Qass JMi. Book ' V-^ 6 ^. S5 / THE PHONETIC SPEAKER: CONSISTING- OF THE PRINCIPLES AND EXERCISES IN THE AUTHOR'S SYSTEM OF ELOCUTION, with additions; THE WHOLE IN THE NEW ALPHABET. BY ANDREW COMSTOCK, M.D. PRINCIPAL OF THE VOCAL, AND POLYGLOTT GYMNASIUM, AUTHOR OF A SYSTEM OF ELOCUTION, ETC. THIRD EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY E. H. BUTLER & CO. 1859. Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 18-L7, by An- drew Comstock, M. D., in the clerk's office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. J. FAG AN, STEREOTYPIC. C. SHERMAN, i'R INTER. - WE hope that the new era in the republic of letters, which has been so long looked for, has, at length, commenced. We trust that a brighter day has dawned upon the world. In- S^ stead of the old and imperfect, Roman Alpha- bet, we now have a new and perfect, American Alphabet of the English language, — an alphabet which has a letter appropriated to every ele- mentary sound. By means of this alphabet words are spelled as they are pronounced, which is the only correct, the only philosophical way of spelling the words of any language. The labor of learning to spell and read, by the old system, is a work of years ; but, by the new, it is that of a few days only. As the revolution which the new alphabet contem- plates, will remove the principal obstructions from the avenues to science, and, consequently, render knowledge accessible to all, it must be of immense utility to the people. How im- portant, then, is it that every friend of education and of humanity, should use his influence and his means to promote so desirable an object ! This book, which is printed phonetically, (iii) IV PREFACE. contains all that is important in the author's System of Elocu- tion, with many additional pieces for reading and declamation. The analysis of the vocal elements of the English language, and the minute description which is given of their organic formation, will be found important, not only to the American who is desirous of accurate knowledge upon this subject, but also to the foreigner who is learning to speak our vernacular tongue. And the engravings, indicating the most favorable postures of the mouth in the energetic utterance of the ele- ments, will be found a valuable auxiliary in the acquisition of this knowledge. The accentual marks in common use indicate, simply, the accented syllables and the inflections of the voice ; the au- thor's accentual marks not only do this, but they indicate the melody also. Hence, by the aid of these marks, in connection with the phonetic spelling, foreigners as well as natives will not only be able to pronounce every word correctly, but to give to each sentence its proper elocutionary expression. The part on gesture is extracted, principally, from Austin's Chironomia, a work which is extremely rare, and one whose great size and expense are insuperable obstacles to its general introduction. All, however, which the Chironomia contains on the subject of gesture, that .is particularly valuable, is here presented to the reader within the compass of a few pages. The Reading Exercises have been taken from some of the best ancient and modern authors ; and they are well adapted to the purposes of the student in Elocution. They are divided into paragraphs of suitable length ; and, for convenience in responsive and concert reading, each paragraph is subdivided into sections, by vertical bars. But, perhaps, the reader is not acquainted with the author's Alphabet, and, consequently, not able to avail himself of the advantages of this work. If so, let him turn to page 16, where he may learn the Alphabet in a few minutes. A. COMSTOCK, July 4, 1846. No. 100 Mulberry Street, Philada. KONTENTS. 0XQRETXKA.L PART. Introdukcun 9 A Sxstsm ov Vokal JDxmnastxx 13 Artxkulecun 14 Ax Alfabst and Llxmsntarx Scpndz ----- 15 Dxfsktxv Artxkulecun 29 Lxspxi] - ------32 Stamurxi] -------------33 Poscurz ov be Mcpd ^ - - - 33 Pxc - - - - 37 Inflskcunz -------------38 Mslcodx 40 Mo^ulecun- ------------44 Fors 46 Tim 49 A Sxstem ov Rxtorxkal Dss6ur 55 Poscurz ov bs Bodx; Manur of Hcoldxq bs Buk 55,58 Pcozxcunz ov bs Fxt and Lcour Lxmz - - - - 61 Pcozxcunz and Elxvecunz ov bx Armz - - - - 67 Pos£urz and Mcocunz ov bs Handz ----- 77 Prsparecun, Transxjun, &c, ov Dss6ur - - - 96 As Hsd, bx Iz, and bs Bodx 86 As Notecun Lsturz ---87 As Strcok and Tim ov X)ss6ur -------91 As Klasxfxkecun ov JDsscur -------93 As Frxkwsnsx, Modurecun, &c, ov Dss^ur - - 100 As Kwolxtxz ov JDsscur 101 As Stil ov JDsscur sutsd tH dxfursnt Mcodz ov Pub- lxk Spxkxn 104 w VI KONTENTS. Significant Descurz 105 Komplex Signifikant Descurz 107 As Gres ov Rxtonkal Akcun 117 Pr&ktxk&l Llqkijcun. Akcpnt Kurent 344 Adamz and Defursun - - - - 339 An Adres tx a Yuij Student 342 Antoni'z Qrecun avur Sxzar'z Bodi - - - - 225 Apostrofi te Lit 197 Apostrcofi to be Kwxn ov Frans 175 Ldwurd and Wonk 189 Llic]i ntn in a Kuntn 'Curcyard 281 Lxtrakt from a supcozd Spxc ov Don Adamz - - 349 Lkselsior _-- 384 Industri neseserx te bx Atenment ov Llookwens - 318 Qd on be Pacunz 230 Ocan'z Adres te be Sun 168 On God - - - - - 243 On bx Xmportans ov Ordur in be Dis. ov cpr Tim 315 Batl ov Hohenlinden 170 Batl ov Worso - 176 Batl ov Woturte 178 Brutus' Qrecun on be de& ov Sxzar ----- 223 Darknes - - - - - - 202 Deklarecun ov Indxpendens ------- 288 Duglas' Akcpnt ov Himself ------- 286 Durc| ov Alank, be Vizigoft 381 Gretnes 305 Ax Ilz ov Grxs 369 Ax Amenkan Flag - 312 Ax Exil ov Xnn 258 Ax Invokecun 255 KONTENTS. VH Ae Berial ov Sur Don Mor 259 As Dxstrukcun ov Senakxrib ------- 320 Ae Grev ov Franklin 287 Ae Land bat wx Lxv in -------- 299 As Kaptxv 354 As Marxnur'z Drxm ---------- 240 As Mizur and Plutus 166 As Mizur and Plutus, wib Dss6urz - - - - 155 As Qxskurz 357 As Rgdz ------- 165 As Yunyun ov be Stets 331 As Kamxlxun . . - - 252 As ®rx Worninz- 248 As Hevnz and bx UrS ceo bs Glorx, &c. - - - 261 As Hurmxt 188 As Gss: or Ne£ur and Fxlosoofx ----- 376 As JDurni ovaDe 293 Lord Ulxn'z Dotur 352 Linz supoDzd te hav bxn rxtn bi Alexandur Sslkurk 163 Lokxl'z Wormn. 184 Lord Wxiyum and Edmund --361 Lokxnvar -------- 321 Rxsepcun ov Kcolumbus -------- 335 Marko Bozarxs 181 Marxnur'z Him 280 Mxtxg ov Setan, Sin, and DeS ------ 324 Mcoziz Smitxn bs Rok 310 Mcotivz te bs Praktis ov JDsntlnss - - - - 314 Makgrsgur - - 372 Numbur Wun ------- 366 Nit ©ots 298 Nolecj - - - 351 Vlll KONTENTS. Wxbcpt God in be Wurld 246 Wulzx'z Forwel tK Kromwel 301 Wulzx'z SolxlQkwx 300 Wumun, R. H. Tcpnzend 228 Wumun, Kamel ----- 327 Dxnxus 304, 386 Pepur 308 Pxt's Rxpli ts WolpoDl 302 PurpeSual Adcorecun ---_ 275 Tel'z Adrss tK bs Mcpntxnz 140, 169 Tim 311 Tk bx Ursa Mecjur 269 Kazabxarjka ---- 322 Keta'z Senat 205 Ketco'z Scolxlcokwx 221 Karaktur ov Pxt - - 264 Klarens' Drxm ----- 266 Sxn from Pxzarco ----------- 276 Sxnssrxtx 329 Skxmz ov Lif ofn Ilusurx -------- 346 Spx6 ov Sxsxrco agenst Verxz - - - - - - -216 Spxc ov Lord "Catham --------- 194 Spx6 ov Patrxk Henri ,--- 233 Spx6 ov Rola 171 Spxc ov Setan tK hxz Lxcjunz ------- 167 Spx£ ov Setan, wxb JDes£urz 148 ©anatopsxs 213 Hamlet's Solxlokwx 222 Hapx Frxdum ov be Man hxm Gres meks Frx - 256 Hxdur All 199 Hxm tK be Dxxtx - - - 236 •Cild Haruld'z Adres tK bx Qcun 172 INTRODUKCUN. ~r^ AN xz dxzind' for ak cun. Ne'6ur haz so kon'stxtu- tsd him, 8at bco& bo'dx and mind* rxkwir' de'lx sx'ursiz ts dxvs'lup 8or pcprz, and men- _3 ten' 8sm xn a vi'gufus and hel'Qx kondx^cun. As tru& ov 8xs rxmark' xz ma'nxfsst from kon'stant obzurve'cun and sxpxTxsns: Scoz hs lxd ak'txv, bus'lxrj livz, koncjand' wxS tsnvpurans and pru'dsns, ko'munlx pozss' robust' fremz, and hsl'Sx konsUtircunz ; qil Ss ss'dsntarx and Sx xndcolsnt ar snurvetsd and sik x li. Wx find 8s sem rxzultz' from 8x sx'ursiz ov Ss msn'- tal fa v kultxz. Hx hsz mind xz kon'stantlx smplad' xn 8x akwxzx'cun ov no'lscj, yu'jualx rxtenz' hxz msn'tal fa'kultiz unxmpord' ts 8e last. But not sea wx8 Ss man ov xz and xmdolsns. Af'tur Ss mirx'dxan ov lif, 8s peprz ov hxz mind, wxS Scoz ov 8s bo^dx, bxkum' wrkur and wx kur ; and hx fi'nalx lxvz 8s wurid az hx snturd xt, — a 6hM . As hsld and strsnS ov 8s bo'dx, Ssr'far, men'lx dx- psnd' on 8s num'bur ov muslz 8at ar frxkwsntlx kold xnts ak'cun, and 8s dxgrx' ov ra'cunal sx'ursiz $rs qx6 8e pas. Nop 8or ar fu, xf snx, hsz de'lx aveoke'eunz ar sod vend az ts brxrj xnts rskwxzx'cun ol 8s muslz ov 8s bo v dx ; hsns, 8s nxss'sxtx ov jxmnastxk sxvursizxz. 9 10 INTRflDUKCUN. As turm cjxmnas'txks, in its wi'dsst sens, sxg'nxfiz oi bo'dxlx sxursizxz ; xn a mcor li'mxtsd sens, " sx'ursizxz sistsma'tikali adap'tsd ts dxve'lup 5s fi'zikal pq)rz and prxzurv 8sm in purfsk^cun, qx6 kon'stxtuts Sx art ov (Jxmnas'txks, pro'purlx sco kold/' Axz sx'ursizxz, qsn komsnsf xn yu&, dxve'lup 8s muslz, gxv acji'liti ts 8s lxmz, and prcomot' 8e ve'rxus fuqcunz ov Sx a'nxmal siSvtsm : xn Sis we 8e impart' strerjd and konsis'tsnsi ts Ss bo'dx, and le 8s fipnde'- cun ov last'iq hslvh ; and x'vn qsn komsnsf in fnan'- hud, Se mvi'gcoret Ss frem, and bres it agensf Sx infur'ntitiz ov e<^. Bi §8 frx'kwsnt and snurcjs'txk sx'ursiz ov Ss muslz, Se ar brot komplxt'lx un'dur 8s kontrol' ov vcoli cun, qx6 xz a pqprful os-xl'yan ts s'vuri vari'iti ov aLcun. Hsns, jimnas'tiks ar not on'li yusful bxkoz' Se sg-urf a hslS'ful m'fkrsns upon' Se bo'di ; but bxkoz' Se le a gud f(pnde v cun for Sx x'zx akwizi'cun ov s'vuri mxka'- nik art. From qot haz bin ssd ov cjxmnas'tiks xn cjs'nural, it me rs'dxli bx konsxvd' Sat vsri important advan'- tacjiz me bx dxrivd' from vcokal cjxmnasdiks. Vco'kal (Jimnas'tiks giv 5s pu'pil komplxf kom- mand' ov 8s muslz ov artxkule'cun, sxtsnd' 5s kum'pus ov 5s vas, and rsn'dur it smsS, pcprful, and mslco v dxus. Ae not con'lx kol fcor$ ol Sx snurc|xz ov 8s vo'kal or'ganz, korskf sta'murxrj, lxsp'xrj, &c, but 8e in- vigcoret 8s lurjz N , and, kon'sikwsntli, for'tifi 8sm agsnst' Sx xnvejun ov dxzxzv. 01 8s blud, in 8s kcors ov its surkulecun, pa'sxz Srs 8s lurjz, qor it undurgcoz' a £enc], not con'li sssn'- cal ts hslO, but ol'so ts lif . Qsns'vur Sor furj'cun, ItNTEfiDUKCUN. 11 8sr ; fcor, xz xnturup'tsd bi dxbx'lxtx, or dxzxz', Ss blud xz dxtxVxcoretsd, and Ss heal sxs'tsm su^furz ; xn fakt, Ss vstx sx'tadsl ov lif xz sapt*, and nu'Qxn but a rsstcore'- cun ov Sxz or'ganz ts 8or natural kondx'cun wxl sfskt' a rxturn' ov cjs'nural hsl&. Xndxd', Ss lunz ar ov sco mu£ xmpor'tans xn 8x a'nxmal xko'ncomx, Sat 8s komplxf suspsn'cun ov Sor o'fxs xz fo'lood bi spx'dx dxscolu.cun. Hsns, su£ hslS'ful ms'jurz cud bx adopt'sd az ar kal'kijleted ts xnvx'gcoret 8s pul'mconarx apare'tus, and sne'bl xt ts menten' xts xnts^grxtx. Wun ov 8s mcost hop'ful sxpx'dxsnts for 8xs pur'pus, xz a wsl-rs'guletsd and pursxvxrxq kcors ov vco'kal cjxmnas^txks. Wsr \vx ts sx'ursiz cpr vex'sxz a fu mx'nxts s'vurx de, akord'xn ts cjust prxn'sxplz, 8s num'bur ov dsOs from pul'mconarx sfsk'cunz, ssps'calx konsum'cun, I hav neo dept, wud bx gret'lx dxmx^nxct. Qil vco'kal cjxmnas'txks gxv a kxn'nss ts a'pxtit, 8e ar a pcprful mxnz ov proomcot'xr] dxcjss*6un. A yuq klur' WI ^ ^ x or'ganz ov spx£, rfffiiFwmL^ VMli ^ x £ 'l xm£nts ov vo'kal larjvgwxc). 'fniT^M^- /^\f I ^ xz £ 'l xm£n * s me DX fcrmd ss'- • - Jr OjP^i^-vl\ A'< P ara ^ x > az xn ^ £ u'turans ov 8s r^ ^P^^a^s^^j ls'turz ov Sx al'fabst, az wsl az koncjurjk'txvlx, az in Ss pronunsxe'cun ov wurdzi. Bi Sx u'turans ov 8x ls'turz ov Sx al'fabst xz not ment 8s pronunsxe'cun ov Ss mxr nemz ov 8s ls'turz, but Ss forme'cun ov 8s ve'rxus sqpndz qx6 8e rsprxzsnt. As furst stsp to'wurdz bxkum'xrj a gud rx'dur, or spxk'ur, xz apur'fekt arUkvlexun. "A pub'lxk spxk'- ur," ssz Os'txn, " pozssf ov on'lx a mo'durel vcjs, xf hx artx'kulets korskt'lx, wxl bx bs'tur undurstud', and hurd wx8 gre'tur pls'jur, San wun hs vosx'furets wxS- (pf cjuQ^msnt. As vas ov 8s la'tur me xndxd' sxtsnd' ts a konsx'durabl dxs'tans, but 8s scpnd xz dx'sxpetsd in konfujun. Ov 8s formur vas not 8s smol'sst vibre'- cun xz west v sd, — s'vurx strok xz pursxvd' at 8x ut'most dxs'tans ts qx£ xt rx£xz; and, hsns, xt haz ofn 8x apxr'- ans ov psnxtret'xrj x'vn far'8ur 8an wun qx£ xz I(pd, but badlx artx^kuletsd. " In cjust artxkule'cun, Ss wurdz ar not ts bx hurxd o'vur, nor prxsxpxte'tsd sx'labl o'vur sx'labl ; nor, az xt wsr, msl'tsd tsgs'Sur xn'ts a mas ov konfu'jun : 8e cud not bx treld, or drold, nor purmx'tsd ts slxp (pt korlsslx, so az ts drop unfxaixet. Ae cud bx dxlx'vurd from 8s lxps az bu'txful kanz nu'lx xcud' from Ss mxnt v , dxp'lx and a'kuretlx xmprsst, nxt'lx struk bi Ss pro'pur organz, dxstxrjkt', xn du sukss'cun, and ov du wet." Or Sx Slfabetj and Sx Elxmentnrx Syndz ov 8x lyghc Ltirjgwxcj. Ax Alt&blt (aXca and Br,-a) xz a sxtxz ov ka'rak- turz kold ls'turz, yuzd ts rsprxzsnf Sx slxmsn'tarx scfndz ov a larj.gwxcj. An al'fabst, ts bx purfskt, cud hav a ls'tur apro'- prxetsd ts s'vurx slxmsn'tarx scfndv. Yet, for brs'vxtx, a sxrj'gl ls'tur me rsprxzsnf a kombxne'cun ov sqndz, az wxl bx con hxraf tur. As num'bur ov le'turz xn 8x Irj'glxc larj'gwxcj xz twentx-sxx s ; but 8s num'bur ov elxmen'tarx scpndz xz ■Burtx-et. Ax Irj'glxc Al fabst, Ssr for, xz bi no mxnz pur fskt ; not on'lx bxkoz' xt duz not konten- az ms'nx ls'turz az xt haz slxmsn'tarx scfndz, but bxkoz' dxfur- snt ls'turz ar smplad' ts rsprxzsnf 8s senr scfnd^. As sem sq>nd xz not con'lx rsprxzsn'tsd bi dxfursnt ls'turz, but bi ve'rxus kombxne cunz ov Is.turz ! and most ov Sxz kombxnecunz ov ls'turz rsprxzsnf dx'fur- snt scfndzx ! ! Indxd', Ss &urtx-ef slxmsn'tarx scrndz ov 8x Irj'glxc larj'gwxc] ar rsprxzsn'tsd (raSur mxsreprx- zented), akordxrj ts 8x cold sxs'tsm ov orOografx, xn Qrx hun'drsd and fortx-wun' dxfursnt wezj qxc me bx konsx'durd xkwx'valsnt ts Srx hun'drsd and fortx-wun' dxfursnt lsturz* ! ! \_Sx Sx Odur'z Fcmetxk Rxdur.~] Axs komplsx'xtx rsn'durz Sx orSog'rafx and pronun- sxe'cun ov 8x Irj'glxc larj'gwxd sxtrxnvlx dx'fxkult ov akwxzXvCun. L'vurx dx'fxkultx, hqs'vur, wud xmx'dx- atlx va'nxc bi adoptxrj a purfelit alfabst, an al'fabst havxrj a Is'tur for svurx slxmsn'tarx scfnd v . Axs, xn- dxd', xz Sx con'lx fxlcozo'fxkal we ov rsprxzsnt'xrj 8s sqndz ov enx larj.gwxcj. On 8s fo'lcoxrj pecj 8s rxdur wxl find su6 an alfabst. A PHONETIC ALPHABET OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BY ANDREW COMSTOCK, M. D. In the following Table there is a character for each of the 38 ele- mentary sounds of the English Language. For the sake of brevity, there are also 6 compound letters, each to be used, in particular instances. to represent two elementary sounds. THE 38 SIMPLE LETTERS. 15 Vowels. E e A a o A a 1 x h s I i I i Q 03 15 8 O o U is U u U IT cp ale arm all an eve end He in old lose on tube UO full out 14 Subvowels. 9 Aspirates. B b D d J J G S Z z V V A S L 1 R r M m N n yj 9 w w Y J bow day a^ure <7 a J zone #ile then fight roll met no song wo yoke P T C K S F H Q ^>it tin s/iade Zdte sin yame thin hut wh&t a a 8 THE 6 COMPOUND LETTERS. oil air » 3 Q 3 job tugs V 6 X x etch OdJiS (16) VfiK.1L JOIMNaSTIX. 17 Rxznz for expresxrj 5e 38 Elxmentarx Scpndz ov Sx Xr/ghc Larjgwicj bi de prxsxdxrj Karakturz. AE 38 SXMPL L&TtERZ. E e. — As scpnd ov a az xn ale (e az xn el) xz rsprx- zsn'tsd bi E, bxkoz' 8xs scpnd xz rsprxzsn'tsd bi E xn u 8ur larjgwxcjxz xn qx6 8s Rco'man al'fabst xz sm- plad', and xn sum xn'stansxz xn cpr on . A a. — As scpnd ov a az xn arm xz rsprxzsntsd bi a, bxkoz Sxs scpnd xz rsprxzsn'tsd bi a xn u'Sur larj'- gwxcjxz xn qx6 8s Rco'man al'fabst xz smplad', and not unfrx'kwsntlx xn cpr on. O o. — Axs ka'raktur xz 8s Grxk p (a), sum'qot mo'dxfid xn form. It xz smplad' bi Mr. Pxt'man ts rsprxzsnt' 8s scpnd ov o az xn old' (p az xn aid). I hav fcpnd xt moor konvxn'ysnt, hcps'vur, ts mek xt rsprxzsnt' 8s scpnd ov o az xn nor" (o az xn nor'), a az in all" (o az xn oh), &c. A a. — Axs ka'raktur xz a modxfxke'cun ov A a. It haz bxn formd partx'kularlx ts rsprxzsnt' 8s scpnd ov a az xn an* {a az xn an). As scpnd ov a az xn an xz konsx'durd bi sum az 8s cort scpnd ov a xn arm. Axz scpndz, hcps'vur, ar not iden'txkal — 8e dx'fur xn kwo x lxtx, az wsl az xn kwon,- txtx. A xz a scpnd pxkul-yur ts Sx Xrj'glxc larj.gwx^. X x. — Axs xz a mi Is'tur, formd partx'kularlx ts rsprx- zsnt' 8s scpnd ov e az xn eve K (x az xn xv). E s. — As scpnd ov e az xn end (s az xn end) xz rsprxzsn'tsd bi ep'silon, bxkoz' 8xs scpnd xz sxprssf bi e xn 8s Grxk v larj^gwxcj. Az 8s ka'pxtal, xn Grxk, xz Ss sem wxS 8x Irj'glxc E, I hav lopt of xts u'pur lxm ts adapt' 8s Is'tur ts mi punpus. 2* 18 VQK&L JDXMN&STXX. h xz not Ss cort scpnd ov e, az sum supoz, but a dxstxnkf slxmsn'tarx scpnd. I i. — Axs le'tur xz apro'prxetsd ts Ss scpnd ov i az xn isle" (i az xn ih). I x. — Axs xz a nu le'tur, formd partx'kularlx ts rsprx- zsnt' Ss scpnd ov i az xn in" (x az xn in). As scpnd ov / xz konsx'durd bi sum az Ss cort scpnd ov x. Axz scpndz, hcps'vur, ar not idsn^txkal. As scpnd ov x xz pxkul'yur ts Sx Xn/glxc larj.gwxcj. Q o. — As scpnd ov o az xn old (p az xn aid) xz rsprxzsmtsd bi cjmx'ga, bxkoz' 8xs scpnd xz rsprxzsn'tsd bi a xn 5s Grxk N latygwxc|. "8" s. — As scpnd ov o az xn lose (s az xn Isz) xz rsprx- zsn'tsd bi s, bxkoz' Sxs ka'raktur xz smplad 7 bi 5s Grxks ts rsprxzsnt' 5s sem scpnd v . O o. — As scpnd ov o az xn on xz rsprxzsn'tsd bi o^mxkron, bxkoz' Sxs scpnd haz hx'5urts bxn rsprxzsn'tsd bi o mor frx'kwsntlx 5an bi snx. u *5ur tatur. LJ u. — Axs xz a nu ls'tur,. formd partx'kularlx ts rsprxzsnt' 8s scpnd ov u az xn tube' (v az xn tvbC). Axs scpnd bx'xrj a kompcpnd' ov 5s scpnd ov x and 5at ov w, 8s rx'dur wxl pursxv Sat 5s ls'tur u haz bxn cept wx5 rs'fursns ts 8at surkumztans. Sum mek no dxstxrjk'cun bxtwxn' v az xn tub and Sat ov 8s pro'ncpn yv" — but Sxz scpndz ar bi no mxnz idsn^txkal : U xn tub xz an slxmsn'tarx scpnd (alfa- bs'txk s'lxmsnt), qoraz' 8s pro'ncpn yv komprizxz 8s scpnd ov y and 8at ov v xn tvb\. Du atsn'cun ts 8s tru pos'cur ov 8s mcp$ xn u'turxn Sxs s'lxmsnt wxl csd no lx'tl lit upon' xts tru ka'raktur. U xn tub xz kom- pcpnd'sd of x and Wu In u'turxn 8s scpnd ov v, 8s mcpS asumz' ts formz. — 8s furst xz Sat yuzd xn u'turxi) x — VfiKM DOlNaSTIX. 19 8e ss'kund Sat smplad' An promcpns'in Wi. Hsns, if 8s rx'dur wud komprxhsnd' 8x sg-akf ka'raktur ov Sis scpnd, hx cud £enc], sunvqot kwiklx, 8s poseur ov 58 nicpft from / ts wa. In uturxrj x, Ss lxps and tx& cud bx a li'tl s&paretsd; xn scpnd'in id, 8s mcpS cud bx kontraktsd az xn 8x akt ov qxs v lxrj. (Sx pos'£jurz ov 8s mcpQ, p. 34 — 5.) U u. — As scpnd ov u az xn up xz rsprxzsn'tsd bi Sxs v ka v raktur; 8s ka'pxtal xz ov 8s sem form az 8s smob Isvtur, bxkoz' 8x arxcjxnal ka'pxtal xz u'Surwiz apror- prxetsd. As pcozx'cun ov Mr. Pxt'man, 8at u xn kur and u in kuri ar dxfursnt scpndz, xz oltG3gs'8ur unts N nabl. Aat 8xz ts scpndz dx'fur sum'qot xn lauon'txti, xz, purhaps', ob'vxus ts 8s mxr trro xn fonoJcocjx. But kan xt bx po'sxbl 8at 8s sem scpnd xz ts bx rsprxzsn'tsd bi ts dxs- txrjkt' ls'turz, upon' 8s grcpnd ov a dx'fursns xn kwon'- titx? JS so, a scpnd qx6 me ve'rx xts kwon'txtx six timz must bx rsprxzsn'tsd bi sxx dxfursnt Is^turz ! U u. — Axs ka'raktur xz aprco'prxetsd ts 8s scpnd ov u az xn fulh (v az xn fvl), o az xn wolf (v az xn wvlf), &c. cp. — As scpnd ov ou az xn out (qp az xn q)t), xz rsprxzsn'tsd bi fx% 8s Grxk/, bxkos' 8xs Is tur xz x'zxlx med wx8 a psn, and wxl an'sur 8s pur'pus az wsl az a ka'raktur ov s'nx u v 8ur forrn . D d. — Axs ls'tur xz aprwprxetsd ts 8s scpnd ov d az xn day" (d az xn de,). J j. — As scpnd ov % az xn a'zure (j az xn ejur) xz rsprxzsn'tsd bi j,; furst, bxkos' j xz smplad' ts rspri- zsnt' 8xs scpnd xn 8s Frsnfr lar^gwicj ; and, ss'kundlx, bxkoz' I find Sxs ka'raktur kan bx x'zxlx yuni'ted wx5 20 VQK<\LJOXMNASTXX. d, ts form 5s konrpcpnd Is'tur cj\ ts rspnzsnt' Ss kom- bind' scpndz ov d and z in a'zure (ejvr), az hurd in 5s wurdz bridge, jem, John, &c, {brief, cjem, JDon\&LC.) G g. — Axs ka'raktur iz apro'pnetsd ts 5s scpnd ov g az in gY/?/* (g- az in ge\). Z z. — Ais Is'tur iz apro'pnetsd ts 5s scpnd ov z az in zone" (z az in zcjuk). A 5. — As scpnd ov th az in then (8 az in Sen) iz rspnzsn'tsd bi 8ehta, bxkoz' Sis scpnd iz rspnzsn'tsd bi 8 in 5s Grxk v larj*gwxc|. In ms'ni ov cpr kolxcjxz and skslz, 5is Is'tur iz pro- ncpnsf lik d,, and iz kold delta ; 5s Grxks, hcps'vur, proncpns' it lik th in then', and kol it thelda. N n. — Ais Is'tur iz apro'pnetsd ts 5s scpnd ov n az in no\ V\ rj. — Ais ka'raktur iz x'ta (r\), sum'qot mo'difid in fornriv. It iz smplcid' ts rspnzsnt' 5s scpnd ov n az in inh {tj az in ir/fc), ng az in song' {rj az in soy), &c. Y y. — Ais Is'tur iz apro'pnetsd ts 5s scpnd ov y az in yoh. T t. — Ais Is'tur iz apro'pnetsd ts 5s scpnd ov t az in tin,. C c. — C iz smplad' ts rspnzsnt' 5s scpnd ov sh az in shade" (c az in ced,) ; furst, bxkoz' it haz hi'5urts rspnzsn'tsd 5is scpnd in sum wurdz, az o'cean, Gre- cian (wean, Grx'cun), &c. ; and, ss'kundli, bxkos' I find it kan bx x'zili yuni'tsd wi5 t ts form a kom'- pcpnd Is'tur (6), ts rspnzsnt' 5s kombind' scpndz ov t and sh (t and c), az hurd in 5s wurdz pitch, chin, nocture (piS, 6 in, ne'Svr), &c. S s. — Ais Is'tur iz apro'pnetsd ts 5s scpnd ov s az in sm\ VfiKaL DOINaSTIX. 21 F f. — F iz apro'pnetsd ts Ss scpnd ov f az in fame" (fenu). © S. — As scpind ov th az in thin ($ az in $/ti) iz rspnzsn'tsd bi d^x'ta, bxkoz' Sis scpnd iz rspnzsn'tsd bi $ in Ss Grxb larj.gwicj. Q q. — Ac scpnd ov wh az in ivhat (q az in qot) iz rspnzsn'tsd bi q ; furst, bxkoz' Sor iz nco u'Sur yus qi£ I kan meb ov Sis ls»tur; and, ss'kundli, bxkoz' Sis scpnd me bx rspnzsn'tsd bi q az \vsl az bi a ka'raktur ov sni u v Sur form v . It iz not a li'tl surpri'zirj Sat sum tek Ss pcozi'cun Sat wh (q) iz a kom'pcpnd ov hw\! Az wh (q) rspn- zsnts' a sim'pl slimsn'tan scpnd, s'ni atsmpt' ts a'na- liz it must sur'tinli bx unsuksss v ful. But x'vn did wh (q) rspnzsnf a kom'pcpnd scpnd, it iz sxtrxm'li di'fi- kult ts sx hep it kud bx rxzolvd' m'ts hw,. As scpnd ov wh (q) iz a mxr qispur ; and, olSo' it me bx vs'rx. klxrli sxplend' in Ss vi'va vo'ce form, it ka'not bx klxr'li ilus'tretsd upon' pe^pur. As rx'dur me komprx- hsnd' it prs'ti klxr'li bi qis'punrj Ss kombind' scpndz ov h and u in full (h and v in fvl), az hurd in hoo K in hood, (hv K in hvd,). Ql Sx u'Sur kon'sconants, nem li, — h, k, I, m, p, r, r, and w, rxten' Ss sem pcprz in 5s nu al'fabst qi6 Se hav in Sx wld^ AL 6 KOMP^ND LETURZ. Az Ss 38 sim'pl ls'turz ov Ss nu al'fabst rspnzsnt' ol Sx slimsn'tan scpndz ov cpr larj'gwicj, Se ar a'di- kwet ts ol Ss pur'pusiz ov Irj'glic orSo^grafi. But az gretur brs'viti in spsl'ii] me bx atend' bi rspn- 22 VQKa.LDXMNa.STXX. zent'xrj sum kombind' scpndz bi sxi)'gl Is'turz, 5s fo'lco- xrj ka'rakturz hav bxn formd for Sat purpus. (I a. — Axs ls'tur xz kompcpnd'sd ov a and r, and xz smplad' ts rsprxzsnt' 5s kombind' scpndz ov oi az xn oil, oy az xn boy (ox az xn al, ox az xn ba), &c». 8 8. — Axs ls'tur xz formd ts rsprxzsnt' 5s kombind' scpndz ov e and u, az hurd xn air, rare, there {or, ror, 8 or), &c. JD cj. — Az j xz smplad' xn 5s nu al'fabst ts rsprxzsnt' 5s scpnd ov z az xn a'zure (j az xn ejvr), 5s kombind' scpndz ov d az xn day, and ov z az xn a'zure (d az xn dfe, and ov j az xn ejvr), az hurd xn bridge, judge, John, George (brxdj, djudj, Djon, Djordj), &c, ar rsprxzsn'tsd bi a ls'tur kompcpnd'sd ov d and / (JD cj). Hsns, 5x abuv wurdz me bx spsld 5us x — brxcj, cjucjf, Don, JJorc]', &c . V t. — Az c xz smplod' xn 5s nu al'fabst ts rsprx- zsnf 5s scpnd ov sh az xn shade, c az xn o'cean, ch az xn chaise (c az xn ced, c az xn cj'cun, c az xn cez), &c, 5s kombind' scpndz ov t and sh (c), 5s kog'net. ov cj, az hurd xn 8s wurdz etch, chin, na'ture (etc, tcxn, ne>- tcvr), &c, ar rsprxzsnt'sd bi a ls'tur kompcpnd'sd ov t and c CO &). Hsns, 5x abuv wurdz me bx spsld 5us' — eS, Sxn, n&Svr, &x. Q %. — Axs ls'tur xz formd from g ts rsprxzsnt' 5s kombind' scpndz ov g and z, az hurd xn exam'ple, exist' (egzam'pl, egzxst), &c . Hsns, 5xz wurdz me bx spsld scampi, s§"xst>, &c v . X x. — X xz aprco'prxetsd ts 5s scpnd ov ks, 5s kog'- net ov %, az hurd xn expertise, ex'it (eksmrsiz, eks'xt), &c. Hsns, 5xz wurdz me bx spsld, ex v ursiz, ex^xt, &c. VQKftL DUMNaSTlX. 23 Rxmarks. I hav bxn Sus mxnut' in mi rxmarks' on Ss ls'turz ov Ss nu al'fabst, Sat Ss rx'dur me pursxv Sat Se hav not bxn prcopcozd' wxScpt' rxflsk'cun, and particular atEn'cun ts Sor adapte'cun ts 5s scpndz qx6 Se ar med ts reprxzsnt. Ax advan'tec] ov reprxzent'xi) xdsn'txkal scpndz, in dx'fursnt larj'gwxc|xz, bi Ss sem ls'turz, must apxr' ob'vxus ts s vurx wun. As prxsxd'xrj Fons'txk Al'fabst haz bxn formd upon' Sxs prxn.sxpl. A l V*x LZ. As vcp'ilz ar dxvid'sd xn'ts Mo'ncoOonz, DipSorjz, and Trip^Qorjz. As Mo'noSorjz konsxsf ov wun kind ov scpnd, and kon'sxkwsntlx ar sxrwpl sjimsnts. Ae ar az fo^lcoz : A, O, A, X, E, I, O, U, U. As Dxp'Qorjz konsxst' ov ts ldndz ov scpnd, qx£ kcoa- Iss' so xn-txmetlx Sat Se apxr' lik wun yu'nxform scpndv. Ae ar az ftrlcoz : e, i, k, m As dxpOorj E, az wsl az I, haz a karakturxs'txk scpnd for xts ra'dxkal, and Ss mo'ncoQorj I for xts vajixc. Axz dxp'Sorjz, un'dur surtxn surkumstansxz, (for xn'stans, qsn Se ar ka'rxd $rs a wid rencj ov px£, az in xntsroge'cun wxS surpriz') ar konvur'tsd xii'ts trxp'Oorjz, — Ss Surd konstx'6usnt bx'xrj Se mo'ncoSorj X,. As dxp'Sorj, K, haz a karakturxs'txk scpnd for xts ra'dxkal, and Se subvcp'il, W, for xts vanxc. 24 VfiKAL JQXMNASTXX Ae dxp'9on, U, haz Se moncoSoq', I, for its ra'dxkal, and Se subvcp'xl, W, for its va nxc. Ae TrxpSonz konsxst' ov Srx kindz ov scpnd, qx6 kcoales' so xntxmetlx Sat Se apxr lik wun yu'nxform scpndv. Ae ar az fcvlcoz : Ae furst konsti'duent ov Q, az wel az Sat ov O, xz a scpnd karakturxs v txk ov Sxs E^xmsnt ; and Se dxp'ftorj, K, kon'stxtuts Se ss'kund and Surd' konstx^uEnt ov Sxz trxpok)nz. Ae fo'lcoxrj skxm xz an analxsxs ov Se dxp'Sorjz and trxp^Oorjz. Ae rx'dur wxl obzurv Sat (wxS wun skssp'- cun) Ss Is'turz qx6 ar smplcid' ts rEprxzsnt' Se dxp'Bonz and trxp'donz, ar yuzd, un'dur Se hsd, konsU'6 vents, ts rEprxzsnt' Sor radxkalz comh. DXP0OIJZ. KONSTX13IJRNTS. TRXP0OJJZ. KONSTXCULNTS E E — I E E— X— X I I — I I I— I— X K K— W p Q_K— W U I — W 0— K— W I hav ssd Sat E and I ar sunrtimz dxp'Sorjz, and sunrtimz trxpSonz ; h£ns, abuv, Se apxr 7 un'dur bwd hsdzw Ae dxp'Sonz and trxp'Sorjz ar cjE'nuralx mo'ncoOorjz qsn Se ar fo'lcod bi a kon^sconant — Ss kon'scanant, xn Sxz ke'sxs, tek'xn Se pies ov Ss va^nxc. Aus, a xh ta'per (e xn te'pur) xz a movncoSog ; but, xn natural u'tur- ans, qsn Sxs ls'tur xz prconcpnst sxrj'glx, and qen fi'nal, xt xz a dxp Qorj, or a trxp v don. Du'rxrj Sx u'turans ov a mo'ncj&or), Sx a'purtur ov VfiKa.LJOXMNa.STXX. 25 5s mcp$ rxmenz' ste^cunarx ; but du'rxrj Sat ov a d/p 1 - &oy, or tnp'&or), 5x a'purtur xz gra'cjualx dxmx'nxet txl 8s komsns'msnt ov 5s last konstx v cusnt ; xt 5sn rx- mens' ste'cunarx txl 5s scpnd xz sndvsd. Axs xz xlus' tretsd bi 5s fb'lcoxrj dragramz : Diagram 1. Diag. 2. Diag. 3. K W Q K W Ax o*pnxrj ov 5s tub, Diag. 1, rsprxzsnts' 5x a'pur- tur ov 5s mcp& xn 5x u'turans ov 5s mo'ncodon, O ; and 5s lsn& ov 5s tub rsprxzsnts' 5s dure'cun ov 5s scpnd v . As larc] snd ov Diag. 2, rsprxzsnts' 5x a'purtur ov 5s mcp$ xn komsns'xrj 5x u'turans ov 5s dxpSoij, ~8" s ; 5s pcor'cun ov 5s fxgur bxtwxn' K and W, ccoz 5s gradual dxmxnu'cun ov 5x a'purtur ov 5s mcp& du'rxrj 5s u'turans ov 5s furst konstx'6usnt, and 5s rxmen'xrj pcor'cun ccoz 5s ste'cunarx pcozx'cun ov 8x a'purtur ov 5s m(p& du'rxrj 5x u'turans ov 5s ss v kund kon- stx^usnt. As larcj snd ov Diag. 3, rsprxzsnts' 5s a'purtur ov 5s mfpd xn komsns'xn 5x u'turans ov 5s trxp'Sorj, Q x ; 5s pcor'cun ov 5s fx'gur bxtwxn' Q and K, ccoz 5s gra'- cjual dxmxnu'cun ov 5x a'purtur ov 5s mcp$ du'rxrj 5x u'turans ov 5s furst v konstx x 6usnt ; 5s pcor'cun bxtwxn' IS and W, ccoz 5s gradual dxmxnu'cun ov 5s a'purtur ov 5s mcpS du'rxrj 5x u'turans ov 5s ss'kund konstx^u- snt ; and 5s rxmen'xrj pcor'cun ov 5s fx'gur, 5s ste'cun- arx pcozx'cun ov 5x a'purtur ov 5s mcp& du'rxrj 5x u'turans ov 5s Surd v konstx^usnt. 3 26 VQKAL.DXMNa.STXX, A E SUB V#X LZ. B konsxsts' ov a vo'kal scpnd and an as^pxret. Aa furst konstx'6usnt xz formd wxS 5s lxps klcozdv ; Se ss'kund, bi as'pxretxrj 8s vcp'xl, U, at Ss mo'msnt ov 5or sspare>cun. Qsn B xz qxspurd, 8s ss'kund kon- stx'6usnt on v lx xz hurd . D konsxsts' ov a vwkal scpnd and an as v pxret. As furst konstx'£usnt xz formd wx8 8s txp ov 8s tun prsst agsnst' 8s gumz ov 8x u'pur xnsi'surx txO v ; 8s ss'kund, bi aspxret'xrj 8s vcp'xl, U, at 8s mormsnt ov xts rx- msval. Qsn D xz qxs'purd, 8s ss'kund konstx'£usnt wn x lx xz hurd ( . J, az xn a'zure (e'jvr), xz a konrpcpnd ov voka'lxtx and aspxrecun. It xz formd bi cjsn'tlx prss'xrj 8s turj (bak ov xts txp) agsnst' 8s rsf ov 8s mcpS, and fcor'sxrj opt 8s brs$. G konsxsts' ov a vorkal scpnd and an asvpxret. As furst konstx'6usnt xz formd wx8 8s rst ov 8s turj prsst agsnst' 8s kur'txn, or vel ov 8s pavlat ; 8s ss'kund, bi as'pxretxrj 8s vcp'xl, U, at 8s mormsnt ov xts rxm8\val. Qsn G xz qxspurd, 8s ss'kund konstx'6usnt (Dn v lx xz hurd v . Z, az xn zone (zcm), xz a buz'xrj scpnd, a kom'pcpnd ov voka'lxtx and aspxre^cun. It xz formd bi prss'xrj 8s txp ov 8s turj cjsn'tlx agsnst' 8s gumz ov Sx u'pur xnsi'surz, and fcors'xrj cpt 8s brsS . V xz a kom'pcpnd ov voka'lxtx and aspxrs v cun. It xz formd wx8 8x undur lxp prsst agsnst' 8x scj ov 8x u'pur xnsi'surx tx& . A, az xn then (den), xz a kom'pcpnd ov voka'lxtx and aspxrecun, formd wx8 8s txp ov 8s turj rsst'xrj VOKkLJDXMN&STXX. 27 cjsn'tlx agsnst' Sx x'nur sur'fas ov 5x u'pur xnsi'- surx tx&. L xz a vco'kal scpnd, med wxS 5s tip ov 5s tun, prsst agsnst' 5s gumz ov Sx u'pur xnsi'surx tx$ . R xz a vco'kal scpnd, ov qx6 Sor ar ts verrxtxz. As furst xz kold 5s trxld R, and xz med bi koz'irj 5s tun. ts vi'bret agsnst' 5s gumz ov Sx u'pur xnsi'surx txd, qil 5s brs$ xz prcopsld' Srs 5s mcpB\ ; 5s ss'kund xz kold Ss smsd R, and xz med wxS 5s txp ov 5s turj s'lxvetsd tco'urdz 5s ssn'tur ov 5s rsf ov 5s mcpvh. R me bx trxld qsn xt prxsxdz' a vcp^xl, az xn red, kruc, &c . ; but qsn xt fo'leoz a vcp'xl, az xn or, orb, &c, xt cud bx med sms5v. M xz a scpnd, vco'kal and ne'zal, med wx5 5s Ixps klcozd v . N xz a scpnd, vco'kal and ne'zal, formd wx5 8s txp ov 5s tug prsst agsnst' 5s gumz ov 5x u'pur xnsi'- surx tx& . PJ xz a scpnd, vco'kal and ne'zal, formd \vx5 5s rst ov 5s turj prsst cjen'tlx agsnst' 5s kur'txn ov 5s pajat. W xz a vco'kal scpnd, formd wx5 5s lxps kontrak'tsd az xn 5x akt ov qxsvlxrj. Y xz a vco'kal scpnd, formd \vx5 5s lxps and tx$ a Ix'tl ss\paretsd. AX aSPKRETS. P xz formd bi klcoz'xrj 5s lxps, and as'pxretxrj 5s vcp'xl, U, at 5s mco'msnt ov 5or sspamcun. T xz formd bi prss'xrj 5s txp ov 5s tuq agsnst' 5s gumz ov Sx u'pur xnsi'surx tx$, and as'pxretxrj 5s vcp'xl, LI, at 5s mco'msnt ov its rxms^val. 28 VfiKkLJDXMN&STXX. C, az xn o'cean (a'cun), shade (ced), &c, xz formd wxS 8e tuij (bak ov its txp) prest cjen'tlx agensf 5s rsf ov Se mcp$ . K xz formd bi pres'xrj 8e rst ov Se tun. agensf 5s kur'txn ov Se pa'lat, and as'pxretxrj Se vcp'xl, U, at Se morment ov its rxms,val. S xz a hxs^xrj scpnd, and, lik Z, xz formd wxS Se txp ov Se turj prest cjen'tlx agensf Se gumz ov Sx u'pur xnsi'surx tx& . F, lik Y, xz formd wxo" Sx un'dur lxp prest agensf Sx u'pur xnsi'surx tx& . ®, lik A. xz formd wxS Se txp ov Se turj prest cjen'tlx agensf Sx u'pur xnsi'surx tx& . H xz Sx xnsep'txv part ov a vcp'xl scpnd, as'pxreted xn a partx'kular we*. H me bx u'turd xn az me'nx wez az Sor ar vcp'xlz xn Se larj x gwxcj. Hens, Sor ar fxftxn' varrxtxz ov Sxs scpndx — x6 ov qx6 rxkwirz- Se sem poseur ov Se mcp& az Se vcp'xl qxc fo^lcoz xt v . Q, az xn zohat (qot), xz Sx xnsep'txv part ov Se vcp'xl, U, as'pxreted xn a partx'kular we v . Ae scpnd ov Q xz nxr'lx Se sem az Sat ov HU qxs purd. Q rxkwirz' Ss sem poseur ov Se mcpft Sat Se vcp,xl, U, rxkwirz,. Rxmarks. QlSw ov no pr&li'txk&l xmportans, xt me not bx unxn'turestxrj ts 8e fxlcozo,fxk rx'dur ts nco 8at 8e se'kund konstx'£uent ov 8e sub'vcpxlz, B, D, G, and ov Sx as'pxrets, P, T, K, xz formd bi as'pxretxrj 8e vcp'xl, U, con'lx qen Sxz e'lxments ar ut'urd sxrj'glx, qen Se ar fi'nal, and qen Se ar fb'lcod bi a kon v so3nant. Qen Se ar fo'lcad bi a vcp'xl, Sor se'kund konstx'6usnt xz formd bi as'pxretxrj Sat vcpvxl. Axs me bx ren'durd ob'vxus VfiKAL DIMNaSTHX. 29 bi prconcpns'irj fcorsxblx, and dxlx'buretlx, 8s wurds be, de, ge, and pe, te, ke\ or s'nx u'8ur wurdz in qxc B, D, G, and P, T, K ar fo'lcod bi vcpalz. As furst ss'vn sub'vcpxlz and §8 furst ss'vn as-pxrets, B, P, | D, T, | J, C, | G, K, | Z, S, | V, F, | A, ©, ar rxsxp'rcokalx kog'nets or kore'lativz, bx'xrj formd bi 8s sem organz. Sum se Sat W and Wff (Q') ar kog v nets. Aat Se ar not me bx con bi qxs'purxr) altur'- netlx ice and q&, or s'nx u'Sur wurdz bxgxn'xrj wxS w and q\ In form'xij 5s scpnd ov Q, mcor brs& xz sx- psnd'sd San Sor xz xn foravxrj Sat ov W*; bxsidz v , 8s for'mur scpnd rxkwirz' a larc]ur a'purtur ov 8s mcpft 8an 8s la^tur. [Sx pos'6urz ov 8s mcp£K pecjxz 34-5.] As kom'pcpnds D and 'C, and Q and X, ar, ov kcors, kog^nets, bxkoz' 8or ehments ar kogvnets. DXFEKTXV ARTXKIJLECTIN. Artxkijlecun xz dxfsk'txv qsn wun or mcor s'lx- msnts ov a wurd ar comx'tsd, or xmpur'fsktlx formdv ; or qsn wun s'lxmsnt xz sub'stxtutsd for anu*8ur. Dxfsk'txv artxkule'cun xz sksxd'xrjlx kovinun : pur- haps' 8or xz not wun xndxvx'cjual xn tsn Sep zand hsz artxkule'cun xz purfekt. Axs ari'zxz from 8s nsglskf ov a pro'pur cjxmnaslxk tren'xrj ov 8x or'ganz ov spxc" xn 6ild^ud. Az ssn az 6xl'drsn ar ke'pabl ov x'mx- tetxq scpndz, Se cud bx tot 8x s'lxmsntz ov vco'kal lan> gwxcj. And, ts fasx'lxtet Sx akwxzx'cun ov Sxs no'lscj, 8e cud bx med ts sx'ursiz bxfcor a mxrur, sco az ts kompor' 8s msvmsnts ov 8or on lxps wxS Scoz ov 8s lxps ov Sor xnstrukvtur. Bi pursu'ii] Sxs kcors, a gud 3* 30 VfiKa.LJOXMNa.STXX. fcpndccun wxl bx led for a pur'fekt and gres'ful artxku- le v cun. Aor ar sum xn'stansxz ov dxfek'txv artxkule'cun qx6 ar sea xmportant Sat Se dxzurv spe'cal novtxs. I alud' ts 8coz ke'sxz xn qx£ wun elxment xz sub'stxtuted for anuvSur. Uxl'dren ar apt ts sub'stxtut Se scpnd ov d for Sat ov g\ and Se scpnd ov t for Sat ov fa : for ge, Se se de>; for kek, teP, &c v . Ts ene'bl 88 pu'pxl ts korekt' Sxz folts, I explen 7 ts hxm 8e ma'nur xn qx6 Se scpndz ov g and k ar pro- dust* : 8e ar formd bi pres'xrj Se rst ov Se turj agenst' Se soft palat, and not, lik d and t, bi pres'xrj xts txp agenst' Se gumz ov Sx u'pur xnsisurz. I 8en dxrekt' hxm ts prconqms 7 , aftur mx, d and g, and t and k, sxrj'- glx, or xn kombxne'cun wx5 a vcp x xl, 8us v : d g | d g de ge | da ga t k | t k te ke | ta ka Bi 8us kontrast'xrj Se substxtu'ted scpnd wxS Se korekt' wun, Se pu'pxl wxl, xn cje'nural, bx ene'bld ts pursxv Se dxstxrjk'txv ka'raktur ov x&. Qen Sxs plan duz not prsv sukses'ful, I dxrekt' Ss pxjpxl ts Q'pn hxz mcpS az widlx az po sxbl (sco Sat 8s txp ov Se tun. ka'not tu6 Se rsf ov Se mcpS), and ts proncpns', aftur mx, Se fo'lcoxrj ex^ursiz : ge ga go ga | gx ge | gi gx | go gs go | gu gu gu | gcp. te ta to ta | tx te | ti tx | tea ts to | tu tu tu | tcp. ag eg xg og ug | ak ek xk ok uk. Qen nx'Sur ov Sxz skxmz prsvz sukses'ful, I rxkwssf d g 1 d g &c. do go da ga &c. t k 1 t k &c. to ko 1 ta ka I &c. VfiKkL DUMNASTKX. 31 8s pu'pxl ts prss his tun, dcpn'wurds and bak^wurdz, wx8 hxz xn'dsx fxn/gur, and prconcpns' af tur mx 8s prx- sxd'xn. sx v ursiz. Axs I hav ns'vur nan ts fek. Sum cxl'drsn, and x'vn sum adults', comxt' Sx e'lx- msnt j qsn xt fo'lcoz d, and 8x s'lxmsnt c qsn xt fo'lcoz t: ; for xn'stans, Se prconcpns' Don, Dow, — *Carlz, Tarlz\ &Cv. Ts korskt' 8s furst ov 8xz dxfskts', 8s pu'pxl cud prconcpns' d and j, alturnetlx, aftur 8s tx^ur — 8s tx'fiur prconcpns'xq 8s j klco'sur and klco'sur ts 8s d, xn x£ suksss'xv porz, txl 8s scpndz ov 8s ts ls'turz kcoalss*, 8us» : d j I d j I d j | dj | dj | d, Ts korskf 8s la'tur ov 8xz dxfskts', 8s pu'pxl cud xn lik ma'nur prconcpns', aftur 8x txfiur, t and c, 8us x : t c | t c | t c I t c I tc I 6. As pu'pxl cud 8sn prconcpns', aftur 8s tx'fiur, 8s fo^lcoxq ex*ursiz : de c|e | da cja | do cjo | da cja | dx cjx | ds cje | &c. te ce | ta 6a | to 6o | ta 6a | tx ex | ts 6e | &c. Ae scpnd ov v and Sat ov w ar konfcpnd'sd bi sum punsnz ; for xnstans, qsn 8e wud se vin, 8e se win', and vixe ver'sa. An atsn'cun ts 8s pro'pur pos'fiurz ov 8s mcp&, xn 8s prcoduk'cun ov 8xz slxmsnts, wxl ssn sne'bl 8s pu'pxl ts korskt* 8xs folk. [Sx pos'6urz ov 8e mcpS, pecjxz 34-5.) As fo'leoxn sx'ursiz, fcpnd'sd on 8s prxn'sxpl ov kon'trast, cud bx frx'kwsntlx prak'txst bi 8s pu'pxl xn 8s mcost snurcjs'txk ma^nur. ve we | va wa| vo wo| va wa| vx wx| vs ws| &c. we ve I wa va I wo vo I wa va I wx vx I ws vs | &c. 32 VQKaLDXMNASTXX. In korskt'xr) folts in artikulecun, xt wxl ofn bx fcpnd advantecjus ts sx'ursiz 5s pu'pxl bxfcoi" a mirur, Sat hx me obzurv 5s kon'trast bxtwxn' 58 msvments ov hxz on rncp& and 5coz ov 5s tx s 6ur. L X S P X IJ. Lxsp'xij xz 58 substxtu'cun ov 5e scpnd ov $ for 5at ov sum u5ur le.tur, cje'nuralx for 5at ov s^. Aus 5s wurdz sel, send, sit, sorj, &c, ar prconcpnsf &el, $end, $it, &oy\ &c . Ae lxs'pur cud bx told Sat, xn form'in. 5s scpnd ov $, 5s txp ov 58 tug xz prsst cjsntlx agsnst' 5x x'nur sul- fas ov 5x u'pur xnsi'surx tx9\ ; qoraz', xn form'ii] 5at ov s, xt xz plest xn lik ma'nur agsnst' 5e gumz ov 5x u'pur xnsi'surx tx£h. Hens, ts avoid' mek'iij $ for s, 5s tuq cud bx dron bak a Ix'tl, and xts pant turnd up'wurd agsnst' 5s gumz ov Sx u'pur tx$ v — but xt cud not tu6 5s tx9\. In 5s korsk'cun ov lxsp'xq, 5s fo'lcoxrj sx'ursiz me bx prak'txst wxS advan v tecj : Se ze | Sa za | So zo | 5a sa | 5x zx | 5s zs | &c. &e se | &a sa j So so | -Ba sa | Sx sx | $s ss | &c. As dxfskts' ov artxkule'cun, xn qx6 wun s'lxmsnt xz sub'stxtuted for anu'5ur, ar nu^murus ; but, az 5s me'Sud ov trxt'msnt xz sx'mxlur xn ol, xt xz prxzumd' xnuf haz bxn ssd ts sne'bl 5s tx'£ur ts ma'nicj 5sm suksss^fulx, partx'kularlx az aprco'prxet EX'ursizxz for most ov Sem wxl bx fcpnd xn 5s prak'txkal part ov Sxs wurta. VQIiftL niMNaSTIX. 33 s t a. M U R X IJ. Stcv'murxij xz a fun/cunal dxrencj'msnt ov Sx or'ganz ov spxc, qx£ rsri'durz 8sm xnke'pabl, un'dur sur'txn surkumstansxz, ov promt'lx cobe'xi) 8s komandz' ov Ss wxlv. Xn a macjo'rxtx ov ke'sxz, 8s koz ov 8xs afsk'cun o'purets drs 8s mx'dxum ov 8s mind . Sta'murxq xz kurd bi a rs'gular krars ov hicjx'nxk slcokuvCim. But, az 8s dxzxz' sepxsts' un'dur a vari'xtx ov formz, xt rxkwirz' a vari'xtx ov trxtmsnt. And, az 8s trxt'msnt xz me'dika-elcjlivcunal, hx hs wud apli' xt suksss'fulx, must yunif 8s skxl ov 8x sloku'cunxst wxS 8 at ov 8s fizrcstn. Ax idx'a 8at non-ms'dxkal msn ar ke'pabl ov dxs6arcj'xrj 8s du'txz ov apli'xrj 8s rs'mxdxz ts kom'plxketsd komplents' ov 8s hii'man bo'dx, xz a svi-cjsivurxs xn lo'cjxk, and a ben xn 8s prak'Us ov 8s hxhxn art . A ful konsxdurccun ov 8s sub'cjskt ov sta'murxn xz not kompa'txbl wx8 8s dxsim ov 8xs wurkv — 8x o'$ur xz prxperxn for publxke'cun anuSur qx£ wxl trxt sxklusxvlx ov xmps'dxmsnts ov spxc\. AE POST3IJRZ OV AE M ®. An a'kuret no'lscj ov 8s pozx'cunz qx6 8x or'ganz ov artikule'cun cud asunr xn 8s forme'cun ov 8s ssvural s'lxmsnts ov vo'kal larj'gwxc], xz vs'rx xmpor- tant ts 8oz hs wud spxk wx8 xz and sJxgans. Ts ed 8s rxdur stxl furSur xn 8x akwxzx'cun ov 8xs no'lscj, hx xz fur'nxct on Ss folcoxn pec] wx8 8s ve'rxus pos - £yrz ov Se mcp$, rxkwird' xn u'turxq 8x s'lxmsnts snur- cjs'txkalx and sxfyglx. (35) 36 VQK51L KJMNaSTIX. Ax s'lxmsnts ar grspt akordxrj ts Ss pos'cur xn qx6 Ss mcp$ cud bx qsn 5e ar formdw It wxl bx sxn Sat 8g dip'&oyz and trip'doyz hav x6 ts* pos»6urz ov Ss mcpft — wun at §s komsns'msnt, Sx u'Sur at Ss turmxne^cun ov 8s scpnd v . Axz pos'6urz ar, ov kcors, mcor or les mo'dxfid qsn Sx s'lxmsnts ar ut'urd xn Sor ve'rxus kombxne'cunz, and wxS dx'fursnt dxgrxz' ov fors v . WxScpt korekf artxkulecun, xt xz xmpo'sxbl ts bx a gud rx'dur or sprkur. Agdz hs hav bxn akus'tumd ts proncpns' Sor wurdz xn a kor'lss or slu'vsnlx ma'nur, wxl find xt dx'fxkult, x'vn wxS Sor best s Tarts, ts ut-ur Sem dxstxrjktJx. Ax or'ganz ov artxkule'cun, for wont ov pro'pur sx'ursiz, bxkunv, az xt wsr, paTalizd. As pu'pxl, Ssr'far, at Ss vs'rx komsns'msnt ov hxz stu'dxz cud bx konduk'tsd drs a sx'rxz ov sx'ursizxz kal'kuletsd ts strsrjB'sn Ss mu'slz ov artxkule'cun, and rsn'dur Sem obx'dxsnt ts Ss wxL. As bsst ms'Sud for sfskt'xrj Sxz pur'pusxz xz ts sx'ursiz Ss vas on Sx s'lxmsnts ov spx6 ; furst, on xc s'lxmsnt ss'paratlx ; ss'kundlx, on ve'rxus kombxne^cunz. As vcp'xlz cud bx sxplwdsd from Ss Srcot, ba§ xnturo'gatxvlx and afurmatxvlx, xn s'vurx rencj ov pxc wxSxn' Ss kum'pus ov Ss vas\ and wxS s'vurx po'sxbl dxgrx' ov fcors^ As vcp'xlz ar sxplco'dsd xn Ss fo'loxrj ma v nur : mek a ful xnspxre'cun, klcoz Ss glo'txs, and kontrakf Ss mu'slz ov sxpxre'cun sco az ts kondsns' Sx or xn Ss lurjz v , — Ssn ut'ur Sx s'lxmsnt wxS a su'dxn and forsxbl xmx'cun ov Ss brs£h. As scpndz Sus prcodust' me bx dxno'mxnetsd vcj'kal &uridur; Sx sfskf upon' an o'dxsns xz xlehtriltol. VflKaL JDXMN3.STXX 37 PIT). VC xz 8s dxgrx' ov 8x slxve'cun ov scpndz*. Hens, it rxgards' 8or akut'- nss and gravViU. aJ Aat px£ in qx6 wun hsz eleoku'- E" cun xz gud, ordxnarxlx koirvursxz,- xz kold 5s mx'dxal or natural px£ ov Ss vas . Acoz ncots qx6 ar abuv Ss na'Svral pxS ar sed ts bx Jib or akvP ; S«z qx£ ar bxlco' it, Z) 4. Fo>hi] sunkumflsx. ( n ) VQK&L JQXMNASTXX. 39 Mr. Stxl kolz 8e mflsk'cunz ov 5s vas ahsenta, aluif grev, and surkumflsx. Dr. Rue dxnomxnets 5s ri'zin. mflsk'eun 5s riziy konJtrxt; 5s fol'irj mflsk'cun 8s dcpn'iourd konJirxt; 5s sur'kumflexxz hx kolz wevz x . Ax sx'tsnt ov 5x in'turvalz ov 5s kon'krxts ov spx6 Jtz venus, uivdur ve'rius surkumstansiz. A ri'zin mflsk'cun me bs ka'rid Ors 5s hoi kunrpus ov 5s vas x . But, in 5s most snurcjs'tik xntErcjgecun, 5s was ssl'« dum ri'zxz hi'ur San an ok v tev; 5o sum'timz it sxtsnds' ts a tsn&, or a twslfd . As smo'lsst kon'krxt in'tur- val duz not, purhaps', sksxd' a kwortur ton . Xn na 1 Sural u'turans 8s kon'krxt in'turvalz ov ri'zxrj mflsk'cunz ar gretur 5an 5or konspond'irj folirj in- flskvcunz. Ais me bx ilus'tretsd bi proncpn'sirj 8s ls'tur e, inturo'gativli and afur'mativlx, ssvural timz wi5 inkrx'sirj s x nurcji, me'kirj 5x in'turvalz ov xS suksxd'in par gre'tur San 5oz ov 8s prrsxdirj, az con bi Ss fo'loirj dragrarn : RIZXIj MD FOL'XIj XNFLfcK'GtIXZ, ©RK VE'RIUS XN'TUR- VALZ OV VIV. Ri'turz on sloku'cun hav givn nu'murus rwlz for 8s rsgule'eun ov mflsk'cunz ; but nio^st ov 5xz rulz ar bs'tur kal'kuletsd ts mek bad rxdurz San gud v wunzi. \oz fcpnd'sd on 8s konstruk'cun ov ssivtsnsxz mit, ourhaps', ds krs'dit ts a mxka'nik, but 5e sur'txnli ds nun ts an Elakwcunist, 40 V fi K a L JDOiNaSTIX Ae rx'dur cud bar in mind Sat a fol'ir) inflek'cun givz mcor impor'tans ts a wurd San a rrzirj infleta- cun. Hens it cud ne'vur bx emplad' mxrli for Se sek ov varvxtx; but for em'fasxs and kedensxz. NxSur cud a ri'zxrj inflek'cun bx yuzd for Se sek ov mxr " harmani" qor a fol'in. inflek'cun wud be'tur ex- pres' Se mxn'irj ov Sx o^ur. As sens cud, in ol kcsiz, dxtur'mxn Se dxrek'cun ov xnflek v cunz. Hens Sx absur'dxti ov Se turrn " har- mdnxk xnflekxun" az emplad' bi Wo'kur and hxz dxsi x plz — an inflek'cun qx£, for 8e sek ov har'mcmx, teks a dxrek'cun kon'tran ts Sat rxkwird' bi Se sens J If a sen'tens iz pronqmst' sco az ts bnrj cpt Se sens in Se most fcar'sibl ma'nur, ol Sx mflek'cunz must ne'se- senli bx harmo'nxk. E'vuri modifikccun ov Se vas, qx6 iz not kompa'tibl wiS Se sen'txment, wx'knz Se fors ov Sx elcoku'cun, bi droarj of Se aten'cun ov Se hxr'ur from Se sens ts Se scpnd s . MLLQDI 3P/LQDX iz Se 6en'c|xz ov px£ qx6 okur in Se sxtxz ov ncots ov a sen'tens, or menrbiir ov a y senaens. Ae sxtxz ov grafxk SjTnots bi qx£ Sxz Cencjxz ar ^repnzen'ted, iz olsco kold a meJradi. Nqte'cun iz Se gra'fxk reprxzente'eun ov a me^lcodx; in u'Sur wurdz, Sx exprecun ov a ms'lcodx bi ntn ka^rakturz. / VfiK&LJDXMN&STXX. 41 JtNTfiNE'ctiN xz 8x akt ov sqmd'xn, Ss ncots ov a ms'- lcodx, x'Sur wx8 8e vas or an xn^strumsnt. As mE'lcodx ov spx6 xz fcpn'dsd on ssns x ; Sat ov son, (Js'nuralx on sqpndx. Wnrdz konten'xn o'pcozxt ssn'tx- msnts me bx sun. ts 8e sem or, wx8 sfskts' x'kwalx gud xf Se fcors and tim bx pro'purlx ve*rxd. Aus, xf 8e ts sonz, MarS ts Se Bivtl Fxld, and Oft xn 8e stx'lx Nit, bx sun. ts 8e sem or — 8s formur wxS gret fcors, and xn kwxk tim ; 8s la'tur wxS dxmx'nxct fcors, and xn slco tim — 8or wxl bx az mu6 dx'fursns ov sxprE'cun bxtwxn' 8sm az 8or xz bxtwxn' 8at ov cjcx and so>rco. But spx6 xz not sco ako^mcodetxrj : hxr E'vurx scn'tEns must not con'lx hav xts aprco'prxet ton, but 8e tun must bx pro'purlx px^U. Ae mE'lcodx ov son. xz gra'cJiretEd on a skel hsz dx- grxz' ar az ds'fxnxt az 8coz ov 8s skel ov Gundur. But 8e mE'lcodx ov spxc xz not formd wx8 sue maSxma'tx- kal Eg-aktnss — xt haz nco skel ov dxtunnxnet dxgrxzs. Hsns xt xz dx'fxkult ts rsprxzsnf xt grafxkalx — ts gxv ts x6 ncot " A Ico'kal habxte'cun and a nem v ." For prak'txkal pur'pusxz, xt xz not Essn'cal ts prx- zsnt' e'vurx sx'labl xn spxc" un'dur xts pro'pur gra'fxk ncot, az xz dun xn sorj^: xt xz con'lx nE'SESsrx ts gxv a ncote'cun ov 8s rs'latxv px6 ov 8x emfa'txk sxjablz. For, xf 8e rs'latxv pxc ov 8e hs'vx or Emfa'txk sx'lablz and 8or xnflsk'cunz ar gxvn, Se lit, or un'Emfatxk sx'lablz, wxl na'6uralx tek 8or pro'pur dxgrxz' ov eIx- vevcun. Ae sxtxz ov ncots bi qx6 Ss rs'latxv px£ and xnflsk' cunz ov 8x smfa txk sx'lablz ar rsprxzsri'tsd, xz dx- 4* 42 VT.K&L JDXMN&8TXX. nomxneted an envfasxs me'lodx. Ax em'fasxs me'lcodxz me bx rxtn on for horxzon'tal, pa'ralel linz^ Axz linz ar kold Se staf ov spx6\ xn kontradxstxrjk'cun ts Se staf ov mu'zxk, qxc konsxsts' ov fiv horxzon'tal, pa'ra- lel linz, and Sx xnturmx'dxet spe^siz. St•) xz x'kwal ts a ss'mxbrxv and a mxmxm (^P), or ts Srx mrnuraz (PPP) ; a dot'sd mx'nxm (P*), ts a mx'nxm and a kro N 6st (Pi 6 ), or ts Orx kro^sts ( ff); and sod on^. Aor ar ts cjsmural mcodz' ov tinr — ko'mun and trrpl. In ko'mun tim xt ms'jur xz dxvx'zxbl bi 2 V ; xn trx'pl tim xt ms'jur xz dxvx'zxbl bi 3v. Aor ar ss'vural vari xtxz ov xt ov 8xz modz ov tim x . Qsn a pxs xz xn ko'mun tim, and xt ms'jur kontens' ts kwe'vurz, or Sor xkwx'valsnt, 8s fx'gurz § ar prxfxxt' ts 5s wurdz, or 8s mu v zxk ; qsn xt ms'jur kontenz' ts kro'6sts, 8s fx'gurz \ ar prxfxxt v ; and qsn xt ms'jur kontenz' for kro'6sts, C, or 8s fx'gurz \ ar prxfxxt. Qsn a pxs xz xn trx'pl tim, and xt ms'jur kontenz' $rx kwe'vurz, 8s fx'gurs \ ar prxfxxt' ts Ss wurdz or rmrzxk; qsn xt ms'jur kontenz' drx kro'6sts, 8s fx'gurz \ ar prxfxxt ; and qsn xt ms'jur kontenz' sxx kwe'vurz, 8s fx'gurz g ar prxfxxt' ts 8s wurdz, or 8s muvzxk. Ax u'pur fx'gur, xn xt ov 8xz ke'sxz, cqz hep ms'nx nots ov a sur'txn dxskrxp'cun 8or ar xn xt msjur; and 8s lco'ur fx'gur, hep ms'nx ov Sxz nots ar x'kwal xn val'yu ts a ssvmxbrxv. EgaiPLZ. Komun Tim; ts Kwevurz in a Mejvr. 9 ft & 1 & 1 f*i i 9 "1 .* 1 f - 1 9 -I Oft haz xt bxn mi lot ts mark *\ 1*- J* 1 ft r- 1 9 & *1 1 9 T i & A prepd, kon - sx-tsd, tok'. in spark*. VQK&LJDXMNASTXX. 51 Komun Tim ; ts KroSets in a, Mejvr. f N i iriLi^N i n i ji J 4 9 | Clol I | \ 9 \ » 9 \ 9 9 I 9 • As kurfu tcolz^ — ■ 8s nsl ov part'xn, de\. Tripl Tim ; -Brx Kwevurz in a Mejjur. % i* I r £ n h m p I i* *, k fc I j As rcoz had bin woct x , (just woct in a ccpi\. MHVMENT. M^vment xz 8s vxlo'sxtx wx8 qx£ a ssn'tsns iz red or sun/, or a stren ov xnstrLrmsn'tal mu'zxk xz pled*. As ret ov msvmsnt cud bx su£ az 8s ssn'txmsnt dx- mandzv. So'lsm dxskcors' rxkwirz' a slco' msv v msnt; sxm'pl na'ratxv, a mxdxum ret ov uturans ; a'nxmetsd dxskrxp'cun, az wsl az ol lar/gwxcj sxprs'sxv ov s'nx su'dxn pa'cun, az cJq, aiygur, &c, a msvmsnt rncor or lss ra'pxd, akordxrj ts Sx xntsn'sxtx ov xmoD^cun. In 8s si'sns ov mu'zxk, ve'rxus turmz hav bxn smplad' ts dxncot' Ss ret x ov msvansnt, 8s prxn'sxpal o\ qx6 ar 8s fo N loxrj : Adagio . . vstx sloo^; 8s slc^sst tirn. Largo . . . slco x tim v . Larghefrto . slo, bat not so slco az largo. Andan te . mxdxum tim v . Andantvno a Ix'tl kwxk'ur 8an andan'te. Allegretto, ra'8ur kwxk N , but not sco kwxk az allegro, Allegro, kwxk x tirn . Pres'to . . . vstx kwxk . Prestissimo, az kwxk az po^sxbl. Ada'gio, andan'te, and allegro, ar 8s Orx £xf d.ivA' 52 VfiK&L JDXMN&STXX junz ov tim v ; Sx u'Sur turmz mark 8x inturmx'diet dxgrxz. In adi'cun ts 8s fcorgo'irj turmz, qi£ mark 8s msv- msnt, Sor ar u'8urz qi£ in'diket 8s stil ov purfbrnr- ans. Sum ov 8xz ar az fo^lcoz : Affetud'so . . . afsbcunet — a soft and ds'likat stih Brilldn'te . . . cirrxrj, sparHirj — a ge, cco*x stiL Furio'so .... fxrs v , mad K — a vxhx^msnt stil-. Spirito'so . . . sprrxtsd — a sprntsd stiL Sum'timz 8xz turmz ar yuzd xn konsk'cun wxS Scoz qic sxprss 7 8s ret ov msv^msnt, 8us* : AllOgro con spvrito, kwxk wx8 spirit — in a kwxk and sprntsd ma^nur. As ret ov msvmsnt xz not defmitli markt bi 8s turmz Adagio, Largo, Larghet'to, &c. ; xt me, hep- s' vur, bx ds'zignetsd wx8 prxsxjun bi mxnz ov 8x METKQNQM OV MLLZEL. Axs xn'strumsnt haz a gra'cjuetsd psn'cjulum, ts qi£ xz ata£t' a slid'xi] wet\. As hi'ur Sis wet xz msvd upon' 8s psn'cJjGjJum, 8s slorur ar its vibre^cunz ; and 8s komtran. Qsn 8s wet konspondz' ts 8s num'bur 50, 8s vibre'eunz ov 8s psn'cjulum ar 8s slorsst ; qsn it konspondz' ts 160, 8e ar Ss kwilrsst. 