LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. J>_r Copyright No Shelf. J3&& UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A TEXT=BOOK PAT H O LOGY BY ALFRED STENGEL, M. D. Instructor in Clinical Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania ; Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Woman's Medical College ; Physician to the Philadelphia Hos- pital ; Physician to the Children's Hospital, Philadelphia, etc. WITH 372 ILLUSTRATIONS PHILADELPHIA W. B. SAUNDERS 925 Walnut Street 1898 16843 Copyright, 1898, By W. B. SAUNDKRS. PREFACE In writing this book the author has tried to present the sub- ject of Pathology in as practical a form as possible, and always from the point of view of the clinical pathologist. Considerable parts of the book were first prepared and used as the basis of demonstrations upon clinical pathology for students of medicine ; prominence is therefore given to pathologic physiology, and dis- cursiveness and citation of authorities are avoided. Except in a few instances, discussion of methods of examina- tion has been omitted, because it seemed unwise to increase the size of the book with matter that is appropriately presented in special works on technique. For similar reasons the author has decided to exclude the pathology of the skin and of the organs of special sense. Controversial matter has been avoided as much as possible, excepting in certain parts of the sections on General Bacteriology and on Neuropathology, in which it seemed proper to discuss conflicting theories. Full use has been made of works on pathology and of special monographs in English as well as in French and German. The author is greatly indebted to Dr. Samuel S. Kneass and Dr. Alonzo E. Taylor for assistance in the sections on General Bacteriology and the Degenerations in Part I., and especially to Dr. Joseph Sailer, who prepared almost wholly the sections on Neuropathology. Acknowledgment is also due Mr. Thos. F. Dagney, of Mr. Saunders' editorial office, for his uniform courtesy and assistance in many ways, and Mr. R. W. Greene for the preparation of the Index. CONTENTS. PART I.— GENERAL PATHOLOGY. CHAPTER I. The Etiology of Disease 18 Traumatism, 19. — Physical Conditions, 20. — Poisons, 23.— Bacteria and Parasites, 29. CHAPTER II. Disorders op Nutrition and Metabolism 31 Food, 31. — Diminished Supply of Food, 31. — Increased Supply of Food, 32. — Excessive Tissue-destruction, 33. — Acid-intoxication, 33. — Formation of Albumoses, 35. — Alloxin Bases and Uric Acid, 36. — Gout, 36.— Glycosuria, 37.— Diabetes, 38.— Fever, 41. CHAPTER III. Disturbances of the Circulation of the Blood 43 General Disturbances, 43. — Local Hyperemia, 46. — Local Anemia, 47. — Hemorrhage, 48. — Embolism, 51. — Infarction, 53. — Thrombosis, 55. — Edema, 59. CHAPTER IV. Retrogressive Processes 62 Atrophy, 62. — The Degenerations, 64. — Cloudy Swelling, 64. — Fatty Infiltration, 66. — Fatty Degeneration, 68. — Amyloid Degeneration, 71. — Hyaline Degeneration, 74. — Mucoid Degeneration, 76. — Colloid De- generation, 78. — Glycogenic Infiltration, 79. — Dropsical Infiltration, 80. — Cellular Necrosis, 97. — Abnormal Cell-division, 97. CHAPTER V. Inflammation and Regeneration 98 Inflammation, 98. — Regeneration, 109. — Metaplasia, 113. CHAPTER VI. Progressive Tissue-changes 113 Hypertrophy, 113. — Tumors, 115. — Fibroma, 120. — Myxoma, 124. — Lipoma, 125. — Xanthoma, 126. — Chondroma, 127. — Osteoma, 130. — Lymphangioma, 132. — Hemangioma, 132. — Lymphadenoma, 135. — 9 10 CONTESTS. PAGE Sarcoma, 145. — Spindle-celled Sarcoma, 141. — Round-celled Sarcoma. 142. — Angiosarcoma, 144. — Cylindroma, 145. — Melanosarcoma, 146. — Giant-celled Sarcoma, 147. — Mixed Tumors, 149. — Chloroma. 149. — Psammoma, 149.— Mycosis Fungoides, 149. — Endothelioma, 150.— Glioma, 151.- Neuroma, 154. — Leiomyoma, 154. — Rhabdomyoma, 157. — Papilloma, 157. — Adenoma, 159. — Carcinoma, 163. — Epithelioma, 171. — Glandular Carcinoma, 172. — Colloid Cancer, 174. — Syncytioma Malignum, 175. — Cysts, 176. — Teratoma, 179. CHAPTER VII. Bacteria and Diseases due to Bacteria 181 Classification, 182. — Morphology, 183. — Demonstration, 186. — Biol- ogy, 188. — Functions and Products of Bacteria, 192. — Effects of Toxic Products of Bacteria, 196. — Immunity, 197. Diseases due to Bacteria, 201.— Suppurative Diseases, 202.— Gonorrhea, 206.— Croupous Pneumonia, 207. — Other Forms of Pneu- monia, 209. — Rhinoscleroma, 210. — Diphtheria, 211. -Typhoid fever, 214.— Bacillus Coli Communis, 218.— Cholera, 219.— Tuberculosis, 223. — Fowl-tuberculosis, 235. — Leprosy, 235. — Glanders, 239. — Malignant Edema, 240.— Anthrax, 242. — Infectious Emphysema, 244. — Tetanus, 246.— Actinomycosis, 247. — Mycetoma, 250. — Relapsing Fever, 251. — Influenza, 252. — Bubonic Plague, 253.— Syphilis, 254. — Soft Chancre, 259.— Yellow Fever, 260.— Measles, 261.— Scarlet Fever, 261.— Mumps, 261. — Whooping-cough, 261. — Typhus Fever, 262.— Rabies, 262. — Hemorrhagic Diseases, 262. — Rheumatism, 263. — Malta Fever, 264.— Beri-Beri, 265. CHAPTER VIII. Animal Parasites and Diseases Caused by Them 265 Protozoa, 265.— Amoeba Coli, 265.— Other Amoebae, 266— Hemato- zoon Malaria?, 267. — Coccidium Oviforme, 269. — Animal Parasites and Carcinoma, 270. — Animal Parasites and Molluscum Contagiosum, 272. — Variola and Vaccinia, 273. — Varicella, 274. — Measles, Scarlet Fever, and other Diseases, 274. — Cercomonas Intestinalis, 274. — Trichomonas Intestinalis, 275. — Trichomonas Vaginalis, 275. — Other Forms of Trichomonas, 275. — Balantidium Coli, 276. — Megastoma Entericum, 276. Cestodes, oi Tape=worms,277.— Ta>nia Solium, 279.— Taenia Sagi- nata, 280.— Taenia Nana, 281.— Taenia Elliptica, 282.— Taenia Flavo- punctata, 282.— Taenia Madagascariensis, 282.— Other Forms of Taenia, 282.— Bothriocephalic Latus, 285.— Bothriocephalus Cordatus, 286.— Bothriocephalic Cristatus, 286. — Bothriocephalus Liguloides, 286. Nematodes, or Round=worms, 286. — Ascaris Lumbricoides, 286. — Ascaris Mystax, 287. — Ascaris Maritima, 287, — Oxyuris Vermicu- laris, 287.— Trichina Spiralis, 288.— Ankylostoma Duodenale, 289.— Anguillula Intestinalis and Rhabditis Stercoralis, 290. — Trichncephalus Dispar, 290. — Filaria Medinensis, 291. — Filaria Sanguinis Hominis, 291.— Other Forms of Filaria, 293.— Echinoooccus Gigas, 293.— Eustrongylus Gigas, 293. — Strongylus Longevaginatus, 293. Trematodes, or Fluke=worms, 293.— Distoma Hepaticum, 294. — CONTENTS. 11 PAGE Distoma Lanceolatum, 294. — Distoma Hematobium, 294. — Distoma Pul- monale, 296. — Other Fluke-worms, 296. Annelids, 296. Arthropodia, 296. — Pentastomum Denticulatum, 297. — Myiasis, 297. PAET II.— SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. CHAPTER I. Diseases op the Blood 298 Anatomy, 298. — Blood-formation, 303. — Pathologic Changes in Red Corpuscles, 303. — Pathologic Changes in Leukocytes, 305. — Pathologic Changes in Plasma, 306.— Plethora, 306.— Oligemia, 307.— Hydremia and Anhydremia, 307. — Lipemia, 308. — Melanemia, 309. — Hemocytol- ysis and Hemoglobinemia, 309. — Polycythemia, 310. — Leukocytosis, 310.— Hypoleukocytosis, 312.— Anemia, 313.— Chlorosis, 315.— Pro- gressive Pernicious Anemia, 317. — Leukemia, 319. — Hodgkin's Disease, 323. — Pseudoleukemia Infantum, 323.— Foreign Bodies and Parasites, 324.— Methods of Examining the Blood, 324. CHAPTER II. Diseases of the Lymphatic Tissues 326 Spleen, 326. — Abnormal Development and Situation, 327. — Circu- latory Disturbances, 328. — Inflammation, 329. — Atrophy and Degenera- tion, 331. — Tumors and Parasites, 332. — Infectious Diseases, 333. Lymphatic Glands, 334.— Atrophy, 334.— Hypertrophy, 334.— Degenerations, 334. — Inflammation, 336. — Infectious Diseases, 338. — Tumors, 341. Bone=marrow, 343.— Degenerations, 343.— Atrophy, 344.— Hyper- trophy, 344. — Inflammation, 344. — Infectious Diseases and Tumors, 345. Thymus Gland, 345. CHAPTER III. Diseases of the Circulatory System 346 Heart, 346. — Congenital Diseases and Deformities, 346. — Circulatory Disturbances, 350. — Endocardium, 352. — Endocarditis, 352. — Circulatory Disturbances, 359. — Degenerations, 359.— Inflammation, 364. — Hypo- plasia and Atrophy, 370. — Hypertrophy and Dilatation, 371. — Aneurysm, 374. — Wounds and Rupture, 374. — Infectious Diseases, 375. — New Growths and Parasites, 375. — Pericardium, 375. — Circulatory Disturb- ances, 376. — Inflammation, 376. — Infectious Diseases, 380. — Tumors and Parasites, 380. — Pneumopericardium, 380. Arteries, 381.— Congenital Defects, 381.— Hypertrophy, 381.— 12 CONTENTS. PAGE Atrophy, 381. — Degenerations, 382. — Inflammation, 383. — Infectious Diseases, 388. — Aneurysm, 388. Veins, 395. — Circulatory Disturbances, 395. — Degenerations, 396. — Inflammation, 396. — Dilatation, 397. — Tumors, 398. — Infectious Dis- eases, 399. Lymphatic Channels, 399.— Inflammation, 399.— Dilatation, 399. —Infectious Diseases, 400.— Tumors, 401.— Parasites, 401. Thoracic Duct, 401. CHAPTER IV. Diseases of the Respiratory System 402 Nasal Cavities, 402. — Congenital Abnormalities, 402. — Circulatory Disturbances, 402. — Inflammation, 402. — Infectious Diseases, 403. — Tumors, 403.— Parasites and Foreign Bodies, 404. Larynx, 404. — Congenital Abnormalities, 404. — Circulatory Dis- turbances, 404. — Inflammations, 404. — Infectious Diseases, 406. — Tumors, 407. — Parasites and Foreign Bodies, 408. Trachea, 408. — Malformations, 408. — Circulatory Disturbances, 408. — Inflammation, 408. — Infectious Diseases, 409. — Tumors, 409. Bronchi, 409. — Congenital Malformations, 409. — Circulatory Dis- turbances, 409. — Inflammations, 409. — Stenosis and Obstruction, 412. — Dilatation, 412. — Infectious Diseases, 413. — Tumors, 413. — Parasites and Foreign Bodies, 413. Lungs, 415. — Congenital Defects, 415. — Circulatory Disturbances, 415. — Hypertrophy and Atrophy, 419. — Emphysema, 419. — Atelectasis, 423. — Inflammation or Pneumonia, 425. — Gangrene, 442. — Tubercu- losis, 443. — Syphilis, 454.— Glanders, 456. — Actinomycosis, 456. — Tumors, 457. — Parasites, 459. Pleura, 460. — Circulatory Disturbances, 460. — Inflammation, 461. — Infectious Diseases, 465. — Tumors and Parasites, 465. CHAPTER V. Diseases of the Gastro-intestinal Tract 467 Mouth, 467. — Congenital Abnormalities, 467. — Circulatory Disturb- ances, 467. — Inflammation, 468. — Atrophy and Degeneration, 471. — Infectious Diseases, 471. — Tumors, 473. Teeth, 474. Pharynx and Toncils, 475. — Circulatory Disturbances, 475. — In- flammations, 475. — Pressure-necrosis, 478. — Infectious Diseases, 479. — Tumors, 480. Salivary Glands, 481. Esophagus, 482. — Congenital Defects, 482. — Circulatory Disturb- ances, 482.— Inflammations, 482.— Stenosis, 483.— Dilatation, 483.— Perforation and Rupture, 484. — Infectious Diseases, 484. — Tumors, 484. Stomach, 485. — Congenital Defects, 485. — Circulatory Disturbances, 485. — Inflammations, 486. — Peptic Ulcer, 489. — Atrophy and Degener- ations, 491. — Alterations in Position and Size, 492. — Infectious Dis- eases, 493.— Tumors, 493. Intestines, 497. — Abnormalities, 497. — Intestinal Obstruction, 500. —Prolapse of Rectum, 502.— Atrophy and Degeneration, 502.— Circu- CONTENTS. 13 PAGE latory Disturbances, 503. — Inflammation, 504. — Inflammation of Special Parts, 506. — Infectious Diseases, 510. — Tumors, 516. — Parasites, 519. — Intestinal Rupture and Foreign Bodies, 520. Liver, 521. — Malformations and Changes of Position, 521. — Circu- latory Disturbances, 522. — Atrophy and Degenerations, 524. — Inflam- mations, 529. — Hypertrophy, 534. — Rupture, 534. — Infectious Diseases, 543. — Tumors, 536. — Parasites, 539. Biliary Ducts and Gallbladder, 541. — Inflammations, 541. — Stenosis and Dilatation, 542. — Gall-stones, Cholelithiasis, 543. — Tumors, 544.— Jaundice, 544. Pancreas, 546. — Congenital Abnormalities, 546 — Circulatory Dis- turbances, 546. — Atrophy and Degenerations, 546. — Inflammations, 548. — Infectious Diseases, 549. — Tumors, 549. — Pancreatic Duct, 550. Peritoneum, 551. — Congenital Abnormalities, 551. — Circulatory Disturbances, 551. — Inflammations, 553. — Tumors, 557. — Parasites, 558. CHAPTER VI. Diseases of the Ductless Glands 558 Thyroid Gland, 558. — Congenital Defects, 559.— Disturbances of Circulation, 559. — Inflammations, 559. — Struma or Goiter, 559. — Infec- tious Diseases, 562. — Tumors and Parasites, 562. — General Results of Thyroid Disease, 562. Suprarenal Bodies, 564. — Congenital Anomalies, 564. — Degenera- tions, 565. — Infectious Diseases, 565. — Circulatory Disturbances, 566. — Inflammation, 566. — Tumors, 566. — General Effects of Suprarenal Dis- eases, 566. CHAPTER VII. Diseases of the Urinary Organs 567 Kidneys, 567. — Congenital Anomalies, 567. — Changes of Position, 568. — Circulatory Disturbances, 568. — Inflammations, 570. — Atrophy and Hypertrophy, 585. — Degenerations, 586. — Concretions in the Urin- iferous Tubules, 589. — Infectious Diseases, 590. — Tumors, 590. — Para- sites, 594. Pelvis of Kidney and Ureter, 595.— Congenital and Acquired Malformations, 595. — Calculus, 596. — Inflammation, 596. — Infectious Diseases, 597. — Tumors, 598.— Parasites, 598. Urinary Bladder, 599. — Malformations, 599.— Changes of Position, 599. — Rupture, 600. — Circulatory Disturbances, 600. — Inflammation, 600. — Infectious Diseases, 602. — Calculi and Foreign Bodies, 603. — Tumors, 604. — Abnormal Conditions of the Urine, 606. — Chemical Changes and Sediments of Urine, 611. Urethra, 614. — Congenital Abnormalities, 614. — Inflammations, 614. — Injuries, 617. — Infectious Diseases, 617. — Tumors, 618. CHAPTER VIII. Diseases of the Reproductive Organs 618 Uterus, 618. — Development and Anatomy, 618. — Congenital Abnor- malities, 619. — Alterations of Position, 620. — Stenosis, Dilatation, and 14 CONTENTS. PAGE Rupture, 622. — Circulatory Disturbances, 623. — Inflammations, 624. — Infectious Diseases, 628. — Atrophy and Degenerations, 631.— Hyper- trophy and Hyperplasia, 631. — Tumors, 632. — Parasites, 637. Ovaries, 637. — Development and Anatomy, 637. — Congenital Ab- normalities, 638. — Changes in Position, 638. — Circulatory Disturbances, 638. — Inflammation, 63 l J. — Infectious Diseases, 639. — Tumors, 640. — Cysts of the Parovarium, 643.— Cysts of Kobelt, 644. Fallopian Tubes, 644. — Congenital Abnormalities, 644. — Changes of Position, 644. — Stenosis, 645. — Dilatation, 645. — Circulatory Disturb- ances, 645. — Inflammations, 646. — Infectious Diseases. 648. — Tumors, 649. — Extra-uterine Pregnancy, 650. Vagina, 652.— Prolapse of Vaginal Wall, 652. — Stenosis, 652. — "Wounds and Fistulse, 052. — Circulatory Disturbances, 653. — Inflamma- tions, 653. — Infectious Diseases, 654. — Tumors, 654. Decidua, Placenta, and Fetal Membranes, 654. — Anatomic Considerations, 654. — Abnormalities of Development, 655. — Circulatory Disturbances, 655. — Inflammation, 656. — Infectious Diseases, 657. — Hyperplasia, 657. Vulva, 659. — Circulatory Disturbances, 659. — Inflammation, 659. — Infectious Diseases, 660. — Tumors, 660. Penis and Scrotum, 661.— Congenital Abnormalities, 661. — In- flammation, 661. — Infectious Diseases. 662. — Tumors, 662. — Injuries, 663. Testicles, 663. — Congenital Abnormalities, 663. — Atrophy and Hypertrophy, 663. — Degenerations, 664. — ( irculatory Disturbances, 664. — Inflammation, 664.— Infectious Diseases, 667. — Tumors, 669. — Parasites, 671. Prostate Gland, 671.— Inflammation, 671. — Atrophy and Degener- ation. 672. — Concretions, 672. — Infectious Diseases, 672. — Hypertrophy and Tumors, 672. Cowper's Glands, 675. Seminal Vesicles, 675. Mammary Glands, 676. — Congenital Abnormalities, 676. — Circu- latory Disturbances, 676. — Inflammations, 677.— Atrophy and Hyper- trophv, ti78. — Degenerations, 678. — Infectious Diseases, 678. — Tumors, 679. ' CHAPTER IX. Diseases of the Bones 682 Anatomy and Development, 682. — Rickets, 683.— Regeneration of Bone, 685.— Circulatory Disturbances, 688.— Inflammations, 688.— Hypoplasia and Atrophy, 692.— Degenerative Conditions, 692. — Infec- tious Diseases, 694. — Tumors, 698. CHAPTER X. Diseases of the Joists 700 Luxation and Ankylosis, 700.— Distortion, 700.— Circulatory Disturb- ances, 700. — Inflammations, 701. — Infectious Diseases, 704. — Tendon- sheaths and Bursae, 706. CONTENTS. 15 CHAPTER XI. PAGE Diseases of the Voluntary Muscles 706 Hypertrophy, 706. — Circulatory Disturbances, 707. — Inflammations, 707. — Atrophy and Degenerations, 709. — Infectious Diseases, 712. — Tumors and Parasites, 712. CHAPTER XII. Diseases of the Brain and its Membranes 713 Dura Mater, 713. — Circulatory Disturbances, 713. — Inflammations, 713. — Infectious Diseases, 714.— Tumors, 715. The Pia and Arachnoid, 715.— Circulatory Disturbances, 715 — Inflammation, 716. — Infectious Diseases, 719. — Tumors, 721. Brain, 723. — Development and Anatomy, 723. — Congenital Abnor- malities, 727. — Post-mortem Degenerative Conditions, 732.— General Pathologic Anatomy of the Nervous System, 732. — The Blood-vessels, 743. — Circulatory Disturbances, 745. — Inflammation, 753. — Injuries of Central Nervous System, 760.— Choroid Plexus and Ventricles, 761. — Tumors, 768. — Pituitary Body or Hypophysis Cerebri, 771. CHAPTER XIII. Diseases of the Spinal Cord and its Membranes 775 Dura Mater, 775.— Fatty Infiltration, 775.— Hemorrhage, 775.— Tuberculosis, 775.— Syphilis, 776. Pia and Arachnoid, 777. — Circulatory Disturbances, 777. — Degener- ations, 777. — Inflammations, 777. — Infectious Diseases, 778. Cord, 778. — Anatomy of the Cord, 778. — Congenital Abnormalities, 780. — Hydromyelia and Syringomyelia, 781. — Circulatory Disturbances, 785. — Inflammations, 787. — Primary Degenerations, 793. — Secondary rations, 800.— Tumors, 802. CHAPTER XIV. Diseases of the Peripheral Nervous System 802 Ganglia of the Cranial Nerves, 802. The Nerves, 803. — Circulatory Disturbances, 803.— Atrophy and Degeneration, 803. — Inflammation, 806. — Infectious Diseases, 808. — Tumors, 809. A TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. PART I. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. Pathology is the science that deals with disease in all its aspects. It includes the study of the causes, the manifestations, and the results of disease. Three important subdivisions of the study of pathology are recognized, viz., etiology, or the study of the causes of disease ; morbid or pathologic anatomy, the study of the structural changes in disease ; and morbid or pathologic physiology, the study of disturbances of function. In the latter group is included patho- logic chemistry, as morbid chemical action and its results are the outcome of disturbed function. Pathology, or more especially pathologic anatomy, may be di- vided into general and special pathology. The former treats of pathologic processes irrespective of any individual part ; the latter deals with the processes or changes in individual organs or parts. Disease itself may be denned as abnormality in structure, in function, or in both combined. It is doubtful whether alteration of function can occur without some alteration in structure, but it frequently happens that functional disturbances are present though no structural alterations are discoverable even by the most precise methods of investigation. The symptoms of disease are the expressions of abnormal func- tional activity, and are therefore properly discussed under the head of pathologic physiology ; but they are so important from a practical standpoint, and form such an extensive subject of inves- tigation, that they are usually considered apart from pathology, in special treatises dealing with diagnosis and the practice of medicine. 18 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. CHAPTER I THE ETIOLOGY OF DISEASE. The causes of disease may be classified as 'predisposing and determining. The former prepare the system or part by rendering it weaker and less resistant ; the latter are the immediate or spe- cific causes of disease. Predisposing Causes. — The normal system is able to cope with the determining causes of disease to a certain point by its general vitality and regulative functions. Thus heat and cold may prove harmless if not too intense or prolonged. In the case of exposure to heat, the superficial capillaries become dilated, sweating increases, and there is increased heat dissipation from the surface at the same time that increased respiratory function occasions evaporation and loss of heat through the lungs. In the case of exposure to cold, increased muscular exercise leads to greater heat production, while contraction of the superficial blood- vessels restricts the elimination of heat. When, however, a cer- tain point of intensity is reached in the case of heat, cold, or other causes of disease, the normal organism is unable to oppose suffi- cient resistance, and disease or injury results. The degree of resistance differs in different individuals, in different races, or people living under varying climatic conditions, etc. In some the degree of resistance may be so great that certain diseases are never contracted. The term immunity (q. v.) is applied to this state. In other persons there is a recognizable weakness of resistance in one direction or another which constitutes a definite predisposition. The latter may be either hereditary or acquired. Acquired pre- disposition results from previous disease, vices of living, and like causes. Heredity as a predisposing factor in disease is probably less important than was formerly believed, but undoubtedly plays a part in many conditions. By hereditary predisposition is desig- nated abnormal weakness of resistance transmitted from the mother or father to the offspring. There may be congenital weakness that is not definitely hereditary, as it is more or less accidental — that is, not the outcome of tendencies of the same kind (latent or active) in the parent. Heredity may be direct or immediati — that is, from the parent (himself or herself presenting the condi- tion) to the offspring — or remote, as in eases in which the hereditary trait is latent in the parent. One or several generations may thus be free from certain diseases or tendencies which reappear in later generations. This return to conditions present in remote ancestors has been likened to atavism in the Darwinian sense. In some cases hereditary traits are conveyed from the male parent to the male children, or from the female parent to the female off- THE ETIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 19 spring ; in other cases there is crossed transmission. A peculiar form of heredity is seen in hemophilia and some other diseases, which are transmitted through the female members of a family, who generally remain unaffected, to the male offspring. Heredi- tary traits sometimes predispose to a number of allied affections. This is particularly striking in the case of the neuropathic heredity, in which various forms of nervous disease may appear in members of an affected family. Determining Causes. — Among the immediate or deter- mining causes of disease are those which originate outside the body and those which are generated within the body. Among the former are included traumatism, heat, cold, and other physical agents, poisons, and living organisms, including bacteria and va- rious animal parasites. The causes of disease originating within the body itself are less definitely known, but it has been found in chemical studies that various products of normal metabolism when accumulated in abnormal quantity, or products of disturbed metab- olism, may occasion local or widespread disease of various sorts. This self-poisoning is designated auto-intoxication. TRAUMATISM. Traumatism, or mechanical injury, may be of various sorts, gradual or sudden, small or large ; and the effects are dependent upon the form and severity of the injury. Pressure brought to bear upon a part leads to disturbances of the circulation and more or less direct injury of the cellular elements. When the pressure is gradual true atrophy of the part may occur, as in the case of the atrophic liver resulting from lacing. When the pressure is greater and the circulation is completely arrested more destructive change may result, such as necrosis or gangrene. This is seen in the necrotic atrophy of bone resulting from the pressure of aneurysms, or the gangrene of extremities resulting from ligation. Fre- quently, inflammatory reaction occurs in the surrounding tissues when traumatic injuries have been sustained. This is strikingly illustrated in all forms of wounds, and it is through the inflam- mation and subsequent regeneration of tissue that the areas of destruction are restored. In cases of injury by fine particles, as in powder-marks of the skin, or the surface injuries sustained by miners and metal-workers, or in individuals inhaling sharp par- ticles like coal-dust, marble-dust, or steel-filings, small injuries of the tissues result. The foreign bodies may be subsequently dis- charged, leaving a focus of inflammation, or the inflammation may surround the particle imbedded in the tissue, and encapsulation by fibrous -tissue formation may occur. Large injuries in which the tissues are contused or broken may lead to extensive inflamma- 20 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. tion, in part the result of the direct injury to the tissues and in part the result of injury of the blood-vessels. PHYSICAL CONDITIONS. Heat. — High temperatures produce local or general results according to the mode of application and degree of heat. Local excess of heat produces various lesions. Moderate excess leads to relaxation of the walls of the blood-vessels; with increas- ing grades of temperature there is in addition necrotic change in the cells of the part, and exudation of serum causes vesicle for- mation. Still higher grades of temperature produce immediate destruction, perhaps with charring, of large or small areas, while the surrounding tissues suffer from reactive inflammation and hyperemia. Extensive burns involving one-third or more of the surface of the body frequently cause death. In these cases it is likely that poisonous products are formed, either directly through tissue- and blood-destruction, or indirectly through disturbances of the functions of the skin or internal organs. The immediate manner of death is often in the form of shock ; when the termi- nation is more delayed various vascular, hemic, and tissue-disturb- ances may occur. Intravascular coagulation is not unusual, and is not improbably the result of the liberation into the blood of tissue-elements set free in the areas of local destruction, or to sub- stances produced by direct destruction of the blood. The same substances may account for the existence of fever (ferment intoxi- cation). The intravascular coagulation caused in this or other ways may induce venous stasis and localized hemorrhages. Focal necrosis or degeneration of the tissues of various organs, such as the liver, kidneys, or the mucous membranes, may be due to thrombotic occlusion of vessels, or to the direct influence of cir- culating poisons without thrombosis, or to both. Duodenal ulcer is a lesion often referred to as an occasional result of extensive burns. The blood itself may present evidence of disease in the form of degenerations of the corpuscles, in the reduction of their number and of the amount of coloring matter; while regenerative changes frequently present themselves some time later (nucleated red corpuscles). Changes in the urine may occur in eases of ex- tensive burns in consequence of the tissue-destruction (hemo- globinuria, albumosuria). Exposure to general high temperature varies in its effects accord- ing to the manner of exposure (as with dry air, steam, etc.). An animal exposed to a constant temperature somewhat above the usual surrounding temperature presents a slight increase of its body-heat, which is compensated for by increase in the respi- rations and pulse-rate. Much higher temperatures may cause death by coagulation of the tissues ; notably, the muscular struct- THE ETIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 21 ure of the heart, or the respiratory muscles. Before this extreme is reached, however, it may be found that the consumption of the tissues of the body is greatly in excess, though the respiratory quotient is altered in favor of the amount of air inhaled. Con- tinuous exposure to excessive heat frequently causes peculiar dis- turbances in man, known as heatstroke, sunstroke, or insolation and heat-exhaustion. In these conditions hyperemia and edema, or even inflammation of the meninges, may occur. These lesions are sometimes supposed to be the result of the direct effect of the heat ; but there is reason to believe that they may be occa- sioned by poisonous substances produced within the body by dis- turbed metabolism, as a result of the heat. Cold. — Exposure to extreme degrees of cold may cause results quite similar to those produced by heat. Exposure of the skin to liquefied air, solidified mercury, or other substances at excessively low temperatures produces vesiculation and necrosis of the tissues like those produced in burns. Exposure of the body to greatly reduced but bearable tempera- tures of the surrounding atmosphere causes vascular disturbances followed by necrosis of the tissues and inflammatory changes. The parts so affected are the extremities or projections of the body, like the toes and fingers, nose and ears. The primary result of cold is vascular constriction and local anemia. These serve the purpose of preserving the body heat by preventing heat radiation ; later the blood-vessels are paralyzed and extreme hyper- emia results. Then cellular exudation and necrosis may occur. These changes are well seen in the condition termed chilblain. In prolonged exposure to cold there are a gradual reduction in the activity of the various organs and a gradual obtunding of the sensibility till the patient becomes comatose. The retention of excrementitious products of metabolism, or the formation of products of abnormal metabolism, may be important in causing this condition. Exposure to cold plays an important part as a clinical cause of disease. Various forms of pharyngitis and coryza or bronchitis so frequently follow such exposure that the term " cold " is gener- ally used. Other conditions, like rheumatism, pleurisy, pneumonia, and the like, bear a similar relation. It is now recognized that in most of these cases cold is merely a predisposing cause, the imme- diate cause being in many, if not all, cases specific micro-organ- isms. The mode of action of the exposure is uncertain ; probably it causes a reduction in the resisting powers of the organism and thus favors the activity of bacteria. In some cases it may be that the cold alters the fluids of the body in such a Avay as to permit increased virulence of micro-organisms already present, or to pro- mote their entrance into the system. Increased Atmospheric Pressure. — Exposure to extreme 22 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. pressure of several atmospheres may occur among deep-sea divers, or in men working in caissons used in bridge building. But little disturbance may be caused at first, or for a long time ; but on return of the workmen to the usual atmospheric conditions symp- toms make their appearance (caisson disease). Among these symp- toms are bleeding from the nasal or other mucous membranes, great depression, delirium, and paralytic conditions. Degenera- tions and vacuolations in the spinal cord have been discovered in some cases. Decreased Atmospheric Pressure. — Effects of decreased pressure are seen in inhabitants of high altitudes and in persons ascending in balloons. Marked excitement of the vascular system, hemorrhages, vomiting, and similar symptoms are observed ; in less marked cases a general excitement of the nervous system, sleeplessness, etc., occur. These symptoms have been attributed to lack of oxygen ; to a certain extent they are probably mechani- cal and due directly to the reduced pressure on the exterior. Recent studies show that the blood contains greatly increased numbers of red corpuscles in a given volume, and the percentage of hemoglobin is correspondingly increased. This is probably due, to a large extent, to disturbance in the distribution of the cor- puscles with stagnation in the peripheral vessels (see Diseases of the Blood). Insufficiency of Respiratory Air. — A certain amount of air is necessary for the continuance of health or life. Insufficiency may be due to diseases which obstruct the air-passages or affect the pulmonary tissue itself, and to foreign bodies (solid bodies, water in drowning) within the air-passages. Changes in the atmosphere or gases taken into the lung may cause insufficiency in the supply of oxygen, notably in CO-poisoning, in which the foreign gas enters into firm combination with the hemoglobin of the blood and thus excludes oxygen. Moderate decrease of the supply of air causes labored and rapid breathing, more or less cyanosis, depression, and stupor. This condition is termed asphyxia. Complete lack of air causes increase of these symptoms and deatli by suffocation. In these cases the blood is exceedingly dark and fluid, and hemorrhages may be found in various situations. The latter result from excessive blood- pressure during the death agony. Long-continued insufficiency of oxygen may directly or indirectly occasion degenerative dis- eases of the tissues. It has often been asserted that anemia causes many of its symptoms and results because the blood is incapable of carrying sufficient oxygen in its reduced state. As a matter of fact, however, physiologic experiments have demonstrated that the respiratory exchange (inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbonic acid gas) is but little affected and is as frequently increased as decreased. THE ETIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 23 Electrical Influences. — Electrical discharges may cause burns or similar lesions of the surface, and frequently cause intense shock. Disturbances of the central nervous system of various sorts may occur immediately or some time after the exposure. Doubt- less there are distinct organic changes in the nervous tissues, but these have not been determined. Gross injuries of organs, such as rupture and degenerative changes, may be occasioned. POISONS. Definition. — The term poison may be applied to substances which when introduced into the living organism disturb the struct- ure or functional activity. The Action of Poisons in General. — Gaseous poisons act mainly upon the respiratory mucous membranes with which they come in contact, or after absorption into the blood disorganize this fluid or lead to disturbances of the nervous system. Liquid poi- sons are generally absorbed through the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, but may be received directly into the tissues by injec- tion under the skin. They are rarely absorbed through the skin. Solid poisons must in all cases first be dissolved, and are then ab- sorbed like the liquid poisons. They may by their strong attrac- tion for water absorb the latter directly from the tissues, and by this process alone may bring about important changes. The lesions due to a poison may be entirely local, as in the case of certain corrosives or caustics ; in other cases the point of entrance is unaffected, the pathologic manifestations being en- tirely due to the changes in different parts of the body, or to ner- vous disturbances resulting from the circulation of the poison in the blood. The fate of poisons after ingestion is very different in dif- ferent cases. Some poisons circulate with the blood and are eliminated unchanged. Others may suffer chemical change within the stomach or other cavities of the body before absorption, and may be either completely neutralized, or may be converted into forms which are subsequently slowly absorbed. After absorption into the blood other chemical reactions may occur, and the poison may be more or less neutralized, the system then suffering either from the resulting compounds or from the changed conditions of the blood. Active destruction of the poison may occur in the blood or in the various organs. In these processes, however, the glandular organs may suffer seriously, various forms of degenera- tion or necrosis resulting. The effect of poisons depends upon the dose as well as upon the nature of the substance, and also upon the individual. The repeated ingestion of certain poisons, such as arsenic or opium, may generate a considerable degree of immunity or tolerance. 24 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Similar immunity may be characteristic of a given individual or of classes or species. Susceptibility to the action of poisons is further influenced by age and constitutional vigor. Children bear certain poisons better, comparatively speaking, than adults, while the reverse is true of other substances. Sometimes there are idio- syncrasies which lead to peculiar results not observed in the aver- age individual. In consequence of this, substances ordinarily not toxic may be extremely injurious to certain persons. Elimination. — The excretion of poisons may take place through the kidneys, lungs, the mucous membrane of the gastro- intestinal tract, or through the skin. In some instances a poison is almost completely eliminated in the excreta. In other cases it suffers complete change, and is not present at all in the excretions. The rate of elimination varies greatly, and is more or less depend- ent upon conditions of the system. Some poisons, as phosphorus and mercury, may be stored up within the body for a considerable period, subsequently suffering slow elimination. Classification. — The number of substances which may act as poisons is very great, and the manifestations are of very different sorts. Classification of poisons is therefore difficult and not en- tirely satisfactory. We may crudely distinguish between gaseous, liquid, and solid poisons ; between animal and vegetable, organic and inorganic, and the like ; but these classifications have no scientific value. From the point of view of the action of the poisons we may distinguish corrosive poisons, or those which have a local action ; orga nic or parenchyma-poisons, or those which act less strongly at the point of application than upon the various organs to which they are conveyed through the blood ; blood -poisons, or those which exercise their effects primarily upon the blood ; and the herve-poisotts, or those which disturb the functional activity of the nervous system without producing definitely discoverable lesions. Corrosive Poisons ; Escharotics ; Caustics. — Under this heading are included various acids, alkalies, and mineral poisons, such as sulphuric, nitric, oxalic, carbolic, and hydrofluoric acids, caustic potash or soda and ammonium, and gases like chlorin and bromin. Nitrate of silver, bichlorid of mercury, sulphate of copper, and other inorganic compounds have a similar action, and certain organic bodies, such as cantharidin and croton oil, belong to the same class. All these poisons exercise a destructive effect upon the cells with which they come in contact, partly by abstraction of water and partly as a result of a coagulating power or similar action. The degree of injury depends upon the poison and the amount in contact with the tissues. There may be only a superficial injury of the outer layer of epithelial cells or extensive destruction. Reactive inflammation is almost always present. The affected THE ETIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 25 part may present slight areas of necrosis with reactive hyperemia and inflammation beneath and around them, or deep eschars, vesicles, or large bullae. In the process of healing extensive scars may form, and these may be serious in their effects, as in the case of strictures of the esophagus. Organic Poisons; Parenchyma-poisons. — This large group in- cludes many metallic compounds that have a local corrosive or escharotic effect, but which may gain entrance to the blood and cause extensive organic lesions. It also includes poisons of vege- table origin and products of bacterial growth. In general these poisons have a similar action. The kidneys and the mucous mem- brane of the intestines are especially active in their elimination and suffer most seriously. Degenerations of the epithelial cells of various sorts are met with, such as nuclear degenerations, coagulation necrosis, fatty degeneration, and even calcification. The changes may be diffuse or may be scattered in small foci. In the latter case small areas of granular appearance, having a lighter color than the surrounding tissues, are seen ; and on staining the cells are found to color poorly or not at all, the nuclei often show- ing this change first. Nuclear degenerations (fragmentation, hyper- chromatosis, etc.) are observed, and in some instances marked fatty degeneration of the cells occurs. Around the foci of degeneration there is more or less round-cell infiltration (polymorphonuclear cells), and to a less degree the degenerated area itself is infiltrated. In cases in which diffuse change occurs there is equally diffuse round-cell infiltration. After the acute process has subsided hyperplasia of the connective tissues may occur and the affected part becomes more or less sclerotic or indurated. Regeneration of the parenchyma-cells is less apt to occur. Some of the more important of the poisons of the group may now be separately considered. Phosphorus is a poison of considerable activity in the yellow form ; the red variety is inert. Workmen in match factories are the most frequent victims of this form of intoxication, but occa- sionally accidental poisoning by swallowing occurs. In the latter the manifestations are acute. The pathologic changes are catarrhal inflammation of the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane and more or less widespread fatty degeneration of various tissues and organs. The liver suffers most severely, being enlarged, light yellow or reddish in color, and friable or doughy. Microscopically the liver- cells are found extensively degenerated (fatty). Similar but less marked fatty degeneration is found in the renal tubules, gastro- intestinal epithelia, and heart-muscle, and in the intima of the blood-vessels. Extensive jaundice is frequent and numerous hemorrhages may occur. In the more chronic poisoning of match- makers the poison enters through the mouth and respiratory pas- sages, being inspired as dust. Chronic catarrhal inflammation of 26 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. the respiratory tract may occur and a peculiar form of necrosis of the bones (see Bones) is met with. Arsenic is poisonous in certain forms (white arsenic, arsenous acid) and inert in other forms (the sulphids). Acute poisoning occurs when toxic forms are swallowed in large doses ; the chronic forms of poisoning result from gradual ingestion or the inhalation of dust containing arsenic. Cases of the latter sort occur when wall-paper, hangings, and the like, colored with arsenic-pigments, are used. The lesions in acute arsenic-poisoning resemble those produced by phosphorus. The gastro-intestinal inflammation is, however, more severe ; while the fatty degeneration of the organs is less marked. In chronic arsenic-poisoning changes in the peripheral nerves (degeneration and inflammation) are most im- portant. It is likely that focal or diffuse myelitis may likewise be caused by this poison. Chronic inflammations of the gastro- intestinal or respiratory mucous membranes are met with in some cases. Inflammatory lesions of the skin are frequent. Lead. — Among the compounds leading to acute or subacute poisoning the chromate, the acetates, the carbonate, and oxid are most important. Chronic poisoning occurs in workmen in paint manufactories and among painters, and in persons drinking certain waters that have been conducted through lead pipes. Less rarely the use of cosmetics, dyestuffs, etc., containing lead causes chronic poisoning. In the acute forms of lead-poisoning moderate gastro- enteritis occurs. In the chronic form changes in the nervous sys- tem are most important. Peripheral neuritis is the most frequent lesion, but changes in the large ganglionic cells of the gray matter of the cord have sometimes been found. Diffuse sclerosis of the blood-vessels, interstitial nephritis, and the lesions of gout may be present. Atrophy and fatty degeneration of the muscle-fibers are less important lesions. A blue line on the gums at the junction with the teeth (due to deposit of sulphid of lead) is a lesion of clinical importance. Mercury. — Poisoning with mercury may be acute, subacute, or chronic. The first is due especially to the corrosive chlorid and other mercuric salts ; the second to calomel or small doses of those of the former group. Chronic poisoning occurs as a result of inhala- tion of fumes or dust containing mercury, and is seen in workmen in mirror manufactories. In the acute cases violent inflammatory and necrotic lesions of the gastro-intestinal tract are seen. Paren- chymatous degeneration, fatty change, and even calcification of the renal epithelium may occur; and fatty degeneration in other organs may sometimes be met with. In subacute cases marked by ptyalism sonic change is doubtless present in the salivary glands, but the nature of this has not been determined. Ergot. — Ergot is a poison capable of producing intense toxic results. It contains two important toxic principles, sphacelinic THE ETIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 27 acid and an alkaloid, cornutin. Acute poisoning sometimes re- sults from overdosage ; while chronic intoxication occurs from the use of affected grain, particularly in famine years. Wide- spread poisoning of communities has sometimes resulted. The lesions produced are not definite or uniform. Gastro-intestinal inflammation and erosion of the mucous membrane have been ob- served, but are not habitual ; sclerotic change in the spinal cord has been found in a few cases. Gangrene is a frequent lesion, probably resulting from vascular obstruction due to contraction of the blood-vessels. Enlargement of the spleen has sometimes been noted. Toxalbumins from Plants. — Certain vegetable bodies, like ricin derived from the castor bean and abrin derived from jequirity bean, are exceedingly toxic, acting in part as blood- poisons but also as parenchyma-poisons. Injected into animals these substances cause violent intoxication, and focal areas of necrosis in various situations, notably in the liver. In part these lesions result from vascular thrombosis ; in part from direct ac- tion. The study of the action of these poisons is of particular interest from the resemblance of the lesions to those caused by certain bacteria and bacterial poisons. Toxic Products of Bacteria. — In the growth and multiplica- tion of various bacteria definite toxic substances are produced, and through the latter the lesions of infection are to a large ex- tent produced. Such poisonous bodies may be generated in the growth of the bacteria outside of the body, as well as within the body. In the latter case the pathologic lesions at the point of infection may be the focus of origin of toxic substances which are then distributed throughout the body in the blood. This is eminently true of tetanus, and to a large degree of diphtheria. In other cases the bacteria themselves are transported to various parts of the body, and finding lodgement in the tissues set up changes by which their toxic products are evolved. The latter increase the local foci of pathologic change and then spread in the circulation and cause general intoxication. Fur- ther discussion of these poisons will be included under the individual bacteria. The venom of serpents and of various insects contains toxic bodies, some of which are albuminous in nature. These vary in their action, being to some extent blood-poisons, but more par- ticularly parenchyma-poisons. The lesions produced are local and general. Locally there are intense inflammatory reaction and edema around an area of cellular necrosis or destruction where the poison has come in immediate contact with the tissues. The blood seems to suffer great disorganization and corpuscular change. Petechial hemorrhage and foci of cellular necrosis occur in various organs ; and edema of the lungs is frequently present. The action 28 TEXT- BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. of the venom of different animals varies in kind and intensity to a certain extent, but is in general of a similar type. Blood-poisons. — Various liquid or gaseous substances are termed blood-poisons because of their especial action upon this liquid. The blood-poisons may be classified as (a) those which combine with the hemoglobin without changing the corpuscles ; (6) those which alter the red corpuscles and the coloring matter ; (c) those which affect the blood as well as the tissues generally ; and (d) those which cause changes in the blood-plasma, increasing or de- creasing the tendency to clotting. (a) Among the poisons which act by entering into combination with the hemoglobin without changing the corpuscles, carbon monoxid, cyanogen, and hydrogen sulphid are important. In carbon-monoxid poisoning, which often results from inhalation of the fumes of charcoal burning with insufficient air, the blood has a light color and light petechial discolorations may be seen in various parts of the body. In cyanogen-poisoning the blood is similarly light in color ; while in H 2 S-poisoning the blood is often dark, sometimes quite black. (6) Among the poisons which disorganize the blood-corpuscles and later the hemoglobin are a large number of chemical agents used in medical practice or in the arts, including potassium chlo- rate, nitroglycerin, anilin, nitrobenzol, various coal-tar derivatives, and arseniuretted hydrogen. Certain poisonous plants (toadstools) act similarly. These poisons lead to a reduction of the hemoglobin with generation of methemoglobin and at the same time destruc- tion of the corpuscles themselves, with release of the hemoglobin into the serum. The altered condition of the blood often induces secondary changes, such as fatty degeneration and hemorrhages in various organs. The blood-corpuscles are found in variously de- generated conditions, showing microcytosis and poikiloevtosis in particular. Nucleated red corpuscles may be present as in other conditions of blood-destruction with attempted regeneration. (c) Among the poisons which disorganize the blood and at the same time cause changes in the parenchyma of organs, reference has been made to abrin and ricin. In addition to the organic changes, these substances cause certain alterations in the blood itself, increasing the coagulability and thus inducing thrombosis. (d) Various substances introduced in sufficient quantity are capable of affecting the plasma of the blood or the corpuscles in such a way as to affect its coagulability. Calcium salts, carbonic acid gas, and fibrin-ferment are active in this way, but the last alone produces toxic results through this function. Ferment-in- toxication may occur in consequence of various other intoxications, when corpuscular or tissue-destruction has liberated the ferment. Among the poisons which decrease coagulability peptone (albu- mose) is important. THE ETIOLOGY OF DISEASE. 29 Nerve-poisons. — This group contains a large number of sub- stances capable of producing violent symptoms and even death without definite change in the tissues of the body. Recent inves- tigations showing certain alterations in the finer structure of the nervous system in disease and in cases of intoxication suggest that histologic changes in the central neurons may be found to result from poisoning by these substances. Changes of this kind (thick- ening, contraction, or disappearance of dendrites, etc.) have been described in the gray matter of animals poisoned with alcohol and certain toxins of bacterial origin. It is not unlikely that similar changes will be found in other cases. Among the nerve-poisons are alcohol, chloroform, ether, and various alkaloids like morphin, atropin, etc. In this same group might be included some of the poisons contained in the venom of serpents and other animals, but these frequently cause definite lesions in the blood or tissues of the body. Another group of poisons of similar action are those produced within the body by putrefactive action or in various foodstuffs before ingestion. Fre- quently cases have been observed in which all the members of a family or even large numbers of people have been poisoned by eating certain meats, sausages, ice-cream, and other foods. In some of these cases it has been found that the toxic element was a basic compound resembling the alkaloids in chemical structure. To these putrefactive compounds the name ptomain is given. One of these compounds, which occurs in cheese, and occasion- ally in milk, has been termed tyrotoxicon. Intoxications of this class must be distinguished from infections resulting from the use of food contaminated with micro-organisms. The symp- toms may be so rapidly developed (absence of incubation period) and so immediately generalized that the distinction can be arrived at clinically, but the absolute diagnosis is made bac- teriologically. A considerable number of ptomains have been separated, in- cluding neurin, obtained from putrid flesh ; muscarin and ethy- lendiamin, derived from decayed fish ; mydalein, and mydatoxin. Some of these substances produce toxic results indistinguishable clinically from those produced by certain alkaloids. This fact has become one of great importance in medicolegal investigations. BACTERIA AND PARASITES. Bacteria are by far the most important causes of disease. The belief in a living cause or contagium vivum is by no means a recent acquisition, but the actual demonstration that diseases may be caused by minute living organisms has only recently been reached. The micro-organisms in question belong for the most part to the vegetable kingdom and constitute the lowest orders of 30 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. fungi. Their biologic characters and their relations to special diseases will be described in a subsequent chapter. Etiologic Relationship of Bacteria to Disease. — It is difficult to prove the specific relation of bacteria to disease. Koch has laid down four important laws which must be conformed with before the etiologic importance of a bacterium is admitted. These are : (1) the bacterium must be found in the diseased person ; (2) it must be cultivatable upon media outside the body ; (3) pure cultures introduced into a healthy animal must produce the dis- ease in the animal ; and (4) the bacterium must be recoverable from the body of the animal. In a number of diseases micro- organisms have been proved to be the specific causes according to the requirements of Koch's rules. In other diseases it has not been possible to furnish absolute proof, though the presump- tive evidence, furnished by constant occurrence of the bacteria, suggestive association with the lesions of the disease, absence of the bacteria in other diseases, etc., is sufficient to satisfy all but the most sceptical. Classification of Diseases due to Bacteria. — The general term infections disease is applied to all such as are caused by bacteria. In some cases the diseases are readily communicated from person to person, even though contact has not been immediate. These are termed contagious diseases, while the term noncontagious is given to those in which such ready transference is not observed. As a matter of fact, the distinction is artificial. Any infectious disease may be communicated from the diseased to the healthy if the germs or bacteria are transferred. In some diseases this trans- ference readily occurs, even through the air and at considerable distances ; in others actual contact is necessary ; while in still others secretions or excretions of the diseased must be conveyed to the healthy. Contagiousness is therefore a matter of degree only. Infectious diseases may at times spread in communities, affect- ing large numbers of people. Such a dissemination is termed epidemic, and the disease an epidemic disease. Other infections are constantly present in a locality; for such the terms endemic and endemic disease are used. Some endemic diseases are restricted to certain localities and seem in some measure dependent upon local conditions (of atmosphere, soil, etc.) for their continuance. These are called miasmatic diseases. Infectious diseases are frequently described as local or general. Local infections are those that present specific pathologic change in a restricted area ; the general organism suffers more or less in con- sequence. Examples of this are erysipelas and diphtheria. Gen- eral infections are marked by an immediately generalized disease, as in typhoid fever. These terms, like others, are much less appli- cable at the present time than formerly. Among purely local DISORDERS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM. 31 infections might be named the diseases of the skin due to vege- table micro-organisms. Entrance of Micro-organisms into the Body. — Bacteria may be inhaled or swallowed, may enter through abrasions in the mucous membranes or skin, and may be transferred in utero from the maternal to the fetal blood. The mode of entrance in individual diseases depends upon the nature of the bacterium, its habitat, and surrounding conditions. Some may enter in but one way ; others gain access in any of the different ways. Details regarding this subject will be given in the discussion of special infections. Animal parasites of various kinds act as causes of disease. This group of diseases is termed the parasitic diseases or invasion diseases. In some instances the clinical course is similar to that of infectious diseases (malaria, dysentery, trichinosis) ; in other cases the manifestations bear little resemblance to infections. CHAPTER II. DISORDERS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM. Food. — In the life of the organism certain substances are needed for the repair of tissues consumed in the wear and tear of life and to supply heat and other energy. Among these foods are proteids, carbohydrates, fats, inorganic salts, and water. A con- tinuance of normal existence requires more or less definite propor- tions of the first three and at least a sufficiency of salts and water. The amount of food and the exact proportions vary somewhat in individual cases and under varying circumstances. Voit found that a laboring man under ordinary conditions requires 118 g. of proteid, 56 g. of fats, and 500 g. of carbohydrates. The proteids of the diet are necessary to restore tissue-waste, since the organ- ism cannot build up proteids from simpler compounds. This con- sumes part of the nitrogenous foodstuffs. The rest, with the fats and carbohydrates, is mainly useful in contributing energy. Diminished Supply of Food ; Inanition ; Starvation.— Either the want of food or disorder of the gastro-intestinal tract may lead to insufficient nourishment. This causes a loss of body weight, as the necessary heat-producing and energy-giving sub- stances must be supplied to maintain life, and the tissues are con- sumed for this purpose. The carbohydrates (glycogen of liver and muscles) and fats suffer first and most profoundly, and unimportant parts are reduced before the vital structures are attacked. The subcutaneous and other adipose tissues and the muscles first waste, then the liver, bones, heart, etc. 32 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. The functions of various organs suffer greatly : the respirations and heart-action are weak, muscular exertions are reduced to a minimum, the endurance and nervous force decline, and finally death may occur from exhaustion or secondary affections conse- quent upon the disturbed nutrition (see Acid-intoxication). The blood in starvation preserves its corpuscular richness surprisingly, even after prolonged abstinence. This is doubtless due to loss or evaporation of liquid ; the actual number of corpuscles probably suffers reduction. Increased Supply of Food; Overfeeding. — The effect of this depends upon individual conditions, such as the amount of exercise, the surrounding temperature, and less easily demonstrable peculiarities of the individual. An excess of proteid food leads to increased excretion of the end-product of its metabolism — urea. A very small proportion may contribute to building up a reserve amount of albuminous tissue. Great excess of proteid eventually disturbs digestion and leads to its discharge with the feces. The carbohydrates and fats are broken up in the body and ex- creted mainly as carbonic acid and water. An excess of these foods tends to cause increased deposition of reserve fat and gly- cogen, which may be called upon at subsequent times of need. This deposition is a normal or physiologic process and has the distinct purpose just indicated. Exceptionally in the condition called obesity the storing up of fat is inordinate and probably pathologic. Obesity. — The origin of fat is still a subject of controversy among physiologists. According to the oldest view, the fat of the body is derived from that of the food, and the possibility of this has actually been demonstrated. Under ordinary circumstances, however, but little if any of the fat is so produced. Another school of physiologists maintained that the proteids of the food break up into a nitrogenous and a non-nitrogenous part, the former being finally excreted as urea and other substances or repairing the tissue-waste, the latter part contributing energy or forming fat. At the present time it must be admitted that though proteids may possibly form fat in this manner, the actual demonstration is still wanting. The main source of fat is certainly the carbohydrates of the food. Causes of Obesity. — Excessive ingestion of food by persons •having active digestion and leading sedentary lives may occasion unusual deposition of fat. It is difficult, however, to determine the limits between physiologic and pathologic fatness. In some cases patients assert that the amount of food has not been exces- sive, and this may be actually true. Obesity in such individuals is undoubtedly pathologic and due to some inherent abnormality of metabolism. A further proof of the existence of such a ten- dency is seen in certain families, in which excessive fatness is DISORDERS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM. 33 common, even in childhood. The nature of this metabolic dis- order is obscure. It has often been held that the power of oxida- tion is lacking, and, as u matter of course, the amount of oxygen consumed is deficient in comparison with the amount of food in- gested. This must be true, or the fat could not accumulate ; but it remains to be shown whether the diminished oxygen-consump- tion is the primary cause or only an incident in the disease. Pathologic Anatomy. — The excessive adipose tissue in this disease is found in the skin and subcutaneous tissues, in the omen- tum and peritoneum, around the kidneys, heart, and mediastinal tissues, in the liver, and less commonly elsewhere. The amount varies from slight excess to monstrous deposits. Secondary changes in the organs (notably the heart-muscle) may be due to pressure or functional inactivity. Associated Conditions. — Fatness is more or less closely re- lated to certain other diseases of metabolism, such as diabetes and gout. Anemia is frequently present and has sometimes been re- garded as a cause, operating by reducing oxidation. (Further discussion of this subject is included under Fatty Infiltration.) Excessive Tissue-destruction. — This has been referred to in connection with inanition ; but it may occur as a condition in- dependent of the amount of food ingested. Among the conditions in which this is observed may be mentioned fever, infectious or of other forms ; chronic infectious diseases, with or without fever ; tumors, especially carcinoma ; intoxications of various sorts ; some cases of Graves' disease, etc. In all of these conditions the fats of the body may waste as in simple inanition ; but there is an early and marked tendency to consumption of the more important pro- teid substances. This latter consumption may proceed along physiologic lines, or there may be distinctly pathologic modifica- tions sometimes leading to serious results (see Acid-intoxication). The nature of the metabolic disturbances in these cases is ob- scure, though it is likely that toxic substances of various sorts are the direct causes. This is most probable in the case of direct in- toxications (phosphorus), but is also supported by other facts. In Graves' disease and carcinoma, as well as in fevers, there are doubtless poisonous substances in the blood, but whether these are the causes of the metabolic changes or not requires further study. The fact that thyroid extract is capable of causing excessive de- struction of tissue in normal or obese persons is significant in this connection. Acid-intoxication.— In the final metabolic transformation of proteids there are produced ammonium, urea, uric acid, kreat- inin, and other nitrogenous substances. The formation of urea is still obscure in some particulars. It is certain that a large part is produced in the liver, and it is probable that some is formed in the muscles. The intermediate steps in the manufacture of urea 34 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. have not been definitely determined, but it is known that the liver is capable of converting ammonium salts directly into urea, and it is probable that ammonium is an important intermediate product of proteid transformation. An excess of acids in the body (either from introduction from without or production in the body) is in part neutralized by ammonium, and in consequence the urea of the urine decreases and the ammonium salts are increased. The quantity of such salts is therefore in a measure an indication of the condition which has been termed acid-intoxication. In part the neutralization of acids is effected by the fixed alkalies of the body, and thus occurs the reduced alkalinity of the blood and juices of the body. Experimental acid-intoxication is easily produced in animals by feeding them with foods deprived of alkaline bases, or by direct administration of acid. In the former case the acids resulting from transformation of food and tissues must be neutralized by the alkalies of the body ; in the latter case there is direct excess of acid. Such acid-intoxication is readily produced in herbivorous animals, as the amount of proteid food is small and in consequence but little ammonium is produced. Various nervous symptoms are ol (served. The animal breathes quickly, the pulse grows rapid, muscular weakness, ataxia, and tremor develop, and finally coma or collapse terminates the disease. The administration of alkalies may completely arrest the progress of the condition and full restoration may occur. Acid-intoxication in Man. — Somewhat similar symptoms are seen in man in certain diseases in which increased elimination of ammonium with decrease of urea, decreased alkalinity of the blood, and the excretion in the urine of certain organic acids have been discovered. The assumption is warranted that these are cases of acid-intoxication. Etiology. — Among the diseases in which this occurs are fever, diabetes, carcinoma, acute yellow atrophy of the liver, severe anemia, phosphorus-poisoning, advanced gastro-intestinal disease, and inanition. Sometimes no discoverable cause can be detected (cryptogenetic acid-intoxication). In these conditions abnormal metabolism leads to excess of various acids, such as lactic, sarcolactic, sulphuric, phosphoric, diacetic, and /9-oxybutyric acid. These in part combine with the fixed alkalies and with ammonium, and in part are excreted as such. Some, as sarcolactic acid, usually suffer decomposition in the body, and are therefore rarely met with in the urine. The origin of the acids of the fatty acid series has been the subject of much controversy. Undoubtedly they may be derived from the non-nitrogenous part of proteids, and in most of the diseases above enumerated this is probably the case ; but they may be formed from carbohydrates as well. The increase of diacetic DISORDERS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM. 35 and /3-oxybutyric acids in cases of diabetes when small amounts of carbohydrates are supplied, and their decrease when the carbo- hydrates are increased, point to the fact that destructive consump- tion of proteids is the important source, though it may not be the only or invariable source. There is always reduction of oxidation in cases of acid-intoxi- cation, but it is not known whether this is the primary disturb- ance, or whether it is but an accompaniment. Experimentally it has been shown by several observers that diminution in the supply of oxygen will lead to increase of these acids. They probably owe their presence to the failure of the normal oxidation which would reduce such bodies to simple excretory products. Other substances may result from the same tissue-destruction with insufficient oxi- dation. Among these are the amido-bodies, leucin and tyrosin, found in the urine in phosphorus-poisoning and acute yellow atrophy of the liver as well as in other conditions. Symptoms. — The symptoms of acid-intoxication in man may be quite similar to those seen in experiments upon animals. De- pression, stupor, and deep coma (coma carcinomatosum, diabeti- cum) are some of the more pronounced manifestations. The pro- duction of these may be direct or indirect. In diabetes it is generally held that the diacetic and oxybutyric acids are harmless, but that the acetone derived from them causes the violent symp- toms. Aside from such direct action acid-intoxication may effect its results by lessening the alkalinity of the blood and abstracting fixed alkalies from the fluids of the body. Formation of Albumoses. — In disturbed conditions of metabolism albumoses, or probably very rarely peptone, are formed. The causes which lead to the presence of these substances in the blood and their excretion in the urine are numerous. Fever of all kinds may be attended by this condition, and it may occur in the course of suppurations, or other forms of tissue-destruction (acute yellow atrophy, phosphorus-poisoning). It is found in ulceration of the gastro-intestinal tract, and in some cases of new growths. The presence of albumoses in osteomalacia has long been recognized. In all cases there is rapid tissue-destruction in which the albu- mins become hydrated, forming some variety or varieties of albu- moses, and possibly in rare cases peptone. Formerly the term peptonuria was generally used to designate what is now called albu- mosuria. The presence of albumoses in the blood causes no well recognized results. It is known that they retard coagulability, and their ingestion often causes leukocytosis. It is very likely that they have other effects, but these are obscure. The term peptone is now quite generally limited to the final hydration product according to the definition of Kiihne. The peptone of Briicke includes certain bodies now recognized as albumoses. 36 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Alloxin Bases and Uric Acid. — The investigations of recent years have shown that these substances are derived from the nuclein of cellular nuclei. The alloxin bases, xanthin, guanin, adenin, and hypoxanthin, are intermediary products which partially or largely become oxidized to uric acid. Normally the amount of uric acid is far in excess of that of the bases. Some of the uric acid may become further oxidized, with formation of urea. The great source of these products is cellular destruction, and especially that of the leukocytes. Abnormally large quantities are found in the urine in leukemia and in some cases of leukocytosis ; and in a measure the substances furnish an indication of leukocytic destruc- tion. The kind of diet may influence the amount of these bodies, according as it is rich or poor in cellular tissue. The attempt to establish a relationship between certain disorders (headaches, mi- graine, etc.) and increased production of alloxin bases has not as yet proved satisfactory. A disease in some way dependent upon or associated with ab- normal formation of uric acid and alloxin bases is gout. Gout. — In its typical form gout is a paroxysmal disease marked by deposits of urates in the joints and other structures, and by coincident or consequent inflammatory disturbances. There are many varieties, however, of irregular gout in which the par- oxysms may be partly or wholly wanting and in which the disease takes the form of a general systemic disorder, or of organic mala- dies of various sorts. Etiology.