Qass. > H Book_ ■^TTIE military SECRETARY'S OFFICE, WAR DEPARTMENT. MEMORAxNDUM KELATIA'E TO HE GENERAL OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT IN THE ARMIES OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, 1861-1865. (COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL RECORDS.) 1 905. Ic.S, THE MLLITARY SECRETARY'S_0FF1C_E^ WA^^-DePARTMENT. A ^^ MEAIORANDUM iK^,*^U' ' RELATIVE TO '^T*-" rv /T f-S ::■ GENERAL OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT IN THE ARMIES OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, 1861-1865. (COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL RECORDS.) 1 905. Li k fvlAY 17 1905 0. otD« MEMORANDUM RELATIVE TO THE GENERAL OFFICERS AP- POINTED BY THE PRESIDENT IN THE ARMIES OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. 1861-18O5. GENERALS, CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY (REGULAR). Authprized by act of Congress approved Maj' 16, 1861, as follows: Sec. 2. That the five general officers provided by existing laws for the Confederate States shall have the rank and denomination of "general, " instead of "brigadier- general," which shall be the highest military grade known to the Confederate States. * * * Name. Ap- pointed from— Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1861. 1861. 1861. . Samuel Cooper Va Aug. 31 May 16 Aug. 31 1863. Apr. 23 Adjutant and inspector general. Paroled at Charlotte, N. C, May 3, 1865. 1861. Albert S. Johnston .... Tex ... Aug. 31 May 30 Aug. 31 Killed in action at .>^hiloh, Tenn., Apr. 6, 1862. Robert K. I,ee Va Aug. 31 June 14 Aug. 31 1863. Apr. 23 Confirmed as "general in chief of the armies of the Confederate States," Jan. 31, 1865, under act of Congress of Jan. 23, 1865. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., 1861. Apr. 9, 1865. Joseph E. Johnston . . . Va Aug. 31 July 4 Aug. 31 1863. Apr. 23 1861. Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May 2, 1865. G. T. Beauregard" La Aug. 31 July 21 Aug. 31 1863. Apr. 23 Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May I, 1865. • 1862. 1S62. 1862. Braxton Bragg La Apr. 12 Apr. 6 Apr. 12 From Feb. 24, 1864, to Jan. 31, 1865, was charged, under the direction of the President, "with the conduct of the military operations in the armies of the Confederacy." Pa- roled near Concord, Ga.. May 10. 1865. a The Journal of the Provisional Congress also shows this officer confirmed as general, Confed- erate States Army, July 30. 1861, to date from July 21, 1861. (3) GENERAL, PROVISIONAL ARMY. Authorized by act of Congress approved February 17, 1864, as follows: That the President may appoint one general in the provisional army of the Con- federate States, when, in his discretion, it shall be deemed necessarj- and proper, , for the command of the Trans-Mississippi Military Department, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1864. 1864. 1864. E. Kirby Smith Fla .... Feb. 19 Feb. 19 May II On June 2, 1865, at Galveston Harbor, General Smith approved the terras of the convention of May 26, 1865, for the surrender of his troops in the Trans-Mis.sissippi Department. Nothing has been found of record to show that he gave an individual parole at that time. On June 15, 1S66, General Smith advised Gen. U. S. Grant that he (Smith) had always regarded his signature rati- fying the articles of convention sur- rendering his troops as a parole GENERAL, PROVISIONAL ARMY (wiTH TEMPORARY RANK). Authorized by act of Cpngress approved May 31, 1864, as follows: That the President be, and he is hereby, alithorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint temporary officers of the rank of brigadier-general, major-general, lieutenant-general, or general for the provisional army, and assign them to any appropriate command. Sec. 2. That the said officers, so appointed, shall only hold their said rank and their said command for such time as the temporary exigency may require, at the expiration of which time they shall resume their previous permanent rank and command. Name. pointed from— Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. John B. Hood" Tex . . . 1864. July 18 1864. July 18 Reverted to rank of lieutenant-gen- eral, provisional army, Jan. 23, 1865. "On March 16, 1865, the following resolution was adopted by the Senate: "Resolved, That General J. B. Hood, having been appointed general, with temporary rank and command, and having been relieved from duty as commander of the Army of Tennessee, and not having been reappointed to any other command appropriate to the rank of general, he has lost the rank of general, and therefore can not be confirmed as such." T.IRITTRNANT-ORNKRAI.S, PROVISIONAL ARMY. Authorized by acts of Congress approved Septeiu1)er i8, 1862, and February 17, 1864, as follows: (Scptemher 18, 1862.) That the sixth section of the act to jirovide for the public defence, approved on the sixth of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be amended by adding, after the words "brigades into divisions," the words "and divisions into army corps," and each army corps shall be commanded by a lieutenant-general, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. * * * (February 17, 1864.) Sec. 2. That the President may, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint lieutenant-generals in the provisional army of the Confederate States when, in his di.scretion, it shall be deemed necessary for the command of any one of the military departments. Skc. 3. That the officers appointed under the provisions of this act shall continue to hold the rank herein provided so long as they shall efficiently discharge the duties in command of said several departments, and no longer, Ijut will resume thereafter their former rank in the service. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1862 1862 1S62 James I.oug.street Ala . . . . Oct. Oct. 9 Oct. II Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1S65. E. Kirby .Smith Fla . . . . Oct. Oct. 9 Oct. II Promoted to be general, provisional army, Feb. 19, 1864. l,eonidas Polk I-a Oct. Oct. 10 Oct. II Killed in action on Pine Mountain, near Marietta, Ga., June 14, 1S64. William J. Hardte . . . . Ca Oct. Oct. 10 Oct. II Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May I, 1865. Thomas J. Jackson Va Oct. Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Died May 10, 1863. Thtophilus H. Holmes N. C... Oct. 13 Oct. 10 Oct. 13 No record of final capture or parole has been found. John C. Pemberton . . . Va.... Oct. 1863 13 Oct. 1863 10 Oct. 1864 13 Resigned May 18, 1864. Richard S. Ewell . . . . Va. ... May 23 May 23 Feb. 2 Captured at .Sailor's Creek, Va., A])r. 6, 1S65; released on parole from Fort Warren, Mass., July 19, 1865. Ambrose P. Hill Va .... May 23 May 24 Jan. 15 Killed inaction at Petersburg, Va., Apr. 2, 1865. Daniel H. Hill N.C ... July 1864 July J'>liii li. Hood Tex . . . Feb. II Sept. 1864 20 1-eb. 4 Held teraporarj' rank of general from July 18, 1864, to Jan. 23, iSb5, on which date he reverted to the rank of lieutenant-general. Pa- roleilat Natchez,, May3i, iVij. Richard Taylor I Lunsford t,. Lomax. . . Va Aug. 10 Aug. 10 Feb. 20 Do. \ G W Custis I,ee Va Oct 20 Oct. 20 Appointed major-general, provi- sional army, Feb. 7, 1S65, to rank from Oct. 20, 1864. Thomas L,. Rosser Tex . . . Nov. 4 Nov. I Feb. 20 1864. The War Department has in its pos- session a parole appearing to have been signed bj' General Rosser at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1865, whereas from other records on file it appears that this officer escaped from I^ee's army on the day of its surrender, and that on May 4, 1865, he surrendered him- self to the United States authori- ties at Richmond, Va., where he evidently subscribed to the parole above referred to. Ambrose R. Wright . . . Ga Nov. 30 Nov. 26 Nov. 30 Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has 1865. 1865. been found. ' Pierce M. B. Young. . . Ga Jan. 28 Dec. 30 1865. Jan. 28. Do. William W. Allen Ala Paroled as a brigadier-general at Charlotte, N. C, May 3, 1865. He probably had not received notice ] of his promotion. 13 BRIGADIRR-GENERAI^S, C0NFP:DERATK STATES ARMY ( REGULAR). Authorized by acts of Congress approved March 6, 1861, and March 14, 1 86 1, as follows: (March 6, iShi.) Sec 8. There shall be four brigadier-generals, who shall be a.ssigned to such com- mands and duties as the President may .specially direct. * * * (March 14, 1861.) Sec 2. That there shall l)e added one brigadier-general to heretofore author- ized by law, and that any one of the brigadier-generals of the army of the Confeder- ate States may be assigned to the duty of adjutant and inspector general, at the discretion of the President. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. i86r. 1861. 1861. Samuel Cooper Va Mar. 16 Mar. 16 Mar. i6 Promoted to be general, Confederate States Army (regular), Aug. 31, 1861, to rank from May 16, 1861. Joseph E. Johnston . . . Va May 14 May 14 May 14 Promoted to be general, Confederate States Army (regular), Aug. 31, 1861, to rank from July 4, 1861. Robert E. Lee Va May 14 May 14 May 14 Promoted to be general. Confederate States Army (regular), Aug. 31, 1861, to lank from June 14, 1861. BRIGADIER-GENERALS, PROVISIONAL ARMY. Authorized by act of Congress approved February 28, 1861, as follows: Sec 4. That such forces [provisional forces for the Confederate States of America] may be received * * * ; and the President shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of Congress, such general officer or officers for said forces as may be necessary for the service. Name. Ap- pointed from— Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1861. 1S61. 1861. G. T. Beauregard La Mar. I Mar. I Mar. I Promoted to be general, Confederate States Army (regular), Aug. 31, 1861, to rank from July 21, 1861. Braxton Bragg I,a Mar. 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 7 Promoted to be major-general, pro- visional army, Sept. 12, 1S61. .\lexander R. Lawton. C.a Apr. 13 Apr. 13 Aug. 28 Appointed quartermaster-general, provisional army, Feb. 17, 1S64. Paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9. 1865. Milledge L,. Bonham. . S. C... Apr. 23 Oct. 21 Apr. 23 July 14 Aug. 28 Resigned Jan. 29, 1S62. Reappointed. 14 Brigadier-generals, provisional army — Continued. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1865. 1865. 1865. Milledge L. Bonham. . B.C.... Feb. 20 Feb. 9 Feb. 20 Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. 1861. 1861. 1861. Ben. McCulloch Tex ... May II May II May II Killed in action at Pea Ridge, Ark., Mar. 7, 1S62. William W. I , ponited from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- niation. Remarks. 1S62. 1862. 1862. Klkauah Greer Tex ... Oct. s Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Included in the Canby-Smith conven- tion of May 26, 1865, but no record of his per.sonal parole has been found. Jcseph R. Davis . . . Oct. 8 Sept. 15 Oct. 8 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1S65. Daniel M. Frost Mo ... . Oct. 10 Mar.; 3 Oct. 10 1863. Dropped Dec. 9, 1863. l'"raucis T. Nicholls . . . La Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Apr. 22 Paroled at Shreveport, La., June is, 1805. Killed in action at Chickainauga, Ga., Preston Smith Tenn . . Oct. 27 Oct. 27 Apr. 22 Sept. 19. 