wm iii Qass Book. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT THE Chronic Diseases, THEIR PECULIAR NATURE AND THEIR HOMCEOPATHIC CURE, BY. DR. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN TRANSI.ATE;d from the second ENI^ARGED GERMAN EDITION OF 1835, BY PROF. LOUIS H. TAFEL. WITH ANNOTATIONS BY RICHARD HUGHES, M. D. EDITED BY PEMBERTON DUDLEY, M. D. ; [! -^, \ «9fi WUOH- P PHILADELPHIA: BOERICKE & TAFEL. 1896. COPYRIGHTED BY BOERICKE & TAFEL 1896. PRINTKD BY T. B. & H. B. COCHRAN, I.ANCASTER, PA. CONTENTS. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE v ANNOTATOR'S PREFACE vii EDITOR'S PREFACE xii AUTHOR'S PREFACE . . . xv NATURE OF CHRONIC DISEASES i Sycosis 83 SYPH11.1S 87 Psora 97 LIST OF MEDICINES. • Agaricus Muscarius 161 AI.UMINA 186 Ammonium Carbonicum , 231 Ammonium Muriaticum 259 Anacardium OrienTai^k 277 Antimonium Crudum 302 Arsenicum Ai.bum 320 Aurum . . . 371 Aurum Muriaticum 391 Baryta Carbonica 392 Borax Veneta 421 Cai^carea Carbonica 440 Carbo Animai^is - 495 Carbo VegetabiIvIS 519 Causticum 558 C1.EMATIS Erecta 608 C01.0CYNTHIS 615 CONIUM MACUEATUM 626 Cuprum 657 DiGiTAEis Purpurea 671 Dulcamara 693 EuPHORBiuM 708 Graphites 718 guajacum 755 Hepar Suephuris Caecareum 762 lODIUM 783 Kaei Carbonicum 80s IV CONTENTS. Lycopodii Poi.i.e:n 859 Magnesia Carbonica 910 Magnesia Muriatica 943 Manganum 970 Mezereum 989 muriaticum acidium ioi2 Natrum Carbonicum 1033 Natrum Muriaticum 107 1 NiTRI ACIDUM 1 1 16 NiTRUM II59 Petroi^fhly Hoin. Rtviciv for 1889, p. 517. X PREFATORY NOTE. Antimonium crudum. Nitrum, Borax, Platina, Sulphuris acidum. The old ones are: Arsenicum, Hepar sulphuris, Aurum . Manganum , Colocynth, Muriatis acidum, Digitalis, Phosphori acidum, Dulcamara, Sarsaparilla. Guaiacum, Stannum. Those pathogeneses which had already seen the light have (generally ) large additions; for all Hahnemann acknowledges con- tributions from fellow-observers, and for many cites symptoms from the extant literature of his day. The total number of these last is 1742. There are, it is evident, fresh features in the pathogeneses of this second edition; and there are more than appear on the surface. Hahnemann's own additions, indeed, must be of the same character as his contributions to the first; i. e., they must be collateral effects of the drugs observed on the patients to whom he gave them. They must all, moreover, be supposed to have resulted from the 30th dilu- tion; for since 1829 he had urged the administration of all medicines at this potency-. The same thing must be said of the contributions from Hahnemann's friends to this edition. They may fairl}' be conceived to have been provings on themselves or other healthy persons, save where, as in Wahle's symptoms of Mezereum and Hering's of Arsenic, the internal evidence is strong in the contrar}' direction. But they must in all cases have been evoked from the 30th dilution; for in the edition of the Organon published in 1833 Hahnemann recommends all prov- ings to be made therewith, as yielding the best results. We have seen that the symptoms of Xatrum muriaticum contributed by others to the fourth volume of the first edition were so obtained; and we may fairly extend the inference to all provings subsequently made. It is otherwise, however, with the provings first published in the Materia Medica Pura, in the present edition so largeh' incorporated with those of later origin. These seem, from the scant}' information we have, to have been made with mother tinctures and first tritura- tions — repeated small doses being taken until some effect was pro- duced. Hahnemann was further able, at this time, to draw upon independent sources of drug-pathogenesy. Hartlaub and Trinks had published a Materia Medica of their own. Stapf had begun to issue his journal known as the Archiv, and many provings adorned its pages. Lasth", outside the Homoeopathic school. Professor Joerg, PREFATORY NOTK. XI of I^eipsic, was following in Hahnemann's track and proving medi- cines on himself and his students. Of all these materials Hahne- mann availed himself in the present work, which thus presents a complex whole, made up of ver}^ heterogeneous elements, and need- ing analysis that it maj^ be appraised and used aright. II. It is the giving such analysis that will constitute my editorial task. It will fall into the following categories: 1 . In the preface to each medicine Hahnemann gives a list of names of " fellow-observers." To this I shall append a note, stating whether these were provers of the later or earlier times, in which case the manner of their experimentation is to be learned from what I have written above; or whether their observations already existed in print, and what information we have respecting them. 2. In the pathogeneses themselves, the first time an author is cited I shall state the nature of his contribution to the subject (sup- posing his work to have been accessible to me). Then — having examined his symptoms in situ — I shall append to each one that requires it such explanation or correction as may be necessary to set it forth in its full meaning and value. 3. The foregoing information, and any other I may be able to supply as to individual symptoms,* will be found in notes at the bottom of the page, designated by the small figures 1,2, etc., and divided by a line from Hahnemann's own annotations, which have the usual *, f, etc. But while I have left untouched in the text the pathogenetic phenomena themselves, I have used greater freedom with the references to medical literature. These sometimes require correction, more frequently explanation — especiall}^ when transferred from the Materia Medica Pura or from Hartlaub and Trinks' work, in which case Hahnemann has practised omission to a very large extent, leaving those curious in the matter to refer to the previous publications. I have thought that the present volume would be more complete in itself, and more worthy of its author, were the references fully as well as rightly given; and have supplied them accordingly. RICHARD HUGHES, M. D. Brighton, England. *See, for instance, notes to S. 114 of Colocynth and to S. 82 and 85 of Lycopodinm. Xll EDITORS S PREFACE. EDITOR'S PREFACE- Whatever estimate Science may finally place upon the discover- ies and doctrines of Hahnemann, and whatever measure of confidence in his therapeutic belief Posterit}^ may accord or withhold, his per- sonality and work have achieved a position which must render them perpetuall)^ historic. His teachings have been so interwoven with the entire fabric of medical progress during the last hundred years» and are so interlaced with the formative development of the incom- ing century, that neither the wear and tear of time nor the dissec- tions of criticism will ever be able to dissociate them. They are destined, inevitably, to run through the texture of every page in the future annals of medicine. In the development of therapeutic art Hahnemann's position is more than niereh^ transitional. He proclaims both an epoch and an era; he represents both discovery and progress. To-day, as a hun- dred 3^ears ago, he holds in one hand the past, in the other the future of medical achievement. The future historian, crossing the chasm between the medicine of speculative hypothesis and that based on, observation of clinical and pharmaco-d3mamic phenomena, will unfailingl}' recognize Hahnemann's agency in bringing about that remarkable transformation in medical thought and practice. And no exposition of Hahnemann's tenets, no rendition of his literary works, which fails to note and consider their historical relations and the historic individuality of their author, can be either adequate or just. In the task of setting forth in the English tongue the works of Hahnemann, it thus becomes necessar}^ not merel}' to note carefully the doctrines promulgated and the facts presented, but to exhibit also, so far as his recorded words express, and the resources of our own language enable us, the depth of the impression which his ob- ser\-ations and discoveries must have produced upon his own mind, as well as the intensity of conviction, the earnestness of feeling, and the energj' of demonstration, which characterize all his controversial writings. Long after his lineaments shall have faded from the can- vas, his intellectual personality will survive in his literar}^ creations and constitute an important feature of the medical chronicles of his time. To modify or disguise his modes of thought and expression, or to suppress the peculiarities of his literary style, would be an un- pardonable distortion of the most pre-eminent figure in all medical history. EDITOR S PREFACE. Xlll 111 that portion of this work in which Hahnemann considers the Nature and the Treatment of Chronic Diseases in general, and of Psora in particular, the reader will discover several peculiarities of style, some of which are not at all common to our English polemi- cal literature. Among these we may mention: (i,) his long, and often involved, sentences; (2,) his exceedingly frequent employ- ment of parenthetical clauses and sentences, and his not infrequent use of the parenthesis within a parenthesis; (3, ) his multiplicit}^ of iterations and reiterations — occurring twice or thrice in a single para- graph; sometimes twice in the same sentence — ; (4,) his frequent in- terjection of \vords and phrases expressing anew some minor fea- ture of the subject under discussion, but forming no part of the dis- cussion itself; (5,) his introduction of qualifying words and phrases in certain peculiar and unusual connections, likely to escape the no- tice of the casual or careless reader, but evidently intended by the author to be taken at their full significance and importance and to constitute an essential element of the discussion. It may be said, in passing, that the failure to note this last-mentioned characteristic of Hahnemann's method has occasioned much misunderstanding of his doctrines. No attempt has been made to render this work, or any portion of it, a model of concise perspicuity. On the contrary, the aim has been to retain, rather than to eliminate, the characteristic style of the original text, in order that every point in the discussion, and every shade of meaning should, if possible, be rendered exactly as the author has expressed it. The careful student, certainly the in- telligent admirer, of Hahnemann could not be content with a mere transcription of his views and observations, but must insist on the opportunit}^ to become familiar with his intellectual personality as he looks out upon the present-day world through the medium of his literary productions. PKMBERTON DUDLEY, M. D. PhiIvAdelphia, 1896. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. TO THE FIRST EDITION— 1828. If I did not know for what purpose I was put here on earth — to become better myself as far as possible and to make better everything around me, that is within my power to improve — I should have to consider myself as lacking ver}^ much in worldly prudence to make known for the common good, even before my death, an art which I alone possess, and which it is within my power to make as profit- able as possible by simply keeping it secret. But in communicating to the world this great discovery, I am sorry that I must doubt whether my contemporaries will compre- hend the logical sequence of these teachings of mine, and will fol- low them carefully and gain thereby the infinite benefits for suffering humanity which must inevitably spring from a faithful and accurate observance of the same; or whether, frightened away by the unheard of nature of many of these disclosures, they will not rather leave them untried and uninitiated and, therefore useless. At least I cannot hope that these important communications will fare any better than the general Homoeopath}^ which I have pub- lished hitherto. From unbelief in the efficacy of the small and atten- uated doses of medicine which I made known to the medical world after a thousand warning trials, as being the most efficient, (distrust- ing my faithful asseverations and reasons), men prefer to endanger their patients for years longer with large and larger doses. Owing to this, they generallj' do not live to see the curative effects, even as was the case with myself before I attained this diminution of dose. The cause of this was, that it was overlooked that these doses by their attenuation were all the more suitable for their Homoeopathic use, owing to the development of their d3mamic power of operation. What would men have risked if they had at once followed m>- directions in the beginning, and had made use of just these small XVI PREFACE TO FOURTH VOLUME. doses from the first ? Could anything worse have happened than that these doses might have proved inefficient ? They surely could do no harm! But in their injudicious, self-willed application of large doses for homoeopathic use they onh^, in fact 07ily once again, went over that roundabout road so dangerous to their patients, in order to reach the truth which I myself had already successfully passed over, and indeed with trembling, so as to save them this trouble; and if thej^ reall}^ desired to heal, they were nevertheless at last compelled to arrive at the only true goal, after having inflicted manj^ an injury and wasted a good part of their fair life. All this I had already laid be- fore them faithfully and frankly, and had long before given them the reasons. Ma}^ the}^ do better wdth the great discovery herewith presented to them ! And if the}^ should not treat this discovery any better — well, then a more conscientious and intelligent posterity will alone have the advantage to be obtained by a faithful, punctual observance of the teachings here laid down, of being able to deliver mankind from the numberless torments which have rested upon the poor sick, owing to the numberless, tedious diseases, even as far back as history extends. This great boon had not been put within their reach by what Homoeopathy had taught hitherto. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH VOLUME.* INQUIRY INTO THE PROCESS OF HOMGEOPATHIC HEALING. We have no means of reaching with our senses or of gaining essential knowledge, as to the process of life in the interior of man, and it is only at times granted us to draw speculative conclusions from what is happening, as to the manner in which it may have oc- curred or taken place ; but we are unable to furnish conclusive proofs of our explanations, from the changes which are observed in the inorganic kingdom; for the changes in living organic subjects have * The work on the " Chronic Diseases " was originally published in five parts and every part, except the second, had its own preface, discussing some questions of general interest to Homoeopathj'. — Transl. PRKFACK TO FOURTH VOLUMK. XVll nothing in common with those taking place in what is inorganic, since they take place by processes entirely different. It is, therefore, quite natural, that in presesenting the Homoeo- pathic Therapeutics I did not venture to explain how the cure of diseases is effected by operating on the patient with substances possessing the power to excite very similar morbid symptoms in healthy persons. I furnished, indeed, a conjecture about it, but I did not desire to call it an explanation, i. ' time only by a little — ^if in this w^ay the image of the morbific foe be magnified to the apprehension of the vital principle through homoeopathic medicines, which in a delusive manner simulate the original disease, we gradually cause and compel this instinctive \4tal force to increase its energies by degrees, and to increase them more and more, and at last to such a degree that it becomes far more powerful than the original disease. The consequence of this is, that the vital force again becomes sovereign in its domain, can again hold and direct the reins of sanitary progress, while the apparent PREFACE TO FIFTH VOLUME. XIX increase of the disease caused bj^ homoeopathic medicines, disappears of itself, as soon as we, seeing the preponderance of the restored vital force, i. e., of the restored health, cease to use these remedies. The fund or the fundamental essence of this spiritual vital princi- ple, imparted to us men by the infinitely merciful Creator, is in- credibl}^ great, if we physicians understand how to maintain its integrity in days of health, by directing men to a health}^ mode of living, and how to invoke and augment it in diseases by purely homoeo- pathic treatment. PREFACE TO FIFTH VOLUME. DII.UTIONS AND POTENCIES (DYNAMIZATIONS). Dilutions, properly so-called, exist almost solely in objects of taste and of color. A solution of salty and bitter substances becomes continually more deprived of its taste the more water is added, and eventually it has hardly any taste, no matter how much it may be shaken. So, also, a solution of coloring matter, by the admixture of more and more water, becomes at last almost colorless, and any amount of shaking will not increase its color. These are, and continue to be, real attenuations or dilutions, but no dynamizations. Homoeopathic Dynamizations are processes by which the medic- inal properties, which are latent in natural substances while in their crude state, become aroused, and then become enabled to act in an almost spiritual manner on our life; i. /, 100 sqq. lO HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASEvS. degree be explained by its increased development during such an inconceivable number of years in so many millions of organisms through which it has passed,— that its secondary symptoms are hardly to be numbered. And, if we except those diseases which have been created by a perverse medical practice or by deleterious labors in quicksilver, lead, arsenic, etc. , which appear in the common pathology under a hundred proper names as supposedly separate and well-defined diseases (and also those springing from syphilis and the 'Still rarer ones springing from sycosis), all the remaining natural chronic diseases, whether with names or vdthout them , find in Psora their real origin, their onh' source. The oldest monuments of history which we possess show the Psora even then in great development. Moses^ 3400 years ago pointed out several varieties. At that time and later on among the Israelites the disease seems to have mostly kept the external parts of the body for its chief seat. This was also true of the malady as it prevailed in uncultivated Greece, later in Arabia and, lastly in Europe during the Middle Ages. The dilferent names which were given by differ- ent nations to the more or less malignant varieties of leprosy, (the external symptom of Psora) which in man}' ways deformed the ex- ternal parts of the bod}', do not concern us and do not affect the matter, since the nature of this miasmatic itching eruption alwaj'S remained essentialh^ the same. The occidental Psora, which during the x\Iiddle Ages had raged in Europe for several centuries under the form of malignant ery- sipelas (called St. A7itho7iy' s Fire) , reassumed the form of lepros}^ through the leprosy which Avas brought back by the returning crusaders in the thirteenth century. And though it thus spread in Europe even more than before, (for in the year 1226 there were in France alone 2,000 houses for the reception of lepers), this Psora, which now raged as a dreadful eruption, found at least an ex- *In Leviticus not only in the thirteenth chapter, but also (chapt. 21, verse 20) w^here he speaks of the bodily defects which must not be found in a priest who is to offer sacrifice, malignant itch is designated -by the word garab, which the Alexandrian translators (in the Septuagint j translated with psora agi'ia., but the Vulgate with scabies jugis. The talmudic interpreter, Jonathan, ^^- plained it as ^73/ ?V<:^ spread over the body; while the expression, jk^/*?/-^^^, is used by Moses for lichen, tetter, herpes (seeM. Rosenmueller, Scholia inLevit., p. II., edit, sec, p. 124). The commentators in the so-called English Bible-work also agree with this definition, Calmet among others saying: " Lepros}- is simi- lar to an invetei ate itch with violent itching. ' ' The ancients also mention the peculiar, characteristic voluptuous itching which attended itch then as now, while after the scratching a painful burning follows; amiong others Plato, who calls itch ^/j'/(:j'/z/^r6'//, while Cicero marks the dulcedo of scabies. HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. II ternal alleviation in the means conducive to cleanliness, which also ■were brought b}' the crusaders from the Orient; namely, the (cotton ? linen ?) shirts before unknown in Europe, and the more frequent use of warm baths. Through both of those means, as well as through the more exquisite diet and refinement in the mode of living introduced by increased cultivation, the external horrors of the Psora within the space of several centuries were at last so far moderated, that, at the end of the fifteenth centur}^ it appeared only in the form of the common eruption of itch, just at the time when the other miasmatic chronic disease, syphilis, began (in 1493) to raise its dreadful head. Thus this eruption, externall}^ reduced in cultivated countries to a common itch, could be much more easily removed from the skin through various means; so that with the medicinal external treat- ment since introduced, especially in the middle and higher classes, through baths, washes and ointments of sulphur and lead, and by preparations of copper, zinc and mercury, the external manifestations of Psora on the skin were often so quickly suppressed, and are so now, that in most cases either of children or of grown persons the histor}^ of itch infection may remain undiscovered. But the state of mankind was not improved thereby; in many respects it grew far worse. For, although in ancient times the eruption of psora appearing as leprosy was very troublesome to those suffer- ing from it, owing to the lancinating pains in, and the violent itching all around the tumors, and scabs, the rest of the body enjoyed a fair share of general health. This was owing to the obstinately persistent eruption on the skin which served as a substitute for the internal psora. And what is of more importance, the horrible and disgust- ing appearance of the lepers made such a terrible impression on healthy people that they dreaded even their approach; so that the seclusion of most of these patients, and their separation in leper hospitals, kept them apart from other human society and infection from them was thus limited and comparatively rare. In consequence of the very much milder form of the psora during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, when it appeared as itch, the few pustules appearing after infection made but little show and could easily be concealed. Nevertheless the}^ were scratched con- tinually because of their unbearable itching, and thus the fluid was diffused around, and the psoric miasma was communicated more certainly and more easily to man}^ other persons, the more it was concealed. For the things rendered unclean by the psoric fluid infected the persons who unwittingl}' touched them, and thus con- taminated far more persons than the lepers, who, on account of their horrible appearance, were carefully avoided. 12 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Psora has thus become the most infectious and most general of all the chronic miasmas. For the miasm has usually been com- municated to others before the one from whom it emanates has asked for or received any external repressive remedy against his itching eruption (lead-water, ointment of the white precipitate of mercury) , and without confessing that he had an eruption of itch, often even without knowing it himself; yea, without even the physician's or surgeon's knowing the exact nature of the eruption which has been repressed by the lotion of lead, etc. It may well be conceived that the poorer and lower classes, who allow the itch to spread on their skin for a long time, until they be- come an abomination to all around them and are compelled to use something to remove it, must have in the meanwhile infected many. Mankind, therefore, is worse off from the change in the external form of the psora, — from leprosy down to the eruption of itch — not only because this is less visible and more secret and therefore more frequently infectious, but also especially because the psora, now mitigated externally into a mere itch, and on that account more generally spread, nevertheless still retains unchanged its original dreadful nature. Now, after being more easily repressed, the disease grows all the more unperceived within, and so, in the last three centuries, after the destruction* of its chief symptom (the external skin-eruption) it plays the sad role of causing innumerable secondary symptoms; i. e., it originates a legion of chronic diseases, the source of which physicians neither surmise nor unravel, and which, there- fore, they can no more cure than they could cure the original disease Avhen accompanied by its cutaneous eruption; but these chronic dis- eases, as dail}^ experience shows, were necessarily aggravated by the multitude of their faulty remedies. So great a flood of numberless ner^^ous troubles, painful ailments, spasms, ulcers (cancers), adventitious formations, d^^scrasias, paralyses, consumptions and cripplings of soul, mind and body were never seen in ancient times when the psora mostly confined "^ The external eruption of itch may not only be driven away by the faulty practices of physicians and quacks, but unfortunately it not unfrequently of its •own accord withdraws from the skin ( see below, e. g. , in the observation of the older physicians, Nos. 9, 17, 26, 36, 50, 58, 61, 64, 65). Syphilis and sycosis both have an advantage over the itch disease, in this, that the chancre (or bubo) in the one and the fig- wart in the other never leave the external parts Tintil they have been either mischievously destroyed through external repres- sive remedies or have been in a rational manner removed through the simulta- neous internal cure of the whole disease. The venereal disease cannot, there- fore, break out so long as the chancre is not artificially destroyed by external applications, nor can the secondary ailments of sycosis break out so long as the I HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 3 itself to its dreadful cutaneous symptom, leprosy. Only during the last few centuries has mankind been flooded with these infirmities, owing to the causes just mentioned. "^ / It was thus that psora became the most imiversal mother of chronic ( diseases. The psora ^ which is now so easily and so rashl}^ robbed of its fig- wart has not been destroyed by faulty practice; for these local symptoms, which act as substitutes for the internal disease, remain standing even until the end of man's life, and prevent the breaking out of the internal disease. It is, therefore, just as easy to heal them then, even in their whole extent; i. e much increased from the writings of the physicians of that time and from m}^ experience,^' would remain so thoughtless as to ignore the great evil hidden within, the Psora, of which evil the eruption of itch and its other forms, the tinea capitis, milk crust, tetter, etc., are only indications announcing the internal, monstrous disease of the whole organism, only local external symptoms which act vicariously and mitigating^ for the internal disease? Who, after reading even the few cases described, would hesitate to acknowl- ■edge that the Psora, as already stated, is the most destructive of all •chronic miasmas? Who would be so stolid as to declare, with the later allopathic ph3'sicians, that the itch-eruption, tinea and tetters ^5 A student, 20 years old, had the humid itch, which so covered his hands that he became incapable of attending to his work. It was driven off by sulphur ointment. But shortl}^ after it appeared how much his health had suf- fered from it. He became insane, sang or laughed where it was unbecoming, :and ran until he sank to the ground from exhaustion. From day to day he became more sick in soul and in body, until at last hemiplegy came on and he 'died. The intestines were found grown together into a firm mass, studded with little ulcers fullof protruberances, some of the size of walnuts, which were filled with a substance resembling gypsum. ^•^ The same story. ^■^ A man of 50 years with whom, after driving away the itch by ointments, general dropsy had set in; when the itch re-appeared and drove away the swell- ing he drove it away again, when he fell into raving madness, while head and neck swelled up to suffocation; at last blindness and complete suppression of oirine were added. Artificial irritants applied to the skin and a strong emetic brought back the itch again; when the eruption extended over the whole body -all the former accidents disappeared. ■^ An opponent, of the old school, has reproached me that I have not adduced -my own experience to prove that the chronic maladies, when they are not of ■"Sj^philitic or sycotic origin, spring from the miasma of itch, as such proofs from ^experience would have been convincing. Oho! If the examples here adduced by me from both the older and from modern non-Homoeopathic writings have not yet enough convincing proof, I should like to know what other examples '.(even my own not excepted) could be conceived of as more striking proofs? How often (and I might say almost always) have opponents of the old school refused all credence to the observations of honorable Homoeopathic physicians, because they were not made before their own eyes and because the names of Ihe patients were only indicated with a letter; as if private patients would 31II0W their names to be used! Why should I endure the like? And do I not prove my point in a manner most indubitable and most free from partisanship through the experience of so many other honest practitioners ? 32 HAHXKMAXX'S CHRONIC DISEASES. are onh' situated superficialh' upon the skin and may, therefore, without fear, be driven out through external means since the internal of the bod}' has no part in it and retains its health ? Sureh', among all the crimes which the modern ph^'sicians of the old school are guilt}' of, this is the most hurtful, shameful and un- pardonable I The man who, from the examples given and from innumerable others of a like nature, is not willing to see the exact opposite of that assertion blinds himself on purpose and works intentionalh' for the destruction of mankind. Or are the}' so little instructed as to the nature of all the mias- matic maladies connected with diseases of the skin that they do not know that they all take a similar course in their origin ? And that all such miasmas become first internal maladies of the whole system before their external assuaging symptom appears on the skin ? We shall more closely elucidate this process, and in consequence we shall see that all miasmatic maladies which show peculiar local ailments on the skin are always present as internal maladies in the system before they show their local symptom externally upon the skin; but that only in acute diseases, after taking their course through a certain number of days, the local symptom, together with the internal disease, is wont to disappear, which then leaves the body free from both. In chronic miasmas, however, the outer loca symptom may either be driven from the skin or may disappear of itself, while the internal disease, if uncured, neither wholly nor in part ever leaves the system; on the contrar}', it continualh' increases with the years, unless healed by art. I must here dwell the more circumstantially on this process of nature, because the common physicians, especially of modern days, are so deficient in A'ision; or, more correctly stated, so blind that although they could, as it were, handle and feel this process in the origin and development of acute miasmatic eruptional diseases, the}' nevertheless neither surmised nor obsen'ed the like process in chronic diseases, and therefore declared their local symptoms as secondary groT^ths and impurities existing merely externally on the skin, without any internal fundamental disease, and this as well with the chancre and the fig- wart as with the eruption of itch, and there- fore — since they overlooked the chief disease or perhaps even boldly denied it — by a mere external treatment and destruction of these local ailments they have brought unspeakable misfortunes on suffer- ing humanity. With respect to the origin of these three chronic maladies, as in the acute, miasmatic eruptional diseases, three different important HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. 33 moments are to be more attentively considered than has hitherto been done: First, the time of infection; secondly, the period of time during which the whole organism is being penetrated by the disease infused, until it has developed within; and thirdly, the breaking out of the external ailment, whereby nature externally demonstrates the completion of the internal development of the miasmatic malady throughout the whole organism. The infection with miasmas, as well of the acute as of the above- mentioned chronic diseases, takes place, without doubt, in 07ie single 77ioment, and that moment, the one most favorable for infection. When the smallpox or the cowpox catches, this happens in the mo- ment when in vaccination the morbid fluid in the bloody scratch of the skin comes in contact with the exposed nerve, which then, irrevocably,, dynamically communicates the disease to the vital force (to the whole nervous system) in the same moment. After this moment of infec- tion no ablution, cauterizing or burning, not even the cutting off of the part which has caught and received the infection, can again, destroy or undo the development of the disease within. Smallpox,, cowpox, measles, etc., nevertheless will complete their course within,, and the fever peculiar to each will break out with its smallpox, cow- pox, measles,* etc., after a few days, when the internal disease has developed and completed itself. The same is the case, not to mention several other acute miasmas, also when the skin of man is contaminated with the blood of cattle * We may justly ask: Is there in any probability any miasma in the world, which, when it has infected from without, does not first make the whole organ- ism sick before the signs of it externally manifest themselves ? We can only answer this question with, 7io, there is none ! Does it not take three, four or five days after vaccination is effected, before the vaccinated spot becomes inflamed ? Does not the sort of fever developed — the sign of the completion of the disease — appear even later, when the protect- ing pock has been fully formed; i. e., on the seventh or eighth day? Does it not take ten to twelve days after infection with smallpox, before the inflammatory fever and the outbreak of the smallpox on the skin take place ? What has nature been doing with the infection received in these ten or twelve days ? Was it not necessary to first embody the disease in the whole organism before nature was enabled to kindle the fever, and to bring out the eruption on the skin ? Measles also require ten or twelve days after infection or inociilation before this eruption with its fever appears. After infection with scarlet fever seven days usually pass before the scarlet fever, with the redness of the skin, breaks out. What then did nature do with the received miasma during the inten-ening days ? What else but to incorporate the whole disease of measles or scarlet fever in the entire living organism before she had completed the work, so as to be enabled to produce the measles and the scarlet fever with their eruption. 4 34 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. affected with anthrax. If, as is frequently the case, the anthrax has infected and caught on, all ablutions of the skin are in vain; the black or gangrenous blister, nearly always fatal, nevertheless, always comes out after four or five days (usuallj^ in the affected spot); i. e., as soon as the whole living organism has transformed itself to this terrible disease. (It is just so with the infection of half- acute miasmas without eruption. Among many persons bitten by mad dogs — thanks to the benign ruler of the world — only few are infected, rarely the twelfth; often, as I mj^self have observed, onl)^ one out of twenty or thirty persons bitten. The others, even if ever so badly mangled by the mad dog, usually all recover, even if they are not treated by a phy- sician or surgeon.*) But with whomsoever the poison acts, it has taken effect in the moment when the person was bitten, and the poison has then communicated itself to the nearest nerves and, therefore, without contradiction, to the whole system of the nerves, and as soon as the malady has been developed in the whole organism (for this development and completion of the disease nature requires at least several days, often many weeks), the madness breaks out as an acute, quickl}^ fatal disease. Now if the venomous spittle of the mad dog has really taken effect, the infection usually has taken place irrevocably in the moment of contagion, for experience shows that even the im- mediate excisionf and amputation of the infected part does not protect from the progression of the disease within, nor from the breaking out of the h^^drophobia — therefore, also, the many hundreds of other much lauded external means for cleansing, cauterizing and suppur- ating the wound of the bite can protect just as little from the break- ing out of the hydrophobia. From the progress of all these miasmatic diseases we may plainly see that, after the contagion from without, the malady connected with it in the interiors of the whole man must first be developed; i. < grain of carbo vegetabilis potentized a million fold sulTiced for a family of seven persons, and three times a like dose of as highly poienli/ed sepia was sufficient. Io6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKx\SKS. chronic, non- venereal ailments, under which mankind now groans, — and could transmute itself into such an indefinite multitude of forms differing from one another as it gradually ultimated itself in the various bodily constitutions of individual men who differed from one another in their domiciles, their climatic peculiarities, their educa- tion, habits, occupations,^^ modes of life and of diet, and was moulded by varying bodily and psychic relations. It is, therefore, not strange, that one single and only medicine is insufficient to heal the entire psora and all its forms, and that it requires several medicines in order to respond, by the artificial morbid effects peculiar to each, to the unnumbered host of psora symptoms, and thus to those of all chronic (non-venereal i diseases, and to the entire psora, and to do this in a curative homoeopathic manner, f It is only, therefore, as already mentioned, when the eruption of itch is still in its prime and the infection is in consequence still recent, that the complete cure can be effected by sulphur alone, and then at times with but a single dose. I leave it undecided, whether this can be done in every case of itch still in full eruption on the skin, because the ages of the eruption of itch infecting patients is quite various. For if the eruption has been on the skin for some time (although it may not have been treated, with external repressive remedies) it will of itself begin to recede gradually from the skin. Then the internal psora has already in part gained the upper hand; the cutaneous eruption is then no more so completely vicarious, and ailments of another kind appear, partly as the signs of a latent psora, partly as chronic diseases developed from the internal psora. In such a case sulphur alone (as little as any other single antipsoric remedy) is usually no longer sufficient to produce a com- plete cure, and the other antipsoric remedies, one or another accord- ing to the remaining symptoms, must be called upon to give their homoeopathic aid. The homoeopathic medical treatment of the countless chronic diseases (non- venereal and therefore of psoric origin) agrees essentially in its general features with the homoeopathic treatment of human diseases as taught in the Organoyi of the Art of Healing; I shall * /. (?. , occupations which called more fully into play one or another organ of the bod}', one or another function of the spirit and mind. 1 1 refrain from hinting through what exertions and through how many careful observations, investigations, reflections and varied experiments I have finally succeeded after eleven years in filling up the great chasm in the edifice of the homoeopathic healing art, the cure of the innumerable chronic diseases, and thus in completing as far as possible the blessings which this art has in store for suffering humanity. hahnkmann's chronic diskases. 107 now indicate what is especially to be considered in the treatment of chronic diseases. As to the diet and mode of liviiig of patients of this kind I shall onl}^ make some general remarks, leaving the special application in any particular case to the judgment of the homoeopathic practitioner. Of course everything that would hinder the cure must also in these cases be removed. But since we have here to treat lingering, some- times very tedious diseases which cannot be quickly removed, and since w^e often have cases of persons in middle life and also in old age, in various relations of life which can seldom be totally changed, either in the case of rich people or in the case of persons of small means, or even with the poor, therefore limitations and modifica- tions of the strict mode of life as regularly prescribed by Homoeopathy must be allowed, in order to make possible the cure of such tedious diseases with individuals so very different. A strict, homoeopathic diet and mode of living does not cure chronic patients as our oppo- nents pretend in order to diminish the merits of Homoeopathy, but the main cause is the medical treatment. This may be seen in the case of the many patients who trusting these false allegations have for years observed the most strict homoeopathic diet without being able thereby to diminish appreciably their chronic disease; this rather increasing in spite of the diet, as all diseases of a chronic miasmatic nature do from their nature. Owing to these causes, therefore, and in order to make the cure possible, the homoeopathic practitioner must yield to circumstances in his prescriptions as to diet and mode of living, and in so doing he will much more surely, and therefore more completely, reach the aim of healing, than by an obstinate insistence on strict rules which in many cases cannot be obeyed. The daily laborer, if his strength allows, should continue his labor; the artisan his handiwork; the farmer, so far as he is able, his field work; the mother of the family her domestic occupations accord- ing to her strength; only labors that would interfere with the health of healthy persons should be interdicted. This must be left to the intelligence of the rational physician. The class of men who are usually occupied, not with bodily labor, but with fine work in their rooms, usually with sedentar}^ work, should be directed during their cure to walk more in the open air, without, on that account, setting their work altogether aside. Persons belonging to the higher classes should also be urged to take walks more than is their custom. The physician may allow this class the innocent amusement of moderate and becoming danc- ing, amusements in the country that are reconcilable with a strict I08 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. diet, also social meetings with acquaintances, where conversation is the chief amusement ; he will not keep them from enjo^'ing harmless music or from listening to lectures which are not too fatiguing ; he can permit the theatre onl}^ exceptionally, but he can never allow the plajang of cards. The phj^sician will moderate too frequent riding and driving, and should know how to banish intercourse which should prove to be moralh' and ps3'chicalh^ injurious, as this is also physically injurious. The flirtations and empt}" excitations of sensuality between the sexes, the reading of indelicate novels and poems of a like character, as well as superstitious and enthusiastic books, are to be altogether interdicted.^ Scholars ought also to be induced to (moderately) exercise in the open air, and in bad weather to do some light mechanical work in doors; but during the medical treatment mental occupation should be limited to work from memor}^, since straining the head by read- ing is hardh" ever to be allowed, or at least onh' with great limita- tion and a strict definition as to the quantity- and qualitj' of what is read, i. e., in treating any of the more severe chronic diseases. In mental disorders it can never be allowed. All classes of chronic patients must be forbidden the use of any domestic remedies or the use of an}- medicines on their own account. With the higher classes, perfumeries, scented waters, tooth-powders and other medicines for the teeth must also be forbidden. If the patient has been accustomed for a long time to woolen under-cloth- ing, the homoeopathic physician cannot suddenly make a change; but as the disease diminishes the woollen under-garments may in warm weather be first changed to cotton and then, in warm w^eather, the patient can pass to linen. Fontanels can be stopped, in chronic diseases of any moment, only when the internal cure has already made progress, especially Tv4th patients of advanced age. The physician cannot 3aeld to the request of patients for the con- tinuation of their customary home-baths; but a quick ablution, as * Physicians frequently ^\nsh to assume importance by forbidding without exception all sexual intercourse to chronic patients who are married. But if both parties are able and disposed to it, such an interdict is, to say the least, ridiculous, as it neither can nor wall be obeyed (without causing a greater mis- fortune in the family). No legislature should give laws that cannot be kept nor controlled, or which would cause even greater mischief if kept. If one party is incapable of sexual intercourse this of itself will stop such intercourse. But of all functions in marriage such intercourse is what may least be com- manded or forbidden. Homoeopathy only interferes in this matter through medicines, so as to make the party that is incapable of sexual intercourse cap- able of it, through antipsoric (or anti-syphilitic) remedies, or on the other hand to reduce an excitable consort's morbidity to its natural tone. HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. IO9 much as cleanliness may demand from time to time, may be allowed; nor can he permit an}^ venesection or cupping, however much the patient may declare that he has become accustomed thereto. As to diet, all classes of men who wish to be cured of a lingering disease, can suffer some limitation, if the chronic disease does not consist of an ailment of the abdomen; with the lower classes there need to be no very strict limitations, especially if the patient is able to remain at work in his trade, thus giving motion to the body. The poor man can recover health CA^en wnth a diet of vSalt and bread, and neither the moderate use of potatoes, flour-porridge nor fresh cheese will hinder his recovery ; onl)^ let him limit the condiments of onions and pepper with his meagre diet. He who cares for his recovery can find dishes, even at the king's table, which answer all the requirements of a natural diet. Most difficult for a homoeopathic physician is the decision as to drinks. Coffee has in great part the injurious effects on the health of bod}" and soul which I have described in my little book ( Wirkun- gen des Kaffecs [Effects of Coffee] , I^eipzig, 1803) ; but it has become so much of a habit and a necessity to the greater part of the so-called enlightened nations that it will be as difficult to extirpate as prejudice and superstition, unless the homoeopathic physician in the cure of chronic diseases insists on a general, absolute interdict. Only young people up to the twentieth year, or at most up to the thirtieth, can be suddenly deprived of it without any particular disadvantage; but with persons over thirty and forty years, if they have used coffee from their childhood, it is better to propose to discontinue it gradu- ally and every day to drink somewhat less; when lo and behold! most of them leave it off at once, and they will do so without am^ peculiar trouble (except, perhaps, for a few days at the commence- ment). As late as six years ago I still supposed that older persons who are unwilling to do without it, might be allowed to use it in a small quantity. But I have since then become convinced that even a long-continued habit cannot make it harmless, and as the physician can only permit what is best for his patient, it must remain as an established rule that chronic patients must altogether give up this part of their diet, which is insidiously injurious; and this the patients, high or low, who have the proper confidence in their phy- sician, when it is properly represented to them, almost without exception, do willingly and gladh^, to the great improvement of their health. Rye or wheat, roasted like coffee in a drum and then boiled and prepared like coffee, has both in smell and in taste much resem- blance to coffee; and rich and poor are using this substitute willingly in several countries. I TO HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The like ma3^ be said concerning the expensive and so-called fine sorts, as well as concerning the cheap sorts of Chinese, tea which so flatteringly allures the nerves and so secretly and inevitably infests and weakens them. Even when made very weak and when only a little is drank only once a daj^ it is never harmless, neither with younger persons nor with older ones who have used it since their childhood; and they must instead of it use some harmless warm drink. Patients, according to my extensive experience, are also willing to follow the advice of their faithful adviser, the physi- cian in whom they have confidence, when this advice is fortified with reasons. With respect to the limitation in wine the practitioner can be far more lenient, since with chronic patients it will be hardly ever necessary to altogether forbid it. Patients who from their youth up have been accustomed to a plentiful use of pure * wine cannot give it up at once or entirely, and this the less the older they are. To do so would produce a sudden sinking of their strength and an obstruc- tion to their cure, and might even endanger their life. But they will be satisfied to drink it during the first weeks mixed with equal parts of water, and later, gradualh^ wine mixed with two, three and four and finally with five and six parts of water and a little sugar. The latter mixtures may be allowed all chronic patients as their usual beverage. More absolutely necessary in the cure of the chronic diseases is the giving up of whisky or brandy. This will require, however, as much consideration in diminishing the quantity used, as firmness in executing it. Where the strength appreciably diminishes at giving it up totally, a small portion of good, pure wine must be used instead of it for a little while, but later, wine mixed with several parts of water, according to circumstances. Since, according to an inviolable law of nature, our vital force always produces in the human organism the opposite of the impres- sions caused by physical and medicinal potencies in all the cases in which there are such opposites, it may easily be understood, as accurate observ-ation also testifies, that spirituous liquors, after hav- ing simulated refreshment and heightened vital warmth immediately after partaking them, must have just the opposite after-effects, owing to this opposite reaction of the vital force of the organism. Weakness ^ Even for men in quite good health it is improper and in many ways injuri- ous to drink pure wine as a customarj^ beverage, and morality only permits its use in small quantities at festive occasions. A youth cannot keep his sexual desires under control up to his marriage unless he altogether avoids banquets. Gonorrhoea and chancre are due to such excesses. HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Ill and a diminution of the vital warmth are the inevitable consequences of their use — states which ought to be removed as far as possible from the chronic patient by every true physician. Only an allopath who has never accustomed himself to observation and to reflection, and who is unwilling to acknowledge the injurious effects of his pal- liatives, can advise his chronic patients to dailj- drink strong, pure wine to strengthen themselves ; a genuine Homoeopath will never do this {^sed ex ungiie leoneni /). The permission of beer is quite questionable ! Since the artifices of brewers in modern times seem to intend, by their addition of vege- table substances to the extract of malt, not only to prevent it from souring, but also and especially to tickle the palate and to cause intoxication, without any regard to the injurious qualities of these malignant additions which often deeply undermine the health when daily used, and which cannot be discovered by any inspection, the honest physician cannot allow his patient to drink whatsoever is called beer; for even in the white beer (thin beer) and the porter, which on account of their lack of bitterness seem so harmless, not in- frequently have narcotic ingredients added to give them the much- liked intoxicating quality in spite of their diminished quantity of malt. Among the articles of diet which are generally injurious to chronic patients are also all dishes containing vinegar or citric acid. These are especially apt to cause disagreeable sensations and troubles in those af&icted with nervous and abdominal ailments. They also either antagonize or excessively increase the effects of several medi- cines. For such patients also very acid fruit (as sour cherries, unripe gooseberries and currants) are to be allowed only in ver}' small quantities, and sweet fruits only in moderate quantity; so also baked prunes as a palliative are not to be advised to those inclined to constipation. To the latter, as also to those suffering from weak digestion, veal which is too young is not serviceable. Those whose sexual powers are low should limit themselves in eating young chickens and eggs, and should avoid the irritating spice of vanilla, also truffles and caviare, which as palliatives hinder a cure. Ladies with scanty menses must avoid the use of saffron and cinnamon for the same reason; persons with weak stomachs should avoid cinna- mon, cloves, amomum, pepper, ginger and bitter substances, which, being palliatives, are also injurious while under homoeopathic treat- ment. Vegetables causing flatulency should be forbidden in all abdominal troubles and where there is an inclination to constipation and costiveness. Beef and good wheat-bread or rye-bread, together with cow's milk and a moderate use of fresh butter, seem to be the 112 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. most natural and harmless food for men, and also for chronic patients; onl}^ little salt should be used. Next to beef in wholesomeness are mutton, venison, grown chickens and young pigeons. The flesh and fat of geese and ducks are even less to be permitted to chronic patients than pork. Pickled and smoked meats should be rarely used and onl}^ in small quantities. Sprinkling chopped raw herbs on soups, putting pot-herbs into vegetables, and eating old, rancid cheese must be avoided. In using the better quality of fish their preparation should be especiall}^ looked to; they had best be prepared b}'^ boiling and used sparingly with sauces not much spiced; but no fish dried in the air or smoked; salt fish (herrings and sardines) only rarely and spar- ingly. Moderation in all things, even in harmless ones, is the chief duty of chronic patients. In considering diet, the use of tobacco should also be carefully considered. Smoking in some cases of chronic diseases ma}' be per- mitted, w^hen the patient had been accustomed to an uninterrupted use of it, and if he does not expectorate; but smoking should always he limited, and more so if the mental activity, sleep, digestion or the evacuations are defective. If evacuations regularly only take place after smoking, the use of this palliative must be all the more circum- scribed, and the same result must be obtained in a lasting manner through the appropriate antipsoric remedies. More objectionable yet, however, is the using of snuff, which is wont to be abused as a palliative against rheum and obstruction of the nose and insidious in- flammation of the eyes, and which being a palliative, is a great hin- drance in the cure of chronic diseases; it can, therefore, not be allowed with such patients, but must be diminished every day and at last stopped. An especial reason for this is also that in snuff the medic- inal liquors (sauces) with which almost all snuff is medicated touches with its substance the nerves of the inner nose and injures just as if a foreign medicine were taken, which is less the case with the burning, smoking tobacco in which the strength is disintegrated "by the heat. I now pass to the other hinderances to the cure of chronic dis- eases w^hich must be avoided as far as possible. All those events in human life which can bring the psora latent and slumbering within, which has hitherto manifested itself only by some of the signs mentioned above, wherein the patient varies from a state of health, so as to break out into open chronic diseases, these same events if they occur to a person already a chronic patient may not only augment his disease and increase the difiiculty of curing it, hahnkmx\nn's chronic diseases. 