56 f \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS UNVEILING OF THE WYATT STATUE Raleigh. June 10, 1912 ADDRESS BY E. J. HALE I' Private Company H, M N. C. Volunteers (Bethel Regiment); afterwards Major, A. A. and I. General, C. S. A. JUD6E PRINTING COMPANY FAYETTEVILLE In 3xchange Univ. of North Carolina tfp 2i 1333 UNVEILING OF THE WYATT STATUE. RALEIGH, JUNE 10, 1912. £ Address by E. J. Hale, Private Company H, 1st N. C. Volunteers i^ (Bethel Regiment); afterwards Major, A. A. and I. General, C. S. A. Mrs. President and Daughters of the Confederacy; Comrades; Ladies and Gentlemen: "First at Bethel; last at Appomattox!" is an epigram which embodies the spirit of all the serious acts of North Carolina. It will be useful to consider its application to the circumstance which brings us together to-day, and to recall some of the histori- cal facts that relate to the latter. The rapidity with which our race has subdued the wilderness and acquired the arts of civilization is apt to lead one of our generations to forgo*- the state of mind of its predeces- sor. We have a case in point here. I doubt if more than a small portion of this great audience is aware of the up-hill fight whicb North Carolina waged in thp struggle for recognition of her merits. Judge Gaston had that in toind, in our State Hymn, when he resented the efforts of "witlings who defame her." Notwithstanding her achievements in peace and war, North Carolina, before the great war, was called "a strip of land be- tween two States." That was a gibe which no doubt was suggested by our commercial inferiority and want of large cities; but it created an incorrect impression of our place among the original States. Responsive to the conservative disposition which led her to withhold her "accession" to the Union (as Washington termed it) longer than any of her sisters, except. Rhode Island, North Carolina was with exception of her daughter, Tennessee, the last to secede from it Her "slowness" in this respect, as her critics described it, supplied them with renewed occasion for expressions of disfavor, and many were the scornful suggestions of the ignominy of her "submission." Upon the election of Mr. Lincoln, Governor Gist, of South Carolina, wrote a letter to each of the governors of the Southern States, including the border States, asking their views on the sub- ject of secession, which he favored. He received replies from the governors of North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississ- ippi and Louisiana. All but the Governor of North Carolina gave assurance of co-operation in secession. While Governor Ellis, in common with most of the people of North Carolina, believed in the right of secession (as taught at West Point and elsewhere), he correctly represented their views as to its inexpediency at the time he wrote. As it turned out, also, his own views of "the monstrous doctrine of coercion" were those of the people he represented. His admirable letter was as follows: "Political differences and party strife have run so high In this State for some years past, and particularly during the past nine months, that anything like unanimity upon any question of a public nature could scarcely be expected: and such is the case with the one under consideration. Our people are very far from being agreed as to what action the State should take in the event of Lincoln's election to the Presidency. Some favor submission, some resistance, and others still would await the course of events that might follow. Many argue that he would be powerless for evil with a minority party in the Senate, and perhaps in the House of Representatives also; while others say, and doubtless with en- tire sincerity, that the placing of the power of the Federal Gov- ernment into his hands would prove a fatal blow to the institution of negro slavery in this country. "None of our public speakers, I believe, have taken the ground before the people that the election of Lincoln would, of itself, be a cause of secession. Many have said it would not, while others have spoken equivocally. "Upon the whole, I am decidedly of the opinion that a majority of our people would not consider the occurrence of the event re- ferred to as sufficient ground for dissolving the Union of the States. For which reason I do not suppose that our Legislature, which will meet on the 19th prox., will take any steps in that direc- tion — such, for instance, as the calling of a convention. "Thus, sir, I have given you what I conceive to be the sentiment of our people upon the subject of your letter, and I give it as an existing fact, without comment as to whether the majority be in error or not. "My own opinions, as an individual, are of little moment. It will be sufficient to say, that as a State's rights man, believing in the sovereignty and reserved powers of the States, I will conform my actions to the action of North Carolina, whatever that may be. ^o this general observation I will make but a single qualifiication — /t is this: I could not in any event assent to, or give my aid to a political enforcement of the monstrous doctrine of coercion. I do lot for a moment think that North Carolina would become a party to the enforcement of this doctrine, and will not