1863. Alfred Cummins? Ga Oct. 29 Oct. 29 Apr. 22 No record of final capture or parole has been found. Alfred E. Jackson 'rcini Oct. 29 1S63. Oct. 29 1S63. Appointment canceled. Reap- pointed. Apr. 22 Feb. 9 Apr. 22 Paroled at Lynchburg, Va., Juue i, 1862. 1862. 1865. William S. Walker , Fla .... Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Apr. 22 Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May T iSft^ Joseph Wheeler Ga Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Apr. 22 Appointed major-general, with tem- porary rank, for service with vol- unteer troops, Jan. 20, 1S63. C.eorge Doles Ga Nov. I Nov. 1 Apr. 22 Killed in action at Bethesda Church, Va., June 2, 1864. Montgomery D. Corse . Va Nov. I Nov. I Apr. 22 Captured at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, 1865; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1S65. George T. Anderson. . Ga Nov. I Nov. I Apr. 22 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1S65. Thomas R. R. Cohb.. . Ga Nov. I Nov. I Killed in action at Fredericksburg, 1S64. Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Alfred Iverson N. C . . . Nov. \ Nov. I June 10 1863. Captured and paroled near Lawrence- ville, Ga., May — , 1S65. James li. Lane N. C... Nov. I Nov. I Apr. 23 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. Edward I,. Thomas . . . Ga Nov. I Nov. I Apr. 22 Do. Stephen D. Ram.seur. . N. C ... Nov. I Nov. I Apr. 22 Appointed major-general, provi- sional army ,wilh temporary rank, June I, 1S64. John R. Cooke N. C ... Nov. 1 Nov. I Apr. 22 No record of final capture or parole has been found. John H. Gordon Ala . . . . Nov. I Nov. I Not confirmed. Reappointed. 1863. 1S63. 1S64. May II May 7 Jan. 25 Promoted to be major-general, pro- 1S62. 1862. 1803. visional army. May 14, 1864. Jerome B. Robertson. . Tex . . . Nov. I Nov. I Apr. 2J Included in the Canby-Smith conven- tion of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. 24 Brigadier-generals, provisional army — Continued. Name. Ap- pointed from — I^^^^^^l Date of ^^nf- rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1S62. 1S62. 1863. EUsha F. Paxton Va Nov. I Nov. I Apr. 22 Killed in action at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. James E. Rains Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Killed in action at Murfree.sborough, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862. Evander McNair Ark . . . Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Apr. 22 Included in the Canby-Smith con- vention of May 26, 1865, but no rec- ord of his personal parole has been found. Applied for amnesty at Washington, Ark., Aug. 7, 1865. Thomas H. Taylor William G. M. Davis . . Ky .... Fla.... Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Apr. 22 Resigned May 6, 1863. -Archibald Gracie, jr . . Ala . . . Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Apr. 22 Killed in action before Petersburg, Va., Dec. 2, 1864. William R. Boggs Ga Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Apr. 22 Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 9, 1S65. James C. Tappan Ark . . . Nov. 5 Nov. 5 Apr. 22 Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 8, 1865. Dandridge McRae .... Ark ... Nov. 5 Nov. 5 Apr. 22 Resigned , 1864. Mosby M. Parsons .... Mo ... . Nov. 5 Nov. 5 Apr. 30 Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 8, 1S65. as a major-general, but no rec- ord of his appointment or confir- mation as such has been found. Under date of May 13, 1864, he was. however, announced in orders from Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department as promoted to be major-general, to take effect from April 30, 1864. Stephen D. L,ee. . . . S.C... Nov. 6 Nov. 6 Apr. 22 Promoted to be major-general, pro- visional army, Aug. 3, 1863. John Pegram Va Nov. 10 Nov. 7 Apr. 25 Killed in action at Hatcher's Run, Va., Feb. 6, 1865. John A. Wharton Tex.... Nov. 18 Nov. 18 Apr. 22 Promoted to be major-general, pro- visional army, Nov. 12, 1863, to rank from Nov. 10, 1863. Abraham Bnford Ky . . . . Nov. 29 Sept. 2 Apr. 22 Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, 1S65. Will T. Martin . . . Dec. 2 i Dec. 2 Apr. 2a Promoted to be major-general, pro- visional army, Nov. 12, 1S63, to rank from Nov. 10, 1863. John H. Morgan Tenn . Dec. 11 Dec. 11 Apr. 22 Killed at Greeneville, Tenn., Sept. 4. 1S64. Marcus J. Wright Tenn . . Dec. 20 Dec. 13 Apr. 22 Paroled at Grenada, Miss., May 19, 1865. Zachariah C. Deas .... Ala .... Dec. 20 Dec. 13 Apr. 22 Paroled at Meridian, Miss,, May 12, 1865. Roger W. Hanson Ky .... Dec. 20 Dec. 13 Apr. 22 Mortally wounded in action at Mur- freesborough, Tenn., Jan. 2, 1863. Lucius E. Polk Ark . . . Dec. 20 1 Dec. 13 1S63. 1S63. Apr. 22 No record of final capture or parole has been found. James Cantey Ala ... . Jan. 8 Jan. 8 Apr. 22 Do. 25 Brigadier-gcncnils^ provisional army — Continued. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remark.s. 1863. 1862. tqI-jjj .\(lniiis Tenn . . Jan. 9 Dec. 29 Not confirnieil. RLa])i)()intfd. 1S64. May 23 Dec. 29 Feb. 17 1863. Killed in action at I'ranklin, Tlihi., Nov. 30, 1864. William H. Jackson . . . Tenn . . Jan. .|.. I'd ward Higgins I-a Nov. 2 Oct. 29 Feb. 17 No record of final capture or parole has been found. John H. Kelly Ala.... Nov. 17 Nov. 16 Feb. 17 Killed in action near Franklin, Tenn., Aug. 20, 1S64. William Y. C. Humes. Tenn. . Nov. 17 Nov. 16 Jan. 25 Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of .Apr. 26, 1865. but no record of his personal parole has been found. Claudius C. Wilson. . . Ga Nov. 18 Nov. 16 Feb. 17 Died Nov. 24, 1863. Jesse J. Finley Fla . . . . Nov. iS Nov. 16 Feb. 17 Paroled at Quincy, Fla., May 23, 1865. 