BY-LAWS MARY WASHINGTON CHAPTER, (Formed February 29, 1892.) Rational ^ociety of . . Daughters ot the American Revolution. Washington, D. C: J. -. TOHLINSON A Sl>X, PBINTKRS. 1894 BY-LAWS OF THE MARY WASHINGTON CHAPTER, (Formed February 29, 1892.) Rational 5 oc i et y of daughters of the American Revolution. Mrs. Elizabeth Blair Lee, Regent. Mrs. 0. H. Tittmann, Vice Regent. Miss Jahet E. H. Riohabds, Miss Lillian A. Norton, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary. L. S. Lamb, Mrs. Violet Blair Janin, Ureal Registrar. Local Board of Management Mrs. Bettie B. Goodloe, Miss Elizabeth P. Moore, Marion L. O'Dqnoqhue, Miss E. P. Pearre, • Mrs Frances I.. Cotolk WASHINGTON, D. C: I S. li'MI INSON & -uN, PRINTERS, 1894. r By-Laws OF MARY WASHINGTON CHAPTER, WASHINGTON, D. C. (Adopted April 5, 1891.) ARTICLE I. Name of Chapter. The name of this Chapter shall be the "Mary Washington Chapter," of the District of Columbia — so named in honor of the mother of Washington. ARTICLE II. Object. The object of the Chapter shall be to co-operate with, and further to the utmost, all the ends and aims of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, as set forth by Article II of its Constitution ; to engender a true spirit of Americanism by means of historical reunions and such other entertainments as may be deemed desirable by the Chapter, at which — by the aid of essays and lectures on historical subjects prepared by members or invited guests, by the singing of patri- otic songs and the discussion of questions pertaining to the formation of the Republic, and by the observance, when prac- ticable, of historic anniversaries — we may thoroughly familiarize ourselves with the early history of our country and thereby cultivate an active and intelligent patriotism ; and finally to endeavor at all times, by an earnest and united effort, to pro- mote the best interests and assure the true success of the Mary Washington Chapter. ARTICLE III. Eligibility to Membership. Section 1. Eligibility to the Chapter shall consist in being at least eighteen years of age and "descended from a man or woman who, with unfailing loyalty, rendered material aid to the cause of American Independence ; from a recognized patriot, a soldier or sailor or a civil officer in one of the several Colonies or States, or of the United Colonies or States; provided, that the applicant be acceptable to the Society," (according to Article III of the Constitution.) Sec. 2. Every applicant for membership must be endorsed by at least one member of the Chapter, and her application shall then be submitted to the Chapter Registrar, who shall report on the question of eligibility to the Local Board of Management, when, if approved thereby, it shall receive the signature of the Regent, Registrar, and Secretaries, and be forwarded to the National Board of Management for final action. ARTICLE IV. Initiation Fees, Annual Dues, and Liabilities. Section 1. The Initiation Fee to the National Society (pay- able through the Chapter Treasurer) shall be $1.00. The Annual Dues shall be $2.00, payable on or before the 22d of February of each year. Sec. 2. Life Memberships. — The payment at one time of $25.00 shall constitute a lite membership and exempt the mem- ber from further payment of dues. Sec. 3. Disposition of Dues. — The Initiation Fee and $1.00 of the Annual Dues shall be forwarded by the Treasurer of the Chapter to the Treasurer-General. The remaining $1.00, and one-half of Life-Membership fees, shall be retained by the Chapter. Sec. 4. Assessments. — If at any time additional funds are needed, the Chapter may, by a three-fourths vote, 'authorize the Treasurer to levy such assessments as the Chapter may recom- mend. Sec. 