01 Ss num'burz in Sx m'strumsnt hav rs'fursns ts a mx'nxt ov tim K . A us, qsn Ss wet iz plest at 50, fxf'ti bxts, or tiks, okur' in a mi nit ; qsn at 60, sxxtx bxts xn a mrnit ; qsn at 100, wun hun drsd bxts in a mxnxt, &c. Ax Engreviq on Ss prxsxd'xij pec] rsprxzsnts' Sx xn'stri:msnt xn ak v cun. In rxd'irj, az a cjs'nural rul, 5s tim cud bx markt on 8s ms'trconcom bi hc3l msjurz — xn u Sur wurdz, x6 msjur cud korxspond' ts wun txk ov 8x iirstrw- msnt. In mvzxlc xt xz most konvxn'ysnt ts mark 8s tim on 5s ms'tronom xn adagios, bi kwe'vurz; xn an- dawtes, bi kro^csts ; xn allegros, bi mx nxmz ; and xn pres'tos, bi hob msjurz. ECJAMPLZ OV AE SEVUIi&L M^VMENTS. In 8s foloxrj Es-am'plz, 8s wurdz qx£ xn'dxket 8s msvmsnt and 8s korxspond'xrj num'burz on 8s ms'tro- ncom, ar bco& v smplorcL Adagio. Metronom 60 — ts bxts xn a mejvr. Q qsn cal de don on 8s nit ov 8s grev ! Largo. Metronom 56 — wun bxt xn a mejvr. I \\ [* n I n j* ft r >i I r- 1 I O \ & > \ 3 • I 9 | Q I hav past a mx'-zur-a - bl nit. Larghetto. Metronom 66 — wun bxt in a mejvr I 'I ft 15 rcpnd az 8s 8 e 1 IN & 1 1* f* ' fcl 1 S 9 . \ C Q Sep Sat rco'lsst a - buv 10 I 9 cxld ov mi fa^Surz ! 5* 54 VQKaL jooiNasTux. Andante. Metronom 76 — wun bxt in a mejvr. SJ*JSft|J*-NJ I I I * ft I- I * e old i o I \ . ^ \ I had a drxm qx£ woz not ol a drxm. Andantino. Metronom 100 — wun bxt xn a mejvr. §ft|rft|rNr-.ftir* - =» I • I I *1 I . <-l As trx ov dxp'sst rst xz fqnd «-i e> . I I • T I m • « I -■» Lxst wxl'xrj stxl ts kwxt 8s grcpncL Allegretto. Metronom 112 — zozm for£ >r?z tti a mejvr . I kr ^ j* m > r» m > > p*f f i ® I ©I® 1,0 I • *1 And dark'nss and dcpt ar ncp fli'xr) a - we*. Animato. Metronom 100 — kjk71 5x£ jrw « mejvr ■III ft ft I I r* I r* r I j * & I O I I • • I "1 Sxlf ov Ss blu and bx'mxr) r ! fti r* m .r* -M.,-i n n 0.0. I • 0.|0 I I As mxJZ , xz , fond'sst rxOs ar 6in. A SISTEM ov RITORIKAL JDLST]L T R. ES"CIJR xz 8s ve'rxus pos'6urz and mco'cunz smplad' xn vco'kal dxlx^vurx : az 5s pos'6urz and mco'cunz ov 8s hsd, fes, ccol'durz, COjflm^Ji J J trunk, armz, handz, fxrj gurz, leo'ur MdM^^CiAimz, and fxt v . Gres'ful and apreo'prxet cjss'cjlt rsn'durz vco'kal dxlx'vurx far incor plx'zxrj and sfsk'tiv. Hens xts kul- txve'cun xz ov pri'marx xmportans ts Scoz hs ar am- bx'cus ov akouvplxcmsnt xn slcokLrcun. POSCHRZ OV AE BODX. As posCurz ov 8s bo'dx, wxS rxspskt' ts vco'kal dxlx- vurx, me bx dxvi'dsd xn'ts fe'vurabl and unTevurabl ; and, 8s bs'tur ts sut mi pur'pus xn gxvxrj Sor xlustre'- cun, I cal furst trxt ov 8x un^fevurabl. As most unfe'vurabl poseur xz 8s horizontal. If a rxd'ur or a spxk'ur cud li prcon, or supin', hx wud not bx lik'lx ts dxlx'vur a dxskcors' wx5 s'nurcjx and sfskU I hav ns'vur neon an o'ratur ts dxlx'vur a dxskcors' xn 8s horxzon'tal poseur ; but I hav neon xndxvx'cjualz ts spxk xn pub'lxk xn posCurz olmcosf az xnaprco v prxet. Az xmprs'cunz komu'nxketsd &rs 8s mx'dxum ov Sx i ar 8s mcost last'xrj, ts sx'rxz ov fx'gurz ar hxr xntrco- 55 56 JO E S V I J R . dust', §8 fbrmur ov q*6 ar mvfevurabl, and 5s la'tur feVurabl, ts vco'kal dxkvvun. FOSTJIJRZ UJiFEVUEiBL TK VfiK&L DXL1VURX. D E S V II R . 57 POS13IJRZ FEVUR&BL TK VQKAL DXLXVURX. 10 11 12 DXMONSTRETXlj ON AE BLSVK-BfiRD. Absurd' az ar 5x unfevurabi pos'6urz on 5e prxsxd'- ' r J P e( 3> I nav nG3n rx'durz ts adopt not con'lx ol 5xz, but u'5i;rz X'kwalx xnaprwprxet and ridrkulus. Axs xz ts mu6 be kes, partx'kularlx xn se'mxnarxz for yuq 58 Jo h s v ii r . cjsmtlmsn, in a nunvbur ov qi£ At haz foln ts mi lot ts giv mstruk'cun in Eloku cun. As hu'man mind iz so kon'stitutsd, Sat, in its scju- kccun, or'dur bxkumz' olmosf indispsmsabl. Hens, s'm Sirj Sat inturupts' mxQo'dikal mstruk'cun, iz a sxtius ob'stakl ts Ss gro& ov imtslskt. Nor iz or'dur mor ns'ssssri San pursivxr sns ; kon'sxkwsntli ol pos'- £urz ov Ss bo'di qi£ ar kal'kuletsd for rxpoz' cud bx a\od sd bi Ss stu'dsnt in slokucun. And az gres and dxg'niti ar ov pri'man impor'tans in vo'kal dxli'vurx, ol pos'cjurz qi6 ar inkonsist'snt wiS Sxz a'tributs cud bx avod^sd. Ax xreld' poseur ov Ss bo'di iz Ss bsst for vco'kal dxlrvun ; Ss trunk and hmz cuS bx brest in prcopor- cun ts Ss dxgrx' ov s'nurc]i rxkwird' bi Ss ssn'timsnts ts bx dxlrvurd. As rit fut cud bx from ts ts for imciz in advans' ov Ss left 1 , and Ss toz turnd a li'tl cpt- wurSz ; mxn'qil Ss bo'di cud bx priivsipali sustend' bi Ss Isft fut,. As nsxt bsst iz Sx xrekV sxVxi] poseur, in qi£ Ss col'durz ds not rsst agsnsf Ss bak ov Ss sxt\ and tn qi6 Ss bo'di iz rxtend' in its pro'pur po3zi'cun bi mus'kular alocun. (Sx ornamsn'tal ls N tur, pecj 9.) As nsxt bsst iz Sx xrskt' sit'irj poseur in qi6 Se col'durz rsst agsnst' Ss bak ov Ss sxt. Axz ar Sx on'li pos'£urz qi£ cud bx asumd' in vo'kal dxlrvun. B$, iND MS.NUR OV H 1 1 L D I IJ AE BUK. Ax introdukturi, az wsl az Ss rxtinrj bcp, cud bx med bi a slit and gresful inklinccun ov Ss bo'di, wiS Sx iz, and not Ss krcpn ov Ss hsd, dirsk'tsd ts Sx jd r s n u r . 59 crdxsns ; msnqil' 8s hxl ov 8x advanst' fut cud bx brot xn kon'takt wx8 8s xn'sid ov 8s hxl ov 8s suport^xrj firt. (Sx vxnyst', pecj 3.) As buk cud bx hsld xn 8s lsft hand, from sxx ts et xn'cxz from 8s bo'dx, and az hi az 8s sen'tur ov 8s brsst\ so az ts brxrj Ss fes nxrlx purpsndx x kular. It cud not, hqjs'vur, bx hsld sco hi az ts prxvsnf 8x o'dxsns from havxrj a vu ov 8s rx'dur'z mcpS v , az 8or hxr'xrj wud 8or'bi bx mcor sr Iss obstrulctsd. As fxrj'- gurz ov 6s rit hand me tek hold ov 8s marcjxn ov 8s buk lit lx (sx fx'gur 10, and 12, and ornamsn'tal ls'tur, pec] 16), sco az ts bx rs'dx ts turn co'vur 8s lxvz, az oke'jun me rxkwin ; or Se me bx plest upon'.Ss pecj, dust bxlco' 8s lin 8s rxd'ur xz prconcpns'xrj, ts ed hxm xn kxparj hxz ples v ; or, partx'kularlx xf 8s rxd'ur xz prco- ncpns'xrj an corx'cjxnal kompcozx'cun, 8s rit hand me bx smplad' ts xlus'tret and snfcors' 8s ssn'txmsnts bi aprco'prxet rjsstxkule^cun. (Sx fxg. 11.) Ax iz cud oke'junalx bx dxrskt'sd from 8s wurdz ov 8s dxskcors' ts 8s o^dxsns. (Sx fxg. 11.) Xn dxmon'stretxrj on 8x blak'-bcord, 8s fes, and not 8s bak, cud bx turnd ts 8x ordxsns. (Sx hfr. 13 and 14.) NfiTECTIN OV JOLSCIJR. As wont ov a larj'gwxc] for sxprss'xrj 8s dx'fursnt modxfxke'cunz ov cjss'cur \vx8 brsvxtx and purspxku'- xtx, xz 8s prxn'sxpl koz ov 8s cjs'nural nsglskt' wxS qx6 8s kultxvccun ov Sxs art haz hx'8urts bxn trxtsd. For 8xs dxsxdure'tum, 8s wurld xz xndst'sd ts 8s Rsv. Gxl'- burt Qs'txn, ov Luirdun. Xn 1806, Mr. Qs'txn pub'- Ixct a kwor'tco vol'yum ; and from Sat wurk I hav 60 JO E s c U R . tekn Se sxs'tem ov ncotecun ov qx£ Se folcoxrj xz & specimen: Qen 5e rit arm xz e'lxveted bak'wurdz, and 8s left extend'ed forwurdz, xn a horxzon'tal dxrek'cun, hx kolz Se for'mur e'livetcd bahwurdz, and ncots xt ebs ; and Se poseur ov Se la'tur, horizontal forwurdz y and ncots xt hf^ Ncp Sx abrxvxe'cunz e& and hf ar plest co'vur e'nx wurd qx6 rxkwirz' Sxz pos'djurz ov ox armz x , Sus* : eb hf "Dxhco'va'z arm Sna6t from Se wevz, and brxrjz ts mx mi sun. ! " For an xlustre'cun ov Sxz cfes'^urz, Se rx'dur xz rxfurd' ts Sx ornamen'tal le'tur on pec] 55\. Ax corx'cjxnal idx'a ov Sxs sxs'tem ov ncote'cun, sez Mr. Os'txn, woz sugcjes'ted bi Se le'bur ov tx6'xrj dekla- me'cun xn Se yxi'jual ma^nur. Durxrj Sxs le'bur, qx6 for me'nx yxrz kon'stxtuted a part ov hxz du'tx xn hxz gra'mur-sksl, Sx o'Sur havxrj ofn fqmd Sat hx forgot', on a fo'loxrj de, hxz con mod ov xnstrukt'xrj on a for'- mur, wxct ts bx e'bl ts xnvent' sum purmanent marks, xn or'dur ts estab'lxc mcor yunxformxtx xn hxz xn- struk'cunz, for Sx xz bco& ov hxmself and ov hxz pu s pxlz. Ts lxv Se pirpxl ts £sz for hxmself wud but dxstrakt^ hxm, and, xnsted' ov gxvxrj hxm frx'dum and gres, wud dxpriv hxm ov bco£h. On hxz komens'ment az a pub'lxk spxk'ur (qx£ ka'not bx ts ur'lx), xt xz ne'- seserx ts tx6 hxm e'vurx^xrj-., and ts re'gulet, bi rulz, e'vurx posxbl sur'kumstans xn hxz dxlxwurx; hxz ar- txkiile'cun, ak'sent, em'fasxs, po^zxz, &Cx., and alorj wxS ol, hxz cjes^ur. Aftur sufx'cent xnstruk'cun and JD E S C U R . 61 prak'txs, hx wxl rs'gulet hxz con ma'nur, akord'xrj ts 5s sugcjss'£unz ov hxz con cjucjjnsnt. Amuiy Ss hi'ur ob'cjskts ov Sxs sxs'tsm ov ncotccun, me bx rsknd xts yju'sxz az a rs'kord, qsns 8s hxstorx- kal pen'tur me dxriv 8s metx'rxalz ov trwi), and qsns 8x or'atur and Sx slcoku'cunxst me not con'lx obten' 8x xnstruk'cunz ov 8s gret msn hs hav prxsxdsd 8sm xn 8s sem karxr, but bi qx6 ol'sco 8e me sxkur, unol'tura- blx, Ssr con xmprsvmsnts for 8x advans'msnt ov 8or art, and for 8s bs'nxfxt ov postsTxtx. PfiZICUN OV AE FXT aND LQHR LXMZ. As parts ov 8s hu'man fx'gur qx£ ar brot xn'ts ak'cun, xn (jss'cirr, ka'not, xn truS, bx konsx'durd ss^paret ; for s'vurx musl, co'vur qx6 msn kan sx'ursiz vo'Iuntarx ak'cun, kontrx'buts xn sum ms'jur ts 8s purfsk'cun ov cjss^ur. For konvxn'ysns, hcps'vur, wx me xnu'muret and klas 8s most dxstxrj'gwxct parts ov 8s bo'dx, qx£ sfskt' 8s prxn'sxpal cjss v 6urz. Axz ar — i. Ae HeDv. J 5. Ae H&ivdz &nd FxjfGtiRz. 2. Ae CfiLj3iiRZ. 6. Ae Lcj'ur Lxmz &nd Nxz\. 3. Ae Truijk,. 7. Ae Fxi\. 4. Ax ArmZv. J I cal bxgxn', az xt wsr, wx8 8s fcpnde'cun ov 8s bxld'xq, and cal furst konsx'dur 8s pcozx'cunz and mco'cunz ov 8s fxt and lco'ur lxmzv ; sxns wxScpf 8s stabx'lxtx and xz ov Sxz, nx'8ur gres nor dxg/nxtx kan konsxst' xn 8s stand'xrj fvgur. As gres'fulnss ov mco'cun xn 8s hu'nmn form kon- sxsts' xn 8s fasx'lxtx and sxku'rxtx wx8 qx£ xt xz sx^x- kutsd. And 8s gres ov s'nx pos'6urz (sksspt' su6 az 6 62 JDtSCUR ar ma'nifsstli dxsind' for rxpoz ; ) konsxsts' in 8x ape 1 rent fasi'liti wi5 qx6 Se kan bx vend. Hens, in 8a stand'irj frgur, 8s poseur iz gres'ful qsn 5s wet ov Se bo'di xz prxn'sipalx suporfsd bi wun fut, qxlst 8x u'Sur xz so plest az ts bx rs'dx ts rxlxv it promt'li, and, ape'rsntli, wiScft' escort. As pozrcunz ov 8s fxt ar sxprssf bi 8s fo'loirj kutSs. As notecun ls'turz, qi6 in'diket 8e pazrcunz ov 8s fxt, cud bx ntn un'dur 8s wurdz qor 8s spxk'ur iz ts asunV su6 pozivcunz. Furst Pozicun ov 8e Rit Fvt. Ais pozi'cun iz sxprsst' bi fxg. 15*. Ax u'pur part ov 8s fi'gLir rsprxzsnts' 8x slive cun ov 8s pozrcun ; 8s lo'ur, Ss plam. As ncote'cun ls'turz smplad' ts ds'zignet Sis pozrcun ar R 1*, qi6 sig'nifi right fvt, furst pozrcun. In 8is pozrcun, 8s rit fut, advanst' bxfor 8s Isft Srx or for m'6xz, formz wiS it an arj'gl ov abcpt' 75 dxgrxz v , az me bx sxn in 8s plan*. As linz qx£ form 8is arj'gl, pas'irj Srs 8s lsrj& ov x£ fut, mxt its vur'tsx un'dur 8s hxl ov 8s Isft. As principal wet ov 8s bo'dx xz susfsnd' bi 8s lsft v fut*; 8s rit rssts lit'lx, but in its hoi IsrjS, upon' 8s flon. Ais fakt iz con in 8s plan bi dxp'li ced'irj 8s lsft fut v and lit'lx ced'irj 8s rit. Sehund Pozicun ov Se Rit Fvt. In Sis pozi'cun, fxg. 16, 8s rit. fut, slid'irj for'wurd a fu in'ciz, rxsxvz' 8s prxn'sxpl wet ov 8s bo di ; 8s JO E S V U It . 63 left hxl xz rezd and turnd a lxtl tco'urdz 5s rit, qil Se bol ov Se left gret to lit'lx tuc'xz Se liar, ts kxp Se bo'dx from to^turxrj. In Se plan, Se rit fut, bi qx6 8e wet ov 8e bo'dx xz prxn'sxpalx sustend', xz ol ced'ed, qil Sat part con'lx ov Se left xz ced'ed qx6 rests upon' Se flcoi\. Ax arj'gl formd bi linz dron Srs Se lend ov Se fxt, xn Sxs pcozx'- cun, xz abcpt' 90 dxgrxzv. Ae ncote'- cun le'turz ov Sxs pcozx'cun ar R 2", qx6 sxg'nxfi rit fvt, se'kund pazrcun, Xn Sxs pcozx'cun, qen Se fxt ar nxr tcoge'Sur, Sx entir' sco J ov 5e left fut me lit'lx tu6 Se floor ; but qen Se fxt ar se'pareted abcpt' Sor con lend, or mcor, Se left cud tu6 con/lx nxr Se gret t^ ; Se nx cud bx a lx'tl bent, and Se hxl turnd xn N wurd. Fur st Pazicun ov 8e Left Fvt Axs pcozxcun ov Se left fut, fxg. 17, xz, xn ol rxspekts', ana'lagus ts Se furst pcozx'cun ov Se rit. Ae left fut xz advanst', and Se bo'dx xz prxn'sxpalx supcor'ted bi Se rit. Ae ced'xrj ov Se plan xz sxmxlur ts Sat ov Se furst pcozx'cun ov Se rit, and for Se sem purpusxz. Ae ncote'cun le'turz ar Ll\ — left fvt, furst pcjzrcun Sehund Pcozxcun ov Se Left Fvt. Axs pcozx'cun ov Se left fut, fxg. 18, xz, xn ol rx- spekts', ana'lagus ts Se se'kund pozx'cun ov Se rit' 64 JO ESCIJR. and, in Ss fi'gur, it iz rsprizsn'tsd in 5e sem ma^nur, con'li rxvurst. As ncotecun lcturz ar L 2", — left fvt, se'hund pcjzrcun. Fi'gur 19 iz a bs'tur plan ov Se pcozrcunz ov Se rit fut San Sat ansxt' ts Sx slive v cunz. In Se furst pcozi'cun ov Se rit fut, Se linz f,f — f,f, pas'xrj Srs Se sen'tur ov Se fxt, mek an arj'gl ov abcpf 75 dxgrxz v ; and, xn Se SE'kund pcozi'cun, Se linz S, S — S, S, mek an arj'gl ov abcpf 90' dxgrxzv. Axz arj'- glz ar nxr'lx bissk'tsd bi Se lin E E, qx£ xz supcozd' ts gco ts Se pursn adrestw Xn Ss furst pcozi'cun, Se linz s,f,k,x,b, ansxt' ts Se dot'ed prints ov bco& Se fxt, mark - Se ma'nur xn qi6 Se ar cif tsd, wiScpt ol'- tunrj Sor con arj'gl, akord'irj az Se cjss'- cur iz dirsktsd. Axz ar ncote'cun ls'turz qxc wxl bx sxplend' hxraftur. Ais fi'gur me bx supcozd' ts bx rxvursr for Se pcozi'cunz ov Se left fut v . As furst pcozi'cun ov x'Sur fut, but partrkularli Sat ov Se rit (bxkoz' Se mcor gres'ful), iz Ss pro'pur rxd irj pcozi\Cun. It iz ol'sco Ss pro'pur riz'irj pcozi'cun ov Sx o ratur ; but cud hx strs6 fcorS hxz armz tco'urdz Sx o'dxsns, qsn hx bxginz' ts spxk, hx cud tek Se ss'kund pcozi.cun. 19 X) E S V U R . 65 In 5s pcozx'cunz qx6 hav bxn dxskribd', 8s fxt ar sum'timz mar wid'lx ss v paretsd. As pcozx'cunz 5sn ar ssd ts bx sxtsnd^sd. As sxtsnd'sd pcozx'cunz ov Ss rit fut ar sxprsst' bi fxg. 20. As furst sxtsnd'sd pcozx'cun ov x'Sur fut xz med qsn wun rxtirz' xn alarnr (fxg. 105, and 106 ) ; Ss ss'kund qsn hx advan'sxz \vx8 bo^ldnss (fxg. 108 v ). An x xz a'dsd ts 8s ncote'cun ts sxprss' 8x sxtsnd'sd pcozx'cun, 8us x : R 1 x, — rit fvt, furst pazi'cun, extend" ed ; R 2 x, — rit fvt, se'kund pozi'cun, extended, &c*. As kontrak'ted pcozx'cun me bx x'zxlx un'durstud bi supcoz'irj 8s hxlz ts bx brcot klcos tcogs x 8ur. A A: xz a'dsd ts 8s ncote'cun, ts sxprss' 8s kontrak'tsd pcozx'- cun, 8uS\ : Rl k, L 1 It, &c. Xn 6encJ'xr) 8s pcozx'cunz ov 8s fxt, 8s mco'cunz cud bx med wx8 8x ufmcost sxmplx'sxtx, and frx from 8s pared' and swxp ov dans^xrj. Q\ 6encJ'xz, sksspt' qar partx'kulur s'nurcjx rxkwirz' 8s spxk'ur ts stamp, start bak, or advans' wx8 markt dxsi'jun, cud bx med al- most' xmpurssp^txblx. As centj'xz cud not bx ts frx 1 - 6* 66 JD E S V IJ R . kwent : frx'kwent £enc) gxvz 8x idx'a ov arjxi'xtx and instabrlitx, qx6 ar unfe vurabl ts an o»ratur. As se'vural akts rxzulfxrj from Se 6enc]'xz in Se pco- zx'cunz ov Se fxt, ar, advans'xy (nco'ted a) ; rxtir'iy (r) ; travurs'irj (tr) ; kros'iy (h). If mcor steps San wun ar ts bx exprest', az in Se bxz'nes ov Se Sx'atur, Se num'bur me bx xntrcodusf xn a parenSxsxs, aftur Se le'tur mark'xrj Se step, Sus N , a (2) R 2,. Axs ncotccun mxnz, advans' ts steps ts 5e se'kund pozx'cun ov Se rit fvU. 'Cencjxz ov pcozx'cun, or steps, ar, ov kcors, konsx'- durd ts bx med con'lx bi 8e fut on qx£ 8s bo'dx xz not supcor ted, for Sat alcon' xz fix. Cud it bx rxkwird' ta* msv 8e fut qx£ supcorts' Se bo'dx (supcoz- Se left ts Se furst pcozx'cun ov Se rit), ts mco'cunz ar ne^seserx ; xn Se furst Se pcozx'cun must bx £encjd ts R 2\ sco az ts Oreo Se wet ov Se bo'dx on Se rit v fut, Sen Se left me bx msvd az rxkwirdu Akord'irj ts Sis prxn'sxpl, it wil bx fcpnd Sat from -^2 x£ cori'cjxnal pcozx'- m cun fcor steps me bx med v . Axs iz ilus'- treted bi fxg. 21, ,and 22 v , in qx£ Se S^ /" *s\5 ill #T ^.Jflar^ steps reprizent ^ ~^fy -\ -^ ( AJL.1. lin ov 8s frx, or furst msvxrj fut, xz markt wx5 a star. In 8s fx'gurz, xt wxl bx obzurvd' 8at from x£ pcozx'cun fcor stsps^ me bx meo\ — 5s spxk'ur me ad- vans', rxtir', tra'vurs, and krosx. In ad- vans'xrj and tra'vurs- xrj, x£ stsp fx'nxcxz on Ss ss'kund pcozx'- cun ov Sx advansxrj ftrtv; and, xn rxtirxq from 8s furst pcozx'- cun, 8s stsp fx'nxcxz on Ss furst pcozx'cun ov 8s kon trarx fut ; but, xn rxtirxrj from 8s ss'kund pcozx'cun, xt fxnxcxz on 8s furst pcozx'cun ov 8s senr fut. In kros'xrj from Ss furst pcozx'cun, 8s frx fut pa'sxz bxfcor 8x u'8ur, and fx'nxcxz on 8s ss'kund pco- zx^cun ; but, xn kros'xrj from 8s ss'kund pcozx'cun, xt pa'sxz bxhind' 8s plantsd fut, and fx'nxcxz on 8s furst pcozx^cun. As stsps from 8s ts pcozx'cunz ov 8s lsft fut ar sx'mxlur ts Scoz ov 8s rit N , and ds not rxkwir' ts bj sxplend' bi anu x Sur fx*gur. 22 AE PfiZXCIINZ AND ELXVECUNZ OV AX ARMZ. Fxg. 23 rsprxzsnts' a pur'sn standxrj wx8 hxz armz harj'xrj unkonstrendw Ncp, xf from 8xs pcozx'cun Sx arm bx rezd az hi az xt kan bx, az xn fxg. 24, Sx sx- trs'mxtx ov 8x fxrj'gurz wxl dxskrib', xn Ss vur'txkal dxrsk'cun, a ss'mxsurkl, qxc, xn Ss fx'gur, xz markt at X) h S C IJ R . fiv pants*, R, d, h, e, Z, at xn'turvalz ov 45 dxgrxzv. If, xn Se trans- vurs' dxrek'cun, 5x arm bx Ex- tended akros' §s bo'dx az far az konvxn'ysns wxl purmxt',and§£n swept horxzon'- talx rcfnd, and qp t'wurdz, Sx £x- tre'mxtx ov 5e fxrj'gurz wxl dx- skrib' a se'mx- surkl,qx£ xn hg. 25 xz olso markt at fiv pants*, s, /, k, x, b\, at xn'turvalz ov 45 dxgrxzv. Upon' Sxz prxn'sxplz xz bxlt Se pre'zent sxstem ov h s v u r . 87 Ae mco'cunz ov Se trurjk kontri'but muc ts Sx efekt' xn dxk^vurx. As cJES'6.urz ov Sx armz and handz, Set'- for, cud ol'wez bx supcorfed bi Sx akum'panxmEnt ov Se bo dx. A£ NQTECUN LETtlRZ. Ae most kompkke'ted cJES'C^rz ar Soz qx6 rxlet' ts Se kombind' pos'curz and mco'cunz ov Se handz and armzx ; yet Sxz ar exprssf wxS sufx'CEnt a'kurasx bi for (sunrtimz fu'ur) notccun lE'turz for x6 msv v ment. Ae furst for, or Se furst 9rx lE'turz, ar kold a sst v ov Isvturz. In a sst, Qzphfd, or sek n, Ae furst le'tur rxlets' ts Se poseur ov Se hand*. As se'kund, ts Sx ekve'cun ov Sx arm?* As Surd, ts Se transvurs' sx£i:e'cun ov Sx arm » Ae frjr&, ts Se mo'cun, or fors N ov Se rjescitt*. Aus, phf d xz rsd, prcm horxzon'tal for'wurd dl- sender/, Prcm xz Se poseur ov Se hand* ; horxiontaU Sx ekve'cun ov Sx arm 1 ; for'wurd, Sg pos'cur ov Sx arm xn Se transvurs' dxrtkdin ; and dxsend'Xf) mxnz Sat Sx arm dxsEndz' from a hi'ur ekve'cun. Ae sst, sek n, xz rsd svpin 1 e'lxvet'ed oblilv nwtAij* Svpiri', Se pos'eur ov Se hand, ; e'lxveted, Sx arm, az ts Ekve v - cun ; oblik', Sx arm xn Se transvurs' dxrsk^cun ; ncjt'xy> Sx ak'cun ov Se hand and arm. Qsn Sor ar ts ssts ov smol lE'turz, Se furst SEt dx- nots 7 Se cjes'Ci :rz ov Se rit K hand and arm, ; Se sE'kund, Soz ov Se kftv. As ts ssts ar sEparet'sd bi a cort dac>, Susx : phk — pdb. A cort dac ol'wez akunrpanxz a sxrj'gl SEt ov smol ls^turz : qsn Se dac fo'lcjt Se lE'turz, Se dxnof Se c]es cl.t ov Se rit hand; qsn Se dac prx- 88 JD h S tJ U R . sxdz' Se lg'turz, 8e dxncot' 8g cjes'CLir ov 8e te/^ handv. Qgn a set ov smol lg'turz xz prxsxd'gd bi a ka'pxtal B, 8g cjgs'cur qx£ Se rgprxzgnt' xz ts bx purformd' bi bo& handzv. Qgn a lorj dac fo'loz Se smol lg'turz, konekt'xrj Sem waS u'Sur smol le'turz, or \vxS a sxrj'gl wun, far'8ur on, a cencj ov c)gs cur xz markt, qxc xz ts tek pies on Sg wurd o'vur qx£ su£ lg'tur, or lg'turz, ar plest ; and 8s komgns'mgnt and turmxne'cun ov 8g dac mark 8g komgns'mgnt and turmxnecun ov 8g cjgs^ur. Qgn a set ov smol lg'turz, havxrj a dac, xz konekt'gd bi a lin ov dots wxS anu'8ur sgt ov smol lg'turz, havxrj a kon'trarx dac, Sg cjgs'cur med bi 8g furst hand xz ts bx fo'lod and supoart'gd bi anu'8ur (Jgs'cur med bi 8x u v 8ur hand, qx£ xz ts tek pies qar 8g sg'kund sgt ov lg'turz xz markt,. Axs xz kold altur net cjes^ur. In or'dur ts prxvenf konfu'jun, 8g pos'curz ov 8g hgd, and 8g dxrgk'cun ov Sx iz, ar xndxke'tsd bi kapx- tal lg'turz, nxr # 8g bxgxn'xrj ov 8g seirtens, or at sum dxs'tans from 8g lg'turz rxle'txrj ts 8g handz and armzv. Ag lg'turz qx6 mark 8g pwzx'cunz ov 8g fxt and 8g stgps, ar plest bxlo s 8g lin, and un'dur 8g wurd qor Se cud tek ples>. Sinoptxh&l Mrencjmsnt ov 8e Notecun Leturz. Furst smol Llttir, Notxr/ 8e Dxspozxcun ov 8e Fxijgurz. n, natural. x, xmdex. a, ho^lw. k, klxnct. /, kolskfcd. m, Sum.. x, extend ed. h, hordxr). g, graspxrj. x> h s c u r , 8< "Nat XT) Be Manur ov Prxzentxr/ 8e Para, p, pron*. 99, cft'wurd. /, forwurd. s, supirix. v, vurtikal, b, bak v wurd. n, m*wurd. SEKUND SMOL LeTUR, &ND TH K&PXTkLZ, Nat xrj 8x Elxvecun ov 5x Armz. d, dcpn x wurd. Z, zrnxd. h, horizontal. R, restv. e, E v livetsd. ©URD SMOL LfcTtIR, Ncjtxy de PosSvr ov Sx Armz xn 3e Transvurs Dxrekcun. s, akrosi. Tt, oblikv. b, bak-wurd. f 9 forwurd. x, extended. For® aND Fxf© smol Lltur, Notxy Se Fc?rs ov Mcocun ov &e Handz and Armz, x, extrxnii. k, kontrakt^d. m, mo^duret. Ncjtxrj 3e Dxrekcun ov Mocun. a, asEnd^irj. /, left., v, rxvolv\xn, d, dxs£nd v irj. f, forwurd. x, m v wurd. r, ritx. b, bak-wurd. gj, (ptnvurd. Notxrj Se Manur ov Mocun. Tit narii]. ad, advans N ig. bn, bgnd^ii). p, puc x irj. sp, sprxiyii). rh, rxkabirj. w, we\ M xr). st, striker). c, ceioirj. fl, fluTic. pr, pr£S*xn. $, Srorirj. sw, swxp*. rt, rxtraktMtrj. Id, klm6in. bh, bsk^nii). r$, rxcjekMrj. Ik, kolskt'irj. rp, rxpres^irj. 90 D h S V LT It . Kapxtalz, Notxrj Se Poster ov Se Red, and Dxrekcun ov Sx Iz. X, xnklind*. Ts, tos v xrj. D, dcprvwurd. X, xrekt*. S, asid*. U, up x wurd. Sis, aserit s xrj. F, for wurd. R, arcpnd*. Dn, dxnrxrj. .52, avurt^d. V, ve v kansx. C, cekxrj. KaPXTALZ AND NlJMURALZ, Not XT) Se Pozxcunz ov Se Fxt. Rl, rit fut, 1st pcozx^cun. N, nxl v xrj. R2, rit fut, 2d pcozx v cun. LI, left fut, 1st pcozx cun. X2, left fut, 2d pcozx^cun. Smol Leturz and wun Rapxtal, Notxrj Se dxgrx ov Fxtencun ov Se Fxt. x, extended. xx, extended extrxnv mx, mo'duretlx extended. K, kontrakt^ed. Lsturz not XT) Steps. a, advansv. tr, tra^vurs. s, start*. r, rxtir*. k, kros*. sp, stamp*. Leturz rxletxi) ts Parts on qxS Se Hand xz sumtimz plest. I, iz*. L, lxps*. V, 6xn*. N, ncoz*. F, fored. br, brest*. Leturz notxy Se Manur ov Kombinxrj Se Fxrjgurz. ap, aplid*. Id, folded. 6, tu6xrj. Ip, klaspt*. xn, xnklcozd*. nv, xnu x muretxrj. kr, krost*. ry, rxrpxrj. X> h S 13 U It . 91 Leturz noUrj 5e Komb/necunz ov bo& Armz, en, Enkunrburd. km, kxnrbco. pd, rxpcozcL B, b«9 handz, or armzx. Leturz ncjtirj Sxgnxfxkant JDestvrz. Sip, apxhxrj. Dp, dsprxkexmn. £Ld, admxre^cun. Rt, atEmcun. Pr, pridx. Hr, hoTur. Vn, vsnure cun, Cm, cemv. Gr, grxf . Ls, lx x snxij. M.v, avurcun. Fr, fxr. Lm, lamsnte v cun. Km, komand v xrj. En, enkirrxcjxrj. AE STRflK &ND TIM OV JDESCIJR. Ae arm, Ss fcor-arm, Ss hand, and Ss fxrj'gurz, form 8s grand xn'strumsnt ov cjss'cur, or, az Sx'sxro kolz xt, " Ss ws'pn ov Sx oTatur." Ae ssn'tur ov mo'cun ov Sxs kom'pcf nd xn'strumsnt, xz Se cohdur. Axz parts cud not msv tsgs'Sur xn Se ma'nur ov an xnflsx'xbl lin; but x6 cja.nt cud bx a ssn'tur ov mco'cun for 8s por'cun bxtwxn' xt and Sx sxtrs^mxtx. In cjsstx'kuletxrj, Sxs kom'plEX xn'strumsnt duz not kontxn'yu lorj xn wun dxrskf lin, nor xn E'nx partx'ku- lur flsbcur, but cencj'xz E'vurx mormsnt Sx an/glz formd at Se dx'fursnt qjants, qxc adz gres and vari'xtx ts Ss morcunz. Ae farSur E'nx por'cun ov Sxs konr- plEX lin xz from Ss sen'tur ov mo'cun, 8s gre'tur spes duz xt pas \}rs-,. As lxst mca'cun, Ssr'fcor, xz Sat med bi Sx u'pur arm, and Ss gret'Est, Sat med bi 5s hand* ; from Sxs surkumstans alcom, Se oJES'CJjrz ov Se la'tur ar konspx^kuus. In ^sstx'kuletxi], Ss hand haz not con'lx Sx advan'tacj ov bx'xrj at Sx sxtrs'mxtx ov Ss lin far'Ssst from 8e ssn'tur cv mo'cun ; but, bi mxnz ov Ss cjant at Se rxst, 02 x> h s c w it . xt kan sprxrj wxS xnkrxsf vxkvsxtx on aprofrxrj Sg pant ts qx6 8s (jes'crcr xz dxrskt^sd. Axs ak'cun ov Ss hand xz turmd Ss stroll ov 8e cjes v 6ur. It cud bx markt bi dx'fursnt dxgrxz' ov fors, akord'xrj ts Sx s'nurcjx ov 8s ssn^txmsnt. In hi pa'cun, xt cud bx dxstxn/gwxct bi a strorj purkircun ; and xn 8s moor mo'duret stet ov 8s spxk'ur'z fxl'xrjz. mxr'lx bi a turn ov 8s hand*, bi a £encj ov poseur, or slxvccun ov 8x arnv, or bi a mo'- msntarx arssf ov Ss mo'cun ov 8s (jes'cur xn xts tran- sx'junz. In ol dxskors', qs'Sur kam or xmpa'cund, 8s wurdz and 8s c]ss'6urz cud akunrpanx x6 uSur. Az, xn bxt'xrj tim xn mu'zxk, 8s bxt xz med on 8x ak'ssntsd sx'labl ov 8s ms'jur, so, xn spxbxrj, 8s strcok ov 8s cjes'fojr cud fol on 8x ak'ssntsd sx'labl ov Sx smfa'txk wurdv. Ax xmocun qx£ kolz forS 8s wurd, at 8s sem mo'msnt, promts 8s cjss^ur. ITsns, 8s mu'slz ov cjsstxkule'cun cud msv sxnkromuslx and harmo'nxuslx wx8 - Sos ov Ss vqs\ Qsn cJ£S'6ur xz not markt bi 8s prxsx'jun ov 8s strok, xt xz ofsirsxv. Ax armz, lik 8oz ov a pur'sn grop'xrj xn 8s dark, sxm ts won'dur abcpf xn kwsst ov sum unsur'txn ofrcjskt ; and 8x ak'cun xz ov Sat fol'tx kind qx6 xz kold so'jr/ 8x or\ Xvn gres'ful mo'cunz, unmarkt' bi Ss prxsx jun ov 8s strcok ov Ss c|ss'£ur, az sum'timz sxn, partx'kularlx amun/ sxiyurz on Ss stecj, Isz mu6 ov Sar fors^ and vstx ssn sxs ts aford' plsjur. Ql 8x unrnxirxn, mco'cunz ov pub'lxk spxk'urz ar atsnd'sd wxS 8s sem xl sfskt' az a mcpS'xrj and kant'xr) ton ov dsklame^cun, qx6 lez no snvfasxs wxS cjust dxskrxmxnecun, but swelz and folz wxS a ven afsktccun ov fxlxrj, and wxS ab'solut dxfx'csnsx bo$ ov test and cjucj^msnt. 1) E S V U R 93 .AE KL3.SXFXKECUN OV DESCIJR. Ae armz, az wsl az 5s handz, me bx smplad' in cjss. txkule'cun, ss'paretlx, or tsgs*5ur, x6 yu'zxn. si'mxlur, or dx^sxmxlur ak^cunz. X£ arm me purform' si'- mxiur gss'£i:rs qsn 5s bo'dx ov 5s spxk'ur xz prxzsntsd torurd 5s pur'sn adrsst' prxsis'lx xn frunt^ (Fxg. 92 v ) ; but qsn 5s bo'dx xz not so prxzsnt'sd, 8s cjss'- ^urz vvxl not bx sx'mx- lur (Fxg. 93) ; and, az su£ cjss'£tirz ar not gres'ful, 5e ar not frx'kwsntlx v^zd*. Ax advans'msnt ov wun hand bxfor 5x u'Sur, xz an xndxke'cun ov prxsxd x sns, az xz, ol'so, xts hi'ur slxve v - cun. Ax advanst' hand, bsrfcor, xz ssd ts purform' 8s principal (jevS&r. In cjs'nural, Sx slxve'cun ov 5s rxtird' arm xz a hoi pozi'cun lco'ur 8an 5at ov 5x advanst^ arm* ; and, 5o 5s c)ss'6ttr ov 5s rxtird' hand oke'junalx rxzsm'blz 5at ov 5x advanst 7 hand, yst xts ak'cun xz purformd' wx5 lss s v nurc]x. For 5xz rx'znz, 5x ak'cun ov 5s rxtird' hand xz kold 5s subordinet (JesJvr. " As left hand," sez Kwxntx'lxan, " kan ns'vur, wx5 propri'xtx, purform' cjss'CL T r alon* ; but xt frx'kwsntlx akts xn suporf ov 5s rit v hand*." As konsxdure'cun ov 8s drss ov 5x en'csnts, qx6 dx'furd so sssn'calx from 8at ov 5s mo'durnz, me bx sufx'csnt ts akcpnf for 5s dx'fursns bxtwxn' 5or kus'tumz and q>rz>. As drss ov 94 X> R S V IT R , 5x encsnt ©'ratur rxstrend' 8x ak'cun ov 5s left hand vsti konsx*durablx. (Sx Fig. 94.) As best mo'durn spxk'urz yuz x'8ur 8s rit, or 5s left hand, xndxskrx'mxnetlx, for 5s prxn'sx- pal cjss'dur, az oke'jun me rxkwin. Sum c|ss'6ijrz ar yuzd at 5s bxgxn'xrj ov a ssn'tsns, mxrlx ts xn'dxket a ko- msns'msnt in ak'cun, az wsl az spx6; sum ar yuzd for dxskrxp*cun ; sum, for sxplenarj and snfcors'xrj 5s prxdom'i- nant idx^a ; sum, for kxp'xrj 5x o'dxsns in suspsns' til 8s mar dxsrsxv cjss^urz, and sum, for mark'xrj 5s turmxne'cun ov 5s ssns, and 5s fi'nal rxzult' ov 5s rxznxm Axz ve'rxus cjss't' vxhx v - msns. Ae ar purformd' xn 8x xnturmx'dxet dxgrxz' ov 8s renc| ov cjss'cur, wx8 mo'duret fcors, and at smol xmturvalz. X> E S V II R . 95 3. QgzxVy&rx cjes'tvrz surv ts ed or snfors' 8s cjss'- cur ov Sx advanst v hand;. 4. Suspsnd'irj (Jes'Surz ar so kold bxkoz' Se hold Sx o'dxsns xn suspsns', bi Sx slxve'cun or kontrak'cun ov Sx arm, prxpa'raturx ts Se strok qx£ xz ts fol on Sx smfa'txk wurdv. 5. Emfa'tik tfes'Srrz mark, wxS fors, wurdz opozd' ts, or kompord' \vx8, x6 u v 8ur ; mcor partx'kulurlx, 8s wurd qx6 sxprs'sxz 8s prxdom'xnant idx N a. Aor streak xz cjs'nuralx arsst'sd on 8s horxzon'tal slxvecun. Sum'timz, hcfs'vur, smfa'txk cjss'curz ar dxrsktsd ts 8s hi'sst pant xn 8or rencjv ; at u'8ur timz, ts 5s lo^sst. Qsn 8e ar dxrskt'sd ts a hi pant, Se ofn surv az sus- psnd'xrj, or prxpa'raturx cjss'curz, ts 8s nsxt smfa^txk cjss^ur. 6. TurmxnetiT) cjes'&vrz ar yuzd at 8s klcoz ov a ssn'tsns, qsn 8x arm folz ts rest*. In 8s fo'loxrj ssn'tsns, 8s cjss'cjojrz for Ss rit v hand, oirlx, ar noasd : shf — nef — shf st — R No man xz wiz at oh timz*. horn. susp. emf. tur. As furst xz a komsns xi) cjss^m* ; 8s sskund, a sus- psnd'xrj cjss v 6i:r ; 8s Surd, an smfa'txk (jss^irr, and 8s ford, a tur mxnetxrj c]ss6ur. Cud 8s ssn'tsns bx rsn'- durd mor kom'plex bi 8x xntroduk'cun ov u'Sur msm'- burz, dxskrx mxnetxrj cJss'£ltz mit bx xntrodust*, 8us v : shf— itf— It xz an cold obzurve'cun, but not, Ssrfor, 8s Iss Jwm. djs. xhf n — shk — nef — shf st R tru, Sat no man xz wiz at oh timzv. dxs. dxs. susp. emf. tur. 98 JO E S V U R . In 8s fo'lcoxn ssn'tsns Ss note'cun ccoz Sat 8s cjss' curz ar ts bx purformd' wxS bco£h handz,. Bsef sp Bshf p- I wud ts Gods Sat not oon'lx 5cp, bat ol'sco emf. emf. — Ji x ve ] i ol 8at hxr mx 8xs de, wsr b&-)& almost' and dis. dis. dxs. ■br—R Bnef Bshf sh R oltsgsSur, su£ az I am, sksspt' 8xz bondz 1 . dis. emf. susp. emf. tur. Axz sxx kla'sxz ov cjss'£j&jrz ar 8x s'lxmsnts ov s'vurx stil ov dxlx'vurx, and 8e me bx yuzd xn smx part ov an ore v cun. PRLP&RECLIN, TR&NSXJIIN, aND aKUMPaNOiENT OV JDESCIJR. In 8e transxjunz ov cjss'cur, 8s hand and arm cud not, xn cjs'nural, bx prxsx'pxtetsd ts 8x xntsnd'sd pcozx'- cun bi 8s cortsst korsx; but, xn 8s kam'ur parts ov Sx Qre'cun, Se cud msv xn a sort ov wev v xn lin>, or xn wan rxturn'xrj upon' xtsslf , sum'qot xn 8s ma'nur rsprx- zsnt'sd bi 8s fo'lwxrj diagram : k oo Lst f rsprxzsnt' 8s pozx'cun ov 8x arm and hand forwurd, and lst 8s pies ov 8s nsxt cJss'C^ur bx h (o&- lik\) f and ov a Surd bx x x (extended). Ax hand cud not, xn cjs'nural, msv xn 8s lin ov dots dxrskt'lx from/ JOKSVUR, ts k, and from k ts x, but from / go bak olmcosf ts y (akros), xn ordur Sat it me tra'vurs 5s grefur spes x , and Ssn prosxd' ts k wx8 an akss'luretsd rawcun for 8s strcok ov Ss cjss^cur. Xn Ss sem ma'nur, and for 8s sem pur'pus, it cud rxturn' almost' ts f bxfcor' xt pra- sxdz' ts X\. Ax assnd'xrj and dxssnd'xrj c|ss'r3urz ar purformd' xn Ss sem ma'nur, un'dur sx'mxlur sur kumstansxz, qx£ xz con bi 8s z di'agram, xn 8s margin, xn qx£ Z xz Ss zx'nxd and R Ss pant ov restv, and qor Ss hand, xn assnd'xrj and dx'ssndxrj, xz rsprx- zsnfsd az mekxrj rxturn'xrj xn- flek'cunz at Ss prxn'sxpal pants, d, h, and £\. As lin ov prspare'cun asumz' a vari'xtx ov uSur kurvz, for'txn ov qx£ ar rsprxzsnt'sd bi Ss di'a- gram on Ss fo'loxij perju Qots'vur form Sxs xn'dxrskt lin me bx, xt xz yuzd az a prs- pare'cun for Se cjss'6ur ts qx£ xt lxdz* ov Ss rxturn', or dspS ov 8s swxp, xz dxtur'mxnd bi Ss ka'raktur ov 5s ssn'txmsnts ts bx dxlx^vurd. As mcar magnx'fxssnt 5e ar, Ss gre'tur xz Sxs paredv ; and 5s nxr'ur ts or'dxnarx dxskcors', 8s les* xt xz.. As prspare'cun med bi Sxz dx'fursnt kurvz, duz not sut svurx spx'cxz ov cjes^ur; xt xz adapt'sd ts 8at kind qx6 xz turmd (hskrrmxnetiy. Anu'Sur kind ov prspare'cun xz med for emfatxk cjes^vrz. Ae ar cjs'- nuraix prxsxd'sd bi a suspend jy c|ss v £jjr, qx£ survz 8s 9 and Sx sxtsnf JO R S V U R dubl pur'pus ov markxrj sum lss important wurd, and ov prxporxrj for Ss streak ov 5x £mfa^txk cJ£Sx£ur. Xt wXl ox r2kolekt'£d 5at rxtrakt'jrj c]£S'6urz ar reknd amurj' §£ suspsndarj cj£s^urz. In ordur ts ilus'tret qot xz hxr advanst', let xt bx supcozd' Sat 8x emfa'txk ctes'iur rxkwirz' a strorj pur- ku'cun ov Sx arm, dxssnd'xrj forwurdz, as slif st — ; Se preparccun for Sis xz 5e suspsnd'xrj, or prxpa'raturx cj£s'£ur, nefbn — , az xn 5e fo'lcoxrj £^aixhpl : shf st — for mi koz\" Cekspxr. susp. emf. As fo'lQxrj ar es-am'plz ov prxpa'raturx rxtraldirj (J£s^urz : vhf rt — vhf rcj — "I het 5e drum'z dxskordant sqpnd*." Layhorn. nefbn — Hxr mx JO E s c u R . 99 2?*^/" rif p x " Ts hxr 8e rear ex ssndz \>rs qI hur gets,." Kcppur A cjss'fojr akros 1 me ol'so bx yuzd az a prspare'cun for rxcjsk'cun, az in Ss fo'leoxrj s^anrpl : (J9^5 x rcj — " Hs xz hxr sco bes Sat hx wud bx a bondsman 1" Ae fo'lcoxn xz an ssranvpl qor Ss prspare'cun xz med bi §8 hand assnd'xrj at cort xn'turvalz, xn ordur ts mark a sukss'cun ov dxskrx N mxnetxrj cJsS'CLjrz : Bphf a vef — " I morn 8s prid —vef Brief bn Bshfst R And av"rxs Sat mek man a wulf ts man*." As transx'jun ov cjss'c-ur rxlets' ts 8s ma'nur ov ari'vxrj at a cjss'6ur, and ts 8s £enc] xz ov cjss^ur ; and xt sxg'nxfiz x'Sur 8s partx'kulur 6entj'xz ov 8s pozx'cun ov Ss hand and arm, or 8s (js'nural £encj ov 8s prxn'- sxpal cjss'^ur from wun hand ts 8x irSur. & js'nural rul for Sx akum'panxmsnt ov cjss'6ur, xn kam and moduret spxk'xn, qsn bo& handz ds not pur- form' 5s sem (jes'cur, xz, Sat 5s rxtird' arm cud bx rezd abept' wun xn'turval Iss San Sx advanst x arm,; and 8at, xn 8s transvurs' pozx'cun, xt cud bx dxs'tant from xt abept' ts x xmturvalz or a rit arj v gl. Hsns, xf 8s rit hand cud purform' Ss prxn'sxpal c]ss '6ur, and Sxs cjss'cxir cud bx snpin' elxvet'ed for'wurd, 88 ss'kund sst ov neote'eun ls'turz, xn 8s fo'leoxrj skxm, wud sxprss c Se akurrrpanxmsnt, Susv : ■^t^l , (Flg . 38) j and agEn , vhf-pdx prxn. ak. v ., , prin. ak v n 7 Qsn Ss fcors ov Sx Exprs'cun xz strorj, Sx akunrpanxxi) 100 JO R S V IJ R . hand xz x'kwak s'lxvetsd wx8 8c prxn v sxpal, Sus* , vhf — vhx. AE FRXKWLNSI, MODTIRECUN, OD INTURMKCUN O V JD E S C IJ R . Az cjss'£ur xz yuzd for 8x xlustre'cun or cnfors'msnt ov lan/gwxcj, it cud not, in cjcnural, bx yuzd on e vurx wurd qor xt xz po'sxbl ts apli' xt wxScpf ma'nxfsst xmproprrxtx; but xt cud ra'8ur bx rxzurvd' for su6 pa'sx^xz az rxkwir' ts bx rsndurd mcor pro'mxnsnt 8an 8x irSurz. A cjudx'cus spx'kur, Serfor, wxl rxzurv hxz cjss'^ur, at lxst 8s fcors and ornamsnt ov xt, for 8coz parts ov hxz dxskcors' for qxc hx rxzurvz' 8s brxl'yansx ov lan/gwxcj and Sot. In ol dxskcors'xz, 8c frx'kwsnsx ov fjss'6ur wxl bx dxturmxnd, xn cjs'nural, bi 8s num'bur, Ss no'vsltx, and 8e dxskrxmxne'cun ov idx v az. In s'vurx wsl'- konstrukt'sd ssn'tsns, sum nu idx'a xz advanst', qx£ me bx markt bi a sut'abl c|sscur ; and, po'sxblx, 8c ve'rxus Ixmxtccunz and modxfxke^cunz ov xt wxl olsco admxt' ov a sx^mxlur dxstxrjkvcun. In a scn'tcns qor cvurx wurd xz cmfa'txk, xc me bx markt wx8 a 6ur. Axs konsxsts- xn 8s cjjoidx'cus yus ov cjss'6urz bsst sut'sd ts xlus'tret or ts sxprss' 8s ssn K - txmsnt. Propri'/ti ov cjss'6ur xz cjs'nuralx fcpndsd on sum natural konsk'cun bxtwxn' 8s ssn'txmsnt and 8x ak v cun. Sxgnxfik&nt cjss'curz ar strxkt'lx konskt'sd wx5 8s ssn^txmsnt. Ax o'pozxt xmpurfsk'cunz ar fols, kontradxkfurx, or unsufabl cJss v 6jltz. 8. Prxsijun or horekfrnes ov cjes^vr. Axs ariz'xz from 8s cjust prspare'cun, 8s du fears, and 8s korskf tim'xrj ov 5x ak v cun: qen Ss prspare'cun xz nx'Sur ts mu6 abrxejd', nor ts pom'puslx dxspled* ; qsn Ss strcok ov 8s fjss'6ur xz med wxS su6 a dxgrx' ov fcors az SLits 5s ka'raktur ov 8s ssmtxmsnt ; and qsn xt xz korskt'lx markt on 8s prxsis' sx'labl ts bx snfeorst. Prxsx'jun ov cjss'6ur gxvz 8s sem sfskt' ts ak'cun, az nxt'nss ov artxkule'cun gxvz ts spxc*. Ax o'pcozxt xmpurfsk'cunz ar Sx xndxsx'jun, unsur'- txntx, and xnkorsktnss ariz'xrj from veg and so xrj cjss'- 6urz, qx£, far from xlus'tretxrj, rsn'dur dept'ful 8s ssns ov 8s ssn'txmsnts, and dxstrakf 8s mind ov 8s hxnur. 104 JD E S V U R . AE STIL OV JDESCIJR SXJTED TK DXFURENT MQDZ OV PUBLUC SPXKXIJ. Aor ar Orx c]s'nural mcodz' ov pub'lxk spxk'xrj, x6 ov qx6 rxkwirz' a dx'fursnt stil ov cjss^ur, nemJx : 1. Ax Ivpxk. 2. As Rxtorxkal. 3. As Kolco kwxal. 1. E'pxh cJes'Sur dxmandz' s'vurx natural and akwird' pcpr, on Ss part ov 8s spxk^ur: ts xt bxlorj' Magnx'fxssns, Bcold'nss, L'nurcjx, Vari'xtx, Sxmph'sxtx, Gres, Prcopri'xtx, and Prxsx jun. As kompcozx'cunz qx6 rxkwir' s'pxk ^ss'6ur, xn dxlx'vurx, ar tra'cjxdx, spxk pco'xtrx, lxr'xk odz, and sublim' dxskrxpcun. 2. Rxtor'ik&l cjzs'tvr rxkwirz', prxn'sxpalx, L'nurcjx, Vari'xtx, Sxmplx'sxtx, and Prxsxjun. 3. Kolcj'liwjal c/es'tvr, xn 8s hi'ur sxnz ov pcolit' lif, rxkwirz' Sxmph'sxtx, Prxsx'jun, and Gres% and, oke'- junalx, L'nurcjx and Variatx. As c]ss'£ur ov Ss pub'lxk spxk'ur must ve'rx konsx'- durablx wxS Ss dx'fursnt surkumstansxz ov hxz sx6iie'- cun, ov hxz ssn'txmsnts, and ov hxz cydxsns. If 5s mxr xnstrukcun ov hxz o'dxsns bx hxz scol ob'cjskt, az qsn Sx s'vxdsnsxz ov rxlx'cjun and 8s grcpndz ov Krxs- can du'txz ar ts bx sxplend' from 8s pul'pxt, or qsn 8s dx'telz ov kalkule'cun and fl'nans ar ts bx led bxfcor' Korj'grss, or qsn fakts ar wed and loz ar ar'gud xn kcorts ov cjust'xs, hxz c]ss'6urz cud bx ov Sat klas qxc" xz kold dxskrrmmetjT) cjss^urz. Axz hx cud sx'ursiz wxS sxmplx'sxtx and prxsx x jun. Hx cud strxp 8em ov ol 8s pared' ov prspare'cun, and ov 8s gres'xz ov transxjun, and gxv 8sm Sat dxgrx' ov vari'xtx conlx, qx6 cal gard Ssm agsnsf dxzgust'xrj serines. Axs xz far rxmsvd' from Sxa'trxkal cjss^ur ; xt ra'Sur aprcod'xz JD I', S V 11 R . 105 §8 kolco'kv.aal stih Nu'Oxn kud bx mcor xnkorj'gruus San for a pub'lxk spxk'ur, xn x'8ur ov Ss fcorgco'xrj sxiuccunz, ts xntrcodus- §8 pared' and magnx'fxssns ov 9xa v trxkal cjss^ur. Ae £arcj qx6 xz sum'timz med agsnst' pub'lxk spxk'urz, ov bx'xrj Qxa'trxkal xn 8or dss'cxjr, pro'bablx ariz'xz mcor from sum unsut'ablnss xn Sor ma'nur ts 8s ma'tur, 8an from 8'nx Sxrj ov un- ko'mun ma'cjsstx, bcold'nss, or gres, xn 8or ak.cun. Qsn 8e pub'lxk spxk'ur emz at purswe'jun, az xn dxskcors'xz from §8 pul-pxt for pub'lxk 6anxtxz, or on extror'dxnarx oke'junz xn Korj'grss, or at 8s bar, qen 8x ad'vcoket dxzirz: ts xn'flusns Sx copxn'yunz ov a cjti'rx, hx wxl na'6uralx yuz mcor gres'ful, mcor flco'xn, and mcor ve v rxd cjes>cx T r. But hx cud not fol xn'ts Sx ak'cun ov 8s Oratur. Hx me bx gres'ful, but hx cud bx sxnrpl ; hx me bx snurc|s'txk, but hx cud not yuz (Jss'c-urz ts stroq'lx sxgnxTxkant, mu£ lss atsmt' surpriz 1 bi a x tx- tudz. Ql hxz cjss'^urz cud bx rs'guletsd bi man'lx dxkco rum, sut'abl ts hxz sxcxe'cun, ts 8s ka'raktur ov hxz hxr'urz, and ts 8s cjust sxprs'cun ov hxz ssn*tx- msnts. SXGNXFXK?V.NT DESCURZ. Sxgni'fikant cjes'tzsrz ar strxkt'lx konskt'sd wx8 8s ssn v txmsnt ; 8s mcost xmpor'tant ar 8s fo'lcoxn. : Ae Heel and Fes. Ax xrskt' and natural pos'6ur ov Ss hsd dxneots* koirfxdsns. As harj'xrj depn ov Ss hsd sxprs'sxz larj'gur, humx'lxtx dx'fxdsns, cem, or grxf . As Srco'xrj xt bak dxneots' ku'rxcj, prid', or a N r&3gans. 106 JO E S 13 U R . Ae nod for'wurd xmpliz' asEnt. As cek'xrj 8e hsd, dxssntx. Ae hed xz avurt'sd in dxslik', and xn ho x rur. It xz hsld for'wurd xn at£n cun. Ax xnklxne'cun ov 8s hed ts wun sid xmpliz dx'fx dens, or lan/gur. Ax Iz. Ax iz ar rezd, xn pran. Ae wxp xn soto. Ae burn xn arj v gur. Ae ar kast dcpn or avurt'sd, xn cem, and xn grxf. Ae ar kast on ve'kansx, xn {k)t». Ae ar kast xn ve'rxus dxrek'cunz, xn dq>t and arjzrxtx. Ax Handz. Ae ples'xrj ov 8s hand on 8s hsd xn'dxkets pen, or dxstresw On 8x iz, cem, or soj*q. On Se lxps, an xncjurjk'cun ov srlsns. On 8e brEst, an apxl' ts kon v csns. As hand xz wevd or flu'rxct, xn cjcx, and xn kontsmt,. Bo& handz ar held supin', or 5e ar aplid', or klaspt, xn pror. Bco& ar hsld pron, xn bl£s,xrj. Ae ar klaspt or run, xn aflxkeun. Ae ar hsld for'wurd, and rxsxvd' xn frsnd\cxp. Ae Bodx. Ae bo'dx, hsld xrskt', xn'dxkets sts'dxnss and kirrxej. 0ron bak, ho^txnES. Inklin'xrj for'wurd, kondxssn'cun, kompa'eun, rs'vur- sns, or rxspskt. Pros'tretsd, 8x utmost humx'lxtx and abes x msnt. JO E S C U R . 107 Ae Lour Limz. As furm pwzx'cun ov Ss lca'ur lxmz sxg'nxftz furm'nss ku'rxc], or ob v stxnasx. Bsnd'sd nxz xn'dxket wxk'nss, or txmx x dxtx. As lo'ur lxmz advans 7 , xn dxzir 7 and xn ku\rxcj. Ae rxtir 7 xn avur'cun, and xn fxr v . Ae start, xn tsrur. Ae stamp, xn odo'rxtx, and xn aiygur. Ae nxl, xn submx'cun, and xn pron. KOMPLEX SXGNXFXKfAIVT JDESCJJRZ. Kom'plex Signi'filiant JDes'Svrz ar kombxne'cunz ov sxnrpl sxgnx'fxkant cjss'6urz, ve'rxuslx asorcxetsd akord'xrj ts 8s mxn'glsd pa'cunz qx£ Se rsprxzsnt x . As bold'sst and most magnx'fxssnt ov 8sm ar turmd a x tx- tudz. Konvplsx sxgnx'fxkant (Jes'^ltz ar emplad', 6xf lx, xn drama'txk rsprxzsnte x cun. As fo'lcoxrj ar ss^anvplz ov 8xs Idas ov cjssv- £urz : Rxprcjt 1 puts on a sturn x as x pskt : 8s brcp xz kontrakt v sd, 8s Ixp xz turnd up wx8 skorn x , and 8s hcol bo'dx xz sx- prs'sxvov avurcun. Fxg. 95 rsprxzsnts' 95 96 Kwxn Ka'Sarxn, xn 8s trial sxn, xn 8s pie ov Hsn'rx VIIL, rxprcod'xrj Wul'zx for 8x xn'cjurxz qx6 had bxn hxpt x upon* hur . 108 JO h s V 11 R ^Lprxheu'cun xz Ss pros'pskt ov fu'^ur x'vl akum'- panxd wxS unx'zxnes ov mind,. Fxg. 96 xz an E^an^pl It rsprxzsnts' Ham'let xn Sx akt ov sxklem'xi], "Ax Sor'z Se rub,." Tcrur eksits' Se pur'sn hs su'furz un'dur xt, ts avoid Ss dred'ed ob'cjskt, or ts sskep x from xt. If xt bx sum deivcjurus rsptxl on Ss grcpnd, and vs'rx nxr, Sx Exprc 97 98 cun xz rsprxzsnt'sd bi start'xrj bak and luk'xrj d(pir- wurd. (Fxg. 97.) If Ss den'cjur Srstn from a dxs'- tans, Se tE'rur ariz'xrj xz sxprsst' bi luk'xrj for'wurd, and not start'xrj bak, but mxr'lx stand'xrj xn 8s rxtird' pozx^cun. But xf Se drsd ov xmpEnd'xrj ds9 from Se hand ov an s'nxmx awe'kn Sxs pa'cun, Se kqvurd flizv. Fxg. 98 rsprxzsnts' tE'rur az dxskribd' bi Ensk. It xz Sat ov a man alarmd' bi lifnxrj and Sun^dur. Hx ku'vurz hxz iz wxS wun hand, and sxtEndz' Sx u'Sur bxhind v hxm, az xf ts word of Ss drsd'sd strok. Mvurcun xz Exprssf bi ts x cJ£S N £urz : furst, Sx i xz dxrekt'sd to'urd Sx ob'cjskt, Se bak ov Se hand aprwfrxz Se fes, and Ss hsd xz bsnt to'urd Ss hand* (fig. 99) * D E S C U R . 109 se'kandh, Ss pam ov 5s hand xz puct twurd Sx ob v c|skt, Ss hsd xz dron bak, and 8s fes avurtsd (fig. 100). Horur, qx6 xz avur'cun or asto'nxcmsnt mxrj'gld wxS ts'rur, xz ssl'dum ke'pabl ov rxtrxfxrj, but rxmenz xn wun a'txtud, wxS 8x iz rx-vxtsd on Sx ob'cjskt, Sx armz, wxS Ss handz vur'txkal, held for'wurd ts gard Ss pursn, and 5s hoi frem trsnrblxrj. (Fxg. 101.) Lisn/r/ xn ordur ts obten' 8s cursst xnforme'cun, furst kasts Sx i kwxk'lx xn 5x ape'rsnt dxrsk'cun ov 8s scpndz v ; xf nu'Sxrj xz sxn, Sx xr xz turnd torurd 8s pant ov sx- psktecun, 8x i xz bsnt on vekansx, and 8x arm xz sxtsnd'sd, wxS 8s hand vurtxkal ; but ol 8xs pa'sxz xn a mormsnt. If 5s scpndz pro- sxd' from dx'fursnt pants at 8s sem tim, bco§ handz ar hsld up, and 8s fes and iz 6encj alturnetlx from wun sid ts 8x u'Sur, wxS a rapx'dxtx gu'vurnd bi 8s ne'6ur 10 110 JO E S V 11 R . ov 5s scpncL ; if it bx alarm'in, wi5 trspide'cun ; if plxz'irj, wi5 cjsn^tl mcovcun. Fig. 102 rsprizsnts' li' smrj fxn. 102 103 Jftdmire'cun, if ov surcpnd'irj natural ob'cjskts, ov a plxz'irj kind, holdz bco$ handz vurtikal and akros*, and Sen msvz 5sm cpt'wurd ts 5s peozreun sxtsnd*sd, az in fxg. 103,. In admxre'cun ariz'irj from sum sx- trordxnan or unsxpskt'sd surkumstans, 5s handz and iz ar su'dmli rezd ts 5s pcozi'cun E'hveted forwurd. Venure'cun kros'iz 5s handz on 5s brsst, kasts depn 5x iz slo'li, and befz 5s hsd, az in fxg, 104. Deprike'cun ad- vans'iz in 5x sxtsnd'- sd pozx'cun ov 5s fxt, aprco£'xrj ts nx*lirj, klasps 5s handz fcor- 104 105 sibli tsgs'Sur, and forks ur'nsstli ts 5s pur'sn xmplcord*. (Fxg. 105.) JO ft S C IJ R in In apxl'xrj ts hevn, 8s rit hand xz led on Ss brsst, and 8s left, prcocjskt'sd svpbv up'iourd ; 8x iz ar farst dxrskt'sd forwurd, and Sen up^wurd. (Fig. 106.) In apxl'xrj ts lion'cens, Ss rit hand xz led on 8s brest, §8 left drops bi Ss sid, and 8x iz ar fxxt upon' 8s pursn adrsst. (Fxg. 80, pecj 82.) Sunr- timz b&-)& handz ar aplid' ts 8s brsst. Cem xn 8x extrxm' sxrjks on 8s nx, and ku'vurz 8x iz wx8 bcod handz*. (Fig. 107,.) Mild rezxgne'cun folz on 8s nx, kros'xz Sx armz on 8s brsst, and luks forwurd and Ssn upnvurd. (Fxg. 108.) 106 Rezxgne'cun mxxt ioxS dsspure'cun, standz xrskt' and unmsvd v , w t x8 8s hsd Sron bak, 8x iz turnd up'- wurd and fxxt, and 8x armz krost. A fin xn'stans xz sxn xn fxg. 109 v , from an a'txtud ov Mrs. Sx^dnz. Grxf ariz'xrj from swdxn and aflxkl'xy *nt£'lxcJ£n$ 1.12 JD fc S V 11 R ku'vurz Sx iz wx8 wun hand, advans'xz for'wurd and Orcoz bak 8x u'Sur hand^ (Fxg. 110, and fxg. 81, pe<3 82.) 109 110 £Lt£n'cun dxmand'iy silens apliz' 8s fxn'gur ts Ss kpsv, (Fxg. 82, pec| 82.) Dxhbure'cun on ar'dinarx sub'cjelds hcoldz Ss 6xn, and sets Sx arm a-kxnrhco. (Fxg. 84, pecj 82.) Sdf-sufx'censx fcoldz 8x armz». (Fxg. 48, pec| 76.) Prid Orcoz bak Ss bo'dx, and hcoldz Ss hsd hu. Amuq' Ss riturz hb T hav trxt'sd partx'kularlx ov sxg- nx'fxkant cjss'^Lirz, nun hav rxtn wxS gre'tur xncjxnu'xtx San Erjvd. Wx wxl, Ssr'for, bo'ro a fu s^anrplz from hxm* : Surpriz' koz'xz 8s bo'dx and 8s lco'ur Ixmz ts rxtir, and afsk'cun stx'mulets Ss pursn te advansw Fxg. Ill rsprxzsnts' Frs'durxk de Ris, xn a JDurman pie, bs unsxpskt'sdlx sxz hxz dxr frsnd*. Hx \vx8droz', xn sur- priz', hxz bo'dx and lorur lxmz, and, xn 8x ar'dur ov frsnd'cxp, xmx'dxatlx strstvxz for'wurd hxz armz x . Qsn 8s Oots flco wxScpf dx'fxkultx or opazx'cun, 88 JO E S "C L* R . 113 nvsvmsnt ov 8e Ixmz xz frx and dxrskt. But qsn dx'fxkultxz okur', or obstaklz ar dxsku'vurd, a man X'Sur arssts' hxz ak'cun sntir'lx, or cencj'xz xt te sunv- 111 112 &xn oltegs'8ur drfurent. Ac dxrsk'cun ov hxz iz, and 8x ak'cun ov hxz hsd, ar ol'sco, un'dur sxm'xlur sur'- kumstansxz, kwit obturd. Ax iz, xn'stsd ov nravxn, frx'lx from ob'cjskt te ob'cjskt, bxkum' fxxt v ; and Ss hsd xz Orcon dcpn, or baki. Az an sg-am'pl ov 8xz sfekts', En/sl rxfurz' tn a sxn xn a pie ov Ls^sxn, xn qx6 an old cjsn'tlman xz ve'rx mu£ puzld hep in ma'nxcj, xn a sx£jcj- e'eun ov gret dx'fxkultx and ds v lxkasx. In Ss komens'- ment ov hxz dxlxbure'cunz, hx xz reprxzsnfsd az xn fug. 112*; and, xn 8s nsxt px'rxud ov 8sm, az xn fxg. Mclankoli xz a fx'bl and pa v sxv afskveun. It xz atsndsd bi a twtal rxlaxe'cun ov 8s mu'slz, wx8 a mut and tran'kwxl rszxgne^cun. As ka'raktur, sxtur- nalx, xz lan/gur, wxScpf mco^cun, 8s hsd xnklind' Vs 5s " sid nsxt 8s hart," 8x iz turnd upon' xts ob'cjskt, or, xf 8at xz ab'ssnt, fxxt upon' 8s grcprui, 8s handz han/xi) 10* 114 J) h s v,u It . dcpn bi Sor on wet, wxScpf s'fort, and cjcxnd lss'lx txge^Sur. (Fxg. 114.) Jhjzi'jLtJL xz ov a dx x furgnt ka v raktur: it xz rest'ks and alotxv ; Sx i xz fxld wxS fir, Ss brx'Sxrj xz kwxk v , Se hed xz Orcon bak, and Se bo'dx, extended. (Fxg. 1 15%.) 114 115 116 Wim ov Se koz'xz ov Liyel'z (jss'curz ov ana'lcxjx, az, az hx obzurvz', Se dxspozx'cun ov Se mind te rxfur' xntckk'^wal idx'az Vs Exturnal obxjskts. Qen kxrj Lxr rekokkts' Ss bar'barus trxt'msnt ov hxz do'turz,lrs, xn a storm'x nit, had expcozd' hxz hco'rx h^cl tx Sx xnkle'- mensx ov Se ws'Sur ; and qsn hx Exkleinz', Q ! Sat we mad^nss liz* ; let mx cun Sat ;. Nco mor ov Sat, Sor xz not, xn rxa'lxtx, E'nx sxtur'nal ob'cJEkt from qxc" Sxs unha'px prxns cud avurt' hxz iz wxS ho'rur ; and yet hx turnz hxz hsd awe' tx Se sid opozxf Sat te qxc xt woz dxrfc'kt'fcd bxfcor, snde'vurxn, az xt wer, wxS hxz hand rxvurst', tb T ba'nxc Sat aflxktxrj rEkokk^cun. (Fxg. 116*.) Ae kuts on Se ftylcoxrj pecj ar a'txtudz ov Mrs. $x*dnz. X> E S V IJ R 115 117 118 S *Z sp — pdx Wzrt Sep Se sun ov JQirpxtur. (Fig. 117.) 11 xZ sp — xdx si if — Ai.s arm cal vxn'dxket a fa^Sur'z koz*. (Fig. 118.) 