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Kleinmann, and Maurice Deul UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR James G. Watt, Secretary BUREAU OF MINES Robert C. Norton, Director This publication has been cataloged as follows: Acid mine drainage. (Bureau of Mines information circular ; 8905) Bibliography: p. 21-22. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27:8905. 1. Acid mine drainage. I. Kim, Ann G. II. Series: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines) ; 8905. -TN2^7U4- [TD899,M5] 622s [628.1'6832] 82-19724 CONTENTS Abstract Introduction The acid mine drainage problem Chemistry of formation and control Bureau of Mines acid mine drainage research Mine sealing Acid mine drainage treatment At-source control of acid mine drainage Summary and recommendations References ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Ground water percolating through pyrltlc material produces sulfuric acid and iron compounds which are eventually discharged into surface streams. 2. In solutions Inoculated with 0.2 ml of T. ferrooxidans and 0.1 ml each of T. ferrooxldans and Metallogenium , the decrease in pH is greater than in sterile controls. 3. Plot of acidity and total dissolved iron versus pH measured in laboratory simulations of a coal refuse pile shows the rapid production of acid and 1 ron at low pH 4. In abandoned mines below drainage, natural flooding can be used to exclude air, limiting pyrite oxidation 5. A wet seal with an air trap allows water to leave the mine while prevent- ing air from entering 6. Subsidence cracks over an underground mine may allow surface water and air to enter a sealed mine 7 . Although the oxygen level in a sealed mine may be lower than that of nor- mal air, it may be sufficient to support oxidation for long periods of t Ime 8. Flow diagram of hydrated lime treatment process for acid mine drainage.... 9. Although the unit cost decreases with capacity, the total capital costs may range between $500,000 and $2 million for a conventional treatment process. 10. Limestone treatment produces a denser sludge in 1 day than lime neutrali- zation produces in 43 days 11. Limestone treatment, which Includes neutralization, aeration, and set- tling, is less expensive and produces a dense crystalline sludge 12. In acid mine drainage neutralized with limestone, the rate of ferrous iron oxidation is 10 to 25 ppm/mln 13. The sequencing batch reactor Incorporates fill, aerate, settle, and dis- charge cycles to optimize the rate of ferrous iron oxidation by bacteria 14. Most sludge from acid mine drainage treatment is retained in ponds, pumped into abandoned sections of deep mines, or dumped in refuse areas. 15. The rate of acid production was approximately that of sterile controls when detergent was used to limit bacterial activity in a laboratory s tudy 16. Controlled release of detergents can be used to reduce acid production from spoil piles by 50 to 95 pet compared with an untreated control TABLES 1 . Water control practices 2. Variation in composition of mine effluent before and after sealing 3. Bureau of Mines conservation and development program — acid mine drainage.. Page 1 1 2 4 6 6 11 15 18 21 10 11 11 12 12 14 14 14 15 16 17 19 20 ACID MINE DRAINAGE: CONTROL AND ABATEMENT RESEARCH By Ann G. Kim, ' Bernice S. Heisey,^ Robert L, P. Kleinmann,"' and Maurice Deul'' ABSTRACT Acid drainage from underground coal mines and coal refuse piles Is one of the most persistent industrial pollution problems in the United States: This Bureau of Mines report reviews the acid mine drainage problem generally and describes research currently underway to combat it. INTRODUCTION In the last 15 years there has been little improvement in the number of streams adversely affected by acid mine drainage. The Bureau of Mines has developed a comprehensive program of acid mine drainage re- search oriented toward both active and abandoned mines. It includes im- proved prediction of acid potential, improved mine planning, at -source control of acid formation, improved reclamation, improved water treat- ment techniques, and assessment of ground water contamination in major mining districts. Controlling the acid at its source by limiting pyrite oxidation is a major objective of the program. The Bureau of Mines is investigating methods of slowing reaction kinetics by limiting oxygen, inhibiting iron-oxidizing bacteria, or otherwise influencing reaction chemistry. The Bureau has recently developed and field-tested a practical method of bacterial inhibition which is effective in reducing acid drainage from coal refuse piles. Since this technique is probably not applicable to abandoned underground mines, improved methods of mine sealing are required. Bureau of Mines research into treatment of acid mine drainage is ori- ented toward improving water treatment efficiency and developing low- maintenance treatment systems. Current areas of investigation include improved iron oxidation efficiency, limestone neutralization, disposal of acid mine drainage sludge, and development of an artificial bog treatment system. 'Research chemist. ^Writer-editor . ■^Supervisory geologist. ^Research supervisor. All authors are with the Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pitts- burgh, Pa. THE ACID MINE DRAINAGE PROBLEM Acid drainage from underground coal mines and coal refuse piles is one of the most persistent industrial pollution problems in the United States. Pyrite in the coal and overlying strata, when ex- posed to air and water, oxidizes, produc- ing ferrous ions and sulfuric acid. The ferrous ions are oxidized and produce an hydrated iron oxide (yellowboy) and more acidity. The acid lowers the pH of the water, making it corrosive and unable to support many forms of aquatic life. The iron oxide forms an unsightly coating on the bottom of streams, and further limits the ability of aquatic life to survive in streams affected by acid mine drainage. Before coal is mined, very little of the pyrite is exposed to the conditions necessary to produce acid drainage. The mining and coal cleaning process exposes the pyrite to surface or ground waters and allows pyrite oxidation to occur. A ton of coal containing 1 pet pyritic sul- fur has the potential of producing 33 pounds of yellowboy and over 60 pounds of sulfuric acid. However, the rate of acid production varies, and abandoned mines and refuse piles can produce acid drainage for more than 50 years. The drainage, if discharged into sur- face streams or ponds, constitutes an extensive, expensive, and persistent -Water percolating ^^&§^BM FIGURE 1. - Ground water percolating through pyritic material produces sulfuric acid and iron com- pounds which are