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Edited by David Everett Phii.i,ips, Life Member of The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Society Columbus, Ohio Published by The "Old Northwest" Genealogical Society COLUMBUS, OHIO 1902 ed CO; :d, of which this No. THE lU'FUS IM'TNAM lloUSE, IU'TLAM>, \\'iiR(:KSTKI: COUNTY, MasSACIII'SETTS. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS IN THE OLD CEMETERY AT RUTLAND, WORCESTER COUNTY, MASS., "Laid out" June 7, 171 7 Seal of Rutland, Mass. Edited by David Everett Phili^ips, lyife Member of The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Society Columbus, Ohio Published by The "Old Northwest" Genealogical Society COLUMBUS. OHIO 1902 p. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS IN THE OLD CEME- TERY OF RUTLAND, WORCESTER CO., MASS.* Rutland, which has aptly been called the "Cradle of Ohio," is situated in the center of the state of Massachusetts. Its scenery is picturesque and beautiful, abounding in hills and vales, brooks and natural lakes. Its principal street (or road) one and one-half miles long and teji rods in width, begins at the "Old Putnam house" and ascends the hill 1250 feet above the level of the sea to the center village, from which may be seen the towns and villages in every direction. Mountains nearly one hundred miles distant are visible. The blue hills of Milton, near the Atlantic, the Highlands on the Connecticut, VVachu- sett rises close at hand in the adjacent town of Princeton, while old Monadnock rears his rugged outline against the northern sky. The territory embracing this town was purchased from the Indians December 22, 1686, settled 1713, incorporated May 30, 1722. Its situation has protected it against the encroachments of modern life, although its pure air and fine scenery has of late given it quite wide celebrity as a health resort. Rutland is rich in historic reminiscence. Its first called min- ister, together with two or three members of one of its first families, fell victims of the tomahawk of the savage. During the Indian troubles, 1723-30, Capt. Samuel Wright, one of its first proprietors and foremost citizens, led the scouts who pa- troled the settlements from Brookfield to Lancaster and Sud- bury. From 1744 to 1760, in the French and Indian war, her young men did valiant and effective service. It was a war of races, the Latin against the Anglo-Saxon, for supremacy on this soil. Not less than eight companies, under their own offi- cers, marched from these hills to the frontiers on the Hudson, and Lakes George and Champlain. On their rolls are the ■■■•They were transcribed in 1880, by Mr. James Andrew Smith, and collated with public and private records by Mr. Louis M. HanfF, Clerk of Rutland. They are owned by his daughter, Mrs. Harriet"(Smith) Bush, of Brookfield, Mass., who placed them at the disposal of the collator for publication. 4 Monume7ital Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. familiar names, Phelps, How, Stone, Wheeler, Moore, Clark, Rice, Reed, Davis, etc. These years of training and discipline in the arts of war prepared them for the greater contest to follow. In the war of the Revolution the town took prompt action and furnished many volunteers, who served with honor and distinc- tion throughout that great struggle. Two fell at Bunker Hill^ and a score or more were at Dorchester and the evacuation of Boston. In 1778, a division of Burgoyne's surrendered army were quartered here, extensive barracks having been erected for their use. Rutland, however, owes its greatest distinction in having been for eight years the home of Gen. Rufus Putnam, " Founder and Father of Ohio." His dwelling was built by Col. John Murray, Rutland's wealthiest and most honored citizen, who at the beginning of the Revolution held an official position under the crown and refusing to resign fled from the town and province never to return. His estates were confiscated and sold and this house was purchased by Gen. Rufus Putnam. It was in this house, on the 9th of January, 1786, that Gen. Tupper reported to Gen Putnam the result of his inquiries concerning the "Ohio Country." "The two veterans sat up together all night, and by daybreak had formed the plan which resulted in the organization of the 'Ohio Company' and its settlement at Marietta," and thus Rutland has earned its title, '' Cradle of Ohio y The old mansion, together with about 150 acres of land, has been purchased and its title will be vested in the Trustees of National Reservations, to be preserved as a " Memorial of Gen. Putnam." On September 17, 1898, a bronze tablet was placed at the front entrance bearing the following inscription :* ■ The address upon this occasion was delivered by Hon. George F. Hoar, Senior Senator from Massachusetts, to whom is largely due the preservation of the " Putnam Memorial." Monumental Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. Here FROM I78r TO 1788 DWELT General Rufus Putnam Soldier of the Old French War Engineer of the Works WHICH COMPELLED THE BRITISH ARMyI to evacuate boston and of the fortifications of West Point Founder and Father OF Ohio. In this House He planned and matured THE Scheme of the Ohio Company AND FROM IT ISSUED THE CALL FOR THe| Convention which led to its organization. Over this threshold He WENT TO Lead the Company WHICH settled Marietta April t i788. To Him UNDER God Is owing THAT THE GREAT Northwest Territory was dedicated forever to Freedom Education and Religion and that the United States of America is not now a great Slaveholding Empire. Placed by the Massachusetts / , ) Sons of the Society I^ealv Revolution Shortly after the settlement of the town, what is now called the "Old Cemetery" was set apart for burial purposes. It is located on nearly the highest point of land, near the meeting house. It is enclosed by a boulder stone wall, within which rest the remains of the early settlers and the fathers and moth- ers of those Ohio Pioneers who emigrated from this town in company with General Putnam and whose descendants are found in all parts of the " Old Northwest." Many of the graves 6 Monumeyital Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. were never marked, and some stones have disappeared since Mr. Smith with such painstaking labor deciphered and tran- scribed their records. Many are badly broken, and all bear evidences of the ravages of time. It is quite fitting, and a source of no little gratification, that this Society is permitted to publish, and thus preserve in its archives, these records and memorials of some of the pioneers of the "Old Northwest." Here lies Buried ye Bodv of Colonel William ARBUTNATT- who died January ye 16 1765 aged 88 years. Saci'ed to the Memory of Dean ENOCH ADAMS (formerly of Medtield) who departed this life July lltli 1811. aged 77. Dust thou art , and unto dust thou shall return DANIEL W. son of Mr. Moses and Mrs. Sallv Brooks Diied Aug. 17. 1823. -Et. 21. Death with his dart, has perc'd my heart, When 1 was in my prime ; When this you see, grieve not for me, Tvvas (.iods appointed time. Erected In Memory of Mrs. patty BOICE Wife of Mr. Tliomas Boice who died April 30 1810. in the 40 year of her age. Behold and see as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for death and follow me. Here lies the Body of Mrs. ABIGAIL BALL Wife to Deacon Eleazei" Ballt who died Oct. 9t.h 1741 in ye 39th year of her age. ALFRED P. son of Dea. Benjaman & Mrs. Polly S. Buss Died Marcli 1. 1829. .Et. 5 yrs. & 3 Mts. So fades the lovely, blooming flower, Frail smiling solace of an hour ; So soon our transient comforts fly, And pleasure only blooms to die. In Memory of Mrs. BETSY Relict of Isaac Bryant who died Jan. 2. 1845. .Et. 78. In Memory of Mr. Isaac BRYANT— who died June 4 1836. yEt. 74. Erected In Memory of Mr. WILLIAM BRIDGE* who died Feb. 9tii 1805 in the 64 year of his age Erected In Memory of Miss POLLY BRIDGE Dau'r of Mr. Willm aiid Mrs. Mary Bridge _ who died Jan. 2'it 1800. in ye 18th year of her age Her life was like a morning flower. Cut down and withered in an hour. *Arbuthnott. tDea. Ball was one of the first proprietors of Rutland, and his descendants are numer- ous in various parts of the country.— P. *He was a useful citizen, an Ensign of Min- ute men. His widow was living in 1836, aged 00 years. — P. fTown record says Jan. 1, 1800. Monumental Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. In IMemorv of EDWARli H. son of Jonathan and Sarali B. Barney of Biston who died in Rutland Aug. 2. 