• Glass ^.EM^ Book._ l_l3 (3op>Tight N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. WHICH? Impulse, Instinct or Intuition By C. TOtSEY TAYLOR APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, GEOMETRY AND ASTRONOMY Seattle, Washington, L*. S. A. 1919 ♦ / 3 Copyright 1919 By C. TOUSEY TAYLOR, Seattle, Washington sef -2 iyiy Press of International Printing Company ^ r 'A535586 Dedicated to JUDGE WILSON R. GAY, International New Thought Lecturer, And All Lovers of Truth. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Creation. — Most Important to Understand — The Depending Principle — The Self Acting Principle — The Law and The Word — The Materialist — The Mental Scientist — The Spiritual — Duality — Unity — When Reached — The Cause of the Change — What Changes Man's Thought from One to the Other — Psychology of Spiritual Statements — Symbols Changing from Water to Air — Positive Reasoning — Negative Reasoning — The Instinctive Mind — The Positive Mind or Sun Mind — Faith, How Built — Conceptions. CHAPTER II. Evolution of Man. — The Beginning — Unity — From What Man Evolves — When Consciousness of What I AM is Lost — Truth— The Division of Mind and Man — Names of the Divisions — How to Purify the Mind — True Labor — True Wealth — True Knowledge — True Love — The Trinity — Why man is a Twelve-fold Being — The Physical Man of Twelve Parts — The Mental Man of Twelve Parts — The Spiritual Man of Twelve Parts — The Law of Agreement — The Cosmic Law — Why Necessary, Why Good — How to Work in Har- mony with it. CHAPTER III. Fate or Pessimism vs. Optimism: — Environ- ment — View Point — Foreordination — Fate, What it is — The man Principle — Luck — We must Ex- press our Creations — Unity Precludes Fate — The Law of Agreement, Why Such a Law — Agreement With Self — Man in Perfect Agrees ment With God — Lack of Agreement Creates False Gods and Devils — Your Beliefs Make You a Being of Two Parts; Four Parts; Twelve Parts or Seventy Two Parts. CHAPTER IV. Philology: — Value of Words — Words of One Letter — Words of Two Letters — The Most Posi- tive Statement — Why Our Name of Diety is a Word of Three Letters — The Countries Using a Word of Four Letters for Deity — Why Five is Not Desirable in Creation — Seven is Polarity — Words Never Die — Meditation — Prayer — Naming Negative and Positive Things — Education and Demonstration Bring Spirituality — Signs Follow- ing. CHAPTER V. Your God and Mine: — Thought Makes Him What We Think He is — God The Father — God The Son — God as Mind — What Composes the Body of Christ — Expressing God — The First Born from the Dead — How to Know God. CHAPTER VI. Involution: — The Fish — The Fall of Man — Seventy Two Names for Deity — The Sixth Sense — Recognition, Investigation, Faith — Little Child- ren — A Shem Hamphorasch Being — How to tell the Sheep from the Goats — Why in Bondage — Spirituality, How it is Built up. CHAPTER VII. Geometry: — The Greatest Symbol Made with The Compasses — The Level — The Plumb — The 6 Oblong Square — Tangents — Houses or Mansions in the Sky— The Perfect Square — Different forms of the Perfect Square — The Cabbalah — The City Four Square — The Middle Chamber — Solomon's Temple — The Two Pillars — The Serpent around the Two Pillars — The Triangle and Square — The Four Triangles — The Maltese Cross — Aaron's Breastplate of Judgment, Both Ancient and Modern — How The Hebrew Language Originated — The Wheel. FOPwEWORD. This book deals with some of the simple laws of the universe and explains some of the mysteries mankind has been searching for. By drawings and pictures some of the laws we are using unconsciously every day are made plain so that we can profit by the knowledge gained. Where no law is there is no sin. Paul says "Sin shall not have dominion over you for ye are not under the law, but under grace." You must recognize the principle involved to get practical results. Every thought of doubt produces negative results. This book is offered to suggest a new line of reasoning or investigation where- by its readers may learn more of the law and get a better understanding of that truth spoken of by the Nazarine which would set them free. Before you can successfully use a law you must understand something of its na- ture, therefore it is natural to ask what is impulse? Impulse is the vicious manifesta- tion of mind at war with itself. It is 10 FOREWORD neither reason, instinct or intuition, but is forceful energy expressing itself un- der planetary influences without the use of any of the above. People have absolutely no self-control when swayed by impulse. They do a thing and then ask themselves what they did it for; why did they do it? Impulse often expresses itself in various ways and may be accounted for as the accumulation of substance from vicious thought expressing itself. Impulse is more often wrong than right, for people with thought that will benefit all of humanity have such self control and poise that impulse plays a very small part in their lives. They do not cultivate it. Impulse is purely a product of the phy- sical, the same as instinct is of the mental, and intuition of the spiritual. What is instinct? Instinct cannot reason but may be man- ifestation of the reasoning or mental mind, mind. The