Qass Book. IQtZ Ill rtilil I'lliii. riiiiilirl(lu<-. Ohio. I UIiiIhT. MK. / the: gbne:al_ogv TMB^ sarche:"t famil_v f »r«>*.i t»«« ISL-AND OF QUEIRNSEIV To Camrridqe:. Ohio, IN 1MO«3. 3 - . / y THE SAIU IIKT CABIN IN lllK UoulJ.s On tlio presont sito of tho f'ity of ('aml)ri(li:c, O.. in ISOH. A Kail Seen*'. : c to «, , ,, , •« «t« ««• I • « « .•• .«. •• • . ' • . • • •. .-. i-X. IKM'SK KRK(TKI) HY TH(»M A> >AKr||KT IN IfeOT. f'nrni»r of Whrol*' - \' '^ • ''^tn-ri, ill wlilrh 111. >!• I , , li »f < 'miibritlg**. Ohio. «»■ firxBtiixril in IMCIS, mul in vhirh ihr compiler of ttii« Criifalo^ty wn* iM.rn NovmilMT I7lh. iHiH. G E: N E: A LOG V OF- TM e: = SARCHEIT FAMILV npHE head of the family was named Thomas, which has * been a continuous name for 300 years. The family tradition gives this iiistory : This man Thomas was a son of a family in the north of France at a point nearest to the Island of Guernsey. This family were zeal- ous Catholics, and during the Huguenots persecutions were actiye participants in what they considered the holy cause of putting to death and the rack the heretic Protestants. This son, having procured a Bible, persisted in reading it, against the protests of the family and the threats of the parish priest. In the throes of the persecution, fearful of his life, he fled from his home, which was located on the channel shore. He rowed in a frail boat to the Island of Guernsey as a place of refuge, and changed his name. William Berry, in his history of Guernsey published in 1814, gives an account of the settlement on the Island of French Huguenots between 1582 and 1634, during the reigns of Charles and Louis XIV, as being French Protestants, fol- lowers of Calvin and Luther. "Acinin gavo tlie iimne wtuMi tlif liord liad inado his creatures; Tlu^ro is ail ai-bltrary iianif whercunto the idea attaches, And there Is Httle in the sound, as some have vainly landed, Yea, many weeds run rank in pride, if men have dubl)ed them cechirs. There were nine Homers, aU fioodly sons of song. l)ut where is the record of tlie eiKht? One grew to fame, an Aaron's rod, and swaUowed up liis bretliren. Art thou the name of a family, the same in successive generations. So thy sons may tell their sons, and those may teacli their chlldien. Ht> died in goodness, as he lived, and left us a gO(jd name. And more than tills there is !i roll whereon thy name is written. See that on the Book of Doom that name is fixed in light; God will give thee His new nanu', and write it on thy heart, A name, l)etter than of sons, a name, dearei- than of daughters. A nanie of union, peace and praise, as numbered in thy God." "Guernsey! to me find in my partinl eye, Thou nrt a holy and enehanted Ish' Where I would linger long and muse the while Of ancient thoughts and solemn memories, Quickening the tender tear or pensive smile. Guernsey! for nearly twice an hundred years Home of my fathers, refuge from their fears And haven of their hope, when long of yore Fleeing Imperial Charles and bloody Rome, Protestant Martyrs, to thy sea-girt shore They came to seek n temple and a home. And found thee generous.— I, their son. would pour My heart full, all of praise and thanks to thee. Island of welcf)mes, friendly, frank and free." —Martin Tupper. What this ThnmHS 's original name was is an unsettled question Some of the family think it was "Sarcha." This I do not think. Sarcha is not a French name, but the pronunciation of Sarehet. I once thought and so said in some of my writings that it was Dousouchett. On further investigation I fouiul it was not a French name, l)ut a naiiK- of tlie Island of Jersey. In all of my reading ami research of French history I have never found the name of Sarclia. Flcung as lie did fnini the extreme north of France, I have f(umd locateti there two families named Suclx't and TruuclH't. These families were zealous Catho- lics. Kithir (if tiiese names couUl easily l)e changed to Sarcliet (ieii. .Suchet, of the army of tlu- First Napoleon, was of one of the families, antl M. Tr(uichet, a distinguishe 1 lawyer and aiitluu- i»f the "Code Napoleon," was of the other. I am inclined to think that <>:\r of these names was the original, changed to Sarehet. This 'IMu.mas, llrst of the Sarehet name, was married on tlir Island of (Juernsey into a family named LePelley. It seems that tlown through the family line it was more pro- lific in females than males. My grandfather's father was named 'i'homas. It was and is yet a custom of the Island fur the ohh'st son to he nametl after the father or grand- father. This family came down in direct line to two sons, Thomas and I'eter Sarehet, in IT.")!!. The females of the families had married into the families of the Island, of Manger, Giheaut, Mahay, LaHue, Tupper, LaSerre, and others. The sons of Thomas Sarehet, horn . and Clarence B. ; daughter, Lillie. Joiin H. married Emma Davis; had two daughters, deceased. Nancy B. married Hon. Joseph W. White; had two daughters, Mary Scott, of P^vanston, Illinois, and Martha Campbell, of Cambridge, Ohio. Harriet J. married James M. (arson ; has no children living. There are now living in Guernsey County lineal des- cendants of Thomas Sarchet, of ( "anibridge of 1800, ID males, Mild there are others located in the w(";tcrn States jind some on I lie Pacific coast, so that the name, ccming with tliree I'i'oiii their Island home, Giiernse\\ located in tlie waters of the La Mancha and re- located in the wilderness of Ohio, as Guernsey County, has spread out from east to west, and is not likely soon to be extinct. The foregoing history brings the family name down to 1002, with the hope that in the years to come some one of the family may continue the geneaology. I have not brought down to this dnte all the families, because of inability to trace truly the later families. Fortunate ior us living if we do our work as well as our fathers did theirs. From the house erected in 1807, as sliown elsewhere, the remains of Thomas Sarchet were carried, on a bier by his friends, to the old Cambridge graveyard, April 21st, 1837, aged 67 years. From it his consort, Anne Richard Sarchet, was carried by friends and laid by his side, April 2d, 1849, aged 83 years. In 1805 there was a colony formed for the purpose of emigrating to the new State of Ohio in the Northwest Ter- ritory. Thomas Sarchet was selected as the forerunner. Where he located the members of the colony were to locate. He located August 14th, 1806, at the newly laid out town plat of Cambridge, INluskingum County, Ohio, on big Wills Creek. The rest of the colonists came on in 1807. The names of the Guernsey families were Sarchets, Richards, Ogiers, Naftels, Lenfesteys, Marquands, Huberts, De Francis, LaSures, Ratillies, LaVires, and Ferbraches, and of young men, Robin, Poedvin, Ogier, LaRue, Langloise, Torode, Corbet, Richard, Lapage, and Gibeaut, COL. CYRUS P. B. SARCHET. PRESENT RESIDENCE OF COL. C. P. B. SARCHET, No. 1504 East Wheelins: Avenue. •— I IW\/W / _ _ _ _ _