r E 184 .16 fl3 Copy 1 Rear Admiral RICHARD WORSAM MEADE, U. S. N. First President-General, American-Irish Historical Society. THE AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY: WHAT IT IS AND WHAT ITS PURPOSES ARE. TOGETHER WITH THE NAMES OF THE OFFICERS AND A LIST OF THE MEMBERS. Prepared by THOMAS HAMILTON MURRAY, Secretary- General . BOSTON, MASS., PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY, 1898, The American-Irish Historical Society* When and Where Founded. The American-Irish Historical Society was founded on the evening of January 20, 1897, at a meeting called for that purpose, and held in the Revere House, Boston, Mass. Over forty gentlemen were present. The Hon. Thomas J. Gargan, of Boston, presided. Thomas Hamilton Murray, then editor of the Daily Sun, Lawrence, Mass., was secretary of the meeting. The provisional committee that had attended to the preliminary work included Mr. Murray, just mentioned; Mr. James Jeffrey Roche, editor of the Boston Pilot ; Mr. Joseph Smith, secretary of the police commission, Lowell, Mass. ; Mr. Thomas B. Lawler of the publishing house, Ginn & Company, Boston, Mass., and Hon. John C. Linehan, state insurance commissioner. Concord, N. H. Four States— Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island — were represented among those in attendance. Letters conveying good wishes were received from Connecti- cut, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and the District of Columbia. Objects and Purposes. The Society is organized for the special study of the Irish element in the composition of the American people; to investigate and record the in- fluence of this element in the upbuilding of the nation, and to collect and publish facts relating to and illustrating that influence. People of Irish blood have been coming to this continent voluntarily and otherwise, since the date of its earliest settlements. While they have been a valuable addition to colony and repubhc in all departments of human activity, their work and contributions have received but scant recognition from chroniclers of American history. Whether this omission springs from carelessness, ignorance, indifference or design is now of little moment. The fact that such a condition does exist makes it imperative that it should be remedied. The Society purposes to remedy it. More in Detail. Speaking more in detail, it may be stated that the objects and purposes of the Society are : The study of American history generally ; to investigate, specially, the Irish immigration to this country, determine its numbers, examine the sources, learn the places of its settlement, and estimate its influence on contemporary events in war, legislation, religion, education and other departments of activity ; to examine records of every character, wherever found, calculated to throw hght on the work of the Irish element in this broad land; to endeavor to correct erroneous, distorted and false views of history, where they are known, and to substitute therefor the truth of history, based on documentary evidence and the best and most reason- able tradition in relation to the Irish in America ; to place the result of its historical investigations and researches in acceptable literary form; to print, publish and distribute its documents to libraries, institutions of learning, and among its members, in order that the widest dissemination of historical truth may be obtained ; to do its work without passion or prejudice ; to view accomplished facts in the true scientific historical spirit, and having reached the truth to give it to the world. Membership Requirements. Any person of good moral character who is interested in the special work of the Society shall be deemed eligible for membership in the same. No tests other than that of character and devotion to the Society's objects shall be applied to membership. The Society comprises Life members and Annual members and may also elect Honorary and Corresponding members. The Mode of Admission. The Society believes that for the present as little red tape as possible should prevail in the admission of applicants. A large membership is desired. Consequently, a request to be enrolled addressed to the Secretary-General, to any of the members of the Executive Council, or to a member of the Society who is located in the neighborhood of the applicant, will generally be sufficient to effect the desired result. Non-Sectarian and Non-Political. The Society is constructed on a broad and liberal basis. It is non- sectarian and non-political. Being an American organization in spirit and principle, it greets and welcomes to its ranks Americans of whatever race descent and of whatever creed who take an interest in the special line of work for which the society is organized. It at present includes Roman Catholics, Protestant Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, Unitarians and members of other denominations. Catholic priests and Protestant ministers are on its roll. Republicans, Democrats and men of no political party affiliations are numbered among- its members. The Fees of Members. Life members pay $50 in advance at one time ; they are exempt from further membership dues. Annual members pay three dollars per year each. For the present no initiation fee is required. Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia are already represented in the hst of Life members. The membership roll also contains the names of gentlemen of the seventh, eighth and ninth American generations. The Society's Officers. ' The officers comprise a President-General, a Secretary-General, a Treas- urer-General, a Librarian and Archivist, an Historiographer, (not yet elected,) and an Executive Council. The constitution also provides for a Vice- President for each State and Territory and for the District of Columbia. It is proposed to eventually organize State and City chapters of the Society. A list of the present officers will be found contamed herein. The First President-General. The first President-General of the Society was Richard Worsam Meade, 3d, Rear-Admiral, U. S. N., (retired.) He was born in New York city, October 9, 1837, at the home of his maternal grandfather. Judge Henry Meigs, which family has given many officers to the United States Navy. He was the oldest son of the late Capt. Richard Worsam Meade 2d, U. S. N., and was a nephew of the late Gen. George Gordon Meade, who for two years commanded the Army of the Potomac. President-General Meade died in Washington, D. C, May 4, 1897. His obsequies took place in that city. The Society contributed a floral harp. Among the mourners there were present from the Society Messrs. Edward A. Moseley, J. R. Carmody, J. D. O'Connell and Capt. John M. Tobin. The honorary bearers were : Rear Admiral John G. Walker, Commodore Charles S. Norton, Commodore George Dewey, Commodore Norman H. Farquhar, Capt. Winfield S. Schley, Capt. A. S. Crowninshield, Capt. Charles O'Neil, U. S. N., and Col. Charles Heywood, United States Marine Corps. Eight stalwart seamen bore the body. A battalion of marines from the Washington barracks, under command of Capt. E. B. Robinson, and a delegation from Lafayette Post of New York city, escorted the body to Arlington, preceded by the United States Marine band. 6 Meetings and Field Day. Provision is made for quarterly meetings of the Society and montlily meetings of the Executive Council. As far as possible, each meeting, espe- cially those of the Council, is held in a city or State different from the one where the preceding meeting was held. This prevents the Society from becoming merely local to any one State or City, and makes it what its founders intended it to be-a national body. A general field day of the organization is held annually in the summer or fall. The annual meetmg for the election of officers is held in January. Diploma of Membership. Each member will be entitled to a diploma of membership, bearing the