— Gout is essentially a hereditary affection, the heredity not rarely being polymorphous. By this is meant that in certain families gout and other diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and arterial sclerosis, may occur interchangeably. Gout usually de- velops in the later years of life, and among the contributing causes are the use of alcohol, overeating, sedentary life, and chronic lead- poisoning. Pathologic Anatomy. — The conspicuous anatomic lesions are those of the joints, and consist of the deposit of urate of sodium in the cartilages and connective tissue, and secondary inflammatory changes. The latter may cause great distortion and fibrous over- growth. Similar urate deposits may occur in the cartilages of the ear, eye, and nose, and in the subcutaneous connective tissue or elsewhere. These deposits, called the gouty tophi, may subse- quently disappear by absorption or by discharging through the skin. Cirrhosis in various organs and tissues of the body fre- quently occurs in the course of gout. Among these the cirrhotic or gouty kidney is most important. Atheroma, cirrhosis of the liver, hypertrophy and fibroid change in the heart, and chronic valvular disease are also frequent. Pathogenesis. — According to the older theory of gout, the dis- ease is due to increased quantities of uric acid in the blood. Re- DISORDERS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM. 37 cent investigations warrant a return to this view. The uric-acid excretion of the urine has been found to decrease markedly during a few days before an attack, and the assumption is warranted that the acid accumulates in the blood, and is then deposited in the tissues. Prior to the deposits local cellular necroses are believed by many to be necessary for the deposit, and these necroses have been attributed to the excessive amount of acid. Proof is wanting, however, to show that excessive quantities of uric acid are capable of causing such degenerations or necrosis. In some cases trauma- tism may play a part in localizing the gouty precipitations ; in most cases, however, the cause is obscure. The causes of the increased production of uric acid and the exact mechanism of this abnormal formation are still obscure. An old theory that diminished oxidation in the tissues is the immediate cause is no longer tenable ; and a newer view which asserts that the accumulation is the result of failure of the renal function has not been established. Glycosuria and Diabetes. — A certain amount of grape sugar occurs in the blood and urine of normal persons. The quantity in the blood varies from 0.1 to 0.2 per cent. Notable increase above these figures constitutes a pathologic condition, glyeemia. Sometimes other forms of sugar, as levulose, occur in the blood and urine. When there is sufficient sugar in the urine to be discoverable by the ordinary tests the condition is pathologic, and is termed glycosuria. This may be transient and trivial in character, or a manifestation of a definite diseased condition called diabetes. The disposition made of carbohydrates by the animal body is not definitely known in all particulars. It is certain, however, that these substances are deposited in the liver and in the muscles in the form of glycogen, that they form fats, and are in part con- sumed by oxidation. The deposit of glycogen is of the nature of a reserve store, the system thus being prepared for intervals of abstinence. The glycogen is gradually discharged from these tissues, and thus the quantity of sugar in the blood is maintained at a more or less constant level. Alimentary glycosuria is a term applied to glycosuria occurring in healthy or diseased persons as a result of excess of carbohydrate food. It is easily produced by the administration of considerable quantities of milk-sugar, levulose, cane-sugar, or glucose. The drinking of beer seems to aid particularly in its development. The explanation of this condition seems a simple one. The organism is unable to store up or consume the amount of carbo- hydrates administered, and the excess is therefore discharged through the kidneys. The ease with which such glycosuria is developed differs in different individuals, and researches have been made to determine the conditions that favor its development. The 38 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. liver in particular has been suspected as the organ most likely inefficient in these cases, but thus far no definite facts have been learned ; and the role of this organ has probably been exag- gerated. Experimental glycosuria, produced by administration of phlorid- zin, offers several puzzling facts for consideration. It shows that excess of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia) is not a necessary condition for the occurrence of glycosuria. After administration of phloridzin, a glucoside which contains about 40 per cent, of sugar, there is no excess of sugar in the blood, but glucose appears in the urine, and indeed more than could have been produced by the entire quantity of phloridzin administered. This shows that there is abstraction of sugar from the reserve stores in the body. It is not unlikely that the renal cells play a part in the occurrence of this unusual excretion ; and this fact, together with the dis- appearance of sugar from the urine in the late stages of some eases of diabetes, when renal disease has occurred, has suggested to some the possibility of renal forms of glycosuria and diabetes. This view, however, has not yet been established. Clinical Causes of Glycosuria. — Glucose appears in the urine in many conditions, including various infectious diseases, various intoxications, and concussion, injury, or disease of the central nervous system, especially the Moor of the fourth ventricle. Diabetes is a disease in which polyuria and glycosuria are marked symptoms. It is not improbable that the term includes disorders of quite different sorts, but no differentiation of such is possible at the present time. A mild and a severe form are dis- tinguished, and these present some striking differences, to which reference will be made below. Etiology. — Diabetes is frequently a hereditary disease, occurring in families in which the same disease or obesity and gout have occurred. The Jews seem particularly liable to it. Overeating and sedentary life are causes of some importance, especially of the milder form. Sometimes abnormal conditions of the nervous system may be the underlying cause. Among these are functional depressions, as in cases of excessive grief; traumatic injuries with concussion of the brain ; and local diseases at the base of the brain in the vicinity of the medulla. In some cases disease of the pan- creas is the probable cause. Diabetes may occur in the young or after middle life, the milder cases more frequently occurring at the latter period. Pathogenesis. — In the milder cases of diabetes the same ex- planation may be applicable as that given for glycosuria, viz., the liver and muscles do not store up the carbohydrates carried to them, and the excess of sugar is not burned up in the tissues. Hyperglycemia with consequent glycosuria results. In these cases the withdrawal of carbohydrate food or temporary abstinence from DISORDERS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM. 39 all food causes the disappearance of the glycosuria. In severe cases this explanation is not entirely applicable, since the amount of glucose in the urine is often but little affected by abstinence from carbohydrate food or even by starvation. It is quite certain that in these severe cases the carbohydrate moiety of the proteids of the food or tissues furnishes the sugar excreted in the urine. In normal individuals and even in those suffering with mild dia- betes the carbohydrates thus liberated by proteid decomposition are stored up as glycogen or fat, or burned up in the tissues. Glycosuria does not therefore occur, according to this view, which is held by many. Severe and mild diabetes differ only in degree — in one case the power to consume sugars is greatly deficient ; in the other, only moderately so. The nature of the metabolic disturbances that lead to this inability to dispose of carbohydrates is still very obscure. The old theory, that there is a lack of oxidating power, is disposed of by the experimental demonstration that oxidation may be nor- mally active. The influence of the nervous system is undoubted. Reference may here be made to the occurrence of diabetes after puncture of certain parts of the brain (medulla). At one time this was thought to act through the vasomotor mechanism, con- gestion and disturbance of function of the liver being regarded as the important consequence of vasomotor derangement. At the present time the part played by the liver is considered less im- portant. No plausible explanation of the rdle of the nervous system in the etiology of diabetes has been presented. Older pathologic studies showed that diseases of the pancreas are frequently associated with diabetes ; and recent experimental investigations emphasize this relationship. Removal of the pan- creas in the lower animals causes diabetes. It has not, however, been shown in what way pancreatic disease or ablation acts, though Lepine and others believe that the pancreas elaborates a glucose- destroying (glycolytic) ferment, whose absence under the conditions named causes accumulation of sugars in the blood and consequent glycosuria. Unfortunately, this view is not confirmed by the ex- periments of others ; and the theory is certainly not generally applicable, since diabetes may occur without discoverable disease of the pancreas. Metabolism in Diabetes. — The essential facts are the inability of the body to consume carbohydrates for the production of energy. This leads, sooner or later, to destruction of the proteids of the body with increased excretion of urea. Emaciation may be prevented for a time by increased consumption of proteid food, but eventually occurs. , In the destruction of the proteids of the food and tissues acids are formed in excess (phosphoric from the phosphorus, sul- phuric from the sulphur, /3- oxybutyria and diacetic from the non- nitrogenous part of the albumins), and the condition termed acid- 40 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. intoxication (see above) results. A consequence, and to some extent a measure, of this is the increased excretion of ammonium salts in the urine. The uric acid of the urine is hut little increased in diabetes. Acetone, a derivative of j0-oxybutyric and diacetic acid-, and possibly (though not probably) these acids themselves, may occasion still further proteid destruction by direct toxic ac- tion. Acetone is certainly the important element in the production of diabetic coma. Pathologic Anatomy. — Aside from the lesions already referred to as in some way related to the causation of the disease, there are found pathologic changes of various kinds that result from it. The lesions of gout (arteriosclerosis and cirrhotic kidneys) may be of the nature of mere concomitants, or may be direct results of diabetes. Renal diseases are of peculiar interest. Late in diabetes albuminuria frequently develops and interstitial nephritis may fol- low. When this occurs the glycosuria and other symptoms of diabetes sometimes subside. The explanation of this is obscure (see under Glycosuria). Changes in the liver (cirrhosis) have often been found, and have been regarded as causative in some cases. A peculiar form of diabetes with hepatic disease and general icteroid staining of the skin and other tissues lias been described under the title diabete bronze. Skin eruptions (eczema, furuncles, carbuncles) are frequent in certain forms of diabetes ; and gangrene of the extremities is common. Pneu- monia and pulmonary tuberculosis are among the frequent devel- opments of late stages of the disease. Chronic endocarditis, neu- ritis, and cataract are comparatively rare lesions. The blood in diabetes is less alkaline than normal and contains an excess of solid matter, particularly when great polyuria has led to inspis- sation. Oxalliria. — This term is, strictly speaking, applicable only to increase of oxalic acid in the urine, but is usually employed for cases in wbich crystals of oxalate of lime are found abundant in the urine. The normal maximum of oxalic acid is 20 mgr. for twenty-four hours. It has been sometimes held that oxaluria is a result of deficient oxidation of the carbohydrates or of the albumins of the body, but this theory has not been established. True oxaluria determined by chemical estimation of the total excretion of oxalic acid bas been found in jaundice and in some cases of diabetes. The authors who have argued in favor of a specific disease marked by nervous symptoms and oxaluria based their observations on the presence of an excess of oxa- late sediment, rather than on chemical examinations. Increased sediment occurs in certain instances of gout in which the oxalates alternate with uric acid or coexist with this. Phosphaturia. — This term should be restricted to increased excretion of phosphoric acid, rather than to the presence of increased phosphate sedi- ment in the urine. The latter may be due simply to want of acidity of the urine. The daily maximum of phosphoric acid with ordinary diet is from 3.5 to 4 g. The "term phosphaturia might also he applied to cases in which no absolute excess of phosphoric acid is found, but in which this substance is relatively in excess when compared with the excretion of nitrogen. The DISORDERS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM. 41 normal proportions are from 17 to 20 parts of phosphoric acid for 100 parts of nitrogen. Phosphaturia in the sense just described has been found in some cases of inanition. Decided increase in the phosphatic excretion, ab- solute as well as relative, occurs in some cases of diabetes ; also in cases of tuberculosis and disease of the bones, such as ostitis and osteomyelitis. The term diabetes phosphaticus has been used by Teissier for phosphaturia in the sense of increased total excretion, and four varieties have been described : (a) cases with polyuria and marked nervous symptoms ; {b) cases preceding or accompanying pulmonary diseases, especially tuberculosis ; (c) cases in which phosphaturia alternates with or coexists with glycosuria ; and (d) cases in which oxaluria, polyuria, and slight albuminuria are present and in which there is some relationship with gout. The nature of the metabolic disturbances in phosphaturia are obscure. Sometimes the disorder of metabolism seems to be merely quantitative, in other cases doubtless qualitative. FEVER. Definition. — It is not easy to define this term accurately, though we may regard as fever a condition in which the tempera- ture of the body is elevated above the normal (98.6° F. ; 37° C.) and in which the tissue-metabolism is altered in the direction of increased consumption. There are cases in which the latter is in- significant or wanting, and there are other instances in which the temperature remains normal or subnormal under influences that ordinarily provoke fever. At the present time, however, elevation of temperature seems a necessary condition to the existence of fever. Nature. — It is important, first, to consider the regulation of the temperature in health. In the normal individual heat is pro- duced in the body by constant oxidation and other metabolic activities, and the excess is dissipated by radiation from the sur- face and the heating or evaporation of excreta. These processes of heat-production and heat-dissipation are regulated in an orderly manner under the influence of the nervous system. Special centers for the production, dissipation, and regulation of heat have been described by the physiologists, though their location and method of operation still remain in doubt. "Whatever the exact mechanism may be found to be, it is quite certain that in some way the ner- vous system exercises a control over production and discharge of heat. The excessive heat of fever may conceivably be due to excess of heat-prod action, diminution of the dissipation, to both of these conditions, or to increase of both with greater excess of production. In most instances of fever in man it appears that production and dissipation are both increased, though the latter is insufficient. The increased production results from increased oxidation and other metabolic processes. A study of the respiratory exchange of gases shows that oxygen is consumed in greater quantity than normally, and the quantity of C0 2 is correspondingly increased. The excess 42 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. may amount to as much as 20 per cent. Investigation of the ex- creta shows at the same time evidences of more or less rapid and extensive tissue- waste. The quantity of nitrogen eliminated is in excess of that consumed in the food ; and wasting of the tissues results. The albuminous elements suffer particularly in the meta- bolic wasting, the decrease of fat being especially dependent on insufficiency of food. Etiology. — The causes of fever doubtless vary greatly. Di- rect exposure to heat does not aifect the temperature more than a fraction of a degree in healthy persons, unless the surrounding temperature is very great. Ordinarily the heat-regulating mech- anism maintains a proper adjustment. Excessive heat may, how- ever, bring on fever, as in the case of sunstroke. Here, it has been held that the heat leads to direct disturbances of the nervous- regulating apparatus ; but recent investigations seem to show that there arc first produced toxic substances which secondarily influ- ence the heat-centers of the brain. In another class of cases still more direct disturbance of heat-regulation seems to occasion fever. Among these cases are the instances of fever in hysteria and other nervous diseases. In the great majority of cases of fever it is quite certain that toxic substances are the cause of the febrile disturbances. These sul (stances may be of quite different sorts. In the case of infections it is known that certain substances contained within the bacteria themselves may cause fever, and that products of the growth of the micro-organisms may have the same effect. The latter are prob- ably bodies of albuminous nature. Other albuminous bodies re- sulting from normal or disturbed metabolism, independent of the action of bacteria, such as albumoses, peptone, tissue-fibrinogen, etc., may be equally potent ; and various ferments, such as pepsin, fibrin-ferment, diastase, etc., are known to have the same power. These facts explain the multiplicity of causes capable of producing fever, as any chemical, mechanical, or bacterial injury of the tis- sues may liberate toxic substances, which in turn act upon the nervous system and occasion the phenomena of fever. Pathologic Results. — Fever is accompanied by or leads to a variety of disorders. The appetite is lost, there is excessive thirst, emaciation is habitual, and the functions of the various organs arc more or less disturbed. To a large extent these results are doubtless due to the presence of toxic substances in the blood and to other changes in this fluid. There is always a tendency to inspissation of the blood, the number of corpuscles being augmented (relatively) and the specific gravity increasing. This is not, how- ever, invariably the case, as destruction of the solid matters of the blood may exceed the loss of liquid. The alkalinity of the blood is more or less reduced by the production of lactic acid or other acids in the tissue-destruction. There is little accurate knowledge DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 43 of the toxic substances in the blood. The original poisons that caused the fever may be toxic for the entire organism, and other poisons may be produced by the elevation of temperature and disturbed metabolism. Definite morbid changes may occur in the various tissues of the body, notably the muscles, heart, liver, and kidneys. Among these changes are cloudy swelling, fatty degeneration, and coagu- lation-necrosis. It is unlikely that these changes are the direct result of the increased temperature. More probably they result from the action of toxic substances generated in the course of the fever. Conservative Bffects of Fever. — While fever occasions many disturbances and leads to various pathologic consequences, it is not improbable that there is a certain measure of usefulness in it. Some authors have called attention to the fact that rapid reduction of the temperature under the influence of antipyretics is often followed by harmful consequences. This does not neces- sarily prove the usefulness of the fever, as the antipyretics are all capable of harm in themselves. A more definite proof of the uses of fever is that obtained by subjecting infected animals to high temperatures or to febrile conditions, and studying the progress of the infection. Under these circumstances it has been found that the course of various infections, such as with the Diplococcus pneumoniae, the bacillus of typhoid fever, and other organisms, is much milder and the consequences less serious than in animals not placed uuder the same conditions. These results agree very well with experiments with bacteria outside the animal body. For example, it is known that many of the bacteria are influenced unfavorably in their growth and virulence by excessive tempera- tures (104° to 107.6° F. ; 40° to 42° C). Whether in the body the temperature affects the micro-organisms directly or indirectly through the production of antitoxic substances, or in other ways, remains unsettled. CHAPTER III. DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. GENERAL DISTURBANCES. The circulation of the blood is maintained by the rhythmic contractions of the auricles and ventricles of the heart, aided by the elasticity of the arteries ; by the compression of the veins by 44 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. the muscles ; and by the suction of* the inspiratory movements of the chest. General disturbances of the circulation result from lessened or excessive heart-power, from arterial disturbances, or from changes in the quantity or character of the blood. Muscular and respira- tory weakness may be contributing causes. Weak Heart. — There are a variety of heart-diseases that may lead to disordered circulation. The muscle itself may be weakened from overstrain, the fevers or other diseases, the action of poisons, or insufficient nourishment as in the anemias, or in narrowing of the coronary artery. The muscle may be soft and cloudy, fatty, or hardened by sclerotic changes. There may be no evident mus- cular disease, but functional weakness of the intracardiac ganglia. The valves or orifices of the heart may be diseased, and regur- gitation or obstruction of the blood-flow results. Sometimes blood-clots form within the heart and similarly cause obstruc- tion of the current. Finally, pericardial effusions or adhesions or tumors pressing upon the heart may seriously disturb its action. The result of the weakened state of the heart must be the accumulation of blood in the venous system. The place of engorgement depends upon the part of the heart specially weak- ened. If the left ventricle fails, the blood backs into the left auricle and the lungs. As long as the right heart maintains its poAver the venous congestion goes no further ; but when this fails repletion of the right auricle and of the systemic veins ensues. When the right heart is first at fault general venous congestion is an earlier manifestation. In all cases the arterial pressure falls and the blood-current is slowed, whereas the venous pressure is increased. Hypostatic Congestion. — In cases of serious weakness of the heart, in which it is quite unable to maintain an active circulation, the blood tends by the force of gravity to sink to dependent parts. This condition is known as hypostatic congestion. It occurs very frequently in low fevers and quite commonly just before slow death resulting from any cause. Dilatation of the vessels from vaso- motor paresis, general muscular weakness, and the failure of vigorous inspiratory efforts are secondary causes. The blood accumulates in the skin of the back, especially about the buttocks. The skin is of a livid color, but is bloodless over the bony points; the tissues tend to become sodden from transu- dation of liquid from the blood-vessels. Sloughing and gan- grene (bedsores) may result. Internally, hypostatic congestion affects the lungs particularly, and a form of pneumonia may follow. Post-mortem lividity is allied to hypostatic congestion. After death the blood gravitates to the dependent parts and accumulates DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 45 especially in the veins, as the arteries contract as soon as the heart- action ceases. Sudden and complete failure of the heart leads to anemia of the brain and syncope, which may prove fatal if not instantly relieved. Overaction of the heart is less frequent. Temporary over- action occasions increased activity of the circulation and eleva- tion of blood-pressure, sometimes sufficient to cause hemorrhage. More prolonged overaction due to overwork, to excessive feeding, or to nervous stimulation, as in Graves's disease, causes hyper- trophy of the left ventricle, and later of the whole organ. In consequence the circulation may be more or less permanently over- active. Arterial Disorders. — Both organic and nervous disturbances are important. Of the organic disturbances the most frequent is sclerosis of the arteries, which offers a constant impediment to the arterial circulation. Hypertrophy of the heart overcomes the ob- stacle, but when the heart fails venous congestions and dropsy en- sue. Sclerosis may also affect the veins, but much less commonly. Local diseases of the aorta, as congenital narrowing, compression by enlarged glands or tumors, aneurysms, and blood-clots may obstruct the flow of blood to the arteries, and thereby cause stagnation of the blood in the heart, lungs, and venous system. Vasomotor disturbances are dependent upon the nervous system. Under the influence of certain diseases of the nervous system or of poisons (as carbonic acid gas in asphyxia) acting locally on the vessels or upon the vasomotor center in the brain, contraction of the smaller arterioles occurs ; and in consequence the blood-press- ure is greatly elevated, the heart is impeded, and venous conges- tion results. On the other hand, the arterioles may distend from vasomotor paresis, the blood-pressure falls, and unless the heart is active there is a tendency to hypostatic congestion. Changes in the Blood. — Increase and decrease of the quantity of the blood are generally merely passing conditions to which the circulation readily adapts itself by dilatation or con- traction of the vessels. Sudden losses of blood, if large, may be fatal by syncope. Smaller losses are soon repaired by absorption of water from the tissues and by regeneration of blood. Increases in the quantity of the blood by ingestion of liquids never disturb the circulation greatly. Rapid excretion soon reduces the quantity to the normal. Changes in the character of the blood affect the circulation greatly. The accumulation of carbonic acid and probably other effete products of tissue-change impede the flow by exciting vaso- motor contraction. This is probably brought about by the action of the poisons on the terminal nerve-filaments in the blood-vessels or directly on the walls of the vessels. This is the best explana- 46 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. tion of the increase of pressure in cases of Bright's disease without arteriosclerosis. The poisons in this ease are the retained renal excreta, LOCAL HYPEREMIA. Local hyperemia is increase in the quantity of blood in a part of the body. This may be due to increase of the flow to that part, or to obstruction of the outflow. The former is called active or arterial hyperemia or congestion; the latter, passive or venous lii/jii rem id. Active hyperemia occurs in organs during periods of func- tional activity, the increased blood-supply here being due to increased demand for nutrition. Pathologically, active hyperemia is due to causes which lead to dilatation of the arteries of a certain part. This dilatation may be due to influences acting through the vasomotor nervous system or to local affections of the vessel-walls. The vasomotor nervous system may be affected at its center in the medulla or peripherally. The latter is seen when the sympathetic perves, which contain vasoconstrictor fibers, are severed or com- pressed by tumors, the vessel-walls thereby becoming paralyzed [neuroparalytic hyperemia). On the other hand, the vasodilator fibers in the spinal nerves may be stimulated, as in certain cases of neuritis, with a similar result {neurotonic hyperemia). Direct injury to the vessel-walls by heat, traumatism, inflammation, drugs, or by the vascular fatigue following temporary stoppage of circulation, is a frequent cause. Active hyperemia is spoken of as collateral when anemia in one part leads to overfilling of the vessels of an adjoining or even distant part. The hyperemic area is bright red in color, the temperature is elevated, and there is slight swelling. After death the distended arteries and capillaries may contract and the part grows paler. Arterial hyperemia Is one of the phenomena of beginning inflam- mation, and in any case if prolonged may terminate in inflam- mation. Functional activity is increased by moderate conges- tions. Passive hyperemia is due to impediments to the outflow of the blood through the veins. This may be brought about by compression of veins by tumors, by thickening of their walls, or by thrombi within. Little disturbance results from obstruction 01 a small vein, because of the freedom of collateral circulation, provided the heart is active. In cases of weak heart-power, how- ever, slight obstructions may determine local venous hyperemia, or by gravity alone the blood may sink to dependent parts. The latter constitutes hypostatic congestion (see page 44). Areas the seat of passive hyperemia are dark red (cyanosis) and lowered in temperature. The veins are distended, and very soon DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 47 the watery elements of the blood transude and the part becomes edematous and swollen. In severe cases red blood-corpuscles escape by diapedesis. Later fatty de- generation results from the imperfect ___. _- '^~i?"^--^- .-? nutrition of the tissues ; or even ne- :^ ^ -'; ~ : ^^^^: ; crosis and gangrene may occur. In ; . gS long-continued moderate passive hy- peremia overgrowth of connective tis- sue and pigmentation of the tissue by broken-down blood-corpuscles is ob- served (brown induration). Complete stoppage of the circula- tion in a localized area is called stasis (Fig. 1). This may be an extreme grade of passive hyperemia. The blood- corpuscles accumulate in the small ves- sels (arteries, capillaries, and veins) and the plasma is slowly pressed out of the vessels or onward. There results a filling of the vessel with a homogene- ous red material, which is composed of the red corpuscles so closely packed as to be indistinguishable. On relief of the stasis the corpuscles become free again. Stasis may also be produced by chemical agents which rapidly withdraw the plasma from the vessels, leaving the corpus- cles unable to circulate ; or similarly by rapid evaporation of the liquor sanguinis from internal structures (as the peritoneum) ex- posed to the air. Passive congestion of any grade and stasis interfere with func- tional activity in two ways : by the reduction of nutrition of the cells and by the pressure exercised upon them by the accumulating blood and serum. Fig. 1.— Stasis of blood in the superficial vessels in a case of val- vular disease and heart-failure (modified from Ziegler). LOCAL ANEMIA. Local anemia or ischemia is the condition in which a tissue contains less than its proper quantity of blood. This may be direct when it results from causes obstructing the flow into the arteries, or collateral when it is due to withdrawal of blood into hyperemic areas in other parts. of the body. Of the causes acting directly, pressure is the most frequent. There may be general pressure upon an organ or localized area of the body, as in the application of elastic bandages ; or pressure upon the vessels within the tissue itself, as in amyloid disease, the amyloid sub- stance compressing the arteries and capillaries, or there may be direct compression of an artery by tumors. The circulation in an JS TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. artery may be impeded by sclerosis of the vessel-walls and by emboli or thrombi within the vessel. Local anemia of moderate or even severe grade may be due to nervous influences acting through the vasomotor system, as in the earlier manifestations of Raynaud's disease. Collateral anemia is well illustrated by the anemia of the brain occurring in animals in which the splanchnic nerves have been cut, with the consequent production of ab- dominal hyperemia. When ischemia is due to obstruction of a single vessel the circulation is generally soon restored by collateral anastomosis; the collateral ves- sels sometimes reach considerable dimen- sions (Fig. 2). When an artery which has few anastomoses and which soon splits up into capillaries is obstructed the phenom- ena of infarction (see page 53) ensue. An anemic area is pale, reduced in size and temperature, and functionally less ac- tive than normal. If the condition per- sists, fatty degeneration and necrosis result. When a severe local anemia is relieved it is apt to be followed by hyperemia of the same area, due to exhaustion or degenerative weakness of the vessel-walls. Fig. 2.— Anastomoses three months after ligation of the femoral artery ofa dogi Porta (. HEMORRHAGE. By hemorrhage is meant the escape of the several con- stituents of the blood from the blood-vessels. It is said to be arterial) venous, or capillary according to the vessel from which the flow of blood takes place, and parenchymatous when it comes from all of the vessels. Hemorrhage may occur either by dia- pedesis and extravasation through intact vessels (hemorrhage per diapedesim) or by actual rupture of a vessel {hemorrhage per rhexin). The former process is seen only in the capillaries and smaller veins j the latter occurs mainly in the arteries and veins. Diapedesis and Emigration. — ruder normal conditions a certain number of white corpuscles by virtue of their ameboid movements escape from the capillaries, and become wandering cells which move about in the tissues or are carried by the lymph- stream. This process is called emigration. There is at the same time some transudation of plasma, which, with the leukocytes, enters the lymphatic circulation, ruder certain abnormal condi- tions the red corpuscles also pass through the vessel-wall and col- lect in the tissues. This is known as diapedesis (Fig. 3). It may be studied very readily under the microscope in the mesentery of a DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 49 living frog. It is noticed that the red corpuscles approach certain parts of the wall of the capillary or vein and become fixed ; then a small projection appears outside the vessel, opposite the corpus- cle, and as this increases the corpuscle within grows smaller, until the whole body has gradually passed through. Not rarely several -Diapedesis of the red blood-corpuscles through (after Thoma). capillary of a frog's tongue corpuscles pass through in one mass ; as has been particularly noted by Thoma. Outside the vessel the corpuscle at once as- sumes its ordinary shape. Diapedesis was first studied by Strieker and Cohnheim. Arnold, whose investigations are most important, first believed that the emergence of the red corpuscles takes place through orifices or stomata ; but later recognized, as is now generally believed, that the supposed stomata are merely accumu- lations of intercellular substance in certain places between adjoining endo- thelial cells or at the junction of several cells. The active cause of the extrusion of the red corpuscles is the pressure of the blood. The leukocytes emigrate from the vessel in exactly the same way as the red corpuscles, but mainly by their own ameboid move- ments. At the same time there is a more or less copious outflow of plasma. Diapedesis is readily induced by mechanical compression of a vein, which elevates the blood-pressure ; or it may follow elevation of blood-pressure from any other cause. On the other hand, with normal pressure increased permeability of the vessel-walls may occasion diapedesis. Such degenerative conditions of the vessels may be due to the action of poisons, to various infectious diseases, to moderate traumatism, or to temporary obstruction to the flow of blood into a certain area. Perhaps also altered states of the blood may play a part when both the vessels and pressure are normal. Hemorrhages by diapedesis are generally small and punctate (petechia), but may be quite large, as sometimes in the conjunctiva. Causes of Hemorrhage. — The ordinary form of hemor- rhage per rhexin may be due to traumatism, to diseases of the 50 TEXT-BOOK OF rATHOLOGY. vessels, to increase of the blood-pressure, and to certain vague nervous influences. 1. Traumatic hemorrhage may be due to direct laceration of a vessel <>r t<> contusions which merely weaken the vessel-wall and lead to subsequent rupture. 2. Diseases of the blood-vessels causing hemorrhage generally originate from causes within the vessel, and are due to such con- dition- as poisoning, infectious fevers, cachexias, or the anemias. Among the diseases of the vessels are fatty degeneration of the ultima or media, atheroma, and miliary aneurysm. On the other hand, the outer coat may be eroded by surrounding disease and hemorrhage ensue (hemorrhage per rfiabrosin). This is seen in phthisical cavities in the lungs. 3. Increase of blood-pressure may be absolute or relative. The former occurs from emotional excitement, from hypertrophy of the heart, during paroxysms of whooping-cough, croup, and various convulsive disorders. In asphyxia there is decided increase of blood-pressure both from vasomotor contraction and from the violent muscular efforts. Relative increase of pressure occurs when the pressure external to the vessel is reduced, as in balloon ascension, or in the pleura in cases where during violent inspiratory efforts the air cannot enter the lungs, as in the fetus attempting to breathe during labor. 1. Neuropathic Hemorrhage. — The nervous system exercises a peculiar influence upon the vessels. In cases of apoplexy and epilepsy, of section of the spinal cord, and in other nervous con- dition-, spontaneous hemorrhages from the nose or stomach, or into the lungs, suprarenal bodies, and other organs, are not infrequent. In the same group also are to be reckoned the instances of vicarious hemorrhage due to suppression of the menses, and the remarkable cases of stigmatization. The lust named is a condition in which under nervous exaltation or hysteria spontaneous hemor- rhages occur from various parts of the body, especially from the part- wounded in the crucifixion. 6, The Hemorrhagic Diathesis. — Certain persons present an in- herited tendency to bleed spontaneously or after very trivial injuries. Such persons are known as "bleeders," and the condition as hemo- philia. The exact pathologic condition which occasions the hemorrhages is still uncertain. A hemorrhagic diathesis may also be developed as a result of various diseases, as typhus fever, anthrax, septicemia, or phosphorus-poisoning. The same is ob- served in the Bcvere forms of anemia, like progressive pernicious anemia and leukemia. In these cases altered blood states and disease of the vessel-walls are doubtless the causes at work. Classification of Hemorrhages. — Hemorrhage may occur on free surfaces <>r into the tissues. In the former ease various Mines are applied to designate the locality, such as epUtaxis, nose- DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 51 bleed ; hemoptysis, hemorrhage from the lungs ; hematemesis, from the stomach ; enter or rhagia, from the bowel ; metrorrhagia, uterine hemorrhage between, and menorrhagia at, the menses. Hemorrhages into the tissues take their names from the size and nature of the lesion. A hemorrhagic infiltration beneath a surface, as of the skin or mucous membrane, is called an ecchymosis, which if small and well defined is a 'petechia, but if large and diffuse, a suggillation or suffusion. A distinct accumulation of blood, constituting a veritable blood-tumor, is known as a hema- toma. Infiltrations of a peculiar sort, involving localized portions of a tissue or organ, are known as hemorrhagic infarcts (q. v.). Results of Hemorrhage. — A very large hemorrhage may lead to sudden death by cerebral anemia. More frequently the patient remains unconscious for a time and then slowly recovers. The hemorrhage ceases spontaneously by the diminution in heart- action, by clotting of the blood at the point of rupture, by retrac- tion of the elastic vessels, and by pressure of the surrounding tissues. Blood extravasated in the tissues soon coagulates and subsequently undergoes disorganization, the red corpuscles break- ing down into pigment-matter, which may be carried away or deposited at the seat of hemorrhage. The fluid elements may be completely absorbed, or, stained with coloring-matter, may remain as a cyst. A focus of hemorrhage may set up reactive inflam- mation and lead to encapsulation by new connective tissue. Some- times hemorrhagic accumulations become inspissated and undergo calcification. Blood in the serous sacs does not readily coagulate, but mingles with the normal liquid secretion. It may be grad- ually absorbed or may undergo degenerative changes, especially when infected by micro-organisms. Large hemorrhages cause acute anemia ; repeated small extravasations may lead to profound sec- ondary anemia. (These conditions will be more fully discussed under Diseases of the Blood.) EMBOLISM. Embolism is the process in which foreign bodies of various kinds are carried in the blood and deposited in the smaller arteries or capillaries through which their size does not permit them to pass. The bodies deposited are called emboli. Sources and Nature of Emboli. — The most common form of embolism is that in which portions of thrombi situated in the heart, the large veins of the extremities or pelvis, or on ather- omatous patches in the aorta, are swept into the circulation and lodge in the smaller vessels. Softening of the original thrombus is generally the immediate cause. More rarely portions of a dis- eased heart- valve or of the intima of the heart or arteries, liver or placental cells, or parts of tumors, are carried in the circulation 52 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. and deposited as emboli. Disorganization of the blood may cause embolism of pigment-particles, as in malaria, or of small hyaline masses, as in burns and certain forms of poisoning. In cases of fracture of bones particles of fat may be dislodged from the mar- row and enter the circulation, while in wounds of the large veins of the neck or elsewhere air-embolism is observed. Finally, masses of bacteria, scoliccs of echinococcus, and other parasites are a serious form of emboli. Seats of Embolism. — The final place of lodgement of an embolus depends mainly on its source. Those derived from the general venous circulation are usually carried through the right heart to the lungs, where they occlude branches of the pulmonary artery. Emboli in the portal circulation may lodge in the liver, or pass through the liver to the heart and lungs. In cases of whooping- cough or other conditions attended with increased intrathoracic pressure emboli in the inferior vena cava may be carried in the direction opposite to the usual blood-current, and may be con- veyed into the liver through the hepatic veins. This is known as retrograde embolism. Emboli coming from the left heart or from the aorta are dis- tributed in the general arterial circulation. They are most fre- quently found in the spleen, kidneys, and brain. Other organs or the peripheral vessels may likewise be affected, but the results of embolism are less marked in them and are frequently overlooked. Emboli from the veins may reach the general circulation in cases in which the foramen ovale or septum ventriculorum is perforated (paradoxic embolism), or by being broken up into smaller emboli in the lungs and thus passing through the pulmonary capillaries. The latter is not infrequent in cases of fat-embolism of the lungs. Results of Embolism. — A large embolus may cause sudden death by occluding one of the main branches of the pulmonary artery, one of the coronary arteries, or a large cerebral vessel. If the vessel is not wholly occluded, secondary thrombosis may com- plete the obstruction and death maybe slow; or in the case of less important vessels merely local anemia results. This may be re- lieved by establishment of collateral circulation or may cause more Or less extensive necrosis if not relieved. The original embolus and the secondary thrombus may undergo softening or organization in the same manner as ordinary thrombi (7. v.). The results of occlusion of smaller vessels by emboli depend on the nature of the embolus. They are either purely mechanical when the embolus is aseptic, or septic when the embolus is infec- tious. The important mechanical result of small emboli is the pathologic condition called infarction. DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 53 INFARCTION. Infarcts occur in situations in which there are small arteries having only capillary or at most very slight arterial anastomosis with neighboring arteries. Such arteries were called endarteries by Cohnheim. They are found especially in the kidney, spleen, lungs, retina, base of the brain, and parts of the heart. When one of these is occluded by an embolus in- farction occurs. Infarcts may be hemorrhagic or anemic. The former are dark red in color, situated in the peripheral part of the organ, and harder than the sur- rounding tissue. They are wedge- shaped, the base being outward toward the periphery of the organ. Infarcts may result sometimes from occlusion Fig. 4.— Anemic infarct of the r> i r> v • • . ■ l kidney: the embolus, occluding a Ot a number Ot adjoining arterioles 01' branch of the renal artery, is shown capillaries, and in this case are irregu- J^. lower part of the picture lar in outline. Anemic or white in- farcts present the same general features, but are less elevated and are yellowish or grayish in color. They are frequently surrounded by a zone of congestion or hemorrhage (Fig. 4). Formation of Infarcts. — The first effect of occlusion of an endartery by an embolus is stoppage of the circulation beyond the embolus. A wedge-shaped anemic area results. This may remain anemic and undergo coagulation-necrosis, with the formation of an anemic or white infarct. In other cases, however, the vessels of the occluded area, after a temporary period of anemia, become overfilled with blood, extravasation occurs, and an hemorrhagic in- farct results. Various theories are offered to explain the persist- ence of anemia in the first case and the overfilling with blood in the second. In anemic infarcts the persistent anemia in some cases is due to thrombosis in the venules which receive the blood from the occluded endartery and in the anastomotic capillaries. At times rapid swelling of the parenchymatous cells of the organ compresses the capillaries and maintains the anemia. Some con- tend that white infarcts are frequently formed by rapid absorption and removal of the coloring-matter of the blood from hemorrhagic infarcts. In the latter the overfilling of the vessels results either from a backflow of blood from the veins (Cohnheim) or from free capillary-anastomosis. The latter would be especially apt to occur when the general or local blood-pressure was previously elevated, or when the lodgement of the embolus caused reflex contraction of the surrounding vessels, and thus overflow of blood into the occluded area through the capillary-anastomosis. The hyperemia 54 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. thus produced soon leads to extravasation of blood, because the vessels of the occluded areas rapidly undergo degenerative changes. Infarcts in the lungs are nearly always hemorrhagic; those in the kidneys and especially the spleen are frequently anemic. Subsequent Changes. — In anemic infarcts coagulation-necro- sis and caseati< m are the marked degenerative changes. The broken- down tissue is gradually absorbed and reactive inflammation and organization cause cicatrization. Not infrequently a small amount of calcareous matter is deposited, especially in infarcts of the lungs. In hemorrhagic infarcts the extravasated blood breaks up into pigment-matter and the tissues suffer degenerations similar to those seen in anemic infarcts. The final result in either case is generally a scar, which is pigmented in cases of hemorrhagic infarcts. More rarely infarcts undergo liquefaction and cyst-formation, especially in the brain. The infarct may become infected by micro-organisms after its formation and abscess may result, as in cases in which the embolus itself was an infectious one. Infectious embolism occurs in cases of purulent softening of thrombi, in cases of local suppuration or necrosis, in ulcerative endocarditis, and the like. The first effect may be the formation of a hemorrhagic or anemic infarct ; but the micro-organisms soon multiply and invade the tissues, causing suppurative or gangrenous processes. Metastatic abscesses are produced in this manner. Similar results follow when an infarct is secondarily infected. This is not infrequent in the lungs, where the air-passages furnish a ready path for the entrance of micro-organisms. Dust-embolism. — Small particles of coal, iron, marble, or clay entering tbe lungs in respiration may penetrate the tissues, are largely taken up by phagocytic cells, and for the most part are carried to the bronchial lym- phatic glands. If the latter are surcharged and soften, the dust-particles may gain access to the circulation through the efferent lymph-channels of the gland or by rupture of the gland into neighboring veins. More rarely dust- particles may enter the blood-vessels in the lungs, directly, by penetration. After their entrance into the blood they are deposited in the capillaries and substance of the liver, spleen, and bone-marrow, where they may re- main permanently, either free or enclosed in fixed cells, or whence they may be removed by wandering cells. The final discharge occurs especially from the lungs, the tonsils, the lymphatic structures of the intestines, and from the liver in the bile. Air-embolism. — Small quantities of air may occasion no serious dis- turbances ; but when large quantities enter the veins the right heart is found full of frothy blood and the pulmonary arterioles are occluded by small bubbles. Sudden death in these cases is not unusual. Some recent experiments in dogs seem to cast doubt on the seriousness of air-embolism, but the matter is not yet settled. Fat-embolism. — Sudden death may occur when a large number of the pulmonary vessels ;l re obstructed by embolic oil-drops. When the process is less extensive little disturbance arises, as the oil is soon broken up into droplets and passes through the pulmonary capillaries, or it may be ab- sorbed in the lungs. Pulmonary infarcts may be due to embolic occlusion of the blood-vessels, DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 55 but also to obstruction of a bronchiole. Any kind of hemorrhagic extrava- sation in the lungs may assume a wedge-shape, because the area infiltrated is the wedge-shaped area included in the divisions of a terminal bronchiole. (For details, see the chapter on the Lungs.) THROMBOSIS. Thrombosis is the coagulation of blood within the blood-ves- sels or heart during life. At the very beginning of the process the formation is not a coagulum in the ordinary sense, but subse- quently coagulation is the essential feature. After death clots form within the heart and vessels, as in blood removed from the body. Causes. — The conditions favorable to thrombosis are alter- ations in the blood-current, changes in the vessel-walls, and alter- ations in the blood itself. For the most part two or all of these conditions are present in cases of thrombosis. Alterations in the Blood-current. — Anything which slows the current, such as narrowing of the blood-vessels, weakness of the heart, or pressure upon the vessels, favors thrombosis. Complete arrest of the current in a part may lead to ordinary clotting, such as occurs post-mortem ; but with careful precautions a vessel may be ligated at two points without the occurrence of clotting in the occluded portion — at least for a long time. Some change in the blood-vessel wall is generally necessary in addition. Thrombi due to slowing of the current are frequently seen in the heart, the ves- sels of the lower extremities, and in the sinuses of the brain in the course of exhausting fevers or other asthenic conditions. They are called marantic thrombi. Changes in the vessel- walls play an important part. Atheroma, inflammatory or degenerative changes in the vessels of areas of inflammation or necrosis, ligation and other traumatic injuries, and diseases of the endocardium are all examples of conditions leading to thrombosis. Dilatation of the arteries (aneurysm) or veins (phlebectasia) or of the cavities of the heart act largely by slowing the current of blood or by producing irregular currents. Alterations in the Blood. — Experimentally, thrombosis may be induced by injection into the circulation of extracts of the thymus gland, the suprarenal bodies, the testicles, and other organs. These extracts contain large quantities of the fibrin-ferment re- garded by Schmidt as an essential factor in coagulation. Patho- logically, it is probable that the tendency to thrombosis in typhoid fever, sepsis, and other diseases is due to increase of similar fibrin- forming factors in the blood. The name fermentation-thrombosis is applied in these cases. According to Schmidt, coagulation is due to the reaction of fibrinogen (derived from the plasma) with fibrinoplastin under the influence of a fibrin- ferment (the two latter derived from the leukocytes). Fibrinoplastin is probably not essential (Hammarsten), while calcium salts are (Arthus and Pages). 56 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Pathologic Anatomy. — The appearance and construction of thrombi depend upon the manner of formation. When formed in consequence of almost complete stoppage of the circulation they are dark-colored, soft, red clots, similar in every way to post-mortem coagula ; and under the microscope show fib- rillar fibrin enclosing mainly red corpuscles. Yellowish or white thrombi are formed slowly from actively circulating blood and are more consistent. Their composition will be understood from the mode of formation. In the normal circu- lation the red corpuscles and blood-plaques move in a column in the center of the stream, separated from the wall of the vessel by a plasmatic zone in which the leukocytes may be seen. When the circulation is slowed the plaques approach the vessel-wall and tend to adhere in small masses to any point of disease in the endothe- lium and also to each other. This has been termed conglutina- tion of the blood-plaques. Gradually the mass grows and subse- quently leukocytes are added. These set on foot true fibrin- formation or coagulation. White thrombi therefore consist of conglutinated plaques, leukocytes, and fibrin. They first appear as hyaline, viscid masses; but subsequently become granular from partial disintegration. If the circulation is alternately slow and more rapid, distinct layers are seen in the thrombus, first dark colored from admixture of red corpuscles, then lighter in hue. Such thrombi are called stratified. If the circulation is irregular from dilatation of the vessels or other causes, the light and dark areas of the thrombus may be more irregularly disposed. The thrombus first formed is the primary thrombus. Subse- quently it extends by additions (secondary thrombus) in the direction of the current of blood as far as the next collateral branch of the vein or artery, into which the thrombus frequently extends as a rounded prominence. In the case of the veins a new thrombus may start from such projection (Fig. 5), and eventually the clot Fig. 5.— Thrombus in the femoral vein in a rase of phlebitis (from a specimen in the Museum of the Philadelphia Hospital). may extend as far as the heart. The thrombus may be lateral — that is, when it lies against the vessel-wall — or obstructive, when the lumen is completely obliterated. In the veins small thrombi are frequently formed in the valvular pouches in marantic subjects. DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 57 In the heart thrombi are especially common on diseased valves, in the auricular appendages, and in the intertrabecular spaces. They frequently appear as polypoid masses, and may be attached by slender pedicles. A curious form, called ball thrombi, is seen in the auricles. These are rounded clots wholly or almost wholly separated from the wall, and may occasion serious obstruction at the orifices of the heart. Effects. — Frequently the collateral circulation is so quickly established that no untoward results are seen. When a large vein is obstructed venous congestion and dropsy may follow ; obstruc- tion of an artery causes local anemia, and subsequently, if the col- lateral circulation is not established, degenerations or necrosis. Thrombotic obstruction of small arteries may cause hemorrhagic infarction. Embolism and general pyemia result from softening of the thrombus. Subsequent Changes. — After their formation all thrombi contract. In this way the red forms may become light colored by extrusion of the red corpuscles. In small vessels red thrombi often become light colored by removal of hemoglobin and a species of hyalin-transformation. These may have the appear- ances of white thrombi and are only distinguished by careful examination. After the thrombus has contracted it may undergo various degenerative changes. Frequently the white corpuscles, plaques, Fig. 6.— Thrombosis in cardiac chambers, showing cyst-like struct- ure (Orth). Fig. 7.— Branch of the brachial artery after amputation, showing vascularization of the thrombus, Th (Weber). and fibrin are broken down into an emulsion by liquefaction- necrosis and fatty degeneration, and the red corpuscles converted into granular pigmented masses. These softened portions are swept into the circulation and occasion embolism. Frequently 58 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. this form of simple softening occurs in the center of large thrombi and gives rise to cyst-like formations (Fig. 6). A more serious form of softening occurs when the thrombus is infected by micro-organisms. In this case true purulent softening takes place, and the Avail of the blood-vessel shares largely in the suppurative processes. This form occurs especially in the thrombi blocking blood-vessels of suppurating or necrotic tissues. General pyemia and infections embolism result. Fig. 8.— Canalization of a thrombus (Karg and Schmorl). A more favorable termination of a thrombus is calcification. This is most frequent in the clots in dilated veins, the calcareous thrombi being known as phlcbolitlis. Arterioliths and cardioliths are rarely met with. Organization of the thrombus may result from the irritation it occasions. New blood-vessels and proliferating connective-tis- sue cells spring from the vasa vasornm and lining membrane of the blood-vessel as well as from endothelial cells covering the throm- bus, and penetrate the thrombus (Fig. 7). From these organi- zation proceeds as elsewhere, and as it advances the thrombus itself is absorbed. Finally, the clot is fully replaced by connec- tive tissue enclosing a small amount of blood-pigment or calcified remains of the thrombus. The blood-vessel may be converted into a solid fibrous cord, or may be distorted and narrowed by bands of connective tissue in the interior. Sometimes after partial vascu- larization of a thrombus small vessels running parallel with the lumen of the obstructed vessel become dilated and thus partly re- establish the channel. This is termed canalization of the throm- bus (Fig. 8). In other cases canalization may begin as a process of simple softening. DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 59 EDEMA. Definition. — The term edema is applied to a condition in which the liquid within the tissues is increased in quantity. Etiology. — It is primarily necessary to understand the methods by which the liquids normally present in the tissues escape from the blood-vessels, their original source. Several processes are concerned in this escape of fluid. In the first place, the pressure of the blood serves to cause a certain amount of direct filtration, just as liquid enclosed in tubes of permeable animal-membrane escapes when the pressure oiitside is less than within. In this process of direct filtration the state of the tissues themselves plays a part. If the normal elasticity of the tissues and degree of pressure of the liquid in the interstitial spaces are lowered, liquid escapes through the capillary-walls to equalize the pressure. A second process at work is that known as diffusion or osmosis. In this there is an exchange between the blood and the tissue-liquids, certain substances being taken into the blood in ex- change for water and other constituents of the blood-plasma. The liquid thus discharged from the blood-vessels enters into the metabolic activity of the tissues to a greater or less degree, is somewhat altered in character, and the surplus is carried off in the lymphatic capillaries as lymph. Cer- tain physiologists (Heidenhain et al.) believe that there is a farther and very important factor of a vital sort. This is described as an active secre- tory function of the endothelial cells of the capillaries and lymphatic spaces ; so that, according to this view, lymph-formation is in a measure at least a direct secretion. This view is not generally accepted. Briefly, then, lymph-formation may be described as the escape of water and other substances through a more or less permeable membrane, the capillary-walls, in consequence of direct filtration and osmosis. The quantity present in the tissues depends upon the quantity escaping from the blood-vessels and the amount carried away by the lymphatic circu- lation. The causes of increased accumulation of liquid in the tissues may then be readily determined. Among these are («) increase of blood-pressure, or (6) decrease of tissue-elasticity and pressure ; (c) alterations of the blood rendering it more diffusible, or (d) of the liquids in the tissues increasing the osmotic power of these ; (e) increased permeability of the walls of the blood-vessels; (/) obstruction to the flow in the lymphatic vessels. These causes will be considered separately with reference to certain well-known clinical types of edema. (a) Increased blood-pressure always occasions increased escape of liquid from the vessels (transudation) and thus increased forma- tion of lymph. In active hyperemia with excess of pressure the amount of liquid rarely becomes so great that the lymphatic ves- sels cannot carry it off, and edema does not therefore occur. In passive congestions, however, as in heart-disease, pressure upon veins, etc., the escape of liquid becomes more rapid and copious, and the lymphatic circulation is insufficient. Edema or dropsy results. In this process of direct nitration the transudate consists 60 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. mainly of the Mater and saline constituents of the plasma and to a relatively small degree of the albuminous constituents. (6) Decreased tissue-elasticity and pressure is rarely a factor of prime importance, though it may be a contributing cause in many cases. In one class of cases termed oedema ex vacuo it is the principal cause. In these cases liquid escapes from the blood- vessels to fill a space left vacant by disease or atrophy of tissue- elements. This is frequently seen in the subarachnoid spaces of the brain and in other parts of the central nervous system. (c) Alterations of the blood, though theoretically very impor- tant as direct causes, probably act indirectly. It has been found by experiment that artificial hydremia, even though combined with considerable increase of the bulk of blood, does not cause edema unless by some means the walls of the blood-vessels have been injured. It is probable, therefore, that the edema of anemic and marantic persons is similarly due to increased permeability of the vessels. This in itself might occasion edema, though the degree is probably greater as a consequence of the anemic state of the blood. The vascular disease itself is probably in some way (perhaps by the action of circulating toxic substances) brought about by the condition of the blood. (d) Alterations of the liquids of the tissues may, conceivably, occasion increased diffusion of liquid, but practically little is known of the operation of this element. There are, however, certain eases in which disturbed metabolic activity of the tissues seems to alter the tissue liquids in such manner as to favor the development of dropsy. (e) Increased permeability of the capillary -walls is of great importance and probably plays a part in every case of edema. Ex- perimentally it is easy to prove that this factor alone may cause pathologic transudation. Applications of heat to a part or the introduction of poisons capable of causing disease of the walls of the blood-vessels may thus occasion edema. Clinically this factor is of importance in the edema of Bright's disease. Formerly the dropsies of renal disease were attributed to hydremia, but the experiments cited above show this factor to be insufficient. On the other hand, changes of the vascular system are known to occur in Bright's disease, and particularly in cases usually attended with marked edema (glomerulonephritis). Changes in the blood may, of course, contribute, as may also stasis due to cardiac weak- ness. Disease of the capillary-walls is also an important cause of edema in and about areas of inflammation (inflammatory edema). In these cases the toxic products of inflammation doubtless attack tin' walls of the vessels and render them more porous. Such edema may occur only in the vicinity of an inflamed area, or may be quite widespread. Thus in some cases edema of the lungs and DISTURBANCES OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 61 other internal organs may be occasioned by bacterial toxins derived from a distant focus of infection. Cases of hereditary edema have been described. These may owe their origin to a congenital excess of vascular permeability. Finally, there are cases of edema in which the nervous system seems to exercise an influence. Among these are the dropsies attending cases of neuritis, neuralgia, or organic diseases of the cord. In these instances changes in the blood-vessels and per- haps in the tissue-elasticity may be important causes. An inter- esting form of this sort is that known as angioneurotic edema, in which local edema of various forms (often as giant-urticaria) makes its appearance under the influence of nervous irritations. (/) Obstruction of the lymphatic circulation does not ordinarily occasion edema, because the collateral circulation is sufficient to carry away the lymph. When, however, larger trunks, especially the thoracic duct, or numerous smaller lymphatics are obstructed edema may result. This is observed in the chylous ascites due to obstructions of the thoracic duct and in the edema of elephan- tiasis. Pathologic Anatomy. — Edema may take various forms according to its situation. In some cases it is localized, affecting a limited part of the body, as a single organ or member. In other cases it is widespread in the subcutaneous tissues and skin, when the term anasarca is applied. It may occur in the serous cavities in the form of serous transudates (hydrothorax, pleural effusion, hydropericardium, etc.). The liquid itself varies in character according to the cause. In the pure transudates due to increased nitration the liquid is watery, low in specific gravity (below 1016), and comparatively poor in blood-corpuscles and albuminous constituents. In cases in which disease of the vessel-walls has played a large part in the causation, especially in the inflammatory edemas, the liquid is more dense and contains more corpuscles and albuminous bodies. The transudate first occupies the lymph-spaces or interstices of the tissues, causing a more or less uniform swelling and bogginess. The tissue pits on pressure, and on section more or less abundant liquid exudes. The solid organs (kidneys, liver) are lighter in color, less dense, and more moist on section than normal ; but the appearances of edema are here less characteristic than in the sub- cutaneous or submucous tissues, or in the softer organs like the lungs and brain. Microscopically the tissue-elements are seen to be pushed apart by the transudate, and in some cases the cells themselves may be diseased (see Dropsical Infiltration). Results of Bdetna. — The function of edematous parts is necessarily impaired. Sometimes serious consequences ensue, as in the case of edema of the epiglottis, the lungs, or the brain. 62 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Secondary changes may occur in parts the seat of continued edema. Among these are various degenerations of the cells and a productive change in the connective tissues. The latter is well illustrated in the sclerotic change in the subcutaneous tissues of long-standing dropsy, elephantiasis, etc. .CHAPTER IV. RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. ATROPHY. Definition. — Atrophy is a condition in which a tissue or organ undergoes a more or less uniform diminution, without definite disease of its constituent parts. A condition allied to atrophy is that termed hypoplasia., in which certain parts tail of their normal development. There may be entire absence of a part, and to this the term aplasia may be given. Hypoplasia is frequently seen in the vascular system, affecting the heart and great vessels conspicu- ously, but probably also all parts of the system. This occurs in some cases of chlorosis and in other conditions characterized by constitutional weakness or want of development, such as in those predisposed to tuberculosis. Ktiology. — The causes of atrophy may be varied. It occurs as a result of want of functional demand, as in the atrophies affecting palsied limbs; and sometimes as a result of disturbances of the trophic- nervous system, as in diseases of the anterior horns of the spinal gray matter. In the latter instances lack of use is a contributing cause. In the involution processes of old age there is more or less general atrophy, which might be designated as physiologic. Similar normal or physiologic atrophy occurs in certain organs before the general manifestations of old age. Thus the atrophy of the thymus-gland in early childhood and of the genital organs at the menopause are instances of cessation of func- tion, and consequent or concomitant atrophy of physiologic char- acter. Atrophy may be more definitely pathologic, and the result of distinct causes, such as want of local or general nourish- ment by occlusion of the vessels, pressure, etc. In these cases the process may be purely atrophic, or there may be distinct degenera- tive disease of the cells with diminution of bulk. Pathologic Anatomy. — Atrophy may be si tuple or numerical. In the former kind, to which the term true atrophy might also be applied, the individual cells decrease in size without manifest dis- RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 63 ease ; in the latter the cells are reduced in number, and are usually first altered by some form of degenerative disease, so that the proc- ess is not, strictly speaking, true atrophy. r , —--, The parenchyma of organs suffers first and g % > *, most characteristically, the connective tissues "~f •. \ | | remaining unaffected or even undergoing hy- i^':'l' 'frn t,3 %■' perplasia. In true atrophy the cells may ! .\"1 '3)'ii\ i. •'..■. |j present no definite alteration, excepting per- .' • ' | : v ; "■' haps slightly increased pigmentation. This #. „ ■• -■ , : f is sometimes due to the fact that the normal '■.'.:.;£■' , ; . \ « .. |^ pigment of the cell does not suffer reduction ff ^ J | as do the other constituents of the cell, but "'' '' '' u3=i - '— j in other eases there is actual deposition of FlG - t 9 h7hean n m a uscri! y ot pigment (hematogenous). Cases of the latter kind are designated as brown atrophy (Fig. 9). This is seen most strikingly in the heart-muscle in advanced old age or in persons dead of some chronic cachectic disease. In some of the conditions generally described as atrophy the cells show degenerations of various forms, such as cloudy swelling, coagulation-necrosis, fatty degeneration with vacuolization, and other gross alterations of structure. Secondary degenerative changes may occur in the connective tissues after the parenchyma-cells have become atrophic. Tims, after the physiologic atrophy of the thymus-gland has occurred the connective tissues of the gland and of the surrounding parts become converted into fatty tissue. In other cases myxomatous change may be observed. Organs Avhich have undergone atrophy are often quite irregular on the surface from unequal involvement of the different con- stituents. The consistency may be little changed or- may be greatly reduced, particularly when some form of cellular degenera- tion is present. On the other hand, the organ may be hard and tough from secondary hyperplasia of the connective tissue. The capsule is generally wrinkled from the shrinkage of its contents, and secondary thickening is not unusual, especially in the heart and spleen. The color of the organ, like that of the individual cells, often becomes darker than normal and may be decidedly changed in brown atrophy. In cases of pressure-atrophy various distortions of the affected organ may be observed. These are particularly marked in the livers of women who have laced excessively. The right lobe of the organ often presents a deep groove or furrow corresponding with the loAver border of the ribs, and each of the ribs with which the organ comes in contact may cause a depression. Pathologic Physiology. — The function of an atrophic organ is necessarily impaired. In the atrophies of old age this may be of little consequence, as the functional demand grows less 64 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. and less. In premature atropines general as well as local disturb- ances may occur. These disturbances vary with the varying functions of the organs, and will be separately discussed. THE DEGENERATIONS. The general term degeneration is applied to changes in the tissues by which their integrity is altered in the direction of lowered vitality. There may be a conversion of the protoplasm of the cell into substances abnormal to it either in kind or quantity. This is termed degeneration in a narrower sense. In a second class there are deposited in the cell, from the blood or other fluids of the body, substances abnormal to the cell in kind or quantity. The name infiltration is applied to these processes. In individual cases it is often difficult to distinguish between the two varieties. CLOUDY SWELLING. Definition. — Cloudy swelling, also termed albuminous infil- tration and parenchymatous degeneration, may be defined as an edema of the cellular protoplasm, with alterations in the proto- plasmic proteid and the production of opacity. Ktiology. — Cloudy swelling is an almost universal accom- paniment of inflammations. Circulatory disturbances (anemia) were formerly supposed to be important, but are now considered to be of little significance. Fever per se can produce cloudy swell- ing, probably not so much the result of the simple degree of heat as of metabolic disturbances induced thereby. The most frequent cause of cloudy swelling is intoxication, either by bacterial toxins, as in the infectious and septic conditions, or by innumerable organic and inorganic substances. Cloudy swelling is also caused by nu- tritional disturbances ; starvation of an organ will produce it as the first stage of atrophy ; and, on the contrary, the cells may in other cases be so overloaded with nutritional substances as to become temporarily transformed into this condition, as in the glandular epi- thelium of the liver during active digestion. It is further known that excessive cellular activity may result in a cloudiness of the protoplasm, as in the kidney and in glands excited by nervous stimulation. These latter processes should be viewed as normal phenomena, analogous to the physiologic fatty degenerations. Pathologic Anatomy. — The swollen cells present a fine opacity which under high powers is seen to be due to the presence of diffused refractile granules (Fig. 10). The normal protoplasmic granulations have disappeared ; in muscle-fibers the striatums are ob- scured or obliterated. Vacuolation may be seen in the late stages. The cell-wall becomes indistinct, so that the cells appear to have coalesced. The nuclei may be little altered. Generally the chromatin becomes diffusely stained ; it may elect the acid-stains RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 65 or may refuse all staining. Marked nuclear degenerations are not seen in simple cloudy swelling, or at least very rarely. In late stages the entire cell may have lost its normal reactions to stain- -fv- ♦■..*"' 4 * % * -• ■ Fig. 10.— Cloudy swelling and necrosis of the epithelial cells of the renal tubules, due to sublimate-poisoning (Karg and Schmorl). ing-reagents. The distinctive granules are not soluble, in alcohol or ether, but are dissolved by acetic acid and alkalies. The large glandular organs, the liver and kidneys, illustrate the condition exquisitely. The entire organ is symmetrically swollen ; the general consistency perhaps a little decreased. On section the surface may be found a little moist and the paren- chyma protrudes. The color is an opaque pallor, quite like the appearance of boiled flesh. Seats. — The glandular epithelise (liver and kidney) and the muscle-fibers are the striking seats of this degeneration. Pathologic Physiology. — The opacity seems to be due to a coagulation or precipitation of a part or all of the protoplasmic proteid. Some systematic writers have attempted to divide it into two groups : albuminous infiltration, in which the material has been deposited in the cell and then been precipitated ; and albu- minous degeneration, in which the inherent cellular proteid has been precipitated. It is doubtful whether this division is justified. The chemic relations are entirely obscure. It is as yet incompre- hensible how bacterial toxins, themselves apparently proteids, can precipitate other and higher proteids. In the case of inorganic poisoning (metallic salts, acids) the process is more readily under- stood. The swelling is probably a simple edema, due, it may be inferred, to disturbed osmotic relations. The function of organs is more or less profoundly disturbed by 06 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. this form of degeneration. Complete recovery is easy and fre- quent. If the causes persist, the cells pass into other degenera- tions, usually fatty metamorphosis. FATTY INFILTRATION. Definition. — Fatty infiltration is the deposition of fats derived from the circulation in cells and tissues which normally contain none, or the deposition of an excess of fats in cells and tissues which normally contain such. Etiology. — Fatty infiltration may be physiologic or patho- logic in its origin. In conditions of general obesity the regular consumption of excessive quantities of nourishment may lead to the most marked degrees of fatty infiltration ; an inherited predisposition and lack of exercise acting as contributing causes. In rare instances it seems possible that with the normal physio- logic diet persons of exceptional digestive power and living under conditions which restrict combustion may become affected with pathologic fatty infiltration. The condition may occur during pregnancy, and is frequent at the menopause. In a large class of cases an abnormal diet, or the presence in the diet of substances which tend to the formation of fats, such as alcohol, are responsible for the condition. It is doubtful whether poisons produce general fatty infiltration ; they frequently, how- ever, indirectly produce local or visceral infiltrations. In cachexias certain organs may become loaded with fats, as is sometimes seen in the liver in phthisis. In carcinoma the cells of the neoplasm may become infiltrated with fats. In organic diseases of the ner- vous system accompanied by extensive disintegration of myelin, in bone-diseases, and even following fractures of or operations on bones, the liberated fats are taken up by the circulation and deposited in susceptible localities. There is probably a rare fatty infiltration of senile origin, and also a type which appears at puberty. Of general diseases which may cause an undoubted general fatty infiltration chlorosis and diabetes may be mentioned. Fats may be deposited locally as substitution-tissue, as in the capsule about sclerosed kidneys, in the place of atrophied muscu- lar fibers, in the bones, and about areas of local disease. The protective areas of fibrous tissue which wall off pathologic pro- eesses of various kinds may become extensively infiltrated. Pathologic Anatomy. — Normal tissue plus fat describee the appearance-. The fat may be diffuse, in localized areas, or in streaks along the planes of fibrous tissue. The appearances natu- rally vary with the tissue affected. Only rarely does the essential tissue of the part display disease. Microscopically the fat-drops are seen both within and without the cells. Without the cells they are most prominent along the fibrous strands, under the RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 67 endothelial membranes, about the lymph-channels, between the muscular fibrillse, and to a marked extent just beneath the true skin, and indeed about all fasciae. In the kidney the collections are between the tubules ; in the liver, in the fibrous trabecule, Fig. 11.— Fatty infiltration of the liver. but especially in the hepatic cells ; in the heart, underneath the serosa and between the bundles of fibers. Within the cells, and this is most marked in glandular epithelial cells, the fat is seen as distinct drops within the cell-wall. The fat-drops are always of considerable size, and soon run together, forming one drop, which pushes the protoplasm and nucleus against the cell-wall. The nuclei are usually normally distinct and well stained ; the cell-protoplasm is clear and presents its normal granules ; the cell- wall is intact, though often bulging to accommodate the excess of contents. In rare, prolonged, and extreme instances the bulk of the fat may be such as to interfere with the functions and nutrition of the cells, whose nuclei and protoplasm will then show patho- logic alterations. Crystalline formations, as of margarin and cholesterin, and tiny balls of lecithin may be present, but are more often seen in fatty degenerations. The fat may be stained with osmic acid or suelan III. Seats. — The favorite seats of fatty infiltration are the subcu- taneous and subserous tissues, the mesenteries and omentum, along the fascia?, between the muscles, about the kidneys, and in the liver and heart. The lungs and central nervous organs are rarely and only slightly affected. Pathologic Physiology. — I have attempted to define this condition rigidly as an infiltration of fat into cells or tissues, dis- tinct from formation of fat in them. Confessedly in individual cases the separation may be impossible ; all doubtful cases are 68 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. probably degenerative. Infiltration arises whenever there is an abnormal quantity of fat in the circulation; the causes of this were pointed out in the etiology. Infiltration into imperfect or diseased cells may, however, occur with only normal quantities of circulating fats ; this is probably the explanation of many of the local varieties. All cells and tissues are not of the same degree of susceptibility ; when, therefore, isolated areas occur in unusual localities a pre-existing disease should be suspected. The mech- anism of deposition is not well understood ; it is perhaps effected by circulating cellular carriers. Unless very extreme, fatty infiltration does not seriously em- barrass the functions nor threaten the existence of tissues, and complete recovery and restitution are the rule. It may, however, lead to secondary degenerations, which, particularly in the heart, may be of serious consequence to the organ. FATTY DEGENERATION. Definition. — This is defined as a metamorphosis, the conver- sion of the cellular protoplasm into fat. The classic physiologic illustration is the fat-production in the secretion of milk. The nature of this process has not, however, been certainly determined. The majority of secreting cells do not die or show pathologic alter- ations ; while for such cells as are cast off, as the colostrum-cells, it has not been shown that their fat was not an infiltration. Etiology. — Fatty degenerations frequently follow upon cloudy swelling, and the causes detailed for the one apply also to the other. Of all agents, poisons are the most important. These may be me- tallic, as mercury, arsenic, lead, phosphorus — indeed most of the metals. Compounds which directly bind the hemoglobin or reduce it, or break up the red corpuscles, likewise produce it. Such are carbonic oxid, chlorates, pyrogallic acid, some coal-tar compounds, etc. Certain poisons, like chloroform, ether, iodoform, and the acids, seem to act directly on the cell-nutrition. In the case of most of these substances it seems to have been shown in more or less accurate chemical studies that the poison acts by disturbance of the gaseous cellular metabolism. More important as causative agents are the toxins of bacteria ; these cause the majority of fatty metamorphoses. Their mode of action is not clear, and the anal- ogy with the metallic poisons which naturally suggests itself has not been made out. In all anemias and cachexias fatty degenera- tion is common ; it is rare in uncomplicated chlorosis. The de- generation in these eases was formerly regarded as due to suboxi- dation. Since, however, it has been shown that no suboxidation occurs in such chronic anemias, the degeneration may best be classed also as toxic. It seems possible, however, that extreme hemorrhage can produce fatty degeneration in this way. Metab- RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 69 olic diseases can also produce it, as is sometimes seen in diabetes. Fever can produce it, but the temperature must be high and prolonged. Local fatty degenerations may be produced by local disturb- ances in nutrition, if not too sudden. This is seen in cases of con- gestion, thrombosis, embolism, atheroma, in tumors, and in tuber- cular and syphilitic deposits. The fatty changes of senility are probably of like origin. In the involution of tissues, as in the thymus, corpus luteum, uterus, etc., fatty degenerations are com- mon. Trophic disturbances produce the degeneration, as is seen in the voluntary muscles. In many pathologic processes, as in caseation, liquefaction-necrosis, and the resolution of pneumonia, this metamorphosis plays an important r6le. In rare instances, as mentioned, fatty infiltration may pass into fatty degeneration. The transformation en masse of tissue into fat, as in fat-necrosis, should not be termed fatty degeneration. Pathologic Anatomy. — Organs the subject of marked fatty degeneration are often somewhat increased in size : to this, how- ever, there are many exceptions ; a notable one is acute yellow atrophy of the liver. The consistency is usually lessened, though associated fibrosis may render the affected part abnormally dense. The specific gravity of the tissue is notably reduced. In the ner- vous system and in caseation and allied conditions liquefaction •7 .