eventually discharged into surface streams. environmental problem (fig. 1). Federal law (37)5 now requires that water dis- charge from active coal mines have a pH between 6 and 9 and places limits on the total iron, manganese, and suspended sol- ids. Controlling acid mine drainage from active mines usually requires expensive water treatment and the necessity of han- dling very large volumes of water. Con- trolling drainage from abandoned mines is even more difficult due to location, water volume, and the general limitation on public funds available for work in this area. The Bureau of Mines research program in acid mine drainage addresses the problems of both active and abandoned mines. In 1936, it was estimated ( 17 ) that more than 9 million tons of sulfuric acid were discharged annually from coal mines into the streams of Pennsylvania. Now, although Federal and State regulations specify water quality standards for coal mine discharges, acid mine drainage re- mains a problem. The most comprehensive survey of the extent of acid mine drain- age pollution was conducted by the Feder- al Water Pollution Control Administration in 1967 (^, 8^). Drainage basins through- out the Appalachian Region, in Pennsyl- vania, West Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia, were sampled for various water quality parameters including acid- ity, to determine the extent of water pollution caused by coal mine drainage. At that time, 10,500 miles of streams were significantly degraded by coal mine drainage, and further analysis of the data showed that approximately half, or 5,740 miles was affected by acid mine drainage ( 11 ) . Since that time, no Federal agency has undertaken a survey of this scale; cur- rent mine drainage assessments are re- stricted to statewide estimates. Direct comparisons between current State data and those collected in the 1967 study cannot be made, because of differences in ^Numbers in parentheses refer to items in the list of references at the end of this report. the intensity of sampling and variation in the criteria used to classify a stream as degraded. However, current water quality data, obtained from State envir- onmental agencies of the Appalachian Re- gion, do indicate that there has been little overall improvement in streams affected by acid mine drainage. In Pennsylvania, which annually pro- duces approximately 82 million tons of coal (22), there are 2,795 miles of major streams that fail to meet current water quality standards ( 32 ) , Drainage from abandoned mines contributes to at least 70 pet of the total. Although projected figures for 1983 indicate a slight de- crease in stream miles that will not meet water quality standards, no decrease in the drainage pollution related to mining is expected. In Ohio, where annual coal production was nearly 42 million tons (22) , a 1979 study conducted by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency indicates that acid mine drainage affects 1,075 miles of streams (30). In Maryland, where annual coal production was just over 2-1/2 mil- lion tons ( 22 ) , the Maryland Bureau of Mines currently estimates that 450 miles of streams are affected by acid mine drainage (9), much of it related to min- ing in neighboring States. In Tennessee, where annual coal production is nearly 11-1/2 million tons (22), acid mine drainage was estimated to affect 994 miles of streams, according to the Divi- sion of Water Quality Control of the Ten- nessee Department of Public Health (35). In Kentucky, the Department for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Division of Abandoned Lands, has compiled data for 1978-80 which show that of a to- tal of more than 2,100 miles of streams within the Eastern Coalfield affected by coal mine drainage, only 77 miles are acid (12). The low proportion of acid streams in this area of Kentucky is apparently related to the abundance of limestone in the coal-bearing rocks. Although rigorous comparisons cannot be made, the more recent data indicate that the extent of acid mine drainage pollution is of the same order of magni- tude as that measured in the 1967 study. Government regulation has done much to upgrade the quality of discharges from active mining operations, but most acid mine drainage comes from abandoned mines, which are not regulated. In spite of in- creased efforts to control it, acid mine drainage continues to be a major problem. Present regulations stipulate that acid drainage from active mines and refuse piles must be chemically treated for as long as it is discharged from the mine or pile. These mandatory standards have generated research needs in the following areas: More efficient treatment methods. the disposal of sludge produced by treat- ment, engineering methods to reduce acid formation and other at-source methods of control, control of acid formation and erosion from spoil piles, and improved water management techniques. In addi- tion, there is no systematic, cost- effective method of reducing the acid load from mines already abandoned and from mines to be abandoned in the future, although an estimated 80 pet of acid mine water comes from abandoned mines and spoil piles. This area particularly re- quires a concentrated research effort if there is to be significant improvement in the quality of many streams. CHEMISTRY OF FORMATION AND CONTROL Prevention and/or control of aciiJ mine water depends on an understanding of the chemical, biological, and geological fac- tors that influence its formation, which is best described as a series of chemical reactions. Acid mine water is produced by the oxidation of the pyrite (FeS2) normally present in coal and the adjacent rock strata. The oxidation of pyrite is usually described by the reaction below in which pyrite, oxygen, and water form sulfuric acid and ferrous sulfate: 2Fe, + 7O9 + 2HoO = 4H+ + 2Fe2+ + 4S02-. Oxidation of the ferrous iron produces ferric ions according to the following reaction: 2Fe2+ + 1/2 O2 + 2H+ = 2Fe3+ + H^O. When the ferric ion hydrolyzes, it pro- duces an insoluble ferric hydroxide (yel- lowboy) and more acid: Fe3+ + 3H2O = Fe(0H)3 + 3H+. Although this summary is correct at pH above about 4.0, it is only one of three different reactions systems, which vary in significance with pH (14). Also significant in the oxidation of pyrite is a bacterium, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans . At near-neutral pH (stage 1), the rates of oxidation by air and by T. ferrooxi- dans are comparable. This stage is typi- cal of freshly exposed coal or refuse. Despite the high concentration of pyrite, the rate of oxidation either by oxygen or by T. ferrooxidans is relatively low, and the natural alkalinity of ground water may