5. Arrearages. — Any member in arrears fur dues three (3) months, after two notices of her indebtedness have been sent her by the Treasurer, shall be dropped from the rolls of the • 'hapter by the Local Board of Management. ARTICLE V. Meetings. Section 1. Regular Meetings. — Regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held on the third Tuesday of each month, the hour and place to be designated by the Regent. Sec. 2. Special Meetings. — Special meetings may be called by the Regent when necessary ; also by the Regent, Vice Regent, or Corresponding Secretary, upon the written request of twelve members of the Chapter. Sec. 3. Quorum,. — Thirty members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE VI. Officers. The officers of the Chapter shall consist of a Regent, a Vice Regent, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, and such other officers as future neces- sity may seem to demand. ARTICLE VII. Election of Officers. Section 1. lime of Election. — The Chapter shall elect its officers and a Local Board of Management on the third Tuesday of May of each year. In case of a vacancy by resignation or death, a temporary officer may, if necessary, be appointed by the Regent to serve until the next meeting of the Chapter, when the vacancy shall be regularly filled by election, as hereinafter prescribed. Sec. 2. Marnier of Election. — Nominations shall be made from the floor and elections held by means of ballot, distributed and collected by tellers appointed by the Chair. . A majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary to elect. No member in arrears of dues shall be entitled to vote at elections. ARTICLE VIII. Delegates to Continental Congress. Section 1. Number Necessary to Elect. — For every fifty mem- bers of the Chapter, or fraction of fifty not less than twenty-five, a delegate to the Continental Congress may be elected. Any member of the Chapter shall be eligible to the office of delegate save the Regent, who, by virtue of her office, is already a rep- resentative of the Chapter to the Congress. Sec. 2. Credentials. — Each delegate, on being elected, shall be given a certificate of election by the Local Board of Manage- ment, signed by the Regent and Secretaries, to be presented at the Continental Congress as credentials, showing that she is duly authorized by the Chapter to participate in the proceedings of the Congress. ARTICLE IX. Duties of Officers. Section 1. Regent. — The Regent shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter, and shall appoint all such committees as may at any time be needed, including an auditing committee of two persons to audit the accounts of the Treasurer. She shall also, by virtue of her office, be a representative of the Chapter at the Continental Congress. Sec. 2. Vice Regent. — In the absence of the Regent the Vice Regent shall preside, having, as presiding officer, the full powers of the Regent. She shall not, however, by virtue of her office, be entitled to represent the Chapter or have a vote at the Con- tinental Congress, unless so provided hereafter by the Constitu- tion of the National Society. In the absence of the Regent and Vice Regent a chairman pro tempore may be elected. ARTICLE X. Duties of the Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall keep full and accurate minutes of all proceedings at the meetings of the Chapter, and shall pre- pare the Annual Report, a copy of which shall be forwarded to the Secretary-General of the National Society. ARTICLE XI. Duties of Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Chapter ; keep a full register of the names and addresses of all officers and members, and shall send notices to each mem- ber of all regular and special meetings three