♦ a r Fig. 12.— Fatty degeneration of the epithelium of the renal tubules ; stained with osmic acid (Simmonds). may occur. The color in typical instances is a pale yellow ; the existence and degree of congestion, pigmentation, or jaundice, will obviously alter the color. The areas of degeneration may be uni- * I 70 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. form or isolated. In the heart and liver particularly streaks or irregular areas may produce a mottled appearance. On section free fat may drip from the knife and cut surface ; in other cases no fat-droplets can he seen macroscopically. In rare instances fat-crystals may he visihle to the naked eye. Jlicfoscojjir Appearances. — The parenchyma-cells are first and most extensively affected, though the connective tissue may be- come involved. The cells are usually somewhat enlarged. The I ^ m natural granules of the protoplasm disappear, and in their stead are fine dark granules, which usually stain black with osmic acid (Figs. 12, 13), and ;.">.', which are dissolved by alcohol, ether, etc., but ■ lr. not by acetic acid. A peculiar reaction of the ••> ;v; granules is their staining Avith fuchsin (fuch- 4 ".*?? sinophile granules). Usually the granules are very fine and only slightly retractile ; they may, however, be large, and considerable droplets may appear or the entire cell become one large fat- fig. i?,.-Fatty de- drop, as in fatty infiltration. The nuclei in many HarSmiBcle! the cases of moderate degree show no changes ; later in the process, however, the chromatin becomes diffused and refuses to stain and the nucleus may entirely disap- pear. Large hyalin balls may form inside the cells ; these stain with acid-stains. The cell-membrane sooner or later breaks down, and the fatty contents and detritus fill the space. Cholesterin, lecithin, and fatty crystalline formations are often seen. Seats. — Fatty degeneration occurs in nearly all tissues. The epithelial structures, especially the liver and kidneys, the heart- muscle, and the central nervous organs are the tissues most fre- quently affected. As before stated, interstitial as well as paren- chymatous tissues may be involved. The cellular constituents of exudates and transudates are also liable to the change, and may present more or less the appearance of an emulsion. Pathologic Physiology. — The manner of occurrence of fatty metamorphosis is as yet entirely obscure. If it were proved that fats can be formed out of proteids, this fact would warrant the simple explanation that in fatty degeneration the protoplasmic protcid is directly converted into fat. Certain evidence of this has, however, never been presented, and our reactions for fat are too un- reliable to warrant deductions from simple microscopic studies. It has become apparent that the old and still largely accepted phys- iologic theory has never been demonstrated, even though it be true. No one has as yet produced fat in an animal fed on proteids entirely freed from fats and carbohydrates, and in the experi- ments with meats which contain both it has not been shown that any carbon-retention was unaccompanied by nitrogen-retention and that the carbon was retained in the form of fats or glycogen. RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 71 It is, of course, quite possible that the proteids may be directly converted into fat, and in recent experiments upon starving frogs poisoned with phosphorus this was apparently demonstrated ; but even in these experiments it is likely that the glycogen of the liver was the source of the fat produced. Unlike fatty infiltration, fatty degeneration tends to cell-death, as must in the nature of things be obvious, for it is an expression of cell-disease. Mild grades with the preservation of the nuclei undoubtedly admit of recovery ; severe grades go on to necro- biosis. The function of the cells is, of course, disturbed. This may be in the direction of simple reduction of function or it may cause distinctly abnormal activity with pathologic metabolic products. THE ALBUMINOID DEGENERATIONS. The amyloid, hyaline, mucoid, and colloid degenerations rep- resent proteid metamorphoses which are closely related. In typical instances they can be quite clearly differentiated from each other, and for the sake of clearness and convenience they will be separately described. It must be understood, however, that the products are closely related substances whose chemical character- istics and relations are not clear, and which cannot in many cases be distinguished. AMYLOID DEGENERATION. Definition. — This consists in the appearance in tissues of amyloid material ; whether formed in loco or deposited is not quite clear. Amyloid seems to be a combination of chondratin-sulphuric acid with a proteid. Etiology. — The common conditions under which amyloid degeneration arises are suppuration and ulceration. In tubercu- losis, especially of the lungs and skeleton, and particularly in cases of mixed infection, and in syphilitic ulceration are found the con- ditions most favorable to its production. It occurs, however, in ulcerations of various sorts, in cutaneous ulcerations, in gastro- enteritis, in connection with neoplasmic necrosis, in actinomycosis. Rarely it occurs under conditions of cachexia without suppuration, as in cancer, malaria, leukemia. In a few instances it occurs without any apparent cause. Local amyloid formations are probably in no wise connected with the general condition and undoubtedly are often entirely physiologic. Pathologic Anatomy. — In marked instances the organs are enlarged, and their specific gravity increased. On section the tissue is firm : the cut surface is smooth and neither contracts nor 72 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. extrudes. The consistency varies with the coexistence and degree of fibrosis, fatty degeneration, etc. The color of the organ is usually pale, but may obviously be altered by congestion, pigmen- tation, or fatty degeneration. The amyloid substance itself has a glistening, waxy, translucent appearance which is almost pathog- nomonic. This waxy appearance is not always uniform. Amyloid substance is more inelastic than any other degenerative material. Mild or even moderate degeneration may not present macroscopic appearances ; in fact, apparently quite normal tissues may be highly amyloid microscopically. The special appearances in various organs will be described in the appropriate chapters. Microscopic Appearance*. — The favorite seats are the intima and media of the blood-vessels, the adventitia being rarely affected, the endothelium apparently never. The fixed connective tissues of the organs are the parts affected, the wandering cells and leukocytes being rarely involved. Muscle-cells are undoubtedly susceptible ; but recent studies seem to show that glandular and lining epithe- Fio. 14.— Amyloid degeneration of the kidney, showing amyloid substance in the walls of the blood-vessels of the glomerulus at b, and hyaline tube-casts in the renal tubules at g (Ziegler). Hum is never involved. Such cells may, and often do, show fatty or other degenerations or necrosis, but the presence of amyloid substance within their protoplasm has not been shown. The sub- stance appears as irregular elumps or streaks in the interstitial tissues, often compressing the cells and blood-vessels. It presents RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 73 a glistening homogeneous appearance. The cells usually present evidences of atrophy and other degenerations. In the renal glome- ruli and in the Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen the appear- ances are perhaps most distinctive. Without staining amyloid degeneration cannot always be distinguished from other degenera- tions ; indeed, not always with staining reactions. The substance is highly resistant to bacterial decomposition and to digestion. Reactions (see also below). — The gentian-violet reaction seems to be the most invariable. In sections of tissue fixed for micro- scopic study gentian-violet colors the normal tissues blue ; the amyloid substance is a light pink or red. A mahogany-red reac- tion with Lngol's solution of iodin is quite constant, but fails in the isolated amyloid bodies. It is easily obtained in fresh speci- mens. The red color is changed to a blue by treating with sul- phuric acid or chlorid of zinc. Seats. — In the order of frequency amyloid degeneration affects the kidney, liver, and spleen, then the larger blood-vessels, the intestinal mucosa, the lymph-glands, the skeleton, the adrenal bodies, and the heart. It rarely affects the pulmonary mucosa, the bladder and genitalia, the thyroid body, the voluntary muscles, and, apart from the local amyloid bodies, the nervous system or the integument. Local Amyloid Formations. — These occur in the nervous system, especially in advanced years and in scleroses, grouped about the blood-vessels, most marked in the posterior cord and in the brain ; in the prostate gland ; about inflammatory areas ; in infarcts ; in granulomata, especially syphilis ; and in neoplasms. They present themselves as small round bodies which usually have a concentric arrangement resembling starch-granules. These do not usually present the typical amyloid reactions ; often they react more like hyaline substance, and indeed the blood-vessels in their situation seem especially affected with hyaline change. The special appear- ances and reactions of the amyloid bodies of the nervous system will be described in connection with neuropathology. Pathologic Physiology. — As stated, amyloid substance seems to be a combination of chondratin-sulphuric acid with a proteid. It is composed of hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, and sul- phur, and is insoluble in weak alkalies. Chondratinic acid is normally present in bones, cartilages, and elastic tissue. It seems to have been shown that an amyloid-like substance exists in the elastic coat of the blood-vessels — perhaps a different combination of chondratinic acid. Our present knowledge suggests that amy- loid substance is not entirely abnormal, but rather an abnormal combination of normal substances. It seems to result from pro- teid alterations in connection with the pathologic processes already detailed. That bacterial influences are not necessary is suggested, though not proved, by the fact that amyloid change has been pro- 74 TEXT- BO OK OF PATHOLOGY. duced by long-continued aseptic suppuration induced by turpentine injections. Amyloid substance cannot be removed, but does not of itself compromise life. It may become transformed into typical hyaline substance. Amyloid degeneration interferes with functional activ- ity by pressure upon the parenchyma and by vascular disturb- ances. By its situation in the blood-vessels it may occasion thrombosis. HYALINE DEGENERATION. Definition. — This is a retrogressive process consisting in the appearance of a homogeneous proteid substance of obscure nature. It is closely allied to amyloid, mucoid, and colloid degeneration, and can certainly pass into each of them. The hyaline change of epithelium of older authors is now by general consent classed as a mucoid transformation. Etiology. — Hyaline degeneration occurs under the following pathologic circumstances : in the muscles during infections and septic processes and following traumatism ; in intoxications, as by lead ; in interstitial hemorrhages and hematoma ; in struma ; in cicatrices ; in the blood-vessels in old age, arteriosclerosis, or aneu- rysm ; in all forms of arteritis, especially of the nervous system ; in the endocardium and cardiac valves in all diseases affecting them ; in the granulomata ; in neoplasms, especially cylindromata and keloids ; in the lungs in pneumonia ; in the kidneys in nephri- tis ; and in all conditions of coagulation-necrosis and fibrinous exudation, for in these processes hyaline degeneration seems to be a factor. Pathologic Anatomy. — Hyaline change is not usually mas- sive enough to be macroscopieally appreciable. When so, the organ or tissue is enlarged, dense, and presents a pale, homogeneous, opaque appearance. Upon the mucous and serous membranes small collections may be readily seen, and may present either a pseudo- membranous appearance or may appear as opaque plates upon or beneath the surface. Microscopically there are three chief sites : («) In the blood-vessels, where the degeneration may appear in the endothelium, beneath it, between the coats and fibers of the vessel, or surrounding the vessel. The wall is thickened, the lumen is narrowed or obliterated ; the endothelium may be in a state of proliferation. Perivascular hyaline change is well seen in certain tumors — cylindromata (Fig. 15). (b) In the interstitial tissues, as between the muscle-fibers, the hepatic cells, the renal tubules, in the reticulum of lymph-glands, in the retina, and in neoplasms and cicatrices. It may be uniform in distribution, but is more often irregularly clumped or maybe in concentric whorls, (c) Within the cells. This condition is probably limited to meso- RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 75 dermic cells. It may be seen in muscle- and giant-cells, and in endothelium, leukocytes, or wandering cells to a less degree. "Whether the epithelial cells take part in this transformation in the |iiP Fig. 15.— Cylindroma, showing a number of blood-vessels whose walls have become converted into hyaline material. coagulation-necrosis of mucous membranes and in the production of casts in nephritis has not been decided. It has not been pos- sible in the intercellular or interstitial varieties to decide whether the substance was formed there or deposited there ; in the vascular form, and especially in coagulation-necrosis and fibrinous exuda- tions, it is more probable that it is formed in loco. Unstained, the substance has a glistening, waxy appearance ; it is less translucent than amyloid. Typically it evinces an affin- ity for the acid anilin-stains. It may or may not take the fibrin- stains ; it often takes basic stains in a modified manner. In truth, the reactions of hyaline material are very uncertain and shifting, in many instances it can scarcely be distinguished from amyloid, and is then called a hyalo-amyloid change ; in other instances it closely resembles mucin and the colloid substance. The cells of affected parts often show fatty degeneration or other alterations. Seats. — The locations most often affected are the muscles, espe- cially the recti, the mucous membranes, the liver, kidneys, and adrenal bodies, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the serous membranes, and the retina and choroid coats of the eye. The other locations are suggested in the discussion of the etiology. Pathologic Physiology. — Von Recklinghausen believed it to 76 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. be a coagulation of normal proteid upon the death of the cells ; this explanation is, however, insufficient. It appears more likely either that it consists of proteid modified in loco by disturbed actiou of cells, or that it is a deposition by cellular carriers of insoluble material formed elsewhere. The exact nature of the transformation is entirely obscure ; it cannot be held analogous to the coagulation of proteids by heat; nor to the precipitation by metals or salts, since in these events the proteids are not usually rendered permanently insoluble in water and are in other ways clearly different. Hyaline material can undoubtedly be recon- verted, absorbed, and removed. Its presence rarely compromises the parenchymatous structures to an extreme degree. It may be converted into the other albuminoid degenerations, and may un- dergo caseation and also calcareous infiltration. MUCOID DEGENERATION. Definition. — Theoretically this is the conversion of cellular protoplasm into mucin. Mucin is a glycoproteid, which contains no phosphorus, and which by virtue of its carbohydrate moiety reduces cupric sulphate in alkaline solution. It is quite insoluble in water, but has itself a marked capacity for taking up water. It is very soluble in alkaline solutions, but is precipitated by satura- tion with most neutral salts. It is precipitated by acetic acid in solutions poor in salts ; also by heat, alcohol, and many of the metals. It does not dialyze. The secretions from different classes of epithelium differ notably among themselves, and the pathologic mucins differ still more. Etiology. — Mucoid transformation should be distinguished from hypersecretion of mucin. Hypersecretion is a common re- sult of inflammation or irritation of all sorts ; it is seen in the pulmonary, gastro-intestinal and urinary mucous membranes, in the glands of Cowper, the gall-bladder, the salivary glands, in the antrum of Highmore, in the lachrymal glands, and in the testicles. The product of the epithelium of the urinary tract and gall-blad- der, usually called mucin, is more often nucleo-albumin. Mucoid degeneration in the strict sense occurs most frequently in meso- blastic tissues, the abnormal substance lying between the cells. It is in some way connected with inflammatory processes, as, apart from its occurrence in tumors, it is found only in tissues the seat of inflammation. Any of the connective tissues of the body may be affected. Widespread myxomatous degeneration of the subcuta- neous tissues may be seen in myxedema. In some cases of myx- edema, scleroderma, and the other pachydermia affections, mucin has been extracted from the skin ; other attempts in similar cases have failed. Neoplasms comprise the third group of mucoid phe- nomena. The transformation occurs in sarcomata, carcinomata, fibro- RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 77 mata, lipomata, chondromata, and especially in the myxomata, where mucin is the essential element, while in the other growths it is an accidental and occasional transformation. In the epithelial tumors the epithelial cells themselves may be affected. Pathologic Anatomy. — The gross appearances may consist in nothing but the appearance of the mucin. Upon catarrhal mucous membranes is a coat of thick, tenacious mucus, with or without congestion or other changes. In localities where the mucin becomes pent up it swells markedly, dilates the chambers, flattens the epithelium (which may then atrophy), and later becomes converted into a simple albuminous fluid. Such a pro- cess is seen in the antrum of Highmore, in Cowper's glands, in the salivary glands, etc. ; in these cases the appearances are those of a cyst. In mucoid degenerations in the connective tissues the appearances are often not characteristic of mucin ; the tissues are soft and elastic and tear easily. In tumors cysts are usually formed along with general mucoid infiltration. In cystic ovarian neoplasms the production is often massive, and the substance is often peculiar in refusing precipitation by acetic acid, and has therefore been termed pseudomucin. In myxomata the substance is usually much more dense. Mieroscopie Appearances. — In catarrhal mucous membranes the goblet-cells are seen in excessive quantity. Only in extreme instances is the process accompanied by the death of the cell. The cells are much swollen, and the distal end is especially bulged out with its drop of mucin. There is usually a submucous inflammatory reaction, and pus-cells containing mucoid ma- C| * - v.\ terial may be seen (Fig. 16). In , *-f ^s. .<*** * 1%v .»^\ -J the connective tissues it is seen that the mucin lies between the cells and that the ground-substance has disap- peared — i. e., been converted into mucus. The cells very rarely pre- sent mucous change, but are often "~~~ i , -. . ,i t FlG - 16.— Myxomatous degeneration degenerated m other ways. In tu- of a sarcoma, showing stellate ceils mors the change occurs everywhere, ^SS^S^uSSS^^ ma ' in and between the cells and in the form of cysts, whose walls may or may not present a cellular lining. The blood-vessels are rarely affected. In all situations mast-cells may be seen, often abundantly. Mucin is best fixed with corrosive sublimate. As a rule, it elects basic stains. It stains only moderately with hematoxylin, but very well with methyl ene-blue and indeed with most of the basic anilin-stains. Thionin and tuloidin-blue are the best stains, .'< ^ . .'St- 78 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. giving it a purple-red color. These staining reactions arc not en- tirely distinctive, and it is often impossible to differentiate mucoid from colloid material, and even from hyaline and amyloid material. Seats. — Of normal epithelial tissues the mucosa of the respi- ratory and gastro-intestinal tracts, the salivary glands, and the uterus are most often affected ; any epithelium may, however, be involved. The connective tissues have been sufficiently consid- ered. Of neoplasms, ovarian cysts, abdominal carcinomata, and mesoblastic tumors anywhere are most liable. Pathologic Physiology. — Since the deposition of mucin seems to he excluded, the only explanation is to assume the con- version of other proteids into mucin. The causes and modus operandi are not clear ; the fact, however, that in the cysts the mucin may be reduced to simple albumin, shows the possibility of such transformations. Unless the disease is very prolonged, the affected mucous mem- branes may recover. The connective-tissue forms do not of them- selves threaten the life of the tissue ; and the deposit is often removed by reabsorption. In neoplasms the degeneration seems an evidence of cell-death. COLLOID DEGENERATION. Definition. — This consists in the abnormal appearance of a substance whose prototype is the colloid material of the thyroid gland. It is not precipitated by acetic acid nor alcohol, does not take up water avidly, and is therefore quite like the pseudomucin already noted. Htiology. — It occurs in goiters and in thyroid neoplasms, in the hypophysis cerebri, in the kidneys (some cases of congenital cysts), and the adrenal bodies, in the prostate and seminal vesicles, in the atrophic gastric mucosa, in cysts of the lips and larynx, and in the cervix uteri. Colloid transformation in neoplasms apart from the thyroid body is very rare. Colloid may arise from or become converted into mucoid material, and stands very close to the hyaline substance. Pathologic Anatomy. — Affected organs maybe enlarged, and may be hard or quite soft. On section the colloid areas appear as yellowish-brown translucent bodies ; rarely they are arranged in large clumps. They may be macroscopically invisible, or, on the contrary, may form large cystic collections with thin, flattened walls. Colloid degeneration may be accompanied by serous trans- udation, due probably to vascular disturbances. The serous trans- udation seems to dissolve the colloid material, so that finally the cysts are converted into compartments filled with a chocolate- colored fluid containing pus, blood, and crystals of cholesterin, sodium chlorid, and calcium oxalate (Fig. 17). RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 79 Microscopically the material is found in the glandular acini, in the cells, and in the connective tissues. There are often signs of pressure, and, probably from the same cause, the areas are anemic and have a poor vascular distribution. The arrangement is Fig. 17.— Colloid degeneration of the thyroid gland, showing masses of colloid matter in the gland acini (Karg and Schmorl). usually in balls or scrolls, homogeneous as a rule, but often with concentric or radiating lines. The areas often intercommunicate, and extensions may be traced into the adjacent tissues. The cells usually show degenerative changes, and inflammatory reactions are often present. Crystals of calcium oxalate are common. Acid stains are usually elected, as in hyaline degeneration. The indefi- niteness of the reactions may make it impossible to exclude hya- line and mucoid changes. Pathologic Physiology. — This is obscure, but seems to be analogous to that of mucoid change. The substance is undoubt- edly produced in loco. Colloid is a grave degeneration, usually connected with marked cellular disturbances. The substance may become hyaline or mu- coid, or may be reduced to a simple or purulent transudation. GLYCOGENIC INFILTRATION. Definition. — This condition consists in the presence of gly- cogen in cells which normally contain none, or the presence of an excess in cells which normally contain it, as in the liver, cartilage, muscles, leukocytes, in the embryo in all tissues, and in the uterus. The attempt has been made to separate glycogenic infiltration from a glycogenic degeneration, but the conversion of protoplasmic proteid into glycogen has never been demonstrated. 80 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Etiology. — The condition is not infrequent. It is seen in the tissues in diabetes, especially in the kidneys, muscles, liver, and circulating leukocytes. Jt occurs in neoplasms, especially in malignant growths of mesoblastic origin, being rare in most carci- nomata. In leukocytosis of different varieties the cells may con- tain an excess, and granules of the glycogen may float free in the plasma. In purulent collections and in inflammatory areas the cells may be markedly infiltrated. The infectious granulomata, however, seem exempt. The amylaceous bodies of the prostate are closely allied to glycogen. Pathologic Anatomy. — Tissues rich in glycogen may pre- sent a hyaline appearance ; usually there are no macroscopic alter- ations. Microscopically the material is generally found within the cells ; it may, however, be in the intercellular substance, and may be free in the plasma of blood or the fluid of exudates. It is commonly deposited as round balls, which may be concentri- cally striated. In fresh tissues it is soluble in water, but loses its solubility after fixation by alcohol, etc. Glycogen is stained brown by iodin, but the brown is not turned blue on the application of sulphuric acid. Ptyalin or amyl- opsin converts it into sugar, with the loss of the color-reaction. The pathologic physiology is obscure. In diabetes it is simply an expression of the general hyperglycemia. In neoplasms and suppurations the collections are probably depositions. DROPSICAL INFILTRATION. By dropsical infiltration is meant edema of the cells, the pres- ence in cells of an excess of plasma. This does not always occur Fig. 18.— Dropsical Infiltration of the epithelial cells of a carcinoma of the breast: a. ordinary epithelial cells; b, dropsical ceils; r, dropsical nuclei; 2TM >->• ':>%?- n, :«•; ir ► JT \ M£ -v 'ti'' ' "' ^' ■>«.» -->--*MBf .-^s^ fes#^ r!^.V»j " -Si§-j-: '' *#vS5s2jli 4| ....^ ■=.' V$£j£z3% s>^" -& Fig. 19.— Tuberculosis of the lung, showing anthracotic pigmentations in the lower part. carried by phagocytic cells into the submucosa (Fig. 20). They may become deposited in the latter situation, or may be carried in Fio. 20.— Phagocytic cells of the bronchial secretion (sputum) containing black particles of dust ana carbon ; the cells on the right are stained with methylene-blue (Jakob). the lymphatic circulation to the peribronchial and mediastinal gland's, the fibrous tissue of the lung, or the subpleural tissues. In rare instances the pigment finally reaches the general circulation, RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 85 following which it is deposited largely in the spleen, liver, intes- tinal mucosa, and kidneys. In these cases the mucous membranes from the lips downward may be more or less pigmented. Pigmentation through the alimentary tract is best illustrated by argyria following the excessive ingestion of soluble salts of silver. The depositions seem to consist of a reduced form of a silver albuminate. In the skin the pigment lies directly under the epithelial layer, between the cells, and in the intercellular tissue and lymph-spaces. The gastric and intestinal walls are deeply affected. The liver and kidneys are usually involved ; in the former the deposition is periportal, in the latter the glomeruli and the corticomedullary boundary contain the pigment ; in both the cells are free. Among the rarer sites are the choroid plexus, the various glands of the body, and the Avails of the blood-vessels. Pigmentation by cutaneous absorption apart from tattooing is problematical ; it has been alleged to occur in workers in copper. Hematogenous Pigmentation. This concerns the deposition of pigments derived from the hemoglobin, of which there are two groups, the siderous and the non-siderous. The chief siderous pigment is hemosiderin, which has, however, many modifications ; the non-siderous pigments are derivatives of hematin — hematoidin, hemofuscin, melanin, etc. In the course of time the siderous pigments may lose their iron. Probably all formation and further elaboration of these pigments are the result of specific cellular activities. Two groups of hema- togenous pigmentations may be distinguished, (1) those in which the hemolytic agents act in the circulating blood or the associated organs, and (2) those in which the reductions occur in local tissues. (1) To the first group belong the general hemolyses. In per- nicious anemia and leukemia, in malaria, in severe cachexias, in occasional infectious and septic processes, in poisonings (as by pyro- gallic acid, chlorates, arseniuretted hydrogen, by some mollusks, by pyridin and tuluylendiamin, etc.), the hemoglobin is set free in the circulation. It is promptly excreted by the kidneys, and to a limited extent by the intestines ; much is converted into bile in the liver, some little passing into the bile unchanged. A certain amount is reduced by the tissues (apparently by the liver) to the two before-mentioned series of pigments, which are then carried in the lymphatic and vascular circulation and by means of cellular carriers and deposited in various places. As time passes, these pigments seem to become reduced, the iron being excreted by the intestine and the remainder by the kidneys as urobilin. In the liver the depositions are largely in the periphery of the lobule ; in the spleen, in the regions of the follicles ; in the kidney the most marked collections are in and about the glomeruli and the tubules. 86 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. In all tissues the (((positions arc both intercellular and intracellu- lar ; the cells may either take up pigment or have it deposited in them. A peculiar form of hematogenous pigmentation is that seen in the gastro-intestinal tract and other abdominal organs of drunk- ards. In other instances the presence of siderous pigments in the intestine is to he viewed as a process of excretion, since the greater mass of iron is eliminated through the bowels. The appearance of organs with marked pigmentation varies with the variety and stage. A rusty-red color is the usual early appearance ; later a brown, then a greenish color may be produced, and finally a dark blackish-brown. The association of jaundice, which is common, alters appearances very much. (2) The two chief causes of heal pigmentation are thrombosis and interstitial hemorrhage and coagulation. The pigmentations seen in the indurations resulting from prolonged venous stagnations and congestions are probably of analogous origin. Under these cir- cumstances the hemoglobin is diffused from the blood-cells, and a portion passes directly into the plasmatic circulation and is carried away to be eliminated ; soon, however, the area becomes walled off and the two sets of pigments are then formed within. The siderous pigments are most frequently seen in small lesions and at the periphery of large ecch ymoses ; the hematoidin series is most prevalent within the cystic contents. The pigments change in color (the color-changes in a bruise are due to this), and finally become a brownish amorphous powder, which in turn disappears. Phagocytic cells take up all forms of the pigments (Fig. 21), and Fk;. 21.— Phagocytic cells of the sputum containing blood-pigment, from a case of cardiac congestion of the lungs (Jakob). carry them to various parts of the body, especially to the liver, hematopoietic organs, intestines, and glands; the depositions in them are known as pigment-metastases. RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 87 The distinctive reactions of the various pigments are not well known. Of hematin and hemin it is known that they are insolu- ble in water, alcohol, and ether ; slightly soluble in weak acetic and mineral acids ; easily soluble in chloroform and in weak alka- lies, from which solution they are precipitated on the addition of lime- or baryta-water. Hematoidin differs from these in being somewhat soluble in ether, but insoluble in weak acetic acid, and gives with strong nitric acid the spectral play of colors. Apart from the iron reactions little is known of hemosiderin. The iron is best demonstrated by its conversion into the sulphid by means of ammonium sulphid, or by the Prussian-blue reaction with weak hydrochloric acid and potassium ferrocyanid. Microscopically hematogenous pigment presents three chief appearances : small needles, rhombic crystals, and amorphous masses or fine balls clumped together (Fig. 22). The first two Fig. 22.— Hematoidin-crystals from an old hemorrhagic focus (Jakob). forms are very rarely seen within cells, the last form commonly. The colors vary from a pink-red to a deep rubin, from pale yellow- green to a deep brown or absolute black. Hepatogenous Pigmentation. Pigmentations derived from the bile are due to bilirubin (iso- meric with hematoidin) and its oxidation-product, biliverdin. As will be elsewhere explained in detail, all jaundice is now held to be of hepatic origin ; so far as known, only the hepatic and renal cells can produce bilirubin from hematin. The deposition of these pigments may be either in solution in the tissues, in granular precipitations, or in crystals (needles and rhombic plates). The cerebral substance alone seems never, ex- cept in the new-born, to be pigmented. The liver, skin, mucous membranes, the endarterium and other serous membranes, and the 88 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. glandular and tatty tissues arc especially susceptible. The color is first yellow and gradually deepens to a deep olive, the urine presenting similar transitions. The lachrymal and salivary glands, the manuine, and the intestinal mucosa seem to be able to keep the pigment from passing out with their secretions. The ocular fluids are colored. The pigment in solution saturates the tissues. The granular pigments, yellow, brown, or greenish in color, may be seen in the cells or in the interstitial tissues; the crystals, yellow or red in color, are usually extracellular. The pigment displays the spec- tral play of colors on contact with strong nitric acid, and is turned green by weak tincture of iodin. A special form of deposition is the bilirubin-infarcts in the uri- nary tubules. These arc seen in severe jaundice of the new-born, but may occur in deep icterus of adults, as in acute yellow atrophy. Metabolic Pigmentation. The pigmentation derived from cellukr activity may be prop- erly termed metabolic. We know isolated facts about the differ- ent forms, but there is little systematic fundamental knowledge. Two tacts, however, seem clear : that these pigments are formed by migratory and resident pigment-building cells, which with leukocytes and plasma-cells accomplish their transportation and deposition ; and that hemoglobin is in some way or other the raw material for their manufacture, with, perhaps, the exception of some pigments in melanosarcoma, which seem derived from proteids. The manifestations may be local or general. Among the former are the pigmentations of nevi and moles, of pregnancy, of the corpus lutcuni, freckles, some scars, certain skin-diseases, as chlo- asma and xanthelasma, of the lesions secondary to some cutaneous parasites, etc. A special local type is that seen in tumors, notably in melanosarcomata. Lipomata and sarcomata (chloromata) may be analogously affected. Among the general pigmentations are those of Addison's disease, of certain severe anemias and cachexias; of some cases of diabetes {diabUe bronzg) ; tuberculosis of the peritoneum, intestines, and re- troperitoneal glands; of abdominal neoplasms, and of senility. The cases associated with abdominal lesions are held to be connected with disturbances of the adrenal bodies or of the splanchnic sym- pathetic system, which has been considered to have control of pigment-formations. The metabolic pigments are very varied, and a detailed discus- sion of them here would be unprofitable. They may have a high percentage of sulphur, and may or may not contain iron. They are commonly deposited in and between the cells as granules, but RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 89 may be crystalline. They do not give a play of colors with nitric acid, and have varying solubility. NECROSIS. Definition. — Necrosis may be defined as the death of tissues. The death of individual cells is termed neerobiosk ; death of tissue en masse, usually accompanied by putrefactive changes, constitutes gangrene. j^tiology. — All classes of cellular death may be brought un- der four etiologic groups : 1, those due to nutritional and circula- tory disturbances ; 2, those due to trophic disturbances ; 3, those due to poisons — animal, vegetable, bacterial, and inorganic ; and, 4, those due to traumatism, employing the term in its broadest sense. It has been attempted, without success in our opinion, to class the trophic necroses as identical with those due to circulatory and nutritional disturbances ; similarly the poisons and traumatism have been considered as acting only through the circulatory and nutritional paths, but it seems evident that in the light of our present knowledge the four groups are to a greater or less degree distinct. The various causes do not produce constant types of necrosis, but occasion one form in some cases, another in other cases. Prom- inent among these varying circumstances are the native health of the tissues and their vital resistance, the circulatory relations of the part involved, the activity and duration of the causal agents, the age of the subject, the presence of other diseases, the temperature of the tissues, etc. It will therefore be better first to consider col- lectively the causes of necrosis, and subsequently detail the varieties of it. There can be no doubt, however, that in the direct forms of necrosis the results are to a marked extent individual to the agent ; for example, cells killed by the action of acids, alkalies, and metallic salts present appearances quite characteristic of each. Circulatory Derangements. — The circulatory disturbances in- clude many conditions. Acute and chronic ischemia, however produced — by embolism, thrombosis, arteriosclerosis and atheroma, by extra-arterial pressure, cardiac weakness, or by arterial spasm, as in Raynaud's disease, and perhaps in ergotism — are important conditions. Venous stagnations are responsible for many instances. Actual stasis is a rare cause, being mechanical obstructions and such poisonings as produce coagulations. Heat and cold act partly by circulatory disturbances. Among the general disorders of circu- lation and nutrition may be mentioned the anemias, the cachexias, senility, and certain metabolic diseases, such as diabetes. In these conditions there is much probability that poisoning by metabolic products plays an important part. 90 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Trophic Derangements. — Forms of necrosis due to trophic dis- turbances are well illustrated by bedsores (decubitus), myelitic cystitis, the ulcerations seen in trigeminal neuritis, and the arthropathies. These forms of cell-death cannot be brought under the circulatory, toxic, or traumatic classification. They can be explained only by the assumption that the biologic mechanism of the cell is disturbed, and that in consequence death occurs. Intoxications. — The group due to poisons is very extensive and the particular subdivisions numerous. The toxins of bacteria furnish many direct examples ; and indirectly many forms which seem circulatory or traumatic are not really so, since these factors only lower the resistance of tissues, which then become susceptible to bacterial infection. Experimentally the most exquisite forms of cell-degenerations and necrosis can be produced by the injec- tion of toxins or analogous substances like ricin and abrin. The alkaloids possess marked power in the production of necrosis. Acids, alkalies, metallic salts, and innumerable other chemical sub- stances may produce direct necrosis by immediate action, or indi- rect necrosis by the preliminary production of degenerations. The same substances often cause both circulatory and mechanical dis- turbances, which augment their direct effects. Heat and cold act like chemicals ; heat alters the properties of proteids ; cold affects the fluids rather than the protoplasmic substances ; both also induce marked circulatory disturbances. Mechanical Agents. — The mechanical causes of necrosis are many and varied. Pressure per se may cause the death of cells, but is often aided by the circulatory disturbances which it occa- sions. That tension causes necrosis is an old surgical truth, well illustrated by the results of collections of exudates below the peri- osteum and by the results of strangulations. The pressure of cal- culi, concretions, enteroliths, and exostoses may cause important necrotic processes. Circulatory disturbances often are a very ac- tive factor — indeed, many forms of traumatism act solely through them. Inflammation, whatever its original inception, may become so extreme as to lead to necrosis. Necrosis, on the other hand, often leads to inflammation, the dead cells constituting veritable irri- tants. All forms of necrosis are accompanied to a greater or less extent by the various degenerations. In particular the cellular alterations are constantly present, and constitute the evidences of morbific action. (Reference will be made below to the cellular changes.) There are several general forms of necrosis which, however produced, have a sufficiently distinct character to warrant separate descriptions. They are coagulation-necrosis, liquefaction-necrosis, caseation, fat-necrosis, hemolysis, and gangrene. RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 9.1 COAGULATION=NECROSIS. Definition. — This is defined as that form of death of tissue in which the proteid suffers a change similar to or identical with coagulation. It is seen only in those tissues which are rich in proteids. The process is partly at least a species of fibrin-forma- tion, and is allied to hyaline degeneration. Etiology. — The causes of this condition are those above de- tailed for necrosis in general. Circulatory disturbances, except thrombosis or infarctions, play a minor role here. Chemical irri- tants and high temperatures frequently produce it. Bacterial poisons are very prone to produce it, especially those elaborated by the pyogenic bacteria, the tubercle bacillus, and the Bacillus diphtherias. About every abscess is found more or less coagula- tion-necrosis ; it is one of the early changes in tubercles, and the fundamental element in the production of pseudomembranes. All exudates and transudates are liable to coagulation. The serous and mucous membranes are most susceptible ; next the muscular tissues (often the myocardium). Pathologic Anatomy. — The tissue has a glazed, opaque, waxy appearance, and is firmer and paler than normal. In later stages the color becomes gray and the tissue inclines to soften. Microscopically it is seen that there is an exudate which has been Fig. 23.— Obstruction of a branch of the renal artery with micro-organisms : necrosis of the tissue around the artery, and round-cell infiltration of the neighboring tissue (Thoma). fixed in the tissues ; the fibrin is seen (with suitable stains) in granules and fibrils with the homogeneous exudate closely packed about it. The cells soon lose their election for stains (Fig. 23). Early in the process the nuclei may stain faintly and present a 92 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. homogeneous appearance ; later the cell disintegrates completely. In muscles the striations disappear ; and iu the cardiac muscle the intercellular cement-substance seems to be dissolved, for the cells often lie separated and present vacuolation and fragmentation. Pus, leukocytes, and red blood-cells in the affected areas all suffer the fate of the fixed tissue. The blood-vessels at the margin of the area are seen to be thrombosed. In the kidneys the tubules may contain firm casts. Morbid Physiology. — Many chemicals cause coagulation by direct action. In the larger number of instances, however, it must be assumed that the fibrinogenetic substances which bring about the coagulation of the proteids are derived from the necro- biotic cells in the area or are carried thither by the lymphatic ■ ♦ l .■* * 9 ' if Fig. 24.— Coagulation-necrosis of the hepatic cells in a case of puerperal eclampsia (Karg and Schraorl). cells. There is considerable evidence that bacterial products may act fibrinogenetically (Fig. 24). An area of coagulation may be cast off by the process of ulcer- ation, may undergo liquefaction, caseation, or suppuration, may be encysted, and apparently may be dissolved and reabsorbed. The area of disease may finally be converted into scar-tissue by secondary regeneration. More or less complete loss of function results from this form of necrosis. LIQUEFACT10N=NECROSIS. Definition. — This change consists in the death of tissue with colliquation. It may be divided into primary and secondary forms. Secondary liquefaction-necrosis is the form in which other varieties of necrosis or degeneration are followed by liquefaction. Thus, areas of coagulation-necrosis, cheesy necrosis, and of inflam- mation, gangrenous tissue, and tumors may become liquefied. Among the special forms may be mentioned vesicle-formation RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 93 and the softening of caseous tuberculous lesions. A very frequent seat of liquefaction-necrosis is the central nervous system, where the conditions are unfavorable to coagulation, so that liquefaction here follows pathologic conditions which would elsewhere produce coagulation. Circulatory disturbances, traumatism, and intoxica- tions all cause softening in the central nervous system ; the peripheral nerves are much less susceptible. Pathologic Anatomy. — In the early stages the tissue is softer than normal and very rich in juices. Later, when the solu- tion of the fibrillar tissues is advanced, the area becomes filled with a liquid of greater or less consistency, depending upon the tissue involved. The cells in the area are seen in all stages of degeneration ; later, nothing but detritus is visible. In some instances, instead of becoming more and more fluid, the exudate undergoes coagulation. The color may be white, from the presence of an emulsion of fats ; yellow, from fats and pigments ; red and brown, from the presence of blood-pigment ; and deeply colored Avhen jaundice is associated. The process consists in the infiltration of fluid into tissues and the more or less complete solution of the tissue-elements in it. It has been compared to the alterations of proteids by digestion — a reasonable deduction, since enzymes are often elaborated in the processes which give rise to liquefaction. In other respects the process resembles the solution in distilled water of proteids precipitated by salt so- lutions. Areas of liquefaction may discharge their contents, may coagulate, may be re- absorbed, encysted, or in uncommon in- stances organized. CASEATION. Caseation is the crude name applied to a complex process whose product has a cheese-like appearance (Fig. 25). The condition is most frequently seen in connection with tuberculosis, although it is found in the other granulomata, and also in other pathologic processes. The preliminary conditio sine qua non of casea- tion is coagulation-necrosis. The early tubercle, before the occur- rence of softening, has an appearance like that of cheese, but is less homogeneous and more granular (Fig. 26). A form of caseation quite similar in appearance occurs in Fig. 25.— Tuberculosis of the suprarenal capsule, showing caseation of the tuberculous areas (modified from Kast and Rumpel). 94 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. pneumonia, in tumors, and especially in syphilis. Soft caseation is usually coagulation-necrosis advanced to liquefaction, together with tatty metamorphosis, so that the appearances are those of soft, creamy cheese. The liquefaction-necrosis of the central ner- vous system may present similar appearances. Microscopically, the tissues in caseation show no cells preserv- ing their staining-reactions ; everything is converted into debris. Around the affected area is usually found a zone of coagulation, of inflammation, or both. Fig. 26.— Large tubercle of the lung, showing cheesy necrosis in the center. Tissues that have undergone caseation may be cast off, reab- sorbed, or encysted ; resolution is not possible. Calcification is a frequent termination. FAT=NECROSIS. This term is now used to designate a peculiar type of necrosis to which the fatty tissues are subject, and is distinct from ordinary fatty metamorphosis. In human beings it is seen almost exclu- sively in the abdomen, abdominal walls, and subperitoneal fat. Tn nearly all instances it appears in connection with pancreatic disease — cysts, tumors, obstruction to the duct, and the various forms of acute pancreatitis. In rare instances the pancreas has not seemed especially diseased. In one case I have seen of hyper- trophic cirrhosis of the liver the omentum was affected, while the pancreas showed nothing but a moderate degree of fibrosis.. The affected areas are white in color, usually not larger than a pea ; they may be soft or quite gritty. Inflammatory reaction may or may not surround them. On microscopic examination crystals of the fatty acids may be seen together with more abun- dant crystals of a combination of lime with the fatty acids. This RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 95 combination, it appears, is not a primary feature in the necrosis, suggesting that the fatty acids are first set free and then unite with lime-salts. In experimental work by Hildebrand and Flex- ner it seems to have been shown that the typical condition may be the result of direct action of the fat-splitting ferment of the pancreatic secretion. It is certain, however, that in some cases of pancreatic cysts containing steapsin no fat-necrosis has occurred. Bacteria have been supposed by some to be the essen- tial agents causing the change, but this has not been demonstrated. HEMOLYSIS. Hemolysis, or blood-destruction, is a term limited to the red cells, and indicates destruction of the cell with dispersion of its hemoglobin. (The causes and other features are described under Pigmentations and Diseases of the Blood.) GANGRENE. Definition. — Gangrene, formerly defined as the death of tis- sue en masse, is perhaps best defined as the putrefaction of areas of necrosis. It may be primary, when a particular bacterium produces a gangrenous inflammation as its direct result, as in malignant edema ; or secondary, when saprophytic bacteria decom- pose an area already necrosed from other causes. It may be dry or moist, according to the location and supply of fluids. It may furthermore be circumscribed, progressive, or metastatic. Primary gangrene constitutes a specific affection, or rather a number of specific affections. Malignant edema, infectious em- physema,- and some forms of anthrax may be included in this group. In these conditions there is violent infective inflammation with practically immediate gangrene of the affected parts. Secondary gangrene is more common, and the appearances are very varied. The essential condition is putrefaction of a necrosed area. Dry gangrene is usually due to vascular disturbances. As a result of arterial obstruction it is seen in the extremities in senility, and following arterial embolism or thrombosis of whatsoever nature if the collateral circulation be insufficient to nourish the part. Freezing may produce a dry form of gangrene, the vessels being blocked by thrombosis. Ergotism causes dry gangrene as a rule ; the same may be said of Raynaud's disease. Finally, dry gan- grene may result from the moist form when putrefaction is slow and evaporation of the fluids occurs. The putrefactive processes in the dry type are not marked, and may cease entirely. Dry gan- grene is generally circumscribed, and the end-result of a typical case is mummification. The color is usually dark, finally black ; early it may be yellow or brown ; rarely, the tissues are very pale. There is little toxic absorption in these cases. 96 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Moist gangrene presents numerous varieties. It is rarely pro- duced by arterial occlusion, but is the usual result of extensive venous occlusion. Internal emboli, as in the pulmonary arteries or veins or mesenteric arteries, not infrequently cause gangrene of this form. It also occurs in the lungs as a result of inspirational or other pneumonias, abscess, neoplasms, bronchiectasis, and in diabetes. It is seen as a result of traumatism and pressure in severe contusions (especially with vascular injuries), in intussus- ception and strangulation of the bowel ; as a result of torsion in movable kidneys, spleens, or tumors. It is frequent in the ob- structed or strangulated vermiform appendix. Extensive moist gangrene of the extremities or other parts is not rare in connec- tion with diabetes. The mucous membranes may become gan- grenous as a result of various infections. A particular form is noma of the mouth and genitalia. It is seen as a rare condition in certain skin-diseases ; and is not unusual in severe trophic lesions, as decubitus, cystitis, mal perforant, etc. In moist gangrene the consistency of the part becomes progres- sively softer. There may be local or widespread emphysema. The color is usually dark brown, due' to disorganized blood-pig- ment; the skin commonly becomes black, and is covered with blebs. About the area there may be a zone of coagulation-necro- sis with vascular thrombosis ; or a zone of inflammatory reaction which will produce a line of demarcation. In some cases, espe- cially the diabetic, neither of these zones is formed. The cells first succumb. The protoplasm and nuclei exhibit various evidences of degeneration, the nuclei disappearing and the cells becoming converted into granular detritus. Fat and the my el in-sheaths of nerve-fibers are reduced to free fat and fatty crystals. The muscle-cells lose their striations and become frag- mented ; the axis-cylinders of nerves fibrillate. Hemorrhages into the area are common, due either to erosion of vessels and expulsion of their thrombi by the pressure of the blood-current, or to a genu- ine hemorrhagic condition the result of toxemia. Connective tissue and elastic fibers resist longer than the cells, but finally become liquefied. The affected area contains crystals of pigment, fatty acids, cholesterin, leucin, ty rosin, phosphates, and carbonates. Ammonia, the fatty acids, indol and skatol, amins, sulphuretted hydrogen, carbonic acid, and other gases, usually of pronounced odor, are formed. There is more or less toxic absorption from these areas. But two things can happen to an area of gangrene; it may progress and cause the death of the individual, or may become cir- cumscribed. In dry gangrene and in the vascular forms of moist gangrene limitation is the rule ; the other moist forms tend to be progressive. In the circumscribed form a line of demarcation is formed by inflammatory reaction, and the mass is finally cast off RETROGRESSIVE PROCESSES. 97 as a sphacelus or slough if the area be superficial, or encysted if the area be internal. The latter cases may be followed by reab- sorption of the contents and calcification of the sac. GENERAL PATHOLOGY OF CELLULAR NECROSIS. The cell as an individual element is liable to pathologic processes of various kinds that merit brief consideration, apart from definite forms of tissue-degeneration and necrosis. Etiology. — The causes of cellular degeneration and necrosis are numer- ous, including mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical, and vital (trophic) influences of various kinds. It is easy to demonstrate the influence of some of these causes in the unicellular organisms such as amebse, and the changes thus produced may also be seen under proper conditions in the cells of the animal body. Pathologic Anatomy. — The cell as a whole may show various forms of distortion, or internal change. Increased irritability and mobility of the protoplasm cause the projection of pseudopodia, and these may be separated from the body of the cell as rounded particles more or less resembling the original cell. This is easily demonstrable in red blood-corpuscles sub- jected to heat. Sometimes particles of the substances are discharged from the cell and vacuolations (expulsion-vacuoles) result. Certain influences, like cold, and metallic salts or other poisons, cause a reduced mobility and general contraction of the cell. Granular precipitation may at the same time occur within the protoplasm. In other cases solution of parts of the cellular protoplasm occurs, and vacuoles of varying size are thus produced. Similar changes have been discovered in the nuclei of the cells, but certain special forms of nuclear change require special mention. Nuclear solution or hypochromatosis may occur as a process of gradual fading or disappearance. The nucleus becomes more and more pallid, and finally is indistinguishable. Karyorrhexis is a form of nuclear fragmentation in which the chromatin of the nucleus becomes broken up into small particles. Hyperchromatosis is a degenerated condition of the nucleus, involving the nuclear membrane in particular. The body of the nucleus becomes pale and finally quite colorless, while the periphery is much more apparent and thickened. With the further destruction of the nucleus and cell the pigment-particles arranged around the periphery of the nucleus may become scattered through the cell. Pyknosis is the name used to designate degeneration of the cell and nucleus in which the protoplasmic substance of these structures becomes more dense and their size correspondingly decreased. The cells become darker and frequently densely granular. When the nucleus is affected this contraction may leave a vacant zone about it, so that the nucleus apparently lies within a vacuole. ABNORMAL CELL=DIVISION. In addition to these diseases of the cell and its nucleus there are certain disorders of cell-multiplication that may be here described. Karyokinesis, instead of being a regular process of division of the nucleus into two daughter-nuclei, may proceed irregularly. Sometimes the process is asym- metric — i. e., does not lead to equal division ; in other cases it is multipolar, several instead of two daughter-nuclei resulting. Other less definite irregu- larities are sometimes observed, and some have held that cell-division may occur by a process of mixed karyokinesis and amitosis. It is important to recognize that some of the forms of nuclear degeneration (karyorrhexis; hyperchromatosis) may be mistaken for normal or abnormal karyokinesis. 7 98 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. CHAPTER V. INFLAMMATION AND REGENERATION. INFLAMMATION. Definition. — By this name are designated the vascular exuda- tive, degenerative, and regenerative changes which occur in the living tissues as a result of irritation by chemical, mechanical, or thermal agents. No short definition contains the essence, for in- flammation is by no means a simple process. It varies with the varying anatomical conditions or the vitality of the tissue involved, and with the intensity or nature of the irritant. Galen and his followers defined it by giving the cardinal symptoms : heat (calor), redness {rubor), pain (dolor), and swelling (tumor). To these may be added altered function (functio kesa). Historical. — The earliest conceptions of inflammation were those of a specific entity. Subsequently various theories were offered in explanation of the several phenomena or symptoms. First, the blood-vessels were sup- posed to be influenced through the nervous system [vascular theories). Next, it was taught that the inflammatory irritant excites proliferative changes in the tissues (thus giving rise to round cells), and that this stimu- lation of the cellular activity invites more blood to the part (hence the hyperemia). This was the cellular and attraction theory of Yirchow. Others, notably Cohnheim, described the emigration of leukocytes from the blood-vessels, and held this to be the essential feature of inflammation. This emigration was first described by Dutrochet (1824), Waller (1842), and Strieker ; but Cohnheim was the first to systematize the emigration theory. According to Virchow, the first step is a formative stimulation of the cells ; according to Cohnheim, degeneration of the vessels leading to emigration ; according to Weigert, at least in many cases, the first step is necrosis of the parenchymatous cells. At the present day inflammation is generally re- garded as purely reactive in nature, the irritation causing sometimes one and sometimes another primary lesion. Phenomena in Inflammation. — These may be well studied in the mesentery or tongue of a frog. When the mesentery is ex- posed and spread under a microscope the first visible effect is a very temporary contraction of the arteries, which may disappear before the examination can be made. It is followed by dilatation of the arteries, and then of the capillaries and veins. The blood-current is first more rapid than normal, then slower, and may finally stop entirely (stasis), especially in the capillaries in the center of the inflamed area. Notable changes are seen in the circulating cor- puscles. As the current becomes slower the leukocytes in the plasmatic zone increase in number and stick to the vessel-walls in a continuous row. In the capillaries clumps of leukocytes fre- quently alternate with masses of red corpuscles, or of red and white corpuscles in their customary proportion. Next, it may be observed that the leukocytes are passing through the walls of the INFLAMMATION AND REGENERATION. 99 capillaries and veins and spreading in the outside tissues. At the same time a certain number of red corpuscles are passed through the capillary walls, and altered plasma escapes and infiltrates the tissues. In the connective tissues outside the vessels proliferative changes take place, leading to karyokinesis and formation of round cells resembling the emigrated leukocytes (Fig. 27). In struct- FiG. 27.— Inflammation of the mesentery, showing overfilling of the blood-vessels, with emigration of leukocytes and diapedesis of red corpuscles (Ziegler). ures in which there are parenchymatous (archiblastic) cells the latter undergo various degenerative changes, such as cloudy swell- ing, mucous degeneration, fatty degeneration, or even necrosis. Less frequently proliferation of the parenchymatous cells takes place. Every case of inflammation does not present all of these phenomena, nor is the subsequent fate of the exudate and altered cells always the same. The phenomena must now be separately considered. 1. Changes in the Vessels. — The first effect of irritation may be momentary contraction of the arteries ; but this is rarely observed. Usually the arteries dilate at once, and dilatation of the capillaries and veins promptly follows. The cause of this dilatation was for- merly looked for in the nervous system, but it is more probably to be found in some degeneration of the vessel-walls. The micro- scope does not reveal this, but some of the phenomena connected with exudation and the circulation of the blood show that the cause must be in the vessel-walls. 2. Exudation. — The blood-current is at first more rapid, then slower, than normal. The former is due to dilatation of the arteries ; the latter doubtless to some change in the walls of the blood-vessel increasing the friction. Mere dilatation of the vessels could not affect the current in this way. As the current grows slower the leukocytes in the plasmatic zone of the blood-stream increase in number and cling to the wall of the vessel. This is 100 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. W purely a mechanical result of the slower rate of the blood-current. Finally, the leukocytes pass through the vessel-walls between the endothelial cells and collect on the outside of the blood-vessel, whence they more slowly migrate through the tissues (Fig. 27). This emigration of leukocytes occurs to a moderate degree normally, but is abnormal in degree in inflammation. Cohnheim ascribed it to disease of the vessels — in- creased permeability — the leu- kocytes being purely passive. Later observation indicates that the chief role in this excessive emigration must be assigned to the stimulated ameboid move- ments of the leukocytes. Degen- eration of the vessel-walls, espe- cially swelling and softening of the cement-substance between the endothelial cells, and the press- ure of the blood, aid ; but only to a minor extent. The cause of this active ameboid motion and tendency to emigration has re- cently been found to be an attrac- tive force peculiar to the causes of inflammation. Pfeffer found that certain substances manifest strong attractive power for mo- tile bacteria and various spores of plants. This has been termed ■positive chemotaxis. A repellant influence is peculiar to other sub- stances, such as the toxins of bac- teria, and to this the term nega- tive chemotaxis has been applied. The irritant substances which cause inflammation are probably positively chemotactic in action ; and in eases where mechanical injury causes inflammation such substances first result from me- chanical destruction of cells and then occasion the subsequent phenomena of inflammation. In other inflammations the irritant causing the disorder may itself contain the positively chemotactic substance (see under Suppurative Inflammation). The microscopic appearance of the tissues after emigration of the leukocytes is characteristic. The capillaries are dilated and obscured by a mantel of exuded white corpuscles, and : v . f '-"■-' ■ ■ Fir;. 28.— Acute appendicitis, with exten- sive round-cell inliltration of ull of the coats of the appendix. INFLAMMATION AND REGENERATION 101 the tissue around is infiltrated with migratory leukocytes. This appearance is called round-cell infiltration or inflammatory infiltra- tion (Fig. 28). The round cells are mostly leukocytes, but some are new-formed connective-tissue cells, as will be subsequently described. Coincidently with leukocytic emigration there is exudation of more or less altered blood-plasma. This is richer in albumin and more coagulable than dropsical fluid, which is a further indication that the blood-vessels are more permeable in inflammation than in health or mere congestion. Finally, a certain number of red corpuscles escape from the capillaries by diapedesis. This is a purely passive process as far as the red corpuscles are concerned, being due to pressure of the blood. It is particularly marked when stasis has occurred. Ac- cidental hemorrhage by rhexis may add to the blood in an exudate, but is not truly exudative. 3. Degenerative Changes in the Tissues. — The action of the irri- tants which excite inflammation sooner or later affects the tissues and causes degeneration or death. The first effect may fall upon the blood-vessel walls or upon the tissues. Weigert, Neumann, and others hold that the " primary effect " in inflammation is generally or always this tissue-degeneration, which excites second- ary proliferation. This is certainly the case at times ; and the discovery that tissue-degeneration leads to the formation of sub- stances positively chemotactic in action would indicate the manner in which inflammation is brought about in these cases. The degen- erative changes may be merely physiologic (some form of altered functional activity), or there may be structural alterations, such as cloudy swelling, liquefaction, fatty change, coagulation- or other forms of necrosis. The nature of the degeneration depends largely upon the severity of the irritation. Very powerful irritants cause necrosis at once, and not inflammation. It is the irritants which disorder, but do not entirely destroy, cells that are especially apt to excite inflammation. 4. Proliferative Changes. — Sooner or later in an inflamed area there are evidences of cellular proliferation, which occasions the appearance in the tissue of round cells closely resembling the out- wandered leukocytes. They differ, however, in being somewhat larger, in having a larger and paler nucleus which is rounded or oval, and in their exhibiting evidences of karyokinesis. These cells are derived from pre-existing connective-tissue cells. Re- cently it has been claimed that they are in part redevelopments of cellular remnants which had almost or quite lost their cellular character, such as fibrillar protoplasmic prolongations of connec- tive tissue. These are the " slumbering cells " of Grawitz. Virchow held the proliferative changes to be the essential feature in inflammation, and believed that all round cells have 102 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. this origin ; Cohnheim denied the occurrence of proliferation, and ascribed to emigration the essential role. Later, it was held that the proliferative changes are not in reality a part of inflammation, but rather regenerative and for the purpose of repairing the tissue- injuries after inflammation (Fig. 29). At the present time we rV-V f& ill ^tftf* Fig. 29.— New blood-vessels and fibroblastic cells in a beginning adhesion of the peri- cardial layers. must regard as factors in inflammation both emigration and pro- liferation, whether the latter in any individual case is due to direct stimulation of the cells, or is secondary to destructive changes, or is merely the result of increase of nutrition from the inflammatory congestion. It is conjectured by some that under chemotactic influences the cell-contents of fixed cells are incited to movements terminating in karyokinesis, just as the whole cell is influenced in the case of movable cells. Proliferative changes also occur in the parenchymatous cells, but in that case they are more strictly regen- erative in nature. Btiology. — Irritation by mechanical, chemical, thermal, or in- fectious agents causes inflammation when it is severe enough to dis- turb the vitality of the tissue and not sufficient to cause necrosis at once. When the irritant is brought to bear upon the tissues directly there is probably, first, cell-degeneration, followed by vascular disturbances and emigration. When the irritant acts through the blood, vascular disorders probably, as a rule, precede the tissue-changes. Micro-organisms may act by first destroying the cells, or may by their own death liberate from their substance some poison (protein) which is chemotactic. Disturbances of circulation, innervation, or metabolism may so alter cellular pro- cesses as to occasion the production of irritating and chemotactic products. Special Forms of Inflammation. — The nature of the exu- INFLAMMATION AND REGENERATION. 103 date and its subsequent changes lead to a variety of forms of inflammation. Other varieties depend on the activity and dura- tion of the process. (a) Edematous or serous inflammation is characterized by a copious exudation of fluid with comparatively little cellular mat- ter, as in edema of the larynx, serous effusions in the serous sacs, etc. The fluid differs from dropsical fluid in containing more albumin and fibrin-factors. (b) Fibrinous Inflammation. — The plasmatic exudate may clot at once and form a fibrinous membrane on free surfaces or a net- work within the tissues ; this is termed fibrinous inflammation. Inflammations of the serous membranes are nearly always more or less fibrinous. Croupous pneumonia furnishes another example. (c) Diphtheritic inflammation differs from the last in having associated with the coagulation of the exudate coagulation-necrosis of the cells of the part inflamed. Diphtheritic inflammation occurs especially in the pharynx and larynx, where it occasions pseudomembranes (Fig. 30). This is most frequently due to the -Pseudomembranous inflammation of the uvula: a, masses of micrococci; b, necrotic cells ; c, round-cell infiltration ; d, fibrin-network (Ziegler). specific cause of the disease called diphtheria ; but diphtheritic in- flammation may result from a variety of severe irritations, such as bacteria, superheated steam, and chemical irritants. The diphthe- ritic membrane consists of a network of fibrin or of homogeneous or granular fibrin-masses enclosing degenerated epithelial cells and emigrated leukocytes. Sometimes it is quite superficial, involving only the surface-layer of epithelium ; at other times the whole depth of the mucous membrane is implicated. The former are sometimes called croupous and the latter diphtheritic false mem- branes. These terms, however, are ill-defined and objectionable. 104 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. (J) Suppurative inflammation is characterized by unusual abun- dance of emigrated leukocytes and by the tendency to li qui factmn Bacteria are most frequently the cause; but i has been shown experimentally that croton oil, calomel, tu pontine the bactena, the commonest are the so-called pyogenic staphylo- cocci and streptococci; but numerous forms, not La tiall vo geme may occasionally prove so. Such 'arc the bacdhis' V typhoid fever, the gonococcus, the Bacillus coli, and others Recent studies ascribe to chemotaxi.s the important r6le in the act,™ of baetern in inflammation and suppuration. Either he products of the bacteria or substances derived from their own Protoplasm (bacterioprotein-Buclmer) exercise a powerful duT i Xytef IS' £? TIT ° CCaSi ° n ^ "^ ot ™« leukocytes (i,g. 31 j. Ihe same or similar substances further prevent fibrin-formation or cause a solution of fibrin already fomed, and thus the exudate liquefies and forms pu This con' with ' Iflf ■'', '"'',""' ''''',""■ ' <*>* »'«lifi«l Uooi-plasma which diiferefrom ordinary plasma in being less coaeulaole Zl\ contauung notable qnantities of albumose J^JS a corn^ cular part, consisting chiefly of multinucle^r leukocytes iZTn^ h- derated, lome proliferated connective-Se "ells or rib^dforifS " n V r " "V '" ration into th * °ody mv take plaoe directly through wounds, or somewhat indirectly through small abras.ons m t he various mucous membranes. Some fel INFLAMMATION AND REGENERATION. 105 Abscess. — When this occurs in the substance of a tissue or organ the lesion is called an abscess. This consists of a collection of pus, which usually presents a creamy yellow color, but may be variously altered in odor or color by subsequent changes. Around the abscess the tissues present the proliferative changes described as part of inflammation. There are numerous round cells, differ- ing from emigrated leukocytes and showing karyokinetic figures in the nuclei, and there are new blood-vessels and beginning organ- ization. This restraining-wall of granulation-tissue was formerly regarded as a pus-producing membrane, and therefore called the pyogenic membrane. Abscesses, especially such as are due to bac- teria, tend to soften the surrounding tissues in the direction of least resistance, and thus to break on the surface, discharging their contents by sinuous tracts or sinuses. Sometimes the pus of an abscess becomes inspissated by absorption of the liquid part and the residue undergoes various degenerative changes, such as mu- cous, fatty, or calcareous. At* the same time the surrounding membrane advances to complete organization, and thus encapsu- lates the abscess. Ulcer. — Suppurative inflammation with erosion of areas of the skin or mucous surfaces occasions ulcers. These have the same histologic construction as the wall of an abscess, the base of the ulcer being the same as the pyogenic membrane. In it may be seen small red points or granulations, which consist of loops of capillary blood-vessels surrounded by round cells. (The his- tology of granulation-tissue is more minutely described under Regeneration.) The appearance and pathologic course of ulcers vary widely. Some- times rapid destruction of the tissues causes large and spreading ulcers, called phagedenic. Others extend in one direction while healing in other parts, and are called serpiginous. The granulations may be too rapid in growth, forming red fungous masses which fill up the ulcer. In other cases the ulcer remains dry and indolent, showing little tendency to heal. In suppurative inflammation of mucous membranes without ulceration the emigrated leukocytes reach the surface between the epithelial cells, some of which are loosened and cast off together with an excessive excretion of mucus (Fig. 32). The result of these processes is a mucopurulent catarrh. Suppurative inflammation of serous membranes leads to col- lections of pus in the serous sacs. Unlike other tissues, there is usually considerable fibrin -formation combined with the purulent exudation in these situations. (e) Productive Inflammation ; Chronic Inflammation. — In this form the proliferative changes predominate over exudation and degeneration. This may be due to the extent of the primary tissue-injury or to the nature of the cause. Whether the regen- erative processes are always reactive and consequent upon primary 106 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY destruction, or may be stimulated directly by the irritant, is un- settled. This form of inflammation is often called interstitial when occurring in the substance of organs, and is distinguished from parenchymatous inflammation, in which the parenchymatous or proper cells of the organ are said to be involved. Strictly speak- | ft|f (3. . « ! i ; I i PlG. 32.