effectively neutralize the acid formed at this stage. When the neutralizing capacity of the environment is exceeded, acid begins to accumulate and the pH decreases (stage 2). As the pH decreases, the rate of iron oxidation by oxygen also de- creases. But at the lower pH of stage 2, the rate of iron oxidation by T. ferroox- idans increases. The action of the bac- teria causes increased acid production, which serves to further lower pH (fig. 2). As the pH in the immediate vicinity of the pyrite falls to less than 3, the in- creased solubility of iron and the de- creased rate of Fe(0H)3 precipitation affect the overall rate of acid produc- tion (stage 3). At this point, ferrous lU UJ z o a: UJ I- X Q. 6 - 5 - 3 - 2 - 1 1 1 1 1 y^ - v/"^^ Sterile 1 ^£. „-^'^ ^Inoculated 1 1 1 1 1 I 4 5 INITIAL pH 8 FIGURE 2. - In solutions inoculated with 0.2 ml of T. ferrooxidans(^) and 0.1 ml each of T. ferro- oxi dans and Metallogenium {B), the decrease in pH is greater than in sterile controls (C). iron is oxidized by T. ferrooxidans and the ferric ion in turn oxidizes the pyrite: FeS2 + 14Fe5+ + 8H2O = 15Fe2+ + S02- + 16H+. 4 In this third stage, the rate of acid production is high (fig. 3) and is lim- ited by the concentration of ferric ions. Inhibition of T. ferrooxidans would pre- vent ferric oxidation of pyrite and should therefore reduce acid production by at least 75 pet. When untreated acid mine drainage is mixed with surface waters, it has a dele- terious effect upon the receiving stream, usually making it unsightly and inhos- pitable to most forms of aquatic life. Most organisms cannot tolerate an acid environment. Also, the ferrous iron in acid mine drainage consumes the oxygen in a stream, and the precipitated ferric hy- droxide covers the streambed, limiting the oxygen available to benthic organ- isms. The acidity and total solids ad- versely affect aquatic life, and heavy metal ions present in some mine waters have an increased toxicity in acid IfiOO - 6,000 - O O o " 5,000 - en e ^f 4,000 CO X Q 3,000 - F V Q 2,000 o < 1,000 Acidity- ron ^-i^ I il I 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 ,200 1,000 o on 800 600 400 200 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 pH FIGURE 3. - Plot of acidity and total dissolved iron versus pH measured in laboratory simulations of a coal refuse pile shows the rapid production of acid and iron at low pH. solutions (6). In streams severely pol- luted with acid mine drainage, there are usually no complex aquatic plants, no fish, few if any benthic invertebrates, and only a few species of algae. In some cases, the invertebrates and algae that can survive grow to nuisance proportions. When acid mine drainage is produced in an active mine, environmental laws re- quire that it meet minimum standards be- fore it is discharged into surface streams. According to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, water from coal mines must have a pH between 6 and 9 and must contain no more than an average of 3.5 ppm and a maximum of 7 ppm iron, no more than an average of 2 ppm and a maxi- mum of 4 ppm manganese, and no more than 70 ppm total suspended solids. Standard acid mine drainage treatment methods Involve neutralization of the acid by the addition of a base, oxidation of ferrous iron in an aeration tank, or pond, and precipitation of iron compounds in a settling pond. Manganese, unless present in high concentrations, is usu- ally removed with the iron. The chemistry of the basic treatment method is relatively straightforward. Neutralization is the reaction of the acid with a base: H2SO4 + Ca(0H)2 = CaS04 + 2H2O. If limestone is used as the neutralizing agent, the reaction is H2SO4 + CaCOj = CaS04 + H2O + CO2. To remove the ferrous iron, the neutral- ized water is aerated to produce ferric ions, which react with the base to form insoluble ferric hydroxides: Fe2(S04)3 + Ca(0H)2 = Fe(0H)3 + CaS04. With limestone as the neutralizing agent, the reaction is Fe 2 (504)3 ■•" 3CaC03 + 3H2O = 2Fe(0H)3 3C0- + 3CaS04 + '2* Other alkaline agents can be used, but because of cost, ease of handling, or other environmental effects, lime is most commonly used. Other methods that have been suggested for treating acid mine drainage include reverse osmosis, ion ex- change, and flash distillation. However, these are not treatment methods per se, but methods for producing potable water that were suggested for acid mine drain- age only where there is no alternative source of potable water. With these methods a concentrated acid brine or sludge must be disposed of, and because of technical problems and high cost, processes like these are not commonly considered as reasonable alternatives to neutralization. BUREAU OF MINES ACID MINE DRAINAGE RESEARCH Methods to reduce the pollution from ferruginous acid water from coal mines and spoil banks usually involve either reducing the rate of acid formation or increasing the efficiency of mine water treatment. Although acid mine drainage has been a problem for many years, there have been few significant innovations in its prevention and control. The Bureau of Mines was involved in much of the acid mine drainage research conducted before 1970 (r7_, ^, 26). The Bureau performed analytical studies to determine the acid- ity, composition, and corrosivity of acid mine water. Sources of and variations in acid mine drainage, the effect of pyrite content, rock dusting, and chemical neu- tralization also were investigated. In addition, the Bureau of Mines was a major contributor to the development of mine seals during the 1930' s. During the 1970' s the Bureau of Mines had only a limited acid mine drainage program as other Federal agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), assumed primary responsibility for water pollution research. Because of the continuing problems in acid mine drainage control, the Bureau of Mines has recently developed a comprehensive program of acid mine drainage research. This pro- gram is directed toward several areas, including improved prediction of acid potential, improved mine planning, at- source control of acid formation, im- proved reclamation, improved water treat- ment, techniques to control acid drainage at abandoned mines and waste piles, and assessment of ground water contamination in major mining districts. MINE SEALING In 1928 it was reported that mines sealed by natural caving produced less acid than unsealed mines in the same lo- cality (19). It was assumed that limit- ing the amount of air and water entering the mine reduced the rate of acid forma- tion. After a 1-year field study, an ex- tensive mine sealing program was under- taken in 1933 through the Works Progress Administration and the Civil Works