28 Brigadier-generals, provisional army — Continued. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1863. 1863. 1864. James H. Clanton Ala .... Nov. 18 Nov. 16 Feb. 17 Paroled at Mobile, Ala., May 25, 1865. Alfred J. Vaughan, jr Tenn . . Nov. 21 Nov. 18 Feb. 17 Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, 1865. George B. Hodge Ky Nov. 21 Nov. 20 Senate refused to confirm Feb. 17, 1864. Reappointed Aug. 4, 1864, underact of Oct. 13, 1862. Robert V. Richardson Tenn . . Dec. 3 Dec. I Nomination returned by the Senate 1S64. 1S64. to the President Feb. 9, 1864. Clement H. Stevens . . S.C... Feb. I Jan. 20 1863. Feb. I Killed in action at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. I^awrence S. Ross Tex . . . Feb. 5 Dec. 21 Feb. 5 No record of final capture or parole has been found. Applied for am- nesty at Austin, Tex., Aug. 4, 1865. Daniel C. Govan Ark . . . Feb. 5 Dec. 2g Feb. 5 Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May I, 1865. Joseph O. Shelby Mo .... Feb. 5 Dec. 15 1S64. Feb. 5 Included in the Canby-Smith con- vention of May 25, 1865, but went to Mexico without waiting for his personal parole. Nathaniel H. Harris . . Miss. . . Feb. 17 Jan. 20 Feb. 17 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. Allen Thomas I.a Feb. 17 Feb. 4 Feb. 17 Paroled at Natchitoches, I,a., June 8, 1865. Alexander T. Haw- Ark . . . Feb. 23 Feb. 18 May II Included in the Canby-Smith conven- thorn. tion of May 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Robert C. Tj^ler Tenn . . Mar. 5 Feb. 23 June 9 Killed in action at West Point, Ga., Apr. 16, 1865. Claudius W. Sears Miss.. . Mar. 7 Mar. I May II Captured near Pulaski, Tenn., Dec. 21, 1S64; paroled at Nashville, Tenn., June 23, 1865. William F. Tucker Miss . . . Mar. 7 Mar. I May II Paroled at Jack.son, Mi-ss., May 13, 1865. Alpheus Baker Ala .... Mar. 7 Mar. 5 May II No record of final capture or parole has been found. John B. Clark, jr Mo .... Mar. 12 Mar. 8 May II Paroled at Shreveport, L,a., June 7, 1865. James Chesnut, jr S.C... Apr. 23 Apr. 23 June f. Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole ha.s been found. Stand Watie Ind. T . INIav 10 May 6 May 10 Included in the Canbv-Smith conven- tion of May 26, 1863, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Clement A. Evans Ga May 20 May 19 May 20 Paroled at Appomattox Court, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. John McCausland Va May 24 May iS May 24 Paroled at Charleston, W. Va., May 22, 1865. 29 Bri_s^ad icr-ffrurra/s , proi'isional army — Continued. Name. Ap- pointed from— Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1864. 1864. 1864. Tlionias M. .Scott La May 24 May 10 May 24 No record of final capture or parole has been found. Samuel J. (iholson Miss. . . June I May 6 June I Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 14, i86s Bryan Grimes N. C... June I May 19 June 1 Promoted to be major-general, pro- visional arnij', Feb. 23, 1S65, to rank from Feb. 15, 1865. Rufus IJarringer N. C... June I June I June I Captured at Namozine Church, Va., Aprj^ 3, 1865; released from F"ort Delaware, Del., July 24, 18651 John Bratton S. C... June 9 May 6 June 9 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. Martin W. Gary s. c... June 14 May ig June 14 No record of final capture or parole has been found. Hylan B. Lyon Ky .... June 14 June 14 June 14 1S65. Do. William X,. Brandon . . Miss. . . June 18 June 18 Jan. 17 Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1855. Wounded in assault on Fort Stedman, Ga Aug. 8 Aug. 5 Feb. 3 1 Va., Mar. 25, 1865; captured in hos- pital at Petersburg, Va., Apr. 3, 1865; paroled at Petersburg, Va., on or about July 30, 1865. Archibald C. Godwin . N C Aug. 9 Aug. 5 Sept. 19, iSb4. lyUcius J. Gartrell Ga Aug. 23 Aug. 22 Jan. 17 Paroled at Atlanta, Ga., May 8, 1865. Basil W. Duke Ky . . . . Sept. 19 Sept. 15 Jan. 17 No record of final capture or parole has been found. Patrick T. Moore Va Sept. 23 Sept. 20 Jan. 17 Paroled at Manchester, Va., Apr. 30, 1S65. Nomination rejected by the .Senate Feb. 24, 1865. Edwin G. L,ee Va Sept. 23 Sept. 20 David A. Weisiger .... Va Nov. I July 30 Feb. 3 1864. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1S65. Peter B. Starke Miss. . . Dec. 26 Nov. 4 Dec. 26 Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. 1865. 1S65. James E. Harrison Te.K .. Jan. 6 Dec. 22 Jan. 6 Paroled at Houston, Te.K., June 2S, 1865. Paroled at Brownsville, Te.x., July 2t. i86s. William \^. Jackson . . Va Jan. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 12 Richard I,. T. Beale... Va . . . . Jan. 13 1865. Jan. 6 1864. Jan. 13 Paroled at .\shland, Va., Apr. 27, 1865. George G. Dibrell Tenii . . Jan. 28 July 26 1S65. Jan. 28 Paroled at Washington, Ga., May 9, 186.S. William McComb Tenn . . Feb. 13 Jan. 20 Feb. 13 Paroled at Appomattox Court Iloiisi.-. Va., Apr. 9. 1865. Feb. 13 Feb. 4 1864. Feb. 13 Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May I, 1865. James P. Simms Ga Feb. iS Dec. 8 Feb. 18 Captured in action at Sailors Creek, Va., Apr. 6, 1S65: relea.sed from Fort Warren, Mass.. July 24, 1S65. ?p Brigadier-generals, provisional army — Continued. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1S65. 1865. 