrary to the way the Lord your God would speak it ; and every act that is not in direct accordance with the way the Lord your God would do it. Your work now is, to become fully as con- scious of the Lord your God, dwelling within you, and of yourself as being the "Spiritual man," "the Lord from Heaven," as you have been conscious that you were a physical being. You must never forget that the law is, that which you think, you know; and what you know, you of necessity must become conscious. "thought creates presence/' A great man once said "Thought creates presence." This means nothing more nor less Life's Great Healing Law. 103 than, that which you hold your attention upon, you receive the sensation from, hence must be- come conscious of its presence. This line of thinking will be difficult at first, because we are creatures of habit. We have acquired the habit of finding fault with, and thinking that everything is wrong, and we don't see why things should be so ? We can't see why we must have so much trouble while other people have such an easy time ? We must learn that the experiences of human life, belong alike to every individual. Each one must sooner or later pass through the trials and sufferings of life, as well as through its joys and pleasures. "it's all right/' The motto then, for every day life, for every hour of the day and every moment in the hour, should be, "It's all right. ,, Everything is all right, for the Lord is doing all that is being done. The life, or Lord, within every form, is doing the very best that it can under the cimcumstan- ces. Your individual consciousness is the cir- cumstances, under which your Lord is working. Your individual thinking, and the sugges- tions that you are constantly making contrary 104 Life's Great Healing Low. to its law and nature, are piling up these diffi- culties and diseases through which the All- Perm:ct One cannot reveal to you, neither what He is, nor what He can do. By your taking the firm stand that every- thing is right, that everything happens at the right time and in the right place, that nothing can possibly go wrong, that nothing can be wrong, that everything is going right, and ev- erything is right — by doing this persistently and determinedly, you acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your paths. You thus, commit your "way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass." In this way, we see that these commands of the Bible, are based on the immutable laws of nature, which are the laws of God, operating in man. The Bible reveals to us, that God has no laws which are not operative or latent in man. It is because man is the Image of God, that all the laws and forces of His nature, must be revealed in and through His Image. I care not what your circumstances and con- ditions are, what your life is or has been, or the nature and character of those around you ; if you will take for your motto, "It's all right," and apply it to every circumstance and condi- Life's Great Healing Law. 105 tion of your life, from the time you open your eyes in the morning until you close them at night, you will find that it is the Infinite leaven, that will leaven the whole lump of your entire existence. When you burn your hand or become injured in any way, you should insist that "it's all right," with a conscious knowledge of what these words imply. This knowledge is, that you are life, and life cannot be burned, neither can matter feel. This life within your organ- ism is ready always, with its reconstructing and healing forces; also with its Infinite and unlimited power to control matter in every sense. In this way you will very soon learn how quickly the burn will heal; that it will be im- possible for you to take cold in it ; and that you will feel very little, if any pain from it. By continuing this process always, you will learn that you never get burned or hurt in any way ; for you are acknowledging Him in all your ways, and "He shall direct thy paths." Every time you speak a cross word — or be- come impatient or angry, saying and doing what you know afterwards you should not have done, — instead of brooding over it, and think- ing of the harm you have caused to yourself io6 Life's Great Healing Law. and others, you should quiet yourself by declar- ing, "It's all right! It's all right !" Meaning not that you are glad you did it, and that you have taught them a lesson, and will give them the same or much more just like it, the next time you get a chance — but instead of this, you mean it is all right, because it has revealed to you, your weakness It has shown you how prone you are to condemn, thus reminding you, that you are being condemned by others. It is all right, because it has shown you more clearly than ever that selfish animal nature that you have been cultivating for so many years; until it has grown to become your master, and you, its slave. It is all right, because it has shown you the mighty difference between this mortal and the immortal ; between this human animal, and the human Divine; between the man that dwells without, and the God that dwells within. It is all right, because it has brought you to see the littleness of the external, the noth- ingness of the life of the world — to seeing the greatness, the magnitude and the glory of the internal, the life of God. the: results. It is in this way and