v o > ^ • • « l J Q / : Mk-. %./ .vdgjfc %>/ .^-- v ^ c f^ •0 V C^ i • 4 o *K- V/lllJf - 1 nJ -J--S 0' V - V c v v J *P v to:-. ^ - v ■<<< ° .0^, °o o 9»3- t^ * v& 6 3 >^ JOSIAH HARRIS. Josiah Harris of Machias, (later, East Machias,) Me., town clerk, clerk of courts, and register of probate, was born in Boston, Mass., February 27, 1770. Early in April, 1787, while yet in his teens, he went to Machias, where he entered the employment of James Avery, Esq. Mr. Avery was one of the most important men of the town; a justice of the peace, select man, the first town clerk, the first repre- sentative to the General Court, the first register of probate for Washington County, and, later, judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Young Harris remained with him a little more than a year, work- ing most of the time in the office at Machias, writing out various legal and other public documents, and assisting in records and cor- respondence, but also active on Mr. Avery's farm at the "Rim." June 23, 1788, he set sail for Boston. After reaching there, he first engaged with Mr. Matthew Clark, a merchant of Charleston n ; but in May, 1789, he found employment in Mr. Lemuel Cravath's shop in Boston. Mr. Cravath giving up business, the young man started a second time for Machias, October 5, 1780, in the service of Edward H. and Nathaniel J. Robbins, of Milton, who were the founders of Robbinston, Me. Later he was in partnership with them, and still later was in mercantile business for himself until a few years before his death, which occurred June 17, 18 15. He was descended from John Harris of Charlestown, who married Amy Hills in 1058 or earlier and afterward moved to North Yarmouth, Me., where he was captured by the Indians in September. L688. Amy Hills was a daughter of Joseph Hills (a woolen-draper of Maiden. England, who moved to Charlestown,) and Ruse Dunster (a sister of Henry Dunster, the first president of Harvard College, and daughter of Henry Dunster of Balehoult, Lancashire, England). Rose Dunster Hill- died March 24, 1649-50. Genealogy. I. — JOHX HARRIS, Charlestown, Mass., AMY (AMIE, ANNE?) BILLS. Children: 1, Samuel, born Dec. 3, 1658. 2, John, bapt. Feb. 17, L660— 61. 3, Thomas, born Aug. 26, L662; died Mar. 18, 1GG:>. 4, Thomas, born Mar. 18, 1664; tailor; mar. (1) Hephzi- bab Crosswell, 1685; (2) Eleanor .Miller, 1719; (3) Mary Dana. 1734. 5, Joseph, born Oct. 17, 1665; mar. (1) Naomi Stevens, No. Yarmouth, Me., aboul L688; (2) Rebecca Kot toll Apr. 16, 17-24. He died Oct. 24, 1732. II. — rOSEPH HARRIS, No. Yarmouth, Me., later, Charlestown, Mass., NAOMI STEVENS, probably daughter of A.mos Stevens oi No. Yarmouth; born, L665; died Dec. Hi, 171". Children: 1, Joseph, born Aug. 1, 1689. 2, Jonathan, born Dec. 2, L690. 3, Amos, born Aug. L9, L693; mar. Hannah Laraby Nov. 8, 1722. 4, Samuel, born Aug-. 18, n;i>">; mar. Mary New- comb dan. 6, 1718 — 1 ( .>. 5, Naomi, born Sept. L3, 1697; mar. William Gowin Nov. 8, 1 7 1 <>. <">, Mary, born Pee. 7, 1699; mar. Daniel Edes Oct. in. 172;». 