/>u6/ished ^^ . .j^no/d and (ompa/ii^ l>h //a de/p/7 /a B-IF A PARODY By GEORGE H BUCHANAN Published by ARNOLD AND COMPANY Philadelphia Copyrigfht, 1911 By Arnold and Company, Philadelphia I V" V ©C1.A292630 If you can keep your hair upon your head While other men you know are losing theirs, If you can trust to credit for your bread And deave that knowledge safely to your heirs; i If you can stop the wild beats of your heart When next you gaze upon a pretty face, And say *'be still/' and play a Spartan part — Why, you're a wonder of the human race. ■ If you can eat Welsh rare- bit late at night And not have lurid visions in your dreams, If you can poker play 'till morning light And not make inroads on your slender means; m If you can smoke, and drink all kinds of drink From champagne cup to Pilsner beer in stein, And steady keep, nor care what friends may think— You're in a class all by yourself — not mine. 1 If you can make the world believe you're pious, While inwardly you're wicked as **01d Sam," If you can daily lie like Ananias And never lose the faith of any man ; m If you can graft, and keep the secret hidden, And stow the filthy lucre in your bank. Then turn upon your tools when you are bidden— You'll make a politician of highest rank. If you can go through Hfe without an aim And shirk the work God gives all men to do, If you can tread the paths of sin and shame And think you'll never have to pay your due; Ml If you can cheat, and fill each golden minute With deeds of vice instead of honors won, Yours is the Earth— at least that part of it On which the county jail is built — my son ! JUL 21 mt One copy del. to Cat. Div. JUl 2t 19li