E 664 • S3 U5 Copy 2 ^ UNITED STATES Ol^ AMERiCA. ^4€^Y'at '€y(^^^^///r/V//yvy MEMORIAL ADDRESSES ON THE Life and Charactep^ GusTAVE Schleicher, (A REPRESENTATIVE FROM TEXAS,) DELIVERED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND IN THE SENATE, FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS,' THIRD SESSION. ff PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF CONGRESS. 3/ WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. I 880. c„ri^ c^ z FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, THIRD SESSION. Congress of the United States, In the House of Representatives, February 27, 1879. Resolved by the Himse of Representatives {the Senate concurring). That there be printed twelve thousand copies of the memorial addresses delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives upon the life and character of the late Gustave Schleicher, late a Representative from the State of Texas ; of which nine thousand shall be for the use of the House and three thousand for the use of the Senate. Attest • GEO. M. ADAMS, Clerk. AN ACT providing for the engraving and printing of portraits to accompany memorral addresses on the late Representatives Leonard, Quinn, Welch, Williams, Douglas, Hart- ridge, and Schleicher. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be engrax ed and printed portraits of the late Representatives Leonard, Quinn, Welch, Williams, Douglas, Hartridge, and Schleicher, to ac-;ompany memorial addresses delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives in honor of the said deceased Representatives, and to defray the expenses thereof the necessary sum is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sum to be immediately available. Approved, March 3, 1879 PROCEEDINGS ON THE Death of Gustave Schleicher. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. In the House of Representatives, yamiary ii, 1879. Mr. GiDDiNGS. Mr. Speaker, it becomes my painful duty to an- nounce to this House the death of my colleague, the Hon. Gustave Schleicher, late a Representative from the State of Texas, which occurred at his residence in this city at twenty minutes past ten o'clock yesterday evening. I shall at some time in the future ask the House to set apart a day for the consideration of the appropriate memorial resolutions. I offer now the resolutions which I send to the desk. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That the House has heard with sincere regret the an- nouncement of the death of Hon. Gustave Schleicher, late a Representative from the State of Texas. Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring), That a special joint committee of eight members of the Plouse and three members of the Senate be appointed to take order for superin- tending the funeral and to escort the remains of the deceased to San Antonio, Texas; and the necessary expenses attending the execution of this order shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate the foregoing resolutions to the Senate. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. Resolved, That, as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, this House do now adjourn. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. The Speaker announced the appointment of the following-named members as the committee on the part of the House under the second resolution: Mr. D. C. Giddings, of Texas; Mr. C. M. Shelley, of Alabama; Mr. J. A. McKenzie, of Kentucky; Mr. Nicholas Muller, of New York ; Mr. G. B. Loring, of Massa- chusetts; Mr, Lorenzo Brentano, of Illinois; Mr. M. I. Town- send, of New York, and Mr. L. Powers, of Maine. In accordance with the last resolution the House (at twelve o'clock and twenty minutes p. m.) adjourned. January 13, 1879. Mr. Swann. I am instructed by the Committee on Foreign Affairs to present a report and resolution in reference to the death of our late colleague, Mr. Gustave Schleicher. The Clerk read as follows : The Committee on Foreign Affairs desire to place upon its record its apprecia- tion of the kindly qualities and analytic intellect of their late member, Hon. Gus- tave Schleicher. Its members unanimously express their mature judgment of his unexampled merits and honest statesmanship, and his devotion to his State and his constitu- ents, evidenced by his assiduity and labors in the sessions of this committee and reported to this Congress. To show their unfeigned regret and sympathy to the country, to the State of Texas, and to the bereaved family, and to do this in such a way as to make this testimonial worthy and substantial: Therefore, Be it resolved, That in consequence of the large family of the deceased and of the condition of his estate, the House be requested to make the customary appro- priation of the balance of the salary which would be due to him, as a member of the Forty-fifth Congress, and that the next Congress, to which he was elected, be respectfully requested to make a similar appropriation of the salary which would have been due to him as a member of the Forty-sixth Congress. The resolution reported by the Committee on Foreign Affairs was unanimouly adopted. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. Mr. GiDDiNGS. I offer the following resolution : Resolved, That the funeral ceremonies of Hon. Gustave Schlei- cher, late a Representative from the State of Texas, be had in the Hall of the House at three o'clock p. m. this day, and that the Senate ot the United States be requested to attend. The resolution was adopted unanimously. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Sympson, one of its clerks, announced the adoption of the following resolutions : Resolved, That the Senate has received with deep sensibility the announcement of the death of Hon. Gustave Schleicher, late a member of the House of Representatives from the State of Texas. Resolved, That the Senate agree to the resolution of the House of Representatives providing for the appointment of a joint committee to take order for superintending the funeral and to escort the remains of the deceased to San Antonio, Texas. Ordered, That Mr. Coke, Mr. Bayard, and Mr. Hamlin be the committee on the part of the Senate. Resolved, That, pursuant to the invitation of the House of Repre- sentatives, the Senate will attend the funeral ceremonies of Hon. Gustave Schleicher, late a member of the House of Representa- tives, to be held in the Hall of the House this day at three o'clock, and that the Senate now take a recess until five minutes to three o'clock. funeral services over the remains of MR. SCHLEICHER. At three o'clock the Senate of the United States, preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms and headed by the Vice-President of the United States, with the Secretary, the Chief Justice, and associate justices of the Supreme Court, and the President of the United States and the members of his Cabinet, entered the Hall, were properly announced, and were then conducted to the seats assigned them. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. At eight minutes past three o'clock the casket containing the remains was brought into the Hall, preceded by the com- mittee of arrangements and the Senators and Representatives from Texas. The Chaplain of the House, Rev. W. P. Harrison, D. D., read selections from the epistle according to Saint John, the book of Job, the first epistle to Timothy, and from the ninetieth psalm. He then offered the following prayer : Almighty, everlasting God, our Heavenly Father, Thou hast sum- moned from our midst another member of this House of Representa- tives. His days upon earth are numbered. He has entered into the eternal world. O God, our Father, help us to number our days, for they are but few. A few days hence and the places that know us now will know us no more forever. O God, let Thy truth sink deep into our hearts. Teach us Thy law. Give us a reverent spirit, that we may obey Thy precepts and serve Thee and love Thee with all our minds and hearts and strength. O Infinite Spirit, do Thou in compassion look upon the widow and fatherless children of our deceased friend. O God we cannot enter into their sorrow. We cannot fully sympathize with their pain and anguish. Do Thou soothe and comfort them. O Infinite Spirit, do Thou prepare for us a life of usefulness henceforth, so that when in the valley of the shadow of death we shall be called to pass Thy rod and Thy staff may support us into eternal life at Thy right hand. Guide us, through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen. The Chaplain next read selections from the fifteenth chapter of the first epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians, and afterward addressed the House as follows : PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. Again, my hearers, are we assembled to perform a mournful duty. The body of Gustave Schleicher, late a Representative from the State of Texas, lies before us. It becomes us in speaking of his memory to deal kindly and lov- ingly and truthfully. He was a man of remarkable characteristics, and some of these I shall venture to-day to mention as eminently worthy of praise and of imitation. Born in the city of Darmstadt, in Germany, educated at the Uni- versity of Giessen, in the Grand Duchy of Hess-Darmstadt, at a very early period of his life he manifested peculiar scientific abilities as a civil engineer, and became an assistant in the construction of several railroads in Europe. At the age of twenty-three he came to America, spending some time upon the southwestern frontiers of the United States. In the year 1850 he located at San Antonio, in Texas. In three years from that date we find him a representative in the legislature of that State, and certainly no small tribute is this fact to his eminent abili- ties. To acquire a foreign tongue ; to become so prepared in this foreign language as thoroughly to comprehend the civil institutions, the political principles, and to represent a constituency as a legislator, is assuredly a very high compliment ; and when it is accomplished in so short a period, when, rising to the second house, the highest body of the State legislature, a member of the senate, he was ulti- mately chosen to represent a district of Texas in the Congress of the United States. Only those who understand from personal experience the difficul- ties involved in the mastery of the English language by one born in a foreign land can truly appreciate the energy, the patience and earnestness, the zeal, the steady application which paved the way to his eminent success. It is my privilege to speak of some characteristics of our departed friend that I have already named as worthy of praise and of imita- tion. Respect for law, a spirit of obedience to law, is essential to the perpetuity of a free government. Respect for the law of the land depends in a very large measure upon popular esteem and respect for the men who make the law, and he who unsettles this confidence, he who contributes to diminish the faith of the people in the purity, in the Avisdom, in the integrity, and in the honor of her law-makers and the executors of her law, does permanent injury to the country and ineffaceable wrong to society. It has been a stigma, my countrymen, which we have been com- pelled to confess in a large measure to be just, that in the political contests that from time to time have been waged in our land, from the discussion of high and important principles of administration and of state policy, men have descended to personal vituperation and abuse; and these examples have been carried into the public prints, until in many sections of our land no character is so pure, no integ- rity so unquestionable, no honesty so evident that they will not be assailed by the tongue of detraction. The man who lies before you never contributed in this direction a word or an act. He never felt that it was necessary, in order to compass his own success, to destroy the private character of a com- petitor. But as he felt himself to be actuated by principles of honesty and integrity, he recognized these in his opponent; and as a gentleman conscious of his own honor, so he regarded those who differed from him in sentiment. This example I consider eminently worthy of universal imitation. Would that the restraints that are felt in this House, the requirements of parliamentary usage, could be everywhere observed in the discus- sions that excite the people throughout our land. To maintain respect for authority, to maintain confidence in the ability and incor- ruptibility of public men, to maintain a living faith in their purity of purpose, these are essential principles, and they lie at the very base PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. of our future fortunes, and must form our hope for the stability and perpetuity of the institutions of this country. A second quahfication which I shall notice, an admirable quality in our deceased friend, was his eminent love of truth and a patient, earnest, untiring spirit of investigation. He spared no labor, he yielded to no inducements of ease, but gave himself wholly, to the full extent of his great natural powers, to the investigation of the problems that came before him and every subject that demanded his attention. So thoroughly was his heart absorbed in his public duty that in the moments of delirium, when the mortal body to and fro was being tossed about, and the cords were being rapidly broken one by one that bound him to mortal life, even then his mind was upon his public work, in his daily duties, investigating, deciding, acting in the delirium of the hour. Another and eminently characteristic feature in our deceased friend's character was his immovable and invincible resolution. When he believed himself to be right, whether in a vast majority or standing single and alone, if he believed himself to be right he was immovable. No matter what the issue might be, nor how much his position might endanger his personal fortunes and prospects, he fol- lowed the lead of his conscience and stood firm to the convictions of his intellect. Statesmen ought to lead public opinion, not to follow it. They who give all time and labor and thought to the great principles of administrative government, they who do this with intelligence, with ability, with zeal, will be competent to lead the judgments of the people. Our departed friend was a loving husband, a kind, indulgent father; generous to a fault, careless to his injury in his temi)oral interests. Free and large as his manly person was the great heart that beat within this cold body. The generous emotion, the tender 2 SC PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. feeling, the consciousness which enters into distress and sympathizes and rises higher than the emotion of pity and takes compassion upon distress and bears part of its burden, these he knew. And thus in the midst of a useful life, a life of patient toil, of un- divided devotion to his adopted country's interests, he has passed away. His memory will endure. May the example which he left in these high and noble characteristics of statesmanship be a guide to others. So remembering him, may we in like steadfastness to duty, with like zeal and patient investigation into truth, with like strength of resolution and manliness of purpose, adhere to the convictions of right, and so shall we serve our country and serve our God. When these few days of mortal life shall have passed away, O Infinite Spirit, into the light of eternal day guide us, into the pres- ence of the eternal God, in the bliss of the eternal state. Rev. Byron Sunderland, D. D., Chaplain of the Senate, then offered the following prayer : Under the shade, O Lord, under the deep dark shade of Thy clouds, thickening one upon another, behold Thou all these Thy servants assembled here again to-day. The sweet light of the world is all around us ; and yet Thou hast wrapped us in the darkness of sorrow again and again. What meanest Thou, O Lord God Almighty, our Father in Heaven, to speak thus unto Thy children, for that they consider the time that we spend our years as a tale that is told. O ! out of the frailty of nature and out of the fever of life, yea, and from the apa- thy and the destruction of death itself, we beseech Thee to lift up the souls of Thy servants, that while their time is flowing on, and while the turmoil of the world is ever arising around them, they may by the inspiration of faith catch some glimpses of the great headlands, some glimpses of the immortal life that is yet to be unfolded to us. And now, O Lord, our God ! be graciously pleased to compassion- PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. ate the sad circle on whom this fresh trouble has so bitterly fallen. To the sacred memory and the tender grief for him with whom they now part, add Thou the peace of trust and the comfort of hope. Be graciously pleased to go away with them on their desolate jour- ney as they shall bear him hence forever, and bedew so oft his dis- tant grave with their tears. We commend them to Thee, and we pray, Heavenly Father, that Thou wilt remember to-day those mem- bers of this House who are not here to mingle in this funeral scence, but who linger in their chambers of sickness. O God ! if it pleases Thee, restore them to their places in this Hall And now again we invoke Thy blessings upon Thy servants, the President of the United States, and upon all the rulers of this land. O gracious God ! the God of our fathers, and our God, and the God of our children and children's children. Thou art trying us in the furnace of affliction, in our persons, in our families, in our nation. We beseech Thee lead us by a simple childlike faith to cleave ever- more unto Thee; and do thou dwell with us and be our Immanuel forever, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen ! The benediction having been pronounced by the Chaplain of the House, Rev. W. P. Harrison, the remains of the deceased were then removed from the Hall, to be conveyed to San Antonio, Texas, fol- lowed by the Texas delegation and the committee of arrangements. The President of the United States, the members of the Cabinet, the Chief Justice and associate justices of the Supreme Court, the Vice-President, and the members of the Senate then retired from the Hall. Mr. Hooker. In order to enable the members and officers of the House to accompany the remains of him whose funeral ceremonies have just been performed here to the railroad depot, I move that the House now adjourn. The motion was agreed to ; and accordingly (at three o'clock and forty-five minutes p. m.) the House adjourned. 12 proceedings in the house. January 21, 1879. Mr. Cabell, from the Committe on Railways and Canals, reported the following; which was laid on the table and ordered to be printed in the Record : Whereas the death of GusTAVE Schleicher having deprived the Committee on Railways and Canals of a chairman whose pre-eminent abihties and high character have been its pride, we desire to place on record our deep sensibility of the loss we have sustained : Therefore, Be it resolved, That Ave deplore the death of our friend, fellow-member, and chairman, and recognize in it not only a private affliction but also a oubhc loss. Resolved, That while his recognized superior intellectual attainments and his well-known amiable and noble traits of character will keep his memory ever green in our hearts, his noblest memorial will be those public services to which he devoted himself with unremitting zeal, integrity, and pntriotism. Resolved, That he has left a record of honorable deeds and of duty well per- formed which might well excite the emulation of the best and wisest of his surviv- ing colleagues. Resolved, That we extend to his family the assurance of our heartfelt sympathy in their great bereavement. Resolved, That we fully indorse the recommendation of the Committee on For- eign Affairs that the Committee on Appropriations make the usual and customary .appropriation of salary for the benefit of the family of our late colleague. February 14, 1879. The Speaker pro tempore. The Chair desires to state that the addresses in memory of Mr. Schleicher, late a Representative from the State of Texas, which were fixed for to-morrow at two o'clock, will take place on Monday evening at half past seven o'clock. February 17, 1879. Mr. GiDDiNGS. Mr. Speaker, in accordance with notice hereto- fore given and order of the House, I now submit resolutions of re- spect to the memory of our late colleague, Gustave Schleicher. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That this House has heard with i)rofound sorrow the PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. 13 announcement of the death of Hon. Gustave Schleicher, late a Representative from the State of Texas. Resolved, That in token of regard for the memory of the lamented deceased the members of this House do wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That the Clerk of this House do communicate these res- olutions to the Senate of the United States. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased this House do now adjourn. ^DD^ESS OF yVlR. jalDDINGS, OF TeXAS. Mr. Speaker : Mr. Schleicher was born at Darmstadt, Germany, November 19, 1823. We know little of his early life, except that he was educated at the University of Giessen, in the Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt; that he selected the profession of civil engineer, and was engaged in the construction of several works of internal improvement in Europe. He emigrated to Texas in 1847, in company with thirty-nine young and educated Germans, and settled on the western frontier of Texas, constituting what was known as the Colony of Forty. They engaged in agricultural pursuits and stock-raising, but owing to Indian and Mexican depredations the enterprise proved a failure, and he, with a number of his associates, in 1850, settled at San Antonio. By close study he became master of the English and Spanish lan- guages, and in 1853 was elected a member of the house of represent- atives of the legislature of Texas. After the close of his term, in 1854, he was elected surveyor of Bexar land district, which was an important position, embracing a territory greater in extent than the six New England States. In 1859 he was elected senator from Bexar County, serving as such 14 ADDRESS OF MR. GIDDINGS ON THE until 1 86 1, when he entered the Confederate service in the engineer corps, with the rank of captain, and served in that capacity during the war. He was chief engineer, and constructed the railroad from Indianola to Cuerco on substantially the same line established by General Joseph Johnston, assisted by Mr. Schleicher, in 1852, as the line of the San Antonio and Gulf Railroad. He was elected from the sixth district of Texas to the Forty-fourth Congress ; re-elected to the Forty-fifth, and again to the Forty-sixth Congress, and on the loth day of January last, at his residence in this city, surrounded by his devoted family and friends, after a short and pamful illness, departed this life. In accordance with resolutions of the House his remains were conveyed to San Antonio, Texas, and on the 19th of January, with appropriate ceremonies, deposited in the National Cemetery at that place. Mr. Speaker, it is fit and proper that we should pause for a few moments at least, that his surviving comrades may pay suitable trib- ute to his many virtues as a citizen, husband, father, and pubhc servant. The grim monster death knows no distinction. The high and the low, the learned and the unlearned, the rich and the poor, all must obey the dread summons when made. In this instance he has indeed chosen a shining mark. Gustave Schleicher was no ordinary man. Possessed of great energy of body and mind, and endowed with a thorough education, he could not be confined within the narrow limits marked out for him in the Old World. At the early age of twenty-four he left his native land and sought a home in the then unexplored portion of Western Texas, and by his indomitable will and perseverance met and overcame, as onl}- brave men can, the hard- ships, privations, and dangers of a frontier life. He soon became master of two foreign languages, and by his learning, industry, integ- rity, and sound practical common sense, so established himself in the LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 1 5 confidence and affections of the people of Western Texas as to be chosen to represent them in the legislature, composed of bold, adven- turous spirits like himself, who always constitute the pioneers of civ- ilization, and at a time when the legislature of Texas, in point of general intelligence and ability, could compare favorably with any deliberative assembly in any country. He served with credit to him- self and his constituents with such men as Wigfall, Potter, Ochiltree, Jennings, Tarver, Willie, and Wilson. Mr. Schleicher was eminently practical and thorough in every- thing he undertook ; there was nothing superficial about him. He made no effort at display, but was an ardent seeker after truth, and one of the most patient investigators it was ever my fortune to know, going to the bottom and fully comprehending in all its details every subject upon which he was called to act. He was a close and logical reasoner, a profound thinker, and was never satisfied with a super- ficial knowledge of anything. He approached conclusions by a reg- ular and systematic course of study and analytical reasoning, and when he reached a conclusion it was to him as clear and satisfactory as if susceptible of mathematical demonstration, and upon it he rested immovable ; neither passion nor the love of popular applause could move him one hair's breadth from the Hne marked out; he would pay due deference to the opinions of others, listen attentively to any argu- ment offered, but relied upon his own convictions, and had the cour- age to do that which he believed to be right under all circumstances, though he differed from his best and most trusted friends. Philo- sophical in politics and in religion, submitting to no restrictions in the wide range of thought to which he was impelled by his innate love of truth, and bound by the tenets of no party or sect when in con- flict with his own clear, convictions of right, the result of patient investigation and profound thought, yet, while true to those convic- tions as the needle to the pole, he nevertheless accorded to others the same liberty of thought and freedom of action he claimed for himself l6 ADDRESS OF MR. GIDDINGS ON THE He had acquired that strictly accurate knowledge of our language which is possessed only by those who learn it from the best authors. By patient and careful study he had acquired a thorough knowledge and understanding of our system of government, differing so widely from that under which he had been reared, and though cherishing a praiseworthy fondness for the Fatherland and home of his childhood, was nevertheless thoroughly Americanized, fully identified with our people, devoted to the principles of our free institutions and consti- tutional government; and in all positions to which he was called by the people, discharged the high trust reposed in him with strict fidel- ity and a desire to promote the best interest of the whole country. He was justly the jjride of the industrious, intelligent, law-abiding Germans (many of whom have found their way to Texas, induced by liberal grants of land made by the Republic and State of Texas), to who.se energy and industry the unexampled progress and advance- ment of Texas is largely due. He had all the fondness for social enjoyment and pleasant recrea- tion for which the German is distinguished, to which was added ready wit, which, with his genial and generous disposition and accurate and varied information, rendered him a most agreeable companion and a safe counselor and friend. In all the relations of life, public and private, as husband, father, neighbor, citizen, and legislator, he came up to the full measure of a noble manhood, and in his death the people of Texas, and particularly of the sixth district, feel that they have sustained irreparable loss. He had devoted the best years of his laborious life to their service, and to his efforts more than to those of any other one man is attributable the present peaceful and satis- factory condition of the Mexican border. During the long and eventful career of Mr. Schleicher no stain rests upon his character. His most violent political opponents accord to him fidelity and strict integrity. He ever commanded the respect of all who knew him. He sleeps upon a mound overlooking the his- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUST AVE SCHLEICHER. 1 7 toric Alamo, where the ashes of Milam, Travis, Bowie, and Crockett mingle with the dust. To this immortal band who, with a heroism more grand than that of famed Thermopylae, laid down their lives for the freedom of Texas, and who require no monument to perpetu- ate their memor)^ save that inscribed in the hearts and affections of the people they served so well, is added the name of the patriot and statesman, Schleicher. I would like to speak more in detail of the many virtues of my deceased colleague, and of the manifestations of appreciation of the loss our people have sustained, but will not trench further upon the field to be occupied by those who are to follow me, and who are better prepared to do justice to the occasion than I am. Address of Mr, jSrentano, of Jllinois. Mr. Speaker: When the delegation which escorted the remains of our lamented colleague, Gustave Schleicher, from this hall to his own State, there to find a resting-place in the National Cemetery of San Antonio, crossed the line of the Lone Star State, it became clearly apparent that the people of Texas fully realized the loss which they had sustained. At the very threshold of that grand and promis- ing State we were met by a committee sent by the Legislature of Texas with a similar trust which was imposed upon us by this House to serve as an honorary escort to the lifeless body of a man who, trans- planted from a far-off country to the soil over which, after many a bloody contest, now waves in its glory the emblem of American lib- erty, was up to the last moments of his life active in the interests and for the welfare of a people who had honored him with their confi- dence. Only a few months ago, Mr. Schleicher, after a protracted and bitter election contest, elated by a glorious victory, clothed anew with the confidence of his fellow-citizens of both political parties and accompanied by their wishes for his success, had, on his way to the 3 sc 1 8 ADDRESS OF MR. BRENT ANO ON THE scene of his labors and of his pubUc duties, crossed the northern frontier of his State, and the same people who then had cheered him, the man in the bloom of vigorous manhood, flocked now to the funeral car, in which, in a garden of flowers under the festoons of the American flag entwined with the Lone Star, was laid out in state the lifeless form of the man so dear to the hearts of his fellow-citizens. It was a sorrowful spectacle to see the people, under the subdued tones of the funeral dirge, approach in large and mournful processions the funeral car to pay the last honor to their departed friend and Repre- sentative, and the tears which ran down the cheeks of old and young, men and women, were a better eulogy on the man than my feeble voice is able to pronounce. Should a stranger have casually happened to see this outpouring of the masses, the gloom depicted in their looks and on their countenances, he must at once have received the impres- sion that it was not a common mortal, but a man whose death was con- sidered a public calamity, who was being carried to his last resting-place. At every station the same spectacle. Arrived at San Antonio, we found ourselves in a city of mourning. It was the principal city of the district represented by our deceased colleague. We must expect to find here disconsolate friends, personal and political. But, Mr. Speaker, allow me to say that I, who in the country of which Mr. Schleicher was a native have seen magnificent and splendid funeral pageants of men occupying the highest places in the monarchy, have never witnessed the funeral of any public man who on the way to his grave was honored by such an imposing cortege and at the same time by such sincere sorrow of the people who thronged the streets and followed the remains of the man whom they were used to look upon as their true friend. And, indeed, Mr. Schleicher has fully de- served the confidence of the people whom he represented in the highest council of the nation ; and well has he deserved of the grief with which the news of his demise was received, not only in his own State but throughout the whole country. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. IQ Mr. Schleicher was a man of sterling qualities of mind and char- acter. Born in a foreign country, the son of an humble artisan, and endowed with a rare intellect, which was cultivated by classical studies, he left the country of his birth shortly before the popular outbreak in 1848 which shook old Europe to its very foundations, and, from my personal acquaintance with my departed friend, I may say that he would have stood in the front ranks of the soldiers of liberty had he at that time still been among his former fellow-citizens. It was at some time in the fifth decade of the present century that a colony of Germans, under the auspices of German noblemen, was established in the State of Texas. New Braunfels was the name of the principal settlement of those emigrants. Exaggerated reports of the great success of said colony coming to Germany induced many who were dissatisfied with the social and political conditions of their country, and who believed that here was a chance of carrying their social theories into practice, to*emigrate to Texas and join the colony established at New Braunfels. A company was formed in Southwest- ern Germany for the purpose of seeking new homes in the State of the Lone Star. The number of that company was limited to forty men, but only thirty-seven joined. They were mostly men of the educated and better-situated classes, comprising engineers, physi- cians, merchants, mechanics, farmers, and foresters. One of them was young Schleicher, then about twenty-five years of age. He was a native of Darmstadt, the capital of the little duchy of Hesse Darmstadt. His father, who was a joiner and furniture maker, had given his son a good education. After Schleicher had, at the gym- nasium of his native city, received a good classical education, he studied engineering at the University of Giessen. At that time the railroad connecting the city of Heidelberg, celebrated for its univer- sjty, with the city of Frankfort on the Main, formerly a " free city " and the seat of government of the old German confederation, was being built, and here Mr. Schleicher practiced his profession, sur- veying and superintending a portion of that road. It is a fact that the company of emigrants of which Schleicher was a member, and who were known in Texas and are so known to the present day as " The Forty," were adherents to sociahstic and even communistic theories, and in Texas they expected to test the practicabiUties of their theories, where there was plenty of room for testing the most chimerical theories. Reality, however, soon broke upon the theo- rists. The necessities of practical life and the diversity of the inclina- tions and the individual wants of the partners brought about a relin- quishment of their original plans and a dissolution of the company. Schleicher left the beautiful and picturesque valley of Waco Springs, where they had settled, and went to Bettina to cultivate the soil, a hard working but independent farmer. In the mean time his family, consisting of his father and two sisters, had arrived and settled at San Antonio, where Schleicher soon joined them, and where he engaged in business. His excellent social qualities, his affability and keen sense of good humor, which never left him to the last stage of his life, attracted a large circle of friends around him and gave him that popularity which was the foundation of his popular career. He had scarcely been admitted to citizenship in the country of his adop- tion when he was elected a member of the State legislature, and at the close of the session elected surveyor of the Bexar district. In 1859 we find Mr. Schleicher in the senate of the State legislature and at the same time as one of the editors of a German paper pub- lished at San Antonio. When the late civil war arrayed the citizens of the country against one another, Mr. Schleicher retired from the editorial chair and cast his lot with the State that had adopted him and with his constituents. Their lot was his lot; their fortunes or mis- fortunes were his fortunes or misfortunes. The " Lost Cause " Avas his cause. He stood by it to the end and then returned to the flag of the Union, and with the same fidelity with which he had served tjje Confederacy he now served the reunited country, true to the LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. Stars and Stripes, under whose cover he was carried to his last resting- place. Mr. Speaker, in the few hours which your committee spent in the old city of San Antonio, memorable by the bloody encounter of a gallant litde band of American heroes with the bloodthirsty Santa Anna, I was told of so many noble deeds of our departed colleague — of how he protected through his influence in the days of revolutionary excitement many of his countrymen, who considered loyalty to the Union their paramount duty, against persecution — that I found it natural that his death was the cause of so much sincere sorrow, and that the deep sympathy for his bereaved family was not confined to his party friends alone, but that it was so universal. At the close of the civil war Mr. Schleicher returned to the prac- tice of his original profession. Intrusted by the Gulf and Western Texas Railroad Company with the construction of the road from Victoria to Cuero, which latter town he himself had founded, he set- tled again at San Antonio till his fellow-citizens, quite unexpectedly to him, called him to a higher field of action. It was in 1874 when the Democratic convention for the purpose of nominating a candi- date for Congress met at Goliad. Many a ballot had been taken without result, when a plain countryman stood up and proposed the name of Gustave Schleicher. His nomination gave general satis- faction, and he was gloriously elected to the Forty-fourth, and after- ward to die Forty-fifth, and again to the Forty-sixth Congress. Gustave Schleicher proved to be a man of sterling character, of great intelligence, of unusual energy and assiduity, honest and in- corruptible, always attentive to the wants and interests of his con- stituents ; and, although attached to one of the great political parties of the country, he never was a partisan in that sense that he would have obeyed party dictation if any measure proposed would have been contrary to his convictions or right and wrong, or of what he deemed public welfare or the interests of his constituents required. 1 ADDRESS OF MR. BRENTANO ON THE Having lived for more than thirty years in the State of Texas, and most of the time in the southwestern portion thereof, and identified in all his relations and interests with that country, he knew and well understood what legislation was required for his State and district. The construction of the Texas Pacific Railroad he considered as a measure which must promote commerce and industrial enterprises in his State, and therefore he labored with all his power to accomplish this object. His district lying along the long-stretched frontier divid- ing the United States from Mexico, he knew from daily experience how his constituents suffered from the lawless raiders who came from the neighboring country, which for long years was distracted by civil disorders and the government of which was too weak, even had it an earnest desire to do so, to protect a friendly neighbor from the in- vasion and depredation of murderers and robbers. I well remember the vivid picture which he gave of the sufferings of his constituents in our meeting of May 22, 1878; of the murders of defenseless women and children by savage Mexicans and cruel Indians, and how he appealed to this House for protection. It was on that occasion that he spoke the memorable words : Mr. Chairman, I have been accused sometimes of being a filibuster, of want- ing to take Mexico or part of it. Sir, I hesitate to say it, but I must say it ; God forbid that this country should ever become larger ; it is far too large now for the minds and hearts of its legislators. Mr. Speaker, these were bitter words, indicating how his feelings and his sympathies were enlisted in the cause of his constituents. His mind and his heart were large enough for the whole country from the Canadian frontier down to sunny Texas, but if he could have heard the resolutions passed in this House when his death was an- nounced, if he could have seen how a great nation which had taken him to its heart while alive honored him when dead, with what lib- erality the Congress of the United States provided for the return home of his widow and children and for carrying his soulless body LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 23 to his last resting-place, he would certainly have modified those bit- ter words and would ha\-e cheerfully acknowledged that the minds and hearts of the American legislators are large enough to embrace the whole country, to embrace with the whole love those who were born on this soil and those who come here to participate in the bless- ings of republican institutions and liberty. Mr. Speaker, Gustave ScHLF.icHR, although born in Germany, has lived and died an Ameri- can. Mr. Speaker, it may be proper for me whose native home was only a few miles distant from the birthplace of my departed friend to say what might not be considered quite as proper if it came from another side, that if Mr. Schleicher had remained in his original country ; if he had served his people with the same zeal, the same fidelity, and the same success ; if he had attained the same high posi- tions in public life; if he had died while a member of the German Reichstag, no such pageant would have escorted his earthly remains to their grave. By sending three Senators and eight members of this House as an escort of honor of the lifeless body of a Representative of the people over more than two thousand miles, the nation in honor- ing one of its citizens has honored itself jNIr. Speaker, in closing these remarks allow me to present the res- olutions w^hich the citizens of Medina County, constituents of Mr. Schleicher, passed when they received the announcement of his death, and which express the feelings wdiich I found everywhere per- vaded the country through which we escorted his remains. I send them herewith to the Clerk's desk, and respectfully ask that they may to read as a part of my remarks : The Clerk read as follows : We, the citizens of Medina County, Texas, and constituent ; of the late Hon. Gustave Schleicher, desiring to testify in a marked manner our appreciation of one who, at all times, whether as an officer or as a private citizen, was peculiarly the friend of our county and of our frontier, do resolve : I. That we receive the announcement of the death of Hon. Gustave Schlei- cher, late Representative in the Congress of the United States from the sixth Congressional district of Texas, with feelings of profound sorrow and regret. 