Admin- istration. Records indicate that seal- ing did produce favorable results in West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania (36). However, the Federal sealing pro- grams were short term and did not provide funds for maintaining the seals. Lack of maintenance, natural deterioration, van- dalism, and subsequent mining combined to reduce the long-term effectiveness of the mine sealing program. Despite the lack of long-term monitor- ing, mine sealing is considered a stan- dard method for reducing acid formation from coal mines (27, 29). In mines lo- cated below drainage, natural flooding is used to cover the pyritic material and exclude air (fig. 4). When the air sup- ply is eliminated, it is assumed that the pyrite is no longer oxidized. If the water pool is stable and the additional hydraulic pressure creates no downdip Vjj=f. drainage problems, flooding is considered adequate. This effect is currently being observed in the Northern Field of the Pennsylvania Anthracite Region ( 7^) > where flooded workings underlie approximately 43,000 acres. The Bureau of Mines is currently studying the hydrology and geochemistry of this large mine pool complex because the pool is well established, having started to form over 30 years ago. Owing to its size and flow characteristics, water draining from the mines remained acid until only a few years ago, cast- ing some doubt on the effectiveness of flooding. However, our study has shown that the water in the mine pools has now recovered and is in fact slightly alkaline. T1^(: "SUM ^S 5 43 SETTLING TIME, days FIGURE 10. - Limestone treatment produces a denser sludge in 1 day than lime neutralization produces in 43 days. drainage is between 6.8 and 8.0 and the iron oxidation rate ranges from 10 to 25 ppm/min (fig. 12). To minimize the power and land require- ments for aeration, the Bureau is inves- tigating the use of catalysts to increase the rate of ferrous iron oxidation at low pH. A laboratory study by the Bureau of Mines indicated that activated carbon was an effective catalyst in the oxidation of ferrous iron (23). In batch tests, the ferrous iron content of acid mine drain- age flowing through an aspirated column of activated carbon was reduced from over 700 ppm to less than 10 ppm in approxi- mately 1 minute. In these tests, approx- imately 5,000 ml of the acid drainage was passed through the 200 grams of activated carbon before the catalytic effect was noted. During this period the pH of the effluent was higher than that of the mine drainage feed. Since the increase in iron oxidation rate was observed after the pH of the drainage showed substan- tially no change, the onset of the cata- lytic effect was attributed to acid con- ditioning the carbon, A pilot-scale field study was conducted (33) to study the effect of activated carbon on the ferrous iron oxidation rate using a three-stage continuously stirred reactor. Continuous agitation of the carbon in the mine water provided more efficient water-carbon contact and pre- vented channeling and/or fouling. A weir device at the top of the reactor con- trolled carbon loss. In this system the ferrous iron oxidation rates were not as high as those reported in the previous laboratory study. Acid conditioning the carbon did not significantly affect the iron oxidation rate. When the pH of the influent water was adjusted to 5, the rate of iron oxidation increased, but not to the levels reported in the laboratory study. When comparing the rate data from the field and laboratory studies, it was considered possible that the high iron oxidation rate reported was due to the growth of iron-oxidizing bacteria on the carbon rather than to direct catalysis by the carbon. T. ferrooxidans is an aero- bic bacterium which derives energy from 13 Mine discharge from borehole Makeup limestone Autogenous tube mill, 25 rpm, ^^^^ 3 in by 7,500- to 9,000-1 b limestone load, ' about 80 pet C0CO3 Limestone slurry sump, ['] 6to8.7lb/min U / <400"mesh size Mine water analysis : PH, 2.8 Fe**, 36 ppm Total Fe, 360 ppm Acidity, 1,690 ppm Effluent pH, 5.7 Aeration pond Weir Effluent pH, 6.8 Fe, 3 ppm Sedimentation pond Discharge to main lagoon pH, 7.0 Fe, < I ppm FIGURE 11, - Limestone treatment, which includes neutralization, aeration, and settling, is less expensive and produces a dense crystalline sludge. the oxidation of ferrous iron in acid mine drainage. It is possible that the activated carbon provides a substrate to which the bacteria adhered. However, recent laboratory tests showed no signif- icant bacterial activity or catalytic action. The Bureau is also funding an investi- gation of the growth of iron-oxidizing bacteria on clay particles (5,000 mg/l) in a sequencing batch reactor. In this test bacteria are grown on clay particles in a ferrous sulfate solution containing appropriate inorganic nutrients. The re- actor, a system of fill, aerate, settle, and discharge cycles (fig. 13), is de- signed to produce an effluent with a Fe2+ concentration of less than 10 mg/l. The retention of bacteria on the clay par- ticles is dependent upon the ferrous iron content. If the Fe2+ content of the system decreases to 5 mg/l, the bacteria are desorbed from the clay and removed from the reactor in the discharge cycle. Using the sequencing batch reactor, a ferrous iron oxidation rate of approxi- mately 290 mg/l/hr has been reported for estimated bacterial populations of ap- proximately 5 X 10^ cells/ml. The disposal of sludge produced by neu- tralization of acid mine drainage is ex- pensive and potentially one of the most persistent problems in its treatment. As a preliminary step, the current sludge disposal practices of 33 treatment plants were assessed to determine the magnitude of sludge production, current disposal practices, and constraints on their usage (1). The primary sludge disposal problem involves the large volume of sludge gen- erated and the scarcity of approved dis- posal sites. The four most commonly used lA 800 700 - 600 - 500 - I Q. ^ 400 300 - 200 - 100 1 -r 1 I 1 1 - \\ - \ \ \ ~ - \ \ \ N \ S \ N - ^^ \ 1 1 >^ ^^ 4-^ 10 15 20 MIXING TIME, mm 25 ■30 35 FIGURE 12. - In acid mine drainage neutralized with limestone, the rate of ferrous iron oxidation is 10 to 25 ppm/min» V////.m^///////////////////777Zy Settle 2 4 6 8 10 BATCH REACTOR SEQUENCING CYCLE TIME, hr 12 FIGURE 13. - The sequencing batch reactor in- corporates fill, aerate, settle, and discharge cycles to optimize the rate of ferrous iron oxidation by bacteria. methods of sludge disposal are deep mine disposal, retentzion in ponds, incorpora- t:ion in coal refuse piles, and surface burial. The amount of land required for disposal is usually the determining fac- tor in the overall