1S65. William R. Peck La Feb. 22 Feb. 18 Feb. 22 Paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., June 6, 1865. William H. Forney . . . Ala Feb. 23 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. Thomas M. lyOgan .... S. C ... Feb. 23 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May I, 1865. William P. Roberts ... N. C... Feb. 23 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. Tvree H. Bell Tenn . . Mar. 2 Feb. 28 Mar. 2 Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 10, 1865. Alexander W. Camp- Tenn . . Mar. 2 Mar. I Mar. 2 Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., Maj'ii, bell. 1865. KUison Capers S. C... Mar. 2 Mar. 1 Mar. 2 No record of final capture or parole has been found. Young M. Moody Ala Mar. 13 Mar. 4 Mar. 13 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1S65. William F. Perry Ala.... Mar. i6 Feb. 21 Mar. 16 Do. Walter P. Lane Tex . . . Mar. iS Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Included in the Canby-Smith con- vention of May 26, 1865, but no rec- ord of his personal parole has been found. William P. Hardeman, Tex . . . Mar. iS Mar. 17 Mar. iS Do. Richard Waterhouse. . Tex . . . Mar. 18 Mar. 17 Mar. iS Do. Richard M. Gano Tex . . . Mar. 18 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Do. La Mar 18 Mar. 17 Mar. 22 Mar 18 Do Theodore W. Brevard . Fla.... Mar. 28 No record of final capture or parole has been found. brigadier-generals for service with volunteer troops (with temporary rank). Authorized by act of Congress approved May 21, 1861, as follows: That the President shall be authorized to confer temporary rank and command, for service with volunteer troops, on officers of the Confederate Army; the same to be held without prejudice to their positions in said army, and to have effect only to the extent and according to the assignment made in general order. Name. pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. William D. Pender 1.S62. June 3 1863. Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Appointed brigadier-general, provi- sional army, Julj' 22, 1862, to rank from June 3, 1862. Appointed brigadier-general, provi- sional army, Apr. 23, 1863, to rank from Jan. 20, 1S63. Do. George B. Cosbv Frank C. Armstrong. . 31 Brigadier-generals for senncc rvHh volmiieer troops, ete. — Continued. Name. Ap-^ pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. G W Custis r,ee 1863. June 25 July I 1S64. Apr. 29 Aug. 4 Appointed major-general, provi- sional army, with temporary rank, Oct. 20, 1864. Appointed brigadier-general, provi- sional array, July i, 1863. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va., Apr. 14 or 15, 1865. Captured in action at Fort Blakely, Ala., Apr. 9, 1865. No record of personal parole has been found. Henry H. Walker BRIGADIER-GENERALS OF ARTILLERY, PROVISIONAL ARMY. Authorized by act of Congress approved January 22, 1862, as follows: That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of Congress, in the provisional arinj', and in the vohinteer corps, officers of artillery, above the rank of captain, without reference to the number of batteries under the actual command of the officers so appointed, not to exceed in number, however, one brigadier-general for every eighty guns. * * * Name. pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1863. 1863. 1864. Armistead L- Long . . . Va Sept. 21 Sept. 21 Feb. 17 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, 1864. 1864. Va., Apr. 9, 1865. Edward P. Ale.xander. «^ Mar. I Feb. 26 May 28 Do. 1S65. 1865. 1865. R. Lindsay Walker . . . Va Mar. I Feb. 18 Mar. I Paroled at Richmond, Va., May 8, 1865. BRIGADIER-GENERAL, PROVISIONAL ARMY. Authorized by act of Congress approved February 1 1, 1865, as follows: That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, b)' and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a commis.sary-general, with the rank, paj', and allowances of a brigadier-general in the provisional army. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. Isaac M. St. John Ga 1865. • Feb. 16 1865. Feb. 16 1865. Feb. 16 No record of final capture or parole has been found. 32 BRIGADIER-GENERALS, PROVI.SIONAL ARMY. Authorized by act of Congress approved October ii, 1862, as follows: Sec. 2. That the President may, in cases when in his opinion the pubHc interest requires that he should do so, appoint major and brigadier generals with their appro- priate staff, and also the field, company, and staff officers to regiments, battalions, companies, or squadrons, before the same are organized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and if said regiments, battalions, companies, or squadrons are not reported as complete within a reasonable time, the President may, in his discre- tion, vacate the commissions of said officers. * '* * Name. Ap- pomted from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1863. 1863. 1863. John D. Imboden Va .... Apr. 13 Jan. 28 Apr. 13 No record of final capture or parole 1864. 1864. has been found. Adam R. Johnson Ky.... Sept. 6 June I Retired from active service Mar. 23, 1865. Applied for amnesty and took oath of allegiance to United States at Henderson, Ky., July 28, 1865. BRIGADIER-GENERALS (SPECIAL), PROVISIONAL ARMY. Authorized by act of Congress approved October 13, 1862, as follows: That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint twenty general officers in the provisional army, and to assign them to such appropriate duties as he may deem expedient. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1862. 1862. 