by this method that the Life's Great Healing Law. 107 temper is wholly overcome, and that all the pas- sions and animal instincts are brought under complete subjection. Every time that you are brought face to face with the contrast between the life in matter, and the life in God, your de- sire to attain the latter is intensified. Your faith is quickened and increased. Your deter- mination is aroused and strengthened ; and with renewed vigor and zeal you "press forward to the mark of your high calling which is in Christ Jesus your Lord." This Christ Jesus, your Lord, is the individual consciousness of your own indwelling God. HABIT OF RIGHT THINKING. As we are in the habit of thinking and feeling with the physical senses in the body, so must we get into the habit of thinking and feeling with the spiritual senses, in life. This is done only by practice. By learning to control the think- ing power in order to produce the harmony upon the body, just as the child learns to con- trol its fingers, in order to produce harmony upon the piano. A few moments spent each day in practicing this method of thinking, will in due time re- move all undesirable conditions, either physi- cal or mental. If a few moments each day will 108 Life's Great Healing Law. do this, then hours will do more; and just as the child spending much time in its practice on the piano, soon becomes a musician; so will any one spending much time in this way of cor- rect thinking, soon become a healer — a power in the world for good. This kind of thinking is called "treatment" or "prayer." It is in this way that we are to pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks. CHAPTER X. ''Seek and Ye Shall Find/ 9 TIME AND SPACE ANNIHILATED. As God is everywhere present, filling all space, beings, creatures and things, when you are centered in Him, through Him you are con- nected with all other beings, creatures and things. As sensation is a universal function, belong- ing to all alike, by centering your attention upon the life within another, whether in the same room or across seas or continents, you have the ability to awaken the sensation with- in them, that corresponds exactly to that which you are holding your attention upon. This is a law of life, and not a theory. Sen- sation and attention belong together. When the sensation is awakened, the attention is al- ways called to it; and when the attention is fixed on anything, the sensation is always brought forth. Either the attention awakens the sensation or the sensation commands the at- no Life's Great Healing Law. tention. Hence, when the attention is wholly withdrawn from anything, the sensation will cease, thus causing the individual to become un- conscious of it. By this law then, when the attention of the healer is centered in the life of the patient, and not in the disease, in the understanding of the ability of this life to heal all manner of dis- eases, and with the necessary faith in its deter- mination to do so, the sensation of health and happiness must be awakened in the patient. This in turn, calls the patient's attention to the fact, that the sensations of pain have ceased, or are ceasing; that the disease is healed, or is healing. ' Now, this is the law, which, when thorough- ly understood and appreciated by the healer- does away entirely with the thought of limita- tion. This idea of limitation must be over- come; because in conscious work, man can do no more than he believes himself capable of doing. Hence, it is supremely necessary, for him to understand these Infinite laws ; for only by understanding them, is he enabled to use them. Remember always, that the sensation of pain, will call the individual's attention to it; and the sensation of pleasure will likewise call at- Life's Great Healing Law. nr tention thereto. In fact, any kind of sensa- tion when sufficiently awakened, will com- mand the attention of the one* in whom it is aroused. So, it is of little importance, where you are x what you are doing, or what your disease or trouble may be; if the healer can fix his atten- tion wholly on the life within you, "On the spirit of God," that dwells within, convinced of Its power to instantly heal you, the sensation of health and happiness must bk called forth. As the attention is held on this life within you, and the sensation of health and happiness within your own individual life, is aroused, that sensation immediately calls your attention to tfie fact; and you feel better, or become con- scious of being healed. It is this quickening and awakening of the reconstructing forces of life within the patient that does the healing. This quickening and awakening of your own spirit, by the suggestion given from the mind of the healer, whether the suggestion be mental or oral. THINGS TO BE) AVOIDED. Stop talking about your diseases to any one ; stop talking of your troubles to any one. It only fixes it in their mind; only centers their ii2 Life's Great Healing Law. attention upon that which you are desiring to free yourself from ; thus making the load just that much heavier, for you to carry. Besides, when it is learned as a fact, that dis- ease is caused by ignorance, we shall soon "be ashamed to show our ignorance/ ' When it is learned, that faith and fear are synonymous, that you fear the disease, because you believe or have faith in its power to make you