name of the society, the date of his admission, and such other appropriate, matter as may be decided upon. These certificates will be signed by thel President-General, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer-General and one orl two other officers, and will be suitable for display in office, library or study^ The Society's Publications. The pubhcations of the Society consist of two classes-regular and special A copy of every regular publication will be supplied free to each member. Special publications will be supplied at the actual cost price. Both classes of publications will contain a record of the society's proceed- ings, papers contributed by the members as the result of original research, extracts from old documents bearing upon the Irish in this country, or similar matter of interest, much of it, indeed, of priceless value for preserva- tion and reference. These pubhcations will be thoroughly mdexed. THE SOCIETY'S OFFICERS. President-GcncfaJ, EDWARD A. MOSELEY, Intefstate Commerce Commission^ Washington, D. C, Secrctary-Generalt THOMAS HAMILTON MURRAY, Editor, I Beechwood Avenue, Pawtocket, R. I. Treasurer-General, JOHN C. LINEHAN, State Insurance Commissioner, Concord, N. H. Librarian and Archivist, THOMAS B. LAWLER, Worcester, Mass. (With Ginn & Company, PubKshers, Boston, New York, Chicago, London.) EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The foregoing and JAMES JEFFREY ROCHE, Editor the Pilot, Boston, Mass. MAURICE F. EGAN, Catholic University, Washington, D. C. JOSEPH SMITH, Secretary Board of Police, Lowell, Mass. THOMAS J. GARGAN, of the Law Firm Gargan & Keating, Boston, Mass. T. RUSSELL SULLIVAN, a descendant of Gov. James SulHvan of Massachu- setts, Boston. ROBERT ELLIS THOMPSON, President Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa. THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, Newark, N. J. AUGUSTUS ST. GAUDENS, New York City. STATE VICE-PRESIDENTS. • Maine— JAMES CUNNINGHAM, Portland. New Hampshire— TIMOTHY P. SULLIVAN, Concord. * Vermont— T. W. MOLONEY, Rutland. Massachusetts— OSBORNE HOWES, Boston. Rhode Island— M. JOSEPH HARSON, Providence. Connecticut— JOSEPH F. SWORDS, Hartford. New York— GEN. JAMES R. O'BEIRNE, New York City. New Jersey— HON. WILLIAM McADOO, Assistant Secretary of the Navy under President Cleveland, Washington, D. C. Pennsylvania— GEN. ST. CLAIR A. MULHOLLAND, Philadelphia. Virginia— HON. JOSEPH T. LAWLESS, Richmond. West Virginia— O'BRIEN MOORE, Charleston. South Carolina— Ex-U. S. Senator M. C. BUTLER, Edgefield. Georgia— Ex-U. S. Senator PATRICK WALSH, Augusta. Ohio— REV. GEORGE W. PEPPER, Cleveland. Indiana— VERY REV. ANDREW MORRISSEY, Notre Dame. Michigan— HON. T. A. E. WEADOCK, Detroit. Colorado— Dr. JAMES E. LOWERY, Sopris. Utah -JOSEPH GEOGHEGAN, Salt Lake City. Texas— GEN. A. G. MALLOY, El Paso. District of Columbia— J. D. O'CONNELL, Washington. Membership Roll^ American-Irish Historical Society* Acklandy Thomas J., editorial department, The Pilot, 630 Washing-ton street, Boston, Mass. Ahern, John» 5 Highland street, Concord, N. H. Ahern, William J., 64 Franklin street, Concord, N. H.; has served as a member of the legislature of New Hampshire. Alley, John R., (Life member of the Society,) 123 Heath street, Roxbury (Boston), Mass. Armstrong, Col. James, Charleston, S. C; Board of Harbor Com- missioners. Arundel, Edward L., ex-member City Council, Lawrence, Mass. Barnes, James, Players' Club, New York City; grand nephew of Com- modore Jack Barry. Barry, H. Nason, The Pilot office, 630 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Barry, Very Rev. John E., Vicar-General Roman Catholic Diocese of Manchester, N. H.; residence, Concord, N. H. BettS, Rev. George C, Rector St. James' Protestant Episcopal Church, Goshen, N. Y. Birmingham, Robert M., (M. D.,) South Lawrence, Mass. Bodfish, Rev. Joshua P., Rector St. John's Roman Catholic Church, Canton, Mass. Bolton, Rev. J. Gray, (D- D-,) (Presbyterian), 1906 Pine street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Bradley, Richard E., 122 Monument street, Portland Me. Bradley, William J., Law office. Central Building, Lawrence, Mass. Brady, Rev. Cyrus Townsend, Protestant Episcopal Archdeacon of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Brady, Col. James D., Kellogg Building, Washington, D. C ; Ex-Mem- ber of Congress from Virginia; during the war joined the 37th N. Y. Volunteers, (Irish Rifles,) of which he was adjutant ; transferred to the 69th N. Y. Vols, (of the Irish prigade) which he subsequently commanded. 10 Brandon, Edward J., City Clerk, Cambridge, Mass. Brannigan, Felix, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, Washington, D. C. Breen Hon. John, Lawrence, Mass.; vice-chairman of the school board ; served three terms as mayor of Lawrence. Brennan James F., attorney and counsellor at law, Peterborough, N. H.; delivered an address on the early Irish settlers at the 1 50th anniversary of Peterborough. Brennan, Michael, 9 West 70th street. New York City; Proprietor of the Hotel San Remo, 74th and 7Sth streets. Brennan, Hon. Thomas S., 353 West 56th street, New York City. Broe, James A., 478 Congress street, Portland, Me. Brophy, John P., (Ph- d., ll. D.,) 321 West 137th street. Brown, Col. William L., Daily News, New York City. Bucklin, Hon. Elisha W., Pawtucket, R. L; ex-state auditor of Rhode Island. Burke, J. Edmund, Superintendent of Public Schools, Lawrence, Mass. Burke, Robert E., recently City Solicitor, Newburyport, Mass. Burke, Tobias A., Argus office, Portland, Me. Butler, Hon. Matthew C, Ex-United states Senator, Edgefield, S.C. Byrne, John, 45 Wall street, New York city. Cahill, M. J., Dry Goods Merchant, Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Callaghan, Lawrence, manufacturer, 95 Locke street, Haverill, Mass. Callahan, John A., school principal, 79 Lincoln street, Holyoke, Mass. Callahan, John F., 202-206 Lincoln street, Boston, Mass. Campbell, James P., 20 West 70th street, New York City. Cantwell, John J., Brookline, Mass. Carey, Jeremiah J., office the Sunday star, Lawrence, Mass. Carmichael, James H., Lowell, Mass. Carmody, John R., paymaster, U. S. N.; Washington Loan and Trust Co., 1220 Sixteenth street, Washington, D. C. Carney, Michael, of M. Carney & Co., Lawrence, Mass. Carney, Matthew J., of M. Carney & Co., Lawrence, Mass. 11 Carroll, Edward, Cashier, Leavenworth National Bank, Leavenworth, Kansas. Carroll, Hon. Hugh J., Pawtucket, R. L, ex-member of the Rhode Island General Assembly ; ex-mayor of Pawtucket. Carroll, Thomas, director of the Public Library, Peabody, Mass. Carter, Richard A., proprietor of the Central House, Lawrence, Mass. Casey, Stephen J., lawyer, Providence, R. L Cavanagh, Michael, 1159 Fourth street, N. E., Washing-ton, D. C. Chaplin, Heman W., ^ descendant of the Revolutionary O'Briens of Machias, Me.; attorney at law, 53 State street, Boston, Mass. Clare, William F., 39 Cortlandt street. New York City. Cochrane, Hon. John, descendant of an officer who served under Washington ; President of the N. Y. Society of the Cincinnati, 7 East 62d street. New York City ; from 1857 to l86l was a Congressman from New York City ; was commissioned Colonel of the First U. S. Chasseurs, June 11, 1861 ; Brig. Gen. of Vols., July 17, 1862; in 1864 was nominated at Cleveland, 0., for Vice-President of the United States ; had previously been Attorney-General of New York State. Coffey, John J., Neponset, Mass. Cogan, D. S., 320 Congress street,^Portland, Me. Cohalan, Daniel F., lawyer, 271 Broadway, New York City. Coleman, Cornelius F., 162-I64 Middle street, Portland, Me. Coleman, James S., 38 East 69th street, New York City. Collins, Rev. Charles W., the Cathedral, Portland, Me. Collins, Hon. Patrick A., ex-member of Congress; late United States Consul-General to London, England; Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. Collins, William D., (M- D.,) 170 winter street, Haverhill, Mass. Collison, Harvey