LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDl7^a^^^'^ # \ ^<. ^"^ Xi. "A ^. >. J c - V^^ ^'-'c^. ^^-^^^ ,^q V » ' * °* C <^, ;^ - VA -^^0^ > <*. ,-i^ ''^v ^oV ■V >r^^. ,^ Hq, *' :Mk V .-• -^^^ ,^^MVx^ ^/^ . -n-o^ 4 o ^yiw^' ./'\, -^^ V ^- :;^S■ :m^4 .^ ,0^ ^^ y ^. <, *:^fcp,^ '^ -^ ^.v^^v ,^^ ^^ •'3%i3^^'.'^ "^ ^<^^ '^\» ,v o> v--^'->' ^■--•v V--S'V ^- V Fayette County, HER HISTORY AND HER PEOPLE. F. LOTTO. Breathes there the man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own , my native land ; Whose heart hath ne'er within him burned. As home his footsteps he hath turned, From wandering on a foreign strand ? If such there breathe, go, marlt him well: For him no minstrel raptures swell. High though his title, proud his name. Boundless his wealth as wish can claim; Despite those titles, power, and pelf, The wretch, concentred all in self. Living shall forfeit fair renown. And, doubly dying, shall go down. To the vile dust from whence he sprung. Unwept, unhonored, and unsung. —Scott. Published by the Author at Schulenburg, Texas, 1902. $TicKEB Steam Preso, r 3 ' ^ THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Cowtd RecsivED SEP. n 1902 COPVBIOHT ENTnV CLM^ i^XXc No. ;f f 2> n g COFY B Copyright, 1902, by F. Lotto, La Grange, Texas. All rights reserved. Published September, 1902. PREFACE, It is customary for a writer to have in the preface of his book a sliort address to the reader either to reconiraend his work, or tell of its aitrits, its history and the difficulties encountered in preparing it. The writer of this book has chosen for his theme the description and liistory of the%rai1"d old county of Fayette. If works of fiction find the approval of an enlightened public, the writer hopes that his book, wherein he has shown, on the hand of public records, the development of a struggling commun- ity to a prosperous county, one of the proudest and foremost in tlie state, the home county of the reader, where the scenes of his childhood lie, where he has grown to manhood and of which he is a political factor, will appeal to his love of home and be a source of interest to him. History is nobler than fiction, a grand fact greater than a noble thought. The book contains a world of grand facts. If they have not been always treated with the dignity of critical exposition and embellished by philosophic thoughts, there is nothing to hinder the reader to improve these shortcomings and to recall, on hand of these furnished facts, a more vivid picture of the scenes and the life of the past. Some friends of the writer have asked him to place his bio- graphy in this book. Ihis he does not feel inclined to do on account of his short residence in the county. But to a history of the preparation of this book the reader is entitled, the more so as it refiects the greatest credit on the people of Fayette County and is also in many other respects quite interesting. The intelligence of the writer had secured him the position as traveling agent of that great German weekly, "La Grange Deutsche Zeitung," in which position he became afilicted with / rheumatic fever and landed in the Fayette County Hospital. / Here, in his fever visions, the scenes of his childhood and the chronique of his native place which he had read in his youth presented themselves before his mind so often that after he grew well, he considered the question of writing a book on Fayette — Vl- - County. Kealizing that the people of tliis county are as enlight- ened and patriotic as those of his native land and realizing tliat his book would take in a wider scope, he talked the matter over with his friend Jake VVolters, who quite approved the idea. In January, 1901, Mr. \V. R. King and Mr. Chris. Steinmann, wh ) both approved the idea, saw the writer in regard to his prospec- tive book at the County Hospital, and Mr. King made a verbal agreement witli him about printing it. The writer thought a book like that could be gotten out in about six months. But in this he was mistaken. He has worked at it for about fourteen months. It took him more than six months to procure data and notes and go over the records. As the progress of the work was rather slow, his practical friend "Jake," a leading lawyer of La Grange, whom the writer sometimes went to see, one day asked him: "Now, look here. Lotto, on what are you going to live while writing this book? You have not a cent." To which he replied: ''Well, Jake, I have studied Thackeray's chapter 'How to live on nothing a year,' and my friend, Judge Kennon of Colorado county, claims that I could have given Thackeray pointers on this. I am just going to freeze it out." "You mean sweat it out." "Well, that may amount to the same." But a man cannot live on i)rospects; he has to have something more substantial. Thus, the writer accepted again the position as traveling agent of the great German weekly and gathered ma- terial and notes for his book whenever he could. A great many citizens of Fayette county welcomed the idea and gave tlie writer all possible assistance and encouragement. In a great many cases, or rather, to be truthful, in must cases, they went so far as to secure him patronage for his book and even bore the expenses of obtaining it. He received numerous invitations to come and see them and make his sta}'' with them while engaged in his work. Where he had no invitation, he was a more or less welcome guest anyway. The writer can not thank them too much for their kindness. For, without their generous assistance and encouragement, he would have despaired of his work. If, on his canvass, he sometimes found a man who ridiculed the idea of writing a history of Fayette County and in his feeling of the superiority of his nothingness looked down on him and — Vll — refused him his patronage, the thought of the generous friend ship of the majority of the people upheld him. The people — the generous, liberal, patriotic people of Fayette county — were on the side of the writer and this was the greatest source of pride and pleasure to him and on that account he could well afford to overlook the remarks of cutting sarcasm which werfi intended to hinder the author in liis work. The fact remains that the generosity of the people of Fayette county enabled the writer to get out his work without having a cent in his pocket, a fact which reflects still greater credit on them than on him. In fact, such could be accomplished only among people of the very highest intelligence, among people who judge a man by his acts rather than by his money-purse. To have secured tlieir friend- ship, or, at least, patronage and good will, will be a source of everlasting pride and gratification to the writer. The author had labored all these months without money, but now he had come to that stage in his work where he must have money to procure engravings, binding and a hundred and one things which required money. It. was now a question whether the work of all these long months should be thrown away or whether tiiis book should yet reach the hands of the public. The author again turned to Jake Wolters and laid the matter before him. With him it was only a question: "How much do you i eed, Lotto?" Then he talked to John B. Hollo- way, the big-hearted and patriotic cashier of the First National bank, and the cashier and Jake fixed it up. Thus the writer found his Maecenas in Jake Wolters. To him he is indebted for financial aid as well as for his encouragement and influence. For the writer must confess that there were times when he felt discouraged and felt inclined to throw up the undertaking. But words of good cheer always roused him up to move forward. He also feels under deep obligations to Prof. Wm. Eilers, Prof. J. H. Merz, Mr. J. C. Melcher, Mr. C. L, Melcher, Mr. Geo. Huebner, Judge A. Haidusek and a great many others too numerous to be mentioned. To Mr. W. R. King, who had the contract to print the book and who engaged for the printing two extra flrst-class, experi< — viu — enced printers, he feels obliged for the elegant workmanlike manner in which the work has been completed. The works of reference that have been used in the History of Fayette County are John Henry Brown's History of Texas, W. C. Crane's Life of Sam Houston, the Minutes of the Commissioners' Court of Fayette County, the Election Records of Fayette County and a great number of official bonds and other documents. The writer has striven to be as exact as possible, he deeming exactness the main quality in a work of this kind. Still, a few errors, caused by incorrect spelling in the records, may have crept into the book. Of such errors as he has found himself or as have been pointed out to him, he has made a list of errata in order for the reader to correct the text. Considering the large size of the book, they are exceedingly few, and he begs to be excused for them. No matter how much care and attention one may pay to a book and its printing, there never was a book printed yet entirely without errors. La Grange, September, 1902. F. Lotto. CONTEiSTTS, PART I. DESCRIPTIOiN OP FAYETTE COUNTY. PAGE. Situation, Climate, J^evel above Sea, Rainfall, Boundaries, Area and Population o Surface and Soil 5 Watercourses and Drainage 8 Produce and Land Price 9 Resources of the Count}^ 15 'J'he JNIinerals of Fayette County. By J. C. Melcher 16 Fayette County's Mineral Res'^iurces. By L. C. Melclier 22 The Timber of the County. By J. C. Melcher 26 A Bird's Eye View of Fayette County in Summer Time 37 Industries 40 Commercial Highways 40 Character and Elements of Population 43 Social Life — Schools, Churches, Clubs, and Societies 51 Politics 58 The Newspa])er Press of the County 58 Possibilities of Fayette County 02 A Day of Life on a Farm in Fayette County 63 A Talk with an Old Settler. — Past and Present Compared ijij Tile Boundaries of Commissioners' and Justices' Beats and Voting Precincts of Fayette County 61) 1>ART II. HISTORY OF FAYETTE COUNTY. PAGE. Introduction 85 — X — FIRST PERIOD. FROM THE EARLY SETTLEMENT OF FAYETTE COUNTY TO THE ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY (1821-1838.) PAGE. Arrival of the First White Settlers 86 Indian Tribes 86 Character of the First White Settlers 86 Nativity of the First White Settlers . 87 Municipalities 88 Indian Marauding Expeditions 88 Indian Fights 88 Fayette County's Share in tlie War of Indepenpence Ul Letter of Joel W. Robison. J>2 An Act of Congress Establishing Fayette County 94 SECOND PERIOD. FROM THE ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY TO THE CIVIL WAR (1838-1861). Organization of the County 96 La Grange as a Competitor for the Capital 97 The Dawson Massacre 98 liattle of Furt Mier „ 99 State of the County at tlie 'I'ime of Oi'ganization 100 Taxation 101 First and Second Court House 102 I<"irst and Second Jails 104 Credit of the County 105 Public Ferries 106 The First Bridges in the County 107 County Finances and County Scrip 107 Defalcations and Suits of the County 110 A Faithful Officer 112 Fees of Officers 112 Prices 113 Justices of the Peace 113 Commissioners' Court 113 County Records II3 — XI — PAGE. Public Roads 114 Election Precincts 115 Citizens' Papers IK) Paupers 116 Apportionment of School Fund to Fayette County 117 Fayette County School La,nds 117 County Attorney's Office 1 17 County Assessments and Negro Population 11^ Tliird Court House in Fa^^ette County 118 Patrol Companies 121 THIRD PERIOD. FAYETTE COUNTY DURING THE CIVIL WAR (1861-1 SG5). Secession 128 Companies Raised in Fayette County 123 Problems to Solve at Home. 121: Bounty War Scrip 1 2-") Probable Number of Levied Men 127 Change Notes 127 Depreciation of the Currency 129 Destitution Among Families of Soldiers — War Tax and War Tax Scrip 121) The Cow Order lol A Tax Paid in Provisions 134 Doubtful Characters at Home 135 The Negro Population During The War 13G Prohibition in La Grange 137 Physician's Certificates 1^7 Election Contest. 138 Road Precincts 138 FOURTH PERIOD. FAYETTE COUNTY DURING THE ERA OF RECONSTRUCTION. (1865-1876.) Condition of the South, and Especially of Fayette County.. 139 Taxes, Finances and Salaries of County Officers 141 Yellow Fever 141 — xu PAGE. Overflows of 1869 and 1870 142 Smallpox , 142 Minor Details 143 First Board of Medical Examiners... 148 Road Precincts. 143 Election Precincts 143 Transcript of County Records 144 Paupers 144 School Affairs 144 Fayette County School Lands 144 Suits of the County 145 The Southern PacKic 146 FIFTH PERIOD. EK.\ OF DEVELOPMENT (1876-1902.) Railroads liuilt in the County '. 148 Sale of Fayette County School Lands 149 Jail and Jail Bonds 152 Colorado River Bridge and Bridge Bonds 154 Paupers and Poorhouse _ 157 Fourth Court House 159 Public Roads 160 Bridges and Bridge Bonds 162 Interesting Incidents 164 A Friendly Spar with Colorado County - 164 Salaries and Fees of Some County Officers-- 165 The Prohibition Question 166 Epidemics 166 Yellow Fever Quarantine 167 Overflow of 1900 168 Storm of 1900 170 Election Precincts 171 School Districts 171 Justices' Courthouses 171 Incorporation of Towns 171 Minor Details 172 Resolutions of Respect - - 172 Companies Raised in Fayette County for ihe Spanish War... 173 — XIU — APPENDIX. PAG5I. Tlepublic of Texas versus Inconsistent Legislative Acts. . . . i1^) Adldavit of ])istrict Attorney Thomas Johnson 17S Administrator's Bond of N, VV. Eastland on the Estate of Nicholas M. Dawson 17!> List of Freeholders in Faj^ette County During the Time of the Republic of Texas -. . 171) Jjist of Persons Who Paid Occupation Tax in Fayette Coun- ty in 1838-39 181 List of Persons to Whom Licenses Were Issued in 1840-41 182 An Agreement 184 List of County Ofiicers Since tlie Organization of the (-ounty in 1835 185 BIOGRAPHIES, COUNTY OFFICEES. Joseph Echols Baker 1!)1 Sam C. Lovvrey 192 Rud. Klatt... 193 August Loessin 194 R, T. Bradshaw 195 C. W. Steinmann 197 Neal Robison 198 G. A. Stierling 199 THE BENCH AND BAR OF FAY- ETTE COUNTY, 201 R. M. Williamson 202 R. E. B. Baylor 203 John Hancock 203 Ttiomas H. Duval 205 James H.Bell 205 MEMBERS OF FAYETTE COUNTY BAR. J. C. Brown 20G J. T. Duncan 208 Hon. H. M. Garwood... 210 Judge Aug. Haidusek. . . 211 C. D. Krause 215 Hon. J. Lane 217 Hon. C. E. Lane 218 Thomas W. Lane 220 Geo. E. Lenert 221 Hon. L. \V. Moore 222 Edward II. Moss 223 Robert Moss.... 225 Method Pazdral 225 Hon. W. S. Robson 227 Hon. liana Teichmueller 229 Hon. Jacob F. Wolters.. 231 XIV LEADING CITIZENS OF FAYETTE COUNTY, Chris. Biiumgavten, sr. . . i^BG G. A. Banmgarten 238 Henry Beniker 239 A. VV. Beniker 241 Rev. J. Chromcik 242 Dr. 1. E. Clark 244 Henry Eilers 246 Prof, Wm. Eilers 248 Hon. A. E. Falke 250 Loreuz Fuclis 251 Prof. Julius Hansen 253 A, Heintze, sr 254 A. Heintze, jr 25G John B. Hollovvay 258 Geo. Huebner *2G0 Hon, A. B. Kerr 261 Anton Legler 204 Auj;. F. Loessin 265 Will Loessin 267 Carl Luecke 269 Hon. Wenzel Matajowski 270 Geo. Mauer, sr 272 J. C. Melcher 273 C. L. Melcher 274 Julius Meyenberg, sr. . . . 275 Prof. M. W. Meyer 277 Mrs. iMaria Muelker 288 Marshall B. O'Bar 280 John Oltmanns 282 F. Presun 283 Chas. H. Schaefer 285 Max and Julius Schwartz 286 Clias. and G. Singelmann 287 John Speckels, sr 288 G. E. Speckels 290 Hon. J. C. Speckels 293 Josei:)h George Wagner. . 294 Robert VVolters, .sr 296 Theo. Wolters 298 Hugo Zapp, sr 300 Robert Zapp 303 B. L. Zapp 305 W. L. Kreische 306 Louis Schlottman 307 PART II r. CITIES AND TOWNS OF FAYETTE COUNTY. PAGR La Grange (the County Seat) 323 INCJKPORATED CITIES. Fayetteville 340 Flatonia 351 Round Top 355 Schulenburg 359 -XV — TOWNS AND SETTLEMENTS. Ammannsville 872 Biegel o7r> Black Jack Springs 377 Bluff" 377 Bridge Valley 371) Carmine 380 Cedar 3S2 Cistern 382 Colon V 385 Dubina 385 Ellineer 3SG Engle 3i»l Frey burg 392 Halsted 302 Haw Creek 393 High Hill 394 Holman 395 Ledbetter 39(j Moravan 398 Muldoon 3i>9 Nechanitz 400 Oldenburg. 400 O'Quinn 401 Oso 402 Plum 406 Praha 402 Roznov 40(5 Kutersville 407 Stella 408 Swiss Alp 408 VValdeck 409 Wallialla 409 W'arda 410 Warrenton 414 West Point 416 Winchester 418 Zapp 421 Addendum. 423 LIST OF ERRATA. On line 36, on page 59 strike out comma before "(luit" and insert after quit. On line 35, on page 61 instead of "Guerdler" read "Coerdel.'" On line 27, on page 88 instead of "J. Russek" read "I. Kussek." On line 19, on page 95 instead of "William Porton'' read "William Ponton." On line 21, on page 95 instead of "De Wftts" read "De Witt-s."' On line3 in note, page 95 instead of "Lacaca"' read "Lavaca." On line 34, on page 99 instead of "1856" read ^'1846." On line 32, on page 172 instead of "January" read "Feb- ruary." On line 3,_on page 173 instead of "1998" read "1898." On line 17, on page 184 instead of "R. S. Hormuth" read "R. S. Homuth." In list of County Clerks on page 187 instead of "1835 I. 8, Sister" read "18381. S. Sister." -XVI — In list of Sheriffs on i)age 188 instead of "S. Alexander Irivvin" read "8. Alexander Irwin."' In list of Sheriffs on page 18S instead of "1873 G7" read "1873-7G." In list of Sheriffs on page 188 instead of "1895 to present time" read "1894 to present time." In list of Assessors on page 189 instead of "1892 to 96" read "1882 to 1896." In list of County School Superintendents on page 190 in- stead of "1998 to present time" read "1898 to present time." In list of District Clerks on page 190 instead of "1854-65" read "J854-58" instead of "19G6" read "1866;" instead of "177694" read "1876-94," in note instead of "L. H. Moore" read "L. VV. Moore." In biography of August Loessiu in line 11 on page 195, instead of "1869" read "1897." In line 18 on page 201 instead of "W. G, Welsh" read "VV. G. Webb." In line 26 on page 207 instead of "Willow Bayou" read "Yellow Bayou" and insert, "and the skirmishes from Double Bridges down to Yellow Bayou." In line 19 on page 225 instead of "Wm. Krause" read "Wm. Kruse." In line 16 on page 228 instead of "Then" read "Thus." In line 37 on page 245 instead of "Polylinic" read "Poly- clinic." in line 28 on page 293 instead of "but" read "best." In No. 9, on page 309 instead of "Crockett's" read "Cock- rell's." In line 30, page 320. strike out "part of the," In line 16 on page 360 instead of "W. Pierce" read "T. \Y. Pierce." In line 3 on page 361 instead of "Franz and Rosina Stan- zel" read "F. A. and Therese Slanzel." In line 16 on page 361 strike out the words "who estab- lished the first lumber yard m Schulenburg." Ln line 6 on page 364 instead of "Plenrv Perlitz" read "F. W. Ferlitz." In line 3 and 10 on page 383 instead of "Cockrill's" read "Cockrell's." In line 19 on page 400 instead of "Vodkel" read "Voelkel." In line 9 on page 420 instead of "Dr. A. F. Verderi" read "Dr. A. F. Verdery." PART I. DESCRIPTION OF PAYETTE COUISTTY. DESCRIPTION OF FAYETTE COUNTY. I. SITUATION, CLIMATE. LEVEL AIJOVE SEA, RAIXFALL BOUNDARIES, AREA AND POPULATION. Fayette County is situated at a distance of about eighty miles nortlivvest from tlie Gulf of Mexico in the southern portion of Central Texas. It is traversed by the Colorado River, which divides it into two nearly equal parts. The thirtieth degree of latitude and the ninety-seventh degree of longitude west of Greenwich cross each other in the northwestern portion of the county near the town of Winchester. The county seat, La Grange, is under the same longitude as Dallas, Texas, and Lin- coln, Nebraska, which are due north of it, all three places being some twelve miles east of the ninety-seventh degree of longitude. LaGrange, the county seat, is also under the same latitude as New Orleans, The climate of Fayette County is delightful. Though the county lies in the semi-tropical zone, the heat of the summer is never excessive; it is tempered by refreshing south-winds, called Gulf breezes; these winds generally rise in summer time about -4— ten o'clock ill the morning and last during the balance of the day. The winter, too, is very mild. Some winter days are as warm as summer days in the North. Seldom the thermometer stands at or little beluw the freezing point. That is the time when a northwind, called norther, sweeps the vast slope of Tex- as; but before it reaches Fayette County, its force is generally spent. Nor do these northers last for a considerable time, hard- ly ever longer than two days. Still, when they do come, the people, being accustomed to warm weather, feel their disagree- able effects. Overcoats, long stowed away, hardly ever used, are taken from their hiding places. People change their slow walk to a quick tramp. Then, too,is the time when resolutions to reform are most liable to be broken. But even those cold northers are not without scenes that speak to the heart. At that time, on the farm, the 'pater farailias' stands by a huge fire in the yard, butchering his fatted hog; inside the women folks are busy salting the pork, frying the fat, making sausage and preparing choice morsels for dinner. The children who want to see papa kill and butcher the hog have to be sent back into the house out of the cold wind time and again. Our friend goes with his help- ing neighbor time and again to the smokehouse where, from a corner, he takes a brown jug and they drink. Probably, his good wife does not know if vinegar or molasses is in that dusty jug. They, of course, know and seem to enjoy it. No wonder that they are unusually bright and cheerful at dinner and the good humor and glee spreads over the whole family. They have a hogkiUing time. Thus, even northers are not without their pleasures. But very often a winter is so mild that it is hard- ly cold enough to kindle a fire in the fireplace. Very often roses and other flowers are blooming in January in the open air. Greens, mustard, turnips, radishes, etc., may be had constantly for the table. Jt is not the intense heat or cold that makes a climate insufferable and unhealthy, but rather the great change from intense heat to intense cold. While the summer in the North is as hot as ours — and some people claim it hotter — the winter up North is as cold as the summer is hot, thereby causing a great change of temperature. Here, in Fayette County, the mercury in the thermometer climbs up even in the winter time very often to 80 degrees Fahrenlieit; and in summer time, it does not go much higher (hardly ever to 95 degrees and never over 100 degrees) so that we have a warm climate all the year around without any great perceptible change. Sunstrokes which are caused up North by the great change of temperature from cold to heat never happen in Fayette County; unknown cause of death to us, only heard of and read of in newspapers. As Fayette (bounty is not far from the sea, abundant rams are most propitious to crops, while the rolling country well drained and about 400 feet above the level of the sea, at the same time, gets quickly dry and, therefore, is healthy. Statistics about the rainfall in Fayette County could not be obtained, but it may be estimated that the rainfall is about twenty to forty inches per year. Big winter rains are considered very favorable to crops, as the country, in that case well soaked, retains suffi- cient moisture for the growth of plants till late in the summer. Fayette County is bounded on the east by Austin and Colo- rado Counties, south by Lavaca County, west by Gonzales and Bastrop Counties, north by Lee and Washington Counties. The county contains 963 square miles and has, according to tiie U, S, Census of 1900, a population of 30,542 iniuibitants Surface and Soil. The topography of the county may be reduced to a very few simple features that form the frame of the description. If the reader has mastered these, he may, if interested, i)roceed to the details without fear of becoming confused by their mass. To describe the surface and soil of a whole county clearly and exactly is always a difficult task, and no matter how clear the description, its perusal will always be a constant strain on the attention of the reader. For clearness sake, the main features are treated of first, in order for the reader to have a frame around which to group the details. In the eastern part of the county are two gravel ridges, one north, one south of the Colo- rado River. These ridges are covered with post-oak. East of them are prairies that extend into adjoining counties, west of — 6— them are large prairies that are entirely in the county. Again, west of these latter prairies begins post-oak, enclosing small prairies and extending into adjoining counties. To reduce this statement still farther: From the eastern part of the county prairies extend into adjoining counties; from the western part, post-oak; in the middle are extensive, rich, black land prairies, surrounded by post-oak. Very simple feat- ures, if the reader stops to make a picture of them. The reader remembers the two gravel ridges running in the middle of the eastern part of the county in a northerly direction, north and south of the Colorado River. Pay your attention to the northern half of the county, i. e. north of the Colorado River first. The mentioned northern gravel ridge runs for the most part on the left or western bank of Cumming's Creek. On both sides of this ridge is a small belt of sandy post-oak, on the outer edges of these post-oak belts are rich black land prairies. On the prairie east of this gravel ridge lie the towns of Round Top, Haw Creek, and Zapp. This prairie extends far into Austin and Washington Counties, being their richest lands, as also the Fayette County part of this prairie is one of the richest sections in this county. On the prairie west of this gravel ridge lie the towns of Rutersville, Oldenburg, and Warrenton. This rich prairie is bordered north and west by sandy post-oak which ex- tends for a great many miles north through the whole of Lee County, far eyen into Milam County, west through the largest part of Bastrop County. This post-oak forms the northwestern part of Fayette county; in it are the towns of Warda, Winches- ter, and Ledbetter, This large sweep of post-oak contains in the Fayelte County part several islands of pine woods, notably be- tween Warda and Winchester; also several prairies of small ex- tent, notably the Cunningham and Ingram Prairies in the neigh- borhood of Winchester, the Cottonwood Prairie with the town of Walhalla, and Long Prairie with the towns of Nechanitz and W'ahlock. The soil of all this post-oak and these pineries is for the most part sandy, with red and yellow clay for subsoil, The prairies have ricli black soil. The whole swec]) of country is drained and traversed by a great many creeks which have very good bottom lands. The southern part of Fayette County is somewhat analogous to the northern part. In sight of LaGrano;e a high rock and gravel ridf^e covered with post-oak, called the Blufi', rises ab- ruptly from the river. It stretches in a southeasterly direction, sometimes receding from the river, thus giving place for the bot- tom lands. South of Williams' Creek, it is continued bv post- oak which extends into Lavaca County. East of this post-oak is the Mullins prairie which towards Weimar takes the name of Weimar Prairie, rich black land, part of it still in Fayette Coun- ty. West of this post-oak is the black land Navidad or Schulen- burg Prairie, rich and extensive, studded with many prospering towns and villages. It extends west to the neighborhood of Flatonia. In the south, this prairie is bordered by black live- oak and sandy post-oak lands of Lavaca County. From this southern post-oak a big tongue or peninsula of live-oak and post-oak stretches into the prairie lands through Engle to the neighborhood of Freyburg in a northerly direction. In the west this prairie is bounded, like the prairie in the northern part, by sandy post-oak. In this post-oak are also small prairies, notably one at Cistern, northwest of Flatonia. In spots in this section the post-oak soil is of a chocolate color like the soil in Cistern Prai- rie. The subsoil here too as generally in Fayette County, is red and yellow clay. In the neighborhood of Muldoon in this post- oak, the thin surface soil is broken by big, hard sand rocks. Here are the Muldoon quarries that furnish rocks for the Galveston jetties. It remains for the reader to pay attention to the bottom lands of the Colorado Kiver. This river flows through the mid- dle of the county. At places high ridges and bluffs fall precipit- ately nito the river; at other places they recede even for several miles from the river, thus giving place for rich bottom lands. These ridges are grown with post-oak which continues further on through the whole county, as in the western part or forms the border of rich black land prairies as in the eastern part. Thus, the prairies in Fayette County are like costly pictures set everywhere in a wooden frame, iierc of post-oaks, the picture being the more valuable. Haviug thus separated the prairie from the post-oak, the black lands from the sandy, it remains for the reader to notice that the surface is of a rolling nature, not only in the prairies, but also in the post-oaks, though more so in the prairies. It rises gradually towards the west. It has already been remarked that the subsoil of Fayette County generally is red or yellow clay. The black land humus which covers it is one to two feet deep, therefore very fertile and lasting. The sand is not very deep, but rests on a rich loam- bed which makes it fertile. Very few complaints, if any, are heard in Fayette County thot the land or rather the humus washes away during big rains. The slopes of the hills in this county are very little slantinfj, falling only very gradually. Besides, the fields are generally small and sep- arated from each other by strips of grass, thereby breaking the force of the running water. Still it may not be amiss to repeat here the advice of the U. S. Agricultural Bureau in regard to preventing land from washing away during big rains; First, to plant trees on the top of the hills. There the water starts. The rcots of the trees suck up the water and thus prevent it from get- ting a forcible start from the top of the hills. Second, to plow not down the hill, but across it. Third, to leaye at short distanc- es strips of grass, thus preventing one downright fall of the water. Fourth, where gullies are already caused by rains, to fill them with brush and place rocks on top of the brush to the brink of the gully at proportionate distances, thus the gully will gradually fill up and be arable land again. Advice not neces- sary for Fayette county, still worth considering in a few parts. Some of these ideas are carried out in Fayette County anyway; farmers that had cause, have found them out themselves. 'therefore, big rains generally do very little damage in the county by washing the laud awav. Watercourses and Drainage. The reader knows that the Colorado River runs through the county from northwest to southeast. This river, with its num- erous tributaries, is the mam drainage channel of the county. Its tributaries in the north are Ilabb's Creek and Cumming's Creek; they run nearly parallel to each other in a southerly di- rection; Rabb's Creek in the west, Ciunming's Creek in the east. The main tributary to llabb's creek on the left or eastern bank is Owl Creek, running west; to the Cumming's Creek, on the right or western bank, the Clear Creek, running east. The main tributaries of the Colorado on the southern bank are Buckner's Creek and Wiliianis' Creek, running in an easterly direction; Euckner's Creek meeting the Colorado at LaGrange, Williams Creek, some eight miles below, in the southeastern part of the county the Navidad River and its tributaries, one of them the Mixen Creek, drain the surrounding country. All thesei creeks are running the whole year, thereby contrib- uting greatly to the fertility of the country, Kor is tT^iere any need of water for cattle and horses. Strips of bottom timber are bordering these creeks preventing greatly their drying out or being ruled up with washed up land. May they never be cut down. In some parts of other counties where this has been done the creeks have been filled up with washed up land; they are changed to dry gullies and; at the time of big rains, overflow and damage the adjoining farm lands. Therefore, let the trees stand at the border of creeks; they also help to retain the mois- ture in the ground. For this reason, water in abundance car- be found everywhere in Fayette County at a short distance under ground, say from 20 to 60 feet. Produce and Land Prices. Fayette County, as the reader has seen, having good soil and subsoil, being well watered and drained, vvitli sufhcient rainfall and delightful climate, is necessarily a fertile and pro- ductive county. The staple product is cotton. The inexhaust- ible bottomlands of the Colorado River and some creeks produce, according to the season, from one to two bales of cotton per acre and from forty to eighty bushels of corn. The fertile prair- ie lands bring from one-half to over one bale per acre, the sandy post-oak lands, in wet seasons, the same amount: in dry seasons, considerably less; nor is the sandy land as lasting as the black, waxy prairieland; its fertility has to be kept up by manur- iufj. The i)ost-oak land is not very good land for corn. While —10— forty to sixty bushels of corn is only an average crop in the black prairie, twenty-five bushels is a good crop for post-oak land; and very often it happens that instead of hauling a crop of corn from the field, the post-oak farmer gets only some twelye barrels of nubbins per acre for his work. Still, where the land is well manured and the farming well done, quite satisfactory corn crops are obtained even in post-oak-lands. While post-oak land is not as favorable to corn as the rich black prairie, it beats the latter for raising tobacco and wine, two products that do not require a rich soil,^ but do better on sandy land. Though both these latter crops do well in Fayette County, they have not been raised yet for the market, but only for home consumption. Other counties with the same soil and climate as, for instance, Montgomery and Lavaca Counties, have raised excellent quali- ties of tobacco and found it a very profitable crop. There is no doubt that in future time Fayette County post-oak owners will engage more extensively in tobacco culture. Till now inexperi- ence to some extent in curing the tobacco and bringing it into salable shape, also the only small amount raised have not been lavorable in obtaining a ready market. But these obstacles will be overcome as the tobacco culture progresses. Wine, too, of a very good quality, equal at least to the bet- ter California grades, can be raised in this county and in some places, is raised; but also only for home consumption. In Fay- ette County and in Texas in general, the market for wine is not very favorable, as here beer and whiskey are the going bever- ages. Barkeepers who sell wine charge for Texas wino the same price as for imported wines, and, in comparison, Texas wine is well worth its price. Still, if they would sell it at half the price of other wines, thev would still make a very good profit and also start and introduce a new industry that would benefit the whole county. Besides, the wine-growers should sell their wine m attractive bottles. Instead of filling it into empty beer bottles and flostetter Bitters bottles, let them buy wine bottles, ])ut an attractive label and a nice gold or silver seal on it, in short, bring it into sliape attractive to the buyer and spend some money for advertising. Keej) on pusiiing it and see if a paying niarket will not finally be opened for tiiis product. All wine- —11— growers do not raise the same quality; some know tlie processes of obtaining a good wine better than others; here experience again will come with a more extensive culture. The wines raised and that do best in this county are the Herbemnnt and Black Spanish; the lirst of a golden, the latter of a dark red color. Wine culture requires great care and experience. Wine has in nature many enemies, the greatest of them, black-rot which destroys the vines. Besides these tame wines, Mustang wine from the wild growing vine of the same name is produced in Fayette County. It is of different quality according to the knowledge and experience of the maker in the i)rocesses of ob- taining a good wine. While some i)roduce a tolerable wiae, the product of others is of an inky taste. If this writer has compli- mented some people on their self made Mustang wines and, a})- preciating their good will towards him, from excessive polite- ness, acknowledged that their Mustang wines were of superior taste, flavor and quality, even if they were only a few months old and sour enough to draw up shoe-leather, his great love of veracity prevents him from admitting in writing that all Mus- tang wines are good. Of fruit-trees, peach and pear trees do very well every- where in Fayette County. Other varieties of fruit-trees also do well here, but are not so extensively planted as the former. The fruit is very good and enough of it is raised that shipments should pay. But the people are too busy raising their other crops, especially corn and cotton so as to pay much attention to this crop, though there is little doubt that if done so, it would pay well. All the good house-wife can do is to save time to cook a small and choice part of the fruit and make preserves of them. Of these, a very large stock is found m nearly all house- holds. The balance of the fruit is either gathered and given to the hogs, or, if there is no time for tliis, as sometimes there is not, it rots on the ground. Oats and rye are the small grains tnat are raised in the county. Both grains make good crops. Rye is planted to some extent in the eastern part of the county by German farmers. It produces from twelve to fifteen bushels ])er acre. Ground to —12— flour, it is used for bread. A great many crops are new in Fay- ette County; as for instance, the rye crop; the longer the experi- ence in these crops, the better will be the results. Garden vegetables grow in abundance and are of the choicest quality. Tomatoes, turnips, carrots, beets, radishes, mustard, cabbage, asparagus, squash, green pepper, cucumbers, beans, peas, watermelons, cantaloupes, pumpkins, cauli-flowers and a great many other vegetables which the writer does not know the name of grow luxuriously in all varieties. Their shipment would hardly pay. Still, if they would be raised in large quanti- ties so that it would pay buyers to look after them, and if they were paid for on delivery at the shipping place, they would be a good money crop, and Fayette County vegetables soon would conquer a market and gain a reputation for their choice quality. The difficulty in marketing garden-vegetables is that they are of a perishable nature and cannot be held like corn or cotton for speculation, but must be sold quickly and at any price. It would hardly pay the owners to ship them without having pre- viously found a market for them and entered into contract with the buyers for the terms of their delivery and payment. In that case, money may be realized and a good profit made; but if the owner should ship them at haphazard to some commis- sion house for sale without first having figured on the railroad rates, he may find to his great regret that he has shipped them with no proceeds whatever, the proceeds only covering expense of railroad freight and commission. Some Austin and Colorado County farmeis experienced this with a shipment of a car of watermelons to Chicago, some years ago. The shippers of the Colorado County car were called on by the Chicago commission house to pay in addition to the proceeds of their shipment $5.00 for sale of melons and for freight. The Austin County shippers were luckier and realized from the proceeds of the sale of one car of watermelons S 16.00, about enough to pay them for haul- ing them to the depot. Still, if they are raised close to a ship- ping place and care is taken to have a market for them, they may be shipped with profit. Careless shipments made in such a way are liable to ruin a new industry in the county. Nobody doubts he can raise vegetables of the most excellent quality —13— in any amount, but before engaging into the business of raising them for the market, he should provide for a market first and be sure of it. Then there will be great profit in it. Sweet potatoes, Irish or white potatoes do splendidly in Fayette County. Of sweet potatoes as many as 150 bushels have been gathered from an acre. As these products are not of such a perishable nature, they are often disposed of in the market with profit. If this fails, they are excellent feed for hogs and may be used for that purpose. Sorghum-cane and ribbon-cane do well. Though I believe that instead of ribbon -cane other crops could be raised with greater profit. It is raised only for home consumption. Sor- ghum-cane makes two to three cuttings a year. It makes a very good molasses, far better than the molasses bought in stores for thirty-five cents per gallon. This store-molasses, made from corn and broomcorn-stalks, is of poor taste and not considered heal- thy. Besides this, sorghum cane is excellent feed for horses, cattle and hogs and is raised chiefly for this purpose. Now, as some attention is paid to fattening: cattle for the market and cotton- seed meal and hulls are mostly used for that purpose, it may be worth considering the question, if even better feedstufis cannot be raised cheaper. One crop that would do very well in the rich black land prairies, but is not raised in the county, is broomcorn. It brings about half a ton to the acre. The price fluctuates from seventy to two hundred and forty dollars per ton, according to quality and demand. It requires less work in cultivating than cotton, but wears out the land, if planted several years in succession in the same field. Horses, cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry are raised by near- ly every farmer. Of late years, great attention has been paid to the improvement of stock. The stock farm of Dr. I, E. Clark, near Schulenburg, has acquired a reputation eyen beyond the limits of the state. Horses and cattle are raised enough for home needs and even for sale. While formerly bacon and pork was shipped to this county, enough hogs are raised now iu —14— the county to meet the home demand. The hens of some farm- ers are (|uite industrious so that some farmers meet their whole store bills from the proceeds ot tlieir poultry-trade. It seems to this writer that in comparison to other meats the price of tur- keys and geese is not what it should be; they are at least half as cheap as beef. Still, they are used only for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Well, has the kind reader thought something in perusing all this? May be only that it was tedious reading. Very un- profitable thought that is and very uncomplimentary to the author. But here is one profitable. Fortunes may still be made in Fayette County and the men that provide or find a market for the great variety of products that can be raised with ease and with profit in Fayette County and are as yet without a market will make them. There is always profit in introducing and developing new industries. This will happen in future time. We do not need to be in any hurry about it. Neither soil nor its ability to produce these crops will disappear. Considering that eighty years ago Fayette County was a wilderness, we should feel proud of the achievements of the past and feel hap- py that soiiie work is still left for the future. Outside of tlie cities and towns the farming countrj' at large is densely settled, may be more so than any other portion of the state. For this reason, land prices in Fayette county are reasonably high, not inflated by a boom like in some other coun- ties, but because the lands value more on account of conveniences of schools and churches and the comforts of neighborhood en- joyed in densely settled districts. Lands of the same quality, but removed from the market and the conveniences of modern comfort, would not bring half the price;and quite right so, con- sidering only one item that their products have to be hauled for long distances to a market. Still, lands are not excessively high in this county. As the reader knows that there is a great variety of soil in Fayette county, gravel, sandy, prairie and bot- tom land, the price varies greatly with the quality of the land. Post-oak land may be bought at from two to fifteen dollars per acre according to improvements and state of cultivation; prairie —is- lands are sold from twenty to forty dollars per acre; bottom- lands, still higher. There are farmers owning well improved farms who would not part with them for lifty dollars an acre. Land prices are less fluctuating in Fayette County than elsewhere for the reason that there have never been any crop-failures in the county. No one who comes to Fayette County to make his living by farming has to pack up again on account of crop-failure. How often have not people bought land in otlier counties, the val- ue of which was inflated by a boom and after several crop-fail- ures had to give it up, having lost their all. Such never was the case in Fayette County. Here the farmer, knowing what he has, is not anxious at all to sell his farm and if he does, the buyer gets it at value received. For the reason that there are no crop failures, even the fluctuation of prices of the staple pro- duct of cotton does not affect the value of land, the farmer being well able to weather low, cold prices for years. Resources of the County. The various products that may be raised in this county have been treated of very extensively under another heading, may be too extensively even for a patient reader. Besides these, the resources of the county are abundant in the greatest varie- ties of timber. This subject will be given an entire chapter lat- ter on. We will look here for the resources underneath and this writer cannot do better than refer to an article on "The Oil De- posits of Texas" by jNIr. Dumble, the Texas state geologist, pub- lished sometime in January 1901 in the Houston Post. "The next important horizon is that connected with the belt of lig- nites, one bed of which is exposed at Manton Bluff, above LaGrange and the sands which overlie them. In this imme- diate vicinity the natural production of oil from lignite beds can be seen in progress. Positive proof o-f the presence of oil and gas in these beds is found in the Cervenka well near LaGrange, and the Greenwine well of Washington County." Not alone lignite beds and oil fields are found in Fayette County, but also a great variety of other minerals. Mr, J. C. Melcher, of O'Quinn has for the last twelve years paid —16— liis closest altention to the discoveries of minerals in the county, he has made extensive prospecting tours and is well qualified to speak on the minerals of the county. The following article is prepared by him for this book and deserves tlie careful attention of the reader. THE MINERALS OF FAYETTE COUNTY. By J. C. Melcher, O'Quinn, Texas. A deficiency in the railroad laws proves very disastrous to the mining interests of the state. Railroads have no right to con- demn a man's land and pay for it at the assessed value in order to build a spur to a mineral section of country. Thus, a man owning a few hundred yards between a railroad and a mineral deposit may jirevent its development by asking an exorbitant price for it or by refusing to sell the right of way at all. Amongst others, I haye several times suffered from the deficiency of such laws. In consequence, my attempts to find gold and other precious metals or ores have been very limited, more than they would have been otherwise. Many people imagine that there might be millions in the ground and that the prosj)ector is try- ingto steal them. I have found several valuable minerals on the Walter Hamilton and Muldoon Leagues, but failed to make con- tracts with the land owners to develop their properties for a reasonable compensation. I have some very interesting assay certificates, but they do me no good, as the land does not belong to me. We need outsiders to come in and take hold of these things, as the people are more willing to bargain with them than with their neighbors. Evidences of Gold and Precious Metals. I am of the opinion that even gold may be found in Fay- ette County. Old theorists said, 'Precious metals are found only in volcanic countries.' Precious metals are found in some, but not in all volcanic countries. Eminent geologists say, 'Grold is where you find it.' Placer or drift gold may be found any- where, but not veingold. Fayette County bears a great many evidences of volcanic upheavels. The great bluffs and hills —17— north and south of LaGrange and east of Winchester and the rocky ridges near Muldoon are positive evidences. The many gravel hills and deposits in this county show that there once was a very strong current of water coining down from the Rocky Moun- tains which brought the rocks and gravel down from the moun- tain sides. We know that there is gold in the Rocky Mountains, and some of it must have come down here with the drift rock and sand. Wherever we find much quartz among the rocks, sand and gravel, we may look for some gold or silver in the form of placer of drift metal. Mineral springs and sulphur and gypsum in the earth are also usually good indications of more or less minerals in the vicinity. These we have in many places in this county. I have a piece of very rich gold ore, found by a negro in a gravel bed near O'Ciuinn Creek. I have heard of an outcrop of blue quartz, containing considerable pyrites, south ot the Bluff near LaGrange. I have found pyritic sands and sulphites in Buckner's Creek and Iron Ore Branch. Sulphur. We have many sulphur veins and springs in this county, but I do not know of any sulphur deposits large enough to be work- ed. There is a large territory along Buckner's Creek in this county where it is almost impossible to get good well water on account of the ground containing too much sulphur and other mineral matter. There are many sulphur and mineral wells in other parts of this county, bnt there is also generally enough of good water to supply the neighborhoods. Lignite. I think Fayette County has more lignite than any other county in the State. One coal belt extends nearly, if not quite across the entire county, from near Carmine to Waelder. This lignite belt seems to be in places seven miles wide, but it is not a solid sheet all the way; in manv places it is broken up. The biggest and finest out-crops seem to be between LaGrange and Muldoon. One mine, or rather a coal quarry was in operation on the Colo- rado River bank, three miles above LaGrange, in twelve to lifteen feet of lignite. They have stopped working; for what reason, I —18— do not know. I suppose that the oil boom has scared them out. Other lignite beds have been discovered along the S. A. & A. P. R. R., bui the oil boom has kept them down, A number of suc- cessful tests have been made lately with Beaumont oil and lig- nite combined. The combination burns and heats much better than either alone. It is the cheapest and best fuel for smelting iron ores and several other purposes. Oil. Tliere are many si»ns of oil in the lignite and sulphur districts of this county. One good sign is said to be on the Tansey place, three miles west of Muldoon. Genuine blue 'mineral oil sands crop out in many places below the lignite beds. These sands as well as the lignites dip to the south-east and that is the direc- tion in which the oil goes or comes. It the theory is correct that oil rises (and I have no doubt that it does, until it gets near the surface of the earth, when it will disappear again,) then the oil may come from the Gulf, crop out here and be the cause of the formation of lignites here. If, however, the oil was formed here among the lignites and followed the dip to the south-east, then we may look for oil on the dip (slope) south-east of here or we njay strike the oil vein from the Bastrop County lignites. There was some talk about drilling for oil in the north-eastern portion of the county. Gen. H. Loessin had leased lands for oil near Muldoon. The present cheapness of Beaumont oi) will keep the oil and lignite prospects in the county down for some time. Gas. I know of only one gas well in this county, but there are a number of ordinary water wells which contain small quantities of gas. To my knowledge, a well has never been dug in this county for the purpose of obtaining gas or oil. The gas well in this county was struck while drilling for water at a depth of 124 feet, about four miles south-west of LaGrange in 1897. One day the gas was set afire by an inquisitive experimenter who in consequence carried away a considerable amount of experience. The hole had to be filled half full of dirt before the blaze could —lu- be checked. It was said that a local oil company intended to reopen the well and go down to considerable depth, if necessary. I hear nothing of them now, 1 suppose the Beaumont oil is hold- ing them down. Kaolin. Kaolin is the finest of white clays, used in the manufacture of porcelain ware and for many other purposes. Large beds of kaolin are found near Flatonia. There is a great difference in the quality and color of kaolins. I have found a large bed of the finest kind of kaolin on the S, A. & A. P. railroad, near thg Muldoon rock quarries, five miles north-east of Muldoon. Kao- lin deposits have also been found in the hills east of Winchester. Gypsum, (Plaster Paris. Hydrochlorate of Lime.) Gypsum is scattered over many places in this county, but I have never found enough of it to pay working, I think it will be found in sufiicient quantities in the future. Tlie specimens thus far found are very clear and transparent. Feli).spar. Feldspar is found m payinor quantities in many places be- tween O'Ciuinn and Flatonia. It may be used in the manufac- ture of pottery and crockery, after it has been prepared. Alumina. Alumina is mostly found among the feldspathic and silici- ous clays. It can be found among our valuable white clays in the county. I have a sample before me which is white and very light, almost like magnesia. Common or Potter Clay. Common or Potter Clay is abundant in many |)laceH. A good clay bank of the right kind near the railroad is very valu- able. It will all be needed by and by. especially for good bricks, fire-proof bricks, ornamental works and house fronts. —20- TiLE AND Jr'iPE Clay, Tile and Pipe clay will be needed, and we have worlds of it, of all grades and colors. Red clay is also iu abimdance. Peo- ple have learned to make a very valuable cement out of certain clay. Probably old Fayette has th:=^ very stuff for this. Would it not be a great thing, if old Fayette should furnish Galveston with rock and cement to build the great sea-wall around Galves- ton? They could have the rock and cement all in the same place, at very little cost. Limestone and Lime. Many years ago, some people burned their own lime in this county, and a durable lime it was. I will try to give the names of some of the old lime makers of this county. They were H. L. Kreische. and Kucik on the Bluff, Tiemann on Cedar Creek, and Wm. Duelberg at O'Quinu. 1 don't think any lime was burned here in the last thirty years. I don't tliink it was the lack of material which stopped the manufacture of lime, but we could get it elsewhere, just in quantities needed and ready pack- ed. What is needed is that some one starts the work again and a barrel factory close by. Sandstone. Most of our building stone would be called sand-stone, some of it is mixed with lime and micaceous matter. I think the best, handiest and most availiable building stone is at or near Mul- doon. Thousands of carloads have been taken therefiom and millions of tons of fine rock are still left there. The rock there is a stratified sandstone, mixed with lime and micaceous mat- ter so that it cracks and splits very readily under the hammer in desired directions. It lies in straight layers, already cracked in large cubes, therefore very handy to quarry, break and load. I know that sandstone formations and petrifications are going on Ibis day. Some sand-stone which was very soft when I was a boy is hard enough now. Tlie next big rock quarry in this country is about four miles south-east of Ledbelter. Rock fram this ])lace has also been used for the Galveston jetties. Tlie great and celebrated Bluff, south of LaGrange, contains millions —21 — of good rock of many kinds and colors, but it is diilicult to get them into market, as the place is not easily accessible for rail- roads. There are several smaller rock quarries, three to five miles south-west of LaGrange. From the High Hill Creek, east of La- Grange, ver}^ good thin building stones have also been quarried. A nice red sand-stone is found three miles west of Serbin. A church house was built of this stone in 1868 which still looks very well this day. Petrifications. Petrifications are very numerous in this county. Tliey are great curiosities in other counties, wliilo we do not pay any at- tention to them here. The largest and most interesting pieces are three trees on the Leitenberg place near the S. A. & A. P. R. R, each of which was over four feet in diameter and forty to fifty feet long to the first limbs. The choicest pieces liave been hauled away for orupmcnts ; there is a pair still left, twenty-two inches in diameter and fourteen feet long, without a crack or knot. Many p^etrified bones of antediluvian animals have been found. The most numerous petrifications are found between Swiss Alp and West Point. I think they probably will be looked after in the future, Iron and Oxide oi' Ikon. A fine large bed of limonite ore has lately been discovered on the V/alter Hamilton League and secured l>y a twenty-five years' lease. It overlies a thick bed of iron ochre. Plematite and oxide of iron eroji out in several places on the Walter Hamilton and Muldoon Leagues. Iron oxide mixed with sand and clay is found in many places in this county. When pure and strong, it is a valuable insecticide, fertilizer, and color maker, like the ochre; it is used also as a cheap paint; some of the clay mnkes line red pottery, tiling and pipes ; mixed with sand, it makes nice red brick. If applied to the cotton plants on blacklands with calcareous subsoils, before they die, or if such lands are fer- tilized with the oxide of iron, I think it will prevent the cotton from dying. Oxide of iron is a poison to all aoisnal lilc having white blou(l, and it is necessary to all animal life having red —22— blood. Fayette County has millions of tons of this slufT", and the time will come when it will be looked after. Old Fayette has nearly everythiuo; in the mineral line you may call for. The other day I came accidentally across a vertical vein of metallic ore on top of a hill one hundred feet high, about six miles north- east of Flatonia. Another positive proof that parts of this county are of volcanic origin. Magnj:tio Sand. There is one more interesting mineral in the county to be mentioned, magnetic sand. Your readers will notice directly after a rain on roadsides or ditches streaks of blue metallic sand. If they will pass a magnet over these blue streaks, the magnet will pick up the bluish black metallic ore. We have places in this county where lightning strikes very often. This is mostly due to the metallic magnetic sand in the earth. Yours very truly, J. C. Melcher. FAYETTE COUNTY'S MINERAL RESOURCES. As Described by C. L. Melcher, of S\viss Alp, Texas. 1. There is an outcrop of iron ore in the western part of the coanty, beginning near Peacii Creek about ten miles west oi Flatonia, thence in a northeastern direction to the Colorado River near West Point. Indications show that there is a heavy de- posit of iron ore beneath the outcrop]jing which is generally on toj) of a hill or on the hillsides. There is an immense quantity of iron in the ground near the outcroppings of tiie ore on the surface of the ground. 2. Great quantities of lignite coal are found on a line par- allel with the iron ore bed, southeast Irom the iron ore bed. Of course, this is not taken from a geological or topographic survey or standpoint, and is only viewed by outcroppings of said lignite coal on different places along hillsides, branches or washouts. These outcroppings indicate in which direction the veins, or lodes, of the lignite coal are dipping or traveling, —23-^ The first vein, or lode, which is undoubtedly the mother vein, or lode, begins on the Gorham Branch about Ij miles west of Hermann Loessin, better known as General Loessin's place, where the first outcroppmg of lignite is plainly wa=ihed out, and can be traced for several hundred yards in a northeasterly direc- tion. Thence it travels to Shed Clayton (col.) or Otto Polsin's place on Cedar Creek, where an outcropping in tiie latter creek shows a heavy bed of lignite coal. Thence in a northeasterly direction to the O'Quinn Branch, near or at Ernst Hengst's place, at a washout in this branch ; lignite coal, mixed with sulphur, protrudes in the bed and banks of said creek. Thence in a northeasterly direction to Iron Ore Branch near or at Henry Duelberg's place, where sulphurous deposits mixed with copper, also lignite, protrude out of the bed. Thence in a northeasterly direction to Buckner's Creek near or at the place known as the Dr. Denker place, where lignite protrudes in great quantities and burns freeJy in an open blacksmith hearth. Thence in a northeasterly direction to the Colorado River near or at the Manton farm, about three miles above the city of LaGrange, where lignite coal is now mined and proves to be very satisfactory. Thence northeasterly across the Colorado River, creeping under the chalk bluff about three miles above LaGrange, where the mother lode is cut off and expires. It undoubtedly has been produced and formed at the time when the chalk bluff and the bluff at LaGrange, better known as Kreische's Bluff", were upheaved. This will end the mother lode as far as I can trace it. Now to the tributaries or branches as they zigzag from tne place to another, creeping in the direction of the mother vein where they will intersect and unite with their mother lode. The second vein begins at Henry Leitenberg's place on Buckner's Creek and travels in a zigzag line to J. C. Melcher's place, where a shaft has been dug and a solid bed of lignite coal twelve feet thick was struck. This coal was tested at Yoakum and several other places and proved to be a very good coal. —24— This vein still continues on in a zigzag line towards its mother lode and intersects the same near Henry Duelberg's and John Laux's places on Buckner's Creek. Indications and outcroppings on the surface of the ground are plainly visible and show in which direction the yein travels, The third vein begins somewhere near West Point, travels in an easterly direction along the divide between the Colorado River and Buckner's Creek, also in a zigzag line toward its mother lode and intersects it at the same point where vein No. 2 inter- sects. Tins so far ends the lignite coal veins. Now to rock. There is a layer of a very coarse, blue-gray- ish looking rock, which lies parallel uith the mother lode of lig- nile. By examining this rock any person can see that it ia formed of nothing else but sea shells or shale and is undoubt- edly the cap rock of the lignite. Tliere is another layer or vein of rock also running parallel with the coal vein. This rock is what is called sand rock and is wery good for building and masonry work. This layer begins east of the town of Flatonia, thence travels in a northeasterly direction to the bluff near the city of LaGrange where an immense quantity of this rock has been upheaved and forms the bluff, which is 300 feet high. The bluff in some places is i)erpendicular, from 100 to 200 feet high, and of good solid rock ; immense boulders of this rock weighing from five to ten tons can be found in Mr. Knigge's pasture. These boulders are all sticking edgewise or upright in liie ground, and all indications show that tht-,se great boulders have been blown up under great pressure and have remained in such posi- tion ever since. There is no telling what pressure yet remains underneath the bluff. Now as to gas. First, gas has been found in a well about 80 feet deep and riglit on top of a hill on Mr. Fritz Nollkaem- per's place near Swiss Alp. about eight miles southwest of La Granoe. Eighteen years ago this well was called the singing well, and no well digger would go into it tor anything in the world ; hence the well w:is abandoned and covered up. Second, gas was struck about six years ago in a well at a —25— depth of 128 feet on Mrs. Cervenka's place, about five miles south of LaGrange, and almost at the base on the south side ot the bluff. The roar and rumbling of this well could be heard for a distance of 400 or 500 yards. The well caught fire from strikmg a match near it. by an onlooker, and endangered ihe dwelling which stood near by. It required ten or twelve men to drag water and earth over and in- to the well to extinguish tlie fire. The well was then tightly covered up and abandoned; there it still remains. This gas well is about 2i miles northeast of the Nollkaemper well and on the same ridge which is an extension of the bluflt". This well is also on top of a hill. In a washout on a branch on the place of Mr. E. Knigge, Jr., near Swiss Alp, and about eight miles south of LaGrange. an immense lot of bones of all kinds from the smallest rib up to teeth tliat weigh 4 J pounds have been found and can be found yet. These bones are very brittle and will fall to pieces as soon as they get dry. The deposit of bones lies under a soft, white- yellowish looking sandstone. Now, from the above can be seen and readily understood that this (Fayette County) has an ample amount of iron, lignite, gas, hundreds of thousands of car loads of good rock for building purposes, and very good indications for oil and other minerals. Now as to the veins and ridges of the above and in which way they travel. 1st. Iron ore in the western part of the county travels from southwest to northeast. 2nd. Lignite vein is on the east side of the iron ore vein and travels parallel with it. 3rd. The shell rock vein lies on the east side of the lignite vein, also traveling parallel with it. 4th. The upheaved bluff with its extension lies on the east side of the shell rock, also traveling parallel with the shell rock vein from southwest to northeast. The deposit of bones is on the east side of the southwest extension of the bluffj but it can — ^6- not be traced in which direction it travels. I think it is only a pocket and was formed during a great flood, when the various animals were washed and lodged and covered np with earth at the time the bluft' was uplieaved, This so far ends my description of Fayette County concern- ing minerals, etc. It is not written from what people say, but is all from my own knowledge. I was raised in this county and know almost everv foot of ground, and if any person desires to go, 1 will take him over the ground, and he can convince himself. C. L. Melcher, Swiss Alp, Tex. THE TIMBER OF THE COUNTY. By J. C. Melcher, O'Quinn, Texas. Before describing the timber of the county, I may first state where it is found or which sections of the county are timbered. The heaviest timber grows in and near the principal bot- toms of rivers and creeks viz., in the Colorado River bottom, in the bottoms of Cummin's Creek and Rabb's Creek and their tributaries, north of the Colorado River and in the bottoms of Williams' Creek and Buckner's Creek, south of the Colorado. About one-half of the county was timbered, but large portions of land are cleared of timber every year and put in cultivation. A great mass of useful timber has been destroyed and burned in this clearing of lands, valuable and useful timber at that ; but fur the reason that it was too far from the market, no use was made of it. This destruction of timber goes on year by year. There is an immense quantity of valuable timber, espec- ially hard timber, in the county that may be used in manufac- ture. But we have no factories of that kind in the county. A factory which works our hard timber would be a success and a blessing to the county. A capitalist would find a good chance to invest his money in a factory of this kind. I will now give a description of the most common and useful timbers of this —27— county, but beg to be excused, if 1 write of tbem as they come into my mind, without arranging or classifying them. Ash grows in nearly all bottom lands (by bottom lands I mean the low, rich, heavily timbered lands along the streams). Ash grows to a height of forty to ninety feet, and to four feet in diameter. It is generally harder and tougher than the northern ash, makes a splendid wagon timber, and is found in sufficient quantity to supply all the wheelwrights of this county. A great deal of it is sinfully used for firewood, still more of it is dead- ened and burned in clearing bottom lands for cultivation, be- cause there are no mills, factories or markets near by. Black Jack is scattered all over the woods. It is the most useless wood we have, good only for fence rails and firewood. It resembles Spanish Oak, but is more dwarfish, grows to a height of fifty feet and sometimes measures thirty inches in diameter, but generally is only ten inches in thickness. The tree bears many large acorns. Its bark contains a great deal of tannin and acid. Bois d'Arc is native in a few places in the northeast por- tion of this county and has been transplanted and seeded nearly all over the county some twenty to thirty years ago for ornament and as hedgeplant. It is one of the hardest woods we have, grows rapidly, splits tolerably well, and makes excellent fence posts and good wagon timber, although it is a little too heavy for the latter purpose. Bark and roots somewhat resemble the mulberry and its leaves are equally good silkworm food. The seeds cluster into an immense ball wiiich looks like a mammoth orange. The color of the wood is yellow. Nice walking canes may bo made of the young shoots. Although it is used as a hedge])lant, it grows to a thickness of several feet and sixty feet hign. Box Elder is something between the ash and the maple, more resembling the ash in its leaves and therefore often called water-ash. It grows among the ash in the bottoms along creeks and branches to a height of fifty feet and often reaches thirty inches in dian)etei% The wood is smooth and whit«, ^^I'liost a,^ —28 — white as the white liolly of the North, hut is not quite so hard. It is excellent material for scroll-sawyer's work and for furniture. It makes good fence-posts when put into the ground thoroughly dry ; also splendid doorsteps and sills. It splits and is worked very easily when green, but when dry it is rather hard. The seeds are very small and resemble the seeds of the ash. Burr Oak grows along the bottoms, but is not so very plentiful now. It is much sought after for wagon timber and other purposes where good hard wood is required. It has the largest leaves and acorns of all the oak family and grows to good sized trees. Cedar (Red Cedar) was the most valuable timber in this county, but nearly all the large trees have been used up. I be- lieve that Fayette County had as much or more red cedar than any other county in the state. There are a great many young cedars growing up again, nnd as wire fencing has come into use, cedar rails will not be needed now and the young cedars will have a chance to become fair trees. They grow tolerably fast, averaging about one-half an inch in the growth of diameter every year. I have some cedars in my yard which average more than that. I like them better than any other trees for ornament and shade. They are a beautiful evergreen and may be clipped into almost any shape. They emit a very pleasant aroma, grow in nearly every bottom and often among the post- oaks, and are not at all particular as to the kind of soil. The best time to transplant them is in the months of September .■:\nd October, as they grow most in the fall of the year. In the rich bottoms they grow to a height of one hundred feet and to several feet in thickness. There is no timber ahead of them for fence- rails, pickets and shingles. For posts and well-curbing, live- oak, bois d'arc, mulberry, and mesquite may excel them, but I believe that in black ground ced\r excels them after all. Cottonwood is a species of the poplar family and grows along the streams, creeks and branches, and also in the pretty ])rairies of our county, to a height of over one liundred feet ; the thickest 1 ever saw was six feet in diameter. If cut in the right season of the year, the old trees make splendid limber for box- —29— ing, ceiling, franiing and shingles. The younger trees are gen- erally rather tough to work and too apt to spring, warp and rot. My whole storehouse is ceiled witli cottonwood from only one tree ; the same made two thousand six hundred feet of good lumber. Cottonwood grows very well after transplanting, but only in rich soil, SYCAiMORE. I don't think ours is the sycamore of the Nortli; ours resembles more the silver poplar. It grows natively in the bottoms among the cottonwoods which it somewhat resembles, only that the leaves are much larger and the bark is almost snow white. It is quite an interesting sight to see the large, huge white limbs in the green foliage. When the wind sweeps through the large leaves, they rattle against each other like a coming hail storm. Sycamore grows to a height of over one hundred feet and several feet in diatneter. If trees -are selected and cut in the right time, they make lumber of good quality, andsif nicely dressed, the prettiest kind of inside work and also good looking furniture. Tiiey furnish very often over a thous- and feet of lumber. Cypress is in resemblance between the cedar and the pine, coniform, and known all over the world better than I can des- cribe it. It grows along some of the streams east of the Colorado. Some fair sized trees still remain standing. The balance has been felled and worked up. They are evergreens and, like the cedar, grow from the seeds. They grow to a very large size and make fine, straight, round saw-stocks. The lumber is light and soft, but hard to beat. It is getting scarce too soon. China (Wild China) is found scattered in the bottoms. It grows to a height of twenty to fifty feet, and ten to sixteen inches in diameter. It resembles the tame china in fruit and bloom, but the bloom is lighter in color and larger in cluster and contains much more nectar than the bloom of the tame china; a good place for bee hunters in early spring. The bark is very rough, the wood, hard and heavy ; it makes good baskets and does not rot easily. The leaves resemble those of the tame and umbrella china, but don't make as much shade. The kernel of —80— the fruit is jet black, shining, hard and round, Tlie Indians used to make beads of them. Elm (German Ulme). Of this tree we have three kinds. They are very numerous in all our bottom lands. Red Elm grows tall and straight to a height of over one hundred feet, and to thirty-six inches in diameter. It splits well and makes good fencing plank, framevvood, wagon axles, tongues, etc. If cut in the riglit season of the year, it will make good fence-rails, but is unsuitable for posts, It makes beautiful furniture, takes a fine polish, but is very hard to dress. White Elm grows among tlie red elms to the same height and shape, but even to a thicker size. It is a very j^retty wood, but apt to warp and almost impossible to be split. The wood laots as long as that of the red elm, but is not so hard and tough. It is a pity to see these fine looking trees destroyed by fire in clearing the lands for cultivation. Gum (Sweet Gam) is scattered all over the county and found amongst all kinds of timber. It does not require a partic- ular soil, only it grows larger in the bottoms. Its height on the high lands is about twenty feet, in the bottoms, forty feet. A tree of one foot in diameter in the bottom is of large size. The bark is dark gra}^, rough, and finely cracked. The gum looks like milk, tastes sweet like good cow milk, and is found between the second bark and the tree. Ciiildren love to chew the crude bark for its taste and extract from it the gum to play therewith. The little flowers of the gum tree are sweet and full of nectar ; its fruit is a black berry of sweet taste, of oblong shape, and about three-fourths of an inch in diameter. Tiie tree has a great many thorns on the smaller twigs, but not as many as the mesquite. Hackberry like sweet gum is found all over the county. Many of these trees are planted for shade and ornamental pur- poses. After transplanting they are sure growers even if they have but few roots and are ten years old. The leaves resemble those of the elm. The bark is very rough and covered all over Avith hard warts so that the boys cannot well climb the trees. -31- The fruit is a small, hard eatable berry of red color and of the size of buckshot. In rich bottoms it grows to a height of sixty- feet and two feet in diameter. The wood is like that of the elm, but lighter in weight and color and much softer. It splits, saws, and works well. Hickory is scattered over the wooded highland portion of this county, but good large trees are scarce. But, even if they were plentiful, I think they hardly would be utilized as nearly all the manufactured articles for which hickory is used are im- ported ready-made from the North. 