- THE - - Yarmouth Register 1 9 O 4 COMPILED BY M MITCHELL AND RUSSELL Kent's Hill, Maine: Published by The H E. Mitchell Pub. Co. 19U4 /2_ TABLE OF CONTENTS Indian History Early Settlement Town Officials Military Matters School Items Industrial Account Church Notes Business Directory General Reference Non-Residents Census NOTICE. The autbops loisb to express tbeir tbanks to Wv. Geo. UJ. Hammond, Capt. 3obn Humphrey and iU. B. flilen, for tbcir loans of old records and books, and for tbeir personal assistance in obtaining tbe bistory of tbis toion. Tbey also loisb to tbank tbose in tbe tousn lobo bawe so kindly furnished other or any valuable information lobicb may be contained in this account. Tbe H. E. mitcbell Pub. Co. Yanmoutb Toipn RcQistcit 1904 INDIAN HISTORY As has already been seen, the Indians played a very important part in the early history of the town. The phys- ical advantages of the location, their burial place on Lane's Island, and the importance of the place to them from its situation in relation to other towns, lead the Indians to resist the advance ol the whites with a hostility more indom- itable and deadly than they exhibited towards most other settlements in the state. Owing to this, the lands in the interior continued to be laid waste and the inhabitants, though living near together, were often obliged to forsake their dwellings. Husbands and fathers were killed and wives and children were carried into captivity. Compelled to carry arms in their walks, their labors and their worship, the inhabitants said: "There is no peace to him thatgoeth out nor to him that cometh in. We get our bread at the peril of our lives because of the sword of the wilderness." Mr. Witham Scales, father of Deacon Thomas Scales and Matthew 6 . HISTORICAL Scales was killed in the year 1775 on the Scales farm, and soon after Joseph Felt, father of Mrs. Peter Weare, was killed at Broad Cove. Felt's wife and children were carried into captivity and afterwards redeemed by Capt. Weare. Joseph Weare, a grandson of Felt, never lost an opportu- nity to be revenged on the Indians. Several stories are told concerning him, the truth of which the writer would not vouch for, are quoted from "Old Times." Weare once lived near the bank of the Androscoggin river at Lewiston Falls. In some way he learned that a war party had planned to descend the river one dark night and attack the settlers in that vicinity. In order to prevent getting too near the falls in the darkness, they sent one of their number down the river to build a fire on the island some way above the falls. After nightfall Weare surprised and killed the sentinel, ex- tinguished the fire, and built another on the island just at the head of the falls, now known locally as Island Garden. The Indians, feeling secure as long as they were above the beacon light were caught in the rapids before they realized their danger and were carried over the falls to death. On another occasion Weare was splitting rails near his home when six Indians approached him and asked if he could tell them where Joe Weare lived, to which question the quick- witted old scout replied in the affirmative and offered to show them the person they sought as soon as he had finished the log on which he was then at work. When "Joe" had driven in his wedge and had the log well opened he asked the Indians to help him by pulling on each side as he drove the wedge; to this the party agreed and took hold, three on HISTORICAL 7 each side, with their fingers in the crack of the log, when Joe by a dexterous blow of the sledge knocked out the wedge causing the seam to close like a vice upon their hands and leaving them at the mercy of their terrible enem\% who as he gave each a death blow with his axe shouted in the ears of his victims: "I'm Joe Weare, d you, I'm Joe VVeare." The hostility of Weare towards the Indians was never abated. He swore to kill one for every drop of blood they dr*nv from the veins of his brother-in-law. Philip Greely, ancestor of the Greely family of this town, and of Portland, was killed Aug 9, 1746 at the lower Falls near the house of the late Mr. Daniel True, when a company of thirty-two Indians had secreted themselves intending to surprise Weare's garrison when the men should have goneto work. They were discovered by Mr. Greely's dog, else they had probably suffered him to pass unmolested. Though Mr. Greely lost his life, this probably saved the garrison. It was in a skirmish with the savages that Walter Gend- all, one of the bravest and foremost men of the early days was slain by a shot through the body. Separated from his men by the river he suddenly noticed that they ceased firing, and by their signal he knew that their ammunition was exhausted and that they were at the mercy of the savages. Against the entreaties of his wife and family he determined to risk the chance of death, by crossing the open river to save his men. He managed to get safely by the middle of the stream, but as the boat touched shore he received a bullet in the body and immediately expired, having only time to throw the ammunition ashore and say: "I have lost 8 xHISTORICAL my life in your service." The party were now enabled to maintain their ground till night came on when the Indians retreated. These are only a few typical illustrations of the warfare that was continually raging. To summarize the Indian wars which bore directly on the history of Yarmouth: In 1675 the Indians began a war of extermination, and the settlers were obliged to aban- don their homes which were pillaged and burned. After three years, peace was made and the inhabitants returned to their desolate homes. In 1688 there was another outbreak. The saw mills were burned and many inhabitants butchered. Forced to abandon their homes the second time the few surviving set- tlers removed to Jewell's Island and built a fort there to pro- tect themselves until they could return to Massachusetts. In 1715 the town was again reclaimed and the later Indian troubles were not of a serious nature. The old redoubt on Prince's Point behind which is a grass covered lawn succeeded by a beautiful grove was the annual resort of the Indians in the early days. The high bank to the left of the redoubt is for many rods composed of shf Us intermixed with soil which is the accumulation of these annual feasts. To the right the falling bank occasionally discloses an Indian skeleton showing this bank to have been to them the place of burial lor their dead, and the feasts were probably held to the departed warriors HISTORICAL FIRST SETTLEMENT. The capacious bay adjacent, its fine harbors and numer- ous islands, its small but valuable river, fish, game, and a bountiful supply of timber favorably situated lor exporta- tion, early invited white settlers to No. Yarmouth. The town of No Yarmouth, now Yarmouth, was settled in 1680. It was originally called Wpscustooo, the Indians name for Royal River. But at its incorporation, which was the same year as its settlement, its name was changed to North Yar- mouth. FIRST PURCHASE OF LAND. As early as 1040, Geo. Felt, born in 1600, lived in a stone garrison at Broad Cove on land which he purchased of John Phillips, a Welchman who had probably- belore oc- cupied it and which in 1643 he repurchased of an agent of Sir Ferdinando Georges, proprietor of Maine. About the same period William Royal, who came from England, was living on a farm on the east side of the river which bears his name. John Cousins as early as 1637 was living near the neck of land dividing the branches of Cousins River, and a little later (1645) purchased the island which bears his name. Other inhabitants at an early period were Richard Bray, who, in 1647, bought one half of Cousins Island; James Lane; John Maine, on Maine Point; John Holman on Hoi- 10 HISTORICAL man's (Prince Point); Thos. Reading on east side Cousins River; Thomas Wise, Thomas Shepherd, Nicholas White, Thomas Blashfield, Amos Stevens, and Walter Geudall. The settlement steadily grew and in 1674 a man by the name of Sayward erected the first saw mill at the lower falls on the east side of the river. The settlement had now existed for a period of from 30 to 40 years. About 1675 King Philips war commenced, when the inhabitants fled to the westerly towns where they could be defended, and the mill recently erected and most of the dwellings were burned. SECOND OCCUPATION. Peace was again concluded at Falmouth, April, 1678, and the inhabitants, most of whom survived, began to return to their deserted homes. Walter Gendall purchased the tract of land on which H Sayward had formerly built a saw mill, and rebuilt the structure. A brisk business was carried on. One half the mill rented for 50,000 feet of merchantable boards per annum. A corn mill was now erected at the lower falls, and Gendall had a dwelling house on the east side of the river Royal, near his mills, and one of rude con- struction for his men on the opposite shore. This takes us up to 1680 when the town was incor- porated under the name of No. Yarmouth. A committee consisting of B. Gedney, Walter Gendall, Joshua Scotton and Silvanus Davis were appqiuted to superintend the laying out of the town. Under their direction the town was layed HISTORICAL 11 out on a spot then known as Maine's Point. The committee above named was soon superceded bjthe appointment of John Royal, John York, John Harris, and Walter Gendall as trustees of the town, and at a town meeting in Feb., 1685, orants of land were made to a large number of the inhabitants. The families were now about 36 in number, located chiefly along the river and seashore. They had now enjoyed a ten years period of peace and prosperity. The Indians had not molested them and they had not only repaired the havoc wrought by King Philip's war but had made some advance. In 1688 the little colony of hardy settlers, now number- ing 160, was doomed to auother disaster in the breaking out of King William's war. The Indians poured in upon them, and those who survived betook themselves to Jewell Island and theuce to Boston. THIRD SETTLEMENT. No attempt was made to repeople the town until 1713 when the town had been desolate for about twenty-five years and the traces of habitation had almost been obliter- ated. But finally the sons, the grandsons, and a few of the old inhabitants, came back to the ashes of the former hab- itations. The settlement slowly revived and in 1722 the popula- tion was about 100. During that year, at the petition of the inhabitants and other claimants of the possessions in No. 12 HISTORICAL Yarmouth, the general court appointed a committee con- sistinir of Wi Ham Taylor, Elisha Cook, Wilh'am Dudley, Jtjhii Smith an(i John Powell to superintend the settlement. This committee directed the affairs of the settlement until 1733 when they proposed to the General Court that thev be dismissed and that the settlement have the rights and privileges enjoyed by other towns. This proposal was agreed to and a town meetinjj; was at once called and regu- lar town officers chosen. The growth of the town was slow, due largely to the continual wars with the Indians. After 1760 the Indians became less troublesome and people began to venture back three and four mileis from the salt water, and the population of the town rapidly increased. The rest from wars, however, was soon interrupted by the war of the Revolution. The in- habitants of the town engaged v\ith one voice in opposing the eai-liest acts of aggression by Great Biitian, At an early meeting on the 20th of May previous to the Declnration of In lependence the citizens voted that "Should the Honorable Congress for the safety of the united (Colonies declare them independent of the kingdom of Great Britiau that inhabitants of this town do solemnly engage with their lives and fortuiies to support Congress in the measure." After the war was over, and the work at the mills and on the farms once more in progress the town made rapid strides in population and prosperity. Ship building became a prominent industry and later a cotton mill was erected. The business comprised six stores, saw, grist, fulling, card, and paper mills, jewelry, clocks, cabinets, saddle, chaise and HISTORICAL 13 wa^on shops, and three blacksmith shops. Two tanneries, brick yard, ship yard, two taverns and a busy stage line. In 1849 the town and territory whose history we have been tracing separated from No. Yarmouth, and was incor- porated as a SHpnrate town under the name of Yarmouth, bounded on the north by North Yarmouth, on the east by Pownal, on the south by Casco Bay, and on the west by Cumberland. Its islands are Cousins, Little John's, Great and Little Moges, Lane's and Crab Island. TOWN OFFICIALS. The following men have filled the offices of clerk nnd splectrnen since 1850. These names are among the leading men (.f the town, and almost without exception, hnve sei ved the cominnnity itnpartially and satisfactorily, and with credit to their ability as public servants. CLEUKS. Samuel W. Blanchard, 1850, '51, '52, '53, '54; H. H. BnrbMnk, 1855; S. W. Bhn.chard, 1856: Benjamin (Jooch, Jr, 1857, '58; Rufus VV Thaxter, 1859; (has. Humphrey, 1860; Reuben Cutter, 1861, '62, '63, '64; R. Harding, 1865, '66; Elbridge Thoits, 1867, '68, '69. '70, '71, '72; Rjch- ard Harding, 1873, '74, '75; Geo. Thoits, 1876, '77,78; E. P. Gurney, 1879; L. R. Cook, 1880, '81, '82, '83, '84, '85, '86, '87, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92, '93, '94, '95; F. W. Buck- 14 HISTORICAL man, 1896, '97, '98; L. R. Cook, 1899, 1900, '01, '02, '03, '04. SELECTMEN. 1850, '51— Jeremiah Baker, J. G. Loring;, David Seaburj. 1852 — Thaxter Prince, Jeremiah Baker, John Young;. 1853— Samuel W. Blanchard, Jeremiah Baker, John Young. 1854— Samuel W. Blanchard, Daniel S. Mitchell, John Young;. 1855— E. G. Wagg, James Butraan, Thomas Pratt. 1856, '57, '58— E. G. Wagg, James Butman, Thomas J. Brown. 1859— Salvanus C. Blanchard, Stephen Pratt, Nicholas Drinkwater. 1860— Nathaniel Gooch, Nicholas Drinkwater, Octavius Hill. 1861, '62, '63— Nathaniel Gooch, Nicholas Drinkwater, Albion Sea bury 1864, '65— Percy N. Blanchard, Percy B. Loriug, El- kauah H. Walker. 1866, '67, '68— Percy N. Blanchard, D. L. Mitchell, Sam- uel Baker. 1869— Joseph R. Curtis, D. L. Mitchell, Jeremiah Bux- ton, Jr. 1870— Joseph R. Curtis, Henry Hutchins, Henry C. Greenlief. 1871, '72, '73— P. N. Blanchard, E. G. Wagg, James M. Bucknam. HISTORICAL 15 1874, '75— P. N. Blanchard, E. G. Wap:g, H. C. Greenlief. 1876, '77; '78— P. N. BlaDchard, Chas. T.Grant, Edward J. Stubbs. 1879— D. L. Mitchell, C. T. Grant, Edward J. Stubbs. 1880— P. N. Blanchard, Edward J. Stubbs, Henry Hutchius. 1881— P. N. Blanchard, B. L. Mitchell, Asa F. York. 1882, '83— John H. Humphrey, D. L. Mitchell, Asa F. York. 1884— John H. Humphrey, A. T. Small, Walter B. Allen. 1885— D. L. Mitchell, F. B. Merrill, C. H. Dennison. 1886— John H. Humphrey, E. J. Stubbs, John F.Brown. 1887— Nicholas Drinkwater, Walter B. Allen, John A, Seabury. 1888— Nicholas Drinkwater, John A. Seabury, Joseph H. Lovell. 1889— Nicholas Drinkwater, Ansel L. Loring,, Joseph H. Lord. 1890— Nicholas Drinkwater, John F. Brown, J. D. Rogers. 1891 — James M. Bates, Lyman B. True, J. D. Rogers. 1892 — James M. Bates, Lyman B. True, A. L. Loring. 1893— Nicholas Drinkwater, L. B. True, Henry D. Bracket. 1894 — Nicholas Drinkwater, Henry G. Seabury, Henry D. Bracket. 1895— John A Seabury, Henry G. Seabury, R. P.Greeley. 1896— John A. Seabury, Henry G. Seabury, Geo. W. Sweetsir. 16 HISTORICAL 1897, '98— L. K. Cook, Darius Collins, William Dennison. 1899, 1900— F. B. Merrill, J. F. Brown, T. S. Blake. 1901— Clarence L. Bucknam, J. F. Brown, Horace G. Ross. 1902— Chas. G. Woodman, Darius Collins, E. A. Clark. 1903— John H. Humphrey, Horace G. Ross, H. C. Turner. 1904— John H. Humphrey, Howard G. Gooding, William Sweetsir. MILITARY During the Civil war this town sent a large number of men to the front, many of whom were promoted to high positions lor their bravery and effective service. The follow- ing is an incomplete list of the men who served in the quotas ol the town. Many of these were among the boys who were left on the field ot battle, martyrs to the cause ol Union and Liberty. T. J. Andrews, Stephen Anderson, A. F. Bucknam, W. E. Bucknam, Chas. Bucknam, Geo. Brown, A. M. Brackett, A. O. Baker, C. W. Baker, R. S. Bruce, O. W. Brackett, J. E. Brooks, J. M. Bates, G. 0. Baker, Albert Cotton, John Ciark, John Candroff, James Coombs, James Chambers, Patrick Clark, G. H. Chase, Edward Cobb, J. H. Corliss, G. L.Corliss, C. A. Dunbar, J. H. Doughty, C. H. Dow, A. S. Dyer, Mellen Greene, Gustavus Grant, J. W. Grant, L A. Gooch, E. S. HISTORICAL 17 Goodincr, Albert Gooding, Herbert Grant, 0. L. Grant, Stacy Hodokins, F. W. Hickey, H. P. Holjoke, H. S. Humphrey, J. H. Hall, G. G. Holyoke, A. J. Hamilton, H. F. Holyoke, Peter Johnson, Henry Johnston, Thomas Jones, D. W. Jack- son, C. W. Jones, Joseph Jordan, S. W. Lovell, W. M. Loring, Andrew Leighton, J. H. Lorinp:, S. H. Lane, A. H. Loring;, E. H. Lufkin, Alfred Mitchell, James McCue, John Mullan, John Mason, W. S. McClanning, Benjamin Moody, J. E. Mitchell, G. E. Marston, O. H. Mitchell, T. P. Mitchell, Tim- othy Mahoney, M. S. Marston, J. M. Mitchell, Peter Nelson, Antouie Nichols, G. P. Oakes, Freeman Pratt, Frank Perry, John Powers, Samuel Quimby, William Roberts, A. N. Rowe, Michael Riordon, S. P. Reed, I. S. Stevens, Levi Shapleigh^ N. P. Small, E. R. Small, I. L. Stevens, S. W. Small, William Steward, James Stevens, Robert Scott, H. B. Soule, E. F. Stackpole, Herbert Soule, Ammi Seabury, Frank Seabury, George Soule, J. E. Sparks, W. A. Seabury, L H. Small, Dan- iel Smith, E. R. Small, Eugene Stackpole. James Thompson, F. W. True, Stephen Twombly, R. P. Twombly, W. W. True, Daniel Turner, Geo. W^hite, H. C. Williamson, Chas. Walker, John Walker, W. A. Woods, D. F. Whitcomb,F. S. Winslow, F. D. W^inslow, Adin Young, Chas. Young, A. F. York, Enoch Young, E. K. Young, H. H. Jones. 18 HISTORICAL SCHOOL ITEMS At an early period Robert Bailev was employed as a teacher in the towu of North Yarmouth. Annual appropri- ations were made for the support of the early schools, liberal amounts being raised, considering the value of money at the time. The grammar school was early taught for many years by Judge Mitchell. In the year 1811 North Yarmouth Academy was incor- porated, the twenty-first to be established in the state. An appropriation of 11,520 acres of land was made for its sup- port. In 1826 the state endowed it by the' gift of a grant of one-half a township which was sold to advantage and the proceeds placed as a perpetual fund for the maintainance of the institution. The building now in use was begun in 1841, completed in 1847, and serves as a convenient and commo- dious school building. Few schools of its kind in the state offer to its students better advantages than does this old established institution. The following is a list of those who have served as principals of the Academy : Joseph Sherman, Samuel H. Shepley, Nathan Dole, Allen H.Weld, Daniel Lane, Samuel W. Blanchard, Geo. Woods, Samuel H. Shepley, Geo. A. Robinson, Albert D. Wiggin, A. Q. Randall, Edmond Hoyt, John M. Jewett, John F. Moody, B. P. Snow and F. H. Dole the present principal. HISTORICAL 19 For twenty years this Academy existed as a high school for Yarmouth, but the rest of the time it has stood as an independent institution. In the year 1836 there were 154 students attending to its instruction, 45 of these being in the Classical department. This department fitted for college then, as now,andfrom the year 1837 to 1850 there were 140 graduates who went to Bowdoin, besides many to Dart- mouth, Harvard and Yale. Many men of note and of national fame have here laid the foundation for their higher education; among these we might mention William Willis, the poet and historian, who went from here to Harvard; Leonard Swett, the confident and friend of Abraham Lincoln ; Gen. Oliver 0. Howard and his two brothers were graduates of this institution; from here the general went to Bowdoin thence to West Point; John Goodenow, of Alfred, once Consul General of the U. S. to Con- stantinople; Hon. Thomas B. Reed, Maine's most noted statesman; Congressman Chas. Boutelle; and many others. YAEMOUTH CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL George Woods, in 1850, opened a rival school to North Yarmouth Academy. This school was situated almost oppo- site the present school building, on the lot now occupied by Grand Army hall. This school was run for several terms and had an attendance of from 75 to 80 students, but it was like a house divided against itself, both could not prosper, and this school was suspended. We cannot do better than to cast a glance toward the 20 HISTORICAL typical common school as known in Maine in the early days. Even as soon as our forefathers, almost invariably of Puri- tan extraction, had located themselves in the forests of the Pine Tree State and bep:an their efforts of erecting; churches, they made provision for the common school. They in com- mon with us of today considered education the bulwark of our institutions, the institutions for the establishment of which they had fought and bled. They knew therefore, bet- ter than we, how much depended upon the proper guidance of the newly established «:overument. They saw their liber- ties and property, we had almost said wrapt up in the future of the new government which Washington had said was "one today and thirteen tomorrow." Is it a strange thing that these people who so w^ell understood the significance of these trying years, should so thoroughly grasp at the thought that in the education of the masses lay their only hope of ultimate success? No, they saw well their duty, and as pio- neers prepared to meet it. A room in the little log cabin became the university of the wilderness and humble as was this first effort, mighty results came from it. From out of these rough, low^-roofed structures walked men who were yet to meet the representatives of the courts of Europe, in the battlefield, in diplomacy, and in scores of other capacities from which they were emerged unscathed. This system of education went on till it almost became a necessary thing for a man to reach the president's chair that he be able to present a career begun in "The Little Red Schoolhouse" in the backwoods hamlet. It was not that the people loved wealth and culture less, but that they loved the more the HISTORICAL 21 homely virtues inspired by tiae healthy atmosphere of the country. And as we look back today over the progress of our school system we dwell with pride upon the record it has made. But this system, like all others, was expected to advance and it has advanced. The town of Yarmouth has in common with other towns, reared the homely structures on the hillsides and at the cross roads, hired male teachers at |10 to |15 a month, and female teachers at 75 cents to f 1.50 a week and this with the "Board Round" provision. The public schools of Yarmouth are doing excellent work under the present system and management. Many modern helps and methods have been adopted, and the schools are a credit to this up-to-date and thrifty community. The High school is under the care of Prof. H. M. Moore; the Supt. of the town schools is F. B. Merrill, of Yarmouth- ville. 22 HISTORICAL INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT. Yarmouth is now largely a manufacturing center, but this was not so in the early days. The first comers were chiefly home seekers who from necessity must till the soil for their corn and grain, or go abroad on the sea to obtain the treasures of the ocean waters. On account of the dangers from the Indians they were often obliged to depend on the products of the fishing industry for their sustenance. SHir BUILDING. Naturally ship building was an early occupation since this was one of the things that was necessary to the settle- ment. But it was not long before this became an import- ant commercial industry and the town of North Yarmouth is known to have early held a large interest in navigation and shipbuilding, and ably supported the valued reputation gained by her early workmen. Yarmouth vessels were noted for their thorough con- struction, their graceful models and their superior sailing qualities. With its unrivaled facilities for constructing and floating vessels this industry was one of the most profit- able and substantial sources of wealth to the place. The business of building vessels has been so extensively carried on in this town that to give a full detailed account is out of the sphere of this small volume. The first ship, we HISTORICAL 23 are told, was built on Cousin's Island, this was probably built for tho use of the settlers when escaping from the hos- tile Indians. The business developed rapidly when not interfered with by the Indian attacks. Some of the older inhabitants re- member havino^ seen as many as nine vessels on the stocks at one time. In the year 1874 eight vessels with an aggre- gate of 4618 tons burden were launched from the Yarmouth yards. As it may be interesting to give an account of the size and style of craft employed in packet business a century ago we will give the recorded dimensions of a few of the early vessels. The schooner "Union," John Prince captain, was owned in North Yarmouth in 1791, was of 81 30-95 tons; the schooner "Lucy," Capt. Joseph Young, was built in North Yarmouth in 1792, and was 28 ft. 4 in. long, 9 ft. 6 in. beam and only 4 feet depth of hold. COTTON MILL. The Royal River Manufacturing Co., incorporated in 1857, is one of the most prominent industries in the town. From 1871 to 1888 the business was conducted by L. L, Shaw and B. Freeman under the firm name of Freeman, Shaw cVc Co. On the retirement of Mr. Freeman in 1888 all interests were purchased by L. L. Shaw, the present owner. Under his efficient management the business has developed to its present magnitude, the success being accredited largely to the excellent quality and superior workmanship of the fabric turned out. This is a variety mill, spinning coarse 24 HISTORICAL aod fine yaro, and manufacturing seamless grain bags. The industry employs an average of 50 hands, and produces annually an average of 400,000 pounds of manufactured goods. SHOE MANUFACTURING. The Hodsdon Shoe Co. is numbered among the three most prominent industries of the town and is one of the oldest shoe manufacturing industries in New England. This company was established in Portland in 1869 under the name of Caldewell & Hodsdon. In 1880 Mr. J. Y. Hods- don saw the advantages offered by Yarmouth for the loca- tion of hisfactory, and soon built the commodious building which the concern still occupies. In 1896 the business was incorporated as the Hodsdon Shoe Co. The product of the company is strictly ladies' and misses' boots, shoes and oxfords, which are sold exclusively to jobbers. The business has been successful from the first, being located on a never failing water privilege, and having very convenient trans- portation facilities has added largely to the value of the business. PULP MILLS. The industry which has proven to be the greatest boon to Yarmouth, and which gives employment to the greatest number of men is the Forest Paper Co., whose mills are lo- cated on the Grand Trunk Railroad at the Upper Village. This company purchased the old paper mill and began HISTORICAL 25 the manufacture of soda pulp iu 1874, being the first mill of its kind in New England. Today this is one of the largest plants in the country for the manufacture of pulp, employ- ing 200 men and having a capacity of 60 tons soda fiber per day. About 30,000 cords of wood are consumed per year. This industry is now under the management of its heaviest owner, Geo. Hammond; and A. H.Twombly, superintendent. New buildings have been recently constructed for addi- tional room, and the factory fitted out with up-to-date machinery. CHURCH ACCOUNT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH- In 1729 the old meeting house was erected on the spot now occupied by the house of Capt. John Young, The first dimensions were about 40x54 feet, but in 1762 the church was enlarged to 40x94, and a porch was added. A new church at the Falls village was built in 1820. This led to the abandonment of the "Old Meeting House." The Rev. iSamuel Woodbury, who died July 6, 1819, was the last regular minister of the Old Church. Old Parson NoahCressey preached there a short period after the death or Mr. Woodbury. The old edifice gradually fell into a state of neglect and dilapidation and finally by order of the 26 HISTORICAL town authorities was torn down in 1835 or '3G. Three years prior to the permanent org^anization of the town, and one year after the meeting house was raised and boarded, Nov. 18, 1730, nine brethern, Ammi R. Cutler, Samuel Seabury, Jacob Mitchell, Joseph Chandler, Ebeuezer Eaton, Samuel Fisher, Samuel Tolman, Benjaman Prince, and Jedediah Southworth, affixed their names to a cove- nant, and were constituted a church. This was the tenth church in Maine; Rev. Mr. Cutler was the first pastor. The second Congregational church was gathered Oct. 1, 1806, and Rev. John Dunton was installed pastor. This church in a few years became divided, and changed to the first Unitarian church. When the old Meeting house was destroyed the old cop- per vane was taken as a relic by Mr. Solomon Winslow. In 1838 a small subscription was raised by Messrs. Samuel Gooding, Dexter Hale, John Gurney, Reuben Chandler, Jr., and others to purchase the vane of Mr. Winslow and also to procure an iron rod on which it should be mounted. The old vane was placed on the ledge where it now stands, on the 27th of April, 1888. Following is a list of pastors who have served the First Congregational church, with the dates of their arrival: Ammi R. Cutler, 1730; Nicholas Loring, 1736; Edward Brooks, 1761; Tristram Gilman, 1769; Francis Browu, D. D., 1810; Joseph W. Curtis, 3 816; Samuel Woodbury, 1817; Asa Cummings, D. D., 1821; David Shepley, 1829; Edmund R. Alden, 1850; Charles A. Aiken, 1854; George A. Putman, 1860; Leavitt Bartlett, 1871; Joseph Torry, D. D., 1875; HISTORICAL 27 Lawriston Reynolds, 1885; Charles E. McKinley, 1894; Minot S. Hartwell, 1896; Charles D. Crane, 1899; Robert R. Marson, 1903. The present church was erected in 1868. It is valued at $20,000. This is a convenient and commodious church home, and has been remodeled from time to time, adding to its value and beauty. The parsonage owned by the society is valued at |2500. Present membership 215. BAPTIST CHIRCH This church was organized Jan. 18, 1797, with seven members. It was incorporated the following June and named the "Baptist Religious Society of Yarmouth." The old meeting house on the hill was built in 1796, before the church was organized. In 1837 it was extensively remodeled. The present house of worship was dedicated May 23, 1889. Cost of construc- tion, 19,000. The church has a long and honorable history. It has ordained ministers, sent forth missionaries, maintained faithfully, sometimes at no small sacrifice, the principle for which it stands, and contributed generously to the promo- tion of benevolent and missionary enterprises. Its pastors have been as follows: Rev. Thomas Green, D. D., served from 1797-1814; Rev. Sylvanus Boardman, ] 810-1816; Rev. Otis Briggs came in 1816; Rev. Stephen Chopin, D. D., 1819; Rev. Alonzo King, 1826; Rev. John Butler, 1831; Rev. Zabdiel Bradford, 1837; Chas. W. Reding, 1845; Rev. William W. Jacobs, 1848; Rev. Lorenzo B. Allen, 28 HISTORICAL 1850; William S. Hoben, 1857; Chas. F. Foeter, 1861; Henry A. Hart, 1865; W. Melcher, 1867; Geo. B. Ilsley, 1873; Frank G. Davis, 1880; Alvin Smith, 1883; W. H. Lane, 1886; James Graham, 1891; John H. Barrows, 1892; Herbert L. Caulkins is the present successful pastor who has served the society faithfully and acceptably since 1898. CENTllAL UNITARIAN CHURCH This society was organized on April 3, 1806, but no reg- ular pastors were had until 1886 when Rev. William Brunton was chosen, and remained three years. Previous to this the pulpit was filled more or less regularly by supplies. Those who have succeeded Rev. Mr. Brunton as pastors have been Reverends, James Pratt, Arthur G. Pettengill, Oliver K. Crosby, Joseph Cady Allen, Joseph E. Locke. The building now used by this society as a house of wor- ship was erected in 1859 by the proprietors of the Central Congregational Meetinghouse and was maintained as a Con- gregational House until 1885 when it passed into the present ownership. The church property is valued at $5,000. The church membership at the present time is about 75. CATHOLIC CHURCH The Catholic church was built by Rev. Dennis M. Bradley late Bishop of Manchester, N. H.,and was dedicated July 27, 1879. It was first supplied from the Cathedral in Portland, then it went under the jurisdiction of the parish priest of Lisbon. The first resident rector was Father J. A. Flinn. HISTORICAL 29 The present rector was appointed to this town in. Tune, 1900, thus makino; it a separate parish. The membership is 250. The vahiation of Church property is |3500. METHODIST CHURCH The present Methodist Church was founded May 4, 1894, in the house of Capt. Levi Marston, by Rev. H. A. Peave, and be^an its existence with nine members. At first the meetings were held in the old white church on Elm street. The present church was dedicated in 1898. The pastors have been as follows: Clinton Simonton, 1896; Robert Law- ton, 1897; C. A. Brooks, 1898-1904. Rev. Alphonso Bry- ant, was appointed to this church by the last session of the Maine Conference. 30 HISTORICAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY Postmasters — M. C. Merrill; Yarmoiithville, Joseph Raynes; Cousens Island, Mrs. Joseph S. Hamilton. SelectweD—YarmouthviWe, J. H. Humphrey, H.G. Good- ing; Yarmouth, W.J. Sweetsir. Town Clerk — Yarmouthville, L. R. Cook. Treasurer— Yarmouthville, Joseph Raynes. Collector and Constable— John A. Seabury. Constables— C L. Bucknara, C. W. Gerow; Yarmouth- ville, Walter Brown. School Committee— Mrs. Elzada Gerow, J. R. Parsons; Yarmouthville, Walter Corliss. iSupt.— Yarmouthville, F, B. Merrill. Board of Health — Yarmouthville, L. R. Cook, sec. C/er^jmec— Central, vacant. Unit.; 1st Parish, R. R. Morson, Cong.; Yarmouthville, H. L. Caulkins, Bap.: A. K. Bryant, Meth.; J. A. Flinn, Cath. Physicians— J . M. Bates, H. H. Stockwell, C. A. Chase; Yarmouthville, W. W. Thomas, Daniel N. Woodman, F. W. Russell, Walter Corliss. Z>ez2tists— Yarmouthville, L. T. Cushing, H. A. Merrill, C. H. Evans, C. W. Gerow. Xapvjers— Howard Davies, James R. Parsons. Notaries— Chas. L. Marston, Apr. 22, 1905; Leone R. Cook, Dec. 20, 1906. HISTORICAL 31 Justices— Leoue R. Cook, Dec. 20, 1906; John' H. Humphrey, Mar. 25, 1909; Lorenzo L. Shaw, Jan. 23, 1908, Chas. L. Marstou, Oct. 30, 1907; James R. Parsons, Mar. 25, 1909, Quorum; Leone R. Cook, Nov. 24, 1910, Trial. Merchants— WiWiam H. Rowe, drugs, medicines, newspa- pers, wall papers, paints and oils; L. A. Douohty Sc Co., stoves, tin and hardware and bicycles; G. H. Humphrey, dry and fancy goods; Adelaide Abbott, millinery; A. H. Parsons & Co., C. M. Shaw, groceries and provisions; M. C. Merrill, stationery; R.S.Webb Co., coal, wood and lumber; Proctor Bros., boots and shoes; A. S. Bryant, fish; B. D. Day, gro- ceries and furniture; A. R. Murray, W. H. Dennison, fruit and confectionery; R. A. Dunning, furniture; Yarmouthville, L. R. Cook, drugs, medicines, books, paints, hardware and paper hangings; Geo. F. Joy, crockery and tinware; S. T. York, E. R. Smith, Gerow & Son, Brooks & Howe, groceries and provisions; Mrs. W. H. Marston, dry and fancy goods and clothing; E. J. Goff, millinery and fancy goods; Griffin & Rogers, stoves, hardware and plumbing; Coombs Bros., confectionery, cigars and tobacco; F. W. Leighton, hay; Royal River Ice Co., ice; H. W. Blake, watches and jew- elry; Mrs. W. H. Marston, Proctor Bros., clothing, hats, caps, boots and shoes; R. P. Greely, coal, coke, wood and fertilizers; C. R. Wiudell, fish and news stand. Manufacturers— Jioyal River Mufg. Co., L.L.Shaw & Co., props., cotton yarn, twine and seamless bags; David Ben- nett, Henry Curitt, George Allen, painters; Herman Sea- bury, A. J. Partridge, carpenters and builders; C. A. Quint, A. F. Tilton, printers; Bennett & Collis, shoemakers; J. B. 32 HISTORICAL Dennison & Son, smiths; L. W. Porter, marble and g:ranite; E. A. Clark, orrist mill; Greenwood Bros., laundry; L. T. Coffin, carriage wood worker; Yarraouthville, Forest Paper Co., G. W. Hammond, agent, A. H. Twomblj, supt., soda wood fiber; Yarmouth Baking Co., bakery; L. P. Pomeroy, C. W. Jordan, E. L. Pomeroy, Harry E. Storer, carpenters; H. Ross, C. Hodsdon, Bath Granite Co., granite quarries; George M. Bond, harnesses; A. F. York, flour, grain and canned corn; G. Storer, tailor; J. H. Jenness, A. O. Sands, smiths; J. A. Chase, painter; H. W. Blake, (also jeweler), boots and shoes (repairs); A. O. Sands, A. H. Kingsley, car- riages and painters; W.Scott Brown, carriages and repairers; U. G. Russell, carpet cleaning. Barbers— M^iWiam Freeman; Yarmouthville, Isaac John- son, Clarence Moxey. Electric Lights— Ya^vmouth Manufacturing Co., A. T. Small, manager. Stables— G. A. Cleaves; Yarmouthville, F. W. Russell. Schools— ^orth Y'armouth Academy, Frederick H. Dole, principal; High, H. M. Moore, principal. /Z2suraz2ce— Yarmouthville, Mrs. C. A. Stockbridge (fire); H. G. Gooding. P/zoto^rap/jer— Yarmouthville, H. D. Brackett. JR/orist— Yarmouthville, Thomas J. Brown. Undertaker— E. N. Bucknam. jE'xpresses— Yarmouthville, American, T. S. Blake, agent; Canadian, Walter Carr, agent; Kingsley's & Porter's to Portland. Library— Yarmouthville, Ellen S. Mitchell, librarian. HISTORICAL 33 Station ^^ez?fs— Yarmouth ville, G. T. R., Walter Carr; Junction, M. C. R. R., C. A. Collius, Jr. Te/eorap/j— Yarmouthville, G. N. W., Walter Carr, oper- ator; Junction, W. U., C. A. Collius, Jr., operator. Telephone— Coom\)% Bros., agents. ^sso'tDS— Masons. Casco, No. 86, 1st Tues.; Cumberland R. A. C, No. :i5, 2d Wed.; K. of P. Wescustogo, No. 33, Thur.; G. A. R., W. L. Haskell No. 108, Sat.; Relief Corps, No. 24, Sat.; S. of V., John A. Logan Camp, Thurs.; I. O. R. M., Susquesong, No. 29, Mon.; Royal Arcanum, Thurs.; Royal River ({range. Sat.; W. C. T. U.; Yarmouth Brass Band. Joseph Raynes, agt. (Yarmouth ville P. O.) fl'ote/— Yarmouthville, Royal River House, W.L.Adams. GENERAL REFERENCE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. NATIVE TERM OF STATE OFFICE DIED George Washington, Fed— Virginia, 1789 to 1797, Dec. 14, 1799 John Adams, Fed.— Massachupetts, 1797 to 1801, July 4, 1826 Thomas Jefferson, Rep— Virginia. 1801 to 1809, July 4, 1826 James Madison, Rep.— Alrginia, 1809 to 1817, June 28, 1836 James Munroe, Rep.— Virginia, 1817 to 1825, July 4, 1831 John Q. Adams, Rep.-Mass., 1825 to 1829, Feb. 23, 1848 Andrew Jackson, Dem.— S. Carolina, 1829 to 1837. June 8, 1845 Martin Van Buren, Dem,— N. Y., 1837 to 1841, July 24, 1862 Wm. H. Harrison, Whig— Virginia, 1841 April 4, 1841 John Tyler, Dem.— Virginia, 1841 to 1845, Jan. 17,1862 James K. Polk, Dem.— N. Carolina, 1845 to 1849, June 15, 1849 Zachary Taylor, Whig— Virginia, 1849 to 1850, July 9, 1850 Millard Fillmore, Whig— New York, 1850 to 1853, Mar. 10, 1874 Franklin Pierce, Dem.— N. H., 1853 to 1857, Oct. 8,1869 James Buchanan, Dem.— Pa. 1857 to 1861, June 1, 1868 Abraham Lincoln, Rep.— Kentucky, 1861 to 1865, Apr. 15, 1865 Andrew Johnson, Dem -N. C, 1865 to 1869, July 31, 1875 Ulysses S. Grant, Rep.— Ohio, 1869 to 1877, July 23, 1885 Rutherford B. Hayes, Rep.— Ohio, 1877 to 1881, Jan. 17, 1893 James A. Garfield, Rep.— Ohio, 1881 Sept. 19, 1881 ChesterA. Arthur, Rep.— Vermont, 1881 to 1885, Nov. 18, 1886 Grover Cleveland, Dem.— N. Jerseyf 1885 to 1889. Benjamin Harrison, Rep.— Ohio, 1889 to 1893, Mar. 13, 1900 Grover Cleveland, Dem.— N. Jersey, 1893 to 1897, William McKinley, Rep.-Ohio, 1897 to 1901, Sept. 13, 1901 Theodore Roosevelt, Rep.— N. York, 1901. GENERAL REFERENCE 35 GOVERNORS OF MAINE. 1820 William King, Bath. 1821 William D. Williamson, Bangor, Acting. 1821 Benjamin Ames, Bath, Acting. 1822 Albion K. Parris, Paris. 1827 Enoch Lincoln, Portland, (d). 1829 Nathan Cutler, Farmington, Acting. 1830 Jona G. Hunton. Readfield. 1831 Samuel E. Smith, Wiscasset. 1834 Robert P. Dunlap, Brunswick. 1838 Edward Kent, Bangor. 1889 John Fairfield, Saco. 1841 Edward Kent, Bangor. 1842 John Fairfield, Saco. 1843 John Fairfield, Saco, (elected to U. S. Senate). 1843 Edw. Kavanagh, Newcastle, Acting. 1844 Hugh J. Anderson, Belfast. 1847 John W. Dana, Fryeburg. 1850 John Hubbard, Hallowell. 1853 William G. Crosby, Belfast. 1855 Anson P. Morrill, Readfield. 1856 Samuel Wells, Portland. 1857 Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden (elected U. S. Senate). 1857 Joseph H. Williams, Augusta, Acting. 1858 Lot M. Morrill, Augusta. 18&1 Israel Washburn, Jr., Orono. 1863 Abner Coburn, Skowhegan. 1864 Samuel Cony, Augusta. 1867 Joshua L. Chamberlain, Brunswick. 1871 Sidney Perham, Paris. 1874 Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston. 1876 Selden Connor, Augusta. 1879 Alonzo Garcelon, Lewiston. 36 GENERAL REFERENCE 1880 Daniel F. Davis, Corinth. 1881 Harris M. Plaisted, Bangor. 188::{ Frederick Robie, Gorham. 1887 Joseph II. Bodwell, Hallowell. died December 15, 1887. 1887 S. S. Marble, Waldoboro, Acting. 1889 Edwin C. Burleigh, Bangor. 1893 Henry B. Cleaves, Portland. 1897 Llewellyn Powers, Houlton. 1901 John Fremont Hill, Augusta. PRESENT U. S. SENATORS FROM MAINE. William P. Frye, Rep.— Lewistou, 1883-1907 Eugene Hale, Rep.— Ellsworth, 1887-1905 REPRESENTATIVES TO CONGRESS FROM MAINE. Amos L. Allen, Rep.— Alfred, Lawyer Chas. E. Littlefield, Rep.— Rockland, Lawyer Edwin C. Burleigh, Rep.— Augusta, Editor Llewellyn Powers, Rep.— Houlton, Lawyer GOVERNMENT OF MAINE. The following arrangement for Councilor Districts, for the ten years ending 1912, was adopted by the Legislature of 1902 3. 1 York, 1903, '04, '07, '08, '09, '10, Charles H. Prescott, Biddeford, Oxford, 1905, '06, '11, '12, Chairman. 2 Cumberland, one for each year, Chas. Sumner Cook, Portland. 3 Androscoggin, 1907, '08, '11, '12, Sylvester J. Walton, Skowhegan. Somerset, 1903, '04, '09, '10, Franklin, 1905, '06, 4 Kennebec, 1903, '04, '09, '10, '11, '12, Wm. T. Haines, Waterville. Lincoln, 1905, '06, Sagadahoc, 1907, '08, GENERAL REFERENCE 37 5 Hancock, 1903, '04, '09, '10. Knox, 1907, '08, Waldo, 1905, '06, '11, '12, 6 Penobscot, 1903, '04, '05, '06, '09, Piscataquis, 1907, '08, 7 Aroostook, 1907, '08, '09, '10, '11 Washington, 1903, '04, '05, '06. Byron Boyd, Augusta, *Arthur I. Brown, Belfast, J. E. Alexander, Richmond, *Abel D. Russell, Weld, Anna P. Ladd, Augusta, *0. Smith, Litchfield, Geo. M. Seiders, Portland, A. B. Farnham, Bangor, N. S. Purinton, W. Bowdoin, Francis Keefe, Eliot, *Addie French, Winthrop, *W. W. Stetson, Auburn, *Edgar E. Ring, Orono, *Charles W. Curtis, Brewer, *S. W. Carr, Bowdoiuham, Chas. W. Fletcher, Augusta, *F. E. Timberlake, Phillips, *E. C. Stevens, Chelsea, J. M. Leavitt, Kennebuukport, *E. C. Milliken, Portland, *S. W. Matthews, Caribou, i *Charles J. House, Monson, A. W. Oilman, Foxcroft, ' C. E. Atwood, Biddeford, Joseph B. Peaks, Dover, ] Benj. F. Chadbourne, Biddeford > Parker Spofford, Bucksport, J Edward E. Chase, Bluehill. '10, '11, '12, Nath'l M. Jones, Ban- gor. '12, George A. Murchie, Calais. OFFICE SALARY Secretary of State, 11,500 Deputy Secretary of State, 1,500 Chief Clerk to Sec. of State, 1,200 En'g Clerk to Sec. of State, 1,000 Clerk to Secretary of State, 1,000 State Treasurer, 2,000 Attorney -general. 1,000 Adjutant-general, 1,000 Private Sec. to Governor, 1,200 Messenger, Stenographer to Exec. Dept. State Supt. Public Schools, 1,500 Land Agt. and Forest Com. 1,000 Clerk. Insurance Commissioner, 1,500 Deputy Ins. Commissioner, 1,000 Bank Examiner, 1,800 Supt. of Public Buildings, 1,200 State Liquor Commissioner, 1,500 Pension Clerk, 1,200 Com. Indus'l and Labor Stat. 1,500 Clerk. Com. of Agriculture, 1,500 Inspector W., F., M., etc. Railroad Commiss'rs, 2,500 2,000 2.000 38 GENERAL REFERENCE •) *E. C. Farrington, Fryeburg, Francis C. Peaks, Dover, Otis Hayford, Canton, George Pottle, Lewiston *F. M. Simpson, Bangor, James Plummer, Augusta, Leonard D. Carver, Augusta, Ernest W. Emery, Augusta, Mary L. Carver, Augusta, Edw. Wiggin, Preeque Isle, Chas. B. Caldwell, Augusta, MelvinW. Wisvpell, Brevrer, Daniel W. Emery, Augusta, Thomas Clark, Tremont, Charles E. Davis, Portland, L. T. Carlebon, Winthrop, ] Henry 0. Stanley, Dixfield, j Edgar E. Ring, Orono. J A. R. Nickerson, Booth. Har. Henry R. Cowan, Bangor, Sam'l B. Kelsey, Portland, C. W. T. Coding, Portland, Cyrus H. Farley, Portland, F. 0. Beal, Bangor, John M. Deering, Saco, F. S. Adams, Bowdoin, F. H. Wilson, Brunswick, j Percy L. Lord, Calais, > Jos. F. Young, Augusta, J Geo. H. Hunt, Old Town, Chas. A. Rolfe, Princeton, Whitman Sawyer, Portland, 1 Wm. L. Scribner, Springfield, J- Albion P. Gordon, Fryeburg, J John M. Taylor, South Portland, \ John R. McDonald, Addison, / H. P. Farrow, Belmont (Ct.) Clerk to R. R. (^ommiss'rs, 1,500 Assistant Clerk, 1,200 State Assessors, 1,500 1,500 1,500 Clerk to State Assessors, 1,000 State Librarian, 1,000 Assistant Librarian. Cataloguer. Clerk to Supt. Pub. Schools, 1,000 Treasurer's Clerk, 1,500 Treasurer's Clerk, 1,000 Treasurer's Clerk, 1,000 Clerk to Adjt. General, 1,000 Clerk to Adj. General. Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game, 1,000 1,000 1,000 Com. of Seashore Fisheries, 1,000 Keeper of State Arsenal, 100 Commissioners of Harbor Tidal Waters. and Cattle Commissioners. Commissioners of Pharmacy. Agent Penobscot Indians. 200 Agent Passamaquaddy Indians. 200 Inspectors of Prison and Jails. Inspectors of Steamboats. Inspector of Dams and Reservoirs. *lndicate8 official P. 0. at Augusta. NON-RESIDENTS WHERE NAME OF STATE IS NOT GIVEN MAINE IS UNDERSTOOD Arseneault, Marj (Musroull Orono Arseneault, John C Prince Edward Island Allen, E Mable (Danforth Providence, R I B Blanchard, Frances (Oakes Newton, Mass Bond, James L 76 Alden, Waltliani, Mass Bond, Charles R 27 Maple, Bangor Bncknani, Ambrose O N Abington, Mass Barstow, Mabel L Portland Barstow, Roy Portland Barbour, Jennie S (Gibbs Brookliue, Mass Brown, Ellen E (Keene N Turner Blanchard, Olive L (Fuller Westbrook Blanchard, Alice C (Fickett R F D 2, Cumberland Center Burns, John Cumberland Burns, Katherine (Strong; 13 Margaret, Dorchester, Mass Blake, Grace A (Allen Willard, So Portland Bates, George F Hillsborough, N Dakota Bennett, Lillian A (Jones Chelsea, Vt Bennett, Edwin H Somerville, Mass Blanchard, Edward G Pytons Theatre, Brooklyn, N Y Baker, Emily (Loring Strong Bucknam, Albion L 1538 17th St, N W Washington, D C Bucknam, Carrie P (Miller N Jay Buckle. William T W Poland Buckle, Harry A S Wolfboro, N H Bennett, Harry B 67 Pearl, Portland 40 NON-RESIDENTS Bennett, Howard C Portland Branscom, Annie S (Devmore Freeport Branscom, Ernest J Astor House, New York Brown, Blanche M 79 Pleasant, Brunswick Brown, Edmund P 8 Mark, Jamaica Plains Bucknam, Harriet E (Greeley Boston, Mass Bucknam, Cordelia C (Gosse Portland Bucknam, Frank W Skowhegan Bucknam, Maude (Carswell Clark, Portland Bibber, Amos G Broadway, Cliftondale, Mass Bibber, Fred N Broadway, Cliftondale, Mass Caulkins, Frederick J 79 George, Medford, Mass Corliss, Ethel M (Blaisdell So Freeport Crockett, Howard Hallowell Cobb, Helen M (Clark Haverhill, Mass Cobb, Herbert L 148 Mystic, W Medford, Mass Corliss, Lewis L Freeport D Deane, Minnie C (Bangs Norway Due, Niels N Portsmouth, NH Due, John C Chico, Cal Due, Henry M Chico, Cal Dunphe, William H Gray Dunphe, Nettie M (Smith 18 Smith, Portland Dunphe, Minnie O E (Letair Freeport Doughty, Julius H Kittery Doughty, Leader E Dover, N H Dresser, Horatio W 73 Wendell, Cambridge, Mass Doughty, Gertie M (Bibber Freeport Doughty, Willis N Phippsburg Doble, Alberto M 76 Oxford, Portland Daniel, Mary (Bebo Brown, Westbrook Daniel, Felix Westbrook Daniel, Ellen (Ambrose Bath Drinkwater, Hattie M 22 Huntington ave Boston, Mass Drinkwater, Oscar M 601 Broadway, So Boston Drinkwater, Margaret O (Collie E No Yarmouth NON-RESIDENTS 41 Driukwater, Lucy S C (Bucknam Rumford Falls Drinkwater, Lillian E (Crockett E No Yarmouth Fogg, Edna L Rumford Falls Foss, Albert E Lewistou Fitts, Eva M Mansfield, Mass Fitts, MaryE Mansfield, Mass Gerow, Bernice E (Pray 5 Louise Park,Roxbury, Mass Gerow, Earle A 122 P'ulton, Boston, Mass Gordan, Charles B Riverside, Portland Green, Harry M 19 Forbes Jamaica Plains, Mass Grindle, Frank B Springfield, Mass Gould, J Harold Norridgewock Greenwood, Ella (Chartrand Bridge, Holyoke, Mass Green, Robert Bowery Beach Green, James 105 Black, Portland Grant, Fred D Stone, Portland Gooding, Charles E 23 Moultrie, Dorchester, Mass Gooding. Arthur F 23 Moultrie, Dorchester, Mass Groves, Thaxter R Fitchburg, Mass Groves, Emma C (Mansfield Chebeague Island Groves, John P 732 E, So Boston, Mass Groves, Lather 732 E, So Boston, Mass Groves, Alvira (Brooks Norway Groves, Blanche Norway Glover, William R Livermore Falls Glover, George H Franklin, Melrose, Mass Groves, Adella Norway Gilbert. Dennis B Camberland H Hodsdon, Levi Hebron Station Hodsdon, Helen (Frost Turner Humphrey, OHve J (.Welch 240 Warren, Roxbury, Mass Humphrey, Edward R Great Works Humphrey, Carrie B (Wharff New Gloucester Hines, Emma M (Mitchell Turner 42 NON-RESIDENTS Hines, Ellsworth L Lonsdale, R I Hines, Albert B So Bristol Hogan, Robert D 402 Pulmau Bid, Chicago, 111 Hogan, William A 51 Dover, Boston, Mass Hayes, John C Bath, New Brunswick Hayes, Bertha G SlYi Exchange, Portland Humphrey, Sarah (Seabury Readfield Humphrey, Elizabeth J (Smith Front, Rockland Humphrey, Edith G (Burrows Charlotte, N Carolina Humphrey-, John L San Francisco, Cal Humphrey, Wilder C Congress, Portland Hale, Frank A H7 Monument, Portland Hill, Darias M Scarba rough Hill, Henry R 44:? W G3d, Chicago, III Hill, Elias W 478 Sexton, Aurora, 111 Hill, Cliff ordE 273 Beach, Aurora, 111 Hill, IdaM (Montfort W Falmouth Hill, Elmer B Augusta Hill, George H Portland, RFD4 Hamilton, Edwin J 48 Antrim, Cambridge, Mass Hamilton, Gilbert H G8 Allston, Allston, Mass Hamilton, Samuel W Falmouth, R F D Hamilton, Octavius G Aurora, 111 J Jordan, Raymond B 11 Wilmot, Portland Jordan, Guy M 5 Water, Lewiston Jordan, Windom G 44 Main, Haverhill, Mass Joy, Annie F ( — - Norway Joy, Eva M (Roberson N Monmouth Joy; Ellis F 260 Nelian, Boston, Mass Johnson, Annie C (Ridgwpll Erie, Cambridge, Mass Jones, Joseph H S Paris Jones, Annie O (Cuskley Minot Jones, Lizzie E (Gardner Buckfield NON-RESIDENTS 43 K Kenney, Arthur 59 Mishawn Road Woburri, Mass Kilby, Julian Freeport Kilby, Augustus Haverhill, Mass Kilby, Archibald Freeport King, J Frank 51 Myrtle, Portland Kinghorn, Gelia F (Griffin 13 Boyd, Portland Knight, Emma (Butterfield St Louis, Mo Knight, Nellie (Silver Pleasautdale Knight, Nettie A (Bickford Olympia, E Deering Knight, Inez (Theresa 35 Oxford, Portland Knight, George St Louis, Mo Knight, Bichard Haverhill, Mass Loring, Mary E Augusta Loring, Junius 33 Eastern Prom, Portland Leslie, Lillie M (Anderson St Peters Bay Prince Edwards Island Leslie, Duncan D Livermore Falls Leslie, Lida M (McCray Kumford Falls Leighton, Mary T (Koper Pro vincetowu,. Mass Leighton, Frank W Manchester, Mass Light, Angus Lynnfield Ctr, Mass Leighton, Hattie F (Baker 103 Stevens ave, Deering M Marston, Ellen M (Lawrence E N Yarmouth Marston, Alfred T 53 Irving, Arlington, Mass Marston, George H 50 Frost, Cambridge, Mass Mills, Sarah E (Bradley 135 Forest ave, Portland Mills, John N Gorham Mills, George H Haverhill, Mass McCray, Samuel Rumford Falls McCray, Angus Rumford Falls McCray, Maggie (Fitzpatrick Berlin, N H Mitchell, Frank H Pownal Mayo, William Athol, Mass Mayo, Georgianna (Stuart 50 Cottage ave Marlborough, Mass 44 NON-RESIDENTS Mayo, Frank 40 Spring, Lewiston Merrill, Cynthia M (Montford 76 Oxford, Portland Merrill, Harland 83 Oxford, Portland McGhlun, Mary (Frank Highland Lake McGhlun, Annie (Doyle 24 Canton, Portland McGhlun, Margaret (Shaw Montreal, Portland Mann, Fannie F (Hall E, No West, Washington D C Mann, William N 29 Broadway, N Y City McCartney, Margaret So Lawrence, Mass Morrison, Thomas H 783 Congress, Portland Merrill, Meldon H 189 Batolph, Boston, Mass Marr, Mabel E Gorham May berry, Fannie E (Russell 97 (Jray, Portland Marston, James D 38th St, New York, N Y McMann, James J Berlin, N H McMann, Joseph P Rumfoi'd McMann, William H High, Portland Marstoii, Jennie L (Viniug Wilton Marston, Charles L N Y^armoutli Morris, Jossie (Guptel 136 Cottage, Bar Harbor Murray, Lizzie T (Bryant Freeport Mansfield, Charles C 41 Howard, Haverhill, ^lass Mansfield, Winfield L 5 Fifth ave, Haverhill, Mass Mansfield, Willis H 41 Bradford ave Haverhill, Mass McKinnon, Charles D 49 Brown, Portland McKinnon, Allan G 103 Sherman ave Trenton, N J Mitchell, Forrest R 24 Morrill, Dorchester, Mass McQuillan, Hugh D Haverhill, Mass N Newman, John Portland O Orel way, Frank B Cambridge Springs, Penn Ordway, Charlie S Berlin Falls, N H NON-RESIDENTS 45 Peabodv, Charles H Milau, N H IMeice, Clarence W Cumberland Center Parsons, Maud L (Smith Goshen, Mass Pendleton, Walter B St Louis, Mo Pendleton, Carolyn P (Sheldon Greenwich, Conn Partridge, Lizzie M ( Partridge No Whitefield Partridge, James A No Whitefield Partridge, John A Coopers Mills Pinkham, Edith (Gooding 23 Moultrie, Dorchester, Mass Pinkham, Annie (Hall Portland Plummer, Clara A (Currier 427 Cumberland, Portland Plummer, Ada C (Lane Ocean View Park, Portland Plummer, Edward C 07 Dummer, Bath Plummer, Annie R (Carey So Ereeport Plummer, Ella E (Pease Tenants Harbor Pi'att, Harry J Rawley, Mass Pratt, Frank H "Henry Chapel," East Boston, Mass Pierce, George Alameda, Cal Parker, Charles C New Haven, Conn Parker, Bertha M 511 Congress, I'ortland Packer, Herbert E Hartford, Conn Packer, J Willard Haverhill, Mass R Russell, Mary F (Baker 6 Demot Court, Portland Russell, Edward (> Grey, Portland liussell, Jennie H (Goodall Sanford Raynes, Edward S 52 Court, Bath Rogers, Alice M (Francis Auburn Rogers, Lizzie E (Chadsey So Ereeport Rogers, Ernest L Ereeport Rogers, Lida B (Gould Ereeport 46 NON-RESIDENTS SpringPr, Nellie F Gardiner Sawyer, Florence (True 41 Wilmot, Portland Sarft-ent. Emma R (Goodwin 22 Boynton, Worcester, Mass Sanborn, Eliza B (Morrill R F D 2, Cumberland Center Simonton, Ralph G Lambertville, N J Simonton, Hattie L Front, So Portland Simonton, Eben Falmouth Foreside Simonton, Hardy L Hebron Simonton, Lizzie C (Parker Lisbon Falls Simonton, Joseph H corner So Broadway & 10th Los Angeles, Cal Simonton, Clinton Oklohoraa Simonton, Annie G Hebron Stockwell, Henry P Stanstead, P Q Stockwell, Eleanor L (Pollock Danville, P Q Shaw, Nellie F New Dorchester, Mass Seabury, Alfred H Uphams Corner Sta Dorchester, Mass Stoddard, Pearl L (Parker New Haven, Conn Stoddard, Mildred Manchester, Conn Seabury, Helen D (Dyer 103 Day, Roxbury, Mass Seabury, Lucy G (Green 19 Forbes Jamaica Plain, Mass Seabury, Sylvanus M Wakefield, Mass Seabury, Franklin W Wakefield, Mass Seabury, Irving L Everett, Mass Seabury, Fannie B Everett, Mass Seabury, Walter H Spokane, Washington Seabury, Edna F (Russell Camden Soule, Linman A Dennison, Turner Soule, Frank L Rochester, N H Soule, George C 601 E Broadway So Boston, Mass Skillin, George A 35 Cottage, So Portland Skillin, Edith L (Davis So Freeport Soule, Charles E 21 Market, Amesbury, Mass Sawyer, Louise (Ringrose Freeport NON-RESIDENTS 47 Tracy, Solomon Mar8 Hill, New Brunswick Tracy, Charles E Montecello Tracy, James W Skowhe^an Tracy, May M (Henderson Forest Station Thomas, Roy H 106 Warren, Roxbury, Mass True, Ralph B So Framin^ham, Mass True, William M 1 Washington ave So Portland True, Harry U 60 Pearl, Boston, Mass True, Leslie K RFD, Pittsfield, N H True, Arthur C 16th ave, Haverhill, Mass True, Marion G (Redfei-n Winchester, Mass Van Iderstine, Bertha A (Tripp Cumberland Center W Williams, Georgia W (Leadley Boston, Mass Williams, Harriett L (Jiird Park, Portland Wilson, Frank A 10 Williams, Worcester, Mass Walsh, John H High, Portland Walf-h, Annie M (Pendleton 235 Cumberland ave Portland Walsh, Margaret (Mc Mann 852 Huntington ave Roxbury, Mass Walsh, Agnes A 51 Brown, Waltham, Mass Walsh, Catherine A 100 Oak, Portland Wight, Leon a A (Read 28 Autumn, St John, N B Wight, Weston J Gorham, N H Wight, Stella N (Wright 34 Broadway, Lowell, Mass Winslow, George H Freeport Walker, Elkanah H Crosby, Augusta Whitney, Alberta E (Kendall Bethel Whitney, Grace M (Williamson 17 Shawmut,Somerville, Mass Whitney, E Leone 118 High, Auburn Wyman, Cora N (Anderson Freeport Walker, Ernest L 16 Hamsted Road Jamaica Plain, Mass 48 NON-RESIDENTS Winslow, Lucy A (Hamlin Woodfords Winslow, Edith L (Butler Woodfords Winslow, Bert H Falmouth Foreside Winslow, Sarah E (Butler Wasbino:ton ave, Portland Walker, Harry R 33 Florence E Somerville, Mass York, Sarah C (Storer Brunswick York, Horace Kennebunk York, Fred G Kennebunk Young, Joseph A Seattle, Washington Census of Vanmoutb 1904 The population ot the town of Yarmouth has \wexi arranged herewith in families wheie that arranoetnent has been possible. In these families, in addition to the resi- dent liviiit»' members, the nnmes of the non-resident mem- bers are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all former residents of this town, as the names of the non-residents appear only when one or both the parents are stiU Iivin<>; in the town. At the end of the Census will be found the names of non-residents with their present addresses, when such addresses have been given to us. The n.on -residents are indicated by the (*). Following: the names of the population is the occu- pation. To designate the occupations we have used the more common abbreviations and contractions. Some of these lollow: Farmer — far; carpenter— car; railroad ser- vice — R R ser; student, a member of an advanced institution of learning— stu; pupil, a. member of a lower grade of schools —pi; housework— ho; laborer— lab; physician and surgeon— phy & sur; clergyman— clerg; merchant— mer; teacher— tr; blacksmith— blk; clerk— cl; book-keeper— bk kpr; lawyer — law; mechanic— mech; engineer— eng; insurance— ins; maker — mkr; worker— w'kr; work— wk; shoe shop work— s s work. This Census was taken expressly for this work during the summer of 1904, by R. C. Russell, Kent's Hill, Me. 50 CENSUS YARMOUTH P. O. Allen, Fred E ins ao't Fannie L (Sawyer ho Hazel M Pl Glaclyw M pl Anderson, Lucinda N (Walker nurse Ralph S foreman oannin (;• factory Allen, Walter B supt of schools Susan G (Greenleaf ho Allen, Byron I) ' Eleanoi'a (Goodi ig ho Byron M s s work Harold B cl Ruth F pl Clara E pl Anderson, Fred C mill op Mabel A (Eaton ho Fred W Jennie A Abbott, Jeremiah G lab Arseneault, Lillian mill o]j Arseneault, Mary mill op Acklej", Freeman mill op Hattie (Bryant ho Olive L pl Anderson, Isabella (Carter nurse Ida ho Harry mill op B Blanchard, Edward G far Sarah C (Emery ho *()live L ho George E milkman ho ho pl pl phy ho *Alice C Baker, Leana (Hutchins Henry H Albert E Bates, James M Hester A R (Sawtelle Edward C nmriner *George F phy Harriet L U S ser Blanchard, Sarah J (Baker ho Baker, Lucy M (Chandler ho Bernard, Judith ho Bar stow, Eva M cl Baker, Anna P ho Bennett, Roxauna E (Mitchell ho *Lillian A ho Elizabeth A ho CENSUS 51 Sadie F ho *Ed\vin H supt of Tufts Collpj^e Daniel mill op Blaiichard, Eiios A imisti- Mary E ((n)odiii<»' ho "Edward G iiiusiciaTi Brewer, Thomas W mill op Millisse (Gooding- ho Brown, Lewis E mill op Lora E (Hilehey ho Harold L ].! Blanch a rd H RetaH Alfred M Barbour, (Jharles S foreman pulp mill EllaS (Skdlino-s ho Helen L stn Baker, Albert far Frank far *Emily ho Buckman, James M retired Nicholas D iar Clarence L lecturei* *Albion L dec *Carrie P lio Edna Ji (Marston ho Bennett, David H painter Lizzie F (Lorino- ho Marion s s work Bennett, Arthur F painter L Myrtle (Stoddard ho EveJvn M Rodney A Bryant, Jackson retired Phoebe (LTanseome ho Eugene H ialj Hattie 1 ho Bryant, Eugene lab Emma (Morris ho Buckle, John mill op Margaret (Ma gee ho * William T far M a rga ret E m i 1 1 o p * Harry A mill op Laura B ho Mabel A ho i^ennett, William F mill op Isabell P (Partridge ho *Harry B s s work Arthur F painter Prentice M mill op *Howard C cl William L car Charles R stu Br\'ant, George E lab Samuel A mer Edna ho Ella F (Adams ho i)rown, Willis F far Louisa (Gould ho Wallace F elec R R Lin wood H mill op Alice K pi Elsie M Bran scorn, Sarah E ho *Annie S ho 52 CENSUS *Ernest J bk kpr Bnckuam, Henry S retired Josephine (Piper ho *Harriet E dr ndcr *Cordelia C ho Lewis R artist Bucknam, Lewis R artist Mamie (King ho Annie M Brown, Ellen C (Buck ho Susie E lio Bucknam, Everet N uudertkr BellF (Dexter ho Cleaves, Augustus H far Ada L (Loring ho Edmond stu Coombs, John car Frances S (York ho George E mer Albert H iiier Cousens, Samuel expressman Edith M (Hall ho Chase, Charles A phy Gertrude A (Hayes ho Nellie H Estelle B stu Chaisson, Lamable mill oj) Lhcebe (Thibaudault ho Joseph A lab William Cleaves, Angler G cl Laura (Hitchcock ho Florence K pi Geoi'ge T pi Clarence H Dorothy A Carr, John mill op Jennie (Haines ho EmmaE pi William J pi Cutter, Lucy Q ho Cobb, John M car Abbie S (Chase ho *Helen M ho *Herbf'rt L car John F stu Corson, Walter E elec R R Cora B (Dyer ho Collins, Darias retired sea cap Mary C (Drue ho Leon S p;j inter Edith M ho Mabel C ho Josie G ho Bernice I stu Cook, Mary A (Grant ho Corliss, Octavius H mill op Cora E (Pierce ho Bertha E ho Charles H s s wk Lena P ho Mabel G pi Coffin, Bertha M (Groves Coffin, Llewellyn T carriage mkr CENSUS 53 Olive A (Todd bo Morris L plumber Bertba s s wk William I) painter Chandler. Hai-riet M (Grant bo Walter K CbristeiKsen, Cbristian mill op IMariou (Madseu bo Marie C pi Emai pi Tbora C Cleaves, Alfred retired Elmira (Hamilton bo Alfred E bk kpr Emma S ho Cain, Harry S mecb Emma T (Kinghorn bo Grace A Corliss, Ferdinand M mill op Lillie (Hardino- bo *Lewis L s s wk Albert A s s wk Ulmont N pi Harold L pi Collins, Leon S painter Vessia (Kinghorn ho Mildred F pi Robert S pi Edward G pi Clarence W Willard A Clark, Elisha A mer Lydia A (Haskell ho Frank L stu I^eonard E pi Raymond J pi Corliss, Charles H cobbler Margaret E (Sears dr mk Collins, George W marketman Harriett C (Curtis ho Ellen G p] P'rauces M Cram. Walter M car Ella (Black ho Sadie M bo Frank AV car Bertba D p] Josephine R pi Curtis, Thomas L retired ship car Josephine (Hitchcock ho Card, Joseph H fish Annie ( Watson ho Joseph pi D Dole, Mary E (Brown ho Frederick H tr Day, Byron D mer Mildred L p] Dennison, William H mer Winfield (Rodgers ho Herbert M Da vies Howard lawyer Dion, Henry elec R R Josie (Eneir ho Dyer, Charles R car 54 CENSUS Annie M (Kin< Cora B Martin M Dnrgau, Tsabelle dr mkr ho stn iiO Doughty, James H bllv * Julius H moulder *Leader E far Desroches, Mary M ho Dresser, Aunetta (} (Seabiny ho * Horatio W tr Jean P stu Pbilip S stu Desroches, Philip mill op Mary R (Desroches ho Rose , Desroches, Jennie ho Desroches, Fred mill o]) Doucet, Maogie mill o]) Desroches, Mary ho Desroches, Joseph s s wk Day, Julia mill op Doughty, Abbie F (Sanborn ho * Willis N ship car Leon A raer *Gertie M ho Charles S s s wk Dennisou, James B blk Bertha A (Whitney ho Charles C plumber William H mer Demers, John lab Celenia (Venasse ho Eva pi Antonio Daniel, Joseph lab Doyle, Oscar W car Eunice G (Drinkwater ho Marion H stu Mabel F pi Mildred M pi Edward R Doble, Alvinza D lab Annie A (Merrill ho *Alberto M steam fitter Daniel, Joseph T elec R R Mary (Doucett ho Joseph A pi Maryann S pi Fre.i A pi Blanche R Katherine E Daniel, Francis lab *A[ary ho *Felix teamster *Ellen ho Joseph elec R R Charles lab Drinkwater. John (I sea cap Harriet F (Hamilton ho Alfred C lab Edith J ho Eneir, Josie (Blanchard ho Archie mill op CENSUS Fog^r, Willis S elec R II Julia M (Foog ho Earle S pi Louise K pi HhioIcI S pi Ruth A pi Flower, Nellie M (Beunett ho Fogo;, Oscar D mill op E(Jith (Gooch ho Fos.