119 120 U Bid eb 9l wx'dco kriz, Bx huz'bund t^ mx, hs^vn. (Fxg. 119.) Rl D Bid ef 11 hek bn—Mx Pxtx and forgx^vnss. (Fxg. 120.) aRiK 116 DESCIJR. Ilxmarlts. As sxgni'fxkant cjes'6urz, hcps'vur nu'murus and korskf, qx£ a gret akfur meks in 8x sntir rsprxzsnte'- cun ov a drama'txk ka'raktur, bar but a smol pro- porcun ts Ss num'bur ov Soz fjss'6urz qx6 dx not bxlorj' te Sis klas, and qx6 ar nco lss ns'ssssrx, 8o Se ar not sq splsn'djcd and xmpcozxn. As pent'ur xz struk wiS Ss bcold'sst and fi'nsst ov 8s sxgni'fxkant cjss'curz, qx£ ar kold a'txtudz, and hx rxkordz' Ssrn . Ae ar 8s pro'pur ob'cjskts ov hxz arts ; 8e ar strik'xq, and lss svans'ssnt 8an 8x u'8ur cjss^urz. As lss pro'- mxnsnt cjes'£urz, hcps'vur, gxv tK 8s dsklame'cun its prxsx'jun and fcors* : a slit morcun ov 8s hsd, a glans ov 8x i, a turn ov 8s hand, a cjudi'cus poz, or an xn- turup'cun ov c|ss'6iir, or a 6enc] ov prazx'cun xn 8s fxt, ofn xlu'mxnets 8s mxn'irj ov a pa'sic], and ssndz xt, ful ov \vorm3 and lif, xn'ts 8x undurstandarj. And 8s purfsk'cun ov cjss'cur, xn a tracjx'dian, wxl bx fcpnd tK konsist' mor xn Ss skxl'ful ma'nicjmsnt ov 8s lss cco'x ak'cun, 8an xn 8x sxhxbx'cun ov 8s fi'nsst atitudz. A'titudz ar deircjurus ts ha v zurd : 8s hoi pcp'urz ov 8s individual must bx rot up tx Sor hi'sst s nurcji, or 8e bxkunv fcorst and frrcjid. Lk'sslsnt ple'urz hav bxn sxn, h^ hav ssl'dum vsn'£urd an a'txtud; but nun, dxzurvxrj 8s nem ov sk'sslsns, hav s'vur apxrd', hsz dsklame'cun haz bxn dxfx'csnt xn prxsx'jun, or prco- prriti. Qar ol Ss so'lxd fcpnde'cun ov cjust and aprcr- prxet ak'cun haz bxn led, a'txtud, qsn rs'guletsd wx8 test and dxskrs'cun, me bx a'dsd t^ ornament 8e su purstruk^ur ; but, qsn xt xz xntrodust' unsx'znablx, or izcovur£arcjd', xt xz an s'vxdsns ov dxfx'csnsx ov undur- stand'xrj, az wsl az ov dxpra'vxtx ov tests. JOES CUR. 117 Ai. GRES OV RXTORXK&L 1KCUN. " Gres," sez lord Kemz, " me bx dxfind', Sat agrx'- abl apxrans qx£ ariz'xz from e'lxgans ov mwcun, and from a kcpn'txnans expres'xv ov dxg v nxtx. Lxpre'cunz ov u'Sur men'tal kwo'lxtxz ar not esen'cal te Sat apxr'- ans, but Se hit'n xt gret^lx." Ae gres'fulnes ov rxtorxkal ak'cun dxpendz' part'lx on 8e pur'sn, and part'lx on Se mind*. Sum ar so ha'pxlx formd Sat ol Sar mo'cunz ar gres^ful ; " Gres woz xn ol hur steps*, hevn xn hur i v ; In e'vurx ak'cun, dxg'nxtx and luv*. Mtfrtun. and sum mindz ar sco noo'bl, Sat Se xmparf rjeiryuxn gres te Se moost unkb'S' formz, ; bcod Sxz kes'xz, h(pe'- vur, ar kompa'ratxvlx ran. Gres, lik Sx idx'al bu'tx ov Se pent'ur, and ov Se skulp'- tur, xz sel'dum f([nd xn Sx xndxvx'cjual lxvxrj mo'del, but te bx kolekt'ed from Se ve'rxus ek'selensxz ov Se me v nx. Nx'Sur tru gres nor konsu'met e lokwens kan bx akwird' bi Scoz hs ar twtalx dxfx'cent xn natural kwo- lxfxke^cunz ; yet Se te hb T m ne'CLT haz not dxnid' sum por'cun ov ta'lents, me xmprev xn bco\} v , prxsis'lx xn proopcorcun te Se dxgrx' ov Sar aplxke v cun. Ae gres ov orato'rxkal ak'cun konsxsts', 6xflx, xn Se fasx'lxtx, Se frx'dum, Se vari'xtx, and Se sxmplx-sxtx ov Scoz cjes'curz qxc xlus'tret Se dxskcorsv. Akcun, tK bx gres'ful, cud bx purformd' wxS fasx'- lxtx ; bxkoz' Sx apxr'ans ov gret e'feort xz xnkompa'txbl wxS xz', qx£ xz a konstx'6uent ov gres*.. It cud ol'sco bx purformd' wxS frrdum: noo cjescjjrz kan bx gres'- ful, qxc" ar x'Sur konfind' bi extur'nal surkumstansxz, or rxstrend' bi Se mind*. If an o'ratur cud adres' an asenvblx from a na'rco wxivdco, xt wud bx jn ven for 118 JOESCLIR. lum ts atsmf gres'ful ^es^ur. Konfin'msnt in s'iu lss' dxgrr xz prcopcorcunabli ihcJutius tn gres v . Aus Ss krcpd'sd kcorts v , qi£ impxd' 8s mco'cunz ov Sx adVo- ket, and Sx snklGozd' pulpit, qx6 not unfrx'kwentlx konsxlz' mcor San haf 5s prx'6ur'z fx v gur, ar x'kwali xncju'rius tx gres'ful akcun — Grxs, Ss ne'txv sal ov man'li s'lokwsns and tru test, woz not Sx orx'cjxnetur ov &e pvhpxt. As rxstrenf ariz'irj from dx N fxdsns xz ol'so prscjudi'- cal te gresv. It haz, hcps'vur, Sxs' advan^ac] — xt me bx sfsk'£ualx korskt'sd bi pursivxrans. For 8s men'tenans ov gres, xn reto'rxkal ak'cun, va- ri'xtx xz xndxspsn sabl. Ax xture'cun ov 8s sem cjss'6ur, or sst ov cjss'6urz, hcps'vur gres'ful xn 5smsslvz', bxtrez' a po vurtx ov rxscars' qx6 xz prscjudx'cal ts 8s spxLur. Simplrsiti and tru& ov ma'nur, xf Se ds not kon'- stxtut gres xn Ssmsslvz v , ar inss^parabl from it. JDss'- £urz qi£ ar man'ifsstli kontrivd' for Ss mxr dxsple' ov Ss pursn, or for Sx sxhxbi'cun ov sum fop'un, az, for iirstans, a fin nrj, xn'stantli ofsnd^ Ts simplrsxti ov cjss'6ur iz opcozd' afskte^cun, qx6 dxstraz' s'vun prxtsn'eun te cjsn'yuxn gresv. As mor cqi 8s cjss'cijrz ar, unlss' 8e ar adapt'sd t¥ 8s sub'cjskt, and t^ Ss ka'raktur ov 8s spxk'ur, Ss mor ds Se ofsnd' Ss dudx'cus bi Sar man'xfsst afskte^cun. Qsn Ss pro'ilxgat spxks ov pi'iti, Ss mi'zur ov cjsnuro'sxtx, Ss kcp'urd ov va'lur, and Ss korupt' ov intsg'nti, Se ar on'li Ss mar dxspizd' bi Soz \rs na x Ssnh. As folts ov ma'nur ar ana'lcogus t^ Scoz ov karak- tur, and olmosf az dizgusMrj : su6 az Sx asum'cun ov dxg'mti qor 8ar iz nun in Ss ssmtimsnt; pe'Sos qor Sor iz nu'Qirj imtursstirj ; vxhx'msns xn tri flz, and solsm'nxti upon' ko'mun-ples suKc|ekts. JDESUIJR. IVi h xz an obzurve'cun fcpnd'ed xn fakt x , Sat Sx ak'cun ov yui] cxl'dren xz ne'vur dxfx'cent xn gres^; for qx6 ts rx'znz me bx asind v — furst, bxkoz' Se ar un'dur no rxstrent' from dxTxdens, and Ser'for yuz Sor cjes'CLTz, wxS ol sxnse'rxtx ov hart, on'lx tx ed Sx exprs'cun ov Sor 9ots v ; and, SE'kundlx, bxkoz' Se hav fu idx'az ov xmxte'cun, and kon'sxkwsntlx ar not dxprivd' ov natu- ral gres bi afekte^cun, nor purvurt'ed bi bad modelz. As gres ov ak'cun, akord'xrj tb r Hogar&, konsxsts' xn m^v'xrj Se bo'dx and lxmz xn Sat kurv qx£ hx kolz Se lin ov birtx. Qen ak'cun xz konsx'durd xndxpend'ent ov lan/gwxc] and sen'txment, Sxs defxnx'cun wxl, pur- haps', bx fcrnd cje'nuralx korekt. Rxtorxkal ak'cun, hcfe'vur, dxrivz' xts gres, not on'lx from Sx ak'cual mo'cunz ov Se spxk'ur, but ol'so from Se kongru'xtx ov hxz mo'cunz wxS hxz con ka'raktur and sxcue cun, az wel az wxS Se sen'txments qx£ hx dxlxvurz. As dxg'nxtx qx£ xz a bxkum'xrj gres xn a rjucj, wud bx kwent afekte cun xn a yurj ad'voket ; and Se kolokwxal fa- mxlyxa'rxtx ov ak'cun, x'vn ov Se most po'hct sosrxtx, wud bx hilx xnde'korus xn Se pulpxt. Hens, xt must bx admxt'ed' akord'xrj ih Se cjust max'xm ov Sxsxro and Kwxntx lxan, Sat dxhorum kon'stxtLits tru orato'- rxkal gres v ; and Sat Sxs dxko'rum admxts' ov gret vari'xtx ov ak'cun, un'dur dx'furent suTkumstansxz. Vxhx'ment ak'cun xz sum'timz bco€^ de-korus and irres 1 - ful ; so ol'so ar abrupt' and cort cjes'curz, xf Se bor Sx xm'pres ov tru& and sut^ablnes — su6 ar Se cjescurz ov an old man qen hx xz x'rxteted. But Se most flo'xng and bu'txful mo'cunz, Se grand'est prepare' - cunz, and Se fin'est transrjunz ov cjes'crr, xl'-aplid, and cpt ov tim, hsz Sor no'^ural ka'raktur ov gres, and bxkunr xnde'korus, rxdx'kulus, or of&n*sxv. 120 VfiKAL JOOlNaSTIKS. DXRLKCUNZ For Pruktxsxy de foloxrj Elxmentarx Exursizxz. Axz Exursiz'iz ar 5s furst Is'snz in ar&ografx. Ae ar kal'kuletsd Vs giv strsrjS and ful'nss Vs 5s vqs, and ttf rsn'dur artikule'cun purfeht. Furtf Ex s ursiz. As txdur cud proncpns', forsxblx, 5s scpnd ov 5s furst Is'tur ov 5x al'fabst, and 5s msnv- burz ov 5s Idas rxpxf it in kon surt. Hx cud 5sn, in 3ik ma'nur, proncpns' 5s scpnd ov 5s ss'kund lstur, and 5s klas cud rxpxt' it az bxfor ; and so on, te 5x snd ov 5s Te^bl. Aftur go'in. o'vur 5s scpndz a fu timz, in 5is we, x£ pu'pil, m turn, cud gxv 5sm cpt, and 5x u'5ur msm'burz ov 5s klas rxpxf 5sm in kon surt ; 5s txc'ur, mxnqil', mek'irj 5s ns'ssssn korskcunz. As vcp'ilz cud bx sxplod'sd from 5s Srot, boS xnturo'ga- tivii and afur'mativli, in s'vun rencj ov pxc wiSxn' 5s kum'pus ov 5s vas, and wx5 s'vun po'sxbl dxgrx' ov fors. Se'kund and ©urd s Ex'ursiz. In prak'txsxrj 5xz Ex'ursiziz, 5s tx£'ur cud proncpns' a hoi bar bxfor 5s pirpxls rxpxf. Axz Ex'ursiziz, az wsl az 5x u v 5urz, me bx akum'panxd wi5 cjsstxkule^cun. (Sx pecj 138.) For& Exmrsiz. Ax ob'cjskt ov 5s furst part ov 5xs sx'ursiz, iz te gxv flsxibx'lxtx ts 5s mu'slz ov 5s lxps, and sne'bl 5s pu'pil tx proncpns' wi5 fasi'htx, v, w, and q\ and te distxrj'gwic bxtwxn v 5sra ; 5x ob'cjskt ov 5s ss'kund part, iz tK bnrj in'tK pro'pur ak'cun 5s txp and rat ov 5s turj, and te kontrast' 5x s'kmsnts d and g, and t and It\ qx£ ar konfcpnd'sd bi sum 6il'drsn, and x'vn bi sum adults*. In prak'txsxrj 5xs pa'ragraf, 5s pu'pxlz wil bx mor lik'k ttf spxk sxmulte'nxuslx, if 5e bxt tim wi§ 5s tx6^ur. Indxd', bi prak'txsxrj in 5xs we, 5e wil s^n bx e'bl t# proncpns-, in kon'surt, 5s hoi pa'ragraf, wx5cpf x'vn poz'irj for brsiK. As rxmen'xrj Ex'ursiziz rxkwir no sxplane^cun. Ae cud bx prak'tist in a ma'nur si'mxlur lis 5s prxsxd'xrj. LXURSIZXZ IN VQKAL DIMNASTXKS. Furst Exursiz. e Co a ©^ &?* of* @ o u/itt a ? Ee Aa Oo Aa X x Ls I i X i Qco Kb Oo IJu II u Uu Ml B b @F,J D d f f J J Tf Gg J ' ■& Z z 9- v V v % <$ A § £?■'/ L 1 m* R r g£™ Mm QW-n, N n f 7 JJ,) ^W* Ww Wr Y y pp T t C c Kk S s F f & Hh Qq &4fi (7«8» aa 9 ff II V?s6 p* (121; T!6 Xx 122 VRK!\L JDHMNASTUKS. Sehund Exursiz. E a o a X E i i O 8 XJ u u | cp. Be ba bo ba bx bs bi bx bo bs bo bu bu bu | bcp. De da do da dx de di dx do ds do du du du dcp. JDe c|a c|o cja cM s cM* cjo cjs c|o cju cju c]u j #' Ge ga go ga gxgs gig* go gs go gu gu gu gqp- Ve va vo va vx ve vi vx vo vs vo vu vu vu vq>. Ae 5a So 8a Sx 8e 8i 8x 8o 8s So 8u 8u 8u 8cp. Ze za zo za ZX ZE zi zx zo zs zo zu zu zu zcp. Je ja jo ja J X J S ji J* jo js jo F J u J u 1 j. Fe fa fo fa | fxfe fi fx fo fs fo fu fu fu ftp. 0e 3 a do da ^ Se |didx So ds do du du du dcp. Se sa so sa SX SE si sx so ss so SET SU SU scp Ce ca co ca CX CE ci ex CO CS CO CM CU CU ccp He ha ho ha hx he hi hx | ho hs ho hxa hu hu 1 n( p Qe qa qo qa qxqe 1 q* q* | qo qs qo qu qu qu |q f r VfiKAL JO X M N kcp. || De-ge-te-ke da-ga-ta-ka do-go-to-ko da-ga-ta-ka | dx-gx-tx-kx ds-gE-ts-ks di-gi-ti-ki dx-gx-tx-kx I do-gco-tco-kQ ds-gs-ts-ks do-go-to-ko | du-gu-tu-ku du-gu-tu-ku du-gu-tu-ku | dcp-gcp-tcp-kcp. || VQKAL DUISSISTIKS. 125 Fjf& Lxursiz. Ble bla bio bla | blx bis blu blu blu | blcp. || Die dla dlo dla | dlx die dlu dlu dlu | dlcp. || Gle gla glo gla | glx gls glu glu glu | glep. || Vie via vlo via | vlx vis vIjj vlu vlu I vlcp. || Ale 51a Slo 51a | Six 51s Slu Slu 8Iu | Slcp. || Zle zla zlo zla | zlx zls zlu zlu zlu | zlcp. || Jie jla jlo jla | jlx jls jlu jlu jlu I jlcp. || Pie pla plo pla | plx pis plxj plu plu | plcp. || Tie tla tlo tla | tlx tls tlu tlu tlu | tlcp. || Kle kla klo Ida | klx Ids klu klii klu | klcp. || Fie fla flo fla | fix fls fljLJ flu flu I flcp. || 0ie 91a aio Qla | Blx Ste aiu siu oiu | aicp. || Sle sla slo sla | six sis slu slu slu | slcp. || Cle cla clo cla | clx els clu clu clu | clcp. || 11* bli blx | blco bis bio dli dlx | dlco dls dlo gli glx | glo gls glo vli vlx | vlco vis vlo 81i 8k | Slo 51s Slo zli zlx | zlo zls zlo jli jlx | jlo jls jlo pli plx | plo pis plo tli tlx | tlo tls tlo kli klx I klo Ids klo fli flx | flo fls flo eli aii | aio sis sio sli six | slo sis slo cli clx I clo els clo 13G VJJKftL DUliNaSTHvS. Sixd- Exursiz, Ble-ple bla-pla blo-plo bla-pla bli-pli blx-plx blu-plu blu-plu Dle-tle dla-tla dlo-tlo dla-tla dli-tli dlx-tlx dlu-tlu dlu-tlu Gle-kle gla-kla gli-kli glx-klx glu-klu. glu-klu Vle-fle vla-fla vli-fli vlx-flx vlu-flu vlu-flu Ale-die 51a-$la Sli-aii Slx-dlx Slu-Qlu 81u-91u Zle-sle zla-sla zli-sli zlx-slx zlu-slu zlu-slu Jle-cle jla-cla jli-cli jlx-clx jlu-clu jlu-clu blco-plca bls-pls blcp-plcp. |i dleo-tla dls-tls dlcp-tlqp. || fflo-klo ffla-kla I glo-klo gls-kls glcp-klcp. || vlo-flo vla-fla vlo-flo vls-fls vlcp-flcp. || Slo-Olo §la-81a Slo-Slo Sls-Sls Slcp-QIcp. || zlo-slo zla-sla zlo-slo zls-sls zlqp-slcp. || jlo-clo jla-cla jlo-clo jls-cls jlcp-clcp. || blx-plx bls-pls blo-plo | blu-plu dlx-tlx dle-tle j dlo-tlo | dlu-tlu glx-klx gls-kls | glo-klo | glu-klu vlx-flx vls-fls j vlo-flo I vlu-flu 51x-aix Sls-Sls | 51o-&lo | 81u-Slu zlx-slx zls-sls I zlo-slo I zlu-slu jlx-clx jls-cls j jlo-clo I jlu-clu VfiKAL DHMN51STIKS. 127 S£vn& hxursiz. Bre bra bro bra | brx bre | bri brx | bro brs bro | bru bru bru | brcp. || Dre dra dro dra | drx drs | dri drx | dro drs dro | dru dru dru | drcp. || Gre gra gro gra | grx grs | gri grx | grco grs gro | gru gru gru | grcp. || Yre vra vro vra | vrx vrs | vri vrx | vrco vrs vro | vru vru vru ( vrcp. || Are Sra Sro Sra J Srx Srs I Sri Srx | Sro Srs Sro | Sru Sru 5ru | Srcp. || Zre zra zro zra | zrx zrs | zri zrx | zro zrs zro ] zru zru zru | zrcp. j| Jre jra jro jra | jrx jre | jri jrx | jro jrs jro; jru jru jru | jrcp. || Pre pra pro pra | prx pre j pri prx | pro prs pro pru pru pru | prep. || Tre tra tro tra | trx trs | tri trx | tro trs tro irxj tru tru | trcp. || Kre kra kro kra | krx krs | kri krx | kro krs kro kru kru kru | krep. || Fre fra fro fra | frx frs | fri frx | fro frs fro fru fru fru | frcp. || 0re dra dro dra | drx drs | dri drx | dro drs dro dru dru dru | 8rcp. || Sre sra sro sra | srx srs | sri srx | sreo srs sro sru sru sru | srep. || Cre era cro era | erx ere | cri crx | cro crs cro cru cru cvu | crcp. || 128 VfiKM JOniN$VSTIKS. Et& Exursiz. Bre-pre bra-pra bro-pro bra-pra j brx-prx brc-pre | bri-pri brx-prx | brco-prco brs-prs bro-pro | bru-pru bru-pru bru-pru | brq>prcp. || Dre-tre dra-tra drotro dra-tra | drx-trx dre-trs ] dri-tri drx-trx | drco-tro drs-trs dro-tro | dru-tru dru-tru dru-tru | drcf-trcp. || Gre-kre gra-kra gro-kro gra-kra | grx-krx gre-krs | gri-kri grx-krx | grco-kro grs-krs gro-kro | gru-kru gru-kru gru-kru j grcp-krcp. || Vre-fre vra-fra vro-fro vra-fra | vrx-frx vre-frc | vri-fri vrx-frx | vro3-frG3 vrs-frs vro-fro | vru-fru vru-fru vru-fru | vrcp-frcp. || Are-§re §ra-$ra Sro-Sro 5ra-Qra I. §rx-$rx §r£-$re | Sri-Sri Srx-Qrx | Srco-Srco Srs-Qrs Sro-Qro | Sru-Sru Sru-Sru Sru-9ru [ Srcp-Srcp. [[ Zre-sre zra-sra zro-sro zra-sra [ zrx-srx zre-sre | zri-sri zrx-srx | zro-sro zrs-srs zro-sro | zru-sru zru-sru zru-sru | zrcp-srcp. || Jre-cre jra-cra jro-cro jra-cra jrx-crx jre-cre | jri-cri jrx-crx | jro-cro jrs-crs jro-cro | jru-cru jru-cru jru-cru | jrep-crcp. || VflK&Ii JDIMNaSTIKS, 129 „ Nin& Exursix. Ab £b xb ob ub. An £11 xn on un. Ad £d id od ud. An £n in on un- Ag £ g *g °g u g Ap £ P xp op up. Av ev XV ov uv. At £t xt ot ok ut. A5 £§ xS oS uS. Ak £k xk uk. Az £Z xz oz uz. Af £f xf of uf. Aj £ j *j °i U J- AS £$ I& o$ u&. Al £l xl ol ul. As £S xs OS us. Ar Am £r £m xr xm or om ur. um. Ac £C xc oc uc. An ai) | £n erj | xn xn | on orj | un uq. Ab ap at £b £d £ P £t xb xp | ob od op ot ub ud up. || Ad xd xt ut. || Ag ak af 1 £ g £V £k £f *g XV xk °g ov ok of u g uv uk. || Av xf uf. || A5 aS £5 £& xb x& o5 0$ u5 u&. || Az as £Z £S xz xs oz OS uz US. || Aj ac £ j £C *i xc °j oc U J uc. || Ad ag £d £g xd *g od °g ud ug. || At ak £t £k xt xk ot ok ut uk. || Ad ag, at ak | £d £g, £t £k | xd ig, xt xk od o£, ot ok ud u£, ut uk. J| 130 VfiKftL DIMNaSTIKS. Tend' Exursiz. A not ov Son. Drohq Nots. Nots ov Spx£. Radxkal Strss. Mxdxan Strss. Final Strss. | e» ev | e' e x c e* Fors. l PPP -*■ — «r J 2 PP & A- 3 P 4 mp 5 m 6 mf 7 / 8 ff 9 /// «» Ws ^ -© ^ w ^ «p ^ eeeeeeeeeeleeeeeele e Skel. ■6 — 9- Trxmur. 6 — $ a Inflskcunz Srn venus Inturvalz. F ditritiif i if 3Z± | e? e. | e? e. | e? e. | e? e. | e? e. | e? e. | VfiKAL DXMNkSTXKS, Xlevn& Exursiz. EMF9.SXS MELftDXZ. 131 -0- field*, heps', tern pi. | Suadur, ba v tl, hsVn. | A storm ov yunxvur'sal fir, blast'sd s'vurx fxld*,kon- sumd' s'vurx heps', and dxstrad' s'vurx tsm v pl. Asn cuk Ss hxlz wxS Sunxlur rxvn, Asn ruct §8 stxd tx ba^tl drxvn, And lepd'ur San 5s bolts ov he Vn, Far flact 8s rsd artx v lurx. 9 1 Q f f 9 « 1 ^p — | tepr, cin,, glad^ts v rxbl.| manv,wirman,6ild v ,bxst\ | Yx ar Ss Sxrjz Sat tqpr^ — Sat cm, — hxz smil meks glad' — hxz frepn xz ts x rxbl. Ae dxd not sx wun man,, not wun wirman, not wun £ild v , not wun fwr'-futsd bxst', ov s'nx dxskrxp'cun qot- s,vur. "^ Lg-ult^xrj, trsnhblxrj, retjxrj, fent xrj, Pozssd' bxyond' Ss Muz's pentxrj. Bi turnz Se fslt Ss glco'xrj mind, Dxsturb'd,, dxlit sd, rezds rxfind v . 132 VQKSIL JDXMN&STXKS ^>" | sx v znlss, urbJes, trrles, man'les, liftes, d£$ v , kle Ae po'pulus and §£ pep'urful woz a lump, Srznles, urhtes, trx x l£s, man ks, liftes — A lump ov d£\}> — a ke'os ov hard kle . a. °4&" pun, rxfr, ab^kt, ogust v , kom'plxket, wumdurful. Hep pxi\, hep rx6, hep ab^cjskt, hep ogust*, Hep kom plxket, wumdurful xz man ( ! ?— f ^ — ▼ — A_ tirm, rorj\, komtumxlx, luv x , dxle N , oTxs, spurnz For hu wild bor 8s qxps and skornz ov tinr, Ax oprssurz rorjv, Se prepd man'z komtumxlx, As parjz ov dxspizd' luv v , Zs loz dxle x , Ax xn'sookns ov oTxs, and §£ spurnz Aat pe'C£nt m£'rxt ov Sx unwur N 8x teks, Q£n hx himself' mit hxz kwxx'tus mek Wx8 a bor bodvkxn. INTUROGaTJV MELQDIZ. Qen a kw£S'6un xz askt sxm'plx for xnfurme'cun, and 8or xz but wun £mfa'txk sx'labl xn xt, 8xs sx'labl ri'zxz, konkrxt'lx, from 8e pxc^'-not lin, Ore 8x xn'turval ov a Qurd, or fxfS (or 88r'abept),akord'Arj te 8e dxgrx' ov VQKAL DUIJiaSTUKS. 133 s'nurcjx wxS qx6 8s ssntsns xz proncpnst. And Ss sx'lablz qx£ fo'l&3 8x xnturo'gatxv or smfa'txk not, ar proncpnst' xn 8s px6 ov 8x u'pur sxtrxrn ov 8xs ncatv, Sus v : -© © © © — A © — i | WxS yir, and kwxt mi Ss' - zn'z sid '( Qsn a kwss'6un xz askt wxS surpriz', Sx xnturo'gatxv not bxgxnz' a dxgrx' bxlco' §8 pxfr-ncot, and ri'zxz, kon- krxt'lx, abcpf a fxf$, or an obtev, 8us* : ] WxS yir and kwxt mi Ss' - zn'z sid ? Cud Ss'zn'z ol'sco bx prconcpnst' wxS smfa'txk fcors, but wxS lss s'nurcjx San yv, 8s ms'lcodx wud bx az fo^lcoz : I | WxS yju ! and kwxt mi Ss' - zn'z sid ! Cud sid, xnstsd' ov Ss'zn'z, bx med smfa'txk, 8s ms'- Iwdx wud bx 8usv : WxS yu ! and kwxt mi Ss' - zn'z sid ! 12 134 VfiKAL DXMNASTXKS. And cud yv, Ss'zn'z, and sid, bx ol prooncpnst' wxS emfa'txk fcors, 5e me'lcodx wud bx 5usv : | Wx5 yjj ! and kwxt mi Sw - zn'z sid ! A8 fo'lcoxi] lin xz ofn (but xmpro'purlx) red te 5e furst me'lcodx on 5e prxsxd'xrj pec^. But, az 5e frez, 5e hajrles huz'bund krid, xz parenSe'txkal (not a part ov 5x xnte- rcoge'cun) xt cud bx red bxlco' Se pxc v -ncot, §us* : -#- J WiS yu ! Se hap' - les huz' - bund krid, | A SXRXZ OV MOJOIJLECUNZ, z - ursizxz : 1. Rez 5x armz, wiS Ss handz klxncl, te Ss pwzx'cun ef, and 8sn brxn Ssm dqm wxS gret fears ts 8s pcozx'cun df, on 8x snurcjs'txk u'turans ov x£ ov Sx s'lxmsn.ts ov spxc\. 2. Klxn6 8s handz, 8sn rxtrakf wun arm, and pro- cjskt' Sx u'8ur, altur'netlx, hf, on x£ s v lxmsnt. 3. Klxnc 8s handz, and mek a bxt, hf, on 8s furst' s x lxmsnt ; strik 8s pamz tsgs'Sur on 8s ss^kund ; wx5 8s handz klxn£t, mek a bxt, hf, on 8s Surd x ; strik 8s pamz tsgs'Sur on Ss forft* ; and so on,. 4. Bxt tim on 8x s'lxmsnts wxS dunr-bslz. Mek 8s furst bxt bi brxn/xn 8s bslz xn kon'takt hf ; 8s ss'kund, bi brxrj'xn Ssm xn kon'takt ef ; 8s Surd, bi brxn'xr] 8sm xn kon'takt df ; 8s fcor$, bi brxn'xrj Sx u'Sur sndz ov 8s bslz xn kon'takt db, az rsprxzsnt'sd bi 8s kut on Ss fo'loxn pecjv. Dum'-bslz ar ko'munlx med ov lsd or kast-rurn. Acoz yuzd xn Sx o'Sur'z Vco'kal and Po'lx- glot JDxmne'zxum ar turnd cpt ov lxg'num vrtx. Ae ar wun fut Ion, and for xn£xz xn dia'mxtur at 8x snd\ (Sx 8s kuts xn 8x margin.) 5. Mark Ss tim bi marfrxq. As klas cud mar£, xn fil, on a lin, xn Ss form ov Ss fx'gur et x (8), and pro 136 VfiKaL DIMNaSTIKS. ncpns' af'tur 5s tx6'ur, a pxs ov porxtrx hsz ms'jur xz r8 v gulur. A step cud bx med on 5x ak'ssnted part ov x£ msjur. Qen 5s pirpxl ka'not mark 5s rxBm ov pwxtrx, hx cud furst bxt tim on s'vurx sx N labl, xn x'5ur, or xn ol, ov 5s wez qxc hav bxn dxskribd^ Medud ov Bxtxtj Tim ivid Dum-Beh. I am 5ar xz te 5s Q hav ov a- e x 03 U ba bs mo'nark ov nun tn dxs- sx\ I am so'lxtud ! sxn xn Si larmz,5an a s U bo bi o i o <® ba bx ol I sur- putv ; From 5s lord ov 5s |a U \v | be |bx ! bco,& c . ves Mi | rit ssn'tur ol | rcpnd fcpl and 5s | brut. qor ar 5s | carmz Sat | se cjxz fes* ? Bs'tur | dwsl xn 5s j mxdst ren xn 5xs^ | ho^rxbl | ples^. VQKaL DIMNaSTXKS. 137 I am | cpt ov hu- j ma'nxtx'z | rx6 ; || I must | fx'nxc mi | cjur'nx a- 1 lon x ; || Ns'vur | hxr Ss swxt | mu'zxk ov | spxc, || I | start at Ss | scpnd ov mi | on v . || Ac | bxsts Sat rom | o'vur 8s | plen, || Mi | form wxSxn-| dxTursns | sx x ; || Ae ar | so unak- 1 kwent'sd wx8 | man, || Aor | tenvnss xz | cokxn tx | rax. || So- | si'xtx, | frsnd'cxp, and | l\iv\ || Dx- 1 vimlx bx- | stod' upon' | man, Q | had I Ss | wxrjz ov a | duv, || H(p | snn wud I | test yu a- | gen, ! || Mi | so'roz 1 1 Ssn mit a- 1 sweep || In 8s | wez ov rx- 1 lx',. R2 ^i Nqt. As txC'ur cud prconcpns' 8s sx'lablz, be, ba, bo, ba\ and mek 5s gss^ur — 5xz cud bx rxpxfsd, xn kon - surt,bi 5s klas*. As tx£'ur cud 5sn proncpns', bx, be\ VQKAL JDXMN ASTXKS. 139 sx'ursizxz ov 82 vqsx ; and Ss pu'pxl cud bx korful ts mark Szstrok ov 8s cjss'6ur wxS prxsrjun. Axz sx'- ursizxz ar xntrcoduk'turx te dsklamecun. Ae cud bx prak'txst xn 8s moost snurc[s'txk ma'nur, and bx pursx- vxrd' xn txl Ss muslz ov 8s trunk and lxmz akt har- mco'nxuslx wx8 Soz ov 5s vqsv. 127 128 129 ihk — phx Bvekk Bvsk x , da, do, da v ; dx, ds x ; | di dr; al&x Rix rLix do, d^, do x ; I&x 131 kek — kdx du, du,du x ; &B?x 132 Mf—kdb dqv. and mek 8s cjesc^rr — 5xz cud bx rxpxfsd bi 5s klas, az bxfor ; and so on\. As h(al ov 5s Se'kund Ex'ursiz pe<3 121, cud bx prak'txst xn Sxs we*. 140 DRKLaMECUN. Fortxn& Exursiz. ME0UD OV TXCXPJ DEKLaMECUN. TEL Z ADRES TK AE M$NTINZ 133 vef—phx Yx kragz and pxks, B.2 134 shfst — sdx I'm wx5 yu wuns agsrr ; j DEKL&MECIIN. 141 135 136 Bsek Bves '. hold tx yu 5e handz tH ceo Se sUl yu fursf bxheld\, | Bvek ar fix. | MxSxrjks' I hxr a Ri B vek x spx'rxt xn yur e'koz an sur mr, | and bxd yur te'nant B vhk st wel'kum ts hxz hconv 142 DLKL&MECUN. R agsnv ! | Q seared formz , R\ hep prepd x yu luk k ! | 140 Hep hi yu hft yur sp/" — sdx hedz xn'ts 5s ski' ! 141 B shx 142 B velt x Hep hucj x yu ai\ ! I Hep mi'tx! DLKLSLMECTJN 143 143 Bshfst and hep frx* ! I R2 iZ—pdx Yx ar Se vhqz Sat tcpr : | Ri 145 shf—sdx Sat cirh ; | R2 hxz smil meks glad* ; Ri 144 DEKLAMECUN. Bvek c hsz frcpn xz ten bl ; 148 Bvhs hsz formz, robd, 149 Bvek or urrrcobd, ch* ol Sx xmpres war | 150 vef—phx ov o dxvin . I DEKLS.MECUN 145 fl — phx Yx gardz ov li'burti, skf st — shx I'm wiS yu wuns agen ! | Z — phx I kol tK yu wx<5 cA mi | 13 shf st — shx VQS ! 146 DEKL&MECUN 155 Bsek I hold mi handz te yu, 156 Bvhs ts ceo Se stxl ar 157 Bvek Bssfst I rue ts yu, DEKLAMECUN 147 159 BZ az 5co I kud ] 160 Bshfst R smbres 1 yu x . R2 SPXT3 OV SETAN TH HXZ LXJDUNZ vek — phx Pnnsxz, 162 Bvek pratentets, 143 DKKLAMECUN 163 Bsdk woryurz, 164 Bvek- §s flcpr ov hsVn, a wuns yurz v , | 165 Bvdfp ncp lostv | 166 xf su6 asto'nxcmsnt Bsdk az 5xs I DEKLAMECUN. 149 167 168 vek — phx shf st — sdx kan sxz xturnal spirits; /~\ Bpdk or hav yx tco'zn §xs pies, | af'tur §e tcxl ov ba'tl, | 13* 170 is rxpo3z' yur wx'rxd k vur 6u, | for Sx xz yu find te slunrbur hxr, | 150 DEKLAMECON 172 ssk — shx vds — vdk az in 5s velz ov hs Vn ? | Or xn §xs ab'cjskt pos'dur rLix hav yu sworn ts ador 5s Korpkurur? j 174 Bek Ire ncp bxholdz' £s'rub aRz and ss'raf I DEKLaMECUN 151 vhs sw — phx ral'xrj xn Se flud, Ri : \ 177 ska'turd armz and eit- sinz, | txl anon', hxz swxft pursu'urz, | 178 Bsek from hs'vn gets, | Ri 152 DfcKLAMECHN 179 180 Bvek dxzurn' 5x advan'tad, 1 and dxssndxi), J Bsdk tred us dcpir, drepvxg, | 181 kek — -kdx or wxS Ixqk'sd Sun'dur- bcolt9, | kdf st — kdb transfix' us tn §£ bo'tum ov 5xs gulf. | D h K L & M E C tl N . 153 vek — phx Awek* ! I anz 185 Bsdlt or bx for s vur r\ r> 154 DEKL&MECUN. AE MIZUR AND TLUTUS. R Bvhfr k A& wind woz hr- aR2 pek — pdk 5s wxn do ceksv ; | velt k — vhx Wx5 su'dxn start | Rix 5s mi'zur weks* ! | 190 F pds ad Alorj' 5e si'lsnt rem hx stoks ; | aRz DEKLA.MECUN 155 B vhx — vhk I/sks bak, | 192 Bvhftr and trenrblz sRix az hx wox. . I 193 vhk— X6 lok, | and ev'rx .. V fi X bolt, hx triz ; | In sv'rx krxk, — shs and kornur, priZx ; aRz 156 DEKLAMECUN 195 D Bpdf— Asn cops hxz 6est, | 196 D Bvek And standz in rapcur wx§ trsjur stcord,, co'ur hxz heard* ! 197 But nop wxS su'dxn Bvhfk kwomz pozesf, | 198 Id hf — a Hx rxrjz hxz handz* ; [ Ubr hx bxts hxz brsstx — | DEKL&MECUN 157 199 gbr— Bi kon'C£ns sturj, ve k hx wild'lx storzs 200 Bshfsh And 5us hxz gxbtx sol dxklorzx : 201 Bsdfd— Had 8s dxp ur& br—R Axs hart had neon hur stwrz konfind', | 14 swxt pxs ov mind ;* 158 DEKLAMECUN vhf — vhx But vur'6u'z scold J | 204 II B sef sp a Gud godz ! | qot pris aR2 Kan rskumpsns' Se F—R paqz ov visv ? | Bsdf- Q ben ov gudv ! sxdusxn 6xt* ! DLKLAMECUN 159 207 B vhf vef Kan man, | wxk man, | shf st — sdk Si pcpr dxfxtv 1 | seb sw — sdk Gold ba'nxct onur rL\ from Se mindv, I 210 And on'k left 5s br—R nenr bxhind* ; | 1G0 DEKLAMECUN. 211 Gold scod 8s Bphs x wurld wx8 £V'rx xY ; | 212 Gold tot 8s keb c — kdk murd''rur'z sord ts kxl ; L\x 213 'Twoz gold xnstrukt'sd kcp'urd harts 214 In tr£6Viz mor Bvhfrcl k purnrcus artSv.| rRi DEKLSLMECUN 161 215 H# kan rxkcpnf 5s mxs'£xfs co'ur ? | 216 Vurfoj rxzidz' on Bpdfd—R urS nco mean ! | Ri SLN ELIMENTARK EXURSIZ. Gwe gwa gwo gwa x | gwx gws | gwi gwx | gwo gvrs gwo I gwu gwu gwu I gwcpv || Kwe kwa kwo kwa | kwx kwe | kwi kwx | kwco kws kwo | kwu kwu kwu | kwq)*. || Gwe-kwe gwa-kwa gwo-kwo gwa-kwa | gwx-kwx gw£-kws | gwi-kwi gwx-kwx | gwco-kwca gws-kwn gwo-kwo | gwu-kwn gwu-kwu gwu-kwu | gw(p-kwq)v. cJty toy, wi/maw fctwmfa?it & 'm ck wuzia. 14* 162 DRKL5V.MECUN. DIELKCUNZ FOR PRAKTISIJJ ALRXDIPJ LXURSIZIZ. In kon'surt rxd'xrj, Ss msm'burz ov Ss klas cud rxpxt a ssk'cun, xn Se pro'pur px£ and tim, and wxS Ss rs'- kwxzxt dxgrx' ov foors, az sxn az it xz prconqpnsf bi Ss txfrur. Qen a pa'ragraf cal hav bxn red xn kon'surt, it cud bx prwncpnst' bi xc mcnrbur ov Se klas sxn/glx. It wxl ol'sca bx fcpnd advante'cjus tx 1st xc pwpxl gxv q>t a pxs, and Sx u'Sur msm'burz ov Se klas rxpxf xt af* tur hxm ; Ss txc'ur, mxn'qil, mek'xrj Se ns'SESErx ko- rEk'cunz. In fin, 8x sx'ursiz ov rxd'xrj cud bx prak'txst xn a vari'xtx ov wez akord'xrj tx surkumstansxz. QEn a pxs xz gxvn cpt wxS ^Estxkwle'cun, Ss msm'burz ov Se klas cud riz simulte'nxuslx, xmx'dxetlx aftur Se furst SEk'cun xz pronqmsf , and rxpxf Se wurdz and ^£s v 6ur. Nemz ov Se Leturz ov Se Nv Jllfabet. In spsl'xrj bi Se Ls'turz ov Se Nit Al'fabst, it xz bs'tur Vs kol Ssm bi Ss scpndz qx6 Se rsprxz£nt x San bi E'nx irSur neniv. Axs must nssssE'rilx bx Se kes xn rxgard' te Se vcp x xlz. But, az xt xz dxzir'abl te hav u'Sur nemz for Ss kon'swnants, (tK bx yuzd, for xn'stans, qsn spxk'irj ov Sxz ls'turz) Sx o'Sur haz gxvn Se fo v loxrj • B b hx L 1 D d dx R r J J jx M m £>c| §X N n Gg g* IJ n Z z zx W w %% $x or e% vx Y y P P A b bx T t Ix C c ex rx ■C c Sx mx Kk kx nx S s SI 7)x or £77 Xx xx or ex 10X F f f* y* d-x PX Hh hx tx Qq qx PRAKTIKAL LLQKUCUN. LINZ Supcjzd ts hav bin ntn bi JRexandur Sdkurk, dvny hiz soli tan abod on Sx Hand ov JDvan Furjiandez. (k^pur.) I &m mo'nark ov ol I survey | Mi rit bor xz nun ts dxsputv ; | From be ssn'tur ol rqmd ts bs sx, \ I am lord ov be fcpl and bs brut v . | Q so'lxtud ! qor ar bs carmz | Aat se'cjxz hav sxn xn bi fes v '( j Bs'tur dwsl xn bs midst ov alarmz', | Aan ren xn bxs N hovrxbl ples^. | I am cpt ov huma'nxtx'z rxfr ; | I must fx'nxc mi tjurnx alcon, ; | Ns'vur hxr bs swxt mu'zxk ov spxc, | I start at bs scpnd ov mi con . | Ae bxsts bat rcom wvur bs plen, | Mi form wxb xndx'fursns sr : | Ae ar sco unakwen'tsd wxb man, | Aor tem'nss xz co v kxrj ts mx . | Sosi'xtx, frsnd'cxp, and luv x , | Dxvin v lx bxstcod' upon man, | Q had I bs wxrjz ov a duv, | H(p ssn wud I test yu agsn* ! [ (163) 164 PR&KTXK&L ELfiKUCUN. Mi so'rcoz I ben mit aswecj' | In be wez ov rxlx'cjun and tru^ x ; j Mit lurn from be wxz'dum ov ec], | And bx ford bi be sa'lxz ov yu$ . | Rxlrcjun ! | qot tre'jur untold^ | Rxzidz' xn bat hevnlx wurdv ! | Mcor prs'cus ban sxl'vur or gcold\ | Or ol bat bxs ur& kan afcord v . | But be scpnd ov be 6ur6'-gcoxn bel, | Axz va'lxz and roks ne'vur hurd x ; | Ne'ur sid at be scpnd ov a nel, | Or smild qen a sa s ba& apxrd. | Yx wxndz bat hav med mx yur spcort, Konve' ts bxs de'scolet ccor, | Sum korcjxal endx'rxi] rxpoort', | Ov a land I cal vx'zxt no mcor . | Mi frendz^ — | ds be ncp and ben send | A wxc or a dot af'tur mx ? | Q tel mx I yet hav x a frendv, | Aco a frend I am ne'vur ts sx . | Hep flxt xz a glans ov be mind* ! | Kompord' wxb be spxd ov xts flit, | Ae tem'pest xtself lagz bxhind', | And be swxft'-wxrjed a'rcoz ov lit. | Qen I Sxrjk ov mi con ne'txv land, | In a mco'ment I sxm ts bx bor v ; | But, alas' ! rekolek'cun at hand, | Ssn hu'rxz mx bak ts dxspor v . | But be sx'-fcpl xz gon ts hur nest v , | Ae bxst xz led depn xn hxz Ion ; | PR&KTXKkL LLQKUCUN. 165 Xvn hxr xz a sxz'n ov rest, | And I ts mi ka x bxn rxpor . | Aor 'z mur'sx xn s v vurx pies* ; | And mur'sx — snkui n xc]xrj §qV ! | Gxvz x'vn aflxk v cun a gres, | And rek'onsilz man ts hxz lot . I AL RQZ. (k$pur.) Ae, roz had bxn woct, | (Just woct xn a ccp v ur, j Qx6 Me'rx ts A'na konved' ; | As plen'txful mos'6ur snkum'burd bs flcp'ur, | And wed dcpn xts bu'txful hsd v . | As kup woz ol fxkT, | and bs Ixvz wsr ol wstv ; ] And xt sxmd ts a fan'sxful vu, | Ts wxp for bs budz xt had lsft wxb rsgrst', | On bs flu'rxcxn buc qor xt gru. | I hes'txlx sxzd v xt, | unfxt' az xt woz, | For a noz'ge, so drx'pxrj and drq)nd\, | And swxrj'xn xt rud'lx, | ts* rudJx, alas' ! | I snapt x xt — | xt fsl ts bs grqmd. | And su£, I sxklemd', | xz bs px'txlss part, | Sum akt bi bs ds'lxkat mind*, | Rxgard'lss ov rxrj'xrj and brek'xrj a hart', | Qlrs'dx ts so'rco rxzind. | Axs s'lxgant r«z, had I cek'n xt Iss, | Mit hav blsmd wxb xts wnur aqil* ; | And bs txr bat xz wipt wxb a Ixtl adrss', | Me bx fo'lod purhaps' bi a smiL | 2* 1C6 PRAKTIKaL ELfiKIJCUN. AE MIZUR AND PLUTUS. (GE.) Aa wind woz hi' — | be wxmdo ceksv ; | Wxb su'dxn start be mi'zur weks x ! | Alorj' bs si'lent rsm hx stoks ; | Luks bak, | and trenrblz az hx wox v ! | 16 lok, | and evurx bolt v hx triz^ ! | In e'vurx krxk, and kor nur, priz v ; | Aen ops hxz 6est, | wxb trejur stordv, | And standz xn rap v 6ur o'ur hxz hord v : | But ncp wxb su'dxn kwomz, pozest', | Hx rxrjz hxz handz v ; | hx bxts hxz brest — | Bi kon'csns stun, | hx wild'lx storz x ; | And bus hxz gxl'tx scol dxklorz* : | Had be dxp ur$ hur storz koniind', | Axs hart had neon swxt pxs ov mind x ; | But vur'£u 'z sold x ! | Gud godz v ! qot pris | K>an re'kompens be parjz ov vis^ ? | Q ben ov gud' ! | sxdu'sxrj 6xt* ! | Kan man, | wxk man, | bi pqp'ur dxfxt ? | Gold ba'nxct onur from be mindv, | And on'lx left be nenr bxhind^ ; | Gold sod be wurld wxb e^vurx xk ; | Gold tot be mur'durur'z sord ts kxk : 'Twoz gold xnstruk'ted kep'ard harts' | In tre'6urx'z mor purnx'cus arts v . | Hs kan rxkqmt' be mxs'6xfs o'ur? | Vur'6u rxzidz' on ur$ no mor. ! I PRaiiTIKaL ELQKIJCUN. 167 SPX'C OV SETAN TK HIZ LXDUNZ. (mxltun.) N ar at iv. Hx skors had sxst, | qsn bs supx'rxur fxnd | Woz ms'vxn to'ard bs coi\; | hxz pon'd'rus cxld, ( X&x'rxal tsm'pur, ma'sx, larg', and rq:nd', | Bxhind* him kast v ; | bs brod surkumfursns | Hun on hxz col'durz lik be msn,| hsz orb ®rs op'txk glas | be Tus'kan artxst vuz At x'vnxn | from be top ov Fs^zole, | Or xn Valdarno, | ts dxskri' nu landz, | Rx'vurz, or mq:n txnz, | xn hur spo'tx glob . | Hxz spxr I (ts x'kwal qx£ | be to'lsst pin, | Hun on Norwx'c|xan hxlz, | ts bx be mast Ov sum gret a'mxral, | wer but a wond) | Hx wokt x wxb, I ts suport' unx'zx steps j Q'vur be bur'nxn marl 1 , | (not lik boz steps On hevn'z e'jur !) | and be to'rxd klim | Smot on hxm sor bxsidz v , | vol'ted wxb fir : | NaMes hx so sndurd', | txl on be bx6 Ov bat xnfle'msd sx hx stud, | and kold Hxz lx v c|unz, I en'cjsl-formz hs le sntranst' I ®xk az otummal lxvz | bat stro be bruks In Valombro'za | qor bx Xtru'rxan cedz, | Hi ovur-ar£t', xmbq^ur ; | or ska'turd ss(j, Aflcof, I qcn wxb fxrs wxndz, | Qri'un, armd, | Ha& vsxt bs Rsd-Sx kost | hsz wevz o'ur$ru' Busirxs, I and hxz Mem'fxan ci Vain, | Qil wxb psrfi'dxus he'trsd | be pursud' Ae so (Jurnurz ov Go'csn, j hs bxhsld' From bs sef cor, | bor flo'txn kar'kasxz, j 168 PRftKTXKftL ELQKLCUN. And brok'n 6a x rxut qxlz. : | so Sik bxstron', | Ab'cjekt and lost, | le bxz% | ku'vunrj be flud, | Iln'dur amez'ment ov bor hrdius 6enc) v . | Hx kold so lcpd, | bat ol be ho'lo dxp Ov hel rxzcpn ded ! | Ae SpxS. Prx^nsiz, | po'tentets, | Wonyurz, | be flcpur ov hev n — | wuns yurz', | nq) lost',! If su£ asto'nicment az bis | kan sxz | Xtur'nal spirits : | or hav yx £o'zn bxs pies, | Aftur be tal ov ba'tl, | ts rxpoz' Yur wx'rxd vur"6u, | for bx xz A yu find Ts slunrbur hxr, | az xn be velz ov hev n ? | Or, xn bxs ab'cjekt pos'fozr, | hav yx sworn Ts ador' be Korpkurur? | hs ncp bxholdz' T3e rub and se'raf, | ro'lxrj xn be flud | Wxb ska'turd armz and en x sinz; | txl anon- | Hxz swxft pursii'urz, | from hevn-gets | dxzurn' Ax advan tacj, | and dxsen'dxi), | tred us dcpn% | Aus drs^pxi) ; | or, wxb Ixrj'ked Sun^durbolts, | Transfix' us | ts be bo'tum ov bxs gulf. | Awelo ! I ariz' ! I or bx for e^vur foln ! I OCAN'Z ADRLS TK AE SUN. Q a* bat ro'lest abuv, | rcpnd az be cxld ov mi fa^burz ! | Qens ar bi bxmz', Q sun', |bi evurlas'txrj lit, ? | Aq> ku'mest for$ xn bi o'ful bu\tx ; | be starz hid bem- selvz' xn be ski 1 ; | be msn, kold and pel, | sinks xn be wes'turn wev*. | But bcp biself ms'vest alon> : | hs kan bx a kompan'yun ov bi kors v ? | PR1KTIK1L ELQKUCUN. 169 Ax cox ov be mcpn'txnz fok : | be mcpn'txnz bemselvz v dxke' wxb yxrz* ; | bx co'cun crxrjx, and grcoz* agen x ; | be msn hurself xz lost xn hev^ ; | but bcp art for e'vur be sem, | rxcjcx'sxrj xn be brit'nes ov bi kcors x . | Qen be wurld xz dark wxb tem'pests, | qen £kin'dur rcolz and lifnxrj fliz, | bcp lu'kest xn bi bu'tx from be klcpdz, | and latest at be storm . | But ts O'can, bcp lu'kest xn ven K ; | for hx bxhcoldz' bi bxmz nco mcorx, | qe'bur bi yelco harz flco on bx xs'turn klcpdz, | or bcp trem'blest at be gets ov be west x . | But bcp art purhaps' lik nix' — | for a sx N zn : | bi yxrz wxl hav an end v . | Acp calt slxp xn be klcpdz, | kor'les ov be vqs ov be mor rixrj. | Esrult x , ben, Q sun', | xn be strerjft ov bi yzs& ! | Ecj xz dark and unluvJx : | xt xz lik be glx'murxrj lit ov be msn, | qen xt cinz 8rs brcokn klcpdz' ; | and be mxst xz on be hxlz', | be blast ov be nor& xz on be plen v , | be tra'velur crxrjks xn be mxdst ov hxz tjur nx. | TEL'Z ADRLS TK AE MONTINZ. (nqlz.) Yx kragz and pxx, | I 'm wxb yu wuns agen v ; | I hcold ts yu be handz yu furst x bxheldv, | Ts ceo be stxl ar frr. | MxSxnks' I hxr A spx'rxt xn yur e'kcoz, an'sur mr, | And bxd yur te'nant | wel'kum ts hxz hconr, Agen ! | Q se v kred foraiZv, | hep prepd* yu lukx ! | Hep hi yu lxft yur hedz xn'ts be skr ! | Hep huc]^ yu ar ! ( hep mi* tx, | and hep fir ! | Yx ar be $xrjz bat tepmr, — | bat cirix, — | hsz smil 15 170 PRAKTXK&L fcLQKUCUN. Meks glad' — | hsz frcpn xz tsrxbl — | hsz formz, Rcobd, or un^rcobd, | ds ol bx xnrprss war | Ov o dxvin . | Yx gardz ov lx'burtx, I I 'm wxb yxj wuns agsn^ ! — | I kol ts yu | Wxb ol mi vqs n ! — I hold mi handz ts yu | Ts cq be stxl ar frr — | I rue ts yu | Az bo I kud smbresv yu ! | BATL OV HQHENLXNDLN. (k&mel.) On Lxn'dsn, qsn bs sun woz lo', | 01 blud^lss le bx untrod'n snco\, | And dark az wxn'tur, woz be flo' | Ov X'zur rolxn ra x pxdlx. | But Lxn'dsn so anu^bur sit, | Qsn bs drum bxt at dsd ov nit\ | Koman'dxrj firz ov ds£h ts lit | As dark'nss ov hur sxnurx. | Bi tor6 and trunrpst fast ared', | X6 hors'man dru hxz ba^tl bledv ; | And fu'rxus s'vurx 6arcjur ned, | Ts (^on bs drsd'ful rs vslrx. | Asn cuk bs hxlz wxb Qundur rxvn; | Asn ruct bs stxd ts ba tl drxv n ; | And lep'dur ban bs bolts ov hsvn, | Far flact bs rsd artx^lurx. I PRAKTIKaL ELfiKUCUN. J7] And rs'dur yst x boz firz cal glo | On Lxn'dsn'z hxlz ov blud'-stend snc^ ; j And darkur yet cal bx bs flea | Ov X'zur rco'lxr) ra^pxdlx. | 'Txz morns — | but skors yon lu'rxd sun' | Kan pxrs be wor'-klcpdz,rGO'lxn dum, | Qor fu'rxus Frank, and fi'rx Hun' | Cqpt xn bar sul'f'rus kanopx. | As kom'bat dxp^nz — | On yx brev v , | Hs rue ts glco'rx, or be grevv ! | Wev, Mu'nxk, ol bi ba'nurz wev x ! | And carcj wxb ol bi cx x valrx ! | Fn, fu cal part qor ms'nx mxt^ ! | As sno3 cal bx bor win.dxq-cxt, | And s'vurx turf bxnxb' bor fxt, | Cal bx a scal'cjur'z ss v pulkur. | SPX-C OV ROLA TK AL PXRUVIAN ARMI. [From KotsXbv'z Pxzaro^ (r. b. cerxd&n.) Mi brev asGrcxets ! | parfnurz ov mi tal', | mi fx'lxnz, | and mi fern* ! | Kan Ro'la'z wurdz ad vx'gur | ts bs vurcuus s'nurcjxz | qxc xnspir' yur harts ? | Nco ! | Yu hav cjucjd az L hav, | bs fcpl'nes ov bs kraf'tx plx | bi qxc bxz bcold xnve'durz wud dxlud\ yu . | Yur cjs'nu* rus spx'rxt | haz kompord' az min v haz, | bs mco v txvz | qx6, xn a wor lik bxs, | kan a'nxmet bor mindz, and cprz v . | 172 PRa.KTXKa.L E L £2 K IJ C U N . Ae, bi a strencj fren,zx drxv'n, | fit for pcpuir, | for plun dur, | and exten'ded ml — | Wx, for cpr kuirtrx, | cpr oftarz, | and cpr homz v . | Ae fo'lco an advem- 6urur | hsm be fxr, | and obe' a pcp'ur | qx6 be net. | Wx surv a mcnark hsm wx luv x — | a God hsm wx ador . | Qene'ur be msv xn arj'gur, | desole'cun traks bor pmgres ; | qore'ur be poz xn a'mxtx, | aflxk'cun mornz bar frendcxp. | Ae bost — | be kum but ts xmprsv cpr stet v , | enlarcj' cpr Sots', | and frx us from be yok ov Evrur ! | Yes^ — | be wxl gxv enlifnd frx'dum ts cpr mindz, | hs ar bemselvz' | be slevz ov pa N cun, | aVa- rxs, | and prid. j Ae o'fur us bar protek x cun. | Yes x — | su6 protek'- cun | az vul'c^jurz gxv ts lamz', — | ku'vurxn, and dx- vcp j-xn bern ! | Ae kol on us | ts bar'tur ol ov gud | wx hav xnher'xted and prsvd v , | for bs des'puret £ans ov sum/Sxn be^ur | qx£ be' prom xs. | Bx cpr plen an'sur bxs^ : | Ae Sron wx o'nur | xz bs px^pl'z 6asv — | be loz wx re'vurens | ar cpr brev fa'burz' le N gasx — | be feS wx fo'lo | tx'6xz us | ts Ixv xn bondz ov 6a ; rxtx wxb ol mankinds | and di wxb hops ov blxs | bxyond' be grev . | Tel yur xnve'durz bxs x ; | and tel bem ts, | wx sxk no x 6encJ ; | and lxst ov of, | su£ 6encJ j az be x wud brxrj us x . | "CILD HARULD'Z ADRES TK AX QCUN. (birun.) Q AaT be de'zurt wer mi dwe'lxn-ples, | Wxb wun for spx'rxt for mi mx^nxstur, | Aat I mit ol forget' be hu'man res, | And he'txn no wun, | luv but on'lx hur v ! J PRa.KTXKS.L ELQKUCUN. 173 Yx s'lxmsnts ! — | in hsz sno'blirj stur | I fxl mis,slf' s^oFted — | kan yx not | Akord v mx sue a bx v irj ? | Ds I er | In dx'mxn su6 inha'bit ms jii a spot v ? | Ao wib bsm ts konvurs', | kan rorli bx cpr lot v . | Aor iz a pls v jur in bs paS'les wudz,, | Aor iz a rap'cur on bs lon'li con, | Aor xz sosi'itx, qor nun intrudz', | Bi be dxp sr, | and mn'zxk in its ror . | I lav not man be lss, | but ne'cur mor, | From bxz, cpr m'turvuz, | in qi£ I stxl | From ol I me bx, | or hav bxn bxfor, | Ts mxn'gl wib bs yunxvurs, | and fxl | Qot I kan ns' ur express | yet kanot ol konsxK | Rol on', | bcp dxp and dark-blu o'cun — | roh ! | Ten Scp'zand flxts swxp o'vur bx in ven* ; | Man marks bx ur& v wib man — | hiz kontrol' | Stops^wxb bs cor; — | upon' bs wo'tun plen | As rsks ar ol bi v dxd, | nor du& rxmen' | A ca v do ov man'z ra'vxcj, | sev hiz on, | Qsn, for a mo'msnt, | lik a drop ov ren\ | Hx sxijx ints bi dsp&s wib bub'lirj grom, | Wibcpt' a grev, | unnekb, | unkoTxnd, | and unnon v . | Hiz stsps ar not upon br pabz^, — | bi fxldz ] Ar not a sped for hinr, — | bcp dust ariz', | And cek hxm from' bx, ; | bs vil strsrjft hx wxldz | For urS's dxstruk'cun, | bcp dust ol dxspizx, | Spur'nxrj him from bi bs'zum ts be skiz\ | And ssnd'st him, | ci'vunq in bi ple'ful spre, j 15* 174 PRa.KTXKa.L ELflKUCUN. And hcp'lxrj ts hxz godz', | qor hap'k liz | Hxz pe'tx ho3p v ,|xn sum nxr peart, or be^ | Aen da'eest hxm agen' ts urS* : — [bar let hxm le x . | Ax armaments qx£ Sun'durstrik be wolz | Ov rok-bxlt si'tiz, | bi'dxrj nccunz kwek, | And mo'narks trem'bl in bar kapatalz, | Ax ok lxvraSanz | hsz hue] rxbz mek | Aar kle-krxe'tur be ven titl tek | Ov lord ov bx , | and ar'bxtur ov wor ; | Axz ar bi taz*, | and, az bs sno'x fleb, | Ae mslt xnts bi yest ov wevz*, | qx6 mar, | Alik', bx Arme'da'z prid, | or spalz ov Trafalgar . | Ai ccorz ar empirz, | cencjd xn ol sev br — | AsXxrxa, | Grxs^ | Rora\ | KarSec], | qot ar be ? | Ai wo'turz wes'ted bem qil be wer frx\ | And me'nx a ti'rant sxns v ; | bar ccorz cobe' | Ae stren' glco'rxus mx rur, | qor bx Qlmi'tx'z form | Gla'sxz itself xn tenrpests ; | in ol x tim*, | Kam, or konvulst — | in brxz', or gel', or storm*, | I'sxrj be pcoF, | or xn be torxd klim, | Dark-hx*vxrj ; | bcpnd les, | end'les, | and subline — | Ax x'mxcj ov xturnxtx — | be Srcon | Ov bx Invx^zxbl ; | x'n from cpt bi slim* | Ae moivsturz ov be dxp^ ar med ; | xc zcon | Qbez^ bx. ; | bcp gco'est fcorS, | dred v , | fa'bumles, | alon . PRAKTIKaL ELfiKIJCUN. 175 And I hav luvd' bx, o'cun ! | and mi cjcx \ Ov yuO"ful sports, | woz on bi brest ts bx | Born, lik bi bu'blz, on N ward : | from a bo* | I won'tund wxb bi breJvurz : | be ts mx, | Wer a dxlit ; | and, xf be frecnxrj sx | Med bem a te'rur — | 'twoz a plrzxrj fxi\, | For I woz az it wer a £ild' ov bx, | And trus'ted ts bi bx'loz, far, and nxr, | And led mi hand upon bi men — | az I ds hxr . | APOSTRQFI TK AE KWXN OV FRANS. (burk.) It xz ncp sxx'txn, or sevntxn yxrz v , | sxns I so bs kwxn ov Frans, | ben bs do w fxnes, | at Vurselz 1 ; | and cur'lx, ne'vur li'ted on bxs orb, | (qx6 ex hard'lx sxmd ts tu6) | a mor dxlit'ful vxjun. | I so hur c[ust abuv be horrzun, | de'koretxrj and 6x'rxn bx e'lxveted sfxr | ex (Just bxgan ts msvx in — | glx'turxrj lik be mor'nxrj star — | ful ov lip, | and splen'dur, | and , Luv, and Mursx, xn tri umf dxse^dxrj, | And Ne'cxjr ol glcoarj xn X v den'z furst blsmu ! | On be kold 6xk ov De&, | smilz and rcrzxz ar blenvdxrj, And Bu'tx, xmor tal, I aweks' from be tsm . I A DIALOG BXTWXN' KIIJ EDWARD AND AX URL OV WQRXK. [Transle 1 ted from 8e FrenS bi Dr. Tomus Frar/klxn.'] hdw. Let mx hav no xntru ciurz ; | abuv ol, Kxp Worxk from mi sit v — | [En'tur Woitxk.] War. Bxhcold' hxm hxr — I 100 PRSYKTXKAL LLfiKIJCUN. Nco wel'kum gest, it sxmz, | unles' I ask Mi lord ov Sirfulk's Ixv^ — | bar woz a tim | Qen Wo'rxk won'ted not hxz x ed | ts gen Admx'cun hxr . | Ldw. Aor woz a tim, purhaps', | Qen Wo'rxk racor dxzird', | and moor ^ dxzurvd xt^ War. Nevur; | I 'v bin a fs'lxc, feS'ful slev ; | 01 mi best yxrz% | be mor'nxr) ov mi lif \ | Hav bin dxvoD'ted ts yur survxs : | qot Ar ncp be fruts* 1 | Dxzgres x and xnvfamx — | Mi spot'les nem, | qx£ ne'vur yet be bre$ Ov ka'lumnx had ten'ted, | med be mok For fo'rxn fslz* ts karp* at^ : | but 't xz fxt% | Hs trust xn prxn^'sxz, | cud bx bus rxwor v ded. | hdw. I Sot, mi lord, | I had ful wel rxped x Yur sur'vxsxz | wxb onmrz, | welS v , and pcp'ur Unlxnrxted : | bi ol-dxrek'txrj hand | Gi'ded xn sx'kret | e'vurx le'tent qxl Ov gu'vurnment, | and msvd be hcol macxn v : | Wo'rxk woz ol xm ol v , | and pcp'urles Ld w ward | Stud lik a srfur xn be gret akcpnt v . War. Hs gev bat si'fur wur$% | and sx'ted bx On Irjg'land'z drcon 1 | Ai undxstxrj'gwxct nem j Had ro'ted xn be dust from qens xt sprarj\ | And mol'durd xn oblx v vxun, | had not Wo'rxk | Dug from its sor'dxd min | be yus'Ies cor, | And stampt xt wxb a dradem. | Acp no'est Axs re'6ed kun'trx, | dsmd, purhaps 7 , lik Rom', [ Ts fol bi xts on self-dxstraxrj hand^ | Tost for sco me'nx yxrz | xn be ruf sx Ov sx'vxl dxs'kord, | but for mx had pgTxct. | Xn bat dxstres'ful cpr, | I sxzd be helm', | PRaKTXKftL LLQKUCIIN. 191 Bad be ruf wevz subsid' xn pxs% | and stxrd Yur ca'turd ve'sel sef xnts be hanbur. | Yu me dxspiz', purhaps', | bat yus'les ed | Qx6 yu no lorj'gur wont x ; | but nco, prcpd yuS, | Hx hs forgets' a frend w , | dxzurvz' a for. | Edw. Nco, ts, | rxprcotV for be'nxfxts rxsxvd', | Pez e'vurx det, | and kan'selz oblxgevcun. | War. Qi, bat xndxd' xz frugal o*nestx, | A Srxf'tx sevxrj no x lecj : | qen bs det Grcoz burdnsum, | and ka'not bx dxs£arc]d' | A spunc] wxl wip cpt oh, | and kost yu nur&xrj. | Edw. Qen yu hav kcpn'ted co'ur bs nu'murus tren Ov mi'tx gxfts | yur bcpn'tx la'vxct on mx, | Yu me rxmem'bur next | bx xn cjurxz Qxc I hav duiryuv ; | 1st mx nco bem oh, | And I wxl mek yu am'pl satxsfal^cun. | War. Acp kanst x not ; | bcp hast robd mx ov a (Ju'el| It xz not xn bi pep ur ts rxstcon : | I woz be furst v , cal fu'6ur a'nalz se, | Aat brcok bs se'kred bond ov pub'hk trust | And mutual komfxdens; | amba'sadurz, In af'tur timz, | mxr xn'struments, purhaps', | Ov vx'nal stets^men, | cal rxkol' mi nem | Ts wxt'nes bat be wont not an es-am pi, | And plxd mi gxlt | ts sarjk'txfi bar arts. \ Amxdst/ be hurd ov mur'sxnarx slevz Aat hant yur kcort,|kud nun bx fcpnd but Wo'rxk, | Ts bx be cem'les herald ov a li' ? | Edw. And wudst bcp turn be vil rxprcocV on mx' ? | If I hav brcok mi feS, | and stend be nem Ov Ingland, | Sank bi con purnx'cus kepmselz | Aat urcjd x mx ts xt , | and extor'ted from mx | A kcold konsent' ts qot mi hart abhordw 1S2 PR&KTXKCYL ELfiKUCUN. War. I 'v bin abuzd% | xnsuVted, | and bxtredv ; | Mi xn'cjurd cnur kriz alcpd' for verrcjans, | Hur wsndz wxl ne'vur kloz^ ! | Edw. Axz gusts ov pa'cun | Wxl but xnflenv bem v . [ If I hav bxn rit Informd', mi lord, | bxsidz bxz den'cjurus skarz Ov blxdxn o u nur, | yu hav u'bur wsndz Az dxp\ | bo not so festal : | su6, purhaps-,. | Az nun but for Xlx zabeQ- kan kur . | War. Xlx'zabea ! | Ldw. Ne, start^ not i — | I hav koz Ts wun'dur most : | I lx'tl \k>t, xndxd', | Qen Wo'rxk told mi, I mit him ts luv, | Hx woz himself 7 sod ebl ts xnstrukt* mx. : | But I 'v dxsku'vurd ol x — | War. And so hav T — | Ts wel I no bi brx£ ov frend'cxp bor v , | Ai frut'les, bes x ende'vurz ts suplant rm . | Edio. I skorn it, sur — | Xli'zabed ha& 6armz% And I hav x'kwal rit wxb yu ts admir bern ; | Nor sx I ot so god'lik xn be forms | So ol-koman dxrj xn be nem ov Wo'rxk, | Aat hx alon' cud re'vel xn be 6armz Ov bu'tx, | and mono'poliz purfebcun. | I nu not ov yur luv . | War. 'T xz fols* ! \ Yu nu xt or-, | and mxn'lx tuk oke'jun, | Qilst I woz bi'zxd xn bs no'bl o'fxs, | Yur gres dot fxt ts o'nur mx wxb 61', | Ts tam'pur wxb a wxk, ungar'ded wu man, | And besdx stxl a tre'jur | Qx£ yur kxrj'dum kud not purcas. | PRAKTIKAL hLOKUCUN. 193 Edw. Hep no yu bat 1 | but bx xt az xt me*, | \ fiad a rift, | nor wxl I tem'lx yxld Mi Idem ts ha'pxnes, | be prx'vxlecj Tb 6sz be part'nur ov mi xrroir : | Xt xz a bran£ ov mi prxmgatxv. | War. Prxrovgatxv ! | qot 's bat? be bast ov trrants,| A bo'rad ojuel, | gli'turxrj xn be krepn Wxb spx^cus lusvtur, | lent but ts bxtre*. | Yu had xt, sur, | and hald v xt, | from be prpl. | Edw. And berfar ds I priz^ xt : | I wud gard Adr Ix'burtxz, | and be cal strerjSn mbv : \ But qen prep d fak'cun, and hur re'bel kru | Xnsult' bar suv x nn, | tram'pl on hxz loz v , | And bxd dxfrans ts hxz pcp'ur,|be px'pl, Xn cjus'txs ts bemselvz*, | wxl ben dxfsnd' Hxz koz', | and vxrrdxket be rits be gev . | War. Go* ts yur dar^lxrj px A pl, ben.; | for ssn, Xf I mxstek' not, | 't wxl bx nxd»ful ; | tri Aor bos'tsd zxl, | and sx xf wun v ov bem | Wxl dor ts lxft hxz arm up xn yur koz, I Xf I forbid, him. | Edw. Xz xt sco, mi lord ? | Aen mark mi wurdz. : ! I 'v bin yur slev ts Ion*, | And yu hav ruld mx wxb a rod ov rurn ; | But hens'farS no, prepd pxr, | I am bi mas'tur, | And wxh bx sco : | bs kin hs de'Ixgets Hxz pcp'ur tsu'burz'handz', | but xl dxzurvz' Ae krepm hx w T orz v . | War. Luk wel ben ts yur on v : | Xt sxts but lsslx on yur lied, ; | for na v , | Ae man hs iivcjurd Worxk, | ne'vur past Unpu'nxct yst v . | 17 191 PRSVKTXKAL LLQKIJCUN. Eidw. Nor hx hs Sret'nd Ld^ward — | Yu me rxpent^ xt, sur — | mi gardz* boi\ — | sxz Axs tre^tur, | and konve' hxm ts be Ttp v ur — | Aor let hxm lurn cobx^dxens. SPXC ON AL SUB'DEKT OV EMPLQ'IIJ AX INDIANZ TH FIT AGLNST' AX AMKRJ KANZ. Nov. 18, 1777. (lord Ca^TAM.) I ka not, mi lordz, | I wxP not | cjan xn kongra6u lccun | on mxsfor£un and dxzgres^. | Axs, mi lordz, | xz a pe'rxlus and trxmemdus moment : | xt xz not a tinr for aclule cun : | be smsbmes ov fla'turx ka'not sev us | xn bxs ru'ged and o N ful krisxs. | It xz ncp ne'sesari | ts xnstrukf be Srcon xn be lan'gwxcj ov truS*. | Wx must, xf po'sxbl, | dxspel' be dxlu'jun and dark'nes qx6 envelup xt ; | and dxsple' xn xts ful den'cjur and cjen'- yuxn kulurz, | be ru'xn qx6 xz brot ts cpr dorzx. Kan mx'nxsturz stxl prxzum 7 ts expekt' supcort' xn bar xnfa6ue'cun ? | Kan parlxment bx sco ded ts xts dxg'nxtx and du'tx,.| az ts gxv xts supcort' ts me'jurz bus obtru'ded, and fcorst upon' xt? | me'jurz, mi lordz, I qx6 hav rxdusf bxs let flu'rxcxn em'pir | ts skorn and kontemt. | But yes'turde, | and Iqg'land mit hav stud agenst' be wurld' ; | ncp, nun so psr az ts ds hur mvu- rens ! | Ae px'pl hsm wx at furst dxspizd' az re v belz, | but hsm wx nqp akno'Iecj az e v nxmxz, | ar abe'ted agenst* us, | suplid' wxb e'vurx mxlxta'rx stcor , | bar xn'turest P R a K T X K 5V L LLfiKIJCUN. 