days before such meetings shall be held. She shall notify officers of their elec- tion, committees of their appointment, and members of their dues upon their election to the Chapter. She shall also notitv the Secretary- General of election and appointment ot all Chap- ter officers and delegates. ARTICLE XII. Duties of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive all the dues for membership and all extra moneys raised for and belonging to the Chapter ; pay all bills signedand approved by the Regent, and shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements, and submit the same to the Auditing Committee once every year, three days before the annual Chapter meeting. She shall Dotify members who are in arrears of dues, accord- ing to Article IV, Section 5, of these By-Laws, and she shall forward to the Treasurer-General, on or before the 22d of Feb- ruary, the initiation fee and half of the annual dues of each member of the Chapter. ARTICLE XIII. Duties of Registrar. The Registrar shall receive and carefully examine all appli- cations for membership to the Chapter, and approve the same if the applicant is found eligible; if not, she shall return the same to applicant for correction, pointing out the defects. She shall keep a register of the names of all Chapter mem- bers, the date of their election, resignation or death ; shall have the care and custody of all applications for membership, dupli- cates of which shall — after approval by the Local Board of Management and the endorsement of the Regent, Registrar and Secretaries — be forwarded to the Registrar-General for final action by the National Board of Management. She shall also notify the Registrar-General of the resignation or death of any member of the Chapter. ARTICLE XIV. Local Board of Management. Section 1. Number of Board. — The Local Board of Manage- ment shall consist of the officers and five (5) additional members from the Chapter, to be elected by the Chapter, as provided in Article VII, Sections 1 and 2, oi these By Laws. Sec. 2. Duties of the Local Board. — The duties of the Local ' Board shall be to consider and formulate current business, the result of its deliberations to be laid before the Chapter for its endorsement or rejection at its next regular meeting. It shall also examine and pass upon all applications for membership ; issue credentials in the form of a certificate of election to all Chapter delegates to the Continental Congress ; arrange for Entertainments, and, in general, do all in its power for the prosperity and success of the Chapter. Sec. 3. Meetings. — The meetings of the Local Board shall be 8 held on the Monday preceding the regular monthly meetings of the Chapter, the hour and place to be designated by the Regent, in her capacity as Chairman of the Board. Special meetings of the Board may be called when, necessary. ARTICLE XV. Charter. The Chapter shall take early action to secure for itself a Charter from the National Society, in accordance with the Con- stitution of the National Society (By-Law XI, Sec. 6), which provides that "Each Chapter shall be entitled, -upon -payment of the cost thereof, to a certificate or charter, duly certifying its name, location, date, officers, and organizing members, which shall be signed by the President-General and Recording Secre- tary-General, and attested by the seal of the National Society, and countersigned by the Regent."* ARTICLE XVI. Order of Business. At the meetings of the Chapter the following order of busi- ness shall be observed : 1. Lord's Prayer. 2. Payment of Dues. 3. Reading and acceptance of the Minutes of last meeting. 4. Report of Treasurer. 5. Report of Corresponding Secretary. 6. Report of Standing Committees. 