'/ M- UI3KHK 013 706 *'T5 3 y?j: 'pim, BY-LAWS, ,^5 ^°''^ ^ in^ OFFICERS, > ROSTER OF MEMBERS Second &mu SorpdSdAOciation DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. «-^:»1^4w?«;f-* fn ORGATMIZEO OEGFIMBEB. IG. 18Q2. 3 4 >-^ft^*^\s^*^~- Washington, D. C, November 30, 1896. CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, PAST AND PRESENT OFFICERS. AND > > ROSTER OF MEMBERS ^ OK THE gccond Krmt) '^orp^ S^^ociation OF TlIK DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ORO^\MIKE1ID OKCEMBEIi lO, l.SfJLi. Washington. D. C, November 30. 1896. c\ o> -^-V ^"^ ^ tipf'jTwfr':- /\i'. m CONSTITU' SECOND ^ r F THE lATION. Adopted December 19, 1892; Revised October 10, 1894. GONS"L"ITUTION. Name. Tlie Second Army Corps Association of the District of Columbia. Objects. The objects of this association shall be the jic^th- •erin^, preservation and publication of historical material concerning the Second Corps, the per- petuation of tha associations of the war for the preservation of the Union, the cultivation of fra- ternal relations amon^ its members and their in- tellectual improvement and social enjoyment. Non=PoliticaI Character. The association shall be non-political and shall take no part in partisan politics. Questions of a partisan political character shall not be discussed , or considered in its meetinj^s. Active Membership. Any man who rendei-ed militai'y service, either as a commissioned ofticer, or, enlisted man, in the Second Army (?or]>s, (hiirin^- the late civil war, and was ht>noral)ly discharj^ed, and who l)ears a y:oo«J character and iei)utation, shall be eligible tojiiemberj^hij) in this association. - """ " (:^) Applications for Membership. Every application for membership in this as- sociation shall be in writing, shall state the ap- plicant's name in full, his age, residence, occupa- tion, and military history, and shall be accom- panied by the admission fee of two dollars. It shall be read and referred to a committee of in- vestigation, which shall report thereon favorably or unfavorably ; but any applicant may withdraw his application from the committee, in which case, the report of the committee shall be, application jvithdrawn. Every applicant shall be recom- mended in writing by at least tM-^o members of the association in good standing. Officers. The officers of the association shall be a Presi- dent, three Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, a Sergeant-at-Arms, and an Executive Commit- tee, to consist of the officers and five other per- sons, the President of the association to be ex-ofjfir.io chairman of the Committee. Duties and Election. The officers shall perform the duties usually pertaining to such positions, and, including the members of the Eecutive Committee, shall be elected by ])allot after nomination. Term. The term of service of the officers shall be one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified, and no officer, excepting the Secretary and Treasurer, shall serve tAvo consecutive terms in the same office. BY-IaAWS article i. Section 1. The association having been duly organized on the IGth day of December, 1892, and entitled ''The Second Army Corps Association of the District of Colombia," hereby adopts the fol- lowing by-laws for the government and guidance of its members. ARTICLE 11. Meetings and Quorum. Skction 1. The regular meetings of the asso- ciation shall he held on the second Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise ordered), at 7.80 p. m., except June, July, August and September. Section 2. The President may, at his discre- tion, or when requested by five comrades in good standing, call a special meeting, provided such 'request is in writing and sets forth explicitly the ol)ject for which the meeting is desired ; and, pro- vided, no other ]>usiness than that for which it is called, shaU be transacted, nor any appropriation of funds be made, unless contemplated in the call. Section 3. Nine members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at anv meeting. 