1 sincerely wish we would get factories in this county to utilize our many good hard woods of which we have immense quantities, Mesquite is found scattered in the county. It is a tliorny, dwarfish and brushy tree and bears long pods with beans which make a good food for cattle. The pod is sweet and tender. The timber of the mes(iuite is very hard and not apt to rot. Mulberry. This valuable timber grows in our bottoms to a height of thirty-five feet and to a size of twenty-four inches in diameter. The wood is of a golden yellow color, saws and works well and makes the best fence posts, good furniture, and splendid wagon timber. Mulberry trees are sure and prolific bearers and fast growers. They grow well after transplanting and are often planted for shade and ornament. The berries are over an inch long, nearly half nn inch thick, dark red, very pulpy and sweet. The leaves are the well known food of silk- worms. Live Oak, These beautiful trees are found nearly every- where in the county. In the prairies they stand singly, giving shade to cattle and increasing the good looks of the country. They are beautiful sights. Covered by silver-gray moss which hangs from their limbs like a beard, they stand like aged giants to speak to man of the time of ages. Tiiey are the most gigantic of the oak family, and grow sixty feet high and five feet thick. Its acorns are oblong and black, a splendid mast for hogs ; the wood is the hardest known. Pin Oaks predominate in most of our bottoms. They re- —32 — semble the white oak, but the wood is of darker color and not quite as liard and tough. It saws well and makes good frame- wood, good fence rails, in case they do not rot before they get dry, good flooring and fine roofing boards (called clap boards by most of us). Pinoaks are a very fine large timber. A great many of them are deadened for clearing, Post-Oak is the principal timber of our county as far as quantity is concerned and is used for a great many purposes. Pine used to be plentiful in the neighborhood of Rabb's Creek, but it is pretty well used up now. Pecan is scattered nearly all over this county and grows to a large size, to about one hundred feet in height and three to four feet in thickness. It resembles black walnut in leaf, bark and shape, but its lumber is not so valuable, it ranks between Jiickory and walnut. The wood is nearly as hard and tough as hickory wood. The old large trees make splendid framing and fairly good weather boards. The nuts are preferable to all others. Persimmon (Red Persimmon) grows along some water- courses, but not very plentiful. They measure up to twenty feet in height and eight inches in diameter. The fruit is of a yellowish red, very pulpy and sweet. Peach (Wild Peach). I don't know why this tree is called wild peach, as it resembles the peach tree very little. It grows in the richest bottom lands. Wild peach bottom lands are con- sidered the very best for agricultural purposes. The peach tree grows about thirty-five feet in height and twelve inches in diam- eter. It is a beautiful evergreen, may be clipped into nice shapes and then be used for ornamental hedges in the yard. It is a fine shade tree, blooms very early, and excels in aroma the china ; bees work on its blooms very lively Leaves and bark have medicinal properties. The bark is nearly black and is cracked all over except on young twigs. The fruit is a slick, shining black, round berry of bitter-sweetish taste, and is eaten by birds. The wood is hard and tough and a little darker than the tame peach. Prickly Aph is found all over the county and grows twenty- five feet Jiigh and ten inches in diameter. It has thorny i)rickles all over. It blooms early in the spring and has aromatic white flowers, liees like the flowers ; birds, the little black seed. The bark and leaves have a very strong smell and taste, almost like hartshorn (Ammoniac.) They contain valnable curative properties. Walnut grows in some places on Cummins Creek and on Criswell's Creek to fair sizes ; also some on the Colorado lliver below LaGrange. Lumber and nuts are harder than those of the northern walnuts. It is an excellent timber for every pur])ose. Some mills made it a business to export it ; this waa several years ago ; they have quit now. Large old sawstock trees are getting scarce now, but many young ones are growing up again. In some places, tiiey are planted. The wood is known all ovj.r the world so that I do not need to describe it. Whitp: Oak. This valuable timber is not spread all over our woodlands like in the northern and eastern states. It is con- fined to a few bottoms near and on the Colorado River, and a few are scattered in the northeastern portion of our county. It grows to one hundred feet in height and measures many mches in diam- eter. The wood splits well, but is harder than the northern white-oak and. therefore, does not work so well under the tool. It makes the best wagon timber, very good tence-rails and posts. VViLLjw, We have only one kind here, the common water willow (salix). The tim,ber is of little use. In tlie i)rairies, willows are planted around tanks and springs for siiade and ornament. I will now describe some of our commonest vines and bushes, Spanish Mulberiiy, This is more a weed than a tree, and why they call it mulberry, I caimot understand. I don't think that this is its proper name. It grows in most of our woods and the land on which it grows is generally considered rich land. It grows to a height of from four to eight feet and is about one inch thick. J. eaves and bark resemble some yi>ung wild mulberries. Its fruit is a puri)lish red berry, wliich grows in clusters ; birds like to cat the berries, —34— Su.MACH. I know of but one kind ; it is the kind used for dyeing, and it was used extensively for tiie purpose of dyeing cloth during? the latter part of the Civil War. It does not grow everywhere in this county, is more a shrub than a tree, and at- tains a height of fourteen feet. The leaves are formed somewhat like the tame China, bat are generally of a reddish color. The bloom and seeds grow out on the utmost top of each branch in the forni of an upright tassel of four to seven inches in length and of deep red color, presenting a pretty appearance. Spanish Rattan. The kind which is occasionally found natively in this county does not resemble the rattan of South America and India. Ours belongs to the Mesquite (chaparall) family of Mexico. It grows in almost any soil, is dwarfish, hardly ever over ten teet high, and several inches thick, It branches from the bottom up and has but few side branches. The bark is smooth and green ; the flowers, fine, yellow, and containing much nectar. It bears a bean. The wood is hard and heavy and makes good walking canes. Rattan Vine (Blueberry Vine). This vine is plentiful all over the woods, but grows mostly in the bottoms. It grows to considerable height and measures several inches in diameter. The only point in which it resembles the rattan is in the bark, the same being hard, smooth and green. It may be twisted so as to grow into peculiar and pretty shapes ; it makes splendid walking canes, its hard bark taking.a natural polish by use and wearing. The leaves are dark green, oval, smooth, and nearly the size of half a dollar. Tiie vines bear blue berries of which children and bird;5 are very fond. Spanish Grape (Winter Grape). This is a small variety of grapes which ri{)ens in September and October. The berries are tlio sizo of buckshot, black, not very pulpy, seedy, and some- wliat .icid. I don't know if tlioy would make good wine. They arc eatable and taste well. The vines and leaves resemble some of our tame varieties. It is scattered mostly over the woods south of the Colorado River, and some is found on the northeast side of the county. Spanish Mustanc; Grape. This vine is not confined to —35- the woods, but may be found on every creek and along some fences in the prairies, It climbs to the top of our highest trees and goes even much further than that, and if straightened out, would measure several hundred feet in length. It sometimes reaches ten inches in diameter ; the average diameter is about four inclies. It resembles several of our domestic varieties, but the berries are larger, of black color, round, very juicy and pulpy. The hull of tiie pulp contains acid and tannin, but is easily removable, leaving the very sweet and palatable inside juice and pulp. The vines are very prolific ; some vines pro- duce as much as four flour barrels of grapes, which quantity will make about a fifty gallon barrel of wine. The wine is very good and healthy, and if properly made, I like it as well as any wine I ever tasted except champagne. The people are learning fast how to make it, but the trouble is that they very often do not let the grapes get ripe. In the more unsettled woods there are thousands of tons of these grape? going to waste every year. I have been successful in making good mustang wine for the last five vears and if you wish, I will give you my recipe for making it. Black Persimmons are very scarce in Fayette County. The trees grow about sixteen feet high and three to six inches in diameter. The Iruit is bluish black and about the size of a wild plum or a good sized tame plum. Some people like to eat them; birds and some animals are very fond of them. The wootl is very hard and when cut in certain seasons of the year and turned on a lathe when green will turn black while drying. Buckthorn (Rhamnus) grows in wet places and along some branches, but not to a great extent in this section. It grows to a height of sixteen feet, and five inches in diameter. The bark is rough and diagonally cracked on old trees ; the young trees and the limbs have smooth bark. It is used for yellow dyes. It bears black, bad smelling and tasting berries. The charcoal pf the tree is preferably used in the nuinufacture of powder. Buckeye grows only in some of the richest bottoms and to a height of ten to sixteen feet. I don't think it grows over tiiree inches thick. It bears nuts of the size of hazelnuts. These -36- nuts are enclosed to the number of three or four in one capsule. When ripe, the capsule bursts open and the s^eds fall to the ground. They resemble a buck's eye of black color, hence their name. They are considered poisonous ; some people carry them in their clothes to cure rheumatism. The wood is very soft, but tough and hard to saw ; the bark is tolerably smooth. Bamboo Thorx (Mammoth Brier) is found, but scarcely, in rich bottoms. It grows to a length of sixty feet and one inch thick. Every fourth of an inch it has a long thorn or needle about one-half an inch long. The plant has no fruit. Currants (Huckleberries) grow to a heiglit of twelve feet and are about tliree inches m diameter. They are scattered in the woods over rocky and gravely places. In the northwest corner of our county there are thousands of acres thickly cov- ered with them. They generally bear every year profusely. The berries are nearly as large sm the tame ones, but not so imlpy and sweet. They are relished however by boys, beasts aiul birds. Dogwood We have but very few of the large kind on the south side of the Colorado River and very few more on the north side. We generally have ni tiiis c»unty the dwarf kind. It grows ten feet high in some thickets along branches and in some bottoms. Tlie wood is very hard. From the blooms of the tree the bee draws honey. Elder (German Hollunder) grows native in some ot the heaviest and richest bottoms to a height of ten feet and measures several inches in diameter. It is almost an evergreen. The flow- ers when dried make a fine tea. The berries are black and pos- sess medicinal properties. It is often planted in some corner of the premises in order to have some flowers and berries for fam- ily use. The wood is liard and has a large pith which hardly can be pushed out. Who remen^bers not his boyhood days when lie m:ide pop-guns and squirts of the hollow stems? Who does noL aladly think back of the i)leasure attending the making and liie use of these ])op-guns and squirts? Poison Ivy grows in the heavy bottoms to a length of prob- ably one hundred feet, but it is rarely over two iuqhes thick. It —37— bears a beautiful red trumpet-shaped fiower about four inciies long and two inches wide at the brim of the trumpet, of attrac- tive shape, size and color. The fruit is a pod with beans of the size of lima beans. During their blooming the wliole plant and bloom is very poisonous to some people, while it does not affect others. The simple touching or smelling of it will cause a feel- ing of sickness ; the skin will blister and rot off even in places not touched by the plant ; this sometimes terminates fatally and recjuires often months of skill and care to cure the unfortunate patient. I find in the Scientific American a number of receipts and treatments for its cure, but don't know which is the best. Poison Oak is more plentiful tlian poison ivy ; its vine grows thicker and longer than tlie latter. There are two kinds of poison oak ; one has tlirec i.u'onged leaves, the other, four pronged leaves, otherwise they are alike. Some people hold only the four pronged leafed poisonous, but I think they are all poisonous at certain seasons of the year, namely in May and June. A BllUrS ]i:VE VIEW OF FAYETTE COUNTY IN SUMMEll TIME. If by this title the expectations of the readeis siiouid be raised to such a ]jitch as to look for a })oetic:d flight describing the beauties of Fayette County as they deserve to be de- scribed in poetical language, this writer may state at the very be- ginning that they will be disappointed. Old poets used to place songs and poems praising the beauties of londscnpcs in tiie mouth t)f the animal world, thereby i)roducing ma'«ler|)ieces of art. Grand as the tlieme would be, it this writer could put a song praising the beauties of our county into the mouth (if a bird, lie feels that even if he ever had this thought, his wings are somewhat cli|)ped and jjerhaps never were vigorous enough to carry him on such afliujht mueh less an impatient reader with him. To carry him on a poetical flight, the reader must look to some other person. May be some fair lady being called in the tenderness ot love bird or birdie, and being used to the name, perhaps possessed also of its qualities, may carry him on the wings of her poetical strength to these elevated realms. As for this author, he can proceed only to point out some of the poetic beauties of our county in his own very prosaic vernacular. The author remarl^ed somewhere that the prairies of F.i}-- ette County were set like pictures in a wooden irame of post- oaks. And a pleasant picture they are in summer time. The scenery is nowhere grand, but always pleasing. Large dark green corn and colton fields, checkered with pastures and mead- ows like a chess-board ; the tall corn bowing slightly before a gentle south breeze ; stri])s of green trees, b)rdering little riv- ulets and creeks, intersecting meadows and fields ; sliglit hills interchanging with valleys, tlie whole surface studded with many neat cities, towns, villages, and farmhouses; church steeples and house-roofs looking forth out of groups of green trees ; white hous^es with green blinds shining through them, sometimes, hidden behind thfui ; here and there, a smoke stack of a gin, heated now only by the rays of the summer sun ; in tlie woods, farm openings intercepting tlie monotony of the woods ; the whole picture enlivened by teams and people working in the field and by grazing cattle. These prairies are a beautiful picture, pleasing alike to man, beast and bird. The writer of idylls may find plenty of scenes in Fayette County worthy of his pen, the painter of still life, scenes worthy of his brush. If the writer tries to describe some of these scenes and fails, may the reader forgive him his failure on account of good intentions. After all, a book on Fayette County would be incomplete, if the writer should not at least attempt to describe some of its scenes of still life and beauty. Yonder, at the beginning of a cotton row stand a pair of sleek horses hitched to a cultivator. The farmer, an elderly man, has worked steadily all the morning. He now squats down to light his pipe and as he stops, he may just as well clean it. His morning's work is well done as his whole life's work — greatest i)art behind him now, with less before him — deserves —Bo- at least the comfort of a pipe of tobacco. May he well enjoy it and many more too. In the field on the other side of the road, an impatient man witli a patient team ; soon one thing is wrong, soon another; he will soon make his team so wild that they do not understand what he wants of them, and then it shall be still worse. In the garden by tiiat large fine white house witl) its green blinds and lofty windows a tall, lithe girl, lier fair face, Hushed by the heal of tlie sun, glows like arose. She works will) care and knowledge, altoiuJing to her more heirless sister iiowers, freeing them from weeds tiiat want to take all the sun- siiinc and all the dews of tiie morning; she, "fairer far than any blooms of summer are." And there, on the side of the hill, an old gray little house, vines ranking to the top of the gallery; the little bird finds tliere its ilk; a fair young girl standing in the door way, lier fresh rosy face nicely set in the green vines ; a i)roper setting. Here the writer stops to bring in a word from the reader. For (|uite a time this writer has seen his elderly gentlenian shake his head as if in disapi)roval, until it became (juite a mat- ter of solicitude to him. The elderly gentleman reader who has had his experience with ihe ladies and now has struck his b:>l- ance sheet and settled their accounts with him and after that has settled down to a (}uiet life with his pipe of tobacco, his daily Houston Post or Galveston News and his three drinks a day before meals, quite disapproves of the passage about the fair girls and thinks that in an enumeration of the beauties of Fayette County, they should be left out. Dear friend, in pointing out beauties, should tiiis writer not passingly mention the greatest of them all? Their presence gives the complexion of beauty even to a desert and how much more to this beautiful spot of old Fayette. But, my elderly friend, let us make peace. The ladies of Fayette County will cross you in this book sel- dom, not because they are not tlie worthiest subject to be writ- ten about, but this author with all his efforts should not be able to treat this subject well enough. WMien we come to the sub- ject of Statistics, we shall light our pipes and muse and be friends again. — 40— INDUSTRIEIS. Farming and oardoning have been treated of extensively under the head of proSchulcnburg electric light plant was run in connection with a gin. The latter was destroyed by lire and tlie electric light plant with it. It is intended to rebuild it this fall. Flatonia has a foundry which turns; out good work. There is considerable activity in the county to enlarge the field of industries. Thus, Fayetteyille built in 1901 a creamery; at ju'esent, it has stojjped woiking, but as soon as satisfactory arrangements are made, it is intended to run it again. West Point has erected a cannery in the jn-eseut year. The prosi)ects for its succes, it being situated in the center of a fruit producii g country, are very bright. Numerous mechanics as blacksmiths, tinners, saddlers, siioenuikers and tailors are sullicient to do all repairs and also t^ manufacture several articles in their lii e which either are made to order or easily sold in the county. COM MERCI A L HIGH WAYS. IIailuoads. One of the reasons that Fayette Count}^ ranks to-day as one of the most populous and pros[)erous counties of the state are her great railroad facilities. Shipping places for the various larm i)roduets within easy reach are a great conveu- — 4i— —42— ience and not the smallest inducement to settlement. Quite a net of railroads covers the county so that a farmer has to luiul his products only a few miles to get to a shipping point. Two large througii lines and several large hranch roads constitute the main arteries of commerce of Fayette County. Tlic Missou- ri, Kansas and Texas jjasses through the center of tlie county, through its whole extent. At LaGrange, it crosses the (\)lorado River. Soutli of this road, another large through lino, the Southern Pacilic, passes througii tlie whole southern extent of the county within a* few miles of the southern b'jundary. Tlirough the whole extent of the northern i)art runs the iVuslin branch of the Houston and Texas Central. Tn the western jjart of the county, a branch of the San Antonio and Aransas Pass crosses these above named three roads. A branch-road of the Southern Pacilic connects the county seal with its main trunk line. This is'the railroad net that covers tiie county. There- by, the latter enjoys shipping facilities enjoyed onlv by few counties 'inthis state to a similar extent. Nor is it excluded that these facilities ai'e, they may not increase as the location of the county, the fertility of the soil and the industry of her people would still prove a ]jr(j(itable iiekl fur future rail- road buikling. As the matter stands, Fayette County is well connected with the outside world; the news of the day are read with more or less eagerness next mornmg. Even nearly all country places get their mail daily, some even twice a day, and the news of the achievements and the glory of the world ])olicy of our present administration may gladden the heart of the patriot soon enough, provided he approves this policy. Public Roads. Fayette County has as good roads as few counties in the state. She has excellent road material and for large tracts the roads have been graded. Parts of th3 roads are not inferior to macadamized roads. Vast sums of money have been expended for road improvements. An iron bridge crosses the Colorado River at LaGiange and numerous smaller iron bridges lead over the smaller waters of the county. The roads are passable during all kinds of weather. First-class roads lead from the county seat to all larger places of the county ; the -43- latter also are generally connected with each other by first-class roads. The roads are divided into road overseer precincts. (For further Information on this subject see Public Roads in Part II. History of Fayette County.) Bridge across Nabor's Creek, flve miles from LaG-range oa LaGrange and Schaleaburg' Road. CHARACTER AND ELEMENTS OF POPULATION. The times of the early settlement of Fayette County whcru man was left to a great extent to his own resources, were favor- able to the development of individuality ; the great later achievements, gained against overwhelming odds, proved that this individuality, by its strength, was worth its life ; it also gave the people a self-consciousness and self-conlidence based ou their own merits. How far time and events liave modified this individuality in their descendants would be an interesting subject for study. The early settlers of Texas came from differ- ent parts of the United States, mostly from the soutliern states ; -44- already, at a very early date, a large German immigration, sup- plemented later on by a Bohemian immigration, came to this county. How tliey amalgamated to a harmonious union ; how far the individuality of the early settlers impressed its stamp on them, to what extent the cliaracter of the descendants of these settlers was intluenced by these new elements or shaped by new conditions and circumstances created by them, this also would be an interesting subject. How climate, the nature of the country, the conditions to gain a livelihood influenced and shaped old traits of character and brought out new traits, — all this and a great deal more will be a profitable subject for consider- ation. The reader may estimate from this the difficulties of a conscienscions author. If conclusions do not come up to the reader's ideas on this subject, let liiin consider that important as it is that the conclusions on this subject should be correct, tlie most important object for the reader is that he himself have correct conclusions, and this he may' do by correcting tiiem from the facts given and from his own experience. It is already difficult (o form a correct opinion of the char- acter of one man. To do him justice, you must underst?nd and like him. You must mako allowance at certain times for riianges and aberrations of his ordinary course, It is still more difficult to arrive at a correct estimate of a whole population. One may i^rcscnt them as one knows them from liis own exper- ience, and that experience may not be complete or bear only on part of their traits. All these difficulties will stand forth still more prominent, as three elements: the American, German and liohmi.m that constitute this county have to be treated of. The Americans are very good neighbors, hospitable, help- ful, and accomodating. They are true in their friendships. ►Sometimes, peo;.)Ie will lake their politeness and congenial be- havior for friendship and make a mistake ; but they should not complain, for it is their mistake. Tliey are polite and gallant to the ladies. Politeness is an innate virtue with them ; it forms part of their character that cannot be separated from them. With European people politeness is very often a pro- —45— duct of education, not an innate trait of character, serving in many cases only to cover the very hideonsness of their character. . If this censure of the European people should be held unjust, I recall the burning the Paris Bazaar in 1899, where helpless ladies were pushed back into the fire or trampled down by the cream of the young society men of that country in their frantic efforts to save themselves. A greater contrast of character to the American could not well be found. Most Americans would rather die than to be guilty of such barbarism. The sexes mingle in this coutry very freely with each other and this has the effect of polishing their manners and gives them a certain confidence and self-reliance. Under these circumstances their marriage relations are very conducive to mutual happiness so much so that older married men wish other people who are not in such a lucky state, to en- joy such a happiness too and talk to the conscience of young men telling them how marriage made men of them and improv- ed tlieir character ; how their wives have been the making of them financially, socially and every other way. Still, some men prefer to remain bad boys ; they seem to enjoy some com- fort in being bad. The leading traits of the American character are preemi- nently social virtues. Everyone who appreciates these traits or in part, possesses them himself, i& welcome in tlieir society ; is one of them. But people deficient of Ihem or partly deficient, whose ideas are not social virtues, must naturally be a jar on them and fare not so well in their judgment. Just think of it, some of their writers call the Germans stupid and stolid. The fact is, when a German comes to this country, his aim is not to shine in society, but to make an honest living and provide for comfort in old age. His ideal is the posseision of a farm, free of debt. As soon as lie has a farm, he sets to improving it and building a nice comfortable dwelling house. This improved farm, together with a few hundred dollars in the bank or put in safe vendor's lien notes represent his life's work ; every cent of it honest and made by his labor. He has grappled with life's difficulties successfuliy and come out ahead. If this is stupidity and stolidity, it is of the valuable kind. Sometimes he may have the satisfaction, if satisfaction it is, to see an American neighbor who ridiculed him lose his fortune either by living be- yond his means, or by helping a friend too generously, or by spec- ulating in an enterprise that promised so well and turned out so bad. But the Americnn is undaunted ; he starts anew and may be some day on top again, The rallying power and elasticity of the American is wonderful. You may press a rubber ball ; tlie moment you release your hold, it assumes its natural shape again. Circumstances may press heavy on an American ; the moment the pressure relaxes, he assumes his natural sliape ; it has left no impression on him. With a German it is different. Should the result of his life's work, representing honest and frugal wages, be swept away from him, it would be much harder for him to start anew again ; his energy would to some extent be crippled by the defeat. I mentioned that the American sometimes loses a fortune by speculation. He is very enterprising and not afraid of great risks. As he has been the pioneer in o[,ening the country for settlement, he has been in a great many cases the pioneer in new enterprises. Not that the Gorman is lacking in enterprise, but he liardly ever will open new i)aths. If they are opened for him and shown to him by Americans, and on careful examination he finds them profitable, he will invest ; in many cases more suc- cessfully than the American ; for this reason, experience must be paid for, and that the American has done when he started in the enterprise ; and with this experience that he did not need to pay for, he can now start more successfully, it must be con- sidered, too, that the American on account of his greater knowl- edge of the condition of the country and his larger circle of ac- (juaintances is for that reason generally better qualified to em- bark first in new enterjjrises. So, if German papers, with justi- fiable pride, point out the great share the Germans had in devel- oping this country, they should also not forget how much the Ger- mans owe to the American pioneer. In justice to the Germans I must point out two ideas which they have started and which are well worthy of imitation. 1 meq-n the fir^ and life insurnncf^ —47— associations amongst the farmers. The insurance corporations demand extraordinarily liigli rates ; tiiey want the fanners to make good their losses in other places. Consequence : farmers form organizations amongst themselves and insure at a surpris- ingly low rate. The safeguard they threw around against abuses and tiieir general management of the matter is a great credit to their f(.)resig!it and their practical sense, also to their a(hu)til)il- ity to self-hel|). Strange to say that these their laudable etturls are often overlooked by tiie German press. Tlie German is very conservative, liolding generally to his old customs and manners. He loves tiie country of his birth and naturally wishes that his children retain the language of the old fatherland. Most laudable are the efll'urts of the German press to assist him in this object. The German press has set itself the task to further and maintain the German language, but it meets with a great many diflicnlties. First, the English language is the language of the country. To do business in this country, to be independent of other peo- ple in transacting it, one must know it. For this reason the Germans are anxious that their children may learn it. Now, English is easier than German and therefore better liked by their children. Then they mix in the schools with the Am.erican children. They have to talk to them in English and if they are not held strictly at home to study German, it is soon discarded altogether. This is done most rapidly in cities. If all the de- scendants of all the Germans that ever came to this country, had retained the German language, a great deal over half ot this country would be German. If there is any prejudice among the Americans against the Germans? I think generally not, though there is amongst some of them. People who come to this country without knowledge of the English language will in the beginning be in a he]()less con- dition and naturally not command great respect. There is also tlie point that not knowing the language, they will be sometimes misunderstood and misjudged. Their different customs and manners, their diflerent character, their ditfercnt ideals and views of life will likely be i^iisundcrstood in the beginning and —48— be liable to misinterpretation. But I may say that during the long time the Germans have been in this country, their associa- tions with Americans have become more frequent and reduced prejudice that might have been to a minimunj. I even think that a majority of Americans have a tolerably good opinion of them. I have had a great many talks with Americans on the sub- ject of immigration. Some do not object to the Germans, but complain that there is no immigration of the class with a higher education, that it is the poorer and less. educated class that comes to this country. I think this class the most desirable; it has health, energy and willingness and ability to work, coupled with sound common sense and average intelligence. It easily finds a field of usefulness, profitable to themselves and advantageous to the upbuilding of the country. Now what fields of usefulness are open to the foreigner with a higher education? Shall ho labor in the field? Very likely he won't enjoy it ; most likely his less educated countrymen will beat him two to one with ease. Shall he teach school? At first, he does not know the English well enough. Besides, that work is easier in Germany and bel- ter paid. For the mercantile pursuit, he is less fit tlum for the agricultural. There is no class of immigrated Germans with higher education that can provide an opening for him. Now, the Germans born in this country who liave a higher education — an American college education — will not regard hiiu with favor. They fear that their influence amongst their coun- trymen would be curtailed, if they allowed him to rise. Tlu; German farming population might be willing enough, br.t not able to provide a field for him. What then should lie do? I advise him to cultivate the friendship of Americans and tr}^ to establish a standing amongst them. If he has gained a standin^j there, he will have one soon amongst his countrymen. For it is strange, in how many cases the Germans look for the judgment of Americans, in more cases than they are conscious of and will- ing to admit. This is very natural too ; for the (iermans genei-- ally wish to be on the best terms with the Americans and a countryman of theirs who is, obtains their regard also. All ihis —49— is so much true that I do not know of ca single instance where a foreigner has risen to any prominence in any of tiie walks of life without tliis aid and good will of the Americans, Should he at- tain to any prominence, it will be after years of severe appren- ticeship. But most likely it is that, while his less educated countryman will have a farm and beautiful home, also a well es- tablished standing amongst his neighbors, he will have to search his pockets to turn up a nickel to buy liim a glass of beer. Thus, I dare say that tlie German immigration we get in Texas, and also in Fayette County, is the most desirable class, far more de- sirable than a class with higher education. To sum up tliC differences in American and German char- acter : in the American the social virtues are pre-eminent ; in the German the domestic. To compare the American and Ger- man woman : while, in conversation the brilliancy and wit of the American woman may be stimulating, the simple Avays and artlessness of the German maiden may be refreshing. As stated, there is a difference of character in the American and the German in this country. It may be pointed out that there is as mueli difference, too, between the German of this country and the German of the old fatherland. You cannot call the Germans of x\merica, Germans, for they are not ; neither can you call them exactly Americans ; they are in a transition period. Therefore, the name of German- American should be entitled to its right to live, notwithstanding that this distinction is not ])leasing to some Anglo-Saxon ears. Those Germans who liave lived in this country for a great number of years and taken an interest in their surroundings have acquired new virtues and sometimes, forgotten old ones ; they haye gained considerably in intelligence and self-reliance; and sometimes they have for- gotten the great German virttie of modest3^ Son^e of the Ger- man papers speak of them, and some papers have a public and a private opinicm, as most intelligent and highly cultured. Now, in the fatlierland they luive boen farmers, farm laborers or mechanics ; it is i.ot probable that any one in Germany went to them for fiighest intelligence and great culture ; neither does one here except perhaps part of the (merman press which sce.^ -50- the high degree of intelligence and cultuie through a magnify- ing glass. A German who accepts such a gross flattery, has cer- tainly lost the great German virtue of modesty, and what is worse, he has lost the German sound common sense. It is cer- tain, too, that the pursuance of such a policy can develop only unamiahle traits, and defeats the very ends of its aim. It might be said that this recourse to flattery is an imitation of the Amer- ican, but a very poor one. For, while the American seizes on prominent virtues and compliments his audience on them, and thereby encourages their development, part of the German press at least, seizes on traits which are not prominent and flatters. Undoubtedly there are prominent good traits in the German character, traits not only of a high, but of the very highest order, his unwavering steadfastness of purpose, his patience, his per- severance in the chosen path, his practical common sense, trails leading to final success and triumph and on account of which he can stand a compariscn with any other nation. To encourage and develop these traits should be the aim of the German press, not to flatter on traits which are not German ; only thus could a healthy German life be developed and retain those virtues even after being completely Americanized. Having spoken of the American and German elements, there remains the Bohemian element to be treated of. There is one remarked difference between the American and German and Bohemian element. While difterences of opinion and char- acter split the American and German elements into various cliques and parties, the Bohemian element represents nearly everywhere a united front. It is therefore enabled to yield a powerful influence ; or at least their leaders are. The sturdy sons of Bohemia are noted as great lovers of music. Bohemia is the country of musicians and traveling artists, so much so that Bohemian is a synonym for the light hearted, easy mannered student artist all over the world. It may be said that in general the Bohemians possess all the virtues and all the faults of that class of people to whom they have given a class name. If there is a prejudice among some Americans and perhaps among some Germans against them, it should be noted that in the musical Ayorks of the world's greatest miisicians, Mozart and Haydn, —51 — natives of Bohemia, there speaks a spirit of greatness and ten- derness that is conceded everywhere as a leading trait of the nation. They do not v)Ossess to a great extent any of the shining social qualities, brilliancy and wit, but the more of the simply human: deep feeling and tenderness. As in the case of the (Jerman, most of them have come to this country poor, and eraployed all their time in making head- way in life and acquiring a farm. It may be said that Bohem- ians generally settle only on rich black land. They are gener- ally more powerfully built than the (lermans and Americans, of great physical strength, good workers and excellent fanners. Tliey are a most valuable ac(iuisiti'jn to tliis country. The Bohemian maidens are exquisite types of beauty, excelling in physical vigor and proportioned strength. They compare to the maidens of other nations much like the Spartan woman to the Athenian woman who was suri)rised at the physical strength and symmetrical development of the former. It ma}'- be said that as they perform a great amount of manual labor — the great- est foe of woman's beauty— their beauty is thereby destroyed too soon. In conclusion, it may be said that about one-fourth of the population are negroes. 'I'hey are viewed from different stand- points. Some i^eople get along with, them very well, others don't. (Some negroes are good workers and possess their own farms, but most of them live just thinking of the present day, without any thouglit of the future. They are good field hands, if under a strict overseer who knows how to treat them, but only a few of them strive to own something and be independent. SOCIAL LIFE. Schools, Churciiks. Cluiss, and Sociktiks. Fayette County has a cosmopolitan population. Tlie new- comer is sure to make ac(iuaintances tliat suit him ; he has such a large choice. The pei)ple are noted for their ho3pitalit3^ There is friendly intercourse between them; newcomers malce —52— acquaintances at school entertainments, churcli meetings and balls, concerts and theatres given under the auspices of tlie vari- ous clubs and societies. In winter time, traveling theatre troupes often play before large houses in the larger towns. Amusements and entertainments are not lacking. Fayette County has excellent schools with an able, progres- sive corps of teachers. They are under the control of a capable superintendent, Prof. G. A. Stierling. There are one hundred and thirty-three schools in the county ; eighty-nine for white and forty-four for colored children. The scholastic population of the county amounts to 5201 white pupils and 2288 colored pupils. They are taught by one hundred and six white and fifty colored teachers. There are three independent school dis- tricts in the county, namely, LaGrange, with 251 white and 196 colored scholastic population ; Flatonia, with 167 white and 57 colored, and Ledbetter, with 41 white and 18 colored, A great many schools in the county are taught for a term of eight to nine months. In a great many sections of the county, after the close of the free school, a private school is started and is maintained by subscriptions from its patrons; especially is this the case in the German settlements. In a great many schools of tlie county the German language is taught besides English, and in some of them the Bohemian language. Nearly every religious creed has its adherents over the county. Eloquent preachers work faithfully in the vineyard of the Lord, and administer to and comfort distressed souls. Sev- eral churches are masterpieces of architecture and impress on the spectator the solemnity of their purpose. Popular occasions for the meetings of neighbors are furn- ished by entertainments, balls, concerts and theatres given un- der the auspices of the social clubs, lodges and societies. There neighbor meets neighbor, and public affairs and the news of the day are discussed. There are quite a number of clubs and soci- eties wliere people are banded together for the purpose of amuse- ment. Their entertainments are great sources of enjoyment and are largely participated in by the people, and it may be said of them : the more, the merrier. Besides these entertainments open to the general public, private parlies and entertainments are of frecjuent occurrence. Tlius, the one who fails to entertain and amuse himself in this county, may as well fjive up all hope of doing so in this world, and postpone it to his arrival into a happier world. POLITICS. As said before, there are four elements of people in this county : x\mericans, Germans, Bohemians, and Negroes. They cast together about 7,000 votes, Of these elements the German is numerically the strongest, casting about 3,000 votes ; next follows the negro with about 1,600 votes ; then the Bohemian with about 1,400, and last the Americans with about 1,000. At first it looks as if the numericxJly strongest element, the Ger- man, by combination with any other could exert a controlling influence in elections ; but this is not the case, for these ele- ments are not arrayed on lines ol nationality, but on political lines. The Americans belong to either the democratic or popu- list party ; the Boiiemians generally vote the democratic ticket in a solid body ; the Germans have a democratic and republican minority, the large mass of the voters being independent ; they generally vote the democratic ticket and form the rearguard of the democracy, but they are ready at any moment when the course of the march of democracy does not meet their approval, to quit the line of march and take a side road. The late Judge H. Teichmueller quite approved this their policy of political in- dependence ; he deemed it best for the good of the country to have a large independent body of voters who by their indepen- dent votes could approve or disa})prove of the correctness of the ruling party's course. These views of the judge are supported by as high authority as the distinguished English historian Mc- Caulay, who, commenting on the strength of the whig and tory parlies of England, stated that the large mass of the people were not aligned to any party ; that they formed the anchor which saved the state Irom danger, and that an independent mass of voters was the best for the good of the country. In —54— justice to himself, this writer feels called upon to state his opin- ion against such overwhelming authority that he does not agree with it ; at least not in regard to Texas. The lowest factor in Fayette County politics is the negro element. No doubt there may be some good negroes, but the large majority of them are but voting cattle, following blindly their bought leaders. They are republicans, but even the re- publicans have to spend money to keep them in line and get their vote. It has been remarked before, that the conditions at the early time of settlement were favorable to the development of individuality ; those times furnislied favorable occasions to prac- tice and strengthen the doctrine of personal rights and of local self-government, the doctrine of Thomas .Jefferson, the states- man as .Mr. Bryan so appropriately has called him "for all peo- ples and for all times." The immigration that came to Fayette County was in harmony witli these very principles even before their arrival in this country, You may imagine their surprise in this country of the free when a strong clique wanted to dic- tate to them precepts more tyrannical and more interfering with their personal rights and conduct than a monarchical government ever iittempted to do. The tyranny of a majority is not n:iore supportable than that of a single man ; on the contrary, it is more oppressive. And there are certain inalienable rights which even a majority should respect. God gave us self-determina- tion, the choice of roads, but he commissioned no other man or no majority of people to choose for us and make us take their choice. Thus, one may pursue his happiness in drinking whis- key, another listening to the sermons of Sam Jones. Take your choice ; I will take mine, in tlie prohibition campaign excite- ment ran high in Fayette County. Hon. Jonathan Lane was the most prominent fighter against prohibition. His American fol- lowing was joined by the Grerman and Bohemian elements al- most in a solid body. The defeat of prohibition made him im- mensely popular with these elements. In the Hogg and Cook campaign which opened the Railroad Commission ple meal. The rest from din- ner has been warmed up, some fresh bif^cuits and cornbread baked, and under conversation the meal is finished. The head of the family opens and reads tlie letters. A relative in a dis- tant county complains of poor crop prospects which causes him to remark that crop failures are unknown in Fayette County. Some read the papers ; perhaps there is a piano in the house and the oldest daughter plays for the entertainment of her brothers and sisters, or the oldest boy takes the fiddle and gives them a tune or two. The hired farm hand lights his tobacco pipe and muses over his folks at home, or periiaps over tiie beauties of some fair maiden who captured his fancy. This is a day of life of a healthy, independent and happy family in Fayette County. The regularity of their life is only sometimes broken by fishing and hunting trips, by balls and concerts at public halls. A TALK WITH AN OLD SETTLER.— PAST AND PRESENT COMPARED. Wonderful must be the experience of the old settler whose fortune it was to watch the gradual development of the county. This change being his own experience, it presents itself to his niind more vividly, and he is apt to express it more forcibly tiuin the writer. Thus, let us hear him. "Yes, you are right ; limes are diflferent from what they used to be. Fifty years ago, there was no railroad in the county. A Hjail coach carried the mail from AUeyton by LaGrange to Austin. That was a time for teamsters. All the freight had to be hauled from Houston by wagon. The teamsters had largo heavy wagons and could carry on them from four to five thous- and pounds of freight. Ten and twelve bales of cotton made a lead. They had oxen then, and it took six yoke of ox?n to })ull a wagon like that. Oxen were a good deal better than mules, be:ause they did not have to be fed so much. I tell you those teamsters made money then, A great m*ny people who now —67— have fortunes made their start by hauling freight. The freight bills were always made out to the number of three. The shipper kept one ; one was sent by mail to the man tlie goods were shipped to, and one the teamster got. The teamsters were al- ways in crowds, at least always three or four of them, so that if anything happened to one of them, the others could always help him. And they always carried whiskey with them. I tell you those were fine times. At night they would turn loose their oxen, sit around a campfire, cook supper, and swaj) jokes. In the morning they made breakfast and drove up their oxen. You did not hear in those times as much grumbling about bad roads as now. But the country was not so much fenced uj) then, and if one place was bad, one always could drive around it. Well, there were no bridgRS over the creeks then and some- times the teamsters were waterbound and could not pass the creek. The freight being merchandise would often be piled up high and the top part would often be brushed off by limbs, or capsize. I remember a fellow once gave me his trunk as freiglit. He had a bucket of dewberries in the trunk and the trunk fell off more than once. A nice mess it was when he opened it. (jot angry? VVell, why did the fool not come along and hold it? You ought to have seen the people come at those times to a feast or a ball. I tell you that would be a sight now-a-days. U people now-a-days do not come to a feast in buggies, but in wag- ons, they are considered poor or trifling, not able to make head- way enough to get a buggy. People who came in those days in wagons were considered as putting on style. In those days a family generally sat on a sleigh pulled by oxen and the man walked beside them and drove the oxen. Coats were almost unknown then, and the boys came to a dance in hickory shirts. Platforms! Bosh! Tfie ground was cleaned and smoothed and the boys and girls danced there barefooted and ])erha[)s they had as much fun then as they have now-a-days. In my time when I was young, tiie farm-houses instead of frame buildings were generally log houses, the cracks in tlicm lac- ing covered with slal.)s. They were generally on the ecige of timber or in the timber and close to a creek. For, in those diiys — C8 — the people raised a, great deal of cattle and on account of them wanted to live always close to running water. Tlie man loved liis Mary Ann as much then as now. 1 should say that if a norther blew through those cracks, he rather would hug close up to her The neighbors were on very friendly terms with each other and had a great deal more of social intercourse with each other than they have now. In those times they had a great many balls and parties at private houses, called family balls and fam- ily parties. Each settlement formed one great family, and the settlers all considered each other as brothers and sisters. There were plenty of deer and wild turkey' then and the people did not need to go very far to provide meat for their fam- ily. Vegetables, like Irish potatoes, turnips, radishes, beans, and peas were almost unknown then. Flour was a luxury. They had cornbread and sweet i)otatoes then, and a man very often had to ride ten miles to a mill to have his corn ground into meal. Land was very cheap. You could have bought the finest land at a dollar an acre, but the people did not have any money to buy it with. There were no wire fences then. The jieoijlo only had small fields ; for the^' had to put a rail fence all around it. Wood was then taken care of. Only the round limbs were burned. The trunks of the trees were saved for rails. Tliere were few schools in the counts then. Generally some preacher taught them during some winter months and then went off again. Now everything is changed. Wondei'ful progress has been made. The ]^eople of those days never dreamed of those com- forts the people now iiave. Why, if they would have dreamed of them they would have thought that they lived in fairy land. But the good old times were not witliout their ))leasures. Above all there was the good will and the true i'riendship of neighbors ; those were comforts that no improvements can re- place," _69— The writer lias given only the outline of his talk. lie niay haye changed to some extent the wording of the old settler. That lies in the inability of the writer. His main aim was to give a picture of those old times and the reader ma}'- easily supple- ment it by personal conversation with an old settler. He then will get it in his characteristic style. THE BOUNDARIES OF COMMISSIONERS' AND JUS- TICES' BEATS AND VOTING PRECINCTS OF FAYETTE COUNTY. Boundaries of Commissioners' Beats. No. 1. — Commissioners' Beat No. I shall be composed of Justice precincts numbers 1 and 2. No. II. — Commissioners' Baat No. LI shall be composed of Justice precincts numbers 3 and 4. No. III. — Commissioners' Beat No. Ill shall be composed of Justice precincts numbers 5 and 6. No. IV. — Commissioners' Beat No. IV shall be composed of Justice precincts numbers 7 and 8. Boundaries of Justices' Precincts. No. I. — Justice Precinct No. I, shall begin at the south corner of the E. Savage league ; thence northeast to east corner of said league; thence northwest to the south corner of the F. Lewis league ; tiience east to the southeast corner of the S. P. Brown league ; thence northwest to the northeast corner of the James Green league ; thence southwest to the northeast line of VVm. Rabb mill tract ; thence northwest with said line to Rabb's Cre-ek ; thence down said Kabb's Creek to the Colorado River ; thence up the said river to a point where the Chandler road res- ervation through the center of the John Cook league from south to north intersects said river on its west bank ; thence south following the said Cliandler reservation to the northwest corner of A. O'Bar survey ; thence soutli with the west line of A, O'Bar survey to Buckner's Creek ; thence down said creek -70- to the north corner of the J. E. Lewis survej' ; thence south with the west line of said Lewis survey to the west corner of the D. Berry league; thence southeast to the northwest corner of Fay- ette County school land ; thence with tlie west line of said school land to the first alley south of Williams Creek ; thence east with said alley to the west line of the R. M. Cravens league ; thence nortli to the south corner of the Anna Powell league ; thence with the southeast corner of the Anna Powell league to William's Creek; thence down said creek with its meanders to the Colo- rado River ; thence up said river to the place of beginning. The Justice of the Peace of this Precinct shall hold the regular terms of his Court in the city of LaGrange on the last Monday of each month. No. IL — Justice precinct No. II to begin at the south cor- ner of the E, Savage league ; thence down the Colorado River to the Colorado County line ; thence with the Colorado County line to the Austin County line ; thence with the Austin County line to the northeast corner of the John Jones league ; thence with the northwest line of John Jones league to Cummin's Creek ; tlience down Cummin's Creek to the mouth of Clear Creek ; thence up Clear Creek with its south fork and meanders to the southeast line of the N, Townsend league ; thence with the southeast lines of said Townsend, S. P. Brown and F. Lewis leagues to the south corner of. F. Lewis league ; thence south- east to the east corner of the E. Savage league ; thence with the southeast line ot said E. Savage to the place of beginning. The Justice of the Peace of this precinct shall hold tlie reg- ular terms of his court at the town of Fayetteville the first Thursday alter the fourth Monday of each month. No. III. — Justice precinct No, III, to begin at the south corner of the N. Townsend league; thence with the southeast line of said Townsend league to the south fork of Clear Creek ; thence down said creek to Cummin's Creek ; thence up Cum- mins' Creek to the south corner of the W. W. Shepherd league ; thence with the southeast line ot said Shepherd league to Austin County line ; thence with the Austin and Washington County line to Lee County line ; thence with said Lee County line to —Ti- the north corner of Geo. Riddle survey ; thence witli tlie east line of said Geo. Riddle, Thos. Green, Jas. Blair, and Ed. Powitzki surve3'S ; thence to the east corner of E, Povvitzki sur- vey ; thence southwest to the north corner of Jas. Green league ; thence with the last boundary line of Beat No. 1, to the place of beginning. The Justice of the Peace ot this Precinct shall hold the reg- ular terms of his Court at Round Top on the first Monday of each montii. No. IV. — Justice Precinct No. IV, to begin at the mouth of Rabb's Creek ; thence up said creek to the north line of VVm. Rabb's mill tract ; thence southeast to the west corner of the James Green league ; thence northeast to the east corner of Ed- ward Powitzki survey ; thence northwest to the Lee County line at the north corner of the Geo. Riddle league ; thence with Lee County line to the nortinvest corner of J. F. Berry league ; thence northwest to the Bastrop County line to the Colorado River ; thence down said river to the place of beginning. The Justice of the Peace of this precinct shall hold the reg- ular terms of his court at the town of Winchester on the Thurs* day next after the first Monday of each month. No. V, — Justice precinct No. 5, shall begin at the Color?do River at the Bastrop County line to the north line of S. Millet league ; thence eas1< with said Millet and the Pearson league line to Pin Oak Creek ; thence down Pin Oak Creek to the north line of E. Dever's league ; thence west with the said Dever'g line to the northwest corner of said league ; thence south to the south- west corner of said Dever's league : thence east with Dever's south line to the northwest corner of L. Wood's survey ; thence south to the southwest corner of said Wood's survey ; thence east to the southeast cornet of Wood's survey ; thence south to the southwest corner of F. A. Bettinger survey ; thence east to the northwest corner of J. Vivian survey ; thence south to the southwest corner of said Vivian survey; thence east with the south line of J. Vivian, J, B. Tatum, L. \V. Peebles survey to the west line of N. Carnes league ; thence south to the south- west corner of said Carnes league ; thence east to the southeast -72- corner of Carnes league ; thence north to the northwest corner of S. F. Knight league ; thence east to the west line of R. Smith league ; thence north to the northwest corner of 8mith league ; thence east to the southeast corner of \V. H. Toy league ; thence north with west line of F'ayette County school land to the south line of the E. Berry league ; thence northwest to the west corner of D. Berry league ; on the south corner of J, Lewis survey in east line of S. M. Williams league No. 1 ; thence nortli witli said line to Buckner's Creek ; thence up Buckner's Creek to southwest corner of A. O'Bar survey ; thence north with west line of A. O'Bar survey and the Chandler reservation on the J. Cook league to the Colorado River ; thence up said river to the place of beginning. Tha Justice of the Peace of this Precinct shall hold the reg- ular terms of his Court on the Saturday after the first Monday in each month at the town of Muldocn. No. VI. — Justice Precinct No. VI, to begin in the Lavaca county line at the southeast corner of W. D. Lacey survey ; thence north to the northeast corner of the said Lacey survey ; thence east to the southeast corner of the J. C DuflT league; Ihence north with the east lines of said Duff league and M. Mul- doon No. 13 league to the noitheast corner of said Muldoon No. ,lo league ; thence west to the southwest corner of S. F. Knight's league ; thence north to the southwest corner of Noah Carnes league ; thence with the line of justice's precinct No. 5 (five) to the Bastrop County line ; thence southwest with the Bastrop County line to the Caldwell County line ; thence with the Caldwell County line to the Gonzales County line; thence southeast with the Gonzales County line to the Lavaca County line ; thence east with the Lavaca County line to the place of be- ginning except that part of J. G. W. Pierson league lying north and east of Pin Oak Creek. The justice of the peace of this precinct shall hold the regu- lar terms of his court at the town of Flatonia on the second Monday of each month. No, VII. — Justice Precinct No. VLi, to begin at the point where the Colorado County line strikes the west line of the H. Austin five league track of land ; tlience north to the southeast corner of M, M. Eastland survey ; thence due west with south lines of the Eastland, J, Mullins and VV. A. Hall surveys to tiic southwest corner of W. A. Hall league; thence due west across the John Paino and R. Smith leagues to the west Navitlad (com- monly called: Walker's Brancli) thence U[) said branch to the south line of VV. H. Toy league ; thence east to southeast corner of said Toy league; thence north with the east line of said Toy league and the west line of Fayette County school land to tlic first alley on said scliool land south of Williams Creek; Ihbuce cast with said alley to the west line of the R. M. Cravens league; thence north to the south corner of A. Powell league ; thence northeast with the southeast line of said Ann Powell league to W^illiams Creek; thence down said creek to the Colorado River; thence down said river to the Colorado County line ; thence southwest with said Colorado County line to the place of begin- ning. The justice of the peace of this Precinct shall hold the regu- lar terms of his court at Ammannsville on the Thursday next af- ter the third Monday of each month. No. VIIL — Justice Precinct No. Vlli to begin at the Colo- rado County line, where Beat No. 7 begins; thence north with line of said Beat No. 7 to the southeast corner uf M. M. East- land survey ; thence west with Beat line No. 7 to west Navidad (or Walker's Branch) ; thence up said branch to Beat line No. 5 thence with the south line of Beat line No. 5 to southwest corner of Noah Carnes league being a point in line of Beat No. 6 ; thence south with line of Beat No. (1, to Lavaca County line ; thence east with said Lavaca County line to the Colorado County line; thence northeast with Colorado County line to the place of beginning. The justice of the peace of this Precinct shall hold the regu- lar terms of his court in the town of Schulenburg on the Thurs- day next after the second Monday of each month. BOUNDARIES OF VOTING PRECINCTS. (In Justice Precinct No. 1.) No. I. — The boundaries of LaGrange shall be composed of —74- the following leagues and surveys : the J. Castleman, the south- east half of E. St. John Hawkins, \Vm. Rabb's mill tract east of Rabb's Creek ; James Green, Fayette County school timber land, W. H. Carson, VV. M. Eastland, James Green labor, S. Darling, N. W. Eastland, J, H. Moore, John Eblin and E. Sav- age. All elections in this J^reciuct shall be held at the Court House in LaGrange. No. 2.— Bluff" shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys : The heirs of John Alley and R. M, Cravens lying north of Williams Creek, Anna Powell, Mary Lewis, Fayette County school land tracts, Nos. 80, 81, 82, 83, 98, 99 and 100 ; the Silas Jones and all of the D. Berry league lying northeast of a line drawn from the west corner of Silas Jones' league to the south corner of the J. Castleman league and that part of the J. Castleman south of Buckner's Creek; the J. J. Lewis, all of the D. Berry lying west of a line drawn from the west corner of Silas Jones to the south corner of the J. Castleman league and Fayette County school land tracts numbers 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 9L 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121 ; and all elections in this Precinct shall be held at the Bluff school house. No. 3. — The boundaries of Plum voting Precinct No. 19 in Justice Precinct No. 1, shall be composed of tiie followirg leagues and surveys : The east half of John C'ook league east of Chandler road reservation, llie A. O'Bar survey, the A. Castle- man, the L. Backsdale, J. Castleman, \Vm. H. Taylor leagues, the northwest half of E. St. John Hawkins, and the A. W. Wordley survey. All elections hereafter held in said voting Precinct shall be held at the school house at Plum. No. 4. — Rutersville shall be composed of J. R. Phillips, J. H. Cartright, F. Lewis, and S. P. Brown leagues, and all elec- tions in this Precinct shall be held at Rutersville. (In Justice Precinct No. 2.) No. 5. — Biegel shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys : The George Duty. Jos. Biegel, J. M, Hensley, R. tSchwartz, \V. H. Blair, and that part oi the S. A. Anderson and \V. O. Jiarnham lying northwest of Sarrazin's Creek. Ail elections in this Precinct sliall hereafter be held at KroU's store. No. 6. — El linger shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys; The J. J'etty, J. M. Burton, all oftheW. O. Burnhani and Lucy Kerr leagues lyin[^- southwest of the liicgel and Ellinger road, all of the S. A. Anderson lying southeast of S.irrazin's Creek, and all of the Jos. Duty, \V. T. Dunlavy and Jug. Ehlinger lying in Fayette County. All elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be lield at Ellinger. No. 7. — Fayetteville is bounded as follows : Beginning at Colorado County line at Cummin's Creek, to the mouth of Clear Creek ; tlience up the said Clear Creek to the southeast line of N. 'I'ownsend Iciigue ; thence to the soutli corner of said league ; tiience along the n.ortheast lines of the Hensley league tt) its east corner; thence along the southeast lines of Hensley and Biegel leagues to the Biegel and Ellinger roacJ ; thence with said road to the northwest line of the J. M. Burton league ; thence along the northwest line of said league to its north corner; thence along the northeast line of said league to the east corner of said league; thence nilli the Ehlinger league line to Colorado County line ; thence with said county line to the place of beginning. All elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be held at tlie town of Fayetteville. No. 8. — Zapp shall be composed of the John Jones, James Miles leagues and that part of the John Andrews league east of Cumming's Creek. All elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be held at Zapp's store. (In Juotice Precinct No. 8.) No. 0. — Warrenton shall be composed of the N. Townsend, D. E. Colton, J. Shaw leagues and that part of the W. .1. Russell league southeast of tlie present Houston and Bastrop road and all of the R. Peebles, B. Greenville and Thomas (iay leagues lying north of Clear Creek. All elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be held at the town of Warrenton. —76— No. 10. Haw Creek shall be composed of the John Logran and W. \V. Sheppard leagues and all of the J. P, Gill, David Shelby and W. Sutherland leagues in Fayette County. All the elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be held at Men- sing's store. No. 11. — Round Top shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys : The James Winn, A. Baker. Jesse Ward, J. Schultz, W. S. Townsend, W. H.Jack and that part of the John Townsend and Joshua Fletcher surveys in Fayette County. All elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be held at the town of Round Top. No. 12. — Carmine shall be composed of the Mary Pheljjs and James Beardsbee leagues and Chas. Fleasner survey in Fayette County. All elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be held at Carmine Station. No. 13. — Ledbetter shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys : The heirs of UeWitt, N. C. Taylor, M. Wood, A, P. Thompson, Early Robins, H. R. Craig, John Pain, E. Gilpin, J. Mulin, F. Darby, heirs of Green DeWitt, Jas. Morrow and M. H. Winburn. All elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be held at the town of Ledbetter., No. 14. — Waldeck shall be composed of the Wm. William- son, John Vander Worth leagues and the Chas. Mason and K. G. Bough surveys and all elections hereafter held in said Pre- cinct shall be held at Waldeck. No. 15. — Nechanitz shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys: The J. G. Wilkerson, J. Longley, W. Barnum, B. White, C. F. Weber, M. Holmes, Wm. Goodwin, S. McDade, G. W. Brazel, W. Nabers, and all of the J. W. Russel's lying north of the present Houston & Bastrop road. All elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be Jield at Nechanitz. (In Justice Precinct No. 4). No. 1(3. — Warda shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys: The George Riddle, Thomas Green, S. Shelton, Jas. Blair, Ed. Powitzki, A. Milde, G. W. Singelton, Henry Dibble, Fayette County school land on Rabb's Creek, J. C. Tanahill, F. Keller, \V. Southerland, J. F. EUender, Thos. Berry, 1). G. Green, heirs of A. Dixon, J. S, Lester, \V. Nevv- ford, \\ . Tryon, D. Cornway, Alex Reid, G. E. Boom, li. M. Clements and W. Lewis. All elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be held at Warda. No. 17, — Winchester shall be composed of the following leagU9s and surveys: The Wm. Kabb Mill tract west of Rabb's Creek, J. R. J. Ross, S. VV. Williams, J. Price, J. Ingram, J. A. Wells, J. Bogel, Ingram, J. F. Berry, E. Campbell, J. A, Thomson, J. F. Tinsley and Cunningham, Whiteside and Green in Fayette County. All elections hereafter held in said precinct shall be lield at the town of Winchester. (In Justice Precinct No. 5.) No. 18. — The boundaries of West Point voting Precict No. 18 injustice Precint No. 5 shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys: N. Woods, Reuben Fisher, Thos. Alley, M. Woods, J. Sheam, D. Berry, T. Cochran, W. Barton, r. H. Grassmeyer which are in Fayette County, and that part of the Jolm Cook league west of the Chandler reser- vation, all that part of the J. P. McFarland league owned Darby Brothers and the B. J^. B. & C. R. R. survey lying north of the Dalrymple. All elections hereafter held in said voting Precinct shall be held in tne town of West Point, No. lO. — Muldoon shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys: The Pat Breedy, John Dalrymple, Mul- doon No. 5, Muldoon No. 0, E. Devers, heirs of S. C^ottle, L, Woods, F. A. Bettinger, John Vivian, J. B. Tatum, L. W. T. Peebles, W. M. Evans, Walter F. Hamilton, Wm. Higgins, all of the ,1. Barlett north of Huckner's Creek and all of that part of tlie B. B. B. & C. R. R. lying between the J. J)alrymi)le and W. F. Hamilton surveys. All elections hereafter held m said Precinct shall be held at Muldoon. No. 20. — Blackjack shall be composed of tlie following leagues and surveys: S. M. Williams Nos. 1 and 2, W. 11. Toy, T. 0. Berry, Noah Carnes, E. Y, Kean, D. Berry, (i, W. —78— Keene, lieirs of M. Smith, J. Harper, the part of the J. Bartlett, south of Buckiier's creek. All elections hereafter held in said Precinct shall be held at Black Jack Spring church and sciiool house. (In Justice Precinct No. 6.) No. 21. — Cistern shall be composed of the following named leagues and surveys: The fe. Millett, all that part of the J. CI. W, Pierson kague not lying north and east of Pin Oak Creek, P. Broun. J. T. Whiteside, J. H. Whitehurst, T. B Beck, James Robinson, M. V. Salinas, J. Ellender, C. H. Welborn, P. M. Welborn, J. A. Weir, F, George, J. McCoy, parts of F. Kestler, T. Zumwalt, C. McKinney, S. M. Williams, J. Beldin, C. Mason, H. King, T. B. Beck in Fayette County, the James Seaton, S. Darling, J. Thompson, W^ M. W. Thompson, and all land lying between J. Stifler and J. Robison leagues. All elec- tions hereafter held in this Precinct shall be held at Cistern- No. 22. -"Colony shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys: The M.. Walton, S. St. John, M. B. Tatum, J, McGown, J. Stifler, A. Zumwalt, J. Livergood, J. Shaw, J. Seaton, W. Cummins. W. Kuykendall, M. C. Salinas, J. Mene- fee, M. DeLaGarza, A. Weaver, S. Nettle, G. Hernandez, H. S. Gnge, J. Parrot, F. E. Sellers, E. S. Powell, R. liigsby, E, Whitehead, J. Dodd, J. Marshall, J.B. Tatum, J. Schroeder and James Gibson. All elections hereafter held in tiiis Precinct shall be held at J. A. Young's store. No. 22. — Fhitonia shall be composed of the following named leagues and surveys : The J. M. Molina, J. D. Elliot: Ben Green, Muldoon No. 14, Chas. F. Wright, W, A. Faires, G. W . Cottle Jesse Richards, J. Murphy, Jas. H. Ryan, P. Hcpe, Thos. Rumley, W. A. Mathews, T. H. Harris and Christopher Williams. All elections hereafter held in tiiis Precinct, shall be held at the city of Flatonia. No. 24 — Praha sliall be composed of the following leagues and surveys : The Muldoon No. 13, J. C. Duff, W. K. Paulding. Wade Horton, Norman Woods, and W. D. Lacy. All elections -79- hereafter iield in this Precinct shall be held at Praha school house. (In Justice Precinct No. VII.) No. 25. — Anirnannsville shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys : Fayette County school land tracts Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15," 28, 29, 80, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 78 and 79 ; W. A. Hall league, J. JVIul- lins, James Hunley, Dave Berry, J. Barden, J. M. Ferrill, Peter Lopez, B. Kuykendall, all of the R. JM, Cravens south of Williams Creek and all lands between school land and L. Lopez and other surveys. AH elections hereafter held in this Precinct shall be held at Ammannsville school house. No. 26, — Pecan shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys : The part of the John Alley south of Williams Creek, S. A. Pugh, J. Gomez, W. M. Eastland, H. Austin, F. Pettus and J. Burnham, and all land between H. Austin, Max- well O'Bar and Harper surveys. All elections hereafter held in this Precinct shall be held at Pecan school house. No. 27. — Swiss Alp shall be composed of Fayette County school land tracts Nos. 1 to 10 ; 16 to 27 ; 38 to 51 ; 60 to 77 ; 122 to 128 inclusive J. Townsend, F. C. Powell and H. T. Thayer surveys and the north ])art of John Paine and northeast part of R. Smith leagues lying north of Beat line 7 and 8 and east of the so called Walker Branch of the west Navidad. All elections hereafter held in this Precinct shall be held at Swiss Alp. (In Justice Precinct No. VIII.) No. 28. — Mulberry shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys: P. Allison, W. Gorham, James Bell, T. Taylor, K. Crier, L. Bostic, E. Anderson, J.H. Whitehurst west of Peeler road, M. M. Gillespie, Wm Nabers and Thomas Green, and to exclude all of the territjry formerly belonging to said Mulberry Precinct No. 29 east of the Peeler road beginning at the Lavaca County line at (Tolson) McKinnon's place ; thence Dorth to Chris. Bautngarten's place. The Chris. Baumgni-tcn and the McKinnon place shall belong to Schulenburg Precinct —80— No. 30. All elections hereafter held in this Precinct shall he held in the Kaznicov school honse. No. 29. — Schulenburg shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys; All of the Jessie Burnham and J. G. O'Farrell and J. A. Sergeant, south of the railroad and east of East Navidad, all of the O'Farrell, Sergeant, W. Brookfield and B. Perr}' west of East Navidad, all of the E. Anderson east of J^"orster's Creek and south of the Columbus and Gonzales roads, all of 1. Almansur east of Schulenburg and LaGrange road, all of the K. Cryer and T. Taylor east of West Navidad and south of Forster's Creek and all of the territory formerly belonging to Mulberry Precinct No. 29 east of the Peeler road ; beginning at the Lavaca County line at (Tolson) McKinnon's place, thence north to Chris. Baumgarten's place, and to include the last two named places in Voting Precinct No. 30. All elections hereafter held in this Precinct shall be held in tiie town of Schulenburg. No. 30. — Dubina shall be composed of the foUowmg leagues and surveys : All of B. Perry, \V. Brookfield, J. A. Sergeant and J. O'Farrell east of the Navidad and north of the railroad, R. Maxwells, J. O'Bar, .J. Gomez, .J. Harper ami F. \V. Grass- meyer. All elections held hereafter in this Precinct shall be held at Dubina. No, 31. — Hig Hill shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys: All of the E. Anderson and K. C'ryer east of the Navidad and north of the Columbus and Gonzales road, east of Forster's Creek; all of the I. Almansur, west of the LaGrange and Schulenburg road and all of the John Paine, south of line of Justice Precinct No. 7, all of the Counsel and R Smith leagues east of tlie Navidad and Walker branch and south of Justice Precinct No. 7. All elections hereafter held in tliis Precinct shall be held at some suitable place in the village of High Hill. No, 32. — Thulemeyer shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys : All of the R. Smith and J. S. Counsel, west of the West Navidad and Walker's branch, the S. F. Knight and J. A. Harmon, and all of the J. H. Whitehurst and E. An- derson, north of Ujjper Pocky and west of the Navidad. All —81— elections hereafter held in this Precinct shall be held at the M. E. school house. No. 83. — Stella shall be composed of the following leagues and surveys : ('. VVestner, A. Walker, L. M. Stewart, J. Mc- C'aliister, M. Woods, Z. Woods, A. Cook, J. A. Wells, F. W. (xrassmeyer, J. P. McFarland (except all lands owned by J. A. Darby and Darby brother on said league) and tliat portion of tiie T. Thompson, A. (Iraham and Wm. Medford wliicli is in Fayetle County, also all that portion of the J. (r. W. Pierson league north and east of Pin Oak Creek. All elections hereafter held in this Precinct shall be held at K. Breeden's store. Note. — Stella Voting Precinct No. 38 belongs to Justice Precinct No. 5. Mkmi'.krs of Commissioni^rs' Court, The names of the present members of the Commissioners' Court are : Joseph Eljlinger, presiding officer ; Clias. F. Hacke- beil, Commissioner lor Beat No. 1 ; Kossuth Zapp, Commission- er for Beat No. 2 ; C. A. Young, Commissioner for Beat No. 8 ; Joseph Fietsam, Commissioner for Beat No. 4. Precinct Officers. The following are the Justices of the Peace of the county : H. C. I.edbetter, of Precinct No. 1 ; Tom Hruska,''of Precinct No. 2; Charles Schiege, of Precinct No. G; Alex. Ramsey, of Precinct No. 4 ; (J. W. Cole, of Precinct No. 5 ; Bob Menefee, of Precinct Nt). (3; V. J. Jnnacek, of Precinct No. 7, and C. T. Willrich, of Precinct No. 8. The fi)llowing are the Constables in these respective i)re- cincts: Lee Smith, of Precinct No. 1; F. C. Knippcl, of Prf^- '•inct No. 2 ; Adolph Becker, of Precinct No. 3 ; Sam Kedfield. ol Precinct No. 4 : N. Pv. Cole, of Precinct No. 5 ; Tom Sellers, of J'recinct No.'G ; Robert JMc(iill, of Precinct No. 7, and Robt. ^\'illiams of Precinct No. 8. PART 11. HISTORY OF FAYETTE COUNTY. HISTORY OF FAYETTE COUNTY. INTRODUCTION. The great state and national questions which agitated tlie people of Texas found their rettex also in Fayette County. To treat of them more extensively would be to write their history, but not that of Fayette C'ounty. They are limited to a short mention to explain the effects which they produced on Fayette County. A history of Fayette County will be a history of her development, a record of how a wilderness was changed into a prosperous commonwealth, a record that should fill a patriotic citizen with just pride and satisfaction and with hope for bright prospects in the future. To record these events in chronologic- al order would be confusing and would give no clear conception of the several problems that were solved in the development of the county. To treat of the development of the several interests from beginning to end would ensure clearness to the subject, but would not give a clear picture of the times. The subjects therefore have been arranged with the view of giving a clear picture of the several periods and stages of development in Fay- ette C'ountv. —SB- FIRST PERIOD. FROM THE EARLY SETTLEME:^T OF FAYETTE COUKTY TO THE ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY. (1821-18^8) Arrival Of The First White Settlers. The history of Fayette Couiity beghis with the arrival of the first white settlers under Stephen F. Austin, who settled on the rich lands of the Brazos and Colorado Rivers. It is doubtful, if before their arrival the foot of a white man ever crossed the boundaries of Fayette County. If it did, tlie record of a trans- itory stay of a white hunter or trader would be of no import • it left no impression on the history of the county ; the history begins with the arrival of the first white settlers. The names of the first men wlio settled in Fayette County were Bnckner, Powell and Jessie Buruham. Thev settled on the banks of the Colorado River, 1822. ..- Indian Tribes. Before tiiat time, some Indiai' tribes inhabited the county, the Lipans east of the Colorado River and the Toncahuas west of it. Indian relics ihat have been found at LaClrange and in the neighborhood of Round Toj) [loint to the fact that the Indians had camps at these two places. The Indians lived principally from hunting and fishing; the cultivation of the soil was very primitive. Thus, the first white settlers found the country nearly as (lod made it, a wilderness without roads, crossed only by some Indian trails. They had to share it with Indians and wild beasts. Character Of The First White Settlers. The character of the first white settlers was like that of all other men who undertake to wrest a country from a wilderness : adventurous, energetic, brave and self-reliant. No other men would undertake hard jobs like that. Men who look to friends, relatives and the government for su|)port and comfort, or men who appreciate the bonds ol frienddhip and aflection higher than —87— the excitement to risk, act and conquer, men who prefer i)eaca- ble pursuits to a life of toil and danger are not elements that undertake to settle anew country. They were not needed here, and they did not come. But from all parts of tlie United States , especially from the Southern States, there came an influx of a sturdy, sell-reliant race. Either they had, according to their view, not enough elbow room in the older states, because the next neigbor lived hardly two miles from them, or they were dissatisfied with the progress of established government and order; in their opinion, they were in the older settlements already too much ruled and governed. A great many of the lir?t settlers were well educated men and of high intelligence. To all new countries there comes with or soon follows this class of settlers a number of public spirited men and politicians who have been unsuccessful in public life in tlieir home country or found no good chance for their abilities there and now they came here to offer their services in building up this country with a better chance for acceptance of their services. A class, by no means to be undervalued ; a class that had experience in affairs of state and foresight in governing people. It should also not be forgotten that together w-ith these good classes of ])eople, there also came a lawless element, an element which found it too hot for themselves in their home country, As a boiling pot throws the scum and impurities to its rim, so civilization also throws the lawless elements to its borders. Troublesome as this class may have been, they soon had to submit to law and order. A large proportion of thp first settlers were men of high intelligence, of great foresight and ability of governing and knew how to deal with these elements and even made use of them. Nativity Of The First White Settlers. The first settlers came mostly from the Southern States, a great many of them from the states of Tennessee and Alabama. Very few of the descendants of these old families still remain now in Fayette County; most of them have sold their property and moved further West ; since the Civil War a new class of people has taken possession of the county. Almost simultane- ously with the first settlers from the United States there came a -88- good spi'inklinff of Germans who settled in the county. Bohe- mian settlers came to the county in the early fifties. MUNICIPALITIKS, Texas was at the time of the arrival of the first settlers in the year 1821 connected with the Mexican State C'oahuila for government purposes. The country was divided into munici- palities for the purpose of local self-government. The head officer of a municipality was called alcalde. Parts of Fayette County helonged to the municipality of Colorado (the present Colorado County), parts of it belonged to the municipality of Mina (the present Bastrop County.) Indian Maraudini; Expeditions. The Mexican government at first welcomed the American settlers; it was very liberal to them in its land grants, but it left them without protection, it left them to show what they could do. And soon they did show what they could do and made a pretty showing for themselves. As stated before, the country was a wilderness occupied by wild Indians. Especially the Comanche and Keechi tribes of Indians made depredating ex- cursions into Fayette County which was then a frontier county. The life of the settlers on the frontier at tiiat ilme was unsafe and I'emained so during the early days of the republic. In 1833 one Earthman was murdered by Indians near Nechanitz. A white trapper by the name of Alexander was killed near the Ledbetter-LaGrange road in a branch which later was named af- ter him Alexander Branch. A Mr. Lyons, the father of Warren Jjyons, was killed by Comanche Indians on the present J. Rus- sek place near Scliulenburg in the latter part of the thirties. The Indians attacked him about sundown, killed him and cap- tured his boy Warren, then eight years old. They took the boy along, and the latter lived for twelve years amongst the Indians. A surveyor's party in the West who knew the boy's family found him, told liim about his mother and induced him to see her. He got leave from the Indians for forty days to see his mother. He found her sick, and as she entreated him to stay with her, be stayed beyond his stipulated time. At first, it had been his — SO— intention to return to the Indians ; but gettine; accustomed again to the manner and habits of his race and having stayed beyond tlie stipulated time, he was afraid to return to them and, therefore, remained with his mother. In 1887 the father of Joel W. Uobison, his son Walter and a negro servant were murdered bv Imliaiis on their return trip from business near the ])resent W'airenton. A negro woman walliing with her boy from Town- sculI's to the present Warrenton was killed by Indians who were iiidden in a large livo-oak tree ; tlie boy was taken along hy them. Just half an hour before the killing, some wliite men had passed them unbanned, witli a large ox-wagon which had high side-boards. The Indians did not attack tliem, very prub- ably fur the reason that they supposed some men hidden behind the high side-boards of the wagon and that they feared to be outnumbered by them. Nearly all ttie old wliite settlers of Favette County with whom the writer has had the pleasure to talk characterize the Indians as cowardly and treacherous who would waylay an unsuspecting traveler, but who were afraid to light in the open witli tlie least chances against them. InD1.\N FlfUiTS. Figlits and punishing expeditions ensued. There was (piite a galaxy of daring men in Fayette County who made reputations as great Indian fighters ; the greatest of them were Jessie Burn- ham, Col. John H. Moore who had come from Tennessee, and ('apt. ^Vm. J. Russell from North Carolina. It followed what always happened in the colonization of a wild country : the sav- age and uncivilized tribes were tramped down by the march of civilization. In a short time the frontier was moved further West. Tlie writer ijuotes two of tliese Indian fights conducted by Fayette County men in both of \vliich Col. John H. Moore was the leader from John Henry Brown's History of Texas, Vol. 11, pages 182, 183. "On the 12tli of February ISH',), Col. John H. Moore at the head of ilfly five Tcxans, forty J^ipan and twelve Toncahua Ind- ians—a total of lOU — made a daylight attack on a large Co- —90— manche euccampinent ou the San Saba Uiver. He killed a large number, while the Lipans stampeded and drove in a thousand or more Comanche horses, safely reaching the settlements. Bui after a contest of an hour Colonel Moore found himself sur- rounded by such an overwheming force, down from the villages extending five or six miles up the river that retreat became a necessity, which he effected with great coolness and caution. His horses, having been left a short distance in tiie rear, were all captured by the enemy. Six of his men (wounded) had to be borne in on litters. After fighting long on the detensive, the re- treat was begun, and attended by much suffering, their route passing a hundred miles through mountains. They, however, safely reached the settlements. "John H. jMoore was not a man to forget such a repulse. In the great invasion of August, 1840, it has been shown that he lost, by several hours, an o])portunity to balance accounts with the Comanches (this refers to the interception of the Indians by General Felix Huston at Plum Creek in Gonzales County, Aug. 12, 1840 where the Indians on the return from their marauding expedition to Victoria and Linnville were defeated), but he was resolved that the balance should be made. To this eiid, about the first of October, he left Austin with tw'o companies of citi- zen volunteers, commanded by Capts^JThonia^sJ. Rabb and Nicholas Dawson, both of Fayette County, with anaggreg;ts force of ninety men, besides twelve Lipans under their principil chief. Col. Castro. He bore directly up the Colorado about throe hundred miles, to the region where now stands Colorado City. The Lipans, as scouts discovered in advance a consider- able Coman-^he village, in a small bend on the east bank of the river, opposite a bluff on the west bank. Sending thirty men, under Lieutenant Clark L. Owen, to occupy the bluff" across the river, he made an attack as soon as daylight fully appeared, charging directly into the camp. Though surprised, warriors and squaws fought with desperation. Only two warriors es- caped, on the only two horses immediately at hand. A bund red and thirty Indians were left dead on the field. Thirty-four squaws and children and several hundred horses were brought -91— in. A few old men and women were released on the gr()uiul. Among the tropliies were goods taken from Linnville. (iuite a number of Moore's men were wounded, but none killed. Col. Moore doubtless felt tliat his ill success on the San Saba was counterbabmced by the terrible punishment indicted by luin on tlie Colorado.'" Fayictte County's Share in the W'ah of IndivI'kndknci:. The Mexican government had left the American settlers not only without protection against tiie Indians, but soon should give them more cause for alarm than these savage tribes. The Mexican government was unstable ; that revolutionary country was in tlio throes of another revolution. Ijustainento led a strong faction against Santa Anna, the head of the Mexican gov- ernment who was in favor of the Constitution of 1824. The l)eople of Texas declared in favor of Santa Anna. Bustaniento was del'eated. But little good did the American settlers reap from their declaration in favor of Santa Anna and Bnstamento's defeat. The just demands of tlie settlei'S were refused by the Mexican government. Instead it attempted to suppress further American immigration and to oppress those settlets then living In Texas. War between Texas and Mexico ensued, 'i'he glori- nus achicveiuents of tlie early settlors in this war, and the gain of independence for themselves and their posterlt}^ are recorded in the annals of Texas History. Fayette County largely iiartici- jiated in these stiiring events wbicli achieved the independence of Texas. In the very first encounter between Americans and Mexicans at tlie battle of Velasco (June 2G, J8o2), Fayette County people acted a conspicuous jxirt Capt. Wm. J. Russell of Fayette County commanded the schooner Brazoria, in that battle, attack- ing the Mexican garrison at Velasco. In tlic attack on land John (t. Robison (later member of ihe first Texas Congress in 1836, killed by Indians near W'arrenton in 1887) and his sou Joel W. Robison took a prominent part. Before the bt-ginning of the battle, Father Miguel Muldoon, a resident of Mexico and grantee of f)ur leagues of land in Fayette, popular with the Mexican goxernment and esteemed by tlie settlers, tried to medi- _'J2— ate between Col. Ugartechea in command of the Mexican force and the settlers, but with no success. In the ensuing battle, C'ol. Ugartechea was completely vanquished. This first success of the American arms inspired the settlers with confidence and just pride. The battle of Gonzales, the Lexington ofTexas, (October 2, 1835) was won under command of a Fayette man, the distin- guished Indian fighter Col. John H. Moore. In the battle of San Jacinto Fayette County furnished a cavalry company of scouts under command of Capt. Henry W. Karnes. Thus, in all engagements with Mexicans, Fayette County people always took a prominent part. Her name is in- separably linked in the annals of Texas History to the schieve- ment of independence. One of Fayette county's citizens, Joel W. Robison, distinguished himself as one of the captors of Santa Anna after the battle of San Jacinto, (April 21, 1836). A letter from him published in Life and Literary Remains of Sam Houston by William Carey Crane, D.D., LL. D., President of the Baylor University, Independence, Texas, (1884) which ex- plains the eyents incident to the capture of Santa Anna, is here given as a matter of interest and of pride to every patriotic citi- izen of Fayette County. Letter ok Joel \V, Robison. "Roundtop, August 5, 188L "I have received a letter requesting me to give you the par- ticulars of the capture of Santa Anna in 1836. It was as fol- lows : On the morning of the 22nd, the day after the battle, a party was detailed and sent out under command of Gen. Burle- son. This party |)roceeded m the direction of the bridge on Vince's Bayou. One object was to pick up any Mexicans we could find who had Med from the battle the evening before, and particularly to search for Santa Anna and Cos. When we reached the bayou we divided into squads of five or six persons in each, and went in different directions. The party I was with consisted of six, all privates, so far as I know. Their names were as follows : Miles, Sylvester, Thompson, Vermillion, —03— another, whose name I do not recollect, and myself. From the bridn;e we started down the bayou. After traveling about two miles, we saw a man standing on the bank of a ravine, some live or six hundred yards from us. He, no doubt, saw us first, for when we started towards him, he sat down on a high place and waited till we came up. It proved to be Santa Anna. I was the only one of the party that spoke the Mexican language. I asked him if he knew where Santa Anna and Cos were. He said, he thought tliey had gone to the Brazos. I asked him if he knew of any other Mexicans that had made their escape from the battle. He said lie thought there were some up the stream in a thicket. I told him we would take liim to the American camp. He was very willing to go, but com- plained of being very tired. I asked it he was an officer. No, he said ; that he belonged to the cavalry and was not accus- tomed to being on foot ; that he was run very close by our cav- alry the day before and was compelled to leave his horse. When we started with him one of our party dismounted and went up the ravine to look tor the Mexicans spoken of by Santa Anna, and Santa Anna rode his horse some two miles up the road. The man that went up the road, finding no Mexicans, then came and told Santa Anna to dismount. He refused to do it, and the man then leveled his gun at him, when he dismount- ed, and asked me how far it was to camp. I told iiim eight or nine miles. He said he could not walk so far. Tlie young man then wanted to kill him, and 1 told him so. He then said he would try and walk, but would have to go slow ; and so we started for camp, and the man got behind and would prick him in the back with his spear and make him trot for some two or three miles. Santa Anna tlicn stoi)ped, and, appealing to me, said if he wanted to kill him to do so, but he could not walk any furth- er. I then took him up behind me and carried him to camp, some five or six miles farther. After lie got U|) behind, we en- tered into a general conversation. He asked me if (ien. Hous- ton commantled in person at the battle ; how many we killed, and how many prisoners we had taken, and when they would be shot. I told him 1 did not think they would be shot ; that I had never known Americans to kill prisoners of war. He said —94— the Americans were a brave iind prenerons i)eople, and a&ked me what I thought would be done with the prisoners. I told him that I did not know, but the Americans would like the younger ones for servants. He said that would be very kind. He asked me how many were in our army at the battle. I said, some six or seven Inmdred. He thought I was mistaken ; that there must be more. I said, No ; and that two hundred Americans could whip the whole Mexican army. 