7, Josiah, born dan. '.', 17<»1— 2: mar. Hannah King Nov. 28, 172:;. 8, Huldah. born Mar. 2'.'. L704; mar. Samuel Edes Sept. 7, 1727. III. TOSIAH HARRIS, Charlestown, HANNAH KING, Cambridge, probably daughter of Ebenezer and Hannah (Manning) King; born Jan. 13, 1704-5. Children: 1, Josiah, born July 31, 1725; mar. (1) Millicent Estabrook, 1747; (2) Joanna Abraham. 2, William, born June 7, 1727 ; mar. Rebecca Mason Aug. 20, 1767. 3, Hannah, born May 8, 1729; mar. Thomas Larkin Feb. 19, 1754. 4, Samuel, born Dec. 4, 1731; mar. (1) Sarah More; (2) Hannah (Call) Parker, wh<» died Oct., 1801. (He died in Boston May 25, 1789.) 5, Ebenezer, born Aug., 1734. 6, Mary, born Sept., 1738. IV.— SAMUEL HARRIS, Boston, SARAH MORE. Children: 1, Samuel, bom 1753. 2, William, born Feb. 26, L755; died July 3, 1803. 3, Sarah, born Dec. 22, 1756; died young. 4, Samuel, born Sept. 13, 1758; died Mar. 8, 1814. 5, Hannah, born, 1763. 6, Andrew Burger, born, 1765. 7, Sarah, born Dec. 22, 1766; mar. Samuel Bowles. 8, Josiah, born Feb. 27, 1770; mar. Lucy Talbot Dec. 11, 1796, and died at East Machias, Me., June 17, 1845. y._JOSIAH HARRIS, East Machias, Me., LUCY TALBOT, East Machias, daughter of Peter and Lucy (Hammond) Talbot; born Jan. 18, 1775; died, East Machias, Doc 27, 1861. ( !hildren : 1, John Fairbanks, born Oct, 18, 1797 ; mar. Drusilla West Foster, Jan. 6, 1822; died Sept, 30, 1877. 2, Stephen Talbot, horn Sept. 9, 1800; mar. (1) Cynthia Foster; (2) Joanna, widow of Joel Chase, Feb. 1, 1858; and died Jan. 30, 1879. (Joanna Chase Harris died Feb. 18, 1897.) 3, George, born Mar. IS, 1802; mar. (I, Lucy (Joocli Chaloner; (2) Mary Ann Palmer; and died Apr. 15, 1876. 4, Lucy Talbot, born Dec. 2, 1803; died Aug. 4, 1805. 5, Sarah Bowles, born July 25, 1805; died unmarried Jan. 21, 1870. 6, Lucy Talbot, born June 4, 1807; mar. Jeremiah Foster; and died Mar. 24, 1895. 7, Peter Talbot, born Sept, 12, 1808; mar. Deborah Longfellow Aug. 25, 1835; and died Oct. 4, 1855. 8, Betsey Talbot, born July 24, 1810 or 1811; mar. Hiram Hill, 1832; and died Aug. 19, 1834. 9, Samuel, born June 14, 1814; mar. (1) Deborah Bobbins Dickinson; (2) Mrs. Mary Sherman (Skinner) Fitch Oct. 11, 1877; and died June 25, 1899. Descendants of Josiah Harris, V. YL—JOHN FAIRBANKS HARRIS, Fast Machias, DRUSILLA WEST FOSTER, East Machias, daughter of Moses and Drusilla (West) Foster; born May 11, 1802; died Oct. 2, 1870. Joiner, and surveyor of lumber; state senator; held various town offices; was prominent in temperance work and Freemasonry. Children: 1, Eliza Wilmot, born Oct. 7, 1822; died unmarried at Campello, Mass., Oct, 15, 1902. 2, Josiah, born Dee. 21, 1824 ; mar. Sarah L. Tobey Jan. 14, 1849. 3, Leonard Augustus, born Mar. 10, 1827; died Sept, 25, 1842. 4, Laura Frances, born Feb. 4, 1830; mar. Nathan Page Pattangall Dec. G, 185:',. 5, Charlotte Foster, born June 14, 1833. 0, Maria, born Feb. 5, L837 ; died young. 7, Lucy Talbot, born June 28, 1841. VI.