1863. Carnot Posey Miss . . . Nov. I Nov. I 1864. Apr. 22 Died at Charlottesville, Va., Nov. 13, 1863, of wounds received in action at Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14, 1863. Lucius B. Northrop . . . S C Commissary-general of subsistence. Arrested at Raleigh, N. C, June 30, 1865, by order of the United States authorities. Released on condi- tional parole at Richmond, Va., un- der War Department order of Oct. 31. 1865. James M. Goggin Va Dec. 4 1862. Appointment canceled. Robert H. Chilton .... Va Oct 20 Nomination rejected by the Senate Apr. II, 1863. Reappointed. . 1864. 1863. 1864. Feb. 16 Dec. 21 Feb. 16 Resigned Apr. i, 1864. John R. Chambliss, jr. Va Jan. 27 Dec. 19 1864. Jan. 27 Killed in action at Deep Creek, Va., Aug. 16, 1864. Randall L- Gibson . . . . ha. Feb. I Jan. II Feb. I Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1S65. 33 Brigadier-generals {special), provisional army — Continued. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1864. 1864. 1864. William \V. Allen Ala .... Mar. I Feb. 26 June 9 Paroled at Charlotte, N. C, May 3. 1865. Hiram B. Granburj'. . . Tex ... Mar. 5 Feb. 29 May 1 1 Killed in action at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864. Richard L. Page Va Mar. 7 Mar. I June 9 Captured at Fort Morgan, Ala., Aug. 23, 1864; released from Fort Dela- ware, Del., July 24, 1865. Daniel H. Reynolds.. . Ark . . . Mar. 12 Mar. 5 May 16 Paroled at Charlottesville, Va., May 29, 1865. William Terry Va May 20 May 19 May 20 No record of final capture or parole has been found. Birkett D. Fry Ala ... . May 24 May 24 May 24 Included in the Sherman-Johnstou convention of Apr. 26, 1S65, but no record of his personal parole has been found. Stephen Elliott, jr S. C... May 28 May 24 May 28 Do. James Conner N. C . . . June I June I June I Do. John S. Preston S. C... June 10 June 10 June 10 No record of final capture or parole has been found. Miss. . . July 26 June 26 Mortally wounded in action at At- lanta, Ga., July 28, 1864. George B. Hodge Ky .... Aug. 4 Aug. 2 Nomination rejected by the Senate Feb. 8, 1865. Paroled as a brigadier- general at Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. 1865. Walter H. Stevens Tex ... Sept. 2 Aug. 28 Jan. 17 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. William H. Payne Va Nov. 4 Nov. I Jan. 17 Captured at Warrenton Ford, Va., Apr. 15, 1865; released from John- son's Island, Ohio, May 29, 1865. William MacRae N.C ... Nov. 5 Nov. 4 Jan. 17 1864. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. Ala . . Nov. 19 1865. Nov. 19 1865. 1865. capture or parole has been found. CoUett L,eventhorpe . . N.C ... Feb. 18 Feb. 3 Feb. 18 Declined appointment Mar. 6, 1S65. 34 BRIGADIER-GENERALS, PROVISIONAL ARMY (wiTH TEMPORARY RANK). Authorized by act of Congress approved May 31, 1864, as follows: That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint temporary officers of the rank of brigadier- general, major-general, lieutenant-general, or general for the provisional army, and assign them to any appropriate command. Sec. 2. That the said officers, so appointed, shall only hold their said rank and their said command for such time as the temporary exigency may require, at the expiration of which time they shall resume their previous permanent rank and com- mand. Name. pointed Date of appoint- Date of Date of confir- Remarks. from — ment. mation. 1864. 1864. 1864. James B. Terrill Va June I May 31 May 31 Killed in action near Bethesda Church, Va., May 30, 1864. William R. Cox N. C... June 2 May 31 June 2 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. Thomas F. Toon N. C... June 2 Ma J' 31 June 2 Reverted to rank of colonel, 20th North Carolina Infantry, Aug. — , 1864. William G. Lewis N. C... June 2 May 31 June 2 Wounded and captured in action at Farmville, Va., Apr. 7, 1865, and paroled at Farmville, Va., between Apr. II and 21, 1865. Zebulon York La June 2 May 31 June 2 Paroled May 6, 1865. Robert D. Lilley Va June 2 May 31 June 2 Paroled at Staunton, Va., May 23, 1865. David A. Weisiger ... Va June 7 May 31 June 7 Canceled. No vacancy. John C. C. Sanders Ala June 7 May 31 June 7 Killed in action at the Weldon Rail- road, Va., Aug. 21, 1864. William R.Terry Va June 10 May 31 June 10 Disabled in action at Din widdie Court House, Va., Mar. 31, 1865. No rec- ord of final capture or parole has been found. William MacRae N.C ... June 23 June 22 Appointed brigadier-general (special 20), provisional army, Nov. 5, 1864, ~ 1865. Feb. 20 to rank from Nov. 4, 1864. Bradley T. Johnson . . . Md . . . . June 28 June 28 Paroled at Salisburj^ N. C, May i, 1865. John C.Carter Tenn . . July 8 July 7 Feb. 20 Mortally wounded in action at Frank- lin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864. James T. Holtzclaw . . Ala July 8 July 7 Feb. 21 Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. William F. Brantly . . . Miss. . . July 26 July 26 Feb. 21 Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May I, 1865. Robert H. Anderson . . Ga July 26 July 26 Feb. 20 Paroled at Hillsborough, N. C, May 3. 1865. Felix H. Robertson . . . Tex . . . July 26 July 26 Nomination rejected by the Senate Feb. 22, 1865. Surrendered as a brigadier-general at Macon, Ga., Apr. 20, 1S65. Jacob H.Sharp Miss. . . July 26 July 26 Feb. 21 Included in the Sherman-Johnston convention of Apr. 26, 1865, but no record of his personal parole has been found. 35 Briffadier-j^cnerals, provisional arniv, etc. — Continued. Name. Ap- pointed from — Date of appoint- ment. Date of rank. Date of confir- mation. Remarks. 1864. 1864. 