V-^^ » # 1 • Ay <^ * o N . -^ V ^^.,-j>^ :jmrA' i DIRECTORY OF THE CITY OF DETROIT; AND REGISTER OF MICHIGAN, FOR THE YEAR 1846. CONTAINING An epitomized history of Detroit, an alphabetical list of its citizens; a list of the officers of the Municipal government; and the Slate officers: also, every infor- mation relalive to the lime and place at which the several courts sit throughout the State; with a list of churchW, assocfetions, institutions, 5 feet, and the greatest 2,144 feet. With these and other surveys, it has been ascertained that a water communication could not be made across the country Bouth of the State of New York, Further south the elevation is no where less than 2,478 feet above the ocean. The Round Top at Catskill mountains is 3,804, and the High Peak 3,718 feet above tide water. The western part of the State bordering on Lake Erie, embracing Chautauque and Cattaraugus counties, Warren and McKean counties of Pennsylvania, and the country southward, are occupied by a mountainous ridge. Chautauque Lake, the largest sheet of wa- t^r on thic table, is 1.291 fr-pt :»bovc the l^vcl of thr ocean and DIRECTORY. 7 723 feet above Lake Erie; though only nine' miles distant, its discharged waters descend to the ocean alonor the western de- clivity of the Appalachian range through the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, The lov/est pass to the east over a swell of land near Cassadaga outlet, in Chautauque county, is 1,720 feet high, and another pass on the same swell 1,972 feet. The lowest niche in the height of land between Elm and Little Valley Creeks in Cattaraugus county, is 1,725 feet, and betv/een Little Valley and Big Valley, the lowest pass is 2,180 feet above the level of the ocean. Franklinville has an elevation of 1,580 feet, and Angelica 1,428 feet, although both are situated in valleys. This height of land extends close to the shores of Lake Erie, as it may be seen that the Allegany, a tributary to the Ohio, rises within four or five miles of the lake. To the north this ridge gradually declines until near the south- ern shore of Lake Ontario. Seven miles north of the cataract of Niagara, it takes its last step to the margin of the lake. The ridge of rocks which forms this step, continues eastward, and passes around the border of the lake, being of a uniform eleva- tion of S19 feet, causing not only the cataract of Niagara, but also those of Genesee, Oswego and. the Black rivers. It thence unites v/ith the more elevated spurs of Chateaugay, south of Montreal, forming the eastern boundary of the great basins of Lake Erie and Ontario, and giving the direction to the course of tha St. Lawrence river through its Vv-hole length. From the foregoing remarks, it is observable that the great ba- sins or depressions of these lakes, are the abrupt terminations of the mountain range, and that \ye fall immediately into an exten- sive district, different in its topographical features, the peculiari- ties of which belong only to the region of the great lakes which bound the principal part of the northern frontier of the Union. Leaving Chautauque county, and passing around the south shore of Lake Erie, this ridge falls off to the south-west, curv- ing towards Iroquois county, in Illinois. It gives rise to the Muskingum, Sciota and Miami rivers in Ohio, and to the Wa- bash in Indiana, on its southern declivity; and to the Maumee, 8 DETROIT ■ emptying into Lake Erie, on its northern declivit)', while a small swell approaches the south bend of Lake Michigan, giving rise to the Illinois and its tributaries. The height of this ridge at the Portage summit, in Akron, 33 miles south of Cleveland, on the line of the Ohio canal, is 395 feet above Lake Erie, and 963 above tide water; and the deep cut £8 miles east of Columbus, is but 72 feet less; at Portsmouth on the Ohio river, where the canal terminates, the elevation is 474 feet above tide water, and 94 feet below Lake Erie. At the summit of the Maomce canal, at Fort Defiance, it is 88 feet above the lake. It then falls to 17 feet, west of Chicago, on tiis line of the ship canal, thence it pursues an uninterrupted course northward to the Portage at Fort Winnebago, between the Wisconsin and Fox rivers, an elevation of 121 feet above Green Ba}^, and 134 above Lake Erie. At this point the Wisconsin river after flowing 170 miles from its source in the north, suddenly turns to the west and falls into the Mississippi near Prairie Du Chien, 160 miles ; the Pox river rising to the east, runs vvestwardly approaching it within 8,200 feet, and turning, takes its course again eastwardly and falls into Green Bay. The surface of the water in the Fox is usually three feet lov/er than that in the Wisconsin, but in time ot floods pas- sages are made from one to the other in boats. The following table will show the elevation of this summit above Lake Michigan and Green Bay, the distance by the milita- ry road being 124 miles. Feet. Descent. From Portage to Lake Winnebago, Winnebago Rapids, From Winnebago Rapids to Grand Chute, Rapids Grand Cliute, From Grand Chute to Little Chute, Riipids at Little Chute, From Little Chute to Grand Cacalin, Rapids at Grand Cacalin, From Grand Cacalin to De Perre, At De Perre dam and level Green Bay, 121 Feet. The same swell continues to rise with about the same uni- form degree of elevation, approaching the northern peninsula of Michigan, until it can bo seen from Lake Superior, bounding the ]0.5 40.5 3 i-i 25 63 6 74 1.5 75 5 5 80 31 in 3 114 6 120 DIRECTORY soiilhern horiiJon. It divides the waters that run north into that lake, and those of the south into the Mississippi, Green Bay and Lake Michigan; one of the most elevated ridges, receiving the appellation of Porcupine Hills. Swells branching off to the eastward and having their bases washed by the waters of the lake, present mural precipices, and assume different names. Those of the Pictured Rocks are said to be the most imposing. Some of these cliffs are three and four hundred feet high. From the Por- cupine Hills the country slopes eastward to the Sault de Ste Marie, the outlet of Lake Superior, This river is obstructed by a rapid 4,500 feet long, with a descent of eighteen feet. Table of the height of LaJce Superior, ivith the intermediate La':es^ above, and ' their distances frovn Tide jyater. Rome. I Miles. | Feet. S)t Lawrence Kiver up to Tiae V% aicr, . ... I Level Lake Ontario, Level Lake Erie, Level Lake Huron, I Level Lake Michigan, j Level Lake Superior, West end Lake Superior, ' 450 200 650 232 175 825 S33 565 340 1165 13 578 573 240 1405 18 596 4S0 1895 From the above data, we infer the following curious fact : that if a barrier eighteen feet high existed across the foot of Lake Huron near Fort Gratiot, lakes Huron and Michigan would rise to a level with Lake Superior : or if a similar barrier was placed of thirty-one feet, across the foot of Lake Erie at Buffalo, the singular result would follow, that four of the great lakes would become one uniform level, and merged in one immense inland sea. By an examination of the foregoing table, we see a striking peculiarity of this region of '• broad rivers and streams"— its vast extent — commencing at the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and extend- ing in a south-west direction up that river, thence into the basin of Lake Ontario, at an elevation of £32 feet above the ocean : thence again rising by the Niagara river and cataract, 333 feet to the level of Lake Erie, (the first in the central subdivision, in- cluding Lakes Huron and Michigan, of the great bhsin,) forming an angle at the western end of that lake in the estuary at the mouth of the Maumee river ; it thence runs nearly north through the straits of Detroit, the lake and river St. Clair, into LakeHu- 10 DETROIT ron, rising 13 feet; thence by a north-westerly course through the straits of the Sault de Ste Marie, rising 18 feet to the west end of Lake Superior, a distance of 1,095 miles. The whole de- pression contains an area of 400,000 t-quare miles, 94,000 of which is occupied by water, still leaving an extent sufficient to sustain a population of more than seventy millions of inhabitants. The following will show in a condensed form, estimates of the .mean length, breadth, depth, area and elevation of the several .collections of water: Mean length. Miles. Mean hreadtli. Miles. Mean deptli. Feet. Eleva- tion. Feet. Area in square Miles. 4uu ICO 320 240 20 2-10 1^0 20 70 80 18 40 3. .500 1,COO 1,000 20 84 500 •io 5»0 578 578 578 570 5C5 232 2,000 Lake Miclii°'a.n, 22,400 20,40!) Lake St Clair, 3G0 Lake Erie, e,6oo 6,300 RivPf St. Lnwrenco 941) Michigan occupies a central position between the extremes, and uniting with the upper division of the St. Lawrence basin. THE LAKES AND LAKE COAST. These constitute a prominent feature and must be of great and increasing interest, connecting the agricultural with the com- mercial enterprise of Michigan. As no State with a location so distant from the seaports, has done more in the same short peri- od to develope the advantages to be derived from its internal re- fiources ; none can be in a situation better to reap the advanta- ges arising from an extended inland coast. If the distance by meanders of the shore of the lakes and in- dentations of the bays were to be made the standard for the length of the coast, it would amount to more than twice that of another run without regard to the sinuosities of the shore. The exact distance from the foot of Lake Huron (near Fort Gratiot,) at a point where the North line of township number six north, and range number 17 west intersects the water, to Middle Island, by meanders, is 345 miles including Saginaw bay. The same distance on a direct line is onlv 143 miles. Thence to DIRECTOIIY, 11 Mackiitaw 97 miles, but by meanders including the False and True Presque Isles, the distance would be increased to 150 miles, making a total by meanders of 495 miles, and by a direct line240 miles. If the eastern shore of the peninsula appears so irregular and deeply indented with bays and harbors, the western is not less so, particularly in the northern part. The difference will be pro- portionally greater, as the Little and Grand Traverse bays are larger, excepting Saginaw bay, than the largest bays on the east- ern side ; but as a small part only of the western shore has been surveyed, the subject will not admit of a more extended notice at this time. Many doubts have heretofore existed in relation to the number and convenience of harbors . A minute examination of the shores has however removed much of the prejudice against the naviga'- tion of the lakes, and there is probably no line of coast of equal extent (being 700 miles) that will with inconsiderable improve- ments furnish a greater number of good harbors. Much of the apprehended danger has arisen therefore from ignorance of these facts, and the localities of the numerous sheltered bays which would afford protection at all seasons, and as but few if any at- tempts have been made by actual navigators to explore for them- selves, and being without charts, it is no wonder that representa- tions of danger should have obtained, and the dread of shipwreck on an apparently desolate coast, magnify in a great degree the fears attendant on crossing these inland seas. DEPTH OP THE LAKES. The depth of the lakes has been a subject of speculation from the earliest period of their discovery by Europeans . Tables have been constructed, and the areas and contents of each endeavored to be ascertained. Errors have been made in these as well as in their elevation above the ocean; in the latter case however, little is left to conjecture. Lake St. Clair, an expansion of the straits between Lakes Hu- ron and Erie, 13 by 20 miles, is much the shallowest, the aver- 12 DETROIT a 5fi,.'55(> 10,.%0 32.000 ^ 2.000 22.400 20,400 3t)!) 9,600 335.515 The floods in Lake Ontario are generally the highest by about accumulations of all the other Lakes from the Niagara to the head of the St. Louis river. From the year 1814, we can speak with some degree of con- fidence of the rise and fall of these waters. During that yea? the upper lakes were full. This was the case in 1815 with thd central and lower lakes. In 1819 and 1820, the water is said U have been at an unusually low ebb in the same lakes. The difference in the time of the apparent rise between the up' per and lower division, may be accounted for on the principli that the largest bodies of water are on the upper level, and ai DIRECTORY. 15 these are discharged, the lower division would be comparatively high, while the upper would be reduced to low water mark. From 1320, the water again began to rise and continued to in- crease until 1028, since which time A. E. Hathon, Esq. civil en- gineer of Detroit, has given the subject particular attention. His first observations were taken at the old hydraulic works at the time when the pipes were being laid for furnishing the city with water from the Detroit river ; he has since transferred it to the top of the water table of the tower at the new hydraulic works* The surface of the river at the time of the transfer, August 21^ 1838, was 3.21 feet below that base ; this will serve as a refer- ence for the future. It appears from his journal that the water was low in the spring of 1830, having fallen about two feet since 1828. In June fol- lowing, it had again risen two feet, or to the level of 1828. — From that time its rise was gradual until June 1836, at which time it was found to have attained the height of one foot and eight inches. In June 1837, it rose seven inches, in June 1838 nine inches, and on the 21st of August following, three inches, making the rise 3 feet 3 inches since June 1830, and 5 feet 3 inches since March in the same year. Table showing the rise of vjaterfrom March, 1830, to August, 1838. I Feet. |Ii!clies.| Rise. .luiie ic;ju, .lime 183(3, June 1837, June 1838, AMgnst 21. 1838. 5i,U 3,8 ■ 4,3 .5.0 5^3 Many conclude that the high Hood in the latter year was great- er than had been known for at least a century, from the fact that orchards had been killed along the St. Clair and Detroit rivers, in consequence of the lands being overflowed. On the 21st of August 1833, according to the above table the water had attained its maximum, and after continued fluctuations during the seven following years returned to the minimum of 1830. 16 DETROIT Table shoiving the rise and fall of water from August 21, 1838, to July 1, 13^15. RISE. FALL. l-e.t. Inches. FPel. ilnclies. l-roin August 21, JHKg, to .)uly ;JJ, l&^y, '• Tnlv^l 1B39 tol«lv4 1840 3 1 5 8 1 2 4 1 i 5 " July 4 1340 to Aut^u't 2 1841 " Auo-us't2, 1841, to June 1, 1842, P " June 1, 184'2, to July 1, 1843 4 '• July 1 1843, to July 1, 1844 " July 11844, to July 1, 1845, 9 5 1 10 5 4 1 Total fall since 1838, It is stated that in the month of February in the present year, (1846) the Detroit river fell three feet nine inches lower than it had done in the corresponding month for many years precedinofj and that the like occurrence is not known to have happened but once before within the memory of the oldest inhabitants. This remarkable fall is attributed to the circumstance of a barrier be- ing formed by the ice at the foot of Lake Huron obstructing its passage. In order to estimate the enormous accumulations of water du- ring the time of the highest flood, and which is discharged through the riverj it will only be necessary to refer to the table where 5| feet appears to be the maximum of the rise, A transverse sec- tion of the river taken opposite Detroit where it is contracted to 52 chains 80 links, of this depth contains 18,018 cubic feet, and allowing the current a velocity of one mile an hour, which is known to be less than its ordinary current, there would be dis- charged 95,135,040 cubic feet per hour, or 1,585,558 cubic feet per minute, an amount sufficient to supply 58 canals of the di- mensions of the Clinton and Kalamazoo, or 35 of the Grand Erie canal, and more than 16 times the amount contained in the Cedar river, and Sycamore creek, Ingham county, Deer creek and Grand river, Eaton county, Shiawassee river, Livingston county, and Rabbit river, Allegan county. We are not prepared to say that there are 16 times as many rivers (as those above enumerated) at the north, which have changed their course, and discharge in directions contrary to their DIRECTORY. H former ones, thus filling the basin of Lake Superior, and causing the periodical rise of the lakes, nor is it reasonable to suppose that rivers discharging so great a quantity, can be found in that region. We must therefore look for the cause to the quantity of rain which has fallen, and to the melting of the snow m spring upon the immense surface drained by these lakes. RIVERS. Streams receiving the appellation of rivers in the State are numerous. This name, however, is applied to none unless of sufficient magnitude to be considered worthy of meandering on both sides; accordingly instructions to that effect have been given by the Surveyor General to his deputies in the prosecution of the government surveys. The Grand Muskego and St. Joseph will bear a comparison in length with many of the western and no small number of the eastern rivers of the first and second class. Their width and depth are not in proportion to their length, arising from the fact of their uniform descent. This character- istic will apply to all the other streams on the peninsula. They are unbroken by cateracts, and but little obstructed by rapids. — The number in the surveyed part, and discharging into the lakes, is twenty — of these the Grand river is the largest. This river rises in Hillsdale and the south part of Jackson counties, in a cluster of more than fifty lakes that interlock with the Kalamazoo and St. Joseph, each emptying into Lake Michi- gan on the west; and with the Raisin, which empties into Lake Erie on the east. These, with the Little St. Joseph, St. Joseph ot Maumee, and Tiffins, or Bear Creek, running south have their sources on the highest table land in the southern half of the peninsula, being an elevation of 646 feet above Lake Erie. From its source in a northerly direction to Jacksonburgh is 25 miles, its level here being 325 feet above Lake Michigan. From Jack- sonburgh it is 53 miles to Red Cedar river, 30 to Looking Glass river, and 18 to the Maple river. At this point its elevation is 56 feet above the lake, where it takes a westerly course of 50 miles to Grand Rapids, and 40 more to its mouth — making its t8 DETROIT entire length 216 miles. It conveys the surplus water of 2,949,- liiO square acres. There are many other large tributaries besides those above mentioned, which it receives from the north — among- these are the Flat and Rogue rivers, no inconsiderable streams. Its width the first 40 miles from its mouth is 800 feet, and for 50 miles further to Lyons, on the Maple, it is 500 feet. In spring, floods raise the river about ten feet, overflowing and enriching its valley, which is densely covered with a heavy and beautiful growth of forest trees. The St. Joseph has for its source more than 25 lakes, and as before mentioned, has its origin in Hillsdale and Branch counties, it runs a northerly course, afterwards passing to the south-west, and crossing the south boundary of the State, enters Indiana, again curving northwardly it re-enters this State, and falls into Lake Michigan, receiving many large tributaries, among which are the Paw Paw, the Dowagiac, Elkhart, Prairie, Pigeon and Fawn rivers. From its mouth to the line of Indiana, the distance is 48?; miles, at a level of 68^ feet, after running 43 miles in Indiana, and at an elevation of 99 feet, it re-crosses the State line, the distance to Three rivers is 23| miles: rising 35 feet, thence 26:2 miles to Sturgeon lake, and 204 to Union City, making the whole distance 160 miles from its mouth to this place, and its height above Lake Michigan 285 feet; the entire length of the river is 203 miles — its width is 900 feet at its mouth, and carries the surplus waters of 2,327,040 square acres. The Kalamazoo river drains nearly all the remainder of the surface on the western declivity, (situate between the Grand and St. Joseph rivers above described,) or about 1,382,400 square acres. Its tributaries are not many or large; its average width is about 200 feet; its source is in a group of 20 lakes. Farvvell's lake is six feet above the source of Grand river, though hardly 40 rods distant; and so near do the rivers rising on this plateau approach each other that the waters flowing east, west and south might easily be made to mingle at this point. Its course is more direct than either of the others mentioned. DIRECTORY. 19 The distarce from its itiouth to Allegan is 30 miles, with a current of three miles an hour; thence 25 miles to Kalamazoo, where it is 148 feet above the lake; thence to Albion, at the Forks, 13 miles, rising 9 feet, making a distance of 116 miles, and at an elevation of 345 feet. From the Forks to its source IS 34 miles; its entire length is therefore 150 miles. The rivers discharging on the eastern coast of the State virithio the surveyed district, have a less volume, and may be described together as having similar features, or if there be an exception, it is in the length. The length of all is abridged, however, by having a spp.ce to traverse only of about 40 to 60 miles, the dividing ridge being so much nearer the eastern than the western side of the peninsula. The river Raisin heads in a series of 50 lakes, the nearest of which is but a lew rods from the head of Grand river. Its whole length may be computed at 85 miles. The head waters of the western branches of the Huron also rise near those of Grand river, while its eastern sources inoscu- late with the Clinton. This river and the Clinton have their sources in, by far, the greatest number of lakes — they are no less . than £00, and some of them large, embraced in the area of Oak- land, Livingston and Washtenaw counties. The Saginav/ river receives the dischj^rged waters of the Cass, Flint, Shiawassee and Tittabawassee rivers, 25 miles from its mou'ih. These rivers, with their tributaries, descend from every point of the compass — the Tittabawassee from an unsurveyed district in the north, the Shiawassee from the western declivity of the summit in Oakland county in the south, the Flint and Cass from the summit of the same swell in Lapeer and Sanilac coun- ties on the east and south-east. Their average length is 90 miles. The table which follows will show at once the vertical rela- tion of almost every important point throughout the State in- cluded in the surveyed portion when this report was made. The surface of Lakes Huron and Michigan is made the plane of refer- ence; these are 578 feet above tide water. 20 DETROIT By a reference to the heights, it appears that there is a swell of land which may be called the true ivater shed, running from Point aux Barques south 45 degrees west, and passing out of the State into the north-east corner of Indiana, about equi-distant from Lakes Erie and Michigan. It attains its greatest elevation in Hillsdale county, seven miles east from Jonesville, where it is 633 feet above the plane of reference. Its summit on the Central Railroad, at the division line between Jackson and Washtenaw counties, 14 miles east of Jacksonburgh, is 437 feet. In the vil- lage of Ponliac, in Oakland county, on the summit level of the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal, it is 336 feet. It then again rises, and at the head waters of Belle river, in Lapeer county, is 414 feet. From this point it gradually falls oft", and with a few rills descending on its north and eastern slope, sinks to the level of the beach of the lakes. This swell will present but few eleva- tions above the actual surveyed lands exceeding 50 feet, and these knobs, where present, are located without design and without uniformity of range. On the line between Oakland and Livingston counties a branch diverges to the north-west, giving rise to the Red Cedar, Look- ing Glass and the Maple rivers on its western declivity, while the Shiawassee rises at the point of divergence, and runs northwardly parallel to its eastern side. The lowest pass across this swell is 95 feet above Lake Huron. Leaving this point and ascendmg to township 10 north, of range 5 west, its course is changed to the north, and it rises to its greatest elevation at the sources of the Muskego river, in Lake Otisco, in town 22 north. From an in- spection of the map, an apparent design appears to have marked the future communication between Lakes Huron and Michigan, from the broad and deep indentation of Saginaw Bay over this narrow and low pass. From the dividing swell, the country lies in one plane on each side, inclining gently and uniformly to the margin of the lakes, with the exception of a slight corresponding elevation on the western side of the State. This may be traced from the great bend of Grand river to where it crosses the Kalamazoo, west of DIRECTORY. 21 thai village, thence curving with theshoreof the lake, terminates at the South Bend, where it diverts the St. Joseph river, through a part of Indiana. Its average height at Grand river is 80 feet; 200 feet at Kalamazoo and 75 at South Bend above the level of the surrounding country. It need not be stated that the interior peninsula lakes partake of the highest elevation, when reference is had to their being situated at the sources of all the rivers; and that the summit in Oakland and Livingston counties abounds with the greatest number. From tables in which the elevation of places have been collated, a few remote from each other have been selectee, which may- serve to show the uniformity of the surface generally. Conclu- sions from this table cannot bo drawn, however, in detriment to the healthy and rapid, and not unfrequently precipitous flow of all our streams. Table shoiuing the vertical relation of the several points referred to — the sur- face of Lakes Huron and Michigan being made the plane of rfference. Fcr.l . Outlet of Grass Lake, Jackson county, 377 Village of Barry, Jackson county, 3(i2 Head of Spectacle Lake, Calhoun county.. 373 Heart of Mill Creek, St. Clair county 3<)S Ivalamazoo River at Albion, Kalamazoo county, 3.51 Ha!;dstone Creek, Jackson county, 347 Outlet Gillel's Lake, Jackson county, 354 Village of Newberry, St. Clair county 281 Vv^est end Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo county, 27H Rice Creek near Marshall, Calhoun county, - 2!^t) Honey Creek, Washtenaw county, 2()ti North Branch River Raisin, Lenawee county, STfi Hasler's Creek, Lapeer county , 2t)5 OedJes do Washtenaw county, 220 Flint River at Lapeer, Lapeer county 23t< Huron River, Dexter, Washtenaw county, 232 I Old Fort Holmes, Mackinaw, 2Hf Kalamazoo river near Augusta, Kalamazoo county, 187 Kalamazoo River, Kalamazoo village, 154 Shiawassee River at Owasso, Shiawassee county, ]4'> Fort Mackinaw, Mackinaw, 150 Cliff, Robinson's Folly, Island of Mackinaw, 12=) Ypsilanti, Washtenaw county, 130 Bank of Lake Michigan, New Buffalo, Berrien county, 100 Huron River at Ypsilanti, Washtenaw county, J0(4 Paw Paw River, Lafayette Villaire, Van Ruren county, 10»> Stony Creek, crossing Northern Railroad, Ionia county, 82 Mouth of Maple River, Ionia county, 5(> St. Joseph River at Bertrand, Berrien connty, 5S Half Way House, Wayne county, ?A Brush Creek near Mason, Van Buren countv, 76 22 DETROIT NATURAL WOODS OF MICHIGAN. The arrangement which this subject calls for, properly belongs to the department of botany. Nevertheless without attending to the details which should accompany a catalogue of an entire flora, it will be sufficient to exhibit generally the geographical boundaries of such of the larger productions as are rerjuired for constant use, either in farming, building or for the market. Oak is the predominant growth of the peninsula. Among the varieties, the white is in the greatest abundance. The shingle or laurel oak and the red oak are next abundant. And the burr oak, though not usually found intermixed in common with the other varieties, abounds, notv^^i'thstanding, over extensive areas not unfrequentiy to the exclusion of other kinds. The surest indication of a good soil accompanies the last men- tioned, and the finest and largest crops of wheat are there pro- duced, for the reason that the soil contains a larger amouivt of calcareous matter. Dividing the peninsula by an east and west line, nearly corres- ponding to that of the line of the Northern Railroad, a botanical map would represent the northern portion as having, by far, the greatest burthen of timber possessing a proportionable quantity of the different varieties found elsewhere in the State, Marked limits may be given to those districts in the southern portion, where a few groves of pines are found. Their localities are in the vicinity of the water courses of Kent and Ottawa counties, and among the timbered lands of Allegan, estendino- in comparatively small tracts along the borders of Lake Michigan nearly to New Biiflulo, in Berrien. In crossing the State through the interior counties, none are met until reaching the central parts of Genesee, Lapeer and St. Clair. Here they are again found in the same range of northern townships, where they first occur in the counties before mentioned. North of thi;i belt or zone, which is the natural boundary be- tween the oak openings and plains of ihe south, the forest abounds promiscuously with the white, yellow and Norway pine, white cedar, tamarac, ash, oak, birch, sugar maple, sycamore, beech, lynn, elm. white wood, black walnut, See. kiC DIRECTORY, ! 23 There are, however, extensive-districts nearly continuous from Ottawa, Kent and Ionia counties northward, of openings and small prairies, particularly a fev/ miles inland from White river, and from Great and Little Sable points. But on ascending the Mnskego river, until reaching- its source, thence north on both sides of the principal meridian, extensive tracts;occur, in many instances free from a mixture of other timber, while in other places the sugar maple and beech are not unfrequently found, commingling with pines of immense girth. The fact of the white wood and black walnut accompanying the sugar maple and beech, as seen occupying the districts inland from the Sable points, in towns J3, 14, 15, 16 and 17 north, of ran- ges 14, 15,16, 17 and 18 Vi^est, would, to the most ordmary agricul- turist, demonstrate the superiority of the soil; and when taken in connection with the limited tracts of oak openings, and the great amount of the most valuable timber, it seems difficult to determine any preference of the southern over the northern por- tions of the State. The soil is not considered of so good a quality on the eastern side of the peninsula, immediately along the shore of Lake Huron, owing to its low, level and sandy qualities, consisting chiefiy of the debris of sand rock; consequently the timber is generally stunted, and consists in great proportion of birch, tamarac and cedar. Where pine occurs, it is mostly too small to be profitably made use of. But at every advance inland both improve. The face of the country throughout the northern interior, id high and rolling or undulating, and appears to one acquainted with the southern part of the peninsula to bear a close resem- blance in its general contour. It may be considered then as a question fully decided that more than one-half of the State is heavily timbered in that part lying above the line of the Northern Railroad — that the sugar maple and pine are here the most common, as well as the most valuable timber — that the other kinds are found in situations equivalent to their occurrence farther south, upon streams and bottom lands, or upon plains and openings. No tree is held in 24 DETROIT higher eslimation by the Indians than the sugar maple, and no source of complaint is more grievous than a separation from it by removal to places were it is not found. The pine, if not wasted or wantonly destroyed by fire or oth- erwise, will furnish an abundant supply for a long time to come. DECREASE OF ELEVATION IN THE WATERS OF THE LAKES. The State Topographer, S. W. Higgins, Esq., from whose reports the publisher has compiled the foregoing article, remarks in 1840 in relation to " the decrease of elevation in the waters of the lakes''' as follows: "It is a quGstion I believe satisfactorily determined at the present time, that there exists no perceptible tide in them which can be referable to planetary influence; yet for a long time to come, it is presumed the ordinary fluctuation produced by atmospheric agency will be considered a tidat wave, nor will the persuasion be easily dismissed, that so great an ex- panse of water can remain unaffected, at least to some degree. The question is also as fully determined as to their general rise for a succession of years, and then their general subsidence to a certain minimum, the actual degree of which, as well as the maximum, were not recorded previous to the year 1800,'' CHANGE OF ELEVATION IN THE WATERS OF THE GREAT LAKES. When the importance of the above subject is duly considered, the publisher of the Directory trusts the following additional ar- ticle in relation to it, will not be unacceptable to his friends and patrons, seeing especially it is Irom the pen of one so eminently qualified to treat thereon, as the late lamented State Geologist, Dr. Douglass Houghton. It is extracted from the State Geolo- gist's report, dated February 4, 1839: *• Intimately connected with the geological changes which are taking place from the deposite of detrital matter, at the mouths of streams, and in the deeper portions of the lakes, together with the degradation of the lake and river coasts, are the changes in the relative level of the waters of the lakes, a subject to which DIRECTORY. 