N., member Massachusetts legislature, 1887-8; has also served on Boston School board ; lawyer, 5 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. Conaty, Very Rev. Thomas J., (D. d.,) rector of the Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Concannon, John S., 19 Crystal Cove avenue, Winthrop, Mass., or City hall, Boston, Mass. Condon, Edward 0*Meagher, office u. S. supervising architect Washington, D. C. 12 Coney Patrick H., attorney at law, Topeka, Kansas. Conley, Henry, ^ Winthrop street, Portland, Me. Conlin, Michael, 59 South Broadway, Lawrence, Mass, Connellan, James A.. 98 Exchange street, Portland, Me. Connery, William P., Pleasant street, Lynn, Mass. Connolly, James, Coronado, California. Connolly, Richard, 132 Boston street, Salem, Mass. Connolly, Thomas G., 147 L street, South Boston, Mass. Connor J. F., of Connor & Tracey, Peabody, Mass. Connor, John J., Sunday Register office, Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Corcoran, C. J., city clerk, Lawrence, Mass. Corcoran, Hon. John W., recently a Judge of the Superior Court; Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. Corr Bernard, Chamber of Commerce Building, Boston, Mass. CostellO, J. C, Washington and Warren streets, Newark, N. J. Costello, John H., 40 East Brookline street, Boston, Mass. CoUghlin, J. A,, Manager, Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Crane, John, 307 West 103d street, New York City. Cranitch, William, 84l West End avenue. New York, N. Y. Crimmins, John D., (li^fe member), 50 East 59th street, New York City. Cronin, John H., druggist, 317 Broadway, Lawrence, Mass. CrOSton, Dr. J. F., Emerson street, Haverhill, Mass. Crowe, Edward J., Lamoille, Winona County, Minn. Crowell, Hon. Henry G., South Yarmouth, Mass.; a descendant of David O'Killia, (O'Kelly), who settled on Cape Cod as early as 1657, and who is mentioned in the old Yarmouth, Mass., records as "the Irishman." The records show that at the close of King Philip's war, O'Killia was assessed his proportionate part towards defraying the expenses of that struggle. Crowley, Bartholomew, manufacturer, Haverhill, Mass. Culhane, Thomas A., Marietta, Lane Co., Pa. Cunningham, Christopher D., i78 Congress street, Portland, Me. Cunningham, Francis W., 167 Congress street, Portland, Me. 13 Cunningham, James, 277 Congress street, Portland, Me. Curran, Bartley J., 72 Exchange street, Portland, Me. Curran, Maurice J., of the Curran & Joyce Co., Lawrence, Mass. Curry, Capt. P. S., ^ Box Place, Lynn, Mass.; superintendent of con- struction for the new Federal Building- in that city. Curtin, Jeremiah, Bristol, Vt.; author of " Hero Tales of Ireland," " Myths and Folk-Lore of Ireland," " Myths and Folk-Tales of the Russians, Western Slavs and Magyars"; translator of works of Henryk Sienkiewicz. Cusack, Peter, 38 Washington, street, Newburyport, Mass. Cushnahan, Rev. P. M., rector of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Ogden City, Utah. Dailey, Peter, real estate, etc., 209 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Daly, John, South Broadway, Lawrence, Mass. Daly, John J., Salt Lake City, Utah ; one of the heaviest mine owners in the State. Daly, Hon. Joseph F., Court House, Chambers street. New York city; a Justice of the Supreme Court. Danvers, Robert E., 17 West 6 Sth street, New York city. Dasey, Charles V., ^ Broad street, Boston Mass. Davis, John J., Greenville, Pa. Day, Hon. William A., Washington, D.C; recently second auditor of the U. S. treasury. DeCourcy, Charles A., of DeCourcy & Coulson, lawyers, Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Dempsey, George C, Lowell, Mass. Dempsey, Patrick, Market street, Lowell, Mass. Desmond, J. J., druggist, 565 Broadway, Lawrence, Mass. Desmond, John F., civil engineer, 83 Merrimac street, Haverhill, Mass. Devine, P. A., 100 Central street, Manchester, N. H. Dignam, M. A., (D. D. S.,) 295 Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Dillon, Capt. Moses, El Paso, Texas. Dillon, Thomas J., (M. D.,) 121 Vernon street, Roxbury, (Boston,) Mass. 14 Doherty, Philip J., 23 Court street, Boston, Mass.; lawyer; has served several terms in the Massachusetts legislature ; in 1886 was nominee for speaker of the House; in 1889 was appointed member of the Boston water board. Dolan, Patrick J., 901 Garfield Building-, Cleveland, 0. Donahoe, Dan A., 285 Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Donahoe, John P., Wilmington, Dei.; National Commander, Union Veteran Legion ; a member of the recent Constitutional Convention of the State. Donahoe, Patrick, publisher of the Pilot, Boston, Mass. Donahue, Hugh, (M. D.,) 200 V/inter street, Haverhill, Mass. Donahoe, Dr. Florence, "34 Eighth street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Donigan, Bernard E., of Donigan & O'Brien, clothiers, 322 Essex street, Lawrence, Mass.; formerly postmaster of Orono, Me. Donnellan, Col. John W., banker, Salt Lake City, Utah. Donnelly, B. J., of Shea& Donnelly, granite workers and contractors, Lynn, Mass. Donnelly, Hon. Ignatius, Nininger, Minn.; upholder of the Baco- nian theory regarding Shakespeare's works ; twice elected Lieutenant Gov- ernor of Minnesota ; has been a member of Congress. Donahoe, D. J., of Donahoe Brothers, manufacturers, Lynn, Mass. Donovan, Daniel, 21 High Rock street, Lynn, Mass.; an authority on heraldry, armorial bearings, etc., particularly as the same relate to Ireland. Donovan, Daniel A., of D. A. Donovan & Co., manufacturers, 47 to 51 Willow street, Lynn, Mass. Donovan, Henry Y., (M. D.,) Bradford street, Lawrence, Mass.; mem- ber of the school board. Donovan, John J., lawyer, Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Donovan, Joseph, lawyer. Central building, Lawrence, Mass. Donovan, M, F., of D. a. Donovan & Co., 47 to 51 Willow street, Lynn, Mass. Donovan Michael R., (M. D.,) 128 South Common street, Lynn, Mass. Donovan, Timothy, of D. A. Donovan & Co., 47 to 51 Willow street, Lynn, Mass. Donovan, William H., Lawrence, Mass. ; is a Major in the Ninth Reg- iment, M. V. M. 15 Doogue, WiUiam, superintendent of public grounds, Boston, Mass. Doolittle, James G., Salt Lake City, Utah. Doran, Patrick L., Salt Lake City, Utah. Dow, John F., lawyer, Seattle, Washington. Dowd, Michael, Tacoma, Wash. Dowd, Michael J., 3l-39 Merrimack street, Lowell, Mass. Dowd, Peter A., 95 Milk street, Boston, Mass. Dowling, M. J„ Renville, Minn.; secretary of the National Republican League. Driscoll, Florence F., 56 Adams street, Portland, Me. Drum, Capt. John, Tenth U. S. infantry, 40 South Washington square, New York City. Drummond, Michael J., 148 West 76th street. New York City. Duff, Dr. John, 5 Dexter row, Charlestown, (Boston,) Mass. Dunne, F. L., 328 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Dyer, Hon. Elisha, Governor of Rhode Island, Providence, R. I. Egan, Maurice F., (LL.D.,) Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Egan, Rev. M. H., rector, church of the Sacred Heart, Lebanon, N. H. Emmet, Dr. Thomas Addis, New York city; grand-nephew of Robert Emmet, the Irish patriot. English, Hon. Thomas Dunn, (LL. D.,) 57 state street, Newark, N. J. ; ex-member of Congress ; a well known and entertaining writer. Fagan, Thomas J., sergeant of police, Chicago, 111. Fahey, M. J., P- 0. box 893, New Haven, Conn. Fallon, Hon, Joseph D., 789 Broadway, South Boston, Mass. Farrell, Edward D., 329 West 50th street. New York city. Farrell, William, Carnation street, Pawtucket, R. I. Feeley, William J., treasurer of The W. J. Feeley Co., silversmiths and manufacturing jewelers, 185 Eddy street. Providence, R. I. Feenan, Bernard, 8S Harbor street, Salem, Mass. Finn, Rev. Thomas J., St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Derby, Conn. Finerty, Hon. John F., 69 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111,; editor of the Citizen ; ex-member of Congress. 