M23 i23 E 650 .H23 Copy 1 SC/^TTFRTHEFLOWFRS QEEP FOHIHE ^OUTHKftH SOLDIER BOYS BY h"^' / J i CONF£DER/irE MBMORMU IJ/lY, D.C, • Hl3 SCATTER THE FLOWERS DEEP FOR SOUTHERN SOLDIER BOYS Scattci- them deep on the lonely grave. Scatter the flowers deep, Where lies the Confederate soldier brave &o still in his dreamless sleeD. Scatter tliem, scatter them deep. Scatter tlie flo-wers of every hue, Kedolont with perfume, llich ill color and fresh with dew 0%er the lowly tomb. Scatter them, scatter them deep. • Scatter the jessamine white and sweet. Scatter it far and wide. For the boys in gray wliom we'll never meet "i'ill we cross to the other side. Scatter it, scatter it deep. Scatter the ^ow^rs 'if ^'I'-^t i t iide li'Lir t)ie noble df-erls tliey wrou.3-ht. For tlie suftermg- ijofne witli fortitude On the batilefieMs where they fousrht. Scsttcr them, scatter them deep. Here a lily and tlicre a rose. Scatter them, scatter tlicm deep. Where tlie Sc-uthern lioys in sweet repose Are tal-.ingr their last long sleep. Sc;Uttr them, scatter them deep. Scatter the f;t'wers red and white. Scatter them deep to left and right. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful sight- So scatter them, scatter them deep — Scatter the fiowers deep. June 5. 1903. HAKRY O. HALL. ^^^4:C^±^ ^dyiaiZcCG^^^yLe.^^^