25 the attention of our citizens has been more particularly called, within the past two years. The great interest which this subject possesses, in connection with our lake harbors, as well as with those agricultural inter- ests, situated upon the flat lands bordering the lakes and rivers, may be a sufficient apology for the introduction in this report, of the accompanying facts and reflections upon the subject. An ac- curate and satisfactory determination of the total rise and fall of the waters of the lakes, is a subject, the importance of which, in connection with some of our works of internal improvement, and harbors, can at this time scarcely be appreciated. Much confusion is conceived to have arisen in the minds of a portion of our citizens, in consequence of a confounding of the regular annual rise and fall to which the waters of the lakes are subject, with that apparently irregular elevation and subsidence which only appears to be completed in a series of years — changes that are conceived to depend upon causes so widely different that while the one can be calculated with almost the same certainty as the return of the seasons, the other can by no means be calcu- lated with any degree of certainty. It is well known to those who have been accustomed to notice the relative height of the water of the lakes, that during the winter season, while the flow of water from the small streams is either partially or wholly checked by ice, and while the springs fail to discharge their accustomed quantity, the water of the lakes is invariably low. As the spring season advances, the snow that had fallen during the winter is changed to water; the springs receive their accus- tomed supply, and the small streams are again opened, their banks being full in proportion to the amount of snow which may have fallen during the winter, added to the rapidity with which it has been melted. The water of the Iakes,in consequence of this suddenly increased quantity received from the immense number of tributaries, com- mences rising with the first opening of spring, and usually attains its greatest elevation, (at least in the upper lakes,) sometime in 3 26 DETROIT the month of June or July. As the seasons advance, or during the summer and a large portion of the autumnal months, evapo- ration is increased, and the amount of water discharged by the streams lessened, in consequence of which, the water of the lakes falls very gradually, until winter again sets in, when a still greater depression takes place, from the renewed operation of the causes already mentioned. The extreme variation in the height of water from winter to summer is subject to considerable change, according as the win- ter may vary from cold and dry to warm and wet; but during the past eight years it may be estimated at two feet. This annunl rise and fall of the water of the lakes, dependant as it manifestly is, upon causes which are somewhat uniform in their operation, must not be confounded with that elevation and depression to which the waters are subject, independent of causes connected with the seasons of the year. These latter changes, which take place more gradually, sometimes undergoing but little variation for a series of years, are least liable to be noticed, unless they bo very considerable; but with respect to consequences, they are of vastly more importance, since they are subject to a larger and more permanent range. That the waters of the lakes, from the earliest settlement of the country, have been subject to considerable variation in rela- tive height, is well known. At one time, the belief was very general that these changes took place at regular intervals, rising for a space of seven years and subsiding for a similar length of time — a belief which would appear to be in consonance with that of the Indians upon the peninsula, and with whom it no doubt originated. It is not wonderful that a subject, the causes of which are so little comprehended by our natives, should be in- vested with an air of mystery, or that an error once propagated, (in consequence of the long series of years required to bring ^bout any considerable change,) could scarcely be eradicated. While the idea of the septennial rise and fall must be regarded aS: founded in error, it is nevertheless true that from the earliest tecQvda the height of the lakes has been subject to a considerable. DIRECTORY. sV variation, usually rising very gradually and irregularly for a scries of years, and after this, falling in a like manner. Our old inhabitants agree in stating that the waters were high from 1800 to 1802, in proof of which, it is stated that the roads, which had before been in use upon the banks of the Detroit river, were so completely inundated as to be rendered impassable. A Eimilar circumstance is related to have occurred in the vicinity of Chicago — a broad sandy beach, forming the immediate shore of the lake near that place, having been wholly overflowed. I have been unable to obtain authentic information respecting the changes which took place between the years just mentioned and 1314; but from the latter year to the present time, we have a more connected series of facts relating to the subject. Dr. Houghton extracts the following from the personal obser- vations of Col. Henry Whiting, U. S. army, many years resident in the city of Detroit: "It is now a matter of record that in 1814 and 1815 the Detroit and St. Clair rivers were unusually Ligh; that the foundations of the houses, and much land that had long been under dry cultivation, were submerged. These 'build- ings had been erected many years before, and of course under the belief that they v/ere aloof irom all but extraordinary and tempo- rary inundations. No observations appear to have been made upon the progress of the elevation — whether it were gradual or abrupt, or whether there were any preceding seasons of a char- acter to produce it. In 1320, or about that time, the rivers had resumed their usual level. Several wharves were built at Detroit between that year and 1828, at a height, as was supposed, sufficiently above the general level for all purposes of convenience and safety. At the latter date, the rivers had again attained the elevation of 1815, and remained so until 1830, with only such occasional depressions as might be caused by strong winds, being nearly upon a level with the wharves." From 1830, when my attention was first drawn to this subject, to the present year, I have been enabled to make a somewhfat connected series of observations, under circumstances peculiarly 28 DETROIT favorable, having, during that time, followed the complete line of coast from the foot of Lake Huron to the head of Lake Superior by canoe, and having traversed portions of the coast several times, thus being enabled to renew observations at points where they had been previously made. During the time of these examina- tions, I have been enabled to fix with a considerable degree of certainty, upon the height at which the waters of the lakes stood in 1819 and 20, when they were at their lowest level, a step which was conceived to be one of the first necessary in deter- mining the complete range between high and low water. For the last two years my attention has been more particularly called to the coast of Lakes Huron and Michigan, and I feel con- fident in asserting that the water of these lakes has, during the last year, (1838,) attained a greater elevation than has before occurred in a very great number of years — a fact which is con- clusively shown by the renewed degradation of banks covered with debris that had long remained undisturbed, as well as by the great number of forest trees sometimes covering many acres of ground that have been destroyed in consequence of. inundation. Many of these forest trees may be estimated to have attained an age of from one to two centuries. In order to arrive as nearly as possible at correct conclusions as to the variation in the height of the water of the lakes from 1820 to 1838, I have carefully compared my own observations with those contained in an invaluable register kept in this city by Col. Henry Whiting, U. S. army, as also with the valuable data contamed in the report of the State Topographer hereto appen- ded. It should be noted that the height of the water in Etetroit river is much more subjectto fluctuation from slight causes, such as the effects of the winds and ice, than in the open lakes; causes for the operation of which, it is sometimes difficult if not impos- sible to make the proper allowance. In fact, slight causes are productive of such changes as to render it absolutely impossible to arrive at accurate conclusions, except by simultaneous obser- vations made at points widely separated. DFRECTORY. S9 Assuming June 1819, and 1820, as zero or the point of low water, the following table will not vary very far from an accurate statement of the relative height for several of the subsequent years . I Feet. Ilnches.ll^eet. |fnchci. June Itsiy and '^0, '* 182-', rise, " 1830, same level, " ia36, rise *' ia37, rise, " 183P, rise 2 10 2 10 10 3 5 4 7 4 In examining this table of relative heights, it should be borne in mind that this estimate does not include the regular yearly va- riation, to which the waters of the lakes are subject. The es- timates it will be seen, are made from June of each year, or that month in which the waters are invariably high, but it is conceiv- ed the result would not be varied were the calculations made from any other month in the year, provided the same month were eelecled for the observations of the succeeding years. Were the difference in height computed from February 18£0, to June 1838, the total amount would be found to be increased to about six feet eight inches, a method of estimating v/hich would lead to con- clusions wholly unwarranted: nevertheless the assumption of these defective premises may serve to account for the exaggera- ted statements which have so often been made, of the increased height of these waters. This rise of water has by no means been confined to the great lakes, for the waters of the small lakes through the whole inte- rior portions of the State, have, unless their waters are dischar- ged through broad and shallow outlets, been increased in a like manner. Small streams, the v^idth of which, at their points of intersecting the section lines, were recorded by the U. States* Surveyors, in those surveys made from 1820 to 1826, have been found in many instances during the past year, to have nearly double the width assigned them, and mills have actually been erected upon streams which, according to the field notes, taken in the years mentioned, must at that tune have been nearly dry. It is also well known that within the last few years, (preceding 8» 30 DETROIT 1838) portions of the elevated country which were previously dry, have been inundated with water, springs have burst out where they had been previously unknown, and that marshes which before contained but little water, have been transformed into email ponds or lakes. These changes have not been peculiar to Michigan, for they have been noticed more or less over the whole western part of the United States, and perhaps it may not be too much to add, over most of the northern part of the continent, and they are changes which from the immense extent aflected, must depend upon causes which have operated in a very general manner. It is vv'ell known that the water of all streams, during the oc- currence of a wet and cold season, when the fall of rain is in- creased, and evaporation diminished, is augmented, and that the augmentation or diminution will be in proportion as these causes are in more or less active operation. Our great chain of inland lakes, so far as these causes may be supposed to operate, may be regarded as a stream of great width, and must necessarily be liable to be affected by similar causes,, although when the great extent occupied by these bodies of water is taken into considera- tion, it can be readily understood why these causes when once brought into operation, would produce their results more slowly, as well as why the results once produced, would be of a more permanent character. That the changes in the relative height of the waters of the lakes may be dependant upon the operation of a similar series of general causes, operating for a succession of years, I have many reasqns for inferring. The succession of cold and wet seasons immediately precedins; 1838, have been proverbial over the whole western country, and the unfavorable influence which these wet seasons have produced, more particularly upon the farming in- terests situated upon low and flat lands, has been severely felt by that portion of our agricultural community. While these facts may be apparent to all, it is nevertheless desirable to refer to the subject in a more definite manner, a task which is rendered somewhat difficult for the reason that, until the last few years, DIRECTORY. 31 continuous tables indicating the amount of rain which has fallen, have only been kept at a very limited number of places in the United States. The total amount of rain which fell at Philadelphia, (as shown by a register chiefly kept at the Pennsylvania Hospital,) from 1810 to 1814 inclusive, or during- the five years immediately pre- ceding- the high water of 1814 and '15, was 135,68 inches, anj the amount which fell at the same place from 1815 to 1819, the five years immediately preceding the low water of 1319 and '20, was 151,14 inches, showing an excess of 34,53 inches, or a frac- tion over two feet and ten and a half inches fur the years imme- diately preceding the stage of high water. The amount of ram which fell at Philadelphia, as deduced from the same table, from 1316 to 1826, inclusive, was 364,43 inches, and from 1827 to ia37 inclusive, 451,05 inches^ being an increase in the last 11 years of 86,6£ inches, or a fraction over 7 feet 2^ inches. The amount of rain which fell at Marietta, Ohio, (as deduced from the tables of Dr. Hildreth,) from 1819 to 1823 inclusive, was 202,33 inches, and from 182a to 1832 inclusive, was 228,17 inches, showing an increase during the last 5 years estimated of 25,34 inches, or a fraction over 2 feet 1| inches. That there has beei> a corresponding increase in the amount of rain that has fallen within the area of the great lake basin, I am not able to show by actual data; but the known increased size of the numerous tributaries, together with the other facts mentioned, will go far to substantiate the opinion that the fall of rain over that area has been greatly increased during that time. According to the estimate of the State Topographer it appears that the basin of the great north-western lakes has a superficial area nearly four times larger than that of the lakes themselves. Now, if we may be allowed to assume that the increase of the amount of rain which has fallen into this basin during the last 11 of the 14 years estimated, be equal to the increase at Philadelphia during that time, it would follow that, had all sources of dis- charge been cut off, this cause al^one would have been sufficient S2 DETROIT to elevate the waters of the lakes about 29 feet* — an elevation more than six times greater than that which is estimated to have taken place. When we take into consideration, in connection with the causes already enumerated, the fact that during the wet years evapora- tion must have been less than during the dry ones, it may fairly be presumed that sufficient apparent causes have existed to pro- duce all the results which have been noticed; and we may add, ehould a succession of dry and warm seasons follow, we may look with certainty for a return of the water of the lakes to its former low level. SOILS. The following is extracted from a report of Bela Hubbard, Esq., to the Geological Department, under date of Jan. 12, 1840: " More than one hundred varieties of soils for future analysi?, and specimens illustrative of all the rocks, have been added to the JState Cabinet." With such a variety of soils, it is presumed there will be found no difficulty in Michigan in meeting the wants of agriculturists, whatever may be their predilection in favor of the different kinds. In regard to some of the soils, which, at a cursory glance, may have a sterile appearance, we find it re- marked in the report last alluded to: " Many of these soils have the appearance of barrenness, which, from the salts contained, are, nevertheless, eminently fertile, and unrivalled for the produc- tion of the grains most important to man." SCENERY. The following description of the scenery of our beautiful pen- insula, is from the pen of the same gentleman from whose reports the foregoing extracts were made, Bela Hubbard, Esq.: " The Btern rules of science may seem to compel the Geologist to take little note of the merely picturesque features of the landscape; yet, called as he is to view them in their wildest character, he * It is not. of course, spuposed that had the sources of discharge been cut off this would have been the actual result, for the estimate is made without any re- ference to the increased evaporation, and other causes, which would have been brought into uctioo iu consequence of the extended area. DIRECTORV. 33 cannot be altogether insensible to the grandeur and majesty, or the variety and bloom of nature. The sublime mountainous scenery of the eastern States has been often and justly dwelt upon with admiration by both the Geologist and the traveller. Little of the peninsula scenery partakes of the grandeur of primi- tive and more broken districts: but none can fail to notice one superior charm which more than compensates, in the eyes of those who are content to overlook the romantic aspect of the land, for the consideration of its solid bounties. To the culliva- ter of the soil, every consideration which its picturesque character presents, will yield before the more practical one of its fertility. But few could have traversed the varied portions of our State, and compare their rich scenery with that of more eastern lands, with any feeling of disappointment. The ordinary character of the "openings" is that of a maiestic orchard of stately oaks, which is frequently varied by small prairies, grassy lawns and clear lakes. These magnificent groves were, until within a few years kept free from under-brush by the passage through them of annual fires, allowing successive growths of herbage to spring up luxuriantly, covering the surface with a profusion of wild flowers and verdure. The variety so essential in a landscape of woodland, glade and sheets of water are here combined in a manner which seems the result of art, but which is not less truly inimitable. It is diffi- cult to resist the impression that we are surveying an old abode of civilization and of tasteful husbandry. It resembles those ex- quisite pictures of Park scenery, where the vision roams at will among clumps of lofty oaks and over open glades gemmed with flowers, while the distant woodland bounds the horizon, and the velvet-skirted lake gleams upon the eye as it reflects the light from the open prairie, or is faintly visible from the bosom of the glen, reposing in silent loneliness. Such scenes, it is true, are destitute of the rough majesty of mountain aspects, but they have that all-pervading tranquil beauty which forsakes the lofty hill side and the heavy cliff". They pre- sent nature in her simple loveliness, without her stern aspect and 34 DETROIT masculine attire. She has bestowed her blessing upon the land, and spread over it her robes of beauty.- The limits of an annual report prevent more than this very meagre notice of some of the characteristics of our peninsula scenery." FUTURE PROSPECTS OP THE PENINSULA. At the conclusion of the report of S. W. Higgins, Esq., from which copious extracts have already been made, he remarks in reference to the future prospects of the peninsula as follows: — *'lt would not be difficult from its topographical features to pre- dict the future condition and prospects of the peninsula. It is conceded that most of the soil is peculiarly adapted to the pro- duction of wheat and other grains. No district will ever be exclusively manufacturing, even though the coal in the central counties will in time be an article of com- mon use. The necessity which compels the erection of manufacturing CRtablishments, propelled by steam elsev/here, is the want of hydraulic power; no such necessity exists throughout our whole penmsula; were it otherwise, and a resort be had to steam, the coal region will furnish an abundant supply for all purposes which any other State can boast. Hence it is, that so common are the facilities for the erection of mills on our streams, that there are no less than 836 for flouring and sawing in 13 counties; Oakland and Lenawee each have 51, and Washtenaw 58. With equal facilities for making lumber, the pine of the north has already become an article of export from our shores. Already such is the puisuit after the wealth which lies stored up within the lakes, that public attention is turned to the estab- lishment of extensive fisheries on their distant shores and islands, and it will require but a few years for the development of this field of enterprize, and realization of its lucrative returns. Michigan is"a maritime State, having the advantages of the commerce of immense inland seas on every side. Add to this the agricultural resources of which she is capable, and within the dihectory. 35 last iew years has given an earnest, in her interior lakes and rivers — her resources in lumber and minerals — and an estimate may be formed of her future prospects and wealth, in the exporta- tion of her products, the establishment of manufactories, in lines of internal improvement, and in the independence of her citisens." In looking over the tables attached to the United States census for 1840, we find an earnest of the capability of the agricultural resources of Michigan. In that year it is stated Michigan raised 2,157,108 bushels wheat, £,277,'039 bushels of corn, and 2,209,- £05 of potatoes — while Illinois with more than double the popu- lation raised but l,S35jS93bushelsof wheat, 2,025,520 of potatoes. Whether this disparity in the agricultural resources of two neighboring States be ascribed to the difference of the respective soils, or the superiority of one mode of husbandry over the other, or to any assignable cause whatever, we do not fear Michigan will suffer much in the comparison. COPPER MINES OP LAKE SUPERIOR. Among the sources of wealth to be found in Michigan, the last to be noticed, though by no means the least in importance, is the Copper Mines of Lake Superior. The discoveries already made, according to the accounts published by persons engaged in the work, have far exceeded the expectations of the most sanguine; and whatever measure of success may attend some of the Com- panies embarked in this enterprise, it appears to have been proved beyond all doubt that in the vicinity of Lake Superior there lie hid mineral treasures, perhaps inexhaustible. Some idea may bo formed of the immense value of some of these " diggings" from a statement published by Prof. Jackson, who states, among other things, that " in v>?orking one single exploration shaft at the Ea- gle river mine, the metalic contents brought out by hand are worth $30,000!" and that "the deeper they go, the richer the mineral is." HISTORY OF DETROIT. Detrot Cjty and Port of Entry, Wayne county, and Capi- tal of the State of Michigan, is situated on the west bank of the river Detroit, 18 miles above Lake Erie, 7 miles below the outlet of Lake St. Clair, 302 VV. from Buffalo, and 545 from Washing- ton, Lat. 42 degrees 19 minutes, 53 seconds, North, and Long, west, 82 degrees, 53 seconds, or from Washington west, 5 deg. 5G min. 12 seconds. DifTerence in time from Washington, 23 min. 44 sec. New York City, 34 min. 48 seconds. The site of the city is an elevation of about thirty feet above the level of the river. The plan of the town, upon the river and for 1200 feet back is rectangular, the streets are from 50 to 200 feet wide. Four roads constructed by the general government, terminate in the centre of the city ; the Chicago, leading to Illi- nois; the Saginaw, to the head of Saginaw bay : the Fort Gra- tiot, to the foot of Lake Huron, and the Grand River, to Lake Michigan at the mouth of Grand River. There is, also, a Uni- ted States road leading from Detroit to Ohio. Detroit River is about 25 miles long ; average breadth, 1 1-10 mile ; average depth, six fathoms ; current, two miles an hour. The climate of Detroit is temperate ; snow falls at from six to eighteen inches deep, and never remains more than a few weeks. The transition from the cold of spring to the heat of summer is rapid ; from summer to winter gradual and prolonged. As gen- eral characteristics, the spring is wet and prolonged ; summer dry: autumn mild ; winter cold and dry. The average tempera- ture in the spring is 50 Fahrenheit ; summer, 80 ; winter, 20 ; autumn, 60 to 65. " The history of Detroit," it has been observed " is the history of the north-west. Three sovereigns have swayed it — five times DIRECTORY. 37 its flag has changed hands; it has been twice captured in war, and once burned to the ground. It dates back to the landing ot the Pilgrims, and was then a stopping place for the Courriers du Bois. Its legitimate settlement, however, was in 1701. Fort Gratiot and the Sault Ste Marie had been previously located. — This whole region, from its first discovery until 1762, was under the dominion of France, to which it was bound by a chain of forts, stretching from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Mi ;■ i^^-ippi river. With the victory of Wolf, and the fall of Quebvc^ these forts passed into the possession of Great Britain, by whom a por- tion of them were surrendered to the United States, agreeably to the capitulation of Montreal. During the French wars, they served as rallying points to those numerous bands of savage?^ which hung like the scythe of death upon our colonial frontiers. During the revolution they served a like purpose, but to a differ- ent people. Here, again, in 1312, the meteor flag of Britain waved over, and invoked to its support, the untutored sons of the forest. In 1787, the North-west Territory was established, agreeably to the provisions of an ordinance drawn for that pur- pose, by Nathan Dane, of Beverly, Massachusetts, according to which, not more than five, nor less than three States, were to be carved out of it. Four have already been admitted into the Union — Wisconsin alone remains. Arthur St. Clair was appointed its first Governor. Michigan, by the territorial division, consisted of a single county, and was entitled to but one representative in the territorial Legislature, at Chillicothe, In 1805, Michigan was erected into a territory, and William Hull appointed Governor. He held the ofGce until the war, when he surrendered it, along with the whole west, into the hands of the enemy. Subsequently to the war. Gen. Cass was appointed Governor, and continued to fulfill the duties of the office until 1831, when he was taken into Gen. Jackson's cabinet. He was succeeded by Mr. Porter, of Pennsylvania. In 1837, the Terri- tory was admitted into the Union as a State, and Stevens Thomp- son M ason was elected its first Governor, before he was 25 years of age. 4 38 DETROIT The above is a chronological history of this region. It has been the theatre of some of the most disgraceful, as well as the most brilliant, exploits recorded in our annals. Fire has scathed it — the tomahawk, scalping knife, and war club have been let loose upon it. It has been the scene of one disgraceful surren- der, of more than fifty pitched battles, and twelve horrid massa- cres. Here, three powerful Indian confederacies have been formed and broken. Here, that daring warrior, Pontiac, entered upon Ihe bold plan of driving every white man over the Alleghanies. In the gloomy recesses of a mind " of such things," he conceived a plan of death, as brief in its details as it was terrible in its exe- cution. It was no more nor less than to attack, simultaneously, thirteen well garrisoned forts, stretching from Niagara and Pitts- burgh, all along the lakes, to the Mississippi, and along the river Wabash . So secret were his plans, and so prompt was he in their execution, that ten of these forts fell in a single day, and their inmates were massacred. Here Tecumseh "rose, and reigned and fell." VVe feel a glow of admiration at the mention of this magnanimous chief. Participating, against ns, in all the conflicts, from the defeat of Harmar to the battle of the Thames, where he lost his life, there is no spot or blemish on his honor or humanity. He applied the most approbrious epithets to Gen. Proctor, for his cruelty at the River Raisin; and when that Gene- ral sought to make Tecumseh a Brigadier General in the British service, he threw back the insignia of office with contempt, de- claring that he was their ally only for the good of his country.- An humble Shawnee, by original and native force, he acquired an ascendency over the wild and tumultuous tribes scattered for 1,000 miles in the wilderness, and taught freedom from all re- straint by their ancestors, only equalled by the sway which Napoleon, in his palmiest days, exercised over the enkindled and blazing minds of Frenchmen. Like that mighty warrior, he stamped his impress upon the age in which he lived, and forced, for a time, the affairs of a whole people to run the devious chan- nel of individual fortune. Had he fallen upon our soil, bitter enemy as he was, the spot where he fell would not have remained DIRECTORY. ?9 for more than thirty years unmarked, and known only as the place where Tecumseh fought and died, and the last hope of the Indian race was cloven down. With every natural facility of becoming a place of importance, the condition of Detroit, for many years, depended on the preca- rious support afforded by the fur trade, the disbursements of pub- lic moneys, while a military post, and the liberal appropriations by government for public objects. The impulse and effect pro- duced by the settlement and cultivation of the surrounding country, was wanting-. This, though recent in Michigan, is now commenced, and is rapidly increasing. The causes of prosperity, now in action, their results, we show here, as they have recently been manifested elsewhere. The old town of Detroit occupied a site below or west of the centre of the present town; it was built entirely of wood, the streets were narrow, being economised to diminish the circuit of the stockade, by which it was secured. In June, 1805, the town was almost entirely consumed by fire. Shortly after this catastrophe, an act of Congress was passed directing the Gover- nor and Judges, then exercising legislative powers, to lay out a new town, including the site of the one destroyed and ten thou- sand acres of adjacent land. The act directs that a lot should be granted to every owner or occupant of a house in the old tov.'n, and the proceeds of the remainder applied to the erection of a court house and jail. It is from this fund, thus accruing, that the present public buildings have been erected in this city. The trust arising under the act, it is believed, is not yet closed. The destruction of the old town was fortunate that it led to the adop- tion of a plan, better adapted to a city, such as Detroit is no doubt destined to become. The city of Detroit was incorporated by an act, passed by the Governor and Judges, on the 4th day of October, 1815. By this act the municipal authority was invested in five trustees, a secre- tary, an assessor, a collector and a city marshal, who were to bo chosen on the first day in May, annually, by the freeholders or householders of the city paying an annual rent of forty dollars, 40 DETROIT and such other persons, who should be admitted to the freedom of the corporation, by a majority of the electors at their annual meeting. This act of incorporation was supersedied in 1824, by a new charter from the legislative council; and which has since under- gone so many amendments that but few, if any, of its original provisions remain. The charter election is now held on the first Monday of March. No property qualification is required to con- stitute a " freeman" of the city. The following statistics of expenditures of the city of Detroit, for ten years, ending March, 1845, with the accompanying re- marks, have been published during the past year, a copy of which it has been thought would be interesting to the subscribers of the Directory: CITY OF DETROIT. Improvements and Expenditures. The question is often asked, what have we to show for our city debt of ^276,481 52? We have, it is true, no stately public buildings, no ornamental public parks or pleasure grounds; our streets are unpaved, and altogether there is very little public property of value that strikes the stranger's eye. Still there is much of public improvement in and about Detroit that has cost large sums, and if we were deprived of it but for one day, we- should pronounce ^' worth what it cost.^^ A friend who furnished the statistics of expenditures which we append, remarks, there has been a vast deal of subterranean improvement — regular bona lid6 pipe laying done in Detroit. In addition to fifteen miles of water pipes used in connection with the Hydraulic works our city has constructed, miles of stone, brick and plank sewers. The grand sewer alone, was a work of great cost. It is con- structed of stone side-walls 18 inches thick, with a brick arch of two feet spring — the bottom paved with hard burnt brick. It is four feet six inches wide and five feet high in the clear — the average depth of excavation being ten feet. It extends from the line of Beaubien street along the low central grounds of the city, and empties into the river just above Mr. Newberry's warehouse. DIRECTORY. 41 Along the almost indentical track of this sewer, there was for- merly a considerable creek called "Savoyard River," bordered by low marshy grounds separating the high ridge upon which the old town was built from the high grounds along the brow of ■which runs at present, Fort street. It discharged itself into the Detroit river near the lower line of the Cass farm, where can now be seen, beneath an old stone bridge, all that remains of the ancient Savoyard. The comfort, convenience and health of the city required its removal, and the drainage of the whole city made necessary the construction of the grand sewer. Connected with this is a wooden sewer extending from its junction with the grand sewer at Beaubien street, up to Hastings street, a distance of about 1,100 feet ; lateral sewers of brick have been built in most of the streets crossing the grand sewer, and in the principal streets south of Jefferson Avenue — the last draining directly into the river. The cost of these subterranean improvements will be seen in the statement of expenditures hereto annexed. Besides the Hydraulics and the public sewers, Detroit can point to several substantial public buildings — the City Hall, Firemen's Hall, Markets, and to the material and apparatus of a good and efficient tire department. And yet we do not point to these to prove that there has not been much carelessness and improvidence in the administration of our city's finances. The debt was much augmented by compound interest, consequent upon the neglect to pay the semi-annual coupons, of our bonds from 1840 to 1844, and the depreciation of city shinplasters and warrants, forced out to save taxation for a series of years, and increasing our annual expenses at least one half. That our citizens have paid taxes, and done it with a stout heart, the following statement- of expen- ditures for the last ten years will abundantly prove. The most expensive improvements being completed, and our city constant- ly growing in wealth and population, we may henceforth look for- ward to diminished burdens. 