7. Report of Special Committees. 8. Election of Officers. 9. Unfinished Business. 10. Report of Local Board. 11. New Business. 12. Miscellaneous Business. » ARTICLE XVII. Amendments. These By-Laws may be altered or amended by a three-fourths vote at any regular meeting of the Society : Provided, That written notice of proposed change has been given at a Chapter meeting, held at least one month previous. *This Article was complied with and the Charter granted, Feb. 13, 1893. list of members of the Mary Washington Chapter, daughters of the .American, Revolution. Alexander, Mrs, Andrew, Alexander, Mrs Sallie Kennedy, Alston, Miss Mary, Auger, Mrs. Jan.' E. Arnold, Bennett, Mrs. Frank M., Baldwin, Mrs, Maria E , . Ball, Miss Elizabeth Carter, . Ball, Miss Mary Bandolph, Ball, Miss Nanny Randolph, Mr-. Mary C , . Baxter. Mrs M.'J., Beall, Miss Ida P Benet, Mrs. Laura, Birge, Miss Hattie W., Blackburn, Mrs. Julia Churchill, Blackiston, Mrs. Elizabeth S. P., Bone, Mrs. Cary Ann Leary, Bond, Mrs. Mary H., Brackett, Mrs. Dr., Brown, Miss Daisy, Brown, Miss Mary Perry, . Bryan, Mrs. Bennett P., Beatty, Mrs. Annie M. Peachy, . Bradley, Mrs. .1. E, Barker, Mrs. Clara B., 1 tminetti, Mrs A ., Candee, Mrs. E. J. M., Chamberlain, Miss A. M., Chapin, Mrs. Helen M., Cilley, Miss Emma, Clark. Mrs. FranR Atlierton, Clay, Mrs Cecil, . Clay, Miss Cornelia, . Collins, Miss .losephiue, as Mrs. Pattie Lyle, . Corson, Mrs. Mary A. C, P., . Cox, Miss Alice C, iwell, Mrs. Ellen S., . Cunningham, Mrs. Jane Ch ' luthbei I , Miss Eugenia J., Cogswell, Mrs, Teresa, . I 'rump. Mis. ,\ una L., Call, Mrs. Caroline P., . ock, Miss Elizabeth I: Auburn, New York. 1207 N Street, N. \V. 27.')!' Dumbarton Avenue. 4 Lafayette Square. 1734 Q Street. N. W. 242 8th Street, N. E. 242 8th Street, N. E. 242 8th Street, N. E. 1330 301 h Street I 736 Corcoran Street 1508 R Street, N W. 1717 I Street, N. \V. 525 3d Street, X W. The Portland. 1827 II Street, N. W. II 5th Street. S. E. 13 Iowa Circle. 1310 Rhode Island Avenue. Brightwood, D. C. I I .v ■. H i Avenue. 1204 N Street, N. W. loll 20th Street, N. W. (147 East Capitol Street. 603 Spruce Street. r|n 13th Street, N. W. 13 6th Street. S E. 1110 New York Avenue I I'H Stougbton Street. S18 Connecticut Avenue. Laurel, Maryland. 1513 S Street, N. W. 1513 S Street, N. W. 1201 19th Street, N. W. 1201 19th Street, N \V. Washington Barracks lie Windsor. 1 15 I Rhode Island Avenue. IK02 Q Street, N. W. 1723 K Street, X W. The Woodmont 220 New Jersey Avenue, S 17 Law Division, Pension < tffice. 1312 19th Street, X W K121 21st Street, N. W. 10 Cozzens, Mrs. Alice Richardson, Dare, Mrs. Maria L., . Davis, Mrs. 0. L., Dawson, Mrs. Clara A., Denison, Miss Jennie Owen, Desha, Miss Mary, Devendorf, Mrs. Cornelia, DickeDS, Mrs. Marguerite, Doe, Mrs. Sarah A. B., Dorsey, Mrs. Anna Hanson, Dorsey, Miss Ella Loraine, . Drum, Mrs. R. C Earle, Mrs. Mary Orr, . Fairley, Mrs. Elizabeth White, . Fairley, Miss F. S. Fendall, Miss Mary Lee, . Fendall, Mrs. Sallie C. M., . Finch, Mrs Fannie Washington, Fleming, Mrs Mary Lee, Foote, Miss Kathenne, Foot, Mrs. Mary Sawyer, Foster, Mrs. Mary Parke, . Garrison, Mrs. Jennie D., Geer, Mrs. Augusta Danforth, Glass, Miss Kathenne B., Goode, Miss Mary B., Goodloe, Mrs (ireenClay, . Greeley, Mrs. A. W., Gwathmey, Miss M. E., Hagan, Mrs. Cornelia A., . Halstead, Miss Heleu M ., Halstead, Mrs. Annis W., . Halstead, Miss EmilieM., Henry, Mrs. Kate Kearney Heth, Mrs. Harriet Selden, Henderson. Miss, 1 1 tckey, Miss Susanna G , Hill, Mrs. Ada Morgan, Hodgkins, Mrs. Maria W., Hoffman, Mrs. Mary F., . Hoffman, Miss H. C., . Hoge, Mrs. Mary B., . Hoyt, Miss J , Hujjhes, Mrs. Marion W., . Huidekoper, Mrs. Virginia Christie Huntoon, Miss Bertha M . Chevy Chase, Md. 1340 Corcoran Street. 