24 ADDRESS OF MR. M KENZIE ON THE 2. That in the late Hon. GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER we recognized a statesman of enlarged and liberal views, a public servant without venality, faithful and conscien- tious in the discharge of every duty, a man of pure and unsullied honor, a stain - less patriot. He was ever ready to succor the needy, and his charity was as broad in its exercise as it was narrow in its ostentation. In his friendship he was steady and firm ; wise in counsel, he was ever ready to aid by advice those younger and less experienced than he ; to a disposition kind and gentle and peaceful, he united the unflinching bravery of a Bayard. A thorough, painstaking student, he was not satisfied with superficial knowledge, but mastered every subject that claimed his attention. The wail of the grief-stricken widow and the cries of his bereaved children show that the loving husband and fond father are no more. 3. That by the death of Hon. Gustave Schleicher the State of Texas has lost a faithful and upright citizen ; the United States an ofiicer of great ability and in- corruptible honor ; the sixth Congressional district of Texas the' bulwark of its frontier ; and the world an affable, courteous gentlemen, and liberty one of its stanchest defenders. 4. That we condole with the family of the deceased in this their great bereave- ment, and humbly trust that He who " tempers the wind to the shorn lamb " will comfort the bereaved as none but He can. ^DDRESS OF yVS.R. yVLcJ^ENZIE, OF JCeNTUCKY. Mr. Speaker: Among all civilized peoples, from immemorial times, it has been a beautiful custom to mingle with laments for the dead eulogies of their well-spent lives. The Greek elegy, the resounding prose of the Roman orators, the limpid speech and incisive phrase of the French Academy, and the lofty and pathetic verse of Milton and Tennyson have been alike in the one great purpose of teaching the lesson that the highest life is that which is lived for others. The public servant has this reward, that as the tendency of his labors and toil is to take him out of himself and set before him the public good as his highest aim, so the popular heart is willing to condone his faults and errors, and to remember only that he was one who has in his way striven to serve his fellow-man. But when such a public servant has brought uncommon physical energy and large faculties of head and heart to the tasks and obligations of political life, we must feel it to be a sad yet sacred duty to bring to his bier our un- availing regrets. Such a public servant was Gustave Schleicher. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 25 The words of sorrow redeem nothing from tlie grave. They are as brief memorials as those perishing wreaths of flowers which the unconscious irony of speech has christened "immortelles." A good man has fallen. A valuable public servant has gone from among us. A representative of some of the best elements of our national progress, a statesman of the most enlarged and liberal views, a tried and trusted legislator, has answered at a higher roll- call than this. Mr. Schleicher could not be withdrawn from any arena on which he had moved without his loss being severely felt. Born upon a for- eign soil, a land that has given to literature a Goethe and a Schiller, to the ranks of war Prince Frederick and Von Moltke, to science Von Humboldt, and to statecraft the great Chancellor Bismarck, he brought to America some of the best and most useful of those national traits which characterize his German fatherland. His was the massive and masculine judgment; his the far-reaching forecast, the calm courage, the broad and tolerant views of life and man, which mark the best of his country. To whatever field of knowledge he turned his attention it soon became his own. His mastery of Mexican affairs made him an authority on that subject. He was the great defender of that ex- posed frontier, and in every cottage, hamlet, and jacal from Browns- ville to El Paso a sense of personal bereavement is felt at his untimely death. But though alien to our soil by birth, Mr. Schleicher was a native to the institutions of our great Republic. Wherever liberty dwelt, there was his country. He was a lover of our free institutions by nature, by education, by aspiration, and by the teaching of that ripe experience which crowns with wisdom the laborious and faithful thinker and observer of men. In his political views he was fettered by no narrow provincialism or partisan bigotry. He welcomed what he thought to be good from 4 sc 26 ADDRESS OF MR. M'KENZIE ON THE whatsoever quarter it came. It is fitting that the tribute to such a memory should be made in no exclusive or sectional spirit. He was an honor to his party, to his State, and to his country ; an honor to those people of Texas whose quick intelligence selected him as their Representative, and an honor to this House, in which the voice of the people and the demands of eternal justice and right meet and should be reconciled. This gathering to-day in honor of our dead friend is no idle cere- mony. In meeting thus, under the shadow of the supulcher, we lay aside all asperities, personal and political, for the time, and may we not lay aside some of them at least forever. Could the voice that is silenced reach us from the grave, such I am sure would be its wise and wholesome and kindly counsel now, as it was ever while in the land of the living. Mr. Speaker, it was my fortune to have served upon the Commit- tee on Railways and Canals, of which Mr. Schleicher was the hon- ored chairman, and I had large opportunity to study and form, as I trust, a just estimate of his character. His powers of generalization and analysis, his patient, unflagging industry, his scholarship, his love of truth, the spirit of judicial fair- ness and candor which characterized him, his merit, his modesty, and his great abilities at once attracted the attention and compelled the admiration of the committee ; and I may be pardoned for say- ing that in my humble judgment many of his reports, notably the one relating to our Mexican border troubles from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, are among the ablest contributions to the literature of the Forty-fifth Congress. I accompanied Mr. Schleicher's remains to his far-off home in the Lone Star State. From Denison to San Antonio the people of that great Commonwealth assembled along the line of railway at every village, town, and city, irrespective of race, party, or creed, to do honor to the distinguished dead ; and it was no idle ceremony. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 27 no hollow mockery, no unmeaning pageant, for you could read in tear-dimmed eyes the story of a people's loss. As evidence of the esteem in which Mr. Schleicher was held in the State of Texas, when the news of his death reached the capital of his State the legislature, then in session, unanimously adopted the following resolutions : Resolved by the house of representativts {the senate coneitrriiig). That a com- mittee consisting of three members of the house be appointed by the speaker to act with such members as may be appointed by the senate to meet the Congres- sional committee having charj^e of the remains of the late Hon. Gustave Schleicher, and now on their way to Texas to deposit them in the land that the deceased loved so well ; and also to co-operate with the Congressional committee in all other fitting honors and care of the distinguished dead. Resolved, That it is the desire of the house of representatives that the mortal remains of the late Gustave Schleicher, his family assenting, be interred in the cemetery of the State at Austin, which has been expressly established and set apart as a burial-ground for the illustrious dead whom the people of the State of Texas desire to hold in perxietual honor for services rendered to the people. House of Representatives, Austin, Texas, February 10, 1879. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing concurrent resolutions were adopted by the house of representatives of the legislature of the State of Texas on the 15th day of January, A. D. 1879; and that, in pursuance thereof, Hons. E. D. Linn, J. E. McComb, N. G. Collins, and C. L. Warzbach were appointed a committee on the part of the house to carry out the provisions of said resolu- tions. WILL LAMBERT, Chief Clerk House of Representatives. Senate Chamber, Austin, Texas, Februarv 10, 1879. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing concurrent resolutions were adopted by the senate of the legislature of the State of Texas on the 15th day of January, A. D. 1879; and that, in pursu-^nce thereof. Senators E. R. Lane, Pey- ton F. Edwards, Marion Martin, Charles D. Grace, John S. Ford, A. W. Hous- ton, and L. J. Storey were appointed a committee on the part of the senate to carry out the provisions of said resolutions. WM. A. FIELDS, First A.ssistant Secretary of the Senate. 28 ADDRESS OF MR. m'KENZIE ON THE The committee appointed in pursuance of the foregoing resolu- tions met the Congressional committee at Denison, and formally ten- dered to the wife of Mr. Schleicher a lot in the State cemetery at Austin, but she, with that tender and womanly instinct that clings to the object of its love even after death, preferred that his mortal remains should rest near her future home and amidst the people whose immediate Representative he had been, and by whom he had been so well known and so much beloved. On the banks of the beautiful San Antonio River, in the midst of a people whom he had so long and so bravely served, in a cemetery where lie buried many of the Republic's heroes who fell at the Alamo, he sleeps in honored rest. As I looked upon the great throng that stood reverently uncovered at his bier, I was forcibly reminded of the truthfulness and beauty of those lines of the poet : There is a tear for all who die, A mourner o'er the humblest grave, But nations swell the funeral cry And triumph weeps above the brave. Mr. Speaker, I would fain offer consolation to the bereaved widow and orphaned children of Gustave Schleicher. For the children thus left desolate I can only commend them to the care of Him who has promised to be a father to the fatherless. But for her who was the partner of his life, the wife of his bosom, what word of consola- tion can be given ? Go where the hunter's hand hath wrung From forest cave her shrieking young, And calm the lonely lioness, But mock not, soothe not her distress. In conclusion, may I not be permitted to say to the members of this House that, notwithstanding the great personal loss we have sus- tained, notwithstanding the fact that we are deprived of the advan- tage of Mr. Schleicher's great learning, his wisdom in counsel, and LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 29 his ability in debate, may we not find some degree of consolation in the eloquent words of Cicero when mourning over the death of the good Hortensius, when he exclaimed: "His end was not unfortu- nate, for he died mature in years and full of honors, and at a moment happy for his fame but unfortunate for his country." ^DDI^SS OF yVlR. jjAI^IELD, OF DhIO. Mr. Speaker : I stand with reverence in the presence of such a life and such a career as that of Gustave Schleicher. It illustrates more strikingly than almost any life I know the mystery that envelops that product which we call character, and which is the result of two great forces : the initial force which the Creator gave it when He called the man into being, and the force of all the external influences and culture that mold and modify the development of a life. In contemplating the first of these elements, no power of analysis can exhibit all the latent forces enfolded in the spirit of a new-born child, which derive their origin from the thoughts and deeds of remote ancestors, and, enveloped in the awful mystery of life, have been transmitted from generation to generation across forgotten centuries. Each new life is thus "the heir of all the ages." Applying these reflections to the character of Gustave Schleicher, it may be justly said that we have known few men in whose lives were concentrated so many of the deeply interesting elements that made him what he was. We are accustomed to say, and we have heard to-night, that he was born on foreign soil. In one sense that is true ; and yet in a very proper historic sense he was born in our Fatherland. One of the ablest of recent historians begins his open- ing volume with the declaration that England is not the fatherland of the English-speaking people j but the ancient home, the real father- land of our race, is the ancient forests of Germany. The same thought was suggested by Montesquieu long ago, when he declared in his Spirit of Laws that the British constitution came out of the woods of Germany. To this day the Teutonic races maintain the same noble traits that Tacitus describes in his admirable history of the manners and char- acter of the Germans. We may therefore say that the friend whose memory we honor to-night is one of the elder brethren of our race. He came to America direct from our Fatherland, and not, like our own fathers, by the way of England. We who were born and have passed all our lives in this wide New World can hardly appreciate tlie influences that surrounded his early life. Born on the borders of that great forest of Germany, the Oden- wald, filled as it is with the memories and traditions of centuries, in which are mingled Scandinavian mythology, legends of the middle ages, romances of feudalism and chivalry, histories of barons and kings, and the struggles of a brave people for a better civilization ; reared under the institutions of a strong semi-despotic government ; devoting his early life to personal culture, entering at an early age the University of Giessen, venerable with its two and a half centu- ries of existence, with a library of four hundred thousand volumes at his hand, with a great museum of the curiosities and mysteries of nature to study, he fed his eager spirit upon the rich culture which that Old World could give him, and at twenty-four years of age, in company with a band of thirty-seven young students, like himself cultivated, earnest, hberty-loving almost to the verge of communism — and who of us would not be communists in a despotism ? — he came to this country, attracted by one of the most wild and romantic pictures of American history, the picture of Texas as it existed near forty years ago ; the country discovered by La Salle at the end of his long and perilous voyages from Quebec to the northern lakes and from the lakes to the Gulf of Mexico; the country possessed alternately by the Spanish and the French and then by Mexico; the country' made memorable by such names as Blair and Houston, Albert Sidney John- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 31 ston and Mirabeau Lamar, perhaps as adventurous and daring spirits as ever assembled on any spot of the earth; a country that achieved its freedom by heroism never surpassed, and which maintained its perilous independence for ten years, in spite of border enemies and European intrigues. It is said that a society was formed in Europe, embracing in its membership men of high rank, even members of royal families, for the purpose of colonizing the new republic of the Lone Star, and making it a dependency of Europe under their patronage ; but with- out sharing in their designs, some twenty thousand Germans found their way to the new republic, and among these young Schleicher came. The people of Texas had passed through a period as wild and exciting as the days of the Crusaders, and had just united their for- tunes to this Republic. How wide a world opened before these German students! They could hardly imagine how great was the nation of which they became citizens. Even the new State of their adoption was an empire in itself I suppose few of us who have never visited that State can appreciate its imperial proportions. Vastly larger than the present Republic of France; larger than all our Atlantic States from the northern line of Pennsylvania to the southern boundary of Georgia; as large as the six New England States, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and one-half of Indiana united, to such a State, with its measureless possibilities of development, young Schleicher came. It was a noble field for a bright, aspiring, liberty-loving scholar of the Old World in which to find ample scope for the fullest develop- ment of all his powers. The sketches we have already heard show with what zeal and suc- cess our friend made use of his advantages. His career as a member of this House has exhibited the best results of all these influences of nature and nurture. He has done justice to the scholarship which Germany gave him, and the large and comprehensive ideas with which life in the New World inspired him. To exhibit with a little more fullness the origin of those decided opinions which Mr. Schleicher held on the great questions of finance, I venture to refer briefly to an interesting chapter in the history of Texas. It may be doubted whether in any part of the world life has been more intense and experience more varied than among the people of Texas. In the short space of ten years they had tried the whole range of financial experiments as fully as France had done in two hundred years. Every possible form of monetary theory that is recorded in history Texas had tried, for with that brave quick-thinking and quick- acting people to thmk was to resolve, and to resolve was to execute. They had tried a land-bank scheme as wild and magnificent as the land bank of John Law. They had tried the direct issue of treas- ury notes, and had seen them go down from par to half, to ten cents, to five cents, to two cents, to nothing on the dollar. They had tried "red-backs" of the republic, notes of corporate banks, scrip of pri- vate citizens, and worthless notes from banks of neighboring States, and had seen them all fail. Awakening from the dream of their experiments, under the leadership of clear-sighted men they put into their constitution, as they entered the Union, a provision that "in no case shall the legislature have power to issue treasury warrants, treas- ury notes, or paper of any description to circulate as money." More radical still, they decreed that " No corporate body shall be created, renewed, or extended with banking or discounting privileges," and " no person or persons within this State shall issue any bill, promis- sory note, or other paper to circulate as money." They put an end to all paper-money systems, and since then the majority of the peo- ple of that State have never looked with favor upon any other cur- rency than specie. With such traditions and influences among the people of his adop- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 33 tion, and with a student life back of it, formed in the soUd Old World ways of thinking, it is not wonderful that in all our financial discus- sions here we found Mr. Schleicher the sturdy supporter and able advocate of a currency based on coin of real value and full weight. I would say nothing that has even the appearance of controversy on this occasion. I mention these facts only to do justice to his memory. Of his character, as we knew it here, two things struck me as most notable. First, he possessed that quality without which no man ever did and I hope no man ever will achieve success in this forum — the habit of close, earnest, hard work. All his associates knew that when he rose to speak in this Hall it was because he had something to say, something that was the result of work, and that he said it because it came from the depth of his convictions, as the result of his fullest investigation. I stop to notice the fact that although he spoke with an accent brought from the Fatherland, he had that rare purity of language and style which I am inclined to believe that you and I, Mr. Speaker, will never achieve, and which few persons born on our soil can rival. We learned our language in the street; he came at once into the parlors of English, and learned it from the masters. His printed English was as pure as the purest which can be found in the records of our debates. He possessed and exhibited a noteworthy independence of char- acter. In this he taught a lesson which ought never to be forgotten here. His people trusted him, and by their approval enforced the lesson that the men who succeed best in public life are those who take the risk of standing by their own convictions. That principle never fails in the long run, for the people who send Representatives here do not want a mere echo, but a man who sees with his own eyes and fearlessly utters his own thoughts, as our friend did, with a boldness and courage that made him a worthy example to all American statesmen. 