16 Fitzgerald, Patrick J., manufacturer, 44 Nichols street, Haverhill, Mass. Fitzmaurice, Charles R., Rossland, British Columbia. Fitzpatrick, Edward, editorial department of the Times, Louisville, Ky. Fitzpatrick, John B., real estate, etc., 23 Court street, Boston, Mass. ; has been deputy sheriff of Suffolk county, Mass. ; was for several years an officer of the supreme court. Fitzpatrick, J. M., 120 West 59th street, New York city. Fitzpatrick, Thomas B., of the wholesale dry goods firm of Brown, Durrell & Co., Boston, Mass. Flaherty, Thomas H.,- 62 Gray street, Portland, Me. Flannery, Capt. John, Savannah, Ga. ; of John Flannery & Co., cot- ton factors and commission merchants. Flatley, Rev. John, rector St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Cam- bridge, Mass. Flatley, Joseph P., 9i6 Beacon street, Boston, Mass. Flatley, P. J., lawyer, Tremont building, Boston, Mass. Flynn, John C, The Pilot office, 630 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Flynn, Hon. Joseph J., Opera house, Lawrence, Mass.; a State Sena- tor. Flynn, Thomas J., 18-20 Essex street, Boston, Mass. Fogarty, Jeremiah W., assessors' dep't., City Hall, Boston, Mass.; secretary of the Charitable Irish society, (founded 1737.) Foley, Bernard, 39 Edg'ewood street, Roxbury, (Boston,) Mass. Gallagher, Thomas F., Fitchburg, Mass. Gargan, Thomas J., ex-president Boston Charitable Irish Society, (founded 1737;) deHvered the oration for the city, July 4, 1885; served several terms in the Massachusetts legislature ; is a member of the law firm Gargan & Keating, Pemberton square, Boston, Mass. Garrigan, Rev. Philip J., Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Gavin, Michael, of M. Gavin & Co., wholesale grocers and cotton fac- tors, 232-234 Front street, Memphis, Tenn. Geoghegan, Joseph, Salt Lake city, Utah. Geoghegan, Stephen J., 20 East 73d street, New York city. 17 Gibbons, T. F., with Theodore M. Roche & Co., 203 Broadway, New York city. Gilbride, Patrick, of O'Ponnell & Gilbride, Lowell, Mass. Gilmartin, Denis, Lawrence, Mass. Glynn, Thomas H., Water and Federal streets, Newburyport, Mass. Graham, Andrew M., 27 Middle street, Newburyport, Mass. Graham, Rev. John J., St. James' Roman catholic church, Haverhill, Mass. Grainger, William H., (M. D.,) 408 Meridian street. East Boston, Mass. Gregg, Matthew C., ^^3 Water street, Lawrence, Mass. Griffis, Rev. William Elliot, (D. D.,) Ithaca, N. Y. ; formerly pas- tor of the First Reformed Church, Schenectady, N. Y., and subsequently of the Shawmut Congregational Church, Boston, Mass. ; some years ago went to Japan to organize schools on the American plan ; held chair of physics in the Imperial University at Tokio ; an able writer and author of note. Grimes, Thomas, oi Grimes Bros., Providence, R. I. Hall, Edward A., member of the Connecticut Valley Historical Society ; Plainfield street, Springfield, Mass. Halley, William, publisher of The Vindicator, Austin, 111. Halpine, Lieut. N. J. F., (U. S. N.,) west Roxbury, Mass. Haltigan, Patrick J., Government printing office, Washington, D. C. Hanley, Frank L., Oineyviiie, r. l Hanrahan, William J., 200 Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Harney, Hubert J., of the manufacturing firm Harney Bros., 103 Washington street, Lynn, Mass. Harney, Patrick J., of Harney Bros., 103 Washington street, Lynn, Mass. Harney, Thomas F., of Harney Bros., 103 Washington street, Lynn, Mass. Harper, William, Jr., People's institute, Roxbury, (Boston,) Mass. Harrington, Rev. J. C, rector of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Lynn, Mass. Harrington, Rev. John M., Lewiston, Me. Harrington, Thomas F.,(M D.,) Lowell, Mass. Harrington, Timothy, Water street, Newburyport, Mass. 18 Harson, M. Joseph, 126 waterman street, Providence, R. I.; a founder of Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity ; member of the Rhode Island Historical So- ciety. Harty, Rev. John, rector of the church of the Sacred Heart, Pawtucket, R. I. ' Hastings, Hon. Daniel H., Governor of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa. Hayes, Hon. John J., ^ Oliver street, Boston, Mass. ; commission mer- chant ; has been a member of the Boston school board and a State Senator. Heagney, Michael J., 2 Hancock street, Linden dis't.. Maiden, Mass. Healey, Col. D. F., Manchester, N. H. ; served on the staff of Governor Goodell of New Hampshire; was high sheriff of Hillsborough county, N. H., for over twelve years. Healey, Jere, President of the board of aldermen, Newburyport, Mass. Healey, John W., ^28 Washington street, Lynn, Mass. Hearn, Edward L., South Frammgham, Mass. Heery, James, 99 Fairmount street, Lowell, Mass. Heery, Col. Luke, 99 Fairmount street, Lowell, Mass. ; recently on the staff of Governor Waller of Connecticut. Heffern, Peter J., (D.D. S.,) 255 Main street, Pawtucket, R. I,; mem- ber of the State Board of Registration in Dentistry. Hickey, Michael J., manufacturer, 80 Emerson street, Haverhill, Mass. Hogan, Daniel W., 40 Gushing street, Medford, Mass. Hogan, Very Rev. John B., (S.S.,D.D.,) President of St. John's Ec- clesiastical Seminary, Brighton, (Boston,) Mass. Hogan, Capt. Thomas J., 22s Middle street, Portland, Me. Howard, Rev. J. J., St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Worcester, Mass. Howes, Osborne, secretary of the board of Fire Underwriters, 55 Kilby street, Boston, Mass. ; a descendant of David O'Killia (O'Kelly), who is heard from on Cape Cod, Mass., as early as 1657, and who was a partici- pant in King Philip's war ; Mr. Howes is of the seventh American genera- tion on the O'Killia side and of the eighth on another. Hoye, John A., 40 Third street, Dover, N. H. Hurley, Rev. E. F., rector of St. Dominic's Roman Catholic Church, Portland, Me. Hyde, William A, 6i Murdock st., Brighton, (Boston,) Mass. 19 Jackson, Joseph, of the Curran & Joyce Co., Lawrence, Mass. Johnson, James G., 30l West End avenue, New York. N. Y. Jordan, M. J., lawyer, 42 Court street, Boston, Mass. Kane, John P., lawyer, Central building, Lawrence, Mass. Keating, James E., (M. D.,) 143 Pine street, Portland, Me. Keating, Patrick M,, of the law firm Gargan & Keating, Pemberton square, Boston, Mass. Keating, William H., 15 Vaughn street, Portland, Me. Keely, George, 270 Brackett street, Portland, Me. Kehoe, John B., Portland, Me. Keleher, T. D., disbursing clerk for office of auditor to the Post Office dept., Washington, D. C. Kelley, J. D. Jerrold, lieutenant-commander U. S. N.; was recently attached to the battleship Texas ; address, care Navy Department, Washing- ton, D. C. Kelliher, Michael W., (M. d.,) Pawtucket, R. l Kelly, James, 13 Greenleaf street, Portland, Me. Kelly, James E., postmaster, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Kelly, John P., (D-D- S.,) 12 Essex street, Newburyport, Mass. Kelly, William J., 9 Dove street, Newburyport, Mass. Kenefick, Owen A., photographer, Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Kennedy, John, 1129 Bedford street, Fall River, Mass. Kennedy, P, J., 322 and 324 Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.; of Kennedy Bros., dealers in firearms, ammunition, etc. Kennedy, Hon. P. J., i$5 Webster street. East Boston, Mass. ; has been a Senator. Kerr, Dr. James, 1711 H street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Klley, Daniel F., Essex street, Lawrence, Mass.; of Kiley Bros., dry goods merchants. Kirmes, V. C., Melrose, Mass. Lalor, John J., Mint Bureau, U. S., Treasury dept., Washington, D. C. ; author of the well-known " Cyclopedia of Political Science, Political Econ- omy, and of the Political History of the United States." 20 Lamson, Col. Daniel S., Weston, Mass.; Lieut.