'Yes,' said he, "the Americans are great soldiers.' I asked him if he was not sorry he had come to fight the Americans. 'Yes,' he said, but he belonged to the army, and was compelled to obey his officers. I asked him, if he was back in Mexico if he would come to Texas any more, He said, No ; he would desert first. This brought us to camp, when the Mexicans immediately announced his name. He asked to be taken to (len. Houston, and was taken to him. If you think tliese facts of sufiicient interest, you can put them in such shape as you think best. 1 am vours Very respectfully. Joel W. Robison. Joel W. Robison had settled in the neighborhood of the present site of the town of Warrenton in 1833 and resided in that section up to the time of his death, Aug. 4, 1889. His son, the present tax collector of Fayette County, Neal Robison, told this writer that Santa Anna had given to his father as a sign of gratitude for letting him ride behind him on his horse a gold brocaded vest. It became the fad of the young people in those days to get married in Santa Anna's vest. No doubt, then tliere beat truer hearts behind it than when Santa Anna wore it. This vest was lost in lending it to the young people. An Act Of Cjnorkss Establishing Fayette County. As a result of this war Texas achieved independence and became a republic. The progressive American race took the place of the] slovenly Mexican and became the molder and t^liaper of the destiny of Texas. Following the custom of the I'liited States, counties were established in place of the old Mexican numicipalities. Fayette County was created out of the municiitalities of Colorado and Mina, (the present Bastrop —95— County). An act to establish the same was passed by the Con- gress of the Republic of Texas Dec. 14, 1887. By a later act of that body, May 8, 1888, the southwestern boundary of the coun- ty was more clearly defined. The act by which the county of Fayette was established reads as follows : "An Act to establish the county of Fayette. "Be it enacted : "§ 1. That the territor}^ embraced within the following boundaries shall constitute one of the counties of this republic, and be called the county of Fayette : Beginning at Grass- meyer's ferry on the Colorado, thence in a nortiieasterly direc- tion at right angles with the general course of the Colorado River to the divide between the waters of the Cororado and the Brazos ; thence down said divide in a soutlieasterly direction to the st)uthwest corner of a league of land granted to Wm. Bur- nett ; thence southwestwardly, crossing Colorado River where the upper line of a league of land granted to J. Duty, corners upon same ; thence continuing the same course to the Lavaca at the upper corner of the league of land granted to William Por- ton ; thence up the Lavaca with the line between Austin and DeWltt's colony to the head of said stream ; thence in a north- easterly direction to the place of beginning so as to leave Grass- meyer's in the county of Mina.* "§ 2. That the seat of justice for said county shall be. and is hereby established at the town of La(irange, on the east side of (he Colorado River, near the [^aBahia crossing of the same. "§ 3. Provides fur the organization of the county. "§ 4. Provides for holding courts. "§ 5. Attaches the county to the fifth judicial district. "§ V). Fixes the re[)resentation in congress. "§ 7. Provides how election returns shall be made. *Noto. The county line with Lavaca County was surveyed in 1848; with Gonzales County in 1851; with Bastrop County in UTk); with Vv'a&hington County in. 1871; with Austin County in 1870; with Colorado County in 1877; the Lacaca County lino was re- survoyed in ISTS; the Colorado Countylinc in 1879; the Bastrop County line in 1870; the Lo3 Couaty lir.e; surveyed in 1833; the Washington Cpunty line, resurveyed in 18Sj, -DO- SECOND l^KRTOIl. FROM THE ORaAISriZATIO:X OF THE COUISITY TO THE CIVIL \VAR. (1833— 1801.) Orcanization of the County. According to the Act of Congress of the Republic of Texas, Fayette County was organized January 18, 1838. This was the birth-day of Fayette County when it stepped into the world as a body politic with head and trunk. T ho birth-day of a body pol- itic always being an important event, the record thereof may fol- low in the words as recorded in the Minutes of the Commission- ers' Court of Fayette County : Republic of Texas, ) ^ ^ ^ ,„ ^^„„ '- LaGran(!e, January 18, 1838. County of Fayette. V The Chief Justice together with the several Justices of the Peace for said county having met. his Honor, Andrew Rabb, Esq., administered the oath of office to the following persons as Justices of the Peace for said county, to-wit : Christopher Fitz- gerald, Samuel Alexander, John Lewis and Bernhard Sherrer, (I. S. Sister being called on acted as clerk pro tem) and pro- ceeded to elect from their nuniber two Associate Justices, which resulted in the election of Ciiristopher Fitzgerald and John Lewis, after which they proceeded to organize a board of Count}' Commissioners and passed the following resolutions : Resolved, that a County Tax of twelve and one-iialf cents be levied and collected on every hundred dollars worth of prop- erty of all and every kind subject to stale lax. Resolved, that the following roads be considered highways of this county, to-wit : Tlie road from this i)hice to Bastrop by Grassmeyer's Ferry, The road from this place to San Feli[)iie by S. Alexander. The road from this place to Washington. —97— The road from this place to ColunUni.s by Eiunham's. The road from this place to (lonzale?. And there shall be cleared out a road from this place by- way of Rabb's Prairie up the Uiver as far as the county line near I. C. Cunningham's. (Road overseers were appointed by other resolutions.) I. S. 81STER, A. Raivh, Clk. C. C. Fayette Co. pro tem, Pres. at Bo. Comm. LaCtRaxge as Competitor fur the Capital. Tlie foundation of the republic and the subse(]uent organi- zation of counties were the fruits of American bravery in the Mexican contest. The contest was exciting; it stands singular in the history of the world. The subsequent history of the times of tlie Republic of Texas is none the less exciting and in- teresting. Internal questions and dissensions and dangers which threatened the young republic fro:-:i Mexico kept all public spir- itcfl men and ])atriots in a wliite heat of excitement. On account of Mexican invasions, the capital of tlie republic was temporarily located further from the Mexican boundary, and Houston was selected therefor. LaGrange was a competitor for the capital. In the vote of Congress taken for that purpose it lost by one vote. The grand jury of the county deuounced this action of Congress iu a document entitled, "Republic of Texas versus Inconsistent Legislative Acts." (See Appendix A.) They arraigned in that document Congress and the administra- tion for the sale of Galveston Island at too low a price, for the temporary location of the capital at Houston — made only as they declared to enable Sam Houston and his friends to sell their c^ty properly ;it h;i.h prices— and for the levying of import du- ties instead of levying a direct tax. For the latter charge they givo a very plausible reason. They ])ointed out that the coUec- tiju of imi)ort duties along the extensive border at the Ked and Sabine Rivers would be impossible while the population of South Texas which had stood the burden of the war received their necessaries via Galveston and had no chance to evade the _98— revenue laws of the Republic. Tlie writer whose attention had been called to this document found same in the vaults of the district clerk's office. The document is signed by William lifookfield, foreman of the grand jury, and is written in his handwriting. The writer showed it to several prominent gentle- men of LaGrange. Their opinions about its value greatly vary. Mr. J. v. Brown said that he had known William Brookheld, that the latter was a disappointed politician and that this way of getting up such documents was at that time the way of politic- ians in venting their spleen and disappointment, and that such documents were issued in preparation for a future campaign. Judge A. Haidusek held it a very singular document, written in crude English, a document that could not have had any results, but that was written witli some S[iirit. Judge W. S. Robson held that it showed the interest the people of those times took in public affairs and their spirit of independence. These opin- ions are not necessarily conflicting with each other ; the writer considers them ratiier supplementary to each other. The Dawson Massacre. The question of the possession of Texas had been setled in the battle of San Jacinto. The Republic of Mexico was too weak and too much disrupted by internal dissensions to make anotlier effort for the con({uest of Texas, but the Mexicans, too weak to conquer Texas, harassed the settlers living on the frontier. They made several expeditions for that purpose into Texas. In one of these expeditions the Mexicans under General Woil came as far as San Antonio. They were met by three hun- dred mounted Texans under command of Col. Matthew Caldwell at the Salado. They were defeated. Rut a company of fifty three men from Fayette County who had been mustered in at the public S(|uaro at l.aGrange, (the large live-oak under which they gathered still stands there opposite tlio Schuhniacher bank) under command of Nicholas Dawson who came to Col. Caldwell's succor were annitiilated (1842). Of the fifty-three men, forty- one wc'i'e left dead on the ground, two escaped, and ten were taken prisoners four of whom were wounded. Oneoftliem, Norman R. Woccls who liacl received severe wounds died after- -on- wards in the prison of Peroto. "Among the ten prisMiers were.: Nat W. 1^'aison, Edward T. Manton, Norman P>. Woods, James Joseph Shaw, Joseph ('. liobison, VVni. Trimble, J. E. Kornegy, Richard Barclay, and Allen li. Morrell. Among the slain were : Ciipt. Nicholas JJ.iwson, the venerable Zadock Woods aged nearly eighty years, Jerome Alexander, Cnmmings, Farrls, and David Berry, oyer seventy years of age." Of the iifly-three men only two made their escape : Gonzalvo Woods of Fayette and a nian fron) Gonzales. 'AVoods had suvrendered to a Mexican wiio had attempted to pierce him with liis lance. Woods, ah-cad}' wounded m three ])!;ices, seized tlie lance, jerked the Mexican to tlie ground, drove the lance through his iieart, mounted tlie Mexican's horse and made his escape." (Brown's History of Texas, Vol. II, p. 22i').) Tiie massacre of the Dawson men occurred while Col. Caldwell was engaged witli General Woll. In the pursuit of WoU's ariny he was joined by that old fighter from Fayette County, Col. Jolni H. Moore, who came to him witii eiglity men from the Colorado and twenty Irom l!ie Lavaca. Battle of Fort Mier. Iletaliatory expeditions into Mexican territory made against the advice of Sani Houston followed, lu one of these expedi- tions, the one against Fort JMier, a largo number of Fayette Cuunty men took i):irt. They gave battle to tlie Mexicans, but limilly surrendered. Being taken into Mexico as prisoners, t'ley over[)o\vered their guard, but being recaptured, every tenth ;:>.m of them, seventeen in number, was shot b ,• order of Santa Anna. The prisoners had to draw beans. White beans meant life, black ones death. They were shot at the hacienda of Sala- do, 110 miles distant from Saltillo, Capt. Wm. M. Eastland of Fayette was amongst those wlio drew the black bean and were shot. In the Mexican war between the United States and Mexico following the annexation of Texas (ISob), Mnjor, afterwards (Tcneral Walter P. Lane, on a scouting expedition to San Luis Potosi made a detour to the liaeiencla of Salado, had the bones L.ofC. —100— of the seventeen men exiiumed and brought under escort com- manded by Capt. Quisenburg to LaGrange. Here they were interred and placed with military honors in a cemented vault on Monument Hill or Kreische's Bluff, opposite LaGrange, in the presence of a crowd of thousands who had gathered there on this solemn occasion. In the early eighties a joint monument was erected on the public square of La Grange to the memory of the Dawson men and the Mier prisoners who drew the black be-in.* State of the County at the Time of Organization. In a preceding paragraph the writer has told of the organi- zation of the county. The part which Fayette County has taken in the struggles and tights of Texas as a nation has been men- tioned in succeeding paragraphs. The reader may now pay his attention to county affairs, pure and simple, and follow the writer in his exposition of the development of this grand county. Only seventeen years liad passed since the arrival of the first white settlers, before the county was organized. Their num- ber must have been very small at the time of the organization of the county. The first census taken of the inhabitants of Fay- ette County in 1847 gave the county 2886 inhabitants. At the time of the organization of the county their number must have *NoTE. — The cemented vault on Monument HiJl, in the course of time, got into a dilapidated condition; the last resting place of these heroes was disturbed, and their bones were desecrated by the ruthless hand of curiosity seekers. This was so much the case that the Court called the attention of the public to this condition of affairs by the following statement (1893) : "The attention of the Court having been called to the bad condition of the Vault on Monument Hill con- taining the remains of Dawson's men and the Mier prisoners, and this Court having no right to make any appropriation for the preservation and repairs of said vault, the Court takes this method of calling pub- lic attention to the fact that said vault is in a very dilapidated condi- tion and that the bones of these men who gave their lives for Texas are desecrated by the careless hand of curiosity seekers, and are now reported to be scattered around their tomb in the most wanton and rackless manner. We think that this notice will be sufficient to cause the liberty loving citizens of our county to take such steps as will pre- serve the security of the last resting place of the then heroes and prevent any further desecration thereof." The Twenty-Seventh Legislature appropriated the sum of One Thousand Dollars to erect a new vault over the bones of these heroes, but as the ground on which the vault stands is private property, satisfactory arrangements have not thus far been made. — 101— been considerably less. Though an energetic race, much could not have been done by thetn in tlie short period of seventeen years. The county was still a wilderness. Much had to be done. The county government, the fathers of the county, had to face an uninviting situation. They knew that it takes money to run the government and that taxes procured this money. But how much could this be? Tlie first statement from the asses- sor's rolls on record is that of the year 1847, The total value of the assessed property of the county was $1,138,696, but it may be assumed that at tlie time of the organization of the county, it was considerably less. The taxes for county purposes which the Commissioners' Court ordered to be levied were 122 cents on the Iiundred dollars worth of property. Even at the assessment of 1847 the proceeds from the taxes could amount only to about $1,400; but in 1838 they must have been consid- erably less, probably little more than half of this amount, say $700. And tliere, with this meagre revenue, the court sat ; no court house, no jail, no bridges or ferries and lew public roads. All these had to be created from a revenue of about $700. Besides, the official family had to be fed from this amount. Surely, their salaries and fees were not extravagant. Taxation, In those early days the rate ot taxation for county purposes was very low. As we have s:een, it was 12 2 cents on the one hundred dollars worth of property in 1838. Up to the year 1860 it never rose higher than one-fourth of one percent on the hun- dred dollars worth of property, but generally was fixed at half the amount of the state taxes, Since 1856 li(}uor licenses were granted by the county. The court then levied a license tax, but it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that it was not author- ized to levy an additional license tax, this tax was ordered re- funded to tlie parties who had paid it. It was as late as 1860 when a license tax to the amount of one-half of the state t;ix was ordered to be levied by the Commissioners' Court. The increase —102— in the rate of taxatiun ke[)t even pace with the gradual develop- ment of the county. Not oniy wa.s the amount of taxes in those years very small, but their collection caused also a s^reat deal of trouble. A great many people had left the older states and come to Texas, be- cause in their opinion there was too much government ;n (he older states. They held it wiser to keep what they had than to give it to tiie government. Frequently tax delinquents were fined twenty-five dollars and process of scire facias was issued. On the payment of taxes this line was remitted. Too glad only the county government was to receive the taxes. A great deal remained unpaid in spite of fines. The county treasurer in his report for 18o3 stated in rei)ly to several questions asked by the Commissioners' Court that from 1845 to 1851 at least $l,070.'.»o remained uncollected ; considering the low taxes at those times, a proportionately large amount. The unwillingness of some settlers to pay the same was one reason for the delinquency of taxps ; another important one was the scarcity of money in those early times. And still there remained so much to be done. Fij;sT AND Second Court House. ()ne of tlie lirst things that had to be done was the procur- ing of a court house. It was no ])alatial structure which the fathers of tlie county procured. A house was purchased from Lester and Eastland which had been formerly occupied by B. F. Nabors as a grocery for the sum of $250. Ct. S. Kornegay was authorized to contract for the moving of this house to the public square, to put it in good rejjair at the expense of the county to serve as a court house. There, in that poor shanty, the Com- inissioners' Court sat for years and transacted the business of the county. INlost of tlie county otiicers had no o'lice rooms in the court house. District Court was Jield in rented (juarters; the highest rent paid for a room for that purpose was fifty dol- lars. The inadequacy of the building for the transaction of the county's business was dee[)ly felt. The Commissioners' Court longed for a new court house that afforded more accommodation for the transaction of business and reflected better on the dignity —103— of their office. For long years they sat in that poor shanty and employed themselves in making plans for a new court house. They appointed agents to contract for the building of a new- court house (1839) ; then commissioners to draw a draft for a court house. In .1840 they even went so far as to appropriate $10,000 for the building of a new court house. They appointed a committee to advertise in the Austin Gazette for bids, to solicit subscriptions from citizens, and to contract for the building of it. 13ut finding that there was and came no money into the treasury fi'om which to pay such a large appropriation, tliey finally can- celed it in 1844. That grand effort of four years for a new court house with tiiat fine appropriation of §;10,000 that were not in and came not into the treasury had failed. But other eiforls followed. "C'an''t we get then at least a court house two stories high, with two floors, five windows and three doors?" they said, and appointed one Irvin Drake as treasurer for the court house funds. Surely, my friends, your demands are very modest ; you ought to have a new court house. Still, it lasted till 1847 before their wishes were fullilled. Finally, in that year, they made another plan : to build a court house 30x40, two stories high, the walls to be of brick and to have a stone foundation. A committee for building a court house was appointed. This committee modified the original plan for the court house. Their modifications were accepted. It was ordered by the Court that the claims for court house building have precedence above all other claims against the county ; that they be paid in install- ments as the work progressed and that the revenues of the county be pledged for the payment of the same. A contract was entered into with P.O. Beall for building a court house, and contract and his bond were filed. In 1848 the building was ac- cepted and thanks were returned to the building committee ft)r superintending this work. A bell for $100, to which the citizens of LaGrange contributed $20, was bought and now the court had a building with more commodious quarters and of better aspect. This building served the county as a court liouse till 180."), when a new court house was built. It was sold to Jas. A. Haynie for $1180 and removed from the public square. This _104— builcling still exists. It now stands on the southeast corner of the public square and is owned by Judge A. Haidusek and oc- cupied by hinj as the printing office of his paper 'Svoboda.' First and Second Jails. As early as July 1888 the county possessed a jail. A. Uabb and I. S. Sister who had been appointed as commissioners b}' the good people of the county (1 guess that the bad people did not wish a jail) to contract for and sup^rintenci the building of a jail, presented a report stating "that said jail had been finish- ed according to contract and that the same had cost f460." This structure was sufficient for the safe-keeping of prisoners in those early times ; for prisoners were ironed and chained ihen. But such a cheap building could not last forever. Ten years later this jail was advertised to be sold, ''it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the jail is oi" no service to the county."' Still, like in the case of the court house, several ap- propriations and plans for a new jail were n)ade and again can- celed, before they succeeded in building a new jail. Mean- while, the jn-isoners of the county were given in charge and board to difTerent persons. The charges for boarding a prisoner were extraordinarily high, $3.00 per day. This must have in- cluded their safe-keeping, else this price would be (|uite out of proi)ortion to other services rendered. Of the expenses of the county actually paid out during the year 1852, viz $109b the ex- traordinarily large amount of $622 was paid out for keeping pris- oners from November 1851 to November 1852. (From County Treasurer B. B. Hudnall's Report.) No economical administra- tion could stand this rate of expenses for any length of time. The following case made the necessity for a new jail still more deeply felt. A prisoner by the name of John H. Vaughn was in the jail on the charge of murderg(1852). It would have cost about $800 to guard and feed him till the time of his trial. Ihe question of placing him in the jail of Travis County with the approval of the sheriff of that county was considered and a petition was addressed to the district judge to authorize his removal. Then it was considered to bring him to the Brenham jail instead of the Austin jail. Several appropriations were A —105- made to carry him to that jail and pay his expenses overthere. He \va5 carried from jail to jail. The last heard of him was tliat he was carried to the jail of Austin County and that that county received $111 for keeping him. This was as late as the fall of 1854. For two years he had been carried from jnil to jail at llie expense of the count}-. What surprises is that under such cireumslances it took two years to dispose of his case. A new jail ft)r the county had become a necessity. In 1852 the phvn of William Lewis for a new jail was ado[)ted. Thejail was to be 32x2o feet and two stories high with two rooms in each slory. One cf tije cells was to he made secure by lining it wilh boiler iron or by bar iron crossed and riveted. Tlie jail shculd also have a cliimney and (ire flue. An advertisement for sealed proposals was to be published in the Texas Monument, tne (Gal- veston News and a Houston paper. The njaker of tliis grand plan received twenty-five dollars for it. In 1853 two lots for $40U were bought from C. S Longcope to build a jail on. In the same year A. Animann and H. L. Kreische entered into a con- tract with the county to construct a new jail. The same year thejail was finished and accepted by the county from the con- tractors. A. Ammann and H. L. Kreisclie were comi)limentcd on their work "done in a good and workmanlike manner." The next year the city council of LaGrange received perniissimi to [)ut i)ersons for confinement in that jail. The county was heavily in debt to thejail contractors on the com^oletion of the jail. A law provided that the state taxes should be relin(]uished to counties building jails. To liave the taxes relimiuislied, the county treasurer was re(iuested to call on the assessor and col- lector of taxes for a statement in writing, in conformity to law, relinquishing to the county the State taxes for the years 1852 and 1853. C'rkdit of thk County. We have seen what effort it took to replace the lir.'st shanty that served as a court house by a very modest building for that purpose, also how long it lasted until that $4(50 jail was replaced by another one that was two stories high and had two rooms in each story and a chimney and a flue. The revenue of the county — 1U(5— a was exceedingly small, her credit very poor. When in 18o*J new ferry boat had to be built for the ferry at LaGrange across the Colorado River, Hiram Ferrill, a county commissioner ap- pointed to procure a ferry boat, submitted his report that he "could not get a boat built on the faith of the county at a reasonable price." Public Ferries. The establishment of ferries, ferry-boats and ferry-ratcs oc- cupied a great deal of the time and attention of the commission- ers' court. Tiie lirst ferry-boat, at the LaBahia crossing near LaGrange, was '"donated" to the county by Jolm li. Moore. For this "a compensation of $98 was voted to him, to bo jjnid out of any money in tlie treasury not otherwise appropriated." As this boat proved unfit and a new one could not be built on the faith of the county at a reasonable price, the court finally succeeded in ir.aking arrangements with John H. Dancy for the use of a ferry-boat. In the next year (1840) a new ferry boat at the cost of $250 could be built. A ferry-house out of logs with dimensions of ten by fourteen feet and a proportionate height was built. The ferry-man had to make weekly settlements with tlie county treasurer. The boat-building business in the county must have been at a very low stage of development. For, already in the short time of two years, a new one had to be built, and the old one was sold on credit of six months with bonds and approv- ed security. The next boat was boit in 1846. This time ar- rangements were made with the ferry-man that he should build the boat, that he should dig out the roads on each side of the ferry and pay $530 rent for the ferry to the county. VVlien an- other new boat was built in 1850, this contract was changed. The ferry-man had to build a ferry boat, "good and seaworthy;" one-half interest hi the ferry-boat was to belong to the county. This half-interest was rented to him for the term of five years for the sum of $2000. Other ferries at LaGrange were to be discon- tinued. Some specified persons, also jurors and commissioneis were to have tlie privilege of crossing the ferry free. The col- lecting of the rent from the ferry-man often caused trouble. Ar- rangements for the ])ayment thereof had often to be made and the ferry-inan had to be given time to pay his rent. Li liie No- —107— vember term of 1844 the commissioners' court took a. great step. They decreed that for ttie year of 1845 the ferry should be free to all persons, but this order was revoked before it took effect. The citizens of the county generally i)aid only one-half of the ferry- rates which citizens of other counties were required to pay. The county paid the ferriage of the commissioners from tlie west end of the county at tlie end of the year. For iiorse and rider from Fayette County tlie ferry-rate was live cents, rates fur teams were higher in proportion. Other ferries that were es- tablished during tliesc j^eriods in the count}' were : at Kock liliiff, below LaGrange, in 1844; at Wood's prairie, ten. miles above LaGrange, in 1846; at Burnhain's in 1847. The First Bridges i\ thi': CorxTr. The revenue of the county was not large enough to buihl a l)ridge across the Colorado, fetill, bridges over the larger creeks v.-ere built as early as in the50's. The first bridge built was tlie one over Barton's Creek on the LaGrange-Bastrop road. The funds for said bridge were raised by public subscription by F. W. (irassmeyer and others. They were authorized to build said bridge which was to form i)art of the public road. In 1854 bids were advertised for in the Texas Monument fur building two bridges across Cumming's Creek, one across Buckner's Creek and one across Rabb's Creek. The bridges were to be live feet above high water mark, of six inch oak jjlanks alternating in thickness, one jdank to be 1.' inches ia thickness, the next one two. h\ 1859 $2000 were appropriated to build a bridge across Cumming's Creek and $1100 to build one across Buckner's Creek. Tlie contract for the first bridge nas awarded to Harwell and Jrloppe ; for the other one, to J. K. Lamb. These bridges were completed in the following year. But m 18G1 the bridge across Cumming's Creek was waslied auay by high-water and the tim- bers and iron of this bridge were ordered to be sold. This was the lirst attempt of the county at bridge building. County Finances and County Scrip. For quite a number of years the county did not know how —1 OS- she stood financially. Some accounls were paid, but more were not paid. How much the county owed nobody knew. As late as I80G county scrip dated as far back as 18iO was pre- sented for payment. This scrip had generally gone into the hands of other parties ; it was largely bought up by some county ofBcers who took this chance of making an lionest pen- ny to increase their meagre salaries. How long payment often was deferred, and how long a patient creditor had to wait, show the following cases : James P. Hudson had sold to the county a county map for lilty cU)l- lars ; this claim was audited in 1848, but no appropriation made to pay the same. He had died before his claim was ))aid. His executors received payment of same in 1855. C. S. Longcope was chief justice in 1848. His claim for oflticial services to the amount of fifty dollars was previously refused. But m 1854 he iiad become county commissioner and succeeded in getting his claim paid. At the same time the unsettled claim of N, W. Eastland for services rendered as chief justice in the years 1840, 1841, 1842 and 1843 to the amount of $300 was allowed and ordered paid. Surely, the reward to this faithful servant came rather late. The first step to bring light and order into the state of fi- nances of the county was taken in 1843, At that time, the couuty government was already in the fifth year of its existence. Three commissioners were appointed to examine into the state of the county treasury with power to call for persons and papers. They reported in J 844. Their efforts were highly appreciated and astonished the court, The report v;as looked at as a won- der of financial knowledge. The following resolution of thanks was passed and ordered published in the Houston Telegraph and LaGrangG Intelligence to let the world know what progress in the knowledoje of the county's finances had been made in Fay- ette County: '^Resolved that the thanks of this court be returned to t'le commissioners for tiie able manner m which they Jiave re- ported upon the state of the county treasury and that their re- —109— port be received and annexed to the minutes of this court and that the clerk forward an extract to tlio Houston Telegraph and LaGrange Intelligence for publication.'' When in 1847 a new court bouse was to be built, it became very important to know the indebtedness of the county. A res- olution was })assed to ascertain the indebtedness of the county and her means to liquidate ihe same. From this time on, all county scrip holders were requested to present their claims for certification to the county clerk. This notice was to be pub- lished in the LaGrange paper, the ''Far West," for eight con- secutive weeks. How little wisdom it requires to govern people! Eight years had passed before county scrip was required to be certified. This step had not the desired result. County scrips were not presented as expected, there being in the opinion of the court a larger amount outstanding. The chief justice and two commissioners weie appointed to act as a board to ascertain the amount of the county debt and to adjust the value of the county scrip ; for instance, A has recived a certificate for $100 which at the time it was issued and in payment of accounts for services rendered was valued at Twenty Dollars, but owing to the depreciation of the value of the county scrip, it was issued for One Hundred Dollars. For these old obligations new certif- icates were issued after report made by said conimittee. This looks like repudiation. This question of ascertaining the amount of tlie county debt should trouble and exasperate the court for several years. In 1852 the order was passed that the payment of all claims against the county of Fayette incurred previous to July 1, 1847, should be postponed till the }'ear 1870. This order was revoked at the same term. Finally, in the May term of 18oG, it was ordered and decreed that till the August term of tliat year all claims against the county dated before 1850 were to he registered and certilied to by the county clerk; those not registered and certified to by the county clerk were to be declared barred ; notice of this order was to be published in the 'True Issue,' a LaGrange ])aper, for six consecutive weeks. This order set- tled the presentment of claims dated before 1850. —110— The presentment of these early claims, the ij^norance of the court in regard to tlie county's finances and the amount of the county's deht caused enough trouble and confusion. They had learned that they could not transact business without keeping a record thereof. Thus, in 1847, a finance ledger was ordered to be kept in whicii all appropriations made by the county court should be registered and those that had been ]jaid should le registered and marked as canceled. To prevent any further confusion in the presentment i^f claims and in order to trace their correctness, certificates were to be signed from that date (1847) by the chief justice and to be countersigned by the county clerk. In 1856 enough progress was made in bringing clearness and order into the county's finances so that the court could come before the people and show the state of the county's finances. In that year the first annual statement of the county's finances was published. The same could be read in the columns of the "True Issue, the LaGrange newspaper, in which it stood for three successive weeks. Defalcations and Suits of the County, These were not the only troubles of the county. Troubles everywhere. So much had to be done ; everything had to be built or created. And the revei'Ue was so small and a great many people were so unwilling to contribute tileir share of taxes. And after taxes were collected, then came the trouble to get them out of the hands of the collector again. The collectors did not always turn over all the monf?ys collected to the use of the county. Nor did the sheriff always turn ov2r the amount of fines which he had collected. The maxim in those times seems to have been to lake all you can get and to keep all you got. The first case of this kind is a very interesting one. It was that of sheriff A. A. Gardiner, He did not lack in cunning and must have been a very astute man. He first appears to the readiu- in the garb of a patriotic citizen. The cjuit had rented from him a room for holding district court. He graciously do- nated to the court the rent, sending a receipt in full.. Such a — Ill- man had to be rewarded and a grateful pcojile elected him sher- iff. Here he excelled in presenting to the court extraordinarily large accounts for boarding and keeping prisoners, which the court ordered to stand continued to the next term as the best means they could think of to make Inni come down m his de- mands. Sonie of his accounts stood this way contiinied till after his death, liut he was a man with resources, ingenious to find ways and means to sec his accounts ])aid, the continuing order of the Commissioners' Court notwithstanding. He made him- self paid out of the fines which he collected, and failed to turn them over to the court. When after his death, his executor T. Weaver presented to tlie court (1847) two accounts, one for $2G8 and one for $80. ."iO, the court admitted the correctness of the second account (which was probably made out by the executor) but in regard to the first account, which was probably made out by the patriot sheriff himself, they declared that charges for ironing and boarding prisoners were unreasonable and unjust, that only $141 were just. They refused payment of both ac- counts on the ground that sheriff A. A. Gardiner was a defaulter to the county, and ordered that they should not be paid, until the amount for which A. A, Gardiner was a defaulter to the coun- ty was paid. In 1849 the county settled with his executor for 1192. In 1849 a commissioner was appointed to make a settlement with VV. G. Webb, administrator of William Nabors, former as- sessor and collector, and to ascertain the amount of fun is col- lected by said Nabors as tax collector for the county of Fayette and not paid over as directed by law. In 1850 John A. Green was authorized to make a settlement with or bring suit against the secnritioj of John \V. McKissick, late asseossor and collector of taxes, for defalcations during the years 1845 to 1848. He made an agreement with one of the se- curities, W. L. Adkins, to give his note to the court for the amount defalcated. But W. L. Adkins failing to give his note, Green was authorized to bring suit ngainst said Adkins at the next term of the district court. But before suit was instituteti, Adkins came forward and gave his promissory note for §oOO for —112— the one-half of the defalcation of I. H. McKissick which he paid during the same year. Of this amount Green received ten per- cent or $30 as commission. In 1856 suit was brought against \V. B. McClellan, former assessor and collector, and against the sureties on his bond for $1870.60 wljich never liad been paid over by said assessor to the county. In 1859 this suit was finally decided in favor of the county and her attorneys L. F. and \V. B. Price were paid the balance of fees due them. In 1857 suit was brought against I. C. Stribling, former as- sessor and collector, for $212.08, amount not paid over by him. It was won by the county and the amount finally paid by I. C. Stribling. A very interesting character who had a constant wrangle with the county was sheriff I. A. Fitz. The county did not al- ways get the best of him. At times the county would not allow his accounts in full, he agreed to reduce them ; at times lie in- sisted on their full payment, brought suit against the county and won. A Faithful Officer. Oonsidering these petty troubles with unfaithful servants of the people it is the more pleasant to mention a faithful one. In 1851 resolutions of respect were presented to the Commissioners' Court by General 1. S. Mansfield on the death of Albert L. Vail, late treasurer of the county. They were unanimously adopted, entered in the minutes of the court and published in the Texas Monument. Fees of Officers. The fees of county oflicers in those early times were exceed- ingly small. No wonder that part of them turned an honest penny by buying up county scrip and others amended their poor salary in a less honest way by keeping collected moneys which belonged to the county. The salary of the county clerk for instance, including stationery and bookcase amounted to $273.10 (in J847). County Commissioners received Two DoU —113— lars per clay ; this was reduced in 1818 to One Dollar (ifty cents per day, and in 1855 raised to the present rate of Three Dt)llars per day. Bailiffs and prisoners' guards received One Dollar and fifty cents per day. The assessor's fee in 1858 was $357 45 for assessing taxes and 1359.48 for collecting taxes. Prices, Prices were different in those days from prices nowatlays. The price of a ferry-boat, for instance, was $250; surveying a road was worth $50; surveying a league of land $125. The l)ainling of the then courtliouse and the present "Svoboda" ))rinting office cost $51 for paints and oils and $40.85 for work. A copy of the standard weiglits and measures for the use of the county cost 1172.55. For translating the railroad tax law into German Five Dollars were paid. Justices ok the Peace. The number of the justices of the peace varied greatly ; they also acted as commissioners up to 1848. In 1839 they were five in number ; since 1842 there were one cliief justice and nine'jus- tices of the peace. From 1848 on there were two justices of the peace in eacli election precinct, and in 1860 they were classified by the chief justice into class first and class second. It did not fail those early settlers considering the scarcity of population a frequent and favorable chance to obtain a public office ; but it may be assumed that the great number of justices were recpiircd o.i account of the turbulent timss among the negro population. Commissioners' Court. In 1839 the commissioners' court consisted of the chief jus- lice and five commissioners who were called associate justices and also acted as justices of the peace, Since 1812 it consisted of the chief justice and nine commissioners, one from each elec- tion precinct. Since 1848 it consisted of the present number of fjur commissioners. County Records. The records of the conntv were kei)t with csre ; onlyfew of —114— them bad to be transcribed. The minutes of the commission- ers' court proceedings to the year 1847 were transcribed. In 185G and 1857 books in the assessor and collector's office were destroyed by fire. Several record books in the district and county clerk's office were in a dilapidated condition. The representative of the county was asked to have an act passed in the legislature authorizing the transcribing of these bonks. This was done. The records then were transcribed according to acts of legislature and approved and certified to as correct. On Nov. 15, 1856, a fire in the surveyor's office destroyed the records and field notes of said office. They were transcribed and certified to by the commissioner of the general land office and an act was passed in the legislature to legalize said trans- cript. Public Roads. The public roads have been a matter of consideration by the court since the earliest times. Uoads were continually opened, reviewed and remarked. As early as 1846 tlie court decreed that sign posts should be erected at roads on the county line and at the intersection of the roads. Still, a great many years from that time to the present time have passed and yet the trav- eler hardly ever passes a signboard in Fayette County. The necessity for them failed to create them up to the present date. The first damages for laying out new roads were paid in 1848. In the year 1856 the court undertook to classify the roads and passed the following order. "It is ordered that the following public roads in the County of Fayette shall be and are hereby declared roads of the first- class, to wit : Ihe stage road leading from the town of LaGrange in the direction of Breuham by Rjund Top to the county line ; the road leading from Li Grange in the direction of San Felipe by the town of Fayetteville to the county line ; the road leading from La (Jrange to the county line in the direction of Gonzales ; the roid leading' from LaGrange in the direction of liastrop on the east side of the Colorado River to where said road intersects —115— the Z3astrop and Houston road ; the road from the Bastrop cjunty line near Cunningham's by Henry Earthmann and Wil- low Springs to the eastern boundary of the county ; the road leading from LaGrange to Columbus on the east side of the Col- orado River to the county line ; the road leading from LaGrange to Columbus on the west side of the Colorado River to the county line ; the road from LaGrange running in the direction of Hallettsville b}-- McKennon's store to the county line ; the stage road leading from the town of LaGrange to liastrop by William Scallorn and SorrelTs ferry to tlie county line; and all other public roads in said county shall be known as class No. 2."' In the following year, 1857. the public roads were divided into road overseer precincts : 2'.) of the first, and 24 of the second class. They must haye been very large precincts at first ; they constantly increased in number, in 1858 there were 30 first and 28 second class precincts. Election Precincts. A very im|)ortant subject for the consideration of the com- missioners' court was the establishment of election precincts. They increased during this period from four in the year 1838 to twelve in the year 1801. The first four election i)recincts were established in 1838, to-wit ; in Wood's settlement at the house of Zadoc Woods, in the city of Colorado at the house of Henry Manton, in LaGrange at the office of the Clerk of the County Court, on Cumming's Creek at the house of David Breeding. In 1839 the following three election precincts were added : one at the house of Jasper A. Sargeant on Navidad, at the house uf ,lohn Ingram in Lucas prairie, at the town of Rutersville. in x\pril, 1846, eight election precincts were established ac- cor.ling to an act of the legislature of the State of Texas, ap- l)roved April 11, 1846, to-wit: 1, LaGrange; 2, House of John Ingram ; 3, Rutersville ; 4, Stephen Townsend ; 5, House of Sam Alexander ; 6, House of Mrs. Lyons ; 7, House of Leroy T. Crisweil ; 8, House of H. S. Wood?. — IIG- In 1855 the beats were reorganized and the boundaries more clearly defined. At that time there were eleven election pre- cincts established, but the citizens of beat No. 10 having failed to organize, this beat was attached to No. 5, so that there re- mained ten election precincts. In 1857 beat 11 was established, a school house near the residence of Richard A. Burkley being the voting phace. In LaGrange })olis were opened at two dis- tinct places. No. 1 at the assessor and collector's office, No. 2 at the sheriff's office (1858). In 1861 election beat No. 12 was established at Nordhausen's store. Citizen's Papers. In those early days fm-eigners^^applied for citizen's papers to the commissioners' court and the pages of the minutes of the court are full of grants of citizen's papers in those times. The first citizen's papers were granted by the court to R. Stahmer from Holstein and Chas. Bauer from J*russia in 1857. Paupers. The taking care of paupers was early considered by the court. They decided as early as 1840 to build a poorhouse. Of course the structure was to ha in harmony with tiie simplicity of the times. It should cost $180 and was to be 16 feet square with a floor and a chimney, a shutter to the door and a window. But as there never came any funds into the treasury that could be applied for that purpose, .this appropriation had to go tlie way of a great many other good things and finally was canceled in 1844. It seems that in those early days very few {)eople had to be taken care of by the county. The first instance on record was as late as 1852. An interesting case wa.s that of one Michael Short. He was the owner of a two-thirds league of land and asked the county for relief. He was required to mortgage liis land for the advancement of money (185o). In the fuUuwmg year lie received $25 for support. In 1856 his petition for suj)- port was overruled and rejected. The court was frequently pe- titioned by citizens for the sup[)ort of paupers. They granted generally from twenty to thirty dollars per (piarier of a year. 1 -11 r- Apportionment of School Fund to Fayette County. In 1854 Fayette County received her first apportionment from the public sciiuol fund. Tlie amount was small, $709.42. During this period up to the Civil War the highest amount was received in 1859, viz: $1,954 04. In those early and unsafe times of stage coaches the county treasurer generally went personally to Austin to receive the apportionment for Fay- ette County. Fayette County [school Lands. The founders of the Republic of Texas were not unmindful of the interests of education. As land was plentiful, they donat- ed large tracts to the several counties. The iirst time the Fay- ette C'^unty school land was mentioned in the minutes of the conimissioners' court was in 1848. Then it was found that school land surveys made in 1840 conllicted with other suiyevs and they were ordered resuiveyed. In 1852 a patent for 11005 acres of school land and a patent for 1203 acres were ordered re- corded. In 1854 another league of school land was to be locat- ed, and the job was given to the county surveyor, J. 13. Arm- strong, for $100. Up to 1850 this league was not located and the couuty judge was authorized to procure another person or to do what he deemed right and proper. In 1857 a patent for .785,200 Labor of school land on Kabb's (Jreek was received by the county surveyor and ordered to be recorded. In 1801 the balance of Fayette County school land was located and the field notes thereof presented to the commissioners' court. As the school land was not fenced in, depredations of the timberlands occurred frequently. But there is only one in- stance where a person paid a fine of $7.50 for cutting timber on the scliool land. County Attorney's Office. In those early days the people of Fayette County lived hap- py without the protection of that dignified oflicer of county at- torney, the terror of evil-doers But in 1858 the people thought that they could not live without one and thus, on the petition of many citizens, asking the appointment of a county attorney in —118— order to suppress lawlessness and Crime, Fred Tate was ap- pointed county attorney for the term of one year to strilie terror into tlie hearts of evil-doers at the rate of $500 a year. He must have been very successful; for in the following year, the wrong-doers were so much scared that this ofiice was not deemed any longer necessary and therefore abolished. It seems that the people can do very well without such an office; these little petty offences amount to nothing and only provoke petty legisla- tion and spite in neighborhoods. At least, county attorneys should rather receive a salary and no fees. County Assessments and Negro Population. As stated before, at the beginning of this chapter, the in- come of the county at the time of the organization of tlie county was very small. It will be a more pleasant task of the reader to note the gradual increase of the county's wealtli and her in- come. While in 1847 — taken from the first record of the as- sessor's rolls — the county's assessed property amounted to only $1,138,690, and the proceeds of the county taxes, to onl}^ $1,280.- 11, the property had during the following years up to 18(J0 in- creased to $5,115,382, more than quadrupled the assessment of 1847, and the county taxes instead of $1,230.11 now yielded a revenue of $2,958.48 (amount of taxes of the year 1858, the highest of that period). A poll of the slaves was also taken, and we notice tlieir rapid increase, which was mainly due also to the increase of the material wealth of the county. In 1853 there were 1422 slaves in the county ; in 185G, three years later, their number amounted already to 2135. From that date their valua- tion is only given, but frora the increase of their value it may be assumed that their number also had increased. In 185G, they were valued at $1,214,625 ; in 1860 their valuation had risen to $2,021,650. They amounted at the outbreak of the Civil War to two-iifths of the total value of the assessed property of the cou-nty. Third Court House in Fayette County. Such a large negro population was a constant cause of alarm to the county, but before this subject be approached, we may -4— ' c O CD CQ CD O o U —120— first mention the building of tlie tlnrd Fayette County court liouse. As said before, a new jail, built out of brick, had been ac- cepted in 1853. The new jail therefore looked better than the court house; the prisoners of the county had quarters of better aspect than the county government. This was not to be stood, and at least as elegant offices for the county officers had to be procured as the prisoners had quarters. Tluis, in ISCo it was resolved to build a new court house, though the old one would have seemed still sufficient. With the building of the third court house the era of hard- ships, financial embarrassments and makeshifts was closed. The building of the third court house was begun in 1855 ; it was completed in 1856 and cost $14,500. This building served the county as court iiouse to the year 1890. It was built by PI. L. Kreisclie, according to a draft made by William Rosenberg. It was a two-story building, built of rock and cement; the county oifices were downstairs ; upstau's was the court room. It was not an elegant, but a substantial building and showed in comparison to the first court house that- the wealth of the county had materially increased so as to grant a revenue large enough to procure commodious quarters for the county otficers. Many instances of orders of the court and negotiations with the city council of LaGrange showed the pride the citizens took in the new court house. The court room was granted to citizens of La(Trange to hold a party in comuiemoration of the battle of New Orleans. Many were the instances where this court room served for festive occasions. In 18G0 the Grand Lodge of Ma- sons of the State met here and held their meetings. Ihose were gay times in those days. The cold wave of abstinence fa- naticism from the North had not yet chilled the Southern heart, and the Southern gentlemen of those days were the last to give up their gaiety, chivalry and light-heartedness for the sternness, awkwardness and often hypocrisy of Northern zealots. It was not until after tlie Civil War that.Jijs chilly doctrine of abstin- ence v\as imported by carpet-baggers and Northern immigration into Tex:as. It never gained a firm hold in Fayette County. -121- Patrol Companies. In another paragraph the increase of the negro population, the cause of alarm, trouble and excitement tliey gave to the wliite population lias been deferred as subject to be treated of at a later time. It now becomes apjiropriate to treat of the same. All great events cast their sliadows ahead. It did not lack of warnings that foreboded the outbreak of the great ("ivil War. Statesmen like Thos. Jefferson had foreseen it already in their time and counsele 1 against it. liut more passionate minds should bring things to a focus. Writers of the Beecher Stowe type appealed with their false and fanatical writings to the ])ve- judices o( the North. Northern missionaries and preachers tra- versed the Soutii and preached to the negro population not the teachings of brotherly love, but those of revolt against their w.hite masters. This justly embittered the people of the South. Tiiey had to protect themselves and their families. L\\ 1817 the negro population had become so uncjuiet that measures had to be taken to keep them in check. Patrol Companies were formed in the several beats. A letter of instruction ad- dressed by the commissioners' court in 1817 to the Captains of Patrol of Beat No. 1 which explains itself is here givc-n. "To the Captains of Patrol of said Beat No. 1. Greeting: CJentlemen: In view of the emergency now existing for a strict Patrol the causes of which are so well known that the court does not deem it necessary to enumerate them, it is strictly enjoined on you as commanders to carry out the provisions of the act regu- la,ting Patrols ; you will perceive, Gentlemen, by a reference to it which is annexed that you are required to patrol as often as may be deemed necessary in order to promote the general wel- fare and tranijuillity of the community. In view of the present state of trouble, alarm and excitement caused by the running away of several slaves as also the general loose and disorderly conduct of the slave population generally, it is expected of you and your command as patrols that you will by active and strenuous exertions as good citizens empowered to act lawfully by this Court, proceed at once to remed}'- the evil ; for this pur- —122— pose it is recommended that you have your men in service at least twice a week and also op the Lord's day dividing them in- to divisions as you may see fit ; your attention is further direct- ed to the taking up of any white person that may be found among any unlawful assemblage of negroes. See Section 4. The Court in pursuance to tlie object it has in view viz: to preserve order and insure tranquillity and security to property refer you to the act to prevent slaves from hiring their own time or their owners from hiring them to other slaves, free negroes or mulattoes. Such act, if strictly enforced, is calculated to i tlVct much good. It will be perceived by reference to this act tliat the owners are subject to a tine of One Hundred Dolhirs. It is hoped that the laws wliich are amply su.'iicient for the pur- pose will be carried out througii the respective agents of wljich \'0U form a permanent one. Charles S. Longcote, Chief Justice, David R. Stout, ^ John S. Black, [- Comm. Stephen Townsend, ) From this tin^e on it was a constant task of the court to ap- point Patrol Comuanies. The white people of the South had to protect themselves, their families, and their property. Patrol Companies were the result of the stirring up of the negro popu- lation by northern preachers who counseled them to either run- away or revolt against their white masters. Those times lay al- ready in the shadow of tliat coming dramatic event, the great Civil War. —123— THIRD PERIOD. FAYETTE COUNTY DURINO THE CIVIL AVA K fl861-18Go). Secession. Tlie election of Abraliam Lincoln to the oflice of i)resident of the United States was the signal of agitation for the ({uestion of secession, a movement planned long ago in case of his elec- tion. The question was voted upon in Fayette County on Feb- ruary 23, 1801. The secession movement was defeated in Fay- ette County ; 580 votes were cast for and ()2() votes were against secession, liut secession carried in the State. Other imj)ortant historical events followed in rapid succession. 7 he bombardment of Fort Sumter (April 12, 18G1) was tlie signal of rally that echoed throughout the youthern States and gathered the South under the flag of the Southern Confederacy. The cooler heads that still counseled peace or neutrality were pushed aside. Governor Sam Houston, refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the Confederate States was ejected from his office of governor. Jjieutenant-dovernor Hon. Edward Clark, more in harmony with the views of the people, took the prescribed oath and succeeded Sam Houston in otiice. Everywhere troops were levied and ordered out in de- fence of the Southern Confederacy by proclamation of the gov- ernor of the state. Companies Raised in Fayette County. The first companies that responded to tliis call in Fayette County were the F'ayettc Guards under command of Cajjt. A. U. Gates, the Hough and Ready Rebels under command of Capt. Ben Shropshire and a company of artillery-men raised by J. F. Ernst and E. Creuzbauer. $350 were appropriated for them (.June 22, 1851). At the end of 1861 Capt. Ira G. Kil- lough's company was mustered in at San Antonio. At the be- ginning of 1802 other companies were raised and various appro- priations were made for them. The companies then raised were: B. Timmon's company, commaDded later by S. C. Izard; —124— J. Duff Brown's company ; Capt. M. Cook's company ; Capt. S. Alexander's company of conscripts, and Capt. Victor Sladczyk's company of conscripts. Problems to Solve at Home. The battles these troops were engaged in during the Civil War, their lieroic struggles and daring feats, their hardships and sutfcriugs are a part of the history of that war. Tiiis gigan- tic struggle between the North and the South has been repeat- edly related by able historians, but much less attention has been paid by writers to the condition of t lie people at home. Thi'ill- ing as a narration of the daring feats in this war may be, a record of the problems which the people left at home had to solve is none the less interesting. To this aspect of the Civil War the reader is requested to pay his attention. The people of the South had to solve in this war three important questions: t) provide supplies for the soldiers in the field ; to take care of destitute families of soldiers and to hold in check an untrusty negro population. They were embarassed in the solution of the first two questions by alack of currency which became a ques- tion for solution itself. How the South solved these questions, the reader will catch a glimpse of by perusing the succeeding pages in wliich the author, on the hand of records, shows how the people of Fayette County tried to solve them. The perusal of these pages also will show the reader conclusively that the deliciency of specie, of hard coin money that kept its value everywhere had more than anything else to do with the defeat of the Confederacy. The genius of the South, the daring of her sons were equal to compete with the greater numbers of the North ; it was the lack of specie, of hard coin money that could have procured her the much needed supplies in the market that defeated her. At the very beginning of the war this deficiency of specie becanae apparent. Fayette County issued bonds to pay for the supplies and equipments of her soldiers. This was the way in which she solved the first question. She solved the second question, the care of destitute families of soldiers, by levying a war tax and issuing scrip, called 'war tax scrip,' for same. To supply a currency they again issued paper money, —125- called 'Change Notes.' Thus, all transactions were conducted on credit with paper mone}', a business ir.ethod that necessarily- resulted in its depreciation in proportion to the amount of notes issued, until paper money could not procure anything at home much lesss abroad. The third problem : to hold in check an untrusty negro population, they solved by a strict control over them. The reader interested in these subjects will lind a more explicit exposition of them in the succeeding pages. Bounty War Scrip. The first question tlie county had to solve was to furnish aiid equip soldiers. In the October Term of ISOl Nine Thous- and Dollars were voted to furnish and equip soldiers that may be raised in the county. County Bonds were issued for this amount, receivable for taxes. A committee was appointed to distribute these bonds. The provisions of the order explain ihemselves and the order of the court is therefore here given : "October Term, 1861, Called Session. It is ordered by the Court that the Sum of Nine Thousand Dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary be and the same is hereby appropriated for the purpose of furnishing and equipping such soldiers as may be raised in this county ; Provided that no company of One Hundred men shall receive more than Three Thousand Dollars and companies of a less number to receive a pro rata payment. Such payments to be made in County bonds to be issued as fol- lows : Three Thousand Dollars payable on the Isi. of March, 18(J2, without interest, to be receivable for the taxes of 1861; Three Tiiousand Dollars payable on the first of March, 18(53, bearing interest at the rate of 10 percent and to be receivable for the taxes of 1862, and Three Thousand Dollars payable on the first of March, 1864, b?aring interest at the rate of 12 per- cent and to be receivable for the taxes of 1863. Said bonds shall be signed by the Chief Justice and attested by tlie Clerk and siiall be issued in bonds of Five and Ten Dollars. Said bonds shall be delivered as they may be required to an Execu- tive Committee to be appointed by the Court whose duty it shall be to attend to the disbursement of said bonds for the benefit of the different companies that may reciuire such aid, and shall -^126- take the receipt of the Captain of the Company and file the same with the (Mel'k of this Court. Provided however tliat it is nut intended to fiiniisli horses in any instance, "It is further ordered that John H, Moore, L. P. Webb, A. Ammann, Ed. Manton, and J. L. D. Blackburn be and they are hereby ap- pointed said Conunittee. Signed J. B. McFarland, Ch. J., F. Co." Supplies were bought with these bonds by said committee ; in part, tliese B bonds were used to pay (B the expenses of conveying ^ the baggage of companies ir- to their places of deatina- tion. Some clothing for "$ soldiers was actually trans- ^ ported to Bowling Green, cB Kentucky and to Virginia, 1 as shown by an appropria- "2 tion to pay an account of ! 5 one J. S. Powell for his ^ traveling expenses and for transporting clothing for soldiers to said place. In the beginning of 18G2 said committee that had been appointed to represent the county in the purchase of supplies for soldiers re- ported and asked to be dipcharged. They received the thanks of the court for the faithful and impartial manner in which they had performed the labors assignect them, were furn- ished vvith a cprtified copy of thi^ prder s^\\^ then discharged. —127— In the August Term of 18(33 another amount of Four Thous- and Dollars of these County Bonds that went by the name of "Bounty War Scrip" was issued by llie court to meet the bal- ance of the claims on the county due to the soldiers at the rate of Fifteen Dollars per man. Of this amount up to Feb., 1804, only Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars were used ; the bal- ance of Four Hundred Dollars that still remained in the treas- urer's hands was ordered to be burned in the presence of the court. As early as 1862 the county treasurer was authorized to redeem the county bonds with Confederate Notes that came into the treasury. Probable Numbp:r of Levied Men. Thus, the sum of $12,600 was disbursed to soldiers raised in Fayette County. If the share of a soldier was $15 of this money, about 800 men must have been levied in Fayette County. This seems to be quite probable and is supported by comparing the number of votes polled in the county before and during the Civil War. The number of votes polled fell off about GOO, notwith- standing that at this period there came a large number of citi- zens of other states to the county. Change Notes. We have seen that at the very beginning of the Civil War there was no specie money ; even supplies for soldiers were paid for with bonds. The war had the effect to drain the whole country of what coined money there was in it. This lack of money, of hard coin, was the prii-cipal reason for tlie defeat of the Confederacy. Still, the people had to have money to trans- act business. At lirst, individual notes took the place of money and circulated as such in the county. This was fraught with danger and to remedy the evil the CDunty like other counties had done concluded to go into the banking business and issue paper money. These notes were called Change Notes and wore redeemable in Confederate treasury notes, whenever presented to the amount of 'i'wenty Dollars for redemption. An amount of Ten Thousand Dollars of these Change Notes was issued. The order providing for the issuance of these Change Notes —128— was passed in August, 1862, and reads as follows : "Whereas, it lias become ap})arent to the County Court that the circulation of individual notes in the county intended to represent money and which as a matter of necessity, in the absence of soniething more reliable has actually taken the place of money thereby produc- ing great detriment and danger to the interests of our public. And whereas our sister counties have adopted measures calcu- lated to protect their citizens from the evil the effect of which we feel will inevitably be to increase the evil among us so long as we neglect to adopt similar measures of relief. The County Court therefore feel that they can no longer delay the adoption of such measures as in their judgment will most etfectually pro- tect the interest of the county against the evils of which we com- plain and at tlie same time supply a sound, reliable and uniform circulating medium. It is therefore ordered and decreed by the County Court of l^■ayette County now in session at the Regular Term in August, A. D. 1862, that the said court do in the name and behalf of said county issue County Treasury Notes to the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars, and that the Chief Justice of said county be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to contract for and superintend the preparing of said Treasury Notes in the manner and according to the directions hereinafter ordered. "Be it ordeieJ and decreed that said Treasury Notes shall be of the following denominations and m the following propor- tions, towit : For every Twenty Dollars of said notes there shall be eight notes of twenty-five cents, eight notes of fifty cents, four notes of One Dollar, two notes of Two Dollars and two notes of Three Dollars each, be put up in packages of Twenty Dollars, and each package to contain ttie number and deiDmination of said notes herein specified, the aggregate amount endorsed en each package with the number from one to the highest number inclusive, made redeemable at the county treas- ury in the Treasury Notes of the Confederate States, when the amount of Twenty Dollars is presented, and issued by the treas- urer alone upon tiie dejjosit of a corresponding amount of con- federate treasury notes." —129— Depreciation of the Currency. As we have seen, these Change Notes were redeemable in Confederate Treasury Notes, but even the hitter could not be re- deemed in hard money or coin. As a consequence, they depre- ciated very rapidly ; lor the most simple articles exorbitant prices were paid ; the fees and salaries of county officers rose in proportion. In April, 18(14, Confederate money had depreci- ated to this extent : an account of $7.25 for repairing jail was paid with Fifty Dollars in Confederate money. Bailiff Brown received P'ifty Dollars for three days' services waiting on the grand jury at the spring term of the district court. 'J"he chief justice received One Hundred and Twenty Dollars for two days' services in the commissioners' court. The commissioners re- ceived the same amounts. In December, 1864, the old Confederate Treasury Notes were sent to the depository agent' at Houston in order to ex- change them for a "New Issue" of Confederate notes. But they did not prove any more valuable than the old ones and their market value at the beginning of 18G5 was twenty for one dollar in specie. Of the amount of $84,821.91 reported to be on hand by county treasurer B. B. Hudnall at the September Term of the Commissioners' Court in 18(54 only Nine Dollars and eighteen cents were in specie, the balance was paper money. This was not a healthy financial condition. Paper money tliat could not be redeemed in hard coin, had become worthless and c juld not buy any supplies to carry on the war. As stated be- fore, it was the lack of hard money that did more to defeat the Confederacy than anything else. Destitution A.monc; Families of Soldiers. — War Tax AND War Tax Scrip. If we consider the sad state of the finances of the South, the lack of reward for the services of the soldier, the inability of the government to provide him with supplies, we must pay our tribute of respect to those brave men wlio left their homes and tbeir families and stood up so nobly for the cause of ihe South, —130— I>f^ As the government could not sufficiently^ provide them with supplies, the question of what had become of their families, Iiow they were taken care of, no doubt, very often agitated their minds. They, the support of their families, had gone to the scene of war to fight for the rights of their native land ; weak women and children were left to battle for them- selves. To quiet the fears of the soldiers for their home people, the question of providing for destitute families of soldiers was . considered very early. j| The county court decreed ^ in September, 18G2, to ^ loan Three Thousand Dol- es ^ lars from the county treas- o urer to buy cotton there- 0.' ^ with and to send the chief ^ justice to Mexico with this ^ cotton to exchange it for "2 cotton and wool cards and -3 such other supplies for des- ^ titute families of soldiers as the court may deem proper. But before this order went into effect, it was rescinded at the Nov- ember Term of ],862. At the August election of 1862 the people of Fayette County voted m accord- ance with an act of legisla- ture a war tax of twenty cents on the One Hundred Dollars' worth of })roperty ; property below Two Tiiousand Dollars was exempt from this tax. The itroceeds of this tax con- stituted the War Tax Fund. Destitute families of soldiers I —131— who had enlisted in the Confederate or state service for three years or during the war were entitled to the benelits tliereof. This tax, in the opinion ot the court, would have realized $8,011.66; this amount was deemed insufficient to provide for destitute families of soldiers. The tax, therefore, was raised by the court to twenty-fiye cents, the limit. At a later and more careful calculation of the court this tax was computed to yield $12,098.48. For this amount scrip of One, Two and Three Dol- lar.? denomination, called "War Tax Scrip," was issued. The same was receivable for county dues. This tax was annually levied to the close of the war. To distribute tliis War Tax Scrip amongst the destitute families of soldiers, agents were apppointed in each Beat. They liad to furnish the court with a list of destitute families. The following agents were appointed: in Beat 1, .1. C Stiehl ; Beat 2, JNlartin D. Ramsey ; Beat 3, C. L. Schulz ; Beat 4, Edward Henkel ; Beat 5, G. T. Haswell ; Beat 6, Neill McKinnon ; Beat 7, William Gorham ; Beat 8, T. C. Moore; Beat 0, W. P. Darby ; Beat 10, .John Y. Criswell ; Beat 11, .Joshua T. Moore ; Beat 12, I. B. McFarland ; Beat 13, Robert Zapp. In addition to this the legislature provided for destitute families of soldiers and apportioned to Fayette County $*.),363.5D in paper money. This money was received by the chief justice in March, 1863. Another apportionment of paper money to the amount of $6,191 00 was received by the county in the next year. Now, tliere was enough money for destitute families of sold- iers, but there were no supplies. With this War Tax Scrip some cotton was bougiit, sent to Mexico, and exchanged there for supplies. Other supplies, viz: cotton cards were bought with this War Tax Scrip from tlie military board at Austin as per letter of advice. The county also purchased a large amount of iunmunition which ohe obtained in-incipaliy from citizens. The latter had bought it either at Austin or in Mexico. Thk Cow Order. One order of the court in behalf of destitute families of soldiers gave general dissatisfaction througiiout the county —132— (1863). It was the order in regard to a plan for the marking and branding of unmarked and unbranded cattle, generally known as the "Cow Order.'' In printed hand bills, posted in public places, the court had recommended to the citizens that unmarked and unbranded cattle be branded in the presence of two witnesses, that half of tlie proceeds — for a yearhng Ten Dollars, for cow and calf Twenty-One Dollars — be turned over to the county to provide for destitute families of soldiers. By this method of marking and branding unmarked and unbranded cattle a great many people have become wealthy and prominent citizens. But the grand jury of the county did not hold this industry legal and feared that the order of the court would rather have the effect to encourage this illegal industry, while it should be stamped out. Therefore, the order of the court was denounced by them in unmistakable terms, and the court was asked to rescind their order, which they did. The language of the document is clear, forceful and indignant at the order of the court. The document was found by the author on tile in the district clerk's office and is here given in full as a matter of probable interest to the reader. It is entitled on the back "Memorial" and filed May 22, 1863. It reads as follows : MEMORIAL. Filed 22nd May, 1863. K. iS. Bennett, Dep'ty C, D. C. State of Texas, ") District Cotrt — Sprino Term, County of Fayette. | May 22nd, A. D. 1863. Wherkas, we, the Grand Jury for said County and term ; In extraordinary m:^eting find, That the Hon. County Court for said County, did on the 23d day of April, A. D, 1863, being as- sembled in their court room, in the town of LaGrange and County aforesaid ; tlien and there make, pass, — "recommend," — • enact and promulgate what is commonly denominated and known as the "Cow order," And where^is said court was beyond all contradiction actuated by the most pure and patriotic motives and had the interest and good of "Soldiers' Wives" and Widows a-nd Orphans generally at heart, Still, we are humbly of 100 OO the opinion that this recommendation in its tendency is cal- culated to excite and jnit in active operation ! rather than check the "cupidity'' of the unscrupulous '-Yearling brander !!" We further believe, that there are parties who, if they have not already done so, will band themselves together, and under the flimsy and gossamer texture of this County Court order, go into distant neighborhoods, and drive indiscriminately all that they can find unmarked and unbranded, whether strays or not, to distant pens, in other sections of the (Jounty, and then and there mark and brand and appropriate to themselves such stock. We are further of opinion, that some honest correct men who may be like "Ciesar's wife" above suspicion, believing that this "County Court order" had the sanction of legality in it, liave inadvertently and without due consideration marked and branded stock under its recommendation. [The following words are stricken out again in the document: "We further find under the advice and opinion of the Hon. 13istrict Court and the Slate's at torney: that indictments would not |)robably be sus- tained before the Court, against such unlawful marking and branding. Therefore, and only upon this advice and opinion we refrain from finding indictments against all such markers and branders."] Therefore for these causes and others uliich we are not at liberty to state, we most seriously recommend the Hon. County Court to meet at once and revoke said order and thereby put a stop to this unlawful "war" upon unmarked and unbranded cattle. [Stricken out : "and that they now })ass an order, recommending all persons who have marked and brand- ed under said previous order to counter-brand all tliey have branded, drive them back to where they found tliem, and discharge them from their illegal ownership of the same, and that they be recjuested to donate the amounts which they have {)aid into the County Court as a fund for destitute soldiers' wives and families and "go in peace and sin no more.'"] » We request the papers of I.1P Grange to publish this paper. —134— Most respectfully submitted with the request that it be spread upon the minutes of the Hon. District Court. Wm. W. Ligon. N. Thomas. W. S. Pope. Joshua I. Moore. Albert A. McClatchy. C. P. Flack. A. K. Jones. James I. Ross. E. S. Cochran. B. Sherrer. I. L. Smith. John D. A. Blackburn. Thos. C. Moore. Haydn Huut. Thos. Secrest. The undersigned subscribed to the foregoing paper, but be- lieves that every man who branded cattle under the County Court order should have been indicted. E. S. Cochran. A Tax Paid in Provisions. Meanwhile, destitution increased and almost became un- bearable. The Federals had become possessed of Brownsville, the market place for Texas cotton where supplies could be ob- tained for the people at home. A great many people were with- out the most necessary means of support. There was enough of paper money, but this was worthless and could not procure anything. And there was the question now to take care of these indigent families when destitution and desolation were spreading. In December, 1864, the court decreed that the special war tax be raised to the rate of the state tax, which was 75 cents as authorized by act of legislature in extra session of 1863. This tax was to be levied in specie according to an act of the legislature approved Nov. 15, 1864. As there was no specie in the country, the tax payers were allowed to pay it in provis- ions at the following prices and in the following proportions, to-wit : Corn 50 cents per bushel ; Bacon 12j cents per pound ; fresh Beef 2? cents per pound and salt 7 cents per pound. One- fourth of this tax was to be levied every three months at such time and place as was designated by the county court or their agent in the following proportions : t in corn, I m bacon, i in beef and Kin salt. This order of the court was carried over the protest of Commissioner C. J. E. Graham Who went on record —135— as being in favor of levying only a tax of one-fourth of one per- cent and allowing the tax payer to pay the whole amount of his tax at one time instead of paying one-fourth of the tax every three months. In the light of the present times and in view of the destitution at that period, his protest records for the reader only his narrow-mindedness and his pride therein that even went so far as to wish to see them recorded. Doubtful Characters at Home. The Civil War witnessed a great many heroic actions of heroic people. In fact, the whole war was a continuous heroic fight of a heroic nation. It was a time when man's character was tested ; hut it cannot fail that even among those patriotic people of that trying epoch some were found wanting. The currency had depreciated, it was almost wortiiless. destitution at home, the confederate army hard pressed, the outlook sad and unpromising. In this general break up like in a storm- wrecked sliip aside of heroism strode utter selfishness. A char- acter that raises at least a very reasonable doulit in regard to honesty in the mind of an unprejudiced reader was that of a lead- ing citizen whose name is here omitted. He was employed by tlie count}^ in 1803 to liaul 32 bales of cotton from Fayette Coun- ty to Brownsville at 12? cents per lb. freight. According to his tale of woe to the commissioners' court he met at King's Ranch General Bee's army which had evacuated Brownsville on ac- count of the enemy. He was forbid to carry said cotton any further for fear of its falling into the hands of the enemy. His wagons and teams were impressed by the government, and he was forced to sell said cotton at 50 cts. per pound in confederate money. His tale of woe induced the court to allow him to retain the amount realized for freight. Another action of his that gives still more cause to arouse the suspicions of a critical reader in regard to his honesty is this. He had bought with the county's money of E. Nichols 16 bales of cotton at 70 cts. per ))ound and the obligation to procure an exemption permit for an equal number of bales, The permit was granted by Col. W. J. Hutchius, but revoked by — Broadwell, the Chief of the Texas Cotton Office. This —136— bargain, therefore, had to be re3cinded, as the county could not keep part of her obligation. E. Nichols had received $5,780.60 for his cotton ; he was to pay back this sum in specie at the rate of One Dollar in specie for twenty-five in (Confederate Treasury Notes, that is to say, |;231.25 in specie for S5,780.60 in confed- erate money. This whole business transaction looked to Com- missioner L. Franke so doubtful that he requested to go on re- cord as disapproving said order. The Ne(;ro Population During the War. We have seen the brave soldiers in the field poorly e(juip- ped, still worse supplied, except what their own bravery pro- cured from the enemy, their services unpaid or paid with a valueless currency, their families destitute at home, it now remains to consider another cause of alarm. The country was almost drained of its able-bodied men ; a large negro population, the bone of contention and the cause of the fight, were left at home. If they caused any trouble, cannot be said ; still, it was worth while to watch them and keep them in strict order in these trying times. As early as September 186ii the court passed an order to prevent their roaming about at night which probably might produce an outbreak at a very importune time. This they prevented by measures taken in the following order of the court : "It is ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court that the following rules and regulations be and they are hereby adopted for the government of patrols of the county and for the proper police of said county ; to-wit, 1st, Any male slave above the age of 16 years who may be found by the patrol on any night visit to be absent from the premises of his master or the person having charge of such slave without a lawful pass in writing, shall be liable to be punished with not more than twenty-five lashes to be inflicted by the patrol of said beat at any time whenever such slave can be found. 