113 but, if they break in on him violently, may make his disease incura- ble, if the untoward circumstances are not suddenly changed for the better. Such events are, however, of ver}' various nature, and therefore of different degrees of injurious influence. Excessive hardships, laboring in swamps, great bodily injuries and wounds, excess of cold or heat, and even the unsatisfied hunger of poverty and its unwholesome foods, etc. , are not by any means very powerful in causing the fearful malady of psora which lies in ambush, lurking in secret to break forth into serious chronic diseases, nor of great consequence in aggravating a chronic disease already present; yea, an innocent man can, with less injury to his life, pass ten 3^ears in bodily torments in the bastile or on the galleys rather than pass some months in all bodily comfort in an unhappy marriage or with a remorseful conscience. A psora slumbering within, which still allows the favorite of a prince to live with the appearance of almost bloom- ing health unfolds quickly into a chronic ailment of the body, or dis- tracts his mental organs into insanity, when by a change of fortune he is hurled from his brilliant pinnacle and is exposed to contempt and poverty. The sudden death of a son causes the tender mother, already in ill health an incurable suppuration of the lungs or a cancer of the breast. A young, affectionate maiden, already hysterical, is thrown into melancholy by a disappointment in love. How difficult it is, and how seldom will the best antipsoric treat- ment do anything to relieve such unfortunates! By far the most frequent excitement of the slumbering psora into chronic disease, and the most frequent aggravation of chronic ail- ments already existing, are caused by grief and vexation. Uninterrupted grief and vexation very soon increase even the smallest traces of a slumbering psora into more severe symptoms, and they then develop these into an outbreak of all imaginable chronic sufferings more certainly and more frequently than all other inju- rious influences operating on the human organism in an average human life; while these two agencies just as surel}^ and frequently augment ailments alread}^ existing. As the good physician will be pleased wdien he can enliven and keep from ennui the mind of a patient, in order to advance a euro which is not encumbered with such obstructions, he will in such a case feel more than ever the dut}^ incumbent upon him to do all within the power of his influence on the patient and on his relatives and surroundings, in order to relieve him of grief and vexation. This will and must be a chief end of his care and neighborly love. But if the relations of the patient cannot be improved in this 9 114 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. respect, and if he has not sufficient philosophy, reHgion and power over himself to bear patiently and with equanimity all the sufferings and afflictions for which he is not to blame, and which it is not in his power to change; if grief and vexation continually beat in upon him, and it is out of the power of the physician to effect a lasting removal of these most active destroyers of life, he had better give up the treatmenr-^ and leave the patient to his fate, for even the most masterly management of the case with the remedies that are the most exquisite and the best adapted to the bodily ailment will avail nothing, nothing at all, with a chronic patient thus exposed to con- tinual sorrow and vexation, and in whom the vital economy is being destroyed by continuous assaults on the mind. The continuation of the fairest edifice is foolish, when the foundation is being daily un- dermined, even if but gradually, by the play of the waves. Almost as near, and often nearer yet, to incurability are the chronic diseases, especially with great and rich men, who for some years, besides the use of mineral baths, f have passed through the hands of various, often of many, allopathic physicians, who have tried on them one after another all the fashionable modes of cure, the remedies which are so boastingly lauded in England, • France and Italy, — all strongl}^ acting mixtures. By so many un- suitable medicines, which are injurious by their violence and their frequent repetition in large doses, the psora which always lies within, even if not combined with syphilis, becomes every year more incur- able, as do also the chronic ailments springing from it; and after the continuation of such irrational medical assaults on the organism for several years it becomes almost quite incurable. It cannot well be decided, since these things take place in the dark, w^hether these heroic unhomceopathic doses have added, as may be suspected, new ailments to the original disease, which ailments through the large- ness of the doses and their frequent repetition have now become lasting and as it were chronic, or whether through abuse there has resulted a crippling of the different faculties of the organism, i. e. , ^ Unless the patient should have little or no cause for his grief and sor- row, or hardly any incitement from without to vexation, and in consequence would need more particularly to be treated with respect to his mental disorder, by means of the antipsoric remedies, which are at the same time suited to the rest of his chronic disease. Such cases are not only curable, but often even easily curable. t Every time the baths are used, even when the water is not in itself unsuit- able to the ailment, they are to be considered as the use of large doses often repeated of one and the same violently acting medicine, the violent operation of which can seldom be salutary, and must often result in the aggravation of the morbid state, yea, even to the patient's utter destruction. HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. 1 15 those of irritability, of sensation and of reproduction, and so (proba- bh^ from both causes) there has arisen the monster of various ail- ments, fused into one .another, which can no longer be rationally viewed as a simple natural ailment. In short, this many-sided dis- harmony and perversion of parts and of forces most indispensable to life present a chaos of ailments which the homoeopathic physician should not lightly declare curable. By such treatments, which are incapable of curing the original disease, but are exhausting and debilitating, the aggravation of the psora is not only hastened from within, but new artificial and threat- ening ailments are generated by such delusive allopathic cures, so that the vital force, thus attacked from two sides, often is unable to escape. If in such cases the sad consequences of these indirect assaults of the old methods of cure were dynamic disturbances only, they would surely either disappear of themselves when the treatment is discon- tinued, or they ought at least to be extinguished again effectively through homoeopathic medicines. But this is not at all the case; they do not yield. Very likely by these indirect, continuous and repeated assaults on the sensitive, irritable fiber by such injudicious medicinal disease-potencies, which are given in large doses fre- quently repeated, the vital force is obliged to meet this attack and to endeavor either to dynamically change these tender internal organs which are assaulted so mercilessly, or to reconstruct them materially so as to make them unassailable to such violent attacks, and thus to protect and shield the organism from general destruction. Thus, e. g. , this force, which instinctively preserves life, beneficially shields the fine sensitive skin of the hand with a callous covering of hard, horny skin in persons with whom the skin is exposed to frequent injuries during hard labor whereby the skin is injured b}^ hard, scratching materials or by corroding substances. So also in a long continued allopathic treatment, which has no true healing power with respect to the disease, no direct pathic (homoeopathic) re- lation to the parts and processes concerned in the chronic disease, but internally assaults other delicate parts and organs of the body, in such cases the vital force, in order to protect the whole from destruc- tion, dynamically and organically transmutes these fine organs; /. <\, either makes them inactive or parah^zes them, or dulls their sensitive- ness, or makes them altogether callous. On the one side the most tender fiber is abnormally thickened or hardened, and the more vig- orous fibers consumed or annihilated — thus there arise artificially, adventitious organisms, malformations and degenerations, which at post-mortem examinations are cuiniingly ascribed to the nialignanc>- Il6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. of the original disease. Such an internal state is not infrequent, and is in man}' cases incurable. Onl}- where there are still sufficient vital powers in a bod}' not too much bowed down b}- age (but where under an allopathic regime do we not find the powers wasted?) under favorable external circumstances, the vital force d3'namically freed from its original disease by the careful homoeopathic (anti- psoric) treatment of a practiced ph3'sician, ma}' succeed in gradually reasserting itself, and in gradually absorbing and transforming those (often numerous) adventitious secondary formations which it was com- pelled to form. Such a transformation is, however, only possible to a still energetic vital force, which has been in great part set free from its psora. Only however, under favorable external circumstances, and after the lapse of a considerable time and usually in only an im- perfect manner, does the vital force succeed in this almost creative endeavor. Experience proves daily that the more zealoush' the allo- path puts into practice in chronic diseases his per\'erse destructive art (often with great care, industry and persistence), the more he ruins his patients in health and life. How can perversions, introduced into patients in this manner frequently for years, be transformed in a short time into health even by the best, i. e., the true method of cure, which has never assumed to itself the power of directly influencing organic defects ? The physician has to meet in such cases no natural, simple psoric disease. He can therefore promise an improvement only after a long period of time, but never a full restoration, even if the vital powers are not (as is so frequently the case) altogether wasted; for where this is the case, he would feel compelled to desist from treatment even at the first glance. First the many chronic medicinal diseases which pass over the fluctuating state of health must gradually be removed (perhaps during a several months' stay in the country almost without medicine); or they must depart as of themselves through the activity of the vital force, when the antipsoric treat- ment has to some degree begun, with an improved manner of living and a regulated diet. For who could find remedies for all these ail- ments artificially produced by a confused mass of strong unsuitable medicines ? The vital force must first absorb and reform what it has compulsorily deformed, before the true healer will in time see again before him a partially cleared malady similar to the original one, and which he will then be able to combat.^ - On the other hand, the most dreadful diseases of every kind which have not been spoiled by any medical fatuity, in the families of farm laborers and other day laborers, on whom of course no ordinary physician presses his ser- vices, are quite commonty, almost as if by a miracle, cured by the antipsoric remedies in a short time, and are transformed into lasting good health. I HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. II 7 Woe to the 3^oung homoeopathic physician who has to found his fame upon the cure of those diseases, of rich and prominent persons, which b)' a mass of allopathic evil arts have degenerated into such monstrosities! With all his care he will end in failure! A similar great hindrance to a cure of far-advanced chronic dis- eases is often found in the debility and weakness into which youths fall who are spoiled by rich parents, being carried away by their superabundance and wantonness, and seduced by wicked companions through destructive passions and excesses, through revelings, abuse of the sexual instinct, gambling, etc. Without the least regard for life and for conscience, bodies originally robust are debilitated by such vices into mere semblances of humanity, and are besides ruined by perverse treatment of their venereal diseases, so that the psora, which frequently lurks within, grows up into the most pitiable chronic diseases, which, even if the morality of the patient should have improved, on account of the depressing remorse, and the little remnant of their wasted vital powers, accept antipsoric relief only with the greatest difiiculty. Such cases should be undertaken by homoeo- pathic physicians as curable only with the greatest caution and re- serve. But where the above-mentioned often almost insurmountable obstacles to the cure of these innumerable chronic diseases are not present,''"^ there is nevertheless found at times, especially with the lower classes of patients, a peculiar obstruction to the cure, which lies in the source of the malady itself, where the psora, after repeated in- fections and a repeated external repression of the resulting eruption, had developed gradually from its internal state into one or more severe chronic ailments. A cure will, indeed, also be certainly effected here, if the above-mentioned obstacles do not prevent, b^^ a judicious use of the antipsoric remedies, but only with much patience and considerable time, and onl^^ with patients who observe the direc- tions and who are not too aged nor too much debilitated. But in these difficult cases also the wise arrangement of nature is ^ One additional obstacle to the homoeopatliic cure of chronic diseases, and one which is not very rare but is still usually disregarded, if : T/ir si//>/)frssr(f sexual instinct with marriageable persons of either sex, either from non- marriage owing to various causes not removable by a physician, or where in married persons sexual intercourse of an infirm wife with a vigorous husband, or of the infirm husband with a vigorous wife has been absolute!}' and forever interdicted by an injudicious physician, as is not infrequently the case. In such cases a more intelligent physician, recognizing the circumstances and the natural impulse implanted by the Creator, will give his permission and thus not infrequently render curable a multitude of hysterical and hypochondriac states, yea, often even melancholy and insanity. Il8 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. manifested in aid of our efforts, if we only make a good use of the favorable moment offering. For experience informs us that in a case of itch arising from a new infection, even when, after several preceding infections and repressions of the eruption, the psora has made considerable progress in the production of chronic diseases of many kinds, the itch which has last arisen, if it has only still kept its full primitive eruption unhindered on the skin, may be cured almost as easil}^ as if it were the first and the onlj^ one, i. e., usually by merely one or a few doses of the appropriate antipsoric medicine, and that by such a cure the whole psora of all the preceding infec- tions, together with its outbreaks into chronic ailments, is cured.* Nevertheless it is not advisable to intentionally cause a new arti- ficial infection with itch, even if the patient felt no repugnance to it (as is nevertheless, frequently the case) merel}^ on account of the easier cure in that case of the old psora which had been several times renewed; because in severe chronic diseases of a non- venereal and therefore psoric origin, — as e. g. suppuration of the lungs, a com- plete paralyzation of one or another part of the body, etc., — the itch miasma rarely retains its hold, and, as far as experience shows, it clings less when caused by an artificial inoculation than when it originates from an accidental, unintentional infection. I have little further to saj^ to the physician already skilled in the homoeopathic art as to how he is to operate in the cure ,of chronic diseases, except to direct him to the antipsoric remedies appended to this w^ork; for he will know how to use these remedies for this noble end successfully. I have only to add a few^ cautions. First of all, the great truth is established that all chronic ail- ments, all great, and the greatest, long continuing diseases (except- ing the few venereal ones) spring from psora alone and only find their thorough cure in the cure of the psora; they are, consequently, to be healed mostly only by antipsoric remedies, /. e., by those remedies which in their provings as to their pure action on the healthy human body manifest most of the symptoms which are most frequently perceived in latent as well as in developed psora. The homoeopathic physician, therefore, in curing a chronic (non- *The same is the case, according to the merciful arrangement of nature, with sj^phiUs, where, after a local destruction of the chancre or the bubo and after a consequent breaking out of the venereal disease, a new infection takes place. The new infection, while the chancre remains undisturbed, may be cured, together with the venereal disease sprung from the former infection, just as easily by a single dose of the best mercurial preparation, as if the first chancre were still present,— provided that no complication with either of the other two chronic miasmata, especially the psoric, has taken place; for in such a case, as has been mentioned above, the psora must first be removed. HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISKASEvS. II9 venereal) disease, and in all and in ever}^ s3anptom, ailment and dis- order arising in this disease, no matter what seductive name these ma}^ have in common life or in pathology, will usually and especially look to the use of an antipsoric medicine selected according to strictl}" homoeopathic rules, in order to surely attain his end. Let him not think, while a well-chosen antipsoric medicine is acting and the patient some day feels a moderate headache, or else a moderate ailment, that he must give the patient at once some other medicine, whether an antipsoric or another remedy; or if perchance a sore throat should arise, that he must give another remedy, or another on account of diarrhoea, or another on account of some moderate pain in one part or another, etc. No! the homoeopathic antipsoric medicine having been chosen as well as possible to suit the morbid S3^mptoms, and given in the appropriate potenc}^ and in the proper dose, the physician should as a rule allow it to finish its action without disturbing it b}^ an inter- vening remedy. For if the S3^mptoms occurring during the action of the remed^^ have also occurred, if not in the last few weeks, at least now and then some weeks before, or some months before in a similar manner, then such occurrences are merely a homoeopathic excitation, through the medicine, of some symptom not quite unusual to this disease, of something which had perhaps been more frequently troublesome before, and they are a sign that this medicine acts deeply into the very essence of this disease, and that consequently it will be more effective in the future. The medicine, therefore^ should be allowed to continue and exhaust its action undisturbed, without giving the least medicinal substance between its doses. But if the symptoms are different and had never before occurred , or never in this way, and, therefore, are peculiar to this medicine and not to be expected in the process of the disease, but trifling, the action of the medicine ought not for the present to be interrupted. Such s3^mptoms frequently pass off without interrupting the helpful activity of the remedy; but if they are of a burdensome intensity, they are not to be endured; in such a case they are a sign that the antipsoric medicine was not selected in the correct homoeopathic manner. Its action must then be checked b3^ an antidote, or when no antidote to it is known, another antipsoric medicine more accu- rately answering its symptoms must be given in its place; in this case these false symptoms ma3' continue a few more da3'S, or tlie3' may return, but they will soon come to a final end and be replaced by a better help. IvCast of all, need we to be concerned when the usual customary I20 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. symptoms are aggravated and show most prominently on the first days, and again on some of the following days, but gradually less and less. This so-called homoeopathic aggravation is a sign of an incipient cure (of the symptoms thus aggravated at present), which may be expected with certainty. But if these aggravated original symptoms appear on subsequent days still of the same strength as at the beginning, or even with an increased severity, it is a sign that the dose of this antipsoric remedy, although properly selected according to homoeopathic principles, was too large, and it is to be apprehended that no cure will be effected by it; because the medicine in so large a dose is able to establish a disease, which in some respects, indeed, is similar to it; with respect to the fact, however, that the medicine in its present intensity un~ folds also its other symptoms which annul the similarity, it produces a dissimilar chronic disease instead of the former, and, indeed, a more severe and troublesome one, without thereby extinguishing the old original one. This will be decided in the first sixteen, eighteen or twenty days of the action of the medicine which has been given in too large a dose, and it must then be checked, either by prescribing its antidote, or, if this is not as yet known, by giving another antipsoric medicine fitting as well as possible, and indeed in a very moderate dose, and if this does not suffice to extinguish this injurious medicinal disease, another still should be given as homoeopathically suitable as pos- sible.* Now when the stormy assault caused by too large a dose of med~ icine, although homoeopathically selected, has been assuaged through an antidote or the later use of some other antipsoric remedies, then, later on, the same antipsoric remedy — which had been hurtful onl}^ because of its over-large dose — can be used again, and, indeed, as soon as it is homoeopathically indicated, with the greatest success, only in a far smaller dose and in a much more highly potentized attenuation, i. e., in a milder quality. The physician can, indeed, make no worse mistake than Jifst, to consider as too small the doses which I (forced by experience) have reduced after manifold trials and which are indicated with every antipsoric remedy and secondly, the wrong choice of a remedy, and " I have myself experienced this accident, which is very obstructive to a cure and cannot be avoided too carefully. Still ignorant of the strength of its medicinal power, I gave sepia in too large a dose. This trouble was still more manifest when I gave lycopodmui and silicea, potentized to the one-billionth degree, giving four to six pellets, though only as large as poppy seeds. Discite inoniti ! HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 121 thirdly, the hastiness which does not allow each dose to act its full time. The first error I have already spoken of, and would only add that nothing is lost if the dose is given even smaller than I have pre- scribed. It can hardly be given too small^ if only everything in the diet and the remaining mode of life of the patient which would obstruct or counteract the action of the medicine is avoided. The medicine will still produce all the good effects which can at all be expected from a medicine, if only the antipsoric was homoeopathic- alty, correctly, selected according to the carefully investigated sj^mp- toms of the disease, and if the patient does not disturb its effects by his violation of the rules. If ever it should happen that the choice has not been correctl}' made, the great advantage 7^e?nai?is, that the incorrectly selected medicine in this smallest dose fnay in the ma7iner indicated above be counteracted more easily, whereupon the cure may be continued without delay with a more suitable antipsoric. As to the second chief error in the cure of chronic diseases {^the un- homoeopathic choice of the 7)iedici7ie) the homoeopathic beginner (many, I am sorr}^ to say, remain such beginners their life long) sins chiefly through inexactness, lack of earnestness and through love of ease. With the great conscientiousness which should be shown in the restoration of a human life endangered by sickness more than in any- thing else, the Homoeopath, if he would act in a manner worthy of his calling, should investigate first the whole state of the patient, the internal cause as far as it is remembered, and the cause of the con- tinuance of the ailment, his mode of life, his quality as to mind, soul and body, together w^ith all his symptoms (see directions in O7ga7io7i), and then he should carefully find out in the work on Chronic Dis- eases as well as in the work on Materia Medica Pura a remed}' cov- ering in similarity, as far as possible, all the moments, or at least the most striking and peculiar ones, with its own peculiar symptoms; and for this purpose he should not be satisfied with any of the exist- ing repertories, — a carelessness onl}^ too frequent; for these books are only intended to give light hints as to one or another remedy that might be selected, but the}^ can never dispense him from making the research at the first fountain heads. He who does not take the trouble of treading this path in all critical and complicated diseases, and, indeed, with all patience and intelligence, but contents himself with the vague hints of the repertories in the choice of a remedy, and who thus quickly dispatches one patient after the other, does not deserve the honorable title of a genuine Homoeopath, but is rather to be called a bungler, who on that account has continually to change his remedies until the patient loses patience; and as his aihnonts 122 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. have of course onh^ been aggravated he must leave this aggravator of diseases, whereby the art itself suffers discredit instead of the un- worthy disciple of art. This disgraceful love of ease (in the calling which demands the most conscientious care) often induces such would-be Homoeopaths to give their medicines merely from the (often problematic) statement of their use {ab usu in morbis) which are enumerated in the intro- ductions to the medicines, a method which is altogether faulty and strongly savors of allopathy, as these statements usually only give a few symptoms. They should only serve as a confirmation of a choice made according to the pure actions of the medicines; but never to determine the selection of a remedy which can cure only when used according to the exact similitude of its homoeopathic sjmiptoms. There are, we are sorry to say, even authors who advise following this empiric pathway of error ! The third leading mistake which the homoeopathic ph^^sician can- not too carefully nor too steadfastly avoid while treating chronic diseases, is in hastily and thoughtlessl}- — when a properly moderate dose of a well selected antipsoric medicine has been serviceable for several daj^s, — giving some other medicine in the mistaken supposi- tion that so small a dose could not possibly operate and be of use more than eight or ten days. This notion is sought to be supported b}^ the statement that on some day or other, while allowed to con- tinue its action, the morbid symptoms which were to be eradicated, had shown themselves somewhat from time to time. But if once a medicine, because it was selected in a correct homoeo- pathic manner, is acting well and usefully, which is seen by the eighth or tenth da}', then an hour or even half a da}' may come when a moderate homoeopathic aggravation again takes place. The good results will not fail to appear but ma}', in very tedious ailments, not show themselves in their best light before the twenty-fourth or thirtieth day. The dose will then probably have exhausted its favorable action about the fortieth or fiftieth day, and before that time it would be injudicious, and an obstruction to the progress of the cure, to give any other medicine. Let it not be thought, how- ever, that we should scarcely wait for the time assigned as the probable duration of action to elapse, before giving another anti- psoric medicine: that we should hasten to change to a new medicine in order to finish the cure more quickly. Experience contradicts this notion entirely, and teaches on the contrary, that a cure cannot be accomplished more quickly and surely than by allowing the suitable antipsoric to continue its actions so long as the imp7'ovenie7it con- HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASKS. 1 23 iinues, even if this should be several, yea, mayiy"^^"- days beyond the assigned, supposed time of its duration, so as to delay as long as practicable the giving of a new medicine. Whoever can restrain his impatience as to this point, will reach his object the more surely and the more certainly. Only when the old symptoms, which had been eradicated or very much diminished by the last and the preceding medicines commence to rise again for a few da^'s, or to be again perceptibly aggravated, then the time has most surely come w^hen a dose of the medicine most homoeopathically fitting should be given. Experience and careful observation alone can decide; and it always has decided in my manifold, exact obser- vations, so as to leave no doubt remaining. Now if we consider the great changes which must be effected by the medicine in the many, variously composite and incredibly deli- cate parts of our living organism, before a chronic miasm so deeply inrooted and, as it were, parasitically interwoven with the economy of our life as psora is, can be eradicated and health be thus restored: then it may well be seen how natural it is, that during the long- continued action of a dose of antipsoric medicine selected homoeo- pathically, assaults may be made by it at various periods on the organism, as it were in undulating fluctuations during this long- continued disease. Experience shows that when for several days there has been an improvement, half hours or whole hours or several hours wHll again appear when the case seems to become worse; but these periods, so long as only the original ailments are renewed and no new, severe symptoms present themselves, only show a continuing improvement, being homoeopathic aggravations which do not hinder but advance the cure, as they are only renewed beneficent assaults f on the disease, though they are wont to appear at times sixteen, twent}^ or twenty-four days after taking a dose of antipsoric medicine. ■^ In a case where sepia had showed itself completely homoeopathically anti- psoric for a peculiar headache that appeared in repeated attacks, and where the ailment had been diminished both as to intensity and duration, while the pauses between the attacks had also been much lengthened, when the attacks re-appeared I repeated the dose, which then caused the attacks to cease for one hundred days (consequently its action continued that long), when it reap- peared to some degree, which necessitated another dose, after which no other attack took place for, now, seven years, while the health was also otherwise perfect, t These attacks, however, if the antipsoric remedy was selected filtinj^ly and homoeopathically and the dose was a moderate one, during its continued action take place, ever more and more rarely and more feebly, but if the doses were too strong they come more frequently and more strongly, to the detriment ot the patient. 124 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. As a rule, therefore, the antipsoric medicine in chronic diseases continue their action the longer, the more tedious the diseases are. But vice versa also those medicines which in the health}' bod}' show a long period of action act only a short time and quickl}" in acute diseases w^hich speedih' run their course {e. g. belladonna, sulphur^ arsenic, etc. ) and their periods of action are shorter, the more acute the diseases. The ph^'sician must, therefore, in chronic diseases, allow all antipsoric remedies to act thirty- , forty or even fifty and more da3'S by tJiemselves, so long as the}' continue to improve the dis~ eased state perceptibly to the acute observer, even though gradually; for so long the good effects continue with the indicated doses and these must not be disturbed and checked b}' any new remed}^'^ * The importance of avoiding the above-described two errors will hardly be realized by phjvsicians. These great, pure truths will be questioned yet for years, even by most of the homoeopathic phj^sicians, and will not, therefore, be prac- ticed, on account of the theoretical reflection and the reigning thought: " It requires quite an effort to believe that so little a thing, so prodigiously small a dose of medicine, could effect the least thing in the human bod}-, especially in coping with such enormously great, tedious diseases; but that the physician must cease to reason, if he should believe that these prodigiously small doses can act not onty two or three daj-s, but even twenty, thirty and forty days and longer j-et, and cause, even to the last day of their operation, important, beneficent effects otherwise unattainable." Nevertheless this true theorem is not to be reckoned among those which should be comprehended, nor among those for which I ask a blind faith. I demand no faith at all, and do not demand that anybody- should comprehend it. Neither do I comprehend it; it is enough, that it is a fact and nothing else. Experience alone declares it, and I believe more in experience than in my own intelligence. But who will arro- gate to himself the power of weighing the invisible forces that have hitherto been concealed in the inner bosom of nature, when they are brought out of the crude state of apparently dead matter through a new, hitherto undiscovered agency, such as is potentizing by long continued trituration and succussion. But he who will not allow himself to be convinced of this and who will not, therefore, imitate what I now teach after many years' trial and experience (and what does the physician risk, if he imitates it exactly?), he who is not willing- to imitate it exactly, can leave this greatest problem of our art unsolved, he can also leave the most important chronic diseases uncured, as they have remained unhealed; indeed, up to the time of my teaching. I have no more to say about this. It seemed to me my duty to publish the great truths to the world that needs them, untroubled as to whether people can compel themselves to follow them exactly or not. If it is not done with exactness, let no one boast to have imitated me, nor expect a good result. Do we refuse to imitate any operation until the wonderful forces of nature on which the result is based are clearly brought before our eyes and made comprehensible even to a child ? Would it not be 'silly to refuse to- strike sparks from the stone and flint, because we cannot comprehend how so much combined caloric can be in these bodies, or how this can be drawn out by rubbing or striking, so that the particles of steel which are rubbed off HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISE:ASKS. 125 But if these appropriate!}^ selected antipsoric medicines are not allowed to act their full time, when they are acting well, the whole treatment will amount to nothing. Another antipsoric remedy which ma}' be ever so useful, but is prescribed too early and before the cessation of the action of the present remedy, or a new dose of the same renied}' which is still usefull}^ acting, can in no case replace the good effect which has been lost through the interruption of the complete action of the preceding remedy, which was acting usefully, and which can hardh' be again replaced. It is a fundamental 7'iile in the treatment of chronic diseases: To let the action of the remedy, selected i7i a mode homceopathically appro- priate to the case of disease which lias been carefully investigated as to its sympto7ns, come to an undisturbed conclusion, so long as it visibly advances the cure ayid the while improve^neyit still perceptibly progresses. This method forbids any new prescription, any interruption by an- other medicine and forbids as well the immediate repetitio7i of the saine remedy. Nor can there be anything more desirable for the physician than to see the improvement of the patient proceed to its completion unhindered and perceptibly. There are not a few cases, where the practiced careful Homoeopath sees a single dose of his remedy, selected so as to be perfectly homoeopathic, even in a very severe chronic disease, continue uninterruptedly to diminish the ailment for several weeks, yea, months, up to recovery; a thing which could not have been expected better in any other way, and could not have been effected by treating with several doses or with several medicines. To make the possibility of this process in some way intelligible, we may assume, what is not very unlikely, that an antipsoric remedy selected most accurately according to homoeopathic principles, even in the smallest dose of a high or the highest potenc}^ can manifest so long- continued a curative force, and at last cure, probabl}^, onl}^ by means of a certain infection with a very similar medicinal disease which overpowers the original disease, by the process of nature hy the stroke of the hard stone are melted, and, as glowing little balls, cause the tinder to catch fire ? And yet we strike fire with it, without understanding or comprehending this miracle of the inexhaustible caloric hidden in the cold steel, or the possibility of calling it out with a frictional stroke. Again, it would be just as silly as if we should refuse to learn to write, because we cannot comprehend how one man can communicate his thought to another through pen, ink and paper — and yet we communicate our thoughts to a friend in a letter without either being able or desirous of comprehending this psychico- physical miracle! Why, then, should we hesitate to conquer and heal the bitterest foes of the life of our fellow-men, the chronic diseases, in the stated way, which, punctually followed, is the best possible method, because we tlo not see how these cures are effected ? 126 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. itself, according to which {^Orgmion, % 45, Fifth Edition,) two dis- eases which are different, indeed, in their kind but very similar in their manifestations and effects, as also in the ailments and symp- toms caused hy it, w^hen thej^ meet together in the organism, the stronger disease (which is always the one caused hy the medicine, § 33, ibid.) destroys the w^eaker (the natural one). In this case every new medicine and also a new dose of the same medicine, would interrupt the work of improvement and cause new ailments, an inter- ference which often cannot be repaired for a long time. But if any unfavorable effects are evolved by the present dose of medicine, i. e. , troublesome symptoms which do not belong to this disease, and if the mind of the patient becomes depressed, if only a little at first, still increasingly, then the next dose of the same medi- cine, given immediately after the former, cannot but become injurious to the patient. Yet when a sudden great and striking improvement of a tedious great ailment follows immediatel}^ on the first dose of a medicine, there justly arises much suspicion that the remedy has only acted palliatively, and therefore must never be gi\^en again, even after the intervention of several others remedies. Nevertheless there are cases which make an exception to the rule, but which not every beginner should risk finding out.-'^ The only allowable exception for an hnniediate repetitio7i of the same medicine is when the dose of a well-selected and in every w^ay suitable and beneficial remedy has made some beginning tow^ard an improvement, but its action ceases too quickly, its power is too soon exhausted, and the cure does not proceed any further. This is rare in chronic diseases, but in acute diseases and in chronic diseases that rise into an acute state it is frequently the case. It is only then, — as a practiced observer may recognize — when the peculiar symptoms of the disease to be treated, after fourtee^i , ten, seven, and even fewer days, visibly cease to dimiiiish, so that the improvement 7nanifestly has come •^ Still there has been of late much abuse of this immediate repetition of doses of the same medicine, because young Homoeopaths thought it more con- venient to repeat, without examination, a medicine which in the beginning had been found to be homoeopathically suitable, and which had therefore in the beginning proved serviceable, and even to repeat it frequently without exami- nation, so as to heal more quickly. ^ We may declare at once, that the practice of late, which has even been recommended in public journals of giving the patient several doses of the same medicine to take with him, so that he may take them himself at certain in- tervals, without considering whether this repetition may affect him injuriously, seems to show a negligent empiricism, and to be unworthy of a homoeopathic physician, who should not allow a new dose of a medicine to be taken or given withoiit convincing himself in every case beforehand as to its usefulness. HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DIvSKASES. 1 27 to a stop, icithout any disturbance of the mind and without the appear- ance of any new troublesome symptoms, so that the fonner medicine would still be perfectly homa^opathically suitable, only then, I say, is it useful, and probably necessar3^ to give a dose of the same medicine of a similarly small amount, but most safel}'- in a different degree of dynamic potency.'^ When the remedy is thus modified, the vital force of the patient will allow itself more easily to be further affected by the same medicine, so as to eifect by it everything that ma}^ be expected of this medicine and in this ailment, j To adduce an example: a freshly arisen eruption of itch belongs to those diseases which might soonest permit the repetition of the dose (sulphur), and which does permit it the more frequently, the sooner after the infection the itch is received for treatment, as it then approaches the nature of an acute disorder, and demands its remedies in more frequent doses than when it has been standing on the skin for some time. But this repetition should be permitted only when the preceding dose has largelj^ exhausted its action (after six, eight or ten days), and the dose should be just as small as the preceding one, and be given in a different potency. Nevertheless it is in such a case often serviceable, in answer to a slight change of symptoms, to interpose between the doses of pure sulphur, a small dose of Hepar sulphuris calcareu7n. This also should be given in various potenc- ies, if several doses should be needed from time to time. Often also, according to circumstances, a dose of Nux vomica (x) or one of mercury (x)J may be used between. If I except sulphur, Hepar sulphuris and in some cases Sepia, the other antipsoric remedies can seldom be usefully given in imme- ■^'If it, e. g., has first been given in the 30th potency, it will now be given in perhaps the i8th, and if a repetition should be again found serviceable and necessary, it might afterwards be given in the 24th, and later perhaps also in the 12th and 6th, etc., if, e. g., the chronic disease should have taken on itself an acute character. A dose of medicine may also have been suddenly counter- acted and annihilated by a grave error in the regimen of the patient, when perhaps a dose of the former serviceable medicine might again be giN'en with the modification mentioned above. t In cases where the physician is certain as to the homoeopathic specific to be used, the first attenuated dose may also be dissolved in about four ounces of water by stirring it, and one-third ma}^ be drunk at once, and the second and third portions on the following days; but it should each time be again stirreil so as to increase the potency and thus to change it. Thereby the remedy seems to take a deeper hold on the organism and hasten the restoration in patients who are vigorous and not too sensitive. X That the itch-patient during such a treatment nuist avoid every external application, however harmless it may appear, c. g., the washing with black soap, is not necessary to emphasize. 128 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. diately repeated doses. Indeed it is hardly ever needed in chronic diseases, as we have a goodly suppl}^ of antipsoric remedies at our disposal, so that as soon as one well selected remedy has completed its action, and a change of symptoms, i. e., a change in the total image of the disease, appears, another antipsoric remedy homoeopath- icall}^ appropriate to the altered case may be chosen to greater advant- age and w^ith a more sure prospect of hastening the cure, than if we take the risk of prescribing the former medicine which now is no longer altogether adequate. Nevertheless in very tedious and com- plex cases, which are mostl}^ such as have been mismanaged by allopathic treatment, it is nearly always necessary to give again from time to time during the treatment, a dose of Sulphur or of Hepar (according to the symptoms), even to the patients who have been before dosed with large allopathic doses of Sulphur and with sulphur-baths; but then only after a previous dose of Mercury (x). Where, as is usually the case in chronic diseases, various anti- psoric remedies are necessary, the more frequent sudden change of them is a sign that the physician has selected neither the one nor the other in an appropriately homoeopathic manner, and had not properly investigated the leading symptoms of the case before pre- scribing a new remedy. This is a frequent fault into which the homoeopathic physician falls in urgent cases of chronic diseases, but oftener still in acute diseases from overhaste, especially when the patient is a person very dear to his heart. I cannot too urgently warn against this fault. Then the patient naturally falls into such an irritated state that, as we say, no medicine acts, or shows its effect,* yea, so that the power of response in the patient is in danger of flaring up and expir- ing at the least further dose of medicine. In such a case no further benefit can be had through medicine, but there may be in use a calm- ing mesmeric stroke made from the crown of the head (on which both the extended hands should rest for about a minute) slowly down over the body, passing over the throat, shoulders, arms, hands, knees and legs down over the feet and toes. This may be repeated if necessary. A dose of homoeopathic medicine may also be moderated and softened by allowing the patient to smell t a small pellet moistened ^ That a homoeopatliically potentized dose of medicine should ever fail of having an effect in a treatment conducted zuith care, I think impossible; I have never experienced it. tBven persons born without the sense of smell or who have lost it through disease, may expect equally efi&cient help from drawing in the imperceptible vapor (proceeding from the medicine and contained in the vial) through one HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISKASEvS. 1 29 with the selected remed}' in a high potency, and placed in a vial the mouth of which is held to the nostril of the patient, who draws in only a momentary little whiff of it. By such an inhalation the powers of any potentized medicine may be communicated to the patient in any degree of strength. One or more such medicated pellets, and even those of a larger size may be in the smelling-bottle, and by allowing the patient to take longer or stronger whiffs, the dose ma}^ be increased a hundred fold as compared with the smallest first mentioned. The period of action of the power of a potentized medicine taken in b}' such inhalation and spread over so large a surface (as that of the nostrils and of the lungs) lasts as long as that of a small massive dose taken through the mouth and the fauces. Such medicated pellets kept in a stoppered vial retain their medicinal power quite undiminished, even if the vial be opened a number of times in many years for the purpose of inhalation; /. e. , if the vial be preserved from sunshine and heat. This method of al- lowing the patient to be acted upon by smelling the potentized medi- cine has great advantages in the manifold mishaps which often obstruct and interrupt the treatment of chronic diseases. The anti- dote to remove these mishaps as quickly as possible the patient may also best receive in greater or less strength through inhalation, which acts most quickly on the nerves and so also affords the most prompt assistance, by which also the continuation of the treatment of the chronic disease is least delayed. When the mishap has thus been obviated most speedily, the antipsoric medicine before taken fre- quently continues its interrupted action for some time. But the dose of the inhaled medicine must be so apportioned to the morbid interruption that its effect just suffices to extinguish the disad- vantage arising from the mishap, without going an}^ deeper or being able to continue its operation any further. If a homoeopathic physician, scrupulous at the wrong occasion, should ask me how he might fill up the many days after giving a dose, so that it may continue its action undisturbed during the above-mentioned long time, and so satisf}^ without injuring, the patient who every day* asks for his medicine, I reply with two nostril or the other, as those do who are gifted with the sense of smell. From this it follows that the nerves possessing merely the sense of touch receive the salutary impression and communicate it unfailingly to the whole nervous system. *No old established custom among the people, be it ever so hurlUil. can be suddenly changed. So also the homoeopathic physician cannot avoid allowing a new chronic patient to take at least one little powder a day; the difference between this and the many medicinal doses of allopaths is still very 10 130 hahnivmann'vS chronic diskasks. words, that he should be given every day at the usual time for medicine a dose of sugar of milk, about three grains, which shall be marked as usual with continuous numbers.