cost, although trans- portation, equipment, maintenance, and labor are also significant (fig. 14). The development of methods to efficiently and economically increase the density of the sludge would substantially reduce the cost of sludge disposal. Although there are other methods poten- tially applicable to acid mine drainage Deep mine Retained in pond Refuse area Burial on site 33 AMD plants surveyed Total area: 214 acres KEY ^3 Pet AMD plants Pet total acreage Average area, acres I I Maximum area per site, acres J L 100 20 40 60 80 FIGURE 14. - Most sludge from acid mine drain- age (AMD) treatment is retained in ponds, pumped into abandoned sections of deep mines, or dumped in refuse areas. treatment, such as ion exchange, reverse osmosis, and flash distillation, the Bu- reau is not currently investigating these. Most of these processes are high in cost, have high power requirements, and produce a highly concentrated toxic brine or sludge which is more difficult to dispose of than the original sludge. The Bureau's research program in treating acid drainage from active mines is di- rected toward development and demonstra- tion of a complete limestone treatment system, including a suitable catalyst for rapid oxidation of ferrous iron and sludge disposal. The Bureau is also investigating a low- cost, low-maintenance treatment system for small streams contaminated by acid drainage from abandoned mines. Conven- tional treatment is not applicable be- cause of the low flow rate and the remote rural location. It has been observed that bogs containing sphagnum moss and/or cattails remove iron by ion exchange and precipitation (10). Subsequent neutrali- zation at limestone outcrops completes an effective natural treatment system. Artificial duplication of this natural process could improve water quality in many small streams. The Bureau will test the practicality of duplicating this natural treatment system at a low-flow acid drainage dis- charge point in Northern Appalachia. 15 The system will include an artificial sphagnum moss bog followed by limestone rubble. The system is designed so that the drainage will pool in the moss, but will not raise the upstream water level enough to allow the water to flow around the treatment system. Monitoring the pH, Eh, temperature, iron and sulfate concen- trations, and total acidity of the stream above and below the artificial bog will determine its effect on water quality. The monitoring will extend over at least 6 months so that the effect of uncon- trollable parameters such as ambient tem- perature, rainfall, and stream flow rate can be determined. If this low-cost, low-maintenance system proves to be ef- fective, it could be used to restore many small streams in rural areas. AT- SOURCE CONTROL OF ACID MINE DRAINAGE Of the millions of dollars spent on acid mine drainage each year, the major portion is spent on treatment. But treatment is not the best solution to most acid mine drainage problems. Treat- ment has the disadvantage of being nec- essary for as long as the acid discharge continues and thus requires manpower, surface facilities, and a sludge disposal area indefinitely. West Virginia (16). Sodium lauryl sul- fate was applied at rates of 20 to 55 gal of 30-pct solution per acre, with a dilu- tion range between 1:100 and 1:1000. Application rates were based on labora- tory adsorption tests; dilution rates were dictated by site characteristics. At each site, drainage pH rose from ap- proximately 2.5 to 5.5 or higher, with similarly dramatic decreases in acidity, iron, and sulfates. One disadvantage of the detergents is that their effectiveness is limited; re- population of the bacteria typically occurs in 3 to 4 months. To provide long-term control, the surfactants have been incorporated into rubber pellets (16) which can be applied early to a refuse pile or pyrite mine spoil. These pellets gradually release the surfactant into infiltrating rain water. In labora- tory studies (fig. 15) and pilot-scale tests (fig. 16), controlled release of sodium lauryl sulfate reduced acid pro- duction 50 to 95 pet (14). Full-scale field tests are now in progress. Another potential approach to at-source control of acid production requires the establishment of an alkaline environment. As already discussed, pyrite oxidation is Since acid drainage results from the oxidation of pyrite associated with coal and overburden strata, limiting the rate of pyrite oxidation would reduce the amount of acid formed. T. ferrooxidans normally catalyzes the pyrite oxidation and accelerates the initial acidification of freshly exposed coal and overburden. Inhibiting bacterial activity, therefore, would limit the rate of acid production and, in combination with proper reclama- tion, would reduce substantially the to- tal amount of acid produced. Of the mul- titude of potential bactericidal agents, certain biodegradable anionic surfactants (detergents) have been found to control T. ferrooxidans in an economical and environmentally safe manner (15). Field tests were recently conducted by the Bureau of Mines on both active and abandoned coal refuse piles in 5,0001^ 1,000 3,000 2,500 E Q. CL - 2,000 ^ _j 1,500 1.00 1,000 0.25 0.50 0.75 AMOUNT OF CONTROLLED RELEASE MATERIAL, g FIGURE 15. - The rate of acid production was approximately that of sterile controls when deter- gent was used to limit bacterial activity in a lab- oratory study. 16 35.000 g"^ 30,000 o o E ro" 00 X Q. Q O < 5,000 - 70 100 130 AGE OF COAL REFUSE PILES, days FIGURE 16. - Controlled release of detergents can beused to reduce acid production from spoil piles by 50 to 95 pet compared with an untreated control. slow at near-neutral pH. A source of alkalinity such as lime, if added to recently exposed pyritic material, will retard or prevent acidification. The Bu- reau of Mines is currently investigating the possibility of reestablishing a radi- cally alkaline environment, albeit tem- porarily, to determine if this will slow pyrite oxidation to the point where lime- stone will be sufficient to maintain near-neutral pH. Water handling procedures for under- ground coal mines generally combine grav- ity flow and collection with pumping from sumps to surface treatment and/or dis- posal areas. To minimize the formation of acid water, properly placed sumps and pumping systems can reduce the time the water is in contact with pyritic materi- als. The size and location of sumps is also governed by the ability to discharge water on the surface with minimum power. depends upon t ration of a treatment control reduce Since on the average it requires 0.5 kwhr to pump 1,000 gal of water against a 100- ft head, gravity drainage and an effi- cient pump are most cost