5 sc 34 ADDRESS OF MR. GARFIELD ON THE I cannot conclude without asking the permission of the House to present a paper which has been handed to me to-day by Mr. Shade, the last manuscript which Mr. Schleicher penned. It was found in his sick-room by his family, and I have read it to-day with a feeling of veneration and admiration that few papers have ever awakened in my heart. It is a fragment — the introduction to a speech that he intended to deliver here upon the Indian question. It is only a few pages, but it exhibits a breadth of scholarship, a power of generaliza- tion and research, seldom seen in this Capitol. I ask permission to have printed in the Record this very interesting fragment of his last work in the service of his country. The following is the paper referred to by Mr. Garfield, prepared by Mr. Schleicher: A comparison of the settlement of the northern portion of the American conti- nent by the Teutonic races, if I can use the designation which applies to the largest part for the whole, and the settlement of the southern portion by the Spaniards, presents many very interesting features, both of resemblance and difference, which occur to the observant reader of history. Social features, poUtical features of the different races of immigrants, some inherited from their ancestry and brought with them and nursed and cherished in their new homes, others developed by their new relations, the task before them of the conquest of new worlds and the forma- tion of new nationalities, carried out by each in its own characteristic way — all these are of absorbing interest for the student from their first appearance, through all stages of development, until we see before us the two great resultant parts ; on the one hand the United States of America and the kindred British Dominion of the Canadas, and on the other the vast family of nations of Mexico, the Central and South American Republics, and the Empire of Brazil. Varying within them- selves through many minor shades, yet the two groups appear, each one separate and distinct, strikingly different one from the other; and although known popularly as the Anglo-Saxon Americans and the Latin Americans, yet much further removed from each other and differing vastly more than the nations known by these famil- iar appellations in Europe. Perhaps no one characteristic feature in the develop- ments of the new nations — nay, perhaps not all others combined — have had as large a share in bringing about the great difference in the results attained by these two different classes of settlement as the difference in the mode of dealing with the native Indian populations. The Saxon mode of dealing with the Indians was always to get them out of their way — push them aside, by treaty, trade, agreement, or by force — and get the land clear for their own settlement. They colonized. Their society, large or small, was LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 35 complete in itself. They did their own fighting, their own preaching, their own governing, and their own working all within themselves ; they never absorbed the Indian into their society. They removed him as they removed or girdled the trees in the primeval forest to make room for their grain- fields, not from any hatred or hostility to them, but because they did not want them as an element of their own society. There was no theorizing about race in those practical people, yet they had the strong natural development of race-feeling and race-prejudice in a remark- able degree. It has its melancholy aspect to see an entire race of aborigines grad- ually dwindle away in a feeble struggle with a superior civilization, and the senti- mentalism of the sons has sometimes bewailed the rugged strength of the fathers while enjoying its fruits; but the glorious result has been a homogeneous, power- ful people. The advancement of the human race is by the struggle for existence and by th^' survival of the fittest. That the lower races must drop by the wayside and give way to the stronger is essential to the progress of the whole. The weeds in the field and the grass of the prairie are individual organisms, with the same right of existence, all but their usefulness to man, as the wheat-plant and the fruit-tree, but on the cultivated field the farmer destroys the life of the weed that the grain- bearing plant may live, and plows up the grass by the roots in order that the full strength of the orchard plat may be diverted to the development of the fruit- tree. The intelligent breeder of the noble horse and the useful cow or sheep never permits the lower and weaker individuals or classes to enter into the breeding of the fine herds, in which human intelligence has aided the selection of nature in producing the highest excellence of their kind. Thus what is called by feeble sentiment prejudice of race is the true guarantee for the advancement of mankind. Circumstances favored the separate development of the Teutonic settlers. Not only were they averse to absorbing any strange element into their society, even for the purpose of obtaining their labor, but the Indians whom they found in posses- sion of the soil were a warlike race, who preferred war to the death to submission to domestic labor. It is a remarkable fact that the Northern Indians have never yielded to servile labor. In countries where man comes in contact only with the tiger, the panther, and the wolf, it would not prove his lower degree of intelligence that he cannot make animals subservient to his domestic uses when other more fortunate human beings found the docile horse, the patient steer, or the obedient dog, which readily submitted to be the useful servants of their human master. Thus the independent development of the Saxon settler was aided by the haughty spirit of the independent Indian, who would no more bow to servile labor than the tiger would submit to working in harness. The North American Indian cannot in his civilization be compared to any living race in Europe or Asia. He seems to occupy the degree in civilization which was held by man in ihe so-called stone age. Where he had not acquired the products of the civilization of the white man, his weapons and implements were of flint, the same arrow-heads and stone hatchets which are now found in Europe as remnants of the stone age. They sometimes hammered copper and other metal when it was found in a pure malleable condition ; they never smelted any metal. They did not 36 ADDRESS OF MR. GARFIELD ON THE use bronze or iron. They did not use the milk, butter, or cheese of animals, but only the meat. To this day the only use the wild tribes of Indians know to make of a cow is to kill her, eat the flesh, and use the hide. Their sole pursuits were the chase and war. Bravery, endurance, cunning in stratagem, were their highest virtues. To this day the young Sioux who asks admission to the dignity of a war- rior has to pass through a series of self-imposed cruel tortures, mutilating his own body while he smiles at his suffering. War was their sole ambition and their only means of distinction, and all labor was left to the woman as unworthy of a man. With such a people confronting them, fierce and untamable, no temptation was held out to the Teutonic or Anglo-Saxon settler to absorb them as domestic serv- ants. The sturdy independence, the prejudice of race, and contemptuous aversion for beings of a different order were met with an equal independence, with undaunted, fierce, and cruel hostility, and with undying and revengeful hatred. Thus a homogeneous people grew up under the most favorable circumstances. Their intact and pure development continued to attract to them immigrants from their kindred races in Europe, so that what with their own strong development and the continued additions of homogeneous immigrants to their number their increase in numbers and power is far superior to anything in history. The only disturbing element has been the introduction of negroes as laborers, of which I will say more hereafter. Far different was the development in the countries acquired by the Latin races. The Spaniards went not as settlers or colonists, but as conquerors. They subju- gated the native races wherever they found them and absorbed them into the new society they were forming as useful laborers. Like the feudal conquerors in Europe, as the Franks in conquering Gaul, the Goths in conquering Italy and Spain, became the large landed aristocracy by right of the sword, but left the peasantry of the conquered nation to be their serfs and laborers ; so the Spaniards, by the system of repartimientos in Mexico, Peru, and other conquered countries, divided land and Indians among the conquistadores. There is a strange similarity in this respect between the conquest of the Latin countries by the wandering warrior nations of Germany in the fourth and fifth centuries in Europe and the Spanish conquests in America on one side, and the Anglo-Saxon conquest of England and the Anglo- Saxon settlement of North America on the other. The causes and circumstances were widely different, but there is a similarity of result. The conquerors of Italy, Gaul, and Spain found in the Roman countries which they overran a civilization far superior to their own. Their military prowess and savage strength were the only qualities in which they excelled the people they conquered. In all elements of civilization they were vastly inferior to the subdued people. The result was that they adopted the laws, the language, and the civilization of the vanquished, and, while .they became the military aristocracy, disappeared in the nationality of the resident population. They were not so very different in race from the descend- ants of Indo-Germans. In England alone the conquering immigrants from tJie northern coast country of Germany found a people inferior to them, not only in martial qualities but inferior in civilization. The result was that they colonized the country with their own people. From about ihe year 450, for more than two LIFE AND CnARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 37 centuries, they waged a war of extermination against the Britons, until the poor remnants of the aboriginal people found refuge only in the mountains of Wales and the highlands of Scotland, while the Saxon occupied all the rest of England and the Scotch lowlands, retaining their language, their laws, and their old customs and habits. Of the British language only the geographical names remained, the same as the Indian geographical appellations have been retained in North America. The Spaniards found no civilization equal to their own in America, and retained the laws, the language, and customs of Spain. But they made the Indian popula- tion-an essential and permanent part of their society, and an element, too, in point of numbers far stronger than they were themselves. This was the fatal weight with which they loaded their strong nationality and which has dragged it down ever since. Address of fAn- yVliLLS, of Jexas. Since the assembling of the present Congress seven of our col- leagues have finished their labors and gone to rest. Welch sleeps far towards the sunset on the western plains ; Williams by the north- western lake shore ; Qtiinn on the banks of the Hudson ; Leonard on the Delaware; Douglas on the Pamunky; Hartridge on the Savannah ; and Schleicher by the rapid running waters of the San Antonio. Almost the entire area of the Republic, from East to West and from North to South, lies within the boundary marked by their graves. The great distance at which they repose each from the other reminds us how vast is the extent of the country of which they were fellow-citizens, and for the government of which they had been chosen as Representatives. The different opinions they entertained, whether of the creeds of church or the policies of State, show how broad and catholic is the spirit of liberty that is nourished and grown by the liberal institu- tions under which we live. In the discharge of duty to country as each in the light of conscience saw and determined for himself, their paths sometimes in peace ran smoothly side by side, and at others converged and closed in sharp encounter, but to-day after life's fitful fever they sleep well. The conflict is ended, all differences are 3^ ADDRESS OF MR. MILLS ON THE reconciled, and the voice of contention is hushed in the silent halls whither they have gone to rest from their labors. The angel of Death has touched and stilled the speaking lip, and in the white alphabet of Heaven has written upon each forehead, " Peace." They have laid their armor by, and, bowing their heads upon the bosom of a common mother, they have locked their arms in the embrace of an everlasting friendship. They are citizens of that republic that lies beyond the river of the chilling waters, where power has no purple, the church no heretics, wealth no palaces, and penury no pains. The wise man has said that the day of one's death is better than the day of his birth, and the patient man hath said his life is of few days and full of trouble. His entrance into life brings him upon a stage where he must act his part according to the gifts with which nature has endowed him. His brief span is filled with anxious cor- roding cares, with griefs and disappointments, pain and suffering. When the play is ended, the curtain dropped, and the lights extin- guished, he retires to his chamber, lies down upon his couch, and pillows his weary head to pleasant dreams. If in the part he has performed he has taught his fellow-man the pathway of the just, his life has been a bright and a shining hght. If endowed with abihties that have lifted him to high public station, and he has faithfully labored to promote the welfare and increase the happiness of his fel- low-creatures, his life has been to them the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. If fortune has allotted him the humble walk of obscurity, yet he has given to his suffering fellow-man a sigh, and it were all he had to give, his life has not been lived in vain. Twenty years ago my colleagues from the second and third dis- trict and myself served in the same legislature with the deceased. He was there, as he was here, a faithful, hard-working representa- tive. He was then, as he was ever afterward, struggling for the amelioration of the condition of our western border. In that work he was thorouglily in earnest. It began, continued, and ended with LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 39 his public life. With the people of the frontier he had spent the best days of his life. He knew them well. He thoroughly under- stood their unhappy condition and did all he could to alleviate their sufferings. They reposed in him at all times their unbounded confi- dence, and that confidence no act of his ever moved or poisoned with a doubt. When chosen by his fellow-citizens to represent them here he came with two subjects earnestly impressed upon his mind — the protection of the western border by the adoption of a firm and determined policy, and the solution of our financial troubles by a speedy return to specie payments. To these he gave all his attention, and labored with unflagging energy to accomplish his desired objects. Whether his views of the proper treatment of these subjects were wise or otherwise, he honestly entertained them and earnestly pur- sued them. He lived to see the border attain a measure of relief from its persecutions and mainly through his persistent and untiring labors. He lived to see the resumption of specie payments, and on that fatal day received the injury that resulted in his death. Deeply as we deplore his loss, our grief would find some solace if we could know that day had brought sorrows to no other household in the land. Sir Francis Bacon has said that reading makes a full man, writing an exact man, and thinking a profound man, and his philosophy found ample verification in Gustave Schleicher. He was always a hard student. He read many books and the best of books. His mind was well stored with the knowledge derived from the experi- ence of others. He wrote much and wrote well, and few men wield the pen with greater force than he did. His strength resulted from the fact that he never attempted to write or speak on any subject till he had weighed and digested it well in his own mind, and when he entered the lists to champion a cause he was no mean adversary for any opponent. He was not a master of elocution, and under- 40 ADDRESS OF MR. MILLS ON THE Stood little or nothing of the graces of oratory, yet he always presented his subject clearly, fortified it by sound reasons, and im- pressed it with earnestness and force. He was sometimes humor- ous, never witty, but always intelligent. He was earnest, but never violent. No depth of conviction or fervor of feeling could so far overmaster him as to make him discourteous to any one who might entertain opposing opinions. His own opinions, which were formed after mature deliberation and thorough investigation, he maintained with great stubbornness. Strong as were his convictions and irresistible as appeared to him the logic that led him to them, yet he was tolerant of the opinions of others, and treated all opponents with a courtesy and kindness that were as large as his own physical stature. His disposition was naturally kind and amiable. In conflicts where the collisions of others were sharp and jagged, giving and receiving blows that left wounds rankling with pain and bitterness, he would glide smoothly through, leaving no sting in any bosom, and yet steadily maintain his own position. His mind was well disciplined, and whatever of temper he had was held under perfect subjection to his will. In the board- ing-house life to which the poorer members of Congress with their families are doomed we are sometimes thrown together and learn much of the domestic life of our neighbor that would otherwise remain a sealed book to us. When he first entered Congress we procured apartments for our families in the same house, only a narrow hall dividing us. I have often seen him at his desk, with his manuscripts and open books around him on the table, the chairs, and the floor, with his little children about his feet and sometimes playing sad havoc with his work; but I never saw the least exhibition of temper or heard a sharp word from his lips. To a man whose mind is engaged in deep study, buried with books and thoughts, such an intrusion would in most cases overturn one's patience as v/ell as his i)lans and papers. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 41 But it was not so with him. His power of continuity was suffi- ciently strong when he seized a thought to hold it like a slave till he had examined it in all its aspects and laid it away, and when he desired it again he knew precisely where he left it and where to find it. He had only to command, and it came as the willing vassal of a well-disciplined mind. Like most men whose lives have been spent with books and study and in public service, he gathered but little of the goods of this world around him. The toil of his half century was expended for others, and its fruits, whatever they are, are left to the enjoyment of others. To his wife and children he has left only the name of the husband and father. Falling in the very midst of life's battle, he is buried, like Socrates, at the public expense. That great State, great in the extent of its territory, in its history, its resources, and the number and character of its people, found in him a son well adapted to fill the measure of a representative of all the varied elements of her greatness and power. To his remains passing thro»ugh her territory from north to south and east to west she has shown every mark of distinction, paid every tribute of respect, and the incense of gratitude and affection arose from the grief-stricken hearts of her people as his ashes moved through their midst to their last resting-place. He sleeps on a spot dear to every Texan, a spot where their fathers built their first altars and offered their first sacrifices for political and rehgious liberty. A grateful mother, whom he served so long, so faithfully, and so well, may point to the mound where his ashes are inurned and say to all her children, as David said over the dead body of Abner, " Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?" 