195 konsul'ted, | and bor amba'sadurz enturtend' | bi cpr xnve'turet e^nxmx ; | and mx'nxsturz ds not, | and dor not | xnturpoz' wxb dxg'nxtx, or efekt.. | Ae des'puret stet ov cpr ar'mx abrod', | xz, xn part neon . | No man mcor hi'lx estxmz' and onurz bx Irjg'lxc trsps ban L dsi : j I no bor vur'£uz and bor valur ;| I no be kan acxv e'nx Sxrj but xmposxbxlxtxz ; | and I no bat be korj'kwest ov Irjg'lxc Ame'rxka, | xz x an xm- posxbxJxtx : | yu ka x not, mi lordz, | yu kanot korj'kur Ame rxka. | Qot xz yur pre'zent sxcue cun bo^ ? | Wx ds not no be wurst v ; | but wx no | bat xn 3rx kampenz' | wx hav dun nu $xn, | and su'furd muc\. | Yu me swcl 8'vurx expense | aku'mulet e'vurx asxs'tans, | and extend' yur tra'fxk ts be cam'blz ov e'vurx JDurman des^pot, | yet yur atemts' wxl bx for e'vur ven and im 1 - potent ; | duMx so xndxd | from bxs mur'sxnarx ed on qx£ yu rxliv ; | for xt x'rxtets, ts an xnku'rabl rxzenf- ment, | be mindz^ ov yur ad'vursarxz, | ts ovurrun' bem wxb be mur'sxnarx sunz ov ra'pxn and pluirdiir, | dxvo'txrj bem and bor poze'eunz, | ts be rapa'sxtx ov hir'lxn kru eltx. | If I wer an Ame'rxkan, | az I am an Irjg v hcman, | qil a fo'rxn trsp woz lan'ded xn mi kun'- trx, | I ne^vur wud le depn mi armzv — | Nevvur! | Ne Vur ! | Ne vur ! But, mi lordz, | hs xz bs man | bat, xn adx'cun ts be dxzgre'sxz and mxs'cxfs ov be wor, | haz dord ts o'Suriz, and aso'cxet ts cpr armz | be to'mahok and skal'pxrj-nif ov be sawxej — | ts kol xnts sx'vxlizd ali'- ans, | be wild*and xnhu'man xnha'bxtant ov be wudz* — ] ts de'lxget ts be mur'sxles Imdxan ] be dxfens 7 ov dis- puted ritsv, | and ts wee) be ho'rurz ov hxz* bar'barua 196 PRaKTIKJVL RLQKIJCUN. wor agenst' (pr brebvren 1 | Mi lordz, | bxz xnormxtiz j kri alcpd' for rxdres' and pu^nxcment. | But, mi lordz, | bxs barbarus me'jur has bxn dx- fen'ded, | not on'lx on be prxn'sxplz ov po'lxsx and nx- se v siti, | but ol'so on boz ov mora^lxtx ; | "for it xz purfektli alcp'abl," | sez Lord Su'fulk, | " ts yuz ol §8 mxnz | bat God and ne'£ur hav put xn'ts cpr handz/' I am asto^nxct, | I am cokt v , | ts hxr su6 prxn'sxplz konfest ; j ts hxr bem avcpd' xn bxs heps', | or xn bxs kun^trx ! | Mi lordz, 1 1 dxd not intend' ts enkrofr so mu6 on yur aten^cun ; | but I ka'not rxpres' mi mdxgne^cun : | I fxl mi'self xmpeld' ts spxk . | Mi lordz, | wx ar kold upon' az mem'burz ov bxs hcps x , | az men', | az Krxs^anz, | ts protest' agenst' su6 ho'nbl barba^nti — | " Aat God, and ne'6ur hav put nvts qr handzj" | Qot idx'az ov God, and ne'6ur | bat no'bl lord me enturten', | I no v not; | but I no | bat su6 dxtes'tabl prxm'sxplz j ar X'kwali abho'rent ts rxli'cjun and hijma v nxtx. | Qot ! | ts atri'but be se'kred sarjk'cun ov God, and ne'£ur, | ts be ma'sakurz ov bx In'dxan skal'pxn-nif ! | ts be kamxbal sa'vxc), | tor'6wrirj, | mur'dunrj, | and dxvcprxrj hxz unha'pi vxk'timz ! | Su6 no'cunz cok e'vun prx'sept ov mora^lxtx, | e'vun fx'lxrj ov huma x - nxtx, | e'vun sen'txment ov o.nur. | Axz abo'mxnabl prin'sxplz, | and bxs mor abo'mxnabl avcp v al ov bem, | dxmand' be most dxsi'siv indxgne^cun. | I kol upon' bat rit re'vurend, | and bxs most lurned ben£, | ts vin'dxket be rxli'cjun ov bar God x , | ts sup- ort' be ^us'txs ov bar kun^trx. | I 'kol upon' be bi'cups | ts inturpoz' bx unsu'lxd sank'txtx ov bar lon x , | upon' be cju'cjiz | ts inturpoz' be pu'riti ov bar P R a. K T X K A. L LLfiKIJCUN. 197 urmxn, | ts sev us from bis poluvcun. | I kol upon' bx o'nur ov yifr lord^cxps | ts re'vurens be dxg'nxtx ov yur an sesturz, | and ts menten' yur coir. | I kol upon' be spx'rxt and huma'nxtx ov mi kun trx, | ts vxirdxket be na'cunal ka*raktur : | I xnvok' bs cjx'nxus ov be Brx'txc Konstxtucun. | Ts send fcorQ- be mur'sxles Xn v dxan, | vmrs'txn for blud ( ! | agenst' hsrn ? | Yur Pro'testant brebvren ! | Ts le west bor kun v trx, | ts de'scolet bor dwe v lxrjz, | and extur'pet bor res and nein, | bi bx ed and xnstru- menta'lxtx | ov bxz ungu'vurnabl sa^xcjxz. | Spen kan no lorj'gur bost prx-e v mxnens xn barba*rxtx. | Cx armd hurself wxb blud^-hcpndz | ts extur'pet be re£'ed ne'txvz ov Mex^xko; | wx, mar ruQ'les, | lss bxz v dogz ov wor | agenst' cpr kun'trxmen xn AmsYxka, | endxrd' ts us | bi e'vurx ti bat kan sarjk'txfi humanxtx. | I so'lemlx kol upon' yur lord'cxps, | and upon' e'vurx or'dur ov men xn be stet\ | ts stamp upon' bxs xn'famus prosx'cjur, | bx xnde'lxbl stxg'ma ov be pub'lxk ab- ho^rens. | Mrar partx'kularlx, | I kol upon be ve'nurabl pre'lats ov cpr rxlx^cjim, | ts ds awe x bxs xnxJkwxtx; | let bem purfornv a lustre x cun | ts pu'rxfi be kun' trx | from bxs dxp and ded*lx sxn . | APOS'TRQFX TK LIT 1 . (mxltun.) Hel ! ho'lx Lit*, | ofsprxrj ov Hevn, farst born', Or ov bx Xtur'nal kco-xturnal bxnr, | Me I expres' bx unblemd' ? | sxns God x xz lit', | And ne'vur but xn unapro v 6ed lit\, 17* 198 PRaKTHiaL ELQKUCUN. Dwelt from xtur nxtx, | dwelt ben in bx v , | Brit e'fluens ov brit e'sens xn^krxet ; | Or hxr'st bcp ra'bur, | pur x$x'rxal strxnr, | Hsz fcpn'txn hs cal tel ? | Bxfor be sun v , | Bxfcor be hev nz, bcp wert', | and at be vas Ov God, | az wxb a man tl, | dxdst xnvest' Ae ri'zxi) wurld ov wcrturz, | dark and dxp v , | Wun from be vcid and form'les xn*fxnxt. | Ax I rxvx'zxt ncp wxb bol'dur wxrj v , | Lskept' be Stx'cjxan psl, | bo lorj dxtend' In bat obskur' socjurn', | qil xn mi flit, | @rs u'tur and &rs mx v dl dark'nes beam, | Wxb u'bur nots ban ts bx Or'fxan lir, | I sun ov ke'os, and xtur'nal nit ; | Tot bi be hevnlx muz | ts ven'6ur dcpn Ae dark dxsent', | and up ts rx-asend*, | Ao hard and ran : | bx I rxvx'zxt sef , | And fxl bi su'vurxn, vi'tal lamp v ; | but bcp Rxvx'zxt'st not bxz iz x | bat ral xn ven, | Ts find bi pxr'sxn re, | and find no don*; | So $xk a drop sxrxn' | ha& kwenct bar orbz v , Or dxm sufu'jun veld . | Yet not be mcor | Sxs I ts won'dur qor be mu zxz hank, | Klxr sprxrj', | or ce'dx grov', | or sunx hxh, | Smxt wxb be luv ov se'kred son, ; | but 6xf Ax, Si'un, | and be flcp'urx bruks bxnxb v , | Aat woe bi ha'lcod fxt, and worblxrj flco, | Nit'lx I vx,zxt: | nor sunrtimz forget' Acoz u'bur ts, I x'kwald wxb mx xn fet% I PR&RTXKa.L ELQKUCUN. 199 (Sco wer I xkwald wxb bem xii rxncprr) | Blind ©a^mxrxs, | and blind Mxo nxdxz, | And Tirx'sxas and Fxnxas, | pro'fets oldv : | Aen fxd on &ots | bat vo'luntarx msv Harmwnxus nunrbura ; | az be wek'ful burd v Sxrjz darklxn, | and xn ce'dxest ku'vurt hxd, j Tunz hur nokturnal nots x , | Aus wxb be yxr, Sxznz rxtunr ; | but not ts mx rxturnz' De v , | or be swxt aprcofr ov x'n', or mornr— | Or sit ov vur'nal blsnf, | or su'mur'z rcoz v , | Or floks\ | or hurdzs | or hu'man fes dxvin, ; | But klcp d xnsted', | and e'vur-du-rxn dark* Surcf ndzv mx, | from be 6xr'ful wez ov men Kut of, | and for be buk ov no'letj for, | Prxzen'ted wxb a yunxvur'sal blank Ov ne'6ur'z wurks v , | ts mx expunejd'and rezd*, | And wxz'dum, at wun en'trans, kwit cut c[;t . | Sod mu£ be ra'bur bcp, sxles'6al Lit, | Cin xmward, | and be mind Srs ol hur pcp'urz Ire^dxet : | bar plant iz*, | ol mxst from bens | Pure] and dxspurs v , | bat I me sx and tel | Ov dxnz xnvx'zxbl ts mor'tal sit . | HX'DLIR i'LL [Lx'lraht from Mr. Burk's Spx6 on be Ne'bob ov Ar 'hot's Dets\] Amuij' be vxk/txmz ts bxs magnx'fxsent plan ov yu- nxvur'sal plun'dur, | pursud' bi be kum'panx xn Xn'dxa,| 200 PRaKTIKiL ELQKKCUN. sco wurbx ov be hxrco'xk a'varxs ov be prcocjek'turz, ' yu hav ol hurd | (and hx haz med hxmself ts bx wel rxmem'burd) | ov an In'dxan "Cxf \ kold Hx'dur Alx Kan . | Axs man pozest' be wes v turn, | az bs kum'panx un'dur bs Ne'bob ov Arkot | duz bx xs'turn dxvxjun ov be Kama txk. | It woz amun' be Ix'dxn me'jurz in be dxsin' ov bxs kebal' | (akordxn ts bar con emfa'txk larj'gwxcj) | ts extur pet bxs Hx'dur A k. | Ae dxklard' be Ne'bob ov Ar'kot ts bx hxz sirvurxn, | and hxmself' ts bx a re'bel, | and pub'lxklx xnves'ted bar xn'stru- ment | wxb be su'vurxntx ov be kxndum ov Mxscor . | But bar vxk'txm woz not ov be pa'sxv kind v : | be wer ssn coblicjd' | ts konklxid 7 a trxtx ov pxs and klcos ali-ans wxb bxs re'bel, | at be gets ov Madras^. | Bco& bxfcor and sxns' bat tatx, | e'vurx prxirsxpl ov po'lxsx|pan'ted ept bxs pcp'ur az a natural alrans :|and, on hxz part, | xt woz kcorted bi e'vurx sort ov a'mxkabl o^fxs.| But bs ka'bxnet-kqm'sxl ov In'glxc kre'dxturzjwud not su'fur bar Ne'bob ov Ar'kot ts sin v be tatx, | nor x'vn ts gxv ts a prxns\ | at lxst hxz x'kwal, | bx or'dx- narx ti'tlz ov rxspekt' and kur txsx. | From bat tim for- ward, | a kontxn'yud plot' woz ka'rxd on wx'bxn be dxvan', | blak and qit 1 , | ov be Ne'bob ov Ar'kot, | for be dxstruk cun ov bxs Hx'dur A lx. | Az ts bx cpfward mem'burz ov be du'bl, | or ra'bur tre N bl gu'vurnment ov Madras', | qx£ had sind x be trx'tx, | be wer ol'wez prxven'ted bi sum covurru'lxn xn'flL T ens | (qx£ be ds not dxskrib', | but qx£ ka'not bx mxsundurstud v ) | from pur- for'mxn qot cjus'txs and xn'turest | kombind' SG3 e'vx- dentlx ts enfors. | Qen at len& Hx'dur A'lx | fcpnd bat hx had ts ds wxb men , hs xbur wud sin no konven'cun, I or hsm nco PR4KTIK.4I ELQKUCUN. 201 trx'tx, and no sxg'natur kud binds | and hs wer be dx- turmxnd E'nimxz ov hu'man xn'turkors itself', | hx dxkrxd' ts mek be kun'trx, | pozesf bi bxz xnko'rxcjxbl and prxdes'txneted krx'mxnalz, | a me'murabl esranvpl ts mankind. | Hx rxzolvd', | xn be gls'mx rxse'sxz ov a mind kape'cus ov su6 3xnz, | ts lxv be hoi Karnatxk | an evurlas'txrj mon'yument ov vemcjans, | and ts put purpe'6&al desole cun, | az a ba'rxur bxtwxn' hxm and boz | agenst' hsm, | be fe9- qx6 holdz be mo'ral e'lx- ments ov be wurld tcoge'bur, | woz no prcotek cun. | Hx bxkem' at len$ | so kon'ftdent ov hxz fors, | and so kolek'ted xn hxz mit, |. bat hx med no sx'kret qot- ewur | ov hxz dred'ful rezoli; cun. | Ha'vxrj tur'mxneted hxz dxsputs' wxb e'vurx e'nxmx, and e'vurx ri'val, | hs be'rxd bor mutual anxmo'sxtxz | xn bor ko'mun xn'- terest agenst' be kred'xturz ov be Ne'bob ov Ar'kot, | hx drn from e'vurx kwor'tur | qote'vur a sa'vxcj fxro'- sxtx | kud ad' ts hxz nw rirdxments xn bx art ov dxstruk'- cun; | and, kompcfn'dxrj ol be matx'rxalz ov fu'rx, | hav'uk, and descole'cun, | xnts wun blak klcfd, | hx hurj for aqil on be dxklx'vxtxz ov be mccn txnz. | Qilst bx o'&urz ov ol bxz x'vlz | wer i'dlx and stu'pxdlx ge'zxrj on bxs me'nasxrj mx'txur, | (qxc blak'nd ol be hcori'zun)| xt su'dxnlx bursty | and pord dq:n be hcol ov xts kon- tents | upon' be plenz ov be Kama txk. | Aen ensud 7 a sxn ov wo x ; | be lik ov qx6 no i had sxn, | nor hart konsxvd*, | and qx£ no tui] kan a'dx- kwetli teh | 01 be ho'rurz ov wor, bxfoi" neon or hurd* ov, | wer mursx ts bat ni? ha vuk. | A storm ov yiinx- vur'sal fir*, | blas'ted e'vurx fxld\ | konsumd' e'vurx heps', | and dxstrad' e'vurx tern pi. | Ae mx'zurabl xn- ha'bxtants, ' flixi] from bor fle'mxrj vx'lxcjxz, | xn part, 202 PRAKTJtK&L ELfiKIJCUN. wer slo'turd : | u'burz, | wxbcpt' rxgard' ts sex, ts e — | Ae brit sun woz extxrpgwxct ; | and be starz Dxd won'dur dark'lxrj xn bx xtur'nal spes, | Re'les and paries ; | and bx i'sx ur$ | Swurj blind and blaknxrj xn be msn'les or . PR&KTXKAL ELQKUCUN. 233 Morn kem and went 1 , | and kem, and brot no dev ; | And mert forgot' bar pacunz | An be dred Ov bxs bar desole v cun ; | and ol harts Wer fold xnts a sel'fxc pror for lit v . | And be did kv bi wofr-firz ; | and be Srconz, | Ae pa'lasxz ov krcp'ned kxnz N — | be huts', | Ae habxte'cunz ov ol Sxrjz qx6 dwel% | Wer burnd for bx*knz. | Srtxz wer konsunni ; | And men wer ga'burd rqmd bar ble'zxrj hcomz | Ts luk wuns mcor xn'ts x6 u'bur'z fes^. | Ha'px wer be | hs dwelt wxbxn' bx i Ov be volke ncoz, | and bar mcpnvtxn-tor6. | A fxr'ful hap | woz ol be wurld kontend ; | For,ests wer set on fir* ; | and cpr bi cpr Ae fel and fe ded — | and be krak'lxrj trunks | Extxrjgwxct wxb a krac^, — | and ol woz blakv. | Ae brcpz ov men, | bi be dxspor'xrj lit, | War an unur$'lx as pekt, | az bi fxts Ae fla'cxz fel upon» bein . | Sum le dqm, | And hxd bar iz, | and wept ; | and sum dxd rest Aar 6xnz | upon- bar klxn'£ed handz, | and smild* ; | And u'burz hu'rxd ts and fro, | and fed Aar fwnural pilz wxb foal, | and lukt up Wxb mad dxskwi'xtud | on be dul skr, | Ae pol ov a past wurld ; | and ben ageir Wxb kur'sxz, | kast bem dqm upon' be dust, | And nact bar txSs | and hcpld . | Ae wild burdz crxkt, | And, te'rxfid, | dxd flu'tur on be grqmd, | And flap bar yus'les wxrjz* ; | be wil'dest bruts' | 204 PRAKTIK&L LLniiUCUN. Kem tern and tre^mulus ; | and vi'purz krold, | And twind bemselvz' amuiy be muhtxtud, | Hx'sxrj, but stxrj>les. | Ae wer slen for fsdv; | And wor | qx£, for a mco'ment, woz nco mar, | Dxd glut N himself' agen : | a mxl woz bot Wxb blud x ; | and xc sat su'lxnlx apart', | Gorc]xrj himself' xn glsm v . | No luv woz leftx ; | 01 ur& woz but wun Sot x ; | and bat woz de& , | Immx'dxet, and xnglo rxus ; | and be pang Ov fa'mxn | fed upon' ol eatrilz. | Men Did, | and bar bonz wer tsm'les az bar fiec x j | As mx'gur bi be mx'gur wer dxvcprd v . | X'n dogz x aseld' bor mas v turz ; | ol sev wun, | And hx woz feS'ful ts a kors, | and kept Ae burdz and bxsts, | and fa'mxct men at be x , | Txl hurj'gur klurj bem, | or be dro'pxrj ded | Lurd bor lank cjoz v . | Himself sot opt nw v fsd, | But wxb a px'txus and perpetual mcon, | And a kwxk, de'scolet kri, | lx'kxrj be hand Qx6 an'surd not wxb a kares', | hx did . | Ae krcpd woz fa'mxct bi dxgrxz* ; | but ts x Ov an xnor'mus srti, j dxd survivx ; | And be wer enamiz. | Ae met bxsid' Ae di'xrj em'burz ov an ol'tar-ples, | Qar had bxn hxpt a mas ov hco'lx Birjz | For an un'hcolx yu zxcj : | be rekt up, | And, cx'vurxn, skrept wxb bor kold ske'lxtun liandz, Ae fx'bl a^cxz, | and bar fx'bl bred | Blu for a Ix'tl lif, | and med a flem | Qx£ woz a mokuri. | Aen be Ixf'ted up PRSKTIKaL ELfiKXJCIIN. 205 Aor iz az it gru li'tur, | and bxhsld' X6 ubur'z as x pskts — | so, | and crxkt, | e t nd did* : j X'n ov bar mutual hx'diusnss be did^ j , | Unna'in hs hx woz | upon hsz brcp | Fa'mxn had rit'n fxnd\. | As wurld woz vad x ; | As po'pulus, and be pcp'urful woz a lump, | Sx v znlss, | urbJes, | talss, | manlss, [ lifks — | A lump ov ds$ v — | a ke'os ov hard kle . | As ri'vurz, leks', and « cun, | ol stud stxL ; | And mi'Sxn. sturd wxbxn' bor si'lent dspSs ( . | Cxps, selurlss, | le ro'txn on bs sx* ; | And bor masts fsl dq:n pxsv-mxl ; | az be dropt, | Ae slept on bx abis% wibqpt' a surcj^. — | As wevz wsr dsd* ; | bs tidz wsr in bor grevs, — j As msn, bar mis'trss, | had sxpird' bxfor ; | As w T xndz wsr wx'burd in bs stag'nant or; | And bs klcfdz psrict. — | Dark'nss had nco nxd Ov ed from bsm* — | ex woz bs yLMiivurs. | KE'TQ'Z SL'NAT. (a v DXSN.) Lwcas, Sempromius, and Ss'nsiturz. Sem. Rom stxl survivz' xn bis assm-bld ssjiat! | Lst us rxmsm'bur wx ar Ke'tw'z frsndz^ | And akt lik msn hs klein bat gloTius ti tl. | 18 206 PRAKTUCftL ELfiKUCUN. Lvc. Keto wxl ssn bx hxr, | and o'pn ts us Ax oke'jun ov cpr mx txq. | Hark* ! | hx kumz x ! | [Fluric ov Trumpxts.] Me q\ be gar'dxan godz ov Rom dxrekt x hxni ! | [Entur Ketq.] Keto. Fa'burz,wx wuns agen' ar met xn kqpasxl — Sx'zar'z aproc' haz su'mund us tsge^bur; | And Rom atendz' hur fet from cpr rxzolvz v . | Hep cal wx trxt bxs bold aspi'rxrj man 1 ? | Siikses' stxl fo'loz hxm, | and baks hxz krimz. : | Farse'lxa gev hxm Rom' ; | X x cjxpt haz sxns Rxsxvd' hxz yok ; | and bs hoi Nil 1 xz Sx.zar'z. | Qi cud I meircun JDu'ba'z o'vur&ro, | And Sx'pxo'z de£h ? ) Numx'dxa'z bur'nxrj sandz Stxl smok wxb blud\ | 'Txz tim wx cud dxkrx' Qot kors* ts tek . | Or fo advansxz on us% | And en'vxz us x'n Lx'bxa'z sul'trx ds.zurts. | Fa'burz, proncpns' yur Sots v — | ar be stxl fxxt | Ts hold xt cpt, | and fit xt ts bs last ? | Or ar yur harts subdud' at lerji), | and rot Bi tim and xl sukses', | ts a submx^cun ? | Sempro-nxus, spxk . | Sem. Mi vas xz stxl for wor. | Kan a Ro'man se'nat Ion dxbet' | Qx6 ov be ts ts 6sz — | sle'v'rx, or ded'? | No. — | 1st us riz at wuns 1 , | gurd on cpr sordz\ | And, at be hed ov cpr rxmcnxq trsps, | Atak' be fo% | brek Ors be $xk are' | Ov hxz $rorjd lx'cjunz, | and £arcj horn' upon N luniv : I Purhaps 7 sum arm, mor lu'kx ban be rest, | Me rxc hxz hart v , | and frx be wurld from bonvde^. | PEilKTIKaL ELQKIJCUN. *207 Riz\» fa'burz, | riz' ! | 'Txz Rconr dxmandz' yur help,; | Riz and rxvencj' hur slo'turd sx^txznz, | Or cor bar fetv ! | As korps ov haf hur se v nat | ManLT' be fxldz ov ©e^salx, | qil wx Sxt hxr | dxlx'buretxi] xn kold dxbets', | Qe'bur ts sa'krxfiz cpr livz ts o'nur, | Or wor bem cpt xn sur'vxtud and 6enz v . | Rcpz up*, for cern ! | cpr bru'burz ov Farse'lxa | Pant at bor wsndzs | and kri alcpd' — | ts ba'tl ! | Gret Pom'px'z ced | komplens' bat wx ar slor ; | And Sx'pxo'z gcost | woks unrxvencjd* amunstx us v ! ) Keto. Let not a torent ov xmpe'6iTus zxl | Transport' bx bus bxyond' be bcpndz ov rx^zn : | Tru fortxtud | xz sxn xn gret exploits' | Aat cjus'txs wo'rants, | and bat wxz'dum gidz^ — | 01 els xz tcp'urirj frsn'zx and dxstralccun. | Ar not be livz ov bcoz | hs dro be sard In Rom'z dxfens', | xntrus'ted ts cpr kor' ? | Cud wx bus lxd bem ts a fxld ov slo'tur, | Mit not bx xmpar'cal wurld, | wxb rx'zn, se, | Wx la'vxct at cpr de$s | be blud ov Sep zandz, | Ts gres cpr fol, | and mek cpr ru'xn gloD.rxus? | Lu'cus, | wx next wud nco qot's yur' opxiivyun. | Lvc. Mi Sots, I must konfes', | ar turnd on pxs\ I Olre'dx hav cpr kwo'relz | fxld be wurld Wxb wx'doz, and wxb orfanz : | Sx'Sxa mcornz , | Acp gco not, lik bs kwo'rx-slev at nit N , | Skurcjd ts. hxz dun^un, | but sustend', and ssbd Bi an unfol'turxrj trust, | apro£' bi grev, | Lik wun hs raps be dre'purx ov hxz kcp6 Abcpf hxm, | and liz dcpn ts ple'zant drxmz v . | SPXT] OV S'ISXRQ AGENST' VIVRXZ. Al tim xz kum, fa'burz, | qen bat qx£ haz Ion bxn wxct for, | to'ardz ale'irj bx en'vx yxir or'dur haz bxn sub' yu wxp ; | and I pursxv yu fxl Ae dint* ov pivti. | Axz ar gre v cus drops>. | Kind* solzx ! | qot v ! | wxp yu qen yu but bxhold' Or Sx'zar'z ves'6ur wsn'ded? | Luk yu hxr ! | Hxr iz himself, | mard, az yu sx, bi tmturz. | Gud x frendz, | swxt' frendz ! | let mx not stur yu up Ts su6 a su'den flud ov mutini — | Ae bat hav dum bis dxd, | ar o A nurabl ! | Qot prrvat grxfs be hav, | alas' ! I no" not, | Aat med x bem ds it — | be ar wiz A and o A nurabl ; | And wil, no3 dept, wib rx'znz an*sur yu v ! | I kum not, frendz, ts stxl awe' yur harts : j 228 PRAKTXK&L ELQKIIOUN. I am no o'ratur, az Bru'tus xz ; | But, az yu no mx ol\ | a plen, blunt man, | Aat luv mi frencb ; | and bat be no ful wsF, | Aat gev mx pub'lxk lxv ts spxk* ov hxrn . | For I hav nx'bur wit', nor wurdz', nor wur$ v , | Ak'cun, nor u v turans, | nor pcp'ur ov spx£ v , | Ts stur men'z blud^ : | I ondx spxk rit on*. | I tel yu bat qx£ yu yurselvz* ds no v ; | Co yu swxt Sx'zar'z wsndz*, | psr, psr, duur mcpbz And bid bsnr spxk for* mx v . | But, wer I Bru'tus, / And Brutus An'tonx, | bor wsr an An'tonx | Wud ru'fl up yur spi'rxts, | and put a tun. In E'vurx wsnd ov Sx'zar, | bat cud msv Ae stonz* ov Rom I ts riz xn mu.txnx. I WIT MAN. (r. H. T<£N v ZLND.) Sxlf ov bs blu and bx'rnxrj i ! | Ae Mu'zxz fon'dsst rx$s ar bin v — | Ae yuS'ful hart bxts worm and hi, | And cjaz ts on bi pcp'ur dxvin ! | Acp ci'ncst o'r be flcp'urx pad | Ov yu& ; | and ol xz pl8 x jur bor ! | Acp ss'bsst man, | qens'ur hx ha& | An i ov glsnr — | a brcp ov kor. | Ts yu$, bcp art bx ur'lx monr, | Wxb " lit, and me'lodx, and sorjv," | PRAKTIKaL ELfiKIJCIIN. 229 Ts gxld hxz paS 1 ; | x6 sxn adorn', | And swxft'lx spxd hxz tinr alorj v . | Ts man, b(p art be gxft ov Hev n, | A bsn from rx'cjunz brit abuv x ; | Hxz lot, hqp dark*, | had ne'ur bxn gxvn | Ts hxm be lit ov wu'man'z luv v ! | Qen co'ur hxz dark'nxrj brcp, | be storm | Jz ga'burxrj xn xts pcp'ur and mit, | Ae re'dxant bxm ov wu'man'z form | Cinz $rs bs klcpd, and ol xz lit ! | Qen dir dxzxz' prxporz' hur raft | Ts pcor xn te'rur from abuv, | Hq) glxmz upon' hxz gls'mx pa$, | Ae glco'xn lit ov wu'man'z luv\ ! | Qen ol arqmd' xz klxr and brit', | And plejwr lendz hur forest 6arm 4 ; j And man, enrap'6urd wxb dxlit', | Fxlz, az hx vuz, hxz bs'zum wornr : | Qi gloz hxz brest wxb cJo proofus', | And ol hxz dxdz, hxz rap'6ur prsv v ? | It xz bxkoz' be sxn hx vuz | ©rs be brit rez ov wuraan'z luv ! | Q wu'man ! | bin xz stxl be pqvur, | Dxnid' ts ol but comix bx, j Ts 6es awe' be klcpdz bat lqp'ur | Ts ha'ras lif's xvent'ful sx x . | Aq) lit* ov man^ ! | hxz onlx (jo | Bxnxb' a wid and bqmd v les ski, | Lorj cal bi prez hxz turj empla', | Sxlf ov be blu and bxmxrj i ! 20 JJ30 Pli&KTXK&L LLQKIJCUN. QD ON AE PA V CUNZ. (kolxnz.) Qen Mu'zxk, hcvnk med, woz yun, | Qil yet in ur'li Grxs ex sun, | As Pa'cunz oft, ts hxr hur eel, | ©rorjd' arqpnd' hur ma'c|ik sel, | Lg-uhtirj, | trenrublirj, | re v cjin, | fentxrj, | Pozesf bxyond' be Muz'xz pen,txrj. | Bi turnz be felt be glco'irj mind | Disturbd x , | dxli'ted, | rezd 1 , | rxfindv ; | Txl wuns, 't xz sed, qen oh wer fird*, j Fxld wxb furx, | rapt, | xnspird\, | From be supor'txn mur'tlz rcpnd, | Ae snact hur xn'struments ov scpndv ; | And, az be oft had hurd, apart', | Swxt le'snz ov hur fors'ful art, | X6 (for Mad'nes ruld bx cpr) | Wud prsv hxz on expre v sxv pcp\ur. | Furst, Fxr, | hxz hand, its skxl ts tri, | Amxd be kordz, bxwxl durd, led*, | And bak rxkald', | hx nu not qi x , | X'n at be scpnd hxmself had med^. | Next Arj gur ruct> ; | hxz iz on fir, | In lit'nxrjz ond hxz sx'krxt stxrjz x ; | In wun rud klac, hx struk be lir, | And swept, wxb hu'rid hand, be strxrjz . | Wxb woful me'jurz, won Dxspor, | Lg3 su'len scpndz hxz grxf bxgildv ; | A so'lem, strencj, and mxrj^gld or, : | 'Twoz sad v bi fits'; I bi startz, 't woz wild PIta.KTXKa.L ILfiKUCUN. 231 But bcp, Q Hop ! wib iz so for, | Qot woz b'v d.drted rruvjiir? | Stxl it qxs'purd pro'mxst plejur, | And bad be luvlx sxnz at dxstans heK ! [ Stxl wud hur tu£ be stren prolong ; | And, from be roks', | be wudz', | be veh, | Cx kold on e'ko stxl, Srs ol be sorj* : | And, qor hur swx'test Sxm cx 6oz, | A soft, rxspon'sxv vas woz hurd at e'vurx klozv ; [ And Hop,en6an'ted,jsmild,and wevd hur goldn hor v .| And lorj gur had cx sun v ; | but, wib a frcpn, | Rxvencjs impe^cent, rozv : | Hx &ru hxz blud'-stend sord in $undur dqm^ — | And wxb a wx'burxrj luk, | Ae wQr'-dxnqm'sxn truinpet tuk, | And blu a blast so lqid, and dred, | Wer ne'ur profet'xk s(pndz so ful ov wo v ; | And e'vur, and anon', hx bxt | Ae dub'lxrj drum wxb fu'rius hxt : | And bo, sumtimz', x6 drx'rx poz bxtwxn', | Dxcjek'ted Px'tx, at hxz sid, | Hur sol'-subdu'irj vas aplid' ; | Yet stxl hx kept hxz wild, unol'turd nmr, | Qil x£ strend bol ov sit, | sxmd burs'txrj from hxz hed t .| Ai num'burz, De'lusx, ts not x wer fxxt — I Sad prsf ov bi distressful stet ! | Ov di'funrj &xmz be vxr'irj sorj woz mixt ; | And nqp it kor'ted Luv^jncp, re'virj, kold on Het .| Wib iz, uprezd', az wun inspird', | Pel Me'lankoli sat rxtird* ; I 232 PRftRTUvAL & L Q K I J C U N , And from hur wild, sxkwes'turd sxt, | In nots bi dxs'tans med mor swxt, | Pcord $rs be me'lco honr hur pen'sxv scok ; | And, da'cxn soft from roks arcpnd', | Bub'lxrj ru'nelz c)and> be scpndv ; | ®rs gledz and glsmz, be mxrj'gld me'jur steal, | Or, o'ur sum han'ted strxm, wxb fond dxle', | Rcpnd a ho'lx kam dxfu'zxrj, | Luv ov pxs, and lcon'lx mu'zxn, | In ho'lco murmurz, did awe . I But, Q ! hep ol'turd woz xts sprit'lxur ton, | Qen 'Cxrfulnes, | a nxmf ov hefftxest hu, | Hur bco akros' hur ccol'dur flurj, | Hur buskxnz cjemd wxb mornxrj du, | Blu an xnspir'xrj ar, | bat del and Sx'ket rurjs Ae hun'turz kof, | ts fon and drrad non . | Ax ok'-krqmd sxs'turz, and bar 6est'-id kwxir, | Se'turz and sxl'van baz x wer sxn, | Px'pxrj from fcorS bar a ; lxz grxnx — | Brcpn Lx ursiz rxcjast^ ts hxi\ ; | And Sport lxpt up, and sxzd hxz bx'£n spxr v . Last kem JDa'z* eksta'txk trLal — | Hx, wxb vi'nx knpn advan'sxrj, | Furst ts be livlx pip', hxz hand adrest; | But ssn hx so be brxsk, awek'nxrj vral, | Hsz swxt, entran'sxrj vras hx luvd be best. | Ae wud hav dot, hs hurd be stren, | Ae so xn Tenvpx'z vel hur ne'txv medz, | Amxdst be fes'tal-scpndxrj cedz, | Ts sum unwx'rxd mxn'strel dan sxrj, | P R a K T X K a. L ELflKIJCUN. 233 Qil, ,az hxz fli'ii] fxij'gurz kxst be strxnz, | Luv fremd wxb MurS, a ge fantas'txk rcpnd* : | Lss wei hur tre'sxz sxn, | hur zcon, unbcpnd ; | And hx, amxdst' be frolxk pie, | Az if hx wud be £armxn or rxpe', | Cuk dqyzand o'durz from hxz du'x wxrjz^. | SPXT! OV PA'TRXK HENRI. Mr. Prezxdent — | It xz natural ts man ts xndulcj' xn bx xlirjunz ov Hoop. | Wx ar apt ts cut qpr iz agenst' a pen'ful tru$, | and lxsn ts be son ov bat si'ren | txl ex transformz' us xnts bxsts. | Iz bxs be part ov wiz men, | engecjd' xn a gret and arcjuus stru'gl for Ix'burtx ? | Ar wx dxspozd' ts bx ov be num'bur ov boz | hs, ha'vxn iz, sx not, | and ha'vxn xrz, hxr not | be &xnz qx6 so nxr'lx konsurn' bor tem'poral salve'cun ? | For mi part, | qote'vur arj'gwxc ov spx'rxt xt me kost,| I am wx'lxn ts no be hoh tru\> — | ts no be wursf, | and ts provid v for xt 4 . | I hav but wun lamp bi qx£ mr fxt ar gi'ded ; | and bat xz be lamp ov expxTxcns. | I no ov no we ov c)u'c)xn ov be fu'6ur, | but bi be past* : | and, oju'cjxn bi be past, | I wxc ts no | qot bor has bxn xn be koirdukt ov be Brx'txc mx'nxstrx, | for be last ten yxrz\ | ts cjus'- txfi boz hops | wxb qx6 cjen'tlmen hav bxn plxzd ts so'las bemselvz' and be heps* ? | Iz xt bat xnsx'dxus smil | wxb qx£ q>r pxtx'cun haz bxn le'tlx rxsxvd' ? | Trust xt not% sun — | xt wxl prsv a snor ts yur fxt : | su'fur not yurselvz' ts bx bxtred' wxb a kxs x . | 20* 234 PRaKTHKAL ELfiKUCUN. Ask yurselvz' | hep bxs gre'eus rxs8p'cun ov cpr pxtx'- cun, | kompcorts' wxb bcoz wor'lik preparccunz | qi6 ku'vur cpr wo'turz, | and dar'kn cpr land. | Ar flxts and armxz | ne'sesarx ts a wurk ov luv and rekon- sxlxe'cun? | Hav wx ccon cprselvz' sco unwx'lxn ts bx rekonsild', | bat fors must bx kold xn | ts wxn bak cpr luv' ' | Let us not dxsxv x cprselvz v , sur : | bxz ar bx xnv- plxments ov wor, | and subejuge'eun — | be last argu- ments | ts qx6 kxrjz rxzort. | I ask cjen'tlmen, sur, | qot mxnz x bxs mar'cal are x , | xf xts pur'pus bx not ts fcors us ts submxcun ? | Kan (jen'tlmen asin' e'nx u'bur po N sxbl niQ'txv for xtj | Haz Gret Brx'tun e'nx e'nxmx xn bxs kwortur ov be wurld| ts kol for ol bxs akumule'cun ov ne'vxz and armxz? | Nos sur, | ex haz nun'. | Ae ar ment for us x : | be kan bx ment for nco u.bur. | Ae ar sent co'vur ts bind and rx'vxt upon' us | bcoz 6enz qx6 be Brx'txc mxn'xstrx hav bxn sco lorj fQrcjxrj. | And qot hav wx ts opcoz v ts bem ?| Cal wx tri argument / 1 Sur, | wx hav 1 bxn iri'xn bat | for be last ten yxrz\ | Hav wx e'nx Sxrj nu ts o'fur upon' be sub'cjekt ? | Nuv&xrj. | Wx hav held be sub'tjekt up | xn e'vurx lit ov qx6 xt xz ke pabl ; | but it haz bxn ol xn ven . | Cal wx rxzort' ts entrx'tx, and hum'bl suplxke'cun ? | Qot turmz cal wx find, qx£ hav not bxn olre'dx eef- hos^ted 1 | Let us not, I bxsxtV yu, sur, | dxsxv cprselvz' lofygur. | Sur, | wx hav dun e'vurx &xrj bat kud' bx dun | ts avurt' be storm qx6 xz ncp ku'mxrj on . | Wx hav pxtrcund ; | wx hav rxmon streted ; | wx hav s^plx- keted ; | wx hav prostre'ted cprselvz' bxfeor' be dron v , | and hav xmplcord' xts v xnturpcozxcun | ts arest' be tira'nxkal handz ov be mx'nxstrx and par.lxment. | Or PRAKTXK&L ELfiKIJCUN. 235 pxtx'cunz hav bin sliced; | cpr rxmon'stransxz | hav produst' adrcunal vi'olsns and insult ; | q>r suplxke' cunz hav bin dxsrxgardsd ; | and wx hav bin spurnd wib kontsmpt', | from bs fut ov bs \>ron. | In ven, af'tur bxz Sirjz, | me wx xndul^' bs fond hop ov pxs and rskonsxliedin. — | Aor xz no lorj'gur E'nx rsnr for hop v . | If wx wxc ts bx frx, | if wx mxn ts prx- zurv xnvi'olet | boz inss'timabl pri'vxlscjxz | for qi£ wx hav bin so Ion kontsn'dxn, | if wx mxn not besdx ts aban v dun be no'bl stru'gl | in qi6 wx hav bin so Ion sngecjd', | and qx6 wx hav plscjd cprsslvz' ng'vur ts abanvdun | until' bs gto'nus ob'cjskt ov cpr kon'tsst cal bx obtend', | wx must fk ! | I rxpxt x it, sur ; | wx must fitv ! | An apxl' ts armz, | and ts bs God ov Hosts, | xz ol bat iz lsft v us v . | Ae tsl us, sur, | bat wx ar wxk x , — | une'bl ts kop' wib so for'midabl an advvursan. | But qsn cal wx bx strorj gur ? | Wxl it bx bs nsxt wxh — | or bs nsxt yxr '( | Wxl it bx qsn wx ar to'talx dxzarmd^ ; | and qsn a Bri'tic gard 1 cal bx stccund in s'vun hq:s, ? | Cal wx ga'bur strsrjS bi xrszolucun and inak'cun ? | Cal wx akwir' bs mxnz ov sfsk'6xial rxzxs'tans | bi li'in supin'li on cpr baks, | and hu'girj bs dxlu'siv fan'tum ov hop | until' cpr s'nimxz cal hav bcpnd us hand and fut'? I Sur, | wx ar not v wxk | if wx mek a pro'pur yus ov boz mxnz | qx6 bs God ov ne£ur haS plest in cpr pqpxur. | @rx mxl'yunz ov px'pl, | armd in bs ho'li koz ov li'- burti, | and in su£ a kun'tn az bat qx6 wx pozss', j ar xnvin sibl | un'dur s'nx fors qx£ qr snxmi kan ssnd agsnst^ us v . | Bxsidz', sur, | wx cal not fit cpr ba'tlz alon* : | bor xz a cjust God, | hs prxsidz' ovur bs dss^- 236 PR&KTXK&L LLfiKIJCUN. txnxz ov ne.cunz ; | and hs wxl rez up frendz' | ts fit fpr ba'tlz for us v . | Ae ba'tl, sur, | xz not ts be stron alon\;| xt xz ts be vxcjxlant, | bx ak'txv, | be brev v . | Bxsidz', sur, | \vx hav no xleLcun. | If wx wer bes xnuf' ts dxzir xt, | xt xz ncp ts' let ts rxtir from be konxtest. | Aor xz no rxtrxt' | but xn submx'cun and slewurx. | Or 6enz ar forcjd* — | bor klank'xn me bx hurd on 5s plenz ov Bosvtun. | Ac wor xz xnewxtabl ; | and let xt kumv ! | I rxpxt v xt, sur — | let xt kum' ! ! | It xz xn ven, sur, ts extenyuet be mavtur. | Den'tl- men me kri pxs ! pxs ! | but bor xz v no pxs v . | Ae wor xz ak'6ualx bxgum ! | Ae next gel bat swxps from be nor$,| wxl brxn ts cpr xrz be klac ov rxzqm'dxrj armz^ ! | Or breb'ren ar olre'dx xn be fxldv ! | Qi stand wx hxr Ldl ? | Qot xz xt bat cjen'tlmen wxc x ? | Qot wud be hav v '( | Jz lif so dxr, | or pxs so swxt, | az ts bx pur£ast at be pris ov 6enz and sle'vurx ? / jj s | I no not qot kors u^burz me tek ; | but, az for mx, | gxv mx lx'burtx, | or gxv mx de&. ! | him tk ae dx'xtx on a rxvu' ov ae sxznz. (tom v sn.) Axz, az be £enc], | Qlmi'tx Fa'bur, | bxz Ar but be ve'rxd God x . | Ae ro'lxrj yxr Iz fub ov bxw | For$ xn be plx'zxn Sprxn | Ai bjtrtx wox, | bi ten'durnes and luv . | Wid flue be fxldz' ; | be sofnxn or xz banr ; | E ko be mcpn'txnz rqmd v ; | be fo'rest smita ; ( And e'vurx sens, | and e'vurx hart x xz c|(i . | PRa.KTXKa.L LLQKIJCUN. 237 Aen kumz bi glorx | xn be Sirmur munQs, | Wxb lit and hxt rxfulcjent. | Aen bi sun | Csts ful purfek'cun §rs be swe'lxrj yxr ( ; | And oft bi vqs xn dred'ful Sundur, spxks^; | And oft at don', | dxp nsn', | or fo'lxn xv, | Bi brcks and grovz, | xn ho'lo-qxspurxrj gelz v . | Ai bcpn'tx cinz xn O'tum, unkonfind*, | And spredz a ko'mun fxst for ol bat lxv,. j In Wxn'tur, oful bcp* ! | wxb klcpdz and stormz Arc[nd^ bx Sronv, | . tem'pest o'ur tem'pest rold ( , | Macjes v txk dark nes ! | on be qurl'wxnd'z wxrj, | Ri'dxn sublim', | bcp bxdst be wurld ador v ; | And hum'blest Ne'cur wxb bi norburn blast v . | Mxstrrxus rcpndx ! | qot skxb, | qot fors dxvin , | Dxp felt 1 , | xn bxz, apxn ! | a sxm'pl tren, | Yet sco dxlit'ful mxxt, | wxb sue kind art, | Sue bu'tx, and bxne'fxsens kombind^ : j Ced, unpursxvd', sco sofnxrj xnts ced, | And ol sco formxrj an harmo'nxus hoi, | Aat, az be stxl suksxd', | be ra Vxc stxh | But, won'durxrj oft, wxb brut unkon'cus gez, | Man marks not br, | marks not be mi'tx hand, ] Aat, e'vur bx'zx, | qxlz be si'lent sfxrzs | Wurks xn be sx'kret dxp', | csts, stx'mxrj, bens, | Ae for profu'jun bat o'urspredz' be sprxrj*, | Flxrjz from be sun dxrekt' be fle'mxrj de v , | Fxdz e'vurx krx clt, | hurlz be tenrpest for£h ; | And, az on urS bxs gret'ful 6encj rxvolvz', | Wxb transport, tu'cxz ol be sprxrjz ov lif v . | 238 PRaKTIKAL ELfiKJUCIIN. Ne'6ur, atsnd' ! | cjan e'vurx lx'vxrj seal, | Bxnxb' be spe'cus tenvpl ov be ski', | In ado3re v cun, cjanv, | and ardent rez Wun cje'nural son* ! | Ts hxm, yx vo'kal gelz, ] Brxb soft* ; | hsz spi'rxt in yur freezes brxbzv : | Q tok ov hxm xn so'lxtarx glsmz* ! | Qor co'ur be rok, | bs skors'lx we'vxrj pin | Fxlz be brcpn ced wxb a rxlx'cjus o v . | And yx hsz bol'dur not xz hurd afar', Hs cek bx asto'nxct wurldv, | lxft hi ts hevn Ax xmpe'6uus son v , | and se from hsm yu recj v . j Hxz prez, yx bruks', atmr, | yx trem'blxrj rxlzx, | 'And 1st mx ka£ xt az I muz alon v . | Yx hedlon to rents, | ra'pxd, and preofepnd*; | Yx softur fludz | bat lxd be hu'mxd mez Alorj' be veh, | and bep, macjes'txk men', | A sx'krst wurld ov wun'durz xn biself, | Scpnd hxz stupen'dus prez, | hsz gre'tur vas | Or bxdz yu rcor, | or bxdz yur rco'rxrjz foL | Soft rol yur xn^sens, | urbz /? and fruts', and flcp*urz, Xn mxrj'gld klcpdz ts hxm | hsz sun exits'; | Hsz bre& purfumz* yu* ; | and hsz pen'sxl pents. | Yx fo'rests, bend* ; | yx har'vests, wev* ts hxniv ; I Brxb yur stxl son xn'ts be rx'pur'z hart', | Az hcom hx graz bxnxb' be cja'us msn . | Yx bat kxp wo£ xn hev'n, | az ur$ aslxp' Llnkoivcus liz\, | efuz' yur mild'est bxmzv, | Yx konstele cunz, | qil yur en'cjelz strik, | Amxd' be sparj'gld ski, | be sxl'vur lir . | PRftKTXKa.I< ELQKIJCUN. 239 Gret sors ov de x ! | best x'mxcj lixr bxlor Ov bi Krxe v tur, | e'vur pcorxrj wid From wurld ts wurld, | be vi'tal orcun rcpndv, | On Ne'6ur rit wxb e'vurx bxnr, hxz prez^. | Yx vmn'durz, tcoY ; | bx huct be pros'tret wurld*, ; Qil klqpd ts klcpd rxturnz v be so'lem hxrn . | Blxt cpt afrec, yx hxlz ( ; | yx mo'sx roks, Rxten v be scpnd* ; | be brod rxspon'sxv \o, Yx va'lxz, rez* — | for be Gret Ce N purd renz* ; | And hxz unsu'furxrj kxrj'dum yet wxl kum. | Yx wud'landz, ol, awek 1 ! | a bqmd'les son Burst from be grcovzv ; | and, qen be rest'les de, Lxpir'xrj, | lez be worblxrj wurld aslxp', | Swx'test ov burdz , | swxt Fxloomx'la, | 6arm Ae lxs'nxrj cedz*, | and tx6 be nit' hxz prez. | Yx 6xf , | for hsm be hwl krxe cun smilzv, | At wuns be hed v , be hart', be turp ov ok, | Krcpn' be gret hxrn . | Xn swormxrj sx'txz vast, j Asem'bld men, | ts be dxp organ, | cjan Ae lorj-rxzcpn'dxrj vas v , | oft bre'kxrj klxr, At so'lem po'zxz, | Srs be swe'lxrj bes* ; | And, az x£ mxn'glxrj flem xnkrx'sxz x6, \ In wun yuni'ted ardur, riz ts hev*n. | Or, xf yu ra'bur 6sz be ru'ral ced, | And find a fen xn e'vurx se'kred grov, | Aor let be ce'purd'z flut*, | be vurc|xn'z lev, | Ae prom'txrj se raf, | and be pco'et's lip, | Stxl sxr) be God ov Sx'znz az be r«L | For mx, qen I forget' be dar'lxrj &xm, | Qe'bur be blo'sum blcoz*, I be su'mur re 240 PRftKTXK&L ELfiKIJCUN. Ru'sets be plen x , | xnspi'rxrj o'tum glxmz* | Or wxn'tur rizxz xn be blak'nxrj xst, | Bx mi turj mut v , | mi fan'sx pent nco mon, | And ded ts zsns ; | for xn bx I lxv, | and brxb', | and dwsh ; | aspir'xrj hi 1 , | X'n ts be Oron ov bi dxvXvnxtx. | I I am, Q God! | and curlx bcp v must bx v ! | Acp art* ! | dxrsk'txrj, gi'dxrj oL, | bcp art' ! | Dxrekf mi undurstan dxrj, ben, ts bx* ; | Kontrol' mi spxTxt, | gid mi won'durxrj hart* : | Ao but an a*tum mxdst xmmsn'sxtx, | Stxl I am sum'xkrj fa'cund bi bi hand* ! | I hold a mx'dl rarjk 'twxxt hsvn and ur$*, | On be last vurc] ov mortal bx'xrj stand, | Klos ts bs rslmz qor en cjslz hav bor burvh, | Dust on be bcpn'darxz ov bs spx^xt-land ! | Ac cen ov bx'xrj xz komplxt* xn mxv, — | Xn mx xz ma'tur'z last grade'cun lost* ; | And bs nsxt stsp xz spxTxt — | Dxatx ! | I kan komand' bs litnxrj, | and am dust ! | A mo'nark, | and a slev* : | a wurm x | a God* ! | Qsns kern* I hxn? | and hep so marvsluslx Konstruk'tsd, and konsxvdv ? | unnon v . | Axs klod Lxvz curlx $rs sum hi'ur s*nurgx ; | For from xtsslf alon', | xt kud not bx ! | Krxe'tur, yes» ! | bi wxz'dum and bi wurd v Krxe'tsd mx^ ! | Acp s-ors ov lif and gudx ! | 21* 246 PR&KTXK&L LLQKUCUN. Acp spx'rxt ov m'v spx'rxt, | and mi Lord 1 ! | Ai lit v , | bi luv v , | in bar brit pls'nxtud, | Fxld mx wxb an xmmor'tal sol | ts sprxi) Q'ur bx abxs' ov dsS% | and bad xt war As garments ov xtur'nal de, | and wxn Its hsvnlx flit | bxyond' bxs lxtl sfxr, | X'n ts xts sors^ — | ts bx' — | xts OSur bar, Q dots xnsTabl ! | Q vx'junz blest^ ! | Ao wuriMss, cpr konssp'cunz ol x ov bx'; | Yst cal bi ca'dcod x'mxcj fxl cpr brsst, | And waft xts ho'mec] ts bi Dx^xtx. | God, bus alcon' mi lo'lx dots kan soi\ ; | Aus sxk bi prs v zsns, | Bx'xn wiz and gud, ! | Mxdst bi vast wurks admir', | obe', | ador And, qsn bs tun xz sl'okwsnt no mor, | As sol cal spxk xn txrz ov gra txtud. | WIA$T' GOD IN AL WLTRLD. (rev. RO'BURT hol.) Ax sxklu'jun ov a Suprxnr Bx'xrj, | and ov a supur- xntsn'dxrj provxdsns, | tsndz dxrskt'lx ts be dxstruk'cun ov mo'ral test. | It robz bs yu'nxvurs ov ol fx'nxct and konsu'met sk'sslsns, | x'vn xn idx v a. | Ax admxre'cun ov pur'fskt wxz'dum and gud'nss | for qx£ wx ar formd, | and qx£ kxn'dlz su6 unspx'kabl rap'fojr xn bs sol, | find'xrj xn bs rx'cjunz ov sksp'txsxzm | nu'Sxn ts qxc xt korxspondz', | drsps and larj*gwxcxz. | In a wurld qx6 PRAKTUvaL ELfiKUCUN. 24'< prxzentz- a for spek'takl ov or'dur and bu'tx, | ov a vast fa'mxlx, mrrxct and supwrted bi an Olmxtx Po'- rent — | xn a wurld qx6 lxdz be dxvqpt' mind, step bi step, | ts be kontemple'cun ov be furst for, and be furst gud, | be skep'txk xz enkunvpast wxb nu'Sxrj but obsku'- rxtx, mxn'nes, and dxzor dur. | Qen wx rxflekt' on be ma'nur xn qx£ bx idx'a ov Dx'xtx xz formd, | wx must bx konvxnsf | bat su6 an idx'a xn'txmetlx pre'zent ts be mind, | must hav a mcost pep'urful efekf | xn rxfi'nxrj be mo'ral tesU | Rompwzd' ov be rx'6est el'xments, | xt embre'sxz xn be ka'raktur ov a bxne'fxsent Parent, | and Qlmi'tx Rii'lur, | qot- e'vur xz ve'nurabl xn wxzdum, | qote'vur xz o'ful xn 0S0 rxtx, | qote'vur xz tu'6xrj xn gud^nes. | Hu'man ek'selens xz blen'dxd wxb me'nx xmpurfelo cunz, | and sxn un'dur me'nx lxmxtecunz. | It xz bxheld' comix xn dxta£f and se paret pconcunz, | nor e'vur apxrz' xn e'nx wun ka'raktur, | hcol and entir . | So bat qen, xn xmxte'6un ov be Stcj'xks, | wx wxc ts form cpt ov bxz frag'ments | be nco'cun ov a pur'fektlx wiz and gud man, | wx no xt xz a mxr fxkcun ov be mind ( ,| wxbcfif e'nx rx'al bx'xrj xn hsm xt xz embo'dxd and rx v al- izd. | Xn be bxlxf ov a Dx'xtx, | bxz konsep'cunz ar rx- dust' ts rxa lxtx — | be ska'turd rez ov an idx'al ek'sel- ens ar konseirtreted, | and bxkum' be rx'al a'trxbuts ov bat Bx'xi] | wxb hsm wx stand xn be nxrest rxle v cun — | hs sxts suprxm' at be hed ov be yirnxvurs, | xz armd wxb xn'fxnxt pcp'ur, | and purvedz' ol ne'6ur wxb hxz pre>zens. | Ax e'fxkasx ov bxz sen'txments, | xn prcodu'sxrj and ogmen'txrj a vurfuus test, | wxl xndxd' bx propcor'cund ts be vx'vxdnes wxb qx£ be ar formd v , | and be frx'- 248 PR&KTXK&E ELJ2KIJCUN. kwsnsx wxb qxc be rxkui\ ; | yet sum bs'nxfxt wxl no' fel ts rxsulf from bsm | x'vn xn bor lo x sst dxgrx,. | Ax idx'a ov bs Suprxm' Bx'xrj | haz bxs' pxkul'yar pro v purtx — | bat, az xt admxts' ov no sub'stxtut, | so, from bs furst mo'nisnt xt xz xmprssts | xt xz ke'pabl ov kontxivyual gro& and snlarcj'msnt. | God hxmsslf xz xmmu N tabl ; | but (pr konssp'cun ov hxz ka'raktur | xz kontxn'yualx rxsx'vxrj frsc akss^unz, — | xz kontxn'- yualx gro'xrj mor sxtsn'dxd and rxful^cjsnt, | bi ha'vxrj transfurd' upon xt | nu purssp'cunz ov bu'tx and gud.- nss; | bi atrak'txrj ts xt'self, az a ssn'tur, | qots'vur borz bx xm'prss ov dxg'nxtx, or'dur, or ha^pxnss. | Xt bo'roz splsn'dur from ol bat xz for^ | subordxnets ts xtsslf ol bat xz gret', | and sxts snSrond' on bs rx'cxz ov be yirnxvurs. | AE ®RX WQITNIIjZ. (MRS. 0REL.) Ae trx ov dx'psst rst, xz fcpnd | Lxst wx'lxrj stxl ts kwxt bs grcpnd^ : | 'Twoz bsrfor ssd bi en'csnt se'cjxz, | Aat luv ov lif xnkrxst' wxb yxrz | So mu£, | bat, xn (pr la'tur ste'cjxz, | Qsn penz gro carp, and sxk'nss re'c[xz ? Ae gre'tsst luv ov lif apxra. | Axs gret afsk'cun ts bxlxv, | Qx6 ol konfssv, | but fu pursxv v , | If old asurcunz kant prxvel', | Bx plxzd ts hxr a rno'durn te\. \ PIta.KTXKa.L*,LQKtfCtIN. 249 Qen sports went rcpnd, and ol wer ge, | On ne'bur Dod'sn'z we'dxrj-de, | De& kold asid' be cjo'kund grsrn | Wxb hxm, xnts anu'bur rsnr ; | And lu'kxn. grev — | " Yu must," sez hx, | " Kwxt yur swxt brid, | and kum wxb mi." | " Wxb yu ! | and kwxt mi Ss'zn'z sid ! | Wxb yu! 1 ' | be hap'les huz'band krid; | " Yurj az I am, 't xz mon'strus hardv ! | Bxsid', xn tru$, I 'm not prxpord* : | Mi Sots on u bur mavturz gov ; | Axs xz mi we'dxq-de, yu nco,." | Qot mcor hx urcjd, I hav not hurd>, | Hxz rx'znz kud not wel bx stron"gur; | So Deft be psr dxlxn/kwent spords | And left ts lxv a lx'tl lorjvgur. | Yet,, ko'lxi) up a sx'rxus luk — | (Hxz cpr'glas trenrbld qil hx spoL) | " Ne'bur," hx sed, ( " forweh | No mor Cal De& dxsturb' yur murS'ful q?i\ ; | And far$ur, | ts avad- ol blem | Ov krL v eltx upon' mi nem, | Ts gxv yu tim for prepare'cun, | And fxt yu for yur fu'£ur ste'cun, | ©rx se'vural wor nxijz yu cal hav, | Bxfor yu'r su'mund ts be grev. [ Wx'lxrj for wuns, I '1 kwxt mi pre, | And grant a kind rxprxv x , | In hops yu '1 hav no mor ts se^ ; | But, qen I kol agen x bxs we, | Wel plxzd be wurld wxl lxv v ." | 250 p R & k T X K a. L ILfiKL'CUN. Ts bxz kondx'cunz bo& konserrted, | And parted purfsktlx konterhtsd. | Qot nsxt be hx'ro ov cpr tel bxfel', | Hep Ion. hx lxvds | hep wiz v , | hep \v&h | Hep repnd'lx hx pursud' hxz kors', | And smokt hxz pips | and strokt hxz hors', As wx'lxrj muz cal tek : | Hx fefurd ben, | hx bot\ | hx soldx, | Nor wuns pursxvd x hxz gro'xrj old, | Nor Sot ov DeS az nxr, ; | Hxz frendz not fols, | hxz wif no cru, | Me'nx hxz genz, | hxz 6xl'dren fxj, | Hx past, hxz cprz xn pxs\. | But, qil hx vud hxz weIS inkrxs', | Qil bus alorj' Lif's dus'tx rcod | As bxtn trak kontsnt' hx trod, | Qld Tim, | hsz hest no mor'tal sporz, [ Unkold', | unhrded, | unaworz v , | Brot on hxz e'txsft yxr . | And nep, wun nit, | xn mu'zxrj msd, | Az ol alon' hx sat, | Ax unwsl'kum ms'ssncjur ov Fet, | Wuns raeor bxfor hxm stud ( . | Haf kxld wxb aiygur and surpriz', | K So ssn rxturnd' ! " | old Dod'sn kriz. | "So ssn, d'yx kol xt V | De& rxpliz' : " Cur'lx, mi frend, | yu 'r but xn c]est x ! Sxns I woz hxr bxfor' | Txz sxx-and-Surtx yxrz' at lxst, | And yu ar nep forskor ." | PR&KTXKSYL ELQKUCUN. 251 " So mu£ be wursV | be klcpn rxc|and ( , | " Ts spor bx e'c]ed wud bx kind x : | Hqpe'vur, sx yur sur6 bx lxgal; | And yur oQo rxtx — | xz 't rx'gal ? | Lis yu ar kum on a fsl'z x e^and, | Wxb but a sek v rxtarx'z wo»rant. | Bxsids yu pro'mxst mx ©rx Wornxrjz; | Qx6 I hav lukt for, nits and mornxrjz ! | But, for bat los ov tim, and xz, | I kan rxku'vur da v mxc[xz." | " I nw" kriz De$, | " bat, at be best', | I sel'dum am a wel v kum gestv ; | But dont bx kap'cus, frend, at best 1 : | I lx'tl Sot yud stxl bx e'bl | Ts stump abept' yur farm and ; | Yur yxrz hav run ts a gret lerj^ ; | I wxc yu cja, bo, ov yur strerj£h ! " | " HcoldV sez be fanmur, | " not so fast v ! | I hav bxn lem bxz for yxrzv past v ! " | " And no gret wun^dur," | De& rxplizv : | " Hcpe'vur, yu stxl kxp yur \z ; | And cur, ts sx wun'z luvz and frendz, | For legz and armz wud mek amendz/' | " Purhaps'," sez Dod'sn, " so xt mit x , | But la'turlx, Pv lost mi sit/' | "Axs xz a co^kxrj tel, 'txz trus | But stxl bar'z kum'furt left x for yU\ : | Xt strivz yur sad'nes ts amwz' — | I woTant yu hxr ol be nuz v ." | " Aor'z nun\" kriz hx ; | " and xf bor wer, | I 'm grcon so def, I kud not hxr k ." | 252 PRa.KTXKAL ELQKUCUN. " Ne', ben," | be spek'tur sturn rxcjand*, | " Axz ar uncjus'txfiabl yui\nxrjz ; | Xf yu ar Lem', and Dzf', and Blind', | Yu'v had v yur ®rx sufx'csnt Wonnxnz. Sco, kum alor) v , | no mor wx '1 part* ;" | Hx sed, | and tucH hxm wxb hxz dart v . | And ncp, cold Dod'sn tur'nxi] pel, | Yxldz ts hxz fet — I sco endz mi tel . I AE KAMXLXUN; OR, PURTXNA'SXTX EX- PQZD\ ( M E x R X K . ) Oft haz xt bxn mi lot ts mark | A prcpd, konsx'ted, to'kxrj spark v , | Wxb iz bat hard'lx survd at mcost* | Ts gard bor mas'tur 'gsnst a post ; | Yet rcpnd bs wurld bs bled haz bxn, | Ts sx qots'vur kud bx sxn^; | Rxtur'nxrj from hxz fx'nxct tsr, | Grcon ten timz pur'tur ban bxfcon ; | Qote'vur wurd yu 6ans ts drop, | Ae tra'veld fsl yur mcpS wxl stop*. | " Sur, xf mi cjucj'ment yu'l alcp' — | XV sxn v — | and cur I cot ts no*." | Sco, begz yu "d pe a du submx y cun, | And akwxss' xn hxz dxsxjun. | Ts tra'velurz ov sue; a kast, | Az co'ur Are'bxa'z wildz v be past', | PEaKTIKiL ELfiKIJCUN. 253 And on bar we, in frsnd'lx £at, | Ncp tokt ov bis', and bsn ov bat', | Dxskcorst' a qil, 'murjst u bur ma'tur, | Ov bs Kamx'lxun'z forms 1 and ne^ur. I "A stren'tjur a'nimal," kriz wun, | " Cur ns'vur lxvd bxnxb' bs sun* ! | A li'zard'z bo x di, | lxn and lorjv, | A fx'cxz hsd v , | a sur'psrit's turj*, | Its fut wxb trx'pl klo^ dxzcjand^ — | And qot a lsrj& ov teF bxhindi ! | Hep slco xts pes v ! | and ben xts hu — | Hs s'vur so so fin a bluj" | " Hcold^ bor*," | bx u'bur kwxk rxplizv, | " 'T xz grxn' — | I so xt wxb bxz iz', | Az let wxb co'pn mcpS, xt le, | And wormd xt xn bs su'nx re* ; | Strs£t at xts xz% bs bxst I vud', ] And so xt xt bx or for fsd ." | " I 'v sxn xt, frsnd, az wsl az yin. | And must agsn' afurm' xt bliJv. | At lxjur, I bs bxst surved', | Lxtsn'dsd xn bs ksdirj ced ." | "'Txz grxm, 'txz grxn, I kan acur yxv." " Grxn' !" | kriz bx u'bur xn a fu'rx — | " Qi, ds yu Sink I V lost mi iz ?" | "'Twer nco gret 1 los," bs frsnd rxpliz', | " For, xf be oFwez surv yu bus, | Yu '1 find bsm but ov li'tl yjjs ." | 22 2 "5 1 PRftKTHiaL LLQKIJCUN. So hi at last bs kon'tsst roz, | From wurdz be ol'mcost kem ts blcoz : I Qsn lu'kxlx kem bi, a Surd* — | Ts hxnv bs kwes'6un be rxfuixk ; | And bsgd hx 'd tsl bsm, xf hx nu, | Qs'bur bs Sxrj woz grxn, or blu. | " Surz," kriz bx unvpir, | " sxs yur pirbur ; | As krx'cur'z nx'bur wun nor tUxbur. | I kot' bx a'rumal last nit, | And vud xt co'r bi kairdl-lit : | I markt xt we1 v — | 't woz blak az cjstv — | Yu stor — | but I hav got xt yst% | And kan prcodus' xt." | " Pre ben ds* ; | For I am cur bs Qxrj xz bltf*." | And I '1 sngecj' | bat. qsn yu 'v sxn | As rsp'txl, | yu '1 prconcpns' hxm grxn,." | " Wsl bsn, | at wuns ts snd bs dcpt," | Rxpliz- bs man, | " I '1 turn hxm cpt : | And, qsn bxfbr' yur iz IV set hxm, | * If yu domt find hxm blak, | I '1 xV hxmv." | Hx ssd ; | bsn ful bxfar bor sit | Prcodust' bs bxst*, | and lo ! — 't woz qit v ! | BcoS stord* : | bs man lukt wun^drus wiz v — " Mi 6xl'drsn," | bs Kamx'lxun kriz," | (Asn furst bs krx'cur fcpnd a tun) | *' Yu ol ar rit, | and ol ar rorj, : | Qsn nsxt yu tok ov qot yu vu, | 0xnk u'burz sx az wsl az yu* : | Nor wun'dur xf yu find bat nun, | Prxfurz' yur* i-sit ts hxz cm/' PRaKTHKAL ELQKIJCIIN. 055 AX XNVQKE CUN. [Rjtn aftur be de& ov a sistur-jcji-lo.] (mrs. hx manz.) Ansur mx, burnin starz ov nit ! | Qor haft be spirit gon, | Aat, past be rx£ ov hu'man sit, | X'n az a brxz*, ha& flcorix ? | And be starz an'surd mx, — | " Wx rtol | In lit and pcp'ur on hr ; | But ov be ne'vur-di-xn sgdI, | Ask Sinz bat kanot di v ! " | Q me'm-tond, and 6en'les wind* ! | Acp art a won'durur frx;| Tel mx if bq? its pies kanst find | Far co'vur mcpnt and sxv? | And be wind murmurd in rxpli', — | " Ae bin dxp I hav krost, | And met its barks and bi'lcoz hr, | But not qot bcp hast lost J" | Yx klcpdz bat gorcjusli rxpcoz' | Arqmd' be se'txrj suit, | An sur ! | hav yx a hcom for bcoz | Hsz urd'li res iz run'? | Ae brit kl([dz an'surd, — | " Wx dxpart, | Wx va nic from be skiv ; | Ask qot iz de&'les in bi harts | For bat qi6 ka'not di ! " 25G PR&KTXKA.L LLfiKIJCUN. Spxk\ ben\ bcp vas ov God wxbxn v ! | Acp ov be dxp lo tcoir ! | An sur mx* ! | 3rs lif's rest'les dxn, | Qor ha& be spxTxt flconv? | And b8 vcas an'surd, — | " Bx bop stxl ! | Xnuf' ts no xz gxv^n ; | Klcpdz, windz, and starz dor task fulfxl', — | Ain xz ts trust xn Hev n ! " I HATI FRX'DUM OV AE MAN HKM GRES V MEKS FRX, (k^pur.) Hx xz be frx'man, hsm be truS v meks frxv ; | And col ar slevz' bxsidw | Aor 'z not a 6en | Aat hedxc fcoz, konfe'duret for hxz harm, | Kan wind arcpnd' hxm, | but hx kasts xt of | Wxb az mu6 xz az Sarrvsn hxz grxn wx$s v . | Hx luks abrod' xn'ts be ve'rxd fxld Ov ne'6ur, | and, bo psr, purhaps', | kompord' Wxb boz hsz man'cunz glx'tur xn hxz sit, | Kolz be dxlit'ful sx'nurx ol hxz can . | Hxz ar be mepn txnz ; | and be va'lxz hxz* ; | And be rxsplen'dent rx Vurz : | hxz ts encjex' | Wxb a prcopri'xtx bat nun kan fxl, | But hs, wxb fxl'yal kon'fxdens xnspird', | Kan lift ts hevn an unprxzum'6uus i, | And, smilxrj, se, — | " Mr Fa'bur med bem olj" | PR&KTXK5LL ELQKKCUN. 