2nd, That each owner and person hayiiig charge of slaves shall furnish the patrol of the proper beat with the list of the names of all the male slaves in his, her or their charge above the age of sixteen years and such patrol shall upon —137— each night visit call for each slave belonging to the place and on failure ot any to appear, such patrol shall then inquire, if guch slave has a lawful pass to be about as aforesaid, and if not, then such slave shall be punished as aforesaid. If any such person shall refuse to furnish such list, the patrol may obtam it from any source they can. 3d, That the patrol of each beat shall immediately notify each owner and person having charge of such slaves of these resolutions and from and after such notice they shall be in full force and effect. 4th, The clerk shall furnish each beat patrol with a certified copy of this order." These meas- ures seem to have been quite sufficient. The negro population did not cause any troubles in those times. Prohirition in LaG range. On account of the troubled times, very probably also on ac- count of large bodies of levied men often passing through La Grange with which the police of the county would not have been able to compete, the sale of spirituous liquors was stopped by the Provoat Marshal in LaGrange on the 18th day of June, 1862. A proportionate part of the license tax that had been paid by one Jonas Forsberg was paid back to him and his per- mit canceled. How long this order remained in effect, cannot be said ; very probably to the close of the Civil War; for, dur- ing this period there is no other issuance of a permit to sell spirituous liquors on record. Physician's Certificates. The attention of the reader may now be called to some minor items of interest that occurred during the Civil War. In 1863 the legislature had passed a law according to which physi- cians had to procure a certificate to practice medicine from the commissioners' court. In accordance with this law, certificatea were granted in 1864 to the following physicians : Dr. John B. Taylor, Dr. Thos. C. Cook, Dr. C. P. Rankin, Dr. H. D. Shaw of Cuniming's Creek, Dr. ReubenWilkinson, Dr. J.V. Huff, Dr. Bird Moore, Dr. J. R. Dodge, Dr. F. A. Dycus, Dr. T. S. Jar- mon, Dr. R. S. Shannon and Dr. H. Fahnert. —138- Election Contest. During the Civil War the county also witnessed an election contest between P. J. Shaver and G. F. Has well. The latter was elected, but failed to give bond within the prescribed twenty days. The suit was dismissed at the cost of both parties and a new election was ordered September. 1864. Road Precincts. Of road precincts there were daring the CUvil War thirty- one of the first-class and thirty-six of the second-class (I8O0). Election precincts were thirteen. This closes the epoch of the Civil War. The same ended witli the surrender of Lee's army. The battle worn soldiers re- turned to their desolate homes to start life anew again. For a time their reigned confusion, but soon order was restored. From April to September 1, the comi-nissioners court held no session. Tliey then came again together mainly to approve the bonds of newly elected officers. The large amount of ammunition that had been procured was ordered to be sold. But before this order took effect, the same was seized by the federal authorities. It remains to remark that tlie State of Texas which was not able to care for the destitute families of soldiers who battled for her in the, field, gratefully remembered their services at a later period. An act of the legislature was passed and approved April 9, 1881, p.jjpviding tliat old Confederate soldiers who were disabled, and widows of Confederate soldiers who died or were killed during the Confederate war — if they remaimed unmarried and possessed less than one thousand dollars worth of property — • should receive a certificate of 1280 acres of land. The first ones wfio received these certificates were Clarissa Anne Anselin, widow of Julius Anselin, Reuben Phares who lost an arm in the Confederate war and Geo. Birkelbach. —139— FOURTH PERIOD. FAYETTE COUNTY DURING THE ERA OF RECON- STRUCTION (1 865-1 87G). Condition of the South, and Especially of Fayktte County. The South had been defeated in her great struggle. Ex- hausted by it, she still liad to bear its expenses. Texas, like the other States of the Confederacy, was placed under military rule. It belonged to the Fifth Military District. Troops held tlie exhausted country in check. Elections were lield at county seats, and voters were under police supervision, but the people submitted to this insult knowing that liberty was at stake. The negroes, the former slaves of the South, had been set free and even were made citizens. A great many adventurers from the North who carried their whole property in a carpet bag liocked to the South, allied themselves to the negro elements and, by their aid, took the reins of governtnent from the borne people and enriched themselves at their expense. Colored men now served on the jury and grandjur}^ and sat often on the cases of their erst-while masters (1870). All this aroused the southern blood ; an organization, called the Kuklux, was formed to fight these northern adventurers, who were nicknamed carpet-baggers ; tlie career of many an adventurer was brought to a sudden close by a bullet. It was at this time that a pistol law was passed ; as it seems in the opinion of the writer, to a great extent for tlie i)ro- tection of these adventurers (1871). The county court was called court of police and the cliief justice often went by the title of chief of police. Many were the instances where county otiicers were deposed by military orders. They constantly changed; sometimes two and even three different persons tilled a county office during one year. Even accounts were often ordered paid by military orders. There was a constant interference in county afiairs from military headquarters. la obedience to Gen'l. Order No. 27 issued from the Head- — uo^ quarters, 5tii Military District, bearing date March 27, 1869, to give effect to Sec. 19 and 21, Art. 5 of the Judicial Department of the Constitution, the County of Fayette was divided into five Justice's Precincts by the Police Court. A special county tax of twenty-five cents for a more efficient administration of justice was levied by authority of general order No. 41 of the Fifth Military District, State of Texas, issued March 5, 1869. No doubt, these uncertain times furnished a great many in- teresting topics of conversation to the news-monger of those days. The writer will name a few of them that may be still in- teresting. First, we have an instance, seldom as such an in- stance may be, where a citizen of Fa3^ette County was elected to office, but refused to qualify and give bond as required by law. His name was L. M. Mays ; he had been elected on June 25, 1866 to the office of assessor. Then we have the case of Sheriff N. B. Ferguson. One of his securities on liis bond, Malcomb H. Hill, had become entirely insolvent, Ferguson hustled to make up another bond, but was unable to make it up, and final- ly, to his eminent grief and regret, had to depart from liis office (1868). That Fayette County is not without her impeachment of officers show the Minutes of the Police Cou t (Book C, page 149), There a lover of queer records may find a suit, styled A. F. Dornwell vs, M. Zwernemann, Impeachment in office, entered on the Minutes of the Court. But like most im- peachments, it was no sucess ; the complaint was dismissed (1871.) During this period there was also an election contest in the county ; it was for the office of county treasurer ; li. T. Bradshaw contested the election of A. L. Moore (1872). The case was finally decided in favor of II. T. Bradshaw who assumed charge of the office of county treasurer in February, 1874. The talk of LaGrange for some time was also the protest of two commissioners, B. F, Dunn and S. C. Ferrill, against an order of the court. The county again enjoyed the services of a county attorney who had been appointed by the commissioners' court at a salary of $2.30 per year (1867), The appointee's name was B. Timmons. He had secured a great many convic- —♦141— tions, and it was ordered by the police court that the convicts be hired to the corporation of LaGranf2;e or to private individuals and that tiiey sleep at night in jail. Against this order com- missioners B. F. Dunn and S. C. Ferrill protested, unless the consent of the convict or convicts could be obtained in all cases. All credit to their humanity ; but as far as the consent of the convicts to work was concerned, the court might have waited forever. Taxes, Finances, and Salaries of County Officers. To conclude on the general situation of the county, a few remarks may here follow on the taxes, finances and salaries in the county. The taxes amounted generally to one-half of the State tax. Since 1807 a special tax of five cents on the One Hundred Dollars worth of property for repairs on court house and jail was levied. In 1868 and following years a tax of fifty cents was levied on man's most faithful friend, the dog. Dogs for which taxes were paid were furnished with brass-plates ; all others were to be killed. This tax yielded a revenue of $890 ; there were at least seventeen hundred and eighty animals of the howling tribe. The writer cannot state how their owners liked this tax, but it seems to him that if the dogs had joined tneir owners in a protest against this tax, the court might have re- scinded their order. At least, they could have set up a howl as the court had never heard before. Inspite of taxes the treasury remained in a depleted con- dition. In 18G7 County Treasurer A. L. D. Moore reported that there were no funds in the treasury and that he had advanced $27.35 for the use of the county. Tliis was a sad condition. If there came money into tlie treasury, the salary of county officers was increased ; county commissioners received Four Dollars per ointed by the commissioners' court. Drs, T. M. Yates and H. B. Ilen- fro of LaGrange and J. M. Horns of Fayetteville were appointed. Dr. T. M. Yates declined to act, and Dr. R. A. McKinney was appointed in his place, and Drs. F. Warrenmote and S. C. Tut- wiler were added to this list. Road Precincts. : In 18G9 the road precincts had increased to ;>3 of the first and 41 of the second class. In 1871 a road overseer over all tlie roads of the county was api^ointed. He entered with the' county into a contract and gave bond. Both, contract and bond w^re filed. The first road oversver over all the county roads was Henry B'edsoe. " • "■^'' . ■ . Election Piu-:cincts. , !"^ In 1807 the number of election precincts had increased, to fifteen. A new division of election precincts was made in 1871 ; their number was reduced to live. In 1873 this order was again changed and 20 election precincts were established. ^ —144^ Transcript of County Rp:cori)s. In 1866 some transcripts of public records were ordered to be made by the county clerk, viz : the original three Books of Marks and Brands. He had completed his labors in 1868 and received $170.20 as compensation for his services. These books were transcribed by R. L. Shepherd. Paupers. We may now devote a few remarks on the care of paupers. From appropriations on record we find that a great many old and indigent colored men, called then freedmen, received sup- port from the county. The county also paid considerable sums of money for conveying insane persons to the state lunatic asylum in Austin, also for their board and clothing. In Sep- tember, 1875, the county supported twenty-one indigents at the expense of $229 per quarter of a year. School Affairs. In regard to school affairs we learn by gleaning over the records that in the year 1867 there were 1819 school children between the ages of six and eighteen years in Fayette County. The schools were managed since 1870 by school trustees who had to report to the police court. In 1872 a board of school trustees took charge of school affairs in the county. A school tax of 12^ cents on the One Hundred Dollars' worth of property was levied at that time in the county. Fayette County School Lands. It was not a favorable time to sell the school lands of Fay- ette County for the reason that money was still scarce in the country. If it was done with the view of procuring money, it must have failed, because there was no money in tlie country. In 1867 the question of selling the school land of Fayette County was submitted to the people. The vote was cast for the sale of the lands. N. W. Faison was therefore appointed to contract for the survey of the school lands. Several orders of the court were passed in 1868 in regard to the sale of these school lands. Five hundred posters were printed and distributed over the —145— county ; the expenses of sale were to be paid out of the interest accruing from the notes on the school land. But all these orders in regard to the sale of the school land had to be rescinded by the court. The state convention in g-ession at Austin declared the sales already made null and void, and postponed the sale of the lands indefinitely. Therefore, the court passed the follow- ing order in accordance with the act of the state convention at Austin: "Whereas the state convention now in session at the city of Austin, Texas, has declared null and void all the sales of public school lands heretofore made by the Police Courts of the different counties of this state under the act of the Eleventh Legislature of said state of Texas, approved November 1, 1866, and whereas said Convention has ordered that all further sales of said Public Lands be suspended indefinitely, — It is therefore ordered by this court that all proceedings in reference to the sale of lands aforesaid be indefinitely suspended." This order withdrew the school lands of Fayette County for an indefinite time from the market (1868). In the same year of 1868 a league of Fayette County school land was located by David Thomas on Little Wichita in Baylor County. In 1877 the question of locating Fayette County school lands in outside counties was again considered by the court. Col. N. Thomas was appointed to do this work. The same above mentioned lands in Baylor County were again located by him and the thanks of the court were voted to him for performing this work. Suits of the County. The question of the sale of school lands should cause the county also a suit. N. W. Faison had been employed to survey and divide the Fayette County school lands. This he had done. But as the county was enjoined from selling the lands, she re- fused to pay his claims. His executors brought suit against the county for $1130 for the survey. H. Teichmueller and W. H. Gazley were appointed by the county to defend her in this suit (1872). This suit was won by N. W. Faison's'cxecutors ; it was carried on appeal to the SupremejCourt ; this court affirmed the —140- decision of the lower court and in 1876 an appropriation of $1602.15 was made to pay N. W. Faison's claim. Another suit during this period may here also be mentioned. It was likewise decided against the county. The court had al- lowed the sheriff as charges for boarding a prisoner sixty cents per day. Sheriff R. O. Faires charged the county one dollar per day for boarding a i)risoner. He brouglit in his account for $1254; this was $533 in excess of the county's allowance. The county refused to pay his account and employed attorneys Delany, Teichmueller and Dunn to defend her in this suit. The suit was decided against the county in the district court and was carried on appeal to the Supreme Court. Here it was lost also by the county. In 1871 there was some trouble with Washington County in regard to the county line. Taxes had been collected by Wash- ington County oliicers in territory that properly belonged to Fayette County ; also cases that came within the jurisdiction of Fayette County were tried in Washington County and fines were collected thereon. A. F. Dornwell was appointed by the court to make a settlement with the treasurer of Washington County in regard to these unlawfully collected taxes and fines. The Southkrn Pacific. Diflerent epochs can never be distinctly separated ; events thnt belong to one will reach into the other. As remarked at tlie close of the second epoch, coming events forecast their shad- ow s. But in this case the attention of the reader is turned to a more propitious event than tlie one of the second epoch. As tlie estabiisliing of jiatrol companies foreshadowed the great Civil War, so there was not an event missing at this time which foretold a bright and prosperous future. In 1871 tlie Southern Pacific was granted the right of way over the school lands of F.iyette County. (The road was not built over the school lands of the county; anotlier route was chosen.) In tiie following year, 1S72, its track was built througii the county. Flourishing towns sprang up along its track, viz.: Schulenburg and Flatonia. Both places were incorporated, The election for incorporating —147— the town of Schiilenburg was held March 16, ISTo ; the town was proclaimed incorporated May 24, 1875. The incorporated town embraced one square mile. The election for incorporating the town of Flalonia was held November 8, 1875 ; November 10, it was proclaimed incorporated, and on tlie sixth day of Decem- ber, 1875, the first election for mayor and aldermen was held by John Cline. As a factor in building up and advancing a country the rail- roads stand unequaled. Their arrival announces the coming of an era of industry and development. The hopes that the citi- zens of the county placed in their arrival were rather surj)assed. With the arrival of the Southern Pacific into Fayette County as forerunner starts the last and brightest epoch m the history of the county. The minutes of the court of this epoch were closed by the Court with the following order : "The foregoing minutes being read and found correct, it is ordered that the same be approved and that the old county court adjourn to give place to the New Board that is waiting to qualify and go to work. Signed Isaac Sellers; J. R. Scates, J. P. No. 1; E. Henkel, J. P. No. 2; C. Luck, .J. P. No. 3; Chas. Welhausen, J. P. No. 4; R. T. Brad- shaw, Treas. Fayette Co.; Louis Jost, Sheriff; Thos. Q. Mullin, Co. Clk Elect F. Co. Written across the last page stands the following remark: ''Here ended the last lesson of the Old County Court on the 18th day of April, A. D. 187G, at 12 M. Signed Thos. Q. Mullins. This ended the era of reconstruction. The carpet-bagger regime was defeated and again the whites managed the affairs of government in nearly all the counties of the state. —148— FIFTH PERIOD. ERA OF DEVELOPMENT. (1876-1902). Railroads Built in the County. Having concluded the last chapter with some remarks on railroad building, the writer very appropriately may continue his remarks on this subject. The rich lands of Fayette County, the promising chances of their development could not escape the attention of railroad companies. The Houston and Texas Central had been built even before this period. It had paid taxes for its line of railroad track through Fayette County in Washington County on the claim that its track did not run through any portion of Fayette County. The reader remem- bers well that taxes from this portion of the county were paid in Washington County and that our friend A. F. Dornwell had been appointed by the court to make a settlement with the treasurer of Washington County in regard to these unduly col- lected taxes (1871). From the year 1877 on the Houston and Texas Railroad Company was required to pay taxes in Fayette County. In 1883 the Southern Pacific built a branch from Co- Inmbus to LaGrange, the citizens of Fayette County having given to the company the right of way through the county and a bonus of $40,000. This was the first railroad connection of LaGrange with the outer world. Other railroads followed ; in 1886 the Taylor, Bastrop and Houston Railroad was built to La- Grange. This road was sold to the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad Company. The latter company built the line beyond the limits of Fayette County to Houston (1892) so that La- Grange now lies on the trunk line of that company from Hous- ton to St. Lou'S. In 1888 and succeeding years the branch of the Aransas Pass from Yoakum to Waco was built through the western portion of the count3^ The building of railroads in Fayette County gave a great impetus to the general development of the county. Fayette County people were in constant contact with the outer world. A large immigration came into the county to make this their -Up- borne. Private and public improvements sprang up eVer'y- where. Most noticable were the improvements in public. build- ings. A new jail, a new court bouse and a poor bouse wer« built; instead on a ferry-boat the Colorado was crorsxl on an iron bridge. Numberless bridges over small streams and ra- vines were built. The public roads were improved. Sale of Fayette County School Lands. Before we treat of all these subjects, we must permit a paragraph to the fund which enabled the county to make all these improvements, if for no other reason than that in treatinty of these subjects this fund must conslanlly be referred to. It was the school fund. The proceeds of the sales of the Favette County school lands were invested largely m these improve- ments, thereby effecting several benehcial objects. 1. The county was improved. 2. This attracted immigration. 3. The school fund did not lie idle, but circulated and bore inter- est. 4. This accrued to the benefit of schools and education. The reader remembers that during the reconstruction period in 1867 the question of selling the Fayette County school lands was considered by the police court, that the i)eople of the coun- ty were in favor of it, but that the sale of the school lands had to be postponed indefinitely on account of an act of the state convention postponing the sales of these lands. Soon after the era of reconstruction this question was again considered by the court and with better success (1876). A committee of eleven Fayette County citizens was appointed to make a plan for sel- ling the Fayette County school lands. The committee reported and the following were the main provisions of their plan: Five appraisers were to be a^^pointed to value the land. The sales thereof were to be made at public auction to the highest bidder at the court house door. If the bid fell below the appraiser's price, the land was to be withdrawn lo a later time for sale. Notices of the sale were to be published in the Galveston News, Texas Post and Fayette County Record ; also hand bills regarding the sale were to be published in English and German and to be distributed over the county. Settlers that had settled on school lands should have the right of pre- —150— emption. Only the school lands situated in Fayette County were to be sold ; the sale of school lands situated in other coun- ties was to be postponed. The center tract of 36 sections* of prairie land was also to be reserved ; the outside sections sur- rounding this tract were to be sold first. Tliis plan seems to the writer and perhaps also to the reader very carefully drawn up and appears very reasonable. Still, not all of the committee concurred in it. L, W. Moore, one of the committee, entered the following protest: "1 protest against the whole system of public sales as delaying the sales and in fact making the appraisers the selection of whom was in no manner submitted to the consultation of the citizens of the county the arbitrary disposers of this valuable trust prop- erty given by our forefathers to their children. In fact this pretended consultation with a committee was a farce as two of the committee are commissioners who said that they had already determined the matter. My convictions of duty impel me to protest against this mode of disposing of this valuable land. ResDectfully, L. W. Moore." The following were the Fayette County School lands: A large tract of prairie land, a timber tract north of the Colorado River, and land on Rabb's Creek. Of these lands the following sales were made : 1, as per re- port of John E. Moore, auctioneer of these school lands, report made November, 1876 : Seventy-seven tracts of prairie land were sold at prices ranging from $2 to $20.30 per acre and brought $40,773.62. Six tracts of Rabb's Creek survey were sold at prices from $2.55 to $12.05 per acre and brought $4537.85. JSineteeu tracts of timber land were sold at prices from $3.30 to $16 per acre and brought $2,403.55. The Grand Total of the proceeds was $47,715.02. *NoTB. From Minutes of the Commissioners' Court. "That thirty-six sections of the prairie land in the form of a square, consti- tuting the center of the land according to the plot prepared by N. W. Faison and L. W. Alexander, be reserved and that the sections surrounding said body of land be first offered for sale." The school land was divided into 128 subdivisions of various size, and by a section a subdivision of the survey is meant. —151— 2. On November 18 and 19, 1878, as per report of John 1^. Moore, auctioneer, forty-five tracts of prairie land at prices ranging from $4.85 to S12 30 per acre were sold and brought 835,853.66. In 1879 a committee was appointed to invest tins money, realized from the s.^le of the Fayette County school lands, in in- terest-bearing bonds, 3, In 1880 an appointed committee recommended the fur- ther sale of Fayette County school lands, and in that year John E. Moore reported the following tracts of Fayette County school lands sold : Twenty-one tracts at prices from 75 cts. to $5.15 per acre brought $855.76 ; four tracts of prairie land at prices from $10,15 to $12.50 per acre brought rf 4, 561. 86 ; nine tracts of tim- ber land at prices from $1,25 to $11 per acre brought $587,98, The Grand Total realized by the sale of these school lands was $6,005.02. 4, In 1890 nine tracts of Fayette County school timber land, containing 106| acres, were sold to John Grant for $533,75. 5. In 1891 R. T, Bradshaw was authorized to sell the Fay- ette County school lands ; if sale were confirmed by the court, the judge should draw a deed for same. R. T. Bradshaw sold the entire school timber land, 187.^ acres, at $2.50 per acre. The sale realized $468.75. It was confirmed by the court. Besides these public sales where the lands were bid in by an agent of the county, if they did not realize enough, a great number of sales of small tracts of land to single individuals took place by special order of court. In 1894 county treasurer R, T. Bradshaw made to the court a Consolidated and Complete Statement and Report of the Permanent School Fund of Fayette County. Total Number Total Num- Av'ge Price Total of Tracts. Kind. ber Acres. Per Acre, ^$77391^ Value. 128 Prairie 10970 $81,103,31 6 Rabb's Creek 951 4 77^ 4,537.84 85 Timber 1302 4.80 5,770.28 15 percen t Premium ( 3n Bonds so Id, $4,650.00 Total, $96,061.44 —152— B}' Expenses, Surveying, Advertising, Selling, etc. |3, 115.27 By Expenses, Purchasing Premiums on Bonds. 890.35 Invested in 5 percent Bonds 85,500.00 Invested in 6 percent Bonds 5,000.00 Cash on hand 1,555.82 , $96,061.45 Thus it will be seen that the school lands in Fayette County realized clear of expenses $92,055.82. Of this amount $90,500 were invested in bonds. As there was a constant and dangerous risk that these bonds which were made payable to bearer might get into the hands of a wrong party, they were ordered, together with the coupons attached thereto, to be stamped "non negotia- ble ;" they could be sold only by special order of court (1895). Jail and Jail-Bonds. The reader remembers that in 1853 a jail was built for the county by A. Ammann and H. L. Kreische. This jail served the county for a great many years. It was remodeled in 1876. Though it was a solid building, it was deemed that it did not meet the demands for the safe keeping of the modern criminal. With the improvement of jails the ingenuity of the criminal to break them had equally increased and, therefore, this old simple structure, though solid, was not deemed sufhcient to baffle the hopes of escape of the ingenious prisoner. In 1881 a committee was appointed, one from each justice precinct, with power to ad- vertise and receive bids, plans and specifications for the build- ing of a new jail. A majority of the committee should make a quorum. The committee consisted of Chas. Michelis, Max Meitzen, Geo. Weyand, Alex McDow, J. C. Melcher, II. 0. Faires, A. Ammann and Geo. Knippa. The bid of F. Schulte to build a jail for $22,075 was accepted. An additional appro- priation of $3,000 for the building of a new jail was made in the same year. Architects Andrewarthe and Wahrenberger were appointed as supervisors of the building of the new jail at a salary of 1550. A contract was made between county judge J. Stiehl and F. Schulle ; the latter gave bond in the sum of Five 'I'housan(f Dollars. The building of the jail should commence immediately —153— and was*to be ready for occupancy by January 14, 1882. The jail was not completed by F. Schulte at the stipulated time. The county took charge of completing the jail, but had to pay for its completion a larger amount than she had contracted for with F. Schulte. The county sued F. Schulte, also jointly Tae New Fayette County Jail at LaGrange. with him his bondsmen, R. Wolters, F. W. Turner, Chr. Baum- garten, J. Kinkier and C. Kruschel for the amount she had to pay over the sum contracted for with F. Schulte for building the jail. The county employed the attorneys W. H. Ledbetter, J, W. Hill, \V. S. Robson and A. J. Rosenthal to bring suit against these parties at a fee of Eight Hundred Dollars ; Four Hundred / —154— Dollars were to be paid on filing said suit and Four Hundred as soon as said suit was tried and disposed of (1884). This suit was not tried, but compromised by H. J. Hildebrand with F. 8cbulte's bondsmen (1885). The latter agreed to pay the sum of $1250 and costs of suit and paid same to the county treasurer resp. district clerk in the same year. The new jail is a solid, substantial, modern building with ■ all the appliances for safely keeping? prisoners. A pretty iron fence was built around it at a cost of $2,078 in 1884. In tiie same year a sewer pipe of eiglit inch terra cotta piping was laid from the jail to the riyer on the east side of Main street for a distance of 3, GOO feet, To insure the still better safe keeping of prisoners the sheriff was allowed a guard at a salary of Forty Dol- lars per month. At the completion of the jail, the county was in debt. The money to buifcl the jail had been largely borrowed from the school fund of Fayette County at five percent interest and deb- ited to the general fund. To liquidate this indebtedness a spe- cial tax of three-twentieths of one percent was levied for jail and court house purposes. In the year 1884 twenty-two jail bonds of One Thousand Dollars each, running for fifteen years from April 15, 1884, and bearing five percent interest, were issued ; the bonds were taken up by the school fund. As early as 1887 five of these bonds were paid; there are still three remaining out- standing (February 10, 1902). But the patriot may justly hope that these bonds will be paid before the county starts building a new jail. i Colorado River BRiDciE and Bridge Bonds. The completion of the jail was soon followed by anotiier improvement. In 1883 people of La Grange formed a company and decided that the ferry boat had to give way for abridge over the Colorado at LaGrange. It was the same year when the /' Southern Pacific built its branch from Columbus to LaGrange. ./ There was a stirring activity all around LaGrange in those times. / The bridge was completed in 1883 ; it wrs first mentioned in the Commissioners' Court proceedings in February, 1884. , / —155- In 1887 tlie following proceediugs led to the assumption of this bridge by the county. A committee was appointed to ascertain and report upon the practicability, necessity or im- practicability of erecting a bridge across the C'olorado River at the city of LaGrange by the following order of court : "It is ordered by the court that a committee of sixteen, two mem- bers from each Justice Precinct of Fayette County, with the County Judge as chairman of said committee, be and they are hereby appointed for the purpose of investigating, ascertaining and reporting to this court as early as practicable upon the prac- ticability, necessity or impracticability of erecting a bridge across tiie Colorado River at the city of LaGrange, and if they find that a bridge across said river is necessary and practicable that they also ascertain the kind and style of bridge and the probable cost at which a bridge can be obtained or erected, and to do any and all other acts that they deem necessary to reach the purpose for which they are appointed and Max Meit- i'.on, Ed. Manton, B. Sherer, Fred Luecke, G. C. Thomas, A. E. Falke, A. C. Lenert, Adolph Groos, James Marburger, B. Foster, Hermann Loessin, Flem. Moore, Chris, Baumgarten, F. Thulemeyer, C. L. Melcher and Nat Holman are hereby ap- pointed the members to constitute said committee, and they are liereby authorized to call to their assistance some practicable civil engineer to assist them if necessary in ascertaining the" — (Thus closed in Minutes). This appointed committee reported that it was necessary to have a free bridge across the Colorado River. They called to their assistance Civil Engineer B. A. Watham to ascertain tlie condition of the bridge of the LaGrange Bridge Company and its value. He reported the same in safe condition and worth $49,500. Thereupon J. C. Brown, A. T. Bradshaw and VV. S. Uobson, on the part of the LaGrange Bridge Company, sold this bridge to the county and the city of LaGrange for said amount. The county agreed to pay of this amount $41,500 and issued coui)on bonds for the latter; the city of LaGrange assumed to pay the balance of this amount and also issued bonds therefor. When the question came for decision before the commissioners' court, Commissioners Geo. Mauer and T. J. Ivey voted for the —156— purchase of the bridge; Commissioners John C. Speckels and F. G. Seydler against it; the vote resulting in a tie, Judge A. Haidu- sek voted in favor of the purchase, and thus the purchase was completed. We now have to refer back to the school fund. The sale of the school lands had realized a large amount. This amount was invested in bonds, partly in state bonds. A committee was appointed to negotiate the sale of thirty-one state bonds of One Thousand Dollars each held by Fayette County and in which the permanent school fund was partly invested; these bonds were dated July 1, 1879, and made payable and registered to Fayette County. A committee was also appointed to buy twenty of the bridge bonds of the LaGrange Bridge Company of Five Hundred Dollars each and invest in said bonds the permanent school funds of Fayette County then on hand in the treasury. Both these committees consisted of Geo. Mauer, J. C. Speckels, Thos. J. Ivey, A. Haidusek and John Lane. They reported that the eighty-three bridge bonds of live hundred dollars each, held by the LaGrange Bridge Company, had been bought by the county for Forty Thousand Dollars and that the thirty-one state bonds of One Thousand Dollars each had been sold at a premium of fifteen percent, amounting to $35,650. The clerk was instructed to draw a warrant in favor of the LaGrange Bridge Company on the county treasurer for $i,350, payable out of the Permanent School Fund then in the treasury, to cover the balance of tbe purchase money for the eighty-three bridge bonds, the latter amount being the difference between the money realized by the sale of the thirty-one state bonds and the purchase money of the eighty-three bridge bonds. The city of LaGrange issued for her share of the purchase money of the bridge, viz., Eight Thousand Dollars, also bonds. The permanent school fund of the county was invested in these bonds (1887). In 1892 the attention of the court was called by the State Superintendent of Instruction lo the fact that this investment of the permanent school fund of the county in LaGrange City bonds was illegal. No action seems to have been taken on this notice. —157— LaGrange now had a free bridge. A toUkeeper was appointed for the bridge from March 11 to November 11, 1887, but after that the bridge was free. In 1897 the bridge approaches were turned over to the city of LaGrange by order of the court. In 1899, a steel structure, instead of the wooden approach on the e?st side of the Colorade bridge, two hundred feet in length, was to be built by the Wrought Iron Bridge Company of Canton, O. L. M. Raphael, a civil engineer of Houston who had made the plans and specifications for this steel structure, was appointed to superintend the work for the county. The company entered into contract with the county, but the price of steel having risen in the market, the company objected to building the bridge approach according to Raphael's plans and backed out from its agreement with the county. New bids were then called for and the several bridge companies notified thereof. The contract was awarded to the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company. Paupers and Poorhouse. Another improvement the need of which was felt as early as 1840 followed close after the purchase of the iron bridge by the county. It was the building of a poor house. Fayette County had always been liberal in providing for the support of her poor. But the expenses incurred in the support of paupers had increased at a rapid rate. From $229 per quarter of a year for twenty-one paupers in 1875, the expense rose in 1877 to $483 per quarter for twenty- five paupers ; the expenses were more than doubled in two years; still, three years later (J88U) even this amount was almost doubled, viz., $838 per quarter for fifty paupers. Therefore, the expenses for the support of paupers amounted in that year (1880) to over Three Thousand Dollars. To retrencli the expense account for the support of the poor, the court passed in 1879 several orders, viz.. That no more money should be appropriated for pnupers unless on personal appearance before court or, in case of inability, on the testimony of one or more reliable witnesses; that a person should be ap|)ointed to take care of an indigent and that the money should —158— be appropriated to his use; that physicians must swear to their bills and wait only on paupers at the request of a person having charge of a pauper or at the request of the commissioner in whose beat the pauper resides; that doctors' bills on prisoners must be approved by the sheriff, deputy or constable having said prisoners in charge. This order was of no avail, for the expense account for the support of I'aupers kept on swelling. In 1881 the court tried another plan for tiie care of paupers. The court advertised for bids to take care of all the paupers. The bid of John T. Rankin to take care of the paupers in the county for three years was accepted. He entered into contract with the county and gave bond for the performance of his contract. His bid was: For keeping the first ten paupers per annum $1249, for each additional pauper per month Eight Dollars, and for the burial of each pauper that died Nine Dollars. This seems to the writer a rather large amount; for the highest monthly average of expenses for a pauper, including clothing and medical attendance, had been before only $5 93 to the county. Still, this contract had one beneficent result; it decreased the number of paupers; either they must have died under his care or must have preferred not to be under it. At the expira- tion of his contract in 1884, he could afford to take care of all the paupers in the county for the small sum of $990; his bid was then accepted for a term of five years. It may be said also tliat a great many people were supported Vjy the county who were not in need of support, and when they were placed on the farm of John T. Rankin, near Buckner's Creek, to work, they l)referred to forego the county's hospitality. Finally, after some previous futile attempts in 1877 and 1880, a poor house was built in 1888, In that year, twenty-four acres of the J. Eblin league were bought by the county from the Fayette County Stock and Fair Association for the sum of One Thousand Dollars. This land should be the poor farm of the county ; the deed therefor was giyen May 24, 1888. A poor house and county hospital were erected on this land b}'' II. Mebus for $8,070 under supervision of J. T. Campbell. The building was completed in the same year, accepted, and Mebus —159— paid. In 1892 another house was built on the poor farm for $475, In 1893 two acres of the poor farm were sold to the city of LaGrange which erected a pest house thereon. The poor house is now under the management of a keeper and a matron who receive salaries. It was for a number of years under the management of keeper L Y. Kennedy who was complimented at every term of the grand jury by that body on the nice and clean condition in which he kept the poor house. The present keeper is A. F. Dornwell. In comparison to the plan of the poor house that was to be built in 1840, to be sixteen feet square and with one window, a shutter and a door, the present poor house is a palatial structure. The county has done her full duty in caring properly for her poor, and if they are not proper- ly cared for, the fault will be with those who have charge of its management. Fourth Court House. At this period a desire to make public improvements, to liave the prosperity of the county also represented by its public buildings, made itself generally conspicuous. The next public building erected was the new court house. It may be remarked here that the iron fence around the court house square was built eleven years previous to the court house by one Wra. Raalz at a cost of $1.80 per running foot (1879.) Some minor im- provements may also be mentioned here. In 1883 the city of La Grange got permission to dig a well and erect a windmill and tank pipes for fire protection on the public square. In 1SS4 the city erected a house for sheltering a hook and ladder truck on the north side of the public scjuare. The building of the new court house, the fourth court house of Fayette County, was commenced io 1890, In that year the grand jury of the county reported the old third court house in unsafe condition and recommended the appointment of ex))erts to examine, investigate and pass upon the condition of the court house building. In accordance with their recommendations the following committee was appointed for this purpose: George F. Sacrey, United States superintending architect of the United States custom-house and postollice building at San Antonio, —160— Texas ; C. Michelis of LaGrange and Robert Albert of Flaionia. In their report to the commissioners' court they condemned the old building and advised the building of a new one. A great many citizens in the county regretted to see this old landmark go to which so many memories of good and evil times were linked, Th3 plans of Riley Gordon, an architect of San Antonio, were adopted and he was selected as superintending architect of the new court house building. The contract was awarded to the firm of Martin, Byrnes & Johnson of Colorado City. The building was accepted December 1, 1891 and cost, accordinoj to the treasurer's report, $87,356,10; together with salary of supervising architect, vault funiture, plumbnig and court house funiture, $95,646,39. The court house clock was procured by R. F. Day for $725. The present court house is an elegant three-story structure. Inside it has an open court with fountain ; cemented walks lead from eacli side ot the public square to its grand portals. Its solidity and massiveness are coupled with elegance. It is furn- ished with water works and electric lights. For this building Ninety Thousand Dollars Courthouse bonds bearing six percent interest were issued and taken up by the Per- manent School Fund of the state (1890). In 1895 seventy-five of these bonds of One Thousand Dollars each, bearing six per- cent interest, were refunded in bonds bearing five percent inter- est ; they were to run for forty years from May 15, 189.5, with ten years option : a tax often cents on the One Hundred Dollars was levied to provide a sinking fund for these bonds ; they were taken up by I. B. Thurman & Co. of Chicago, 111., who agreed to pay one hundred dollars premium and pay all the expenses incidental to tlie issuance of the bonds. Public Roads, It may be certain that in this busy period of material development another subject matter of importance which always had received the careful consideration of the court did not now lack its proper care and attention, viz,, the public roads. If the — 101— court failed to consider this subject, petitions always caroe in to remind them thereof. As early as 18.S2 citizens of Flatonia petitioned thf? court to appropriate ^2,500 to macadamize (the minutes have it "acadamize") the Faires lane on the LaGrange Gonzales road. This petition was dismissed, but in 1884 the Faires lane on the LaGrange Bastrop ro?d, west of the Colorado Uiver, was graded at one dollar per yard of lineal measure in a width of sixteen feet by one J. F. McClutchy. This was the lirst road grading done in Fayette County. A great many road contracts were now made for grading and graveling the public roads ; team and driver were employed at the rate of $;).75 and $4 per day. Especially was there a great amount of road work done in 1889. The people having learned to appreciate the value of good roads, the court thought it the proper time to sub- mit to them the question of levying a special road tax of fifteen cents on tlie One Hundred Dollars for the purpose of extending the work of road improvement. An election for this purpose was held on March 14, 1893, but the road tax was defeated by a vote of (Jol votes for and 1582 against it. After the defeat of the road tax, the constant improvement of the public roads still was not lost sight of. In 1895 the court tried another plan. It appointed a special committee to establish a permanent system of road working. This committee sent in the following report: "To the Hon. Commissioners* Court of Fayette County: "Your committee to examine into and pass upon the recom- mendation of the county judge concerning a system of road working in this county, met at LaGrange during the month of October and after due deliberation passed the following resolutions: "llesolved 1. That owing to the present financial condition of our county we deem it unwise to spend the sum of $25,000 in establishing a permanent road plant in Fayette County as suggested by County Judge llobson. "Resolved 2. That in the opinion of this committee it would be to the advantage of the county to adopt some perma- nent road system by which the labor of the county convicts would be secured on the public roads and made self-sustaining, —162— and to this end we suggest that you make some suitable arrange- ment with some competent person for a definite period of years to work said convicts upon the roads under such rules and regu- lations as to you may seem expedient. Natt Holm an, f. a. schlick, Chas, Bittner, Wm. Voelkel." Bids to work the public roads were called for. The bid of Plomuth & Cornelsen to work the public roads for a term of five years from January 1, 189G to December 31, 1900. at an average price of $3.37* for team and driver i)er day and $1.25 for labor of extra hands per day, with at least twenty teams during six months of the year, was accepted. They hired the county convicts from the county at $7.50 pfer month and board. The county had to furnish gravel pits and improyed road machinery, as graders, rollers, steam crushers and engines. During the term of this contract for five years, the county spent $73,005.71 for road improvement; of this amount, there were $55,979.85 for team hire and $17,025.86 for extra liands. In commissioner's precinct No. 1, there were expended of this money $16,964.61; in No. 2, 117,924.42; in No. 3, $19,896.77; in No. 4, $17,295.71. In 1901 the Legislature passed a special road law for Fay- ette County. During that year the question of levying a special road tax was again submitted to the jjeople on November 5, 1901. The vote stood 508 for the tax and 1135 against it. Thus the road tax was again defeated. Bridges and Bridge Bonds. In this period of general activity and development, the bridge building of the county kept equal pace with the road improvement. After the lapse of thirty years the county started again in the bridge building business. Even before the assumption of the Colorado River bridge by the county, some smaller bridges over the minor waters of the county were built. After several orders and decisions in regard to building bridges, —163— the first bridge actually bnilt was the one across Buckner'a Creek on the LaGrange-Lockharc road. It was built of wood by W. Stoermer and Jesse Blackwell for One Thousand Dol- lars (1884). In the f(jllo\ving year the first iron bridge was built in the county across Cuniming's Creek within one-half a mile of Breeding's Crossing by the King Iron Bridge Company of Cleveland, 0., at a cost of Three Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars. A great many petitions for bridges from all parts of the county now followed. To meat the demands and wishes of the people for increased bridge building the court decided to issue bridge bonds. The following bridge bonds were ordered to be issued at the following dates: Bridge bonds to the amount of $10,000 on February 15, 1884; bridge bonds to the amount of S6000 on May 16, 1885; eleven bridge bonds of One Thousand Dollars each on February 10, 1S8G; eighty-three bridge bonds at Five Hundred Dollars each for purchase of river bridge on May 9, 1887; — they were taken up by the school fund (August 15, 1887), — and thirteen bridge bonds, dated April 10, 1898, bearing five percent interest, redeemable in forty years, with five years option. A sinking fund was to be procured by levying a one and one-half cents tax on the One Hundred Dollars. These bonds were not approved by the attorney general on tlie ground that the one and one-half cents tax exceeded the fifteen cents tax authorized to be levied for road and bridge puposes. The previous order, therefore, was rescinded, the bonds were cancelled, and a new order was made as per advice of the attorney general. We may now mention here some of the larger bridges that were built by the county. The bridge across the East Navidad on the Morgan and High Hill road crossing was built by the King Iron Bridge Company of Cleveland, 0., at a cost of Three Thousand Dollars (1885); the building of the Buckner's Creek iron bridge was decided in 188G; two years later iron bridges were built across Clear Creek, Williams Creek, West Navidad River and Rabb's Creek by the Missouri Valley Bridge Company of Leavenworth, Kansas, across Live Oak and Barton's Creek by the King Iron Bridge Company of Cleveland, O, —164 — Interesting Incidknts. Of course, the county government had in these times, as in previous times, its petty troubles that furnished subjects for the people to talk upon. Too extravagant accounts were rejected; heat and town o'Hcers were fined for failure to report, but their fines were remitted on reports made; persons were fined for various reasons for contempt of court. In the matter of a peti- tion of the Town of Roundtop vs. the Town of Warrenton as to where justice court should be held, the court decided that it should be held as formerly in Warrenton (1881), In 18SG the court passed an order, rejecting the election returns of Unters- ville, Aschen's Store, West Point, Ammannsville and Schulen- burg, but this order was rescinded. In 1892 the office of county clerk held by J. T, Rankin, on the petition of J, Schuhmacher, F. C. Carter, J. C. B, Renfro and forty-nine others, was declared vacant, as he was adjudged by the court not to be a resident of Fayette County. J. P. Ehlinger was appointed county clerk by the court. The county convict question was once solved by the court in a manner not quite in harmony with the views of the writer. In glancing over the records, he finds that in 188o they worked on the labor farm of J. E, &: R, J. White in Grimes county. In other words, they received the same punishment for a misdemeanor as the state convicts received for a felony, A Friendly Spar With Colorado County, An interesting trouble of the county which did not lack in humor was her altercation with Colorado County in regard to the claims of the latter county incurred in running the line with this county. The order of the court in regard to it breaks so pleasantly the monotony of the routine business that the writer greatly enjoyed reading it, and it is iiere given in full as a possible source of enjoyment for the reader: ''Be it rememembered that on this the sixleentli day of February, A. I), 1882 there came on to be heard the certified copy of a decree entered on the Minutes of the Commissioners' Court of Colorado County, Slate of Texas, in regard to the amount allowed by this Fayette County to Colorado County on the claim of Colorado County in having the line run between said counties in which Colorado County —165— claimed the sum of $l2i».12 and in wliicli after a lawful exauii- nation bv tii# Commissioners' CJourt of this County and tl)e calculation of the several committees it was found that tlie amount due Colorado County was 1^20. 22^V whereupon a draft was issued for said sum of ^20.22^ in favor of Colorado County, and whereas tiie Commissioners' Court of Colorado County caused to be entered in its mniutes a decree donating to Fayette County said sum of $20.22i, settin'ayette County had passed the stage of being a frontier county when an assessor, for instance, handed in the following bid : "1 agree to assess the property of Fayette County for the sum of $100. B. F. Nabors." Still, the fees and salaries had by far not risen to such a lieight as the people generally thought they had. Assessor G. A. Heilig's commission from the county during the eighties for instance never reached to Eight Hundred Dollars ; in this, his commis- sion from the state was not included. As the increase of the county's business largely fell on the judge's office, his salary wa^ —166— increased, in 1886 to Eight Hundred Dollars, in 1888 to Nine Hundred Sixty Dollars. In 1891 treasurer R. T. Bradshavv made a report on the salaries and fees of some county officers. According to it, the sheriff had received in fees and for expenses of boarding prison- ers and paupers $5,622.60 ; the county judge, salary and fees $1,801.65 ; the assessor, $1,967.65 ; the county cierk, salary and fees, $696.35 ; the district clerk, $250- These were the fees and salaries paid to these officers by the county, but it did not in- clude the fees collected by them from private persons. The Prohibition Question. A great question agitated the people in 1887, the question if Texas should become a prohibition state or not. The people of the county took great interest in this question. Public meet- ings were held everywhere and addressed by prominent speak- ers. The county government had the same views on prohibition as the overwhelming majority of the people in the county. The following order shows this . The district and county clerks were instructed to record in well bound books and properly index all the old declarations of aliens for naturalization papers that may be on file in their offices which have not been hereto- fore recorded by their predecessors. For, tlie foreign element was to a man against the proposition. However well-meaning the intentions of the advocates of prohibition may have been, the morals of a people are never improved by law. History teaches this fact without exception. Besides, in the opinion of the writer, prohibition is a greater evil than the one it seeks to remedy. Even before the great state prohibition campaign the question of prohibition was discussed and voted upon in local option elections in the then beat No, 4. It was defeated every lime : in 1877 by a vote of 53 for and 90 against; in 1880 by a vote of 66 for and 115 against. After the state campaign for prohibition, another local option election was held in West Point. This resulted also in defeat by a vote of 91 for and 100 against it. Epidemics. During this period several epidemics fell on tlie people of Fayette County. Smallpox broke out near Fayetteville (1881). —167— Dr. H. D. Shavr, Max Meitzen, Franz Baca, Aue;ust Baca and Hugo Zapp were appointed a committee with full power to at- tend smallpox cases around and near Fayetteville and to estab- lish a quarantine. In 1891 smallpox broke out in the gravel pit on the Austin Branch of the Texas Central Railroad, near Ledbetter. J)r. W. H. Walker was appointed health officer with full power to act and employ guards to isolate infected persons. In 18'J5 the town of Ledbetter quarantined against all in- fected points in this state where smallpox existed and especially against the town of Giddings in Lee (Ji)unty. Dr. W. \V. Lunn, the county physician, was api^ointed to take the necessary steps to carry out said quarantine. In 1897 diphtheria broke out on the Joiner farm near Joiner Station on the LaGrange Branch of the Galveston, Harrisburg and SanAntonio Railroad in Fayette County. Dr. E. D. Lunn and the commissioner of that beat were authorized to act, isolate the infected persons and furnish tents to them. Yellow Fever Quakamtime, The reader has not forgotten the fearful yellow fever epi- demic of 1867 in LaGrange, the great death rate and the con- sternation of the people at that time. Wlien thirty years later, in 1897, yellow fever came again into Texas and several cases occurred in Galveston, the court took the most strenuous meas- ures to prevent its reaching this county. The following order was passed : "In the matter of declaring and establishing quar- antine throughout the County of Fayette, State of Texas, against all yellow fever districts in the State of Texas, in other states and foreign countries and to guard against tlie introduction and dissemination of said dangerous or infectious disease known as yellow fever. Dr. E. D. Lunn, County Physician, Chairman ; Dr. C. J. Schramm, Fayetteville ; Dr. E. Knolle, EUinger ; Dr. Peare, Carmine; Dr. M. E. Clary, West Point ; and Dr. 1. E. Clark, Schulenburg, are appointed a County Board of Health to meet in LaGrange and to establish rules and regulations for quarantine; the county physician to advise when necessary the — 1G8— appointment of guards to establish, maintain and supply stations or camps for those held in quarantine ; to isolate all infected cases ; to advise with the commissioner of the infected district to employ guards. The County Physician with the Board of Health to have power to prevent the running of all passenger and freight trains or the distribution of freight, express pack- ages, mails and household goods that come from infected dis- tricts ; to prevent persons to come from infected districts by private conveyance. The County is divided into four Police Districts: 1st, LaGrange, Fayetteville, EUinger ; 2nd, Carmine, Ledbetter, Warrenton, Roundtop ; 3d, Winchester, West Point, Muldoon ; 4th, Flatonia, Engle, Schulenburg. The Commis- sioners are declared chiefs of the respective guards or police force that may be appointed throughout the county." Excite- ment prevailed throughout the county. The lesson which had been taught by the great yellow fever calamity of 1867 had not been forgotten. It justified these preventive steps. Passenger trains and freigljts were actually prevented from stopping in the county. This lasted only for several days. Letters and pack- ages received from yellow fever districts came on in a perforated condition, the mails having been fumigated. But as the author- ities in the yellow fever districts soon had control of the epidem- ic, excitement soon subsided. The people had recovered from the scare, without being visited by this infectious disease and soon the quiet order of things prevailed again. In 1899 smallpox broke out in Carmine ; in 1900, in La Grange. But the infected persons were promptly isolated in both places, and a further spread prevented. Overflow of 1900. Another calamity may here be mentioned. It occurred during the same year of 1900. The writer means the overtiow of the Colorado River. In that year the dam at Austin was broken. A large volume of water rolled down the river, inun- dated its valley and ruined the planted corn and cotton crops (April 19, 1900). The water did not rise as high as in 1869 when it w'as five feet high in the courthouse yard, nor even as high as iu 1870, but it still reached within one block of the court —170— house square. Great excitement prevailed that day in La Grange. People in the overflowed and threatened district were busy moving their household goods. Even some merchants on the square contemplated moving their goods. A large railroad force was employed on the railroad bridge to loosen and start again the drift-wood. A great many people from the country came in to witness the scene. Small boats were rowed m the overflowed districts and through the lower streets of La Grange. A humorous incident may be mentioned here. Several negroes in a small boat tried their oarsmanship. They could not m;isler the current and were thrown with their boat against a wire fence. The boat capsized and they received a ducking. They el mbeil the posts of the wire fence, not daring to go into the forceful current. The one nearest the dry land straddled the wire fence and tried to walk on the wire to the land. All went well, until a staple got loose. He fell with the wire and hung there in a helpless position, until he was rescued by one of his colored brethren who carried him under the applause of the spectators on his shoulders to the dry land. Kayette County was not dam- aged by this overflow as much as the neighboring Colorado County. She did not lose her iron bridge nor was the railroad bridge at La Grange damaged, while in Colorado County the railroad bridge across the Colorado Riyer and also one of the wagoia bridges across the river at Columbus were destroyed by this overflow. Storm of 1900. The year 1900 was full of calamities for Texas. The great Storm in that year that almost destroyed Galveston and visited other parts of this country, leaving a path of destruction behind it, also did some damage in Fayette County and ruined especially a large part of the crop in the Held. But in comparison to other counties, it may be said that this county was almost spared by it. The writer now mentions some minor matters and leaves it to the judgment of the reader to decide, if he deems them worth reading. But as notes of them are taken by the writer, their contents are here given. May the reader decide if he wants to be informed on these small matters or not. -171— Election Precincts. The election precincts were constantly changed and redis- tricted; this was made necessary by the increase of population in the various parts ot the county which increase was not always proportionate in all parts of the county. Election precincts were added during the intervals of redistriction. The voting ])recincts of the county were redistricted and their boundaries defined in 1877. In that year there were twenty-four election precincts. They were redistricted in 1880. Tiie present number and bDundaries of the voting precincts have been given under the head of Political Divisions of the County to which the reader is referred. (Page 73 et seq.) School Districts. Fayette County was also divided for the management of the schools into 32 school districts (1884). In 1893 a division of the county into school districts was again made. It was made by a committee, consisting of the county judge, county clerk and county treasurer and one citizen and two teachers from each school district. They divided the county into thirty six school districts. In 1895 Fayette County was placed under the district system with thirty-six school districts. Justices' Courthouses. In 1888 a justice's courthouse and jail was built by the county in Schulenburg at a cost of $800. In 1890 courthouses were built in all the justices' precincts. In 1898 the county gave to the city of Schulenburg for the building of a City Hall that was to be erected at a cost of $822 the sum of $150. Incorporation of Towns. It seems that in 1880 a great many citizens of Flatonia were tired of having their town incorporated. A petition to abolish the incorporation re? bed the commissioners' court. In the ensuing election the question of abolishing the incorporation was defeated. —172— Incorporation carried in the town of Fayetteville at an elec- tion held February 8, 1882 by a vote of thirty-one for and one against said incorporation. The town of Fayetteville was declared incorporated Marcii 2, 1882. An election at the town of Ledbetter for incorporating it for school purposes, held in August 3896, resulted in a vote of thirty three for and three against incorporation. Minor Details. Since 18S3 it was the duty of the commissioners' court to appoint public weighers, and, therefore, public weigliers \v( ii; appiointed in accordance with law at La Grange, Schuh nl)uig, Flatonia, P^llinger, and. a few years later, at Fayetteville and West Point. Looking over the records we iind that in 1S02 and 181)3 there were also some premiums paid by the court for the scalps of coyotes and wildcats. A great many papers in the assessor's anJ collector's ollices which had become entirely worthless and encumbered said offices were burned by a committee consisting of A. Haidusek, J. B. Holloway, Jos. Ehlinger, R. T. Bradshaw and G. A. lleilig (188S). Resolution.s of Re.^pect. This period did not lack of some tribute of respect by ihe court on the death of prominent citizens. In 1887 the court adjourned out of respect on the death of H. Stuedemann, a member of the supervising committee of the poorhouse. In 1888 the court adjourned out of respect on the death of Chas. J. Bradshaw, an attorney. Resolutions of respect in regard to his death were passed by the court, spread on the minutes, signed by the courthouse oflicers and published in the La Grange Journal and Svoboda. In January 1901, the court adjourned out of respect on the death of H. Teichmueller wJio had filled the office of District Judge for three terms and other offices of public trust with great honor. —its- Companies Raised in Fayette CountV' for the Spanish War. When in 1998 war with Spain broke out, Fayette County again sustained her reputation of being foremost in the defense of her country. A large number of young men of prominent families volunteered their services. Three companies were raised in Fayette County; a fourth one which it was intended to raise was not accepted as Fayette County had furnished already mjre than her quota of men. The companies raised in Fayette County for this war were: Company H, 1st Texas Infantry ; Troop H, 1st Texas Cavalry and Troon C', 1st Texas Cavalry. This closes the liistory of Fayette County. Some minor events are purposely omitted, for the people have not yet given their verdict on them and though the writer's attention has been repeatedly called to them, he respectfully declines to blotch his work with partisanship. The reader can contemplate the development of this great country only with the deepest interest. Eighty years ago the country was a wilderness; only a few log liouses were hidden in the woods. Now the whole county is studded with many pros- perous towns and villages. The period of hardships and strug- gles was succeeded by a period of prosperity and comfort, ivike tlie Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars shanty that served as the first courthouse of Fayette County has given place to a more commodious building, this to a substantial rock building, and this again to an elegant structure, so the simple log huts have given place to frame buildings and these to elegant residences. The pioneer who lived chiefly by hunting was followed by the cattle raispr, lie again by the farmer and the latter by tlie farmer with improved methods. The reader who reviews the progress made in this county in the short period of eighty years will feel confident tiiat she has a great future before her. The descend- ants of the men who built up this county are men who success- fully continue the work of their fathers. The grand old county of Fayette has taken a prominent part in the fights for independence against Mexico. More than —174— once her sons were leaders in thes« fights, evincing their love of liberty and their spirit of independence. But not only on the field of battle, in the arena of politics, she has manifested the same love of liberty. Since the early times she has been a bulwark for the doctrines of Thomas Jefferson, a stronghold for the doctrines of local self-government and personal rights, the foundation principles of democracy. Reviewing the prosperity she has achieved by following these doctrmes, she has come forth more than once under able leaders as their defender. If ever a county was proof of what prosperity might be achieved under these democratic fundamental principles of local self- government and personal rights, she is the county. True as she always has been to these principles, there is no doubt that when another attack is made on them in the future she will rush to their defense under able leaders. —175— APPENDIX. The writer here gives several documents for which he could not find a proper place in this history. They are self -explanatory and give a valuable key to the character of the timei in which they were written. •'A." REruBLic OF Texas versus Inconsistent Legislative Acts. The following is tiie document referred to on page 97. (Endorsement.) Republic of Texas versus Inconsistent Legislative Acts. Prosecutors : Grand Jury of Fayette County. Witnesses : Grand Jury. We the Grand Jury find a true bill. * William Brookfield, Foreman. Filed October 25th, 1839. J. B. Alexander, Clerk D. C. F. C. Republic of Texas, Public weal County of Fayette. versus Inconsistent Legislative Acts. We the Grand Jury being about to end the business as respects the County of Fayette specially, are conscious of noth- ing more which we are bound to do, as it regards ourselves ; but we do feel it to be incumbent on us to present before the tribunal of enlightened public opinion the inconsistency of some of the acts passed since Nov. 1838 up to Dec. 1838. Viz, — the = 'Bargain and Sale" of the Island of Galveston to M. Menard for 50,0U0 dollars! For, of a truth, said Island of Galveston either belonged to the "Republic of Texas," or it belonged to Mr. Menard : if it of right belonged to the former, the "bargain and sale" to M. Menard was indeed a bargain by which this Govern- ment chiselled itsejf out of $2,000,000 minus $50,000 ! If it were a vested right m Michael Menard, then this Government in chiselling Michael Menard out of $50,000 violated that sacred instrument by which, and on which all legislative acts are, or ought to be, graduated ! again, — the temporary location of the seat of Government at Houston, to promote individyal interest, — I7t5- and this too without any regard to Public good, by wnich the Republic has lost from half a million to one million of dollars, Aq^ain, the exercise of a veto, to prevent the permanent location of the seat of Government at LaGrange, as it might seem, only to afford the j)roprietors of the City of Samuel the First, and some of his friends suflicient time to sell their unsold lots ! Admirable and Sublime P]xercise ! and also the creation of a Tariff in Texas ! An act, vvhicli, for principle, is unparalleled in the records of Legislations from the birth of "old Time" him- self down to the present day ! Most assuredly it is not to be justified by example from the British tariff statutes, for these liad for their object to prohibit the introduction of manufactured fabrics for clothing from the continent. This object only can be inferred from the .i»igh duties imposed. Again, — imme- diately after the commencement of the late war between the U. States and Great Britain all commerce ceased. In this condi- tion of the nation the army and people must be clothed. And how accomplish this great object? there was but one way, and this was taken by capitalists, the Patriotic Capitalists of the land. Tliey, with full confidence in the justice of the cause in which they were engage*d, and also in the integrity and good faith of their Government, hesitated not to advance their all in manufacturing establishments : And most of them, if not all, were in the flood tide of success, when peace was made in 1815. At this time commerce revived, and the United States were im- mediately inundated with European maij-jfactures at prices so low as to ruin the American Manufacturer provided he was not shielded by Government protectiori. And that shield was a Tarifl'. Where then is the parallel? None! We say "for principle." Let us examine and we shall see that th3 proprietors of vast landed estates are made to pay a direct tax of only one-half per cent ad vaUjrem on these estates towards the support of government. And the person who owns but one-fourth of a sitio paV^ 'the same; ami the whole amount so produced falls far sliort of the required stnai. To supply this deficiency it was deemed expedient to levy an indirect tax or tariff. Now is it presumable that members'of Congress did not know that such a tax could not be made to operate on all the J —177— good people of Texas? Dirt not the idea of the utter impossi- hility of enforcing a due collection of tariff duties, in Eastern Texas, once occur to their minds when this act was passed? If not, it is truly surprising. Did they not know that this section is bounded by from 6 to 800 miles of the Red and Sabine rivers? Did they not know that Southern and Western Texas bore the burthen of invasion and war, and consequently stood in need of almost everything to be imported, and this, too, by vessels entering port, when there could be no evasion by smuggling? If these things were not then' known, we are truly sensible that they] are now known ! And we do believe that our next congress will consider this matier away. Now, to con- clude, suppose "the powers that were" prompted by different notions of legislation, had sold the Island of Galveston for One and a Half Million of Dollars, the temporary location of the government seat for three years, by Government, reckoned at the least half a million, the permanent location of the seat of government at La Grange One Million; and only one kind of tax and that a direct one of one percent ad valorem for 3 years, (and no tariff) government would have received between 3 and i millions of dollars with which the public debt could have been wholly paid; and, consequently our "currency" would have been at par, and no need of a "'Five Million"' loan, JSow in coming to a final close we feel it our duty to tender to his Hon. Judge Mills our cordial thanks for the very prompt able and faithful discharge of his judicial duties, only regretting that we could not haye been benefited by his attendance on the first and second days of our Court term. We add further that the solicitor is entitled to our very high regard for the true and able discharge of his duties. Wm. Brojkfip:ld, Foreman, Grand Jury Room Fayette County, Oct, 25th, 1831). — ITS— Affidavit of District Attorney Thomas Johnson to procure warrant to arrest James S. Mayfield and Edmund Burleson on the charge of fighting a duel. This document gives an insight into the lighting spirit of the early times when people very often on slight provocation engaged in deadly duels. The peace otficers were not always successful in preventing them. The Republic of Texas. ^ To the Hon. R. E. B. Baylor, Judge V of the Third Judicial District of Fayette County, Texas. ) the Republic of Texas. Thomas Johnson, District Attorney Third Judicial District of the Republic of Texas, states on oatli that he has just and probable grounds to suspect and verily does suspect and believe that James S. Mayfield of the county of Fayette and Edward Burleson of the county of Bastrop'are about to engage in a duel which duel he is informed and believes is to be fought in the county of Fayette within a few days. Therefore he prays Your Honor to issue the necessary warrants to take the bodies of the said James S. Mayfield and Edward Burleson so as ^to have them before ynu forthwith to answer the above charge and to be dealt with according to law. Thomas Johnson, Dist. Alt'y 3rd Jud. Dis. R. T. The Republic of Texas, ) Fayette County, Texas. J This day personally appeared before the undersigned authority Thomas Johnson, Dis. Att'y Third Jud. Dis. R. Texas, and made oath that the matter and tilings set forth in the above petition as far as within his own kn.iwledge are true ; those derived from the information of others he believes to be true. Thomas Johnson, Dist. Att'y 3rd Jud. Dist. Republic of Texas. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 25tli day of September, A D. 184q. R. E. B, Baylor, Judge D, —179— "C."' . 'I Administrator's Bond of N. W. Eastland on thk Estate of Nicholas M. Dawson. Republic of Texas, | County of Fayette. ) Know all men by these presents that we, Nicholas VV. East- land as principal, .James S. Lester, Aaron A, Gardiner as securities are held and bound unto II, E. B. Baylor, Judge of the Third Judicial District and his successors in office in penal sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars for the payment of which we bind ourselves and each of us and each of our heirs, our execu- tors and administrators firmly by these presents signed with our hands and sealed with our seals this Twenty-seventh day of February, A. D. One thousand eight hundred and forty-three. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Nicholas VV. Eastland has been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of Nicholas M. Dawson, Now if the said Nicholas W. Eastland shall well and truly- perform all the dutie? that may be required of nim as such administrator, then, the above obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed and delivered-the day and date above written. N. W. Eastland. J. S. Lkster. Approved: A. A. Gardiner.- R. E. B. Baylor, Judge etc. Edorsed: N. W. Eastland, Bond as Administrator on the Estate of N.M.Dawson. Filed Feby 27th. 1843. Attest: James P. Longley, Clk D. C. F. Co. '•D " List of Freeholders in Fayette County DuRiN(i the Time OF the Republic of Texas. i"T The following list of Freeholders>f Fayette County during the time of the Republic of Texas was« found by the writer iu —180— the district clerk's office. He cannot say whether it was an official list or a list compiled by some officer of the court for his private use. The copy is exact and follows the original even in the mistakes made in the spelling of names. Republic of Texas, County of Fayette. Aaron A. Gardiner. Robert Sellers, sen. James Green. Vincent L. Evans. Lyman M. Stewart. James xMorrow. Alfred Morrow. James Hodges. John O'Bar. James A. Wits. Socrates Darling. Richard L. Breeding. Richard Breeding, sr. Napoleon B. Breeding. David Breeding. John Engram. James S. Lester. John H. Moore. William Lewis. Jasper A. Sargeant. Henry Manton. Michael R. Goheen. Charles Dancy. William A. Farris. John Dancy. Aaron Monroe. William Thompson. Taylor. Robert Hellers. Scallorn. George Lyon. Sam'l Fitzgerald. Maxwell. Hezekiah Smith. i Wall ace. Packston. Daniel?. List of Freeholders. David Berry. George W. Speer. Thomas Thompson. John Y. Cryswell. Lee Cottle, Zadok Woods. Norman Woods. Montville Woods. Gonzalvo Woods. Jesse Burnam. William Townsend. Jesse Cliff't. Joel W. Robison. James Caldwell. James Stephens. Joseph Beagle. Christian Westner. Leroy Cryswell. James Ragsdale. Redden Andrews. Nicholas W. Eastland. William Eastland. William Fitzgerald. Jesse Sannehill. Michael Andrews. B. W. Hopson. O'Daniel. Wm. Primm. Henry Earthman. John Rabb. John Crownover. Neither Crownover. John A. Fox. Ferell. Toland. George W. Brazil. —181— " E." List of Persons Who Paid Occupation Tax in Fayette County in 1838-39. Nothing will show the reader the development of this great county more clearly than a glance at the list of persons who were engaged in business and paid a license tax during the years of 1838-9 and 1840-41. To him who knows the large extent of this county, this list sliows how sparsely settled the county was at that time. It speaks to him who combines tiie list of names with the size of the county, to some extent, of the condition of the country and not that alone, it sjjeaks to him also of the habits and the manners of those times, how far the people had to travel to get their necessaries from a store, how secluded they lived, how seldom they saw each other, how, for that reason, a visitor was welcomed with the greatest cordiality, etc. Republic of Texas, ] District Court, County of Fayette. J Fall Term, 1839. To the Grand Jury, Greet. — I furnish you with the following list of all persons comply- ing with the^reveuue lawb living in said County of Fayette : 1838 April. Lester & Eastland, Merchants. Jerome B. Alexander, Liquor, etc. Gerret E. Boern, Liquor and Merchant. Hugh Trenoo, Peddler. J. C. Ragsdale, Merchant. May 1. McGovern & Houston, Merchants. June. S. Toland & Co., " Isaac McGary, Liquors and Merchant. August. G. Sanders, " " " J. &L. Cronkright" " " Griffin & Galaspie " " 1839 April. Reddin Andrews, Tavern and Liquors. Asahel Savery, W. Thompson, Merchant. —182— Wen. Fitzgerald, Tavern. Lester & Eastland, Merchants. F. Chenalt, Tavern. .July. J. VV. Posten, Peddler. ^ J. & J. Shaw, Merchants. Ct. Suider, Merchant. August, Asa Hill, Tavern. Andrews J. Ivy, Liquors. Lee M. Gray, Liquors. CI.'G. Blackwell, Merchant. June. Lester & Eastland, Liquors. The foregoing list I certify to be a true copy of memoran- dum and account curi-ent kei)t in this office for the government. Given under my hand and seal in La Grange this 24tli ot October, 1839. D. S. KOKNEGAY, Clerk CD. "F."' List of Persons to Whom Lk^ensks Were Issued in 1840-41. Date of Receipt. To whom issued. ' For what purpose. 1840 Nov. 5. Sam Crawford, Tavern. " 6. Frede & GoUrad, Merchants. 