THE Shark River District MONMOUTH COUNTY NEW JERSEY AND GENEALOOIES OF CHAMBERS CORLIES DRUMMOND MORRIS POTTER SHAFTO AVEBI.EY AND -WHITE BY GEORGE CASTOR M:ARTIN Member of Sons of the Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution Pennsylvania German Society National Genealogical Society, California Genealogical Society DIRECTOR Frankford Historical Society Deputy Vice Commander Order of Washington, State of New Jersey 191-4 Martin & allardyce AsBUHY Park. N. J, Dedicated to My Brother Richard Allen Martin Albert E. Sutphen. F'rinter Asbury Park. N. J. /^7s CONTENTS. Page Discovery of the Land I Purchase of the Land 2 Revolutionary Days 3 Names of Places and Streams 8 Indians 13 Hamilton 14 Webley Family 18 Shafto Family 21 White Family 29 Corlies Family 51 Potter Family 61 Potter's Cave 62 Chambers Family 66 Morris Family 69 Drummond Family 77 The Indian Maiden 81 Index 83 Corrections and Notes The Discovery of the Land. "This is a very good land to fall in with and a pleasant land to see. " — From the log of the "Half Moon." Sir Henry Hudson, in the "Half Moon," in the latter part of August, 1 609, left Delaware bay, and on Sept. 2 passed Barnegat inlet, then unnamed, and anchored for the night along the Jersey coast, probably off the site of the present Asbury Park. "At 5 o'clock w^e anchored, being light wind, and rode in eight fathoms of water, the night was fair. This night I found the land to have the com- pass eight degrees. Far to the northward we saw high hills; for the day before we found not above two degrees of variation." — Log of the Half Moon," dated Sept. 2, 1609. The high hills referred to were probably the High- lands, or they might have been the sand hills behind Asbury Park. The "Half Moon" arrived off the Narrows the next day at 3 o'clock. There is no doubt but that the anchorage referred to was be- tween Asbury Park and Long Branch, and it is more than likely that it was at or near the former place, for, the Highlands would not be so "far to the north- ward" from Long Branch, and they may be plainly seen from the deck of a vessel off the beach at As- bury. The Purchase of the Land. Three Indian deeds cover the section of New Jersey embraced by old Monmouth county. They were dated in January and April, 1665-6, and were duly acknowledged before Governor Nichols of New York. On April 7, 1665-6, the governor signed the Monmouth patent. A most curious sight the acknowledgment of these deeds must have been. Sixteen Indians, 1 3 white men, the governor and his executives. The Indians in their primitive dress, the whites in the dull garb of Quakers, Puritans and Long Island Dutch, the governor and his men in the uniforms of their rank. The Indians who deeded the land were: Popo- mora or Popomera and his brother Mischacoing, Manavendo, Emerdesolsee, Checawsen, Shenhemun, Cramanscum, Winegermeen, Mecca, Taplawappam- mund, Mattamaluckanick, Zawpochammund, Kack- enham, Cattanoh, Norchon and Qurrmeck. The white men who purchased the land were: James Hubbard, John Bowne, John Tilton, jr., Richard Stout, William Goulding, Samuel Spicer, Richard Gibbons, James Grover, Walter Clarke, William Reape, Nathaniel Silvester, Obadiah Holmes and Nicholas Davis, all, with the exception of the first mentioned, in the Monmouth Patent as the first proprietors. Monmouth County was named and established March 7. 1682-3. Revolutionary Days Around Shark River. Shrewsbury, in which township the Shark River section lay during the struggle for independence, harbored many who preferred the British yoke to freedom. Britten, Briton or Britton White, Josiah White, Ebenezer and Peter Wardell, Samuel, John and Morford Taylor, Peter Van Note, James Mount, Clayton Tilton, James Curies (Corlies), John and Robert Morris, Robert Stout, John Williams, and his son John, Christopher and Oliver Tallman, John Warde, Michael, William and James Price, James Pintard, Samuel Cook, James Boggs, Asael Chand- ler, John Hankinson, Timothy Scoby, William Law- rence, Tobias Kiker, Richard Lippincott, Benjamin Woolley, Nathaniel Parker, John Hampton, and Jacob Emmons, were all "fugitives and offenders," tories who assisted the British against their own rela- tives and countrymen. The lands of the above mentioned were confiscated and sold at Tinton Falls, March 29, I 779, and on May 3, of the same year, notice was given for all who had claims on any of the estates sold to bring their accounts before the Court of Common Pleas at Freehold before the twentieth of the month that they might be settled. Some of the tories regained their lands and their descendants are still among us, but many escaped to New York and went to England and Canada. Britton White, Josiah White, John Morris, Robert Morris, James Corlies and Benjamin Woolley all 3 have descendants now living between Deal and the Manasquan. During the Revolution, the Continental govern- ment established many salt works along the New Jersey coast. One was located on the south bank of Squan Inlet, one on the south bank of Shark River Inlet, another on the south bank of Shark River about w^here the bridge now enters Belmar. Salt was necessary for the use of the Continental army, and the rebel salt works were made the object of special attention by the British army. In April, 1 778, on Sunday, the fifth, to be exact, a large party of British, mostly "Greens" and Highlanders, land- ed on the south side of Squan Inlet and destroyed the salt works, broke the massive iron kettles used to boil the sea water, and burned all the houses within easy reach. They recognized none among the inhabitants as friends, and greatly to the rejoic- ing of the rebels, it was the Tories that suffered the greatest loss. The troops later crossed the inlet and burned every house to the northward with the exception of that owned by Derric Longstreet, a Tory. The next day, April 6, 1 778, the same party landed on the south side of Shark River Inlet and destroyed both salt works there. The troops were reported to have been 1 35 in number, and while at work on the second building were surprised by a body of 1 5 mounted militia men, who routed them so badly that in reembarking the British sank two of their flat-bottomed boats. About the time of the destruction of the salt works on Shark River, a farmer, one John Davis, lived on its banks. He owned a highly prized bay mare, which was stolen on Aug. 3, 1778, presum- ably by the Pine Robbers. Duck Creek, now a muddy, silt-filled brook, then open to the sea with an ebbing and flowing tide, and water enough to float a schooner of large size, played its part in the exciting events of the times. Supplies were carried from the farms surrounding and shipped aboard schooners and sloops for Phila- delphia and New York. The Diamond, a British ship, on or about April I, 1778, sighted the masts of a schooner lying in Duck Creek. She sailed to the inlet, landed troops, and after a brisk skirmish, landed the prize with 20 prisoners, among whom were two famous New Jer- sey pilots, Henry Tudor and James Bruce. The prize was taken to New York and sold. News reached New York, July 28, 1777, of a brig which had been captured south of Deal and had been beached at that place. The rebels were re- ported to be busily engaged in removing her cargo inland and in stripping the hull. This brig was a prize of the British frigates Milford and Thames. She was first taken on her voyage from Oporto to Petersburgh by a rebel privateer and was sent to Boston, but was retaken by the Milford and Thames frigates. With a prize-master aboard she was ordered to New York, but, to secure fresh water, or for some other reason unknown, the officer in charge saw fit to call on the coast at the foot of Deal Lake, or Long Pond, as it w^as then called, then a safe and good harbor, where she was promptly captured by the New Jersey militia, and her cargo of "oyl, lemons, wine and Brasil (Brazil) sugar" was immediately carried up country by the Jerseymen, the ship dis- mantled, and the hull left to go to pieces on the beach. Long Branch was the scene of another looting. The brigantine Mary and Anne, commanded by Captain Jacobs, was captured in June or July, 1777, by Captain James Morgan and his company of mil- itia, to the southward of Long Branch, to which place she was taken and dismantled on the beach. Her contents were sold Aug. 5, I 77 7, at the court house, Freehold, and doubtless the farmers lived w^ell for some time after the sale, as the cargo con- sisted of "fine white sugar in boxes and casks, sweet oil in barrels, lemons in boxes, ground sumac in sacks, figs in baskets, corks cut and uncut, casks of almonds, lees of wine for clothiers" etc. Anchors, sails, rigging and the hull (that at that time lay on the beach at Long Branch) were also sold at Free- hold. Deal Lake saw its days of excitement, and, could it repeat its own history, would fill many pages. "Uncle Billy White," who died recently, a fine old man of New Jersey colonial stock, often re- peated tales told by his grandfather. No dates were mentioned, but they probably come within the scope of this article. All travel from Long Branch to Manasquan was made over a trail or road which touched both sides of Deal Lake about where the Park Avenue bridge now stands. Travelers either swam their horses over the lake, then wider with a deep flowing chan- nel, or were ferried across in a small boat, leading the horses from the stern. The spot was favored by a band of highwaymen, who usually waited for part of the party to cross, then held up the remaind- er in full sight of those who had passed over, reliev- ed them of their valuables and disappeared. After many fruitless attempts to capture them, they were surrounded w^hile in the act of robbery by tw^o part- ies of British horsemen who drove them into the channel where all were shot or drowned. A privateer sloop was built on the south branch of Deal Lake, but before her masts were raised in- formation was sent to the British who came in force to demolish it. The owners received notice of the approach of the enemy and after boring holes in her bottom and weighting her with sacks of gravel, sank her in the channel. The British, finding only the remains of the building, believed that she had been finished and taken to sea, so departed. The sloop was later raised and manned by patriots, pursued a glorious career among the supply boats of the Brit- ish. The dress of the Jerseymen of Revolutionary times must have been rather curious. The follow- ing items are found mentioned in contemporary newspapers: White sw^anskin breeches, coats and vests. Everlasting breeches were common, and if the se- cret of making such an article remained with us, it would prove a great saving. Superfine coats, dress- es, etc., are mentioned so often that it would almost lead one to believe "superfine" a kind of cloth. Tow^ shirts, trousers and coats were frequently worn, and one man was described as being clad in tow shirt and trousers with silk stockings. Red hair- plush jacket, green calimancoe trousers, red silk stockings, a cocked hat with a gold button and loop were worn in combination. An escaped prisoner "wears his own hair," so w^igs w^ere commonly used. Thomas and John , who will be nameless, were men addicted to drink, who had the very bad habit of enlisting in a militia company, receiving the bounty, deserting a few hours later and then reen- listing in another company, again receiving the bounty. One wore an old regimental coat faced with red, leather breeches and a wilton jacket (vest? ). The other wore a cocked beaver hat with a gold button and carried a sv/ord or hanger. White slavery was still in existence in I 776, for a slave that ran away in that year was described as "knock- kneed, wore blue cloth jacket without sleeves, old buckskin breeches, broken before, thread stockings, a beaver hat scolloped and cocked up, v/ith an iron collar around his neck." Ancient Names of Places and Streams in and Near the Shark River District. Shark River was the name given by the colonists to the stream called by the Indians Nolletquesset. The aboriginal appellation is mentioned in the deed, July 25, 1689, from Houghame, Wayweenotan and Auspeakan to Nicholas Broun, of Shrewsbury, for land westward of Pequodlenoyock Hill, between the Pine Bridge and Shark River. Pequodlenoyock Hill is the eminence on County Neck between the two arms of the stream. Shrewsbury, at that time 8 included the greater part of the present Monmouth County and the greater part of the present Ocean County, and as Nicholas Broun was styled "of Shroesbery" as early as 1675, it is possible that he occupied land on Shark River previous to the date of the Indian deed. Thomas Webley, Jan. 10, 1698-9. in his will, described his land as "at the head of Shark River or Squancum." Thomas Chambers, Nov. 26, 172 7, mentioned his "home farm on Shark River." Nich- olas Havens, Sept. 2, 1 723, styled himself "of Shark River," and mentioned Jonathan Allen of the same place. The main branch of the stream was called Shark River and Shark River Brook. Before I 700, the first was the only name applied to it, and it is possi- ble that at that time there was sufficient volume of water to warrant the title of river, as the undisturb- ed banks five miles from the sea indicate that a deep stream not less than one hundred yards in breadth once made its way to the sea through the channel of the present small stream, into the larger body of the present river. A brook flows into Shark River Brook about a mile from the head of the main body of the river, through the farm of Dr. Peter Davison. This is called Sarah Green Brook, and if the tradition rela- tive to the origin of its name is true. Shark River Brook was a much larger stream as late as the close of the Eighteenth Century. About 1 790, one Sarah Green, travelling the old post road, between Trap, Shark River Village or Hamilton and the present village of Glendola, once Hopeville, while fording the brook on horseback was drawn under the water by quicksands and both horse and rider were drown- ed. The stream has since that date taken the name of its victim. Jumping Brook feeds Shark River, crossing Corlies Avenue at the the water works. The first body of water north of Shark River was designated "Duk Creek" before 1 700, and is now known as Duck Creek and Sylvan Lake, the latter appelation seldom being used. North of Duck Creek is Fletcher Lake, mention- ed in a deed, 1 700, as Goose Pond, by which name it is still known to many. Wesley Lake was called Long Pond before 1 700, and is depicted on the map of the United States Geological Survey as Camp Meeting Lake. Sunset Lake, next toward the north was desig- nated "Litle (Little) Pond" in 1 700. Deal Lake was originally described in 1687 as a "great pone," and was called later Qreat Pond. This stream has borne many names, among them, Corlies' Pond, White's Great Pond and White Creek, the latter given on Giberson's "Map of New Jersey," 1812. The Indian deed for Wanamassa stated that the lake was "called by the Indians Ulikaquecks." This name was derived from the Lenape words wulaku and papeek, meaning Even- ing Pond. Tradition gives another Indian name, Wickapecko, either a corruption of Ulikaquecks, or derived from wikiat and papeek, meaning Pond of Abundance or Pond of Plenty. The branches of Deal Lake have been named. 