F 547 .ni6 C95 Copy 1 (No, i) p.orne Old Gravestone Inscri p tions, In Bloo F: i n^ t ori^ and_ Rando 1t>1i T ovv'nsli.i.ivs, I-IcL e an c ^^^^ ""^ 3''. > . I j-.^-.^T'-^J^-- ' • By lUlo Cus tur > E 1 o m i ns,t,o II I ^ .^^ j- j- jj^ o j »^ 1911, (With Notes "by the Aj-Athc>2i Cemeterief? . (:) city Cemetery, (Bloomint'lton). (:^) Blooi/iint; Grove {6) Cox ^ Rhodes (Woudlawn). (4) Grassy Ridge. (n,) Stewa-Y-es. { 5 ■) He ;< \v o r t h* (6) PasBwateirF;. (7) Pricfcs- (8) RandolTih ^owrisiU (9) Bco£-ins. (10) nhiloh. 1^ (Ho. 1) qOine Ol d g-rav e s tone Ins c r i pt 1 on a In Bloor. iijnj3ton_ and Randolph Tov/rishlpF!_, McLean County, JiJJijiir£ • By Liilo .c.us ter^>. 3 1 o oi'i 1 ng t o r ^ ^ 1 11 i r i o 1 s , 1911. (With Kotes oy the Author) Cemeteries. (1) city Cemetwry (31oomington)» (6) Passwaters. (2) Bloominf:'; Grove. (7) Prices. (3) Cox ck Rhodes (7/uodlawn). (8) Randolph Township. (4) Grassy Hidge. (9) Scof^ins. (5) Keywurth- (10) n^^il--'- 0-1) Stewd^ns, 1 '\ .m; ^ City Cemeter^'-. ^ f K. K (31oomln5:ton, 111. ) "^ (A partial list, only, the writer not having time to spare in which to secure more# Many of the oldest gravestones in this ceruetery erected during the 'oO's, »40's, v/ere formed from a soft grade of rnar"ble, and Pi^Qsont r-uoh evidence of natural disintegration. The inscriptions are completely obliterated froLi a few, and uiany others are slowly disappearing. Many of those given herewith were deciphered with difficulty, several of the older slabs were "broken in pieces, and a few broken off near the ground had been re-set to a depth covering- parts of the inscriptions.) M. C. Anderson. "3Tr. John Anderson. Died Feb. 27, 1842, Aged 41 yrn. ?j ms . 26 ds . " Bay . "David Bay, Died June 4, 1843, Aged 31 Yrs. 8 Mo»3.& 8 D t{ Sarah , Wife of J. S. Bay, Died March 17, 1844, Aged Beatt;/ . ^Joanna, Wife of John Beatty, Died Sept. 18, 1852. Aged 57 yrs. 7 Ms. Sc 12 D's* Bishop . " "iiary A. Wife of Harvey Bishop, Died Apr. 26, 1856, Aged 34 yrs. 11 Ms. & 11 ds . Blending en (?) "John Blendingen (?) Geboren den 22 Mar^ 1824. Gestorbsn den 25 ITct.. (?) 1874. Boyd . "Flora, Wife of John Boyd, Di'id June 4, 1856. Af^ed 70 yrs. 11 Ms. & 20 D»s." Brightman . ^arah, Wife of John Brightman. Died March 19, 1851. Aged 58 years . " Brook s. Uargaret Ann, Wife of Harrison Brooke, Died March 16, 1846. AE. 26 Yrs. 9 Ks . 18 ds." Brown. Mary, Wife of J. K. Brovm, Died Aue. 1, 1855. At:eo. 36 y'ro. 11 m'r, . & 4 d»3." Campbell. f^Uscar J. C&£ip'l)ell, Died Feb. <;^., 1855. Aged 30 y. 3 M's. & :^< ]D." "Elii^.abeth J. Ccuapbell, DAed ni^r . 7, 1855. Ared 36 y»rft. 9 Ho»j^. & 13 Da»s." Canaday* ^_ ^ ^ '^oTjiiia, Wife of John J. Canaday, Died Sept. IS, 1852. Aged 40 y»s. 9 Mo»s. & 8 D»s. C3.se . ' "Rachael, Wife of Thaddeus Case, Died July 25, 1352. Aged 37 y»rs. 11 27io»s. & 8 Days. Caster. ,^ . ^. . L. A. Caster, Died Aug. 11, 1855. Aged oO :,'»rs." Cuffsy. "^^Carv B. Coffey, Died April 19, 1853. Aged 70 ys. 5 'm»s. <3b 3 D»s." Coffey. ^'Ei^i\. Died Hov. 26, 1884. /!geB. "' 86 years . " Hartr y. '"*"Mary A., Wife of T'^'^Oi^-as B. Hartry. Died June 8, " 18h3 , Aged _______ H;-e {^"Samuel J. Hayes, Died Feb. 18, 1841, Aged 36 years & ^1 4 M»s." "Jerusha C, Wife of Sarnuel J. Hayes, J)i ^id Sept. 1.^, 1838. Aged 27 2/ears . " Hotciikis s. "liaura, Wife of Thomas Hotc^ikiss, Died Sept. 10, 1840 At" ed r>0 yrs . & 6 no * s . " _In/;ersoll . """^T^ngelire, Wife of J. T. Ingersoll. Died Feb. 18, lSr;2, Aged 24 years." Jacks on . ""Sallie, Wife Jaziies E. Jackson, Died May 28 j 18^4. Aged 62 years . " King . "Henry B. King. Died Oct. 6, 1865. Aged 75 y. 11 M. & 24 D." "Susannali King, Died Jan. 13, 1877 Aged 87 y. 8 M. & ly D." ^^iies Lawton, Died Jan. 51, 1854. Aged 47 years 6 Mo. & 1'^'. d»s." "M'e.riette, Hif5 Wife, Mny o, 1814, June 21, 1892." Livingsto n. "Saran, Wife of D. J. Livingston, Died Dec. 26 1848, Aged 25 v»rs. 1 mo. 7 D»s." LUOHS. °*"»*Ric}iniond Lucas, Died Oct. 7, 18fO. Aged 45 y»s. 7 Mo»s. & 2 D's." "Mary A. Wife of Riclimond Lucas. Died May 23, 1850. A.t^ed 51 years, & 5 Mo»s." "William Lucas, Died Dec. If'., 18:^9, A£;ed 52 years 8 Mo»s. & 1 Day." "Gooden, Wife of wiHiair. Lucas, Died Mar. 26, 1840. Aged 46 y»s. Sc 2 Mo's." Macklnley . "Mary, Wife of John Mackinley, Died May 23, 1850. Aged 51 years & 5 Mo*s." Manrno^^.. "p[. A. Mainmon, Born in Esens, Ostf rieslard, Hanover, Dec. 10, 1833. Died Sept. 2, 1877." Mason. ^Ta Mernorv of Rev. H. D. Mason, Died Jan. 31, 1854. Aged 48 years. '• "Simon P. Mason, Died Bov. 18, 185 Aged " Marqu ardt. "^'ToKanntt D. ?ran Von Johan G. Marquardt. Gebr. den 2 Jan. 1826, Gest. den 23 Dec. 1872." Maurer . ^Pred C, ]\;faurGr, Born in Gemiany Feb. 9, 1817. Died July' 9, 1865." McCo nne 11 . "IGiarev/ McGonnell, Difid Ma:' 28, 1854. Ated 62 years. Merz . "Carl Wilhelm Merz Geboren den 10 mar. (?) 