suffer — you will cease your fear, or you will remove your faith from that which you do not want. If you would "fear God," you should have faith in God to prevent anything from causing you trouble, or from making you sick. The greatest enemy you can have, is your own fear, which is your own Devil. As "Faith is the substance of the things hoped for/' so fear is the substance of the thing you do not desire. As faith is the controlling power in man, and is always charged with the Infinite creating power of God, so fear being only faith in the wrong direction, is charged with this same Infinite creative power of the Almighty. This shows why "the fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom;" because your faith is always centered in that which you fear. Life's Great Healing Law. n o You must avoid all conversation of an un- happy nature, like disease, sickness and death. Avoid the thought and discussion of anything and everything, that does not magnify, or is not magnifying, the Lord. Remember that "an ounce of preventative, is worth a pound of cure," and that it is while you are well and happy, that you must contin- ually make the suggestions to yourself of health, strength and happiness You should not wait until you feel the pains or disease, before beginning to prevent them. You should not wait until your house begins tumbling about you, before you commence the work of strengthening it. With every stroke of the hammer, with every thought that you think; you should drive a wedge or clinch a nail, that will tend to fasten more and more in your con- sciousness, the mighty fact, that "your body is the temple of God," and that "The Lord is in His holy temple." ROOTING YOURSELF IN GOD. When you think "I cannot take cold, t>e sick, or troubled," never forget to state the reason why. Always say, because I am life, and I must become conscious of being life." In this way, by always adding the 'because' to every H4 Life's Great Healing Law. statement that you make, you are rooting your- self in God. The 'becauses' are the roots that not only cen- tre, but hold you in God, as the roots of a tree hold it upright on the earth. A tree with but few roots, soon becomes top- heavy, and falls. By this same law, the man or woman who does not always give God, Life, Spirit, Love, as the reason for their standing, thus rendering "unto God, the things that are God's," must become top-heavy with their own importance, and fall. When they find them- selves flat, they have only to remember the ad- monition that reads: "Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed, lest he fall;" but, one who centers every thought in Life, soon learns that, "god is able: to make: him stand." You can transfer your consciousness from matter and sickness, to life and health, only by persistently holding yourself there in thought, or by compelling your attention to obey you. You must constantly insist that the Power of God within you, is master of all conditions, and with every thought declare thztyou are that Power. Instead of saying that you are sick, weak, lame, stiff and sore, you must declare yourself to be the opposite ; for life is not, and never can be sick, weak, lame, stiff or sore ; and Life's Great Healing Law. 115 it is the Truth, as God is true, that you are Life. It is God's truth : because He made you, out of His own spiritual substance. SOWING AND REAPING. It is because of the many laws of your being which you have been using ignorantly, that you are in your present condition. You must remember that every thought you think, is a seed sown in the soil of your own body ; and every seed brings forth after its kind. These seeds are not only being sown by you to- day, but you have been sowing them daily, for many years. When you feel a pain, ache, or think the blues are taking hold of you, it is not necessarily the sprouting of the seed you scattered this morn- ing or yesterday, but the coming forth of the little germs you planted months, or even years ago. The aches, pains and diseases that afflict our bodies are merely the showing forth, or are the results of our past thinking. Your garden does not bring forth only the flowers, fruit and vegetables that you planted in it, but it brings forth all the weeds, thorns and thistles, whose germs are in the soil. It is your business, if you would have a beautiful n6 Life's Great Healing Law. garden, to cultivate the soil; planting and al- lowing to grow, only the seeds, from which you desire to produce more perfect conditions ; for "every plant which our Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up." If you do not want certain plants to grow, you must stop watering them. You must turn off the hose. You must cut them down, or pull them up. You must stop thinking of them, and mag- nifying them. "The word of God is the sword of the spirit," and the word of God is always the truth; for God can utter only truth. So every thought that you think, in direct accordance with the truth of your being — and which is the truth according to the way your God made you, His life within, and His will concerning you — is a word of God. The reason why "The word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword," is because it is a Divine suggestion. It is instantaneous in its opera- tion, not only because of its connection with the Law of suggestion, but all