School^ Gymnastics Christopher Sower Company PHILADELPHIA Class _a\M83 Book T'/s CopightlJ", COPYRIGHT DEPOSm GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SUPPLEMENTED BY FANCY STEPS AND GAMES BY HARRIET E. TRASK GRADUATE OF THE BOSTON NORMAL SCHOOL OF GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR IN THE PHILADELPHIA NORMAL SCHOOL PHILADELPHIA CHRISTOPHER SOWER COMPANY LIBRARY «f 0ON6RESS T\ivo Cooles Received JUL 21 1904 Oooyrlerht Entry CTLASS Ct-XXo. No. ^%^^ U^ Copyright, 1904 By Christopher Sower Company 9 9 2 •)-'•. ft • i • • -(I PREFACE. In selecting and arranging the material for this book, I have tried to meet the dem-and especially of those teachers who are being more and more called upon to add to their curriculum this branch of physical education, namely, gymnastics. Several years of experience in elementary grades and in normal teaching have shown what the grade teacher, as well as the normal pupil, would find essential and helpful in teaching gymnastics. A teacher's text-book to meet the general needs must be of such a nature that the simple and combined movements which it describes may be easily understood and accurately reproduced. This is provided for by definite descriptions of all movements, positions, and combinations, and by illustrations of many of the funda- mental positions. The use of technical terms is reduced to a minimum. The following series help to counteract the effects of unhygienic (3) 4 PREFACE conditions of school life and constitute, so far as the limits of the classroom will allow, a supplement to the less system- atic but exceedingly hygienic exercises found in outdoor play and games. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction 11 Part I. Days' Orders 27 First Year 29 Second Year 73 Third Year 93 Fourth Year 113 Fifth Year 131 Sixth Year 143 Seventh Year 157 Eighth Year 175 Part II. Fancy Steps 187 Part III. Games 195 For the Classroom 197 For the Gymnasium or Playroom 211 (5) ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 1. Attention 10 2. Feet close. Hips firm 26 3. Head backward bend 28 4. Arms upward bend ■ 32 5. Neck firm 33 6. Arms sideways stretch. Arms sideways raise .... 37 7. Arms forward stretch. Arms forward raise 40 8. Trunk forward bend 43 9. Arms backward stretch 45 10. Arms to star position stretch 47 11. Arms forward bend 49 12. Arms upward stretch 51 13. Trunk backward bend 57 14. Arms half sideways bend 59 15. Trunk sideways bend 61 16. Leg backward stretch. Leg backward raise 84 17. Leg sideways raise 88 18. Leg forward raise 96 19. Forward fallout . • 147 20. Knee upward bend 169 (7) INTRODUCTION. (9) (10) Fig. 1. — Attention. INTRODUCTION For elementary school work there are practically only two systems of physical training, the German and the Swedish. The movements of these in free floor work are almost identical. One and the same set of exercises may be given in a lesson under both systems without violating the fundamental principles of either. Other so-called systems of school gymnastics are based upon one or both of these and contain nothing original excepting the selec- tion and the arrangement of the movements. Some par- ticular element or elements which appeal to the individual may have been selected and elaborated, but in general there is nothing which is not borrowed from one or both of these systems. It has been universally acknowledged that the best arrangement in general for a lesson is one in which the lesson starts with relatively easy exercises, increases to the more difficult, and ends with moderately easy ones. These lessons are composed of a number of exercises put together in a systematic way, each exercise having its special object in the lesson. The fact that the general arrangement remains the same greatly aids the class teacher in memorizing the lesson, which is an important factor, since the teacher is not a specialist and more often than (11) 12 INTRODUCTION otherwise has had only a Umited training in the work. Therefore, it is necessary to make it as easy in every way for the teacher as is consistent with the scientific arrange- ment of the subject-matter taught. The lessons must be memorized and not read from a book or card. The exercises are divided into: I. Introductory exercises. Order. Leg. Arm. 11. Balance exercises. III. Trunk exercises. Back. Front. Lateral trunk. IV. Breathing exercises. For the sake of convenience the introductory and the trunk exercises are subdivided. The arrangement of the first ten lessons follows this general plan : Order, leg, head, arm, balance, back, breath- ing. From the tenth lesson the following is the order: Order, leg, arm, balance, front, back, lateral trunk, jump, breathing. So we have our 'Wesson," ^'clay's order," or '^ series of exercises," made up of exercises which in turn are composed of two or more movements. In the first grade there is very little combination work, the combined move- ments being used mostly as '^starting positions" and com- posed of easy movements which have been taken previously as ''movements proper" in the class of exercises to which they especially belong. They are introduced for their INTRODUCTION 13 coordinative value and for economy of time. Since they are not usually repeated, they have very little hygienic value. The first year includes nearly all the elementary move- ments. Those following are in general a combination, in a well-defined way, increasing gradually in physical and mental difficulty. All "starting positions" follow the same order of development in the class into which they are intro- duced that was peculiar to them when previously given in their own special class of exercises. This order is likewise kept in all exercises where movements are done while the "movement proper" is held,. Allowing thirty weeks for indoor gymnastic work gives fifteen days' orders to each grade, each grade after the first, reviewing in the beginning of the term the five lessons of the previous year ; thus the eleventh order of the first grade becomes the first order of the second grade. Two weeks' time is given to each lesson, from ten to fifteen minutes daily, but the same combination of exer- cises may be taught for one week only. This has an advan- tage over the plan of keeping a class on the same exercise two or three weeks, since under the latter condition the les- son is apt to become a set drill, the pupils anticipate the movements and the mental value of the command work is weakened. It follows also that the interest of the class is lessened. Give the "first day's order" the first two weeks; the last half of the " first" and the first half of the "second," the third week; the whole of the "second" the fourth week; the last half of the "second" and the first half of the "third," the fifth week; etc. 14 INTRODUCTION The selection and logical arrangement of a curriculum is a most vital question with school authorities. The general principles underlying the correlation of studies must govern the arrangement of the daily program, and only by observing this law can the maximum benefit be ob- tained; only thus can the time and place for each study be correctly approximated. The program must be so arranged that one lesson is not followed by another of the same mental or physical nature, but should be followed by one of contrast, giving as much variety as possible, for in this way there is an avoidance of fatigue, which would otherwise be the result. The earlier part of the session, when the pupils are at their best, calls for the studies re- quiring the greater mental effort, and among these studies would be placed arithmetic, grammar, history, and geog- raphy. Drawing, manual training, nature studies and sing- ing might well succeed one of the above. The place for a gymnastic lesson is an open question. Some would place it with geography and history in its production of mental fatigue. Without laying undue stress upon this fact, the gymnastic lesson might well be introduced after one of limited physical activity. It is the manner in which the lesson is given which determines to a large extent the element of fatigue. When the gymnastic period is not divided, it is preferable to place it in the morning session. Under certain conditions, however, it is better to divide the time and give a lesson in the morning and another in the afternoon. The fact that gymnastics are recreative, as well as corrective and developing, must be kept in view. Formal gymnastics can never be a satisfactory substitute INTRODUCTION 15 for the recess period. Gymnastic games might be utiUzed during a part of the recess period with benefit. Before a lesson the windows should be opened for fresh air, when there is no other arrangement for admitting plenty. This is also necessary in order to lower the tem- perature, since a room warm enough for inactivity has too high a temperature for active exercise. It is of paramount importance to call the attention of the class leader to the fact that it would be most injurious for some pupils to take all the exercises. We have these abnormal conditions ever present which must be met and treated accordingly. They cannot be ignored, and, though the work is arranged for the average and normal pupil, those who do fall below this class must be considered. In certain cases the teacher, unless under proper direction or with proper training, should not take the responsibility of decid- ing the nature of the exercises or of giving them. It is better to omit than to commit. Children with spinal or with hip diseases, unless the exercises are definitely prescribed by a physician or specialist, should be excused. Those with marked deviation of the spine to the sides, "a condition which may be recognized by unevenness in the hips or shoulder, should be excused from side bendings and twist- ings. Deviation forward, '^ round shoulders," should be carefully watched and manual assistance often given. In cases of ^'flat-foot," excuse from balance exercises when the movement is taken from one foot. Give in its place heel raising, with a very small or no angle at the heels. Limit or omit the ''order" exercises with children who have a tendency to chorea. Call as little attention as pos- If) INTRODTTCTION sible to an excused or partially excused pupil. Unless the abnormal child is receiving special attention, under a physician's advice, it is best to consult the parent and suggest such attention. Command. There are two parts to the command, the explanatory, preceding the dash ( — ), and the executive, or the word following the dash. The last word is always emphasized when it is the word of execution. The word directly before the exclamation point is the word of execu- tion, except when it is followed by counts. The tone of the voice indicates the rhythm of the movement. Hips — firm! ^^Hips" explanatory; the dash ( — ) indicates the separation, where a distinct pause must be made; ''firm!" the word of execution. The word ''firm" should be given in a quick and sharp tone, since the movement is to be done quickly. Head backward — bend! Raise! "Bend" and "raise" are done slowly, and the voice must show this. In general foot placings, arm flingings, stretchings, and bendings, facings, march-steps and parts of the jump are given in a quick rhythm. Movements of the trunk, head, arm and heel raising and sinking, knee bending and stretch- ing, all breathing exercises and nearly all balancing move- ments, are given in a slow rhythm. There are a few exceptions, but the grade teacher will find the above rule a safe one. Pause. The separation between the two parts of a com- mand is indicated by the dash ( — ), when a pause must be made of sufficient length to allow the class to do mentally what it is to do physically, upon the word of execution. The pause secures a quick and uniform response. Do not INTRODUCTION 17 allow the class to anticipate by a movement, the word of execution, else the power of control is not being trained, a factor as important as quickness of response. The move- ment is done upon the word of execution and only then. Starting Position and Movement Proper. The exer- cises are composed usually of two parts, the ^'starting position" and the ^^ movement proper'' of the exercise. In the lower grades the physical difficulty of the exercise is mainly influenced by the starting position. Coordination is trained in executing this position, though the hygienic value is at a minimum. The corrective value and the physiological effects of nutrition, circulation, respiration, digestion, etc., are found in the movement proper of the exercise, and these movements must be repeated the requisite number of times to produce the required results upon the part of the body to which they are especially referred. The movement proper is printed in italics. Thus, in the balance exercise of the fourth day's order, first year: Neck — firm! Feet sideways — place! One! Two! Heels — raise ! Sink ! ''Neck — firm! Feet sideways — place! One! Two!" is the starting position. "Heels — raise! SinkP^ is the move- ment proper. The starting position must not be held throughout the exercise, if it is of such a nature that a good position is not maintained. This is shown in the balance exercises of the ninth day's order, first year: Neck firm and left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change! Etc. ''Neck — firm!" is a hard position for that grade to hold 2 18 INTRODUCTION well, when an exercise is given requiring a change of feet. It is better to bring the arms down before the movement is taken with the changed position of the feet. This rule is general. Combined Movements. Combined movements are com- posed of a number of single movements united under one command. They may be of like parts or of different parts of the body. Arm stretchings of the arm and foot placings of the leg are given as combined movements. Arms side- ways and upward — stretch ! Left foot placing forward and sideways — go! Hips firm and feet — close! Arms side- ways stretch, and feet sideways — place! are examples of this class. The order exercises, after the *' eleventh day's order, "are of this kind. Many of the starting positions are given as combinations, where different parts of the body move at the same time, executed either in the same or in a different number of counts. An example of this is found in the lateral trunk exercise of the tenth day's order, first year : Hips firm and feet sideways — place! has one count for the hands and two for the feet. The rule is general that in an uneven number of counts the last count or counts take the combined movement. The teacher must keep in mind that in exercises of this kind the pause must be of sufficient length to enable the class to understand clearly the combination. The length varies with the grade, the amount of previous training, and with the difficulty of the exercise. Series. Exercises or movements in series are done by successively repeating the same, either a certain number INTRODITCTION 19 of times indicated in the command, or until some signal to stop is given. The terms ''halt!" or ''class — halt!" are the common ones used to end a series. When "class — halt !" is given, two counts at least are allowed to finish. The rhythm of the command to halt should be the same as in the series. Marching, marking time, quick time, and spring jumps belong to series w^ork. The stimulating value of series exercise is great. They are given quite extensively in the upper grades, where the correct form of the move- ment has been previously secured. Counting. Counting may generally be used in repeating an exercise or a movement. It is in many cases desirable, not only for economizing the time, but to give variety to the commands. The time element in the class room is a very important factor. The words "repeat" or "the same" followed by the counts in the rhythm of the move- ment, may also be substituted for the words of the com- mand. Thus, in the balance exercise of the fifth day's order, first year: Neck — firm! Heels — raise! Sink! Raise! Sink! or Repeat! One! Two! Also in the breathing exercise of the third day's order: Arms sideways — raise! Sink! With deep breathing — repeat! One! Two! Always count for the breathing exercises after having first given the movement to command. Always count for the jump. It is better for the teacher to do the most of the counting in the first year ; in the second and in the third years the class may count w^ith the teacher or alone; the higher grades may work without loud counting, if their 20 INTRODUCTION sense of rhythm has been well trained. In the four upper grades it is advisable to vary the rhythm from the common rhythm of that particular movement, but in no case should it be so fast that the form is sacrificed. The time should also occasionally be changed in the lower grades, as a careful training in this is essential. Balancing an Exercise. If an exercise is unilateral, it must be balanced — i. e., the same movement must be given under like conditions to both sides of the body. For example, in the leg exercise of the third day's order, first year: Left foot forward — place! Replace! Right foot forward — place! Replace! Left foot forward — place! Replace! Right foot forivard — place! Replace! or, Left foot forward — place! Replace! Left foot forward — place! Replace! Right foot forward — place! Replace! Right foot forward — place! Re- place! Also in the balance exercise: Neck firm and left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change! Heels — raise! Sink! Heels — raise! Sink! Position. The movement is usually executed with the left side, or toward the left, first, but it is well occasionally to reverse this order. For convenience these lessons are arranged, designating "\eW first. The word in parenthesis (left) or (right) indicates that the same movement is to be done with that segment, in that direction, or to that side, as in the order exercise of the third day's order, first year: 1 side step to left (right) — warch! or 1 side step to left — marcJi! 1 side step to rigid — march! INTRODUCTION 21 Formation. The greatest working space in the ordinary class-room is given when the pupils stand between the desks. The class should be arranged with the shortest ones in front. It is difficult to see the faults of the smaller pupils when they are not placed according to height. In many exercises requiring the arms stretched sideways, the hands of the neighboring pupils touch. If a diagonal formation is given, this diffi- culty disappears: ^'Half left face." It is necessary in giving side steps and in some of the jumps to give first ''left (or right) face." For convenience the class may be faced in any direction, but it should not be kept for any length of time facing the strong light from windows. Some positions are better seen from the rear, as ''neck firm," some from the side, as "trunk forward bend." Do not always teach from the front of the room; move about. Position. The word "position" is used to bring the class to the fundamental standing position from any position other than "in place rest" or "rest." After the rest posi- tion, the word "attention" is used. The word "position" unqualified brings to the fundamental standing position in the quickest and shortest way. It is used in connection with the starting position more often than with the move- ment proper. It is usually best to bring back to the funda- mental position in the same w^ay that the movement was taken, and therefore it is advisable, in the absence of special instruction, to indicate before the word "position," if other than the shortest way is desired. In general no such instructions are given in the lessons, but must be 22 INTRODUCTION supplied by the teacher. This is illustrated in the balance exercise of the sixth day's order, first year : Arms sideways — stretch ! One ! Two ! Feet sideways — place! One! Two! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet together — place! One! Two! In two counts — position! (Arms downward — stretch !) In place — rest! Always bring the class to the funda- mental standing position before giving ''In place — rest!" This must be given at the close of each class of exercises — I. e., between the order and the leg, between the leg and the head, etc. The rest position must not be held too long; three or four seconds are usually long enough, unless some explanation of the exercise is necessary. When a new movement is first given, or when a faulty position cannot be corrected in a few words, give the rest position, in order that the movement may be illustrated or more fully explained. Never illustrate, give a long explanation, or ask a question while the class stands at ''attention," or in any position other than the "rest" position, though short explanations in the nature of corrections may be given in the upper grades. Better results are obtained when strict mental attention and its accompanying physical positions are expected and demanded in an exercise. These cannot be given by the pupil when the teacher is illustrating, is giving a long explanation, or requires an answer to some question. The attention during the illustration should be concentrated upon the demonstration, and in order that this may be done the pupil must be free to move within certain limits, that he may see clearly. It is not pedagog- ical to insist upon a certain thing and then to make the INTRODUCTION 23 conditions such that it is impossible to accomphsh that thing. What we want is satisfactory physical positions in small doses, attention in small doses. The physical '^position" is the mental '^ attention/' and both must have their quick and accurate response. Words of caution and class correction are constantly needed while the class is working. Manner. The standing position of the teacher while conducting a lesson should be an active one — i. e., standing firmly upon both feet with the head in a good position; it is not, however, a stiff attitude. The manner before the class greatly influences the power of the commands and the response to them. It is very suggestive to the class and cannot but react upon it. Preparation. The lesson must be perfectly learned and each movement should carry with it an appreciation of the feeling of such movement. This trained feeling governs the correct length of time the position is to be held, the number of times the movement is to be repeated, and it also decides the rhythm. The psychological, as well as the physiological, results to be gained from each exercise, also those to be gained from the lesson as a whole, must be kept in mind. Instruction. The teacher should be able to analyze an exercise or a movement and intelligently to develop the same from its parts. This is necessary in all new movements and in all new combinations. Besides the description, it is best to give an accurate demonstration of the movement, since by uniting the two a double association is formed, sight and hearing, the former usually the stronger of the 24 INTRODUCTION two. A practical illustration is better than a long explana- tion. Give all the aids which the age and development of the child demand. Distribution. When a new movement is difficult, more time may be given to it at first than is allowed later. Each has its special place, and a uniformity of time for each will result in the desired totality. Simply because the class does one exercise better than the others, is no reason why that particular one should be limited. It has its own special place and value and no other class of exercises in the lesson can be substituted. Correction of Faults. There are several ways of correct- ing faulty positions. The most general one is by class correction, ''heads up!" ''palms down!" "fingers close!" "heels together!" This is often sufficient in correcting a general class error, and is also used in correcting an indi- vidual, especially if the pupil is not within easy reach. It is not best in making an individual correction to indicate the pupil by name, since this has a tendency to direct the attention of the class toward the one at fault, at least in the lower grades. Class corrections must be given in as few words as possible. Manual corrections, where the teacher assists the pupil to a correct position, are often a necessity. The untrained muscular sense of the required position, or the physical inability to take that position unaided, are common faults. Where a majority of the class does not understand the movement, it is best to make the correction by illustration, by explanation, or both. For this purpose the class must be in the rest position. Train the eye to see and the ear to hear the faults quickly, and INTRODUCTION 25 correct the major ones first. All cannot be corrected at one time, or in one lesson, and the teacher must often be temporarily satisfied with approximately good positions. Always insist upon the best position of the head that the pupil is able to give. Have an ideal standard for all exer- cises and work toward it, but recognize the fact that there is an individual standard for each pupil which must not be ignored. It is a movable one, however, and should advance toward the ideal. Fig. 2.