1856. (?) gestorben den 15 Oct. 1872." "Wilhelmine Auguste Mers. geboren der. 10 Juni 1823. gestorben den 23 Feb. 1073." "Frederich Merz, Geboren 6 Aug. 1830. Gestorben 17 Aug. 1877." "Ciiristena Frau Von Friedarlch Merz Geboren 14 Mai 1831, Gestorben 20 Sept. 1864." Minter . "Nancy W. Dav.. of G. & K. Minter, Wife of D. D. Haggard, Died jan. 2, 1854. Aged 32 y»s. & 19 D?>^ cs " "Gabriel Mii^ter, Died Feb. 22, 1849. A^ed 71 y»rs. 5 Mo » s . Sr. 15 Days • " Moore, ^TPenina, Wife of ^^,J, Moore, Died Aug. 21, 1866 Aeed 29 yrs. 2 ri's. 9 d»s." Morf^ar. "Sarah Morgan, Died (?) Deo. 31, 1855, Aged 78 years. " Murray* "Jonathan Murray, Died Jure 4., 1853, Aged 62 years." ITelsori . ^^Carcus A. Kelson, Born in Orange Co. >:. Y. Oct. 9, ISOO. Died June 23, 1878." "Elir.a. Jane, Wife of Marcus Nelson, Died Sep. 21, 1849, Aged 40 y»s. 9 M»s. & 9 D»g." ]?ficliols. ''^ii^abeth J., Wife of Nenemiah Ij'iciiols. Died Aug. 2, 1850. Aged 23 y»s 4 m»s. 11 d'a. Hicliolscn. " '^'"aVv C. , wife of S. B. Kicliolson of Maysville Ky. Died May 15, 1858. Aged 52 ys. 4 M^s. 20 D»£:." Paoksrd . *(¥;^W. Packard was a v/ell-knowr: attorney of Bloomington Iia. See Trans. McLeca; Co. Hist. Soc. vols. I & II.) "Marion, Wife of M. W. Packard, Died May 7, 1848, Aged 23 years . " Palmer ""^ — ^*lartha Woodson, Wife of Wni. Palmer, Died Jan. 5, 1850. Aged 20 years." Pike, "Meshach Pike Died Feb. 12, 1876. a^©^ ^'^-' y*s. 8 Mo. 5 D * s • " "Ethalinda, 'wife of Meshach Pike, Died July 10, 1858. AET. 39 years." Purviarce . "Tohn S. Pv-rviance, Died June 9, 1855, Aged 48 y»3." ReeveF , Deborah, Wife of J. B, Reeves, Died Oct. 3, 1853, Aged 24 y»s. 5 M»s. & .17 Days." "Barne?! C. Reeves, Died Au^''. 8, -1854. Aged 49 y*rs. 9 M's. & 11 days." Ri ebe . "Aiigusta, Wife of John Rie're, Born Aug. 11, 1804. Died May 12, 1876." ID T 4- 4- ci y "Sli^.abeth, Wife of J. R. Ritter. Died I>^' ■" . ?3, 18^3. Ared 31 ytrs." RQacl^. *«^Lydia, Wife of A'tI'v-: Ro-n> ^ Died Apr;:! IP^. ia44, Ai^ed 33 y»s & 5 M»s." Roll jr s oi' « '^lli^'.a'beth, Wife of K, M, RoDir.son, Died. Kov. 9, 1855, Aced 24 :'«r. 4 Mo»n. & r-8 D»s." Scudder* 'ini:iiH.m H. Scudder, Died a^^^'* 9, 1855, Ar^ed 31 yr. 'y Mu»s. & 1 Day." Seibe rt . ^1'i^arolir.e, Wife of Henry Seibert Died Au(^:. 30, 1860 Ased 29 ys . 4 K»£. & P.l ds . " gllOUgh . ^^arv A. Wife of Joseph s^'-^'-*^'':--* "D^^d M-ir. 23, 1864, Aged 42 y»s. 7 M»o. & l'> D's." "Rebecca Wife of John s^"l^^vu:-> I>ied Auc» 9, 1656 Aced 65 ye:iri5 • " S t c- e 1 6 ^oun S'-.cieie, Died Avr, 3, 1867, Aged ^^ y»s. & 11 M*s." "Ele-nor, Wife of John Steele, Died May 12, 1846. Af^ed 36 years, 9 ri*s« & 14 d»s." SteThenson . "Mary, Wife of E. P. Stephenson, Died Aug, 1, 1855. Aged 28 y»rF^. 1 Mo. & 14 D»s." Strain. ""^ary, Wife of Isaac Strain, Died June 3, 1852. Aged 53 y»rs. 1 Mo. & 9 D*s." Thrasher. ""yolm Tiirasher, Died June 1^, 185r^. A^red 77 y's. 2 m. 28 d." "Roxp.ria, Wife of John Thrasher, Died July 20, 1850, A'^'ed 59 years • " Tompkins . ^'trames Tompkins, Born April 29, 1799. D^eH Anril 24, 1855." "Marv Tomnkins , Died M'-^r. 25, 1868. Aced 68 y. 11 M. 8r. 2 D." Veatoh. lllen, Wife of Wm. C. Veatcli, Died Oct. 21, 1851, Ap;ed 21 j^ears . " ^"JaT:>ez Ward, Died ?el). 19, 1856. Aged 77 years," "Mary, Wife of Ja"be/. War^l , Died Ont, 14, 1855. A^ed Watson. ^Htharlne W. , Wife of Rev. G. L. Watson, Died A^-t. 5, ia:^7 AE. •■^.1 Y»3." Wllj iairs . "Anr Wife of T^'.oiiaK Willinns, Died Dec. 4, 1856, Ac;ed P.f^ y»rs. 8 M»s." Wil 1 i anison ^ '^^niYrrjjferior'^'- of spo'^'^f^v/ocd Williamson, Born in New '^bv^. Co. Va. Jan. 31, 1785, Died Ar:.r. 23, 1854. — Aged 59 y»rfi. ? M»s. ?.2 D»s." Wilson . ^Martha E. , Wife of R. B. Wilson, Died Feb. 24, 1857. A^ed 34 y»s. I Mo. & 27 D»s." ^Tane, Wife of S. D. Woodson, Died Oct. 26, 1856. ^'v odws ttI « * *^ '^^'^^TKcb'o Woodward, Died Au^. 13, 1R54. Aced 32 y»rs. & 9 Days." B 1 orn 1. r.^ •Grove C erne t e r y « " "Sara>. A^el, Born Oct. 6, l'?90 Died April 17, la'^e." (Mother of DanieU L, A"bel and Naomi (/..'•''' ) 0>*'=}ndorf f • ) ^»lfevid A. Harhert, DT^-^d Sept. 27, 1872. A^e' '*" yearsi, 10 raont>is . " Hendrlx. "trohn Handrix, D:"ed Jan. 15, ie:5P., A. ^^^ ^^>-s. 2^3. 6 ds." "Jane Hendrix, wife of John Hendrix, Died Dec, 17, 18f:6, Aged 58 yrs. ^ yr.R. 17 ds." (ilkihn Hendrix settled in what is now McLean County/, Illinois in the year 18?.?.. He was the first" vrhite settler in this County, See Duis Good Old Times in McLean County" Page 141.) Lash. "Isaac Lash, Jan. PO, 18?.0 May 15, 190?." "Anna simnons, His Wife, A^nril l."