^, Marv S (Bryant ho *AlbertE elec Freeman, Mrs E Dudley (Carl k on ho Mary stu Constance stu Fogg, Chester pi Freeman, William H barber Ida (Anderson ho Jennette M stu William A pi Almeda I Grant, William M mer *Fred D lab Lucinda E (Knight ho George B mill op Harriet M ho William O cl Lucy W ho Arthur M pi Alfred iN pi Edward E pi Ernest L Nettie A Greely, Roswell P coke, coal & wood dealer Martha S (Low ho Eddena Gould, Mary (Black ho Gore, Moses B mason Augusta (Thurlow ho Elizabeth ho Green, Charles L car Helen H (Dunham ho Mary L Green, Fannie (Blake ho * Harry M s s wk Martha C ho Charles L ear Ellen F ho Grindle, Joan P (Gray ho *Frank B ins agt Abbie A ho Gaudet, Joseph mill op Mary (Bernard ho John P mill op Peter mill op Emily mill op Camille mill op Joseph pi Julienne Grey, Susan A ho Grant, Frances E (Ross ho Norman P elec R R 56 CENSUS Greeley, John S far Hester A (Small bo Gooding, Melissa (Goodinobo Lena M mill op Carrie L s s \vk Gould, Georoe F s capt Anna M (Winslow ho *J Harold elerg Hattie W bo Gooding, William H s eapt Marion (Moi'timer bo Marion L stu William T stu Grant, Mary A (Corliss ho William M mer Edwin F lab Groves, Ella S (Sawyer dr mk Bertha M Freeman S lab Arlene V pi Greenwood, Joseph lab Tberesiasse (Gosselein ho Clara ho *Ella ho Fred laun man Stanley car Amemile L laun man Dolpbice pi Giant, Celina mill op Green, Thomas mill op Lizza (Foster ho *Kobert far *James painter Thomas mill op Joseph mill op Jennie bo Greeu, Joseph mill op Louisa M (Mills ho William E Grant, Charles cl Helen (Parsons ho Alice G stu Green, Thomas mill op Alice (Quinn mill op Gooding, Cora S (Durg-an ho Eleanora I ho *Charles E druggist *Artbur F cl Gooding, Mary C (Prince ho William H s capt Clara B ho Greeley, Charles E car Sarah A (Sawyer ho H Hutchins, Tryphenia K (York ho Hall, Harriet A (Brown ho Edith M bo Laura B tr Hutchinson, William P blk Hanab M (Campbell ho Mary J bo Humphrey, Augustus H R R ser Florence I (Gurney bo Homer C musician CENSUS 57 Lucy M U S ser Hill, Sarah B (Seabury ho Floreuce s s work Higgins, BeDJamiu L elect R R Myrtle M (Bennett ho Augustus B pi Ruth A Mildred L Ham. George E s s work Minnie (Jones ho Robert P stu Mildred E stu Ralph C pi Horn, Abbie L (Ham ho Ham, Abbie L (Lowe ho George E s s work Hill, Walter H fisherman Grace P (Newell ho Annie B mill op Hill, Fred blk Fannie E (Lombard ho Charles H car Ernest P pi Hat tie H pi Susanna T pi Aim on P pi Maurice F pi Hale, Frances E (Fogg ho *Frauk A mer Hale, Carrie L stu Hadlock, William mill op Ida C (Chaplin ho Sadie L stu Harry W stu Oscar C pi Hodsdon, Mary A (True ho Hill, Roy * pi Hill, Everett pi Hill, Edgar E cl Carrie (Wilson ho Anna J pi Bernice W pi Inoraham, William C S Jones, George retired *Joseph H traveling salesman *Annie O ho * Lizzie E ho Minnie H ho Johanesen, Elizebeth G ho Johanesen, Edward ^I stu Jacobsen, Gustave fireman Glga (Olsen ho Olef Ralph Jarvais, Adolors mill op K King, George W elec R R Charles W Pl Vernon pl 58 CENSUS King, Huldah D (Leighton ho Anuie M dr mkr George W elec R R *J Frank elee R R Kenney, Augustus fur Ellen L bo Kingborn, William H mason Amelia (Thompson bo *Gelia F bo Vessia E bo Howard E macb EmmaT bo Leslie G painter Knight, Darius L far Edward F lab *Emma bo *Nellie bo *NettieA bo Liicinda. bo *Ricbard s s work *Inez ho *Ge()rge s s woi'k Knight, Harry W elec R R Elsie (Mason ho Kingsbury, Ormau A lab Winnie I (Stevens bo Leslie, John A mill op Elizabeth U (True ho Leslie, Alexander retired John A mill op George G mill op *Lillie M bo *I)uncan D mill op *Lidia M bo Libby, Willie E car Lillian M (Maxwell bo Erving R pi Loring, Nesraith mill op Myrtle (Whitney ho Gladys stu Doiis pi Lnfkin, Harry E Gen Sec State Sunday School Elizabeth L (Lawrence ho Chloe-Allen pi John L Leighton, Morris H mill op Jennie (McCray ho Leighton, Scott T mill op Leigbton, George A mill op Arexine G (Ha^^es bo *MaryT ho ^lonis H lar Lawrence, William L Loi'ing, Fred ]{ mill op Julia (lady ho Lee W ' pi Walter B pi Garland C pi Una E Leighton, Edmund F mill op Sarah J (Caldwell bo Dean I] pi Philip H Lenord, Lillian M (Crockett ho CENSUS 59 Edith A >stii Lei«ihtoi], Arthur N mill o]) Lei^htou, Alfred S mill op Piisciila (Leij^hton ho Edmund F mill op * Frank W elec Leiohtou, Edwin W car Maudp E (Parker ho Robert P M Merrill, Herbert A dentist Leila (Small artist Jessie E mus stu Eawrenee B pi Miller, Marv J (McLearn ho Frames M ho Edith S nurse Morrisoj), David retired Elizabeth (McGee ho Daniel U mill o}) John A mill o]) *'rhonias H R R ser Mary A ho Mariner S mill op William G s s work Clarence D pi Merrill, Theresa M retired Mayo, Ellen S ho Morson, Robert R cler<»- Florence (Mills ho McPhew, Patrick mill op Merrill, Melville C postmaster Leah H (Humphrey ho *Meldou H elec eng Merrill, Rnth C Mace, Theodat S (Dunham ho Mills, Elijah elec R R Mary (Blauchard ho Louisa ho Francis A mill op Lillian M ho Ethel pi Bern ice pi Elizabeth P pi Mills, Francis A mill op Jennie (Green ho Marr, Nancy E (Emery ho niabelE tr Harriet W tr Mayberry, Permelia W (Huston ho Etta (3 s s work HattieE ho l>erton A elec R R ■"Fannie E ho Moriarty, John ti'avelling- salesman Maude A (Johnstone ho Mitchell, AbbieH (Parsons ho Merrill, Roy W car Carrie L (Gooding s s work Mansfield, Joseph G supt cotton mill William H pi Myron L pi 60 CENSUS Hattie (Murray ho Charles G Marston, Charles L corp atty and accountant Elizabeth J (Drumuiond ho Mabel C *James D salesman Mansfield, Robert D cl Kmraa E (Brown ho Grace E McGee, John T elec R R Mary J (Wilson ho John A pi Ernest E pi McCHllum, Georcre s s work George s s work Charles pi Lizzie (Richard ho Miller, Andrew J mill op Rose (Pluf ho Matis6eld, Isaiah lab Sarah (Mason ho Gertrude ho Winthrop J s s work ClititonT s s work Mary A mill op Asa I pi Bertha M mill op Lena F pi Effie M pi Mansfield, Clinton F s s work Alice M (Pool mill op Clifford O McMann, Peter J far Anna (McCartney ho *James J lab Huo-h J far Mary M ho Sarah E s s work *Joseph P mill op * William H cl Merrill, Martha M (Styles ho Hugh A press corres Merrill, Horace B lab Mitchell, Eliza S (Pratt ho Ida B ho Marston, Edna Ji (Loring ho *Jennie L ho *Charles L far Mad sen, Mads J mill op Edna (Bryant ho Mad sen, Jens lab Mitchell, Henry W car Miller, David mach Clara (Greenwood ho Nellie Harry Ella Roy Morris, Emma C (Reynolds ho *Josie ho Murry. Jared F painter H Leroy s s work Archie R mill op *Lizzie T ho Chester A lab CENSUS 61 Stephen H lab Murry, H Leroy s 8 work Florence M (Dunn ho Mitchell, Frederick E far McLaren, Frank S mill op Lilla M (Kuhn ho Leon W pi Jennie M pi Carl K pi Verna B Mansfield, Joseph H mill op Mary E (Bennett ho *Charle8C s s work *Wiutield L s s work Joseph G su]>t cotton mill * Willis H 8 8 work Robert D cl Florence E dr mkr John S cl Merrill, Leland mill oj) Mary (Libby ho Moxcey, Eunice P (Soule ho McKennon, Allan far Elizabeth G (Mitchell ho *Cbarles D cl *Allan G mach Edward G pi Barbara pi McLearn, George F mill op Mary (Colburn ho Thomas F mill op Hermon C mill op Frances T ho Edna M ho George E . pi Daniel J pi Freeman pi Myrtle pi Eva M pi Gertrude pi Alice L Florence P Mitchell, Phoebe B (Soule ho *Fore8t R salesman Eleanor H stu Charles N stu Mitchell, Frances J (Bennett ho McQuillan, Ala (Sawyer ho *Huoh D 8 8 work Roy L pi N Noyes, Hulda G ho Olesen, Ole fireman Anna (Jorquensen ho William A abody, Zenas B far Mary E (Grdway ho Albert C stu Edna M pl Ernestine C pl 62 CENSUS Peabody, Mary F (Wilson ho Zen as B far *Charles II far Pierce, Elizabeth B ( [jorino- lio * Clarence W tr Parsliley, Eliza F (Winslow ho Pendleton, Viri>iuia H (Hunter press corres Edward H stu George H stu Helen stu rsons, Alvarad oH nier James R lawyer Louise W (Williams ho *Maude L ho Parsons, Huldah B (Baker ho Helen ho Abbie H ho Alvarado H mer Pendleton, Caroline E ho Pendletnu, Hariet B ( Kaker ho * Walter B R R ser *Carolyn P ho Payson, John E car Clara B (Dennison ho Parker. Mary E (Johnson ho Partridge, Alonzo J car *Lizzie M ho *JamesA far *John A car Isabelle C ho George W contractor & build Albert R elec Partridge, George W contractor & build Nettie (Hewitt ho Amie y)l Fierce, David retired scapt *Geor *Lida B ho Rogeis, James D trader Mary (Greenleaf ho Edith B tr Henry G pi Annie M ])1 Louise A pi Carl T Rieker, Arthur C R R sei- Russell, Maria J ho Richardson, Elizabet h A ( Allen Roberts, Walter J granite bus Harriet T (Davis ho Walter A oranite bus Skillin, Harriet E (Seabury ho Arthur C s s wk "Georgie A ho Ethel A ho Edward S mill op *Edith L ho Scamman, Frank E blk Nettie (Meacham ho Benjamin J elec Flora E ho Sonle, Susan G (Bruce ho ^Charles E cl Soule, Beth B ho Skill ings, Woodbury B spring bed wk Mar}^ (Brown ho Marion B stu Stockwpll, William H mer Mary L (Goodhue ho *Henry P phy * Eleanor L ho Hermon K pby Lucy M tr Alice L stu Anna B T pi Nellie G pi AVilliam J Stubbs, Harry Iv ast supt Life Ins Co Abbie A (Grindle ho Basil L stu Perl in e M pi 64 CENSUS Caro E pi Olcra DeF Stubbs, Helen A (Merrill ho Harry L ins agt Shaw, Lorenzo L manuf *Nellie F ho Shaw, Cornelius M mer Lena S (Ski]]ing:s ho Skilling:s, Carrie B (Smith ho Lena S ho Small, Warren A lab Sawyer, VVilmer E mar eng Bertha E (Corliss ho Irma L Arthur W Sawyer, Margaret D (Grannell ho Wilmer E mar eng Fannie L ho Sawyer, Stillman far Annie S (Coffin ho Seabury, Hermon car Lizzie E (York ho *Alfred H steam fitter Lillian T el Smith, Harry T elec R R Harriett T (Titcomb ho Smith, Ellsworth L car Callie H ho Ida (Henley ho Gertrude L pi Smith, Mahala H (Hamilton ho Ellsworth L car Stockbridge, ]\Iary Stoddard, Mary M (Stearns ho Howai'd L • tel ser Wallace O mill op * Pearl L ho L Myrtle ho *Mil(ired S mill op Hazel M pi Stoddard, Margaret E( Buckle ho Charles L pi Lawience L pi Alfred G Harold R Smith, Edward P chemist Flora J (Johnson ho Sawyer, Joseph P mill op Emma (Tweedee ho Smith, Sarah A (Bruce ho Nellie M ho Harry T elec R R Edward P mill op George J Government employ Seabury, Ellen J (Yeaton ho Gertrude nurse Harry K s s wk Seabury, Am mi D painter Mary (Mason ho *Helen D ho *Lucy G ho George L painter Seabury, George L painter CENSUS 65 Alice E pl Everett S Seabury, Joseph H mill op Turner, Harry C elec R R Ida M (Knight ho Frances (McLearn ho Louis I pl Charles F Ruth D pl True, Benjamin F far Julia M pl Myra (Forrest Pearl F ho pl T Tuttle, Elizabeth (Fitts Francena ho ho Twombly, A H Princes Point Eliza P ho Dugas Elvina L ho Edith (ColHns Twombly, Alexander H El mire supt pu P mill Dolphice Sophia (Hitchcock ho Celina Alexander H pl Demois Ellen C Lemable True, Frank G pl True, Paul A pi Tilton, Anson F printer Enie C (xidams ho True, Irving- F banker M Gertrude (Lane ho *Marion G ho True, Augustus W car Harriet (Mitchell ho Taber, Everett S elec Elizabeth (Holmes ho Sherwood H pl Georgia L pl Gertrude S pl Harold B Elizabeth Taber, Ann L (Bruce ho ^an Iderstine, John L mill op Alice M (Ci irry ho Edith M ho *Bertha A ho Annie M pl Mai-garet T pl ^^an Iderstine, Reginald mill op w Welch, George F mill op Mary J (Miller ho Charles A pl Bertha M pl 66 CENSUS Wellcome, Frank mu8 Mary L (Liiidsey ho Frank L cl Elsie M pi Woods, Ella A s s wk Winslow, Mary L mill op