1826 MX, 22 Months Suffer little Children to come nnto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. In -Vlemorv of JAMES BYRAN son of Mr. Patrick By ran & Mrs. Margret liis Avife He died June ye 11th 1774 in the 5 year of his age. In INIeniorv of SAMUEL son of Capt- Samuel Brown* tt Sarah his wife died Sept- . 10\ii 1756 aged 7 vears & 2 Mouths. Here lies the body of Me. TRUSTRAM BROWNING who was borne in Rutland Septemr 22iid 17 2 9. and died Jan'y, 6t^ 1755 in the 25 year of his age.t Erected In iMemorv of Lieut SAMUEL BROWNING who departed this Life Oct. ye 23'.\ 1783.t Aged 4.3 years 11 IMonths & 23 days. Lo in the law Jehovah dwels But Jesus in oonecl'd AMiereas tlie gospel's nothing else But Jesus Christ reveal'd. Here lies the bodv of Mk. JAMES BROWNING— who received his Birth *Capt. Samuel Brown was brother of Eleazer Brown, the first settler of Hubbardston(widow Browns town). He was an active citizen, hold- ing many offices in civil and military life. —P. tNever married. |The records give the date of Mr. Brown- ing's death as Oct. 3, 178.S. Reed's History of Rutland gives Oct. 3, 1783 : Town Record, Oct. 23, 1783. He was Serg't in the company of Min- ute Men commanded by Capt. Thomas Eustis, who marched from Rutland to Cambridge April 19, 1775. He was drowned on the eve- ning of Oct. 23, 1783 in crossing a stream. He never married.-- -P and Education in Scotland and spent the last of His days in this Town. He departed this Hfe Feby. 3^.1 1749. Aged 77.* In memory of tlie REV. JOSEPH BiJCKMINSTERt for more than 50 years Pastor of the church in Rutland, who departed this hfe Nov. 3".\ 1792: in the 73fl year of his age. He was distinguished for intellectual ability and ministerial fidelity and zeal and enchired for a long time the distresses of a cancerous complaint, wliich finally terminated his days. The grave contains all that could die His spirit dwells witli God on high. Erected In Memory of Lieut. WILLIAM BROWNING t wlio died Oct. l()th 1806. yEt. 83 years. Thou dear departed soul adieu Thy lifeless clay must here remain Till Christ this"l)ody shall renew Then both with Joy shall meet again. Erected In INIemoi'v of MISS MARTHA' brown- ing;^ Daughter of :\Ir. John & Mrs. Sarah Browning •'The age as above given is an obviou.s error, as his first child, AVilliam, was born in the gar- rison Aug. 20, 1723. He was Knuidfalher of the AVilliam Browning, son-in-law of Cen. Rufus Putnam, who was of tliat comp.iny (families) who left Rutland in September, 17"'.)0. [■He was only 23 years of age when he was settled the seeoiid minister of Rutland in 1742. His wife was Lucy Williams, whose father and grandfather were eminent ministers and whose motlier was a daughter of the cele- brated Dr. Solomon Stoddard of Northamp- tou, Mass. Their son Joseph and grandson .Joseph S. were among the most noted pulpit orators of their time. Their daughter Han- nah marrieil Capt. Benjamin Miles, 1780, and had children, Joseph liuckminster and Ben- jamin Hubbard (twins), b. June 21, 1781: Jamrs Lanman, 1783; Lucy Williams. 1785; William IMoore, 17^(i; Mary Prescott, 1789. In 1700. Capt. and Mrs. Miles, with their six young children, made the journey to Marietta, Ohio, in an ox wagon, arriving in safety be- came the founders of most of the Miles fami- lies of Ohio.— P. JW^illiam Browning married Rebecca Mc- Farland of Worcester, Mass. His son W'illiam mairied Al'igail. dau. of Gen. Rufus Putnam and went to Ohiof wliere he arrived Nov. 1790. He never returned to his native town again. —P. ^Granddaughter of Mr. James & Mrs. Eliz- abeth Browning. Moinmioital Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. who died Au^. 2. 1808. .Et. 26.* Though the pale corpse is in the grave (■oiisi<4ned She leaves a ijatteru for her sex behind Tlic sun of virtue never can decay It shines in time, and gives eternal day. Erected 111 .Steinoi V of MR. JOHN BROWNINGt wlio Died April 12th 1812 Farewell My Wife and Children dear This worlds no more my rest lu heaven I hope to meet you there God's saints are ever blest. In r\Iem(irv of MRS. SARAH BROWNING Wife of ]Mr. John Brownmg who deixirted this life Deer. 6. ISOO. iEt. 61. In ]\Iemorv of WATSON BROWNING son of 5ir. .Tames & jNIrs. Nabby Browning who died Sept. 2. 1805. .Et. 6v. 5I\I. ev 15 d. In Meniorv of WILLARD BROWN- ING, son of Mr. James & Mrs. Nal)l)y Browning Avho Died Sept 13th 1805 ^Et. 2y. 4M. & 8 d. In Memoiy of MR. JAMES BROWNING Avho died Jnly 20. 1820. ^Et. 52. Erected In ]\Iemorv of MRS. NABBY BROWNING Wife of James Browning who died Mav 22. 1804. "^Et. 30. Thou dear departed Soul adieu Thv lifeless clay must here remain Till Christ tliis'body shall renew Then botli with Joy shall meet again. (This stone is badly broken, 1880.) In Memory of ROXY BARTLETT Dautr of Mr. Adonijah and Mrs. Rnth Bartlett wdio died Octr 24tii 1801 Ao-ed 4 years I Months 10 days. In jMemorv of HANNAH BARTLETT dangi' of Mr. Levi & Mrs. Sally Bartlett who died Jan. I8th 1800* aged 4 years. In ^Memory of MRS. MARY BARTLETTt widow of Mr. Daniel Bartlett who died Jan.i 12. 1825 .Et. 95. In Memory of LEVI son o'f Mr. Daniel Bartlett & IMary his wife Died Septr lt\i 1756 Hi.s aue was 1 Year II Mo s. & 1 6 Days. In Memory of MR. DANIEL BARTLETT who died Deer 17 1801. .Et. 8 3. In ]\Iemory of ]\Irs SAR.\H CLAP Wife of Maji- Daniel Clap? Who Dec'l Au!J:iist ye 23 A. D. 1776 Which Day Just concluded the 34^1 year of her age. In Memory of MR. AARON CRAWFORD who died Ang. 6th 1754. aged 77 years. Make use of present time Because you must Take up your lodging Shortly iii the dust. ♦Town record says 25 yr. 9 mo. tMr. Browning m. Sarah Tuft'ts of Brook- field, who d. Dec. 6, 1800, aged 61 years.--P. *Town record says June 10, 1800. fThe husband of Mrs. Mary B, was son of Henry B., who came from Wales about 1700 and is the common ancestor of the Bartletts of ISrassachusctts. — P. tKev. Josiah Clark's record says June 12. Oldest person in town. f;I)aniel Clapp was an active, useful citizen, who after the death of his wife removed to Worcester and was Register of Deeds for many- years.— P. Monumeiital Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. Here is Buried vc Bodv of MR. SAMUEL CRAWFOKD- who departed this Life Oct. 17th 1760 ag ed 55 years. In ^Memory of Mrs. AGNES CRAWFORD wife of ]\Ir. Aaron Crawford who departed this Hfe December 10. 1760 aged 82 3^ ears. In Memory of MR JAMES CUNNINGHAM who died Feb'y 201^ 1786 aged 73 y? He was born in Ireland in the County of Dary ife come to "New Eniiiand 1737. In ]\Iemorv of MR. EBENEZER CHAMBERLAIN who died Ag. 22 1830 ^t. 5 6. In Memory of MRS. POLLY wife of Mr. Ebenezer Chaml)erlain who died Noy. 7. 1830. .Et. 52. In Grateful Tcstimonj^ to the "Worth and services of the REV. JOSIAII CLARKEt this monument is erected by many A native of Northampton he departed this life July 11, 1845 in the Bl^t year of liis age and 28tii of his Ministry to the 1st Congregational Church and Society in this town No marble eulogy thy virtues need For us who saw thy life— tny living breed Stranger of coming time, this resting i)lace Is his wao served his God and loved his race. *The Crawfords of Rutland were Irish Pres- byterians who brought letters from Ireland. Hon. \Vm. H Crawford, Scc'y of the Treasury and Judge of the Supreme Court of Cxcorgia was of this family.— P. tFifth minister of Rutland. SYDENHAM Died Aug. 21 ^t i823. /Et. 6 years. LUCY* SUMNER died Aug. 2!)th 1823. .Et. 20 Months. Children of the Rev. Josiah Clark and his AVife Asenatli. And he took them in his arms And blessed them. NANCY PARSONS died at Leicester March 2(>. 1813 ,Et, 7 Mts. CHARLES CHAUNCY died Feb'' 9. 1820. .Et. 15 M. Children of the Rev. Josiah & Mrs. Asenath Clark. SuflFer little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Erected In Memory of MKs MARGRET COWDEN Wife of Mr Samuel Cowden who departed this life Janr 25th 1792 in the 54th year of her age. How lov'd or valu'd now avails me not, By whom lamenfJ or by whom forgot, A little ditst is all remains of me, Tis all I am and all you soon must be. In ]\Temory of ME EPHRAIM CHURCH who died Sept ye 25 1775 in the 61 year of his Age. Far from this world of Toil and Strife They are present with the Lord The labottrs of their mortal life End in a large reward. ME. In Memory of SILAS CHURCH son of M'; Ephraim Church & Sarah bis wife Died Jany 13th 1759, in ye 12 year his age Erected In IVlcmory of SAMUEL COWDEN who died *Town and private record gives name Nancy Sumner C:iark. Josiah Clark was the fifth min- ister of Rutland, 1818-1815. 10 Monionoital Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. Kov. 10.