^ , 1830. "-(June 21, 1910.) (Anna (Siraraonis) Lash, wr-^s a daughter of David and Elizabeth (Jones) s^^^^^f^^s) Orendorff . ^'JaHes K. 0rendorf."j Born Dec. ?8 , 183:":. Died Jan. 31 187ft." "Lavina Sale^, Wife of James K. Orendorff, Born Jan. 23, 1821, Died Jan. 28, 1893." (James K. Orendorff was a son of Trilli^-^i Orendorff) See Duis "Good Old Times in McLean c^^^"^-^-''" P^i-ge ir.8. "0. H. P. Son of Wra, --ind. Lavina Orendorff, Born Mav 16, 18?2. D5ed jan. 2^, 1RQ?.»' (Lavina (Hendrix) orendorff, daughter of John and Jane (Brittin) Her^f^>'"*x, -■^■6 \vj,^cv»^ '-^^ 0. H. P. Orendorff is still living at this date July 3, 1911. See Duis "Goor! Old Times in McLean Countv" Page 163) "Tliomas Orendor^ff. Bor^^ in Spartanhurg, S. C Aug. 14, 1800. Caiiie to Bloomin-^- Grove , Mav 23, 1823. Died Mar. 31, 1881." Orr\ "Mary M. Walker, Wife of T^iorna? Orendurff , Died Jan, .19, 1891. Aged 82 years . ♦• (Thom»,s Oreridorff v/as a son of Christopher and Eliza- "beth (Phniir.-) 0-r-v!o-^f, Mary M, Wnlkar, his wife was a daupihter of William Walka>-. Ser; Duis "Good Old Times in McLean County, P at!-e 151. "William Orendorff, Bcrr. M'-r. 2C , 1792 Died May 12, 18:19. "Haorai A., Fourth Wife o'^ TTilliam Orendorff Born Dec. fj, 1819, Died Oct. 5, 1871." (Wll-i i.am O'-endorff w^s horn in Ge(>r;"ia. Ka wan a son of Christopher and Elizaheth (P^illlin'^) Orendorff and brother of Thomas Orendorff, His fourtli wifes Maiden name was ITaomi Abel, He ca-me to Blooming Grove In what is novi McLf^^n County, 111. M^.y 2, 18?.". See Duis "Good Old Ti^f^^^ in McLen^-; County, Pa;- e' 149.) "Will.i'-^.m H. Orr, Born No-^r, 26 , IBin, Died M^_rcV. 29, 1876."*'"- »Kah.a.la; Wife -.f W. H. Orr, Died Sept. 4, If'*-??, A.ged rji;. jTB, 8 ms . 21 ds . " Sl^Fnons . •^^vid cjimmons. Died Sept. 26, 1888. Aee<^. B6 vrs . 2 ns. ll'ds." "Elizabeth, Wife of David c^lrainonB, Died May 13, 1888 Af^red 85 yrs. 2.ms. 12 ds." ^(D^vid cjiramons, (Sergt. C=^pt. Covellts Co. 5th Ills, M*td. vols. Blar^K HaivV Wav) i'a» a "son of Ephraiia an Elizabeth (Callowa:'') Sirmnors. He was a native of Monroe County, vAi^gii^i'-^s fi^^ici ^ Sergeant in Capt. M. L. Covells Company, 5th 111. Mounted Volunteers, Black Hawk War, 1832) See Duis "Good Old Times in McLean County, Page 221.) "Levi Si^'omons, Died May 14, 1888, Aged 60 yrs. 6 ms. 16 ds." "El'^^nor M. (Hodge) W^"- r^ L'-^ Ri/amons, Feb. 2?, 1855- Apr. 16, 1902," (Levi c;jTn»nons was a son of David and Eli^^abeth (Jones) SirnTno-:'0 Walker , ^John Westlev Walker, Died Jan. 1, 1858, AE^^- ^8 '^^'*''- 1 rn. 23 ds," "Mary B, , wife of J. W. Walker, D-ied Jan. 15, 1844, Aged 25 yrs. 12 ds . " "William Walker, Died jan. in, lar-l, Ai^ed a'oout 80 "]\[anc)^;y(\Fl*fe o^ William W^-''i:e>-, Di--^ May 6, "^^^r^. Aged 68 yrs, 5 bio's." Weir::-. '"J^reMia-i Wel(- , July 10, lo26, Apr. 9, 189'?. •' "Sarah J., Hi.s Wife June T), 187.0"iran, IJ:-', 1906." .A Cox a nd R} i o de s^ ^C eme terv, ( Or "Wo odlav/r C erne tery . " ) (S^:^'^. ^?- Bloo?nlnf:ton Tovmship) Ames . "FisUar A^es, Ar.ril 11, 1834, Aur. 3, 190r." (His (?.nd) Wife, Kraily E. AUg. ?2, 1844- Fel^. 13, 1899" "Richard Ames, Born June 16, 1807. A^::ed 60 years, 11 months 5 days." "Ann M-'^ria, Wife of Richard Af'^es, Died Jan. 4, 1892, ki^ed 81 years, 6 months, 5 days," (Fisher Ames wa? a son of Rioh:^rd Ames and the latter was a son of Hon» Fxshe?' j^mes of M'-ssachnsetts who died in the year 1808, Fisher Ames^nas three sons survivinf'; who nov/ reside in McLean County 111. Their naines and addresses are as follows "Wilhurn Anos and Frank Ames, B3 oominf-ston, 111, R. F. D, #3. and Charles A^^ies, He^rworth, 111, R. F. !)•) Arnold, '^(Joerce M. Arnold Born Jan: 19, 1814 Died Au^r. 31, jl89S. " "Sarali, Wife of G. M. Arnold, Bor- Sept. 14, 1800. Died June 8, 1886." (Geor^-e M. Arnold and wife were the parents of Mrs. Wr.. J. R^iodes of S. Clayton St. Bloomin^^ton, 111.) Cox . "David Cos, s^'^ ^^ Beni'-'-anin and Philenah (Dye) Cox, Died Jan. 28, 1896, A^ed 85 yearr 1^, da3^^ . " "SophroniH,Da'urhter of Wra. unci Hnncy (Dn'sKill, ) Walkrrr and Wife of D'avid Cox, Di^d April 1-'^, Ase""^ ^0 year 6 montlis , 6 days . " (David Cox was horn near Circieville, Ohio. Ke came to Blooming; Grove in what is now McLean county, 111. Sept. 23, 1826. His grandfather was Moses Cox, horn about 1735, See Duis "Good Old Times in McLean County," Pa.{:,;e 198) EhrJ.ich . ""^rist'A'f Ehrlich, Born (la Germany) Nov. 8, 1834. Died Sept. 13, 1900." "Christina, Wife Gv^stsav Ehrlich, Born May 1"^ , 1834." (Died 19 ) ^^^ohr\ mjn^reJ.'L^ -j^ieri au?^. 19, 1857, Ared 92 years, 26 days , •' "Jane Wife of John Maxwell, Died Dec. 29. 