Bible speaks of it as the beast mind, for it is that part of mind animals use. Instinct in animals or man has been placed FOREWORD 11 there by the reasoning power of man. Instinct is inherent in the soul and func- tions in the subconscious mind. Its great charge is the welfare of the body and self- preservation is its great concern. In time of peril it grasps means of rescue; it uses all instrumentalities at hand and all the acquired and natural knowledge possessed to achieve desired results. Ultimately it is manifested in walking, and talking, and in the performance of all acts, good or bad. It is not a reasoning faculty, though in most part the product of reasoning, for it may be educated and developed by con- scious thinking and habitual practice. Instinct is the expression of mind by which we walk, talk and perform the acts both good and bad that our reasoning has gathered for us to express. What is intuition? One writer has expressed it as being God. The gambler calls it "his hunch". Emerson called it the "Oversoul". Socrates was not less known in antiquity for what he called his "Daemon" or Genius than for the wisdom of his philosophy, and his Daemon never induced him to do any 12 FOREWORD thing, but on the contrary prevented him when he listened to its promptings. He also called it the "Voice of the Soul" and when the "Voice" did not come to him in his trial, he made no defence and thought it was good that he put off his mortal body ; for the voice that is neither argumentative or insistent had been his guide all through life and it failed to show him what defence to make. Intuition is spiritual, not mental. It is the voice of spirit again bringing to your consciousness that which you knew of old. It is the act of the mind by which truth is immediately perceived. Intuition is right regardless of appear- ances. It is that place within where man and God are consciously one. Intuition is the key to true genius. It knows no law except the law of self expres- sion. Intuition was called the "Akasa" by the ancients. The akasian records are those that come through intuition and are always right. You have intuition; this book will tell you how to cultivate and use it, and explains Impulse, Instinct and Intuition in FOREWORD 18 such a manner that you can understand and know when you are using any one of the three. Their use makes you what you are and will make you what you desire to be when used understandingly. CHAPTER I Creation "All nature is but art unknown to thee, All chance, direction which thou cans't not see; All discord, harmony not understood; All partial evil, universal good; And, spite of pride, in erring reason's spite, One truth is clear, whatever is, is right/' — Pope. Creation is the most important thing mankind is interested in or concerned about, for we are continually creating. Yet in the last analysis there is no such thing as creation. Creation as expressed in sa- cred or profane writings means simply changing one form of substance to that of another form. This substance from which all manifestation comes is spirit or God. I am the image of God, therefore I must be spirit. Spirit, never dies but is continually expressing God in thousands of different forms. I, man, created in the image of God or spirit, am continually bringing God into manifestation on every plane of physical expression that 16 CREATION I am conscious of. This I do by the use of the principle of motion and number, without which there would be no physical mani- festation. I am spirit and to continually remain conscious of my physical being I must continually use spirit to create, there- fore I live, move and have my being in spirit or God, and when I can no longer express spirit constructively I express it destructively and disintegration takes place. I then pass to a plane where I can express the attributes of spirit, some of which are life, love, peace, health and goodness. The Father established the principle of mathe- matics, the principle of love, the principle of motion and many other principles includ- ing the man principle. Man makes rules which he can change, but principles are made for man and are eternal, unchange- able. The Father established the man principle self acting, the only one that is self acting. AH the other principles de- pend upon the self acting principle, man, to set them in motion. Man sets all other principles in motion by the word, by his thought. The underlying principle of all creation is the relation between the law CREATION 17 and the word, therefore the "Law and The Word" go hand in hand and are inseparable. Read "The Law and The Word", by Trow- ard. The law of correspondence shows man- kind to be manifesting God on three princi- pal planes, spirit, mind and matter, one of which cannot exist without the other, yet most of us recognize but one. The material- ist says "I am from Missouri, you have got to show me". Not having spiritual eyes to see spiritually or a spiritual understand- ing to understand spiritually, not having mental conception of the trinity spirit, mind and matter, he expects a physical explana- tion of things he does not understand, so works out his problems by the use of the five senses — hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting and smelling. He clings to these and says "show me", notwithstanding the fact that he has heard noises that had no physical foundation, has seen things that did not exist on the physical plane, has felt things that had no reality in matter, has tasted both bitter and sweet from the same cup, and has been deceived by smell. He is of the earth earthly, asleep to the fact that 18 CREATION these five senses have their corres- pondences in both the mental and spiritual worlds. These five senses are purely phy- sical changes. Everything that changes is subject to the law of mind and spirit. Everything that changes had a beginning and consequently will have an ending. So everything that changes will sometime as- sume a different form. The five physical senses came with man's dual line of reason- ing. Man's dual line of reasoning came with the fall of the Canopy, and the ending of the Garden of Eden period on earth. In the Garden of Eden period there was no day and night, no positive and negative, no good and bad; instead of looking at both ends of the carbon stick that gives electric light, and making themselves miserable about which was the positive and which was the negative, they recognized only the Dynamo and called it good. When the Garden of Eden period is restored on earth again — (which according to the best of my knowledge and belief will be about seven hundred and twenty years from the com- mencement of this century) — we shall have peace on earth, good will among men. It CREATION 19 is referred to in the last of the 60th chapter of Isaiah: "Violence shall no more be heard in the land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee." The canopy will be restored, as it is today around Jupi- ter, or as the rings around Saturn, and man will have returned to unity from whence he came. His line of thinking and reasoning will be along the line of unity instead of duality as it is today. The rise and fall of the canopy coincides with the glacial periods. To get a better idea of it, and what makes the Garden of Eden period and changes man's line of thought complet- ely, read "The Deluge" by Isaac N. Vail. Everything is changed from one form to that of another by thought. The united thought of the world gives the cosmic or universal expression and the individual thought the individual experiences. Every one, including ourselves, is a prophet and to know the future should reflect on the thoughts being put out, and contemplate the physical expression they will be formed into. Job said: "The thing which I greatly 20 CREATION feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of, is come unto me." As with Job, so with you and I, for the spiritual sense is no respecter of persons, and works today for us the same as it did for Job. Contemplate for a moment the statement of being put out regularly by the Christian Science people: "There is no life, truth, in- telligence nor substance in matter. All is infinite mind and its infinite manifestations, for God is All in All. Spirit is the real and eternal, matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God and man is his image and likeness, therefore man is not material, he is spiritual." What is the psychology of this statement? The Bible, which is the rule and guide of many people as well as the Christian Scientists, informs us that when twelve thousand of each of the twelve tribes of Israel, Rev. 7:2-9, i. e. "the twelve class- ifications of mind, agree upon anything, it is born into physical manifestation. Thus are cosmic expressions brought to us. At the present time there is a tremendous thought force, which is increasing all the time, changing matter into spirit. The denial of matter and the affirmation of CREATION 21 spirit. What will be the result? Man being the most movable thing upon the earth should get in line with these influences and turn his attention to spiritual matters or he himself will be turned into spirit. The next most movable thing to be affected by this line of thought is water. There has never been as much water on the earth and so little above the earth as in the past two thousand years while the earth was passing through the constellation Pisces — the water sign. All improvements with water have come during this dispensation. All religions have symbolized the water. The people of this constellation have exemplified its characteristics by a belief in the adage "eat, drink and be merry today for tomorrow you may die", so the world has never been so well fed. This urge comes by the earth passing to the airy constellation Aquarius, where the influence is for airy and spiritual manifestation. This is necessary in order to strike a balance. As the earth is dematerialized by tha thought "expressed", the earth's attraction becomes less and less until the waters that rise above the earth remain and form a 22 CREATION canopy which in time obscures the sun and there is a continuous subdued light over the whole face of the earth. There will be no night there, for man has lost his dual line of reasoning, and works out all his problems by the spiritual senses — love, truth, life, harmony, mathematics, intuition, etc., all positive and all good. Here comes along a man created by the Lord God, of the