* 1812 in the SO year of his age. Farewell niv friends and Children dear, To a kind piirents; voice give ear, SpeakinR as yon are passing by, Prepare for death for yon must die. Here Ives the bodv of SA^MUEL son of '^Mr. Samuel Cowden & Marearot liis wife who died Oct'- 4ti' 1777 in ye S year of his age. Youth think on death. Here lies ye Body of IMATHEW COLLER son of ]Mr. Archabel & ]Mf? ilargaret Coller who died Sept 23 174S in ye 19'>i year os his age In Memory of their son John Coller who died at Cape Breton Feb'y ist/i \-\{\, in his 22 vear. In jMemorv of ANNA CHILD, Daug'" of Mr. Abiather & Mrs. Sarah Child who died Jan 26 ISOO in the 11 year of her age. Her life was like a morning flower Cut down and withered in an hour. Here Lies I>uried ye BODY OF Ml- Dan"iel Campbell! Born JN Scotland Came into New England auno 171(3 AVas nuirdered on his own farm in Rutland By Ed. Fitzpatrick an Irisliman on march ye stli anno D™ 1744 in ye 48 year of his age Man knoweth not his time Here lies buried the body of MR. SLAION DAVIS who died on April ye Ot'i 1754 in the 4lst year of his age. I Cro. XV. 55. O Death where is thy sting. In ]\Iemorv of MRS. MARY DAVIS widow of Mr. Peter Davis who died Julv 23. 1825. "BX. 87. Here lies V)uried the body of Mrs. HANNAH DAVIS Widow of Mr. Simon Davis* Avho died Avith the Small Pox Jaur ye 7. 1761t in the 47 year of his age. I Cor. XV. 55. O Death where is thy sting O Grave where is thy victory. Erected In Alemory of Lieut. PETER 'DAVIS? who died Jan. 2 J 1780:^ in the 49*1} year of his age. Also Ten Children of Peter & Mary Davis. Here lies l^uried the body of SIMON son of SIMON DAVIS and Hannah his Wife who died Deer ye 28. 1760. in the 13 year of his aire. In Islemorv of COL. SAMUEL DAVIS who died Dec. 29, 1799 aged 53 years. &. for a number of years was Deacon of the Church & was esteemed by his acquaintances. In Memorv of Mr^ REBECCA DAVIS the Wife of Capt Peter Davis. She deer March 3"? 1774 in ye 62'-^ year of lier age. In IMemorv of ]\IR. PIIINEHAS DAVIS son of Capt Peter Davis & Mrs. Rebecca his -Town record gives Kov. 11. tHe was the first victim of murder by a white man in the (H)inity. The murderer was executed Oct. 18, 174'!, the first execution for •that crime in the county of Worcester.— P. '^Simon Davis and his father, Simon Davis, Sen., were among the leading and most active men in the county. — P. fTown record gives 1760. JSou of Capt. Peter Davis, one of the earli- est settlers and next to Col. John iSIurray was the wealthiest citizen of his time.— P. jTown records, 1761. Monumental Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. 11 Wife, lie Dec? January 1771 in the 35 j^ear of his age. In Memory of MRS. A.SEXETH wife of Mr. Thomas Davis who died Sept 2. 1826. yEt. 35.* In Memory of MRS. REBEKAH wife of Coin. Samuel Davis who died Oct. <), 1,S-J9, ^Et. 85. In ]Memorv of MRS. BETSEY wife of Mr. Isaac Davis who died Dec. 10. 1824 .Et. 43. When God dotli call we must go And leave our friends in tears behind. In Memory of Mr. ISAAC DAVIS who died :\Iarch 2(1. 1833. -Et. 53.t Farewell vain world. I am sone home; My Saviour smil'd. and bid me come Bright Angels carrieil me away To sing Gods praise in endless day. In Memory of Mr. SILAS DAVIS who died May 19. 1837 in his 61 year Prepare to meet thy God. Erected to the 3Iemorv of Capf ELIJAH DEMOND who died Autiiist 18 1825. aged 86. In [Memory of Mrs. LUCY DEMOND wife of Capt Elijah Demond who died Augt 6. 1819. ^Et. 76. *Town record, age S4. tTown record, age 54. ALBHEUS Died April 16. 1808. atred 6 vears & 4 ^Its. SALLY H. Died Aug. 11. 1813. Aged 5 days. Children of Daniel & Hannah Demond In ]\Iemorv of ELIZABETH SMITH Daugliter of !Mr. .Joseph & Mrs . ]Mary Demond who died Sept. 7. 1826 aged 17 Months a 15 days In ^lemorv of JOSEPH. E. DEMOND son of Mr. Jose{>h & Mrs. ]Mary Demond who died Sept. 5. 1831. aged 4 years .t 4 days. In 3Iemorv of GEORGE son of Joseph A ]\[arv Demond who diereciou.s dust The Joyful resurreetioii of the Just. Sacred to tlie memory of MR. DANIEL ESTABROOK* who died August 21 1799 Aetatis 94 T/owTi in this dark and silent bed The stroke of death hath laid ray head Gods trump sliall sound I hope to rise And meet my Savior in the skies. Sacred to the ]\Iemorv of MRS. HANNAH ESTABROOK wife of ]\[r. Daniel Estabrook who died August 5 1775 Aetatis 62 Blessed are the de;id who die in the Lord Here lies tlie Body of THADAIS ESTABROOK sou of Mr Daniel .t jNI'-s Hannah Estabrook wlio died Sept'" 11. 1740 age In IMemory of MR DANH-n. ESTABROOK who died SeptT n 18 IG in the 7o yr of his age Draw near my friends A- take thoutrht How soon a crrave mav Ix- vour lot ' Make sure of ''hri,-t while "life remain And death will Ix- eternal gaiu In Memory of SILAS son of M'' Daniel I'lsta'nrook A ^Irs Persis liis wife he dec'l Noy ye 5 1771 aged 3 years a- h months In AFtMnory of SAIMUEL sou of Mr. Daniel Estabrook* & ]\Irs. Pcrses his Wife. He deed March ye 14th 17751 Aged 3 years & 7 Months. PERSIS Relict of Daniel Estabrook died Dec 25 1828 Aged 8(5. JEDEDIAH ESTABROOK died Feb. 3. 1845 xVged 77 In jMenuiry of Mrs". ELIZABETH ESTABROOK wife of ]\Ir. Jedediah l']stakrook who died July 8, 1S23 jEt 53 Jesus can make a dying bod Feel soft as downy pillows ai'e While on his breaVt I lean my head And breathe my life out sweetly there In Memory of JOHN FIELD Jux son of Dr. John?} a Mrs. Rhoda Field who died June 3 1808 a!.'ed 2 years a 5 Months In IMemory of Mes. GRACE wife of Joseph Field who died Aus.r 9. 1840. .Et. 98. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord '•■'Came from Lexiiiirton and was of the same family as Kev. Bcnj. i-;stal>rook, the lirst min- ister of Lexinirton.— 1'. *Mr. Daniel Esti^brook Avas a son of Daniel Estabrook, one of the early settlers in Rutland who with his wife Hannah came from Sud- bury about 172:1. Daniel Estabrook, Jr., in 1737 and married Perss, dauglUer of Hezekiah Newton of Paxton. Several of their descend- ants are inhabi'ants of Kuiland. |Town record gives Siarcli 14, 1776. ^ Dr. John Field was drowned in Cedar Swamp Pond Aug. '2S, bSio. He and another man were fishing from a boat, Dr. Field was drowned, the other was not. Dr. Field was considered a very skillful physician and had a good practice at ihe time of his death. Momuncntal Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. 13 Dea. TILLY FLINT died Feb. 23, 1842 iEt 83 Blessed are the peace makers In Memory of MRS. RUTH Wife of Tilly Flint Esq. who died July 22, 1826 /Et. 58 In Memory of two sons and an only Daughter of Tilly Flint esq. & Ruthy his wife who departed this life on the 6th & 7th of Sept. 1813 TRACY cT't. 17 CATHERINE c-et. 8 FRANCIS B. FLINT at 5 HARRISON Died Sept. 18. 1823. aged 2 years. LOUISA HARRISON Died July 21. 1838. _ Son and Daughter of r-feorge S. & Joann Flint.* Sacred to the i\Ieniory of REV. LUKE BALDWIN FOSTER who died 23 May 1817 in the 28 year of his age and the 5th of his ilinistry Pastor of the Church in Rutland! Also FANNY FIDELIA daughter of Key. L. B. & Eunice Foster died Aug. 22 1817. aged 3 years a 5 Ms. Here lies Buried ye Body of Mr. SKELTON FELTON who departed this life April ye 18th A.D. 1749. Aged (SI years 5 M. & 12 Ds. ^Grandchildren of Dea. Tilly Flint.— P. fThe third minister of Rutland, settled when but 2:3 vears of aa:e. — P. Rev. Luke Baldwin Foster was a son of Rev. Daniel Foster of Now Braintroe. educated at Burlington Coll., Vt., and settled at Rutland Feb. 24, 1813. He married Eunice Knight of Western in 1S13. Mr. Foster received the hon- ors of Masonry at his burial by Thompson Lodge A. F. & A. Masons of Rutland, of which he was a member. CHARLES son of George & Martha C. Fay died Jan. 13.1832. aged 1 year 6 Vlo. .t 27 days. So fades the lovely blooming flower. Erected In Memory of MRS. RUTH "FROST wife of Mr. Ebenezer Frost who died July 20 1821. yEt 89. JACOB FISK. Died Feb. 13. 1848. iEt. 85. Erected In Memory of Lieut. ROBERT FORBES ■ who deceased Feb. 17t^ 1799. Aged 80 years. In Memory of MRS. MARY FORBUS who deed. Jan'}' 33^1 1776 aged 53 years. In ]\Iemory of Rev^ and Learned THOMAS FRINKt the First Settled Minister in Rutland who departed this life for abetter one on the 21st Day of Aug^t 1777 ill the 73 year of his age. In Memory of Mks LUCY FRlNK the amiable Consort of Doc* .Tohn Frink Junr who died June ye 20t.^ A.D. 1788 aged 27 years 9 Iilonths A 20 days. *An early resident and an active officer in the Revolution.— P. fUev. Thomas Frink was born in .Sudbury, graduated at Harvard in 1722, Settled in Rut- land Xov. 1, 1727. dismisst'd Sept. S, 174t); was pastor of the 3rd Church in Plymouth in 1743 and of Barre in 17.');;, and spent his last days in Rutland. He married Isabel!, dan. of Capt. Samuel Wright, Feb. 13. 