power belongs to it because of its nature for it is God uttering Himself. Thus, by learning how to think, in Life, in God, you will soon learn to hear God thinking in you. "The Lord spake unto him." Life's Great Healing Law. 117 "bear ye one another's burdens/' As soon as you become conscious that you are personally connected with God, that every individual is His child, and that His design is to bring forth children in this world for Him- self ; you will never hesitate to pray for, or to treat, anyone in trouble to whom your atten- tion may be called. You will always send a helping thought to them, or in other words, will lend a helping hand to your brother ; thus bearing "one anoth • er's burdens, and so fulfilling the law of Christ." You will not wait for any person to ask you, nor to make a bargain, as to the amount and kind of pay you are to receive before you are willing to help the spirit of God within them to come forth in the flesh. If you are working for your own personal glory, you are not working for God. If you are working wholly for certain per- sons and not for God, of course you are more interested in what they give you. But if you are working wholly for God, and not for money, and are conscious that God only works in and through the people, of course you are more interested in Him, and in receiving from Him, that which He gives you. n8 Life's Great Healing Law. All these little selfish tendencies, that we find in ourselves, are but finger-boards to point out to us the way we are going; whether we are serving God or serving Mammon. As we learn to depend on God, we will be- come independent of all that is external to us. The more we depend on that which is external to us, for our health, happiness and power, the weaker we become in all ; and the less good we accomplish. CHAPTER XL How to Co-Operate With God. ATTITUDE AND METHOD. Having set forth in this treaties a concise and clear statement of the Law, the next step in or- der, is to explain the practical attitude and method, that will make clear to the mind of the student, the process involved. This will also give him, not only the direct result of the ap- plication, but will enable him to become con- scious of the workings of the great Law of Life — which is the Law of God. It is not only necessary for one to understand the law, as set forth in the preceding chapters, and recognize the fact that the life controls and uses all — that all powers belong to life, and that its nature is to perfect all organisms — but further, it is necessary in order to heal our- selves and others, for us to know how to use these principles. It is important that we dwell upon these un- changeable and all-powerful laws of nature, 120 Life's Great Healing Law. thinking about them, and studying their oper- ation in all things; until we fully realize their strength and power. It is only in this way, that we can become conscious of the power and presence pf God. The more the individual becomes conscious of the presence of this Power, the greater power will he possess and be able to use in the healing of others. ATTITUDE. It is by centering ourselves in life that we become conscious of life being centered in us. And that which we can realize as being true of ourselves, is more easily recognized as true of others. In order to get into the right attitude before trying to help another, it is better for the healer, or the one who desires to awaken the healing- power, to begin by thinking of the Infinite uni- versal life within and behind all things, and to which all powers belong. Think, then, of your own body being filled and flooded with this same life, and that you are: this life) which is in your own form; and that you are connected with, and inseparable from all life, that is within every other human form; Life's Great Healing Law. 121 as your breath is connected with and insepara- ble from the atmosphere around you. You must recognize that God, the Infinite Father, is the universal Life, of which your own individual life is the child. Then think that you are this individual life; and that you are not the physical body which you have always thought you were. You must take this stand then — of the indi- vidual talking to the Universal; or, in other words, of the God child, talking to the God- Father. CENTER YOURSELF IN GOD. In doing this, you should centre yourself in God — way back in deep — in order to look out from Him, or through Him into all His other children. To illustrate : — you do this, in the same way that you would centre yourself, if it were possi- ble, in the Sun in the Heavens ; if you desired to look out through its rays, and' see what it, or each ray, was doing. In order to do this, you would get way back, deep, into the sun ; with a conscious knowledge of your being one with it. Conscious that you could manipulate and use each individual ray, at will. Conscious that you were made out of the very same substance, 122 Life's Great Healing Law. quality, attributes and nature of the sun him- self, and that because you were conscious of this, you understood that it was the sun dwell- ing within you, that did the work; and you could in this way realize the fact that in him you lived, moved and had your being When you think of yourself thus centered in the sun, you see that you are not only con- nected with the rays that emerge from it, but