— Feet Close. Hips Firm, (26) PART I. FIRST YEAR 0^7) Fig. 3.— Head Backward Bend. <28) FIRST YEAR 29 FIRST DAY'S ORDER. Attention! Class— stand! One! Two! Three! Order. Class — attention! Left foot in place — rest! Fig. 1. Leg. Class — attention! Feet — close! Feet — open! Right foot in place — rest! Fig. 2. Head. Head backward — hend! Raise! Fig. 3. Arm. Hips — firm! Position! Fig. 2. Breathing. Deep breathing — one! Two! Class— sit! One! Two! Three! Rest! In sitting, ''attention" means to sit well back in the seat, but not to lean against it, back erect, hands on top of the desk. Class — stand! One! Two! Three! On ''one" bring the hands to the sides; on "two," the left or right foot into the aisle; on "three," stand in the fundamental position. Order. Class — attention ! brings to the fundamental stand- ing position, which is: heels together and toes turned out, kiiees straight, body erect, with chest high, head up and hips back, arms straight at the sides, fingers straight and close together, palms toward the body. "Class — attention!" is always given after "In place — rest!" to call the class to the fundamental standing position, before proceeding with the next exercise. Do not say "attention" when the class is in the fundamental position. Left foot in place — rest ! Place the left or right foot diagonally forward and stand at ease, but never in a lounging position. Do not give the rest position with one foot more often than with the other. "In place rest" must always be given after each exercise — after the order, the leg, the head, etc. It is always taken from the fundamental standing position. 30 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Leg. Feet — close! Bring the inner sides of the feet together. In doing this, raise the balls of the feet and use the heels as pivots. The feet must not slide along the floor; the heels must be kept together; there should be as little motion of the body as possible. Head. Head backward — hend! Start by pulling the chin back and then bend the head back as far as possible without relaxing the neck muscles. In raising the head, stop at the highest point. ''Head backward bend" may be given in a lesson whenever it is needed to correct a bad head position. Arm. Hips — firm ! Place the hands upon the hips, thumbs back, fingers together, to the front and pointing obliquely downward, wrist straight and elbows back. Position! brings to the fundamental standing position. Breathing. On ''one" inhale, on "two" exhale. Give this movement, always in the rhythm of deep breathing, several times. The arms may be turned, palms forward, as the breath is taken in. Class— sit! One! Two! Three! On "one" place the foot toward the seat, on "two" sit, on "three" take the funda- mental position, which is the position of attention. "Rest!" is the word for endino; the lesson. Sit at ease. FIRST YEAR 31 SECOND DAY'S ORDER. Order. Class — attention! Left foot in place — rest! Leg. Left (right) foot sideways — place! Replace! Head. Hips — firm! Head backward — bend! Raise! Posi- tion ! Arm. Arms upward — bend! Downward — stretch! Fig. 4. Balance. Hips — firm! Left foot sideways — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Foot — replace! Position! Back. Neck — firm! Position! Fig. 5. Breathing. Arms sideways — raise! Deep breathing — 07ie! Two! Arms — sink! Fig. 6. Leg. Left foot sideways — place ! Place the left foot directly to the left one foot length, keeping the original angle of the feet, the weight of the body equally between the feet. Foot — replace! Press off with the ball of the left foot by slightly extending the ankle and bring the foot back to the original position. Arm. Arms upward — bend! Turn the palms of the hand out and flex the forearm upon the upper arm, keeping the elfDows close to the sides; the tips of the fingers rest upon the shoulders and in the same lateral plane. This movement in the lower grades is done in a moderately slow rhythm to insure a correct position of what might otherwise easily be a faulty one. Arms downward — stretch! Stretch the arms forcibly down- ward wqth the fingers leading. Balance. Heels — raise! Lift the heels, rising as high on the toes as possible, keeping the heels together and the body Fig. 4. — Arms Upward Bend. (32 J Fig. 5. — Neck Firm. 3 (33) 34 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES from swaying. Take a point as an eyemark directly in front and a little above the eye. This should be done in all balance movements. Balance exercises as such should be done in a slow rhythm, for if quickened they take more the nature of leg or of abdominal exercises. Back. Neck — firm! Bring the hands quickly to the back of the neck, fingers and thumbs held as in the fundamental position. The tips of the opposite fingers just touch; the elbows are flexed to the limit and point directly to the sides, the upper arms on a height with the shoulders. Breathing. Arms sideways — raise! Keeping the arms per- fectly straight, as in the fundamental position, raise slowly directly toward the sides to the height of the shoulders; both arms must be on the same level, palms toward the floor. Deep breathing — one! Two! The arms will move slightly with the breathins:, but it is not best to call the attention of the class to this fact, else the movement is apt to be exag- gerated. FIRST YEAR ^5 THIRD DAY'S ORDER. Order. 1 step to left (right) — march! One! Two! Guide — front! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot forward (backward) — place! Replace! Position! Head. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot sideways — place! Head backward — bend ! Raise ! Foot — replace ! Position ! Arm. Arms upward — bend ! Sideways — stretch ! Bend ! Downward — stretch! Fig. 6. Balance. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Sink! Position! Back. Neck — firm! Hips — firm! Change! Position! Breathing. Arms sideways — raise ! Sink ! With deep breathing — repeat! One! Two! Order. 1 step to left — march ! Place the left foot sideways on ''one." Bring the right foot to the left with the heels together on "two." The counts must not follow each other too quickly in the lower grades. Guide — front! Stand directly behind the one in front at the correct distance, which is between the seats. This com- mand may be given whenever the class is out of alignment. Leg. Left foot forward (backward) — place! Place the left foot directly forward one and one-half foot lengths, keeping the original angle of the feet with the weight equally dis- tributed between both. Backward placing is the same in the opposite direction. Be careful that the shoulders are square to the front. In replacing the foot, press off with the ball, sHghtly extending the ankle. 36 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Arm. Arms sideways — stretch ! First turn the forearm so that the fingers point directly toward the sides^ and then quickly and forcibly extend the arms in that direction; they should be on a height with the shoulders, not in front of the shoulder-joints; the palms should be turned toward the floor, unless otherwise indicated in the command. All arm exer- cises when correctly done have a beneficial influence upon the chest and upper back muscles. They are corrective. Balance. Heels — raise! Rise as high on the toes as pos- sible, at the same time keeping the heels together. Avoid swaying the body. Breathing. With deep breathing — repeat I One ! Two ! Breathe in deeply as the arms are raised; breathe out as the arms are lowered, to the counts of "one," "two." In breath- ing exercises, give the movement first by command and then by counts. The command "with deep breathing" may pre- cede the word "repeat." Be exceedingly careful of the rhythm and never hold the position at the end of an inhalation while corrections are being made. If corrections are to be made, the time to do so is before the command "with deep breathing" is given. The arm movement is a mechanical aid in breathing. Fig. 6. — Arms Sideways Stretch Arms Sideways Raise. (37) 38 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FOURTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 1 stej) forioard (backward) — march .[ One! Two! Leg. Hips — firml .- Feet sideways — place! Left! Right! Feet together — place! Left! Right! Knees — bend! Stretch! Position ! Head. Hips — firm! Head to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist ! Position ! Arm. Arms sideways — stretch ! One ! Two ! Repeat ! One ! Two! Downward — stretch! One! Two! Balance. Neck — firm ! Feet sideways — place ! One ! Two ! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet together — place! Position! Back. Left hip — firm! Right neck — firm! Hands — change! Change ! Position. Breathing. Arms sideways and heels — raise! Arms and heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Order. 1 step forward (backward) — march! One! Two! Place the left foot forward on "one." Bring the right to the left, with heels together, on "two." Leg. Feet sideways — place! Left! Right! Place the left foot directly to the left one foot length on "left." Place the right foot to the right one foot length on "right." There should be no unnecessary movement of the body, and the weight should be equally distributed between both feet. Feet together — place! First the left and then the right foot is brought to the starting position. Knees — bend! Bend the knees to an obtuse angle, keeping the heels on the floor, the knees apart and the body erect. FIRST YEAR 39 Head. Head to left — twist ! Turn the head slowly to the left as far as possible without moving the shoulders. Keep the chin in the same parallel plane with the floor as in the fundamental standing position. Arm. Arms sideways — stretch! One! Two! Bend the arms upward on ''one/' stretch sideways on "two." In all arm extensions the bend is usually taken on the first count. Keep in mind that the bend is a slower movement than the stretch, therefore there is more emphasis placed upon the second count than upon the first. Back. Arms — change! Make the movement upon the word ''change," when the left hand is placed at the back of the neck and the right hand upon the hip. Breathing. Arms sideways and heels — raise! This is an easy combined movement and like all in this class, besides being easy of coordination, is easy physically. Deep breathing with the arm movement only may be given to end the lesson. jPjQ 7 — Arms Forward Stretch. Arms Forward Raise, (40) rillST YEAR 41 FIFTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Left (right)— face! One! Two! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot outward — place! Re- place ! Position ! Head. Head rotation — one! Two! Three! Four! Arm. Arms upward — hend! Forward — stretch! Bend! Stretch! Downward — stretch! One! Two! Fig. 7. Balance. Neck — firm! Heels — raise! Sink! Position! Back. Hips — firm! Feet sideways — place! One! Two! Trunk forward — hend! Raise! Feet together — place! Position! Fig. 8. Breathing. Arms sideways — raise! Arms — turn! Arms upward — raise! Sideways — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Arms — turn! Sink! Fig. 12. Order. Left (right) — face! One! Two! Lift the toes of the left foot and turn ninety degrees to the left, using the left heel as a pivot on ''one." Bring the right foot to the left in the fundamental standing position on 'Hwo." As soon as the turn is made on the left heel, the whole of the left foot is placed upon the floor and the weight of the body is transferred to that foot. Right — face! is done on the right heel, turning toward the right ninety degrees. The facings are rather difficult and, therefore, must be taught very carefully, but they are of so much value in formations and so convenient in teaching that it is advisable to introduce them early. When le^t and right 42 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES facings are once learned, half and about facings are also learned. Leg. Left foot outward — place! Place the left foot diag- onally forward left one and one-half foot lengths; the toes should point in the same direction as in the fundamental standing position. Guard against a twisting of the trunk. Head. Head rotation — one! Two! Three! Four! Turn the head to the left on ''one/' to the front on ''two/' to the right on "three/' to the front on "four." Arm. Forward — stretch! Stretch the arms directly for- ward, fingers leading, on a height with the shoulders. Care must be taken that the shoulder-blades and the hips are kept back. This movement is very hable to faults and must be watched. Back. Trunk forward — bend! Bend the trunk forward from the hips; keep the head well up; the face should be toward the front and not toward the floor. The spine should be straight and the shoulder-blades well back. Breathing. Arms — turn! Arms upward — raise! Turn the hands so that the palms are up. This is the starting position for the breathing exercise. Raise the arms directly upward toward the head, at the same time keeping the head well back. Fig. 8. — Trunk Forward Bend. (43) 44 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES SIXTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Left — face ! One ! Two ! 2 side steps to left (right) — march! One! — Two! One! — Two! Right — face! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot hackward-outward — place ! Replace ! Position ! Head. Hips — firm! Head to left (right) — hend! Raise! Position ! Arm. Anns upward — hend! Backward — stretch! Bend! Stretch! Downward — stretch! One! Two! Fig. 9. Balance. Arms sideways — stretch! One! Two! Feet sideways — place! One! Two! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet together — place! One! Two! Position! One! Two! Back. Hips — firm! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Posi- tion! Breathing. With palms up, arms sideways — raise! Arms upward raise and knees — hend! Arms sideways sink and knees^stretch ! Repeat! One! Two! Arms downward — sink! Order. 2 side steps to left — march! One! — Two! One! — Two! Two side steps to left is done by taking one side step to left twice in succession, counting one, two, one, two or one, two, three, four. Leg. Left foot backward-outward — place! Place the left foot diagonally backward one and one-half foot lengths, half way between backward and sideways. Keep the same angle of the feet as in the fundamental standing position. Fig. 9. — Arms Backward Stretch, (45) 46 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Head. Head to left — bend! Slowly bend the head diag- onally to the left without any twisting. The face should look in the same direction as in the starting position. There should be no movement of the shoulders. Arm. Arms backward — stretch! Stretch the arms back- ward, fingers leading, wrists straight, arms toward each other. There should be no movement of the head or shoulders. Fig. 10. — Arms to Star Position Stretch. (47) 48 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES SEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backioard) — march! One! Two! Three! Guide— left (right)! Front! Leg. Hips firm and feet — close ! Left (right) foot forward — place! Replace! Hands down and feet — open! or Position! Head. Hips — firm! Head to left {right) — hend! Head — raise! Position! Arm. Arms upward — hend! Arms to star position — stretch! Bend! Stretch! Downward — stretch! Fig. 10. Balance. Arms sideways — stretch! Heels — raise! Sink! Arms downward — stretch! or, In two counts — position! Back. Arms forward — hend! Position! Fig. 11. Breathing. With palms up, arms sideways — raise! Arms upward and heels — raise! Arms sideways and heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Arms downward — sink! Order. 2 steps forward (backward) — march! One! Two! Three! Place the left foot forward on ''one," the right foot forward on "two," and bring the left foot to the right with the heels together on ''three." Guide — left! Turn the head to the left and stand in the same plane as the pupil on the extreme left, or on a line with some indicated object. Front! brings the head again toward the front. This command, or "Guide — front!" maybe given whenever poor alignment niakes it necessary. Leg. Hips firm and feet — close! A combined movement of the hands and the feet, taken as a starting position for the Fig, 11. — Arms Forward Bend. 4 (49) 50 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES leg movement proper. Both the hands and the feet move together and take but one count. When only one count is required in combinations, the count is omitted, as the word of command is sufficient. Left foot forward — place ! Place the left foot directly forward one and one-half foot lengths, keeping the toes pointing for- ward. Position ! (Hands down and feet — open !) It is better at first to signify both parts of the body to be moved. Later the word ''position" is sufficient. Hereafter in an exercise when only the word ''position" is used, keep in mind and give a fuller command if necessary. Arm. Arms to star position — stretch! Stretch the arms diagonally sideways-upward, keeping the palms toward each other and the arms well back. This position is easier than and preparatory to arm stretching upward. Keep the head up- Balance. In two counts — position! If "position" is to be taken in two counts, signify this either by some previous direction, or by words of caution, preceding the word of execution. "Position" unqualified brings to the fundamental standing position in the most direct way. For some move- ments the most direct way is in two counts. It is usual to bring back to the fundamental position in the same manner that the exercise was taken, but this is by no means a fixed rule. In the higher grades it is often well to va^y. Back. Arms forward — tend! Bend the arms at the elbows to their limit, bringing the arms at the same time up in front of the chest shoulder high, the elbows pointing to the sides and slightly back; the palms should be down, wrists straight, and fingers not touching the opposite hand. The back of the hand should be held so that a marble placed upon it would not roll off. §m Fig. 12. — Arms Upward Stretch. (51) 52 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES EIGHTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Hdj left (right) — face! One! Two!' "Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) toes — raise! Sink! Posi- tion! Head. Hips — firm! Head to left (right) — tioist! To left (right) — bend! Raise! Forward — twist! Position! Arm. Arms upward — bend! Slowly upivard — stretch! Bend! Stretch! Downward — stretch! Fig. 12. Balance. Hips firm and left foot forward — place ! Heels — raise ! Sink ! Feet — change ! Heels — raise ! Sink ! Position ! Back. Arms sideways — fling! Arm rotation — one! Two! Position! Breathing. Arms sideways-upward — raise ! Sideways- downward — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Order. Half left — face! One! 7' wo! In the same general way as left and right facings^ half facings are done; the turn, however, is only 45°. Leg. Left toes — raise! Raise the toes of the left foot, keep- ing the same angle of the feet, the heels together and firmly on the floor; there should be no unnecessary swaying of the body. Head. Head to left — twist! To left — bend! This is a com- bination of a twist and a bend. The rotated head is bent toward the shoulder-blade. Arm. Arms upward — stretch! Stretch the arms directly upward; fingers leading. The arms should be perfectly straight FIRST YEAR 53 and close to the head, parallel and well back, the palms toward each other. Above all, keep the head up and back. If the arms cannot take the correct position, at the same time keep- ing the desired head position, it is better to sacrifice the posi- tion of the arms rather than that of the head. In this case, allow the pupils to take the star position of the arms, or some variation between it and upward stretch. Later and gradually a more vertical position may be safely demanded. The move- ment should be taken slowly at first. Balance. Feet — change! One! Two! Replace the left foot on "one." Place the right foot forward on "two." Back. Arms sideways — fling ! Raise the arms sideways as quickly as possible. "Fling" indicates a quick movement. Arm rotation — one! Two! Turn the arms with the palms up on "one." Turn the arms to the starting position with palms down on "two." Breathing. Arms sideways-upward — raise ! On a height with the shoulder, turn the arms, bringing the palms up, but make the turning without any pause at the turning point. Sideways-doionward — sink ! On a height with the shoulder, turn the arms, bringing the palms down, which is the reverse of raising the arms. Repeat! One! Two! The arms are. raised all the way up on "one," and brought all the way down on "two." 54 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES NINTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Left {right) — face! Half left (right) — face! Leg. Hips — firm! Left toes — raise! Alternate toe raising — right! Left! or, one! Two! Toes — sink! Position! Head. Hips — firm! Head to left (right) — twist! Back- ivard — hend! Raise! Forward — twist! Position! Arm. Arms sideways — stretch! Forward — stretch! Down- ward — stretch ! Balance. Neck firm and left foot forward — place ! Heels — raise! S>ink! Feet — change! Resume. Position! Back. Arms sideways — fling! Arm circling — one! Two! Position ! Breathing. Arms sideways-upward— raise ! Arms side- ways-downward — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Leg. Alternate toe raising — one ! Two ! As the left toes are lowered the right toes are raised, the movement being done in one count. Guard against increasing the rhythm, a tendency especially when the movement is done in series. The normal rhythm is that of marching, but any may be taken, so long as it is kept. Head. Head to left — twist! Backward — be7id! This exer- cise combines the head rotation with the backward bend. If the rotation is toward the left, bend the head backward toward the right shoulder. Balance. Feet — change! Resume. After the change of feet, the movement proper is to be given in the same way, if a balance^ front or back exercise; in the opposite direction if FIRST YEAR 55 a lateral trunk; and the same number of times as in the first starting position. The same rule governs when the start- ing position requires a change of arm position. The word "rcsume^^ always indicates this and refers to the movement proper. Back. Arms circling — one! Two! Execute a circling motion with the arms by raising them slightly, carrying them backward and then downward to the starting position. The shoulder-joint is at the apex of the cone described by the arms; the palms remain downward. If a deep breath is taken at the beginning of the movement, they will make nearly the correct motion; they must not be brought forward of or below the starting position. In the first nine lessons a special head exercise is introduced, after which it is omitted, but it is advisable to begin all lessons with a backward bending of the head. It is well also to give this movement whenever it is needed throughout the lesson to correct a faulty position of the head. All lateral trunk bendings and twistings may be preceded by head bendings or twistings. 