6 ARTICLE III. Membership, Fees, Dues, Applications, Rein= statement. Balloting. Skction 1. The admission fee shall be two dollars, except that non-resident members shall not be required to pay such admission-fee, the pay- ment of the annual dues being sufficient to con- stitute such comrades as members. Skction 2. The sons of members of the as- sociation in good standing, not under twenty-one y-ears of age, may be elected as associate members upon payment of the admission-fee, but such members shall not be entitled to vote nor be eligi- ble for election to office, nor shall they be subject to the payment of dues. Section 3. Distinguished men, whether in mil- itary, naval, or civil life, may be elected as hon- orary members by a two-thirds vote of the mem- bers' present at any regular meeting, and such members shall not be required to pay admission- fee nor dues. Section 4. The dues payable by each active member shall be one dollar joer annum, in adv^ance. Section 5. All comrades in arrears in pay- ment of dues for twelve months may be dropped from the rolls on a majority vote. Section 6. A comrade having been dropped for non-payment of dues, may be reinstated ujDon ■ payment of his arrearages, by a majority vote of comrades present and voting at the meeting when application for such reinstatement is made. Section 7. The admission and reinstatement fees must be paid before an applicant is received into iiiembership. Section 8. Each application for membership, after it is read by the Secretary, will be referred i)y the Pi'fesident to a committee of three, to be appointed by the President, for investigation and report ; and such report, before being received by the association must be signed by a majority of said connnittee. Skction 9. Members shall be chosen by ballot and three unfavorable ballots shall reject. ARTICLE IV. Election of Officers, Committees, Dutie^. Section 1. The officers of the association shall be elected annually at the regular meeting in January. Section 2. The Committee on By-Laws shall consist of the Secretary and two other comrades, to be appointed annually by the President at the regular meeting in February, to which shall be referred for report all proposed amendments to the By-Laws. Section 8. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and five other comrades, the President of the association to be ex-officio chair- man of the connnittee. It shall consider and re- I^ort ujjon such matters affecting the interests and welfare of the association as may be referred to it. This connnittee may also i)resent such other mat- ters as may api)ear to be for the best interests of the association. It shall have sole charge of any entertainment devised by the association. Section 4. The Committee on Audit shall consist of three comrades to be appointed annual- ly by the President at the regular meeting in Feb- ruary. This connnittee shall thoroughly examine the ))Ooks, vouchers and accounts of the Treasurer and certify to their condition annually. The Treasurer shall submit his books, accounts and vouchers, together with his report, to the com- nuttee for audit at least three days i)rior to the annual meeting- in Ja nuary, and the committee shall indorse its action upon such report prior to its presentation to the association by the Treas- urer, and may make such suggestions to the as- sociation as may be deemed proper for the better conduct of the business of the Treasurer. ARTICLE Y. Appropriations. Disbursements. Section 1. All money belonging to the asso- ciation