Class _E— St? Book . 1 /6 C 4 COPVRICKT DEPOSIT W97 -A^M, JKnd A HE 4-^ en QuideF.4 Q!nswiEE,mim ^mib miPTSd^Es^M, 9 102 South Washington Street. ^~^T~^ VICT^SBXJRa, IVIISS. - - WHOLESALE ■ - -^Gomn^ission Dealers in Western ProduGe,-^-- ^^firocers and SoUon Factors. APPLES. ONIONS, POTATOES, BUTTER AND CHEESE. FEED STUFFS, GRAIN. ETC. ^ (garden I^estauFaiil,-^^ -;p-' •Corner Clay and Washington Streets. FIRST CLASS IN ALL RESPECTS. ^ ^ ESTABLISHED OVER 20 YEARS. -«« ^- DAVID H. HERMAN. Proprietor. Samuel "SroHti, I ^ ^ ^ ^\ V 1 T T^TT O T ^ 1 .^ T il TT^ Chas, E. 'Seer. BROWN & BEER, Wholesale and Retail GROCERS AM) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tS^Liberal Advances Made on Consignments of Cotton "^ ^Iga iTorttL T7;7" Street, P. O. Box 246. -:- Telephone 83. Vicksburg, - Miss. =|i AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERiJHANDISE. == DEALER : IN : All Kinds of Repairing Neatly Done and Guaranteed. —. aw - -«<« ^-209 OPENWOOD STREET. "VlcksbUrg, MlSS. Z; a < o w X Jirtiutsquf Wtrksbiug. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ^ description of the Resources and prospects oj tfiat City and the famous "^azoo ^efta, tf) pificultural and ^^ommerrial '- ntercfifb' ♦ 1 4- • *-f4- n- 23f i '(bo 'WfiicH is ^ttached a Series of ^l^etcfies of Representative Industries. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. / l^ BY H. P. CHAPMAN AND J. F. BATTAILE. / VICKSBUUG. MISS. : ViCKsBURG PkINTING AND PUBLISHING Co. 'S9S. ^ 5, r' / ^>''' PREFACE. Between the Mississippi River on the West, and the Yazoo River on the East, lies the famous Yazoo Delta, probably the most amazingly prolific body of land on the American Continent. Its confines include more than oue-lourteenth of the State of Mississippi, stretch- ing from Yicksburg to the borderland of Tennessee, and containing an area of over 7.000 square miles. In this region— a small empire in itself— is contained all the diversified elements which upon development are the factors of a prosperous community. Although since the recent improvement and perfection of the levee system, progress has been mar- velously rapid, there are still hundreds of leagues of territory lying silent and tenantless, only awaiting the advent of the settler to be transferred into thriving and self-supporting homesteads. The wealth of commerce, agriculture, lumbering and fishing latently exists in untold measure. The virgin soil, the primeval forest, and tho teeming lakes and rivers all possess undeveloped riches. Man alone in Mississippi is apparently the missing quan- tity, and his energy, industry and capital are the required elements in developing, what is the natural garden of the South, into one of tlie most flourishing and striking sections of the Union. To five briefly and succinctly a sketch of Yicksburg and this New Wonderland— not aspiring to the pretensions of a history— is the object of this work, presenting besides a general review of its great advantages as a field for immigration, the latest authentic stat- istics of its present condition, and much new information of interest to both the resident, the tourist, and the settler. To the many friends who have furnished pictures and valuable data tlie writers beg to return their heartiest thanks. CO NTEN TS. PART I. CHAPTER i.— Facts About Vicksbukc. Pages. Location and Early History of Vicksburg 10- 13 Commercial Resources and Advantages 1?>- 16 Transportation, Jlanufactures and Industries IH- 23 Warren County — Agricultural Productions-Labor 24- 2.S CHAPTER //.—The Yazoo Canal. Origin — Work Involved — Advantages that will accrue to tlie City I'mm its comple- tion 2!t- 35 CHAPTER III.— The Cotton Industry. Cotton Seed 40- 42 Vicksburg as a Site for a Cotton Mill 42- 44 CHAPTER IV.— The Yazoo Delta. Soil and Climate \. 4(3 Timber and Forests /. 46- 48 Value and Uses of the Timber 48- bO New Industries 50- 52 CHAPTER V. — Productions of the Delta. Corn and Other Creps 56- 57 Fruit and Vegetables 57- 61 Stock Breeding 61-62 CHAPTER F/— More About the Delta. Cost of Living 64- 65 Transportation for Immigrants 65- 66 Some Successful Farmers 66- 70 CHAPTER VII. — PicTURESQE and Sporting Attractions. Attractions for the Tourist 72 Sporting Attractions 72- 74 CHAPTER VIII.— Vp and Down the Mississippi. Aboard an Anchor Line Boat 77- 79 Attractions En Route 79- 82 The MulhoUand Line 83- 84 PART II. VICKSBURG RESUMED. The Board of Trade 88 Public Buildings 90- 93 Educational Advantages 93- 98 Walks and Drives 98-101 Vicksburg as a Battle-field 101-102 The National Cemetery 102-104 Vicksliurg's Military Coin p, nies 104 Fr^trriud S.n'ietii-s .'.nil CIiiIj:., 104-105 Bull ling and Loan Associalions 108-109 The Press 113-115 APPENDIX. Social Treatment of New Comers 116 Industries that would Pay in Vicksburg.. 116-117 Oil and Lumber Industries 119-125 The Coal Industry 126-127 Display and Other Advertisements 128-160 Directoiy of Representative Business Firms 160-166 Index to Illustrations. .r^^^ CHAPTER I. GLORY of time — a lialo of liistorv, like tl)r liallowing efi'ects that endears to nieniory ancient splendor, hovers over Vieksburi,', and throws its rliarin surcliarire