1837 Larch Street. 1330 Corcoran Street. 929 P Street, N. W. 707 13th Street, N. W. 1020 Vermont Avenue. 1 West 72d Street, New York City. 114 E Street. N. W 19 California Avenue. 19 California Avenue. Bethesda, Maryland. 1308 16th Street, N. W. P. 0. Box 694. Washington. P. 0. Box 694, Washington. 1319 New Hampshire Avenue. 1()05 New Hampshire Avenue. 940 New York Avenue. 1720 I Street, N. W. The Fredonia. 1210 G Street, N. W. 1405 I Street, N. W. 14 27 R Street, N. W. 1223 N Street, N. W. Winchester, Virginia. 1738 I Street, N. W. U. S. Marine Barracks. 1914 G Street, N. W. 1734 K Street, N. W. The Windsor. 1636 19th Street, N. W. 3024 Q Street, N. W. 3024 Q Street, N. W. 2040 F Street, N. W. 1901 I Street, N. W. Ebbitt House. 1322 9th Street, N. W. 1529 Corcoran Street. 1830 T Street, N. W. 222E Street, N. W. 244 S Street, or Reading, Pa. 1402 15th Street, N. W. The Shoreham. 1310 Q Street, N. W. I. mm, Mrs. Violet Blair, . Johnson. Miss H. May, Johnson. Mrs. Emma L. C, Johnston, Mrs. Francis A., Johnston, Miss F. B , Jones, Miss L. Noble. . 12 Lafayette Square. 425 K Street. Howard University. 1322 V Street, N. W. 1322 V Street, N. W. Rome, Italy. 11 Jones, Miss Virginia ByrJ, Kerstrat, Mine. Anna de, Kirnberly, Mrs. Ada Pratt, King, Mrs. Alice H. P., Lamb, Mrs. L. S., Larrabee, Mrs. Clias. F., Le Breton, Mrs. Marguerite Stockton Lee, Mrs. Elizabeth Blair, Lee, Mrs. Elizabeth R. P., Leupp, Mrs. Ada M Lusk, Mrs. Mary W., Mackall, Miss Sallie S., Mankin, Mrs. D. D., . McCormick, Mrs. Maria Elizabeth, Mason, Mrs. M. M. H., McCullough, Mrs. Susan M., McGee, Dr. Anita Newcomb, McGill, Mrs. June L., . McLain, Miss Elizabeth, . McMillan, Mrs. Mary, . Mann, Mrs. Mary E. Lee, . Marsh, Miss Carlie E., . Marshall, Mrs. J. W., May, Mrs. Gertrude H., Maynard, Mrs. Lucy J. Warner, Main, Mrs. Charlotte B., Millach, Mrs. Ann Spencer Halstead Miller, Miss Virginia, . Mitchell, Mrs. J. L., Moore, Miss Elizabeth Pitcher, Moses, Mrs. Emma Richardson, Moses, Mrs Lucina C, . Moulton, Miss C. C, . Newcomb, Miss Anna Josepha, Newcomb, Mrs. Mary C. H., Nicholson, Mrs. Jane Jessup, Norton, Miss Lillian Adelaide, . Norvell, Miss Sarah Woods, . 1705 De Sales Street. 281 Ontario Street, Chicago, 111. 216 2d Street, S. E. 3112 N Street, N. W. 800 10th Street, N. W. 1720 Oregon Avenue. 1914 16th Street, N. W. 1653 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Fredonia 1813 16th Street, N. W. 2002 R Street, N. W. 3040 Dumbarton Avenue. 809 9th Street, N. W. Brookland, D. C. 719 3d Street, N. W. 912 15th Street, N. W. 1225 Connecticut Avenue. 1915 Harewood Avenue. 1924 N Street, N. W. 207 A Street, N. E. 2111 Pennsylvania Avenue. 1641 13th Street, N. W. 933 New York Avenue. N and 21st Streets, N W. 2140 Florida Avenue. 2009 Massachusetts Avenue. 821 21st Street, N. W. 1005 New Hampshire Avenue. 32 B Street, N. E. 1210 G Street, N. W. 1718 Corcoran Street. 711 H Street, N. W. 112 D Street. 1620 P Street, N. W. 1620 P Street, N. W. 1718 N Street, N. W. 1905 H Street, N. W. 818 Connecticut Avenue. O'Donoghue, Mrs. Marian Longfellow. 1009 H Street, N. W. Parker, Mrs. M. M., Patterson, Mrs. Sarah B., . Patterson, Mrs. Louise Hillard, Payne, Mrs. Columbia, Pearre, Miss Mary, Phillips, Mrs. Anna S. C, . Piatt, Miss Anna, . Pond, Mrs. Julia E., . Rathbun, Mrs. Lena A., Rend, Mi.-s Edith Rous, Reade, Mrs. Emilie, Reading, Mrs. Fannie W. W., 1020 Vermont Avenue. 1447 Massachusetts Avenue. 1914 Sunderland Place. 1140 Connecticut Avenue. 1827 H Street. N. W. Navy Yard, New York City. 1719 13th Street, N. W. 3112 N Street, N. W. 1622 Massachusetts Avenue. 1823 M Street, N. W. 871 Lake View Ave., Lowell, Mass. 1830 Jefferson Place. 