dust of the earth, as recorded in the second story of creation in Genesis, and says: "What about polarity? opposite love is hate, oppos- ite truth is error, opposite life is death, op- posite harmony is discord and opposite true geometry is error."These opposites are all negative and come into expression as delusions and can all be destroyed by re- cognition of the positive. It is impossi- ble to destroy the principle of life, death does not do it. It is impossible to de- stroy the principle of love, hate cannot affect it. It is impossible for a nega- tive principle to destroy a positive prin- ciple. The negative is subject to change, the positive is not. What does the principle of mathematics care about the mistakes you and I make in its use? The mistakes are to CREATION 23 teach us the truth, they are to lead us to the Christ, and instead of complaining we should be thankful for and profit by them. All mistakes in our life, all the ills from which we suffer come from a negative line of thinking in ourselves or those with whom we associate. Eradicate from your mind and con- sciousness such words as "don't" and "can't" and you will avoid much trouble. Never say to a person "don't do so and so" or you "can't do thus and so". I once heard a colored preacher explain the psychology of the word don't in a story of two families living side by side, one seemed to pass through this world with little or no trouble and the other was full to overflowing. Both had little girls they were sending to the same school. One mother, after fixing the ribbons in her daughter's hair starts her off to school with these words: "Run on to school now and don't get your feet wet." Possibly you and I have sent our children out with just such a command and then watched them deliberately wade through every puddle of water they came to, in fact cross the street that they might obey 24 CREATION our instructions. The word don't is nega- tive, and the subconscious mind, or the heart as the bible puts it, receives only positive words, consequently gets the re- mainder of the sentence — "get your feet wet" — and proceeds to obey. The other mother after getting her little girl ready starts her to school with these words : "Run on to school dear and keep your feet dry". A positive command. The little girl goes hopping and skipping along to school hitting all the high and dry places, has obeyed the command, and kept her feet dry. Then we wonder why our children cannot behave as well as Jones' or Smiths'. There is a reason. We have been looking everywhere but the right place for the reason, which we carry with us in our thoughts. Nine tenths of all we do is done by using the instinctive mind, the mind which ani- mals use, the beast mind. The instinctive mind is never a creator but a servant to execute what has been created for it, so we see unbelief is born of the consciousness of serving God rather than that of being His Son. While you are a servant you are under the law. When you realize your son- CREATION 25 ship then you use the law. The law is cosmic, impersonal and eternal. When you use the law with the idea of becoming what you desire, then you will rise above things and become a son and heir to all good. The law flows from the word and not vice versa. When you speak a word or think a thought you set the law in motion, and by that law you are rewarded or condemned. To live in the earthly consciousness is to live in the negative or shadow of things. To live in the Son or heavenly consciousness is to live in the positive and to be the light. The parable of the transfiguration on the mount, — your mind — shows that man's identity is never lost, that the divine man is death- less, eternal. Christ represented the Truth, Moses the Law, and Elias the Prophet. All three were so wonderful that the disciples desired to build three temples, one for each. But immediately Law and Prophet disap- peared. Truth stood alone and the voice said: "This is my beloved Son, hear him". "Christ, the Prophet and the Law abide in one temple." You are that temple. This explains to us that saying in the book of books, "As a man thinketh in his 26 CREATION heart, so is he." Now how does a man think in his heart? The thought that comes from the heart or instinctive mind, or sub- conscious mind, is the finished product ex- pressing itself. Of all animals man is the only one having positive and negative use of mind. The negative reflects what the posi- tive has created for it to reflect, so it is absolutely true that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. It is a reflection of what he does and is. This can be better explained in the terms of the Astrologer, who uses physical manifestation to express spiritual meanings. Yet spiritual truths must be discerned spiritually. He says the moon mind is the reasoning, logical, analyz- ing mind from which all conceptions spring. This is the part of mind that en- ables man to cut down a tree and create a table. Animals have this part of mind only as they obtain it from man, and then not sufficient so they can bequeath it to their offspring, but they function with the in- stinctive mind only, which makes them what they are. This phase of mind is called by Astrologers, the Sun mind. Every- thing is born into physical expression by or CREATION 27 through the Sun mind. The earth itself, all its manifestations of seasons and variety come in the same manner which is the cos- mic or universal expression of man, which is God made manifest. We are told as in heaven so on earth, Alas how little we all know about heaven. If this be true and the Bible seems to be full of references to it, the study of the heavens should be man's greatest, most interesting and useful study. It is said order is heaven's first law. Surely the planets move in order and the whole face of the heavens appear to be order of the highest degree, but is it so on earth? When we look at things on earth collect- ively it has the appearance of order, for the seasons come and go with equal reg- ularity. Abraham Lincoln said the majority of mankind are always right, so it would seem that discord is largely a factor with individuals and comes from ignorance. The moon mind governs all conception, of worlds, everything therein contained, as well as of you and me. Then there is the period of gestation and then the birth. Everything comes into manifestation as you and I came, or as a crop of potatoes come. 28 CREATION First there is the conception, the planting of the seed which is done in faith, then the period of gestation or growth, wherein we have hope, and then the birth or harvest, showing the charity of an all wise system of laws that work in an orderly fashion. There is no law of God or man until thought has put it into operation, therefore thought is the conception of all there is. Now thought impresses the Sun mind, as the Astrologer would say, or the heart as the Bible expresses it, or the subcon- scious mind as the scientist would explain it, and whatever thought impresses this mind with, that is born into a manifes- tation. The laws are fixed and eternal, but man has to a certain extent, the power to choose the thought that puts the law in motion. Many people rarely ever think with persistency. Think how much thought it takes to impress the subsconscious mind of a child in teaching it to walk. We place the child against the wall or by a chair, hold out our hands and tell it to walk, not once or twice but many times, until by the spok- en word and by example, the heart of the CREATION 29 child has grasped the idea, the seed has taken root when the child takes a step or two, and faith has forever planted upon its subconscious mind the fact that it can walk. Henceforth it walks by the power of the instinctive mind. Nine tenths of all we do is brought into manifestation in this same manner, for we do not consciously and truly realize we are one with the Father, and can say with Jesus "I and my Father are one", but when we, understand- ing the law and putting it in operation as a little child take the first step, then Faith which is born of the substance we have im- pressed our heart or Sun mind with, comes to our assistance and we can do the things Jesus did and greater things than these may we also do. One important thing to realize is the law of agreement. Everything comes into mani- festation according to the law of agreement between the moon mind and the sun mind. This law of agreement strengthens or weak- ens our willpower to do things, according as we keep or violate it. There is nothing we can do that will bring greater reward than to always keep our agreements, espe- 30 CREATION daily those we make with ourselves. In the first place avoid making agreements as much as possible, especially promising our- selves to do things, such as to rise at a certain hour and then fail to get up, but when they are made, be particular to see they are fulfilled. This creates harmony between the moon mind, that promises and the sun mind, that executes. Harmony, being one of the first of the Divine laws to observe and fulfill, all the inharmonious things in my life may be directly traced to the discord between the conceptive mind which plants the seed and the executive or subconscious mind that expresses the har- vest and is governed by the sun influence. A number of years ago an Astrologer re- marked that all our thought came from the sun. It has taken me some time to become conscious of the law that the sun mind ex- presses what we have created for it to ex- press and nothing else. Under this in- fluence we are what our thoughts have made us. This law is good and we are serv- ants to the law when we fail to realize that thoughts are seeds that grow into material expression. CHAPTER II Evolution of Man. "Know then thyself, presume not God to scan, The proper study of mankind is man." — Pope. The point within the circle is a good rep- resentation of man in his perfect state, where he realizes he is monarch of all he surveys and has complete control and abso- 32 EVOLUTION lute command and view of all contained within his circle, be that circle large or small. He is conscious of his unity with all. He is omnipresent to all, and omnipo- tent to all. The circle cannot be made with- out the dot or some one to make it, there- fore God and man have always been, are now and ever will be. Man is God made manifest. The follow- ing from the "Aquarian Gospel" gives the two view points very nicely: "Among the Budhist priests was one who saw a lofty wisdom in the words that Jesus spoke. It was Barata Arabo. Together Jesus and Ba- rata read the Jewish Psalms and Prophets, read the Vedas; the Avesta and the wis- dom of Guatama. And as they read and talked about the possiblities of man, Barata said, "Man is the marvel of the universe. He is a part of everything, for he has been a living thing on every plane of life. Time was when man was not; and when he was a bit of form- less substance in the moulds of time; and then a protoplast. By universal law all things tend upward to a state of perfect- ness. The protoplast evolved, becoming EVOLUTION 38 worm, then reptile, bird and beast, and then at last it reached the form of man. Now man himself is mind, and mind is here to gain perfection by experience; and mind is often manifest in fleshy form, and in the form best suited to its growth. So mind may manifest as bird or beast, or man. The time will come when everything of life will be evolved into the state of perfect man. And after man is in perfect- ness, he will be evolved to higher form of life." And Jesus said, "Barata Arabo, who taught you this, that mind which is the man, may manifest in flesh of beast, or bird or creeping thing?" Barata said, "From time which man remembers not, our priests have told us so, and so we know." And Jesus said, "Enlightened Arabo, are you a Master Mind and do not know 7 that man knows naught by being told? Man may believe what others say; but thus he never knows. If man would know he must him- self be what he knows. Do you remember, Arabo, when you were ape, or bird, or worm? Now if you have no better proving of your plea than that the priests have 34 EVOLUTION told you so, you do not know; you simply guess. Regard not then, what any man has said; let us forget the flesh, and go with mind into the land of fleshless things; mind never does forget." And backward through the ages master minds can trace themselves; and thus they know "TIME NEVER WAS WHEN MAN WAS NOT." Read Aquarian Gospel by Levi. Thus we see the reasoning mortal mind, being negative, believes in everything of its kind, while the Divine mind, intuition, knows man is, always was, and ever will be, I am, therefore I have a right to be. I am one with the complete whole. I am that I am. I am the light. I am the darkness. I am all. I am peace. I am health for there is none else. I am pure, because I am all. I am everywhere present. I am one with the Father. I am poise and power. I am good because I am all there is. I am and there is none else besides me. When I lose consciousness of what I am, I become like the fishes in the sea looking for the water; like the birds of the air, looking for the air; like the worm of the dust, looking for the earth. I start out to EVOLUTION 35 travel on the level of time to an undiscover- ed country from which no traveler returns, never wishes to return, and cannot return if he would. That undiscovered country is Truth, truth as to what I am. In starting to travel on the level of time I have divided my world into two parts, else how could I travel? I have not only divided my world into two parts, but I have divided myself into a two fold creature. The upper half I call day and the lower half I call night. The 56 EVOLUTION upper half I call summer and the lower half I call winter. The upper half I call light and the lower half I call darkness. The upper half I call heaven and the lower half I call hell. The upper half I call positive and the lower half I call negative. The upper half I call good and the lower half I call bad. All duality comes from this divi- sion which I, Adam, have created and I, Adam, have named. Whatever you and I agree to and name, so the name shall be. Realizing that it takes both halves to make a complete circle, that night is just as necessary as day to complete the circle, that winter is equal to summer, that hell is as necessary as heaven to make a complete circle, and that they are only names I have given to my creating two parts of Unity or the circle, or myself, I therefore decide I must be just and impartial to each half, and say, "I will not depart from a just recognition of the two parts, summer and winter; light and darkness, heaven and hell; good and bad; but will become con- scious that I must use both, as both are a part of my complete whole; a part of my I am." EVOLUTION 37 I therefore set up the plumb line, symbol of Justice, in the midst of Israel, and call it the basis upon which my world revolves One end I call the north pole and the other end I call the south pole. This divides my world into four parts. In looking at this division I discover the four corners of the earth from which the 38 EVOLUTION four winds of heaven blow. I discover the four seasons of the year, which I, Adam, name Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. I discover the four points of the compass, by which I am to steer my craft, or build my mansion true to the level, upright and just before God and man. This is why we have four major prophets in our scriptures, one to represent each of the four quarters. Ezekiel is a good re- presentative of spring, Daniel of summer, Isaiah of fall and Jeremiah of winter. Our first division of the circle gave us male and female, this division gives us four distinct races of people in the world; the white people born at an equal distance from the equator to the poles, the black people born on or near the equator, the copper colored people bom near the south pole and the Albinos or Eskimos born near the north pole. Observing the effect of this division into seasons, I Adam — you and I — divide nature into four principal substances which we call Fire, Earth, Air and Water. We give one of these substances to each of the four corners of the earth. The Fire is given EVOLUTION 39 to spring as it gives us energy to work, and we call the first quarter, the quarter of Labor. Then as the heat of summer comes on we relax from our labors and commence to gather the reward. As this reward is from the fruits of the earth, we say this quarter is governed by the earth, and while storing away its fruits we call this the quarter of Wealth. At the autumnal equi- nox, having a sufficiency of wealth to last us through the year, we have time to con- template our fall from unity to duality and from duality to that of a four sided being, when we realize all four sides are necessary to make a complete circle. This we call the quarter of Knowledge. As we come to and pass the Winter Solstice we become more and more conscious that as we have divided the world so we ourselves have become divided, for the world is only a reflection of what we are, and we feel thankful for the quarter that gave us labor, for the quarter that gave us wealth, for the quarter that gave us knowledge and that we are now alive in the quarter of Love. We read the twelfth chapter of first Coronthians and give thanks some more, for we know it 40 EVOLUTION would be impossible to live without the remaining parts of the circle. Thus by love we are brought back to Unity. Matter is not an originating power, it is neutral, a means of manifestation of power that is within every one of us. We can change it from one form to that of another, or dissolve it into spirit, but must work with the cosmic lav/ and not in opposition to it, as everything comes by the law of agreement. Matter is necessary to differentiate. Were there no expression in solid substance, things would be perpetually flowing into each other, and there would be no means of Glorifying the Father. Bear in mind this fact, and let it sink deep into your conscience, that nine-tenths of all you do is done by agreement between the reasoning moon mind and the executive sun mind, and the law governing these two minds is simply the law of suggestion; nothing more or less. How does the foul air of a room become pure? By mingling with more air. The same with a stream of water. The same with you and I. The best man can be no EVOLUTION 41 better than all. The meanest man can be no worse than all. Should he shut himself up and become a pessimist, by his false line of thinking, then let him follow the example of the air or the brook and flow among the stream of humanity until he is in his thought as good as the whole, for he is just as necessary to complete the circle as any part of it. This law of love shows that the four quar- 42 EVOLUTION ters are all necessary to be recognized, for everything comes into expression through the law of agreement. True labor is that which benefits all. True wealth is that which all can enjoy. True knowledge comes from universal experience, and true love is that which takes in the whole circle. Any ex- ception to this is vanity and vexation of spirit. In a further contemplation of my work of creation I observe I started at onement with the Father, unity, the only one and true God, and became a two-fold being, positive and negative. These two principles I must give to all my future creations. In setting up the plumb line I have four equal parts, two of each, positive and negative. I now wonder why I skipped the trinity and tried to place the triangle in the circle. This I cannot do while I am the center, unity. If I do it as soon as I have divided my world and myself into two distinct parts I create a four-fold being of unequal proportions as shown in the cut following: EVOLUTION 43 Then when I undertake to place the trian- gle, the trinity of spirit, mind and matter, in the four fold division I have six unequal parts upon which the four cannot agree and to have it lasting it must come by agree- ment with all. 44 EVOLUTION By adding another tringle I have eight parts of unity, or the circle, but they are not equal. EVOLUTION 45 ^3 a? A " i \ \s 8 / ^\ JL^ So I add the other triangles and be- come a twelve fold being of thirty degrees each, all equal and all having the same power and efficiency. Here we see the fallacy of the trinity. It is a delusion and a snare, invented by the twelve sided expression of man. At Unity you are con- scious of nothing but God; some think it should be spelled good. At the second 46 EVOLUTION stage you are conscious of the principle of positive and negative and of the law of agreement to make all good; at the third you became conscious of the four elements, then the twelve fold expression of God comes rapidly, and we see man as he is to- day. His evolution has all been by agree- ment with all. /*' 1 \ 3 ^ Z \ hw m ,,,. mm V dT \ ^ / 1 \ V />