-Colonel commanding Sixteenth Regiment, (Mass ,) 1861 ; A. A. G., Norfolk, 1862 ; served on staff of Gen. Hooker; is a member of the Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the American Revolution, and Military Order of the Loyal Legion ; one of his ancestors landed at Ipswich, Mass., in 1632, and received a grant of 350 acres which still remains in the family ; another ancestor, Samuel, of Read- ing, Mass., participated in King Philip's war and had a son in the expedi- tion of 1711. Another member of the family, Samuel, of Weston, com- manded a company at Concord, Mass., April 19, 1775, and was Major and Colonel of the Third Middlesex Regiment for many years, dying in 1795- Lane» Thomas J., 120 Havre street, East Boston, Mass. Lannan, P. H., The Tribune office. Salt Lake City, Utah. Lappin, J. J., 7 Grant street, Portland, Me. Larkin, James E., 17 Linden street, Everett, Mass.; was Lieut.-Colonel of the Fifth Regiment, New Hampshire Vols. Larkin, Very Rev. Thomas J., (S. m.,) President of Ail Hallows' College, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lawler, Thomas B., 39 May street, Worcester, Mass.; with Ginn & Company, publishers, Tremont Place, Boston, Mass. ; librarian and archivist of the society. Lawless, Hon. Joseph T., Secretary of state, Richmond, Va. Leahey, Dr. George A., Lowell, Mass. Leahy, John P., lawyer, U. S. Trust Company building, 30 Court street, Boston, Mass. Lee, Hugh J., Pawtucket, R. L Lee, Rev. Robert F., IS6 Danforth street, Portland, Me. Lenihan, M. C, Marshalltown, Iowa. Lennox, George W., manufacturer, Duncan street, Haverhill, Mass. Leonard, James F., clothier, Essex street, Lawrence, Mass.; recently candidate for mayor. Leonard, Thomas F., niusical director, Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Linehan, James C., 18 Foster street, Peabody, Mass. Linehan, Hon. John C, state insurance Commissioner, Concord, N. H. ; ex-member of the Governor's council ; commander of Brown Post, No. 31, G. A. R., for three years ; commander of the G. A. R., Department of New Hampshire, two years; president of the N. H. Veteran Association, two years; Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief; member of Pension Committee of the National Encampment; director of the Gettysburg Battlefield Associ- 21 ation, ten years ; recently a leading candidate at Buffalo, N. Y., for National Commander-in-Chief ; president board of trustees of New Hampshire State Industrial School ; recipient of an honorary degree from Dartmouth Col- lege. Col. Linehan is an authority on the early history of the Irish in New England, and has written many articles on the subject. He is the Society's Treasurer-General ; resides in Penacook, N. H. Linehan, John J., Springfield, Mass.; a director in the Bay State Cor- set Co. Linehan, Rev. Timothy P., rector of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Biddeford, Me. ; was for ten years rector of the Cathedral, Port- land, Me. Linehan, Timothy P., Wolfe tavern, Newburyport, Mass. Littleton, Stephen F., lO Riverside street, Worcester, Mass. Lowery, Dr. James E., Sopris, Las Animas county, Colorado. Lowery, William H., 86 Adams street, Portland, Me. Lyman, William, si East I22d street. New York city. Lynch, John E., Worcester, Mass. Lynch, Gen. John J., 14S Spring st, Portland, Me. Lynch, Thomas J., postmaster, Augusta, Me.; treasurer Augusta Board of Trade. Lynn, Hon. Wauhope, 32 Chambers street. New York city ; justice of the first judicial district. Macguire, Constantine J., 120 East 60th street, New York city. Magee, John A., (M.D.,) 203 Haverhill street, Lawrence, Mass. Magenis, James P., l^w department of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; recently deputy collector of Internal Revenue, Boston, Mass. MagUire, John, Butte City, Montana. MagUire, John E., of Thayer & Maguire, manufacturers, Haverhill, Mass. Mahoney, James, University Club,270 Beacon street, Boston, Mass. Mahoney, James Y., commissioner of the Commercial Association, Sioux City, Iowa. Mahoney, John P. S., lawyer. Central building, Lawrence, Mass.; re- cently president of the Common Council. Mahoney, M. J., Hampshire and Bradford streets, Lawrence, Mass, 22 Mahony, Daniel D., of D. D. Mahony & Son, Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Malloy, Gen. A. G., El P^so, Texas ; a veteran of the Mexican and Civil wars ; during the latter conflict he was successively Major, Colonel and Brigadier General ; has been collector of the port of Galveston. Malone, John, Actors' Society of America, 1432 Broadway, N. Y. Mangan, John J., (M. D.,) 55 North Common street, Lynn, Mass. Mannix, Cornelius A., 40 Sheridan street, Portland, Me. Marshall, Rev. George F., rector of St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church, Milford. N. H. May, Henry A,, 4? Florence street, Roslindale, Mass.; a descendant through his mother, Roxana Butler of Pelham, N. H., from James Butler, the planter of Lancaster, Mass., (i6S3,) who came from Ireland, and was the largest land owner in what is now Worcester county. He owned land in Dunstable, Woburn and Billerica, where he died in 1681. His son, Deacon John Butler, was the first child of Irish parentage born in Woburn, Mass., and John was the first settler of what is now Pelham, N. H., and lies buried there. A monument was erected to his memory on " Pelham Green," in the centre of the town of Pelham, in 1886, by his descendants, some 1200 being present at the dedication in June of that year. McAdoo, Hon. William, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, (under Cleveland,) Washington, D. C. McCaffrey, Hugh, (life member,) Fifth and Berks streets, Philadelphia, Pa. McCann, Daniel E., 37 Preble street, Portland, Me. McCarthy, Charles, Jr., Portland, Me. McCarthy, Eugene T., lawyer, 343 Union street, Lynn, Mass. McCarthy, Joseph, editorial dep't. Daily Globe, Boston, Mass. McCarthy, T. A., (D. D. S.,) Main street, Nashua. N. H. McCaUghey, Bernard, 93 to lOS North Main street, Pawtucket, R. I. McClUskey, James J., 34 School street, Boston, Mass. McConnell, James E., Fitchburg, Mass. McConway, William, (life member,) manufacturer, Pittsburg, Pa. McCoy, Rev. John J., rector of the Church of the Holy Name, Chicopee, Mass. McDermott, Rev. William A., Redwood, N. Y.; under the nom- de-plume " Walter Lecky " he has produced much literary work. 23 McDonald, Mitchell, paymaster, U. S. N.; recently attached to the battleship Texas ; address, care Navy Department, Washington, D. C. McDonOUgh, Edward J., (M. D.,) 333 Congress street, Portland, Me. McDonOUgh, Rev. M. C, sector of the Cathedral, Portland, Me. McEleney, William, 45 Cedar street, Portland, Me. McElroy, Rev. Charles J., rector of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Derby, Conn. McEvoy, John W., lawyer, 137 Central street, Lowell, Mass. McGauran, Michael S., (M. D.,) Lawrence, Mass. McGlinchy, J. H., 128 Danforth street, Portland, Me. McGowan, Joseph A., 263 Congress street, Portland, Me. McGowan, T. P., 4l8 Congress street, Portland, Me. McGuinneSS, Hon. Edwin D., Providence, R. L; has served two terms as Mayor of Providence, and two as Secretary of State of Rhode Is- land. McGuire, Edward J., 56 Pine street. New York city. McGurrin, Frank E., Salt Lake city, Utah. Mclntyre, John F., lawyer, 220 Broadway, New York city. McLaughlin, Edward A., lawyer, 16 Pemberton square, Boston, Mass. ; was for several years clerk of the Massachusetts House of Represen- tatives. McLaughlin, Henry V., (M. D.,) 29 Kent street, Brookline, Mass. McLaughlin, William H., 24 C street, Knightville, Portland, Me. McManUS, Col. John, 145-147 Westminster street. Providence, R. L; served on the staff of Governor Davis of Rhode Island. McManUS, Michael, of McManus & Co., clothiers, 670 Washington street, Boston, Mass. McManus, Rev. Michael T., rector of St. Patrick's Church, Law- rence, Mass. McManus, Gen. Thomas, 333 Main street, Hartford, Conn.; City Recorder. McNeirny, Michael J., Gloucester, Mass. McQueeney, Henry J., of the post office staff, Lawrence, Mass. McSweeney, Edward F., Assistant U.S. Commissioner of Immigra- tion, Ellis Island, N. Y. 24 McSweeny, Rev. Edward, rector of St. John's Roman Catholic Church, Bangor, Me. Middleton, Very Rev. Thomas C, (D.d., o. s. A.,) Viiianova