12 Rice, Mrs. Win P.. Richards, Miss Janet E. H., Richey, Mrs. Minna Blair, . Bobbins, Mrs. Mary J. T., . Scott, Miss Martha H., rwood, Mrs. Emily Lee, . Sligh. Mrs. Irene McC D., Srnedes, Mr-. Agnes I His, Smith, Mrs. Rosa Wright, . Spencer, Mrs i !. L., Spofford, Mis. Jane H., Stevens, Miss C. B., Strong, Mrs. Mary Dallas, Tallmadge, Mrs. H. W., Taplin, Mrs. Lillie Tyson H., . Taylor, Mrs. Annie Dyer, Thomas, Miss Grace May, Tli is, Mrs. Elizabeth, Tittmann, Mrs. 0. H., Tracy, Mrs Ellen T., . Tulloch, Mis Miranda, Tyler, Mrs. Eleanor Lenox, . Van Doren, Miss Jessie, Van Voorhies, Mrs. Di. W., . \V;iiie, Mrs Amelia C , Walker, Mrs. Robert J., Walton, Miss Mary L., Ward, Mis- E. T., Warner, Miss Harriet Dayton. . Wii.-hingtmi, Miss Elizabeth Lee, Wheaton, Miss Eliza F., . Wheeler, Miss Lucy Louise, . Wheeler, Mrs. Lucy J. B.. White, Miss Nettie L., . Wilbur, Miss Mary A., Wilbur, Mrs Mary E. C, . Wilkinson, Mrs. S. B., Willard, Mis. Cornelia P., Willard, Mrs Sarah B., . Wilson, Miss Lizzie L , . Wilson, Mrs Sarah Hungerford, Winston, Mis. Nani j ' > Witmei , Mrs K ibei ta Stone, Woilard, Mis< Emma, W 1, M i-- A nnie F., Wood, Miss Mai gai i R., W Iwanl, Mis Martha G., Veatmau. Mrs, Mary 0., Young, Mr- Emma Henry, Young, Mrs S illie S , . Zane, Mrs, Emily A.. 1416 K Street, N. W. 1527 Rhode Island Avenue. 1651 Pennsylvania Avenue. 1750 M Street, N. W. 1729 De Sales Street. Box 93, Anacostia, D. C. care E. Brooks Sligh, Washington. 1325 Corcoran Street. 1203 N Street, N. W. Takoma, D. C. 220 New Jersey Avenue, S. E. 1825 I Street, N. W. 1152 18th Street, N. W. Montpelier, Vermont. 1216 18th Street, N. W. Brookland, D. C 1314 12th Street, N. W. 1019 20th Street, N. W. 1426 S Street, N W. 121 B Street, S. E. 1 753 N Street, N. W. 647 East Capitol Street. 1630 16th Street, N. W. 1616 Rhode Island Avenui 205 A Street, S. E. 917 16th Street, N. W. 5 Grant Place. 1332 Massachusetts Avenue. 1830 Jefferson Place. 2732 Dumbarton Avenue. Wheeler Station, Alabama. 930 16th Street. N. W, 305 D Street, N. W. 1719 15th Street, N. W. 1719 15th Street, N. W, 152H K Street, N. W. 14 15 Corcoran Streel L333 K street, N. W. 1 ; I- 15th Street, N. W. I 139 Massachusetts Avenue. I .: j 5 i lorcoran Streel 1307 P Street, N. W. . Brightwood, D < ' 1312 N Street, N. W. 1312 N Street, N. W 1116 New Hampshire Avenui General Delivery, Washington. 812 ISth Street. The Portland. \ Zo 2>auQbtcrs of tbe amcrican IRcvolution : The National Board of Management on May 4, 1894, passed the following resolution : Resolved: 1. That the genealogy of members of the National Society, D. A. R., be published under the name of the "Lineage Books" — the first book to contain the genealogies of the Charter Members (818), the other books to contain those of 1.000 members, excepting the second, which will contain all between the last Charter Member and the number 2,000. 2. That the first book be printed immediately, and the succeed- ing books as rapidly as they can be prepared. 3. That the Chapters be informed that the Lineage Books in paper binding will be sold at 50 cents a volume, and that they be requested to send their orders for the books as promptly as possible that the Printing Committee may know the number of copies to have printed. The first Lineage Book (sometimes called Year Book) contains the genealogy, as it appears on the second page of the application papers. Please send your order for copies of the book, price to be paid on delivery, to MISS MARY DESHA, Chairman of Printing Committee, 1416 F Street, Washington, D. C. By order, of the Board of Management, May ii, 1894. Zhc Hmerican flftontbl^ flfcagasme PUBLISHED BY • THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION At WASHINGTON, D. C. Devotee* to Hmerican 1bistor\? anJ> patriotism. Editor : Mrs. Mary S. Lockwood. Subscription