257 Ar be not hxz bi a pxkulyar rit^ | And bi an em'fasxs ov xn^turest hxz, | Hsz i be fxl wxb txrz ov hodx (Jcr, | Hsz hart wxb prez v , | and hsz e^ol'tsd mind | Wxb wur'bx vk)ts ov bat unwx'rxd luv | Aat pland and bxlt, | and stxl upholdz' a wurld | So klobd wxb bu'tx, | for rxbehyus man? | Yes* — | yx me fxl yur garnurz, | yx bat rxp As lo'ded sals | and yx me west mu6 gud In ssns'lss rlut ; | but yx wxl not find In fxst, | or xn be ces% | xn son', or dans', | A lx'burtx lik hxz, | hs, unxmpx£t' Ov yuzurpe'cun, | and ts no man'z ron, | Apro'prxets ne'6ur az hxz Fa'bur'z wurk, | And haz a rx'6ur yus ov yurz ban yu v . | Hx xz xndxd v a ftxman : | frx bi bur& Ov no mxn sx v tx, | pland or or be hxlz* Wer bxlt v , | be fcpn'txnz o^pnd, | or be sx v | Wxb ol hxz rorxq mul'txtud ov wevz v . | Hxz frx'dum xz be sem xn e vurx stet N ; | And no kondx'cun ov bxs cenc|'ful lif, | So ma'nxfcold xn korz, | hsz ev'rx de Brxnz xts on xvl wxb xt, | meks xt les x ; | For hx haz wxnz | bat nx'bur sxk'nes, pen, Nor peiryurx | kan krx'pl, or konfinv : | No nuk so na'ro | but hx sprsdz bem bor Wxb xz% | and xz at larc^ : | bx opre'sur holdz Hxz bo'dx bq)nd, | but noz not qot a ren^ Hxz spxTXt teks*, | unkon'cus ov a 6en* ; | And bat ts bind hxm, | xz a ven atsmt v , | Hsm God dxlits' xn, | and xn hsm hx dwdz v . | 22* 258 PRAKTXKAL ELfiKUCUN. AX LX'IL OV HUN. Aor kem ts be bx£, a psr ex'il ov Xrxn; | Ae du on hxz Oxn rob, woz he'vx, and £xk ; | For hxz kun'trx hx sid qen at twi'lit rxpor'xi), | Ts won'dur alcon' bi be wxnd'-bxtn hxh | But be de-star atrak'ted hxz i'z sad dxvo'cun ; | For it roz on hxz on ne'txv il ov bx ocun, | Qor wuns, in be furvur ov yuS's worm xmo'cun, | Hx surj be bold an'Oem ov X'rxn go bra . | Sad xz mi fet ! (sed be hart'-brokn stren'cjur) | Ae wild' dxr and wulf ts a ku'vurt kan fix ; | But I hav no re'fuc) from fa'mxn and den x cjur : | A horn and a kun'trx rxmen' not ts mx v — | Ne'vur agen' xn be grxn su'nx bcp'urz, | Qor mi fcor'faburz lxvd, | cal I spend be swxt q>rzs | Or ku'vur mi harp wxb be wild'-wovn flcp'urz, | And strik ts be nunvburz ov X'rxn go bra ! | X'rxn, mi kun'trx ! | bo sad and forsebn, | In drxmz' I rxvx'zxt bi sx'-bxtn cor ; | But, alas' ! xn a far, fo'rxn land, I awek'n, | And si for be frendz bat kan mxt mx no mor s . | Q kru'el fet ! | wxlt bcp ne'vur rxples' mx | In a man'cun ov pxs, | qor no pe'rxlz kan ces mx ? j Ne'vur agen' cal mi bru'burz embres v mx, — | Ae did ts dxfend' mx, | or lxv ts dxplorj | PRAKTIKaL LLQKUCUN. 259 Qor xz mi ka v bxn-dcor, fast bi be wild wud 1 \ Sxs'turz and sir, dxd yx wxp for xts fol ? | Qor xz be mu'bur bat lukt on mi 6ild v hud ? | And qor xz be bs'zum-frend, dxr'ur ban qU \ Q mi sad scol ! Ion aban'dund bi ple'jur, | Qi dxd xt dot on a fast'-fedxn tre jur ! | Txrz, lik be ren'-drops, me fol wxbcpt' mejur ; | But rap'6ur and bu'tx be ka not rxkoL | Yet ol xts fond rekolek'cunz supre'sxn, | Wun di'xq wxc mi Icon bs'zum cal drox : | X'rxn ! an ex'il bxkwxbz' bx hxz blesxn ! | Land ov mi fcor faburz ! | X'rxn gco bra v ! | Berxd and kcold, qen mi hart stxlz hur mwcun, | Grxn bx bi fxldz, swx'test il ov bx orcun ! | And bi harp'-strikin bardz sxn alcpd' wxb dxvorcun — | X'rxn ma vsrnxn ! — | X'rxn gco braj* | AE BL'RIAL OV SUR DON MQR, lis fel at be Ba'tl ov Korwna. (WULF.) Not a drum woz hurd, nor a fu'nural not, Az hxz kors ts be ram'part wx huTxd; | Not a scolcjur dxs£arcjd' hxz forwel' cot v | Q'ur be grev qor cpr hxrco wx be^rxd. | Wx be'rxd hxm dark'lx at ded ov nit v , | Ae sodz wxb cpr be'yunets tur'nxn, | * Irland, mi darlxq ! — Irland for evur ! 260 P R A K T I K a. L LLnKIJCUN. Bi be strug'lxrj msn'bxrn'z mxs'tx lit, | And be lan'turn dxm'lx burmxn. | Nq yus'les ko'fxn enklozd' hxz brest, | Nor xn cxt, nor xn crcpd, wx bcpnd x hxm ; | But hx le lik a woryur te'kxij hxz rest, | Wxb hxz mar'cal klcok v arcpnd hxm v . | Fit, and cort wer be prorz' wx sed; | And wx spok not a wurd ov so v ro; | But wx sted'fastlx gezd on be fes ov be ded ; | And wx bx'turlx Sot ov be mora. | Wx Sot, az wx ha'lcod hxz na'rco bed, | And smsbd dq)n hxz Icon'lx px'lco, | Aat be fo and be stren N c|ur wud tred a'ur hxz hed ; And wx far awe' on be dxJq. | Lit'lx be'l tok ov be spx'rxt bat's gon, | And o'ur hxz kcold a'cxz upbred x hxm ; | But nu'Sxrj hx'l rek, xf be let hxm slxp on | Xn be grev qor a Brx'tun haz led* hxm. | But half ov cpr he'vx task woz dun, | Qen be klok told bx cpr for rxtirarj ; | And wx nu bi be dxs'tant and ran'dum gun, | Aat be fco woz su'lenlx firarj. | Slco'lx and sadlx wx led hxm dcpn | From be fxld ov hxz fem, free and gem : | Wx karvd not a Ihr, — | wx rezd not a stcan', | But left hxm alon' xn hxz gla^rx. | PR&KTXKa.L ELQKUCUN. 261 Ae Hevnz and bx Ur& co be Glo'rx and be Wxz'- dum ov bor KrxeHur. — Ax Urd ha'pxlx adap'ted ts be Ne'6nr ov Man x . (GfiLD v SMX0.) Ae yu'nxvurs me bx konsx'durd | az be pa'las in qx6 be Dx^xtx rxzidzN ; | and bx ur&, az wun ov xts apart- ments. | In bxs, ol be mx'nur re'sxz ov a'nimeted ne'- &tir | mxka'nxkalx cobe* hxm ; | and stand re*dx ts ex'i- kut hxz komandz' wxbcpf hezxtexcun. | Man alcom xz fcpnd rxfrakvturx : | hx xz bx con'lx bx'xrj | endud 7 wxb a rx[ 7 urovkontradxk v txrj bxz mandets. | Ae Dx'xtx woz plxzd ts esrurt' supx'rxur pcf'ur | xn krxe'txrj hxm a supx'rxur bx^xrj ; | a bx'xrj endud' wxb a 6as ov gud and rvl : | and ke'pabl, xn sum me'jur, | ov kco-op'uretxrj wxb hxz con xntenxunz. | Man, berfcor, | me bx konsx'durd az a km xted kixcur, [ endud' wxb pcrmrzjji'mxtetxv ov bcoz rxzi'dxrj xn be Dx.xtx. | Hx xz Qrcon xn'ts a wurld bat standz xn nxd ov hxz help* ; ] and hx haz bxn gran' ted a pcp'ur ov prcodu'sxrj har- mconx from par'cal konfujun. | If, ber'for, wx konsx'dur bx ur& | az alo'ted for cpr habxte'cun, | wx cal find bat muc haz bxn gx'vn us ts encjo', | and mu6 ts amend* ; | bat wx hav am'pl rx'znz for cpr gra'txtud,|and me'nx for cpr xn^dustrx. | In bcoz gret cpt'linz ov necur, | ts qx£ art kannot rx6, | and qor cpr gre'test e'fcorts must hav bxn xnefek'Cual, | God hxmself haz fx'nxct e'vurx Sxrj | wxb ame'zxrj gran'cjur and buvtx. | v ; | and, qil be sur fas xz asis'ted, | a cjen'tl hxt xz produst' xn be bcp'elz ov bx ur&, | qi£ kontrrbuts ts ku'vur xt wxb vuncjur. | Wo v turz ol'sco ar suplid' xn helpful abun'dans, | ts supcort' lif, and asxst vecjxte'cun. | Mcpn'txnz riz ts dxvur'sxfi be prospekt, j and gxv a ku'rent ts be strxrn . | Sxz extend' from wun kon'txnent ts bx u bur, | rxplen'xct wxb an'xmalz bat me bx turnd ts hu'man supcort* ; | and ol'sco sur'vxrj ts en'rx£ bx ur& wxb a sufx'censx ov ve.pur. | Brx'zxz fli alorj' be sur'fas ov be fxldz, ! ts prcomcot' hel& and vecjxtevcun. | Ae kslnes ov bx xvnxrj xnvits' ts rest* : | and be frecnes ov be mornir) rxnuz' for tabur. I ; Su6 ar be dxlits' ov be habxte'cun | bat haz bxn asind' ts man : | wxbcpt' e'nx wun ov bxz, | hx must hav bxn re ( ced ; | and nun ov bxz j kud hiz con xn'dus- trx hav suplid. | But qil, on be wun hand, | menx ov hxz wonts ar bus kind'lx fur'nxct, | bar ar, on 8x u'bur, | num'burles xnkonvxn'yensxz ts eksif hxz xn v - dustrx. | Axs habxtccun, | bo prcovi'ded wxb ol be konvxivyensxz ov ar, pas'^urecj, and wo'tur, | xz but a dez'urt pies, wxbcpt' hu'man kultxvevCun. | Ae lco'est a nxmal findz moor konvxn'yensxz xn be wildz ov ne'CL T r,| ban hx lis basts himself' bor lord . | Ae qurl'wind, bx inunde'cun, and ol bx aspe'ritiz ov bx ar, | ar pxkul'yarli te'rxbl ts maiv ; | hs ncoz bor kon'sxkwensiz, | and, at a dis'tans, dredz bar aprco£ .j 264 PR&KTXKSYL LLfiKIJCUN. Ax ur$ xtself , | qor hu'man art haz not purve'dsd, j puts on a frit'ful, gls v mx apxvrans. | As fo'rests ar dark and tan;gld; | be me'dcoz ar covurgrcon' wxb rarjk wxdz N ; | and be bruks stre wxbcpt' a dxturmxnd 6a N nel.| Ne'6ur, bat haz bin kind ts e'vurx lco'ur ordur ov bx'xrjz, | sxmz ts hav bxn neglekt'ful wxb rxgard' ts hxm* : | ts be sa'vxcj, unkontri'vxrj man, | bx ur$ xz an abcod' ov descolecun, | qor hxz cel'tur xz xnsufx'cent, | and hxz fsd prxke v rxus. | A wurld, bus fur'nxct wxb advan'tacjxz on wun sid,| and xnkonvxnyensxz on bx ubur, | xz be pro'pur abcod' ov rxzn, | and be fx'test ts ex'ursiz bx xn'dustrx | ov a frx, and a \)xrjk'xrj krx6ur. | Axz x'vlz, qx£ art kan re'mxdx, | and prxcxsns gard agenst', | ar a pro'pur kol for bx es-ur'cun ov hxz fa^kultxz ; | and be tend stxl moor | ts asx'mxlet hxm ts hxz Krxe.tur. | God bxho^ldz', wxb plejur, J bat bxxrj qx6 hx haz med, | konvur'txrj be re'6ednes ov hxz natural sx£ue'cun | xn'ts a dx'atur ov trrumf ; | brxrj'xrj ol be hed'lorj tribz ov ne'6ur | xn'ts subcjek'cun ts hxz wxl ; | and prcodu'sxrj bat or'dur and yunxfor'mxtx upon 7 urd, | ov qx£ hxz con hevnlx fa'brxk xz sco brit an eg-auhpl. | KARAKTUR OV PIT. (roburtsn.) Al sek'rxtarx stud alcon* : | mo'durn dxcje'nurasx had not rx£t* hxnL. | Qrx'cjxnal and unako'mcodetxrj, | be fx'£urz ov hxz ka'raktur had be har'dxhud ov antx x kwx- tx. I Hxz ogust' mind covur-od' ma x c]estx ; | and wun ov PRO.KTXIV&L LLQKIJCUN. 2G5 hiz su'viirxnz | Bot m'altx so xmpord' in hxz prs'zsns,] bat hx konspird' ts rxmsv' hxm, | xn or'dur ts bx rxlxvd' from hxz sijpxrxoTxtx. | No stet cxkenurx, | no na'ro sxs'tsm ov vi'cus po^lxtxks, | no i'dl kon'tsst for mxnxs- tx'rxal vxk*torxz, | surjk hxm ts be vul'gur Is'vxl ov be gret» ; | but ovur-bor'xrj, purswcsxv, and xmprak'txka- bl, ] hxz ob'cjekt woz In gland, | hxz ambx'cun woz fenr. | Wxbq)f dxvi'dxn, hx dxstrad* pantx ; | wxbcpt' ko- rup'txrj, hx med a vx'nal ecj yunamxmus. | Frans sunk bxnxb v hxin . | Wxb wun hand hx smot bs heps ov Bsr'- bun, | and wxl'dsd xn bx u'bur bs dxmo'krasx ov Ire- land. | As sit ov hxz mind woz xn^fxnxt ; | and hxz skxmz wsr ts sfskt', | not Irjg'land, | not bs prs'zsnt ecj on'lx, | but Yurop and postej-xtx. | Wun'durful wsr bs mxnz bi qx£ bxz skxmz wsr akonrplxct — | ol'wez sxznabl, | ol'wez ad v xkwet, | bs sugcjss'cunz ov an un- durstandang | an'xmetsd bi ar'dur, | and snli'tnd bi provfxsx. | Ax ordxna'rx fx'lxnz qx6 mek lif e'mxabl and xn'do- lsnt, | wsr unnom ts hxm. | No domss'txk dxTxkultxz,| no domss'txk wxk nss rx£t x hxuiv ; | but, alsf' from bs sor'dxd oku'rsnsxz ov lif, | and unsu'lxd bi xts xn'tur- kors, | hx kem oke'junalx xn'ts t ts ste hxm, | o Vur-bcord | In'ts be tum'blxrj bx'lwz ov be men . | Q mx$of qot pen xt woz ts drcpn* ! | Qot dred'ful noz ov wo'tur xn min xrz' ! | Qot sits ov ug'k de& wxbxn' min iz v ! | MxSot' I so a ftcp'zand fxr'ful reks v , | A ikp'zand men* bat fx'cxz nod x upon^ | We'c|xz ov gold', | gret an/kurz, | hxps ov purl*, | Ines'txmabl stconz*, | unval'yud cju^elz, | 01 ska'turd xn be bo'tum ov be sx . | Sum le xn ded men'z skulz v ; | and, xn boz hcolz Qor iz dxd wuns xnha'bxt, | bar wer krept (Az 't wer xn skorn ov iz) | rxflek'txrj ^mz 1 , | Aat wsd be sli'mx bo'tum ov be dxp, | And mokt be ded bonz bat le ska'turd bi . | 268 PRO.KTXK&L LLRKMCUN. Brak. Had yu su6 lx'jur, in bx tim ov deS, | Ts gez upon' bxz sx'krxts ov be dxp' 1 \ Klar. MxQof I had^ ; | and ofn dxd I striv Ts yxld be gost ; | but stxl bx en'vxus flud Kept in mi sol, | and wud not let xt for*) | Ts sxk bx em'tx vast, and won'durxrj an, | But smu'burd xt wxbxn' mi pan'txrj bulk, | Qx6 ol'most bursts ts bel£ xt xn be sx v . | Br ah. Awekt' yu not wxb bxs sor a'gonx ? | Klar. Q no^ | mi drxm woz len&'nd af'tur lif ; | Q ben bxgan' be tem'pest ts mi sob : | I past, mx&ot', be me'lankolx flud | Wxb bat grxm fe'rxman qx6 po'ets rit ov, | Un'ts be kxn'dum ov purpe'6ual nit v . | Ae furst bat bar dxd grxt mi stren'cjur sc}l, | Woz mi gret fa'bur-xn-lo, | rxncpn'ed WoTxk, | Hs krid alcpd', — | " Qot skurc] for pur cjurx | Kan bxs dark mo'narkx | aford' fbls Kla'rens ?" | And so * hx vamct. | Aen kem won'durxrj bi | A ca'do lik an en^el, | wxb brit hor Da'bld xn bludv ; | and hx crxkt cpt alcpd', — | " Kla rens xz kuuiv, — | folss nVtxrj, pur v c)urd KlaTens, Aat stabd mx xn be fxld bi Tuks v burx ; — | Sxz on hxm, fu rxz, | tek hxm ts yur torments !" | Wxb bat, mx$of a lx'cjun ov fcpl fxndz x Envrrund mx, | and hcp'led xn min xrz $u£ hx'dxus kriz, | bat, wxb be ve'rx naz\ | I trem'blxr) wekt% | and for a sx'zn af tur, | Kud not bxlxv but bat I woz xn heL, — | Su£ te N rxbl xmpre'cun med mi drxm. | Br ah. No marvel, lord, bat xt afri'ted yu — | I am afred', mxdxrjks', ts hxr yu tel v xt. PRaKTIKaL LLQK1UCUN. 269 Klar.''Q Bra'ksnbsrx, I hav dun bxz $xrjz | Aat ncp gxv 8'vxdens agsnsr mi scol', | For Ld ward'z sek ; | and, sx hep hx rxkwits* mxj — | I pre bx, cjsivtl kx'pur, | ste bi x mx — | Mi seal xz he*vx, | and I fen wud slxp v . | [Klarens rxpozxz fumself on a £ot Br ok. I wxl v , mi lord . | Sotg) breks sx'znz, and rxpoyzxrj tprzx, | Meks be nit mornxrj, | and bz nsn'-tid nk . | Prxn'sxz hav but bar ti'tlz for bar glcjTxz — | An qpt'ward o'nur for an xn'ward tak ; | And, for un'felt xmacjxne'cunz, | Ae ofn fxl a wurld ov rest'les korz* : | Sco bat, bxtwxn' bar ti'tlz, | and Icj nem, | Aar'z nu'Sxrj dx'furz | but bx cpt'ward fem v . | TK AX URSA MEJDUR. (il. WOR, DUN.) Wxa qot a stet'lx and macjss'txk step | Aat glorrxus konstsle'cun ov bs norft | Tredz xts xturnal sunkl ! | gco'xrj fcorfr Its prxns'lx we amurjst' be starz | xn slcj And si'lent britnes. | Mi'tx wun, ol-heF! | I ejex ts sx bx, on bi glco'xrj pa&, | Wok lik sum stcpt and gurdsd cjrant — | sturn, Unwx'rxd, rrzcolut, | hsz talxrj fut Dxzdenz' ts lcxtur on xts des'txnd we x . j 23* 270 PRaKTIKAL ELfiKUCUN. Ax u'bur tribz forseb bor mxd'nit trak, | And rest bor wxtx orbz bxnxb' be wev^ ; | But bcp dust ns'vur kloz bi burnxi) i, | Nor ste bi sted'fast step v . | But on*, | stxl on , | Qil sxs'temz cencj, | and sunz rxtir, | and wurldz Slum'bur and web, | bi sxs'les marc prosxdz x . | Ae nxr hori'zun temts ts rest xn ven . | Aqp, fe&'ful sen'txnel, | dust ne'vur kwxt Ai lon'-apanted woe ; | but, slxp'les stxl, | Dust gard be fxxt lit ov be yunxvurs, | And bxd be nord fcre'vur no xts ples v . | E'dum ? | Ds be bor Ae stamp ov hirman ne'6ur ? | Or haz God Pxpld boz pu'rur relmz | wxb luvlxur formz, | And mor sxles'cal mindzx? | Duz X'nosens Stxl war hur ne'txv and unten'ted blsm"? | Or haz Sxn brxbd hxz ded'lx blit abrod', | And sod korup^cun xn boz fo'rx bcp'urz ? | Haz Wor trod o'ur bem wxb hxz fut ov fir' ; | And sle'vurx forcjd hxz cenz' ; | and Ra&, and Het, | And sor'dxd Sel'fxcnes, | and kru'el Lust, | Lxgd bor bes bandz | ts tred cpt lit and truft, | 274 PRAKTXKft.L ELfiKIJCUN. And ska'turd wo qar Hevn had plan'ted ; j Stxr bi kors ste^dxlx, | Krxs'can, stxr homv ! | Luk ts bs we'bur-bcp, | Bre x kurz ar rqmd bxv ; | Let fol be plirmxt ncp., | Ca^loz me grqpnd bx. | Rxf xn be for sel, ban ! | Hcold be helnr fast I | So. — | let be ve'sel war — j Aor swept be blasts | Qot ov be nit^ wofrman? | Qot ov be nit x ? | Klcp^dx — ( q1 kwi v et — | No land yet' — \ ol'z rit,. j Bx webful, | bx vx'^xlant — | Den'ojur me bx | At an cpr qen ol sx'me& | Sxkirrest ts bis. | Hqpv ! | genz be Ixk so fast' ? j Klxn cpt be hold. — | Hast up bi mur 6andiz, j Hxv opt bi gold*; — I PRaKTIKiL ELfiKIJCUN. 281 Aor — | 1st bx in'gots gccK — | Ncp be cxp ritSx*, | Huro x ! | be har'bur 'z nxr — | Leo, be red lits x ! | Slakn not sel yet | At xn'let or Hand ; | Stret for be bx'kn stxr, | Stret for be hrland ; | Krcpd ol bi kan v vas on, | Kut Srs be fconr — | Krxs'6an ! kast an/kur ncp — | Hevn xz bi hcom ! I L'LLDI RXTN IN A KUN'TRI 'CURTT-YARD. (gre.) Ae kur'fu tcolz x — | be nel ov partxn de! | Ae lco'xrj hurd windz slco'lx co'ur be lr ; | Ae plcp'man hcom'ward plodz hxz wxtx we, | And lxvz be wurld ts dark'nes, and ts mx v . | Ncp fedz be glx'murxn land'skep on be sit, | And ol bx or a so'lem stxl'nes hcoldz, | Sev qor be bx'tl qxlz hxz drco'nxn flit, | And drcp'zx txrjk'lxrjz lul be dxs'tant fcoldz> : | Sev, bat from yon'dur i'vx-mantld tccoir, | Ae mo'pxrj cpl duz ts be msn komplen' | Ov su6 az, won'durxrj nxr hur sx'krxt bcp'ur, | Mcolsst' .hur en'cent, so'lxtarx ren . | 24* 282 PRa.KTXKO.Ii LLRKIJCUN. Bxnxb' boz ru'gsd slmz' ; | bat yu-trx'z ced', | Qor hxvz be turf xn ms'nx a mol'durxrj hxp, | Xc in hxz na'ro ssl for s'vur led, | As rud for'faburz ov bs hanrlst slxp v . | As brx'zx kol ov xn'ssns-brxbxrj morm, | As swo x lo, twx'turxrj from bs stro'-bxlt csdv, As kok's crxl Ida rxun, or bx s'koxrj horn 1 , | No mor cal rq)z bsm from bor lo'lx bsd . | For bsm no mor bs ble'zxrj harS v cal burn, | Or bx'zx hcpz^wif pli hur xv'nxrj korv*,| Nor cxl'dren run ts Ixsp bor sir'z rxturm, | Or klim hxz nxz', bx sn'vxd kxs* ts con. | Oft dxd bs harvsst ts bor srkl yxld\ ; | Aor fu'ro oft bs stu'burn glxfr haz brokv ; | Hep c|o N kund dxd be driv bor txm afxld v ! | Hep bepd bs wudz v bxnxb' bor stur'di strok Lst not ambx cun mok x bor yus*ful tcxL, | Aor hom'lx c)az, and dss'txnx obskur; | Nor gran' ; | X'n from bs tsnr bs vas ov ne'6ur kriz, | X'n xn cpr acxz Ixv bar wun'tsd firz . | For bx hs, mind'ful ov bx uno'nurd dsd, | Dust xn bxz linz bar art'lss tel rxlet', | If, 6ans, bi lcon'lx kontsmplccun lsd, | Sum kxn'drsd spx'rxt cal xnkwir bi fet', i PRAKTIKaL ELfiKIJCUN. 2S5 Hap'lx sum horrx-hs'dsd swen x me se ; , | " Oft hav wx sxn hxm at bs pxp ov don, | Bru'cxrj, wxb hes'tx step bs duz awe', | Ts mxt be sun upon' bx up'land Ion . | Aor, at bs fut ov yon'dur no'dxrj bxc | Aat rxbz its old fantas'txk rsts so hi, | Hxz Ixst'lss lsrj& at nsn'tid wud hx strs£, | And poor upon' bs bruk bat bub'lz h'\. \ Hard bi yon wud, nop smi'lxrj az xn skorn, | Mut'Txrj hxz we'ward fan'sxz, hx wud rcov x ; | Nqp drs'pxrj, wco'ful, won v , | life wun forlorn*, | Or krezd wxb kor, | or krost xn hcop'lss luv . | Wun morn I mxst hxm on bx akus'tumd hxl, | Alorj bs hx£h, | and nxr hxz fe'vurxt trxx ; | Anu^bur kem; | nor yst bxsid' bs rxl, | Nor up bs Ion', | nor at bs wud^ woz hx . | As nsxt, wxb durcjxz du, xn sad are', | SIgd Srs bs 6ur£'-yard pa& v , wx so hxm bcornv — | Aprco6', and rxd (for bcp kanst rxd) bs le, | J Grevd on bs stwn bxnxb' yon e'cjed &orn ." | Ax Ltxt&f. Hxr rssts hxz hsd upon' bs lap ov ur&, | A yuS ts For'6un and ts Fem, uncow ; | For Si'sns frcpnd not on hxz huni'bl bur$, | And Ms'lankolx markt hxm for hur con . | Larc] woz hxz bqm'tx, and hxz seal, sxnsxr — | Hsvn dxd a rskumpsns az larcj'lx ssnd, — | Hx gev ts Mx'zurx ol hx had', a txr ; | Hx gend from Hsvn | ('t woz ol hx wxct x ), a frsnd v . | 286 P R a K T X K a. L LLfiKIJCUN. No far'bur sxk hxz me'rxts ts dxskloz', | Or dro hxz frel'txz from bar dred abod x , | (Aar be alik' xn trem'blxrj hop rxpoz') | As bs'zum ov hxz Fa'bur and hxz God . | DUG'LAS' AK^NT OV HIMSELF\ (Hoivr.) Mi nem xz Nerval ; | on be Gram'pxan hxlz | Mi fa'bur fxdz hxz fioks v ; | a fru'gal swen | Hsz kon'stant korz | wer ts xnkrxs 7 hxz stor, | And kxp hxz on'k sun, miself', at hom^ : | For I had hurd ov ba^tlz, | and I lorjd Ts fo'lo ts be fxld sum wor'lik lord N ; | And hevn ssn gran' ted qot mi sir dxnid ! | Axs m^n,qx6 roz last nit, rcpnd az mi cxld, | Had not yet fxld hur hornz, | qen, bi hur lit, | A band ov fxrs barbe'rxanz from be hxlz, | Ruct lik a tor'ent depn upon be veh, | Swx'pxn Gpr floks and hurdz^ | Ae ce'purdz fled For sef'tx and for su\kur. | I, alom, | Wxb ben'ded bo, and kwx'vur ful ov a'roz, | Hu'vurd abept' bx e'nxmx, | and markt Ae rod hx tukv : | ben hes'ted ts mi frendz x | Hsm, wxb a trsp ov fxf 'tx 6o'zn men, | I met advan^sxn. | Ae pursuf L led, | Txl wx o'urtuk' be spod'-enkumburd fco. | Wx fot and kon x kurd. | 8r a sord woz dron, | An a'ro from mi bo had pxrst bar £xf 4 , | Hs wor, bat de, bx armz qx£ nqp L war. | PRAKTIKaL ELflKIJCUN. 287 Rxturnxn horn in tri'umf, | I dxzdend* Ae ce'purd'z slco&'ful lif ; | and, ha'vxn hurd | Aat qpr gud kxrj had su'inund hxz bold pxrz | Ts lxd bar woryurz ts be Ka'run sid, | I left mi fa'bur'z h(ps N , | and tuk wxb mx | A £oo'zn survant | ts kondukt' mi steps* — | Yon trem'blxrj kcp^ard, hs forsuk' hxz mas^tur. | Dur'nxxrj wxb bxs intent', | I past bxz tcpmrz, | And, hevn-dxrekted, | kem bxs de ts ds | Ae ha'px dxd bat gxldz mi hum'bl nern . | AL GREV OV FRAIjKLXN. (MXS. Wo^TURMaN.) Nfi ci'zeld urn xz rxrd ts bx* ; | No skulp'6urd skrol enrolz' xts pe^ Ts tel be 6xl'dren ov be frx, | Qor rests be pa'trxut and be se^. | Far xn be sx'tx ov be ded% I A kor'nur holdz bi se'kred kta ; | And pxl'grxm fxt, bi re'vurens led, | Hav wcorn a paS bat marks be we,. | Aor, rcpnd bi Ion and sxm'pl grev, | Lnkro'6xrj on xts mar'bl gre, | Wild plan'txn wxdz and tol gras wev, | And sun'bxmz por bor ced'les re . | Le'vxl wxb ur& v , bi le'turd ston — | And hxdn oft bi win'tur'z snov — | Its mo'dest re'kord telz alom | Hsz dust xt xz bat slxps bxto. | 288 PR&KTXKA.L E L Si K IJ C II N. Aat nem'z xnuf — | bat cnurd nem | No ed from yirlocjx rxkwirzv : | 'Txz blen'ded wxb bi kuivtrx'z fenv, | And fla'ciz rcpnd hur lit'nxrj spirz v . DEKLARE'CUN OV INDXPL'N'DLNS. (jOE/FURSUN.) Qen, xn be kcors ov hu'man xvents', | xt bxkumz' ns'- sesari for wun px'pl | ts dxzolv be pcolx'txkal bandz qx6 hav konek'ted bem wxb anu'bur, | and ts asum' amurj' bs pcpurz ov bx urQ | be se'paret and x'kwal ste'cun | ts qx6 be loz ov ne'6ur and ov nccur'z God v enti'tl bem, | a dx'sent rxspekf ts bx opxn'yunz ov man- kind' | rxkwirz' bat be cud dxklar' be ko v zxz | qx£ xmpeh bem ts be separe^cun. | Wx hold bxz tru&s ts bx self-e x vxdent : | bat ol men ar krxe ted x^kwal ; | bat be ar endcpd' bi bor Krxe'tur [ wxb sur'tin xnel'yenabl rits^ ; | bat amun' bxz | ar lif, Ii'- burtx, and be pursuf ov ha^pxnes ; | bat ts sxkur' bxz rits, | gu x vurnments ar xnstxtu'ted amuiy men, | dxri'- vxn bor cjust pcp'urz | from be konsenf ov be gu^vurnd ; | bat qene'vur e'nx form ov girvurnment | bxkumz' dx- struk'txv ov bxz endz, | xt xz be rit ovbe px'pl | ts ol'tur or abo v lxc it, | and ts xn'stitut nir gu^vurnment, | le'xrj its fqmde'cun on sue" prxn'sxplz, | and organizxrj its pcpnirz in su6 form, | az ts bem cal sxm most lik'lx | ts efekf bar sefti and ha v pxnes. | Prju'dens, xndxd', wxl dxk'tet | bat gu'vurnments Ion estab'lxct | cud not bx cencjd for lit and tran v cent kotzxz; | and akordxijlx ol expx'nens had ccon | bat mankind' ar mcor dxspozd' ts PRaKTIKaL LLQKUCUN. 289 sirfur | qil x'vlz ar su'furabl, j ban ts rit bsmsslvz'jbi abolxcxrj 5a formz ts qxc be ar akus^tumd. | But qsn a lorj tren ov abu'sxz and yuzurpecunz, | pursu'xrj xnve'- rxablx bs sem ob'cjskt, | xvxirsxz a dxsin' ts rxdus' bsm un'dur ab'solut dss'potxzm, | xt xz bor rit v ,|xt xz bar dutx | ts $ro of sue guxvurnmsnt, | and ts provid' nu gardz for bor fb'cur sxkttvrxtx. | Sue" haz bxn bs pe'csnt su'furans ov bxz kolonxz ; | and su£ xz ncp bs nxss'sxtx | qx6 konstrenz' bsm ts ol'tur bor for'mur sxs'tsmz ov girvurnmsnt. | As hxs'torx ov be prs'zsnt kxrj ov Gret Brxtan | xz a hxs'ton ov rxpx'tsd xn'cjurxz and yuzur- pedmz, | ol ha'vxrj xn dxrskf ob'^skt | bxssta'blxcmsnt ov an ab'solut tx v ranx Q'vur bxz stets v . | Ts prsv bxs, | 1st fakts bx submx'tsd ts a kan'dxd wurld . | Hx haz rxfuzd' hxz assnt' ts loz | be most hol'sum and ns'sssan for bs pub'lxk gud v . | Hx haz forbxdn hxz gu'vurnurz ts pas loz | ov xmx'- dxat and prs'sxrj xmportans, | unlss' suspsn'dsd xn bor opure'cun | txl hxz assnt cud bx obtendv ; | and qsn v so suspsn'dsd, | hx haz u'turlx nsglsk'tsd ts atsnd v ts bsm . Hx haz rxfttzd' ts pas u'vhir loz | for bx akomode'cun ov larcj dxs'trxkts ov px'pl, | unlss' boz px'pl | wud rxlxrj'kwxc bs rit ov rsprxzsnte'cun xn bs ls^cjxsle^ur, | a rit xnss'txmabl ts bsm, | and for'mxdabl ts ti'rantson x li.| Hx haz kold txgs'bur ls'cjxsletxv bo'dxz | at ple'sxz unyirjjual, | unkunf furtabl, | and dxs'tant from bs dx- po'zxtorx | ov bor pub'lik rs v kordz, | for bs sol pur'pus | ov fatx'gxrj bsm xn'ts kompli'ans wxb hxz ms^jurz. | Hx haz dxzolvd' rsprxzsn'tatxv hcp'zxz rxprtsdlx | for opo'zxi] wxb man'lx furm'nss | hxz xnve'junz on be rits ov bs px*pl. | Hx haz rxftfzd' for a lorj tim aftur sue dxsolu'cunz | 25 290 PRAKTXK&L ELflKUCUN is koz u'burz ts bx xleloted, | qorbi be le'(]xsletxvpcp'urz,| xnke'pabl ov anihxle'cun, | hav rxturnd' ts be px'pl at larcj for bar exursiz, | be stet rxme'nxr), xn be mxn tim, | expeozd' ts ol be den'cjurz ov xnve'jun from wxbcpf | and konvul'cunz wx5xn v . Hx haz ende'vurd ts prxvent' be popule cun ov bxz stets, ; | for bat purpus | obstruk'txrj be loz for na^u- ralxze'cun ov forxnurz, | rxfu'zxn ts pas u'burz | ts en- ku'rxoj bar migre'cunz hx bur, | and re'zxrj be kondx'- cunz | ov nu aproprxe'cunz ov landz v . | Hx haz obstructed bx admxnxstre'cun ov c|us*txs | bi rxfu'zxrj hxz asent' ts loz | for esta'blxcxr) cjudxcxrx pcpmrz. | Hx haz med cju'cjxz dxpen'dent on hxz wxl alcon* | for be te'nur ov bar oTxsxz, | and bx amcpnt' and pe'ment ov bar sajarxz. | Hx haz xrek'ted a muHxtud ov nu ofxsxz, | and sent hx'bur swormz ov nu oTxsurz | ts ha'ras cpr px'pl and xt cpt bar suKstans. | Hx haz kept amurj' us xn timz ov pxs' | stan'dxrj ar- mxz | wxbcpt' be konsent' ov cpr le v (jxsle£urz. | Hx haz afek'ted ts ren'dur be mx'lxtarx | xndxpen'dent ov, | and supx'rxur ts be sx*vxl pcpmr. | Hx haz kombind' wxb u'burz ] ts subcjekf us ts a cjurxsdxk'cun | fo'rxn ts cpr konstxtu^cunz | and unak- no'lecjd bi cpr loz x , | gx'vxn. hxz asenf ts bar akts ov prxten'ded lecjxsle'cun | for kworturxij larcj bo'dxz ov armd traps* amu^ us ; | for protek'txn, bem bi a mok trial | from pu'nxcment | for e'nx murdurz qx£ be cud komxt' | on bx xnha'bxtants ov bxz stets, ; I for ku'txrj of cpr tred* wxb ol parts ov be wur^ ; i for xmpco'zxrj taxxz on us wxbcpf cpr konsent* ; | for dxpri'vxr) us xn PRAKTIKiL ILBKL'CUN. 291 me'nx ke's'xz | ov be be'nxfxts ov tri'al bi cJutx ; | for transporter) us bxyond' sxz v | ts bx trid for prxtemded ofen.sxz ; | for abo'lxcxn be frx sxs'tem ov Irjg'lxc loz' xn a ne'burxrj prcvvxns, | estab'lxcxn barxn' | an arbxtrarx gu*vurnment, | and enlar'cjxrj xts bcfn'darxz, | so az ts ren'dur xt at wuns an es-anrpl | and fxt xn'stronent | for xntrodu'sxn be sem ab'solrt rul xnts bxz ko lonxz ; | for te'kxrj awe cpr 6ar turz, | abo'lxcxrj cpr most val'- yuabl loz v , | and ol'turxrj fundamen'talx | be formz ov cpr gu^vurnments ; | for suspen'dxn q:r on le'cjxslefoLTZ, | and dxklo'rxrj bemselvz x xnves'ted wxb pc[/ur ts le'cjxslet for us | xn ol ke'sxz qotsoe^vur. | Hx haz afrdxketed gu'vurnment hxr | bi dxklo'rxi) us cpt ov hxz protek cun | and we'cjxrj wor agenst* us. | Hx haz plun'durd cpr sxz v , j ra'vxcjd cf r kosts', | burnt cpr tcfnzs | and dxstrad' be livz ov cpr px v pl. | Hx xz at bxs tinr | transpor'txrj larcj ar'mxz ov fo'rxn mursxnarxz | ts komplxt' be wurks ov de&', | desolecun and tx'ranx | olre'dx bxgun' | wxb sur'kumstansxz ov kru'eltx and pur'fxdx | skors-lx pa'raleld xn be most barbarus exjxz | and to'talx unwurbx be hed ov a srvxlizd ne«cun. | Hx haz konstrend' cpr fe'lo-si'txznz | te'kn kap'txv on be hi sxz | ts bar armz agensf bar kun^trx, | ts bxkum' bx exxkir'cunurz ov bar frendz and breb ren, | or ts fol bemselvz' bi bar handz v . Hx haz eksi'ted domes'txk xnsurekcunz amun* us, | and haz ende'vurd ts brxrj | on bx xnha'bxtants ov cpr frontxrz' | be mur'sxles Xn'dxan sa v vxc]xz, | hsz non rul ov wor'far | xz an undxstxiygwxct dxstruk'cun | ov ol e'cjxz, sex'xz, and kondx.cunz. | In e'vurx stecj ov bxz opre'eunz | wx hav pxtx'cund 292 P It a K T l K a. L ELflKUCUN. for rxdrss' in bs most hum'bl turmz* : | cpr rxpx'tsd pxtx'« cunz | hav bin an'surd on'lx bi rxpx'tsd in^uriz. | A prxns hsz ka'raktur xz bus markt | bi s'vuri akt qi6 me dxfkv a ti'rant, | xz unfit* ts bx bs ru'lur ov a frx* px^pl. Nor hav wx bxn won'txr) in atsn'cunz ts cpr Bri'tic brsb v rsn. | Wx hav wornd bsm from tim ts tim | ov atsmts' bi bar ls'cjisledur | ts sxtsnd' an unwo'rantabl cjunsdik N cun o^vur us. | Wx hav rxmin'dsd bsm ov bs sur'kumstansxz | ov cpr smxgre'cun and ss^tlmsnt hxr : | wx hav apxld' ts bar ne'tiv cjus'tis and magnanrmiti, | and wx hav koncjurd' bsm, bi be tiz ov cpr ko'mun kin*- drsd, | ts dxsavcp' bxz yuzurpe v cunz, ] qx6 wud xns'vita- bli inturupf cpr konsk'cun and korssponvdsns. | Ae ts hav bin dsf ts bs vas ov cjus'tis and ov konsangwii- niti. | Wx must, bsrfor, akwiss' in bs nxss'sxti | qx6 dxncpn'sxz cpr sspare^cun ! | and hold bsm az wx hold bs rest* ov mankind^ |s'nxmiz in wor, | in pxs frsndz^. | Wx, bsrfor, | bs rspnzsn'tativz ov bs Yuni'tsd Stets ov Ams'rxka, | in Ds'nural Koiygrss assm'bld, | apx'lxn ts bs Suprxm' Ducj ov bs wurld | for bs rsk'titud ov cpr intsn'cunz, | ds in bs nem, | and bi br oSo'rxti ov bs gud px'pl ov bxz ko'lomz, | so'lsmli pub'lxc and dxklor, | bat bxz yuni'tsd ko'tanxz ar, | and ov rit oV ts bx, | frx and indxpsn'dsnt stets* ; | bat be ar abzolvd-' from ol alx'cjxans ts bs Bri'tic krcpm, | and bat ol po- li'tikal konsk'cun | bxtwxn' bsm and bs stet ov Gret Bri'tan | iz, and ot v ts bx, | to'tali dxzolvd^ ; | and bat az frx and indxpsn'dsnt stets, | be hav ful pcp'ur ts Is'vi wors | konklud pxs\ | kontrakt' alransxz,|ss'tablic ko x - murs, | and ts ds ol u'bur akts and Sirjz | qi6 indx- psn'dsnt stets me ov rit* ds v . | P R 9l K T X K a. L ELfiKIJCUN. 293 And for be suporf ov bis deklare'cun, | wxb a furm rxli'ans on be prcotek'cun ov Dxvin' Pro'vxdens, | wx mu'cualx plec] ts x£ u'bur | cpr livz', | cpr for'Cunz, j and cpr se'kred o*nur. AE DUR'NX OV A DE 1 , A PIK"CIJR OV HUMAN (dr. joon v sn.) Qei'd<\, be sun ov Aben'sxna, | left be karavansxra urlx in be mornxn, | and pursud' hxz cjur'nx Srs be plenz ov Hindb'stanv. | Hx woz free and vx'gurus wxb rest* ; | hx woz an'xmeted wxb hcop v ; | hx woz xnsi'ted bidxzir; | hx wokt swxftlx for 7 ward co'vur be va'lxz, | and so be hxlz gra'cjualx ri'zxrj bxfeor hxm. | Az hx past alorj', | hxz xrz wer dxli'ted wxb be mor'nxrj son ov be burd ov Pa N radis : | hx woz fand bi be last flu'turz ov be sxrj'kxrj brxz\ | and sprxrj'kld wxb du from grcovz ov sprsxz. | Hx sum'timz kontempleted be tcfunrj hit ov bx cok\ | mo'nark ov be hxlz*; | and sum'- timz kot be cjen'tl fre'grans ov be prxnrroz, | el'dest do'tar ov be sprxrj* : | ol hxz sen'sxz wer gra'txfid, | and ol kor woz ba'nxct from hxz hart . | Aus hx went on, | txl be sun aprcjff hxz mxrx v dxan, | and bx xnkrxst' hxt pred upon' hxz strerj\K ; | hx ben lukt rcpnd abc[t' hxm | for sum mor komo'dxus pa& . | Hx so, on hxz rit hand, a grov* | bat sxmd ts wev xts cedz az a sin ov xnvxtevcun ; | hx en turd xt, | and fcpnd be ksl'nes and vur'tjur xrxzxs'txblx ple*zant. j Hx dxd not, hepe'vur, | forget' qx'bur hx woz tra^- velxr], | but fcpnd a na'ro we, bor'durd wxb flcpwz, | qx6 apxrd' ts hav be sem dxrek'cun wxb be mem rod*.; | and 25* 294 PRAKTXK&L LLfiKUCUN. woz plxzd, | bat bi bis ha'px sxps'rimsnt, | hx had fcpnd mxnz ts yunit' pls'jur wxb biz^nes, | and ts gen be rxwordz' ov di'lic|ens|wibcpt' su'funr) its fatxgz*. | Hx, berfcor, stxl kontxn'yud ts wok for a tim|wibcpt/ be lxst rxmx'cun ov hxz ardur, | eksepf bat hx woz sum'timz tem'ted ts stop | bi bs mu'zxk ov be burdz | qi6 be hxt had asem'bled xn bs ced x ; | and sum'timz amuzd' himself' | wxb plu'kin bs flcpmrz | bat ku'vurd bs bai]ks on x'bur sid*, | or bs frut x bat huq upon' bs bran 6iz. | At last, bs grxn pa& bxgan' ts dxklin' from xts furst ten densi, | and ts wind amurj' hxlz and dx'ksts, | ksld wxb ftpntinz, and murmurxi) wxb wcxturfolz. | Hxr Qbi'da pozd v for a tim, | and bxgan' ts konsxd'ur | qs'- bur xt wsr lorj'gur sef | ts fbrsek' bs non and ko^mun trakv ; | but rxmsm'burxrj bat be hxt woz ncp xn xts gre'- tsst vi'wlsns, | and bat bs plen woz dus'tx and unx'vn, | hx rxzolvd' ts pursu' bs nu^ pa£h, | qic hx supcozd' an'li ts mek a fu mxan'durz, | xn kompli'ans wxb bs vari'xtxz ov bs grcpnd, | and ts snd at last xn bs ko*mun rod^ | Ha'vxrj bus kamd hxz solx-sxtud, | hx rxnud' hxz pes% | bco hx suspsk'tsd bat hx woz not ge'nxrj grcpnd v . | Axs unx'zxnss ov hxz mind, | xnklind' hxm ts le hold on s'vurx nu ofrcjekt, | and gxv we ts s'vurx ssnse'cun | bat mit ssb or divurt x hnn . | Hx lxsnd ts s'vurx e\ko ; | hx mcpn'tsd s'vurx hxl for a frsc prospskt ; | hx turnd asid' ts s'vurx kasked* ; | and plxzd himself' ] wib trc- sirj bs kcors ov a cjen'tl n Vur | bat rcold amurj' be trxz,| and wo'turd a larc| rx'cjun | wxb xnu'murabl surkum- vcolu^cunz. | Xn bxz amuz'msnts, | bx (prz past awe' unakcpn v ted ; ! hxz dxvxccunz had purplsxt' hxz me^mcon, | and hx he P R a K T X K a L ELQKKCUN. 295 not tco'ardz qot pant ts travel. | Hx stud pen'sxv and konfuzd v , | afred' ts go forward, | lest hx cud gco rorj v , | yet kon'cus bat be tim ovla v turxrj woz ncp past ( . | Qil hx woz bus tor'forrd wxb unsurtxntx, | be ski woz ovurspred' wxb kkpdz* ; | be de va'nxct from bxfcor hxm: | and a su'dxn tem'pest ga'burd rcpnd hxz hed,. Hx woz ncp rcpzd bi hxz den'cjur, | ts a kwxk and pen'ful rxmenrbrans ov hxz fojx ; | hx ncp so hep ha'pxnes xz lost, | qen *Xz N xz konsuhted; | hx lamented bx un- man'lx xnipccens | bat promp'ted hxm ts sxk cel'tur xn be grcov x ; | and dxspizd' be pe'tx kurxo'sxtx | bat led hxm on from tri'fl ts trLfl. | Qil hx woz bus rxflek'txn, | bx or gru bla-kur, | and a klap ov Qun'dur | break hxz medxtescun. | Hx ncp rxzolvd' ts ds qot yet rxmend' xn hxz pepmr, | ts tred bak be grqjnd qx6 hx had past, | and tri ts find sum X'Clt | qor be wud mit copn xn'ts be plen x . | Hx prostrcted hxmself on be grcpnd, | and rekomen'ded hxz lif ts be Lord ov Ne^ur. | Hx roz wxb konfxdens and trankwxixtx, | and prest on wxb rezcoluvcun. | Ae bxsts ov be de'zurt wer xn mcrcun, | and on e'vurx hand | wer hurd be mxrjgld hcplz ov recj and fxr, — | and ra vxcj and expxre^cun. | Ql be ho'rurz ov dark'nes and so'lxtud surcpn^ded hxrn : | be wxndz rcord xn be wudz, | and be to'rents tunvbld from be hxlz v . | Aus forlorn and dxstrest', | hx won'durd drs be wild, | wxbept' no'xrj qx'bur hx woz gco v xrj, | or qe'bur hx woz e'vurx mco'ment | dro'xrj nxr'ur ts seftx or ts dxstruk,- cun. | At lerjv), not fxr, | but le^bur bxgan' ts ovurkuuiv hxm ; | hxz bre& gru cort, and hxz nxz trenrbld ; | and hx woz on be pant ov lixrj depn xn rezxgne'cun ts hxz fets | qen hx bxheld', $rs be bram'blz, | be glx'mur ov a te,pur. | 296 PR&KTXKAL ELfiKUCUX. Hx advanst' to'ardz be lit^ ; | and fin'dxrj bat it prco- sx'ded from be ko'tec] ov a hurmit, | hx koldhum'bhat be dear, | and obtend' admrcun. | Ax cold man set bxfeor' hxm | sue; prcovi'junz az hx had kolek'ted for himself, | on qi£ Qbi'da fed wib x'gurnes and gravtitud. | Qen be rxpasf woz wvur, | " Tel mi," sed be hur- mit, | " bi qot £ans bep hast bin brot buubur ? | I hav bin ncp twen'ti yxrz x | an inhabitant ov be wxl'dur- nes, | in qi6 I ne'vur so a man bxfeor ." | Qbi'da ben rxle'ted bx oku'rensiz ov hiz cjurni, | wibcpf e'ni kon- sxl'ment or paliexcun. | " Sun/' sed be hurmit, | " let bx e'rurz and fo'liz, | be den'tjurz and eskep' ov bis de, | sirjk dxp m'ts bi hart. | Rxmem'bur, mi sun, | bat hu'man lif iz be cju'rnx ov a de . | Wx riz in be mornirj ov yui}, | ful ov vi'gur, and ful ov expekte^cun ; | wx set forward wib spi'rit and hop*, | wib ge'iti and wib drlicjens, | and tra'vil on aqil' | in be dxrekt' rod ov pi'iti, | tco'ardz be man'cunz ov rest. | " In a cort tim wx rxmit* opr furvur, | and endewur ts find sum mitxge'cun ov cpr dirti, | and sum mcor x'zi mxnz ov obte'nxrj be sem end. | Wx ben rxlax' cpr vi'gur, | and rxzolv nco lon'gur ts bx te'nfid wib krimz at a dis^tans ; | but rxli' upon' cpr an kon stansx, | and ven'6ur ts aprcocV | qot wx rxzolv ne'vur ts tu6. | Wx bus en'tur be bcp'urz ov xz, | and rxpcoz' in be cedz ov sxkuTiti. | " Hxr be hart sofnz, | and vrcjilans subsidzv ; | wx ar ben wrlirj ts inkwir' | qe'bur anubur advans' . kanot' bx medv, | and qe'bur wx me not, at lxst, | turn Cpr iz upon' be gard'nz ov plejur. | Wx aprco£' bem wib skru'ol and hezitecun ; I wx en^tur bem, I but PR9.KTXK9.L ELQKLJCUN. 297 en'tur tx'murus and tremJbhn ; | and ol'wez hop ts pas Srs bem | wxbcpf ls'zxij be rod ov vur6u, | q\6, for a qil, wx kxp xn ccr sit 4 , | and ts v qxc; wx pur'pus ts rxturn . | But temte'cun suksxdz N temtexun, | and wun kompli'ans prx'porz us for anu N bur; | wx in tim lsz be ha'pxnes ov xircosens, | and so'las cpr dxskwi'et wxb sen'cual gratifxke>cunz. | " Bi dxgrxz', | wx let fol be rxmsm'brans ov cp r orx'cjx- nal xnten v cun, | and kwxt bx on'k a'dxkwet ob'cjekt ov ra'cunal dxzir . | Wx entarj'gl cprselvz' xn bx N znes, | im- mure]' cf rselvz' xn lu&curx, | and row $rs bs la'burxnds ov xnkoirstansx ; | txl be dark'nes ov cold ecj' bxgxnz' ts xnved v us, | and dxzxz' and arjxi'xtx obstrukt' cpr we. | Wx ben luk bak upon' cpr livz wxb hoTur, | wxb so ro, | wxb rxpsn»tans ; | and wxc, | but ts ofn ven'lx wxc, | bat wx had not forse'kn be wez ov vm\6u. | " Ha'px ar be, mi sun, | hs cal lurn from bi e^am'pl, | not ts dxsporv ; | but cal rxmem'bur, | bat, bco be de xz past, | and bar strerjfr xz wes'ted, | bor yet rxmenz' wun" e'fort ts bx med^ : | bat reforme'cun xz ne'vur ho x ples, | nor sxnsxr ende'vurz e'vur unasxs i ted ; | bat be woirdurur me at len& rxturn', | aftur ol hxz e v rurz; | and bat hx hs xmplcorz' stren& and ku'ricj from abuv, I cal find deivcjur and dx'fxkultx gxv we bxfcor hxm. I Go ncp, mi sun, ts bi rxpcoz 4 ; | komxf biself ts be kor ov Omnrpotens ; | and qen be mor'nxrj kolz agen' ts tal, | bxgxn' anu' bi cjur'nx, and bi lif v ." 298 PR&KTXKSVL ELfiKIJCUN. NIT 0OTS. (YUIj.) Ar bel striks wun. | Wx tek no not ov tim | But from xts los^ : | ts gxv xt ben a tun | Iz wiz x xn man . | Az xf an emcjel spok\, | I fxl be solem sepnd^. | If hurd arit', | It xz bs nel ov mi dxpar'ted eprz^. | Qor ar be ? | Wxb be yxrz bxyond' be flud v . | It xz be sxg'nal bat dxmandz' dxspa& : | Hep mu£ xz ts bx dun* ! | Mi hops and fxrz Start up alarmd', | and o'ur lifs na'ro vurrj Luk depiv — | on qotv 1 | A fa'bumles abxs v , | A dred xturnxtx ! | hep curdx min v ! | And kan xturnxtx bxlorj' ts mr, | Psr pen'cunur on be bepn'txz ov an cpr ? | Hep psn, | hep rxfr, | hep al^cjekt, | hep ogust x , Hep kom plxket, | hep wun.durful xz man ! | Hep pa-sxrj wun'dur Hx hs med x hxm su6v ! | Hs sen'turd xn epr mek su6 strencj extrxmz v ! | From dx'furent ne'6urz, mar'veluslx mxxt, | Konek'cun ex'kwxzxt ov dxs'tant \vurldz v ! | Dxstxrj'gwxct lxrjk xn bx'xrj'z end'les ten, ! | Mxd'we from nu'&xn ts be Dxxtx ! | A bxm xSx'rxal, su'lxd and absorpt ! | Ao su'lxd and dxzo'nurd, | stxl dxvin ! | Dxm mx'nxtur ov gret'nes ab v solut ! | An or ov glo v rx ! | a frel 6ild ov dust ! | Help'les xniortal ! | xnsekt' xnfxnxt ! | A wurur ! | a God^ ! | I trem'bl at miself', | And xn miself am lost. I PRaKTXK&L LLfiKUCUN. 299 At hcom, a stren'cjur, | won'durz up and dc[n, | surprizd', | agast x , j wun'durxrj at hur con . | Hep rx'zn rxlz» ! | i '. a mi'rakl ts man xz man 1 , | j uvfantli dxstrsst^ ! | qot ejex ! | qot drsdx ! | A^iir'netli transported and alarmd* ! | Qot kan prxzurv* mi lil\ ? | or qot dxstrci ? | An en'cjsl'z arm kan't sna6 mx from bs grev x ; | Lx^cjunz ov en'fjslz kan't konfhr mx bor . | AE LAND AAT WX LIT IN. (V. W. TOM'SN.) Ae land bat wx lxv in — | bs land bat wx lxV in, j Q ! qor xz be hart duz not $xrjk xt mar for, | Aan bs bri'tsst ov sxnz ts qx6 ne'6ur haz gxvn | Hur klxrsst ov sun and hur purest ov or ? | Xta'lxa me bcost ov hur s'vurgrxn bepmrz, | Hur ski wibcpf klcpdz, and hur roz'-ssntsd brxz^, | And Pur'ca me vont ov hur gar'dnz and flepmrz, | But bor xz wun spot qx6 xz bs'tur ban bxz>, — | 'Txz bs land bat wx lxv^ xn — | bs land bat wx lxv' in ; Q ! qor xz bs hart duz not Sxnk xt mor for, | Aan bs bri'tsst ov sxnz ts qx6 ne'CL T r haz gxvn | Hur klxrsst ov sun and hurpursst ov or ?| Raman'tik and wild ar prepd Sko'ca'z mcpmtxnz, ] And for ar bs plenz ov xmpxrxal Frans^ — | And Grana'da me tsl ov hur grovz and hur fepirtinz, And mxrj'gl bs mur& ov be son and be dans*— | As klimz ov bs Xst me sg-hx'bxt bor trsjurz, | Aor pam-trxz me blsm and bor wo'turz me fok — I 300 P R ft K T X K ft L LlfiKIJCUN. And mu'zxk me wek ts snli'vn bor plsjurz, | But bor xz wun spot qxc xz dxr'ur ban oL, — | 'Txz be land bat wx lxv* xn — | bs land bat wx lxv' xn, Q ! qor xz bs hart duz not $xrjk xt mor for. I Aan be bri'tsst ov sxnz ts qxc ne'6ur haz gxvn j Hur klxrsst ov sun and hur purest ov or ? | WULZX'Z SQLILQKWJ. (CEKSPXR.) Forwel', I a lorj forwsl', | ts o\ mi gretnss ! | Axs xz bs stet ov man* : | ts de hx puts ford As tsn'dur lxvz ov hop* ; | ts-mo'rco, blo'sumz, | And borz hxz blu'cxrj o'nurz Oxlo upoir hxm* : | As Qurd de, kumz a frost*, | a kx'lxrj frost* ; | And, — qsn hx Sinks, | gud, x'zx man, | ful curlx Hxz gret'nss xz a rip'nxrj, — | nxps hxz rst% | And bsn hx folz, | az L ds^. | I hav vsn'6urd, | Lik Ixtl won'tun baz N bat swim on bla'durz, | Axs ms'nx su'murz, | xn a sx ov glcoTi ; | But far bxyond' mi dsp& : | mi hi'-blcon prid | At lsrjft brok umdur mx ; | and ncp haz Isft mx, | Wx'rx and cold wxb sur'vxs, | ts bs mur'sx Ov a rud strxm, | bat must for s'vur hid v mx. | Ven pomp and glco'rx ov bxs wurld, | I het v yxv; | I fxl mi hart nu crpnd : | Q hep rs'6sd Xz bat psr man | bat hanz on prxn sxz fe*vurz ! | Aor xz, bxtwxxt' bat smil hx wud aspii" ts, | Aat swxt aspskt ov prxn'sxz, | and bor rxj'xn, | P R ft K T X K a. L ELfiKIICUN. 301 Mcor parjz and fxrz | ban worz, or wi^msn hav* ; | And qen hx folz, | hx folz lik Lu^sxfur, | Ne'vur ts hop agen^. | WUL'ZI'Z F8RWLL ADRLS TO KROMWLL. (CEJTSFXR.) Kro3i'wel, I did not Sink ts csd a txr | In ol* mi mrzurxz ; | but bcp hast forst mx, | Ot ov bi o'nest truS, | ts pie bs wuanan. | Let's drr cpr iz v ; | and bus far hxr mx, Kronvwel: I And, — qen I am forgot'n, az I cal' bx, ] And slxp xn dul, kold mar'bl, | qor do men'cun Ov mx mor must bx hurd ov, — | se, Y tot bxv | Se Wul'zx, — | bat wuns trod be wez ov glo'rx, | And scpnded ol be depSs, and ccolz ov o'nur, — | Fcp nd bx a we, | cpt ov hxz rek, | ts riz* xm; | A cur and sef* wuiiv, | bo bi mas'tur mxst xt r \ Mark but mi fol, | and bat bat rirxnd mx. | Krom'WEi, I £arc] bx, flxrj awe' ambx v cun ; | Bi bat sxn fel bx en x c]elz, | hep kan man ben, | Ax I'mxcj ov hxz Me'kur, | hop ts win 1 bi 't t 1 | Luv biself last : | cVrxc boz harts bat het 1 bx\; | Korup'cun wxnz not mor ban ouiestx. | Stxl xn bi rit hand ka'rx cjen'tl pxs^, | Ts si'lens envxus turjz v . | Bx cjust and txr not : | Let ol bx endz bcp em'st at, | bx bi kun'trx'z, | Ai God'z,|and truS's* ; | ben xf bcp fol'st, o Krom'wel, | Acp fol'st a ble'sed mantur. | Q Krom'wel, | Had I but survd mi God | wxb haf be zxl I survd mi kxrj, | hx wud not xn min ecj | Hav left mx ne'ked ts min e^xmxz. I 26 302 P R A. K T X K A L E L 9. It IJ C U N. PIT'S RXPLI TK WOLPQL. Ax atrco'cus krim ov bx'xrj a yurj" man, | qx£ bx o'nurabl fjsn'tlman haz, | wxb su6 spx'rxt and dx'sensx, £arc|d* upon' mx, | I cal nx-bur atemt' ts pa'het, nor dxnL ; | but kon'tsnt miself wxb wx'cxrj | bat I me bx wun ov bcoz | hsz fo'lxz sxs wxb bar yu$ v , | and not ov bat nunvbur | hs ar xgncorant xn spit ov expxTxens. | Qe'bur yxjO kan bx xmpu'ted ts e'nx man az a rx- prcocV, | I wxl not asum' be pro'vxns ovdxturmxnxrj : | but cur'lx ec] me bxkum' cjust'lx kontsmtxbl, | xf bx oportu'nxtxz qx£ xt brxnz | hav past awe' wxbcpt' xm- prsv^ment, | and vis apxrz' ts prxvel' | qcn be pacunz hav subsided. | As re£ hs, aftur ha'vxrj sxn be kon'sxkwensxz ov a Scp'zand e'rurz, | kontxn'yuz stxl ts blun'dur, | and hsz ecj haz con'lx a'ded ob'stxnasx ts stupx'dxtx, | xz cur'lx bx ob'cjekt ov x'bur abhorens or kontemts | and dx'zurvz not bat hxz gre hed N | cud sxkur hxm from xn^sult. | Mu6 mcor xz hx'ts bx abhord' | hs, az hx haz advanst' xn ec], | haz rxsx'ded from vur 6u, | and bxkumz' mcor wx'ksd wxb les temtevcun : | hs pros'txtuts himself' for mu'nx qx6 hx ka'not encjcr, | and spendz be rxmenz' ov hxz lif | xn be ru'in ov hxz kuatrx. | But yu& xz not mi comix krim . | I hav bxn akuzd' ov ak'txrj a dxa^trxkal part*. | A Sxa'trxkal part | me xbur xmpli' sum pxkulxa'rxtxz ov cjes't^ur, | or adxsxmule'cun ov mi rx'al sen'txments, | and an adop'cun ov bx copxn'- yunz and larj'gwxcj ov anirbur man. | In be furst sens, | be 6arc] xz ts tri'flxrj ts bx konfir- ted, | and dxzurvz' con'lx ts bx men v cund | ts bx dxspizd^. | I am at lx'burtx, | lik e'vurx mbur man, | ts yuz mi con PRftKTIKi\L E L Q K U C U N. 303 larj v gwxcj ; | and bco I me, purhaps', hav sum ambx v - cun ; | yet ts plxz bis ^sn'tlman, | I cal not le misdf' undur e'nx rxstrent/ | or ve'rx scoli'sxtuslx | ko'px hxz dxk'cun, or hxz mxm, | hcpE'vur rnaturd' bi ecj, | or mo'- dcld bi £xpxa*iEns. | If £nx man cal, | bi £arcjxrj mx wxb Qxa'trxkal bx- hevyur, | xmpli' bat I u'tur e'nx sen'txments but mi on, | I cal trxt hxm az a kalunrnxetur | and a vxJxn : | nor cal cnx prcotek'cun [ cel'tur hxm from be trxt'ment qxc hx dxzurvz v . | I cal, on su6 an okejun, | wxbcpf skru-pl, j tram'pl upon' ol bcoz formz | wxb qx6 wd& and dxg'nxtx entrencV bemselvz* : | nor cal e'nx dxi) but ec] | rxstren' mi rxzentment : | ecj qx6 ol'wez brxqz wun 1 pri'vilxc] : | bat ov bx'xrj xn'scolent and supursi'- lxus I wxbept' pu^nxement. | But wxb rxgard' ts bcoz hsm I hav ofen'ded, | I am ov copxn'yun | bat xf I had 1 ak'ted a borcod' part, | I cud hav avovded bar semcur. | Ae hxt bat ofen'ded bem | xz bx ar'dur ov konvxk cun, | and bat zxl for bs sur'vxs ov mi kun'trx | qx£ nx'bur hop nor fxr v | cal xn'fluens mx ts supres. | I wxl not sxt unkonsurnd' | qil mi lxburtx xz xnve x - ded, | nor luk xn si'lens upon' pub'lxk ro^burx. | I wxl £2-urf mi ende'vurz, at qote'vur ha^zurd, | ts rxpel' bx agre'sur, | and drag be Oxf ts cjus v txs,| qot pcf'ursoe'vur me prcotekt' be vxdanx, | and hse'vur me partek' ov be plu^dur. | 304 PRAKTXKflLL K L Q K IJC U N. JOX v NXUS. (e x klnsid.) From he v vn mi strenz bxgxm ; | from hevn dxsendz' As iiem ov c]x'nxus ts be hu'man brest, | And luvx, and birtx, and poetxk cja, And xnspxre^cun. | Or be re'dxant sun Sprarj from bx xsV, | or mxd bs volt ov nit | As msn suspended hur sxrxmur lamp^ : | 8r mcpmtxnz, wudz, or strxmz adornd' bs globs | Qr Wxz dum tot bs sunz ov msn hur lor ; | Aem lxvd bx Qlmrtx Wun ; | ben, dxp rxtird', In hxz unfa'Qumd e'sens, | vud bs formz, | As formz xturnal ov krxe ted xkrjz^ ; | As re'dxant sum, | bs msn'z nokturnal lamp*, | As mcpn'txnz, wudz', and strxmz^ | be rco'lxrj glob', And Wxz'dum'z mxn sxlesv£al. | From bs furst Ov dez, | on bsm hxz luv dxvim hx fxxk, | Hxz admxre cun : | txl, xn tim komplxt', | Qot hx admird' and luvd, | hxz vi'tal smil Unfol'dsd xnts bxvXrj. | Hens be brs& Ov lif xnfor'mxrj x6 orga'nxk frerm, | Hsns be grxn ur9% and wild rxzcpn'dxn wevz* ; | Hens lit and ced alturnet ; | worm$ and kold*, | And klxr otum'nal skiz, and vur'nal ccpmrz, | &nd ol be for vari'xtx ov Oxnz . | But not alik' ts e'vurx mortal i | Xz bxs gret sxn unveld v . | For, sxns be klemz Ov so'cal lif, | ts dx'furent le'burz urcj Ax ak'txv pcp'urz ov man, | wxb wiz xntent' | Ae hand ov Ne'6ur on pxkul'yar mindz | PRAKTXKA.L LLfiKKCUN. 305 Imprints' a dx'furent bras, | and ts x£ Dxkrxz' its pro'vxns xn be ko'mun tcxK | Ts sum ex tot be fa'brxk ov be sfxr, | Ae cencpful msnv, | be sur'kxt ov be starz v , | As gol'dn zo3nz ov hs v vn : | ts sum ex gev Ts we bs mco'ment ov xturnal Sxrjz^, | Ov tiiHu, and spes x , and Fet's unbrco'kn cenv, | And wxl'z kwxk xm puis ; | uburz bi bs hand | Cx led co'ur velz and mcpn'txnz, | ts explor Qot hx'lxrj vur6u | swelz be ten'dur venz Ov urbz andflepmrz; |or qot bs bxmz ov morn* Dro for9\, | dxstx'lxrj from be klxf'ted rind Xn ba'mx txrz ( . | But sum ts hiur hops Wer des txnd ; | sum wxbxn' a frnur mold Cx rot, | and tem'purd wxb a pur'ur flem, : \ Ts bxz be Sir Omni'potent | unfoldz' Ae wurld'z v harmo'nxus vokyum, | bar ts rxd Ae tran'skrxpt ov hxmself . | On e'vurx part j Ae tres be brit xmpre'cunz ov hxz hand* ; | Xn ur& or or, | be me^dco'z pur'pl storzv, | Ae msn'z mild re^dxans,]or be vurcjxn'z form, j Bls'mxrj wxb rozx smhV, | be sx portred' Aat unkrxe'ted bu'tx | qx£ dxlits' Ae Mind Suprxrn. J Ae ol'so fxl hur £armz, Lnamurd ; | be partek' bx xturnal cjou. \ GRETNLS. (ek&nsid.) Se, qi woz man so e'mxnentlx rezd | Amxd' be vast krxe.cun? | qi ordend' 26* 3GC) PR&KTXKSYL ELfiKIICUN. 0rs lif and dfc& | ts dart hxz pxrsxrj i, | Wxb Oot bxyond' bs lx'mxt ov hxz frenr, | Bat bat bx Omnx'pcotEnt mit send hxm fcorO, ] In sit ov mortal and x^mortal pcp'urz, J Az on a bcpnd'lss Bxatur, | ts run As gret karxr ov ejus txs : | ts ££rolt' Hxz cjs'nurus em ts ol dxvi nur dxdz. ; | Ts ces x£ par'cal pur pus from hxz br£st s ; | And Ors bs mists ov pa'cun and ov sens, ] And drs bs to'sxrj tid ov cans and pen, | Ts hojld hxz kors unfol-turxrj, | qil bs vas Ov Trud and Vurcxj, | up bs stxp ascnf Ov Ne'6ur, | kolz hxm ts hxz hi rxword v , | Ax aplo'dxrj smil ov | Lis q or for burnz In mortal bs'zum bxs imk\v£nC£d hcop\ | Aat brxbz from de ts de subli'mur Sxrjz, | And moks pozr\cun ? | Qorfcor darts bs mind, j Wxb su£ rxzxst'ks ar'dur | ts smbres' Ma^sstxk formzv, | xmpe'csnt ts bx frr; | Spurnxrj bs grcos kontrcol' ov wxl'ful mit, ; | Prcpd pv bs stron konten'cun ov hur talz; | Prcpd ts bx do^rxrj f | Hs but ra'bur turnz Ts Hsvn'z brod fir hxz unkonstre'nsd vu, | Aan ts be glx'murxrj ov a waxn fierce ? | Hs bat, from Al'pxn hits, | hxz le'burxrj 1 Csts rcpnd bs wid hcori'zun | ts surve Nidus or Gan'c|xz rco'lxrj hxz brit wev | @rs mqin'txnz, plenz, | Ors cm'pirz blak wxb ced, And kon'txnents ov sand, | wxl turn hxz gez | Ts mark bs vvin'dxnz ov a skan'tx rxbj Aat murmurz at hxz fxt ? I PR&.KTIKAL L L Q K IJ C U N. 307 As hi'-born sol | Dxzdenz 1 ts rest hur hsvn-aspir'irj win. | Bxnxb' its ne'txv kwo.ri. I Tird ov urS 1 And bis ditir'nal sxn, | ex sprxrjz aloft' ©rs fxldz ov or ; | pursuz' bs fli'xrj storm* ; | Ridz on be vo'lxd lit'nxrj Ors bs hsvnz ; | Qr, ycokt wib qurl'wmdz and bs norburn blast, | Swxps be lorj trakt ov de . | Asn hi ex sorz As blu profepnd 1 , | and huv'nrj rcpnd bs sun, | Bxholdz' hxm por'xrj bs rxdun'dant strxm Ov lit; | bxholdz' hxz unrxlsn'txrj swe | Bsnd bs rxluk'tant pla'nsts|ts abzolv As fe'tsd rcpndz ov tim v . | Asns far sfuzd' | Cx darts hur swift'nss | up bs lorj karxr' Ov dx'vxus ko v mxts : | -Qrs its burnirj sinz Le-ul txrj | me'jurz bs pers'nxal qxl Ov Ne,cur, | and luks bak on ol bs starz, | Hsz blsn'ded lit, | az wxb a mxl'kx zon v , | Invssts' bx o^rxsnt. | Ncp amezd' cx vltz Ax xmpx'rxal west, | qor hapx spx'rxts hold, | Bxyond' bxs korj'kev hsvn, | bor kam abod v ; | And fxldz ov re'dxans, | hsz unfe'dxrj lit | Haz tra'vsld bs profepnd' sxx Scp'zand yxrz N , | Nor yst arivz' xn sit ov mortal Sxrjz . | X'n on bs ba'rxurz ov bs wurld, untird', | ( Cx ms'dxtets bx xtur'nal dsp& bxlo^, | Txl haf rxko'lxrj, | depn bs hsd'lorj stxp Cx plurrtjxz ; | ssn o'urqslmd' and swo'lod up | In bat xmsns' ov bxarj. | Aor hur hops Rsst at bs fe'tal goh ; | for, from be bur$ 308 PRaKTIKAL ELQKUCUN. Ov mortal man, | be suvrxn Me'kur sed, | Aat not in hum'bl, nor in brxf dxlit, | Not in be fe'dirj e'koz ov rxncpir, | Pcp'ur'z pur'pl rcobz, | nor Ple'jur'z flcp'rx lap x , A8 scol cud find entjcrment ; | but from bxz Tur'nin dxzden'ful ts an x'kwal gud, j ®ru ol bx asent' ov dxnz enlarcj' hur vu, | Til e'vurx bcpnd at lerjS cud dxsapxr, | And in'fxnxt purfebcun kloz be sxn v . | PETIT R. [J3 Konvurse'cunal PIe s zantrj.