therefore do her the injustice of placing her in that position, even though hypo- thetically." The General Assembly of North Carolina met on the 19th of November, 1860. South Carolina passed her ordinance of secession on the 20th of December. Mississippi followed on the 9th of Jan- uary, 1861; Florida, on the 10th; Alabama, on the 11th; Georgia, on the 19th; Louisiana, on the 26th; and Texas, on the 1st of Feb- ruary. Amid the profound agitation which these events produced, North Carolina preserved her equanimity as a State, though her people were divided. Those who favored joining the newly formed Confederacy advocated the calling of a convention. Those who opposed secession opposed the calling of a convention. There were, however, a large number who opposed secession as inexpedient, who nevertheless favored the calling of a convention. Such a body, it was thought, could observe the course of events, and be ready for action if circumstances required. On the 30th of January the General Assembly passed a bill for an election to determine the question of calling a convention, and at the same time for choosing members of the convention if called. The 27th of February was named as the day for the election. The call of the convention was rejected by a narrow majority, some seven hundred and fifty; but the number of delegates chosen who were known as "Unionists" — that is, who thought secession inex- pedient unless coercion of the seceded States was attempted — was eighty-two; while the number of those who were known as "seces- sionists" — that, is, those who favored immediate action — was thirty- eight. From Peace to War. On the 12th of April hostilities began in Charleston harbor. On the 15th Mr. Lincoln issued his proclamation for coercion. On the 17th, Governor Ellis issued his patriotic rejoinder, conven- ing the General Assembly in "special session" on the 1st of May, On the 18th of April, the leading organ of the majority contained an editorial* which voiced their sentiments, as these were affected by such a stupendous change in their affairs, and which it will be en- lightening to quote as follows: "It is needless to remind our readers how earnestly and hon- estly we have labored to preserve our once great and glorious and beneficent Union. In its existence we have believed were involved that inappreciable blessing, peace; that sound form of liberty and law inaugurated by the Constitution of the United States; and the security, nay, even the existence, of that domestic institution out ♦Editorial in Fayetteville Observer, by Edward J. Hale (First). of which have arisen all of our national troubles. In the new as- pect of affairs, we see no reason to change any opinion that we have expressed, that the difficulty ought to have been peaceably settled, and would have been if good men had been influential. We believe now, as heretofore, that by the exercise of that patience which the immense issues at stake demanded, there would have been a peaceful settlement. We believe now, as heretofore, that a fratricidal war for such a cause is a wrong of which we would not be guilty for a thousand worlds. But with all these opinions un- changed, there is a change in the condition of affairs — a change with which neither we nor the people of North Carolina have had aught to do — over which they have had no control, but which of necessity will shape their action. The President's proclamation is 'the last feather that breaks the camel's back.' It shows that the professions of peace were a delusion and a cheat, or, if ever really entertained, that peaceful intentions have been abandoned. War is to be prosecuted against the South by means of the seventy- five thousand men called for; and North Carolina has been offi- cially required to furnish a quota of the seventy-five thousand. Will she do it? Ought she to do it? No, no! Not a man can leave her borders upon such an errand who has not made up his mind to war upon his own home and all that he holds dear in that home. For ourselves we are Southern men and North Carolinians, and at war with those who are at war with the South and North Carolina. With such feelings we attended the large and almost impromptu meeting of Tuesday last, and one of us was unexpectedly called upon to take a part in that meeting. Its calm and dignified deter- minations met with his full concurrence, though it was the saddest public duty he was ever called upon to perform. The future seems to us full only of evil A civil war, in which it will be hard to say whether victor or vanquished is the greater sufferer. A civil war, whose end no man can see, but full every day of its long and sad years of woe, woe, woe. The impoverished, the down-trodden, the widow and the orphan, will hereafter heap bitter imprecations upon the bad men who have brought these terrible evils of desolation and death upon a great and prosperous and happy people. Thank God! that we can say we have labored for peace, and have had no wish but to avert the dire calamities in a way honorable to both sections." History — history which the government is preserving in im- perishable records — has shown with what unequaled fidelity the people in whose behalf these words were written redeemed their obligations. Leaving