price $2.00 a year, beginning in January or July. All communications relating to orders for Magazines or to the business management, should be addressed : The Business Manager, American Monthly MAGAZINE, 1416 F Street, Washington, D. C. Money should be sent by check or money order, drawn payable to Business Manager American Monthly Magazine. Cash or postal note at sender's risk. The American Monthly' Magazine enters upon its third year and fifth volume in July, 1894. By direction of the third Continental Congress, the Board of Management of the Daughters of the American Revolution have adopted the following plan for the future conduct of the Magazine : The numbers are to appear between the 7th and 15th days of each month, and with the exception of the March and April numbers are to contain about 100 pages each ; the contents embracing the following subjects : 1. The greater part of the Magazine will be made up of original articles relating to American History previous to 1850. This includes, in addition to general articles, biographies, local histories, traditions, old manuscripts and letters, notes and queries, and in a broad and liberal way anything which will add to our knowledge of the history of the country up to the middle of the present century. 1 For full statements regarding the Magazine, its editorial and business management, etc., etc., see reports of Magazine Committee in Proceedings of Board, Magazine for June, 1S94.) It is believed that this portion of the Magazine will be of value to all students of history, and that it will merit the hearty interest not only of students but of all American citizens. Particularly will it appeal to all members of patriotic societies, and it is hoped that "Sons," "Dames" and "Daughters" will unite in support of the American Monthly Magazine. 2. In addition to the historical articles, the Magazine will contain certain matter of especial in- terest to Daughters of the American Revolution. A. Matter relating to the National Society, viz.: Minutes and official announcements of the Board of Management ; biographical sketches of all national officers and state regents (not exceeding one page each in length) ; and contributed articles relating to the past and future of the Society ; to its objects and their advancement. B. Matter relating to Chapters, viz.: Brief annual reports from all Chapters stating how they have promoted the objects of the Society: and articles suggesting means by which the usefulness of Chapters may be promoted. Illustrations of historical subjects are to be a feature each month. The March and April numbers are to contain only the proceedings of the Continental Congress and the minutes of the Board which are then ready for publication. They are not limited in pages. The April number each year will be accompanied by a Supplement, containing a full and correct directorv of all Chapters, officers, and members of the D. A. R.* As Mrs. Ellen Hardin Walworth is retiring from the editorship of the Magazine, her efficient management closing with the fourth volume, it is desirable that the newly elected editor should begin her work with the knowledge that she has the hearty cooperation and support of all Daughters. May we not add your name to the list of subscribers ? ANITA NEWCOMB McGek, M. D.. Chairman. Ella Loraine Dorsey - , Kate Kearney- Henry, B. H. M. Ritchie, Magazine Co m m it tee . Issued by order of the Board of Management, D. A. R., nth May, 1894. * Those who desire to begin their subscriptions in July, but wish to have the proceedings of the last Congress, which appear this year in the May and June numbers, should send J2.40 to the Business Manager. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 460 105 6 4| *