you are in close touch through these rays with every part of the universe on which they fall. Through this self-conscious knowledge, time and space are annihilated ; and you can commu- nicate with, talk to and strengthen each indi- vidual ray, in proportion to your knowledge of its nature, and your own ability to do the work desired. It is in this way, that you centre yourself in God. You must always keep in mind the fact, that all life is centered in you, and that you are the center and the culmination of all life. The very centre of your being, is the "Divine Spark," the indwelling God; and is that which connects you, with the Great Whole. It is this Infinite Life, this "spirit of God that dwells within you/' that you must centre your- self in, or fix your attention upon, in order that Life's Great Healing Law. 123 you may become centered in God. .You must shut out all the outer world of matter and every material thought before you can retire within the inmost depths of your own soul where God is always found. You can never find or know God, outside of your own soul. You can never touch or affect the God in an- other, from the outside of yourself. You must first enter your own life— enter into the secret place of the Most High, which is within yourself, before you can consciously co-operate with God. Your own spirit is the only door, through and by which you can enter into the Universal Life. Your own spirit says to you "I am the Door : by me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture." When you are centered in your owu life, cen- tered in your own God, you are centered in the God of all. You are thus in direct touch and conjunction with the life or spirit, in every other individual. You can then talk to them mentally, telling the God within each, the abso- lute truth about itself, and its ability to do and be; holding your attention upon it until the knowledge of these truths are realized by the individual or by the patient. 124 Life's Great Healing Law. As the sun shines on the just and the unjust alike, so God shines in the just and the unjust alike. The sun is the light without, while God is the Light within. The only work for each individual is to be- come conscious of this shining, and learn to fol- low this inner Light. To repeat, it is by centering the thought in God, or in the Life, that is within and behind all things, thus becoming connected with all things, that does away with time and space to the individual. The law also is, "Whatsoever is bound on earth is bound in Heaven, and whatsoever is loosed on earth is loosed in Heaven." This binding and loosing is only in consciousness, and is connected with the law of "As your faith, so be it unto you." Expressed in another way, it means, if we believe that God can do only so much with us, or we can do only so much with Him, the In- finite Creative Power, sees to it that we are bound, right where we place our limitations While, if we believe that God can do all things with and through us, or that "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me," the same Infinite Creative Power in Heaven sees to it that we are unbound or loos- Life's Great Healing Law. 125 ened from where we remove our limitations. Thus, in talking to God, we must come in the attitude of child to parent ; not as an imper- fect, "crawling worm of the dust," but as the perfect child of a perfect Father; and admit that because of the laws of heredity, the child must inherit all the perfections of its All Per- fect Father. The perfect child, asking its Father to re- mind it of, or to teach it of the wisdom and love, life, health and power, that it had with God the Infinite Life, before the world was. CHAPTER XII. Divine Suggestions. DIVINE SUGGESTIONS. Oh thou Almighty God, my Father, glorify thou me, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. Magnify thou me with the Wisdom, Light and Love which I had with Thee before the world was. Reveal Thou Thyself to me in all things, in all beings, and on all planes. Open thou me, that I may see in thee all that thou hast made, and that I may see in that thou hast made only thee. "Holy! Holy!! Holy!!! Lord God Al- mighty, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be." Thou art my Father, and I am Thy child. Thou art my God ; I am Thy son. Thou art my life, my love, my hope, my glory, and I am Thy living one, Thy loving one, Thy hopeful one, and Thy glorified one. I am Thy perfect child, exactly as Thou Life's Great Healing Law. 127 didst make me. Perfect, because I am com- posed of thine own substance, elements and na- ture. All that I am and have I received from thee. All that I am and shall be, comes from thee. Because of what I am, because of what thou art, I stand before Thee, perfect as Thou art perfect. But this perfection, this light, this love, this health, strength, vitality and power that Thou hast given me, that came to me from Thee, I must live and give to the world. Hence, I stand before the world shielded and protected by Thy love ; vivified and strengthened by Thy power, illuminated and enlightened by Thy wisdom, healed and perfected by Thy life. No dart from the enemy can touch me, be- cause I am shielded by Thy love. No evil thoughts, from any being, in Heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the regions under the earth, can faze or affect me, because