56 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES TENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Left {right) about — face! One! Two! "Leg. Hips — firm! Alternate heel and toe raising — one! Two ! Three ! Four ! or, Heels — raise ! Sink ! Toes — raise ! Sink ! Arm. Arms backward^stretch ! Upward — stretch ! Down- ward — stretch ! Balance. Arms sideways fling and left (right) foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Position! Front. Hips — firm! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! For- ward — bend! Raise! Position! Fig. 13. Back. Arms sideways — raise! Arms — turn! Half side- ways — bend! Position! Fig. 14. Lateral trunk. Hips firm and feet sideways — place ! One ! Two! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Hands down and feet together — place I One ! Two i or, Position ! One ! Two! Fig. 15. Jump. Mark time — mark ! Left ! Right ! or. One ! Two ! Class — halt! One! Two! Breathing. Arms sideways-upward and heels — raise! Arms and heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Order. Left about — face! One! Two! In the same general way as left and right facings, about facings are done.- The turn is 180° instead of 90°. A httle more time should be allowed between the counts, one and two. than in the 90° turn. Fig. 13. — Trunk Backward Bend. (57) 58 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Leg. Alternate heel and toe raising — one! Two! Three! Four! Raise the heels on "one/' lower them on ''two/' raise the toes on ''three/' lower them on "four." Raising on the heels is more difficult of adjustment than raising on the toes, therefore make the heel raising a little slower and the time of holding the position a little shorter. Balance. Arms sideways fling and left foot forward — place ! This is an easy combination; the movement is done with one count. Front. Trunk backward — hend! Bend the trunk slightly backward, localizing the bend in the upper part of the back and not in the lower part, where it often happens that there is an excess curve. This exercise is of great value to the upper part of the trunk, where the chest is apt to be flat and the shoulders stooped. The muscles on the front of the body, the abdominal muscles, act as steadying muscles to prevent motion at the waist and hips. They are strengthened and at the same time the internal organs are stimulated. As this is a difficult position, it cannot be held long; especialty is this true in the lower grades. The head should go with the trunk. If the majority of children in the first, or in the second years cannot take this exercise without marked faults, it is better to omit it entirely. In taking it in these grades, there should only be a lifting of the chest and a slight lowering of the shoulders, such as might result from taking a deep breath. Back. Arms half sideways — bend! Bend the forearms, mak- ing a right angle at the elbows with the upper arms ; the palms should be facing each other ; the elbows the same height as the shoulders and in the same lateral plane. Lateral trunk. Trunk to left — bend! Slowly bend the trunk directly to the left, without any rotation of the shoulders or of the head; the head and shoulders remain in the same relative position to each other as in the fundamental standing position; keep both feet firmly on the floor. The starting position is a combined movement, requiring one count for the hands and two for the feet. Fig. 14. — Arms Half Sideways Bend. (59) 60 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Hips firm and feet sideways — place! Place the left foot to the left on ''one/' place the hands on the hips and the right foot to the right on "two." The rule for "position" has been previously given. Jump. Mark time — mark! Left! Right! or, One! Two! Swing the left foot forward from the hip, about one-half the length of the foot and bring back to its original position on " one ;" swing the right in the same way on "two." It is better at first to say "left," "right," rather than "one/* "two/' as this helps the class to keep in step. Always begin marking time and marching with the left foot. Marking time is pre- paratory to marching; it is easier to keep the correct rhythm and also to keep in step than marching. The last is rather difficult for small children. We may get a uniform rhythm, but we must not expect too early a uniform step. Class — halt! Better results are obtained when the halt is taken in two counts instead of in one. Especially is this true with the younger classes; it us not such a sudden stop. Two counts are given to end a series and for the same reason. The command' " halt" stops the exercise at once. "Mark time" may always follow the jump. It is good training for marching. Marching is not given in these lessons, since there cannot be much variety when the work is done in the classroom. For this reason and because the rooms are so different in construction, the marching may be left to the discretion of the classroom teacher. It is advisable to give marching whenever there is time and where the conditions are such as to allow it. Marching may begin a lesson, while the windows are first opened, or it may follow the jump. A run would be beneficial, but the conditions often make this impossible. The command "Forward — dress!" is given in marching to regulate the distance between the pupils. The arms are raised forward as in "arms forward raise," the tips of the fingers just touching the pupil in front; each pupil stands directly behind the one in front. The command "Take — distance!" is sometimes used. Fig. 15. — Trunk Sideways Bend. (61 ) 62 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES ELEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Half left {right)— face ! Left {right)— face ! Left {right) about — face! Leg. Neck firm and feet sideways — place ! One ! Two ! Knees — hend ! Stretch I Hands down and feet together — place! One! Two! or, Position! One! Two! Arm. Arms sideways and downioard — stretch ! One ! — Two ! One! — Two! Repeat! One! etc. By flinging, arms — change ! Change ! Balance. Hips firm and left foot outward — place ! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change! Resume„ Position! Front. Hips firm and feet sideways — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise f Back. AVith palms up, arms sideways — fling! Half side- ways — bend! Sideways — fling! Bend! Fling! Position! Lateral trunk. Hips firm and feet sideways — place! Trunk to left {right) — twist! Forward — twist! Position! Jump. Prepare to jump — one! Tivo! Three! Four! (Heels raise, knees bend, stretch, heels sink.) Breathing. Arms forward — raise! Sink! Repeat! One! Two! Fig. 7. Arm. Arms sideways and downward — stretch! This is a combined movement in two directions, both arms being extended in like directions at the same time. By flinging, arms — change ! Change ! On the first ''change," the arms are quickly raised sideways; on the second, they are FIRST YEAR 63 quickly lowered. The counts ''one," 'Hwo" following the word ''repeat" may be used. Back. Sideways — fling! Straighten the arms quickly to the starting position, being careful not to bring them below the shoulder level. Lateral trunk. Trunk to left— twist! Twist the trunk slowly toward the left, localizing the movement in the spine. Keep the legs and hips still and the head and shoulders in the same relative position to each other as in the fundamental standing position. 64 GYMNASTIC EXEPvCISES TWELFTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Left — face! 1 side step to left (right), 1 side step to right ( left) — march ! One ! — Two ! One ! — Tioo I Right — face ! Leg. Hips firm and feet sideways — place! Heels — raise! Sink ! Position ! Arm. Arms sideways and forward — stretch! By flinging, arms — change! Change! In two counts — position! Balance. Neck firm and left (right) foot outward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change! Resume. Posi- tion! Front. Hips firm and feet — close! Trunk backward — • bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms forward — bend! Half sideways — move! Hands — turn ! Position ! Lateral trunk. Hips— firm! Trunk to left {right) — bend! Raise! Position! Jump. Hips — firm! Prepare to jump — one! Two! Three! Four ! Breathing. Arms forward raise and knees — bend! Arms sink and knees — stretch! Repeat! One! Two! Order. 1 side step to left, 1 side step to right — march! This is a combination of side steps. These combined movements are excellent order exercises, but cannot be taken until the single movements have become familiar. In all order exer- cises of this class a more uniform class rhythm is secured if FIRST YEAR 65 the heels are brought together with a sUght accent. All com- bined movements in this class may first be given by separate command. Do not keep the class too long on order exercises. Arm. By flinging, arms — change! Change! When the arms are sideways the palms should be down, and toward each other when the arms are forward. Back. Half sideways — move! Move the forearms sideways until there is a right angle with the upper arm at the elbow, palms down. Hands — turn ! Turn the hands so that the palms are toward each other. This is the position of ''arms half forward bend.". 66 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES THIRTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Left — face! 2 side steps to left (right), 2 side steps to right (left) — march! One! Two! Three! Four! etc. Leg. Hips firm and feet sideways — place ! Heels — raise ! Knees — hend! Stretch! Heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Three! Four! Position! Arm. Arms sideways and backward — stretch ! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Arms sideways fling and left (right) foot out- ward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Position! Front. Hips firm and feet — close ! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms half sideways — bend! Position! Lateral trunk. Hips — firm! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist ! Position ! Jump. Jump in place — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Breathing. Arms forward and heels — raise! Arms and heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Leg. Knees — bend! Be careful to keep the trunk erect and the knees apart. Jump. Jump in place — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Sioc! Raise the heels on ''one/' bend the knees on "two/' quickly extend the knees and ankles and jump quickly upward, landing in the same place with the knees bent and the heels FIRST YEAR 67 raised on ''three-four/' stretch the knees on ''five/'^ lower the heels on "six." A pause after '' three-four" must be given of sufficient length to allow a good form and steady balance before the knees are stretched. 68 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FOURTEENTH DAY'S ORDER, Order. Left — face! 2 side steps to left (right), 1 side step to right (left) — march! One! Two! Three! Four! One! Two! Right— face! Leg. Neck — firm! Kiiees — bend! Stretch! Position! Arm. Arms sideways and star position — stretch ! By fling- ing, arms — change! Position! Balance. Hips firm and feet — close! Heels — raise! Sink! Position t Front. Neck — firm! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position'" Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms half sideways — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Position! Lateral trunk. Hips firm and left foot forward — place! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Feet — change! Resume. Position ! Jump. Hips — firm! Alternate upward bending of knees — — one! Two! Three! Four! Position! Mark time — mark! Breathings Arms forward — raise! Upward — raise! For- ward — sink ! Arm raising upward — one ! Two ! Arms downward — sink ! Leg. Knees — bend! Keep the knees turned out and the feet firmly upon the floor. Arm. Arms — change! In changing, the hands are changed from palms up to palms down. FIRST YEAR 69 Back. Arm rotation — one! Two! Rotate the arms, using the shoulder-joints as pivots of motion. The relative position of the hand, the forearm, and the upper arm remains the same. Keep the elbows well up. The arms are brought to the position of " arms half forward bend " on " one," and to '^ half side- ways bend," or the starting position, on " two." This is a hard movement for small children, and may be omitted. Jump. Alternate upward bending of knees — one! 7\vo! Three ! Four ! Bend the left knee up as far as possible without bending the trunk, on " one," replace on " two," right the same on " three " and " four." 70 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FIFTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 1 step forward (backward), 1 step backward (for- ward) — march ! One ! — Two ! One ! — Two ! Leg. Neck — firm! Heels — raise! Knees — bend! Stretch! Heels — sink ! Position ! Arm. Arms sideways and upward — stretch! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Neck firm and feet — close ! Heels — Raise! Sink! Position ! Front. Neck firm and feet sideways — place ! Trunk back- ward — bend! Raise! Forward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms half forward — be7id! Position! Lateral trunk. Hips firm and left foot outward — place! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Feet — change! Resume. Position ! Jump. Hips — firm! Left knee upward — bend! Alternate knee upward bending — one ! — Two ! One ! — Two ! Foot — replace ! Position ! Breathing. Arms forward — raise ! Arms upward raise and knees — bend! Arms forward sink and knees — stretch! Repeat! One! Two! Arms downward — sink! Arm. Arms — change! In changing, the hands are turned from palms down to palms toward each other. Jump. Left knee upward — bend ! Bend the knee as in the previous lesson. FIRST DAY 71 Alternate knee upward bending — one! — Two! The left foot is brought clown and, as it touches the floor, the right knee is bent; this is done in one count. On the second count, the reverse takes place. Guard against unnecessary motion of the body. SECOND YEAR. The Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and the Fifteenth Days' Orders of the First Year become the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and the Fifth of the Second Year. (73) SECOND YEAR 75 SIXTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), 2 steps backward (for- ward) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Knees — bend! Deep — bend! Knees — stretch! Heels — sink! Position! Arm. Arms forward and backward — stretch! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Arms sideways fling and feet — close! Heels — raise! Sink! Position! Front. Neck firm and left (right) foot forward — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Feet — chsingel Resume. Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms half forward — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Position ! Lateral trunk. Hips firm and feet — close! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Position! Jump. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Quick time — mark! Left! Right! or, One! Two! Class— halt! One! Two! Three! Four! Heels — sink! Position! Breathing. Arms forward — raise ! Arms upward raise arid knees — bend! Arms forward sink and knees — stretch! Repeat! One! Two! Arms downward — sink! Leg. Deep — bend! Slowly bend the knees to the most acute angle possible, at the same time keeping the trunk erect and a good balance. 76 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Balance. Heels — raise! The feet should remain parallel. Back. Arm rotation — one! Two! This is the reverse of the movement in the preceding lesson. Jump. Quick time — mark! Quick time is done on the toes ; it is running without gaining ground and is a good preparation for running. The foot is raised behind, with the knee bent at about right angles. Class — halt! One! Two! Three! Four! Stop upon the toes at the fourth count and hold the position until the com- mand to lower the heels is given. SECOND YEAR 77 SEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), 1 step backward (for- ward) — march! One! Two! Three! One! Two! Leg. Neck firm and left (right) foot forward — place ! Knees — bend! Stretch! Feet — change! Resume. Position! Arm. Arms forward and downward — stretch ! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Balance. Hips firm and feet — close! Left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace ! Position ! Front. Neck firm and feet — close! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Left arm half forward — bend ! Right arm half side- ways — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Position! Lateral trunk. Hips firm and feet — close! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Position! Jump. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Spring jump — go! One!— Two! One!— Two! Class— halt! One! Two! Three! Four! Heels — sink! Position! Mark time — mark! Breathing. Arms forward-upward — raise! Forward-down- ward — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Balance. Feet — change! The feet should remain parallel. Back. Arm rotation — one! Two! The left arm is rotated to the half sideways bend position, the right to the half for- 78 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES ward bend position on "one/' the second count brings back to the starting position. Jump. Spring jump — go ! is a succession of jumps on the toes with a very shght bending of the knees. The rhythm is quicker than in marking time. In all jumps land upon the toes. Class — halt! Immediately upon the halt, the knees are stretched. This is only true in the spring jumps, not in others. SECOND YEAR 79 EIGHTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face right (left) — march! One! Two! One! Two! Leg. Neck firm and left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change! Resume. Position! Arm. Arms forward and sideways — stretch! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Neck firm and feet — close! Left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace ! Position ! Front. Neck firm and feet — close! Left foot forward — place! Trunk backward — hend! Raise! Feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms^ forward — bend! Sideways — fling! Bend! Position ! Lateral trunk. Hips firm and feet — close! Left foot for- ward — place! Trunk to left — hend! Raise! Feet — change! Resume. Foot— replace ! Position ! Jump. Neck — firm! Heels — raise! Spring jump — go! Class — halt! Heels — sink! Position! Breathing. Arms forward-upward raise and knees — hend! Arms forward-downward' sink and knees — stretch! Re- peat! One! Two] 80 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES NINTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face half left {right), face half right (left) — march! Leg. Hips firm and left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Knees — hend! Stretch! Heels — sink! Feet — change ! Resume. Position ! Arm. Arms forward and upward — stretch! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Arms sideways fling and feet — close! Left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Arms — position! Foot — replace! Arms sideways fling and right foot for- ward — place! Resume. Foot — replace! Position! Front. Arms sideways — raise! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Arms — sink! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms half sideways — bend! Sideways — fling! Bend! Position ! Lateral trunk. Hips firm and feet — close! Left foot for- ward — place! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace! Position! Jump. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Spring jump 4 (8) counts — go! Heels — sink! Position! Breathing. Arms forward-upward and heels — raise! Arins forward-downward and heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Back. Sideways — fling! Bend! In the extended position the palms should be down; in the bent position, toward each other. SECOND YEAR 81 TENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right) about, face right (left) about — march! Leg. Neck firm and left foot outward — place! Knees — bend! Stretch! Feet — change! Resume. Position! Arm. Arms upiuard and downward — stretch! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) knee backward — bend! Foot — replace! Position! Front. Arms sideways stretch and feet sideways — place! One! Two! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Arms down- ward stretch and feet together — place! or, Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms half forward — bend! Sideivays — fling! . Bend! Position! Lateral trunk. Neck firm and feet sideways — place ! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Position! Jump. Left — face! Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Spring jump sideways left (right) 4 (8) counts — go! Heels — sink! Position! Right — face! Mark time — mark! Breathing. Arm circumduction — one! Tioo! (Forward- upward raise, sideways-downward sink.) Repeat! One! Two! Balance. Left knee backward — bend! Raise the foot with extended instep backward, until there is a right angle at the knee-joint. There should be no movement above the knee. 82 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Front. Arms sideways stretch and feet sideways — place! One! Two! Bend the arms upward and place the left foot sideways on "one/' stretch the arms sideways and place the right foot sideways on "two." Breathing. Arm circumduction — one! Two! Raise the arms forward- upward on "one," lower sideways- downward on "two." SECOND YEAR 83 ELEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), 1 side step to left (right) — march! One! Two! One! Two! 1 side step to right (left), face right (left) — march! Guide — front! Leg. Hips firm and left foot outward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change! Resume. Position! Arm. Arms upward and sideways — stretch! Repeat! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) knee backward — hend! Leg backward — stretch! Bend! Foot — replace! Position! Fig. 16. Front. Arms sideways fling and left (right) foot forward ^place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Arms sideways fling and feet — change! Resume. Position! Trunk for- ward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms forward — fling! Sideways — fling! Forward — move! Fling! Position! Lateral trunk. Neck firm and feet sideways — place ! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Position! Jump. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Spring jump forward (backward), 4 counts — go! Heels — sink! Position! Breathing. Arm circumduction with knee bending and stretching — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! Balance. Leg backward — stretch! Stretch the leg back- ward with the knee and the ankle extended, keeping the trunk erect and the chest arched. Fig. 16.— Leg Backward Stretch. Leg Backward Raise. (84) SECOND YEAR 85 Front. Arms sideways fling and feet — change! Bring the arms down and replace the foot on the first count, fling the arms to the side and advance the opposite foot on the second. Back. Sideways — fling! Turn the arms so that the pahns are down in the side position and toward each other in the forward position. 86 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES TWELFTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right), 1 side step to right (left) — march! 1 side step to left (right), face right (left) — march! Leg. Hips firm and left foot outward — place! Heels — raise! Knees — hend! Stretch! Heels — sink! Feet — change! Resume. Position! Arm. Arms upward and forward — stretch! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Arms sideways — raise ! Left (right) knee backward — hend! Leg backward — stretch! Bend! Stretch! Position! Front. Arms sideways fling and feet — close! Trunk back- ward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise ! Back. Left (right) arm sideways — fling ! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Lateral trunk. Neck— firm! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Position! Jump. Hips — firm! Heels — raise! Facing 180° left (right), 4: counts, spring jump — go! Heels — sink! Position! Breathing. Arm circumduction with heel raising and sinking — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! Back. Arms — change! At the same time that the left arm is lowered, the right arm is raised, the movement taking place on the word "change." SECOND YEAR 87 THIRTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), 2 side steps to left (right) — march! 2 side steps to right (left), face right (left) — march! Leg. Neck firm and left foot backward — place! Knees — hend! Stretch! Feet — change! Resume. Position! Arm. Arms upward and backward — stretch! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Sink! Position! Fig. 17. Front. Arms sideways fling and feet — close! Left foot forward — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Arms sideways fling and feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Left arm forward — bend! Right arm sideways — fling! Arms — change! Change! Position! Lateral trunk. Neck — firm! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist ! Position ! Jump. Hips firm and feet sideways — place ! Heels — raise ! Change from feet together, spring jump — go! Class — halt! Heels — sink! Position! Breathing. Arm circumduction with heel raising and knee bending, knee stretching and heel sinking — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! Balance. Left leg sideways — raise! Raise the extended leg directly to the side, keeping the ankle well extended and the body erect. - Fig. 17. — Leg Sideways Raise. (88) SECOND YEAR 89 Jump. Change from feet together, spring jump — go! Bring the heels together in the position of heels raise, on the first count; jump to the starting position with the feet apart on the second count. There should be only a slight bending of the knees. Halt with the heels raised and with the feet apart. Breathing. Arm circumduction ivith heel raising and knee bending, knee stretching and heel sinking — one! Two! The arms and heels are raised and the knees bent on "one," the knees are stretched and the arms and heels are lowered on 'Hwo." 90 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FOURTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), 2 side steps to right (left) — march! 2 side steps to left (right), face right (left) — march! Leg. Neck firm and left foot backward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change! Resume. Position: Arm. Arm stretching downward in series — stretch! One! — Two! One!— Two! etc. Class— halt! One! Two! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Sink! Hips — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Right (left) knee — bend! Stretch! Leg — sink! Position f Front. Arms forward — bendf Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Left arm half sideways — bend ! Right arm sideways — fling f Arms — change! Change! Position! Lateral trunk. Neck firm and left foot forward — place! Trunk to left—bend! Raise! Feet — change! Resume. Position! Jump. Neck firm and feet sideways — place! Heels — raise! Change from feet together, spring jump — go!^ Class — halt! Heels — sink! Position! Breathing. Arms sideways-upward raise, heels raise ' and knees — bend! Arms sideways-downward sink, knees stretch and heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Arm. Arm stretching downward in series — stretch! Insist upon a good bend position in all series work in arm exten- sions. Do not allow a faster rhythm than is consistent with good form. SECOND YEAR 91 Balance. Right knee — hend! Slightly bend the knee of the stationary leg. The raised leg should be kept straight. Breathing. Repeat! One! Two! The arms and heels are raised and the knees are bent on ''one/' the knees are stretched and the arms and heels lowered on ''two." 92 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FIFTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 1 step forward (backward), face left (right) — march! Face right (left), 1 step backward (forward) — march! Leg. Hips firm and left foot backward — place! Heels — raise! Knees — bend! Stretch! Heels — sink! Feet — change ! Resume. Position ! Arm. Arm stretching sideways in series — stretch! Class — halt! Position! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Sink! Neck — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Right (left) knee — bend! Stretch! Leg — sink! Posi- tion! Front. Arms forward bend and feet sideways — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk for- ward — bend ! Raise ! Back. Left arm half forward — bend! Right arm sideways — fling! Arms — change! Change! Position! Lateral trunk. Neck firm and left foot outward — place! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Feet — change! Resume. Position ! Jump. Hips — firm i Heels — raise ! Change to feet sideways, spring jump — go! Class — halt! Heels — sink! Position! Mark time — mark! Breathing. Neck — firm! Arms sideways — move! Neck — firm! Repeat! One! Two! THIRD YEAR. The Eleventh, . Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and the Fifteenth Days' Orders of the Second Year become the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and the Fifth of the Third Year. (93) THIRD YEAR 95 SIXTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (hackivard), face left (right) — march! Face right (left), 2 steps hackioard (forward) — march! "Leg. Hips firm and left foot backward-outward — place! Knees — hend! Stretch! Feet — change! Resume. Posi- tion! Arm. Arm stretching forward in series — stretch! Class — halt! Position! Balance.. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sink! Position! Fig. 18. Front. Arms forward bend and left foot forward — place! Trunk backward — hend! Raise! Feet — change! Resume. Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Left arm half forward — bend ! Right arm forward — bend! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Lateral trunk. Neck firm and feet — close ! Trunk to left (right) — hend! Raise! Position! Jump. Neck — firm! Heels — raise! Change to feet side- ways, spring jump — go! Class — halt! Heels — sink! Position! Mark time — mark! Class — halt! Breathing. Arms forward — bend' Sideways — move! Bend! Repeat! One! Two! Arm. Class — halt! is always given to end a series, even when not so indicated in the exercises. Fig. 18. — Leg Forward Raise. (96) THIRD YEAR 97 Balance. Left leg fonvard — raise! Raise the extended leg directly forward, with instep extended and toes turned out; keep the body erect. Jump. Change to feet sideways, spring jump — go! This is the reverse of the jump in the Third Day's Order. GYMNASTIC EXERCISES SEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right) about, 1 steip forward {backward) — march! Face right {left) about, 1 steip backward {forward) — march! Leg. Neck firm and left foot backward-outward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change l Resume. Position! Arm. Arm stretching backward in series — stretch! Position! Balance. Neck — firm! Left {right) leg forward — raise! Sink! Hips — firm! Left {right) leg forward — raise! Right {left) knee — bend! Stretch! Leg — sink! Position! Front. Arms forward bend and feet — close! Trunk back- ward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise ! Back. Left arm half sideways — bend ! Right arm forward — bend! Slowly, arms — change! Change! Position! Lateral trunk. Neck firm and feet — clos§! Trunk to left {right) — twist! Forward — twist! Position! Jump. Hips firm and left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Change of feet, spring jump — go! Class — halt! Heels — sink ! Position ! Breathing. Arms forward — bend! Arms sideways move and knees — bend! Arms bend and knees — stretch! Repeat! One! Two! Position! THIRD YEAR 99 EIGHTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right) about, 2 steps forward (backward) — inarch! Face right (left) about, 2 steps backward {forward) — march! Leg. Hips firm and left foot backward-outward — place! Heels — raise! Knees — bend! Stretch! Heels — sink! Feet — change ! Resume. Position ! Arm. Arm stretching upward in series — stretch! Position! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg forivard — raise! Sink! Neck — firm! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Right (left) knee — bend! Stretch! Leg — sink! Posi- tion! Front. Arms forward bend and feet — close! Left foot forward — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms half forward — bend! Slowly, arms forward — stretch! Half — bend! Repeat! One! Two! Position! Lateral trunk. Neck firm and feet — close! Left foot forward — place! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace! Position! Jump. Neck firm and left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Change of feet, spring jump — go! Class — halt! Heels — sink! Position! 100 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Breathing. Arms forward — bend! Arms sideways move and heels — raise! Arms hend and heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Position! Front. Feet — change! The feet should remain parallel. Back. Half — hend! Bring the shoulder-blades well back; keep the head up. , THIRD YEAR 101 NINTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 1 step forward (backward), face left {right) about — march! 1 step backward (forward), face right (left) about — march! Leg. Hips firm and feet — close! Left foot forward — place! Knees — bend! Stretch! Feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace ! Position ! Arm. Arms upward — bend! Left arm sideways, right arm downward — stretch! Arms — change! One! Two! In series — change! Class — halt! ^ By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Sink! Position! Fig. 16. Front. Arms half sideways — bend! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms half sideways — bend! Slowly, arms upward — stretch! Half — bend! Position! Lateral trunk. Left hip, right neck — firm! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Hands — change! To right — bend! Raise! Position! Jump. Hips firm and feet — close! Left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Change of feet, spring jump — go! Class — halt! Heels — sink! Foot — replace! Position! Mark time — mark! Breathing. Arms forward — raise! Sideways^move! For- ward — move! Repeat! One! Two! Arms — sink! 102 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Arm. Arms — change! One! Two! Bend the arms on ''one," stretch the left arm downward and the right arm side- ways on "two." By flinging, arms — change! Lower the right arm and raise the left on the word ''change." Balance. Left leg backward — raise! Raise the leg directly backward, keeping the instep well extended, the body erect and the chest arched. THIRD YEAR 103 TENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), face left {right) about — march! 2 steps backward {forward), face right (left) about — march! Leg. Neck firm and feet — close! Left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Sink! Feet — change! Resume. Foot — repl ace ! Position ! Arm. Arms upward — bend ! Left arm sideways, right arm forward — stretch! Arms — change! In series — change! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Neck — firm! Left {right) leg backward — raise! Sink! Hips — firm! Left {right) leg backward — raise! Right {left) knee — bend! Stretch! Leg — sink! Position! Front. Arms half sideways bend and feet sidewaj^s — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend ! Raise ! Back. Left arm half forward — bend! Right arm forward — fling! Slowly, arms — change! Change! Position! Lateral trunk. Left hip, right neck — firm ! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Hands — change! Resume. Posi- tion ! Jump. Neck firm and f eet^close ! Left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Change of feet, spring jump — go! Class — halt! Heels — sink! Foot — replace! Position! Breathing. Arms forward — raise! Arms sideways move and knees — bend! Arms forward move and knees — stretch! Repeat! One! Two! Arms^sink! 104 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES ELEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face half left (right) — march! Face half right (left), face right (left) — march! Leg. Feet — close! Hips firm and left foot forward — place! Heels — raise! Knees — hend! Stretch! Heels — sink! Feet — change! Resume^ Foot — replace! Position! Arm. Arms upward — bend ! Left arm sideways, right arm backward — stretch! Arms — change! In series — change! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Position! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Sink! Neck — firm! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Right (left) knee — bend! Stretch! Leg — sink! Position ! Front. Arms half sideways bend and left (right) foot forward — place! Trunk backward — -bend! Raise! Posi- tion! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Left arm upward — stretch! Right arm half side- ways — bend! Arms — change! Change! Position! Lateral trunk. Left hip, right neck firm and left foot for- ward — place! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Hands and feet — change ! Resume. Position ! Jump. Hips — firm! Left — face! Left foot touch step sideways — place! Change of feet, spring jump — go! Class — halt! Position! Breathing. Arms forward — raise! Arms sideways move and heels — raise! Arms forward move and heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Arms— sink! THIRD YEAR 105 Jump. Left foot touch step sideways — place! Place the left foot directly to the side with the instep extended and the toes touching the floor: the weight of the body is upon the stationary foot. Change of feet, spring jump — go! Quickly bring the left foot up to the original position, landing upon the toes, and at the same time swing the right foot to the position of touch step right. Class — halt! Halt with one foot in the touch step position, and the weight upon the opposite foot. Two counts are given for the halt. The class must be brought to the fundamental standing position at the end of each class of exercises and before giving the rest position. When this is not indicated in the lessons by the word '^ position" or by some other command, it is under- stood, and must be given by the teacher. 106 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES TWELFTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face half right (left) — march! Face half left (right), face right (left) — march! Leg, Neck — firm! Left foot placing sideways in series — go! Class — halt! Right the same — go! Class — halt! Alternate left and right — go! Class — halt! Arm. Arms upward — bend ! Left arm sideways, right arm upward — stretch! Change! In series — change! By fling- ing, arms — change! Change! Balance. Hips firm and feet — close! Left (right) leg for- warder aise! Sink! Front. Arms half sideways bend and feet — close! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend ! Raise ! Back. Left arm upward — bend! Slowly, arms — change! Change! ^ Lateral trunk. Left hip, right neck firm and left foot outward — place! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Hands and feet — change! Resume. Jump. Neck — firm! Left foot touch step sideways— place! Change of feet, spring jump — go! Class — halt! Position! Mark time! mark! Breathing. Arms upward — bend! Slowly sideways — stretch! Bend! Repeat! One! Two! Leg. Left foot placing sideways in series — go! The weight should be distributed equally between both feet, each time the THIRD YEAR 107 foot is placed sideways. For this reason, do not make the rhythm too fast. The right must be placed to the side as many times as the left. In alternate placing, the feet are brought together on the even counts ; place the left to the side on ''one," replace on ''two," etc. Give a shght accent with the foot in all foot placings in series. This helps to keep a uniform class rhythm. Back. Slowhj, arms — change! The left arm is stretched to the side, while the right arm is bent. 10.8 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES THIRTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right), face left {right) about—march! Face right {left) about, face right {left) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left foot ^placing sideways with heel raising in series — go! One! Two! Three! Four! Etc. Class — halt! Right the same — go! Alternate left and right— go! One! Two! Three! Four! The same left with heel raising and knee bending — go! One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Etc. Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward — bend ! Left arm forward, right arm backward — stretch! Change! In series — change! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Balance. Neck firm and feet — close! Left {right) leg for- ward — raise! Sink! Hips — firm! Left {right) leg forward — raise! Right {left) knee — bend! Stretch! Leg — sink! Front. Feet — close! Arms half sideways bend and left (right) foot forward — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Foot — replace! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise ! Back. Left arm upward — bend! Right arm forward — fling! Slowly, arms — change! Change! Lateral trunk. Left hip, right neck firm and feet — close ! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Hands — change! Resume. Foot — replace ! THIRD YEAR 109 Jump. Hips — firm! Left foot cross-step position — place! Heels — raise! Change of feet, spring jump — go! Class — halt! Heels — sink! Breathing. Arms upward — bend! Arms sideways stretch and knees — hend! Arms bend and knees — stretch! Repeat! One! Two! Leg. Left foot placing sideways with heel raising in series — go! One! Two! Three! Four! Place the left foot side- ways on ^^one/' raise the heels on "two/' lower the heels on ''three/' replace the foot on ''four." The same left loith heel raising and knee bending — go! One! Etc. Place the left foot sideways on "one/' raise the heels on "two/' bend the knees on "three/' stretch the knees on "four/' lower the heels on "five/' replace the foot on "six." Be careful to keep the weight between both feet. Accent as the foot is placed side- ways. This is the rule in all foot placings in series. Jump. Left foot cross step position — place ! Place the left foot in front and a little to the right of the right foot. Halt in cross step position with the heels raised. 110 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FOURTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face right (left) about — march! Face left (right) about, face right (left) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left foot placing forward in series — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward— bend ! Left arm forward, right arm downward — stretch! Arms — change! In series — change! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Balance. Arms sideways fling and feet — close! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sink! Neck — firm! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Right (left) knee — bend! Stretch! Leg — sink! Front. Arms half forward — bend! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Back. Left arm upward — bend! Right arm backward — fling! Slowly, arms — change! Change! Lateral trunk. Left hip, right neck firm and feet — close ! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Hands — change! Resume. Jump. Neck — firm ! Left foot cross step position — place ! Heels — raise! Change of feet, spring jump — go! Class — halt ! Heels — sink ! Breathing. Arms upward — bend! Arms slowly sideways stretch and heels — raise! Arms bend and heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! THIRD YEAR 111 FIFTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face half left (right), face left (right) about — march! Face right (left) about, face half right (left) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left foot placing forward with heel raising in series — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! The same left with heel raising and knee bending — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward — bend ! Left arm forward, right arm sideways — stretch! Arms — change! Change! In series . — change! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Balance. Arms sideways fling and feet — close ! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Sink! Neck — firm! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Right (left) knee — bend! Stretch! Leg — sink! Front. Arms half forward bend and feet sideways — place ! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Position! Trunk forward — bend ! Raise ! Back. Left arm upward — bend! Right arm forward — fling! Slowly, arms — change! Change! Lateral trunk. Arms sideways — raise ! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Arms — sink! Jump. Prepare to jump — one! Etc. Hips — firm! Jump in place flinging the arms sideways — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Position! Mark time — mark! 112 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Breathing. Arms upward — bend! Slowly upward — stretch! Bend! Repeat! One! Two! Jump. Jump in place, flinging the arms sideways — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Fling the arms sideways and lower to the starting position on 'Hhree-four." FOURTH YEAR. The Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and the Fifteenth Days' Orders of the Third Year become the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and the Fifth of the Fourth Year, (113) FOURTH YEAR 115 SIXTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face half left (right), face right (left) about — march! Face left (right) about, face half right (left) — march! "Leg. Neck — firm! Left foot placing outward in series — go ! Right the same — go ! Alternate — go ! Arm. Arms upward — bend! Left arm forward, right up- ward — stretch! Arms — change! In series — change! By 'flinging, arms — change! Change! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Forward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Arms half forward bend and left foot forward — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Arms half for- ward bend and feet — change! Resume. Back. Hips firm and feet sideways — place! Trunk for- ward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. Arms sideways — raise ! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Arms — sink! Jump. Neck — firm! Prepare to jump — one! Etc. Jump in place, flinging the arms sideways — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Breathing. Arms upward — bend! Arms upward stretch and knees — bend! Arms bend and knees — stretch! Repeat! One! Two! 116 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Balance. Forward — move! Keeping the leg perfectly straight, swing it to the position of forward raise. Be careful not to lower the foot in the movement. Front. Arms half forward bend and feet — change ! Lower the arms and replace the foot on the first count; bend the arms half forward and advance the opposite foot on the second count. Jump. Jump in place, flinging the arms sideways — one! Etc. Fling the arms sideways and back to the starting position on 'Hhree-four." FOURTH YEAR 117 SEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 1 side step to left (right), 1 side step to right (left), 1 side step to left (right) — march! Leg. Hips — firm ! Left foot placing outward with heel rais- ing, in series — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! The same left with heel raising and knee bending — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward — bend ! Left arm upward, right down- ward — stretch! Arms — change! In series — change! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Forward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Arms half forward bend and feet — close! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Back. Hips — firm! Trunk forward— bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. Arms sideways fling and left foot forward — place! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Arms sideways fling and feet — change! Resume. Jump. Prepare to jimip — one! Etc. Jump in place, flinging the arms sideways — one! Etc. Breathing. Arms upward — bend! Arms upward stretch and heels — raise! Arms bend and heels — sink! Repeat! One! Two! Lateral trunk. Arms sideways fling and feet — change ! Lower the arms and replace the foot on the first count; fling 118 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES the arms sideways and place the opposite foot forward on the second count. Jump. Jump in place, 'flinging the arms sideways — one! Etc. Fling the arms sideways and lower to the fundamental position on ^' three- four." FOURTH YEAR 119 EIGHTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 side steps to left (right), 2 side steps to right (left), 2 side steps to left (right) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left foot placing backward in series — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward — bend ! Left arm upward, right side- ways — stretch! Arms — change! In series — change! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Forward — move! Sink! Position! Arms side- ways — fling! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Feet — close ! Arms half forward bend and left foot forward — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Arms half forward bend and feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace ! Back. Hips firm and left foot forward — place ! Trunk for- ward — bend! Raise! Feet — change! Resume. Lateral trunk. Arms sideways fling and left foot outward — place! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Arms sideways fling and feet — change! Resume. Jump. Hips — firm! Left — face! Jump in place, flinging the legs sideways — one! Etc. Breathing. Arms upward bend and heels — raise! Arms upward stretch and knees — bend! Arms bend and knees — stretch! Repeat! One! Two! Heels — sink! 120 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Jump. It is advisable to give "prepare to jump" before giving the jump proper. Jump in place, flinging the legs sideways — one! Etc. Fling the legs directly to the sides and bring the heels together in the landing position on 'Hhree-four." FOURTH YEAR 121 NINTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 side steps to left (right), 2 side steps to right (left), 1 side step to left {right) — march! "Leg. Hips — firm! Left foot placing backward with heeh raising in series — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! The same left with heel raising and knee bending— go! Right the same— go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward — bend! Left arm upward, right for- ward — stretch! Arms — change! In series — change! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Backward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Arms upward — stretch! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Back. Neck firm and feet sideways — place! Trunk for- ward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. Arms sideways fiing and feet — close ! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Half left — face! Jump in place, flinging the arms and legs sideways — one! Etc. Breathing. Arms sideways — raise! Arms turn and knees — bend! Arms turn and knees — stretch! Repeat! One I Two ! Arms — sink ! 122 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES TENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 side steps to left (right), 1 side step to right (left), 2 side steps to left (right) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left foot placing backward-outward in series — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward — bend ! Left arm upward, right back- ward — stretch! Arms — change! In series — change! By flinging, arms — change! Change! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Backward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Arms upward stretch and feet sideways — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Back. Neck — firm! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. Arms sideways fling and feet — close ! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump in place, facing 90° to left — one! Etc. The same to right — one! Etc. Breathing. Arms sideways — raise! Arm circling and heel raising — one! Two! Arms — sink! Jump. Jump in place, facing 90° to left — one! Etc. Jump in place and turn 90° to the left on "three-four;" land facing in that direction. FOURTH YEAR 123 ELEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 1 step forward (backward), 1 step backward (for- ward), 1 step forward (backward) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left foot placing backward-outward with heel raising in series — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! The same left with heel raising and knee bending — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms sideways and downward in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Backward — move! Sink! Position! Arms sideways — fling! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Side- ways — move ! Sink ! Front. Arms upward stretch and left foot forward — place ! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Arms upward stretch and feet — change! Resume. Back. Neck firm and left foot forward — place! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Feet — change! Resume. Lateral trunk. Feet— close ! Arms sideways fling and left foot forward — place! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Arms sideways fling and feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace ! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump in place, facing 90° to left and return — one! Two! Three- four! Five-six! Seven! Eight! The same to right — one! Etc. Mark time — mark! 124 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Breathing. Arm raising sideways and alternate knee bend- ing backward — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! Jump. Jump in place, facing 90° to left and return — one! Two! Three-four! Five-six! Seven! Eight! Secure a good steady landing position on "three- four'' before the return jump, which is taken upon " five-six." FOURTH YEAR 125 TWELFTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), 2 steps backward (for- ward), 2 steps forward (backward) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left foot placing sideways and forward in series — go! One! Two! Three! Four! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms sideways and forward in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Backward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Arms upward stretch and feet — close! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Back. Arms sideways fling and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. Feet — close ! Arms sideways fling and left foot forward — place! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Arms sideways fling and feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace ! Jump. Jump in place, facing 180° to left — one! Etc. The same to right — one! Etc. Breathing. Arms sideways — raise! Arm raising upward with alternate knee bending backward and opposite knee bending — one! Tivo! Repeat! One! Two! Arms — sink! Leg. Left foot placing sideways and forward in series — go! One! Two! Three! Four! Place the left foot to the 126 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES side on ''one," replace on ''two," place the left foot forward on ''three," replace on "four." The rhythm must be slow enough to allow proper adjustment of weight. Jump. Jump in "place, facing 180° to left — one! Etc. Land from the jump on " three- four,", facing to the rear. FOURTH YEAR 127 THIRTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), 2 steps backward (for- ward), 1 step forward (backward) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left foot placing sideways and forward with heel raising in series — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! The same left with heel raising and knee bending — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms sideways and backward in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Backward — move! Sink. Left (right) leg backward — raise! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Feet— close! Arms upward stretch and left foot forward — place! Trunk backward — bend! Raise! Arms upward stretch and feet — change! Resume. Foot — replace ! Back. Arms sideways fling and left foot forward — place! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Arms sideways fling and feet — change ! Resume. Lateral trunk. Arms forward— bend ! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump in place, facing 180° to left (right) and return — one! Etc. Breathing. Arm raising sideways with alternate leg raising sideways — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! Balance. Backward — move! Swing the leg with the knee straight and the foot close to the floor, but not touching, to the position of ''backward raise." 128 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FOURTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), 1 step backward (for- ward), 2 steps forward (backward) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left foot placing sideways and outward in series — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms sideways and upward in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Backward — move! Sink! Position! Arms side- ways — fling! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Arms sideways — raise! Trunk backward — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms forward bend and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. Arms forward — bend ! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump in place facing 270° to left (right) — one! Etc. Breathing. With palms up, arms sideways — raise! Arm raising upward with alternate leg raising sideways and opposite knee bending — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! Front. Arm rotation — one! Two! Do not hold the back- ward bend position too long. Arm rotation once or twice maintains the position long enough. FOURTH YEAR 129 FIFTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), 1 side step to left (right), 1 side step to right (left) — march! 1 side step to left (right), 1 side step to right (left), face right (left) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left foot placing sideways and outward with heel raising in series — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! The same left with heel raising and knee bending — go! Right the same — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward and backward in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Forward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Arms half sideways — bend! Trunk backward — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms forward — bend! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. Arms forward bend and left (right) foot forward — place! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump in place, facing 270° to left (right) and return — one! Etc. Breathing. Arm raising sideways-upward with alternate leg raising sideways — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! FIFTH YEAR. The Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and the Fifteenth Days' Orders of the Fourth Year become the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and the Fifth of the Fifth Year. (131) FIFTH YEAR 133 SIXTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), 1 side step to right (left), 1 side step to left (right) — march! 1 side step to right (left), 1 side step to left (right), face right (left) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways and backward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward and downward in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Forward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Left arm half forward, right arm half sideways — bend! Trunk backward — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms forward bend and left (right) foot forward — place! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. Arms forward bend and left (right) foot outward — place! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — tivist! Jump. Jump in place, facing 360° to left (right) — one! Etc. Breathing. Arm raising sideways-upward with alternate leg raising sideways and opposite knee bending — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! 134 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES SEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right), 2 side steps to left (right), 2 side steps to right {left) — march! 2 side steps to left {right), 2 side steps to right {left), face right {left) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left {right) foot placing sideways and backward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left {right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward and sideways in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise ! Left {right) leg sideways — raise! Forward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Hips — firm! Trunk backward — bend! Arm fling- ing sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. With palms up, arms sideways stretch and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. Arms forward bend and feet — close! Trunk to left {right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump in place, facing 360° to left {right) and return — one! Etc. Breathing. Arm raising forward with alternate leg raising forward — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! FIFTH YEAR 136 EIGHTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), 2 steps to right (left), 2 side steps to left (right) — march! 2 side steps to right (left), 2 side steps to left (right), face right (left) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways and backward-outward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward and upward in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Backward — move! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Neck — firm! Trunk backward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. With palms up, arms sideways — raise ! Trunk for- ward — bend ! Raise ! Lateral trunk. Arms forward bend and feet — close ! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump in place, facing 90° left (right), 180° right (left) — one! Two! Three- four! Five-six! Seven! Eight! Breathing. Arms forward — raise! Arm raising upward with alternate leg raising forward and' opposite knee bend- ing — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! Jump. Jump in place, facing 90° left, 180° right — one! Two! Three-four! Five-six! Seven! Eight! Jump facing 90° to left on "three-four," 180° to right on *' five-six," which makes the landing position 90° to the right of the original position. 136 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES NINTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right), 2 side steps to left (right), 1 side step to right (Left) — march! 1 side step to left (right), 2 side steps to right (left), face right (left) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways and backward- outward with heel raising in series — go! Alter- nate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward and downward in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Backward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Trunk backward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. With palms up, arms sideways fling and left foot forward — place! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Arms sideways fling and feet — change! Resume. Lateral trunk. Left arm forward bend, right arm sideways — fling! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Arms — change! Resume. Jump. Hips — firm ! Jump in place, facing 90° to left (right), 270° to right (left)— one! Etc. Breathing. Arm raising forward-upward with alternate leg raising forward — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! FIFTH YEAR 137 TENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), 2 side steps to right (left), 1 side step to left (right) — march! 1 side step to right (left), 2 side steps to left (right), face right (left) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing forward and sideways in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward and sideways in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Backward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Arms forward — bend! Trunk backward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half sideways bend and feet sideways — place ! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. Right arm forward bend, left arm sideways — fling! Trunk to left — twist! Forward— twist! Arms — change ! Resume. Jump. Hips — firm ! Jump in place, facing 90° to left (right) , 360° to right (left)— one! Etc. Breathing. Arm raising forward-upward with alternate leg raising forward and opposite knee bending — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! 138 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES ELEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), 1 side step to left (right), face left (right) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing forward and sideways with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward and forward in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sideways — move! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Arms half sideways — bend! Trunk backward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half forward — bend! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. With palms up, arms sideways — raise! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump in place, facing 180° to left (right), 270° to right (left)— one! Etc. Breathing. Arm raising sideways with alternate leg raising backward — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! FIFTH YEAR 139 TWELFTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), 1 side step to right (left), face left (right) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing forward and outward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward and backward in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sideways — move! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Arms half forward — bend! Trunk backward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half forward bend and left (right) foot for- ward — place! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. With palms up, arms sideways — raise ! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump in place, facing 180° to left (right), 360° to right (left)— one! Etc. Breathing. With palms up, arms sideways — raise! Arm raising upward with alternate leg raising backward and opposite knee bending — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! 140 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES THIRTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right), 2 side steps to left (right), face left (right) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing forward and outward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go ! A Iternate — go ! Arm. Arms sideways, forward, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sideways — move! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Left arm forward bend, right arm sideways — fling ! Trunk backward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half sideways bend and feet sideways — place ! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. With palms up, arms sideways fling and left foot forward — place! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Arms sideways fling and feet — change! Resume. Jump. Hips — firm! Jump in place, facing 270° to left (right), 360° to right (left)— one! Etc. Breathing. Arm circumduction with alternate leg raising backward — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! FIFTH YEAR 141 FOURTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right), 2 side steps to right (left), face left (right) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing forward and backward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms sideways, backward, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Backward — move! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Left arm half sideways bend, right arm sideways — fling! Trunk backward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half sideways — bend! Trunk forward — bend! Raise! Lateral trunk. With palms up, arms sideways fling and left foot outward — place! Trunk to left — twist! For- ward — twist! Arms sideways fling and feet — change! Resume. Jump. Jump in place, flinging the arms forward — one! Etc. Breathing. Arm circumduction with alternate leg raising backivard and opposite knee bending — one! Tivo! Repeat! One! Two! Jump. Jump in place, flinging the arms forward — one! Etc. Raise the arms backward on " two;" fling the arms forward and lower to the sides on 'Hhree-four." 142 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FIFTEENTH DAY^S ORDER. Order. Face left {right), face right {left), 1 steip forward {backward) — march! 1 ste'p backward {forward), face left {right), face right {left) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left {right) foot 'placing forward and backward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left {right) with heel raising and knee bending — go ! A Iternate — go ! Arm. Arms sideways, upward, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left {right) leg forward — raise! Backward — move! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Left arm half forward bend, right arm sideways — fling! Trunk backward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half forward — bend! Trunk forward — bend! liaise! Lateral trunk. With palms up, arms sideways fling and feet — close! Trunk to left {right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Jump in place, flinging the left {right) leg forward — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Breathing. Hips — firm! Arm moving sideways with alter- nate leg raising sideways — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! Jump. Jump in place, flinging the left leg forward — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Fling the leg forward with straight knee on "three-four.'' SIXTH YEAR. The Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and the Fifteenth Days' Orders of the Fifth Year become the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and the Fifth of the Sixth Year. (143) SIXTH YEAR 145 SIXTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face right (left), 2 steps forward (backward) — march! 2 steeps backward (forward), face left (right), face right (left) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing forward and backward-outward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms sideways, downward, and forward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Backward — move! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Left arm half forward, right arm forward — bend! Trunk backward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Back. Hips firm and feet sideways — place ! Trunk forward — bend! Head rotation — one! Etc. Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. With palms up, arms sideways fling and feet — close! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! . Jump. Jump in place, flinging the arms and left (right) leg forward — one! Etc. Breathing. Neck — firm! Arm moving sideivays with alter- nate leg raising sideways and opposite knee bending — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! 10 146 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES SEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 1 step forward (backward), 1 step backward (for- ward), face left (right) — march! Face right (left), etc. Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing forward and backward-outward with heel raising in series — go! Alter- nate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms sideways, backward, and forward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Sideways — move! Backward — move! Sink! Front. Left arm half sideways, right arm forward — bend ! Trunk backward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Back. Hips — firm! Trunk forward — bend! Head rotation — one! Etc. Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half sideways — bend ! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump forward — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Breathing. Arms forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways with alternate leg raising sideways — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! In the following lessons a fallout or lunge may be given with advantage after the back exercises. Fig. 19. Fig. 19,— Forward Fallout. (147) 148 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Hips — firm! Left forward — fallout! Foot — replace! or, Posi- tion! The foot is placed forward three and one-half foot lengths, the back knee straight, the forward knee bent slightly more than a right angle. There should be a straight line from the head to the back heel, which should be firmly upon the floor, and the shoulders should be squarely to the front. On replacing the foot, press off with the ball and spring back to place. The forward foot should point nearly front. Fallouts outward and sideways are done in the same manner as fallouts forward. Instead of the back exercise, a forward fallout may be substituted. A sideways fallout may be given as a lateral trunk exercise. SIXTH YEAR 149 EIGHTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), 2 steps backward (for- ward), face left — march! Face right, etc. Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing outward and sideways in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms sideways, upward, and forward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Sideways — move! Backward — move! Sink! Front. With palms up, arms sideways — raise! Trunk backward — bend! Arm raising upward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms sideways stretch and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Head rotation — one! Etc. Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half sideways — bend ! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Jump. Jump forward, flinging the arms forward — one! Etc. Breathing. Arms forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways with alternate leg raising sideways and opposite knee bend- ing — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! Jump. Jump forward, flinging the arms forward — one! Etc. Jump forward, flinging the arms forward and lowering again to the sides on "three- four.'! 150 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES NINTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), 1 step backward (for- ward), face left — march! Face right, etc. Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing outward and sideways with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go ! A Iternate — go ! Arm. Arms sideways, downward, and upward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Sideways — move! Backward — move! Sink! Front. Arms upward stretch and feet sideways — place! Trunk backward — bend! Arm parting — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms sideways — raise! Trunk forward — bend! Head rotation — one! Etc. Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half sideways bend and left (right) foot forward — place! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Jump forward, flinging the left (right) leg forward — one! Etc. Breathing. Arms forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways with alternate leg raising backward — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! Jump. Jump forward, flinging the left leg forward — one! Etc. Raise the left leg slightly backward on " two/' swing the leg quickly forward with straightened knee and lower on "three-four." SIXTH YEAR 151 TENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right) about, face right (left) about, 1 step forward (backward) — march! 1 step backward (forward), etc. Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing outward and forward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms sideways, forward, and upward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Forward — move! Backward — move! Sink! Front. Trunk backward — bend! Arm raising sideways- upward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms sideways stretch and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half sideways bend and left (right) foot outward — place! Trunk to left (right) — twist! For- ward — twist! Jump. Jump forward, flinging the arms and left (right) leg forward — one! Etc. Breathing. Arms forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways with alternate leg raising sideways and opposite knee bend- ing — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! 152 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES ELEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right) about, face right (left) about, 2 steps forward (backward) — march! 2 steps backward (forward), etc. Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing outward and forward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go ! A Iternate — go ! Arm. Arms sideways, backward, and upward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance, Neck — firm! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Forward — move! Backward — move! Sink! Front. Trunk backward — bend! Arm raising forward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms sideways — raise! Trunk forward — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half sideways bend and feet — close ! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Jump forward with 1 start step left (right) — go! One! Two-three! Four! Five! Breathing. Arms forward — raise! Arm flinging sideways with alternate leg raising sideways — one! Two! Etc. Jump. Jump forward with 1 start step left — go! One! Two-three! Four! Five! Place the left foot forward on ^'one/* jump forward on "two-three.'' SIXTH YEAR 153 TWELFTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 1 step forward (backward), 1 step backward (forward), face left (right) about — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing outward and backward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward, sideways, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise ! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Forward — move! Backward — move! Sink! Front. Arms forward — raise! Trunk backward — bend! Arm raising upward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Left arm sideways with palm up, right arm side- ways — fling! Trunk forward — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half sideways bend and feet — close ! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Jump. Jump forward with 1 start step left (right), flinging the arms forward — go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms forward — raise! Arm flinging sideways with alternate leg raising sideways and opposite knee bend- ing — one! Two! Repeat! One! Two! 154 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES THIRTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), 2- steps backward (for- ward), face left (right) about — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing outward and backward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward, backward, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sideways — move! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Trunk backward — bend! Arm raising forward- upward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half sideways bend and feet sideways — place ! Trunk forward — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half forward — bend! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Jump forward with 1 start step left (right), flinging the right (left) leg forward — go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms forward — raise! Arm flinging sideways with alternate leg raising backward — one! Two! Etc. SIXTH YEAR 155 FOURTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), 1 step backward (for- ward), face left (right) about — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing outward and backward-outward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward, upward, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sideways — move! Backward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Sideways — move! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Arms upward and trunk backward — bend! Arm stretching upward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Left arm half sideways, right arm half forward — bend! Trunk forward — bend! Arm rotation — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half forward — bend! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Jump. Jump forward with 1 start step left (right), flinging the arms and right (left) leg forward — go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms forward — raise! Arm flinging sideways with alternate leg raising backward and opposite knee bend- ing — one! Two! Etc. 156 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FIFTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 1 step forward (backward), face left (right) about, 1 step forward (backward) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing outward and backward-outward with heel raising in series — go! Alter- nate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward, downward, and sideways — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Sideways — move! Backward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Sideways — move! Forward — move! Sink! Front. Arms upward and trunk backward — bend! Arm stretching forward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arm raising sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half forward bend and left (right) foot forward — place! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Jump forward with 2 start steps left (right) — go! One! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Breathing. Arms upward — bend ! Arm stretching sideways with alternate leg raising sideways — one! Two! Etc, SEVENTH YEAR. The Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and the Fifteenth Days' Orders of the Sixth Year become the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and the Fifth of the Seventh Year. (157) SEVENTH YEAR 159 SIXTH DAY'S ORDER, Order. 2 steps forward (backward), face left (right) about, 2 steps backward (forward) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, out- ward, and forward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward, backward, and sideways — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Forward — move! Backward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Forward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Arms upward and trunk backward — bend! Arm stretching backward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Trunk forward — bend! Arm raising sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half forward bend and left (right) foot outward — place! Trunk to left (right) — twist! For- ward — twist! Jump. Jump forward with 2 start steps left (right), flinging the arms forward — go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms upward — bend ! Arm stretching sideways with alternate leg raising sideways and opposite knee bend- ing — one! Two! Etc. 160 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES SEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. 2 steps forward (backward), face left (right) about, 1 step forward (backward) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, out- ward, and forward with heel raising in series — go! Alter- nate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward, upward, and sideways — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Forward — move! Backward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Forward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Arms upward and trunk backward — bend! Arm stretching upward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms forward bend and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half forward bend and feet — close! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Jump forward with 2 start steps left (right), flinging the left (right) leg forward — go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms upward — bend ! Arm stretching sideways with alternate leg raising forward^one! Two! Etc. SEVENTH YEAR IGl EIGHTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face half left (right), face half right (left), face right (left) — march! Face left (right), face half left (right), face half right (left) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, for- ward, and outward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Aryns forward, doumward, and iipioard — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways— raise ! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Forward — move! Backward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg backward — raise! Forward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Arms half forward — bend! Trunk backward — bend! Arm stretching forward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms forward — bend! Trunk forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms half forward bend and feet — close ! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Jump. Jump forward with 2 start steps left (right) , flinging the arms and left (right) leg forward — go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms upward — bend ! Arm stretching sideways with alternate leg raising backward and opposite knee bend- ing — one! Two! Etc. 11 162 ■ GYMNASTIC EXERCISES NINTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face half left {right), face half right {left), face left {right) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left {right) foot placing sideways, for- ward, and outward with heel raising in series — go! Alter- nate — go! The same left {right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms forward, sideways, and upward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left {right) leg sideways — raise! Backward — move! Forward — move! Sink! Left {right) leg forward — raise! Backward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Left arm half forward bend, right arm forward- fling! Trunk backward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Back. . Arms half sideways bend and feet sideways — place ! Trunk forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms forward — fling! Trunk to left {right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Jump sideways left {right) — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! SEVENTH YEAR 163 Breathing. Arms upward — bend! Arm stretching upward and alternate leg raising sideways — one! Two! Etc. Jump. Jump sideways left — one! Two! Three-four! Five! Six! Jump directly sideways toward the left, on *' three- four." 164 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES TENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face half left (right), face left (right), face half left (right) — march! Leg. Neck — firm ! Left (right) foot placing sideways, hack- ward-outward, and backward in series — go! Alternate —go! Arm. Arms forward, backward, and upward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) leg sideways — raise! Backward — move! Forward — move! Sink! Left (right) leg forward — raise! Backward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Arms half sideways — bend! Trunk backward — bend! Arm stretching upward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half sideways — bend! Trunk forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms forward fling and left foot outward — place! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Arms forward fling and feet — change! Resume. Jump. Left arm forward bend, right arm sideways — fling! Jump sideways left (right), change arms by flinging — one! Etc. SEVENTH YEAR 165 Breathing. Arms upward— bend ! Arm stretching upward with alternate leg raising sideways and opposite knee bend- ing — one! Two! Etc. Jump. Jump sideways left, change arms by flinging — one! Etc, Jump sideways left and change the arm.s on "three- four." / 166 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES ELEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face half left {right), face right {left), face half left {right) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left {right) foot 'placing sideways, hack- ward-outward, and backward with heel raising in series — gof Alternate — go! The same left {right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms backward, sideways, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise! Left {right) leg sideways — raise! Backward — move! Forward — move! Sink! Left {right) leg forward — raise! Backward — move! Sideways — move! Sink! Front. Left arm half sideways bend, right arm forward- upward — fling! Trunk backward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half forward bend and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms upward stretch and feet sideways — place! Trunk to left {right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Jump sideways left {right), cross step right {left) — go! One! Two-three! Four! Five! SEVENTH YEAR 167 Breathing. Arms upward — bend! Arm stretching upward with alternate leg raising forward — one! Two! Etc, Jump. Jump sideways left, cross step right — go! One! Two-three! Four! Five! Jump to the left on ''three-four." 168 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES TWELFTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right), face right (left), face half right (left) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, hack- ward, and backward-outward in series — go! Alternate —go! Arm. Arms backward, forward, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Replace! Fig. 20. Front. Left arm upward bend, right arm sideways — fling! Trunk backward — bend! By stretching, arms — change! Change ! Trunk — raise ! Back. Arms half forward — bend! Trunk forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms upward stretch and feet sideways — ■ place! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Jump. Left (right) arm forward bend, right (left) arm sideways — fling! Jump sideways left (right), cross step right (left), change the arms by flinging — go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms upward — bend ! Arm stretching upward with alternate leg raising forward and opposite knee bending —one! Two! Etc. Fig. 20.— Knee Upward Bend. (169) 170 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Balance. Left knee upward — hend! Bend the left knee upward in front of the body until there is a right angle at the hip and at the knee; the instep should be extended and the toes pointed toward the floor; keep the body erect. SEVENTH YEAR 171 THIRTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face right (left), face half left (right) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, hack- ward, and backward-outward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms backward, upward, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Replace! Front. Left arm upward bend, right arm forward — fling! Trunk backward — bend! By stretching, arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half forward bend and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arm bending forward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms upward stretch and left foot forward — place! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Arms upward stretch and feet — change! Etc. Jump. Half left — face! Jump outward left (right) — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Breathing. Arms upward — bend! Arm stretching upward and alternate leg raising backward — one! Two! Etc. 172 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FOURTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right), face half left {right), face left {right) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left {right) foot placing sideways, for- ward, and backward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms backward, downward, and sideways — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise ! Left {right) knee upward — bend! Replace! Front. Left arm upward bend, right arm backward — fling ! Trunk backward — bend! By stretching, arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms half forward — bend! Trunk forward — bend! Arm bending forward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms upward stretch and left foot outward — place! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Arms upward stretch and feet — change! Resume. Jump. Half left — face! Jump outward left {right), cross step right {left) — go! One! Two-three! Four! Five! Breathing. Arms upward — bend! Arm stretching upward with alternate leg raising backward and opposite knee bend- ing — one! Two! Etc. SEVENTH YEAR 173 FIFTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face half right (left), face left (right) — march! Leg Hips — firm! Left {right) foot placing sideways, for- ward, and backward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms backward, forivard, and sideways — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Forward — stretch ! Bend ! Replace ! Front. Left arm upward bend, right arm sideways-upward — fling! Trunk backward — bend! By stretching, arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Back. Arms forward stretch and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arm -flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms forward-upward fling and feet — close! Trunk to left (right) — bend! Raise! Jump. Hips — firm ! Jump forward, facing 90° to left (right) — one! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Mark time — mark! Breathing. Arm raising sideways with head bending back- ward — one! Two! Etc. 174 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES Balance. Left knee upward — hend! Forward — stretch! Straighten the leg forward, lowering as little at the hip as possible, at the same time keeping the body erect and the stationary knee straight. EIGHTH YEAR. The Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and the Fifteenth Days' Orders of the Seventh Year become the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and the Fifth of the Eighth Year„ (175) EIGHTH YEAR 177 SIXTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face right (left), face right (left) about — march! Leg. Neck — firm ! Left (right) foot placing sideways, hack- ward, and forward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms backward, upward, and sideivays — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Forward — stretch! Bend! Replace! Front. Hips firm and left (right) foot outward — place! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Backward — bend! Raise! Forward — twist! Back. Arms forward — fling! Trunk forward — bend! Arm flinging sideways — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms forward-upward fling and feet — close! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Forward — twist! Jump. Jump forward, facing 90° to left (right), flinging the arms foriuard — one! Etc. Breathing. Arm raising sideways with head bending hack- ward and knee bending — one! Two! Etc. 12 178 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES SEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face right (left), face left (right) about — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, hack- ward, and forward with heel raising in series — go! Alter- nate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate^go ! Arm. Arms backward, downward, and forward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms forward — raise! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Forward — stretch! Bend! Replace! Front. Hips — firm! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Back- ward — bend! Raise! Forward — twist! Back. Left arm forward bend, right arm sideways fling, and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Feet — close! Arms forward-upward fling and left foot forward — place! Trunk to left — bejid! Raise! Arms forward-upward fling and feet — change! Resume. Jump. Jump forward with 1 start step left (right), facing 90° to right (left) — go! One! Two-three! Four! Five! Breathing. Arm raising sideways with head bending back- ward and heel raising — one! Two! Etc. EIGHTH YEAR 179 EIGHTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face left (right) about, face left (right) — inarch ! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, for- ward, and backward- outward in series — go! Alternate —go! Arm. Arms backward, sideways, and forward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Backward — stretch! Bend! Replace! Front. Hips firm and feet — close! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Backward — bend! Raise! Forward — twist! Back. Left arm sideways fling, right arm forward — bend! Trunk forward — bend! 'Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Arms forward-upward fling and left foot outward — place! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Arms sideways-upward fling and feet — change ! Resume. Jump. Jump forward with 1 start step left (right), facing 90° to right (left), flinging the arms forward — go! One! Etc. Breathing. With palms up, arms sideways — raise! Arm raising upward with head bending backward and knee bending — one! Two! Etc. 180 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES NINTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right), face right (left) about, face left (right) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideioays, for- ward, and backward-outward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms backward, upward, and forward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Backward — stretch! Bend! Replace! Front. Neck firm and left (right) foot outward — place! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Backivard — bend! Raise! Forward — twist! Back. Left arm sideways fling, right arm half sideways bend and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Left arm downward, right arm upward stretch and feet sideways — place! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Arms — change! Resume. Jump. Jump forward with 2 start steps left (right), facing 90° left (right) ~:jn! One! Two! Three- four! Five! Six! Breathing. With palms up, arms sideways — fling! Arm raising upward with head bending backward and heel rais- ing — one! Two! Etc. EIGHTH YEAR 181 TENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left {right) about, face right (left) about, face right ( left) — march ! Leg. Neck — firm ! Left (right) foot placing sideways, hack- ward-outward, and forward in series — go! Alternate —go! Arm. Arms backward, downward, and upward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise ! Left {right) knee upward — bend! Backward — stretch! Bend! Replace! Front. Neck— firm! Trunk to left {right) — twist! Back- ward — bend! Raise! Forward — twist! Back. Left arm half forward bend, right arm sideways fling and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Left arm downward, right arm upward stretch and feet sideways — place! Trunk to left— twist! Forward — tvjist! Arms — change! Resume. Jump. Jump forward with 2 start steps left {right), facing 90° to right {left), -flinging the arms forward — go! One! Etc. Breathing. Hips — firm! Arm moving sideways with head bending backward and knee bending — one! Two! Etc. 182 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES ELEVENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right) about, face right (left) about, face left (right) — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, back- ward-outward, and forward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms backward, sideways, and upward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Sideways — move! Forward — move! Replace! Front. Neck firm and feet — close! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Backward — bend! Raise! Forward — twist! Back. Left arm forward, right arm half forward bend and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Left arm downward, right arm upward- stretch! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Arms — change! Resume. Jump. Jump forward, facing 180° to left (right) — one! Etc. Breathing. Hips — firm! Arm moving sideways with head bending backward and heel raising — one! Two! Etc. Balance. Sideways — move! Move the bended knee to the side, keeping the same angle at the knee and at the hip. Do not turn the body. EIGHTH YEAR 183 TWELFTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right) about, face left (right), face left (right) about — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, out- ward, and backward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms backward, forward, and upward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Sideways — move! Forward — move! Replace! Front. Arms sideways fling and left foot outward — place ! Trunk to left — twist! Backward — bend! Raise! Forward — twist! Arms sideways fling and feet — change: Resume. Back. Left arm forward, right arm half sideways bend and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — bend! Arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Left arm downward, right arm upward — stretch! Trunk to left — twist! Forward — twist! Arms — change! Resume! Jump. Hips — firm! Jump forward with 1 start step left (right), facing 180° left (right) — go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms forward — bend! Arm raising sideways with head bending backward and knee bending — one! Two! Etc. 184 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES THIRTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face left (right) about, face right (left) , face left (right) about — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, out- ward, and backward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward, sideways, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Arms sideways — raise ! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Sideways — move! Forward — move! Replace! Front. Arms sideways — raise! Trunk to left (right) — tivist! Backioard — bend! Raise! Forward — twist! Back. Arms half forward bend and feet sideways — place ! Trunk forward — bend! Arm stretching forward — one! Two ! Trunk — raise ! Lateral trunk. Left arm downward, right arm upward stretch and left foot forward — place! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Arms and feet — change! Resume. Jump. Hips — firm! Jump forward with 2 start steps, left (right), facing 180° right (left)— go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms forward — bend! Arm raising sideways with head bending backward and heel raising — one! Two! Etc. EIGHTH YEAR 185 FOURTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face half left (right), face half right (left), face right (left) — march! Leg. Neck — firm! Left (right) foot placing sideways, hack- ward, and outward in series — go! Alternate — go! Arm. Arms upward, foriuard, and downward — stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Hips — firm! Left (right) knee upward — hend! Sideways — move! Stretch! Forward — move! Replace! Front. Arms sideways fling and feet — close! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Backward — hend! Raise! Forward — tioist! Back. Left arm forward fling, right arm half forward bend and feet sideways — place! Trunk forward — hend! Slowly, arms — change! Change! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Left arm downward, right arm upward stretch and left foot outward — place! Trunk to left — tiuist! Forward — twist! Arms and feet — change! Resume. Jump. Hips — firm! Jump forward with 1 start step left (right), facing 270° to left (right)— go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms forward — bend! Arm raising sideways with head hending hackward, heel raising, and knee hending — one! Two! Etc. Balance. Stretch! The straightened leg is in the posi- tion of '4eg sideways raise.'! 186 GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FIFTEENTH DAY'S ORDER. Order. Face half left (right), face half right (left), face left (right) about — march! Leg. Hips — firm! Left (right) foot placing backward and outward with heel raising in series — go! Alternate — go! The same left (right) with heel raising and knee bending — go ! A Iternate — go ! Arm. Arms upward, backward, and downward— stretch! The same in series — stretch! Balance. Neck — firm! Left (right) knee upward — bend! Sideways — move! Stretch! Forward — move! Replace! Front. Arms forward bend and left (right) foot outward — place! Trunk to left (right) — twist! Backward — bend! Raise! Forward — twist! Back. Arms half sideways bend and feet sideways — place ! Trunk forward — bend! Slowly, arm stretching upward — one! Two! Trunk — raise! Lateral trunk. Left arm downward, right arm upward stretch and feet — close! Trunk to left — bend! Raise! Arms — change ! Resume. Jump. Hips — firm! Jump forward with 2 start steps left (right), facing 270° right (left)— go! One! Etc. Breathing. Arms forward — raise! Arm raising sideways with head bending backward and knee bending^one! Two! PAKT 11. FANCY STEPS. (187) FANCY STEPS. For the following Fancy Steps it is better to have a free floor space, although nearly all may be done in the ordinary classroom, either in single line or from the class formation for general gymnastic exercises. 1. March Steps Forward. Walk forward accenting every third comit. In these steps, three steps are the three move- ments, i. e., an advance with the left, an advance with the right, and an advance with the left foot, and do not include the fourth count, which would bring the heels together. 2. Touch Steps, a. Touch step sideways and step. With instep extended and toes turned out, touch the toes of the left foot to the left side on ''one," step forward with the same foot on ''two." Repeat right. h. Touch step sideways and step. c. Touch step backward and step. d. Cross touch step forward and step. These touch steps may be taken by touching the toes tw^ice instead of once, the double touch step. c. Touch the heel forward and step. Combine the touch steps with three steps forward, with a bending of the stationary knee simultaneously with the touch. Combination of touch steps in two or more directions. a. Touch forward, sideways and step (one or three steps). h. Touch sideways, forward and step. c. Touch forward, backward and step. ( 189 ) 190 FANCY STEPS d. Touch heel forward, toe backward and step. e. Touch forward, sideways, backward and step. Combine touch steps in more than one direction with bending of the stationary knee on the first and straighten- ing on the second count. The touch is also called the ^' point." 3. Swing Steps. Follow the general order of the touch step series, substituting for the touch step raising of the leg with straight -knee. 4. Extension Step. Bend the knee of the advancing leg upward on ''one,'' straighten forward on ''two," step on "three." 5. Follow Steps. Advance the leading foot on "one," bring the stationary foot to the advanced foot on "two." a. Follow step forward. Advance forward each time with the left foot leading. Repeat with the right. Advance alternating left and right, two counts each. h. Follow step sideways. To left or right the same as follow step forward. 6. Follow Slide, a. Follow slide forward (sideways). This is the same as the follow step, excepting that the leading foot is slid along the floor and the following foot is drawn along the floor to it. h. Take the same with a slight bending of both knees on the first count and straightening on the second. This is developed into the polka glide, in which case the heels are not brought together on the last count. 7. Change Step. The change step may be easily devel- oped from the follow step, or the follow slide, by taking three counts. Slide forward with the left foot on "one," FANCY STEPS 191 bring the right foot to the left heel on 'Hwo/' sUde forward with the left on ^Hhree.'' Repeat with the right. This same combination, shortening the second count, makes the two-step. In marching, whenever pupils are out of step, one change step is taken to correct the error. 8. Balance Steps. These are a combination of step posi- tions with double heel raising. They may be combined with the follow steps to end a certain number of such steps. a. Balance step forward. Step forward on ^'one," bring the heels together and raise both heels on ''two,^' lower heels on 'Hhree." At first and in the lower grades this exercise may be done in four counts. h. Balance step sideways (backward). The same as the forward balance, differing only in direction. c. Balance touch step. Touch step in any direction and raise both heels on "one/' lower heels on "two," replace foot on "three.'' This may be done at first to four counts. Step to the left side on "one," touch step forward right and raise heels on "two," lower on "three." Repeat to right. 9. Hop Step (on place, forward, sideways), a. Step on the left foot on "one," hop on the same foot, bringing the toes of the right foot lightly against the left foot on " two." Repeat right. This movement may be done while turning 360°, one-quarter turn at each two counts. h. The same as above, except the free leg is swung forward in a cross direction. This is one of the steps of the military schottische. 10. Skip Step. Take the hop step forward, raising the free leg slightly to the front. The first step is a long one. 192 FANCY STEPS Combine three running steps with the hop to make a schottische step, four counts. Easy Combinations of Fundamental Steps. 1. Touch and change step : Combine the touch steps with the change step, substituting the change step for the walk step. 2. Swing steps and change step. 3. Extension step and change step. 4. Follow steps and change step (in the upper grades). 5. Swing, touch and change steps. Swing the leg for- ward on ''one," touch forward on ''two," and change step. 6. Extension, touch and change steps. 7. Walk step and point, alternating left and right. a. Walk three steps forward and point. h. Three side steps and point. c. Three slide steps, sideways or forward and point. Polka Slide or Glide. Take four slides, alternating left and right (see follow slide). This may be done forward or sideways. In taking it sideways, turn the body 180° on the first slide. Three follow slides with the change step added give a gavotte step. Bring the heels together before taking the change step. Polka Hop. This is a combination of swing hop and change step, four counts. Swing the left leg forward and hop on the right foot on "one," follow with the change step, beginning with the raised leg. Polka Combinations. 1. Step to the left on "one," point step forward right on "two." Same to the left. Four counts in all. Polka hop, alternating left and right. The same may be done in couples, facing each other in the step FANCY STEPS 193 and point, and facing the front for the polka hop, or sub- stituting for the polka hop the polka glide, still keeping the formation facing each other. Join inner hands, and place outer hands upon the hips. 2. Balance side step, alternating left and right, six counts; polka hop forward. 3. Balance step forward or sideways with polka slide. 4. Balance point, six counts; three slide steps and point. 5. Touch step forward heel, cross touch step backward toe, and polka hop forward. This may be accompanied by clapping of the hands during a portion of the steps. Schottische Steps. Walk three steps forward and point forw^ard, four counts. Walk three steps forward, sw^ing the leg forward, four counts. Run three steps forward, swing the leg forward. Run three steps forward and on the fourth count swing the leg forward, at the same time hop on the weight foot (three running steps and the hop swing). This last is the schottische step. 1. Take schottische step forward left and right, eight counts; hop step on place, eight counts. 2. Take schottische step forward, eight coimts ; hop swing on place, eight counts. Change Step Combination. In couples. Join inner hands, outer hands placed upon the hips; begin with the outside foot. Change step forward, twelve counts. One on left circles under raised joined hands, one on right takes short change step forward, twelve counts. Reverse same. Change step forward, twelve counts. Both circle under. Twelve counts. Repeat. 13 PAET III. GAMES. Games and plays are a fundamental principle in and a strong factor of gym- nastic work. No scheme for physical exercise is complete unless it recognizes and to some extent provides for this side of the classroom work. For this reason a few such games, together with others needing a free floor space, are given to be used in connection with the previous lessons. (195) GAMES FOR THP] CLASSROOM. I. LAST DOWN. The leader or teacher gives any gymnastic command with which the pupils are familiar. Whoever fails to exe- cute it quickly and accurately is told to sit down. If a failure is made and not noticed by the leader the one mak- ing it may correct it and remain standing, provided the correction is not noticed. The last one down wins the game. 11. BEAN BAG GAMES. (Passing.) Practise passing the bag first while the pupils are seated, as it is easier to detect and correct mistakes. 1. Vertical Passing (pupils seated). o o o o 4 3 2 1 FRONT. a. Place one bean bag in front of each form. At a given signal the bags are taken up by the first pupils and passed, ( 197 ) 198 GAMES without skipping any pupil, to the back of the class. The last pupil in the form holds up the bag as soon as it is received and scores a point for that form. h. Pass to the front. c. Pass to the back and to the front without stopping. d. With a bag for forms 1 and 3 each, pass back in 1 and 3 and front in 2 and 4 without stopping. 2. Vertical Multi-passing (pupils seated), a. Each form has four bags placed on the front desk. Pass the bags in quick succession as in No. 1 a. No pupil should have two bags in his hands at the same time. Each pupil must take each bag in turn. If the last pupil in any form places all the bags in his form on his desk first, that form wins. h. Pass in the same way to the front, c. Pass as in No. 1 d. 3. Circle Passing (pupils standing), a. Arrange the class in a circle around the room. o o o^^^^ o o o o o o o o o o c o o o lO o o 20 Pass as quickly as possible one bag from 1 to 20. Pass from 20 to 1. FOR THE CLASSROOM 199 h. Place two bags on the desk by No. 1. Pass from 1 to 20. Start the second bag when the first has reached the third pupil. Pass in like manner from 20 to 1. c. Pass the bags twice around the circle without stopping. The number of bags may be increased. 4. Semicircle Passing (pupils standing), a. Divide the circle into two halves, groups A and B. Each division passes a bag from the first to the tenth. Score for the win- ning side. Pass in the same way from the. tenth to the first. h. Pass as in No. 3 h two or more bags from 1 to 10. 5. Circular Passing (pupils standing), a. Pass the bag as in No. 4 a, excepting that the bag is passed around in Group A, from the right hand to the left around the body to the right hand again and then to the pupil on the left. In Group B it is passed in the opposite manner. h. Pass as in a, using two or more bags, one after the other. 6. Sideways Passing. Pupils stand and face right or left, toward the side of the room. a. Pass as in No. 1 a, h. Pass as in No. 1 h. c. Pass as in No. 1 c. d. Pass as in No. 1 d, having forms 1 and 2j 3 and 4, facing each other. e. Pass as in d, using several bags instead of one. /. In the upper grades, pass one bag a certain number of times as ''back, front, back," or ''back, front, and back three pupils, '^ the last one always holding it up. 200 GAMES 7. Vertical Overhead Passing. The class stands facing the front of the room. a. Pass in each form a bag to the back, over the head, using both hands. h. Face about and pass to the front in the same way. c. Combine a and b. 8. Zigzag Passing. The pupils in each two forms face each other and stand diagonally opposite. a. Pass a bag from 1 to 2, from 2 to 3, etc., o to the back. o h. Pass to the back and again to the front o without stopping. Score either one point for ° the winning group, or the number of points ^ ° made over the other, that is, if No. 6 of Group A has the bag when the last one in Group B o I has one. Group B makes four points. If there are an uneven number in any group the bag may be passed back from the last to the number neces- sary to make the sides even. III. BEAN BAG. (Running.) 1. Desk Bean Bag (sitting) . Place one bag on each of the desks in the front row. The pupils in the first row across stand, and, at a given signal, take the bag?, run to the back and place them on the corresponding desks at the back, then return to their own seats, taking the position of ''attention" in sitting. The pupil obtaining the best and quickest result scores a point for his form. The next row FOR THE CLASSROOM 201 now stands, and, at a signal, returns the bags to the front desks and takes the sittmg ''attention" position. This is repeated, changing the bags from the front to the back and from the back to the front desks, until all the pupils have had a chance. 2. Desk Bean Bag (standing). Change the bags as in No. 1, but instead of the pupils starting from the desks, each row in turn starts from the back of the room, and, after placing the bags in the required positions, runs back to the starting position and takes the standing position of ''attention." After all have run the first pupil to score from each form may now compete with each other. 3. Desk Bean Bag (circle). The pupils stand in a semi- circle around the room, with a space at the back the length of the row of desks. ' The first four or five, corre- sponding to the number of aisles, march forward and run as in No. 2. When the first group has finished it moves to the other end of the semicircle, and the next group moves to take its place. This is repeated until all have had a chance to run. 4. Aisle Run. Form two semicircles around the room. Place a chair at the front of the room at equal distance from the farther ends of the two lines. Pass a bag from each No. 1 pupil to the end. When the last pupil gets the bag he runs forward down one of the aisles and places it upon the chair. The side succeeding in getting the bag first on the chair scores a point. The runners may now take their places at the beginning and the next move for- ward to the position of runners, or the same pupils may 202 GAMES remain runners throughout the game. Count the points at the end of the game. Runner. O O o A o o Runner. O O o o B o oi 10 X Chair. 5. Last to the Front. The pupils are arranged with a vacant aisle between each form. Those in the front row have handkerchiefs tied around their arms. Each form has a bag which is passed from the front to the back. When the last one gets the bag he runs down the right vacant aisle and stands in the position previously occupied by the first pupil, . all moving a step toward the back. The passing and changing are repeated until the leaders are again back in place and all in that form are in FOR THE CLASSROOM 203 their original positions. The form first succeeding in this wins. IV. BEAN BAG. (Throwing.) 1. Zigzag Toss. Arrange the pupils in the zigzag position of No. 8 bag passing. Stand so that each touches the desk or the seat behind. a. Toss the bag instead of passing, as in No. 8 a. h. Toss back and front without stopping. 