1833 Aged 59 years, 7 months, 24 days," "WilllaiTi Maxwell, Died Fehn^ary 26, 1839^ Aped 42 years • " K'-odes • '^^kc.ror P, R]iOdes, Son of John H, S. and Mary (Johnf5on) Rhodes, April 18, 1834- Arjril 4, 1901." "Co. f>. 17th 111. vol. Inf." (Civil W-'r) "Mattie M. Cox, Daui';hter od David and Sophronia (Walker) Cox (and first wife of Aaron P. Rhodes) A-:-:'. 9, ia34.:-Peh. 20, 1876." (Dr. Ora M. Rnodes of Blooraington, 111. is a son of Aaraon P. Rliodes and Edward Rhodes, Attorney, of Ch-aapaign, 111. is another son.) "Ehene%er Rli.odes, Died Dec. 6, 1842, Aged 62 years. 7 months, 16 days. "(Bdi^n in Holland, Mv/ 21, 1780.) "Mary, Wife of Ehenezer Rhodes, Died Aug. 19, 1864, Aged 96 years, 2 months" (She was horn June 19, 1768.) (Rev. Eheni'.er .Rhodes was the first Christian Minister in what is now McLean County, 111. He settled at Bloominc Grove in the fall of the year 1823. He was the father of John H. S» Rhodes, Jeremiah Rhodes and others. See Duis "Good Old Times in McLean County, Page 166) "Jeremi«>. R:nodes, Died July 24, 1882 Aged 76 years 5 months." (See Duis "Good Old Tines in McLean County" Page 173) M. C. "Marthurza (Johnson) R^iodes, His v/ife, Born ITov. 1, 1818, Died Kov. 4, 1899." '^John H. S. Rhodes, Died AUg* 21, 1875, Aged 78 years 10 montlis . 5 days . " "Mary (Johnson) Wife of J. H. S. Rliodes, Died Dec. 15, 184n, Aged 52 years, 7 months. 16 days." (See Duis "Good Old T^^ies in McLean County" page 168) M. C. (William J. Riiodes of S. Clayton Sv, • Bloomington, 111. is a son of John H. S. Rl-odes) "Sarah m. (Cowden) (first) Wife of W, J. Rhodes, Died April 7j, 1872, Aged 41 years, 10 months, 20 days" (See Transactions of t}ie McLean Co\-inty Historical Society" yol, II Paf^e 663) Grasay Ridj^e Cemetery^ (Sec, 28 Bloomington Township) Alexande r. ^cnn AlexHRcler, "b, }i^.r* 12, 1811, d. May 26, 1864." "Up-.ry Phi-ops (his wife) Id. Feb, 4, 1813, d. Feh. r.9 , 1888. Bovilvv'are . "'J'ohr. Btnilware, d. Jan. II, 1864, a . 74 yrs. 9 m. " •»Mary W. (his wife) d. Feh. 16, 1874, --i. 93 yrs. 9 m. 4 dR." Caj^rybell. TITeY.) '«J. a. Camphell, a^C. 1, 1813. -Mar. 51, 1901." (Sally Ann Cai-n-r-)'bell, hiB wife h. July 3, 18 (Aur-. 19, 19^ )^ (Rev. John G. Caraphel]:, pioneer Christian Minister and farmer w'i3 a native of Boiiroon County, Kentucky and a son of Jai:ies and ITan cy J, ( ) Camjihell %^ mg-rried Sally Ann Caiiiphell"^ in the year 1824 and moved to McLean Countj.--, Illinois in the year 1849. His son, K. M. Cainphell, real estate and loan ac«2t resides in Bloumington, 111.) "Catherine, Wifa of Hup*h Campheli, c! . Dec. 11, 1870 a. 57 yrs. ?r ds." (Hu^h Camphell was a brother of Rev. J. G. Cajnphell) LircM.ley . "John Lindley, d. July 4, 1856, a/ 82 yrs. 1 m, 18 ds." "Elizabeth, w, of John Lindley, d. Jan. 14, 1863, a. 78 ys. 1 ra. 8 ds." (This John Lindley v/a,s the father of Dr , William and John Lindley, Jr.) Qulnn . "Sidney M. Quinn, b. Oct. 14, 1816, d. July 10, 1882." He^Avu r th. C eiae t e ry « (He^rworth, Illinois) Brown , "James F. Brown, June 19 j la^ib, ATJr. 21, 190^'." "DelilaK E. Funk, His Wifa, Feb. 25, 1856, Dec. 12, 1904." (Delilah E. F^inl^:, v/ife of Jaaies F. Brown, v/as a daugliter of Jesse and Fannie U. (Springfield) Funk, pioneers of Randolph Township, McLean County, Illinois) Crooks hank . ^"^^reorre J. Crookshank, Feb. 4, 18ir;-April 6, 1902." "Eli^.a Fauver, His Wife, Nov. 29, 1822-March 21, 1902." Draper . *^Henry p. Draper, Died Dec. 12, 1854, a. 31 yrs . " "Reuben L. Draper, Jan. 11, 1813-Sept. 23, 1853. Elder . "David Elder, Born May 51, 1800, Died April 30, 1849." "Hannah, His Wife Born March 2, 1806 Died Sep-.. 2, 189C." Howard . ,^ ""^Saraii E. Wife of Rev. 'W. R. Howard, Born Jan. 30, 1635. Died Nov. 25, 1879." Note: (Rev. W. R, Howard was a pioneer Methodist Episcopal minister and died recently? at Shell^yville, 111.) M. C. Jackson . ^'lary, Wife of Thoiaas Jackson, Died Jan. 14, 1854, Aged 39 yrs." Not'-^: Thomas ; Jackson entered the S. W. 'l/^ S« E. i/4 Sec. 26 T. 22 N. R. 2 E. :br^. P. M. in the year 1836 M. C. K5.rr . "Capt. John Karr, Died Dec. 1840 At:ed 82 years." "Capt. -^rr was a soldier of the Revolution for American Independence. (He was "born 1753) Note: (Capt. John Karr married Mercy Lee and settled at Handoiph^roA^e McLean County, 111. about tlie year 1835. They were the pai^ents of Dr. Thorn?.? Karr. ) M. C. No: "J?.,co]: Karr, Born July 27, 1798, in Sussex Count,;, Kgv.- Jersey. Died April 1, 1S40 Aged 41 yrs. 6 ns. 4 dr " L^ « "(I)r'.) ThoriV-.s Karr, Born April 23, 1793. Died Sept. 10, 1878, Af^ed 35 yrs. 4 ms. 17 ds . " (Dr. ThOinas Karr, son of Capt, Jolm and Mercy (Leo) Karr was a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, and Cfuae to Randolph Tov/nship, McLean, County, 111. in tjie year 1335.