of this In- finite shield that surrounds and protects me. No fear can open the gates to admit anything contrary to Thyself. I have no fear, for Thou art with me, and I realize that "perfect love casteth out fear." As I am filled so full of the Infinite love of 128 Life's Great Healing Law. Thyself, there is no room for anything but Thee. I fear no disease or inharmony known to man, by whatever name it may be called. I fear no accidents, no troubles ; nothing that the so-called "flesh is heir to," can affect or eat up my flesh while I know that the infinite love of God, not only surrounds and infills it, but permeates every atom of it, thus penetrating and inflating every part and portion of my en- tire being; for this love is life, and this life is God, working. God, the infinite, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent Power: loving, working, abiding, dwelling within: filling me so full of Himself that naught else can enter: and thus I not only radiate His love, but I ra- diate His health also. My head, brain, throat, lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, bladder, spleen, bowels, in fact, every organ and function of my entire being is oper- ated and acted upon by this Infinite dynamic power of God. Every function of my being is a God func- tion. No weakness about it. The function of every organ is performed absolutely by God Himself. The digesting, assimilating, appro- priating, restoring and renewing process is done by His own hand, and under the supervision Life's Great Healing Law. 129 and guidance of His own eye. No foods that I take into the system of this body, that I might want, can in any way interfere or impede in the slightest degree this work of the Almighty. Nothing but my own faith, in its power over me, and over Him, can "give me indigestion." I see every organ filled, infused and flooded with this omnipresent, omnipotent healing, strengthening and vitalizing power of God ; and I can only feel what I fix my attention upon. I am master of all circumstances and environ- ments when I live at the centre of all life. I can control and move all things, according to the infinite desire within myself, as fast as I know His will concerning me. There is no lack or poverty or want in my realm : for all things are mine, when I abide in the consciousness of ownership, of dominion over all. "Peace, plenty and prosperity are within my walls," and success on every line of undertaking; with the consciousness of abund- ance and to spare. I am led, controlled and moved to do only that which will lead me into better conditions by the Infinite wisdom that is ever working with me and watching over me. "The peace that passeth all understanding fills my soul/' and "I sleep the sleep of the 130 Life's Great Healing Law. just," compelled and held in sleep by the infin- ite hand of the Almighty. No nervousness or indigestion, no cough, cold, asthma, or so- called bronchial affection, or any other foolish reasoning can interfere with me or make me afraid. Infinite health, perfect love, and absolute har- mony, fills me and floods me. I will allow nothing that is external to me to come into my consciousness, or take possession of me. I stand the supreme master of all states and conditions, both external and internal to my body, mind and soul ; for I am the mighty be- ing, the Infinite one of the Most High. 1 AM LIFE. Because of this, I illuminate and purify my soul. I enlighten and enlarge my mind. I strengthen and heal my body ; and yet, not I, "but the Father dwelling within me; He doeth the work;" for "there is no power but one, and that is God." This Infinite Power, operating and working within me, is the dominion which God has given me ; and by and through the use of it, I shall manifest to the world all that I am. With Thy power as my power, consciously using it, Life's Great Healing Law. 131 I shall become as Thou art, the master of all conditions and environments. In Thine own Wisdom, in Thine own Light* under the direction, guidance and control of Thyself, I will come forth — I am coming forth in the world — perfect as Thou art perfect ; for Thy Light and Wisdom illumiries my entire be- ing. All the clouds of darkness, doubt, worry, anxiety, disbelief or fear, melt before Thy Light and disappear as the dew before the rising sun. All preconceived opinions, narrow concep- tion, bigoted affirmations, wrong ideas, will be revealed to me as no part of Thee; and drop from me as quickly, as easily, as the rain from the clouds in the springtime. I know that in Thee I can do all things. I know that by and through Thee I shall be all that Thou wouldst have me to be, for "I and the Father are One." "And now, O Father, glorify Thou me with Thine own self, with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was." So Let it Be. ( By changing the pronoun, you can use the above as a treatment for others. 