these generalizations, I ask your attention to a brief recital of the particular events which led to the death of Wyatt. and, in the light of the circumstances recounted, distinguished it from that of all others who died for the Confederacy. Of the four lines by which General Scott had planned the in- vasion of Virginia-from Washington; from Fortress Monroe; by the Cumberland Valley; and from Ohio, by the Kanawha, into West Virginia— that from Fortress Monroe became the natural one, with the transfer of the Capital of the Confederacy from Montgomery to Richmond. Except that the first mentioned served the double purpose of protecting the Federal Capital, the line from Fortress Monroe would undoubtedly have claimed his chief attention. The splendid base which that great military work, one of the largest in the world, supplied, and the ideal route which the Yorktown Pen- insula presented for his marching troops, with the James and York rivers open to his naw on either flank, were considerations which otherwise must have fixed his choice. It is probable that the situation at the moment of the arriva of the First North Carolina Regiment in Richmond (May 18-21) would have destined it to Northern Virginia, but circumstances were rapidly shifting the theatre of operations. The leading feat ure of these circumstances, coupled with demonstrations by Fed- eral gun boats up the James and York rivers, is thus described (May 11) by Rev. Dr. W. N. Pendleton (afterwards Brigadier Gen- eral of Artillery) in a letter addressed by him to his West Point classmate, President Davis, at Montgomery: "As you value our great cause, hasten on to Richmond. Lincoln and Scott are, if I mistake not, covering by other demonstrations the great movement upon Richmond Suppose they should send suddenly up the York River, as they can. an army of thirty thousand or more; there are no means at hand to repel them, and if their policy shown in Mary- lajid gets footing here, it will be a severe, if not fatal, blow. Has- ten, I pray you, to avert it. The very fact of your presence will almost answer. Hasten, then, I entreat you; don't lose a day." On the 18th of May (the day after Virginia's secession) the United States Ship "Monticello" fired on a Virginia battery at Sewell's Point, and again on the 21st. On the 22nd Major General Benjamin F. Butler, United States Army, was transferred from the Department of Annapolis and assigned to the command of the De- partment of Virginia, with headquarters at Fortress Monroe; and nine additional infantry regiments were sent there. On the 23rd a Federal Regiment made a demonstration against Hampton, three miles from Fortress Monroe. It was under these circumstances that the destination of the First North Carolina Volunteers, Colonel D. H. Hill commanding, the crack regiment of the day, was decided. It was ordered to Yorktown, ^^ 8 ^ the "post of danger and of honor," as the papers of the day described it. It broke camp at Richmond on May 24, and reached Yorktown the same evening. Colonel John B. Magruder, of the Provisional Army of Virginia, who had just been assigned (May 21st) to the command of the De- partment of the Peninsula, accompanied the First North Carolina to Yorktown. On June 6th, under orders from Colonel Magruder, Colonel Hill proceeded with the First North Carolina to Big Bethel Church, some thirteen miles distant from Yorktown, and eight or nine miles distant from Hampton and from Newport News. He was accom- panied by Major Randolph, of the Richmond Howitzer Batallion (afterwards Secretary of War), with four pieces of artillery. The march from Yorktown, which was made by dusk, was a trying one for these unseasoned troops, as it was made by the in- fantry in heavy marching order, with knapsacks, haversacks, can- teens, loaded cartridge-boxes, often a Bible in the knapsack, and with a tin cup and extra pair of shoes dangling from either corner of this rather hoxey affair. The light marching order of Jackson'g foot cavalry was as yet a sealed chapter of the regulations. A drizzling mist had set in before dark, and it was the regiment's first experience at cooking with ramrods and bivouacking without tents. Colonel Hill at once proceeded to fortify the position. There were but twenty-five spades, six axes and three picks in possession of the command, but these were applied so vigorously that by Sat- urday, the 8th, the work began to show the outlines of a fortified camp. On Sunday a fresh supply of intrenching tools arrived, and enabled the men to make further progress with the work. The First Regiment and Randolph's Artillery were aroused at 3 o'clock Monday morning, the 10th, for a general advance upon the enemy, who had appeared in the roads leading from Fortress Mon- roe and Newport News. After marching three and a half miles, it was learned that the enemy was advancing in large force. Our troops fell back upon their entrenchments, and awaited his coming. At 9 o'clock the head of the enemy's column (Bendix's 7th New York) appeared in the road a half mile away. A shot from Ran- dolph's Parrot gun, aimed by himself, hit the earth in their front and ricocheted; they fell away from the road; their artillery (reg- ulars) at once replied; and the battle began. A