* I remark here, that I consider the sugar of milk thus used as an invaluable gift of God.t We cannot flatter ourselves that the antipsoric medicine given was rightly selected, or that it will forward the cure of a chronic dis- ease, if it quickl}^ and entirely destro3^s as if by a stroke of magic the most troublesome symptoms, old, great, continuous pains, tonic great. During this daily taking of a powder, following the numbers, it will be a great benefit to the poor patient who is often intimidated by slanderers of the better medical art, if he does not know whether there is a dose of medicine in every powder, nor again, in which one of them ? If he knew the latter, and should know, that to-day's number contains the medicine of which he expects so much, his fancy would often play him an evil trick, and he would imagine that he feels sensations and changes in his body, which do not exist; he would note imaginar}^ symptoms and live in a continual inquietude of mind; but if he daily takes a dose, and daily notices no evil assault on his health, he becomes more equable in disposition (being taught by experience), expects no ill effects, and will then quietly note the changes in his state which are actu- ally present, and therefore can only report the truth to his physician. On this account it is best that he should dailj^ take his powder, without know- ing whether there is medicine in all or in a certain powder; thus he will not expect more from to-day's powder than from yesterday's or that of the day before. " Chronic patients who firmly trust in the honesty and skill of their phy- sician will be satisfied, without any after thoughts, to receive such a dose of sugar of milk every two, four or seven days, according to the disposition of each, and nevertheless retain a firm confidence, as, indeed, is only just and reasonable. t There were some anxious purists, who were afraid that even the pure sugar of milk, either in itself or changed by long trituration, might have medici- nal effects. But this is a vain, utterly unfounded fear, as I have determined by very exact experiments. We may use the crude, pure sugar of milk as a food, and partake of considerable quantities of it, without any change in the health, and so also the triturated sugar. But to destroy at the same time the fear to which utterance has been given by some hypochondriacs, that through a long trituration of the sugar of milk alone, or in the potentizing of medicines, some- thing might nib off from the porcelain mortar (silica), which being potentized by this same trituration would be bound to become strongly acting Silicea( ^ ), I took a new porcelain triturating bowl in which the glazing had been rubbed off, with a new porcelain pestle, and had one hundred grains of pure sugar of milk, divided into portions of thirty-three grains, triturated eighteen times for six minutes at a time and as frequently scraped for four minutes with a porce- lain spatula, in order to develop by this three hours' strong trituration a medicinal power either of the sugar of milk or of the silica or of both; but my preparation remained as indifferent and unmedicinal as the crude, merely nutri- tive sugar of milk, of which I convinced myself by experiments on very sensi- tive persons. HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASKvS. 131 or clonic spasms, etc., so that the patient almost immediately after taking the medicine, fancies himself as much freed from sufferings as if he were already restored, and as if in heav^en. This deceptive effect shows that the medicine here acts enantiopathically as an op- posite or palliative, and that in the days following we cannot expect anything from this remedy but an aggravation of the original dis- ease. As soon then as this deceptive improvement within a few days begins again to turn to aggravation, it is high time to give either the antidote to this medicine, or, when this cannot be had, a medicine which is homoeopathically more appropriate. Very rarely will such an enantiopathic remedy do any good in the future. If the medicine which is thus antipathic at once in the beginning, i. e.y which seemed so to alleviate, is inclined to reciprocal action, it is possible that when the aggravation from this dose takes place, a second dose of the same remedy may produce the contrary, and thus bring about a lasting improvement, as I have at least perceived in Ignatia. In such cases we may also successfully use, for the ailments follow- ing after a few days from such an antipathic remedy, one of the remaining medicines from the considerable store laid down in Materia Medica Piira, in the ''Archiv der homoeopathiscJiefi Heilkujisf or in the ''Annalen. " This may be done for a few days until the Psora- disease returns to its customary routine course, when a homoeopathic- ally selected antipsoric medicine is to be given to continue the cure. Among the mishaps which disturb the treatment only in a tem- porary way, I enumerate: overloading the stomach (this may be remedied by hunger, i. e. , by only taking a little thin soup instead of the meal and a little coffee); disorder of the stomach from fat meat, especially from eating pork (to be cured by fasting 2,nA Pulsa- tilla) ; a disorder of the stomach which causes rising from the stomach after eating and especially nausea and inclination to vomit (b}^ highly potentized antimoniimi crudtwi); taking cold in the stomach b}' eating fruit (by smelling of arsenicuni)\ troubles from spirituous liquors {iiux vomica); disorder of the stomach with gastric fever, chilliness and cold {bryoiiia alba)\ fright (when the medicine can be given at once, and especially when the fright causes timidit>-, bv poppy-juice {opium) ; but if aid can onl}^ be rendered later, or when vexation is joined with the fright, b}" aconite ; but if sadness is caused by the fright, ignatia seeds); vexation which causes anger, violence, heat, irritation, by chamomilla, (but if beside the vexation there is chilliness and coldness of the body, by biyouia'); vexation with in- dignation, deep internal mortification (attended with throwing away what was held in the hand, b}^ stapliisagyia)\ indignation with silent 132 HAHNEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. internal mortification (hy colocy7ithis)\ unsuccessful love with quiet grief (b}' ignatia)\ unhappy love with jealousy (by hyoscy amies); a severe cold (next to keeping the house or the bed) by Jiiix vomica; when diarrhoea resulted, by dulcamara ; or if followed by pains, coffea criida ; or if followed by fever and heat, by aconite; a cold which is followed by suffocative fits, (by ipecacua7iha)\ colds followed by pains and an inchnation to weep, Q^y coffea criida); cold with consequent coryza and loss of the sense of smell and of taste, (hy Pulsatilla) ; over- lifting or strains (sometimes by arnica, but most certainly by rhus toxicodendron) ; contusions and wounds inflicted b^' blunt instruments, (by ar?iica)\ burning of the skin (by compresses of water mixed with a dilution of highly potentized arsenicum, or uninterruped ap- plication for hours of alcohol heated by means of very hot water) ; weakness from loss of fluids and blood, (b}- china) : homesickness with redness of the cheeks, (b}' capsicum). But during the treatment of chronic diseases by antipsoric remedies we often need the other non-antipsoric store of medicines in cases where epidemic diseases or intermediate diseases {inorbi intercur- 7'entes) arising usualh' from meteoric and telluric causes attack our chronic patients, and so not only temporarily disturb the treatment, but even interrupt it for a longer time. Here the other homoeo- pathic remedies will have to be used, wherefore I shall not enter upon this here, except to sa}' that the antipsoric treatment will have for the time to be totalh^ discontinued, so long as the treatment of the epidemic disease which has also seized our (chronic) patient may last, even if a few weeks in the worst cases ma}* thus be lost. But here also, if the disease is not too severe, the above mentioned method of applying the medicine by smelling a moistened pellet is often suf- ficient to help, and the cure of the acute disease ma^' thus be ex- traordinarih* shortened. The intelligent homoeopathic ph3*sician will soon note the point of time when his remedies have completed the cure of the epidemic in- termediate disease "^ and when the peculiar course of the chronic (psoric) malad}' is continued. * Usually these epidemic intermediate diseases appear in the form of a fever ( if they are not the permanent miasms, small-pox, measles, dysentery-, whoop- ing cough, etc.). There are fevers of various kinds, a continuous acute fever, or a slow remittent, or an intermittent fever. Intermittent fevers appear almost ever}- year in a somewhat changed form. Since I have learned to cure chronic diseases and maladies by a homoeopathic extirpation of their psoric source, I have found the epidemicalh- current intermittent fevers almost every year differ- ent in their character and in their symptoms, and they therefore require almost every year a different medicine for their specific cure. One vear they re- quire arsenicum, another belladonna, another antimonium crudum, or spigelia, aconite, with ipecacuanha, alternating with nux vomica, sal ammoniacum. HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 33 The symptoms of the original chronic disease will, however, always be found somewhat varied after the cure of such a prevailing- intermediate disease. Also another part of the body will be found suffering, so that the homoeopathic physician will choose his anti- psoric remedy according to the totality of the remaining symptoms, and not simply give the one he intended to give before the interme- diate disease appeared. When the physician is called to treat such a prevalent disease in a patient whom he had not before attended as a chronic patient he will not unfrequently find, especially if the fevei was con- siderable, that after overcoming it by the remedies which had been homoeopathically specific with other patients of this kind, the full restoration to health does not follow even with good diet and mode of living: but incidents of another kind will show themselves (usually called after-pains or secondary diseases) and these will gradually be aggravated and threaten to become chronic. Here the homoeopathic physician will nearly always have to meet a psora which is developing into a chronic disease, and this will have to be cured according to the principles here laid down. Here is a fitting opportunity to note that the great epidemic diseases: smallpox, measles, purple rash, scarlet fever, whooping cough, fall dysentery and typhoid, when they complete their course natrum muriaticum, opium, cina, alone or in alternation with capsicum, or cap- sicum alone, menyanthes trifoliata, calcarea carbonica, pulsatilla, one of the two carbos, arnica, alone or in alternation with ipecacuanha, and with these they were cured in a few days. I would not, indeed, except any one of the non- antipsoric medicines, if they are only homoeopathic to the whole complex of the symptoms of the prevailing fever, in its attack as well as in its apyrexia [ see TJon Bcenninghaiisen, Versuch e. hom. Therapie d. Wechselfiebers, 1833, Muens- ter), but I would almost always except cinchona; for this can only suppress its type in many large doses in a concentrated form (as quinine), and then it changes it into a cachexy of quinine, which it is difficult to cure. {China is only appropriate to the endemic intermittent fever in marshy regions, and even this can only be rightly cured by it in connection with antipsoric remedies.) Even at the beginning of the treatment of an epidemic intermittent fever, the homoeopathic physician is most safe in giving ever}- time an attenuated dose of sulphur or in appropriate cases, liepar sulpliuris in a fine little pellet or by means of smelling, and in waiting its effects for a few days, until the improve- ment resulting from it ceases, and then only he will give, in one or two attenu- ated doses, the non-antipsoric medicine w^hich has been found homoeopathically appropriate to the epidemy of this year. These doses should however only be given at the end of an attack. With all patients in intermittent fever, fsora is essentially involved in every epidemy, therefore an attenuated dose of sulphur or of hepar sulphuris is necessary at the beginning of every treatment of epi- demic intermittent fever, and makes the restoration of the ]->alienl more sure and easy. 134 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. especial!}^ without a judicious homoeopathic treatment, leave the organism so shaken and irritated, that with many who seem restored, the psora which was before slumbering and latent now awakes ■quickl}^, either into itch-like eruptions ^ or into other chronic dis- orders, which then reach a high degree in a short time, if they are not treated properly in an antipsoric manner. This is due to the great exhaustion of the organism which still prevails. The allo- pathic phj'sician, when such a patient, as is frequently' the case, dies after all his unsuitable treatment, declares that he has died from the sequelcB of whooping cough, measles, etc. These sequelcE are, however, the innumerable chronic diseases in numberless forms of developed psora which have hitherto been unknown as to their origin and consequently remained uncured. Epidemic and sporadic fevers, therefore, as well as the miasmatic acute diseases, if they do not soon terminate and pass directly over into good health, (even when the epidemic and acute mias- matic part has found a homoeopathic specific which has been rightly used against them), often need an antipsoric assistance, which I have usually found in sulphur, if the patient had not used shortl}' before a medicine containing sulphur, in which case another antipsoric suitable to this particular case will have to be used. Endemic diseases, with their striking pertinacity, depend almost wholly on a psoric complication, or on psora modified b}' the peculi- arity of the nature of the locality (and the especial mode of life of the inhabitants), so that, e. g., in intermittent fever originating in a marshy region, the patients, even after removal into a dry region, often remain uncured despite of all their use of china, unless the antipsoric treatment is especially used. The exhalation from swamps seems to be one of the strongest physical causes of the devel- opment of the psora latent within with so man}' persons t and this ^ When such an eruption appears in any quantity, it is called by writers scabies spontanea (spontaneous itch) — a mere chimera and nonentit}-, for as far as histon,' goes, no itch has arisen except from infection, and it cannot now arise again of itself without infection with the miasma of itch. But this phe- nomenon after acute fever is nothing else than the secondary eruption so often mentioned above springing from the slumbering and latent psora remaining within after the repression (or more rarely the gradual disappearance) from the skin of the original eruption of itch. This eruption frequently leaves the skin of itself and it has never been proved that it infected any other person wdth the itch. t Presumably these exhalations possess a quality which as it \n ere paralyzes the vital force of the organism (which in an ordinary state of health is able to keep down the internal psora which always endeavors to manifest itself) and thus predisposes to putrid and ner^'ous fevers. HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISKASE.S. 1 35 most of all in hot countries. Without an almost regular use of the best antipsoric method of cure, we shall never succeed in removing the murderous qualities of humid climates and changing them into passabl}^ healthy, habitable regions. Man may accustom himself to the extreme degrees of atmospheric heat, as well as to the most vio- lent cold, and can live joyous and health}^ in both extremes, Why should he not be able to accustom himself to marshy regions just as well as to the driest mountain regions, if there were not a hitherto undiscovered and unconquered enemy of vigorous life and lasting bealth, lying in ambush in marshy regions, i. e. , psora ? Wherever, psora lies latent within (and how frequently is this the case ?) it is developed into chronic diseases of ever}^ kind, especially those in which the liver is most affected, through stagnant water and the gases that emanate from damp soil and from swamps; and this is effected more surely, yea, u7iavoidably hy these causes than by any other physical power injurious to health. The latest symptoms that have been added to a chronic disease which has been left to itself (and thus has not been aggravated by medical mismanagement) are always the first to yield in an anti- psoric treatment; but the oldest ailments and those w^hich have been most constant and unchanged, among which are the constant local ailments, are the last to give way; and this is only effected, when all the remaining disorders have disappeared and the health has been in all other respects almost totall}^ restored. In the general maladies which come in repeated attacks, e. g. the periodic kinds of hysteria, and different kinds of epilepsy, etc., the attacks ma}^ quickly be made to cease by a suitable antipsoric; but to make this cessation reliable and lasting, the whole indwelling psora must be completely cured. The frequent request of a patient to have one symptom, which above others is troublesome to him, removed first of all, is impracti- cable, but the ignorant patient should be excused for his request. In the daily wTitten report during the use of an antipsoric medi- cine, the patient who lives at a distance should underscore once, for the information of the physician, those incident symptoms during the day, which after a considerable time or a long time he has now felt again for the first time; but those which he never had before and which he first felt on that da}^, he should underscore tivice. The former symptoms indicate that the antipsoric has taken hold o{ the root of the evil, and will do nuicli for its thorough cure. InU tlie latter, if the}- appear more frequently and more strongly, give the 136 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. phj'sician a hint that the antipsoric was not selected quite homoeo- pathicalh', and should be interrupted in time and replaced b}' a more appropriate one. When the treatment is about half completed, the diminished dis~ ease commences to return into the state of a latent psora; the symp- toms grow weaker and weaker, and at last the attentive physician will only find traces of it; but he must follow these to their complete disappearance, for the smallest remnant retains a germ for a renewal of the old ailment.^ If the ph3^sician should here give up the treat- ment and suppose what the common man (and also the higher class of the non-medical public) is apt to sa}^ : "It will now likely get right of itself," a great mistake would be made; for in time there w^ould develop, (especially when any important untow^ard events take place), out of this little remnant of this only diminished psora, a new chronic disease which gradually would increase unavoidabl3^ according to the nature of diseases springing from unextinguished chronic miasms as shown above. The cito, tuto et jucimde (quickly, safeh^ and pleasantly) of Celsus, the patient may reasonably ask from his physician, and from the homoeopath he can rightly expect this in acute diseases springing from occasional causes, as well as in the well-defined intermediate diseases prevalent at times (the so-called intercurrent diseases) . But with especial regard to the "Cito" (quickh^, z. e., the hastening of the cure, the nature of the case forbids it, at least in inveterate chronic ailments, f The cure of great chronic diseases of ten, twenty, thirty and more years' standing {if they have not been mismanaged by an excess of allopathic trcatmeiits, or indeed, as is often the case, mismanaged into incur ablejiess) may be said to be quickly annihilated if this is done in one or two 3^ears. If ^^ath younger, robust persons this takes place in one-half the time, then on the other hand in advanced age, even with the best treatment on the part of the physician and the most punctual observance of rules on the part of the patient and his attendants, considerable time must be added to the usual period of the cure. It will also be found intelHgible that such a long-continued * So from the water-polypus which has several of its branches lopped off, in time new branches will shoot forth. tOnly an ordinary ignorant practitioner can lightly promise to cure a severe inveterate disease in four to six weeks. He need not, indeed, keep hi& promise! What does he risk, if as a matter of course, his treatment only ag- gravates the disease? Can he lose anything? Any honor? No; for his coU leagues, who are like him, do no better. Can he lose in self-respect? Should he vet have anv to lose ? HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 137 (^psoric) chronic disease, the original miasm of which has had so much time and opportunity in a long life to insert its parasitical roots as it were, into all the joints of the tender edifice of life, is at last so inti- matel}^ interwoven with the organism that even with the most appro- priate medical treatment, careful mode of life and observance of rules on the part of the patient, great patience and sufficient time will be" required to destroy this many armed polypus in all its parts, while sparing the independence of the organism and its powers. The strength of a patient under an antipsoric treatment, even if it should be continued ever so long, ought continually to increase from the very commencement of the correct treatment even to the restoration of health and of the normal state. The strength increases during the whole of the cure without the use of the so-called tonics, and the patients joyously rise up again of themselves in proportion as their life is delivered from its corroding enemy.* The best time for taking a dose of antipsoric medicine seems to be, not an hour before going to bed but, rather, early in the morning while fasting. The medicine in the numbered paper f (as also all that succeed) if it is desired that it should act but feebly, should be taken dry and allowed to dissolve on the tongue, or be moistened with two or three drops of water on a spoon, and by itself, without in either case drinking anything after it or eating anything within half an hour or a whole hour. J After taking the medicine the patient should keep perfectly quiet at least a full hour, but without going to sleep (sleep delays the be- "^ It is inconceivable how allopathic physicians could think of curing chronic diseases through a continuance of exhausting and debilitating treatments, with- out being restrained by their lack of success from repeating continually their perverse treatment. The aniara which they ^ive between, together with the quinine, without being able to supply the strength lost, only add new evils. t Numbering the powders continuously has the convenience that the phy- sician when the patients render their daily report (especially those living at a distance) putting first the date and the number of the powder taken that day, can recognize the day when the patient took his medicine, and can judge of the progress of its action according to the report of the following day. X If the medicine is to act more strongly it must be stirred in a little more water until dissolved before taking it, and in still more water if it is to act still more strongly, and the physician should order the solution taken a portion at a time. If he orders the solution taken in one or three days it must be stirred up not only the first time, but also the other two times, by which every part thus stirred acquires another somewhat higher degree of potency, and so is received more willin<^ly by the vital force. To direct the use of the same solu- tion for a greater number of days is not advisable, as the water, kept longer, would begin to putrefy. How a dose for smellinj;- may be adapted to all de- grees of strength, I have mentioned above. 138 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. ginning of the action of the medicine). He must avoid during this hour, as indeed throughout the treatment, all disagreeable excite- ment, nor should he strain his mind immediately after taking the dose, in any way, either by reading or computing, by writing, or by conversations requiring meditation. The dose of antipsoric medicine must not be taken by females shortly before their menses are expected, nor during their flow; but the dose can be given, if necessary, four days, /. e., about ninety-six hours after the menses have set in. But in case the menses previously have been premature or too profuse, or two long-lasting, it is often necessary to give on this fourth day a small dose of 7iux vomica (one very small pellet, moistened with a high dynamization) to be smelled, and then, on the fourth or sixth day following, the antipsoric. But if the female is very sensitive and nervous, she ought, until she comes near her full restoration, to smell such a pellet once about every time seventy-two hours after the beginning of her menses, notwithstand- ing her continued antipsoric treatment. ^^ Pregnancy in all its stages offers so little obstruction to the anti- psoric treatment, that this treatment is often most necessary and use- ful in that condition.! Most necessary, because the chronic ailments then are more developed. In this state of woman, which is quite a natural one, the symptoms of the internal psora are often manifested most plainly % on account of the increased sensitiveness of the female * In such a morbid state of the menses nothing can be done in the cure of chronic diseases without the intermediate use of Nux vomica, which here specific- ally reduces to order the disharmony arising in the functions of the nerves from so disorderly a flow of the menses, and so quiets this excessive sensitive- ness and irritability, which put an insurmountable obstacle in the way of the curative action of the antipsoric remedies. fin what more certain way could, e. g., the return of miscarriage, which is almost exclusively due to psora, be prevented, and, indeed, be lastingly pre- vented, than through a judicious antipsoric treatment before or at least during pregnancy? In what more reliable way could the states of the womb, which are not infrequently dangerous, and sometimss fatal even in a proper presenta- tion of the foetus and in a natural labor, be removed in advance than by a timely antipsoric treatment during pregnancy ? Even the improper presenta- tion of the child has, if not always, still very often its only cause in the psoric sickliness of the mother, and the hydrocephalus and other bodily defects of the child have surely this cause! Only the antipsoric treatment of the sickly wife if not before, at least during pregnancy, can remove in advance the mother's inability for suckling, as also in suckling prevent the frequent sore breasts, the soreness of the nipples, the frequent inclination to erysipelatous inflammations of the breasts and their abscesses, as well the hemorrhages of the uterus during suckling. X Nevertheless, the entire opposite frequently takes place, so that the wife who before pregnancy was always sickly, and uninterruptedly complaining, hahnkmann's chronic DisKAs:es. 139 body and spirit while in this state; the antipsoric medicine therefore acts more definitely and perceptibly during pregnancy, which gives the hint to the physician to make the doses in these cases as small and in as highly- potentized attenuations as possible, and to make his selections in the most homoeopathic manner. Sucklings never receive medicine; the mother or wet-nurse receives the remed}^ instead, and through their milk it acts on the child very quickly, mildl}^ and beneficialh^ The corporeal nature (called the life-preserving principle or vital force) when left to itself, since it is without reason, cannot provide anj^thing better than palliatives in chronic diseases and in the acute diseases springing thence which cause sudden danger to life, owing to the indwelling psora. These are the causes of the more frequent secretions and excretions of various kinds taking place of themselves now and then in chronic (psoric) diseases, as e. g. , diarrhoeas, vom- iting, perspiration, suppurations, hemorrhages, etc. All these are attended with only temporary alleviations of the chronic original malady, which owing to the losses of humors and of strength thereby only becomes more and more aggravated. Allopathy has, so far, not been able to do any more than this toward a genuine cure of the chronic diseases; it could only imitate the unreason in corporeal nature in its palliatives (usually without an equal alleviation and with a greater sacrifice of strength). It caused therefore, more than the other, a hastening of the general ruin, without being able to contribute anything to the extinction of the original malady. To this class belong all the many, indescrib- able purgatives, the so-called dissolvents, the venesection, cupping, the applying of leeches now so insanely frequent, the sudorifics, the artificial sores, setons, fontanels, exutories, etc. God be praised, the homoeopathic physician who is acquainted with the means of a radical cure, and who thus through the anti- psoric treatment can destroy the chronic disease itself, has so little need of the above mentioned applications, which onl}- hasten dissolu- tion, that he has on the contrary to use all care that the patient may not secretly UvSe some of these appliances, following the old routine, diffused over the whole earth by allopathy. He can never yield to the request of the patient, e. g., that he has become ac- customed to being bled so and so many times a year, or to be cupped, feels in unusual good health during every pregnancy and only durini,v this state. And with such cases this time of pregnancy may very well be made use of for antipsoric treatment, which in such a case is directed against the symptoms o{ the morbid state before pregnancy, so far as this can be remembered. 140 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. or to use purgatives or warm baths, and that he therefore needs them. Such things cannot be permitted. The homoeopathic physician who is a master of his art, and God be praised! there is now a not inconsiderable number of such masters in homoeopath}', never allows a drop of blood to be drawn from his. patient; he never needs any such or similar means of weakening the body, for such a course evermore remains the negation of curing. Only journeymen, half homoeopaths still, I am sorr}^ to say, use such a co7itradlctio in adjedo {weakening while desiring to cure).^ Only in the one case, where, as in many chronic diseases, the delay in passing evacuations causes great trouble, he will permit {in the beginning of the treatment before the antipsoric medicine has had the time [in its after-effects] to produce improvement in this point) if the stool is not passed for three or four days, a cl3^ster of clean,, lukewarm water without the least admixture, also perhaps a second,, if an evacuation does not resHilt within a quarter of an hour. Rarely a third injection will be needed, after waiting a third quarter of art hour. This help which acts chiefly mechanically by expanding the rectum, is harmless when repeated after three or four days if it is necessary, and, as before mentioned, only at the beginning of the treatment — for the antipsoric medicines, among which in this respect lycopodium next to sulphur has the pre-eminence, usuall}^ soon remove this difficulty. The inexcusable wasting fontanels the homoeopathic physician must not at once suppress, if the patient has had them for some time (often for many years), nor before the antipsoric treatment has already made perceptible progress, but if they can be diminished without totally stopping them, this may safely be done even in the beginning of the treatment. So also the physician should not at once discontinue the woolen underclothing, which is said to prevent the taking of cold and the recommendation of which is carried very far by the ordinary phy^ sicians in default of any real assistance. Though they are a burden to the patient, we should wait until there is a visible improvement ^'"This may well be pardoned with journej-men and beginners; but when they assume to boast of this noviceship and declare in public journals and books that the incidental use of blood-letting and leeches is indispensable, yea, that it is more essentially homoeopathic, they become ridiculous and are to be pitied as tyros and as laboring under delusion; and their patients also are to be pitied. Is it laziness or a haughty preference for their old (although ruinous) allopathic routine, or is it lack of love for their fellowmen which prevents a deeper enter-^ ing into true, beneficent Homoeopathy and an elevation into the troublesome but correct and useful selection of the remedy homoeopathically specific in every case, and into that mastery of Homoeopathy now no more rare ? HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 141 effected by the antipsorics which remove the tendency to taking cold, and until the warmer season comes. With patients who are very weakly, he should in the beginning change to cotton shirts w^hich rub and heat the skin less, before requiring patients to put linen underclothing on their skin. For man}^ easily perceived reasons, but especially in order that his delicate doses of medicine may not be interfered with in their action, the homoeopathic physician can not in his antipsoric treat- ment allow the intermediate use of any hitherto customary domestic remedy, no perfumery of any kind, no fragrant extracts, no smelling- salts, no Baldwin tea, or any other herb teas, no peppermint confec- tion, no spiced confections or anise-sugar or stomach drops, or liqueurs, no Iceland-moss, or spiced chocolate, no spice-drops, tooth- tinctures or tooth-powders of the ordinary kinds, nor an}^ of the other articles of luxur3\ So-called warm and hot baths for the sake of cleanliness, to which spoiled patients are usually very much attached, are not to be allowed, as they never fail to disturb the health; nor are they needed, as a quick washing of a part or of the whole of the body with lukewarm soap- water full}^ serves the purpose without doing any injury. At the end of these directions for treating chronic diseases, I recommended, in the first edition, the lightest electric sparks as an adjuvant for quickening parts that have been for a long time para- lyzed and without sensation, these to be used besides the antipsoric treatment. I am sorry for this advice, and take it back, as experience has taught me, that this prescription has nowhere been followed strictly, but that larger electric sparks have always been used to the detriment of patients; and yet these larger sparks have been asserted to be very small. I, therefore, now advise against this so easily abused remedy, especially, as we can easily remove this appearance •of enantiopathic assistance; for there is an efficient honuvopatliic local assistance for paralyzed parts or such as are without sensation. This is found in cold water* locally applied (at 54° Fahrenheit) from mountain-springs and deep wells; either by pouring on these parts for one, two or three minutes, or by douche-baths over the whole body of one to five minutes duration, more rarely or more fre- quently, even daily or oftener according to the circumstances, together with the appropriate, internal, antipvSoric treatment, suffi- cient exercise in the open air, and judicious diet. ^ Water of this and a lower temperature has the primary power of depriv- ing the parts of the living body partly of sensation antl partly of molion, in such cases it therefore t^^ives local homreojiathic assistance. THK MKDICINES. The medicines which have been found most suitable and excel- lent in chronic diseases so far, I shall present in the following part according to their pure action on the human body, as well those used in the treatment of the diseases of psoric origin, as those used in syphilis and in the figwart-disease. That we need far fewer remedies to combat the latter than the psora can not with any thinking man form an argument against the chronic miasmatic nature of the latter and still less against the fact that it is the common source of the other chronic diseases. The psora, a most ancient miasmatic disease, in propagating itself for many thousands of years through several millions of human organisms, of which each one had its own peculiar constitution and w^as exposed to very varied influences, was able to modify itself to such a degree as to cause that incredible variety of ailments which we see in the innumerable chronic patients, with whom the external symptom (which acts vicariously for the internal malady), /. e. the more or less extensive eruption of itch, has been driven away from the skin by a fatal art, or in whom it has disappeared of itself from the skin through some other violent incident. Hence it seems to have come to pass that this half-spiritual miasma, which like a parasite seeks to inroot its hostile life in the human organism and to continue its life there, could develop itself in so many ways in the many thousands of years, so that it has even caused to spring forth and has born modified offshoots with charac- teristic properties, which do not indeed deny their descent from their stock (the common psora) but, nevertheless, differ from one another considerably by some peculiarities. These changes are due in some part to the varying physical peculiarities and climatic differ- ences of the dwelling-places of men afflicted with the psora, ^ and in part are moulded by their varying modes of life, e. g. children in * K. g. the Sibbens or Rade-Syge commonly found in Norway and in tlie northwest of Scotland; the Pellagra in Lombard}^; the plica poloiiica (Koltun, Trichiasis) in Poland and Carinthia, the tumorous leprosy in Surinam; the raspberry-like excrescences (Frambosia) in Guinea called _)'^hing reliable can onl}^ signify simillimum, because they are not idem (zaunr/). SKCOND PART. ANTIPSORIC MEDICINES. PREFACE CONCERNING THE TECHNICAL PART OF HOMG^OPATHY.! Since I last* addressed the public concerning our healing art, I have had among other things also the opportunity to gain experience as to the best possible mode of administering the doses of the medi- cines to the patients, and I herewith communicate what I have found best in this respect. A small pellet of one of the highest dynamizations of a medicine laid dry upon the tongue, or the moderate smelling of an opened vial wherein one or more such pellets are contained, proves itself the smallest and weakest dose with the shortest period of duration in its effects. Still there are numerous patients of so excitable a nature, that they are sufficiently affected by such a dose in slight acute ail- ments to be cured by it if the remedy is homoeopathically selected. Nevertheless the incredible variety among patients as to their irrita- bility, their age, their spiritual and bodily development, their vital power and especially as to the nature of their disease, necessitates a great variet}^ in their treatment, and also in the administration to them of the doses of medicines. For their diseases ma}^ be of vari- ous kinds: either a natural and simple one but latel}^ arisen, or it may be a natural and simple one but an old case, or it ma}^ be a complicated one (a combination of several miasmata), or again what is the most frequent and worst case, it may have been spoiled b}^ a perverse medical treatment, and loaded down with medicinal diseases. I can here limit myself only to this latter case, as the other cases cannot be arranged in tabular form for the weak and negligent, but must be left to the accuracy, the industry and the intelligence of able men, who are masters of their art. Experience has shown me, as it has no doubt also shown to most of my followers, that it is most useful in diseases of an}' magnitude (not excepting even the most acute, and still more so in the half- iThis preface was prefixed to Vol. III. of the "Chronic Diseases," published in the year 1837.— TV. *In the beginning of the year 1834 I wrote the first two parts of this work and although they together contain only thirty-six sheets, my former ptiblisher, Mr. Arnold, in Dresden, took two years to publish these thirty-six sheets, l^v whom was he thus delayed? My acquaintances can guess that. 156 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. acute, in the tedious and most tedious) to give to the patient the powerful homoeopathic pellet or pellets only in solution, and this solution in di\dded doses. In this wa}^ we give the medicine, dis- solved in seven to twenty tablespoonfuls of water without any addi- tion, in acute and very acute diseases every six, four or two hours; where the danger is urgent, even every hour or every half -hour, a tablespoonful at a time; with weak persons or children, only a small part of a tablespoonful (one or two teaspoonfuls or coffeespoonfuls) may be given as a dose. In chronic diseases I have found it best to give a dose {e. g. , a vSpoonful) of a solution of the suitable medicine at least everj^ tw^o da^'s, more usually ever>' day. But since water (even distilled water) commences after a few days to be spoil, whereby the power of the small quantity of medicine contained is destroyed, the addition of a little alcohol is necessars', or where this is not practicable, or if the patient cannot bear it, I add a few small pieces of hard charcoal to the water>^ solution. This answers the purpose, except that in the latter case the fluid in a few days receives a blackish tint. This is caused by shaking the Hquid, as is necessar>^ every time before giving a dose of medicine, as maj' be seen below. Before proceeding, it is important to observe, that our vital prin- ciple cannot well bear that the same unchanged dose of medicine be given even twice in succession, much less more frequenth^ to a patient. For bj^ this the good effect of the former dose of medicine is either neutralized in part, or new S3'mptoms proper to the medi- cine, symptoms which have not before been present in the disease, appear, impeding the cure. Thus even a well selected homoeopathic medicine produces ill effects and attains its purpose imperfectly or not at all. Thence come the many contradictions of homoeopathic physicians with respect to the repetition of doses. But m taking one and the same medicine repeatedh' (w^hich is indispensable to secure the cure of a serious, chronic disease), if the dose is in ever\^ case varied and modified onl}' a little in its degree of dynamization, then the vital force of the patient will calmh^ and as it were willing!}' receive the same medicine even at brief intervals very many times in succession with the best results, every time increasing the well-being of the patient. This slight change in the degree of dynamization is even effected, if the bottle which contains the solution of one or more pellets is merel}' well shaken five or six times, every time before taking it. Now when the ph^^sician has in this way used up the solution of the medicine that had been prepared, if the medicine continues use- HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 57 ful, he will take one or two pellets of the same medicine in a lower potenc}^ {e. g. if before he had used the thirtieth dilution, he will now take one or two pellets of the twenty-fourth), and will make a solution in about as many spoonfuls of water, shaking up the bottle, and adding a little alcohol or a few pieces of charcoal. This last solution may then be taken in the same manner, or at longer intervals, perhaps also less of the solution at a time; but every time the solution must be shaken up five or six times. This will be continued so long as the remedy still produces improvement and until new ailments (such as have never 3^et occurred with other patients in this disease), appear; for in such a case a new remedy will have to be used. On any day when the remedy has produced too strong an action, the dose should be omitted for a day. If the symptoms of the disease alone appear, but are considerably aggra- vated even during the more moderate use of the medicine, then the time has come to break off in the use of the medicine for one or two weeks, and to await a considerable improvement.* When the medicine has been consumed and it is found neces- sary to continue the same remedy, if the physician should desire to prepare a new portion of medicine from the same degree of potency, it will be necessary to give to the new solution as many shakes, as the number of shakes given to the last portion amount to when summed up together, and then a few more, before the patient is given the first dose; but after that, with the subsequent doses, the solution is to be shaken up only five or six times. In this manner the homoeopathic physician will derive all the benefit from a well selected remedy, which can be obtained in any special case of chronic disease by doses given through the mouth. But if the diseased organism is affected by the physician through * In treating acute cases of disease the homoeopathic physician will proceed in a similar manner. He will dissolve one (two) pellet of the highly potent- ized, well selected medicine in seven, ten or fifteen tablespoonfuls of water (without addition) by shaking the bottle. He will then, according as the dis- ease is more or less acute, and more or less dangerous, give the patient every half hour, or every hour, every two, three, four, six hours (after again well shaking the bottle) a whole or a half tablespoonful of the solution, or, in the case of a child, even less. If the physician sees no new symptoms develop, he will continue at these intervals, until the symptoms present at first begin to be aggravated; then he will give it at longer intervals and less at a time. As is well known, in cholera the suitable medicine has often to be given at far shorter intervals. Children are always given these solutions from their usual drinking vessels; a teaspoon for drinking is to them unusal and suspicious, and they will refuse the tasteless liquid at once on that account. A little sugar may be atlded for their sake. 158 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. this same appropriate remedy at the same time in sensitive spots other than the nerves of the mouth and the alimentary canal, i. e. if this same remedy that has been found useful is at the same time in its watery solution rubbed in (even in small quantities) into one or more parts of the bod}^ which are most free from the morbid ailments (.] The open space between the eyelids is narrower than usual, and can onl}^ be enlarged by exertion. [Schrt.'] Twitching in the eyeballs often, first in one and then in the other, in the left eye it is sometimes accompanied with lachryma- tion. iAp.'] Frequent twitching and pressure in the left e3^eball while reading. [Ap.~\ ^129, This symptom with 5, 327, 506, 582, 692, 694 and 708 on a second application occurred in a patient affected with involuntary twitching of the right eyelid, for which he held to the open eye for a few moments a vial of the thirtieth dilution. hahnhmx-^nn's chronic diseases. 167 Twitching with pressive pain in the left eyeball at any time of the day and under any circumstances ; it neces- sitates wiping the eyes, but this does not cause it to cease. [/^/.] 135. Frequent quivering in the eyelids, mostly in only a small por- tion of them and extending more towards one canthus. [_Ap.'] Quivering of the right lower eyelid, with pulsation of an artery to the left and at the back of the nose, and twitching in the skin on the left side of the nose. \_Ap.'] Dryness of the eyes. [Ap.'] The lachr}- mal caruncle of the left eye is enlarged for severa 1 days. \_Ap.^ Lachrymation of the right eye (on ist and 2d d.). [A^.] 140. Lachrymation of the right eye (aft. 3 h.). [Schrt.'] Sensation in the e3^es as if the}^ ought to be constantly wiped. [Fr. H.'] The eyelids are joined together as if by mucous threads, and this only passes away temporarily by wiping them. Gum in the canthi of the eyes (aft. 6 h.). [Lgh. Schrt.'] Viscous yellow humor (at first white) which glues the eyelids together; this exudes continually, even during the day; but most in the mornings and evenings in the inner canthi. \_Gr.'\ 145. The pupils are first dilated (aft. ^ h.) then contracted (aft. 25 h.). [Lgh.-] Gradual diminution of the vision while walking in the open air (aft. 7 h.). ^Ap.] Great weariness (weakness) of the eyes, things grow pale if she looks for some time at any object. \^Ap.~\ Short-sightedness and dimness of vision of both eyes. Very indistinct vision; objects must be quite near to his eyes in order that he may properly distinguish them. [^Ap.] J 50. He is obliged in reading to bring the letters more and more closely to his eyes, in order to distinguish them clearly, then he must at once remove them to a greater distance, as else the vision becomes dim again. \_Ap.'\ Dimness before the eyes, with sleepiness. [IFj*/.] Dimness of vision, everything appears obscured as if seen through turbid water, so that he must make a great effort to recognize objects. \_Ap.'] All objects appear enveloped in a fog and thus obscured. [Ap.-\ Whatever comes before his e3^es is as it were covered with a cobweb and obscured. \_Ap.'] 155. A black fly floats before his left eye at the distance of half a yard and when winking it flits to and fro. [/v-. //".] In rainy weather a brown fly flits before the left eye toward the inner canthus, [_Ap.~\ In closing the right e^-e, there appears before the left a small somewhat elongated dark-brown spot, which flits about prett>' near to the eye, mostly in an oblique direction toward the inner corner of the eye. [Ap.] 1 68 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. He imagines that he sees things double. [ Wsf.^ Photophobia. [Ap.] 1 60. Earache, a tearing in the auditor}^ meatus of the right ear, which is excited and increased by cold air penetrating into the ear, extends to the upper jaw and continues several daj^s. \_Ap.^ Stitches in the left mastoid process. [ Wsf.~\ Itching in and behind the ears. [Ap.] Itching in the external meatus of the right ear. [Ap.^ Itching with tickhng in the right ear, inciting to scratching (aft. 29 h.). [Lg/i.] 165. Itching, mostly in the left ear, which induces bormg w^ith the finger. [^/.] Itching on the lobules of the ears. \_Ap.~\ Itching on the external ear compelling him to rub; this causes redness and soreness, without stopping the itching. lAp.~\ Itching, redness and burning of the ears, as if they had been frozen. [Gr.] Itching and pimples on the posterior surface of the external ear. [Ap.] 170. Sensation in the ears as if ear-wax was running out. [_Ap.'] Buzzing in the ears. Ringing in the right ear while walking in the open air (aft. 4h.). iLgk.] On the nose: a sudden pressure on the upper part of the dorsum of the nose. [Ap.'] Sharp stitches in the left side of the root of the nose. [Gr.^ 175. Great sensitiveness of the inner walls of the nose. \_Ap.~\ Itching on the outer surface of the nose. \_Ap.'] Violent itching on the alse of the nose, com.pelling him to rub. lAp.'] Pricking in the right nostril and eye, as from an incitation to sneezing. \_Ap.'] Tickling itching in the left nostril, that compels rubbing (aft. 14 h.). lLgk.-\ 180. Burning pain in the nose and the eyes (from the vapor). Soreness and inflammation of the internal paries of the nose. [Ap.-] Blowing of blood from the nose in the morning imme- diately after rising from bed, followed by violent bleeding from the nose (aft. 33 h.). \_Gr,'] Epistaxis. [^'if/z.] Increased acuteness of olfaction. {^Ap.'] 185. In the face, in the left cheek, stitches extending upward from the lower jaw (aft. i h.). \_lVst'] Obtuse stitches in the right cheek-bone. \_Schrf.~\ Lancinating, drawing pain in the right cheek (aft. 2h.). [Sck.] Quick throbbing of an artery in the left cheek with shooting stitches from the left eye to the upper jaw. lAp.] Quivering, like pulsation, in the right cheek (aft. 8 d. ) . lAp.l 190. Burning of the cheeks. [R'^j?^'.] HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 169 Burning in the cheeks (aft. i or 2 h.). \_Sdl.'] Redness of the face without any perceptible heat. [Sdl.'] Redness of the face with itching and burning, as after freezing the parts. [6V.] Itching in the face. \_Ap.'] 195. Itching in the whiskers. \_Ap.'] Itching on the forehead, inducing scratching and pimples there. lAp.'] An itching pimple by the side of the mouth. On the lips and in the throat a tearing pain (from the vapor). Dryness and burning of the lips (on ist d.). [A^.] 200. Burning chaps on the upper lip (on 4th d.). [A^.] Bluish lips (ist and 2d d.). [Sdl.'] On the right side of the chin, a painful pressure. [Or.] Stitches, fine and sharp, on a small spot of the chin, just under the upper lip. [Gr.'] Stitches in the chin as from needles (immediately). [Schrt.'] 205. Spasmodic drawing in the chin and lower jaw (aft. 2 h.). In the articulation of the lower jaw, violent pricking as from needles. \_Schf't.~\ Severe tearing pain in the lower jaw on the right side. [Gr.-] Toothache, tearing pain in the teeth of the lower jaw, in- creased by cold. \_Ap.] Pulsating, tearing pain in the upper back molars on the left side; in the afternoon. [Ap.~\ 210. Gnawing pain in the molars of the upper jaw, then itching in the left ear, immediately after which the toothache starts again, in the afternoon. [^/>.] Dull (incipient) toothache on the left side of the upper jaw. Drawing pain in the lower incisors. [ WsL~\ Drawing stitches in the lower incisors which draw toward the left angle of the lower jaw (aft. i h.). \_Sc/irL] Dulness of the incisors of the lower jaw. [fl^/.] 215. The front teeth feel too long and very sensitive in the evening (on 3d d.). [A^.] The gums are painful and the saliva tastes acrid (the first rod.). [A^^.]. Painfulness and bleeding of the gums. [Ap.] Swelling of the gums, with pains. l^p.~\ Bad smell from the mouth. [Ap.~\ 220. Bad smell from the mouth earl}^ in the morning, attended with a fetid taste in the mouth. \_Fr. //.] Morbidly putrid smell from the mouth (on the 8tli-ioth d.). [Sd/.] Acrid smell from the mouth as after horse-radish, but he docs not perceive it himself. [Ap.] Soreness in the whole of the inner mouth, especially in the palate (on 5th d.). [A^.] lyo HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The palate feels sore, as though the skin had been pulled off, and is very sensitive (on ist d.). [A^^.] 225. The tongue is sore. \_Ap.^ A small, painful ulcer b}^ the side of the frsenum of the tongue (on 9th d.). [Sdl.^ Whitish tongue set at its point with dirt,v yellow aphthae, with a sensation as if the skin would peel off, immediately after a meal (aft. 4h.). [6>.] The tongue coated white. [Lg-h. — Sc/i7i.