— STEPHEN TALBOT HARRIS, East Machias, CYNTHIA FOSTER, East Machias, daughter of Moses and Drusilla (West) Foster; born May 18, 1804; did Oct. L8, 1856. Farmer and lumberman. Children: 1, William, born June 30, 1 S-J7 ; mar. (1) Lucinda 8 Florilla Hanscom, 1848-1852; (2) Mary Ann Hanscom, June 3, 1861; and died May 17, 1864. 2, Sarah Elizabeth, born Mar. 14, 1829; mar. William Thomas Hanscom May 20, 1854; and died in Michigan Mar. 14, 1901. 3, Benjamin Foster, born June 24, 1831; mar. Elizabeth Eddy Hanscom May 20, 1854; and died at Augusta, Me., Dec. 30, 1895. 4, Stephen Talbot, born Jan., 1833; died May 10, 1835. 5, Stephen Talbot, bom Apr. 13, 1836; died Sept. 22, 1859. 6, Cynthia Foster, born July 20, 1838. 7, Charles Augustine, born Feb. 6, 1841; mar. Clara Dodge Bryant Oct. 17, 1874. 8, Betsey Talbot, born Aug. 17, 1843; mar. Sylvanus Hanscom Dwelley July 12, 1866. 9, Leonard Augustus, born Nov. 29, 1845; mar. Elizabeth Curran Sept, 9, 1876. VI.— GEORGE HARRIS, East Machias, (1) LUCY GOOCH CHALONER, East Machias, daughter of Elisha D. and Lydia (Gooch) Chaloner; born Dec. 30, 1807; died Apr. 23, 1831. Lumber merchant and active in town affairs. Children: 1, Leonora Augusta, born June 22, 1827; mar. Edward H. Balkam Jan. 31, 1856; and died at Milltown, N. B., Jan. 23, 1900. 2, Lucy G., born Apr. 16, 1831; died Sept. 2, 1839. (2) MARY ANN PALMER, Perry, Me., daughter of Robin- son and Harriet (Allen) Palmer; born Apr. 30, 1810; died in Cambridge, Mass., May 31, 1889. Children: 3, Harriet Palmer, born Nov., 1840; died July 28, 1855. 4, Emma Talbot, born Aug. 15, 1842; died Sept. 6, 1856. 5, George, born Apr. 1, 1844; mar. Jane Anthony Viall Dec. 24, 1873. 6, Mary Briggs, born Mar. 25, 1847; died at Andover, Mass., Feb., 1886, unmarried. VI.— LUCY TALBOT HARRIS, East Machias, JEREMIAH FOSTER, East Machias, son of Moses and Drusilla (West) Foster; born Sept, 16, 1807; died Feb. 16, 1878. Farmer; prominent in town affairs, and member of legislature. Children: 1, Thomas, born Feb. 5, 1835; died May 9, 1836. 2, Betsey, born Oct, 25, 1836; died unmarried Apr. 4, 1882. 3, Martha Helen, born Aug. 12, 1838; mar. John Curtis Caldwell May 15, 1857. 4, Gulian Verplanck, born Aug. 23, .1840; mar. Alice Hall Beverly Aug. 30, 1875. VI.— PETER TALBOT HARRIS, East Machias, DEBORAH LONGFELLOW, Machias, daughter of Jacob and Tahpenes (Longfellow) Longfellow; born Dec. 27, 1809; died Sept. 22, 1893. Merchant; member of legislature; active in town affairs, church and Sunday School. Children: 1, Edgar, born, 1836; died Aug. 15, 1851. 2, Austin, born July 10, 1841; mar. Emily Frances Pope Dec. 15, 1868; died Jan. 7, 1899. 3, Herbert, born Dec. 17, 1846. VI.— BETSEY TALBOT HARRIS, East Machias, HIRAM HILL, Machias, son of Josiah and Lucy (Keen) Hill. One infant son. VI.— SAMUEL HARRIS, East Machias, (1) DEBORAH ROBBINS DICKINSON, East Machias, daugh- ter of John and Rebecca (Ellis) Dickinson. (2) MRS. MARY SHERMAN (SKINNER) FITCH, New Haven, Conn., daughter of Roger Sherman and Mary L. (De Forest) Skinner; great-granddaughter of Roger Sherman; born Jan. '_', 182<>. 