* He married first Mrs. Eli.7.rCoeth Kitchell, Dec. 31, 1814, and secondly, Mrs. Martha Evans, a sister of his first wife. Dr. Thomas Karr and his first wife were the parents of WilllM-ja Karr. See Duis "Good Old Tinies in McLean Count-/-, Page 814, Dr. Thomas Karr was a soldier of the War of 1S12) "Willia-^^ Karr, Burn Jan. 6, 1823, Died Feh. 15, 1896." "Mar. J. Elder, His Wife Bern April 1, 1827, Died Oct. "15, 1902." (Willia^n Karr v/as a son of Dr. Thomas and Elizal^eth ( )Kitol' ell -Karr. He was a native of Hamilton' County, Ohio, came to Randoli>hs Grove McLean Country, 111. win ^ \s parents in the year 1835, and married Mary Jane, dau£:hter of David and Hannah ( )F/ider, Dec. 24, 1844. Their daughter Mrs.^'K. M. Jones, resides on East Mill Street, Bloomini'ton, 111. and tiieir son, Wra, E. Ka-.r. resides near Randolph 111. See Duis "Good Old Tiiifts in McLann County, 111. Page 817) .eener. "''fWilllHir) L*^«per, died Julj' 31, A^ed 72 yra^ 1 in. 2 d. " '(See Duis "Good Old Times in McLean County, PHP;e £00.) (Dr.) "Harrison ITohle, Born Mar. C. iai2. Died A\iG. 12, 1870." "Ahhy Couk, (first) Wife of Harrison liTohle, Born Mar. 19, 1816 Died Jan. 2. 1845" "Jane E. (MariiOn.) (second) Wife of Harrison Nohle, Born Sept. 23, 1813. Died July Ic , 1893." (Dr, Harrison Uohle was a native-r-.of Hamilton County OJiio. He settled in wliat is nov. Randolph Town- ship, McLean County, 111. in the yea.r 1833. His son, Jolm Loci<,e Noble, and grandson, Harry Ho])le, reside near Heywurtii, 111.) RUtled^e . ^""Ou'en C. Rutled^e Qct. 19, 1633 -Feo. 3, 1902." "Letitia A, Rutled£ie (his v/ifte) Oct. 21, 1842-PelD. 8, 18 9 1-." (Owen C. Hutledge was a son of rphomsis 0, Rut ledge) "Thoiaas 0. Rutledge, Born Sei;';. 18, loOG. Died Jan. 5, 1888." "C;>T.thia (Rutled£;e) His Wife, Burn Ma:; 5, 1812. Died FelD. 19, 188^.." (Thoruas 0. Rutled^e (Cnpo. Covells Co, 5th Ills. M'td. Vols. Black ]{av.-k War) v;as a native of Charlss-on, near Augusta, Georgia.. He was a son of Robert and Margaret (Officer) Rutledge. Ha settled in Randolphs Grove in what is nov^- McLean Count^'-, 111. in the year 1825. He married rjynthia Rut le- dge jan. 1, 1829. Their son J. B. Rutledge resides ir He:Avurth III. and their daughter, Mrs. Amanda Elder, resides in Bloomington, 111. See Duis "Good Old Tiiaes in McLean county, 111. page 759.) Scogin . '^Elir.aheth (first ) Wife of (Capt.) A. W. Scogin. Died Oct. 15, 18n4. Aged 20 ye^-rs. Pros* 9 d,i? . " Karr.' "Walter K«^rr, Born July 8, 1797 in Sussex County, ITew Jersey, Died m^-^» 2^> 1879." "Elizaneth Ann K^rr ^ His Wife, Bom July 24, 1804. Died June 31, 1849." (Walter Karr was a son of Thomas and Celia (Lewis) Karr. He canie^to McLean County, 111. March 11, 18;64. He married Eli?.a"beth Ann Karr, in the year 182:5. His grandson Lyon Karr, resides at Eureka, 111. gee. Duis "Good Old Times in McLean Count-, 111, page 802.) y ano -^ds t raii^d . "Isaac "VanordstrPvnd, Born Feb. 11, 1824. Died MB.ro}'. II, 1891. "EliJ'ia Ann Lovv, His Wife, Born Apr. 30, 18 " (still living) WC^ief ield. ^"'Campbell Wakefield, Di^d June 5, 1887. Aged 83 yrs. 3 ms. & 14 ds. " "Margare-i. Elder, wife of Camifoell Wakefield, Died April 1891. Aged 87 yrs. 3 ms . 29 ds . " (Campbell Wakefield was a native of Rimilton County, Ohio and a son of Andrev/ and jjargaret (Campbell) Wakefield. He married M^^-rgaret Elder, May 24, 182'> and settled at Randolphs Grove, McLea:a Count:/, Ill, in June 18:^n. One of hip i5ra-;dsor-. , Dr. Frank L. Wakefieiri, (son of John E, Wakefield, der-.) novv f Brides in He%'^-urth, III. See Duia "Good Old Times- in McLean Counn:'", 111. Pa^e 812.) Pa s s wa, t e rA f^f'F'P^4"I'2'^^ (Sec, 21 Randolph Townshii)) Blrdg ell. "*'VilliRin W, Birdsell, died Airil ^8, 1859. ASed e')9 yrs . 8 ds • " (His monument contains a daguerreotype of himself set in the stone upon one side. The McLean C^^unty, Historical Society possesses a duplicate of this daguerreotype ) Moore . "Hon. John Moore. Born in Granthan, England, Reiit. 8, 1793, Died in Boston, Mhs3. Sept. ?.5, 1866." "Rilla R. Wife of Hon. John Moore, Born in Mercer Co. Ky, April 30, 1794. pied July 22, 1852." "S-arnuel H. s<^^^ o"" J. « R. Moore, Died Jan. 11, 1853. Aged 23 yrs. S ra. 11 d." (Hon. John Muore iirirnigir^tftd "to Anierj^fvJLn the year 1817 ynd married Rilla R. (JoTiefJ^-^Mxsner a widow March 9, 1820. T-He was L i eu tenant - Gove rn or of Illinois 1840 to 1846 senred as a Lieutenant- Colonel of the 4th 111. Vol. Inf. Mexican War 1846 1848 and served as State Treasurer of Illinois, 1848-1854. One of his £' rand -daughters. Mrs. George Chaxipion, Jr. resides near Mansfield, 111.) See Duis "Good Old Times in Mcj^ean Countv" Page 225.) Passwaters. ^'CTernent Passwaters. j^ar. 17, 1825-Dec. 5, 1900." "Reheccr-^ Yooon. Hib Wife^ Maroli 14. 