^ Very pale tongue, thinly coated with white mucus. [Ap.~\ 230. Yellow coating of the tongue on its back part (on yth-ioth d. ) . [SdL] Slimy tongue. [Ap.~\ Fine'stitches in the tip of the tongue (aft. 4 h.). [Sc/irt'] Foam at the mouth. \Lerger, Memorab. vol. iii, 334.] Water gathers in the mouth (with pains in the abdomen) (on 2dd.;. [A^^.] 235 Flow of saliva from the mouth. Sometimes especially when raising, the head fluid saliva runs into his bronchia, causing violent vomiting. [ IVst.'] The saliva tastes very acrid (on first 10 d.). [A^.] Disagreeable taste in the mouth, with yellow-coated tongue ( on 7th- 1 oth d. ) . \_Sdl. ] Insipid taste in the mouth. [ScJirt.'] 240. Bitter taste in the mouth (on 12th d.). \_Sdl.'] lyack of thirst, absence of thirst. [SdL'] Thirst, in the afternoon (on 2d d.). [A^.] Want of appetite. \_Ap.'] No appetite for eating, but for drinking. [^^/] . 245. No taste for bread. \_Ap.'] Great hunger but no appetite, also in the morning. \_Ap.'] Great desire for food, often bordering on a ravenous appetite (4th-8thd.). ISdl.l^ For several da^^s he suddenh^ gets hungr}^ when he swallows his food hastily and with great eagerness. \_Ap.'] Increased appetite toward evening, he feels as if he could not be satiated; and he swallows his food hastily and eagerly, as if ravenous (aft. 8 h.). [Lgh.'] 250. Toward evening he is suddenly seized with a ravenous hunger, with perspiration over the whole bod}^, great weariness and tremb- ling of the limbs. \_Ap.'] After eating retching in the oesophagus and pressure in the stomach. \_Ap.'\ After dinner, pressure in the pit of the stomach with painful drawing and pressure in the eyeballs, distaste for work and indo- lent disposition (on loth d.). [Sdl.'] After supper, feverish shuddering. \_Ap.~\ Frequent eructation of mere air, as if from a deranged stomach (aft. j4 h.). \_Lg/i.^ 255. Empty eructation. [Ap.^ Frequent empty eructations alternating with hiccup during the (customarjO vsmoking (aft. i h.). \_Lgh.'] HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. I7I Eructation with qualmishness in the stomach Taft. 3 h.). Eructation with the taste of the ingesta. [Ap.~\ Eructation with the taste of the ingesta, early in the morning. iFr. H.-\ 260. Heartburn. Hiccup, immediately after taking the medicine. \_Ap.~\ Hiccup, in the afternoon. \_Ap.'] Frequent hiccups (aft. 26 h. ). \_Lgh.'] A sense of nausea, rising even into the mouth. 265. Nausea soon after taking the medicine. \_Sdl.~\ Nausea with colicky pains. [Ap.'] Nausea and inclination to vomit (aft. 2 h.). [Schrt.'] Nausea immediately after a meal, alleviated by eructations. \_Wst.'] Pressure in the stomach with inclination for stool. \_Ap.'\ 270. Pressure at the cardiac orifice. [ Wst.'] Pressive pain in the region of the upper left border of the stomach, both while standing and walking (aft. 2 h.). [Ap.'] Oppressive heaviness in the stomach. {^Ap.~\ Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis (ist and 9th d.). \_Sd/.~\ Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, extending to the sternum. 275. After breakfast, pressure in the pit of the stomach, which in the afternoon passes over into a burrowing in the epigastrium, which in the evening passes off with the discharge of flatus (on i6thd.). [Sdl.] Tensive pain in the stomach, extending to the left clavicle when respiring deeply, toward evening (on 9th d.). \_Sdl.~\ Spasmodic drawing in the region of the scrobiculus cordis, extending to the chest, toward evening (on 9th d.). [^Sdl.'] Spasmodic colicky cutting in the abdomen like cramps of the stomach, immediately under the diaphragm back toward the spine, while sitting (aft. I ^ h.). [IVst.] Pain in the region of the hypochondria and of the scrobiculus . cordis as if the viscera of the chest were being pressed in, more violent after meals. [6^r.] 280. In the hypochondria on the left side of the last true rib, a pressive pain returning momentarily with a sensation on the cor- responding spot on the right side as if there were a pain from an old gun-shot wound (aft. 2 h.). [IVsL^ Acute throbbing pain under the left hypochondria, which often extends up to the third and fourth rib, in the afternoon ^on ' 8th d.). [SdL] Dull pressure in the spleen in the evening in bed while lying, on the left side, diminished by turning ori the right side. Stitches under the short ribs on the left side during inspiration and especially while bending forward in sitting. [Crr.] In the region of the liver, sharp stitches as from needles. 285. Dull stitches in the liver during inspiration. \_(>^.] 172 hahnkmann's chronic diseases. Violent pain in the abdomen (aft. 4 h.). [I^ERGKR, 1. c.] Painful pressure in the lumbar region (aft. 2 h.). [JVsf.] Violently pressive pain in the region of the left kidney, at night, disturbing the sleep (on 12th d.). [5^/.] Pressure and fulness of the abdomen, after moderately eating of light food. [^/.] 290. Troublesome fulness of the whole abdomen, making sitting and breathing difficult. [ Wst.'] Inflated abdomen. [Lerger, 1. c] Inflated abdomen. [^p.~\ Sensation of writhing in the abdomen. Writhing pain in the abdomen. [^/>.] 295. Pinching in the abdomen. [^/.] Pinching under the navel with distention of the abdomen. Violent pinching of the abdomen with diarrhoea-like stools. [^/•] . . , Pinching and cutting in the epigastrium, m the evening (on 9th d.). [Sd/.] Cutting in the umbilical region (aft. 2 h.). [I>F5A] 300. Cutting pains in the abdomen, without stools. \_Ap.'\ Cutting in the abdomen, as from incipient diarrhoea, in the evening. [ Wst.'] Cutting, with flatus moving about in the bowels and dis- tention of the abdomen, only for a short time alleviated by eructa- tions and the discharge of flatus (aft. i h.). \_lVst.'] Cutting in the abdomen as after a purgative, followed by a fluid stool with diminution of the pains (on 2d d.). [A^.] Sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhoea were setting in. 305. Dull and very painful stitches at the superior anterior process of the iliac bones. [_Gr.'\ A stitch on the right side next to the spine in the region of the right kidney (aft. >1 h.). [Wst.'] Simple pains in the inguinal region. [Wst.'^ Pain as from a sprain on the left side of the groin, only while walking (aft. 41^ h.). [Lgh.'] Troublesome itching of the hypogastrium with goose-skin, it lasts almost the whole night and only ceases in the morning after perspiration. [ Wst.'] 310. Flatus moves audibly to and fro in the abdomen, \_Ap.~\ Growling, rumbling and rolling about in the abdomen. [Schrt.'] Loud growling in the abdomen early in the morning (on 2d d.). MA] lyoud rumbling in the belly (aft. >^ h.). [Fr. H.] Clucking in the epigastrium. \Gr^ 315. lyoud gurgling in the bowels, deep down. \Ap^ Loud painless din, like far off thunder, in the belly, with a sen- sation as if a stool were coming, in the evening. \_Ap^ Restlessness in the abdomen as if urging to stool, with the passage of frequent flatus with hardly any smell. Passage of much flatus. \Fr. H and Lgh.] Passage of flatus with sensation as in diarrhoea. [Ap.] HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. 1 75 320. Frequent passage of fetid flatus. [_Ap.^ Flatus smelling of garlic. [Ap.^ When flatus passes, itching in the rectum (on 6th d.). \_Sdl.'\ The whole day a constant sensation in the bowels as if there should be a stool, which having been passed copiously in the morning only ensues again late in the evening, [_Ap.'\ Constipation for two days. \_Sdl.'] 325. After several days' constipation, a solid stool. {ApJ] Stools are passed every other day and are solid. [Ap.~\ The stool, which before that came daily, is lacking for three da3^s and then is solid. \j4p.'] Stool of very hard faeces. \_Ap.'] Hard dark-colored evacuations (on 3d d.). [Sdl,'] 330. Knotty stool at night after violent colicky pains, with subse- quent severe tenesmus and urging to stool without effect (on 3d d. ) . [Ap.-] First a knotty stool and after a quarter of an hour a watery stool with violent colicky pains, fermentation in the abdomen and great nausea. [Ap ] First a solid stool, then a pappy stool and a short time after a diarrhoea-like evacuation. [Ap.'] Colic followed by a knotty stool, then diarrhoeic, early in the morning (on 2d d. ). [Ap.] Soft stools, after the previous usual morning stool had properly been passed [Schrt.] 335. Soft, pap-like stool, every day. [Ap.] The evacuations become pappy (on 6th d.). [SdL] Passage of a large quantity of pappy stool (aft. 12-38 h.). Watery stool with violent colic and urging, early in the morn- ing (on 3d d.). [Ap.] 340. Diarrhoeic stools with violent pinching in the abdomen, early in the morning (on 2d d.). [Ap.] Five consecutive passages of fluid, yellow faeces with pinching in the hypogastrium and passage of flatus without smell. [AJ^.] Stools of diarrhoea with passage of much flatus (^aft. 6h.). lAp.-] Slimy diarrhoea with much flatus. [Fr. H.] Passage of mucus in the stool with flatus. [Fr. H.] 345. Before and during the stool, violent pinching and cutting in the abdomen. [Ap.] During the diarrhoeic stool, painful drawing inward of the stomach and belly. [A^.] During and after the stool, itching in the anus (on ^^d and 4th d.). [Sdl.] After the stool, belly-ache, as from poison, early in the morn- ing (on 7th, 9th d.). [Ap] After the stool, gurgling in the belly. [Ap.] 350. In the anus tickling itching, compelling scratching (^aft. -^4 h. \ [W^''\ Itching and creeping in the anus. [/[>/.] Creeping in the anus (aft. 3 h. ). [Schrf.] 174 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISBASKSo Prickling in the anus, as from worms. [5^/.] Urging to urinate, with very little discharge of urine (aft. ^ ^•^ ^^^^'■'^ ■ ■ ...... 355. Repeated urgmg to urniate, with copious discharge 01 urme, while the penis is completely relaxed (aft. 4 h.). \Lgh^ Frequent micturition. [_Ap?^ Frequent micturition, though she had drunk but little (on 4th d.). [A^^-.] Scanty emission of urine, without increase in quantity. {_Ap:\ Diminution of the urine and rare emission of the same. \Ap^ 360. The urine is discharged slowly with a feeble stream, at times only drop by drop; he often has to bear down to hasten the flow. \_Ap:\ The urine sometimes stops for a few moments and then sets in again. S^Ap^ Retention of the urine. \Ap^ Scanty, reddish urine (on ist, 2d d.). [5^/.] Clear, lemon-yellow urine. \Ap^^ 365. In urinating, a spasmodic drawing in the left inguinal region (aft. 3d.) \Wstr[ In the orifice of the urethra, creeping and itching (aft. 2 h.). \Schrt.'\ A stitch in the urethra, as if a red-hot steel was pushed through (aft. 3 h.). \Wstr^ Sensation in the urethra as if he had not finished urinating. Sensation in the urethra as if a drop of cold urine was passing through. \Wst:\ 370. Discharge of viscid, glutinous mucus from the urethra. \Schrt.'\ Itching in the hairs of the pudenda. [Ap.~\ In the penis a quickly passing, voluptuous itching. [ lVst'\ Tickling itching of the border of the prepuce, compelling him to rub it (aft. 5 h.). [Lg-k.] Tickling itching of the scrotum compelling him to rub it, while sitting (aft. 12 h.) \_Lo-/i.^ 375. Drawing in the testicles with discomfort, awkwardness and sleepiness, in the evening. Spasmodic drawing in the left testicle and spermatic cord. lyong continued erections (ist night). lSdl.~\ Stiffness of the penis, early in the morning. {^Sc/irL~\ Frequent ercetions, also in the night. \_Ap.^ 380. Pollutions (ist night). [Sd/.] Nocturnal effusion of seed without lascivious dreams. [Z-^/?.] Great dislike of all sexual intercourse. ISchrt'] Excitement of the sexual instinct. [Ap.'] After the siesta, uncontrollable desire in the sexual organs for seminal emission, and after the emission, pressive tension under the ribs without any indications of flatulence. HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 75 385. Great inclination for coition, while the penis is relaxed. When desiring coition in the evening, he could, in spite of all exertions, produce no erection and had to desist; in the night following, a copious pollution. [Sc/uf.'] In spite of strong excitation, no voluptuous sensation during coition, [.-if/.] During coition, a copious emission of semen followed by a very long sleep. [.-^/.] Very tardy emission of seed during coition. [Ap.'] 390. Deficient emission of seed during coition, with subsequent exhaustion of the body. [Ap.^ After every coition great weariness for several days, \_Ap.'] Strong nocturnal perspiration after every act of coition, with general exhaustion of the body for several days. \_Ap.'] After coition he is so much affected that he perspired violently for cwo nights, with burning itching of the skin, first on the upper part of the chest and the shoulders, then also on the abdomen and the arms. [_Ap.'] Tickling itching on the female pudenda. \^Ap.~\ 395. Stronger flow of the menses. \Pr. H.'] Sneezing without catarrh. [Ap.~\ Frequent sneezing without coryza (aft. 12, 22 h.). [Lgh.'] Frequent sneezing, always twice in succession (on ist d.). Repeated sneezing immediately after taking the medicine. 400. Early in the morning repeated severe sneezing while in bed. iAp.l Dryness of the nose. \_Ap.'\ Dryness of the nose, with sensation of coryza. \_Ap,'] Constant dryness of the nose only once or twice a day two or three drops of water flow down. \_Ap.'] Frequent dropping of clear water from the nose, w^ith- out coryza. \_Ap.'] 405. While stooping down, clear water drops from the nose. \_Ap.^ After snuf&ng a little tobacco, there immediately follows a copious flow of viscid mucus from the nose. [_Ap.'] Copious discharge of thick mucus from the nose on blowing it (aft. 5d.). [,4p.-] Dry white mucus in small quantities in the nose, with a frequent sensation as if it contained much mucus. [.//>.] Coryza, in the afternoon. [W^y/.] 410. Sudden coryza with sneezing. \^Wst.'] Coryza wath stopping of the nose, especially while stooping- down (on 7th d.). [No-.'\ Dry coryza. \_Sch?t.'\ Fluent coryza. [_Ap.'] Hoarseness and roughness of the throat. \_Schrf.'] 176 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. 415. Upon slightly hawking, small balls of mucus are detached. Expectoration of small flakes of mucus or firm pellets of mucus, almost without any cough. [Ap.'] Irritation to cough [_Ap.'] Often returning tickling irritation in the bronchia, causing a slight cough. \_Ap.'] Frequent cough after meals, without expectoration. [Ap.^ 420. A dry cough after dinner, while sitting down, disturbs his after-dinner nap. \_Ap.'\ Breath very short. Very short breath and asthma, while walking slowly. [_Ap.'] She must often stop in walking in order to take breath. \_Ap.^ Difficult breathing (aft. 8 d.) iAp,'\ 425. Dif&cult breathing as if the cavity of the thorax were sur- charged with blood (aft. 4 h.). \_Gr.'] Tightness of the chest. \_Ap'] . Severe constriction of the chest. [Ap.~\ Her chest feels so constricted that she must stop quickly when she tries to take a slow and deep breath. [_Ap.~\ Constriction which draws her chest together tightly; she must take breath often and deeply, which renders walking difficult for her. lAp.'] 430. Constriction of the chest in the region of the diaphragm, attended with a painful drawing (aft. }^ h. ). [J>F^^.] Constriction of the chest, with strong throbbing of the blood- vessels for I or 2 days. \_Sdl.^ Sensation of constriction in the region of the heart, as if the cavity of the thorax was contracted. \Gr.'] Tightness of the chest. [Ap.~\ Pains in the lower part of the chest, especially in the region of the scrobiculus cordis, as if the viscera of the chest were being pressed together, aggravated after meals. [Gr.'] 435. Painful pressure on the middle of sternum, worse while in- spiring (aft. 2^ h.). \_Gr.'] Tension in the lower part of the chest, while moving and while sitting, so that it takes the breath away. \_Ap.'] Stitches in the region of the lungs, soon passing away. \_Ap.'] Stitching pain in the middle of the chest. [ Wst.'] Stiches in the chest below the paps (aft. 14 and 30 h. ). [G?.'\ 440. Fine stitches in the left side of the chest where the ribs cease, while sitting with the chest bent forward. \_Gr.'] Stitches, while inspiring, in the left side of the chest where the ribs cease. [<^^^] Pinching pain m the left part of the chest obliquely down- ward to the navel. [^Fr. H.'] Pain as from a sprain in the interior of the chest, which increases especially while taking a deep breath; in the evening (on 9th d.). lSdl.\ Burning pain in the left half of the chest (on 3d d.). [Sdl.'] 445. Fine burning and prickling on various parts of the chest, especially on the sternum (aft. i h.). \_Gr.'\ AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 1 77 Palpitation while standing, very painful. [IVstl Pulsating sore pain in particular small spots on the chest, especially on the right half; at night and also in daytime (aft. 14 d.). [Sd/.] Itching, externally on the chest, passing over into burning. Burning itching on the chest (and in the back). [_Ap.~\ 450. On the nipples, violent itching. \_Ap.'\ Burning itching and pimples on the left nipple. \_Ap.'] Copious perspiration on the chest at night. [Ap.^ On the left side of the coccyx, an itching corrosion. [6^r.] Itching inciting, to scratching, on the left tuberosity of the ischium. \Gr.'\ 455. When he sits down, the parts on which he sits feel as if bruised or as if he had been sitting on them a long time. \_Gr.'\ In the left, nates violent tearing pain with sensation of cold- ness, very severe while sitting, less severe when rising and walk- ing (for 8 days). [_Ap.'] Drawing tearing in the left nates; it wakes him in bed at night out of his sleep. \_Ap.'] Carbuncle on the right part of the nates. [Schrt.'] In the small of the back, when rising after having been sitting, a violent pain which hinders him in rising and also impedes the motion of the thighs. \_Ap.']_ 460. Violent pain in the small of the back while sitting and lying, alleviated by motion (on ist and 3d d. ). \Sdl.~\ He feels bruised in the small of the back, especially while standing. [W.] Lancinating pain between the shoulders (on 2d d.) [-^^C•] Bruised feeling in the muscles of the back, [[f;^7.] Bruised feehng in the muscles of the back, they feel too short when he bends forward; in the morning after a good night's sleep, as well while lying in bed as also later while sitting down, two days in succession. [^Wst.'] 13 1 78 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Bruised feeling in the region of the loins, especially while lying and sitting. \_Sdi.^ 475. Pain as from a bruise or a sprain in the whole back, with an inclination to stretch it (on 3d and 4th d.). [Sd/.'] Weakness of the muscles of the back ; he finds it difficult to sit straight without leaning against something. lGr.~\ In bending the spine aches as if it were too weak to support the weight of the body. [Gr.^ Paralytic pain as from weakness back in the loins, aggravated by walking and standing (aft. 12 h.). [_Gr.^ Sensation of parah'sis along the lumbar vertebrae, immediately above the border of the os ilium; this hinders him in walking when he has risen. [Ap.^ 480. Quivering in the muscles of the right lumbar region, in the evening (on 9th d.). [^Sdl.~\ Tickling itching on the back. \_Ap.'] Burning itching on the back. \_Ap.~\ In the muscles of the nape of the neck pain, as from a sprain, as if from lying on the back (aft. 32 h.). [Lg/i.^ Bruised feeling in the muscles of the nape; they feel too short when bending forward ; early in the morning w^hile lying abed and later while sitting. [f-F^/.] 485. Stiffness in the neck (aft. 2 h.). [SdL] Between the neck and the shoulders, suddenly a violent pres- sure. \_G7\'\ In the shoulder-joint, rheumatic drawing with weakness of the whole arm (on 15th d. ). [6"^/.] The arms feel bruised. [^/.] No strength in the arms. [Ap.'] 490. Painful weariness of the arms. [Ap.^ He has often to change the position of his arms to relieve the pains in them. [Ap.'] Itching on the arms. [A p.] Pimples with burning itching, of the size of millet, on the arms. [Ap.'] The upper arms are painful to the touch. [Ap.] 495. Tearing on the left upper arm. [Ap.] Fine sharp stitches in front on the head of the risrht humerus. [Gr.] Burning on the upper arm, above the left elbow. [Gr.] The upper arm feels lame from much writing. [G?\] Tickling itching, urging him to scratch, on the point of the left elbow (aft. 3 h.). [Lgh.] 500. In the fore-arm a dull but very severe pain. [Ap.] Violent rheumatic pains in the whole left fore-arm, extending into the thumb while resting; in the afternoon. [A p.] Tearing in the right fore-arm. [A p.] Tearing in the left fore- arm, in the bone of the elbow, while at rest. [A p.] Twitching and quivering on the upper surface of the right fore-arm, extending to the ball of the thumb. [A^g.] AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 179 505. Burning pain on the front side of the left fore-arm, near to the wrist, as if from a burn. ^Gr.'] Burning itching on the right fore-arm, compelHng him to scratch; after scratching, there appear white lumps as large as millet, while the skin scales off like bran. {Ap.'Y In the hand, dull pain in the metacarpal bone of the left middle finger. \Ap^ Drawing pains in the metacarpal bones of the left hand Tearing in the carpus of the left hand. [^/.] 510. The left hand goes to sleep at night even up to the middle of the fore-arm (on 5th d.). [A^.] Trembling of the hands. \^Ap.'\ Trembling of the hands as if from old age, when he moves the hands or when he holds something in them (aft. i^ h.). \Lgh^^ Tickling itching on the right carpus, compelling him to scratch (aft. i>^ h.) ]Z,^/^.] Tickling itching compelling him to scratch, in the right palm (aft. 7h.). \_Lgh:\ 515. Itching, redness and burning on the hands as if they were frozen. \Gr?^ Inflamed pimples of the size of a grain of millet on the back of the left hand. \Ap.'\ In the index-finger of the right hand, drawing. \Ap^ Tearing between the thumb and index finger of the right hand. \Gr^ Violent tearing in the right middle finger (aft. 23 h.). \Gr,'\ 520. Tearing in the lower joints of the fingers of the left hand, where they join with the metacarpal bones, without any reference to motion (aft. i h.). \_Gr7\ Jerking tearing in the last two fingers of the right hand. [Gn] Cramp-like pain in the ball of the right thumb while writing (aft. 1-8 h.). ILgh.'X Cramp-like pain in the ball of the left thumb; while standing and walking, disappearing in sitting (aft. 6 h.). \Lgh^ Burning and formication in the index of the right hand as if a paronychia were forming, after some days this is followed by fre- quent numbness of the finger and great long-continued sensitive- ness of the same to cold. [ Wst^ 525. Titillating itching, inciting him to scratch, on the ball of the right thumb (aft. 8 h.). {Lgh.'\ Titillating itching as from freezing on the inner border of the right index (aft. 5 h.). [Z^/^.] Itching, redness and burning of the fingers as after freez- ing. \Gr?\ Pain in the hips for twenty-four hours; this is not felt pain- fully while sitting, but very much so in walking. [TO/.] Pains in the legs (of almost all kinds), arising nearly al- 1 See note to symptom 129. These pimples only lasted an \\o\\x.— Hughes. l8o HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. ways while sitting and standing, more seldom while walk- ing; they diminish and pass off through motion. [Ap.'j 530. Tearing in the legs, constant while sitting, improved by mo- tion. [Ap.] Great weariness of the legs, he knows not how to rest them. Weakness of the (feet) legs; they are so weak while stand- ing, that the body is constantly in a wavering motion. [Gr.'] He can hardly lift his legs for weariness and heaviness. \_Ap.'] Great heaviness in the legs. \_Ap.'] 535. Hea\-iness in the legs, as if tired out and broken down. [Schrt.'] The legs go to sleep as soon as he crosses them. \_Ap.'] In the thighs, violent pain while crossing them. [Ap.'] Pressive pain as from a peg driven in on the exterior side of the thigh above the knee. \_G)\^ Painful pressure in the left thigh. [ Wst.'] 540. Rheumatic drawing in the external side of both thighs, in walking after sitting. [ Wst.'} Constant paralytic drawing in the left thigh down to the knee, both in rest and in motion; in the afternoon. [ Wst.'] Drawing tearing in the right thigh while crossing it over the left; this passes away again while stretching it (aft. i h.). [^Lgh.] Tearing at the head of the left femur, which disturbs the night's rest. \_Ap.'\ Tearing just below the lesser condyle of the femur. \_Ap.'] 545. Tearing in the right thigh, in walking and sitting. \_Ap.] Tearing with sensation of coldness on the posterior side of the left thigh. lAp.} Tearing which excites a feeling of numbness in the whole thigh, from the joint of the left thigh down to the knee. \_Ap.'] Painful weariness of the thigh. \_Ap.'] The thighs are painful as after great foot-tours. {^Ap.} 550. Painful lameness of the left thigh. [ Wst.} Paralytic pain in the right thigh, especially while walking; the thigh feels as if too heavv and as if a load lay upon it (aft. 8h.). [_Gr.'] Corrosive itching on the anterior side of the left thigh. [Gr.~\ Itching pimple on the thigh above the left knee, with violent burning while scratching it. [ Wst.} The knee-joints pain early in the morning after rising from bed, while sitting down. \^Ap.} 555. The pain in the knees increases while sitting and diminishes and passes away while walking. [Ap.} Drawing in the left knee. [Ap.} Drawing in both knee-joints at the same time. {Ap.} Tearing in the right knee-joint while standing and sitting. lAp.} Constant boring, tearing in the right knee while sitting. iAp.} 560. Jerking on the inner side of the right knee. \Ap.} AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. l8l Stitches as from needles above the left hough (aft. 36. h.). [c;r.] Sudden giving way of the left knee while walking; in the afternoon, [f^j?/.] Pain as from a sprain in the left knee while walking. lAp.~\ Painful lameness in the left hough. [ IVs^.^ 565. In the legs the pain increases while standing, so that he is soon compelled to walk or to sit down, and this pain begins when he has onl}^ stood a minute. [^/.] The pain in the tibia increases and is constant while sitting, but passes off while walking. \_Ap.'] Pressure as from a bruise on the inner side of the muscles of the calves while sitting; somewhat alleviated by standing and by touching these parts, but the pain becomes more severe again after sitting down (aft. 2 h.). \_Lgh.'] Drawing pain in the leg, from the right knee to the toes while sitting. \_Ap.'] Painful drawing on the posterior side of the left leg, down from the calf, passing off while walking; in the afternoon. \^Wst.'] 570. Drawing, tearing in the right tibia. [Ap.'] Tearing in the leg, down to the lower point of the tibia. [_Ap.~\ Tearing in the left tibia. lAp.^ Tearing in the exterior surface of the right calf, while sitting down (on ist d.). [A^.] Violent stitch on the exterior side of the calf (aft. 2 h. ). 575. Fine stitches on the inside of the right leg and toward the tibia. [Gr.^ Bruised pain in the legs. [^ApJ] Pains in the legs as if from exhaustion, after passing through typhoid fevers. [Ap.'\ Heaviness in the calves. Burning with pressure, on the upper part of the tibia below the knee. \_Gr.'\ 580. Sensation on the upper part of the tibia and on the head of the fibula as if a warm hand was laid upon them. \_Gr.'\ Burning itching on the legs in the evening, while undressing, with a desire to scratch, and increased burning afterwards: the skin becomes dry and cracks easily for five weeks and after that time it peels off. [ Wst.'] Burning itching, inciting to scratch, on the left leg, with little white knots as large as millet grains after scratching; these scale off like bran. [_Ap.Y On the left foot a tearing pressure on the inner side of the ankle, while sitting (aft. 35 h.) \_Lgh.'] Tearing in the hollow of the right foot, while sitting. [-//'.] 585. Tearing in the soles of the feet, while walking. [•-//>•] I^ancinating pain on the outside of the left ankle (^ while sit- ting) (aft. 5h.). ILgh.-] Fine stitches in the dorsum of the right foot. [Gr.\ ^ As in symptom 506. l82 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Stitches in the lower surface of the heel, while sitting. [ApJ] Violent stitches in the middle of the left foot, beginning at the ankles, while resting. [^/.] 590. Stitches in the lower surface of the first and second meta- tarsus. \_Ap.'\ Cramp in the sole of the foot, at night. [Ap.~\ Pain in the heels as if bruised, while standing. \_Gr.~\ Heaviness and relaxed state of the feet. [ Wst.'\ Corrosive itching on the dorsum of the right foot. \_Gr.'] 595. Corrosive itching on the interior side of the left ankle. [6^?^.] Drawing in the toes of the left foot. [Ap.^ Drawing tearing on the lower side of the big toe of the right foot, while sitting. [_Ap.'] Tearing in the ball of the big toe of the left foot, frequent (aft. 2dd.). \_Ng.'\ Twitching in the ball of the big toe of the left foot (on ist d.). 600. Painful jerking in the left big toe. [ApJ] Stitches in the toes while resting. \_Ap.'] Sharp stitches in the toes of the left foot, while standing (aft. %K). \_Lgh.-] Stitches, where there was formerly a corn. Painful, dull stitches in the last three toes of the right foot (aft. 20 h). [Gr.] 605. Burrowing pain in the toes of the right foot. [Ap.'] Soreness of the httle right toe as if from tight shoes (aft. 6. h.). iLgh.-] Soreness on the corn of the second toe of the left foot, as if from a tight shoe (aft. 3 h). \_Lgh.'\ Tickling itching inciting to scratch, on the toes, as if they were frozen (aft. 11 h.). \_Lgh.'] Itching, burning and redness of the toes, as if they had been frozen. [6^r.] 610. The skin of the whole body itches. [Ap.'] The herpes extends. [Ap.] All parts of the body are painfully sensitive; if any part is only Hghtly pressed, it pains for a long time. [Gr.] Spasmodic pains in the muscles of the whole body, here and there, now in the upper, then in the lower limbs, while sitting. Tearing of different long bones, especially at their extremities. {.Gr.-] 615. Stitches as of needles in various parts of the body (aft. >^ h ) [Gr.] Fine pricking and burning in various parts of the body (aft. I h.). [Gr.] Drawing pain, now in the right upper arm, then in the left knee-jonit;^ now in the right, then in the lett thigh. [Ap.] The ailments are w^ont to appear simultaneously in various parts, especially on both halves of the body above the small of the back. [Ap ] AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 1 83 While sitting down, pains of various kinds simultaneously in all parts of the bod}^ \_Ap:\ 620. While sitting, boring pains in the whole head, the thighs, and the tibial and tarsal bones, with sleepiness and relaxed state of the whole body. {Ap^ He feels most comfortable while walking very slowly. \_Ap.~\ Convulsions. [VoiGTEiy, A. M. L. vol. ii, part 2, p. 352.] Several spasms quickly following each other in the back part of the chest right across, then in the epigastrium and afterward in the hypogastrium, especially on the right side, with a sensation as if there was a shaking through the whole body; while standing in the evening. \_Ap.~\ Concussion of the nerves. \_Pharmakol. Lex., vol. i, p. 74.] 625. Convulsions. [Murray, Apparat. Medic, v, 557.] Epilepsy. [Murray, ibid.] The epileptic attacks become more violent and follow in shorter intervals, with an epileptic patient.^ \Ap'\ With two epileptic patients the attacks become more violent and return at shorter intervals, but soon the intervals are length- ened and the attacks become extremel}^ mild.^ \Ap^ Uncomfortable feeling of disease in the whole body. {_Ap.~\ 630. Weakness and painful sensitiveness in all the limbs, with pains in the heels when standing. [6^r.] Lack of strength of all parts. [Fr. H.'] Marked lack of strength. \Ap.'] Great lassitude and staggering gait (shortly). [Sdl.'] Sensation of trembling in the whole body (aft. i h.). [Sdl.'] 635. Trembling. [VoiGTKiv, ibid., Pharniakol. Lex., ibid.] Anxious trembling with weariness. [Ap.] Lassitude (aft. 12-16 h.). [Murray, ibid.] Lassitude and heaviness in the limbs. [Pr. H.~\ Heaviness in the whole body, especially in the calves. 640. Painful weariness in the arms and legs. [_Ap.~\ After a short walk his arms feel as if bruised next day. [Ap.] The long bones of the upper and lower limbs, as also all the joints, feel as if bruised after any exercise, with painfulness of the muscles when touched. \_Ap.'] After a short, brisk walk, great weariness. \_Ap.] When ascending a little eminence, he feels faint, with copious perspiration. [Ap.] 645. In bed, he knows not what position to take, for sheer weari- ness. [Ap.] In the morning, weariness. \_Ap.\ Frequent yawning. [Ap.] Yawning, stretching and extending the limbs (^aft. 1 h.). [Sckrt] Frequent yawning, as if he had not done sleeping (^aft. j^ h.). [A?-/'-] 650. Frequently repeated yawning, so violent as to make hnn 1 627, 628, from the 12th and 30th potency, respectively.— //"//^//ri-. l84 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. giddy, in the morning, while walking in the open air (at once). [_Ap.-] Frequent 3'awning with sleepiness, so that he can hardly keep from falling asleep; in the forenoon. \_Ap.'] Sleepy and tired, the whole da3\ [Ap.'] Irresistible sleepiness, compelling him to lie down. \_Wst.'] Sleepiness with heaviness of the head (at once). \^Sc/irt.'] 655. Sleepiness, at once in the morning, one hour after rising. [Schrt.'] In the forenoon, while reading, he could not keep from going to sleep. \_Ap.'] After dinner irresistible sleepiness. \_Ap.'] Despite of great sleepiness in the forenoon, he cannot go to sleep. [Ap.^ With great and tired somnolence, he could not sleep during the day on account of the abundance of ideas. \_Ap.'] 660. After dinner sleep oppressed his eyes, and yet the pain and uneasiness in his legs would not allow him to go to sleep. [Ap.'] So sleep}^ at 8 o'clock in the evening that he had to go to bed> while a peculiar apprehension that some one might disturb him did not allow him to go to sleep for a whole hour, after Avhich he slept almost till morning. \_Schrt.'\ When he went to bed in the evening, being very sleep}^, he yet could not go to sleep on account of uneasiness in his body and weariness in his legs; so again later, after having been waked up by a dream. \_Ap.'] After a good sleep, he yet was not refreshed, and rose without desiring to do so. \_Ap.'] He had to compel himself to rise in the morning. \_Ap.'\ 665. After a two hours' nap after dinner, he could not become wide awake. [A p.'] Uneasy sleep (the ist-3d nights). [Sdl.'] Uneasy sleep, broken by awaking several times. [ Wst.'] Frequent waking up at night (on 5th d.). [A^.] He often awakes at night, becomes wide awake, but falls asleep again after a while. \_Ap.'] 670. Frequently waking up at night, as if he had done sleeping. Frequent, anxious awaking at night. [Sdl.'] Waking up at night, with violent urging to urinate, with copious micturition (aft. igh. ). [Lgh.'] She is waked up soon after going to sleep by a spasmodic cough lasting 10 minutes, with a painful tickling in the larynx and down the throat. [ Wst.'] He wakes up in the night from a feeling of coldness in the whole of the left leg. [ Wst^ 675. Light sleep with many dreams and ever changfingr imasfes. iWst.] Sleep interrupted by anxious dreams. \_Ap.] Internal disquiet in bad dreams which he cannot recollect. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 1 85 without an}^ movement of the body; on awaking all unrest had disappeared. Frequent awaking through vexatious dreams. [^^.] Dreams of a disagreeable nature often wake him at night from sleep. [A p.] 680. Vivid dreams parti}' pleasant, partly disagreeable. [^^/^.] Chilly shivers through the whole night. lAp.~\ Shivers over the whole body (aft. lo min.). [6^r.] A shiver runs through the body from above downwards. [Gr.'] Ver3' sensitive to cool air. \_Ap.'] 685. The least sensation of cool air causes goose-skin. \_Ap.'] Much inclined to chilliness. \_Ap.'] As soon as he comes into the open air or raises the cover of his bed at night he is chilly. [Ap.'] Great internal chilliness. \_Ap.\ Almost constant chilliness, he cannot get warm, especially in the morning in his room. [ Wst.'] 690. A chill runs over him, down his left leg to the foot. [/^K?A] Chill in the back, as if cold water were running down, when he leans his back against his chair. \_Ap.^ Ver}' chilly in the evening.^ \_Ap.'] In evening when Iving down, shaking chill for ten minutes. [Wst.'] In the evening, a long-continued chill which increases to shaking.^ [-'^/•] 695. Every evening a feverish chill without thirst and without sub- sequent heat. \_Ap.'] Shaking chill, when he lifts his bed-covers. [Ap.] Shaking chill with yawning. \_Ap.'] Chill, while the face, hands and feet are warm. \_Ap.'] Violent chills, with shaking of the whole body and trembling of the hands while writing, while the hands are cold, but the face properly warm, without thirst or subsequent heat. \_Lgh.'] 700. Warmth in the face and the whole upper body, in frequent flushes of 5-10 minutes. Increased warmth in the body at night. \_Ap.'] Violent attack of heat in the evening, so that the cheeks glow, while the hands are cold, with subsequent long-continued thirst without following perspiration (aft. 12 h.). [Lgh.~\ Heat at night, but as soon as she turns over or lifts the bed- cover she is chilled. [A p.] At night, continual heat, then perspiration. \_Lgh.'] 705. Heat with perspiration, in repeated attacks the whole after- noon, with a dull headache without thirst; when putting on his hat in the evening, the heat and perspiration increase, with hurried respiration and great prostration. [Sclui.'] Perspiration after only moderate bodil}" exertion. \_Ap.] Perspiration while walking. [Ap.] ^ See note to symptom 129, witli sleepiness.— ////,? //r^. 2 See note to symptom 129, followed by symptom "jo^.— Hughes. 1 86 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES Night-sweat during uneasy sleep/ \_Ap.~\ Small quick pulse of 80 beats, early in the morning. [Wst.l 710. The pulse grows slower (aft. 2 h.). [Ap.] The pulse, at other times strong and full, becomes small, weak and hardly perceptible. [Ap.'] Weak, unequal, intermittent pulse. \_Ap.] The pulse is less intermittent in the morning. [Ap.'] After drinking cofFee, the pulse became less intermittent and rose from 50 up to 60 beats. [Ap.'] 715. Undulating, weak, slow pulse. [Ap.] ALUMINA. (OXIDE OF AIvUMINUM.) To secure quite pure clay, a matter of some difficulty, we may use the following process: Pure muriate of lime which has been thoroughly dried b}^ heating in a porcelain bowl is pulverized while still hot, and dissolved in as much alcohol as is required. Half an ounce of white Roman alum from Solfatara is dissolved in five parts of distilled water and to remove any adherent earth is filtered. The sulphuric acid contained in it is precipitated in the form of gypsum, by dropping in the alcoholic solution of muriate of lime until the solution of alum is no longer rendered turbid thereby. The clear watery fluid on top then contains muriate of alumina, from which this earth is precipitated by means of alcoholic spirits of am- monia. It is then well washed and then thoroughl}^ heated in order to completely remove the ammonia. The powder is then , while warm, preserved in a well-stoppered glass vial, and is pure alumina. One grain of this is then triturated in the well-known manner with thrice one hundred grains of sugar of milk. Through solution and further dilution mth alcohol, it is then brought to the decillionth potency, in the manner directed at the conclusion of the first volume with respect to dry medicinal substances. Alumina has proved itself an impor- tant antipsoric. It proved itself excellent when it was otherwise homoeopathically suitable to the case, when one or several of the following states were present:* ^See note to symptom 129, profuse and oily, not offensive, preceded by sympt. 6<^/[.— Hughes. * I am sorry to say the significance of the use of medicines as given in the preface to most of the remedies, and which have often been unreliably reported, AI.UMINA. iSy Moroseness; anxiety; solicitude; timidity; dislike to work; diffi- culty in recollecting and reflecting; veytigo; headache as if the hair was pulled out, with nausea; pressure on the forehead; rush of blood to the eyes and nose, with epistaxis; itching of the forehead; heaviness of the face, i^Hg.) tumor-like swellings in the face, {Hg.) sensation of coldness in the ej^es, while walking in the open air; pressure, every evening, in the corner of the eye as from a grain of sand; closing of the eyes from pus, and lachrymation; buzzing be- fore the ear; redness of the nose; tearing, lancinating pain in the cheek-bone; dryness in the mouth; eructation; many years' tendency to rising from the stomach; acid risings; disordered appetite, now strong, now wanting; frequent nausea; pains in the scrobiculus cordis and the hypochondria while stooping; colic in the morning; inactivity of the rectum; itching of the anus; urinating at night; dis- charge of prostatic juice during difficult stools; excessive sexual de- sire; scanty menses; pains during the menses; leucorrhoea; proneness to frequent colds of many years' standing; coryza and cough; raw- ness in the throat; catarrh of the throat and of the chest; dyspnoea; asthma; cough; itching in the breasts; pain in the thyroid cartilage on touching it; palpitation of the heart; shocks of the heart; pai?is in the small of the back, while at rest; paralytic heaviness in the arm; pains in the arms, while they are hanging down or while they are stretched out in bed; stitches in the wrist while working; chapping and excoriation of the hands; paronychia; at night the legs go to sleep, are stiff and numb; painful weariness of the articulations of the feet while sitting; cold feet; burning sensation in the toes; twitching and trembling in the limbs; frequent stretching and extension of the limbs while sitting; disagreeable lack of vital warmth; ill effects of vexation; falling asleep late; the sleep is too light; dreamy sleep; stupor, unrefreshing sleep; chilliness in the evening; fever and ague, the chills appearing immediatel}^ after the warm soup at dinner-time. {Bte.) According to Bute, Bryonia is an antidote to the excessive fever- has been now and then misunderstood, having been regarded as determining the choice of remedies in the treatment of diseases (as indicatiofis)\ this they cannot and should not be; they are not names of diseases healed, but only of separate symptoms which, in treating a disease with the specified medicine, were either diminished or removed — ab usu. To use them otherwise is a de- ceptive procedure which we leave now as before to our allopathic step-brothers. They are, on the contrary, only to serve to furnish occasionally a little confinna- tion of the correct choice of the homoeopathic remedy, already found out from their pure peculiar medicinal effects, as indicated according to the siniiUirity of the symptoms of disease of the special case under consideration. 1 88 hahnkmann's chronic diseases. effects of alumina. Others mention Chamomilla and Ipecacuanha as antidotes. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-pro vers are Hb. , Dr. Hartlaub, Sen.; Ng.;^ S., Dr. SchrHer; Tr., Dr. Trinks; Bte., Dr, H. G. Bute, of Philadelphia.^ ALUMINA. Dejected and joyless; he only desires to be left alone, fore- noon (on 8th d.). [_Ng.'] (He is exuberantly merry.) Great changableness in his mental moods. Dejected as to his disease. 5. He thinks that he cannot get well again. [5.] * By these two letters merely (a real anonymity) Hartlauh ^.n^LDr. Trinks designate a man who furnished the greatest number of symptoms in the prov- ings of medicines for their "• Annalen,'" which often appear in very negligent, diffuse and vague expressions. I could merely extract therefrom what was use- ful under the supposition that he has acted as an honest, careful man. But it is hardly to be excused that the Homoeopathic public should be expected to give absolute credit to an unknown person designated merely with the two letters N-g in this most important and serious work which requires circumspection, acuteness of the senses, subtle gift of observation and strict criticism of one's own sensations and perceptions, as well as a correct choice of expression, in prosecuting a work which is an indispensable foundation of our healing art.^ iThe pathogenesis of Alumina resemliles that of Agaricus, in appearing for the first time in the second edition, but being made up almost entirely of already published provings. Hahnemann's own symptoms maybe included in this description; for Hering writes {Guiding Symptoms sub voce): Hahnemann had proved the pure earth when Hartlaub and Trinks edited a collection of 975 symptoms, obtained from four provers," — the Hartlaub, Ng., Schreter and Trinks of the above list— "in their ArzneimiticUchrr in 1829. The year after, Hahnemann pub- lished his own observations in Stapfs Archiv, viz. 215 symptoms obtained from a much better preparation. Hartlaub simply purified his preparation by washing it, which never can sufl&ce, but Hahnemann subjected his to a red heat." Xo information is given as to the subjects and doses of his provings (if provings they were); but with Hartlaub and Trinks the ist trituration and 9th dilution were employed. Of the source of Bute's symptoms we have no information.— Hughes. 2 This note of Hahnemann has led to a good deal of mistrust of the symptoms of the anonymous observer in question, which has been increased by their exeessive number. Dr. Roth having counted more than eleven thousand in the several contributions to our Materia Medica made by him between 1828 and 1836. The same critic also says, that he has found great sameness in his pathogenetic lists. Dr. Hering, however (Allen's Encyclopsedia HI, 640) has explained why " Ng."— the surgeon Cajatan Nenning— had to keep his name concealed; and has shown that his symptoms were obtained by genuine provings on healthy subjects. Nen- ning himself has given in the Allg. horn. Zeitung for 1839 a similar account to explain the copiousness of his symptom lists. " A number of persons in part related to me and in part friendly (they were millinery pupils of his wife'sl were gathered together by me, and in con- sideration of board and payment, made experiments. Along with them were also my two daughters; and with complete reliance on the honesty of them all, I gave one medioine to one and another to another, writing down all that they reported. It was a matter of conscience on my part not to omit the smallest particular, and that thereby frequent repetitions have arisen, I grant readily, but I thought that just in that way the sphere of action of the medicine could be best recognized." — Hughes. AI.UMINA. 189 Fancy paints to itself nothing but disagreeable, sad pictures (on istd.). [7>.] Sad thoughts constantly enter her mind, which compel her to weep, with restlessness and anxiety as if something bad would happen to her; whatever she looks at, fills her with sadness (on iithd.). [^^.] Involuntary moaning and groaning as if in great pain, with- out his knowing it. [-/5/^.] In the morning when awaking, as if depressed by sor- row, without clear consciousness. 10. She looks at everything in the worst light, and weeps and cries for hours (on 2d d.). The boy falls into continuous "weeping against his wish, lasting ^ an hour. Anxiety with much restlessness, the whole day (on 2d. d.). Serious, anxious mood. Anxious, introverted, vexed mood. [7>.] 15. Anxiety with stupid obtuseness in the head and pressure on the forehead (aft. 12 h.). [Ifd.'] Anxiety with external heat and restlessness, as if she had done something wicked. Anxiety and fearfulness, as if he had committed a cnme (on 5th d.). [JVs-.-l Restlessness in the evening, as if evil was imminent. Anxiety with palpitation of the heart and pulsation in various parts of the chest and the abdomen (on 4th d.). [7>.] 20. In the morning, anxiety as if he were to have an attack of epilepsy in a few hours. Apprehension of losing his thoughts, his reason. She cannot see blood nor a knife without horrible thoughts pressing in upon her, as if she should, e. g., commit suicide; though she has the greatest horror of it. Excited, over-worked, and yet discontented, because not enough had been done. Very timid, is startled at hearing the least thing fall. 25. Varying moods through the day, now confidence, then again faint-heartedness. Discontented with everything, and as it were desperate. Cross and peevish; she mutters continually. \_S.~\ Ill-humored, nothing pleases him. [A^.] Cross and ill-humored, of which she is herself conscious; at I p. M. (on 1st d.). [Ng.'] 30. Peevish mood (on ist d.). [7>.] Peevish and inclined to weep, with hot lobules of the ears (aft. 2d.). Extremely peevish and self-w^illed. She does not wish to do what others wish. She is extremely peevish, and everything is offensive to her; she only wishes to scold and to raise a fuss, in the afternoon (^011 5th d.). INg.-] 190 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 35. He laughs contemptuously at everything. Indisposition to every kind of occupation, and ennui, in the forenoon. Dislike to every occupation (on ist d.). [7>.] Indifference, distraction and peevishness. [7>.] Great absent-mindedness and irresolution (2d d.). [7>.] 40. Inattention to what is read, the thoughts will not remain con- centrated on any subject (ist d.). [7>.] The thoughts are occupied with various subjects, without any of them remaining so as to be clearly recognized (4th d.). [7>.] He constantly makes slips of the tongue and uses other words than he desires. Lack of power of recollection and great weakness of memory. Striking forgetfulness. \_Bfe.^ 45. Continuous great weakness of memory. Lack of memory for many weeks. \_Bte.'] Great forgetfulness. [^^.] Inabilit3^ to think connectedly. Dulness of mind. 50. Inability and dislike to mental work. [^Bfe.'j Unbearable ennui, one hour seems to him as half a day. \Bte.'\ Everything is easy to him, the powers of his understanding and of his body seem excited (ist d. ). [A^.] Great liveliness of spirit, alternating with absence of mind, while thought, vision and hearing seem indistinct and to have almost vanished. Numb feeling in the head, with a fear that he would become unconscious. 55. A numb feeling in the head as if his consciousness was out- side of his body; when he says anything, he feels as if another person had said it; and when he sees anything, as if another person had seen it, or as if he could transfer himself into another, and only then could see. In the morning, the head feels obtuse and silly, which passes after rising (3d d. ). [A^.] In the morning, his head feels muddled and hot. Numb feeling in the head, with heat in the face. [7>.] From time to time, weakness in the head. 60. Great stupefaction, with apprehension of falling forward. Violent vertigo while walking and sitting, as if about to fall over, often for severial days, with straining in the nape toward the head. Vertigo even to falling, the whole room turns with her ; she has to sit down at once, in the afternoon at 4 (3d day). [^S.] Vertigo, everthing turns around with him ; with nausea. Everything turns around with him before his eyes. 65. Vertigo in the morning, as if she should turn about, with a fainting sort of nausea; after breakfasting on rolls the nausea ceased, but there was acidity in the mouth (nth d.). \S.'\ Vertigo in the morning. Staggering while walking, as if from drunkenness. {Bte.'l AI.UMINA. 19 1 Quickly-passing vertigo in the morning. \_S.] Vertigo increased by stooping. \_S.~\ 70. Vertigo even to falling over while walking; she had to hold herself up by the wall (24th d.). [5.] The whole day giddiness, even to falling down; to moderate the giddiness she has to wipe her eyes (nth d.). [^.] Giddiness almost continuous for several days, somewhat like a light intoxication from beer. (31st d.). \_S.~\ The head is always giddy, as soon as she opens her eyes (i6thd.). [S.] The head feels as if in a fog and intoxicated; she feels as if she ought to turn around, for 9 days; this symptom alternated with a pain in the kidneys, so that as this pain increased the giddy feeling diminished, and vice versa (aft. 30 d.). \S.~\ 75. He becomes intoxicated even by the weakest spirituous drink. Headache, increasing by walking in the open air. Pains in the head and in the nape of the neck, beginning when going to bed and diminishing only in the morning after rising. Headache, obliging the person to lie down, with dry heat and coughing during sleep, the whole afternoon. Headache on the left side (aft. 18 h.). \Hb.'\ 80. Dull pain in the occiput for a short time (aft. }4 h.). [7>,] Headache in the occiput as if bruised, passing off on|lying down. The head feels heavy and hot in the morning. Great heaviness of the head, with paleness and weariness. Heaviness of the head, with a sensation as if he would fall over while sitting up straight, but worse when stooping, at i p. m. (5thd.). [A^^.] 85. Heaviness of the head, with a muddled feeling in the forehead and sensitiveness to the touch in the crown of the head at 4 p. m. (2dd.). [//^.] . Sharp, pressive pain in the head over the eyes. Pressing out at the forehead, after dinner (5th d. ). [A^.] Inward pressure in the forehead. [A^.] Inward pressure on the right temple, after dinner. [-A{i^.] 90. Screwing pressure on the head. Pressive headache above the eyes from both temples, during the evening; and at night in bed, heat and afterwards perspiration (aft. 2 h.). Compressive (pinching) headache in the forehead over the eyes, as if coming from the temples (aft. 3-12 h.). Headache, tearing and pressing together from both sides, in the evening (aft. 2}^ h.), with a shaking chill, many evenings in succession. Sensation as if the right side of the head were being pressed or screwed toward the other, and as if a heavy weight were lying on the crown of the head, Sj4 A. m. (2d d.). [Aje',] 95. Pains as if the inside of the head were being screwed together, with stitches in the forehead and such violent heaviness in the 192 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. crown of the head, that on stooping, the head threatens to tumble off while standing at 2 p. m. (2d. d.). [AV]. Sensation of constriction around the forehead, attended with pain (aft. ^ h.). [/V^.] Obtuse, pressive headache, aggravated b}^ walking (istd. ). [7>.] Burning, pressive pain with warmth in the fore part of the head, after dinner, both while standing and sitting; re- lieved in the open air and does not return in the room. [A^.] Headache as if from being bruised, with some redness of the cheeks. [Bte.