1^29. See "A Jlinistry of Fiftv Years," preached at Barre, Mass., by James Thompson Jan'y 11. 18.')4, page 10. Rev. Thomas Fink pr* ached the Election Sermon before the Governor and Council at Boston in 1758. 14 Moiniincntal Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. Likewise SA:\IUEL their sou dide June ye 1 A.D. 1788, aged 6 Days. Farewell mybtst bfl overt friend Whose virtuous deeds adorned her life ; Beloved by tliose she left behind In ilemorv of ISABEL FKINK third Daugliter of Doct Jolni Frink* A INlR? Ehzebath his wife who departed this life for a better Dec'" v^' 24th A.I), Yim in ye 21*?^ year of Her age. My youthful dnys out slioi't by thee And' lengthened to eternity And all that in Jehovah die Shall live with Christ eternally. ]Memento Mori Sacred to the ]\[eiiiorv of the HON. JOHN FESSENDEN ESQ.! who dei>arted this life April Hth 1793 aged 64 years. In the cold mansions of the silent tomb, How still the solituae! how deep the gloom ! Here sleeps the dust unconscious close con- fined But far, far, distant (lv\-e]s the immortal mind. In Memory of two Children of JOHN FESRENDKN Esq. & Mi-s Elizabeth bis wife. THOMAS died Augst 11 til 177K agpd 3 davs. KELIEF died Jan'-y 1st 17,S4 aged 3 years and 18 days. " Our Lord Jesus Christ has said that" of such is the kingdom of Heaven. ^Memento Mori Erected In ]MetU()rv of Doc. HEZEKIAH FLETCIIERt wlio departed this life Jan. ye22'i»1754 in ye 49^11 year of his age. -Dr. John Frink was oldest son of Rev. Thomas Frink, l)orn in Rutland Sept. 7, 1731 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of (.'apt. Peter Davis of Rut- laud, June ■), 175J, who was b. Feb. 11. 1734. tHe was born in Lexington, bought a farm and moved to Rullaud previous to the Revo- lution, was State Re|)resentative, State Sena- tor, Justice of the Peace, and one of the Com- mittee for the Commonwealth to sell confis- cated lands. He was of the celebrated Fessenden family of Massachnsetis and Maine. — P. IHe was the Pro|)rietors' and Town Clerk, and at his death was succeeded by his sou Alpheus, akso a physician.— P. Memento JMori ]'>ected In IMemory of Doc'' ALPHEUS FLETCHER who departed tliis life June ye r2tti 17G6. In ye 35 year of his ai;e. In ]\Iemory of Mrs. :MARY FLETCHER the wife of Capt Jonathan Fletcher. She died Sept ye 13 1756 aged 26 j'ears. In ]Meniory of ANNt Daughter of Capt Jonathan Fletcher .t W'}: Mary his Wife. She died Sept ye iQth 1756 Aged 2 years & 7 Months. Erected In jMeninrv of Dea'^ JOHN FLETCHER who departed this life Jany 30t'.i i7()2 in the 74 year of Ins age. Behold my friends, in me you all may see An emblem of what you ere long must be RememVier you like me was form'd of dust And with the Earth unite again you must. Erected In ]\[emory of Mrs. JANE FLETCHER who departed this life March IQi^ ISOl Aged 83 years. In Memory of SAMUEL GOODALEj son of Mr. Nathan & Mrs. Elizabeth Goodale l)orn Feb. 4^1' 1768 died Dec. 23'l 1770 In i\Iemorv of PATRICK GREGORY who was born in the Parish of *Town record, Jan. 21. tTown record gives the name "Amy." J He was an elder brother of Dr. "Lincoln Goodale, so well known in Columbus, C, as a leading citizen for many years, whose name is peri>et"uated in its principal park, a street, a Masonic Lodge, etc. His mother was dau. of Capt. John Phelps of Rutland, who died in Columbus, O., Jan. lil, 180y. (See Phelps).— P. Mo?mmental Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. 15 Lyner in the Coimtj' of Donai?:all .t Kingdom of Ireland. He Died July h'-}} 175() aged 63 years. Saci'ed to the memorv of REV. HEZEKIAII GOODRICH* Died Feb. 7tii 1812 Aged 42 years and in the UHh of his Ministry in Rutland. Erected In Memorv of CAPT. STEPHEN GATES who died Oct. 5th 1773 ^Et. 55. Erected In Memorv of MRS. DEMARIS GATESt wife 01 Capt. Stephen Gates who died Dec. 3fl 1809. .Et. 84. In Memory of Mrs". ABIGAIL GATES widov/ of Mr. Samuel Gates who died Sept 26. 1820 .Et. 94. ZEDOCK GATES Esq. r.orn Auii'. 5. 1760 Died Dec. 14. 1821. I-reetcd In Jilemorv of Mrs. HA XX A II GATES Wife of ?ilr. Zedock Gates who died March 30th 1800 Aged 35 years and 3 days. In ?«Iemorv of HANNAH MPiTCALF Daughter of Zedock Esq. it Mrs. Emilia Gates who died April 13th 1810. .Et. 7 ve;a\s it 12 d. Next to Damaris Gates's grave is a stonej in several parts, tlie upper part cannot be read as the letters are scaled off. The lower pai-t reads : E. N. GATES who died Aug. fith 17(35 .Et.21. In Memorv of DAVID GATES son of Mr Stephen;* A Mv? Damaris Gates was born Aiiet 25th 1750 Died :May 20th 1759. MR, Erected In ]Memorv of JOHN GOODELL who died Mav 25 1824 ^Er. 58. In Memory of Mr. SAMUEL GATES who died Feb'- 19. 1803 .Et. 78. *The third minister of Rutland.— P. tShe was a How of .Sudbury, and of the family who built the " Wayside Inn." — P IStone of Stephen, sou of Stephen and Da- maris Gates. §Mr. Stephen Gates married Damaris How of Marlborough and settled in Rutland in 1749. Erected In IMemory of MR. JOSHUA GOODELL who died April l';t 1807 in the 40 year of his age. How vain and transient are the charmcs Of every earthly view ; Cold death has clasp'd me in his armes, Farewell my friends. Adieu. Memento Mori In jVIemorv of Mr ALEXANDER GRAHAM* who died ]March ve 29th A. D. i77(i in the 47 year of his age. Erected In ]Mem{)rv of Miss DOLLY GRAHAM "He was a son of Duncan Graham who was m. twice. 1st to Martha , who d. in 1770; 2d to Margaret (iray. who after the death of Mr. Graham m. Lieut. Korbus. 16 Momunoital Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. Dau*r of Mr. Alexander and Mrs. Margaret Gra- ham who died Sept 251^ 1792 in her 17 year. Stop here young- f; lends, see where I lie, Remember you are born to die. Prepare for death and foUov.' me Into a long eteruitv. In Meniorv of SAMUEL HENRY Son of JMi' William Henry* & M's Su- sannah his wife born April 71'^ 1773 lK: dicMi March 8th 177.3 In i\Ieniory of JOHN HENRY Son of ]\Ir Wm Henry & Mi« Siisa?uiah his Wile Born June 24lli 1779 Died Nov 2- life Jan. 7Hi 18n0i in the 76 year of his age. Death than has co^cjuer'd me I by thy dart am slain But Christ hath couquer'd thee And I shall rise again. Here Eves Buried Tiie "Body of ]\!K ISRAEL HOW? liied June ye 23!-(]. <t. .7i»hn & Mrs. Lucy Fletcher Stone.— P. Memento More In Memory of MR. JONATHAN HOW^ who departed this life Oct!' ye 7thi 1787 ^Et. 42 years In ]\Iemorv of MRS. LUCY "HOAVt Relict of Mr. Jonatlntn How who died July 20 1814 .Et 5(5 In !M''inory of EDAVIN REED Son of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Susannah How who died Oct. 28, IS]. 3 yE. 1 y. & 5 AIo. In IMemory of AVALINE MALISSA Dauy of Mr. Jonathan a- INIrs. Susannah How who died Noy. 14 1814 .Et. 14. lie here dear babe to rest awhile and may your .-(.lul in heaven smile. Erected In Memory of MR. DAA^ID "HOAVE who died 3Jay 5. 1802. In Memory of MRS. SARAH "HOAVE Daut of Air. Dayid & Airs. Alartha Howe died Sept. 26. 1814 .Et 27 In Memory of MRS. SALLY 'HOAA^E who died Jan. 15 1826 -Et. 81. In Alernory of ELIJAH STONE HOOKER son of Air. Samuel .v.- Mrs. Abigail Hooker who died Feh. 1st ]807 -E. 4 years 1 AI. io D. So soon our transcent comforts fly And pleasnri' only blooms to die. *Son of Eliphalet flow who vras brother tO' Israel.— P. tDau. of Thomas Reed who was son of Thomas of Sudbury.— P. Momimcntal Inscriptions, Riitla7id, Mass. 19 In Meniorv of the widow :MAKY HU3IPHREY* 2i.V^ fliuijr'; of tlie ' Rev. Thomas Frink who died June 13. 1791. in the 58 year of her age In Memory of MRS SARAH" KING Wife of ^Ir. Samuel King. who died Janv 19th A.D. 1S13. in the 76 year of his age. MR. SAMUEL KINGt who died at FebJ- 3'1 A.D. 1815 in the 78 year of his age. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. ]\ lento More In ]Memorv of ^Jr DANIEL KING AVho Dec'i Novem. ye 18th 1 7 7 ■ 3 Aged 24 years 9 months & 8 days Erected In Memory of MR. JOSEPH KING wlio died Sep. 25th 1S07 yEt 55 years Friend and physicians could not save This mortal lio'dy from the grave How can tlic j;nive confine it here When Christ shall call it to appear lu Memory of MRS. MARY KING Wife of ]Mr. Joseph King wlio died Nov. 18th 1807.1: in ye 46 yr of her age. *Born in Rutland Nov. 10, 1733. Granddau. of Capt. Samuel Wright, who one of the com. of the first proprietors and ov.ner of lot 1. He filled all the important oflices of the town and church ; was surveyor and keeper of the pub- lic house ; was Capt. of troop in war with the Indians, 1720-17'J5 — P. fThe King family of Rutland were de- scended from Ebenezor King and his wife Mary, who came from Danvers early and had numerous posterity. — P. JTown record gives year. 1797. Erected In ]\Iemorv of MRS. LUCY WILLIAMS KING wife of Lieut. J()se])h King & Dau': of Capt. Barzillai Miles who died May 20, 1814 yEt 22. Removed from all the pains and cares of life Here rests the pleasing friend and faithful wife Ennobled by the virtues of her mind Constant to good and to death resigned. Erected In memory of ]\IR. WILLIAM PUTNA:\I KING Who died May 26.