132 Life's Great Healing Law. THE MISSION OF PAIN. When the realization of the Truth of these Divine Suggestions takes possession of the in- dividual, there is a great change in conscious- ness experienced. This centering of the at- tention in the Life, for the purpose of healing all manner of disease, is, of course, a great thing for every one, because sickness is never desirable. No one enjoys suffering, although pain is a necessity. It is necessary in this way. Pain always reveals to us that there is a de- ranged condition in the vital processes of life, within the human structure. Pain warns us that something is wrong; and this is its divine- ly ordained mission. If it were not for pain, the disease would eat up the flesh ; disable and derange the entire organism, before we could know that there was anything wrong. Many times the entire sys^ tern would be clogged, and the whole machin- ery completely stopped, were it not for this honest messenger of pain, which, in its earn- est endeavor to save and protect the whole or- ganism, has been condemned and abused ; 'for its pains.' It is utterly impossible for any human being, to feel pain, where there is no life. The object of the pain then, is but to call the individual's Life's Great Healing Law. 13^5 attention to the fact that there is something wrong, and that he must call this Infinite heal- ing power of God into action to restore har- mony, for it is everywhere present throughout the entire body. It is there to heal, restore and perfect ; but it, like all of the other forces, faculties, functions, powers and senses of man's entire nature, is under his control. You must remember that for years and years, you have been sowing the seeds which produce all of these deranged conditions: which obstruct the flow of the blood, shatter', the nerves, exhausts the brain-force, weakens and deranges all of the different organs, and interferes in every conceivable way, with every line of action, throughout the entire being of man. You have no right to feel disappointed or become discouraged, when you commence the work of repairing, restoring, healing and per- fecting your own body, until you have worked at this reconstructing process as faithfully as you have in the past years, worked on the de- structive lines. Because you see the truth, in regard to what you really are, does not signify that it will be externalized instantly. Seeing food on the table, does not produce flesh on your bones. The food must be eaten 134 Life's Great Healing Law. by you ; it must be taken into the stomach and digested, assimilated throughout the system, and appropriated by every part of the entire structure to which it belongs; before it be- comes "flesh of your flesh, and bone of your bones/' RECOGNITION AND REALIZATION. In exactly this same way, before the truths which you see, can be externalized in your con- sciousness, you must perceive or recognize them as true. You must dwell upon them, think about them, until you understand all the reasons for their being true. This understand- ing gives you the knowledge, the faith in their reality, which causes you to realize their truth, or to become absolutely conscious that they are true. There is as great a distinction between recog- nition and realization as there is between recog- nizing that the food is on the table, and realiz- ing the strength and flesh which is produced through your having eaten it. When we see how little we know of the work- ings of God, and how much is to be learned by us, before we can become all that we desire to be, we have only to remember that as fast as we are ready for new truths, or for new light on any subject, it will be given us. Life's Great Healing Lcms. 135 Our work is to do the eating or correct think- ing, digesting, or right actions, assimilating and appropriating, which is accomplished through living the life, as God intended that we should. The growth of consciousness must, in this way, be fed, nourished and strengthened, as the growth of the body is fed, nourished and strengthened. This perfect and healthy growth of consciousness, can be at- tained only by the individual, using every fac- ulty of the mind to produce it ; as every func- tion and organ of the body must be used, in order to produce a perfect and healthy growth of the body. You must not simply remember all the laws that have been given in this book, but you must reason everything out for yourself; using your own judgment as to where they belong and how to use them ; what you need and how you are to act; listening all the time to the promptings of your own highest nature, and deciding everything by the Light of this Infin- ite Life within your own soul. "ye must be born again/' The change of physical consciousness in re- lation to the healing of the body, experienced by each one while studying on these lines, can hardly be compared with the mighty change 136 Life's Great Healing Law. that takes place within the individual when the Divine consciousness of what he is, as Life itself, is aroused and awakened within him. This change is the greatest that has ever been experienced by man ; for through it he becomes conscious within himself, that he is an Infinite being, and knows that this Infinite conscious- ness will broaden and expand until his doing corresponds with his being. There is no illustration that explains so clear- ly to the mind of the reader, this change in con- sciousness, as that of the chick hatching from the egg. There are years and years of the individual's life, when this higher consciousness lies latent or dormant, — when nothing but the common mortal or human life is apparent, — as there are weeks and months that the chick lies latent or dormant in the egg, because the process by which the egg is to be transformed into the chick, has not yet begun. Suppose, if