body of skirmishers advanced against our right, but were driven back. Two small regiments of infantry made several at- tempts to charge our left. One of Randolph's guns having been dis- abled, was withdrawn. A regiment was then moved against our right, and a body of "Zouave" skirmishers occupied the abandoned battery. Under orders from Colonel Hill, Captain Bridgers, with Company A of the First North Carolina, drove out the Zouaves, and re-occupied the battery. The First Vermont and Fourth Massachusetts, led by Major Theodore Winthrop, of General Butler's staff, then attempted to enter the gorge at our left by a sudden rush. Companies B and C, and portions of Companies G and H, of Hill's Regiment, killed Winthrop and drove back his troops. When Bridgers recaptured the battery, he found in his front a house which was used as a shelter for the enemy's sharpshooteru. At Colonel Hill's suggestion. Captain Bridgers called for volunteers to burn it. Corporal George T. Williams and privates Thomas Fall- on, John H. Thorp*, Henry L. Wyatt, R. H. Ricks and R. H. Brad- ley leaped the works and went on this mission. At the first volley from the enemy Wyatt was killed. The troops engaged on our side were eight hundred men of the First North Carolina Regiment, and some four hundred Virginians. Upon the enemy's side some four thousand four hundred took part in the fight— the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th New York, the 1st Ver- mont, the 4th Massachusetts and Greble's detachment of the 2nd U. S. Artillery— all under command of Brigadier General Pierce. The battle lasted from 9 o'clock until half past one. The enemy lost heart upon the death of Winthrop, and shortly after retreated. The battle of Bethel was but a small affair in itself, if we com- pare it with the sanguinary conflicts between great bodies of men of which it was the precursor. The total number of troops engaged on our side, as we have seen, was but 1,200, and on the Federal side but 4,400. Our losses were but 10 — as follows: North Carolinians: 1 killed, 6 wounded. Virginians: 3 wounded. The Federal losses were officially reported by General B. F. Butler to Lieut. General Scott as follows: 18 killed, including Major Winthrop and Lieutenant Greble; 53 wounded; 5 missing. There were, however, numerous discrepancies in the reports of the subordinate officers, and there was apparently a desire to suppress the facts. Colonel Hill estimated the enemy's losses at 300. The troops on our side, though they were the flower of the uni- formed militia, had never seen service before; while those of the enemy were backed by the prestige of the Federal Government, and his artillery were regulars. The result was hailed as an augury of the early triumph of the Confederacy, which had thus demonstrated its ability to overcome four times its numerical strength on the battlefleld— a disproportion 10 almost exactly representing the relative populations of the two sec- tions. It made a profound impression upon the country, raising the enthusiasm of the South to the highest pitch, repressing disaf- fection there, and at the same time chilling the ardor of their ad- versaries at the North In the Virginia Convention then in session at Richmond, Mr. Tyler, ex-President of the United States, submitted a series of resolutions which were unanimously adopted, eulogizing Magru<'er, Hill and their otRcers and men for their brilliant victory; and, in a speech of great eloquence and force, he declared that there was but one instance in the whole page of history that could be cited as a parallel to this victory, and that was the battle of Buena Vista, where Mr. Davis, with his Mississippi regiment, and Bragg, with his battery, routed fivo times their number of Mexicans. The Richmond Dispatch said: "It is one of the most extraor- dinary victories in the annals af war. Four thousand thoroughly drilled and equipped troops routed and driven from the field by only eleven hundred men. . . . The courage and conduct of the noble sons of the South engaged in this battle are beyond all praise. They have crowned the name of their country with imper- ishable lustre and made their own names immortal." With common consent credit was given to North Carolina as the chief actor in the great achievement. The Petersburg Express said: "All hail to the brave sons of the Old North State, whom Providence seems to have thrust for- ward in the first pitched battle on Virginia soil in behalf of South- ern rights and independence." The Richmond Whig said: "The North Carolina regiment covered itself with glory at the battle of Bethel." The Richmond Examiner, the leading paper of the Con- federacy, said : "Honor those to whom honor is due. All our troops appear to have behaved nobly at Bethel, but the honors of the day are clearly due to the splendid regiment of North Carolina, whose charge of bayonets decided it, and presaged their conduct on many a more important field. Virginia's solemn sister is justly jealous of her glory; her simple honest, courageous population are weary of the great silence of their forests of pine; they have come out to fight with a deep determination to make their mark, which friends and foes have yet to fathom." The North Carolinian of