College, Viiianova, Pa. Moloney, T. W., of Butler & Moloney, counsellors-at-law, Alead build- ing, Rutland, Vt, MoIIoy, Hugh J., staff of the State Normal School, Lowell, Mass.; re- cently principal of the John K. Tarbox school, Lawrence, Mass. Mooney, John A., 353 West 27th street. New York city. Moore, O'Brien, (life member,) recently of the Washington, D. C. bu- reau of the St. Louis Republic; now publisher of the Daily Gazette, Charles- ton, W. Va. Morrissey, Very Rev. Andrew, (C. S. C.,) president of the Uni- versity of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind Moseley, Edward A., (President-General,) secretary of the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. He is ninth in descent from Lieut. Thaddeus Clark, who came from Ireland, and died in Portland, Me., May 16, 1690. Clark was lieutenant of a company of men engaged in the defence of Falmouth, now Portland, during the Indian War. He fell into ambuscade with his company while making a reconnoitre, and was killed with twelve of his men. Mr. Moseley is also a descendant of Deputy-Gov- ernor Cieeves, (or Cleaves,) a founder of Portland, formerly Falmouth, and is sixth in descent from Lieut. John Brown, of Belfast, Me., who came with his father from Londonderry, Ire., and v^^as one of the settters of London- derry, N. H. ; Brown was chairman of the first Board of Selectmen of Belfast, Me., chosen November 11, 1773, '74 and '75-; he removed from London- derry, N. H. While residing there he had been a commissioned officer in the Provincial Army, and had served in the French War. Mr. Moseley is also of patriotic Revolutionary stock. Moses, George H., editor The Monitor, Concord, N. H. (U. S. Sena- ator Chandler's paper.) Mulholland, Gen, St. Clair A„ U. S. Pension agent, Philadelphia, Pa.; Major, Lieut-Colonel and Colonel, 11 6th Regiment, Penn. Vols. ; Bre- vet Brig. Gen. for gallant conduct in Wilderness campaign ; Brevet Maj. Gen. for capturing a fort in front of Petersburg, Va. ; Congress medal of honor for services at battle of Chancellorsville ; wounded at Fredericks- burg, at the Wilderness, at Po River and near Cold Harbor ; served two years in Meagher's Irish Brigade and in the last year of the war commanded the Fourth Brigade, First Division, Second Corps, (Hancock's). Mullaney, Rev. John F., rector Church of St. John the Baptist, Syr- acuse, N. y. 25 Mulligan, B. J., 37 Warren street, Salem, Mass. Murphy, Daniel D., (M. D.,) Amesbury, Mass. Murphy, D. P., Jr., 3i Barclay street. New York city. Murphy, David E., 8 Perley street, Concord, Mass. Murphy, Frank J., lock box i6i, Olean, n. y. Murphy, James, '"^al estate and insurance, Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. Murphy, James R., lawyer, 27 School street, Boston, Mass. Murphy, Hon, John R., water commissioner, Boston, Mass.; has been a Senator of Massachusetts, having previously been a member of the State House of Representatives. In 1886 was made a fire commissioner of Boston by Mayor O'Brien. Murray, Capt. John F., police department, Cambridge, Mass.; resi- dence, 9 Avon street. Murray, Thomas Hamilton, Secretary-General of the Society, 1 Beechwood avenue, Pawtucket, R. I. ; an editor of many years' experience on leading daily papers ; is the author of numerous articles relating to early Irish settlers in this country. Naphen, Hon. Henry F., lawyer, 42 Court street, Boston, Mass.; has served as a member of the Boston school board and as bail commissioner ; was a member of the State Senate 1885, '86, '87. Neagle, Thomas J., 66 Franklin street, Haverhill, Mass. Nicholson, George, 40 Oak street, Lynn, Mass. O'Beirne, Gen. James R., 357 West 117th street. New York city ; in military life has held every commissioned rank up to Bvt. Brig. Gen. of Volunteers ; has also been Provost Marshal, D. C. ; Deputy U. S. Marshal, D. C. ; Register of Wills, D. C. ; editor Sunday Gazette, Washington, D. C; Special Agent U. S. Indian affairs ; Special Agent U. S. Treasury Dept. ; Asst. U. S. Commissioner of Immigration at New York city; is now Commis- sioner of Charities, New York city ; Past Commander U. S. Medal of Honor Legion. In business life has been President of Yonkers Electric Light Co. ; Secretary of Flemington Coal and Coke Co. of West Virginia, and Treasurer of Manhattan Distilling Co. In social life, President of the United Irish So- cieties of New York city and vicinity, and member of various clubs and other organizations. O'Brien, Hon. C. D., of the law firm C. D. and Thomas D. O'Brien, 212 Globe building, St. Paul, Minn. ; ex-mayor of St. Paul. O'Brien, Charles J., 670 Washington street, Boston, Mass. 26 O'Brien, Frank J., of Donigan & O'Brien, clothiers, 322 Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. ; late a member of the city council. O'Brien, James W., lawyer, 23 Court street, Boston, Mass. O'Brien, John D., Bank of Minnesota building, St. Paul, Minn.; of the law firm Stevens, O'Brien, Cole and Albrecht. O'Brien, Rev. Michael, (li^s member,) rector of St. Patrick's Church, Lowell, Mass. O'Brien, Hon. Morgan J., 42 West 44th street, New York city; a Justice of the Supreme Court. O'Brien, Patrick, 399 South Broadway, Lawrence, Mass.; a member of the board of aldermen. O'Brien, T. Carl, Chamber of Commerce building, Boston, Mass. O'Brien, Thomas, Pawtucket, R. I. ; a member of the board of alder- men. O'Byrne, M. A., 370 West llSth street. New York city. O'Calla^han, Rev. Denis, rector of St. Augustine's Roman Catho- lic Church, South Boston, Mass. O'Callaghan, John, editorial dept., Daily Globe, Boston, Mass. O'Callaghan, P. J., Lawrence, Mass. O'Connell, Dr. J. C, U. S. Pension office, Washington, D. C. O'Connell, J. D., Bureau of Statistics, U. S. Treasury dept., Washington, D. C. O'Connell, Timothy, 140 state street, Newburyport, Mass. O'Connor, Francis, principal of Commercial College, Kansas city, Kansas. O'Connor, Francis, 53l Washington street, Boston, Mass. O'Conor, P. H., Washmgton street, Peabody, Mass. O'Day, Daniel, ^28 West 72d street. New York city. O'Doherty, Rev. James, rector of St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Haverhill, Mass. O'Doherty, Hon. Matthew, Louisville, Ky. O'Donoghue, Col. D. O'C, 7S Emery street, Portland, Me. O'Dowd, Michael, 922 Elm street, Manchester, N. H. O'Driscoll, Daniel M., Western Union Telegraph Co., Charleston, S. C. O'Dwyer, Hon, E. F., 37 West 76th street. New York city. 27 O'Farrell, Charles, 32S Washington street, Boston, Mass. 0*FarrelI, Rev. Denis J., 7 North square, Boston, Mass.; rector of St. Stephen's Church. 0*FarreII, Patrick, of O'Farrell & Son, lawyers, sohcitors of Ameri- can and Foreign Patents, 1425 New York avenue, Washington, D. C. O'Farrell, Col. P. A., Spokane, Wash. O'Hart, John, l Woodside, Vernon avenue, Clontarf, Ireland; author of " O'Hart's Irish Pedigrees," "The Last Princes of Tara," etc. 0*Hearn, William H., (M- D.,) 283 Essex street, Lawrence, Mass. O'Keefe, Daniel T., (M. D.,) 183 Green street, Jamaica Plain, (Boston,) Mass. 0*Keefe, John A., lawyer, 25 Exchange street, Lynn. Mass.; was re- cently principal of the High school, that city ; later, candidate for Attorney- General of Massachusetts. O'LoUghlin, Patrick, lawyer, 23 Court street, Boston, Mass. 0*Mahoney, Daniel J., Essexstreet, Lawrence, Mass.; ex-Superintend- ent of Streets. O'Mahoney, Michael, of Moulton & O'Mahoney, contractors, Law- rence, Mass. O'Neal, Hon. Emmet, U- S. District Attorney. Florence, Ala. 0*Neil, James, S21 Seventh street, N. W., Washington, D. C. O'Neil, James, Hampshire and Common streets, Lawrence, Mass. 0*Neil, Hon. Joseph H., Sub-Treasurer of the United States, Boston, Mass. ; was elected to Congress in 1888 from the fourth Massachusetts district. 