1826." ( C 1 enen t Pa's s v/a t e r s was a nati-^e of pfaFiilton County Oliio and a son of Purnell Sr. and Comfort (short) Passwaters. He came to McLean Co, II?.. in the year 1830.. He married Rebecca Yocom, daughter of Jacoh Yooori, of Sang-ainon co. 111. June 1, 1848. See j)^!^ "Good Old mines in McLean Countv" pare 784.) "Enocli J. passv^^aters. Bom Sept. 15, 1822. Died M^r. 9, 1902." "Aimed id., Wife of E, J. Passv/aters. Born Nov. ll, 1825. Died Feh. 12, 1866. " (Enoch J. passv/atere was a native of H^'^-i^-tor Count^^ Ohio J and a son of Pi.irnell, Sr. and oornfort (short) Passvv'aters, He carie to Randolphs Grove McLecin Co., 111. in the year IBoO, and married first Alrnedia SHva£:e, May 19, 1842, secondly^ Ann Eli^:a { ) Atchison, Sept. 7, 1871. His daughters, Mrs. A. S. Van Valey and Mns, A'^n Miller reside in He^'^orth, 111. and his son E, H. Passv/aters, resides near the saiae place. See T)uis "Good Old Ti^^^s in McLean County, Page 783.) "Purnell Passwaters (Sr.) Died .Fen. ?a , 1P^51, A^ed 70 yrs. 6 ds.'* "Comfort Wi^e o:'' Purnell passvotero , Diec. April ?.5, 1844, AL^ed 50 yrs. Pjis . 7 ds." (Purnell PasswPvters, Sr, was a native of s^^ssex county, Delaware, and a son of Richard Pas£?v.'aters , a native of Ene^land, Purnell Pa«fiv,'^!-^,.::rr, rf^.r-r' ^d Gorifort Short about the year 1806 and settled at Randolphs Grove, McLean County, III. in zr.e year IBI'^O. See T)uiR "Good Old Times j-^-^ McL&^n C^"^i^^ty, Pa^e 780.)' Rust. "John F. pus-'., Died Feh. 1. ^-897^ A£:e4. See -nuls "Good Olc'J T^'-^^-^ in McLean County," Pa:-:e 805.) P r I c eg C erae t e r:- • (Sec. If), Bloomingtor. Township.) Carr-ia ?- , '^^WilliBi/i W, Carraan, s<^^ ^^'^ B. unty, IllinoiB in the year 1833. He raarried M-'^'^'il^'-* B, Prunty, Ap'-n 1.4, 1836. See Duif? "Good Old ^imes in McLean C'^^'^^^^3' ; " Pf'-S® ?'46.) "Jamer. B. Price, Born July 24, 179?.. Died May 16, 1879" "Mary H. , wife of James B. Price, Died March 23, 186n. Age*' k9 vr. 4 ms . & 10 <'ip," (Hon. Ja'^ies B. Price was a native' of Mecklenburg ^ountv Korth Carolina. He reraoved to Kent\icky with his parents in the year 1804. He m^.rr-ied Mary H. , dau£;hter of George and Mary ( ) Wall, FoT), 10; 1814. ^ind settled ir what is novr Bio orningt on Tov.T} ships, McLe-m ^ounty, Illinois ir. the 3rear 1833 He served one term In the Illinois Ler-islature, 1849-50. sH-^^-'-^^ "Good Old Tiraes 1^ McLean County," Pa£:e 24f^.) S'UJrt « "Joseph shor'v. M. D. Di^d j-.n. 20, 18ri3, Aged 29 years." Wall . "Margaret, Wife of George Wall and Grand-Tnother of Geo. W. price, Bo--- Dec. 21. 1776. Died Dec. ?.5, 18P2." Young. "Rachel C. Youn,-, 1825-1864." (Rachel C. (Price) c«hort-Young v^as a daughter of Hon. jarnes B: and Mary H. (Waj.l) Price. She married first Dr. Joseph, ci^iort and after his deat^ she married secondly Dent Young) 1 I R andol ph T ov; '-.f,M p G er'ie t er y • (Sec, ^16 Rri.ndolph T^^^i^nship. ) "Georre C, H^.nd. Died Sept. ?5, 1845, A£;ed 56 years," "Barlmra, wife o.'' G. C. Hand, Died Sept, 3, IR':©. Aced 8?. ye=irs 9 ns , ? d, " -- (George C, H^nd was it is supposed, a native of Ohio v/here he was "born in the 'yQ'-\.r 1789. He vms a soldier of the War of 1812. He settled In RandolphB Grove in what is now Mc Lean rjourt:/ 111. in the vear 1825. He entered the W^ i o- 1^'. E, i,/4 Sec, r>': L. ^^?. K. R. 2 E. 3rd P. K. Jun*-^ 24, 1831. He married 3ar-oara They v/ere the parents of Mrs, Alfred M, Strir rrf j.eid. See Duis "Good Old t^^--^ ^"- M^'Lean County" Page "•"'f. ) ^Amos A. Miller, jyieri FeT:^. 19, 1845, Aged 39 years, 8 ms, 8 4s." (AHios A. M'ln^^^' wptp B native of Ohio a "brother of iUchae" j^agar Miller His widov/, Margaret (Kitche^T) Miii^'-, Jied ^it Topeka, K:?^'-:^aH, 1895. M'% D. H. M'^Clellan of Bloominrrton, 113. !•=! a grandson " /,in<53 A. Miller) WeedmaLn, ^'^eorge Weedraan ^ D'^ ' O^t, 1848. AiZ^^^^ '^^ years 4 ks." "Charlotte V^eedwan ('.is wife) Died Dec. 1836. Aged 62 yrs . 4 ms . " yyif^ (George Weedinan sjn ' /^ j'^^, I think, natives of s<^^th Carolina, They were the parents of Ch-arity (Weed^nari) Kutled^:.:, y.ife o Hcc r^. H, K;itTed5:e, who is "buried in s'''^-iloh Cemetery.) (Sec, 1ft BlooT^i-'V^ton Tov/nph.ip ) B- U"!^ * ^Malinda Blunt, B. Jar, 30, 180'^. D, Fel-n 11, 1P87.»» Hote: (Malinda (Hinshaw) Rolainson-Blunt or Blcunt v;as a natiYQ of Tennessee and a daupriiter of Geoy^e (Sr.) and ]i^liz:>^"C)eth '{fforthinfstvn) y^insh.fiv,\ ^ee "The Hinshaw and Henshav/ Families," pa^e ) H ins haw , ^eorfre Hinshaw, Senior, 3. Oct. 1st. 17^^ d, A-^r, '-^7, 1862" "Susannah (his v.