effective. The capacity of water treatment facilities flow rate and the concen- pollutants. In designing system, using infiltration and efficient water handling to the amount of water flowing through the mine and minimize the amount of acid formed can result in substantial savings in water treatment costs. A recent Bureau of Mines contract study examined current state-of-the-art methods of water diversion and overburden de- watering in Appalachian bituminous coal- fields (3). It was found that most water enters underground mines either through water-bearing strata in contact with the coal seam, from surface seepage, through faults and fractures, or from abandoned workings. If surface water is the source, runoff diversion, regrading, soil sealing, and streambed modifications are possible control methods. The influx of ground water may be controlled by reduc- ing the permeability of overlying strata, sealing abandoned mines , and well de- watering in advance of mining. Although all of these methods have been tried to some extent (table 1), their successful application depends largely upon geologic and hydrologic conditions. In general, the standard approach to handling the in- flux of water into underground mines con- sists of collecting the water and pumping it back to the surface. At present it appears that water diversion and over- burden dewatering are, at best, sup- plements to traditional water handling procedures. Such methods have the advantages of helping to control large influxes of water that could affect pro- duction and reducing the cost of water treatment. TABLE 1. - Water control practices (2) 17 Water control practice Application Limits of control Field experience SURFACE WATER CONTROLS Runoff diversion. . . Prevents infiltration into Effective if mine inflow Used with varying soil, mine openings, out- is due to infiltration. success. crops, rock fissures, strip- May increase stream flow. pings, cave-ins, surface cracks, and subsidence areas. Surface ! regrading,. Eliminates ponding and im- Depends on drainage area. Used at strip mine proves drainage. Applicable annual precipitation. sites. Can be very near surface mines or other rate of infiltration in- effective if mine large land disturbances. to soil. May increase stream flow. water is due to ponding of water over mine. Soil sealing Prevents infiltration Prevents infiltration into Limited success. into soil by reducing soil only. Not effective permeability. in sealing fractures or other flow conduits. Stream channeling. . Prevents inflow to mines from streams, especially in areas of vertical fractures, subsidence, or high permeability. Can prevent large quan- tities of water from entering a mine. Very effective. GROUND WATER CONTROLS Grouting and/or Reduces permeability of over- Effective in limiting in- Effective in curtail- grouting curtains. lying strata by sealing fis- flow via direct conduits. ing water inflow sures, fractures, and perme- during shaft sink- able formations. ing. Also used to cement localized areas of water in- flow such as faults and joints. Borehole sealing... Prevents inflow to mines Sealing ineffective after Effective in reducing through boreholes from sur- roof collapses. inflow through face water sources and/or boreholes. overlying aquifers. Subsurface soil Prevents infiltration through Sealing efficiency re- No demonstrations of sealing. the soil by reducing duced if area frac- this technique. permeability. tured. Most sealants are uneconomical. Mine sealing Prevents water from escaping Seals may lose effective- Effective in reducing an abandoned mine and infil- ness with time, depending or eliminating flow trating active workings. on construction method from abandoned mines and strata changes. into active mines. Seals may cause ground water levels to rise, causing surface damage. Breached seals may prove hazardous to adjacent op- erating mines. Well dewatering .... Intercepts aquifers and Requires favorable geo- Limited success. controls the movement logic conditions. Used in reducing and discharge of water handling re- groundwater. quirements in mine. 18 In coal mines where fracture-dominated inflow is localized, intercepting water entering through faults and fractures may be feasible. Water flowing through such fracture zones is essentially surface water and would not normally require treatment. The Bureau has awarded a contract to conduct a pilot study on controlling fracture-dominated inflow. The study will develop design criteria for, and determine the cost effectiveness of, intercepting nonacid water flowing through localized fractures and trans- porting it to the surface. Economic and engineering analysis of this process should determine if it would reduce the cost of treatment substantially. Coal storage piles and refuse piles may also be sources of ground water contam- ination (38). Rainfall percolating through such piles may leach acid and/or other toxic ions and carry them into ground water. The Bureau has awarded a contract to assess the extent of ground and surface water contamination from coal storage piles. Methods to prevent con- tamination of ground water include sur- face collection, impoundment, and treat- ment of runoff water. Preliminary cost estimates and a discussion of beneficial and adverse effects will be included. Another area of concern is the effect of large-scale lignite mining in western Tennessee on ground water resources. At present there are few data available on the effects of mining upon ground water in the alluvial plain, in both shallow and deep aquifers. To gather data, four wells and two pits have been dug to de- termine ground water levels, movement, and chemistry. A contract report will assess the hydrologic impact of lignite mining. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 set effluent standards for coal mines, requiring treatment for acid mine drainage. Although these standards have been in effect for almost a decade, there has not been significant improvement in the water quality of many streams af- fected by mine drainage. This lack of improvement is related to the amount of acid drainage flowing from abandoned mines. It has been known for years that air, water, bacteria, and pyrite are essential elements in acid production, yet at pres- ent there is no standard method or pro- gram for limiting the formation of acid mine drainage. Controlled release of anionic surfactants appears to be applicable to near-surface sources of acid production but not to long-term treatment of underground mines. Mine sealing, which is supposed to limit acid production in abandoned mines, has been only marginally successful (table 2). Bureau of Mines studies indicate that surface reclamation and seals at mine openings do not retard the passage of air into a mine. In many cases, seals used to flood a mine or the surrounding strata cannot withstand the continuous hydraulic pressure, resulting in failure of the seal or seepage around it. The Bureau is now evaluating mine seals in several are- as in order to determine relevant chemi- cal, geological, and engineering param- eters and to determine the long-term effect of mine sealing on water quality. Mine sealing is relevant not only to abandoned mines, but also to operating mines that will close in the future. At the present, mines must eliminate acid production or treat acid drainage in- definitely. It is possible that bond forfeiture may become a realistic eco- nomic alternative to the long-term cost of water treatment. In this area, there is need for development of low-cost seals that will maintain their integrity in- definitely. Other methods such as con- trolled roof collapse, water diversion, bacterial inhibition, and improved drain- age should be investigated to determine their usefulness in reducing the forma- tion of acid in mines that are no longer operating. 19 TABLE 2. - Variation in composition of mine effluent before and after sealing Mine 1 Before Low High After Low High Mine 2 Before Low High After Low High 2.9 75 655 203 109 13 3.2 1,290 2,260 1,242 520 508 PH Total acidity (as CaCOj)! , .ppm. . Sulfate (as SO4 ) ppm. . Calcium (as CaCO^) ppm.. Magnesium (as MgCOj ) ppm. . Total iron (as Fe203) ppm.. lEnd point = pH 8.2 at 60° C. Improved prediction of acid drainage potential is being investigated in order to eliminate or minimize the formation of acid mine drainage. At present, core samples are analyzed for total sulfur and potential alkalinity, or tested with slow leaching methods. These procedures have not been correlated with acidity mea- surements in the field, and they are gen- erally acknowledged as only an approx- imation of potential acid problems. Available techniques will be tested at sites where the extent of acid production is known, to determine their accuracy and possibly develop modifications. Rapid- leaching tests will also be examined for their applicability to the determination of acid potential. Accurate methods of predicting acid potential of coal and overburden will allow better permitting by State agencies, improved mine plan- ning, and improved reclamation. In operating mines, the need to treat large volumes of acid drainage is a problem. Currently, lime neutralization with aeration is the standard method of treating acid mine drainage. This method is relatively expensive, requires hand- ling a caustic substance, and produces a sludge with poor settling characteris- tics. The Bureau has developed and is now improving a treatment system using limestone. Limestone treatment is less expensive, uses a noncaustic material, and produces a denser sludge. Routine use of the system requires the rapid oxi- dation of ferrous iron at acid or neutral pH. In an initial field study, activated 3.0 45 356 36 76 5 5.5 490 1,180 625 336 160 2.3 80 349 125 76 33 3.2 1,210 2,520 760 530 670 2.85 20 152 70 7 23 3.70 1,170 2,375 725 502 720 carbon did not have the anticipated catalytic effect on the iron oxidation rate. Presently, studies are underway to determine if iron-oxidizing bacteria grown on activated carbon can increase the rate of iron oxidation in acid mine drainage. A study using bacteria grown on clay particles in a sequencing batch reactor has the same purpose. The develop-ment of an effective oxidation step will allow full-scale testing of the limestone treatment process. At present, other methods of treating acid mine drainage are not economically or tech- nically practical. Limestone treatment seems to be one alternative that could be technically feasible and economically superior to lime treatment, although at present it is primarily applicable to waters with a low ferrous iron content. It also has the advantage of being read- ily adaptable to reclaiming streams affected by drainage from abandoned mines. A passive system using sphagnum moss and limestone will be tested as a means of improving water quality in low- flow streams. It is apparent that 10 years of man- dated water treatment have not produced a significant improvement in overall water quality. Although treatment of acid drainage from active mines prevents fur- ther deterioration, the majority of mine water pollution originates from abandoned mines. At present there is a need to develop methods for reclaiming polluted streams and for at-source control of acid production. Research is needed to 20 develop limestone treatment into a prac- tical alternative to lime neutralization. To address these and other acid mine drainage pollution problems, the Bureau of Mines is conducting research in bac- terial inhibition to control acid genera- tion, improved water handling to reduce acid load, development of improved mine seals, rapid biological oxidation of fer- rous iron, improved sludge disposal prac- tices, low-maintenance treatment of small streams, reclamation techniques to reduce acid drainage formation, and limestone treatment of acid drainage (table 3). Work in these research areas comprises a comprehensive approach to solving many of the longstanding problems associated with acid mine drainage. Improved treat- ment methods, at-source control methods, and stream reclamation methods resulting from the Bureau's research program will make a significant contribution to up- grading water quality in mining areas. TABLE 3. - Bureau of Mines conservation and development program — acid mine drainage Research area Prediction of acid mine drainage: Prediction of acid potential Prediction of water infiltration Integration of predictive technology and premine planning At-source control technology: Inhibition of acid-forming bacteria: Surface mines and refuse piles Tailings piles Extension of bacterial inhibition to underground mines where applicable Alkaline treatment of coal refuse Placement of phritlc overburden Water handling procedures, including diversion and dewatering At-source control technology for inactive or abandoned mines: Daylighting Effect of flooding on acid production, limiting parameters Improved mine seals Feasibility study — underground disposal mine refuse in a flooded mine Demonstration of above if feasible Reclamation of acid seeps (burnout) on revegetated mine sites Water treatment: Enhanced oxidation of iron Limestone neutralization Improved sludge disposal Assessment studies: Ground water contamination by acid-producing metal ore mines and t ai lings ponds Economic analysis — recovery of metals from tailings or streams Manuals : Premine planning to minimize acid drainage At-source control of acid drainage Proposed time frame, fiscal years 1981-85 1981-84 1984-86 1981-83 1983-84 1983-86 1982-83 1982-85 1981-85 1982-85 1982-85 1981-86 1982-83 1984-85 1982-85 1981-86 1984-86 1982-84 1982-86 1983-85 1985-86 1985-86 21 REFERENCES 1. Ackman, T. E. Sludge Disposal From Acid Mine Drainage Treatment. Un- published BuMines RI 8672, 1982, 25 pp. 2. Appalachian Regional Commission. Acid Mine Drainage in Appalachia. 