6 sc 42 ADDRESS OF MR. HARRIS ON THE ^DDRESS OF y\lR. JiARRIS, OF yVLASSACHUSETTS. Mr. Speaker: I rise to pay a brief but heartfelt tribute to the memory of our late friend and associate to whose memorial service this hour has been set apart. It was not my good fortune to know Mr. Schleicher intimately. I met him but few times out of this hall, and therefore I cannot speak of his private life or character. I however formed a very high opinion of him as a man from what I saw of him here. I beheved him to be of pure and stainless pri- vate life and habits, of great integrity, and unblemished honor. Of his public character and actions I can speak without doubt or hesitation. Here he was able, painstaking, and faithful, and gave unmistakable evidence of severe labor and untiring industry. And above all else be it said that he was thoroughly sincere and honest, and independent and manly in defense of what seemed to him to be just and honest. Party allegiance, which so often binds and fetters the judgments of the best among us, was forgotten by him when truth, justice, and honesty, as he saw them, were at stake; and prob- ably no member of this body voted more frequently independent of party considerations than did our deceased friend. His aim was to do right in all things, and he did not forget, as is sometimes the case, I fear, that that which is not right in itself is wrong even in politics. He was in full and hearty sympathy with every movement tending to bind and cement this Union, to heal up the wounds made by war, develop its resources, or increase the gen- eral prosperity. To his own State he was loyal and devoted, and for his services rendered in securing her interest and highest welfare he is entitled to the lasting gratitude of her people. But he did not forget that he was a citizen of the Republic and under its protection and subject to its Constitution and laws, and that to the Republic he owed the best efforts of his mind and the homage of his warm and generous heart. He was in public as in private life — an honest man, and this is the highest eulogy which can be pronounced. If only such as he were intrusted with power in this country, this Union would last forever, and public life would be as it should be, the model and best example for the life of the citizen. Mr. Speaker, we can often judge of the virtues and usefulness of a public man as much by the opinions of his immediate neighbors and friends, those who see him only with the harness of public care thrown off, as by examination of his official record. There he is known as he really is; his motives and ambitions are all known, and disguise is laid aside. I had the fortune to be designated as a mem- ber of the committee of this House which accompanied the remains of Mr. Schleicher to the city of San Antonio. I had ample oppor- tunity to discover in what esteem he was held by the people of Texas of all classes, creeds, and of whatever political faith. From the moment we entered the State of Texas from the north to the time we laid his remains in their final resting-place in the National Ceme- tery at San Antonio our progress was that of a vast funeral proces- sion. The legislature of the State sent a delegation of its distinguished members to meet us and escort the remains to their final resting- place. At Dallas and at Houston and at other places on the way our passage was delayed for longer or shorter periods, sometimes four hours, out of respect to the feelings and wishes of the people who came thronging to pay their last respects to the memory of their honest and devoted servant. He represented, to be sure, a con- stituency and a section hundred of miles away in the remote confines of their almost limitless State, and yet they knew him, loved him, and wept at his bier. Long processions moved in silence through his funeral car, whicli the liberality of the State, the railroad companies, and individuals had provided to receive the remains at tlie State line, and which was a bower of green adorned with living, growing plants and rare flow- ers. At Houston for hours the procession moved on, and there were thousands who did not gain admittance. It was noticeable that the people who like himself had left their German homes and given up allegiance to the Fatherland, tempted by the promises of liberty and new homes in the young republic, were the first to drop a tear over his remains. But they came not alone. There were the people from other lands — the men and women from every quarter of the Union — all races were represented. White and black alike joined in the procession and walked side by side. I saw the starting tear glistening in the eye of many a colored man and woman. I saw that the freed bondman dared to trust Gustave Schleicher with his rights and liberties, relied upon his truth, honor, and love of jus- tice with no faltering confidence, and that in his death he felt he had lost a true friend. At San Antonio, that beautiful old city in which he for so many years had his home, the people with one accord came to do him honor. The scene at his obsequies was imposing and beautiful, but sorrowful and most touching. The authorities of the United States, the State, and the city had joined in their efforts to make the occa- sion memorable and worthy of the man whose memory they sought to honor. Nothing was omitted which could give dignity or grace to the ceremonies. Though elaborate and costly, there was no meaningless decorations. The ceremonies were grand and solemn, yet simple and in the most perfect good taste. The religious service at the church and at the grave were in all respects worthy of the deceased. The people who stood silent and uncovered by the way- side, joined in the long procession, and gathered at the cemetery where the remains were laid, formed an immense throng. People of all nationalities were there; the Mexican, the Spaniard, the Indian, LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 45 the Japanese, and the man of color joined harmoniously with the native American population in doing honor to the deceased states- man. No sadder spectacle was ever witnessed in any city. It was a Sabbath day of mourning and true sorrow. The shadow of a great calamity seemed to darken every face. From that vast and mis- cellaneous throng there was not heard one ribald word or one discordant sound. The people on that day testified by their unfeigned sorrow to the virtue and worth of their deceased statesman. No man receives such homage who has not in his life been faithful, just, and honest. He sleeps in the National Cemetery which overlooks from a gentle eminence the beautiful city. It is most fitting that the nation which adopted and honored him, and which he has served with integrity and zeal, should receive his remains into her keeping and guard them forever. He sleeps in the cemetery which the nation has provided for those who have died in her service. We left him there in his honorable and honored grave with the flag of his adopted country waving peacefully and proudly above him, and may he sleep peace- fully forever, thus attended and thus honored. G[JSTAVE Schleicher to us is dead, and returns to dust from whence he came ; but — Dust thou art, to dust retnmest, Was not spoken of the soul. The pure spirit of our departed friend and brother has, let us trust and believe, found welcome from kindred spirits in a better world than this. While we say "peace to his ashes," let us put up the prayer that his released sotil may have joyous and blessed existence in heaven forever. Address op Mr. Muller, of New York. Mr. Speaker: In the death of Gustave Schleicher we who served with him on the Committee on Railways and Canals and en- joyed with him the freedom of social intimacy sufifer a deep personal loss. Texas is deprived of the services of one who has helped to build up her waste places. The country especially misses the wise law-maker. Nor should the city of New York be voiceless in these memorial services. She feels sensitively as the commercial center of the Union every event for weal or woe — rejoicing when agricultural, manufacturing, and commercial industries thrive and prosper, and sor- rowing when they languish and are distressed. Naturally, therefore, she hails the advent in the public councils of men whose lofty natures and broad minds seek eagerly the general welfare. Such a man was Mr. Schleicher. We have witnessed the zeal and success with which he advocated the interests of his immediate constituents upon a remote frontier, and we have also witnessed the unflagging enthusi- asm with which he sustained measures of trade and commerce and finance, fraught as he believed with blessings for all. He symbolized the wealth that European immigration has poured upon our shores. When he left his Fatherland to cast his fortunes with us, he came like most of his countrymen, fully equipped. He brought with him not only brains and muscle and energy, but edu- cation of a high character. Here he built his home, here married, and here grew up his children. Frugal, temperate, industrous, the German settlers erected in the Southwest flourishing and happy civ- ilized communities. In him they found a counselor and friend. Others may live in history as the destroyers of cities ; he has the greater honor of having founded them. He was educated in the exact sciences. His profession was that of civil engineer. Before coming into political life he was a success- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 47 ful journalist. He was cautious. He always sought full and accu- rate information. Though slow in taking his ground, his conviction when once formed was fearlessly defended. Of this his recent canvass for re-election is proof When know-nothingism became all-power- ful in the United States, and proscribed men because of their religion or place of birth, he waged deadly war against it, and so far as Texas is concerned he destroyed the monster forever. Fixed and unbending as he was in what he believed to be right, there was no man more suave and agreeable or less dogmatic. His heart was open as the day. As one of the committee appointed to accompany the remains to San Antonio, I saw how deeply he was loved and how all-pervading was the grief for his loss. He gave the promise of many years of life. He had grown stead- ily in the public esteem. His power for usefulness was greater than ever before. Yet, freighted as he was with the rich hopes of his State, he has suddenly passed away. His life has not been in vain. Even though his sun has gone down it has left a bright glow upon the horizon. His sterling integrity, lofty patriotism, noble aims, true heart, will long be remembered by those who knew him. Address of ^VIr. Tucker, of yiROiNiA. Mr. Speaker : It would be vain repetition for me to attempt an analysis of the character of our late distinguished fellow-member, which has been so beautifully and critically deliniatcd by his friends who have preceded me; but I may be pardoned for adverting to one or two points in the career of our lamented friend to which no one has yet alluded. In the life of Mr. Schleicher and in his representative relations two fundamental and prominent points in our American i)olity were conspicuously illustrated. I mean the doctrine of expatriation, by which the tie of native allegiance to the mother country is loosed and an alien is admitted into the fold of our American brotherhood ; and that other principle by which a foreign state, formed out of ter- ritory no part of the domain of our common Union, or of any State of the Union, is admitted into the family, the confederate family of our American States. The principle of naturalization, ingrafted in our Constitution by our fathers, admitted Mr. Schleicher to citizenship in the United States ; and the principle by which new States may be admitted into the Union brought the Lone Star State of Texas into the American family in 1845. It may not be out of place for me to say that perhaps the most momentous event in American history was the admission of Texas into the Union. The fruit of it has been the founding of that great Pacific empire which has done so wonderful a part in furnishing a currency for the world, and which has opened the gates of American commerce with Asiatic civilization. And at the same time perhaps it may be said that it was productive of the unhappy civil war which convulsed this Union to its center. I am old enough, Mr. Speaker, to remember the circumstances of the admission of Texas into the Union. I remember the character of the discussions that were had as to the constitutionality of that act. It is rather an interesting point in our American history that a Northeastern State, the State of Vermont, was a lone star during the whole period of the American Revolution, no member of the American Confederacy, and was ad- mitted into the Union not as a part of any other State, nor as formed out of the common territory of the United States. In the debates in the Federal convention it appears that the clause in the Constitution for the admission of new States into the Union was regarded as suffi- cient for the admission of Vermont as a free, independent, and sov- ereign State, without requiring the consent of any State that had laid claim to her territory. This great precedent in our history was the LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 49 foundation of the claim for the admission of Texas into the Union, the Lone Star of the Southwest. She came into the Union in December, 1845, as an independent State. She had won her independence by war. The ghosts of tlie martyred heroes of the Alamo had been avenged on the plains of San Jacinto and for nine years her nationality had been recognized by the United States. The war with Mexico broke out in 1846. In the year 1847, while the Lone Star State and the whole Union were convulsed with that war which ended in the triumph of American arms and the floating of our flag over the halls of the Montezumas, Gustavu Schleicher, with a band of brothers from the old Fatherland, cast in his lot with the people of Texas and became a citizen of the United States. I cannot but think, Mr. Speaker, that in the mind of Mr. Schlei- cher there were two ideas, generated by his relations to his native and adopted countries, which were in conflict. He no doubt came from the Fatherland with the dream of German unification which has been recently realized by its greatest statesman, Bismarck. But he came to a State which had severed her confederate allegiance with the Mexican union and by an act of secession had declared herself an independent Commonwealth, and then by an act of her own voli- tion had become a member of the American Union. I have no doubt that the feeling of Mr. Schleicher, as I under- stand it manifested itself in the early part of our civil strife, was that of a Union man ; but as a citizen of the State of Texas, whose advent into the Union had been marked by those events to which I have adverted, he could not but feel that his allegiance was due to her. He was faithful to her during the whole period of the late war, serv- ing as a civil engineer in the army of the Confederate States, and doing his whole duty as a citizen of the Confederacy. When the war was over he turned again to the avocations of civil life, and as a Representative from the State of Texas in the Forty-fourth and Forty- fifth Congresses his record is before us. 7 sc so ADDRESS OF MR. KELLEY ON 'JHE /Address of ^VLr. JCelley, of J^ennsylyania. Mr. Speaker : Gustave Schleicher was no ordinary man, or one in reciting whose merits it is necessary that defects of character or habit must be concealed or glossed over, and I avail myself of this occasion for the purpose of recording my estimate of his character and Congressional labors, and of saying, as I do in the coldest can- dor, that in his death his immediate constituents, the State he repre- sented, and the country at large sustained a great loss. The natural gifts of Mr. Schleicher were great. The collegiate training he had received at the University of Giessen and his subse- quent experience as civil engineer in the construction of railroads in his native country had so expanded and disciplined his powers that when in 1847 '^e emigrated to Texas he brought to that young State the best gift that man could bring, a vigorous frame, a large mind, high culture, thorough intellectual discipline, and a manhood which he proposed to devote to her interests under his highest convictions of right, truth, and duty, from which he seems never to have found it expedient to swerve. Few men who had served so brief a period in Congress as the Dis- poser of events permitted him to do, have left in the permanent re- sults of their Congressional labors such evidence of remarkable capa- bilities, disciplined by schools and expanded by experiences, primarily m the midst of dense population in which high culture prevailed, and subsequently in the wilderness and upon the border-land of two re- publics, many of Avhose frontiersmen found pleasure and profit in deeds of lawlessness. Ihat one whose nature was so full of gentleness, should have cast his lot with such a community, was, from the time I came to know Mr. Schleicher well, to me a constant source of wonder. To him. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 51 however, as it involved the performance of great duties it was a source of happiness, and his devotion to the State of his adoption was absolute. I will not attempt to portray his character, but will illustrate it in his own language. On the financial question we differed widely; indeed, in the whole range of discussion involved in that complex question there was but one point on which we agreed, which was the inexpediency and dishonesty of contracting, by arbitrary means, a volume of currency to which prices had adjusted themselves. On this point we were in perfect accord; but on all others our differ- ences seemed to be fundamental. Yet, in my intercourse with him on this grave question I ever found him as tolerant of the convic- tions of those who differed from him as he was firm in the mainte- nance of his own. Toward but one class of disputants on this or any important subject did he manifest impatience-an impatience springing from contempt-for he could not tolerate those who would legislate on far-reaching questions without reference to the wisdom of their votes, but in the hope of conciUating popular favor. Thus, in opening his speech on the resumption of specie payments, on the 28th of January, 1876, Mr. Schleicher said: It would have best accorded with my personal preferences to have found in the House the sign of a well-defined financial policy, which would agree with my gen- eral convictions of what the country needs and demands, and to have followed a lead iu that direction. But it seems to me that our path for the future in that re- spect is sliU in the dark, lighted only by eternal truth and the teachings of experi- ence I have come to the conclusion that my duty, like that of every Representa- tive in a time like this, is an earnest, devoted adherence to truth and honesty, and complete and unreserved loyalty to the convictions of right which I have formed from the lights before me. No good, at this time, can come from the politician s reasoning to find out the drift of popular will, and take the course which seems to lead to the people's favor. Public opinion itself is not formed, and the course which might to-day seem to lead to popular approval may to-morrow be found to lead away from it. No time-serving views will now answer. A firm determination to do right, to follow a conviction arrived at after earnest and laborious searching, cannot be wrong. The people mean to be honest and right ; this is the fundamen- tal idea of my political faith. 52 ADDRESS OF MR. XELLEY ON THE That speech is in itself a monument to his industry, his acuteness, and breadth of research, and his stern integrity. Dissenting from its teachings as I do, I commend it to those who agree with its con- clusions as a store-house of argument and illustration. Mr. Schleicher is understood to have been the author of the re- port made April 25, 1878, by the Committee on Foreign Affairs on the relations of the United States with Mexico. That it was his work there is no room for doubt, as it abounds in evidence of his fondness for research, his clearness of statement, and of his devotion to the peo- ple among whom he chose to pass his life. He who would learn something of the dangers and, I may say, the terrible fascinations of such border life as the Texan settlers upon the Rio Grande have known, will nowhere find them more vividly presented than in Mr, Schleicher's report to which I refer. So, too, in his report of June 7, 1878, from the same committee, he recorded with clearness the history of the Japanese indemnity fund. No fact that touched the merits of the case seems to have been too minute to merit his consideration, nor did the amount of labor re- quired to acquire and present all the facts touching any bearing of the question bid him pause ; and he who would know the history of the Japanese indemnity fund may find it all in that brief report. Mr. Schleicher, during our intestine struggle, was true to his adopted State and the Confederacy, with which she cast her lot; but when the war ceased he accepted the result and came among us with a brave determination to do what in him lay toward restoring har- mony between the people of the two sections of the country, and thus hastening the restoration of the waste places of the South. On political subjects his words were always as conciliatory as they were manly and frank ; and when I heard of his death I grieved as for one in whose departure my country had sustained a great loss. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 53 Address of Mr. Throckmorton, of Jexas. Mr. Speaker : During the present short session of our body death has been unprecedentedly busy among the people's Representatives. Again and again this House has heen called to mourn the loss of one and another of its members, summoned from the scenes and duties of earth to that eternity whither we are all hastening. The dread messenger which waits once upon each and every indi- vidual without respect to person or position has recently visited our delegation and robbed Texas of one of her wisest and worthiest Representatives. No one is better enabled by more than a quarter of a century of intimate personal and political acquaintance to bear testimony to the moral and intellectual worth of my deceased colleague's character than myself, and certainly no one more thoroughly realizes than I do the loss which my State and the country at large has sustained in his death. I esteem it a melancholy privilege to put upon record a slight tribute to the character and memory of a good man and wise legislator gone from our midst forever. Gustave Schleicher, whose death we to-day commemorate, was, as you have heard, of German birth and parentage, and at the university where he was educated his decided mathematical talent received thorough development and cultivation. Pursuing this natural bent of his genius he first chose civil engi- neering as a profession, and was engaged, before he left his father- land, in the construction of several railroads. Early realizing, however, that America afforded a wider field for useful operation and a greater scope for honorable ambition than did the Old World, besides offering surer and swifter rewards to energy and industry judiciously applied, he determined to emigrate, and came to Texas when the State had been but recently admitted to the Federal Union, and when he himself was only twenty-four 54 ADDRESS OF MR. THROCKMORTON ON THE years of age. From that date to the time of his death his history forms part of the history of the State. To the capacity for profound reflection he joined habits of close observation, and soon miderstood the spirit of the laws and acquired the language of his adopted country, always presenting his well- considered thoughts in terse and idiomatic English. After passing three years in different portions of the State, he finally located at San Antonio, in 1850, and within another three years his solid sense and great moral worth had become so well known and so justly appreciated that he was elected, by the popular vote, to represent the people of that section first in the lower house and afterward in the senate. I served with him in both branches of the legislature, and there learned to know and to value the native strength of his mind, the sturdy independence and unflinching integ- rity of his character, and the ripe scholarship of his attainments. Succeeding years of association have only served to verify the high estimate I then made of his character and qualifications. Prone to investigation and gifted in an eminent degree with the power of correct analysis, he thoroughly studied every question that presented itself for his consideration and conscientiously sought the right solution of it by the light of experience and of reason, and when he thought he had found it he stood by his convictions with a firmness that never faltered, even when those convictions proved contrary, as they sometimes did, to the sentiment of his constituents. This demonstrates Gustave Schleicher to have been no mere politician, seeking popular favor by a facile yielding of principle at every variation of public opinion. In point of fact he possessed many of the distinctive character- istics of a statesman. Cautious in forming his opinions and slow in arriving at conclusions, when satisfied of their correctness he yet was bold in their promulgation and persistent in their maintenance. His patriotism was not of that merely local growth and nurture which is LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 55 circumscribed by State lines or sectional bounds, but was as broad and comprehensive as the nation. While endeavoring by observa- tion and reflection to see and to comprehend the true interest of his section, and while mindful and jealous of the interest of his imme- diate constituency, he looked beyond it to the general good, and ever labored for the welfare of the whole country. The district which he represented, bordering, as it does, upon a jealous, lawless, and practically hostile nation, which is either unable or unwilling to prevent or to punish the depredations of its citizens offending within our territory, is exposed to constant invasion and to loss both of life and property. No one understood better than Mr. Schleicher the necessity for protection by the general government to that exposed and suffering frontier, and no one was more fearless and untiring in representing the wrongs of that region or more com- petent to point out the remedy. In him the pioneers of Texas and the border of every frontier State and Territory have lost a judicious friend and an able promoter of all their interests. He was a life-long, earnest advocate of internal improvement, and while a member of the State legislature was a zealous friend of State patronage in behalf of railroads, and afterward in the National Legislature he favored a liberal policy on the part of the general government in support of feasible schemes for extending iron thor- oughfares of travel and trade across the country, with ramifications to the remote borders of the country, fully realizing that such modes of rapid, easy, and constant communication between the widely separated portions of our extensive territory would tend to the pro- motion of a just equilibrium by keeping up a brisk and healthful circulation, and to the mitigation of a narrow sectionalism by afford- ing opportunity for free intercourse and personal contact. The very fact that Mr. Schleicher was bom and lived the first score of his years in a foreign land, qualified him to comprehend the nature and necessities of that large and useful class of emigrants which every year swells our population from Europe. A large pro- portion of his constituents were his own countrymen, who, like him- self, sought homes in America where they and their descendants might enjoy the privileges of free government and reap the abun dant rewards accruing to well-bestowed industry. For that class of intelligent, frugal, industrious, law-observing Germans, which are an acquisition to any community, and which form a considerable ele- ment in the population of that part of Western Texas, he was a most able and faithful exponent, at the same time representing with equal fidelity and exact impartiality the interests of all other citizens of the district. Transplanted at so early an age from the Old Word to the New, his sympathies struck deep root in the eternal principles of free government and drew their inspiration from the pure fountain of political liberty. He was, in fact, a thoroughly naturalized American citizen of for- eign birth, and loved the land of his adoption with all the strength of his exceptionally strong nature. Personally he was a favorite wherever he was known. While the unquestionable integrity of his character was calculated to inspire confidence, the strong Teutonic elements of his nature were lubri- cated and softened by a deep and inexhaustible flow of humor, that attribute of character which lias somewhere been called the offspring of a union between wit and good nature, partaking in a modified degree but in an equal measure of the qualities of both parents. The fitful flash of wit without good nature often scathes and scorches; good nature without wit is as often puerile; but true humor warms and cheers the character and diffuses a constant and equal glow over the conversation of those who are so fortunate as to possess it. Among his friends and in the freedom of social intercourse this genial quality contributed not a little to render Mr. Schleicher an acceptable and entertaining companion. No man was more ready to acknowledge the merits and good LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 57 qualities of others than was my deceased colleague and friend. There are few characters in which some grains of gold, some germs of good may not be found. These he was quick to see and prompt to appreciate. In common with the majority of his countrymen, Mr. Schleicher was distinguished by that innate and deep love of home, that con- stant interest in homely duties and enjoyment of those simple domestic pleasures which are within the reach of all and not beyond the range of any — interests and pleasures which, being habitually shared and enjoyed together with wife and children, knit the bonds of family union and raise an impregnable fortification against all temptation to excess. Wherever love of home pleasure forms a national characteristic, as it does with the Germans, there the arts of peace are found to flourish in perfection, and there a cheerful and tranquil spirit pervades the community. An assemblage of Germans is rarely otherwise than pacific and good-humored, never fierce or cruel. Depending, as he did, upon his home for his highest happiness, Mr. Schleicher was peculiarly fortunate in his selection of a wife. Generous in her nature, social in her tastes, and cordial in her man- ners, she was his constant and congenial companion and the proper presiding spirit for the home he loved so well. No words of sym- pathy can soothe her sorrow; only that time which moderates the keenest anguish can alleviate the grief which time itself has occa- sioned. To Him, the father of the widow and the orphan, the assuager of every grief, we commend her, in the hope that ere long a tranquil sorrow may succeed the present agonizing sense of irrepa- rable loss. In Mr. Schleicher's death the country has been deprived of one of its wisest and ablest legislators ; the Texas pioneers have lost one of their most watchful advocates and strongest defenders ; his con- stituency a discriminating, vigilant, and faithful representative ; his 8 sc 58 ADDRESS OF MR. THROCKMORTON ON THE friends a genial companion, whose attachments were deep and sin- cere; his countrymen in Texas a grand and noble type of their character, and his family their idol and treasure. His exit from life has left a sensible void in the councils of the nation, in the repre- sentation of his adopted State, and in the relations he bore to his own countrymen ; in the social circle and at the domestic hearth. But he has passed out of sight and beyond recall. His work in this world is finished. Mortal man can neither help nor harm him more. Never more shall we have the benefit of his enlarged views and his practical good sense ; no more feel the comfort of his ready sympa- thy or the charm of his social and genial qualities. We can only endeavor to perpetuate his memory and recommend his example by pointing to his useful, consistent, and honorable career as a private citizen and pubhc servant who has in the most exemplary manner discharged the duties of the one capacity, and served his country well and faithfully in the other, through a long and most trying period, with clean hands and untarnished honor. His book of life is now closed. Into it neither debit nor credit can be entered more, and in the firm belief that when his accounts shall have been finally reckoned for eternity the balance will be found largely in his favor, we bid him adieu. His life on earth affords a lesson which may serve as an example and encouragement to those who come after him. Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time. Footprints that perhaps another, Sailing o'er life's solemn main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 59 Address of ^VIr, ^ickhoff, of JTew Jork. Mr Speaker : I would fail in my duty to the memory of a de- parted friend if I did not add a few simple words to the many elo- quent orations that have been delivered in honor of the late states- man from Western Texas. GusTAVE Schleicher left Germany when he had scarcely arrived at the age of manhood. Europe then stood on the threshold of a new political era— on the eve of those revolutions which drove thou- sands of the friends of hberty from the Old World. The Lone Star State, about which two republics were then at war, and which the more powerful warrior of the North had already won, its romantic history, the wonderful tales of its cHmate, fertihty, and vast territo- rial extent, had attracted the fancy and excited the imagination of many of the flower of German youth, who inclined to adventures and deeds of courage and of daring. They embarked, like the early Spanish conquestadores, on a long voyage across the seas ; not like those, however, for conquests by fire and sword, but for the peaceful triumphs of industry in the strange land toward the setting sun. At that time but two steam-vessels connected the old continent with the new. Since then these have wonderfully increased in numbers, unit- ing the nations of Europe into a closer bond of interests and of friend- ship with their descendants in the New World. A sailing-vessel carried them on a long and dreary voyage from their native home to the far-off foreign land. How often may not the recollections and visions of the home of their childhood, bf friends, and kindred have dimmed their eyes on that journey ? Few of those early settlers in Southwestern Texas are left to mourn the loss of their comrade, who, after years of perseverance and toil, acquired the language and achieved distinction in the land of his adoption. He grew in impor- 6o ADDRESS OF MR. EICKHOFF ON THE tance with his State. Of the many millions who, during the past thirty years, have arrived here from Central Europe, he was one of the very kw who established a reputation in public life, while many others, men of learning and of talent, followed more inviting avenues of industry and duty, where the difficulties of language were not ob- stacles in their path and where the prejudices and jealousies which we encounter in the political arena did not prevail. When I met the deceased at the beginning of the first session of the Forty-fifth Congress his mind seemed absorbed in the troubles on the Rio Grande, which then excited the attention of the whole country. His heart beat for the sufferings of his friends and fellow- citizens on the border, and he was anxiously weighing every word uttered by the President, by the Secretary of State, by the military authorities, and by members of Congress on that subject. News- paper articles, for the most part flippant and superficial, siding with the robbers beyond the Rio Grande and ridiculing the cry of anguish and terror of his countrymen, would often render him sad and dejected. When he thus believed his efforts in behalf of the Americans on the frontier encompassed with difficulties, he would complain of the lack of unity in the American people and in Congress, believing the rep- resentatives of one section indifferent to the fate and interest of the other. Great was his devotion to the country of his adoption. The slightest indication of danger or distress on the Rio Grande would render him as sensitive as a child. Goethe relates in his "Travels in Italy" that one day, while in company with a friend in the vicinity of Sorrenfo, a peasant boy, who guided them, shouted as if seized with frenzy on arriving at a certain point which afforded an enchanting view of the surrounding landscape. When reproved for his conduct, the meaning of which the strangers could not understand, he replied : '■'■ Pardonate, signor, quest' e la mia patria/" I was reminded of this incident of patriotic enthusiasm when I noticed how Mr. Schleicher would be touched to the very fibers of his heart by any remark LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 6 1 derogatory to the State and people he represented. But while thus devoted to his State, he was by no means indifferent to the welfare of the whole Union. His patriotism was as broad as the wide prairies of his distant home, and his knowledge of the wants of the entire people as great as that of the best statesman of the land. His brain was ever intent upon finding and creating new ways and means for reviving the languishing industries of the country, to give employ- ment to the millions of citizens who w^ere and are suffering for want of remunerative labor. He believed in the so-called "manifest-des- tiny" theory, a favorite theme of the Democracy before the late civil war ; not that he desired to see other fair countries on the northern half of this continent annexed to our great Republic by war and con- quest, but he believed that they would be drawn into her embrace by the natural course of events. He was intimately acquainted with the history, geography, and general condition of Mexico, sometimes called our sister republic, and his report on our relations with that country is a State paper full of information and sound logic. Schleicher was a party man, but not a narrow-minded partisan ; he was attached to the cause of De- mocracy, but demanded that it should be the cause of hberty and humanity, identical with the progress of mankind. In private life, in the social intercourse with his friends and acquaintances, Schlei- cher was jovial and entertaining. His early life in Texas, his knowl- edge of the history and conditions of the nations of the earth, his genial nature and versatility, made him the ruling spirit in a circle of learned men who in the course of last winter frequendy assembled to discuss, in a free and easy manner, the questions of the day in science and politics. He never spoke nor acted against his convictions, unconcerned about the clamor of the hour or the pressure of other agencies. Well knowing that public opinion is as changeable as the weather in April, he did not allow himself to be overawed by it, but followed the dictates of his judgment and conscience in the pursuit of 62 ADDRESS OF MR. EICKHOFF ON THE his duty as a legislator. He was as far removed from the political sentimentalism of a Marquis de Posa as from the demagogism of the "statesman" of the period. Not without misgivings he departed for his far-off home on the adjournment of Congress, leaving his large family here dependent upon his exertions for support. Others had become ambitious for his place, and had been active in undermining him while he was here guarding the interests of his constituents. The convention that was to nominate a candidate for Congress met about the middle of July. He went through a long and fatiguing canvass, in which his oppo- nents spared neither his principles nor his reputation. He had become unused to the rough and reckless language of the "stump." "He never felt," said the worthy Chaplain of this House, " that it was nec- essary, in order to compass his own success, to destroy the private character of a competitor. But as he felt himself to be actuated by principles of honesty and integrity, he recognized these in his oppo- nents, and as a gentleman, conscious of his own honor, so he regarded those who differed from him in sentiment." A good and brave peo- ple stood by him. The memorable contest, which excited the atten- tion of the whole country on account of the principles involved in it, closed on the 5th of November with his triumphant re-election. But the triumph was dearly won. A languishing fever had undermined the giant nature of this powerful man. The insinuations and calum- nies which had imbittered the canvass, the uncertain future of his family, whom he loved and adored, weighed heavily upon his mind. When I met him on his arrival at the capital, I perceived that he was no longer the man he had been. My apprehensions were com- mingled with the hope that time might heal the wounds which the harsh aspersions of the late campaign had inflicted on his mind. The rest is known. Seven months ago he was full of hope for the future; now he lies moldering in the grave on the hunting-grounds of his early manhood. He fell a victim to one of the exciting political con- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 63 tests, which are dangerous to all sensitive characters and feared by the best of men. We miss others from our midst who took part in the deliberations in this Hall. We mourn their loss, because we miss them in the councils of the nation ; we mourn for them for the sake of their kindred and their friends. As for themselves, they died a happy death, in the service of their country. They are at peace. " His voice is silent in your council -hall Forever ; yet remember all He spoke among you, and the man, who spoke : He never sold the truth to serve the hour. Nor palter'd with Eternal God for power.". Address of Mr. j^enderson, of Jllinois. Mr. Speaker: It was with deep regret and sorrow that I heard of the death of the late Hon. Gustave Schleicher, a member of this body. I was returning with a sorrowful heart from the West, where I had just followed a beloved mother to the grave, when I saw in one of the daily journals that Gustave Schleicher, a member of Congress from Texas, was dead. I was not only surprised and sad- dened, but, Mr. Speaker, I was shocked by the intelligence of his death, for it seemed to me I had never been more forcibly impressed with the great uncertainty of human life. But a few days before, and when our hearts were filled with the gladness of the new year, I had met him on New Year's Day at different places where we had called; and at those meetings, and when I parted with him, as I did, Mr. Speaker, for the last time at your own house, he was apparently in good health, unusually cheerful, and I thought I had never seen him in better spirits. But now in a few brief days he had passed through the valley and the shadow of death, and with the lamented Leonard and Quinn and Welch and Williams and Douglas and Hart- ridge he had gone out from among us forever. 