11 11 Retailers of spirituous liquors in quantities of a quart & upwards. " 13. Warren I. Hill, Tavern. Dec. 11. V.,V. Poinsett, L Wines & spirituous liq- Manford & L. S. ors in quantities of a Bissett. quart & upwards. 1841 Jan. 8. ( t 8, Mar . 18. ( ( 22. Ap. 10. a 14. May 4. —183— N. VV. Faison, Retailer of wines S: .spir- ituous li((uor8 by the drink, etc. Jesse liurnam, Merchant. Charles Howard, Peddler. Martin & Stubblefield, Jos Angalo & Ant Rnoz, " Robt. S. Alwfy, Merchant. James Patrick, Peddler. " 7; Richard A. Magee, Merchant. " " Wines & spirituous liq- uors in quantities of a quart & upwards. May 8. John H Harry, Peddler. June 30. Henry Caselaine, " July 8. Patrick Mackin, " Aug, 20, G. Schneider, Merchant. " Wines & spirituous liq- uors in quantities of a quart & upward. Sept. 18. Enoch Jones, " Peddler. Oct. 20. Jesse Burnnam, Tavern. Nov. G. Frede & Honsman, Merchants. " 10. Lyman M. Stewart, Peddler. " 12. John I Jacobs, Merchant. I do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true transcript of the names of the persons to whom Licenses have been issued since the 31st of October, 1840, up to this date. Given under my hand and seal of office at La Grange this 15th day of Nov. 1841. [sKAL.] Jerome B. Alexaander, Deputy Clerk C. C. F. County. Endorsement: Names of persons who have obtained Licenses in Fayette County since the olst of October. 1841. For the Grand Jury Fall Term of the District Court 1841. —184— An Agreenent. A document that breaks very pleasantly the monotony of recorded mortgages and bills of sales is the following : — The State of Texas, ) County of Fayette, j Know all men by these presents that we the undersigned subscribers do hereby contract and agree that the first one of us who shall engage himself to be married will furnish to T. Q. Mulliu, T. T. Alexander, Wm. M. Lewis, Wm. S. Robson R. S. Homuth, F. C. StreithofF, John VVertz, Sam Alexander, J. E. Rogers, J. B. HoUoway and L. S. Wallace two baskets of cham- ))agne and cigars in sufficient number, in the District Clerk's office within two days after said engagement has been made known. Given under our hands and scrolls this the 18th day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1875. F. C. StreithoflF. R. S. Hormuth. Wm. M. Lewis. J, E. Rogers. Jno. B. Holloway. Jno. Wertz, Jr. S. Alexander, Jr. Properly acknowledged, filed and recorded January 21, 1875, in Record of Mortgages and Bills of Sale, Fayette County. Book A., pp. 473 and 474. The lucky one who became engaged first and had to propi- tiate the envy of his comrades was Mr. Jno. B, Holloway. The day was celebrated in good fashion. Champagne could not be obtained in LaGrange ; therefore, other wines were chosen. The occasion was celebrated in Schulze's cellar in which his friends and their friends had assembled and which became the scene of joy and merriment. The sober cashier of the First National Bank at LaGrange was young once, too. —185- 'H/ = List of County Officers Since the Organization of the County in 1838. In compiling a complete and correct list of the county offi- cers since the organization of the county in 1888, the Official Bonds of said officers filed in the county clerk's otfice, the Min- utes of the Proceedings of the Commissioners' Court of Fayette County so far as they treat of the approval of said bonds and the Record of Election Returns have been used. The official bonds are not complete, a great many bonds of the county otlicers are missing, neither are tlie Minutes of the Commissioners' Court complete on that subject; the Record of Election Returns before 1848 is missing ; may be a record thereof was never kept; and since that time, leaves of same are missing ; at times the office for which the several candidates ran lias not been named. Fre- quently the election records are not dated ; sometimes the ofRce for the performance of the duties of which bonds have been given is not named therein as, for instance, in the bond of Dis- trict Clerk T. T. Alexander the office to which he was elected was not named. Official writings were astonisliingly simple in those old times. The tollou^mgis a bid of one Wm. Nabors to assess the taxes of Fayette County in 1889 : "I propose to assesa the Taxes for Fa3^ette County for the Sum of One Hundred Dol- lars. \Vm. iS'abors." Not dated. Official business was conducted in an accomraodating way, the bond of sheriff McAhron who was elected July 13, 1846, was not filed before January 14, 1848, in the county clerk's office. The bonds were generally written out in full ; for a great many years the bond of assessor W. B. Mc- Clellan remamed the only one written on a printed blank. Ihus, all three of these records are very incomplete, but by using all three of them a nearly correct list of county officers may be compiled. The old records are yellowed by age and dusty, they are buried and stowed away in out of-the-way corners of the vault, dead as the people wlio wrote them, shoved away and forgotten like them, still, they bring back the old times when the early settlers of Fayette County were living beings, they speak of their —186— fears and hopes, of their plans and ambitions. Now a new gen- eration has taken their place, new in every respect ; the descend- ants of the early settlers have mostly moved away to other parts of the state, and now the very names of the old settlers are hardly ever heard in the county. The reader, looking over the official bonds, will find two of them besmeared with blood ; an emphatic reminder that the men of the past were living beings of flesh and blood. Did a tragedy happen? Most likely not; for long afU-r the filing of their bonds they were acting again in an official capacity ; probably, nose bleeding. The size of this book prohibits to give of these county offi- cers more than their names ; space prohibits to represent them in flesh and blood, but people who knew them might recall their life pictures, their hopes and ambitions and reflect over their dead friends. After the close of the Confederate War in 1865 a great many county officers were appointed by A. J. Hamilton, Provisional Governor of Texas. From this time on (1866) the bonds of the county officers all bore U. S. internal revenue stamps to the amount of $1.05 and upwards. This lasted to the year 1873. The internal revenue stamps were called U. S. Exchange. During this period county officers were appointed and removed by mili- tary orders of Major General J. J. Reynolds. Resignations had to be mailed through the county judge to the post commandant at Brenham. During 1872 and several years thereafter the county was under the cattle inspection law ; the cattle inspectors were appointed by the Governor ; the first one appointed in Fayette County was R. J. Carr. County Judge's Office. It appears that in early times county judges were not re- quired to give bonds. The first bond given by the county judge that is on record was the one given by Reinhardt Hille- brandt in the year I860. It was the duty of county judges in conjunction with the commissioners to approve bonds, and from the signatures of the county judges on these approved bonds, a list of them may be compiled. Up to the year 1866 the conuty judge was called chief justice of the county ; in the latter part of —187— the 60's the terms presiding justice and county judge were used promiscuously ; since 1876 the term county judge is only used. County Judges. 1838 A. Rabb. 1838-44 N. W. Eastland. 1844-48 J. S. Lester. 1848-50 J. li. McFarland. 1850 N. Ro bison. 1850-55 Jno. C. Cabaniss. 1854 Jno. \V. Chandler. 1855 Jno. McHandun. 1855-56 L. S. Munger. 1856-58 Chas. S. Longcope. 1858-62 J. B. McFarland. 1862-66 Wm. J. Russel. 1866 VV. B. Price. 1866-69 J. C. Stichl. 1869 Reinhardt Hillebrandt. 1869-70 H. Teichmueller. 1870 Wm. Lewis. 1870-74 P. Y. McAshan. 1874-76 Isaac Sellers. 1876-84 John C. Stichl. 1884-90 A. Haidusek. 1890-96 W. S. Robson. 1896-to present time, Jos. Ehlinger. County Clerks, Like the county judges, the county clerks were not requir- ed to give bonds in early times ; most of their bonds are on record since 1876. In this office there have been deputies at as early a date as 1841. The first deputy county clerk on record was S. B. Alexander. 1885 1. S. Sister. 1838-44 D. S. Kornegay. 1844-46 Jas. P. Hudson. 1846-54 N. W. Faison. 1854-66 Z. M. P. French. 1866-(;9 N. C. Joiner. 1869-76 S. L. Smith. 1876-82 Thos. Q. Mullin. 1882-90 Jos. Ehlinger. 1890-92 Jno. T. Rankin. 1892 J. P. Ehlinger (appointed) 1892 to Pres. Time, R. Klatt. County Attorneys. This office was established in 1876. Before that time tlie county throu2[h the commissioners' court chose and employed lawyers in certain cases at stipulated rates. In 1858 the com- missioners' court appointed, on the petition of many citizens, 'Fred Tate as county attorney for the prosecution of criminals. But this office was abolished again the following year. -188- 1876-78 R. H. Phelps. 1878-80 L. Lindsay. 18SO-81 B. D. Shropshire. 1881-86 J. W. Hill. 1886-90 Geo. VVillrioh. 1890-92 C. E. Lane. 1892-94 J. F. Wolters. 1894-00 Percy Faison. 1900 Pres. time Sam C. Lowrey Sheriffs. Up to 1847 the sheriff' of the county was also at the same time tax collector; since that time the collector's office was connected with the assessor's office. In the early 70's these two offices of collector and sherifi' were again connected. Since 1876 each of these offices is kept separate. 1838-41 1841-44 VVm. Nabors. 1854-45 John W. McKissick. 1845-46 A. A. Gardiner. 1846-48 William McAhron. 1848-49 Dave Grady.* 1849-52 Lovick D. Webb.* 1852-55 Jeremiah Moore.* 1855 J. A. Fitz.t 1855-57 S. Alexander Iriwn. 1858-60 J. A. Fitz. 1860-61 Albert T. Smith. 1861-63 Wm, M. Davidson. t 1863 64 James I. Patton. 1864-65 L. P. Webb. 1865-66 John L. Smith. 1866-67 Thos. W. Smith. 1867 T. P. Hood. 1867 N. B. Ferguson. 1868-73 A. T. Smith. 1873-67 Louis Jost. 1876-80 U. Rabb. 1880-82 Nat. C. Rives. 1882-86 Jno. T. Rankin. 1886 Wm. A. Rankin. 1884-94 B. L. Zapp. 1895 to Pres. time-Aug Loessin. Notes — *Dave Grady, Lovick D. Webb and Jeremiah Moore died during their term of office. tJ. A. Fitz, appointed by District Judge Jno. Hancock. + Wm. M. Davidson, resigned during his term of office. County Teeasurp:rs. Since 1855 the county treasurer gave also bond for the school fund of the county of which he took charge as county treasurer in provision with "An Act to establish a System of Schools, appr. Jan 31, 1854." Bonds for school funds and county funds had to be given separately. —189— 1838-40 1856-58 Edmund V. McAshan. 1840-43 Jerome B. Alexander. 1858 Sam M. McAshan. 1843 James P. Longley. 1858-64 R. S. Carter. 1843 VV. B. Meriwether. 1864-65 B. B. Hudnall. 1844-45 G. W. Sinks. 1865-66 R. P. Decherd. 1845-51 A. L. Vail. 1866-74 A. L. I). Moore. 1851-52 J. B. McFarland. 1874 to pres. time. R. T. Brad- 1852-56-B. B. Hudnall. shaw. County Assessors. From 1847 to 1870 the office of assessor was connected with the office of collector, in the year 1847 Assessor J. W. McKissick was appointed to take the census of the county, the first census taken of Fayette County. In 1858 Assessor N. B. Yancy had to giye bond to take the census of Fayette County correctly in accordance with an Act ap])roved January 18, 1858, entitled "An Act to provide for an enumera- tion of the inhabitants of the State of Texas for the year 1858." 1838-39 Michael R. Gohen. 1865-66 \Vm. Lewis, Sr. ' 1839-40 Wm. Nabors. 1866 69 R. J. Goode. 1840-46 S. S. B, Fields. 1869 Henry Renick. 1846-49 J. VV. McKissick. 1869-76 Reinhardt Hillebrandt. 1849-54 \V. B. McClellan. 1876-80 VV. S. Kobson. 1854-56 J. C. Stribbling. 1880-82 U. Rabb. 1856-60 Napoleon B. Yancy. 1892-96 G. A. Heilig. 1860-65 Jno. C. Cabaniss. 1896 to pres. time. C. H. Stein- man n. Tax Colleotors. This office was connected till 1847 with the sheriff's office, then up to 1870 with the assessor's office, then to 187(5 again with the sheriff's office and since 1876 it is established separately. 1876 82 J. R, Scates. 1882 to pres.time. Neal Robison. County Suiiveyors. 1838-42 D. Green. 1877-86 Richard A. Doss. 1842-44 James P. Hudson. 1886-88 R. Koper. 1844-48 VV. Lindsay. 1888-90 E. R. Vogt. 1848-52 Z. M. P. French. 1890-96 Wm. Menefee. 1852 J. B. Armstrong. 1896-98 J. D. Romberg. 1873-76 Richard A. Doss. 1898-1900 Theo. Dieckert. 1876-77 Homer B. Hill. 1900 to pres. time. E. R. Vogt. —100— County School Superintendents. There was an office of county superintendent also during some time of the era of reconstruction. This office was abol- ished in 1876. The last superintendent of that period was Fred Seydler. His books were found correct. At his departure from tiiis office, he was commended by the court for faithful performance of duty and furnished with a copy of this order. The office of county school superintendent was again created by the commissioners' court in 1895. In 1898 the question, if the county superintendent's office should be abolished was submitted at the general election to the vote of the people. They decided for the continuance of this office. 1894 96 E. Heimann. 1998 to pves. time. G. A. Stifr- 1896-98 J. H. O'Bar. ling. District Clerks. 1838-42 1865-66 \Vm. B. McClellan. 1842-46 James P. Longley. 1966 Theo. Carter. 1846 M. H. Sellers. 1867 Elijah Hanbrough. 1846-47 James S. Woolley. 1873-76 T. T. Alexander.* 1847-54 Theodore Carter. 1776-94 Jno. B, HoUoway. 1854-65 R. S. Carter. 1894-98 C. L, Neese. 1858-65 Theo. Carter. 1898 to pres. time. J. E. Baker. Note. — *T. T. Alexander who was again elected to office in 1876 did not qualify and district judge L. H. Moore appointed J. B. HoUo- way. — 191— COUNTY OFFICERS. Joseph Echols Baker. Joseph Echols Baker, the district clerk of Fayette County, belongs to some of the oldest families of the United States. His ancestors on both sides, on his father's side as well as on his mother's side were in America already "in good old Colony Times." His ancestry on both sides were patriots and the male part distinguished themselves on the fields of battle, sometimes as "'rebels," but always in the right. J. E. Baker, their son, proved himself worthy of his ancestry. He served during the entire war in the confederate army, and after the close of the war, he was denied for years the right of suffrage on account of his war record. But he remained faithful to his convictions. His reward came too. After the overthrow of the carpet-bag govern- ment, the wliite people rewarded his sterling worth and elected him to ofEce. He has served tiie people in some public capaci- ty for the last thirty years, principally as justice of the peace and city secretary of La Grange. He has been deputy district clerk since the adoption of the constitution in 187(). He was elected district clerk in 1898 in which office he, on account of his long experience, served the people with great ability. His parents were Leonard and Lamira (Garner) Baker; his father was a native of Virginia; his mother, a native of Tenn- essee. Joseph Echols, their son, was born May 9, 1845, in Nashville, Tenn. After the war he came to Texas. In October he married Miss Patti Davidson of the Davidson— Caldwell family who has resided in Texas over fifty years. They came from Bedford County, Tennessee, and still further back from "Quid Ireland." The children of Mr. and Mrs. Baker are: Mrs. Jose])hine Thompson, Lieut. Leonard Baker, U. S. A., and Miss Tibbie Hay Baker. —192— Sam C. Lowrey. A proof that the people of Fayette County welcome a new- comer, provided he is of the right kind, gives the career of the subject of this sketch, Sam C. Lowrey. He came to this county in 1896, and four years later he was popular enougli to be elected by the peo- ple as county attorney by a very fine vote. Sam C. Lowrey is a na- tive of the state famous for fair women, good whiskey and fine horses. He was born August 26, 1868, in Troy, Woodford County, Kentucky, right in the heart of the blue grass re- gion. His parents are Dr. John C. Lowrey and Jane Guyer Lowrey. He was educated at the Central University of Richmond, Ky. , and received the de- gree of A. B. of that institution in June, 1892. He then entered the Washington and Lee University of Lexington, Va., graduated in law in June, 1895, and received his diploma as L.L.B. He was admitted in Lexington, Va., to the bar of Virginia in 1895 and in Nicholsville, Ky., to the bar of Kentucky in 1896. During the same year he came to Texas. He first struck LaGrange, and as he liked the place, he did not look out for a second location, but located right here. He opened a law office and practised law. In April, 1899, he was elected city attorney of LaGrange. April 15, 1899, he was married to Miss Carrie McKinney of this city. Li 1900 he was elected to the office of county attorney. The people did not misplace their confidence. He has prov- en an efficient and faithful officer and thereby increased consider- ably the number of his friends. I Sam C. Lowrey, —193— RuD, Klatt. All the people who have had business in the county clerk's office speak in words of high recommendation of the efficiency and accommodation of its popular occupant. Rud. Klatt has held this office for five terms and during that time has constantly increased his reputation for accuracy, carefulness and faithful- fulness. The duties of a county clerk are various, very arduous and require great ability. An inexperienced man might create in that office a world of con- fusion. The people are gen- erally glad, if they have elected to that office an efficient man. If he has proven efficient, if he is accommodating and un- assuming as the present incumbent, he becomes so solid with the people that an opponent does not offer to run against him, he very rightly ])resuming the verdict of the ])enple to be in the incum- bent's favor. The career of Rud. Klatt has not always been without its thorns and reverses. At the youthful age i)f six years he lost his fatiier. at the age of nine, his mother. An older sister took care of him. Later he had the mis- fortune to lose his left arm in a cornshucker and sheller. Rut we always find him undaunted at his post of duty, doing his duty toward himself and his fellow-citizens. The parents of Rud. Klatt were Andreas and Anna Klatt, nee Krause. They were farmers in the county of Wongrovie, l)rovince of Posen, Germany. Rudolph was born there July 12, 1858 and came with his parents to the United States in 185G. They settled at Welcome, Austin County, Texas. His fatlier Rud. Klatt. —194 — died when Rudolph was only six, his mother, when he was nine j^ears old. Thus, he was left an orphan in a hard world. His older sister took care of hini. He was educated at private schools in Berlin, Washington County, and High Hill, B'ayette County. All his spare time he emyloyed in getting a better education, studying by himself. He farmed till the age of tvvent3'-one years. He than clerked for Roos Bros., Brenham, Texas, for one year. We next hear of him as manager of the cotton gin and oil mill at High Hill. Here he lost his jeft arm. After farming in the year 1879, he passed his teacher's exami- nation in the fall of that year, and followed the profession of teaching for a period of thirteen years. From 1879 to 1881 he taught at Sedan, from 1881 to 1S85, at Middle Creek, from 1885 to 1887 at the La Grange High School, from 1887 to 1892 at Koundtop. He was recognized ns an able and efficient teacher throughout the county and served from 1885 to 1890 on the board of examiners. He was married in 1875 to Miss Marie Hillje of High Hill. His children are Miss Selma, at home; Arthur, assistant mana- ger of the Weimar Oil works; Paul, rice farmer and manager of a large rice farm near Lane City, Wharton County; Hedwig and Annie, at home. August Loessin. There is no man in the county who is liked better by part of the population of this county and feared and hated more by the other part than August Loessin. The law-abiding citizens look with with confidence and pride upon him, the lawless element gives him a wide berth and prefers very much not to be in his august presence. Not that he is not a sociable, unas- suming gentleman, but the criminally disposed have every reason to shun him. As sheriff of the county he has made a record for fearlessness and energy not surpassed anywhere in Texas. Numerous are the instances where he has arrested criminals who had escaped the clutches of the law; very often he reached into his own pocket to effect their arrest in order that the people might be protected in their lives and properties. It —195— is largely due to his efforts that this county enjoys a reputation for law and order hardly equaled anywhere in the state. August Loessin was born February 19, 1853, in Prussia and came with his parents, Fritz Loessin and Frederike Loessin, nee Ramthun, when he was only three weeks old, to the United States. The healthy sea-breeze was no doubt favorable to the development of his strength. He is now considered one of the strongest men in the county. His parents first settled near Fayetteville and in 1865 they moved to Black Jack Springs. Here his fatiier died in 1809; his mother is still living on the old homestead. August Loessin was edu- cated in the private and public schools at Faj-etteville and Black Jack Springs. Up to 1882 he farmed at Black Jack and Swiss Alp. In 1875 he married Miss Louise Stege- mann at the latter place. In 1882 he went into the mercan- tile business at Cedar in which he was engaged till 1894. In that year he was elected sher- iff. Since tliat time he has lilled this office to llie general satisfaction of the people. august loessin. In his arduous duties as sheriff he is very ably and faithfully assisted by his two brothers, Willie and Hermann Loessin. K. T. Bradshav^'. If a name has ever been popular in the county, if a name has ever been mentioned with words of praise and respect, if a name has ever stood as the emblem of faithfulness and honesty, it is the name of the treasurer of Fayette County, R. T. Bradshaw. — 1^)0— For nearly thirty years he has been at the head of the financial department of the county, the best proof of the implicit confi- dence the people place m his honesty and reliability. If a stranger should meet this unassuming gentleman, he most likely would take him for a substantial, well-to-do farmer. The fact that his success has not affected in the least his modest, unas- suming manners, that he is still the quiet, friendly gentleman he used to be in days gone by, that he is still the faithful friend and servant of the people thoroughly identified with their in- terests, taking a sympathetic share in their joys and sorrows has given him a hold on tlieir affection so that they look upon him rather as an aged relative than as the treasurer of this county. Thus, ''Uncle Bob" in Fayette County means R. T. Brads haw. Mr. R. T. Bradshavv was born November 6, 1839, in Bedford County, Tennessee. His parents were Amsi and Hannah Bradshaw ; the form- er, a Presbyterian minister. In 1857 the family moved from Bedford County, Tennessee, to LaGrange. Here his par- ents remained till their death. Mr. R. T. Bradshaw started in the general merchandise business in LaGrange in the year 1859. Three years later he entered a cavalry regiment R. T. Bradshaw. , , • , i • and served as a private during the Civil War. After the close of the war he returned to La Grange, clerked there for Carter, Webb & Co., then for Capt. S. Alexander and later for White & Bradshaw. He was elected county treasurer in 1872. but the former incumbent of the office making a contest, it was as late as February 11, 1874, before he qualitied and assumed charge of the office, This office he has -197— filled to such satisfaction to the people that he has been elected generally without any opposition, opposing candidates oiiering themselves only at great intervals not for election, but only for defeat. jMr. R. T. Bradshaw was married in August, 1860 to Miss Anna L. Cook of Fayette County. To their union were born three children: Anna, wife of Mr. lilackstone White of I^a Grange ; Amsi Bradshaw, farmer in Wharton County ; Miss Mabel, attending school at Dallas. C. H. Stein MANN. The following is a sketch of the popular and efficient as- sessor of this county, C. H. Steinmann. He is a native Fayette County boy and by his affable and gentlemanly manners has acijuired a wide-spread [)opu- larity in the county of his birth. On account of this pop- ularity he was elected asses- sor of the county at the youth- ful age of twenty-three years. His devotion to his work, his faithful performance of the duties of his office have met with the general approval of the people ; and, therefore, the number of his friends has considerably increased. C. H. Steinmann was born at the East Navidad on Aug. 15, 1873. His parents are Chris, and Louise Steinmann, They came to this county when quite young. Chris. Steinmann came to this country in 1849 and settled on the Bluff; later he moved to the East Navidad, six miles north of Schulenburg where he is still engaged in farming and stock raising. C. H. Steinmann. — 19g— C. H. Steiumanu attended the public schools of Walker Branch, Middle Creek and Schnlenburg. He then studied at the A. and M. College and at HilPs Business College at Waco. After graduating at the latter college he accepted a position as bookkeeper for M. M. Kemp & Co., Cameron, Texas. From 1893 to 1895 he kept books for P. B. Stephenson in Yoakum, Texas. In 1896 he returned to his native county, made the race for assessor and was elected by a nice vote. His work has met with the general approval of the people, and he has been re-elected to that ofhce twice without opposition, the best proof of his efficiency and popularity. Neal Robison. The name of Robison has more than once adorned the pages of Texas History. The reader remembers of having found the name of the father of tlie present tax collector in a pre- vious part of this history as one of the captors of Santa Anna. Other men may be proud of the feats of their ancestors, but Neal Robison, in his simple democratic way, holds that the reputation in- herited from one's ancestors must be acquired by proving one's self worthy of it. The merit of the ancestors must shine also in their descend- ants, if they shall have the right to be proud of it. And Neal Robison has proved him- self worthi'' as a chip of the old block. For twenty years he has filled the office of tax collector, the repeated verdict of the people being the very best proof of his high standing amongst them. NEAL ROBISON. —199— The parents of Neal Robison were Joel W. and Emily Robison, nee Alexander. l£is fatlier was born in Georgia, tl)en moved to the southern portion of Florida and came from that state to Texas in 1829. Neal's mother came to Texas in 1830 from Paducah, Kentucky. They were married in 1838. Their son Neal was born July 6, 1848 in the neighborhood of the present VVarrenton. He was educated in private schools of that neighborhood. From 1860 to 1862 he was a student in Prof. Dechard's Academy at La Grange, Texas. In 1863 he entered the Bastrop Military Institute, then in charge of Col. R. T. 1. Allen, a West Point graduate. There he remained until 1865. After the war the present Governor J. D. ISayers was one of the teachers of the Institute, and Neal Robison received the benetit of his instruction. From 1867 to 1869 he was a student in the law class of the University of Virginia, of which institution he became a graduate in International and Constitutional Law (1869). In that year he returned to Texas and in 1872 he went into the general merchandise business with his father at Warrenton. There he remained till 1878. In the following year he came to La Grange, where he married Miss Hallie P. Carter, the daughter of John H. Carter, a successful merchant of La Grange. From 1880 to 1882 he was engaged in buying cotton in La Grange. In the fall of the latter year he was elected tax collector, which olHce ha has held ever since. His son, Joel Rush Robison, was born at La Grange in 1883. He stays at home with his father and assists him in his work. G. A. Stierling. The reader will now be made acquainted witli a few data in ' the life of our Public School Superintendent. When in ihe year 1898 the voice of the people, on account of his long experi- ence in teaching, called him to that office, it hardly could have secured a better man for that position. Conservative, attentive to his duties, he silently, but steadily works for the good of the schools ; a work, not much noised about, but none the less valuable ; a work in which more hard work is to be done, more judgment and common sense to be employed than glory to be earned. —200— Mr. G. A. Stierliiig, the son of E. G. Stierling, an owner of privileged estate, was born in 1850 on the estate of Kressin, Mecklenburg — Schwerin, Germany. He received a superior education at the gymnasium of Klausthal, Hanover, a school famous for classical learning. In 1868 he entered the 90th regi- ment as one year volunteer for military service. In 1869 we find him far away from the fatherland engaged in the mercantile branch of the tobacco business at Dunedin, New Zealand. During the Franco-German war he went back to Ger- many and entered the 84th Schleswig-Holstein bataillon. In December 1871 he came to Texas. Here, he lirst entered the mercantile busi- ness and secured a position with H. Miller in Bellville, next he was employed by H. Knittel in Burton. In 1874 he was married to Miss Exa Moses. 1879 was the first year he engaged in teaching; he has taught with great suc- cess in Washington, Austin, Bastrop and Fayette Counties and established a reputation as a thorough and competent teacher. In 1898 he was elected to the office of public school superintendent of Fayette County. His work in this office has deserved and also met with the approval of the people. His two oldest sons haye chosen their father's profession of teaching. His oldest son, Mr. John L. Stierling, is principal of the Shiner school and has been elected this year as principal of the Germania school in Fayettevilie. His second son, Mr. Hubert F. Stierling was engaged as teacher of the Bluff school ; both gentlemen are successful teachers. G. A. Stierling. —201— THE BENCII AND BAR OF FAYETTE COIT]NrTY. There has been no iieriod in the History of Texas when Fayette County has not played a leadinof or at least prominent part in tlie affairs of this state. She owed her prominence largely to that galaxy of superior minds who as her citizens adorned the bench and bar of the state. These public-spirited citizens dis- tinguislied themselves not only as lawyers, but also as patriots and history makers of the country,, The reader understands the inlluence which Fayette County exerted in the afiairs of Texas when he looks at the list of n?mes of lawyers who have practiced in La Grange and adorned the bar of Fayette County, viz.. A, J. Hamihun, J. W. Stajton, Fred. Chandler, \V. G. Welsli, Vu\. B. Timmons, H. Teiclmiueller, Vol. Ellis, Major Jarn.on, Capt. 11. H. Thelps, Capt. \V. H. Ledbetter, Major B. F. Dunn and a great many others. They are dead, but their patriotic spirit lives after them in the present Fayette County. Bar who have ciiosen their shining examples to guide their conduct and inspire their ambition. Many of the district judges who had occupied tlie bench of Fayette County distinguished themselves later on as mem- bers of Congress and influenced and shaped national legisla- tion. Fayette County belonged during the days of the Republic of Texas to the Third Judicial District; the judges of that dis- trict were: U. M. Williamson, October 1838-39; John T. Mills, October 1839-41; Robt. E. B. Baylor, October 1841 to fall of 184G. In the latter 3'ear Texas was admitted to the Union; the judi- cial districts were redistricted and Fayette County was placed in the Second Judicial District. The judges of this district were: From fall 1846 to May 18.j2 Hon. Wni. E. Jones; from May 1852 to March 1856 John Hancock; from March 1S56 to Novem- ber 1856 Thomas Duval. In the year 1856 the judicial districts of Texas were again redistricted and Fayette County now belonged to the First Judicial District. The judges of this dis- trict were: From November lS56-59(?) James M. Bell; 1859-65 —202— George W. Smith; ]865-66 Ben Shropshire; Oct.-Dec. 1867 J. B. McFarland. During the era of Reconstruction district judges were appointed by military orders. After the adoption of the constitution of 1876 Fayette County was placed in the Twenty- second Judicial District. The district judges of this district were: From November 1876 to 1884 L. W . Moore; 1884-1901 H. Tbichmueller, and since then again L. W. Moore. The writer could not obtain data on the life of all the dis- trict judges who occupied the bench of Fayette County. He therefore gives to the reader those skezches which he was able to obtain. R. M. Williamson. The first man called to preside in the District Court was Robert M. Williamson, one of the historical characters of the Republic of Texas. He resided at that time in the old town of Washington on the Brazos. He was, upon the organization of the judiciary of the Republic, selected Judge of the Third Judicial District, of which Fayette County was a part. He held this important position from October 1838 to October 1889 when he resigned and again took up liis practice. He was born in Georgia in 1806, and came to Texas in about 1826. Early in life he was attacked by white swelling in one of liis legs, which stiffened his knee and made it necessary for him to wear a w.ooden leg, and thus he acquired the sobriquet, "Tiiree Legged Willie," by which name he was universally known in Texas. Judge Williamson was a great lawyer. He was famed for his eloquence and bright flashes of wit. Like all truly great lawyers and judges, he was always kind and courteous to the young men at the bar. He died at Independence, Washington county, in December 1858. —203— R. E. 13. Baylor. The third man to occupy the bench hi Fayette County was a Fayette County man. R. E. B. Bayh)r was born in Kentucky in 1813 and came to Fayette Countv, Texas, in 1839. He was a law3'er and a preacher. He was appointed District Judge in 1841 and for a while was a member of the Supreme Court of the Republic. His decisions would indicate that he followed the dictates of his own judgment as to what was justice, rather than precedents of the courts of older jurisdiction. However, he was a good judge and very popular with the people. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1845, and, notwitli- standing that he was a preacher, framed the clause excluding ministers of the gospel from holding civil office. Those old Texans were very jealous of the liberty they had achieved, and everything was done tliat man could do to prevent a possible union of Church and State. This man's character was good and pure; by his example he did much to elevate and purify the bar. Baylor University was named after him. He died at Independ- ence in December, 1878. He was the last judge to preside over the courts of Fayette County during tlie existence of the Republic of Texas. John Hancock. Judge John Hancock was born in Jackson County, Alabama, October 24lli, 1824. In early life he worked upon a farm, but soon left it to take up the study of the law. In 1847 he came to Texas, locating at Austin. He made friends by his frugal and industrious habits and in 1851, when not quite 27 years of age, was elected Judge of the 2nd Judicial District of Texas, of which Fayette County was a part. He was undoubtedly the youngest man who had ever been called to the bench in Texas. If there were those in Fayette County, who doubted the wisdom of his selection because of his youth, their doubts were soon dispelled. He opened court one beautiful May morning in 1852 at La Grange, and announced that no lawyer, witness or juror would be called from the court house ; they must be on hand or pay a —204 — fine. This was the firot time this time-saving rule, now so com- monly in vogue in District Courts, was announced. In those days the District Court had jurisdiction of misdemeanors, and the one most commonly violated and at that time generally pros- ecuted was the violation of gaming laws. Prior to the advent of Judge Hancock, it had been customary, when the boys were fined, for the sherifi'to turn the boys loose and let them settle up when they got ready. The result was that very few fines were paid. Judge Hancock put a stop to this and the boys had to pay up or go to jail. He was a hard worker, conscientious in the discharge of his duties and proved to be an able judge. In 1856 he retired from the bench and returned to his [)rac- tice. The records of Texas Courts show that few men, if any, appeared in more cases than Judge Hancock. He was said to be the ablest lawyer in the state. He was not an orator in the common acceptation of that term ; he was not a brilliant man, but he worked constantly at whatever there was to do. His mind was a powerful one. It is said that he was never known to spend an idle moment upon the streets during his over forty years' residence in Austin. His rule was to be never away from his office, unless he was engaged in the court room, or elsewhere on business. He was never known to break an engagement of any kind. He was a democrat, although a strong Union man. In 1870 the democrats of this Congressional District tendered him tlie nomination for Congress. He declined it because of professional duties that required liis attention. But in 1872, tne democrats practically compelled him to accept the nomination. He was elected until 18<7, when he was defeated for the nomination, through the efforts of certam politicians. The people so resented this treatment of this popular man, that they defeated the nom- inee who succeeded him. In all Texas there were probably no more interesting and exciting campaigns than those between Judge Hancock and Col. "Wash." Jones for Congress in Fayette County. He died in Austin. His fame as a judge and lawyer will live and grow brighter as the years pass away. —205 — Thomas H. Duval. Thomas H, Duval, one of the brightest minds that ever graced the bench of Texas, succeeded Judge Hancock. He served only for a short time, holding but one term of Court in Fayette County, he leaving the bench of the District Court to accept the position of Federal Judge for the Western District of Texas. Judge Duval was born in Buckingham County, Virginia, removed to Kentucky and from there to Florida with his father's family, and in 1845 he came to Austin, Texas. He died October 10th, 1889, at the age of G7. James H. Bell. James H. Bell, who succeeded Thomas H. Duval as Judge of the District Court in 185G, was the first and strange to say, is the only native Texan who has ever presided over the District Court of Fayette County. He was born in the town of Colum- bia, in Brazoria County on January 21, 1820. It is claimed that he was the first white child born in Austin's colony. Be tliis as it ma3\ he was surely the first white child born in Texas, who grew to manhood to become one of Texas' ablest jurists. Young Bell was sent to Braidstown, Kentucky, where he was educated. In 1843 he attended Cambridge Universit}'-, Mass., where he finished his studies in the law, commenced prior to that time in the law otlice of William H. Jack. In 1852, at the age of 32, he was elected District Judge, and in 185G, bv a redis- tricting of the State, Fayette County was placed in his District. In 1858 the people of the State called this gifted son of Texas trom the District Court; bench to a seat on the Supreme C )urt of Texas, where he remained until 1864 when he returned to his practice. In 1873 when the people of Texas by a decisive vote elected Coke Governor and thus undertook to oust the carpet- bag regime of E. J. Davis, it will be remembered that the latter attempted to hold onto the office. It was then that James H. Bell went to Washington and interviewed President (Irant and induced the president to decline to interfere. And Coke was installed as Governor. Judge Bell was one of the most eminent Judges Texas has produced. Many old citizens of La Grange and Fayette County remember him and are his ardent admirers to this day. J. F.\\\ —206- MEMBERS OF FAYETTE COUNTY BAR. J. C. Bkown. The surroundings of a man furnish very often a key, if not to his character, at least to his likes and dislikes. The building in which he dwells is in many cases a criterion of his taste. One of the oldest building! in La Grange is the Masonic Tem- ple, a simple, solid, massive structure. It recedes somewhat from the line of buildings fronting the street as if to indicate that conscious of its strength it can do without the attention of the public. There, in that simple, solid building has been for a generation the office of the oldest practising lawyer of the La Grange bar. His professional work in that office has made its impress on the pages of the reports of the higher Texas and United States courts. The solving of legal problems in that office has done its full share in directing the current of public opinou and giving line to the channels of business in Fayette County. Very much like the building, its occupant keeps out of the public throng. He has made the study of law his life work aud devoted all his energy to it. His motto is that per- severance will reach the furthest goal, .1. C. Brown is the descendant of one of the oldest families in the United States. His great-grandfather on the paternal side was a soldier in the Revolutionary War under General Gates. His great-grandfather on the maternal side was also a soldier in the Revolutionary War and was wounded in the battle of Bunker Hill. His father's parents were Kilbey and Rachel Jackson Brown. The former was born near Danville, Va., May 1, 1787 and died in Houston County, Ga., on October 5, 1856. The latter, nee Rachel Jackson, was born in North Carolina March 27, 1788 and died in Fayette County, Texas, December 5, 1858. Their son -207— was W. A. (William Anderson) Brown, the father of J. C. Brown, the subject of this sketch. His mother's parents were John and Hannah Shields Jen- kins. The former was born in Holland January 7, 1789 and died in Mobile, Ala., May 13, 1858. The latter, nee Shields, was born September 17, 1791 and died April 12, 1866 in Fayette County, Texas. Their daughter was Celiua Jane Jenkins, the mother of J. C. The father of Mr, Brown of LaGrange, William Anderson Brown, a well known surgeon and practitioner of medicine in Fayette County from the winter of 1856 until the spring of 1882, was born in the state of Georgia July 27, 1818; his mother, Celina Jane Jenkins was born in Georgia May 3, 1825. They wfre marred July 16, 1843 in Houston County, Ga. His father died March 10, 1898 in Los Angeles County, California; his mother is yet living in Los Angeles County, Cal. J. C. Brown, the eldest child of W. A. and C. J. Brown, was born in Houston County, Ga., September 12, 1845. His parents moved to Texas in the winter of 1856 and settled in Fayette County, Texas, near the present town of Winchester and close to the Bastrop County line. J. C. was educated at private country schools at and about Winchester and later in the school in La Grange taught by Prof. R. P. Dechard. In the fall of 1863 he enlisted in Company C, 19th Texas Cavalry, and served there to the close of the civil war. He took part in the battle of Willow Bayou in 1864. After the war he stayed at home and studied again for about one and a half years in the Winchester school. In 1867-68 he was a student in the law class of the University of Virginia. He returned to La Grange and obtained licence to practise law in August 186S and since has devoted himself exclusively to the practise of his profession. As Hon. L. W. Moore, who was practising law when he came to the bar, is now on the bench, Mr. Brown is the oldest practising lawyer at the La Grange bar. He has occupied his present law oflfice since July 10, 1869. a period of thirty-three years. He married Miss Olivia J. Dancy of La Grange January 21, 1871. She was the second daughter of Col. John W. Dancy, an —208— early settler and a prominent man in the public aflairs of Fayette County up to the time of his deatli in 1864, and the latter's wife, Mrs. Lucy A Dancy. To the union of Mr. J. C. lirown and Miss Dancy were born live children of whom Leon Dancy Brown, now a student in the Ihiiversity of Texas, alone survives. His wife died February 19, 1882 at La Grange. Ne again married on October 1. 1884, choosing for his life's partner Miss Mallie Hill, daughter of M. H. and Mary Jane Hill of Fayette County. Tliis union has been blessed by three children; the eldest of these, Joe C. Brown, Jr., is now attend- ing Major Bingham's school at Asheville, N. C, the second, Master Mills Brown, and the youngest, Mildred Knox Brown, are yet pupils in the LaGrange School. J. T. Duncan. The subject of this sketch, J. '1. Duncan, is an old member of the Fayette County bar, a law3'^er of repute and extensive practice. For years he has studied constantly all new questions of law as soon as they arose, paid the closest attention to busi- ness and served successfully his large clientage. Besides being a master in his profession, he has acquired by extensive reading a liberal education. He takes an interestin all public questions, but not to such an extent as to push himself into the front as a leader. In fact, he admitted to this writer tiiat he had made only one political speech in his life and that was fifteen years ago. He is the descendant of an old family of Washington County, Texas. His father belongs to one of the first and earli- est families of Kentucky, his mother to an old family of Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania, His maternal grandfather Dallas came to Texas in 18oo and settled near Independence, Washington County. His father, George J. Duncan, also came to that county and settled there in 1839; he took part in Somervell's mismanaged expedition, but went only as far as Laredo with him, when he and two hundred others, having no faith in Somervell, made use of his permission to return home and marched oft' under Colonel Ben- nett, thus escaping the disaster that overtook the balance of the —209— expedition at the battle of Mier (Dec. 19, 1842). On his return to Washington, he resumed blacksmithing as his occupa- tion. In 1851 he was married to Miss Bettie Dallas of Washing; ton County. He resided in Washington County to 1880, when he moved to Milam County; there he died at a ripe old age in 1893. His union with Miss Dallas was blessed with five children. The subject of this sketch, their son, J. T. Duncan, was born in Washington County, Texas, in 1851. He was educated in Baylor University at Inde- pendence, then an institution of great repute, and graduated in 1877. It was there that he acquired a love for self-study a n d investigation w h i c h should prove such a great advantage to him in after life. Immediately after graduation he entered the law office of Timmons & Brown of J^a Grange as a law student. He was admitted to tiie practice of law in June 1878 and sub- sequently formed a partner- shii) with R. J. Ajjdrews which lasted till 1881 when the latter died. He was ap- pointed Mayor of La Grange [| in 1878 and was then elected and served in that office till 1882. Since that time he has not aspired to public positions. He is attorney for the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway Company, a position he fills to the entire satisfaction of the people interested. In January 1885 he formed a partnership with Judge L. W. Moore, distinguished as xMember of Congress and District Judge, under the firm name of Moore & Duncan. In 1897 the partnership was dissolved, and in the same year he f . T. DUNCAN. —210— formed a partnership with \V. S. Robson, which is continued to tlie present time. He was married January 11, 1881 to Miss Genelle Harris of Bellville, Texas, the eldest daughter of Ben T. Harris, deceased. This union was blessed with three children. Miss Josephine, Miss Frankie and Douglass, all at home. Mr. Duncan is a member of the A. 0. U. W. and Knights of Honor. Hon. H. M. Garwood. Such readers as are not personally ac(|uainted with Hon. H. M. Garwood, have at least often heard of him as an eloquent speaker, an able debater and a close reasoner. Hon. Garwood is a member of the old established law firm of Brown, Lane tk Garwood and a member of the Bastrop, LaGrange and Houston Bar. lie is a resident of Houston, but is called to practice in the courts of South Texas generally. He has repeatedly been elected to or honored with public offices. His present office is regent of the State University, The })arents of H. M. Garwood were C. B. and Frances Garwood, nea Walker. His father was a prominent merchant of Bastrop, where he died in 18S(J. His aged mother still resides there. H. M. was born January 11, 1804. He was educated at the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee, and grad- uated in that institution with the degree of Bachelor of Science. After his return from the university he studied law at Bastrop in the office of present Governor J. D. Sayers. He was ad- mitted to the bar November 4, 1885. He began the practice of law witf> R. L. Batts of Austin, Texas, was associated with lion. G. W. Jones and Capt. B. D. Orjain at Bastrop, Texas, and on August 1, 1899, formed partnership with J. C. Brown and Jonathan Lane at LaGrange. Hon. H. M. Garwood has taken a great interest in all public questions ; he has studied and discus.sed them before the people. He is exceedingly pop- ular and has secured every office f)r which he went before the people. From 18SG-8S he represented Bastrop County in the Lower House of the Twentieth Legislature; from 18S8 to 1890 —211— lie served as county judge of Kastrop County ; from 1S90 to 1892 he represented Bastrop County in the Senate of tlie Twen- ty-Second Legislature. In all these offices his eminent services attracted the attention of the people and gained him a wide- spread reputation. lion. H. M. Garwood was married August 8, 1890 to Miss Hettie Pag3, daughter of Col. P. D. Page of Bryan, Texas, They are the parents of three children: Calvin Garwood, age seven; St. John Garwood, age live, and Louise Garwood, age two and a half years. Judge Auuustinf Haidusek. Judge A. Haidusek is known generally throughout the state, but his peculiarities are known only to his intimate friends. As these peculiarities constitute the man, some of them may he mentioned. He possesses a wonderful perseverance and inde- fatigable energy ; hence his efi'orts have been crowned with suc- cess ; is of strong will power, but not obstinate — and of decided views on all questions which he never hesitates to express if re- quested to do so ; but generally keeps bis own counsel, knows wliat be wants and bow to obtain it; is very liberal, generous and always ready to help the needy. Has many warm friends, but also some bitter enemies. Maybe pronounced a self-made man. Speaks P^nglish, German and Bohemian and is possessed of fair general information. His i)arents were Valentine Haidusek, m-e Kladiva. They as well as their ancestors were tillers of the soil and resided at ]\— a village in the northeast of Moravia near the Carpathian Mountains wiiere they owned considerable land whicl) Valentine Haidusek inherited from his fr.ther, Georse Haidusek, This was the birth place of A. Haidusek (born September 184G). His mother died in the first part of 1847— leaving surviving her three children and her husband ; tlie oldest, Theresa, now Lebeda, residing in Fayette County ; the next, John who died in Capt. Alexander's Comi)any at Browsville, February 14, 18153, and tlie youngest, Augustine. After the death of his mother he was placed in the care of Mrs. Macliacek, his aunt, who kept him. —212- until his father married Miss Mary Broz in 184S, who resides with her son Hynek Haidusek on the family homestead, three miles west of Schulenburg. In September, 1856, his father left the old country with his family for Texas and in November landed in Houston. From there they traveled in an ox wagon to LaGrange where they re- sided two weeks, then settled on East Navidad, now Dubina, with six other Bohemian families. They were the first Bohem- ians that settled west of tlie Colorado River. From that place her father moved on the farm west of Schulenburg and died there December 23, 18G7. Augustine had some knowl- edge of the Bohemian before leaving the old country, and in this country iiis father be- came I) is teacher. Of the PiMglish language he knew notliing until the beginning of the C^onfedetate war when fie went to school to old man Black. In LSGo he went witli a drove of beeves to Louisiana wiiich swam the Mississippi at Fort Hudson and were sold to the confederate government. Upim his return he enlisted in Company F, Bates' Regiment, stationed at Velasco. June G, 18G5, he returned home and helped his father to make a crop. In 18G6 farmed and went to school to old man Mays below Weimar. In 18G7 clerked for G. W. White in LaGrange for several months, then went home and in the fall cut and split 4000 post-oak rails for George Morysak and studied English by firelight. In 1868 he farmed and during the summer taught school, and in 1869 settled in La Grange, read law in the office of Judge A. Haidusek. —213— Messrs. Jarmon & Cross and on December 22, 1870, was admitted to the bar. He was the first Bohemian to be admitted to prac- tise law in tlie United Slates. Duruig the congressional cam- paign between John Hancock of Austin and Degner of San Antonio and between Giddings of Brenham and Clark of Gal- veston, he worked hard for democracy. Both democrats were elected. Those were trying days for democracy in Texas. Elections were held at county seats and voters were under police supervision, but they submitted to it, knowing that liberty was at stake. In 1872 he taught school at Ross Prairie, near Fay- etteville, and in May of that year married Miss Anna Beckn, a daughter of John and Catherine Becka. wliu resided at liot^s Prairie. Miss Anna Becka, now Mrs. A. Haidusek, was born near Bellville, Austin County, Texas, in June 1856. Five chil- dren were born to A. and Anna Haidusek, of wiiom Jerome, George and Vlasta are living. Tlieir first child, a boy, and the last, a girl, are dead. Jerome married Miss Fannie Mosig and Vlasta married Joseph Koss. George is a student of the State University at Austin, Texas. In 1874 A Haidusek wss elected cliairman of the demo- cratic executive committee of Fayette County. At tlie city election of 1875 he was elected mayor of LaGrange, defeating Mr. A. H. Brandt. He was the lirst Bohemian mayor elected in the United States. Re elected in 1877, defeating P. Y. Mc- Ashan. During the campaign of 1878, he ran for the office of county judge against Hon. J. C. Stiebl, but was defeated. In 1880 the democrats, assembled in convention in Giddings, nominated him as a candidate to represent the counties of Fayette and Lee in the Seventeenth Legislature. He accepted the nomination in an open letter in which he stated that, if elected, he would advocate the measures of the minority plat- form which had been rejected by the democrats at a state con- yention held at Dallas. He was elected, defeating Jolni L. Smith by over 2000 majority. In the legislature he introduced two amendments to the state constitution, one to amend the immigration clause so as to authorize the dissemination in for- eign countries of the revenues and benefits of Texas, one to autliorize the investment of tho permanent school fund iu —214— county bonds, etc. Both ])ropositions were defeated. He opposed the amendment to the constitution proposing to require voters to pay their poll tax before allowing them to vote which was introduced by ('. L. VVurzbach of San Antonio, and secured the amending of the law, compelling county convicts to work public roarls. In 1882 he was urged by some of his friends to run as an independent candidate for the office of representa- tive in congress, to which he replied in an open letter that he was a democrat for principle, not for office, that he proposed to stand by the democracy because the party in 185G wlien "know- nothingism" was rampani stood by the foreigners. In 1884 he was elected county judge of Fayette County, defeating Hon. J. C. Stiehl. Served six years as judge. Worked zealously to improve the public schools and especially the teachers. Required the school trustees to eniploy teachers able to teach the Englisii language, urging the teachers to make English the language of tlie school. For this he was pronounced a renegade by nearly all the Bohemian papers in the United States. Particularly the Slovan, a Bohemian weekly, published and edited by Joseph Cida at La Grange, Texas, very much incensed the Bohesiiians of Texas against the judge and they held indignation meetings, condemning his efforts in trying to make English the language of the school-room in Bohemian localities. To counteract the evil tendencies of the Slovan, the friends of the judge started another Bohemian paper, the Svoboda. It was a joint stock company, consisting of about fifty members. A man from New York was employed to run the paper. The Svoboda was started December 1885, and in 1887 had about 400 subscribers aiid $2400 indebtedness. The New York man, Mr. Chudoba, was discharged and A. Haidusek took charge of the paper. Under his management the number of subscribers increased rapidly and the debt was paid off in two years. In 1890 the judge became the owner of the paper; since then he has devoted to it his entire time and made it one of the best paying papers iri the country. Its circulation is about 4000. It has subscribers in sixty-four counties in Texas, besides in other states and in the old country. It is a Bohemian paper, but thoroughly American in sentiment. -216— During the administration of Judge Haidusek public roads were graded and macadamized. JNineteen iron bridges were built and the bridge spanning the Colorado River at I^a Grange was bought which required the deciding vote of the judge. For this act he was condemned by many citizens of the county. Some also condemned his efforts to grade public roads, claiming that it would bankrupt the county. The contract to build the present court house wps m; de and the foundation laid for the same during his administration. In 1890 he was defeated for re-election by Hon. W. S. Robson. in the split of the democracy into Hogg and Clark factions, Judge Haidusek espoused the cause of Judge Clark. Althougli an advocate of tlie gold standard, he supported Bryan at both elections, evidently not wishing to abandon democracy. But in the congressional light lietvveen 11. J], llawley, ihe republican nominee, and VV. S. Robson, the democrat, the judge siii)ported Hawley, and it is claimed that on this account Robson was defeated. When the First National Bank of La Grange was in a depressed condition, the judge became associated with it; later on was elected its presiIe at the ballot-box. He sufftred only one defeat, in 181/8 he was defeated in his race fur Con- gres-s as democratic nominee I f tlie then tentii congression- al district. It is the per.'-onal (•pinion of tiiis writer that the ])olitical situation in the dis- trict was unfavorable to the democrats and that at that time no man could have car- ried the district for the democrats. Nevertheless, his race strengthened the democratic ranks and smoothed to some extent the paths of the succeeding nominee to success. ■*^ ■^^ |L ' p\ '^m mk «!• 1 li "IW[ ^M ^> s^ 1 1 1 p f.1 aHi 3 1 Hon. W* S. hobson. —228— The parents of Judge Robson were John R. and Ann K. Robson, residents of Mudison County, Ga. They canoe to Texas in the year 1854 and settled in the neighborhood of Roundtop where they farmed. His moiher died at Roundtop in 1860. In 1868 his father moved with his family to La Grange where in 1867 he died of yellow fever. Judge \V. S. Robson was born in Madison County, Georgia, February 1, 1851. In April, 1854, he moved with his father to Texas, who settled at Roundtop. Ln 1863 after the death of his mother he caine with his fatiier to La Grange. W. S. Robson was educated in the public schools at Roundtop and La Grange. In later years, he constantly perfected his education by exten- sive reading and study. After the death of his father he started life as a butcher. Already then, Judge L. Moore, recognizing his ability, suggested to him the study of law. But first he had to make a living. Then he lirsl filled several offices, before he commenced the study of law. la 1872 he was elected Animal and Hide ln?pectcr in which office he served to 1874. From 1874: to 1876 he served as DajjUty District Clerk. In February, 1877, after the adoptiim of the Constitution pf 1876, he was elected assessor and reelected in 1878. Daring these two terms as assessor he studied law under Timmons and Brown. He was admitted to the bar in 1881. In 1884 and 188Q he was elected chairm in of the democratic executive coa^mittee of the county. In 1885 he was elected messengei- to carry the presidential vote to Washington. In 1890 he wis elected county judge which office he held fur three terms till 1896. In that year he also was a member of the democratic state executive committee and delegate to the democratic national convention. In 1898 he was elected Supreme Master Workman of the A. 0. U. W. of the United States and Canada. This order numbers over 450,000 members. Judge Robson is still the chairman of the Committee on Laws of the order and life member of the Supreme Lodge. Judge Robson was married to Miss Lucy Pretorious of La Grange in 1876. They have eight ciiildren, of whom two sons aod two daughters are grown. —229- IIoN. Hans Teichmueller. The people of Fayette County gratefully remember the late Judge Teichmueller wlio for nearly a generation was a prominent citizen of the county and who served them as district judge for a period of nearly seventeen years. Judge H. Teichmueller possessed the advantages of a superior education and, i n consequence showed those traits of character, namely. reserve and even modesty, coupled with a self-conscious- ness which are tlje cljaracter- istics of the classical scholar. In his early youth he was imbued with high ideals of life and duty and lie was guided by them in his conduct to his very death. He was an optimist, a firm believer in the goodness of mankind and in the mora) and intellectual l)rogress of the human race. He admired the early times of the republic when (]uestions involving the highest of liu- man rights were solved, and he rather regretted that in these latter days the parties were more guided by policies than b}' principles. Of practical poli- tics he was ignorant. He was continuously elected district judge without opposition — not on account of his knowledge of elec- tioneering, but because the people held him in high esteem on account of his elevated character. The judge, though a (lermau by birth, gained such mastery of the English language that the style of his essays on various legal subjects is pronounced classic by competent critics. His is an intellectual style. The clear light of reason shines with a steady light from the pages of his writings. Tne warmth of passion and sentiment is missing. Hans Teichmueller comes from ? respected family. His Hon, H. Teichmueller. —230— parents were August and Charlotte Teichmueller, nee von Gnrsewald. His father was an officer in the Brunswick army. Hans Teichmueller was born on March 7, 1837 at Brunswick, Germany, and attended the public schools of that city and the gymnasium of Blankenburg, where he graduated. Like all German boys, he loved adventure and travel, and when fifteen years old, he went with his father's consent, nicely equipped, as a sailor to New York. But the life of a sailor is in reality differ- ent from the one we read of in books. Naturally, a boy, raised in a refined family, could not like the rude jokes and the rough ways of a sailor crew. Thus, when the ship arrived in New York, he deserted the ship, went to a hotel, gave his trunk in pawn, wrote to his father for money to return and, when he had received same, went home. After graduation, he intended to study theology, but, after the death of his father, the family came into straitened circumstances and as a way out of them he concluded to emigrate to the United States and try his luck over here (1856). The first man he got intimately acquainted with was old man Fordtrau of Industry who gave him advice as to the condition of the country. He first came to Shelby, from there he went to Postoak Point and from there to High Hill (18(31). In the latter place he farmed that year (1861), but as a farmer he was not a success. Many are the good-natured funny stories that still circulate about his innovations and ways of farming. He finally sold his crop and yoke of oxen for Thirty-six Dollars and engaged in teaching school. He taught school during the Civil War at New Ulm and at the same time read law. In 1866 he studied law with Judge Lindsay and Judge Shropshire. He was admitted to the bar and formed a partnership with them. In 1869 he was county judge, but in the following year he was deposed by military order. He then formed a partnership with Major Phelps and later with Major Dunn which firm afterward took in Mr. Meerscheidt as a partner. In 1884 he was elected district judge which posi- tion he held with honor continuously till the time of his death (February 17, 1901). He was married June 10, 1858 to Miss Augusta Kellner of —231— Postoak Point, the daughter of a highly educated teacher of modern languages. Colonel Henderson, then justice of the peace, performed the marriage ceremony. To this union were born five children. Mrs. May Mattingly, wife of the assistant cashier of the First National Bank, died two years ago; Misses Minetta and Anna stay at the home of their mother, Mrs. Teich- mueller. Hon. Jacob F. Wolters. In Texas more than in any other country within the knowl- edge of the author, it is customary to call men identified with public affairs by their given names. Hence, should the reader chance to hear in Fayette or adjoining counties people speak of "Jake," he may be certain the subject of this sketch is referred to. Jake Wolters has had a remarkably successful career in iiis profession, the law, as well as in politics. If the writer were required to give him an attribute, he would call him "the lucky," an attribute coveted by some of the world's greatest men. Pe was born near New I'lm, Austin County, Texas, on September 2, 1871. His parents are Tiieodore H. and Margaret (Wink) Wolters, both native Texans, but of German parents. Jacob Wolters, the grandfather of our Jake, came from Germany in 1883, and in May 1834 came to Texas. His maternal grand- parents, Richard and Catherine Wink, came to Texas from the village of Bingen on the Rhine in 1848. Richard Wink was a revolutionist against the German government in that year and after the failure of the revolution escaped to Texas. He, how- ever, remained in Germany long enouorh to wed his chosen bride; their wedding tour was a hasty departure from the old country and a three months' vo3^age in a sail boat to Texas, Jacob F. Wolters, with his parents, removed from Austin County Lo Moulton, Lavaca County, in 1878 and, in the following year, to Schulenburg, Fayette Count}'-, where his parents still reside. He was educated in the public schools of Schulenburg. During the vacation months he did hard manual labor, thus HON. J. F. WOLTERS. —233— earning some money for himself. There is an old negro, still employed at the Schulenburg compress, who tells with evident pleasure how "Mister Jake, what is a lawyer now at La Grange, use ter truck cotton." He spent two terms at Add- Ran College, when that institution of learning was located at Tliorp's Spring, Hood t-'ounly. On May 20, 1892, he was admitted to the bar at La (i range. In November of tlie same year he was electa I county attorney of Fayette County over a strong and popuhir gentleman. There is where iiis luck came in. He was a beardless boy, barely twenty-one, and the people of Fayette County could not have known much of his qualilicatians for the otiice. However, he soon satisfied his friends tliat thny iiad made no mistake in electing him to this office, for he made an able and fearless prose- cuting officer. On April 25, 1893, he njarried Miss Saliie Drane of Colun)bus. He declined to stand for re-election to the olhce of county attorney, but, Ibrming a [)artnership with Captain li. H. Pnelps, entered fully into tiie practice of iiis ijrofession. On January 1, 1897, tbe partnership was diojolved by mutual consent. In 189fj he was nominated by the democrats, together with Captain F. A. Schlick, and in November elected to the 25th Lea[islature by an overwhelming mijority. The author repre- sented Austin County in the same legislature and there hrst met Jake Wolters, In many resj^ects tiie 25th Legislature was one of the stormiest in the history of Texas since tlie war between the states. Jake soon became identilied as one of the leaders of the liberal element in the Ht)use. He was always alert and ready to combat the efforts of certain members to enact sumptuarv legislation. Under his leadershii) a bill prohibiting baseball playing on Sunday was defeated. A bill was reported which in etfecl would have taxed social clubs out of existence. A majority of the members seemed to favor the [lassage of the bill. Fayette County is full of social clubs and the proposed measure would have closed them all up. The young man from Fayette County took the lead in opposition to the measure. A small but com- pact minority stood by him. In this fight he demonstrated his —234— abilities as a leader of men. Ihe minority stood opposed by a majority, led by able and resourceful men, principally from North Texas. Wolters resorted to all parliamentary tactics ever known to exist, and even invented some new ones. The idea was to delay action. Action was delayed, until a part of the majority became converted to the minority and the measure was defeated by a small majority. As in this contest, so in every important one that came up he took a leadino part. Since 1896 Mr. Wolters has not sought office, although he. in 1900 was elected as a Democratic Presidential Elector, and in that year as Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Fayette County managed the democratic campaign with much success. He loves politics and delights to help bis friends. In fact, one of his cardinal virtues is his loyalty to his friends. It cannot be said that he loves his enemies, for, of course, like all men of his aggressive temperament, be has them too. But it is to his credit that such enemies as he has he made helping his friends in politics. He has never been known to "straddle a fence" on any public question. He has always fearlessly advo- cated what to him seemed right and to the best and lasting benefit of a majority of the people. As in politics, so is he in the pursuit of his profession — energetic and fearless, always jealously upholding a high professional standard of ethics. In 1897 he formed a partnership with John A. Kerr, Esq., which was dissolved upon the retirement of Mr. Kerr from the profession to enter into the mercantile business at Muldoon. . When war was declared in 1898 against Spain, Mr. Wolters tendered his services to the government and was commissioned as 1st Lieutenant of Cavalry and assigned to Troop H. (Lane Kangers) 1st Tex. Vol. U. S. Cavalry, commanded by the gallant Col. Luther li. Hare. In 1899 he formed a partnership with T. W. Lane, which firm George E. Lenert joined in 1901, the iirm now being Wol- ters, Lane & Lenert, Jake Walters is an American by birth and in sentiment, -23^— and of German descent. It is especially gratifying to tiie writer to be able to note that this man, American by birtli and in sen- timent, has shown to a certain class of Germans, who look down on the country of their birth or ancestry in a mistaken belief that thereby they become better Americans, — that he, con- scious of the virtue of his ancestry, cherishes and respects their memory. Indeed, a respect for our parentage never detracts from one's worth as an American citizen ; nay, those men are the very best citizens. His fearlessness, his uprightness in the advocacy of the people's rights have endeared him to the hearts of the' people. He may be called the advocate of the people's rights. Jealous of the rights of the people and of his own, he neyer fails to stand in defence of those rights. Of him it may be repeated that he : "Knows his rights And knowing dares maintain them." —236— LEADING CITIZENS OF FAYETTE COUNTY. Chris. Eaumgarten, Sr. Schulenbiirg is proud to number among her many useful citizens a man who, by his inventive genius, lias lastingly bene- fitted a whole industry and placed it on a paying basis : Mr. Chris. Baumgarten. The industry benetitted by his inventions is the cotton seed oil industry. Mr. CUiris. Baumgarten has in- vented and taken out patents for the following inventio'nls : Hydraulic Cotton Baling Press, Plate System for Hydraulic Oil Presses, and Linting Piocess of the Delinter for removing the last remnants of cotton from the seed after passing through a linter. All these inventions are now in general use in all first- class oil mills throughout tlie United States. There is no man living who knows more about the process of manufacturing cotton seed into oil, meal, hulls, etc., than Mr. Baumgarten. He is the proprietor of the Schulenburg Oil Mill. This mill is a model oil mill. As soon as a new invention is made in the processes for crushing cotton seed — and proves to be good — it is adopted. He has constantly and unceasingly labored to make his oil mill a model establishment and he has succeeded in this better than any man in the United States. Like all men of in- ventive genius, he is modes-t and unassuming and a stranger would hardl}^ know that he is the man who caused a revolution in the manufacture of cotton seed oil. Though he pays his greatest attention to the oil business, he does by no means stop there ; he is forward in promoting all enterprises that tend to develop the industries of this county. The parents of Mr. Chris. Baumgarten were Christian and Maria (Burgemeister) Baumgarten. Their son Chris. Baumgar- ten wsis born March 13, 1836, at Tartun, Province Saxony, Prussia. He went to the public schools of his birthplace and after completing his education there, he learned the trade of car- —237— penter. He came to Texas in 1854 and first landed at Galves- ton. There he worked seven months at his trade. He next worked in a great many parts of the state. In 1856 he came to Fayette County and first stayed at Ross Prairie. He then went to La Grange where he married Miss Ernestine Pannewitz of that city (1859). The same year he moved to High Hill. Here Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Baumgarten, Sr. he had bought a place where now the western half of Schulen- burg stands. He followed the occu})ations of farming and carpen- tering. In 1867 he built a small oil mill for F. llillje in High Hill, In 1882 he built the Schulenburg Oil Mill. In 1890 he organized companies in the state and built eight oil mills in. aU —238^ of which he retained stock. He also remodelled his Schulen- burg Oil Mill which has become a model oil mill in the United States. His children are : Mary, deceased ; Ernst, in the lumber business at Schiilenburg ; Alma, deceased ; Gus. A., manager of the Schiilenburg Oil Mill ; Emil, dealer in furniture, hardware, wagons, buggies and lumber at Schulent>urg ; Annie, wife of Max Wolters, merchant at Shiner ; Lillie, deceased ; Elizabeth, wife of Gus. Ruhmann, dealer in hardware and furniture at Shiner; Christian, bookkeeper for E. Baumgarten & Bro. at Schulen- burg; Charles, assistant in oil mill of Schulenburg; Heinrich, deceased ; William and Fritz, at home. G. A. Baumgarten. Gus Bdumgarteti, son of Mr. Chris. Baumgarten, Sr. , is, like ills father, an autlinrity on all questions in regard to the cottonseed oil industry. His thorough knowledge of this subject, his ability and fuergy, are recog- nized tlironghout the whole South. For a number of years, the Oil Mill Superintendents' Association of Texas elected him for their sec retary and treasurer, knowing that they coukd not lind an abler man who was better qualilied and more willing to faithfully work in their interest than liim. 'i'liis /^position he resigned on account of his many ar- Gus. Baumgarten. duous dulies in the oil business, but that association honored him for bis eminent ser- vices in their behalf during his term as secretary by electing him —239— as vice president in 1901. Mr. Baumwarten is the leading spirit of that association and of tlie whole oil industry in Texas. His opinions and recommendations are highly regarded through- out the state. Men in the oil business, iti looking for managers of their mills, very often ask hiin to recommend them competent men for the position. A great many young men whom he had instructed in the oil business in the oil mill at Schulenburg he recommended, and they are now earning salaries of from $1800 to $5000 per year. As is the case with all men who do not divide their energies, but direct them all to one single point, I\Ir. Baumgarten is a master in his line of business. For the last twenty years he has been the superintendent and manager of his fa-ther's oil mill at Schulenburg. Gus. Baumgarten was born February 14, 1866 at his father's house which stood then in the prairie, but now belongs to the western part of Schulenburg. He was instructed in the public schools (.>f that place. After coni|)letii)g his common school education, he attended f)r two se.>;sion-, the Gjiyi C'ity Business College of (i'.iiney, 111 Cl8S:vl89D ) He became a graduate of ihat institution. In 189 ) lie returned to Texas and l)uilt, in company with his father, eight o 1 mills in the state. He was tlie moving s|)irit in the organization of the Oil Mill Superin- teuilents' Association of Texas, w is elected their secretary and treasurer, and in 1901 vice i)resident of that association. Mr. G. A B.iumsarten was married on June 22, 1892 to Miss Ida Wallace, daughter of Frank Wallace, a conductor on the Southern P.iciHc Riilroad. Their union wa-s blessed by two children, Wallace and U ly. H i:\RY I'kmikkr. Schulenburg's reputation for the splendor of its festivities is largely due to the unceasing elTjrts of Henry Beniker. The population of this city is largely German. They are of the opinion that each citizen should enjoy his personal rights to the greatest extent consistent with good or^ler. They are the most outspoken opponents of prohibition and all sumptuary laws. The festivities af Schulenburg have the reputation of —240— being conducted with the greatest treedom, combined witii the most congenial and orderly behavior. The leading spirit of these festivities is the subject of this sketch, Henry Beniker. His jolliness and congeniality are as if especially made for such festive occasions. To sustain the reputation of Schulen- burg as the jolliest old town in Texas, he spares neither time nor money. He believes m the doctrine, enjoy life while it lasts, or, as the poet says, "Let us have wine, women, laughter; Sermons and soda water the day after." The parents of Henry Beniker are Henry and Helene (luergens) Beniker, living at Nordenhaus, Oldenburg, His father was a seaman. Henry Beniker was born at Grossensiel, Oldenburg, on A])ril 28, 1858. He went to school at Abbehausen and, alter completing his education, lie learned the joiner's trade ill Breraerhaven. To become proficient in his trade, he trav- eled, as is the custom in Ger- many, throughout that coun- try, working in his trade under different masters. He established himself as master in his trade at Abbehausen, and on November 2, 1883, he married Miss Sophie Sommer. He came to the United States in the fall of 1888 and landed at Galveston. From there he went to Sweet Home and In 1889 he established himself as He was very successful in his Henry Beniker. worked there as a carpenter. a building contractor at Wied business. In 1893 he moved to Schulenburg and remained there in the 3ame business. He had very often as many as twenty —241— carpenters under him, a work that required great skill in man- agement. In 1899 he went with John Oltmanns in the saloon business, in which he remained until his partner's death. In 1901 he established himself in the same business in company with his brother Anton at the same old stand. He is also the popular agent of the New Orleans Brewing Association, whose interests he serves with ability and success. To his union with his wife, the following children were born: John, Henry, Willie, Herbert, Mary and Erna. They all stay at the home of their father. A. VV. Beniker. Of A. W. Beniker the same may be said as of his brother. He takes great interest in feasts and all social affairs. His jovial face, his timely jokes, his pleasant words for everybody, soon bring the visitors at feasts into good humor. If you want to find him on the feast ground, you may just e;o to where the largest crowd is; not that he follovvs tlie largest crowd, but wherever he goes, on account of liis jollity, he soon gathers a crowd around him. Like his broliier, he spares neither time, money nor efforts to make the feasts of bchulenburf^ a success. His presence and liis aid at these feasts have become a necessity for their success. He also takes a leading interest in all theatri- cal performances arranged by the citizens of Schulenburg. Anton Wilhelm Beniker was born August 2(j, 1866, at Grossensiel, Oldenburg. His father, Henry Beniker, was a seaman and perished in a storm at sea, when Anton was only two years old. His mother is still living at Bremerhaven. He went to school at Atens, and after his school years learned the trades of saddler and paper hanger. He traveled extensively in Germany to complete his trade education. In 1886 he entered the German army and absolved his three years' militar}- service, as is the law in that country. He entered the nineteenth regi- ment of dragoons which was stationed at Osternburg, Oldenburg. Though he was a splendid soldier, and well liked by his officers on account of his efficiency and ability, his convictions were against this form of government that required the best years of —242— a man's life in order to train him to fight for and support a monarchical and oppressive form of government. He therefore left the fatherland for the United States as a country more in har- mony with his political convic- tions. He first came to Sweet Home and followed the occu- pation of painting. From there he went to Shiner and in 1894 he came to Schulen- burg. Here he was a leading painter, biing quite successful in this business. In December 1901 he established, in cum- pany with his brother Henry, a saloon at the old John Olt- manns stand. The strict attention of the brothers to business, their jolliness and congeniality, have made their business place the most popu- lar establishment in Schulen- burg. Mr. Anton Beniker was married to Miss Louise Schlottmann of Schulenburg, Texas, in June 1897. This union wag blessed with one boy, Anton, now four years old. Anton "W. Beniker. Rev. J. Chromcik. Dextera praecipue cai^it indulgentia mantes; Asperitas odium saevaque bella movet. —Ovid. Rev. Father Chromcik is a man whose presence commands respect everywhere. He understands the art of guiding man without wanting to rule. No man has followed better the line of conduct laid down in the above lines of the great Latin poet than he. His timely tolerance has conquered him the hearts of all he came into contact with, and he carefully has avoided off"end- ing anybody by untimely severity. Like all Catholic priests, —243- versed in the classical languages, he possesses that reserve coupled with urbanity and a spirit of self-consciousness which are the characteri5tics of the gentleman and classical scholar. Though a firm Catholic, his broad mind takes a sympathetic interest in all humanity. When he first came to Texas, there were not as many Catholic priests then as there are now, and he went on mission in eleven different communities, amongst them La Grange. The communities not being connected then by rail as they are now, he had to make long trips, mostly on horseback, and very often in bad tempes- tuous weather. Once he had to be in Industry, Austin County, for Sunday's service. It rained for twenty-four hours; the creeks were high, especially the C u m m i n g s Creek, and he had to cross it. His feet got wet and he con- tracted a severe attack of rheumatism with which he is still troubled. He has done a world of good everywhere. In Fayetteville, he restored the Catholic Church building, one of the oldest and largest in the state. His deep interest in education induced him to build the Chromcik school in the latter place in which he taught for fifteen years under a first grade certificate. The Catholic priests generally are noted for their great accomplishments and splendid education, but even among this highly educated class he has but few erjuals. Father Chromcik is a linguist and has a perfect knowledge of several languages. Men of his character do not care for the applause of the world; they have resources in their own minds and the consciousness of having lived a useful life which are sufficient for them. Still, his friends and the reader will feel Rev. J. Chromcik. —244— glad to hear that his sterling merits have been highly honored by his church. He was diocesan consulter at the synod to help and assist the bishop of Galveston in ruling the whole diocese, representing the German and Bohemian nationalities and their affairs; he is now ecclesiastical judge (judge for the clergy in ecclesiastical cases), besides fiscal attorney, i. e. prosecutor and defendant in ecclesiastical cases. Rev. J. Chromcik was born January 25, 1845, at Olmuetz, Moravia, Austria. He finished his course of studies in Olmuetz and graduated there in 186G. After ordination he was assistant priest at Lichtenau, Moravia. He then became administrator of the parish of Senftleben, Moravia. Having been assigned to the diocese of Galveston by Bishop Dubuois, he went to Texas and arrived there on Christinas eve, 1872. He was sent to Fayette- ville where he has resided ever since. In 1894 he made a trip to Europe to celebrate the jubilee of the twenty ^fifth anniversary of his ordination. On hh return he brought with him four worthy young clergym !n : Rsv. 8kocek, Rev. Sebik, Rev. Ma- han and Rev. Kacer. Dr. I. E. Clark. Whenever in election years democracy raises its banner to fight monopoly, paternalism, imperialism and republican mis- rule. Dr. I. E. Clark is always found in the front ranks fighting its battles, a trusted and able captain of that party. It is large- ly also due to his unceasing efforts that his home place, Schu- lenburg, though the population is largely German and inclined to be independent, has become a stronghold of democracy of the county and generally gives decided democratic majorities. He is a patriot, always placing the welfare of his party above per- sonal ambition. To his fellow citizens he has been of the greatest benefit in paying his attention to improved stock and importing same to this county. His Bermuda Valley Stock Farm where he raises the best kind of thoroughbred and stan- dard horses and Red Poll and Holstein cattle has acquired a rep- utation beyond the limits of this state. Dr. Clark is one of the finest surgeons in the state. He —245— was the first one in Fayette County that operated for gunshot wounds of the intestines where several holes had been made in the intestines ; the patient recovered. He removed an ovarian tumor weighing sixty-six pounds from an old lady sixty-three years of age ; she was well in three weeks. He has performed successfully many dangerous operations, a great many of them for appendicitis. He is the local surgeon for the Southern Pa- cific Railway Company. The parents of Dr. I. E. Clark are Dr. H. S. Clark and Mrs. Clio A. (Robertson) Clark. They catne from Tennessee to Texas in 1854 and first settled in Polk County. In 1861 they moved to Gonzalts County and in 1865 to Mixen Creek near Kinkier, Lavaca County, where his fcither still resides, a practising physician of Lavaca C o u n t y. His mother died there in 1877. Dr. I. K. Clark was born December 23, 1860, in Polk Counly, Texas. He first at- tended the public schools of Lavaca County and later from 1875 to 1879 Judge Byars' High School of Covington, Tennessee, where he also studied Latin, Greek and French. He received a cer- tificate of thoroughness from that institution. In 1879 he read medicine for four months under his father and from 1879 to 18S2 he studied his profession at the Jefferson College of Philadelphia. After graduation he completed the practical side of his professional studies as resi- dent physician in the Pennsylvania Hospital of Philadelphia. In 1890 he visited a great many medical schools in the United States and wound up by a one year's course in the Polylinic of Dr. 1. E. Clark. —246— New York. There are few physicians in the state who have prepared themselves with so much thoroughness for the practice of their profession as Dr. Clark. He started the practice of his profession at Moravia, Lavaca County, in 1883, and in 1887 he moved to Schulenburg where he nas been a resident ph3'sician ever since. In 1888 he married Miss Ella Wolters, daughter of R. Wolters, sr., one of the most prominent business men of Schul- enburg. Their children are: Clio A. Clark, born 1889, and Harvey U. Clark, born in 1891. Lately Dr. I. E. Clark has taken great interest in Beaumont oil. He has been elected president and manager of the Borealis Oil Company, the business affairs of which company he manages with great ability and success. Henry Eelers. Amongst the peace officers of the state who were instrumen- tal in establishing law and order, Henry Eilers, the popular marshal of Schulenburg, Texas, is found in the front rank. He first served the county as constable. At that time, a gang of horse and cattle thieves who resided about four miles east of Schulenburg operated in the neighborhood and when in town very frequently played the hell-roaring desperado. Henry Eilers, under Sherifis John T. Rankin and B. L. Zapp, did some first class detective work to discover and convict the guilty parties. In a short time, the whole country around Schulen- burg was cleared of this undesirable element, and the indus- trious farmer was assured that he could retain the fruits of his enterprise and industry. His services in this line were highly appreciated by the citizens of Schulenburg, who rewarded them by a repeated bestowal of their confidence in liis ability in con- tinuously electing him to the marshalship. The parents of Henry Eilers were Hinrich and Auguste (Frels) Kilers. They were natives of the grand duchy of Olden- burg, His father came to this country in 1846. The latter —247— married Miss Augnste Frels at La Grange and thereafter moved to Ross Prairie where he was one of the best known leading settlers of that section. He was largely interested in drawing German and Bohe- mian immigrants to this fer- tile county. He brought the first Bohemian immigrants into tliis county and more immigrants to this section than any other two men. He died respected by his fellow- citizens at a ripe old age in 1899. His wife had preceded him in death in 1895. He left the following children: (1) Gerhard, merchant in Yoakum; (2) Henry, the sub- ject of our sketch; (3) William, teacher at Fayetteville; (4) August, farmer near Hallets- ville; (5) Fred, farmer at -r. •■-.