~\ (FRaiJK'LXN.) Sum wxt ov old — | su6 wits ov old bor wer, Hsz hints cod mrnxrj, [ hsz alu'junz kor v , | Bi wun brev strok, | ts mark ol hu'man kind, | Kold klxr blank pe^pur ev'rx m'fant mind* ; | Qor, stxl, az op'nxrj sens hur dxk'tets rot, | For Vur'6u put a sxh, | or Vis, a blot r | Ae Sot woz ha'px, purtxnent, and tru, ; | MxSxijks' a cjx'nxus mit bs plan pursn. | I (kan yu par'dn mi prxzum'cun ?), [ I, No wxt, no cjx'nxus, | yet, for wuns, wxl tri v . i Ve'nus be pe'pur, verius wonts^ produs, ; j Ae wonts ov fa v cun, | e v lxgans, | and yus v . | Men ar az* vevrxus ; | and if rit I skan, | X6 sort ov pe'pur | reprxzents' sum man . | Pre not be fop v , | haf pcpdur and haf lesv ; | Nis az a band^-box wer hxz* dwevlxrj ples v ; | PRAKTXKAL ELQKIJCUN. 309 Hx'z be gxlt x pexpur, | qx£ apart' yu stcor, | And lok from vul'gar handz xn bs skrutor v . | Mxka'nxks, sur'vants, farmurz, and so forS, | Ar ko N px-pepur, | ov xnfx'rxur wurfh ; | Lss prizds | mor yus w ful, [ for yur desk x dxkrxd* ; | Frx ts ol penz, | and promt at sv'rx nxd x . | As rs£, hsm a'varxs bxdz ts pxn£ and spor, | Starv, 6xt, and pxl'fur, ts snrx-6' an ar, | Iz kors brcpn x pe^pur, | su£ az psd'lurz £sz | Ts rap up worz, | qx£ bs'tur men wxl yuz x . | Tek next bs mi'zur'z kon^trast, | hs dxstmz' | HslS, fern, and for 6un, xn a rcpnd ov c[qz* ; | Wxl s'nx pe'pur ma6 hxnr 1 | Yes-, $rs(pt*; | Hx'z a tru sxrjkxrj pe^pur, | past ol dqpt x . | As rxtel polxtx'can'z arjk'eus Sot | Dxmz bxs sid ol'wez rit, | and bat stark not,, | Hx fcomz wxb ssn^cur ; | wxb aploz' hx revz x ; | A dup ts ru'murz, | and a tsl ov nevz x ; | Hx '] wont no tip hxz wxk'nss ts proklenv, | Qil su6 a \krj az fslz A kap haz a nern. | Ac hes'tx cjsn'tlman, hsz blud runz hi, | Hs pxks a kwo v rxl xf yu step arr, | Hs kant a cjest, a hxnt, or lulo, sndur. ; | Qot xz hr ? | Qot' ? | Tuc^-pepur ts bx cur . | Qot ar cpr posts, | tek bsm az be fok, | Guds | ba&, | nt\ | psr, | mu6' rsds | not rsd at oh ? Asm and bor wurks x xn bs sem klas^ yul find^ : | Ae ar bs. mxr west x -pepur ov mankind . | 310 PRAKTIKAL ELfiKIJCUN. Ob'zurv be me v dn, | xmncosentlx swxt ; | Cx'z for qit N pevpur, | an unsu lxd cxt ; | On qx6 be ha'px man hsm fet ordenz', | Me rit hxz nenr, | and tek hur for hxz penz v . | Wun xn'stans mcor, | and coirlx wun v , PI brxrj v : 'Txz be gret x mam hs skornz a lrtl Qxm ; | Hsz Sots, hsz dxdz, hsz max'xmz ar hxz con*, \ Formd on be fx'lxnz ov hxz hart alcorn: | Tru, cjen'yuxn, rcral pevpur xz hxz* brest ; | Ov ol 5e kindz mcost pre x cus, | purest, | best v . | MQ'ZXZ SMITH} AL ROK\ (W. a.. VAN VRftJJ v KEN.) On be parct plenz | be tribz ov Iz'rael le, | Fatxgd' and sad^, | ts rccjxn Surst* a pm; | In bat Ion rx'cjun, [ xn bat de'zurt drxr, | No strxm'let's mur'mur steal upon' bx xr. ; | No bruk pelu'sxd glanst xts lit alon', | Ts £xr be vx'jun ov bat fen'txrj &rorj v . | Not met bx i | sev Hco'reb'z rok bat frcpnd, | In gls'mx graivc]ur, on be sxn arqmd v . | At xts brod bes, | bxhold' be petaark standv, | And wxb hxz rod, at be Dxvin' komand', | Smit xts dark fruntx : | co'urod' bi Pqmr Suprxm', | Xts rxvn brest expeld' a korpxus strxm* ; | Ae nu'-born wo'turz pcord bar to'rents wid, | And fcomd and Sun'durd, dcpn xts kra'gx sid v . | At be glad scpnd x£ Hx'bru mu'bur bor | Hur xn'fant klaspt, | and Ivkt ts Hevn a pran : j PR&KTXKSIL ELQKIJCUN* JU J3a Srxld ol harts- ; | for 1g> ! be sun'bxmz pie, j In re'dxant glorrx, on be fla'cxr) spre | Aat dact its krxs'talz o'r be ro'kx pib, | ft bu'txus em'blem ov JDxho3 v va'z smil . I TIM\ (\V. &. V&N VR&IfKbN.) Mi si'lent and mxstx'rxus flit | Rxvxlz' x6 morn be glwrxus lit | Aat gxldz be pa'sxn yxn ; | I ne'vur stop ts rest mi wxn; : | Trium'fant on be blast' I sprxrj* — j Mi plu'mxcj, dark and sxr^ | On ward I spxd mi flit sublinr ; | Bxfcor' mx wx'burz manhud'z priniv, | Qil px'lar, dom, and tcpmr, j And ma'sx pilz, and tem'plz grand, | Li kruct bxnxb, mi i'urn hand* — | Rxzxstles xz mi pcpMir. | ■ — Rxmors'les bcos'tur, hold* ! | bi wxrjz Me swxp asid' ur&'s x mi'txest &xrjz, | Mxr krx£urz ov an cpr v : | Acp kanst not rx£ be hevnlx blsm, | Sxles'6al txnts, and rx£ purform', | Ov Vur6u , z luvvlx flcp x ur. i 312 P R A K T X K a L LLQKUCUK. AX AML'RIKAN FLAG*. (iJREK ftND H^LKK.) Qrn frx'dum from hur mcpn'txn hit | Unfurld' hur stan'dard ts bx or, j Cx tor bx ejur rob ov nit 1 , | And set be starz ov glo x rx bor v ! | Cx mxrj'gld wxb xts gorcjxus diz j As mxl'kx bol'drxk ov be skir, | And stript xts pur sxles'6al qit, [ Wxb strx'kxrjz from be mornxi) lit x ! j Aen, from hxz man'cun xn be sun, | Cx kold hur x x gl-borur depnv, | And gev xn'ts hxz mi'tx hand | As sxm'bol ov hur £oj'zn land ! | Macjss'txk mo'nark ov be klcpd v ! | Hs rxr'st aloft' bi rx'gal form, | Ts hxr be tsm'psst trumpxn. lepd, j And sx be lit'nxrj lan'sxz drxvn, [ Qen stridz be woryur ov be storm, | And rcolz be Oun'dur-drum ov hevn v ! VA\d ov be sun N I j ts bx ? txz gxvn j Ts gard be ba'nur ov be frr — J Ts hu'vur xn be suhfur-smcok, | Ts word awe' be ba^tl-strcok, | And bxd xts blen'dxrjz cin afar', | Lik ren'bcoz on be klqpd ov wor', | Ae har'bxncjur ov vxLtoDri ! | Flag ov be brev v ! | bi fcoldz eal fli, ) Ae sin ov heap and tri'umf h'v \ j Qen spxks bs sxg^nal-truixhpet's tcon, } And be lorj Hn kumz glx'mxrj on ; \ PRAKTXKAL Jl L Q K II C tl If. 313 Or yet be lif'-blud, worm and wet, j Haz dxmd be glxs'nxn. bcyunet — | X6 scol'tjur'z i cal brit'lx turn, | Ts qor bi mx'txur glco\rxz burnv, | And az hxz sprxrj'xn, steps advans', | Kac wor and ven cjans from be glansx ! [ And qen be ka'nun'z mcp'bxrjz lcpd, | Hxv xn wild rx$s be ba'tl-crcpd, | And gco'rx se'burz riz and fol, | Lik csts ov flem on mxd'nit pol ! | Aor cal bi vxk^tur gla^sxz glco v , ( And kcp'urxrj fcoz cal fol bxnxb' | X6 ga'lant arm bat striks bxlco' | Aat luvlx me'sencjur ov de& v ! | Flag ov be sxz' ! | on co'cun'z wev, | Ai starz cal glx'tur co'ur be brev . | Qen deQ, karxr'xrj on be gel, I Swxps dark'lx rqmd be swe'lxrj sel, | And fri'ted wevz rue wil'dlx bak | Bxfcor be brod'sid'z rx'lxrj rak, | Ae di'xrj won'durur ov be sx | Cal lsk at wuns ts hevn and br, | And smil ts sx bi splen'durz fli, | In tri'umf co'ur be klc^zxn. \. | Flag ov be frx harts c^n-lx hconr, | Bi en'cjel handz ts va^lnr gxv v n ! | Ai starz hav Ixt be wel'kxn dconr | And ol bi huz wer born xn hevai ; | For e'vur flat* bat stan'dard cxt* ! | Qor brxbz be fa but folz bxfcor us, j Wxb frx'dum'z sal bxnxb' cpr fxt, | And frx'dum'z ba'nur strx'mxrj co'r us ! 27 314 PRA.KTXKAL h L Q K IJ C U N. MQ'TIVZ TK AL PRAKTIS OV DLNTLNES. (BL8R V .) Th prcomcot' be vurcu ov cjen'tlnes, | \vx ot ts vu cpr ka'raktur wxb an xmparcal i> ; | and ts lurn, from cpr con felxnz, | t8 gxv bat xndul'cjens qx£ xn cpr turn wx klern . | It xz prid N qx£ fxlz be wurld wxb sco mu£ hare nes and sxve^rxtx. | In be ful'nes ov self'-estxme- cun, | wx forget' qot wx ar . | Wx Idem aten'cunz ts qx£ wx ar not entivtld. | Wx ar rx'gurus ts ofen'sxz, | az xf wx had ne'vur ofe^ded ; | unfx'Ixrj ts dxstres', | az xf wx nu not qot xt woz ts sulfur. | From bcoz otx rx'cjunz ov prid and fo-lx, | let us dx- send' ts cpr pro'pur le^vel. | Let us surve' be natural xkwo'lxtx | on qx6 Pro'vxdens haz plest man wxb man 1 , | and rxflekt' on bx xnfar'mxtxz ko'mun ts oh | If 5e rxflek'cun on natural xkwo'lxtx and mutual ofen'sxz, | bx xnsufx'cent ts promt lucjma'nxtx, | let us a.t lxst rxmem'bur qot wx ar xn be sit ov cpr Krxe,tiir. | Hav wx nun ov bat forbo'rans ts gxv wun anu'bur, | qx£ wx ol so ur'nestlx entrxf from hev'n ? | Kan wx luk for kle'mensx or cjen'tlnes from cpr Due)', | qen wx ar sco bak'ward ts ceo xt ts cpr con breb'ren 'I \ Let us ol'sco akus'tum cpr'selvz | ts rxflekt' on be smol mco'ment ov boz \krjz | qx£ ar be yu'jual xnsen'txvz ts vi'colens and kontemcun. | In be ru'fld and an/grx cpr, | wx vu e'vurx apxr'ans drs a fols mx.dxum. | Ae mcost xnkonsx'durabl pant ov xn'turest or onur, | swelz xnts a mcomen'tus oUcjekt ; | and be sli'test atak' sxmz ts Sretn xmx'dxet ri^xn. | But aftur pa'cun or prid v haz subsi'dsd, | wx luk arcpnd' xn ven for be mi'tx mxs'6xfs PRMiTIKaL ELQKUCUN. 315 wx dmded. | Ae fa'brxk qx£ epr dxsturbd' xmacjxne'cun had rxrd, | tco'talx dxsapxrz v . | Bat bo be koz* ov konten'cun haz dwxndld awe', | xts kon'sxkwensxz rxmen. | Wx hav el'yeneted a frendv; | wx hav embx'turd an emxmx ; | wx hav scon be sxdz ov fu'£ur suspx'cun, male'vcolens, or dxzgust. — | Let us suspend* epr vi'olens for a mco'ment, | qen ko'zxz ov dxs^kord okur . | Let us antx'sxpet bat px'rxud ov ksl'- nes, | qx6, ov xtself , wxl ssn ariv . | Let us rxflekt' hep lxtl wx hav e'nx pros'pekt ov ge'nxrj bi fxrs konten v cun ; | but hep mu6 ov be tru ha'pxnes ov lif | wx ar sur'txn ov Srco-xn awe. | X'zxlx, and from be smo'lest 6xrjks | be bx'tur wo'turz ov strif ar let feor^ ; | but bor keors ka'not bx forsxn v ; | and hx sel'dum felz ov su'furxn most from bor pa'znus efekt', | hs furst alepz' bem ts Ago . | ON AX IMPOR'TANS OV QR'DTIR IN AL DIS- TRXBIJ'CUN OV OR TIM V . (l3LOIi\) Tim wx ot ts konsx'dur | az a se'kred trust komx'ted t8 us bi Godv ; | ov qx£ wx ar nep be dxpo x zxtarxz, | and ar ts ren'dur an akepnt' at be lasU | Aat pcor'cun ov xt qx6 hx haz alo'ted ts us, | xz xnten'ded part'lx for be konsurnz ov bxs wurld,| part'lx for bcoz ov be next v . | Let x£ ov bxz o'kupi, | xn be dxstrxbu'cun ov epr tim, [ bat spes qx£ pro'purlx bxlonz* ts, xt v . | Let not bx eprz ov hospxta'lxtx and plejtrr, | xnturfxr wxb be dxs£arc]' ov epr ne^sesan aforz, ; | and let not qot wx kol ne'se- sari aforz 7 , | enkrcoeV upon' be tim qx6 xz du ts dxvcv cun. | Ts e'vurx Sxrj bor xz a sxzn, ] and a tim for cvurx purpus un'dur hev x n, | 316 PR&KTXKA.L ELOKIJCUN. If wx dxle' txl ts-mo'rco, qot ot ts bx dun ts-de', | wx ovur£arc]' be mo'rco wxb a bur'dn qx6 bxlorjz' not ts v xt v . | Wx lcod x be qxlz ov tim, | and prxvent' bem from ka'rxxrj us aloij' smsbdx. | Hx hs s'vurx mor'nxrj planz be transak'cunz ov bs de, | and fo'loz ept v bat plan', | ka'rxz on a Orsd | qxc wxl gid hxm \>rs bs la'bxrxnft ov bs mast bx'zx lif. | Ax ordurlx arencj'msnt ov hxz tim xz lik a re ov lit*, | qx6 darts xtsslf drs ol hxz aforz. | But, qor nco plan xz led, | qor bs dxspco'zal ov tim | xz sursn'durd mxrlx ts bs 6ans ov xn'sxdents, | ol dxrjz li hudld t^gs'bur xn wun ke^os, | qx6 admxts' nx'bur ov dxstrxbwcun nor rxvM . | As furst rs'kwxzxt for xntrcodirsxrj or'dur xn'ts be ma'nxcjment ov tim, | xz, ts bx imprest' wxb a cjust ssns ov its vakyxj. | Let us konsi'dur wel hep mu£ dxpendz^ upom xt v , | and hep fast xt fliz awe v . | Ae bulk ov men ar xn nu'Oxrj mcor kaprx'cus and xnkonsxs'tent, | ban xn bar aprxcxecun ov tim. Qen be Oxrjk ov xt az be me'jur ov bar kontxn'yuans on ur$, | be hi'lx priz x xt, | and wxb be gre'test arjzi'xtx sxk ts lenSn xt cpt. | But qen be vxj xt xn se'paret par'selz, | be apxr ts hwld xt xn kontemfr, | and skwon'dur xt wxb xnkonsx'duret prcofkjun. | Qil be komplen' bat lif xz cort, | be ar ofn wx'cxn xts dx'furent px'rxudz at an end x . | Ku'vxtus ov cvurx u'bur poze'eun, | ov tim ondx be ar prod\Xgal. | Ae alcp' evurx i'dl man ts bx mas'tur ov bxs pro'purtx, | and mek e'vurx frx'vcolus okupe'cun wel'kum, | bat kan help bem ts konsum. xt. | Amur]' bcoz hs ar sco korles ov tim, | xt xz not ts bx expek'ted | bat or'dur cud bx obzurvd' xn xts dxstrxbiL- cun. | But, bi bxs fe'tal neglekt', | hep menx matx'rxalz ov sxvxr' and las'txrj rxgret' | ar be le'xn up xn stor for PRAKTIRAL LLCKEfCHN. 317 bsmsslvzx ! ] As tim qxc be sir fur ts pas awe' xn bs mxdst ov konfu'jun, | bx'tur rxpsn'tans sxks af'turwardz xn ven ts rxkoK | Qot woz omx'tsd ts bx dun at its pro'pur mcyment, | arizxz ts bx bs torment ov sum fu'cur sxxzn. | Man'hud xz dxzgrest' bi be konsxkwsn'sxz ov nsglsk'tsd yu&. | Old ecj, | oprsst' bi korz bat bx- lond' ts a formur px'rxud, | leburz un'dur a bur'dn not xts an. | At bs kloz ov' lif, | be di'xn man bxhcoldz' wxb an/gwxc bat hxz dez ar fx'nxcxn, | qsn hxz prepa- re'cun for xturnxtx xz hard'lx komensU | Sue ar bx sfskts' ov a dxzordurlx west ov tim, | £)rs not aten'dxrj ts xts vakyu. | L'vurx $xn xn bs lif ov sue pursnz xz mxsplest^. | Nu'Sxn xz purformd' arit', | from not bx'xq purformd' xn du sx.zn. | But hx hs xz or'durlx xn bs dxstrxbu'cun ov hxz tim, | teks bs pro'pur me'Sud ov sske^pxn boz man'xfcold xMz. | Hx xz cjust'lx ssd ts rxdxnr bs tim v . | Bi pro'pur ma'nxcjmsnt, hx prolonz^ xt. | Hx lxvz muc xn lx'tl spesv ; | mor xn a fu yxrz, ban u'burz ds xn msvnx. | Hx kan lxv ts God and hxz on sol, | and, at bs semtim,! atsnd' ts ol bs lcful xn-turests ov bs present wurld v . | Hx luks bak on bs past, | and providz' for bs fu£ur. | Hx ka'Cxz and arssts' bx cfrz az be fh . | Ae ar markt depn for yus^ful purpusxz, | and bar me'mori rxmenz v . | Qoraz' bcoz cprz flxt bn bs man ov konfu'jun lik a ca v do. Hxz dez and yxrz ar x'bur blanks, | ov qxc hx haz no rxmsm'brans, | or be ar fxld up wxb so kon- fuzd'|and xrs'gular a sukss'cun ov unfx'nxct transak'- cunz, | bat bo hx rxmsm'burz hx haz bxn bx'zx, | yst hx kan gxv no akcpnt' ov bs bxz'nss qxc haz emplad* hxm. I 27* 318 P R ?V K TIKftL ElfiKIICUN. IN'DUSTRX NE'SESARX TO AX ATENMENT OV E'LQKWENS. (W8R.) Ae hxs'ton ov be wurld jlz ful ov tes'txmonx | ts prsv hep mu£ dxpendz' upon' xmdustrx ; | not an e'mxnent o'ratur haz lxvd but xz an eg-anrpl ov xt ( . | Yet, xn kontradxk'cun ts ol bxs, | bx ol'most yunxvur'sal fx'lxrj apxrz' ts bx, | bat xn'dustrx kan efekf nu x ^xi), | bat e'mxnens xz be rxzult' ov aksxdent,|and bat e'vurx wun must bx kontent' | ts rxmen' cjust qot hx me ha^pn ts bx . | Aus mul'txtudz hs kum forward az tx'6urz and gidz, | su'fur bemselvz' ts bx sa'txsfid wxb be most xndx'furent aten N ments, | and a mx'zurabl mxdxOvkrxtx, | wxbept' so mu6 az xnkwir'xn. hep be me riz hrur, | mu£ les me'kxrj e'nx atemt x ts riz v . | For e'nx u'bur art be wud hav survd an apren^txs- cxp, ( and wud bx acemd v ts prak'txs xt xn pub'lxk bxfeor' be had lurnd v xt . | If e'nx wun wud sxn, | hx atendz' a mas^tur, | and xz drxld xn be ve'rx elxmen'- tarx prxn.sxplz ; | and on'lx af'tur bs most laborrxus pro'ses, | dorz ts ex'ursiz hxz vas xn pubJxk. | Axs hx duz, | bo hx haz skors e'nx Sxn ts lurn but be mxkan'x- kal exxku'eun | ov qot liz xn sen'sxbl formz bxfor' bx i v . | But bx extem'porx spx v kur, | hs xz ts xnvent x az wel az ts u'tur, ( ts ka'rx on an opure'eun ov be mind | az wel az ts produs' scpnd, | en'turz upon' be wurk wxbcpf prx- pa'ratorx dx v sxplxn, | and ben wun'durz bat hx fek ! | If hx wer lur'nxn. ts pie on be flut for pub'lxk exhx- bx'cun, | qot cprz and dez wud hx spend xn gx'vxrj fasx'- Ixtx ts hxz fxrpgurz, | and ate'nxn, be pcp'ur ov be swx'- test and most expre'sxv exxku^cun ! | If hx wer dxvotxq PRaKTUiaL ELQKUCUN. 319 hxmself' ts bx or'gan, | qot munSs and yxrz* wid hx le'bur, | bat hx mit no its kumpus, | and bx mas'tur ov xts kxz>, | and bx e'bl ts dro cpt, at wil, | ol its verxus kombxne'cunz ov harmo'nxus sqmd N , | and its ful rxc'nes and de'lxkasx ov expre\Cun ! | And yet hx wxl fan'sx bat be gran'dest, | be most ve'rxus and most expre'sxv ov ol instruments, | qx6 bx xn'fxnxt Krxe'tur haz fa'cund | bi be yun'yun ov an xntelek'C-ual sol wxb be pcp'urz ov spx£, | me bx pled upon' wxbcpf stu'dx or prak v txs ; | hx kumz ts xt a mxr unxnstruk'ted trro,jand \krjks ts ma'nxcj ol xts stops, | and komand' be hoi kum'pus ov xts ve'rxd and komprx- hensxv pepmr ! | Hx findz hxmself' a burpglur xn bx atemt, | xz mortxfid at hxz fel'yur, | and se'tlz xt xn hxz mind for e'vur 5 |bat bx atemf xz ven . | Sukses' xn e'vurx art, | qote'vur me bx be natural ta'lent, | xz ol'wez be rxword' ov xn'dustrx and penz^. | But bx xn'stansxz ar me x nx, | ov men ov be fi'nest na'- dural cjx'nxus, | hsz bxgx'nxr) haz pro'mxst muc, | but hs hav dxcje'nureted re-£edlx az be advanst', | bxkoz' be trus'ted ts bor gxfts', | and med no e'forts ts xmprsv . | Aat bor hav ne'vur bxn u'bur men | ov x'kwal endcp'- ments wxb Dxmos'Sxnxz and Sx'sxro, | nun wud ven'cur ts supozv ; | but hs hav so dxvo'ted bemselvz' ts bor arts | or bxkum' x'kwal xn el^selens ? | If boz gret men had bxn kontent', lik u'burz, | ts kontxn'yu az be bx- gan', | and had ne'vur med bor pursxvxr'xrj e'forts for xmprovment, | qot wud bor kun'tnz hav be'nxfxted from bor cjxnxus, | or 8e wurld hav non ov bor fenr- ? | Ae wud hav bxn lost xn bx undxstxrj'gwict krepd | bat surjk ts oblx'vxun arcpnd^ bem v . | 320 P R JV K T X K ft. L ELfiKUCUN. AR DXSTRUK'CUN OV SRNAKXRIB. (EriiUN.) Ax Asx'RXftN kem dcpn lik bs wulf on bs folcb, | And hxz kco'horts wsr glx'mxrj xn pur'pl and gcoldv ; | And be cxn ov bar spxrz woz lik starz on be sx, | Qen bs blu wev rcolz nit'lx on dxp GaJxlx. | Lik bs lxvz ov bs fo'rsst qcn su'mur xz grxn% | Aat hoost wxb bar ba'nurz at sunsst wsr sxn* : | Lik bs lxvz ov bs fo'rsst. qen o'tum ha& blan x , | Aat host on bs mo'rco le wx'burd and stron . | For bx en'c|sl ov dsS^ sprsd hxz wxrjz on bs blast, | And brxbd xn bs fes ov bs fo az hx past* ; | And bx iz ov bs slx'purz waxt ds'dlx and 6xl v , | And bar harts but wuns hxvd and for s'vur wsr stxl v And bor le bs stxd wxb hxz nos'trxlz ol wid v , | But Srs bsm bor rcold not bs brs& ov hxz pridv ; | And bs fom ov hxz gas'pxrj le qit on bs turf, | And kcold az bs spre on bs rok'-bxtxrj surf. | And bor le bs rrdur, dxstor'tsd and peh, | Wxb bs du on hxz brcp, and bs rust on hxz mek ; | And bs tents wsr ol srlsnt, | bs ba'nurz alcon x , | As lan'sxz unlxf tsd, | bs trumpxt unblonv. | And bs wx'do^z ov A'cur ar kpd xn bor weh, | And bx i'dolz ar brcok xn bs tsm'pl ov Be*al ; | And bs mit ov bs Den'til, | unsmot' bi bs scord, | HaB msl'tsd lik snco N xn bs glans ov bs Lord v ! | PRa.KTXKfl.L ELfiKUCUN. 32J LOKXNVAR, (SKOTV.) Q, yun Lokxnvar' xz kum cpt ov be wests | 0rs ol be wid bor'dur hxz stxd woz be bestv ; | And sev hxz gud brod'sord, hx we'pn had nuiv, | Hx rod ol unarmd', I and hx rod ol alon . | So fe8'ful xn luv, and so dant'les xn wor, | Aar ne'vur woz nit lik be yurj Lokxnvar . | Hx sted not for brek, and hx stopt not for ston v , | Hx swam bx Lsk rx'vur qor ford bar woz nun* : | But, ar hx ali'ted at Ne'burbx get, | Ae brid had konsen ted, I be ga'lant kem let : | For a la'gard xn luv, and a das'tard xn wor, | Woz ts wed be far L'lxn ov brev Lokxnvar. | So, bold'lx hx en'turd be Ne'burbx hoh, | Amur)' bridz'men, and kxnz'men, and bru'burz and ol: | Aen spok be brid'z fa v bur, | hxz hand on hxz sord*, | (For be psr kre'vn brid'grsm sed ne'vur a wurd*,) | " Q kum yx xn pxs hxr, | or kum yx xn wor, | Or ts dans at qpi* bridal, | yurj lord Lokxnvar V | " I lorj wsd yur do^tur, | mi sut yu dxnid* ; | Luv swelz lik be Solwe, | but ebz lik xts tid* ; | And ncp am I kum, | wxb bxs lost luv ov min, | Ts Ixd but wun mejur, | drxijk wun kup ov win . | Aor ar me'dnz xn Skot'land, mor luvlx bi far, | Aat wud glad v lx bx brid ts be yurj Lokxnvar ." Ae brid kxst be goblet ; | be nit tuk xt up. ; | Hx kwaft of be win, and hx $ru depn be kup v . | 322 PRaKTIKJVL ELfiKL'CUX. Cx lukt dcpn ts blue, | and ex lukt up ts sr, | Wxb a smil on hur lxps, | and a txr xn hur L \ Hx tuk hur soft hand, or hur mu'bur kud bar*, — | " Ncp tied wx a me jur 1" sed yurj Lokxnvar . | Sco stet'lx hxz form, and sco luvlx hur fes, | Aat nevur a hoi sue a gal'yard dxd gres* : | Qil hur mu'bur dxd fret, | and hur fabur dxd fum, | And be brid'grsm stud darj'glxrj hxz bonet and plumv ; | And be brid'-mednz qxspurd, | " 'Tww be'tur bi far |. Ts hav ma£t cpr for ku'zn wxb yurj Lokxnvan." | Wun tuc ts hur hand, | and wun wurd xn hur xr, | Qenbe rx£t be hol-dcor, | and be 6arcjur stud nxr v ; | Sco lit ts be krsp be for le'dx hx swurp, | Sco lit ts be sa'dl bxfeor' hur hx sprurjv ! | " Cx xz wun* ! | wx ar gon, | co'vur bank', buc' and skar ; | Ae'l hav flxt stxdz bat fo'leo," kwcoft yurj Lokxnvar . | Aor woz mepn'txrj 'mui) Gremz ov be Neburbx klan* ; | Fors'turz, Fenwxks, and Mus^grevz, | be rcod and be ranv*. | Aor woz re'sxrj, and 6e'sxrj, on Ka'ncobx Lr ; | But be lost brid ov Ne'burbx ne'ur dxd be sx . | Sco dorxrj xn luv, | and so dant'les xn wor, | Hav yx c'ur hurd ov ga'lant, lik yurj Lokxnvar ! | KAZABXAIfKA. (MRS. HX'M&NZ.) A*, ha stud on be bur'nxrj dek, Qens ol but hxm had fled*; | Ae flem bat lxt be ba'tl'z rek, | Ccon rcpnd hxm G3'ur be ded v . PRA.KTXK&L ELQKUCUN. 323 Yst bii'txful and brit hx stud, | Az born ts rul be stornr ; [ A krx'£ur ov hxro'xk blud, ! A prcpd, bo SilcMik-fornii. | As flemz rold on x — | hx wud not go, | Wxbcpf hxz fa^bur'z wurd^; | Aat fa'bur, fent xn de$ bxlo', | Hxz was no lorj'gur hurd . | Hx kold alcpd' — | " Se, fa'bur, se* | Xf yet* mi task xz dun, ?" | Hx nn not bat be 6xftxn le | Unkon v cus ov hxz sun. | " Spxk\ fa^bur !" | wuns agem hx krid, | " If I me yet v bx gonx !" | And but be bs'mxrj cots* rxplid,, | And fast be flemz rold on . | Upon' hxz brcp hx felt bor bred, | And xn hxz we'vxrj hor; | And lukt from bat Ion post ov de$, | In stxl, yet brev dxspor . | And ccp'ted but wuns mor alcpd*, | " Mi fa'bur ! must* I ste, V \ Qil o'ur hxm fast, Srs sel and crcpd, | Ae rx'bxrj firz med we ; | Ae rapt be cxp xn splen'dur wildv, | Ae kot be flag on hi*, | And strxmd abuv be gadant 6ild, j Lik ba'nurz xn be ski . j 324 P R A K T X K A L LLfiKUCUN. Aor kem a burst ov Quirdur sqmdv — j As bcr — | a qor woz hx x ? | Ask ov be wxndz v bat far arcpnd' | Wxb frag'inents strod be sx, ! | Wxb mast, and helm, and ps'nun for, Aat wel had born bor part* — | But be nobbiest $xrj bat pe'rxct bor, | Woz bat yurj feS'ful hart v | MXTXIj OV SE'TAN, SIN, AND DL0. (mxi/tun.) Mxn'qil bx ad'vursarx ov God and man, | Se'tan, | wxb Sots xnflemd' ov hiest dxsin', I Puts on swxft wir^, | and tco'ardz be gets ov Hel Lxplorz' hxz so'lxtarx fiit^ : | sum'timz Hx skcprz be rhV-hand kost, | sum'timz be left x ; | Ncp cevz wxb le'vel wxrj be dxp-, | ben sorz Up ts be fir'x koipkev, | tcprxrj hL | Az qen far of at sx a fixt dxskrid' | Harjz xn be klcpdz, | bi xkwxnok'cal wxndz j Klos se'lxrj from Bsngeda, | or bx ilz Ov Tur'net and Txdor, | qens mur£ants brxrj Aor spi'sx drugz^ ; | be, on be tre'dxrj flud, | Ors be wild X&xco'pxan ts be Kep, | Pli, | ste-mirj nit-lx to'ard be pok : | so sxmd Far of be fli'xrj fxnd . | At last apxr' Hel b(pndz\ | hi, rx'6xrj ts be ho'rxd rsf ; | And Sris Qrx fold be getSv : | Srx foldz wer brass j PRAKTXK&L &LQKIJCUN. 325 ©rx liim, | Srx ov adamantxn rolo Xmpemxtrabl, | xmpeld' wxb surklxrj firs | Yet unkonsumd . | Bxfcor be gets | bar sat, On x'bur sid, | a formxdabl cep* ; | Ae wun sxmd wu^man ts be west, and far ; | But en'ded fcpl, xn ms'nx a ske'lx fold,*! Vcolirrnxnus and vast, | a surpent, armd Wxb mor'tal stxr> ; | abcpt' hur mx'dl rq>nd, | A kri ov heh-hcpndz, ne'vur sx'sxrj, barkt | Wxb wid Surbx'rxan mc[bz N , | fcl lcpd', and rug A hx'dxus pxl v ! | Far les abhord' ban bxz | Vext Sx v la, [ be'bxrj xn be sx | bat parts Kala'bria ] from be hors Trxna'krxan can ; | Nor ug'lxur fo'lco be nit^-hag, | qen kold Xn sx-kret, | ri'dxrj Srs be or, ex kumz, | Lurd wxb be smel ov xnfant blud, | ts dans Wxb Lap'land wx v £xz, | qil be le'burxrj msn | Xklxp v sxz at bor carmz^. | Ax u ; bur cep, | If cep xt mit bx kold | bat cep had nun | Dxstxn'gwxcabl xn mem'bur, ejeint', or lxnr ; | Or sub'stans mit bx kold | bat ca^dca sxmd ; | For x6 sxmd x v bur ; | blak xt stud az nit*, | Fxrs az ten firrxz, | te'rxbl az Hek, | And cuk a dred'ful dart v ; | qot sxmd hxz hed | Ae lik'nes ov a kxrj'lx krepm had on v . | Se'tan woz ncp at handv ; | and from hxz sxt | Ae mon'stur, ms'vxrj, | on'ward kem az fast x , | Wxb ho'rxd stridz* ; | Hel trenrbld az hx strcod v . | Ax undan'ted fxnd | qot bxs mit bx admird>, | 28 326 PRaiCTHtAL LLQKIJCUN. AdmircT, | not fxrcl : | God and hxz Sun sksspt', | Krxe'ted Bin | not val'yud hx, | nor cund* ; | And wxb dxzden'ful luk | bus furst bxgan v : | " Qsns and qot art* bcp, | sx*xkrabl cep* ! | Aat darst v , | bo grim and ts*rxbl, | advans' Ai rnxskrxe'tsd frunt | aSwort' mi we Ts yon'dur gets* 1 \ Ors bsm I mxn ts pas*, | Aat bx acurd x , | wxbcpf Ixv askt ov bx,. | Rxtir v , | or test bi fo*lx ; | and lurn bi prsf , | HsF-born ! | not ts kontsnd' wxb spx'rxts ov Hsv v n ?" Ts hsm bs gob'lxn, ful ov ra$, rxplid', | "Art bcp bat tre'tur en'cjsl, | art bcp hx Hs furst brok pxs in Hevn, and fefr, | txl ben Unbrokn, | and in prcpd rxbsl'yus armz | Dru af'tur hxm bs Surd part ov Hsvirz sunz*, | Konc]urd' agsnst' bs Hi*sst, | for qx6 boS bcp And be*, | cptkast' from God, | ar hxr | kondsmd' Ts west xtur'nal dez xn wo and pen* ? | And rskmsst bcp bisslf wxb spx'rxts ov Hsvn, | Hsl'-dsmd ! | and brxbst dxfi'ans hxr and shorn, | Qor I ren kxrj, | and, ts snrecj' bx mor, | Ai 1 kxrj and lord* ? | Bak* ts bi pu nicmsnt, | Fols fu*(jxtxv ! j and ts bi spxd ad wxrjz x , | Lsst wxb a qxp ov skorpxunz | I pursu* Ai lxrj*gurxrj, | or wxb wun strok ov bxs dart x | Strencj* ho*rur sxz bx, [ and parjz unfslf bxfor ." | So spek bs grx'zlx tsrur, | and xn cep, | So spx'kxrj and so drst'nxrj, | gru tsn'-fold Mor drsd'ful and dxforrn . | On bx u'bur sid, | Inssnst' wxb xndxgne'cun, I Se'tan stud PRa.KTXKAL LLUKUCUN. 327 Unte v rxfid, j and lik a ko'met burnd, i Aat firz be lend ov Qfxu'kus hue) j In bx ark'txk ski, | and from hiz ho'rxd har | Ceks pes'txlens and wor. | X6 at be hed x | Le'vxld hxz ded Ix em, ; | bar fetal handz | No se^kund strok xntend, ; | and su6 a frcpn Xt kast at bx u'bur, | az qen ts blak klcpdz | Wxb hevn'z artx'lurx frot, | kum rat'lxrj on Q'vur be Kas x pxan, | ben stand frunt ts frunt | Huvurxrj a spes, | txl wxndz be sxg'nal bio | Ts cjan bar dark enkqpn'tur xn mxd ar : | So frcpnd be mi'tx kom'batants, | bat Hel Gru dar v knr at bar frcpn, ; | so ma£t x be stud, ; | For ne'vur but wuns mor | woz x'bur lik Ts mxt so gret a fc3 v . | And ncp gret dxdz Had bxn a£xvd', | wharof ol Hel had run/, | Had not be sne'kx sor'sures | bat sat Fast bi Hel'-get, | and kept be fe'tal kx, | Rx'zn, and wxb hx'dxus cpt'kri ruct bxtwxn . | WUMUN. (KSVMEL.) In fja'us yud, qot sol had ne'vur non | 0ot i ,fxlii), tests harmonxus ts xts on, ? | Hs had not pozd qil Bu'tx'z pen'sxv i | Askt from hxz hart be ho'mecj ov a sr ? | Hs had not ond, wxb rap'6ur-smxtn frem, Aepq'urovgres', | be ma'fjxk ov a nem, ? | 323 PRAKTXKSYL ELfiKUCUN. Aor bx, purhaps', hs ba v ren harts avqv, | Kold az be roks on Tornxo'z ho'rx brepx ; | Aor bx, hsz luvles wxz'dum ne'vur feld, | In self'-adcorxn. prid sxkurlx meldv ; — | But tri'umf not x , yx pxs'-ena'murd Up ! | Fir', Ne^ur, JDx nxus, ne'vur dwelt wxb yu^ ! | For yu no fan'sx kon'sxkrets be sxn | Qor rap'6ur u'turd vepz, and wept bxtwxnv : | 'T xz yurz, unmsvd' ts ss'vur and ts mxtv ; | No plec] xz se'kred, | and no horn xz swxt v ! | Hs bat wud ask a hart ts dul v nes wed,, | Ae wevles kam\ | be slunvbur ov be ded v ? | No^ ; | be wild blxs ov ne'&jr nxdz aler, | And fxr and so'ro fan be fir ov cjou ! | And se, wxbept' cpr hops\, wxbept' epr fxrz^, | Wxbept' be horn bat pli'ted luv^ endxrz*, | Wxbept' be smil from par'cal bu^tx wun,, | Q qot wer man v ? — | a wurld wxbept' a sun N ! | Txl Hi'men brot hxz luv-dxli'ted epr, | Aor dwelt no cja xn Xden'z ro'zx bepmr ! | In ven be vu'les se'raf Ixrj'gurxr) bor, j At sta'rx mxd'nit 6armd be si'lent or ; | In ven be wild'-burd ka'ruld on be stxp, | Ts hel be sun slo qxdxrj from be dxp^ ; | In ven, ts ssb be so'lxtarx ced, | Ex'rxal nots xn mxrj'glxrj mejur pled\ ; | Ae su'mur wxnd bat cuk be span'gld trx N , | Ae qxspurxrj wev x ,|bs murmur ov be bx\; — | Stxl slo'lx past be me'lankolx de, | And stxl be strervejur wxst not qor ts stm : | As wurld woz sad\ 1 | be gar'dn woz a wild* ! | And man, be hur'mxt, sid — | txl wu man smile PRAKTIKaL LLQKIICUN. 323 SXNSKRXTX. (ti 4 lutsx.) Tru© and sxnse'rxtx | hav ol bx advan'tacjxz ov apxr' ans, and memx moor*. | If be ceo ov e'nx \krj bx gud, | I am clt be rxa'lxtx xz be tar; | for qi duz e'nx man dxsembl, | or sxm ts bx bat qx£ hx xz not% — | but bx- koz' hx xhqks xt gud [ ts hav- bs kwo'lxtxz hx prxtendz N ts> ? | Ncp be best we for a man ts sxnr ts bx e'nx bxrj, | xz ts bx xn rxa'lxtx q.ot hx wud sxnr ts bxv : | bxsidz, — | xt xz ofn az trublsum ts supcort' bs prxtEns* ov a gud kwo'lxtx, | az ts hav* xt : | and, xf a man hav xt not, | xt xz most lik'lx hx wxl bx dxsku'vurd ts wont N xt ; | and, ben, ol hxz le'bur ts sxm ts hav. xt, xz lost.. | Aar xz sunv&xrj unnatural xn pen'txrj, | qx£ a skxl'ful i | wxl x'zxlx dxzurn' from ne'txv bu'tx and kompleLcun. | Aer'fcor, xf e'nx man $xrjk xt konvxiryent tb'sxm gud, | let hxm bx seo xndxd* : | and ben hxz gud'nes wxl apxr' ts e'vurx wun'z satxsfaLcun. | Partx'kularlx, az ts bx aforz ov bxs wurld, | xnte'grxtx haS me/nx advan'tacjxz | co'vur ol bx artxfx'cal mcodz ov dxsxmule'cun and dxsxt v . | It xz mu6 be ple'nur and rzxur, — j mu6 be se'fur, and moor sxkur we ov dx'lxrj xn be wurld* ; | xt haz les ov tru'bl and dx x fxkultx, | ov entarj'glment and purpleks v - xtx, | ov dencjur and hazard xn xt . j Ax arts ov dxsxf and kumxrj | kontxn'yualx grco wx'- kur, and les surwxsabl | ts bcoz bat pra v ktxs bem ; | qoraz' xnte'grxtx genz strerjQ- bi yus* ; | and be mcor and loi]'gur e'nx man prak'txseft xt, | be gre'tur sur'vxs xt duz x hxm ; | bi konfur'mxrj hxz reputecun, | and en- ku'rxcjxrj bcoz wxb hsm hx haS ts ds, | ts rxpcoz' be 28* 330 P R A. K T X K & L ELQKUCUN. gre'test kon v fxdens in him ; | qx6 iz an unspx^kabl ad- vantacj xn bxz'nes | and bx aforz' ov lif. | But xnsmse'riti xz ve'ri tru'blsum ts ma^xcj. | A hx'pokrxt had sco me'ni dirjz ts atend' ts, | az mek hxz lif a ve'ri purplext' and imtriket dxrj v . | A li'ar had nxd ov a gud memcori, | lest hx kontradxkt' at wun tim, | qot hx sed at anu x bur ; | but trud xz ol'wez kon- sis^tent, | and nxdz nu'dxrj ts hslp xt cpt ; | xt xz ol'wez nxr at hand^, | and sxts upon' cpr lipsx ; | qoraz' a li iz tru^blsum, | and nxdz a gret me'nx racor ts mek xt Xn a wurd, | qotscoe'vur konvxn'yens me bx dot ts bx in fols'hud and dxsxmule'cun, | xt xz ssn o N vur ; | but bx xn'konvxnyens ov it iz purpe N 6ual ; | bxkoz' it brxrjz a man | un'dur an evurlas'txrj cje'lusi and susprcun ; | sco bat hx iz not bxlxvd' qen hx spxks be trudv ; | nor trus'ted qen, purhaps', hx mxnz o N nestli. | Qen a man had wuns forfxted be repute'cun ov hiz inte'grxtx, — | mrdxr) wil ben surv hiz turnv ; | nx'bur trud nor fols*- hud. | Indxd' if a man wer on'lx ts dxl in be wurld for a de, | and cud ne'vur hav okejun ts konvurs' mcor wxb mankind', | xt wer ben no gret ma^tur | (az far az rx- spekts' bx aforz ov bis wurld) | xf hx spent hxz repute'- cun ol at wuns v ; | or ven'Curd it at wun dro v . | But if hx bx ts kontxmyu in be wurld, | and wud hav bx advan'tacj ov repute'cun qilst hx xz in it, | let him mek yus ov trud and sxnse'rxtx | xn ol hxz wurdz and aiv- cunz : | for nu'bxrj but bxs wxl hrold cpt ts bx end,. | 01 u'bur arts me feK; | but trud and xnte'grxtx | wil ka'rx a man drs v , | and bor him cpt ts be last. | P R SL K T X K 9. L LLfilUJCUN. 331 AL YIJN'YUN OV AL STETS . [From an Mdres' dxh'vurd at Wo'cirjtun Si'ti, on be Sente'nial ov be Bur& ov Wo"cxrjtun'.\ (d. wkb x stiir.) Aor woz in be brest ov Wo'cirjtun | wun sen'txment dx'pli felts | sco kon'stantli u'purmcost, | bat no pro'pur oke'jun | eskept' wibcpt' its u^turans. — | From be le'tur qx6 hx sincl xn bxhaf' ov be konven'cun, | qen be kon- stxtu'cun woz sent cpt ts be px'pl, | ts be mco'ment qen hx put hxz hand ts bat last pe'pur, | xn qx6 hx adrest' hxz kun'trimen, | be yvwyun woz be gret obcjekt ov hxz \k)ts . | In bat furst le'tur, | hx telz bem bat ts him, | and hxz breb'ren ov be konven'cun, | yun'yun xz be gre'test xn'turest ov e'vurx tru Amea'ikan; | and, xn bat last pe'pur, | hx kontjurz' bem ts rxgard' bat yu'niti ov gu'vurnment, | qic kon'stxtuts bem wun px'pl, | az be ve'rx pale'dxum ov bor prospe'rxtx and seftx, | and be sxkxjTxtx ov lx'burtx itself. | Hx rxgar'ded be yun'yun ov bxz stets,|not sco mu6 wun ov cpr ble'sinz, j az be gret tre'jur-hcps qx6 kontend' bem oh | Hxr, xn hxz cjucj'ment, | woz be gret ma'gazxn ov ol cpr mxnz ov prospeTxtx ; | hxr, az hx Sot, | and az e'vurx tru Ame'rxkan stxl Sinks, | ar dxpo'zxted ol cpr ami- metirj prosvpekts, | ol cpr so'lxd hcops for fu'6ur greU- nes. | Hx haz tot us ts menten' bxs gu'vurnment, | not bi sx'kxrj ts enlarcj' xts pcp'urz on be wun hand, | nor bi suren'durxrj bem on bx u^bur; | but bi an admxnxs- tre'cun ov bem, | at wuns furm and mo.duret, | adap'- ted for ob'cjekts tru'Ix na cunal, | and ka'rxd on in a spiTit ov cjus'tis and e^kwiti. | 332 P R 21 K T X K A L LLfiKUCUN. Ax sxtrxnv solx'sxtud for bs prszurve'cun ov be yun'- yun, | at ol timz ma'nxfsstsd bi hxm, | cqz not con'lx 8x copxn'yun hx snturtend' ov xts yus'fulnss, | but hxz klxr purssp'cun ov baz ko'zxz | qx6 wsr li'klx ts sprxrj up ts sndeircjur xt, j and qx6, | xf wuns be cud ovurSrco' bs prs'zsnt sxs'tsm, | wud lxv Ix'tl hop ov s'nx fo'£ur bsnx- fx'cal rxyur^yun. | Ov ol bs prxzum'cunz xndulcjd' bi prxzum'cxius man, | bat xz wun ov bs ra'csst, | qx6 luks for rxpx'tsd and fe'vurabl oportirnxtxz, | for bs dxlx'buret ssta'blxcmsnt ov a yunitsd gu'vurnmsnt, | co'vur dxstxrjkt' and wid'lx sxtsn'dsd komumxtxz. | Su6 a Sxn. haz hapnd wuns xn hu'man aforz', | and but x wuns. : | bx xvsnf standz ept, | az a pro'mxnsnt skssp'cun ts ol ordxnarx hiSvtrari ; | and, unles' wx supoz' cprsslvz' ru'nxr) xn'ts an ecj ov mx'raklz, | wx me not sxpskf xts rspxtx.cun. | Wocxrjtun, bsr'for, | kud rxgard', | and dxd x rxgard., | nu'Sxrj az ov pa'ramcpnt polx'txkal xn'tursst, | but bx xntsgrxtx ov bs yun'yun xtsslf. | Wxb a yuni'tsd gu'- vurnmsnt, | wsl admx'nxsturd, | hx so wx had nu'Qxi) ts fxr ; | and wxbept' xt, nu'Qxrj ts hcop v . | As ssn'txmsnt xz c]ust v , | and xts mcomsn'tus truQ-cud so Ismlx xmprss' bs hcol kun.trx. | If wx mit rxgard' cpr kun'trx | az pur'sunetsd xn bs spx'rxt ov Wo'cxrjtun; | xf wx mit konsx'dur hxm az rsprxzsn'txrj hur, | xn hur past rxncpn', | hur prs'zsnt prosps'rxtx, | and hur fu'£ur karxr', | and az xn bat ka'raktur dxmairdxrj ov us ol, | ts akqmt' for cpr koir- dukt, az pcolx'txkal msn, | or az pri'vat sx^txznz, | hep cud hx an'sur hxm, | hs dwslz purps'^ualx on lovkal xn.turssts, | and fanz s'vurx kxn'dlxn. flem ov lo'kal prs.cj^dxs? | Hep cud hx an'sur hxm, | hs wud are' stet agsnst' stet v , | xn'tursst agsnst' xirtursst, | and par'tx PRftKTXK?\.L ELQKIJCUN. 333 agenst' partx, | kor'les ov be kontxn'yjuans ov bat yw- nxtx ov gwvurnment \ qx<$ hon'stxtvts us wun* pxpl. \ JDen'tlmen, | be pcolx'txkal prospe'rxtx qx6 bxs kun'trx haz atend', | and qx6 xt ncp encjaz', | xt haz akwird' men'lx $rs be xnstrumenta'lxtx ov bs pre'zent gwvurn- ment. | Qil bxs e'cjent kontxn'yuz, | be kapa'sxtx ov ate'nxrj ts stxl hi'ur dxgrxz' ov prospe'rxtx, | e^xsts' oJsco. | Wx hav, qil bxs lasts, | a pwlx'txkal lif, ke'pabl ov benxfx'cal e^urcun, | wxb pqyur ts rxzxst' or covur- kuur mxsfor6unz, | ts susten' us agenst' bx or'dxnarx ak'sxdents ov hu'man aforz%|and ts promcot', bi ak'txv cforts, | e'vurx pub'lxk xn^turest. | But dxzmem'burment | striks at be ve'rx bx'xn qx6 prxzurvz^ bxz fa^kultxz ; | xt wud le xts rud and ruS'les hand | on bxs gret e'gent xtself . | Xt wud swxp awe', not on'lx qot wx pozes', | but ol pcpmr ov rxge'nxn lost, | or akwir'xrj nir pozexunz. | Xt wud lxv be kun'trx, | not ori'lx bxreft' ov xts prospe'rxtx and ha'pxnes, | but wxbcpt' lxmz, or or'ganz, or fa x kultxz, | bi qx6 ts esnrf xtself hxraf tur, | xn be pursut' ov bat prospe'rxtx and ha*pxnes. | IJ'bur mxsfor'6unz me bx b»rn v , | or bor efekts' ovur- kum>. | Xf dxzas'trus wor swxp cpr ko'murs from bx co'cun, | anu'bur cjenure'cun me rxnup xt ; | xfxt eg-hosf cpr tre'jurx, | fu'^ur xndustrx me rxple^nxc xt; | xf xt desolet and le west cpr fxldz, | stxl, un'dur a nn kultx- ve'cun, | be wxl grco grxn agen*, | and ri'pn ts fu'cur han vests. | Xt wer but a tri'H, | x'vn xf be wolz ov yon'dur Ka'pxtol wer ts krunrrbl, | xf xts lof'tx px'larz cud fob, | and xts gorcjus dekcore'cunz bx ol ku'vurd bi be dust ov be vaJx. | 01 bxz mit bx rxbxlU I But hs cal rx'konstrukt be 334 PRaKTIKAL ELfiKIJCUN. fa'bnk ov dxmo'lxct gu s vurnmsnt ? | Hs cal rxr agsn' | bs wsl proporcund ko'lumz ov konstxtu'cunal hoburtx? | Hs cal frem tsgs'bur bs skxl'ful arkxtsk£ur | qx£ yu- nits' na'cunal suvrxntx wxb stet s rits,, | xndxvx'cjual sxku'rxtx and pub'lxk prospsa'xtx 1 \ No 1 , cjsnalmsn, | xf bxz ko'lumz fol, | be wxl bx rezd not agsn . j Lik bs Kolxsx'um and bs ParSxnon, | be wxl bx dss'txnd ts a morn'ful, | a ms'lankolx xmorta*- lxtx. | Bx'turur txrz, hcps'vur, wxl flo o'vur bsm, | ban wsr s'vur csd o'vur bs mon'yumsnts ov Ro'man or Grx^can art ; | for be wxl bx bs rsm'nants ov a mor glo'rxus s'dxfxs | ban Grxs or Ram s'vur so 1 — | bx s'dx- fxs ov konstxtu'cunal Ams'rxkan kxburtx. | But, c[sn'tlmsn, | 1st us hop for bs^tur \krjZw | Lst us trust xn bat Grecus Bx'xrj, | hs haz hx'burts held cpr kun'trx | az xn bs ho'lo ov hxz hand^. | Lst us trust ts bs vur'6u and bx xnts'lxcjsns ov bs px^pl, | and ts bx s'fxkasx ov rxlx'cjus oblxgecun. | Lst us trust ts bx xn'- flxjsns ov Wo'cxrjtun'z s^anivpl. | Lst us hop bat bat fxr ov Hsvn, | qx£ sxpslz 7 ol u'bur fxr, | and bat rxgard' ts du'tx, | qx6 transsndz' ol u'bur rxgard', | me xn'flusns publxk msn and pri'vat sx N txznz, | and lxd cpr kun'trx stxl on'ward xn hur ha'px karxr . | Ful ov bxz gra'txfixrj antxsxpe'cunz and hops, | 1st us luk forward ts bx snd ov bat ssn'curx qx£ xz nqp komsnst v . | A hun'drsd yxrz iisns, | u'bur dxsi'plz ov Wo'cxrjtun | wxl ss'lxbret hxz burd, | wxb no Iss ov sxnsxi" admxre'cun | ban wx ncp v komsanoret xt v . j Qsn be cal mxt, az wx ncp mxt, | ts ds bsmsslvz' and hxm bat o'nur, | so cur'Ix az be cal sx bs blu su'mxts ov hxz ne'txv mqn'txnz | riz xn bs hori'zun; | so curlx az be cal bxhold' bs rx'vur I on hsz banks hx lxvd, I and on FRlKTIKaL LLfiKKCUN. 335 hsz banks hx rests, | stil flo'irj ts be sx ; | so cur'li me be sx, | az wx ncp x sx, | be flag ov be Yunyun flo'tii) on be top ov be Kapxtol ; | and ben, az ncp v , | me be sun in hxz kors | vi'zxt no land mor ftx, | mor ha'px, | mor lirvlx, | ban bxs cpr on kunxtrx. | RXSLP'CUN OV KQLUM'BUS ON HIZ RXTURN TK SPEN'. (wO'CXIJTUN UR X VXIJ.) Ae fem ov hxz dxskirvurx had rxzcf nded Srscpt' be ne N cun ; | and, az hxz rcpt | le Ors se'vural ov be fi'nest and mG3st po'pulus pro'vxnsxz ov Spen, | hxz cju'rnx apxrd' lik be progresov asirvurxn. |Qore'vur hx past, | be surcpn'dirj kun'trx po^rd for$ xts inhabitants, | hs lind be rod and Srorjd be vrlicjiz. | In be larcj tcpnz, | be strxts ; wxn'doz, and bal'konxz, | wer fxld wxb x-gur spekte N turz, | hs rent bx or wxb aklame\Cunz. | Hxz cjurnx woz kontin'yuali xmpx'ded | bi be mul'- txtud | pre'sxrj t8 gen a sit ov hxm, | and ov be Im- dxanz, | hs wer rxgar'ded wxb az mu6 admxre'cun | az xf be had bin ne'txvz ov anu'bur pla*nxt. | It woz xm- po'sxbl ts sa'txsfi be kre'viij kurxo'siti | qxc aseld' him- self and hxz aten'dants, at e'vurx stecj, | wib inu'mu- rabl kwes^unz : | po'pular ru'mur, az yujual, | had eg-a'cjxreted be truS, | and had fild be nu'lx fcpnd kun'- trx wxb ol kindz ov wunxdurz. | It woz abcpt' be mxdl ov E'pril, | bat Kolum'bus arivd' at Barsilona, | qor e'vun prepare'cun had bin med | ts giv him a so'lem and magni'fisent rxsep^cun. | Ae bu'ti and sxre'niti ov be w^e'bur, | in bat cjx'nxal sx'zn and fe'vurd klimet, | kontri'buted ts giv splen'dur 33G PRJVKTIKaL LLfiKUCUN. ts bat me'murabl seTimonx. | Az hx dru nxr be pies, j me'nx ov be mor yuQ'ful kort'yurz, | and hxdal'goz ov ga'lant borxrj, | tsge'bur wxb a vast korj'kcors ov be po'pulas, j kem for& ts mxt and wel kum hxrn . | Hxz en'trans xn'ts bxs no'bl sx'tx | haz bxn kompard ts wun ov boz tri'umfs, | qxc be Rco'manz wer akus'- tumd ts dxkrx' ts korj^kururz. | Furst wer pareded bx Imdxanz, | pen'ted akordxrj ts bar sa'vxcj fa'cun, | and de'koreted wxb tro'pxkal fe'burz, | and wxb bar na'cu- nal ornaments ov gold* ; | af tur bxz wer born ve'rxus kxndz ov liv pa ruts, | t^ge'bur wxb stuft' burdz|and a'nxmalz ov unon' spx^cxz, | and ror plants', supozd' ts bx ov prs'cus kwoNlxtxz : | qil gret kor woz te'kn|ts mek a konspx'kuus dxsple' ov In'dxan koronets, | bres'lets, | and u'bur dekore'eunz ov gold, | qx6 mit gxv an idx'a ov bs welS|ov be nirlx-dxsku'vurd rxxejunz. | Af'tur bxz fo'lcod Kolum'bus, on hors v bak, | surqm'ded bi a brxl'- yant ka'valked ov Spa'nxc cx^valrx. | Ae strxts wer ol'most xmpa^sabl from be kqmt'les muktxtud ; | be wxn'dcoz and bal'konxz wer krep'ded wxb be for ; | be ve'rx rsfs' wer ku'vurd wxb spekte*- turz. | It sxmd, az xf be pub'lxk i kud not bx seated | wxb ge'zxrj on bxz trco'fxz ov an unnon' wurlds | or on be rxmarkabl man bi hsm xt had bxn dxsku^vurd. | Aor woz a sublx'mxtx xn bxs xvenf, | bat mxrj'gld a so'lem fxlxrj wxb be pub'lxk cja . | It woz lukt upon' az a vast and sxg'nal dxspense'cun ov Provxdens, | xn rxword' for be pixtx ov be mo^narks ; | and be macjes'txk and venurabl apxr'ans ov be dxsku'vurur, | so dx'furent from be yu& and bs'yansx | bat ar <^e'nuralx expek'ted from ro'vxrj en'turpriz, | sxmd xn har'monx wxb bs gran cjur and dx'gnxtx ov hxz acoc^ment. | P R fl. K T K K A L ELQKCCUN. 337 Ts rxsxv' hxm wxb swtabl pomp and dxstxrjkcun, | bssu'vurxnz had ordurd bar Sron ts bx plest xn pub^ lxk, | un'dur a rx£ ka'ncDpx ov broked' ov gold", | xn a vast and splsn'dxd salsn . | Hxr bs kxi) and kwxn awe'ted hxz ari'val, ( sx'tsd xn stet wxb bs prxns JDjtr'an bxsid* bem, | and aten'ded bi be dxgnxtarxz ov bar kort, | and bs prxn'sxpal nobx'lxtx ov Kastxh, | Va- len'cxa, | Kataiornxa, | and A x ragon, | ol xmpe'csnt ts bxhoid' bs man, | hs had kon'furd so xnkal'kulabl a bs'nxfxt upon' bs nexun. | At lsn& Kolum'bus sn'turd bs hols | surcpn'ded bi a brxlyant krc[d ov kavalxrzs | amun/ hsm, ssz Las Ka'- sus, | hx wuz konspx'kuus for hxz stet'lx and koman'dxi) pursn, | qx6, wxb hxz kqm'txnans rsn durd vs'nurabl bi hxz gre harz, | gev hxm bx ogust' apxrans ov a se r - natur ov Rouh. | A mo'dsst smil li-tsd up hxz fx v 6urz, | co'xn bat hx sncjad' bs stet and glo'rx xn qx£ hx kenr ; | and sur'txnlx nu'$xrj kud bx mor dxpdx ms'vxrj, | ts a mind xnflemd' bi nobl ambx'cun, | and kon'cus ov ha'vxn. gret'lx dxzurvd' | ban wsr bxz tsstxmo'nxalz | ov bx admxre'cun and gra'txtud ov a ne cun, | or ra'bur ov a wurldv. | Az Kolum'bus apro£t', bs su'vurxnz rozs | az xf rxsx'- vxn a pur'sn ov bs hisst rank,. | Bsn'dxrj hxz nxz, | hx rxkwss'tsd ts kxs bar handzv ; | but bar woz sum hszi- te^cun on be part ov bar ma'cjsstxz | ts purmxt* bxs akt ov va^salecj. | Re'zxrj hxm xn be most grccus ma'nur, | be or'durd hxm ts sxt hxmsslf' xn bar prs v zsns ; | a rar o'nur xn bxs prcr d and punktx'lxus kort. | At bs rxkwssf ov bar ma'cjsstxz, | Kolum'bus nqp gev an akcpnt' ov bs most stri'kxn xvsnts' ov hxz vo v xcj, | and a dxskrxp'cun ov bx i'landz qx£ hx had dxsku^vurd. | 29 338 PRftKTIKaL hLfiKIJCUN. Hx dxspled' be spe'sxmenz hx had brot | ov unncon'burdz and ubur a^xmalz ; | ov ror plants', |ov medx'sxnal and arcoma'txk vui\£u ; | ov ne'txv gold*, | in dust/, | in krud ma'sxz, | or le'burd xn'ts barba'rxk ornaments; | and, abuv ol, | be ne txvz ov bxz kun^trxz, | hs wer ob'cjekts ov intens' and xnes-hos'txbl xnJurest ; | sins bar xz nu'Sxrj ts man | so ku'rxus az be vari'xtxz ov hxz con spx^exz. | 01 bxz hx prconcpnst' mxr harbxncjurz ov gre'tur dxsku'vurxz | hx had yet ts mefc, \ qx£ wud ad relmz ov xnkal'kulabl welOjts be dcomxn ; yunz ov bar ma'cjestxz, | and hoi ne eunz ov pro'sxlits ts be tru fed;. I As wurdz ov Kolumbus | wer lxsnd ts wxb prcofq;nd' xmco'cun bi be su,vurxnz. | Qen hx had fo'nxet, | be sui]k on bar nxz x , | and re'zxij bar klaspt handz ts hevn, | bar iz fold wxb txrz ov cja and gra'txtud, | be pcord fcor$ Sarjks and pre'zxz ts God for so gret a pmvxdens ; | ol pre-zent fo'lod bar esamvpl ; | a dxp and so'lem enSu'- zxazm | purve'ded bat splen/dxd asenvblx, | and prx- ven'ted ol ko'mun aklame'cunz ov trrumf. Ax an'Bem ov Te Desm lepda'mss, \ Wanted bi be kwir ov be ra'al 6a'pel, | wxb be mdco'dxus akum'pa- nxmsnts ov bx instruments, | rcoz up from be mxdst, | xn a ful bo'dx ov se'kred harmconx, | barxr) up, az xt wer, | be fx'lxnz and Sots ov bx o'dxturz ts he*vn, J ' sco bat,' sez be venurabl Las Ka'sus, \ ' xt sxmd az if xn bat cpr be komu'nxketed wxb sxles x £al dxlits .' | Su6 woz be so lem and pi'us manur | xn qxc be brxlyant kort ov Spen | se'lxbreted bxs sublim' xvent, : | o'furxrj up a gret'ful trx'but ov ms'lcodx and prez> ; | and gx'vxi) glo'rx ts God for be dxsku'vurx ov anu'bur wurld . | Qen Kcolum'bus rxtird' from be ra'al pre'zens, | hx PRAKTXKA.L P. L Q K IJ C II N. 339 woz aten'ded ts hxz re'zxdens bi ol be krart*, | and fo'lod bi be cqvtiij po x pulas. | For me'nx dez v hx woz bx ob'cjekt ov yunxvur'sal kurxo^siti, | and qore'vur hx apxrd', | hx woz surqm'ded bi an admir'in muktxtud. | A'DAMZ AND DLTURSN. (wuRr.) In be struk'cur ov bor ka'rakturz ; | xn be kcors ov bar ak'cun ; | xn be stri'kxn kcDin'sxdensxz qxc markt bar hi karxr ; | xn be livz and xn be de8s* ov bxz xlus'- trxus men, | and xn bat vtxs ov admxre'cun and gra'- txtud | qxc haz sxns burst wxb wun akord', | from be twelv mxl'yunz ov frx'men hs px'pl bxz stets, | bar xz a mo'ral subix'mxtx qxc covurqelmz' be mind', | and hu'cxz ol its pcp'urz xn'ts si'lent amezanent. | Ae Yuropx'an, | hs cud hav hurd be sqmd |wxbcpt' aprxhen'dxi] be koz, | wud bx apt ts xnkwir', — | ' Qot xz be mx'nxn ov ol bxs* ? | qot hav bxz men duir | ts xlxsxt bxs yunan'xmus and splen'dxd aklame^cun? | Qi haz be hcol Ams'rxkan ne'cun rx'zn up, az wun mam, | ts ds bem o'nur, | and o-fur ts bem bxs enSuzxas'txk hom'ecj ov be hartv ? | Wer be mi/tx woryurz, | and woz 8e pxl bat wx hav hurd, be ccpt ov vxk'tcori ? | < Wer be gret koman'durz, | rxturnxrj from bor dxs'- tant korj'kwests, | surqm'ded wxb be spalz ov wor, | and woz bxs be scr- nd ov bor trium'fal projse'cun ? J Wer be ku'vurd wxb mar'cal glco'rx xn e nx formv, | and woz bxs be na'zx wev ov be mul'txtud, | ro'lxrj bak at bar aprcoc- V | Nu'&xrj ov ol bxs* : | Ngk ; | be wer pxs'ful and e'^edpa v trxuts, | hs, ha'vxrj survd bor kun'trx ts- 3 JO PRAKTIKM MD K L T CUN. ge'bur, | Ors bar lorj and yus'ful livz, | had nop surjk t^ge'bur ts be tsrru | Ae had not fot ba^tlz ; | but be had formd and msvd be gret macx'nurx, | ov qx6 ba'tlz wer goivIi a smol, | and. kompa'ratxvlx, trrvial konvsxkwens. | Ae had not koman'ded armxz ; | but be had koman'ded be mas'tur sprxrjz ov be ne^cun, | on qx£ ol its gret pcolx'txkal,|az wsl as mx'lxtarx msvments, dxpen^ded. | Bi be wxz'dum and e'nurcjx ov bar kq;n'selz, | and bi be portent mas'- turx ov bar spx'rxts, | be had kontrx'buted prxe'mxnentli ts prcodus' a mi'tx revolu'cun, | qx6 haz £encjd bx as ; - pekt ov be wurld . | A revcolu'cun qx£, xn wun-haf ov bat wurld, | haz olre'dx rxstcord' man ts hxz ' lorj lost lx x burtx ;' | and gu'vurnment ts xts con'lx lxcjx'txmet ob x cjekt, | be ha'px- nes ov be px^pl : | and. on bx u'bur he'mxsfxr, | haz 3ron a lit so strorj, | bat x'vn be dar'knes ov des v potxzm xz bxgx'nxrj ts rxsxd^. | Kompard wxb be so'lxd gla'rx ov an afovment lik bxs, | qot ar bat^lz, | and qot be pomp ov war, | but be psr and flx'txrj pa-'cjents ov a Qx^atur? | Qot wer be sehfic and petx stridz ov iUexamdur, | ts korjkur a Ix'tl sek'cun ov a sa'vxc] wurld 4 , | kompard' wxb bxs cje'nu- rus, bxs magnx'fxsent advans' | tco'ardz bx xmansxpe'- cun ov bx entir wurld ! | And bxs, bx xt rxmem'burd, | haz bxn be fat ov xn- telek^ual eermcun ! | be tri'umf ov mindv ! | Qot a prcpd tes'txmconi|duz xt bar ts be ka'raktur ov cpr ne'cun, | bat xt xz e'bl ts mek a pro'pur es'txmet | ov sur'vxsxz lik bxz^ ! | Aat qil, xn u'bur kun'trxz, | be sens'les mob fol dcpn xn stu'pxd admxre'cun, | bxfor' be blu'dx qxlz ov be korj'kurur — | x'vn ov be korj'kurur bi alrsxdent — | xn PRAKTXKA.L h L P. X II C II N. 311 bxs, cpr px'pl riz, wxb wan akord', | ts pe bor honrecj ts xn'tslskt and vuncu ! | Qot a 6xnrj plscj duz it giv ov be stabx'lxti ov cpr xnstitircunz, | bat qil abrod', | bs yet bxni'tsd mul'tx- tud j ar prostre'tirj bsmsslvz' bxfor bx i'dolz | qic bor on handz hav fa'cund mts kirjz, | hxr, xn bis land ov be frx, j cpr px'pl ar s'vuri qor startxrj up wxb wun xm'- puls, | ts folGD wxb bor aklame'cunz | bx asen'dirj spir- its ov be gret fa'burz ov bs rxpubjxk ! | Ais iz a spsk'takl | ov qic wx me bx purmrtsd ts bx prcpd v . | It o'nurz cpr kun'trx no lss ban bx xlus'trxus dsd 4 . | And kud bxz gret pa'tnuts spxk ts us from be tsm, | be wud tsl us bat be hav mor pls'jur in be tss'- timoni, | qi6 bxz o'nurz bor ts bs ka'raktur ov bor kun'tn, | ban in bat qi6 be bor ts bor individual sunvisiz. | Ae ncp sx az be wsr sxn, qil in bs bo'di, | and no bs ne'^ur ov bs fx'lirj from qi£ bxz o'nurz flon | It iz luv for luv . | It iz bs gra'titud ov an snli'tnd ne'eun | ts bs no'blsst ordur ov bsnifak.turz. | It xz bx con'lx glorri wurbi bx aspire'cun ov a cjs'nurus spirit. | Hs wud not prxfur' bis lx'vin tsm xn bs harts ov hxz kun'trx- msn, | ts bs prcp'dsst mosolx'um bat bs cjx'nxus ov skulp'cur kud xrsktv ! | Dcfursn and A'dainz wsr gret msn bi ne^ur. | Not gret and skssirtrik mindz, | 'cot mad'lx from bor sfxrz,' | ts afrit' bs wurld and ska'tur pss'txlsns xn bor kcors, | but mindz hsz strorj and sts'dx lits, | rxstrend' wibin' bor pro'pur orbits | bi bs ha'px paz ov bor karakturz, | kern ts £xr and gla-dn a wurld | bat had bin bs'nd for e'ejiz in palx'txkal nit v . | Ae wsr hsvn-kold avsn'cjurz ov dxgre'dsd man . i Ae 29* 342 PRaKTUCaL elqkucun. kem ts lift him ts be ste'cun for qi£ God had formd* himv, | and ts put ts flit boz I'diut supurstrcunz, | wib qi£ ti'rants had kontrivd' ts inQrol' hiz rx'zn and hiz li^burti. | And bat Bx'irj, hs had sent bem upon' bis micun, | had fi'ted bem, prxe'mmentli, for hiz glo'- nus wurkv. | Hx fild bar harts wib a luv ov kun'tn | qic burnd stron wibin' bem, x'vn in de&. | Hx gev bem a pcp'ur ov undurstan'din | qi£ no so N fistn kud ba^fl, | no art xludx ; | and a mo'ral he'roizm | qi£ no den'cjurz kud apoL | Karles ov bemselvz', | rek'les ov ol pur'sunal kon'si- kwensiz, | tram'plin un'dur fut bat pe'ti ambi'cun ov o'fis and o'nur, | qi6 kon'stituts be mas'tur pa'cun ov li'tl mindz, | be bent ol bar mi'ti pq/urz | ts be task for qic be had bin de^ligeted — | be frx'dum ov bar bxlu'ved kun^tri, .| and be restore'cun ov foln man . | Ae felt bat be wer apos'lz ov hu-man lrburti ; | and wel did be fulfil' bor hi komi\Cun. | Ae res'ted not til be had akom'- plict bor wurk at horn, | and givn su6 an im'puls ts be gret o'cun ov mind | bat be so be wevz ro'lin on be far 'best cor\|bxfor' be wer kold ts bar rxwordw | And ben left be wurld, hand in hand, | e^ul'tin, az be roz, xn be sukses' ov bor taburz. I ADRES' TK A YUJJ STLTDLNT. (viSE'SXMTIS NOXS D.D.) Yur pa'rents hav wo6t o'vur yur help'les in'fansi, | and konduk'ted yu,wib me'ni a pan, | ts an ecj at qi£ yur mind iz ke'pabl ov man'li imprsvMnent. | Aor solr- situd stil kontmyuz, | and no tru'bl nor expens' iz spard, | in gi'vin yu ol bx instruk'cunz and akom'- PR&KTXKAL UfiKKCUN. 343 plxcments | qx6 me ene'bl yu ts akt yur part in lif,|az a man ov polxct sens and konfurmd' vui\6u. | Yu hav, ben, | olre'dx kontrak'ted a gret det ov gra^txtud ts bem v . | Yu kan pe xt bi no u'bur me'Sud, | but bi yu'zxrj pro'purlx | bx advan'tacjxz qx£ bor gud'- nes haz aforded yxj . | If yur an ende'vurz ar dxfx'- cent, | xt xz xn ven bat yu hav tmturz, ] bu ks, | and ol bx exturnal apare'tus ov lxtura'rx pursuts ( . | Yu must Iuv v lunnxrj, | xf yu wud pozes* xU | In or'dur ts luv xt, I yu must fxl xts dxlits 1 ; | xn or'dur ts fxl xts dxlits', | yu must apli' ts xt,jh(pevur urk'sum at furst, ! kloslx, | koustantlx, | and for a konsx'durabl tim. | If yu hav rezolu'cun xnuf ts ds bxs, [ yu ka'not but luv' lunnxrj ; | for be mind ol'wez luvz bat | ts qx£ xt haz bxn so Ion, | ste'dxlx, | and vo'luntarxlx ata£t. | Ha'bxts ar formd, | qx6 ren'dur qot woz at furst dxsa- grx'abl, | not onlx ple'zant, but ne sesari. | Ple'zant, xndxds | ar ol be pabz qxc lxd ts polit' and e'lxgant lx^turatur. | Yirrz, ben, xz curlx a lot partx^kularlx ha.px. | Ylt ecjukecun xz ov sud a sort, | bat xts prxn'sxpal skop | xz ts prxpoi" yu ts rxsxv a rxfind' ple'jUr du'rxrj yur lif . | E'lxgans, or de'lxkasx ov test, | xz wun ov be furst oh'cjekts ov kla'sxkal dxsxplxn ; | and xt xz bxs fin kwo'- lxtx | qx6 o'pnz a nu wurld ts be sko'lar'z vu. | E'lx- gans ov test | haz a konek'cun wxb me'nx vurScrz, | and ol ov bem vur'duz ov be most e'mxabl kind^. | It tendz ts ren'dur yu at wuns gud and agrx^abl ; | yu must ber'for bx an e'nxmx ts yur on encjcrment, | xf yu en'- tur on be dx'sxplxn | qx£ lxdz ts bx atenment ov a kla'- sxkal and lx'bural ecjuke'cun wxb rxluLtans. | Val'yu 314 PK&KTXKAL ELfiKUCUN. du'lx bx oportu'nxtxz yu sncjau, | and qxc ar dxnid' te tkp'zandz ov yur fdco-krrcurz. | Bi le'xi) xn a stcor ov yus'ful no'kcj, | adornxr) yur mind wxb 8'lxgant lx'turatur, | xmprs'vxi] and sstab'lx cxrj yur kon'dukt bi vur'6uus prxn'sxplz, | yu ka'not fe) ov bx'xrj a kum'furt ts bcoz frcndz hs hav supcor ted yux, | ov bx'xrj ha'px wxbxn' yurself , | and ov bx'xi) wel rxsxvd' bi mankind^. | O'nur and suk'sss xn lif wxl pro'- bablx atendv yu . | Un'dur ol sur'kumstansxz | yu wxl hav an xturnal scors ov konscole'cun and enturten'- msnt, | ov qxc nco sub'lunarx. vxsx'sxtud kan dxpriv* yu . | Tim wxl ceo hep mu£ wi'zur haz bxn yur 6cxs | ban bat ov yur i'dl kompan v yunz, | hs wud glad'lx hav dron yu xn'ts bar ascosxe'eun, | or ra'bur xnts bar konspx'- rasx, | az xt haz bxn keold, | agsnst' gud manurz, | and agsnsf ol bat xz o'nurabl and yus x fijl. | Qil yu apxr xn seosi'xtx | az a rxspek'tabl and val'yuabl msm'bur ov xt, | be wxl, purhaps', | hav sa'krxfizd at be crin ov vanatx, | prid, | and extra'vagans, j and feols plejur, | bar hel$ and bar ssns^, | bar forcun and bor ka,rak- turz. I AKONT' KITRENT. (kNONXMUSe) Wwman, Dr. Q be wco bat wi n man brxnz* ! | Scors ov so'rco, grxf and pen x ! | 01 cpr x'vlz hav bar sprxnz, J In b£ furst ov Heme! trerix. I PRAKTXIt&L LLfiKUCUJf. 345 lv, bi x'txrj, led psr A'dam |