^ 100. Peculiarly malignant headache, as if the brain was shattered, as in putrid fever. \Bte^ Benumbing tension of a small spot of the right temple, which passes off when it is pressed upon, but immediately returns when the pressure is remitted, in the forenoon (2d d.). [A^.] Drawling and pulsating tension in the right occiput, in the forenoon ( I st d.). [A^.] Headache, a painful drawing in the right side of the head. Boring drawing pain in the left temporal region, in the even- ing (3d d/). [rr.] 105. Tearing headache in the forehead, which is alleviated in the open air, in the evening (3d d.), [A^.] Tearing in the whole head, in the forenoon (ist d.). [A^.] Tearing in the right temple (the spot burns on being rubbed) (aft. y,-2y.). iNg:\ Tearing and shooting in the right side of the head in the fore- noon, also in the left frontal protuberance, in the evening (istd.). Tearing in the forehead, in the forenoon, turning into shoot- ing pains in the afternoon (2d d.). [A^.] no. Tearing pain extending up the left temple, with subsequent stitches in the right temple (aft. 2 h. ). [A^.] Headache, like tearing and also stitches in the ears, somewhat relieved by pressing upon it with the hand, for 4 days toward evening (aft. 6d.). \S.'\ Headache, violent stitching pain in the brain with nausea. Stabs as from a knife, darting through the head from time to time. Stitches darting through the head at every step. 115. A stitch in the head, as if passing all around the head. Sharp stitches in the right side of the head, while stooping in working (28th d.). [A^.] A stitch in the right temple, as with a large dull instrument, leaving behind it pain as from a wound, lastino- a short time (aft, 13th d.). \s:\ Stitches in the temple while singing, ceasing as soon as she stopped singing (aft. 33 d.). \S.'\ Stitches in particular spots in the head. [7>., Ng.'\ 120. Stitches in the head toward the crown (2d and 3d. d. ) . [//^.] Stitches in the forehead, with muddled and heavy sensation in the head, in the afternoon (3d d.). [A^.] AI^UMINA. 193 Stitches in the forehead while going to sleep (loth d.). [kS.] Stitches in the fore and back parts of the head after eating, worse toward evening (aft. 37 d.). [5.] Stitches from within outward, in the afternoon (8th d.). 125. Painful boring into the right temple, in the evening (5th d.). Constant boring and tearing in both temples, in the forenoon (4th d.). [Ng.-] Pulsating headache in the crown above the right temporal region, on awaking in the morning. Throbbing and stitches in the forehead and the right side of the head, in the afternoon (2d d.). [^A^.] Throbbing and pressure in the right temple, like a strong pulsation, with pressure on the crown as from a heavy weight, in the afternoon (2d d.). [A^.] 130. Pulsating headache on going upstairs, after dinner (2dd. ). Beating and raging in the crown of the head, forenoon (2dd.). lNg.-\ Beating and tearing on the upper part of the right side of the head, i p. m. [Ng.l Rythmic beating in the whole head, in the afternoon while walking and in bed in the morning (aft. 3d d.). [A^.] While stooping, a rushing in the head in the rythm of the pulsation, relieved somewhat on rising up; after dinner. [A^.] 135. The headache is relieved, ^A^hen the person quietly lays his head on the bed. [^Bte.'] After dinner, heat in the head, with a sensation while stooping, as if the whole brain was about to fall forward; this passes when he rises (ist d. ). [A^.] Feeling of internal warmth in the forehead, while none is felt externally, with muddled feeling for ^ hour. [A^.] She feels heat rising from the stomach into the head, in the forenoon. [A^.] Headache, with a sensation as if a worm were crawling under the cranium, also like cutting and gnawing. 140, Sensation as if something were crawling (between the skin and the flesh) from both the temples toward the forehead, where it presses outward, as if about to press through there. \_Bte.'\ A sensation spreads over the head externally, as if the skin were going to sleep (3d. d.). [HdJ] Pressure externally on the occiput and the forehead, as if from a tight hat. On the upper part of the forehead, a small spot painful to the touch, in the morning (loth, nth d.). \_Tr.'] External tearing in the right temple, with subsequent constant boring and beating internally (2dd.). [A^'.] 145. External stitching as from an awl in a small spot on the left side of the head, near the crown. [5.] External pinching and griping on the head, with a chilly scn_ 14 194 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. sation toward the occiput, worse while stooping, in the evening. [5.] Pain in the left region of the vertex, as if some one were pull- ing her upward by a lock of her hair ( ist d. ). The hair of the head pains w^hen touched, as if the place were sore. Falling out of the hair (aft. 8 d.). [5.] 150. Dr3mess of the hair of the head. Itching (formication and crawling sensation), here and there on the head. [A^.] Unbearable itching on the head; he has to scratch until it bleeds, and after scratching the skin feels sore. [//<^.] The hairy scalp itches, and is full of white scales. [Z/"*^.] Dryness and parched feeling of the hair of the head. 155. A cluster of pimples on the hairy scalp behind the right ear, with tensive pain. [A^.] Eruptional pimples on the forehead and on the neck. Quivering sensation of the e3^ebrows. [^5/^.] Pressure on the eyes, she could not open them. Pressure in the e3^es and sensitiveness to the light. \_H'b.'] 160. Pressure in the right e3^e in the evening, while writing or read- ing. [7>.] ^ Pressure in the left e3^e, as if something had fallen into it, just below the upper e3^elid, during the whole da3^ (5th d.). \_S.~\ Pressure on the left e3^eball (aft. y^ h. ). [7>.] Alternating pressure in the eyelids (ist d.). [TV.] Tension about the left eye (2d d. ). [A^,] 165. Tearing in the right upper e3^elid while looking down; when looking upward, a sensation as if the upper lid was longer and was hanging down; then stitches in the right side of the head (2dd.). Tearing in the upper border of the orbit. A burning stinging smarting, as from some acid in a corner of the eye. Stitching in the canthi. [A^.] Stitching in the lower e3^elid. \_Hb.'] 170. Frequent violent itching in the e3^es. Itching in the canthi and the lids. [A^.J Excoriations in the interior of the eyes, in the evening; the eyelids then close irresistibly. Sensation of excoriation and drvness in the inner canthi. Smarting in the left eye as from soap, in the evening. 175. Tearing smarting pain in the e3^e. Smarting, burning pain in the eves in the morning- (2d d.). VTr.-] Burning of the eyes, early on awaking. [A^.] Burning in the e3^es, especially when he looks upward. Burning and pressure in the eyes. 180. Burning and pressure in the eyes and in the nose, as if she were catching a cold in the nose. [_S.~] AI^UMINA. 195 Burning in the canthi (2d, 3d d.). [7"r.] Burning and increased secretion of mucus in the eyes, at night and sometimes in the morning, with itching. [7>.] Every evening, burning and dryness of the eyelids, with pain in the inner left canthus, and with a secretion of dry gum, every morning for more than a week. [i^(^.] Redness of the eyes, with excoriations in the canthi and dul- ness of vision; in theevening while reading, he sees a halo around the light; he has to wipe his eyes frequently, and they become closed at night from suppuration; this lasts a long time. [//<^.] 185. Redness of the right eye, with sensation of soreness and lach- rymation (3d and 4th d. ). [//<^.] Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the right eye, without any severe pains, in the evening (ist d.). [7>.] On the left lower eyelid, a pimple with stinging pain. Repeated commencement of a stye on the upper eyelid. \_H'b.~\ The eyelashes fall out. 190. Weakness of the eyelids, they are continually tending to close, without any sleepiness, in the afternoon. [-A^.] He cannot easily open the left eye, because it seems to him as if the upper eyelid was hanging down too far, wherefore he fre- quentl}^ wipes his eyes, so as to see better (5th d.). [Ng.'] The upper eyelid feels as if it were paralyzed, hangs down and only half covers the eye (29th d.). When he has lightly closed his eyes in bed. they often con- tract spasmodically and painfully with a jerk, and if he wishes to open his eyes at night, even in the dark, they ache violently, with pressive pains as if from a most bright sunlight suddenly admitted, and they contract again; he can get but little sleep at night, and during the day there is frequent quivering in the right upper eve- lid. IHb.-] Tremor of the left eye, as if it would leap out, worse toward evening and while looking down; alleviated by closing the e^^es or by looking up, or when she holds it with her hand; at the same time the eye is sensitive to the light, so that she had to close it frequently, for 3 days" (aft, 47 d.). [5^.] 195. Lachrymation of the eyes in the open air. Frequent lachrymation of the eyes, without pains. \S., Lachrymation of the eyes, early on awaking. \_Hb., Ng.'\ Running of the eyes and burning, with a sensation as if the face was swollen (ist d.). [A^.] A mucous humor is continually secreted in the right eye (gum). 200. The eyes secrete much mucus during the night, tor several days successively. \_S.'] Early on awaking, much dry e3^e-gum. The eyes, early on awaking, are glued together and burn when opened, with photophobia. [Ng., Hb7\ Nightly agglutination of the eyes for several weeks, with inflamed conjunctiva and with secretion of gum during the day; 196 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. in the light, especially in the evening, he feels as if there was a gauze before his eyes, compelling him to wipe them, though it does not thereby pass off, and he sees a halo around the light (aft. 10 d.). \Hb^, The e3^es, which are agglutinated in the morning, smart and are dim, which passes away after washing (2d d.). [A^.] 205. Dimness of vision, as if looking through a mist. Dimness of vision, at times in the open air, and disappearing in the room. [7>., A^.] Dimness of vision as through a fog, in the evening (ist, 30th Dimness of vision, compelling him to continually wipe his ej^es; this alleviates the dimness; with a sensation in the eyes as if they were about to be agglutinated in the canthi (nth d. ). \Ng.y Tr.'\ The right eye is dim-sighted, as if a feather or a hair were before it, which she thinks she must remove (6th and 7th d.). [5,] 210. She can neither read nor sew at night, on account of the dul- ness and dryness of the eyes; also during the day her eye-sight is dull (while her sight was at other times acute). After long looking, there is weakness of the eyes (4th d.). Squinting of both eyes. [7>.] Flickering and mist before the eyes. [7>.] Short flickering and as it were spots before the eyes, a kind of vertigo. 215. After blowing the nose, little white stars glimmer before the eyes (4th d.). [A'^.] He sees a light before his eyes, even when closing them. Whatever she looks at, appears to her yellow (34th, 35th d.). Tension in the ears (2d, 3d d.). [TV.] Tearing in, behind and under the ears. [A^.] 220. Stitches in the ears, especially in the evening (aft. 30 d.). Stitches in the left ear (7th d.). [5.] Stitches from within outward through the ear. (aft. 4 h.). \Tr:\ Stitches into the ears. [A^.] At night short stitches deep in the right ear (aft. 4 h. ) . [A^.] 225. Frequent stitches into the hollow of the ear as with a knife. VNg^^ Bormg in the ear in the morning, in the afternoon in the hollow of the ear, which also pains when pressed upon (4th d ) Throbbing in the ear. Violent itching in both ears, increased by rubbing with the finger (aft. 50 h.). Itching and formication in the interior meatus auditorius. AI^UMINA. 197 230. On the right ear a watery, transparent vesicle without any pain. \_B^e.^ Itching before and behind the ears and on the lobules. [^V^.] Itching burning on the anterior border of the right ear (ist d.). L^g.-] For many evenings a hot, red ear. Discharge of pus from the right ear (aft. 11 d.). [//<5.] 235. It seems to her as if something lay outside before the ear. On blowing her nose the ear is obstructed, but when she swallows, it opens again. Humming of the ears, in the evening Humming of the ears in the morning; the stools at the same time are harder than usual. [6*.] Buzzing before the ears, as from bells, early on rising from bed. 240. Hissing in the ear. lyoud whistling in the ear. While swallowing there is a crackling sound in the ear. Especially in chewing there is a crackling sound of the tympanum. His voice sounds changed to him for one hour in his right ear (4th d.). [^V^.] 245. Intermittent burning pain in the right nostril, in the evening (istd.). [Jr.] Tearing in and near the right nasal cavity, which passes away only for a short time when pressed upon (2d d. ). [A^.] Itching on the dorsum, the side and around the orifice of the nose. [A^.] Violent itching of one ala of the nose for i hour. Ulcerated nostrils. 250. Soreness with scabs in the right nostril; with a discharge of much thick, yellowish mucus from the nose (the first 4 weeks). On the right side of the nose two pimples with burning, sting- ing pain. A furuncle on the nose. Bleeding of the nose. [A^.] In blowing his nose, pure blood is discharged. 255. The septum of the nose is swollen, red and painful to the touch; in the evening the pains are aggravated with stitches in the forehead ( ist d. ) . [vS.] Swelling and induration of the left nostril, which is painful to the touch (8th d.). [5.] Sour smell in the nose, in the morning (3d d.). [AV.] Excessively acute sense of smell. Weakness of olfaction. 260. Lowering, ill-humored expression of countenance. [A>.] Quickly alternating paleness and redness of the tace. Tearing in the sides of the face, especially in the right side, in the zygoma, where it passes away on rubbing, or wiih tearing in the teeth on this side. [A^.] 1 98 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. The cheeks are of a copper}^ red, as with brand3^-drinkers. Heat and tension in the left side of the face, in the evening (ist d.). \Tr:\ 265. Tension and drawing in the jaws and cheeks, with increased secretion of sahva (2d d.). [7>'.] Drawing and tearing in the left cheek and gums, in the after- noon (aft. 30th d.). [kS.] Formication in the right side of the face as from ants with, stitches in the hollow of the ear and tearing in the right knee. The skin of the face is tense, even around the eyes, as if the white of an ^%^ was drying upon it, after dinner (while walking in the open air) (5th d.). [^^.] His face appears to him to be larger or swollen and the eyes smaller, so that it impedes his vision, after dinner (ist d. ). [A^.j 270. Paleness of the face. Daily flushes of heat in his face. A red spot which pains on his right cheek. The, skin of the face rough, especially on the forehead. Sensation on the chin as if cobwebs enclosed it. 275. Violent itching in the face. Itching on the forehead, the cheeks, around the eyes, and the chin. [A^.] Itching of the cheek with burning after scratching. [A^.] Itching formication as from an insect on the right side of the lower jaw. [A^.] Itching with a violent impulse to scratch, in the face and be- low the chin, on which small pimples like rash arise (4th d.). 280. Itching pimples on the forehead, the right side of the nose, and the left angle of the mouth (on being pressed upon these coalesce) (6th to 9th d ). [A^.] A pimple on the right cheek which pains as if sore when touched. Small red pimples on the right cheek; they are rough to the touch and painless ( 1 2th d. ) . \S^^ The vermilhon of the lips is bluish (during and after the fever). ^Bte?^ Small pimples on the chin w^hich pass away on the following morning (aft. 8th and 13th d.). [A^.] 285. Eruptive granules on the left cheek and on the forehead (lothd.). [A^^.] One furuncle after the other on the left cheek. Itching on a crust, already dry, of an unhealed little furuncle on the forehead, which passes away on scratching. [A^.] Firm closure of the jaws (ist h.), [7>.] Tensive pain in the articulations of the jaws, in chewing or opening the mouth. 290. ^ The jaw is swollen, that he cannot open his mouth without pain; stitches ran up to the cheek-bone and to the temple. AI.UMINA. 199 Both the Hps seem to him to be larger and swollen. [A^.] Swelling of the lower lip. Swelling of the lips with vesicles on them. Tickling of the left angle of the mouth and the right zygoma, which passes away by scratching. [A^.] 295. On the inner surface of the lip a clear looking vesicle as large as a pea (2d d.). [7>.] Eruption on the lower lip, like a crust. The lips peel off (4th d.). [JVg.] Chapped, dry lips. [Ng., Tr., S.] Considerable retraction of the lower jaw; the upper teeth extend far over the lower for 3 days. \_Bfe.^ 300. Drawing pain in the gums as if sore. Swelling of the gums. Bleeding of the gums (4th d.). [//^^.] Ulceration of the roots of all the teeth. [^Bfe.'j An ulcer forms on the gums of the lower row on the left side; this breaks open at once and discharges blood which has a salty taste (4th d.). [A^^.] 305. Drawing pain from a tooth even to the ear, into the side of the head. The toothache extends down to the larynx with a nervous excitement, as it does often after taking cold or after the use of chamomile. [Bfe.'j Drawing pains in the row of teeth of the right side, in the evening; passing away after going to bed. [A^.] Jerking pain in one of the first molars of the left upper row (istd.). [A^^.] Jerking and tearing toothache wakes her up after midnight and passes away when she rises (5th d.). [A^.] 310. Drawing tearing pain in the anterior lower teeth, extending to the zygoma and the temple. Tearing in the molars at various times of the day, at times extending to the temples. [A^.] Gnawing pain in an anterior molar of the lower jaw with tearing behind the ear and a sensation as if it would tear it out; worst at 9 p. M., then slowly decreasing, somewhat alleviated by sitting up in bed, and after midnight there is merely a gnawing pain in the tooth. The pain is unchanged under all circumstances, during the day it merely mutters. [A^.] In the evening boring (tearing, digging) in the teeth (aft. ih.). Boring in various hollow teeth. 315. Cutting toothache in the open air and while lying down, in the evening in bed (aft. 2-3 h.). Tickling in the teeth and at their roots, immediately after dinner (4th, 5th d.). [A"^'.] Sensation of coldness in the teeth, with great sensitiveness 01 the same. [A^.] The hollow teeth ache severely when any food gets into them. Pressive pain in an incisor while chewing and also otherwise. 200 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 320. The teeth pain severely while chewing, she does not dare to press them together (aft. 2 d.)- The worst toothache is feh, at the least chemng, the roots of the teeth then ache as if they were ulcerated. On chewing, one of the stumps pains as if it were being violently pushed into the socket. On pressing the teeth together there is toothache, as if the teeth were loose. Bruised pain in a molar of the right upper row, alleviated by pressing upon the tooth, which appears loose ( nth d. ) . [^.] 325. An upper molar is painful to the touch. Two rotten molar teeth (above and below) interfere with one another on opening the mouth. \_Bte.'] The teeth feel as if they were too long (ist d.). [7"r.] Thick, ill-smelling mucus on the teeth (5th d.). \_Ng.'] Continuous sensation in the mouth as if it had been burned (after dinner) (aft. 48 h.). [_Ng.'] 330. Formication on the inner surface of the cheeks (aft. 3 h.). [Tr.-] Painfulness of the inner mouth, palate, tongue and of the gums, as if sore, so that he can hardly eat for it. Numerous little ulcers in the mouth. On awaking, the mouth is parched and the tongue cleaves to the palate. Water gathers in the mouth. \_Bte.'] 335. In the morning much expectoration of saliva and mucus. [_Bte.-] Thick mucus runs into the mouth from the posterior nares. Musty, rotten smell from the mouth. (Transient stinging) formication in the tongue ( ist h. ) , [TV.] Itching of the tip of the tongue, so that he would like to scratch it to pieces (aft. 5th, 7th d.). [_Ng.'] 340. Sensation of roughness on the tongue (aft. % h.). [-A^.] Tongue coated white, with a clean taste. [S.'] Tongue coated 3'ellowish- white, with a bitter taste. [S.'] Pressive pain in the left tonsil during swallowing, and other- wise (ist d.). \Tr.'] Obtuse stitches in the right tonsil in the morning (4th d.). 345. Swollen tonsils (6th d. ). [7>.] On both sides of the neck a sensation as of an external swell- ing with shooting pains. Sore throat while swallowing. [5.] Sore throat, pressive pain in the throat, even when not swal- lowing, with hands internally hot (aft. 2 h.). Pressive pain in the throat as if from a tumor there, with feel- ing of soreness, hoarseness and dryness of the throat. 350. Violently pressive pain in the throat even when only swallow- ing saliva, in the evening, for several days in succession, caused by a swelling of the throat (4th d.). [TV.] Vehemently pressive pain as if a spot in the oesophagus was AI^UMINA. 20 1 constricted or pressed together in the middle of the chest, especi- ally while swallowing, but also at other times, with alternating oppression of the chest and palpitation of the heart, especially- after meals (8th, 9th d.). [T?.] Spasmodic pressive pain in the middle of the chest, while swallowing food and drinks. [7>.] Sensation of constriction from the gullet down to the stomach with every morsel swallowed. Constriction of the oesophagus, as well as inactivity of the same, earl}^ on awaking. 355. At night impeded swallowing as if from a spasmodic con- striction of the throat ( ist d. ) . [ Tr.'] Constrictive (pressive) pain in the fauces and in the inner throat (in the pharynx with much mucus in the mouth) in the evening (ist and 2d d.). [7r.] Pressive tensive pain in the inner right side of the throat even to the ear (ist d. ). [7>.] Drawing tensive pains on the right side of the throat, especially when moving the tongue (9th d.). [7r.] At night a spasmodic drawing pain in the side of the throat and the ear, disturbing the sleep, and increased by swallowing (9th d.). [rr.] 360. Transient stitches, darting hither and thither in the throat, and at times, while swallowing a sensation as if something pointed were sticking in it (in the evening) (2d and 4th d. ). [7>.] Stitching in the throat, during (empty) deglutition. [Hb. A^.] Hoarseness, in the evening (and at night) which compels hawking, and accumulation of mucus in the throat several days in succession. [7>. A^.] Sensation of scraping in the throat, as from swallowing pepper (aft. 3 h ). [7>.] Constant griping scraping in the throat, lasting for a long time (5th d.). [A^.] 365. Scratching above in the throat. After eructation, scratching in the neck, compelling him to hawk (2dd.). [A^^.] (Burning) pain as of soreness in the throat (during and) even when not swallowing, in the evening, several days in suc- cession (4th d. ). ^Tr.^ Burning in the throat, in the evening (3d d.). [/>.] Burning in the throat, like heartburn and hoarseness (5th d. ). 370. Inflammation of the fauces, which is distinctly teminiated by a livid color in the bucal cavity for several days (aft. 2d.). [7>-.] Inflammatory redness in the back part of the throat (9th d. ). [7>.] Great dryness in the throat, the mouth and the lips, as it these parts were parched with heat, attended with a tormenting thirst. Dryness in the throat and mouth ^soon after taking the medicine). [7;-.] 202 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES In the evening, dryness in the throat which forces him to hawk (3dd.). [T^r.] 375. Dryness, with a sensation of scraping in the throat (ist d.). The ailments of the throat are most violent m the evening and at night; least in the forenoon, and are alleviated by eating and drinking warm things. [7>.] Increased secretion of saliva in the mouth, with a sensation of contraction there or with constant formication in the surfaces of the cheeks (aft. y^ h.). [7>.] In the evening in bed, much saliva collects in the mouth (3dd.). [7>.] Frequent gathering of watery saliva in the mouth, which he has to spit out all the day, most of all in the afternoon, not at all at night (aft. 10 min. and 2d.). [A^^.] 380. The secretion of saliva becomes a real ptyalism. [71^^.] Increased secretion of mucus (and saliva) (ist and 2d d.). {.Tr. Ng.-\ Collection of much mucus in the mouth, which being spit out is continually renewed again, with dryness in the throat (istd.). [7>.] Especiall}^ in the evening and earl3^ on awaking, there is a collection of thick, viscid mucus in the throat, which increases the soreness of the throat, compels frequent hawking, and can only be ejected with difficulty, in little lumps (ist d.). \Tr^ Thick, viscid mucus flows into the throat from the posterior nares. 385. After hawking up phlegm with much difficulty, the throat becomes very sensitive. [A^.] He cannot hawk up the phlegm from his throat, because it is too far down. [A{^.] A piece of phlegm comes into his throat, which threatens to choke him until he swallows it down (aft. 10 min.). [A^.] Hawking up of (salty) phlegm, after dinner (2d d.). [A^.] Constant collection of (sweetish or acidulous) water in the mouth (5th, 8th d.). [A^.] 390. Dryness of the mouth, though saliva is not deficient, which frequently causes painful deglutition. [7?'.] Bloody taste in the mouth for Y-z hour (7th d.). [A^.] Sweet taste in the throat with vertigo, then expectoration of mucus mixed with blood, early in the morning (28th d.). [A^.] Astringent acrid taste on the tongue, as from eating sloes (ist, 8th d.). [A^^., r;,] Bitter taste in the evening, after eating apples. 395. Bitter taste in the mouth (soon after taking the medicine). Bitter and phlegmy taste in the mouth, early on arising (5th d.). [A^.] Bitterish insipid taste in the mouth. \Hb^ Everything tastes disagreeable. {^Bte.'\ Disagreeable metallic taste in the mouth in the morning (4th, 5th d.). [rr.] AI.UMINA. 203 400. A sourish taste arises in his throat all at once, without eructa- tion, in the forenoon (4th d. ). [A^.] An acid fluid rises into his mouth. Sourish taste in his throat, then a bitter retching up, soon after eating his milk-soup in the evening (4th d.). [A^.] Sourish, salty taste (ist d.). [7"r.] Rancid taste in the throat and hoarseness, compelling him to hawk (4th d.). [A^^.] 405. All food especially in the evening appears to her as tasteless and unseasoned, bread tastes like sponge (ist and 2d d.)- [A^.] Meat, especially, seems to her to have no taste. Beer tastes to her bitter and nauseous, causing her to retch (i2thd.). [Ng-.-] No desire to eat, no appetite, no hunger; food has, indeed, no bad taste, rather none at all; everthing tastes like straw or shavings. She has no aversion to food, but no desire to eat at all, and when she sees food, she has at once enough, and could go the whole day without eating; this for many days. 410. lyittle hunger and no appetite for many days (even when he does not eat any dinner) (ist d., 15th d.). [A^.] Diminished appetite with fullness of the abdomen. [7)^.] He has no appetite and eats with aversion. \_S.^ Aversion to meat. He abominates meat, it even causes vomiting for three davs (aft. 6d.), [A'^-.]. 415. Aversion to his customary smoking of tobacco. Disagreeable feeling of hunger and emptiness in the stomach, and yet but little appetite. She has hunger, and yet she does not enjoj^ her food. [A^.] Almost constant hunger; he could eat all the time. Very violent hunger. [//<:^.] 420. Voracious hunger; he is all in a tremble for his meals and can hardly wait for them. [S.~\ Strong appetite for vegetables, fruit and soft food. Smoking of tobacco causes ailments. Smoking of tobacco does not give him anj' pleasure and makes him dizzy, for four days. [A^.] After eating potatoes, stomach-ache, sick feeling, nausea, and then colicky pains. [A^.] 425. After eating at noon and in the evening, hiccough. As soon as she has eaten anything, she feels a pressure in her stomach; she nevertheless enjoys her food. [S.] Soon after eating, a sharp, pressive pain in the left hypogas- trium. After every meal, at noon and in the evening, pinching in the abdomen (aft. 29 d.). [A^,'.] After meals in the evening, violent nausea and Ironuilous- ness. 430. After supper, nausea, loathing and weariness, for sc\cral evening's. 204 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. After dinner, a drawing sensation in the stomach, which causes a feehng of tension in the whole body, making her so tired, she had to he down. Much thirst the whole day, also at dinner. [i'V^.] Hiccough after dinner, and also after eructations following the soup at breakfast (ist and 2d d.). [A^.] Heartburn after supper. 435. Heartburn after drinking w^ater. Heartburn, with a copious flow of water from the mouth. Waterbrash. [.S.] Frequent empty eructations (aft. 2 h. ). Empty eructations after supper (2d d.). [Ng^ 440. Eructation^ with pressive pain on the chest during meals (aft. ^li.). VNg.-] Frequent eructations with the taste of the milk-soup eaten, from supper-time till going to bed. [Ng.'] Bitter eructations after eating potatoes, so that he shook for loathing, in the evening (5th d.). [A^.] Rancid eructations, which leave behind a long continued burning in the throat (ist d.). \_Tr.^ Rancid eructation, especially after dinner (ioth-i3th d.). [7>.] 445. Rancid eructation after the soup at breakfast. [A^.] Sharp, corrosive eructations. Sour eructation in the evening in bed. Sour eructation with burning in the throat, like heartburn (istd.). [iV^.] In the forenoon, acidity rises into his mouth; this is long con- tinued and attended with a sensation of heat in the mouth. 450. Belching up of sour mucus, then burning in the throat like heartburn, frequently, especially after soup at breakfast. Sweetish risings from the stomach, with a sweetish taste of the mucus hawked up, long continued, in the morning (3d d.). Sensation of loathing and qualmishness in the fauces (ist d. ). Qualmishness in the stomach with a fainting sort of nausea and vertigo, in which the room turns round with her, with sub- sequent muddled feeling in the head (loth d.). [5.] Frequent nausea (especially during the chills). [Bte.'] 455. Nausea with risings of air. \_S.'] Nausea and chilliness the whole da}- . [5.] Attack of nausea with headache, paleness of the face, loss of appetite, repeated evacuations, loathing, followed by nausea and chills running over him; after a walk he has to lie down ( nth d.). im.-] Nausea-like fainting in the morning; better after breakfast (9th d.). IS.-] Nausea early on awaking, qualmishness in the stomach with weariness, with stitches over the eyes and pains in the kidneys on moving (9th d.). [5.] 460. While standing she feels sick with nausea. ALUMINA. 205 Nausea even to fainting, depriving her of her breath, at night. Nansea, earh^ in the morning at 4 o'clock. Frequent nausea as if he should vomit, and yet he has a tolerable appetite. Inclination to vomit, in the morning. [^.] 465. In the morning, retching as if about to vomit. Inclination to vomit, after eructations of air, with chilliness of the body, which passes from the feet into the body. [5^.] Nausea with inclination to vomit and retching, so that she had to put her finger down her throat, when she vomited mucus and w^ater; but the breakfast eaten two hours before remained (14th d.). [5.] Violent stomach-ache with external sensitiveness of the stomach to pressure, in the evening (6th d.). [A^,] Pressure in the stomach up to the throat, after eating potatoes, alleviated by eructations, in the morning (8th d.). [A^.] 470. Pressure in the stomach as from a stone, after eating milk- soup, relieved by eructations, in the evening (4th d.). [A^.] Pressure in the stomach, toward noon or evening. \Hb. , A^.] Violent pressure in the scrobiculus cordis and thence great oppression on the chest, she had to stand still every few moments, and could not go on. [kS.] Stomach-ache, it feels full or bloated, with external sensitive- ness to pressure, empty eructation and fermentation; or loud grumbling and rumbling in the abdomen, as if something was working there, after dinner (ist, 5th d.). [A^.] Twisting together and constriction in the region of the stomach, extending to the chest and throat, with labored breath- ing. {_Hb.Ng^, 475. Pressure and constriction in the region of the stomach (31st d.). [m] Pressive contractive sensation in the scrobiculus cordis, ex- tending into the chest and between the shoulder-blades (13th d.). Sensation like cutting, in the region of the stomach which is also sensitive to pressure, in the afternoon (2d d.j. [AV.] Stitches in the pit of the stomach and up into the chest. After dinner till evening, stitches in the stomach and in the chest, out at the shoulders, with short breath and great oppres- sion, several days (aft. 12th d.). [A^.] 480. Some time after meals, gnawing in the region of the stomach 2d, 3dd.). [7>.] Griping sensation in the stomach, in the afternoon (1st d.). \.Ng:\ Drawing pain in the stomach. Drawing pain from the pit of the stomach to the fauces, with difficult breathing. Pressive aching pain over the stomach and in the epigastrium, transversely, in the afternoon. 485. Pain as from a sore, festering in the scrobiculus cordis, early on turning in bed. 206 HAHNEMAXX'vS CHROXIC DISEASES. Tearing pain as from a sore, from the scrobiculus cordis into the abdomen, as if everj^thing was being torn out. Pressive formication in the scrobiculus cordis, as from a worm (aft. 2 h.). [A'V.] Sensation of coldness in the stomach, as if she had drunk cold water, in the evening, also in the forenoon after eructations, and during constant sour eructations, which cease in the afternoon (2d, 5th d.). [.V^.] In stooping, the liver is continualh' sensitive and painful. 490. Tearings in the liver. Tearing from the region of the right hypochondrium into the hip, in the forenoon (ist d.). [A'^.] On rising up from stooping, violent stitches in the right side of the abdomen, as if in the liver; the}' check breathing, (nth d.). Stitches in the region of the right hypochondrium while standing, passing away on sitting down. [AV.] In the evening continual shooting pain under the left lower ribs, up into the scrobiculus cordis (5th d.). 495. Dull stitches alternately under the left short ribs and in the right side of the abdomen (4th d.). [7)'.] Stitches in both hypochondriac regions. [A^.] Sensation as if the two hypochondriac regions were forcibly pressed or screwed together, in the forenoon (ist d.). [^Vc^.] Long continued burning and stitching in the region of the right hypochondria as if it was deeph^ cut into b}^ a bandage, in the afternoon (istd.). [A^.] Frequently a momentar}" drawing pain under the right ribs, both w^hile sitting and walking. 500. Pressure from both sides of the epigastrium toward one another, with painfulness of the spot on pressure from without (aft. 2 h.). [A^.] Constant pressure and burning in the abdomen. Pressure and stitches in the abdomen after meals (5th d.). Pressing inwardly into the region of the navel, w^ith stitches, in the afternoon, while standing. [A^'.] Pressure and heaviness in the abdomen. 505. The abdomen seems to him to hang down heavy, for 2 hours in the afternoon while walking. [A^.] Early before eating, a spasmodic pain from the bladder to the chest, disappearing after breakfast. [5^ ] Violent griping in the abdomen every time she takes cold, or as often as she goes out into the cold. [A^.] Griping and twisting in the abdomen (aft. i h.). In the evening, griping about the navel (ist d.). [Tr.] 510. At the usual breakfast, griping below the navel, with ful- ness and distention of the abdomen (ist d.). [7"r.] Sudden griping here and there in the abdomen, w^hich then passes into the small of the back, where it gnaws painfully for a long time in the afternoon (i6th d.). [A§-.] Griping in the abdomen with heat in the stomach Taft. i h.). ALUMINA, 207 Griping in the abdomen, in the bed in the evening; this ceases after saUva gathers in the mouth (2d and 3d d. )• C^^-] On awaking, griping in the abdomen and tenesmus, she could scarcely reach the water-closet, where she, fainting, leaned against the wall; there was no evacuation, but after much urging all in vain, the colicky pains ceased (12th d. )• [^.] 515. In the afternoon and at night, griping, stitching, tearing pain in the left side of the abdomen to the hypochondria and up into the sternum (7th d.). Towards evening a colicky griping and tearing in the abdomen, with chilliness of the body; alleviated by applying warm cloths. [^.] Flatulent colic. Violent attacks of colic after dinner, during the afternoon, im- proved by a short nap, but soon returning, as it seemed, through motion with violent tenesmus and frequent passage of excrements until the evening, so that the anus pains with stitches as if sore, and he cannot sit down without pains; on the following day invol- untary discharge of fluid mucus from the anus (aft. 14 d.). j^[/7/^.] Soon after rising, tearing sensation in the abdomen. 520. During bodily exertions, pain in both sides of the abdomen as if something in it was about to tear; this pain extends down to the thighs. Frequent cutting pain in the abdomen, without distension or stool (2dd.). [A^^.] While sitting bent over, sharp cutting pains, transversely over the abdomen (aft. 5 h. ). [7>.] Violent cutting and gurgling sounds in the whole abdomen, whence the pain passes as a violent contortion into the stomach, this is followed by a violent pressive pain in the chest, with arrest of breathing; from 4 p. m. to 11 p. m. [i^^.] Drawing pains in the abdomen. 525. Stitches darting about in the abdomen and in the hypochon- dria, as if something were about to fall out (7th d.). [i^^.] Digging about the navel, as after a cold, in the afternoon (2dd.). [A^^.] Rolling about and painless digging in the abdomen (^aft. J4h.). INg.-] Aching in the abdomen as after a copious stool, after which an urging remains (aft. 10 d.). [^S.] Aching in the epigastrium, like an inclination to diarrhoea; then a soft stool without diminution of the colic (nth d.). \_S.'] 530. After diarrhoeic stools following a colic, there remained a violent ache in the abdomen, especially in a spot, where when a girl she had an internal ulcer which opened. The pain was as if from a violent blow, she had to stroke place, bending her body, hold her hand upon it, which somewhat alleviated the pain, but it continued uniformly the whole day, whether sitting or standing (17th d.). [_S.^ Violent colicky pains in the left side of .the abdomen, as it an ■ ulcer was forming, with nausea (34tli d.). [^S*.] The pains in the abdomen are diminished by warmth. [A>.] 208 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sensation of cold in the abdomen, in the afternoon. [Ng.^ vSudden burning in the stomach in the afternoon. [JVg-.l^ 535. Pains in the region of the kidncA'S. Pain in the region of both the kidne3's, above the small of the back, as if bruised, or as if after driving on rough roads, worse on stooping or turning around; as it were pressing inward, so that she cries out; it is almost constant for several da^^s (4th d.). [5'.] Pain in the loins, especially in walking and stooping (lothd.). In the morning, pain in the kidneys, better in the afternoon. [5-] (Griping and) stitches in the flanks and the inguinal regions (on ascending the stairs). [AV.] 540. Severe cutting and burning in the inguinal region the w^hole forenoon, till evening. [6*.] Pulsating pain in the left side of the hypogastrium, about the abdominal ring while sitting (4th d.). Pressure in both inguinal regions toward the sexual organs in the evening (3d d. ). [A^.] Lancinating, pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would press out, with tension into the side of the abdomen; on the painful spot a knot may be felt like a stran- gulated hernia. Inguinal hernia protrudes violently (aft. j4 h.). 545. The hernia did not protrude during the first days, then every day till the 12th day; the 30th day it seemed about to become stran- gulated, then it protruded everj^ day till the 50th day, but contin- uall}" less, and finally it did not protrude at all for months. [kS.] The hernia protrudes a good deal toward evening, becomes constricted in the inguinal region, and could not be reduced, with the most violent pains, which compelled her to bend double and prevented her from walking, until it was at last reduced of itself after quietly sitting for half an hour (30th d.). [5.] In the abdominal muscles above the left inguinal region a drawing pain for a quarter of an hour, when she dances or walks quickl}^ Jerking on the left side of the abdomen, frightening her (2dd.). [iV^.] Tension of the abdominal muscles from reaching high. 550. Sensation of flatulence, as if the abdomen was continually be- coming fuller after supper (5th d.). [A'^.] Fulness of the abdomen with rushes of blood toward the chest after meals, for several days (aft. 3d.). [Tl^^.] Great distension of the abdomen with empty risings and two diarrhoeic stools without alleviation (i8thd.). [A^.] After meals much distension with strong ineffectual tenesmus, followed afterwards by the passage of two hard balls of excrement; then she took a walk, the tension of the abdomen continuing de- spite the frequent passage of flatus; only when after her walk a copi- ous evacuation followed, was she relieved (9th d.). \_S.~\ At night painful distention of the hypogastrium, which does not allow^ her to sleep, with constipation (nth d.). [/v^.] AI^UMINA. 209 555. The abdomen is tense and quite hard, without any painful sensation. \_I/^.^ Tliere is a rumbhng motion in the abdom^en, hke an anxious unrest, without the passing of any flatus; a small evacuation gives no rehef (aft. i h.). Distension and grumbling in the abdomen without the pas- sage of flatus (istd.). [A^.] Loud rumbling and noise in the abdomen without pain. Much grumbling flatus in the abdomen; but the flatus passes freely with a feeling of weakness of the sphincter of the anus. \_Bie.-\ 560. Much audible rumbhng and moving about in the abdomen. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, also after meals. [7>.] Rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen, afterwards eructa- tions. [vS.] Frequent urging to pass flatus. [A^.] Passage of flatus with relief of the fulness of the stomach, in the evening (5th d.). [A^.] 565. Loud passage of flatus. Much fetid flatus (passing off quietly), at night and also after dinner (ist, 7th d.). [A^.] Urging to stool without evacuation (3d d.). Tenesmus (ist d.). [A^.] Constipation (8th, nth d.). [A^^.] 570. No stools during the first days. [5".] Stools onlv every two days and solid, at times mixed with blood- [5.] After a troublesome pressure in the hypogastrium and long continued urging, the stool ensues slowly and only by straining the abdominal muscles; all the bowels seem inactive from lack of the peristaltic motion; stool not hard (aft. 2 d.). The rectum is inactive, as if it lacked the power to evacuate the faeces, and lacked the peristaltic motion; the stool is soft and of thin formation, and can only be evacuated by a great exertion of the abdominal muscles (aft. 16 h.). The rectum is as if paralyzed (2d d.). 375. Hard stool, passed with difficulty, with pain in the anus. While bearing down for the stool, which is laborious, urine passes involuntarily (2d d.). Pressing and bearing down during the stool, which is very firm, knotty and scanty, after previous urging to stool (2dd.). Firm, hard and scanty stool, with pressure and pain in the anus and difficult discharge (the first days). [A^^.] Only a very small quantity of hard faeces are discharged, with pressure and excoriation in the rectum. 580. Stools far too scanty. [//(^.] (Firm) stool covered with whitish mucus, after pressure in 15 -^lO HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. the region of the stomach, which ceases immediately after the stool (aft. 30 d.). [I/d.] Light colored stool. The first part of her stool is liquid and squirts out forcibly, but the latter portion appears burned (5th d.). [A^.] The stool which previously came always in the evening, comes in the morning. \_S.~\ 385. The stool comes 3 or 4 times, but is otherwise as usual with- out any trouble, for some time. [B'^.~\ Soft (almost fluid) stool with burning in the anus; also in the evening after previous urging, which returns at night (2d, 5th d. ). Attacks of little stools of diarrhoea with colic, of 2 or 3 days duration. Diarrhoea after previous colic. [5.] Diarrhoea after 6 days of constipation; also 6 evacuations a day with previous colic, which sometimes even continues after the stool. [^.] 590. Liquid stools with colicky pains before, or cutting pains dur- ing, their discharge (3d, 5th d.). [A^.] In the evening two diarrhoeic stools, the last part of which is lumpy (2d d.). [A^.] Diarrhoea with tenesmus in the rectum. [5*.] Tenesmus of the rectum and bladder, which ceases after an evacuation. [5.] Before the stool, disagreeable pressure in the region of the stomach (9th d.). [//^^.] 595. Before the stool, which now is solid, now soft, but always scanty, there is griping in the abdomen. \_S.~\ Much tenesmus before there is an evacuation. After the stool much ineffectual urging in the epigastrium and the sides of the abdomen without any urging to stool in the rectum or anus (without tenesmus). At the evacuation he felt as if the rectum was dried up and contracted, yet the stool itself was normal. \_S.'] In the evening during the stool a chill over the whole body (5th d.). [A^^.] 600. After the stool, throbbing in the small of the back. After the stool, while digestion is going on, he has a sensa- tion of scraping in the stomach and in the mouth. After a difficult evacuation, pricking as of needles in the anus. After a stool, which is difficult from the sensation of constrict- ion of the rectum and contraction of the anus, there is a pain in the anus as if excoriated. After a difiicult discharge of hard stool like laurel-berries, with cutting pains in the anus as if this was too narrow, there is a discharge of blood in a jet with subsequent smarting pains as of soreness in the anus and up the rectum (aft. 17 d.). 605. During a stool blood drops from the rectum. Passage of blood with a firm stool (9th and 30th d.). \_B'd.'} AI^UMINA. 211 Passage of bloody mucus, during and outside of the stools. While walking, dark blood is discharged from her anus. Protrusion of a varix from the rectum, which enlarges while walking; diminished by the night's rest. 6io. Varices of the rectum always enlarge in the evening, with burning pain, and humid. Humidity of the varices and stitches therein. Severe itching in the fold between the nates and in the anus, increased by rubbing. Itching on the anus, aggravated by scratching (ist-2d d.). Itching on the anus for a considerable time (aft. 30 d.). lHb:\ 615. Itching burning i7i the anus. Itching, with burning and stitching in the rectum. [5.] Itching in the anus, with a sensation as if it would pulsate. [5.] Tickling in the rectum as from worms. [6".] Pressure in the anus (3d d.). [7>.] 620. Painful pressure in the perinaeum, but quickly passing away. [5.] Momentary pressure in the perinseum on blowing the nose. [S-] . . . Pain in the perinaeum when touched, as if it were bruised. [5.] Stitches in the perinaeum. [5.] [Soreness in the perinaeum, during gonorrhoea (aft. 4 w.).] lHb.-\ '625. Sensation as if the parts between the scrotum and the anus were inflamed. [kS.] Sweating of the perinaeum, with unbearable itching, aggra- vated by rubbing, when it pains. \Hb^ Pressure and drawing in the region of the bladder, especially at its neck (4th and 5th d.). [7>.] While walking in the open air, tearing, jerking stitches in the urethra, up towards the hypogastrium. Itching burning in the urethra. 630. In the urethra and between the scrotum a pleasant, volup- tuous itching. [5.] Sensation of dryness in front in the urethra, as if the skin there were without sensation, especially in the morning. [5.] Sensation of heat in the urethra which passes off bv lying still. [^.] Feeling of weakness in the bladder and the sexual organs, in the evening; he is afraid of wetting his bed. \Btc7^ Strong urging to urinate. \S., Ng^ 635. Pressure and urging to urinate, without increased discharge (soon after taking the medicine). [7>'.] Early on waking, an urging to urinate, ^^^tll difficult and de- layed passage of the urine, which issues in a thin jet from the female urethra (7th d.). 212 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. He has to rise several times at night to urinate (ist and 4th Much water-colored urme. Increased secretion of urine for several days. [7>., Ng.'\ 640. Frequent emission of (copious) pale urine (after burning in the urethra). [AV.] Increased quantity of pale (hot) urine with burning. [7>.,, Emission of a quantity of straw-yellow, clear urine (4th, 5th d.). VTr.^Ng.-] Rare but copious micturition (6th d.). \Ng.'] Frequent micturition with scanty emission, in the evening (istd.). \_Ng.-] ^ 645. Diminished urine (in the morning) , with cutting anteriorly m the urethra (4th, 5th, 6th d.). [A^^.] A whole day without micturition or stool. [A^.] No urine in the forenoon, but in the afternoon frequent emis- sion of an increased quantity of reddish urine, which becomes, turbid over night and leaves a sediment (ist d.). [A^,] She emits very little urine, which leaves, as sediment, a red sand. The urine, of a deep yellow color, soon deposits a large loose cloud(ist and 5thd.). [A^^.] 650. The urine, on standing, leaves a thick white sediment. [Hb.'] Pale urine with turbid sediment. [A^.] White, turbid urine, as if chalk had been stirred into it. [S.'\ The stream of urine is twisted. [S.'] (A sort of fright when about to urinate.) [S.'] 655. While urinating, a burning sensation, like fire, much worse in the evening (ist d.). \S., Ng.~\ (After sitting for some time, he feels no discomfort while urinating, but when he takes some exercise the urine burns him. ) [5.] (Cutting anteriorly in the urethra, while urinating and also for some time afterward, as if the urine ran over an inflamed spot (aft. 18 d.). {_Hb.^ After micturition, the urethra becomes hot, then he has a burning sensation, and he has tenesmus of the bladder and rectum. (After micturition, there is a long continued burning, which makes him ill-humored and discouraged.) [5*.] 660. (Involuntary micturition, almost twenty times a day, only a. little being emitted at a time, with gonorrhoea) (aft. 4 w.). \Hb.~[ Pressure on the sexual organs. Tickling of the sexual organs and the thighs. Formication on the glans. [.S*.] Itching on the glans (4th d.) [7>.] 665. Drawing from the glans through the urethra (aft. 5d.). [TV.] (When stroking the penis there is felt a drawing, pinching pain extending to the glans; attended with a poor appetite.) [5.] Sensation as if the glans were squeezed together, for two minutes. [S.'\ xlIvUMINA. 213 (Gonorrhoea over six weeks (aft. 14 d.) with a severe and painful sweUing of the inguinal glands, cutting pain during mic- turition and pain in the perinaeum, especially violent at the end of the second week; the pain in the perinaeum is particularly severe while standing, rising and sitting down.) [Hb.'] Secretion of much smegma behind the glans. 670. Soreness on the inner surface of the foreskin. Contractive pain in the right spermatic cord, when the right testicle is drawn up and is also sensitive and painful (2dd.). [rn] The left testicle is hard and when touched there is an in- describable aching. [S.'] Itching on the scrotum, passing off by scratching (2d d.). It seems to lessen the sexual impulse and to increase the erec- tions in the beginning, while in its after effects the inclination for coition is increased, but the erections are lacking. 675. Lack of the sexual instinct (at once, for several days). Indifference to sexual intercourse. [6'.] During the first weeks increased sexual instinct, but after that, it is lessened and quieted. Many erections in the evening and night while lying down, and in the afternoon while sitting (iown (ist, 3d d. ). [7>.] In the night priapism. [S.'] 680. (In the night while waking, almost continuous painful erec- tions, which are imperfect, but cause a sensation as if the member were festering, with short, fine, piercing stitches in the whole mem- ber, like jerks) (aft. 4 w.). \Hb.'] Frequent and violent erections and pollutions (aft. 3 and 33 d.). [Hb., Tr.'\ Pollutions two nights in succession (aft. 15 d.). The first four nights in succession, pollutions with voluptuous dreams. Almost every other night, pollution with voluptuous dreams. 685. Pollution during the noon siesta. After a pollution, all the former ailments are renewed and much aggravated (2d d ). At the beginning of coition as well as during erections, a violent pressure on the perinseum. [5*.] During coition, pressure in the perinaeum. [5.] (The seed emitted in coition is thick and lumpv like jelly.) [-5-] . , 690. Jerking stitches on the left side of the pudenda up nito the breast. On the left side of the vagina, a ticking pain as from a watch, W^ith a pulsation as when pus is gathering in an ulcer, for 2 days, unchanged by any circumstances; but nothing could be felt or seen (36th d.). [5.] Menses very scanty and onh' 3 days. [A^<,>-.] Menses in diminished quantity and very pale (aft. 3d d. \ Menses too early (by ^, 11 days), also too short and scanty. 214 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 695. The menses ought to have appeared 10 days before, but did not appear; only one day (aft. 52 d.) during a walk, when there was an urging to urinate, a little dark-colored bloody water passed, then nothing more; the menses only appeared in the 3d month (with a woman of 48 years). The menses which had gradually ceased, reappear (aft. 17 d.). The menses (aft. 9 d.) in diminished quantity; but 4 weeks- later (aft. 37 d.) in great abundance. The menses appeared 5 days earlier, very strong on the 2d day, and lasted as usual for 8 days; preceded by colic; on the 6th da}^ diarrhoea. [kS.] Before the appearance of the menses, disturbed sleep, many dreams, .and when she wakes from them, she has rushes of blood,, heat in the face, headache and palpitations. 