shall be paid out by the Treasurer on req- uisitions drawn and signed by the Secretary and approved by the President. Section 3. Appropriations for any purpose shall be made only at regular meetings of the as- sociation and on a majority vote of the members present and voting; or at special meetings when the specified business considered shall require an appropriation. ARTICLE VI. Rules of Order. Section 1. The rules of order shall be those prescribed in ''Cushing's Manual of rarliameut- ary Law and Practice." ARTICLE VII. Amendments. Section 1. These by-laws may be amended, — 1st by a tAVO-thirds vote of all members present and voting at a regular meeting of the associa- tion; 2nd, a proposition to amend must be in writing and shall specify the particular i)ortion sought to be amended ; 8d, such proposition shall then be referred without debate to tiie Committee on By-Laws, for report at the next regular meet- ing, or, at the call of the President. ARTICLE VIII, Order of Business. Reading" and approval of minutes. Admission of members elect. Report of the Treasurer. Reports of Standing- Committees. Reports of Special Committees. Presentation of applications and ])alloting for members. Unfinished business. New business. Reading of historical papers. Good of the association. Receipts of the evening. Adjournment. Past and Present Officers. President. Charles Lyman, 14th Conn. Inf. for 1893. Rich. N. Batchelder, Bri^. Gfen^ U. S. A. for 1894. James D. Brady, Col. 63d N. Y. Inf. for 1895. Nelson A. Miles, Major-Gen^l U. S.'A. for 189G. Vice-President for tlie First Division. John O. O'Neill, Capt. 116th Pa. Inf. for 1893. Franklin C. Jones, Capt. 64tli N. Y. Inf. for 1894. Charles Smart, Surgeon, U. S. A. for 1895. Geo. A. Shallenljerger, Col. 140th Pa. Inf. for 189G. Vice-President for the Second Division. Azor H. Nickerson, 8th Ohio Inf. for 1893. John Finn, Corp'l Co. D, 8th Ohio Inf. for 1894. Dennis O'Connor, 19th Mass. Inf. for 1895. Joseph S. Smith, Brig. GenM U. S. Vols, for 1896. Vice-President for the Third Division. Greorge A. Amies, 2d N. Y. H. A. & Major U. S. A. retired, for 1893. Henry S. Stevens Chapl. 14th Conn. Inf. for 1894. Charles Lvman, 14th Conn. Inf. for 1895. Newton M. Brooks, Capt. 12th N. J. Inf. for 1896. (10) ii Secretary. Charles E. Troutiiian, 2d Lieut. Co. C, 12th N. J. t Inf. for 1893, William P. Seville, Capt. 1st Del. Inf. and General Staff for 1894. Johrx Finn, Corpl Co. I), 8th Ohio Inf. for 1895. William P. Seville, Capt. 1st Del. Inf. and General Staff for 1896. Treasurer. Franklin C. Jones, Capt. G4th N. Y. Inf. for 1893. William L. Bramhall, 93d N. Y. Inf. for 1894. Alfred R. Quaiffe, Major ir)2d N. Y. Inf. for 1895 and 1896. Historian. Henrv S. Stevens, Chapl. 14th Conn. Inf. for 1894 and 1895. H viand C. Kirk, Lieut. F, 4th N. Y. H. A. for 1896. Sergeant-at-Arms. James McCrea, Sery-^t Co. F, 42d N. Y. Inf. for 1896. ^ +^ :;:; 3 +i i— i :» oT' ^ X rtjiq cc ^ X -- c 'S "S "C o offlpqpQo .;if ^ .X . a Q- a c3 •^' pqqo^ooqoc^ 5P^ 55 <3> c rr t> ti ^ W ^W mpQ S ^ ^ ^ .--3 ^^ Pi P; v£ PQffipqpqpqpQffiooco 13 i ^ ^ ^^ = i>< I ^^ ^1 2 ^ i i •X 2i X - aJ - • 3j ! ►^ '^ r-'t; "^ fl o °- ^^ ^ x;q X b£;QTJ c^ ^ ^ ^ > a; o ■ ^ •;; ^ O 2 5 '^Pt^ ^ 5 i^ ^ g ^ ^H U /-; Z V. a ~ >?H Ph cc LJ 2 1— ( ^ !>• •>.- fi if z-=^ 5 ^ 0. ?^ cc>: 0^ :o oj S ^ ;::2 ■^ t-J 1> C "^ — g^ : 2 P^hc^ : c ^H ?S -i-fS>^ n-t ^^ yi' •'^ -rt "^ ^ r< » ,-» p <^ r> r^ '. J -u -> o '?^ o ^ -z: ••;:"■ ^ S =5 :=^ I-' ;:=; ^ '^ o) ^ - 3 ^ 2 ::'^^ — -e ^ " 5 a:> _^F'-3^'^'r— OS .>^ X ^ ie — -^i^i^^^B-'Hr^"^ .-^ix -M O C 4J Q rt ^ -.1 ^ - -t . ' ^ c -^ - X 7-: ^ - *- * ?- X X X -. 14 - J3 u !< O .^'^ <- CO ^ : - o 2 ;ji ^5 CO O) S(2 : «<-H 12 '—' o o' O -^ ' .^ 3) o > G c3 eg . 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