* 1810 '^Et. 25. Erected In memory of MR. CALVIN KING who died May 20, 1812. iEt. 25. t WILLIAM P. Son of Capt. Joseph & Mrs. Sally A. King Died April 5. 1832 yEt. 4. In Memory of MRS. BETSEY KING Wife of Capt. Joseph King & Daughter of Dea. Jonali Brown who died Jan. 3. 1826. ^Et. 36. Her course is run — her spirit fled She gains the mansions of the dead Slie now lies cold, but still her soul Will live till ages cease to roll. SARAH R. KING dau'r of Capt. Joseph King & INIrs. Lucy liis wife died Sept. 29. 1821, a^t. 8 years. Sweet child no more l)ut seraph now Before the throne behold her bow Her soul enlarged to angels' size Joins iu the iritimiilis of the saints. Erected In Memory of Doctor *Town record gives date. May 20. ■fTown record gives age, 24. 20 Moinirnoital Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. JAMES Mc.FAELAND who died Nov. 29. 1823. yEt. 41. WILLIAM JONES son of Doctor James McFarland aud Mrs. Polly his wife died Sept. 2S. 1825 .Et. 17 Mts.ct 10 ds. In ^Memory of two Daughters of Doctor James and Mrs. Pollv McFarhuul SARAH WOODIS* died Octr. 11.181.S .Et. 11 Mts. ADELINE died Octr. 2d 1821 yEt. 6 weeks. Erected In ]Moinorv of BENJAMIN MUNROEt who died IMarch 17 til 1797 in the 42'l rear of liis aire JOSEPH EMERSON Son of Dea. Joseph & Pollv Marsh Died Jan. 10. 1845 Aged 20 years MARY died March 30 1824 ^Et. 2 ds. SARAH died Ang— 24 1820 .Et. 4 Ms. ALPHA B. died Oct. 22 1828 ^Et. 2 Ms. Children Capt. Sardine a Mrs. Catharine Muzzv. Erected In Memory of Mes. La VI XI. i MuNR o Wife of Mr. Benjamin Mnnro who died Oct. 4tii 1794. MA.. 30. Deacon JOSEPH MARSH Died Sept • 30 • 1842 Aged 50 years Bk'.ssed are the ileail Wlio die in tlie Lord POLLY MARSH Relict of Dea. Joseph Marsh Died Jan. 1. 1852 Aged 03 years. That they may rest from their labors Aud their worlis follow them. CHARLES E. Son of Joseph and Pollv Marsh Died A'pi-il 8, 1832 ^Et 20 mo. In Memorv of Mi' JOHN Mt. INTIRE who was Born in the parish of Ivillemoiiii in the CounY. of Tyrone & Kingdom of Ireland. He spent the last of his days in New England and departed this life May 26. 1709 aged 91 vears. In Memorv of ]\Iks ABIGAIL JilEAD Wife of Mr. Benjamin Mead* who died June v^' 12th A.D. 1704 in ye 39 year of her ■ Age. Here Lies ye body of BENJAMIN MEAD son of Mr. Benja & Mr^ Ahitrail Mead, Died Feb. ye 22, 1753. Age 3 vears M. ct 26 Ds. Here lies ve Bodv of SUSANNA MEAD Daut. of ]Mr. Benjamin A- jNIrs. Abigail Mead who Died November ye 26. 1753 Aged 2 years 4 M?. iind 7 days. *Town record, Sarah Woods. tMr. Munroe m. Lavinia, dau.nhter of Capt. Stephen Gates of Rutland. The Muuroe fam- ily Were from Bristol, R. L, and came to Eut- laud iu 176S. *They came to Rutland about 1750 and he was in Capt. Eustis Co. of Minute Men who marched to Cambridge April la, 1775. (See Benjamin Mead 2d.)— R. Moruimental Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. 21 BENJAMIN MEADE* Died March 16. 1852 aged 92 years. In Memory of MRS ELIZABETH ^MEAD — wife of ]Mr. Benjamin Mead —who died May IS 1822 aged Gl. Can reason's dictate.s be obeyed So weak alone, lier stoncrest aid O let religion then be nich Her consolation never die. In Memory of MRS. POLLY ■l\IEADt wife of Lieut. William Mead who dec'd Feb. 5 1816 aged 23. Capt. BRAZILLAI MILESt died March 6. 1856. aged 92 vears 11 Mos. & i2 days. At Rest with God. In Memory of MRS. SARAH" INIILES wife of Capt. Brazillai Miles ct daugr of Capt. Thos. a Mrs. Hannah Read died Sept. 5. 1804. ^Et 35. In ^Memory of MRS. SARAH wife of Capt. Brazillai Miles who died July 7. 1835. m. 64. In hope of eternal life. *He bouETht the Putnam House in 1796 of Stephen Sibley of Sutton, to whom it had been sold four years beore by Rufns Putnam. He was born 1760, was son of Benjamin Mead and Abigail his wife and died in this house, hav- ing lived in it 56 years. His son, known as Dea. AVilliam Mead, was 6 years old when he came here to live and succeeded to it owner- ship and died in 1872, having lived in it 76 years. His son Elias succeeded him and died July 16, 1894, aged 73 years. The place then passed into the hands of trustees, to be kept as a memorial of Rufii.s I'utnam.— P. tShe was the wife of Wui. Mead, owner of the Putnam House 1SS8-1S74. and doubtless lived in it during her brief three years of married life. — P. IBrother to Benj. Miles, the Ohio pioneer. —P. THO:\[AS B.« son of Brazillai Miles Died Mar. 6 1854. yEt. 53 years. In Memory of Capt. BENJAMIN MILES Who Died .January ye 28tli 1776 In trie'52d year of his age. A kind Husband and tender parent. In Memory of JOHN :\IILES son of Capt. Benjamin a Mr« Mary his AVifa, he dec'l June ye 29. 1766 Aged 10 Months & 15 days. In Memory of MR. EBENEZER MILESJ who died Apr. 8. 1827.— .Et. 69. My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's .loyful sound Then burst the chains with sweet supprise And in my Saviour's image ri.se. MOLLY MILES relict of EBENEZER MILES died Jan 17. 1851. aged 87 years. CHARLES Son of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. Molly Mile.s— Died July 21. 1793 aged 3 months & 9 days. In Memory of POLLY Daughter of Mr Ebenezer a Mr? Molly Miles who died March 10. 1809 .Et. 9 yrs. Also AniN H. Miles died Feb. 10. 1809 ^Et 3 hours. *Nephew to Benj. Miles, the Ohio pioneer. —P. tHe was born in Concord 1724; m. !Mary, dau. of Ebenezer Iliilibard of Concord about 1750, came to Rutland and settled on Miles (formerly Joyncrs) Hill, which has been oc- cupied by his posterity for ISO years. His eldest son, Benjamin, b. Mch. 11, 1754, m. Nov. 12, 1780, Han nniiBuckmiuster (see Rev. Joseph Buckminstrr. p. 89 )— P. JSon of C!ii>t. ISenjamin, and brother to Benjamin Miles tlie Ohio pioneer.— P. 22 MonuDicntal Inscriptions, Rutland, Jlldss. HERVEY son of Ebenr H. A- Koxnna Miles died Feb. 8. 1S22. JEt. 5 Ms. GEORGE H. son of Mr. Ebenezer IT. & Mrs. lioxana Miles died Oct. 28. 1829. JEt. (i years. JOSIAH H. son of Mr. Ebenezer H. & Mrs. Koxana Miles Died March 2S. 1S31 JEt. 5 Ms. A 17 Ds. The cold, fold grave eusliruinis the now my child My beautiful ! find tears, and mouniiug are Like words nyioii a cenotaph to tell How in thy Mothers breast thoit art enshrined Spotless and sinless to thy Saviours amies Unsitllied nestling ! thon liast tipwards llown And I am lonely, rest and desolate. HEPHSA H. dauglitiT of Ebenezr & Molly Miles died Sept" 27 1825. aged 66 years. Erected In Memory of MRS HANNAH ]\I<.)ORE* wife of Lieut. Paul Moore who departed this life Sept 9th i7s)i aged 74 years. Here lies Btiricd yc Body of MERCY MOOR Daui- of Paul Moort & Plannah his wife died Sept (3. 1756. aged 17 years 10 Mo. 3 days In IMemorv of TILLY soil of Paul Tvloore c^c Hannah his wife died Seiit 11th 17 5 6 his age was 8 niontlis ct 4 days. •■■Mrs. Moore was a dan. of Cai)t. .lohn IIul)- bard of Rutland, and m. Mny 3, 173;!, before she wa.s 16 years of age. It is recorded of her tliat " She was a gond and indnstrions wife, a good cook,audexcelli'nt dairyist, and a noted maker of deerskin clothes," and that they lived so happily that they named their two first children Love and Boaz. — P. tPaul Moor was a carpenter, a prominent citizen, having held many of the town offices. His brother, Dea. Kphraim IMoor. was Maj. of Minute Men and was slaiu at Bunker Hill.— P. M I C A II I\I R E Aged 17 76 who dyed Sept 6» 1749 At Ins left hand Lies Abigail Moore Who dyed Sept. 7. 