10 Graduated at Bowdoin College, 1833; at Andover Seminary, 1838; principal of Washington Academy, East Machias; pastor at Conway and Pittsfield, Mass.; professor of Theology at Bangor Seminary; president of Bowdoin College; professor of Theology at Yale Seminary. No children. Descendants of John Fairbanks Harris, VI. VII.— JOSIAH HARRIS, East Machias, SARAH L. ' TOBEY, East Machias, daughter of Dr. William H. and Nancy A. (Johnston) Tobey; died at East Machias July 17, 1899. Merchant at Cutler, Me., and later at East Machias. Children: 1, Clara Fairbanks, born Oct, 26, 1849. 2, Annie, born Oct. 1G, 1853; died Nov. 8, 1853. 3, Edward Tobey, born Mar. 10, 1856; mar. Cora Bacheller, Oct., 1880. 4, William Page, born Oct. 25, 1859; mar. Minnie Mary Elizabeth Worthier, Jan., 1884. 5, Linnie Sarah, born Jan. 15, 1868. A T IL— LAURA FRANCES HARRIS, East Machias, now of Brockton, Mass., NATHAN PACE PATTANGALL, Perry, Me., son of Nathan and Frances (Lincoln) Pattangall; died in Perry. Farmer. Children: 1, Lucy Harris, born Mar. 4, 1855: died Oct. 17, 1886. 2, Frances Lincoln, born July 7, 1856. 3, Eliza W r ilmot, born Sept. 25, 1857; mar. Frank Clarence Lyon, 1882. 4, Katharine Elliott, bom Feb. 10, 1859; died Mar. 8, 1895. 5, Nathan Fairbanks, born Oct. 25, 1860; died Mar. 17, 1885. 6, Mary Caroline, born Mar. 24, 1862. 7, Laura Page, born Aug. 8, 1863; died Nov. 24, 1864. 8, Brasilia West, born May 22, 1865. II 9, Susan Maria, born Feb. 5, 1867; mar. Horace Merton Snow, 1892. 10, Charlotte Foster, born Feb. 27, 1869; mar. George L. Whitten Nov. 29, 1893. Descendants of Stephen Talbot Harris, VI. VIL- WILLIAM HARRIS, East Maehias, (1) LUCINDA FLORILLA HANSCOM, Fast Maehias, daughter of Luther P. and Mary Ann (Bedell) Hanscom; born Xov. 11, 1831. Surveyor of lumber; Lieutenant in Second Maine cavalry; killed in the War of the Rebellion. No children. (2) MARY ANN HANSCOM, daughter of Luther P. and Mary Ann (Bedell) Hanscom; born June 15, 1842; now at Milford, Conn. Children: 1, Kate C, born Nov. 17, 18G1 ; mar. William R. Marsh. 2, William, born dan. IS, 1864; mar. Catherine S. Larkin. All at Milford, Conn. VIL— SARAH ELIZABETH HARRIS, Fast Maehias, WILLIAM THOMAS HANSCOM, Easl Maehias; s i Thomas and Sally (Andrews) Hanscom; died Oct., L861. Children: 1, Lyman Keen, Worn May 5, 1855. 2, .lames Arno, born April 9, 1857. 3, Emma. 4, Ernest. Two infants. All died young. VII.— BENJAMIN FOSTER HARRIS, Last Maehias, ELIZABETH EDDY HANSCOM, Fast Maehias. Me., daughter of Luther P. and Mary Ann (Bedell) Hanscom; born June 29, 1834; now at Augusta, Me. LefC. 12 Lumberman; Lieutenant Colonel Sixth Maine Volunteers; Brevet .Brigadier General for distinguished service ; Superintendent of Pub- lic Buildings at Augusta, Me. Children: 1, Ida William, born Mar. 4, 1855; mar. Charles Mitchell Gray Mar. 28, 1878. 2, Fred Orland, born Jan. 5, 1857; mar. Marcia A. Pettengill June 8, 1883. 3, Hattie Plaisted, born Nov. 20, 1859; died Dec. 3, 1860. 4, Lucy Talbot, born Dec. 23, 1860. 