— Acute bronchial catarrh, showing the escape of leukocytes from the submucous tissue between the epithelial lining cells (Thoma). ing, this distinction is ill-founded, but the terms are convenient to distinguish cases in which parenchymatous degeneration is promi- nent from those in which proliferation and new formation of con- nective tissue are the more striking features. Repair of "Wounds. — Productive inflammation is well illus- trated in the healing of wounds. If the lips of a clean, incised wound are drawn together at once and kept closely apposed, rapid healing occurs, which is called healing by immediate union. In these cases a microscopic examination shows slight exudation from the surfaces of the wound and proliferated connective-tissue cells. The epithelial continuity is restored by proliferation of the old epithelial cells. Should apposition be less immediate or less accu- rate, the amount of exudation is greater. If the wounded surfaces are examined twenty-four hours after the injury, they are found red and swollen and soon they become glazed in appearance. The INFLAMMATION AND REGENERATION. 107 microscopic features here are the same as in the case of healing by immediate union, excepting the amount of exudation is greater. Healing proceeds in the same way but more slowly, and is called healing by first intention. In neither case is there great congestion. If the wound be irritated by foreign bodies or kept exposed, there will be seen on the surfaces, after two or three days, small red elevations, known as granulations, which consist of loops of new-formed capillaries covered by emigrated and new-formed round cells, and sometimes (after longer intervals of time) giant-cells (Fig. 33). The surface may be covered with pus. The proliferated round cells gradually elongate and form new fibrous tissue (see Eegeneration), which afterward contracts, forming cicatrices or scars. The epithelial continuity is re-established by multipli- cation of the old epithelial cells at the edges of the wound. This form of heal- ing is called healing by second intention or healing by granulations. The formation of adhesions follow- ing inflammation of the serous surfaces occurs in much the same -Loops of blood- vessels in granulation-tissue (Thiersch). Fig. 34.— Adhesive pericarditis, showing fibrin-deposit, with new blood-vessels extending upward into it (Perls). way as wounds heal. The primary exudation is largely fibrinous and causes agglutination of neighboring surfaces. Subsequently 108 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. the proliferated connective-tissue cells penetrate this fibrinous ex- udate, as do newly-formed blood-vessels (Fig. 34). Thus a union of vascular channels is effected between the adjacent inflamed surfaces and organization follows. Precisely similar changes occur in the tissues surrounding a foreign body, as a piece of sponge, or around a portion of dead tissue. In these cases the exudative and proliferated cells tend to penetrate into the foreign mass, as occurs also in the organization of thrombi. There is also in these cases a greater tendency to the formation of giant-cells (by division of nuclei with- out division of the cell-body) than in ordinary granulations. If the foreign mass can be softened and absorbed, this gradually occurs, and later merely a scar will indicate the location ; if it cannot be absorbed, connective tissue encloses or encapsulates it. * General Fibrosis. — A tendency to widespread productive in- flammation is noted in certain individuals. This affects the blood- vessels especially (general arteriocapillary fibrosis, general angio- sclerosis), and also the liver (cirrhosis of the liver), the kidneys (interstitial nephritis), and other organs (Fig. 35). The cause of these changes is supposed to be some general intoxication — alcoholic, gouty, syphilitic, or the like. ;1L. , A. 1 S^.:v-v5>'.v ■ ■■-■■'-■■-*-$?■ ■■■ Pie. 86. — Chronic interstitial nephritis: great increase of connective tissue around the glomeruli, renal tubules, and blood-vessels ; from a case of arteriocapillary fibrosis. Productive inflammation may affect other tissues than the fibrous connective tissues. Reference has already been made to epi- thelial proliferation in the healing of wounds. Similar epithelial processes of greater activity or duration may lead to warty growths of the skin or polypoid outgrowths on the mucous membranes. In pharyngeal catarrhs considerable proliferation of the adenoid tis- INFLAMMATION AND REGENERATION. 109 sues is not unusual. So also thickening of cartilages, bones, or the periosteum is not an unusual result of inflammation of these structures. (/) Hemorrhagic Inflammation. — More or less diapedesis of red corpuscles generally occurs in inflammation ; but sometimes the irritating cause falls with such peculiar force on the blood-vessels, or the general condition of the patient (cancer, tuberculosis, hemo- philia, scurvy) is so unsatisfactory that the exudate is unusually rich in red corpuscles. These are always serious inflammations, and are to be distinguished from ordinary inflammations in which accidental hemorrhage occurs. (g) Necrotic or gangrenous inflammations likewise depend for their occurrence upon the severity of the irritation or the state of the general system. Resolution after Inflammation. — In cases of trivial exudation the emigrated leukocytes may re-enter the blood-cur- rent or may escape through the lymphatics. The liquid exudate is similarly disposed of; while the proliferated connective-tissue cells (if there be any proliferation) remain in loco or become wandering cells. When the exudate is more abundant the liquid elements may be removed in the same way, but the cells first undergo degenerative softening and are reduced to the form of an emulsion, which is gradually absorbed. The degenerated paren- chyma in inflammation may recover if the degeneration is not severe, or may be softened and removed. Phagocytic cells often play a prominent part in the removal of broken-down cellular remains, pigment-masses, and the like. The reparative changes in inflammation may be so slight as to lead to no discoverable lesion for some time after the process is completed ; but where large damage has been done there is apt to be a permanent scar or some other productive lesion. REGENERATION. Definition. — The term regeneration is applied to the forma- tion of new cells or tissues to take the place of those destroyed. Regeneration may be physiologic or pathologic. The former is that which occurs in the normal life of the organism and by which the cellular wear and tear is counterbalanced. Pathologic regen- eration is the more massive and often atypical reconstruction that follows disease or injuries. Etiology. — The cause or mechanism by which normal regen- eration is brought about is more or less obscure. The cells have an inherent tendency to multiply, and this goes on to a certain point at which the normal development is complete. This limit is probably maintained by some restraining influence, but the nature of this is unknown. In the skin and mucous membranes, where 110 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. physiologic regeneration is most active, new cells are constantly produced and the older cast off. In what manner the balance is so maintained that production and destruction keep their equal pace is as yet matter only for speculation. The idea of action and reaction occurs naturally to the mind, and it seems probable that the reproductive processes are dependent in some May upon the loss of substance. In some cases the normal restraining influence seems to be deficient and giant-growth results. In all forms of aormal or physiologic regeneration the reconstructed cells are exactly like the pre-existing cells, and the status of the tissue is unaffected. In highly-specialized cells, such as those of the nervous system, regeneration seems to be intracellular — that is, the cells are constantly rejuvenated by supplies of nutriment rather than reproduced in toto. In pathologic regeneration there seems to be abnormal stimu- lation of the reproduction of cells as well as a reduced restraint. It is not improbable that various toxic substances have the power of stimulating the formative process, though this has not been actually demonstrated. In all cases in which regeneration follows mechanical, thermal, or toxic causes there is, first, destruction of cells, and following this regeneration. In such cases the relief from the accustomed pressure may serve as a withdrawal of re- straint, but at the same time there is doubtless augmented form- ative energy. The latter may result from the same agency as that which caused the primary cell-destruction, or it may be due to the influence of formative irritants derived from the dying and dead cells. The demonstration that micro-organisms are able to produce substances having a strong attractive or repellant influence upon leukocytes gives some warrant to the belief that similar sub- stances are at work in the regenerative changes that accompany bacterial diseases. In the case of tissue-destruction due to other causes similar products possibly play a part. Pathologic Anatomy. — In the normal regeneration of cells the process is one of gradual cell-multiplication without marked changes of any sort. Pathologic regeneration may be equally simple, but more often there are complicated changes in the pre- existing tissues and new formation of blood-vessels preceding or accompanying the regeneration. The vascular regeneration is a necessary preliminary, having the purpose of supplying abundant nutriment to the tissues undergoing proliferation. Cell-multiplication occurs in two ways, the direct and the in- direct. The former method is one of simple cleavage, by which the cell is divided into two or more parts. This mode of division is unusual. The common method is called indirect segmentation, karyokmesis, or karyomitosis. In this method complicated changes begin in the nucleus and finally lead to division of the cell into two or rarely into several parts. It is unnecessary to refer to the INFLAMMATION AND REGENERATION. Ill histologic stages in detail, but in a general way we may describe the process as follows : (1) the nucleus of the cell enlarges and the chromation-fibers become thicker and less closely woven than normally ; (2) U-shaped loops of chromatin-fibers arrange them- selves around a central clear space or polar field to form a mother- wreath; (3) these loops then undergo longitudinal cleavage and the separated parts move one to one pole and the other to the opposite pole of the cell, forming daughter-stars, which eventually become coarse and then fine skeins of new nuclei ; (4) the proto- plasm of the cell finally divides and the process becomes complete. Pathologic Regeneration. — In the reconstruction of areas of destruction of surface-epithelium (mucous membranes, skin) the process of cell-multiplication, as above described, occurs in the epithelial cells under and around the area of destruction, and eventually the surface is fully restored. The same form of regen- eration may occur in other surface-cells, as those of serous mem- branes, and also in the substance of organs or solid tissues when the cellular damage is slight. In cases of more extensive destruc- tion the connective tissues play an active part and the restoration is atypical, the new-formed tissue containing a greater amount of connective tissue than the pre-existing tissue. In the case of highly specialized tissues, such as the gray matter of the brain or cord, the regeneration is confined to the connective tissues. In massive regeneration or regeneration of specialized tissues, then, the principal changes are those affecting the connective tissues. Regeneration of Fibrous Connective Tissues. — It is difficult to draw a line between the process of inflammation and regeneration. In the latter process there is always some congestion and cellular infiltration (emigration of leukocytes) ; later, multiplication of the fixed connective-tissue cells and new formation of blood-vessels occur. The multiplication of connective- tissue cells may be more or less abundant. The old connective-tissue cells swell and the nuclei divide by karyokinesis, new cells of rounded outline and with rather pale nuclei resulting. At the same time the cells of the capillary blood-vessels become swollen and here and there budding pro- cesses are sent outward (Fig. 36). These may unite with similar processes from an adjacent or the same capillary and then undergo central vacuolization, which proceeds along the loop, converting it into a channel with here and there new-formed nuclei within the protoplasmic wall. The latter finally becomes differentiated into definite endothelial plates and the new capillary is completed. Around these capillary loops lie the emigrated leukocytes, and especially the new-formed connective-tissue cells. The latter are the formative cells of the regenerating tissue. In the case of fibrillar connective tissues they are called fibroblasts (Fig. 37) ; in the case of cartilage, chondroblasts ; in the case of bone, osteo- 112 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. blasts. The process is practically the same in the different con- nective tissues, the differentiation occurring secondarily. The for- mative cells become larger and more or less elongated, and the formation of intercellular substance then follows. In the case of fibrillar connective tissue the cells elongate considerably, and by seg- mentation of their extremities in part contribute to the formation of the intercellular fibrils. The rest of the fibrils are formed by cleavage of the homogeneous in- Fig. 36.— Formation of new blood- vessels, as seen in the tail of a tadpole (Arnold). Fig. 37.— Fibroblasts forming fibrous tissue (Ziegler). tercellular substance in which the cells are at first embedded. This intercellular substance, in part at least, is doubtless a product of cellular activity. When the processes of regeneration have reached this stage the new-formed tissue consists of an abundance of round and elongated cells, with a small amount of fibrillar intercellular substance. Subsequently the latter increases in amount and by contraction further adds to its density. During this late stage the number of cells becomes less considerable, and eventually there may be only here and there a cell embedded in dense bands of fibrils. Nearly always, however, there is greater cellular richness in new-formed connective tissues than in the normal tissues of the same kind. Regeneration <>/ other Connective Tissues. — The reconstruction of cartilage and bone may occur by primary formation of ordi- nary connective tissue and subsequent transformation. This is especially the case when the regeneration springs from the periosteum or from membranous connective tissues. In other cases, however, the regenerative processes produce cartilage and bone directly. In the regeneration of fatty tissue there is first formed an ordinary connective tissue, and subsequently the fatty deposit occurs within the cells. Regeneration of Parenchymatous Tissue. — When connective- PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 113 tissue regeneration follows lesions of the parenchymatous organs the cellular elements of the latter are reproduced in some measure at the same time that connective-tissue hyperplasia is taking place. The degree of restoration of the normal structure on the one hand or of formation of connective tissue on the other hand depends upon the intensity of the original cause of destruction and the extent of the injury. In glandular organs reproduction of acini may occur to a considerable extent, but these are usually atypical in character. In some cases this atypical glandular formation may become pronounced, and an adenomatous structure may result. (For further details regarding this, see Adenoma.) Regeneration may occur in practically all of the tissues of the body, though in a varying degree. It has not been shown, however, that the large nerve-cells are capable of proliferation, though the occurrence of such cells in certain tumors suggests the possibility. METAPLASIA. Metaplasia is the term applied to the transformation of one form of tissue into another without the intervention of a stage of regeneration by cellular multiplication. In many instances the change consists of a transformation of the intercellular substance, as, for example, when ordinary connective tissue is converted into myxomatous tissue, or fibrillar connective tissues are altered to car- tilaginous or even bony tissue. The cells themselves suffer second- ary changes. In other cases of metaplasia the cells may be primarily altered, as when ordinary connective tissue is changed to fatty tissue. CHAPTER VI. PROGRESSIVE TISSUE=CHANGES. This term may be used to designate pathologic conditions in which there is a decided tendency to formation of new tissue. HYPERTROPHY. Definition. — The term hypertrophy is applied to a pathologic condition in which a certain part increases beyond the normal size, without marked alterations from the normal structure. The term hypertrophy is frequently used loosely to designate enlarge- ments of various kinds in which but one tissue of an organ is increased, or in which there is deposit of abnormal exudate. Such instances are not, strictly speaking, cases of hypertrophy. 114 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Ktiology. — The causes of hypertrophy are quite numerous. In some cases there is a distinct increase of functional demand brought about in some way or other, as in the hypertrophy of the muscles of athletes ; in the hypertrophy of a kidney after disease or removal of its fellow ; or in the hypertrophy of a limb after injury to the opposite limb. The direct increased demand for work occasions the hypertrophy. Sometimes there appears to be a special tendency to hypertrophy, as is evidenced by the occur- rence of congenital or hereditary giant growth. Most of these, however, are instances of peculiar and abnormal development, rather than of hypertrophy, the latter being a condition developed pathologically in parts previously well formed. Disturbances of the nervous system may play a part in the development of some hypertrophies, but these influences are obscure. Continued con- gestion undoubtedly stimulates tissue-growth, but this element is the means whereby hypertrophy is effected rather than the original cause. Pathologic Anatomy. — Parts the seat of genuine hyper- trophy are uniformly increased in size. This is well seen in the condition termed giant growth, or gigantism, in which the bony framework and other tissues may be uniformly affected, the indi- vidual being of excessive size. Sometimes local giant growth of the skeleton and external tissue is observed ; as in the case of one member or a single finger. This has often been found in corre- sponding members on the two sides of the body. In certain cases termed hypertrophy, in which this designation is more or less justified, lack of uniformity in the increase of the organ or part affected causes irregular increase in size. Histologically, hypertrophy may be simple or true hypertrophy, and numerical (hyperplasia). In the former there is increase in the size of the individual cells ; in the latter the cells increase in number, though the individuals are not excessive in size, and indeed often smaller than the normal cells. In the hypertrophy of the uterus during pregnancy and of the heart-muscle in com- pensatory enlargement, simple hypertrophy predominates. Hyper- plasia is very commonly a factor in hypertrophy of any kind, but may be so strictly limited to one tissue of an organ, notably the connective tissue, that the term hypertrophy is in no way appli- cable. Between these extremes there are all grades of cases, in many of which it is difficult to determine whether the designation hypertrophy is applicable or not. In some cases the clinical desig- nation hypertrophic enlargement is used, though the condition is strictly one of hyperplasia of the connective tissue, with a ten- dency rather to atrophy than hypertrophy of the proper substance of the organ. Instances of this are hypertrophic cirrhosis of the liver, some cases of hypertrophy of the heart-muscle, etc. Pathologic Physiology.' — Hypertrophy results from an PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 115 increased demand upon an organ or member, and leads to increased functional capacity. Thus in the case of a diseased kidney the opposite kidney may be capable of compensating for the defi- ciency ; in the case of laborers the enlarged muscles may meet every demand made upon them. There are occasional instances of more or less genuine hypertrophy, resulting from diseased con- ditions, in which the excessive functional capacity causes marked disturbances, as, for example, in case of enlargement of the thy- roid gland. TUMORS. Synonyms. — New-growth, Neoplasm, Pseudoplasm. Definition. — In its broadest etymologic significance the term tumor designates an abnormal swelling in any part of the body. This definition, however, is not applicable to tumors in the ordi- nary sense. Inflammatory growths and collections, such as ab- scesses, hyperplastic deposits, and the like, are excluded. Path- ologists, however, have always found it difficult to construct an accurate definition for tumors or to draw sharp lines of separation between them and the inflammatory or infectious swellings that occur in various diseased conditions. An attempt to establish an ultimate boundary-line is evidenced by the term autonomous new- growths applied by Thoma. This name is used to designate the supposed spontaneous origin of new-growths and their independence of ordinary causes, such as are recognized in the production of inflammatory outgrowths and the like. It cannot be said, how- ever, that tumors are causeless, and in the discussion of the eti- ology we shall have occasion to refer to certain definite factors known to aid in their production. It is true, however, that the growth of tumors is practically always out of proportion to the amount of local irritation or to the severity of other factors that may be conceived as playing some part in the etiology ; and in the great majority of cases the causes, whatever they may be, are obscure or unknown. A negative definition perhaps best suits for the delimitation of this term tumor. Thus we may exclude from the category of tumors all swellings in which some sufficient cause is discoverable, and include the apparently causeless growths among the true tumors. Etiology. — A great number of theories have been entertained to explain the causation of tumors. Among the older writers there was a disposition to attribute the occurrence of tumors to a constitutional dyscrasia, or a diseased state of the fluids of the body. This explanation, however, is based entirely upon speculation, and is most unsatisfactory in that the original dyscrasia is as difficult to explain as the tumor sup- posed to result from it. 116 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Recently a Dumber of more elaborate theories have been con- Structed that resemble thi> older one, in ascribing the growths to some form of disturbance of vital activity and of cell-proliferation, without explaining the cause of such disturbance. For example, we may refer to the theory that tumors result from a retrograde change in vital properties of certain cells, so that they tend toward the original properties of the sperm-cells and multiply in a pur- poseless and indeterminate manner. Another theory would ex- plain the occurrence of new growths somewhat upon the basis of infection, assuming instead of an exogenous infection with micro- organisms an endogenous infection. The author of this theory explains that in consequence of some thermic, chemical, or other irritation certain cells may become, so to speak, infectious, assum- ing the role of a sperm-cell and stimulating the adjacent cells to abnormal multiplication. Such theories, however, are entirely speculative, and leave the etiology as little settled as before. Virchow strongly advocated the theory of external irritation, and was able to cite numerous examples of tumors that had arisen in consequence of more or less definite causes. Thus in cases of carcinoma of the breast, in the epithelioma occurring on the lips in pipe-smokers, and in the epithelioma of chimney-sweeps, there is at times a definite history of unusual irritation, and the relation of cause and effect seems easily traceable. It must be admitted, however, that there is some further underlying cause which renders one individual liable to tumor-growth, while another is not thus predisposed, and though it is probable that some tumors owe their origin to irritation as the exciting-cause, all cases can- not be thus explained. Cohnheim advanced the interesting theory that defective devel- opment lies at the basis of tumor-formation. According to his theory, there are frequently small errors of development leading to the inclusion or misplacement of portions of the original blasto- derm in the midst of tissues derived from a different layer of the embryo. These inclusions or embryonic rests are independent of the function of the part in which they lie, and are assumed to be liable to subsequent sprouting with the consequent formation of tumor-. There is evidence that this theory contains a certain measure of truth, and some tumors, as, for example, certain Ovarian growths, tumors of the parotid region, and others, seem to originate in this way. The theory, however, is not by any means universally applicable. Recently an infectious character has been ascribed to malignant or benign growths, and there is no doubt that in certain respects tumors resemble infectious processes of definitely ascertained kinds. Their effect upon the general health and their tendency to metastasis are very significant facts. Notwithstanding this, however, the proof of the infectious nature of tumors remains to PBOGEESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 117 be furnished. In the case of certain sarcomata (lymphosarcoma) it seems possible that bacteria are the immediate factors. In carcinomata and other epithelial new-growths, as well as in sar- coma, certain forms of intracellular animal parasites have been described, though the nature of these bodies remains still in doubt ; and recently the theory is gaining ground that blastomy- cetes are active in the production of tumors. Upon the whole, though it must be admitted that the infectious nature of tumors is probable, the actual proof still remains wanting. In experi- ments upon animals it has been possible in a few cases to demon- strate inoculability. The significance of this fact, however, must not be overestimated, and it certainly cannot be assumed with- out further proof that this evidences the infectious nature of the growths. Predisposing Conditions. — Whatever may eventually prove to be the immediate cause of tumors, it is certain that predisposing causes are often of great importance. The occurrence of certain forms of tumors in persons of advanced age and the occurrence of tumors in other persons whose vitality has been reduced by disease give evidence that a constitutional predisposition is some- times requisite for the formation of the new growth. The nature of this vital defect has sometimes been speculated upon, and retro- grade vital metamorphosis of the cells or other like changes have been assumed to occur. These theories, however, are purely specu- lative. In some cases there is evidence of a family predisposition, and heredity was formerly regarded as of great importance. While this element cannot be entirely denied, it has certainly been over- estimated. The Structure of Tumors. — In their histologic structure tumors do not differ absolutely from healthy tissues. In all cases they conform more or less with the structure of some one or more tissues. The cells composing tumors invariably represent some one or several types of normal cells, though they may differ in being larger or smaller than the normal cells, or in being of embryonal or undeveloped character. In the arrangement of the cells, however, there is a notable difference, and tumors may be described as being atypical proliferations as far as their organic or tissue arrangement is concerned. The orderly disposition of cells and stroma or intercellular substance seen in the normal tissues and organs is wanting, particularly in the tumors in which organic arrangement is simulated. There may be in some cases entirely typical glandular acini, but the relation of these to each other and the absence of regularly disposed excretory ducts render the tissue as a whole atypical. The structure of tumors is always closely related to that of the tissue from which it springs, a primary tumor invariably grow- ing in a part in which there is some tissue at least of the type 118 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. simulated by the tumor, and it is from this tissue doubtless that the tumor takes its origin. A connective-tissue growth invariably springs from a part in which connective tissue of some form has pre-existed, and epithelial growths from a part in which there has been epithelium. Metaplasia, or the transformation of one variety of tissue into another variety, with the production of a tumor, does not occur. This statement, though applicable also to secondary tumors, is sometimes difficult of demonstration from the fact that the secondary growths may take origin from cells transported to the scat of growth from a primary tumor, though not normally found in the part in which the secondary tumor has arisen. The occasional discovery of a primary tumor in a locality in which the form of tissue composing the tumor does not occur may be ex- plained upon the assumption (based on some actual demonstrations) that embryonic rests had been deposited in the seat of tumor by faulty development. The Shape of Tumors. — This depends to a large extent upon their manner of growth, their situation, and the influence of surrounding parts. AVe may distinguish, first of all, between circumscribed and infiltrating growths. The former may be of various shapes, but are distinguished by their sharp delimitation and often by the existence of a distinct capsule ; the latter are indeterminate, and the extent to which they involve the healthy tissues cannot be accurately determined. Circumscribed tumors usually grow centrally or in an expansive manner, the new cells being produced in the interior and gradually pushing the older parts outward toward the surrounding tissues. The infiltrating growths are eccentric in development, and may result from a gradual extension of parts of the periphery of the original growth or by the development of secondary nodules in the neighborhood which become confluent with the original mass. Of the circum- scribed growths we may distinguish small nodules of spherical or ovoidal form buried in the substance of the tissue or projecting from some surface as more or less hemispherical elevations. These may be large or small, and the terms miliar}/, tubercular, nodular, and the like are employed to designate the individual grades. When a tumor projects from the surface in such a manner that the projecting part i-; larger than the part between the projection and the surface of the body or the organ involved, the term fun r/i [form or fungoid tumor may be applied, while in the cases in which the new growth is attached by a more or less narrow pedicle the name polyp or polypoid tumor is applicable. Wart-like growths are known as vt or papillary tumors, and those in which a dis- tinct cauliflower-form is developed are called dendritic. The Number of Tumors. — Primary tumors are usually solitary at their onset, though examples of multiple primary growths, such as carcinoma involving both breasts simultaneously, PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 119 or simultaneous appearance of carcinomata or sarcomata in differ- ent parts of the mucous membrane or elsewhere, may be observed. In these cases it is often likely that there was a single tumor at the very onset, with secondary growths originating before the primary growth had reached any considerable magnitude. Primary benign tumors are usually solitary, but sometimes may be found in considerable number, and there may be enormous numbers scattered in various parts of the body. Thus in cases of multiple enchondromata or multiple fibromata the number may from the first be very great. Secondary tumors are usually multiple. In most cases the number of nodules found post-mortem or during life is considerable, and sometimes they are so numerous that large portions of the body may be literally studded with new-growths. This is seen very well in the secondary sarcomatous or carcinomatous nodules involving the peritoneum and the other serous surfaces, in which cases the degree of involvement is simulated only by that seen in miliary tuberculosis. Pathologic Physiology. — In most cases tumors take no part in the functional life of the part or of the individual. What influence they may bear to the general metabolism is as yet prac- tically unknown. Cases, however, are recorded in which large lipomatous or other tumors have been found to suffer practically no change, while the individual in whom they occurred was un- dergoing progressive emaciation from lack of nutrition. That there is a certain amount of function, however, in some cases is shown by the fact that biliary pigment is detected in the cells in certain carcinomatous tumors of the liver or abortive milk-forma- tion in cancers of the breast. It may be that the want of proper organic arrangement and particularly the lack of excretory ducts account for the lack of function ; but whatever the cause, it is certain that as a rule the functional activity is practically nil, or at all events perverted. With very few exceptions it may be said that tumors are entirely parasitic, living at the expense of the organism and contributing nothing to its development or nutri- tion. Certain tumors disturb the general health. This result may be due to secondary degenerative or inflammatory changes dependent upon lack of nutrition or upon irritation and bacterial infection ; or to obscure causes connected with the tumor-growth itself. The progressive cachexia of carcinoma is still unexplained, though in some cases hemorrhage and interference with organic function play a part. Tumors may be classified as benign or malignant. The former do not affect the general health of the patient in any notable de- gree, and are dangerous mainly by reason of the pressure they may exert on vital structures or the secondary changes (hemorrhages, 120 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. softening, suppuration) to which they are liable. Malignant tumors generally disturb the general health from the first, and, in addition, tend to recur alter removal and spread to other parts of the body (l>v direct invasion or by metastasis through the circu- lation or Lymphatic channels). The terms primary and secondary tumors refer to the original and the metastatic growths respectively. Classification of Tumors. — No very satisfactory classifica- tion is possible at the present time, and it is unlikely that any will be constructed until more definite knowledge regarding the etiology is obtained. The older classifications were based upon the shape, the physicar properties, or the nature (whether destructive or harmless) of various forms. Virchow offered a classification based on the histology (histogenetic classification); others have grouped tumors according to the embryologic derivation of the tis- sues from which the new-growths originate or of the tissue com- posing the tumor. It is perhaps wisest to attempt no classification of any kind, and in the following sections I have arranged the various tumors according to their histologic characters without attempting to establish groups. FIBROMA. Definition. — A fibroma is a tumor composed of connective- tissue cells and fibers resembling those seen in fibrillar tissue. Htiology. — The causes of fibroma are as obscure as are those of tumors in general. There are many facts, however, which point to the importance of irritation or injury as exciting causes. Among these may be mentioned the development of a peculiar form (keloids) in scar-tissue and the resemblance of these tumors to spontaneous fibromata, and the appearance of fibrous nodules in the skin at points of friction or definite pressure or in places irri- tated by discharges. It is impossible to draw sharp lines between fibromata and hyperplasias of connective tissue following irritation. In the skin and superficial tissues there occur hyperplastic connective- tissue processes, constituting elephantiasis, which in some cases are distinctly the result of irritation and in other cases seem purely spontaneous. The elephantiasis of tropical countries, often due to occlusion of the lymphatic channels by filaria?, and the thickening of the skin and adjacent connective tissue of the legs around old ulcerations or eczematous areas, are instances where distinct irritation is the cause. On the other hand, congenital elephantoid conditions of the skin are seemingly spontaneous or causeless, and sonic of the cases in later life have the same char- acteristic. The dimise hyperplasias of the viscera, though often distinctly inflammatory, may appear without adequate discover- able cause, and, according to the view of some authorities, are to be looked upon as diffuse fibrosis or fibromatosis, rather than PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 121 as inflammatory conditions. In ordinary cases of cirrhosis of the organs the connective-tissue growth is entirely diffuse, but thickenings may occur in certain situations and the resemblance to tumor-formation is much more striking. This is sometimes the case in the liver, but particularly in the kidneys. In the breast there are cases in which no dividing-line can be drawn between chronic interstitial mastitis and fibroma. The micro- scopic appearances are practically identical. A distinction, if any can be made, is based upon the nodular character and spontaneous origin in the one and the opposite conditions in the other. Appearance. — The naked-eye appearance of fibromata is usually quite characteristic. The tumor may be hard (Fig. 38) ■ . W '. v-v ■v. . — - v v WVW X »* ~. % % s '■■ M * « ' x S; -~ - N \v v - N . ~ . ' ~"^A 5 ~- ;>C A ^_ ' - 1 v> ^•- ~- S§ < '" « __ X • *— > .~~- ^ ~ 2S — ^-vL* ^^S>^N > . — " '-• •■■<;' ■ _ • '* S>-^-'- ^-- 2 = "■^i^S^s* ^5^ jii '-'->.'-;■ Fig. 38.— Hard fibroma (Warren). or soft (Fig. 39), according as it resembles loose or dense con- nective tissue in structure and according to the amount of Fig. 39.— Soft fibroma of the subcutaneous tissue. edematous liquid or associated myxomatous degeneration of the intercellular substance. The growth is more or less rounded and 122 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. usually enclosed in a distinct capsule. In the substance of organs it is spherical or tuberous, and when near the surface projects more or less. When it springs from a mucous or serous membrane or from the skin the weight of the tumor may gradually lead to a polypoid formation. Some of the fibromata of the skin are arbo- rescent or dendritic in form, and keloids are frequently irregular or star-like in outline. The rounded and encapsulated tumors may be lobulated, though more frequently they occur in a uniform mass. Seats. — The points of origin from which fibroid tumors arise are very numerous, though they always spring from pre-existing connective tissue. Among some of the more common localities may be mentioned the subcutaneous connective tissue, the sub- mucous tissue, the periosteum of bones, tendons and tendon- sheaths, and the fibrous covering of nerves. Of the internal organs, the uterus, the ovaries, the kidneys, and heart-muscle are the most important. Less frequently fibromata are found in the serous membranes of the chest and abdomen or of the central ner- vous system. The fibroids of the skin, the uterus, the nerves, and the mucous membrane of the nose are the most important. The mammary gland presents several interesting forms of in- flammatory or fibromatous new-growth. First, there is a diffuse form of interstitial mastitis in which the entire breast becomes indurated ; this is distinctly inflammatory. In other cases nodular or Lobular areas of thickening occur, and in these the evidences of Fig. 40.— Intractmali Perls). inflammatory action are sometimes obscure or wholly wanting. Some of these are certainly instances of true fibroma (fibroma mammas nodulv/m). In still another group of cases the fibromatous proliferation of the connective tissue projects into the tubules and acini of the gland, pushing the epithelium before it and sometimes sprouting or proliferating in polypoid form within the tubules. PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 123 The gland in such cases may present a striking macroscopic appear- ance on section. Numerous cystic formations may be visible with projecting dendritic formations within, causing an appearance somewhat like that of a section through a cauliflower (Fig. 40). Microscopically the proliferations of the connective tissue between the tubules and projecting within the tubules constitute the characteristic features. The term intracanalicular fibroma has been given to such cases. Obstruction of the tubules in certain areas may lead to very marked cystic distention. Combinations with sarcoma are frequent. Structure. — The definition explains the structure of fibro- mata. On section through the body of the tumor the fibrous nature may be revealed by a distinct concentric or radiating striation, particularly in the case of hard fibromata. The softer varieties are much less likely to present this feature. The color is usually gray or whitish, and may be glistening when there is mucous degeneration, or yellow in the case of associated lipoma. Microscopically a striking feature is the connective-tissue cell, which is star-like and branching in the softer tumors, and com- pressed, spindle-shaped, or elongated in the case of the hard varieties. The intercellular substance is composed of a fibrillar network and homogeneous or granular material traversed by thin- walled blood-vessels, ofttimes having merely an endothelial coat. Cavernous dilatation and rupture of the vessels may cause a dis- tinct hemorrhagic appearance of the section ; but such conditions are rare. In some cases embryonal round cells may be abundant and a distinct sarcomatous transformation of the tumor may occur. This, however, is rare. In other instances, as has already been remarked, myxomatous tissue may be conspicuous, and all grades of transformation from a pure fibroma to a pure myxoma may be met with, especially in the case of soft fibroma. Fatty degenera- tion of the cells and lipomatous infiltration or associated lipoma are also frequent. These forms, the myxomatous and lipomatous, are particularly frequent in the submucous and subcutaneous con- nective tissues. Calcareous degeneration occurs in large fibrom- atous tumors, particularly in those of the uterus, and very rarely true ossification has been reported. Less commonly association of fibroma with other forms of tumor-growth is found. Among these the combination of fibroma with leiomyoma is usual in the uterus. Nature. — Fibroma is essentially a benign tumor, though recurrence occasionally takes place after removal, this being par- ticularly the case with keloids and some of the polypoid growths of mucous membranes. In some of these instances there is undoubtedly a resemblance to sarcoma, if not actual sarcomatous transformation. As a rule, fibroid tumors are destructive only in 124 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY so far as they are capable of producing mechanical injury by press- ure. The growth of the tumors is usually exceedingly slow. MYXOMA. Definition. — Myxoma is a tumor composed of connective- tissue cells and an intercellular substance containing mucoid material in more or less abundance. The gelatinous substance of Wharton in the umbilical cord and the vitreous humor of the eye are normal types which myxomata resemble in their structure. Etiology. — The causes and the nature of myxomata are practically the same as those of fibroma, and intermediate forms make it difficult to draw a sharp line between the two. Appearance. — A typical myxoma is a soft, more or less flabby growth enclosed by a capsule, and having a rounded out- line. It may project from the surface of the body or of an organ as a hemispherical elevation, or may hang by a narrowed pedicle in the form of a distinct polyp. The latter is frequent in the mucous membranes, but may occur in the skin as well. Some- times the tumor is lobulated, and the lobules may be visible or may be easily felt. Occasionally lipomatous growths are diffuse, having no capsule and marked by no definite limits. Seats. — Among the common situations are the subcutaneous and submucous tissues and the connective tissues of certain organs, notably the mammary glands. They may occur along the course of nerves, in the brain or the spinal cord. The tumor may be V : . ^^ .. ^^ ■ 1 K • w Fig. 41.— Myxoma, showing stellate cells separated by a gelatinous (mucoid) intercellular material. solitary, or, like fibroma, maybe met with in numbers. Congeni- tal myxoma has frequently been found. Structure. — Microscopically the characteristic features are stellate or spindle-shaped connective-tissue cells which lie within PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 125 a matrix of myxomatous material (Fig. 41). The latter is homo- geneous or slightly granular, and somewhat refractive to the light, giving the surface a glistening quality. The cells themselves may be entirely normal young connective-tissue cells, or they may present evidences of fatty degeneration. Round granulation-tissue cells are met with in some instances, either scattered through the tumor or in certain areas, and may be so abundant as to justify the term myxosarcoma. The vascular supply is usually poor, and the blood-vessels resemble those of fibroma in being only partially developed. Association with fibroma and lipoma is frequent. Cartilaginous tissue may be found in myxomatous tumors of the parotid gland or testicle, and in these cases the myxomatous portion is rather an association than a degeneration of the original chondroma. Myxomatous degeneration of chondromata, osteo- mata, fibromata, and sarcomata is, however, a frequent occurrence. Nature. — Myxoma is benign like fibroma, but recurrence is not infrequently observed, and in a few instances metastasis has been reported. It is difficult, however, to assert the absence of sarcomatous change in these instances. The growth of myxomata is slow. LIPOMA. Definition. — A lipoma is a tumor composed of fatty tissue like that of the normal subcutaneous tissue. The epiploic -ap- pendages of the intestines are the normal type which lipomata resemble. Etiology. — There seems to be a tendency, consisting perhaps in some derangement of the trophic nervous system, to the growth of these tumors. It is difficult at times to draw a sharp line be- tween circumscribed lipomata and diffuse fatty growth. Localized fatty or myxolipomatous accumulations in myxedema and a curious and apparently causeless deposit of fatty tissue sometimes observed in the subcutaneous tissue of the neck in men, represent the bor- der-line between lipomata and ordinary obesity. Some individuals have a marked liability to constant overgrowth of fat in different parts of the body, and the term " lipomatosis " is not inapplicable. This fatty growth does not apparently depend upon the character or quantity of food, nor even upon sedentary life in some cases, but rather on an obscure tendency to adipose accumulation. Traumatism seems to play no part, though fatty infiltrations are prone to occur around areas of injury or disease, and in degenerated organs. Appearance. — Lipomata are usually circumscribed and en- capsulated tumors having a lobulated character, the latter being due to septa of connective tissue. On the surface of the body they appear as somewhat hemispherical elevations which may reach enormous proportions. Earely they become polypoid. In 126 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. the interior of the body, a>, for example, when they arise in the submucous or subserous connective tissue, they are very frequently, though not always, polypoid. Sometimes they be- come detached and may be retained in one of the cavities of the body as free bodies. On section the appearance is that of fatty tissue, though in some cases it is more firm from the associa- tion of fibrous tissue, and in other cases less firm from the nature of the fatty tissue itself or from associated myxomatous change. Lipomata may be solitary tumors, or there may be many. As a rule, they appear in adult years or middle life, but congenital lipomata arc not very rare ; and occasionally they are found to begin in childhood. Seats. — Among the situations in which lipomata occur the most common are the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the back, shoulders, buttocks, or limbs, the submucous, and the subserous tissues. They may arise either in the normal fatty tissue or in connective tissues in which fat is not normally present. Some authors, how- ever, deny the possibility of lipomata arising excepting from pre- existing fatty tissue. Of the organs, the mammary gland and the kidney are most frequently involved. Structure. — Microscopically lipomatous tumors resemble the normal fat. It is notable that the cells are larger — that is, con- tain more oil — than the normal fat-cells, and this is strikingly the case in some instances, but is not always demonstrable. The vascular supply is about the same as in normal fat, though occa- sionally large vessels with thin walls are seen. Associated myx- omatous or fibrous change may cause a variation of the microscopic appearance. Lipomata may undergo softening from necrosis, but more fre- quently become calcareous in part or completely. Nature. — This is the most benign form of- tumors. Recur- rence after more or less complete removal does, however, at times occur. A lipoma is dangerous only from its weight or position. It docs not contribute to the support of the system in case of starvation. XANTHOMA. Definition. — This term is applied to two possibly distinct though similar forms of new growth. The xanthoma vuigare occurs most frequently in the eyelids and may be confined to that situation. The growth appears in the form of flat elevations of a yellow color. Generalized xanthoma begin- ning about the eyes is loss frequent. Xanthoma diabeticorum is a similar affection of diabetic patients. It occurs at a more advanced age, is more distinctly inflammatory, the masses are more rounded, and the eyelids and face are rarely affected. Structure. — The histology of xanthoma is that of modified fatty tissue. It resembles embryonal adipose tissue, and there is usually more or less round-cell infiltration as well. Some authors regard the latter as a tendency to sarcomatous change; others look upon it as inflammatory. Nature. — Xanthoma is eminently benign. The diabetic form is subject PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 127 to sudden and apparently causeless involution. The ordinary form may similarly subside, though much less commonly. CHONDROMA. Definition. — A chondroma is a tumor composed largely or entirely of cartilage. It is difficult to draw a sharp line between outgrowths of cartilage from existing cartilage or bone due to irri- tation from definite and independent tumor-like growths. A group of cases of intermediary character is that including carti- laginous nodules formed in tendons of muscles subjected to fre- quent irritations, as in the deltoid muscles in soldiers carrying heavy arms, and in the adductor muscles of the thigh in horse- back riders. In these cases normal connective tissue seems to be directly transformed into cartilage, though the influence of irrita- tion is undoubted. Etiology. — A congenital disposition, sometimes hereditary, is unquestionably present in certain cases. Virchow maintained that chondromata often spring from remnants or islands of cartilage left in abnormal situations, as in the midst of bone, as the result of imperfect fetal development. The same explanation woiild account for parotid chondromata on the assumption that parts of the branchial arches are misplaced and remain in the substance of the parotid gland. Irritation has been referred to. Direct traumatism is some- times the cause of cartilaginous outgrowths from bone, particularly when fractures have occurred. Appearance. — Two distinct forms may be considered, and these are somewhat different in appearance. They are (1) carti- laginous outgrowths, ecchondroses or ecchondromata, and (2) independent cartilaginous tumors, or chondromata proper. Ecchondromata present themselves as rounded or somewhat 'irregular outgrowths from bones or cartilages. Sometimes they are wart-like in form and may occur in rows or groups. They may be firmly attached, or may be loosely united to the bone. The most frequent and the most characteristic are the outgrowths in the articular cartilage occurring in chronic arthritis, particularly in rheumatoid arthritis. Occasionally they become detached after their formation, and in the joints may thus become free bodies. The large chondromata are generally distinctly lobular or irregular in outline. Chondromata springing from the inner surface of bones (pos- 'sibly originating from the marrow itself) may grow uniformly by repeated or constant proliferation and lead to a globular swelling of the affected bone (Fig. 42). The true bony covering becomes more and more thin until it may actually perforate. The true chondromata are usually rounded bodies ; they pre- 128 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. sent Lobular irregularity when they reach considerable size, the Lobules being separated by connective tissue. All forms arc hard, though secondary softening may occur. Fig. 42.— Chondroma of the thumb (Warren). In cases in which association of mucous, sarcomatous, or other soft tissue is present the consistency is correspondingly less. In some cases central softening leads to cystic formation. The liquid in the cyst is more or less turbid and occasionally san- guinolent. Seats. — Ecchondroses and chondromata, for the most part, take their origin from bone, cartilage, or periosteum. In some cases, however, they originate in connective tissue, as that of the tendons, by a process of cartilaginous metaplasia. Cartilage- tumors are nut with in some of the glandular organs, notably the parotid gland, testicle, and ovary; and rarely they occur in the Lungs, especially at the root and springing from the peribronchial cartilages. Ecchondroses are most frequent about the long bones, as those of the extremities, and particularly at the epiphyseal attachments. They are not at all infrequent, and may reach considerable propor- tions in these situations. Situations of great clinical importance are the interpubic and occipitosphenoidal junctions. In the former situation ecchondroses projecting inward may interfere seriously with labor, and in the latter place cartilaginous outgrowths may penetrate the dura and exercise injurious compression on the brain. Allusion has been made to the ecchondroses of the joints in arthritis. Chondromata proper may occur in the neighborhood of bones, in the muscles and tendons near their bony attachments, and in the organs mentioned, but in the last situation are rarely pure, myxoma being the most frequent associate. Structure. — Chondromata resemble hyaline, fibrous, or elastic PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 129 cartilage, the first-named being much the most frequent. The tissue differs from normal cartilage in the fact that the cells are frequently without capsules and are much less regularly arranged (Fig. 43). The intercellular substance is more abundant and is * §y> ^&< v - : K ^W - .-.■•--- .. (-. Fig. 43.— Chondroma of the hyaline type. frequently gelatinous, mucoid, or fibrous, and not rarely the differ- ent types of cartilage occur within narrow limits. Association with myxoma and sarcoma, or both, is common, especially in the parotid and testicles, the proportion of the several ingredients varying greatly. Tumors of this kind are spoken of as mixed tumors. Calcification and true ossification are not infrequent, par- ticularly in cartilage-tumors intimately connected with bone. The term osteochondroma is applied in such cases. The name osteoid- chondroma is applied to chondromata in which the intercellular substance is trabecular in arrangement, suggesting bone-structure, but in which actual ossification has not occurred. Such growths are met with about the bones and, as a rule, spring from the periosteum. Degenerative changes are frequent. Myxomatous degenera- tion may occur, though myxoma is more frequent as an association than as a degeneration. Softening may occur in the center of the mass, and may lead to cyst-formation, this being particularly com- mon in the myxochondromata. Growths of this kind are fre- quently quite vascular and hemorrhages into the cysts may occur. Eventually such cases may show scarcely any cartilage-cells, a few being perhaps detected in some part of the cyst-wall. A single hard lump may be left at one side of the cyst, the rest of the tumor having softened. Nature. — Chondromata are essentially benign, and are danger- 130 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. ous only through the pressure they exert. Removal of a part may have :i beneficial influence in causing calcification of the remainder. Metastasis may undoubtedly occur in pure chondromata through transportation of particles in the circulation. Such cartilaginous emboli have often been demonstrated. The secondary growths are most frequent in the lungs. Metastatic chondromata are, however, more frequently chondrosarcomata than pure chondromata. OSTEOMA. Definition. — An osteoma is a tumor composed of osseous tissue. Osteomata are closely allied to cartilaginous tumors, and frequently transformations occur. Etiology. — The same difficulty is experienced in distin- guishing inflammatory outgrowths or exostoses from true bony tumors, as in the case of cartilaginous growths. Enlargement Fig. 44.— Exostoses of the elbow-joint. of the facial hones in leontiasis ossea, of the bones of the extrem- ities in acromegaly and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthrop- athy, and ossifications of the muscles in myositis ossificans, are instances of border-line conditions separating true tumors from inflammatory hyperostoses. Irritation and traumatism undoubt- edly play a part in the etiology, even in neoplasms unattached to the hone, ;md in the case of bony outgrowths injury is generally the immediate cause. An underlying predisposition undoubtedly exists, and explains the occurrence of congenital multiple bony tumors. Appearance. — Two forms may be distinguished, as in the case of chondromata : (1) outgrowths or exostoses and osteophytes, and (2) the osteomata proper, or heteroplastic osteomata. Exostoses and osteophytes are distinguished one from the other by their shape and appearance rather than by any essential difference. The former are direct outgrowths of more or less wart-like character: the PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 131 Fig. 45.— Osteoma of the lower jaw (Warren). latter are more extensive and present the appearance of bony deposits upon bones, and are less closely attached (Fig. 44). In both forms the surface of the growth is irregular, nodulated, or wart-like (Fig. 45). The consistency is that of bone, and the size varies from that of small outgrowths to masses as large as a fist. On section two forms may be dis- tinguished ; the hard or osteoma durum, and the soft or osteoma spongiosum. Sometimes the sub- stance of the tumor is exceedingly dense, and the term osteoma ebur- neum is applied. The heteroplastic osteomata, or those separated from the bone, are more rounded and, when of con- siderable size, usually nodulated and lobulated. In the serous membranes they occur as flat bony plates. Seats. — Osteomata spring from the bone or cartilage, or from connective tissue near the bones. More rarely they arise in other connective tissues, in the serous membranes, or in certain organs, notably the testicle and parotid gland. Osteomata connected with bones are most frequent about the epiphyses, at the attachments of muscles, or at the seat of old fractures from which abundant callous has been deposited. The skull-bones may be aifected on the outer or inner surface, and often an elevation is noted without and within at the same spot. A form of clinical importance is that in which exostoses occur on the inner aspect of the metatarsal bone of the great toe from com- pression of tight shoes. In the maxillary bones osteomata may originate about the roots of malformed teeth. In cases of accumu- lation of cement-substance beginning at the neck of the tooth the term dental osteoma is applied, and these are strictly comparable to osteomata. In cases in which proliferation of the dental pulp has occurred the term odontoma is applicable, and the tumor is not of osseous character. The bony growths sometimes seen in the serous surfaces nearly always arise in areas in which there has been thickening from chronic inflammation. They are most fre- quent in the dura mater of the brain, particularly the falx cerebri ; though the membranes of the cord, the pleura, or pericardium may be involved. Structure. — Microscopically osteomata resemble more or less accurately bone-tissue. They vary, however, in different areas, and mixtures of cartilage with bony tissue are frequent. Second- ary degenerative changes (softening) may occur and association 132 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. ■with tumors of other character are not infrequent (chondroma, myxoma, fibroma, sarcoma). Nature. — These growths are eminently benign, do not recur, and do not give metastasis. Their situation sometimes makes them troublesome or dangerous. LYMPHANGIOMA. A lymphangioma is a tumor composed of dilated lymph-vessels or lymph-spaces; more frequently the latter. It is difficult to separate dilatations of lymphatic channels due to obstruction from hyperplastic processes. Congenital enlargements of certain parts arc met with which seem entirely dependent upon the abnormal development of the lymph-spaces. These constitute the condition called elephantiasis congenita mollis, in which the subcutaneous tissues arc boggy or edematous, and even distinct cystic formations occur. Congenital cystic hygroma is an instance of dilatation of the lymph-spaces. Congenital enlargement of the tongue, termed macroglossia ; of the lips, maerocheilia ; and of the skin, rwetous lymphaticus ; are other instances of the same process. In all of these, in addition to the dilatation of the lymphatic spaces, a marked proliferation of the connective tissues as well as the muscle (in the case of the tongue) is striking ; but the process in all probability originates as a dilatation of the lymph-spaces. The terms lymphangioma cavernosum and eavemoma lymphaticum have been suggested for these cases of dilatation of the lymph- spaces. On staining with silver-salts the endothelial lining of the spaces may be readily demonstrated. Actual enlargement and varicosity of existing lymphatic vessels may occur, but is ex- tremely rare in the form of circumscribed growths ; it is met with more frequently in association with general processes, such as ele- phantiasis. The bursting of dilated lymphatics may lead to lymphorrhea or external discharge of lymph when the process involves the skin, or to effusions of lymphatic character when the serous cavities are involved. Chylous pericarditis, pleuritis, and ascites are thus produced. Rupture of dilated lymphatics along the urinary tract (kidney or bladder) occasions chyluria. Lymph- angioma is a benign process in the pathologic sense. HEMANGIOMA. Definition. — An hemangioma, or angioma as it is more fre- quently called, is a tumor-like formation composed principally of blood-vessels. Strictly speaking, many of these are not tumors, being merely localized dilatations and elongations of pre-existing blood-vessels. Some, however, represent actual prolife rations. Two varieties may be described, that in which the blood-vessels are merely distended [angioma tdeangiectaticum), and that in which PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 133 there are enlarged spaces lined with endothelium (angioma cavern- osum or cavernoma). In many tumors the blood-vessels are some- what enlarged ; these are spoken of as telangiectatic. Etiology. — Congenital malformation certainly plays some part in certain cases, as the frequency of hemangiomata in the new-born and particularly at the junction of the branchial arches would indicate. Injury, however, and mechanical causes gener- ally also play a part, and pre-existing disease, particularly fibroid inflammatory processes, may contribute to the subsequent dilata- tion and proliferation of the vessels (see below). Appearance and Seats. — The angioma teleangiectaticum may involve only the arterioles and capillaries, and in this case a bright-red color is observed. The tumor appears as a spot on the surface of the skin, more or less sharply outlined from the sur- rounding tissue. It is not elevated and has the same consistency as the healthy parts. Usually it occurs as a multiple condition, and the larger are often surrounded by smaller spots. The skin is the favorite seat ; but the subcutaneous tissue and sometimes the mucous membranes are involved. Less commonly the veins are implicated, when a dark-red color is observed (port-wine- stains). If a circumscribed portion of the circulation is uniformly in- volved, the vessels thicken and elongate, and a peculiar form of hemangioma results. In these cases the arteries are greatly thick- ened and tortuous, and form bunches under the skin, suggesting to palpation a bundle of earth-worms ; while the surface of the skin presents peculiar irregular elevations without of necessity any change of color (aneurysma racemosum seu cirsoideum). This is not infrequent in the scalp. A similar condition of the vessels is observed in the varicosity of the legs, labia, or other parts. It is most frequent in the hemorrhoidal veins, constituting the ordinary hemorrhoids. (These conditions will be more fully described in discussing the diseases of the vessels.) Cavernous angiomata present themselves as more distinctly tumor-like formations of dark venous color, involving the skin or subcutaneous tissues, the retrobulbar tissue of the eye, the mucous membranes of the nose or pharynx, and certain organs, as the mammse, the kidney, the spleen, but particularly the liver. Like the other variety, they may be congenital, but more frequently arise in later life, especially that of the liver, which is most com- mon in old persons. The appearance is that of a more circum- scribed tumor, sometimes showing a distinct capsule and varying in consistency with the degree of distention of the blood-spaces. In the skin it projects slightly from the surface (naevus promi- nens) ; in the liver the tumor does not project. Structure. — The definition explains the structure in general. The blood-vessels of teleangiectatic angiomata may be simply di- 134 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. lated capillaries with a lining of endothelium and a fibrous outer coating. More commonly the vessels are considerably thickened and held together by a reticular connective tissue. In rare in- stances the vessels arc so closely packed and the walls so thickened that when the blood is removed the appearance is not unlike that of the tubules of a sweat-gland. The cavernous angiomata present large spaces lined with endothelial cells (Fig. 46). Between these Fig. 1G.— Cavernous angioma (Warren). spaces arc parallel fibers of connective tissue which form the frame- work of the tumor. In cases involving the liver the proper sub- stance of this organ disappears completely, leaving only anastomos- ing spaces with a fibrous framework. Virchow taught that the fibrous process was primary, and by traction and pressure gradually induced dilatation of the vessels and atrophy of the liver-substance. Some of the more recent writers believe that the dilatation of the vessels is the primary condition. The capsule sometimes found surrounding the cavernous angioma is certainly a secondary formation. Angiomata of the skin may enclose the hair-follicles and sweat-glands; those of the subcutaneous tissue frequently show areas rich in fatty tissue (angiolipoma) j secondary angiomatous change of tumors is probably the result of dilatation of the pre- existing or new-formed vessels. Sometimes secondary change may occur in the connective tissue of the vessels of an angioma, PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 135 as in the plexiform angiosarcornata, in which the blood-vessels are surrounded by ensheathing sarcoma-cells (see Fig. 46). Certain cylindromata have the same origin. Nature. — Angioma is essentially benign, and may continue through life without enlarging. Hemorrhage and inflammatory or necrotic changes are its dangerous consequences. LYMPHADENOMA. Definition. — This term is here used to designate a more or less malignant form of new-growth affecting the lymphatic glands or other lymphadenoid tissues, and having the structure of lym- phatic tissue. The lymphadenomata may be considered as forms of sarcoma. The term lymphosarcoma is sometimes applied, but is more appropriately given to growths of more definite sarcom- atous nature, but having the reticulated structure of lymphad- enoid tissue. Other names applied to lymphadenoma are malig- nant lymphoma and lymphoma. Etiology. — It is exceedingly difficult to establish the limita- tions of the term, and especially to decide whether or not certain cases in which definite etiologic factors have been discovered belong to the group under consideration or should be separated. There are cases of infectious enlargement of the glands and trau- matic swellings that cannot be distinguished histologically. In some cases even the clinical course is the same and a separation seems impossible. For example, the glands in a number of instances of Hodgkin's disease (as far as the clinician can es- tablish this diagnosis) have been found to contain tubercle-bacilli. We must conclude that general lymphatic tuberculosis may occur in the clinical form of Hodgkin's disease, but cannot assert that all cases of the latter are tuberculous. In other cases various micrococci and bacilli have been found, but none of these organ- isms have been shown to be specific. In a few instances bodies re- sembling protozoa have been discovered. Appearance and Seats. — Lymphadenomata present them- selves as more or less considerable enlargements of the lymphatic glands of a single group or more commonly of a number of groups in different parts of the body. Ail of the glands of the group may be involved, or only a few. The individual glands retain their shape, as there is usually no tendency to extension beyond the capsule of the gland. In exceptional cases, however, the proc- ess is of a more infiltrating kind and the capsule is penetrated or destroyed. These instances furnish a connecting link between the lymphadenomata confined within the capsule of the glands and the true lymphosarcomata, tumors of lymphadenoid structure occur- ring in tissue normally devoid of lymphoid elements. Lymphadenomata may be soft or hard, according to the amount 136 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY of connective tissue and the denseness of the cellular infiltration and proliferation. On section the tumors are found to be grayish or whitish in appearance, and exceptionally may show slight areas of necrosis or softening. Extensive softening is exceedingly rare. The individual glands of the group may he clearly distinct, or may be fused together by interglandular connective-tissue overgrowth or by the penetration of the lymphadenomatous process through the capsule. When superficial lymphatic groups are involved tumors of various sizes are produced, and project as knobby or rounded en- largements beneath the skin. The latter is freely movable over the tumor unless the growth has penetrated the capsule or secondary inflammatory changes have occurred. In the case of internal Fi<;. 