1749 9 9m. 7 In Memory of ROBERT illTRRAY son to John Murray Esqr and Elizabeth his wife who died Sept" 20th 1756 in the 9 year of his age. In jNk'mory of JOHN iJURRAY son to John Murray Esq.t and Elizabeth his wife wiio died Oct^' 7th 1756 in the 13 year of his asre. Abigail , "Town record, ■*.!ieah, Sep Sept. 8. fThe wives of Col. John Murray were also buried here beneath heavy stone slabs, laid horizontally, upon a brick founihition, but from the action of the storms and frosts of more than a century the inscriptions have uovs' disappeared. They were as follows: ELIZABETH McCL ANA THAN wife iif John IMnrrav Esq. died 17G0. LUCEETIA CHANDLER, wife 01 John Murrav Esq. died March 21, 1708 He married Peborali Brindley. of Boston, Dec. '21, 176',», anil as no further record of her apiiears, she probably accumpanied her hus- band to Nova Scotia in i774. Col. ,fohn Murray (John McMorrah) came to America in the ship with Edward Savage and other emigrants who settled in Rtitland. His mother died and was buried at sea. In a few years the i>enniless lad, by his own energy and ability, arose to be a wealthy and honored citizen (see introduction). His tirst wife was his youthful companion of the voy- age and the mother of his ten children. His second and tliird wives were of prominent families of Vrnrcester and Boston. It was aliout tliis period (1700) he built the famous mansion now known as " The Putnam jVcmorial." (See illustration). His second wife, Lucretia Chandler, was daughter of the second Judge John Chandler, one of the delegates commissioned by Gov. Win. Shirley of Massachusetts, in 1751, to meet at Albany for a conference witli the Indians of the Five Nations, etc., and of concerting measures for a union of all the British Amer- ican Colonies. This was the germ of that Congress of twenty-two years later whicli re- sulted in the uuioii forming the United States of America. The Chandlers were a celebrated family and connected with others of equal note: Gov. Levi Lincoln, George Bancroft, the historian, etc. Lucretia (Chandler) Murray was sister of tlie third Judge John Chamller, who was father of seventeen children, many of whom Mofiumentnl Itiscriptions, Rutland, Mass. 23 In Memory of Mr. JEDTTTHAN GREEN ■who died June 24, 1819 ^Et. 74. JEDUTHAN GREEN Died Feb. 10. 1871 M. m yrs. & 14 Days. In Memory of Mrs. BETSEY S. GREEN wife of Mr. Jeduthan Green who died Sept. 24, 1825, Mi. 37. NANCY Wife of Jeduthan Green Died Feb. 17, 1848 Aged 56. Family. BARTHOLOMEW GREEN Died July 28, 1883 ^E. 86 yrg. 8 mo. LURENAThis wife Died May 14, 1838, M. 42 yrs. 10 mo. Children T. ALBERT Died Apr. 30. 1834 .E. 17 yrs. 6 mo. ALVIRA L. Died Sept. 5. 1838. M. 4 mo8. aciiieved distinction. He and several rola- tives were noted royalists, and their estates, amounting to more than a million dollars in Talue, were confiscated by the State and they were warned not to return a second time upon pain of death. He died in London in 1800. Lucretia (Chandler) Murray was thirty-one years of age at the time of her marriage in 1761. Her portrrit, by the celebrated Copley, now in Lancaster. Mass.. is described as "A ■very excellent picture of a very handsome woman." Her only child, Lucretia. was born 1762 and died Aug. 30, 1836, unmarried, buried Lancas- ter, Mass. Col. John Murray died at St. .Johns, Now Brunswick. On a mausoleum in the rural cemetery in that city is inscribed : To the memory of JOHN MURRAY EsQ. born in Ireland 1720 died in this city, Aug. SO, 1794. In Memory of Mr. ASA NEWTON who died Sept 17th 1805 in his 38 year In Memory of CHARLES B. only son of Mr. Charles L. and Mrs. Sophia Newton who died May 17 1832 JEt. 12 yr. & 3 Ms. Wc mourn ye departed worth. HEZEKIAH NEWTON died Jan. 6. 1848 aged 92 years. In Memory of MRS. ISABELLA wife of Mr. Wm H. Newton who died Aug. 23.* 1841 aged 19 Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. In Memory of MR. WM H. NEWTON who (lied Aug 4.1 1834 ^t. 45. We mourn ye departed friend. Erected in Memory of DAVID OLIVER Coroner who died March 3. 1821 , aged 74 years. In Memory of MRS. ELIZA OLLIPITANTt formerly the wife of Mr. James Browning who died March 12. 1791. yEt. 84. -Town record, Aug. 24, 1S41, aged 49. tTown record, .\ug. 3. jShe was the widow of James Bro%vning who died Feb. 3, 1749 (see James Browning), she married Andrew Oliphaut of Dedham, Nov. 23, 1752. He died and she returned and lived with her dauglitcr, Mrs. David Bent (Capt.) His kinsman. Col. .'■^ilas lient. with his wife, Mary Carter, and children, in l';90, made the jouniey to Ohio in an ox wagon, burying one of the "children by the way. He was an important factor in the new set- tlement and died April 4, 1S18. His descendants arose to prominence, and some of them acquired great wealth and dis- tinction. (See History of Bent Family). 24 Monumental Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. In Memory of MRS. ELIZEBATH OLIVER Wife of Mr. David Oliver Cor. who died July 24. 1809. in the 63 year of her age. The sweet remembrance of the Just Shall flourish when they sleep iu Just. In Memory of ELIZABETH Dan of Mr John* and IMrs. Susannah Phel- ps who died June 27 174;>t in the 3 year of her age In Memory of *Capt. John Phelps, son of John Phelps of Marlboro (grandson of John Phelps of Itead- ing who died in 1700) was born in Marlboro inl709. During the Indian troubles in 172"- 30, he served as a scout under t^apt. Samuel Wright, to guard the settlements. (Mass. Ar- chives.) In 17^2 he removed to Rutland, where he filled several town oflices and was captain of militia, and did active service in the French war. On Aug. 9, 1757, he left Rutland in com- mand of a company to assist in the relief of Fort William Henry, marching for Kinder- hook, N. Y. It was in this same year tliat his son Jolin died iu the service, at Albany, aged 23. rapt. Phelps was of the Md Mass. (Worcester) Regt., Col. Timothy Ruggles, of Hardwick. The latter having tieen promoted to Brig. Gen. in 1761, John Murray became its Colonel, and so continued for ten years (both these officers were noted Royalists in 1774.) In March, 1775. at the age of 69, he is found on the roll of "Alarm Men " of Rutland with 50 others, mostly heads of families, from 50 to 70 vears of age. The ''Minute T^Ien," about 50 iu number, had also been organized, composed of young men of the same families and were in service at P.unker Hill and elsewhere during thi> year. His son .\aron of that company died that year. Afterl776 lie joined hisson Dr. Moses I'helps in the adjoining town of Hui>bardston and died tliere in 17.S7, aged 78 years. He married iu 17:]0 Susanna, dau. of Simon Gates of Marlboro and had several children in M., his second dau. Eiizalieth, born \\\ Rut- land April 1, 1714 (Town record), married Nathan (ioodale, Sept. 11, 1705 (see Goodale.) Some of his papers are presei'ved by his de- scendants of the fourth and tiftli generations uow residing in tliis city, among them is his will made at Kniland April 27, 1772, witnessed by Rev. Joseph Uuekminster and liis son Jos- eph Jr. It is an interesting document and mentions his sons Simou, Aaron and Moses and dau.ghters Catharine, Elizabeth((;ood!(le), .Susanna and Louisa, and children of his dau. Sarah. He appoints his wife Susanna, aud sons Aaron and Moses executors.— P. tTown record, June 27, 1742. LIEUT. SIMON PHELPS* who departed this life Jan. 0!?i 1788 in ye 47 year of age. Behold my friends in me you see An emblem of what you must be. In Memory of MRS. TABITHA PHELPS Relict of Lieut. Simon Phelps who died Nov. yt 30 1749 Aged 3 years 9 I\I. 2 Ds. Here lies the Body of MARY REED Daughr of Mr. Benj a & Mt? ]\Iarj^ Reed who Dec 17 1775. in the 2(3 year of his age. In Memory of MPf ELIZABETH REED wife of Mr Jonas Reed Jr. who died July 29th 1792 in ye 2()th yr of her age. In Memory of BETSEY RiEED Daughter of Mr Jonas & Mrs Elizabeth Reed who died Janr 17th 1797— Aged 12 yr In Memory of SALLY REED daughr of Jonas & Elizabeth Reed who died June 7. 1807 .Et. 21 ys. Youth is no defence against the shaft of death. In jNIemory of RUFUS REED eon Mr Jonas and My? Eliz'i. Reed who died Dec. 22 1801 Aged 11 years. In Memory of MRS. ELIZABETH wife of Mr. Sue! Reed who died Sep. 14. 1831. yEt. 46. In ]\Iemory of Mrs lydia read Comfort of Captain .John Read who died Septr 17, 1791 in the 26 year of her age. t Could grateful love recall the fleeting P> breath Or fond affection soothe relentless death Than had this stone ne'er claimed a social tear Nor read. to thoughtless man a lesson here. 26 Monumental Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. JOHN REED 2n their way to the northern and western towns. Both house and highway were long since abandoned.— P. tHe was father of Jonas the Historian, who died June 2, 1829, and brother of Benj.— P. JShe was dau. of Joseph Wright of Concord. This branch of the family from Lexington hpell the name R-t-t-d ; those from Concord, ie-e-a-d.— P. gSee page 103. Memento Mori. Here lies the Bodv of JONAS REED .-.'.n of Mr. Jonas Reed and Mrs. Elizabelli his wife, who deed October 8th 175(1 Aged 5 years (i months i 21 davs And also Elizabeth Reed, daughter— of Mr Jonas Reed &. Elizabeth his wife,* who died October 6th, 1756 Aged 11 Months and 2 Days. Deacon JONAS REED.t Born April 21. 1759. Died June 2. 