Wilson, Cbarles cl Ward, Charles L nioht supt pulp mill Flora M (Winslow ho Winslow, Susan Y (Coffin ho Flora M ho *Geor^e H expressman Walker, Emma A ho Walker, Lyman retired Lyman F retired *Elkanah H R R ser W'alker, L^mian F retired Eutj;enie C (Carrisle ho Wilson, Mary J (Ricker ho Andrew G car OraM ho Whitney, Charles H mill op Flora E (Harding^ ho *Alberta E ho M} rtie J ho *Grace M ho *E Leone s s wk Georgia B pi Whitten, Etta S (Fogg ho Grace M ho Waite, Harlan P elec R R Alice B stu Webb. Rufus S coal dealer Mary (Jordan ho Charles R lab George R pi Lida F pi West, Rachel J (Hodsdon Walker, John car Winslow, Dennis E car *Lucy A ho *Edith L ho *Bert H gardener diaries H eng Perlie E cl *Sarah E ho Clara stu Mary A stu Meld on E pi Watson, ( ho Nathaniel fibs CENSUS 67 YARMOUTH R. F. D. 1 Anderson, Georo-e C teamster Clara B (Hill ho Olive C Adams, Frederick A F retired Sarah L (Denning ho Allen, Georoe A painter Ermina (Fabyan ho *E Mabel ' ho E Gertrude ho B Black, Joseph far Bennett, Clifford B mill op Ida F (Crockett ho Clifford H salesman Frank A pi Harriett E Brown, John F far Mary A (Lovell ho Hattie F nurse *Blanche M ho * Edmund P salesman Gertrude L stu John M stu Brewer, Horace A gardener Hattie E (Thompson ho Charles F pi Bucknam, Nicholas D far Phebe (Groves ho George R undertaker E]verett N undertaker Preze L car Barry, Patrick far Bucknam, William E far Kate (Mahone^^ ho *Frauk W druggist *Maude ho Bucknam, Ann E ho Bryant, Alta V ho Bucknam, Clarence L far Jennie M (Young ho Sumner E pi Bibb^T, Greenleaf far Mary (Beattie ho Ann M ho Emma (i ho *Amos S s s wk *Fred N s s wk Ellsworth G prop boarding house Chandler, Frank B lab Adella F (Dyer ho Alfred B ^ stu Campbell, John F mill op Mary (McCullon ho Howard CENSUS Corliss, Matilda E ho Curit, Joseph S mill op Eliza A (Johnson ho Jennie B ho Renie F pi Vaug^hndella pi Josie F pi Cleaves, Freeman G far Sadie J (Woodbury ho Freeman G Jr pi Walter E pi Elmer W pi Lillian G Elizabeth P Burton N Croudis, William F bik Elizabeth A (Munroe ho William F Jr elec R R Annie B stu Geori^e S pi Curit, William S mill op Eva E (Quirk ho Lillian P Iva A Margaret L Curit, Ira S mill op Josephine (Light ho Curit, Henry N painter S Florence (Curit ho Earle L pi Guy S Cleaves, John D far Fannie O (Hicks ho Dyer, Eliza J (Pinkham ho AdellaF ho Drinkwater, Sumner P sea ca pt Alif-e G (Drinkwater ho Doyle, Eliza J (Parker ho J Etvin far Wallace R far Oscar W car Doyle, Wallace R far Lena A (Fitts ho Geneva A Drinkwater, Sarah E (Staples ho *Hattie M stenog John A car Alice G ho Drinkwater, John A car Nellie (Groves ho Drinkwater, Ferdinand P painter Ella (Drew ho Bertha Al tr Frank H far *()scar M mech Grace R Allan Drinkwater, Nicholas retired Margaret H (Gra^^ ho John G sea capt Mary A ho Sumner P sea capt CENSUS 69 Joshua A G *Margaret *Lucy S C Eunice G *Lilliau E U S ser ho ho ho ho Drinkwater, Joshua A G l^ S ser Harriet (Robie ho Elizabeth R Dunning, Robert A antique dealer Lucy A (Given ho Eastman, Adonas far Farrer, Nathaniel G retired Fitts, Fred VV mill op Annie M (Sawyer ho P'red A far Sadie A pi Roy M pi Annie W pi Augustine S Fitts, AbbieN (Davis ho Fred W mill op Milton M lar *Eva M jewelry wk *Mary E jewelry wk Lena A ho Fickett, Eugene L painter Evalena (Curit ho Flewelling, Edward M mill op Emma T (Beesley ho Henry W stu Foley, Jeremiah far Fitts, Milton M baggage master Nellie M (Strout ^ ho Ernest M pi Verna W Grant, Edwin F landscape gardener Ella (Allen ho Frances E ho Edgar L pi Gammon, Edward S far Jennie S (Seabury ho Goldrup, Henry M mach Nellie ( Pearson ho Dora F pi Alice M pi Marion C pi Gladys S pi Henry M pi Gooding, Susie E (Brown ho H Hill, Charles A supt Town Farm Nellie G (Day ho Hamilton, Woodbury D car Mary A (Drinkvvater ho Hicks, Mary B ho 70 CENSUS J Jewett, Casper retired Kenney, John W far Katherine (Clare ho Elizabeth M pi Frank B p] John E pi Helen C Libby, Walter H mill op Libby, Elizabeth S (Pool ho Lawrence, Frank L far Gertrude L (Royal ho Philip B Light, Josephine (Richard ho *Anous pl Lombard, Charles E car Ressa (Cook ho Sadie B stu Leslie J pl Charlie L pl Abbott G Leighton, Ruthetta (Purves ho Fred W hay dealer M Etta ho *Hattie F ho Lovell, Harlan P far Bertha M (And erson ho ZoeW Lane, Joseph H far Louise C (Wilson ho Lovett, Charles H lab Angie (Walker ho M McLearn, Thomas F mill op Sarah A (Baston ho Edwin F Frederick S Mansfield, James F mill op Abbie (Mason ho McNeill, John C far Annie C (Miller ho Frank D Murray, Archie R mill op Addie E (Bryant ho Margaret L Mabel A Annette R Mason, James far Minnie (Foley ho Flora B pl Celia M pl Frances L pl Annie M Arthur J Mason, Asa (Read ho Joseph mill op James far Sarah ho Abbie ho CENSUS 71 N Nelson, Blatchford I pi Ordway, Sumner H far Sarah J (Jevvett bo Marv E ho Minnie F nurse *Frank B cl *Charlie S janitor Lizzie E ho (leorge B stu Pratt, Jacob R far Helen M ho Eugene H far Pratt, Eugene H far Carrie E (True ho Pool, Charles retired Frances E (Loring ho Sarah G ho Harriet G ho Joseph H far Charles L lab Pool, Charles L lab Henrietta (Hayes ho Marjorie E pi Willis H Bernard H Pulsifer, Albert L far Etta M (Cleaves ho Elroy C Pulsifer, William D lab Petersen, Soren blk Anna (Larsen ho Anna J ho Porter, Lester W stone cutter InaM (Walker ho Pratt, Lyman J far Susan S (Thompson ho Eleanor L *Harry J s s wk *Frank H tug boat capt Pearson, Frances (Miller ho Nellie F ho Preble, George far Maria B (Seabury ho Preble, William N far Inez (Nelson ho Parker, Alpheus L car *Charles C bk kpr * Berth a M cl Alice G (Groves ho Prince, Samuel A lar M Ellen (Prince ho Prince, Sarah B ho Poole, Joseph H far Mabel S (Gooding ho Herbert H pl Eleanor F pl Irene L 72 CENSUS Rowe, Charles far Jeunie M (Hutchinson ho William H druggist Sylvanus C stu Russell, Caroline H (Young 1 •etired S Small, Eliza J (Dyer ho Soule, Wallace H far Emma (Cleaves ho Florence M pl Jessie M pl Harry C pl Storer, Emma (Roberts ho Sweetser, George W far Harriet E (Small ho William G far Bertha H dr mk Sweetser, William G far Nellie I (Curtis ho Thomas C pl Harriett L pl G Gordon Soule, Herbert far Julia E (Walker ho *Linman A lab *Frank L painter Alfred W painter Seabury, Harriet E (Soule ho *Sylvanus M painter Joseph H far *Irving L mer *Franklin W painter *Fannie B bk kpr Ethel M ho Ralph D stu Seabury, Franklin T upholsterer Priscilla H (Coffin ho *Walter H pattern mkr *Edna F ho Soule, Sarah (Mason ho Eugene L tr *George C s s wk Marjorie B ho HattieM stu Alice L pl Soule, Horatio B retired Nellie ho Seabury, Edwin C far Josephine B (Lowe ho Ralph L stu Josephine L stu Louise A stu Carleton W stu Rollins A stu Seabury, Sylvina O (Oakes ho Jennie M ho Seabury, John A tax collect Ella L (Trowant ho Ella M ho Lida M stenog Ada B tr Seabury, Elizabeth W ho Seabury, Hannah (Mitchell ho CENSUS 73 Henry G teamster George W far Spofford, Nellie L Soulis, Henry F mill op Louise (Huston ho Soulis, EdsoD S s s wk Annie M (Huston ho Skillin, Samuel M car Clara ( ho Flora A stu Sandy, Samuel far Stowe, Samuel retired Soule, Alviu far Soule, Deborah A ho Todd, James H R R ser Nellie F (Walker ho Lin a VV stu Ethel M pi True, Charles H R R ser Mary (Curit ho Trimble, John C boarding house prop Maria (Clark ho Mary E stu Lawrence N stu Harry E stu W Webber, William H Maria (Black mill op ho Wilfred E manf Webber, Fred J mill op Beulah pi Wilson, Charles fireman Mary (Svveetser ho Stanley A Williams, Charles A mill op Lillian M (Leonard ho White, Bertha H (Sweetser ho Georgia B stu Murray H pi Walker, Nellie F (Staples ho Ada L ho Maurice A stone cutter Walker, Arthur W far Florence G (Gee ho Lois G Whitten, Palmer M far Wyraan, Freeman M far Christina (Worthley ho *Cora N ho Walker, Winnie A (Wormwood ho *Ernest L state board of health Ina M ho Arthur W far Whiting, John A lab Harry stu Nellie (Soale ho Walker, Angle (York ho *Harry R R R ser 74 CENSUS York, Nellie L bo Youno-, Joseph retired s capt Mahala A (Hill Frank E *Joseph A ho sea capt cl YARMOUTHVILLE P. O. A Arseneault, Charles S mill op Mary (Arseneault ho Arseneanlt, Fidele E fire *John C fire Arseueaiilt, Fidele L uiill op Theresa mill op Arseneault, L'Aimable mill op Beatrice pl Emelia (Arseneault ho Benjamin pl *Mary ho ]\Ielly pl John mill o]) Anderson, Christian Maryanna mill op elec R R ser Kate mill oj) Allen, Harry T mill op Peter pl Hattie(Maxfleld ho Lizzie Pl Ruth H Millie Pl Geo roe M Arsen^nault, John mill op Allen, Charles P mill op Mary (Arseneault ho Etta (Maxfield ho Philip pl Mabel pl Joseph pl Allen, Jennie (Moody ho Anjjus pl Charles mill op Harry Bert poultry kpr Arseneault, Manuel E lab Harry T mill op Arseneault, S.vlvanus mill op May E tr Julia (Tibbetts ho Allen, Fred RRser Mar;horn, John W mill op Mary J (O'Brion ho Charles W stii Blanchie pi KinjJ:sle3% Cyrus gardener Kenney, Frances (Bean ho *Arthur car Josephine ho Herbert night supt pulp mill Knight, Freelaud A baker Huldah (Jackson ho Knight, Richard F mech Lucy A (Raynes ho Willett F s s work Ralph E mech Knight, Ralph E mech Alice J (Winslow ho Kilby, Emily (Walrond ho *Julian far *Augustu8 8 s work *Archibald travelling salesman Kendall, Alvah S cabinet mkr Harriet (Worth ley ho Hat tie W ho Kerney, Joseph teamster Elizabeth J (Slattery ho Blanche M cl Helen G pi Kane, Patrick C mach Catherine ( Flinn ho Grace E stu Loring, George W mill op Harriet E (Blake ho Ada E ho Frances E ho Leavitt, Carrie M (Jefferds dr mkr Harry E stu Leslie, George G mill op Lucy M (Campbell ho Harold C pi Marion E pi Latham, Maria (Lawrence Libby, Sarah (Roberts ho George F R R ser Addie M tr Ernest C barber Loring, Ansel L mer Martha E (Dennison ho Ivucy E tr Mildred ho Lothrop mach Elmer stu Loring, George M bk kpr Rida L (Craggy ho Paul C stu Ralph N pi Morris M pi Hilda L pi CENSUS 85 Lawrence, Chester J printer Lawrence, Sarah (Cutter ho Leavitt, Henry F car Lorinji', Josiah mason Alice ho Maud ho Loring, Alonzo hack driver Cordelia S (Blake nurse *Mary E nurse *Juniu8 horse trainer Charles W s s work Aloinon E s s work Loring, Charles W elec R R Sarah D (Davis ho Clarice D Libby, Ernest C barber Elsie I) (VVinslow ho Loring, Junius D s s work Lane, B T elec R R Ethel (Hodsdon ho Leighton, Irvin M car Fannie L (Marston ho Florence E pi Elsie L Lucus, Thomas retired M Moore, Herbert M tr Mary E (Southerland ho Margaret A Carlton H McLaughhn, Joseph lab Margaret (Cassidy ho *Mary ho Thomas s s work *Annie ho ♦Margaret ho Mason, Joseph fireman Maria N (Drew ho Alice F ho Clifford A stu Merrill, George B civil eng Elvina (Tuttle ho Merrill, Ferdinand B ciril eng McMullen, Frederick A mill op Edith F (Vanlderstine ho Frederick Mann, Charlotte E (Hill ho *Fannie E ho * William N mgr Oil Co Lewis L McCartney, David far Margaret (McMann ho *Margaret ho Elizabeth ho John B mill op Moxey, William H mill op Annie L (Carson ho Edith M tr Arthur W lab Eva B ho Florence A pi Percy L p Josephine L pi Isabel L pi Margaret Arline 86 CENSUS William H Meyer, James W lab Annie M (Soper ho Martin, Eugene mill op Mary (Beote ho Joseph mill o]) Sophie p] Mitchell, John H mech Franzilla (Seabury ho * Frank H far Ellen S tr Mayo, Sarah (Lemere ho Elizabeth ho *William s s work *Georgianna ho "Frank s s work McWattie, Oceana (Curtis ho Merrill, Harry L car Maude E (Hackett ho Edward McGrath, Frank gardener McCray, James W car Margaret (Beers ho Ida M ho Mills, David mill op Mabel H (Winslow ho Vernon C Morrison, John A mill op Grace M (Sawyer ho Marston, Phoebe A (Osgood Harry O mer Mitchell, Statira (Mitchell ho Warren W lab Mills, William J lab Mary J (Kenney ho Effie E ho Milliken, Herbert A plumber Mahalia (lUissell ho Claire Manley, Joseph A mill op Julia C (Elward ho Mary E s s work Catherine C ho Edward J s s work Joseph H pi Marston, Levi mariner *Ellen M ho Charles L bk kpr *Alfred T bk kpr *George H bk kpr M Louise (Mitchell ho Mills, John mill op Elizabeth (Carver ho *Sarah E coat shop Mary J ho William lab *John far *George H barber David mill op Meyer, John J mill op Margaret (Gallagher ho William mill op Minnie ho Walter egg inspector Murray, Minnie (Meyer ho Morrison, David R mill op Mary (Dunning ho CENSUS 87 Harold R Margaret Merrill, Fred C elect R R Offa J (Verrill ho Merrill, Henry gardener Maxfield, George L mill op Eva G (Gould ho Percival pi Merrill, Laura (Kinsley ho May all, Esther B (Burbank ho McGnrrigle, Cornelius elec R R Catherine (O'Conners ho Mary pi Cornelius Moxeey, Clarence B barber Blanche H (Gerow ho Harold R pi Ina E pi Omar A Mailly, Edward L mill op Abbie (Hines ho McCray, Joseph car Annie (Sullivan ho Sarah J ho *Samuel lab *Angus mill op *M aggie ho Mjrtle cl Charlie pi E Maud pi Harry pi Elsie pi Gordon Merrill, Samuel car Sarah E (Royal ho Annie A ho *Cynthia M ho Orissa E s s work Royal W car Wallace D mill op *Harland elec R R Leland mill op Morgan, Augustus M R R contractor and builder *Clarence A plumber Mary E ho Hester A (Harris ho Gertrude B ho Merrill, Wallace mill op Ellen (Green ho CarlF Ruth D McMann, Hugh J far Mitchell, Harry B car Charlotte (McLaughlin ho Helen M pi Howard B pi McKinnon, John W stu Merrill, Phillip cl Martin, Jennie E maid McQuillan, Roy asst gardener N elec R R ho Newell, Albert S AdaL (Walker Newman, John carriage painter 88 CENSUS *John Hazel Newell, Frank painter ho cook Owen, Frank P R R ser Emma P (Maxwell ho Rosy M s s work Fannie M ho John H mill op Charlie F R R ser Osgood, Jeremiah far Ida M (Chambers ho Pratt, Lewis W mill op Delia G (Djer ho Bertha H dr mkr Anna T tr Susan L milliner Nellie M stu Florence M stu Charles pi Pandora, Neils G fireman Annie (Hanson ho Rudolf H pi Annie C Parks, William harness mkr Parks, James lab Proctor, Edward E raer Elizabeth F (Barton ho Marion E pi Pomeroy, Eben Ti car Emma J (Skillings ho Peterson, Charles s s work Mary (Fairbrother dr mkr Beulah stn Pitres, James mill op Mary (Chaisson ho Arthur pi Pendora, Hans fireman Mans (Gensen ho Annie M Peterson, Anton fireman Perry, Jerome mill op Elizabeth (White ho Victoria ho Archie mill op Margaret mill op Phillips, Alvin S paper hanger Margie S (Leason ho Pool, Charles W R R ser Alice (Arseneault ho Mary R E Perry, Joseph O mill op Mary (Arseneault ho Perry, Archie mill op Mary (Bernard ho Gerome E pi jNlary L pi Gertrude E pi Joseph A Mary E Pomeroy, Louis P contractor and builder CENSUS 89 ClaribelS (Sargent ho Elsie M stu Marion stu Grace M pi Philip S pi Perry, Onesime retired Margaret (Chaisson ho Mary ho Veronique mill op Dominique mill op Joseph mill op Porter, Elmer A blk Ida B (Sylvester ho Frank E George R Vernon A Porter, Joseph W expressman Grace M (Mitchell ho Harry L pi Fred C pi Olive M Robinson, W Herbert s s work Minnie C (Cummings ho Grace M bk kpr Ringger, Mary cook Ross, Charles W far Anna (Peterson ho Ranger, Charles R blk Lizzie D (Dixon ho Verne A stu N Vivian stu Russell, Mahala M (Needham ho Frank W phy *Mary F ho Mahala N ho *Edward O R R ser Ulysses (J mail carrier *Jennie H ho Sadie L ho Ina A ho Rodgers, Edwin G mer Ruby, Harry E mill op AdaC (Johnson ho Lucy L Ernest E Russell, Howard L far Jessie (Hodsdon ho Anna H pi Ruth M pi Harrison L pi Raynes, Joseph post master Esther A (Johnson ho Albert J private secretary George E Ast Division supt elec R R Rolfe, William P mill op Annie E (Dalbee nurse Ernest A mill op Rolfe, Ernest A mill op Kathleen (Manley s s work Richards, Fred L fire Etta C (Leighton ho Rosen wald, Harold mech Augusta M (Libby ho 90 CENSUS OttoH Rojal, Hermon teamster Robinson, Albert C mill op Mary J (Mills ho Bertha M stn Arthur H stu Walter C pi Russell, Ulj'sses G mail carrier Margie M (Moore ho Marjorie M pi Richards, Thiiip teamster Lizzie (Chaisson ho Josephine pi Howard pi Rosalie Ring, Charles W far Julia A (Titcomb ho Ernest L s s work Frank T s s work Charles H lab Ring, Ernest L s s work Blanche E stu Gertrude (Ward ho Carroll L pi Ruby, Arthur T mason Raynes, Edward s s work Mabel (Harmon ho Ronald C car * Ed wards mach Ross, C Homer steam fitter Sadie E (White dr mk Ross, Horace G far Julia W (Libby ho Leon E mason Charles W far 3s, Leon E mason Agnes M (Carr ho Eugene A Sweetser, William C bk kpr Sweetser, Ellen ho Sweetser, Ida tr Sanborn, Jennie (Hooper ho *Eliza B ho Tristam J far Sawyer, Hiram C can mkr Lula F (Knight ho Emily B pi Chester L pi Harry R pi Brian C pi Doroth}^ L Sawyer, Lewis lab Hiram C can mkr Springer, Cynthia E (Blanchard ho *i\ellie F tr Smith, William K car Sawyer, Smith D Gov emp Ada F (Bates ho *Florence ho Edna M tr Lula C stu Storer, Gustavus tailor Arthur E bk kpr Harry E contractor & bid CENSUS 91 Storer, Arthur E bk kpr Ernest R pi Smith, Ethel D s s work Small, Alfred T retired s capt Abbie A (Bucknara ho Alfred B mill op Arthur L travellino' salesman Helen H stu Smith, William E painter Soule, Lewis V supt shoe factory Mary A (Porteous ho Springer, Ellen Storer, Harry E contractor & bid HattieM (Quint ho Raymond E pi Percy Jj pi Seabury, George L painter Alice E pi Mildred C (Coffin ho Starling, Irving J elec II R Etta (Marston ho Rupert G Seabury, Henry G teamster Ella F (Kingsley ho Bessie L stu Anna M stu Clarence H pi Sargent, Melinda (Blaisdell ho *Emma R ho Claribel S ho Sands, Albert blk Cora E (Mitchell ho Saw'yer, Sarah A (Wharff ho Grace M ho Smith, Edgar R mer Gertrude B (Morgan ho Miriam A pi Marshall O pi Florence H pi Harriet G Simouton, John R milkman Elizabeth (AVagg ho *Ralph G mill op Philip D stu William W pi Sawyer, Susan ho Stockbridge, Alice (Humphrey ins agt Small, Orrin M mach Smith, Jerome P mach Maud A (Davis ho Beulah L stu T Thurston, Melville mill op Martha (Green ho Olga L Thompson, Thomas lab Serina (Hanson ho Christian True, George H supt Dry Fiber Mill Frances E (Loring ho Todd, Albion W car 92 CENSUS Elizabeth A (Todd ho Todd, Herbert F lab True, Alice F (Freeborn ho *Wiliiam M s s work Lizzie U ho *Harrj U travelling salesman *Leslie K far *ArthurC s s work Thurston, Howard B ins agt Hattie R (Hamilton ho Elmer H pi Bessie . pi Helen pi Taylor, George mill op True, Fannie E (Lane ho Tuttle, Nellie E (Richards s s work Lula M Titcomb, Phanelia M (Wight ho Sarah H P>ederick W far Georgia M tr Tracy, Nehemiah lab Mary J (Whitney ho George W mill op *8<)lumon far *Charles E far Annie D ho * James W iar *May M ho Otis B blk True, Eliza A (Dunn ho Thomas, William W phy Clara M (Smith ho *Roy H salesman Deane S stu Thompson, Rachel G (Hodsdon s s work George H pi Tracy, Otis B blk Ada (Lee ho Ethel Tyler, Ernest L eng Lottie (Hewitt ho Thai ma Tracy, George W mill op Cora B (Blauchard ho Earle B pi Titcomb, Roscoe far Ada (Skillin ho Hariett M ho William S mach Harold L s s work True, P^rederick A time kpr Forest Paper Co Harriet M (Cram ho *Ralph B ast foreman maufg Co Carl F elec Fannie E stu Tee, John Information withheld Verrill, Ernest R mill op CENSUS 93 W Windell, Charles R mer Josephine (Johansen ho Mattie pi Mabel ' pi Emilj pi Walsh, Mary A (Hughes ho * Annie M ho *Margaret ho * Agnes A mill op ♦Catherine A dr mkr Susan V stu Wiers, David R retired Maria I (Small ho Addie ho David A mill op Lee O lab Harry P lab Ernest W pi Waite, John mill op Addie M (Wiers ho Frederick K Pearly S Winslow, Forest H mill op Eva M (Colson ho • Z Charlotte pi Williams, Mark rep Am Stone Co Grace M (Marshall ho Roger L pi Dorothy A pi Winslow, Francis mill op Charlietta (Welch ho Mabel H Forest H Elsie D Charlie E Wilson, Carrie F ho mill op ho Pl dr mkr Webster, Henry E mill op Mildred M (Buckminister Williams, Mary A (Pratt ho *Georgia W ho * Harriet L ho Mark A mgr Granite Co Wilson, Edward H bk kpr Isabella F (Blanchard ho *Frank A tr Ellen E mus tr Louise ho Woodman, Charles G mgr elec plant Maude H (Soule ho Walsh, Olive C pl Walsh, Martin pl Walsh, Chester pl Walsh, Ernest pl Winslow, Charles G mill op Hattie (Kinghorn ho Fred pl Harry E stu John H pl Walsh, Martin lab Catherine (Tobin ho Delia M s s work *John H lab Woodman, Daniel N phy 94 CENSUS HattieW (Kendal ho Lewis Pl Edward pl Alfred pl Kuth . pl Sarah Arthur Walker, Sarah J (Kingsley ho Cyrus T s s work Whalen, Edward mill op Whalen, Lizzie s 8 work Whalen, Avnoer pl Welch, George H mill op Ellen F (Moore ho EvaB Ward, Gertrude (Chadsey ho Percival lab Wharff, Lydia E ho Ward, Thomas M retired Olive (Ward ho Ellsworth M s s work Williams, Maitland E R R ser York, Asa F grain raer Louise T (True ho York, Samuel T mer Alice M (Dennison ho Edgar C pl York, Fred elec R R jMary (Sullivan ho George stu Annie S stu Madeline pl York, Nancy L (Hilton ho Fred ' elec R R York, ZoaW (West ho *Sarah C ho *Horace dentist *Fred G lab York, William F mill op George S car CUMBERLAND CENTER R. P. D. 2 Fogg, William S far Anna T (Fogg ho *Edna L stenog Eleanor M stu H Haynes, George R R R ser Alice M (Johnson ho Johnson, Josie (Mason ho Alice M ho CENSUS 95 COUSINS ISLAND P. O. G Sarah A (Hill ho Georgie E ho Glover, Abig^al S (Rey nolds ho Mary J ho ♦William R s 8 work Robert F lab *Geor^e H piano tuner John S H Glover, John S car Lizzie M (Hamilton ho Hill, Sarah A (Holt ho Doris L pl *I)ariu8 M far Winifred C pl *Heury R newspaper Groves, Henry H far *EliasB elec R R Addie E (Hill ho *Clifford E car *Adella ho Hill, Charles E far Ethel ho Mary J (Turner ho Seth B Edgar E Groves, Samuel far loreman lobster packing Samuel far *IdaM ho *Thaxter R cl *Elmer B *Emma C ho *George H lab *John P elec R R Hill, LeonE pl *Luther elec R R Hill, Carroll B pl *Alvira ho Haskell, Lucinda M pl *Blanche milliner Hamilton, Lorenzo far Groves, Samuel far *Samuel W mer Georgie E (Goud ho *Oetavus G teamster Hazel E pl Lettie C ho Elveda A pl Hamilton, Nancy H Evelyn M pl (Hamilton post mistress Goud, Cyrus K blk *Edwin J mer 96 CENSUS ^Gilbert H hotel prop Raymond H far *Dennis B mer Clara J (Haskell ho Harriet F ho Chester L Lizzie M ho Mildred L Bessie E M Merrill, Georgie A (Sawyer ho Jennie H pi Sawyer, Calvin S far Elizabeth (Prince ho Emery R capt tug boat Packer, Edward H Susan (Hill ♦Herbert E far ho far *Loui8e C Ren a E Harold L ho tr pl *J Willard s s work T Julia E ho Chauncy W mail carrier Talbot, Edward far Packer, Chauncy W USser Margaret D (Hill ho EAST N. YARMOUTH. R. F. D. 1 Wight, Perley and family Simonton, Thomas Jr and family APPENDIX. EXTRACTS FROM PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Att Fort Loyallin Falmouth, 22 September, 1680: — li'or the farther Inlargement tV: lucouragement to the Settle- ment of the Township by the Governour & Company of the Massachusetts on the easterly side of Westeustogo River in Caseo bay. It is hereby granted unto them that the wast Lands lying between the said grant and fal mouth shall be added to the Township; and also an Island lying between the Sea and Said Township Called New Damerae Cove. It is also hereby ordered and declared that the Name of the said plantation shall be North Yarmouth. Thomas Danforth, President Agreed and Voted That the Commission or Instrument from Thomas Dan- lorth Esq. President of the Province of Maine dated June the 28th 1684 for the Settlement of North Yarmouth & ect be recorded in said town book as followeth By Thomas Danforth President of the Province of Maine. Where as by power Committed to me by the Chief proprietor of theProvinceof Maine under the publique seal bearingdate (he Eleventh day of May One thousand Six hundred Eighty and one to make leuall Confirmation to the Inhabitants of said Province respectively of their Just property in their lands thereunder my hand AL^ Seal of the Province according to the direction of the Chapter. Now Know all Men by these presents that I the abovenamed Thomas Danforth— Have given granted & Confirmed & do by these presents on the behalf of the Chief Lord & proprietor of said Province his 98 APPENDIX heirs and Successors forever Give Grant&CoDfirm unto John Royall John York John Harris cV: Walter Gendall as trustees on behalf of the town of North Yarmouth or thelnhabitants tbereoff and their Survivers, and such as shall Successively dwell & Inhabit in said Town all that tract of Land lying On the East side of- V\ estcustogo River to the Extent of Six miles Eastward from said Riv^er mouth and from thence West- ward as far as falmouth bounds together with an Island called New Damaras Cove. To HAVE AND TO HOLD— all and the above Given and Granted premises withall the priviledges and Appur- tenecesof Wood underwoods Rivers Streams & ect thereunto belonging or in any vvise appertaining to them the aforesaid John Royall John York John Harris and Walter Gendall Trustees as aforesaid their heirs or Assignes forever. They Yielding & paying to the Chief Lord proprietor his heirs tt assignes forever the Annual Acknowledgement to him due «.V: belonging— According to the proposalls Agrf ed upon att the General Assembh' held att York in June One thousand Six hundred and Eighty one, provided always in Case of Neglect or Omission to pay full Annual Acknowledgement to the Chief Lord proprietor It shall be lawfull for him to give war- rant to his treasurer to destroye the Same upon any of the Estate of any of the Inhabitants within the said township with the allowance Customary to Marshalls for Levying and Conveying the same to the abovesaid Treasurer Given under my hand June 2