-. ^r, r^ , Henry Eilers. Koss Prairie; (6) fcirnst, part- ner in the saloon business with Kaiser at Yoakum, died in 1902; (7) Auguste and (8) Annie, staying with (heir brother William. Henry Eilers was born July 11, 1857, at Ross Prairie ; went to school at Fayetteville, Rutersville college and St. Mary's uni- versity, Galveston, Texas. He went to Schulenburg in August, 1880 and established himself in the saloon business in which he remained for three years. In November, 1882, he was elected constable in which office he served the people till April, 188G, when he resigned on assuming the duties of the office of city marshal. He became so popular ia this office that the people of Schulenburg have elected him as city marshal ever since. Besides this office he holds the office of city assessor and collec- tor. He has been a deputy sheriff, deputy collector and deputy assessor of the county since 1882. the best proof of the couti- —248— dence the people and the officers place in his integrity and ability. Mr. Eilers is an outspoken democrat and has always taken a leading interest in the advocacy of his party's principles. His services to the party have been eminent and unselfish, and his influence in that party is, therefore, accordingly great. He married Miss Dora Williams of Schulenburg in 1885. This union was blessed with five children : Lillie, Henry, Adele, Dora, and Erna. Prof. Wm. Eilers. As is always the case, if a man does not divide his energy, but directs it to one single object, he will be successful in liis aim. Prof. Eilers has devoted all his time and energy to pre- pare himself thoroughly for the profession of teaching. He is one of the most progressive teachers in the state. He stands high among jiis col- leagues, and his devotion to teaching and his ability havo often been recognized. Hr was president of the Teachers' Institute of Washington Coun- ty ; twice secretary of the (South Texas Teachers' Asso- ciation ; vice-president and secretary of the Fayette Coun- ty Teachers' Institute ; in- structor for two years in that institute ; member of the Fay- ette County board of examin- ers ; member of the state board of examiners (1901) and is now conductor of the La Grange Summer Normal. The success of this normal is largely due to his unceasing efforls. The school has an enroll- Prof. Wm. Eilers. —249— meut of fifty-six students, by far the largest enrollment of any summer normal ever held in Faj^ette County. William Eilers was born in Ross Prairie near Fayetteville on October 5, 1863. Up to 1881 he was educated in the public and private schools of Fayetteville. He then passed his exam- ination as teacher and obtained a first grade certificate. He taught school for six years in Kinkier, Lavaca County, and one year in Schulenburg. From 1889-1891 he attended the Sam Houston Normal of Huntsville, Texas, of which institution he The home of Hinrich Eilers, one of the first settlers of Ross Prairie. became a graduate in 1891. He next taught school again in several towns, viz: In ElJinger, LaGrange and Fayetteville for seven years, and in Burton, Washington County, for three years. In all these schools he attracted by his skillful manage- ment and his able instruction public attention. He has estab- lished a reputation for being a successful teacher beyond the limits of his county. On account fof his recognized profession- al ability he may be called at any moment to larger fields of usefulness. —250— Hon. a. E, Falke. The subject of this sketch was born on the 27th day of October, 1842, near Weissenberg, in Saxony, Germany. In 1854, at the age of twelve years, he came to America with his parents and first settled at New Ulm: later he and his parents moved to this county and settled on Rabb's Creek. In 1861 Mr. Falke enlisted as a private in Allen's regiment, Captain Patty's company "F." After about fourteen months of active service to the Lost Cause, he was captured at Millican's Bend, La., and taken north to Young's Point and Memphis, Tenn., where he was kept as a prisoner of war; he was finally taken to Cairo, 111., where he was released. After working on a farm near Cairo for some time, he returned to Texas with $10 in cash, a mustang pony and no saddle. Landing in Texas without means, he engaged in farming for halves, and, by diligence and strict economy, ho managed to save a little money and in 1868 he was enabled to pur- chase a sawmill on Rabb's Creek. In the same year he was married to Miss Wilhel- mina Peter of Ingram's Prai- rie, a poor, but beautiful and highly respected young lady. This union was blessed with fourteen children, nine of whom are living. In 1874, Mr. Falke, having accumu- lated about $2000, engaged in the general merchandise busi- ness at VVarda. A year later he was appointed postmaster and established the post office at that place. In 1894 he was elected as a member of the 24th Legislature by the democratic party with a handsome majority. Hon. a. E. Falke. —251— la 1897 Mr. Falke had the misfortune to lose his wife, probably the hardest ordeal during his whole life. In 1899, after a career of a quarter of a century as a successful merchant and financier, he retired from the mercantile business, turning over his large stock to his sons, C. A. and E. A. Falke. Mr. Falke, though a man of limited education, is eminently practi- cal, posse:?ses sound judgment and an excellent natural business talent. By liberal donations to various churches and schools and other charitable institutions, he has shown himself to be very liberal to worthy enterprises. He is one of the principal originators of the oil mill and compress at Giddings. The old axiom, "Great oaks from little acorns grow," can justly be applied to Mr. Falke. From a small beginning he has by thrift, honesty and perseverance accumulated a considerable fortune. LORENZ FUCHS, The life of Lorenz Fuch^ furnishes an example where per- severence, industry, economy and keen business sense were crowned with success. Of all the Germans who immigrated to this county there was none more successful and none worthier of success. He is an example of the German, as a better one could not be found anywhere who by perseverance and industry has reached the summit of his ambition and on account of his accumulated fortune secured himself and his family against the adversities of life. But Lorenz Fuchs was not only a success- ful man, he was also a good man. Therefore, no one envied his success ; his friends rather enjoyed it. He invested his savings iu land and as the value of the latter steadily rose, his fortune rose with it. At the time of his death, his estate was valued at $65,000. His children have inherited the keen business sense of their father and number amongst the most successful farmers in the state. Lorenz Fuchs was born in Pegnitz, Bavaria, on May 11, 182G. He went to the public city schools of that place. In 184G —252— he immigrated with his parents to the United States and land- ed at Gralveston, Texa?. His father Wolfgang Fuchs bought a farm near Bucknorn, Austin County, Texas. One month after their arrival at Buckhorn his father died. The next year (1847) Loreuz Fuchs married Miss Frederike Kiel, a native of Wuerz- low, Hanover, Germany and assumed the management of his father's farm. In 1851 he went on account of bad health to La Bahia Prairie, bought a farm there and has resided there ever since till the time of his death, August 2, 1900. He had reached the ripe old age of seventy-four years after a useful life of toil and lobor. It may be re- marked yet that during the Confederate War he was gov- verntnent teamster. His wife survives liim. He left his children all in prosperous circumstances. The following are his chil- dren: 1 Henry, at Burton, Washington County, Texas ; 2. Wilhelm, at Burton ; 8. Emily, wife of Penry Broe- sche, at Burton ; 4, Fritz at Carmine, Fayette County, Texas ; 5, James, at Manor, Travis County, Texas ; 6, Lina, wife of John Ebner, at Page, Bastrop County, Texas ; 7, Mary, wife of William Seidel, at Brenham, Washington County, Texas ; 8, Lorenz, at Buck- holts, Milam County, Texas; 9, August, at Page, Bastrop County, Texas ; 10, Charles, at Burton ; 11, Laura, wife of Alfred Homeyer, at Burton ; 12, Alfred, at Page; 13, Otto at Carmine, Texas. Lorenz Fuchs. —253— ,'^' Prof. Julius Hansen. The subject of this sketch is well known to the devotees of music throughout the state as a master of the highest of human arts, the art of music. Not only has he become a master in this art himself, but he has also devoted a large part of his time and ener^^y to teaching it and to the organization of musical societies and singing clubs. He organized the Concordia Singing Club of Fredericksburg, Texas, and became the leader of the Mixed Chorus of that city; was leader of the Mixed Chorus of Comfort; supervisor of singing in the city public schools of Austin (1890- 1891); organized the Cedar Maennerchor (Dec. 3, 1891); later on the Cedar Mixed Chorus; he is now leader of the Fay- etteville Saengerbund. The parents of Julius Hansen were Peter Hansen of Handerup,Sch]es wig- Hoi stein (born 1813) and Anna Doro- thea Hansen, nee Andreson, born in Ladelund, Schleswig- Holstein. His father was the proprietor of a tannery and shoe factory. This union was blessed with three children: (1) T. Heinrich Hansen, who died in the MO's and left three children, Julius, Maria and Louise, who are now living in Niesgran, Anofeln, Denmark; (2) Johann Theodor Hansen, landlord of the inn Zur Hei- math in Tundern, and Julius. Julius Hansen, born August 31, 1851, in Ladelund, Schles- wig-Holstein, attended the public schools of his native city until his sixteenth year. Then, against his will, he was apprenticed in the trade of dyeing in Foehr. The trade not suiting him, he eturned home and stayed there till January 2, 18G9. He then Prof. Julius Hansen. _254— volunteered and enlisted in the 84th regiment. In this regiment he served during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, and took part in the battles of Gravelotte, St. Privat, Metz, Noisseville and Crozelles. During the siege of Metz he became sick and was sent to the hospital of Sachsen-Altenburg. After his dismissal from the hospital, he again went to the front and participated in the battle of Le Mans. After his return from the war, he taught in several small schools from 1872 to 1874. From 1874 to 1877 he was an alumnus of the Normal at Tundern; he graduated there in 1877 in German and Danish. Till the autumn of that year he taught m the public school of Keitum, Sylt. In November, 1877, he went to New York and in 1878 from there to Mexico. In the autumn of 1878 he returned to the United States and taught school in New Fountain, Medina County; in 1879-81 he wns teacher of German in the Fredericksburg College; from 1881 to 188G, princijjal of the Comfort school; in 1886 he became proprietor of a tinshop in that place which he sold in the fall of 1887; in January 1888 he accepted a position as tutor in the family of Mr. E. Engle, Bluff, Fayette County; from 18S8 to 1895 he was teacher in Ce''ar with the exception of the year 1890-91, when he was supervisor of singing in the public schools of Austin, Texas; in 1895 he opened a private school in La Grange, Texas; from 189G to January 1897 he was teacher of German in the La Grange city schools. Then he moved to Fayetteville and became the proprietor of the tinshop in that place. On February 22, 1898, he was appointed post- master at Fayetteville, which office he still holds. He married Miss Fernandine Schulze of Comfort, Texas, on June 3, 1882. His wife died in Comfort in 1896 and left an only daughter, Hedwig Hansen, who stays with her grandmother in Comfort. On August 26, 1897, he was married to Miss Ji^lla Vetter of Fayetteville, Texas. A. Heintze, Sr. If I ask the reader it he remembers the tall, sturdy figure of an old jnan, head still erect, hair white, eye still keen and pene- —255— Irating, standing in the neighborhood of Mr. Heintze's store in the afternoons, the German reader in the county knows that I mean old Mr. Heintze. Old Mr. Heintze is a fine specimen of the robust health and sturdiness of the northern German. There is still the youthful fire in his eyes that was there when he joined in the effort of the Kiel students to separate from Den- mark and join the glorious old fatherland, when he served under Major v. Vasmer and General v. der Tann in that war. Men in the forties very often show less physical and mental vigor than he does at eighty. Yes, that is his pres- ent age. After a well spent life of work, he now enjoys a happy repose in his old age, visiting his children, of whom his son August in l^a Grange is (juite a favorite with him, staying with them and par- taking in their success. His steady good humor, still show- ing the lio^htheartedness of youth, his jovial manners have made a lasting impression and secured him a kind memory in the hearts of his friends. A. Heintze, Sr. Mr. August Heintze, Sr. , was born in June 1820 in Eckers- forde, Holstein, Germany. He was a commission merchant in stock, cattle and country produce from his early youth till 1885, when he retired from business. He was married in 1848 to Mrs. Ricklefsen, a widow, nee Wilhelm. Three children blessed this union: August Heintze, a merchant in J^a Grange; Miss Sophie, who is married to Mr. C. A. Honig employed in the banking business at Flensburg, and Dorothea. Mr. Heintze makes frequent trips to Germany. —256— A Heintze, Jr. The ear of the reader is well familiar with the sound of the name of A. Heintze. Not only in the confines of this county. but beyond them, in the surrounding counties, his name may be heard when mercantile affairs are discussed. Mr. Heintze re- ceived a thorough mercantile training in his early youth in Ger- many. No doubt, after he came to this country, the comparison of the mercantile conditions in this country, new to him, with those of the fatherland, well known to him, suggested many original and practical ideas to his trained judment. He paid his especial attention to the cotton trade. This writer and per- haps some of his readers re- member how in the hitter part of the eighties large proces- sions tif wagon trains loaded witli cotton, laige slieeting printed \\i\h the lirm nnine of A. Heintze being lacked to both sides of the wagons, made their rounds through La Grange, a very ex[)ensive mode of advertising, but a very striking one. It mav be said tliat no man has done more to attract tiie attention of the people to La Grange and make this city a popular market than A. Heintze. Nor was this the only gain La Grange derived trom his es- tablishment in that place. While he aimed at success for himself, he did not neglect the interest of the farmer. It should not be forgotten mat he was the first one who bought all kinds of country produce for which the farmer could not find any market before, at a time when such a trade was deemed any- thing but profitable. He thus gave an impetus to developing A. Heintze, Jr. —257— a new industry and opening new avenues of trade, and bore the charges for this solely by himself. Mr. A. Heintze, jr., was born in the year 1850 in Kappeln,' Schleswig, Germany. He was educated by a private tutor. He received his commercial trainnig in Flensburg and Hamburg in large manufacturing establishments. Having been sph.-ndidly educated by his tutor, he passed his examination in 1868 for the one year voluntefr service. The time of military ser- vice in Germany for every able subject is three years ; but ' the educated who stand a severe test in regard to their scien- tific qualifications enjoy the privilege of serving only one year. But in that case they have to furnish their own equipments and accoutrements, keep a body servant and live in the style of an officer. This causes an expense of about ^100 a year. When in the Franco-German war the fatherland needed his services, he volunteered and served his year in the 84th infantry, ^ih Army Corps. He was with Prince Frederick Carl before Metz and par- ticipated in the battles of Orleans and LeMans. He was slightly wounded in the foot. In 1871 he re-entered the same business and in 1873 he came to the United States. There he associated himself with his half-brother, \V. R«cklefsen, at Rancho Los Olmos, one mile from ths llio Grande frontier, 'i'lie country being unsafe on account of marauding Mexicans he left and came to Warrenton where in 1870 he took charge of the store of Wm. Neese, deceased. He married in 1878 Miss Johanna Speckels of Warrenton. 1 heir only son Alfred is now in the mercantile business with his father. In 188S Mr. Heintze moved to La Grange in which place he became the leading cotton buyer. He for a time was a senior member of three mercantile lirms : Heintze ' & Co., La Grange ; Asclien & Heintze, Oldenburg, wiiich latter ])lace he founded in company with Gus. Steenken ; and E. A. Froehlich & Co., Warrenton. In the fall of 1901 Mr. Heintze opened his present large department store which in an exceeding- ly short time has become the leading mercantile establishment of La Grange. —258— Jno. B. Holloway. The writer presents to the reader in the following a bio- graphical sketch of Mr. Holloway written by the latter at the request of the writer. lie only wants to add that Mr. Holloway is known throughout the state as a successful and solid business man. His energy, economy, sound judgment and a good knowl- edge of human nature laid the foundation for his success which in every way he has merited. He is now the cashier of one of the most substai.ti il finance institutions in the state, the First National Bank of La Grange. But here is the sketch: La Grange, Texas, June 4, 1902. Mr. Frank Lotto, La Grange, Texas. Dear Sir: As requested, I hand you a short biographical sketch of my life to this date, including my photograph that may appear in your book, "Fayette County, Her History and Her People," to- wit: I was born in Person County, N. C, on March 30, 1847, and I was the third child of William Dixon Holloway and Elizabeth Holloway, nee Woods, one of eleven children — seven boys and four girls; 1 had two half-brothers and one half-sister. There were in all fourteen children. My father, after the death of my mother, married Miss Edith Day. My parents moved to Wake County, N. C, while I was quite young and settled near Fish- dam on a farm where I grew to manhood. In the early part of the year 1864 I joined the Confederate army as a private. I belonged to the N. C. Junior Reserves, First Regiment, Company ""D," doing principally detached service, until the Rarly part of the year 1865, when the regiment was attached to Hooker's Brigade, Johnston's Army. I took part in the battles of Kingston and Bentonville, and was paroled near Durham, N, C, at the close of the war. Returning home, 1 lived on the farm with my parents till January 1, 1868, when I was employed as a clerk in a country fjtore at $16.66§ per month until the early part of 1870. In —259— November 1870 I came to Texas visiting relatives. For a while I made my home with the family of Major B. F. Dunn of Fay- etteville, Texas, who had married m}' first cousin, Miss M. F. Holloway. (Her brothers are J. J. Holloway, J. B. HoUoway and R. E. Holloway.) ■ In February 1871 I moved with the family of Major B. F. Dunn to La Grange, Texas. Some time during the year 1871, I commenced working as deputy sheriff under R. 0. Faires and remained with him at a salary of Thirty Dollars per month and board, until his term of office had expired, except for the short time I clerked for M. Cockrell at Cistern and for G. Friedberger at La Grange, Texas. In the early part of the year 1874 I was appointed by the commissioners' court consta- ble of Precinct No. 1, Fayette County, Isaac Sellers then being the justice of the peace. In this office I served till 1876, when on May 15, 1876, I was appointed clerk of the district court of Fayette County by Hon. L. \V. Moore, the district judge. This office, through the goodness of the voters of this county, I held till tlie general election in 1894. Having accepted the position of cashier of tiie First National Bank of La Grange, Texas, on January 8, 1894, I did not offer for the office of clerk again. I am still the cashier of said bank. I was married on the 28th day of September, 1876, to Miss Lizzie B. Robertson, a daughter of W. C. and S. C. Robertson and 9, niece of A. T. and R, T. Bradshaw of La Grange, Texas. The ■^ ■ Hh /Ji ^^^^^B 7^ ^^MUHk c ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K ^m^ ' MS ^^ ^^^^^^H^^^^^L \ 1 John B. Holloway. —260— result of said marriage to date are ten children, seven boys and three girls, all of whom are living except two boys who died quite young, viz: J. W. HoUoway, Thornton Holloway(deceased), William floUoway, Tom B. HoUoway, Carrie M. Holloway, Ijizzie May Holloway, Charles K. Holloway, Leslie Holloway, Joseph Holloway (deceased), and Mary Emma Hollowav. Respectfully, Jno. B. Holloway. Geo. Huebner. This country has furnished numerous instances where men with only limited education, but with practical sense have risen to the highest walks ot life. Not schooling, but practical com- mon sense is the key to success. Geo. Huebner is an eminent- ly practical man. During his early years as teamster lie had the chance to become acquainted witli the ways of life. His shrewd observation developed in him a sound judgment. On the road, from his fe.lowmen and from nature, but nut from books, he gathered his information. His knowledge comes from tlie first source. And he not only lias a fund of practical knowledge, but also knows how to express liis views with energy and clearness. He is an interesting talker. The writer bas heard with deep interest his views on road building and road improvement and he must confess that h3 never has heard sounder views on this subject than those expressed by Geo. Huebner. But not only on this, he has sound views on almost any question. From 1898 to 1900 iie served one term as county commissioner. When he retired from this oflTice, declining to stand for re-election, it was the general verdict of the people that they never had had a better commissioner. The writer agrees fully to their verdict and is of the opinion that a better man, a man with sounder judgment and greater common sense can not be found for that office. Geo. Huebner was born at the Bluff settlement August IG, 1851. His parents were John A. and Pauline (Willrich) Hueb- ner. They came to this county from Germany while quite young. His father came from Bavaria, and first immigrated to Texas in 1836, but on account of Indian raids lie went back -261— to New Orleans without settling in Texas. He returned in the early 40's and then settled in the Bluff settlement where both parents remained till their death. Geo. Huebner worked with his father on the farm, went to school and drove team. He acquired quite a reputation as one of the most skillful teamsters of the county, for it required skill to handle six to eight teams of oxen. After the war, lie married Miss Lisette Warnken, the dauglUer of a prominent old settler at the Bluff. This union was blessed with six children : Louis, Helene, Annie, George, Ellie and Augusta. George Huebner is a prominent successful farmer of the county. From 18;)8 to 1900 he served the county as commis- sioner which offiice he filled with great efficiency to the satisfac- tion of the people. Hon. a. B Kekr. Success is an accepted criterion of a man's worth of char- acter; by it, we are all judged and sized up. A great many succ?ssful people are only the makings of chance; but such can not be said of Hon. A. 13. Kerr, the subject of this sketch. He started with nolliing in Texas, but lie had those traits of char- acter which are the foundation of success, viz: Honesty, perse- verance, economy and above all a keen penetration into the chances of business which [iromised to turn out a success. Endowed with these superior qualities, he was destined for suc- cess. For a number of years he has been the largest taxpayer in Fayette County. He owns 50.00 acres of land in Texas, of which 4000 acres are under cultivation. He also owns a 50,000 acres ranch in Mexico. He is the owner of the Muldoou rock quarries from which he has shipped for years on an average thirty-five to forty cars per day. He is extensively interested in the Rockdale coal mines and A man who worked himself u station is worthy to be held u generation that they may succeeded. Hon. A. B. Kerr has kept out of politics and, although be served the people as justice of the peace (1870-1S75), as cora- numberless other enterprises, his brawn and brain to such a an example to the younger those qualities by which he -262— missioner (1870-1874) and also as school director, these offices were not sought after by him, but rather accepted by him on the demands of his friends. He was also a member of the Senate of the Twenty-fifth and Tsventy-sixth Legislatures, representing in tliat body Fayette, Colorado and Lavaca Counties. He occupied a high place in the councils of that body, not so much on account of his oratorical talent as on account of his business acumen, keen insight and the wisdom of his utterances. Men like he are the anchors that save a commonwealth in stormy times. There is no man who is worthier to be entrusted with the interests of others than Hon. A. 13. Kerr, his conservative charac- ter being the best pledge for their safety. The Y^arents of A. B. Kerr were Robert G. and Cassandra C. Kerr, nee McCutchen, na- tives of Virginia. Hon. A. B. Kerr's grand-parents distin- guished themselves as soldiers during the Kevolutionary War, viz: On the paternal side, William Kerr: on the maternal side, Downey Mc- Cutclien, known as Captain McCutchen. A. B. Kerr was born March 4, 1832, in Augusta County, Va. He attended the common schools and the high schools of that country. When twenty years of age, he started out for himself. He went to Charleston, W. Va., and from there down the Ohio and Mississppi Rivers to New Orleans. Many were taken sick with cholera on the boat. Boats were not allowed to stop in the towns, but they would land at wood yards and other places and there the passengers would dig pits in the sand for the corpses of their unfortunate Hon a. B. Kerr. —263— comrades. On this boat was a lady going south with her little boy to join her husband, a New Orleans merchant. The lady promenaded the deck with Mr. Kerr, seemingly in the best of health, but before morning she was a corpse. Tbe child would not go with anyone else, but clung to Mr. Kerr, and thus he took charge of the forlorn child until it reached its father in New Orleans. From New Orleans Mr. Kerr went to Indianola and from there by ox team to Gonzales. He secured a position as clerk and bookkeeper with one Mr. Gishard, a Frenchman, at a salary of $51 per month. After one month he became sick, having contracted pleurisy, and came near dying. On recovery he had to pay all his money to the doctors. Left without money, without a position and witliout friends and too proud to write home for money, he took the tirst job he could get and worked as hod carrier for the masons on the tirst brick building in Gon- zales, which was then being built for one Kaiber, at seventy cents a day and board himself. At that time Major Neighbors raised a company of rangers to guard a surveyor's party which was going north to survey land in Peters Colony, north of where Dallas now stands. As a ranger he had to equip himself, and as he had no money, some of his friends who had watched his industry trusted liis honesty and one furnished him with a horse, another with a saddle, and a third one with a pistol. While with the surveyor's party, he and one Gibbons, on their trip to Fort Belknap to liave their guns repaired, struck an Indian party and were attacked by them. Mr. Kerr had a very narrow esoa])e. On November ol, 1852, he was transferred from the ranger service to the surveying corps and here he received twice big former salarv, namely Sixty Dollars. Still later, he was transferred to the transcribing department of the general land office at a salary of Seventy Five Dollars per month. He stayed there till November 1, 1853, then went back to Gonzales and paid off" his debts. The last of January, 1854, he went to Cibolo, near Selma, Bexar County, and purchased a small herd of cattle and a tract of land from J. M. Hill. He made considerable money out of this. During the fall of 1854 he met his first wife, Miss May Mercer, and while she was attending school, they were married, August 2, 1855, — 2G4— Mrs. Kerr was the daughter of Levi Mercer, a wealthy sugar merchant at Egypt. During the fall of 1855 Mr. and Mrs Kerr loaded their household goods in an ox wagon and moved to Fay- ette County on a tract of two hundred acres of land that her grandfather, Judge Menefee, had given her. He engaged in farming up to the outbreak of tl}e war. Then he took charge of his father-in-law's stock and together with his own, moved tliem to Colorado County where he remained for two years. During the balance of the Civil ^Var he served in Shaw's Regiment, Carter's Brigade, as a private. After return to Fayette County, he engaged largely inland speculation, buying and sell- ing large tracts of land, and accumulated considerable property. B-y his first union Hon. A. B. Kerr became the father of four childi-en, as follows: Tliomaa 0., on his ranch in Frio County; James L., in business at Muldoon ; William B., in wood and coal business at San Antonio ; and R. E , (deceased). Mrs. Kerr who was a most estimable lady, and an earnest mem- ber of the Baptist chui'ch, died in 18(38. In 1870 Mr. Kerr mar- ried Miss Bettie Ragsdale, a native of Texas, and daughter of Charles C. and Sarah (nee Scallorn) Ragsdale. l^'our children were born to his second union : John A., a graduate of the Law Department of the University of Texas, now in the mercantile business at Muldoon ; Charles (I., also m the mercantile busi- ness at Muldoon ; Miss Mary, died in 1882 ; and Miss Lila in San Antonio, at the home of her father. Anton Legler. Mr. Anton Legler is known throughout the count}' as the leader of the famous Bridge Valley music band. In 1892 his band received the first prize at the Battle of Flowers' festival at San Antonio. He was born August 6, 1848, at Neustadtl on Tafelfichte Mount in Bohemia. He was educated in the public school of that place and then learned the weaver trade. He early loved music, showed a great talent for it, studied it and soon became an accomplished musician. Bohemia, his home, is world-famous for good musicians. In 1871 he married Miss Anna Hanisch in —265— that country. He immigrated with his family to the ITnited States in 1873, worked first in the La Grange brewery on the Bluff' and then settled on the school land on the Bluff. He had a small farm of only fifty acres. But hy thrift rnd industry he saved money and in 1S85 he bought a large phce in Bridge Valley. In 181)8 he established a saloon and mercantile busi- ness at that place. As a business man he has been yery success- ful and established a reputation for honesty and reliahilil3^ He was also appointed postmaster of tliat place. Lately he has also bought a place at Plum where he intends to o))en a mercan- tile estabiisliment. The life of Mr. A. Legler furnishes one of tlie many ex- amples where a German, though landing in this country with very limited means, by industry, economy and business talent has worked himself u)) to a station wiiich coinmands th(j respect of his fellow citizens. Mr. j.egler is one of those immigrants of whom one may truthfully say that they are an acquisition to this country. He is a good citizen and takes a great interest in pub- lic affairs. Very often he has taken a leading i)art in the dis- cussion of public (juestions. and he explains his views with an ability and force possessed only by a man of honest convictions. Aug. F. Loessin. Aug. F. Loessin is the popular postmaster of La Grange. He is an ardent republican, never tired of making converts lor his party and of advocating its principles. The principles and policy of the republican party have never been explained and defended in this county with greater ability and with greater courage than by young August F. Loessin. He takes a great interest in all questions affecting the welfare of his party. His politeness and attention to the duties of his office have made ^ him popular with the people whom he serves. i His parents are Hermann Ludwig and Maria (Sauer) Loessin. They were both born in Prussia, his father in the province of Pommern and his, mother in Verona, Prussia. His father came to Texas in 1853 and first settled in Ross Prairie. His mother —266- came with her parents to Postoak Point and moved near Black Jack Springs in 1857. His father moved to Black Jack Springs in 1865 and two years later he married Miss Maria Sauer of Pin Oak and made Black Jack Springs his permanent home, where he still resides with his wife on their farm. This union was blessed with ten children. The eldest, the subject of this sketch, August F. Loessin, was born January 14, 186S, at Black Jack Springs, Texas. He went to the public school of that place till the age of fourteen; then he received private instruction for two years from Prof. J. DuUjeatPiu Oak. He worked on the farm and in the gin till 1890. Then he went to Muldoon and clerked for one year for Ivey, Stagner & Co. In 1891 he went to Seguin as manager of the ice plant and water works which position he held five months. He then accepted a position as clerk in the saloon of F. Klem and remained there till 1893, In the fall of 1893 he went to Galveston and established a grocery business. He was married in the same year 1894 to Miss Mathilde v. Rordorf of La Grange. The next year he moved to La Grange and accepted a position in the sa- loon of F. V. Rosenberg which position he held till April 19L)0, when he resigned it to accept his appointment as postmaster of La Grange. He was appointed postmaster under McKinley April 15, 1900, and re appointed under T. Roosevelt. Being an ardent republican and an able defender of the re- publican policy, his party has honored him very often with Aug. F. Loessin. —267— positions of public trust. He was elected Chairman of the Republican League of the Tenth Congressional District at Fort Worth (1898) and re-elected at Houston (1900). He has been a member of the Republican Executive Committee of the county as Chairman of Precinct No. 1 since 1898. His eminent services to the republican party have been rewarded by his appointment to the Postmastership of La (orange. In case of the success of his party his prospects for further promotion are on account of his great efHciency and ability very bright. Will Loessin. If the writer says : Fayette County can boast of a man who has done excellent detective work, every Fayette County reader can supply the name to this, viz., the City Marshal of La Crange, Will Loessin, the brother of our sheriff. To unravel the clew to mysterious crimes which leads to the detection of the criminal is a special gift of nature, and Will Loessin possesses this gift in the highest degree. From a rapid combination of circumstances and an inspection of the situation he unfailingly points out tlie criminal and soon brings convincing proof of the correctness of his opinion. When the negro Clay Ford had murdered a negro woman living alone in a house, every clew was missing. The crime was committed at night and there was not even a witness who had seen the negro enter the house or be about the premises on that night. Still, as soon as Will Loessin was notitied, he inspected the j)lace of the crime, saddled his horse the same night, rode some twelve miles by himself, arrested the negro at night in a crowd of other negroes and brought him handcutied to La Crange next morning. A feat that can hardly be e(iualled in detective stories Tlie negro was legally tried, convicted and hung at La Grange, Texas. On April 15, 1902, there was a considerable sum of money (over $1,700) stolen from Mr. D. M. Croft of Winchester. There was no clew to the theft whatever. But there is no suspicious cir- cumstance which escapes the watchful eyes of Will Loessin and on May 29, 1902, he had the thief arrested and nearly the whole sum recovered. Slight circumstances which would ixot even be —268— .noticed by others lead him to the detection of the criminal. He excels not only in shrewdness, but is also one of the most fearless men living. If nothing else — but there are many in- stances of his personal bravery — his arresting the negro mur- derer Clay Ford in a bunch of negroes at night by himself would be suflicient proof of his fearlessness. His services as detective have been of im- mense value to the county. His shrewdness and cournge are not only recognized in this county, but throughout the state. In 1900 he went with II. S. Marshal Geo. Siebrecht of San Antonio to Havana and arrested there one Borkey for postofHce forgery committed in Gonzales County. Space does not permit the writer to mention any more of his dar- ing feats. It may be remarked that no man in the county holds the lawless and turbu- lent negro element better in check than he. His very name inspires the negro with fear and prompts him to obey. But not only the negro element fears him, his courage and daring command respect everywhere. Will Loeasin is the brother of our sheriff, August Loessin, and was born August 20, 1872, at Black Jack Springs. There he went to school and stayed and worked on the farm of his father. From 1892 to 1894 he attended the Blinn Memorial College at Brenham. In the latter year he was appointed deputy sheriff by his brother. He was elected city marshal of La Gi-ange in April 1900 and re-elected to that office without opposition in 1902. He has the name of one of the shrewdest and most fear- less and efficient peace officers of the state. He was married to Miss Katie Stiehl of La Grange, Will Loessin. —269— the daughter of the well known judge of that name on April 14, 1901. Carl Luecke. Industry, economy and perseverance pave the road to suc- cess. The life of Mr. Carl Luecke is an exemplification of this fundamental truth. Pie has seen in his youth much of hard life, but tliis only spurred him in his efforts to achieve success. He has grappled successfully with life's difficulties and come out ahead. Having provided for old age. he now can look with con- fidence into the future. Tlie parents of Mr. Car) Luecke were Wilhelm Luecke, a native of Hanover, and Jol)anna lAiecke, nee Raabe. Their Mr. and Mrs. Carl Luecke. union was blessed with six children: (1) Wilhelm, now living in Moulton; (2) Johanna, wife of George Frels, a farmer near War- renton, deceased; (3) August, died in Nechanilz; (4) Augusta, wife of Gerh. Bohms; (5) Friedrich, farmer at Rutersville; and (()) Carl, the subject of this sketch, in the gin business at Schu- leuburg. His parents came to the United States in 1845 and landed in Galveston. After remaining there for some time, they went to Houston in tho following year. From there they went ^270— to Ross Prah-ie, where his father died (1849) when Carl was only three years old. After his father's death, his mother married Mr. Heinrich Muecke of Ross Prairie. !She died in that settle- ment in 1853 when Carl was only seven years old, leaving him alone in the world. Carl Luecke was born Februarys, 1846, in Houston. As we have seen, his father died when Carl was only three years of age. Thus, he was left alone in the world to hustle for him- self. For that reason, he received very little schooling. He had to work to make his way through life. On November 11, 1870, he married Miss Gesine Muelker of Roundtop and then stayed there the next seven years. In 1877 he bought a farm on Middle Creek where he farmed till 1895. In that year he moved to Schulenburg. Since 1900 he is in the gin business with his son-in-law, Mr. Chas. Windel. They have made a fine reputation for fair dealing, honesty and business ability, and on that account enjoy a very large custom. They are the most popular ginners of Schuienburg. Mr. Luecke is the father of four children: Laura, wife of Mr. Chas. Windel; Lina. wife of Mr. Rich. Alirens, farmer near Schuienburg; John and Cliaiies, proprietors of the Scl.ulenbur^ soda factory. Hon. Wenzel Matajowski. Hon. Wenzel Matajowski is highly respected throughout tlie county. He is the proprietor of one of the oldest rnerciintile establishn eats in Fayette County and in conducting it has acquired a high reputation for hjnesiy, fair dealing and reliabilty. He is one of the oldest living settlers in the county and still takes an interest in public affairs. During the Civil War he was a strong Union man and as such he became allied with the republican party. For quite a number of years, he was one of the ablest republican leaders in the county. During the Civil War, he served as constable in his precinct (1862-64). In 1886 he was honored by the people in being elected representative to the Twentieth Legislature, which held the first session in the new capitol building. Here he represented faithfully the inter- ests of his constituents. Most probably he is the oldest post- -271- master in the county, having held the office of postmaster in Nechanitz, this county, since 1873. Hon. Wenzel Matajowski comes from a highly respectable family. His father, Anton Matajowski, born in 1800, was a merchant and mayor of the Bohemian city of Nechanitz; his mother was Barbara Matajowski, nee Hermann. This union was blessed with four children, of whom Wenzel Matajowski, the subject of this sketch, was the second. His oldest brother Anton was royal and imperial landrath (an officer invested with the powers of district judge and the commissioners' court combined) of Prague, Bohemia. His younger brothers, Eduard and Theo- dore, were merchants in Nech- anitz, Bohemia. Each of them served in that city as mayor. Wenzel Matajowski w a s born in Nechanitz, Bohemia, in 1829; he received his edu- cation at the gymnasium of Trautenau. In 1850 he came to the United States and landed at Galveston. He first farmed on the Bernard. From there he moved to Bastrop and established a cigar fac- tory in the latter place (1852). In the following year he niarried Miss Christiana Dietrich of Bastrop. In 1855 he moved to Long Prairie and farmed there till 1867, when he bought the mercantile business of Robert Zapp, which he still manages. He has been postmaster of Nechanitz (formerly Long Prairie) since 1878, The following children were the fruits of this union with his wife : (1) Edward, merchant at Birch, Burleson County ; Hon. "Wenzel Matajowski. ^272—- (2)Mary,wife of Gustav Franzo. farmer in Cumming's Prairie near Ledbetter, Fayette County; (3) Anna, deceased ; (4) Ottilie, wife of Louis Kruse, fanner and butcher near Ledbetter ; (5) Clementine, deceased ; (G) Gustav, merchant in Warda, Fayette County ; (7) Wenzel, merchant in Yellow Prairie, Chrisman P.* 0., Burleson C.iunty ; (8) Auguste, wife of Wm. Kruse, mer- chant in Ledbetter ; (9) Clara, wife of Geo. Kruse, stockman and farmer near Ledbetter ; (10) Anton, merchant near Dime Box, Lee County ; (11) Laura, wife of Joe Dullye, farmer and stockman near Giddings, Lee County ; (12) Antonia, wife of Albert Speckels, farmer near Giddings ; (13) Charles and (14) Paul, at home in the business of their father, Geo. Mauer, Sr. The subject of this sketch, Mr. Geo. Maaer, ar., stands high everywhere in the county, Llis honesty and business ability are recognized throughout the county by the people, and they have repeatedly elected him to positions of |)ublic trust. Frcm 1S80 to ISIJO he served tlie county as commissioner. Iw this office he was far-see- iiig, of broad vitnvs and stood above petty chicanes. Ho iidvocatHd several measures that have proveMl of lasting l,(Mie(it to the county, lie r f s i d e s now ;it Kutcrs- v;llf and is one of Hit- most successrul farmers of the coun- ty. Me was bom in ISpj in Liegnitz, Silesia, Germany, His parents, Georg and Emi- lie Mauer, came to the United States in 1850, when their son was eight years old. They settled in Biegel settle- ment, and George went to private schools in Biegel and Fay- Geo. Mauer, Sr. —273— etteville. When the Civil War broke out, he entered Capt, Alexander's Company, Third Texas Regiment, as a private and served during the war. hi 18G6 he married Miss Sophia Steves. This union was blessed with nine children, live boys and four girls : (1) Louis, architect, now in San Francisco ; (2) George, proprietor of a saddlery in La Grange ; (o) Penry, architect, inV Beaumont ; (4) Charles, merchant in Marlin ; (5) John, clerk in Rutersville ; (6) Emily, wife of John Niederauer, proprietor of a vineyard at Brenham ; (7) Anna, wife of Alex Schuech, farmer at La Grange ; (8) Sophie, teacher, and (9) Lydia, at home. His son, George Mauer, jr., is a popoular business man of La Grange, liberal, accommodating, reliable and honest, and on account of these qualities is bound to make a success. In li*OL he was married to Miss Anna Kainer of of La Grange. He is the proprietor of a first-class saddlery and a (irst-class workman, and deserves for these reasons, the patronage of the people of La Grange and neighborhood. J. C, Melcher. Mr. J. C. Melcher is a man who deserves the most credita- ble mention by this writer ; he is one of the few in this county who have excelled in the field of invention. He has taken out seven patents and received eight diplomas and medals. Among others, he possesses four patents for insect destroyers and one for a center and extension table. Besides these he invented very many ingenious contrivances for which he did not take out any patent. At the Texas State Fair in Houston in 187i>, he was awarded the first prize for the best sample of tobacco. He is observant, a sharp thinker and pays his closest attention to im- proved methods. He was the first one to «eall the attention of the public to the mineral resources of Fayette County. The reader will read Ids article on Minerals of Fayette County with interest and be benefitted by the valuable information it con- tains. Mr. Melcher belongs to one of the oldest families in Fayette —274— County. His father, Johann Friedrich, came in 1846 from Preussisch Minden, Germany, to La Grange, At that lime there were only two stores in La Grange. Mr. J. C. Melcher was born in the town of La Grange March 19, 1849. In 1857 he moved with his fatiier to OHJuinn. He went to private schools, practiced self educa- tion, and pursued farm work and ranching. In 1870 ha es- tablished a mercantile busi- ness at O'Quinn and was mar- ried to Miss Clementine Geb- ert. The oldest children of this union are : (1) Louis, in business at Engle ; (2) Anna, wife of Mr. C. J. Luck ; (3) Minna, wife of Mr. Fritz Otell; (4) Amalia, wife of Mr. A. Lampe ; (5) Edward, who helps his father in the store. The smaller ones attend school and stay at the home of their father and help on the farms and attend to the cattle. J. C. MELLHliU C. L. Melcher. Inventive genius seems to be a kind of hereditary natural gift in the Melcher family. Like his brother Charles, Mr. C. L, Melcher is an observant man with a clear head and clear ideas. He is the inventor and patentee of an improved road grading machine (patented Ju«e 2, 1891) and of a cotton baling appara- tus (patented September 14, 1897). Like his brother Charles, he has also paid great attention to the mineral resources of the county, and, therefore, is a most interesting talker on this subject. Mr. C. L. Melcher was born September 19, 1851, at La Grange. Texas. He went to the private school of Miss Annie —275— C. L. Melcher. Perlitz in the Lewis settlement and later to the school of Captain Eiswald on the Kraerner place. He was confirmed by Rev. C. C. Rudy in the Pliiladelphia Church (Lutheran) on the East Navidad. Later he also went one year to the nic;ht school of Prof. E. Heimann. In 18G2-G3 he made a trip as government teamster to Mex- ico; after that, he was a private teamster. Next, he farmed till the year 1873, when he entered into partnership with his brother Charles in the Jat- ter's mercantile business at O'Quinn; in this business he remained for two years. After his withdrawal from this business, he established himself as a carpenter. In 1880 he built the gin in Swiss Alp where he still resides, highly respected by all who know him. Mr. C. L. Melcher was married January 25, 1877, to Miss Anna Gebert of O'Quinn. This union was blessed with thirteen children, of whom one died. The four oldest are: (1) Laura, wife of Theodor Boiling, farmer at Swiss Alp; (2) Heduig, wife of Louis Boiling, farmer at Swiss Alp; (3) May, teacher in Black Jack Springs; (4) Emil, bookkeeper for Perlitz Bros , Schulen- burg. Tlie rest of the children are at liome. As remarked before, Mr. C. L. Melciier is the pro[jrietor of a gin at Swiss Alp, furnished with the latest improvements. He pays close attention to business and on account of his watchful- ness and observation produces a model staple. Observation and inventive genius pay in any kind of business. Besides this, he serves the people as a notary public. Julius Meyknbek(;, Sr. In this picture of the venerable old man the people of Fay- ette County recognize at once one of the oldest men and one of —276^ the oldest settlers in this county, Mr. Julius Meyenberg, sr. Mr. Meyenberg is now in his eighty. third year and has seen life in all its phases. He was born in 1819 at Celle, Hanover, and received a classi- cal education in the gymnasium of that city. In 1844 he immi- grated to the United States and landed in New Orleans. He went to Frelsburg in Colorado County and bought a farm there in 1845. He next went with his brother Franz Lud- wig, a former captain of the Portuguese army in Brazil, to New Braunfels. In 1850 he returned to Fayette County, bought a farm on the Bluff and settled there. He was married in that year to Miss Kunigunde Oske, born March 14, 1828, in the Province of Saxony, Prussia. This union was blessed with eight child- ren all of whom were born on the Meyenberg farm on the Bluff: (1) Helene, born July 18, 1851, resides on the Bluff; (2) Max, born September 2, 18.53, died September 14, 1867, of yellow fever in La Grange ; (3) Franz, born June 25, 1855, diad September 13, 1S67, of yellow fever in La Grange ; (4) Selma, born March 2, 1857, wife of F. Streithofi'; (5) Edmund, born Januarv 25, 1859, proprietor of a saddlery in Pecos City ; (6) Elise, born February 14, 1861, died October 15, 1866, on the Bluff; (7) Alexander, born March 17, 1863, died Septem- ber 6, 1867, of yellow fever at La Grange ; (8) Julius, born August 17, 1865, proprietor of a drug store at La Grange. In 1865 Mr. Meyenberg went with his family to La Grange and established a drug business, A hard blow struck him dur- JuLius Meyenberg, Sr. --277— ing the yellow fever epidemic in La Grange in 1867. He lost his wife and three children. In lonely hours he still cherishes their memory. Mr. Meyenberg was in his earlier days a sympathizing friend and true adviser to the German immigrant. He is gratefully remembered by a great many of them. He has gained the high respect of his fellow citizens and a great man}-- of them speak of him with veneration. It may be remarked here that he possesses one of the finest collections of insects and butterllies as is hardly equalled by the great institutions of learning in this country. Years ago, he retired from the drug business. Tlie same is now conducted by his son Julius and is the leading drug busi- ness in La Grange. Prof. AI. W Meyer. It is a pleasure to this writer to present to the readv:;r a sketch of a countryman of his. Pruf. M.W. Meyer, a native of East Prus- sia. East Prussia is tlie native country of ujhu like Kant, Herder and Koch, men who have revolutionized science, opened nesw channels of thought and started new epochs of science; names that are not only known tliroughout Germany, but that shine briglit- est on the pages of universal history of phih)sophy. Perha[ts it is due to these great men tliat the East Prussian enjoys a repu- tation for clearness of mind. The career of Prof. M. \V. Meyer furnishes an example of the steadfastness of purpose, the pese- verauce and judiciousness of the German mind. When he came to this country, he first worked on the farm and earned some money to attend a business college. He then taught school for five years and saved money to attend the Sam Houston Normal. He graduated in that institution. Since then he taught school again. Prof. Meyer takes a great interest in edu- cational afl'airs and is now recognized as one of the leadmg educators of the county. The parents of Prof. Meyer were Nathaniel and Antonie (Brannies) Meyer. His father owned a shoe factory near Tilsit, I —278— Kast Prussia. M. \V. Meyer was born Dec. 10, 1870, near Tilsit, East Prussia, and attended the public schools of that place. In October 1885, he immigrated to the United States and came to his uncle, William Brannies, at Seguin. He stayed there five years and worked on liis uncle's farm. In 1890-01 he took a course in the Blinn Memorial College at Brenham, Texas. He graduated, in the commercial course. After that, he taught school for five years m Guaglalupe County. From 1890 to 1898 he attended the Sam Houston Normal at Huntsville, Texas. He graduated in tiiat institution (189S) and accepted tiie position of superintendent of the Sehulenburg city schools, to which position he has been continuously re-elected by the trustees. His services as an educator have been eminent, and his ability and success in his profession have acquired him a reputation as a leading teacher of the county. He married Miss Bertha Nitsch of Segnin, on December 6, 1892, This union is blessed with one child, Lillie, two years old. It is to be hoped that the schools of our country may secure more such men as Prof Meyer, and that his services as a public teacher in his city may continue for many more years, for it is only through such men that our public schools will reach the eminence to which they justly and deservedly strive. Mrs. Maria Muklker. More and more, the old pioneers of the county disai)pear; only a few of them who have lived in the early times and can talk of them, are still surviving^. One of the oldest settlers of the county, still living, is Mrs. Maria Muelker, widow of John Muelkerj deceased. Mrs. Maria Muelker belongs to the Aschen family, a family noted for long life. Her brothers have all attained an old age and are still living: Johann Aschen, eighty- nine years old; Anke, wife of Recklefs Meiners, eighty six years old; Reinhard Aschen, eighty-three years old, and Heinrich Aschen, eighty-two years old. She is the youngest and is eighty years old. Mrs. Muelker is of great vitality; her hair is still —270— black, and one who sees her would hardly judge her to be over fifty. Mrs. Muelker was born June G, 1.S22, near Oldenburg, Ger- many. She njarried there Mr. John .Muelker, a farmer in that country in 1843. In 1847 they came to Te.xas and lauded at Galveston. On the voyage over the ocean, their only child, two years old, had died on board the shij). From Galveston they moved to Houston where they stayed one vear. Here, their other child, Gesine, wife of Carl Luecke, was born to them. In 1848 they moved from Houston to Industry, Austin County. At Mrs. Maria Muelker and Her Husband, John Muelker, Deceased. that time, there were no railroads in Texas and one could not travel then with as great convenience as now. The family moved to Industry in an ox wagon drawn by one yoke of oxen and one team of horses. Mrs. Mu'^lker laughingly recalls her appear- ance in those days, in boots and with a Mexican sombrero. One morning on their journey the horses were lost. It was a winter morning. A norther with rain made it disagreeable outside. The men went off" to look for the horses. She was left by iierself on the open prairie. Little did she sleep that night, listening to the blowing norther and the falling rain. Next morning the —280— men returned with the horses, having found them in the Bernard. In 1850 they moved from Industry to Roundtop, Fayette County, where they farmed till 1877. In that year Mr. Muelker bought a farm on Middle Creek and moved upon it, where he died in 1883. His widow stayed on this farm witli her son-in- law, Mr. Carl Luecke, till the year 1895. In October of that year they moved to Schulenburg, where she still resides. Marshall B. O'Bar. Marshall B. O'Bar is known throughout the count}^ for his honesty and reliability. As the saying is, he is as honest as the day is long, reckoning twenty-four hours to the day. To ihose people who are acquainted with him, he is known as a gentle- man of irreproachable character ; people who make his acquain- tance soon recognize him as one. Mr. O'Bar is a man of marked ability. This was never more conspicuous than as when he served the couniy as commissioner of his precinct (1892-1890). It was the unanimous verdict of the people that the county never had a better commissioner. M. O'B.n- is this year a can- didate for tax collector and there is no doubt that his honesty, reliability and business capacity will receive their due considera- tion from the people. The family of Mr. O'Bar is one of the oldest in the county. His uncle John O'Bar established the first blacksmith shop in La Grange. His family was the third family that settled there. His grandmother reached the age of one hundred and four years. The first marriage license on record in Fayette County was is- sued to Mr. O'Bar's aunt. Miss Lottie 0"Bar, who married Napoleon Breeding. Mr. O' Bar's grandfather John O'Bar was a native of Irehmd, being born in the neighborhood of Dublin. He came from that country to Virginia, where he died in 1806. John O' Bar's son, Alexander O'Bar, also a native of Ireland, the father of Marshall, settled in Marshall County, Alabama, —281— and was married there to Miss Nancy Burks. Their son Mar- shall O'Bar was born there Januar}^ 1, 1844. In 1852 Alexander O'Bar moved to Fayette County, Texas, and settled in the neighborhood of the present site of Warrenton, April 3, 1852. He died there November 1, 1856. Marshall was raised on the farm and went to fjrivate country schools. During the Confederate War, he entered Cook's regiment of heavy ar- tillery as a private and was promoted during the war to the first lieutenancy. After the war, he was in the gin business with Wm. Neese till the year 1873, when he bought the property where he still lives. Mr. O'Bar was married io Miss Mary McCord of Rusk, Cherokee County, formerly of Fayette County. Tliis union was blessed with three child- ren who were all born at War- renton : (1) John H., born October 25, 1871, former county superintendent of Fay- ette County, now cotton buyer under Tally of La Grange for Crawford & Byrnes of Austin, Texas; (2) Miss Emma M., born April 11, 1873, staying with her parents at Warrenton ; (3) Oliver, born February 11, 1875, went to the public schools at Warrenton to the age of sixteen, two years to the A. and M. College at Bryan, studied three jears at Medical College of Galveston and one year at Tulane Univer- sity of New Orleans the profession of medicine ; graduated there May 3, 1899 and is now a practicing physician. Marshall B, O'Bar. —282- JOHN OlTMANNS. The memory of John Oltmanns is chet^islied deservedly by the Schnlenburg people. Tliere never lived a, more patriotic and public spirited man than he. Unceasingly he worked for the interests of iSchulenburg, sparing neither time nor money to advance them. As a member of the city council, he improved the streets of the city and advocated a number of measures and improvements that proved of lasting benefit to the city. In social affairs he was the leading spirit, constantly arranging concerts, balls and theatrical performances that young and old might enjoy themselves. It is due to his efforts that Schnlen- burg l)as acquired the reputation of being one of the most soc able and entertaining cities of the state. John Oltmanns wa3 also a good man. There never was a man who applied for help to him sent away with- out having received tlie solic- ited aid. P^specially beat his warm heart fur his country- men who had just immigrated. He assisted them with his advice and his purse. Of John Oltmanns it may be truthfully said tliat the good he has done was liot interred with liis bones, but lives in the memory of all those he befriended. John Oltmanns was born May 17, 1852. at Hankhausen, near Rastede, Oldenburg, Germany. His parents were Eilert Gerhard and Helene Oltmanns, nee v. Esten. They owned considerable real estate. John went to school at Hankhausen, and, after his school years, learned the baker's trade. In 1874 he established himself in the hotel business and also ran a water power mill and bakery, John Oltmanns. —283— being the owner of all tliree establishments. On May 15, 1S74, he naarried INliss Anna Clode, born April 15, 1851, at Holler Wuestino;, Oltlenburg. He came to the United States in 1883, and in the following year liis family followed him. He lirst worked in a bakery in Galveston, then id 1884 he worked some months in the saloon of Joe Kainer at High Hill. The same year he opened a saloon in Schulenburg. He was ver}^ success- ful in this business, and remained there till the time of his death, October 22, 1901. His wife and four children survive him: (1) Hermine, wife of John H. Maliler, clerk in San Antonio; (2) Helene, wife of F. F. Schaefer, formerly in the saloon busines-s at Schulenburg; (.')) Martha and (4) Jolin, at the home of their mother. John Dltmanns was a member of the order of the Sons of Herm.ann, O. D. II. S. F. Pkesun. The name of the subject of this sketcli is well known throughout this and adjoining counties: F. PreSun. In wliatever business he was engaged, whatever position he has lilled, he everywhere established a higli record for industry, honesty and reliability. 13eing atfcible and sociable, he is well liked by a Jiost of warm friends in all parts of the county. Mr. F. Presun was born September 19, 1851, at J^emgo, Lil)pe-Detmold, Germany. His parents were Franz and Pauline Presun. His father held the high office of auditor of the custom house. A sister of his is still Hying in Germany. Mr. Presun was educated at the gymnasium in Lemgo and received in that school a classical education. In- 1871 he came to Texas and first stayed with his uncle, VVilhelm Lange, in Welcome, Austin County. In 1872 he entered the commission house of Robert Leisewitz in Brenham, a cotton receiving and forwarding busi- ness. Here he stayed for nearly four years. In 1875 we find him in the employ of a wholesale wooden and willow ware busi- ness in St. Louis. In the same year he came back to Texas and clerked in the general merchandise store of Hillman & Gans in Giddings. Here he was also assistant postmaster with G. Pauli. -284- From Giddings he went back to Brenham and there took charge of the business of Robert Leisewitz, his former principal. He was married in October 1876 to Miss Ella UjfFy of La Grange. In 1878 he opened up a general merchandise business in Welcome, Austin County, where he remained till 1882. He then went to Houston and served in the cotton business of Ull- mann, Lewis it Co. In ISSo he took the position as chief clerk in the track department of the auditor's office of the Southern Pacific Railroad in Houston, Texas, He was transferred as chief clerk in the division roadmaster's department and left Houston for Schulenburg in charge of this office in 1884. The same year he went with his family to Ger- many on a visit. He returned to Schulenburg in September 1884 and opened a commission business in 1885 which he sold in 1890 to Meyer & Stanzel to take a position as bookkee[)er in t h e business of H. Horner. After the death of his wife he moved to La Grange and was there for three years the agent of the New Orleans Brewing Asso- ciation. He married jNliss Anna Stuedemanu of LaGrange in 1895. In 1897 he established the Crown Soda Factory which he sold to the La Grange Ice and Cold Storage Company. He is now sec- retary and treasurer of said company and ships to Taylor, New Ulm, Columbus, Weimar and Fayetteville. His children are Henry and Arthur Presun. The former travels for the Buck's Stove and Range Company of St. Louis in the state of Illinois; the latter works in the jewelry business of Dietrich & Krengel in La Grange. Mr. F. Presun is a public spirited man, not in a political sense, but in a commercial and social way. He is unceasing in F. Presun. —285— his efforts to advance the commercial and social interests of La Grange. His ability and energy in this line have been recognized by the various lodges and clubs of which he is a member and he serves as secretary respectively secretary and treasurer in the following organizations: Secretary of Post L, T. P. A.; treasurer of La Grange Lodge 565, Knights of Honor; secretary and trensiirer of Endowment Ring, K. of P., Section 1477; secretary Bismarck Lodge No. 8, 0, D. H. S., and secretary Bluff Schuetzen Verein. Chas. H. Schaefer. "Let us step into the County-Seat Saloon," is a well re- ceived suggestion. No wonder. In this popular resort the best whiskies, finest liquors, cool beer and other refreshments are served by a popular barkeeper, fHs friends have nicknamed him '"boss,", not because he bosses so much, but because he bosses so little. He much prefers to receive your order, of course, for refreshments. His politeness and the good service in his place always attract customers ; people who have been there once will also call there again. The owners of this pop- ular place are Chas. H. Schaefer & Son. The Schaefer family is counted among the oldest families of Fayette County. Mr, Schaeier's parents, Carl Friedrich and Jolianna Schaefer and with them their son Chas. H. Schaefer (born in the city of Hanover Nov. 9, 1839) came to La Grange, Texas, in the year 1847. His father was a teacher of languages in the city of Hanover. At that time the German governments were very oppressive ; it was the time of the Holy Alliance. The more energetic who also were a highly educated class left the fatherland for the home of the brave and the free. Hard times also awaited them here. Unused to manual labor, they had to learn it to make a living. Mr. Schaefer sawed logs into planks for one month and received as compensation a cow. He bought a small farm near Cedar where also Bill and John Lewis had settled before. In 1853 he bought a farm on the Bluff in company with Mr. Carl Otto. After the death of his wife he —286— took very little interest in life ; he became very meloncholy ; he followed her in 1874. Schools at that time were not as numerous as now. Charley went to private teachers, Mrs. Grasshoffand Mrs. Knobelsdorf who taught school on the Bluff. During the Civil War, Mr, Chas. Schaefer served in the 4th Texas Mounted Volunteers, Sibley's Brigade — afterwards Green's Brigade — from 1861-1865. He took part in the engagement at Monac's Ferry and several minor engagements. He was not wounded during the war, but lost his brother Fritz in the battle of Glorietta, N. M. Jn 1868 he was married to Miss Louise Helmcamp of Bluff settlement. In December, 1896, he came to La Grange and engaged in the saloon business in which he is still engaged. His three oldest children are married, their names : Mrs. Elise Prilop, Cedar ; Mrs. Louise Eck, Bluff', and George, in the saloon business witli his father; his youngest children, Misses Mary and Alvine and Ciiarles Schaefer s^ay at the home of their father. Max ane Julius Schwartz. Messrs. Max and .Julius Schwartz number amongst Schuien- burg's most successful business men. They are the well-known proprietors of the I. X L. Livery Stable and conduct this busi- ness in a popular manner. Tliey keep a great number of fast horses and all kinds of vehi-i cles S) that tli^y ca:i suit any taste and all djininds aiide on them in thiir liao of busi- ness. Especially drummers, as also the traveling public in general speak of the obliging and accomtnnd iting brothers ' in words of highest praise. In connection with their livery and feed business they also Max Schwartz. , in, i Julius Schwartz. purchase and sell horses and mules. Well knowing the qualities of good animals, they pur- chase only first-class animals and thus are able to suit their customers to satisfaction. They also pay their closest attention —287— to the real estate business and persons wishing to sell or buy land will do well in securino; their services. Being well ac- quainted, on account of their long residence and their business, in this and adjoining counties, they understand the wishes of their customers and always know what place will suit them best. Messrs. Max and Julius Schwartz are botli natives of the Khinepfalz, Cxeriaany, Max having been born at Pirmasens, Germany, July 17, 1865 and Julius at Busenberg on June IG, 1872. In 1876 they came from Germany to this country and have resided now for over a quavter of a century in Schulenburg. Both gentlemen are known throughout the county as great hustlers and men of keen business sense. They have made a success in their busuiess. The 1. X. L Livery Stable is eiiual in equipment, if not superior, to the best livery stables in South Texas. Chaeles and Gustav Sengelmann. A visitor in Schulenburg, walking down Main street, will be struck by the elegant appearance of a massive, substantial two-story brick building, the property of the Sengelmann broth- ers. It is known through- out the county as the "Two Brothers Saloon," the most elegantly equipped saloon in the county. Upon entering he finds a large, roomy hall, the nigh ceil- ing being supported by massive, elegantly worked pillars. Billiard and pool tables and tables with the leading newspapers and the county papers invite the visitor. The Sengel- maim brothers were the first who introduced this feature of holding a fine line of news- papers for the entertainment of their patrons in this county. In ;:?■ The Two Brothers Saloon. -288- connection with the bar is a first class cuisine under the manage- ment of Mr. David, It may be said that so far as meeting the wishes of their patrons is concerned, the Sengehnann brothers have no superiors. The line of liquors, wines and cigars which they handle corresponds with the other metropolitan equipment of their bar. Upstairs is a first class hall which serves for public balls, meetings, entertainments and theatrical perform- ances, it has an elegant hard polished floor and measures in dimensions fifty by eighty-five feet. Both gentlemen are natives of Holstein, Germany. The elder, Mr. Charles Sengelmann, came to this country with his brother August in 1871, when he was sixteen years of age. They first located in Columbus, Texas, and in 1877 they moved to Schulenburof. In 1885 their brother, Gustav Sengelmann, also a native of Holstein, Germany, came to this country and two years later in 1887 purchased the interest of his brother August who returned to Germany and established himself in that country in the saloon business at Garden-by-Kiel. The Two Brothers establishment was burned out in 1893, but with tiie energy characteristic of the Sengelmanns they at once commenced rebuilding and early in 1894 had their present elegant building completed. Both brothers are recognized lead- ers of Schulenburg society, stand well socially and financially, and have a higii rejjutation for reliability throughout the county. John Speckels, Sr. The memory of good men is not interred with their bones, but lives after tliem. The friends of John Speckels cherish liis memory and love to recall his sterling merits. 11 is life was a success; under the most unfavorable circumstances, he grai)pled with life's ditficulties and came out ahead. In his old age he could with pride looli back on the early struggles of his youth and enjoy their well earned fruits. At the time of his death, he left his children all well provided and in prosperous circum- stances. John Speckels was born in 1817 in Germany and married in that country to Miss Marguerite Imken. In 1847 they came >-289— to the United States and settled at Frelsbnrg, Colorado Connty< Texas, where they remained for one year. In 1849 they came to this county and settled on a farm near the present Warrenton where they followed agricultural pursuits till 1891. Their finances were at a low ebb when they came to this county, and for some time, until they could open up land and build a log house, they lived in a lent. Mr. Speckels made his own house- hold furniture in those days. The family experienced a great many hardships and was wholly without Hour during the first year. They finally got a start, and Mr. 8[)eckels became a prominent stockman of his section, owning large herds of cattle, sheep and horses. He had managed to buy two or three negroes previous to the war, and although he was too old for service, his oldest son Clerhard served throughout the war. Mr. Speckels was success- ful in his farming pursuits and at one time, owned 950 acres of rich prairie land. In 1891 he and his wife moved to La Grange, where they purchased a fine residence. He died in 1894 at the age of seventy- seven. His wife is still living at La Grange, ,over eighty 3'ears old. Mr. and Mrs. John .Speckels were the parents of eleven ciiildren, five sons and six daughters, three of whom died young. The names of their children are: (1) Gerhard ; (2) John G., at Warrenton, Texas; (3) George, in the saloon business at J. a Grange, Texas; (4j Johanna, wife of Mr. A. Heintze, Jr., mer- chant in La Grange; (5) Meta, wife of Louis Walter, saddler in La Grange; (G) Mary, wife of William Neese, farmer in Wal- JOHN Spkckels, Sr. —290— halla, Texas; (7) Anna (deceased), wife of R. Aschen, Jr., now of Coupland, Williamson County, and (8) H. VV. Henry \V. Speckels, the youngest son, was born in 18G4. He was educated in the country schools of Fayette County, and, when eighteen years of age, started out for himself, although (luring a portion of each year, he stayed with his parents. He followed clerking and bookkeeping till 1887, when he came to La Grange and aocepted the management of Mr. Heintze's busi- ness which consisted of dry goods and groceries. Mr. Heintze was also a large cotton buyer or cotton broker, and of this department Mr. Speckels was general manager. In 1891 Mr. Heinlze sold his business to Speckels & Shaw, and Mr. H. W. Speckels assumed the management of their immense business. In 1893 he was elected mayor of La Grange. In 1894 he was elected by the ice and soda water manufacturers as manager of their business, and as such he also handled the well known W . J. Loiiip's beer. He continued as manager of the La Grange Ice & Beer Company till the fall of 1899, when he established a grocery business with Mr. F. G. Heim under the firm name of Speckels & Heim. The same has become the leading grocery business of La Grange. Mr. W. H. Speckels was married to Miss Alma Meerscheidt of La Grange, daughter of Arthur and Lena Meerscheidt, nee von Ri)senberg. This union was blessed with two children, Lillian and Gilbert. His wife died in 189G. In 189S Mr. Speck- els married Miss Mary Karges, tlie daugliter of one of the oldest settlers in La Grange. Tlieir only cliild is nan>ed Irwin. Mr. Speckels ii* a member of the Knights of Pythias, the K. & L. of H. and the Sons of Hermann. G. E. Speckels. The life of the subject of this sketch furnishes an example of what a man of industry, perseverance and economy can accomplish in this countr3^ Mr. G. E. Speckels has followed the rule that a dollar saved is a dollar made. Nevertliele&s, he was never so economical as to deprive hiiiiself or his family of -201— the comforts of life. He started with small means, worked hard and saved his money, every dollar of which was honestly earned. Now, in his old age, he can look back with satistaction on the struggles of his early manhood, having provided against the contingencies of old age. Mr. G. E. Speckels is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Speckels, Sr., whose biography the reader just has perused in the preceding pages. He was born January 8, 1843, in Olden- burg, (lermany, and came to thi, country with his parents when he was four years old. He __^ received his education in the public schools of the Warren- ton neighborhood. In 1861 he enlisted for the Civil War in Captain Alexander's com- pany, Ostwald Battalion. The company had enlisted for six months; they were , ,^ two raontlis on board a man- of-war near Galveston; the other four months they were stationed at San Jacinto where they were discharged. Mr. < G. E. Speckels next enlisted |. for three years in Captain Led- j,^ better's company of infantry winch belonged to WauTs | legion. They were stationed [ --m at Brenham. They received orders to march to Kansas; after having marched about one hundred miles, they were recalled to Mississippi. The route was by way of Shreveport and across Red River. In Louisiana they struck a railroad which for a distance of three hundred miles carried them into Mississippi. It took them three days to make the three hundred miles by rail, as the engine had much ditliculty m overcoming the hills. Thev arrived one day too late for the battle of Holly G. E. Speckels. —292— Sprinos whereto they had been ordered as reinforcem3nts. The enemy drove them from place to place. Sometimes they had a small engagement. They were constantly marching, sometimes for two or three days without anything to eat. Finally the enemy drove them into Vicksburg where, with twelve days' rations, they stood a siege of forty-eight days. On July 4, 1863, Vicksburg wns surrendered. On July 12, the Confederate troops were marched out of Vicksburg into camp. Krom here Mr. CI. E, Speckels left for home without money and without provisions and reached home sick on August 6, 1863. After the lapse of three mouths, he was mustered into CaptainWickland's company, Waul's Legion, Captain L'^dbstter's company having been almost completely annihilated. Here he served one year. After having served the three years for which he enlisted, he got one month's leav. Early in 18()5 he went to Mexico, wherefrom he returned on August 7. In 18(j(3 he made a crop on his father's farm. That year he received fur his cotton thirty cents per pound in Galveston. After the war he was married in 1867 to Miss Maria Frels of Warrenton, Texas;. He t\)llowed the pursuits of a farmer and carpenter, and by industry and economy he succeeded in acquir- ing a nice fortune. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Speckels are the parents of the fol- lowing children: (1) Anna, wife of Mr. E A. Froehlich, in busi- ness at Shiner, Texas; (^2) Lucy, wife of Henry Lefzerich. salooii and groceries at La Grange; (3) Emma, wife of Fritz Wessels in the saloon business at La Grange ; (4) Laura, wife of Charles Amberg, in the •mercantile business at La Grange; (5) Rudolph, farmer at Uutersville, and (6) Edwin, clerk in La Grange. Mr. G. E. Speckels is now a resident citizen of LaGrange and lives from the interest of his capital whicli he acquired in his youth and manliood by industry and economy. He is proud that every cent of it is honestly earned, Being used to an active life, he assumed in March, 1896, the position as traveling agent for Mr. O. E. Stolz's marble yard in La Grange, an estal>lish- ment which is known to turn out masterpieces of art at very reasonable prices. This occupation gives him the chance to see his friends in all parts of the county. By fair dealing he has —293— acquired for the firm a large custom and become very popular as well witii the firm as with its customers. Hon. J. C. Speckels. Hon. J, (!. Speckels is known to the people of Fayette County as a successful farmer, a successful business man and a successful politician. He is a prominent republican leader who ranks high in the counsels (jf his party and whose opinion carries with the republican leaders the weight of a successful campaigner. For ten years, from 18.S0 to 1800, he served the county as com- missioner of his precinct. Tliough tlie county generally goes democratic, in 1894 he was elected as a republican member to the Twenty-B'uurth Legislature by an overwhelming majority. Here, as before, he served his constituency faithfully and dis- tinguished himself by his conservative views on tiie measures before the house. Hon. J. C. Speckels is the second child of John and Mar- guerite Speckels, whose biogra[)iiy the reader has just perused in the preceding pages. J. C. was born September 20. 1847, in Oldenburg, (lermany, and came with his parents to this country when he was ou\y ten days old. He went to private schools near Warrenton, Waldeck and Frelsburg. For some time (until 23 years old) he worked on his father's farm. During the (Uvil War, at the age of fifteen years, he was a government teamster, hauling cotton to Mexico, serving as a substitute for his father. February 9, 1871, he was married to Miss Pauline Aschen of Waldeck and established himself as a farmer near W^arrenton. From 1880 to 1890 he served as commissioner of his i)recinct, the repeated verdict of the people in electing him showing but their approval of his views on public (jueslions. In 1891 he established a mercantile business at La Grange in partnership with Mr. VV. L. Shaw under the linn name of Speckels & Shaw, he being the senior member of the firm. The firm did an im- mense business till 1895, when he sold it to Heilig t*c Co. In 1894 he was elected on the republican ticket as representative from Fayette County to the Twenty-Fourth Legislature. Hon. J. C. Speckels and wife are the parents of eight child- —21)4— ren : (1) Clara, wife of Joe Weikel, now farmer near Edna, Jackson County, Texas; (2) Johanna, wife of Dr. T. J. Carter, Walhalla ; (8) Albert, farmer near Giddings, Lee County; mar- ried Miss Antonia Matajowski ; (4) Otto, at home; (5) John, at home; (C) Alwin, attending the Blinn Memorial College at Brenham ; (7) Gustav, attending the Blinn Memorial College at Brenham. and (8) Allan, at home. Hon. J. C. Speckels resides at his old home near Warrenton. Joseph George Wagner. Those readers who have known Joseph George Wagner will no doubt be glad to have recalled to their metnory the picture and life of this good man. For nearly half a centuiy Joseph George Wagner has been a resident of Fayette County. He belonged to that class of citizens which are an acquisition to any country; he had the same spirit of independence, the same love of liberty and the same courage of his convictions which charac- terized the early settlers of this country. Mr. Wagner was a native of Germany. Tliere he had learned the trade of shoe- maker and established himself in that trade in the city of Bres- lati, the capital of the province of Silesia, Germany. He took an active part in politics and was the founder of many labor organizations. He was an American citizen already by senti- ment in that country, deeming liberty as the highest of human rights. Therefore, it was only natural that he emigrated to a country more in harmony with his opinions. Joseph George Wagner was born February 12, 1821, in the county of Giatz, Silesia. He was educated in the public schools and then learned the trade of shoemaker. On January 8, 1849, he was married to Miss Maria Pochales at Breslau, where he established himsell as shoemaker. He left the old fatherland for the home of the free and the brave in 1858. His wife ?nd family, i. e. his wife and two children who were born in the old coun- try, Oscar and Paulin3, now the wife of Mr. Christian Guggolz, afarmer near Gatesville, Coryell County, came with him. They landed at Galveston, and in November, 1853, they came to La Grange. In the following year they went to Roundtop where Mr. Wagner established himself in his trade of shoemaker. He I —295— mmw9^- m^ followed this pursuit until the year 1859, when he bought a part of tlie Nassau farm. From that time he followed the occupation of farminji;, acquiring by industry and economy a nice fortune. In 1882 he bough.t in addition to his Nassau farm the Lewis farm. In 1899 he was fortunate enough to celebrate his golden wedding. The same was a reunion of all his children and grandchildren. A few months later he died. His wife survives him and still lives on the old homestead. iie left ail his children in good circumstances. Besides the two born in the old conn try mentioned before, there are: (1) (leorge, farmer on Nassau farm; (2) Wilhelm, mechanic on the International & (h-eat Northern; (3) Ma- thilde", wife of Geo. Krengel, jeweler in La (i range; (4) Paul, farmer at ►Shelby, Austin C'ounty, Texas; (/>) (Charles, druggist in Carmine; (6)Anna, wife of Turk Brown, farmer and stock raiser near ({ates- ville, Coryell County; -and (7) Josej^Ii, farmer on the Lewis farm, near Roundtop. Mr. Charles Wagner is the seventh child of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wagner and tneir fifth one born in this country. He was born July 11, ISGi, on the Nassau farm; attended the public schools at Nassau and later the Normal Department of the Alamo City Business College under W. C. Buckman; graduated and came to Carmine where he followed the profession of teach- ing for three years (1890-1893); from 1893 to 1S9G he was in the general merchandise business at Carmine in partnership with his brother Wilhelm; 189C-98, justice of the peace in Carmine Joseph George Wagner. —296— precinct; 189S-1900, editor of the Carmine Enterprise. Since 1900 in the drug business at that place. Is one of the leading democrats of the count}'. Robert Wolters, Sr. Robert Wolters is one of the few men whose fortune it was to witness the development of an infant struggling republic into a great state, the coming empire state of the Union. He has lived under the flag of the Republic of lexas, under the Union flag when Texas became one of the states, under the Confederate Hag and again under the Union liag. Just pause and think of the different phases of development. Texas, an infant republic, in dire distress, the country harrassed by marauding Indians when he was a youth, and Texas grown to full manhootl, the wonder uf the world as to the possibilities of future development. If he looks back to liis own life, he finds an analogy there. Robert Wolters, the struggling boy and Robert Wolters, the old man, one of the capitalists and most respected men of the county. Mr. Robert Wolters was born September 20, lS20, in Elber- feld, Prussia, and came with his father, Jacob Wolters, his mother and three sisters to the United States in 1834. His father had left the old country on account of his political con- v4etions. Tlie family lauded in New York and after a short time went to Philadelphia where his father established a bakery. But the Yankees of those times did not put on as much style as their descendants, they generally baked- their own bread, and under these circumstances, his father found it a hard task to provide for his family, much less to make any headway. There- fore the family went to New Orleans in the spring of 1835 and in May of that year they came to Texas and landed at Velasco. There they took a little steamboat which carried them up the Brazos River to Brazoria. From the latter place they traveled in ox wagons to where now Frelsburg stands and settled on the Piper league. They built the first log house in the Frelsburg neighborhood in the fall of 1835, but before the house was ready, his mother died under a tree in July 1835. There were very few settlers at that time in the country. The comforts were very —297 — primitive. His father acquired a skill in manufacturing raw- hide chairs for which there soon was a great demand. He brought and sold them as far as to the Cole settlement in Wash- ington County. One time, on his return trip from Cole settle- ment, a band of hostile Indians camped near Postoak Point be- tween him and his home. To wait in a safe place, until tliey had withdrawn was a great inconvenience, to pass by there a still greater risk. His father chose the risk to pass by, passed them in tlie middle of the night and young Robert had to walk along Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolters, Sr. With a piece of bacon skin and every once in a while grease the axles of the ox wagon to keep them from squeaking. They reached their home safely without having encountered the Indians. His father married again ni 1838 and then moved to the Mill Creek near Industry. Robert and his brother August remained on their father's farm near Frelsburg, until his father had sold the same. After this, young Robert worked for some years on the farm, until he had money enough to buy a team —208— and then he traveled for three or four years as a teamster. December 25, 1849, he married Miss Adolphina Wellhausen of Cat Spring, Texas. Ho bouglit 400 acres of the Pettus league in Austin County and farmed there till 1858 with his brother. In that year he moved to Cypress, Blanco County, a county still harrassed by Indians. In 1865 he bought a farm two miles east of High Hill, Fayette County, and moved to his place in the same year. In the fall of 1866 he established a store iu High Hill and in 1872, when the Southern Pacific came t^ Fay- ette County, he moved to Schulenburg where he still resich^s. Mr. Wolters is now eighty-two years old, still of good health, and a fine example of the vigor of the nortliem (TiM-niMii. He has a number of ciiildren, a great many grandciiildrrii and great-grandchildren, and a great host of warm friends wijo all wish him a continuuice of his good health and prosperity. On Chrii-tmas day ISUO Mr. and Mrs. Wolters celebrated their golden wedding, which festive occasion was a grand reunion of their children, grandcliildren and great-grandchildren. Thi::,). Wolters. When the witor of songs penned the line, "And he is a jolly good fellow," he ver}^ probably would have thought of the mayor of Schulenburg, had he ever been acquainted with him. Theo. Wolters is known to almost everybodj' throughout the county as a man of wit and jovial disposition. On account of liis congenial disposition, our mayor numbers liis friends by the hundreds. He is a man whom all people like to see come rather than go. Pie is also of kind disposition. Pie takes a deep interest in the welfare of his friends and, in case they have the blues, as most men sometimes will have them, he cures tliem thereof by liis jokes and soon they are "o'er a' the ills of life victorious." His parents were Jacob and Louise (May brink) Wolters. His father was the manager of a large bakery at Duesseldorf, Germany, successful in business, but being of independent dis- position, his political convictions did not agree with those of the government. He could not stand the oppression of the govern- ment which was especially oppressive in those days, and inimi- -299— grated to the United States as a country more in harniony with his convictions (1834). He first settled near Industry, Austin County, in 1835. In 1838 he married Miss Louise iMay brink of Houston, Texas. His wife died at Industry in 1802; he followed her in death in 1805. Their son, Theodore WoUers, was born near Industry, Austin County, Texas, April 15, 1840. He went to private kcIiooIs such as they were at that time. When the Civil War broke out, he went, only seventeen years of age, as a private into the Con- federate Army and entered Creuzbauer's company ot liglit artillery. After the close o( the war. he clerked one year for his brother, Robert Wol- ters, Sr., in High Hill (1807) In tlie following year he wen! to New Ulm and learned ihi- wagon maker's trade. On January 7, 1871, he married Miss Margaret Wink of New Ulm. He farmed there until 1879. In that year lie went to Moulton, Lavaca C)unty, and the year after he came to Schulenburg and engaged in the saloon business. On April 1, 1902, he bought the cotton platform in Schulen- burg and he is now public weigher of that place. . ^ »•/ > M^*^^. B^"^' ^ ^^V''-^~-^^v i ^^^H ^■r'-'^^J ^^^H H^^H ^^^ 4 ^^^^^^H ^^A' -^^^1 ^^^^H ^^^^- v^J miiH Theodore Wolters. His children have all had great success in life. They are: (1) Hon. J. F. Wolters, a leading lawyer of La Grange; (2) Eduard, clerk in the law oflice of Wolters, Lane & Len- ert; (3) Mrs. Ottilie Baumgarten, wife of Mr. Chris. Baumgarten, Jr., bookkeeper for Baumgarten Bros, at Schulenburg; (4) Misa Katie Wolters, in the millinery business at Schulenburg, and (5) Wallace, at home. —300— Mr. Theo. Wolters is a public spirited man and takes a great interest in public affairs. He was elected alderman of Schulenburg, and his services in tliat office met with tbe general approval of the people. In 1889 he was elected Mayor of Schu- lenburg, which office he has held ever since except in the year 1890. As mayor of Schulenburg, he has been progressive; tlie attractiveness of the city and her commercial influence are largely due to liis untiring efforts. He is a staunch true demo- crat, always found in the front ranks of that party where the ffght is hardest. He is proud of never having sfralcbed a democratic ticket in his life, even if the party nominees were not personally agreeable to him. Hut;o Zapp, Sk. The writer gives liere to the reader a biographical sketch of one of the oldest living settlers of Faj^ette County. Mr. Hugo Zipp, sr., is one of those sturdy German settlers who through all kinds of iiardships and reverses, by business talent, industry and economy achieved success. In his ripe old age he may look back now on a usefully spent life, on a life of toil and danger. He has the satisfaction of seeing his children well pro- vi led and in good circumstances. The following talk on his life, written down by his son, H. W. H. Zapp, is here given in full as the same tells very interestingly of some incidents of his life which are characteristic of the early times of Texas. My parents, John Hy. Zjpp and Elizabeth Zapp, nee Besen- bruch, lived in Elberfeld during their lifetime. My father was in the mercantile business. I was born September 6, 1822, in Elberfeld, Germany, raised and educated there as merchant. In my twenty-fifth year I emigrated with my brother Hermann to this country, landing in New Orleans, La., in December, 1847. I had several good positions offered me there, also in St. Louis, Mo., but I declined them. From New Orleans I went to Gal- veston and further on to Industry, Texas, where I bought me a small farm between the town of Industry and the banks of Mill Creek. In the banks of same there was a lovely, very strong, cold and clear spring of water, gushing through the rocks. —301 — [Tnderneath them I made a fine bath basin and tliere I enjoyed many a cool bath the first year in our warm climate. I chose farming as my occupation to make a living, as 1 wanted to lead an independent and free life when 1 adopted this country as my future home. My nearest neiglibors lived only a few hundred yar Is distant ; they were Mr. Jacob Wolters, Herr von Wedel and Mr. Ernst, sr. Here I had m.y first experience in farming ; the lirst time in my recollection that I ever touched a plow or hoe or even saw one. My good readers can therefore well imagine how well I succeeded at first with my new vocation, but as 1 was determined, I soon learned. In 1849 my brother Hermann started with a party for California where he remained a couple of years and then returned to Elber- feld, where he now resides. In 1850 I bougiit a tract of timber land, about four miles west of Fayetteville, near Clear Creek, which 1 began to im- prove with the aid of some good friends and, by years of hard toil, I got a nice field. Ln the first y.^.ir I built a gen- uine Texas house tliereon ; perliaps some of your readers will hardly know what a gen- uine Texas house is ; hence I will explain : It is a log tiouse, 'covered with split sliingles with- out the use of a single nail; as the latter were a scarce article in Texas in oltl times, the citizens were forced to make inventions. 1 lived there a couple of years as bachelor and many an interest- ing episode as well as hardship 1 went through durmg this period. In 185') I married near Uoundtop my wife, Caroline Bode, and spent the liappiest part of my life right on this little farm ; always raised enough cuttow to ipake a good living anc^ Hugo Zapp, Sr. plenty of corn so that I could raise good stock of which I had at all times an abundance. After some years when my children began to grow up, I concluded to get near a town so as to give them schooling. I chose Fayetteville whereto I moved in 1865, and there I have lived ever since. Began merchandising which I followed up to 1890, with success, although my means for the lirst years were very limited. I have never run for an office, neither have I ever taken much stock in politics in this my adopted country, I was not admitted as a soldier in the Civil War on account of my poor eyesight, 1 being nearsighted. In the fali of ISOl a band of robbers attacked me at my house at night for money ; as I had none, th'ey attempted to hang me ; 1 had already the rope around my neck and over the limb of a tree, when, at a proper moment, I quickly loosened the rope from my neck, sprang behind the tree and ran for dear life, they tiring six or eight shots after me, when I fell over a log an! they, sui)posing that tliey bad killed mo, ran, jumped on tlieir horses and escaped. This v.'as the third time I had a narrow escape for life. We raised a family of nine children, six daughters and three sons: My eldest daughter, Mary, born June 11, 1854, married H. J. Meitzen, a school teacher wlio lives three miles west of here; (2) my son, H. W . H. Zipp, l)orn Mav 7, 1857, a mer- chant here in Fayetteville; (o) my son, C. T. Zapp, born Jan. 11. 185'.), a speculator and investor at, Zi|)p P. 0., Texas; (4) my daughter Ciroline, born August o, l^ol, married Ad. Z )ll, mer- chandising here; (5) my son, H C Z:ii)p, born Aug. 17, 18G2, uierchandi'^ing at Ben Arnold, Milam County, Texas; (0) my daughter Mathilde, born A[)ril 4, 18G4, married E T. Pagel, merchandising here with my son, II. W. Zipp; (7) my chiughter Julia, born IV'bruary 11, 180G, married Rud. Franke, a book- kee|)pr at Houston, Texas; (8) my daughter Louise, born March 13, 1869, died May 9, 189'J, and (9) my daughter Ida, born, August 28. 1871, married D:-. H. E. Gaedcke of Fayetteville. Died October 25, 1900. leaving four little children. In 1897 my eyes began bothering and paining me very much and grew worse from time to time, until in 1900 I went totally blind. The only comfort and company was my dear wife up to —303— the 18th day of March, 1902, when it pleased our Father above to also take her, my last support, from me and leave me alone with my good children who try to do for me all they can. Respectfully, Hugo Zapp, per II. Robert Zatp. The name of Robert Zapp, whenever mentioned, is forever linked with steadfastness of purpose, unimpeachable honesty and the hishest order of moral courage. He was firm in his convictions. No matter what the clamor of excited citizens, no matter what their threats, no matter what mi^iit be tlie con- sequences of resisting an un- reasoning mob, he could not be moved a step from the line of conduct his conscience and ripe judgment had dictated to him. There never was a for- eigner who on account of Ihe^e virtues was more respected by liis American fellow citizens than Robert Zapp. He was a power for good, a man wlio set a shining example by his conduct for posterity to walk the line of rit;ht. Ivobert Z tpp was born at Elberfeld, Germany, in 1818. In tliat country he received a splendid education, and, after learning the trade of engraver, he established himself in that business. On account of iiis revo- lutionary views, in which he advocated a republican form of gov- ernment, he came into conflict with the ruling powers. He left Germany in 1847 and arrived that year in Texas. The United States were then in a state of war with .Mexico. Hs served Robert Zapp. -304— several months as a governiDent teamster, but became sick of fever and was sent to the New Orleans hospital. After his dis- missal from the hospital he returned to Texas. Here he made tlie acquaintance of Miss Johanna Hubertina Huepgens (born June 14, 1826, at Eupen, Germany,) and was married to that iady in the same year (1847) at Liverpool, near Galveston. In 1848 he moved to La Grange. Here he wori^ed for about seven years as a carpenter. He then established a mercantile business at La Grange in 1855. It burned up on the night of Buchanan's election. He was then a democrat. When his friends expressed their sympathy to him about his loss, he answered coolly: "Never mind. This was a bonfire for Buchanan's victory." The course pursued by Buchanan's administration did not meet his approval; Robert Zapp changed his party affiliations and became an ardent republican. Daring the Civil War he was a strong Union man. lie was elected a member of the Twelfth Legislature. When Coke was elected governor and Davis intended to resist him in assuming charge of this office, when partisan feeling ran so high that bloodshed seemed to be unavoidable, he was one of the republican leaders who counseled moderation and agreement to the verdict of the people as given at the last election. His influence in his party and the conddence they |)Iaced in the suundness of his judgment carried so much weight witli them that his party appr.jved his counsel, and bloodshed was thereby averted. During Davis' ad:uinistratinn, he also held the office of superintendent of county sciionls. la 188) he ran against Miller for Coni^i-ess on the republican ticket, and, though defeated, he had the consolation of cai-rying his Jiome county, where he was best known and where his high qualities and principles were m):it apprnniuted, by a two-tliirdi vote. In 185() he built np his burnt business in La Grange, He stayed there until 18 jU. In that year he opened a general mer- chandise business at Long Prairie (the present Waldeck). In 1857 he opened branch stores at Ledbetter and Roundtop. He sold his business at Long Prairie to Matajowski & Aschen and moved that same year to Roundtop. Here he remained m busi- -305— ness till one year before his death. He then sold the same to Alex y. Rosenberg. He died in 1885 at his home in Roundtop, after a useful life, honored and remembered not only by his friends and neighbors, but also by the people at large. His name until today stands as a byword for sternness of character, unimpeachable honesty and unwavering constancy. His beloved wife followed him in death in 1897. B. L. Zapp. The subject of this sketch is a son of the man whose biog- raphy the reader has perused just before. He has proved liim- self a chip of the old block and worthy in every respect of the reputation established by his father. During his terms as sheriff of the county from 1886 to 189i, he has established a reputation for fearlessness and efliciency well known throughout South Texas. By the faithful dis- charge of his duties in that office he has made a great number of strong friends throughout the county. Brutus L. Zapp was born August 15, 1851, at La Grange, He received only ten months' schooling in his life, but in later years he acquired a fair education by self- study. After iiis father had moved to Roundtop (1SC7), he worked on the latter's farm staying at his home. His fearlessness and efficiency had already attracted the attention of his fellow citizens, so that they elected him marshal of Round- top. In 1882 he went to La Grange and served as chief deputy sheriff under John T. Rankin up to 1882. In that year he mar- ried Miss Mary Wertz of La Grange. The following year he was B. L. Zapp. elected sherifTof the county. In this oflice he served four terms till 1894, when he declined to run for re-election. He was in the gin business since 1890, He started mercantile business in 1896 in which business he sliil remains, enjoying the implicit confi- dence of his customers. To the union with his wife ^were born two children, Violet L. and Robert Lee. Both stay with their father at home. [Note. -^ By oversig^ht, in the hurry of work, the following biogra- phies were not put in thsir proper places. Tne writer begs to be ex- cused for his oversight. Tha first should follow the biography of Hon. A. B. Kerr on page 284, and the second the biography of Chas. H. Sehaefer on page 286.] H. 1j. Kreische. H. L. Kreische was one of the first and best architects who ever came to Fayette County. He was the builder of tlie third Fayette County Court House, a solid, substantial structure which at the time it was buiU, was one of the finest court houses in the state. The reader will find a picture of this court house on paore 118. There are a great many citizens in the county who preferred this court house to the more elegant new building and who regretted to see this substantial building in which they had gathered in good and evil times, torn down to give place to a new building. The court house built by him in 1855 was demolislied in 1890. Prior to 185o he had built the second Fay- ette County jail in company with Mr. A. Ammann. They were complimented by the commissioners' court on this work "done in a good and workmanlike manner," and this resolution was spread on the minutes of tlie court (see page 195). The buildings erected by H. Ij. Kreische excelled by their solidity and massiveness. The rock building on the 131uff now occup.ed by his family, and the brewery nearby are specimens of his ex- quisite workmanship and give fnir promise to stand for ages. H. L. Kreische was a perfectly honest man who judged other people by his own standard of honesty. It could not fail that such a man sometimes misplaced his confidence and tliis embittered the last years of the life of this good mau- H. L, I —307— Kreische was also a public spirited man and bore his full share in advancing and developing Fayette County. Mr. Kreische was born at Goetschen, Saxony, and was educated there as an architect. He came to Texas in 1840. In 1855 he was married to Miss Josepha Appelt who had come to this country with her brother Franz Appelt in 1853. H. L. Kreische died in 1882. His widow and six children, three sons and three daughters, are surviving him. They are the owners of the Bluff, the mo8t beautiful spot in Fayette County, Lours SCHLOTTMANN. The genial disposition, the big-heartedness and the irre- proachable honesty of L. Schlottman are well remembered by the people of Schulenburg. He was a man who had seen much of life, who had met with reverses as every man has, and finally reached a secure port in the position of bookkeeper for the oil mill and lumber business of Chris. Baumgarten, Sr. This position he filled ably, faithfully and honestly for a period of twenty years, leaving to his children as the best inheritance a good name. Louis Schlottman was born on January 13, IS-']?, at Ham- burg, Germany. In 1853 he came with his father, Dr. Adolphe Schlottmann, a very highly educated gentleman, from Germany to the United^ States and first settled near Uoundtop, Texas. Here they farmed for a number of years. At the beginning of the Civil War, his father opened a drugstore at lloundtop and conducted same during the war. Love of adventure and travel and a longing to see the world caused Louis to leave home and thus we find him working in Nicaragua on the first railroad built in that country. He also bought some real estate there. But after a time, he became tired of Nicaragua and made several sea voyages, one of which brought him to Liverpool, England. Here he met the wife of his choice, Miss Lucy Marten, became ac(iuainled with her and was married to her on July 3, 1SG5, in J.iverpool. The same year he returned to lloundtop and assumed the management of his father's drug business at that place, Later ou he was appointed postmaster at)Uouudtop. la --308- 1880 he moved with his family to Schulenburg, Texas. Here he worked lirst as a carpenter, but soon secured a position as bookkeeper for the oil mill and lumber yard of Mr. Chris. Baamgarten, Sr., which position he held for a period of twenty years to the time of his death on August 30, 1901. He left three children : Louise, wife of Mr. A. W. Beniker, in the saloon business at Schnlenburg; Bismarck, employed at Mr. Chris Baumgarten's oil mill oat Schulenburg, and Wilhelm, a farmer near Schulenburg. STATISTICS OF FAYETTE COUNTY. Increase of Population. The Census Reports show that the i)opulation of Fayette County in 1850 was 3,756; m 1860, 11,604; in 1870, 16,863; in 18S0, 27,996; in 1890, 31,481, and in 1900, 36,542. (Figures obtained through kindness of Hon. Geo. Burgess, M. C.) —30^— .^2 iC _ DC 00 — CO C5 (M (M 1 » >0 aj CO (X 1— Oi Oi' CO C— 1 00 S '^i 1 CO CD - (M --t CC ^ ^ t^ CO ir: CO -t 1 '^t iO ® lO tT ^ o 'H :o -^ CO CO CO 1 '- 00 ^ (^:) 1—1 T— 1 1 c^ -^1 ' lOS t— t^ c CO 'M O O t^ -H 1 t^ lO a, :o cc tH (M O lO CO (M lO 1 CM CO- ^2; CO 1—1 T— ( 1 ^ 1 TfH 00 M CO ;c t- CO CO CD r- CO lO lO 2 ■^ cc CO Oi 00 »0 CO (N (M CO 00 O CO t^ i-HS: M CO'' 1-- (M oc '-H CC' CD lO Oi -tl o ■< ioS '-H CS T- 00 "* lO (M 00 C^ CO X 00 o CO «5 X rH ^ H - c3 O '' o -t \ri ^ t^ ■^ — 1 c (M >" O) >-t) £ CO r' ■^ CO r-1 '— 1 Tfi C<1 H >- 00 o (>4 5 55 -^ z & (D O ^ o ■<-' 05 M o ^ . -— N ^ orj 0/ , . E^ a> D • — ; O a 3 < *> ^ cd" H ;z; , r "S o C8 lO CD G O. >. CO M Eh .2 a o 'a 03 H rt a c « CO CD CC r- __ >- en r' ^ CO 9Q ? c %H H « cc O o O G O en > Is ^ o Oh- 1 tf O H 02 4, Alexa Mrs. L. B. a o «-"! o .i5 o (M ■CO •<^' kO CD t-' OC Ci c *— --I -310- NOTES. 1. Election held for coroner, Oct. 1848. The Rutersville candi- date D. G. Gregory elected. N. E. no election held. N. R. no returns. 2. Nov. 7, 1848 was election for Presidential Electors. L. Cass Pres. Al. O. Butler Vice Pres. received of 267 votes that were cast 175. 3. Election for State officers and Representatives Aug. 6, 1849. 4. For Seat of Government Austin received 409 votes, Ruters- ville 1, Washington 2. For a special Jail Tax 35 votes were cast for and 284 against, i; March 4, 1850.) 5. On order of Chief Justice an election was held at the Court House in LaGrange in accordance with the provisions of the act in- corporating the town of La Grange for one mayor, five aldermen and one constable on the 4th day of March 1850, 51 votes were cast ; B. Townsend was elected mayor ; Francis Frede, P. C. Beall, P. V. Shaw, James Murphy and Lewis Williams were elected aldermen and E. P. Howland constable, 6. Leaves on General Election of Aug. 5, 1850 are missing. 7. Election held 1st day of August, 1853 for Gov., Lieut. Gov., liand Com. and Representatives (State and LT. S.) Constitutional amendment relating to River appropriation and Court House resolu- tion was defeated. 8. Elections for State, County and Beat officers. Aug 7 1854 for and against the Liquor License 785 votes were cast in this election ; of these only 114 voted for and 270 against the liquor license ; the bal- ance not voting. For Free Ferry 182. against fiee Ferry voted 69. The County Commissioners were voted for by the whole county. In this year there were 9 justice and election beats. 9 Justices of the Peace and 9 constables were elected. The same day was also first election for School Trustees ; the county was divided into 18 school districts. Also election for mayor, aldermen and town constable in La Grange. Mayor Charles Longcope elected. 9. Elections for county officers and beat officers were ordered by chief justice of the county to fill vacancies. 10. El, Aug. 7, 1855 for Gov., Lieut. Gov., Land C, Member C. and State Senator and Repres. 11. El. Aug. 4, 1856 for State and county officers Beat No. 4 is the first time called Roundtop, No. 5, Fayetteville, No. 6 Lyons, No. 7 Black Jack, No. 8 Scallorn, No. 9 Burleson, No. 10 is skipped. No. 11 Mulberry. This election 10 Justices and constables were elect8d. 12. In this year 5 justices of the peace having failed to qualify after the Electoral Election they were voted for again; then for one no returns were made ; 3 again failed to qualify. Elect, held Nov. 4, 56 also for Presidential Electors. 13. In a special election for an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. A. S. Lips- comb only 136 votes were cast, three precincts only making returns. The returns certified to by county commissioners William Hunt and William Young, probably in the absence of the county judge, but the latter made a like return as the above commissioners and wrote across the first certification the words: Null and Void. In a special election for representative, held August 27, 1851, there having been a tie at the election held August 3, 1857, two county commissioners cer- tified again to the returns of the election viz., Joel W. Robison and William Young, but this time the judge seems to have accepted their certificate as valid. 311— «o ^ ct lo Cj CO at' o 1 - 00 ^ -t^ X' t- I- S lO 70 CO CO C5 lO l^ T— I lO lO o -f O '- 2 •TO 1-H ^ o CO ^ lO 1— iOOCiOO(M(MX''-<:DO-r' 5 -Ti CO i-o o ^H t-^ ;r5 CO lo CO CO I ~ lO X) tH ;ii ^ uo CO uo C^ O t-- CO Ci O •* CO LO -t^ to as CO '— I -** "^ o 't' . fM (>i r-i ,— ( CM CO CO H O 5 2 ;5 tH O So O LO —I O CM OO -+ CO — I '-^'^ ~' O a> -H CO 1— I lO "O -f LO r-l CO (^I ^ — i-O 0^ CO CO C^) O C^ I- CM '-I -^ -tl CM O CO 0) O ;<'< P > o o o H 01 s M s >^ Is <1 ;x< o CO r: (M LO CO tJ< t - J - c:- c^ ^ -ti CO O CO O I.^ (M 00 '^ ■'N o '/■- 1—t o O > o ' " o o 'S c o ^ Cj t. CO t>.-- cs ^ :^ r^ -2 ^ -^ -^ :i: s/)^ — o '^ -5 — ^. bO -J o i^tcJttxO ^0:5 CM CO Tfi lO O I - 06 17. West Point 250 17. Falke 50 18. Ivey School House. . 68 18. Blackjack 222 10. Flatonia 877 10. West Point 278 20. Cistern 188 20. Ivey's School 71 21. Pecan 181 21. Flatonia 880 22. Amtnannsville 04 22. Cistern 162 28. Schulenburg 467 23. N. P 117 24. High tlill 115 24. Pecan 106 25. Amniannsville 107 26. Schulenburg 402 27. High Hill 108 Total 4148 Total 4642 Note— In the election of 1880 the question for locating Main University and Medical department was voted on. The vote went against separation of the Medical Department from the Main Univers- ity, and Austin was selected as the place for the University by an overwhelming vote. —sis- Election Returns. Votes Cast. 1882 1884 1886 1888 18!»0 18!»2 La Grange 532 535 555 OGl 653 751 Rutersville 149 167 174 16l> 170 167 Bluff" 142 136 113 1G2 140 140 Engel's Store 68 81 72 70 55 05 Fayetteville 212 203 1;>!» 233 271 26() EUiiiger Depot 181 198 209 195 19:> 17C KroU's Store (Biegel) 117 134 142 137 158 168 Iloekhouse (Zapp) 67 68 82 119 101 95 WeikersMill 49 ()3 64 79 79 82 Koundtop 269 28i 275 215 192 175 Haw Creek 86 93 !»4 86 81 86 Asclien's Store (Waldeck) 60 73 70 73 67 64 Ledbetter 61 57 57 57 59 64 Warrenton 142 175 150 223 222 221 Nechanitz 76 68 65 50 62 50 Winchester 196 203 191 196 219 256 Ealke's Store (Warda) 77 99 106 113 113 120 Black Jack Springs 207 197 228 163 152 149 West Point ...265 27l 271 159 207 241 Ivey's Scliool(Muldoon) 83 97 118 118 131 130 Flatonia 399 439 416 350 350 425 Cistern 165 l9l 187 97 140 146 New Prague (Praha) 85 89 111 ll!> 123 110 Pecan < 176 193 184 167 149 178 Ammannsville 112 165 158 133 117 88 Schulenburg „ 451 286 352 346 334 365 High Hill 80 130 83 76 87 89 Mulberry 117 107 122 11^ 127 Moravia (Dubina) 113 106 91 118 114 Thulemeyer's 70 95 81 87 Plum . — 152 160 188 Colony 140 141 151 Swiss Alp 66 74 86 Stella — 34 4507 4925 5009 5232 5319 5654 — 31G— Statistics of Vote of Fayette County, Texas. 1894 1896 1898 1900 La Grange 832 913 875 786 Bluff 148 172 141 126 Moravau 63 49 43 44 Rutersville 174 179 153 165 Biegel 167 185 162 149 EUinger 202 239 210 215 Fayetteville 274 313 316 352 Zapp 101 lOG 94 92 VVarrenton 230 268 220 275 Haw Creek 73 96 92 87 Round lop 199 221 207 191 Carmine 108 127 130 123 Ledbetter 73 81 68 78 Waldeck 80 90 72 85 Nechanitz 63 61 54 55 VVarda 134 150 119 130 Winchester 264 244 212 237 West Point 235 217 201 210 Plum 200 223 173 171 Muldoon 179 192 173 220 Black Jack 196 182 1C6 182 Cistern 155 150 138 134 Colony 178 164 154 140 Flatonia 423 491 422 434 Praha 127 138 108 107 Ammannsville 121 132 123 120 Pecan 202 245 195 165 Swiss Alp 82 97 87 97 Mulberry 93 91 99 111 Sclmlenburg 434 507 453 497 Dubina Ill 145 120 116 High Hill 81 91 89 73 Thulemeyer 104 98 98 96 Stella 34 33 32 35 Totals 6140 6690 5998 6098 —317— Growth of Value of Taxable Property. The earlier records on Uiis subject are stored away in the cellar of the court house and in a dilapidated condition. The amounts of the taxable property assessed in tlie county from 18-47 to 1860 are taken from the Minutes of the Commissioners' Court. It is sufficient for this book to show the increase in taxable! property since 1878 as found in the records at the tax- collector's office. JiOoking at the increase of taxable property, there is nothing unreasonable about it. A disaffected politician may find here a chance to speak of the increase of taxes anil of the tax-ridden people, but it should be borne in mind by the reader that three railroads, the branch of the Galveston, Har- risburg and San Antonio Railway Company from Columbus to La Grange, the Missouri, Kansas and Texas, and the San An- tonio and Aransas Pass (branch from Yoakum to Waco) have been built since that time. Not only did their property add to the wealth of Fayette County, but they also enhanced the value of the farm lands. (From Minutes of Commissioners' Court.) Year, Taxable Property. Year. Taxable Property. 1847 $l,i;58, ('.!)('. 1857 $3. 007, 280 1853* 2,026,872 1858 4 272,402 1855* 2,942,288 1860 5,115,302 1856* 3,183,472 [*NoTE.— In 1853 the number of neojroes was 1422; in 1855 it was 2072: in 1856 it was 2255, they were valued at .^1,214,625.] (From the Assessor and Collector's Rolls.) Year. Taxable Property. , Year. Taxable Property. 1878 S5, 123,748 18'.)0 $8,283,720 1879 4,939,143 1891 7,952,410 1880 5,080,885 1892 8,235.230 1881 5,361,658 1893 8,418,643 1882 5,523,365 1894 8,474,690 1883 6.009,430 1805 8,317,310 1 884 6, 745, 430 1 896 8, 223 ,030 1885 7,033,720 1897 8,476,760 1886 7.234.910 1898 8,551,050 1887 7,482,554 J899 8,434,870 1888 7,932,105 1900 ,,.,..,-,,,,., 8,482,134 1889 8,049,240 Total Amount of Taxes Levied From 1847 to 18G0. (From Minutes of Commissioners' Court.) 1847 $3689.43 1857 S9523.56 1853 5821.50 1858 8875.74 1855 7240.32 1860 9183.22 1856 7849.70 Total Amount op Taxes Levied From 1880 to 1900. (From Tax Collector's Rolls.) 1880 $43,980.77 1891 $73,796.84 1881 42,147.82 1892 74,689.61 1882 42,539.54 1893 75,582.72 1883 43,389.18 1894 76.676,59 1884 49,483.66 1895 91,178.39 1885 58,789.17 1896 84,725.82 1886 60.832.09 1896 97.827.44 1887 62,424 15 1898 88,283.23 1888 51,352.00 1899 85,904.61 1889 62,454.24 1900 83,205.69 1890 68,185.39 Number of Polls on the Assessor' s List From 1891 to 1900 1891 6203 1896 7061 1892 6218 1897 7357 1893 6499 1898 (383 1894 6285 1899 6545 1J»95 G960 1900 6506 Growth of Numi?er of School Children, Accordinc; to Scholastic Census. A record of the growth of the number of school cliiklren h;is not been kei)t by the preceding superintendents. What purports to be this record may be clear to the individuals who have written it as notes to make a report from, but to no one else. The reader will notice in the table below the sudden falling oflffrom 9762 children in 1898 to 7401 in the year 1899. This is due to the stricter methods now employed in taking the gcho- lastic census. Still, in a great many instances, these methods —310— cause a great deal of confusion and oversight on account of the unfamiliarity of the people with them. The present incumbent, Superintendent Stierling, states that in spite of all efforts to take a correct and complete census, the figures for the number of school children during the last two years have fallen to about 500 below what they should be. Superintendent Stierling was kind enough to furnish the following information as regards his term of otiice. Number of School Available School Funds Pro- Year. Children. portioned to F. Co. 1897 1)401 $42,409.98 1898 «»762 48,022.!»5 1899 7401 30,4G6.00 1900 7499 40,445.71 LENGTH OF Railroads, Telegraph axd Telehhone Lines in Fayette Counny, and Their Assessments. The main line of the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Anto- nio Railway Company passes througli the southern part of Fayette County, through Schulenburg and Flatonia, for a length of 22 miles, and is assessed at $198,092. The branch road of this company from Columbus, or rather from Smith Junction, to LaGrange runs through the county for a distance of 13 2 miles, which are assessed at S79,865. The proportionate amount of rolling stock of this railroad company is assessed at $45,44o. Thus, the total value of the property of this company is assessed at $;523,400. On this the company i)ays $2788.12 state and county taxes. These assessments, as well as the subse(iuent ones, have been taken for tlie year lllOO. The Missouri, Kansas and Texa.s Railway Comi)any passes through the center of tiie county and through the county seat. La Grange. It assesses in the county '-VA miles of railroad track at $280,500; its proportionate amount of rolling stock at $23,886. Thus the assessment of this company amounts to $804,386, on which it pays $2576.71 state and county taxes. The Aransas Pass Railway Company assesses 30.8 miles of railroad track running through the western ptvrt pf the county —320— at $215,900; the proportionate amount of rolling stock, at $24,111. The total value of the assessed property ia $240,011, on which $2032.09 state and county taxes are paid. The Houston and Texas Central Railroad Company, whose railroad line passes through the northern part of Fayette County, through Carmhie and Ledbetter, assesses its 6 miles of railroad track at $48,090; the proportionate amount of rolling stock at $9,727, the total assessment being $57,817, on which $489.52 state and county taxes are paid. The Southwestern Telephone and Telegraph Company owns 76 miles of line m the county, assessed at $4000, and pays $33.87 state and county taxes thereon. The Western Union Telegraph Company owns 110.4 miles of line in the county, assessed at $0430 and pays $54.44 state and county taxes thereon. The Postal Telegraph and Cable Company owns 33 miles of line in the county, assessed at $2150, and pays $18.20 state and county taxes. The total value of the property of the Railroad, Telegraph and Telephone Companies in Fayette Ci^unty is assessed at $938,144 ; the taxes paid thereon amount to $7,942.95. A glance at this statement shows that whatever prejudices against the railroads some people may have, they must admit that the rail- roads are well taxed. Their property amounts to about the ninth part of the property of the whole county and the taxes paid thereon to nearly the tenth part of the taxes. The differ- ence between the part which their property forms in relation to the property of the whole county and the part whic'i the taxes collected thereon amount to in relation to the taxes of the whole county, their property being the ninth part of the whole part of the county and the taxes paid thereon only the tenth part of the taxes collected in the county, is due to the amount of poll tax collected in the county besides the tax on property. As the taxes paid by the Railroad, Telegraph and Telephone Companies amount to $7,942.95 per year, pro rated per day their taxes amount to $21.21 ; an amount of taxes paid only by the county's substantial farmers. CITIES AND TO WIN'S OF FAYETTE COIJ^STTY. LA GRANGE. (THK COUNTY SEAT.) La Grange lies in*a big bend of the Colorado River. For about a mile, the Colorado rnns due south until it (strikes the Blul!" mount, opposite La Grange ; here its course is turned eastward so that it encloses in this angle the city. West and south of La Grange rises the Blutf, north of La Grange abruptly rises a high plateau, while towards the east tlie land rises grad- ually. La Grange, therefore, lies in a deep basin, sheltered on all sides against storms. It is said that the Indians always built their camps in storm-proof localities and for this reason the pres- ent site of La Grange was the former location of an Indian camj). La Grange is a beautiful city. The best view of it may be had from the Bluft'. Two hundred feet below, at the feet of the spectator, flow the red waters of the Colorado, enclosing from two sides a fertile bottom checkered by corn and cotton fields, a beautiful foreground for a picture of the city. Tiie court house, the steeples of churches and the red roofs of some larger resi- dencfs break pleasantly through tlie green of liveoak groves. To the left the bridges and waterworks, to the right the compress and the railroad wagon park give this picture a fitting termina- tion. The high wood-covered hills rising back of La Grange form an appropriate background with Chalk Bluff to the left and the town of Rutersville to the right as a close of the background. What strikes most, is the harmony and symmetry of the picture. An artist could not arrange his subject more artistically than —325— fly \» 1 1 UAe S^irst 9?ationai ^ank If }^ 3 ! a^ yf> m \«> ^ o/ o^or Sran^e, Uexas. |K <» Sl» W fl> «> % DIRECTORS : \ (Hi >» % A. Haidusek, R. T. Bradshaw, Aug. Warnken, B. White, t i Dr. Otto Witte, J. W. Taylor, J. B..Ho]lo\vav. % <»> f I OFFICERS : W ^ A. Haidusek, President. ^ S R. T. Bradshaw, Vice President. % Jno. B. Holloway, Cashier. ^ Ed. Mattingly, Ass't Cashier. ^ ^ Lad. V. Vanek, liookkeeper. i)^ <^ — >p <» ^^^ I Make Collections through Banks in I I any part of the United States .... « JJI fi@"Money sent to any place in the United States, as well as ^ % to any place in Europe. vV * I —326^ I Svoboda Job Office.... I A. HAIDUSEK, Proprietor. t — r» -^'^ Sran^o, Uexas, Job Work Done j^ in All Modern * languages,.. Programs, Letter Heads, Enveloiies, Circulars, Cards, Checks and Drafts— all work done in this line finished better than can % be done in any inland office. ^ Commercial ^ob iPrinii'nff a Speciaiti/. ^ i^^lWW^ www ftWWAWWM^WAWMM^^ nature has done here. Fitting foreground and background for the mahi picture of the city, with appropriate beginning and end. The principal streets of La Grange are those leading from the public square. Most of the streets are nicely graded and graveled. The residences are elegant, with beautiful gardens and lawns in front, What strikes the stranger most upon visit- inf La Grange is the great number of large and beautiful live- oak trees, veterans of the wood that reach back into past centu- ries. Of the more noticeable buildings may be mentioned the court house, the jail, the First National Bank Building, the Schuh- macher Bank building, the Heintze building, the Rooenberg building, the Meyenberg building, the Casino, the Opera House, the school and the compress. La Grange was settled in the latter part of the twenties on land granted to John H. Moore. It was for a long time a very inconsiderable place. The first settlers had come from Tenne.-- gee and named their new home after their old home, LaGrange !27 — LOUIS RICE The Photographer, Has his Studio at the Southeast Corrior of the Public Square. A nice picture of yourself, taken with artistic taste, is a most acceptable and cherished gift to your friends. L. Rice is sure to please you. Come and call on him "at r,A GR.ANGE, TEXAS. W. S. ROBSON. J. T. DUNCAN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. [Office in Schuhmacher Building.] LA (i R A N G K , TEXAS. Will practice in all State and United States Courts. in Tennessee, (La Grange is French, the name of La Fayette's estate, and means "the mansion.") The Census of L)()0 gives La Grange 2400 inhabitants. Its population is American, German and Bohemian. About one- tliird of the population are negroes. La Grange is an independent school district; it lias two schools, one for white and one for colored pupils. Tlie school for white pupils is managed by Prof. C. A. Brown with the assis- tance of an able corps of teachers and visited by 251 pupils. The colored school is visited by 106 pupils and managed by Prof. . Jefferson. The city levies a district school tax. The lodge brother has a large choice of lodges to join to. There are not less than nine lodges in La Grange : Odd Fellows, Knights of Honor, Knights and Ladies of Honor, Free Masons, Knights of Pythias, United \Vorkmen, Sons of Hermann, Fra- ternal Mystic Circle and A. L. of H. Some of these lodges in- sure the lives of their members, others aid them in case of sick- —328— M. J.Connell. J. W. Holloway. I C. J. von Rosenberg. 1 Alex. E. von Rosenberg. Gonnell & Holloway, Rosenberg & Co. .Dealers in Hardware Crockery Chinaware Cutlery,.. Charter Oak Stoves, Glassware, Tinware and Ammu- nition, Rubber Belting, Hose and Cotton Gin Supplies. LA GRANGE, TEXAS. Dealers in ..and General Merchandise Agricultural Implements Buyers of Cotton and Country Produce. LA GRANGE, TEXAS. ness. Besides these lodges, the Fayette County German Mutual Aid Society pursues the same object. The city ot La Grange has made a reputation for sociability over the whole State. The principal gathering place is the Casino, Here the whole town, enforced by a great many out- siders, gathers on festive occasions. The building is owned by a club, the Casino Club. Another club that contributes its share to entertainment is called "the La Grange Froesch," a German singing club which repeatedly has earned ppplause at feasts by their songs, Traveling theater troops generally find large aud- iences in this social city. La Grange lias a fertile surrounding country that contrib- utes to its trade, it has the rich Colorado bottom land north- west and southeast of it, the fertile Rutersville prairie to the northeast and the rich Navidad prairie to the southwest. Only very little land around La Grange is not fit for cultivation. The county being one of the oldest in the State, one of the original — 329— ^ fytf ± "y/ * • i farmers' ^uffust Jteintze.... je^^.^uanors. Xa (3ranoe I Store— -^^x I ^ Men's, Boys' and (Children's Suits exceedingly cheap. % 3; Receives daily new goods, as Shoes, Hats, Underwear, ^ % Cloth, Porcelain Ware, Notions, (iroceries, etc., etc., which p % he sells at exceedingly low prices. Cotton and Country ^ 3 Produce are bought at highest cash prices. Come and see ^ % our immense stuck of brand new goods, before you buy % % elsewhere. % 1 LA GRANGE. TEXAS. I counties, a great many small places in the county sprang up before the arrival of the railroads. The stores and sliops in these places are a great convenience for their neighborhoods, but impair the otherwise brilliant business prospects of La Grange. La Grange is situated on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad and on a branch of the Southern Paciiic from Colum- bus. There are two express companies in La Grange, the American and the Wells Fargo. By telegraph it is connected with the outside world through the Western Union and the Pos- tal Telegraph Cable Company. La Grange is the headquarters of the Southwestern Telephone Company, a local system. The main pursuit of the citizens of La Grange is the mer- cantile business, supplying the farmers of the neighborhood and purchasing their products. There is one wholesale grocery business in La Grange ; there are 7 general merchandise stores, 4 groceries, 5 dry goods stores, 3 hardware stores, 3 furniture houses, two saddleries, 2 jewelry stores, 3 drugstores, 11 bar- rooms, 2 beer agents, 3 blacksmith shops, 3 shoemakers, 2 — 330— ©uv 2)v^ (3oobs lEnipoviunv furnishes its customers the very latest styles of Dress Goods, Millinery, etc. Nowhere else will ihv purchaser find a firm who takes such pride to keep up with the times and the changes of fashion. If you wish to be dressed in up-to-date style, examine our dress goods and millinery, always of the lateat. We will suit you in styles and in prices. CARL MOSie, Proprietor. LA GRANGE. TEXAS. T. ^Y. MOOR}!), M. D., Ipb^eician anb Suvgcoii, LA GRAjSTGE. TEXAS. tailors, 1 millinery, 2 restaurants, 3 hotels, 1 lumberyard, 2 livery stables, 2 granaries, 1 marble yard, 1 English, 1 German and 1 Bohemian newspaper, 16 lawyers, 2 dentists, 5 physicians, 2 banks, 2 meat markets and two photograph galleries in La Grange. Of industial establishments of greater importance are the waterworks and electric light plant, a cotton oil mill, a cotton compress, a soda and ice factory and two gins. The writer will now mention some of the business men of La Grange to whom he is obliged for patronage of his book. It may be said that these gentlemen take some pride and interest in their county and do not look only on dollars and cents, but are public spirited enough to give their support to a worthy en- terprise. In the writer's judgment, such men who feel an interest in their county are worthier to be patronized than those who do not, who live only in the county to accumulate all the dollars they can, who show no other interest for the people among whom they live as gathering from them dollars first, last and all the time. A man who deals with people to whom he presents only dollars and cents never will receive as fair treatment from them —331- %/%/%/%/%/%. >t,/%/%^/%^^ -W%/%/%/% 'V%^%/%/%A> '%/%''<*/% ..Particular Printers.. refuse to use cheap inks, shoddy papsr and old type. There is nothing that is so critically examined as job printing. It always shows the kind of stuff it is made of at a glance. t We are Particular Printers because we take a pride in the product of our shop and because experience has proven that good print- ing brings more printing to do. ..., Establislied in 1880 n and publshed continuously since, the La Grange Journal is recognized as the lead- ing English paper in Fay- ette County and is read by 2000 people. "Tne Old Reliable" is a weekly gu^st of the intelligence of Old Fayette. t B. F. Haripl, Prop. ■ f ^/^^^/%/%/^^'^^^'%,^^/%/^^/^/S^'%^/%/%/^k^^^^/%/%/^^/^^'%r<4 as frotn men who, on account of their station in life, feel obliged to evince an interest in the advancement of the community where they live. It is only natural for the writer to wish that the latter may reap benefits from their liberality towards him and he takes this occasion to bespeak tlie jiatronage of the friends of this book for those business men wlio enabled him by their support to get out this work. Judge A. Haidusek, the owner of the Svoboda and president of the birst National Bank of La Grange, has established a rep- utation for liberality throughout the state. Tliere never has come a literary man or printer who solicited his aid and who did not receive his hearty support. There is no man who takes greater pride in Fayette County than the judge and it was most natural that he gave his aid to this writer in getting out this book. The writer only hopes that his work may meet his ex- pectations. The first National Bank of La Grange with Judge A, Hal- —332— DR. R. A. McKINNEY, Physician and Svirgeou La. Gra-ngo, _ - . Texas, AUe. STBSITHOPr • DKAT.KR INi 7Jm, Sranite and ^yate Ware SUCK'S STOVES AND RANGES^ S/^oofin^, Sutterin^ and Salvanized Sron 'Double ^lues made to order on short notice. Customers treated with promptness and dispatch. LA GRANGE, - - - - TEXAS. dusek as president and John B. Hollovvay as cashier is the most solid financial institution in the county and debervedly enjoys the fall confidence of the people. The Schuhmacher Bank is the other financial institution of La Grange and shares with the First National Bank tlie patronage of the capitalists of the county. Of the merchants of La Grange August Heintze, jr., is un- doubtedly the leading one. There is not a more liberal, more energetic and more accommodating merchant living in La Grange than he. Since he has opened his large department store, a great many faces of people who traded before elsewhere have appeared again to trade in that city. He carries an im- mense stock of goods. Rosenberg & Co. are the owners of an elegant store and car- ry an immense stock of goods. In the dry aoods line Carl Mosigis up-to date and keeps up with the fashion. Friedberger & Johnson are their able competitors. Frank Reichert and A. Harigel have well stocked furniture -333— FURNITURE! There is no place like home when it is cosy and comfortable, and there's no place like A. Hariget's Furniture Emporium to get the means to make it so. IN BURYINO THE DEAD aniceCo'flnor basket is essential to public opinion. Ourline of Undertaker Goods is in keeping with the times. Vexus. . HARIGEL FRIEDBERGER &. JOHNSON. 0/y Soocis Notious, Fancy Goods, Shoes, Trunks and Valises, Carpets and House Furnishing Goods. m^% r 1 GRANQE, TEXAS. stores and treat their customers liberally. Aug. Streithoff and Connell k, Holloway are the hardware firms in La Grange and also do first-class work in roofing, guttering, etc. The marble yard of 0. E. Stolz has a reuutation for turning out masterpieces of art in the monumental line, well established throughout South and Central Texas, and is assisted l)y a corps of able agents. The most popular saloons are the County Seat Saloon owned by Chas. Schaefer k. Son, and the Diamond Saloon owned by Hackebeil & Wefseis. In the hotel business Joe Kainer ranks in the front as well for accommodations as for liberal rates. No hotel in South Texas furnishes its patrons ao many accommodatiQ,ii» aa tela- — oo4 — Hermann Hackebeil, Fritz Wessels. DIAMOI^D SAUOOPi HACKEBEIL & WESSELS, Proprietors. East Side of Public Square, - - La Grange, Texas. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars constantly in stock. Ice Cold Beer always on tap. New Billiard and Pool Tables for the entertainment of our esteemed patrons. ^ CBO MAUBB, Jr.p jfor fine Sabbles anb THavneee | ^ A full assortment of Collars, Bridles, Hames, Chains, ^ § Collar Pads, Whips and Lap Robes. Hand Made Work p ^ and Repairing a specialty. ^ I South Side of Public Square. LA GRANGE, TEXAS. I phone, bathrooms, electric lights, elc., at such liberal rates. The rooms and the board cannot be surpassed. B. White, Wm. Hermes, jr., and J. Meyenberg, jr., are en- gaged in the drug business and share the patronage of La Grange and neighborhood with each other. Drs. T. W. Moore and II. A. McKinney have a large prac- tice and are known for their liberal rates. They do not cure a man first to kill him with their bills for medical attendance afterward. Dr. .J no. Baur, an erstwhile pupil of the writer, is a consci- encious young man, engaged in tlie practice of dentistry. Louis nice is engaged in photography and turns out first- class i)icture3. The lawyers of La Grange are a class any city may be proud of. The writer refers tiie reader to their biographies. The history of the La Grange Journal, tUe Syoboda and —335- T T^ A T TT? ^^^""^ '"'^'' ^"^^ omce. Dentist, Serman spoken here. ^^ Sra/l^Cj TjGXaS, I WM. HER.MES. Jr., j ^ DEALER IN ^ ^ruffSy 7/^eciicmes^ Stationeri/ | T(3ilet Articles. School Books, | Paints and Oils. | LA GRANGE, - - . . - TEXAS, g the La Grange Deutsche Zeitung will be found under the head of "Newspaper Press of the County." La Grange is well protected against fire. As stated before, it has a good waterworks system. A volunteer lire company does eflicient service in case of fire. While La Grange has not increased very rapidly in popula- tion, it has been on a constant, steady growth. Wliile in 1880 there were only two storehouses on the public scjnare, in 1850 it was large enough to be incorporated. During the last decade its population increased thirty-five percent. In 18!)0 it according to the U. S. census ISOO inhabitants, now their num- ber is 2400. The increase of its business kept pace with the in- crease of its population. During the last few years the farmers around La Grange made only little more than half of the usual crop on account of the boll weevil plague, This vyfts ^ great drf^wtlvick to t|je Uusi- —836- ^ Leo Frede, Cashier. John Schuhmacher. H. C. Schuhmacher, Ass't Cashier. ^ i /...„.k1| '^obn Qcbubniacbev, I >^l. S^'^- .j^ 1 ,f^*^^^#=:*^ R^esponsibility, SI50.000.00. g BANKER. '^"""uJ'n'drdT''*"' L^ Graiig-e, Texas. | GEORGE AYILERICH, Lawyer, LA GRANGE. TEXAS. ness of La Grange. There also being a large number of pros- perous, thriving villages in the immediate vicinity of La Grange, doing a general merchandise business and thereby curtailing that of La Grange, it may be said that for its present po})ulation and its tributary country, the mercantile business is overdone in La Grange, l^a Grange is favorably situated for the manufac- turing business. If it shall not remain at a standstill, it must engage in these pursuits. Lately, the establishment of a cotton factory has been much talked about. It should be the time udw to start this enterprise, before Texas is overcrowded with estab- lishments of this kind. The conditions for a market of the manufactures may then be less favorable than now. The mar- ket may then be overcrowded. HISTORICAL NOTES. La Grange was built about the year 1828 on land belonging to J no. H. Moore, In 1838 it had only very few stores. In —337— J. F. WOLTERS. T. W. LANE. GEO. E. LENERT. u/olters, jCane dc jCenert, Stitornej/s at ^aw. Serynan spoken in this office. Practice in all courts, write deeds, last wills and other legral documents. Office over First National Bank. roe JriCi ^oe ainer s LA GRANGE, TEXAS. Jro/e/j La Grange, Texas. My new hotel is furnished with all modern equipment.s for tha accommodation of the traveling public, viz., Electric Lights, Hot and Cold Baths, etc. Airy Rooms, Good Table, Prompt Service, Liberal Rates. Your patronage solicited. Streot I'ro.ii Mohrhusen's corner to the River in the Overflow of April, 19i)0. -338 — 7)ietrich dt j^renffcL.. jCa Srani^e, Tjexas. TJhe Watchmakers jewelers and Opticians of J'ai/ette Countt/ The most reliable firm to supply your wants in Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Spectacles, etc. that year the location of the future capital of the Republic of Texas was considered by congress ; La Grange was a competitor for obtainnig the seat ; the bill making it the capital of Texas carried in congress, but was vetoed by President Houston. In 1850 La Grange was incorporated. In 18BU the Grand Lodge of Free Masons held its session in La Grange. In 1862 the sale of spirituous liquors was stoppcid in La Grange by order of the Provost Marshal. In 1867 a yellow fever epidemic broke out in La Grange. In 1869 and 1870 the Colorado River overflowed considerable portions of the city. In 1900 another overflow of the Colorado inundated portions of La Grange. The picture of the strvet going west towa^rds the river from Mohrhusen'S (for- merly Wm. Haase's!'corner) gives an idea as to how far the water went. In 1901 the Grand Lodge of the Order of the Sons of Hermann held its sessions in La Grange. The oldest building in La Grange stands on the northwest corner of the public square. It is a two story building, known as the Fink building and built in 1810. —339— LA GRANGE, TEXAS. KEEPS IN STOCK B. ^WHITE KEEPS IN »,,»,, ^resh and S^ure ^ru£fs Medicines, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Cigars, etc., in fact, eve'rythins: that is usually carried in a first-class drug store. Physicians' prescrip- tions filled with care and dispatch. Your patronage solicited. jr rati k IReicbe tt ^^^y% '"" -^-^-^^--^ D ealer in F Urn itUi'^p Tapestry, Ste» Keeps constantly in stock a large selection of Furniture at low prices; also Baby Carriages, Window Curtains, etc., etc. ,^^ ^%^v LA GRANGE ^ €'^^'"-"--"'"\ Marble Works >K and ^^ui/dina ^l V^< ^ W O. E. STOLZ, Prop., ^f Stone. W .^kl wC Manufacturer and Dealer in ^^ utatuary ilfarblef SranitOf jrfeac/stones \ Vases, Coping and Iron Fencing. ^ Correspondence solicited. La Grange, Te.xas. ^ The following gentlemen constitute the present city govern- ment : Robert Sample, mayor; Will Loessin, marshal; Ed. Mattingly, treasurer; Frank Rosenthal; secretary; E. H. Moss, attorney. Aldermen of the first ward, B. L. Zapp and Win. McKin- ney ; second ward, L. Rosenthal and Gus Werth ; third ward, Chas. Helmcamp and Lotliar Rose ; and fourth ward, F. H. Wagner and J. M. Byrnes. T X C O R P C) R A T E D CITIES. FAYETTEVILLE. Located on the eastern edge of the rich and fertile Ross Prairie, lies one of the most beautiful little cities of Kouth Texas, the City of Fayetteville. All around Fayetteville lie fertile prairie lands ; one mile east of it, postoak begins, about three miles west of it, the timber lands of Cumming's Creek limit the prairie. The substantial farms, the beautiful gardens and the fruit-bearing fields speak of the industry and the wealth of the population and are the delight of the traveler. Faj^etteville is situated about twelve miles east of La Grange on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad. Occupying the slopes of a hill, it is of picturesque appearance. In the middle of the large public square stands the court house, which was erected there by the county to serve as the justice's court house. Of the more no- ticeable buildings may be mentioned the Chromcik school, the Germania school, the Catholic church, the Presbyterian church and tlie Z:rpp building, the latter a handsome brick building at llie northwest side of the public square, Fayetteville is a very old place. It used to be called in the early times Sam Alexander's, thus named after the first settler in that country who had come there during the early days of the republic. In the year 1847 it was laid out by P. J. Shaver who owned the land on which it is now situated as a town. Tlie population of the to\yn and surrounding country was at that —342- |C. J. SCHRASVSSV I S^hi/S(cian I """' Surgeon. . . . FAYETTEVILLE, TEXAS. 3 Dealer in Drusrs and Medicines, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, Sj % Fancy and Toilet Articles. Prescriptions carefully ^ «S compounded. g "* ^^ PATRON I ZE^^.,.raiaCZZZ^ We J* Fo jFanc^ anb Staple Groceries Crockery and Hardware. He also keeds Fresh Beer on tap and invites your custom. Call on him and you will call again. Pays highest mar- ket lirice for country produce. FAYETTEVILLE, TEXAS. time mostly American and German, but iu the early fifties a large number of Bohemians comnienced to como in. The Bohemian element is now in the majorily,* or, at least, the numerically strongest. Tlie (irst settlers of Fayetteville were : S. S. Munger, Panchard, Dr. Gregory, Wm, Wade, Dr. Manly, J no. Flnm, Henry Kurtz and Ad. Kauffmann, The oldest settlers now living in Fayetteville are Pliigo Zapp, C. J^anglotz, J. M. T. Webb, Hon. Max Meitzen, H. Steves and Ed. Sarrazin. Tiie people of Fayetteville are a free and open hearted |)eo- ple. They are known throughount the cotinty as a jolly set, and are therefore accordingly popular The entertaiinnents, bal!s and festivities which the people of this city arrange have become famous throughout South Texas. Tlie easy manners, the cordiality with whicii a visitor is received by these generous people are not the least attraction which these festivities ofier. The Fayetteville music band furnishes delightful music and has i -343— I KUBENA *& CO., I ^ DEALERS IN ^ :» j^ic/Uest Prices S,- I ^..v^/.r (Seneral nftercbanbise, | ^ Cotton ^ ^ and other country Wines, Whiskies, Beer g ^ produce. and Fine Cigars. ^ August Heinsohn . .. Dealer in Rough and Dressed Texas ^'^-^^ Yellow Pme Lumber^-^^- Shingles, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Barbed Wire, Nails and Hardware, Office on North Side Depot, Fayetteville, Texas. come out victor in more than one band contest. The Fayette- ville Saengerbund under the leadership of Prof. J. Hansen has repeatedly received recos;nition and applause at state "saenger- feasts." A club that deserves favorable mention for tlie balls and entertainments it arranges is the Germania Verein with Hon. Max Meitzen as president and Mr H. W. H. Zapp as secre- tary. The Verein owns a fine large two stor}^ building which also serves as a school house. Fayetteville has quite a number of lodges which to tlie mystically inclined offer chances to be initiated in lodge secrets and degrees and to ride the goat. They are : the Woodmen, A, T. Thanheiser, C C, Henry Hotmann, clerk-; Knights of I'^thias, John R. Kubena, C. C, Dr. C. J. Schramm, K. of K. i& S.; Masons, Henry Gloeckner, \V. M., William Eilers, sec- retary ; Knights of Honor, Max Meitzen, president, William jiiler.s, secretary; Hermann Sons, Julius Hansen, president, —344- AdoIfZoll, secretary; S. P. J. S. T. (a Bohemian organization), Toni Hruska, president, John Slavik, secretary. Of the religious side of life two churches, the Catholic with Rev. Father J. Chronicik, and the Presbyterian with Rev. Wen- zel Pazdral take care. There are a great many Bohemian Catho- lic Societies under the auspices of the Catholic Church. They have associated then:iselves to promulgate the teachings of that church and to serve in the interest of hum mity and religion. Tiieir names are: St. Joseph's, Father J. Chromcik, presitlent, Valentine Michalsky, secretary, Frank Machala, corresponding secretary ; St. John's, Aug. Pavel, i)i'esident, Roiidan Kallus, secretary ; Bohemian Catholic Workmen Society (Benevolent Association), Rohdan Kallus, president, Jgnaz Rek, secretary ; Bohemian Catholic Young Men's Society (Stanislaus), Joseph Slansky, president, Louis \V . Machala, secretary; Altar Society, Mis. Mary Wichita, president, Mrs. Agnes Kubena, secretary. Corpus Christi Day at Fayettevillo. One of the gala days of the Catholic Church and of Fay- —345— etteville is Corpus Christi Day. A long procession led by the Catholic priest starts in the morning from the Catholic diurcli, walks around the square and stops at each corner to hold ser- vices. Very often thousands come to Fayelteville from far and wide to witness this impressive ceremony. The reader finds a picture of this attractive scene. Germania ScHool. Fayetteville has two schools, the Chromcik school and the Germania school. The Chromcik school was founded by Faither Chromcik and named after him. It is under the management of Mrs. \Vm. Langlotz. The Germania sciiool has been for a n'lmber of years under the able management of Prof. Wm. Eilers, a teacher of great reputation ; this year it will be taught by Prof. John L. 8tierling, former superintendent of the Shiner schools. The school is taught in the building of the Germania Verein, a large two story frame building of which a picture is given in ihia book. —346 — UtUffO otapp S OOnS ^Propneior. :i-Gener©Ll MerchoLndise tSfiiTvrii i Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Notions, Drugs, School Books and Supplies of every description. Handle the Cele- brated Standard Cultivators and Implements, Newton Wagons, New Home Sewing Machines, etc. Highest prica paid for cotton and country produce. .J'ayeiio-jiiie, TJexas. is the place to go for .(3roceine6.,.. Fine Whiskies and Liquors, Do^^93tic and Imported Cigars and Fresh Beer. It is the most popular resort of Fayetteville and neighborhood. The business of FayelteviUe is mostly merchandising. The city consists of 4 ^zeneral merciiaudise stores, 5 groceries, 2 dry goods and notions stores, 4 full saloons, 5 beer saloons, 2 black- stnilii and wlieelwright shops, 2 fiirnitore and hardware stores, 1 tin and hardware store, 1 saddkr, 2 gins, 2 beef markets, 2 beer agencies, 1 Jivery stable, 2 hotels, 2 drug stores, 5 physi- cians, 1 lawyer, and 1 lumber yard. Among the business men of Fayplleville the writer especially mentions H. \V. H. Zapp, the owner of the oldest and largest mercantile establishment in Fayetteville; Dr. C. J. Scliramm, a physician of fine learning and widespread reputation and ))roprietor of the leading drug store in Fayetteville; August Heinsohn, the proprietor of an immense lumber yard, the largest in Fayette County; Otto A. Vetter, the jovial proiirietor of a saddlery ; F. Kallus, merchant tailor, equal in skill and workmanship to the best in any city ; C J. Klimicek, F, J. Piwetz and Kubena & Co. are successful business men, they are in tlie saloon and grocery business. Fayetteville is an energetic town and makes laudable efforts to get out of the ruts. Jn 11)01 a creamery was built in Fay- cr r^ !^ — { (T) O (V i—t- < 5' cc CO liiUii? "^wit W JBiiMB i ^iirii ■ ^mii. ■/- —348 — Por Saddles, Harness Bridles, Hames, Whips. Robes and Collars, call on FAYETTEVILLE. TEXAS, He carries a complete assortment ill this lino and sslls his gjols at live-and-let-live prices. Give liim a trial. etteville, the same is at present not in operation. People as is always the case have to n\y fur their experience in business whi'jh they do n )t know. Bat tliere is no reason why a ci'i'a n.-i-y under proper management should not prove a success. Fayetleviile is a husilin^ town. In 1882 it was incorpo- rateil for the purpose of improving the town. Hon. JNIax Meitzen was the lirst in:iyor uf the In October. 1S87, the Taylor, Bastrop and Houston railroad — which later on was bought by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas — came into the city, and since tlien Fayeltevilie lias been on a steady and healthy growth. 'J'here is now quite a difference between the city of Favetteville of to-d.iy — a thriving railroad station of the M., K. & T. — and the sleepy countr}^ town of seventeen years ago. The reader will lind a picture of Fayetteville seventeen j'ears ago and make tlje comparison, in 1S93 four business houses burned down and elegant, substantial buildings were erected in their stead. Fayetteville is well protected against fire. A well and windmill and a large water tank have been erected on the public square. Mains have b.^en laid over the largest portion of the town with hydrants at convenient distances. A volunteer fire company under command of Captain Henry Steves is prepared to do efficient service in case of fire. ] Below follows a list of the oldest settlers of Fayetteville, | prepared by Prof. VVm. Filers, and a list of the oldest Bolieniian' settlers, prepared by Judge Tom Hruska. They will no doubt be most acceptable to the readers and recall to a great many of them the memory of their dead friends. F. KALLUS Is the popular place for Dry eoodS, Croeeries, Goots, Shoes, Hats, Sewing Machines, Jewelry, Notions, etc. Give him a trial and you will obtain the most surprising bargains. FAYETTEVILLK, TEXAS. First settlers of the Fayetteville neighborhood : — Jack Crier, was assassinated, when he was over one hundred years old, near EUinger ; Sam Ross, after whom Ross Prairie was named; Grover, son-inlaw of Jack Crier; JNeil Munn ; Klave Jarmon ; Jim Gay and U, Gay, after whom Gay's Hill was named; Sidney Gregory; Kidd Chirk; W.Cook; tlie breeding family which numbered thirty-seven members ; Nie. Ware, relatives to Tanner; the Barnetts, near Biegel settlement; Geo. Turner ; Jim Groce ; Thompson ; Markham Hill ; Monroe Hill ; S. Zeal ; J. E. Pearsall ; F. iMunger ; Don- athan ; J. P. Schaefer ; Frels (184S) ; Beyer; Wash. Cummings, after whom Cutnming's Creek was named; G. M. T. Webb; J. F. Johnson ; A. B F. Kerr, a justice of liie peace; Jacob F.Dlrr; Wilhelm Wiedemann; Ellerbuscii ; Henry Birkmann ; Hermann Hildebrandt ; Hillebrandts at l^iegel ; Hermann Hillmann ; Budwig Hillmann: C. H. Hillmann ; Henry Kiesel ; Maschek ; Wm. Buecke ; Chas. Luecke ; Capt. Fisher; R.J.Zimmerman; Dr. Benno Matthes. ]\B)St of these parties iiave died or moved away to other places. First Bjliemian settlers : — Tom Batla; deceased, came to Fayetteville in lS5o ; Vine. Rypel in BSjI ; both came from Bohemia; Jos., John and Baul Wychopen, Jos. Bastovica, Jos. Jecmenek, Paul .Jecnienek, all deceased, and Jos. Hlawaty, still living, came from i\B)ravia to Fayetteville in BS5.") ; John Hruska, John Odlozelik, Frank Horak, Jos. Horak, tlie latter still living, came from Moravia to Fayetteville in LS5(). The present officers of Fayetteville are : Henry Tftuch, mayor; Conrad Bertsch, marshal : Dr. C. J. Schramm, O. A. Veiter, John R. Kubena, Geo. Z)ll and John IJelble^ alderiiieu, —350— NOTES Ov Some of thr Or^T> Settlers in the FAYETTEVitri-.w IVeighbor- llOOD, PROCURED THROUGH KINDNESS OF I*ROF. ^V^r, ElL-E-RS. Old Settlers of Ross Prairie. (Ross Prairie lies between Fayetteville and Ellinger.) Hinrich Eilers, born Nov. 24, 1820, in the Grand Duchy of Olden- burg. He came to Texas in 1845, lived at Warrenton two years and then moved to Ross Pi-airie where he lived continuously until his death Jan. 23, 1899. H. G. Cook, born March 12, 1824, in the Gx-and Duchy of Olden- burg. He came to Fayette County in 1845. He died at his old home in Ross Prairie March 16, 1880. Dietrich Hattermann came to Ross Prairie from the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg in 1845. He died at his old home. Henry William Luecke came to Ross Prairie from Westfeld, Han- over, in 1845. He died there two years after his arrival. Jacob Laferre was born in Germany Sept. 23, 1828. He came to Ross Prairie in 1847. Left for the gold fields in California in 1849, re- turning to Ross Prairie after an absence of several years, and lived there to the time of his death, Aug. 28, 1901. Joseph F. M. Sarrazin came to Cat Spring, Austin County, in 1834, from Westphalia. He moved to Ross Prairie in 1843 and Jived there up to the time of his death. John H. Meyer settled in Ross Prairie in 1842. He came from Hanover and lived there until his demise. John F. Meyer arrived from Hanover in 1850, settling in Ross Prairie and living there to the time of his death. Henry Kurtz came to Ross Prairie from Germany in 1847. He died at Fayetteville in 1901. Other old settlers Neimann, Neumann, Wacker, ■ Baumbach, Sommer. Anton Sommer, G. Mueller, Doni, August Beyer, Girndt, Ze:llitz, and Dirr. Old Settlers of Fayetteville. Sigbert Frank Steves, born at Crefeld, Kreis Geldern, Prussia, in 1808. Came to Fayetteville in 1853. Died there. Chas. Aug. La ^g'.otz was born at Schoenfeld, Saxony, Feb. 23, 1826. He came to Housron in 1848, and moved from there to Fayette- ville in 1850, where he still lives. Other old settlers were: Brandt, Wink, • Kaufmann, Hugo Zapp, Sr., Dietrich, Meyer, Kirsch, Gloeckner, Schaefer, Dr. Mathis, Donaldson, and Donath. Old settlers in the Fayetteville vicinity: Meitzen, Meit- zen, Stelzig, Dr. Shaw. Old settlers of Biegel P. O : Mr. B. Schcrer came to Biegel in 1834 from Switzerland. K John Christodemus Helble settled at Biegel in 1844. He left for the gola fields in California in 1849 and returned in 1851. He died some years ago over, 80 years of age. Other old settlers were: — Biegel, — Andre, Meyer, Tschiedel (still living). —351— FLATONIA Flatonia is situated in the southwestern part of the county on the crossing of the Southern Pacific and the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway. East and south of it are rich black prairie lands, west and north is postoalc. Flatonia is favorably situated, in the best part of the mineral region of Fayette County. In its neighorhood are tine kaoUn and clay beds ; coal may also be found in the neighborhood of Flatonia. While none of these mineral resources are developed right now, there is a chance of their future development on account of tlie city being situated at the crossing of two important railroads. Flatonia stands on a bed of rich black clay. In wet weather the streets are muddy and cause a great deal of inconvenience. There are several substantial brick buildings in Flatonia. The land on which Flatonia stands was owned by \Vm. Ferris and bought of him by the Southern Pacific Railway Com- pany which laid out the town on its arrival in that section of country, early in 1878. One mile southeast of Flatonia was sit- uated old Flatonia (a place that has now disappeared from the surface), and three miles northwest of Flatonia was the town of Oso (no trace of that, town is left). The people of these towns moved on the arrival of the Southern Pacific to the new town and in a very short time it was a thriving little city. It soon was incorporated. The election for incorporating the town of Flatonia was held November 8, 1875 ; November 10 it was pro- claimed incorporated and on the sixth day of December, lS7o. the first election for mayor and aldermm was held by John Cline. The oldest settlers m that ])art of the county are the Har^ risons, Cockrill, Yaeger, Flato, Sloma, Ferris and Menefee families. The population of and about Flntonia was originally en- tirely American, but after the Civil War a great many Germans and Bohemians have been attracted by the fertile lftnc]g ^nd - 352— I ERNST OLLE, -PROPRIETOR— % FriATONIA, TEXAS. S y^/ne Ql^his/cies direct from ^t'st/iler^, ^ Smporied cl^i'nes and Ct'^ars. -'.- ^rosA S/Jeer on (Jap, p Lunch Stand in Connection with Bar C. STOl'FERS, The old reliable dealer in Saddles, J^arness, S^ridiesj J^ameSj Tl^hips,, S^obes and Collars, has added to his complete stock of elegant goods in the Saddlery line ^ ^ Vehicles ^ ^ A carload of Buggies, Surries and Farm Wagons just come in. Will sell at Reasonable Prices. FLATONIA, TEXAS. settled there. Now Ihe^' form the tnnjority of the population. During the last ten years a great many Greeks, Arabians and Italians liave settled in Flatonia and established themselves in business, selling pea-nuts by the pack. The summit of the nourishing times in Flatonia was reached before the arrival of tiie San Antonio and Aransas Pass. Those were lively times then. C .tton was carried then to P^la- tonia fronj as far as Yoakuu). At that time the country w:is a stock country. The cowboys held their rendezvous m Flatonia and very often made times too lively for peaceable citizens. But those times liave ])assed. Since the arrival of the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway, Flatonia had an energetic competitor in tlie thriving town of Moulton, Its trade was cut off from all sides and tlie disappointment of having lost it which could not be helped, still reflects from the business attitude of its citizens. Puringtbe last decade it not only not gained, but —353— ^W^M. FritscheJ THE FLATONIA | BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. I I .♦'Any style Shoe in toe or otherwise for I Men or Ladies made to order on short ^ notice. Nothing but the best material I *used. Repair work of every description ^ neatly and promptly done. | Cowboj/ Scoots a Speciaiti/. Satisfactioit Suaranieed. ^ f-^^ FLATONIA, TEXAS. * i even lost in population ; according to the census of 1900 nearly two hundred. r Of the business men who treated this writer with kindness and patronized him in spite of the hard times— which kindness for that reason he appreciates the more — he mentions tiie former mayor of Flatonia, the jovial and popular Stotfers, the proprietor of a iirst-class saddlery ; Mr. Win, .Stein who excels in Jiis line of work in rooting and guttering, and who is prepared to do all kinds of tin work ; Wm. Fritsche, the artistic shoe maker, and last but not least, Ernst Olle, who keeps in his popular barroom the purest and best brands of whiskies, liquors, wines, beer and cigars. In connection with this business he runs a restaurant. The city of Flatonia has two able newspapers which have ^ been spoken of under the iiead of "Newspaper Press of the County." The [)eople are public spirited and take a great interest , in .county alLiirs. On all public questions Flatonia is generally heard from. The late crop failures have to some extent de- pressed the spirit of her citizens, but there is no doubt that —354— Mm. Stein, Dealer in~'^-',.^aiiiUSSS^ JVardware, Stoves and Zj in ware. Agent for the and the AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. ealvanized Iron Tanks, Plues, Troughs. And Everything in the Tin and Sheet Iron Line made on short notice. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. FI.ATONIA, - - - TEXAS. Flatonia some of these days will awaken and regain some of her former prosperity. There are two churches in Flatonia: the Methodist with Rev. W. T. iMcDonald, and the Baptist with Rev. J. M. Sallee. The people of Flatonia are religious and earnest members of their churches. The following lodges are represented in Flatonia : Knights of Pythias; VVoodmen of the World, J. H. Murphy, C. C, H. R. Thulemeyer, clerk ; Woodmen Circle, Miss Maud Murphy, clerk ; Knights of Honor; A. O. U. W.; Hermann Sons; R. A. M.; A. F. and A. M., J. F. Mulcahey, W. M., F. P. Yaeger, secretary; Odd Fellows, J. H. White, N. G., W. A. Beckham, secretary ; Royal Society of Good Fellows. The following gentlemen are the city officers : Mayor, J. D. Bunting; Secretary, H. R. Thulemeyer; Treasurer, B. A. Kempe ; Attorney, Chas. Nesrsta ; Marshal, W. O. Goode ; Aldermen, J. H. White, F. P. Yaeger, Wm. Stein, R. L. Sim- mons, Frank Worley, C. Stoffers, Albert Kubjana, and J. A. Ce^dwel}. ^355— ROUIN^D TOP. This little city is quite an historic place. It was formerly calledTownsend's. Two miles from it is the former colony of the "Nassau Adelsverein," founded in the forties. Round Top is situated about sixteen miles from La ({range on the Ija Grange-Breniiam road. It is built on top of a hill which overlooks the Cumming's Creek bottom lands. Northeast is the rich La Bahia prairie. North towards Ledbetter is post- oak. Round Top used to be in olden times (juite a considerable l)lace. Even afier the arrival of the Texas Central and the building of Carmine, it held its own f)r a long time. Lately, Carmine being situated on the railroad, has cut off some of the trade of Round Top on account of its more favorable location. Still, the traditions and old established business relations of the place will always retain for it a considerable trade. The population of Round Top is now entirely German, very few of the old American settlers .having remained in its neigh- borhood. Among the old settlers of Round Top may be men- tioned Geo. Fricke, a vetcan of the Mexican War who served in that war under Gen. Wintield Scott ; C. E. Bauer, the Weyand family. Dr. Rankin, White, Taylor, John Bell, I. C. Hill, Joel W. Kobison, Wm. v. Rosenberg, Ferd., Henry and Ad. Kneip, C. W. Runimel, ('has, Schiege, Robert Zapp, C. Henkel, Weikel, Rev. A. Neuthard. the late ])astor of the Lutheran church who for a generation worked faithfully at that place in the vineyard of Our Lord, higlily respected and beloved by all who knew him. Round Top has two churches, the Lutheran and a colored Baptist church. The city of Round Top was known in earlier times for the splendor of its feasts. Governors and staie officers thought the --356— ERNEST FR.ICKE. DEALER IN ^Fancy and Staple Groceries,* Crockery, Glassware, Hardware and l^oodenware. jg@°'PAYS Highest Market Price for Country Produce and Cotton. ROUND TOP, TEXAS. ^ DR. A. POSCH. PHYSICIAN. Round Top, Texas, place important enough to deliver their public addresses there before intelligent audiences.* These feasts are still very famous and always attract a large crowd. They are generally arranged by the Round Top Shooting Club, an organization known throughout South Texas, The president of this organization is Fritz Fricke, the secretary is Hy. Pochmann. There are two lodges at Round Top : Knights of Honor, G. Froehlich, sr., secretary ; and Sons of Hermann, H. C. Ruramel, president, Fritz Fricke, secretary, (membership 32). The Round Top school has been for a number of years under the able management of Prof. G. Froelilich and has re- *NoTB. — In those early times Round Top was quite apolitical cen- ter. It was the home of the two leading politicians of the north side of the county, Judge C. Henkel, a democrat, and Robert Zapp, a re- publican. Both took an active interest in politics and were great campaigners. —35?— I uhe oCone Star Saloon I 5 is known throughout the whole northern section ^ ^ of the county for its ^ I Bj^^^^o^ Whiskies, Liquors and Wines. \ ^ 'Domestic and imported Ci^fars. 5^ ^ Call on us and you will call again. t i GUS. BENDER., - - - Round Top, Texa.s. % DEALER IN STOVES, RANGES, (jin, Salvanized jron and J^ardivare, if. KEEPS A FIRST-CLASS ASSORTMENT IN HIS LiNE.iSa' Aj- Cisterns, Roofing, Guttering, and Galvanized Iron ..^■■BSi^KA^Double Flues made to order at Reasonable Prices. Ml Work Guaranteed, -:- -:- -:- ROUND TOP, TEXAS. tained uuder him its old established reputation for high grade of scholarship. As remarked before, Round Top is, for a town not connected by any railroad, on account of its surrounding rich agricultural country, a very considerable trading place. Of the business men who appreciated the work of the writer on their home county to such an extent as to plac3 with him a small ad. and to whom, therefore, the friends of the book should feel kind, be- cause it enabled the writer to get out such a work, he mentions Ernst Fricke, the accommodating postmaster of Round Top, who is the proprietor of a good sized mercantile establishment, deal- ing in groceries, crockery and hardware; W. J. Dippel & Bro, in the general merchandise business ; \Vm. Ginzel, the old popular tin man of Round Top ; O. H. Helmecke, who is the proprietor of one of the largest blacksmith and whcelwrigiit shops in the county and a skillful workman; Gus Bender, whose —358- O. H. HELMECKE, Dealer in jfarntinG Implements. My Blacksmith and Wheelwright Shop is prepared to turn out first- class work. All kinds of Machinery Repaired. WaLgorvs a-nd Fa.rmirvg Implements Made to Order. ,tll tt'ork till a I'd III ml ti.t ^''trsl-t'lass. ROUIVD TOI». TEXAS. W. J. DIPPEL & BRO., ^afc... /» Generg^l MercheLndise Dress Goods, Cassimeres. Domestics, Trimmino^s, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, LADIES' MISSES' AN1> CHILDREN'S HATS. We pay highest prices for Cotton, Bacon, Lard, Chickens and Eggs. ROUND TOP, TEXAS. saloon is the popular meeting place of the Round Top people ; and Dr. A. Posch, a skillful and learned physician and surgeon, a man of high standing among his colleagues and the people. Round Top has lour stores, three saloons, one drug store, one tinsmith shop, one gin, one blacksmith shop, one cigar factory, one photograph gallery, one physician and one shoemaker. Quite a considerable place. It is the seat of justice for the pre- cinct. A nice court house and calaboose stand on the public square. Round Top has daily mail, a money order postoffice, and is connected with the outside world by telephone. A fire company has been organized to protect the city against fire. The president of the fire company is Hermann Rummel, the captain of the hook and ladder company Otto Poppe. The town was incorporated in 1865. Otto Poppe is the present mayor of the town ; P. Klar, marshal. The population numbers about 250. —6b\)— HCHULENIUjRG. No city in Texas has a greater reputation for the congenial- ity of its people than Schulenburg. The free and easy and yet refined manners of its inhabitants never fail to make the stranger feel at home. The splendor and the tasty arrangements of its festivities have made for Schulenburg the name of the festive city of South Texas. Schulenburg is situated in the soutiiern part of Favette County on the Southern Pacific Uiilroad. It is at a distance of eighteen miles from the county seat. It lies in the rich black land Navidad prairie, one of the richest agricultural sections in the state. The elegant farm residences, the beautiful gardens in front of them, the rolling prairie laid out into fertile corn and cotton fields, speak of the industry and energy of its people and leave on the traveler a pleasing impression. The section is tra- versed by the Navidad and its tributary the Mixen Creek. One mile southeast of Schulenburg lie the grounds of the Schulenburg Live Stock and Fair Association. The semi-annual races held there attract the sporting element of the wliole state. Dr. I. E. Clark, Mr. \Vm. Cornelson and Mr. H. (Iraf may be mentioned as the principal promoters of the races. One mile northwest of Schulenburg is the Filers Park. The same is not yet finished, but gives promise to become one of the most attrac- tive spots in Texas. A sixteen feet high dam, forty feet widp at the foot and thirty feet wide at the top has been built across a creek. On the lake which this dam will hold, two boats will invite the visitor to take a row along its beautiful banks covered with verdure and interspersed with liveoak groves. This park, the writer predicts, will become a very popular resort for the Schulenburg people and their guests. -360— If you are looking for Good Bargains in SaLddles, Bridles, Collars, Ha^ri\ess, Lap Robes, B^g^y Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, etc., go to Schulenburg, - - Texas. He keeps a complete assortment of first-class goods in this line. Repairing done promptly at reasonable prices. 5 ^ ? ^ JOHN VAOEIK, SCHUL.ENBURG, TEXAS, ■ It you want to take a drink of tlrst-class liquor with a friend come to our Saloon and try our ....Wliiskies, Liquors and Wines,... We keep only the best brands, also fresh beer, and domestic and Imported cigars. .--^^^ Not less attractive t,han its surroundings is the city, itself. A stranger walkine: through its streets will be , impressed by the solid and substantial business houses and the elegant residences. In the fall of the year, the business streets, viz , Main street — which presents quite a metropolitan appearance — and Lyons and Upton Avenues are crowded willi wagons, buggies and other vehicles, and give a good idea of the extent of Schulen- burg's business. Of tlie more noticfable buildings may be men- tioned the Sengelmann Building, tlie most elegant saloon in the county; the Perlitz Building ; the R. A. Wolters Building; the Ilussek Bank Building ; the Schaefer Building, and the Wolters Business Buildings. The Southern Pacific owns a fine garden, nicely laid out, in front of the depot. Schulenburg is named after Louis Schulenburg who owned a four hundred and fortv acre farm south of the, railroad. trp,ck which he sold to W. Pierce. Schulenburg stands, on the; l^nd; owned by him, on sixty acres of Mr. Chris. Baumgarten's land, -361— I Boettcher Bros Co., SCHULENBUEG, TEXAS, Constantly Carry a Complete Line of (3eneral /II^crcban6l6c which is offered their patrons upon most reasonable terms. They pay the highest value for country produce and always offer more for cotton than can be obtained elsewhere. A Trial Will Convince You and Save You Money. on one hundred acres of Frank and Rosine Stanzel's land, on liftcen acres of John Wittbecker's land and on cue and a half acres of Franz and Rosine Stanzefs land. All these parties gave one-half of their lands to the Southern Pacific Railroad Com- pany as an inducement to locate the town thereon. fSchuIen- burg was built in 1873. A great many Higli Hill jjeople moved to Schulenburg on the arrival of the Southern Pacific and built up the latter place. The city grew rapidly ; May 24, 1875, it was incorporated. Of the old settlers of Schulenburg may be mentioned first Mr. Chris. Baumgarten who by a great many ])eople is called "The Father of Schulenburg," not only on account of his age, but because there wab no man who took more interest in build- ing up Schulenburg and promoting its industrial enterprises than he. Other old citizens of Schulenburg are Krnst Baum- garteu who established Uie first lumber yard in Schulenburg, I C > —363- Bermuda Valley Stock Farm 'Dr. S. C. C/arA; Proprietor. -THIS IS- One of the Finest Stock Farms IN TEXAS. \W \«/ \»> \»/ \f/ \l» vW \«/ \»/ \»> \»> «/ v»/ \»/ <•> v«/ \«/ \»/ \»/ v/ \»/ v»/ \»/ \»/ v«/ \l/ \V l)y King J;iy ISird. dam Daisy B, w (lam of Aslilaiul Wilkes. ti)e sire of yi, •lohn U. Gentry. J. B. is one of jj< the best bred trotters in Texas and vV is sire of extreme speed, having \v sired Louise \\'., record 2:28 as a % it consists of oUO acres of FincBotlom Land. The Navi- dad River runs through the farm, of wliich one hundred acres is well set with iJerniiKhi (ira>^s and JJiirr Clover. Alfalfa grows finely on this farm, an 1 in fact is the only hay fed on the i)remises. 'J'here are two stallions on the farm, yearling. by Tenny, dam Queer (iirl by ^ Himyar, is a descendant stake winners from the time Moses was a baby. of f The excellent herds of Red Polled and Holstein Cattle, w ^ always to be peen grazing on the green pastures of the farm ^{j| /|\ invariably attract the attention and inspire the admiration of fl^ the observer. Only registered stock is permitted on the farm <•/ 2x which has always for sale trotters, runners, fine milch cows and ^ ^\ registered bulls, ^ j«L ^ , ^ •'* —364 — IL. A. Wolters... ^"'"T' , y V Proprietor of the Scbulenbutg department Stove Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits exceedingly cheap. We receive daily new goods such as Shoes, Hats, Underwear, Cloth, Porcelain Ware, Notions, Groceries, etc., which we sell at exceedingly low prices. Cotton and Country Produce are bought at Highest Market Prices. Come and see our immense stock of brand new goods before you buy elsewhere. SCHULENBURG, TEXAS. R. Wolters, sr., the capitalist, M. C. Levey, H. P. Schaefer, Max and Julius Schwartz, I. Russek, H. Graf, W. D. Keuper and a great many others. Of those who have died may be mentioned: Heinrich Schaefer (came to the United States in 185G, first settled at Round Top, came to Schulenburg in 1872, died in 1885;; Henry Perlitz and Paul Breymann, sr. The population of the town is nearly entirely German ; with a sprinkling of Americans and Bohemians. Like ail towns of South Texas, it has its share of negroes. The population numbers about 1200 inhabitants. It has been remarked before that Schulenburg has a wide reputation for sociability and the splendor of its festivities. People who do not approve of feasts and tlie drinking incident thereto speak of this city as the "Free Republic of Schulen- burg," a name that rather pleases the burghers. If people of a prohibition stamp who condemn such feasts would only once visit a Schulenburg feast, the orderly behavior of the guests, the innocent enjoyment of life with many harmless, humorous —365— H. P. Schaefer, 1^.^ W!S^!l^^^^:H!!^ : dealer m- >:ms rr" -^f Hardware Stoves Wind Mills Pumps... ^"^ House Furnishings Agent for All Kinels of Machinery. SCHULENBURG, TEXAS. incidents would convince the most scrupulous that these feasts are really necessary to build up an independgnt, contented, happy and strong race of people. Tlie Turn Verein is an ardent promoter of these festivities. A literary society which owns a fine library attends to tlie pertaining of a higher education and to elevating the moral tone of JSchulenburg society to a higher plane. The Schulenburg school is under the superintendence of a line teacher, Prof. M. W. Meyer, who has prepared himself thoroughly for his work. There are live lodges in Schulenburg: Odd Fellows, Joseph Berger, N. (1., M. T. Everton, Secretary; Knights of Pythias, Joseph Stanley, C. C, CJus Ulrich, Secretary; I'nited Workmen (Robert Blum Lodge), M. C. Levey, M. W., \Vm. Keuper, jr., recorder ; Hermann's Sons, EmilSciuilz, President, H. Beniker, Secretary ; Masons, Dr. 1, }<^. Clark, W. M., Fred. Ebeling, Secretary. C a CO 4— ' CD *A ^7^ Cotton, Srain and . , . jDcaters in, . . Seneral 7/ferchanciise Pay Highest Prices for Cotton and Country Produce. ^-^ SCHULENBURG, TEXAS. Schulenburg, Tex, ^^f^J^iH:^"^ | EVERY SATURDAY. ^ $1.00 A YEAR. ESTABLISHED APRIL 21, 1901. OO THE SUN SHINES FOR ALL- S Most of the people of iScliulenburg and neighbjrhood are communicant& of tlie Catholic cluirch. Schulenburg has a fine Catholic church of which Kev. Father Madiis is the priest. The otlier denominations ; Lutheran. Christian, Methodist, Baptist, etc., own togetiier a church building, called the Union church, in which preachers from otlier communities explain the scripture of Our Lord and show the audience liow to walk tlie way of righteousness. Schulenburg, in the center of tlie richest ngncuUural sec- tion of the county, is a great trading jjoinl. Perhaps its mer- chants do more business than tliose of any other town in tlie county. Schulenburg has nine general merchandise stores, four groceries, one hardware store, one jewelry store, two sad- dleries^ two blacksmith shops, one livery stable, two lumber yards, one furniture stoie, one buggy and wagon business, three bjilding contractors, one joiner, two newspapers, one bank, one opera •-hous'e^ two dancing halls, six full saloons, two beer saloons, two hotels, two restaurants, three meat markets, one -369— WE ARE BRING US YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Scrupulously Careful in the selection of any drugs to get the very purest arid freshest and also to use the exact amoant called for by the doctor. If You Want It whether it be Drugs, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Rubber Goods, Sundries, Toifet Articles, Infants' Supplies or Trusses, We have it at most pleasing prices bakery, three physicians, two drug stores, one dentist, one photographer, three beer agents, one tailor, three shoemakers, two millineries, three gins, one oil mill and one compress. The oil mill is the property of Mr. Chris. Baumgarten, sr., and under the able management of his son, Gus- Baumgaiten. It is.a model oil mill and hardly e([ualed anywhere in the United States. Of the business men to wliom the writer is obliged for their patronage he names Boettcher Bros. Co., Perlitz Bros., and U. A. Wolters in the general merchandise business, H. P. Schaefer who is the owner of a lirst-class hardware store, the largest be- tween Houston and San Antonio, Schwartz J5ros., the proprie- tors ot a lirst-class livery stable and successful horse traders, Dr. I. E. Clark, the widely known owner of the Bermuda Valley Stock Farm, a farm as famous as the blue grass region of Ken- —370— e. J. SUULY SCHULENBURG, TEXAS, Invites the public to try his' noted fine brands of Whiskies, Liquors, Wines and Cigjars. Fresh Beer always on tap. Call on us, you will be pleased and call again. Fine Restaurant in connection with the bar. Jt. */* Okarke..., ^Proprietor of Zj/ie Ounni/ South Saloon Keeps in stock the Finest Brands of Whiskies, Wines and Liquors, especially the Famous Saratoga, Pennland, Met- ropolitan Club and Old Reserve. Keeps the choicest brands of Cigars. The famous New Orleans beer always on Tap. SCHULENBURG, TEXAS. tucky for breeding fine horses, Paul Breymann, -the proprietor of a drug store of metropolitan style, 0. Kallus, who does a large business in the saddle and harness line, Sengelmann Bros,, Beniker Bros., E. J. Gully, John Vacek and H. F. Skarke in the saloon business, F. M. VVilks, the popular jeweler of Schu- lenburg. VVm. Tauch, who makes as fine a photograph of yourself as can be made in any city as large as San Antonio or Houston and not to forget, M. C. Levey, real estate agent, notary public and leading grocer and contributor of original writings to the county papers. The writer found him a well educated gentleman and most interesting talker. In his writings there breathes a spirit of true iiuman kindness that attracts and pleases the reader. The writer may mention once more the two newspaper men of Schulenburg to whom he is indebted for many interesting hours. With Mr. \V. R. King he was in business relations in regard to printing his book which relations haye been altogether pf the —371- F. M. Wilks.... Jewelry Stofe -SCHULENBURG, TEXAS- 1 keep in stock a large assortment of the latest and most fashiona- ble styles of Jewelry which I sell at the very lowest prices. If you need any jewelry for presents to your family or friends, you will obtain better and more satisfactory bargains by dealing with a relia- ble home firm than by sending money away to fraudulent concerns and receiving shoddy goods. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry a specialty. Wm. Tauch's Photographic Studio SCHULENBURG, TEXAS, is prepared to take your photo in the latest style on the best material. Platino aristo and platinitc photos in the latest and most fashion- able styles are guaranteed to meet the most exacting demands. most pleasing nature. The priming entailed a great amount of very particular work and the style in which it is done is a credit to the Sticker and will no doubt meet tho approval of tiie reader as it has met that of the writer. To Mr. Frank Miller the writer is obliged for repeated kind mention in that lively paper, the Schulenburg Sun, of his book on Fayette County. It would be hard to iind a more accomo- dating and pleasing gentleman than Mr. Miller. Schulenburg is on a steady growth. It numbers about 1200 inhabitants. Its business is steadily spreading out in an enlarging circle, Schulenburg has for fire protection seven wells and water- tanks. It has a fire department with one engine company and one hook and ladder company, consisting of about 36 members. The officers are Henry Eilers, President and Gus. Depmore, Chief. The latter is a very experienced lire-man, having been lor a number of years chief of the Columbus fire department and —372— having served also in the St. Louis and Galveston fire depa:rt- ments. The city voted to issue $11,500 in bonds for erecting a stand-pipe and laying mains through Schnlenburg for its protec- tion against fire. Tlie proposition carried and the bonds have been approved by the Attorney General. As soon as they are sold the work will start. This thriving little city will then be protected against fire as few cities in the state. The city officers are: Mayor, Theo. Wolters ; Marshal, Hy. Eilers; Aldermen, H. Bohhnann, Dr. I. E. Clark, Chas. Windel, F. F. Schaefer, serving also as city secretary and R. A. Wolters, serving also as city treasurer ; \V. R. King, City Attorney, TOWNS AND SETTLEMENTS. AMM ANNS VILLE . Ammannsville, the seat of the justice court of precinct No. 7, Fayette County, is one of the most thriving lit'tle country towns in the county. It is situated in a rich blackland prairie on the Fa3'-ette County school lands, about eleven miles south of La Grange. It is a nice handsotne place; the population is German and Bohemian and as liberal and generous as can be found in the county. Most of the people are communicants of the Catholic Church. They own a fine church building in which their resident priest. Rev. Joe Szimanski, preaches to large and attentive audiences. The town has two schools, one under the management of Prof A. Pastusek, the other under the management of Miss M. A'razel. Ammannsville does a considerable business. It has three stores and saloons, two blacksmith shops, one drugstore, one physician and two gins. The business men of Ammanns- ville showed themselves most liberal in their patronage of the work of the writer, and the latter, therefore, wishes them abun- dant success which in every way they merit. The writer had — 3/8 — *• Oexas, invites the people of this neighborhood and the public in general to try his Pine Whiskies and Liquors Domestic and Imported Cigars. Fresh Beer always on tap. One of the finest halls for dancing in connection with the business. Joseph Vaccek, Jr., ^"^rxSr"'^- recommends to the public his Thorough-bred Stallion and his Kentucky Jack, SANDY. Rates reasonable. F. F. OHNHEISER, Ammannsville, Texas, recommends himself to the public for Moving Houses and All Kinds of Carpenter Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ammaunsville, TexaSj T. R. HELLER. J. P. HELLER. Established in tlie Gin Business for twenty-three years, enjoy the reputation of satisfying their cus- tomers and turning out a first class long tibi-e cotton that receives the highest price in the market. Your custom solicited. —374— (f (T Of i Oddest Senerat 77/ercantile !^usi^ jT^ Jt' i^ClCQK „^^^ -^ J^mmannsville. A First Class Saloon and a Fine Hall for dancing and theafrical performances have estab- lished a reputation in the southern part of Fayette County. Agent for F. Lotto's Book on Fayette County, Her History and Her People. AMMANNSVILLE, TEXAS. AMMANNSNILLE, TEXAS, Ss prepared to treat cases of S^icokoli'sm and 'Diseases of ^l/omen at his residence Telephone Connection with all points in county and state. ^7' 9^ pean country. Among the oldest settlers are the Huebner Willrich, Richers, Helmcamp, Kreische, Otto, Tell, Hausmann, Kraemer, H. Loehr, Wildner and Hinke families. The popu- lation is German with a sprinkling of Bohemians and Ameri- cans. Two clubs which own fine halls take care of the social side of life, the Bluff Shooting Club at the Blufi" pavilion and the Teutonia Club at the Teutonia hall. Bluff is a voting box of the county and a post office, it has two stores, a blacksmith shap and agin. The reader will find Mr. Joseph Hausmann, the proprietor of a store, a fine black- smith shop and a first-class gin, a very accommodating gentle- man. BRIDGE VALLEY. Picturesquely situated on the base of a large bend of Buckner's Creek, lies the Bridge Valley settlement. West and south of it is Buckner's Creek. Behind Buckner's Creek to the south rise the wood-crowned hills of the Bluff. It is situated on the La Grange Flationia road, about three miles west of La Grange. The land is the fertile Buckner's Creek bottom, black- land, and to the north sandy postoak. The population is German and American. The first settlers were Col. John Daucy, Farquhar, Ed. Miiuton and the Kirks. It was settled in the forties. The German and Bohemian pop- ulation came there in tJie eighties. In 1898 it became a post- office. The voting is done at La Grange. Bridge Valley, being so near to L? Grange, is a small place. It consists of a store and saloon, a blacksmith shop and a school. in A. Legler, the jovial postmaster and mercliant of this place, the visitor will find a very entertaining talker. —380— CARMINE. Carmine lies in tiie northeastern part of Fayette County, right on the Washington County line, on the Austin branch of the Houston and Texas Central. South of it lies the rich La Bahia prairie, north of it is sandy postoak. It is a thriving business town. It consists of four general merchandise stores, four saloons, two blacksmith shops, one lumber yard, two drugstores, one millinery, one furniture house, one livery stable, two gins, two meat markets. The town has a newspaper, the New Century, edited by Messrs. iMenn and (loerdel, two enterprising gentlemen who promise to make a success of their paper. There live three resident physicians in the town. Of the business men who treated the author of this book with kindneas, he mentions Mr. Chas. Wagner, a public-spirited citizen, well known not only in Carmine, but in the county, the proprietor of the leading drugstore in Carmine; Umland & Hoppe; A. M. Weyand & Bro., proprietors of large general mer- chandise stores, and E. F. Hetzel, a worthy ypung man from Austin County, who has established himself in the butcher business at Carmine. There is a Union Church at Carmine in which Lutheran and Methodist preachers liold services. Carmine has two lodges, the Woodmen of the World and the Sons of Hermann. In the VV^oodmen lodge, C. Gillespie is presiding oflicer and Henry Menu secretary. In the Sons of Hermann lodge, Hermann Wendorf is president and Julius Menke, secretary. Carmine was built in the year 1884. It lirst went by the name of Sylvan. After the establishment of the post office at that place, it took the name of Carmine. The first settler in the town was Dr. B. J. Thigpen, who owned the land on which —381— I QUESTION^^^ I A\i Do you look for good bargains in Staple Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, ;^ ^\, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Cutlery, Glassware and Crockery ? Then go to yu I UJVIUAIVD & HOPPe I ^ CARMINE. TEXAS, <)> fl\ who keep the largest depot of General ;\Iorohandise in Carmine. They also ^ <^\ pay the highest market price for cotton, and country produce. Leaders in ^!> fl\ bargains for Garland Stoves. ^ %$$€«€€$$;€€€$€€^€6S€^ If You Want tlie Best Beef.... i and other Meats, go to Sp E.F.HETZEL | He is a buyer of the choicest cattle and pays the best price for ^ them. t CARMINE, TEXAS. p A.M.WSYAI^S & SBO., ^„<.../,. Generivl Merch©.ndise Staple Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery aud Glassware. Highest Prices Paid for Cotton and Produce. CARMINE, TEXAS. Carmine was built. Almost contemporary with him were Henry Weyand, Phil. Saunders and J. Hill. Old settlers of the Carmine neighborhood are the L. Fuchs family, C. Krueger, F. Hermann, Hermann Eichler, Wm. Johle, Ed. Garland, Wm. Krause and Chas. JNIeinicke. The population of Carmine is American and German, —382— CEDAR. About five miles west of La Grange lies the Cedar settle- ment. It lies on the La Grange Flatonia road on the north edge of the fertile Navidad Prairie. The name of Cedar was given to the settlement on account of the many cedars planted in its neighborhood. In old times, it used to be a very popular resort for amusement and it was known as such throughout the county. The laud around Cedar is very fertile. The first settlers in the Cedar district were Bill Lewis, John Lewis, Ferrill, Dr. Denker, Franke and Allen. They settled there in the forties. Cedar consists of a store, saloon and postoffice combined, also of one large hall. It has a physician. It is not a voting place, but is a post-office. The people vote at the Bluff box. The Cedar Macnnerchor which holds its meetings at O'Quinn takes care of the social side of life.- Cedar also has a lodge of the Sons of Hermann. The population of Cedar is mostly German. CISTERN. Cistern is situated in a fertile mesquite prairie of a rich brown chocolate color. Parts of the prairie are mixed with post- oak. A great deal of fine pasture land is still lying outunfenced. About two miles west of Cistern runs the Peach Creek through fertile bottoms. The Peach Creek is a tributary of the Guada- lupe River. Cistern is at a distance of twelve miles northwest of Flalonia, at the same distance northeast of VVaelder, Gonzales county; ten miles west of Muldoon, nine miles east of Rosanki, Bastrop county, and sixteen miles south of Smithville, Bastrop county. Therefore, it has several market places situated on diverse railroads to bring its products to. It is located on the top of a hill which commands a wide sweep of surrounding country. The buildings are around a —383- WM. MENNIKE -Carries One of the Largest Assortments of Pure Drugs Gtiemicals AND Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Garden Seed, etc. Prescriptions carefully and accurately prepared. The Best Brands and Liquors, 'Domestic and Imported V.'ines and Cigars. ^''' Fresh Beer on Tap. Invites your trade and custom. Telephone Exchange for Local and Long Distance Telephone. P CISTERN, TEXAS. public square. It was settled in the latter part of the fifties. First it went by the name of Whiteside's Prairie, then by the name of Cockrill's Hill, and since 1863 it went by the name of Cistern. The latter name was given to the place, because, on account of minerals, the wells did not furnish good tasting drink- ing water, and the people all built cisterns for water. The water from the wells generally contains iron and sulphur. The water of Slack's well was especially noted for its health-producing and curing properties and was used by a great roany patients. The first settlers were the Cockrills; other old settlers were C. H. Wellborn, deceased; Ira Mullen, deceased; William Brown, Adam Zumwalt. Cistern has a population of about 150 inhabitants. The population consists of Americans, Cermans and Bohemians. They live in the greatest harmony. The religious side of life is taken care of by Rev. L. P, —384— Alfred Egg— -^ ^'^*%"exas. Blacksmith and Wheelwright Does your work in his line promptly and cheaply. Keeps in stock Plows, Middlebreakers, Cultivators, Cotton and Corn Planters and Cornstalk Cutters. Wagons and Buggies made to order. Horse shoeing a specialty. Your custom solicited. F. Knight—^ ^'"^T^ Texas. -PROPRIETOR OF A- First Class Cotton Gin with all modern equipments. Best gin in that section of country. Prepared to gin forty- five bales per day. Corn Mill, Corn Crusher and Grisl Mill in connection. Netardus, of Praba, who holds services in the Catholic Church, and by Rev. Kern, of Black Jack Springs, who preaches to a Lutheran congregation in the Cistern schoolhouse. The social life of Cistern centers in the Harmony Club. Its membership consists of Germans and Americans. The founder of the club was Ad. Plentl. The club owns a tine hall with a beautiful park of four acres. The president of the club is Jacob Marburgor. There are two lodges in Cistern: Cistern Lodge No. 155, O. D. H. S., with Leopold Michalski, president, and Carl Rietz, secretary, and a lodge of the Woodmen of the World. Cistern has a general merchandise store, a drugstore con- ducted by Mr. Wm. Mennike; a saloon also conducted by him; a blacksmith shop conducted by Mr. Alfred Egg; agin conducted by Mr. Felix Knight, and a physician. —385— COLONS. Colony is situated eight miles northwest of Flatonia. The surrounding country is sandy and loamy postoak. It has one store, a blacksmith shop and three churches. The l>aptist Chnrch is in charge of Rev. J. M. Fricrson, the Cliristian Ciiurch in charge of Rev, G. M, D. Thomason, and the Methodist rhurch is at present without a preacher. It was settled in 1880 by Mississippians; it was named by them Colony as colony of Mississippians. The population is American. I Joseph Peter^^ ''■"^"\..A /{; PROrRIETOR OF A % % .....J'/rsi Class Cotton Oi'n % I Corn and Sr/si Tl^ill. | fl> Also keeps in Stock Staple and Fancy Groceries. Owns a full vj> Jj^ first class saloon — Domestic and Imported ^{J /j\ Liquors, Wines and Cigars. \\t «^_ /f> DUBINA. Dubina lies about fourteen miles south of La Grange m a rich, fertile country. The hind is postoak and liveoak and black prairie. It lies on Hedden Creek and one mile from the Navidad Creek. Hon. Josei)h Peter is the proprietor of a large store and barroom, of a gin and of a l)lacksmith shop in Dubina. Dubina has a hue Catholic Church building and a hall for public meet- ings and entertainments. Dubina is a Bohemian name, meaning in Englisii ''oak grove." The name was given to the place by Judge A. Haidusck, whose father, Valentine llaidusek, and Joseph Peter were the first settlers in that j)art of the country. The population is German and Bohemian. — 38G— ELLINGER. EUinger is situated on the branch road of the Southern Pacific Railroad from Columbus to La Grange, about twelve miles southeast from La Grange. It is located on the W. 0. Burnham league; one hundred acres of its present site belonged to John H. Meyer and one hundred to Henry Fordtran of Gal- veston. The name of EUinger was given to the place by a Bohemian named Andreas Ondrey, who suggested the name to James Converse, superintendent of the Southern Pacific Rail- road, while in conversation with him. It was laid out in 1883 and the first men who opened up business in EUinger were Fritz Hotmann, Charles and Dan Meyer, Chas. v. Rosenberg and Hill & Hill. North of EUinger lies the rich black land Ross prairie, south of it the productive bottom lands of the Colorado River. These rich, fertile lands are separated from each other by a sand and gravel ridge covered with postoak. Therefore the surround- ing country of EUinger, with the exception of said gravel ridge, is a rich agricultural section. EUinger has two churches — a Lutheran, with Rev. Robert Heise, who also preaches in Fayetteville and Haw Creek, and a Catholic, situated about one mile north of EUinger at a place called Live Oak Hill. The Catholic Church is under the care of Rev. Father Cblapic. The school of EUinger is under the able management of Prof. Dippel, a conscientious and faithful teacher. EUinger has four lodges: The Sons of Hermann, C. F. Steves, president. A. F. Weber, secretary; Woodmen of the World, E. J. Weber, presiding officer, A, F. Weber, secretary; Odd Fellows, and C. S. P. S., a Bohemian lodge. A large public hall serves as meeting place for public gath- erings and for festive occasions. Before the building of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas l^ail- — 3S7— ri^_r-%-=m-,^-^ C. %/. Steves DEALER IN Doors, Sash, Blinds, Deere Implements, Buggies, Grub and Stump Machines, Window Glass, Wagons, McCormick Mowers, Well Tubing, Pipe Fittings, Paints and Oils, Rubber Belting. g@^Conneeted by Fayette County and Lon^^ Distance Tele- phone Systems. Pi-oprietor of line \o Halsted. ELLINGER, TEXAS. Scheel Bros., ^'""fe'L. I is the popular meeting place of all connoisseurs of Fine whiskies, Liquors Wines, Domestic and Imported Cigars. Call and j'ou will find « ^ good company. ^ — — — r^ ";^ ; \ road to Fayetteville the business of P]l linger was considerably larger. This road, running at a distance of about four miles from Ellinger, has cut off a large part of its trade. Still, as it lies in a rich agricultural section, which, year by year, becomes more developed, it maintains the volume of its old trade and does as much business now as ever, though the scope of country \v"hicli"was tributary to Ellinger has been somewhat reduced. ;t^ '^~^" Ellinger consists of four general merciiandise stores, three —388— I J. & B. Wacker ^" "Ss ( Established in 1884.) DEALERS IN- Fancy and Staple Groceries I [Jardware, Crockery and Glassware i Notions, Boots and Shoes. i Make a specialty of Flour, Sugar, Salt and Coffee, jg Keep in stock a complete assortment of Guns, Pistols and g Ammunition. Buy Cotton, Cottonseed and all kinds of < Country Produce at highest market prices. Come and see % them. ^ groceries, two furniture houses, three hardware stores, one im- plement and carriage house, one drugstore, two gins, two black- smith shops and four saloons. The writer is obliged to the following gentlemen who took some interest in his work on their home county for their patron- age and hopes that the bestowal of their confidence may have been placed on a worth3'- enterprise and that his work may meet their approval. The oldest business men in P^llinger are Messrs. J. and B. Wacker, who established themselves in business at Ellinger in 1884. They carry a large stock of staple and fancy groceries, hardware and crockery, and especially a fine assortment of pis- tols, guns and ammunition. They are reliable gentlemen and substantial, solid business men. Their father, Mr. Dietrich Wacker, was one of the first settlers in Ross prairie. C. F. Steves has a lumber and hardware business of the most extensive assortment, carrying everything from a nail to a stump-pulling machine. A customer can get there articles which he often —389— I J. Y. Machalek ^^^''^fx'As. ' Furniture, Stoves Dealer in Tin and Agate Ware, Keeps a complete stock in his g line. CISTERNS matte to order. Call on him and g you will get first class bargains. t ■^i^^^^^^^^^^ii^i^^i^^i^^^^^i^^i^^^^^^^^^ /»> \i/ |W. F. Burow ^"^'Ss.i /{\ Proprietor of a ^|^ I First Class Improved Douglass Gin | % with four 70-8aw giii stands, with Kingsland & Douglas Pneu- -{-I iH\ matic Elevator and all the latest modern improvements. Gins \J/ ^j^ the cotton clean and produces a long valuable fiber which never '^•^ /}\ fails to bring the highest price. Your custom solicited. j'jl would fail to get in large size cities. E. J . Weber keeps in his elegant drugstore pure and fresh drugs and other lines of goods that are usually kept in a first-class drugstore. He also serves the public as notary public and sets up all legal documents in binding shape and style. W. F. Burow owns a first-class gin and turns out a superior class of cotton. He constantly studies how to improve his machinery, and on account of his close atten- tion to business has become a model ginner in the county, J. Y. Machalek is a popular young merchant in the furniture and hardware business at EUinger, and a skillful mechanic. Scheel Brothers are the proprietors of a first-class barroou], which has become the headquarters for the farmers of Kllinger. In Live Oak Hill, one mile north of Eiliuger, Mr. Aug. Girndt welcomes in his elegant saloon his guests from near and far, keeps the purest whiskies and other liquors. He is the —390— -■»ai..».L«i-i Aug. Girndt's Saloon Live Oak Hill. Texas, is the popular meeting place of all who appreciate J'ine il/hiskiesy u/inej and jCiquors Domestic and Imported Cigars. A fine hall with one of the best floors in the county gathers young and old for amusement. £, 5. rnnebcr,,. Notary Public, DEALER IN- iJruffs and i/^edicines Toilet and Fancy Articles, Musical Instruments, Wall Paper, Paints and Oils. jg@°^ Writes all kinds of Legal Instruments. ELLINGER, TEXAS. proprietor of a fine hall with one of the best floors for dancing that can be found in the county. Young and old gather there for amusement and recreation. The population of EUinger is German and Bohemian. Among the first and the oldest settlers of the Ellinger neighbor- hood may be mentioned Dietrich Wacker, Dan Meyer, John Meyer, Aug. Beyer, Joseph liaabe, Chas. Ehlinger, 8arrazin, Dohm, Jacob Dirr, Peter Koelil, Joe Koehl, Jacob Koehl, Andreas Schreiner, Muegge, Henry Cook. Jos. Sommers, Wm. Hoelscher, Anton Hoelscher, Fietsam, Hy Fattmann. —301— Louis Melcher, PROPRIETOR OF A First=Class Photograph Gallery. ¥I*oj*A- twnaraiilfftl to hr xatixt'tiftorf/. Proprietor of a tirst-class Saloon. Call on him for line Whiskies and Li(juors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. ENOLE, TEXAS. I. J. GALLIA. V DEALER IN V^ GeneroLl Merch©Lndise. Oldest mercantile business at Engle. Office of Notary Public. Writes all kinds of Legal Documents. Land and Real Estate Agent. Has always a great number of valuable places at low prices on his list. ENGLE. - TEXAS. ENGLE. Engle lies midway between Schulenburg and Flatonia on the Southern Pacific Railroad. North of it is postoak, south of it rich, fertile prairie land. It is a thriving little town; has a postoffice. The voting is done at Mulberry, a schoolhouse thus named in its neighborhood. It consists of two general merchan- dise stores, three saloons, one blacksmith shop, one photograph gallery, one tinsmith shop and one lumber yard. The popula- tion is German and Bohemian. Amongst the first settlers of the place are I. J. Gallia, Bucek, L. Melcher. Old settlers in the neighborhood are Chas. Hertel, Chris. Brueggemann and Olle. Mr. I. J. Gallia is an old poi)ular merchant of that place, deals also in real estate and serves as notary public. Mr. Louis Melcher has a first-class saloon and a fine photograph gal- lery. Mr. 1. J. Gallia was the first merchant in that place and bailt his business there in 18'JU. —392— I e. P. THULBMSYSB [ THE UP-TO-DATE 3^ I Y will supply you at the most reasonable prices with > everything you may need in the line of general ^ merchandise. ^ '^yvGr)iicfr) V^Gr)fupy /"iepcr)ar)l ^ FREYBURG, Freyburg is situated about seven miles north of Engle. one- half a mile east of the East Navidacl in a tine looking jjrairie. It lies in one of the richest agricultural sections of the county. It is a postoffice and a voting place. As voting place it goes by the name of Thulemeyer's. A tine M, E. Church building gathers in its roomy aisle a devoted Methodist conoregation. Rev. F. Bomfalk is the preaclier in that church. The mercantile business of that place was established in the year 18G(S by Mr, F. Thulemeyer; it is now ownfd by Mr. C. F. Thulemeyer. There are also a gin and a blacksmith shop close to the place. The population is German and Bohemian. Among the first settlers were F. Thulemeyer, B. Warnken, Fr. Burns, J. Rom- berg, Bernh. Romberg, F. \V. Richter, John Czichos, Aug, Hahu, Fritz Laux. HALSTJBD. Halsted is the name of a station about six and a half miles east of La Grange on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad and two miles and a half north of the Colorado River. The immediate surrounding country is sandy postoak and gravel and — oUo — I J. H. WBSSSLS, I •2 Headquarters for S § Sroceries and Senega/ 97f ere hand ise, | 5 fodder in J'/our and Sra/n, t ^ Dealer in Lumber and, in fact, everything you call for. Pro- ^ ^ prietor of a First Class Gin and Mill. g I HALSTED, - - - - - 7'fJr45. I serves mostly for pasture, but a short distance soutli of it lies the fertile Colorado River bottom and north of it the very fertile liutersville prairie. In its immedtate neighborhood lie also some very fertile bottom lands of Baylor and Wuerzner's Creek. Hal- sted is a pnstoffice and has telephone connection, daily mail and freight and passenger service. Mr. .J. H. VVessels established his mercantile business at that place in 1S*)0. He is also the proprietor of a saloon, a large lumber yard and a first-class gin, equipped with all modern improvements, In fact, he and his employees are Halsted. In 1900 it became a postoftice. The voting is done at Biegel. The neighborhood of Halsted was settled long before the place was established. Among the oldest settlers of the neighborhood, P. Heller, C. Halfinger, B. Decem- ber, L. Struve, Kobt. Fohl, Mrs. A. VVoUe may be mentioned. The population is German with a sprinkling of Bohemians. , HAW CREl^^K. Haw Creek is situated about ten miles in a northerly direc- tion from Fayetteville on the William H. Sheppard league. It has a rich agricultural surrounding country with the Haw Creek and Cummings Creek bottoms in its immediate neighborhood. It is a postoffice and a voting precinct and consists of a store, a gin and a blacksmith shop. Among the oldest families and set- tlers in that neighborhood may be named the Menking family, the Aschenbeck family, L. Bartliugk, Draws and Voelkel. —394— Theo, Helmcamp Proprietor of a First Class Saloon, invites the public to try his Pine Whiskies and Liquors Imported and Domestic Cigars. Fresh Beer always on tap. In connection with the business a fine liall for Dancing. High Hill, Texacs. © HIGH HILL. Before the arrival of the Southern Pacific into Schulenburg High Hill was quite an important place. At that time it con- sisted of six stores — some of them made of self-made brick — and three blacksmith and wheelwright shops. It was built in two different localities at a little distance apart. The upper part of the town had the name of Oldenburg, but now the name of High Hill stands for the whole place. High Hill is situated about three miles north of Schulen- burg on top of a hill and its buildings and the tall steeple of its fine Catholic Church building can be seen in clear weather from Schulenburg. It is built on the E. Anderson league. West Navidad and Forster's Creek gre in its neighborhood. High Hill is a postoffice and a voting precinct of the county. It has a fine Catholic Church which was built in 1870 and of which Rev. Father H. Gerlach is the priest. Theo. Helmcamp is the proprietor of a first-class saloon and also of a fine hall where the people of High Hill gather for amusement and entertainment. John Wick is the postmaster and merchant of that place. There is also a gin and blacksmith shop at High Hill. High Hill is an old place. The oldest settlers of that place were Eckert, Hermann Bauch, the Fahrenthold and Eschenberg families, F. CI. Seydler, Perkins, Green, Adamek —395— JOHN WICK LEADER IN J'anci/ and Staple Sroceries Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware, Crockery. Glass- ware and Saddlery. Keeps a first class assortment in these lines. Highest prices paid for country produce. HIGH HILL. -59955 TEXAS. A. Bilamek, Franz Wick, Anton Bednarz, Joseph Hollas, Joseph Heinrich, sr. , F. Kleinemann, Geo. Herder, Gerh. Siems, P. Stuelke, Gerh. Nordhansen, Chas. Hiukel, Edward Schubert, Capt. Chas. Wellhansen, Aug. Knechler, Ernst Goeth, J. F. Hillje,who built the first cotton gin and oil mill in the High Hill neighborhood. The population is German and Bohemian. Most of the High Hill people belong to the Catholic Church. Kristek Bros, ---^^ Have been established In the Sin Susinoss for eight years and have ginned on an average 1425 bales of cotton per year, notwithstanding bad years. They have the latest and most modern gin improvements, enjoy the confidence of the neighborhood and run in connection with their gin a corn and grist mill. They have electric lights, are progressive and always meet the demands for first class work. — 1» . HOLMAN, TEXAS. Holman is picturesquely situated on Pecan Creek, about thirteen miles southeast from La Grange on the La Grange- Weimar \'alley road, two miles distant from the Colorado in Mullins' Prairie. North of it are the bottom lands of Williams Creek. The country is very rich and fertile blackland prairie. The population is American, German and Bohemian. First settlers, G. W. Lewis, Nat Holman, J no. Ossina, Lott Fisher —396 - and the Seydler family. It consists of two stores and saloons, a blacksmith and wheelwright shop. Kristek Bros, are the pro- gressive owners of a first-class gin which gins on an average 1425 bales per year. At night the gin building is illumed by electric lights. Holman is also called Pecan after tiie creek by that name. It is a postofiice and a voting precinct. LEDBETTER. Ledbetter lies in the northern part of the county on the Houston & Texas Central about one mile north of Cummings Creek on the watershed between the Colorado and Brazos Rivers. The surrounding country is postoak. In its neighborhood are gravel pits and rock quarries tiie rock of which was used for the construction of the Galveston jetties. To the traveler, coming from La Grange, Ledbetter presents a pretty appearance. A small prairie lies in front of it, forming a lawn for the town. The pretty red-roofed residences are pleasantly set off by the green of the postoak. The town has a Union Church, in which Rev. B. W . Allen of Giddings preaches to a Methodist and Rev. Coupland of Rockdale to a Presbyterian congregation. The Baptists also own a church building. Rev. F. H. Morgan is the preacher of their church. The town is incorporated for school purposes. The princi- pal of the school for this year will be Prof. Saunders, who for- merly taught at Walhalla. Ledbetter is a postoflice and a voting precinct of the county. It consists of four general merchandise stores, two lumber yards, two drugstores, two saloons, one blacksmith shop. There are two resident physicians in the town. While in Ledbetter, the writer became acquainted with T. M. Vernon, the leading drug- gist in Ledbetter, Wm. Kruse, a popular merchant of that place —397— Ledbetter Go-operative Lumber Association, [Organized 1888. J P. OF H. AND F. A. " The Farmers' Lumber Yard," Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Sash, J^uilders' Hardware, Oils, Paints, etc. L. 0. EUMMEL, Agent- Highest market price paid for Dry Hides. LEDBETTER. TEXAS. T. n. Vernon... '-^^''^^Ix'as. DEALER IN 2)ruo3t ^ebicines stationery, Toilet Articles, Paints and Oils. Prescriptions filled with care and dispatch. WM. KRUSE^-^^ ''^•"^"^flxAs. — — DKALKR JX ^^^— General flUetcbanbise Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Hardware, Crockery, Sad- dlery, etc. My motto is: Quick sales and small profits. Highest prices paid for cotton and country produce. and he was also patronized by his friend L. C. Rummel, the eflicient and successful manager of the Ledbetter Co-operative jAimber Association, an association of substantial farmers who invested their surplus capital in this lumber business. It was organized in 1888. The officers of the company are J. C. Specks els, president, B. E. Siegmund, secretary, and \V. 13. Barnes, \Vm. Peters, Fritz Knoche, Paul Schuhmanu and J. H. Hushing, directors, i —398— Thfe population of tlie town and neighborhood is American, German and Wendish. Amongst the oldest settlers of the town may be mentioned J. C. Hillmann, L. C. Kummel and K. Albers; of the neighborhood, John Rost, Geo. Eschenberg, Friedrich Mueller, Fritz Rethke, Tabken, and Kruse. Notes.— The Houston & Texas Central Railroad came to Ledbetter in 1870. A few miles south of Ledbetter is Alexander Branch, thus named after a white trapper who was killed there by Indians. MORAVAN. The Moravan settlement lies in Navidad Prairie, about seven miles southwest of La Grange and two miles south of the La Grange- Flatonia road. It consists of a fine Catholic Church, a store and saloon. The land is fertile and occupied mostly by Bohemian settlers. Moravan has no postoffice. It used to be a voting precinct of the county. The first settlers in that settle- ment were W. Brookfield. John A. Huebner, Evans and Will rich. It was settled in the forties. In Moravan, the K. J. T., a Bohemian Roman Catholic Benevolent Union of Texas, was organized and incorporated on August 15, 1895. It consists of 3f5 lodges and does an insurance business, limited to Texas. Most of its members live in Fayette County. The total insurance in force amounts to $617,400. The society commenced business in July, 1899. Last year they paid out $9000 in death claims. The officers of the organiza- tion are: Rev. J. Chromcik, Spiritual Director, Fayetteville; F. A. Parma, President, Praha, Texas; F. C. Janda, Secretary, La Grange. These data speak better of the energy, ability and solid standing of its officers than any words of the writer. They speak for themselves and are a high credit to the energy, will power and business talent of the Bohemian element. —399— H.H.MITCHELL, M. D., PhysiciaLi\ ak.i\d Surgeon. Office hours, 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. Piione 2. All calls promptly attended. Muldoon, _ _ _ - Texas. MULDOON. Muldoon is a railroad station on the Waco branch of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railroad, midway between Flatonia and West Point. In its neighborhood are the large rock quarries of Hon A. B. Kerr, from which rock was shipped to Galveston for the construction of the jetties. The surrounding country is mostly postoak. The Buckner's Creek bottom in its neighbor- hood is very fertile, Muldoon is a postoffice and a voting pre- cinct of the county. It consists of one general merchandise store, conducted by Kerr Bros., one saloon, one hotel, one black- smith shop. In Dr. H. H. Mitchell, who has been a resident physician ot Muldoon since 1891, the writer found a pleasant gen- tleman, a physician of fine standing among the people with whom he lives. The Muldoon country was settled in the thirties. It was named after Rev. Fatlier JMiquel Muldoon, a resident Catholic priest of Mexico, to whom the Mexican government had granted four leagues of land in Fayette county. On one of these leagues the town of JMuldoon is situated. It was built in 188G. The population of town and neighborhood is mostly American, witb a sprinkling of Germans and Bohemians. Among the old set- tlers may be mentioned Alex. St, Clair, li. Leitenberg, Chas. Luck, Jesse Parker, W. P. Ivey, Jesse Blackvvell, J. J. Sullivan, Herm, Loessin, Bennett Ilay, J. M. Ray^ II. Harkins. —400— NECHANITZ. Nechanitz lies eleven miles north of La Grange and nine miles south of Ledbetter, on the La Grange-Ledbetter road in Long Prairie. This prairie extends to Waldeck and is fertile land. Nechanitz is a voting jjrecinct and a post office. It was named after Nechanitz, Bohemia, the home of Hon. Wen^el Matejowski, one of the oldest and most reliable merchants in the county. He owns tlie store and gin at Neclianitz. The post office was established in 1873.' The population is now German. Old settlers: Wenzel Matejowski, Recklefs Meiners, Frank Ahlhorn, Julius Weisshuhn, Anton Weber, Chas. Oeser, William Peters, John Marquardt, Christian Marquardt and others. OLDENBURG. Oldenburg is the name of a settlement about ten miles northeast of La Grange on the La Grange-Round Top road on the banks of Clear Creek. The surrounding country is rich black land prairie. The town consists of two stores, a saloon, a physician's office, a blacksmith shop, a tin shop and a gin. Louis Vodkel is the leading merchant of the whole neighborhood, who has been in business at Oldenburg for sixteen years, and Muesse Bros, are the popular young saloon men of the town. They own a fine hall in a beautiful grove of liveoaks. The entertainments given in the park are very popular. Oldenburg is a postoffice, but not a voting precinct of tlie count}^; the people do their voting at Rutersville and Warrenton. It was founded in IBSO by Gus. Steenken, in company with A. Heintze, and named Oldenburg because a great many people of the neighborhood had come from that country, their native home, and settled here. The population is German and Bohe- —101— ^, 6c ucf, Jr. 7/fuesse,.. Olcienburff, JJexas. Hpadqiiariers U)v Fine Whiskies and Wines Domestic and Imported Cigars Fresh Cool Beer. Finest Park in the County, Beautiful Live-oak Grove. Large Hall serves for festive occasions and public meetings. LOUIS VORLKETi. .Tr. (General /llbercbanbtsc ^oo/Sj Shoes, jVats, J^ardivare, and iJ'arminff implements. Cotton and Country Produce bought and sold. OLDENBURG, TEXAS. niian. Among the old settlers may be named Gerh. Belirens, F. Oppermann, John Imken, Aug. Gan, Hy. Alhorn, Albert Meinardus, J. B. Meinardus, O'QUINN, The O'Quinn settlement is situated seven miles southwest of La Grange on the La Grange-Flatonia road on OHiuinn's Creek. South of 0"(iuinn is the rich Navidad Prairie, nortli of it the sandy postoak of Buckner's Creek mixed with loam. The Biickner's Creek bottom lands are very fertile. It was settled mostly by Germans as early as 1850. Among the first families who settled there were the Sellers, Luck, Sample, Duellberg, Melcher, Bruns and John Voigt families. The settlement was named after an Indian chief by the name of O'Ciuinn; another version is that it was named after an Irishman by that name. O'Quinn is a postoflice, but not a voting place. The people —402— I T. A. Dieckert^^^ '"'^Ml^.c. j general Merehandise. | Agent for all the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals. % Buys cotton and all kinds of Country Produce. ^ 3 O'Quirvrv, - - - - - Texa.s. g mostly vote at Black Jack Springs. O'Quinn has two stores — one conducted by Mr. J. C. Melcher, the other one by Mr. T. A. Dieckert,both popular gentlemen — a gin and a blacksmith shop. It has two lodges, the Knights of Honor and the Fraternal Mystic Circle. oso. The old settlement of Oso is situated about three miles northeast of Flatonia. It used to be quite a town, but nothing has renaained of it but the name retained by the neighborhood. After the Southern Pacific passed through the county the town of Oso was deserted and its people settled in Flatonia. Once there were three stores, a mill and a gin, a tannery and a black- smith shop at Oso. In old times it was a voting precinct, but after Flatonia was built the latter city became the voting precinct of that section of the county. Among the first settlers were the Menefee, Lane, Harrison and Cobb families. The population is American and German, PRAHA Praha is situated about three miles east of Flatonia, south of the Southern Pacific Railroad, on the Jesse Duff league. Located on a hill in a beautiful liveoak grove, it presents a very —403— I Anton Jezek — "^^ ''""\l^.^.s. | % Proprietor of a First Clas'a % ^ . A ^ I Jalacljsn^ifl^N w^celyv^piqljf ©l^op | 5 All work in these lines satisfactory. Keeps Buggy-tops. p g Paints buggies at reasonable prices. ^ IF YOU WANT ^^^.^atzsz^" Fine Whiskies, Wines Liquors, Cigars and Fresh Cool Beer, always go to FRANK VYVJALA. A fine floor for dancing in connection with the business. I'RATIA. TKXAS. fine view. The high steeple of the Catholic Church may be seen for miles, reminding the faithful of the place of worship. The Catholic Church of Praha is the finest in the county, nay, even in the state — a very majestic structure. It is a solid rock building. Che aisle of the building is very high and makes a most solemn impression (jn the beholder. The altar is a master- piece of artistic carving and construction. The imposing glass windows contain paintings representing scenes from the Holy Scripture. Rev. Father L. P. Nethardus is tlie priest of tlie church. Praha is a nice town, being built around a public square. It consists of two stores, two saloons, one blacksmith and wheel- wright shop, a meat market. It has a resident physician. Jos. A. Drozd ftnd F. A. Parma are tlie leading merchants of the place. Frank Vyvjala is the popular proprietor of a first-class saloon and owns also a fine platform and hall for dancing. Anton Jezek is the proprietor of a blacksmith and wheelwright shop and is prepared to do all kinds of work in tiji-top style. - 404- Jos. A. Drozd. F, A. Parma. DBOZD & PARMA, DEALERS IN General Merchandise Buyers of Cotton and Country Produce. PRAHA, TEXAS. The population of Praha and neighborhood is entirely Bohe- iiiian. The Bohemians commenced settling in this neighborhood in the fifties. First settlers: M. Novak, F. Branitzky, Jos. Vyvjala, Geo. Morysek, Jos. Hajak, M. Jares, Jno. Baca. The place was named Praha by Postmaster J5. Knesek in 187G. It was formerly called Mulberry. The first Catholic Church in Praha was built of wood in 1868. In 1875 anew church was built. The present rock building was completed in 1891. There are two schools in Praha. Tlie public school has been for over twenty-five years under the able management of Prof. A. Nesrsta, a highly educated gentleman and a thorough teacher. The sisters' school was organized in 181»6, is taught by three Sisters of Divine Providence, and has actually enrolled from 1111 to 120 pupils. In Praha are two lodges of the K. J. T., a Bohemian Roman Catholic Union of Texas, a benevolent society, which was organ- ized in 181)5 at Moravan, Texas. (See Moravan.) F. A. Parma is the president of this union. The president of one of the Praha lodges of the K. J. T. is Chas. Lev, the secretary, John Vanek; the president of the other is Vine. Darilek, the secretary, Anton Jezek. The total membership of the two Praha lodges is from 80 to 1>0. The Catholic Young Men's Society is composed only of unmarried persons. They pay to each member at his wedding a marriage portion. Quite an inducement, though it may be Catholic Church at Praha, — 40G — presumed that the lady is the highest. The society has about thirty members. Other societies are the Christian Society of Married Women (over thirty members), Altar Society of Virgins (twenty mem- bers) and a Reading Club. All these societies are Bohemian Catholic Societies; they are associated for worthy objects and tend to elevate and educate the character of young men and women to a higher plane. PLUM. Plum lies eight miles from La Grange on the Missouri, Kan- sas ik Texas Railroad. The surrounding country is prairie and postoak. It is a postoltice and a voting precinct of the county and consists of two stores, one saloon, two gins and iwo black- smith shops. There is a resident physician in Plum. Plum has a Baptist C'hurch, called Plum Grove Church, of which Rev. (i. T. Simpson is the pastor. Theie is also a Cattiolic Church at the place. The ]:)opulation is American, German and Bohemian. Old settlers: Buck Drisdale, Ed. Manton (deceased), Jno. Drisdale (deceased), Jim O'Donnell. ROZNOV. Roznov is about three miles east of Warrenton in the eastern portion of the county. The land is sandy postoak with a great many fertile lands in the Clear Creek and Cummings Creek bot- toms. The population is largely Bohemian with some Germans among them. It is a postoffice, but not a voting precinct of the county. The people of Roznov vote at Warrenton. It con- sists of a store and saloon and a blacksmith shop. The oldest settlers of the neighborhood are .Joe Weikel, John Halamicek, FredKnutzen, Bernhard Cordes, Joseph Orsak, Joseph Cerveuka. — 407— G» D. Wesser s Saloon... Is known throughout the county as a popular meeting place of all connoisseurs of Fine Whiskies and Wines, Im- ported and Domestic Cigars. -..The Fine Hall^-^^ with the finest dancing floor in the county, situated in a beautiful park, is the most popular resort of the young people of La Grange, Rutersville and surrounding towns. RUTERSVILLE, TEXAS. R UTERSVILLE. Rutersville lies about six miles northeast of La Crrange in the fertile Rutersville prairie, hoji; wallow land, near the banks of Rocky Creek. It is located on the Franklin J^ewis league. Rutersville is an old historic place. In the early days it was a competitor for the capital of the Republic of Texas. At that time there was a military school owned by the state under the management of Prof. Forshea and a female college under the management of Supt. Thrall at Rutersville. On account of these schools, the town was a local option precinct. These schools were closed during the Civil War and not reopened thereafter. A stock company bought the college and sold it to the Lutheran congregation; they sold it to the Methodists, who for a long time used it for a school. Rutersville consists or a store, a saloon, a gin and a black- smith and wheelwright shop. It is a voting place of the county and a postoffice. Mr. G. D. Wessels is the owner of a fine hall for dancing, the best in the county. He also is the owner of a first-class saloon. The Rutersville country was settled by Americans and Ger- mans, but now thi country is almost entirely German with a sprinkling of Bohemians. Old settlers: C. Amberg, sr. (de- ceased), Geo. Mauer, J3. \V. Hobson (deceased), F. Luecke, VV. Hancord, the Mohrhusens, H. Harms, Carl Schulz, R. Pohl, L, Struve, Joe Brendel. —408— STELLA. Slella lies about eight miles southwest of VVcft Point. It is a postoffice and ^a voting precinct and consists of one store. The surrounding country is postoak. The population is Amer- ican. SBO. VOST"-^^^ ^T^x^s'^.^''' Dealer in Staple anb fm\c^ (Suoceiiee Dry Goods and Notions, Hardware Crockery and Glassware Country Produce bought at market prices. Come and give him a trial. Chas. Bruns ^Tex'as^'" "^J^^ZJlLSeneral 9?/erchancii'se tPaj/s J^i^^hest Cash ^Prices for Country ^Produce. A fine hall and a saloon In connection therewith gather young and old for amusement. SWISH ALP. Swiss Alp is one of the most picturesque and fertile sections of the county. The rolling prairie is studded with elegant resi- dences surrounded by gardens and trees. The blackland is very rich and productive; the population well-to-do, substantial farm- ers; they are progressive Germans. It is a comparatively new country, situated on the Fayette county school lands, about —409— eleven miles from La Grange and seven miles from Schuleuburs. It is a voting precinct of the county and a postoffice. Geo. Vogt and Chas. Bruns are popular young merchants of Swiss Alp; L. C. Melcher, the proprietor of one of the finest gins in the county. There is also a blacksmith shop. It was settled in the seventies. Among the first settlers are Chris Steinmann, A. Franke and Mrs. Au^i^uste Boiling. At Swiss Alp there are large bone depos- its, found especially in Mr. Knigge's pasture. They have been described by Mr. L. C Melcher in his essay on minerals of the count V. WALDECK. Waldeck lies about fourteen miles north of La Grange on the La Grange-Ledbetter road. The country is black land and post-oak. The population is German. It is a voting pre- cinct of the county and a post office. It consists of a store, a saloon, a gin, a blacksmith shop and a JAitheran church, of which Uev. Chas. Baer is pastor. Old settlers: Fritz Weber, Friedrich Schuhmann, A. F. Dornwell, Meiners, Traugott Sommer. Gerh. Albers, (deceased), Carl Schuhmann, (deceased), Dietricli Ahlrich. AVALIJALLA. Walhalla lies fourteen miles in a northerly direction from La Grange. It is situated in Cottonwood prairie, fertile black- land. It is a post-otiice and a voting precinct of the county, and consists of a store, a saloon and a blacksmith shop. A physician resides there. The population is (German. Old set- tlers: William Koepke, (ierhard Imken, John H. Bluhme, Geo. Oetken, sr., Hon. J. C. Speckels, Hy Alhorn, Chas. Meinhold, Carl Sump, Carl Schubert, Louis Heller, Tom Heller, Dick Meinen and L. F. Tiemanu. —410- WARDA. Warda lies about twelve miles north of La Grange on the La Grange-Giddings road, not far from the banks of Rabb's Creek. Tlie bottom lands of this creek are very fertile. The balance of the land is postoak and pinewood. In the early days tliere was a sawmill on the banks of Rabb's Creek that furnished lumber to a great scope of surrounding country. These lands were settled very early, about the year 1830. In the early thir- ties a Mr. Earthman of that place was killed near the present Nechanitz by marauding Indians. The population is mostly Wendish, a Slavic tribe that has become almost completely Ger- manized under the rule of the German government. They are a very religious people. A fine German Lutheran Church under the pastorate of Rev. Buchschacher is the center of religious life of that neighborhood. Said congregation supports also entirely by private means a school under the management of Prof. G. M. Schleyer, where the children are taught to walk in ways pleasing to God. The public school of that place is under the able manage- ment of a thorough and conscientious teacher, Prof. J. H. Merz. There are few teachers in the county who are his equal m schol- arship and there is none who takes a greater interest and devotes more care to the progress of his pupils than he. He is a born educator, a gentleman of unassuming manners, of broad views and of high moral character. Warda is situated twelve miles from L? Grange and ten miles from Giddings. The whole surrounding country is tribu- tary to its business. Falke Bros, are the leading merchants of Warda. They are the proprietors of a large department store hardly equaled anywhere in the county. Their store contains anything you may call for from a six-penny nail to a mowing machine, from a spool of thread to an elegant suit, from a shoe- peg to a fashionable set of furniture. They are wide-awake, liberal and sell cheap, with very small profits. They take a —411— C. A. FALKE. E. A. FALKE. C. ^. J'alke d ^ro. DEALERS IN I Sonera/ i/ferchandise Warda, Texas. This business firm was established by A. E. Falke in the year 1875. It has been conducted by members of this family for 27 years. Therefore, it is one of the oldest — most probably, the oldest— business firm in Fayette County. Not only is it noted for its age, buf also for its reliability, financial standing and solidity. It is one of the very largest department stores of the whole county — equal to any, excelled by none. The large buildings of this firm are stored with the most complete assortment of the most various kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes Hats, Caps, Hardware, Cutlery. Glassware, Crockery, Furniture^ Saddlery, Buggies, Wagons and All Kinds of Farming Implements In low prices, promptness and polite ti'eatment of customers it is a successful competitor with the largest department stores in any part of the county. Its sales are not excelled anywhere and it purchases at highest market prices its full share of cotton and country produce. It enjoys the perfect confidence of its customers and the respect of its competitors. u —112— J a. Jtotnmann ..«. ^r^^^^ I ^j\i — Proprietor of yj^ I ...Blacksmith 5hop I (^ v»/ ^{^ All work in his line done in first-class, workman-like manner, vj/ ^{y All work guaranteed, and nothing but first-class work turned ^{J /jv out of the shojD. vj/ I ^. ^roehlic/i & Son, '^"uZ.s. \ S are the Proprietors of a ^ I ,,,,»J'irst Class Cotton Sin | 5 witli all the Latest and Most Modern Appliances. g ^ In connection therewith they run a grist-raill and p 5 saw-mill. They insure their customers good and p % prompt service and invite your trade. % friendly interest in their customers and are, on that account, exceedingly popular. In fact, the writer would like to be shown better merchants than they are. He has not found them. They have money, they have strong financial backing, they have suc- cess and they deserve it. Sometimes merchants are called in newspapers in a kind of flattery, merchant princes. If any mer- chants in Fayette county deserve this title, they are the men. The writer has found so seldom wealth coupled with liberality and the feeling of obligation which wealth and high station im- pose on a man; here they are. Thus, the writer considers that the title of merchant princes of Fayette county is one to which they have a just and right claim. They are worthy of their wealth. Gus. Matejowski is the other merchant of Warda, jovial, jolly and popular. He does a large business, and to be a com- —413— O/ ^■^.^■^^■^.^- • .. •■ -^j t DR. P. BECKMANN. t «> \«/ I p)h\|§ieian and (^^urqeon, % /ft >» i\\ Sraciuaie "Uuiane 1/niversitt/ H? I of9/ew Orleans, Xa. | $ WARDA, - - - TEXAS. t I *7i/j iTfatejowskif | &« Dealer in ^ I Groceries, Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, | 5 Shoes, Hardware, (iueensware, Crockery, J)rngs, ^ 5 Patent Medicines, Farming Implements. Fresli % Beer always on tap. Buys Country Produce. % Your custom invited. Warda, Texas. petitor with the Falkes and to do good business in competition with them is a credit to any man. G. Rothmann is a line blacksmith, a very skillful workman who would be a credit to any city. C. Froehlich & Son are tirst-class ginners. Their gin is as well equipped as any in the county. They pay close attention to business and turn out a fine staple. They do the best work in that whole section of the country. Last, but not least, may be mentioned Dr. Paul Beckmann, one of the finest physicians and surgeons in the county. He is a graduate of Tulane University, the finest medical school in the South, excels in his profession and has effected wonderful cures, Warda has dail}^ mail and telej)iione connection. The oldest settlers now living are the Falke family, Carl Teinert, tiie flerhig family, ,J. G. Neitsch, Mr. AI. Moerbe, .John Lorenz, M. Doinasch, tJ. Krakoski, Ernst Kunze. —414— oCeffal TJencier Oaloon, . . is one of the most popular resorts of the county. The finest brands of jCiquorSj Wines, C/^ars and ^eer are always kept in stock. Remember that the Harmonia Hall has one of the best floors for dancing. Wm. Trueper, - - Warrenton, Texas. DR. ROBT. H. SEYMOUR, PhysicisLii ©Lnd Surgeon, Warrenton, Texas. TV^ARREIVTON. Warrpnton lies about thirteen miles northeast of La Grange on the La Grange Round Top road. It is located on the J. Shaw- league. The surrounding country is rich blackland prairie, one of the linest agricultural sections of the county. The town was founded in the early sixties and named after Warren Ligon War- renton. The Warrenton school is under the able management of Prof. Meitzen. There are two churches in the town, the Lutheran, of which llev. Grosse is the pastor, and the Catholic, in which Rev. J. Chromcik of Fayetleville preaches. Two lodges are at the place: \\'oodmen, Wm. Neese, M. W., Chas. Brendle, secretary, and Sons of Hermann. Warrenton consists of two stores, two blacksmith shops, one —415— BOBBRT VOSLKBL I Proproietor of 1 I Meat ilarkets | i t I in l^arrenton and Oldenburg. Fresh Beef | I twice a week. | Cherries Fra^nz.... "'"''"'"rixas. Dealer in. General Merchandise Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Crockery and Saddlery. Cotton bought. Highest prices paid for Country Produce. Call on us and examine our goods. You will obtain fine bargains. gin and one saloon. Two physicians reside there. Of the gen- tlemen who thought well enough of the aim of the author to edit a book on Fayette county to the extent of patronizing him with an ad, he names, Chas. Franz, the popular postmaster of War- renton, who is 0. K. and treats you 0. K. Dr. Robt. II. Sey- mour is a learned physician, an old resident of VVarrenton, and stands well among the people as well as among his colleagues. He is an Irishman, a good scholar and one of the few who are still versed in the Gaelic language. He is a leading democrat of that section of the county. VVm. Trueper is the proprietor of an up-to-date saloon and a fine hall that serves for balls, theatrical performances, public meetings, etc. The hall is situated in a beautiful park. Robert Voelkel is the proprietor of two meat markets, one at Warrenton and one at Oldenburg. He supplies these two communities with fresh meat twice a week. Marshall B. O'Bar is the ginner of the place and has been in the business for about thirty years. Warrenton was first named lN>ese's Store, Mr, Win. j^eese, —416— sr,, the proprietor of the store, was killed by a negro burglar in 1872. After his death the Lutheran Church of that place was built and the place received its present name Warrenton, after Warren Ligon, an old settler. The population of the place is now German and Bohemian, with a sprinkling of Americans among them. First and old settlers: Joel W. Robison (deceased), D. Ahrens, Warren Ligon (deceased), John Speckels, sr. (deceased), John White, W. S. Rose, Randall, Spencer, H. Moellenberndt, Conrad Tiemann, Conrad Moellenberndt, Albert Kaltwasser, Dr. Mc- Gown, C. Letzerich, Friedr. Oetken, Rev. Rich. Atkinson, Bohms, Martin Dippel, Weikel, M. B. O'Bar, Bell. ^"EST POINT. West Point lies on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad and the Waco branch of the Sun Anlonio and Aransas Pass Rail- way, about twelve miles from La Grange. The section from which West Point draws its main trade is the rich fertile Colo- rado bottom, deep alluvial soil. The town consists of three stores, one drug store, two physicians, three hotels, two black- smith shops, two cotton gins, one molasses press owned by Mr. House who turns out a superior molasses known over the county, and one cannery. The latter is owned by a stock company of enterprising citizens and was completed this year at a cost of $6500. The rich surrounding country has various kinds of soil, mostly rich loam beds. It is very favorable to the raising of fruits and vegetables. West point deserves the credit of starting the industry which (the conditions warrant the belief) promis*-s to become a success. Other sections of the county may follow the example set, quite increasing thereby tlie income of the farmer and making him independent of the staple article, cotton. S. A. Shelburne, a native of Austin County, has been for the last nine years \n the general merchandise business at West 417— c5l ^. uhelburne litest iPoint, Uexas. [Established in 1893. Dealer in General Merchandise keeps in his department store a full line and a large assortment of Faijcy andlStapie Groceries, Drnojs and Patent Medicines, Dry Goods, Ready Made Suits, Shoes, Roots, Hals, Hard- ware, Tinware, Saddles, Harness, Crockery, Glassware, Furniture, Coffins and First Class Undertakers' Goods, and a complete line of the Latest Improved Farming Implements. This reliable firm sells its first class goods at low prices. It enjoys tlie confidence of its patronsi and is always able to offer them specially good bargains. DR.. M. E. CLARY Physician and Surgeon, Diseases of Women and Children a specialty. Cures Cancer without the knife. Consultation Free. WEST POINT, TEXAS. Point and is the leading merchant of that place. F. J, Johnson is the postmaster at West Point, a druggist and a grocer. Mr. Shelburne is a leading democrat and Mr. Johnson a leading republican. 0. L. Lee is the proprietor of a first class saloon and keeps the purest and best brands of whiskies. Dr. M. E. Clary is a resident pliysician of West Point. He has practiced there since 1891, is a fine physician and is regarded as such by the people and by his colleagues. There are two churches in West Point, a Baptist Church, -418— '. L. Lee's Bar... "^tZT"' I is the only place in West Point wliere j^ou can ^ get drinks of the best brands of :^ I Whiskies, Liquors and Wines | I % 3 Fine Cigars and a Fresh, Cool Glass of Beer. Don't forget the g p place and call when in West Point. ^ ¥. J. JOHNSON ^ SON. DEALERS IN Pure Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Jewelry, Notions, etc. Prescriptions carefully and promptly filled. Keep also on hand Fancy and Staple Groceries and Garden Seed. Your custom solicited. West Point, Texats. Rev. VV. M. Daniels, pastor, and a Methodist Church. Rev. J. J. Calloway, pastor. The first settlers in the West Point settlement arrived about the year 1840. The town is located on land that formerly be- longed to Bill Young. It is a postoffice since 1872. The popu- lation is American with a few Germans among them. Prominent settlers: J. Darby, C. W. iMoore, J. L. House, A. W. Young (deceased), T. C. Moore (deceased), W. A. Young (deceased), J. H. Baker, Seth Green, F. J. Johnson and others. WINCHESTER. Winchester is situated in the northwestern part of Fayette county on the Waco branch of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railroad. It is about twenty miles distant from La Grange. —419— Sam. F. Drake... '^^V"±f ^'' Proprietor Texas. Bepartment Store. The Largest and Leading Mercantile Establish- W ment in Winchester. jj Solid, reliable, enterprising, receives daily freight consisting of Staple and Fancy Groceries. ]Jry Goods, Hardware, (."rockery, Glassware, etc. On account of immense sales, all our goods are fresh, new and up-to- date. They are sold at snaall profits. The fertile Colorado River bottoms close by are tributary to its bisiness. Part of the land is fertile mesquite prairie. There is also a great deal of postoak near Winchester. The Ingram prai- rie and the Cunningham prairie, lithe latter in Bastrop county, are in its neighborhood. The teacher of the Winchester school is Miss Gillespie. Of lodges there are the Odd Fellows, Knights of Honor and \\'ood- men of tlie W'orkl. The town has a Lutheran Church, Rev. A. L. Grasens, pas- tor; a Baptist Church, Rev. Duke, pastor; a Presbyterian Church, Rev. J. W. Montgomery, pastor; and a Methodist Church, Rev. C.illoway, pastor. The town of Winchester was founded and laid oil' about the year 1857 by John Frame, who now lives in Falls county. It consists of seven general merchandise houses, one hotel, one butcher shop, two drugstores, two physicians, one saloon, one —420— I Dr. A. P. Verdery, I I Ipb^sician anb SuvGCon | i WINCHESTER, TEXAS. | H. F. LITTLE. J. F, MOHLER. Little & riohler Tl^inchesierf XJexas. own the most popular and favorably known resort in the northern section of the county. They keep the finest brands of Whiskies, Liquors and Wines, Cigars and Fresh Cool Beer. Your custom invited. lumber yard, one blacksmith shop, one gin and one barber shop. Of all the towns of Fayette county which are not incor- porated Winchester does the largest business. It has become a lively town, due to the energy and business talent of her mer- chants, of whom Messrs. Sam F. Drake, W. A. Giles and E. Zilss may be mentioned as the most enterprising. Little cfe Mohler is the only saloon in the town; they are liberal and pop- ular men and do as much business as any saloon in the count}^ Dr. A. F. Verderi is an old resident eminent physician of Win- chester, who has effected a great many cures. The settlement is one of the oldest in the whole county. As early as 1822 John Ingram, after whom Ingram's Prairie is named, came into tliat neighborhood and settled on the prairie. John C. Cunningham was another old settler of the Winchester neighborhood, but he settled in Bastrop county on the prairie named after him. The oldest settler of the Win- Chester neighborl^ood now living is A. D. Saunders. He has -421-- P 711 CC ^ IsTinchester, Texas . . DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware, invites your custom. He pays the highest market prices for cotton and country prodace. ^W. A. GILES, DEALER IN General Merchandise I do not pretend to compete with "Cheap John" goods. I handle the best makes, brands and productions and sell them as cheap as they can be sold in any market. come there in the early forties and still remembers the last Indian raid in that neighborhood. Other prominent settlers are J. H. McCullom, Paul Haske, Dr..A. F. Verdery, G. C. Thomas, Mrs. James roung, Joseph Mohler, sr., Mrs. T. T. Parr. - The population of the settlement is largely American. Of late a great many Germans have come in. Winchester is a rail- road station, postoffice and voting precinct of the county. ZAPP. Zapp is situated about seven miles north of Fayetteville in the extreme eastern portion of the county on Willow Spring. A more jdeasing landscape can hardly be found in the slate. The elegant white painted farmhouses, tiie substantial large barns, in the midst of verdant fields, speak of the industry of its people. The people rre well-to-do, independent and contented. They enjoy life, being well fixed against any contingencies, The pop- 422 Ad. Weig:e.^^^ ^Te Texas. Proprietor of a First Class . , . Blacksmitii and Wtieelwriglit Shop Agricultural Imjilemenls and Wagons made to order. Repairing done promptly. Horse-shoeing a specialty. All work guaranteed first class. IS THE PROPRIETOR OF A Kirsf olass v^offor) fer) Corn and Grist Mill, furnished with the latest improved equipments. He respectfully invites the custom of the neighborhood. C. F. Garlin ''°"TZ''L.s. offers to the public first class bargains in ©fdple ar)a K(2[r)CY trrocenes Dry Goods, Hardware and Crockery. Patronize him and you will be pleased with your bargains and your treatment. Buys country pro- duce at market prices. ulation is German and Bohemian. The place was named after C. T. Zapp, who was the first postmaster in that place (1881.) Zapp is also called Willow Sprino^s, after the school hy that name, which for the last few years has been under the able direction of a thorough and conscientious teacher, Prof. Wm. Haverlah. C. F. Garlin, a very accommodating gentleman, is the pres- ent postmaster and merchant of that place. His reliability and congenial ways deserve the custom of the neighborhood. Ad. Weige is a youno- blacksmith at that place, a skillful workman -423— I The Mutual Life Insurance Co. i I OF NEW YORK,— .s^. | ;i «> Jj is the Oldest and Most Conservative Insurance Company V{<' '/^\ in America, and sells a More Attractive Policy for ^{J *\\ smaller premiums carrying a higher guarantee than any SI/' J|^ other large company in the world. V{^ ?j «> /}x 2^. ^. J^in£i, ^ffent. Schuionbure^, ZJexas. % XTbe Scbulenburg Sticker... W. R. KI^G, Editor. -Official Organ of Fayette County, Is the most extensively read English paper published in this community. ^-"^"^ — Book Printing and Job Work a specialty. and a good honest man- L. C. Muenzler owns a very fine gin, does very good work in his line and satisfies his customers Zapp is a very old settlement. It was settled early in the thirties and as early as 1839 it is spoken of in the minutes of the commissioners' court as the German settlement. Old settlers are F. Garlin. Ad. Schuiz, Wra. Krebs, Gerh. Peinsohn, VVm. W'eidemann, V. Scharnberg, Mrs. Johanna Heinsohn (age 96 3^ears), Julius Krebs. Among the old settlers who have passed from life and gone to whence there is no return Carl Albrecht, A. Muenzler, F. Pagel, Christian Henniger may be named. ADDENDUM. The following letter of Mr. J. C. Melcher contains additional valuable information in regard to minerals of Fayette county. It was received after his article had been printed. It is here given in full as addendum. O'QuiNN, Texas, July 30, 1902. Prof. F. Lotto, SCHULENJUTRG. TexAS. Dear Sir and Friend: — Since reporting for you last on your valuable book on Fayette county, some new discoveries in the mineral line have been made, as follows: A large bed of natural volcanic pumiceous dust, near the —424— great kaolin deposits on the J. Bartlett league. The stuff is nearly pure white, comparativeh^ clean, over nine teet thick and is quarried like common soft sandstone. Pumiceous dust is used for tooth polish, for polishing all kinds of metals, glass and chiuaware and for healing powders. Baked into soft bricks, it is used for water filters, candlesticks, oil torches, glycerin sticks, artificial madstones, fire brick, boiler covers, porous water ves- sels and decanters. Last month I accidentally came across a vein of metallic ore on top of a high hill on tlie No. 4 S. F. Knight league. The ore seems to be valuable and contains silver, lead and iron. Last week 1 received the new map of the U. S. geological survey ot Texas. Upon this map is marked a mineral field of o0x30 square miles, covering part of Fayette county. The east boundary line of this mineral field runs north from near Engle Station to West Point and thence to Winchester. There are sixty-one such mineral fields marked down on the map of Texae. Texas will be a great mineral state in the future. This latest map was a consolation to me, because ic proved that I was right in claiming that parts of Fayette county are mineral sections. Yours respectfully, J J. C. Melcher. IFayette CouisrTY,| : HER HISTOKV AND HEK PEOPLE. ^ By F. LOTTO. Price. S:2.50. Agents wanted. Write for terms, i Address your orders for books to % F. LOTTO, La Grange, Texas. | v;> %^ : "o V" : ^;^^ " -^^ (,<( c 0^ . <> 0' . ^, "■'■■"^^* ^-^^' ' -'S''' ""^-^'*^ -M" sy'-'-^^'-'^'^-'- \ ,^\'>mk.°- /y^K^^X co\c;5^."°o \^^\u A"-' °^ " S) ,^ ,0 ."< "-./-•;#.&• ^-..x^* /■^«^-'-\ /'.>Va-'^ A -9^^^ ^^-v. -% ,^\. v;^!^; ,s.^-%.^ -,; r '^' 4' ^''' "^v. ™/^ • -^r. ^^ "54 . ^/:_^ ,y ^^ v^' ■Vv