ov lif . | Rxd bxs Dsklare'cun at bs hsd ov bx armx : | s'vurx sord wxl bx dron from xts ska N bard, | and bs so'lsm vcp u'turd, ts menten^ xt, | or ts ps'rxc on bs bsd ov o^nur. | Pub'lxc xt from bs puhpxt ; | rxlx'cjun wxl aprsv v xt, | and bs luv ov rxlx'cjus lx'burtx wxl klxrj rcpnd 1 xt, | rx- zolvd' ts stand wxb xt, | or fol v wxb xt v . | Ssnd xt ts bs pub'lxk holz N ; | proklem xt bsr ; | 1st bsm hxr xt, | hs hurd bs furst ror ov bx sirxmx'z ka v nun ; | 1st bsm sx xt, | hs so bar bruburz and bar sunz j fol on bs fxld ov Burj'kur Hxh, | and xn bs strxts ov Lsxaqtun and PRaKTXKAL LLfiKIJCIIN. 351 Korpkord, | and bs v£'rx wolz' wxl kri cpt An xts su- port. | Sur, bxfor Gods | I bxlxv bx cpr xz kum.. | Mi cjuc]'- msnt aprsvz 1 bxs nicjur, | and mi hoi hart^ xz xn^ xt x . \ 01 bat I hav^ | and ol bat I am\ | and ol bat I hop', xn bxs lif, | I am ncp rs'dx hxr ts stek x upon\ xt^ ; | and I Ixv of az I bxgan 1 , | bat Ixv or di v , | surviv or pe rxc, | I am for be Deklare v cun. | It xz mi Ix'vxrj sen'txment ; | and, bi bs bk'sxrj ov God, | it cal bx mi drxrj s£mtx- ment ; | Indxpen'dens ncp N ; | and Indxplndlns for l'vur. I N01ED. (dx wxt klxn tun.) Ple'jur xz a ca*do : | W£l& xz va v nxtx : |andpcf'urxz a pa>cjunt : | but no'kc] xz sksta'txk xn £ncjcrm£nt — | pere nxal xn fern', | unlx'mxted xn spes', | and xn'fxnxt xn dumcun. | In be purformans ov xts se'krsd o'fxsxz, | xt fxrz no den v (jur — | sporz no txpens' — | omxts' no £g-uncun. | It skelz be mcpn^txn — | luks xnts' bs volke.- no — | divz xnts' bx o*cun — | purforets bx urvh — | wxrjz xts flit xn'ts bs skiz' — | snsurklz bs glob v — | £x- plorz' sx and land* — | kontsnrplets b£ dxstant^ — | ££ra'- mxnz be rnxnut — | komprxh£ndz' bs gret' — ] a'S£ndz ts b£ subline. — | No pies ts rxmot' for xts grasps — | no h£vnz ts £^ol't£d for xts tu£ . | 352 PRAKTIKSVL LLQKWCUN. LORD U'LIN'Z DQTUR. (Ka N MLL.) A cxp'txn ta bs Hi'landz bcpnd, | Kriz, " Bofman, ds not ta x rx ! | And I wxl gxv bx a sxl'vur pcpnd*, | Ts ro us o'ur bs ft\rx." " Ncp hs bx yx% wud kros Lokgik, | Axs dark and stor'mx wo^tur?" | " Q, I'm bs £xf ov llkva'z ik, | And bxs Lord Ll'lxn'z do.tur. | "And fast bxfor hur fa'bur'z men, | 0rx dez wx'v fled tsgs^bur, | For cud hx find us xn be glsn, | Mi blud wud sten bs hs^bur. | Hxz hors msn hard bxhind^ us ridx; | Cud be (pr steps dxsku'vur, | Asn hs wxl for mi bo'nx brid x | Qsn be hav slen hur lu v vur?" | tspek' be har'dx Hi'land wit, | " I'l go N , mi exf — I'm rs>dx : | Xt xz not for yur sxkvur brit, | But for yur wxn'sum le*dx : | And, bi mi wurd s ! bs bo'nx burd | Xn den'cjur cal not taTx ; | So, bo be wevz ar re'cjxrj qit x , | I'l ro yu o'ur bs fori." | Bi bxs bs storm gru lepd apes', | As wo'tur-reB- woz crxbxrj ; | And xn bs skcpl ov hsvn x£ fes | Gru dark az be wsr spxjarj. | PRAKTXKO.L ELQKUCUN. 353 Bat stxl az wildur blu be wind, | And az be nit gru drxr'ur, | Adcpn' be glen rod armed men*, | Aor tram'plxrj scpn'ded nxj-ur. | " Q hest* bx, hest v !" be le'dx kriz, | "Ao tem'pests rqpnd us ga'bur ; | PI mxt be re'cjxrj ov be skiz, | But not an arj'grx favbur." | Ae beat haz left a stor'mx land*, | A stor'mx sx bxfcor hun, — | Qen, o ! ts strorj for hu'man hand, | Ae tempest ga'burd co'ur hur . | And stxl be read amxdsf be rear | Ov wo'turz fast prxve v lxrj : | Lord U'lxn rx£t be fe'tal cor — | Hxz raft woz turnd ts weJxrj. | For sor dxzmed', Srs storm and ced, | Hxz £ild hx dxd dxsku x vur: | Wun luvlx hand ex street for ed, | And wun woz rcpnd hur luvvur. | " Kum bak v ! kum bak' !" hx krid xn grxf, | "Akros' bxs stor'mx wo tur ; | And PI forgxv* yur Hi'land 6xf, | Mi do'tur !— Q, mi do^tur !" | *T woz ve^ : | be lepd wevz lact be cor, | Rxturn' or ed* prxven\txrj : | Ae wo'turz wild went co'ur hxz 6ild, | And hx w r oz left lamenvtxrj. | 30* 354 PRftKTIKftL LLOKUCUN AL KAPTIV. [J2 Tra, wxb a drsd'ful crxk, | Hx qurlz a skorpxun hi xn an ! | Ho v rur !— | Ac rsp'txl striks hxz ts$ | Dxp xn mi hart x ,|sco kruct and sad* ! | A v y— laf, yx fxndzx !— |I fxl bs tru$ v ! | 'Txz dun ! |'txz dun, !-| [With a loud shriek.] Pm mad* !— |I'm mad, ! | [She dashes herself in frenzy upon the ground.] AE QXS'KURZ. (WUD WUR©.) Ae kxrjz, hs rul mankind' wxb ho'ti swe, | Ae prcp'dur pop', hsm xvn kxrjz* cabe , | Luv x , at hsz crin bco$ pops and mon v arks fol. And x'n SElf-xn^tursst, bat kontrwlz' bsm oh, I 3.18 PRAKTIKAL ELfiKWCUN. Pozss' a ps'txpqyWjqsn ol kombind*, | Kompord' wxb fa^cun'z xn'flusns on mankindv ; | For lav xtsslf wxl oft ts fa'cun bcp, | As fo'loxrj stGD'rx wxl konvxns' yu hcp x : | A ps'tx motr wsd a for, | Ov vurcu, wslS', and gre'sxz ror- ; | But. ven\lx had prxfurd' hxz Idem — | As me'dn ond no an'surxrj flem,. | At last, bi dcpt and arj'gwxc torn, | Suspsns', ts pen'ful ts bx born, Lo at hurfxthxhuni'blx nxld, | And bus hxz ardsnt Hem rxvxldx : " Px'tx mi grxf, anc|s'Ixk for, | Bxhold' mi arj'gwxc and dxspor v ; | For yu bxs hart must s'vur burn — | Q blss mx wxb a kind rxturn* ; | Mi luv no larj'gwxc| kan sxprss% | Rxword' xt bsn wxb haxpxnss ; | Nu'vhrj on urS^ but yu, I priz, | Ql sis xz trrflxrj xn mi iz ; | And ixr'fulx wud I rxzin' | As wsl& ov wurldz' ts kol yu min. | But, xf anu'bur gen yur hand, | Far dxs'tant from mi ne'txv land, | Far hsns from yu and hops I'l Ai> | And xn sum fo'rxn rx'cjun di v ." | As me'dn hurd, and bus rxplid^ : | " If mi konssnf ts bx yur brid v | Wxl mek yu ha'px, bsn bx blsst., | But grant mx furst wun smol rxkwsst^ ; | PRAKTHKaL ELQKHCUN. 359 A sak'rxfiz I must dxmand v , [ And xn rxturn' wxl gxv mi hand/' | "A sa'krxfiz ! Q spxk its nenv, | For yu I'd forfxt welS' and fem v ; | Tek mi heal for£un, — e'vurx sent." | " 'T woz sum'Birj mor ban weld" I merit." | " Must I be relmz ov Nep'cun tres ? | Q spxk be wurd — qore'ur be pies* : | For yu, bx i'dol ov mi sol, j I'd x'n explor be fro'zn pob ; | Arebxa'z san'dx de^zurts tredv, j Qr tres be Trgrxs ts xts hed\" j " Q no, dxr sur, I ds not ask | So loq a vo'ec], so hard a taskv ; j Yu must — but a ! be bsn I wont, j I hav no hop bat yu wxl grant v ." | " Cal I, lik Bo'napart, aspir' | Ts bx be wurld'z xmpx'rxal sir'? | Expres' be wxc N , and hxr I vcp | Ts pies a krepn upon' yur brcp v ." | " Sur, bxz ar trrflz," — ex rxplidv, — | " But, xf yu wxc mx for yur brid, | Yu must but stxl I fxr ts spxk — | Yu'l ne N vur grant be bsn I sxk^." | " Q sex !" hx krid, ** dxr encjel, se* | Qot I must ds, and I obe v ; | No lorj'gur rak mx wxb suspense ; | Spxk yur komandz', and send mx henSv." 360 PR&KTXK&L ELQKttCUN. * Wei, ben, dxr, cje'nurus yu& !" ex kriz, " If bus mi hart yu rx'alx priz, | And wxc ts lxrjk yur fet wxb min, | On wun kondx'cun I am bin. | 'Twxl ben bxkunv mi plx'zxrj du'tx | Ts kon'templet a huz'band'z budx ; | And, ge'zxrj on hxz man'lx fes, | Hxz fx'lxrjz and hxz wxcxz tresv ; | Ts ba'nxc bens xc mark ov kor, | And lit a smil ov plejur bar . | Q let mx ben, 't xz ol I ask, | Komens' at wuns be plx'zxn task, ; | let mx (az bxkumz' mi pies) | Kut bcoz hue) qxs^kurz from yur fes x ," | Cx sed — but o, qot strencj surpriz' | Woz pxk'curd xn hur lu'vur'z h, ! | Lik lit'nxrj, from be grcpnd hx sprun, | Qil wild amez'ment tid hxz turjs. | A sta'6u, mo v cunles, hx gezd, | Asto^nxct, hoTur-struk, amezd . | So lukt be ga'lant Pursxus, qen | Mxdu'sa'z vx^zxej met hxz ken, ; | So lukt Makbe&*, hsz gxl'tx i | Dxzurnd' an or'-dron da v gur nix ; | And so be prxns ov Den v mark stord, | Qen furst hxz fa'bur'z gost N apxrd . | At last err hx'ro si'Iens broks | And bus xn wil'dest ak'sents spok* : | " Kut of mi qxs'kurz ! — Q yx godz ! — | I'd ss'nur lsz mi xrz N , bi odz* ; I PRa.KTXK v ®x.) Nfi i bxheld' qsn Wxl'yam pluncjd | Yurj Ld'mund xn be strxnr; | No hu'man xr but Wxl'yam'z hurd | Yurj Edmund'z drep'nxrj skrxrn . | Submx'sxv, ol be va'salz ond | Ae mur'durur for bor lord* : | And hx, be rit'ful or, pozest' | Ae heps ov Urlxnfcord. | Ax en'cent heps ov Ur'lxnford | Stud xn a for doomem ; | And Se'vurn'z am'pl wo'turz nxr, | Roold Srs be fur'txl plen v . | And ofn be weforxrj man | Wud luv ts lxrj'gur bor, | Forget'ful ov hxz on'ward rood, | Ts gez on sxnz so for. | 31 362 PRftKTXK&L ELfiKMCUN. But ne'vur kud Lord Wxl'yam dor | Ts gez on Se'vurn'z strxm* ; | In e'vurx. wind bat swept its wevz, Hx hurd yui) Ld'mund skrxm* ! j In ven, at mxd'nit's si'lent q)r, | Slxp klozd be mur'durur'z izv ; | In e'vurx drxm, be mur'durur so | Yurj Ld'mund'z form ariz ! | In ven, bi rest'les kon'cens drxvn, | Lord Wxl'yam left hxz hom, | Far from be sxnz bat so hxz gxlt, | In pxl'grxmecj ts rcoin . | Ts u'bur klimz be pxl'grxm fled ; | But kud not fli dxspor — | Hx sot hxz ho3m agen v ; | but pxs | Woz stxl a stren y c]ur bar v . | Slco wer be pa'sxrj cprz, | yet swxft | Ae munSs* apxrd' ts rok; | And nq) be de rxturnd', bat cuk | Wxb te'rur, Wxl'yam'z sgdL | A de bat Wxl'yam ne'vur felt | Rxturn' wxbqpt' dxzme* ; j For wel had kon'cens ka'lendurd | Yurj Ldmund'z di'xrj de v . | A fxr'ful de woz bat ! | be renz | Fel fast, wxb tempest rcor, | And be s*wcoln tid ov Se'vurn spred Far on be le'vxl ccor.. I PRAKTXKAL LLfiKIJCUN. 363 In ven Lord Wxl'yam sot be fxst v ; | In ven hx kwaft bs boF, | And strov, wxb na'zx mur&, ts drcpn | Ax arj'gwxc ov hxz soh j As tsm'psst, az its su'dsn swsl | In gus'tx hcp'lxnz kem, | Wxb kold and dsQ'-lik fx'lxrjz sxmd ] Ts Srxl hxz cu'durxrj frein . I Rxluk'tant nop, az nit kem on, [ Hxz lon'lx kcp6 hx prsstx; | And, wx'rxd cpt, hx sunk ts slxps — | Ts slxp v , — | but not ts rsst v . | Bxsid' bat kcp£, hxz bru'bur'z form, | Lord Ld^mund, | sxmd ts standi — | Su6, and so pel, az qsn xn ds$ | Hx graspt hxz bru'bur'z hand ( | Su6, and so pel hxz fes az qsn, | Wxb fent and fol'turxrj tun, | Ts Wxl'yam'z kor, a dixrj 6anj, | Hx left hxz orfan sun v . | u I bad bx wxb a fa'bur'z luv | Mi or'fan Ld^mund gardv; — | Wsl, Wxl'yam, hast bcp kspt bi 6ar." | Hx startsd ups xc" lxm konvulst' | W r xb agoni'zxrj fxn ; | Hx on'lx hurd be storm ov nits — | 'T woz mirzxk ts hxz xn ! I 3G4 PRAKTXKftL ELfiKUCUN. Qen, lco ! be vqs ov lepd alarm' | Hxz xn'mcost so^l apolzv — | " Qotx, hco x ! | Lord Wxl'yam, riz in hest* ! Ae wo'tur saps bi w r olz» !" | Hx rcoz- in hest. — | bxnxb' be wolz | Hx so be fiud apxr ; | It hemd him rqmdv — | 't woz mxdnit ncp — Nco hirman ed woz nxr,. | Hx hurd be ccpt ov cjcr ! | for ncp | A bcot aprcoit' bs wok ; | And, x'gur ts bs wd'kum ed, | Ae krcpd for se'fti ob. | " Mi bcot xz smob," bs bcot'man krid^ ; | " 'T wxl bar but wum awe, ; j Kum xn, Lord Wil'yam, | and ds yx | In GodV prcotelocun ste.." | Strencj fx'lxrjz fxld bem at hxz vas, | X'n xn bat cpr ov wo, | Aat, sev bar Lord, bar woz not wun | Hs wxct wxb hxm ts goo . | But Wxl'yam Ixpt m'ts bs bcot, | Hxz te'rur woz sco scon ; | "Acp calt hav haf mi gcold x ," hx kridx, | " Hest ! — best' ts yon'dur ccor !" | Ae bcot'man plid bx cor ; | bs bcot | Went lit v alorj' be strxmv ; — | Su'dxn Lord Wxl'yam hurd a kri, ) Lik Ld'mund'z drcpivxq skrxnr ! | PRftKTIKM ELQKLJCUN. 365 Ae bcofman pozd — | " Mx$ot' I hurd | A 6ildV distressful lni !" | " 'T woz but be hcp'lxrj wmdz ov nit-," | Lord Wil'yam med rxpli^; | "Hest ! — hest* ! — | pli swift and stroq bx or ! | Hest* ! — hest akros' be strxm v !" | Agen* Lord Wil'yam hurd a kri | Lik Ld'mund'z drcpn'xn skrxrn ! | "I hurd a 6ild'z* distres'ful vasv," | Ae bcot'man krid agen v . | " Nev, hesn on* ! — be nit iz dark* — | And wx cud sur£ in ven ." | " Q Godx ! Lord Wil'yam, | dust bcp nco \ Hep dred'ful 't iz ts di' ? | And kanst bcp, wxbept pi'ti, hxr | A 6ild'z expir'irj kri'? | " Hep ho'nbl it iz ts sink | Bxnxb' be 6i'li strxnr, | Ts stre£ be pcp'urles armz in ven* ! | In ven for help* ts skrxm. !" | Ae crxk agen* woz hurd^; | It kem | Mcor dxp, fflor pxrsxrj lepdv; | Aat in'stant, o'ur be flud, be msn | Con Srs a brokn klcpd, ; | And nxr bem be bxheld' a £ildv; | Upon' a krag|hx stud, | A li*tl krag, and ol arcpnd' | Woz spred be ri'zirj flud^. | 31* 366 PRJVKTXKAL ELfiKUCUN. As bot'man plid bx or; | bs bcot | Apro6f hxz rss^txn pies, ; | As msn'bxm con upon' be 6ild, | And cod hep pel hxz fes t . | " Ncp rx£ bi hand*," | bs bot'man krid, | " Lord Wxl'yam, rx£ and sev* !" | As £ild strs£t ford hxz lx'tl handz, | Ts grasp be hand hx gev v . | Asn Wxl'yam crxkt*: — | bs hand hx tu£t | Woz kold, and damp, and dsdv ! | Hx fslt yurj Ld x mund xn hxz armz*, | A hs'vxur wet ban lsd v ! | " Hslp^ ! hslp v ! | for rmrrsx, hslpv," | hx krid*, As wo'turz rcpnd mx flo v ." | " No, — Wxl'yam, — | ts an xn'fant's kriz | No mur'sx dxdst bep cco ( ." As bot sunk dcpn\ — | be mur'durur sunk | Bxnxb' bx avsn'cjxrj strxnr; | Hx rozx — | hx skrxnuh — | no hu'man xr | Hurd Wxl'yam'z drqynxrj skrxrn . | NUM'BIIR WUE (From HvcVz ko'mxk £bnzjal, 183(K) It ? s vs'rx hard ! and so xt xz x ? | Ts lxv* xn su£ a ro*, | And wxt'nss bxs, bat s'vurx Mxs | But mx haz got a bo v . | PRAKTltKAL LLfiKUCnN. 3G7 For Luv gcoz kol'in up and dcpn, | But hxr hx sxmz ts cun x ; | I'm cur hx haz bin askt xnuf | Ts kol at Num'bur Wun' ! I I'm sxk ov ol be du'bl noks | Aat kum ts Num'bur For ! | At Num'bur ®rx I ofu sx | A lu'vur at bs dor ; | And wun in blu, at Num'bur Ts, | Kolz delx lik a dun v — | It 's vs'rx hard be kum so nxr, | And not ts Num'bur Wun! | Mxs Bel, I hxr, haz got a dxr | Lsfakt'lx ts hur mind*, | Bi si'txij at bs wxn'do pen | Wxbcpt' a bxt ov blindv ; ] But I go in bs bahkonx, | Qx6 ex haz nswur dun*, | Yet arts bat $riv at Num'bur Fiv | Dont tek v at Num'bur Wun, ! | 'Txz hard, wxb plsn'tx xn be strxt, | And plsn'tx pa'sxrj bi'— | Aor'z nis yun msn at Num'bur Tsm, But on'lx ra'bur ci ¥ ; | And Mrs. Smx& akros' be we | Haz got a gron up sun\ ; | But la N ! hx har'dlx sxmz ts no | Aor xz a Num'bur Wun, ! ! 36 8 PRaKTIKaL ELQKUCUN. Mi mu'bur ofn sxts at wurk, | And toks ov props and stez v , | And qot a kum'furt I cal bx | In hur dxkli'nxrj dezv ! | Ae ve'rx medz abcpt' be hq)s v | Hav set mx dcpn a nun, — | Ae swxt'harts q\ bxlorj' ts benr | Aat kol at Num'bur Wun ! | Wuns con'lx, qen be flu tuk fir, | Wun Fri'de afturnsn', | Yurj Mr. Lorj x kem kind'lx xn, | And tcold mx not ts swsnx. | Qi kan't hx kum agem wxbcpt' | Ae Fx'nxx and be Sum? | Wx ka'not ol'wez hav a flu | On fir at Num'bur Wun/ ! | I am not old ! ) I am not plem ! | Nor ok'ward xn mi get* ! | I am not krs^ked lik be brid | Aat went from Num'bur Et\ ! | I*m cur qit sa'txn med hur luk | Az brcpn az e'nx bum ! | But xvn bu^tx haz nco 6ans, | I &xi)k, at Num'bur Wun, ! | At Num'bur Sxx, be se, Mxs Rcoz Haz slen a skcar ov harts, | And Kupxd, for hur sek, haz bxn Kwit pro v dxgal ov dartSv. | PR&KTXK&L ELfiKMCUN. 369 Ax Xmp be co wxb bsn'dsd bco v — | I wxc hx had a gun ! j But xf hx had, hxM ns'vur den | Ts est wxb Numbur Wun, ! | It 's vs'rx hard i | and sea xt xz*, ( Ts lxv» xn su6 a roJ | And hxr'z a ba v Iad sxfyur kum | Ts a^gravet mi wo ( : | Q tek awe' yur fs'lxc soi) | And twnz xnuf' ts stun N — | Aor xz "ne luk abcpt v be hqps," | I no 1 , at Num'bur Wum! I AX ILZ OV GRXS. (bi^run.) [This song is supposed to have been sung by a Greek minstrel previous to the revolution of 1821.] Ax ilz ov Grxs* ! | bx ilz ov Grxs x ! Qor bur'nxrj Sa v fo luvd and suty, | Qor gru bx arts ov wor and pxs% — | Qor Dx'los roz, and Fxbus spruq^ ! | Xturnal su'mur gxldz bem yeV ; | But oi, eksepf bar sun xz set v . 1 As Si'an and bs Tx v yan muz, | As hx'rco'z harp*, | bs lu'vur'z lut, | j Hav fcpnd bs fern yur corz rxfuz x ; | Aor pies ov bur$ alon' xz miit | Ts sqmdz qx6 s'kca fur'bur west | Aan yur sir'z " I'landz ov be Blsst/' | 370 PRaKTIKftL ELfiKIJCTIN. Ae mcpn'txnz luk on Ma'ra&on — | And Ma'raQon luks on be sx x ; | And mu'zir) bor an q)r alon', | 1 drxmd bat Grxs mit stxl bx fix ; | For stand'xi) on be Purcanz' grev, I kud not dxm miself a slev^ | A kxi} sat on be ro'ki brcp | Qxc luks co'ur sx'-born Sa^lamxs ; | And cxps, bi Scpzandz, le bxlco', | And men xn ne x cunz;— |ol wer hxzj | Hx kc^n'ted bem at brek ov de — | And qen be sun set, qor wer be r \ | And qor ar be ? | and qor art bcp\ j Mi kunttri 1 | On bi vas'les cor | Ae hxrcoak le xz tuirlss nq>— | As hxrorxk bs'zum bxts nco moor ! | And must bi lir, so lorj dxvin ; , | DxcJe J nuret xn'ts handz lik min' ? | 'T xz sum'^xi), xn be durS ov fern, \ Ao Ixnkt arau]]' a fe v turd res, | Ts fxl at lxst a pa'trxut's eem, | X'n az I sxn, sufuz' mi fes> ; | For qot xz left be pco'et hxr ? | For Grxks, a bluc v — | for Grxs, a txr . j Must wx but wxp co'ur dez mcor blest ? | Must wx but blue 1 | €>r fa'burz bled*. | UrS ! ren'dur bak from cpt bi brest | A renrnant ov qpr Spartan ded. ! | Ov be Orx hun'dred, grant but Srx v , j Ts mek a nu ©urmovpxlx ! ( PRA.KTXKA.L E L Q K U C U N. 37. Qotv ! | si'lent stxl ? | and si'lent ol ? | A ! no* ; — | be vci'sxz ov be ded | Scpnd lik a dxs'tant to'rent's fol, | And an'sur, | " Let wun lx'vxn hed, | But wun ( ariz', — | wx kunL, | wx kunr !" | 'Txz but be lx^vxq hs ar dum*. | In ven v — | xn ven* : | strik u^bur kordz* ; | Fxl hi be kup wxb Se'mxan win* ! | Lxv ba'tlz ts be Turkic hordz\, | And ced be blud ov Si'co'z vin* ! | Harkv ! | ri'zirj ts bx ignwbl kol — | Hep an'surz x£ bcold Ba^kanal ! | Yu hav be Px'rxk dans" az yet ; | Qor xz be Px'rxk felarjx gon/f | Ov ts su6 le'snz, qi forget' | Ae nwblur and be man v lxur wun ( ? | Yu hav be le'turz Kad'mus gev* — | 0xrjk yu hx ment bem for a slev? | Fxl hi be bcol wxb Se'mxan wiir ! | Wx wxl not $xrjk ov Sxmz lik bxz v ! | It med Ana'krxon'z son. dxvin* : | Hx survd — | but survd Pcolx^kratxz — | A tyrant ; | but cpr mas'turz ben | Wer stxl, at lxst, cpr kuirtrxmen. | Ae ti'rant ov be Kursunxs | Woz frx'dum'z best and bre'vest trend* ; | Aat ti'rant woz Mxltradxz ! | Q, bat be pre'zent cpr wud lend | Anu'bur des*pot ov be kind* ! | Su6 cenz az hxz wer cur ts bind.. | 372 PRAKTXKAL LLfiKUCUN. Fxl hi bs bol wxb Se'mxan win N ! | On Ss'k'z rok, and Par'ga'z cor, | Exists' bs rsm'nant ov a lin | Su6 az bs DoYxk mu N burz bon; | And bor, purhaps , sum sxd xz son, | As Hsrakli v dan blud mit on. | Trust not for frx'dum ts bs Franks* — | Ae hav a kxrj hs biz and sslz* : | In ne^txv sordz, and ne'txv rarjks x , | Ax on'lx hop ov ku'rxcj dwsta : | But Tur'kxc fors, and La'txn frod, | Wud brek yur cxld, hcps'vur brod v . | Fxl hi bs bol wxb Se'mxan wim ! | xrjk sue brssts must su'kl slevz v . | Pies mx on Su'nxum'z rnar'bl stxp, | Qor nu'&xrj, sev be wevz and I, | Me hxr q>r mutual mur'murz swxp v ; | Aor, swon x -lik, let mx sxrj and dj\ '. \ A land ov slevz cal ns'ur bx mim — | Dae depm yon kup ov Se'mxan wi^ ! | MiKGRKGUR. (hog.) " Ma.KGRE'GUR, Makgrs'gur, rxmsm'bur cpr fcrmsn ; As msn ri'zxz brod from bs brcp ov Bsn-Lo^mun* ; | * The d in Lomond is pronounced in the English dialect ; in the Scottish, it is PRAKTXK&L ILfiKKCUN. 373 As klanz ar xmpe'csnt, and cid bi dxta, | Ariz v ! | 1st us bcpnd ts Glsn-Liun awe/' | Sturn skcpld bs Makgrs x gur; | bsn silsnt and sudxn, j Hx turnd hxz rsd i ts bs brez ov StraSfx^lan ; | ** Go, Mal'kum, ts slxp^ ; | 1st bs klanz bx dxsmxst* ; | As Ka'mslz bxs nit for Makgrs'gur must rsst v ." | " Makgrs'gur, Makgrs'gur, cpr skcpts hav bxn fli'xrj, | ®rx dez, rqmd bs hxlz ov Mak-Nab' and Glsn-Lrun ; | Ov ri'dxn and run'xn, sue ti'dxnz be bor | Wx must mxt bsm at hormsls be'l kwxk'lx bx hxr ." | "As Ka'msl me kum, az hxz pro'mxsxz bind v hxm, | And ho'tx Mak-Nab wxb hxz cji'ants bxhind* hxm ; | Axs nit I am bcpnd ts rxlxrj'kwxc bs fre, | And ds qot xt frx'zxz mi vi'talz ts se^. | Forgxv mx, dxr bru'bur, bxs ho'rur ov mind ; | Acp no'st xn bs strif I woz ns'vur bxhind*, | Nor s'vur rxsxdsd a fit from bs vam, | Or blsnct at bx ir or bs prcp v ss ov man . | But Pv sworn bi bs kros\ | bi mi God M | and bi oh ! | An o& qx6 I ka'not, and dor not rxkok, — 8r bs ca'doz ov mxd'nit fol xst from bs pil, | Ts mxt wxb a spx'rxt bxs nit xn Glsn-GiL | " Last nit, xn mi £em'bur, | ol B^ot'ful and Ion | I kold ts rxmsm'brans sum dxdz^I had dum, | Qsn sn'turd a ledx, | wxb vx'zxcj so won, | And luks, su6 az nsvur wsr fasnd on man . | I nu v hur, o brubur ! | I nu hur ful wsl ! | Ov bat wuns for dem sue a tel I kud tsl | Az wud Srxl bi bold hart^ ; | but hep Ion ex rxmend', j So rakt woz mi spx'rxt, | mi bszum so pend, | 32 374 PR&KTXKkL RLfiKUClIN. I no^ notv— | but e^xz sxmd cort* ts be qil v . | Ao pro'fur be Hrlandz, | ne, ol be Grxn IP, | Wxb len& ov eerxs'tens no man kan en(Jcr, | Ae sem ts endur', | be dred pro'fur I'd fir ! | Ae $ris-$retnd parjz ov last nit ts forgo', | Makgre'gur wud div ts be man'cunz bxlo v . | Dxspor'xrj and mad, | ts futu'rxtx blind, | Ae pre'zent ts cun, | and sum res'pit ts find, | I swor, or be ca'do fel xst from be pil, | Ts mxt hur alon' bi be bruk ov Glen-Gil. | " Cx told mx, and turnd mi cxld hart ts a ston*, | Ae glo'rx and nem ov Makgre'gur woz gon, ; | Aat be pin, qxc for ccjxz had ced a brit he'lo, | Afar' on be mcpn'txnz ov Hi'land Glen-Fe'lo | Cud wx'bur and fol or be turn ov yon msn x , | Smxt Brs bi be karj'kur ov he'ted Kolksnx : | Aat a fxst on Makgre'gurz xc de cud bx ko'mun, | For yxrz v , | ts bx x'glz ov Le-nux and Lwrnun. | "A partxrj embres', xn wun mo'ment, cx gev ; | Hur bre& woz a firrnxs, | hur bs'zum be gre\\ ! | Aen flxfxrj xlu'sxv, | cx sed, wxb a frcpn, | 'Ae mi'tx Makgre'gur cal yet bx mi on !' " | " Makgre'gur, bi fan'sxz ar wild az be wind 1 ; | Ae drxmz ov be nit hav dxzor'durd bi mind. | Kunr,bu'kl bi pa^noplx — | marc ts be fxld., — | Sx, bru'bur, hep hakt ar bi hel'mxt and cxldv ! | A*y, bat woz Mak Nab, xn be hit ov hxz prid v , | Qen be li'unz ov Do\kart stud furm bi hxz sid v . | Axs nit be prepd 6xf hxz prxzum'cun cal nr, | Riz v , bru'bur, | bxz 6xnks xn hxz hart'-blud wxl gluv PRMiTIKM LLilKIJCUN. 375 Ai fantasxz frit'ful cal flit on be wxn x , | Qen lcpd wxb bi bu'gl Glen-Liun cal rxn v ." | Lik glxmps ov be msn Srs be storm ov be nit x , | Makgre'gur'z red i ced wun sparkl ov lit : | It fe v ded — | it darknd — | hx cirdurd — | hx sidv — | " Nov ! not for be yumvurs !" | lo hx rxplid . | Awe' went Makgre'gur, | but went not alon ; | Ts woe be dred ran'dxvs, | Mahkum haz gon*. | Ae 03rd be brod Lo'mun, so stxl and sxrxn ! | And dxp xn hur bs'zum, hep o^ful be sxnv ! | Q'ur mqm'txnz xnvur'ted be bin wo'turz kurld, | And rokt bem on skiz ov a far ne'bur wurkL I Ql si lent be went, | for be tim woz apro^cxr), | Ae msn be blu zx'nxft olre'dx woz tn£xn. ; | Nod fut woz abrod' on be fo'rest or hxl% | No scpnd but be lu'labi sur] bi be rxk ; | Yun Mal'kum, at dxs'tans, krcp6t trem'blxn be qil — j Makgre'gur stud Ion bi be bruk ov Glen-Gih | Fu mx'nxts had past, or be spid on be strxm, | A skxf se'lxrj lit, qor a le x dx dxd sxm. ; | Hur sel woz be web ov be go^samur'z Ism, | Ae glo'-wurm hur weHit, | be ren'bo hur bsniv ; | A dxm re'les bxm woz hur prep and hur mast, | Lik woDld'-fir, at mxd v nit, bat glorz on be west v . | Ao ruf woz be rx'vur wxb rok and kasked v , | No to'rent, no rok, hur vxlo'sxtx stedv ; | Cx wxm'pld be wo'tur ts we'bur and Ix v , | And hxvd az xf born on be wevz ov be sx,. | Mut Ne'bur woz rqpzd xn be bcpndz ov be glen x , | Ae wild dxr ov Glart'nx aban'dund hxz den, I 376 PRaKTIKAL LLfiKIJCUN. Fled pant'xrj awe', GD'vur rx'vur and il», | Nor wuns turnd hxz i ts be bruk ov Glen«Gh\. j Ae fox fled An te rur ; | bx x'gl awcak', | Az slum'burxrj hx dozd xn be celf ov be rok, | Astomxct ; | ts hid xn be msn'-bxm hx flu, | And skrud be nit'-hevn txl lost xn be blu x . | Yurj Mal'kum bxheld' be pel le'dx aprofr, | Ae dxftxn salut x hur, | and crxrjk from hur tuc\. | Hx so be Makgre'gur nxl depn on be plen, | Az beg'xrj for sum'Sxrj hx kud not obten* ; | Cx rezd hxm xndxg v nant, | dxri'ded hxz ste', | Aen dot hxm on bord > | set hur sel, and awe v . | Aq fast be red bark depn be rx'vur dxd glid, | Yet fas'tur ran Mal'kum adepn' bi xts sid> ; ] " Makgre v gur ! | Makgre'gur !" | hx bx'turlx krid* ; j " Makgrevgur ! | Makgre gur \" | bx ekcoz rxplid v . | Hx struk at be le^dx ; | but, strencj bca xt sxm, | Hxz scord on'lx fel on be roks and be strxmv ; | But be grconz from be beat, bat asen'ded amen', | Wer gronz from a bs'zum xn ho'rur and pen.. — | Ae rx6t be dark lek, and dot lit'lx awe*; | Makgre'gur xz va'nxct for e'vur and e^ ! | AE GKS : OR NE"CLTR AND FILO SQFL (&N0NXMU9.) Pkr Fri'ar Fxlxp lost hxz wif , | Ae 6arm and kum'furt ov hxz lif. | Hx mornd hur not lik mo v durn men, | For le'dxz wer wur9 hav^xrj ben,. | PRAKTXKSVL LLQKUCUN. 377 As wurld woz ohturd in hxz vir, | Q\ Sxrjz put on a y#ka hv/. \ Xvn le x dxz, | wuns hxz 6xf dxlits | Wer ncp ofen^sxv ts hxz sk — | In cort, hx pind and lukt so xl, | As dok'tur hopt ts get a bib. | At last hx med a vcp ts fli v , | And hid hxmself from e'vurx I» — | Tek up hxz lo'(jxrj xn a wud v , | Ts turn a hurmxt, | and grco gud 4 . | Hx had a 6ild* ncp, yu must no, | Abcpf a twelv-munft cold x , or son: | Hxm Fi'Iip tuk up in hxz armz, | Ts sna£ hxm from ol fx'mel ^armz 1 , — | Inten'dxq hx cud ne'vur no | Aor wer su6 ftxrjz az gurlz v bxlov ; | But lxd an o'nest hurmxt's lif — " For," sed hx, " hx mit lsz 1 hxz wif ." j As pies hx 6coz for hxz rxtrxt', | Woz wuns a li'un'z kunta sxt. | Far xn a wild roman'txk wud v , | As hurmxt's Ix'tl ko'tecj stud, | Hid bi be trxz from hu'man vux-— | As sun himself kud skors get Srs^. | A li'tl gar'dn, txld wxb kor, | Suplid' bem wxb bor de'lx fon : | Free wo v tur-kre*sxz from be sprxrp, | Tunnips and grxnz v , or sum su£ Oxrj' — | Hur'mxts dont kor mu6 qot be xt ; | And apxtit' kan mek xt swxt v . | 32* 378 P R ft K T X K ft L LLnKIJCltN. 'T woz hxr cpr lx'tl hurmxt gru. | Hxz fa'bur tot hxm ol hx iilt ; | Adap'txn, lik a 6xr'ful secj, | Hxz lesnz ts be pu'pxl'z e^. | At fiv yxrz old hx cod hxm flcpmrz, | Tot hxm bar ve'rxus nemz, and pcpmrz ; Aen tokt ov li,unz, wulvz v and barz, — | Axqz 6xl'dren hxr wxb ol bar xrz* ; | Tot hxm ts bio upon' a rxd v , | Ts se hxz prarzs and get be krxd . | At ten hx lsk'durd hxm on urbz* | (Be'tur ban lur'nxn ncpnz and vurbz), | As nemz and kwo'lxtxz ov trxz x , [ Ma'nurz and kus'tumz ov be bxz*, | Aen tokt ov as^turz ful ov purlz* ; | But not a wurd^ abcpt' be gurlz v . | At fxf'txn yxrz, hx turnd hxz iz | Ts vu be wun'durz ov be skizv : | Kold ol be starz bi bor rit nemz*, | Az yu wud kol on Don or JDemzv ; | And cod hxm ol be sinz abuv x ; | But not a qxs v pur abcpt' luv v . | And ncp hxz sxx s txn& yxr woz ni ; | And yet hx had not lurnd ts si v ; | Had slxp and a'pxtit ts spar ; | Hx kud not tel be nenr ov kor'; | And ol bxkoz' hx dxd not. no | Aor wer sue &xnz az gurlz x bxlo . | But ncp a tempest recjd arcpnd, — | Ae hurmxt's lx'tl nest woz drcpnd v : | PEMvTKKaL ELfiKIJCUN. 379 Gud bi ben ts psr Fx'lxp's krop^ — | It did not lxv a turnxp-top. | Psr Fxlxp grxvd, and hxz sun ts- ; | Ae pred x — | be nu not qot ts ds\ | If be wer hunmxts, be must lxv y ;| And wulvz hav not mu6 amz x ts gxv . | Ncp, xn hxz ne'txv tcpn, hx nu | Hx had dxsrplz, | rx£ wunz ts, | Hs wud not 1st hxm beg xn ven x , | But set be hurmxt up x agen v . | But qot ts ds wxb hxz yuq sun* — | Pre tel mx qot wud yu v hav dun ? | Tek hxm ts tcpn, hx woz afred* ; | For qot xf hx cud sx a med t ? | In luv, az cur az hx had iz*; | Aen e'nx kwon'txtx ov siz v ;| Lxv hxm at hcom — be wulvz, be borz x ! | Psr Fx'lxp had a fabur'z fxrz v . | In cort, hx nu not qot v ts ds v ; | But dot at last ts tek hxm ts*. | And so, wxb tru'lx pi'us kor, | Hx meks a gud lon-wxn'ded pror* ; | Inten'ded az a sort ov 6arm | Ts kxp hxz dar'lxrj lad from harm*; | Aat xz, from prx'tx le'dxz' wilzs | Lspe'calx bor iz* and smilz* ; | Aen bruct hxz kcot ov sx'lvur gre* ; | And ben yu sx bem on bor we. | It woz a tcpn, be ol agrx', | Qor bor woz e-vurx dxn ts sx\\ 380 PRSYKTXK&L ELQKLJCUN. Az pemtxrjz, | sta^uz, | and sccp on — | Ql bat men luv ts luk* upon v . | , \rs boor, mxd snco and is, A ba'nur wxb bxs strentj dxviss Lkssbsxor ! Hxz brcp woz sad x ; hxz i bxnxb' Flact lik a fal'cun from xts c*S v , And lik a sxl'vur klarxun rurj Ax akssnts ov bat unncon' turj, Lkssbsxor ! In ha'px homz hx so bs lit Ov hcps'hcold firz glxm worm and brit* Abuv, be spsk'tral gle v cxrz con, And from hxz Ixps sskepf a grcon, Lkssbsxor ! " Tri not bs pas* !" bx cold man ssd^ ; " Dark lcpmrz bs tsm'psst covurhsds As roor'xrj to'rent xz dxp and wid% !" And lcpd bat kla'rxun vos rxplid', Lkssl'sxor ! PRSV-KTIKAL RLC1KIJCUN. 385 "Q stes" be medn sed, " and rest Ai wx'rx hed upon' bis brestvl" A txr stud xn hiz brit blu i, But stxl hx an'surd, wxb a si, Lksel v sxor ! " Bxwor be pin trx'z wi'burd branc* ! Bxwor' bx o'ful a v valanc !" Axs woz be pedant's last gud-nitv ; A vqs rxplid', far up be hit, Lksefsxor ! At brek ov de, az hevn'ward Ae pi'us murjks ov Sent Burnard Ut'urd bx oft rxpxt'ed pror, A vqs krid Srs be start'ld or, Lksei'sior ! A tra'vxlur, bi be feS'ful hcpnd, Haf-beTid xn be sno? woz fcpnd, Stxl grasp'xi) xn hiz hand ov is Aat ba'nur wxb be stren^ dxvis', Lkselsxor ! Aor, xn be twi'lit kcold and gre, Lif'les, but bu'tiful, hx le, And from be ski, sxrxn' and far, A vqs fel, lik a fol'xq star! LkseFsxor I 33 ^6^ ; ^Di 9 ELOCUTION TAUGHT — STAMMERING CURED. Q § DR. COMSTOCK'S YOCAL GYMNASIUM, No. 102 AKCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which has heen in successful operation since 1828, is designed for the Promotion of Health, the Core of Stammering and Defective Articulation, for Instruction in Elocution and Phonetics, and for the Acquisition of Ancient and Modern Languages. In this Institution, Elocution is treated as a science, as well as an art. The various movements of the voice, hoth in speech and song, are illustrated by original diagrams and by oral instruction. The exercises give the pupil complete command of the mus- cles of articulation, extend th? compass of the voice, and render it smooth, powerful, and melodious. They not only call forth all the energies of the vocal organs, correct stammering, lisping, and other impediments of speech, but they invigorate the lungs, aud, consequently, fortify them against the invasion of disease. The vocal exercises are not unfrequently accompanied by gesticulation, or the use of the dumbbells. Hence, to a certain extent, general gymnastics are associated with those of the voice; and awkwardness of manner and posture is removed by the substitution of rhetorical grace. In other words, all the voluntary muscles of the trunk and limbs are so trained as to move in the order required by the will, synchronously and harmoni- ously with those of the voice. TICKETS PER COURSE. For Instructing the Dumb to Speak 1 year $1000 Instruction for the Cure of Stammering 10 weeks 100 Correction of Defective Articulation 50 private lessons 50 Private Instruction in Elocution 30 lessons, each 1 hour 30 Instruction in Elocution, in a class 60 lessons, each 1 h. 30 min.... 30 Instruction in Elocution, in the evening class.. 30 lessons, each 1 h. 30 min.... 15 Instruction in Languages , 30 lessons, in a class 15 4®~ The ticket, in each case, to be paid for in advance. Board, in the Institution, from $5 to $10 per week, in advance. JOS^- No one can become a pupil in the Vocal Gymnasium, who spits on the floor, or is not otherwise cleanly in his habit — no member of the Institution is allowed to use tobacco in any form. ANDREW COMSTOCK, M.D, Principal, No. 102 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. @G£ sv z£Gk DR. A. COMSTOCK'S WORKS. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, No. 102 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Comstock's System of Elocution, with special reference to Gesture, fce the Treatment of Stammering, and Defective Articulation ; comprising nearly 300 Diagrams and Engraved Figures illustrative of the subject. Price, $1 ; postage, 17 cents. Comstock's Phonetic Speaker, a reprint of the System of Elocution, in the Author's Perfect Alphabet. Price, $1; postage, 17 cents. Comstock's Phonetic Reader; consisting of a Selection of Pieces, Classical and Moral, in Prose and Verse, in both the Old and the New Alphabet. Designed for Schools, as well as for individuals, whether natives or foreigners, who wish to acquire the true pronunciation of the English Language. Price, $1 ; postage, 17 cts. Comstock's Phoneticon, a large Chart, comprising—; first, the Elementary Sounds of the English Language— second, numerous Engravings, showing the best posture of the mouth, in the energetic utterance of the elements — third, a Perfect Alphabet, graphic and typic— fourth, Exercises in Pitch, Force, and Melody— -fifth, Exercises in Gesture. Mounted on rollers. Price, $3. Comstock's System of "Vocal Gymnastics— a Key to the Phoneticon — comprising Exercises in Articulation. Pitch, Force, Melody, Modulation, and Ges- ture; arranged as they are practised in the Author's Vocal Gymnasium. Price, 25 cents ; postage, 3 cents. Comstock's Phonetic Minstrel ? consisting of Original Songs, in the New, as well as in the Old Alphabet, set to Music. Price 12 cents; postage, 1 cent. My Iiittle Geography, in Comstock's Perfect Alphabet, comprising more than 50 Engravings. Edited by Mrs. Tuthill. Price, 25 cents ; postage, 5 cents. Epitome Historise Sacrpe, on an improved plan, with an Interlinear Trans- lation. Designed as a Primary Book in the study of the Latin Language. Edited by A. Comstock, M.D. Price, $1; postage, 25 cents. Pope's Homer's Iliad, Book I., with an Essay on Homer, and copious Foot-notes — 126 8vo. pages, in the Phonetic Alphabet. Price, 50 cts.; postage, 7 cts. The New Testament, in Comstock's Perfect Alphabet — 397 octavo pages— substantially bound. Price, $1.25 ; postage, 28 cents. Comstock's Phonetic Magazine, in two volumes, neatly bound in muslin. Price of each, $1.25 ; postage, 20 cents. Comstock's Phonetic Telegraph. Price, 50 cents; postage, 10 cents. Comstock's Treatise on Phonology. Price, 38 cents ; postage, 7 cents. Comstock's Phonetic Reader, No. 1. ) ^ , . -r » x> j ^- < Price, 25 Cents; postage, 4 cents. Comstock's Juvenile Reader, 3k o* 1. ' [Dr. C is preparing, for publication, An Etymological and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language— the pronunciation to be given in phonetic characters. As the pronunciation will be in the New Alphabet, this Dictionary will answer all th« purposes of a Phonetic Dictionary, as well as those of a common Dictionary.] &sf All orders for the above works must be accompanied with the cash, and di- rected to ANDREW COMSTOCK, M.D., No. 102 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PHONOLOGY. 127 A LETTER Fi-orn Andrew Comstock, M. D., to his Nephew, A. C. Morey, Philadelphia, August 3, 1855. Mi ns'vu, dxr, inklin' yur xr, And lisn tH mi sorjv ; It 's mi bxlxf' it wil bx brxft; So, 'twil not kxp yu lorjw As htl not yu \rs mx root Haz kuim — I'v rsd it Sr*r; Wibcpt dxle', I send tY-de A is an'sur bab \rs yuv : — Yu wic ts no, I plen'li sx, If I wil 1st yu beard wib mx Qil yu atsnd' bs lsk'6urz hxr In bis, and bs suksxd'irj yxr, And cpr M. D'z tK yu impart' A no'lsc] ov be hxlurj artw I'l bord yu, sur, bs prs'zsnt yxr, If nu'vhrj ad'vurs inturfxn; And yu wil kxp kwit sur'kumspskt, And dK qot I cal nq> dirsktt : — Yu ns'vur hxr must smok, or 6u Toba^ko, sun; for, if yu dn, Not ondi yu '1 yursslf' dizgres', But stand a £ans "ts lsz yur pies*." Tcoba'kco, sur, I dn dxspiz* — It bo$ ofsndz' mi noz and iz* ; I ka'not bar be durt'i stuf', In lxf, in pig'tel, or in snuf ; 128 PHONOLOGY. So ds not ihijk ts brii) it hxr Qor not unse x vuri kan apxn. Yu must not bx cpt let at nit, Or yu '1 disturb' yur Uqkl, kwiti ; Wib durt'i fxt ne'ur pas be dor, Nor e'vur spit upon' be flcor* ; Nor bak'ward lxn upon' yur £or Qen yu ar £at'irj wib be for; Nor x'n at e'm wbur tiim — It duz not wib polities 6imw Bxsidz*, I tel yu, if yu d^, Yu'l in'cjur 6or and kar'pet tXv — - Indxd', be 6or yu mit brek dqm, Qi£ ben wud kost yu haf a krqm Tk get rxpordw Ais, I bxlxv, Mi wur'bi frend, wud mek yu grxvi: Yu wud not lik frs pe cpt kac Ts mend a 6or bat's gon ts smaCw Aen sit xrekt x ; and, if yu kan, Akt cpt be pur'fekt c]en x tlman; Luk wiz, and dig'nifid, and grevv — Bx 6xr'ful, boy — x£ morn'ii) cev\ And dres in garments nxt and klxm; Sue" az on dx^sent foks ar sxnw Aen I'l not bx acemd' ov yu, Nor cal I e'ur, indxd', dxmur' Tk intrcodus' yu t» a frend — a Mi ne*vu, Mr. Mem, sun." Yur Ui)*kl, lad', ANDRLJ. Mr. A. K. Mom. PHONOLOGY. 129 REPLY OF A. C. Morey to Andrew Comstock, M. D. Glen Cove, N. Y, August 5, 1855. Dxr II q x kl, — Yurz ov Q'gust $urd' Woz yss^turde rxsxvd*; I Sank* yu for yur kind rxpli' — It ha$ mi mind rxlxvd* ; For ncp I Sink wx'l harmoniz, And mek tim smscVli gov ; And I ©pin' yu'l Sink s©, for, Qen yu' rxd qot 's bxl©x : — Bit glad am I ts no bat yu T©ba'k© nx'bur smcok nor £uv. It ot tK bx, az iz yur plan, £s£ud' bi s'vuri dx^sent man*. Ae filS'i wxd /ns'vur 6u, Nor mek mi n©z a 6im'm-flu For self, or vul'gar 6umz» ; nor yet Mek mi pr©bo'sis a dust x -pitw I tel yu, sur' (tK giv m©r s-ood reading, there is another to be derived from these exer- cises, which is far more important than either — it promotes health. The plan is so constructed as to call forth all the energies of the vocal organs — the lungs particularly are fortified and invigorated by practice according to his system ; and in this view of the subject I would suggest to our phy- sicians, who in general evince great assiduity and skill in preventing as well as removing disease, that they do so much for the public weal, as to call on Dr. Cornstock that they may know the advantages of the vocal exercises. It is to be regretted that Dr. Cornstock will remain but a short time with us; but short as it is, those who wish to profit by his instructions will have time to do so. Yours, P. August 15, 1834. From the Philadelphia Commercial Intelligencer, August 20, 1834. We have observed with pleasure in the Troy Whig of the 15th instant, a favourable notice of that excellent Elocutionist of our city, Dr. Cornstock, He is giving lessons in Elocution at Troy with much success. Fwm the Troy Daily Whig of August 30, 1834. DR. COMSTOCK'S LECTURES. Mr. Editor. — Yesterday, I had the pleasure to hear an interesting Lec- ture on Elocution, by Andrew Cornstock, M. D. from the city of Philadel- phia. He understands the elementary sounds of the English Language well, and appears to have entire command over the vocal organs. He ex- (7) 8 RECOMMENDATIONS. plains the movements of the voice by diagrams, and measures the varla. tions of pitch by the musical scale. He has with him two books on prac- tical elocution, of which he is the author — the Rhythmical Reader, which contains pieces adapted to the taste of ladies, and Practical Elocution, which is designed for gentlemen. He teaches his pupils from these books how to r^ad in a graceful manner. If an individual has a feeble voice, it can be strengthened ; if harsh, softened, by pursuing the course he recom. mends. He clearly points out the difference between boisterous and eUu quent speaking; and he shows how to produce a great effect upon a public assembly, with very little effort. The simplicity and power of the organs of speech furnish, I think, suf- ficient reason for the exclamation: " How wonderful is man . How passing wonder He Who made him such." Whoever wishes to attain the faculty of speaking with correctness and elegance, in public places, and in the social circle, would do well to call and examine the system for themselves. A Friend to the Science of speaking well. From the Troy Daily Budget of September 8, 1834. DR. COMSTOCK'S LECTURES. Mr. Editor — There is no branch of education more deserving of public attention than oratory. Volumes have been written upon it. It has been cultivated, as a science, in all civilized countries; and its power has been universally felt and acknowledged. Its use and importance have occupied the attention of many distinguished men of our own and other countries. Were it otherwise, orators could not command, as they now do, M the ap. plause of listening senates." To speak well is one of the highest attain- ments to which our hopes can aspire. Permit me, Sir, to invite those who wish to attain this invaluable science, to attend Dr. Comstock's Lectures on Elocution, at the Court House. His manner of reading is bold, original, and striking. I have attended his Lectures for several days ; and, in common with his other pupils, highly appreciate them. He is, in the opinion of all who have heard him lecture, a faithful, capable, and excellent elocutionist. A Friend to Oratory Dr. Comstock has been instructing my pupils two hours in a day for two weeks, in Elocution,; and I am happy in having an opportunity to bear testimony to their unexampled improvement in reading and speaking G. W. Francis. Troy, September 5, 1835 RECOMMENDATIONS. ' 9 From the Philanthropist, Philadelphia, January 16, 1836. ELOCUTION. We would recommend to those individuals who wish to become chaste and accomplished speakers, to take a course of instruction of Dr. Andrew Comstock, whose merits as an elocutionist we have had the opportunity to prove. His system, which has the best claims to respect, will commend itself to persons of taste, as it is entirely free from theatrical affectation, or arti- ficial display, and founded on truth and nature. Many gentlemen in the learned professions, and individuals in other spheres of life, who have received the benefits of his instruction, and who are therefore the well- qualified judges of his skill in this science, have given him unsolicited and unqualified praise. We wish him continued success. From the United States Gazette, May 7, 1836. DR. COMSTOCK'S LECTURES ON ELOCUTION. Mr. Editor : — Having occasion on my return from Washington to New York, to stop a few days at Philadelphia, I most cheerfully availed myself of the opportunity of witnessing the exercises in Elocution in which Dr Comstock's pupils are engaged, and it affords me pleasure to say, that I have been very highly gratified. The skill with which the Doctor imparts to his pupils a knowledge of the science and art of Elocution, and the proficiency which they have already made, are conclusive evidences that Elocution " can be taught." It was taught during the flourishing ages of Greece and Rome. Demos- thenes and Cicero studied it in those republics, and studied it thoroughly anterior to their successful appearance before their fellow-citizens aa orators. I wish, Mr. Editor, that some of our members of Congress could, or rather would, put themselves under the tuition of Dr. Comstock, or some other accomplished Elocutionist, long enough, at least, to learn the princi- ples upon which good reading and speaking are founded. If our national legislators had a knowledge of Elocution, as taught by Dr. Comstock, they certainly would be heard with much more attention and interest ; and, I may add, they would be more useful to the country. Ministers of the Gospel, too, by becoming first-rate readers and speakers, can promulgate with ease and facility, the truths of Christianity. Reli gion has suffered much in consequence of the bungling manner in which preachers and professors have presented it to the world. It is gratifying to know that several clergymen are now taking lessons in Elocution, of Dr Comstock, and that they are making great improvement. 