1865. George D. John.stou . . . Miss.. . July 26 Jifly 26 Feb. 21 No record 0' final capture or parole has been found. Thomas B. Smith Tenn . . Aug. 2 July 29 Feb. 20 Captured in action at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864; released from I'"ort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. Victor J. B. Girardey.. Oa Aug. 3 July 30 Killed in action at Deep Creek, Va., Aug. 16, 1864. William Miller Kla .... Aug. 5 Aug. 2 Feb. 20 Paroled at Tallahassee, Fla., May 21, 1865. John D. Barry William 11. Young .... N. C . . Aug. 8 Aug. 16 Aug. 3 Aug. 15 Appointment canceled. Wounded and captured in action at Tex . . . Feb. 20 Allatoona, Ga., Oct. 5, 1864; released from Johnson's Island, Ohio, July 24, 1865. George W. Gordon. . . . Tenn . . Aug. 16 Aug. 15 Feb. 20 Captured in action at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. John Dunovaiit S. C . . . Aug. 22 Aug. 22 Killed in action on the VaughanRoad, Va., Oct. I, 1864. William 11, Wallace .. S. C . . . Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Feb. 21 Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. Charles M. Shelley . . . Ala . . . Sept. 23 Sept. 17 Feb. 21 Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May I, 1865. G. Moxley Sorrel Ga Oct. 31 Oct. 27 Feb. 20 1864. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va., May 20, 1865. Benjamin J. Hill Tenn . . Nov. 30 Nov. 30 Dec. I Paroled at Chattanooga, Tenn., May 16, 1865. Dudley M. Du Bose . . . Ga Dec. 5 Nov. 16 Dec. 5 Captured in action at Sailor's Creek, Va., Apr. 6, 1865; released from Fort Warren, Mass., July 24, 1865. John B. Palmer . Tenn . . Dec. 7 Nov. 15 Dec. 7 Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, 1865. 1865. May I, 1865. Robert Bullock Fla.... Jan. 17 Nov. 29 Jan. 17 No record of final capture or parole has been found. John D. Kennedy S. C... Feb. 8 Dec. 22 1865. Feb. 8 Paroled at Greensborough, N. C, May I, 1865. Thomas Harrison Tex... Feb. 18 Jan. 14 1864. Feb. 18 Paroled at Macon, Miss., Maj' 31, 1865. William M. Browne. . . Ga. . . . Nov. 1 1 Senate refused to confirm Feb. iS, 1865. Paroled as a brigadier-gen- eral at Athens. Ga., on or about May 8 1S65. War Department, The Military Secretary'vS Office, March /j, igo^. INDEX Page. 21 25 27 31 26 Adams, Daniel W Adams, John Adams, Wirt Alexander, Edward P Allen, Plenry W Allen, William W 12, 33 Anderson, George B 21 Anderson, George T 23 Anderson, J. Patton 10, 18 Anderson, Joseph R 16 Anderson, Richard H 6, 8, 15 Anderson, Robert H 34 Anderson, Samuel R - 15 Archer, James J 21 Armistead, Lewis A 20 Armstrong, Frank C 25, 30 Ashby, Turner 21 Baker, Alpheus 28 Baker, Lawrence S 26 Baldwin, William E 22 Barksdale, Willfam 22 Barringer, Rufus 29 Barry, John D «... 35 Barton, Seth M 19 Bate, William B 10, 22 Battle, Cullen A 26 Beale, Richard L. T 29 Beall, William N. R 20 Beauregard, G. T 3. 13 Bee, Barnard E 14 Bee, Hamilton P 19 Bell, Tyree H 30 Benning, Henry L 25 Benton, Samuel 33 Blanchard, Albert G 16 Boggs, William R 24 Bonham, Milledge L 13, I4 Bowen, John S . . . 10, 19 Bragg, Braxton 3. 7. I3 Branch, Lawrence O'B 17 Brandon, William L 29 Brantly, William F- 34 Page. Bratton, John 29 Breckinridge, John C 8, 17 Brevard, Theodore W 30 Brown, John C 12, 22 Browne, William M 35 Bryan, Goode 27 Buckner, Simon B 6, 8, 16 Buford, Abraham 24 Bullock, Robert 35 Butler, Matthew C 1 1, 27 Cabell, William L • . : 25 Campbell, Alexander W 30 Cantey, James 24 Capers, Ellison 30 Carroll, William H 17 Carter, John C 34 Chalmers, James R 18 Chambliss, John R., jr 32 Cheatham, Benjamin F 8, 15 Chesnut, James, jr 28 Chilton, Robert H 32 Churchill, Thomas J 11,18 Clanton, James H 28 Clark, Charles 14 Clark, John B., jr 28 Clayton, Henry D 12, 25 Cleburne, Patrick R 9, 19 Clingman, Thomas L 20 Cobb, Howell 10, 18 Cobb, Thomas R. R 23 Cocke, Philip St. George 16 Cockrell, Francis M 26 Colquitt, Alfred H 22 Colston, Raleigh E 17 Conner, James 33 Cook, Philip 29 Cooke, John R 23 Cooper, Douglas H 26 Cooper, Samuel 3. 13 Corse, Montgomery D 23 Cosby, George B 25, 30 Cox, William R 34 (37) -38 Crittenden, George B 7, 15 Gumming, Alfred 23 Daniel, Junius 22 Davidson, Henry B 26 Davis, Joseph R '23 Davis, William G. M 24 Dearing, James 31 Deas, Zacliariah C 24 De Lagnel, Julius A 20 Deshler, James 26 Dibrell, George G 29 Dockery, Thomas P 26 Doles, George 23 Donelson, Daniel S 9, 15 Drayton, Thomas F 16 Du Bose, Dudley M 35 Duke, Basil W 29 Duncan, Johnson K 18 Dunovant, John 35 ■/ Early, Jubal A 6, 9, 16 Echols, John 20 Ector, Matthew D 22 Elliott, Stephen, jr 33 Elzey, Arnold 9, 16 Evans, Clement A 28 Evans, Nathan G 16 ' Ewell, Richard S 5, 7. I4 Fagan, James F 10, 22 Featherston, Winfield S 18 Ferguson, Samuel W 26 Field, Charles W 10, 19 Finegan, Joseph 20 Finley, Jesse J 27 Floyd, John B 14 Forney, John H 8, 19 Forney, William H 30 ' Forrest, Nathan B 6, 10, 21 Frazer, John W 26 French, Samuel G 8, 17 Frost, Daniel M 23 Fry, Birkett D 33 Gano, Richard M 30 Gardner, Franklin 9, 20 Gardner, William M 17 Garland, Samuel, jr 20 Garnett, Richard B 17 Garnett, Robert S 14 Garrott, Isham W 26 Gartrell, Lucius J 29 Gary, Martin W 29 Gatlin, Richard C 16 Gholson, Samuel J 29 Gibson, Randall L 32 Gilmer, Jeremy F . . . . Girardey, Victor J. B . Gist, States R Gladden, Adley H Godwin, Archibald C , Goggin, James M Gordon, George W . . . Gordon, James B Page. II 35 20 16 29 32 35 271^ Gordon, John B 10, 23 Gorgas, Josiah 33 Govan, Daniel C 28 Gracie, Archibald, jr 24 Granbury, Hiram B 33 Gray, Henry 30 Grayson, John B 15 Green, Martin E 21 Green, Thomas 26 Greer, Elkanah 23 Gregg, John 22 Gregg, Maxcy 17 Griffith, Richard 17 Grimes, Bryan n, 29 Hagood, Johnson 21 Hampton, Wade 6, 10, 21 / Hanson , Roger W 24 Hardee, William J .' 