700. Six days before the menses appeared, there was a strong flow of mucus from the vagina, with tremulousness, weariness and a. sensation as if everything were falling out of her. Several days before the appearance of the menses, colic dur- ing stools, as if preceding diarrhoea, also griping, twisting and pressure, as if from labor-pains. During the menses, colic and greater weariness than usual. During the menses distention of the abdomen and excessive flow of blood. The menses having appeared on the 6th day without any trouble, there came on the second day a flowing coryza with pain in the nose, the head and the forehead, increased by blowing the nose; during the last days diarrhoea and colic were added (aft. 2d.). [5.] 705. During the menses she was obliged to urinate frequently, which corroded the genital organs (6th d.). [5.] Violent headache before the menses, which set in 4 days too early, the headache ceased when the menses appeared, but it reap- peared after they had flowed for one day, and continued during the whole period; the flow was weaker than usual and lasted 5 days (aft. 22 d.). [5.] The menses leave behind, after their course, considerable pros- tration of mind and body; a httle work and a moderate walk exhaust her and she feels low-spirited. lycucorrhoea. [A^.] The leucorrhoea (which had been flowing: before) ceased. \Hbr[ 710. Ivcucorrhoea after the menses, painless, lasting 3 days (aft. 27 d.). {S.'\ Frequent acrid leucorrhoea. Acrid leucorrhoea with burning in the genital organs and still more in the rectum; these parts were, as it were, inflamed and ex- coriated, so that she found walking difficult, reheved by washing; with cold water; the leucorrhoea was frequent and almost flowed over her feet; at the same time appeared blood like bloody water 3 days after the catamenia had ceased (22d d.). [5.] I^eucorrhoea hke bloody water in the afternoon, while walking in the open air (and while sitting down), and also at night. [A^.] AI^UMINA.. 215 Severe leucorrhoea of transparent mucus, but only during the daytime, without pain and without cohc. 715. Leucorrhoea, quite transparent and clear Hke water, and like transparent mucus, stiffening the shift (aft. 8 d.). [S.'] Yellow mucus flows from the vagina (aft. several d.). Itching in the pudenda during the leucorrhoea. [A^.] :|i ^ H< ^ ^ :^ >!< Frequent sneezing (and hiccough) without coryza (ist, 2d, 7th d.). [A^^.] T/ie 710 se is stopped up (ist d.). 720. The left nostril is stopped up (loth d.). [7>.] Indisposition as from coryza, which cannot develop itself. A sensation in the nose as if a cold in the head were coming on in the evening, for several days (4th d.). [7>.] Catarrh with sneezing and obstruction of the nose, the whole day (3d d.). lNg^, Dry coryza (9th d.). [A^.] 725. Severe dry coryza, especially at night, with great dryness of the mouth. Sudden violent fluent coryza from the left nostril, while the right is entirely obstructed. First fluent coryza, then a severe dry coryza, so that he can- not breathe through either nostril. Secretion of much thick and viscid mucus from the nose. {Hb^ Water runs from the right nostril without coryza. [A^.] 730. Running coryza (with obscured voice), afternoon and morn- ing (4th, 6th d.). {Ng:\ Running coryza with frequent sneezing and lachryma- tion. [5.] Snoring during the siesta (6th d.). [A^.] Rattling and whistling through the nose with obscured voice, afternoon (3d d.). [A^.] Rattling in the chest, from mucus (5th d. ). [A^.] 735. Sibilus in the bronchia and sensation of smothering in the chest, while breathing. Constantly adhering mucus in the bronchia, which compels hawking, without detaching much mucus. \Hb7\ In the morning on awaking, the throat feels raw and the chest coated with mucus; he cannot hawk up anything, and has to sneeze frequently (aft. 12 h.). Feeling of dryness in both sides of the chest (15th d.). Hoarseness, early in the morning (i6th d ). 740. Frequently quite hoarse, so that her voice fails her, not relieved by hawking, mostly in the afternoon and evening. Hoarse and raw feeling in the throat, the whole afternoon (aft. 5d.). [A^^.] Scraping and raw sensation in the throat, urgnig to cough (evening, 4th d.). [A^'., 7>.] Strong tickling in the throat, frequently exciting coui^h ^\\\\ d.). [rr.] Irritation to cough, in the larynx. \S^ 2i6 hahxemann's chronic diseases. 745. Irritation to cough, with frequent spitting out of saUva. [ 7>.] Cough, with scratching in the throat. [A^.] Cough which makes the chest feel sore, in the forenoon (3d Cough with pressive pain in the occiput. Frequent (short and dry) cough, forenoon and evening. [Ng-., Tr:\ 750. Short fits of cough, causing a tearing, shooting pain in the right temple and the vertex. Violent, dry, short, continuous cough with sneezing, with a shooting, tearing and pinching pain in the nape of the neck to the right shoulder. Dry cough at night, with dr3mess in the throat (aft. 24 h.). Dry cough coming in the morning and suddenly, quickly passing away, or continuing in the open air and then also in the room (ist, 6th d.). [A^.] Constant dry cough causing vomiting with interception of breath and lancinating pain in the left hypogastrium up to the hypochondria and the scrobiculus cordis. 755. Severe dry cough during the day, ever}^ fit is of long con- tinuance, only after 2 days these fits become rare and loose. Violent dry cough early on arising, followed later by some expectoration (4th, 6th d.). [A^.] Cough with much expectoration, especially in the morning. (The cough, with expectoration in the morning, ceases, (curative effect) (5th d.). [5.] (Cough with expectoration, with raw and hoarse throat, with fluent coryza.) [5.] 760. Cough with slight rattling of phlegm; curative effect. [5.] Sudden violent, though short cough, when with much ex- ertion he expectorates a lump of mucus mixed with blood, in the afternoon (5th d.). [A^.] Difficult breathing, forenoon. \S.'\ His chest is oppressed. Oppression of the chest ( ist d. ). [7>] . 765. Sensation in the throat as if it were constricted and the air cut off, as in a violent sore throat, but lasting only a few minutes at a time (the first yd.). {Hb:\ Oppression of the chest. Pressure, rush of blood and pulsation in the chest (aft. 2 h.). Wg.,Tr:\ The chest feels as it were contracted, with anguish (nth d.). Sensation of constriction about the chest, while sitting bent together, passing away when he rises up, in the afternoon (ist d.). [AV.] 770. In stoopmg at her work, her chest feels constricted, so she could scarcely breathe, as if she was laced too tightly; passing away when walking in the open air (9th d.). [5.] In a strong exertion, Hfting, carrying, etc., pain in the chest AI^UMINA. 217 on the left side of the sternum, with soreness ot the spot to the touch (aft. 10 d.). [-^^.] Sensation of soreness within the ches, to nmoving or turning the body. [5.] Sensation of soreness as if from enlargement of the chest (ist, 9th d.). im.'] Weight in the chest with short breath, without cough, only in the afternoon (i8th d.). [Ng.'] 775. Pressive pain and tightness of the chest. Pressure on the chest. [^.] Pressure on the chest, on sitting bent forward while writing. Dry pressure anteriorly under the sternum. [S.'] Pressure on the sternum, aggravated on walking in the even- ing. [5.] 780. Sensation as of a heavy pressure, above on both sides of the chest, on strong exertion, less while sitting, none at all while ly- ing down; no change by touching it. Pressure here and there in the chest. [A^.] Pressure in the chest, followed by empty eructations without alleviation, at times passing through to the back and worse in walking in the forenoon (ist and 20th d. ). \_Ng.'] Pressure on the chest, with short breath and inclination to cough, often ceasing and then again returning. \_Ng.'] Pressure on the chest during a (pre-existent) cough and after it, during which suddenly a paralyzing pain passes through the fore-arm, so that this becomes weary and powerless (aft. 785. Pressive pain in the middle of the chest, alternating with a sensation of tightness and violent palpitation, especially after meals (8th, 9th d.). [T^r.] At night, severe pressive pain in the chest, which dis- turbs the sleep which is otherwise calm; the pain is not increased hy breathing, but by bending the head forward; for several days .] 800. Boring pain now in the middle, now in the sides of the chest, aggravated on inspiration, at times in the evening and then relieved by rising up and walking. [A^.] Chill in the interior of the sternum. Continuous warmth in the middle of the chest (aft. 5 min.). Heat anteriorly in the chest; she feels the heat while breath- Burning in the whole right side of the chest, with stitches and straining in a false rib on the right side, in the afternoon (ist d. ). 805. Daily palpitation of the heart, early on awaking. Frequent palpitation of the heart; several irregular beats,, short and long ones intermixed. Fine stitches in the left breast at 9 A. m. (2d d.). [A^.] External pressure on the lower part of the chest, (somewhat diminished by rubbing). [A^.] Itching on the sternum, passing off on scratching (15th d.). 810. Crawling as of insects on the left clavicle (and over the right side of the chest with itching smarting) ; after scratching, the spot itches and burning blisters appear (i6th d.). [-A^.] Blister on the right side of the chest and on the neck, with burning pain; at the same time glowing of the face and chilliness in the rest of the body, but the sleep is sound and dreamless. [kS.]. Itching on the coccyx. At the point of the coccyx painful twitches in the fore- noon (2d d.). [A^.] Sensation of screwing together in the right ilium (ist d.). 815. Gnawing pain in the coccyx, unchanged by walking, but alleviated by stretching (ist d., evening). [A^.] Violent pain in the small of the back, like gnawing, drawing AI^UMINA. 219 Up between the shoulders, where it becomes so violent that she feels like weeping (relieved by chamomile) (32d d.)- [^V^-] Tearing stitching pain in the small of the back, in the even- ing before going to sleep, in bed. Jerking tearing in the small of the back , especially on moving. Pain in the small of the back while walking. 820. Violent pain as from a bruise in the small of the back and (in the morning) in the coccyx when touched (4th, 7th d.). [A^.] Pain in the sacrum and in the back as if from a bruise. Eruptive pimples on the back. Burning itching, like a flea-bite, in the region of the left loins so that he shudders; it lasted a long time and only passed off after long continued scratching. [A^.] Itching on and between the shoulder blades. [A^.] 825. Itching, crawling and smarting in the whole back, the small of the back, followed by a rumbling pain. [A^.] Strong pressure in the back, before the protusion of a varix from the rectum. Tearing pain in the left shoulder-blade (aft. 34 d.). Violent pain along the whole of the back, stitches and twitches, so that she cannot stoop nor pick up anything with her hand; increased on inspiration (3d d.). \_Hb.'] Fine stitches from the back to the region of the ribs (aft. 2 h.). [Ng.-] 830. From time to time, a severe stitch in the middle of the back. Pain in the back, as if a red hot iron was thrust through the lowest vertebrae. Burning on the upper end of the left shoulder-blade, some- what diminished by rubbing. [A^.] Two days in succession, stitches and cutting in the shoulder- blades with chilliness therein. Gnawing and stitches in the shoulder-blades (2d d.). [A^.] 835. Stitches between the shoulder-blades. Stitches between (and in) the shoulder-blades, with arrest of breathing (ist, 2d d.). [A^.] Painful stiffness between the shoulder-blades, later dra\nng into the region of the ribs and the kidneys. [Bte.'] Painful tension between the shoulder-blades in the forenoon (2dd.). iNg.] Painful drawing in the muscles of the neck, not changed by rubbing and moving of the head, in the forenoon (ist d.). [^^^.] 840. Violent tension in the nape of the neck for i hour in the afternoon (ist d.). [A^.] In the morning stiffness of the neck and the upper part of the back, with drawing pains, passing off through motion (^4th d.). [Jr.] Stitches in the nape of the neck. Stitches in the nape and the right side of the neck, only passing off on long continued rubbing, [^^i^.] The neck pains on moving the head. 845. Itching in the nape and in the throat (att. iS d.\ [5.. 220 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Molent itching on the throat and chest, as if from flea-bites (aft. ID d.). [5.] Violent itchino; on the throat, neck and chest, without any visible eruption; only on touching it, there is felt here and there a hard granule (14th d.). [5.] Little Misters on the right side of the throat (8th d.). [A^.] Stitches in the glands on the right side and a drawing pressure in those of the left side of the neck (aft. j4 h..). [7>.] 850. Stitches in the neck externall}^ on the left side, alleviated by pressing upon it; at the same time, tearing in the head and stitches in the ears (aft. 12 d.). [5".] Pressing and dramng in glands on the left side of the neck. Swelling on the glands of the left side of the neck. Stiffness of the muscles of the neck, so that she cannot turn her head to the left. Pain as from a sprain in the shoulder-joint, especially on raising up the arms. 855. Frequenth'- intermittent tearing in both axilla, in the after- noon (4th d.).' [A^.] Sudden jerk or shake in the right shoulder (aft. 2 h. ). [A^.] Eruption across the shoulders of Httle reddish granules with a pointed pustule in the middle, which only cause some burning in the evening (aft. 6 and 14 d. ). [7>'.] Stitches in the axilla, the shoulders, and the arms, also at night. [A^^.] Tearing pains at various times in the arms and in all parts of the same, in the shoulders, the axillae, upper arms, elbows, fore- arms, etc. [A^.] 860. Tearing in the arms, from the upper arms to the fingers, and from the fingers and wrists into the shoulders. [A^.] Parah'tic bruised pains in the arms, at times in the small of the back, from the right upper arm to the left fore-arm and vice versa. [A^.] Great weariness in the arms, which he can hardly raise up (3dd.). [7-;-.] Weariness of the arms. Great tiredness in one arm. 865. Sensation of tightness in the arm as from cold. From time to time heat in the right arm, sensible even exter- nalh'. Burning (with tension) in the arms (the upper arms; and the fingers, and in the left elbow, as from a red-hot iron. [A^.] Swelling (soft, red) on the arm, and violent stitches therein. Itching on all parts of the arms, passing off through scratch- ing. [A^.] 870. Pain as if from a sprain, in the upper arm. Drawing pain in the left humerus (2dd.). [7>'.] Tearing pain at the back part of the upper arm extending into the shoulder-blades, while sneezing and coughing. Stitches in the muscles of the left upper arm (after several h. ) . (Lancinating) tearing in the upper arm and in the elbow, as if in the bone, in the forenoon. [^A^.] AI.UMINA. 221 Lancinating pain in the elbow and wrist, as if from a sprain. Almost constant boring pain in the point of the elbow. Pain above the point of the elbow, especially on leaning upon it, as from a sharp pressure in the upper arm. In the fore-arm an aching drawing pain, while at rest. Drawing, tearing pain in the fore-arm even to the hand, in the morning on awaking. 880. Painful tearing in the fore-arm, as if in the bone, for one min- ute, thrice. Tearing in the fore-arms into the wrists and the fingers. Constant visible twitching or quivering on the right fore- arm and on the posterior joint of the left thumb. [A^.] Extraordinar}^ heaviness in the fore-arms and hands, while her arms seem to her to be shorter. [A^.] His left fore-arm goes to sleep every day; there is a pricking sensation in it from the hand to the elbow. 885. On waking up, the right hand is asleep. The left wrist is sensitive, so that he cannot lift up anything without the greatest pains, [i^-;^.] Distended veins on the hands, in the afternoon and evening. Itching on the palms and the back of the hands and between the fingers, passing away on scratching. [A^.] After violent itching of the hands, the skin peels off like bran, on the 3d day; at the same time there appears behind the left thumb and index-finger a little red spot which burns violently, but only for one day. [A^.] 890. Continual disagreeable coldness of the hands. Rough, chapped hands, bleeding easily. [^<^.] On the right index-finger a sensation, as if sprained. [6*.] The middle fingers pain on being moved. Drawing pain in the thumb and index. 895. Tearing in and between the fingers. [A^.] The left thumb went to sleep twice in the afternoon, and then for a long time there was a crawling sensation in it. [A'V.] Formication in the fingers of the right hand, with burning stitches as from ants, in the evening (6th d.). [AV.] Gnawing under the nails of the fingers, with formication up the arms, up to the clavicle. [A^.] Swelling of the fingers. 900. Itching on and between the fingers, passing off bv scratching. Itching on the fingers of the right hand, aggravated by scratching and rubbing. Itching about the posterior joints of the fingers, aggravated by rubbing, which causes an unbearable pain in the bones of the fingers. Formicating burning itching between the index and middle finger of the left hand. [A^.] Inclination to festering in the tips of the fingers; there appears 222 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. there a white suppurating spot with lancinating pains, which, however, also passes awa}^ again without breaking open. [Z/"^.] 905. A scar on the finger, caused by a cut 9 3^ears ago at a dissec- tion, begins to itch (9th- 12th d.). [7>.] Extreme brittleness of the finger nails; they break off when about to be cut. \_Bte.'] Pain in the right hip-joint. Tearing pain above both the hips and on the upper border of the pelvis. Tearing in the hip-bone. [A^.] 910. Stitches in the right region of the peMs. [A^.] Stitches in the left hip, which branch off into the small of the back and into the flanks, and return at the inspiration. [A^.] Cutting as with a knife across the right nates, in the fore- noon (2d d.). [A^.] In sitting, the nates go to sleep. Pain in the left hip as if bruised, aggravated b}^ pressure, in the morning (4th d.). [A^.] 915. Tearing and stitches in the hip- joint and immediate^ above the knee, in paroxj^sms. \Bte^ Furuncle on the right hip, terminating in suppuration. [A^.] Pain in the legs and loins while moving. After walking, pain in the legs and loins, preventing her from sleeping. Drawing in the legs. 920. Tearing in the legs, both the thighs and the legs, while sitting and lying down, especially at night. [A^.] In the thighs and the legs long continued straining down- wards, almost like cramp; lasting onl}^ a few minutes, but return- ing frequenth\ Gnawing pain in the legs. \Bte.'\ For several evenings, about 7 o'clock, restlessness in the legs foi >< hour, before she went to sleep. Heaviness in the legs, so that she can scarcely lift them. 925. Great weight in the lower limbs, so that he can hardly drag them along; he staggers in walking, and has to sit down; in the evening (5th d.). [A^.] Great weariness of the legs, while sitting down. [A-^.] Burning and smarting itching, passing off bv scratching, on the thighs. [A^.] Itching (and a fine eruption) on the inside of the rigfht thieh. Pam m the left hough, the boy cannot stand well upon his foot. 930. At night, violent pain in the hough down to the heel. A sensation of pressure into the left hough, while walking, after rising from being seated. [A^.] Drawing pain in the houghs while ascending the stairs, but not while descending. _ Drawing pain in both knees on ascending the stairs, but not while merely bending or touching them. ALUMINA. 223 Pain in the patella, but only when pressing upon it with the hand and when flexing the knee-joint. 935. Jerking, sharp pressure from without inward on the patella. Tearing in the knees and patellae. [A^.] In the evening before going to sleep, a lancinating, tearing pain in the knee. Dull tearing on the inside of the left knee, in the evening (19th d.). Violent tearing from the knees downward out at the toes, with a sensation of swelling at the knee; in the afternoon till evening (relieved by walking) (21st d.). [i\^.] 940. Stitches in the left knee, only while sitting, passing away when walking in the open air. [A^.] Stitches and tearing in the right knee, in the evening (istd.). Painful boring in the right knee (aft. 2 h. ). [Ng.'] Cracking of the right knee in walking. Trembling of the knees. 945. The knees appear to her larger during the pains. [A^.] Weariness of the legs, especially in the middle of the tibiae, as if bruised; while standing and walking, when it is worst, she feels like sinking down; (diminished while sitting and lying down) , especially in the evening. [A^.] Pain as from bruises on the right tibia, especially during motion. In the evening in bed, stitches in the right tibia [A^.] lyancinating, cramp-like pain in the right leg, with a feeling of numbness during the siesta while sitting, and also after awaking. 950. Tearing in the legs at various times. [A^.] Tearing drawing in the leg, extending from the external ankle. In the evening, tearing in the tendo Achillis of both legs (5th d.). [A^^.] Keen, drawing pain in the tendo Achillis while at rest, not while walking. Painless drawing down in both calves (aft. 2 h.). [A^.] 955. Tearing in the calves. In walking, the muscles of the calves seem too short, they feel strained (aft. 20 h.). Tensive pain on the inside of the calves, while walking. Tension (and burning) on the outside of the right calf, in the evening (2d d.). [A^.] The (previously existing) tension in the calves (the soles ot the feet and the toes, in cramps and paralysis of the legs) is much increased and includes the knee, so that he cannot keep erect; then a burning, lancinating and sometimes also a cutting pain in the calves and the soles (ist d.). \_Hb.'] 960. Repeated cramp of the calves. When she puts one foot across the other, or steps upon her toes, she is every time immediatel}^ seized with painful cramps of the calves. 224 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Cramps in the calves, as if the tendons were too short after rising from his seat; passing off when walking, before that his legs suddenly becam^e so weary that he was afraid to rise, in the afternoon (2d d.). [iV^.] Painless beating or throbbing in the left calf, like a pulsation, in the morning (4th d.). [^-J Violent formication in both calves, as from ants, after supper (5th d.). [_Ng.-] 965. Itching of the calves. [_Ng.'] Sensation in the left heel as if it were being pressed to- gether from both sides (2d d.). [A^.] Tearing in the feet and ankles at various times. [A^.] Heaviness in the feet, with tearing. [S.'] Heaviness in the feet, with great weariness in the legs (3d.). 970. The right foot goes to sleep, with formication. [A^^.] Painful drawing below the ankles (loth d.). \_Hb.^ Pain in the bones on the dorsum of the foot, on touching, with itching of those parts (ist d.). \^Hb.'\ On Xxying to step upon the foot, intense stitches in the ankle of the right foot and violent cutting from the left big toe into the heel, so that he is unable to step on his foot (2d d. ). \_Hb.'] Numbness of the heel on stepping on his foot, 975. Stitching (ticlding) and pricking sensation in the soles of the feet. ^m.^Ng.-] Itching in the sole of the foot. Tickling itching in the sole of the foot. \_Bte.'] Burning stitches in the sole of the right foot, in the evening and morning, passing off after rubbing. [A^.] Tension in the sole of the foot, in the forenoon (2d d. ). [A^.] 980. Painful sensitiveness of the sole of the right foot. Pain in the sole of the foot, when stepping on it, as if it were too soft and swollen. The hard skin of the sole of the foot is very sensitive to the touch and causes, even of itself, violent pressive pain. The old, hard skin on the feet becomes very sensitive. [Hb.'] Excoriating stitches in the corns. 985 An ulcer on the sole of the foot, which had almost healed, causes a lancinating pain on stepping on it in the room, after walking in the open air. [A'^.] lyancinating pain in the ball of the great toe. [Hb.'] Burning lancinations in the left big toe, near the nail, at night. [Hb.'] Cutting in the right big toe, as if he were walking on knives, in the morning while walking (4th d.). [A^.] Formication in the big toe, as if it had been frozen r2d d ) 990. Itching of the toes after staying in the cold air. \_Hb.'] Itching of the toes and feet when getting warm in walking; this ceases immediately after the walk (aft. 30 d.). [Hb.'] Itching, with shining redness of the big toes; painful on ex ternal pressure (aft. 4 d.). [Hb.'] AI^UMINA. 225 Itching of the toes, with redness as if they had been frozen, worse after scratching, in the evening (3d, 4th, i6th d.). Tetters between the toes. 995. Corns are very painful. [Bte.'} Drawing in the hnibs. Tension in the dorsum of the feet and hands, hke burning, as if from a swelHng. Continual burning and stitches in the anus, with stiffness of the back, so that she cannot move well. (Dull, pressive pains in the bones, especially of the legs, the chest and the back. ) 1000. Tearing in the left shoulder-blade, in the arms, the hands and the legs, especially in the evening (3d d. ). Pains darting quick as lightning in the right shoulder, the small of the back and the abdomen; then as if bruised (2dd. ). [^^■] . Pain as from a bruise in the loins, above the hips, and in the muscles of the calves in walking. Pain as from a bruise in the back and all the limbs as in fever and ague. [Bte.^ On entering the room after walking in the open air, there is oppression and nausea during speaking. 1005. After walking in the open air, excessive cheerfulness and a staring look; then, with every motion, a cold shudder and perspira- tion with chilliness about the head; when going to bed the head, the hands and feet are hot. During bodily exertions a rush of heat over the whole body, then shaking and chilly shuddering, with a burning sensation in the abdomen. During bodily labor, a cramp-like sensation like numbness up the whole of the left leg, so also in the left arm, with a reeling stupefaction of the head, in intermittent attacks (14th d.). All the muscles feel as if paralyzed. \_Bte.^ In the morning, paralytic weakness in all the limbs, with stu- pefaction of the head in paroxysms of several minutes (lotli d.). 10 10. Rigidity in the hands and feet, as if they were asleep, early on awaking; after rising and walking about, it passed away. The ring finger and the little finger, also the knee and lastly the heel, go to sleep after sitting. Slow, tottering gait, as after a severe illness. [>5/r.] An attack in the evening: she feels sick and things turn around with her, with constant palpitation and severe anxiety, lasting the whole night till the next forenoon. On entering the room after walking in the open air, anxiety and nausea during speaking ensues. 1015. An attack in the evening; violent pain in the small ot the back and vertigo, then urging to stool with a discharge of mere blood; she felt as if paralyzed in the small of the back; it gave her no support in sitting up straight. 16 226 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. An attack: rush of blood to the head, black before the eyes^ vertigo, ringing before the ears and sleepiness. An attack: first he sat still without answering, then anxious groaning for 5 minutes, then for 10 minutes severe convulsive laughter, then again weeping; then alternately laughter and weeping. In the evening in bed, inclination to convulsive laughter (th5d.). Tremulous excitement of the whole nervous system. [^/^.] 1020. Shaking pulsation through the whole bod3^ \_Bte.^ Sensation of contraction in the right index finger and the foot, as if the tendons were too short; if he touches anything with, the finger, he feels as if electrified. [5.] During the siesta, when he is about to go to sleep while sit- ting, a jerk through head and limbs, like an electric shock, with, stupefaction. His arm and also his head are jerked backwards several times, with anxiety. In the evening, twitches in both legs at once, especially in the legs and feet, then an inclination in the arms to turn about and ta stretch upward. 1025. Involuntary twitches now and then, and movements of one foot, of the fingers, etc. Involuntary movements of the head and of other members. Twitchings in all the limbs. Tortures in the limbs as if the bones were compressed, with pressure in the joints. Restlessness, obliged always to move the feet and to walk about. 1030. Restlessness, both while sitting and lying down, she has to move the hands and the feet, now here, now there. Most of the troubles seem to come while sitting and to be al- leviated by walking. [A^.] All the symptoms are aggravated immediately after dinner. [Bte.] Most of the troubles appear soon after dinner and in the even- ing. [A^^.] Many of the troubles come after dinner and last till evening, while they vanish in the forenoon and at night. [A^.] 1035. Potatoes seem to aggravate or to again call forth the symp- toms. [iV^.] He feels best after meals. [S.] He feels somewhat better every other day. [5.] He feels pretty well during the day; most of the troubles come on in the morning and evening. [5.] The patient appears better in the open air and in the evening-. 1040. Disposition to colds; even in the room she becomes hoarse; improved by walking in the open air. Perspiration at every motion and afterwards shuddering from chiUiness, as if the person had taken cold. AI.UMINA. 227 Sensation in the limbs, as if cold had been taken; during the day frequent chilliness and in the evening heat in the face. Unbearable itching of the whole body, especially on getting warm, and in bed; he has to scratch until he bleeds and after scratching the skin is painful. [//<^.] Itching on the whole of the body, especially in the face (7th d.). 1045. Itching here and there in small spots of the body, mostly in the evening; does not disappear from scratching. [A^.] Violent itching of the whole body, as if an eruption would break out (5th d.). [Hb.'] Severe itching and fretting of the skin of the whole body, re- lieved but little by scratching. Stinging itching of the back and also of the side of the abdo- men (2d d.). Stinging, now here, now there, on the whole body, especially in the evening. [A^.] 1050. The tetters (small, white, itching pimples in groups) multi- ply. [m.-] Itching of the tetters, especially towards evening. \^Hb^ Violently itching miliary eruption on the arms and legs with- out redness, with bleeding of serum after scratching. \Bte.^ Itching stinging in the tetters. \Hb.'\ lyittle injuries of the skin become excoriated and inflamed. 1055. Great lassitude of the body, especially after walking in the open air, with yawning, stretching and extension of the limbs, sleepiness and inclination to lie down, which however increases the weariness (ist and 3d d. ). [7>.] Lassitude throughout the whole body, with dullness of the thinking faculty, flying heat in the face and anxiety (4th d.). A little talking and a little walk fatigues him. Especially much wearied by talking. Excessively tired and weary; he must sit down. 1060. Tremulous weariness. Weariness in the forenoon and severe chilliness; in the after- noon she shook from cold in the back. \S.~\ Very weary in the whole body, with chilliness and headache (33d d.). lNg.-\ Weary, dizzy in the head, the pulse often feverish, and in dis- posed to work, for several days; also little appetite; after dinner sleepy; heaviness in the body, frequent inclination to eructation, which however does not take place at all or only imperfectly (^aft. 4w.). \Hb:\ Fatigued, wear}--, so that she can hardh' lift her feet, at the same time sleepy and lazy (22d d.). \S.'\ 1065. Irresistible inclination to lie down (aft. 3 li.\ Weary and sleepy. Much yawning, with sleepiness (only passing a\va>- in the open air). [A^.] Constant yawning, also before dinner, without sleepiness. \Tr., Ng:\ 228 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sleepiness during the day. 1070. With great weariness, she is irresistibly overcome in the fore- noon by sleep; she lies down and sleeps soundly for i hour, when the weariness has disappeared and she feels very well. [-A^.] Great drowsiness in the evening, even while standing. Great drowsiness in the evening, as early as 6 o'clock. [A^.] She goes to sleep early in the evening. [^.] In the morning when rising, she feels as if she had not slept enough; wear}^ with yawning. 1075. In the morning after a restless sleep, he is still tired and does not want to rise. \Hb^ He always desires to sleep late in the morning. [^S.] He alwa3^s has to sleep longer in the morning than usual, and can not rouse himself; on the other hand, he can not at once go to sleep in the evening. [^.] In the evening, he is late in getting to sleep on account of fre- quent fantastic imaginings (2d d. ). [7>.] Can not go to sleep for a whole hour in the evening, but - afterwards he sleeps well. [A^.] 1080. He can not go to sleep before midnight, hindered as it were by a heavy feeling in his arms. He can not go to sleep before midnight, and throws himself from one side to the other (2d d.). [A^.] At night, restless in all the limbs, this prevents his going to sleep. She can not find rest at night anywhere, she throws herself about and everything hurts her, for several nights (aft. 15 d.). Restless sleep: he throws himself about in the bed; he feels hot and anxious; at the same time twitches of the limbs and start- ing before going to sleep. [5.] 1085. During the first nights, a very restless sleep. [5*.] Restless sleep; she often turned over; she felt hot, she mostly lay uncovered; her sleep was only a slumber without refreshing her, with manj^ dreams and frequent awaking (7th d.). [kS.] Restless sleep, with toothache. \_Bfe.^ Frequent awaking at night, for 8 days (12th d.). [A^.] Aw^aking before midnight from a dry cough, first with chilli- ness, and later with a dr>'- heat. [A^.] 1090. After midnight a restless sleep, he awakes often and tosses about in his bed. [//^.] At night in bed, beating at the roots of his teeth like pulsa- tion. [Bte.] At 12 at night, he awakes from violent griping and rumbling in the abdomen, which passes away toward morning (aft. 12 d.). At night in bed, headache. In the evening in bed, griping in the scrobiculus cordis. 1095. Violent pains at night, in the hough and down to the heel. He awakes at night with cramps and tightness of the chest (after a long walk on the da}^ before). ALUMINA. 229 Early about 4 o'clock, waking up from chilliness of the whole body, with violent contraction in the stomach, constant empty eructation which relieves; then four fluid stools in succession, with continual chilliness and with subsequent burning in the anus; the chilliness lasts till evening (32d d.). [A^.] At night on awaking, anxiety, oppressed breathing and copi- ous perspiration. Is waked up about 4 or 5 in the morning by anguish in his heart, as if perspiration would break out, which does not appear; on rising, the anguish immediately disappears. HOG. Awaking toward morning, he is tormented with thoughts of anguish of death, on account of imaginary pains while sleeping. Awaking in the morning with depression as from sor- row, without clear consciousness. Awaking early, with nausea and qualmishness in the stomach, and fatigued as if the sleep had in no way refreshed her; at the same time a quick feverish pulse with internal heat (3d d). \_S.^ Early in bed on awaking, a drawing, smarting sensation in the urethra. Starting up after midnight from an anxious dream (that a horse pursued him and wanted to bite him) (loth d.). [A^.] 1 105. Violent starting from sleep, before midnight, and a complete awaking (7th d.). [A^.] She talked aloud in her sleep, laughed and wept. Much talking in sleep, as if he had anxious dreams. Before midnight great restlessness during sleep with violent weeping and disconsolate grief, without any proper consciousness, for some minutes. She moans and groans at night as if she were weeping, but she is unconscious of it, soon after going to sleep (7th d.). mo. He rises at night unconsciously from his bed and with his eyes firmly closed, he walks anxiously from one room into the other, rubbing his eyes; being brought again to bed, the boy went straight to sleep again. The sleep is too sound, she has to be waked up. Sound (dreamy) sleep with erections. [7)^] The sleep is deep toward morning, with dreams that tire the head (aft. 10 h.). Good sleep with many (agreeable) dreams. [5.] 1 1 15. Agreeable dreams about receiving money and the like. [^^J:■.] Confused dreams. [S.'] Shameful dream. [A^.] Many dreams, but all of a disagreeable kind. \_S.~\ Dreams of quarrels and vexation. [Al^.] 1 1 20. Dreams of falling stars, of a conflagration, of marriages. Dreams of thieves, with anxious awaking. Dreams of committing a theft or that she had fallen among robbers. [A^.] Dreams of death and burial. [A [<,'-.] 230 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tormenting dreams, which on awaking leave behind them a deadh' fear. 1125. Distressing dreams with restless, sleep. Anxious dreams towards morning, the sleep being otherwise good (aft. 12 d.). [5.] Frightfully anxious dreams and nightmare. Anxious dreams, e. g., the flayer forces dog's meat into his . mouth. [5.] In his dream he has to descend from a height, and thinks that he must fall. II 30. A dream, that she is in a ferry-boat sinking in the river, with anxious awaking. [A^.] A dream that he is going about in a river, in which he sees snakes and other animals of which he is afraid. [A^.] He dreams of ghosts, and makes a noise in the night, so that he wakens. \S7\ The whole night, chilliness and restless sleep (33 d.). [A^.] Chilly, shudders by the warm stove (15th d.). 1 135. In the evening from 7 to 8, a chill, so that she has to go to bed from cold, but can not for a long time get warm even in bed (5th d.). [A^^.] Very sensitive to cold air, especiall}^ m the feet. \Bte.\ Internal chill and shuddering, with a desire for the warm stove, and extending and stretching the limbs, worse after warm drinks. Chilly feeling in the open air. Chilly over the whole body; the feet are like ice the whole day, with heat in the head, also in the room (ist d.). [A^.] 1 140. With an internal chill, external warmth, especially in the cheeks, with dark redness of the same as with brandy drinkers. {Bte?^ With an external chill, hot cheeks and cold hands. \Bte^'^ Chills running over the body, without thirst and without sub- sequent heat or perspiration, from 4 to 6 in the afternoon, with beating pains in the forehead and in the occiput, relieved by press- ing upon it with the hand (9th d. ). [5.] Chilliness, constant eructations, bitter taste in the mouth, fre- quent gathering of saliva, great lassitude and headache as if the head would split, especially above in the vertex, with vertigo (al- leviated by a dose of Ipecac) (34th d.). [A§-.] Shudderings one after another, in the evening (2d d.). [/fi.] 1 1 45. Ever 3^ other day, feverish shudderings over the whole body, toward evening, without thirst, with lack of appetite, sleeplessness and restless tossing in bed. [vS.] In the evening, feverish movements, shuddering and chilli- ness, aggravated by the least movement, and only now and then a transient flush of the face (ist d.). \Tr.'\ Evening fever; severe chill about 5 o'clock, especially in the back and the feet, so that she could not get warm by the warm * Bryonia is an antidote to fevers caused by Alumina. \^Bte. ] AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 23 1 Stove; after Y^. hour, perspiration without thirst r6th, 7th d.). Evening fever, chill and heat, frequently alternating, with a hot face and chills and shuddering in the rest of the body. Internal chilliness, with hot hands and hot lobes of the ear (aft. 2 h.). 1150. After ^ hour's chilliness, heat of the body and perspiration of the face. \Tr.'\ Pleasant, transient warmth in the right side of the face, in the afternoon (5th d.). [A^.] Sudden flush of the face, with redness, but only transient (5th d.). [A-^.] Sensation in the body as after having been violently heated, while sitting (the first days). [7>.] In the evening, heat in the whole body for 2 hours; it seems to start from the head (5thd. ). [A^.] 1155. Feverish weariness, with internal heat. Towards evening, heat in the whole body, especially in the feet, then a shaking chill, so that she had to go to bed, where she soon went to sleep; neither in the heat nor in the chill, any thirst or other trouble (nth d. ) . [6*.] Heat before midnight, keeping him from going to sleep. Distressing heat at night and perspiration. Sudden heat, with perspiration and distressing palpitation. I160. In the morning, if she remains in bed after 6 o'clock, she be- gins to perspire, for several mornings (aft. 9 d.) [kS.] Rushes of blood, with increased pulse, and trembling of the hands while writing; also after meals, with heat of the whole body and perspiration of the face (ist d. ). [7>.] AMMONIUM CARBONICUM, CARBONATE OF AMMONIA SAIv VOI^ATIIvB. (The salt obtained from equal parts of sal-ammoniac and cr>'stal- line carbonate of soda, triturated together and sublimated at a mod- erate heat.^'') * Instead of procuring this salt from chemical laboratories, as our druggists do of late, and then, in order to free it from any contents of lead which may be suspected, subliming it again, (G. Pharm. boruss. P. 134,) (what a round about •course!) we need only to put an ounce of the above-mentioned mixture into a good sized medicine bottle which is loosely corked, place this bottle in an iron pan filled with sand, immersing the bottle as deeply as the mixture extends, sub- limate the ammonia by fire into the upper part of the bottle and then break this off in order to secure the contents. 232 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Of this salt one grain is triturated for i hour with loo grains of sugar of milk, as I have described in the first part, in the directions for preparing antipsoric remedies, and we thus get the first one hun- dredfold, potentized powder-attenuation (tto J- One grain of this powder, again, is triturated with loo grains of fresh sugar of milk in a similar manner to ^ ,;, , , ^ o - and one grain of this is triturated with another loo grains of sugar of milk to the millionfold potentized powder-attenuation 'I'. One grain of this ^ as given in the direc- tions) is dissolved in loo drops of alcohol mixed with water, and shaken twice, forming a hquid (yiy^ I; which is then potentized through 27 additional \4als, each containing 100 drops of good alcohol, up to the deciUionth attenuation X ' by two strokes of the arm. With this i, 2 or 3 of the finest pellets are moistened for a dose, which, when homoeopathicalh' selected, at times operates for more than 36 days. This medicine serA^es in its way ven.- well for curative antipsoric purposes in chronic diseases, especially in cases where the foUo^^ing S3'mptoms prevail or are present among others : Timidity; disobedience: obstinacy: loathing of life: uneasiness in the evening; distress; anxiety with weakness: diminished faculty- of thinking; vertigo while sitting and reading; long continued headache; headache as if it would burst out at the forehead: headache with nausea: hammering headache: falling out of the hair: dr^' pus on the eyehds: burning and sensation of cold in the eyes: obscuration of vision, with a glimmer before the eyes: black dots and streaks of hght, hovering before the e^'es; cataract > aft. 32 d. ;; short-sighted- ness; hardness of hearing, with suppuration and itching of the ear; humming and ringing before the ears: itching of the nose: suppurat- ing pustules in the nose: bleeding of the nose, in the morning while washing: freckles: chaps from the left upper hp across the cheek to the ear; cracking in the articulation of the jaw, while chewing: long- continued looseness of the teeth; sore throat as if raw; pain as of soreness in the throat; swelling of the interior of the mouth; after eructations, taste of the food and drinks partaken of: bitter taste in the mouth, especialh' after eating; scraping and burning, up the oesophagus, after a meal; headache, after a meal: nausea after a meal: during a meal, a dizzy vertigo: irresistible inclination to eat sugar: thirst; lack of appetite in the morning; sour eructations; heartburn; eructation and vomiting; stomachache; spasms of the stomach: contractive pain in the scrobiculus cordis, while stretching,^ burning pain in the Hver; boring stitches in the liver, in the evening while sitting; restlessness in the abdomen: concussive pain in the hj'pogastrium when setting the foot down: constipation: difficult evacuations; colic with diarrhcea: blood with the stools: discharofe AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 233 of blood from the anus (flowing piles); itching of the anus; varices of the ajius; nightly micturition; pollutions; (lack of sexual instinct;) menses too scanty; sterility with too scanty menses; catamenia too short and too scanty; menses too early; with the catamenia, pres- sure on the genitals, cutting in the abdomen, tearing in the back and in the genital organs, compelling her to lie down; watery dis- charge from the uterus; leucorrhcea; copious, excoriating, acrid leucorrhoea; long-continued dryness of the nose; chronic coryza; dry coryza; dyspnoea; asthma; cough; cough with hoarseness, while the body is warm; cough from tickling in the throat, with expectora- tion; cough during the day; cough at night; stitches in the small of the back, while coughing; burning in the chest from below upward; tearing from the upper left side of the chest to the shoulder- joint; stitches in the fleshy part of the chest; goitre; swelling of the cervi- cal glands, with an itching eruption of the face and body; pain in nape of the neck; rigidity of the arms and fingers and numbness of the same at night, in the morning and while grasping something; pain ifi the zvrist-joint^ sprained some time previous-, swelling of the fingers, while the aims hang down; the fingers go to sleep; great weariness of the legs; drawing pain in the legs, while sitting; stitches in the heel; perspiration of the feet; swelling of the feet; cramp in the sole of the foot; pain of a sprain in the ball of the big toe, at night in bed; burning in the hands and feet; feeling of weakness in the limbs, while walking in the open air; dislike to taking walks; drawing and tension in the small of the back and the joints; curva- ture of the bones; warts; burning, stitches and tearing pains in the corns; drowsiness during the day ; sleeplessness at night ; nightmare, when going to sleep; fever-heat in the head, with cold feet; chilli- ness in the evening; perspiration. This medicine may be advantageously repeated after some inter- mediate remedies. Smelling of a solution of camphor moderates its excessive action. The abbreviations of my fellow provers are: Hb., Dr. Hart- laub; Ng.^ Gr., Dr. Gross; Stf., medical councillor Dr. Stapf: Tr., Dr. Tri?iks; S., Dr. Schreter.^ *See note imder Alumina. 1 Ammonium carbonicum had already appeared in the first edition of the Chronic Diseases &ndi\.\\Q new symptoms from Hahnemann published in the second, must be of the same origin as those of the first. The greater number of the additions is from " iVsj.," published with a few from Hartlaub and Trinks in vol. II, of their ArzHeimitteUchn'. The nature of the observations of Ng. has already been stated under Alumina. Schreter's pathogenesis (without information as to its mode of production, appears in vol. Ill of the same work. The symptoms of Gross and Stapf— four only in all: Sympt. 656, 669, 670 and 675— are of uukuowu origin.— Hughes. 234 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Serious mood. Gloomv, almost tearful humor, towards evening (2d d.). Very lugubrious, with thoughts of death. Grieving and sorrowful. 5. Thoughts of previous annoyances torment him. Anxious and distressed about her diseased condition. Sad, dejected, feeling as if a misfortune was imminent, with . sensation of coldness in the forenoon. [A^.] Every afternoon between 5 and 6 o'clock she is seized with anguish, as if she had committed the greatest crime; this passes off in the evening. Many afternoons she is seized with weakness and timidity, so that she cannot control herself and knew not what to do; in the evening this state passes off. 10. Severe compression of the heart, he knows not how to help himself. The mind is restless and feels uncanny (2dd.). [5.] She finds no rest, and prospers in nothing (4th d.). [A^.] Sighs. [5.] Not disposed to anything. [6^.] 15. Indisposed to work. Cloud}^ weather makes her excessively ill-humored. Peevish in the morning. Ill and peevish humor, sometimes with headache in the fore- noon. [A^.] Very unamiable, irritated, ill-humored, she answers only re- luctantly (on the 2d day of her menses). [A^.] 20. Nothing pleased her. She could not bear anj^ noise. The child is verj^ self-willed. [_Gr.~\ Can bear no contradiction. Very peevish and passionate. 25. Peevish, passionate, abusive, in the evening (6th d.). [A^.] In the evening after supper the mood improves (with the cessation of headache and of the pains in the stomach). [A^.] Very easilj^ frightened. Excessive and nervous exaltion. Sometimes extravagantly merry, 30. He often laughs immoderately at a trifle (aft. 38 d.). [A§-.] He seems as if beside himself. His head is very thoughtless. Very forgetful, and there is headache when he reflects. [A^.] Very forgetful, distracted, cannot recollect (9th d. ). 35. Ver}^ distracted and easily loses himself when telling a tale, passing from his train of thoughts into other thoughts and ex- pressions w^hich he did not wish to utter (8th d.). Anxious distraction, so that in speaking he does not at last know how to finish his speech. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 235 She can not well arrange her ideas. He speaks incorrectly, makes mistakes in speaking, and uses one word for another in telling a tale. He easily makes slips in writing and reckoning (9th d.). 40. Numb and muddled feeling of the head (aft. ^ h. ). Stupefaction of the head. [6^.] After sitting a while (toward evening) dizziness as from in- toxication. When turning the body, everj^thing turns with him and his head is dizzy. Vertigo, and staggering of the feet, he must hold himself to avoid falling, for several days (aft. 3d.). [A^.] 45. Vertigo, at night and in the morning (aft. 2d.). In the morning, vertigo with glimmering before his eyes, he has to sit down. Frequent vertigo, early on arising and lasting the whole day, worse in the evening, he feels as if the objects whirled around with him, also at night when he moves his head. [A"^.] At once in the morning, dizzy, sick at stomach and without appetite. Vertigo, with sickness at the stomach in the morning, soon passing off in walking (4th d. ). [A^.] 50. Headache, early in bed, with nausea rising up into the throat, as if she would vomit, passing off after 2, 3 hours. Headache and pains in the stomach, with ill humor the whole day (3dd.). [A^^.] Headache after dinner (5th d.). [A^.] Headache with heaviness in the forehead in the morning, but worse in the afternoon (8th d.). [A^.] Pressure on the head above, for y^ h (aft. 6 d.). 55. After being heated, pressure over the whole head (aft. 10 d.). Headache, now here now there in the brain; a pressure with stitches over one eye-brow. The head feels very heavy. Heaviness and beating in the forehead, after dinner. SJSfg^ Heaviness in the left side of the head, becoming worse in bed (46th d.). [A^^.] 60. The right side of the head seems to her heavier, and as if the head were about to fall over to that side (ist d.) {Ng^^ Pressive sensation of fulness in the forehead as from coal-gas. Straining fulness in the vertex and the forehead, as if the head would burst there. In stooping, there is a tension in the nape of the neck, and in front, the head feels as if it would burst open with pain. Headache, throbbing in the forehead as if it would burst open. 65. Raging in the right frontal protuberance, as if everything were coming out there (2dd.). [A^.] Compressive pain in the head as from a vice. A drawmg pain in the periosteum of the forehead awakens her 236 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. early from her sleep, for several mornings; it passes away after ris- ing. Drawing and tearing in the whole head, soon after rising, and during the whole day (23d d.). [A^.] Tearing in the temples, in the morning and evening. [Ng-.'] 70. Tearing, upward behind the left ear, up into the crown, with a sensation, as if the head were split open. [A^.] Lancinating headache all the day. Lancinations here and there in the head, and especially on the right side, deep in the brain, passing away in the open air (4th, 42dd.). [A^^.] Lancinations in the left temple, increased while chewing. Stitches in the left temple, as from a dull instrument. [^.] 75. Stitches as from a needle, above the right eye. [S.'] Stitches over the left eye, so violent that it often contracts the eyes, after meals (4th d.). [7r.] Boring stitches behind the right frontal protuberance, deep in the brain, at dinner (2d d. ). [A^.] Headache, like a sharp knocking or chopping; she could not move for pain, and had to lie still. Painful throbbing and beating in the temple, the left side of the head and the left occiput, at times with yawning. [A^.] 80. On moving the head, and on pressing upon the head, pain as of ulceration in the whole head, especially in the occiput and in a gland situated there, for some time. [A^.] On moving the head, a sensation as if the brain fell hither and thither, toward the side to which he stoops, sometimes with lancinating pains; a symptom which leaves him no rest at night, for several weeks. [A^.] Headache, as if water or something else were in the head. Sensation as if the brain were loose in the head. The head easily catches cold. 85. Itching of the head, with great sensitiveness of the integu- ments of the head, when scratching (lothd.). [A^.] Severe itching on the hairy scalp, especially of the occiput. Sensation as if the hairs would stand on end, with formication on the whole head, and a feeling of cold there; after coming into the room from the open air. [A^.] The hairs are painful to the touch. The skin of the head and the hairs are keenly sensitive when stroked with the hand; the movement made him shudder (the first evening). 