the present day, content with the fame of his State now as the most valorous of them all, will learn some- thing of the debt which he owes to the men of '61 by pondering the words just quoted from the great Virginian newspaper. Governor Ellis promptly recommended to the Convcnt'on in session at Raleigh that Colonel Hill, commander of the North Car- olina troops, be promoted to the rank of brigadier, and that a bri- n gade be formed and placed under his command. Indeed, Hill was on all sides recognized as the real leader in the fight, though Col- onel Magruder, commander of the troops in the Peninsula, had ar- rived on the ground just before the battle began, and assumed com- mand. The fortifications, whch were essential to our success, were planned by Hill and constructed by his regiment. On the 15th of June, Mr. Venable offered a resolution in the convention at Raleigh, which was unanimously passed, as follows: "Resolved, That this convention, appreciating the valor and good conduct of the officers and men of the First Regiment, North Carolina Volunteers, do, as a testimony of the same, authorize the said regiment to inscribe the word 'Bethel' upon tbeir banner." The First North Carolina Volunteers — the first regiment organ- ized by North Carolina and sent to the front, as well as the first Confederate regiment to engage in battle — included in its ranks probably the highest average order of men ever mustered for war. They contributed to oiher commands in the Confederate service four general officers, seven officers of the general staff, fourteen colonels, ten lieutenant-colonels, eight majors, twelve adjutants, ten other staff officers, fifty-seven captains, thirty-seven first lieut- enants and forty-three second lieutenants — total 202, being more than the full complement required for four regiments. The Death of Wyatt. Private John H. Thorpe, one of the five companions of Wyatt, afterwards a captain in the 47th Regiment, gave me in 1900, the fol- lowing account of the death of Wyatt: "When we got there (the redoubt) I saw a Zouave regiment of the enemy in line of battle about three hundred yards away. Our boys popped away at tliem, but the fire was not returned. Then, in good order, they marched away down the New Market road. Prob- ably the order to retreat had been given the whole Federal army. A few minutes later Colonel Hill, passing from our right through the company, said: 'Captain Bridgers, can't you have that house burned?' and immediately went on. Captain Bridgers asked if five of the company would volunteer to burn it. suggesting that one of the number should be an officer. Corporal George T. Williams said that he would be the officer and four others said they would go. Matches and a hatchet were provided at once, and a minute later the little party scrambled over the breastworks in the following order: George T. Williams, Thomas Fallon, John H. Thorpe, Henry L. Wyatt [R. H. Ricksl and R. H. Bradley. A volley was fired at us as If by a company, not from the house, but from the road to our left. As we were well drilled in skirmishing, all of us instantly dropped to the ground, Wyatt mortally wounded. He never uttered a word or a __12 groan, but lay limp on his back, his arms extended, one knee up and a clot of blood on bis forehead as large as a man's fist. He was lying wthin four feet of me, and this is the way I saw him. . . . To look at Wyatt one would take him to be tenacious of life; low, but robust in build, guileless, open, frank, aggressive." Wyatt's body was soon taken off the field by his comrades, who carried him to Yorktown the same night, where he died. He had apparently not recovered consciousness from the time he was struck. His body was carried to Richmond the next day, where he was buri- ed with military honors from the Reverend Mr. Duncan's Church. Henry Lawson Wyatt was a son of Isham and Lucinda Wyatt, of Tarboro. He was twenty years of age at his death. His parents had moved to Tarboro in 1856 from Pitt county, though he was born during their early residence in Richmond, Va. Camps were named for Wyatt during the war; his portrait has been placed in the State Library; and his memory, as well as that of the First Regiment, is perpetuated in the inscription: "First at Bethel; last at Appomattox!" cut upon the Confederate Monument in front of the Capitol. There is no dispute of the fact that Wyatt was the first Con- federate soldier killed in battle — that is, in a general action. In which all divisions of an army, infantry, cavalry and artillery, ar« engaged. There were several citizens killed in the "Baltimore riots," because of their action in behalf of the Confederacy. This was on April 19. On the 24th of May J. W. Jackson, proprietor of the Marshall House, Alexandria, Virginia, was killed by Ellsworth's Zouaves, because he killed Ellsworth for hauling down the Confed- erate flag which he had hoisted over his hotel. On the same day a member of the Bethel Regiment was thrown by a lurch of the carg from the train which was bearing it from Richmond to West Point on the way to Yorktown, and killed. On June 1st, Captain Marr, of the Warrenton (Virginia) Rifles, was killed in an accidental skir- mish at Fairfax. Virginia. Major Jed. Hotchkiss, the