0*Neil, Rev. J. L., (0. P.,) editor The Rosary Magazine, 871 Lexington avenue. New York city. This is a life membership standing to the credit of " The Editor of The Rosary Magazine." It is so arranged in order that successive editors of the publication may enjoy the rights and privileges of the society. Father O'Neil is the first to represent the magazine in the organization. O'Neill, James L., Franklin street, Elizabeth, N. J. O'Reilly, Rev. James T., (O.S.A.,) rector of St. Mary's church, Lawrence, Mass. O'Reilly, Luke F., 82s Seventh street, N. W., Washington, D. C. O'Reilly, Thomas B., Salt Lake city, Utah. 28 0*Shea, Dennis, of O'Shea Bros., Laconia, N. H. ; proprietors Laconia Knitting Co. O'Shea, J. F., (M. D.,) 116 union street, Lynn, Mass. O'SuIHvan, Hon. Edward F., city engineer's office, Lawrence, Mass. ; an ex-Senator. O'SuUivan, Humphrey, 105 Butterfield street, Lowell, Mass. 0*SulIivan, James, of O'SulIivan Bros., Merrimack street, Lowell, Mass. 0*SulIivan, James T., I'eal estate and insurance, Lawrence, Mass.; ex- City Marshal. Palmer, Rev. Edmund B., 4 Peter Parley street, Jamaica Plain, (Bos- ton,) Mass. ; great grandson of Barnabas Palmer of Rochester, N. H., who was born in Cork or Limerick, 1725, and who emigrated from there with two brothers, and enlisted under Sir William Pepperill. Barnabas sailed from Portsmouth, N. H., — one of the force of 3000 men, 1745, and on the Isle of Cape Breton, under Fort Louisburg, left his right arm. Subse- quently he settled in Rochester, N. H., married, had fourteen children and was a member of the General Court of New Hampshire that ratified the Constitution of the United States. Penney, William M., 34 West 26th street. New York city. Pepper, Rev. George W., (Methodist), 1021 East Madison avenue, Cleveland, Ohio ; ex-U. S. Consul to Milan. Perj*y, Dr. Charles, P- O Box 2977, New York City. Phalen, Rev. Frank L., pastor Unitarian Church, Concord, N. H. Phelan, Edmund, 32 Adams street, Roxbury, (Boston,) Mass. Phelan, Rev. J., rector of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Rock Val- ley, Iowa ; recently editor of the Northwestern Catholic. Phelan, Hon. John J., recently Connecticut's Secretary of State, Bridgeport, Conn. PiggOtt, Michael, lawyer, l634 Vermont street, Quincy, 111. Phil pott, Anthony J., editorial dep't of the Daily Globe, Boston, Mass. Plunkett, Thomas, 257 Sixth street. East Liverpool, Ohio. Power, James D., 2007 G street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Quinn, Hon. John, 66 Broadway, New York City. Radikin, Edward F., of Radikin, Cooney & McNulty, dry goods mer- chants, Pawtucket, R. I. 29 Reardon, Edmund* 24 Commerce street, Boston, Mass. Reardon, J. P., (D- D- S.,) Central building, Lawrence, Mass. Reddy, Hon. W. F., 23 Schafer building, Richmond, Va.; a member of the State Legislature. Reed, Henry E,, 162 Second street, Portland, Ore.; manager, Catholic Sentinel. Regan, W, P., architect, Lawrence, Mass. Reilly, James C„ Clement building, Rutland, Vt. Reilly, John M., Box 122, Columbus, Ind. Reilly, W. F. B., (D- D. S.,) 72 Merrimack street, Haverhill, Mass. Riordan, John H., 136 Fort Hill avenue, Lowell, Mass. Roche, James Jeffrey, (LL. D.,) editor of The Pilot, 630 Washington St., Boston, Mass.; author of a " Story of the Filibusters," " Life of John Boyle O'Reilly," " Songs and Satires," " Ballards of Blue Water," and other works. Rodwaye, Alfred J., 4l Bartlett street, Roxbury, (Boston,) Mass.; a member of the Jacobite Order of the White Rose; Fellow of the Royal His- torical Society, England ; Fellow of the Royal Society of Northern Antiqua- rians, Denmark ; member of the Royal Italian Heraldic Academy. Ronayne, Thomas H., lawyer, S Beekman street. New York City. Rooney, John J., of Rooney & Spence, customs brokers, 66, 68 and 70 Beaver street. New York City. Roosevelt, Hon. Theodore, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Wash- ington, D. C. Ruggles, Henry Stoddard, (ninth American generation) Wakefield, Mass. ; a member of the Sons of the Revolution and of the Sons of the American Revolution. Rush, John, Sixteenth and Farnham streets, Omaha, Neb. Ryan, John, 789 Westfield street, Lowell, Mass. Ryan, John J., lawyer, 204 Merrimack street, Haverhill, Mass. Ryan, John J., 59 South Broadway, Lawrence, Mass. Ryan, Patrick H., 789 Westfield street, Lowell, Mass. Sanders, Col. C. C, Gainsville, Ga.; President of the State Banking Co. ; commanded the 24th Georgia Regiment in the Civil War ; grandson of an Irishman ; was an eye witness of the famous charge of Meagher's Irish Brigade at Fredericksburg. Scanlan, John F., 4333 Indiana avenue, Chicago, 111. 30 Shahan, Rev. Thomas J., (D-D-.) Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Shanahan, Rev. Edmund T., (Ph. d., d. d.,) CathoHc University, Washington, D. C. Shea, C. J., of Shea & Donnelly, Lynn, Mass. Shea, M. J., Piedmont street. Canton, Ohio. Shea, Richard J., City Hall, Lawrence, Mass.; clerk of the council; city auditor. Sheahan, Dennis H., lawyer. Providence, R. I.; ex-clerk of the Rhode Island House of Representatives. Sheran, Hugh F., 46 Charter street, Boston, Mass.; formerly of the City Assessors' Department. Sheridan, Bernard H., principal of the Oliver School, Lawrence, Mass, Shorten, Joseph P., 28 Cabot street, Salem, Mass. Smith, Joseph, Secretary of the Police Commission, Lowell, Mass.; a clear, vigorous writer and author of many articles of an ethnological and historical nature. Smith, Dr. Thomas B., Wyman's Exchange, Lowell, Mass. Smyth, Hon. Frederick, ^ Justice of the Supreme Court, New York City. Somers, P. E., manufacturer, 17 Hermon street, Worcester, Mass. Spillane, Jere B., associate editor The Music Trade Review ; editor, The Keynote; 3 East 14th street. New York City. St. Clair, Sam C, civil engineer, 519 Court street, Reading, Pa. St. Gaudens, Augustus, sculptor, New York city. Steele, N. C, (M. D.,) Chattanooga, Tenn. ; four generations removed from Ireland. Stevens, Walter F., druggist, 176 Winter street, Haverhill, Mass. Sullivan, Hon. John H., President of the Columbian Trust Co., 20 Meridian street, East Boston, Mass.; a Massachusetts Senator, 1888 ; a mem- ber of the Governor's Council, l895, 1896, 1898. Sullivan, M. F., (M. D.,) Oak street, Lawrence, Mass. Sullivan, M. J., of Buckley, McCormack&SulHvan, furniture salesrooms, Lawrence, Mass. Sullivan, Patrick F., of Sulhvan Bros., 9 School street, Boston, Mass. Sullivan, Roger G., 803 Elm street, Manchester, N. H. 31 Sullivan, Timothy P., Concord, N. H.; furnished granite from his New Hampshire quarries for the new National Library building, Washing- ton, D. C. Sullivan, T. Russell, lO Charles street, Boston, Mass.; a descendant of Gov. James Sullivan of Massachusetts. Sullivan, William J., (M. D.,) Lawrence, Mass. Swords, Col. Henry Leonard, The Florence, 4th avenue and I8th street. New York City. Swords, James, 19 Water street, Boston, Mass. Swords, Joseph Forsyth, 250 Main street, Hartford, Conn.; a descendant of Cornet George Swords, one of the A. D. 1649 officers in the service of Kings Charles I and Charles II in Ireland. Joseph F. Swords is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and a life member of the Connecticut Historical Society. He is of the fourth American genera- tion from Francis Dawson Swords, graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, 1750, who was exiled from Ireland, 176O, and who served in the Patriot Army throughout the war of the Revolution. Swords, Thomas, 19 Water street, Boston, Mass. Teeling, Rev. Arthur J., rector of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Lynn, Mass. Thomas, Robert J., water department, Lowell, Mass. Thompson, Robert Ellis, (Ph.D., S. T. D.,) President central High School, Philadelphia, Pa. ; recently a professor in the University of Pennsyl- vania. Tigh, Frederick, (M. D.,) 132 High street, Newburyport, Mass. Timmins, Patrick J., (M. D.,) 487 Broadway, South Boston, Mass. Tobin, Capt. John M., Box 524, Washington, D. C; a commissioned officer during the war in the Ninth Massachusetts Regiment, (The " Irish Ninth.") Toland, M. A., The Pilot office, 630 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Travers, Frank C, of Travers Brothers Co., 107 Duane street, New York City. Treanor, J. O., 211 Union street, Nashville, Tenn. Vail, Roger, associate editor of The Irish Standard, Minneapolis, Minn. Waldron, Thomas F., 74 Washington street, Haverhill, Mass. Waller, Hon. Thomas M., ex-Governor of Connecticut; member of the law firm Waller & Wagner, 15 Wall street, New York City. 32 Walsh, Michael, (LL. D., Ph.D.,) editor of The Sunday Democrat, 32 Park Row, New York City. Walsh, Hon. Patrick, publisher of The chronicle, Augusta, Ga. ; mayor of Augusta; recently United States Senator. Ward, Patrick, 13 Casco street, Portland, Me. Weadock, Hon. Thomas A, E., lawyer, Detroit, Mich.; member of the 52d and of the S3d Congress. Welsh, John P., Congress Square Hotel, Portland, Me. Wilson, William Power, lawyer. Exchange building, 53 State street, Boston, Mass. Winters, Lawrence, 3S0 West 120th street, New York City. Woods, John J., 54 Federal street, Newburyport, Mass. Woods, Robert J., treasurer University Settlement, 6 Rollins street, Boston, Mass. Wright, John B., editor of The Gazette, Haverhill, Mass. Wynne, Peter, 30l East lOSth street. New York City. NECROLOGY. Jeremiah W. Coveney. Born in Cambridge, Mass., t840; during Civil War enlisted in 28th Massa- chusetts Regiment ; was successively commissioned Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Lieutenant-Colonel ; seriously wounded in 1864 while Brigade Inspector of the Second Brigade, First Division, Second Corps ; member of the Massachusetts Legislature ; surveyor of the port of Boston ; private secretary to Governor Russell; postmaster of Boston ; admitted to the society March 29, 1897; died in Cambridge, Mass., April 29, 1897. Richard Worsam Meade, 3d. Born in New York City, 1837; appointed Midshipman October 2, 185O; first sea service in sloop-of-war Preble, 1851 ; warrant as Master and commis- sion as Lieutenant, 1858; Lieutenant-Commander, 1862; was a Commander in 1870 ; commissioned Captain in 188O; became a Commodore in 1892, and Rear 'Admiral in 1894 ; admitted to the Society at its organization, January 20, 1897, and chosen President-General of the same, being the first to hold the office ; died in Washington, D. C, May 4, 1897. Laurence J. Smith. Born in County Meath, Ireland, 1850; member of City Council, Lowell, Mass., 1881-2-3-6; member Lowell Public Library board; was made a license commissioner of Lowell, 1894 ; police commissioner, 1895 ; attained the highest rank in the Foresters of America, having been Supreme Chief Ranger of the Uni- ted States ; admitted to the Society February 27, 1897; died in Lowell, Mass., October 23, 1897, 34 Owen A. Galvin. Born in Boston, Mass., 1852; admitted to the bar, 1876; elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1881 ; a State Senator from Boston during 1882, 1883 and 1884; candidate for President of the Senate, 1884 ; can- didate for Mayor of Boston, 1889 ; was U. S. District Attorney, 1887-I889 ; ad- mitted to the Society July 15, 1897 ; died in Boston, Mass., December 18, l897. Charles B. Gafney. Born in Ossipee, N. H., September 17, 1843 ; enlisted September 27, 1862, as second lieutenant of Co. B, 13th New Hampshire Volunteers; promoted to the rank of first lieutenant June 1, 1863, and to that of captain May 30, 1865; severely wounded in the thigh at Petersburg, June 15, 1864; served as aid to Gen. Ripley, Gen. McCullom and Gen. Roulston ; was graduated from the law school at Columbia University, Washington, D. C, in 1868; was clerk to the national senate committee on naval affairs for eight years ; went to Rochester, N. H., in 1871 and formed a law partnership with Joseph H. Worcester, which firm be- came Worcester, Gafney & Snow. Mr. Gafney was private secretary to Hon. Frank Jones during the latter's presidency of the Boston & Maine railroad ; In April, 1896, Mr. Gafney was appointed judge of probate for Strafiford county by Gov. Busiel to succeed Judge Young; admitted to the Society February 9, 1897; died in Rochester, N. H., January 25, 1898. A List of Those Present AT THE First Meeting and Dinner of the Society* (Meeting for Organization, Revere House, Boston, Mass., January 20, 1897.) Hon. Thomas J. Gargan, Boston, Mass. Paul B. Du Chaillu, the noted traveler and author. Hon. John C. Linehan, Concord, N. H. Hon. Hugh J. Carroll, Pawtucket, R. I. Thomas Hamilton Murray, Lawrence, Mass. James Jeffrey Roche, Boston, Mass. Joseph Smith, Lowell, Mass. Timothy P. Sullivan, Concord, N. H. Dr. M. W. Kelliher, Pawtucket, R. I. Edward A. Hall, Springfield, Mass. Bernard E. Donigan, Lawrence, Mass. James Cunningham, Portland, Me. Bernard McCaughey, Pawtucket, R. I. Charles A. DeCourcy, Lawrence, Mass. Thomas Carroll, Peabody, Mass, Dennis H. Sheahan, Providence, R. I. M. A. Toland, Boston, Mass. Thomas B. Lawler, Worcester, Mass. James F. Brennan, Peterborough, N. H. Rev. John J. McCoy, Chicopee, Mass. Rev. Timothy P. Linehan, Biddeford, Me. Rev. M. H. Egan, Lebanon, N. H. Thomas B. Smith, Lowell, Mass. P. J. Flatley, Boston, Mass. J. W. Fogarty, Roxbury, Mass. Edward F. Radikin, Pawtucket, R. I. George H. Moses, Concord, N. H. Daniel Donovan, Lynn, Mass. John A. O'Keefe, Lynn, Mass. William J. Ahern, Concord, N. H. Dr. Patrick J. Timmins, South Boston, Mass. Osborne Howes, Boston, Mass. Dr. Thomas F. Harrington, Lowell, Mass. 36 Dr. Philip Kilroy, Springfleld, Mass. Peter J. Heffern, Pawtucket, R. I. William Farrell, Pawtucket, R. I. George C. Dempsey, Lowell, Mass. James H. Carmichael, Lowell, Mass. David E. Murphy, Concord, N. H. Michael J. McNeirny, Gloucester, Mass. T. Carl O'Brien, Boston, Mass. M. J. Harson, Providence, R. I. John E. Lynch, Worcester, Mass. Francis P. McKeon, Worcester, Mass. During the evening W. W. Doherty of Boston dropped in and was an atten- tive observer. Representatives were also present from the Boston press. Papers Read Before the Society* Since its organization the Society lias been favored with the following original papers: — Thomas Hamilton Murray, editor Daily Sun, Lawrence, Mass. : — " The Irish Bacons who Settled at Dedham, Mass., in 1640," one of whose descendants, John Bacon, was killed April 19, 1775, in the fight at West Cambridge (battle of Lexington.) Hon. John C. Linehan, State Insurance Commissioner, Concord, N. H., on " The Seizure of the Powder at Fort William and Mary," by Maj. John Sullivan and his associates, some of which powder was later dealt out to the patriots at Bunker Hill. Edward J. Brandon, City Clerk, Cambridge, Mass., a paper on the " Battle of Lexington, Concord and Cambridge," during which he read a list of Irish names borne by Minute Men or militia in the battle of the nineteenth of April, 1775. Joseph Smith, Secretary of the Police Commission, Lowell, Mass., on " The Irishman, Ethnologically Considered." Dennis Harvey Sheahan, Providence, R. I., ex-Clerk of the Rhode Island House of Representatives : — " The Need of an Organization such as the A. I. H. S., and Its Scope." Addresses Delivered* Addresses have been delivered before the Society, or at meetings held under its auspices, by the following :— Hon. Thomas J. Gargan, Boston, Mass. Hon. Hugh J. Carroll, Pawtucket, R. I. Hon. John C. Linehan, Concord, N. H. Charles A. De Courcy, Lawrence, Mass. Paul B. DuChaillu, the traveler and author. Osborne Howes, Boston, Mass. James Cunningham, Portland, Me. Robert A. Woods, Boston, Mass. Gen. James R. O'Beirne, New York City. John Mackinnon Robertson, London, England. P. J. Flatley, Boston, Mass. Rev. John J. McCoy, Chicopee, Mass. Rev. Edward McSweeney, Bangor, Me. Rev. P. Farrelly, Central Falls, R. L James Jeffrey Roche, Boston, Mass. Thomas B. Lawler, Worcester, Mass. M. J. Harson, Providence, R. '. Joseph Smith, Lowell, Mass. Dennis H. Sheahan, Providence, R. L Rear Admiral Belknap, U. S. N., (retired) Boston, Mass. Hon. Patrick A. CoUins, ex-U. S. Consul General to London. And other gentlemen. .i:t.tt3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 560 784 4