90. The eyes are weak; the child winks continually. \Gr.'\ On awaking, and when about to go to sleep, there is a pres- sure upon the eyehds so that he can not open them, although inter- nally he is awake. Pressure in the e3^es. [6^.] Pressure and cutting in the eyes (4th d.). Pressure and fine stitches in the eyes (2d d.). 95. Stitches as from needles and pressure in the eyes. \S.'\ Smarting in the eyes, and itching of the edges of the hds. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 237 Itching and smarting of the eyes, which passes off by rubbing (in the morning) (ist, 4th, 12th d.). [A^.] Burning of the eyes the whole day, especially early on awak- ing, with photophobia, and in the evening, when going to sleep. In the right upper eyelid, a stye is becoming inflamed, with a sensation of tension (2d d. )• 100. Inflammation of the right inner canthus, painless (26th d.) Eyes inflamed and dim of vision. The right eye somewhat inflamed and dim of vision. [5.] The e^^es are closed with gum in the morning. The eyes, after a good sleep, are agglutinated in the morning; she can not open them for a time. [-A^.] 105. The eyes are glued together in the morning, during the day they run. [S.'] During reading, his eyes run. Watery eye; the white of the eye is full of red veins, as in an incipient inflammation of the eyes. The right eye is watery, and the vessels in the cornea are plainly visible. [5*.] Severe lachrymation, especially of the right eye, both in the open air and in the room. [A^.] no. In sneezing, white stars glimmer before the eyes. [A^.] A large black spot floats before the eyes, after she has been sewing. In the distance, and also when straining her sight on near objects, objects appear double to her. [A^.] Frequent painful stitches in the right ear. [A^-.] Stitches in the left ear (2d d.). 115. At night, beating in the left ear, while lying on it, but passing off on turning over (6th d.). [A^.] Twitching and pinching in the internal ear. Twitching tension about the left ear, as also in the cheek-bone and in the temple, with swelling of the cervical glands. Tension behind the right ear. [A^.] Tearing below and behind the ears, at times extending to the crown, the occiput and the nape of the neck, as well as tow^ards the shoulders (aggravated by moving the head), after dinner. 120. Hard swelling of the glands of the ear. In the morning, an itching above the ears, which extends over the whole body (3d d.). Formication and digging in the left ear, passing afterwards into the lower jaw (loth d.). [A§'.] A sound in the ears as from a distant shot, 5 or 6 times an hour. Buzzing before the left ear. [A^.] 125. Illusion of hearing; he thinks that a bell is ringing. [A'c-] In the night, buzzing in the left ear (2d d.). Daily after midnight, a rustHng in the (right) ear, on which he is lying in bed. [A^i,'.] 238 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Humming before the ears, as if the}^ were hard of hearing and as if something were lying before them (aft. 17 d.). The hearing is diminished. 130. Painful sensitiveness of a deaf ear to a loud sound; her whole body shakes from it. Tearing in the left nostril, and at the same time in the left elbow, in the bone and extending toward the hand. [A^.] A quivering on the left side of the nose, which seemed to draw up the ala of the nose. Sensation in the point of the nose while stooping, as if the blood were accummulating in it. [^^^.] His nose pains when he draws in the air through it. 135. Swelling, feeling of soreness and itching in the right nostril, and formication in it as from coryza; the nose is running (aft. 3d.). A pustule on the tip of the nose. A suppurating pustule on the side of the nose. A little blister in front, on the septum of the nose. [A^.] A furuncle with pus on the tip of the nose. [A^'.] 140. An acrid fluid flows from the nose. Water runs from the nose on stooping. Pus drops from one of the nostrils, on blowing the nose in the morning (5th d.). Bloody mucus blo-wn out of the nose, frequently. Blood comes from the left nostril, on blowing his nose (2d d. ). [^^■] 145. Bleedmg of the nose (8th d.). Bleeding of the nose after meals (2d d.). Violent pain on the right side of the face. Painful tension and tearing in the right side of the face (2d d.). lNg.-\ Pressive pain in the Z3^goma. 150. Drawing pain in the cheek-bone. Contraction of the skin of the forehead and in the face. Sensation as of stretching in the face, she has to rub her eyes and face, as in drowsiness. [A^.] Heat in the face, during mental exertion. Heat in the head and face, with red cheeks. [A^.] 155. Redness of the left cheek. [A^.] Paleness of the face, with nausea, and mental and bodily fatigue. Wretched appearance. [6^r.] Paleness of the face, with headache and stomachache and very ill humor (4th d.). [A^.] Pale, bloated face, for a long time (aft. 30 d.). [A^.] 160. In the morning on awaking, tension of the skin of the face (on the nose and both hps), as if the face were swollen. Hard swelhng of the cheek, as w^ell as of the glands of the ears and neck. _ On the cheek, white spots, as large as lentils, hke herpes, which continually exfoliate. Furuncle on the cheek and around the ear. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 239 Little furuncle and nodules, discharging blood and water, on the cheek, the corner of the mouth and on the chin. [A^.] 165. Eruption, like little furuncles, on the forehead. Eruption of pimples and vesicles on the forehead. Pustules on the forehead and the tip of the nose. [^'.J Miliar}^ eruption about the chin, painless. Pustule on the forehead, the temple, the cheek and the chin. [.Ng.-\ 170. Pustules on the cheeks, during the menses. [A^.] Itching on the mouth; both lips itch. A pimple on the upper lip, with burning pain. Burning vesicles on the vermilion of both lips. [A^.] Vesicles on the right corner of the mouth and the upper lip. iNg.-] 175. Eruption on the mouth. Scaly eruption, like herpes, around the mouth. Scaly skin on the chin, with severe itching, not passing off by scratching. [A^.] The upper lip pains as if chapped. The lower lip is cracked open in the middle, with burning pain and bleeding. 180. Chapped lips and sore corners of the mouth. Dry, cracked, chapped lips, with burning and a sensation as if full of vesicles. [A^.] Pain and swelling of the glands under the chin, with tension of the same on moving the mouth. [A^.] Under the gums, on the jaw, a swelling as large as a pigeon's ^gg, which pains violently simply from the motion of the jaw in chewing. The gums are so sensitive that she dares not touch them with the tongue (41st d.). [A^.] 185. Stitches on the inner, upper gums on the right side. [A^.] Itching of the gums, which bleed after scratching. [A^.] The gums are inclined to bleed. Sensation of swelling, and actual swelling and inflammation of the gums. [A^.] Swelling of the gums, with swelling of the cheek. 190. Abscess on the gums, with discharge of pus. Pain in two of the molars, as when sweets get into a hollow tooth. [5.] - Violent toothache, with heat in the same side of the head (^aft. 12 d.). Violent toothache in the evening, as soon as she gets to bed, through the whole night, not alleviated by any change of position. [A^.] At night, toothache, and the following day, a swollen cheek; then a swollen nose, and red spots in the face and on the neck. 195. When a warm fluid gets into the mouth, it darts painfuUy through the teeth and the lower jaw of one side for 5 or 10 minutes. Pain in almost all the teeth, especially whik^ chewing: ho 240 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. can not speak for pain, and admitted no air into the mouth, as it. makes the pain unbearable. The teeth ache, when brought together in biting. A lower anterior incisor becomes very painful, when biting on it, on the 3d day of the menses. [A^.] Toothache, day and night, especially during (and after) eating, alleviated by applying warm cloths and pressure, during the menses. [AV.] 200. Drawing toothache, also during the menses. [A^.] Drawing toothache during the menses, relieved b}^ eating (aft. 6h.). Drawling toothache as if in the jaws, extending to the ears and the cheeks, only when eating and biting on the teeth. [A^.] Twitching in an infected molar after dinner, ceasing on pick- ing with a tooth-pick. [A^.] Tearing pains in the upper row of teeth. 205. Drawing tearing in a molar, after a journe}^ in wet cold weather (aft. 23d d.). [A^.] Tearing, jerking, griping in the teeth, extending to the ears, also at night in a hollow molar; alleviated by smelling of hepar sulphuris. [A^.] Before midnight, tearing in the teeth and jaws, extending into the ears; she has to roll around continuall}^ and the teeth are also sensitive when she bites on them, on the 3d day of her menses. Tearing in the upper molars of the left side, with frequent gathering of water in the mouth, and gnawing in the left shoulder (lothd.). [A^^.] Tearing toothache in the left upper row, as if in the roots, as if an ulcer were forming there (36th d. ). [A^.] 210. Sensation as if there were an abscess at the roots of the teeth, which was about to break open from the access of air or from pressure on the tooth. Stitches in a sound molar, in the open air. [5.] Lancinating toothache, uninterrupted for 8 days. Lancinating pain in the molars on biting, he could only chew with the incisors (at once and on 2d d.). A severe shooting pain in an upper hollow tooth, on touching it with the tongue. 215. Pain as from soreness in a hollow^ molar (aft. }^ h.). [Hb.'] - Throbbing and pressive toothache (aft. 3d.). In the evening pain in the teeth as if they were pinched in a vice. Sensation in the teeth as if there were no strength in them to bite. [5.] The teeth become very dull. 220. Dulness of the molars, and on biting on them, they seem loose. The teeth feel duU and too long. [5.] Teeth often seem too long, as if from acids. I AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 24I A tooth which before has often been painful, seems to be longer and becomes painful (2d d.). [A'^.] On sucking a molar, blood comes out. [A^.] 225. The decay of the teeth progresses rapidly. [A^.] The teeth fall out, even sound ones. Burning vesicles on the inner side of the lower lip. [A^.] On the inner side of the lower lip, a painful white vesicle. The mouth on the inside becomes full of painless vesicles. 230. Vesicles on the tongue, especially on its border. Vesicles on the tip of the tongue, hindering both speaking and eating, with a burning pain. Pustules on the tongue, with burning, stinging pain, especi- ally on the border and under the tongue. I^ittle ulcer on the tip of the tongue, painful as if sore, at every movement of the tongue. [S.~\ Pain as from an ulcer on the palate, on touching it with the tongue; the part pells on the following day. [A^.] 235. The anterior half of the tongue is as it were stiff and hard in the morning (4th d.). [A^.] Burning on the tip of the tongue, worse when touched. [A^.] Redness and inflammation in the interior of the mouth and throat; all of it pains as if sore and raw. Sensation in the mouth as if it were swollen. [S.'] The cavity of the mouth seems to her so narrow, that she hardly dares open her mouth and move her tongue, because she is afraid of striking against the parts with the tongue (40th d.). 240. Speaking often becomes difficult for her, as if from weakness - of the organs of speech and as if from a pain similar to stomach- ache (aft. 3d d.). Sore throat towards evening. [5*.] In swallowing, the throat hurts as if the right tonsil was sw^ollen. Swelling of the tonsils, with impeded deglutition, especially in the morning and evening. Sensation as if something stuck in the throat which impeded swallowing, with a choking pressure in the morning and evening. [S., Ng.'] 245. It seems to her as if something stuck in the throat on the right side, impeding the swallowing (aft. 6 min.). Sore throat, with a sensation of scraping. Rawness and scraping in the throat. [A^.] Soreness in the throat. Burning in the throat down the oesophagus, as if from alco- hoi. [A^^.] 250. Severe sore throat, like stitches and drawing or teanng, more painful in talking. (3dd.). Pressure in the throat, with external swelling of the same on both sides. 17 242 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. In the evening, dr5mess of the mouth, not relieved by drink- ing; the mouth in the morning feels as if parched. Great dryness and heat in the mouth, at night (aft. 12 d.). Dryness in the mouth and throat. 255. Early on awaking, dryness of the mouth and throat. [-A^.] In the afternoon and evening, dryness in the mouth and throat, with thirst. [A^.] The lips are always dry, and stick together (15th d.). [A^.] Gathering of salty water in the mouth. [A^.] She has to spit out much saliva, for several days. 260. Frequent collection of watery saliva in the mouth; she has to spit out continually. [A^.] Bad smell in the mouth, which he perceives himself, for a long time. [A^.] . Sweet taste in the mouth, with bloody saliva (5th^d.), [A^.] Bloody taste in the mouth, during the whole time'of proving. In the morning, bad taste and smell in the mouth. 265. In the morning, bitter taste in the mouth, and the whole day sick at the stomach (aft. 10 d.). Early on awaking, bitter taste in the mouth (2d d.). [A^.] Nasty, sourish taste in the mouth. After drinking milk, a sour taste. Taste of foods, sourish and metallic. 270. Constant eructations. Frequent suppressed eructations. Much empty eructation, especially the first day. Frequent eructations of air, in the evening and after dinner (5th d.). [A^^.] Eructation with the taste of ingesta. 275. During and after supper, eructation with taste of the food eaten ( i oth d. ) . [Ng. ] Sour eructation. Frequent heartburn. Early (after the chill) hiccup (2d d.). [A^.] In the morning nausea and coated tongue (aft. 8 d.). 280 Early after rising, nausea, till the afternoon, with chill in the whole body, followed by vomiting of some water; during the menses (aft. 55 d.). [A^.] In walking, loathing and nausea in the stomach, as if about to vomit (4th d.). [A^.] Constant adipsia, during the whole time of proving" FAp- 1 Constant thirst. 6- l .^-J The whole afternoon, constant thirst (6th d.). [Ng-.l 285. No appetite, but constant thirst. She cannot eat at noon, without drinking (aft. 10 d.). I^ittle hunger and appetite (though he relishes his meals) (2d 8th d.). [A^.] ' I^ack of appetite, in the morning. Milk is repugnant to her. AMMONIUM CARBONICTTM. 243 290. No appetite for meat and cooked dishes, only for bread and cold dishes; for several days (during her menses). [A^.] Hunger and appetite is increased (ist, 2d d.). [-A^.] Very strong hunger and appetite (aft. 18 d.). Rabid hunger (aft. 2 h.). At noon increased hunger, and yet she is sated with little food (4th, 6th d.). lNg.-\ 295. At dinner, heat in the face, also after dinner. At dinner, tearing in the right temple. During and after dinner she feels sick and' fatigued (during the menses) (9th d.). [A^.] During supper, loathing of it and stomachache (8th d.). After supper, stitches in the chest. 300. After meals, sickness at the stomach. Every day, immediately after dinner, qualmishness and nausea, for an hour. Immediately after dinner, discomfort, with pressure in the stomach and in the forehead, for several hours (aft. 4 h.). After meals, oppression and pressure in the stomach. After eating, severe pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, then nausea, and vomiting of all that has been eaten; afterward sour taste in the mouth; for five days (aft. 16 d.). 305. After dinner it is very difficult for her to speak. Feeling as if the stomach were overloaded, until 3 hours after dinner. The stomach feels full, tremulous (during the menses). [A^.] Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. [^.] Stomachache, with tendency to w^atery risings (6th d. ) . [A^.] 310. Painfulness of the stomach, also when touched (4th d.) Pressure of the clothes on the stomach. Pressure in the stomach. Pressure in the stomach after meals. Pressure in the stomach after supper (aft. 12 h.). 315. Pressive heaviness in the scrobiculus cordis. Pressure in the stomach, with qualmishness and sensitiveness in the scrobiculus cordis. Pressure and contraction of the stomach (and of the chest), with loathing and qualmishness (4th d.). [A^.] Pressure in the stomach, early in the morning, passing over into qualmishness and nausea. Griping, rolling and gurgling in the stomach. [A[^.] 320. Gnawing in the right side of the stomach. Tearing, boring pain in the region of the stomach, up to the upper lumbar vertebrae. Feeling of coldness in the region of the stomach. Burning in the region of the stomach. Burning heat, first in the stomach, then also in the abdomen soon after taking the medicine). [A^^., ^S.] 325. Heat in the stomach, spreading thence into the bowels, as from drinking strong wine (aft. J4^ h.)- 244 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressive pain under the light ribs, in the region of the liver. Pain as from soreness in the liver. Stitches below the left ribs, in the evening. [A^.] Pressure over the navel as from a button. 330. Early (at 3 o'clock) awaking from a violent pain in the ab- domen, two days before her menses (41st d.). [A^.] Pressure in the hypogastrium f or 3 h., also during dinner (aft. 2 h.). Pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen, in the morning (aft. 12 h.). Painful compression on both sides of the hypogastrium, only while sitting, alleviated by motion and by stretching (5th d.). Sudden, painful contraction of the bowels up to the region of the stomach, relieved by compressing the abdomen with the hands, and passing off after going to bed (33d d. ). [A^.] 335. Colic, consisting of contraction and griping, first in the epi- gastrium, then in the hypogastrium, in the morning, so violent that qualmishness and collection of water in the mouth ensued, even to a swoon, with chilliness, 12 h. before the menses set in (aft. 9d.). At dinner, griping in the left side of the abdomen, passing away later on by emission of flatus. [A^.] In the forenoon, violent griping, contraction and rolling about in the abdomen, arising during a walk in the open air and only relieved by warmed cloths and lying on the stomach, appearing again in the evening, and also in the following morning in the cold, after which it improves in the room (17th d,). [A^.] Contractive cramps deep in the hypogastritun, and in stoop- ing, also in the small of the back (38th d. ). Tightness and obstruction of the abdomen. 340. Cutting pain in the hypogastrium, while the abdomen is very small (i6th d.). [A^.] Early (at 7 o'clock) violent colic (aft. 48 h.). Cutting and smarting in the abdomen, as from worms, with contractive pain in the stomach and chills and sweat; this does not allow him to go to sleep before morning, and the pain returns early on awaking. [A^.] Stitches in the abdomen, impeding him in walking. In the evening, while stooping, stitches in the left side of the abdomen. 345. Stitches passing transversely deep in the hypogastrium, while standing. Burning, deep within, in the left side of the abdomen (2d d.). (Griping and) sharp stitches in the right flanks, while stretch- ing (20th d.). [A^.] Heaviness in the abdomen. In the groin and the hough, painful pressure. 350. Sensation of fulness and bloatedness in the left flank. [A^.] An elastic swelhng, as large as the fist, in the left flank, in i AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 245 the evening after lying down, with bruised pain in this spot, which does not allow her to lie on that side, and is also sensitive when pressing upon it; on waking up, the swelling and pain have disap- peared (9th d.). [^'^.] In the left groin a hernia appears (2d d.). Extraordinary distension of the abdomen. Bloatedness of the abdomen, with retention of stools. [A^.] 355. Croaking, clucking and movements in the abdomen, as from flatus. [A^^.] Clucking in the stomsch, as in cramps or while fasting, after every deglutition, for several days (aft. 16 d.). [A^.] Rumbling and aching in the abdomen. [^.] Accumulation of flatus, with griping of the abdomen. [A^.] Tendency to painful, flatulent colic. 350. Passage of much flatus. Frequent discharge of flatus, in the afternoon, evening and night, with the customary stools (4th d. ). [A^.] Retention of urine during the first days, followed by soft stools ; with all provers. [A^.] Constipation (the first 4 d.). [7>.] Delayed, hard, solid stool, consisting of lumps which can be discharged by her only with difiiculty. [A^.] 365. Hard, painful evacuation, with pricking as of needles in the anus. [A^.] Hard stool, surrounded, as it were, with bloody streaks (aft. 22 h.). Very soft stool, twice daily (3d and 4th d.). [5^. , A^.] Early in the morning, diarrhoea with colic. [kS.] Diarrhoea of faeces and mucus, with cutting in the abdomen before and during the same (8th d. ). [A^.] 370. Stool largely mixed with mucus. Evacuations by stools always connected with much urging. With normal stools violent cutting in the rectum. During the evacuation, a griping pai?i in the abdomen, draw- ing across the abdomen to the small of the back and the rectum, relieved by bending the body, and ceasing entirely after the stool (28th d.). [7>.] Before and after the soft stool, colic. 375. After the stool, first scraping in the anus, then burning. After a copious stool, discharge of a milky prostatic fluid. During and after stool, discharge of blood. The varices of the rectum protrude much during the evacuation, and they are painful for a long while after, so that she cannot walk at all (aft. 7 d.). The varices of the rectum protrude also when there is no evacuation, but recede when lying down. 380. There appear varices of the anus, with pains as from excoria- tion, and moist. He cannot sleep at night, on account of the burning in the anus; he had to get up from bed on this account, and because of strong urging to stool. 246 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching of the anus. The child becomes sore between the legs. Strong pressure of the urine on the bladder, with cutting in it- 385. Continual urging to micturition, also at night, with dimin- ished emission (with burning). [^.] She has to get up at night to urinate. Nocturnal repeated micturition, at times quite copious. [A^.] The boy emits his urine at night (toward morning) involuntarily while sleeping (ist and 2d night, and aft. 16 d.). Very frequent micturition, especially the first day. 390. Frequent, copious micturition, especially in the evening. Increased, turbid urine. [-A^.] The urine at noon is very pale yellow, and is the first after the previous evening. [A^.] White, sandy urine, for several days (aft. 9 d.). The urine after dinner is reddish, like water mixed with blood. 395. Blood comes from the urethra. After micturition, strong drawing anteriorly in the urethra (in the evening, on going to bed). Much itching on the genitals. Itching of the scrotum. Perspiration of the scrotum. 400. Frequent relaxation of the testicles. Drawing pain in the testicles. At times, drawing in the testicles, relieved by tying them up. Increased weight of the testicles; he had to use a suspensory. Choking pain in the testicles and spermatic cords, with sensitiveness of the testicles to the touch; caused mostly by invol- untary erections. 405. Continual involuntary erections, in the morning (13th d.). Stiffness of the penis, without any impulse to coition (6th d.). The sexual instinct quiescent for some time (aft. yd.). (Total lack of sexual impulse). Aversion to the other sex. 410. Violent excitation to coition, without any special voluptuous thoughts and almost without erections (aft. 5 d.). Violent voluptuous desire with trembling of the body, almost without erection. Pollutions almost every night. Pollution two days after coition. (After coition strong circulation of the blood and palpitation). 415. Violent itching of the pudenda. Excoriation of the pudenda and anus, especially painful during micturition. Swelling, itching and burning of the female pudenda (aft. 12 d.). Constant itching of the mons veneris, which always returns after scratching. [A^.] The menses appear three to five days too late and once they are omitted altogether. [A^.] AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 247 420. It brings the menses six days too soon. The catamenia, always else quite regular, appear a day too soon. [7?^] The menses appear (after a long drive in the cold air) four days too soon and are very copious especially at night, as also in sitting and driving ; preceded by griping pains in the abdomen with lack of appetite. [A^.] Menses on the i8th day (aft. yd.). The menses flow more copiously owing to it (at once). 425. The blood of the catamenia is blackish, often in whole lumps, with spasmodic pains in the abdomen and hard stools, discharged after urging; the flow very strong. [A^.] The blood of the catamenia is colored very little. The menstrual blood is acrid, so as to make the thigh sore, causing a burning pain. [A^.] Before the menses, pains in the abdomen and the small of the back. [A^^.] Before and during the menses paleness of the face. 430. During the menses unconquerable sadness. Toothache during the menses. [A^.] During the menses violent colic, with griping, pressure and tension between the shoulder-blades. Violent tearing in the abdomen during the menses which set in one day too soon. \_S.~\ During the menses severe pain in the small of the back. 435. During the period violent coryza (9th d.). During the menses great lassitude of the whole body, especially of the thighs, with yawning, toothache, pains in the small of the back and chilliness. [A^.] Severe leucorrhcea (aft. 2, 7, 8, 9 d.). Watery, burning leucorrhcea (13th, 14th d.). [A^.] Frequent sneezing in the morning in bed. 440. Frequent violent sneezing (5th d.). [A^.] Nose obstructed. [vS.] The nose is very much obstructed without a cold. At night the nose is so much obstructed that she has always to breathe through the mouth (aft. 4 d.). After a sound nap in the forenoon, she wakes up at i o'clock with anxiety as if she were suffocating, because her nose was entirely obstructed and she could only breathe with difficult}' with her mouth open, so that her chest pained her from the difficult breathing (aft 12 d.). 445. Coryza with rattling in the nose and obstruction of the same with husky voice. [A^.] Coryza with stoppage of the left nostril. [-^JS,''.] Dry coryza preventing the least passage of air through the nose, especially at night. Fluent coryza (4th d.). Severe fluent coryza with tearing in the left cheek. [-^,C■.] 450. Most violent fluent coryza with cough. Dropping of water from the nose without coryza. [A>.] 248 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. There is a continual discharge of acrid water burning the upper Hp during the menses (43d d.)- [^-l Constriction of the larynx from both sides of the neck. Drawing, stinging, itching, in the larynx. 455. Hoarseness and sensation of rawness in the throat. [^.J Hoarseness, he can only talk with difficulty, as this increases the hoarseness (2d d.). Severe and frequent hoarseness. Hoarseness so that she cannot speak aloud (aft. 16 d.). His chest is oppressed, so that he can hardly speak, with coryza and much expectoration of mucus, especially in the morn- ing. 460. The chest feels raw; when he calls loudly he is hoarse. Catarrh with difficult hearing and burning in the region of the stomach. Frequent hawking on account of the collection of mucus in the throat. [iV^.] Rattling in the bronchia, as from mucus, for several days. He has to cough for a quarter of an hour in the evening, in bed. 465. Cough at night. The child coughs very violently every morning about 3 or 4 o'clock. In the middle of the night, violent, dry cough. Cough with asthma C6th d.). [A^.] Cough with asthma in the evening in bed for half an hour. 470. Cough with the greatest violence from the depth of the chest. Cough which draws the chest together. Cough, while the chest under the sternum pains as if raw and sore. The cough causes pain in the jaws, which is not perceived on touching them. Cough with pain below in the sternum. 475. Cough with stitches in the sternum (ist d. ). Cough with a stitch in the scrobiculus cordis every time. Cough with heat in the head. [A^.] Short, subdued cough, from an irritation of the larynx with a painful sensation of spasmodic asthma. Soon after irritation to coryza in the nose and scraping and scratching soreness in the throat, with difficult expectoration of a little mucus (aft. ^ h.). Dry cough, especially at night, as from feathery dust in the throat. [_Ng.~\ 480. Cough with expectoration of mucus and soreness of the throat. [A^.] Cough the whole day and early in the morning, with much expectoration of mucus. Earl}^ in bed, constant cough with ex- pectoration of mucus affecting the chest and head. Cough with expectoration of mucus with little specks of blood (aft. 8 d.). Cough with expectoration of bloody mucus, heaviness AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 249 on the chest and short breath, especially in ascending a mountain (6th, 1 8th d.). [^V^.] 485. Bloody expectoration, when hawking up. After rawness and taste of blood in the mouth, cough with expectoration of bright red blood, with burning and heaviness of chest, heat and redness in the face and trembling in the whole body (4th d.). [A^^.] Difficult breathing, it made him retch (short cough). At night very difficult respiration; the coverlet must not touch his mouth, else he is afraid of suffocating (7th d.). [A^.] After every exertion he is asthmatic, with palpitation. [A^.] 490. Tightness in the middle of the chest when breathing and also when not; the spot pains, when pressing upon it, as after a blow. A paroxysm of asthma, lasting eight days; he could only with the greatest effort mount a few steps, could only draw breath with the greatest exertion, and only in the open air; he could not come into a heated room; he would there become deadly pale, and could do nothing but sit still (aft. 21 d.). Short breath, with stitches in the chest. [A^.] Short breath, especially on going up stairs. [A^.] In breathing, frequent stitches in the hands and the fingers. 495. In expiration something seems to draw down into the chest, which keeps the breath from being expelled (7th d.). [A^.] The chest is as it were faint. Long-continued weakness of the chest and catarrh (aft. 4 w. ). Heaviness of the chest, as if from accumulation of blood (4th, 5th, 7th d.) [AV.] Heaviness and tightness of the chest, when walking in the open air. [A^.] 500. She feels as it were a hundred weight upon her chest, with pains; she only wishes to be able to cough, so as to be relieved (7th d.). INg.-] Rush of blood to the chest (after writing). Heat in the chest. Great oppression of the chest. While standing, a sensation in the chest, as if the lungs were being drawn down (6th d.). [A^.] 505. Bruised pain in the middle of the chest, in the morning (4th Painful pressure on the chest, especialh^ while h'ing abed. Compressive pressure on the chest. Stitches in the chest near the last true rib, while breathing and singing. Stitches in the sternum, on the right side of the chest and under the left breast, where it pains as if bruised when touched. 510. When stooping, stitches in the chest, alleviated by straighten- ing up (i 6th d.). \_No-.'] Stitches in the right breast when stooping. 250 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. While walking, stitches in the right side of the chest. [6*.] Under the right breast, at the lowest rib, early when raising himself in bed, twenty to thirty stitches in succession, also when not breathing; also at other times of the day. Stitches in the left breast, through a great part of the night, preventing her from lying on the left side. 515. Severe stitches in the left side of the chest, beginning in the region of the heart and drawing down to the side, and afterward more to the back (aft. 11 d. ). Frequentl}^ a stitch in the heart. Frequent palpitation of the heart, with a drawing in of the epigastrium and a feeling of weakness in the scrobiculus cordis. Audible palpitation of the heart and quickened heart-beat; on pressing on it with the hand, the blood seemed to rise up to the throat, with dj^spnoea (while resting). The cartilage of the sternum cracks on bending back the chest, with a pressure in the middle of the chest. 520. The right breast is painful to the touch (3d d.). Red miliary eruption on the chest. A small red furuncle over the right breast, which is only pain- ful when touched. [A^.] On the coccyx stitches, where before there was itching. Pain in the small of the back, aggravated by motion and by walking. 525. When stooping, pain in the small of the back; she feels as if the muscles were not strong enough to support the body, which always tends to fall forward; better on rising up (2d d.). [A^.] Pain, as from a bruise, in the small of the back (on the 2d day of the menses). [A^.] When walking in the open air a pain darted suddenly into the small of the back (crick in the back), most painful on rising after long-continued sitting. Twitching pain in the small of the back. Drawing pain from the small of the back into the legs. 530. ^ In the small of the back and the loins, a pressive drawing pain, only while resting (sitting, standing and lying down) in day- time; disappearing in walking. In the small of the back and the loins a violently beating pain, while at rest, not changing when touched. Gnawing pain in the small of the back and the hips, going thence to the abdomen and back again, both in rest and in motion (i6thd.). [A^^.] Sudden stitches in the right loin. Pain in the back, on motion. [S.] 535. A jerk in the back, at night, while sleeping (7th d.). [A^^.] Pressure in the back. Burning on the back, especially on the small of the back, several times a day. With stitches, as from fleas, a vesicle forms on the left shoulder- blade. [A^^.] In the neck, severe burning pain, in the morning (loth d.). AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 25 1 540. Drawing from the neck down the back (6th d. ). [A^.] StijQf neck on turning the head. Drawing pain in the nape of the neck, with stitches in the head, over the temple, with bloated face. Pressure on the left shoulder. The knot of glands in the axilla becomes painful and swells. 545. In the right shoulder- joint a drawing pain (aft. 14 d. ) Twitching tearing in the right shoulder-joint, at rest and in motion (37th d.). [A[^.] Tearing in the joints of the upper limbs. Tearing in the shoulders. [A^.] Several tears in the left shoulder, towards the chest. [A^.] 550. Pain, as from a bruise, in the left shoulder, at rest and in motion. [A^.] Pain as of a bruise in the left shoulder- joint and elbow- joint (in the evening) . A small furuncle on the left shoulder. [A^.] Burning on a little spot of the upper arm and the fore-arm (iithd.). [.Ng.-] In the arms and hands, a drawing pain. 555. Paralytic drawing in the left arm, from the axilla into the wrist. Sensation of paralysis in the right arm (14th d.). \Hb.'] Sensation of paralysis and heaviness of the right arm ; she has no strength in it and must let it hang down; the hand at the same time is swollen and cold for half an hour (aft. 2 h,). The right arm seems to weigh a hundred weight, and to be powerless. The right arm for many days becomes quite weak and cold, appearing to be asleep and lifeless; this was again followed by a tingling sensation. 560. In the night (3 to 4 o'clock) she involuntarily stretches her arm out of the bed and awakes from the pain in it, as it is cold, stiff, and in the elbow -joint heavy like lead; she has to use the other hand to bring it back into bed, because it is too stiff, and when moved and in bed there is a tearing pain in the joints of the shoulder, the elbow and the wrists. Cramp in the right arm, w^hich pulled the arm back- ward three times in succession; then heat of the body and turbid white urine. Twitching and quivering in the right upper arm (4tli d.). Cracking in the elbow- joint when in motion. Groaning pain in the elbow- joint in straightening the arm in front of him. 565. Stiffness of the elbow- joint. Boring pain in the elbow-joint in the fossa which receives the process. Sharp stitches in the elbow. Tearing in the elbow (in the bone) extending forward into the little finger (4th, 5th d.). [A^.] 252 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. In the left fore-arm, in the middle, a violent pain, in the even- ing in bed with a sensation as if the bones there would forcibly bend inward and break of (2d d.)- C^^-] 570. Itching of the inside of the right fore-arm, with burning after scratching, and the appearance of small red pimples, spots and granules, which do not cease to itch after scratching, until they become deep red on the following day (4th, 5th d.). [A^.] In the wrist, tension while at rest, aggravated by motion; he feels as if he could not move his hand (2d d.). [-A^^.] Tearing in the wrist extending into the fingers, ceasing when she gets warm in bed. Painful tearing in the left wrist, as if in the marrow, toward the little finger (6th d.). [A^.] Frequent going to sleep of the (right) hand, on w^hich she lies at night (4th d.). [A^.] 575. Trembling of the hands (aft. 7 d.). Distended veins and blueness of the hands, after washing them in cold water. [A^.] The skin of the hands in a child becomes quite hard, and chaps in deep fissures. Peeling off of the skin of the palms of the hands (aft. 4 d.). In the fingers a pinching pain on stretching them apart. 580. Cramp in the posterior joint of a finger, so that he cannot extend it, with a stinging pain; from morning to evening, while sta34ng in the cold (2d d.). [A^.] Drawing pain from the tips of the fingers down into the hand, as if from constant mesmerizing (ist d. ). Tearing in the fingers and in the thumb-joint. [A^.] Pain as from a bruise in the left thumb, in the cold r2d d.). Twitching, griping m the left thumb, as if in the bone, with yawning (nth d.). [AV.] 585. Visible twitching and quivering in the left thumb. [A^.] Swelling of the middle joint of the right middle finger, with painfulness while touching or bending it. On the nates, a burning, itching. In the hip- joint a severe pain while walking. Every morning in bed, a severe pain in the hip-joint, as if it was rotten and beaten in two, so that he can not turn over while lying down; after rising and more yet after walking, the pain decreases, and in the afternoon passes away entirely; for 4 weeks. 590. Drawing pain down from the left hip. His legs are contracted. The tendons in the leg feel as if too short. Pain Hke a sprain in the left leg, while walking. Restlessness in the legs. 595. Twitches in the leg, toward evening. Heaviness in the legs so that he can hardly Hft them, in the evening ( 8th d . ) . [A^^. ] Suddenly great weakness in the lower hmbs, so that she has trouble in getting along, after dinner (2d d. j. [A^.] AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 253 Great weariness in the thighs and legs. [A^.] In the evening, while lying down, jerking scraping on the bones of the thighs and legs, so that she has to jerk up her leg momentaril}^ and cannot lie still, but is obliged to walk about. 600. In the right thigh, a severe pain, as if the inmost marrow was •shaken up, aggravated by lying and sitting for a quarter of an hour (aft. some h.). Great wearisome pain in the thighs, as if they would fall off, or as if the tendons would tear off; alternating with pains in the small of the back; she knows not what to do for pains (on the 3d day of her menses). [A^.] Bruised pain in the thighs. Bruised pain in the middle point of the thighs in rest and in motion (during the menses. ) [A^.] Pain in the thigh as if beaten blue, impeding her walk, (but only while walking and in being pressed upon in touching. ) 605. Pain as if crushed, passing away by rubbing, in the right thigh, immediately above the knee (nth d.). [-A^.] Pain as from a sprain in the left thigh, with a feeling of weak- ness and of sudden collapse of the legs in walking. Stiffness in the thighs, in walking. Pain as if the tendons were too short, in a spot of the left thigh, above the knee; only when pressing upon it or sitting, but not else (3d d.). [A^.] A blue spot, as large as a child's hand, above the knee, where it burns exceedingly. 610. After itching, a deep-seated -burning furuncle on the knee. A knot over the right knee, deep in the skin, only painful on pressure. [A^.] A small furuncle, only painful on being pressed upon, in the left knee. [A^.] Tearing in the knees and knee-joints. [A^.] Boring pain in and upon the patella. 615. Boring and drawing in the knee, and thence restlessness in the legs, so she has to move them continually, without alleviating the restlessness. Twitching in both patellae, in the evening, several times in succession (5th d.). [A^.] Twitches in both knees and legs. In moving the knee, a grating sound. On sitting down and in turning the leg, a pain in the knee, as if sprained. 620. Burning redness like scarlatina, in the right knee and down the leg; putting the cold hand upon it increases the pain (^2oth, 21st d.). [A^-.] In the legs a paralytic pain, as if they were gonig to sleep, alleviated by walking (7th d. ). [A^.] Frequent going to sleep of the legs, while sitting and stand- ing, and at night, when lying upon them. [-Aje'.] Tearing below the knee and on the left tibia (^ i ith d. ). [AV.] 254 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASES. Cramp in the legs, frequently, especially in the muscles of the tibiae and the feet. 625. While lying down, cramp in the leg, which became, however, unbearable on rising, compelling him to lie down. In the calf, severe cramp, on walking in the open air, so that he had suddenly to stand still. Straining in the calf (from a cold?). Violent stitches deep in the calves (14th d.). [^<^.] Above the right heel, stitches. 630. In the heel, early, on awaking, a keen pain, as if the bones were festered through. Formication in the left heel, and sensation as if festering, when touched (aft. 5 d.). [A^,] Twitching tearing in the right heel (37th d.). [A^.] In the joints of the feet and the ankles, a tearing which draws down into the toes, and ceases when she becomes warm in bed. Drawing pain at the external ankle (4th d.). [A^.] 635. Cold feet. In the evening chilliness in the feet, especially on going to bed. Rapid swelling of the feet up to the calves. Great weariness in the feet as if fatigued (2d d.). [A^.] Trembling in both feet (aft. 9 h.). 640. Formication in the dorsum of the left foot as from going to sleep (nth d.). [A^.] Violent formication and itching in the sole of the foot, so that it can hardly be borne, so that she feels like scratching the skin off; after scratching, the spot burns, in the evening (after lying down). [A^.] Tearing in the soles of both feet (nth d.). [A^.] Sharp stitches on the ball of right foot. Stinging, tearing and twitching in the big toe. 645. Frequent painful twitching in the ball of the great toe (which had been frozen when she w^as a child). Several days, especially in the evening, when going to sleep she had attacks of severe stinging and drawing in the balls of both the big toes as if they had been frozen. Itching formication in the ball of the right great toe as from a chilblain. [A^.] The left big toe is hot to the touch and pains with a burning sensation as if he had burned himself, especially from the pressure of boots and in damp weather; when taking off the boot and when resting the foot on something and in walking the pain is alleviated (14th to 36th d.). The big toe becomes red, thick and painful, especially in the evening in bed, and the whole foot swells up. 650. In walking the ball of the big toe pains as if festering. On the skin of the whole body much itching. Itching of the whole body in the morning for three hours. Itching here and there, in many parts of the body, mostly passing away on scratching, or burning painfully. [A^.] AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 255 Violent itching of the whole body, here and there, and, after scratching, burning vesicles and pimples or hard granules. [A^.] 655. Burning pimples, like millet seed, on the neck and the fore- arm. [A^.] Ever 3^ evening about 7 o'clock a strange uneasiness which wakes the child from its rest; it tosses about restlessly and cries until about 10 o'clock it falls into a sound sleep lasting the whole night; during its restlessness the head is, as it were, bloated and glowing hot; next morning the face is spotted as if scarlatina was coming on. \^Gr.~\ The whole upper part of the body is red as if covered with scarlatina. Miliary eruption on the right side of the neck and the left fore-arm. Around the elbow small red tubercles and about the neck large ones, with cutting pain; only a few of them suppurate. 660. The warts become inflamed. A mild tetter becomes red, with itching and burning, and disappears after some days. The humor in an ulcer becomes fetid. Unusual sensitiveness to cold in the skin. Chilliness while undressing. 665. A cold causes coryza and hoarseness. She cannot bear the evening air; her feet become heavy; the air is unpleasant to her and every part of her body hurts. She is very much fatigued by walking in the open air. Very much fatigued by walking in the open air. [A^.] Extreme sensitiveness to the open air. [6^r.] 670. While walking in the open air he is easily heated. \_St/'.^ After walking in the open air violent headache, which lasts during the evening. Several ailments seem to appear and to be aggravated in the open air. [A^.] Cracking in the joints, while walking. Tearing pain in the whole body and especially in the thighs. 675. Violent rheumatic drawing pain through all the limbs, hands, feet, head, neck, etc. [_St/.^ Stinging drawing, now in the right arm, now in the legs. Fine stitches in the head, in the finger tips and toes. Pain in the occiput, in the chest and from the two shoulder- blades down to the ribs. Feeling of numbness in the (right) side on which she lies in bed, passiiig away on turning over (2d d. ). [A^.] 680. Going to sleep of the hands and feet while sitting, passing away by motion. [A^.] Cold hands and feet even when well wrapped up and in the warm room. In the forenoon and night all her limbs ache, with a gna^^^ng pain in the small of the back, more while at rest than in motion (41st d.). [iV^.] ^ ^ ^ , , . The right side of the body seems more aftected than the lolt. 256 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Visible emaciation of the whole body. [A^.] 685. Paroxysm: Toward noon everything turned black before her eyes; the letters seemed to move; the breath was checked with previous lassitude; on quickly rising from his seat, he became, as it w^ere, rigid all over the body, his arms and legs extended out- wardly, while the fingers were clenched; he had to forcibly stretch them out which made them movable again (4th d. ). Toward evening she became suddenly unwell, so that she thought she would faint; alleviated by walking up and down in the open air, though there was yet an occasional stitch in the right side (aft. 10 d. ). She is very much incommoded from much speaking and hear- ing people talk, her hands and feet grow cold from it. The whole day, a slight perspiration, as if from exhaustion. The Avhole day wear)^ and fatigued, without being either sad or cheerful (aft. 24 h.). 690, Extremely weary. She often cannot stand, when she first leaves her bed, from weariness (aft. 48 h.). Indescribably great exhaustion; she often cannot sit, but has to lie down from asthenia for hours (aft. 24 h. ). She lies down as if exhausted and stupefied for several hours. While walking in the open air, exhaustion and ill-humor; he, as it were, trembled for weakness. 695. While walking, her whole body trembles. She staggers when rising. Great exhaustion in the limbs, and total indisposition for work. In the forenoon and morning great exhaustion and lassitude of body, as if he had worked too much, alleviated by walking in the open air. [A^.] Broken-down feeling of the whole body, lack of tone and w^eeping mood early in the morning on rising. 700. Sensation in the limbs as if broken down, also in the evening. Especially in the evening hours great fatigue and weakness in the limbs, especially in the knees and legs, so that he has to lie down (ist and 2d d.). [//d.'] Great exhaustion, inviting to sleep, in the forenoon for an hour. Frequent extending and stretching ofthe body, in the morn- ing, as if he had not done sleeping (2d d.). Disposition to stretch arms and legs. 705. Much yawning, with collection of water in the mouth, weari- ness, uneasiness and chilliness. [A^.] In the evening severe, spasmodic j'-awning. Drowsiness in daytime; he has to sit down and sleep in the afternoon, else his eyes ache. Drowsiness by day; he has to He down in the forenoon and afternoon. When she is unoccupied as, e. g., at meals, she becomes very very sleepy; but when she is at work the drowsiness passes away. 710. Sleepy during the day, with yawning (ist, 4th d.). \_Ng,'] AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 257 After supper invincible sleepiness, and yet on lying down he does not sleep soundl}^ during the night. He soon becomes sleepy in the evening, but his sleep is un- eas3^ for several weeks. [A[^.] Late in going to sleep (the ist night). He cannot go to sleep in the evening, for a long time, without any particular reason; but he afterwards sleeps soundlv (2dd.;. [^^■] 715. (Nightmare when going to sleep.) The earlier she goes to sleep, the better is her sleep; the later she goes to bed the less she can sleep. He often, when in bed at night, cannot go to sleep for two, three or four hours from restlessness, dry heat and sometimes from burning in the stomach. On account of itching and stinging of the skin he cannot go to sleep at night. He does not go to sleep till about 4 o'clock in the morning, when he falls into a dull sleep, perspiring, till 7 A. m. 720. Very light sleep at night; she awakes at every slight sound. Uneasy, unrefreshing sleep every night ; he tosses about. His sleep is restless and broken; he sleeps little and wakes up frequently. Restless sleep, with frequent awakening, several nights, es- pecially during the menses. [A^.] Frequent awakening at night, with chilliness (ist d.) [A^.] 725. She awakes at night, every half hour, and is then tired in the morning. He wakes up at night, between i and 2 o'clock, and cannot again go to sleep for two hours (2d d.). After midnight she wakes up with stomachache and cannot again go to sleep till 4 o'clock. Frequent awaking, with moaning and groaning, for several weeks. [A^.] Awaking in a fright, several times, after midnight, when he cannot again go to sleep; many nights. [A^.] 730. Frequent violent starting up terrified from sleep at night, with great timidity afterwards. [A^.] Sleep full of dreams (aft. 2 d.) He dreams, waking, during the night. Vivid dreams, with one who never before dreamed. Sleep full of varied dreams. 735. She dreams whole stories. Romantic dreams. lyacivious dreams, three nights in succession, about practising coition, and on awaking a sensation as of emission of seed, which yet was not true. Confused dreams. Anxious dreams. 740. Dreams every night, with an anxious ending, from which he waked up early (at 3 A. m. ). 18 258 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Distressing dreams of danger and hardship. [Ng-.] Distressing dreams about ghosts; he cried out in his sleep. Dreams of death and of dying. Dreams of d^dng and corpses. [A^.] 745. Disgusting dreams about Hce (aft. 18 d.). [Ng.'] Dreams of quarrels (3d and 7th d.) [A^.] She tells in her dreams what she thought of while waking. In the evening in bed, anguish, she cannot lie still. At night an attack of great anguish, as if she had to die, with cold sweat, audible palpitation and involuntary flow of tears; she could not move her eyes nor speak, with audible dyspnoea and trembling of the hands (aft. 19 d.). 750. Vertigo at night, everything turned with her; she had to sit up in bed. Rush of blood to the head, at night, and on awaking, heat in the face. At night, boring, lancinating headache. Before her eyes sparks, when she awakes at night. In the teeth, drawing, at night and on awaking. 755. Qualmishness, the whole night, so that she could not sleep (aft. 8 h.). Pressure in the stomach, at night. Violent colic, tv/o nights in succession, which only ceased on the passage of copious flatus. He wakes up at night for micturition. Dry coryza and stopped nose, in the evening and at night, while in bed. 760. Much hawking and expectoration of salty mucus, at night. Heaviness and pressure in the sternum, at night. Great pain in an excrescence (^gaiigluwi) on the hand, so that she wakes up, at night. In the ball of the big toe, in the evening, in bed, a piercing pain. Perspiration on the legs at night. 765. At night, about 3 o'clock, his upper body and arms were jerked, with a tearing pain for ten minutes, while he was in full consciousness, causing great exhaustion. All her lower limbs pain at night, with gnawing pains in the small of the back (41st d.). [A^.] He can only turn over slowly in bed, because the motion causes him pain. [A^.] He can lie with more ease on his left side than on his right. Extraordinary rush of blood at night; it seems as if the blood would burst his arteries and his heart. 770. At night, he often feels a chill in his sleep, but on awakening he quickly becomes warm again. Chill and cold at night, so that he cannot get warm again, especially in his feet, and he cannot go to sleep. [A^.] Chilly sensation, frequently towards evening and until he ofoes to bed. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 259 In the evening, often a feverish chill. Shaking chill before going to sleep. 