5, 7, 14 Hardeman, William P 30 Harris, Nathaniel H 28 Harrison, James E 29 Harrison, Thomas 35 Hatton, Robert 21 Hawes, James M 19 Hawthorn, Alexander T 28 Hays, Harry T 22 Hebert, Louis 21 Hebert, Paul O 16 Helm, Benjamin H 19 Heth, Henry 9, 18 Higgins, Edward 27 Hill, Ambrose P 5, 8, 18 r- Hill, Benjamin J 35 Hill, Daniel H 5, 8, 15 Hindman, Thomas C 8, 16 Hodge, George B 28, 33 Hogg, Joseph L 18 Hoke, Robert F 10, 25 Holmes, Theophilus H 5, 7, 14 Holtzclaw, James T 34 Hood, John B 4. 5, 9. ^9 / Huger, Benjamin 7, 14 Humes, William Y. C 27 Humphreys, Benjamin G 26 Hunton, Eppa 26 39 Imboden, John D. Iverson, Alfred. . . Jackson, Alfred E Jackson, Henry R Jackson, John K. . Page. 32 23 23 14 18 r Jackson, Thomas J 5. 7, ^5 Jackson, William H 25 Jackson, William L 29 Jenkins, Albert G 22 Jenkins, Micah •. 21 Johnson, Adam R 32 Johnson, Bradley T 34 Johnson, Bushrod R 10, 18 Johnson, Edward 9, 17 > Johnston, Albert S 3 ' Johnston, George D 35 , Johnston, Joseph E 3) 13 Johnston, Robert D 27 Jones, David R 9, 14 Jones, John M 25 Jones, John R 21 Jones, Samuel 8, 16 Jones, William E 22 Jordan, Thomas 22 Kelly, John H 27 Kemper, James L, 10, 21 Kennedy, John D 35 Kershaw, Joseph B 10, 18 Kirkland, William W 27 / Lane, James H 23 Lane, Walter P 30 Law, Evander M 22 Lawton, Alexander R 13 Leadbetter, Uanville 19 ' Lee, Edwin G 29 / Lee, Fitzhugh 10, 21 Lee, G. W. Custis 11, 12, 31 Lee, Robert E 3, 13 Lee, Stephen D 6, 10, 24 I^e, William H. F 10, 22 Leventhorpe, Collett 33 Lewis, Joseph II 27 Lewis, William G 34 Liddell, vSt. John R 21 Lilley, Robert D 34 Little, Henry 20 Logan, Thomas M 30 Lomax, Lnnsford L 12, 26 Long, Armistead L 31 v Longstreet, James 5, 7, 14 Loring, William W 7, 14 Lovell, ^Mansfield 7 Lowrey, Mark P 27 Lowry, Robert . . . , Lyon, Hylan B. . . . McCausland, John. McComb, William. Page. 29 29 28 29 McCown, John P 8, 16 McCulloch, Ben 14 McCulloch, Henry E 19 McGowan, Samuel 25 Mcintosh, James 18 Mackall, William W 19 McLaws, Lafayette 8, 16 McNair, Evander 24 McRae, Dandridge 24 MacRae, William 33. 34 Magruder, John B 7, 14 Mahone, William 10, 12, 17 Major, James P 26 Maney, George 20 Manigault, Arthur M 25 Marmaduke, John S 1 1, 26 Marshall, Humphrey 17 Martin, James G 20 Martin, Will T 10, 24 Maury, Dabney H 9. 19 Maxey, Samuel B 19 Mercer, Hugh W 17 Miller, William 35 Moody, Young M 30 Moore, John C 21 Moore, Patrick T 29 Morgan, John H 24 Morgan, John T 26 Mouton, Alfred 20 Nelson, Allison 22 NichoUs, Francis T 23 Northrop, Lucius B 32 -4):j^eaL Edward A 26 Page, Richard L 33 Palmer, John B 35 Parsons, Mosby M 24 Paxton, Elisha I'' 24 Payne, W'illiam H 33 Peck, William R 30 Pegram, John 24 Peinberton, John C 5, 7, '5 Pender, William D 9, 21, 30 Pendleton, William N Perrin, Abner Perry, Edward A Perry, W^illiam I-' Pettigrew, James J Pettus, Edmund W 20 27 22 30 1 8 27 Pickett, George E 9, 18 40. Page. Pike, Albert i6 Pillow, Gideon J 15 Polignac, Caniillus J 10, 25 . Polk, Leonidas 5,7 Polk, Lucius E 24 Posey, Carnot 32 Preston, John vS 33 Preston, William 20 Price, Sterling 8 Pryor, Roger A 20 Quarles, Williana A 27 Rains, Gabriel J 16 Rains, James E 24 Ramseur, Stephen D 12, 23 Randolph, George W 18 Ransom, Matt W 26 Ransom, Robert, jr 9) 19 Reynolds, Alexander W 27 Reynolds, Daniel H 33 Richardson, Robert V 28 Ripley, Roswell S 16 Roane, John S 20 Roberts, William P 30 Robertson, Beverly H 21 Robertson, Felix H 34 Robertson, Jerome B 23 Roddey, Philip D 26 Rodes, Robert E 9, 1 7 Ross, Lawrence S 28 Rosser, Thomas L 12, 27 Ruggles, Daniel 15 Rust, Albert 19 St. John, Isaac M 31 Sanders, John C. C 34 Scales, Alfred M 26 Scott, Thomas M 29 Scurry, William R 22 Sears, Claudius W 28 Semmes, Paul J 20 Sharp, Jacob H 34 Shelby, Joseph O 28 Shelley, Charles M 35 Shoup, Francis A 25 Sibley, Henry H 15 Simms, James P 29 Slack, William Y 2(^ Slaughter, James E 20 / Smith, E. Kirby 4, 5, 7, 14 Smith, Gustavus W 7 Smith, James A 27 Smith, Martin L 9> 20 Smith, Preston 23 vSmith, Thomas B 35 Page. Smith, William 10, 25 Smith, William D 19 Sorrel, G. Moxley 35 Stafford, Leroy A 27 Starke, Peter B 29 Starke, William E 22 Steele, William 22 Steuart, George H 20 Stevens, Clement H 28 . Stevens, Walter H 33 Stevenson, Carter L 9. 19 Stewart, Alexander P 6, 10, 17 , Stovall, Marcellus A 25 Strahl, Otho F 26 Stuart, James E. B 8, 16 , Taliaferro, William B 19 Tappan, James C 24 Taylor, Richard 5, 8, 17 », Taylor, Thomas H 24 Terrill, James B 34 Terry, William 33 Terry, William R 34 Thomas, Allen 28 Thomas, Bryan M 31 Thomas, Edward L 23 Tilghman, Lloyd 16 Toombs, Robert 15 Toon, Thomas F 34 Tracy, Edward D . . . . 22 Trapier, James H 17 Trimble, Isaac R 9) 15 Tucker, William F ?8 Twiggs, David E 7 / Tyler, Robert C 28 Vance, Robert B 25 Van Dorn, Earl 7, 14 Vaughan, Alfred J., jr 28 Vaughn, John C 22 Villepigue, John B 19 Walker, Henry H 26, 3 1 Walker, James A 25 Walker, John G 9, 18 Walker, Leroy P 16 Walker, Lucius M 20 Walker, R. Lindsay 31 Walker, William H. T 10, 14 Walker, William S 23 Wallace, William H 35 Walthall, Edward C 12, 25 Waterhouse, Richard 30 Watie, Stand 28 Waul, Thomas N 27 Wayne, Henry C 17 41 Page. VVeisiger, David A 29, 34 Wharton, Gabriel C 27 Wharton, John A 10, 24 Wheeler, Joseph 10, 1 1, 23 Whitfield, John W 25 Whitinf,^ William H. C 9, 16 Wickhani, Williams C 27 Wigfall, Louis T 17 Wilcox, Cadmus M 10, 16 Williams, John S 20 Wilson, Claudius C 27 Winder, Charles S 19 Page. Winder, John H 15 Wise, Henry A 14 W'ithers, Jones M 8, 1 5 Wofford, William T 25 Wood, vSterling A. M 18 Wright, R 12,21 Wright, Marcus J 24 York, Zebulon 34 Young, Pierce M. B 12, 27 Young, William H 35 ZoUicoffer, Felix K 15 o LB My '06