it were possible for the egg to be conscious of being an egg, then, when the in- cubating process commenced, it would also be conscious of a change taking place within itself ; although it might not know what that change was. Neither could there be any conscious- ness of limitation felt within the chick, until Life's Great Healing Law. 137 after the transformation of the egg into itself, had taken place, when the sensation of limita- tion would be the strongest. It is the growing and the expanding of the little chick, that causes the shell or its limita- tions, to be broken ; and it steps out into a new world, (and yet it is the very same world,) with its little body filled full of the many liv- ing powers, forces and functions, which it could not have imagined before, of ever being able to possess. Its consciousness of being a perfect little chick, as it steps from the shell, would not be the consciousness that is yet to be acquired through using all of its new powers; for it must eat and walk, run and fly, grow and develop all of that which pertains to its new nature. The human race, is to-day, like so many eggs, — placed here and there, — bought and sold, — handled and used by circumstances, — "under the law," because controlled by, or "servants of the law." BE YE PERFECT, EVEN AS YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN IS PERFECT. As you, through this transforming process, become conscious that you are Life, the sensa- tion of limitation is broken, and drops from you the same as the shell drops from the chick. 138 Life's Great Healing Law. You then stand forth, conscious of your own Divinity. Conscious that you are the very Life itself, that you have always known was embod- ied w T ithin your own human form. Conscious that you are unlimited on every line and in every direction ; because you are connected with all Life. Conscious that you are composed of a spiritual essence and substance, which no disease can affect or touch. Conscious that you are master of all your own conditions and environments. Conscious that you are the Son of God; and that nothing conceivable to man can interfere with you, or retard the work which you know that you must accomplish. Instead bf feeling that something or some- body can impede your progress, you know that everything under the sun, and that God Him- self, is not only working for, but with you, in the perfection and culmination of your highest desires and ideals. You are then, no longer "under the law, but under grace/ ' The "Grace of God" is the unlimited and omnipotent functions, forces and powers of the Almighty, which you must become conscious of possessing. You should not think that the attainment of this Divine consciousness is impossible for man, because those doubts all tend to retard the Life's Great Healing Law. 139 transforming process, within yourself alone. You must be "confident of this very thing, that He ivhich hath begun a good work in you, will perform it, until the day of Jesus Christ" or, until you are as perfect a Divine human, as He was. Remember, the principal difference in the il- lustration of the transformation of the chick within the shell and yourself, is the difference in consciousness. Your transformation is wholly in consciousness. That is, you are conscious of being transformed, while the chick is not. Others looking upon you from without, unless they are in this same process, can know nothing of the change that is taking place with- in you. Remember, also, that if it were not possible for this change to take place within men, it would be impossible for any one to conceive of the plan or to desire it; much less to under- stand and know the law, by which it is to be brought about, or attained. Life's Great Healing Law is only one of the branches of this Infinite Tree of Life, which is very different from the "Tree of knowledge of good and evil," of which Humanity has been so persistently eating, for lo ! these thous- ands of years. 140 Life's Great Healing Law. The 'Flaming Sword' of Truth that 'turns every way to protect this Tree of Life' is being recognized and understood by man; and the "Cherubims are seen to be the Divine beings, which must be recognized as living within every soul, if man would enter Life, take of the fruit of this Tree, eat, and Live Forever. THE END. Pbess of Hayworth Publishing House. 142 THE ELEVATOR. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TO UPLIFTING HUMANITY. $i.ooa Year. Edited by DensiE HERENDEEN, Author of "LIFE'S GREAT HEALING LAW." This magazine has something interesting and instructive along these lines of correct thinking every month. And all who read this book, will want to send for the magazine. A year's trip in The Elevator will take you high up the Mount of Understanding, where Life will be reviewed from higher levels; for 'twill elevate you into higher realms. Sample copy free. Address : The Elevator Publishing Co., Washington, D. C. 143 —A NEW BOOK OF POEMS— Scientific, Descriptive, Historical, Humorous &c, &c, entitled : The Star of Bethlehem, West Virginia Hills, And Other Poems. By the well-known writer, orator and poet, Hon. Nat Ward Fitz-Geraux Bound in cloth, $1.00 post paid. Address : Elevator Publishing Co., Washington, D. C. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. 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