-ife) B. I^ov. 1?., 1790, D. M'C' 9, IS'??. (Geor^^e Hinshaw, Senior was a native of Korth Carolina and a son of Willipjn and Mar:' (Hinsha,v/) Hinshaw natives of the IJorth of Ireland, He married first Elii^-aheth Worthinj^ton, abo^it the year 1806 and secondly susannalx Johnson, ahovit the year 1770, He settled in vv'/iat is nov; Bloomin^ton, Townsh.ln McLean c^junty^ Illinois in the year 1827, He served one term in the Illinois Ler^islature IB.'^e-S'^ He was the father of Georp:e Hinshav/, Jr, See Duis "Good Old r-iimes in McLean County, Page 209, also "The Hinshaw and Hens haw Families" Pare ) "George Hinshaw (Jr.) Dec. 26, 1820-June 27, 1874." "Polly M, Tolliver (his wife) Bee. 21, 1828 still living) (George Kinsliaw, Jr. Vvas a native of Overton County Tennessee, and a son of George Hinshaw, sr. He was ■brou£^ht to v/hat is now McLean c<^^^-r; HI. bu his parents in the year 1827. He married Polly M, Tolliver daughter of James and Elis^abeth (Maxwell) Tolliver, July 1, 1848, see Duis "Good Old Tiines in McLean County" page 208, also "Tiie Hinshaw cuid Hensliavvr ?ai7iilies" Pat^e ) HTirnmell. "Henry Hunimell, B. Aug. 4, 1809 D. ran, 14, 1892." liote: (Henry Hummell was the father of Philura (Hummell) Lindley (dec.) v/ife of Stewart Lindley of East Olive St. 2Jloomington, 111. see Genealogy of the j^Iyers, Lindley and Birdsell Families, in the "Poems of John ?. liyers " ) 1 ■LJudley , '^llllara Lindley, B. 1-oy. 16, 1803. i). June 25, 1902." "Unity, wife of villiara Lindley, .0. ?eb. 10, 1881. A. 73 ys. 7 m. 16 d." (Dr. willi-^'«i Lindley, farmer and veterinary, v^as a native of GHristian County, Xijnt-ucky and a son of the John Lindley, who was "biinled at Grassy Ridf::e He married Unity Tvarren in Christian co^^^^"ty, i^y. July 26, 1822, and settled in what is now Bloom- ington Tov/nshix), McLean County, Illinois in the year 1828. He v/as a l)rother of the John Lindley, buried at Scogins. see Duis "Good Old Times in licLea.n County Page 211, also the Genealof^y of the Myers, Lindley and Birdsell families in the •To ems of Joha If, Myers.") "John Lindley 3. Feh. 9, 1805. B. ifar. 2?., 1886." "Jane T. (his wife) 3. Oct. 21, 1820 D. "This John Lindley was a son of the John LindlBy , Vvho is "buried at Grassy Ridge. His first wifes maiden napie was Melinda Jones, anc. the maiden name of his second wife wan jane L. Williams. See "Poems of John y. layers" r-a^^e 190) Low . "Xathan Low, T)ied April 17, 1844. ACed 55 years." "Sarah Low (his wife) J3ied Juno 29, 1879. A^ed 8-7 years. (Nathan Low was a native of Kintjolds Manor, Green'oriar County, Maryland. He was a son of Ha than and I[ancy (Wright) Low. He married Sarah Brooks. Feb. 12, 1814. He settled at Lows Grove in vfh^t i now McLean County, Illinois in the year 1829. Hin son, Katlmn Low (Jr.) resides in Galatea, Colorado. See Duis "Good Old Times in McLean bounty", page 776.) Miller . "Isaac Miller, Died jan. 21, 1859. A. G6 yrs . 1 m. 22 ds." "Mary A. Miller (his wife) I), reh. 10, 1870. A. 66 y. 5 m. " (Isaac Miller was a native of Rockingham Countj/, Virginia, and was a grand-son of Rev. Alexander Miller. He married Mary Anderson, Aug. 15, 1821 and settled in what is now Bllomington Township McLean County, Illinois in the year 1838. His grand- daughter Miss Alice Miller, resides in Bloomings ton. 111. pee. "The Rov. A.lexander Miller" etc. Pae'-e 18) Kote "Jainss T. Miller r,ied llov. 2, 1874 Afced 79 vrs, 2 in. 13 ds." "Sarah Miller, Died Dec, 13, 1885. A^;ed 83 yr& . 3 ra. 7 ds." (James T. Miller was a native of Rockingham county, Virginia a grandson of Rev, Alexander Miller, and a "brother of Isaac Killer, He Vv'&fe a soldier of the War of 1812. He married sar&li Loyd Jan. 28, 1821, and settled in wjiat is now Bloonington Township licLean County, Illinois in the year 18:54, He was the maternal great-grandfather of the writer. oeo "The Rev. Alexander Miller" etc. Page 21 James T. and s^3:'-aii (Loyd) Miller were the parents of fifteen children) "Samuel S, Miller, B. Jan. 12, 1827, D. /ug. 14, 1899 " (Samuel S. Miller was a son of James T, Miller, His widow Priscilla (Allison) Miller resides in Bloominf^ton, 111,) M, G. Mvsrs. "^John G. Myers, L. M^y 1^, 1861 (aged 69 j^ears.) "Mary (his wife) L. Sept. 7, 1857." (aged f56 years.) (John Grove Myer«, son of Henry and Catharine (Hegley) Myers was a native of c^'^ristian County, Kentucky. He married Mary Lindley daughter of John Lindley, ^^* gee "Poems of John F, Myers" Page 170-180 His"' son, John 'F» Mj'-ers resides in Bloomington, 111.) Quinn. ^Hiram "W. Quinn, Jan. 8, 18 2 T;." "Elzira ?. Barclay, (his wife) May 15, l^^^'j i^eh. 20, 1904." ITote: (Hiram 7?. Quinn, is a native of Kentucky, He resides in n;hirley, 111.) Ccogin, '•A. W. ocogin, Born March 25, 1823. r>ied A'i'^ril 24, loSa "Eliza Lov/, His Tife, Born Aug. 29, 1828, Died ITov. 15, 1863." (Andrew W. Scogin, son of Joel S<:ogia, was a native of Croshy Township, Hamilton c^^unty, Ohio. He came to McLean county, 111. in the year 1837. H e married secondly, Elisa, daughter of iTathan and over Sarah (Brooks) Low, Jan. 19, 1847. jtq y,^ numerous descendants now living in McLean court^^ 111. and elsewhere, see iDuia "Good Old ^.i^es ' In KcLean County" pa^^e 351.) '^""^ Tollxver . ^'ZTizabeth llaxwell, wife of James Tollivf^r S Jan. 30, IPOO. J). iTov. 1?, 189;^." ' (Eli^^abeth (Maxwell; Tolliver was the mother-in-law- of George Hinshaw, Jr.) sill 1 Oil Cemeter y* (Sec. 25 Randolph '^.'ownship) Adams . "*Wyatt Adains, jyied Kov. 11, 1835, Aged 57 years. 9 m, 11 d." ,5 ( Char ity ( B i s h op ) Adams , daugh t e r of j ac oTd ( Sr . ) and ]£ary Ann (Weedinan) Bishop, his v/ife, is buried "beside him,) Bishop. "Jacob BishoT), (Senior; Born June 25, 1797, T)ied Jan, 2Z>] 1889." "Mary Ann, Wife of Jacou Biahop, Born Dec. 15, 1799. Died Jan, 23, 187o," (Jacob Bishop, Sr. son of John and Hannah (Cooper) Bishop, was a native of Mary land. He married llLa,ry Ann Weedinan in the year 1820, and came to Blooming Grove, IvIoLean County, 111, Sept, 15, 1830, Jacob (Sr,) and i,p>"v Ann (Xeedman) Bishop, were the parents of thirtee^i children, see Duis "Good Old '];'imes in lIcLean County" Page 784,) Iiiabary. ^lir.abeth iiabary, (first) Wife of John Mabary, Died Jan. 5, 1857 Af^ed 47 yrs . " "John Mabary. D. •^3'' 2, 1867, a. 60 years. "Ann (second) wi-e of John Mabary. D. Sept. 11, 1870 a. 51 yrs. 5 m. 17 d." (John iiabary donated the land upon which the s^iiloh Cemetery is located. The gravestone of his first wife contained a daguerreotype picture of herslef set into the stone.) Rutled^e . TT'H. Rutledge, Died Hay 10, 1891, ^fred 81 years. 1 m. 21 d." "Charity, Wife of R. H. Rutledf^e, Died May 27, 1882. ASed 89 years 9 m. 6 d,*^ (Robert H. Rutledge, son of ^•'honas and sarah Rutledge was a native of Henderson count:/, Kentucky, His parents were natives of south Carolina. He settled at Randolphs Grove, in what is now McLean County, Illinois, in the year 182e;, He iuarried Charity Weediaan, daughter of George and Weediiian, June 9, 1831, Theirs was the firsr. marriage license granted in KcLean County, 111), Their daw^hters, l!rs, J, G. Daniel, and Mrs. J. T. Martin, reside in He^'worth, 111, oee Duis "Good Old r-,imes in licLean County" page 765.) Sackett. ^'■ron Sackett, 33orn in ITew York, Sept. 5, 1809 Died (At ]{eyworth. 111. Sept. -1905) (Myron sackett was a local M.-JC. minister. His first arid second v/ives were buried beside him.) Ill .1^ Stewai'ts Cemett^r^' , (sec, 15 Rp.rdolph T^OT^nnsliip, ) Strln c^leld. ^''"AlTrecI IvI. Strinpifield, Born Oct. 14, 1809. pied June 15, ie9b." "Aiaelia T. Kis Wife, Born Oct. 'c.^ 1814, T>,ied Sept. 7, 188h." (Alfred M. Stringfield was a native of Tennessee. He settled in HandolTu's Grove in what is nov^ Mc- Lean c^^ii^'''^3'j 111* ii^ "t^-*^ year 18^3, He married Amelia T., dauf^hter of George C. and Barbara ( ) Hand, in the year 183i-.« He was appoint- eT^*Captain of ilillt.jft jn KcLean County, 111, the sarie year. See nuis ."Good Old Times in McLean county," papie 752) Stewart, ^"iVrchihald E, Stewart, aup;, P.1, 18?4-Anr. 4, 1899." "Sun>:. 94th 111. Vol." "Emily Stewart (his wife) Jeo^ 24, 1840" (still 1 i -^r 1 r r. ) "For hiography of Dr. s^ewai't, see Transactions of the LlcLean cc»unty Historical Society, vc>3-» Pa^e ) "Samuel Stewart, Born May 5, 1790. Died jan . 3, 1841 "Jane Stewart (his wife) Born Oct. 11, 1791 Lied June 8, 1875." (These were the parents of Lr. Archibald E. Stewart) "Samuel Stewart was a native of Monongahela County, Virginia, He married Jane Hanley, May 181fS, and settled in McLean county, Illinois, in the year 18:^0. See L'lis "Good Old Tidies Pap;e 790. "^Mlliam C. Stewart, Born Feb. 8, 18^:9. Lied Feb. ?.0, 189b." "Co. B. 94th Rej'-. 111. vol. Inf." Thompso n. ^'^orge K.. Thompson, Born Jan. 30, 1800. Lied Auf% 26 ( 18:^;3.>j "/.n^t' fu '~^ompson-*(]*oTardale, (his wife) Born Jan. 9, 183.6. Lied Jan. 11, 189r::." "Erected by M. Covardale," (Matthew Co^arda le was the second husband of Mrs. Ar*s 1 1 s. Tb o^ips on- G o vardal e , See r^uis "Good Old Times m KcLea.n County" pae^e 7.88.) -Joahu. Tovrea. Bia. .apt. ..,. 1863. ,,e. 44 yea.e "lemperHnce, (nandoiph) mfe of J. To-rr^a T)ied June 4, 18!-,1. Aged 31 year« , 5 mos! ?0 ds;- .a ^ > LIBRARY OF CONGRESS