hi n^ % 1% PROS P E C T U S Of the 16th Volume of the P«w #ii|laiil pi5t0iial & ^mmh^ial '§npkx, 4i> Bl T II g] Y K A R 1 S « •>. The undersigned having been appointed by the New England Historic-Genealogical Society to publish the Register for the enduing year, desires to engage the attention of its patrons and all others pursuing genealogical and historical inquiries, in an effort to extend its circulation. In the most prosperous times, its income has been barely sufficient to pay the expenses of printing, and the li'erary labor bestowed upon it has never been remunerated. Although such arrangements have been made as will ensure its publication during llie coming year, its future existence will, in a great measure, depend upon the exertions of its friends at this time. It is, therefore, respectfully suggested that each subscriber shall endeavor to add one or more to the present list, by calling attention to it of such persons as he may know to be engaged in, or have a taste for, either genealogy, antiquities or American history. Subscriptions and pay for the same, may be directed to the undersigned, or to Mr. Wm B. Trask, at the Society's Rooms, No, 13 Bromfield street, Boston, an acknowledgment for which will be made in the January number of the Register. The subscription is $2 a year, if paid in advance ; but inasmuch as the losses and expenses of collection which accrue upon those subscriptions that are not paid iramedi-- ately on the issue of the January number, is found to be fifty per cent, it is deemed just to fix the price upon them at ^3, to be paid during the year. Trusting that the friends of the enterprise need only to be apprised of its condition to respond cordially to its wants, their earliest attentien to the subject is respectfully solicited. J. MUNSELL, Publisher, ALiBANV, X. y. \ LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 013 995 071 9 # UBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 995 071 HolUtiger pH 83 MiU Run WOS-: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 995 071 9 p HoUinger pH %5 mXi Run F03-2193