historian chosen by Virginia for the Virginia volume of the "Confederate Military History," the official history authorized by the United Confederate Veterans, says (Vol- ume III, page 140) "It is generally admitted that young Wyatt was the first Confederate soldier killed in action in Virginia during the civil war." It is a fact that the State of North Carolina, which had been re- proached by her sisters with "slowness," was called upon by the Confederate government to supply the chief portion of the troops en- gaged in the first pitched battle of the war. This was due to the SI preparedness and the celerity of the movements of the companies composing her 1st Regiment. A few years ago we witnessed the deplorable delay with which the volunteers in our war with Spain were equipped, notwithstanding the unlimited resources of the re- united Republic, with its more than doubled population and its con- centrated wealth. Contrast with this the record of the North Caro- lina of 186] : The companies of the 1st Regiment volunteered on April 17, 1861; they were formed into a regiment at the State capi- tal by successive orders from the Adjutant-General's office, issued on April 19, May 9, May 12 and May 16; three of them (the two Fay- etteville companies and the Lincoln company) were in Richmond on the 18th of May, the other seven arriving on the 21st; and they had fought and won the first battle of the war by the 10th of June! Military men know that this astonishing result could not have been accomplished if completeness of equipment and organization had been sacrificed to celerity of movement. It is believed that no other regiment, then or afterwards, was set out in the field in such style as the First North Carolina Volunteers when they were mus- tered on the plain of Yorktown in the last week of May. Such was the judgment, also, of impartial critics. The Virginia press of the day was filled with testimony to the same effect. Notwithstanding the circumstances related above, the quick sue ession of battles that followed in the huge conflict, the din of whose "clangor reached the remotest parts of the earth;" the enor- mous rolls of dead and wounded in each; and the widespread suf- fering of the people in the invaded section, threw the earlier inci- dents of the war so completely into oblivion that Moore's Roster, an oflacial publication of the State, placed the 1st Volunteers (which was also the let Regiment) after the 11th Regiment, which, with the preceding ten regiments, succeeded it. The State is indebted to her great Chief Justice, Judge Walter Clark, for the correction of this error as well as for causing the facts of history, so creditable to North Carolina, to be brought to the world's notice in his marvelous work "North Carolina Regi- ments, 1861-1865." The accuracy of the legend on the soldiers' monument at the West front of the capitol and of that on the cover of the "North Car- olina Regiments" having been challenged, a committee of soldiers of the war, headed by Chief Justice Clark, was appointed by the North Carolina Historical and Literary Society to make reply. This was made in the form of a report by the Committee on August 25, 1904, and published by the Society under the title "Five Points in the Record of North Carolina." Its conclusions completely sustained the contentions which had been challenged. The part relating to 14 . the present subject is thus summarized: "The word 'first,' then, used in connection with the victory at Bethel, the first pitched battle of the war, and descriptive of North Carolina's achievements and losses there, may be said to refer with truth to these facts, viz: "1. Her first Regiment of Volunteers was the first to arrive at Bethel. "2. Her troops were first in the work done there. "3. Her troops were first in numbers there, being as 2 to 1. "4. Her losses were first in number there, being as 2 1-2 to 1. "5. It was a member of her regiment there who was the first to fall in battle in the war." The General Assembly of 1905 appointed a commission to mark the place where Wyatt fell. In course of correspondence with the Virginia veterans in the neighborhood of Bethel with a view to se- suring a site there, it was learned that the people of that State, particularly those of the Peninsula country, had determined to erect a monument at Bethel on June 10th. The Virginians invited North Carolina to join them. Their invitation was accepted, and a hand- some monument was erected on the battlefield, by the "Virginia and North Carolina Monument Association." It was unveiled on June 10th, in presence of an immense concourse, headed by the Gov- ernor of Virginia, by Miss Kyle, of North Carolina, and Miss Tabb, of Virginia. At the same time the North Carolina Commission dedicated the Marker, which was placed where Wyatt fell. This is the inscription on the face of the monument: "To Commemorate the Battle of Bethel, June 10th, 1861,' first con- flict between the Confederate Land Forces, and in Memory of Henry Lawson Wyatt, private Co. A, First N. C. Volunteers, and the first Confederate soldier to fall in actual battle." And this on the reverse: "Erected by the Bethel Monument Association of Virginia and North Carolina, June 10th, 1905." The inscription on the marker is this: "On this spot, Junr 10th, 1861, fell Henry Lawson Wyatt, pri- vate, Co. A, First Regiment N. C. Volunteers. This stone, placed here by the courtesy of Virginia, is erected by authority of the State of North Carolina. E. J. HALE, W. E. KYLE, JOHN H. THORPE, W. B. TAYLOR, R. H. RICKS." 