5, Benjamin Foster, born, Springfield, 111., Sept. 1, 1865; mar. (1) Nettie S. Hammond Oct. 20, 1884; (2) Jennie Field Dec. 24, 1894. 6, Elizabeth Helen, born, Machias, July 24, 1867; mar. Fred B. Taylor Apr. 26, 1892. 7, Warren Johnson, born July 27, 1869; mar. Emma Gates Apr. 30, 1890; died at Freetown, Sierra Leone, Africa, July 9, 1890. 8, Loring L. Hanscom, born, Augusta, Dec. 19, 1871 ; died May 12, 1886. 9, Stephen Talbot, born May 25, 1873; died Nov. 21, 1884. 10, Ernest, born July 11, 1874; died Aug. 16, 1874. 11, James Luther, born Aug. 20, 1875; mar. Jennie Wilson Nov. 9, 1897. 12, Arno Lyman, born Nov. 17, 1877; mar. Gertrude Mabel Church May 23, 1899. VII.— CHARLES AUGUSTINE HARRIS, East Machias, CLARA DODGE BRYANT, East Machias, daughter of Nathan G. and Barbara Bryant; born Sept. 1, 1853. Assistant Cashier of First National Bank, Grafton, No. Dak. Children: 1, Elmer Burke, born Sept. 8, 1875; died Dec. 11, 1878. 2, Arthur Lyman, born Aug. 28, 1884. 3, Charles Arno, born Apr. 25, 1886. 4, Chester Nathan, born Sept. 2, 1887. VII.— BETSEY TALBOT HARRIS, East Machias, SYLVANUS HANSCOM DWELLEY, East Machias, son of Stephen and Phoebe (Hanscom) Dwelley; born Mar. 26, 1841 ; 13 lumberman and farmer, now at Markell, Mich. Private in Twenty- eighth Me. Vols, in War of Rebellion. Children: 1, Mary Edna, born Aug. 29, 1871. 2, Bessie Harris, born July 12, 1875. 3, infant son, born Sept. 22, 1870; died Sept. 27, 1879. 4, Arthur, born May 26, 1884. VII.— LEONARD AUGUSTUS HARRIS, East Maehias, ELIZABETH CURRAN. Child: Mary L., born July 21, 1877. Descendants of George Harris, VI. VII.— LEONORA AUGUSTA HARRIS, East Maehias, EDWARD II. BALKAM, Robbinston, Me., now of Calais, Me.; son of John and Mary (McLellan) Balkam; born Jan. 11, 1827; farmer; later book-keeper and confidential clerk. Children: 1, Mary, born Nov. 20, 185G; mar. Wallace Broad Nov. 22, 1880; died Apr. 29, 1891. 2, Hugh McLellan, born Jan. 28, 1858; mar. Agnes Marshall May 23, 1888. 3, George Harris, born Apr. 26, 1859; mar. Mrs. Joanna (Stack) Wall Aug. 31, 1889. 4, John, born Sept. 23, 1860; died June 5, 186:5. 5. Emma Harris, born Sept. 9, 1863; died -June 2, 1884. VH._GEORGE HARRIS, East Maehias, JANE ANTHONY VIALL, Providence, U. 1., daughter of William and Mary Bray ton (Anthony) Yin 1 1. Graduated at Amherst College, 1866; at A ndover Seminary, 1869; pastor at Auburn, Me., and Providence, R. I.; professor of Theolog) . then president, at Andover Seminary ; presided of Amhersl College, 1899. Child: George, born Apr. 15, 188 I. Descendants of Lucy Talbot Harris Foster, VI. yiL— MAKTHA HELEN FOSTER, East Machias, JOHN CURTIS CALDWELL, Lowell, Vt., son of George Morrison and Betsey (Curtis) Caldwell ; born Apr. 17, 1833; Colonel of Eleventh Maine Volunteers; Brigadier General, commanding First Division, Second Corps, at Chaneellorsville and Gettysburg; brevet Major General ; Adjutant General of Maine; U. S. minister at Monte- video, Uruguay; now U. S. consul at San Jose, Costa Rica. Children: 1, Charles Sprague, born, East Machias, Jan. 21, 1858. 2, Louisa. 3, Frank. 4, George Morrison. 5, John. 6, Harriet Harris, born Nov. 15, 18G4; mar. Henry Simpson Murchie Oct. 4, 1887. 7, Harry Curtis, born Aug. 16, 1866; mar. Frances Helen Egerton Aug. 12, 1903. 8, Thomas ()., died Aug. 22, 1869. VII.— GULIAN VERPLANCK FOSTER, East Machias, ALICE HALL BEVERLY, Whiting, Me, daughter of Stephen and Mary (Hill) Beverly. Farmer. Child: Herman Jeremiah, born Sept. 7, 1878. Descendants of Peter Talbot Harris, VI. VII.— AUSTIN HARRIS, East Machias, EMILY FRANCES POPE, East Machias, daughter of Samuel Warren and Betsey Jones (Talbot) Pope; born Sept. 25, 1843. Graduated at Amherst College, 1863; lumber merchant, Charle- magne, Can., and East Machias; member of Maine House and Senate; treasurer of Washington County. Children: 1, Florence, born Aug. 14, 1869; mar. Albion Wilbur Hobson, Dec. 25, 1896. 2, Edna Pope, born June 17, 1871; died in infancy. 3, Mabel, born Mar. 11, 1875. 4, Samuel Pope, born 15 Feb. 3, 1878. 5, Philip Talbot, born Feb. 10, 1881. 6, Emily, born May 2, 1882. Descendants of Josiah Harris, VII. VIIL— EDWARD TOBEY HARRIS, East Machias, CORA BACHELLER, Whitneyville, Me., daughter of Nathan and Mary Bacheller. Foreman in stone business at Bellevue, Mich. Child: Bertha Cora, born Jan. 7, 1885. VIII.— WILLIAM PAGE HARRIS, East Machias, MINNIE MARY ELIZABETH WORTHLEY, Houl- ton, Me. Mechanical engineer, Bellevue, Mich. Child: Clinton Page, born Nov. 7, 1891. Descendants of Laura Frances Harris Pattangall, VII. VIIL— ELIZA WILMOT PATTANGALL, Perry, Me., now at Brockton, Mass., FRANK CLARENCE LYON, deceased. Children: 1, Laura Page, born Oct. L8, 1883. 2, Marion, born Sept, 17, 1892. VIIL— SUSAN MARIA PATTANGALL, Perry, Me., HORACE MERTON SNOW, 129 Pear] St., Brockton, Mass., son of L. Bradford and Lucinda P. (Hartwell) Snow ; salesman. No children. i6 VIII.— CHARLOTTE FOSTER PATTANGALL, Perry, Me., GEORGE LESTER WHITTEN, 92 Chestnut St., Cam- pello, Mass., son of George L. and Adeline Augusta (Hayden) Whitten; chief clerk in freight office. Children : 1 , Nathan Lester, born Oct. 1 2, 1 894. 2, Mae Elliott, born Sept, 28, 1896. 3, George Pattangall, born Aug. 7, 1900. Descendants of William Harris, VII. VIII.— KATE C. HARRIS, Milford, Conn., WILLIAM R, MARSH, Milford, Conn., son of Sewell and Sarah M. (Luce) Marsh. Insurance business. Children : 1, Walter H., born Jan. 12, 1887. 2, Mabel G., born Mar. 1, 1888. 3, Elsie H., born Feb. 12, 1890. 4, Julia B., born Oct. 26, 1894. VIII.— WILLIAM HARRIS, Milford, Conn., CATHERINE S. LARKIN, Pubnico, N. S. Children : 1, Cora L., born July 3, 1889. 2, Florence G., born May 21, 1891. 3, Edith M., born Sept. 6, 1892. 4, Dorothy M., born July 6, 1899. Descendants of Benjamin Foster Harris, VII. VIII.— IDA WILLIAM HARRIS, Augusta, Me., CHARLES MITCHELL GRAY, Clinton, Me., son of Joshua R. and Alrnira Gray, now at 10916 W. Crescent St., Morgan Park, 111. Children: 1, May Emogene, born, Augusta, Me., Oct. 4, 1881. 2, Alice Beal, born, Duluth, Minn., Dec. 22, 1888. VIII.— FRED ORLAND HARRIS, Augusta, Me., MARCIA A. PETTENGILL, Duluth, Minn., daughter of Mansfield and Elizabeth Pettengill. Present address, 1312 E. Fourth St., Duluth, Minn. NO children. VIE- BENJAMIN FOSTER HARRIS, Augusta, Me., (1) NETTIE S. HAMMOND, Augusta, Me. Children: 1, Fred Samuel, born Dec. 26, 1885. 2, Charles William, born Nov. 7, 1886. 3, Loring S., born Nov. 15, 1890; died Aug. 17, 1891. (2) JENNIE FIELD, Lewiston, Me., daughter of Robert A. and Elvira Field. ' Children: 4, Josie Field, born Dec. 11, 1896. 5, Elvira Ran- dall, born Mar. 26, 1898. (3, Elizabeth H., born, Norwood, Mass., July 18, 1899; died Aug. 9, 1899. 7, Benjamin Foster, born Nov. 19, 1901. Present address, Hyde Park, Mass. VIII. — ELIZABETH HELEN HARRIS, Augusta, Me., FRED B. TAYLOR, Oakland, Calif., son of John and Charlotte Taylor. Present address, 714 Fourteenth St., Oakland, Calif. Children: 1, Leland Harris, born Mar. 9, 1893. 2, Edith, born May 24, 1894. 3, Harris Coombs, born Sept. IS. 1900. VHL— JAMES LUTHER HARRIS, Augusta, Mr.. JEN X 1 E \VI LS< >X, Strathroy, < tat. Present address, 1741 Russell St., Detroit. Midi. Child: Benjamin Foster, born, Detroit. Midi.. Mar. 10, 1901. i8 VIII.— ARNO LYMAN HARRIS, Augusta, Me., GERTRUDE MABEL CHURCH, Augusta, Me., daugh- ter of Charles and Annie Church. Children: 1, Dorothy Madeline, born May 21,1900. 2, Eliz- abeth Gertrude, born Dec. 20, 1902. Descendants of Leonora Augusta Harris Balkam, VII. VIII.— MARY BALKAM, Milltown, N. B., WALLACE BROAD, Milltown, X. B., ax manufacturer; now mining adviser, Shanghai, China. Children: 1, Mabel, born Nov. 16, 1882. 2, Lucy, born May 11, 1887. 3, Katie, born Aug. 6, 1890. VIIL— HUGH McLELLAJS BALKAM, Milltown, X. B., AGNES MARSHALL. ( Jivil engineer, Calais, Me. Child: Edward McLellan, born Sept, 7, 1892. VIE- GEORGE HARRIS BALKAM, Milltown, N. B., MRS. JOANNA (STACK) WALL, New York City. Lawyer, New York City. Children: 1, Leonora Augusta, born June 21, 1890. 2, Dorothy, born Jan. 21, 1893. Descendants of Martha Helen Foster Caldwell, VII. Y I II.— HARRIET HARRIS CALDWELL, East Machias, HENRY SIMPSON MURCHIE, Calais, Me., son of .lames and Margaret (Sharpe) Murehie; born Oct. 1, 1862; lum- ber merchant. 19 Children: 1, Ralph Deane, boro Oct. 24, 1889. 2, Harris Foster, born Nov. 14, 180::. Descendants of Austin Harris, VII. VUL— FLORENCE HARRIS, East Machias, ALBION WILBUR HOBSON, Island Pond, Yt., son of Samuel D. and Mary Elizabeth (Sawyer) Hobson ; born Oct. 17, 1865; publisher; 378—388 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Children: 1, Austin Harris, born Jan. 18, 1900. 2, Elsie McClenthen, born Mar. 15, 1901. fl R D - 5 Lt An '09 o t * • 5 VV ^ ^ %, ^ ,"' * c ° " • » <*> 4" . O V" ^ * *y ,H« ■* ■T % /.^\ /,^,V c^*i&.% v ^^ r iv. ^ ^°-* .0 v\ - « I^* ""!* •^o* Ho V*. °o "oi %* 'if 5 - " ♦'t;« "o • » J ** o; ^o v< :;■ l&SSk*t*Z *o v\ & i> ■•- * ■ ^ v. ^, ^ o- cy >. < « «tf» ^ c ° • .0 »0" " ° . <>. . . « DOBBS BROS. LIIIURY aiNOINO -\ CU •i MAR 81 ST. AUGUSTINE O * H ^^' • _^fem FLA- A \? *i» w^>" if. V c ** > ( *>