47— Lymphadenoma (lymphosarcoma) probably originating in remnant of thymus gland: the tumor covered the upper part of the heart like a hood. The illustration shows the tumor turned upward and exposing the pericardium on its under surface. glands large intrathoracic or abdominal growths may be formed, and may exercise destructive compression of vital parts. Similar lymphadenomatous growths may spring from the lym- phatic tissues of the gastro-intestinal tract — tonsils, lymphatic follicles of gastric and intestinal mucosa. Sometimes the primary growth seems to begin in the thymus gland or its remnant ( Fig. 47). Tumors of considerable size are produced in these eases, and their origin is recognized by their shape [two lateral parts united l>v a sort of isthmus) and by the absence PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 137 of the appearance of a conglomeration of glands. In these cases the adjacent glands, and later more distant groups, are involved. Lymphadenoma may be confined to the glands, but frequently extends to the solid organs by metastasis. The spleen, liver, and kidneys are the organs most frequently affected. They become enlarged and indurated, and on section show light-colored areas of lymphadenoid tissue. Similar " lymphoid infiltration " may be seen in the heart, lungs, or other parts. Lymphadenoma may affect the bone-marrow secondarily and perhaps primarily. (Reference will be made to this under the title Myeloma.) Sometimes the tumors have a yellow or green color and are called chloromata (q. v.). Structure. — The finer structure of lymphadenomata is pre- cisely that of lymphadenoid tissues. There is a reticulum, more or less pronounced, formed by branching cells which are united by their prolonged extremities. In the meshes of this lie round cells containing large rounded nuclei. The cells are perhaps less uniform in size than those of normal lymphatic glands and large cells are more abundant. The secondary lymphomatous infiltra- tions of the spleen, liver, etc., have similar structure, but the reticulum is less distinct. Sometimes this may not be apparent in the primary growths ; in such instances the tumor is likely to be considered a simple round-celled sarcoma. Nature. — Lymphadenoma is variably malignant. In a small proportion of the cases this malignancy is of local character — that is, the growth tends to invade the neighboring parts. In most instances there is rather a tendency to general involvement of the lymphatic system, Math metastatic deposits in various organs. To cases of this kind the terms Hodgkin's disease, pseudoleukemia, and adenia have been given. These cases present themselves in the form of a progressive anemia (lymphatic anemia — Wilks), often with irregularly relapsing fever (chronic relapsing fever — Epstein), and especially with lymphadenomatous tumors in the superficial or deep lymphatic groups (axillary, cervical, inguinal, mediastinal, or abdominal). The disease progresses more or less rapidly, and terminates in death from cachexia and exhaustion in from one to three years. Occasionally the course is rapid, repeated hemor- rhages or purpura may occur, and a fatal termination is reached in a few weeks or months. The whole course of the disease is sug- gestive of an infectious process. The relation of cases like the above and leukemia is certainly very close. The glandular tumors and the secondary changes in the organs are the same, excepting that the lymphatic glands are more prominently involved in ordinary lymphadenoma. The only striking difference is found in the blood. In leukemia there is marked and characteristic leukocytosis ; in the other condition this is absent. Many cases have, however, been observed in which 138 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Hodgkin's disease has become leukemia ; and some authors do not hesitate to speak of the two diseases as identical and representing merely two stages of a common affection. According to this view, we might classify cases as leukemic or aleukemic lymphadenoma. This view seems to me well grounded. The blood in aleukemic cases shows more or less pronounced reduction in the number of red cells, and a normal, reduced, occa- sionally a moderately increased, proportion of leukocytes. The mononuclear leukocytes are sometimes in relative excess. In acute eases nucleated red cells may be found. The causes and nature of the irregular fever are uncertain. It may be due to an infectious cause, or may be the result of breaking up of leukocytes and liberation of ferments. SARCOMA. Definition. — The term sarcoma is applied to tumors composed of connective-tissue cells with very little intercellular substance. It is often said that sarcoma-cells resemble those of embryonal connective tissue ; more properly speaking, they may be likened to the ordinary connective-tissue cell falling short of complete development. There is little tendency in sarcoma to the forma- tion of fibrous intercellular substance, but a great tendency to continuous cell-proliferation. Etiology. — Of all the tumors sarcoma furnishes the best ground for Cohnheim's theory. Its frequent occurrence in young persons, the relation of melanosarcomata to congenital pigment- spots of the skin, and the sarcomatous mixed tumors of the parotid and testis were cited by Cohnheim among the evidences pointing to a congenital origin. Traumatism and inflammation certainly play sonic part, either in stimulating sudden growth of a latent sarcoma or in developing a lesion from which sarcoma springs. The parasitic theory has gained many adherents in recent years. The resemblance to tubercle is very striking in certain cases and the peculiar dissemination is most suggestive. No specific form of bacteria, however, has been demonstrated, and experiments at im- plantation of the disease in animals have been unsatisfactory (von Eiselberg, Duplay and Cazin). Recently intracellular protozoan organisms have been described, but whether these are really organ- isms or cellular degenerations is doubtful. In some cases the structures described arc certainly nuclear degenerations. It is do1 improbable that lymphosarcomata are due to the action of bacteria. In connection with the supposed infectious nature of sarcoma it is of interest to note that a relationship has been observed between syphilis and sarcoma. This is based on the fact that some cases disappear under anti- syphilitic treatment. PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 139 Appearances. — Sarcomata are generally more or less rounded tumors often enclosed by capsule ; they may, however, be irregu- lar, infiltrating, and therefore unencapsulated. Some forms appear on surfaces, spreading as flat elevations more or less irregular in out- line. The consistency is soft or hard according to the number of cells and the amount of intercellular substance, or according to the kind and amount of associated tissue (myxomatous, chondrom- atous). Typical sarcoma, as the name implies () Traumatic Theory. — Clinicians everywhere incline to give great weight to this. A single traumatism probably has little importance, though women frequently state that they recall distinct injuries from which carcinoma of the breast has seemed to originate. It must be recalled that such injuries are sustained by practically every woman, and the presence of car- cinoma would readily be attributed to a preceding hurt. In cases of epitheliomata of the lip in pipe-smokers, in the careinomata of tin- scrotum and limbs in chimney-sweeps and paraffin- workers, and in cases of uterine careinomata following laceration of the cervix, the effect of chronic irritation would seem to be impor- tant. (c) Parasitic Theory. — The peculiar growth of cancer, its de- struetiveness of the general health, and its metastasis readily suggest an infective origin. Bacteriologists sought to isolate micro-organisms without success; later investigators have turned their attention to low forms of animal life, protozoa. (For further discussion, see Animal Parasites.) A few successful experiments have been made at implantation from man to animals, or from one animal to another ; but as Hanau, one of the few successful ex- perimenters in this work, himself states, these experiments do not prove infectiousness. The secondary growths in the second ani- mal may be simply of the nature of metastasis, due to implantation of the cancer-cells and subsequent proliferation. Occasionally an endemic occurrence of carcinoma has been claimed, and some au- thors have even referred to houses in which carcinoma frequently arose. Age plays an important part in the formation of carcinoma, as this tumor is essentially one of advanced years. Among 275 cases collected by Lubarsch, 55.6 per cent, occurred between the ages of forty-live and sixty-five. There were a few instances in childhood and early life. Between fourteen and nineteen there were 1.46 per cent.; between twenty and twenty-five, 1.8 per cent.; between twenty-six and twenty-nine, 1.1 percent. The frequency in later life was formerly ascribed to some alteration in the vitality of the epithelial cells, rendering them more liable to abnormal proliferation. The nature and cause of such alteration, however, remain obscure and theoretical, though there is certainly a greater tendency to cancer-growth as age increases. Tumor-dyscrasia. — This indefinite term is supposed to indicate a tendency to cancer-growth probably due to peculiarities of the PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 165 liquids of the body. No proof of the existence of any definite dyscrasia has ever been furnished, though it is apparent on study that some form of disposition to this growth acts as the predis- posing cause, even if traumatism, infection, or other factors are the immediate cause. Heredity was formerly regarded as of great importance. Cer- tainly in some cases there seems to be hereditary transmission of the tendency to develop carcinoma. Appearance. — Carcinomata differ considerably in appearance in different parts of the body. Those of the surfaces present themselves as more or less nodular, flat elevations. In the skin the nodules may remain hard and rather smooth, or they may soften upon the surface, forming unsightly ulcerations. In the mucous membranes the growths are more frequently soft and poly- poid or cauliflower-excrescences (Fig. 65). Ulceration may occur Fig. 65.— Carcinoma of the duodenal papilla (modified from Kast and Rumpel). on the surface of such elevations, or from the first the tumor may be of ulcerative character, causing spreading excavations limited by thickened projecting edges. Carcinomata of the glandular organs form more or less nodular tumors or irregular infiltrations. These vary greatly in consistency, some being almost stony hard, others soft in consequence of their preponderating cellular char- acter or of secondary degenerations. On section the tumor is found to be white or grayish in color, generally somewhat translucent and glistening, and milky liquid may ooze from the surface. Cap- sule-formation is rarely seen, though in occasional instances the normal connective tissue of the organ is pressed outward by the growth of the tumor, and thus forms an imperfect capsule. The primary growth is nearly always solitary. Occasionally instances are observed in which two separate masses develop simultaneously 166 TEXT-BOOK OF rATHOLOGY. and apparently independent of each other : as in the two breasts. More Frequently apparent multiplicity is caused by the early ap- pearance and rapid growth of metastases. Secondary carcinomata are nodular in character and nearly always multiple. The larger are often distinctly encapsulated. Central softening or contraction of connective tissue may give the surface of the nodule an umbilicated character (Fig. 66). The ^f j :■■ ^^^m. p iif.# Fig. 66.— Metastatic nodules of carcinoma on the surface of the liver (Hanot and Gilbert). number varies greatly, from a few large or small nodules to innu- merable tubercle-like forms in general carcinomatosis. In some situations, as in bones, secondary carcinoma has an infiltrating character. Seats. — The situations in which carcinomata occur are very numerous ; they invariably arise from pre-existing epithelial structures. In the rare instances in which a presumably primary carcinoma has occurred in bone or other connective tissues, the presumption is warranted that the tumor originated from remnants of epithelial tissue left by faulty development. Among the fre- quent places of origin the most important are the uterus, the skin, the gastro-intestinal tract, particularly the esophagus, pylorus, and rectum, the mammary gland, the ovaries ; less frequently the liver, kidney, thyroid gland, prostate, or testicle may be the starting- point. Secondary carcinomata curiously do not often affect parts in which the primary growth is frequent. Of the many seats of secondary carcinoma, the lymphatic glands, the liver, spleen, lungs, heart, and serous membranes are the most important. Sec- ondary carcinoma of the bones is specially frequent after carcinoma of the breast or the thyroid gland. Structure. — The histology of carcinoma varies greatly in dif- ferent situations and in different forms. There are two distinct PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 167 elements involved — viz., epithelial cells and a connective-tissue stroma. The epithelial cells are medium-sized or large cells of epithelial appearance, having a rather large and clear nucleus ; the shape of the cell, however, differing widely. In epithe- liomata of the skin the cells are large and of a squamous variety. In carcinomata of mucous membranes they are more often cylin- drical or columnar, and there is a tendency to the formation of cuboidal or polyhedral epithelium. The last-named forms are habitually present in the cancers of glandular organs. The mutual compression exercised may occasion a polymorphous character, and the older writers regarded this as a distinctive feature by which a carcinoma-cell could be recognized as such. Secondary changes may occasion wide variations in the appearance of the cells ; thus the epithelia of cancers of the skin tend to become arranged in concentric whorls and at the same time to become somewhat glistening from horny transformation (Fig. 67). The nucleus llftiliillliail::!!;' Fig. 67.— Epithelioma of skin, showing concentric arrangement and degeneration of cells. may be clear and quite structureless, or may show a distinct nucleolus and a definite chromatin network. Karyokinetic fig- ures may be quite abundant and are frequently atypical. Degen- erative changes (dropsical infiltration, myxomatous change, fatty degeneration) may alter the nucleus as well as the body of the cell. The epithelial cells are usually grouped in the form of acini ; 168 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. either completely filled so as to form epithelial clumps or columns, or in alveoli with a central lumen surrounded by epithelial cells in a number of layers. In the last respect the alveoli differ strik- ingly from those of adenoma, and there is the further difference that cellular outgrowths may be seen at the periphery of the acini, the "ells having broken through the retaining wall (basement- membrane) and proliferated outside to form new clumps (Fig. 68). ■^K, «*• Vx-;< <"$' ^r- : ; -■".:■<;•.-' '/• f -rK-~ ■// Fig. 68. — Carcinoma of uterus. On examination of the epithelia within the acini it is found that those of the peripheral layer frequently retain the columnar char- acter seen in the normal alveoli of the gland from which the tumor springs. The connective-tissue stroma of carcinoma is more or less dense, but practically is always of fibrous character. It is arranged in such manner as to form hollowed spaces or columns in which the epithelial structures already described are embedded. Frequently infiltrating leukocytes and plasma-cells or mast-cells are seen within the stroma, and the latter also bears the vascular channels that supply the tumor. The above description applies to the ordinary carcinoma of glandular organs. Differences are observable in the cancers of the skin and other external surfaces. In these the structure is rather that of much enlarged papilla? penetrating into the deeper tissues. The cells are similar to those of the deeper layers of the skin, are larger than those of glandular cancers, and more translu- cent. Hollowed alveoli are exceptional. Degenerative Changes. — Carcinomata are quite prone to PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. J 69 degenerations. In nearly all cases in which the tumor has reached considerable size more or less fatty degeneration of the cells becomes apparent. Preceding this or associated with it may be cloudy swelling or dropsical infiltration of the cells, rendering the nuclear outline less distinct and sometimes causing vacuolations. Irregular and multiform nuclear degenerations are met with, and probably occasion some at least of the structures known as para- sites of cancer. The epitheliomata of the skin are particularly prone to a horny transformation, this occurring first and most prominently in the concentric whorls already described. In the adenocarcinomata of the ovaries and other genital organs of women the degenerated epithelial cells frequently undergo calcareous infil- tration, and psammomata are thus formed. Colloid degeneration of the epithelial cells is a rare event, and the term colloid cancer is generally a misnomer, the real degeneration in most of these being myxomatous, affecting the connective tissue principally, though the epithelial cells are to a certain extent involved. Complete degeneration by myxomatous or associated myxomatous and fatty change may destroy all of the characteristics of the original tumor. In some cases cystic transformation occurs in organs the seat of cancer, or in the cancer itself. This may be due to occlusion and subsequent dilatation of the ducts of the organ or of the acini in the tumor, the cystic spaces becoming filled with mucoid or gelatinous material. In some instances cystic carcinomata are secondary developments originating in cystic adenomata. Hyalin- change and pigmentation are rare in cancer. Inflammatory processes are quite common. Cancers on free surfaces are prone to undergo ulceration in consequence of irrita- tion and infection. Among the micro-organisms discovered in such instances the staphylococcus and streptococcus are conspicu- ous. A distinct erysipelatous inflammation may occur in cancers as in other structures. Invasion of tubercle-bacilli and the deposit of miliary tubercles in carcinoma are rare events, though they sometimes occur. Associations of carcinoma and tuberculosis or syphilis may in other cases result from the secondary growth of cancer in pre-existing gummatous or other syphilitic lesions or in lupus. Practically all carcinomata show some leukocytic infil- tration. The amount of this, however, varies greatly. Nature. — Carcinoma is essentially malignant, the degree of malignancy depending, however, upon the seat and upon certain peculiarities of disposition of the individual. Sometimes a small growth may remain practically latent for a long time, until acci- dental circumstances, like traumatism, intercurrent disease, preg- nancy, or the like, stimulate active growth. Carcinoma exhibits all the elements of malignancy : the ten- dency to recur after removal, metastasis, and general destruction of the health. Recurrence after removal is most readily explained 170 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. upon the assumption that the entire growth had not been re- moved. Microscopic studies show that the area of infiltration is usually much greater than the naked-eye appearances would indi- cate, and this explains why the surgeon cannot well remove the whole disease. Metastasis, as a rule, follows the lymphatic chan- nels, and thus primarily involves the lymphatic glands in the neighborhood of the growth. The process may be explained as follows : some of the epithelial cells in their advancing prolifera- tion penetrate the lymphatic channels and are carried in the lymph-stream to the nearest lymphatic gland, where they again proliferate and form secondary nodules ; from these a similar extension occurs, and eventually widespread metastasis results. Less frequently the primary growth penetrates the walls of a vein and metastasis occurs through the circulation. This is quite com- mon in the case of cancers of the stomach or intestines. The metastatic foci first spread through the portal circulation to the liver. In still other instances secondary growths result from mechanical transportation in the movements of the body ; thus in carcinomata of the abdominal organs the peristaltic move- ments may transfer particles to different parts of the abdominal cavity. Pathologic Physiology. — The general health of patients suffer- ing with carcinoma is affected very profoundly, though the man- ner in which this occurs remains obscure. It would seem to be of the nature of a toxemia. Emaciation and loss of strength are habitual, though often, perhaps, in large part the result of inter- ference with organic functions, as, for example, in carcinoma of the stomach. Progressive anemia may make its appearance, the red corpuscles becoming less abundant and the quantity of hemo- globin falling decidedly. There is usually a moderate amount of leukocytosis, the large mononuclear forms increasing particularly. Toward the end of life the tissue-destruction increases greatly, though the excretory products of such may not be notably in- creased in the excretions in consequence of failing circulation and imperfect renal function. At this stage the accumulation of such products in the blood may lead to sudden death from coma (see Acid-intoxication). Hemorrhages and ulcerations may also con- tribute to the impairment of health in cases of cancer. Varieties of Carcinoma. There are several forms of cancer sufficiently different to re- quire separate description. The classification of these is generally based upon the character and arrangement of the epithelium. We may distinguish ( 1 ) carcinomata composed of surface-epithelium, either (a) squamous or (b) cylindrical, and (2) glandular carcino- mata, having either (a) more or less distinct adenomatous structure PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 171 or (6) solid plugs or columns of epithelial cells, or (c) a mixture of acini and solid columns. Epithelioma. This form, which consists of surface-epithelium, is of two varieties, the squamous and the cylindrical. Squamous epithelioma occurs in the skin or mucous mem- branes, where squamous epithelium exists normally. Among the frequent seats are the lips, the esophagus, the larynx, and the cer- vix uteri. Occasionally squamous epithelioma arises in parts nor- mally covered by other kinds of epithelium ; as, for example, in the fundus of the uterus. In these instances there is probably a primary metaplasia of the epithelium followed by carcinomatous growth. Squamous epitheliomata present themselves as nodular, wart-like elevations of the skin or mucous membrane, tending to become ulcerated on the surface. Those of the mucous surfaces are more elevated and softer. Histologically there are seen branch- ing columns of epithelial cells extending downward from the pa- pillae of the skin into the deeper structures. These consist of large translucent squamous cells which show a tendency to arrange themselves in certain places concentrically to form epithelial perles. The latter frequently undergo a horny transformation and sometimes even calcareous change (Fig. 69). The same Fig. 69.— Squamous epithelioma, showing whorls of epithelial cells with central degen- eration (from a photograph by Dr. W. M. Gray). structures occasionally occur in benign papillomata, but much less frequently. Metastasis is frequently seen in the neighboring lymphatic glands, but the malignancy is less marked than in glandular carcinomata. Cylindrical Epithelioma.— This form is composed of co- lumnar or cylindrical epithelium, and arises in the mucous mem- branes, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract and the uterus. 172 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. The epithelial cells of the tubular glands or sometimes those of the surfaces form the starting-point of the growth. More or less acinus-like tubular structures, composed of a layer of epithelial cells, or more frequently of a number of layers of epi- thelia, the outer layer being often distinctly columnar, constitute the characteristic feature of the tumor (Fig. 70). In the later stages -'•"- ' • "•]■'''■' ^'V-li 'ST ' - ■ ASIA'S '"!?£' ■o'''-« '•■■''■ ' ■ Fig. 70.— Cylindrical epithelioma of the intestine (Perls). the acini become filled with proliferated epithelial cells of various shapes and the cylindrical or tubular character of the acini is lost. Carcinomata of the kidney, liver, and mammary gland, though not originating from surface-epithelium, strictly speaking, may be of the cylindrical form. Cylindrical epitheliomata are more nearly like the glandular carcinomata in their malignancy and general behavior than the squamous variety. Glandular Carcinoma. This term includes the carcinomata that have a resemblance to racemose glands in their histologic structure. They consist of acini or alveoli containing epithelial cells, usually in several layers or completely filling the lumen, and a stroma of connective tissue. Some authors distinguish three forms: the simple, the medullary, and the scirrhous. These are simply variations of the same tumor. In the simple form there is a combination of epi- thelium and stroma in about the proportion seen in normal glands. The tumor is therefore neither strikingly hard nor soft. In the PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 173 medullary or soft carcinoma the amount of epithelium is excessive and the tumor has a soft character (Fig. 71); while the scirrhous, Fig. 71.— Medullary carcinoma of breast. or hard, cancer is an indurated form, due to excess of fibrous tissue and deficiency of the epithelium (Fig. 72). The glandular cancers are more or less nodular or infiltrating *fc % —Scirrhous cancer of brea ,st (Warren; growths varying in consistency in different cases, but having on section a glistening white color with a certain amount of translu- 174 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. cency. Milky liquid exudes from the surface on section. This is composed of albuminous fluid containing degenerated epithe- lium and free oil-droplets. Among the seats in which these forms occur the most important are the pylorus and other mucous sur- faces, the mammary gland, the pancreas, kidneys, ovaries, and testicles. Widespread metastasis and other features of malignancy are noted. In the case of the scirrhous form the primary tumor may be strikingly small in comparison with the amount of meta- static deposit. Colloid Cancer. This term is usually a misnomer, as most of the colloid cancers contain no colloid material. The name gelatinous would be more appropriate, but has not been generally accepted. Colloid cancers are met with in the stomach and intestinal tract, in the mammary gland, and in the ovaries. The tumor has a peculiar transparent, glistening appearance. The entire mass maybe uniformly jelly- like, or only portions of it are aifected. Microscopically mucous degeneration of the connective tissue as well as of the epithelial cells is discovered (Fig. 73). In some cases no trace of carcinom- FlG. 73.— "Colloid cancer" of the breast, showing myxomatous change in the stroma and fatty degeneration and partial disappearance of the epithelial cells (Perls). atous tissue may be discoverable, the whole tumor having under- gone degeneration. Sometimes the process involves the epithelium rather than the connective tissue. ( !< illoid cancers frequently spread by direct extension, and the entire abdominal cavity may become filled with gelatinous material, representing degenerated secondary growths. Occasionally the same kind of peritoneal growths seem to originate primarily in the peritoneum, springing from fetal rem- nants of epithelial tissue (Fig. 74). True colloid cancer — that is, carcinoma with colloid degenera- tion of the epithelium — is sometimes seen, though it is very rare. It occasionally causes a gross appearance resembling that of sar- PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 175 comatous cylindroma, and the term carcinomatous cylindroma has been applied. Fig. 74.— Colloid cancer of the peritoneum (modified from Birch-Hirschfeld). SYNCYTIOMA MALIGNUM. This term is applied to a form of tumor originating at the placental site during pregnancy or the puerperium. It has also been called deciduoma malignum, sarcoma deciduocellulare, destructive epithelial tumor of the placental site, and chorio- epithelioma. The tumor occurs as a hemorrhagic infiltrating growth, some- what resembling placental tissue in gross appearance, and fre- quently gives metastasis by breaking into the blood-vessels. The metastatic nodules are found in the external genitalia, frequently in the lungs, less often in the liver, spleen, or other organs. The growth is rapid, the uterine wall being quickly invaded and met- astasis occurring in a short time. The nature of this tumor is still the subject of some contro- versy. Two types of cellular elements are recognized in its struct- ure. One of these consists of irregular masses of protoplasm con- taining dark nuclei. The nuclei probably multiply by direct division. These protoplasmic masses are arranged in islands or in branching columns which form a network. In the meshes of this network are blood-spaces containing thrombi or masses of blood-corpuscles. Sometimes masses like those above described are found within the blood-spaces. The second form of cells consists 176 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. of smaller irregular-shaped elements, which are unusually rich in glycogen, and in which cell-division by karyokinesis is observed. These cells lie in masses, of greater or less size, between and beside the larger protoplasmic areas before described. In the later stages of the growth obliterative thrombosis of the vessels leads to necro- sis of the cellular constituents, particularly of the columns of large epithelium-like cells. These are converted into homogeneous fibrinous masses, and even the thrombi themselves may degen- Fig. 75.— a, Fibrin, with numerous small round cells caught in the meshes : b, cells resembling decidual cells, probably a proliferation of the Langhan's cells ; d, protoplasmic masses containing large free nuclei. erate. The view of Marchand regarding the nature of these tumors is most widely accepted. He holds that the larger cells are derivatives of the syncytium (a structure composed of epithe- lial cells, probably of fetal origin), while the smaller cells are formed from the epithelial covering of the chorion villi (Langhan's cells). The tumor, therefore, is epithelial in nature, and it has malignant properties. It differs, however, from ordinary epithe- lioma and from carcinoma in its peculiar structure and in its clin- ical course and dissemination. CYSTS. -This term includes pathologic formations of Some are true tumors ; others are of quite dif- Definition. varied character, ferent nature. The term cyst is applied to pathologic formations consisting of a more or less well-defined wall and enclosing liquid or semiliquid contents of different character from the surrounding parts. This definition is not entirely applicable, as certain structures that do PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. Ill not present a definite capsule are sometimes termed cysts. Ac- cordingly we may distinguish between true cysts and cyst-like formations or cystoids, the former being enclosed by a capsule lined with epithelium or endothelium ; the latter merely present- ing a circumscribed collection of softened material. Classification. — According to the method of formation, we distinguish retention-cysts, softening-cysts, cysts due to the pres- ence of foreign bodies, and proliferation-cysts. Retention-cysts are formed when the excretory ducts of a gland become occluded and the secretions accumulate and cause disten- tion of the acini or of parts of the duct. Among such cysts may be named the distended sebaceous glands of the skin in the forma- tions called wens; the cysts of the salivary or small mucous glands or ducts under the tougue, called ramdce ; retention-cysts formed in the' uriuiferous tubules, the tubules of the ovary, or in the parovarium, in the acini and ducts of the mamma?, pancreas, and other glands. An entire organ may become converted into a cyst, as in cases of distention of the kidney (hydronephrosis) from obstruction of the ureter. These cysts are distinguished by the fact that they have a dis- tinct connective-tissue wall lined with epithelium or endothelium. The contents of the cyst depend upon the part in which the forma- tion has taken place. Softening-cysts occur in consequence of degenerative softening of normal or pathologic tissues. They are not rarely the result of hemorrhage, the blood-clot first becoming inspissated and then serous exudation occurring in the area of hemorrhage. Softening- cysts are very common in tumors of different kinds. Cysts due to foreign bodies are in part softening-cysts. The tissues in the immediate vicinity may be injured and undergo necrotic softening, while connective-tissue reaction produces a capsule. This form of cyst is most frequently the result of in- vasion of parasites, and the cyst-contents may be composed of the parasite or the parasite and tissue-elements more or less degenerated. Proliferation- cysts. — This term is applied to formations more closely analogous to true tumors than those mentioned before. They merit more extended description than the other forms of cysts, and may be designated as epithelial cysts. Epithelial Cysts. Definition. — In certain glandular organs, notably the ovary and mammary gland, cystic formations occur which present strik- ing appearances ; and though perhaps they represent adenomatous or carcinomatous new growths, are so striking as to deserve special mention. 178 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Ktiology. — These growths, in part at least, result from ob- struction of excretory ducts and subsequent irritation by retained secretions. Congenital abnormalities of structure may possibly play a part in their causation. Appearance. — Cystomata may be single or multiple, the entire tumor being composed either of a single cyst or of one large cyst subdivided into many smaller, or again of numerous separate and unconnected cysts of varying size. On section the cystic cavities are found to contain more or less serous or gelatinous liquid, and sometimes hemorrhagic fluid is observed. Most fre- quently the liquid is gelatinous or ropy, and is commonly spoken of as colloid material. The inner lining of the cyst may be smooth, like a serous or mucous surface, or elevated irregularly in the form of polypoid outgrowths into the cavity of the cyst. The entire cyst may thus be tilled with papillomatous elevations from the epithelial lining. The term papuliferous or proliferative cyst- omata is given to these forms (Fig. 76). The size of cystomata Fig. 76.~Papilliferous adenocystoma of the kidney (Karg and Sehmorl). varies from minute tumors not larger than a pea to enormous masses weighing as much as sixty or eighty pounds. Secondary degenerations may occur in the form of softening, hemorrhage, or calcification. Seats. — The mammary gland and ovary are the principal situations in which tumors of this description are met with, but analogous growths may make their appearance in any of the glandular organs. Structure. — Microscopically these growths present cystic cavities lined with typical or modified columnar epithelium and a stroma or reticulum of connective tissue. The amount of the PROGRESSIVE TISSUE-CHANGES. 179 latter and the appearance of the cysts themselves vary in different cases. At times the stroma is very abundant and takes the form of well-organized fibrous tissue, while the cysts and acini are small and few in number. In these cases the appearance suggests a primary proliferative connective-tissue process with secondary implication of the epithelial elements. Such cases occur particu- larly in the mammary gland, and there is difficulty in separating them sharply from instances of chronic interstitial mastitis or dif- fuse fibroma. In other instances the process manifestly begins with the formation of epithelial acini, and the hyperplasia of the connective tissue is certainly secondary. The acini in these cases present themselves as hollow spaces of varying shape and size, often branching, and lined with columnar epithelium in a single layer or sometimes with several layers of more or less dif- ferentiated columnar epithelium. Nature. — These cystic growths often have a decided tendency to malignancy. They may remain benign throughout; but fre- quently they undergo carcinomatous change and spread widely or give rise to metastasis. The malignancy is generally in propor- tion to the amount of the epithelial proliferation and papuliferous change, but there are instances in which metastasis occurs from adenocystomata having regular gland-acini lined with single layers of typical columnar cells. The cystomata of the ovary not rarely extend to the surface of the organ, break through the capsule, and present upon the surface as papillary growths, and frequently they extend to the peritoneum and neighboring structures. The entire abdomen may be involved. At the same time, or in other cases independent of such direct extension, metastatic deposits may be seen in nearby lymphatic glands. Somewhat the same conditions may be observed in cystoma of the breast, but in this situation the tumor is much more frequently confined within the capsule of the organ. TERATOMA. Definition. — The term teratoma is applied to tumors of pecu- liar mixed character, representing different elements of complex tissues or structures in a situation in which these do not normally occur. For example, the most frequent form of teratoma contains various epidermal structures, such as hair, teeth, etc., and occurs in internal organs. Ktiology. — The causation of teratoid tumors or teratomata is to be sought in congenital misdevelopments. We may, with Klebs, distinguish endogenous forms, in which inclusions of superficial tissues are retained in internal parts by a process of constriction ; and eetogenous forms, in which a separate fetal deposition is the origin of the tumor. The latter form represents a separate and 180 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. ill-developed fetus within the developed organism — a. fetus infetu. A regular gradation may be traced from distinct teratoid tumors having irregular mingling of tissue-elements, to malformations in which a more or less systematic outgrowth, somewhat approaching double monstrosities, occurs. Of the distinct teratoid tumors the most frequent is the dermoid cyst. Dermoid Cyst. This tumor presents itself as a cystic formation with a con- nective-tissue membrane and an inner lining resembling the skin. This may present all the elements of the skin, such as stratified epidermis, a papillary layer, and even subcutaneous connective tissue. Hair-follicles and sebaceous glands are frequent, and habitually long, light-colored hairs are found within the contents, and teeth may be found in the lining membrane or free in the contents of the cyst. The cyst is filled with a semifluid, cheesy mass consisting of epithelial cells, fatty matter, and other detritus. Occasionally dermoid cysts may contain nerve-tissue, muscle, or structures resembling intestine. The dermoid cysts vary in size from minute bodies no larger than a pea to huge masses, the latter being most frequent in the ovaries. Among the situations in which dermoids occur the ovaries are most common ; less frequently they are found in the testicles, in the peritoneum, in the membranes of the brain, about the eye, in the neck, floor of the mouth, and elsewhere. Growth is very slow, and they may remain practically latent through life. The nature of these tumors is usually benign, though carcinom- atous change may occur, and in the ovaries cystoma is prone to be associated, and the latter may be malignant. Other Teratoid Tumors. Nodular masses may appear about the head or neck or in vari- ous parts of the body, consisting of mingled tissues of various kinds, such as glandular tissues, connective tissues, nerve, mus- cle, etc. These can be classified as teratoid growths. Sometimes they resemble some definite organ, as in the case of growths appearing at the umbilicus of the new-born and simulating the structure of normal intestine. In the neck there are sometimes seen more or less cystic growths lined with epithelium and having in their walls muscle- fibers, lymphoid tissue, cartilage, etc. These growths probably spring from remnants of the embryonal branchial clefts. The mixed tumors of the parotid gland (sec Sarcoma) are allied to these. Cholesteatoma. — This tumor is characterized by glistening, whit- ish, or pearly bodies composed of concentric layers of cells resem- BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 181 bling epithelium (Fig. 77). Sometimes crystals of cholesterin are found in the center of these bodies, whence the name choles- teatoma. Cholesteatomata are found in the membranes or sub- stance of the brain, and present themselves as single or multiple nodules. They are usually soft and glistening in appearance. ® i Ma Fig. 77.— Cholesteatoma from the membranes of the brain. Some authors consider them endotheliomata, but Ziegler has found hair-follicles and hairs in certain specimens, and from this, as well as from the horny change to which the cells in the pearly bodies are prone, classifies them among the teratoid growths. Somewhat similar tumors occur in the pelvis of the kidneys, in the testicles, parotid glands, ovaries, and middle or external ear. CHAPTER VII. BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. History. — Although for many centuries there had existed the idea that disease and decay are due to the action of minute or- ganisms, it was not until the use of the lens enabled the Dutch naturalist Leeuwenhoeck actually to demonstrate their presence in water and in human intestinal contents that the hypothesis of a " contagium vivum " became more than mere guesswork. He discovered, even with his imperfect instruments, short rods, curved and straight, and described their motility. Muller (1785), by the use of the compound microscope, attempted a more systematic 182 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. classification of these micro-organisms, and from this time many investigators have added much to our knowledge of microbes, that group of organisms which had been denominated by Linnaeus by the term Chaos. To the German Henle is due the credit of having first introduced an idea of order into this disorder. He held that fermentation was the result of organic life, and that the action of a contagium was analogous to that of a ferment. The earliest systematic experimental work was that of Pasteur, in which he established beyond doubt this relation between fermentation and the life and development of bacteria. The first definite ideas of the physiology of these micro-organisms are found in his experi- ments on lactic-acid fermentation, and those of their pathogenesis, in his demonstration of the microbic origin of the silkworm-disease (1869). Davaine and Bayer about the same time established the causal relation of a bacillus found in the blood of a sheep dead of anthrax to that disease. CLASSIFICATION. Bacteria (schizomycetes, or cleft fungi) is the name given to a branch of the lowest and simplest of the orders of the vegetable kingdom. They are small, unicellular organisms, generally free of chlorophyll, and colorless; they possess a cell-membrane albu- minoid in composition and homogeneous protoplasmic cell-contents. Some varieties are motile. Nuclei are absent, though in the opin- ion of some the whole cell may be regarded as a nucleus. Bac- teria multiply by cell-division, sexual distinctions being absent. In many species resistant forms — spores — occur. The simple elementary forms that occur are of three kinds : the coccus, the bacillus, and the spirillum (Fig. 78). 7 6 m ^ '¥ M Piq. 78.— Various forms of bacteria : 1 and 2, round and oval micrococci : 3, diplococcl; ■1. tetracocci, or tetrads ; •">. Btreptococci ; ('•. bacilli ; 7, bacilli in chains, the lower showing Bpore formation; 8, bacilli showing spores, forming drumsticks and Clostridia; 9 and 10, spirilla; 11, spirochete. COCCUS. — This is a spherical cell, varying in size up to 1 fi in diameter. It takes the anilin-stains readily. Spore-formation and motility are rare. When the cocci are found in groups, the individuals being entirely separate, they arc termed staphylococci, from the resemblance of the groups to a bunch of grapes; when in pairs, diplococci ; when in chains, streptococci ; when in groups of four, tetrads or merismopedia ; when in packets, sarcinae. Bacillus. — A rod-shaped, cylindrical cell of varying length and thickness. Spore-formation and motility are common. Most BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 183 of the group stain easily with the anilin dyes, but some require special methods of staining. Spirillum. — A cylindrical, rod-shaped cell, curved or spiral, sometimes motile. It stains readily. Many other classifications, all of them being to a certain extent arti- ficial, have been made by different authors. Probably one of the most useful and scientific is that of Migula : I. Coccaceae. — Spherical cells dividing in one, two, or three directions. Endospores rare. 1. Streptococcus. — Division in one direction, the individuals cohering to form chains. Motility absent. 2. Micrococcus. — Division in two directions, the individuals when coherent forming groups of four. Flagella absent. 3. Sarcina. — Division in three directions, forming packets of eight, twenty-seven, or more cells. Motility absent. 4. Planococcus. — Division in two directions, as in the micrococcus. Motility present. 5. Planosarcina. — As the sarcina. Motility present. II. Bacteriaceae. — Rod-like, cylindrical cells, dividing at right angles to the long axis. 1. Bacterium. — Cells without flagella, often with spores. 2. Bacillus. — Cells with peritrichous flagella, often with spores. 3. Pseudomonas. — Cells with polar flagella ; spores rare. III. Spirillaceae. — Cells cylindrical, curved, bent, or spiral. Division as in II. 1. Spirosoma. — Cells rigid, without flagella. 2. Microspira. — Cells rigid, with one, rarely two or three, polar flagella. 3. Spirillum. — Cells rigid, with five to twenty polar flagella. 4. Spirocheta. — Cells flexible, motile, but without flagella : perhaps possessing an undulating membrane. IV. Chlamydobacteriaceae. — Cells united in a simple unbranched fila- ment. Division in one direction. Forms non-motile; conidia. 1. Slreptothrix. — Cells united in a simple unbranched filament. Division in one direction. Forms non-motile ; conidia. 2. Cladothrix. — Cells united in a filament, with a false branching. 3. Crenothrix. — Cells united in an unbranched filament, and dividing in three directions into small rounded cells. 4. Phragmodiothrix. — Cells at first united in an unbranched filament, and dividing in three directions. Later the separate cells break through the thin membrane and grow out as branches. 5. Thiothrix. — Cells united in an unbranched filament contained in a thin membrane. Division in one direction. Cells contain gran- ules of sulphur. V. Beggiatoacese. — Cells united in a filament without sheath. Motile, the movement being due to an undulating membrane. MORPHOLOGY. Cell -contents. — The body of the organism in unstained con- ditions appears as a perfectly homogeneous protoplasmic mass. On staining with anilin dyes a granular appearance is often observed, which under high powers is resolved into a hyaline mass contain- ing numerous chromophilic granules. Vacuolations also are often 184 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. present. Some modern observers (Biitschli et «L) have made out a network immediately within the membrane and surrounding a central body which readily stains with the nuclear dyes. This latter they regard as a nucleus. Others, however, affirm that this appearance is due to a concentration of the cell-protoplasm (endo- plasm), the result of the rather complicated method of staining. The question of the presence or absence of a nucleus is still an open one. In many organisms, as the Bacillus diphtherias from a blood-serum culture, for example, there exist certain transparent refractive bodies which stain differently from the rest of the microbe. These metachromatic bodies, as they are called, were regarded by Ernst as nuclear in character. ( )thers look upon them as possibly the primary state of spore-formation. Spore. — The spore is a non-vegetative resistant form that the microbe assumes when the conditions for growth are unfavorable. The endoplasm seems to concentrate and become a small, oval, highly refractive body, separated from the bacterial protoplasm by a membrane of its own. It is generally of the same diameter or somewhat smaller than the bacillus itself, and is situated either in the middle (equatorial) or at the end of the microbe (polar spore). It may be larger in diameter than the microbe and cause a swell- ing at that point. When in the center of the rod this gives rise to the form known as Clostridium ; when polar, to the so-called drumstick-form (as in the Bacillus tetani). Such intracellular spores <>r endospores occur among many bacilli. Among the micrococci they are rare ; but it is supposed that certain individual cocci become larger and more refractive in appearance and assume the spore-state. These are called arthro- spores. Whether these can be regarded as true spores is still doubtful. The spore is extremely resistant to conditions to which the vegetative form readily succumbs ; to the action of certain chemi- cal reagents, light, heat, etc. Bacteria that are grown on media poor in nutrient material tend to become asporogenous. A certain temperature is also necessary for spore-formation. Thus, although the anthrax bacillus develops well at a temperature of 14° C. (57° F.), it does not form spores below 18° C. (64° F.). To obli- gate aerobes oxygen is necessary for their development, and anae- robic cultures present them only in the absence of that gas. Placed under conditions favorable to its vegetation the spore loses its clearness, absorbs water, and swells. A small prominence pre- sents at the side or end, which gradually lengthens and develops into a young bacillus. The membrane of this new microbe is formed from the inner layer of the spore-membrane (endospoHum), while the outer layer (exosporium) is cast off. In not all of the varieties of bacilli does sporulation take place, and even where it does occur there may, under certain conditions, as in growth at BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 185 high temperatures, arise races which have lost this power (aspo- rogenous races). The spore does not stain readily with the ordinary anilin stains, and special methods have been devised for coloring it. Cell-membrane. — Surrounding each organism is a membrane (ectoplasm) denser and more highly refractive than the cell-con- tents (endoplasm). In some cases this is not to be differentiated from the endoplasm ; but in others it is larger, and under certain conditions becomes a gelatinous mass. In this case it is easily seen, especially after appropriate staining. This is called the capsule. In general this occurs only when the bacteria develop within the animal organism, and not upon artificial culture-media. It is probable that the ectoplasm is not a mere protective envelop, but has to do with the functional activity of the bacterium. The fact that the flagella, to which is due the motility of certain mi- crobes, are directly continuous with and are simply prolongations of this membrane, points to this view. The cell-membrane is not easily colored by ordinary methods. Flagella. — Motility is often a property of bacteria. It is manifested in different ways, and is often characteristic of the several varieties of bacteria. Some move slowly forward across the field, others with great rapidity ; others again dart hither and thither, slowly or so quickly as to be with difficulty observed. They may at the same time have a rotary movement around their long or their short axes. After appropriate staining the cause of this motility is seen to be the presence of slender, whip-like prolongations, originating directly from the ectoplasm (Babes). They may be twenty times as long as the body of the bacterium, and are arranged in the dif- ferent species in different ways. Bacteria that possess no flagella are termed Gymnobacteria ; those that have these organs, Trichobacteria. There may be but one flagellum, situated at the pole (monotrichous), or a number may be present (lophotrichous). When they are situated at both poles the microbe is termed amphi- trichous ; when distributed over the whole body of the bacteria, peritrichous. The presence and the activity of flagella depend on many factors : on the condition of the medium, bacteria grown from liquid media being more active than those from solid ; on tem- perature ; on presence of air ; on light ; and on the age of the culture. They are easily broken off from the microbe, and care must be used in staining them. A special method is employed. Invollltion-forms. — By involution-form is meant the irreg- ular appearance a microbe often assumes when its conditions of growth are unfavorable. Numerous bacteria melt together and become irregular chains, or they appear pear- or club-shaped. The protoplasm becomes retracted and irregular staining takes place. Sometimes the microbes lose all characteristic appearances. 186 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Sometimes forms with branching projections are discovered. These have often been described as involution-forms, but are now more commonly regarded as normal, though unusual, structures. This applies to tubercle bacilli, diphtheria bacilli, and some others. This true branching (dichotomy) must not be confounded with false or pseudodichotomy, due to mere apposition of separate organisms, as seen in various bacilli, streptococci, etc., and habitu- ally in the cladothrices. Chemistry. — The bacterial cells are of variable composition, depending to a great extent upon the kind of nutrient matter. It consists mainly of water (85 per cent.). The chief solid material is albumin. This varies according to the medium of growth, and has been given the general name of mycoprotein (Nencki). Fat is also present. The nuclein-bases, xanthin, guanin, adenin, and cellulose, have been found by some. Some contain certain color- ing-matters, bacteriopurpurin and a green substance similar to chlorophyll. Organic acids and ferments of different kinds are also found. In some special forms — the sulphur bacteria — sul- phur is present. DEMONSTRATION. The success of the microscopic examination of bacteria in the several fluids and tissues of the diseased body and in pure cultures depends upon the differentiation of the microbes from the surrounding substances by certain chemical reagents. The process is twofold : to render more transparent the non-bacterial elements and to render more visible the bacteria themselves. Thus a 1^- per cent, solution of sodium hydrate dissolves the histologic ele- ments except the fatty, elastic, pigmentary, and amyloid substances and bacteria. Methods of this sort have been entirely superseded by the use of the anilin dyes. We can with these render bacteria more visi- ble and at the same time differentiate them from the surrounding tissue by means of contrast- or counter-stains. Microbes, generally, stain with dilute aqueous or alcoholic solutions of the anilin colors, but they differ greatly in the readi- ness with which they take the stain and the tenacity with which they hold it after treatment. To stain some it is necessary to employ heat or to add some chemical substance to act as a mor- dant and enable the stain to pass through the cell-membrane. The most important of these are potassium hydrate, anilin oil, alcohol, carbolic acid (1-5 per cent.), acetic acid (0.5-1 per cent.). Some bacteria decolorize easily, even with Mater ; others can be placed in alcohol, and some in strong solutions of mineral acids, without losing their color. Those bacteria that stain easily are the most readily decolorized. BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 187 Among the more frequently used of the anilin dyes are : methylene-blue, dahlia, fuchsin, vesuvin, gentian-violet and thi- onin. The following are useful formulae : Loffler's methylene-blue : Saturated alcoholic solution of methylene-blue . 30 cc. Aqueous solution of potassium hydrate (0.01 per cent.) 100 cc. Carbolized ihionin: Saturated alcoholic solution of thionin . . . . 10 cc. Carbolic-acid solution (1 per cent.) 100 cc. Bacteria stained with these upon cover-glasses need no after- treatment, but tissues are to be decolorized with alcohol. With Loffler's solution the decolorization must be stopped at a point where the protoplasm is colorless and the nuclei are faintly stained. The bacteria remain a bright blue. Bacteria stained with thionin retain a reddish tinge, however, even after prolonged action of the alcohol. ZiehVs solution is the best known stain for the Bacillus tuber- culosis : Fuchsin 0.25 gm. Alcohol 10 cc. Carbolic-acid solution (5 per cent.) 100 cc. Treated with this for some three to five minutes (for tissues longer) and with heat, the bacilli retain their red color after the use of strong mineral acid solutions (sulphuric, nitric, or hydro- chloric acid, 25 per cent.). A counter-stain, to color the decolorized cellular elements, is used, and methylene-blue is generally em- ployed. Gabbett mixes the contrast-stain with the sulphuric-acid solution. Gram's Method. — Another important differential stain is that devised by Gram. The specimen is treated for some minutes in an anilin-water solution of gentian-violet. Anilin-oil (4 cc.) is well shaken up with 100 cc. of distilled water, filtered, and to this is added 1 cc. of saturated alcoholic solution of the violet. The specimen, stained a few minutes with this, is treated with an iodid-iodin solution (iodin, 1 gm. ; potassium iodid, 2 gm. ; water, 300 cc), which fixes or in some way modifies the stain in the bacteria and decolorizes other elements. The further action of alcohol decolorizes certain varieties of bacteria stained in this, while others it leaves unchanged. Bacillus anthracis, tuberculosis, tetani, lepra?, diphtherias, rhinoscleromatis ; Staphylococcus aureus, albus, and citreus ; Streptococcus pyogenes ; Pneumococcus ; 188 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Micrococcus tetragenus ; and Actinomyces hominis are the most important species that retain the stain. The Gonococcus ; Bacil- lus pneumonia?, typhi abdominalis, coli communis, mallei ; and Spirillum cholera? Asiatics arc among those that are decolorized. Staining sections is more difficult : it takes longer time and must often be aided by heat. This results in overstaining, and decolorization is necessary. Many substances have the power of decolorizing the tissue-elements in the following order : the first to lose the color is protoplasm, then the nuclei, and lastly the bacteria. For such differential decolorization alcohol, anilin oil, or acid alcohol is the most used, the point aimed at being to stop the decolorization as soon as the nuclei have begun to lose their color. Some stains are not removed by this means, as Gram's and thionin. To stain .spores, the specimen is fixed by passing through the flame and then put for a half to one hour in fuchsin, either an aqueous or alcoholic solution, or in Ziehl's solution. The bacterial protoplasm is then decolorized by alcohol or very dilute nitric acid and counter-stained with Loffler's blue. The capsule is colored with Ziehl's stain and the cell-contents decolorized with dilute acetic acid (1 drop to 5 cc. of water). Ribbert saturates with dahlia the following: distilled water, 100 cc. ; alcohol, 50 cc. ; acetic acid, 12.5 cc), and stains but a few seconds. A very useful method is to stain the bacilli with Loffler's blue for a few minutes and wash for the same time with anilin-gentian-violet. The bacilli are blue against a reddish back- ground, the capsule standing out uncolored. This is especially useful in staining sputa. Flagella are still more difficult to stain. The cover-glasses must be carefully cleansed from all dust and grease. After fixa- tion they are treated with a mordant Avhile hot : Aqueous solution of tannin (20 gm. to 80 cc.) . . 10 cc. Aqueous solution of ferrous sulphate 5 cc. Alcoholic solution of fuchsin 1 cc. The stain is a saturated solution of fuchsin in anilin-water. As used by Loffler, a certain quantity of alkali or acid is added to the mordant, according to the species of bacteria, but this has been found to be unnecessary. BIOLOGY. Bacteria may be divided into two great classes : those that live only on dead organic matter are termed saprophytes; those that develop in and at the expense of the living organism, para- sites. These latter by their growth cause certain pathologic con- BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 189 ditions in the host, and are called pathogenic. By obligate sapro- phytes or parasites we mean those that can exist only under the conditions named ; by facultative saprophytes and parasites, those that can develop under both conditions. Conditions of Growth. — Certain surrounding conditions are necessary to bacteria, and any marked change in them will inhibit the growth or totally destroy it. Mechanical Conditions. — A slight shaking of a liquid culture seems to help the development of bacteria, while a more violent and long-continued agitation, destroys them. Physical Conditions. — Electrical currents destroy the growth, but probably by the action of certain products of the electrolysis, and not by direct action. Light. — Diffused daylight inhibits the growth of bacteria : sun- light and, to a less extent, electric light destroy them. Heat. — A certain temperature is necessary, the degree varying with the species of microbe. Most of the water bacteria and sapro- phytes grow between 0° and 30° C. (32° and 86° F.), the optimum being 15°-20° C. (59°-68° F.) (Psychrophilic). The pathogenic flourish between 10° and 45° C. (50°-113° F.), best at the body-temperature, 37° (98.6° F.) (Mesophilic). There are some that develop well at 40°-70° C. (±04°-158° F.) (Thermophilic). Above these limits the members of the several groups are killed, and each bacterium has its own thermic death-point. That of most of the pathogenic varieties lies between 50° and 60° C (122° and 140° F.). Below the lower limit the growth is in- hibited only; very low temperatures ( — 250° C. ; — 418° F.) hav- ing been used without preventing the future development of the microbe. Spores are extremely resistant to higher temperatures. While no bacterium can live after exposure to 100° C. (212° F.), the spores of some of the earth microbes are killed only after exposure for an hour to steam heated to 115° C. (239° F.)/ Chemical Conditions. — The essential substances for the growth of bacteria are water, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, and certain salts. For the carbon, they require already prepared carbon com- pounds, as the sugars, glucose, saccharose, lactose, etc., mannite, glycerin — in fact, most of such as are soluble in water. Most of the proteids and many simpler substances, even such as ammonium carbonate, furnish the nitrogen. Free oxygen is necessary for many microbes. Those for which this is absolutely required are termed obligate aerobic. Facultative aerobes are those that grow best in the presence of oxygen, but may develop in its absence. Anaerobic microbes are those that grow best without oxygen and are also obligate and facultative. It has been found possible to produce races which, although naturally obligate anaerobic, develop also in an atmosphere of oxygen. 190 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Artificial Cultivation. — It is difficult and often impossible to study the growth of bacteria in their natural habitat. Hence we have recourse to artificial media, upon which we can study the growth and morphology of the organisms and the various phe- nomena that it brings about in different substances. Media for Cultivation. — Usehinsky's fluid is a non-albuminous medium : Water 1000 cc. Glycerin 30-40 gm. Sodium chlorid 5-7 gm. Calcium chlorid 0.1 gm. Magnesium sulphate 0.2-0.4 gm. Calcium phosphate 2.5-3 gm. Ammonium lactate 6-7 gm. Sodium asparaginate 3-4 gm. Bouillon. — Water, 1000 cc. ; lean beef or veal, 500 gm. ; salt, 10 gm. ; peptone, 5 gm. The beef is soaked in water and then filtered. To the filtrate are added the salt and peptone, and the whole boiled for some fifteen to twenty minutes. It is then rendered slightly alkaline and filtered and sterilized. Ordinary beef-extract may be substituted for the fresh meat. Growths of bacteria in this medium are not especially characteristic, but in some species important differences appear. The liquid may become clouded or remain clear, the growth settling to the bottom of the tube as a flocculent deposit. The presence or absence of any growth on the surface of the bouillon (a membrane or mycoderm) is noted, as is also any change in the reaction. Peptone solution, prepared in the same way, but omitting the beef, is of use in the determination of the indol-reaction (see Bacillus typhi abdominalis). Liquid blood-serum is rarely employed. Milk, slightly alkaline and to which a small quantity of litmus or lacmoid may be added, is employed in determining changes of reaction and the action of caseating ferments. Extracts of many vegetable substances are also used, as hay, potato, brewer's malt, etc. Potato-extract, prepared by rubbing up 500 gm. of potato in 500 cc. of water, decanting and diluting to 1000 cc, and adding 40 <«•. of glycerin, is a good culture for the Bacillus tuberculosis. Solid undid. — The two most important solid media are gelatin and agar-agar. These are used in 10 per cent, and 1 per cent, solutions, respectively, in bouillon. Many bacteria produce a pro- teolytic ferment that liquefies gelatin. Other distinctions also are met with in cultures upon this media. Blood-serum is placed in test-tubes, slanted and sterilized for BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 191 one to two hours on five consecutive days at 60° C. (140° F.). The temperature is then raised to the point of coagulation of the albumin and the serum is thus solidified. Loftier mixes with the liquid serum one-third part of bouillon containing 1 per cent, of glucose. A more rapid way is carefully to solidify the serum on a water-bath or in the hot-air sterilizer, and then sterilize in steam on three separate days. Glucose, lactose, or saccharose, added to these media, may be used to study the action of the various ferments. Glycerin (5-6 per cent.) added to agar-agar forms good media for the growth of the tubercle-bacillus. Potatoes and other vegetables, cut in the form of half cylin- ders, are also used. Inoculation of Media. — In studying the growth of micro- organisms a portion of the culture-fluid, or other substance to be examined, is transferred to the various culture-tubes. To do this an inoculating-needle (ose) is employed. This is most conveniently made with a piece of platinum wire one to one and a half inches in length, either straight or with looped end, and fastened into the extremity of a glass rod. It should be an invariable rule to sterilize this needle in the naked flame both before and after it is used. In inoculating liquid media the transference of a loopful of the culture or other substance is made to the culture-tube. When solid media are employed a straight puncture may be made into the medium, or this latter may be solidified in a slanted position and the needle drawn along the surface. Due regard must be had for the richness in bacteria of the substance examined. With pure cultures but a minute quantity is trans- ferred ; with blood, however, large amounts, even |- to 1 cc, is often used. To study the appearance of the separate colonies cultures on gelatin or agar plates are made. The medium is melted and then cooled to a temperature not destructive to the bacteria ; 40° C. (104° F.) for agar, lower for gelatin. The liquid medium is in- oculated carefully and poured into sterilized shallow glass dishes. Those devised by Petri are useful. They are from three and a half to four inches in diameter and half an inch or less deep. Each microbe is supposed to form by its growth a separate colony, and in this way different species can be easily isolated and reinoculated on fresh tubes. When cultures are used, or when the bacteria are very numerous, the requisite dilution may be made by inoculating a second tube from the first, and in like manner a third from the second. Esmarch, instead of pouring plates, quickly rolled the tubes on a piece of ice or in ice-water, thereby forming a thin coating of the solid medium on the inner surface of the tube. If it is necessary to make a numerical esti- mation of the bacteria, definite quantities of the medium and 192 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. culture must be employed in the dilution. Sterilized pipettes are used in the process of diluting. Anaerobic Cultures. — These arc made by growing the inocu- lated tubes or plates in the absence of oxygen, either by exhaust- ing the air or by replacing it by some inert gas, preferably hydrogen. Many tubes have been especially devised for this purpose. A more convenient method is to make a deep puncture in a gelatin or agar tube, and then preventing the absorption of oxy- gen by nearly filling the tube with melted sterile medium. It has been also proposed to inoculate the surface of such a tube with a culture of a strict aerobic microbe. Glass tubes of small caliber and a foot or more in length, and filled with inoculated melted media and sealed in a flame, give good results. Aerobic cultures grown in the absence of oxygen do not form spores, and may be destroyed by a subsequent temperature of 80° C. (176° F.), thus permitting the sporogenous anaerobic forms to develop in pure culture. FUNCTIONS AND PRODUCTS OF BACTERIA. The study of the substances that result from the action of the life of bacteria and the changes that they produce in their various media of growth is really a branch of organic chemistry. The function of bacteria is essentially a destructive one. They split up the higher nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous compounds into simpler substances. The various substances that are found in the media of bacterial growth comprise : (1) the components of the bacterial cell proper, as the proteins; (2) the secretions of the cell, as the ferments; and (3) substances that are the result of the action of microbes upon the medium of growth. (1) The first group has already been spoken of (see page 186). The proteins may produce suppuration {jjyogeiue) or fever (pyrogenic), or they may be the cause of an inflammatory process ( phlogogenic). The best known examples are mallein, derived from the bacillus of glanders, and tuberculin, from that of tuber- culosis. These are pyrogenic when injected into animals suffering respectively from glanders or tuberculosis, but have no, or at least very slight, effect upon healthy subjects. Other proteins are shown to have similar effects on tuberculous animals. In practice the curative effect of these has not proved of much worth. (2) The second group of products includes the ferments and possibly the toxins. Ferments. — A ferment is a complex body about which we know but little except the effects that it produces. By its pres- ence, and probably without entering into intimate chemical com- bination, it possesses the power of breaking up more highly organ- BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 193 ized nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous compounds into simple, and more diffusible molecules. They are termed enzymes or un- formed ferments in contradistinction to the bacteria themselves, which are called formed or living ferments. That the action of fer- ments is not due directly to the microbe is shown by the facts that bactericidal substances, such as phenol (5 per cent.), chloroform, ether, etc., have no effect on them, and that cultures freed from bacteria by filtration still possess fermentative power. The action of ferments is termed fermentation, but the term is more especially limited to their effect upon non-nitrogenous compounds, particularly the carbohydrates. The result of fermentation upon nitrogenous material is called putrefaction, which generally occurs with, though often without, the formation of odorous gases and other substances. The principal bacterial ferments are : Proteolytic Ferments. — These transform albumins into more soluble and diffusible substances. One form very often met with is that which liquefies gelatin. This acts in an alkaline medium, and is therefore akin to the animal ferment trypsin. This lique- faction of the gelatin affords a means of distinguishing many species of microbes. Diastatic Ferments. — These transform the starches into sugars, and are found in many bacterial cultures, as of Bacillus mallei, Bacillus pneumonia?, etc. Inverting Ferments. — These change the non-fermentiscible su- gars into those that undergo direct fermentation. Such ferments are found, for instance, in cultures of Spirillum cholera? and Metschnikowi. Emulsifying Ferment. — This is formed by but few microbes. One example is Micrococcus pyogenes tenuis. Coagulating Ferment. — One of the means of differentiation of bacteria is the coagulation of milk used as a culture-medium for the bacteria under observation. This coagulation is due not to acidity produced in the medium, but to the action of a ferment. Some varieties of microbes produce a ferment that has the power of dissolving this coagulum when formed (casease) ; and still others produce both ferments — the coagulating and the dis- solving. Hydrolytic ferments are such as break up urea into ammonium carbonate and hippuric acid into glycocol and benzoic acid. Fat-splitting ferments split the fats into glycerin and the fatty acids. Oxidizing and nitrifying ferments are other less important forms. Effects of Ferments. — The single or combined action of these various ferments causes certain special kinds of fermentation distinguished by the principal substance produced. Alcoholic, 194 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. lactic-acid, and butyric-acid fermentation of the sugars, acetic- acid fermentation of alcohol (Bacillus acidi lactici, Bacillus butyri- cus, Bacillus acidi butyrici, Bacillus aceticus, etc.) ; cellulose fer- mentation with the production of carbonic-acid gas and ammonia ; nitrification, due to the oxidation of ammonium and the production of nitrates (Winogradsky's nitromonas) and nitrites; mucoid fer- mentation of glucose and invert-sugar are examples. (3) Substances produced by bacteria from the culture-media and tissues are varied and numerous. Besides those produced by the various fermentative processes there are : the products of digestion of albumin, albumoses, peptone, etc. ; the ptomains ; ni- trogenous substances, as leucin and ty rosin, methyl-, dimethyl-, trimethyl-j ethyl-, propylamins ; organic fatty acids, formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, margaric, lactic, etc. ; certain aromatic com- pounds, as indol, phenol, kresol, skatol, mercaptan, hydrochinon, etc. ; and finally, hydrogen, carbonic dioxid, hydrogen sulphid, ammonium, water, etc. Toxins. — Further, the pathogenic bacteria produce both by analysis and synthesis certain toxic substances which are akin to the poisonous venom of certain serpents and other animals, and to certain poisonous principles of plants, as abrin and ricin. These are of indefinitely determined character, and act deleteriously upon the organism only after the lapse of a certain time — a period of incubation. They are considered the specific toxins of the several bacteria. According to some, these give all the reactions of albumin, and have been termed toxalbumins (Brieger). It is probable, however, that a toxalbumin is but an impure form of the true toxin, a combination of it and various substances derived from the medium of growth. Some authors regard it as an albu- minose; others, as a peptone. Most recent investigators look upon the toxin as a ferment akin to the diastatic or hydrolytic ferments. Roux and Yersin, in their monograph on the Bacillus diphtheria;, hold this view. Many facts seem to support this theory. The analogous pathologic action of the toxins and fer- ments, their common origin in the bacterial cell, their destruction (oxidation) in the presence of light, their precipitation by alcohol, their precipitation from solutions by colloid bodies, their long and imperfect dialysis, all point to this. High temperatures affect both similarly, both being destroyed at from 60° to 100° C. (140° to 212° F.). Chemical substances that have no effect (chloroform, ether, etc.) on the ferments are without action upon the toxins; and, vice versd, those that destroy the ferments (formaldehyd) are also injurious to toxins. Both may be ab- sorbed with impunity through the intestines, although pathogenic when injected suhcutaneously or intraperitoneally. AVhen the microbe is grown in some inorganic medium, or in a non-albu- minous one (as Uschinky's solution), the toxic principle obtained BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 195 corresponds in its chemical reactions to a ferment. Most import- ant is the fact that extremely minute doses are effective. Fer- ments act without regard to the mass employed, and it would seem that toxins act in almost imponderable amounts. It has been estimated that T oVo S m - °f tetanus toxin will kill a horse weighing 600 kg. — six hundred million times its weight ; and that y^o o" m S- °^ tuberculin causes a reaction in a diseased man weighing 60 kg. — sixty trillion times its weight. Finally, both act only after a definite period of incubation. Courmont and Doyon found that by increasing the amounts of tetanus toxin injected into a dog they were not able to diminish beyond a defi- nite limit this latent period. Blood taken from the animal during the subsequent convulsions caused, when injected into another animal, an immediate tetanic attack. According to these authors, the ferment, possibly not toxic in itself, is capable of elaborating within the body or culture-medium the tetanizing substance. Fate of Toxins. — It is certain that there exist in various cells of the animal organism certain oxidizing ferments by which the toxin is destroyed. Not all of the toxin is thus oxidized. A part is eliminated unchanged through the kidneys in the urine and to some extent through the liver in the biliary secretion. Beside these there is still another method of defence of the organism against the action of toxin — the antitoxin (q. v.). ChromogenesiS. — Many bacteria form colors which give to the culture a characteristic appearance. Some attempt has been made to classify those pigments according to their solubility in alcohol, ether, etc. The pigment-forming bacteria themselves are called chromophobe when the pigment is a component of the bac- terial cell itself; chromopario, when the coloring-matter is an excretion and the microbe remains colorless ; and parachromo- phorie when both conditions exist. The production of the pig- ment depends to some extent upon the constitution of the medium, and it is possible to produce cultures and even races of pigment- forming bacteria by the use of appropriate media. PhotogenesiS. — The phenomenon of phosphorescence ob- served in decaying fish is due to the action of bacteria. This production of light is observed in many of the cholera-group of vibriones. THE LOCAL EFFECTS OF BACTERIA. These may be either (a) mechanical or (6) histologic, the me- chanical effects being least in importance, (a) Sometimes masses of micro-organisms more or less completely occlude small blood- vessels and occasion secondary changes in the tissues in this mechanical way. In other cases the obstruction is incomplete, but occasions thrombosis in the blood-vessel and various conse- 196 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. quentiaJ disorders, (b) The histologic changes occasioned by bacteria arc proliferative and destructive, among the latter being various degenerations and necrosis. The proliferative changes may be non-specific or specific — that is, there may be simply proliferation such as occurs from any irritation ; or there may be special forms of proliferation more or less characteristic in extent, distribution, and nature of the individual micro-organism. This is seen in the characteristic lesions of tuberculosis, glanders, rhinoscleroma, etc. The cellular degenerations and necroses occur coincidentally or subsequent to the proliferative changes. On the contrary, in many eases the first etfects of bacterial invasion seem to be degeneration or necrosis of the tissues immediately around the organisms. EFFECT OF TOXIC PRODUCTS OF BACTERIA. Bacteria usually gain entrance into the animal body through some lesion of the epithelial layer, often the result of traumatism. Sometimes the microbes find in certain cavities of the body favor- able conditions for growth, as in the pulmonary or alimentary tracts, and there develop and elaborate their toxins. Intoxication and Infection. — In one class of diseases the infecting microbe remains localized at the point of inoculation, and is never or only exceptionally found in the fluids of the body, the general symptoms of the disease being due to absorption of the toxic products. Such are true Intoxications. In other cases the microbe is found circulating in the blood throughout the body and finds lodgement in most of the organs. These are called In- fections. Tetanus is the type of the first class ; anthrax, of the second. There is, however, no distinct line to be drawn, for the symptoms of all infections are due to the toxins and other toxic products. While some bacteria always produce pure intoxications (tetanus), most of them may, under varying conditions, cause either intoxications or infections. This diiference is due to a relative lack of virulence. Either the microbe is weak in toxin- producing power or the resistance of the tissue too great. The toxin is essentially negatively chemotactic (see Inflammation), and thus prevents the phagocytic action of the leukocytes ; while many other bacterial products and the bacterial proteins (Buchner) are positively chemotactic. When a pathogenic microbe is want- ing in virulence, there is a determination of leukocytes to the point of inoculation and Suppuration results. A virulent microbe in the strict sense, then, is one that easily invades the animal body and there produces its more or less powerful toxin ; an avirulent one produces but little, if any, toxin and is destroyed by phago- cytosis, either with or without suppuration. Sapremia, Septicemia, and Pyemia. — From local sup- BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 197 purative foci toxic products may be absorbed into the general circulation, and a condition known as Sapremia results. The infecting bacterium itself may invade the blood-current without giving rise to any secondary collection of pus. This is termed Septicemia. When, however, the microbe is carried to various parts of the body and there gives rise to secondary suppuration, the condition is called Pyemia. The destruction of leukocytes that takes place in the formation of pus is due probably to bacterial proteins. From this point of view suppuration is not specific, and its production by various chemical substances proves this. IMMUNITY. Definition. — In the present state of our knowledge of the condition of immunity it is most difficult to give a precise defini- tion of this term. It denotes that condition of an organism which enables it to resist the attacks of bacteria and their toxic secre- tions. In one sense it is the reverse of susceptibility. An animal that is not susceptible to an infection is said to be immune, and the term immunization is applied to the process by which an animal becomes thus refractory. Varieties. — Immunity may exist in an animal naturally as an inheritance from immune ancestors (Natural Immunity). While absolute immunity is rare, examples of relative immunity are com- mon. It may be individual or racial. Thus dogs and Alge- rian sheep are refractive to anthrax, while other species of sheep are extremely susceptible to this infection. The lower animals in general seem to be perfectly immune against certain diseases common to man, such as syphilis. Immunity may be produced by a previous infection (Natural Acquired Immunity), or by arti- ficial means (Artificial Acquired Immunity). It may be the result of injections of cultures of the specific microbes, the virulence of which has been naturally or artificially reduced, as in the vaccines of variola and anthrax ; or of cultures, the living organisms hav- ing been destroyed by heat or other means ; or of filtered cultures, as in the production of diphtheria-serum ; or of the serum of ani- mals that have been rendered immune by these methods. In the first three cases the condition is more lasting and seems to be a permanent adaptation of the organism (Active Immunity), while in the last case it is but temporary (Passive Immunity). In many cases immunity asserts itself against both the infect- ing microbe and its specific toxin, as in the rat with regard to the diphtheria-bacillus and its toxin ; but more often an animal is resistant to the infection, though susceptible to the toxin. An example of this is the action of the guinea-pig toAvard tetanus (Vaillard). The reverse may be true, and we see an injection of 198 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. tuberculin without effect upon a healthy animal that is very susceptible to tuberculous infection. Most commonly natural immunity exists toward the infecting microbe and not its toxin. Mechanism of Immunity. — In many cases the fluids of the animal organism prevent the growth {inhibitory action), or wholly destroy the bacteria [bactericidal action). Thus the blood of the naturally immune rat is bactericidal to the anthrax bacillus. Very many examples of this coexistence of immunity and bacteri- cidal power of the blood can be given, and some authorities suppose this to be the general explanation of the mechanism of immunity. According to Buchner, this action is due to the presence in the blood and fluids of the body of certain albuminous bodies, which he terms Alexins. These are probably leukocytic in origin, and arc not specific in their action, but protective toward all micro- organisms. This coexistence of bactericidal action and immunity, however, is by no means universal. Rabbits, for instance, possess a bactericidal blood-serum, but are not naturally immune to anthrax ; while, on the contrary, the adult dog is immune to this disease, though its serum has no effect upon the Bacillus anthracis. Another theory asserts that the inhibitory effect of the serum causes some change in the vital properties of the bacteria. Cul- tures of bacteria in the serum from immune animals seem to show some such effect, but this is probably due rather to the immuniz- ing action of the serum in which they are suspended, as bacteria freed from this by filtration may show no such physiologic degeneration. The theory that has influenced our ideas of immunity more than any other is that of Phagocytosis of Metschnikow. He holds that the destruction of the microbes in the animal body is to be explained, not by the conditions of the body-fluids, but by purely cellular activity. The infecting microbes are taken up by certain cells of the organism and are destroyed by intracellular digestion. These cells — phagocytes — are of two kinds: the mobile macro- phages including the mononuclear and polymorphonuclear leu- kocytes ; and the fixed macrophages, including the vascular endo- thelial cells, the cells of the bone-marrow and spleen, certain connective-tissue cells and liver-cells, and even those of the nerve- and muscle-tissue. After injection of a culture into the subcu- taneous tissue of an animal, naturally or artificially immune, he noticed that the bacteria were all taken up by the leukocytes. Thai these microbes were still living and virulent, and were not taken up as mere dead matter, Metschnikow regards as fully estab- lished. One proof he cites is the fact that an exudate containing no free bacteria, but all intracellular, is capable of producing cultures on artificial media and causing infection in susceptible animals. To these facts Pfeiffer opposes the experiment of injecting BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 199 cholera vibriones into the peritoneum of artificially immune guinea- pigs. He observed a complete destruction of the microbe by the peritoneal fluid — an agglutination into masses and a gradual degen- eration. There were few, if any, leukocytes present, and he there- fore claimed that such destruction was entirely extracellular and humoral in character. However, if a preliminary injection of some substance that determines a local leukocytosis is made, there occurs, instead of the reaction of PfeifFer, a true phagocytosis. Metschnikow interprets Pfeiffer's phenomenon as the result of a dissolution of the leukocytes by bacterial action and solution in the peritoneal fluid of the destructive substances. It " is not a gene- ral phenomenon, and occurs only after intraperitoneal injections, and then only inconstantly." Both schools now agree that the bactericidal substances are derived from the leukocytes : the one, however, holding that phagocytosis is but a secondary and infrequent phenomenon ; the other, that it is the fundamental principle of immunity. Whether or not phagocytosis is the only essential element in immunity, many points have been established by corroborative investigations. It is certain that phagocytosis does occur after subcutaneous injection ; that this is much more marked in resist- ant and immune animals than in susceptible ones ; that such intra- phagocytic bacteria, at least in the early stages of the process, are still living and virulent; and that the same phenomenon takes place even in the peritoneum after a preliminary injection of a positively chemotactic substance. As has been said, the blood-serum and fluids of animals arti- ficially immunized are often capable of producing a passive im- munity when injected into other animals. It is probable that the substances producing this are the result of the destruction of the phagocytes (phagolysis), either within the animal body or after the withdrawal of the serum. Toxin-immunity; Antitoxin. — Immunity is manifested in two ways, against the microbe or against the toxin ; and the sub- stances that so act are therefore anti-infectious or antitoxic. One theory explains the condition of immunity by supposing that the cells of the body become accustomed to the poison (the old theory of Chauveau). A blood-serum, however, may be extremely anti- infectious without having any antitoxic properties, and numerous examples of this prove that the theory just mentioned cannot be a sufficient explanation. The term antitoxin is applied to the serum of an animal that protects against a specific disease, and it is generally both anti- toxic and anti-infectious. The two best known examples are the tetanus and diphtheria antitoxins, although in the laboratory anti- toxic sera have been prepared for many of the infections of man and of the lower animals. 