42 ' DETROIT Expenditures of the City of Detroit for Public Improvements, from March, 183,). to March. 1845. KOa HVUUALLICS. Old Hvdraulic Works, $ 34,6.58 00 New Hydraulic Works, 116,500 00 FOR SEWERS. G rand Sewer, $22,607 9.3 Bates. Brush, Park and Shelby streets, , 1.55.3 71 Woodward Avenue , 2,1-39 38 Hniall Sewers, 7,195 26 33,496 23 PUBLIC BUILDIXCiS. (JUv Hall Market, $14,747 47 Berthtlet Market, 8,361 84 Washington Market, 3,2.35 02 Firemen's Hall, 3 273 48 . -,- ..-.- 29,617 SI FIRE DEPARTMENT. Engines, Houses, Hose and Hook and Ladder carriages, &c> $12,129 81 City Lampa, , 417 13 12,.546 94 Add to the abov« amount of expenditures, the amount of bonds issued for interest funded, 39,2)7 52. Total expenditure in ten years, $-266,076 :n CHURCHES AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. There are at present, sixteen churches in Detroit ; four Cath- olic, two Episcopalian, one Presbyterian, one Scotch Presbyte-- rian, one Congregational, three Methodist, two Baptist, one Ger- man Lutheran, and one Sailor's Bethel. CATHEDRAL OF ST. ANNE. This edificef stands on Larned street, between Bates and Ran-. dolph streets. It is built of hammered granite, of an excellent quality, and measures 116 feet by 60 feet in the clear. The style of the building is Roman Doric, finished in front with two stee- ples, ornamented with iron crosses. On the centre of the roof is an octagonal dome, 30 ieet high and 80 feet in diameter. The orchestra, situate immediately over the front door, contains one of the largest organs in the United States. Very Reverend P. Kindekens, Vicar General, Pastor. CHURGU OF THE HOLY TRINITY^ This church which is situate on Michigan Grand avenue, cor- ner of B«ites street, is a plain frame building with a steeple, measures 80 feet by 40 feet and is found to be too small for its present congregation. Reverend C. L. Kilroy, Pastor. BIRECTORr. 43 ST, biary's church. The church of St, Mary stands on the corner of Crog-han and St. Antoine streets. The erection of this building was com- menced in 1341, and though not yet completed, it has been used for religious worship by the congregation since June, 1843. It is intended to finish the building by the addition of a belfrey and steeple with the least]possible delay. This edifice is a plain, sub- stantial brick building. Its extreme length 1£5 feet by GO feet wide. The Sanctuary is £0 feet wide by 25 feet long, octagon form J on each side of the sanctuary there is a vestry room, 15 feet square. The general style of the building is the Roman and Ttiscan, and the whole of the interior is finished in the plain- est manner. Reverend A. K. Kopp, Pastor. ST. Peter's church. The walls of this massive structure have, during the past year, been carried up to their summit, and the building roofed in. It stands on an eligible site on the north side of Jefferson avenue, abutting on St. Antoine street. The corner stone was laid on the £9th day of June 1844, by the Right Rev. P. P. Lefevere, Catholic Bishop of Detroit. This edifice is built of brick of a superior quality, 160 feet in length by 81 feet wide, and when finished with a belfrey and steeple, will present an imposing ap- pearance. Erected under the direction of Mr. Francis M. Le- tourno, architect. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. Saint Paul's Church is situated in Woodward Avenue, between Lamed and Congress streets. Its order of architecture is Gothic. The body of the building is brick, and measures, exclusive of the vestry room, 90 feet by 50 feet. The front is flanked with a buttress at each angle, with two regular offsets, crowned and ornamented with a spiral roof, triangular caps, crockets and balls. The height of the buttress to the top of the spiral roof is 54 feet. The front entrance is a Gothic door, handsomely ornamented with two columns on each side, which group and meet in the 44 DETROIT centre of the arch above. On each side of the door is a Gothic window, ornamented with an architrave trefoil band. The tower to the lop of the pinnacles is 115 feet in height, and 18 feet square at its base. It is composed of two sections — the first finished with a block cornice and battlement ballustrade; and the second section finished with a large cove cornice and castelated ballustrade. The pinnacles that finish the top of this section are two feet and a half square, and twenty-two feet hiffh, crowned and ornamented with a spiral roof, triangular caps, crockets and balls. The flanks of the building contain five Gothic windows, each finished with a pannel ballustrade. The inside contains three galleries — the pulpit and orchestra in the rear, and a supe- rior organ with four stops. The galleries are supported with well finished quatrefoil columns. The whole presents an imposing appearance, and reflects much credit on the architect. Right Rev. S. A. McCoskry, Rector; Rev. Horace Hills, Jr., assistant minister. Christ Church is situated on the south side of JcfTerson Ave- nue, between Hastings and Rivard streets. It is a frame building 72 feet by 42 feet, and has ll)een erected during the past year. Its style of architecture is similar to St. Paul's church, being of the Gothic order. It occupies an eligible site in a retired and pleasant part of Jefferson Avenue, with ornamen- tal trees planted around. Mr. James Busby, architect. Rev. William N. Lyster, Rector. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. This church is situated on Woodward Avenue, at the corner of Lamed street. Its extreme length is one hundred feet. Length, exclusive of the portico, ninety feet. Breadth of the house, 60 feet. 7'he general style of the house is Grecian. In front is a pediment, supported by six Doric columns, 24 feet in height. The house is built of brick, with tw^o side galleries, a spacious orchestra, and a large library room in the rear. The number of pews is one DIRECTORY. 45 h, ndred and forty-six. The pulpit, which is an open one, stands in the rear, and the orchestra in front. * The steeple is one hundred and thirty feetin height, and consists of three sections — a base, a belfrey, and a dial section, with a spire thirty feet in height. Cost of the house, exclusive of the land, S25,000. This edifice is deemed one of the best churches in the western states; and Dy those who have seen the inside, the beauty and finish of the building have been often noticed. It is arched, and the arch is divided into four panels, enclosing a quadrangle, which overhangs the centre of the floor. The quad- rangle is ornamented with two elegrant centre pieces, from each of which is suspended a bronzed chandelier. Rev. Dr. Duffield, Pastor. SCOTCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. This church is situate on the corner of Bates and Farmer streets. It is a nevv frame building, 71 feet long by 41 wide, and was opened, for religious worship, October, 1844. Rev. D. Inglis, Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. This church is situated on the south side of Jefferson Avenue, corner of Beaubien street. It is a neat, substantial brick building, 75 feet by 45 feet, ornamented with a steeple. It was erected during the past year, and the basement opened for divine worship. Erected under the direction of Messrs. Gilbert k Lum, architects. Rev. H. L. Plammond, Pastor. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The First Methodist Episcopal church is situated on Wood- ward avenue, corner of Congress street. It is a neat, plain and convenient frame building with a basement. Reverend Mr. Baughman, Pastor. SECOND METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Second Methodist Episcopal, or Congress Street church is situated on the north side of Congress street, near Rardolph street. It is a neat and substantial brick building, 67 feet long 46 DETROIT and 4£ feet wide with walls 27 feet high. It is provided with a steeple and belfrey, and is to be furnished with a bell. The build- ing was erected during the past year, and the basement opened for public worship. Built under the direction of William R. Curry, architect. Reverend R. Richards, Pastor. COLORRD 31. E. CHURCH. The colored people, aided by the citizens, have, during the last year, erected a neat and substantial brick building, 50 feet by 40 feet, situated on Lafayette street, between Brush and Beaubien streets. It is so far finished that the congregation have used the basement for public worship, and a day school is taught therein. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The First Baptist Church stands on an elevated site at the cor- ner of Fort and Griswold streets. It is a plain, substantial! and well proportioned brick building, 70 feet in leng-th and 50 feet in width, with a steeple and dome of considerable architectural beauty. The general style of the building is Ionic. The stee- ple is divided into three sections, a base, a belfrey and a dial — the first is square, the second is part octagon, suspended on the cor- ner by pilasters, recessed back on the sides, and supported by flu- ted Ionic columns; and the third is octagon supported by pilas- ters. Each section is encompassed by an open balustrade, sup- ported by a pedestal on the angles, and capped with a handsome urn. The whole is crowned with a magnificent dome, the top of which is 100 feet from the ground. Three doors in front form the entrance. The interior contains a spacious gallery, a pulpit, and 68 pews on the first floor. The pulpit, which is an open one, is supported by Ionic columns, having semi-circular stairs, as- cending on both sides, and is thrown back into the hall by an arched niche, standing between the two doors leading from the hall into the church . The ceiling is an eliptic arch, with a lai^e sunk panel, in the centre of which there is a. centre (ox suspend- ing a chandelier. Reverend James Inglis, Pastor. DIRECTORY. 47 COLORED AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCH. This is a neat frame building, standing on Fort street, between Beaubien and St. Antoine streets, and was built by the voluntary contributions of the citizens generally. The church and congre- gation assembling there, by the help of their friends, have sine© raised the building and fitted up the basement, where they have an excellent day school, under the supervision of the Board of Education. GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. This church is situated on Monroe Avenue, corner of Far- rar street. It is a plain wood building, 50 feet long and 35 feet wide. Tt was erected by subscription, to which the citizens of every denomination liberally and cheerfully contributed. Reverend F. Herrmaun, Pastor. BETHEL CHURCH. Woodhridge street, foot of Wayne street. By the liberality and exertions of the friends of the sailor in this city, a convenient building situated as above, has been fitted up for the purposes of worship, for the use of sailors, either re- siding in the city, or visiting our port from time to time. It was dedicated to Almighty God on Thursday, April 2, 1846, under the most favorable auspices, and is designed to be emphatically the "Sailor's Church." The ministers of the diiTerent protest- ant denommations took part in the religious services, which were peculiarly interesting, and the occasion was one that it is believ- ed will not soon be forgotten. The Rev. Geo. Duffield preached the sermon from Acts xxvii: 31, " Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved." The Bethel flag was hoisted, we are informed, for the first time in Detroit, on the above occasion, where we trust it will con- tinue to wave for all coming time, inviting the wanderer to the Bethel Church, which we hope may prove to many a tempest- tossed mariner, '' none other but the house of God, and the gate of Heaven." It is under the pastoral charge of Rev. Mr. Harrison. 48 DETROIT GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. A congregation designated as above, meet for public worship in the City Hall, for whose use a brick building is now being erected on Congress street, corner of Rivard street. Reverend John F. Winkler, Pastor. DISCIPLES. A sniall society of them meet in a school room, near the cor- ner of Congress and Randolph streets, opposite the second Me- thodist church, every Lord's day. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, kc. UNITED STATES BUILDING, Jefferson Avenue, corner Griswold Street. This edifice was erected in 1837, by the late Bank of Michi- gan, and bought at auction for the United States, the 12th of December, 1842, for the sum of $32,000. It is a handsome building, 57 feet by 40 feet square ; the arch- itecture is of the chaste Grecian style, the two fronts being com- posed of polished stone. It has two full stories and a basement. The basement is oc- cupied as the Post Office. The main, or first story, is occupied as the United States Court Room and Marshal's Office, the sec- . end story is occupied as offices for District Judge, Attorney Clerk, and a Jury Room. The Court Room is capacious, t^e ceiling 17 feet high. The building was erected under the direction of Mr. Charles Lum, of this city. THE STATE HOUSE, Was originally built for the District Court of the United States, and the Legislative Council of the Territory ; is of brick, and measures 90 feet by 60 feet. The general style of this building is Ionic. In front is a portico supported by six columns. The entablature on the sides is supported by pilasters. The steeple is crowned with a dome and is about 140 feet high. The base- ment story is divided into offices for the officers of the State gov- ernment. The first floor contains the Hall of the House of Re- DIRECTORY. 49 presentatives, Governor's room, library, and office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. On the second floor is the Senate Chamber, office of the Clerk of the Senate, and the com- mittee rooms of both houses* THE STATE BUILDING, Griswold Street. This edifice, some time known as the Detroit Female Semina- ry, now belongs to the State of Michig-an, and is occupied by The offices of the Auditor General, State Treasurer, Board of Inter- nal improvement, &ic. The Court of Chancery, and the Supreme Court, also, hold their Courts in this building. It is a plain, substantial brick building, 56 feet in front, by 40 deep, situated on a rise of ground in Griswold street, in one of the pleasantest parts of the city. WAYNE COUNTY BUILDING, Corner Griswold and Congress Streets. This is a new, substantial, two story brick building, 32 feet in front, by 80 feet deep, erected in 1844. The first story is occupied as offices, by the different county officers, and the second story contains a court room, 50 feet long by 30 feet wide, with a jury room and grand jury room* The contractors for this building were Messrs. Jackson &6 Perry, of this city, THE CITY HALL, Is a two story brick building with hammered stone basement, and is 100 feet long and 50 feet in width. The height of the first story is 16 feet, and from the base to the top of the cornice, 36 feet — on the front of the roof there is a handsome cupola. The principal entrance is from the public square. The first sto- ry is occupied by the city market and clerk's office — and the sec- ond story is a spacious Hall. The building was erected in the year 1835, and cost about $20,000. firemen's hall. Corner of Lamed and Bates Streets. This is a neat, substantial, two story brick building, 50 feet by 50 DETROIT 30 feet, erected in 1839. The first story is occupied as an engine house, by Protection Fire Company, No. 1, where meetings are also occasionally held. On the second story is the Common Council room and also the City Clerk's ofnce. MARKETS. There are three Markets, the City Market, on the first floor of the City Hall, the Berthelet, at the corner of Randolph and At- water streets, and the Washington Market, corner of Wayne and Larned streets. The two former only are occupied as Mar- kets, at present : these are kept in good order by the Inspector of Provisions, and well supplied with every thing that can be de- sired, at similar places. There is a great variety of vegetables and fruit in season, and also of fish, the latter of which is found in great abundance, in the river, all of which are to be had in the Fruit Market adjacent, which is now covered in, and enclosed with a strong fence. WATER. The city is supplied with water from the Detroit river by means of a hydraulic establishment, erected on Atwater street, in the south-east part of the city. These works were so far finished as to come into operation in May, 1841. The tank, or reservoir, which contains the water, is of cast iron, 60 feet diameter, and £0 feet deep, secured with strong iron bands, bolts and rivets, enclosed with a frame building, 65 feet diameter, 24 feet high, conical roof, and supported by a circular brick building, 62 feet diameter, at an elevation of 47 feet from jts foundation. This tank is supplied daily by means of a steam engine, the pump of which is fixed 7 feet below the surface of the river and is found fully adequate to furnish an abundant suj>- ply of pure and wholesome water to the whole city. Connected with these works, there are laid down 4 miles of iron pipe, 10 miles of tamarack logs, and 50 fire plugs, oi hy- drants, at an expense to the city, for the whole, of about $120,- 000. The plan of these works was designed by, and executed under the direction of Mr. Noah Sutton, of this city. DIRECTORY. 51 PUBLIC OFFICES. POST OFFICE, Under United States Building, corner of Jefftrson Avenue and Bates Street. John S. Bagg, Post Master. Charles Richmond, Assistant Post Master. Morris M. Williams, first Clerk. Office open from 7 o'clock A, M. to 8 o'clock P. M. On Sun- days, from 8 to 9 A. M. and from 5 to 6 P. M. MAILS. Mails for the North, East, South and West, in the winter sea- son close at 9 o'clock P. M. Eastern and Southern mails close in the summer season, one hour before the departure of the boats. RATES or POSTAGE ON LETTERS. Single, or any number of pieces not exceeding half an ounce, 300 miles or less, five cents. Single, if over 300 miles, ten cents. Drop letters (not mailed,) two cents. For each additional half ounce, or part thereof, add single post- age thereto. ON NEWSPAPERS. Newspapers 1,900 square inches or less, sent by publishers from their office of publication any distance not exceeding .30 miles, free. Over 30 and not exceeding 100 miles, one cent. Over 100 miles and out of the State, 1^ cents. CUSTOM HOUSE. Grisivold Street, near Jefferson Avenue, Charles G. Hammond, Collector. ) Sereno C. Hammond, Deputy Collector. UNITED states LAND OFFICE. Jefferson Avenue, near ff ales' Hotel. Robert A. Forstth, Register. ■rZ DETROIT receiver's office. Corner Jefferson Avenue, and Randolph Street. Jonathan Kearsley, Receiver. OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. Jefferson Avenue, between Griswold and Shelby Streets, William A. Richmond, Acting' Superintendent. William S, Lee, Clerk. COURTS HELD IN DETROIT AND ELSEWHERE. UNITED STATES COURTS. circuit court, for the district OF MICHIGAN. John McLean, of Ohio, Presiding Judge. Ross WiLKiNs, Associate Judge. DISTRICT COURT OF THE U. S. FOR THE DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN. Ross WiLKiNS, District Judge, The. terms of both of the above Courts of this District, com- mence at Detroit, on the third Monday of June, and second Mon- day of October, in each year. John Winder, Clerk of the U. S. District Court, for the Dis- trict of Michigan, who bylaw, is also Clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States. Austin E. Wing, Marshal of the District. John Bronson, Crier of the Courts of the United States, COURT OF CHANCERT. Hon. Randolph Manning, Chancellor. William Hale, Register. The following is a list of counties composing the different Chancery Circuits, with the times and places at which the Chan- cellor holds his court: First District — Wayne, Macomb, St. Clair, Michilimacinac, Chippewa, and counties attached for judicial purposes. The Court for the first District, is held at Detroit, the seccnd Tuesday in March and third Tuesday in September in each year. Second District — Washtenaw, Jackson and Livingston. The Court for the second District, is held at Ann Arbor, the second Tuesday in January and July, in each year. DIRECTORY. 53 Third District — Si. Joseph, Cass, Berrien, Van Buren, Alle- gan, Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Kent, Ionia, and all other counties at- tached for judicial purposes. The Court for the third District is held at Kalamazoo, on the third Tuesday in Januar}^, and the Thursday next after the fourth Tuesday in June, in each year. Foxirth District — Oakland, Genesee, Saginaw, Lapeer, and Sh iawassee. The Court for the fourth District is held at Pontiac, the firs^^ Tuesday in May, and the Tuesday after the second Monday in November, in each year. Fifth District — Monroe, Lenawee, Hillsdale and Branch. The Court for t he fifth District is held at Adrian on the first Tuesday in January, and third Tuesday in June in each year. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. Epaphroditu? Ransom, Chief Justice. Daniel Goodwin, ^ Warner VVino-j > Associate Justices. Charles W. Whipple, > The terms of this Court are held as follows: Detroit, the first Tuesday in January, in each year. At Ann Arbor, the last Tuesday in December, in each year. At Kalamazoo, the first Tuesday in July, in each year. At Pontiac, the third Tuesday in January, in each year. CIRCUIT COURTS. The State of Michij^an is divided into four Judicial Circuits, in each of which, one of the four Judges of the Supreme Court is the presiding Judge. The following, it is believed, is a correct list of the several counties comprised in the respective Judicial Circuits, with the names of the Presiding Judges: First Judicial Circuit — Hon. Daniel Goodwin, Presiding Judge — Wayne, Monroe, St. Clair, Macomb, Lapeer, Michili- mackinac and Chippewa. Second Judicial OVcuj/— Hon, Warner Wing, Presiding 54 DETROIT Judge — Washtenaw, Lenawee, Hillsdale, Branch, Calhoun, Jack- son and Eaton. Third Judicial Circuit — Hon. Epaphroditus Ransom, Presi- ding Judge — St. Joseph, Cass, Berrien, Van Buren, Kalamazoo, Allegan, Barry, Kent, Ottawa and the counties and districts respectively attached thereto, for judicial purposes. Fourth Judicial Circuit — Hon. Chas. W. Whipple, Presiding Judge — Oakland, Genesee, Saginaw, Shiawassee, Livingston, Clinton, Ionia, Ingham and ihe counties and districts respectively attached thereto, for judicial purposes. The following, it is believed, will be found an accurate list of the days on which the terms of the Circuit Courts are held in the several counties: First Judicial Circuit — Macomb, on the first Tuesday of April, and the second Tuesday of October in each year. In the county of Lapeer, on the first Tuesday of June, and third Tuesday of October, in each year. In the county of Monroe, oh the second Tuesday of April, and the fourth. Tuesday of October, in each year. In the county of St. Clair, on the fourth Tuesday of April, and the first Tuesday of October, in each year. In the county of Wayne, on the first Tuesday of May, and the second Tuesday after the first Monday in November, in each year. In Michilr- mackinac on the second Tuesday of February, and the third Tuesday of July in each year. And in Chippewa, on the third Tuesday of February, and the fourth Tuesday of July, in each year. Second Judicial Circuit — In Lenawee, on the first Tuesday of April and October, in each year. In Hillsdale, on the third Tuesday of April and October, in each year. In Branch, on the fourth Tuesday of April and October, in each year. In Calhoun, on the first Tuesday of May and November, in each year. In Jackson on the third Tuesday of May and November, in each year. In Washtenaw, on the first Tuesday of June and Decem- ber, in each year. In Eaton, on the last Tuesday of September and March, in each year. Third Judicial Circuit — The terms of this Circuit are held as ollows: DIRFCTORT. 55 In the county of Allegan, on the third Tuesday of April, and the second Tuesday after the first Monday of November, in each year. In the county of Barry, on the second Tuesday of April, and the first Thursday after the first Monday of November, in each year. In the county of Berrien, on the first Tuesday of May and October, in each year. In the county of Cass, on the fourth Tuesday of April and September, in each year. In the county of Kalamazoo, on the second Monday of June, and the fourth Monday of November, in each year. In the county of Kent, on the first Monday after the third Tuesday of May and October in each year. In the county of Ottawa, on the first Thursday after the third Tuesday in May, and the first Thursday after the fourth Tuesday of October, in each year. In the coun- ty of St. Joseph, on the third Tuesday of March and second Tuesday of September, in each year. In the county of Van Buren, on the first Tuesday of April, and the third Tuesday after the first Monday of November in each year. Fourth Judicial Circuit — In the county of Livino-ston, on the second Tuesday of April and October, in each year. In the county of Ingham, on the third Tuesday of April and October, in each year. In the county of Shiawassee, on the first Tuesday of May and November, in e«ich year. In the county of Clinton, on the second Tuesday of May and November, in each year. In the county of Ionia, on the third Tuesday of May and Novem- ber in each year. In the county of Genesee, on the second Tuesday of March and the fourth Tuesday of August, in each year. In the county of Saginaw, on the third Tuesday of March and August, in each year. In the county of Oakland, on the second Tuesday of June and December, of each year DISTRICT COURT, Hon. B. F. H. Witherell, Presiding Judge. This Court has exclusive jurisdiction in all criminal cases. The following counties are comprised within its limits, viz: Wayne, Oakland, Washtenaw and Jackson. The terms of the Court are held as follows t For WayRe coanty, the first Tuesday in March^ June, Sep- tember and December. 56 DETROIT For Washtenaw county, the first Tuesday in April and Octo- ber. For- Jackson county, the third Tuesday in March and Septem- ber, For Oakland county, the third Tuesday in April and October. PROBATE COURT. — WAYxNE COUNTY. Cornelius O'Flynn, Judge. Court days, every Monday. Court Room, County Buildings, corner Congress and Grisvvold streets. mayor's court. Held by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, or any three of them, on the second Monday in every month. Firemen's Hall. Robert E. Roberts, Clerk. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AND BRANCHES, PRIMARY SCHOOLS, he. By an act of Congress, approved May £0, 1326, two townships of land, equal to 46,080 acres, were granted to Michigan, for the endowment of a University. The Legislature caused these lands to be judiciously selected, in different parts of the State, agreea- bly to the terms of the grant, m quantities not less than one section in one body. By a provision of the constitution of Michi- gan, the principal arising from the sale of these lands shall be and forever remain a permanent found, the interest thereon to be applied for the support of the University and its branches. By an organic law of the Legislature, the government of the University and branches, is intrusted to twelve Regents, who are appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate; and said Board of R,egents are declared a body cor- porate. The Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Judges of the Supreme Court and Chancellor, are also ex-oificio members of the Board of Regents, but are not members of said corpora- tion. Several branches of the University have been located, from time to time, in different counties, and appropriations made in aid of their support. University buildings have been erected, upon the site, at Ann DIRECTORY. , 57 Arbor, designated by an act of the Legislature, at a cost of about S50,000; additional buildings are contemplated, as soon as the finances of the board will warrant the expenditure. The Uni- versity was organized September, 1841. The number of students in the University, has uniformly increased, from year to year, and, (as far as the finances, arising from the interest, will admit,) further aid will be extended to other branches, which have not been organized, or to those, which, although heretofore organized, appropriations have been necessarily suspended. The course of studies in the University is thorough, and in- tended to afford opportunity for a most liberal education. No tuition money is charged, beyond an entrance fee of $10, for instruction in the University, the liberal appropriation by Congress being deemed a fund, the interest of which will defray all expenses incident to this department of instruction. The flattering condition of this institution, as well as the ex- cellent regulations, enacted relative to our common school system, affords cause for congratulation to the citizens of our growing commonwealth. And while we boast of the unsurpassed beauty and fertility of our soil, and natural productions, it will also be perceived that the freemen of Michigan are not insensible to the greater and more excellent advantages resulting from the culti- vation of the mind. The following named gentlemen form the Board of Regents, as at present constituted: Jonathan Kearsley, Marvin Allen, Edward Mundy, John Owen, Alexander H. Redfield, Rev. Geo. Duffield, Rev. Charles C. Tay- lor, Elijah H. Pilcher, Hon. Elon Farnsworth, Zina Pitche.r, M. D., Hon. Austin E. Wing, Minot T. Lane, Eben N. Willcox, Secretary. DISTRICT SCHOOLS. In the beginning of the year 1842, an act passed the Legisla- ture of Michigan, forming the city of Detroit into one school district, and providing for the election of twelve school inspec- tors, who, together with the Mayor and Recorder of said city, (the two latter being declared to be ex-officio school inspectors,) 58 DETROIT were constituted a body corporate, by the name and style of " The Board of Education of the City of Detroit." The act of the Legislature authorizes the Common Council, once in each year, to assess and levy a tax, on all the real and personal j)roperty, within said city, not to exceed one dollar, for every child between the ages of five and seventeen years, towards the support of said schools, to be public and free to all children residing within the limits of the city, between the age^ of five and seventeen years, inclusive. The Board have, at present, twelve public schools, under their supervision, located in different parts of the city, which are kept open the whole year. The greatest number of scholars registered, in the books of the several teachers, in actual attendance, during any one quarter of 1845, was 1,407. The total number of children from four to eighteen, according to the school census of 1845, is 4,039. The amount received from the State School Fund, in 1845, was $1,069 88. The amount of said tax for 1845, was $3,000. ST, VINCf]NT'S SEMINARY. Corner oj Lamed and Randolph Streets. Besides the Free Schools of the city, supported by law, there are upwards of one hundred children instructed daily, in the use- ful branches of education, at the above Catholic Seminar}^, taught by the Sisters of Charity, not more than 20 or 30 of whom pay for their tuition. In addition to the Public and Free Schools, there are a num- ber of Select Schools established in different parts of the city, kept by teachers, whose qualifications are of a high order. CENTRAL RAILROAD. The above Railroad commenced operation, A. D. 1836, w.ien called the Detroit and St. Joseph Railroad, and owned by that ompany, but in the year 1837, was transferred to the State of DIRECTORY. 59 , since which ti: Railroad. Its present western termination is at Kalamazoo, distance from Detroit, 146 miles. It is under the direction of the Board of Internal Improvement, of which John F. Porter is acting Commissioner. There is a line of Passenger Cars, each way daily, Sundays excepted, from Detroit to Kalamazoo. Fare through, $4 50. Leaves Detroit at 8 o'clock A. M. and Kalamazoo 7 o'clok A. M. The office of Internal Improvement is in the State building, Griswold street. PONTIAC AND DETROIT RAILROAD COMPANY. G. Williams, President. The above Railroad was completed to Pontiac, and opened to the public, the 4th of July, 1843. The cars leave Detroit daily, Sundays excepted, at 3 o'clock A. M. and Pontiac at 1 o'clock P. M. Fare, one dollar each way. LIST OF STATE OFFICERS. Salaries. Alpheus Felch, Governor, $1,500 00 William L. Greenly, Lieutenant Governor, $6 per day during session. Digby V. Bell, Auditor General, 1,000 00 Gideon O. Whittemore, Secretary of State, 1,000 00 George B. Cooper, State Treasurer, 1,000 00 John F. Porter, Acting Commissioner of Internal Improvement, 1,000 00 Abiel Silver, Commissioner State Land Office, 1,000 00 Henry N. Walker, x\ttorney General, 800 00 Ira Mayhew, Superintendent of Public Instruction. 500 00 Randolph Manning, Chancellor, 1,500 00 Epaphroditus Ransom, Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court. 1,600 00 Charles W. Whipple, Associate Justice do 1,500 00 Daniel Goodwin, do do 1,500 00 Warner Wing, do do 1,500 GO 60 DETROIT Benjamin F. H. VVitherell, Judge District Court. 1,000 00 Henry C. Bunce, Recorder State Land Office, 400 00 John E. Schvvarz, Adjutant General. F. H. Harris, Quarter Master General. Jonathan Kearsley, i Henry Warner, > State Appraisers. James J. Godfrey, ) Levi Bascom, ) Ira C. Backus, ^ Inspectors of State Prison. Michael Shoemaker, ) Alonzo Ferris, Agent for State Prison. Edward V. Cicotte, Inspector of Beef, Pork and Fish. • MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. John R. Williams, Mayor. Edmund A. Brush, Recorder. ALDERMEN. 1st ward— F. Buhl, M. Stevens. 2d ward — C. R. Desnoyers, W. Duncan. Sd ward— B. Wight, Theo. Williams. 4th ward — C. Moran, N. Greusel, Jr. 5th ward — B. B. Moore, C. C. Jackson. 6lh ward — W. Barclay, L. Baldwin. City Attorney — W. A. Howard. City Clerk-^R. E. Roberts. City Treasurer — D. Smart. Superintendent Hydraulic Works — James Stewart, office City Hall. Marshal— J. P. Whiting. Engineer— F. M. Wing. Street Commissioner — Geo. F. Porter. Supervisors of Highways, District No. 1 — " " " JYo. £— . Director of the Poor — Mason Palmer, office City Hall. City Physician — Henry Lemcke. City Sexton — Robert Scadin. City Surveyor — A. E. Hathon. DIRECTORY. t)I CLERKS OF MARKETS. City Hall^liemy Carroll. Berthelet— -Sealer of Weights and Measures — John N. McFarlane. Inspectors of Wood — J. A. Stephens, S. C. Webster, Justices of the Peace — Theodore Williams, William T. Young-, Hugh O'Beirne, James B. Watson, F. H. Harris, George Clan- cey. CONSTABLES. 1st ward — Peleg O. Whitman. 2d ward — Joseph McMichael. Sd ward — Daniel M. Freeman. 4th waid — James J. Cicotte. 5th ward — Grove D. Rodgers. 6th ward — Bosiel McDonnald. , Printer — Alpheus S. Williams. FIRE DEPARTMENT. President oj the Association — D. Smart. Treasurer — F. Buhl. Secretary — B. D. Hyde. Engineers — James Stewart, Chief. W. P. Doty, 1st Assistant. David Esdell, 2d " WARDENS. E. A. Brush, Chief. 1st ward — J. Hanmer, J. L. Whiting, M. F. Dickinson, Shu- bael Conant. 2d ward— W. T. Patrick, Ellis Roberts, J. Webster, S. Lar- ned. 3d ward—E. V. Cicotte, D. Harbaugh, J. F. Joy. 4th ward— A. H. Adams, A. T. McReynolds, N. Sutton, Jag- Watson. 5th ward— D. Fisk, H. E. Perry, J. Dean, C. M. Bull. 6th ward— S. Farnsworth, J» Doty, J. Finehart. 62 DETROIT FIKE COMPANIES Protection Fire Company, wYo. 1 — Engine House under Fire- men's Hall. Eagle Fire Company, A'o. 2 — Engine House, Fort near Gris- wold street. Ifolveinne Fire Company, Ko. 3 — Engine House, Randolph street, near Berthelet Market. Lafayette Fire Company, JVo. 4 — Engine House, Wayne, near Lamed street. PhcBuix Company, A'o. 5 — Engine House, 5th ward. Michigan Company, J\'o. 6 — Engine House, 4th ward. Hook, Ladder and Axe Company — Firemen's Hall. Hurlbnt Hose Company, JVo. 1 — Firemen's Hall. Le\Roy Hose Company, JVo. 2, — Corner Fort and Griswold st. BANKS. Michigan Insurance Company, U. S. Deposit Bank — Jefferson Avenue, corner Griswold street, John Owen, President; Henry H. Brown, Cashier; Thomas J. Hulbert, Assistent Cashier. Directors — John Owen, Henry H. Brown, Henry N. Walker, John Roberts. Walter Ingersoll, Teller; William M. Snow, Book-keeper; John Roberts, Clerk. Banking Hours— d to 12, A. M., and £ to 4, P. M. Farmers^ and Mechanics^ Bank — Jefferson Avenue; established in 1829. Charles Seymour, President; E. C. Litchfield, Cashier. Michigan State Bank — Jefferson Avenue. C. C. Trowbridge, President; A. H. Adams, Cashier. ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS. DETROIT CITY TEMPERANCE SOCIETI. This Society was organized in July, 1840; its pledge is total abstinence from all that can intoxicate. Its annual meeting, for the election of officers, is held on the second Tuesday of Februa- ry, in each year. All other meetings are held at the call of the executive committee. Its officers are a President, two Vice DIRECTORY. 63 Presidents, a Secretary and Treasurer, who discharge the duties usually devolving on those officers, and are the executive com- mittee of the society. W. A. Howard, President; E. C. Walker, Secretary. THE DETROIT TOUING MEn's SOCIETY, For the purposes of Moral and Intellectual improvement, char- tered by an act of the Leg-islature, March, 1836. Bela Hubbard, President; Jas. V. Campbell, Vice President; D. Bethune Duffield, Corresponding Secretary; Edw. C. Walker, Recording Secretary; Thos. H. Hartweli, Treasurer; Wra. Ray- mond, Auditor. Manage rs—Ehen N. Willcox, Witter J. Baxter, Wm. A. Howard, Samuel Barstow," Henry N. Walker, Levi B. Taft, John I. Herrick. The annual meeting of the Society, for the election of officers, is held on the first Monday in July. There are, also, regular meetings, on every Thursday evening, during the winter, which are occupied, alternately, with lectures and debates. There is a library belonging to the Society, and open to its members and such others as are approved by the Board of Directors, under the standing rules. The meetings are now held in the Presbyterian Session room, but it is in contemplation to erect a suitable build- ing, at an early day. THE mechanics' SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF DETROIT. Incorporated by an act passed by the Governor and Judges of the Territory of Michigan, A. D. 1820. Officers. — Solomon Davis, President; Charles Byram, Vice President; Chauncy Hurlbut, Treasurer; John Farrar, Secretary and Collector; John Farrar, Librarian. The following extract from the Preamble to the Constitution will explain the object and character of the Society: "Regarding the virtue and intelligence of a community as the only sure basis of its prosperity, and believing that harmony of sentiment, and charity to the unfortunate, are necessary to its happiness — believing, also, that our united exertions are requisite to preserve proper standing in society, and oppose the progress of vicious principles and individual misconduct, we kc. kc." S4 DETROIT The Society numbers at present about forty-five members. It is stated to be in a prosperous condition, with an income exceed- ing 300 dollars per annum, and a good library of nearly 600 vol- umes. The Librarian attends every Saturday evening at the Society's room in the Mechanics' Hall. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Michigan Lodge, JVo. 1. — Meetings every Monday. ffayne Lodge, JVo. £. — Meetings every Friday. Wa-we-a-tonong, JVo. 12. — Meetings every Saturday. JYIichigan Encampment, JVo. 1. — Meetings second and fourth Thursdays in the month. Grand T^odge of the State of J\Iichigan. — Quarterly meetings second Wednesdays in July, October, January and April. It is intended to erect a Hall on a lot owned by the Associa- tion on the west side of Woodward Avenue during the present year. THE DETROIT TRACT ASSOCIATfON. A society entitled as above, composed of members from the different Protestant churches in the city, was organized in the Presbyterian Session Room January 12, 1846, the nature and object of which is explained in the first article of the constitu- tion, which was then adopted, and which is as follows: "Article 1. This Society shall be called the Detroit Tract Association, the object of which shall be to distribute gratuitously every month in all the families in the city, willing to receive it» some publications of the American Tract Society, or some other tract, prepared in accordance with the general principles of the American Tract Society." The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President — Rev. George Duffield. Vice President — Rev. James Inglis. General Superintendent — Horace Hal'ock. Ward Superintendents — 1st ward, John Hulbert; 2d ward, Charles M. Howard; 3d ward, David French; 4th ward, Rosa Wilkins; 5th ward, Thomas Rowland; 6th ward, J. D. Baldwin. DIRECTORY. 65 tSecreiary — Francis Raymond. Treasurer — Alexander McFarren. BRADY GUARDS. This uniform company was organized April 13, 1836, and em- braces some of the most respectable youn^ men of the* city, professional, mercantile and mechanical. Its constitution differs from uniform companies generally; the corps owning the uni- forms, and each member receiving the appraised value of the uniform and equipments when he leaves the company. Officers. — Alpheus S. Williams, Captain; Henry Doty, 1st Lieutenant; Benjamin G. Stimson, ild Lieutenant; George Doty, Sd Lieutenant; O. S. Allen, 1st Sergeant; B. B. Moore, 2d Sergeant; J. E. King, 3d Sergeant; George Davie, 4th Ser- geant; Barney Campau, 1st Corporal; Lemuel Watkins, £d Cor- poral; M. L. Gage, 3d Corporal; Alexander K. Howard, 4th Corporal; James W. Sutton, color Sergeant. LAFAYETTE GUARDS. This company was organized the 4th of July, 1S42, and num- bers about 56 members. Officers. — L. D. Clairoux, Captain; S.Bouchard, 1st Lieu- tenant ; J.J. Cicotte, 2d Lieutenant ; E. Bouie, 3d Lieutenant; John Montriul, Sergeant. SCOTT GUARDS. This company was organized the 11th October, 1341, and num- bers about 110 members. Officers. — John V. Ruehle Jr., Major ; Nicholas Greusel Jr., Captain ; Frederick Ruehle, 1st Lieutenant ; F. Kauffman, 2d Lieutenant ; .Louis Kunze, Sd Lieutenant ; Allois Katus, Order- ly Sergeant. MONTGOMERY GUARDS. This company was organized in January, 1844, and numbers about 80' members. Officers.— WAW^m O'Callaghan, Captain ; D. Coghlan, 1st Lieutenant ; A. Johnston, 2d Lieutenant ; John McManman, 3d Lieutenant. 66 DETROIT The three latter named companies form the first battalion of the Frontier Guards. Officers. — John V. Ruehle Jr., Major ; John W. Daily, Adju- tant ; James J. Cicotte, Quarter Master. . CENSUS OF THE CITY OF DETROIT. 1 1844. 1845. First ward. l,67i>i f£,U»i) Second ward. 2,064 2,179 Third « 1,920 2,409 Fourth " 2,443 3,452 Fifth " 870 1,118 Sixth " 1,552 1,868 Colored Inhabitants, 418 10,939 13,065 CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. ST. Vincent's hospital, Corner of Lamed and Randolph Streets. During the past year several rooms in the same block of build- ings in which the Catholic Seminary is kept, have been fitted up for the reception of the sick poor, who are taken care of, and pro- vided with such medical advice and assistance, and other neces- saries as they may need, under the direction of the Sisters of Charity. Upwards of sixty persons have received the benefits of the institution since its commencement. A LIST OF MAYORS OF THE CITY OF DETROIT. John R. Williams, elected 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 18S0 1831 1832 1833 1834 John R. Williams, (( Henry I. Hunt, (( John Biddle, li John Biddle, IC Jonathan Kearsley, It John R. Williams, u Marshall Chapin, a Levi Cook, K Marshall Chapin, a C. C. Trowbridge, i( 1 {Levi Coolc, MUECTORY. Levi Cook, R. Williams, (I John R. Williams, it 67 1835 1836 1837 a 338 1839 1840 1841 1342 1843 1844 1345 184G JMUSEUM, OR CABINET OF OURIOSITIES, BY DR. CAVALLI, Franklin street, east of St. Antoine street, Detroit. The Museum of Dr. Cavalli, as above, is open daily for the reception of visitors, citizens and strangers, where may be in- spected an interesting and extensive collection of objects, the works of nature and of art. Here may be seen minerals from Lake Superior, from the val- ley of the Mississippi and 'from the group of Niagara specimens of the petrifactions of organic remains from Lake Huron and Lockport; shells from the oceans, and bivalves from the Ohio and Iowa rivers. Among the works of art, are the splendid representations of the Flore de I'amateur — the birds, quadrupeds and nests of the birds from Schinz— the Zoologique Atias of Egypt—the anti- quity df Herculaneum — the Sculptures of Rome, from Sandrat — Topography of Europe, by Marian — the Medals of the 14th and 18th centuries — Napoleon's Campaign of Italy, kc. fcc. &.c. The collection, of medals contains the interesting series of Napoleon's victories. The following is the order in vvhich th€ different works are arranged: Minerals classified by Werner, 600 68 DETROIT Petrifactions " " Goldfus, 500 • Shells " " Lamarck, 400 Birds* eg^s of Michigan, Wilson, 80 Coins, (dollar size,) arranged geographically, 150 Medals, " historically, 80 Antiquities, " after the nations, 60 Engravings in systennalical order, 4,000 Library of various scientific works, 400 0,070 Admission to the exhibition is on all occasions " public and free.'* Dr. C. will be happy to exxhange duplicates from his collec- tion, for objects of natural history, or purchase any collections or specimens that may be offered. FIRE REGULATIONS FOR THE BETTER SECURITY OF BUILDINGS. From the Laws of the Common Council. 1. No ashes can be kept in a wooden vessel, with-ln ten feet of any building, fence, or wooden structure; nor in a metal or earthen vessel, unless it is covered. 2. Every stove pipe must be close jointed. It must enter a chimney of brick or stone, and be made close where it enters. Where it passes through a partition of wood, it must be through a crock of earthen or stone, or some non-conductor of heat. 3. The floor under every stove must be covered by a board, faced with iron, zinc or tin, with a space under the stove of eight inches; or by a box filled with brick, sand or clay, three inches thick from the floor. The stove must be free from dangerous Clacks or openings, and properly fitted with doors. Wood within twelve inches of any stove or fire must be protected by a cover- ing of metal or plastering, and no wood, protected by metal, must be nearer than eight inches. 4. The floor under stoves standing in shops where shavings or \^ood chippings are made, must be protected by a box filled with brick, sand or clay, five inches high from the floor, and for six inches outside the bottom of the stove. DIRECTORY. 69 b. All stove pipe holes, openings and cracks in chimneys, must Ic closed by a sheet of metal, or brick and mortar. 6. Blacksmith's chimneys must be constructed to prevent the escape of sparks, and the side of the building contiguous to the forge, for the space of six feet long and up to the roof, and on the inside of the roof over the forge for the space of fourteen feet square, must be plastered. 7. Wooden fire boards must be covered on the bottom of the inside with a strip of sheet iron, tin or zinc, at least six inches wide. 8. Every occupant of a tenement, whose premises are found on examination by a Fire Warden, one week after receiving this notice, not in conformity with the above requisitions, will be subjected to the fine and costs imposed by law. The occupant is requested to preserve and refer to this notice. BOUNDARIES OF THE WARDS. First Ward. — All west of the centre line of Shelby, and south of the centre of Michigan avenue. Second Waid. — All south of the centres of Monroe and Mich- igan avenues, and between the centres of Shelby and Randolph streets. Third Ward.— AW south of Croghan street, and between the centre lines of Randolph and St. Antoine streets. Fourth fFard.—Ali east of the centre line of St. Antoine st., and south of Gratiot Road. Fifth Ward. — All north of the centre of Michigan avenue, and west of the centres of Woodward avenue and the Saginaw turnpike. Sixth Ward. — All east of the centre of Woodward avenue,, north of the centres of Monroe avenue, Croghan street, and Gratiot road, and west of the centre line of St. Antoine street. LIST OF STREETS, LANES AND ALLEYS. Abbott St., from Fourth street to Michigan avenue. Adams Avenue, from Clifford street to Brush st. Atwater street^ (rom GiUett's Wharf to Hamtramck. 70 DETROIT Bates street, from the river to Farmer st. Beaubien street, from the river to Montcalm st. Berthelet Alley, from Randolph st. to Franklin st. Brush street, from river to Adams avenue. Cass street, from river to Miciiigan avenue. Catharine street, from Gratiot st. to Hamtramck. Clinton street, from Gratiot st. to Hamtramck. Clifford street, from Columbia st. to Woodward avenue. Congress street, from Fourth st, to Hamtramck. Croghan street, from Randolph st. to Hamtramck. Elizabeth street, from William st. to Brush st. Farmer street, from John R. st. to Randolph st. Farrar street, from ,Tohn R. st. to Randolph st. First street, from Jefferson avenue to Michigan avenue. Fort street, from Fourth st. to Hamtramck. Fourth street, from Woodbridge st. to Chicago turnpike. Franklin street, from Berthelet alley to Rivard st. Gouin street, between Atwater st. and Franklin st. Grand River st., from Grand River turnpike to Randolph st. Gratiot street, from Miami square to Hamtramck. Griswold street, from river to John R. st. Harriet street, from Randolph st. to Brush st. Hastings street, from the river to Gratiot street. Howard street, from First st. to Fourth st. Jefferson Avenue, from First st. to Hamtramck. John R. street, from Woodward Avenue to Montcalm st. Julius Alley, from Fourth st. to Griswold st. Lafayette street, from Fourth st. to Hamtramck. Larned street, from Fourth st. to Hamtramck. Macomb street, from Miami square to St. Antoine st. Macomb Avenue, from Grand River st. to the Grand Circus. Madison Avenue, Randolph st. to Grand Circus. Miami Avenue, from Randolph st. to Grand Circus. Miami Square, from Randolph st. to Miami avenue. Michigan Avenue, from Randolph st. to Fourth st. Military Square, crosses Woodward avenue. DIRECTORY. 71 Monroe Avenue, from Military Square to Randolph st. Montcalm street, from Witherell to John R. st. Mullet street, from Rivard farm to Russel st. Palmer street, from Grand River to Clifford st. Park street, from Michigan avenue to Grand River st. Pine street, betvi^een Hastings and Rivard streets. , Porter street, from Third to Fourth. Randolph street, from river to Adams avenue. Rivard street, from river to Gratiot st. Rowland street, from Michigan avenue to Grand river st.' Russel street, from Jefferson avenue to Harmon, printers and propriel's Democratic Free Press, corner Woodward av and Congress st. Bagg A Smith, books and stationery, Woodward av, r Elizabeth st sv Park st. Bagg John S, postmaster, b National Hotel. Bagg Silas A, county register. Fort w First st. Bagg Dr Joseph H, corner Macomb and Brush sis. Bailey &, Knowlton, surgeon dentists, corner Woodward av and Congress st (office upstairs.) Bailey Dr Frederick E, b Dr Knowlton, Bailey Joseph C, fchtJby n Fort st. Baker Mrs, (nurs^e.) Columbia w Witherell st. Baldwin Lyman, (P Hayden k Co) Woodward av n Lamed fit, r cor Miami av and Grand River t^t. Baldwin Joseph D, leather store Woodward av n Lamed et, r Macomb w Beaubien st. Baldwin H P, boot and shoe store, Jeff av near Woodward av, r Griswold n Lamed st. Baldwin Horatio N, farnier, Cass farm. Grand River st. Baldwin Albert J, farmer do do Baldwin Charles, porter, Railroad Hotel. Baldwin John, do E H W Brooke. Baldock Henry, cor Woodbridge and Bates sts. Baldry George, soap maker, b St. Clair Hotel. Ballard IStephen, laborer, At water e Hastings st, Ballou Lorenzo, printer, b Mrs Barton's. Balcorn George, goldsmith, Robbins fc Hubbard. Balch Mrs ,board'g house, cor Mich Grand av and Randolph it. Banks Robert, clothing, store cor Jeffav and Griswold st, r cor Fort and Brush. Bartholomew Albert H, Randolph n Congress st. .76 DETROIT Barstow k. Lockwood, law ofEce,cori>er Jeff and Woodward avs. Barstow Samuel, cor Cono-ress and Second sts. Barstow Homer A, clerk National Hotel. Barstow Hiram T, bar keeper do. Barclay ^ Keenej, machinists and founders, cor Shelby and La- fayette sis. Barclay William, cor Farrar and Grand River sts. Barclay John, ship carpenter, b Mrs King-sley's. Barnard Sberman, agent St Clair Lumber Company, r cor Lar- ned and Brush sts. Barnard Charles T, printer, b Grand River House. Barner Mil I on, proprietor Steamboat Hotel, cor Randolph and Woodb ridge sts. Barney Daniel, do. Barnum William, hatter, JefTav, r Croghan w Antoine sts. Bartley Patrick, laborer, cor Wayne and Larned sts. Bartley Charles, tailor, b John Lyster. Bartley Charles, laborer, Griswold near Larned sts. Bartell Nicholas, boot maker J Bour's. Barton Mrs, boarding house, Wuodbridge e Bates st. Barton Jac(jb L, b J L Wright's. Barrett William H, Woodbridge w Griswold sts. Barrett Samuel, carpenter Gratiot w Beaubien st, Barlage Anthonv, grocer, cor Franklin and Hastings sts. Barker Jacob, Woodbritlge w Riopell st. Barker Jacob Jr, sailor do. Barie William, bakery, k,c cor Franklin and Hastings sts. Barie Francis, cor Bales and VV^oodbndge sts. Bane John, laborer. Mullet near Rivard st. Barry Mrs, upholsteress, Stevens k, Zug. Barry John, laborer, Larned w Griswold st. Barsc William H, mariner, cor Randolph st and Adams av. Bard, pamter, b Mrs Balch. Bascom E, chair maker, b Thos Cranage. Batte.^hall William, painter, Lafayette w Griswold st. Bates George C, law office, Jetl' av w Griswold st, r Fort w Wayne st. Bates Morgan, cor Fort and Third sts. Bates k Co, tailors. Woodward n Jeft'avs. Bates Samuel, Michigan av opposite Washington av. Bates Capt E, steamboat builder, b Mansion House. Bates George, carpenter, Croghan w Russell st. Bates Andrew, laborer, Berthelet alley. Bates Abel, do do. Baiighrnan Rev J A, cor Macomb and Beaubien sts. Baxter Witter, (Harvie h Baxter,) b Mrs Hartwell, Baxter Thomas, rope maker, Adams av e Clifford st. DIRECTORY. 11 Beaubien Antoine, Jeff av w Antoine st. Beaubien James, cor Beaubien and VVoodbridge fits. Beaubien Peler, VVoodbridge near Orleans st. Beaubien Charles, Beaubien st n Larned st. Beaubien Henry, Farmer st opposite the Jail. Beardslee Charles J, proprietur Railroad Exchange, Michigan Grand av. Beard James, lumber yard,cor At water and Orleans 6t8,r cor Or- leans and Pine sts. Beard George, recess, cor Jeff and Woodward ave, rcor Michigan ave arid Parks st. Beard Thomas, porter, \v Second st. Beard Jesse, do do Beard William laborer, r Mrs Flanio-an. Beagle James, printer, Gratiot e Rivard et. Beach John, butcher, Woodbridge e Beaubien st. Beach Henry, cabinet maker, r Henry Myres. Beale Williaiii, laborer, cor Elizabeth and Park sts. Bcale Charles, hostler. Mansion House. Beckmann Frederick, cabinet maker, cor Croghan and Rivard fits. Beckmann Christian, servant, James Abbott. Beckwith James L, mariner, Fort e Brush st. Beck Gollieb, tanner, cor Fort and Hastings sts. Beck Joseph, laborer, cor Macomb and Hastings sts. Beecher fa. Abbot, drv-goods &,c, Jeff ave e Woodward ave. Beecher Luther R, Jeff ave \\ Brush st. Beede Richard, (lemon beer,) Randolph n Jeff av. Behan Peter, tailor, Woodbridge strColumbiaV Clifford st Bellair Oliver, cor Rivard and Fort sts. Belisle Charles, blacki-mith, cor Franklin and Antoine fits. Belisle Francis, Macomb w Hastings st. Beldin Charles, ship carpenter, cor Larned and Third sts. Bell Digby V, Auditor General, (office State building, Griawold st, r Elizabeth vv Witherell st. Bell William, do do Bemrose Michael, blacksmith, r Thos Hall. Benjamin Almon, laborer, Clifford st n Macomb av. Beniteau Clemewt clerk, Wadleigh & Co, r Railroad Hotel. Benedict Eri, ship carpenter, Farmer w Bates st. Benedict Chailes H, do do Benedict Elias H, do do Benedict James, rarp^nter, Croghan wRusselst. Benedict Edward H, deputy jailor, Benham Ebenezcr, grocerirs fa,c, military square n National Ho- tel, r Clinton e Beaubien st. Bennett Moses, blacksmith, cor Columbia and Clifford fit. Bennett DeWitt C, bar keeper, Commercial Hotel. 7* 78 DETROIT Bennett Franoi?, wagon maker, M Sage. Bennett Dr William, Michigan Gardens. Bennett Jatnes A, clpri<, Chaiincy Hurlbut. Bent ley Samuel, machinisif, VVoodbridge e Beaubien at. Benlley llapkell, laborer, U S Hotel. Bendit S h Co, dry goods Jeffav. Benilo iJieiidnnni, cariientnr, r J Busby. Benito L, ball alley, Woodward av. Berrynian Edgar, laborer, r |[ Myrcs. Berthelet Henry, corner Jeffav and Orleans st. Berihelet Peter, do do Berthelet Henry, Jr, r Miss Lvons. Brrrybo Francis, laborer, Fr mklin e Hastings st. Bernie Antoine, butcher, (Columbia vv Wiiherell st. Berger C, gunsmith, cor Cuni^ress and Russell sts. Berjior Adol|)hus, grocer, Michigan av. Bet-a;ic, teacher of music, b Mrs Loomis. Bostin Joseph, carpenter, Croohan vv Hastings sts. Bottr.mley Joseph, waiter, A Fraser. Bottouilov Gporge, do E P Hastings. Bouchard k Johness, Detroit shop, cor Bates and Atwater sts* Bouchard N, Lnrnnd st e Beaubien st. Bouchar I Constin, tailor, b Lake House. Boudrou Stephen, ship carpenter, cor Brush and Gratiot ete, Boulard Martin, waiter, John Owen. Boulie Anei. grave-digger, Gratinf st w Russell st, Bonrke Will ain, cooper, foot Randolph st. Bour Jose|th,b oot-maker, oeffav, near Wales' Hotel, r cor Port nr Russell St. Bour Angiistiis, J Bnur's, r cor Fort and Bussell sts. Bour i\ich ".la>:, mason, cor Croghan and Rivard sts. Bowman George, carpenter, Congress east Antoine st. B;\voii .T^'s^eiih. laborer, Larned east Bates st. Boyco Patrick' laborer, Howard west Cass st. Boyle Edvv'ard, laborer, Woodbridgeeast Wayne st.. 80 DETROIT Boyt William, barkeeper, Mrs Manchester's saloon. Boyt Charles L, b do. Boyt Fie'lcric, book-binder, b do. Bradlor.l R C k, Co, dry-goods &tc, Jeffav east Woodward av. Bradford Robert C, b Jas Williadis. Bradford James D, (Moore &, Bradford.) b .Tames Williams. Bradf.)rd Epliraim P, clerk R C liradfi)rd &, Co, b National Hotel. Bradsliaw Srinuiel, Abbott west Second st.' Branigan William, teacher of book-keeping, Anloine n Larned St. Brainard Franklin B, b A E Hathon. Bradley Collins, (P Hayden St Co), cor Hastings and Lafayette sis. Bradley, carpenter, cor Larned and Second sts. Brayton John P, clerk, V W Roth. Branian Jason, carpenter, Jeffav e Shelby st. Braman iMrs, millmery, do do. Branan Victor, cor Miillett and Orleans sts. Braran Benj. tinsmith, b MrsEsdel. Brabno Joseph, carpenter, Croghan e Antoine st. Brady H, Gen'l U. S. Army, cor Jeffav and Hastings st. Brady k Trowbridge, grocers &:c, Jeffav w Woodward av. Brady Samuel P, Congress w Griswuld st. Brady Hugh, grocer, cor At water and Griswold sts. Brady Jnhn, carpenter, Beaubien s Macomb st. Bray John F, printer, b Eagle Tavern. Brewster &6 Dudgeon, forwarding merchants, foot Brush 8t. Brewster William, Jeffav w Beaubien st. Brenan James, boiler maker, Adams av e Grand Circus, Brenan widow, do do. Brenan Jcffey, Woodbridge w First st. Breen William, driver, Wales' Hotel. Breck Dr. office Jeffav w Bates st, r Larned st e Antoine st. Briggerman Fiancis, grocer, cor Macomb and Antoine sts. Brinkman Henry, laborer, A Pulte. Brigham Benj F, printer, Randolph near Fort st, Brigham Edward, gunsmith, b W Lyon. Briscoe i5pnj, engineer. Farmer n State st. Britton Sanfcird, cabinet maker, Jeffav, b Barney's Hotel. Brist(d Charles L, Social Retreat, river side, SpringwelU. Brinick Edward, shoemaker. Randolph s Woodbridge st. Brister C, carpenter, Beaubien n Lafayette st. Br ody Bryan, joiner, Larned w Third 'st, Briley John, shoemaker, Larned w Shelby st. Bridge k. Lewis,*forwarding merchants, foot Bates st. Bridire Harvey P, b National Hotel. Brockhauson i)r,cor Randolph st &c Eerthelet alley. DIRECTORY. 81 Browning- Henry P, painter, JefFav e Brush st. Browning- Mrs, milliner and dress maker, do do. Browning- Mrs, VVuodbridge e Hastings st. Browning Samuel C, clerk W Noyes Jun b do. Bronson John, Antoiiie n Larned st. Brooke Edwin H W, proprietor Rialto Saloon, Woodbridge e Shelby st. Brooks Col Edward, Woodward av n Grand River st. Brooks Dngald, engineer, Randolph near Fort st. Brown Henry H, cashier Mich Ins Bank, r cor Fort and Wayne sts. Srown Culien, sadlery &.c, Jeff av e Bates st, r Hamtramck. Brown &: PutiDan, messdames millinery he, Jeff av w Griswold St. Brown John, groceries Sic, cor Woodward av and Larned st, r Woodward av n State st. Brown Ephiaim, clerk J Holmes h Co. Brown William, do do. Brown Dr R, b Michigan Rxchange. Brown Thomas, laborer. Woodward av n State st. Brown William, cabinet maker, b Mrs Esdell. Brown Thomas, wcighmaster, cor Jeff av and Wayne st. Brown Mrs, straw millinery do Brown Miss, taiioress, Jeff av near Michigan Exchange. Brown Barton, driver Railroad Hotel. Brown Robert, butcher, Witherell n Elizabeth st. Brown Francis, do do. Brown James, shoemaker do. Brown Alonzo, carpenter, b Eri Benedict. Brown Robert, laborer, Atwater w Anto'ne st, Brown George, recess, Atwater e Bates st. Brown Frederick, shoemaker, Lewis Rankin. Brown John, warehouseman, Dorr, Webb &. Co, Brunyard John, joiner, b Mrs Warren. Brunet Thomas, tinsmith, b Mrs Esdell. Brush Edmund A, Jeff av w Brush st. Brush Alfred, do. Brush ThoiuHs C, carpenter, Randolph n Fort st. Buckley Henry, clerk G Williams k. Co, b Wales' Hotel. Buddington George, carpenter cor Miami av and Grand Circus. Buddou John, mason, Macomb w Russell st. Buel Alexander VV, law office. Woodward av near Jeff av,r Jeff av w Riopell St. Buhl F &. C H, hat and cap manufacturers, Jeff av e Woodward av. Buhl F, Congress w Cass st. BuhlC H, Griswold n Larned st. 82 DETROIT Bullock Stephen. Antoine n Congress st. Bull James, variety^ store, Woodward av, r Miami av n Grand River st. Bull Charles M, ^rncerieSjWoodbridg-e near Cass st,r cor Michi- g-an av and Park st. Bull George G, law office, U S building, r C Morse. Bull H L B, National Hotel. Bunnell William, pedlar, Grand River st cor Macomb av. Burlingham Geo, b^r keeper, Strangers' Home. Burchard M W, cur Woodward av and Congress st. Burchard Jas T, do Burchell Moses, steamboat agent, Woodbridge e Brush bI. Burchel! Aaron, drayiiian do Burrell Albert, foreman Clarke's livery stable. Burrell D, Railroad Hotel. Burgess R W, topooraphical engineer, b Mich Exchange. Burgess Edward, blacksniith, Lamed w Shelby sts. Burnham Hiram, clerk auditor general's office, b Marcos Ste- vens. Burdell Dominick, laborer, Fort and Hastings sts. Burnell Wm, master builder, b A C Carter. Burfree Martin W, chair maker, Lafayette w Shelby st. Builey Wa.^hington, b A II Adams. Burden Mrs, Lamed e Brush sis. Burke Anthony S. Gillet's. Bums James, (Cook 8i Burns) Mich av e Shelby st. Burns Ja?, laborer, Croghan e Antoine st. Burns Eduard, labtvcr, do Burns Wm, cartman, do Burns Geo, grocer, Woodbridge w Shelby st. Burns Patrick, carpenter, (^iniJ-re.-s e Antoine sts. Burns Alexander, carpenter, b Wm Robson's. Burns Edward, servant. D Dunning. Bury Lewis, clerk Cray Si, l^pvvis, b Mrs Hale. Bushnell Daniel P, office Drews block Jeff av, r Mrs Inger- soll. Busby James, carpenter, cor Congress and Russell sts. Bush Theodore, laborer. Snelby n Woodbridge st. Butler William A, (Lamson &, Co) Larned e Beaubien st. Butler Peter, cartman, Franklin e Rivard st. Butler Patrick, lab Parker, drv goods &.c, Jefferson av w Shelby st. Clark William H, Shelby n Larned st. Clark George A, do do Clark Cyrus B, tailor^ cor Second and Abbott sts. Clark Eliphalet M, surgeon, Larned e Beaubien st. Clark Albert, clerk int imp office, b National Hotel. Clark Walter W, Machinist, Second n Congresfc st. Clark William, fireman, Michigan av w Shelby st. Clark James, engineer, b William Clark. Clark Benj, inspector provisions, Woodbridge e Beaubien st. Clark James, carpenter, b John Blairs grocery. Clark Daniel S, cor Michigan av and Cass st. Claus Jacob, button maker, Macomb e Russell st. Clay William, hair dresser, Military Square, r Woodward av n State St. Clement Samuel, turner, Randolph n Fort st. Clear William B, billiards, cor Jefferson av and Shelby st. Clinton Marcellus, joiner, Gratiot w Hastings st. Clitz William F, clerk John Owen k. Co. Clump Erasmus, butcher, b W Thompson's Hotel. Coats Harry, sawyer, Eagle Steam Mill. Cobb Dr H P, office Jefferson av near Wales' Hotel, r Jefterson av e Rivard st. Cobb Lucretius, do do Cobb Joseph, shoe maker, cor Grand River st and Macomb av. Cobb Joseph jr, do 'do Cobb Josiah, farmer, n State' st. Coe h Coit, exchange brokers, Woodward n Jefferson av. Coe Israel, b National Hotel. Coe R A, clerk Watkins & Bissell. Coggeshall Josiah, druggist and grocer, Jefferson av opposite Farmers k. Mechanics Bank, r Woodward av n State st. Coggeshall Charles H, do do Coghlan Daniel, butcher, Griswold st near the Capitol. Coghlan Thomas, laborer, Hastings n Congress st. Coghlan Thomas, carpenter, Larned w Wayne st. Cohen Frederick, portrait painter, office Drew's block Jefferson avenue, b Mrs Dean. Coit Samuel, (Coe k Coit,) Jefferson av e Rivard st. Collinson John, mill stone maker, John Webster. Collins Thomas, tanner, Atwater e Rivard st. Collins John, Pine w Rivard st. Collins Hugh, Howard w First st. DIRECTORY. 87 Collins James, book keeper B B Kercheval &. Co, do do Collins John, drayman, do do Collins Charles, clerk, do do Colvin Daniel, ostler, J B Long's livery stable. Cole Mrs H S Larned e Brush st. Cole Chas, law student do do Cole Augustus, clerk, do do Cole James A, (Williams k. Cole,) Springwells. Cole William F, painter, Lafayette w Griswold st. Cole James, mason, Brush n Fort st. Cole Abraham, ostler, W Moore's livery stables. Cole William, laborer, Theodore H. Eaton. Commercial Hotel, (John Murray proprietor,) cor Woodbridge and Second sts. Common George, tailor, Jefferson av near Bates st, r Larned e Beaubien st. C onaughton Patrick, laborer, Larned st w Woodward av. Conkling James K, silversmith, b George Doty. Conkling William H, cabinet maker, b Railroad Hotel. Conkling Edwin M, carpenter, Woodbridge w Hastings st. Connelly Patrick, laborer, Larned e Bates st. Conner widow, Woodbridge e Hastings. Conner Andrew, do do Conner Richard J, Monroe av w Farmer st. Connay Patrick, stone cutter, Woodbridge e Beaubien st. Connay Christopher, shoe maker, Jjafayette e Beaubien st. Condon John, soap maker, cor Franklin and Antoine sts. Condon Joseph, carpenter, Cass n Lafayette st. Conger Williamson, carpenter, b Eri Benedict. Conlan Michael, drayman, Columbia w Withereli st. Conrad Bernard, Fort w Russell st. Cooper George B, State Treasurer, office state buildings, Gris- wo'd st, b National Hotel. Cooper Gage M, engineer, cor Adams av and Clifford st. Cooper David, Michigan Grand av. Cooper George, do do Coombs George, keeper of the Capitol. Coombs Alonzo F, church sexton. Woodward av n John R st, Coody William, carpenter. Brush st n Berthelet alley. Cook' Mrs O, Larned w Shelby st. Cook William D, artist, Lafayette w Shelby st. Cook James H, trader. Congress e Beaubien st. Cook Abraham, Atwater e Riopelle st. Cook PhilormoD, clerk int imp office, b George Saunders. Cook Edwin, tanner, Jefferson av w Rivard st. Cook William A, law student, b Chas M Howard. Cook Levi cor Shelby and Congress st. 38 DETROir Cook Paul, sawyer, Eagle Steam Mill. Cook k, Burns dry goods, Jefferson av w Grisvvold st. Cook Olney, Lafayette w Shelby st. Cook Philip, drayman, Beaubien s Clinton st. Cood Edward, warehouse man, G Williams &c Co. Copland John, baker, cor Randolph and Woodbridge sts-. Copper Peter, (colored,) laborer, clinton e Antoine st. Copp Anthony, baker, George Weber. Coquilard Thomas, mason, Farmer st opposite Jail. Coquilard Augustus, mason, Farrar n Grand River st. Coquilard Nicholas, carpenter, cor First and Abbott st. Cornfield John, grocery, Atwater st w Shelby st. Cornfield William, do do Cornfield Edward, grocery, Woodbridge e Shelby st. Corcoran Bartlett, drayman, b Morgan Bates. Cornell Mrs, select school, Congress st opposite second Metho- dist church. Corbet Daniel, currier, Franklin w Rivard st. Corson Aaron, sawyer, Franklin e Antoine st. Corns Joseph, cabinet maker, Grand River st w Maconib av. Cork Peter, laborer, Catharine nr Orleans st. Coston William, ship joiner, Jeff av e Cass st. Coulter Mrs, boarding house, Larned w Griswold st. Coulter William, do do Coulter Joseph, do do Couteau Louis, cor Lafayette and Riopelle sts. Couse Adam, music saloon, Jeff av opposite Mich Exchange. Covert Isaac, carpenter, Columbia w Beaubien st. Cowles Noah, (Johnson & Cowles,) b W W Johnson. Cowie William, machinist, at^Kendrick k. Co. Coxe Alfred, grocer and druggist, Jeff av w Griswold st. Coxe Joseph C, clerk, N T Ludden. Coyle Edward, shoe maker, Woodbridge e Shelby st. Coyl William C, grocery, cor Military sqr and Woodward av. Crandell Ira D, carpenter, cor Woodward av and John R st. Crawford Daniel, Griswold n Larned st. Crawley A R, b Walter W Clark. Cranage Thomas, boarding house, Shelby n Larned st. Crashaw Jesse, carpenter, Howard w Cass st. Cramer Antoine, laborer, Franklin e Hastings st. Cramer William, carpenter, Fort e Hastings st. Crary Denison, (Littlejohn &, Crary) b David Thompson. Crary Alonzo, agent Pontiac R R, b Railroad Hotel. Grain William M. (Hyde St Grain,) Franklin e Hastings st. Crane Albert, law office, Drew's block Jeff av, bMich Enchange, Crane James G, hatter, Woodward av n Jeff av, r Larned e An- toine St. DIRECTORY. 89 Cramb James, carpenter, Beaubien s V/oodbridge st. Crabb George, carpenter, Jeff av e Bates st, Crabb James, First n Congress st. Crate Peter, carpenter, Macomb e Beaubien st. Cram Lawrence, mason, Macomb e Beaubien st. . Cram James, carpenter, do do Cram Walter, clerk, Beecher &, Abbot, b W Moores. Creed James, ostler. Railroad Hotel. Crecy Robert, shoemaker, cor Congress and Brush sts. Crimmins Michael, shoemaker, cor Mich av and Shelby st. Cromwell Elias C, (Reeve fc Co,) b National Hotel. Crossman George D, dry goods, Jeff av w Bates st, r Jefferson av e Rivard st. Crowther Thomas, tailor, Mich av opposite Central R R Depot. Cromhflrn Peter, laborer, Macomb e Antoine st. Crowley James, carpenter, Cass n Lafayette st. Crowley Jeiry, bar keeper, Whipple's Coffee House. Crowley Michael, cor Fort and Fourth sts. Crowley John, mason, Franklin w Hastings st. Cronan Joseph, tailor, at John Ask. Gronan Daniel, cor Atwater and Brush sts. Crones Joseph, grocery, cor Fort and Hastings sts. Crough Patrick, laborer, Congress e Rivard st. Cruwell Frederick, goldsmith, Robbins k Hubbard. Cruise John, clerk, b Hugh O'Beirne. Cunningham Barney, laborer, b Mrs Flanigan. Cumings Thomas R, dept'y Sec State, b National Hotel. Curtis George C, select school, cor Mich av and Griswold st. Curtis William, shoemaker, Congress e Hastings st. Curtis David, carpenter, b Gage M Cooper. Curry William R, carpenter, cor Randolph and Lafayette sts. Cusson Augustus, pattern maker, Macomb e Brush st. Gushing Charles L, clerk, b J Watkins. ^ Custom House, Griswold st below Jeff av. D. Dahmer John, cabinet maker. Bates n Congress st. Dahmer George, do do Daily John, clerk P O, Randolph n Gratiot st. Daly Daniel, drayman, Larned w Cass st. Daly Daniel, grocery, cor Michigan av and Griswold st. Daly Cornelius, laborer, Clinton e Beaubien st. X)aly John, teamster, cor Monroe av and Randolph sts. Damm John A, tavern, cor Croghan and Hastings sts. Damm Henry, carpenter, Lafayette e Rivard st. Danahey Michael, Woodward av n Congress st. 90 DETROIT Dan forth Joseph M, clerk Geo D Grossman. Dany Daniel, waiter, Hon Lewis Cass. Darbing William, laborer, Fort e Beaubien st. Darey James H, shoemaker. State w Beaubien st. Davenport widow, Wash n Mich avs. Davenport Charles, clerk, ' do Davidson Alexander, law office, Drews Block Jeff av, r cor Jeff av and Antoine st. David Alexander, drayman, Dequindre farm, n Catherine st. Davis S &. Co, brass founders, Batea st, nearly opposite Irish church. Davis Solomon, cor Bates and Farmer st. Davis k. Mead, painters, Jeff av w Shelby st. Davis Caleb F, cor Congress and Hastings st. ^ Davis Bradley B, Hotel, cor Bates and Atwater sts. m Davis John M, mason, Croghan e Antoine st. Davis Joseph, painter, Griswold n Atwater st. Davis Wilson, saddler, b Railroad Hotel. Davis Frrnklin, laborer, b W Ryder. Davie George, clerk, A H Newbould, r Congress e Beaubien st. Dayton Sa'bine, victualling, Atwater w Griswold st. Daj', Capt U S Army, cor Congress and Rivard sts. Dean Mrs. boarding house, Shelby st n Jeff av. Dean John, clerk, A Coxe, r cor Washington av and Clifford st. Decoster Peter, organist French church, r cor Congress and Ri- vard sts. Decker John, laborer, Lafayette e Riopelle sts. Decker William, laborer, Bates n Woodbridge st. Davis William, milk and cream, Congress w Cassst. Dederick John, laborer, Clinton, e Beaubien st, DeGarant k, Cicotte, dyers, Fort e Antoine st. DeGraff Harmon, hardware, cor Wood av and Lamed sts, r Fort w Shelby st. Delisle Anthony, cooper, Franklin e Antoine st. Delisle Newell, laborer, b Charles N Delisle. Delisle Oliver, baker, J Fillion. Delude Moses, lawyer, Franklin e Riopelle st. Delmas Augustus A, clerk. Fort e Hastings st. Deleau Oliver, Macomb nr Hastings st. Delany Frisby, (colored) blacksmith, cor Macomb and Rivard st. Benebarker Joseph, cor Woodbridge and Beaubien sts. Denniss William, drayman, Larned e Brush st. Deneke Frederick, furniture warehouse, cor Brush and Atwater sts, r Franklin e Rivard st. Dequindre Henry P, clerk, Moore k, Bradford; b P J Desnoyers. Dequindre Theodore, painter, b Josiah Cobb. J51RECT0RY. 9t " Dermont Robert, druggist and grocer, Wood av n Congress st, r cor State and Farmer st. Derasse Leonide, tailor, Jeff av e Brush st. De Schryver Joseph, tailor, Macomb e Russell st. Desnoyers Peter J, cor Larned and Griswold sts. Desnoyers Peter, dry-goods &:c, Jeff av e Shelby st r cor An- toine and Congress sts. Desnoyers Dr Edmund G. drug store. Woodward av below Jeff av, b Peter Desnoyers. Desnoyers Charles R, (Gillet &. Desnoyers,) cor military square and Fort st. Desgat Frederick, tailor, cor Croghan and Rivard sts. Desha Timothy, mariner, Franklin e Riopelle st, DetroilCity Mills, Noah Sutton, cor Larned and Second sts. Detrait Engine Company, cor Larned and Fourth sts. Detroit Brewery, First n Larned st. Devereux Pefer, laborer, Gratiot e Russell st. Deville John, tailor, Croghan e Antoine st. Deville Nicholas, tailor, at L Derasse. Deville Christopher, tailor, do Devvhirst John, farmer Cass farm,Grand River st. Dexter^ames, capenter, b Grand River House. Dibble Orville B, Jeff av e Antoine st, Dibble Charles L, do Dickinson Moses F, tin and copper ware, law buildings Wood- ward av, r I^afayette w Shelby st. Dickinson Luther, blacksmith, b Lake House. Dickson Winser, Randolph n Berthelet market. Dietzal Kaspar, Clinton w Orleans st. Diepel Ludvvicke, cabinet maket, Stevens k, Zug. Diesh John, laborer, Lafayette e Rivard st. Dietz Jacob, mason, Clinton w Hastings st. ^ Dillen Rev, Bishop's house, Randolph st. Dimond John, shoe store. Woodward av near Woodbridge st. Dinnen Patrick, laborer, Larned w Wayne st. Dindel Henry, shoemaker, cor Woodbridge and Griswold st, b Eagle Tavern. Dings Levi, driver, Michigan Exchange. Dixon John E, ship joiner, cor Front and Fourth st, r Larned w Shelby st. Dixon John, fruitery, river side, near old ferry. Dix James, porter at Reuben Town. Dodge Lewis, Michigan av w Griswold st. Dodge Alexander H, carpenter. Woodward av n Military Square. Dogherty Dennis, boiler maker. Woodward av n John R st. Dogherty Cornelius, laborer, Lafayette e Antoine st. Dollarson Wm, (colored,) drayman, cor Clinton and Orleans sts. 92 DETROIT Dollar William B, b A C McFarlane. Dolsen Levi E, tanner, Atwater e Rivard 8t. Dolan William, laborer, Franklin near Riopelle st. Dolan John, laborer, Franklin e Hastings st. Dolan Andrew, laborer, Franklin w Riopelle st. Doll Sebastian, brush maker, MuUett e Orleans st. Donaldson John, blacksmith, b M Kempf. Donnelly Dr E B, Jefferson av e Beaubien st. Donnelly Peter, laborer, Adams av w Park st. Donnelly Daniel, shoe maker, Macomb av n Grand River st. Doolittle James, baker, Larned \v Griswold st. Dooley Patrick, laborer, Michigan av w First st, Dorsey William, porter Barney's Hotel. Doran Michael, laborer, Adams av \v Park st. ^ Doran Michael, carpenter, b Railroad Exchange. ^ Dorry John, laborer, Franklin e Hastings st. ^ Dorr, Webb k, Co, forwarding merchants, foot Cass st. Dorr Josiah R, Wayne street n Jefferson av. Dorr George, (Kendrick k, Co,) b Josiah R Dorr. Doty Mrs, cor Monroe av and Farmer st. Doty George, watch maker, Jefferson av e Bates st, r Congress e Brush st. , Doty Henry, auction store, Woodward n Jefferson av, r cor La- fayette and Cass st. Doty William P, clerk, do do Doty John, mason, Clinton e Brush st. Dougherty Michael, upholster, J3ates s Woodbridge st. Douglass Samuel T, law office, cor Jeff" a Wood av, b Hastings. Douglass Elihu, whip maker, Pine e Hastings st. Dowling Edwin, carpenter, b George Egner. Dowling William, ball alley, Monroe av. Downer John A, carpenter, b Eri Benedict. D(fwney Erastus, tailor, b Thos Cranage. Downing John M, laborer, Macomb av nr Grand River st. Doyle Edward, clerk, b Israel Noble. Doyle Michael, tailor, foot Randolph st. Doyle Mahael, laborer, Beaubien nr Lafayetteo st. Draning William, joiner, cor Beaubien and Franklin sts. Draning William, Beaubien n Atwater st. Drew John, cor Lafayette and Cass st. Driscol James, cor Fort and Fourth sts. Driscol Jerry, drayman, do do Drieser George, Lafayette e Rivard st. Driggs William, (Macy k, Driggs) b Mrs Hale. Drummond Timothy, tailor, Atwater e Bates st. Drury N S, portrait painter, b Commercial Hotel. Drury Widow, Woodbridge w Beaubien st. DIRECTORY. 93 Dubois William L, clerk, r Michigan av w Shelby st. Dubois Charles, clerk, Gray &i Lewis b A C McFarlane. Dubois John, tailor, Cro^han e Rivard st. Ducharme Charles, clerk, A H Newbould b D VVMpple. Ducharmo Louis, clerk, A H Newbould b D Whipple. Dudgeon Anthony, (Brewster k> Dudgeon) r Congress vv Second St. Duffield Rev George, Witherell st n Columbia st. DutBeld D Bethune, (Lothrop k, Duffield,) b Rev George Duf- field. Duffield William A, do do Dufrane Anthony D, chandler, Rivard n Congres- st. Dufrane Alfred, chandler, Rivard n Lamed st. Dugra Hubert, carpenter, cor Abbott and Second sts. Dulea Maurice, laborer, Atwater w Brush st. Dunmawi Eli, Farmer nr Bates st. Dunbatke John, carpenter, Beaubien n Congress st. Dun ivan John, .laborer, cor Atwater and Brush sts. Dunning Daniel, cor Fort and Cass sts. Duncan Arad, (Davis &, Co,) r Springwells. Duncan Samuel C, shoe store, military square. Duncan William, saddler, b United States Hotel, Dunn James G, gunsmith, Abbott w Cass st. Dunn Arthur, carpenter, b P McDonald. Dunn William, carpenter. Fort e Randolph st. Dunn Phillip, cartman, cor Croghan and Orleans sts. Dupont Charles, wagon maker, Franklin e Beaubien st. Dupont Louis, tailor, Jefferson av e Randolph st. Dupont Leoni, laborer, Mullett nr Rivard st. Dupay Peter, cooper, Theresa alley Atwater st. Dupay Francis, cooper, Atwater e Brush st. Dupay Antoine, laborer. Pine e Hasting st. Dupay Edward, lime burner, Antoine nr Atwater st. Dupay Antoine, lime burner, do do Durham William N, clerk George Grossman. Durell William, tinsmith, Croghan e Antoine st. Dushane Francis, laborer. Fort w Hastings st. Dusty Edward, mariner, Atwater e Brush st. Dutton William, saddler, b U S Hotel. Duya Godfrey, carpenter, Gratiot w Antoine st. Dwight Alfred A, (Smith k Dwight,) cor Woodward av and Grand River sts. Dwyer Denis, teacher, Rivard n Larned st. Dygert Mrs, State e Woodward av. Dygert Kinston, do do Dygert Isaac S S, printer, do 94 DETROIT E. Eastwood John, St Vincent's hospital. Eaton Theo H, wholesale grocer cor, Jeff av and Randolph st, r Jeffav e Rivard st. Eberstein George, shoe maker, b Mrs Riebels. Eckert Joseph, boot maker, Jeffav nr Randolph st- Edgerton Oliver N, clerk O Newberry. Edwards John, proprietor old ferry house, foot Griswold st. Edwards Arthur, master mariner, b Rev J. Harrison. Edwards William R, b Harmon DeGraff. Edmonds Thomas B, b Wales' Hotel. Edson Alexander B, painter. State st e Woodward av. Egner George, confectioner, Jeff av e Bates st, r Monroe av nr Farrar st. Ege Dr, cor Jeffav and Bates st, b Wales' Hotel. * Eisenach Henry, tailor, Bates st s Jeffav. • Eklif Charles H, carpenter, Randolph n Gratiot st. Eklif John, blacksmith, b John Patton. Elbert J Nicholson, forwarding merchant, foot Randolph st, r cor Jeff av and Rivard st. Eldred k. Co, leather store, Jeffav vv Woodward av. Eldred Elisha, Monroe av nr Farmer st. Eldred Francis E, cor Rivard and Woodbridge sts. Eldred Julius, Congress w Brush st. Eliconden William, bar-keeper Railroad Hotel. Elliott Mrs, Congress e Beaubien st. RUiott Richard R, clerk John Palmer h Co, b Mrs Elliott. Elliott J W, wagon-maker, b Grand River House. Elliott John, sawyer, Macomb w Russell st. Elliott David, laborer, Theresa alley, Atwater st. Elliott Francis, caulker, b W Thompson's Hotel. Ellis John, M D, HomoBpathist, office cor Woodward av and Congress st, b Barney's Hotel. Ellis Edward D, printer. Congress st e Woodward av, r Fort e Randolph st. Ellis William, laborer, b John Willett. Elmer Aaron W, machinist. Farmer n Grand River st. Else Henry, tailor, Farrar st nr Monroe av. Emerson Curtis, office Drew's block, Jeffav. Emmons Halmer H, (Van Dyke &. Emmons,) Hamtramck. Emmons Jed P C, b H H Emmons. Emmons Frederick A, clerk Moore h Bradford. Engelhardt Peter, laborer,! Antoine nr Atwater st.- Ensworth David A A, law office, Desnoyer's block, Jeff av, r Jeffav e Brush st. DIRECTORY,. 95 iinsworth Geo, clerk, b Mansion House. Ensign Levi W, clerk G F Lewis. Ensig-n Lewis, car-smith, Adams av w Witherell St. Enterhelp Joseph, laborer, Macomb w Hastings st. Erskine Mrs, Congress w First st. Esdell Mrs, boarding house, Woodbridge e Bates st. Esdell Alexander, tinsmith, do Esdeil David, tinsmith, Elizabeth w Witherell st. Esdell John, baker, Franklin w Hastings st. Evarts John, moulder, cor Porter and Third st. Evans Richard, master mariner, b Mrs. Coulter. Evans Archibald, laborer, Beaubien n Atvvater st. Everard John M, painter, corner Miami av and John R st. Evers Barnard, laborer, Atwater e Hastings st. Ewers Alvah, cooperage, cor Cass and Lamed sts, r Shelby st n n Jefferson av. F. Fapy John G, clerk J W Strong, r Congress e Randolph st. Fairbanks John D, clerk P Hayden, b Mrs Coulter. Fairbairn Thomas, stone cutter, Lafayette e Antoinest. Fairbairn James, carpenter. Fort e Antoine st. Fair Bernard, carpenter, Franklin w Beaubisn st. Falkenberg Antoine, chairmaker, Macomb e Beaubien st, Falhahy Thomas, laborer, cor Congress and Third st. Fallin Luke, laborer, cor Wayne and Larned st. Falby Daniel, laborer, b J Moynahan. Faltz Michael, turner, Vail k Co. Fales Timothy, farmer, Witherell st. Fales William, butcher. D Coghlan. Farnsworth J H, dentist, office Jeff av e Woodward av, r Ham- tramck. Farnsworth Elon, Law ofBce, Jeff av over Farmers &, Mechanics Bank, r Jeff av nr Rivard st. Farnsworth Benj S, prop Mansion House. Farnsworth &. Fuller, cofnin makers and carpenters, Woodbridge st opposite U S Hotel. Farnsworth Roswell M, Larned w Griswold st. Farnsworth Ebenezer R, r cor Harriet and Brush sts. Farnsworth Lewis L, b Eben R Farnsworth. Farnsworth Horace, carpenter, Clifford st e Macomb av. Farewell John, engineer, Jeff av e Wayne st. Earrand Jacob S, druggist and grocer, Woodward s Jeff av, r State st e Woodward av. Farmer John, cor Farmer stand Monroe av. Farrar John, cor Bates and Farrar si. ^6 DETROIT Farlin Charles E, book-keeper O Newberry, b National HoteK Farr B S, mason, b Indiana House. Fast John, Mullet e Rivard st, Faucett Peter, veterinary surgeon, b John Woods. Fearson Georore, master mariner, Franklin e Beaubien st. Feely Daniel, laborer, Larned w Wayne st. Fellhauer Stephen, shoemaker, Woodbridge e Griswold st. Feldiar Bernard, mason, Croghan e Riopelle st, Feltman Henry, b Lake House. Felch His Excellency Alpheus, governor of Micigan, office the capitol, b National Hotel. Fenton James, clerk Dr T B Clark, r Beaubien n Croghan st. Fergusson Joseph, shoemaker, cor Washington av and Clifford st. Fergusson Robert, waiter, D Dunnings. Fergusson Daniel, B A McKay. Fergusson Robert, laborer, C R R depot. Fergusson Eralzy, laborer, do do Ferrier Philo, millwright. Grand River e Farmer st. Fernan Joseph, cooper, Theresa alley, Atwaler st. Ferris Dr, Woodbridge e Bates st. Ferris Philip, carpenter, b George Crabb's. Fesar Sebastian, carpenter, Adams av e Grand Circus. Field Orus, Washington av n State st. Field Louis, Atwater e Beaubien st. Field Moses W, clerk, Moore h Bradford. Field George, clerk. Auditor Gen office, b Barney's Hotel. Fifer Ferdinand, laborer, cor Macomb and Antome sts. Fife William, porter. Eagle Tavern. Fillion John, baker, Larned e Brush st. Finehart Isaac, mason, Franklin near Antoine st. Finister Jonah, painter, cor Miami av and John R st. Finister John, laborer, Witherell st. Finister George, clerk, Geo M Rich. Findlay John, joiner, b widow Scanlan. Finney Seymour, Franklin House. Firby John k, Co, soap and candle factory, Atwater e Brush st. Fischer P k, W, importers of watches he, Woodward av below Hallock's store. Fischer Peter, JefTerson av e Orleans st. Fischer William, do do Fisher Mrs, cor Beaubien and Franklin sts. Fisher Elam, mason, Adams av e Grand Circus. Fisher Maxwell, mason, cor Miami av and John R st. Fisher William, mason, Macomb av near Cliffisrd st. Fisher James, carpenter, Washington av n Grand River st. Fisher , laborer, Clinton w Hastings st. Fiske &6 Wilder, scale makers, cor Randolph &. Woodbridge sts. DIRECTORY. 97 Fiske David W, cor Woodward av and State st. Fish Albert A^ grocer, Woodward av nr At water st, r cor Ma- comb and Brush sts. Fitzpatrick Williamj mason, Congress e Hastings st. Fitzpatrick Roger, brewer, cor Larned and First sts. Fitzpatrick John, shoemaker, Abbott w Second st, Fitzpatrick Dennis, cor Larned and Rivard sts. Fitzpatrick Thomas, fruitery, Monroe av. Fitzgerald Patrick, laborer. Porter w Third st, Fitzgerald William, laborer, do do Fitzmoriss Mrs, Woodbridge e Bates st. Fitzmoriss Nicholas, boiler maker, do do Fitzmoriss Pierce, machinist, cor Howard and First sts. Fitzmoriss James E, do do Fitzmoriss Patrick, moulder, First n Howard st. Filch William L, machinist, b W Thompson's Hotel. Fitch William B, machinist, b Walter W Clark. Flattery k, Co, furniture warehouse. Wood av s Woodbridge st. Flattery John, Larned w Cass st. Flattery Denis, do do Flattery Neil, do do Flattery James, do do Flattery William, Congress w Rivard st. Flanegan Hugh, shoemaker, Monroe av. Flanegan Mrs, grocery, Atwater st e Wood av. Flinn Hugh, carpenter. Farmer n Grand River st. Flower James, finisher, b F Nicholson. Flower William C, painter, b Mansion House. Flood Charles B, b A S Bagg. Fluext Thomas, shoemaker, Michigan w Washington av. Foester Jacob, grocery, cor Franklin and Antoine sts. Fogul Bernard, tailor, Brush n Gratiot st. Foisie Augustus F, drayman, Catharine nr Orleans st. Foote George, (F Moore &, Co,)Jeif av e Beaubien st. Forsyth Robert A, register U States Land Office, r Third n Congres st. Forsyth John, laborer, Franklin e Riopelle st. Forsyth Frederick, ostler, J B Long's livery stable. Forman Anthony, carpenter, Lafayette e Russell st. Forbes Thomas, wagon maker, b Thomas Trask. Fortier Peter, carpenter, Franklin e Hastings st. Ford D F, painter, b B B Davis. Ford Peter,'Union tavern, cor Front and First sts. Ford Richard, do do Ford John, do do Foster , merchant, Wales' Hotel. Foster Alexander M, clerk, b Rev James Inglis. 9 98 DETROIT Foster Michael, boiler maker, A Walcot's. Foster John, ship joiner, cor Lafayette and Third sts. Foster Denis, painter, b I Noble, Foster Thomas, chair maker, Antoine n Larned St. Foster Cyrus, turner, b Grand River House. Fose John, laborer, Franklin e Hastings st. Fournier John, joiner, Fort e Hastings st. Fountain Louis, laborer, Gratiot vv Hastings st. Fourth Ward House, Franklin e Hastings st. Fowler Stephen, select school, cor Michigan av and Griswold st. Fowler Smith VV, shoemaker, b Indiana House. Fox R, blacksmith. Congress w Bates st, r Brush n Gratiot st. Fox Mortimer L, clerk, b I Noble. Fox Alva, sawyer. Eagle Steam Mill. i Fraser Alexander D, law office, Drew's block, Jefferson av, r'cor Jefferson av and Antoine st. Fraser George, accountant, Randolph n Fort st. Fraser Thomas, Michigan near Washington avs. Frank Martin, joiner, Franklin e Rivard st. Franz Philip, b Mrs Balch. Frederick Andreas, cabinet maker, Croghan w Antoine st. Freedman Solomon, fancy and staple dry goods, Jefferson av e Bates St. Freeman George L, printer, b Barney's Hotel. Freeman David, constable, cor Jefferson av and Brush st. French Newell, Hastings s Woodbridge st. French David, cor Congress and Brush st, Fritz Charles, laborer, Croghan e Orleans st. Frink Oliver S, book-keeper, W Noyes jr. b W Parker. Fromviller Louis, coppersmith. Fort w Brush st. Fronroid John, laborer. Fort e Beaubien st. Frost George S, clerk, Sur Gen office, b A Sheley. Frost Eugene, clerk, Hiram Lyon. Fuery James, laborer. Central Railroad. Fuery Mrs, provisions, Michigan av. Fuhrman Antoine, cabinet maker, Stevens &, Zug. Fulman John, laborer, Fort^ Hastings st. Fuller Lucius, clerk, cor Co/igress and Shelby st. Fuller Al1)ert G, carpentei^ Cass n Lafayette st. Furnett Antoine, caulker, Pine e Hastings st. G. Gadwa Augustus, Griswold st near the Capitol. Gagnier Ganver, cooper, Gratiot w Rivard st. Gagnier Caspar, do Gagnier Dorick, Congress e Riopelle st. DIRECTORY. 99 Gagnier Combe, cooper, Macomb near Hastings st. Gagnier Samuel, mason, Franklin e Orleans st. Gagnier John, tailor, Franklin w Riopelle st. Gagnier Eli, hatter, cor Fraiiklin and Hastings sts. Gagnier, E, joiner, b Louis D Clairoux.' Gardner Benj C, carpenter, b Israel Noble. Gager Charles G,master mariner, Congress w Cass st. Gage Morgan L, dep sheriff, Congress e Hastings st. Gage Russell, (Hyde &: Gage,) Elizabeth vv Park st. Gage Henry, mason, Antoine n Jefferson av. Gallagher Thomas, grocery, cor Woodbridge and Griswold sts Gallagher James, tailor, Larned w Brush st. Gallagher, Edward, tailor, do do Gallagher, rope maker, Adams av e Clifford st. Galey James, laborer, Larned w Antoine st. Gale William, cabinet maker, Woodbridge e Randolph st. Garrison Henry D, dry goods &,c, cor Jefferson and Woodwan av, r cor Lafayette and Wayne st. Garrison John J, groceries. Woodward av n Congress st, r Con- gress w Griswold st. Garrison Charles O, clerk, Hutchins k, Jenness, b Mrs Dean. Garland Mrs, Jefferson av w Riopelle st. Gardner Samuel, carpenter, Larned w Second st. Garrett Cyrus, printer, Charles Wilcox. Gaatly Patrick, laborer, Woodbridge e Wayne st. Garmon Anthony, laborer, G k J G Hill. Garmon Ignatius, do do Garry Edward, do Larned w Wkyne st. Gaylord Henry C, engineer, Larned w Cass st. Geiger h Co, printers, Jefferson av e Bates st. Geiger Martin, Park st north Michigan av. Geiger Evert M, printer, b Mr. Saunders, Woodward av. Geisse J Henry, (J A Armstrong k, Co,) Fort w Shelby st. George P &, J, furriers. Woodward s Jefferson av. George Paul, Jefferson av e Beaubien st. George John, do do Geraughty Arthur, grocery, cor Michigan av and Shelby st. Gibbings William, ship joiner. Park st n Michigan av. Gibson John, Wayne n Lafayette st. Gibson John jr, carriage painter, do do Gibson George, supt cars, C R R depot, r Miami av n State st. Gibson James, painter, b John Gibson. Gibson Nathaniel, (Perin k Gibson,) r Adams av near Clifford st. Gibson John A, do do Gibson William, joiner, Cass n Lafayette st. Gibson Isaac, wagon maker, b W Gibson. Gibson Alexander, Woodbridge w Bates st. 100 DETROIT Gibla Mahael, waiter, Eagle Tavern. Gibbs George, mill stone maker, Washington av n Clifford st. Gies Henry, tavern, Brush n Congress st. Gies Peter, grocery, cor Brush and Fort sts. Gies Jacob, potter, Croghan e Hastings st. Gies John H, printer, do do Gies Conrad, carpenter, Macomb e Antoine st. Gies Conrad, cor Antoine and Croghan sts. Gillespie John, mason. Congress e Randolph st. Gilbreth George, laborer. Lamed w Wayne st. Gilbert Elijah K, joiner, Jefferson av e Orleans st. Gilbert William, mason, Columbia w Park st. Gilbert Stephen, cartman, Clifford st, \v Washington av. Gilbert John, cor Fort and Brush st. Gillet &, Desnoyers, forwarding merchants, foot Shelby st, Gillet Reynold, cor Congress and Cass sts. Gillet Shadrack, cor Fort and Third sts. Girardin Moses, carpenter. Fort e Brush st. Girardin Peter N, Atwater e Riopelle st. Glass &. Cargill, auction store, Jefferson av e Griswold st. Glass Alonzo B, b R W Warner. Glover Henry, tailor, Jefferson av w Woodward av, r Woodward av n Grand River st. Godfrey Jeremiah, (Atkinson k Godfrey,) Jeff av w Shelby st. Godfrey George C, blacksmith, Shelby s Jefferson av. Godfrey Ballard, blacksmith, b James Hart. Godard Abel, cor Fort and Brush st. Godwin Thomas, cartman, cor State st and Washington av. Goff William S, Machinist, cor Beaubien and Woodbridge sts. Gokey Joseph, cor Lafayette and Hastings sts. Gokey John, butcher, cor Randolph and Atwater sts. Gomo Amer, laborer, Catharine e Riopelle st. Goodsell Capt B S, b Commercial Hotel. Goodsell Mrs, State st e Woodward av. Goodrich Ichabod, groceries, Randolph near second M E church. Goodrich Ansel F, b J P True. Gooding William, boat builder, Atwater e Beaubien st. Goodell Alexander, groceries and provisions, cor Jefferson av and Bates st, r Congress e Beaubien st. Goodell Elijah, Randolph s Woodbridge st. Goodell William, mariner, Atwater w Hastings st. Goodnow Daniel, prop Michigan Exchange. Goodnow William H, do Goodwin Hon Daniel, Judge S«p Court, b Samuel Pitts. Goodman John S, Cass s Michigan av. Good Roman, mason, Franklin e Hastings st. Gordonier Henry, fireman, Michigan av w Shelby st. Gordonier George, mariner, Abbott w Second st. DIRECTORY. 101 Gordon Henry W, clerk, Bridge k Lewis. Gormon Simon, tailor, Griswold st, r Abbott w Second st, Gormen Norris, Adams av near Randolph st. Gore Meredith, teacher, Theresa alley, Atwater st. Gottlieb Cronenwelt, tailor, b Louis Kunze. Gotier Joseph, laborer, Hastings n Lafayette st. Gotie Mrs, Larned e Beaubien st. Gotie Gabriel, laborer, Catharine e Hastings st. Goulets John, laborer. Pine e Hastings st. Goula Joseph, Lafayette vv Hastings st. Gowdey Samuel, ship joiner, Woodward av n John R st, Gravelfin Peter, laborer. Congress e Russell st. Graverat Albert, silversmith, r Geo Doty. Granger Gordon, Lieut U S army, b Wales' Hotel. Granger Edward, carpenter, cor Woodbridge and Orleans sts. Granger George, watchman, C R R depot. Graham, millwright, A Merrill. Granger Joseph, mason, Adams av w Park st. Graves J O, b W Moore. Graves Benj T, caulker, b Moses Webster. Graves Walter, painter, Congress w Third st. Graves Horatio, painter, Macomb w Antoine st. Graves Horace, painter, Clinton e Beaubien st. Grand River House, (M Salter,) cor Grand River and Griswold sts. Grant John, cor Atwater and Hastings st. Gray k Lewis, forwarding merchants, foot Woodward av. Gray Horace W, b D Dunning. Gray William, law office, law buildings, Woodward av, b Wales' Hotel. Gray William, carpenter, b Mrs Ayres. Gray Hugh, blacksmith, b widow Scanlan. Gray Alexr, b W A Henry . Gray Hugh, carpenter, cor Harriet and Randolph sts. Greenfield John, weighmaster, C R R depot, r Miami av n Grand River st. Greenwood Godfrey, laborer, Larned w Griswold st. Greenwood John, pattern maker, Second near Abbott St. Gresharber Bogart, goldsmith, Robbins St Hubbard. Greusel Nicholas, Lafayette e Rivard st. Greusel Nicholas jr, Wight's Steam Mill, r Franklin e Antoine St. Greusel Joseph, shoemaker. Congress near Rivard st. Green Edward, laborer, Witherellst n Columbia st. Green Thomas, carpenter, cor Congress and Hastings sts. Green Russell, Elizabeth w Park st. Green Allen, carpenter, Elizabeth w Park st. 102 DETROIT Green John, porter, Michigan Exchange. Gregg Alexander, carpenter, Farrar n State st, Griffiths William, ship joiner, b James Stott. Griswold George R, count}- clerk, office cor Congress and Gris- wold sts, r Fort e Rivard st. Griswold John, dep county plerk, r Congress e Brush st. Grinnold Daniel T, select school, Jefferson av w Beaubien st, b Mrs O Cook. Grierson James, cor Fort and Rivard sts. Griffin James, grocery, Woodward av near National Hotel. GriffiDr William, ship joiner, b James Stott. Griffbr John, engineer, Larned w First st. Grist William, proprietor city hay scales, r Brush n Harriet st. Grim Christian, tailor, Macomb av w Russell st, Grosvenor Benj S, moulder, b Fourth Ward House. Grout William, barkeeper. Eagle Tavern. Gruner Nicholas, shoemaker, (Mrs Kleins,) Griswold st. Gryham Edwin, dry goods, Jefferson av e Griswold st. Gubby Charles, tinsmith. Fort e Beaubien st. Guinevan Thomas, grocery, Griswold n Atwater st. Guile James, jeweller, b Mrs Fisher. Gulley Orrin S, printer, Christian Herald office, cor Jefferson and Woodward avs, b Morgan Bates. Gumilton Thomas, laborer, cor Fort and Third sts. Gunn John, laborer, Woodbridge e Beaubien st. H. HackstaffGeo H, cabinet maker, Woodward av n Congress st, Hachen widow, Lafayette w Russell st. Hadley George, shoemaker, b Indiana House. Hake Joseph, grocery, cor Lafayette and Antoine sts. Hake Jacob, laborer, Mullett e Orleans st. Hallock k. Raymond, clothing store, cor Jefferson and Woodward avs. Hallock Horace, Jefferson av opposite Russell st. Halpin Michael, laborer, Michigan av w Shelby st. Hall Richard H, wholesale and retail grocer, cor Woodward av and Congress st^ r Larned e Beaubien st. Hall Thomas, farrier and blacksmith, cor Clifford st and Wash- ington av. Hall Amos T, Dep State Treasurer. Hall Dr, Congress e Beaubien st. Hall William, farmer, Witherell st. Hall. Franklin, pail maker, b J Quackenboss. Hall Thomas, mason, Beaubien n Lafayette st. Hall Lewis, watch-maker, Jeflferson av, r Lafayette w Wayne st. Hall Augustus do do do . DIRECTORY. 103! Hall William, watch-maker, Jeiferson av, b Barney's Hotel. Hall Edward, law student, b Mrs Kittredge. Hale William, law office, slate building, Griswold st, r Congress w Shelby st. Hale Mrs, boarding house. Congress w Griswold st. Haly Daniel, shoemaker, Larned w Wayne st. Haly John, laborer, Woodbridge e Wayne st. Hamilton William C, carpenter, b Mrs Balch. Hamilton Palmer, agent, Rowland st n Michigan av. Hamilton David, do do Hamilton Wilson, carpenter, cor Miami av and State st. Hamilton Alfred, grocery, Front w First st. Hammond Charles G, collector customs, office custom house, r Congress e Brush si. Hammond Sereno C, dep col cus, b Rev H L Hammond. Hammond Rev H L, cor Congress and Beaubien sts, Hammond James, b Mrs Hartwell . Hammond Peter, carpenter, Franklin w Riopell st. Hammond , goldsmith, b Matthew Kempf. Hammeng Nicholas, laborer, cor Larned and Orleans sts. Hamlin Alexander, carpenter, Lafayette e Brush st. Hangstorfer Jacob, confectioner at Wm. Phelps'. Hancock John, Ohio House, cor Woodward av and Woodbridge St. Hanscom Dudley, clerk A A Fish. Hanmer James, Congress w Wayne st. Hanmer Massie W, grocery, Michigan av opposite City Hall. Hanson Stephen T, master mariner, Randolph n Gratiot st. Hanson Stephen, Lafayette e Russell st. Hanks Thomas, sausage maker, Randolph nr Berthelet Market. Hanley John, {MuUin k, Hanly,) b Mrs. McWilliams. Hanna John, tobacconist, foot Bates si. Hand George E, law-office, JefFav e Griswold st, b Michigan Ex- change. Hann George, fur manufacturer, JefFav w Griswold st. Hand Peter, Abbott w Third st. Hartmeyer Christopher, cor Gratiot and Hastings st. Hartgrove Chas G, servant George Kirby. Hartwell Mrs, Randolph st, opposite Monroe av. Hartwell Thos H, law student, do do Harbaugh David E, law-office, Griswold st opposite Custom House, r cor JefF av and Brush st. Harrison Rev James S, minister of the Bethel Church, r Larned w Cass St. Harding Fisher A, b Wm. Hale. Harwood Ahaz, carpenter, John R st e Woodward av. Harland William, butcher, Gratiot w Russell st. 104 DETROIT Hartman Michael, blacksmith, cor Franklin and Hastings!. Harina^ Clinton, law-office, Woodward av n Jeff av, b Mrs Hart- well Haring- George, shoemaker, b Indiana House. Harvey Thomas C, printer, b Geo Saunders. Harvie &£ Baxter, law-office, Desnoyers' block Jeff av. Harvie Andrew, Woodward av n Grand River st. Harsha William, printer, b Morgan Bates. Harris William, finisher, b F Nicholson. Harris Frederick H, Justice Peace, office cor Woodward av and Congress st, r State st opposite Capitol. Harper Philip, carpenter, Clinton e Antoine st. Harmon John H, (Bagg k Harmon,) cor Bates stand Michigan Grand av. Harmon Robert, printer, b Mrs Fisher. Hardy Samuel, carpenter. Woodward av n John R st. Hardy S, b Commercial Hotel. Hart Noah, cooper, cor Rivard and Congress sts. Hart DeWitt C, printer, do do Hart James, blacksmith, cor Michigan av and Rowland st. Hart James jr, do do Hard Abner, teacher, Elizabeth e Williams st. Hare John, mason, Beaubien n Gratiot st. Harley Thomas, cartman, Berthelet alley w Randolph st. Hastings E P k, Co, forwadring mer't, cor Front and Third st. Hastings E P, Jeff av e Hastings st. Hastings Sam'l C, do do Hatcher Jno, blacksmith, b James Hart. Hathon A E, city surveyor, office Jeff av, r Fort w First st. Hatch Junius H, Larned e Brush st. Hatch Henry B, G O Whittemore. Hawkins Walter H, clerk Abbot Jk, Beecher, b W Moore. Hawkins John, tmsmith, b Mrs Esdell. Hawes &. White, exchange brokers, Jeff av e Griswold st. Hawes Ebenezer, Grand River st e Woodward av. Hayward William, boat builder, W Gooding. Hayden P k Co, harness warehouse, Woodward av n Larned st. Hayden P h Co, dealers in saddles and hardware, law buildings Woodward av. Hayes Sutton, carpenter, b J Vaile. Hazlewood John, mariner, cor Woodbridge and Brush st. Headstrom Elias, cabinet maker, Randolph n Gratiot st. Healy John, laborer, Woodbridge e Brush st. Healy John jr, clerk Wadleigh k> Co, do Heath Joseph C, provision dealer, Lafayette w Griswold st. Hedges Charles A, printer, b M Geiger. » Heffernan John, laborer, Third s Abbott st. DIRECTORY. 105 Heinlzelman Capt S P, asst qr master U S A.Jeff av vv Riopelle. Heilig John, basket raaker, Lafayette w Russell st. Helferich Isaac, ship joiner, cor Third and Lamed st. Hempstead Charles, shingle maker, b Market Hotel. Henderson William, (Bates 4' Co, b Mrs Barton.) Henderson John, cabinet maker, Macomb av n Grand River st. Henderson VViliiam, butcher Dan Coghlan. Henderson Michael, teamster, Beaubien n Montcalm st . Henelin Nicholas, goldsmith Robbins k, Hubbard. Henry John E, grocer, Michigan Grand av nr City Hall. 'Henry William A, warehouse-man, Front e Third st. Henry Hugh, laborer, Brush st n I3ertheJet alley. Henry Alexander, cooper, Larned w Cass st. Henry Adam, laborer, Lafayette e Hastings st. Henry Michael, blacksmith, Berthelet alley w Brush st. Hepburn Roderick, carpenter, Clinton e Rnssell st. Herrmann Augustus, goldsmith Robbins & Hubbard. Herrmann Anthony, b P Wakerman. Herrman Rev F, cor Brush and Columbia st. Herrick John 1, b Geo McKenzie. Herbert Charles, mason. Brush s Harriet st. Herbert Mathias, carpenter, Clinton eAntoinest. Herron Edward, grocer, b Grand River House. Heron George, Woodbridge vv Griswold st. Herps Louis, baker, Franklin w Hastings st. Hersh Adam, cigar maker, b C Ammann. Hess Peter, boot raaker, Fort e Has tings st. Hess Henry, Fort east Hastings st. Hess Francis, do do Hess Joseph, laborer, do Hewitt Ellas, book keeper W Truesdail,r Second nr Congress st, Hickling John, gardner, Franklin e Rivard st. Hicks James A, dry goods, Jeff av, r Jeff av o Antoine st. Hicks Simmons Jr, clerk Watkins and Bissell, Griswold nr At- water st. Hicks , laborer, do do Hift John, laborer, cor Clinton and Hastings sts. Higginson James, carpenter, Fort e Hastings st. Higgins Sylvester A, Topographer of State Geological survey, 13rush n Harriet st. Higgins Hiram, surveyor. Bates n Farmer st. Higgins Patrick C, Congress w Shelby st. Higgins Edward, ship joiner, Larned vv Second st. Higgins Patrick, grocery, Woodward av nr National Hotel. Higgins Timothy, do do Higgins Thomas, do do Higbee James T, clerk Sur Gen Office, b Mrs Doty, 106 DETROIT Hilsendechan Theodore, laborer, Lafayette e Hastings st. Hillman Hercules, shoe maker, Woodbridge w Randolph st, Hillier John, baker, Croghan e Rivard st. Hillas Thomas, laborer, Lafayette e Randolph st. Hills Horace, Jeffav e Hastings st. Hills Rev Horace Jr, do Hill Dr O, cor Jeffav and Beaubien sts. Hill G &i J G, groceries &:c, Jeff vv Woodward av. Hill George, Lamed e Antoine st. Hill Joseph G, Jeffav e Beaubien st. Hill William R, cor Michigan av and Rowland sts. Hill John H, do do Hill Charles, saddler, Croghan e Beaubien st. Hill Rodney D, cor Elizabeth and William sts. Hill Bristol , Farmer n State st. Hill Mrs, eating house, cor Woodbridge and Griswold sts. Hill Austin, hostler B B Davis' Hotel. Hill William, digger, cor First and Howard sts. Himes Adam, laborer, Antoine nr Atwater st. Hindi man Mrs, boarding. Lamed w Wayne st. Hinchman Theodore, (John Owen k> Co,) cor"Fort and Cass sts. Hinchman James A, clerk John Owen k Co. Hmkle Peter, A Pulte, grocery. Hinkle John, drayman. Fort e Hastings st. Hines James, ship joiner, cor Michigan av and Cass st, Hines Patrick, laborer. Porter w Third st. Hixson George R, currier, Woodbridge w Hastings st. Hoagland Luke, hatter, cor Clinton and Beaubien sts. Hoag Henry P, wagon maker Woodward av above military square, , r Cass n Lafayette st. Hoag Abraham, b J Vaile. Hobart Michael, finisher Stevens and Zug. Hobart Christian, do do Hoberg Cnristian, tailor, Michigan Grand av. Hodgkin John A, clerk Hallock &, Co, b Chas M HoN^ard. Hodges Edward, mason. Fort e Antoine st. Hoffman Peter, mason, Randolph n Harriet st. Holbrook DeWitt C, law office. State building Griswold st, b Michigan Exchange. Holmes k Co, dry goods he, Woodward av nr Larned st. Holmes Silas A, Larned e Beaubien st. Holmes John E, (J Palmer h Co,) b John Palmer. Holmes Robert, tinsmith, Woodbridge e Brush st. Holmes Samuel, b J Stewart, Atwaterjjt. Holmes John, carpenter, cor Miami av and John R st. Holt William D, (Knight St Pitcher,) b M Palmer. DIRECTORY. lOT Hopkins Samuel P, saddler, Fort e Beaubien st. Hopkins Bryan, bootmaker, JefFav e Wayne st. Hopkins Frederick, tailor, cor Elizabeth and Clifford sts. Hopkins Samuel, carpenter, Clinton e Brush st. Hopkins Robert, laborer, cor Woodward av and Grand River sts. Hopkins William, mariner, Elizabeth e William st. Hopson Thomas, grocery, cor Jeff av and Rivard st. Hopson Joseph, carpenter, do do Hopson John, do do do Hopson Richard, grocery, cor Randolph and Gratiot sts. Hornbeck Nelson, painter Bates st, r Woodward av n John R St. Hornbeek B A, salesman, b George Saunders. Horchem George, tailor, Croghan e Antoine st. Horn Jacob, laborer, Macomb w Hastings st. Houghton Mrs, b J R Dorr. Howard Chas, k> Co, forwarding mer's, foot First and Front sts. Howard Charles, Jeffav e Beaubien st. Howard Manly D, (Lavvson k, Howard,) b National Hotel. Howard Wiliam A, law office Woodward av south Jeffav, r Ma- comb e Randolph st. Howard Charles M, cor Brush and Congress sts. Howard Jacob M, law office Jeffav, r cor Larned and Hastings sts. Howard Charles, Larned w Shelby st, Howard Charles C, clerk P Harden feCo, b Railroad Hotel. Howard [Tarlos, barkeeper Franklin House. Howard Timothy, milkman, cor Ijarned and Third sts. Howard Owen, laborer, do Howlet k Knight, butchers. No 7 City Hall market. Howlet Samuel, cor Grand River and Middle sts. Howe G W, livery stables, cor Larned and Shelby sts, r Larned w Cass St. Hubbard Bela, land and tax agency office, Woodward av, below Hallock's Store, b Mrs Coulter. Hubbard Henry W. clerk Edward Shepard k, Co. Hubbard Warren, clerk Lamson &: Butler, b Franklin House. Hubbard Daniel E, clerk V Roth, b S P Willcox. Hubbard Henry, clerk H Walker, b Commercial Hotel. Hubard Andrew, carpenter, Chnton e Beaubien st. Hubner William, carpenter, cor Hastings and Lafayette st. Hudson William, Julius Alley, Wayne st. Hulbert John, cor Congress and Cass st. Hulbert Thos J, b Jacob S Farrand. Hultin Chas C, clerk Dr E G Desnoyers, b Rev James Inglis. Hull John, butcher. Military Square. Humphrys John, Northern Hotel, Woodward av. 108 DETROIT Hungerford Charles, porter Wales' Hotel. Hun toon Jeseph, carpenter, Brush n Gratiot st. Hunter Jno, clerk A B Mathews, b T C Brush. Hurlbut Chauncy, grocer. Woodward av, nr Atwatersl. Hurdle John, laborer, Woodbridge st e Woodward av. Hurd Dr Ebenezer,cor Congress st and Woodward av,(up stairs.) Hussey Edward, laborer, b J Moynihan. Hutchinson Bickford P, clerk Carpenter k, Co, b Wales' Hotel. Hutchison H, grocery, Gratiot w Hastings st. Hutchings Richard, Fort e Antoine st. Hutchings Wm, carpenter, Larned w Shelby st. Hutchins &c Jenness, wholesale grocers, cor Woodward av and Larned st. Hutchins Moses P, Griswold n Fort st. Hyie k. Cr£.in, hydraulic foundry, Atvvater st. Hyde k, Gage, scale-makers, Woodward av. Hyde O M, Griswold st, nr capitol. Hyde Joseph E, clerk surveyor general's office, b National. Hyde Benj J, clerk J Holmes k Co. Hyke John D, carpenter, Abbott w Second st. I- Immel John, giocery, cor Lafayette and Russell st. Indiana House, A Leadbeater proprietor, Atwater e Bates st. Ingersoll Mrs, boarding house, cor Beaubien and Larned sts. IngersoU Isaac W, carpenter, kc, Woodbridge e Brush st. Ingersoll Walter W, teller Michigan Insurance Bank, b N^ al Hot6l. Ingersoll Melvin, ostler U S Hotel. Inglis Rev James, cor Woodward av and State st. Inglis Archibald, clerk J Lowrie. Ingals Moses, laborer, b H Gordonier, Ingram , mason, r A C Carter. Ireton Joseph, gardener Rev G Duffield. Irvine George, carpenter, Lafayette w First st. Ives Albert, grocer kc, Atwater st, cor Theresa alley. Ives William, U S surveyor, do Ives Stephen, do Ives Eardly, book-keeper Gillet k Desnovers, Lafayette nr Third stU Ives James, b Eardly Ives. * J. ' Jackson Calvin C, law office, Griswold st adjoining custom-house, r Woodward av n Stato st. DIRECTORY. 109 Jackson C W, brass-founder, Michigan av, oppositeyCentral rail- road depot, r cor Farrar and Grand River st, Jackson Charles, Michigan Grand av e Military Square. Jackson Joseph, carpenter, cor Michigan av and First st. Jackson George, tailor, John Ask. Jackson Henry, hair-dresser, Jeff av w Griswold st. Jacobus Jonathan C, carpenter, b Mansion House. Jacobs Nathaniel P, druggist. Woodward av n Congress st. Jacob Michael, mariner, cor Woodbridge and Brush st. Jack James, Scotch store, Jeff av e Woodward av. Jack William, carpenter, Croghan w Beaubien st. Jamieson James, baker, Jeffave Wayne st. Jamieson Jeremiah, ship joiner, Larned w Second st. Jambau Joseph, carpenter, cor Fort and Third sts. James Harry, moulder, b 4th Ward House. Jacques Zabe, wagon-maker, cor Hastings and Franklin sts. Jasperson George, cor Russell and Catharine sts. Jauriet Francis, engineer, Wayne n Lafayette st. Jauriet Fabian, engineer, do Jauk Zebu Ion, bedstead maker, cor Franklin and Hastings st. Jelly Richard, clerk, b D A A Ensworth. Jennings John, morocco dresser, b N Tomlinson. Jenness John S, (Hutchins &, Jenness,) Randolph n Gratiot st. Jenkins Joseph, carpenter, cor Lafayette and Third st. Jerome Edwin, surveyor, Washington av nr Grand Circus. Jirard Dominique, sadler, b Railroad Exchange. Johnston Anthony, clothing store, cor Woodbridge and Griswold sts. Johnston William, tailor, b Mrs Barton, Johnston Thomas, clerk James Watson. Johnson Hiram R, groceries &.c, cor Woodward av andCoBgress st, r Monroe av nr military square. Johnson Mrs Senr, Woodward av n military square. Johnson, Augustus S, cor Larned and Brush sts. Johnson Bleeker, clerk John Brown. Johnson &,Cowles, groceries. Woodward av n Congress st. Johnson William W, Farmer n State st. Johness Epolit, (Bouchard k, Johness,) Franklin e Antoine st. Jones De Garmo, cor Larned and Fourth sts. Jones Jeremiah, do. » Jones Elias W, clerk G Grossman. Jones Harford E, do George Egner. Jones William, laborer, b Christian Ammann. Joy && Porter, law office, Woodward av w Jeff av, Joy James F, Jeffav e Hastings st. Joy Hartford, master mariner, cor Beaubien aad Larned sts. Joy Hiram, cor Larned and Brush sts. 10 110 DETROIT Joy Abijah, engineer, cor Woodbridge and Riopelle sts. Jubb Henry, grocery, Front w First st. K. Kaminzky Dr Anthony, JefF av e Bates st. Kaminzky Andrew, cor Mallet and Hastings sts. Karrar Joseph, wagon maker, Lafayette e Russell st. Karls John, laborer, Macomb e Hastings st. Katus Allois, blacksmith, Macomb e Antoinest. Kavany Michael, blacksmith, Howard w }• irst st. Kavany John, do do Kaufmann Frederick, tailor, Brush n Gratiot st. Kearsley Johnathan, receiver U S land office, cor Jeff av and Ran- dolph St. Kearney Patrick, tailor, Woodbridge e Griswold st. Keeney Jonathan, Woodward av n Grand River st. Keeney Benj, (Barclay h Keeney,) b Jonothan Keeney. KeeganJohn, servant E Smith Lee. Keep Samuel, blacksmith, b M Kempf. Kellogg Asher S, book-keeper Jas A Armstrong k, Co, b Dr. Rice. Kellogg Harvey, carpenter, Congress e Rivard st. Kellogg David, cooper, Cass n Larnedst. Kelly John, Emigrant House, cor Jeffav and First st. Kelly Mrs, grocery, Woodbridge e Shelby st. Kelly William, engineer, Cass n Fort st. Kelly Royal T, watch maker, b Mrs Mather. Kelly C C, ship joiner, b C C Lee. Kempf Matheus, tavern, Woodbridge nr Wayne st. Kendrick k. Dorr, Detroit Engine comp, cor Lamed and Fourth sts. Kendrick S N, Griswold st 1 door above Baptist Church. Kennedy Charles, (the Shades,) cor Earned and Shelby sts. Kennedy John, carpenter, Woodward av n Stalest. Kennedy John, ostler, G W Howes' livery stable. Kendal Nelson, porter Eagle Tavern. Kendal David, ball alley, Wood word av. Keohler John, dyer, Woodbridge e Bates st. Kercheval, BB & Co, forwarding merchants, foot Woodward av. Kercheval B B, Springwells. Kerns Patrick, blacksmith, cor Abbott and Fourth sts. Kern Nicholas, shoe store, Jeffav e Bates st. Kerr Foster, baker, Antoine n Earned st. Ketchum Justus, drayman, Franklm e Antoinest. Ketchum Abijah E, painter, do Keyes John, blacksmith, Earned e Brush st. DIRECTORY. Ul Keyes James, (colored.) laborer, Macomb e Aotoine st. Kieler Henry, tailor, cor JefFav and Randolph sts, r cor Lafay- ette and Orleans sts. Kiezer Francis X, butcher, Clinton e Antoine st, Kiezer John, butcher, Clinton e Hastings st. Kiely John, clerk. Bishop h Sprague. Kilroy Rev Lawrence, Bishop's house, Randolph st. Killin James, grocery, cor Randolph and Atwater sts. Kile Washington, carpenter, b James Busby. Kimball Granville, agent for the Central R R and stage route, ofSce cor Military Square near depot, b National Hotel. Kimball Lawson, painter, b Nelson Hornbeek. Kindekens very Rev P, Vicar Gen St Anne's church, r Bishop's house, Randolph st. Kingsbury Otis, Congress e Randolph st. Kingsley Mrs, boarding house. Front w First st. Kincaid Robert M, bar-keeper, U S Hotel. Kinkead Thomas H, laborer, cor Franklin and Hastings sts. King Jonathan L, clothing store, cor JefFand Woodward ave, r VVoodbridge e Antoine st. King John E, clerk Jonathan L King. King Robert, clerk F &: C H Buhl. King Harry, larmer, Cass farm, Grand River st. King John, carpenter, cor Fort and Brush sts. King John, laborer, cor Abbott and Third sts. King , carpenter, b MrsMcMillen, King William, shoemaker, Rivard n Larned st. Kirby george fc Co, leather store, Woodward av s JefFav. Kirby George, Fort w Grisvvold st. Kirby Zebulon, do do Kirk Michael, laborer, Franklin w Riopell st. Kittredge Mrs, boarding house, Lafayette w Shelby st. Kittredge Walter, carpenter, do do Kittredge William E, do do do Klasson Peter, carpenter, Clinton e Antoine st, Klein Mrs, Griswold near Woodbridge st. Klein Charles, tailor, Brush n Gratiot st. Klen Joseph, laborer, Franklin w Riopell st. Klienhans George, butcher, Cass n Lafayette st. Klock William, carpenter. First n Larned st. Knapp Lafayette, clerk J Owen fc Co. Knapp William A, scale maker, b Russell Gage. Knapp Lucian H, scale maker, cor Washington av and Grand River st. Knapp C V, carpenter, b Chas C Lee. Knapp Joseph, cor Farmer and Randolph sts. Knapp John, drayman, Brush n Macomb st. 112 DETROIT Knapp Samuel, mason, Brush n Gratiot si. Knapp John, do do do Kneeland Lorenzo P, clerk J W Tillman, r cor Lamed and Beau- bien st. Kneson Joseph, mariner, Elizabeth w Park st. Knight Si Pitcher, boot and shoe store, Jeff av. Knight Alfred, b P C Higgins. Knight William, carpenter, b Strangers' Home. Knowlton Dr C F, (Bailey St Knowlton,) Woodward av, above Military Square. Knowles William H, carpenter, cor Macomb av and Clifford st. Kobel Henry, cartman, Clinton e Antoine st. Kollock Thomas L, printer, b Walter W Clark. Kopp, Rev Anthony, Bishop's noose, Randolph st. Kranich Frederick, cor Mulleti, and Riopell sts. Kranich Jacob, do do Kranich Frederick, shoe maker, cor Beaubien and Franklin sts. Krengel Jasper, tailor, Macomb w Hastings st. Krug John G, shoe maker, Lafayette e Antoine st. Kuhn Francis, Lake House, cor Jeffav and Wayne st. Kummed Michael, carpenter, Lafayette e Hastings st. Kiinze Augustus, soap and candle factory, Randolph st below Jeffav. Kunze Louis, boot and shoe maker, Jeffav opposite Wales' Ho tel. Kunze George, clerk Post-office, b Louis Kunze. Kunze Christian, laborer, Lafayette e Rivard st. li. Labonti Mitchell, mason, Hastings n Lafayette st. Labdy Peter, mason, Beaubien n Gratiot st. Lacroix Edward N, State Librarian, b Miss Lyon's. Lacroix Henry B, Franklin House. Ladroot John, moulder, Fourth Ward House. Laeamer Isaac, laborer, National Hotel. Lafleur Leander, carpenter, Franklin e Rivard st. Lafleur Chas A, carpenter, do do Lafleur Nelson, blacksmith, J W Woolsey. Laible Robert, grocery, cor Woodbridge and Second sts. Laible Eugene, clerk Post-office, r Larned w Griswold st. Laible Joseph, Franklin e Rivard st. Laible Ferdinand, mariner, do do Lake House, F Kuhn, cor Jeffav and Wayne st. Lalond John, wagon maker, Franklin e Beaubien st. Lally William, laborer, Larned w Wayne st. Lamson h Butler, dry goods, Jeff av w Bates st. DIRECTORY. US Lamson Darius, Jeff av w Hastings st. Lamb George, butcher, Elizabeth w W'itherell st. Lamb Martin, laborer, Franklin e Riopell st. Landrelh George, teacher, Congress e Hastings st. Lanraugh Richard, blacksmith, b James Hart. Langlois k, Chagnon, grocery &ic, cor Atwater and Randolph sts. Lanigen Dennis, mason, Randolph n Lamed st. Langley Jo^^eph L, clerk Aud Gen office, b Mrs Hale. Langley Heniy, mason, Randolph n Fort st. Langley William, wagon maker, b Wm Long. Lansing Edward A, b Sylvester Lamed, Lansing Richard R, do do Langdon Charles, sadler, Franklin e Antoine st. Landry James, joiner, Lafayette w Rivard st. Lantz George, laborer, Brush n Gratiot st. Lane John, grocery, Woodbridge w Woodward av. Lane David, laborer, Miami av n State st. Lapland Abel, laborer, Franklin e Riopell st. Lapland Francis, laborer, do do Lapier John, Atwater e Brush st. Larkins James, drayman, ijongress e Antoine st. Larkins John, teamster, do do Larkins Andrew, cartman, do do Larkin Patrick, engineer, Farrar n Grand River st. Larned B F, major and paymaster U S array, cor JefFerson av and Hastings st. Larned Sylvester, law office, Woodward av n Jefferson av, r cot Woodward av and State st. Large William, root doctor, b John Thornbury. Lasalane Tiasalas, cabinet maker, b Mrs Barton. Latimore George, engineer. First n Congress st. Latour Charle?, Pine e Rivard st. Latour Louis, laborer, Beaubien n Montcalm st. Lavender Robert H, cigar maker, Randolph st s Jeffav, b Rail- road Hotel. Lavoy Eli, carpenter. Brush n Macomb st. Laubacker Nicholas, carpenter, cor Congress and Orleans ste. Lawrence Guildford, laborer, C R R depot. Lawson k, Howard, forwarding merchants, Atwater foot Shelby St. Lawson Francis W, Larned e Brush st. Lawson Mrs, Woodbridge e Antoine st. Leadbeater Alexander, proprietor Indiana House. Leary Humphry, boiler maker, Albert Walcot. Leach Anthony P, mason, I Noble. Lean Thomas, laborer, J Kearsley. 10» 114 DETROIT Lebotte John, gunsmith, Atwater e Randolph st. Lebotte Dennis, do do do Debotte Enos, do do do hedyard Henry, office cor Jeff av and Cass st, r cor Woodbridge and Rivard sts. Leddy James, provisions, Michigan Grand av, opposite City Hall. Leddy , tailor, Fort e Randolph st. LeDuc Toussaint, Gratiot e Russell st. Leete Thomas T, furniture warehouse, Jefferson av e Bates st, r Woodward av n State st. Lee k, Stuart, law office Jeff av w Griswold st. Lee E Smith, Fort w Griswold st. Lee William S, clerk Indian department, r Jeff av e Riopell st. Lee Charles C, mason, iJroghan w Beaubien st. Lee Peter, grocery &lc, cor Atwater and Brush sts. Lee Henry, grocery, Michigan av w Washington av. Lee Benjamin, Cass n Lafayette st. Lefevere, the Right Rev Peter Paul, Catholic Bishop of Detroit, r Bishop's house, Randolph st. Lefevre Daniel P, clerk, b Mrs Coulter. Lemmon Mrs, grocery, cor Michigan av and Lafayette st. Lemcke Dr, Jeff av w Brush st. Leming Stephen, painter, b Chas Gubby. Lemon Oliver, carpenter, Lafayette e Brush st. Lemon John, cor Hastings and Croghan sts. Lemon Stephen, boatman, Franklin e Riopell st. Lerchen Charles, saddler, Jeff av e Bates st. LeRoy Henry H, joiner, cor Woodward av and Grand Circus. Lesperance Francis, Atwater e Brush st. Lester Elias P, proprietor Strangers' Home, Woodbridge st. Lester Orin, b do do Letourno Francis, joiner shop cor Woodbridge and Third sts, r Washington n Michigan av. Letourno Charles, joiner, do do Letourno John, grocery, river side, near old ferry. Letsom Wm, porter Railroad Hotel. Lewis Samuel, (Gray k Lewis,) b Dr R S Rice. Lewis Gleason F, exchange broker, Griswold st, opposite custom house, r Lafayette w Griswold st. Lewis Alexander, (Bridge k Lewis,) b National Hotel. Lewis William P, saddler, b National Hotel. Leydon Francis, laborer, Lafayette e Antoine st. Lieb Lewis, butcher, b Peter Page. Lightfoot Madison J, (colored,) Randolph n Gratiot st. Link Louis, baker, Franklin, e Orleans st. Link William, carpenter, Beaubien n Columbia st, Linn Alexander, ship joiner, Lamed w Cass st. DIRECTORY. 115 Linn William, weaver, Woodward av n State st. Lister William N, clerk A H Newbould, b Mrs Doty. Littlejohn h Crary, forwarding merchants, Front w Second at. Littlejohn Frederick S, b W Moore. Litchtield Elisha E, cashier Farmers' k, Mechanics' Bank. Little Thomas, chair maker, Larned w Hastings st. Little Mathew, chair maker, Farrar n State st. Lizart Peter, cartman, Catherine n Orleans st. Lockwood Wallis, Fort w Cass st. Lockwood Thomas W, (Barstow Si Lockwood, do Lomas W P, veterinary surgeon, Jeffav nr Randolph st, Longwell Peter, mariner, b Market Hotel. Long John B, livery stables, Michigan Grand av nr National Ho- tel, r Lafayette w Shelby st. Long k, Chope, wagon makers, JefFav apposite Wales' Hotel. Long William, Larned e Brush st. ' Long John, grocery, cor Atwater and Griswold sts. Fong Joseph L, shoemaker, Farrar n State st. Loomis Mrs, boarding house, cor Larned and Shelby st. Loomis Charles F, clerk W A Raymond, b Railroad Hotel. Loomis Cyrus, miller, b A Merrill. Loose John, carpenter, MuUett nr Antoine st. Lord Orlando, carpenter, Larned w Griswold st. Lord Augustus, carpenter, First n Congress st. Losey Erastus, blacksmith, b widow Parre. Lothrop Si Duffield, law-office. Woodward av s Jeffav. Lothrop George V N, b Rev G Duffield. Love James, bar-keeper W Thompson's Hotel. Louks Timothy, b Mansion House. Lowrie James, dry-goods, cor Jefi av and Bates st. Lowe P T, Pittsburgh Juniata Iron store, cor Woodward av and Larned st, b National Hotel. Lowe Tobias, Billiard Saloon, Jeffav e Shelby st. Lowe Peter, silversmith, Beaubien st s Jeffav. Lowe , carpenter, b Mrs Erskine. Lowe , cabinet maker, b Railroad Exchange, Luchus Hubbard, caulker. Pine e Hastings st. Ludwick John, basket maker. Fort e Hastings st. Ludden Nathaniel T, groceries Sic, Woodward av nr State st. Lumsden, John, grocery, Michigan Grand av op City Hail. Lum Charles, architect. Congress e Beaubien st. Lum David O. joiner, do Lum William, do do Lum James, laborer, Woodbridge e Wayne st. Lundy William, cor Woodbridge and Wayne sts, Lurvey John, laborer, Macomb av nr Clifford st. Lyddy Michael, tailor, Lafayette e Randolph st. 116 DETROIT Lyell James L, exchange broker, JefFav e Woodward av, r La- fayette w Cass St. Lyell Vincent J, do do Lynch Patrick, laborer, Woodbridge e Shelby st. Lynch Peter, laborer, Michigan av w Shelby st. Lyons Miss, boarding house, cor Beaubien and Congress sis. Lyons William, carpenter, Woodbridge e Beaubien st. Lyons George, b Washington Watkins. Lyons George, laborer, Macomb e Antoine st. Lyon Lucius, Sur Gen, otRce, Fort vv Wayne st, b National Ho- tel. Lyon Edward, proprietor National Hotel. Lyon Hiratn, dry-goods, Jeff av v/ Bates st, r Franklin e Rivard st, Lyon Williaui, joiner, Woodbridge e Beaubien st. Lyon Anson C, Columbia \v Park st. Lyon L C, remover of buildings, Randolph n Gratiot si. Lyster Rev W N, rector Christ church, r Hamtramck. Lyster John, tailor, Jeffav nr Bates st, r cor Congress and Ri- vard St. M. McBarly John, tinsmith, Macomb av nr Clifford st. McBam Jasper J, carpenter, Woodbridge nr Brush st. McBrerty Francis, waiter Gen Brady. McCartney Cyrus M, exchange broker and copper stock agency, office Jeffav e Griswold st, r Woodward av n Grand River st. McCarthy John, grocery, Atwater st nr Berthelet market. McCarty John, cor Shelisy and Atwater st. ■■** McCarn Patrick, laborer, Woodbridge e Bates st. McCam Thomas, laborer, Woodward av n John R st. McColiough Thomas, moulder, b 4th Ward House. McConnell James, blacksmith, b Lucien Knapp. McCormick Thomas, clerk Jeremiah O'Callaghan, McColhim Alexander, wagon-maker. Farmer st nr Monroe av. McCoskry, the Right Reverend Samuel A, Bishop of the Protest- ant Episcopal church in the diocese of Michigan, cor Fort and Cass St. McCoskry Mrs, Congress w Second st. McCosker Dr, Jeff av w Randolph st. McComb John N, surveyor, b Dr Terry. McCrickett Bernard, carpenter, Elizabeth nrClifTord st. McCrickett Michael, carpenter, Beaubien n Lafayette st. McCrackf.n William R, printer, b Commercial Hotel. McCurdy John, joiner, b Mrs Fisher. McDaniels Edward, painter, Farrar n John R st. DIRECTORY. 117 McDermolt Owen, carpenter, Howard vv Cass st. McDonald Ezekiel, tinsmith, b Mrs Esdell. McDonald Patrick, o-ardener, Mrs Doty. McDonald Francis, Macomb vv Antoine st. McDonald Tiiomas, drayman, Dequindre farm n Catherine st. McDonald Angus, Farrar n State st. McDonald Edward, grocery, Randolph nr Woodbridge st. McDonald James, grocery, cor Lafayette and Beaubien sts. McDonnell John, cor Fort and Shelby sts. McDonnell D, do McDonnell Alexander, do PJcDonnell D, Jr, do McFarlane A &:, J, tailors, JefFav nr Bates st. McFarlane A, Larned nr Hastings st. McFarlane J, do McFarlane Walter, machinist, Lafayette st, Springwells. McFarlane John, sealer of weights and measures, b R Gage. McFarren Alexander, bookseller, JefFav nr Woodward av, r Se- cond n Congress st. McGinn Peter, grocery, cor Woodbridge and Shelby st. McGinn James, laborer, Woodbridge e Wayne st. McGrath James, tailor, JefFav vv Bates st. McGrath Joseph, tailor, JelFav e Bates st. McGraw A C Si Co, boot and shoe store, corner JefFand Wood- ward a vs. McGraw A C, cor Congress and Second sts. McGraw Virgil W, chair-maker. First n Congress st. McGraw Thomas, clerk John Truax. McGuire John, grocery, Randolph st nr Bertnelet market. McGuire Peter, grocery, Michigan Grand av. McHutchon William, Western Hotel, Atwater e Brush st. McHugh Barney, drayman, Washington nr iMichigan av. McHugh William, cartman, Shelby n Lafayette st. Mcintosh Daniel, grocery, Atwater e Bates st. Mclntyno William, engineer, Farrar n State st. McKay Samuel, boat builder, William Gooding. McKay Angus, boat builder, cor Woodbridge and Antoine st. McKay James, Congress w Second st. McKay Sanders, Woodbridge w Antoine st. McKenzie k Herrick, booksellers kc, JefFav w Griswold st. McKenzie George, cor Macomb and Brush sts. McKenzie Duncan, drayman, Witherell st n Adams av. McKendry William, shoemaker, Mullet e Orleans st. McKenley James, blacksmith, Lafayette w Second st. McKeeby Leonard C, shoemaker, b G W Pinkham. McKeefe .— , shoe maker, Larned vv Griswold st. McKee John, book keeper, b Mrs Dean. 118 DETROIT McKibbin Alexander, groceries and provisions, cor JefF av and Randolph ?t, and Jeffav e Hstings sts. McKinsey Michael, drayman, fool Bates st. McLaughlin Michael, moulder, Conoross \v Cass st. McLaughlin Patrick, tailor James McGrath. McLaughlin John, ship joiner. Lamed w Grisvvold st. McLaughlin John, carpenter, Woodbridgo e Hastings st. McLaughlin James, laborer, Michigan Exchange. McLaw , laborer, b Mrs Mc Williams. McLendy Henry, blacksmith A VValcot. McLogan Anthony, grocery, cor VVitherell and Columbia sts. McManaman Cornelius, moulder, Abbott w Second st. McManman Thomas, shoe maker, Miami av. McMahon Bartholomew, Lafayette e Antoine st. McMichael Joseph, constable. Farmer nr Randolph st. McMichael John, laborer, Wesley Truesdail. McMiilen Mrs, boarding house, cor Lamed and Bates st. McMillen Ananias, printer, do do McMiilen Jesse, clerk, Lamed w Bates st. McMillen Duncan, tailor John Ask. McMiilen Robert, clerk H Doty. ^ McMillen Archibcild, shoemaker, Randolph n Harriet st. McNamara John, grocery, Atwater w Grisvvold st. McNair Clement, clerk theo H Eaton, b Wales' Hotel. McNespy Henry, fireman, Michigan av w Griswold st. McNiel ^ , boat builder, b A McKay. McNoah Peter M, coppersmith Woodward avnr military square. McNutt Ira, cooper, Woodbridge nr Wayne st. McReynolds fc Bishop, law office Jeffav under State Bank. McReynolds Andrew T, cor Jeffav and Hastings st. McReynolds John, superintendent light houses, Jeffav e Orleans St. ' McSweeney Nathaniel, grocery, Monroe av nr military square. McSvveeney John, frnitery &,c, Monroe av nr military square. McVickar ,law ofHce. Woodward av nr Jeffav, b W Moore. McWay Harvey, boat builder A Walcot, b W Moore. McV/illiams Mrs, boarding house, cor Larned and Second sts. Mc Williams Michael, b do do Mabb Robert, miller. Grand River House. Machris Peter, Fort w Russell st. Machris Charles, chair maker, Croghan w Beaubien st. Macy fe, Driggs, Western Land Agency & Emigrant Office Jeff av opposite Michigan Exchange. M acy George F, b Dr Cobb, Maddock Jabez, tiilor, Macob av n Grand River 6t» Madison Franklin, saddler, b Railroad Exchange. Madison Asa Fort e Beaubien st. DIRECTORY. llf> Fagee John, painter, b Mrs Dean. Mahling George F, Clinton vv Hastings st. Mahling John, do do Mahany Dennis, wagon maker, b Stranger's Home. Mahany Daniel, b P McDonald. Mahan Patrick, mason. Lamed w First st. Mahan Dennis, waiter L B Mizner, Maledon George, Fort w Russell st. Maledon John, shoemaker, do Maledon Francis, do do Maledon John, pedler, do Maledon Adam, laborer, Croghan w Hastings st. Maloney J W, b Indiana House. Mallet Peter, blacksmith, Gratiot w Hastings st. Mallet William, butcher, Franklin vv Antoinest. Maltz George, tailor, cor Third and Porter st. Manchester Mr, Steamboat Saloon, foot Woodward av. Manviller Christian, boot-maker, JefF av opposite Wales' Hotel. Manviller Francis, laborer, Franklin e Beaubien st. Manning Randolph, Griswold n Fort st. Manning John H, tailor, Howard w Cass st. Manning John, Cass nr Woodbridge st. Mansion House, B F Farnsworth prop, cor Atwater and Gris- wold st. Mandell Addison, law office, Griswold st nr custom house, b Na- tional Hotel. Mappelbeck James, grocer, Woodward av s Woodbridge st. Mapstone Richard, carpenter, b Walter W Clark. Marlinstein William, glue maker, Croghan w Beaubien st. Martinstein John, do do Martinique Antoine, teacher of music, Beaubien st n Jeff av. Marshall Anihony, laborer, Fort w Beaubien st. Marshall Joseph, laborer, Samuel P Brady. Marvill Louis, laborer, Franklin e Beaubien st. Marvey John, fireman, C R R. Marvin Russell, hardware, Jefi'av, r Grand River st e Woodward av. Martin Louis, engineer, Abbott w Third st. Martin James, do do do Martin Jacob, carpenter, Shelby n Lafayette st. Martin Edward, laborer, do do Martin John, moulder, b BB Davis. Martin William, farmer, Lafayette e Russell st. Marcot Israel, clerk G Payment. Marony James, shoemaker, Abbott vv Second st. Morony John, Randolph n Harriet st, Marsac Rena, Atwater w Riopelle st. 120 DETROIT Marsh Albert, blacksmith, Rowland st n Michigan av. Marsh Robert, grocer, Woodbridge e Bates st. Mason William, tinsmith, b George Saunders. Mason John, laborer, cor Bates and Croghan sts. Mason J W, b Indiana House. Mathison John, joiner, b Grand River House. Mathews A B, dry goods and groceries, Jeff av w Woodward av, r Rowland st opposite Capitol. Mathews George, printer, b Barney's Hotel. Mathews William, dealer, b Eagle Tavern. Mather Mrs, boarding house, Jeff av e Brush st. Mather Atla E, crockery &;c, Woodward av, r Congress w First St. Mather Spencer J, clerk A E Mather. Maty George, tailor, cor Atwaler and Beaubien sts. Maurice George, groceries and provisions, cor Woodward av and Grand River st. Maynard David, laborer, Tobias Lowe. Mayhew Francis, carpenter, Franklin e Beaubien st. May Mrs, Jeff av'w Antoine st. May John, butcher, Fort e Randolph st. Mazuret Nazarre, wagon maken, Chas Dupont. Mead George, (Davis k, Mead,) b Mrs Dean. Mead George, mariner, Franklin w Hastings st. Meek William, Atwater, e Brush st. Melvin lienry, painter, b Mrs Esdell. Menwagen Peter, blacksmith, A Walcot. Mensing Mr, at Rev F Herrmann. Menzies James, clerk, Beecher k> Abbot. Merceron Fredcick, teacher music, b Nathan Carpenter. Merrigan Thomas, grocery, Giiswold st. Merrill Belosti, carpenter, Woodbridge w Third st. Merrill Alonzo, carpenter, Congress vv First st. Merrill Dexter, carpenter, cor First and Howard sts. Merritt Isaac H, clerk, W A Morrison. Merritt William T, steamboat agent, b Barney's Hotel. Merker John, blacksmith, Brush n Gratiot st. Merker George, do do Merker Jacob, blacksmith, central railroad. Merker Frederick, baker, b John Merker. Merker Jacob, tanner, Lafayette e Rivard st. Merker Jacob, laborer, Macomb w Hastings st. Meyer Barnard, carpenter, b James Busby. Michigan Insurance Bank, cor Jeff av and Griswold st. Michael Daniel, teacher. Brush n Congress st. Miesel Philip, painter, L Neveaux. Miesel Daniel, grocery, cor Beaubien and Fort sts. DIRECTORY. 121 Millard Lyman B, carpenter, Rivard near Lamed st. Miller Isaac S, manufacturer of tobacco and snuff. Woodward below Jefferson av, r Randolph st opposite Monroe av. Miller Thomas C, law office Jeff av over Farmers' Si Mechanics' Bank. Miller George, proprietor Fourth Ward House, Franklin e Has- tings St. Miller Andrew, painter, Lamed e Riopelle st. Miller James, laborer, U S Hotel. Miller Bernard, First st near Michigan av. Miller Henry, shoemaker, b Joseph Cobb. Miller Henry, laborer, Woodbridge e Bates st. Miller William, carpenter, b A Pulte. Miller Henry, cartman, Lafayette e Randolph st. Miller Benj, blacksmith, Abbott w Cass st. Miller Nicholas, wagon maker, Clinton e Antoine st. Miller William, cartman, Rivard n Franklin st. Miller Tobias, (colored,) barber, Woodbridge e Grisvvold st. Miles Joseph, laborer, Vaile &. Brother. Minetwegen Peter, laborer, Croghan w Hastings st. Minord Seth W, ship joiner, b W Bloomer. Minton Michael, cooper and grocer, cor Larned and Second st.s. Minor Oliver, carpenter, cor Rivard and Franklin sts. Mitchell Lewis, painter, S Robinson, First st. Mitty Peter, painter, b Indiana House. Mizner Lansing B, land agent, office Jeff av e Wales' Hotel, r Jeff av e Riopelle st. Mizner Henry R, clerk U S land office, r L B Mizner. Moffet Hugh, carpenter, Lafayette w Wayne st. Moir William, machinist, Lafayette w Second st Montreuil John, carpenter, cor Howard and First sts. Moorman Asa P, carpenter, Macomb av n Grand River st. Mooney Daniel, tailor, cor Beaubien and Atvvater sts. Moody Patrick, tailor, cor Beaubien and Atwater st. Moores widow, Beaubien below Woodbridge st. Moores James W, engineer, cor Lafayette and Cass sts. Moors Jeremiah, mason, Cass n Lafayette. Moore &: Bradford, dry goods he, Jeff w Woodward avs. Moore F h Co, groceries he, cor Woodward av and Atwater st. Moore Franklin, Woodbrige e Antoine. Moore Benj B, cabinet maker, cor Elizabeth and Park sts. Moore Elijah, master Mariner, Elizabeth w Park st. Moore William, livery stable, Randolph st n Jeff av, r Larned e Randolph st. Moore William, boarding house, Jeff av e Beaubien st. Moore Charles T, clerk, E Shepaad k, Co. Moore J Wilkie, custom house, r Larned e Hastings st. 11 1-32 DETROIT Moore William P, clerk Brady k, Co, b Wm Moore, Jeff av. Moore R N, saddler, b R R Exchange. Moore Chester, clerk, b Mansion House. Moore George, blacksmith, b James Hart. Moore William, Pine w Rivard st. Moore John, drayman. Woodward av n State st. Moon George C, dry-goods, Jeff aA e Bates st, r cor Brush and Congress st. Moon Milton, engineer, b H Gordonier. Moon James, painter, Beaubien n Gratiot st. Mool Christian, laborer, Fort e Beaubien st. Morrison William A, millinery, fancy and staple goods, Jeff av e Grisvvold st. Morrison John H goldsmith, Jeffav e Beaubien st. Morrison Hamilton, carpenter, Lafayette e Antoine st. Morhouse George, carpenter, H Moffet. Morgan James, fruits kc, Mich Grand av. Moross James, remover of buildings, b William Robson. Moricr John, laborer, Theodore Romeyn. Morris James H, office, Drew's block Jeffav, r Witherell st abov^ Grand Circus. Morris David W, clerk, James A Hicks. Morris Anthony, carpenter. Fort vv Russell st, Morris Mitchell, carpenter. Railroad Temperance Hotel. Moran C, Jeffav cor Hastings st. Moran Charles J, clerk, John Watson, b C Moran. Moran Edward, painter, Macomb w Antoine st. Morin Daniel, grocery, Woodbridge e Cass st. Morin Dominick, moulder, b 4th Ward House. Morse C, bookseller, Jef!'av e Woodward av, r Jeffav e Shelby st. Morse Charles R, do do Morse Stephen B, butcher, cor Hastings and Mullet sts. Morse Ebenezor S, butcher, Grand River st vv Macomb av. Morse Elijah C, clerk. Smith & Dwight. Mosbruck John, carpenter, cor Croghan and Russell sts, Moslev Arthur H, cap and fur cutter, F &i C H Buhl's, b Mra Balch. Mott Dr, Lafayette e Cass st. Moulton Edward, porter. Mansion House. Mourit Rev C, Bishop's House, Randolph st. Mower Jacob, laborer, Franklin w Hastings st. Moynihan Jeremiah, grocery, Atwater e Bates st. Moynihan Daniel, laborer, Lafayette e Randolph st. Muctzelfeld Charles, shoemaker, Macomb e Beaubien st. Mulberry Thomas, waiter, Wales' Hotel. Mullane Denis, clothing store, cor Wood av and Woodbridgo sts, r cor Jeffav and Second sts. DIRECTORY. 123 Mullen &t Hanly, tailors, Griswold st n JefFav. Mullen Edward, b Mrs Mc Williams. Mullen Edward, laborer, Clinton e Russell st. Muloy James, painter, b Mansion House. Munroe Charles, ship joiner, cor Hastings and Franklin sts. Munroe Elder William, (colored,) Lafayette vv Hastings st. Murphy James, blacksmith, b W A Henry. Murphy John, carpenter, Congress e Rivard st. Murphy James, carpenter, Macomb av nr Grand River st. Murphy John, tailor, Howard w Cass st. Murphy Denis, laborer, Earned w Griswold st. Murphy Jeremiah, laborer, Front w First st. Murphy E, ostler. Commercial Hotel. Murphy Denis, laborer, cor Earned and Griswold sts. Murray John, proprietor Commercial Hotel. Murray Edward, tailor, Earned e Randolph st. Murray Andrew VV, joiner, b R W Warner. Mussle Thomas, laborer, b John Hurdle. Myers Henry, remover of buildings, Farrar n State st. Myers James, engineer, Earned w Hastings si. Myers Jesse, laborer, do do Myers Edward, cabinet maker, Clinton e Antoine st. Myers Andrew, joiner, cor Earned and Rivard sis. IV. Nagle Morris, joiner, Earned e Rivard st. Nash Patrick, blacksm.ith, Fort e Randolph st. Nash Samuel VV, clerk VVillard Parker. Navarre Antoine, laborer. Pine e Hastings st. ^ Needham Norris, carpenter, Congress e Beaubien st. Neidarstadt George, shoemaker, Macomb e Beaubien st. Nesbitt W, grocery, cor Earned and Wayne st. Ness Richard, grocery, cor Franklin and Rivard sts. Neveaux Eouis, painter, Jeff av w Brush st, r Congress e Rivard St. Neveaux Anthony, carpenter, Eafayette e Brugh st. Newington , joiner, b W Thompson's Hotel. Newbould Alexander H, hardware k,c, Jeff av w Woodward av, b Wales' Hotel. Newberry Oliver, forwarding merchant, Front foot second st, r Shelby n Congress st. Newberry Henry, do do Newman Henry, baker, Atwater, e Brush st. Newman William, corn roaUer^ Columbia w Park st. Nicholson, Francis, stove maker, b H Gordonier. Nicholson Benj F, mason, b H Eangley. 124 DETROIT Nicholson Thomas, teamster, R R Hotel. Nichols Peter, second mate steamboat Boston, Woodbridgc e Wayne st. Nichols Melville S, clerk H Lyon, b Franklin House. Nichols C C, afrenl, b Mrs Dygert. Noble John C, Express ofRce,'under Farmers k. Mechanics Bank, Jeif av, b D A A Ens worth. Noble Israel, boarding* house, corState and Farrar sts. Noble Wm, currier, do do Nolan Patrick, Front e First st. Nolan Daniel, laborer, Woodbridge e Bates st. Nolan Edward, grocery, cor Woodbridge and Cass sts. Nolan Lawrence, laborer, Larned w Wayne. Nolan Luke, drayman, Larned w Wayne- Nolan Michael, laborer, Griswold near Larned st. Nolan Mrs Sarah, Bates near Farmer st. Northrup J, blacksmith, Michigan Grand av. Northrup Harrison, Jeff av e Wayne st. Norvell John, U S Attorney, office U S building, r Hamtramck. Norton John, tailor, Michigan av, e Griswold st. Norton John, groceiy, cor Macomb av and Grand River st. Norton Samuel, saddler, b R R Hotel. Norton Joseph A, clerk C R R depot. Norris L D, b National Hotel. Noyes Wm R jr, hardware k.c, Woodward av n Larned st, b Na tional Hotel. Nugent William, shoemaker, Witherell n Elizabeth st. o. Oakley George, laborer. Fort e Beaubien st. Oaks Peter, laborer, alley, s Woodbridge, w Randolph st. O'Beirne Hugh, justice peace, office over King's clothing store^ cor Jeff and Woodward avs, r First n Congress, st. O'Brine John, laborer, cor Orleans and Macomb st. O'Brien Miss, select school, Jeff av w Brush st. O'Brien Dennis, teacher, Larned e Randolph st. O'Brien James, laborer, cor Fort and Third sts. O'Callaghan William, grocery and provisions, Randolph st oppo- ste Berthelet Market. O'Callaghan Jeremiah, grocery, cor Wood av and Atwater st. Ocksenfalt Adolphus, carpenter, Franklin e Hastings st. Ocksenfalt Ferdinand, wagon maker, do do Ocksenfalt Francis, tailor, do do Ockford Enos, cabinet maker, cor Wood av and John R st. Ockford Cornelius, clerk, do do O'Connor Thomas, shoemaker, Brush n Gratiot st. DIRECTORY. 125 Odell William, shingle maker, cor Hastings and At water sts. Odell Benj, farmer, do do O'Donnell John, grocery, cor Randolph st and Berthclet alley. O'Flynn Cornelius, Judge of Probate, office cor Congress and Griswold sts, r JefFav e Riopelle st. Ohio House, by John Hancock, cor Wood av and Woodbridge sts. O'Keefe George, Antoine n Congress st. O'Keefe Michael, tailor, Woodbridge e Griswold st. O'Leary Humphrey, boiler maker, Jeff av w Shelby st, Oliver Mathew, mason, Woodbridge e Randolph st. O'Madden Anthon}', inspector of customs, r Hastings s Wood- bridge St. O'Malley Charles, b Mrs H S Cole. Orth Rudolph, tailor, Macomb nr Antoine st. Orth John, shoemaker, do do Orth Michael, carpenter, Croghan e Hastings st. Osborn David S, bakery, Griswold nr Lamed st, r Congre'ss w First St. Osborn David S, cor Congress and Brush sts. Osborn George, b Mrs Barton. 0th Damion, cabinet maker, Stevens &, Zug. Otis Asa H, jailor, State st. Otto Gustavus, painter, Macomb w Antoine st. Owen John, & Co, wholesale and retail grocers and druggists, JefF av nr Shelby st. Owen John, Fort w Shelby st. Owen John G, clerk A Goodell, r Randolph n Croghan st. Owen Humphrey, millwright, Eagle Steam Saw-mill. p. Pack John, Brush n Gratiot st. Paddock William, clerk Theodore H Eaton. Paddock Charles, clerk, b Barney's Hotel. Padberg Bernard, cabinet maker, Fort e Hastings st. Page h Ash, sausage store, .leff av e Bates st. Page Peter, Randolph n Fort st. Page Benj, carpenter. Farmer w Bates st. Page Charles R, saddler. Grand River st w Macomb av. Palmer Jno &, Co, dry goods, Jeffav e Griswofd st. Palmer John, cor Fort and Griswold sts. Palmer Mason, director of the poor, office City Hall, r cor Fort and Wayne sts. Palmer Thomas, cor Fort and Shelby sts. Palmer Friend, quartermaster department, b Mrs Hinchman» Palmer Nehemiah, carpenter, State e Farmer st. Palmer Eli, painter, b J Atkinson. 11* 126 DETROIT Palmer Jonathan C, carpenter, Seth Case. Palmer Samuel, do do Palmer , carpenter, cor Fort and Brush sts. Palmer James, boat builder Wm. Gooding. Palmer John, laborer, Chas Howard k, Co. Palms Francis R, (F Moore k, Co,) cor Woodward avand Grand River st. Pangbourn Jeremiah, carpenter, b Lucius Thompson. Partridge Timothy, Lafayette w Shelby st. Partridge Joseph, turner, b Thomas Cranage. Partridge Timothy L, clerk Olney Cook. Parmenti Joseph, carpenter, VVoodbridge e Orleans st. Parshall P, joiner, b Grand River House. Partram Lawrence, mason, Macomb e Hastings st. Parsons Philo, clerk R Town, b Mrs Hartwell. Parsons George, tinsmith, Cass n Larned st. Parker Willard, leather store, Woodward av n Congress st, r Griswold n Larned st. Parker Thomas A, (Clark & Parker,) b George A Clark. Parker Prince, grocer. Woodward av, b Mansion House. Parker James, carpenter, Beaubien.n Louis Latour. Pans Rev Augustus, bishop's house, Randolph st. Parre Mrs, cor Second and Abbott st. Patterson Samuel, carpenter, Clinton e Hastings st. Patterson George, mason, Rivard n Larned st. Patrick William P, (G F Rood k. Co,) Lafayette e Griswold st. Patton John, blacksmith. Brush nr Woodbridgt st. Paton Alexander, Cottage, cor Gratiot and Russell sts. Paton Carmichael, grocery, Withercll n Elizabeth sts. Paton Walter, do do Paton William, grocery, cor Beaubien and Clinton si. Paton k Co, grocery, cor Fort and Rivard sts. Paton Samuel, do do Paton Robert, laborer, C R R depot. Patch Squire W, joiner, cor Washington av and state st. Paull Gideon, clerk Aud Gen office, b Orus Field. Payment M G, dry-goods, Jefferson av Desnoyers block, r cor Jeff av and Riopelle st. Payet Francis, cor Larned and Rivard sts. Pearce Henry, saddler, Columbia w Park st. Pearce Edwin, carpenter, cor Fort and Hastings sts. Pease and Sumner, dry-goods, Woodward av n Jeff av. Pease George B, b S VVilmot. Peche Laguire, laborer, Gratiot e Hastings st. Peche Louis, laborer, do Peck Carlos, shoemaker, Farrar st n Monroe av. DIREGTOBT. I2T Peltier Charles, grocery, i^bbotl's block near old ferry house, r Congress e Beaubien st, Pender Frederick, grocery, Woodbridge e First st. Penny Mrs, Clinton e Beaubien st. Peppin Bozziel, carpenter, Howard nr Second st. Peppin Francis, cartman, Clinton e Beaubien st, Perkins William, servant Lewis Cass. Perrez Dr, cor Fort and Hastings sts. Perin &. Gibson, dry goods k-c, Jeft'w Woodward avs. Perin Hiram M, Farrar n Grand River st. Perin Abial, bU S Hotel. Perry Henry E, saw mills, Springwells, b Commercial Hotel. Perry Alexander, laborer, Atwatsr nr Hastings st. Perry Joseph H, currl'er, Jeff av w Rivard st. Perry laborer, cor Brush st and Berthelet alley. Petnmouix Francis, cabinet maker, Macomb w Antoine at. Peters William E, stone cutter, Congress e Antoine st. Peters S E, stone cutter, b R R Exchano^e. Peters George W, mason, Lamed e Brush st. Peters John B, joiner, cor Antoine and Franklin st. Peters Denis, engineer, Hastings s Franklin st. Petts Jonathan, carpenter, Brush n Macomb st. Pexton Peter, master mariner, First n Lamed st. Pexton John, carpenter, do Pfoeter Frederick, bar-keeper Fourth Ward House. Phelps William, wholesale confectioner. Woodward av nr Mili- tary Square. Phelps^Ralph, confectioner, Wayne n Larned st, Phelps Lyman, Pianoforte maker, b Mrs Kingsley. Phelps Lewis, do do Phelps Francis E, fur dealer, (J Chester,) b National Hotel. ] Phillippe John, grocery, cor Atwater and Antoine sts. Phillips Mrs, boarding house, Larned \v Second st. Phillips Joel, ship joiner, do Phillips John P, Fort w Wayne st. Phillips Abraham L, chair painter, b J Vaile. Picord Joseph, carpenter, Gratiot w Hastings st. Picord Joseph, carpenter, cor Woodbridge and Riopelle sts, Pierson Robert, ostler Eagle Tavern. Pierce George, joiner, Washington av n Grand River st. Pinkham George W, shoemaker, Larned nr Griswold st. Pindar George, carpenter, Adams av w Park st. Pindar Miss, dress maker he, State w Farmer st. Piquette Charles,watchmaker,fec, cor Jeff av and Griswold sts, b Thomas C Sheldon. Pirce Caleb A, engmeer Atwater e Hastings st, Pittman Jas E, book keeper Lavvson &t Howard. 128 DETROIT Pitcher Dr Zina, cor Congress and Wayne sts. Pitcher Edward, (Knig-ht & Pitcher,) b Dr Z Pitcher. Pitts Samuel, sawing and planing mills Hamtramck, r n side Jeff av first house w Hamtramck. Platner James H, grocery, Michigan av opposite Central Rail- road. Plantz Adam, blacksmith, Monroe av, r Macomb e Randolph st, Piatt Wesley, carpenter, b Grand River House, Plum Jacob, ostler Franklin House. Pomroy G A, finisher, b W W Clark. Pool Dr, cor Beaubien and Macomb sts. Pope William A, tobacconist b Eagle tavern. Porter George F, Joy k, Porter,) cor Jeff av and Beaubien sis. Porter Augustus S, law office Jeff av w Griswold st, r River side Springwells. Porter John F, acting com B Internal Imp, office State building Griswold st, b National Hotel. Porter Mrs, Congress e Brush st. Post E F, clerk, b Mrs Hartwell. Potter Ira, blacksmith, P'ort e Rivard st. Potter John, carpenter, do Potter John E, carpenter, First nr Larned st, Poupard Simon, clerk Gray k, Lewis, r Jeff av. Poupard Andrew, blacksmith, b A Chope, Powell Adonijah C, tailor, Jeff av nr Shelby st, r Rowland st opposite Capitol. Powell Joseph, joiner, Cass n Lafayette st. Powers John, laborer, Larned e Griswold st. Powers Michael, laborer, Larned e Bates st. Power Michael, head waiter Wale's Hotel. Prague Samuel, carpenter, Adams av e Grand Circus. Pratt Samuel, carpenter, cor Congress and Rivard sts. Pratt George, engineer C R R. Preusser VVilliam, watch maker, Jeff av, r Fort e Antoine st. Presley Solomon, Atwater vv Hastings st. Prentis John, lawyer, Woodward av n State st. Prentis Eben, do do Priest John, ship joiner, b J S^ott. Priest Jerome, blacksmith, Woodward av w Beaubien st. Prior John, grocer, Clinton e Antoine st. Price Eleazer, tannery, cor Fort and Randolph sis. Price Shem, currier, Antoine n Fort st. Prouty Nathaniel, b Mrs Erskine. Prouty Fletcher, clerk G fo J G Hill. Prouty Alpheus, laborer, B Wight. Puegoet Francis, engineer. Grand River w Rowland st . Puller Peter, Croghan w Beaubien st. DIRECTORY. 129 Pulte Anthony, grocer, Michigan Grand av, r Fort e Hastings st. Purchase William, porter, Wales' Hotel. Purcell William, moulder, Abbott w Second st. Purdy William, b Fri^nklin House. Putman Miss, millinery &.c, .TefF av \v Griswold st. Pye Charles, laborer, Catharine w Rivard st. Quackenboss David, Rowland st opposite capitol. Quarry Moses, laborer, Fianklin e Brush st. Quinlan John, cor Congress and Third sts. Quinton George, shoemaker, Bruj;h st n Borthelet alley. Quick David, joiner. Eagle Steam Saw Mill. Quin Patrick. Woodbridge w First st, Quin John, wagon maker, b Mrs Scanlan. Quid Cornelius. Congress e Autoine. K. Rademacher Mrs, grocery, cor Jeff av and Brush st. Rademacher Peter, fancy turner, Jeff av e Bates st. Rademacher John, mason, Macomb ■\- Antoine st. Radford Robert, shoemaker, state building, Griswold st. Raegus Francis, laborer, Fort e Hastings st. Railroad Hotel, Hiram R Andrews prop, Military square. Railroad Exchange, Charles J Beardslee prop, Michigan Grand av. Railroad Temperance Hotel, cor Washington and Michigan avs. Rainback , laborer, b A Pulte. Rand'jlph & Brother, dry goods &c, Jeff av w Woodward av. Randolph Edgar, b Wales' Hotel. Randolph William, b Mrs Ingersoll. Rankin James, brass founder, cor Brush and Croghan st. Rankin Lewis, shoe store, Jeft av e Griswold st, b O Field. Rathbun Stephen C, tailor, cor Gratiot and Antoine sis. Rave Henry, shoemaker, Croghan e Antoine st. Raymond Francis, (Hallock & Raymond,) Earned w Antoine st. Raymond William A, dry goods, cor Jeff av and Bates st, b F Raymond. Raymond Joseph, master mariner, Beaubien n Columbia st. Ray Gilbert, cabinet maker, b Mrs Kiltredge. Ray AlonzoT, b J W Woolsey. Reaume Robert, carpenter, Jeff av e Antoine st. Reeve fo Co, dry goods, Woodward n Jeff avs.. Reeve Selah, b Michigan Exchange. Reece Thomas, coppersmith, Randolph n Gratiot 6t. 150 DETROIT Regner Adam, warehouse man, cor Porter and Third sts. RejS^an Dominick, cartman, Abbott w Third st. Reichenback George F, printer, C Willcox. Reid John, ship joiner, b J Stott. Reid Joseph, ship joiner, Larned e Griswold st. Remington William L, bakery, cor Wayne and Woodbridge st. Rendskopf Moses, Solomon Bendit. Renoux Jatnes, laborer, Atvvater e Brush st. Reno John, grocery, JefFav e Riopellest. Reno Michael, carpenter, cor Hastings and Croghan sts. Reome Paul, mason, Howard near First st. Rescue Joseph, laborer. Pine e Hastings st. Reynolds Michael, laborer, Larned w Brush st. Rhodes Eben. carpenter, Croghan e Brush st. Rhuel Edward, painter, Woodbridge w Antoine st. Rhuel Francis, carpenter, Atvvater w Rlopelle st. Richardson Johnson, dry goods, JefFav e Shelby st. Richardson Harry, clerk do Richardson John, cor Randolph and Atvvater sis. Richmond William A, Sup't Indian Affairs, office Jeff av w Gris- wold st, b National Hotel. Richmond Arouet, book-binder, Denoyers' block, Jeff av, r Miami av n State st. Richmond Benj B, book-feinder, b A Richmond. Richmond Charles, clerk post-office, b National Hotel. Richards Rev S, parsonage house. Congress st adjacent Second Methodist Church Rice Dr Randall S, Jeff av e Antoine st. Rice Amory A, (Carpenter &, Rice,) b Wales' Hotel. Rice William, Grand River st w Macomb av. Rich George M, groceries and provisions, cor Jeff av and Ran- dolph St. Rider William, laborer, Michigan av w Shelby st. Riebel Mrs, cor Griswold and Woodbridge sts. Rieder Christian, laborer, Hastings n Lafayette st. Right Robert, mason, Atvvater w Riopelle st. Riley Col, U S I'^rmy, cov Larned and Antoine sts. Riley Nicholas, tailor, Woodbridge vv Griswold st, Riley Edward, blacksmith, b Mrs Scanlan. Riley Tearns, laborer, Mrs Sibley. Riley William, laborer, Gratiot w Hastings st. Riopelle Dominick, Atvvater w Riopelle st. Riopelle Dominick y; cor Franklin and Riopelle sts. Ripley Pirum, Bethel Temperance House, cor Jeff av and First st. Risley Edward, carpenter, Franklin e Antoine st. Risley Erastns, do cor Michigan av and Cass st. Rittcnburgh Isaac C, joiner, b W Thompson's Hotel. DIRECTORY. 131 Ritches Thomas, engineer, b Mansion House. Ritchie William, laborer, Larned e Brush st. Rivenez Peter, carpenter, cor VVoodbridgfe and Wayne st3. Rivard Mrs. cor Larned and Rivard sts. Rivard Fabian, farmer, Gratiot e Rivard st. Roach John, laborer, Larned w Wayne st. Robertson Robert, carpenter, cor Elizabeth and Clifford st. Robertson William, engineer, E\g-le Steam Saw-mill. Robertson Thomas, warehouse man, b W A Henry. Robertson Alexander, laborer. Fort e Beaubien st. Robertson Alexander, boiler maker, Front st. Robinson Mathias, proprietor U S Hotel, Woodbridge w Gris- wold St. Robinson John, (steamboat Boston,) b Wm F Chittenden. Robinson Samuel, do do Robinson John, grocery, cor Lafayette and Shelby sts. Robinson k, Worden, painters, Woodward av n Atwater st. Robinson Samuel, First n Lafayette st. Robinson John Jun, Monroe av nr Farmer st. Robinson James, wagon shop, Jeff av e Beaubien st, r cor Fort and Riopelle sts. Robinson Thomas, engineer Lafayette w Cass st, Robinson Henry M, cabinet maker. State e Farmer st. Robinson James, maltster, cor Larned and First sts. Robinson Russell, carpenter, cor Brush and Croghan sts. Robinson John, laborer, Chas Howard & Co. Robinson Lawton H, grocery. Woodward av nr Atwater st. Robinson Mrs Frances C, Brush n Larned st. Roberts Robert E, City Clerk, office Firemen's Hall, r Congresa e Brush st. Roberts John, soap and candle factory, Atwater st, r Woodward av n Military square. Roberts Ellis, b John Roberts. Roberts William, tailor, Jeff av e Bates st. Roberts Benjamin, Franklin e Rivard st. Roberts William, carpenter, b Benj. Roberts. Roberts Albert, carpenter, b do Roberts Horace C, clerk, James A Hicks. Roberts Chester J, chair maker, Macomb av nr Clifford st. Roberts E J, Griswotd n Larned st. Roberts Mrs A D, millinery he, Larned e Beaubien st. Robbins k, Hubbard, gold pen manufacturers, Jeff av e Bates st, Robbins George C, b Mrs Hale. Robson William, Congress e Woodward av. Robb James, ice vender, b Barney's Hotel. Robb George, law office cor Jeff and Woodward av, r cor Gratiot and Brush st. 13:2 DETROIT Roby Reuel, clerk J Owen &. Co. Roby Henry, book-keeper, J N Elbert, b Mrs Doty. Rodgers William, baker, David S Osborn. Rodier Noel, carpenter, Clinton e Antoine st. Rofc Edward, hair dresser, VVm Tate, r JefFenson av. w Brush st. Rogers Ebenezer H, law office, Desnoyers block, JefFav, b Grove D Rogers. Rogers Grove D. constable, Elizabeth w Witherell st. Rogers Joseph, laborer, Atvvatcr e Antoine si. Rogers James B, bar keeper Tobias Lowe. Roll Bernard, shoe maker, Griswold n Atwater st. Romeyn Theodore, law office, Griswold st near custom house, r cor Fort and Wayne sts. Rood G F k, Co^ Stationers' Hall, Jeff av near Shelby st. Rood Gilbert F, Lafayette e Shelby st. Rood Ezra, Larned w Shelby st. Rood Henry, chair painter, b Israel Noble. R6od Henry, printer, under Second Methodist church. Congress St. Ross James, saddle?, b Eagle Tavern. Rothwell James, cooper, b J Stutt. Roth Volkert W, dry goods he, Phoenix block, Jeff av, b Nation- al Hotel. Rousseau Joseph, mason, Mullett e Russell st. Rousseau Joseph, tinsmith, Mullett e Orleans st. Rouleau John, boarding house, foot Bates st. Rowland Thomas, cor Washington av and State st. Rowland Patrick, shoemaker, b J Vaile. Rowley Martin, servant John McDonell. Rowney William, laborer, cor Washington av and State st. Royce Calvin C, cabinet maker, b Thomas Cranage. Royce William, carpenter, cor Miami av and State st. Roys Alpheus H, sash maker, cor Beaubien and Cangress sts. Roys James A, book dealer, b Railroad Hotel. Rudolph Israel, b Rev J F Winklers. Ruehle John V, Brush n Gratiot st. Ruehle John V Jun, grocery, cor Gratiot and Brush sts. Ruehle Frederick, grocery, Atwater e Antoine sts. Ruell Eusebius, carpenter. Fort e Russell st. Rumney John, groceries, Wood av Wardell's block, b Wales' Hotel. Rumsey James G, clerk Aud Gen office, b O M Hyde. Russell William, cor Hastings and Woodbridge sts. Russell Dr, office Jeff av e Shelby st, r Fort w Shelby st. Russell Thomas, joiner, cor Franklin and Beaubien sts. Rush Michael, laborer. Congress e Antoine st, Ryan John, stone cutter, cor Grand River and Park sts. DIRECTORY. 133 S. Sabine John, saddler, Jeft av opposite Wales' Hotel, r Lafayette e Beaubien st. Sabine John C, saddler, Witherell st n Adams av, r Columbia w Park St. Sabine William, saddler, Antoine n Fort st. Sadler Caleb L, blacksmith, cor Park and State sts. Sadler Leonard, blacksmith, Woodbridge st opposite U S Hotel. Sadler Joshua, laborer, Griswold n Grand River st. Sageman Henry, laborer, Franklin e Beaubien st. Sageman Stephen, do do ^ CHARLES HOWARD, OSWEGO. 3 JLCT''i\*« ^ DETROIT. CHARLES HOWARD 8t CO. FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Foot of First Street, DETROIT. Wholesale Dealers in SALT, COAL, PIG IRON, WHEAT AND FLOUR. AGENTS FOR A LARGE FLEET OF And the following excellent Steamers: Delaware, Troy, John Owen, Helen Strong and J. Wolcott. Also for the following Lines: Ti'oy and Oswego JLine. Two Boats per day {Sundays excepted,) leave JVew York and Oswego. Bronson & Crocker, Oswego, ^ Ide, Coit «fe Co., Trov, > Proprietors. James S. Wyckoff, 23 Ccenties Slip, N. Y. > Lowell & Hinklev, 84 Utica street, Boston. Livingston & Willcox, Utica, N. Y. Pease"& Allen, Cleveland, Chio. Smith, Bronson & Co., Toledo, " Charles Howard «fc Co., Detroit, Theron Pardee, Chicago. (Kefer to all Cemraercial men from New York to Chicago.) W*estern JLake Boat jLme— Via. Buffalo. A. W. Palmer & Co. Proprietors, ^ W. R. Schemerhorn, > . „^„. V 121 Broad Street, New York. E.F.Norton. ^Agents. ^ James M. Smith, Agent, Buffalo. Jf ^abftshf Troy and Oswego JLine. Boats leave Toledo, Lafayette and Cincinnati daily (Sundays excepted.) Steamboats JOHN OWEN and J. WOLCOTT run in con- nection with this Line, forming a Daily Line between Detroit, Cincinnati and Lafayette. Smith, Bronson & Co., Toledo, ? Pronrietnrs Bronson & Crocker, Oswego, 5 '^Proprietors. Charles Howard & Co., Detroit, ^ T.H.Rogers, Lafayette. > Agents. James Willson«fc Co., Cincinnati, J l^estern JLttl€--FROM Whitehall to Buffalo. Curtiss Mann, Buffalo, ^ W.S.Eddy, Whitehall, V Proprietors and Agents. Follet «fc Brady, Burlington, > TT Liberal Cash advances made on all Property consigned to them for sale or Shipment. JZC Also: — Agents for Northwestern Insurance Company, lo6 DETROIT FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANl', ( Old stand, fourth Storehouse above Woodward Avenue, on the River.) DETROIT. Agent for Marine Risks by New York National Insurance Companv. Agent for New York Life Insurance and Trust Company. ALSO: — Agent for Roome's Celebrated SnulF and Tobacco. Mount Ida Mills, New York. DORR, WEBB & CO., STORAGE, FORWARDING AND ©©!i^[Mli®@fl@IM lM[El^©!Hl^MT©j, FOOT OF CASS STREET, DETROIT, MICH. Agents for Troy and Ohio, and New York and Ohio Lines on J. R. DORR, B. L. WEBB. JOHN W. STRONG, COMMISSION^MERCHANT, Warehouse on Front st., first above O. JVewherry' s, DETROIT, MICH. ATTENTION PAID TO THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF PRODUCE. (t?* Residence, National Hotel, DIRECTORY. 157 1846. ^« m^^mms 'h m^^ 1846. FORWARDING & COMMISSION BUFFALO LINE ON THE ERIE CANAL. Hiram Joy, No. 18 South-st, Agt. N. Y. I T.- Joy & Co., Alhany. Joy & Webster, Buffalo. | W. W. Dennis, 6 S. Market-st. Boston. ^mmcan ®ratt0|3ortation C0. on X\)t €rie (lanal. John Rice. Agt., 117 Broad-st., N. Y. I H. Niles, ^ u fr i le v Baldwin & Caleb, 99 Pier, Albany. | John R. Wheeler, j «"na'Oi ^' >• New York & Oswego Line of Lake Boats* C. Balis, Ast., 101 Broad-st., N. Y. I Brewster, Balis & Wiman, B. F. Craft, Agt., 104 Pier, Albany. | Oswego, Agents CLARK & CO'S PITTSBURGH & CLEVELAND LINE. G. M. Harton, agt., Pittsburgh— Clark & Co., Beaver— T. Richmond & Co. Cleve. ^Sj^Mark Goods " Care G. fVilliams ^ Co., Detroit:',^ JAiTlES A. ARMSTKOiirCJ & CO. STORAGE, FORWARDING & COMMISSION Foot of Cass Street, DETROIT, MICH. JAMES A. ARMSTRONG, A. HENRY GEISSE. {[f'S. A. Armstrong, agent Columbus Insurance Company. E. p. HASTINGS & CO. MINERAL WAREHOUSE. FRONT STREET, Purchasing and Forwarding Agents for the Eagle Harbor, Bos ton and other Mining Companies. 14 158 DETROIT LITTLEJOHN 8l CRARY, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Wholesale Dealers in COAL, PIG IRON, PLASl ER, WHEAT h FLOUR, Large Warehouse, foot ot Third Street, DETROIT. ALSO: General Agent for Shipments via. Oswego and Welland Canal. 13. W. HUDSOie?, STORAGE, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Foot of Shelby Street, Detroit, Michigan. Wholesale Dealer in PRODUCE, SALT, FISH, &c. &c. Residence, Michigan Exchange. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! Have made arrangements for furnishing ICE in any quantity, during the season, to HOTELS AND STEAMBOATS. Persons wishing to be supplied will please to call or send to Barney's Steamboat Hotel, Woodbridge Street. DIRECTORY. 159^ CENTRAL RAILROAD. A Passenger Train will leave Detroit for the West, Daily, at 8 o'clock A. M,, and arrive at Kalamazoo at 6 P. M. same day. Leave Kalamazoo at 6^ A. M. dailv, and ar- rive at Detroit at about 5 o'clock P. M., in season for the eve- ning boats for Buffalo, (Sundays excepted,) and until otherwise ordered . By this route the traveller passes through the second tier of counties containing the following beautiful villages : — Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, Dexter, Jackson, Albion, Marshall, Battle Creek and Kalamazoo; 146 miles in 10 hours; thence by B. Humphrey &t Go's line of Post Coaches to St. Joseph, 56 miles in 12 hours: and thence by Capt. Ward's boat Champion, built expressly for this route, to Chicago, 70 miles in 5 hours, vs^eather permitting. Making 270 miles in about SO hours, to and from Detroit and Chicago. On the arrival of the western mail train, stages will be in rea- diness at all of the important villages to take passengers to their destination, particularly from Battle Creek to Grand Rapids, and from Kalamazoo into the interior of Indiana. JOHN F PORTER, Act'g Com. Internal Improvement Office, May 25, 1846. 160 DETROIT 11 JjL JL Jh THREE TRAINS A DAY as®a&Q ^^^i!)^s3^ni CARS LEAVE BUFFALO At half past 5, A. M., at half past 9, A. M., and half past 5, P. M., two trains on Sunday, leav- ing at half past 5, A. M., and half past 5, P. M. Thro' to Rochester in 4 Hours, AND Albany or Troy in 24 Hours, Connecting with the Boats to New York, and the Cars to Boston. 05=^ PASSENGERS will please lo procure their tickets in the Office at the Depot. ?aggage checked to Albany and Troy. MVM. TVAIiliACE^ SuD't Attica and Buffalo R. R. Buffalo, May 16, 1846. DIRECTORY. LGl 1846. MONEY AND TIME SAVED!! 1846. AND SPEED INCREASED!!! THE WELL KNOWN STEAMER Commenced making regular trips for the sea- son Monday, April 6, from Chatham to Windsor, Detroit and Atnherstburg-, and vice versa, as ftjllows: Leaves Windsor and Detroit for Chatham every Tuesday,. Thursday and Saturday mornings, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Leaves Chatham for Windsor and Detroit every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 8 o'clock, A. M., in connection vpith a. Daily Line of Post Coaches; through by daylight to London; thence to Brantford, Hamilton and Queenston. The road between Chatham and London is in complete repair. From London to Brantford the road is McAdamized, and through- out the entire line is one of the best roads in Canada. This route offers every facility to travelers with private carriages, or by the public conveyances, which are not to be equalled in any other part of America. PORT HUROM& DETROIT! THE STEAMBOAT -MIJ- 3CK. m^M T^mtJ- 9 CAPT. E. L, ROSE, WILL perform her regular trips between Detroit and Port Huron during the season as follows: Leaves Port Huron Mondays, Wedresdays and Fridays, at 8 o'clock, A. M. Leaves Detroit Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, ai 9 o'clock, A. M, 14* 162 DETROIT 1846.] BUFFALO <& CHICAGO. [1846. 5:23co:>^ =cp cc^s^Tq The new and splendid Steamer BOSTON, Wm. T. Pease, Master, will perform her trips for the season of 1846 as follows: UP WARDS. LEAVES BUFFALO. LEAVES DETROIT. Thursday April 16 Saturday April 18 Friday May 1 Sunday May 3 Saturday " 16 Monday " 18 Monday June 1 Wednesday June S Tuesday « 16 Thursday " 18 Wednesday July 1 Friday July 8 Thursday " 16 Saturday " 18 Saturday Aug't 1 Monday Aug't 3 Monday " 17 Wednesday " * 19 Tuesday Sep't 1 Thursday Sep't 3 Wednesday " 16 Friday « 18 Thursday Oct'r 1 Saturday Oct'r 3 Friday " 16 Sunday " 18 Saturday " 31 Monday Nov. 2 JD WJVl rARBS. LEAVES CHICAGO. LEAVES DETROIT. Thursday April 23 Monday April 27 Saturday May 9 Tuesday May 12 Monday " 25 Thursday « 28 Tuesday June 9 Friday June 12 Wednesday « 24 Saturday " 27 Thursday Julv 9 Sunday Julv 12 Friday «• 24 Monday "' 27 Saturday Aug't 8 Tuesday Aug. 11 Monday « 24 Thursday « 27 Tuesday Sept'r 8 Friday Sept. 11 Wednesday " 23 Saturday « 26 Thursday Oct'r 8 Sunday Oct'r 11 Friday « 23 Monday « 26 Saturday Nov. 7 Tuesday Nov. 10 The Boston is 800 tons burthen, finished in the ne\»'est and most convenient style and manner, with State Rooms to accommodate over 250 cabin passengers,, including a large quantity of family rooms, with large and commodious double beds, together with such other aecommodatious as will be found unsurpassed by anv boat thai is now afloat. AGENTS: Kimberly, Pease & Co. Buffalo. 11 McClure & Williams, Milwaukie Pease «fc Allen, Cleveland. Wm. A. Murfey, Racine. Watkins & Bissell, Detroit. || C. J. Hutchinson 02.t:s\$s5^3^ 113 LSa CE5 c^ s::^ 9 ■ DETROIT. DAILY, SEMI -WEEKLY, & WEEKLY Corner Jeff, and Woodward Avenues, OVER kInG^S clothing STORE^ •DETROIT. ALPHEUS S. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. A. S. WILLIAMS,)^,.. _ F. A. HARDING, 5 ^^»*«'^^- 1®®K & mm FiiOTii© Done with Neatness, Cheapness and Despatchv 15 no DETROIT 1 CHARLES WILLCOX, Jefferson Avenue, (Sheldon^s Block,) DETROIT. i.\ll kinds of Plain and Fancy Job Printing executed by the undersigned withn eatness, accuracy and despatch, and at price* to correspond to the times. He has also on hand the YAMlll CAll PUIS, By which he is enabled to print all kinds of business cards with great expedition, and 50 per cent cheaper than they can be done on the common press. CHARLES WILLCOX. June, 1846. 0. S. GULLEY, HERALD OFFICE, Corner JfefT. and Wootlward Jlvenues^ E) ET ^@ D ¥, Work of all kinds will be executed with neat- ness and despatch, if not quite as cheap as at any other place in this city. The attention of those wishing BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, &c., printed are particularly invited to call. " Least said is soonest mended.^' mRECTORY. 171 STATIONERS' HALL AND P/I\1^M W7A\15 W. P. PATRICK. G. F. ROOD. Two doors below the Farmers' k. Mechanics' Bank, near the Michigan Exchange, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, have on hand a large assortnDent of Wi( ■lillp lt,%'%%,%\ illll''llillll 'lull OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, CONSISTING OF Printing, envelop, drawing, blot- ting, drafting and silk paper, of different sizes. Steel pens, quills, slates, Ink powder, black and red, Lithograph copyingbook8,pre88- es and copying ink, Lithograph prints. Pen knives of all kinds and best of quality. Cap and letter paper, 20 different kinds, from $2 to $3 dollars per ream. Wrapping paper. Visiting and printing cards. Toy books and song books, 200 different kinds, Blue, black and red ink, Back-gammon, chess k. checker boards, PRINTINC INK BY THE KEG And Fancy Colors in Small Cans. Ink Stands, Sand Boxes, Wafer Cups, Paper Folders, &tc. &c. Sealing Wax, Wafers, India Rubber, Rules, round and parallel, BOOK BINDIIVG, And Paper Ruling done in the neatest style and shortest notice. U^i:^^^ ^SIM^ g-^^ co> (ro> O^ 6^ Of every description, from Cap to Super-royal. JOB PRINTING Of all kinds done cheaper than at any other establishment in the state. Such are their arrangements. In all their business they pledge themselves to give satisfac- tion. All orders from the country will be promptly attended to. [CrRAGS, for which the highest price will be paid, received in exchange tor book binding, paper ?nling, stationery, blank books, paper, &c. Great bargains to those who buy to sell again. Merchants and othera willpkaw «a]l before purchasing elsewhere. 172 DETROIT NEW BOOK BINDERY, BLANK BOOK AND RULING ESTABLISHMENl GEO. WHEATON & CO. Corner of Jefferson Avenue and Griswold Street. DETROIT. Blank Books of all descriptions, made to order and warranted. COUNTY RECORDS, I DAY BOOKS. LEDGERS, JOURNALS, | CASH BOOKS, &c. Constantly on hand and for sale hi the cheap- est rates. Cheap Publications, Music, Law Books, old Books, and Periodicals of all kinds, bound in every variety of Binding, at the lowest rates. To any Pattern, with accuracy and despatch. LIBRARIES RE-BOUND OR REPAIRED at short notice. PRINTING Bills of Lading, Receipts, Order Books, &c. &c. printed and bound to order, with neatness and despatch. MERCHANTS SHELfIoXES MADE TO ORDER. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited ■^ DETROIT, July, 1846. DIRECTORY. ItS CITY BOOR-BINDERY, CORNER JEFFERSON AVENUE & BATES STREET, (Desnoyers Block,) DETROIT. The subscriber is prepared to execute Book- binding in all its varieties, with neatness and despatch, and on reasonable terms. Call and see. A. RICHMOND. GEORGE McKENZIE, SUCCESSOR TO JOHN I. HERRICK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY Al PAPER HAlllS, JEFFERSON AVENUE, 2 Doors west Post Office, Keeps constantly for sale a complete assortment of Miscellane- ous, School and Classical Books ; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruled ; Quills, Ink, Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper of all sizes, Blank Books^ Full and half bound, of every variety of ruling, Memoran- dum Books, &c. To Merchants, Teachers and others buying in quantities, a liberal di&count will be made. n* f74 DETROIT BLANK BOOKS AND IliiflBlsSi %%\b%.% 'll'llllll '''lllllllil' '''lllllllllll 'lull ''lllli'lUllI 'Bill % The subscriber having made arrangements with one of the best Paper Mills in the coun- try for a constant supply of Paper, is prepared to execute all orders for in the best style, on the most reasonable terms. A. RICHMOND, City Bindery. DETROIT CITY MILLS, Corner Larned and Second streets, DETROIT. \Xy^ Cash paid for wheat at all times. ^£0 The undersigned, proprietor of theabove well known establishment, keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Clear and Common Lumber, and will saw to order timber for Frames with promptness and despatch. Also, war- ranted and common Shingles, Lath and Blind Slats. All kinds of Country Produce tnken in exchange. Purchasers will find it for their advantage to call and examine his different qualities, be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Ol?" 131 Jllwater sired, at the foot of St, Jinioine street, on the Dock. B. WIGHT. irrRECTORY 175 LUMBER COMPANY, Brewster's Wharf, Atwaler street, DETROIT. The ST. CLAIR LUMBER COMPANY have on hand as above, at all times, a larg^e and complete assortment of clear,sea- soned and common pine boards, plank and joist, timber and lath, which v^'ill be sold at low rates for cash. N. B. — Bills of Lumber sawed to order. MRS. M. mm & MISS PUTMM, LATE OF BUFFALO, Having procured from New York a splendid assortment of FANCY AND MILLINERY GOODS, beg leave to inform the Ladies of Detroit, that they have opened at NO. 91 JEFFERSON AVENUE, SDlr^ctlg crpposUe loljn ®mm U (Ho. Among the great variety of articles may be found French Lace Bonnets, Cobourg, China, Pearl Embroidered, Leghorn, Eng- lish Dunstable, Fancy Flats, Pedals, French Chip Bon> nets, French Embroidery for Bonnets, Rutlands, Devons and Straws, of every description, too numerous to mention; Embroidered Rib- bons, Bridal Wreaths and French Flowers, Sprigs, Collars, Caps, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN THEIR LINE OF BUSINESS. Dresses Made to Order^ AND IN THE LATEST & MOST APPROVED STYLES. {[f^ LADIES, please to call btfore you buy. 178 DETROIT H. GLOVER, Draper and Tailor, JEFFERSON AVENUE, (North Side,) Between Woodward Avenue and Griswold Street. DETROIT. Keeps constantly on hand and makes to order on the shortest notice, and in the most fashionable style, Gentlemen's gar- ments, of every description, from the choicest Cloths, Cassi- meres and Vestings. ALSO: Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Suspenders, Gloves, Half Hose, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Stocks, Umbrellas, &c. &c., for sale Cheap For Cashw EDWARD MULLIN, NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, GRISWOLD STREET, JVorth of Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. All orders attended to with neatness and despatch. DIRECTORY. f 177 MRS. BROWNING, mi % \a \a \ Wi '%!! % Wlii ''«« Jcff^. M^ venue, (^JSTorih side.) Between Brush and Beaubien streets, DETROIT. STRAW MILLINERY, CORNER OF nfeiferson •Ivenwe and, If^Tyne Street^ DETROIT. |)rofc00or of 0trau) iltilUncrj), Would respectfully inform the Ladies of De- troit and vicinity th?t having furnished herself with an entire new set of she is now prepared to clean and altar Al£ Mill ®F l®lllf i in accordance with the latest style of fashior without the use of acids. Modenas, rice straws Neapolitans, &c. d^;c., cleaned, dyed and al- tered. N. B.-— Cleaning and Blocking done for tht Trade. 178 DETROIT FASHIONABLE TAILORING T. H. ARMSTRONG, Is prepared to manufacture Gentlemen's Garments of all kinds- to order, in the most fashionable New York Style^ and in all cases will warrant a fit or pay the value of the materials, considering himself responsible for all cloths left in his care. HE MAY BE FOUND AT ARMSTRONG'S, SIGN OF THE BIG HAT, Woodward Avenue, Nearly opposite the National Hotel, DETROIT. ROBERT ABERNETHY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN S W^ Wi m m "fib ' «i '« '« ''& 9 i( Woodbridge »Street, (West of First Street.) Detroit! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. He has on hand for sale, a large stock of EASTERN & DOMESTIC WORK. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. DIRECTORY. 179 J CHEAP BOSTON J BOOT AND SHOE STORE!!! 5 4 Woodward •Irenue^ DETROIT, Mich, Where may be found a full assortriieijt of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, which will be sold cheaper than at any other store Avest of Bos- ton. G. WADLEIGH ^ CO. J P. BABILLION, J FASHIONABLE -^ '1^ 1^ i!^ ^ l^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ''88 W' 9 m ^iiii 'iiSi wm wy mm ^ GRISWOLD STREET, " ^ext door to the Cvstom House, and nearly opposite the Post-office^ DETROIT. d^ Boots and Shoes made m the true French style, of the best material, and in the most durable manner. ^ T. H. ARMSTRONG, ^ HAT AND CAP STORE, SIGN OF THE BIG HAT, Woodward Avenue, nearly opposite National Hotel, DETROIT. T. H. A. keeps constantly on hand an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps, which he is prepared to sell at a small advance upon'New York cost, and would invite all wishing to purchase, to come and examine his stock, which consists of Hats, Caps, Stocks, Suspenders, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Gloves and other articles too numerous to mention, and which for neatness, cheap* ness and durability he flatters himself cannot be surpassed. 180 DETROIT F. & C. H. BUHL, MANUFACTURERS OF ^iMi, mi® m^^^ AND DEALERS IN BUFFALO ROBES, HATTERS' STOCK, TRIM- MINGS, &c. &c. Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. CASH PAID FOR FURS AND DEER SKINS. GEORGE HANN, WHOLESALE m^^SKM ^^^ RETAIL FUR MANUFACTURER, JEFFERSON AVENUE, (Opposite Farmers' and Mechanics^ Bank,) Detroit, Michigan. H. D. GARRISON, DEALER IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Corner Jefferson and Woodward Avenues, DETROIT, Mich. IMIIECTORT. 181 BEECHER & ABBOT, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in STAPLE AND FANCY CARPETS, PAPER HANGINGS, ^ Feathers^ Floor Cloths^ Jflattings^ ^c. NO'. 132 JEFFERSON AVENUE, Next door below the Michigan State Bank, Luther Beecher, > Thos. F. Abbot! C DETROIT. SMITH & DWIGHT, Dealers in QSicDoaaaaa. ql^ ^ 3 WWCI Also,- in Jefferson Avenue, (Phcenix Block,) R. C. SMITH, > A. A. DWIGHT, $ DETROIT. MAGASIN A LOW PRICES. M. G. PAYMENT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Bootis, $ihoes, Dry Groceries, &g. &c. Desnoyers^ Block, Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. 0^ Marchandises a bas Prix pour Argent ou Exchanges.- 16 182 DETROIT E. C. BRADFORD & CO. Removed to Store formerly occvpied by Brady ^ Trouhidg€) JEFFERSON AVE., WEST, WOODWARD AVE., Dealars in all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY P CARPETING, PAPER HANGINGS, Floor oil cloths^ Feathers^ Jjrc, Detroit, July 1S46. g(G(Df (GIH §f (0)IEe7 (Late Campbell &, Jack,) Wholesale and Relail Dealer in FOREIGN Sc DOMESTIC ^ Jeff. Ave^., between Randolph and Bates street, DETROIT, Respectfully tenders to his friends and the citizens of Detroit and surrounding country the expression of his heartfelt gratitude fox past favors, and trusts by constantly endeavoring- to,kejep to- gether the two short, yet important words, Goo6^ and Cheap, to merit a continuance oftl>e sanie. To effect this, ic-.is necessary to adhere to the system of uniform profits, and asking no more than is requisite to meet- necessary expenses. This plan -will not allow of abatements in.price nor baits to allure purchasers; neith- er will their attendant irjfipositions be practised on the ignorant and unwary. Those, therefore^ who desire to encourage a fair and honorable mode of transacting business are earnestly reques- ted to call, when we will endeavor to satisfy them that it will be or the interest of purchasers to call again. DIRECTORY, 18S Z. CHANDLER & CO., DEALERS IN AT WHOLESALE, AT THE OLD STAND, 130 Jellferson ATenue, DETROIT, Mich. mm 184 DETROIT TVew Earthenware Establishment. FREDERICK WETMORE, IMPORTER AND WEALER IN CROCKERY, GLASS & CHINA, LOOKING GLASSES, SOLAR LAMPS, &c. JVo. 125, Eldred's Block, JVorth side of Jefferson Avenue, DETROiT. ROBBINS 6z HUBBARD, MANUFACTURERS OF AND JEWELRY. IVo. 157 JEFFERSOn- AFEJYUE, DETROIT Having eniarged their Establishment and removed to No. 157 Jefferson Avenue, above Bates Street, are prepared to manufac- ture to order, RINGS AND OTHER JEWELRY, from Lake Superior Silver and Copper, and to set Agates and other Stones. They are prepared also to Assay and Refine Ores from the Mineral Locations. N. B. Watches, Jewelry, kc. Repaired. Door Plates and seals eugraved in the best style of art. "" N. B. — A large assortment of Gold Pens constantly on iiaad at the ■lowest prices. DIRECTORY^ 18§ €. PIQUETTE, DEALER IN mm *« AND FANCY GOODS, Corner -Jefferson Avenue and Griswold street, DETROIT. Manufactory of Gold i*ens, Silver Ware, Spoons, &lc. &lc. (t^ Every description of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry re- paired. P. & W. FISCHER, And Importers of Watches, Watch Materials, Watchma- kers' Tools, Fancy Goods, Tots, Sic. JVo. 43 \f*O0dward Jivenue^ DETROIT, Mich. Constantlyon hand, at Wholesale and Retail, an extensive assortment of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES ; all kinds of Clocks, fine Jewelry. Silver Ware, Plated and Brittania Ware, Musical Instruments, German, French and English F«B«y Goods and Toys. N. B.— C/octs, Watches, Jewel-^y and Music Boxes Repaired. METAL GILDING AND ENGRAVING. A. VALENTIN, MANt'FACTimER OP J] '» BELOW THE POST-OFFICE, Directly opposite the Custom House, Griswold street, DETROIT, MICHIGA\. 0^ Jewelry and Silver Ware made and repaired in the best possible manner. Metal Gilding: and Engraving^. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver, taken in exchange, 16* 186 DETROIT J. W. TILLMAN, DEALER IN PIANO FORTES, LOOKING GLASSES, Chairs, Upholstery, Mattr asses, Wiiloiv Ware, Mahogany, Var- nish, Japan, ^c. ^*c. 87 Jellersoaa Avenue, BETB.OXT, Directly opposite fhe Farmers' U Mechanics' Bank. 0^5^ Furniture made to Order. SCADIN & AVERY, FURNITURE AND CHAIR s^^^ ,^^ 113. i:m m CE> C£^ s^ ^ Q Jefferson ^venue^ Nearly opposite the Farmers' k. Mechanics' Bank, and next door to Charles WiUcox's Printing Office, DETROIT. VAILE & BROTHER, eiAIl MAllFMTlIllEi, AND DEALERS IN iW ¥ ^ ^ (RANDOLPH STREET,) Opposite Steamboat Hotcl^ DETROIT. All kinds of Wood Sawing and Turning executed to order. DIRECTORY. 187 THOMAS T. LEETE, CABINET MAKER, Jefferson Avenue, (north side,) Between Bales and Randolj^i Streets, DETROIT. T. T. L. begs leave to inform the citizens of Detroit and vi- linity, that he will make to order, all kinds of furniture of tlie lest materials, and in a workmanlike manner, cheap .for cash — »nd keeps on hand a general assortment to be disposed of at low trices. Country persons wishing to buy will do well to call and ::s:amine before purchasing elsewhere. N. B. All kinds of lumber taken in exchange for furniture, at cash prices. J. & D. FLATTERY, Would respectfully inform the citizens of Detroit and vicinity, that they have on hand, and are constantly manufacturing all kinds of FURNITURE & CHAIRS, of the best description. J. ^ D. F. beg leave to state that they have procured a splen- did NEW HEARSE for public use:; and, also, that they keep on hand a general assortment of plain C0FFI5:»JS and French raised top mahogany ditto, made and trimmed in the neatest style, and on the most reasonable terms. ALL KINDS OF % W %m tm m m 'W 'tft w ^ \eatly repaired at the shoitest notice. i share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. ^ ^ 5^ a a © (D 52 a No. 5 Warden's Block, Woodward Avenue, near the JVeiv Ferry Landing. 188 DETROIT ALEX'R H. NEWBOULD, Importer and Dealer in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC JiliiJLMiJJ II itlillJBj OUTIaERY, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, HOL- LOW WARE AND CASTINGS, &c. —Also— OF COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON No. 114 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. EDWARD SHEPARD & CO., Dealers in STOYES, HOLLOW A¥ARE, Copper, Sheet Iron, Ens^Ush and American ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ PIG AND BAR LEAD, LEAD PIPE, TINMAN'S MACHINES, HAND TOOLS, &c. &c.; ^Zso— Manufacturers of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of every description. Agents for the sale olJenning's Improved Platform Balances; two doors below King's corner, Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. DIRECTORY. 1B9 De.vleb in BAR IRON, SHEET, BOILER, AJVD HOOP IROJV, JWilLS, SPIKES, STEEIi OF ALiIi KI]^I>S, ■Carriage Springs and Axles, Axes a>'d Window Glass, of Front corner Lamed sired and Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. JAMES STE WART^S COPPER, TIN &. SHEET IRON WARE ^m w « '"« % wm% '-''^ ^^ ^k M% BOX, HALL, PLATE AND COOKIJVG STOVES, K1©L[L©W Wl^\^E, &©. KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND FOR SALE WlilliAM & llf Att, ATTHE SIGN OFTHE GOLDEN STILL, JSTo. 83 Woodward Avenue^ DETROIT. 190 DETROIT THEO. H. EATON, Stores Ao. 188 and 190 Jefferson Avenue^ GROCERIES, DRUGS, OILS AND GLASS, WOOLEN MANUFACTURERS' MACHINERY, Carding and Shearing Machines, Machine Cards, R-eeds and Shuttles. DETROIT. Jil^o — Agents for the Pelican S^Iutual Fire and Marine Insu- •ance Company, OfEce 65 Wall street, N evv York. TOHN OWEN & CO. DEALERS IN GROCElirES, DUUCS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. |)aint0, ©110, ©lass, JDjc tUoo^s anb S^e Shiffs^ Brushes, Fancy articles^ &c* Nos. 82 dz; 84 Jefierson avenue. J. OWEN, > T. H. HINCHMAN. i DETROIT. ALFRED COXE, DEALER IN Fine Wines, Cigars, tiiquors, Teas, AND EVERY VARIETY OF CHOICE GROCERIES, No. 99 Jefferson avenue. DETROIT. j^ Old and Pure Wines and Liquors, suitable for Medicinal pCirp0se*> constantly on hand. DIRECTORT. 191 RICHARD H. HALL, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Tf^st India floods and Provisions^. No. 77 Woodward avenue, Gt>rner of Conjjrcss street, opposite the Methodist Ciwirelr, l?^^lL^ © fl T i, Tlie.bighest price paid in CASH for Flqur,F,lax Seed, Timothy Seed, &C. JOHN TRUAX, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN Grcceries, Provision^ |3amt5, ©U0, dorlrag jc, (Blass, Sroi^Jfaib^^c. No. 1 Warden's Block, Gorner Woodward avenue and Woodbridge street DETROIT. AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. No. 41 Woodward avenue, S> S ? R O £ T ,. Is always prepared to manufacture anyChemi^ cal which may be ordered. He keeps on hand the rarest medi- cines, many of which he has had imported expressly for himself from Paris. He would particularly direct attention.to the fol- lowing articles :-.-Berber-ine, a valuable substitute for Quinine; Salicene, Citrate of. Iron and Quinine, Valerianate of Zinc, Compound Fluid Extract of Senna, Extract, of Pink Root and Senna, Vallet's Pills. Eerfujoxery in tbe g-reatest variety, and at all prices. 192 DETRG'IT W. O'CALLAGHAN, Wholesale and Retail PROVISION DEALER, « \ At the Berthelst Market Store, Randolph; Street, Be- low THE Steamboat Hotel, DETROIT, Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Teas, Sugar,. Coffee, kc, together with Pork, Butter, Lard, Flour, Salt, Corn and Corn-meal, Hams, Dried Fruit, Bran, Horse-feed, Stc. k>c. WILLIAM PHELPS, AND DEALER IN Candies of all Kinds, Fruits, NUTS, TOYS, &,C-, Woodward Avenue, near the JYational Hotel, DETROIT. Two fine Saloons, well fitted up, where Ice Creams, Soda Water, Fruit, and the delicacies of the season may be found. Parties and Families supplied at short notice with Ice Creams, Cakes, ^c. Stc. Candies, well assorted, packed in boxes, or at retail, to suit customers. HOWLET & KNIGHT, CXT7 HA££ MARSET, Where may be always found a plentiful supply of the choicest meat the market will aftbrd. 05^ Families, Hotels and Steamboats supplied on the most reasonable terms. DIRECTORY. 195' DETROITJPWpi.. First street, north Larned street, DETROIT. PALE, AMBER AND Bll©WN ALE, FORi SHIPPING ANO -SITY.USE, AT' THE DETRjmjBRHI^ERY. N. B. — All orders sent, as above promptly attended to. STRONG BEER m ^m m-m i. ? Bates Street, Near Jefferson avenue, DETROIT. THOMAS B. WESTON, SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTURER,. ATWATER STREET, (Near B. B. Davis's Hotel,) The highest price will be paid for Tallow, and Soap Grease,. IN CASH. Steamboats and Taverns supplied with HAP.D & GOFT 30AP„ on short notice.. N. B.— All orders from the country promptly attended tOo . . 17 %9^ IXETROIT WILLIAM SNOW, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN ii£ii £11 iiei fill iiif Es« AND FLOURING MILL SCREENS, OF ALL *' WARDELL'S BLOCK, Corner of Woodward avenue and Woodbridge streets, CULLEN BROWN, Wholesale Sc B^etail CARPET BAGS, &c. ALSO, Saddlery Hardware, Military Goods,. Fishing tackle, Sporting apparatus, Coach trimmings, and Oil Cloth. JEFFERSON AVENUE, between Bales and Randolph streets. DETROIT. felRECfORY^ 195 W. WATKINS, & CO., Have removed from Woodward avenue to JefFetson avenue, (opposite Newbould's hardware store,) where they would invite the attention of their former customers and the public generally, to their stock of '^ EM, which they offer at prices reduced to suit the times. W. W. k. Co. would also invite particular attention to POST'S Patent Haiuc, ^n article in their opinion possessing many advantages over the old style of Hames. DE TROIT, July, 1846. P. HAYDEM. DEALER IN HARNESS, TRUNKS, AND .^^. 112. u^ s:^ "c? s^.^:lC^^ MADE IN THE BEST MANNER, AND No. 76, Woodward avenue, (Nearly opposite the Episcopal Church,) DETROIT. N. B. — Carriage Trimming done on short notice and in the ?«ost approved style. L. BALDWIN, ^genU 196 DETROIT DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY% IMRECTORY. ^1^ WILLIAMS & COLE, House, Sign, Carriage and PAPER HANGERS AND GLAZIERS. The subscribers would present their unfeigned thanks for the pa- tronage they have received, and hope by punctuality and despatch to merit a continuance of their favors. All orders in theabov'e business will be thankfully received and ptinctually attended to. MZLXTARir STANDARDS. Banners and signs of every description painted with neatness anfl despatch Imitations of all kinds of Wood and Marble executed •in the best manner. Walls and ceilings painted in oU and cal- camiiie.. Griswold street, near Jefferson avenue, DETROIT. The undersigned hereby give notice that they have formed a co-partnership under the name and style of and have taken the commofloiis brick store No. 51, Jefferson ave- nue, for the purpose of carrying on the Painting business in all its branches. Sign, Fancy Sc Ornamental MlIIEii £11 iillllE in the bes"t style. Masonic and Odd Fellows' regalia painted on silkjsatin and velvet, in a manner not to be excelled, and at sucli prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. All orders attended to with promptness, knd Work done with- out any delay. Mixed Paints, Oil, Glass and Putty always on hand, and Pots and Brushes loaned. C. F. DAVIS, G. H. MEAD. DETROIT, Miem 17* 198 DETROIT H. B. BROWNING, HOUSE, SIGN AND PAINTER, Jefferson avenue, (north side,) Between Brush and Beaubien streets, DETROIT. PlilJMBINC^. F. J. WHITSHY, Corner ot Randolph and Croghan streets, DETROIT . F. J. W. respectfully informs the inhabitants of Detroit, that he will be happy to receive as above, and promptly attend to all orders for every description of Lead Work, such as — Hydraulic, Lift and Force Pumps. Beer Pumps and common Jack Pumps, Fountains, &c. &c. He is also prepared to fit up Water Closets, Wash Basins, Baths, Shower Baths and Bath Heaters. And he has constantly on hand every variety of Faucets, Lead Pipes, &,c. He would beg- leave particularly to recommend to those using water from the Corporation works, his SUPERIOR PATENT STOCKS, which for strength and durability are every way superior — far less liable to get out of repair — and the expense of keeping them in repair trifling in comparison to those now in use. From his long experience in the business as a practical work- man, both in the cities of New York and Philadelphia, and being the first to introduce this important branch of mechanism in this growing city, he trusts he shall receive a share of public patronage. N. B.— Steamboat and Ship work attended to with promptness and despatch DIRECTORY. 199 COFFIN MAKERS, CARPENTERS & JOIMRS, Woodhridge Street, (opposite* United States Hotel,) DETROIT. Keep constantly on hand, as above, ready made, or will make to order, F. k F. will also execute all orders in the CdRPEMTERS' AMD JOIJSTERS' line of business at the shortest notice, and on the most reasona- ble terms. R. M. FARNSWORTH, Larned, west Griswold st. A. G. FULLER, Cass, north Lafayette st. ROBERT W. WARNER, Corner Croghan and Brush streets, Nortla-®:st§t Coraier Mich. Garfleii, DETROIT. Having settled permanently in the C.'ty to carry on the above business in all its branches, would solicit contracts for buildings of all sizes and dimensions, and to those who favor him with their patronage, he pledges himself to do their work in the best style, in the most durable manner, and on the most reasonable terms. The best materials and good workmen will be kept con- stantly on hand, and work done on the shortest notice. Particular attention will be paid to repairing and making such alterations as people may find necessary in Spring and Fall, and men always ready, at a minute's warning, to wait upon those who may favor him with a call. coo hoETRdtt w % w wu S M W' '' wu % ^m'h Thankful for past patronage, hereby informs the citizens of De- troit and the public generally, that he contiiiues to manufacture and l^eep constantly on hand an assortment of Piano Fortes, French grand action, which he will warrant and dispose of on reasonable terms. For durahility, brilliancy of tone and easy touch, they cannot be surpassed. Please call and examine at his -Manufactory on Jefferson Avenue, a few doors below the MicM- §an Exchange, opposite the Lake House. -{^^ Old Pianoes repaired and taken in Exchange. JOHN BLOYNK. ORGANS, GUITAES, &C. ftEOKGE SCH^VE]\CK, \^''oo€lbrldge Street, Three Door« east of brush street, The Subscriber begs leave respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Detroit and surround- ing country that he is prepared to build to or- der ORGiVNS of any size, and to make Guit- ars, which he will warrant to be of the best materials and workmanship. GEORGE SCHWENCK. DIRECTORY. 201 Corner State and Grisivold streets, opposite the Capitol. J. W. SUTTON. Manufactures and keeps constantly- on hand, Tabs, Pails, Churns, Koelcrs, izc. fcc, and would inform his friends and cus- tomers, that he will sell as low as any other establishment in the Western countr}'. lir^'sler AND Woodbnd^re, east of Bates street. DETROIT. All kinds of Wood Turning executed with neatness and despatch, and on reasonable terms. BRASS & BELL FOTJNDR Y . AT THE SIGN OF THE BELL, BATES ST, Between the old French Church and the Michigan Garden. of every description furnished to or- der; also Bells of various sizes, &.c. A good stock of standard articles [kept constantly on hand, among which are Cocks of all sizes and de- scriptions, Copper Rivets, Kettle Ears, Spelter Solder,Gun Mountings, Inspector's and Flour Brands, Sliding Door Trimmings, fee. k.c. As the subscribers are both prac- tical workmen, and give their whole attention to the business, they hope to give general satisfaction. All orders from the country promptly attended to and articled forwarded according to directions. DETROIT, Jujy 1846. SOLOMON DAVIS, ARAD DUNCAN. am ©ETReit DETROIT ENGINE COMPANY Have on hand and are constantly manufacturing CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Steam Engines, saw mill irons, mill gearing of every description, water wheels, pile drivers, screws, lathes, railroad work, thresh- ing; tnachines, horse powers, ploughs, cast iron bathing tubs, istoves of all kinds. Also, Mott's Patent Agriculturists' Furnace, or Different sizes, from 15 to 50 gallons. This article was constructed in consequence of a suggestion from the American Institute, that a simple, portable and low priced furnace wa- much wanted by farmers for boiling and steaming food, preparing maple or beet root sugar, and for many mechanical purposes. It is a boiler or Caldron, set in an iron stove or furnace, so formed that a space of from one to two inches is left between the boiler and the iron casing, causing the heat in its passage to encircle all parts of the boiler, even to its upper edge. They are used with a short pipe, the same as an ordinary stove, and should be furnished vi-'ith a common wooden cover to facilitate the boiling. The outside casing being made in sections insures durability. Of the many hundreds sold, the proprietor has not heard of one that has broken in use, S. N. KENDRICK, GEORGE J. DORR. MRCLAY & KEEMY, •Iflachinists and Founders^ Corner of Lafayette and Shelby streets. Detroit. Manufacture all kinds of Machinery and work for Railroads, also Saw and Gristmill Gearings, CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS. Consisting of Potash Cauldrons^Sugar Five Pali Kettles and cool- ers, also stoves, Ploughs, Plough Points, and Hollow Ware and castings usually made at Furnaces. r' ! \Xy^ Orders promptly^ executed HORSE SHOEING ESTABLISHMENT. f M(D)1I A§ Sa MIL Would respectfclly inform the Gentlemen of Detroit, and vicini- ty, that he continues the above business at his well known stand, near Mr. Humphrey'^s taveriv Woodward avenue. T. H» has principally devoted; his leisure moments to the asquirement of that knowledge so necessary to a perfect workman:. After moulding the irou to fit the footy. Can tack the shoe on "right side up J*" Which tends so much t-o the ease and elegarce of' the horse's traveling, together with the perfect safety of the rider,.and with- out which, stumbling and awkwardness of gait are invariably at- tributed to the poor quadruped, whereaa the smith is often at fault. Particular attention paid to eause, effect, and the cure of Interfering, the Speedy Cut, Sand Cracks, Narrow Heels^ Thrushes, False Quarters, Contracted Feet^ &c.. T. H. would embrace this opportunity of gratefully acknow- ledging the almost unlimited libe^ali^y and patronage bestowed on his establishment during the last seven years he has resided in this city, and furthermore would pledge himself, that all Shoe- ing executed at his shop, shall be attended to with a view to his rising celebrity, and by none v/ill he be surpassed.. 204 DETROIT- ■ DETROIT SHOP, BOUGHA.Ei> & JOHNESS,, Corner of Bales and Alwater Streets, P E T R O I T. All kliTds of SHtP and STEAMBOAT work ia tlie Black- smithing line done in the most substantial' manner, at the short- est notice. I RO N S H UTT E R S, For Fire Proof Buildings, IRON GRATING, RAILING, ^c. &:c. made to order. Carriages ironed and repaired, Horse Shoe- ing and other country work executed at the shortest notice. A. WALCOTT, Corner. Front and Fourth Streets, DETROIT. JOHN E. DIXON, m \m ''lliiiu ''iiiiiii iiipi 'iiiip '''iiuiii ^'ii€j--''S /ilt^i M '« ''5:> STEAMBOAT FINISHER, Corner Front and Fourth Streets, . DETROIT. J. E: D. is prepared to execute at his Work Shops, as above, all orders in his line as a iHIP MIWEM & f ISISHll, In the most prompt manner, and on the most reasonable terms. DIRECTORY. 20^^ GOODING & M'KAY, Atwater east Beaubien streets, DETROIT. Where a variety of Yawl and Sail Boats, Fancy Row Boats and Skiffs may be found for sale or to let at such prices as will not fail to please. Boats built to order and warranted as good and as cheap as can be procured at the East. Vessels or Steamboats built to order or repaired at short notice^ N. B.— Oars and Handspikes always on band and for sale cheap. JOHN BLOOM, AND DEALER IN Ship Chandlery and Groceries, Woodbridge, foot of Cass street, DETROIT. HENRY MYERS, REMOVER OF P Farrar street, NORTH OF STATE STREET, DETROIT, 18 206 DETROIT ALPHEUS WIGHT, MICHIGAN GRAND AVENUE AND CONGRESS STREET, Between Randolph and Bates streets, DETROIT. A. Wight respectfully informs the public that he still keeps Carriages and Horses for hire. He also keeps Horses by the night, week or month, on reasonable terras. New liivery Establishment^ BY Corner Bates and Woodbridge streets, ID)(i4]r(0)fi4o N. B. — Carriages and Horses kept for hire. Horses kept by the night, week or month on reasonable terms. E. & F. St. AMOUR. SUBSTANTIAL AND DOCK BUILDERS, Corner Randolph and Gratiot streets, DETROIT. E. 6z F. St Amour continue to manufacture Brick, of which they intend to have a quantity on hand for sale at all times. Orders left as above carefully attended to. DIRECTOR , "207 flllililijllllil=--lif^liil, APPLETON & ONDERDONK, IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARH, €1ITI.11Y, &:e. No. 86, Pearl street, one door below the Pearl Street House, JAMES APPLETON, , J. REMSEN ONDERDONK, I "'^^ l^UKli. Ci-rand Hiver, Howell AND DETROIT mmmm mn\ MILITARY SQUARE, DETROIT. A Public Conveyance leaves the above Hotel for Howell, as follows : Leaves Detroit Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- urdays, (through to Howell same day,) at 7 o'clock A. M. Leaves Howell Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5 o'clock A. M. arriving in Detroit in time for the evening boats same day. 208 toETROlT HENRY E. PERRY'S W 111- few ''Wil W 'fty '^1 ^¥M Xii 'iB 'ta^ ON WHARF OPPOSITE B. B. KERCHEVAL, Foot Seventh Street^, DETROIT, Where may be found at all times an extensive assortment of CLEAR AND COMMON Clear and Common White Wood, and Clear and Common White Oak. SHIP FLANKp DECK FLANK, WALE iT M F [F, and all kinds of Ship Timber and Lumber sawed to ordei** All kinds of BILL STUFF, for House Car- penters, sawed to order. G. CLANCY, Jd^ Office l^oodward Ayenue, between Jefferson Avenue and Larned St, DETROIT DIRECTORY, 209 BATHS! BATHS!! BATHS!!! BY u Corner Randolph and Croghan Streets, (IVear Michigan Cfardeii,) DETR OIT. T. W. W. begs leave respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Detroit and vicinity that he has fitted up a number of As above, entirely new, which are now open for the accommodation of the Public. On the shortest notice, from 5 o'clock, A. M., to 10 o'clock, P. M. \J^ A share of public patronage is respect- fully solicited. TOILET SALOON, BY Jefferson Avenue^ NEAR SHELBY STREET, Wherp may be had HOT and COLD BATHS. A large assort- ment of Fancy Goods and Toys always on hand. 210 DETROIT WILLIAM TATE, wm Ml mwL ONE DOOR ABOVE WALES' HOTEL, •fefferson •Ivenwe ^ DETROIT, Where may be found at all times a fashiona- ble assortment of — Also — in the greatest variety. CC?^ N. Bi-^The highest price paid for Hu- man Hair. INDEX TO THE DIRECTORY. Page. Abbreviations used in the Directory, 73 Alphabetical list of the names of citizens, 73 Associations, Institutions he, 62 Banks, 62 Boundaries of the wards, 69 Building-s, Rows Sec, 71 Central Railroad, 58 Census of Detroit, 66 Churches he, 42 Copper Mines, Lake Superior, 35 Courts of law &.C, 52 Detroit, history of, S6 List of Mayors, 66 Numbering buildings of. 4 Improvements and expenditures, 40 District .schools. 57 Disciples, notice of. 4 Fire Department, 61 Fire regulations, 68 Lakes and lake coast. 10 Lakes, depth of, 11 Lakes, interior peninsula. 13 Lakes, periodical rise and fall of. 13 Lakes, decrease of elevation in the waters of, 24 Lakes, change of elevation in the waters of, 24 Markets, 50 Michigan, Topographical location of, 5 Michigan, rivers of. 17 Michigan, soil of. 82 Michigan, natural woods of, 22 Michigan, scenery of. 32 Michigan, University of, 56 Michigan, vertical relation of several points in, %1 Michigan, future prospects of, 34 Municipal officers, 60 Museum, by Dr. Cavalli, 67 Pontiac Railroad, 59,4 Preface, 3 112 INDEX. Public buildings, 48 Public offices, 51 St. Vincent's Seminary, 58 St. Vincent's Hospital, 66 State officers, 59 Streets, list of, 69 Water, 50 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Page. Apothecary and Chemist, 191 Baths, 209 Blacksmiths and Farriers, 203 Blank book factory, 174 Book-binders, 171 Book seller, 173 Boot makers, 179 Boiler maker, 204 Brass founder, 201 Brewers, 193 Butchers, 192 Carpenters and Joiners, 199 Central Railroad, 159 Chair factory, 186 Confectioner &lc, 192 Crockery, china, glass &c, 184 Cutlery, wholesale, (N. Y.) 207 Dentists, 168 Dry good^! merchants, 180 Eastern Railroad, 160 Exchant:.' brokers, 164 Floufino mill, ' 174 Forward: ntr and commission merchants^ 155 Furnitui" warehouses, 186 Furrier, 180 GoldsmMi:s, &:c, 184 Grand I;;ver stage house, 207 Grocers ,nd Druggists, 190 Hairdir -ers, £09 Hardwi. I stores, 188 Hatter , 17^ Hotel-'. i.:c, . 152 Ice vet (M r, 158 Insurancf companies, 167 INDEX. 113 Iron foundries, 202 Justice of the Peace, 208 Land agents, he, 165 Lawyers, 166 Livery stables, 206 Looking glass dealer, 183 Milliners," kc, 175, 177 Organ builder, 200 Painters, 196 Pail factory, 201 Piano forte maker, 200 Pile drivers, 206 Plumber, 19C Portrait painter, 169 Printers, 169 Remover of buildings, 205 Saddlers, 194 Sail maker, 205 Saw mills, 8ic, 174, 203 Ship and boat builders, 205 Ship joiner and finisher, 204 Soap and candle factory, 193 Stationer he, 171 Steamboats, 161 Tailors, 176, 17S Veterinary surgeon, 154 Wire screen cloth manufacturer, 194 Wood turner, 201 ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, &C. Page 51, "Post Office kc," for "Bates Street" read "Griswo.^ Street," Pag-e 52, "Court of Chancery," Hon. Elon Farnsvvorth, Chan- cellor, vice R. Manning resigned. For "Earner Milton," read "Barney Milton," proprietor Steam Boat Hotel. Loomis Mrs, boarding house, removed to Monroe avenue. Biddle John, Jefferson av, above Wales' Hotel. fyv i^D-70 i Deacidified using the Bookkeeper procei ^ Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide A Treatment Date: -" SEP 1998 ^°-n^ BBKKEEPEt PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES. LI Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 ^^^^ ,