1839 —aged 80 years He was a distinguished man in town having held many inii)ortant ofiices, till of which he discharged with ability and integrity. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. MRS. ABIGAIL REEDJ wife of Dea. Jonas Reed Born at Newton Oct. 17, 17 6 1 Died at Spencer July 2. 1842 in her 82*3 year. In Memory of BENJ. H. REED son of Mr. Jonas Reed Jr. & Abigail Reed who died Dec 1() 1798 aged 4 y. A 6 M. WILLIAM REED son of Dea. Jonas & Mrs. Abigail Reed Born October 30. 1798 Died Feb. IG. 1840. aged 41 years He was modest and unassuming in his deport- ment, and highly respected and esteemed by all who knew him. Jesus my God I know his name His name was all my trust Nor will he put my soul to shame Nor let my hopes be lost. *These children were both buried in one grave. Rutlainl lost about 60 children in the fall of 1756, from an epidemic sickness.— P. tDeacon Jonas Reed was a son of Deacon Jonas Reed preceding. He was author of Reed's BMory of Rutlmid. Mr. Reed was born in Holden, but was baptized in the first Meet- inghouse in Rutland the day after his birth, and lived in Rutland for over 70 years on the same farm and died as above. l\Vife of Dea. .lonas Keed preceding.— P. Monumental Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. 27 Memento Mori My glass is run — In Memory of MR. TH0MA8 READ- who died Sept vf 20t'.' 1788 in yt' «4tii year of his age. Beneath tliese clods of silent dust I sleep where all ye living must The gayest youth & fairest face In tim;' must he in this dark place When ye Arch angel's trump shall call And frlim their grave y^ Ded shall I'ise In triumph soar ahove the skies. In Memory of MRS. SARAH READ the AVife of air. Thomas Read. She Deed Fe])iT ye loth in ye 78rd year of her age. Ill ]\leniorv of MR. .JOEL READ son of Capt. Thomas Read & Mrs. his wife who was drownedt June ye ISt'h 1783 in the 2;*) year of his age. In Memory of ALBERT READ who died April 4.1: 1835 S.i 19 ye 11 Ms. & 21 days. Thy earthly Joys were soon matnr'd To soon the sweets of life were o're The saints eternal rest secur'd Thy bosom braves the storm no more. ELIZA READ Died Feb. 15. 1854 .^t. 50 yrs. 11 Mos. & 7 ds. Sacred to the Memory of CAPT. THOMAS READj^ who died September 12ih 1788 Aetatis 54. In Memorv of Mrs. HANNAH READ I —who died :\Iarch JQth 1803 in the 69 year of her age. "He was among the first settlers and pro- prietors.— P. tDrowned while fishing in Muschopague Lake.— P. |Town record, April 3. gSon of Thomas Read of i^udbury, one of the proprietors of Rutland. — P. IIHannah Nurse. In Memory of THOMAS READ son of Mr. Thomas Read Jun. & Mrs. Hannah his wife born Augst ye 4>i.i 1765. Deed Decern'- ye 17th* 17^7. In Memorv of Mr. JONATI I AN REA Dt who Deed Sejit. ye 15tli 1773 in ye 35 year of his age. \\\ Memorv of the Widow H.INNAII READj Consort of INIr. Jonathan Reed late of Ruthuul Deed She died July 21. 1782 in ye 37 year of her age. In Memorv of MP- THOMAS REEDii who died Oct. 4. 1835. yEt 63. In Memorv of MRS. LUCINDA W.|| wife of Thomas Read who died Oct. 4. 1844 ^Et 71. In Memory of THOMAS READ son of Mr. Tiio^ and Mrs. Lucinda Read who died Aug. 29t^i 1800 aged 1 year 11 months it 15 days. In Memorv of ABIGAIL READ Daur of JIV Tho": and M's Lticinda Read who died Sept. 18th 18OO Aged 6 years and 7 months. In Memorv of ALMIRA READ Daur of Mr. Thos^ & Mrs. Lucinda Read '■'Town record gives, .Ian. 17, 1767. tSon of Thomas, one of the first proprie- tors.— P. Jllanuah Mayhew, married 1766.— P. jGrandson of Thomas Read, one of the first proprietors. — P. IILucinda, dau. of Abraham and Jemima (Walker) Wheeler.— P. 28 Monumental Imcripiions, Rutland, Mass. who (lied Octr 12tli 1800 aged 3 years 4 months & 19 days In Memory of LIEUT. DANIl'^L KEED* who died March IG. 1816. in the 42 year of his age. How lov'd hoAV valu'd once avails the not To ■whom related or by whom begot A heap of dust alone remains to thee It all thou art and all proud shall be. In Memory of DANIEL READ son of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Rebecca Read -who died Nov. 9th i807 m. 2 years 2 M. 5 D. So soon onr transient comforts fiy, And pleasures only bloom to die." Erected In Memory of MISS LOISA'READ Dangliter of Mr. Daniel a Mrs. Rebecca Read who died May Hi 1814 -Et. 15 years & 9 months In Memory of DANIEL B. READ son of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Rebecca Read who died Jan. 1. 1815 M. 2 yrs. A 2 ms. In Memory of NATHANIEL M. READ son of Lt. Daniel & Mrs. Rebecca Riad who died June 9. 1816. -E. 6 month. In Memory of Mk DAVID "RICEt who died April 22. 1801 In the S4th year of his age •■'Grandson of Thomas, one of the first pro- prietors. — P. +He came from Marlboro and in 1755 mar. Miss Love Moore, dau. of Lieut. Paul Moore, lived on the Musehopague farm, bought of Capt. Edward Rice. They had hve children, one of the daughters (Hannah) mar. Solomon, son of Rev. .Tosejh Buckminister, of whom it is recorded, •'al- though he was a minister's son, he was a real laborious and respectable farmer." David Piice was a prominent and useful man and took an active part in achieving in- dependence. His death was the first in the house for eighty years. No wonder this site was chosen one hundred years later by the State of Mass- achusetts for its hospital for the cure of pul- monary diseases. — P. Here lies Buried ye Body of Cap. EDWARD RICE,* who died Sept 27th 1756 in' ye 67 year of his age. Here lies Buried ye Body of MAR- THA RiCE Daugh. of Mr. Edward & Rachel Rice who died Sep; 19 1756 in ye 16 year of her age. In Memory of MR. JOHN RICEt who died July 20.i 1820. ■ .Et 74. Also Mrs. LYDIA Relict of Mr. John Rice died March 21. 1825. ..Et 71. Behold the spirit of the .Just, Ascend to God on high ; And though the body sleeps in dust The soul shall never'die. ASA RICE Died Aug. 28. 1856 ^t. 80. CHARLOTTE '■ wife of ■•' Asa Rice Died Feb. 19. 1855 yEt 79 years. Although you sigh as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now soon you must be Prepare for death and follow me. In Memory of ISAAC S. RICE?— son of Mr. Asa & Mrs. Charlotte Rice — who died June 26. 1827. aged 18 years. One fatal shot not soon forgot That hurl'd him to the Tomb. ••■He and his wife Rachel ^vere from Sud- bury and were the first settlers on "Rice Hill." He waB in active military serAice in 1724, and was active in affairs of the town and church. His son Edward Rice, Jr., mar. Mary, sister of Jeduthan Stone.— P. tGrandson of Edward Rice and his wife Mary. Lived on Rice Hill— had ten children. —P. JTown record, July 10. gHe was killed by accidental dischargeiof a gun in his own hands.— P. Monumental Inscriptions, Rzitland, Mass. 29 Here lies tlie body of AARON RICE son to Capt Aaron Rice* who died Sept ye 12'h 1766 in the 19tb year f>f his age. (This is a common field stone, and loois very old, and quite hard to read.) In Memory of ELLEN F. RICE Daughter of Mr. Dwight A. & Mrs. Emily F. Rice who died August 30. 1831. aged 1 year 11 months. CHARLOTTE S. Dau. of D. A. & E. F. Rice died June 16. 1859. M. 22. A loved bright hope hath faded now A cherished one hath passed away Along the unseen shores f>f time As sits the golden star of day. HENRY H. died Aug 12. 1841. aged 1 yr. & 23 ds. MARY ANN died Oct. 7. 1841. aged 9 yr. 3 m. Id. — Children of Dwight A. & Emily F. Rice. I t:ike these little lambs said He And lay them in my breast Protection they shall find in mc In me be ever blessed. In Memory of ABIGAIL! wife of Brigham RUGGLESj who died Deer 22. 1827. .E. 37. Ako an Infant died Julv S^d 1827. Departed worth. *Reed calls the father "Quartermaster Aaron Rice," a brother of Edward.— P. jAbigail Grain. JBrigham Ruggles was born in Hardwick, Mass., in 1784, was son of Lemuel and grand- son of Benjamin, who was a cousin of the celebrated Gen. Timothy Knggles. one of the most conspicuous men of his time, having been Brig. Gen. of Provincial troops in the French war. As a lawyer, he was a rival of the celebrated Otis, and was a Chief .Justice at the beginning of the Revolution. He was a representative to the General Court for twenty years. Speaker of that body, Delegate from Massachusetts to the First Congress, which assembled in New York in Hfio. and was elected Presideut;of that Body, but refused In ^Memory of ALBIORT H. RUGGLES eldest son of Mr. Brigham & ^Mrs. Abi- gail Ruggles who died Jan 2. 1818 .Et. 3 years 2 m. & 24 d. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven that One of these little ones should perish. Capt. TIMOTHY RUGGLES* died Aug. 14. 1810. aged 6t) years. JUDITH RUGGLES died January 25. 1838. aged 93 year.s &. 9 mo. S.\MUEL Ruggles died Nov. 21. 1786. aged 1 year & 9 months. Thomas Ruggles died Oct. 3. 