15 The Teaching of History by Monuments. I think it is due to Mr. J. A. Mitchener, of Selma, to record liere that he first (July 24, 1907) proposed the erection of the beautiful monument before us; and to the ladies of Henry Wyatt Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy of Selma to say that they started the collection of the fund which brought it into being. The teaching of history in this country by statues and other memorials has grown at an amazing pace in the past quarter of a century. The custom prevailed in all the old nations, but the breach of it in our own attracted little attention until the period mentioned. When the war broke out there were: an equestrian statue of Washington in Union Square, New York; the statue of Washing- ton as a Roman Senator, which faced the East front of the capitol in the federal city; the equestrian statue of Jackson in front of the White House; the equestrian statue of Washington at Richmond with the group of Virginia patriots about him; Houdon's statue of Washington in the Virginia capitol; the statue of Clay in the pavilion in the grounds of the same; the replica of the Houdon statue in this our own capitol square; a statue of Clay in Canal Street, New Orleans; and a replica of the equestrian Jackson statue In the same city. Besides these statues there were the Bunker Hill monument at Boston, the battle monument at Baltimore, and the Jasper and Pulaski monuments in Savannah. I do not recall any others. They were all fine works of art, except the Jackson statue, which was the subject of some ridicule at the time (about 1857). No doubt the paucity of our achievements in this respect was due to the reaction against king worship which followed the Revolu- tion and to the exactions of pioneer life. With the accumulation of wealth following the war has come the ancestral mania; and later — no doubt stimulated by stories of valor in that great conflict — came the hero worship era. The two have filled the land with many memorials of personal, community or national interest. The most of them are devoid of beauty, and many offensive to taste. Thia is notably true of the statues in the federal capital erected since the war. It is a matter of gratification that the effects of the mania ri)f erred to have come into our conservative commonwealth since travel and education have begun to correct the national post-bellum taste. In the light of these things, I conclude that the truth of history finds correct and artistic expression here. With these cursory observations upon the nature of pub.lc memorials and the history of them in our country, I come to .i.e question of the present moment: -c 014 418 098 7 . 16 . What is the meaning of the ceremonies which we are now en- gaged in? Are they justified by the facts? Do they conform to the true historic perspective? Are they separated in their object, as they should be, from those with which the vanity of mere wealth affronts us everywhere? I think you will agree with me that the facts recited answer all these questions in our favor. Of our State, as she appeared in the supreme crisis of her existence— truly, the times that tried men's souls— we may ex- claim, as the Duke of York said of Richard's noble father: "In peace, was never gentle lamb more mild; In war, was never lion raged more fierce." Of the regiment which was glorified by the death of Wyatt, it may be said: History shows that the character of the First North Carolina Regiment was the natural outgrowth of the conditions from which it sprung; that it expressed the peculiarities of the people whom it represented, their gentleness in manner, their resoluteness in deed; that the celerity and completeness with which it was organized and equipped have no parallel in history; that it spilled the first blood in battle in defense of the cause which the State was almost the last to embrace; that, while it had never before heard a hostile bullet, it exhibited the discipline and behaved with the steadiness of veterans at Bethel Church; that its victory there was won against odds which represented the numerical superiority of the North over the South; that in this, and in other respects, its triumph in that ini- tial battle produced consequences of the most far-reaching kind, possibly holding Virginia in the Confederacy, and certainly reshift- ing the theatre of war; that it raised the hopes of the South to the nighest pitch and correspondingly depressed those of the North; that its contributions of trained soldiers to the rest of the army consti- tute a unique feature of military history; and that in this, and in all other respects, it deserved the place assigned it by the authorities of the State as Fugleman of the regiments. Of Wyatt we may say: there stands the mute reply to our for- mer defamers; it is not a boast, but the symbol of our recasted reputation. LIBRARY OF 00144 \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 418 098 7«