1969, 126 pp. 3. Clar, M. L. , J. J, Ferrandino, C. Bosma, and R. V. Ramani (Hittman Assoc, Inc.). Feasibility of Water Diversion and Overburden Dewatering (BuMines Con- tract JO395059). 1981, 97 pp. 4. Deul, M. Limestone in Mine Drainage, Min, Cong. J. v. 55, 1969, pp. 88-91. 5. Deul, M. , and E. A. Mihok. Mine Water Research: Neutralization. BuMines RI 6987, 1967, 24 pp. 6. Doyle, W. S. Strip Mining of Coal, Environmental Solutions. Noyes Data Corp., Park Ridge, N.J., 1976, pp. 143-144. 7. Erickson, P. M. , R. L. P. Klein- mann, E. T. Poslusny, and P. J. Leonard- Mayer. Hydrogeo chemistry of a Large Mine Pool. Proc. , 1st Internat. Mine Water Cong., Internat, Mine Water Assoc, Budapest, Apr. 19-23, 1982, sec. A, pp. 27-42. Drainage Abatement. Abstracts with Pro- grams, p, 156, Geol, Soc of America, 91st Mtg., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 1971. 11. Johnson, W. , and G. C. Miller. Abandoned Coal-Mined Lands. Nature, Ex- tent, and Cost of Reclamation. BuMines Spec. Pub. 6-79, 1979, 29 pp. 12. Kentucky Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Division of Abandoned Lands, The Effects of Mining Activities on the Water Quality of Streams in the Western and Eastern Coalfields of Kentucky, 1981, 484 pp, 13. Kim, A, G, An Experimental Study of Ferrous Iron Oxidation in Acid Mine Waters, Preprints, 2d Sjnnp. Coal Mine Drainage Research, Mellon Inst., Pitts- burgh, Pa., May 14-15, 1968, pp. 40-45. 14. Kleinmann, R. L. P., and D. A. Crerar. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and the Formation of Acidity in Simulated Coal Mine Environments. J. GeoMicro- biology, V. 1, 1979, pp. 373-388, 15. Kleinmann, R, L, P., D, A. Crerar, and R, R, Pacelli. Biogeochemistry of Acid Mine Drainage and a Method To Con- trol Acid Formation, Mine Eng,, v. 33, March 1981, pp. 300-305. 8, Federal Water Pollution Control Adiministration, Stream Pollution by Coal Mine Drainage in Appalachia. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 1967 (rev, 1969), 271 pp, 9, Gallagher, P, (Maryland BuMines Abandoned Mines Project Coordinator), Personal Communication, March 1981; available for consultation at the Pitts- burgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. 10, Huntsman, B, E,, J, G. Solch and M, D. Porter. Utilization of Sphagnum Species Dominated Bog for Coal Acid Mine 16, Kleinmann, R, L, P, , and P, M. Erickson. Field Evaluation of a Bacteri- cidal Treatment To Control Acid Drainage, Proc, Symp. on Surface Mining Hydrology, Sedimentology and Reclamation, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky,, Dec, 7-11, 1981, pp, 325-329, 17, Krickovic, S, U,S, Bureau of Mines Acid Mine Drainage Control Program \nd Joint Interior-HEW Departments Acid Mine Drainage Control Program. Pre- prints, Symp. Acid Mine Drainage Re- search, Mellon Inst., Pittsburgh, Pa., May 20-21, 1965, pp. 111-126. 22 18. Leitch, R. D. Acid Mine Drainage. 1936, 7 pp. Stream Pollution by BuMines RI 2725, 19. Leitch, R. D. , and W. P. Yant. A Comparison of the Acidity of Waters From Some Active and Abandoned Coal Mines. BuMines RI 2895, 1928, 8 pp. 20. Lorenz, W. C. Progress in Con- trolling Acid Mine Water: A Literature Review. BuMines IC 8080, 1962, 40 pp. 21. Maksimovic, S. D. , and B. R. May- nard. Effectiveness of Deep Mine Sealing at Moraine State Park, Butler County, Pa. Unpublished BuMines RI, available for consultation at the Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. 22. McGraw-Hill Mining Information Services, Keystone Coal Industry Manual. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1979, pp. 911, 991, 1010, 1039, 1048, 1118. 23. Mihok, E, A. Mine Water Research. Catalytic Oxidation of Ferrous Iron in Acid Mine Water by Activated Carbon. Bu- Mines RI 7337, 1969, 7 pp. 24. Mine Water Research. Plant Design and Cost Estimates for Lime- stone Treatment. BuMines RI 7368, 1970, 13 pp. 25. Mihok, E. A., M. Deul, C. E. Cham- berlain, and J. G. Selmeczi. Mine Water Research. The Limestone Neutralization Process. BuMines RI 7191, 1968, 20 pp. ^ 26. Mihok, E. A. and N. N. Moebs. U.S. Bureau of Mines Progress in Mine Water Research. Preprints, 4th Symp. Coal Mine Drainage Research, Mellon Inst., Pittsburgh, Pa., Apr. 26-27, 1972, pp. 23-40. 27. Moebs, N, N. Mine Air-Sealing. A Progress Report. Preprints, 2d Sjnnp. Coal Mine Drainage Research, Mellon Inst., Pittsburgh, Pa., May 14-15, 1968, pp. 33-40. 28. Moebs, N. N. , and C. E. Chamber- lain, The Effect of Atmospheric Pressure on the Oxygen Level in a Sealed Mine. BuMines RI 7606, 1972, 19 pp. 29. Moebs, N, N. , and S. Krickovic. Air-Sealing Coal Mines To Reduce Wa- ter Pollution. BuMines RI 7354, 1970, 33 pp. 30. Ohio Department of Matural Re- sources, Division of Reclamation. Ohio Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation Program Plan. 1980, 543 pp. 31. Pearson, M. L. (Dames and Moore). Outcrop Barrier Design Guidelines for Ap- palachian Coal Mines (BuMines Contract J0395069). BuMines OFR 134-81, 1981, NTIS PB82-1 13838. 32. Pennsylvania Department of Envi- ronmental Resources, Bureau of Water Quality Management. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1980 Water Quality Inven- tory. Pub. 42, 1980, 206 pp. 33. Perrotti, A, E., and A. J. Snyder, Pilot Scale On-Site Evaluation of Acti- vated Carbon for Rapid Oxidation of Fer- rous Iron in Acid Mine Water. (BuMines Contract JO395036) BuMines OFR 58-82, 1981, 66 pp.; NTIS PB82-200494. 34. Skelly and Loy. Water Handling Procedures for Reducing Acid Formation in Underground Coal Mines. (BuMines Con- tract J0199027). BuMines OFR 156-81, 1981, 104 pp.; NTIS PB82-137324. 35. Tennessee Department of Public Health, Division of Water Quality Con- trol. Water Quality Management Plan for Mining in Tennessee. 1978, 88 pp. 36. Tisdale, E. S. Accomplishments of Three Years in Sealing Abandoned Coal Mines in West Virginia. West Virginia Department of Health, 1936, 24 pp. 37. U.S. Code of Federal Regula- tions. Title 40, Protection of Environ- ment. Chapter 1, Part 434, Subpart C, Sec. 434.32. 38. Wachter, R. A., and T. R. Black- wood (Monsanto Research Corp.). Source Assessment. Water Pollutants From Coal Storage Areas. EPA-600/2-78-004m, 1978, 105 pp. INT.-BU.OF MINES, PGH., PA. 26485 i*.-J^.t-V /.ci^-^^o A fi> "ii ♦^•"rS..