200 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Toxin-immunity exists naturally in some individuals against certain animal poisons, such as the poisons of snakes, scorpions, etc., and chemical poisons and alkaloids, as arsenic, abrin, ricin, etc. Jt may also be developed by frequent exposure to such poisons. Similarly, immunity against the toxin of a bacterium is produced by the injection of gradually increasing doses of the microbe and its products. Either a culture which has been steril- ized by filtration or by heat, or one containing bacteria of very low virulence, is used for the first injection. Preferably, small doses of the toxin freed from microbes by filtration are used. The doses are then increased until the animal is able to react against a small injection of the pure culture, and this is then given in increasing quantities. An animal thus treated is often able to withstand tre- mendously large doses of culture. Curious and at present unex- plainable conditions often arise. For instance, the antitoxin may disappear from the blood of an animal thus artificially immunized without any loss of immunity, and some animals die from the dis- ease whose blood is still extremely antitoxic, a condition, as it is called, of supersusceptibility. These few facts seem to point out that immunity cannot be due to the antitoxic action of blood-serum. Formerly Behring explained all toxin-immunity as, a histogen- ous immunity : that is, that the tissues of the body become accus- tomed to the toxin, a sort of Mithridatization. Later, however, he regarded acquired immunity, both active and passive, as an hematogenous immunity and due to the action of an antitoxin. Antitoxin is probably a modification of the toxin by cellular action, or a substance elaborated by the cells under the stimulation of the toxin. Electrical Prorhiotio)). — Some investigators have been able to produce antitoxin in vitro by the action of either the continuous current or the rapidly interrupted direct current on the toxin. If this is so, the fact would point toward a direct modification. Action of the Antitoxin.— -It was at first thought that the reaction between toxin and antitoxin was a purely chemical one, but prob- ably, as in bacterial immunity, it is an indirect one. A mixture of snake-toxin and its antitoxin which has no effect when injected into an animal, if previously heated to 70° C. (158° F.), may cause the death of the animal. It is supposed that the antitoxin is destroyed Hi thai temperature, while the toxin is not. The death of super- susceptible animals cannot be due to any lack of antitoxin, but may be explained by a want of reaction of the body-cells. On the other hand, however, there are many experiments that seem to show the reverse ; that the neutralization may take place in the test-tube, and that it is really a chemical and not a physio- logic reaction. The protective substances present in the bodv, normal and im- mune, are the defensive proteids of Hankin or the alexins of BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 201 Biichner. The former further subdivides them into sozins — those proteids present in the normal animal body, and the phylaxins — those in the body of the immune animal. The former are bacteri- cidal and globulicidal, destroying the red and white blood-cor- puscles ; and are easily destroyed by light and a temperature of 55° C. (131° F.). The phylaxins, the true antitoxins, are neither bactericidal nor globulicidal, and withstand a temperature of from 70° to 80° C. (158° to 176° F.). In their other chemical reactions they are similar to the toxins. Hankin further divides the sozins and phylaxins, according to whether they act against the microbe itself or its toxin, into myco- and toxo-sozins and myco- and toxo-phylaxins. There is a certain amount of immunity that can be produced by the injection of substances that have an attractive power for microbes (positive chemotaxis), such as salt-solution, peptone, ex- tracts of certain organs. This immunity, however, is not specific, but acts toward all varieties of bacteria. It is found that even the so-called specific antitoxins are active against other kinds of toxins, as tetanus-anti- toxin is partially preventive against snake-poison. It is therefore difficult to draw a distinct line between the specific and non-specific forms of antitoxin. Indeed, it is questionable if our present knowledge on the whole subject is sufficient to allow us to formu- late a definite theory of immunity. Elimination. — Antitoxin is probably eliminated through all of the secretory organs. It has been found in the urine and to a large extent in the milk. Brieger and Ehrlich obtained a quite concentrated form of antitoxin by precipitation of the casein by ammonium sulphate and purification by dialysis. As in the case of toxins, the whole of the antitoxin seems to be carried down by the precipitated colloid casein. DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. The bacterial diseases form a large and increasing group. In some cases it has been shown by the positive application of Koch's rules (see page 30) that the suspected micro-organisms are the actual causes of the diseases under consideration ; in more numer- ous instances all of the rules cannot be applied, but other consid- erations go far toward establishing the specific nature of- certain bacteria ; in still other cases the evidence warrants a strong suspi- cion of the pathogenicity of bacteria found in connection with cer- tain diseases, but there is nothing approaching actual demonstration. Division of infectious diseases into those of certain and those of uncertain bacteriology must cause differences of opinion. It is adopted only for convenience, the merits of each individual case being considered in the discussion of the individual diseases. 202 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. DISEASES OF CERTAIN BACTERIOLOGY. SUPPURATIVE DISEASES. Definition. — Under this heading we include for the present various forms of suppurative inflammation, such as furunculosis, abscess-formation, and allied diseases, like osteomyelitis, endocar- ditis, etc. Htiology. — A variety of organisms have been found to have the power of producing suppuration. Among these the staphylo- coccus group is most important. The Streptococcus pyogenes seu erysipelatis is also of great significance ; less frequently the Dip- lococcus pneumonia;, the Pneumobacillus of Friedlander, the Ba- cillus pyocyaneus, the typhoid bacillus, the Bacillus coli communis or the Bacillus pyogenes foetidus, the gonococcus, and others. Some cases are due to a single organism ; in many there is double infection. 1. The Staphylococcus Group. — Among these have been de- scribed three important forms, the Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, albus, and citreus. The Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus is a minute, rounded body about ^5- to 1 // in diameter, having no motility and not forming spores. When found in the tissues the cocci are apt to be associated in clusters, whence the term staphylococcus (Fig. 79). Fig. 79.— Staphylococcus pyogenes albus (Jakob). Sometimes they are grouped in pairs, and may thus present a re- semblance to gonococci. The opposed surfaces, however, are flat instead of concave, as is the case with the gonococci. The staphylococcus may be stained with ordinary anilin solutions and is beautifully demonstrated by Gram's method. Cultures are easily obtained upon the ordinary media. The most characteristic growth is that upon agar. Along the line of inoculation a moist BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 203 colony develops, with at first a whitish but soon an orange-yellow color. The growth in gelatin causes rapid liquefaction and the precipitation of orange-yellow particles. The growth is best ob- tained at oven-temperatures, but may be secured at lower degrees. Distribution. — The Staphylococcus aureus is frequently found upon the skin or in the various external secretions of healthy in- dividuals. It does not seem to nourish anywhere apart from the bodies of man or animals, but may remain in an active state in the dust of rooms or upon clothing and the like. It has been found in various lesions of the body ; notably, however, in furuncles, ab- scesses, and carbuncles, and in ulcerative conditions of the exterior or of the mucous membranes. It is also frequent in internal suppu- rative inflammations, such as malignant endocarditis, osteomyelitis, appendiceal abscesses, etc. In many of these lesions other organ- isms may be associated. Pathogenicity. — When pure cultures are injected into animals abscesses are produced and a fatal termination may follow. In the latter cases diffusion through the blood is found, and infarcts of the kidneys, lungs and other organs caused by bacterial emboli are discovered. Multiple abscesses may be seen. The organism readily loses its virulence, as in the case of those found, upon the skin of healthy persons, and in other accidental situations. When rubbed in a virulent state into the skin of man it produces ab- scesses or boils. Staphylococcus Pyogenes Albus. — This organism is practi- cally identical with the last-named in morphology, but in culture produces a white instead of a yellow growth. It has been found as a frequent harmless parasite of the skin (Staphylococcus epiderm- idis albus of Welch). It occurs in abscesses and various suppu- rative diseases, but rarely alone. As a rule, it is associated with the golden staphylococcus or other organisms. It is distinctly less virulent than the aureus. Staphylococcus Pyogenes Citreus. — This form is the least important of the three. It is not so common and, as a rule, less virulent. It differs in the brilliant lemon color obtained upon culture in various media. 2. The Streptococcus Pyogenes seu Erysipelatis. — The Streptococ- cus pyogenes was first studied by Rosenbach in cases of suppuration. A similar organism was afterward described as the Streptococcus erysipelatis by Fehleisen. It would seem, however, that these two organisms are identical. At all events, there are no distin- guishing features which we can point out. The streptococcus is a small spherical organism of variable size, frequently associated in chains of from three to twenty or more individuals (Fig. 80). It is easily stained with ordinary anilin solution or by Gram's method. The cocci are not motile. Spore-formation has not been observed, but occasionally in chains one of the individual 204 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. members is larger than the rest, suggesting arthrospores. Upon artifieial media scanty hut rather characteristic growths are ob- tained. On the gelatin plate there are formed small, translucent, whitish or yellowish colonies of irregular outline. The gelatin is Streptococcus pyogenes (Jakob). not liquefied. Upon agar a very thin, transparent growth forms around the line of inoculation. It consists of separate colonies which do not become confluent. The distribution of the streptococcus is much the same as that of the staphylococci, though it is less commonly discovered about the healthy body. It may, however, be found upon the mu- cous membranes or in the various secretions or excretions of the body. It is probably a strict parasite, multiplying only within the living organism. In disease it has been found in various forms of suppuration, such as phlegmonous forms of inflammation of the subcutaneous or submucous tissues, cither alone or in association with other organisms. It occurs occasionally in focal suppurations, such as abscesses, though these are more commonly due to staphylococci alone. The streptococcus occurs at times in ulcerative endocarditis, and not rarely in infectious endometritis. Streptococcic inflam- mations of* the throat are of great interest. They may occur in persons previously in good health, or in the course of infectious diseases, like scarlatina, measles, or influenza. To the clinician, the resulting lesion may be indistinguishable from that of diph- theria; bacteriologic examination alone serves to establish the diagnosis. The streptococcus is found in all cases of erysipelas, in the tissues, and in the serum or other exudations. Pathogenesis. — When cultures of streptococci derived from suppurative diseases or from erysipelas are injected into rabbits erysipelatous inflammation may result. Subcutaneous injections, BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 205 however, may cause no local or general symptoms in mice or rab- bits. It would seem that animals are rather resistant. Pathologic Physiology. — When injected into the subcu- taneous tissue the staphylococcus produces local effects. The organism may become liberated, gain entrance to ihe circulation, and produce widespread results ; but it does not seem to produce toxins that cause generalized results. The effects of the staphylo- coccus seem to be due rather to a certain poisonous body con- tained in the organism itself. This has been termed the bacterial protein, and it seems to belong to the group of alkaline albumin- ates. This body by its chemotactic effect causes the leukocytic accumulations found in suppurative inflammations. The same body, or perhaps others, appears to have a simultaneous irritative and stimulating influence upon the fixed connective tissue of the part, leading to proliferation. The staphylococcus also leads to liquefaction in the tissues, as in gelatin, but whether directly or through the accumulation of bodies derived from leukocytes is uncertain. The defence of the organism against the staphylococ- cus is partly mechanical and partly vital. The leukocytes prob- ably swallow a certain number of organisms and cause their destruction, while soluble bactericidal bodies, probably albumin- ous in character, seem to be produced in the course of the infec- tion. These have been termed alexins, and are largely derivatives of the leukocytes. The streptococcus would seem to be more active in the produc- tion of soluble toxins than the staphylococci. The toxin has been made by inoculating small quantities of bouillon with virulent cocci, allowing these to grow for several weeks, and then destroy- ing the organisms by heat. The injection of the toxins thus produced leads to local and general reaction. An antistreptococcic serum has also been produced, and seems to possess some power to combat infection with the organism in question. Other Organisms of Lesser Importance. The Bacillus pyocyaneus is an occasional pathogenic organism found in pus having a bluish or greenish color. The bacillus is small in size, fre- quently occurring in chain-formation, and is actively motile. Upon artificial media it produces colored growths and a soluble pig- ment, which gives to the culture-medium for some distance from the growth a greenish, or in some cases a dark-blue, coloration. The organism in pure culture is highly virulent, producing intense suppurative inflammations. The Bacillus pyogenes foetid us is probably identical with the Bacillus coli communis, or is at least a close relative. These organisms, as well as the typhoid bacillus, the Diplococcus pneumoniae, the Diplococcus meningitidis, and the Pneumobacillus of Friedlander, are referred to elsewhere. Micrococcus Tetragenus. — This form is a micrococcus from 1 to 2 ji in diameter, and receives its name from the peculiar association in groups of four. It occurs in the sputum and contents of cavities in pulmonary phthisis, and occasionally elsewhere. It may give rise to general sepsis. 206 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. GONORRHEA. Definition. — Gonorrhea is an infectious inflammation of the urethral or other mucous membranes due to a specific organism, the gonoooccua of Neisser. Btiology. — There is no doubt that the gonococcus is the specific cause of gonorrhea. This organism is a micrococcus, usually arranged in pairs, the opposed surfaces of each being slightly concave. This arrangement has suggested the designa- tion " biscuit-shaped " diplococcus (Fig. 81). Sometimes groups Fig. 81.— Pus from gonorrhea, showing gonococci (Jakob). of four or more are found, while in other cases the cocci occur singly. The organisms are abundant in the pus of acute gonor- rhea, less abundant in advanced stages, in the pus of gonorrheal salpingitis or other conditions, and may not be discovered at all. They generally occupy the pus-cells, lying in the protoplasm, and occasionally within the nucleus, in small numbers or so abun- dantly as to fill the cell uniformly. In the tissues the same intra- cellular position is usual, but here, as in the free pus, some organ- isms may generally be found between the cells. The gonococcus stains readily with ordinary solutions of anilin dyes, but is readily decolorized by drain's method. Cultivation of the gonococcus is difficult. Growths may, how- ever, be obtained upon media consisting of human blood-serum and agar-agar, upon acid gelatin or albuminous urine. The growth in blood-serum consists of small colonies of grayish color that coalesce and form a film on the surface of the medium ; around the colony may generally be seen an irregular and inconspicuous extension. The gonococcus cannot be positively distinguished by its morphology nor by the intracellular position. Other organisms may in certain stages of their growth show a typical biscuit-form BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 207 (staphylococci and others) ; and the intracellular position is not rarely assumed by a variety of bacteria. The failure to stain by Gram's method and the failure to grow on ordinary media are strong points in favor of the gonococcus. Typical cultures alone settle the diagnosis. Pathogenicity. — It has been demonstrated by direct implanta- tion of pure colonies upon the healthy urethra that this organism will cause characteristic gonorrhea. Urethritis may, however, be due to other organisms ; the specific form termed gonorrhea is probably always due to the gonococcus. Secondary lesions, such as salpingitis, oophoritis, arthritis, peritonitis, conjunctivitis, endo- carditis, etc., may also be due to this organism, no other form of bacteria being present. Sometimes, however, complications, such as periurethral abscesses, suppurative adenitis, etc., are due to secondary infectious. Pathologic Anatomy. — The lesions of gonorrhea will be considered elsewhere. Suffice it to say in this place that the organism causes suppurative catarrh of the mucous surfaces with which it comes in contact. There is abundant round-cell infiltra- tion, and the organisms tend to penetrate deeply into tissues. Pathologic Physiology. — Gonorrhea is in most cases a purely local disease. Little is known of its power to produce soluble toxins. The distant lesions are in all cases, as far as we definitely know, dependent upon deposit of the specific organism. These have been found in the effusions of arthritis and in the vegetations of gonorrheal endocarditis, as well as in the blood in the last named condition. CROUPOUS PNEUMONIA. Definition. — There are a number of forms of inflammation of the pulmonary tissues to which the term pneumonia is appli- cable. The most definite form of disease is that spoken of as croupous, fibrinous, or lobar pneumonia. In its typical form this is a specific and well characterized disease. It is infectious, more or less contagious, and caused by a specific organism. Btiology. — The organism most likely the cause of croupous pneumonia is the Dijplococcus pneumoniae. This organism is also called the pneumococcus and the pneumobacillus. In reality the last name is most applicable, but has not found general favor. The diplococcus of pneumonia was recognized in the saliva of healthy persons by Sternberg and Pasteur, but its relation to croupous pneumonia was demonstrated by Frankel, and later by Weichselbaum. The individual organism has a somewhat elon- gated, lanceolate shape, and therefore deserves the name bacillus, though it does not always show this bacillary shape distinctly (Fig. 82). In the sputum and lungs, and in the blood of inocu- 208 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. lated animals, it is commonly found in pairs ; the broader end of the organisms adjacent, and the pointed ends projecting outward ; Fig. 82.— Diplococcus pneumoniae in the blood (Frankel and Pfeiffer). and the group is surrounded by a transparent capsule, which does not take stains and therefore becomes conspicuous (Fig. 83). Sometimes a number of the organisms are grouped in chains, so that the name Strep- tococcus pneumoniae has been suggested. The capsule is not seen when the organ- ism is obtained from cultures. The dip- lococcus does not possess individual motil- ity and has no flagella. It does not seem to produce spores. It may be readily demonstrated in the sputum or in the tissues by staining with the ordinary anilin dyes or by Gram's method. Cultivation. — The diplococcus grows readily upon ordinary media, excepting potato. It forms charac- teristic colonies upon agar-agar plates or in gelatin. Upon the surface of the agar there appear transparent drop-like colonies hardly visible to the naked eye, which under the microscope have a finely granular appearance. I" jx>n gelatin plates similar growths are produced, while in gelatin punctures the growth occurs along the path of the wire as granular whitish spots separated from each other. The organism tends to die out very readily in cultures, and also loses its pathogenic property when propagated for several generations. It is most luxuriant at 37° C. (98.6° F.). Pathogenicity. — The specific character of this organ has not been definitely proved according to the rules of Koch, but it is Fig. 83.— Diplococcus pneu- moniae: d, cocci, without cap- sules ; b, single and paired cocci, with capsules ; c. chain- form ; d, colony of cocci (Zieg- ler). BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 209 highly probable that it is the usual cause of pneumonia. The diplococcus is frequently found in the saliva of healthy persons. When this is introduced into animals, particularly rabbits, the animal dies, with evidences of rapid sepsis. The post-mortem shows some fibrinous exudate and occasionally a little pus at the point of inoculation. The spleen is enlarged, and bacteria of dis- tinct lanceolate-form and with capsules are widespread throughout the body. Injections of lung-tissue or of pneumonic sputum pro- duce similar results, and the organism in pure culture likewise causes this form of septicemia. It has been claimed that injection of the diplococci into the trachea will produce true pneumonia in susceptible animals. This remains to be proved more definitely. Besides the diplococcus there are certainly other elements which contribute to the causation of the disease, else the frequent occur- rence of the micro-organism in question in the saliva would make pneumonia a much more common affection. The nature of the contributing causes are, however, obscure. Exposure to cold, general depression of the system, traumatism, alcoholism, and other causes certainly predispose or help to determine the occur- rence of the disease. These causes may act by temporarily increasing the virulence of the diplococcus or by lowering the resistive power. Pathologic Anatomy. — (See Diseases of the Lungs.) Pathologic Physiology. — The diplococcus produces, in the first place, local lesions of the lungs ; and, in the second place, systemic intoxication by toxins of uncertain character. The organism itself, however, gains access to the blood and may pro- duce secondary lesions in other organs. Infection with the diplo- coccus of pneumonia causes a pronounced reaction on the part of the blood in the form of leukocytosis. This is not invariable, but is usually seen. After the attack of pneumonia there is temporary immunity, and it has been claimed that animals may be immun- ized for considerable lengths of time. This, however, is uncertain. No definite antitoxic substance has thus far been secured. The Diplococcus in Other Diseases. — The Diplococcus pneumoniae has been found in various conditions complicating pneumonia, and occasionally without the existence of a previous croupous pneumonia. Among other lesions, meningitis, pleurisy, and other inflammations of the serous surfaces, abscesses, otitis media, and arthritis have been found to be due to this organism ; or, at least, this organism alone has been found in some of these cases. OTHER FORMS OF PNEUMONIA. Among other varieties of pneumonia may be mentioned the catarrhal or lobular form, the tubercular form, and various irreg- ular pneumonias, partly cellular, partly fibrinous, partly purulent 210 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. or hemorrhagic. A number of different organisms may be found in such cases, and some of these may be of etiologic importance in certain cases. The Bacillus Pneumoniae of Friedlander. — This organism was regarded at one time as the cause of croupous pneumonia. It is probably in most eases an accidental associate, though it may occasionally be the cause of catarrhal or irregular forms of pneu- monia. It occurs as a distinct bacillus, usually in pairs and surrounded by a cap- sule like that of the diplococcus (Fig. 84). Sometimes it may form chains of three, four, or more organisms. It stains well with the anilin dyes, but is decolorized by Gram's method. A characteristic culture is ob- ' li;:a"ilr;!f : Fd!"iia!Xr.~ tained in gelatin. The puncture-culture is characterized by a luxuriant growth at the top and a considerable vegetation all along the track. This leads to a nail-shaped growth. The gelatin does not liquefy. Upon agar a considerable whitish or yellowish growth occurs upon the surface. There is formation of gas in media containing glucose, and often also on potato. In catarrhal pneumonia this organism may be discovered, or the various forms of staphylococcus or the Streptococcus pyogenes ; more rarely the influenza-bacillus, the Bacillus coli communis, the typhoid bacillus, and others are discovered. In some of these enses the disease may be the result of double infection. Tubercular pneumonia, in which a uniform pneumonic process is found in the lungs, may be due to simple infection with the tubercle-bacillus, or to mixed infections. Irregular pneumonias may be of varying pathologic type, and may be occasioned by a great variety of organisms. No satis- factory classification can be attempted, as the limitations of the term pneumonia can scarcely be established. RHINOSCLEROMA. Rhinoscleroma is a disease affecting the skin about the anterior nares and adjacent parts, and probably caused by a specific bacil- lus. The disease has been especially observed in central Europe. If presents itself in the form of nodular thickening of the skin of the nose and lip, and sometimes spreads to the neighboring mu- cous membranes — mouth, pharynx, or larynx. In the latter situa- tions ulceration of the surface is frequent; the lesions of the skin rarely ulcerate. Histologically the growth consists of round granulation-tissue cells. Frequently the cells suffer hyaline de- generation, forming rounded hyaline bodies. The bacilli may be found between the cells and within these, especially such as pre- BACTERIA AND DTSEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 211 sent hyaline degeneration. The micro-organism resembles the bacillus of Friedlander, but, unlike this, stains well by Gram's method, and when cultivated upon blood-serum or agar retains its capsule. In other respects the two forms are identical. Inocu- lation-experiments have thus far failed to produce the disease in animals. DIPHTHERIA. Definition. — Diphtheria is an infectious and contagious dis- ease caused by a specific bacillus. Etiology. — The Bacillus diphtheria? was discovered by Klebs, and more accurately studied by Loffler, and is therefore called the Klebs-Loffler bacillus. This organism is a rod about the length of the tubercle-bacillus and twice its thickness, with somewhat swollen ends. It is readily demonstrated in the local lesions of the mucous membranes or skin, where it may be quite abundant ; the individual bacilli, however, are separate from one another. The organism is peculiar in its great irregularity of shape and size, particularly in cultures (Fig. 85). Frequently one end is ^. I fly, ^ f sx Fig. 85.— Bacillus diphtheria; from a pure culture. especially large, giving a club-shaped appearance ; some of the bacilli are very large ; some present rounded granules at either end, the so-called polar granules. The bacillus is readily stained with aqueous solutions of basic stains, especially with those rendered slightly alkaline. (Loffler's stain — saturated aqueous solution of methylene-blue, 30 cc. in aqueous solution of potassium hydrate, 1 : 10,000, 100 cc. — is the favorite stain.) The stained specimen shows the morphology of the bacillus very clearly. The rounded ends generally stain more deeply than the shaft of the bacillus, so that the appearance somewhat suggests a diplococcus. Not rarely transverse fractures give the organism the appearance of disjointed segments. There are no flagella and the bacillus is not motile. Spores have not been demonstrated. Cultivation. — The most characteristic cultures are obtained 212 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. upon blood-serum, especially such as contains a small amount of glucose. Upon this medium there is formed within six, twelve, or twenty-four hours a thin, whitish or yellowish-white layer of ir- regular outline, and often showing separate smaller colonies around the edge. A small portion of the colony may be removed and stained, and the diagnosis thus established with ease in a short time. Other organisms found in the throat are slower in growth, and do not therefore interfere with the diagnosis. Pathogenicity. — When cultures in bouillon are injected beneath the skin of a guinea-pig a fibrinous inflammation with more or less widespread edema results, and the animal dies in from twenty-four to thirty-six hours. Necrotic foci in the liver and other organs are found post-mortem ; the neighboring lymphatic glands are enlarged. If the animal survive, paralysis may make its appear- ance, as in human beings recovering from the disease. Non-pathogenic diphtheria bacilli are found in the pharynx of healthy individuals in some cases, as well as upon the hands, hair, or other parts of the body. These may differ from the virulent bacilli in being somewhat shorter and in growing more luxuriantly. Their distinctive character, however, is their harmlessness when injected into animals. The term pseudodiphtheria bacillus is un- fortunate, as it is probably the same organism, but one having lost its virulence by growth in an unfavorable situation. Moreover, the name pseudodiphtheria bacterium was formerly applied to various organisms having nothing whatever in common with the Klebs-Loffler bacillus. Klebs-Loffler bacilli may be found in the pharynx of a person showing no indication of disease. This means that the organism has not found a favorable soil for its development or no abrasion or opening into tissues that will support its growth. The bacil- lus may, however, thrive and multiply for a considerable time upon the mucous membrane of such a throat, as it may upon food, clothing, or other infected materials. Predisposing Causes. — Some predisposition is necessary for the development of the disease. In part this is personal, some indi- viduals being highly susceptible, others scarcely at all. In part, accidental conditions, such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, abrasions, etc., furnish a favorable opportunity for the infection. The diphtheria of birds, calves, and certain other animals is distinct from the human disease ; and the organisms are in no way related. Human diphtheria may occur in cats, and these animals may propagate epidemics. Distribution of the Bacilli. — The organisms are abundant in the pseudomembranes of diphtheria, but are only exceptionallv found in the blood or internal organs. The visceral or nerve-lesions are due to the toxins, and not to the bacillus. The same is true of experimental diphtheria. The internal lesions may be produced BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 213 by injection of the toxin obtained by filtering a bouillon-culture through a Pasteur filter. Pathologic Anatomy. — Diphtheria is primarily a local dis- ease of the pharynx (pharyngeal), of the larynx (laryngeal), of the nose (nasal), or of the skin (dermal). The bacillus lodges in the mucous membrane or skin, and produces a pseudomembrane. This consists of fibrinous exudation in the form of fine granular material or a fibrillar network, in which are embedded the epi- thelial cells and other tissue-elements and infiltrating leukocytes. The epithelial cells rapidly undergo coagulation-necrosis or granu- lar degeneration, as do also the connective tissues when the pro- cess extends beneath the mucosa. The blood-vessels become obstructed by thrombosis or compression, and the tissue is there- fore avascular. Nearly always the pseudomembrane thus formed is attached to the underlying tissues, and when removed a raw and bleeding surface is exposed. The depth of involvement, however, varies ; sometimes the submucosa is soon involved ; more often the disease is practically confined to the mucosa. The macroscopic appearance is that of a whitish, dirty-yellow- ish, or brownish membrane upon the mucous lining of the throat. This begins as one or several patches upon the tonsil, and spreads rapidly to the neighboring parts. In other situations the appear- ance is much the same. Inflammatory swelling beneath and around the diseased area is habitual. It is of great clinical im- portance to recognize that true diphtheria may occur in the form of typical follicular tonsillitis. Internal or visceral lesions may occur in the course of diph- theria or during convalescence. They are due to the action of the toxin, and not of the bacillus. Necrotic foci in the liver, showing advanced cellular degeneration of the cells with hyperchromatosis of the nuclei, and similar lesions of other organs, may be seen in the human body, as in animals killed with the organism or its toxin. Myocarditis and myocardial degeneration, renal degenera- tion and nephritis, and, most interesting of all, degeneration of the peripheral nerves and neuritis, may be met with. All of these will be described elsewhere. Pathologic Physiology.— As has been said, the disease is primarily local, and the bacilli nearly always remain localized in the superficial lesions. The general manifestations — fever, pros- tration, and the visceral lesions — are caused by poisonous sub- stances elaborated by the growth of the bacilli. There are prob- ably several substances of this sort, but one in particular — the toxin — is most important. This may be obtained by filtering bouillon-cultures through porcelain, and by its injection the con- stitutional and some of the local manifestations of the disease may be induced in animals. Successive introduction of increasing doses of toxin causes the development of antitoxic substances that 214 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. may finally accumulate in the blood to such extent that the ani- mal becomes immune to the most virulent bacilli. The antitoxic substance or substances, or antitoxin, found in the blood and the blood-serum of immunized animals, will render other animals im- mune for a time, or combat and overcome the disease if already existing. Simultaneous injection of antitoxin and of many times the ordinarily fatal dose of toxin or diphtheria-cultures leaves an animal unharmed. Later, when the immunity has passed off, a small dose of toxin or culture without the antitoxin will kill the same animal. The value of the antitoxin in animal experimenta- tion is beyond doubt. In the human being there is scarcely any doubt of its potency, though, of course, crucial experiments cannot be made. After an attack of diphtheria there is temporary immunity, but this passes off and successive attacks may thus occur in the same person. TYPHOID FEVER. Definition. — Typhoid fever is an infectious disease, with characteristic lesions of the intestines, and due to a specific bacillus. Etiology. — Certain predisposing features make individuals more liable at one time than another to this disease. It occurs in adolescence and the young, though rarely also in the old. Cli- matic conditions are supposed to play some part, and doubtless do have an influence. Typhoid fever is especially a disease of the temperate zones, and is most abundant in the autumn. Drainage and other conditions affecting the surroundings of persons may influence the predisposition. One attack usually confers immunity for the rest of life ; exceptions, however, are met with. The Bacillus. — The Bacillus typhi abdominalis, the specific organism, was discovered by Eberth and isolated by Gaffky. It is a short bacillus, from 1 to 4 // in length and 0.5 to 0.8 // in thickness. The ends are rounded and often somewhat plump. In culture these rods or bacilli occasionally form long chains, but in the tissues they are never so arranged. The organism is actively motile, this being due to flagella, of which there are eighteen or twenty attached to the periphery (Fig. 86). When stained with alkaline methylene-blue or other stains there are sometimes seen dark-colored spots at the ends of the organism. These were formerly regarded as spores, but are now recognized as areas of condensation. Under certain circumstances the condensation is Been in the center and vacuole-like formations are found at the ends. The organism is readily stained, but decolorizes very easily, and is therefore difficult to demonstrate in tissue. Pro- longed staining, however, and rapid decolorization sometimes give beautiful results. The bacilli are, as a rule, found in clusters. BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 215 These groups may, however, be few in number, and thus difficult to detect in the organs. Cultivation. — Artificial cultures of the bacillus have been ob- tained from the spleen and other organs, as well as directly from the stools and urine of patients suffering from the disease. They grow very .well upon the ordinary culture-media, such as agar-agar, gel- atin, and potato, the temperature of the body being most favorable, ***■ Fig. 86.— Bacillus tvphi abdominalis, from an agar-agar culture six hours old, showing the flagella' stained by Loffler's method ; X 1000 (Frankel and Pfeiffer). but some growth occurring at the ordinary temperature of the room. Upon gelatin and agar there are formed irregularly whitish films, which on close inspection with the lens show a granular appearance. This growth, however, is not distinctive. Upon acid potato a characteristic transparent pellicle is formed. This may be invisible except to the trained eye, but on scraping the surface with a platinum wire the pellicle can be raised, and on micro- scopic examination it is found to be composed of bacilli. Some- times the pellicle is yellowish or brownish. When cultivated in milk there is slight acidity, but coagulation does not occur. When grown in agar containing a little glucose practically no fermenta- tive gas results. Another feature of importance is the absence of indol-reaction, the addition of potassium nitrite and sulphuric acid to bouillon-cultures causing no rose color, such as occurs with some other organisms. Pathogenicity. — Animal-experimentation has thus far been un- satisfactory. A few observers have succeeded in producing intes- tinal lesions and illness by feeding animals with typhoid cultures, particularly after the stomach and intestines have been rendered alkaline with soda and peristalsis has been checked with opium. 216 TEXT-BOOK OF rATHOLOGY. In most cases injection of the typhoid bacillus has produced sep- ticemic manifestations. The constant occurrence of the germ, its absence from other conditions, and the absence of any other germ as a constant accompaniment of typhoid fever, have led to the general acceptation of this as the specific cause. Moreover, its properties are such that the spread of the disease in the acknowl- edged ways is entirely compatible with the acceptance of the bacillus as the specific cause. The diagnostic features of the bacillus are plainly distinctive, except that the Bacillus coli communis has a puzzling resemblance. The latter, however, grows upon acid potato as a yellowish or brownish film, coagulates milk promptly and causes decided acid reaction, and is an active gas-producing organism when grown in glucose-agar. The serum-reaction of Widal is a recent and im- portant distinguishing mark. The serum from typhoid patients must not, however, be relied upon absolutely, as it may contain substances produced by the Bacillus coli as well as those produced by the typhoid germ (see Widal reaction). Distribution. — The typhoid bacillus occurs both within and without the human body, and doubtless multiplies greatly in the external world when the conditions are favorable. It occurs in the lesions of the intestines and in the intestinal contents, espec- ially during the second and third weeks of the disease. It is usually less abundant, but often present in the spleen, liver, and kidneys ; it may occur in considerable abundance in these organs when there are local complications. It also occurs in the lungs, in the parotid gland, and in other organs, and post-typhoidal ab- scesses may contain the organism in abundance. Complicating lesions of other organs may be dependent solely upon the specific bacillus, this being capable even of acting as a pyogenic organism, or they may be dependent upon secondary or mixed infections. The bacillus is not found in the blood in abundance, but has been demonstrated in the blood derived from the macular spots in the skin. The typhoid bacillus is peculiarly resistant, and may thrive upon clothing, in soil, and in water for a long time. Cold has no effect, the germ being virulent after freezing and thawing several times. Carbolic acid in strengths that prove destructive to most organisms has little effect on this germ. These features explain the spread of the disease and its general prevalence. The organ- i - 1 1 1 - are discharged from the body of a patient suffering from the disease mainly in the stools, but in part also in the urine, sweat, and other excreta. If they are not at once destroyed, contami- nation of clothing, soil, water, etc. may occur, and subsequent infection of susceptible individuals takes place through drinking- water or food with which the infected water or other matters have come in contact. It is possible that infection may occasionally BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 217 take place through the lungs by inhalation of dust. This must be very rare. Intra-uterine infection undoubtedly occurs in some instances in which the mother is suffering from typhoid fever. Pathologic Anatomy. — The lesions of typhoid fever are considered with the diseases of the intestines. It is important, however, to add in this place that widespread changes may occur in this disease as a result of the action of the bacillus, but especially of toxins. Thus there may be focal necroses in the spleen and liver, degenerative changes in the kidneys and muscles, and inflam- matory changes in various glandular organs, the periosteum, the bones, or the connective tissues, the result of the direct action of the bacillus. Sometimes typhoid infection occurs without specific lesions of the intestines, the disease in these cases presenting itself as a form of cryptogenetic sepsis. In cases of intra-uterine infection this form is habitual, intestinal lesions being exceptional. Pathologic Physiology. — The typhoid bacillus produces by its local action toxic substances which give rise to fever and other general symptoms as well as to secondary lesions. Brieger and Frankel claim to have separated a specific toxalbumin. Whether this be the poison or not, there is no doubt that some form of toxin is present. During the existence of the disease the system reacts in some way as yet unknown to check its progress and to bring it to a termination at the end of four weeks, and permanent immunity is usually conferred. Whether or not there are distinct antitoxic substances remains to be determined. A reaction of importance is that studied by Gruber and per- fected by Widal. These observers showed that the serum of typhoid blood in certain dilutions causes the bacillus in culture to clump or form small masses and to lose its motility. If the serum be added to the bouillon-culture, the uniform turbidity of the latter is lost and the bacilli fall to fche bottom as a sediment. Under the micro- scope the uniform distribution of the motile bacilli is destroyed, clumps being rapidly formed and the motility of the bacilli in the clumps rapidly or gradually subsiding. This reaction was found in 2283 cases of typhoid fever reported by various writers, and was absent in 109 cases of typhoid fever. It was absent in 1365 non-typhoid cases, and present in 22 non-typhoid patients. It was therefore found in 95.5 per cent, of the typhoid cases, and was absent in 98.4 per cent, of the non-typhoid cases ; or, taking the entire 3779 cases, the correct result for diagnosis was arrived at in 96.5 per cent. The reaction sometimes persists for some years after the attack of typhoid fever. Sometimes it occurs in cases in which there is typhoid infection without typhoid fever in the ordinary sense. These facts may explain some of the positive results obtained in non-typhoid cases. The serum must be diluted with nineteen parts or more of water. Reactions with 218 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. stronger serum or partial reactions may be deceptive. Whether the Widal reaction is produced by a substance connected with the infection, or by substances concerned with immunization, is not as vet determined. The latter seems more probable. BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS. Synonyms. — Bacterium coli commune. A number of organ- isms described under different names are probably identical. Among these are Bacillus Neapolitanus of Emmerich; Bacillus pyogenes foetidus of Passet. Morphology. — The Bacillus coli communis is an organism almost exactly like the typhoid bacillus in appearance. It is rod- shaped, but sometimes elongated and filamentous, at other times (young forms) short and rather rounded — coccus-like. It is actively motile, and has llagella attached to the periphery of the bacillus. The nagella are less numerous than are those of Eberth's bacillus (three to ten), and the motility of the organism is less uni- form and active. It may be stained by ordinary solutions of anilin dyes, particularly with alkaline or carbolized solutions. It is de- colorized by Gram's staining-method. The stained bacillus shows light-colored or unstained portions like those of the typhoid bacil- lus. True spores have not been detected. Cultivation. — The organism grows luxuriantly upon ordinary media. The most distinctive growth is obtained upon acid potato. An elevated brownish colony is produced, which is usually easily distinguished from the typhoid culture in the same medium. When cultivated in gelatin or agar containing glucose active gas- production results. In liquid media (bouillon) a peculiar odor is developed. Addition of nitrites and pure hydrochloric or sulphuric acid causes a rose-red color — indol-reaction. Distribution and Pathogenicity. — The coli bacillus is a normal inhabitant of the gastro-intestinal tract. In certain in- flammatory diseases of the intestines, however, it seems to increase in numbers and doubtless also in virulence. The organism may be found outside the body in various situations, particularly in water. The bacillus coli is capable of producing inflammatory condi- t ions in different situations. Injected into the peritoneal cavity of animals it gives rise to acute flbrinopurulent peritonitis, and in other parte of the body has analogous effects. It has been found in various diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract, of the biliary passages, of the urinary system, and of other ] »arts, and is doubtless the direct cause of some of these, as the conditions present are practically the same as those produced by experimental inoculation of pure cultures. Among the gastro-intestinal troubles it has been found in sus- picious abundance in various forms of enteritis, in the distended BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 219 and suppurating appendix, and even in Asiatic cholera. It is known that the strangulation of a knuckle of intestine by a liga- ture leads to rapid increase of virulence of the contained bacilli. It is possible that in appendicitis and in other intestinal diseases similar conditions lead to increased infectivity, and thus cause an ordinarily harmless organism to become virulent. In the cases of Asiatic cholera in which this organism has been found the specific germ of cholera has probably been overlooked or has disappeared during the rapid multiplication of the saprophytic Bacillus coli. Peritonitis may result from escape of the bacillus through a ruptured intestine or directly through the wall of the bowel. The latter is particularly prone to occur in cases of strangulation of the intestines. Various inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, such as cystitis, pyelitis, and pyelonephritis, seem to be occasioned by this same germ. Finally, there are cases of peritonitis secondary to enteritis, pleurisy, endocarditis, and other inflammatory diseases, apparently caused by this organism. Pathologic Physiology. — Little is known of the toxic effects of coli-infection. There is doubtless some toxic sub- stance produced. A reaction similar to the Widal reaction obtained with the typhoid germ has been found to occur when cultures of the coli bacillus are subjected to the action of serum from an animal inoculated with this organism or from a person suffering with appendicitis or other diseases, either due to coli- infection or accompanied by such. Occasionally the coli bacilli agglutinate and their motility is checked by typhoid serum. The explanation of this may be that in certain cases of typhoid fever the coli bacillus is also active in the intestines, and in conse- quence a mixed form of infection is present. CHOLERA. Definition. — Cholera is an acute infectious and contagious disease caused by a spirillum or vibrio. Etiology. — The specific cause of cholera is the Spirillum or Vibrio cholera? Asiaticse. This organism is frequently spoken of as the comma-bacillus of Koch. It is a short rod, from 0.8 to 2 [x in length, and usually somewhat curved. The term comma- bacillus is applied to it on account of the latter fact. It is found abundantly in the rice-water discharges of choleraic patients, and is not rarely arranged in rows, though the vibriones are not actu- ally attached to one another (Fig. 87). It is motile, the motility being due to a single flagellum attached at one end. In artificial cultures the organisms are actually joined to form spirals of greater or less length, and these may present a rapid rotary movement. 220 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. The demonstration of the cholera-spirillum is usually easy, as ordinary stains color it intensely. Even the rlagellum may be 9* - *3 Fig. 87.— Spirillum of Asiatic cholera, from a bouillon-culture three weeks old, showing numbers of long spirals ; X 1000 (Frankel and Pfeiffer). stained by the ordinary stains, though more definitely shown by special methods. Cultivation. — The cultivation of the spirillum is usually easy. Cultures may be obtained upon agar-agar, blood- serum, or other media, but the gelatin-culture is most characteristic. In puncture-cultures the growth occurs along the entire length of the puncture, but particularly at the top, where the supply of oxygen is abundant ; and the gelatin becomes liquefied. This give rise to a peculiar nail-shaped or funnel-shaped formation (Fig. 88). In plate-cultures the growths first appear in the lower strata of the gelatin as small granular whit- ish spots which extend toward the surface, liquefy the gelatin, and thus produce excavations. The appearance to the naked eye suggests small air- bubbles in the media. Under low powers of the microscope the culture is seen to be coarsely granular, the size of the granules varying with the age of the culture. The bottom of the growth presents an appearance like that of a surface sprinkled with powdered glass. When grown in bouillon or other liquid media the cholera-microbe produces nitrites and indol, so that the addition of a little pure sulphuric acid or hydrochloric Pig. -Punct- ure-culture in gel- atin of spirillum of cholera ; sixty hours Old (Shakespeare). BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 221 acid leads to a reddish coloration. This may be extracted with chloroform or benzol, and " cholera-red " may be thus obtained. The cultures of cholera grow best at a temperature about that of the body, but they may thrive at much lower degrees of heat. Exposure to a temperature of 52° C. (125.6° F.) for four minutes may cause their destruction, but ten or fifteen minutes' exposure at 55° C. (131° F.) does not always prove destructive. They may thrive in distilled water, or in water containing saline matter ; in or upon various forms of food ; upon clothing and the like. The resistance, however, is not very great, and this has been urged as an objection to the likelihood of the organism being the cause of a disease having such evident tenacity. Pathogenicity. — The pathogenicity of the cholera-spirillum is now admitted universally. Injected into the peritoneum of ani- mals it causes a rapid fall of temperature, abdominal tenderness, and collapse. The peritoneum shows signs of beginning inflam- mation, and the organisms are found in abundance within the cavity. It has been possible also to produce intestinal changes almost, if not, identical with those of human cholera in animals by arresting the peristalsis of the intestines with injections of opium, rendering the liquids of the stomach alkaline with sodium carbonate, and then feeding cultures. In man a few auto-infections have been practised, the experimenter swallowing cholera-cultures. In one case at least typical cholera Avas admitted by Pettenkofer, the most important opponent of the acceptance of this germ as the specific cause. Other Causes Operating in Cholera. — Certain climatic conditions favor the development of the disease. Thus it is constant in cer- tain regions of India, and spreads thence when the conditions become favorable. The evidence shows that the germ is carried by individuals, or by infected food and the like. The disease flourishes in warm seasons of the year, and an epidemic is usually brought to a close by winter frosts. Individual disposition plays a part in the occurrence of the disease, for the germ is easily destroyed by the acid gastric secre- tions, and infection is therefore most likely to occur when gastro- intestinal derangements furnish a favorable predisposition. Pathologic Anatomy. — The lesions of this disease are found in the intestinal tract, and will be described in the appro- priate section. Secondary lesions of other organs are met with in severer cases, and result from the circulation of toxic substances produced by the bacillus. Pathologic Physiology. — A number of toxins have been isolated from the blood of cholera-patients and from cultures. The exact nature of these and the relations of the several forms remain to be determined. It is certain, however, that toxins pro- 222 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. duced in tho intestinal tract give rise to many of the symptoms of the disease. The human or animal organism in some way de- velops immunizing or protective substances in the course of infec- tion, and it has been found possible by a process of vaccination with cultures of gradually increasing virulence to protect animals and human beings from the disease. Pfeiffer found that the serum of animals so vaccinated had a distinct action upon cholera-spirilla, causing their agglutination or destruction, and probably in this way exercising a protective influence. This, or a similar, reaction has now been perfected in the ease of typhoid bacilli, and forms the basis of the well-known Widal test. The same test is applicable to Asiatic cholera. The rapid and copious intestinal discharges of cholera lead to considerable inspissation of the blood, and doubtless contribute to the causing of some of the symptoms of the disease. Examination of the blood during the height of the malady may show greatly increased numbers of red blood-corpuscles. Organisms Resembling the Cholera=vibrio. Spirillum of Finkler and Prior. — This organism was discovered by the investigators, whose names it bears, in the stools of a case of cholera nostras. It resembles the vibrio of Asiatic cholera in its shape and somewhat in its manner of growth and its produc- tion of the indol-reaction. It differs, however, in being somewhat longer and more slender and in coagulating milk when this is used as the culture-medium. The growth upon gelatin is more rapid, so that within twenty-four hours in the case of a puncture-culture the liquefaction has proceeded so far all along the puncture that an elongated sac-like excavation is formed, in which turbid liquid is contained. It has not yet been proved positively whether or not this organism has an etiologic relation to cholera nostras. Spirillum Tyrogenicum. — This is an organism discovered in old cheese by Denecke. It resembles the last-named variety very closely, and differs from the vibrio of cholera in liquefying gelatin quickly, though the rapidity is not so great as in the case of the Finkler and Prior organism. Spirillum Metschnikowi. — This organism was discovered by Gamaleia in the intestines of chickens affected with choleriform disease. It is somewhat shorter and thicker than the cholera- spirillum. In culture it resembles the vibrio of cholera very closely, though the trained bacteriologist can easily distinguish them. The organism is non-pathogenic for man, but chickens, pigeons, and guinea-pigs are highly susceptible. Besides these spirilla or vibriones which have been discovered in various diseases, a number of organisms that resemble closely the spirillum of cholera have been found in the water of streams supplying the drinking-water of cities. Among these Neisser BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 223 described the Spirillum Berolinensis, obtained from the water of the Spree in 1893. Dunbar and Oergel isolated a similar organ- ism from the water of the Elbe, and a number of others of like character are known. The relations, however, of the different forms to each other and the differentiation of these varieties have not as yet been definitely determined. Pathogenicity. — Some of the forms described produce violent gastro-intestinal disturbance and death in a certain proportion of animals prepared by injection of opium and alkali nization of the intestinal tract with soda and then fed with pure cultures of the organisms. They are evidently highly irritating bacteria, and some remote relationship seems to exist between them. This, however, cannot be positively asserted. TUBERCULOSIS. Definition. — The term tuberculosis refers to various condi- tions due to infection with the tubercle-bacillus, no matter what the form or individual peculiarities of the case. The name was originally employed because of the occurrence of small nodules or "tubercles." It must be remembered, however, that other diseases show small miliary nodules, perhaps indistinguishable to the naked eye from miliary tubercles, and that tuberculosis some- times occurs without a single tubercle. Etiology. — Tuberculosis is infectious and contagious, the ba- cilli being transferred by the secretions and excretions from dis- eased persons to a susceptible individual through the air, food, drink, or in other ways. The infectious character of the disease was long suspected, but Avas definitely proved by Villemin in 1865, and in 1880 Koch succeeded in isolating the infective ba- cillus. Predisposing causes are of some importance. Formerly family susceptibility was thought an all-important cause, and the disease was supposed to be transmitted directly in families. At the present time we recognize the transmission of susceptibility, and very rarely transmission of the disease itself, from parent to child. Susceptible persons frequently show delicate organization with poor development of the body, particularly of the chest. Besides inherited susceptibility, acquired predisposition may result from occupations which lower vitality, from grief, prolonged ner- vous strain and exhaustion ; and some one of the organs may be specially predisposed by injuries, as in cases of tuberculosis occur- ring in the lungs of those inhaling sharp particles of metal, coal, and the like. Such mechanical lesions prepare a place of lesser resistance, and tubercle-bacilli more easily gain a footing than in normal tissues. The tubercle-bacillus is a rod-shaped organism about 1.5 to 3.5 // in length and from 0.2 to 0.5 p. in breadth. It often occurs in 224 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. pairs or in groups, arranged end to end, but not rarely overlapping somewhat, and evidently not closely attached one to the other. A beaded appearance is caused by the alternation of portions well stained and intervening parts with little or no stain (Fig. / ' Fig. 89.— Tubercle-bacilli in the sputum ; Zeiss's homog. immersion Vs, Oc. 4 ; magnified about 1000 diam. 89). These light areas were formerly regarded as spores (Koch), but are now believed to be the result of fragmentation of the bacillus and retraction of the substance of the organism, causing vacant areas. In other words, they are phenomena of degenera- tion. They are almost certainly not spores. The tubercle-bacillus is not motile and does not have flagella. It is therefore trans- ported by outside agencies entirely. Artificial culture of the Bacillus tuberculosis w T as first success- fully accomplished by the use of blood-serum as a medium. The bacillus grows very slowly ; after ten days or two weeks the surface of the medium shows dry flakish deposits, somewhat resembling the scales in certain skin-diseases (Fig. 90). The edges of these flakes tend to elevate themselves a little, and the substance of the growth has a crumbled appearance. Placed under a cover-glass in mass and examined with the microscope these flakes are found to be composed of contorted masses of bacilli (Fig. 91). Pure cultures are best obtained from the lymphatic glands of ani- mals artificially infected and destroyed before the tuberculous foci have advanced to the stage of necrotic change. Cultures may be obtained with some difficulty from the sputum or other excreta. At the present time blood-serum is less frequently used, as it has been found that agar-agar slightly acidulated and con- taining a large proportion of glycerin, and bouillon containing gly- cerin, serve as useful media. Even potato and other simple sub- Btances are found to be satisfactory media. The bacillus requires a rather even temperature for its growth ; it flourishes best at 37.5° C. (99.5° F.), and does not grow below 29° C. (84° F.), or above 42° C. (107.6° F.). Exposure to higher temperatures (75° C.) (167° F.) rapidly destroys it; and strong sunlight is destructive. BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 225 It requires considerable air and always grows upon the surface of the medium in which it is cultivated. Prolonged cultivation upon artificial media lessens its virulence. Demonstration. — The demonstration of the tubercle-bacillus by staining-methods is extremely easy and satisfactory. It has been found that this organism, like that of lepra and the smegma-bacil- lus, does not readily stain, but after receiv- ing a stain retains it despite the action of strong mineral acids. Upon this principle the methods of staining are based. Koch used as a stain a gentian-violet solution con- taining anilin-oil, the latter playing the part of a mordant or an agent to fix the stain in resistant bacilli. The specimen was then m Fig. 90.— Culture of tubercle- bacilli on glycerin-agar. four weeks old (Frankel and Pfeiffer). Fig. 91.— Bacillus tuberculosis : adhesive cover- glass preparation from a fourteen-day-old blood- serum culture : X 100 (Frankel and Pfeiffer). decolorized by treating it with a solution of a mineral acid, which removes the stain from everything but the tubercle-bacillus. A counter-stain might then be used to render the detection of the bacilli more easy. The most convenient method is the following : sputum is spread in a film upon thin cover-glasses or slides. These are allowed to dry in air and then thoroughly fixed by drawing the specimen through a Bunsen flame three times ; a drop or two of Ziehl's solution of carbol-fuchsin (see p. 187) are added and heated until the liquid steams. After two or three minutes the stain is washed off with water and a few drops of Gabbett's solution (methylene-blue, 2 ; sulphuric acid, 25 ;■ water, 75) placed upon it 226 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. and allowed to remain a minute or two. The specimen is again washed with water, and should then be uniformly blue ; if not, a little more Gabbett's solution is added as before. In this method the oarbol-fuchsin stains everything, including the tubercle-bacil- lus ; the sulphuric acid of the second solution decolorizes every- thing but the tuberele-bacillus ; and the methylene-blue at once stains the cells and other elements, leaving the bacilli dark red. Even more satisfactory results may be obtained by allowing the carbol-fuchsin to stain at ordinary temperatures for twelve hours ; and in the staining of bacilli in tissues this prolonged cold staining is particularly desirable. Gram's method gives positive results. Distribution of the Tubercle-bacillus. — This organism is prob- ably a pure parasite, occurring and multiplying only in the body or excreta of diseased individuals, human or animal. Sputa or other excreta containing the bacillus may dry and retain the bacillus in a dormant though still potential form for long periods of time, outside the body. Multiplication of the organism, how- ever, probably very rarely occurs, except within the body. The bacillus is found in the lesions of all parts of the body. Modes of Infection. — The bacillus may gain access to the body either by direct inoculation, by the inhalation or swallowing of the germs, or by intra-uterine transference through the placenta. Direct inoculation through external wounds is perhaps more fre- quent than is believed. Definite lesions of the skin have been caused by vaccination, and are not infrequent upon the hands of anatomists, in the form of the so-called anatomic tubercles. In some of the cases of scrofulous or tuberculous glands of the neck in children, it is likely that the bacillus gains entrance through abrasions of the skin or of the mucous membrane of the mouth or pharynx. Genital tuberculosis is quite possibly fre- quently produced by direct implantation. The most common form of infection is through the inspired air. The breath of phthisical patients does not ordinarily contain bacilli, but the dust of rooms in which tuberculous patients have lived may contain numerous bacilli in a dry state, and these readily become mixed with the air and are thus inhaled. Tuberculosis of the lungs, or more rarely of other parts of the respiratory tract, is thus produced in susceptible persons. The swallowing of tuberculous material may lead to tuberculosis of any part of the gastro-intestinal tract by the direct inoculation that results. Thus intestinal tuberculosis in particular is produced. Sometimes, however, the bacilli pass through the wall of the intestine and cause a primary lesion in the lymphatic glands of the abdomen. The bacilli are swallowed with milk or meat, or they may gain access to the mouth, in the form of dust or particles of various kinds, and be swallowed with the saliva. The milk and meat of infected cattle frequently con- tain bacilli, and undoubted instances of infection in this way have BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 227 been proved. The intra-uterine transmission of tuberculosis is rare, but does occur. Most of the cases, however, of tuberculosis in early life may be explained as post-natal infections through milk, inspired air, etc. Relations of Human to Animal Tuberculosis. — The lower ani- mals are liable to tuberculosis in varying degrees. The disease is very common among cattle and less frequent in hogs, goats, horses, dogs, cats, sheep, rats, guinea-pigs, and rabbits. Animals become more susceptible when kept in confinement. Captive monkeys are particularly liable. Birds and fowl of various kinds are susceptible, though the disease is somewhat different in them from that seen in man. Animals may become infected from man, and may further spread the infection by their discharges or excretions. In the case of cattle the danger of dissemination is particularly great, as tainted milk is liable to produce intestinal tuberculosis, and meat if insufficiently cooked may similarly cause infection. Pathologic Anatomy. — Tuberculosis is characterized by the eruption of small nodules varying in size from one or two milli- meters in diameter to that of a small pea. These are known as miliary tubercles. As already mentioned, the latter in gross appearance are not distinctive of tuberculosis, as similar nodules are met with in other diseases. Besides the tubercle there are inflammatory lesions occurring between the tubercles and varying with the anatomic character of the organs affected. Thus in the lungs the tubercle may be inconspicuous, whereas the pneumonic infiltration of the lung-tissue surrounding the tubercles and filling in the spaces between them gives the organ its most striking anatomic characters. There are instances of tuberculosis in which the whole process runs its course without the development of any definite tubercles. For example, in the lungs the inhalation of tubercle-bacilli in considerable number may be followed by rapid tuberculous pneumonia without definite tubercles, and in other situations similar results may be produced. In the further prog- ress of a case of tuberculosis caseous change is important. This may present itself in the form of areas of considerable size having a dull, opaque, lusterless, grayish or whitish character, and not inaptly likened to the appearance of cheese. These centers of caseous necrosis may finally become liquefied, and cavity-forma- tions may result. These changes are particularly frequent in tuberculosis of the lungs, less frequent in bones, skin, glands, kidneys. In connection with tuberculosis of bones there may be formed small or large cavities filled with liquefied caseous or puriform material. These may involve the surrounding tis- sues as well as the bones themselves. The term cold abscess is applied to them. Small tubercular areas and sometimes even large foci are prone to be surrounded by reactive fibrous-tissue 228 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. hyperplasia, and thus a complete encapsulation may result. Small foci mav be uniformly transformed by organization of proliferating connective tissue and mav be thus entirely healed. In other cases simple encapsulation occurs, the tuberculous mass within perhaps undergoing calcification. These changes will be more particularly referred to below. Tuberculous lesions of the mucous membranes frequently begin with the formation of distinct tubercles occupying the deeper layers of the mucosa or the submucosa. These by confluence may form considerable areas of tuberculous disease, while at the same time reactive inflammation of the surrounding tissues adds to the mass. Sooner or later ulcerative changes upon the surface make their appearance and irregular, more or less necrotic, ulcers re- sult. The caseous appearance of these and the occurrence of distinct tubercles in the edges or base manifest the character of the process. Structure and Evolution of the Tubercle. — When the tubercle- bacillus is received into any tissue or organ its first effect, accord- ing to the investigations of Baumgarten, is to stimulate or irritate the fixed connective-tissue elements and cause a proliferation of round cells, which resemble in their abundance of protoplasm the epithelial cells, and are therefore known as epithelioid cells. These :•- ..... •' ,'?