64 ADDRESS OF MR. HENDERSON ON THE But, Mr. Speaker, I did not intend to occupy the attention of the House but a few moments. I only desired at this time and on this occasion to pay some tribute to the memory of Gustave Schleicher, and to express the high regard I entertained for him as an honored and useful member of this body. It was my good pleasure to have served on the Committee on Rail- ways and Canals with Mr. Schleicher during the Forty-fourth Con- gress, and in that service I Avas brought in frequent contact with him, early formed his acquaintance, and learned to honor and respect him for the intelligence and fidelity he at all times exhibited in the dis- charge of public duty. From my acquaintance with him, I can truly say I never knew a more earnest, conscientious, faithful public serv- ant than Gustave Schleicher; and I believe no man ever had a more earnest desire than he to reach correct conclusions, nor labored more conscientiously in carrying them out. He was a man of inde- pendent thought, of honest convictions, and the opinions he enter- tained he freely expressed, and firmly and intelligently maintained when occasion required. Although he was born in a foreign land, he yet loved his adopted country, and earnestly desired the prosperity of every section of it. No constituency ever had a more faithful Representative than did the border district of Texas, which he represented in this body ; but while he labored diligently in season and out of season to give to his constituents all the protection which their exposed condition demanded, yet he was unselfish and patriotic in his public action, and took a deep interest in whatever measures he believed would contribute to the public good in any part of the country. It was with great pleasure, Mr. Speaker, that I frequently heard him speak of and predict the future prosperity and greatness of this his adopted country. He cherished high hopes for the future of the republic, and if he had lived and continued in the public service, I have no doubt but that he would have contributed, by his ability and patri- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHIEICHER. 65 Otic devotion, largely to its prosperity. But he has been cut down in the midst of his labors and of his usefulness, and I feel to-night that we can truthfully say the public service has lost a valuable, a faithful, and devoted public servant. While, Mr. Speaker, we honor the memory of Gustave Schlei- cher, let us, his associates, address ourselves all the more earnestly to the conscientious and faithful discharge of our public duties ; let us contribute whatever we may have the ability to do to the welfare and happiness of the people we here represent, so that when our labors shall end, and we shall be called hence, we may, as our de- parted friend has done, leave behind us an honored name and the memory of an honorable and useful public service. Address of Mr. Pabell, of yiRGiNiA. Scarcely had the echoes of the preacher's voice, lamenting the death of Georgia's distinguished son, died away in this Hall ere that same preacher was called to announce in solemn form the untimely demise of Gustave Schleicher, Representative from the State of Texas and chairman of an important committee of this House. The " Dread Archer," who alv/ays "loves a shining mark," too well aimed his shaft, and the victim, who worthily wore the representative "toga" of a grand State and fitly illustrated the intelligence and honor of a proud people, fell to rise no more until that great day when the archangel's trump shall summons all nations and peoples to answer at the bar of " Heaven's high chancery." Born and educated in a land where constitutional liberty is but little understood, and whose systems and traditions are foreign to our own, Mr. Schleicher had his mind imbued with the genius and spirit of American institutions, and while still a young man deter- mined to seek fame and fortune in a country where talents combined 9 sc 66 ADDRESS OF MR. CABELL ON THE with energy and worth never fail to bring rich rewards. His good genius guided Mr. Schleicher to the State of Texas, which had lately emerged from a struggle for independence and united its des- tinies with the American Union. Its broad territory offered the most inviting field for the exercise of enterprise, energy, and talents. Mr. Schleicher possessed both energy and talent, and ere long he was called to the hall of representatives and then to the senate of his adopted State. The cultivated mind, the ripe judgment, the sterling integrity, and the solid qualities of the man displayed themselves in such sort, that it at once became evident that no son to the "manner born " could originate with more skill, uphold with more power, and enforce with more address those measures which tend to the devel- opment of a growing State than this young and gifted stranger. The spring of 1861 found Mr. Schleicher at his representative post of duty. With a sad heart he beheld the "storm god" as he hurled his thunderbolts upon the face of a devoted country, but with undaunted front he sustained the decision of his people, and followed the star of the South until it went down at Appomattox in darkness and in blood. The war over, he addressed himself with all the strength of his matured intellect to the duty of restoring peace to his State and good government to her citizens. As soon as the people of Texas found themselves at liberty to manage their own domestic concerns and to participate in the aftairs of the national govern- ment, they sent Mr. Schleicher along with other distinguished gen- tlemen to represent them upon this floor. How ably he discharged every duty, how faithfully he adhered to the teachings of the fathers of the Republic, how devotedly he clung to the honor and interests of the State of Texas, our records will show, and our colleagues will bear me witness. No member of the Forty-fourth Congress will ever forget the skill and intrepidity with which Mr. Schleicher labored to secure the necessary legislation for the suppression of outrages along the bor- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 67 ders of Texas, and his people will, I am sure, ever feel grateful for the relief induced in great part by the able, lucid, and exhaustive report submitted by him to Congress on that subject. The speech delivered by Mr. Schleicher upon the presentation of his report, while short, was telling and to the point, and exhibited well the fact that, coupled with a brilliant conception and handsome diction, he possessed the ability to deliver his blows with the force and strength of a Titan. Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs will doubtless state with what intelligence and ability Mr. Schleicher dealt with the intricate and delicate subjects presented for the consideration of that body ; and no member of his own committee, that of Railways and Canals, will ever fail to accord to our late distinguished chairman the full meed of praise inspired by the impartiality and courtesy with which he presided in committee, and the broad intelligence and marked abiUty which he threw into the discussion of every subject engaging the attention of his committee. Of Mr. Schleicher's private and domestic relations I have but little right to speak, but it cannot be doubted that one possessing so many genial and generous traits of character was likewise the pos- sessor of every element which goes to make up the model husband and father. As a Representative, Mr. Schleicher was all that his people could have desired. Jealous of their good name, devoted to their interests, quick to echo their sentiments and sympathies, and swift to repel any assault upon their rights or honor, they had reason to mourn, as I learn they did mourn, the death of their gifted and accomplished Representative, dying, as he did, in the meridian glory of his worth and power. Peace to the ashes of one who, having sustained himself honorably and well in all the relations of life, has gone down to the grave carry- ing with him "across the dark waters" the love, regard, and tender 68 ADDRESS OF MR. CABELL. recollections of not only the people of the land of his nativity, but of those of his district, State, and country. The resolutions offered by Mr. Giddings were unanimously adopted ; and in accordance therewith (at ten o'clock and forty min- utes p. m.) the House adjourned. PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE. In the Senate, January 13, 1879. George M. Adams, Clerk of the House of Representatives, ap- peared at the bar of the Senate and said : Mr. President: I am directed by the House of Representatives to transmit to the Senate a copy of resolutions passed by the House upon the announcement in that body of the death of Hon. Gustave Schleicher, late a Representative from the State of Texas. The House of Representatives have passed a concurrent resolution pro- viding for the appointment of a special joint committee of eight members of the House and three members of the Senate to take order for superintending the funeral and to escort the remains of the deceased to San Antonio, Texas, and the Speaker has appointed as such committee on the part of the House Mr. D. C. Giddings, of Texas ; Mr. C. M. Shelley, of Alabama ; Mr. J. A, McKenzie, of Kentucky ; Mr. Nicholas Muller, of New York ; Mr. G. B. Lo- RiNG, of Massachusetts; Mr. Lorenzo Brentano, of Illinois; Mr. M. I. TowNSEND, of New York, and Mr. L. Powers, of Maine. Mr. Coke. Mr. President, I ask that the l-esolutions of the Plouse of Representatives be read. The Vice-President. The Chair will lay the resolutions of the House of Representatives before the Senate. They will be reported. The resolutions were read by the Secretary, as follows : In the House of Representatives, yanuary n, 1879. Resolved, That the House has heard with sincere regret the an- nouncement of the death of Hon. Gustave Schleicher, late a Representative from the State of Texas. m 70 PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE. Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring, That a special joint committee of eight members of the House and three members of the Senate be appointed to take order for superin- tending the funeral and to escort the remains of the deceased to San Antonio, Texas ; and the necessary expenses attending the execution of this order shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate the foregoing resolutions to the Senate. Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased this House do now adjourn. Mr. Coke. Mr. President, I offer the following resolutions : Resolved, That the Senate has received with deep sensibility the announcement of the death of Hon. Gustave Schleicher, late a member of the House of Representative^ from the State of Texas. Resolved, That the Senate agree to the resolution of the House of Representatives providing for the appointment of a joint committee to take order for superintending the funeral and to escort the remains of the deceased to San Antonio, Texas. The Vice-President. Will the Senate agree to these resolutions ? The resolutions were agreed to unanimously. The Vice-President being by unanimous consent authorized to appoint the committee on the part of the Senate, Mr. Coke, Mr. Bayard, and Mr. Hamlin were appointed. Mr. G. M. Adams, Clerk of the House of Representatives, ap- peared at the bar of the Senate and said : Mr. President: I am directed by the House of Representatives to communicate to the Senate a resolution of the House inviting the Senate to attend the funeral ceremonies of Hon. Gustave Schlei- cher, late a Representative from the State of Texas, to be held in the Hall of the House of Representatives at three o'clock p. m. this day. The resolution of the House of Representatives was read by the Secretary, as follows : In the House of Representatives, J^anuary 13, 1879. Resolved, That the funeral ceremonies of Hon. Gustave Schlei- cher, late a Representative from the State of Texas, be had in the Hall of the House at three o'clock p. m. this day, and that the Sen- ate of the United States be requested to attend. Mr. Anthony. Mr. President, I offer the following resolution : Resolved, That, pursuant to the invitation of the House of Repre- sentatives, the Senate will attend the funeral ceremony of Hon. Gus- tave Schleicher, late a member of the House of Representatives, to be held in the Hall of the House this day at three o'clock, and that the Senate now take a recess till five minutes to three. The resolution was agreed to unanimously. The Senate (at twelve o'clock and fifty minutes p. m.) took a recess until five minutes to three o'clock p. m,, and was again called to or- der at two o'clock and fifty-five minutes p. m. The Vice-President. The Senate wiil now proceed in a body to the House of Representatives. The Senate proceeded to the Hall of the House of Representatives, headed by the Vice-President and Secretary, and preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms. ■ The Senate returned to its Chamber at three o'clock and fifty min- utes p. m. The Vice-President resumed the chair. Mr. Anthony. Mr. President, I move that the Senate do now adjourn. The motion was agreed to ; and (at three o'clock and fifty-one minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned. 72 PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE. February i8, 1879. Mr. Coke. Mr President, I ask that the resolutions of respect to the memory of Hon. Gustave Schleicher transmitted to the Senate by the House of Representatives be taken from the table and read. The Presiding Officer. The Secretary will report the resolu- tions. The Secretary read as follows : Resolved, That this House has heard with profound sorrow the announcement of the death of Hon. Gustave Schleicher, late a Representative from the State of Texas. Resolved, That in token of regard for the memory of the lamented deceased the members of this House do wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That the Clerk of this House do communicate these resolutions to the Senate of the United Slates. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased this House do now adjourn. Mr. Coke. Mr. President, I offer the resolutions which I send to the desk. The resolutions were read, as follows : Resolved, That the Senate receives with sincere regret the an- nouncement of the death of Hon. Gustave Schleicher, late a member of the House of Representatives from the State of Texas, and tenders to the relatives and family of the deceased the assurance of their sympathy with them under the bereavement they have been called upon to sustain. Resolved, That as a mark of respect for the memory of the detcased the members and officers of the Senate will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, and that the Secretary of the Senate be directed to transmit to the family of Mr. Schleicher a certified copy of these resolutions. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 73 ^DDRESS OF yVLR. pOKE, OF TeXAS. Mr. President : We are brought again, as we have been so fre- quently of late, to a reahzation of the uncertainty of hfe and the fleeting and transitory nature of worldly pursuits, worldly hopes and ambitions, by the death of Hon. Gustave Schleicher. But a few short days ago he stood among us a physical and intellectual giant, in robust health, full of vigor, with a long life of usefulness to the country and honor to himself apparently before him. Under the decree of an unscrutable Providence he has been stricken down, and is no more. The memory of a well-spent life, of duty well performed to country, family, and friends ; of honor unstained, and patriotism unsullied, is all that is left to us of our departed friend. The mourn- ful duty only remains to make an enduring record of his virtues, and to perpetuate the oudines of his useful and patriotic life, for the admiration and emulation of those who survive him, and the glory of the country which honored and was honored by him. Gustave Schleicher, of Cuero, De Witt County, Texas, was born at Darmstadt, Germany, November 19, 1823, was educated liberally at the University of Giessen, in the Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darm- stadt. He was by profession a civil engineer, and was engaged in the construction of several European and American railroads. He emigrated to Texas in 1847, and after spending some time on the frontier, engaged chiefly in surveying, located at San Antonio in 1850. He was early known and appreciated in Texas as a man of great erudition and more than ordinary intellectual abilities. In 1853 he was elected to the popular branch of the State legislature, in which body he wielded a large influence. In 1S59 he was elected to the State senate, and was distinguished as a senator for his clearness and force in debate, and for the energy with which he 10 so 74 ADDRESS OF MR. COKE ON THE labored for the interests of his constituents. He was elected to the Forty-fourth Congress, again to the Forty-fifth, and after an arduous and exciting canvass was re-elected to the Forty-sixth. He departed this life^ after a brief illness, on the night of the loth of January, 1879, aged fifty-six years one month and twenty-two days. He was cut down in the prime of a vigorous manhood, when his great intellect was in the fullness of its power, and the avenues to the very summit of an honorable fame were clear and unobstructed before him. The State of Texas mourns the loss of her adopted son, and on the illustrious roll of her dead heroes and statesmen, whose memories are her most precious treasure, the name of Gustave Schleicher has been recorded, and will go down to posterity embalmed in the affections of her people. The Fatherland from which he sprang can point with pride to many sons who on land and on sea, in the field, at the forum, and in State and national councils, in poetry, literature, science, and the arts, have illustrated some of the brightest pages of American history, but not to one who reflects greater credit on his native land, or served his adopted country with higher purpose or more devoted fidelity. German that he was by birth, Gustave Schleicher was thoroughly American in all his feel- ings, his sympathies, and aspirations. His emigration to America was not the freak of a dreamer, nor the fortuitous chance of an advent- urer, but the manifestation of that feeling, then incipient but later in life fully matured, which saw in republican government the highest interest and largest liberty for the great mass of the people, and in America the widest field and most favorable conditions for human advancement. His bold and independent intellect, profoundly versed in the philosophy of government drawn from personal observation of the practical working of the opposing theories of the Old and New Worlds, did not hesitate to accept American constitutional government as the best yet discovered for the preservation of the rights and liberties of men. While not an enthusiast by nature, Mr. Schleicher was deeply enamored of his adopted country and its institutions, and gave the full force of his great abilities to their service. Mr. Schleicher's great powers, until he entered the national arena as member of the Forty-fourth Congress, were not known to the people generally, even of his own State. He was a very modest and unobtrusive man, and seemed rather to shrink from than court the public gaze. His first election to Congress was an accident, resulting from an exciting contest between rival favorites before a convention, neither of whom could command the requisite majority, and he was brought forward and nominated as a compromise man. In the Congress of the United States, Mr. Schleicher at once took a leading position as a debater and a profound and sagacious thinker. The broad field opened to him and the great questions which confironted him seem as if by magic to have inspired and expanded his intellect to the highest requirements of the occasion, and revealed in the unpretending but scholarly surveyor, just emerged from obscurity, one of the ablest and most accomplished men of his da)^ His reputation rapidly became national, and before his death he was universally accorded a conspicuous place in the very front rank of Southern statesmen. His speeches on finance have been rarely equaled and never surpassed for learning and ability by any others on his side of the question. His reports from the Committee on Foreign Affairs on the rela- tions of the United States with Mexico and on the Geneva award proclaim themselves the work of a master. For laborious and exhaustive research, profound and varied learning, clearness of state- ment, cogency of argument, copiousness of illustration, and sagacity of observation, these reports, especially