GV 1173 .08 Copy 1 V ] ■ c LONG RUN TROPHY WINNERS 1912 ACTUAL SIZE SOLID GOLD E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS POWDER COMPANY AMERICA'S PIONEER POWDER MAKERS WILMINGTON, Delaware U COPYRIGHT 1913 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS POWDER CO WILMINGTON, DELAWARE LONG RUNS MADE IN REGISTERED TOURNAMENTS DURING 1912 WITH Smokeless Shotgun Powders MANUFACTURED BY E. I. pu PONT DE NEMOURS POWDER COMPANY America's Pioneer Powder Makers ESTABLISHED 1802 WILMINGTON, DEL. 1802 QUPONT 1912 '- ^^?/#. ///(inv^^ TRAPSHOOTING The Sport Alluring FOR MEN AND WOMEN ^^ K^ .-si^^^^H ^H ^M !^H ^H ■ |||i||i|B ^n £ '^'r-'fl^p^' ^^ ^^B .J . frS'^iil^^ AT THE TRAPS The Winners Shoot B SPORTING POWDERS LC Control Number tmp96 026374 ©CI,A350196 1912 Long Run Trophy FOR CLAY TARGET SHOOTING Conditions of Award 1^ N amateur, to obtain the trophy, must break at least 1 00 /_\ targets straight, a professional at least 125 straight. No ^ ^^ scores made in "extra" or "practice events" to be counted; only scores in the program events in registered tournaments to count, and only when DU PONT powders are used by the contestants. The runs to count must be made during one shoot. ^ In a two or three days' tournament a contestant may carry forward from the preceding day any unfinished run he may have, and should he succeed in increasing his run to 1 00 or better, in case of amateur, or 1 25 in case of professional, such run will be counted. ^ These trophies are understood to represent recognition for long runs on single targets, and scores made in other program events, such as doubles, will not be counted as affecting the run. If, however, the shooter making the run breaks all of his double targets, they will be added to his previous scores on singles fl In order to have scores recognized, it will be necessary for the secretary, or other officer of the club holding the tournament, or one of the DU PONT representatives, to attest same. For each additional run of 1 00, in the case of amateurs, and 125 for profes- sionals, an additional bar will be engraved and sent to the winner. oUPONT Long Run Trophy Winners 1912 H. D. BATES RIDGETOWN, ONT. F. G. BILLS, CHICAGO, ILL. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER DATE PLACE RUN POWDER July2 Niagara-on-the-Lake.Ont. 108 Dupont Apr. 19 Wichita, Kas. 159* Dupont H. J. BORDEN, HOUSTON, TEX. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER July 11 Little Rock. Ark. 188 Ballistite Schultze R. H. BRUNS, BROOKVILLE, IND. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER Sept. 11-13 Denver, Colo. 283 Dupont Sept. 16-17 Evansville, Ind. 106 Oct. 14-15 Cincinnati, 0. 113 * Unfinished Run aUPONT Long Run Trophy Winners 1912 //lirir\ iHOMER!CLARK. UPPER ALTON, ILL. C-ATE PLACE RUN POWDER June 24 St. Louis, Mo. 125* Dupont June 29-30 New Athens, 111. 139 Schultze W. H. CLAY, ST. LOUIS. MO. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER June 29-30 New Athens, 111. 118 Dupont A. C. CONNOR, SPRINGFIELD, ILL. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER May 17 Peoria, 111. Ill Schultze W. R. CROSBY, O'FALLON. ILL. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER Apr. 24-25 Laurel, Miss. May 28-29 Benton, 111. 159 Dupont 125 Schultze 143 June 4 Mexico, Mo. June 5- 6 Mexico, Mo. 148 July 8- 9 Bradford, Penn. 137 Dupont July 24-25 Mason City, la. 154 Schultze Sept. 10-11 Denver, Colo. 149 Unfinished Run PR 1 jtM ^ Long Run Trophy Winners ^«e^ H. E. SNYDER, KANSAS CITY, MO. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER July 5 Marshall, Mo. 129 Schultze Aug. 7- 8 Concordia, Kas. 138 Dupont Aug. 15-16 Kansas City, Mo. 169 Schultze C. G. SPENCER, ST. LOUIS, MO. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER June 5- 6 Mexico, Mo. 132 Schulrze June 23-24 St. Louis, Mo. 125 Aug. 7- 8 Princeton, Mo. 264* Sept. 2 Fort Collins, Colo. 135 Sept. 17-18 Brookfield, Mo. 309 H. H. STEVENS. ROSELLE PARK, N. J. W. R. TARRANT, BUFFALO, WYO. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER DATE PLACE RUN POWDER May 29-30 Wilmington, Del. 147 Schultze Sept. 9-10 Denver, Colo. 139 Dupont ♦Unfinished Run V/^r OUPONT' ^in^ ^ Long Run Trophy Winners '^^ 1912 G. L. TAYLOR. SIOUX CITY, lA. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER July 10-11 Fort Dodge. la. 101 Dupont J. R. TAYLOR. NEWARK. 0. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER Sept. 12-13 Latonia, Ky. 137 Dupont E. W. VARNER. ADAMS. NEB. DATE PLACE May 29 Omaha, Neb. Sept. 10 Denver, Colo. Sept. 11-13 Denver, Colo. RUN POWDER 121 Dupont 184 177 GEO. VOLK, TOLEDO. 0. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER July 9-10 Bradford, Penn. 103 Dupont Aug. 30 Cedar Point, 0. 100 "^S/ii Long Run Trophy Winners J. P. WHITE, WATERTOWN, S. D. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER July 11 Fort Dodge, la. 105 Ballistite Aug. 7 Mitchell, S. D. 105 W. N. WISE, NOBLESVILLE, IND. DATE PLACE RUN POWDER June 13-14 Indianapolis, Ind. 113 Dupont PICKING THE WINNERS .■'X 1802 OUPDKT 1912 DU PONT POWDERS The Unanimous Choice of All THE STARTERS IN THE SEVENTH PACIFIC COAST HANDICAP Portland, Oregon, August 29, 1912 A S an illustration of the high esteem shooters have for Du /-\ Pont Powders, the fact that ] 24 shooters selected one ^ ^^ of the brands of these celebrated powders is significant. ^ This unanimity of action is not only an endorsement of the superior quality of Du Pont Powders, but the triumphs of those who used them are mutually pleasing to shooters and powder makers. ^ Prior to entering the tournament at Portland, Ore., previous successes had convinced each of the 1 24 trapshooters of the regularity and reliability of Du Pont Powders. Experience so acquired taught them that a notable score was more certain of attainment when absolute reliance could be placed upon their powder. ^ Another important feature worthy of attention is that persistence in the use of a certain kind of powder adds to the proficiency of trapshooters. They become familiar with its action and know that it is absolutely uniform in all localities. ^ The victories won by users of Du Pont Powders in this prominent tournament are sufficient proofs that those who shoot a Du Pont Powder "make and break records at the traps.** PROMINENT TOURNAMENTS To Be Held During 1913 . .*.. .A..^ mM.A.^^m^.jiM^ ...itfdl m0f^'''''0':!$ I^IS^^^^^ , feli^^:' ry" . — r-«*f - ^^"tS^^--— ^^^H N. C. R. GUN CLUB. DAYTON, OHIO SCENE OF THE GRAND AMERICAN HANDICAP JUNE 17, 18, 19, 20, 1913 DU PONT GUN CLUB, WILMINGTON. DEL. SCENE OF THE EASTERN HANDICAP JULY 15, 16, 17, 1913 »::^.5:^;..^( PROMINENT TOURNAMENTS To Be Held During 1913 CAPITAL CITY GUN CLUB, MONTGOMERY. ALA. SCENE OF THE SOUTHERN HANDICAP, APRIL 15, 16, 17, 1913 ATTENDANTS AT 1912 WESTERN HANDICAP \ OMAHA. NEBR.. GUN CLUB. AND WHERE THE I WESTERN HANDICAP OF 1913 WILL BE CONDUCTED. AUG. 5-7 [ CAPITAL CITY BLUE ROCK CLUB, SACRAMENTO. CAL. .SCENE OF PACIFIC COAST HANDICAP, SEPT., 1913 /-5i'^te"^-^5;^i^(.' ■ 1802 QUPONT 1912 ^^m N^^i^'^^n^ ^^f4' w 4LM K-i^:^ li p: '- ^j^ -:^'^^'" ■ --■ THE OLDEST POWDER MILL IN AMERICA, WILMINGTON, DEL. THE SYMBOL OF EXCELLENCE IN POWDER FROM 1 802 to 1913 represents a period of remarkable develop- ment, improvement and expansion in the making of sporting powder. Like the products of other pioneer American manufacturers, Du Pont Powders now enjoy a reputation for quality and superiority that is only acquired by experience and adoption of approved methods. ^ At the time of beginning his powder making in what is now the oldest powder mill in America, Eleuthere I. du Pont de Nemours resolved that his powders should be a quality product. Succeeding generations have followed the founder*s decision. Recognition of its merits by early sportsmen advertised Du Pont Powders and their popularity spread. ^ Today Du Pont Powders are dominant because they are not only the embodiment of over a century's practical experience in powder making, but because they are unsurpassed for quality, which is vitally essential in a product so important as powder. ^^,,-liL ^-^, 1802 aUPONT 1912 HOME OFFICE OF E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS POWDER CO. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE BIRMINGHAM. ALA. BUFFALO. N. Y. CHICAGO. ILL. DENVER. COLO. DULUTH. MINN. BRANCH OFFICES: HUNTINGTON. W. VA. MEXICO CITY. MEX. NEW YORK. N. Y. PITTSBURGH. PA. PORTLAND. ORE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. ST. LOUIS. MO. SCRANTON. PA. SEATTLE. WASH. SPOKANE. WASH. SPRINGFIELD. ILL. WILKES-BARRE. PA. We have magazines and carry stocks at all important trade centres throughout the United States and are in a position to fill orders promptly JUN25 191S D ■ C LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 953 898 6 SUPOE LONG RUN TROPHY WINNERS 1912 V • d i '^ n SIZE SOLID GOLD 17M— 3 13 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS POWDER COMPANY america's pioneer powder makers Wilmington, Delaware u