<£* "'Ul-: ''Ate Fig. 92.— Miliary tubercles in the liver, showing abundant round cells in the peripheral parts, epithelioid and giant-cells within. have usually a single nucleus, of rather clear vesicular appear- ance, not deeply staining, and a relatively large amount of proto- plasm. They may be produced in greater or less abundance, as the first reactive change of the tissues to the irritation of tubercle- bacilli. Next there follows an infiltration with leukocytes from BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 229 the surrounding blood-vessels, and the focus of irritation thus becomes surrounded with numerous small round cells mostly mononuclear, with darkly staining nucleus and a small protoplas- mic body (Fig. 92). Some of the cells are polynuclear. This leukocytic infiltration represents the reaction of the vascular sys- tem to the tubercular irritation or infection. The number of small round cells varies greatly in different instances. Sometimes, as in certain tubercles of lymphatic glands, they may be relatively few, while the epithelioid cells are present in abundance. In other cases the leukocytes are so quickly attracted and in such num- bers that the tubercle seems composed of these cells alone, no epithelioid cells appearing in view. These tubercles are known as the lymphoid. In the later stages the round cells may disap- pear by degeneration, exposing the previously hidden epithelioid cells to view. At the stage of the tubercle when it is composed mainly of epithelioid and lymphoid cells it appears to the naked eye as a grayish, somewhat translucent pearly body. It is avascular, no tendency toward formation of new blood-vessels being apparent. In the further evolution of the lesion degenerative changes take place. These are coagulation-necrosis, fatty change, and eventually a transformation into cheesy material, the so-called caseous necrosis. These changes result from the specific action of the living tubercle- bacillus, though in part also from the avascular condition of the tissue. Avascularity alone, however, is not the cause of caseous necrosis. One of the first changes noted is a granular change in the cell-protoplasm which lessens the affinity of the cell- protoplasm and of the nucleus for ordinary stains. There may be seen among the cells of the tubercle here and there indi- viduals which show this beginning necrosis. These are usually grouped in the center of the tubercle, though at times also at dif- ferent points. The outlines of these cells become less distinct and they are progressively less deeply stained, until with advanced necrosis the cell is broken down into particles or debris (Fig. 93). In the early stages of necrosis the epithelioid cells tend to run together, forming large, irregular giant-cells with many nuclei arranged either around the periphery or frequently at either pole of the cell. Some observers believe that giant-cells result from rapid multiplication of nuclei within the epithelioid cells. This is very rare. Others have supposed that the running together of leukocytes or lymphoid elements of the tubercle causes the for- mation of giant-cells. This does not seem ever to occur. The giant-cell is not characteristic of tuberculosis, as it may be found in many of the specific inflammations and also in foci of chronic irritation due to foreign bodies, as well as in tumors. In no con- dition, however, are they so abundant or so conspicuous as in tuberculosis. In some cases they may not be seen in the tubercles 230 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. at any stage. In other cases they are very numerous. The giant- cell falls an early victim to the advancing necrosis, and the pro- toplasm becomes granular and opaque, and eventually breaks down completely. This change usually occurs at the opposite side of the cell from that in which the nuclei are gathered ; or in cases in which the nuclei surround the cell the necrotic changes begin in the center. Finally, a tubercle undergoes almost complete necrosis and is transformed into a cheesy mass, the surrounding connective tissue perhaps still showing proliferative changes which may >V :. - '-'" '...- &£#* •*£ &'*>&$£ Fig. 93.— Large tubercle of the lung, showing cheesy necrosis in the center ; the epithe- lioid and giant-cells around the cheesy center are more or less degenerated. eventually cause encapsulation of the tubercle. Calcification may ensue in the cheesy mass and thus lead to permanent destruction of the nodule. In the growth of tuberculosis the normal tissue-elements of the part affected are pushed aside, or may be softened and destroyed by the disease-processes. The connective-tissue fibers of the part, however, are longest retained, and remain as a reticulum or tuber- cle-stroma long after the other elements of the tissue have dis- appeared or been pushed aside. Tubercles tend to coalesce, forming larger tubercular masses, and sometimes distinct tuberculous tumors are so produced. In the lower animals, particularly in cattle, such tubercular tumors of the serous surfaces are not uncommon. They may simply stud the membranes, or they may hang as polypoid masses; the term "pearl disease" is applied to these cases. Somewhat similar tubercular tumors are met with in human tuberculosis, especially in the brain. As a rule, however, increasing areas of tuberculous disease of organs are only partly composed of tubercles, the bulk BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 231 of the diseased area presenting evidences of ordinary or peculiar inflammatory changes to which the presence of the tubercles has stimulated the tissues. The tubercle-bacilli in the earliest stages of the tubercle may be seen lying in the tissue and perhaps between the epithelioid cells first formed. With the evolution of the disease they are more and more abundant, are largely within the cells, and the giant-cells in particular may contain large numbers (Fig. 94). As Fig. 94.— Giant-cell containing bacilli (from a photograph made by Dr. Wm. M. Gray). the necrotic changes increase the bacilli become less conspicuous, and eventually none may be visible. The existence of the bacilli or their spores, however, cannot be doubted, since injection of portions of such tubercles produces the disease in guinea-pigs. After the establishment of the local lesion of tuberculosis in any part of the body two opposing tendencies struggle for suprem- acy, the tendency of the tuberculous disease to spread and the tendency of the normal tissues to encapsulate or limit the spread of the invading disease. In most cases the former succeeds and the secondary tubercles first appear in adjacent parts, the transpor- tation of the bacilli from the primary to the secondary focus being accomplished either by the flow of the lymph or juices of the body, or by the phagocytic activity of leukocytes. The latter take from the edges of the tubercle some of the bacilli and transport them either by their own ameboid activities or in the lymph-stream to neighboring parts, where they themselves fall victims to the organ- isms they have appropriated, and thus deposit the germs of new foci of disease. The dissemination of tubercles to more distant parts may occur in various ways. In the case of tuberculosis of the mucous membranes bacilli may be cast off from the surface and spread to other parts of the mucous tracts with the contents of these, as in the case of tuberculosis of the gastro-intestinal tract. In the case of pulmonary lesions the ulcerative processes, 232 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. or attacks of coughing, may loosen infected particles from lesions of the bronchi, and the deep inspiratory efforts following the cough, or the ordinary inspirations, may carry the bacilli into the finer bronchioles, where new foci arise. If the tubercular lesion involves the walls of the lymphatics, particularly the larger lymph-channels, like the cervical or thoracic ducts, bacilli may gain access to the lymph-stream and thus be transported to the venous circulation, and then through the heart to the lungs or perhaps to other organs. When the tuberculous lesion invades the wall of a vein the dissemination of the bacilli is even more rapid and widespread, as the organisms find their way to the heart by a more direct route. In rare instances an artery is invaded and the organisms are scattered through the terminal distribution of this. Upon surfaces the disease may spread by direct continuity or by the movements of the body. Thus lesions of the peritoneum may become almost universal in consequence of the peristaltic move- ments, though more frequently the extension occurs along the lym- phatic channels. The condition which results from general infection and forma- tion of tubercles in various situations is known as miliary tubercu- losis. In these cases the progress is usually rapid and a fatal termination is not long delayed. The tubercles therefore remain small, and at autopsy are still typically gray miliary tubercles. Sometimes, however, miliary tuberculosis may assume a more chronic form, perhaps in consequence of the gradual admission of bacilli to the circulation and the formation of small crops of tubercles during a considerable period of time. Miliary tuberculosis may be local or general. In the former case the bacilli are admitted to the vascular distribution of a re- stricted area only ; in the latter widespread dissemination through the blood occurs, and practically all parts of the body may be in- volved. Localized miliary tuberculosis is most frequent in the lungs. Seats of Tuberculosis. — Among the frequent situations in which tuberculosis makes its appearance are the lungs, the lymphatic glands, the bones and joints, the mucous membranes, particularly those of the larynx and intestines, the serous mem- branes, the prostate, testicle, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, kidneys, uterus, suprarenal capsules, brain, liver, spleen. In some of these situations the lesions arc practically always secondary, as, for ex- ample, in the liver and spleen. In others they are most frequently primary, as in the lungs. The occurrence of primary tuberculosis in the internal organs may be difficult to explain. It is possible, however, for the bacilli to gain access to the lymphatic or blood- circulation without causing a lesion at the point of entrance. Their deposit in some internal organ then occasions the first or primary focus of disease. Thus primary tuberculosis of the mesenteric BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 233 glands, of the lymphatic glands of the neck, or of the post- bronchial glands, may occur without primary disease of the intes- tines, of the mouth or skin, or of the lungs in the several instances. Similarly primary tuberculosis of the kidney or of the suprarenal capsule may occur without any evidence of the point of entrance of the micro-organisms. In some cases, of course, the primary lesion may be so small and in such a hidden situation that it escapes notice. After the discovery of the tubercle-bacillus a number of diseases not previously recognized as tuberculous became identified as forms of this disease. Among these is Lupus Vulgaris of the skin. The histologic examination shows numerous tuberculous granula- tions, sometimes arranged in striate fashion along the small blood- vessels of the skin and containing epithelioid and lymphoid cells and giant-cells. The presence of the bacilli and the proved infec- tiousness of the tissue, with the histology, render the nature of this disease certain. The warty formations frequently acquired by anatomists at points of injury have likewise been shown to be in many cases due to tuberculous infection. Scrofula, which was formerly regarded as a special condition predisposing strongly to tuberculosis, is now regarded as tuberculosis occurring in different forms and situations. The scrofulous glands of the neck consti- tute tuberculous adenitis, the infection in many cases gaining access through the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx or through the skin. Scrofulous rhinitis and sinuses have simi- larly been shown to be forms of tuberculous disease. Many cases of joint-disease regarded as scrofulous or otherwise are dependent upon the action of the tubercle-bacillus. Latent Tuberculosis. — A tuberculous lesion may become encap- sulated and limited in its extent before it has invaded tissues widely, and may so remain for years without giving rise to mani- fest clinical symptoms. Subsequently, however, the encapsulating membrane may be penetrated and widespread infection, local or general, may occur. Such latent tuberculosis is particularly fre- quent in the post-bronchial glands. These glands are often found enlarged at autopsies in which no tuberculous disease of other organs is found. Injections of emulsions of such glands in a nota- ble proportion of cases produce tuberculosis in guinea-pigs, and thus it has been determined that the glands in question are fre- quently the seat of latent tuberculous disease. The existence of such lesions explains the cases of sudden generalized miliary tuberculosis, in which no primary focus of the disease was recog- nized during life. Pathologic Physiology. — The effect of tuberculosis upon the general health varies greatly. Undoubtedly the bacillus is capable of producing toxins that have an effect upon the general organism ; the nature of these, however, still remains undeter- 234 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. mined. The tuberculin of Koch, a glycerin-extract from cultures of the tubercle-bacillus, produces fever with general symptoms such as are frequently associated with pyrexia and local reactive changes in existing tuberculous lesions. Among the latter redness or increased vascularization of the tubercles, and softening or ne- crosis of the cells surrounding the bacilli, are most important. The last-named change deters the growth and multiplication of the bacilli themselves, but at the same times makes their escape from the focus of disease more easy and thus exposes the individual to the liability of general infection. The active substance contained in tuberculin is probably an albuminous body. It does not act upon the tubercle-bacillus directly and is not an antitoxin. In addition to this the tubercle-bacillus in its dead state contains some body or bodies capable of influencing the organism, as was shown by the experiments of Prudden and Hodenpyl, who were able to produce nodular lesions and small local abscesses by in- jecting dead bacilli into the circulation of animals. These lesions, of course, are not strictly tuberculous, though they possess some elements of the natural tubercle. It is altogether probable, how- ever, that in addition to the tuberculin of Koch and the chemo- tactic substances contained in the body of the tubercle-bacilli, there are other poisonous substances produced by the growth and multiplication of the bacilli in the tissues, that lead to a general deterioration in the health of victims of this disease. Tuberculosis is primarily a local process, but influences the general organism by its direct effect upon the organic functions of the parts in which it is located by the development of these as yet unknown toxic substances, and later by the widespread infection of the organism. The mechanism of defence against tuberculosis is only partly known. In the case of local lesions of the lungs or other parts the reaction of the tissues probably resulting from the activity of chemotactic substances in the body of the bacilli them- selves, or of similar substances produced by the cellular necrosis, leads to the formation of an embankment of cellular or fibrous tissue that serves to hold the disease in check. Subsequently the disease may be wholly eradicated by degenerative changes termi- nating in calcification. That such favorable results are not uncommon is proved by the frequent occurrence at autopsies of small sclerotic or calcareous areas in the lungs. Tuberculosis is frequently cured in these early stages, but after it has reached the degree of intensity or the widespread character that makes it recog- nizable by <»ur present methods of physical examination, the reactive processes are usually no longer able to cope with its progress. PSEUDOTUBERCULOSIS. This name has been applied to conditions occasionally met with in which nodular lesions resembling tubercles, but containing BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 235 micro-organisms of different kinds, have been found in the liver, kidneys, and other organs. One of the best studied of the organ- isms in question is a bacillus, motile and easily stained by methods which do not color the tubercle-bacillus. Pure cultures inoculated in other animals give rise to the same lesions. Pseudotuberculosis is probably not a specific form of disease ; a variety of conditions may present this appearance. FOWL=TUBERCULOSIS. Tuberculosis of various forms of fowl or birds (Avian Tuber- culosis, Tuberculosis Gallinarum) is a disease similar to, but not identical with, human tuberculosis. The spontaneous disease of birds occurs most frequently in the liver. There are nodules composed of round cells, but showing no tendency to coagulation- necrosis or to the formation of giant-cells. The bacillus, which is found in abundance, resembles the human tubercle-bacillus and may be stained by the same methods, but differs from this organ- ism in the fact that it grows upon ordinary media and not upon potato, and is more resistant to heat, at least as far as its retention of virulence is concerned. When inoculated in rabbits abscesses result at the point of inoculation, and later lesions of the lungs develop. The lungs are never primarily involved in the spon- taneous disease of birds. Many believe this disease a variety of tuberculosis modified by its occurrence in birds. LEPROSY. Definition. — Leprosy, Lepra, or Elephantiasis Grsecorum, is an infectious and mildly contagious disease, caused by a specific bacillus, the Bacillus lepras, discovered by Hansen. Etiology. — The essential cause of leprosy is a bacillus which closely resembles the tubercle-bacillus, though it is less frequently curved and is somewhat more easily stained. Further, it differs in its grouping in the tissues and in its failure to grow satisfactorily on artificial media. The organism is usually found in large num- bers in the leprous lesion, and is readily stained by any of the methods applicable for tubercle-bacilli or by Gram's method. It frequently shows light areas like those of the tubercle-bacillus, and these have been regarded as spores ; more probably they are produced by fragmentations, as in the case of tubercle-bacillus. Attempts at culture have thus far been unsuccessful, though Neis- ser claims to have obtained cultures on blood-serum containing gelatin and on coagulated egg-albumin. Others have claimed definite results with similar media, but cultivation at the present time is not ordinarily possible. The specific nature of the bacillus has not been demonstrated, as it is almost, if not entirely, impossible to produce the disease 236 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. in animals. Some successful experiments have been made by inoculating portions of leprous tissue in the anterior chamber of the eye or other parts of animals; but definite generalized leprosy has not been thus far produced. In one case the disease has been given to a condemned criminal by direct inoculation. Besides the specific bacillus other conditions are important in the etiology. Thus the disease flourishes in certain localities extensively and little in other places. It is uncommon in the United States, but some of the Gulf States, particularly Louisiana, have considerable colonies, and in the Northwest and on the Pacific Coast it is met with among the Norwegian and Chinese immi- grants. In Mexico, South America, Norway and Sweden, India, and other Asian countries it is common, and the Sandwich Islands are particularly affected. During the Middle Ages it flourished in Europe as a universal scourge, unsanitary conditions probably acting as the predisposing cause. Certain articles of diet are believed to occasion it, particularly fish ; this view, however, lacks proof. The disease must be regarded as contagious, though less so than tuberculosis. Intimate association for a long time seems to be necessary for its transference. It is probably transmitted from parent to offspring in rare instances. Pathologic Anatomy. — Leprosy presents itself in two forms, the tubercular and the anesthetic form. In the former there are developed in the skin of the face, the extensor surfaces of the elbows and knees, about the hands, or less frequently elsewhere, small or large nodular elevations. These at first are reddish in color, with apparent inflammatory reaction. Later they lose their redness and remain as indolent lesions that grow very slowly or remain stationary. They may break down, forming ulcerations which do not readily heal, or they may be gradually converted into fibrous cicatricial tissue, causing unsightly deformities of the skin. The appearance of the patient's face is highly characteristic, and is known as leontiasis leprosa (Fig. 95). The mucous mem- branes and some of the internal organs may be involved. The anesthetic form is usually marked by less conspicuous lesions, but subjective symptoms, such as hyperesthesia and neuralgic pains, and later ulcerations partly trophic in nature, may make it a more serious variety. In the skin there are found whitish or brownish spots, slightly if at all elevated or altered in consistency. Later, ulcerations may appear. Very commonly the anesthetic and tubercular varieties are coexistent. The nodules occurring in the liver, spleen, and testes in this disease are admitted to be similar to the nodules of the skin ; those found in the lungs, kidneys, and intestines, as well as those of the serous surfaces, are believed by many to be tuberculous and the result of secondary infection. These two diseases are certainly BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 237 frequently associated ; probably 40 per cent, of the cases of lepra become tuberculous. Other forms of secondary infection occur, thus injuries of superficial lesions may allow pyogenic infection, and extensive ulcerations and gangrenous necrosis may ensue. The terms lepra Fig. 95.— Nodular leprosy (Goldschmidt). mutilans and lepra gangrenosa are applied to such ; and various micrococci and saprophytic organisms have been discovered in such cases. Structure of the Leprous Lesions. — The nodule or leproma is a somewhat indurated growth resembling the tubercle, but differing from it in its greater vascularity and in the absence of the ten- dency to cheesy necrosis. Microscopically it is composed very largely of proliferated connective-tissue cells of different forms, and leukocytes. New blood-vessels are discovered in more or less abundance, and a tendency to complete organization with the formation of fibrous tissue may be seen in the character of the cells and the presence of fibrous intercellular material. The 238 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. bacilli occur within the cells and possibly also between them. They are always found in groups and usually in large numbers. They multiply within the cells, the protoplasm of the latter at the same time undergoing a process of swelling and degeneration. This at first spares the nucleus, but finally the nucleus itself is broken down and the cell is thus converted into a sac containing degenerated protoplasm and abundant bacilli (Fig. 96). The term lepra-cell has been given to these. Giant-cells may be formed, though they are not frequent and are rarely typical. Secondary infections or injuries may lead to suppurative or other forms of soften- ing, and the final termination either with or without previous softening may be cicatrization. The lesions of the internal organs met with in some leprous cases, notably those of the lungs, intestine, kid- ney, and serous surfaces, are avascular, lepra^eiUKargwid^chmOTi)* show more tendency to necrosis, and con- tain more giant-cells ; in some cases inoc- ulation has showed that the lesions contained the tubercle-bacilli. Whether they are strictly tubercles, or whether they are lepro- mata with secondary infection with tubercle-bacilli, cannot be decided. They are certainly not pure leprosy, and more probably are purely tuberculous. The anesthetic areas and pigmented or light-colored spots of the anesthetic form present somewhat the same histologic features as the leprous nodule, though in a diffuse form. Formerly these lesions were considered entirely the result of trophic changes. In these cases the more conspicuous lesion is that of the nerves. These may show nodular thickening of the perineurium with inflam- matory and degenerative changes of the nerve itself. The bacilli are present in these lesions. Changes in the spinal cord have occasionally been discovered. Pathologic Physiology. — Infection with the lepra-bacillus leads to local rather than general disturbances. The toxins of the disease, if such there be, are not of great virulence, and constitu- tional symptoms are therefore wanting as a rule. In the later stages fever and other systemic disorders may be occasioned by secondary infections. A supposed antitoxic substance has been prepared and has been largely used. It is impossible to claim or disclaim the antitoxic nature of this, as no toxins have as yet been isolated or obtained in any form, and the supposed antitoxic sub- stances cannot therefore be tested. In the anesthetic form it was formerly customary to regard the pigment or light-colored spots as a result of trophic disturbance, and more destructive lesions, such as ulceration and gangrene, BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 239 received a similar explanation. Recent investigations, however, seem to show that in these cases there is usually from the first a leprous change in the tissues, and that secondary infections fre- quently play a part, though trophic disturbances must still be admitted to a certain extent. GLANDERS. Definition. — Glanders is an infectious and contagious disease of horses and asses, sometimes communicated to other animals and to man, and caused by a specific bacillus. etiology. — The Bacillus mallei was discovered by Lb'tHer and Schiitz. It is an organism resembling the tubercle-bacillus, though somewhat shorter and thicker. It occurs in the lesions of the disease singly or in clumps, and has been found in the blood. The bacillus is non-motile and does not possess flagella. Stained specimens show parts that do not receive the stain. These have been regarded as spores, but are more generally thought to be areas of degeneration. Ordinary solutions of anilin dyes, and especially alkaline solutions, stain the organism very well. The demonstra- tion of the bacillus in the tissues requires prolonged staining and rapid decolorization. Cultivation. — Cultures are best obtained from softened nodules of guinea-pigs inoculated with infected pus, or from the testicles after injection of infective matter into the peritoneal cavity. The organism grows quite readily upon ordinary media, but the most characteristic culture is seen upon boiled potato. The colony first appears as a honey-like layer, which becomes brownish in color. The potato itself becomes greenish-brown beneath and around the colony. The cultivation is most successful between 30° and 40° C. (86° and 104° F.). Drying and elevated temperatures rapidly destroy the organ- ism, and antiseptics kill it quite readily. The bacillus is a pure parasite, multiplying only in the body of infected animals or man. Pathogenicity. — The specific character of the bacillus is unques- tionable. Inoculation of guinea-pigs, rabbits, field-mice, or other animals with infected pus or with pure cultures leads to nodular lesions at the point of introduction, with subsequent softening and ulceration. After death nodules are found in the liver, spleen, kidneys, or other organs, and these contain the bacilli. In horses and asses characteristic lesions of the mucous membranes have been produced experimentally ; while in man accidental infection of hostlers or others coming in contact with diseased animals, and of bacteriologists working with cultures, has been repeatedly observed. In one case in my own knowledge a man was infected in a stable in which a glandered horse was kept, and the bacteri- 240 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. ologist who isolated the organisms from the patient accidentally infected himself with the cultures. Pathologic Anatomy. — In horses glanders presents charac- teristic lesions of the mucosa of the nose. At first there are found slightly elevated nodules, which have a marked tendency to soften, forming irregular ulcerations that become confluent. The floor and edges of the ulcers are yellowish and necrotic in appearance, and discharge more or less purulent matter. The lymphatic glands of the neck and elsewhere enlarge and may suppurate. In the skin the lesions are much the same, but more sluggish. Nodules are not rarely met with in the lungs. These are grayish or pink- ish in color, and tend to rapid necrosis. More rarely nodules or ulcers arc found in the mucosa of the gastro-intestinal tract. In man similar nodules and ulcerations may be found in the nose, larynx, or trachea ; and external lesions resembling small or large carbuncles are found. Histologically the lesions of glanders consist of aggregations of round cells of lymphoid or polymorphonuclear type. There is a marked tendency to suppurative or necrotic softening, and some- times hemorrhagic infiltration may be pronounced. Pathologic Physiology. — A toxic substance called mallein (a bacterial protein) has been obtained from cultures of the bacilli. Injected into infected animals this acts somewhat as does tubercu- lin in tuberculosis. A special toxin is probably active in the pro- duction of the general symptoms of the disease. By repeated dosage with mallein it is claimed that immunity may be conferred. MALIGNANT EDEMA. Definition. — Malignant edema is a form of intense infective inflammation and necrosis observed in certain animals and in man, and is due to a specific micro-organism. The condition has fre- quently been described by clinicians as gaseous gangrene, traumatic gangrene, gangrene foudroyante, etc. Infectious emphysema (q. v.) has doubtless often been mistaken for this disease. Etiology. — The micro-organism of malignant edema was de- scribed by Pasteur and named theVibricm septigue. Koch showed that it docs not flourish in the blood, and that the name given by Pasteur is therefore not appropriate. He named it therefore Ba- cillus cedematis maligni. This organism is widely distributed. It is very commonly present in the soil, particularly in garden-earth, and is often found in dust and in the intestinal contents of animals. Introduced into the subcutaneous tissue of animals it multiplies greatly and sets up a violent local process. The bacilli are readily obtained from the diseased area, and may be stained with the ordi- nary anilin dyes, but not by Gram's method. The bacillus resem- bles the anthrax-bacillus very closely, but is somewhat more BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 241 slender. It is prone to occur in long chains, the organisms being apparently in contact end to end. Movement of the organisms is frequently observed, and flagella are found by appropriate stains. In the spore-formation the center of the organism swells and the spore is developed within. Cultivation. — The cultivation of this organism is generally easy. White mice or other susceptible animals are first infected by intro- ducing powdered garden-earth into a subcutaneous sac. Direct infection of the open wound will not succeed, as the organism is strictly anaerobic. From the pus in the subcutaneous tissues growths may be ob- tained upon the surface of gelatin in an atmosphere of hydrogen, or in puncture-cultures in gelatin from which oxygen has been excluded. On the surface of the gelatin are formed small grayish- white bodies, which increase in size with advancing age. Portions removed from these and stained show masses of bacilli in the form of long filaments. In the gelatin-tube there are formed whitish spherical colonies of a somewhat cloudy appear- ance. These consist of a turbid liquid, the gelatin undergoing liquefaction. There is also some gas-production, the gas formed having a peculiar and unpleasant odor. This is marked when the medium contains glucose (Fig. 97). Distribution. — The bacillus of malignant edema occurs only in the subcutaneous tissues near the point of inoculation, in the muscles, and in the peritoneal cavity at the time of death. It does not invade the blood, as the amount of oxygen there present prevents its growth, and it flourishes in the subcutaneous tissue because this is least accessible to oxygen. In bodies dead some time the organism may spread to the blood and the organs of the body. The distri- bution of the organisms outside the body has been referred to. Pathogenicity. — The bacillus of malignant edema is undoubtedly the cause of the disease in question, as has been proved by inoculations upon mice, guinea-pigs, and other animals. Cats and dogs are less susceptible than other animals ; cattle seem to be almost wholly im- mune. Pathologic Anatomy. — The lesions of malignant edema consist of various forms of rapid suppuration and necrotic inflammation of the subcutaneous tissues. There may rapidly form emphy- sematous and gangrenous alterations of the subcutaneous tissues, Fig. 97. —Bacillus of malignant edema growing in glucose- gelatin (Frankel and Pfeiffer). 242 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. with sometimes pus-formation, at other times extensive hemor- rhagic infiltration. Pathologic Physiology. — Toxins are doubtless formed, but these have not as yet received special attention. A few cases of malignant edema have been reported in man ; some following in- jection of musk in the course of typhoid fever ; some occurring in the puerperium, and some apparently without external injury. Infection in the latter probably occurred from the mucous sur- faces. In all cases the general vitality of the patient was reduced by some previous disease. ANTHRAX. Definition. — Anthrax is a specific infection due to a charac- teristic bacillus. It occurs most frequently in cows and sheep ; it may affect other animals and man. Dogs, cats, birds, and cold- blooded animals are quite immune. In animals it is called splenic fever ; in man, malignant pustule and wool-sorters' disease. Etiology. — The Bacillus anthracis is a non-motile rod-shaped organism that has a decided tendency to form long chains. The individual bacillus is from 5 to 20 fi in length and from 1 to 1.25 p. in thickness. The chains appear as threads, with often a little thickening at the ends of the individual bacilli showing the points of contact. The ends are squared or often slightly concave. In Fig. 98.— Bacillus anthracis, stained to show the spores (Frankel and Pfeiffer). artificial cultures in the presence of oxygen spores are formed within the bacilli. These are elliptical or oval in shape, and do not alter the configuration of the bacillus (Fig. 98). The organism is easily stained with the simple anilin dyes, and BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 243 may be demonstrated in the blood or the tissues by Gram's or Weigert's stains. There are no flagella. Cultivation. — The anthrax-bacillus may be obtained in pure culture from the diseased organs upon various media. The cul- ture in gelatin is most characteristic. Upon plates there are formed whitish colonies, which under low powers of the micro- scope show a tufted, irregular character at the edges and upon the surface, suggesting bunches of twisted wool-fibers. The gelatin is slightly liquefied. The tufts may be removed by pressing a cover- glass against the surface of the colony, and when stained are found to consist of curved parallel chains of bacilli. In puncture- cultures filaments project at right angles to the puncture toward the sides of the test-tube, and the growth at the surface, where oxygen is abundant, is luxuriant, while that in the depth is com- paratively sparse. Pathogenicity. — The infectiveness of the bacillus is undoubted. A small portion introduced into a susceptible animal gives rise to marked symptoms in twelve or twenty-four hours, and death soon follows. The bacilli may be demonstrated in the blood and in various organs in great abundance. When the bacillus is killed and the spores are introduced into the body similar results follow. Distribution. — The anthrax-bacillus occurs in all of the local lesions, and from these extends into the blood and into the organs, particularly the spleen, liver, kidney, and lungs, where they are found in the capillaries in immense numbers. The structure of these organs is, as a rule, little affected, probably because death occurs before changes may take place. The organisms are dis- charged from the body in the stools, urine, and other discharges, and thus conveyed to other animals. At one time it was sup- posed that they are scattered about by earth-worms obtaining them from cadavers. This is scarcely probable. Multiplication of the organisms outside the body does not occur to any extent, but the organisms, and particularly the spores, may live a long time, and may be conveyed to great distances in infected mate- rials, particularly wool, hides, bristles, and the like. Mode of Infection. — In animals infection most frequently occurs through the gastro-intestinal tract, the bacilli being swallowed with fodder that has been contaminated. The organisms may, however, gain entrance through the lungs or through external abrasions. The latter form of infection is most common in man ; though gastro-intestinal and pulmonary infection sometimes occurs. Pathologic Anatomy. — The lesions produced by anthrax are more or less local, but occasion general septicemia. In man, after infection of the skin through abrasions in persons handling the hides or wool, or other materials from diseased animals, a swelling of greater or less size develops. This is intensely in- 244 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. flammatory, often covered and surrounded by slight bullous vesi- cles, and attended with considerable edema. Erosion of the sur- face may take place and sanious liquid may be discharged, with the formation of crusts. Histologically the process consists of rapid infiltration of the corium and papillary bodies with leuko- cytes. The bacilli are found in abundance between the cells, and hemorrhagic infiltration and sero-sanguinolent edema are observed. Necrosis subsequently occurs, though not to a considerable extent. When infection takes place through the gastro-intestinal tract, as is sometimes observed in man and very commonly in animals, lesions somewhat like the above are formed in the mucosa and submncosa of the small intestine, less frequently of other parts. At first these lesions appear as hemorrhagic extravasa- tions, then swelling follows, and finally the surface ulcerates, leav- ing irregular excavations with blood-stained bases and edges. Profuse diarrhea with bloody discharges may occur. Infection through the lungs occurs in men engaged in handling infected ■wool (wool-sorters' disease), and in persons working in paper-fac- tories, where infected rags carry the germs. In these instances the bacilli lodge in the alveoli of the lungs, causing rapid cellular exudation with considerable edema and hemorrhagic infiltration. The process is lobular in character, but large areas of the lungs may be simultaneously involved. Serosanguinolent pleurisy, swell- ing of the lymphatic glands of the mediastinum, and hemorrhagic extravasations of the mediastinum are not unusual. Pathologic Physiology. — The presence of the anthrax- bacillus leads to the formation of toxic materials in the blood, and a poisonous albumose has been obtained from cultures. The general symptoms, however, are probably in large measure the result of dissemination of the bacilli themselves and their local effects. It has been found possible by cultivation at high temperatures and by introducing the organisms into insusceptible animals, and also by adding chemical agents to cultures, to alter the pathogenic- ity of the bacillus to such an extent as to make it harmless, even to white mice. By introduction of such cultures and subsequent successive inoculation with cultures of increasing virulence pro- tection has been afforded . Antitoxic substances have been obtained from the blood of protected animals, but the method of successive vaccinations rather than the use of antitoxic serum is at present relied upon to combat the disease. INFECTIOUS EMPHYSEMA. Definition. — This term is provisionally applied to a form of infection that has been described under various names, such as gaseous gangrene, gas-phlegmon, emphysematous necrosis, and the BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 245 like. Undoubtedly it has been mistaken for malignant edema in certain cases. The disease is caused by the Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus of Welch and Nuttall. Ktiology. — The bacillus in question is a non-motile organism of variable size, 3 to 6 p. in length and about the thickness of an anthrax bacillus, with adjacent ends slightly rounded or square cut, and occurring singly, in pairs, clumps, or sometimes in short chains. Very rarely it occurs in long threads. It is easily stained with the ordinary anilin dyes or Gram's stain. A capsule is some- times demonstrable in specimens obtained from the body or from agar-cultures. The bacillus does not form spores. It is probably identical with the Bacillus phlegmones emphysematosse of Frankel. Cultivation. — The organism is anaerobic, no growth occurring on the surface of solid media in the presence of oxygen. In media containing fermentable material gas-formation is regularly observed. The colonies in agar are grayish- white or slightly brownish ; those in the depth appearing as ' small spheres or ovals slightly flattened, with knob-like or feathery projections. The cultures in gelatin show slight and slowly developing liquefac- tion. Pathogenicity. — By experiments on animals exactly the same lesions are produced as those found in man. Pathologic Anatomy. — The lesions of this infection are "widespread. At the point of inoculation there may be found edematous infiltration, with blood-stained fluid, and emphysema due to gas-formation. Eapid necrosis or gangrenous soften- ing of the tissue may occur. The entire surface of the body sometimes becomes emphysematous, and at the autopsy the organs, especially the myocardium, kidneys, liver, and spleen, present a characteristic appearance. They are lighter in color, and on in- spection are found to be filled with minute vacuoles or gas-bub- bles. The blood of the heart and vessels presents a foamy condi- tion, due to the gas-formation. Practically any of the tissues of the body may be affected. Microscopically, the occurrence of gas- vesicles with numerous bacilli in their walls is the most striking feature. Regarding the mode of infection, it seems likely that in all cases the organisms enter through some injury or abrasion con- nected with the external world. Some cases have followed trau- matic injuries, others occur in connection with disease marked by ulcerations of the surface of mucous membranes, and at least one instance has been carefully studied in which the disease occurred during the puerperium, probably due to uterine infection. It is not improbable that many of the cases of supposed air-embolism from douching of the uterus after labor are in reality cases of this form of infection. 246 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. TETANUS. Definition. — Tetanus is an acute infectious disease due to a specific bacillus. The bacillus of tetanus was discovered by Xico- laier and isolated by Kitasato. Etiology. — The bacilli occur in the form of cylindrical rods, which are frequently swollen at one end, due to the presence of a rounded spore (Fig. 99). They are non-motile, or but slightly & I c ■■>.■■ -> / ? v v v * 0. r \ / ^ Fig. 99— Bacillus tetani ; X 1000 (Frankel and Pfeiffer). motile, although they may have flagella. They usually occur singly, though occasionally a few may be seen end to end. They occur in the local lesions from which traumatic tetanus takes its origin, and may sometimes be readily demonstrated by spreading some of the pus or exudate upon a cover-glass and staining with the ordinary anilin stains. They also stain by Gram's method. The bacillus does not diffuse itself through the body, but in a few cases it has been found in the central nervous system. The organ- ism is readily destroyed by heat, but its spores are quite resistant. Cultivation of the tetanus-bacillus is difficult. It is obtained from garden-earth or the pus of infected wounds by submitting the material to sufficient heat to destroy other organisms, even the bacillus of tetanus itself, leaving the spores uninjured. With this material animals are inoculated, and from the products of the local lesions or directly from the original material cultures are made in gelatin. The organism is strictly anaerobic. The typical culture is obtained in the depth of gelatin. Deep beneath the surface there are formed along the line of puncture pointed processes stand- ing out at right angles from the puncture. After a week lique- faction of the gelatin occurs, and an accumulation containing BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 247 grayish-white turbid liquid is formed. When the growth is formed on the surface of gelatin in an atmosphere of hydrogen a similar radiating structure is found in the colonies, the centers of which are rather dense. Liquefaction of the gelatin subsequently takes place. Considerable gas with a pungent odor is produced in the growth of this bacillus. Distribution. — The tetanus-bacillus is found very frequently in garden-earth, in the intestinal discharges of animals, and upon various articles about stables. Infection occurs in human beings or animals through punctures made by nails, splinters, and the like. Pathogenicity. — The bacillus placed upon an open wound may not give rise to the disease, from the fact that the presence of oxygen prevents its growth. Subcutaneous inoculation, how- ever, causes rapid destruction of animals with typical symptoms. The period of incubation may be only a few hours, or one or two days, or it may be several weeks. The association of certain other organisms, such as the pus-producing organisms, seems to favor the development of the disease by preventing phagocytic action of leukocytes, or by consuming oxygen and thus allowing the tetanus-bacillus to flourish. Pathologic Anatomy. — No characteristic lesions are found in this disease. Locally a wound or injury through which inocu- lation has taken place may be discovered ; but this is only excep- tionally extensive. Sometimes no local injury can be discovered, and it is supposed that infection at times occurs through the gastro- intestinal tract, or through other mucous membranes. Intense congestion of parts of the nervous system may be found at the autopsy, but this is not characteristic. Pathologic Physiology. — Tetanus is essentially a toxemic disease. The bacillus produces, at the point of its growth, poisons of almost inconceivable power. Two distinct substances have been isolated, tetanin and tetanotoxin. These occur in the blood, urine, and probably other fluids of the body. The bacilli are not found in these fluids. When the toxin of tetanus is intro- duced into animals in gradually increasing quantity immunity is developed and the serum is found to have antitoxic power. The antitoxin may be precipitated from the blood by alcohol, and kept in a dry state. In practical medicine the antitoxin of tetanus has not proved as useful as experiments seemed to promise. This may be due to the fact that the intoxication is generally so extensive by the time the disease is recognized that treatment comes too late. ACTINOMYCOSIS. Definition. — Actinomycosis is a chronic infectious process characterized by inflammatory reaction of the tissues with a ten- dency to the formation of suppurative foci, and due to the specific action of a micro-organism, the Actinomyces bovis seu hominis. 248 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Etiology. — Actinomycosis is a disease of cattle, horses, swine, and occasionally of man, being communicated to the latter from animals directly or indirectly. The specific cause of the disease, the actinomyces, is an organ- ism which occurs in the tissues in the form of clusters having a radiate structure, and it has therefore been termed the "ray fungus." These clusters may he so small as to be invisible to the naked eye, or they may reach considerable dimensions by their growth and aggregation. The central part of the cluster fre- quently has a granular appearance, suggesting a mass of micro- cocci. Reaching out from this may be seen more or less regu- larly diverging stria? or rays, and the periphery is composed of what appear to be bulbous extremities of the rays (Fig. 100). ■ *.♦ *'*•.. -.» • 1 \l'i ' 'HJim 9*mB&L- v > • i^jHL.^ .. « 'j^wByt )k^' Wr\ - fid BS3 i ^telfe- *»■ « -•Ha JBLWr reP ••■ . v ^Bw W?T?'* i •;••' -.•vP ■^ *w ,> • ►*.*'.•• • . - -X, ■ w Fig. 100.— Actinomyces cluster (Karg and Schmorl). The exact biologic position of the organism has not yet been determined. By some it is regarded as one of the hyphomycetes ; others place it among the bacilli. Pure cultures of the organisms have been obtained from the lesions in animals, but are only developed with difficulty from the human disease. The infectiousness of actinomycosis has been abundantly demonstrated by inoculation-experiments. The cult- ures may be obtained upon ordinary media, such as agar-agar, with or without glycerin, and form firm points, small in size and some- times almost cartilaginous in consistency. The characteristic striate or ray-like structure is not seen in cultures as in the origi- nal clusters, but the organism may present a somewhat branched appearance. The manner of infection with the actinomycoses is not com- pletely determined. It is quite likely, however, that the parasite is carried to the tissues by various vegetable substances, particu- larly the spears of the oat-seed and other grains. Sometimes these have been found embedded in the lesions; in other cases splinters BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 249 of wood have been discovered. It seems possible that the specific agent is conveyed into the tissues by these foreign bodies. Pathologic Anatomy. — The pathologic changes induced by the actinorayces consist of round-celled infiltration and prolifera- tive changes in the connective tissue surrounding the parasite, and sometimes secondary softening, necrosis, or suppuration. In cattle the disease affects the lower jaw, less frequently the upper jaw or other bones ; the tissues of the neck, the tongue, and other parts. In man it is met with in the gums and floor of the mouth, in the lungs, intestines, and other internal organs. The naked-eye appearance of the lesions may first be simply that of a hard red papular formation, with more or less induration surrounding it ; later this tends to increase in size and may break down, forming necrotic or suppurative excavations. The process of repair or cicatrization may proceed in some parts to the extent of almost complete repair, while the suppurative or necrotic change advances in other directions, and thus cavities and irregular communicating sinuses are established. The part in which the disease exists may be considerably disfigured and much enlarged. The pus or necrotic material within the lesions has a peculiar granular charac- ter, the grannies or actinomycosis-bodies frequently containing a group of the organisms. Occasionally calcification of the diseased area may take place. When the jaw-bone is affected the disease, as a rule, begins about carious teeth, fistulse communicating with the roots of teeth. In the case of disease of the lungs some have observed a pre- liminary catarrhal inflammation of the bronchi. More frequently, however, there are from the first nodular areas of bronchopneu- monia, which tend to undergo changes similar to those already described. The surrounding lung-tissue frequently becomes indu- rated from interstitial pneumonitis. Extension may occur to the pleura, pericardium, and mediastinal tissues. In the case of actinomycosis of the intestinal tract there are first elevations of the mucous membrane, the disease involving the mucosa and the submucosa. Subsequent softening of these leads to the formation of ulcerations. Extension to the peritoneum and to the other organs of the abdomen may take place. In any case of actinomycosis a penetration of the blood-vessels or lymph-channels may lead to metastases. Thus in actinomyco- sis of the abdominal cavity the liver is frequently involved ; and other parts of the body may be similarly affected. Actinomycotic lesions of the brain (abscesses) are sometimes seen in such in- stances. In other cases of cerebral involvement there may be no evidence of the original focus or point of entrance of the germ. Microscopically the characteristic feature of this disease is the parasite itself surrounded by lymphoid cells in considerable num- bers, with some epithelioid cells and occasionally giant-cells. 250 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. When the process tends to a favorable termination by cicatrization fibrous-tissue formation proceeds in the usual manner. Pathologic Physiology.— The actinomyces is mainly active as a local parasite, the general disturbances of health being com- paratively slight. There is a marked tendency to limitation or retardation of the disease, and sometimes this is effected com- pletelv. MYCETOMA. Mycetoma, or Madura-foot, is an infectious disease occurring in India and elsewhere, and caused by an organism of an uncertain biologic class. The disease is not infrequent in Madura, Delhi, and other parts of India, and has been observed in Africa, South- ern Europe, and America. Etiology and Pathologic Anatomy.— As its name indi- cates, the disease affects the foot, and usually follows injuries, par- ticularly thorn-wounds. In rare cases the hands or other parts are affected. At first there is nodular inflammatory swelling, be- ginning on the plantar surface or dorsum of the foot and spread- ing to the sides. These swellings r*'" s" .Y: : ':'"'V r 'r -~-;.—y_— - arc hard and painless. Later, softening occurs and rupture takes place. Thin, watery pus #§£>■• ,~ ( is discharged, and this contains grayish or reddish granular bod- ies or black granules resembling particles of gunpowder. In the former case the term pale myce- \$* w - '. toina is applied ; the latter vari- ety is called black or melanoid. In the later stages of the disease discharging sinuses may remain, while newer nodules in turn are formed and soften. Finally, the member affected becomes greatly deformed, the portions not in- volved growing thin, while the diseased part increases in size. Death occurs from exhaustion or complications. Histologically the nodules re- semble large tubercles, but are fig. loi.-streptothrix Ma"d7r* iiTalec- highly vascular. The bulk of tion of diseased tissue (Vincent). the growth consists of granula- tion-tissue cells, those in the cen- ter being small, those near the outer edge often large and contain- ing two or more nuclei. True giant-cells are rare. In the center may be found a branching micro-organism, called Streptothrix Ma- psf" >; : }&2 l */ . *© m BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 251 durce (Vincent). This stains by Gram's method, and sometimes shows somewhat bulbous swelling of the ends of the threads and their branches (Fig. 101). Around the organism may be seen an area of degeneration, having a striate arrangement suggesting that seen in actinomycosis. Extensive degeneration and pus-formation occur in the center of the diseased areas in the later stages ; and hemorrhage may occur from the new blood-vessels. Histologic examination of the granules in the pus shows the micro-organisms in the form of interlacing threads. Bodies resembling spores have occasionally been described. The organism has not as yet been definitely classified. It is certainly allied with the actinomyces, but probably not identical. It has been cultivated upon various media, particularly infusions of hay and the like, rendered slightly acid in reaction. It forms small nodular and hard growths, which become rose-red in color when they cling to the sides of the test-tube near the surface of the liquid, or brownish when they sink to the bottom. Upon agar isolated grayish or later rose-red clusters are formed. In- oculation-experiments have thus far met with little success. Local reaction has been so produced, but not a definite disease. RELAPSING FEVER. Definition. — Eelapsing fever, or typhus recurrens, is an in- fectious and contagious disease, probably caused by a specific organ- ism which is found in the blood. Etiology. — The Spirochseta Obermeieri is a spiral organism, in length several times the width of the red corpuscle (16 to 40 //). It is found in the fresh blood, and presents active movements due to flagella (Fig. 102). The organism stains well with ordinary anilin dyes. The relation of this spi- rillum to the disease can hardly be ^n© ..Q m . questioned, as it is invariably present ^ © ^^f £§t and appears in the blood during the /J^N-v paroxysms of fever and disappears in q // ^ © Cpt® the disease to monkeys and human © beinffS. Fig. 102.— Spirochseta Obermeieri J? ... * . . , m! in the blood (von Jaksch). Pathologic Anatomy. — The spleen becomes greatly enlarged ; it frequently presents a varie- gated appearance on section, due to areas of anemic infarction and necrosis or fatty degeneration alternating with deeply congested portions. //« TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Pathologic Physiology.— The peculiar feature of relapsing fever and the one that has given it its name is the recurring par- oxysms of fever. The cause of this periodicity is as yet unknown, though it is likely that the development of the spirochseta is such as to determine the relapses. INFLUENZA. Definition. — Influenza is an infectious disease occurring in widespread epidemics and caused by a specific bacillus. Etiology. — The Bacillus influenza? was discovered by Pfeif- fer and Canon in 1892. The bacilli are extremely small and usually occur singly, though they are occasionally united by the ends, forming short chains. They may be stained with the ordi- nary anilin dyes, especially with carbof-fuchsin, but are decolorized by Gram's method. The ends of the bacillus are somewhat swol- len and usually stain rather more deeply than the shaft. This gives the organism somewhat the appearance of a diplococcus or dumbbell-shaped bacillus. It is not motile. It has been culti- vated upon glycerin-agar and upon blood-serum, forming minute drop-like colonies, seen with difficulty with the naked eye, but clearly with the aid of a lens. The colonies do not coalesce. The appearance of the growth is somewhat like that of condensed moisture on the surface of the culture-medium. The bacilli occur abundantly in the sputum of the disease, de- creasing in quantity as the case advances. When purulent expec- toration ceases the bacillus disappears entirely. In fatal cases it has been found in abundance in the tissues of the lung, particu- larly in cases in which complicating pneumonia has existed. It does not occur in other diseases. Animal experimentation has thus far been unsatisfactory, though the organism has proved patho- genic for certain animals. Definite results have not, however, been reached, and the specific character of the organism is inferred rather than demonstrated. Pathologic Anatomy. — There are no specific lesions in this disease. The organisms provoke intense catarrhal processes and doubtless at times pneumonia. In some cases the pneumonia of grip is caused by mixed or secondary infection. Pathologic Physiology.— Very little is known regarding the mode of activity of the bacteria.' The constitutional" symp- toms ^suggest toxemia, but the nature of the poison is obscure. The immunity from the disease must be exceedingly short, as re- curring attacks and relapses may be frequent and succeed one another rapidly. Certain complications and sequels, such as in- flammations of the serous surfaces and neuritis, indicate general- ized infection and intoxication. BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 253 BUBONIC PLAQUE. Definition. — The bubonic plague, or pest, is an infectious disease due to a peculiar bacillus. Etiology. — The bacillus of bubonic plague was discovered by Yersin and Kitasato independently in 1894. In blood drawn from a puncture of the skin and in pus from the affected glands may be found small bacilli somewhat resembling the influenza- bacillus. These organisms may be stained readily, and are then seen to be swollen somewhat at the ends and more deeply stained at the poles than in the center (Fig. 103). This gives them an &&&>: *2l Fig. 103.— Bacillus of bubonic plague (Yersin). appearance resembling that of the diplococci, and in specimens from the blood or tissues there is an indistinct capsule. The bacillus is feebly motile, but flagella have not been detected. Pure cultures have been obtained upon various media. Upon glycerin-agar moist, rounded, whitish or bluish-white colonies are formed. Portions of such colonies removed for examination show the bacilli ranged in chains. Pathogenicity. — The bacillus has been found pathogenic for mice, rats, guinea-pigs, and rabbits, and the symptoms produced by pure cultures are the same as those induced by inoculating ani- mals with blood or portions of tissue from diseased persons. The lymphatic glands may be swollen and petechial hemorrhage may occur as in the human disease. Distribution. — In the human being suffering from bubonic plague the bacilli are found in the local lesions of the lymphatic glands, the buboes ; and also in the blood and various organs. Rats and mice frequently die during epidemics, and doubtless help to spread the disease by infecting the soil and dust about dwell- ings. Yersin showed that flies die of the disease, and succeeded in obtaining the bacillus from their dead bodies. 254 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Pathologic Anatomy. — The organism produces swellings and suppuration of lymphatic glands, particularly those of the groin, and secondarily lesions of internal organs. The lymphatic glands swell quickly, become tender and congested, and then soften, forming a rather thick pus. This is sometimes somewhat blood-tinged. Petechial hemorrhages and blood-stained effusions into the serous cavities may occur. Petechia? of the skin are apt to develop as a result of slight traumatisms. Thus the bite of an insect, instead of producing its usual results, may cause distinct ecchymoses in persons suffering from the disease. Pathologic Physiology. — It seems that the distribution of the bacillus in the blood, as well as toxic substances, contributes to the general disturbance of health. By successive inoculation immunity has been produced, and toxins and antitoxins have been obtained from the serum. The importance of these latter, how- ever, is still under investigation. DISEASES OF UNCERTAIN BACTERIOLOGY. SYPHILIS. Definition. — Syphilis is a specific contagious disease of man, of uncertain etiology. The disease has never been observed in any of the lower animals. Utiology. — The attempts to find a specific cause of this dis- ease have not as yet met with definite success. The organism which at the present time has the best claim to recognition is that observed by Lustgarten. This resembles the tubercle-bacillus very closely. It is 3 to 7 // long, and often somewhat curved and swollen at the ends. It stains with difficulty, and a complicated method was suggested by the discoverer. The bacilli are found in the diseased areas in small numbers, lying within the cells and partly between them. It has also been claimed that they occur in the blood. The organism has never been isolated or cultivated upon artificial media. Furthermore, it is difficult to distinguish this supposed specific germ from other bacilli, notably the smegma- bacillus, by the staining-methods suggested. Whatever the nature of the organism, it is quite certain that the disease is definitely infective. In the great majority of cases infection occurs by direct inoculation in sexual intercourse. It may, however, be conveyed in many other ways. Physicians are sometimes infected in performing surgical operations or in exam- ining syphilitic cases ; persons have frequently been inoculated in the process of tattooing or vaccination when saliva or vaccine- lymph from diseased individuals was employed. Infection may be caused by kissing, or indirectly by the use of drinking-vessels which have been employed by the diseased. The new-born may be syphilitic in consequence of disease of the father or mother ; and BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 255 healthy wet-nurses may be infected by syphilitic nurslings. In addition to the specific cause, surrounding conditions and individ- ual susceptibility doubtless play a part. During the Middle Ages this disease at times and in certain places almost attained the char- acter of a universal scourge. Its manifestations were severe, its course rapid, and in every sense its nature was malignant. Cases of this description are exceedingly rare at the present day. Pathologic Anatomy. — The pathologic course of this dis- ease may be divided into three stages : the initial stage, the second- ary stage, and the tertiary stage. Chancre. — In the initial stage there is formed at the point of inoculation a primary lesion, commonly termed chancre. This may make its appearance first as a somewhat red and inflamed papule, or as a vesicle which ruptures and thus produces an ero- sion. When it begins as a papule the surface soon becomes eroded, and thus a superficial ulceration is established. The peculiar feat- ure of this lesion, to which Hunter called particular attention, is its hardness or induration, and it is by this feature largely that it is distinguished from the soft chancre or chancroid. The initial or primary lesion may remain indolent or as a small erosion for a long time, or it may soon cicatrize and leave a more or less definite scar. The chancre occurs upon the glans penis or prepuce, or within the urethra of the male ; and in the vagina, urethra, or upon the cervix uteri and external genitalia of the female. Extrageni- tal chancres may be observed in the rectum or anus, on the lips or tongue, tonsils or pharynx, the fingers, or other parts. Secondary Lesions. — At the end of a variable period of time after the eruption of the initial sore secondary manifestations of the disease make their appearance. The first among these, as a rule, are swelling and induration of the neighboring lymphatic glands (syphilitic bubo). Later the superficial lymph-glands of the entire body become swollen and, like those in the neighbor- hood of the lesion, indurated. At the same time eruptions upon the skin and mucous membranes make their appearance. The interval between the primary and the secondary manifestations is variable. Sometimes it is but a few weeks (three or four), at other times it may be several months. The manifestations of the sec- ondary stage may begin with fever and constitutional symptoms, suggesting sudden and recent infection, and at the same time changes in the blood (rapid reduction of red corpuscles, moderate leukocytosis) make their appearance. Among the lesions of the skin various forms of papules, macules, and scaly eruptions are most frequent and characteristic. The lesions are usually sym- metrically arranged on the two sides of the body and cause but little irritation. The color of the skin is frequently said to be somewhat coppery. On the mucous membranes and neighboring skin the most characteristic lesion of this stage is the condyloma 256 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. latum, or mucous patch. This appears as a somewhat elevated patch with superficial erosion or ulceration. The surface has a ne- crotic appearance, and may be covered with more or less secretion. Tertiary Lesions. — These may take the form of ordinary in- flammatory changes of the mucous membranes or of other parts, with a pronounced tendency to fibrous-tissue overgrowth and thickening, or of definite nodules — the syphilitic gummata, or sypMlomata. Among the diffuse syphilitic changes of the tertiary stage may l>e ranked atheromatous thickening of the intima of the blood-vessels, certain changes in the liver, spleen, kidneys, and heart-muscle, and doubtless also similar alterations in the nervous system. The localized lesions of the tertiary stage — the gummata — are most frequent in the bones (tibia, sternum, and skull) ; and in the internal organs, such as the liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, and brain. The gumma presents itself as a nodular mass, varying in size from small tubercle-like formations (miliary gummata) to tumors the size of an orange, or larger (Fig. 104). It is hard, and has Fig. 104.— Gummata of the liver. frequently an elastic character, which has suggested the name gummy tumor or gumma. On section the substance is frequently found to be gelatinous or mucoid in appearance ; but there is nearly always considerable induration, either peripheral, in the form of a capsular enclosure, or striate, in the form of Viands extending from the center to the periphery and into the sur- rounding tissue. Occasionally gummata soften very rapidly and become converted more or less completely into puriform collections. When situated in the mucous membranes or adjacent to the sur- faces of the body, suppurative, fatty or necrotic softening may lead to the formation of superficial ulcerations. These may re- BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 257 main indolent, or may gradually become cicatrized. Sometimes a gummatous lesion disappears entirely by absorption without leav- ing a trace of its existence. Histology. — In syphilitic processes of all kinds and in all of the stages there is a tendency to accumulation of the round cells and proliferation of connective-tissue cells, the processes being first manifest around the smaller blood-vessels, but subsequently extending to other parts of the tissue. The walls of the blood- vessels themselves are frequently involved, and thickening of the inner or of all the coats may be observed. Complete destruction of the vascular channels is not rarely the consequence. In the subsequent course of the disease there is a tendency to the forma- tion of distinct cicatricial connective tissue, giving rise to indurated scars or diffuse sclerosis ; and a less pronounced tendency to the occurrence of degenerations, mucoid and fatty, causing areas of degenerative softening. The Chancre. — The initial lesion first presents small areas of round-cell infiltration in the deeper layers of the skin or mucous membrane, and as a rule in the neighborhood of the blood-vessels. The connective tissue at the same time undergoes proliferative change, and spindle-shaped cells or irregular embryonal connec- tive-tissue cells are found mingled with the round lymphoid cells, or surrounding the foci of the latter. Thickening of the blood- vessels may be observed in the later stages or from the very first. The tissue-elements of the skin and of the subcutaneous tissue are usually separated by infiltrating liquid, and the latter may loosen the tissues of the surface and cause exfoliation of the superficial epidermis, and thus lead to the development of the primary vesicle or the erosion so commonly seen. The induration of the chancre is probably the result of the sclerosis of the vessels and the gen- eral connective-tissue hyperplasia, as well as in part due to the tense infiltration of serous liquid. The Mucous Patch. — The condyloma latum is very similar in structure to the initial lesion. There is, first, round-cell infiltra- tion of the deeper layers of the mucous membrane, with serous exudation and erosion of the surface. Later, there is a tendency to connective-tissue hyperplasia, though this is less marked than in the case of the chancre. The Tertiary Lesions. — The gumma is composed in large part of round cells derived from the blood-vessels and proliferated connective-tissue cells having a spindle-shape or various irreg- ular forms. Epithelioid cells are less abundant, and giant-cells, though occurring at times, are usually few in number. The blood-vessels are nearly always more or less affected, the intima particularly being thickened ; there is also new formation of blood- vessels, the lesion in this respect differing from the nodular lesion of tuberculosis (Fig. 105). Secondary changes are almost always 258 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. seen in gummata of considerable dimensions. Among these may be recognized a gradual necrotic transformation of the cells in the center of the lesion, with distinct fatty degeneration or myxoma- tous change. The degenerated tissue may be infiltrated by leuko- cytes in a state of fair preservation. In the diffuse tertiary lesions of syphilis the tissues of the affected organ are indurated, the connective tissue showing more Fig. I05.—Gummatous meningoencephalitis (Ziegler). or less pronounced hyperplasia. These processes cannot be certainly distinguished by their microscopic or general features from sclerosis due to other causes. Pathologic Physiology. — Syphilis is one of the most per- sistent of the infectious diseases, and occasions widespread changes that are doubtless toxic in character. The nature of the toxic principles, however, is entirely unknown. In the tertiary stage pronounced anemia (cachexia) is frequent ; and in the secondary stage rapid chloro-anemia with leukocytosis is quite common. Congenital Syphilis. Syphilitic lesions may be found in the new-born, or may develop some time after birth. Not rarely they occur in the new- born fetus, and cause its premature death. Frequently there is maceration of the fetus prior to expulsion. Among the lesions observed, sclerotic changes in the lungs, liver, spleen, pancreas, and other organs are conspicuous ; and a certain condition of the bones is quite characteristic. The latter consists of a hypeq)lasia of connective tissue and fatty degeneration at the junction of the BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 259 epiphyses of the long bones with the shafts. Various superficial lesions of the skin in the form of vesicles or bullae, fissure, and the like may be observed. The blood may present considerable excess in the number of leukocytes. An almost distinctive con- dition of second dentition is that ,*«»«ii&»^& ei known as Hutchinson's teeth. This consists of a notched indentation of the cutting surface of the upper cen- tral incisors. In addition, the tooth FlG . loe.-Hutchinson's teeth, is often wedge-shaped and peg-like (Fig. 106). All cases of inherited syphilis do not present this condition, and it occasionally occurs in non-syphilitic children. SOFT CHANCRE. Definition. — The soft chancre or chancroid is an infectious, venereal sore appearing upon the external genitalia. Its probable cause is the bacillus of Ducrey. Etiology. — The soft chancre occurs almost exclusively upon the genital organs or the surrounding parts. It is always caused by direct contagion. The bacillus of Ducrey and Unna is a rod-shaped organism about 1.8 jut in length and 0.5 jx in thickness, and is somewhat compressed in the middle, so that it has a figure-of-8 shape. The ends are rounded and the organisms often occur in chains, or later in the disease in pairs as a diplobacillus. The demonstration of the bacillus in the pus is comparatively easy. The specimen is stained with alkaline solutions of methyl- ene-blue and quickly decolorized with weak acetic-acid solution. In the tissues the demonstration is more difficult. The cultivation of the bacillus has not thus far proved success- ful, though certain bacteriologists claim they have succeeded. The bacillus is found in the pus of the soft chancre, as well as in the deeper parts, lying between the cells and frequently within the leukocytes. It has also been discovered in the pus and walls of ulcerating buboes, but is generally absent in the pus of un- opened buboes. Mixed Injection. — Various other organisms have been found associated with the bacillus, including streptococci, staphylococci, the gonococcus, and bacilli of uncertain nature. Pathologic Anatomy. — The soft chancre is an ulcer of variable character. Usually it is a simple ulcer, with suppurating base and edges, not differing from ulcers due to other causes. Sometimes the ulceration seems more malignant and takes on a phagedenic or serpiginous character (see Ulceration). The neigh- boring lymphatic glands are usually enlarged and sometimes undergo suppurative softening (bubo). 260 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Pathologic Physiology. — Little is known of the existence of special toxic bodies in this disease. It is believed, however, by BOine that toxins are produced by the bacilli, and that these are capable of producing secondary lesions (bubo) without the presence of the bacilli themselves. YELLOW FEVER. Definition. — Yellow fever, or typhus icteroides, is now recog- nized as infectious and contagious, and it is probably caused by a specific bacillus recently isolated. Etiology. — The Bacillus icteroides was discovered in 1897 by Sanarelli. This is a small bacillus from 2 to 4 /jl in length, with rounded extremities. It is frequently united in pairs, and is actively motile, the motility being due to from four to eight lateral flagella. The organism is pleomorphous. It is readily stained by the ordi- nary anilin dyes, but is decolorized by Gram's method. Cultivation. — Sanarelli succeeded in obtaining cultures upon the ordinary media, but the growth on the surface of agar is most distinctive. When incubated for twelve hours at 37° C. (98.6° F.) and then allowed to develop further at lower temperatures there will be found, first, semitransparent rounded colonies, and, later, enlargement of these with the formation of a thick white border, giving the appearance of a drop of sealing-wax. The character- istic growth is thus obtained in twenty-four hours. Distribution. — Sanarelli found the bacillus in the various organs as well as in the blood. He succeeded in obtaining cultures in 58 per cent, of the cases studied. Failure in a large proportion of cases he attributed to the small number of bacilli present. Pathogenicity. — The pathogenic role of this organism is becom- ing quite widely recognized. The discoverer succeeded in produc- ing in animals lesions and symptoms very analogous to those of the human disease. The dog responded most satisfactorily. Injected into the veins of a dog there is active emesis, then hemorrhages throughout the body, and finally extensive fatty degeneration of the liver and kidneys. In one case extreme jaundice developed. Other Micro-organisms. — Previous to Sanarelli's work a great variety of organisms had been described. Among others a bacil- lus by Richardson, a micrococcus by Finlay and Delgado, a bacillus by Gibier, and other organisms by Freire and Carmona and by Sternberg. None of these organisms appears to have im- portance, or to be the same as that discovered by Sanarelli. The organisms isolated by Havelberg about the same time as Sanarelli's appear to be of no importance. Pathologic Anatomy. — The lesions of this disease are mainly those of the internal organs — liver and kidneys. In the liver extensive fatty degeneration leads to some swelling and light BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 261 color of the organ, and on section there may be mottled appear- ance due to the alternation of healthy and fatty areas. In the kidneys degenerative changes of the parenchyma and extravasation of blood are associated in varying proportions. The appearance may be that of an acute hemorrhagic nephritis, or more particu- larly that of degenerative nephritis. Hemorrhages in the mucous and serous surfaces are frequent, particularly extravasation of the mucosa of the stomach. Pathologic Physiology. — The organism of yellow fever probably produces abundant toxin. Small numbers of the bacilli seem at times to give rise to violent symptoms. Sanarelli has claimed that antitoxic serum is obtainable from immunized animals. Recently an agglutinative reaction, like that of Widal for the typhoid germ, has been described. MEASLES. Measles, or rubeola, is an infectious and contagious disease in all probability due to some micro-organism. A number of micro- organisms have been discovered, but none as yet has been defi- nitely proved to be the cause. Several observers (Canon and Pie- licke, Czajkewski) have found a bacillus somewhat resembling that of influenza, but the matter is still unsettled. Doehle de- scribed a protozoan organism occurring in the blood. SCARLET FEVER. Scarlet fever, or scarlatina, is an infectious and contagious disease probably due to a micro-organism. A variety of organ- isms have been discovered in cases of scarlet fever, but none as yet has proved to be specific. The weight of evidence seems to suggest the pyogenic micrococci (streptococci) as probable etiologic agents. Protozoan organisms have also been described (Doehle). MUMPS. The bacteriology of mumps is uncertain. Charrin and Capitan isolated a number of organisms, mainly micrococci and motile bacilli. A number of other authors subsequently obtained simi- larly indefinite results. Laveran and Catrin in 1893 found a diplococcus. WHOOPING=COUGH. A short bacillus was discovered in the expectoration of pertus- sis by Afanassiew in 1887. He injected cultures of this into the trachea and lungs of dogs, and found that the animals became ill and died, after presenting convulsive cough with bronchitis similar 262 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. to that of whooping-cough. Wendt confirmed these results ; but Ritter found a diploeoccus in his cases, and Cohn and Neumann found small cocci, often arranged as diplococci or more rarely as short chains. Czaplewski and Hensel describe a bacillus resem- bling the influenza-bacillus, and believe that the organisms of Cohn and Neumann were identical with theirs. Others have dis- covered organisms similar to the ordinary pyogenic micrococci ; and some have described protozoa in the blood. TYPHUS FEVER. A number of micro-organisms have been discovered in this disease, including strepto-bacilli (Hlava), small granular bodies growing to thread-like organisms (Thoinot and Calmette ; Lewa- scheff), diplococci (Dubief and Briihl). Lewascheff has more recently concluded from a study of 158 cases that the micrococci of Dubief and Briihl, which have also been described by others, are the important agents, and proposes the name Micrococcus exan- tlicmaticus. RABIES. Hydrophobia is doubtless an infectious malady, but the bac- teriology is still obscure. Micrococci and bacilli of different kinds have been described. Memrao isolated a form of blasto- mycetes, and claims to have produced the disease in dogs with pure cultures of this. THE HEMORRHAGIC DISEASES. The hemorrhagic diseases constitute a group of affections of probably quite divergent character, which, however, are similar in presenting hemorrhages in and from the mucous membranes, in the skin, serous surfaces, and in the deeper tissues or organs. The general causes of hemorrhage must be considered in con- nection with these diseases. Among the causes capable of pro- ducing hemorrhages such as occur in the hemorrhagic diseases are mechanical conditions, as atheroma or other diseases of the walls of the blood- vessels ; toxic conditions, such as poisoning by the venom of animals and by various blood-poisons, and probably obscure poisons produced in the course of anemic or other dis- eases ; infectious conditions, such as occur in hemorrhagic variola, scarlatina, etc. ; and nervous conditions, as are illustrated in the hemorrhages following injuries to the brain and those accompany- ing certain states of cerebral excitation. Clinically the hemorrhagic diseases or purpuras may be classi- fied as primary and secondary, the former occurring without any definite preceding disease ; the latter being symptomatic of various BACTERIA AND DISEASES DUE TO BACTERIA. 263 disorders. Among the primary there are : (1) infectious forms, including, with more or less probability, purpura, scurvy, and various forms of cryptogenetic sepsis; (2) toxic forms, as those due to drugs and venom of animals ; (3) mechanical forms, as hemo- philia. Among the secondary purpuras are : (1) infectious forms, as scarlatina, variola, and the like ; (2) mechanical forms, as those due to cardiac and arterial diseases, or embolism ; (3) toxic forms, as those resulting from intestinal auto-intoxications, jaundice, pernicious anemia, etc. ; and (4) nervous forms, as those due to hysteria, diseases of the brain, etc. The infectious purpuras interest us particularly in the present place. Various micro-organisms have been found in different forms of hemorrhagic disease. Kolb described a bacillus patho- genic for animals, which occurred in five cases of hemorrhagic purpura. Babes and Oprescu isolated a bacillus from one case of hemorrhagic septicemia, and others have found various micrococci, especially the streptococcus. It is not unlikely that many of the micro-organisms may assume a peculiar virulence and acquire the power to produce hemorrhages under certain circumstances. In scurvy several micro-organisms have been described, but the one which has the best claim for consideration is that discov- ered by Babes, a delicate bacillus occurring in the gums. Strepto- cocci were found in association with it. RHEUMATISM. Definition. — Acute articular rheumatism is probably an in- fectious condition ; the nature of the infectious agent, however, is uncertain. Etiology. — The manifestations of rheumatism agree very well with those of infectious diseases, and some of the lesions frequently complicating the disease, such as endocarditis, are invariably in- fective. The relationship between tonsillitis and rheumatism has been explained by some as that between primary and secondary dis- order. It is supposed that the infectious agents effect an entrance into the body through the tonsils, causing primary tonsillitis and secondary general infection, with localization in the joints. In other cases it has been held that the organisms enter through abrasions of the skin or in other ways. Guttmann, one of the first to maintain the infectious origin, described a Staphylococcus pyogenes flavus discovered in one of his cases. Sahli found an organism which he classified as Staphylo- coccus pyogenes citreus. He enunciated the theory that rheuma- tism represents a form of staphylococcic infection, the organisms, however, being of a low grade of virulence. They are not found abundantly in the exudations in the joints, as they remain fixed in the synovial tissues. Hence, they are difficult of discovery. 264 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Other organisms, including various forms of bacilli, have been described. Very recently Achalnie has described a bacillus which he and others have found in a number of eases of acute articular rheuma- tism. It is a large baciUus resembling that of anthrax ; sometimes it is motile ; it stains well with anilin dyes and with Gram's stain; may have a capsule ; and forms polar spores much' larger than the bacillus. This organism is obligate-anaerobic, growing best in liquid media, in which it forms small bubbles of gas. Thioroloix claims to have produced typical symptoms in the rabbit; and the inoculation-experiments of others have given suggestive results. This bacillus was obtained from the blood in a number of cases; and from the pericardial fluid and blood in a state of purity in one case. The organisms have been found in sections of the heart- muscle and valves. MALTA FEVER. Synonyms. — Mediterranean Fever ; Gibraltar Fever ; Febris Undulans. Definition. — This disease has been described as a form of irregular fever occurring in various places along the Mediter- ranean coasts. It has been regarded as an aberrant form of typhoid fever, but is probably independent and due to a special micro-organism. Btiology. — The micro-organism discovered by Bruce, and designated Micrococcus Maltensis, is by many regarded as the specific cause. This is an oval micrococcus about ^ fi in diameter, occurring singly or sometimes in pairs, but never in chains. It has no motility of its own. It may be stained with ordinary solu- tions of anilin dyes, but not by Gram's method. It occurs abun- dantly in the spleen, but not in the blood. Pure cultures have been obtained, and inoculation in monkeys has seemed to give positive results. Malta fever is not contagious. The micro- organisms seem to enter the body through the respiratory or the intestinal tract. Pathologic Anatomy. — The mucous membrane of the small intestine is red and the solitary follicles and Peyer's patches are sometimes swollen. The mucosa of the large intestine is generally dark red and presents small round or larger irregular ulcerations, from which intestinal hemorrhages occur. In some cases lesions of the ileum resembling those of typhoid fever have been de- scribed ; but it is doubtful if the cases in which these occurred were Malta fever, and not typhoid. The spleen is enlarged and hyperemia Pathologic Physiology. — Malta fever is characterized by irregular febrile movements. The cause of this irregularity and the nature of the toxic substance generated in the disease are un- ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 265 known. Recently a serum-reaction, like that of Widal for typhoid fever, has been obtained with the serum and cultures of Malta fever. BERI=BERI. Definition. — This disease is an infection due to undetermined causes. It occurs in tropical and subtropical countries, and is characterized by muscular weakness, generalized muscle-pains, dropsy, and cardiac failure. The essential lesions seem to be degeneration and inflammation of the peripheral nerves. Etiology. — Beri-beri occurs among young persons and usually affects numbers of people. It is most frequent along ocean coasts and great- rivers, and is most prevalent during damp seasons of the year. It does not seem to be contagious. Various micro-organisms have been described, including a number of bacilli and micrococci, as well as organisms resembling the malarial hematozoa. One observer (Taylor) was able to produce the disease in animals by the injection of blood from a diseased person. Pathologic Anatomy. — Among the lesions observed are punctate hemorrhages in the serous surfaces ; parenchymatous and fatty degeneration of the heart-muscle ; enlargement of the liver and spleen. Degeneration and inflammation of the peripheral nerves are constant and important conditions. CHAPTER VIII. ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. PROTOZOA. AMCEBA COLI. Description. — This organism, first accurately described by Losch, is an ameboid body from 20 to 30 ju in diameter, consist- ing of a clear protoplasmic outer portion and a finely or coarsely granular protoplasm within (Fig. 107). It frequently shows vacu- oles and sometimes a nucleus. It presents active ameboid move- ments when studied on a warm stage of the microscope ; and fre- quently contains foreign bodies, such as bacteria, pigment-particles, and portions of blood-corpuscles or other cells. In the movements of the organism pseudopodia are projected from some part of the periphery. These at first draw upon the clear peripheral zone, but after their formation the granuloplasm 266 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. flows into the projected pseudopods. When in unfavorable sur- roundings the organism undergoes a form of change called the encysted state. In this the body becomes spherical, and the wall is eventually stiff* and firm and usually presents a double contour. Fig. 107.— Amoeba coli in intestinal mucus, with blood-corpuscles and bacteria (Losch). The division into a clear and a granular protoplasm is lost, the organism being uniformly granular. Distribution and Pathogenesis. — The organism in ques- tion has been found abundantly in the stools of patients suffering from dysentery. It is readily detected in the necrotic particles or the mucus of the stools, and has also been found in the tissues of the bowel-wall adjacent to the dysenteric ulcers and abundantly in the liver-abscesses secondary to dysentery. It has, however, been found in the dejections from cases other than dysentery, and even in the stools of healthy individuals. The pathogenic importance of this organism cannot be positively established until cultures are obtainable. Thus far, attempts to secure pure cultures have failed. The injection of mucus contain- ing the ameba into the rectum of cats and other animals has occa- sionally produced typical dysentery, but this does not prove the pathogenicity of the ameba. The regularity of the occurrence of the organism in certain forms of dysentery and its relations to the lesions are the strongest evidences in favor of its pathogenic role. OTHER AMCEB/E. Several other amoebae of lesser importance have been discov- ered. Among these are the Amoeba urinalis, found in the urine in cases of cystitis, and several forms met with in the mouth, espe- cially about the teeth. ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 267 HEMATOZOON MALARI/E. The organism which is now recognized as the cause of malaria is an animal organism of the protozoan group, the exact biologic position of which, however, remains undetermined. Most authors regard it as one of the sporozoa. It occupies the blood and the vascular channels of the various organs, deriving its nourishment, for the most part, directly from the blood-corpuscles. The mode of infection and the life-history of the organism outside the human body are unknown. It seems most probable that the organisms are conveyed to man through the air. Many clinicians, however, hold that the infection may be conveyed by drinking-water. Direct contagion does not occur, but it has been shown that the blood is infectious when introduced into the circulation of a healthy person. The drinking of the blood does not give rise to the disease. Certain external conditions are favorable or necessary to the development of the disease, and probably are important in fostering the development of the organisms outside the body. These external conditions are moist, marshy soil, atmospheric humidity, and high temperature. The disease occurs in the lowlands or bottomlands, and very rarely in high and dry ground. Extensive excavations and the like may cause the appearance of the disease or increase it, and, on the other hand, suitable drainage may cause its diminution or disappearance. The Hematosoon. — Three forms of malarial parasites have been distinguished ; and it is likely that these are three definite species, although some still maintain they are merely alterations of the same organism. The Parasite of Tertian Fever. — Examination of the fresh blood of a patient some hours after a tertian chill shows in some of the red corpuscles small hyaline bodies, having ameboid movement and often assuming cross- or star-shapes. These are the so-called plasmodia. Later, the plasmodia have pigment about their pe- riphery, and finally the amount of pigment may become consid- erable. During this time the organism grows and the red cor- puscle becomes paler. Eventually the ameba may almost com- pletely fill the corpuscle. At this stage, which occurs just prior to the paroxysm, segmentation begins. The pigment, which pre- viously has shown active movements, collects toward the center and becomes motionless, and lines of radiate striation are formed in the organism, giving it a rosette-like figure composed of twelve to twenty parts. Segmentation proceeds until each of the segments becomes a small spherule. The corpuscle then bursts and the spherules or spores escape, probably to begin their cycle of develop- ment from the start by entering new red corpuscles as minute plasmodia. This cycle of development requires forty-eight hours. The Organism of Quartan Malaria. — This is similar to the last 268 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. named, but differs in the fact that the pigment-granules are much less abundant and coarser. The red corpuscle is not decolorized, as in the case of the tertian, but assumes a somewhat greenish hue. In about seventy-two hours segmentation occurs, six to ten segments and then spherules being formed. The Parasite of Irregular Malaria. — In the irregular malarial fevers of the summer and foil (the estivo-autumnal fevers) the organism is smaller than in the other cases, and rarely presents much pigment. The plasmodium frequently presents itself as a ring-shaped body, highly refractive and with a shaded central part. A few pigment-granules may be seen, but rarely more. The organism itself does not become larger than about one-third the diameter of the corpuscle in which it occurs. The red cor- puscle itself is greenish, as in the quartan variety. Segmentation is not observed in the circulating blood, though centrally placed pigment may be seen. The segmentation takes place in the spleen, bone-marrow, and other parts. The duration of the cycle of development is indefinite. Other Types Assumed by the Malarial Hematozoa. — Besides the regular forms described there is a flagellate variety, which is seen only in the blood kept for a little while outside the body. This is formed by the projection of thread-like processes which have active thrashing-movements. The pigment of the body itself is in the central part and is actively motile. These ciliated hema- tozoa may be found in tertian or quartan fever, but especially in irregular malaria. Recent observations on the blood of birds, as well as the studies of Manson and Ross in malaria, .seem to show that the formation of these flagellated bodies is important in the reproduction of the organism. In the estivo-autumnal fevers a very curious form of the hema- tozoa is found ; this is the crescent form described by Laveran. It occurs in cases of some weeks' duration, and is developed within the corpuscles ; first, as a somewhat oval body, which becomes more and more cresccntic, the pigment at the same time clumping in the center. The red corpuscle may entirely disappear, with the exception of a small portion seen in the concave part of the cres- cent as a mere shadow. The Organism Chddde the Human Body. — It has been impossi- ble up to the present time to discover the malarial organism in soil or water, and only a few uncertain observations of its occur- rence outside the body have been made. Recently Manson sug- gested that the mosquito is the probable carrier of the contagion. Pathologic Anatomy. — The most important fact in malarial infection is the destruction that it occasions in the blood. Rapid anemia with liberation of the hemoglobin (hemoglobinemia) and the appearance of granular pigment in the blood are among the results. The pigment accumulates in the spleen, liver, bone- Plate i. 3 4 %y/ ^p 8 9 77 7^ r 23 ,i> , ^) -?ore, but especially escape into the outer world when the ripe segments are separated from the body of the worm, are discharged from the bowel, and subsequently rupture and scatter the contained ova (Fig. 116). The egg or ovum encloses an immature larval organism, which, when received into a suitable host, penetrates the walls of the stomach or intestine and finds its way to the muscles or organs, where it imbeds itself and forms the well-known measles (see Figs. 11(3 and 117). These are seen with the naked eve as small cvst- Fig. 117.— Eggs of various worms found in the alimentary canal of man: a, Ascaris lumbricoides ; b, c, Oxyuris vermicularis ; d. Trichoeephalus dispar ; e, Anchylostoma duodenale; f, Distoma hepaticum ; G, Distoma lanceolatum ; h, Taenia solium: i, Taenia saginata; K, Bothrioeephalus latus ; X 400. like bodies lying between the muscle-fibers. They contain a scolex or head, like that of the adult-worm, inverted into a sac filled with clear, watery liquid. When the measles or cysticen-i occur in hol- low cavities, such as the ventricles of the brain, they may reach considerable size. They differ somewhat in different forms of tape-worm, as will be described in connection with the individual species. When flesh infested with larval tape-worms is eaten by man or some suitable animal, the cysts are dissolved and the scolex fastens itself upon the mucous membrane of the intestine. The body of the worm is then slowly or rapidly formed. Man is the host of tape-worms of adult or of larval type ; most frequently the former. In one case, the Taenia echinococcus, only the larval worm occurs in the human body, in the form of hydatid cysts. ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 279 TAENIA SOLIUM. This form occurs in the adult state in man as a worm two or three meters in length ; and in the hog or rarely in man in its larval condition. The head is about the size of a pin-head and very dark. Anteriorly it has a rostellum armed with a double row of from twenty-six to thirty hook- lets. At the sides of the head are four suckers (Fig. 118). Attached to the head is a neck of thread-like appearance, which terminates in the immature seg- ments of the anterior part of the body. The segments at first are broad and short, but become longer in proportion to the breadth toward the posterior end. The sexually mature segments are found at the middle and the posterior end of the worm. They contain a uterus consist- ing of a median tube and six to twelve lateral branches (Fig. 116). The genital pore is found at one side of the segment, fig. us.— Head of Taenia solium f iii, , • • • (Mosler and Peiper). irregularly alternating m successive pro- glottides. The eggs, which may be squeezed from the segments or obtained free in the feces, are rather oval or spherical, from 30 to 35 [x in diameter, and consist of a peripheral striated zone and a central granular portion, showing indistinctly six lines represent- ing hooklets (Fig. 117). Groups of segments may be discharged from time to time, but this is not frequent ; the discharge of single segments is less frequent. The proglottides have indepen- dent movement, and may sometimes be seen to move about upon the bed-clothes. The I^arval State in Man. — When the ova are taken into the stomach the shell is digested and the embryo with its six hooklets is set free. This penetrates the wall of the stomach or intestine, and in some uncertain manner reaches the muscles or organs, where it effects a lodgement. The hooklets are discarded and a little cyst containing clear liquid is formed, and at one point may be found a bud-like projection into the sac. This develops a scolex or head, which eventually becomes identical with the head of the fully formed worm. The cyst may be surrounded by a wall of reactive connective tissue. The duration of this process of formation of the cysticercus varies somewhat (five to ten or twelve weeks). The size of the cysts in the muscles varies from minute points to that of a pea. In the ventricles of the brain the cysticerci may be as large as a small cherry. Occasionally compound or racemose cysticerci are met with. Among the seats of special interest are the brain, the muscles, 280 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. especially the peripheral muscles, tongue, and heart-muscle, and the subcutaneous tissues. The Adult Worm in Man. — When measled meat (hog, occa- sionally that of deer, sheep, and other animals) is eaten in insuf- ficiently cooked form by man the capsules of the cysticerci (Fig. 119) are dissolved, the scolex attaches itself to the mucous membrane of the small intestine, and the worm is developed. Usually there is but one worm ; occasionally several occur in the same case. The worm may remain in the intestine for years, despite repeated eiforts to dislodge it. In other cases it is spon- taneously discharged. Reverse peristalsis may cause portions to be carried to the stomach, whence they may be discharged by vomiting. Geographical Distribution. — The Taenia solium is an exceedingly rare para- site in America. It seems to be more common in certain parts of Europe. Fig. 119.— Measled pork ; two- thirds the natural size (Leuck- art). T7EN1A SAQINATA. This form is the common tape-worm of man. It is larger than the preceding form, being from four to eight meters in length. The head is large (2 mm. broad), cuboidal, and provided with four suckers. There is an abortive rostellum, but no hooklets (Fig. 120). The neck is short, and the segments rapidly become 1*10. 120.— Head of Tenia saginata (Mosler and Peiper). Fir.. 121.— Cysticercus Ta-nire sagi- natoe ; natural size (Leuekart). broader than long, but in the posterior half of the worm, where the sexually mature proglottides are found, the segments are longer than broad. The uterus is formed like that of the Taenia solium, but the lateral branches are more numerous (twenty to thirty, and ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 281 often dichotomously branched) (Fig. 116). The eggs are rather more oval and larger than those of Taenia solium, but otherwise closely resemble the latter. The larval form, or cysticercus, occurs in the ox and some- times in the giraffe. The measles are found in the muscles, liver, lungs, and occasionally in other organs (Fig. 121). The adult form occurs only in man, and occupies the small intestine. The presence of the worm does not seem to occasion any definite disease of the intestines, except in rare cases, when a number are found present in a coiled mass, or when one worm is similarly coiled. This may cause intestinal obstruction, and pos- sibly in exceptional instances rupture of the bowel. The symptoms ascribed to tape-worms are some of them doubt- less reflex ; but it is noteworthy that they are often absent until the patient discovers segments in the stools. (Further refer- ence to possible pathologic results is made in the discussion of Bothriocephalus latus.) It is an exceedingly common parasite in certain countries (Africa and the East), but is more or less commonly found in all parts of the world. TVENIA NANA. This form, sometimes called the dwarf tape-worm, in its adult state is about 2.5 cm. in length (Figs. 122 and 123). It has a rounded head, with a rostellum that may be protruded or retracted and that bears a single circle of twenty-two to twenty-seven hook- lets. The mature segments of the posterior end of the worm have a yellow color. The genital pore is on the same side in all the segments. The eggs are oval in shape, whitish and transparent ; they are from 47 to 48 n long and 38 to 139 fj. broad. The intermediary host of this form is not cer- tainly known, but is sup- posed to be some form of insect or snail. The adult parasite alone oc- curs in man. The head fig. 122.— Taenia nana, attaches itself deeply in FlG 123 _ T8enia nana fe^andPefper) ^ (M ° S " the mucOUS membrane mu /h enlarged (Mosler f j?.ii i i and reiper). oi the bowel and may cause considerable local disturbance. There are usually sev- 282 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. eral or many worms associated ; sometimes there may be several thousands. T/ENIA ELLIPT1CA. This form is identical with Tcenia cucu- merina. It is a common parasite of dogs and cats. The length is from 15 to 30 cm. ; the head is provided with a rostellum bear- ing sixty booklets ranged in four rows ; the rostellum may be protruded or retracted. At the junction of the segments there is a consid- erable contraction of the diameter of the worm, giving the body a markedly linked character (Fig. 1 24). The mature segments have a red- dish-brown color from the presence of the eggs. Each proglottide has a double sexual appa- ratus with a genital pore at each side. The intermediary host is probably the louse of the dog and occasionally the flea. The adult worm usually occurs in numbers in the intes- tinal tract, and in some cases seems to pro- Fl (kosiel T ana PefpS ica duce inflammatory disturbances. T/ENIA FLAVOPUNCTATA. This form (probably identical with Taenia diminuta) is from 20 to 30 cm. in length ; the head is elongated and verges gradu- ally into the neck. The suckers are small, but there is neither rostellum nor hooklets. The segments are marked by a yellowish spot which represents the male genital organs. T/ENIA MADAGASCARIENSIS. This form is from 25 to 30 cm. in length ; the head is marked by four large suckers and a rostellum bearing hooklets. OTHER FORMS OF T/ENIA. Besides these more or less satisfactorily described forms, a number of uncertain varieties have been reported, such as the Tcenia tenella, Tcenia AJgeriana, etc. T/ENIA ECHINOCOCCUS. The Taenia echinococcus in its adult form occurs in the intes- tinal tract of the dog, the larval condition occurring in man and in some of the lower animals. The mature worm is about 4 or 5 mm. in length, and consists of four segments (Fig. 125). The head, which constitutes the first, is provided with four suckers and a rostellum bearing fourteen to twenty-five hooklets in a double ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 283 row. The second segment is about the breadth of the head, but somewhat shorter. The third is considerably larger; and the fourth is the largest of all, constituting about one-half or two-thirds of the entire worm. The uterus consists of a median portion with few lateral branches. The eggs are oval, from 17 to 30 [x in diameter, and the shell is rather thinner than in the eggs of other tape-worms. The adult worm occurs in great numbers in the small intestine of the dog. It is also found in the wolf and fox, and occasionally in other animals. The Bchinococcus Cyst. — This term is applied to the structure in which the larval worm is embedded. Three varieties have been distinguished. (a) Echinococcus Scolicipariens. — When the eggs reach the stomach of man the embryo is freed and penetrates the mucous membrane. It is carried by the blood or lymphatic stream to the liver or other organs, where it develops an eehinococcus-cyst (Fig. 126). Fig. 125.— Taenia echi- nococcus ; enlarged (Mosler and Peiper). Fig. 126.— Echinococcus-cyst of the liver (from a specimen in the Museum of the Phila- delphia Hospital.) The wall of the cyst is composed of two layers, an outer cuticular and an inner parenchymatous, granulocellular layer. The paren- chymatous layer is important as a budding or brood-membrane. After some weeks there may be seen upon its surface small buds or projections, which later become hollowed by a central excava- tion and form a small cyst ; secondary budlets spring from the surface of this and gradually form embryonal heads or scolices (Fig. 127). When mature these are retracted or inverted into the cavity or cyst of the original bud. In this manner a large number of heads are formed upon the inner wall of the original 284 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. Fig. 127.— Formation of buds upon the parenchyma- tous layer (Leuckart). echinococcus-cyst, the cavity of the cyst at the same time increas- ing in size and being distended with characteristic liquid. This is a clear fluid, having a specific gravity of from 1009 to 1015 and a neutral or alka- line reaction, and containing no albumin or only traces, but a considerable quantity of chlorid of sodium. Sugar is sometimes found in the fluid. (b) Echinococcus Hydatidosus. — Besides this form of simple cyst with buds attached to the inner wall, there are cases in which daughter-cysts and even granddaughter- cysts are formed. The daughter-cysts are found within the original cyst, and are probably produced by cystic degeneration of the buds already described ; and possibly in some cases by simple separation of the buds. They are variable in size, sometimes becoming as large as a nut or egg, and when granddaughter-cysts are contained within them the size may be even greater. To this form the term Echinococcus hydatidosus or Echinococcus endogenes is applicable. In a subvariety of this form secondary cysts are produced out- side the original wall. These are formed by a process of soft- ening in the cuticular wall, with gradual projection of the paren- chymatous layer toward the exterior and eventual rupture, with formation of secondary cysts outside. (c) Echinococcus Multilocularis. — In a third form of echinococ- cus-disease there are numerous small cysts, from the size of a grape-seed to that of a pea, embedded in connective tissue, and altogether forming a more or less definite tumor-mass. On sec- tion this presents an alveolar appearance, the cysts containing somewhat gelatinous material. Careful examination of the inner walls of the small cysts shows them to contain pigment and cal- careous particles. Scolices, however, are absent for the most part, Fig. 128.— Echinococcus multilocularis (Luschka). the cysts being generally sterile. The term Echinococcus multi- locularis is applied to this variety of disease (Fig. 128). Its forma- tion is explained by the assumption that there are secondary pro- ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 285 liferations in an outward direction from the original cyst, rather than a deposit of large numbers of ova or embryos. The whole mass presents the appearance of a tumor, and not rarely central necrosis and softening occur as in tumors. Echinococcus cysts may continue to grow until they have reached huge dimensions without undergoing any secondary changes. In other cases the parasite may die and the growth may cease, or active proliferation of the tissues around the cyst may lead to early destruction. In still other cases suppurative change occurs in the cyst or its wall. In all cases when the cyst reaches a cer- tain size the tissues around produce a connective-tissue capsule of greater or less thickness. When the parasite dies inspissation of the liquid occurs, and it may eventually disappear or be converted into a thick whitish material ; the cyst-walls and the connective- tissue capsule at the same time shrivel and present peculiar con- centric lamellations that are very characteristic. Eventually cal- cification of the wall of the cyst and to a certain extent of its contents takes place. Seats. — Echinococcus cysts are most frequent in the liver. They also occur in the lungs, kidneys, spleen, and omentum, and less frequently in the brain or other parts of the nervous system. The pathologic effects are produced by direct mechanical pressure. The geographical distribution is extensive, but the dis- ease is common only in restricted localities, especially in northern countries (north of Europe, Iceland). BOTHRIOCEPHALIC LATUS. The Bothriocephalic latus is the largest tape-worm of man, reaching the length of from 5 to 9 m. The head is flattened and club-shaped and presents two groove-like suckers at its sides (Fig. 129). The neck is thin and gradually increases in diameter. The ripe segments are quadrate, and are dis- tinguished by a rosette-like formation of the uterus, which is plainly visible in the center of each proglottid (Fig. 116). The genital pore is upon the flat surface of the segment and always upon the same side of the worm. The eggs are oval in shape and enclosed in a shell present- ing a hinged lid at one pole. The intermedi- ary host is some form of fish, most frequently the pike. The eggs first undergo a certain amount of development in water, the embryo neC k ^f ^othriocepli^ becoming free and floating about or being pro- lus latus (Leuckart). pelled by a ciliated outer covering and then entering the digestive tract of fish. The geographical distribution is comparatively restricted. 286 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. It is frequent in certain northern countries, as in Sweden, and in parts of central Europe, especially in Switzerland. It is only occasionally met with in America in immigrants. Pathologic Physiology. — Local disturbances of the intes- tines are not observed ; but persons harboring Bothriocephalus sometimes suffer from profound anemia. This has been attributed to poisonous substances elaborated by the worm, or resulting from decomposition of its segments. Similar anemia occasionally ac- companies other forms of tape-worm. BOTHRIOCEPHALUS CORDATUS. This variety is much smaller than the last, the maximum being from 1 to 1.25 m. The head is short, broad, and heart-shaped, and the suckers are placed upon the flat surface. The uterine structure differs from that of Bothriocephalus latus in being nar- rower and more elongated, and also in having lateral branches. The body of the worm contains granular calcareous matter. BOTHRIOCEPHALUS CRIST ATUS. This form is about 3 m. in length, and is distinguished by two crest-like projections upon the head. These are covered with numerous small papilla?. There are no definite suckers, and the head contains abundant granular calcareous matter. BOTHRIOCEPHALUS LIGULOIDES. This variety occurs only in the larval form in man. It has been found in the region of the loins and in the tissues about the eyes. The head of the worm is distinguished by a papilla-like projection. NEMATODES, OR ROUND=WORMS. ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES. The Ascaris lumbricoides, or ordinary round-worm, is one of the most frequent intestinal parasites. The male may reach a length of 25 cm. and a thickness of 2 to 4 mm. ; the female is longer, up to 40 cm., and thicker, up to 5 or G mm. The body of the worm is brownish or sometimes pinkish in color, and pre- sents parallel ridges or rings somewhat like those of the earth- worm. The head is provided with three rounded prominences or lips, between which the mouth is placed (Fig. 130). The male shows two chitinous spicules at the cloaca. The eggs of the worm are produced in great numbers; they are covered with a tough shell, and surrounding this is a clear material in an irregular mass. The contents of the eggs consist of agranular material, sometimes showing the linear outlines of an embryo. ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 287 The ascaris develops in man from swallowing of the infested drinking-water or food. The parasites may be singly or in numbers. They occupy the small intestine, but frequently migrate, entering the gall-ducts, the stomach, the esophagus, and even the larynx or nasal cavities. They may give rise to violent symptoms by obstruction of these pas- sage-ways, or when in numbers or united in masses even intestinal obstruc- tion may be caused. Occasionally abscess- cavities containing lumbricoids are found in connection with ulcerations and per- foration of the intestines. These abscesses were believed by older authors to be caused by the worms ; at the present time it is more generally held that the worms play no important part, their presence being due only to their coincidence in the intestine. ASCARIS MYSTAX. This form, which is common in cats and dogs, is rarely met with in man. It is much smaller than the ordinary round- worm, the male reaching a length of 45 or 60 mm., and the female 120 or 130 mm. The head is distinguished by two lateral wing-like projections composed of chitin- ous material. eggs in present ASCARIS MARATIMA. Fig. 130.— Ascaris lumbri- coides : A, female : B, male ; C, This form has been observed but once, ffitf$Xffi™'$tev3£i and the female alone was found. OXYURIS VERMICULARIS. The oxyuris, seat- worm, or pin-worm, is one of the commonest parasites of man. The male is 2.5 to 5 mm. in length ; the female, 10 to 12 mm. (Fig. 131). The posterior end of the male is blunt and curved upon itself; in the female it is elongated. The eggs of the oxyuris, which are produced in great numbers, are oval or elliptical and about 5 p. long. The embryo is visible within as a lobulated body. The parasite is developed directly from the eggs. When these are swallowed the outer coating is dissolved in the stomach and the embryos escape, to reach their full de- velopment in the small intestine. The impregnation occurs in the small intestine and within a short time after the swallowing 288 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. of the eggs. After impregnation and ripening the female para- sites move toward the rectum and may be discharged, or may leave by their own movements. The life of the worm is short, but there is always the possibility of reinfection. Oxyuris is especially common in child- hood. It is probable that the worms sometimes cause inflammatory troubles. In cases in which they accumulate in num- bers a form of verminous diarrhea may be produced. In female children vaginitis frequently results from the migration of the parasites into the vagina. Fig. 131.— Oxyuris vermicu laris : a, female ; b, male (Mos ler and Peiper). TRICHINA SPIRALIS. The Trichina spiralis occurs in its larval form in the muscles or organs of man and in the lower animals ; in the adult form it is found in the intestines of man or animals. The adult male is about 1.5 mm. in length and 0.14 mm. in thickness. At the posterior end there is a retractile cloaca flanked by two projections. The female is 2 to 4 mm. in length and 0.6 mm. in thickness. The eggs are provided with a very thin shell, and the embryos escape from this within the uterus. They are produced in immense numbers. The young embryos found in the intestinal tract are from 0.1 to 0.16 mm. in length, the anterior end thicker than the posterior. In part they escape with the feces, and die ; the greater part pene- b trate the intestinal wall and are car- ried to various parts of the system, embedding themselves especially in the muscles, where they undergo further changes. Here the organism coils itself and becomes surrounded with a capsule, which is at first trans- parent, but may subsequently undergo calcareous change and become opaque (Fig. 132). Trichina? are acquired by man by eating improperly cooked ham. The capsules are digested and the larval trichinae set free. In the small intestine they reach their maturity in about three days, dis- charging the embryos, some of which die or escape with the feces, while others bore their way into the mucous membrane. They are disseminated throughout the body by their own migrations or with the lymph- and blood-streams. The favorite seat is the striated muscle-tissue, and they lie Fig. 132— Trichina-capsule with its connective-tissue covering: a, early stage; b, calcined (Leuckart). ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 289 within the muscle-bundles themselves or less frequently between them. They reach their destination in ten days after the primary invasion, but subsequent crops are deposited as the young continue to mature in the intestines. In two or three weeks they begin to become encysted in the muscles. When the embryos are liberated in the stomach and intestines they occasion violent gastro-intestinal irritation, with vomiting, diarrhea, and often more or less pronounced collapse. In their later migration the worms set up intense muscular pains of rheu- matoid character, with edematous swelling and fever. Trichiniasis is common in all parts of the world, but has been largely reduced by greater care in the cooking of pork. ANKYLOSTOMA DUODENALE. The Ankylostoma duodenale, or Dochmius duodenalis, is a cylindrical worm, the female being from 7 to 16.5 mm. in length ; the male, from 7 to 11.2 mm. The head is rounded, and is armed with six sharp, hook-like teeth. The female is usually of a brown- ish or reddish color, due to absorption of coloring-matter of the blood. The eggs are easily distinguished, being elliptical-shaped, from 0.056 to 0.063 mm. in length and 0.036 to 0.04 mm. in thickness. The shell is separated from the contents, and the latter have a granular appearance, are brownish, and in the state of segmentation. The eggs may appear in the stools in great num- Fig. 133.— Anchylostoma duodenale: a, male, natural size ; b, female, natural size ; c.male magnified ; d, female magnified ; e, head, greatly magnified ; /, eggs (von Jaksch). bers. The embryo is fully developed outside the body, and entering the stomach and intestines of man there undergoes full develop- ment (Fig. 133). The adult worm occupies the small intestine. It may be 19 290 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. present in small or large numbers, and is usually rather firmly attached to the mucous membrane. Changes in the latter, how- ever, are not pronounced. Patients harboring this parasite frequently become intensely anemic. It was this parasite which Mas found in many cases of Egyptian chlorosis, and it is the same organism that produced the intense anemias (pernicious anemia) of the laborers engaged in building the St. Gotthard tunnel. ANGUILLULA INTESTINALIS AND RHABDITIS STERCORALS. The Anguillula intestinalis occupies the intestinal tract and the ducts communicating with it. It is an actively motile, cylindrical organism about 1 mm. in length, the male somewhat smaller than the female. In the latter the posterior extremity is drawn out to a fine point and straight ; in the former it is thicker and curled upon itself. Besides this distinction the male bears two spicules projecting from the cloaca. The eggs are ellipsoid, 0.17 mm. in length and 0.45 mm. in thickness, and present evidences of seg- mentation or the formation of embryo within. The larval organ- ism escapes from the egg and lives a certain length of time as a nonparasitic body ; then becomes quiescent, until it is taken into the intestinal tract. Associated with this parasite and often in greater numbers is a second form, the Anguillula, or Rhabditis stercoralis. This differs from the Anguillula intestinalis in being smaller and less organ- ized in structure. These organisms have been found with special frequency in Cochin China and other eastern countries, occurring in the intestinal tract in cases of severe diarrhea. It is doubtful whether they have definite pathologic significance. TRICHOCEPHALUS DISPAR. The anterior portion of this parasite is thin and thread-like, while the posterior portion is thicker. The length of the worm is Fig. 134.— Triehocephalus dispar ; natural size (Heller). from 4 to 5 cm., the male being somewhat the smaller. The thicker part of the male is curled upon itself and blunt at the end, while that of the female is straight and more pointed. The ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 291 eggs are very characteristic, being brownish in color, covered with a thick capsule, and having at either pole a button-like projection (Fig. 117). The length of the egg is about 0.55 mm. The parasite occupies the cecum in man, occasionally the vermi- form appendix, and sometimes the small intestine. It is particu- larly frequent in children in Syria and Egypt. It does not, as a rule, produce serious disturbance. Recently it has been claimed that the parasite causes considerable disturbance by abstracting blood. FILARIA MEDINENSIS. The Filaria or Dracunculus Medinensis is a round-worm in- festing the subcutaneous tissues and the skin. The male has never been discovered. The female sometimes reaches a length of 60 to 80 cm. ; it is yellowish in color and exceedingly elas- tic. In general appearance it resembles a string of catgut. The body of the worm contains a highly developed uterus, which practically fills the cavity of the worm, the intestinal tube being crowded to one side. The uterus is found to con- tain innumerable small embryos ; these escape when the parasite is ruptured. The organism occurs very abundantly in tropical countries of the old world, notably Arabia, along the coast of the Caspian Sea, in Abyssinia, and Guinea. The parasite is sometimes called the Guinea-worm. The parasite infests the subcutaneous tissues, particularly those of the lower extremities, and gives rise to inflammatory lesions resembling carbuncles. The method of invasion and the life- history of the organism are obscure. It is not improbable that the embryos occur in water of swamps and enter directly through the skin. Some authorities believe that the invasion occurs through the gastro-intestinal tract. FILARIA SANGUINIS HOMINIS. Several varieties of filariae have been found in the blood and are included under this generic term. The discovery of the organism, or rather of the embryos, was made by Wucherer, in a case of hematuria. The embryos appear in the blood, urine, the lymph, and the tissues as thread-like structures, varying in size in the different varieties. The ordinary form has a thickness of about the diameter of a red corpuscle, and is as much as 0.2 to 0.5 mm. in length. It consists of a transparent sheath, almost completely filled with the embryo, the ends, however, projecting a little beyond the organism, in a sac-like fashion (Fig. 135). The em- bryo is actively motile, squirming, thrashing, or curling and un- 292 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. curling itself rapidly, and thus producing more or less agitation of the corpuscles or solid bodies in its vicinity. The number of the embryos found in the blood varies greatly ; in many cases a search through several cover-glass preparations may be necessary to detect a single one. Usually they are more ,-v- SSiil % t ; Fig. 135.— Filaria embryo, alive in the blood (F. P. Henry). abundant. A feature of importance is that they occur only during the night, unless the patient reverses the usual conditions and rests during the day. The adult worm is found only in the lymphatic channels ; it reaches a length of 38 mm., and has a rounded oral orifice at the anterior end. It produces embryos in great abundance, and these are carried along in the circulation. Fllariasis is particularly common in the warmer climates, but is occasionally met with in this country, especially in the Southern States. One of its most frequent forms is characterized clinically by hematochyluria. The embryos in these cases may be found in the blood and also in the chylous urine. Pathologically no gross changes may be found, but there may be in other cases evident distention of the lymphatic channels and blood-vessels of the pelvis of the kidneys, ureters, or bladder; and the embryos may be found in the substance of the kidneys or in the walls of the blood-vessels. Another form of fllariasis is elephantiasis. In these cases there is obstruction of the lymphatic vessels in con- sequence of the presence of the parasites, of thrombi, or of inflam- matory lesions, and as a result of these conditions dilatation of the peripheral lymphatic vessels occurs. The skin may be ruptured and chylous liquid may exude. The embryos may be found in this on microscopic examination. Manson has described three varieties of filari* — the original form, or Filaria nodurna ; a second variety, in which the embryos are found at any time, night or day, called Filaria perstans, which he believes the cause of the sleeping-disease of Africa as well as of certain skin diseases (Craw-Craw) ; and a third form, the Filaria dittnia, which appears in the blood only during the day. ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 293 OTHER FORMS OF FILARI^E. The Filaria loa is a small thread-like form met with in Africa and sometimes in tropical America. It invades the eye, lying beneath the conjunctiva. The Filaria lentis was found in the lens in a case of cataract. The Filaria labialis was discovered in a pustule on the lip of a student in Naples ; and the Filaria hominis oris was found by Leidy in the mouth of a child. The Filaria imrnitis is the common filaria of the dog, and has been found in man. The Filaria bronckialis was found in bronchial lymphatic glands in a case of phthisis, and has also been found in the trachea and bronchi. ECHINORRHYNCHUS GIQAS. This is a large round-worm, the body being marked by distinct, transverse, parallel rings. The male may be from 7 to 10 cm. in length, the female from 31 to 50 cm. There is a retractile rostel- lum, with six rows of hooklets, at the anterior end, each row com- posed of eight spicules. The parasite occupies the small intestine • of the hog, and has been found occasionally in man. The inter- mediate host seems to be the grub of the cockchafer and the June- bug. Other varieties of echinorrhynchus have been described, but are not well-determined species. EUSTRONQYLUS GIQAS. The female of this species may reach a length of 1 m. ; the male is but one-third this size. The anterior end of the worm is retracted, and the mouth surrounded by six papillae. The posterior end is expanded, and provided with a spicule projecting from the cloaca. The color of the worm is brownish or blood-red. The parasite is found in the pelvis of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder of dogs, horses, cattle, and other animals, and rarely in man. Among its results are enlargement of the pelvis of the kidney and atrophy of the kidney-substance. STRONQYLUS LONGEVAGINATUS. This parasite was found in the lungs of a child. It resembles the strongylus met with in the lungs of sheep and other animals. TREMATODES, OR FLUKE=WORMS. The fluke-worms are usually flattened organisms, somewhat tongue-shaped and provided with powerful suckers and occasion- ally also with hooklets. The intestinal canal begins in the oral orifice anteriorly, but is closed at the posterior extremity. Repro- 294 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. duction may take place directly or by the formation of an inter- mediate organism which is parasitic to certain lower animals. In this stage they are actively motile, swimming about in water, and are known as the cercarise. DISTOMA HEPATICUM. The Distoma hepaticum, or liver-fluke, is from 15 to 35 mm. in length and 6 to 20 mm. broad ; it is pointed at either end, and an- teriorly is provided with two suckers, one at the head and one upon the ventral sur- face, somewhat posterior to the first (Fig. 136). The genital pore lies between the two suckers. The eggs are oval in shape, 0.14 to 0.15 mm. in length, and provided with a lid at one pole. The adult organism occupies the biliary ducts and is a frequent parasite of sheep. It is occasionally met with in man, usually occurring in considerable numbers. It gives rise to obstruction of the biliary passages and consequent enlargement, con- gestion, and later degeneration of the liver. The gall-ducts above the point of obstruction have sometimes been found considerably dilated or cystic. Clinically ascites and jaundice have been found, with gastro-intestinal symptoms and distoma-eggs in the stools. Fig. 136.— Distoma hepati- cum; two-thirds the natural size (Mosler and Peiper). DISTOMA LANCEOLATUM. This form is smaller than the last, 8 to 10 mm. in length and 2 to 2.5 mm. in breadth. The two suckers are far apart, and the genital pore lies between them (Fig. 137). The eggs are 0.04 to 0.05 mm. in length and 0.03 mm. in breadth. This form is frequently associated with the last, and occupies the biliary passages of sheep and cattle. It is occasionally met with in other animals and in man. D Fig. 137.— Distoma lan- ceolatum ; two-thirds the natural size (Mosler and Peiper). DISTOMA HEMATOBIUM. This organism occurs in sexually distinct forms ; the male and female, however, oc- curring together. The male is 12 to 14 mm. in length and 1 mm. thick, and the posterior part is somewhat flattened and curved ventralward to form a groove, in which the female is attached ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 295 (Fig. 138). The latter is 16 to 18 mm. long, and 0.13 mm. thick. The eggs are 0.12 mm. long and 0.04 mm. broad, and drawn out Fig. 138.— Distoma hematobium, with eggs (von Jaksch). *m to a point at one end. The adult parasite occupies the portal vein and the veins of the spleen, mesentery, and the plexuses of the bladder and rectum. The eggs of the organism may be found in any of the organs, notably in the liver, in the intes- tinal walls, and in the mucous mem- branes of the urinary passages. They probably occupy the vascular system ordinarily, but cause rupture of the walls of the vessels and thus escape into the tissues. The pathologic changes caused by this parasite are most strikingly seen in the ureters and bladder in acute cases. Hyperemic spots or small hemorrhages may be seen in the mucous membrane, and the surface is covered with blood- stained mucus containing the eggs. In cases of longer standing roughness of the mucous membranes and usually small ecchymotic elevations or outgrowths, suggesting papillomata, are observed (Fig. 139). Section through these shows that they consist of proliferated cells with enlarged blood-vessels, from which the adult worm may be removed. The vessels may contain eggs in enormous numbers. The mucous membrane is frequently covered with a calcareous deposit com- posed of urate and oxalate of sodium, and the excrescences may be converted into calcified polyps. Among the final results may be cicatricial strictures of the ureter, pyelitis, and distention of the pelvis of the kidney, with atrophy of the kidney-substance. Similar pathologic processes may be found in the rectum. When the portal vein is occupied the eggs of the distoma may be abun- dant in the liver-substance. Distoma hematobium is a parasite occurring with enormous frequency in Northern Africa and If Fig. 139.— Papillary thicken- ing of the mucous membrane of the bladder, showing dis- toma-eggs in site (Mosler 'and Peiper). tissues surrounding the 296 TEXTBOOK OF PATHOLOGY. neighboring countries. It is comparatively rare in other parts of the world. DISTOMA PULMONALE. This organism is from 8 to 10 mm. in length and from 5 to 6 mm. in breadth. The eggs are brownish, and from 0.08 to 0.1 mm. in length. The worm occurs in the lungs, occupying exca- vated spaces, usually near the periphery of the organ. These cavities contain reddish or quite hemorrhagic mucopurulent liquid and abundant eggs. The cavities are in communication with the bronchi, and clinically the disease is marked by cough and hemor- rhagic expectoration or even repeated hemoptysis. This parasite occurs very frequently in Japan, China, and Corea. OTHER FLUKE=WORMS. Among other forms of distoma of less importance are Distoma crassum, met with a few times in the intestine ; Distoma hetero- phyes; Distoma ophthalmobium, found in the lens of the eye; Dis- toma sinese, found in the liver; Distoma conjunctum, also occurring in the liver ; and the Monostoma fentis, occurring in the eye. The Amphistoma hominis occurs in the intestinal tract. Two forms, the Hexathyridium venarum and Hexathyridium pinguicola, are possibly forms of encapsulated Distoma hepaticum. ANNELIDES. Two forms of leeches are of some pathologic importance. The Hirudo Ceylonica is a form occurring with great frequency in Ceylon and other islands and in parts of South America. It is found in vegetation, and attaches itself to the skin of the legs and to other parts of man by means of a sucker and its short teeth. It may give rise to painful ulcerations when removed. The Hirudo vorax is met with in parts of Europe and Africa. It gains access to the mucous membranes of the mouth, larynx, trachea, or nasal chambers, and leads to inflammatory troubles. It is not able to effect a lodgement upon the skin. ARTHRO PODIA. A number of parasites belonging to the groups Arachnoidea and Insecta are met with in man. Most of these, however, are purely external parasites, and are fully described in works upon diseases of the skin. There are two forms, however, that merit brief description here : the Pentastomum denticulatum, the larval form of Pentastomum tsenioides ; and the larvae of various flies, the presence of which in the gastro-intestinal tract and other parts of the body is termed myiasis. ANIMAL PARASITES AND DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM. 297 PENTASTOMUM DENTICULATUM. This parasite is occasionally found in the liver and rarely in the spleen, intestinal walls, lungs, and kidneys of man. It is dis- covered in small nodular lesions, which consist of the more or less degenerated parasite lying in a cheesy or semicalcified material, surrounded by a fibrous or calcareous capsule. The parasite is from 4 to 5 mm. in length and 1.5 mm. in breadth ; has a rather rounded body, which is encircled by parallel rings armed with spicules ; and is provided with two pairs of stout chitinous hook- lets, one pair lying on either side of the mouth. The adult form, Pentastomum tcenioides, resembles its larva in structure, but is considerably larger, the male being from 16 to 18 mm. long, the female from 60 to 85 mm. This form lodges in the nasal cavities and frontal sinuses of the dog and other animals, and produces eggs containing the embryos, which escape with the nasal secretion and eventually gain access to the alimentary tract of other animals or of man. MYIASIS. A number of flies, of the orders Estridse, Musca, Lucilia, and Sarcophaga, may deposit their eggs in wounds or in cavities of the body to which they gain access, such as the nasal or pharyngeal chambers and the communicating passages. The eggs so deposited are hatched, and the larval insects may be retained and may occa- sion intense irritation. Sometimes the larva? are found in the gas- trointestinal tract, the eggs having been swallowed with food. Immense numbers may be discharged from the intestines, and in some cases the larvae seem to occasion intestinal irritation. The term myiasis is given to the invasion of these larval insects. PART II. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. CHAPTER I. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. ANATOMY. The blood is a liquid tissue composed of corpuscles or cells and a fluid intercellular substance. The cells are of three kinds : the red corpuscles, or erythrocytes ; the white corpuscles, or leuko- cytes ; and the blood-plaques, or hematoblasts. The fluid element of the blood, the liquor sanguinis, or plasma, is an albuminous and saline liquid of a slightly varying composition. The blood as a whole is red in color, rather viscid, and alkaline in reaction. The total quantity is about one-thirteenth of the body-weight. The erythrocytes, or red corpuscles, are biconcave disks about 7 fi in diameter and having a yellowish or amber color. They are quite uniform in size and regularly rounded. Histo- logically they are composed essentially of an albuminous substance containing hemoglobin embedded in a delicate stroma. The hemoglobin is the important element, and constitutes 95 per cent. by weight of the corpuscles. In early fetal life most of the red corpuscles are nucleated, but the nucleated forms later decrease in number and are comparatively scanty at the time of birth. Within the first few months of post-fetal life all of them dis- appear, and in subsequent years nucleated corpuscles are present only in cases of disease. There are about 5,000,000 corpuscles in the cubic millimeter of the blood of normal individuals. The figures vary slightly at different times in the same individual, and many influences con- tribute to the production of more lasting changes in number (see page 313). The volume of the red corpuscles in the blood is dependent upon the number of corpuscles and upon their size. Observers have reached varying results in studying the volume, but it may be placed at between 40 and 50 per cent, of the total bulk of the blood. The leukocytes, or white corpuscles, are rounded or spherical bodies presenting a more or less granular appearance in DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. 299 the fresh state. They vary in size from the diameter of the red corpuscles to several times the size of the latter. The leukocytes are identical with the lymph-corpuscles. They are of several more or less distinct varieties ; the classification, however, is exceedingly difficult, as transitional forms are abundant. The classification most frequently adopted is that of Ehrlich and of his pupils, and while it is not entirely satisfactory, it has one advantage over others, viz., that of simplicity. Ehrlich distinguishes (Fig. 140) : i "3P&&' Fig. 140.— Various forms of blood-corpuscles : a, lymphocyte ; b, lymphocyte approach- ing c; c, large mononuclear; d, transitional ; e, polymorphonuclear neutrophile; /.poly- morphonuclear eosinophile ; g, broken eosinophile ; h, neutrophilic myelocyte ; i, eosino- philous myelocyte; j, basophile, mast-cell; k, red corpuscles; I, nucleated red corpuscles. 1. Small mononuclear leukocytes, or lymphocytes. These are smaller than the red corpuscles, or about the same size, are spher- ical, and contain a relatively large nucleus, the protoplasm often forming a scarcely visible band around the nucleus. The latter is rich in chromatin and stains deeply. Sometimes cells considerably larger than the typical lymphocyte may resemble them in other respects, and it may be difficult to determine whether these are lymphocytes or large mononuclear cells (Fig. 140, 6). The proto- plasm of lymphocytes normally contains no granular matter when stained by the ordinary methods. Deep staining with methylene- blue with the aid of heat does, however, frequently lead to the detection of a slightly granular character in the protoplasm. 2. Large mononuclear leukocytes. These forms are larger than the lymphocytes, being from two to three times the diameter of the red cells. They are often oval in outline, and the nucleus is poorer in chromatin than that of the lymphocyte, so that it appears comparatively pale in the stained blood. The protoplasm is usually free of granules, but it may show fine and very pale gran- ules when stained with intense basic stains like methylene-blue. 3. Transitional leukocytes. These are similar to the last, but 300 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. differ in that the nucleus is often a little indented or horseshoe- shaped. It is very often impossible to determine satisfactorily whether a certain cell is a large mononuclear or a transitional form, and the two maybe considered as practically the same. The protoplasm, as a rule, contains no granules, but neutrophilic granules (see page 301) have occasionally been detected, and eosinophile granules are more frequently present. 4. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes ; polynuclear leukocytes ; neu- trophils. These are the most numerous forms, and probably represent the fully developed white blood-cell. They are some- what smaller than the large mononuclear elements, and are dis- tinguished by a polymorphous nucleus which is richer in chroma- tin than that of the large mononuclear form, though perhaps less rich than that of the lymphocyte. The nuclei are elongated, and variously curved or distorted so as to resemble the letters S, U, V, Z, etc., and in some cases they are wreath-shaped. Frequently parts of the nucleus are so thin that they are scarcely visible, or actually become broken, and the term polynuclear was therefore applied. This name is, however, less appropriate than the term polymorphonuclear. The amount of chromatin in the nucleus varies greatly, and the size of the nucleus is correspondingly variable. The protoplasm usually contains fine granules, which are closely set and almost completely fill the cell. These granules have a strong affinity for neutral mixtures of anilin or other stains, and have therefore been called the neutrophilic granules (see page 301 ). A small proportion of the polymorphonuclear leukocytes of the blood contain eosinophile granules. These cells are usually larger than the neutrophilic forms, and the nucleus is more nearly like that of the typical transitional leukocyte. 5. Myelocytes ; mast-cells. These are large cells identical with the large granular cells of the bone-marrow. They are often three or four times the size of the red corpuscles, and are dis- tinguished by a large, pale, oval nucleus. The protoplasm usually contains neutrophilic granules, but occasionally contains eosino- phile granules. The nucleus is frequently somewhat irregularly outlined and not rarely suffers degenerative change. Smaller cells, resembling the typical myelocyte in the character of the nucleus and protoplasm, are sometimes observed, and are difficult to clas- sify. Myelocytes occur in exceedingly small numbers, if at all, in normal blood. They are abundant in certain forms of leukemia, and also occur in pernicious anemia and various infectious and systemic diseases. The granules of the leukocytes are classified according to their behavior with the anilin stains. We may distinguish four impor- tant types of granules (Figs. 140 and 141) : 1. rt-granules, eosinophile granules, or oxyphile granules. These are coarse granules giving the appearance in the unstained blood DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. 301 of minute fat-droplets ; they are highly refractive, and have been shown to be composed of albuminous material. They are dis- tinguished by their strong affinity for acid stains/ and in particular for eosin. This circumstance has given rise to the name eosino- phil and oxyphile (Fig. 147). The eosinophile granules in the normal blood occur only in polymorphonuclear leukocytes. 2. y-granules ; mast-cell granules. These are intensely baso- «&> -.:v: e*?-/-^ '•X'.-'V.^.- Fig. 141.— Leukocytes, showing various forms of granulations : a, Neusser's basophilic, perinuclear granules ; b, large mononuclear cells with 6-granules ; c, mast-cell granules : d, basophilic lymphocytes, 6-granules ; the stain in b, c, and d was a mixture of eosin and hematoxylin, the cover-glass being kept in the stain several hours at 37° C. (98.6° F.). philic, coarse granules, occurring in mononuclear cells. They are present in small proportions in the normal blood (Fig. 141). 3. ^-granules are fine basophilic granules occurring in the lymphocytes or large mononuclear cells (Fig. 141). 4. e-granules ; neutrophilic granules. These are the most abun- dant and the most important of all the forms. They occur as fine granulations filling up the protoplasm of the polymorphous cells, and they are occasionally present in transitional leukocytes. They are distinguished by their affinity for the neutral mixtures 1 The term acid stain is here used in a sense somewhat different from that of the chemist. A stain in which the acidulous part of the compound carries the coloring-principle is known as an acid stain, while one in which the basic ele- ment is the staining-principle is called basic. For example : picrate of am- monium is an acid stain because the picric acid is the staining-element. Mixt- ures of certain acid with basic stains may be prepared so that tissue-elements having a strong acid affinity will select the acid stain, those having a basic affinity the basic stain, while other elements without such special affinity receive a mixed or neutral stain. 302 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. of Ehrlich (Fig. 147). It must be recognized, however, that these granules are in reality faintly oxyphilic, receiving the acid stains, such as eosin or acid fuchsin, more readily than basic stains. In a few instances I have found them distinctly basophilic. The nature of the granules of the blood is still obscure. They are undoubtedly connected in some way with the specific function of the leukocytes, but whether they are of the nature of a secre- tion or not is unknown. The chemical composition of the leukocytes is of considerable importance, but is difficult to determine from the impossibility of obtaining large numbers free from other elements. It is known, however, that these cells contain among other bodies leukonuclein, histon, lecithin, and cholesterin. They also contain more or less abundantly glycogen and fats ; and saline constituents including potassium salts in particular. The leukonuclein is a combination of the phosphorus-containing nucleinic acid and an albumin. It is present in the nuclei of nucleated red corpuscles and in other nuclei, but especially in those of the leukocytes. It is more or less intimately combined with histon, a body resembling the albu- moses. The number of leukocytes in the normal blood varies consider- ably. The average number, however, is probably between 6000 and 10,000. Alterations in the number under various circum- stances w T ill be discussed below. Proportions of the Different Forms. — The relative proportions of the different leukocytes are determined by counting large numbers and calculating the percentage proportion of each form. Approxi- mately there are 25 per cent, lymphocytes, 65 to 75 per cent, polymorphonuclear forms (neutrophiles and eosinophiles), 5 to 8 per cent, transitional and large mononuclear. About 1 to 3 or 5 per cent, of all of the leukocytes contain eosinophile granules, and occasionally a larger proportion is met with in normal blood. Blood-plaques. — These are small disks somewhat resem- bling the red corpuscles, though smaller and without the charac- teristic biconcavity of the latter. They rarely exceed 3 fi in diameter, and are often much less. They are viscid, and tend to adhere to the other corpuscles or to become agglutinated in clusters. The total number has been estimated at from 150,000 to 500,000 per cubic millimeter. The term hematoblast was applied by Hayem in the belief that the plaques are the progenitors of the red corpuscles. The plasma of the blood is an albuminous liquid containing serum-albumin and scrum-globulin and various saline compounds. The relative proportion of serum-globulin to serum-albumin is as 1 to 1 or 1^-. Of the saline constituents sodium salts are most important, the phosphates, carbonates, sulphates, and chlorids being most abundant. Various other nitrogenous and non-nitro- DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. 303 genous substances are present in small proportions. Reference will be made to some of these below. BLOOD=FORMATION. The process of blood-formation is still obscure in some particu- lars. In early fetal life blood-corpuscles are undoubtedly formed in the mesoblastic columns in which the blood-vessels are devel- oped. At a later stage the liver is active in their production. Subsequently the spleen and the bone-marrow seem to assume the principal role. According to Neumann and Bizzozero, the red corpuscles are developed from nucleated hemoglobin-containing cells of the bone-marrow, which lose their nuclei by a process of gradual disintegration. Others have held that the nuclei are ex- truded from the nucleated cell. According to these views, all of the red corpuscles are derived from nucleated red cells, or eryth- roblasts. Other observers, however, hold that the red corpuscles and leukocytes originate from a common parent-cell free from hemoglobin. This parent-cell gives rise to two series of descend- ants, one series containing hemoglobin and leading to the formation of red corpuscles, while the other series is free from pigment and forms the leukocytes. The principal place of formation of the red corpuscles during adult life seems to be the bone-marrow, but the spleen and the lymphatic tissues probably also play a part. French writers, following Hayem, hold that the progenitor of the red corpuscle is the blood-plaque. This view, however, is not sustained by sufficient evidence. The white corpuscles undoubtedly originate in the bone-marrow, lymphatic tissues, and spleen. The lymphocyte is the youngest form, and the other varieties probably are secondary developments from this, the completion of their development occurring in the blood-making organs, notably the marrow. PATHOLOGIC CHANGES IN THE RED CORPUSCLES. The si^e of the red corpuscles varies in diseases of different kinds. There may be dwarf corpuscles, 2 to 4 or 5 [jl in diameter (microcytes) ; or, on the other hand, giant-cells (megalocytes), from 9 to 15 [x or even 20 fi in diameter. The small forms frequently have a spherical shape rather than the disk-like form of the nor- mal corpuscle, and may be deeply pigmented. The large corpus- cles are often irregular in shape, and are prone to be paler than normal corpuscles (Fig. 142). Some observers have found that the average size of the red corpuscle is greater in certain diseases than in health. This is probably the result of hydropic conditions. The Shape of the corpuscles often suffers great change, and many forms of irregularity may be observed. The term poikiloey- tosis is applied to this condition (Fig. 142). Some of the poikilo- 304 TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY. cytes may be exceedingly small and may present active movements. These have been termed pseudo-bacilli by Hayem. These changes of form in red corpuscles are regarded by many authorities to be mm |lV J), ,