the former, challenge com- parison with any to be found in the archives of the government. Mr. Schleicher's forte was an investigator ; his intellect was broad enough to embrace and comprehend the gravest questions of State, 76 ADDRESS OF MR. COKE ON THE and muscular enough to grasp and master all details, while patient industry brought to his aid information from every source, and a clear discriminating judgment guided his conclusions. In simplicity of style, felicity of expression, clearness, compactness, directness, and force, his written papers have often reminded me of the writings of Mr. Jefferson. As a Cabinet officer or as minister to a foreign court his talents would have shone through his reports and dispatches with great luster. Though clear and strong as a debater, the full measure of his power came only from his pen. While he grappled and solved great problems of government and administration with consummate skill, he was also a man of detail. Nothing was too unimportant to command his careful attention which concerned the interests of his constituents, and he performed the ordinary routine of department and other business pertaining to his position with promptness and fidelity. In all things he was painstaking and accurate and thoroughly conscientious. He knew nothing of devious ways, and was ever straightforward and direct, whether attacking the position of another or stating his own. His intellectual organization was eminently conservative, and his opinions, always well defined, were the result of calm and deliberate reflection. His convictions when formed were intense, and he stood immovably by them. When his judgment was firmly convinced and he believed himself right, no power, no personal consequence could swerve him from his course. In his last arduous and exciting canvass, while a large proportion of his fellow-citizens of Texas differed widely with him on a vital question, there was an universal admiration felt for the sturdy manliness with which he adhered to his honest convic- tions and the splendid courage with which he breasted the popular storm. In his domestic and social relations Mr. Schleicher's life was a beautiful illustration of the highest standard of moral excellence. He was an affectionate husband, a kind and indulgent fither, a stead- LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 77 fast friend, a generous and hospitable neighbor, an honest man, and a pubUc-spirited citizen. His face reflected the benevolence of a warm heart, while his genial temper, his kindly bearing, and his nobility of character endeared him to all with whom he came in intimate contact. In public as in private life he was candid and sincere. He dealt honestly with the people, and in return received their fullest confi- dence. The manifestation of feeling by the people of all classes and conditions in Texas, and especially in his old district, where his remains were taken for interment, was a more touching tribute to his excellence as a man and a public servant than language can convey. To say that he was beloved by his constituents is to give but a feeble impression of that mingled feeling of pride and affection with which they regarded him. The tearful eye, the quivering hp, and the lingering gaze as the vast multitude filed past to view for the last time his familiar features, told too plainly of the sadness which filled their hearts. Nor did the high quahties which endeared him to the people of Texas fail to raise around him a host of friends and admirers in this city, indeed throughout the country. The tribute to his memory by the great throng which crowded this Capitol to witness his funeral obsequies attested the high estimate placed upon him and the profound sense of the great loss sustained by the national councils in his death. The deep silence which per- vaded the crowded Hall and the gloom and sorrow which hung like a pall over the grand assemblage were eloquent of homage to his virtues as a man and his greatness as a statesman. Gustave Schleicher sleeps in the midst of those he loved and by whom he was beloved and honored. His record is complete ; no blot or stain mars its high perfection. His fame is his country's, and will be sacredly guarded and cherished. Near him lies the dust of Crockett, and Travis, and Bowie, and their slaughtered compatriots of the Alamo. Warrior and statesman -jS ADDRESS OF MR. BAYARD ON THE rest together, under the shadow of monuments which for more than a century and a half have looked down on the historic city of San Antonio, but which will have crumbled and passed into oblivion when the memories of these great patriots and their devotion to country will be fresh and green in the hearts of a graetful people. Address of ^VIr, ^ayard, of Pelaware. Mr. President : Mr. Schleicher was unknown to me personally until he entered the other House of Congress as the Representative of the people of the sixth district of the State of Texas. Very soon, however, the marked abiUty and assiduity with which his public duties were performed made me aware that he was a man of unusual intel- ligence ; and this impression was deepened upon every occasion of our subsequent intercourse ; so that when the information of his ill- ness and death reached me I felt the weight of a sincere sorrow, be- cause I recognized that I had personally lost a friendly and reliable counselor, and our country an able, steadfast, and upright public servant. The whole career of Gustave Schleicher since thirty years ago or more he left the home of his birth in Germany and chose a new home and adopted a new nationality in our land, should go far to disarm the unwise and narrow suspicions and distrust which from time to time have found expression in this country against citizens of foreign birth. Mr. Schleicher when little more than a youth came to America with a colony of his countrymen under the invitation of the State of Texas to become her citizens, proffering the inducement of the free grant of large bodies of fertile lands within her borders. It was as a civil engineer and in the survey and division of this territory that Mr. Schleicher's first exhibition of his ability and LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 79 usefulness were made. And in this line of professional duty he con- tinued for a long time surveying important tracts of land in that vast State ; in the consrtuction of railroads and other engineering enter- prises his talents and character were developed to his fellow-citizens. He was soon chosen a member of the house of representatives of Texas, and in the light of his performance of his duties there was elected to the State senate and then sent to a wider sphere of usefulness in the Congress of the United States. From the first to the last of this well-known and highly appreciated career, it would be impossible to find any element of perfect and unswerving fidelity to the principles of our government and the interests of the people which was lacking. During the few years of his service in Congress Mr. Schleicher gave abundant evidence of his capacity thoroughly to examine pub- lic questions with the eye of a statesman, the labors of a scholar, and the honesty of a patriot. Long before the death which seems to us so untimely, it had come to pass that a report by him upon a question to which he had given an examination satisfactory to himself was felt to be something upon which all men could rely as the emanation of a wise, just, and thoroughly conscientious mind. I am but one of many who upon reflecting upon the many measures of importance passed upon by Congress within the last four years am ready to ac- knowledge the frequent influence upon my votes of the judgment independently arrived at by our lamented friend. Of what may be termed the machinery of party and merely per- sonal politics Mr. Schleicher seemed to care but little. There is no one act that I can recall of his public life which seemed to have been performed with a view to personal results. The spirit that animated his labors here was truly a public spirit. He was in its full sense a statesman, a man considering affairs of state in the broad light of public usefulness, and without regard to his mere personal advance- ment. That he had ambitions I doubt not, but they were worthy, and sub- 8o ADDRESS OF MR. BAYARD ON THE ordinated at all times to the single object of the welfare of his coun- try. He had the courage to face an adverse sentiment, popular in his hour and time. He was too true a man to withhold open ex- pressions of his convictions when he deemed them necessary for the welfare of his people. Thus, in the last canvass preceding his re- election, he found himself brought face to face with what he believed to be dangerous sophistries in respect to measures and standards of value and healthy finance, and it would be difficult to find in any Con- gressional district of the Union, or from any one assuming the duty of popular instruction, clearer, fuller, abler, or stronger enunciations of truths which he believed to be essential, although locally unpalata- ble, than those of Mr. Schleicher in his public addresses to his con- stituents. Indeed, it may be said that his death had its apparent cause in the zealous performance of his duties as a defender of the financial honor and welfare of the government and people of the State of Texas and of the United States. Even the generosity of eulogy, which grief so often betrays into excess, can hardly be criticised when I here say that I believe he gave his life in defense of what he believed to be the welfare of his coun- trymen. Although Mr. Schleicher was, I have said, no posturing politician, full of the arts of self-advertisement and constant proclamation of his own importance, yet the realities of his character had quietly, but surely and steadily, grown into the appreciation of his people ; and as one of that funeral escort to which both Houses contributed their members to accompany his body to its distant tomb at San Antonio, 1 now recall what few who witnessed can ever forget, the manifesta- tions of public respect, widespread and impressive, which marked the progress of the car that bore his remains from the border at which we entered throughout the fertile and extensive region that lies be- tween Denison and San Antonio. At every station where the train could be stopped the sad notes of funeral marches were heard, and LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 8i processions of citizens crowded to pass by the bier where lay the re- mains of their honored Representative. In these exhib.tions of pub- He respect all classes and ages and races of men were mingled, and women came with little children, joining with their husbands and fathers in an expression of a sense of great public- loss. Even at towns where the rapidity of our journey forbade the train to tarry, long files of citizens with heads uncovered stood in silent respect as the train passed swiftly by. There is perhaps no community on the face of this earth in which men are so valued for themselves, for what is in them without regard to inheritance of name or fortune, as the State of Texas. There is perhaps no community where a less percentage of the population is native to the soil, and where less of prejudice of race or place of birth exists than there, and hence it may well be understood how so ener- getic, honest, and able a man as Gustave Schleicher made in his lifetime and left behind him at his death so deep and enduring an impression. The history of his life is full of good example. It taught no unworthy methods of success, none that could fail to elevate the character of the man who essayed it, nor fail to benefit the tone of the community in which it was followed. The possibilities of increasing and widening usefulness of such a man are very obvious, and as more than once has been said to me by sympathetic friends who knew him well : " How admirable would Schleicher have been as a Cabinet officer, and what a loss to our country it is that his powers and talents for administration could not have been exemplified in the highest offices of the government." But, Mr. President, these are vain regrets ; all that remains for us is to accept our loss with humility, and gain from his life those les- sons which it so abundanly affords, and improve our own opportuni- ties of well-doing while yet we may. Fortunate indeed will that one of us be who can justly claim such tributes of national respect and popular affection as were due and have been paid him, in honor of whose memory these words are now spoken. II SG 82 ADDRESS OF MR. MATTHEWS ON THE Address of Mr. y'ViATTHE\A/-s, of pHio, Mr. President: I am not familiar with the private or public history and career of Mr. Schleicher. My personal acquaintance with him was brief, casual, and superficial; and yet the one or two occasions which brought me into contact with him and afforded me an opportunity for some interchange of opinion seemed to aftbrd me some glimpses of a character that I thought eminently entitled to respect. For that reason, called upon so to do, I cannot forbear to add my tribute to that which has been and will be given by those who knew him better — and therefore could admire him more — the tribute of my respect and veneration for a character that I think worthy of admiration, of esteem, and of services not without great value to the country. Mr. Schleicher seemed to me to be a man of very considerable mark. His person and figure physically indicated that. He was a man among men, and his very presence seemed to bear witness to weight, not merely physical, but moral and intellectual; and the words of gravity and deliberation which he uttered on questions which he had always thoroughly pondered and considered seemed to have a due and natural proportion to the volume of his voice and the size of his person. The circumstance that he represented the most westerly district of the great State of Texas, that he was in consequence brought to con- sider most anxiously and carefully the border question that interested the people of his State and the people of the whole country in refer- ence to our relations to our neighbor on the southwest, the Republic of Mexico, the deep interest which he took in the development and propagation of those ideas which looked forward to such a change and transformation in those relations as would make this country the LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 83 vehicle of peaceful amelioration and improvement to the condition of that country, led me first to become interested in his views. I was not surprised to find with what energy and earnestness and thoroughness he considered every matter and question which he took hold of. It was characteristic of his nativity, of his German birth and character, the serious, earnest, plodding, and enthusiastic way of digging and delving down to the very bottom and foundation of every inquiry which he began. So that there was no subject that he undertook to handle, or to manage, or to speak of that he had not previously in the most quiet and unostentatious way made himself master of, even to the minutest detail. No one could converse with him in the most incidental and casual way without being struck with the richness and value of the stores of his information that dropped from him all unconsciously, and yet none the less richly. This habit of independent thinking and research and tracing out conclusions of his own by the power and vigor of his own mind, with a view to direct and govern his own conduct, made him one of the most manly of men — manly in the high and best sense — for his aims were broad, liberal, high, and patriotic, utterly devoid of all the ordi- nary personal selfishness which, it is thought, is to be found con- stantly in the lives and plans of politicians. And when he arrived at a determination, it became rooted and grounded into the convic- tions of his mind, so that it was a part of himself, and he could as soon have severed any of the natural properties and parts of his phys- ical frame as to have voluntarily parted with an intellectual or a moral conviction. So that, with all the courage of his opinions, with all the power to assert himself upon grounds of rational conviction, and yet with all due and becoming modesty, he never permitted himself to be driven, except by the power and force of superior logic and reason, from any stand which his conscience and his judgment required him to take. And when that is truthfully said of any man 84 ADDRESS OF MR. MAXEY ON THE in this world in any place that he occupies, in any vocation which he pursues, who has carefully furnished himself so as to be ready to give a reason for the faith which is in him, I think it is as much as can be said of or for any man, for it seems to me that it brings man- hood up to the very highest pitch of its perfection. But I forbear, Mr. President. The little that I can say to what has been said seems to me like the addition of a minus quantity that really subtracts from the value of that which those who are able to give positive evidence from real knowledge and actual personal con- tact may be better qualified to say. Address of JAr. ^VIaxey, of Jexas. Mr. President : The duty devolves on me, as the senior Senator from Texas, to deliver the concluding address in this Chamber to the memory of the late Representative of the sixth Congressional district of Texas, Hon. Gustave Schleicher. Mr. Schleicher was a man of more than ordinary mind, of unusual culture, of logical rather than brilliant intellect, and withal thoroughly honest. A German by birth and education, his residence in Texas and association with her people for thirty years has impressed upon him many of the charac- teristics of that people, and while he delighted to mingle with the people from his native country, he was unquestionably devoted in the fullest sense to the advancement of his adopted State in wealth, progress, and enlightenment. Representing the district fronting Mexico from the mouth of the Rio Grande to El Paso, it became his duty to make himself thor- oughly acquainted with the needs of the frontier, with the best methods of its protection, with the best means of preserving peace with our sister republic, and of extending our commercial relations with the people of that republic. The true solution of the " Mexi- ican problem " he i)rosccuted with marked intelligence. The political LIFE AND CHARACTER OF GUSTAVE SCHLEICHER. 85 relations of Texas with Mexico back to their earhest period of their political connection down to its severance, the history of Texas while an independent republic, and her relations to Mexico during that period, as well as the history of annexation, the war between the United States and Mexico and its material consequences, were the subjects of close study and thought by Mr. Schleicer. The rela- tions between the United States and Mexico from annexation to his last active labors were closely investigated. The archives of the State Department were ransacked for information. The military history of outrages, of invasions of our territory, of the pillage of our people, and of murder in every form, was collected and col- lated by him and laid before Congress and the country. The material gathered by him in his investigations will be a pre- cious mine of rich ore to the future historian of the relations between our country and Mexico, including the border troubles of the last quarter of a century. Besides all this great labor, he had to dis- charge all the manifold labors in Congress, in the departments, and in correspondence of a Representative of a district whose postal ne- cessities were constantly increasing and military necessities great. Occupying the relation to Mr. Schleicher that I did from his first appearance as a Representative in the other House, in December, 1875, I speak with confidence when I say he was a faithful, fearless, intelligent, and capable Representative of his district, and in that capacity he not only achieved an excellent reputation throughout the State of Texas, but a national reputation besides. Nothing could better exhibit the character of our institutions than the position occu- pied by Mr. Schleicher. A foreigner by birth, he was the Repre- sentative of a district devolving upon him the most delicate and in- tricate duties, and that, too, a most enlightened district, in which resided many prominent and able native-born citizens amply quali- fied to represent any district. I shall not dwell upon the personal traits of the deceased upon 86 ADDRESS OF MR. MAXEY. the high estimate in which he was held by all his associates and the people not only of his district but of his State. I shall not show how well this was evidenced in the various ceremonies, not only here at his death, but in Texas, where his remains were removed for inter- ment and now sleep quietly under the shadow of the Alamo. All this has been done, and well done. He acted well his part. Faith- ful and true to his people, he has passed from the stage of public action, leaving as a legacy to his wife and children an honored name and spotless record. The Presiding Officer. The question is on the adoption of the resolutions moved by the Senator from Texas [Mr. Coke]. The resolutions were unanimously ageed to. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS