.311 M^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lilliPiliiiiii 015 762 492 1 HoUinger Corp. '^\ pH8.5 ■ nn A Aft nXtl rO C in fiU'Og all orders is always a feature of our busi PRnMPTNFSS ness. Catalogues sent free. Any Play, Dialogue Book, r n U III r l ll LwO speaker, Guide Book, Wigs and Beards-in fact any- thing you want will sent by AMES' PUBLISHING CO., Clyde, Ohio- ^ PS 2246 .L317 116 Copy 1 AMES' SERIES OF ARD AND MINOR DRAMA No. 397. ^Mother Earth. 4^ WITH CAST OF CHARACTERS, ENTRANCES AND EXITS, RELATIVE,POSITIONS OF THE PERFORMERS ON THE STAGE, DESCRIPTION OF COSTUMES AND THE WHOLE OF THE STAGE BUSINESS; CAREFULLY MARKED FROM THE MOST APPROVED ACTING COPY. JI^ PRICE 15 CENTS. CLYDE, OHIO ; AMES' PUBLISHING CO, ta ^ ' ^''^ . jt-JO* ^ ALPHABETICAL LIST DP ^ iliQBs' Edition nf Plays. viXL^ FIFTEEN CENTS BACH UKLESS OTHERWISE MARKED. 294 2 164 39 43 100 125 360 89 113 226 14 321 272 160 268 310 161 60 342 343 152 279 173 143 162 255 300 357 311 283 117 141 26 191 362 337 194 335 349 355 46 227 211 251 163 91 36 34 u. V. DRAMAS. Arthur Eustaco, 25c 10 4 A Desperate Game 3 2 After Ten Years 7 5 A Life's Revenge 7 5 Arrah de Baugh 7 5 Aurora Floyd 7 2 Auld Robin Gray 2")c 13 8 By Force of Love 8 3 Beauty of Lyons 11 2 Bill Detrick 7 3 Brae, the Poor House Girl.... 4 4 Brigands of Calabria 6 1 Broken Links 8 4 Beyond Pardon 7 5 Conn; or, Love's Victory 11 3 Clearing the Mists 5 3 Claim Ninety-Six (98) 25c 8 5 Dora 5 2 Driven to the Wall 10 3 Defending the Flag 11 3 Daisy Garland'ri Fortune 5 5 Driven from Home 7 4 Dutch Jake 4 3 EastLynne 8 7 Emigrant's Daughter 8 3 Fielding Manor 9 6 Gertie's Vindication 3 3 Grandmother Hildebrand's London Assurance 9 3 Legacy, 25c 5 4 Gyp, The Heiress, 25c 5 4 Haunted by a Shadow 8 2 Hal Hazard, 25c 10 3 Henry Granden 11 8 How He Did It 3 2 fiidden Treasures 4 2 Hunter of the Alps 9 4 Hidden Hand 15 7 Josh Winchester 5 3 Kathlewi Mavourneen 12 4 Lights and Shadows ot the Great Rebellion, 25c 10 5 Lady of Lyons 12 5 Lady Audley's Secret 6 4 Little Goldie, 25o 11 3 Lost in London 6 3 Miller's Dauehter, 25c 7 6 Mrs. Willis' Wil! 5 MyPard 6 5 Man and Wife 12 6 Maud's Peril 5 7 Midnight Mistake 6 3 Millie, the Quadroon 5 2 Miriam's Crime 5 6 Michael Erie 8 2 Miller of Derwent Water 5 3 Mistletoe Bough 7 2 Mountebanks (The) 6 3 New York Book Agent 7 2 NO. M. P. ?47 Our Country Auut 4 223 Old Honesty 5 8 81 Old Phil's Birthday 5 2 333 Our Kittie 6 3 85 Outcast's Wife 12 3 83 Out on the World 5 4 331 Old Way?ide Inn, The 9 6 196 Oiith Bound 6 2 29 Painter of Ghent 5 3 2':8 Penn Hapgood 10 3 301 Peleg and Peter. 25c 4 2 18 Poncher's Doom 8 3 280 Pbeelim O'Kookes' Curse 8 3 5 Phyllis, the Beggar Girl 6 3 110 Reverses 12 6 45 Rock Allen 5 3 363 Stub 8 3 79 Spy of Atlanta, 25c 14 3 275 Simple Silas 6 3 266 Sweetbrier 11 5 336 Squire's Daughter 5 3 351 Th.^ Winning Hand 6 2 144 Thekla... 9 4 318 The Adventuress 8 6 284 The Coraraercial Drummer.... 6 2 242 The Dutch Recruit 25c 14 3 67 The False Friend 6 1 97 The Fatal Blow 7 1 119 The Forty-Niners 10 4 304 The (xeneral Manager 5 5 93 The Gentleman in Black 9 4 314 The Haunted Mill 5 4 112 The New Magdalen 8 3 322 The Raw Recruit 6 71 The Reward of Crime 5 3 306 The Throe Hats 4 3 105 Through Snow and Sunshine 6 4 201 Ticket of Leave Man 9 3 293 Tom Blossom 9 4 193 Toodles 7 2 277 The Musical Captain 15 2 200 Uncle Tom's Cabin 15 7 290 Wild Mab 6 2 121 Will-o'-the-Wisp, 9 4 41 Won at Last 7 3 192 Zion 7 4 TEMPERANCE PiAYS. 73 At Last 7 1 75 Adrift 5 4 187 Aunt Dinah's Pledge 6 - 3 254 Dot: the Miner's Daughter... 9 5 202 Drunkard [The] 13 5 185 Drunkard's Warning- 6 3 189 Drunkard's Doom 15 5 181 Fifteen Years of a Drunk- ard's Life 13 4 183 Fruits of the Wine Cup 6 3 104 Lost 6 2 j6 Corp. is Mother Earth And Her Vegetable DAUGHTER'S: -OR- CROWNING THE QUEEN OF VEGETABLES, AN EVENING ENTERTAINMENT, IN ONE SCENE. -BY— E. A. and C. M, Lewis. TO WUICH IS ADDRD — .^. DESCRIPTION OF THE COSTUMES-CAST OF THE CHARACTERS- ENTRANCES AND EXITS— RELATIVE POSITIONS OF THE PERFORMERS ON THE STAGE, AND THE WHOLE OF THE STAGE BUSINESS. rntcrcd according io act of Congress in the year 1898 Jj/ AMES' PUBLISHING CO., Ml Oie office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. O AMES' PUBLISHING CO. CLYDE, OHIO: MOTHER K A irrtL T'!)^'^ CAST OF CHARACTERS. ^ Beans. Beets. Carrots. Mother Earth | Cabbage. Cucumbers. Lettuce. AND HER \- Onions. Peas. Pieplant. Daughters. I Pumpkin. Potatoes. Radishes. Squash. Turnips. Tomatoes. Watermelon. TIME OF PLAYING— 45 minutes, COSTUMES, Beans. — Liglit green ; patriotic. Beets. — Dark red. Carrots. — Orange; tall in statue. Cabbage. — Dark and liglit green. Cucumber. — Green with black spots. Lettuce. — Green and brown. Onions. — Silver or white; strong minded or independent. Peas. — Pea-green. Pieplant. —Green. Pumpkin. — Bright yellow; short and plump. Potatoes. — Brown. Radishes. — Red and white. Squash. — Yellow; long necked and crooking her neck at the Avords "if my long neck does crook." Turnips. — Green and w^hite. Tomatoes. — Bright red. Watermelon. — Green with white stripes. • STAGE DIRECTIONS. R., means Right; l , Left; r. n. , Right Hand; l. il, Left Hand; c, Centre; s. k., (2d e.) Second Entrance; u. e. Upper Entrance ; -^i. d. , Middle Door ; F., the Flat ; ix r., Door in Flat; r. c, Right of Centre; L. c, Left of Centre. E. E. C. C. L. C. L. ^*^Reader is supposed to be upon the stage facing audience. Mother Earlli And Her Vegetable Daughters. SCENE,— A stage decorated with evergreens, houghs of trees, floicers, vegetables, etc. Enter, Mother EartH; l. e., decorated loith the leaves, flowers and fill it of various vegetables, followed hy her Vegetable Daughters, each one adorned tuith the leaves, floivers and fridt of tlie vegetable ivJiich sJie represents — tliey tal > 244 Old Clothes 3 (o^r^ 234 Old Dad's Cabin 2 1 / fcoP 150 OldPompey 1 1 246 Othello 4 1 109 Other People's Children 3 2 297 Pomp Green's Snakes 2 CO II 134 Pomp's Pranks 2 258 Prof. Bones'Latest Invention 5 177 Quarrel-one Servants 3 96 Rooms to Let 2 1 107 School 5 133 Seeing Bosting 3 179 Sham Doctor 3 3 94 16.000 Years Ago 3 243 Sports on a Lark 3 25 Sport with a Sportsman 2 92 Stage Struck Darkey 2 1 238 Strawberry Shortcake 2 10 Stocks Up, Stocks Down 2 64 That Boy Sam 3 1 253 The Best Cure 4 1 282 The Intelligence Office 3 122 The Select School 5 0^ 118 The Popcorn Man 3 i 6 The Studio 3 i) 108 Those Awful Boys 5 o 245 Ticket Taker 3 o 4 Twain's Dodging -...3 1 197 Tricks 5 198 Uncle Jeff 5 216 Vice Versa 3 206 Villkens and Dinah 4 210 Virginia MumuiT-:, 6 203 Who Stole the Cnickens 1 205 William Tell 4 156 Wig-Maker and His Servants 3 Happy Franks Songter "■Q rt> S ^ OS. B? ai. The Little^Gem Make-Up Box. Price 50 Cents. r^ .311 Nfe \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 762 492 1