10 The north branch was Hogswamp Creek as early as 1 692, later Marl Creek, so called from the abund- ance of marl showing in its banks; the branch be- tween Interlaken and West Allenhurst (late Edge- mere) was Ironwell Creek, so called from the oily ooze on the surface supposed to seep up through its bottom from oil springs below; the south branch New Bridge Creek; the branch between Wana- massa and Interlaken was Romaine's Creek. These names are no longer used. Wanamassa was named for Wanamasoa, one of the sachems or chiefs who deeded that tract to Gav- in Drummond in 1 687. Hockhockson, the name of a swamp bordering on the Shark River district, is a corruption of hocke- hocken (Indian Interpreter, written 1684) or haki- hakan (Zeisberger), pronounced hawk-ee-hawk- ann, meaning a field, clearing or plantation. Wreck Pond, written Rackpond in 1715 and Wrack Pond in earlier and later records, lies north of the Manasquan. Manasquan, Manisquan or Manasquam is men- tioned in various old records, among them a deed dated 1685-6. The name is said to mean "an is- land with an enclosure for squaws." Menatey, pro- nounced may-naw-tay, was the Lenni Lenape word for island. Squaw is given in the Indian Interpreter as wife. Menateysquaw, pronounced may-naw-tay- squaw, would then mean Squaw Island. Hanne, usually han, was the word for stream. Menatey- squawhan, pronounced may-naw-tay-squa-han, then, would then mean — Stream of the Island of Squaws, referring to the stream in which there was an island 11 relegated to the use of the women. The settlers called the land around the Mana- squan by the name of river and neglected the vari- ous cognomens of tracts already named. The deed for the land near the site of the present town of Manasquan reads — "a tract of land called by the Indians Menachipanis," and "on a run going into the Manasquan." This run or stream was called Matuekackson. Meteu or Ma3rtayou meant a tur- key cock. The word is derived from meteohet, meaning — to drum on a hollow body. The turkey cock makes a drumming sound with its wings, hence meteu. Kaak was the word for wild goose. Onk, unk, ong, cong, conk, cunk, ung and sunk were loca- tive suffixes. Matuekackson may therefore be translated — Place of Turkeys and Wild Geese, or Place of the Drumming Wild Goose. Squankum Brook flows into the Manasquan. The common ancient spellings were Squancum and Squamcunk. The name might be translated — Place of Squaws, but it is more probable that it is derived from esquande — place of entrance or threshold, Esquandecunk — Place of Entrance, re- ferring to the land around the spot where the brook empties into the river. This seems probable when taking into consideration the fact that the stream, where it flows near Freehold, was known in 1 696 as Passequenecqua or Passe-qua-nork-qua, and the tract around it south of Freehold by the same name. It appears from old records that the land from the Manasquan north to Shark River was called by both titles, Squankum and Shark River. Going back to Shark River. the pond at the end of the south 12 branch, now Tucker's Cove, was called in early deeds. Shark River Pond. Hogpond Neck was a point in the same vicinity. Indians of the Shark River District. The Indians inhabiting and claiming ownership of the land from the Raritan to Barnegat were call- ed the Newesinghs, Na-ussins, Newasons, Never- sinks or Navesinks. They were of the Unami, Wanami or Wonamey clan, of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware tribe, of the Algonquin or Algonkin race. The Unamis were called the "Turtle clan" from heraldic device, a tortoise, called by them tulpe. Unami means — People down the River. Lenni Lenape means — First or Original People. William Nelson, Esq., of Paterson, has written an excellent history of the New Jersey Indians, and much matter of interest concerning them is contain- ed in Bulletin 9, Archaelogical Survey, published under the direction of Henry B. Kummel, Esq., of Trenton, State Geologist. The only permanent village site in the Shark River District, so far as is known today, was on the Hurley farm on Shark River. This was the home of Indian Will, who died about 1 800, though men- tioned in Mr. Salter's "Monmouth and Ocean Coun- ties," as belonging to a century previous. Tempo- rary village and camp sites were located in North Asbury Park; Loch Arbour, south of the power house; Whitesville, on the Brook's property; Wana- massa, where the Y. M. C. A. auditorium stood; Belmar, along the river; near Poplar; and several places on the Manasquan. 13 Hamilton, Shark River Village or Trap. Hamilton, before 1 800, was the one group of houses in the section known as Shark River. The community was then called by two names. Shark River Village and Trap. The first is applied to it on Giberson's "Map of New Jersey," printed in 1812. A tradition exists concerning the origin of the second name. There was an old tavern in the village with a host named West. The wife of West, Betty by name, either with malicious intent or with an eye to- ward the improvement of business, induced a hither- to sober gentleman of the community to imbibe more "apple juice" than was his usual portion, the result being a three day debauch. When fully re- covered, the victim stated it was the first time that he had been caught in the trap, and that it would be the last time. The name Trap was thenceforth ap- plied to the tavern and to the village as well. The old cemetery is the one item of interest in the village today. Here lie the bodies of members of the families of Shafto, White, Youmans, Tilton, Howland, Ely, Garrabrant, Woolley, Bennett and others of the early settlers. Tradition has it that Martha Jane Morris, grandchild of Jonathan You- mans, builder of the original church, was the first to be interred in the cemetery. Martha Jane died in 1836. The building of the church was begun in 1833, and was finished in 1835. In the cemetery is a stone bearing the following inscription: — 14 JEREMIAH BENNETT DIED 1813 AGED 61 YEARS MARY HIS WIFE DIED 1830 AGED 74 YEARS It is possible that Martha Jane Morris* body was the first interred after the erection of the building, or that the bodies and stone were moved from an- other site, but it is also possible that a private place of burial existed on the spot before the conception of the church. According to the church records, which are in- scribed "The Shark River Church," previous to 1833 religious services were held at the homes of church members. Finding this inconvenient, Jona- than Youmans conceived the idea of a building in which to worship. Taking the burden upon himself, Jonathan, with timber donated by John Ely and an acre of land purchased from Asher Howland and Garret White, cut the timber, sawed and carted the lumber, and built with his own hands the edifice known for many years as Youmans' Chapel and Shark River Church. The original building stood from 1833 to 1889 on the site of the present ceme- tery, across Corlies Avenue from, and facing the site of the present building. The first board of trustees was elected in 1833. Its members were Jonathan Youmans, Henry You- mans, John Shafto, Jeremiah B. Morris, Joseph Newman, Curtis White, and Abraham Garrabrant, 15 the latter the only member still living in 1883. A history of Hamilton which was published in a newspaper some years ago stated that the land was donated by Asher Howland and Garret White. The church records to the contrary, however, as they mention the purchase, the deed being dated February, 1833. On January 4, 1851, John P. L. Tilton and Jacob Garrabrants sold to the church, for fifty dol- lars, one more acre, and on May 9, I 864, four more acres, at a cost of nine hundred dollars were added, the tract to be used to enlarge the cemetery and as a site for a parsonage. In I 882 the church received from Cook Howland, consideration nine hundred and seventy one dollars, a quit claim deed "for lands purchased at various times, over four acres." The new church w^as dedicated Wednesday, November 9, I 890, the old building being sold that year for one hundred dollars. The cost of the new structure was five thousand, three hundred dollars; the parsonage one thousand, two hundred dollars. At that time eight hundred dollars worth of burial plots remained unsold, and the pastor reckoned the church property worth seven thousand, three hun- dred dollars. The first volume of the records being missing, no complete list of the various parsons is obtainable. The two most prominent were Corbet alias "The Pine Boy," whose first circuit included the Shark River Church, and Samuel H. Morrell, who is inter- red in the church cemetery. John Ely, who was born in 1773 and died in 16 1 840, built and ran a grist mill on Shark River Brook, south of Hamilton. John Fields built and managed a mill on Jump- ing Brook east of Hamilton, where the water works now stand. This was a grist mill, but a saw was added and many of the older houses of Hamilton were constructed with lumber sawed there. After John Fields, Charles King conducted the mill, and after him Allen Cook, then Peter Reynolds, and last Bowman Kisner. It was the Fields mill which in- duced Peter Reynolds to move to Hamilton with his family. He purchased a farm on Corlies Ave- nue, part of which was recently (1912) purchased by Nellie C. Allardyce. 17 The Webley Family. 1 . Thomas Webley, owning an estate in Wales which he had inherited from his father, and having at that time an estate coming to him from his uncle, Edward Webley in Wales, made his will Jan. 1 0, 1698-9, dying between then and March 29, 1703, when that document was probated. He owned land which he described as being "at the head of Shark River or Squancum," where he lived. In the confirmatory deed for this tract, it is described as being "in right of Stephen and Awdry West," and consisted of 120 acres "on the north branch of the Manasquan River" next to Stephen West's tract. It is probable that this land lay not far from the pres- ent Glendola, to the south-west of the site of that village. He owned also an interest in lands at Barnegat Beach, and an "Indian wright (right) at Croswicksum (Crosswicks) which, in his will, he de- sired his kinsman, Lewis Morris, to dispose of for his heirs. Nicholas Broun and William West, both living on the banks of Shark River made the invent- ory of his personal estate which they valued at Forty Pounds Sterling. This sum included the value of a negro boy, a slave. William Woolley and John Til- ton, both of the section called Shark River, witness- ed his w^ill. Thomas Webley, Aug. 7, 1683, witnessed the signing of the will of John Fenwick, Proprietor of New Jersey, at Fenwick's Colony, where Thomas was probably residing at that time. On Dec. 1 , 18 1 685, he witnessed the will of James Grover of Mid- dletown, and on May 7, 1687, he was named exec- utor of the estate of Samuel Woolcott or Wolcott of Shrewsbury; and, Thomas' wife, Andrey or An- dria, witnessed the siguature of the will which nam- ed him, so by that year, 1687, he had settled in Shrewsbury. Letters of Administration were grant- ed to him and his co-executor, Judah Allen, Dec. 1 , 1687. On May 2, 1687, Stephen West of West, aHas Mackatoy Island, New England, farmer, gave power of attorney to his brother William West of Shrews- bury, carpenter, for the collection of debts due him in New Jersey. This commission was transferred by William West to "my loving and trusty brother Thomas Webley," July 10, 1688. Thomas was described "gentleman" in a deed for land at Quiahocking, a tract on the Maurice River, Oct. 25, 1701. By his wife, Andria, w^ho w^as interred in Christ's churchyard, Shrewsbury, Mar. 6, 1 749, Thomas had issue. 2 Catherine, who is not mentioned with her brother and sisters in the will of Priscilla Hearce, Jan. 11, 1720-21, evidently having died previous to the writing of that document. 3 Mary, mentioned in the Hance will. 4 Ann, Andria or Andrey. "Ann" in her father's will and "Andria" in that of Priscilla Hearce. Ann was baptized May 24, 1747, then eighteen years and six months of age. She died, unmarried, in 1 789, aged 61 years. She was prob- ably the last child of her father. 19 5 John, of whom presently. 5 John Webley, son of Thomas, was mention- ed in the will of Priscilla Hearce, as was his wife, Elizabeth . John signed the inventory of the effect of Thomas Hearce (Harst, Hearst, Hearse), husband of Priscilla, Jan. 2, 1720-21. John and Elizabeth were both interred in Christ's Churchyard, Shrewsbury. John died in 1 775, aged 82 years. Elizabeth died in 1 762, aged 67 years. Their children : 6. Andrey, bapt. at Christ's Church, May 24, 1 747, then aged 23 years, 3 months, who married John West, license dated Dec. 13, 1740. 7. John, of whom presently. 8. Catherine, bapt. May 24, 1747, then aged 2 1 years, 6 months, who married Peter Slocum, license dated Mar. 24, I 748-9, on June 2 7, 1749, at Christ's Church, Shrewsbury. 9. Mary, bapt. May 24, I 747, who married Jonathan Slocum, license dated Nov. 1 7, 1759. 10. Sarah, bapt. Nov. 21, 1747, age given in weeks but undescipherable, married Daniel Tabor, license dated Oct. I , 1765. 1 1 Margaret, bapt. May 8, 1 748, who mar- ried, Jan. 2 3, 175 7, William Smith. 7. John Webley, Jr., married Elizabeth War- dell, license dated July 2 7, 1 756. 20 The Shafto Family. 1. Anthony Shafto, of Yorkshire, England, born September 2 7, 1750, came to America with his first six children in 1 79 1 . His other children were born here. In the old family bible is inscribed in the hand of Robert, eldest son of Anthony, "Robert Shafto emigrated from Yorkshire, England, and landed in Philadelphia July the 8th, I 791." An- thony died January 1 , 1811, and his wife, Hannah, died Feb. 6. 1828. Children : 2. Robert, b. Sept. 27, 1 780. 3. Anthony, b. Sept. 27, 1783. m. Feb. 14, 1811, Jane Brinley. His descendants live princi- pally around Mattawan. 4. Jane, b. Mar. 3, 1785. 5. Mary, b. Nov. 5. I 786, m. Nov. 6, 1806, Edward Epworth. They had a son, Edward Ep- worth, b. Aug. 6, 1807. 6. Hannah, b. Oct. 25,1 789. 7. Anne, b. July 23, 1 790, m. Mar. 27, 1808, John Downing. 8. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 3, 1793. 9. Sarah, b. Oct. 3, 1794, d. Mar. 14. 1795. 10. Susannah, b. Nov. 1 7, 1 795. 1 1 . Marrian, b. June 3, 1 797, m. July 8, 1816, Thomas Bennett. 12. Rebecca, b. Feb. 17, 1799. 21 2. Robert Shafto came to America with his father when eleven years of age. He married, Dec. 14, 1802, Isabel, daughter of Robert Kerr, a Scotch- man. Robert Kerr died Nov. 14, 1805. Isabel was born Feb. 2 7, 1780, and died Feb. 17, 1846. Robert Shafto died Nov. 2, 1852. He and most of his children are interred in the church cemetery at Hamilton. Children: 13. John, b. May 25, 1803. 14. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 9, 1805, d. April 27, 1806. 15. Robert C, b. Jan. 26, 1807, d. Aug. 7, 1808. 1 6. Anthony R., b. June 11,1 809, d. Oct. 1 1 , 1836. 1 7. Robert K., b. Sept. 26, 1 8 1 1 , d. Nov. 2 7, 1885. 18. Jane, b. Oct. 14, 1813, d. Jan. I, 1892. She m., Jan. 25, 1834, Peter White, of Belmar. 19. William C, b. Dec. 19, 1815, d. Feb. 20, 1891. He m.. Dec. 23, 1843. Mary Ann Morris. 20. George W., b. Dec. 19, 1815. 21. Samuel G., b. Aug. 5, 1819, d. unm., Aug. 7. 1898. 22. Thomas, b. Sept. 3, 1821. Removed to the West. 13. John Shafto married, Jan. 31, 1827, Mary Ely, of Hamilton, and died May 7, 1858. Mary died in 1899. Children : 23. Ely, m. Fanny Allaire and moved to the 22 West. 24. Robert, m. Marrietta S. Springstein. 25. DeWitt C. m. Hannah N. Morris. 26. Anthony, m. Rebecca Morris. 2 7. Roland, m. Ella Allaire and moved to the West. 28. George, m. Mary Anne Morris. 29. Rebecca, m. Malcolm Day and, 1913, lives in Kearney, Nebraska. 30. Elvina, m. Elihu Williams. 31. Monroe, m. Atlanta White. 32. Mary Isabella, m., April 2, 1871, George W. Morris. 33. Dr. Cyrus W., m. Elvira Corlies. 24. Robert Shafto was born Feb. 9, 1 830, and died Jan. 18, 1903. His wife, Marrietta S. Spring- stein, was born Aug. 27, 1835, and died Oct. 10, 1910. Marrietta was baptized late in life, Feb. 1 0, 1902, at Hamilton. Children: 34. Ada, m., Sept. 23, 1891, Milton S. White, of Glendola. 35. Ellen, m., Oct. 5, 1898, Alvin Osborn. of Sea Girt. 36. John. 37. Ellsworth, of Paterson, New Jersey. 38. Calvin, of Farmingdale. Also three sons, Alonzo, I. M. and A. R., who died in infancy. 25. DeWitt C. Shafto was married at Hope- ville or Glendola, Aug. 24, 1863, by the Rev. Wil- liam Boyle, to Hannah, daughter of Jeremiah B. 23 Morris and Elizabeth, his wife. De Witt was born Aug. 17, 1823, and died Jan. 11, 1892. Hannah was born May 24, 1837. Jeremiah B. Morris was born April 19, 1801. Children: 39. Edwin L., b. Sept. 21, 1865. 40. Carrie Augusta, b. Mar. 15, 1870; m., Mar. 8, 1892, J. Ely Tilton. 26. Anthony R. Shafto married Rebecca Mor- ris, who was born in 1 846, and who died in 1911. Children: 41. Libby M., m. May 17, 1891, Enoch P. Davison, of Elberon. 42. Delia or Adell. m.. Dec. 24, 1890, Elbert O. Fielder, of Jersey City. 43. Mary, m. Arthur Rogers. 44. Oliver B., m. Adelaide Walton. 45. Lyle, m. Florence Irons. 46. Gladys, who d. in infancy. 2 7. Roland Shafto married Ella Allaire and removed to the West, leaving two children in the East. Children : 47. Clarence, of Farmingdale. 48. Ora, m. Elwood Hurley. 3 1 . Monroe Shafto married Atlanta W. White. He lives (1913) on Corlies Avenue, at "Shafto's Corners," about two miles west of Hamilton. Children : 24 49. Cyrus, b. Jan. 23, 1888, who m. Elizabeth Brower. 50. Leon, b. Oct. 23, 1889. 51. Jessie R., b. Feb. 22. 1891. 52. Minerva, b. Oct. 3, 1892; m. George Knight, of Asbury Park. 53. Leola M., b. Nov. 2, 1894. 54. Mary E., b. Aug. 18, 1896. 55. Atlanta E., b. Oct. 13, 1898. 56. Thomas A., b. Sept. 28, 1900. 5 7. Helen A., b. April 10, 1904. 33. Dr. Cyrus Shafto, of Asbury Park, was born Nov. 7, 1 852. He married Elvira Vanity Cor- lies. Children: 58. Maud B. 59. Pearl T., who m. Richard Parisen, of As- bury Park. 39. Edwin L. Shafto married, Jan. 24, 1892. Atlanta E. Fielder, w^ho was born Jan. 10, 1867. Edwin (1913) resides in Hamilton, where he is a trustee of the church. Children: 60. Marguerite A., b. Feb. 26, 1892. 61. De Witt C, b. Feb. 21, 1894. 62. Frances Elizabeth, b. Mar. 5, 1907. I 7. Robert K. Shafto, was born Sept. 26, 1811. He married, December 31, 1836, Char- lotte Soder, and died Nov. 2 7, 1885. 25 Children : 63. William Henry. 64. Samuel G. 65. Andrew. 66. Mary, m. James Johnson, of Farmingdale. 67. Elizabeth, m., Joseph Donahue. 68. Alexandrina, m. Timbrook Stout. 19. William C Shafto was born Dec. 19, 1815, and died Feb. 20. 1891. He married, Dec. 23, 1843, Mary Anne Morris, who was born July 15, 1823. Children: 69. Isabella, m. Samuel Matlack, of Trenton. 70. Elizabeth A., m. John Githens, Sr. 71. Caroline E., b. Dec. 9, 1849; d. Dec. 12, 1856. 72. Jennie, m. James H. Romaine, and lives (1913) in Belmar. 73. T. Milton, m. Harriet Fowler, of Glouces- ter. 74. William, b. Feb. 21, 1860; d. Mar. 4. 1864. 75. Henry B., b. June 5, 1862. 76. Samuel, who d. in infancy. 73. T. Milton Shafto married Harriet Fowler. Children: 7 7. Arlene. 78. Phebe. 79. Philip. 75. Henry B. Shafto was born June 5, 1862. 26 He married, first, Amanda Gray, and second, Har- riet Palmatier. Children (first wife) : 80. Mary A., m. Joseph Fenton, of Belmar. Children (second wife) : 81. Harold P., b. Nov. 10, 1895. 82. Hazel P., b. Apr. 15. 1897. 83. Norma E. P., b. Jan. 31, 1900. 20. George W. Shafto was born Dec. 19, 1815. Children : 84. Isabella, m. Dec. 21, 1 892, Joseph Van Kirk, of Tinton Falls. 85. Emma, m. Simon Pyle, of Asbury Park. 86. Delia, m. Austin Hurley. 87. Jennie, m. William Morris. Shafto Notes. The homestead of this old family lies in ruins on the north bank of Shark River Brook, between that stream and Corlies Avenue, about two miles west of Hamilton. Data pertaining to the Shaftos in England can be found in — Burke's "Commoners," 4 vols., 1835. Burke's "Landed Gentry," 2 vols. Burke's "General Armory." Robson's "British Heraldry," 3 vols., 1830, which contains an engraving of the arms of Shafto of Whitworth. 27 All dates in the foregoing pedigree have been copied from the Shafto and Morris family bible, original church records and other original docu- ments, and from headstone inscriptions. 28 The White Family. 1 . Thomas Whyte or White, carpenter, came to America in 1670 from Deal, Kent County, Eng- land, and bought land, in 1675, from Thomas Pot- ter and Judah Allen. Thomas died previous to Feb. 4, 1684-5, when his son, Samuel, was made administrator of his estate. Children : 2. Samuel. 3. Thomas 4. Peter. 5. Robert. 6. Hester, m. Joseph Wardell. 2. Samuel White, also a carpenter, in right of his father, at that time deceased, Jan. 22, 1687-8, received a patent for 61 7 acres, counted as 560. The south boundary of this tract was Long Pond (now Wesley Lake), on the east was the sea, on the west was the barren or pine land, and on the north was a brook running along Thomas Potter's land. This tract must have embraced all of the present As- bury Park, North Asbury Park and land north of Deal Lake to a stream that once ran to the sea near Deal Beach, now filled in. Samuel died before April 28, 1 698, on which day Thomas White, No. 3, became administrator of his estate. On July 5, 1698, his undated will, signed "Samuel Whyte," was probated. Samuel's wife, Elizabeth, after her husband's death, married, second, Oct. 5, 1 700, 29 Seth Hill, of Burlington. Child: 7. Joall (Joel?). 3. Thomas White owned and lived on a farm at Deal, part of the land patented to his brother, Samuel. In his will, signed "Thomas Whyte," and dated Nov. 9, I 712, he styled himself "gentleman." He also owned land on Goose Neck and on the road, both sides, from Deal to Long Branch. He was married twice. His second wife was Elizabeth Cole. Children : 8. Samuel. 9. Thomas. 10. Amos. 1 1 . Jacob. 12. Levi. I 3. Rachel, m. Isaac Hance. 1 4. Leah. I 5. Elizabeth, m. at the house of Mary White, Sept. 12, 1 701, Joseph Lippincott. 16. Mary, m. Oct. 12, 1695, Richard Lippin- cott, of Shrewsbury. Thomas White, No. 9, and Amos, No. I 0, vrith Abigail White, whose relationship to the family is not known, witnessed the will of Ephraim Potter, of Shrewsbury, Dec. 21, 1716. 4. Peter White purchased lands near the pres- ent town of Shrewsbury on May 1 0, 1 688, from Sarah Parker, widow, and her two sons, George and William. He owned, also, lands near the present 30 Asbury Park, and had a patent for 48 J/2 acres at Passequenecqua or Passe-qua-nork-qua, a tract on the creek of that name; tract mentioned in a deed, 1 696, as being in Freehold, and in another as near the Manasquan River. The Manasquan extends very near to Freehold. Also, the same patent gave him 1 Y^ acres of meadow at the head of "Mane- squam Creek." He was living at Deal in 1687, where he witnessed the will of John Chambers. He sold his land at Passequenecqua, June 22, 1697, to John Pearce, of Freehold. His will was dated Mar. 20, 1697-8, and was proved June 10, 1698. In this document he mentioned "cousins Thomas and Samuel," referring to cousins of his children, sons of Thomas, his brother. Peter married Mary Children: 17. Peter, d. 1733. 1 8. Robert. 19. Thomas, d. 1747. Robert and Thomas were both under age in 1 698. There were seven daughters as well, but they were not mentioned by name in the will of their father. Three of these are known: Mary, m. Aug. 17, 1717, Jacob Lippincott. Elizabeth, m. Aug. 7, 1714, Thomas Lippincott. Jane, m. July 28, 1 693, at Shrewsbury, Thomas Garwood, of Bur- lington. James E. White, in his work on the descendants of Peter White, printed in St. John, New Bruns- wick, 1906, states that Peter's daughters were: — Mary, b. Jan. 19, 1673; m. Oct. 12, 1695, Richard Lippincott; d. May 12,1723. Ann, m., first, 31 Sutton, second, Feb. 14, 1692, J. Cheshire. Elizabeth b. Jan. 28, 1680; m. Aug. 17, 1701. Jos- eph Lippincott. Sarah, no data. Jane, m. July 28, 1673, Thomas Garwood. Mr. White's work is so full of typographical errors, principally dates, that the compiler hesitates to insert the above with- out giving the name of the author of the work from which they were taken. Note Mr. White's record of the marriage of Mary, and compare it w^ith the record above copied from the church record of her marriage. Also note date of Jane's marriage, 1673, which is 1693 in the Friends' records. 9. Thomas White, whose wife, Elizabeth, died Mar. 6, 1 760. Children : 20. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 7, 1725-6; m. Nov. 12,1743. William Cook; d. July 10. 1750. 21. Samuel, b. Dec! 6. 172 7-8; d. Sept. 7, 1759. 22. Mary, b. Feb. 19, 1730; m. Apr. 17. 1747. Richard Worthley. 2 3. Hannah, b. Feb. 10. 1734. 24. Thomas, b. July 17. 1736. 25. Lydia. b. Apr. 6. 1 739; m. May 29, 1 756, David Curtis, Jr. 26. Sarah, b. May 3, 1741. 2 7. Rachel, b. Sept. 5, 1743. 28. Jacob, b. May 9. 1 746. 29. Zilpah. b. Nov. 29. 1 748-9. 1 0. Amos White lived on Norumson Neck (Rumson Neck), and also owned land at Amboy. 32 Thomas, No. 9, witnessed his will, which was dated 1728-9, 27 d. 12 mo." (February). He married Dec. 2, 1 708, Hannah Mills, of Shrewsbury, and died before Mar. 26, 1 730, when his will was prov- ed. Children : 30. Ziphania 31. Amos. 32. Andrew. 33. Samuel. 34. Leah, m. Jonathan Stout 35. Allis or Alice. 36. Jennet. 37. Hannah. There was an Amos White who married, Nov. 12,1743, Jean White, and either the same or an- other of the name married, Dec. 17, 1761, Hester Borden. It is possible that Amos, No, 3 1 , was principal in one of these contracts. 12. Levi, married, Jan. 13,1733, Ann Lippin- cott. This is the date recorded in the Shrewsbury Friends records, but the records of the Men's Monthly Meeting gives the date Nov. 7, 1733. Children : 38. Thomas, b. Sept. 30, 1 734. 39. Elizabeth, b. July 2, 1739; d. Oct. 20, 1767. 40. John. b. Nov. 1, 1745. 41. Joseph, b. June 2 7, 1749. I 7. Peter White married Abigail, daughter of Remembrance and Margaret (Barbour) Lippincott. 33 Children : 42. Britton, b. Nov. 17, 1712; m. Oct. 19, 1 734, Dinah Corlies. 43. Benjamin, m. Mary Morris. 44. Peter, m. Jan. 22, 1 747, Hulda Tabor. 45. Ruth, m. Joshua Bond. 46. Sarah, b. May 2 1 , 1715; m. Oct. 22. 1 737, Jacob Corlies. 47. Hannah, m. Job, son of Ebenezer and Mary (Patterson) Cook. 48. Dorothy, m. April 30, 1 739, Amos Chan- dler. 49. EHzabeth. 50. Abigail. 1 8. Robert White, under age in 1 698, married Margaret Hartshorne. His death date is given by James E. White, Esq., before mentioned, as May 10, 1747, which was probably meant for May 10, 1774, as Robert was mentioned in the will of his son, Hartshorne, 1773, and was provided for with "a good maintenance." His second wife, Mary Price, he probably married in 1 742, his license be- ing dated Sept. 25, of that year. Relating to Robert is the following quaint rec- ord : "June ye 8, 1750. Then Robart White gaue in his Ear Mark to be Recorded as followeth uiz a Swollow fork Cut out of the Left Ear and a Slit Downe The top of the Right Ear. The Ear Mark that was formerly Hugh Hartshorns. Entered Per me John Wall Town Clark." 34 Children of Robert: 51. Hartshorne, b. 1736. 52. Josiah. There were others, probably. 1 9. Thomas White married Christian , and died in 1 747. Children : 53. Mary. b. Oct. 17. 1716; d. Mar. 3. 1732. 54. Margaret, b. June 28, 1718; d. May 29. 1736. 55. Constant, b. Jan. 29. 1720; m. May 1, 1 740. Ephraim Parker. 56. George, b. Dec. 4. 1721-2, m. Ann, daughter of George Lippincott. 5 7. Jane. b. Feb. 3. 1722. 58. Ann. b. Feb. 18, 1727; m. Oct. 6. 1750. Jacob Hance. 59. Sarah, b. May 15. 1729. 60. Thomas, b. Apr. 18. 1732. 61. Elizabeth, b. May 8. 1735; m. Jan. 22. 1761. Samuel Tucker. 62. John. b. Nov. 28. 1738. 2 1. Samuel White, b. Dec. 6, 1 727-8. married. Nov. 26. 1 755. Anne Curtis. Children: 63. Thomas, b. Nov. 26, 1756. 64. Curtis, b. June 8. 1 758; d. Nov. 18. 1 758. 65. Meribah. twin of Curtis. Peter White, born June 1 9. 1 748, or May 35 9. 1 746, as records differ, died Mar. 26, 1 798. His wife. Patience, was born Aug. 12, 1 75 7. Children : 66. Amos, b. Jan. 15, 1777. 67. Mary, b. Nov. 16, 1778. 68. Jean, b. Aug. 1, 1 780; d. Aug. 8, 1 780. 69. Sarah, b. Oct. 25, 1781. 70. Hannah, b. Apr. 7, 1783. 71. Phebe, b. Apr. 19, 1785. 72. Abigail, b. Aug. 29, 1787; d. Nov. 26, 1789. 73. Peter, b. Mar. 26, 1789. 74. Samuel, b. Apr. 2, 1 79 1 ; d. Aug. 27. 1793. 75. Allen, b. Aug. 10, 1793. 76. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1796. 77. Jane, b. Oct. 31, 1798. 42. Britton White married, Oct. 19, 1734. Dinah Corlies and died December 26, 1 760. Children : 78. Deborah, b. July 22, 1735. 79. Elizabeth, b. June 25, 1 740. 80. Rachel, b. Feb. 4, 1 744; d. Apr. 5, 1 745. 81. Hannah, b. July 4, 1745. 82. Britain, b. July 21, 1747. 83. Margaret, b. Feb. 21, 1751. 84. Joseph, b. Apr. 5, 1 75 3; d. Nov. 8. 1 755. 51. Hartshorne White, styling himself "of Freehold Township," made his will Oct. 10, 1773. He mentioned his wife, Phebe, (Phebe Forman, of Middletown Point, so called in her marriage license 36 dated July I 1, 1 759. In this document Hartshorne was written "of Middletown") and two daughters. Both girls were under eighteen years of age in 1773. Hartshorne died April 12, 1 774, having lived 38 years. Phebe was born in 1 735, and died Jan. 2, I 775. Both were interred in the Old Tennent Church cemetery, and over both graves are inscrib- ed stones. The executors of his estate were sv/orn at Freehold, April 21, 1774. It is worthy of note that only one member of the family now (1913) living remembered the name of Hartshorne and could place him as the brother of Josiah White, ancestor of the family settled around the present Asbury Park. This was Mr. Remming- ton White. Mr. White pronounced and spelled the name "Hartson." Children : 85. Ursilla. 86. Margaret. 52. Josiah White, a Tory, born according to the tradition handed down by his grandson, George White, to his son, Atlantic White, on the land where Asbury Park now stands. Josiah's activity in as- sisting the British made him a "refugee," his person being in demand by the Continental Government. Not only did his sympathy for the British cause the loss of his property (which was confiscated and sold at Tinton Falls, April 18, 1 778), but it cost him his life as well. Two traditions exist relating to his death. The first — While sailing his schooner from Deal Lake with supplies for the British in New York, he was 37 fired upon by patriots, and his boat being sunk Josiah's body went down with the wreckage. The second — While carrying hams from the banks of the Shrewsbury to British ships lying off Long Branch, between too heavy a load and a rough surf, he went to the bottom with his boat. Josiah obtained a license, April 10, I 762, to wed Nancy Earley, of Middletown, Josiah being styled "of Shrewsbury" in the record. Children: 87. Brittan M. 88. Jonathan. 89. Hartson or Hartshorne. There were probably other children. 56. George White married Ann, daughter of George (or John?) Lippincott. Children : 90. Benjamin, b. Dec. 12, 1755; m. first, Mary, daughter of Joseph and Joanna Morris, who died July 1 9, I 807, aged 48 years, 9 months and 29 days. He married, second, Sarah Decou, of Bur- lington. 9 1 . Robert, m. Hester, daughter of William Crawford. 92. Joseph, in. Clorinda . 82. Britain White, married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of George Allen. She died December 5, 1 795. Children : 93. George Allen, of N. Y. C, b. Dec. I. 1775. 38 94. Brittain, of N. Y. C. b. June 29, 1 778. 95. Joseph, of N. Y. C, b. Jan. 25, 1781. 96. Lydia, of Shrewsbury, b. Sept. 10, 1783; d. Jan. 25. 1 785, in N. Y. C. 97. Samuel, of Shrewsbury, b. Mar. 16, 1787. 98. Lydia, b. Oct. 14. 1788. 99. Thomas Chalkley, b. Sept. 25,1 790. 100. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 12, 1792. 101. Rebeckah Wryte, b. Oct. 8, 1 794. 9 1 . Robert White married, July 1 3, 1 780, Es- ther or Hester, daughter of William Crawford. The name is spelled in both ways in the church records. Esther was born Feb. 3, 1761, and died May 10, 1797. Children : 102. Crawford, b. June 14, 1 782. 103. Catharine, b. Mar. 25, 1 784. 104. Tylee, b. Oct. 29, 1 786 ;d. Sept. 28, 1802. 105. Robert Bowne, b. Oct. 17, 1788. 106. Lydia Grover, b. Dec. 20, 1 79 1 . 107. William C, b. Sept. 8, 1794. 92. Joseph and Clorinda White. Children : 108. Mary, d. Feb. 12, 1895, nearly 96 years of age, at Germantown, Philadelphia. She married John Eveleth. 109. Lucy, d. July 26, 1848. aged 36 years, 1 1 months and 1 1 days. She married Elias Chasey. 87. Brittan M. White was born on the site of 39 Asbury Park in 1 768, and died Dec. 5, 1855, being interred in Hamilton Cemetery. Though a mere boy during the period of the Revolution, Brittan was an active Tory, and his lands were sold with his father's at Tinton Falls. Being sought by the pa- triots, he joined a band of Tories and harried his own countrymen. Two old bibles in the possession of Eastwood White contain much information relating to the White family, and the only known record of Brit- ton's wife, who was Abigail Woolley, born May 12, 1773. Brittan purchased land along Deal Lake from Gavin Drummond in 1819. Children: 1 I 0. George Woolley, b. Dec. 1 0, 1 795. 111. Deborah, b. Jan. 4, 1 797; m. John West. 1 12. Mereby, b. Mar. 24, 1 798; m. Jesse How- land, and had a daughter, Deborah, who d. Oct. 2 1 , 1843. 113. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 29, 1801; m. Samuel, son of Garret White. 114. Tucker, b. Mar. 15, 1803. or Mar. 16, 1 804, as bible records differ. 1 15. Jediah, b. May 19, 1805. 116. Britton, b. Jan. 15, 1807. 117. Abigaill, b. Feb. 22, 1809 or 1810, as bible records differ, who m. Bartholomew West. I 18. Gavin Drummond, b. Aug. 31, 1811. I 1 0. George Woolley White married Deborah, daughter of Christopher Jones, of Canadian ances- try. Deborah was born Aug. 17, 1779. 40 Children : 119. Hugh, b. Oct. 10, 1818; m. Amelia Brown. 120. Eliza, b. Dec. 4, 1820; m. George Hager- man. 121. Margaret, b. Oct. 13, 1822; m. William Van Pelt, once Sheriff of Kings County. 122. Abigaill, b. Sept. 2 7, 1824; d. unm., May 15. 1910. 123. Hannah, b. Oct. 2, 1826; m. Anthony Campbell. 124. William, b. July 22, 1828, a pilot in New York and New Jersey waters, interred in Cypress Hill Cemetery, Long Island. 125. George, b. Sept. 17, 1830. 126. Bloomfield, b. April 10, 1833; m. H. Jane Palmer, who was b. in 1 845. They had a son, Rob- ert, b. 1 88 1 ; d. 1 884. Bloomfield d. 1 886. 127. Mary C, b. May 25, 1837; d. in infancy. 128. Mary Alice, b. Mar. 13. 1839; m. Samuel Thompson. 129. Atlantic, b. June 3, 1844. 130. Eleazer, b. Feb. 26, 1847; m. Caroline Hagerman, and had a daughter. Olive, and a son. CHfford. the latter b. Nov. 21, 1871; d. Sept. 1. 1880. Eleazer d. Sept. 21, 1880. 114. Tucker White died May 23, 1875. He married Mary Jones, sister of Deborah and daugh- ter of Christopher. Mary was born Mar. 9, 1 808. and died Aug. 26, 1862. In 1854, Tucker was liv- ing in what is now West Asbury Park. Children : 41 131. Charles, b. Feb. 7, 1827; d. without issue, Feb. 28, 1895. 132. Christopher, b. Feb. 12, 1829; d. without issue. Mar. 19, 1884. 133. Britton, b. May 6, 1831 ;d. May 2. 1855. 134. Jediah, b. Dec. 2 7, 1833. 1 35. Elizabeth A., b. May 23, 1836. 136. Remmington, b. Feb. 10. 1839. 1 3 7. John Henry, b. July 14. 1841. 1 38. Lorenzo, b. July 26. 1844. No issue. 139. Emmeline. b. Nov. 22. 1846; m. Captain Benjamin Van Brunt. 140. Hannah, b. Aug. 16. 1849; m. George Sculthorpe, of Hamilton. 115. Jediah Woolley White married Sarah Youmans, who was born Aug. 1 0. 1 804. and who died Sept. 10, 1880. Jediah died April 5. 185 7. Children : 141. Youmans B.. b. Jan. 28, 1877; d. unm., Aug. 18, 1897. 142. Jane, b. Jan. 1830; m. William W. Jeff- rey, and d. Sept. 1898. 143. Henry, b. Mar. 10, 1832. 144. Deborah, b. June 4, 1834; m. Captain Borden Sanford. 145. William C. "Uncle Billie," b. July 11. 1836; d. unm.. Nov. 26, 1912. 146. Martha A., b. Aug. 22, 1838; m. William Thome, and d. Nov., 1907. 147. Benjamin T., b. Nov. 9, 1840; d. Dec. 1800. 148. Drummond, b. May 3. 1844; d. Nov. 16, 42 1884. 149. Russel, b. Aug. 3, 1845; d. July 20. 1900. 150. James J., b. Mar. 2, 1848; m. Mary Gra- ham, andd. April 29, 1883. 116. Briton White died April 5, 1855. His wife was Caroline . Children : 15 1. Washington, b. Jan. 10, 1849. 152. Juliatte, b. Jan. 28, 1852; m. Mahlon Slo- cum, of West Belmar. 15 3. Andrew Jackson, b. Sept. 5, 1857; m. Deborah Brower. 154. Lewis Franklin (called Frank), b. Nov. 30, 1859; m. Letitia Trotter. 155. Eastwood, b. May 12, 1 861 ; m. at Branch- burg, N. J., Dec. 23, 1883, Emma L. Smock. 156. Britton Romeo, b. June 2 7, 1866; m. lona Jackson. 15 7. A son, b. and d. May 10, 1863, interred in Hamilton Cemetery. 1 1 8. Gavin Drummond White, known as Drum- mond White, was born, according to his headstone. Mar. 8, 1811, and according to the family bible, Aug. 3, 1811. He died May 17, 1872. His wife was Rebecca, daughter of Samuel Slocum, of Long Branch. Children : 158. Robinson, b. Jan. 8, 1840; d. in New York City, Oct. 28, 1875. Interred in Hamilton Cemetery. 43 159. Timbrook, captain of a coasting schooner, married Catherine A. Hagerman, who was b. June 1, 1844, and who d. Nov. 5, 1862, aged about 18 years. Their child was James T., b. June 5, 1862; d. Oct. 3, 1862. Timbrook died in Baltimore. 1 60. Rebecca, d. in infancy. 161. RulifF, b. Nov. 13, 1850; d. Mar. 8, 1885. 162. Ellen, b. Mar. 1, 1852; d. July 28, 1852. 163. Clarence, b. July 1, 1853; d. Aug. 6, 1853. 1 64. Asbury and Samuel, twins, the latter, (1914), residing on Corlies Avenue near Asbury Park. He has several children, one named Drum- mond. 129. Atlantic White married Ida M. Pearce, of Hightstown, who was b. Sept. 1, 185 7. Child: 165. LenaD., b. Dec. 1 8, 1 88 1 . 135. Elizabeth A. White married Halsted Brown. Children: 166. Henry Brown, b. Dec. 4, 1861; d. Sept. 3, 1862. 167. Lizzie Brown, m. Charles, son of Russel White. 1 68. Hannah Brown, m. William Clayton. 1 69. Belle Brown, m. Captain William Van Brunt, nephew of Captain Benjamin Van Brunt. 1 70. Mary Brown, m. Winfield Dorset. 44 1 36. Remmington White married Jemima Annie Gifford, who was born September 12, 1849, and w^ho died Feb. 1, 1902. Remmington is (1913), living and in good health. Children: 171. Cora E.. b. Mar. 29, 1874; m. Abraham Johnson. 172. Lambert L., b. June 4, 1877; d. Mar. 16, 1893. 1 73. Richard L., b. Nov. 4, 1881 ; m. Lillian M. Perry. 174. Archibald, b. July 1, 1887; m. Etta Law- yer. 175. Britten, b. June 17, 1891. 176. Percy, b. Sept. 19, 1894; d. May 21, 1902. 143. Henry White, married Elizabeth A., daughter of Peter Reynolds, who was born in 1834. Both are in good health (1914) and reside on West Fifth Avenue, Asbury Park. Children : 1 77. Edward. 1 78. Mary. 1 79. Jennie, m. Charles A. Aumock. 147. Benjamin T. White married Mary Jane Vermilee, of Brooklyn. Children : 180. Mary. 181. Eva. 45 182. Ernest. 183. Minnie, 184. W. Madison, b. Sept. 1. 1873; d. Oct. 16, 1875. 1 48. Drummond White married Jane Hager- man, and died Nov. 1 6, 1 884. Children : 185. Perlie T.. b. May 27, 1878; d. July 29, 1878. 1 86. Marie Antoinette, m. Victor Chabert. 187. Walter C, m. Clarabelle Hornby. 1 88. Catherine, m. Charles Fredericks. 1 49. Russel White married Hannah Brown, who was born Oct. 15, 1 848. Russel was drowned in Deal Lake, from which body of water he had at various times rescued others. Children: 189. Charles, b. Mar. 10, 1868. 190. Eva. b. Dec. 24, 1872; d. July 28, 1897. 191. Abner. b. Jan. 5. 1875. 192. Augustus, b. Mar. 28, 1880. 193. Mattie, b. Oct. 16, 1878; d. Sept. 12. 1897. 194. John, b. Jan. 15. 1886; d. Feb.. 1888. 1 50. James F. White married Mary Graham, of Brooklyn. Children: 195. Ida Belle. 1 96. Margaret. 46 ^ 197. Theodore. 151. Washington White died Mar. 24. 1898. His wife, whom he maried in July 1870, was Eve- lena, daughter of Samuel Brant and his wife, Eliza- beth Howland. Children : 198. Kinmonth, b. Jan. 16, 1871. 199. Alfus, b. June, 1872. 200. Frederick, b. 1875. Kinmonth White was the first child born in As- bury Park after that place was named. 1 5 3. Andrew Jackson White married Deborah ^ Brower. Children : 201. Britton. 202. Augustus. 155. Eastwood White married Emma L., daughter of Aaron L. Smock and his wife, Mary Vanderveer, daughter of Elias. Aaron and Mary were married Dec. 2 3, 1 840. Emma was born July 1. 1858. Child: 203. Barnes, b. Nov. 8, 1884. 189. Charles White married Lizzie Brown, No. 167, who was born May 2 3, 1869. Children: 204. Frances, b. Nov. 16, 1892. 205. Viola, b. Dec. 26, 1896. 47 191. Abner White married Lulu Robinson, who was born Jan. 28, 1880. Children : 206. Deborah, b. Oct. 15, 1897. 207. Lester, b. Dec. 19, 1899. 208. Myron, b. Dec. 25, 1908. 209. Allen, b. Dec. 5, 1907. 2 1 0. Doris, b. Dec. 2 7, 1911. Some Whites Descended From the Family Previously Chronicled. The following records are mostly disconnected, but there is no doubt but what all of those mention- ed could be connected with the descendants of Thomas White were further records obtainable. 211. Jacob White, bap. (adult) Dec. 2 7. 1813. at Christ Church, Shrewsbury, m. Abigail Holmes, who died Nov. 6, 1856, aged 78 years, 7 months. Jacob died May 28. 1859. aged 76 years, 10 months, 1 days. Children : 212. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 16, 1808; bap. Christ Church, Oct. 8, 1 809. 2 1 3. Eleanor, b. Aug. 11, 1810; bap. Christ Church, Jan. 8, 181 1. 214. Lucy, b. Sept. 15, 1812; bap. Christ Church, Dec. 20. 1812. 215. Hannah, b. Mar. 7, 1817; bap. Christ Church, May 18, 1817. 2 1 6. Abigail, b. Aug. 4, 1821; bap. Christ Church, Oct. 21, 1821. 48 The following records are cut in headstones in the Hamilton and Glendola cemeteries. H. — Hamil- ton. G. — Glendola. 217. Hendrick White, d. Mar. 22, 1862, aged 77y. 3 m. H. 2 1 8. Hannah, w. of Hendrick, d. July 1 2, 1866, aged 77 y. 3 m. 26 d. H. 219. Garret M. White b. 1769; d. Feb. 24. 1861. H. 220. Rebekah, w. of Garret M., b. Feb. 12, 1770; d. Dec. 27, 185 7. H. 221. Garret White, b. 1 782; d. Nov. 26, 1876. H. 222. Mary, w. of Garret, b. July 3, 1802; d. May 1, 1871. H. 22 3. Samuel White, son of 221, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Britton M. White. 224. Jonathan White, son of 221, m. Elizabeth , sheb. May, 1818; d. Aug. 28, 1891. H. 225. Curtis White, son of 221, m. Catherine C. Parker, she b. Aug. 3, 1 8 1 1 ; d. Feb. 1 9, 1 854. H. 226. Peter White (of Belmar), b. Mar. 9. ! 80 1 ; d. July 6, 1 884. (His wife was Jane, dau of Robert Shafto, she b. Oct. 14, 1813; d. Jan. 1, 1892). 22 7. Robert S (hafto) White b. April 19. 1842; d. Dec. 11, 1842. H. 228. John S (hafto) White, b. Mar. 17, 1842; d. Oct. 29, 1854. H. 229. Robert K. White, b. June 28, 1845; d. July I, 1865. H. 2 30. Elizabeth White m. John Davison. 231. Isabel White, m. David Van Nortrick of Belmar. Nos. 22 7, 228, 229, 2 30, and 231, were children of No. 226. The birth dates of Nos. 227 49 and 228 are imposible, but so recorded. 2 32. William P. White b. Feb. 7, 1 86 1 ; d. Sept. 8, 1900. G. 2 33. H. Adelia, w, of William P., b. Aug. 2 3. 1863; d. Aug. 23, 1886. G. 2 34. Harold L. White, son of 232, b. Mar. 1 3. 1881; d. Mar. 18, 1897. G. 235. Abigail White, d. Feb. 3, 1842. H. 236. William Wesley White, b. Nov. I, 1813; d. Aug. 9, 185 7. H. 2 37. George W. White b. June 2 7, 1 8 1 9 ; d. Oct. 7, 1840. H. 2 38. William J. White, b. Jan. 9, 1802; d. Feb. 15, 1865. H. 239. William N. White, b. Mar. 3, 1 840; d. Oct. 30, 1881. H. 240. Rose. w. of John White, b. Mar. 13, 1855; d. July 17, 1882. G. 241. Hendrickson White d. Aug. 20, 1842. aged 35 y. 4 m. G. 242. Isabella Thompson, w. of Hendrickson and Daniel White, b. June 1, 1 8 1 1 ; d. July 4, 1897. G. 243. Daniel White, b. Sept. 2, 1805; d. Apr. 9. 1877. G. Nos. 241, 242 and 243 are in one lot. D. and H. were brothers. 244. Columbus White, b. April 20, 1839; d. Jan. 23, 1905. G. 245. Annie, w. of Columbus White, d. Nov. 28. 1889. aged 45 y. 8 m. 14 d. G. 246. Nettie, dau. of Columbus White, b. Mar. 8. 1882; d. May 1, 1891. G. 247. Jacob, son of David White, m. Anna. dau. of Abraham Havens Morris. 50 THE CORLIES FAMILY. (In various records spelled Corles, Curlies, Cor- lies, Corleis, Curleis and Curies.) 1 . George Corlies, of Shrewsbury, then about 61 years of age (He styled himself "about 50" on November 2, 1 704, when he attested the inventory of the effects of Thomas Potter.) "cordwinder. Be- ing antiant," made his will "1715 25 d. 6 m." (Aug- ust), and died (Friends Records) July 10, 1715. His will was proved Nov. 23, 1715. His first wife was Exercise, daughter of William Shattock, whom he married October 1 0, 1 680, in Shrewsbury. Exercise died September 11, 1695, and four years later, September 23, 1699, he mar- ried, second, Deborah, daughter of John and Eliza- beth Hance. The will of John Hance was dated March 24, 1708-9, and was proved January 27, 1710-11. On Mar. 25, 1687, George received a patent for 96 '/2 acres at Passequenecqua, and 3'/2 acres of meadow. The farm of John Lippincott adjoined the larger tract on the south, and the 3|/2 acres of meadow were undoubtedly on the Manasquan, his neighbors all owning tracts of the same size there. On Oct. 3, 1689, he purchased from Martha Wearne, 1 30 acres in Springfield Township, Burling- ton County, which he sold to Henry Wells, on Jan. 7, 1701-2. The records of the Society of Friends credit him with thirteen children, twelve of whom are mention- ed in his will, one as an expected child. Children 51 (first wife) : 2. John, b. Jan. 1 1, 3. Hannah, b. Aug. 25, 16 — . 4. EHzabeth, b. May 1 , 1 68 — . 5. William, b. May 15, 1689. 6. Mary, b. Jan. 31, 1692. 7. George, b. Aug. 1 9, 1 694. Children (second wife) : 8. Thomas, b. Sept. 3, 1 700, d. 1 700. 9. Deborah, b. Feb. 11, 1702; d. Feb. 3, 175 7. 10. Joseph, b. Jan. 14, 1704-5. 11. Benjamin, b. June 31, 1707; d. Aug. 11, 1739. 12. Timothy, b. Feb. 10, 1710; d. Jan. 23. 1733. 13. Dinah, b. Nov. 17, 1712. 14. Jacob, the expected child, b. Aug. 8 1715. 1715. 2. John Corlies married Naomi Edwards, daughter of Abijah and Elizabeth. Abijah's will was dated Jan. 17, 1714-15, and was proved Feb. 24, 1714-15. This document mentioned the chil- dren of John Corlies. On March 2, 1743, the records of the Men's Monthly Meeting note that John was "to be visited for drinking to excess." His first wife evidently died previous to Oct. 4, 1 756, on which date he de- clared his intention of marrying Patience Tilton. Children : 1 5. James. 16. John. 52 1 7. Elizabeth. 3. Hannah Corlies married Nov. 1 8, 1 702, Henry Allen, and died Jan. 15, 1712. 4. Elizabeth Corlies married, William Brind- ley, and died Nov. 1 9, 1 704. 5. Wiliam Corlies married, Nov. 13, 1731, Sarah Wing. 6. Mary Corlies, written "alias Allen" in the records relating to the proving of the will of Sarah Reape, Mar. 29, 1716. She married David, son of Jedediah Allen whose will was made Feb. 1 8, 1 724- 5 and was proved Apr. 8, 1 725. 9. Deborah Corlies, recorded as "Deborah Corleis Jr.," married, Oct. 12, 1728, Walter Har- bort, Jr., of Shrewsbury. 1 0. Joseph Corlies married Margaret, , who died Feb. 26, 1 798, aged about 89 years. Jos- eph died Jan. 26, 1 784. Children : 18. Lydia, b. June 20,1731; m. Apr. 22, I 752, William Cook, of Shrewsbury. 19. Timothy, b. Nov. 5, 1735-6; d. Oct. 7. 1804. His wife, Lydia b. Sept. 4, 1755; d. aged 68 years, 1 1 months. 20. Deborah, b. Oct. 17, 1739. 21. Hannah, b. July 9, 1741. 22. Margaret, b. Feb. 5, 1746; m. May 21, 53 1 767, Thomas Curtis. 1 1. Benjamin Corlies married. May 24, 1 732, at the home of his mother, Mary Jackson, of Shrews- bury. 1 3. Dinah Corlies married Oct. 1 9. 1 734, Brit- ton White, their intention of marrying being noted in the records of the Men's Monthly Meeting Septem- ber 4, and Oct. 2, 1734. 14. Jacob Corlies married, Oct. 22, 1737, Sarah White. He died Dec. 1 8. 1 767. Children: 23. Britan or Briton, b. Sept. 27, 1738; d. Nov. 31, 1816. 24. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 8, 1 740. 25. Benjamin, b. Mar. 2, 1742; d. Sept., 1806. 26. Abigail, b. Mar. 2, 1 744. 27. John, b. Dec. 2, 1745-6; d. Apr. 30, 1746. 28. Peter, b. May 23, 1 747; d. Nov. 2 1 , 1833. 29. George, b. Feb. 18, 1749; d. Dec. 1. 1816. 30. Jacob, b. Apr. 24. 1 75 1 ; d. June 1 3, 1751. 31. Jacob, b. Apr. 1. 1755; d. Dec. 25, 1841. 32. Sarah, b. June 20. 1758. 1 6. John Corlies. son of John and his wife, Naomi Edwards. The records of the Friends con- cerning this John are rather curious. On October 54 2, 1 734, Wilber Lippincott and Frances Stout an- nounced their intention of marrying. November 6, 1 734, Wilber Lippincott and John Corlies, Jr., an- nounced their intention of marrying. December 3, 1 734, it was "reported Wilber Lippincott and John Corlies, Jr., married orderly." October 10, 1734, John Corlies, Jr., and Zilpha Wilbe announced their intention of marying. Zilpha Wilbe is called Zil- pha White in the actual marriage record, dated Dec- ember 24, I 734. 1 7. Elizabeth Corlies married, July 25, 1 735, Richard Fitz Randolph. They expressed their first intention of marrying on June 4, 1 735, and the rec- ords of the Men's Monthly Meeting, Shrewsbury, contain the record — "1 735 6 d. 8 m. Richard Ran- dolph and Elizabeth Corlies married in an orderly way. 23. Briton, Brittan or Brittain Corlies married, first, Jan. 10, 1 765, Ann White, of Shrewsbury. He married, second, Sarah , who died July 28, 1833, aged 76 years, 4 months and 3 days. Briton died October 31, 1816, age 77 y. 11 m. 64 d. Children (first wife) : 33. David, and — 34. Lydia, twins, b. Oct. 9, I 765. 35. Sarah, b. Sept. 26, 1 767. Children (second wife) : 36. Ann, b. July 16, 1781 ; d. Sept. 26, 1836. 37. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 3, 1783; m. Dec. 14. 1815, William Widdifield of Philadelphia. 38. Briton, b. July 12, 1784; d. May 22, 55 1788. 39. Deborah, b. Apr. 7, 1787; d. July 16, 1790. 40. Briton, b. May 22, 1 789 ; d. July 25. 1840. Lived in Philadelphia. 41. Joseph, b. July 3, 1791; d. Oct. 26. 1 860. Lived in New York. 42. Jacob, b. Mar. 20, 1793; d. Nov. 17. 1 864. Lived in Philadelphia. 43. Benjamin W., b. Feb. 9, 1 797; d. May 24. 1884. 25. Benjamin Corlies, son of Jacob, married. May 20, I 773, Deborah Parker, who died January 1. 1828. Children: 44. Mary, b. Apr. 18, 1774. 45. Sarah, b. Oct. 19, 1775; m. April 16. 1812, Joseph Allen ;d. July 22. 1849. 46. William, b. Mar. 30, 1777. 47. Jacob, b. July 15, 1779; d. July 31. 185 3. 48. Elizabeth, b. May 25, 1781. Probably the Elizabeth Corlies who married George A. White. Oct. 17, 1805. 49. Deborah, b. Nov. 7, 1783; d. Jan. 7. 1853. 50. Phebe, b. Sept. 3, 1786; d. Aug. 29. 1862. 51. Abigail, b. Jan. 25, 1793. 28. Peter Corlies, son of Jacob, married, April 14, 1774, Margaret Tucker, who died Mar. 23, 1835. 56 Children: 52. John, b. Nov. 4, 1775; d. Feb. 22. 185 3. 5 3. Peter, b. July 30, 1 778; d. Jan. 23, 1846. 54. Jacob, b. Aug. 15, 1 781 ; d. Mar. 5, 1 782. 55. Phebe, Apr. 1, 1783; d. Mar. 26, 1847. 56. Leah, b. Nov. 2 7, 1 786; d. Apr. 2, 1870. 5 7. Sarah, b. Aug. 2, 1789; d..Sept. 2, 1866. 58. Edward Pennington, b. Apr. 22, 1 793; d. July 28, 185 7. 29. George Corlies married Patience , who died April 11, 1816. George died December 1, 1816. Children: 59. Benjamin, b. Aug. 19, 1775. 60. Jacob, b. April 8, 1778. 61. Joseph, b. Feb. 21, 1780; d. Sept. 6, 1781. 62. Sarah, b. Oct. 14, 1781. 63. Joseph, b. Oct. 5, 1 784. 64. Mary, b. Feb. 2, 1787; m. Mar. 12, 1818. Dobel Baker, of Philadelphia. 3 1 . Jacob Corlies, son of Jacob, believed to have been the "Jacob Corlies Jr.," who married, at Christ Church, Shrewsbury, May 20, 1824, Mrs. Hannah Ustick. Hannah's dates are given as born 1779, died 185 3, in the church records, but her tombstone says born, September 11, 1 778, died July 1 7, 1 869. 43. Benjamin W. Corlies, son of Briton, lived at Eatontown. He married Miriam, daughter of 57 Tylee and Elizabeth Williams. Miriam was born October 8. I 797. and died October II, 1876. Children: 65. Tylee, b. Sept. 5, 1823; d. Nov. 4, 1893. 66. Edward, b. Mar. 15, 1826; d. Nov. 21. 1856. 67. Francis, b. June 25, 1827; d. Apr. 17, 1897. Lived in Asbury Park. 68. Sarah, b. Jan. 26, 1830. 69. Susan H., b. Oct. 16, 1832; d. Nov. 21. 1856. 70. Eliza H.. b. Sept. 4. 1836. SOME DISCONNECTED CORLIES RECORDS 101. Jacob Corlies, b. Feb. 5. 1 802 ; d. May 20, 1859. Christ Churchyard. 102. Margaret J. Corlies, wife of Edmund W. Corlies, d. Oct. 14, 185 7, aged 26 years, 6 months. 103. Phebe Corlies died July 25, 1860, aged 76 years. Christ Churchyard. 1 04. Charity, wife of John T. Corlies, daughter of Richard WyckofT and Hannah White. Born 1803. Wyckoff Bible. 105. Margaret Corlies d. Nov. 10, 1779. Christ Churchyard. 1 06. Elizabeth Corlies and Jacob Hance, m. Feb. 8, 1759. 107. Hannah Corlies of Shrewsbury m. Oba- diah Tilton of Middletown, Jan. 20, 1 763. 1 08. William Corlies m. Mary Woolley, Sept. 17, 1767. 1 09. Sarah Corlies and John Rively, of King- 58 sessing, Philadelphia (Sarah, of Shrewsbury) m. Sept. 3, 1 794. 110. Sarah Corlies, of Shrewsbury, and Sam- uel Haydock, of Philadelphia, m. Sept. 1 3, 1 804. 111. Asher Corlies of Rumson, m. Rachel, daughter of John Hance and Catherine Wapels. John and Catherine were married Jan. 1 3, 1 760. The children of Asher and Rachel were: 112. Hannah, b. Nov. 14, 1790. 1 1 3. Arthur, b. Apr. 7, 1 792. Hance Bible record. 1 1 4. George A. Corlies d. Dec. 4, 1 866, aged 75 years, 1 days. 115. Phebe Allen, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth, wife of George A. Corlies was b. Novem- ber 22, 1791, and d. Jan. 7, 1863. She was two days older than her husband, w^ho was b. Nov. 24, 1791. 1 1 6. Hannah Corlies, daughter of George A. and Phebe, was b. May 20, 1810, and died Sept. 5, 1896. CORLIES MARRIAGE LICENSES. Exercise Corless of Monmouth and William Shinn of Burlington, June 6, I 739. Mary Corlies of Monmouth and Joshua Bond, of Burlington, June 2, 1 745. Elizabeth Corlis and Thomas Cox, both of Shrewsbury, Sept. 20, 1 749. Elizabeth Curlis and Jonathan Herbert, both of Monmouth, Dec. 30, 1 760. Hannah Curlis and Ebenezer Wardell, both of Monmouth, Sept. 2 7, 175 3. 59 Jane Curlis and John Wilgus, both of Mon- mouth, Mar. 16, 1744-5. Mehitabel Curlis and Caleb Shinn, both of Mon- mouth, Jan. 2, 1 739. John Corlies and Elizabeth Burden, both of Monmouth, Jan. 28, 1 767. Timothy Corlies and Hannah Williams, both of Monmouth, July 14, 1762. Uriah Corlies of Monmouth and Anna Dunham of Amboy, June 22, I 752. George Corlis and Margaret Watson, both of Salem, Dec. 21, 1762. John Corlis of Monmouth and Rachel White, May 31. 1779. Samuel Corlis and Elizabeth Bills, both of Mon- mouth, Aug. 1 7, 1 745. William Corliss of Burlington and Ann Cox of Middlesex, June 3, 1756. Jacob Corliss of Salem and Deborah Stretch, Mar. 28, 1791. William Corliss and Ann Davis both of Burling- ton, July 13, 1767. 60 THE POTTER FAMILY. 1. Thomas Potter, of Rhode Island, Jan. 20, 1687-8, obtained a patent for several tracts "at Dale." The largest of these plots consisted of 580 acres between the lands of Samuel White on the south and Francis Jeffereys on the north, from the sea on the east, to the barren land on the west. One tract, 92 acres, lay on the south bank of Whale Pond Brook, extended west to the barren lands, east to Francis Jeffereys' land which lay on the shore south of Whale Pond. A road to the sea formed the south boundary. Another tract lay in the barren lands, 500 acres, a spot impossible to lo- cate at this time. Thomas married twice. Ann or Anna, his first wife, born on Rhode Island, deeded with her hus- band. Mar. 18, 1692-3, to Mary, daughter of Adam Channelhouse, 500 acres in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Ann died before 1 698, as in Dec- ember of that year, Thomas, with his wife Sarah, deeded 200 acres south of the "Nawsinks" river to John Bickley, Sr., of New York. On Sept. 24, 1 693 Thomas deeded a lot on the north side of Saw- mill Brook, and 2 acres on the south side, to Nathan- iel Leonard. The patent for the Potter lands at Deal was dat- ed 1687-8, but Thomas had been living there for some years previous, the fact proved by his deed. May 12, 1683, to John Jerson (Ireson), "of Rhoad Island near Boston, fellmonger," in which he styled himself "of Deale, Planter." The land sold to Ire- 61 son was 500 acres in Fenwick's Colony, as per bill of sale dated "I 679, 24th d. 2nd m.", which called for 500 acres on "Cohanzey Neck." John Ireson sold this land, Nov. 16, 1685, describing it "on Shrews- bury Neck" on the "River Cesaria alias Chohanzey." Thomas Potter was born in 1630, this date be- ing deduced from an affidavit he made on Sept. 1 I , 1 700, concerning the boundaries of Poplar Swamp near Deal, wherein he gave his age as "about 70." His will was dated Nov. 1 , 1 704, he writing himself "of Freehold." The inventory of his personal es- tate footed ninety-eight pounds, three shillings and six pence, which sum included the value of a negro man, thirty pounds. He died Dec. 1 0, 1 704. Sarah died Feb. 1, 1694 according to the Friends' Records, so the deed before mentioned, 1 698, must have been the consumation of a sale made before Feb. 1, 1694. Children : 2. Ephraim. 3. Mary, m. John Woolley. 4. Thomas. 5. Elizabeth. POTTER'S CAVE. The first settlers in New Jersey built caves where- in they lived until more pretentious dwellings were erected. These caves were dug some three or four feet into the ground, walls were built making them about three feet above the surface, and boughs were laid across the top on which sods and soil were thrown until the whole gave the appearance of a 62 solid mound of earth with one entrance, and a hole in the roof for the smoke. Such a residence as this was built by Thomas Potter on his farm, next to the Drummond farm. Thomas erected his cave in and on a marl bank bordering on Hogswamp creek. He was a blacksmith, according to tradition, and after his house was built, the cave became his w^orkshop. About 1 860, Edwin Woolley, a descendant of Tho- mas Potter, while digging marl on the old farm, struck the site of his ancestor's cave, and dug there- from a hammer, tongs and other implements, in well preserved condition. 2. Ephraim Potter, of Shrewsbury, gentleman, living at Deal, made his will Dec. 21, 1716, and died before April 15, 1717, when it was proved. The inventory of his personal estate, value seventy- four pounds, nine shillings, six pence, included one silver spoon. Ephraim married Sarah , who was born May 20, 1 669 and who died Sept. 6, 1 7 1 5. In his will, Dec. 21, 1716, he mentioned his wife, Mary, who was his second wife by whom he expected to have a child. Children : 6. Thomas, b. Dec. 1 8, 1 689. 7. Mary, b. Dec. 8, 1 690. 8. Ann, b. Feb. 1, 1693. 9. Ephraim, b. Sept. 30, 1 694. 10. Nicolas, b. July 19, 1697. 11. Martha, b. June 22, 1699. 12. John, b. Jan. 24, 1700-1. 13. Cattron (Catherine), b. July 23, 1702. 14. Abraham, b. Feb. 1, 1704. 63 1 5. Amos. b. Aug. 2 3. 1 705 ; d. Jan. 9. 1 705-6. 16. Preserve, b. Dec. 22, 1706. 17. Leah, b. Jan. 6, 1707. 18. Joseph, b. June 8, 1709-10; m. June 17, 1 736, Rebecca Champlice. 1 9. Expected child, b. after Dec. 21, 1716. In his will, Ephraim does not mention Amos, Thomas or Mary, but mentions Marcey (or Mercy), probably meaning Mary, and Jackson, neither given in the Friends' Records with the list of his children. It is probable that one of his daughters married a Jackson and was called by her married name. In 1723, Jan. 3, John witnessed the will of Nicholas Broun "of Menahockin." Volume 1, Friends' Rec- ords states that Ephraim, No. 2, was born "24 d., 6 m., ," the year being undecipherable, and gives the date of his death at 1717. 4. Thomas Potter, of Freehold, yeoman, living at Deal, made his will Feb. 9, 1715-16, which was proved Feb. 9, 1715-16. He married Margaret , who was his sole heiress, excepting "Eph- ren Poter," his brother who received a small legacy. He mentioned his "home farm" of 1 75 acres. 18. Joseph Potter married June 17, 1736, Re- becca Champlice, and second, Abigaill . Children (by first wife) : 20. Jacob, b. Feb. 2 3, 1737. 21. James, b. Sept. 20, 1738. 22. Catherine, b. Nov. 28. 1740-1. 23. Peter, b. Mar. 20, 1743. 24. Abigail, b. Mar. 20, 1 745. 25. Rebecca, b. Sept. 18, 1747; m. Aug. 13. 64 1 767, James Williams. 26. Sarah, b. Oct. 30, 1 749; m. Oct. I 7, 1 776, Edmund Lafetra. Children (by second wife) : 27. Daniel, b. May 25, 1756. 28. Lydia, b. Feb. 2, 1 758; m. June 26, 1 777. Peter Wolcott. 29. Joseph, b. Apr. 27, 1760. 65 THE CHAMBERS FAMILY. 1 . John Chambers, of Whitby, Yorkshire, Eng- land, came to New Jersey before 1678, in which year he was living in Shrewsbury. He signed his will Aug. 13, 1687, which document was proved Dec. 2 7, 1687, letters of administration being granted to Mary, his wife, April 12, 1688. He set- tled on Rumson Neck, and owned land there and on Shark River, and a tract between the lands of Peter White and Robert Lacock. John Chambers was a joiner by trade. Mary Chambers, John's widow, obtained a pat- ent, dated June 23, 1696, for 60 acres between "Portupeck" and a branch of the Shrewsbury River, which tract she deeded to her son, Richard, Oct. 1 5, 1 700. On Sept. 22, 1694, Lewis Mattix (Maddocks or Mattox) surrendered all of his property to Mary in return for her promise to supply him with "cloth- ing, meat, drink," etc., until his death. On Oct. 1 8, 1 694, he made a will leaving Mary his sole heiress. This document was proved July 15, 1695. Children: 2. John, b. Whitby, Yorkshire, 21st . 3. Richard, b. London, St. Martins, 3rd of 1 1 m. 4. Mary, b. Shrewsbury, April 5, 167 — . 5. William b. July 21, 167—, d. Aug. 22, 1679. 6. Susannah, b. July 7, 1680; d. July 13, 66 1680. 7. Thomas b. Aug. 18, 1681. 8. Hannah, b. Mar. 3, 1 684. 2. John Chambers owned land on the south side of Shark River Brook next to the property of Hannaniah Gilford for which he received a patent May 10, 1688, 50 acres, the brook bounding it on the north with the property of Stephen West on the west. In 1693 he owned land on the Shrewsbury, and June 2 7, 1694, as John Chambers, "of Rariton, Somerset county," he deeded 14 acres at Piscata- way. On May 28, 1 702, Robert Burnet deeded him a lot in Monmouth County. Oct. 1 3, 1 729, he witnessed the will of Israel Rikey of Somerset Coun- ty, and Dec. 24, 1 728, he and his son, John, wit- nessed the will of Robert Stiles, of Chester Town- ship, Burlington County. 3. Richard Chambers, "mariner, of Shrews- bury," made his will June 23, 1 731, and mentioned in it only his wife Ann. In the deed from his moth- er, Oct. 15, 1 700, his trade was given as "cooper." Ann Chambers, Richard's wife, was mentioned in the will of Priscilla Hearce, Jan. 11, 1720-1. In this testament Richard was named executor, John, his brother signed as witness, and Andria, probably John's wife, was mentioned. 7. Thomas Chambers made his will Nov. 26, 1 72 7, which was proved Dec. 14, of that year. He mentioned his "home farm on Shark River," his bro- ther, John, and his brother-in-law, William Exceene. 67 Children (with others unknown.) : 9. John. 1 0. Edmund. 1 1 . Thomas. 8. Hannah Chambers, Feb. 21, 1711-12, wit- nessed the will of Nicholas Broun, he then living on the banks of the Shrewsbury. 12. Vallaria Chambers m., Aug. 17, 1752, Urizih Lippincott. 1 3. Ann Chambers m., at Christ Church, Shrewsbury, June 3, 1 749, Johannes N'Cine. 14. Benjamin Chambers m., Christ Church, Dec. 7, 1 766, Deborah Gifford. 15. Elizabeth Chambers, bap. Christ Church, Mar. 9, 1739-40. 68 THE DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT MORRIS OF SHARK RIVER. Robert Morris (No. 2), believed to have been the son of John Morris (No. 1), the latter Hving west of Hamilton in 1 750, the former near Glendola after the Revolution and probably previous thereto, owned land about five miles west of Asbury Park. The tract is now owned by Arthur Brisbane. Both Robert and John were Tories, and their lands were confiscated by the Continental government and sold at Tinton Falls, April 5, 1779. Despite the fact that Roberts' sympathies were for the British, sev- eral curious traditions have gathered about his mem- ory. Some of his descendants claim he was the Robert Morris of the Revolution, the financier with- out whose assistance the colonies would never have gained their independence. A recent history of the Glendola church mentions his being often seen in the neighborhood riding an old white horse pre- sented to him by General Washington. There is no doubt in the mind of the compiler of this work as to the origin of this family, and future investigations, the results of which will be printed in another vol- ume, will doubtless show the descent to be from Lewis Morris, of Shrewsbury, son of Richard, and nephew of Colonel Lewis Morris, of New York. Feb. 10, 1 762, a Robert Morris, of Shrewsbury, obtained a license to marry Elizabeth Ellison. Lat- er, Jan. 9, 1 766, a Robert Morris married Content Dunham. The only Robert Morris living in Shrews- bury at the time and of marriageable age was Rob- 69 ert, of Shark River, and therefor, it may be presum- ed that Elizabeth was his first wife. Content, his sec- ond. With other children (?), Robert had issue: 3. Samuel Morris, born Aug. 25, 1770, who died Aug. 8, 185 3. Samuel was married by the Rev. Henry Lafada, Nov. 1 6, 1 794, to Catherine Bennett, who was born Jan. 11, 1777, and who died Feb. 2 7, 1850. They lived near Hamilton, then Shark River Village and Trap. Children : 4. Robert, b. Feb. 1 4, 1 796. 5. James B., b. Mar. 18, 1797. 6. Mary, b. July 10, 1799. 7. Jeremiah B., b. Apr. 19, 1801. 8. Lydia, b. Mar. 15, 1803. 9. Content, b. May 16, 1805. 10. Samuel, b. Sept. 15, 1807. 11. John B.. b. Nov. 3, 1809; d. Sept. 18, 1810. 12. Catharine, b. Aug. 13, 1811; d. July 31, 1826. 13. Joseph, b. Sept. 10, 1814. 1 4. Adeline, b. Feb. 16, 1817. 15. John Wesley, b. Dec. 10. 1818. The above dates of Samuel, his wife, and his children are all copied from the Morris Bible. The record of Catharine differs greatly from that on her headstone, which reads — "died July 30, 1826, aged 1 1 years, 1 1 months and 1 7 days." Were the stone correct, she would have been born Aug. 13, 1814. Mary m. Samuel Hurley; Lydia m. John Hall, and d. June 25. 1878; John Hall d, Oct. 10. 1878, aged 71 70 years, 17 days; Content m. Thomas Sutphen, of Colt's Neck; Adeline m. Daniel Woolley, of Long Branch. 4. Robert B. Morris married Rebecca, daugh- ter of Jonathan Youmans. Rebecca was born Apr. 23, 1801, and died Apr. 8, 1868. Robert died July 12, 1872. Children: 16. Samuel Y., b. June 29, 1822. 17. Jane, b. 1826. 18. JohnF., b. 1827. 19. Bennett, b. Sept. 7, 1829. 20. Miriam, b. 1831. 21. Jeremiah B.. b. 1834. 22. Catherine R., b. 1839. 23. Elizabeth (Betsy) A., b. 1841. 24. Alfred T.,b. 1845. 2 5 . George. Jane m. Hurley; Miriam m. Hurley; Catherine m. Casner; Elizabeth m. Tilton; Bennett m. Amelia ; George m. Anna Stout. Bennett d. May 28, 185 1. 5. James B. Morris married Hannah, daugh- ter of Jonathan Youmans. He died May 17, 1881. Hannah died May 4, 1851, aged about 56 years, having been born May 12, 1795. Children: 26. Jonathan Y., b. Oct. 17, 1820. 27. Hannah, m. Daniel Hagerman, Co. K, 29th N. J. Infantry. 28. Edgar. 71 7. Jeremiah B. Morris mariied Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan Youmans. He died Sept. 8, 1867. Children: 29. Catherine, d. in infancy. 30. Mary Ann, b. July 15, 1823. 31. Henry Y., b. June 11, 1826; m. Susan Allen. 32. Abraham R, b. Mar. 21. 1828. 33. Britton B., b. June 23, 1830. 34. Emmeline D., b. May 2. 1832. 35. Martha Jane, b. June 4, 1834. 36. Hannah M., b. May 24. 1836. 37. Jeremiah C. b. June 5, 1840. 38. George W., b. Mar. 28. 1843. 39. Rebecca, b. Jan. 24. 1846. 40. Robert C, b. June 28. 1 849. Mary Ann m. Dec. 23, 1843. William C. Shafto; Emmeline m. Charles Bennett; Hannah m.. Aug. 24, 1863, De Witt C. Shafto; Rebecca m. Anthony Shafto. and d. 1911. 1 0. Samuel Morris lived near Farmingdale. He married, first. Rhoda Van Marter, and removed to the far West, where, after the death of Rhoda. he married, second. Hannah Lincoln, said to have been a cousin of President Abraham Lincoln. 1 3. Joseph B. Morris m. Eliza Jane, daughter of the Rev. Samuel Morrell. Joseph died Sept. 7, 1869, aged 54 years, 1 1 months and 2 7 days. 72 Children : 41. Catherine. 42. Charles. 43. William. 44. Joseph. 45. Lafayette. 46. Alonzo. 47. Emma. 48. Eliza Jane, d. June 26, 1864, aged 19 y, m. 14 d. 49. Mary, d. June 2, 1852, aged 2 y. 10 m. 50. Eveline, d. Feb. 19, 185 3, aged 1 3 m. 4 d, 15. John Wesley Morris married Rebecca, daughter of Henry Youmans, a son of Jonathan Youmans. This couple removed to the West, tak- ing several children with them. 1 6. Samuel Youmans Morris married Cathe- rine Sexton, who was born Mar. 21, 1826 and who died Apr. 20, 1890. Samuel died Mar. 25, 1891. Children : 5 1 . Robert H. 52. Daniel, m. Adeline . 5 3. Rebecca. 54. George, m. a daughter of Hubbard Wool- 55. Sadie. ley, 1 8. John F. Morris married Sarah Ann Tilton, who was born Sept. 7, 1829 and who died May 28, 1851. John lives (1914) near Farmingdale with his son John. 73 Children : 56. Sarah. 5 7. George, of Glendola. 58. John H. 21. Jeremiah B. Morris. Children : 59. Hubbard. 60. Ella. 61. Torgana. 22. Catherine R. Morris married Cas- ner, and had three sons, Holmes, Frank and James Casner. 24. Alfred T. Morris married Mary Elizabeth Bartow, who died Dec. 9, 1 888, aged 4 1 years, 1 1 days. He married second, E J Is now (1914) living west of Belmar. Child Iren: 62. Charles H. 63. Robert F. 64. Emma V. 65. Andrew T. 66. Edward L. 26. Jonathan Youmans Morris died Jan. 30, 1 906. He married Caroline Springstein, who was born in 1829 and who died in 1911. Child: 67. Abraham S.. b. Dec. 4. 1849; d. Aug. 14, 1850. 32. Abraham Havens Morris, late of Hamil- 74 ton, was born Mar. 21, 1828. He married Eliza- beth Ann, daughter of Abraham Garrabrant, and died in 1913, having passed an interesting and eventful life. In 1 85 7, he was a juror at the trial of James P. Donnelly, tried (and convicted) for the murder of Albert S. Moses at the Sea View House, Highlands, New Jersey. Owing to criticism of judge and jury, in 1 886, Mr. Morris wrote and caused to be printed in Freehold in 1887 a com- plete history of the trial and execution, a work of 32 pages. Children : 68. Elwood Brooks. 69. Nathan C. 70. Anna A., m. Jacob, son of David White. 7 1 . Sarah Eliza, m. Joseph Halsey. 72. Mary Eva, m. William F. Parker. 73. Lottie. 33. Britton B. Morris died Aug. 31, 1902. He married Catherine R., daughter of William Hurley. Catherine was born June 21, 1833, and died Sept. 22, 1913. Children : 74. William, m. Jennie, daughter of George Shafto. 75. Hutson, m. Lillie, daughter of James Simp- son. 76. Atlanta, married William Angelo, of Her- bertsville. 37. Jeremiah C. Morris married Rhoda, daughter of the Rev. William B. Van Leer and Abi- 75 gail Lee, his wife. 38. George W. Morris married, April 2, 1871, Mary Isabell, daughter of John Shafto. 40. Robert C. Morris married Angeline (Lina) Garrison. 42. Charles Morris, of Belmar. Children : 77. Russell. 78. Lester. 79. Wyant. 68. Elwood Brooks Morris married Annie Hurley. Children: 80. Millie, m. Frederick King. 8 1 . Clarence, of Glendola, m. Nettie Van Burnt. 82. Nola. 69. Nathan C. Morris married Mary, daugh- ter of Ely Shafto. Children : 83. Archie H. 84. John Ely. 85. Estelle, m. Harry Grover. 86. Emma. 87. Ida. 88. Nettie. 76 THE DRUMMOND FAMILY. There were two Drummonds among the first twenty-four proprietors of East New Jersey. They w^ere James Drummond, Earl of Melfort and of Perth, and John Drummond, of Lundine, Hundy and Preston Pans, Scotland, Treasurer Deputy to that kingdom, made proprietors by the patent of James, Duke of Yorke, Mar. 16, 1682-3. John of Lundine, was a brother of Gavin, Gawen, Gaw- ine, Gavine or Gavin Drummond, of Edinburgh, Scotland, and of Locharbour in East New Jersey. John Drummond, was the father of Robert, of Loch- arbour, of Grissell, a daughter, and of a son, John. What relationship the Earl of Perth bore to Gavin is not known as the latter is not mentioned in the Scottish Peerage, but Lundin or Lundine is spoken of as a place of residence of the family of the Earls of Perth, the noble Drummonds of Scotland. John, of Lundine, sold to his brother, Gavin, 500 acres of his 1-24 share of East New Jersey on Feb. 20-1, 1682-3, before the patent was issued by the Duke of Yorke, and when Gavin made his choice of land, the farm on Hogswamp Creek (the prop- erty now (1914) owned by Colonel Harvey) and Wanamassa formed the principal tracts of his 500 acres. Gavin came to America on the ship "Shield," and brought with him a servant, Peter Bury. He died in 1 724, but before then held several import- ant offices, one of which was clerk of the Court of Sessions. In I 701 he wrote an account of the res- cue by the people of Middletown of a prisoner, one 77 Moses Butterworth, a confessed pirate, who had sail- ed with Captain William Kidd on his last voyage. The people not only rescued the prisoner, but kept the governor, justices, attorney general, clerk of the court (Gavin Drummond), and the under sheriff prisoners under guard from Mar. 25 to 29, to their great discomfort. Gavin was chief surveyor, and in the inventory of his estate, made at "Locherber" Aug. 2, 1 728, by John Chambers and Daniel Havens, was men- tioned a "pocot compas," a "pare of spectickles," and "seafarin instraments," meaning pocket com- pass, spectacles, and surveying instruments. Letters of administration were granted to Gav- in's eldest son, Gavin, jr., Aug. 31, 1 724. Gavin's children were mentioned in the will of Robert Drummond Feb. 6, 1 70?. 1 . Gavin Drummond. Children : 2. Gavin. 3. John. 4. Robert, m. Rebecca Edge; license Dec. 24, 1732. 5. Isabell. 6. Sarra. 7. Rebecka. 8. James Drummond, brother of Gavin, No. 1 , merchant in Preston Pans, Scotland. Children : 9. Robert, will dated Feb. 6, 170?; proved Sept. 8, 1710. 78 10. John. 11. Grisell. 2. Gavin Drummond had a son: 12. Gavin. 12. Gavin Drummond lived on the old home- stead property on Hogswamp Creek. He married, license issued Mar. 21, 1759, Abigaill Knotts, and had three or more children. Issue (with others) : 1 3. Caty, b. Oct. 11, 1 768; m. George Hunt, and d. Dec. 8, 1 794. 14. John, b. Dec. 3, 1775. 1 5. Gavin. 14. John Drummond died Mar. 28, 1824. He married Hannah . Children : 16. Rachel, b. 1803; d. 1880. 17. Saydia. b. 1807; d. 1876. 18. Peter, b. Apr. 1 6, 1809; d. Mar. 17. 1880. 19. Abigail, b. 1811; d. 1889. 20. Thomas Jefferson, b. 1813; d. 1815. 21. Elizabeth, b. 1815; d. 185 7. 22. Cavin or Cavine. b. Mar. 22, 1822; d. Oct. 12, 1849. Nos. 13, 14, 16, 17, 18. 19, 20, 21, 22, were all interred in the Drummond cemetery on the homestead farm on Hogswamp Creek. Also, in the same enclosure lies Ann Drummond, b. 1833; d. 1870. 79 An Elizabeth Drummond married Henry Schroe- der, and died June 2, 185 3, aged 38 years; and a Rachel Drummond, born Dec. 25, 1803, married Edmund West and died Sept. 23, 1880. Edmund was born Mar. 9, 1791. and died May 8, 1885. Elizabeth, Rachel, and their husbands were interred at Shrewsbury. There was also a Robert Drum- mond, born Aug. 28. 1 808. who died Sept. 1 . 1 862. 80 THE INDIAN MAIDEN A TRADITION OF WANAMASSA. This tale, handed down by the Drummonds, was first written for publication by Thomas Little, Esq., of Hartford. In its original form, the tradition was too lengthy to be included in this work and is there- for given briefly. Between the south and south central branches of Deal Lake, at Wanamassa, about where the Y. M. C. A. auditorium was later erected, lay a summer campsite favored by a band of Indians from the Delaware who annually left their winter quarters and summered near the sea shore. Here they gath- ered clams and oysters which they dried for con- sumption during the cold months when fresh food was difficult to secure. Both of the above mention- ed bivalves were plentiful in Deal Lake at that time, and of a large size seldom seen now^, judging by specimens found spread over the Indian graves in the vicinity. Fate, one day, left to care for the camp, a girl, Nissima, daughter of an infirm widow^ w^ho had been left behind when the band departed for the coast. Fate, again busy, so ordered it that one Gavin Drum- mond, a young surveyor, left his party, who were at work on the land later occupied by the Holly- wood Hotel near Long Branch, and with gun for game and a liquor flask for his inward comfort, he wandered far afield and found Nissima alone. The liquor had done its work, and Gavin insult- ed the girl who defended herself with a knife. The Indians were heard approaching camp, and Gavin, 81 becoming sobered by his peril, fled into the under- brush keeping a large oak between him and the ap- proaching men, the girl permitting him to escape unhindered. Some years later, Gavin Drummond with his helpers was engaged in surveying what is now Wanamassa. He blazed the tree which had hidden his flight and began his survey from that spot. Mr. Little quoted from the records in Perth Amboy — "beginning at a large oak tree standing on the north bank of a branch of Great Pond, running thence as the magnetic needle pointed in 1 740," etc., which quotation gives the impression that the first survey of Wanamassa was made in I 740, and that the Gavin of the tradition was the grandson of Gavin the settler and pioneer. It is the impression of the compiler that the legend relates to the original Gav- in, judging from the inventory of his effects, which included surveying instruments, and from the Indian deed Apr. 6, 1687, Wanamasoa, Wallammassek- ciman and Waywinotunce, chief sachems, to "Gaw- en" Drummond for a tract "within the branches of a great pone (Great Pond or Deal Lake) called Ulikaquecks, (on the) N. Thomas Potter and Sam- uel White (on the) E. the pone, (on the) S. a brook (and on the) W. (a) line of marked trees." Some years after his first meeting with Nissima, Gavin visited the home of a cousin, a minister, who lived near the Delaware Water Gap. Here he found Nissima, who, having acquired an education, was installed in the clergyman's household, where she cared for and instructed the children. Gavin and Nissima were married, and they settled in Mon- mouth county. 82 Jni^x 83 84 INDEX. Allaire. Fanny. 22 ; Ella. 2 3. 24. Allardyce. Nellie C. 17. Allen. David. 5 3; Elizabeth. 38. 59; George, 38; Hannah. 53; Henry, 5 3; Jedediah. 5 3; Jonathan. 9; Joseph. 56. 59; Judah. 19. 29; Mary. 5 3; Phebe, 59; Sarah, 56; Susan, 72. Angelo. Atlanta. 75 ; William. 75. Aumock. Charles A., 45; Jennie, 45. Baker. Dobel, 5 7; Mary 5 7. Barbour. Margaret. 33. Bartow. Mary Elizabeth, 74. Bennett. Catherine, 70; Charles, 72; Emmeline, 72 ; Jeremiah, I 5 ; Marrian. 2 1 ; Mary. 1 5 ; Thom- as, 2 1 . Bickley. John, 6 1 . Bills. Elizabeth. 60. Boggs. James, 3. Bond. Joshua. 34, 59; Mary, 59; Ruth, 34. Borden. Hester, 33. Bowne. John, 2. Boyle. Rev. William, 2 3. Brant. Elizabeth, 47; Evelena. 47; Samuel. 47. Brindley. Elizabeth, 5 3; William, 5 3. Brinley. Jane. 2 I . Brisbane. Arthur, 69. Brower. Deborah, 43. 47; Elizabeth, 25. Broun. Hannah, 68; Nicholas, 8, 9, 18, 64, 68. Brown. Belle, 44; Elizabeth, 44; Halsted, 44; Hannah, 44; Henry, 44; Lizzie, 44, 47; Mary 44. Bruce. James, 5. Burden. Elizabeth. 60. Burnet. Robert. 67. 85 Bury. Peter, 77. Butterworth. Moses, 78. Campbell. Anthony, 4 1 . Casner. Catherine, 71, 74 ; Frank, 74 ; Holmes, 74; James, 74. Chabert. Marie, 46; Victor, 46. Chambers. Andria, 67; Ann, 67, 68; Benjamin, 68; Deborah, 68; Edmund, 68; Elizabeth, 68; Hannah, 67, 68; John, 31, 66, 67, 68, 78; Mary, 66; Richard, 66, 67; Susannah, 66; Thomas, 9, 67, 68; Vallaria, 68; William, 66. Champlice. Rebecca, 64. Chandler. Amos, 34; Asael, 3; Dorothy, 34. Channelhouse. Adam, 6 1 ; Mary, 6 1 . Chasey. Elias, 39 ; Lucy, 39. Cheshire. Ann, 32; J., 32. Clarke. Walter, 2. Clayton. William, 44. Cole. EHzabeth, 30. Cook. Allen, 1 7 ; Ebenezer, 34 ; Elizabeth, 32 ; Hannah, 34; Job, 34; Lydia, 5 3; Mary, 34; Sam- uel, 3; William, 32. 5 3. Corbet. alias "The Pine Boy," 16. Corlies, Corless, Curies, etc. Abigail, 54, 56; Ann, 55, 56; Anna, 60; Arthur, 59; Asher, 59; Benja- min, 52, 54, 56, 57, (W.) 56, 57; Briton. Britan, Brittan or Brittain, 54, 55, 56, 5 7; Charity, 58; David, 55; Deborah. 51, 52, 5 3, 56, 60; Dinah, 34, 36, 52, 54; Edmund W., 58; Edward, 58; Edward P., 5 7; Eliza H., 58; Elizabeth, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58. 59. 60; Elvira Vanity, 23, 25; Exercise, 51, 59; Francis, 58; George, 51, 52, 54, 5 7, 60; George A., 59; Hannah, 52, 53, 5 7, 58, 59, 60; Jacob, 34, 52. 54. 56. 57. 58. 60; James, 3, 52; Jane, 60; John, 52, 54, 55, 57, 60; John T., 58; Joseph, 52, 5 3, 56, 5 7; Leah, 5 7; Lydia, 5 3, 55; Margaret, 5 3, 56, 58. 60; Mar- garet J., 58; Mary, 52, 5 3, 54, 56, 5 7, 58, 59; Mehitabel, 60; Miriam, 5 7; Naomi, 52, 54; Pati- ence, 57; Peter, 54, 56, 57; Phebe, 56, 57, 58; Phebe A., 59; Rachel. 59. 60; Sarah, 34, 54, 55, 56. 5 7, 58, 59; Samuel, 60; Susan H., 58; Thom- as, 52; Timothy, 52, 5 3, 60; Tylee, 58; Uriah, 60; William, 52, 53, 56, 58. 60; Zilpha. 55. Cox. Ann. 60; Elizabeth, 59; Thomas, 59. Crawford. Esther, 39; Hester, 38, 39; William, 38, 39. Curtis. Anne, 35 ; David, 32 ; Lydia, 32 ; Thomas, 54. Davis. Ann, 60; John, 4; Nicholas, 2. Davison. Elizabeth, 49; Enoch P., 24; John, 49; Dr. Peter, 9. Day. Malcolm, 2 3; Rebecca. 23. Decou. Sarah. 38. Donahue. Elizabeth. 26; Joseph, 26. Donnelly. James P., 75. Dorset. Winfield, 44. Downing. Anne. 2 1 ; John. 2 1 . Drummond. Ann. 79; Abigaill and Abigail, 79; Caty, 79; Cavin, 79; Elizabeth, 79, 80; Gaven. Gavin, Gawen, Gawine, Gavine or Cavine, 1 1 , 40, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82; Grissell, 77, 79; Hannah, 79; Isabell, 78; James, 77, 78; John, 77. 78. 79; Melfort, Drummond, Earl of, 77; Nissima, 8 1 ; Perth, Drummond, Earl of, 77; Peter, 79; Rachel. 79, 80; Rebecca, 78; Rebecka, 78; Robert, 77, 78, 80; Sarra, 78; Saydia, 79; Thomas Jefferson, 79. ' 87 Dunham. Anna, 60; Content, 69-70. Earley. Nancy, 38. Edwards. Abijah, 52; Elizabeth, 52; Naomi, 52, 54. Ellison. EHzabeth, 69, 70. Ely. 14; John, 15, 16; Mary, 22. Emmons. Jacob, 3. Epworth. Edward, 2 1 ; Mary, 21. Exceene. William, 67. Eveleth. John, 39; Mary, 39. Fenton. Joseph, 27; Mary A. ,2 7. Fenwick. John 18. Fielder. Adell, 24; Atlanta E., 25; Delia, 24; El- bert O., 24. Fields. John. 1 7. Fity Randolph. Elizabeth, 55; Richard, 55. Forman. Phebe, 36. Fow^ler. Harriet, 26. Fredericks. Catherine, 46; Charles, 46. Garrabrant. Abraham, 15, 75; Elizabeth Ann, 75. Garrabrants. Jacob, 1 6. Garrison. Angeline or Lina, 76. Garwood. Elizabeth, 31, 32; Thomas, 31, 32. Gibbons. Richard, 2. Gifford. Deborah, 68; Jemima Annie, 45. Gilford. Hannaniah, 67. Githens. Elizabeth A., 26; John, 26. Goulding. William, 2. Graham. Mary, 43, 46. Gray. Amanda, 2 7. Green. Sarah, 9. Grover. Estelle, 76; Harry, 76; James, 2, 19. Hagerman. Caroline, 41; Catherine A., 44; Dan- iel, 7 1 ; Eliza, 4 1 ; George, 4 1 ; Hannah, 7 1 ; Jane, 46. Hall. John, 70; Lydia. 70. Halsey. Joseph, 75. Hampton. John, 3. Hance. Ann, 35; Catherine, 59; Deborah, 51; Elizabeth, 5 1, 58; Isaac, 30; Jacob, 35, 58; John, 51, 59; Rachel, 59. Hankinson. John, 3. Harbort. Deborah, 5 3; Walter, 53. Hartshorne. Hugh, 34; Margaret, 34. Harvey. Colonel, 77. Havens. Daniel, 78; Nicholas, 9. Haydock. Samuel, 59. Hearce, Hearst, Hearse or Harst. Priscilla, 19, 20, 67; Thomas, 20. Herbert. Elizabeth, 59; Jonathan, 59. Hill. Seth, 30. Holmes. Abigail, 48; Obadiah, 2. Hornby. Clarabelle, 46. Howland. Asher, 15, 16; Cook, 16; Deborah. 40; Elizabeth, 47; Jesse, 40; Mereby, 40. Hubbard. James, 2. Hudson. Sir Henry, 1 . Hunt. George, 79. Hurley. Annie, 76; Austin, 27; Catherine R., 75; Delia, 2 7; Elwood, 24; Jane, 71 ; Mary, 70; Mir- iam, 71 ; Ora, 24; Samuel, 70; William, 75. Ireson. John, 61, 62. Irons. Florence, 24. Indians. Popomora, Mischacoing, Manavendo, Emerdesolsee, Checawsen, Shenhemun, Craman- scum, Winegermeen, Taplawappammund, Matta- maluckanick, page 2 ; Wallammassekaman, 82 ; Zawpachammund, Kackenham, Cattanoh, Nor- 89 chon, Qurrmeck, page 2 ; Waywinotunce, Wana- masoa, page 82 ; Houghame, Wayweenotan, Au- speakan, page 8; Nissima, 81, 82. Jackson. lona, 43; Mary, 54. Jefferson. Jane, 42 ; William W., 42. Jeffereys. Francis, 6 1 . Jerson. John, 61 . Johnson. Abraham, 45; James, 26; Mary, 26. Jones. Christopher, 40, 41; Deborah, 40, 41; Mary, 41. Jacobs. Capt., 6. Kerr. Isabel. 22; Robert, 22. Kidd. Capt. William, 78. King. Charles, 17; Frederick, 76; Millie, 76. Kisner. Bowman, 1 7. Knight. George, 25; Minerva, 25. Knotts. Abigaill, 79. Kummel. Henry B., 1 3. Kiker. Tobias, 3. Lacock. Robert, 66. Lafada. Rev. Henry, 70. Lafetra. Edmund, 65; Sarah, 65. Lawrence. William, 3. Lawyer. Etta, 45. Lee. Abigail, 76. Leonard. Nathaniel, 61. Lincoln. Abraham, 72; Hannah, 72. Lippincott. Ann, 33, 35, 38; Elizabeth, 30. 31, 32 ; George. 35, 38 ; Jacob, 3 1 ; John. 38. 5 1 ; Jos- eph. 30. 32; Margaret. 33; Mary, 30, 31; Re- membrance, 33; Richard, 3, 30, 31 ; Thomas, 31 ; Uriah. 68; Vallaria, 68; Wilber, 55. Little. Thomas, 81, 82. Longstreet. Derric, 4. 90 Matlack. Isabella, 26; Samuel, 26. Mattix, Mattox or Maddocks. Lewis, 66. Melfort. Earl of, 77. Mills. Hannah, 33. Morgan. Capt. James, 6. Morrell. Eliza Jane, 72 ; Samuel, 72 ; Rev. Samuel H., 16. Morris. Abraham H., 50, 72, 74, 75; Abraham S., 74; Ada, 23; Adeline, 70, 73; Alfred T., 71, 74; Alonzo, 73; Amelia, 71 ; Andrew T., 74; An- geline, 76; Anna, 50, 71, 75; Annie, 76; Archie H., 76; Atlanta, 75; Bennett, 71 ; Betsy, 71 ; Brit- ton B., 75; Caroline, 74; Catherine, 70, 72, 73; Catherine R., 71, 74, 75; Clarence, 76; Charles, 73, 76; Charles H., 74; Content, 69, 70; Daniel, 73; Edgar, 71; Edward L., 74; Eliza Jane, 72, 73; Elizabeth, 69, 70; Elizabeth A., 71; Eliza- ebth Ann, 71 ; Ella, 74; Elwood Brooks, 75, 76; Emma, 73, 76; Emma V., 74; Emmeline D., 72; Estelle, 76; Eveline, 73; George, 71, 73, 74; George W., 23, 72, 76; Hannah, 2 3, 24, 71, 72; Hannah M., 72; Henry Y., 72; Hubbard, 74; Hutson, 75; Ida, 76; James B., 70, 71 ; Jane, 71 ; Jennie, 27; Jeremiah B., 15, 2 3, 24, 70, 71, 72, 74; Jeremiah C, 72, 75 ; Joanna, 38; John, 3, 69; John B., 70; John Ely, 76; John F., 71. 73; John H., 74; John W., 70, 73; Jonathan Y., 71, 74; Joseph, 38, 70, 72, 73; Lafayette, 73; Lester, 76; Lewis, 18, 69; Lina, 76; Lottie, 75; Lydia, 70; Martha Jane, 14, 15, 72; Mary, 34, 70, 73, 76; Mary Ann, 22, 23. 26. 72; Mary Elizabeth, 74; Mary Eva, 75; Mary I., 23, 76; Millie, 76; Miriam, 71 ; Nathan C, 75, 76; Nettie, 76; Nola, 76; Rebecca, 23, 71, 72, 73; Rhoda, 72, 75; 91 Richard, 69; Robert, 3, 69, 70; Robert C, 72. 76; Robert F., 74; Robert H., 73; Russell, 76; Sadie, 73; Samuel, 70, 72; Samuel Y., 71, 73; Sarah, 74; Sarah Ann, 73; Sarah Eliza, 75; Su- san, 72; Torgana, 74; William, 27, 73, 75; Wy- ant, 76. Moses. Albert S., 75. Mount. James, 3. N'Cine (Exceene?). Ann, 68; Johannes, 68. Nelson. William, I 3. Newman. Joseph, 15. Nichols. Governor, 2. Osborn. Alvin, 23; Ellen, 23. Palmer. H. Jane, 41. Parker. Catherine C, 49; Deborah, 56; Ephraim, 35; George, 30; Nathaniel, 3; Sarah. 30; William. 30; William F.. 75. Pearce. Ida M., 44; John, 31. Perry. Lillian M., 45. Perth. Earl of. 77. Potter. Abraham, 63; Amos, 64; Abigaill, 64; Ann, 61, 63; Anna, 61 ; Catherine, 63, 64; Catt- ron, 63; Daniel, 65; Elizabeth, 62; Ephraim, 30, 62, 63; Jackson, 64; Jacob, 64; James, 64; John, 63, 64; Joseph, 64, 65; Leah, 64; Lydia, 65; Marcey, 64; Margaret, 64; Martha, 63; Mary, 62, 63, 64; Mercy, 64; Nicolas, 63; Peter, 64; Preserve, 64; Rebecca, 64; Sarah, 61, 62, 63, 65; Thomas, 29, 51, 61, 62, 63, 64. 82. Randolph. Elizabeth, 55; Richard, 55. Reape. Sarah, 5 3; William, 2. Reynolds. Elizabeth A., 45; Peter, 45. Rikey. Israel, 67. ^ Rively. John, 58. 92 Robinson. Lulu, 48. Rogers. Arthur, 24; Mary, 24. Romaine. James H., 26; Jennie, 26. Sanford. Capt. Borden, 42; Deborah, 42. Schroeder. Ehzabeth, 80; Henry, 80. Scoby. Timothy, 3. Sexton. Catherine, 73. Shafto. A. R., 23; Ada, 23; Adelaide, 24; Adell, 24; Alexandrina, 26; Alonzo, 23; Amanda, 27; Andrew, 26; Anne, 21; Anthony, 21, 23; An- thony R., 22, 24; Arlene, 26; Atlanta, 23, 24; Atlanta E., 25; Calvin, 23; Caroline E., 26; Car- rie A., 24; Charlotte, 25; Clarence, 24; Cyrus, 25; Cyrus W., 2 3, 25; Delia, 27; Delia, 24; De Witt C, 23, 24, 25; Edwin L., 24, 25; Elizabeth, 21, 22, 25, 26; Elizabeth A., 26; Ella A., 23, 24; Ellen, 23; Ellsworth, 23; Elvina, 23; Elvira v., 23, 25; Ely, 22, 76; Emma, 27; Fannie A., 22; Florence, 24; Frances E., 25; George, 23, 75; George W., 22, 27; Gladys, 24; Hannah, 21, 23; Hannah N., 23; Harold R, 27; Harriet, 26, 2 7; Hazel R, 27; Helen A., 25; Henry B., 26; I. M., 23; Isabel, 22; Isabella, 26, 27; Jane, 21, 22, 49; Jennie, 26, 2 7, 75; Jessie R., 25; John, 15, 22, 23, 76; Leola M., 25; Leon, 25; Libbey M., 24; Lyle, 24; Marguerite A., 25; Marrian, 21; Mar- rietta, 23; Mary, 21, 22, 24, 26. 76; Mary Anne, 22, 23, 26; Mary E., 25; Mary Isabella, 23, 76; Maud B., 25; Minerva, 25; Monroe, 23, 24; Nor- ma E. R, 27; Oliver B., 24; Ora, 24; Pearl T., 25; Phebe, 26; Philip, 26; Rebecca, 21, 23, 24; Robert, 21, 22, 23, 49; Robert C. 22; Robert K., 22, 25; Roland, 2 3, 24; Samuel, 26; Samuel G., 22, 26; Sarah, 21 ; Susannah, 2 1 ; T. Milton, 26; 93 Thomas, 22; Thomas A., 25; William, 26; Wil- liam C, 22, 26; William R. 26. Shattock. Exercise, 5 I ; William, 5 1 . Shinn. Caleb, 60; Exercise, 59; Mehitabel, 60; William, 59. Silvester. Nathaniel, 2. Simpson. James, 75; Lillie, 75. Slocum. Jonathan, 20; Juliatte, 43; Mahlon, 43; Peter, 20; Rebecca, 43; Samuel, 43, Smith. William, 20. Smock. Aaron L., 47; Emma L., 43, 47; Mary, 47. Soder. Charlotte, 25. Spicer. Samuel, 2. Springstein. Caroline, 74; Marietta S., 23. Stiles. Robert, 67. Stout. Alexandrina, 26; Anna, 71; Frances, 55; Jonathan, 33; Leah, 33; Richard, 2; Robert, 3; Timbrook, 26. Stretch. Deborah, 60. Sutphen. Content, 7 1 ; Thomas, 7 I . Sutton. Ann, 32. Tabor. Hulda, 34. Taylor. John, 3; Morford, 3; Samuel, 3. Thompson. Isabella, 50; Samuel, 41. Thome. Martha A., 42 ; William, 42. Tilton. Carrie A., 24; Clayton, 3; Elizabeth, 71; Hannah, 58; J. Ely, 24; John, 2, 18; John P. L.. 16; Obadiah, 58; Patience, 52; Sarah Ann, 73. Trotter. Letitia, 43. Tucker. EHzabeth, 35; Margaret, 56; Samuel, 35. Tudor. Henry, 5. Ustick. Hannah, 5 7. Van Brunt. Belle, 44; Capt. Benjamin, 42, 44; 94 Hannah, 42; Nettie, 76; Capt. William, 44. Vanderveer. Aaron, 47; Mary, 47. Van Kirk. Isabella, 27; Joseph, 27. Van Leer. Abigaill, 75-6; Rhoda. 75; William B., 75. Van Marter. Rhoda, 72. Van Nortrick. David, 49; Isabel, 49. Van Note. Peter, 3. Van Pelt. William, 41. Vermilee. Mary J., 45. Wall. John, 34. Walton. Adelaide, 24. Wapels. Catherine, 59. Wardell. Ebenezer, 3, 59; Elizabeth, 20; Hannah, 59; Peter, 3. Washin2:ton. General, 69. Watson. Margaret, 60. Wearne. Martha. 5 1 . Webley. Andrey, 19, 20; Andria, 19; Ann. 19; Catherine, 19, 20; Edward, 18; Elizabeth, 20; John, 20; Margaret, 20; Mary, 19, 20; Sarah, 20; Thomas, 9, 18, 19, 20. Wells. Henry, 51. West. Abigaill, 40; Awdry, 18; Bartholomew. 40; Betty, 14; Deborah, 40; Edmund, 80; John, 20, 40; Rachel. 80; Stephen, 1 8, 19, 67; William, 18. 19. White. Abigail or Abigaill, 30, 33, 34, 40, 4 1 . 48, 50; Abner. 46. 48; Alfus, 47; Allen, 36. 48; Allis or Alice. 33; Amelia, 41 ; Amos. 30. 32. 33. 36; Andrew. 33; Andrew J.. 43, 47; Ann, 31, 33. 35, 38, 55; Anna, 50; Anne, 35; Annie, 50; Archibald, 45; Asbury, 44; Atlanta, 2 3; Atlanta 95 W., 24; Atlantic, 37, 41, 44; Augustus, 46. 47; Barnes, 47; Benjamin, 34, 38; Benjamin T., 42, 45 ; Bloomfield, 4 1 ; Briton, Britton, Britten, Brit- tain and Britton M., Britton R., 3, 34, 36, 38. 39, 40, 42. 43, 45, 47, 49, 54, 59; Caroline, 41, 43; Catharine, 39; Catherine, 44. 46. 49; Charles. 42. 44, 46, 47; Christian, 35; Christopher, 42; Clif- ford, 41 ; Clarence, 44; Clorinda, 38, 39; Colum- bus, 50; Constant, 35; Cora E., 45; Crawford, 39; Curtis, 15, 35, 49; Daniel, 50; David, 75; Deborah, 36, 40, 42, 43, 47, 48; Dinah, 34, 36; Doris, 48; Dorothy, 34; Drummond, 42, 43, 44, 46;Eastwood, 40, 43, 47; Edward. 45; Eleazer, 41 ; Eleanor. 48; Eliza, 41 ; Elizabeth, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. 34. 35. 36, 38. 39, 40, 44, 49, 56; Eliza- beth A.. 42. 44. 45; Ellen, 44; Emma. 43, 47; Emmeline, 42; Ernest,46; Esther, 39; Etta, 45; Eva, 45, 46; Evelena, 47; Frances, 47; Frank, 43; Frederick, 47; Garret, 15, 16, 40, 49; Garret M.. 49; Gavin D., 40, 43; George, 35, 37, 38, 41 ; George A.. 38, 56; George W., 40, 50; H. Jane, 41; H. Adelia, 50; Hannah, 32, 33, 34, 36, 41, 42, 46, 48, 49, 58; Harold L., 50; Hartshorne. 34. 35. 36, 37, 38; Hartson, 37. 38; Hendrick, 49; Hendrickson, 50; Henry, 42, 45; Hester. 29, 33, 38, 39; Hugh, 41 ; Hulda, 34; Ida, 44; Ida B., 46; lona, 43; Isabel, 49; Isabella, 50; Jacob, 30. 32. 48. 50. 75; James E.. 31. 32, 34; James F., 46; James J., 43; James T.. 44; Jane, 31. 32. 35, 36. 42, 46, 49; Jean, 33, 36; Jediah, 40. 42; Jed- iah Woolley. 42 ; Jemima A,. 45 ; Jennet, 33 ; Jen- nie, 45; Joall. 30; Joel. 30; John, 33. 35. 46. 49. 50; John Henry, 42; John S., 49; Jonathan, 38; Joseph, 33. 36. 38. 39; Josiah. 3, 35. 37. 38; 96 Juliatte, 43; Kinmonth, 47; Lambert L., 45; Leah, 30, 33; Lena D., 44; Lester, 48; Letitia, 43; Levi, 30, 33; Lewis F., 43; Lillian, 45; Lizzie, 47; Lorenzo, 42; Lucy, 39. 48; Lulu, 48; Lydia, 32, 39; Lydia Grover, 39; Margaret, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 46; Marie Antoinette, 46; Martha A., 42; Mary, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, 49; Mary Ann, 48; Mary Alice, 41 ; Mary C, 41; Mary Jane, 45; Mattie, 46; Meribah, 35; Mereby, 40; Minnie, 46; Myron, 48; Olive, 41; Patience, 36; Percy, 45; Perlie T., 46; Peter, 22, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 49, 61; Phebe, 36, 37; Rachel, 30, 32, 36, 60; Rebecca, 43, 44; Re- beckah, 49 ; Rebeckah Wryte, 39 ; Renimington, 37, 42, 45; Richard L., 45; Robert. 29. 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41; Robert B., 39; Robert K.. 49; Robert S.. 49; Robinson, 43; Romeo, 43; Rose, 50; Ruliff, 44; Russel, 43, 44. 46; Ruth. 34; Sam- uel, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36. 39. 40. 44. 49. 61, 82; Sarah, 32, 34, 35. 36. 38. 42, 54; Theo- dore. 47; Thomas, 29. 30. 31. 32, 33, 35, 39; Timbrook, 44; Tucker, 40, 41 ; Tylee, 39; "Uncle Billie," 6, 42; Ursilla. 37; Viola. 47; Walter C, 46; Washington, 43, 47; W. Madison. 46; Wil- liam, 41 ; William C, 39, 42; WilUam J., N., P., and W.. 50; Youmans B.. 42; Ziphania, 33; Zil- pha. 32, 35. Whyte. Samuel. 29; Thomas. 29. 30. Widdifield. Elizabeth, 55; William. 55. Wilbe. Zilpha, 55. Wilgus. Jane, 60; John, 60. Williams. Elihu. 23; Elizabeth, 58; Elvina, 2 3; Hannah. 60; James, 65; John, 3; Mirriam, 5 7, 58; Rebecca, 64; Tylee, 58. 97 X Wing. Sarah, 53. Wolcott. Lydia, 65 ; Peter, 65 ; Samuel, 69. Woolcott. Samuel, 19. Woolley. Abigail, 40; Adeline, 71; Benjamin, 3; Daniel, 71; Edwin, 63; Hubbard, 73; John, 62; Mary, 58, 62 ; William, 18. Worthley. Mary, 32; Richard, 32. Wyckoff. Charity, 58; Hannah, 58; Richard, 58. Yorke. Duke of, 77. Youmans. Elizabeth, 72; Hannah, 71; Henry, 15, 73; Jonathan, 71, 72, 73; Joseph, 71; Rebecca, 71, 73; Sarah, 42. CORRECTIONS AND NOTES. Page 5. Line 31. Long Pond in this case probably referred to Deal Lake, though it is possi- ble that Wesley Lake was the place meant. Page 19. Line 27. For Hance, read Hearce. Page 76. Line 1 6. For Van Burnt, read Van Brunt. Page 9. Paragraph 4. Since writing this para- graph, the writer has been informed by an old resi- dent, born on Sarah Green Brook about 1 840, that as late as 1 850 a boat could be rowed up the stream as far as the Post Road between Hamilton and Glen- dola. Page 12. Line 22. Omit "place of* after "esquande." 98 99 JiN 100