1791. age MEHETABEL SANDERS Wife of Mr Daniel Sanders* wlio departed this life Janry 27t'i 1746 in ye 25 year of her age In memory of M^s SARAH SANDERS Wife of Ml- Daniel Sanders who die- of Mr Daniel Sanders & Sarah Ins Wife Died Sept lltii 1756 Aged 1 \'ear 7 mo. & 18 days. Erected In iiiemory of IMr. NATHANIEL SAWYER who died Aug. 2(>. 1851. aged S7 years Mrs. BETSEY SAWYER his wife who died Sept. 2. 1S51. aged 81 years. Their flesh .sliaH slumber in the sjrave Till the Itist trumpets .loyful soiiiui Then burst the liouds in ^hid suppriso And in their Saviour's image rise. Here lies interred the remains of MARY^ once wife of Mr. Edward Savage* who died February 10 1707. in the 00 year of her age. In Memorv of MRS. LOVINA Wife of Mr. Silas Skinner and Daughter of Mr. Alpheus & Mrs. Lucy Strattou who died March 29. 183:] yEt. 32. In Memory of MRS. CLARISSA SKINNER wife of Mr. Silas Skinner and Daughter of Major Silas and Mrs. Anna Furbush who died Aug. 30. 1825. '^Et. 22. The sweet reniembranee of the Just Shall tlourish when they .sleep iu dust. MR. SILAS SKINNER died Apr. 11. 1838 aged 44 years MARY Silas (S: Lovina Skinner died July 24 1830 aged 7 years. Erected in memorv of Mr JAMES SMITHt who died April 23t<^ 1787 in the 63'^l year of his age The just behold with sweet delight The Blised three in one And strong aflections fix their sight On God's incarnet Sou. Mh: In Memorv of SALLY SMITH wife of *Daniel Sanders and wives were from Med- field and Marlborough. He was a good farmer and a weaver of coverlets. At his death he left a very large estate.— P. *They came from Ireland (with letters from I'res. church) in 1728 and settled in Ruthmd. Had 7 children, of whom Isaac m. Thankful Stone. 1766. and Eunice m. Elijah Stone, 1771. They were cousins, and relatives of Israel, the Ohio pioneer. — P. tProbably son of James and Margaret, who were emigrants from Ireland and settled about 1720 ; were Presbyterians. Their fotir son;? settled not far away and were "good, respectable farmers and citizens."— P. Monumental Insctiptions, Rutland, Mass. 31 Mr Lockert Smith who died May ye 6t.h 1793 in ye 27 y^ of her age. In Memorv of LUCY SMITH Mr Lockert & Mv? Sally Smith* who died July 14. 1793. in ye 2 yr of her a^e. In Memorv of MRS. BETSY wife of Capt James Smith who died Aug 12. 1837. yEt. 46. In Memorv of ISIr. WILLIAM SMITHt Who Dec0. They were of the same race as the other JStonesof Rutland.— P. tTown record gives Sept. 14. ISon of Samuel Stone, Jr., and Mindwell Stevens, grandson of Capt. Samuel and Abi- gail (Reed) Stone of Sudburv and Rutland. He m. Patience Atberton, who d. 17.59 ; 2nd wife was Dorothy, dau. of Dr. Hezekiah Fletcher. Both father and son were active participants in the Revolution, dying in the service. — P. gThis is a common flat field stone, very well faced and trimmed, rounded at the top, and rudely cut with a common stone chisel, I should judge. (Age about one year. He was the fourth child of Samuel a"nd Mindwell (Stevens) Stone.— P. JEDUTHAN STONE* died March 8, 1829 ; aged 80. ELIZABETHt Widow of Jeduthan Stone died Get. 8, 1839 ; aged 85. PATTY STONE their daughter died Feb. 20, 1846 ; aged 66. In memory of Mr. ' CALVIN STONEt who died Jan. 20, 1827 fe 46. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord They rest from their labors & their works do follow them. Erected In memory of MRS. EUNICE" STONEi^ wife of Lieut. Elijah Stone who died Sept. 20th l.sii. in the 60 year of her aye. He was of the sixth generation from Greg- ory, the emigrant, through his son Samuel. tShe was dau. of Israel How, of the ancient Hf)W family who built the "Way.side Inn," lit Sudburv. Tlieir eldest danarhter, Elizabeth, b. July 2, 1774. m. May 29. 180'4, Wm. Bassett, of Keene, N. H. They with their six daughters emigra- ted to Keene, Coshocton Co., O., in 1828. Both 3)arents died before 183.3. All the daughters, save one, m. and settled in Ohio, Illinois and Iowa. Miss Sarah Estabrook Bassett, died June 22. 1902, aged 90 years, in Cambridge, O., in the family of her sister's grandchildren, the Misses .'^"tone. Margaret Bassett Stone, their neice, aged five years, represents the fifth generation from Jeduthan Stone. Their eldest son, AVillard, was b. March 8, 1776; m. Feb. 3, 1801, Polly Merriam. He owned and lived in the home of his ancestors f)f tnree gencnitions On their monument in tiie rural cemetery in Rutland are the follow- ing inscriptions : Capt. AVILLIARD STONE died Mch. 16. 1861. aged 85. POLLY wife of Williard Stone, died Mch. 5, 1829, aged 50 years. NANCY 2nd wife of Williard Stone died July 10, 1S55, aged 70 vears. —P. IHe was son of Jeduthan and Elizabeth (Howe) Stone.— P. ^She was the youngest dau. of Edward and Mary Savage, who came from Ireland with let- ters from Presb. ch. in 1728. He was the youn- gest son Of Samuel Stone, Jr., and therefore nephew to Nathan Stone the father of Jedu- than.— P. ]\Io?iioncrital hiscriptio?is, Rutland, Mass. 33 In Memory of JOHN STONE EsqR Who* Dec3. .■Uso ELEANOR SI^MNER who dieil Nov. oO, LSI 7. aged i:'.. Erected '^^^ ■ In memory of Capf PHINEHAS W.\LKER* who departed this life OctV l El' memorv MISS" ■;ebia wetherbee '^ who died ^"' April 8. 1833 .Et. 43. *Mothf^r of Lucy Fletcher Stone and grand- mother of the children of Capt. John Stone. — r. tSon of Samuel Stralton, Jr., and Mary Easton his wife, and gramlson of Samnel Strt- ton, Sr., and Sarah his wife, who were from Concord and early settler> in Rutland. Mrs. .S. died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Watson, aged 99 years, 10 months and 15 days. They came from Sudbury and were among Rutland's most valued citizens. He filled niiiny offices and was Capt. in the Revolution. Two sons were doctors and one a .iustice, and the daughters married leading men in the town.— P. fShe wa.s Bulah Clap of Sudbury.— P. json of Phinehas Walker. ^.They came from Leicester— owned the tan- nery east of the village.— 1'. Monumental Inscriptions, Rutland, Mass. 35 Erected In memory of iVIrs. JEMIMA WHEELER* wife of Mr. Abraliam AVheeler who died Deer 2"/! 1802 in the 57th year of her age. Thou dear ilupartod soul U'lieu, Thy Hfok'ss clay niust here remain Till Christ this body shall rcnue . . . with joy shall meet again. In memory of 3 Children of Mv Abraham A Mrs Jemima Wheeler ; — ABIGAIL died Aug. 5th 1784 in y<' 9th year of her age. SILAS died May 29th 1785 in y^ 7 year of his age. Also a son which was — Still born April 2'T 1788. CAPT. ROWLAND WHEELERt Died Nov. 13, 1867. Aged 82 yrs. 23 ds. LYDIA wife of Rowland Wheeler Died Feb. 4, 1861, aged 72 yre. In Memory of SARAH J. WHEELER Daughter of Capt. Rowland and Mrs. Lydia Wheeler who died June 14, 1824 MX. 11 years, & 6 me. SARAH D. Wife of Luther Wheeler Died Jan. 17. 1867. .E 72 vs. who died Sept 2. 1822. .Et. 59. In memory of Mr. ISAAC WHEELER* who departed this life Sept. v^' 22d 1769 in ye 72d" year of his Age. ISAAC WHEELERt Died April 22. 1817. .E. 82 ys ELIZABETHt Died Deer. 22. 1813. M. 70 y? Erected hy Eli W. Holbrook, AVest Boyl.ston. In memory of MR. JACOB WHEELER? who departed this life May y<^ 30th 1773 in yt" 25th year of his age. In Memory of MRS. SUBMIT WHEELER Wife of Mr. John Wheeler who died May l^t 1822 jEt. 30. Why should we mourn, perhaps you mayjsay Since God has thought it best, To take her soul from hence away To its eternal rest. Erected In memory of nathl. hazp:n white F.sq. — who departed this life Deer. 25. 1804. ^t. 30. Erected in memorv of Widow CATY WHEELER wife of Mr. Abraham Wheeler *Daughter of Phinehas Walker, lived near "New Boston" and raised a large family. Their dau. Mercy, on Nov. 17, 17()3, m. Adam Wheeler of Rutland, who was Capt. at Bunker Hill, was a brave oflieer during the whole war, removed to Hubbardston and was a leader in Shay's Kebellion in 1786 (see Stow's Hist, of H.)-P. fSon of Abraham and Jemima Wheeler.— ]'. In memory of NATHL. H. WAITE son of Nathl H. White Esq, i*c Mrs. Charlotte his wife who died ]May 10. 1S05. aged 9 months. Man Cometh forth like a flower and is e\it down. '■Came from l^Iedfield early in the settle- ment of Rutlanil, and their iarm remained for more than a century in the family. — P. tSon of Isaac the preceding. tDau. of John Stone and sister to Israel Stone the Ohio pioneer.--P. gSon of Isaac Sr.— P. 36 Momtmenial Imcnptions, Rutia?id, Mass. MOSES HAZEN WHITE son of William Wiiite Born in Boston Nov. 8t.b 1778. Died in Rutland June 6. LS2i<. ISABELLA His Wife Daugliter of John Frink M. D. Born Nov. 9. 17 .-J. <. "-f -^0 •■i:i;^ V x° '\ \

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