10 RECOMMENDATIONS. It would be well for gentlemen of the legal profession, to study the laws of Elocution, as well as those of the land. Ladies, too, ought to feel in- terested in improving their Elocution, — some of the Philadelphia ladies- do ; and I have had the satisfaction of hearing one of the Doctor's classes exercise, the members of which are becoming excellent readers. There are two or three literary institutions in which Dr. Cornstock'fl valuable services have been retained. It is to be regretted that any semi- nary of learning, especially any college, should exist without a professor- ehip of Elocution. It is not only an important branch of education, bu as much so as any to which the attention of youth can be directed. S. N. S. CJ. S. Hotel, May 2, 1836. From the Episcopal Recorder, Rev. George A. Smith, Editor. Philadelphia, Saturday Morning, June 18, 183G. ELOCUTION. The following communication is from the United States Gazette. The subject is one of importance, and we are enabled from our own observa- tion to confirm the statements of the writer. Several of our clergy have attended Dr. Comstock's lectures, and consider the system which he has adopted well calculated to assist in ease and propriety of reading and speaking. Mr. Editor : — Impressed with the value of education, and inclined to contribute aught in my power to aid those who are in the pursuit of its benefits, allow me, through your columns, to make a public expression of my sentiments, regarding the character of Dr. Andrew Comstock, as a teacher of Elocution, and its kindred branches. Having been a common inmate in the Doctor's office for many weeks, examined his publications and diagrams, and witnessed his method of instruction, with the cheering success by which it has been characterised, I write understandingly upon this occasion. From the Doctor's knowledge of our organs of speech, of their diseases and remedies, and the best mode of imparting to them vigour and activity — from his knowledge of the laws of sound, ample experience in his present vocation, joined with his acknowledged integrity, I am persuaded he is eminently qualified to sustain his highest pretensions as a scientific and practical Elocutionist. Dr. Comstock's mode of instruction is founded in the philosophy of hia subject, is abundantly successful in its application — stands the scrutiny of talents — challenges the confidence of society. Graduates from our halls of science, gentlemen of the learned profes sions — ladies of cultivated minds, have been pleased to testify the essen tial advantage they have derived from his lectures. I have myself been much delighted in seeing the rapid, material, and ofttiine? complete improvement which unfortunate stammerers have made, under his tuition, in their enunciation — while teacher and pupils cordially indulged in theii mutual congratulations. A CLERGYMAN RECOMMENDATIONS. From the U. S. Gazette. STAMMERING CURED BY DR. COMSTOCK Mr. Editor : — Having experienced, to a very painful extent, the many privations necessarily and peculiarly connected with inveterate stammer ing, to which I have been subject from early life, I am anxious thus to acknowledge the restoration that has been effected in my case, under the instruction of Dr. Comstock. Knowing, as I well do, how valuable such a communication would have once been to me, I am induced to pen this for the benefit of others. My articulation, until very lately, was so embarrassing and difficult, as to have, in a very great degree, shut out from me the pleasure of conver- sation. I could scarcely articulate a single sentence without considerable effort on my part, and apparent anxiety and pain to others. I therefore seldom spoke from choice, and even avoided, when possible, the necessity of doing so. I am, however, no longer subjected to these severe depriva- tions, but so relieved from them, that I can now converse with friends or strangers, and feel confident of my power to do so. Many years ago, and at some expense and trouble, I sought out Mr Chapman, a teacher then of considerable notoriety, and placed myself im- mediately under his care. Of him I do not complain, but notice the fact as part of my experience. Those who are aware of his injunctions know how impossible it is here to compare the peculiarities of his plan with the principles of my last tutor's, wdiose system, however, I should unhesi- tatingly prefer. A. EVANS. Philadelphia, June 24, 1836. A gentleman named Abner Evans called on me a few weeks ago, and desired me to examine him, in his conversation and in his reading with reference to stammering in his speech. He informed me that he was 34 years of age — that he had been an inveterate stammerer from his infancy ; but that he had, about two weeks before that time, placed him- self under the care of Dr. Andrew Comstock, and that he now believed himself cured of the infirmity under which he had so long laboured. I examined the gentleman with considerable care, and was unable to dis- cover anything like stammering, or embarrassment or impediment in his speech, either i» conversation or reading. JOHN H. WILLITS. July 15th, 1836. I certify, that I have known Mr. A. Evans for a number of years, that he was an inveterate stammerer, and that he was completely relieved in two weeks, under the instruction of Dr. Comstock. I will further add, that I am intimately acquainted with Dr. C, that he has devoted several years to the study of the subject which he professes to teach, and that 1 believe he is fully prepared to meet any case of impediment in reading or peaking JOS. P. MUSGRAVE, M. D. No. 142, Pine Street, Phila,, July 16, 1836 12 RECOMMENDATIONS. From the Public Ledger, July 27, 1837. Remarks on Stammering. — We have received a small pamphlet with this title, being the substance of a lecture delivered before the American Lyceum, May 6, 1837, by Andrew Comstock, M.D., of this city. He has treated his subject scientifically, and in a manner showing that he understands the human voice both theoretically and practically. He has been engaged for ten years, investigating the human voice, for the purpose of forming a system of just elocution, and of removing impediments of speech; and from reading this little pamphlet, we should infer that he had been successful. From the United States Gazette. Congress Hall, Philadelphia, Nov. 25, 1837. Andrew Comstock, M. D. Dear Sir, — Before leaving your city, allow me to express to you the perfect satisfaction I feel, in witnessing the progress which my son has made in Elocution under your instruction. The habit of stammering which commenced with his early efforts to speak, and which thirteen years (his present age) seemed only to confirm, is now with six weeks' instruction, completely eradicated. Though delighted beyond expression in this result, I am not disappointed. From the moment I became acquainted with your method of instruction, I did not doubt its entire success. Founded on scientific principles, it must succeed in all cases where there is no malformation of the organs of speech. You have reduced to a system what before was but imperfectly understood, and done most essential service to mankind in elevating a numerous class of unfortunate fellow-beings, and saved them from the impositions of ignorant and unprincipled empirics. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, E. PIERCE, M.D. of Athens, N.Y. From the Public Ledger, March 17, 1838. STAMMERING CURED. Philadelphia, March 1, 1838. Messrs. Editors, — Being about to leave this city for the West, I would thank you to give publicity to my testimony as to the skill of Dr. Andrew Comstock, No. 100, Arch street, Philadelphia, in removing stammering. I have been under his care about eight weeks, for the removal of a painful impediment of eighteen years, standing, which debarred roe from the plea- sures of conversation and social intercourse. I can novv converse very fluently, and have addressed large audiences without the least hesitation. RECOMMENDATIONS. 13 I am now 23 years of age, and you can judge of my gratitude to him for removing a complaint which has embittered the greatest part of my life. I take great pleasure in recommending him to those similarly afflicted. His system being founded on scientific principles, and the fact of his being the only individual in America, who professes the cure of stammering, without enacting from his patient a promise of secrecy, proves that his system will bear investigation. WM. R. COMBS. We certify that we have been intimately acquainted with Wm. R. Combs for the last three years ; that he was a very bad stammerer, and that he was entirely relieved under the instruction of Dr. Andrew Comstock, of No. 100, Arch street, Philadelphia. John R. Beck, No. 17, Elizabeth st. Thomas J. White, No. 380, N. Second st Jacob Grim, No. 480, N. Third st. Thomas P. Heyl, No. 173, Green st STAMMERING CURED. Philadelphia, March 9, 1838. Messrs. Editors, — About seven weeks since I placed myself under the care of Dr. Andrew Comstock, No. 100, Arch street, Philadelphia, for the removal of an impediment in my speech, with which I had been afflicted for thirteen years. I am now happy to state that I am able to converse with ease and fluency, and that I feel no hesitation in speaking in public. I have witnessed the same happy results in many other cases, both of ladies and gentlemen. I have not a doubt of his success in curing the most inveterate stammerer. Unlike all others who have professed to cure stammering in this country, Dr. Comstock exacts no promise of secrecy from his patient. HENRY J. ENNIS, No. 248, Pearl street, New- York. From the Phoenix Civilian, Cumberland, Md., May 19, 1838. Our acquaintance with the young gentleman mentioned below, who has received the benefit of Dr. Comstock's treatment in the cure of an impedi. ment of speech under which he laboured, enables us to bear evidence of the efficacy of that treatment. Since his return from Philadelphia, where he had been under Dr. Comstock's care for a short time, we find that his speech is free and easy; so much so, that had we not been aware of the great diffi- culty under which he laboured before, we should not now know that he ever had been cured of such an affliction. 14 RECOMMENDATIONS. From the Pennsylvunian, Philadelphia, April 26, 1838. A GRATIFYING TESTIMONIAL. The subjoined letter to Dr. Comstock, Professor of Elocution, of this city, is from a young gentleman of great respectability, residing at Cumberland, Allegany county, Maryland, where his father is one of the leading prac- titioners at the bar. The writer of the letter, who, we believe, is a student at law, laboured under a serious impediment in speech, which would have greatly interfered with his professional advancement; but it appears from his own statement, that under the care of Dr. Comstock, he was completely and radically cured. The letter subjoined, is a voluntary and grateful testimonial to that effect Cumberland, Md., April 20, 1838. Dr. Andrew Comstock : Dear Sir, — I have deferred giving a certificate with regard to the success I met with in my recent visit to your Institution, No. 100, Arch street, Phi- ladelphia, for the purpose of removing an impediment in my speech, until the present period, that I might thoroughly test the effects of your system upon my articulation by time and experience. Both of these, I am happy to inform you, find me now — as was the case when I left Philadelphia on the 13th of February last — perfectly fluent in reading as well as in conversa- tion — s0 much so, that it would be impossible for any one who had no pre- vious knowledge of my impediment, to know that any such defect ever afflicted me. But besides the happy effect your system has had in relieving my impedi- ment, it has been of incalculable benefit to me in many other respects. My voice, which was formerly weak, and incapable of being raised very little higher than the ordinary tone used in common conversation, has been greatly improved and strengthened; and now it costs me but a slight physical effort to fill a considerable space. In conclusion, I unhesitatingly recommend all those similarly afflicted, to make a trial of your system. Besides the success which has attended it in my own case, I have seen many others greatly benefited — both ladies and gentlemen. This speaks more strongly in its favour than words can express, and should remove all doubt from the minds of individuals, if any exist, as to its efficacy in effecting a cure. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, CHARLES H J. PIGMAN. RECOMMENDATIONS. 15 From the Philadelphia Saturday Courier, October 29, 1836. CURE FOR STAMMERING. A young gentleman named Samuel E. Duffield, of M'Connelsburg, in this state, called upon us the other day, and wished us to state that he has always been subject to a natural impediment of speech, which of late years haa been increasing upon him. He visited this city, placed himself under the care of Dr. Com stock, and has been entirely cured. He can speak and read with as much fluency as though he had never been subject to any impediment of speech. From the United States Gazette, Philadelphia, Oct. 31 $ 1836. STAMMERING. We had on Saturday the pleasure of listening to the reading, recitation and discourse of a pupil of Dr. Comstock, who has been with him less than three weeks, and was from his infancy a stammerer, the evil increasing with the growth of the youth, and with his intercourse with society. He is now able to speak and read without the least sign of hesitancy. Dr. Com stock's system is simple, and, as it appears, efficacious, and he affects no mystery : we trust that those who are subject to the painful inconveni- ence of stammering, will apply to him; and we really believe that if they will give attention to his rules, they may be entirely cured. From the Philadelphia Gazette, Nov. 29, 1836. The following tribute to the skill of a Gentleman whose success in a very difficult profession has been astonishing, is not less grateful to the ob- ject of it himself, than it is useful to the public at large. We perform a general benefit by giving it currency through the press. Letter to Dr. Comstock, of Philadelphia. M'Connelsburg, Nov. 13, 1836. Dear Sir ; — My son has returned from the city, after an absence of about four \veeks,and I caunot refrain from acknowledging my unfeigned satisfac- tion in the improvement of his speech. Before he left home it gave me pain to hear him attempt to speak ; now I will defy any person to know he had ever been a stammerer. I do cordially recommend all who have an impediment in their speech, if possible to avail themselves of your sys tem for the cure of stammering. I am, with respect, yours, &c. . WILLIAM DUFFIELD. From the United States Gazette. STAMMERING. We publish a communication from the Rev. O. C. Comstock, Chaplain to Congress, upon the merits of his relative, Dr. A. COMSTOCK, of this city, as a professor of Elocution. From some knowledge of the scientific gentleman alluded to, and the great success which has attended his exer- tions in the cure of stammering, we cordially endorse the testimony. The Rev. Dr. Comstock, of Washington, being himself an eloquent divine, much credit may be attached to his opinions on a topic so entirely within his sphere. Latter to the Editor, from the Rev. O. C. Comstock, Chaplain to Congress. Washington, January 26, 1831. Sir —In this age of arrogant pretension and stupendous humbuggery 16 RECOMMENDATIONS. the public should receive with becoming caution, every announcement of extraordinary achievements in any of the departments of useful knowledge. The wonderful exploits of ignorant and unprincipled pretenders, are fre- quently lauded to the skies, in the newspaper paragraphs of anonymous writers. Disdaining to impose on honest credulity, by making an asser. tion where I cannot establish a fact — indisposed to avoid any responsibility that may be attached to my character, I will not be induced to do so upon this occasion, by withholding my humble name from this article, in con- sequence of the delicate collateral relation subsisting between myself and the talented and honourable gentleman to whom it alludes — I mean Dr. A. Comstock, of Philadelphia. The Dr. before and since his graduation at the university of Pennsylvania, has been muchemployed in theeducation of youth. The books and diagrams which he has published, illustrating the true principles of elocution, and the methods by which it can be most successfully taught — the high state of improvement witnessed and admired, in the voice, reading and speaking of his pupils, render him deservedly celebrated as an elocutionist, wherever his reputation is known. But I should not have obtruded these remarks upon the consideration of your readers, would they not conduce to a better understanding of the follow, ing intelligence, which I hope may subserve the interests of suffering humanity. My friend has removed, in numbers of unfortunate stammerers, that most embarrassing and painful difficulty of enunciation with which they have been affected. Some of these sufferers had been long schooled by others, with reference to the removal of this calamity, with little or no success. That a cure, in this case, is an object most ardently to be desired, is deeply felt by every victim of this misfortune — by every fond parent, who, but for stammering, might regard his darling boy a fair candidate for the highest academic honours — the applause of listening Senates. There is now before my mental vision a lovely boy of great promise, on whom his parents design to bestow a finished education ; but who, alas ! was painfully afflicted with stammering. He is now, however, under the tuition of Dr. Comstock, greatly improving in his elocution ; inspiring the confident expectation of perfect victory over the source of so much unhappiness. The sparkling animation of his eye — his cheering smiles — express the rapture of his grateful heart. The thankfulness and joyful anticipation of his parents cannot be described, or even imagined, but by those in similar circumstances. Having spent some months with my relative, I am well acquainted with his system, and manner of instruction, and its delightful results. Unlike all sorts of imposture, there is no affectation of superlative wisdom held as a profound secret, in the theory and practice of this valuable art — as triumphantly explored and applied by the Doctor. His course of opera- tion is founded in an extensive knowledge of his subject — the fruit of his ample study and practice. His discipline developes, invigorates, and ren- ders flexible the organs of speech. He teaches his pupils how these organs are to be properly exercised. They are made obedient to the will — capable of much and various accomplishments. In short, he cures stammerers, by teaching them scientific and practical elocution. How much reason have we to rejoice in the march of mind — the efTorta of philanthropy — the benevolence of God. Yours, with respect, O. C. COMSTOCK RECOMMENDATIONS. 17 Certificates from Professor Horner and Professor Hare, of the bniver* sity of Pennsylvania. Having been present on the 10th inst. at the exercises of the pupils in Dr indrew Comstock's Gymnasium, for the improvement of the voice and of the articulation in stammerers and others, the impression made upon me was highly favourable to his method of instruction. The system is founded upon an exact anatomical and physiological inform- ation, in regard to the organs concerned in the production and modification of sound. Its several parts appear to have been evolved and matured upen a degree of thought and an extent of experiment reflecting much credit upon his sagacity and industry, and it inspires a very strong confidence of its ap- plicability to the faults generally of speech or phonation. One of his pupils, who only a week before the occasion alluded to, had been a most unpleasant stammerer, was then heard to recite publicly with great ease and fluency, with a full intonation. W. E. HORNER, M. D. Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Aug. 11, 1837. Philadelphia, Aug. 14th, 1837. Having been present on the occasion alluded to in the preceding letter of the Professor of Anatomy, I have no hesitation in alleging that my impres- sions are consistent with those which my colleague has therein expressed. ROBERT HARE, M. D. Professor of Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania. From the Select Medical Library and Eclectic Journal of Medicine, edited by John Bell, M. D., Lecturer on the Institutes of Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence, Member of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, and of the American Philosophical Society, etc. September, 1837. COMSTOCK'S VOCAL GYMNASIUM AND LYCEUM FOR ELOCUTION. It is not necessary that a man should be a stammerer, in order to be aware, from personal experience, of his imperfection in vocal utterance and speech. We are taught to read and to express ourselves grammatically in conversa- tion ; but how few learn suitable intonation, and a full and a distinct utter, ance, — by which speech obtains much of its charm and acquires often all its influence. Graceful gestures in walking and dancing, and in presenting one's self in company, are thought by many to be of paramount importance; and hence, as a matter of course, the majority of young persons of both sexes are placed under the direction of a teacher of dancing. And yet, after all, what are the graces of manner compared to the melody of voice ; and how imperfect the address of the otherwise accomplished gentleman or lady, with- out full and mellifluous speech ! Nature here, as in all that concerns either bodily or mental endowment, does, it is true, establish great differences amongst individuals. One person has, naturally, a musical voice, as it is called ; another a harsh or somewhat dissonant one. But still, education pos IS RECOMMENDATIONS. sesses, we also know, a good deal of plastic power ; and in no case is the in- fluence of physical education more evident than in the strength which exer- cise gives to the muscles in general, and in the agility and grace which prac- tice imparts to the movements of the limbs; as in the evolutions of the dance, and on the tight rope, &c. On the same principle precisely, without an) charm, magic or mystification, can the muscles which, by their successive or alternate and combined action, give rise to voice and speech, be educated into strength and measured and harmonious movement, and produce clear and full intonation, distinct articulation, and emphatic utterance. This particular department of muscular exercise and education, has greater claims on our time and attention than any other. The organs of speech, with few unfortunate exceptions, are possessed by all mankind ; they are in con- stant use by all, — their functions are of the highest moment to all, whether for the display of the charms of song and poetry, the persuasion of oratory, the invocation of prayer, and the numberless exchanges of opinion and ex- pression of the affections and emotions in social intercourse. The most rigid puritan or methodist, who would regard with distaste, perhaps horror, the ex- ercises of the dance, and attach no importance to the graces of bodily move- ment, will still be as naturally and properly desirous of cultivating the voice, as the greatest stickler for worldly accomplishments. He does it in learning to sing the praises of his Maker, and when engaged in the solemn exercises of prayer and exhortation. With the other sex, the charm of voice is a powerful means of persuasion and control. It gives to woman much of her influence — an influence de- pending on the mildness of her manner, and her soft and musical tones, dis- played in the language of sympathy, entreaty, and of kind remonstrance. Her's is the privilege and the duty to be at the side of the suffering invalid, in infancy, in youth, and in mature age; to comfort the mourner, and to aid the poor and distressed. And what makes the potions to the feverish patient less nauseous — what gives balm to the language of resignation, and imparts the glow of pleasure to the wan and weary beggar, when she is, in each case, the ministering angel ! Much is in the pitying look, much in the in- clining gesture and softened manner ; but still more in the tones of her voice, her low and smoothly uttered words of solace and of hope. Why then should this instrument, which is capable of giving out such ex- quisite music, be jarred and discordant in its tones, through early neglect and bad habits. It has been said by European travellers of both sexes, that Amer- ican women would be in all respects charming, but for their want of melody of voice in common speech. Surely this stigma, for such in one sense it is, might be, and ought to be removed, just as the flutter, agitation, and jerking movements of the body and limbs would be corrected, by appropriate exercise and training under tasteful guidance and precept. Still more necessary is this kind of education where the imperfection amounts to disease, as in hesitancy, stammering, and other imperfect articu- lation. The cure requires time, patience on the part both of the invalid and of the vocal doctor, and practice in the manner which scientific experience, not impudent and boastful quackery, has shown to be most serviceable, so as to give that confidence which is the result of conscious ability. The timidity and feeling of embarrassment of the stammerer, are both effects and sustain- ing causes of his impediment. So soon as he knows that his vocal organs RECOMMENDATIONS. 19 are capable of obeying the commands of his will, and of giving expression to his thoughts, his mind acts with more energy and intentness ; and he no longer allows himself to be trammelled in his speech, by the weak, tremulous and convulsive movements of the muscles, which, under less energetic voli- tion, used to be so common with him. \Vhen we wrote the caption of this article, we did not intend to direct the attention of our professional brethren merely to the existing evils, but were desirous to apprize them of the fact, that one of our own number has for many years past concentrated his talents and his time exclusively to the subject of Elocution, both in its hygienic relations with fluent speech in private and public, in the social circle and at the bar, the pulpit and the legislative hall and, also, in its curative character, to remove stammering and other impedi- ments to clear and distinct articulation and utterance. The gentleman to whom we refer, is Dr. Andrew Comstock of this city. He makes no preten. sion to a knowledge of any specific for the cure of stammerers, nor does he attempt to shroud his method in unintelligible jargon, nor to conceal it from public and scientific investigation, by swearing his pupils to secrecy. All these are arts and tricks unworthy of the literary and professional character, and disreputable, above all, to him who professes to be a teacher, and in whom manly sincerity ought ever to shine conspicuously, as an example to those under his charge. In Doctor Comstoek's Institution, " Elocution is treated as a science as well as an art. The various movements of the voice, both in speech and song, are illustrated by original diagrams, and by oral instruction The exercises give the pupil complete command of the muscles of articulation, extend the compass of the voice and render it smooth, powerful, and melodious. They not only call forth all the energies of the vocal organs, correct stammering, lisping, and other impediments of speech ; but they invigorate the lungs, and consequently fortify them against the invasion of disease." To a certain ex- tent, general is associuted with vocal gymnastics; and one great cause of em- barrassment from awkwardness of manner and posture in the stammerer, is removed by the substitution of a free and easy carriage and movements of the arms in gesticulation. In other words, all the voluntary muscles of the trunk and limbs move in the order required by the will, synchronously and harmo- niously with those of the voice. In proof that Doctor Comstock is above the petty arts of making elocution a mere craft and mystery, we have now before us, Remarks on Stammerings from a Lecture on Elocution, delivered before the American Lyceum, May 6, 1837, in which he explains the chief features of his system, and indicates the kind and order of exercises to be pursued for the cure of Stammerers. But like all other branches of professional knowledge, this can only be rendered efficient and applicable to the cure of individual cases by a practitioner, a person who directs knowingly and understandingly, and superintends care- fully and patiently, the treatment, making such modifications as seem to be called for by his own personal experience and the idiosyncracy of the patient DR. COMSTOCK'S EXHIBITIONS IN VOCAL GYMNASTICS. The STAMMERERS under Dr. Comstock, both Ladies and Gentlemen, give a variety of recitations, at the Vocal Gymnasium, (entrance by Ranstead Court, Fourth St. above Chesnut,) every Tuesday evening. TICKETS, 25 cents each, — and may be obtained at Osborn's Music Store, Fourth Street, two doors below Ran- stead Court. Each ticket admits a gentleman and two ladies. The exercises commence at 8 o'clock. □Cf 3 The design of these Exhibitions is to give confidence to the Stammerer, which is so essential to his relief, and make the public better acquainted with the system of instruction and its beneficial results. The sale of tickets is to secure an audience of respectable persons, and defray the incidental expenses. ANDREW COMSTOCK RECOMMENDATIONS. From the Public Ledger, February 6, 1838. VOCAL GYMNASTICS. A class of students in elocution, and stammerers, under Dr. Comstc ok, exhibited at the Vocal Gymnasium, (Ranstead Court, Fourth Street, above Chesnut,) on Saturday evening last. Dr. Comstock's lecture on elocution mid stammering displayed an intimate knowledge of his subject, and the injrformances of the class did infinite credit to his talents as a teacher. RECOMMENDATIONS. 21 From the Pennsylvanian, February 6, 1838. Dr. Comstock, the professor of elocution, gave an exhibition on Saturday evening, at the Temperance Hall, N. L., for the purpose chiefly of affording a practical explanation of his system of instruction, and showing its success in the cure of stammering and other defects of speech. A large audience, many ladies being among the number, was present, and the exercises evi- dently gave general satisfaction. It was surprising to hear the firmness and smoothness with which the pupils spoke, many of whom until recently were confirmed stammerers, and it was still more surprising to learn in how short a time the evil habit had been eradicated, the consciousness of a complete cure b jing strongly manifest in the modest confidence with which the Doc tor's pupils, several of whom were young ladies, went through their recita- tions before so large an audience. It must not, however, be supposed that this system of instruction is intended solely for the stammerer. Founded upon sound philosophical principles it is impor tant in many respects. It has a wonderful effect in developing the voice, and in giving it volume, flexibility and compass, while the practice of the elements strengthens the chest, and 's very beneficial to the general health, fortifying it in a measure against the approach of diseases of the lungs. The advantage of vocal gymnastics judiciously conducted, is not yet per- haps fully appreciated, but it is more than probable that the time will come when they will form a part of every liberal course of instruction. From the Public Ledger, February 16, 1838. VOCAL GYMNASTICS. The exhibition of Dr. Comstock's class of Stammerers, at Temperance Hall, on Wednesday evening, was highly gratifying to a numerous and highly respectable audience of ladies and gentlemen. The system pursued appears to be calculated to accomplish the end in view ; but the eminent success it has so far met with, is to be ascribed, in a great degree, to the talents of Dr. Comstock as a teacher. From the Christian Advocate and Journal, New -York, April 27, 1838. Philadelphia, April 2, 1838. Dear Brethren, — Having attended Dr. Comstock's exhibitions, I am fully persuaded, that with proper attention on the part of the pupils, he can cure them. I was induced to attend in consequence of his having in his class a particular friend of mine, whose case was one of the worst I ever knew and to my astonishment, he addressed an audience without the least difli culty, making quite a display as an orator. His age is about twenty-one years. If you feel at liberty to notice him in your paper, you may render essential service to stammerers. Respectfully, J. HARMSTEAD RECOMMENDATIONS. From the United States Gazette, April 30, 1838. STAMMERERS. The recitations, and other vocal exercises, made on Tuesday evenings, at Dr. Comstock's Vocal Gymnasium, in Ranstead Court, furnish evidence of great success in his mode of teaching. His pupils, to the number of thirty or forty, male and female, give recitations in a style that shows, not only the entire absence of any disposition to stammer, but evincing also a striking proficiency in the agreeable, as well as useful science of elocution. From the Pennsylvania Inquirer, May 10, 1838. STAMMERING. A friend in whose judgment as well as impartiality we place reliance, speaks in terms of warm commendation of Dr. Comstock's success in curing impediments in speech, and imparting a free action to the organs of articu- lation. The public recitations of his class, which take place every Tuesday evening, at his room adjoining the Church in Ranstead Court, are spoken of as furnishing evidence of success in curing stammerers, as well as of striking proficiency in elocution, which Dr. C. teaches with great effect. From the United States Gazette. Mr. Editor,— I have attended two of the Vocal Gymnastic Exhibitions which have attracted so much attention in our city. The design of these exhibitions, as stated by Dr. Comstock, with whom they have originated, and by whom they are conducted, is to enable the stammerer to rid himself of that timidity which is a greater or less aggravation of his disease. If timidity in one who has no impediment of speech, interrupts the utterance of thoughts, surely in a confirmed stammerer, it must be a source of the highest degree of embarrassment to the vocal organs. Timidity, then, must be removed before the stammerer can have full command of his own organs of speech. To do this, Dr. Comstock brings his whole class, both ladies and gentlemen, before the crowded houses which assemble to hear the welkin ring with their various exercises in what is well denominated by Dr. C. Vocal Gymnastics. Could art, science, experience, wisdom, or philosophy suggest a more efficacious means for the destruction of timidity than the production of courage by individual and collective public speaking ? Nor if the performance of these stammerers void of all powers to edify, and amuse — there is much to instruct, and please, both in manner and matter, in these exhibitions, which, for the sake of the great good they seem likely to pro duce to the afflicted stammerer, I hope will be fully sustained by this enlightened public. A Well. Wisher to Freedom vf Speech. PRACTICAL ELOCUTION, Or, A System of Vocal Gymnastics, comprising Diagrams, illustrative of the sub ject, and Exercises, designed for the Promotion of Health, the Cure of Stammering, and Improvement in Reading and Speaking. By Andrew Comstock, M. D. Second Edition. Kay & Brother, 122, Chesnut Street. RECOMMENDATIONS. From the Philadelphia Saturday Courier, Dec. 2, 1837. PRACTICAL ELOCUTION. Dr. Comstock, a gentleman with whose name our readers are familiar as the scientific curer of Stammering-, has issued a second edition of his work on Practical Elocution. It is believed to be the best practical work extant upon this important subject. and so far as strengtnening the lungs is concerned, the exercises it teaches are of vast importance. Those who do not intend to become orators, may cultivate and improve the conversational and colloquial powers, and secure a grace, ease and power, that will render them polished and sought-for intelligences in the mystic roads of social intercourse. The work is illustrated with engravings, and very beautifully got up both in paper and print. From the Philadelphia Saturday News, Dec. 2, 1837. PRACTICAL ELOCUTION, Or, A System of Vocal Gymnastics, &c. By Andrew Comstock, M. D. Dr. Comstock is known as a skilful and scientific teacher of elocution. He has devoted much study to the subject, and has had the advantage of very considerable experience in the practical application of his knowledge His classes are generally filled with pupils, and their success is the best testimonial of the merits of his system. This volume will be found a valuable aid to those who are engaged eithei in teaching or acquiring the important art of elocution. Besides a concise but sufficiently clear, analysis of the subject, and various explanatory details, it furnishes a series of diagrams calculated very much to facilitate the pro- gress of the learners. These diagrams have been prepared with much care and labour, and reflect high praise on the industry and ability ;f Dostoi Comstock. (23) 2 1 RECOMMENDATIONS. From the United States Gazette. PRACTICAL ELOCUTION. Messrs. Kay & Brother, 122, Chesnut street, have published a second edi« :ion of Dr. Andrew Comstock's Practical Elocution, or, a System op Vocal Gymnastics. We really believe that the great labour and amount of time which Dr. C. has bestowed upon this volume, will be productive of essen- tial benefits to the learner. The selections are apposite, and the remarks such as show the author master of his subject. From the Saturday Chronicle, Philadelphia, Dec. 2, 1837. Practical Elocution. — Kay Sf Brother. — Philadelphia. The volume now before us, comprises a system of " Vocal Gymnastics," by Andrew Comstock, M. D., and consists of diagrams, illustrative of the subject, and exercises. The plan recommended is designed for th* 1 promotion of health, cure of stammering, and improvement in reading and speaking. The rapid sale of its first edition seems to be a proof of Us popularit} ; while several men of eminence in literature and science have pronounced Doctor Comstock's system a decided improvement upon the usual routine of teach, ing in Elocution. From the Public Ledger, Philadelphia, Dec. 5, 1837. COMSTOCK'S PRACTICAL ELOCUTION. We have received from Dr. Andrew Comstock, of this city, a copy of his late work, entitled " Practical Elocution, or, a System of Vocal Gymnastics, comprising Diagrams and Exercises, &c, designed for the promotion of health, the cure of stammering, and improvement in reading and speaking." This work contains rules for pronouncing all the vowels, sub-vowels, and diphthongs in the English language, with plates to illustrate the position of the mouth in pronouncing them. These sounds he denominates elements ; and he gives tables exhibiting an analysis of words, consisting of both easy and difficult combinations of these elements. In spelling these words, the pupil is required to pronounce the clement or vowel sound, and not the name of the letter or combination of letters which represent it, as is usual in the schools. The book also contains rules for every species of modulation and intonation of the voice, and of time, in reading, speaking, and singing. It contains remarks on stammering, and rules for curing it ; and practicai lessons in reading and speaking, consisting of selections in prose and verse printed with different characters, to denote the proper modulations. It alst: contains plates, representing every variety of attitude and gesture required hi good speaking. RECOMMENDATIONS. 25 This must be a valuable work to those who would learn to read or speak well, and especially to those afflicted with stammering or other impediments of speech. It is useless to dilate upon the importance of elocution to all who have occasion to read or speak to others. To lawyers, legislators, cler- gymen, and speakers in public meetings, it is particularly important; for though to intelligent and well informed minds, the graces of manner add nothing to the force of argument, they are exceedingly important in securing an attentive hearing. An indifferent sermon, if well preached, will produce great effect, while one of the highest order, badly delivered, will be lost upon a great portion of the audience. This is entirely because the first secures the attention of its hearers, and thereby enables every argument or illustra- tion to reach their understandings; while the second is not understood, because not heard. We recommend Dr. Comstock's book to every person who would wish to speak or read well. From the Herald and Sentinel, Philadelphia, Dec. 11, 1837 COMSTOCK'S PRACTICAL ELOCUTION. Dr. Comstock has been Jong and favourably known in this city as a teacher of elocution. The art of public speaking is a common attainment; but the art of speaking effectively, powerfully, and well, by a proper disci- pline of voice, gesture and action, is no easy acquisition. The voice is a great instrument of influence. Some orators who have been " vox et pi spik 6i Irjglic laijgwicj, but bi rsn- 118 COM STOCK'S PHONOLOGY. dung a nolscj ov it xzi ov akwizicun, Indus its adopcun bi 6x u6ur necuni ov 61 urd. Ais wil probabli bx 61 ultimatum. Wsr it nssssan, and kud I pnzum ts sfskt sni flrrj, I mit se msni gud flirjz in nlecun ts yur sistsm ov Famografi, and yur sftorts for nform ; but I kanot snkund, yu sco sfskr ansssturz, az if 6or sunz ts bo6ur, Speld wurdz wun we — prconcpnst 6sm in anu6ur; Bi 6s sem sin sxprsst kwit difursnt scpndz, Qi<5 mu<5, yu nco, 6s pupil'z mind konfqmdz. But wx, hs liv in 6is snlitnd ec], Qsn nuQir) but imprsvmsnt iz 6s rec}, Qsn Koraurs bnrjz bur mur£andiz from far, On snortirj stxmbcots and 6s fliirj kar, Qsn wudn msn ar med ts spxk and sirj, And nuz iz kand on 6s litnirj'z wuj, Qsn svun art iz tn purfskeun brot, And svun laggwic) "in six lssnz tot," Wil purfskt ordur q)t ov keos bnrj, And mek cpr spslirj kwit an xzi dirj. Ais haz bin dun, az bi mi buk yu'l sx, Qi6 borz 6s titl ov Fconolcocji. Pxruz 6s wurk, not wi6 a besti glans, If yu 6s koz ov sisns wud advafls; But wi6 du kar, and wi6 mkwirnj mind, Az ol wil dn h^'d bsnifit mankind, Qs6ur 6e psdl pilz, yurj foldrsn txc% Folca 6s plcp, or in 6s pulpit prx<5. A. KOMSTOK. Esv. Dr. A. M. G. Komstok, Dcolist, lima. 'S PHONOLOGY. 119 A Letter from Wm. H. Allen, LL.D., President of Girard College. Girard College, Aug. 31, 1855. Dr. A. Comstock: Dear Sir, — Having examined your Phonetic Alphabet, I believe that it is founded on a correct analysis of the elementary sounds of our language, and that its use would greatly facilitate the acquisition of the arts of read- ing and spelling, as well as promote uniformity in pronunciation. The characters which you have adopted, being the Roman and Greek letters, or modifications of them, are simple in form, easy to write, and pleasant to the eye, while the tone-marks, to indicate accent, inflection, and intonation, enable the reader to comprehend and represent the exact meaning of his author. I recommend your alphabet to the attention of teachers and writers, in the belief that its introduction into general use would save years of irk- some labor to children, and be the nearest approach which has been made to a "royal road to knowledge." I remain, respectfully yours, WM. H. ALLEN. A Letter from the Rev. Lyman Coleman, D. L>., Principal of the Presby- terian Institute, and Author of "An Historical Text-Booh, and Atlas of Biblical Geography ;" "Ancient Christianity Exemplified;" "Apostolic and Primitive Church," &c. &c. Dr. A. Comstock : Dear Sir, — I do but reiterate the common sentiment of all who have duly examined your Phonetic Alphabet, in giving expression to the conviction that the characters which you have adopted greatly surpass, in simplicity and beauty, all similar attempts to analyze and express the elementary sounds of our language; and I consider that your Pamphoneticon is tho nearest approach which has ever been made to a universal alphabet. Were it possible to reduce our spelling to a system so simple, so compre- hensive, and complete, it would be an incalculable service to all who en- counter the difficulties of the anomalous orthography of our noble language. Even should a reform so desirable prove unsuccessful, your efforts in this direction are not the less important to all those who study the first prin- ciples oi our own, or of foreign languages. Very respectfully yours, LYMAN COLEMAN. Philadelphia, Sept. 6, 1855. I concur entirely in the opinion of Dr. Coleman. JOHN S. HART, Principal of the Philadelphia High School. September 7, 1855. 120 RECOMMENDATION OF A Letter from James 31. Iforrison, Esq., the Linguist and Poet. Philadelphia, Oct. 3, 1855. Dr. Cojistock : Dear Sir, — Although what I may say in commendation of your Phonetic System can have little or no weight, being, as Burns says, I <£ " a nameless wight, Trod in the mire clean out of sight;" yet having, for a period of over thirty years, made the study of languages a recreation, I consider myself not altogether incompetent to say a good word for you. Every linguist knows that, poor as the English tongue is in articulate sounds, the Roman alphabet is inadequate to give them all expression. It is equally evident that numerous combinations of letters are retained to express sounds that are now obsolete or provincial. Hence the apparently absurd combinations of letters expressing the same sound, and the equally absurd double, triple, and even quadruple debt which the same letter is made to pay, by representing different sounds — an anomaly found, to the same extent, in no other tongue; alike repulsive to foreigners and puzzling to children. Your system cuts a clear path through this tangled thicket, by giving each letter an articulate sound, and each sound a uniform representation. As our knowledge of the great family of man increases, our ideas require to be expressed in words whose uncouth sounds cannot be written in Ro- man characters, such as Chinese, Hindostanee, Russian, &c. ; but they can be easily managed by your system. And provincial peculiarities, as well as words from the French, Spanish, &c, when printed in your characters, can be read to a native without exciting his risibility. To my mind, the most ingenious part of your whole system is its tone- marks, by means of which the reader is not only enabled to pronounce single words correctly, but to give the very tones of the language in which the author himself would express his ideas. Wishing you as much gain and glory as your meritorious labors deserve, I am yours, very respectfully, JAMES M. MORRISON. Philadelphia, Oct. 6, 1855. I have examined Dr. Comstock's Phonetic Alphabet with some caro, and I consider it decidedly the best that I have ever seen. P. REDFIELD, Phonographer and Principal of Mantua Boys' School. #■ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. 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