2. Centre Toss. Arrange the pupils in a semicircle, facing the centre. Select one to stand in the centre of the semi- circle, holding a bag. o Centre. o 03 O o 02 o oi o Head. O ^ Foot. The centre tosses to No. 1, who tosses it back to the centre; centre now tosses it to No. 2, who tosses it back again. This is repeated with every player. Whoever fails to catch the bag or make a fair toss goes to the foot. If the centre fails he goes to the foot and the head, or No. 1, taj^es his place. 3. Cross Centre Toss. The arrangement of the pupils is the same as in No. 2. Two bags are used instead of one. 204 GAMES No. 1 throws to the centre, as the centre throws to No, 2. No. 2 throws to the centre, as the centre throws to No. 3, etc., the bags crossing in the toss. 4. Circle Pitching. Arrange the class in two semicircles around the room with an open space at the front and back. o o A o OB o o lo O 1 o X Distance point. Draw a circle with chalk on the floor in the front of room and mark off an equal distance on opposite sides of the circle. No. 1 pupil from each group stands upon the mark on his side, holding a bean bag. Each tries to throw the bag into the circle. If tHe bag projects beyond the chalk- line it does not count. After throwing, the pupils pass up the nearest aisle and take their places at the other end of the lines. The next in order pick up the bags and throw as the first. Allow the Groups A and B to alternate in the first throw. One-half of the circle should be marked one color and one-half another color, and the groups named accordingly. Two circles may be used after the pupils have had practice in throwing, but one circle is better at first, especially for the lower grades, as two divide the attention. FOR THE CLASSROOM 205 5. Multi-circle Pitching. Mark opposite each aisle as many circles on the floor in front of the room as there are aisles. Select an equal distance from the circles in the direction of the several aisles. Modify the distance to suit the grade. The circles may be numbered or drawn in o o o o 12 3 4 different colors, or half the number of circles may be one color and half another. Each pupil in the front row stands upon a distance-mark and holds a bean bag, which, at a signal, he tries to throw into a circle in front, after which this row is seated and the next row goes forward to pick up the bag and throw in turn. 1 6 4 2 10 2 4 8 1 6. Frame Pitching. Mark out a frame upon the floor in the front of the room. The pupils may stand as in No. 4, or remain seated until their turn to throw. 206 GAMES Each pupil in throwing stands upon a marked ''distance- point" and tries to throw upon the highest number, or to dislodge an opponent's bag, and still remain upon a square. Each side throws alternately. If the class is small each pupil may have two throws in succession, otherwise only one. When six bags have been thrown the score is counted and the game then continues as before. The bags belong- ing to each side must be designated in some way. This may be done by sewing a piece of red worsted into one-half of them. V. BALL GAMES. Almost all the passing games with the bean bags may be played by substituting balls. Any kind of ball will do for passing. 1. Desk Roll. The pupils stand, the two neighboring forms facing, with the tops of the desks between. No. 1, who remains seated in front, passes a ball to No. 2, who rolls it across the top of the desk to No. 3, No. 3 passes it to No. 4, No. 4 rolls it to No. 5, and so on until it reaches No. 9, when it is started back in the opposite direction. When No. 1 gets the ball he stands and holds it up. The first group to finish wins. An error is made if the ball is dropped and not returned to the one dropping it; if the ball is passed across the desk instead of rolled ; if the ball is passed to the wrong one. If an error is not corrected the group making it is barred from scoring at that time. If there are more pupils than can play at the same time 8 7 4 3 FOR THE CLASSROOM 207 allow the extra ones to change places with those playing whenever an error, or several errors, are made and not corrected. It is difficult for one person to watch more than two groups at once. 2. Zigzag Toss. As No. 1 bean bag (throwing). 3. Guess Ball. The pupils remain seated, excepting the one who is selected to go to the front of the room. This one stands with his back fo the class. The pupils have a soft rubber ball which is passed from right to left, or vice versa, while the one in front counts to a certain designated number and calls ''throw!" Whoever has the ball tries to hit the counter, who quickly turns and guesses who threw the ball. If he succeeds the two change places; if not the game goes on with the same counter. 4. Bounce Ball. Use a soft rubber ball which bounces well. The pupils are seated. Mark a circle on the black- board in front, higher than the heads of the pupils when standing, a larger circle for the lower g-rades. Appoint some one to start the game. This pupil rises and throws the ball at the marked circle, making it bounce back among the pupils, who try to catch it, but without leaving their seats. If it rolls on the floor a pupil may reach for it, but must not leave his seat. Whoever gets it stands and throws it at the circle, unless he has previously done so, in which case he tosses it to the nearest pupil who has not already thrown it. The pupils stand in throwing the ball either at the circle or to another pupil. If desirable, points may be counted when the inside of the circle is hit, but in the lower grades the primary interest is catching and throwing the ball. In the higher grades the class may be t / 208 GAMES divided into two groups and the points made by the two groups scored. It maj^ be better to place the poorer catchers and throwers in front. 5. Centre Toss. As in No. 2 bean bag (throwing). 6. Cross Centre Toss. As in No. 3 bean bag (throwing). 7. Form Toss. o o o o o o o o o o o o 4 3 2 1 Pass a rubber ball to each pupil in form 1. Forms 1 and 3 stand and face each other. The pupils in form 1 throw to their opposites in form 3. Score for 3 the number of points made. A catch counts one point. Form 3 now throws to form 1 and form 1 scores. The balls are now passed to form 2. 1 and 3 are seated. 2 and 4 stand and continue the game. A very poor throw is barred. After playing a certain length of time scores made by each form are added. Instead of scoring for each separate form 1 and 3 may be Group A and play together; 2 and 4, Group B and play together. The scores count for the groups instead of for the forms. If there are six forms the distance may be doubled, 1 and 4, 2 and 5, 3 and 6 tossing the ball to each other. FOR THE CLASSROOM 209 8. Last to the Front. Use a basket-ball. a. If only two balls are used the pupils stand in two semicircles, facing the front of the room. The game is similar to No. 5 bean bag (running). The ball must be passed over the head with both hands. If it is dropped it must be returned to the pupil who dropped it. h. The same general arrangement, but the feet are placed sideways. Roll the ball between the feet instead of passing it over the head. c. The same arrangement as h. Each form, first pass the ball over the head and then roll between the feet. 9. Volley Ball. Use a large gas-ball.* Divide the room into two parts, using the centre aisle as the dividing area. Any number of players are arranged in the three or four aisles on either side of the centre and facmg it. All the players on one side of the centre belong to that side. The boundary lines are chosen in accordance with the shape of the room. The ball is put in play by a pupil tossing it in the air, as in tennis, and serving with the palm of the hand. Players serve in succession, alternating with one of the opponents. If the server on the first or second trial puts the ball into the opponent's court (the space enclosed by the centre aisle and the boundary lines) it is a successful serve. A successful server may continue to serve until the opponents score. A score is made whenever the opponents fail to return the ball. The ball is kept in play as long as the players keep the ball in motion back and forth from one side to the other. Serves and returns are made with the palm of the hand. When the ball strikes outside of the 14 \ 210 GAMES boundary lines or in the centre aisle it is ''out'^ and no score is made. Service now goes to the opponents. If the ball strikes any part of the room, excepting the floor, and bounces back within the court it is still in play. It is a foul to catch or hold the ball, and counts a point for the opposite side. The game is in two halves, with a rest between; change sides of room at the beginning of the second half. Appoint a scorekeeper and two or more boundary judges, the latter to see when the ball is ''out.'' The instructor may act as referee, timekeeper, etc. GAMES FOR THE GYMNASIUM OR PLAYROOM. Cat and Rat. The players join hands and form a circle facing the centre. Any two players standing side by side are selected, one for the cat and the other for the rat, step- ping out of the circle. The space occupied by these is left open for a door. The rat runs and the cat tries to catch it. The rat is assisted by the other players, who raise their joined hands, allowing him easily to pass under. Both may pass through the door. When the rat is caught, or at the end of a certain selected time, the next two on the right of the door become cat and rat. Slap Jack. One player is chosen ^4t/' the rest form a close circle. The one who is "it" slaps a member of the circle on the back and continues running in the same direc- tion. The one slapped quickly leaves the circle and runs in the opposite direction. Each tries to reach the vacant place in the circle first. The one who does not, becomes ''it.'' To vary the game, the runners may bow, shake hands, hop around each other, or make any other selected movement when they meet and pass. If the one who is ''it" goes around the circle before slapping a player, he loses his chance. Three-deep Tag. The players form in twos, standing directly behind each other in a circle, facing the centre, with considerable space between each couple. Two players are chosen; one as catcher, the other pursued. ( 211 ) 212 GAMES The pursued tries to get in front of a couple before he is tagged; if he succeeds he is safe. The outer one of that group, who now is the third one, becomes the pursued and must try in turn to get into a safe place in front of a couple. If the pursued is tagged, he in turn becomes the catcher and tries now to tag the previous catcher or any outer one in a group of three. O o o o o o o o o o o O O Q o o o O o o Last Couple Out. Two vertical lines are formed side by side. One player, who is selected as catcher, stands in front of and close to the others, with his back to them. He calls ^' Last couple out!" or claps his hands, upon which the last two separate, one running to one side, the other to the other side of the players. The object of the two is to meet anywhere in front of the two lines before the catcher tags one. If they succeed they take their places at the head of the lines, standing directly behind the catcher. If one is tagged, he in turn becomes the catcher, and the other two stand at the head of the line. The catcher is FOR THE GY^INASITTM OR PLAYROOM 218 not allowed to turn his head to look back of his standing position. Stealing Sticks. Two goals are marked off, one at each end of the room, in each of which are placed six sticks or dumb-bells. A dividing line across the floor marks mid- way between the goals. One-half the players are on each side. Each side tries to prevent the opposite side from stealing its sticks, at the same time trying to get the sticks of the opponent. If an opponent is caught over the divid- ing line, unless he is already within the goal, where he cannot be caught, he becomes a prisoner and must remain within the opponent's goal until rescued by a player from his own side. If he succeeds in getting within the opponents' goal he may then take one of the sticks back to his own goal, unless there is a prisoner, in which case he rescues a prisoner instead of taking a stick. The players must stand neat the dividing line and not near the goal. Whichever side has the most sticks at the end of the game wins. Fisherman. One player is selected as catcher, or fisher- man, and stands near the centre of the room. When the fisherman claps, the rest (the fish) try to run from one end of the room to the other without being caught. When a player is caught he joins hands with the fisherman, and they become the net and the game proceeds as before. The net must not break by letting go hands. After four or six compose the net, there may be two equal nets instead of one. When all are caught the last one becomes the new fisherman. Black and White. The players stand in two parallel lines in the centre of the room, backs toward each other and 214 GAMES about two feet apart. One line is called black and the other white. At equal distances parallel lines are drawn, beyond which are the goals. A disk, one side black and the other white, is spun; which color falls uppermost is called aloud by the one spinning the disk; if black, the line called black must run toward their goal, the other trying to tag them. When a player is tagged he joins the opposite side or drops from the game. The side wins which has the greater number of players at the end of the game. Snatch Tag. Two groups of players are lined up, facing each other, one at each end of the room. A handkerchief is placed half-way between on a chair or on the top of an Indian club. Upon a point directly opposite stands a player from each side, who, at a given signal, runs forward and tries to snatch the handkerchief and take it back to his own side before being caught by the one who fails in snatching the handkerchief. If successful the opponent stays on his side; if not, he must go to the other side. Counter Tag. A similar game is played by placing some object, as a chair or club, slightly nearer one side than the other, the near side being the pursued, the other the catcher. One from the pursued tries to run around the object and back to place before being caught by one of the catchers. The result of winning or failing is the same as in snatch tag. Relay Race. Draw a certain number of numbered circles, five or six, at one end of the room, in which are placed five Indian clubs or dumb-bells. On a line with each of the circles, at equal distances from each other and the circles, mark five crosses. Players equal to the number of circles try to see which can place the bells upon the crosses first. FOR THE GYMNASIUM OR PLAYROOM 215 only one bell being taken at a time. Whoever does this first wins the set. The next set returns the bells to the circles one at a time. All the bells must be within the circle to count. The winners from each set may compete with each other if the game is individual. Clap Stand. One is selected as leader. The other players stand at one end of the room. The leader stands in front with back to the players and walks slowly toward the other end of the room. AVhen he claps his hands twice all of the players run forward, but if he claps his hands once they must stop perfectly still. If he catches any one moving, that player is pointed out and goes to the rear of the other players. Two claps are again given and the movement forward is repeated. The object is to reach the other end of the room first. If any player can succeed in stealing forward after the one clap, he may take his chances of not being caught and try. BALL GAMES. Zigzag Roll. Seat the players in a zigzag position in two groups any required equal distance. Use either a large or a small ball and roll in the same direction as zigzag toss in No. 1 of bean bag (throwing). Count either a point for the winning side, or as many points as determined by the position of the opponent's ball when the winning group finishes. Tag Ball (passing). Use a rubber ball. The players form in a circle facing the centre. One player is chosen catcher and takes his place outside the circle. The ball is 216 GAMES passed from right to left, each player taking it. If the catcher succeeds in touching the ball or the hand of the one holding it, they change places. If the ball is dropped it counts as a tag for the one dropping it. After passing from right to left several times, pass from left to right, and later either way, right or left. Tag Ball (tossing). Use a basket-ball. The players stand some distance apart in a circle, facing the centre. Throw the ball instead of passing it as in the previous game; otherwise it is played the same. A poor throw counts against the player as a tag or a failure to catch would. In this the catcher may run in the inside also. Relay Ball. The players are divided into two groups, each group stationed on opposite sides of the room in corre- sponding positions, forming a triangle, a semicircle, a straight line, or any selected form. A basket-ball is started from the same position in either side and thrown in the same sequence from one player to another. It may be returned to the starting position or any other position may be selected to finish the throwing, when the last to receive it may either hold it or run and deposit it upon some selected place. Whichever group does this first wins. Dodge Ball. Use a soft rubber ball. The players form a circle, within which are any selected number, say six. Those composing the circle throw the ball and try to hit those inside the circle. When they succeed, those hit join the circle. A hit above the shoulders does not count. When this set has joined the circle, the next six step inside, and so on until all have had a chance. Diagonal Ball. Use rubber balls. FOR THE GYMNASIUM OR PLAYROOM 217 a. The players are divided into two groups, A's and B's, and stand in two lines facing each other, so arranged that one A is diagonally opposite another: ®® ®® ®® ®® One ball is given to A and one to B at the same ends of the lines. The object is to toss the ball in a diagonal direction to the other end, and no B must touch an A ball. Whichever side gets its ball down first wins. The balls may be started at opposite ends of the lines, instead of at one end. The A's may tie handkerchiefs around their arms to distinguish them, and their ball may be of a different color, but this is not necessary. This game may be played in the classroom. h. Arrange the players in the same way, each one a short distance from his neighbor, standing upon a circle in which no other player may step. Toss up between No. 1 in A and B to see which has the ball at the start. Whichever side secures the ball tries to toss it in a diagbnal (zigzag) manner all the way to the other end, in which case ten points are made. If the direct diagonal direction is guarded by the opponent the ball may be passed to others of the same side until an opportunity is given to resume correct succession. The opponents try to secure the ball, in which case one point is scored. They in turn must try 218 GAMES to pass it from either end to the other. Only the two nearest opponents may try to interfere with the ball when it is in play. Over the Lines. Use a basket-ball. Two lines are drawn across the centre of the floor about three feet apart, a greater distance for older players. The players are divided into two equal groups, one group on one side, the other on the other, placed so that the floor space on their respective sides is well covered. One from each side is chosen; these step to the centre between the two lines and face each other. The ball is thrown into the air between them and each tries to secure it for his own side. A score is made when one side throws a ball that the opponents fail to catch. The one who catches the ball must throw it. He may throw it from the position caught or go up to his own line. If a ball falls between the two lines it is a foul and takes one point from the side throwing it. If desirable a ball caught on the first bounce may be counted a catch. This is splendid practice for basket-ball, and any number may play. Captain Ball. Use a basket-ball. The players are divided into two sides. A certain number of circles are drawn on each side of a dividing line across the centre of the floor. The circles oh each side are arranged in a semicircle around a common circle drawn near the dividing line. The number of circles varies according to the number of players. Each circle is guarded by a player from the opposite side. The ball is thrown up between the two centres. Each side tries to pass the ball from any circle to their respective centre, or to pass the ball from Circle 1 in sue- FOR THE GYMNASIUM OR PLAYROOM 219 cession to Circle 5, or vice verm, in which case a point is also scored. The opponents, as guards, try to prevent this, and at the same time get the ball to a player on their own side. The guards cannot step over the dividing line ®A (?)e ^"^ b(? B B A J 2 B nor into one of the circles. A circle player must throw the ball from his circle. He cannot go out of his circle toward the centre to get the ball. The opponents cannot go beyond the circles to get the ball. INDEX. Alternate heel and toe raising, 58 Arm circling, 55 circumduction, 82 flinging sidewaj^s, 53 raising, 62 forward, 62 sideways, 34 sideways-upward, 53 rotation, 53 stretching, 44 backward, 46 downward, 31 forward, 42 sideways, 36 star position, 50 upward, 52, Arms bending, 48 forward, 50 half-forward, 65 sideways, 58 upward, 31 Attention, 29 Cross step, 109 Facing, 56 about, 56 half, 52 left and right, 41 Fall out, 148 Fancy steps, 187 balance steps, 191 change step, 190 step combinations, 193 combinations of fundamental steps, 192 extension step, 190 follow steps, 190 shde, 190 hop step, 191 Fancy steps — march steps forward, 189 polka shde, 192 combinations, 192 hop, 192 schottische steps, 193 skip step, 191 swing steps, 190 touch steps, 189 Feet close, 30 sideways place, 38 Foot placing, 35 backward, 35 outward, 44 forward, 35 outward, 42 sideways, 31 Forward dress, 60 Games for the classroom, 197 ball games, 206 bounce ball, 207 centre toss, 208 cross centre toss, 208 desk roll, 206 form toss, 208 guess ball, 207 last to the front, 209 volley ball, 209 zigzag toss, 207 bean bag passing, 197 circle passing, 198 circular passing, 199 semicircle passing, 199 sideways passing, 199 vertical passing (pupils seated), 197 multi-passing (pupils seated), 198 (221) 222 INDEX Games for the classroom — vertical overhead pass- ing, 199 zigzag passing, 200 bean bag running, 200 aisle run, 201 desk bean bag sitting, '200 circle, 201 standing, 201 last to the front, 202 bean bag throwing, 203 centre toss, 203 circle pitching, 204 cross centre toss, 203 frame pitching, 205 multi-circle pitching, 204 zigzag toss, 203 last down, 197 Games for the gymnasium or play- room, 211 black and white, 213 cat and rat, 211 clap stand, 215 counter tag, 214 fisherman, 213 last couple out, 212 relay race, 214 slap jack, 211 scratch tag, 214 stealing stick, 213 three-deep tag, 211 ball games, 215 captain ball, 218 diagonal ball, 216 dodge ball, 216 over the line, 218 relay ball, 216 tag ball passing, 215 tossing, 216 zigzag roll, 215 Guide front, 35 left and right, 48 Halt, 60 Head bending, 30 backward, 30 sideways, 46 Head rotation, 42 twisting, 39 Heel raising, 31 Hips firm, 30 In place, rest, 29 Jump, 152 forward with one start step, 152 in place, 66 facing 90°, 122 prepare to jump, 62 sideways, 163 Jump, spring, 97 change to feet sideways, 97 change from touch step side- ways, 105 in place, 78 Knee bending, 68 alternate upward, 69 backward, 81 bend, 38 deep bend, 75 upward, 170 sideways move, 182 Leg raising, 101 backward, 102 forward, 97 sideways, 87 Leg stretching, 83 backward, 83 forward, 174 March step, 38 backward, 38 forward, 38 sideways, 35 Mark time, 60 quick, 76 Neck firm, 34 Position, 30 Resume, 54 Toe raising, 52 Touch step, 105 Trunk bending, 56 backward, 58 forward, 42 sideways, 58 twisting, 63 J\l\- 21 ^904