775. Chill and coldness in the open air, or when he comes into a room from the open air. [A^.] Evening attacks of chills, often with the hair standing on end, blue hands and blue nails, chattering of the teeth and shak- ing; at times with a nightly heat following, and perspiration in the morning. [A^.] In the evening, in bed, from 9 to 12 o'clock, a chilly shiver- ing alternating with heat and much restlessness (aft. 10 d.). Several daj^s chills and heat, mostly shaking chills and subse- quently a general dry heat; some perspiration, only in the morning. Alternately chill and heat, with sensitiveness to cold; nausea, thirst, pressure on the chest, with stitches in the left side of the chest, tearing in the forehead and muddled feeling of the head, alternate redness and paleness of the cheeks, pressure in the stom- ach, with tendency to eructation, attended with severe catarrh and sleeplessness; for several days (during the menses). [A^.] 780. Feverish heat, many evenings in succession, for 1% hours, with headache. Heat at night (19th d.). [A^.] Heat in the whole body, especially in the abdomen, in the forenoon (nth d.). [A^.] Continually warm and anxious, in the forenoon (before the menses) (42 d.). [A^.] Feverish heat in the head, with cold feet. 785. Constant night-sweats. He perspires almost every night, and is quite hot in the morning. Morning-s'weats. Perspiration toward morning (ist d.). [A^.] Morning-sweat in the joints (aft. 16 d.). AMMONIUM MURIATICUM, CHLORIDE OF AMMONIUM, SAL AMMONIAC. We take one drachm of sal ammoniac in lumps, as being the purest. This is dissolved in i}4 drachms of boiling distilled water, filtered through white printing paper and then set in the cellar to quietly crystallize. Of the crystallized and dried salt''^ one grain is then triturated three times with one hundred grains of sugar of milk within three hours to the millionfold powder-attenuation, and then in * Sal auimoniacum depurattun. Ammonium muriaticum, first appearing here, has its pathogenesis mainlj* made up from one published in 1833, in Hartlaub and Trinks' Annalcn, Vol. iv. It is a joint one as will l-»e seen by the names of Hartlaub and Nenning always standing in a pair after the symptoms. Hahnemann's own observation. will have been on patients, as shown in the preface; Kummel's are probably from provings with the 30th diWwWon..— Hughes. 26o HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. dilution it is diluted and potentized to the 3otli development of power, as has been taught concerning the other dry drugs at the end of the first volume. This natural salt, which has been abused by allopathy so fre- quently and in such large doses, in diseases of every kind, shows itself in homoeopathic practice as an excellent anti-psoric, even in a dose of one or two of the smallest pellets moistened with a potency of high degree, and administered in dilution of more or less water (ac- cording as it is desired to act more or less strongly), or also by smelling of such a larger or smaller pellet. This salt deserves in a high degree further provings as to its pure effects. This medicine has proved itself particularly efficacious where one or more of the following sj^mptoms appeared: I^ugubrious, peevish, indifferent mood; flying spots a?id points before the vision, in day-time and in the evening at candle-light; (hard hearing); Ringing and buzzing in the ears; ulcerated corners of the mouth; tensive pains in the articulations of the jaws, during chewing and opening the mouth; empty eructation; lancinating pains in the left hypochondrium, early on awaking in bed, with dyspnoea compelling the person to sit up; the groin, on being touched, feels as if it were festered and swollen; tendency to consti- pation; discharge of blood during stool; pain as of soreness in the rectum and passing upwards in sitting; during the menses vomiting and diarrhoea; pressive and contractive pain i7i the abdomen and the back during the menses; during the menses, pain in the small of the back; tearing in the feet during the menses; while sneezing, tearing stitches in the nape of the neck into the shoulders; severe cough; tightness in the chest during manual labor; stiffness in the small of the back; stitches in the right shoulder-blade in respiring; tearing stitching pain as of spraining in the left hip; cold feet; paralytic weakness in the limbs, with dizziness; drowsiness in the day-time, with indolence and indisposition to work; night-sweats. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow pro vers are Ng. ; Hb., Dr. Hartlaub; RL, Dr. Rumviel. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Great seriousness. Anxious and melancholy, as if internal grief or sorrow were gnawing in her heart. \JSfg., Hb.'\ She does not know what to do for anguish, she would Hke to weep, and does weep at times (ist d.). {Ng., Hb.] During this anguish, bitter taste and nauseous, bitter eructa- tion. [A^., Hb.'] AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 26 1 5. She sits ill-humored, lost in thoughts, and it is difficult to make her speak, in the evening (15th d. ). [A^. , Hb.'\ X^xy peevish, as if from internal vexation, in the morning, and dazed, as if she had not done sleeping (3d d.)- {J^g-, Hb7\ Irritable and peevish, in the forenoon; after dinner her mood improves (8th d.). \Ng., Hb.'] Ver}' irritable, peevish and timid. \_Rl.'] In speaking about an important matter, he becomes excessively excited. 10. Involuntary^, strong aversion to certain persons. Gloomy in the head, as after a spree (14th d.). [A^. , Hb.'] Dizzy and numbed in the head, in the room; this passes off when in the air, in the morning (4th d.). [A^., Hb.] Vertigo, as if about to fall to one side; worse on motion, pass- ing away when in the air; frequently (3d d.). \_Ng., Hb.) Vertigo and fullness in the head, so that it seems too heavy (ist and 25th d.). [A^., Hb.] IS. Feeling of heaviness in the head, almost daily, on rising. [Ng.^Hb.] Heaviness in the forehead, frequently during day (with in- ternal sensation of heat and some perspiration). [A^., Hb.] Headache, extremely violent for several days. \_Rl.] Headache in the crown, as if the head were broken in two (4th d.). INg.^Hb.] Pressure in the forehead, with feeling of heat there, earl}^, after an uneasy night. \_Ng., Hb.] 20. Pressing down into the forehead, toward the root of the nose, with a sensation as if the brain was torn in pieces, early on rising (25th d.). \_Ng.,Hb.] The occiput feels as if compressed in a vice, later also on both sides of the head, with great ill-humor (17th d.). \_Ng., Hb.] Pinching pain in the occiput in a small spot (nth d.). [A^., Hb.] Painful twitching up into the left temple (3d d.). [A^., Hb.] Tearing in the head, mostly in the right temple, whence it also passes into the side of the face (also during the menses, and in the forehead and the right side of the head in sitting) (6th, 7th, 15th, 17th d.). [Ng.,Hb.] 25. Stitches in the left temple, forehead and side of the head, also in the crown, when stooping, with a feeling there as if the head had burst (2d to 5th d.). [A^., Hb.] Stitches and pressure in the head, especially on the left side, in the room (2d d.). \_Ng:, Hb.] Boring in front in the forehead, earh' on rising, and almost the whole day (5th d.). [A"^., Hb.] Glowing heat in the right side of the head, every evening. Frequent rushes of heat in the head (25th d.). [AV., Hb.] 30. Feeling of heat and fullness in the head, earlv on rising. \^Hb. , Burning pain, and at times stitches in the lett tempk\ ot itsolt. as also while chewing and sneezing; not aggravated by external touch. 262 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching of the hair}' scalp, urging to constant scratching (3d d.). INg.^m:] ... Itching pimples on the right side of the occiput, m the even- ing, passing awa}^ at night (aft 19 d.). \H^-^ ^^S''\ In the e3^es, pains. 35. Over the border of the right orbit, hammering or knocking, as from a large bodj^ (15th d.). {JSfg., Hb.'] Tearing in the upper border of the right ej^e, first aggravated, then improved by pressing upon it (15th d.). [Ng., Hb..'] Tearing in the external canthus. Tearing in the eyeballs. Burning in the eyes, especially in the corners, also early on rising, so that she can not look into the light; this passes off on washing (3d and 4th d.). [_Ng., Hb.] 40. For several evenings, the eyes burn only during the twilight; as soon as light comes into the room, it ceases. \_Hb., Ng.] In the evening, burning and closing of the eyes, as from drowsiness, which passed off when light was brought in (15th d.). [_Ng:.,m.-] At night, the eyes burn, with profuse lachrymation. Twitching and quivering of the ej^es, passing away by rub- bing (4th and 14th d.). \_Ng., Hb.] Quivering in the lower eyelids, especially in the left one, dur- ing the whole time of proving. \_Hb., Ng.] 45. Lachrymation of the ej^es, early on rising (3d d. ) . [Ng. , Hb.] Agglutinated eyes, early on awaking, with burning in the canthi, on washing (2d d.). [Ng., Hb.] Redness of the white of the eyes, with itching of the eyes. A vesicle in the w^hite of the eye. A mist before the eyes, which prevents her from seeing clearly, either in the air or the brightest sunshine, either what is close or what is distant; but she sees better in the room. [_Ng., Hb.] 50. Early, for several mornings, dimness of the eyes, as if foggy, passing awaj^ on washing. [Hb., Ng.] Sensation, in the left eye, as if a body was rising up which prevented her from seeing, in the forenoon (14th and 15th d.). \_Ng.,Hb.] Yellow spots before the eyes, while se\^4ng, and when she looks down through the window into the garden (2d d.). \_Ng., Lancinating pains in the ears, passing inwards and outwards, also with boring and burning, most when walking in the air. iNg., Hb.] Digging and tearing in the right ear, also at night when lying on it, a digging and rolling as if something wanted to come out. [Ng., Hb.] 55. Twitching (with boring) in the ears, also behind the left ear, around a humid tetter. [Hb., JVg.] Tickhng in the right ear. [Hb., Ng.] Itching in both ears, not passing away by scratching, with running out of fluid wax for several days (aft. 5 d.). [Hb., Ng.] AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 263 Painful pimple on the anthelix of the right ear. Itching pimples in the right external concha, urging to con- stant scratching. \_//b., JVg-.'\ 60. Growling and thundering in the right ear, while sitting, also at night, wdth rhythmic or pulse-like strokes (6th d.). [//5., Ng.~\ Sore nose, within and on the borders of the nostrils. Pain as of ulceration in the left nasal passage, with sensitive- ness to external touch, returning often (aft. 3d.), [//i^. , A^.] External swelling of the left side of the nose, with formation of bloody crusts in the nose (3d d.). \^//d., A^.] Bleeding of the nose from the left nostril, after previous itch- ing(3dd.). [N^.,m.] 65. Color of the face very pale. [^/.] Twitching pain in the right upper side of the face in a small spot, ceasing when pressing upon it, but returning at once (15th Tearing in the bones of the face, especially in the zygoma and the lower jaw, also in the evening. [//<^., A^.] Tearing stitches on the right side of the chin. Burning heat in the face, ceasing in the open air (3d d.). \_m., Ng:\ 70. Swelling of the cheek, with swelling of a gland under the right angle of the lower jaw, with throbbing, stinging pain. Eruption in the face. After itching and scratching, pimples in front on the fore- head (6th d.). [m, Ng?^ Painless vesicles on the left side of the face (nth d.). \Hb., Ng:\ Herpes in the face, dry and tettery. \Rl^ 75. The lips are contracted and seem to be fatty. Both the lips burn like fire; also at times, burning with stinging of the upper lip (2d and 22d d.). \Hb., NgP\ Excoriated spot on the right side of the lower lip, with burn- ing pain, as if sore (2d d.). \Hb., NgP\ Chapped lips. Dry lips, shrunk together, they chapped, and she had to moisten them continually with the tongue. 80. Itching pimples about the upper lip (2d d. ). [A^-, Hb.'\ Blisters on the upper lip, which inflame and fester (aft. 22 d."). IHb., Ng?^ Swelling of the gums, on the left lower row, with stitches up into the temple on that side (aft. 11 d.). \Hb., Ng?^ Tearing in the teeth. {Rl.'X Tearing toothache, mostly in the evening, sometimes ceasing in bed. \Hb., Ng:\ 85. Tearing in a decayed root of a tooth, ceasing on pressure with the finger (15th d.). \fib,, Ng:\ Stinging pain in the upper front teeth (5th d. \ [///'., ^^i:■.] On the tip of the tongue vesicles, paining, as if burned. On the tip of the tongue, vesicles, which burn like fire ^3'^^ d.). lHb.,Ng.-\ 264 hahxemaxn's chronic diseases. Sore throat, a stinging in the throat while swallowing and at other times (aft. 20 d.). \Hb., A^.] 90. Stinging in the fauces when 3'awning, frequenth^ (istd.). \Hb.,Ngr[ Swelling of the throat, without and within, with pressive pain in swallowing, and drawing, lancinating pain in the glands of the lower jaw, which are highl}' swollen. In the tonsils of the throat, which are not swollen, a throb- bing, as of a pulsating artery, with restlessness and anxiety (aft. 12 d.). \_Ri:\ Strong throbbing in the glands of the throat, without in- flammation, and swelhng of the same, with want of air in the throat and transient heat (aft. 24 d.). [^/.] Swelling of the cervical glands (aft. 12 d.). C^^-] 95. Scrap3' sore throat. Roughness in the throat, which goes off after eating. \Hb., Sensation of rawness in the fauces with stinging pain (aft. 13 Sensation of dryness in the throat (15th d.). \Hb., Ng.'\ Mucus in the throat, mostly early in the morning; this he can neither hawk up nor swallow down (the first 8 to 11 d.). \Hb.^ Ng:\ 100. In the morning, much hawking of mucus. Taste in the mouth pappv, earlj' on getting up (3d d.). \_Hb.,Ng.-\ Disagreeable taste and collection of water in the mouth ( i st d.). \_Hb.^Ng.-\ Bitter in the mouth, the whole day (aft. 7, 8 d.). \Hb., iX^-.] In the morning, bitter taste in the mouth, with bitter eructa- tion, passing awaj^ after partaking of food (ist d.). \Hb., NgP^ 105. Sourish taste in the mouth. Early on aAvaking, sour' taste in the mouth ri4thd.). \Hb.^ ^'^■] Eructation of air (soon aft. taking medicine). \^Hb., Ng^ Pressive eructation, with taste of food partaken (aft. 22 d.). {_Hb.^Ng:\ Bitter eructation, at times with the taste of food eaten, or with hiccup (5th, nth d.). \^Hb., Ng.'\ no. Belching up the ingesta [//^., NgP^ In the afternoon, belching up bitter, sour water, the taste of which remained in her mouth until she again ate something ( 1 7th d.). VHb..Ng.-\ Hiccup, very frequent, at times with stitches in the left side of the chest. \Hb., yV^.] Nausea (ist d.). [7^/.] Nausea with inclination to vomit when taking a walk, or im- mediately after dinner, when it passes off through eructations and in the air. {_Hb., Ng:\ 115. Nausea with pressure in the stomach, and yet inclination to eat. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 265 Appetite almost quite lost (aft. 24 d.). [^^.] No hunger and no appetite; yet he takes his usual meals, especiall}' his dinner, and his food has its natural taste Taft. 4 d.). In the evening, lack of appetite; she does not want to eat and 3'awns often (i6th d.). {_^b., Ng^ Much thirst, especiall^^ in the evening (the first 8 d., 15th, 19th d.). {Hb., AV] 120. Thirst several days and nights, when she drank very much water (aft. 24 d.). {^Hb., Ng^^ Absence of thirst, contrarj' to his habit (ist d.). \Hb., A^.] xVfter every meal, noon and evening, he has nausea, and the water from the stomach runs out of his mouth (water-brash), with shuddering all over (aft. 26 d.). After meals, throbbing in the chest and fauces, with heat of the face and uneasiness. Diarrhoea after everything partaken of, with pains in the belly, back, the small of the back and the limbs. 125. Feeling as of emptiness in the stomach, or of hunger (soon). im., Ng:\ Feeling in the stomach of fasting, yet it feels full; aggravated after breakfast (i6th d.). \Hb., Ng^^ Feeling of fullness in the stomach, with tightness, without shortness of breath, the whole afternoon, and not alleviated either by rest, or motion, or eructations. \Hb., A^.] Drawing in the stomach, frequently. \Hb., Ng.'\ Sensation in the stomach, as if everything were turning over, with tendency to water-brash and great qualmishness, as if about to vomit, relieved bv eructation, while walking in the open air. {Hb.^Ng^^ 130. Burrowing and writhing in the stomach in the morning, ceas- ing after breakfast (2d d.). \_Ng., Hb.'] Gnawing, or burrowing, in the stomach, as if there were worms in it. \_Hb., Ng~\ Burning from the stomach, toward the fauces, like heartburn. [_m.,Ng.-] Burning and pressure in the stomach, changing afterwards into stitches. \_Hb.,A^g.'] Burning and stitches in the scrobiculus cordis, drawing thence into the right axilla and the upper arm. [///?., A^^;'-.] 135. In both the hypochondria, intermittent pinching, both in rest and in motion (2d d.)- \_^b., N'g.'] In the region of the right ribs, stitching and burning, in the afternoon, while walking (9th d.). [JSfg., Hb.'] In the region of the left lower ribs, from time to time, stitches while spinning. [///?., Ng.] Stitches in the spleen while sitting. Colic. [7?/.] 140. Pressure in the abdomen. Pressure, as if exerted bv the hand, o\\ the left side of the belly (19th d.). \_Hb., AV] 266 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Heaviness in the hj^pogastrium, as from a load, with anxiety, as if the hypogastrium were about to burst open; passing away in sleep. Distension of the abdomen, relieved by passing flatus, in the evening, before the menses (15th d.). \Hb.,Ng.'\ Tension and inflation of the abdomen, up to the stomach, passing away after two liquid stools; in the evening (istd.). \Hb., Ng:\ 145. Stitches in the left side of the hj'pogastrium, above the hip, while sitting and while bending forward in standing. Cutting and lancinating pains about the navel (15th d.). \Hb., iV^.] In the evening, at 7 o'clock, cutting in the whole abdomen, extending to the groin and into the small of the back, ceasing after an ordinary stool (19th d.). \Hb., Ng^ Pinching in the belly, around the navel, with subsequent diarrhoea; or while standing, aggravated by stooping. \Hb., Ng^l Severe pinching of the belly, quickly followed by a diarrhoeic stool (at once). 150. Pinching, and pinching-grasping pain in the hypogastrium, with dyspnoea. At every breath, pinching in the belly, passing off with the expiration (15th d.). \Hb., Ng.~\ Early, after rising, pinching, passing around in the abdomen and the groin, as before the menses (i8th d.). \Hb., Ng,'\ Drawing, in the side of the abdomen. Burrowing, digging, in a small spot near the navel (4th d.). \_Hb.,Ng.-\ 155. Burning pain in the epigastrium, in a small spot, also in the right flank, while sitting, \Hb., Ng^ In the right groin, an indescribable pain, which extends often up into the hip and the small of the back (15th d). \Hb., Ng.'\ Sensation of distension in the groin, with painfulness in the left groin while sitting, and tension and digging in the right groin. lHb.,Ng-^ Pressive tension, and, as it were, pressing out in the left side of the hypogastrium, beside the abdominal ring. Tearing, tensive pain in the region of the groin, while walk- ing. 160. Cutting and lancinating pain in the inguinal regions, up to the small of the back, with urging to urinate, in the evening, every half hour. \Hb., tV^,] Stitches in the right groin and out behind the hip, in sitting (4th d,), \Hb., Ng:\^ Pain as of a sprain in the left inguinal region, compelling him to walk crooked (3d d,), \_Hb., A^.] Pain as from ulceration in the right inguinal region, only perceptible in walking \Hb., Ng.^ Externally on the right side of the abdomen, a great furuncle. 165,^ Winding, grumbhng and rumbling in the belly, sometimes with pinching, at times with the passage of much flatus, {^Hb. , Ng.~\ AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 267 Earh', on awaking, in bed, grumbling and fermentation in the sides of the belh^ up into the chest. Frequent passage of loud sounding or fetid flatus. \Hb. , Ng.'\ The stool is intermitted often for several days (on the 2d, 3d, 4th, 13th, i6th, 17th, 22d, 23d d.) with various provers. \Hb., No stool for two days, with constant colic and sensation as if diarrhoea were coming on (22d, 23d d.). \Hb.^ ^S-\ 170. Frequent, normal stool, at times followed by burning. \Hb., Solid stool, during the whole time of proving. \Hb., NgP^ Hard (lumpy, scanty) stool, passing with much urging, fol- lowed every time by a soft stool later on. \Hb., Ng^ Stool, the first part of which is hard, the later soft (9th, 14th d.). lHb.,Ng.-\ Several soft stools during the day, at times with severe urging and pain in the hypogastrium, after every new dose, and often at other times. \Hb., Ng^ 175. Soft, yellow stool with hurried urging thereto and followed by tenesmus and burning in the anus (5th d.). \Hb., Ng^ Diarrhoea, with subsequent pains in the abdomen (as if sore and bruised) (5th, 8th d.). \Hb., A^.] Half liquid (mucous) stools, with pains around the navel (ist, 2dd.). \Hb., Ngr[ Green (mucous) diarrhoea in the morning (3d, 4th d.). \Hb., Before the customary stool, pain around the navel (even after 12 d.). \Hb., Ng?^ 180. With the customary stool, stitches in the anus. \Hb., Ng.'\ During and after a soft stool, much burning in the anus. lHb.,N^.-\ In the anus, itching pain as of soreness, and beside it several pustules. In the perinaeum, tearing pain while walking. In the evening, lancinating, tearing pain in the perinseum. 185. In the bladder, down into the urethra, a lancinating, pinch- ing pain, while lying down. Constant urging to urinate, beginning at 4 A. m. Urging to urinate, but only a few drops were emitted, until with the subsequent stool the urine flowed again normallv. \_Hb., Ng:\ He can emit the urine only quite slowly. Scanty passage of urine and less frequent than usually (the first days). {Hb., Ng.'] 190. Increased micturition, even while drinking but little (^2d and 9th d.). {Hb., Ng?^ In the morning, more frequent urging to urinate and more frequent micturition. At night he had to get up frequently to urinate, and emits an unusual quantity of urine (ist, i7tli d.). {_Hb., Ng.'\ 268 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. The urine (discharged) is hot, and increased in quantit}^ (the first days). \Hb.. iV^.] Reddish, clear urine, without clouds or sediment, during the menses. \Hb., NgT^ 195. Deep-vellow urine, with a loose cloud on the bottom (6th d.). \_Hb..Ng!\ ^ Clavev sediment in the urine after one hour (5th d.). \Hb., In the left spermatic cord, stitches and throbbing (5th d.). \Hb.,Ng^, Frequent erections (aft. yd.). \_Hb., Ng^ In the genitals, earl}' on awaking, sensation as after nocturnal coition. 200. The catamenia (two da3^s) too early, with pains in the abdomen and the small of the back, continuing also at night, when the blood also flows more strongly (aft. 17 d.). \_Hb., Ng.'\ During the menses, much blood passes with the stool. Leucorrhoea, with distention of the abdomen, without ac- cumulation of flatus. Leucorrhoea, like the white of eggs, after previous pinching around the navel. \Hb., Ng?^ Painless discharge of brown mucus from the vagina, after every micturition (6th and 7th d.). \Hb., Ng.'\ 205. Frequent sneezing, during the day (13th and 14th d.). \Hb., Sensation in the upper part of the nose, as if a cold w^ere coming on. \Hb., AV.] Continual itching in the nose, with urging to blow the nose, and a sensation as if a rough large bodj^ were sticking in the upper part of the nose, with stoppage of the same (2d d.). \Hb., Ng^ Coryza, with eruption in the nostrils (sore nose). Coryza, with stoppage of the nose and loss of the sense of smell (13th and 14th d.). {Hb., Ng.'\ 210. Stoppage of the nose, with pain in the right nasal cavity, at night, passing off next morning. \Hb., Ng^ Dr}' cor3'za, while clear water runs from the nose. Coryza, with feeling of stoppage in the nose, while much mucus passes off, but with effort (aft. 24 d.). \Hb.\ A^.] Coryza, only in one nostril, from which much thick, yellow matter is discharged; with tearing in the cheek-bones and the teeth of the left side. Clear, acrid water runs from the nose, corroding the lips (ist d.). \_Hb,,Ng^, 215. Hoarseness, with burning in the region of the larynx, the w^hole afternoon (aft. 3d.). \Hb., Ng7\ The chest is oppressed, as wdth dn/ catarrh. Frequent expectoration, with ejection of little clots of mucus, with a sensation of rawness and soreness above, behind the uvula. \^Hb., A^.] AMMONIUM MURIATICUM, 269 Violent cough in the evening in bed, causing water to belch up in her mouth (3d and 4th d. ). {Hb., NgP^. Cough, while taking a deep breath, especially while lying on the right side. 220. Dry cough (from tickling in the throat), in the evening and night, and also in daytime. \Hb. , A^.] Dry cough in the morning, with stitches in the fore part of the chest and in the region of the left lower ribs, becoming loose in the afternoon. [I/d., Ng.'] A (dry) cough, which he had before taking the medicine, passes (aft. 15 d.) suddenlv away, without expectoration. [i/<^., At night, lying on the back, a fit of loose coughing, with stitches in the region of the left lower ribs, so that he could not finish coughing for pain; on turning on the side it was still worse; the following day again a fit of coughing, but without stitches (aft. 21 d.). [m.,JVg;] Gough, with some expectoration in the morning (ist d.). 225. Expectoration of blood, following itching in the throat, for six days. Short breath (aft. 18 d.). [7?/.] Asthma, when violently moving the arms and in stooping. She feels so heavy on the chest, while walking in the open air, that she could not get enough breath, and had frequently to stand still (2d d.). IHd., Ng.] Tightness and pressure on the chest, with tendency to eructa- tion, which came on in the open air and relieved the pressure; early on rising (aft. 19 d.). [//i^., A^.] 230. Pressure on the left breast, while exercising in the open air, also into the left side of the chest, when going from the warm room into the open air (3d and 19th d.). [I/d., A§-.] Pressure and stitches on the chest, as if a morsel swal- lowed down had lodged there. \_//d., A^.] Stitches in the chest, here and there, at times w^hen taking a breath or sitting bent over; at times also rythmicall^^ [///?., A^.] Lancinating, formicating sensation of soreness in the left side of the chest, while sitting. Beating like pulsation, on a small spot in the left thoracic cavity, only while standing, in the morning (4th d. ). [AT/?., AV.] 235. Painful tension under the right breast, with frequent inter- missions, in all positions (after dinner) (15th and i6th d.\ [///^, Tension or screwing together, in the lower part ot the chest, without reference to respiration, while standing (ist d.). [///'.. Pain as from a bruise under the right breast, ot itselt and also when touched, frequently intermittent, and often checking the breath (12th to i6th d.). [Hd., Ng.^ Burning on a small spot of the chest (while walking in tlio open air) (soon and aft. 13 d.). [///'., AV.] 2-jO HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Tearing in the region of the heart, passing thence into the fore-arm (15th d.). [B'b., Ng.'\ 240. In the left clavicle, tearing in a small spot, with pain as from a bruise on pressing upon it (2d d.). \_B'b., i\^.] Several spots on the left chest, sensation as of flea-bites, which immediatelv pass awav on scratching, in the evening (iithd.). \_Hb., Ng.-] Red spots on the left side of the chest, which itched with a burning sensation, and grow pale from the pressure of the finger (lothd.). [_Hb., Xg.'] Pain in the small of the back, with obstruction of flatus. After yawning, a sensation in the small of the back, as if something elastic, Hke air, was pressing to get out there (6th d.). IHb.^Ng,-] 245. Pain in the small of the back in walking, so that she cannot walk straight. [_Hb., Xg.'] On rising from stooping, pain in the small of the back. Painful stift'ness in the small of the back, even while sitting, but most on rising up after stooping. Nocturnal pains in the small of the back, which alwa3's wake her from sleep (aft. 16 d. ). [Hb., Xg.'] Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised or crushed, in rest and in motion, also at night in bed, so that she can neither lie on the back nor on the side. [Hb., Ng.'] 250. Bruised pain of the coccyx, while sitting still, especialh' in slumber. In the back, pain as if crushed, so that she could not lie on it at night (aft. 3 d. j. [Hb.. Ng.] Pain as if bruised and sprained between the shoulder-blades, or as if the muscles of the back were stretched apart. Tension in the back, and as if compressed in a vise, in sitting; passing off through motion (15th d.). [Hb., Ng.] Drawing pressure from without inwards in the middle lumbar vertebrae, compelling her to stretch the hypogastrium forward. 255. Stitches in the left shoulder-blade, especialh' on lowering the shoulder and on turning the body to the left. Stitches in the left shoulder-blade ( while at rest; ('4th and 9th d.). im.,Ng.-] Pinching in the flesh of the right shoulder-blade (15th d.). im.. xg.-] Icy cold in the back and between the shoulders, in the spot where the former pain had been; onh' internally, and not to be warmed either b}- feathers or wool; after half a da}' the cold turned into itching ^aft. 12 d.). [RL] Itching in the neck, in the evening, while undressing, passing off on Mng down ( 1 8th d. ) . [Hb. , Ng.] 260. Small, inflamed, ver\' sensitive knot on the right shoulder- blade, not passing over into suppuration (3d d.). [Hb.. Ng.] Furuncle on the left shoulder, vnlh. tensive pain faft. 3d.). [Hb..Ng.] Drawing in the neck, as if in the tendons (3d d. ) . [Hb. , Ng.] i AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 27 1 Tension and stiffness in the neck, so that she could not move, in the evening ; passing off after lying down ( 1 8th d. ) . \Hb. , Ng.~\ Stiff neck, with pain, on turning around, extending from the neck to between the shoulders; for six days (aft. 6 d.). C^^-] 265. Tearing, alternately in the right side and the left, then again in both sides of the neck, alternating with tearing in the cheeks (ist, 4th and 17th d.). [^^., Ng.] Tearing stitches in the neck and in the left clavicle, on mov- ing the head. Tearing in the left clavicle, in a small spot, with pain as from a bruise on pressing upon it (2d d.). [//<^., A^.] In the axilla a swollen gland, hke a hard, red abscess, which, however, alwavs disperses again, like a large pimple (i8thd.). [^/.] Blisters as large as peas, on the right shoulder, tensive and burning, and forming a scab after three days (aft. 2 d.). \_//d., 270. In the shoulder- joints, first in the right, then in the left, rheumatic pain on motion. Drawing in the right shoulder- joint, as after a cold, while resting. [Hd., A^.] Beating on the right shoulder, and in the left axilla, in the morning and frequently during the day (12th and 19th d.). [//(^., Burning and pressing in the right shoulder (2dd. ). [//^. , ^£■■1 The right arm feels to her very heavy and as if rigid, especially in the upper arm, as if paralyzed, in the evening while spinning and in the morning ( i6th, 17th and 18th d. ). \_I/d. , A^.] 275. Tearing in the left arm (and foot) (ist d.). [^/.] Tearing in the left arm as if in the tendons, extending down into the fingers, passing off on violent motion (9th d. ) . \_/Id. , A^.] In the left upper arm, compressive pain, on leaning it on some- thing, passing away in motion (22d d.). [I/d., A^.] Tearing in the upper arm, as if in the marrow of the bone, extending down into the wrist (13th d.). [i/*^., A^.] Tearing in the upper arm, with sensitiveness of the arm to pressure (19th d.). \_I/d., A^.] 280. In the lower arm, from the right elbow to the little finger, drawing, w^hich is increased to tearing and passes awa}- b}^ motion (2dd.). im.,Ng.] Pressure in the left fore- arm, while lying in bed, passing oft by motion, but is renew^ed on resting the arm on the table while writing (nth and 1 2.th d. ) . [I/d. , A^^.] Itching burning in the left fore-arm under the bend of the elbow (13th d.). [Hd., iV^.] Itching on the inside of the fore- arm, in the morning, and eruptive pimples in the bend of the elbow. After scratching the inner itching side of the left fore-arm, little pimples appear, which soon disappear again (14 and 15th d. ^. im.,No--\ 272 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 285. Eruption of pimples on the right fore-arm, which impels b}^ its violent itching, to continual scratching. \_Hb., AV.] Heaviness and feeling of going to sleep, in the right fore-arm (3dd.). lHb.,Ng:\ In the wrist of the left arm, tearing and twitchmg m the tendons of the inner side, as if it would tear them out, with swell- ing on the dorsum of the left hand (ist d. and aft. 25 d.). {Hb., On the wrist- joint little vesicles, which first itch violenth', and after scratching, burn (aft. 20 d.). {Hb., Ng^ Large blisters and knots which are seated (on a hard founda- tion) in the skin, first itch violentl}^ and after scratching, burn, inflame and form a (reddish-brown) scab, which remains inflamed • a long time (with swelling of the spot), around the right wrist (aft. 12 and 19 d.). {Hb., AV.] 290. A violent stitch through the hand, while walking in the open air (22dd.). \Hb., Ng^^ Stitching and beating in the left hand, Avorse on motion. \Hb., Ng^^ Beating in the right palm, passing off through motion (12th d.). \Hb.,Ng.-\ Paralj^tic feeling in the right hand, and on the right middle finger; in sitting and knitting (15th d.). \Hb., NgP\ Pain, as from a sprain on the dorsum of both hands, on seizing something, not in anj^ other motion; the pain is relieved on ex- tending the hand, and passes away with a cracking sound on press- ing the joint of the thumb. \Hb., A^.] 295. Itching pimples on the dorsum of both hands, in the evening and night, with peeling off of the skin on this spot, the following morning (aft. 20 d.). \Hb., Ng.'\ Peeling off of the skin between the thumb and index of both hands (aft. 14 d.). {Hb., Ng^^ In the fingers (thumbs) and their joints (twitching), tearing, increased at times b}^ pressure or rubbing, mostl}^ in the evening. \Hb.,Ng?^ Violent tearing in the index, when she extended it, after holding something in her hand, with stiffness after clenching it, so that she could not extend it again (during the menses) (17th d.). lHb.,Ng,-\ Tearing in the middle joint of the thumb. 300. Pain, as of cramp, in the right middle finger, as if in the tendons, on bending the fingers (nth d.) \Hb., Ng^^ Stitches in the finger-tips and in their joints, spreading at times, with throbbing into the whole hand, and passing away by motion of the same. S^Hb., Ng^ Stitches and painful beating under the nail of the left thumb (5th, 8th d.). \_Hb.,Ng.-\ Frequent tingling m the tips of the fingers (and thumbs), as from going to sleep. \Hb., A^.] Violent, long-continued itching in the tip of the index, not to be relieved by scratching, in the morning (12th d.). \_Hb., A^.] AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 273 305. In the hip, on the left side, pain, as if the tendons were too short, so that she has to Ump in walking; in sitting, there is then a gnawing pain in the bones. \_Hb., Ng.'] Tearing, from the left hip down into the leg, in sitting; in the beginning relieved b}^ rising and returning on sitting down, but later on it is not even relieved by motion (i6th d.). [Hb., Ng.~\ In the legs, lassitude and weakness the whole day (the first days). im.,Ng.-] Trembling of the left leg, with sensitiveness to the touch (lothd.). IHb., Ng.'] In the thigh, in front, tearing pain in sitting. 310. Painful tearings on the external side of the right thigh, in the evening, in sitting (15th d.). [Hb., Ng.] In the knee-joints, extremely painful stitches, in the evening, in sitting (3d d.). ^Hb., A^g.] Stitching and tearing in the left knee, only in walking (nth d.). \.IIb.,Ng.-\ With a child, where after removing a swelling of the knee stiffness of the knee-joints (and curvature backward) had remained, the mobility was very soon restored. [Rl.] The tendons in both houghs pain while walking (at times with twitching), as if too short, not while resting. \_Hb., Ng.] 315. Early, on arising from bed, the legs were contracted in the hough, as if they were dried up or too short, so that she could not get down the stairs; it passed off after longer and stronger motion (15th d.). \_Hb., Ng.] In the legs, a drawing tension, in sitting and lying down, com- pelling a stooping walk, when it passes off. Tension and drawing in the tendons of the legs, so that he can not walk well, with weariness in the legs. \_Hb., Ng.] Spasmodic contraction about the lower part of the left leg (5th d.). [Hb.,Ng.] Insensibility of the left leg (it is as if dead), in sitting (i2tli d.). \_Hb.,Ng.] 320. Stinging on the inner side of the left leg, as also in the calf, in sitting (13th, 14th d.). ^Hb., Ng.] After a four hours' walk, while resting, a stinging pain in the left calf (3dd.). ^Hb., Ng.] The bones of the heel feel sore when treading and walking, as if stiff and bruised. Violent tearing (and stitching), with pain, as of a sup- puration, in the heels, at times passing of by rubbing; also at night, in bed, not alleviated b}^ any position (4th, 17th, igth d.^. [.m.,Ng.-] Spasmodic contraction, with pain in the right heel, ni the even- ing in bed, also with tearing on the inside of the ankles, while sitting (14th, 15th d.). IHb., A^g.] 325. In the right foot, as also on the external ankle of the left toot, beating and pain, as in suppuration, in walking v*-^^^^- iithd.^. \_m., Ng.-] 19 2 74 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing on the external border of the foot, in standing, and passing away on motion (7th d.). \Hb., NgP^ Feeling in the feet as if asleep, also at night (19th, 20th d. ). {Hb.,Ng.-\ Cold feet in the evening in bed, she can not get them warm for a long time (14th d.). \Hb., Ng?^ In a paralyzed (already much improved) foot, pains appear. \_Ri:\ 330. Itching in the sole of the right foot, in the evening (2d d.). \Hb.^Ng:\ In the toes, especially the big toes (twitching) tearing, while sitting and standing. \Hb., Ng^ Stitches in the left small toe, in standing and walking; as also in the big toe, where it slowly decreases and increases. \Hb. , Ngl^ Pinching itching in front on the right big toe (7th d.). (m, Ng.-\ On the skin of the whole body, now here now there, itching (and smarting), so that she cannot scratch enough, in the evening, most before lying down, and sometimes passing awa}^ after lying down. {Hb., Ng.'\ 335. In the evening, before going to bed, violent itching over the whole body, especially on the chest and the fore-arms, with little pimples on scratching (2d, 10th, 14th and 15th d.). \Hb., Ng.'\ At night and in the morning, violent itching about the hips, on the thighs, legs, and about the houghs, with miliary pimples. Fine miliary eruption over the whole body, for two weeks (aft 16 d.). Vesicular pimples in front on the chest and on the left leg, which first itch, then burn. \Hb.. ^g^ All bones of the body are painful, as if bruised, while sitting still, in slumber. 340. In the whole body, especially in the back, feeling of pain as from a bruise, with tearing in both the shoulders and in the neck, early, after rising, and worse on motion (aft. 25 d.). \Hb., Ng^ Early on awaking, the body feels drawn together, so that she can hardly walk, but it passed away through continued walking (19th d.). \Hb., Ng:\ Tearing, as if in the bones, on the left upper arm, and then in the right thigh, down from the hip, in sitting ( loth d. ) . \Hb. , JVg.^ Tearing (and painful twitching) now here now there in the limbs, most of all in the (temples), arms, houghs, thighs, calves, fingers and toes, in the evening in sitting, and better after lying down; between the index and the middle finger the pain at times raged and beat as if an ulcer were about to form. [I/b. , Ng.] In the evening, twitching tearing in the tips of the fingers and toes, then in the right upper arm, now here, now there, with anxiety; passing off on lying down (i6th d.). [Ifb., Ng.] 345, Twitches (stitches) and burning formication in the tips of the fingers and toes, as from going to sleep, in the evening, afternoon and also at night. [lib., A^.] Stitches in the tips of the fingers and toes while walking in the open air, (22d d.). [I/b., Ng.'] AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 275 Pressive burning and stitches, now here, now there, in various places (3dd.). {Hb-, ^f-] Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, then in the right side of the chest, then in the right shoulder-blade, and lastly in the small of the back, with chilliness and drowsiness during the day. The limbs on the right side seem more affected than those of the left. \Hb., Ng:\ 350. She seems to feel better in the open air. \Hb., Ng^ His blood seems always in tumultuous activity. Rushes of blood in the whole body, attended with anxiety, and during the whole time of proving, she feels more warm than cold. {Hb., Ng.'] Toward evening, for one hour, a severe beating headache in the forehead, aggravated by touching the forehead; attended with weakness, so that he could hardly walk, and when he went to bed, a shaking chill. Sudden lassitude and weakness after dinner, while moving about in the open air (19th d.). \Hb., Ng.'\ 355. Very much fatigued. [^/.] Very tired in the morning, [i^/.] Constant yawning without drowsiness, in the morning (7th d.). VHb.,Ng:\ In the evening, early, great drowsiness, with closing of the eyes; passing oif when the lights are lit. \Hb., Ng?^ She cannot go to sleep before 3 a. m. (on which she sleeps in the morning and wakes up in a perspiration). \Hb., Ng^ 360. She cannot go to sleep before midnight, on account of her cold feet. Before midnight, she is kept awake a long time by heat in her head. IHb., Ng:\ In going to sleep, starting up with fright (5th d.). \Hb., Uneasy sleep, after midnight, with frequent awaking and turning from one side to the other, with dreams. She wakes up about 12 or 3 o'clock at night, and then can not go to sleep again (ist, 17th d.). \Hb., Ng.'\ 365. Very restless nights. [^/.] Sleep full of dreams (aft. 3d.). [Hb., Ng:\ Frequently anxious, frightful dreams, at which she wakes up anxious and frightened. \_Hb., Ng.'\ Dreams about falling in the water. [///?., AV.] Dreams she is sick, that she has a rash. \Hb., Ng?^ 370. Lascivious dreams about coition. Voluptuous dreams (aft. 4, 5, 12 d.). [///'., Ng.'\ At 2 o'clock at night, violent cutting throughout the abdo- • men, from which she wakes up (aft. 24 d.). [///'.. A^.] Oft-repeated sneezing, without coryza, wakes her up at night, with formication in the throat, exciting cough and the se- cretion of saliva (aft. 6 d.). \Rl.^ Heaviness on the chest, at night, in bed, with half-unoonsoious awaking, in a sort of dream, as if somebody had^hanged him, and pressed hard upon his chest (aft. 5 d.). [///^, A>.] 276 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 375. Excessive pains in the small of the back awake her at night from sleep, with a paral5^tic pain in both hips and thighs, which parts even pain on the following morning, when touched (aft. 18 d.). \_Hb., Ng:\ At night, awaking from pains as from a sprain and a bruise in the right side of the back, extending to the middle ribs, and into the axillae, on turning the body, stretching the arms, sneezing, yawning and breathing. In the hip, after midnight, stitches in any position, relieved b}^ pressure; with frequent passage of flatus, and a sensation ^s if the pain was caused by flatus (19th d.). \Hb., Ng^ At night, awaking from tearing in the right upper arm and in the legs, from the heels up into the bones (aft. 24 d.). \Hb., Ng.'l Violent itching, at night, between the shoulders and on the left forearm, so that he felt like scratching the skin open (aft. 2 d.). lHb.,Ng:\ 380. Chilliness at night, she dare not uncover herself. \Hb., A^.] Chill (and coldness), mostly in the evening, at times with thirst before or during the same, and a few" times subsequently in the night, perspiration. \Hb., A^.] In the evening, or after midnight, a chill, then (alternately) heat, then perspiration, all without thirst (3d, 13th d.). \_Hb., Ng.-\ Frequent attacks of fever, chills followed by heat, with a thick, red face, and thirst during chill and heat; the intervals free of fever w^ere of half an hour. More heat (warmth) than cold, during the last part of the provings (aft. 17 d.). \Hb., Ng.'\ 385. In the warm room and after rapid motion, heat all over, and redness of the face, but especially, externally, in front, over the whole chest; a stinging sensation of heat. Heat, in the forenoon; thirst, early on rising. {Hb., Ng^ Dry heat in the head, frequently, on entering a room, with subsequent slight thirst, in the evening (19th d.). \Hb., Ng.^ Heat in the whole body, as if perspiration was about to break out (aft. 14 d.). \Hb., Ng.'] Frequent transient heat, with subsequent perspiration (i^th d.). [m. Ng:\ 390. Great heat, at night, in bed; then in the morning, perspira- ration (i8thd.). \Hb., Ng.'] Heat in the palms, soles of the feet, and in the face; in the evening, immediately on lying down (with thirst); afterward per- spiration (2d, 3d, 4th d.). \^Hb., A^.] Early, on arising, a feeling of heat, and some perspiration in the hands and smelling foot-sweat. Heat in the whole body, with redness of the face and perspi-. ration, on moving about in the open air (aft. 24 d.). \Hb., Ng.'] Heat and perspiration, in the afternoon; then some thirst. [m,A^^.] 395. Perspiration, about midnight (aft. 4 d.). {Hb., NgP[ Several nights, perspiration over the whole body. Strong perspiration, early in bed (2d d.). \Hb., Ng.l ANCARDIUM. 277 ANACARDIUM. (MALACCA-NUT.) The lofty tree {^Avicennia tome?itosa^ seniecarpus Anacardiurn) which yields this fruit, grew in the time of the Arabs, on Mt. ^tna, in Sicily; now it is found in dry forests in East India. Between the outer, shining black, heart-shaped and hard shell and the sweet kernel within, which is covered with a thin, brownish-red skin, this fruit contains in a tissue of cells a thickish, blackish juice, with which the Hindoos indelibly mark their linen, and of such acridity, that even moles can be cauterized with it. It is only rarely that we get this fruit so fresh that this juice is still somewhat fluid, of the consistence of honey; usually it is quite dry. We take of this, for homoeopathic use, one grain, and like other dry vegetable sub- stances, it is brought by three hours' trituration with thrice one hundred grains of sugar of milk to the millionth powder-attenua- tion, and then through solution, dilution and shaking, its medicinal power is developed and potentized. This fruit, as well as the tree which bears it, is to be carefully dis- tinguished from another which bears a similar name, Anacardium occidentale ; the fruit of this tree is of kidney-shape and was un- known to the Arabs, who first called attention to the medicinal powers of the heart-shaped fruit, which they called Balador. During the last one thousand years this powerful and sanative remedy had fallen into total oblivion, as well as several other reme- dies which the more observant ancients had made good use of. Serapio in his book, De Siinplicibus^ C. 346 (contained in Pradica Sei'aponis, Venet. fol. 1550), quotes most of the writers among the Arabians who have written about the use of the juice of Anacardium. Abe7i Mesiiai says: It is good when sensation and memor}' have been marred; Alchalahamen: its property is to encounter the relaxation of the nerves (paralysis) ; Bedigoras: it removes forgetfulness and sharpens sensation; Abugerig: it is good for paralytics and those who fear its coming. This last writer also advises carefulness in its use; it produces — bai^as (heaviness?) and leprosy and abscesses, and perhaps it kills — it is hurtful to youths and to the choleric. If on choosing Anacardium, according to its peculiar syinptoins. also one or another of the following states is found, this would only make more sure the correctness of its choice. 278 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Hypochondriac, troubled mood; depression; unsociableness; anx- iety; fear of approach of death; lack of moral sense (flagitiousness, impiety, inhumanity, hardheartedness) ; a condition as if he had two wills, of which the one annuls what the other impels him to do; sen- sation as if his spirit were unconnected with the body; feeling of the head as after a debauch; pressive headache from the temple toward the eye; headache in the occiput, from a misstep or loud noise; weak- 7iess and di77iness of the eyes; nets and dark spots before the eyes; painful swelling of the external ear; itching in the ears; running of the ears; humming of the ears; rushing sound in the ears; deafness; bleeding of the nos^-, fetid smell from the 77iouth, without his being aware of it; waterbrash; fetid taste of the mouth ; severe thirst; lack of appetite; morning sickness; weaknessof the stomach; indigestion; pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, early on awaking; pressure on the liver; hardness of the abdomen; blood with the stool; varices of the anus, also painful ones; itching of the anus; humor from the rectum; burning of the glans during and after micturition; involuntary erec- tions during the day; lack of enjoyment of coitus; leucorrhoea, with itching and soreness; sensation of dryness in the nose; stoppage of the nose; long-continued catarrh and flow of mucus from the nose; cough, with expectoration; rattling in the bronchia, while lying on the side; shooting and heaviness in the forearm; tensive pain and weakness in the arm ; trembling of the right hand; burning in the soles of the feet; weight in the hmbs, especially in the knees; tremu- lous weariness; want of irritability of the skin, so that it can not be excited by resins to itching and to become moist; sensitiveness to colds and draughts; inclination to colds; late in falling asleep; anxious dreams; chilliness; perspiration in sitting. Camphor and ethereal spirits of nitre are but weak antidotes; but smelling of raw coffee is efficacious against the anger and violence caused by Anacardium. Those physicians who, besides me, contributed their observations to the pure effects of Anacardium are: Br., Dr. Becher ; Fz., Dr. Franz; Gr., Dr. Gross; Htn., Dr. Hartmann; Hr7n., Dr. Herr- ma7in; Lgh., Dr. Langhami7ier; St., Dr. Stapf. ANACARDIUM. Sadness. Anguish and apprehension as of imminent misfortune. [i5r.] Anxiety and apprehension in the evening, after cheerfulness during the day. [f^gh.l A pathogenesis of Anacardium appeared in the third Vol. of the Archiv (1823), containing 484 symptoms obtained from the powdered bean and tincture by the seven provers mentioned above and by Hahneminn himself. His present symptom-list is made up of these and of 138 fresh symptoms obtained (in all probability) in his later rviQ.-a.n^r.— Hughes. ANACARDIUM. 279 Internal anguish, which did not allow him to rest, he troubled himself about every trifle, as if it would cause great injury, with solicitude about the future. 5. In walking and in standing, uneasiness, as if some one were coming behind him; everything around him seemed to him sus- picious. Timorous in all his actions; he views everything more anx- iously and timidly, always thinks of being surrounded by enemies, then he becomes hot, his blood seems to boil in his chest (aft. 7, 8d.). Anxious apprehension and deep thoughts, on meditating over his present and his future fate. {Lgh.) The future seems to him very dangerous, as if nothing were imminent but misfortune and danger; distrust in his own power, and despondency. He is at odds with the whole world, and has so little confi- dence in himself that he despairs of being able to accomplish what is demanded of him. 10. In the forenoon, extremely hypochondriac, discouraged and despondent, with awkward, helpless manner; all movements are extremely clumsy and indolent (aft. 3d.). [^Fz.'] Anxious solicitude and moroseness. \_Gr.'] Extremely morose and ill-humored. [St.'\ The whole day in a peevish mood; all that surrounds him makes a disagreeable impression on him. \_Lgh.'] Gloomy, annoyed mood, with an impulse to go into the open air. \_Br.'] 15. Very peevish and out of humor, with great sensitiveness to all offences. He takes everything ill and becomes violent. Passionate and contrary. [Gr.'] Extremely passionate at a slight offence, breaking out into violence. Indisposed to everything. 20. Indisposition to work; he is afraid to undertake anything, he has no pleasure in anything. [St.~\ In the afternoon he is in a better humor than in the forenoon ; he is more cheerful and disposed to work, as soon as the drowsi- ness after dinner is passed (aft. 38 d.). [Fz.'] Very indifferent and unfeeling; neither agreeable nor dis- agreeable matters excite his sympathy; for eight days. An excitement which is unnaturally cheerful. He laughs, when he ought to be serious. 25. He is compelled to laugh, while engaged in very serious matters, by a titillation below the scrobiculus cordis; in laughable matters he can keep serious. His thoughts leave him. \_Sf.~\ Great weakness of the memory; he could not find the words he wanted. Great weakness of the memory; he cannot retain anything;-; everything immediatel}" slips from him. 28o HAHXEMAXX S CHROXIC DISEASES. Difficult recollection; nothing remains in his memory; he has a lack of ideas, and loses his subject quickly and without per- ceiving it. [/^2.^ 30. His memory is quite deficient earh' in the morning, especially as to single names. \_^^.^ In the afternoon, there is a diminution of imagination and of memory; he cannot recollect an^'thing (aft. 5, 6 h. ). \_F2.~\ In the afternoon, his memory is better than in the fore- noon, although it is slow in 3'ielding what it ought to yield at one; still the understanding of what he reads is very easy to him, even if he cannot quite retain it (aft. 3, 4 d.). [i^^.] Increase, greater keenness of the memory'; even the least circumstances of times long past come back to him, without cause; he would also be now able to easily learn by heart, if other press- ing thoughts did not distract him , though he can grasp these with ease (aft. i^ h.). \_F2.'] Anacardium enfeebles the understanding. [Matthiolus in Commenta7\ in Dioscorid. M. M. L. V., Cap. V, p. 985.^] 35. Obtuseness of the senses, with anxiety; he hardh^ notices what passes around him. His mind is very much oppressed, as if a cold in the head were coming on. He can only think when a subject is suggested to him; he does not of himself think of anj'thing; he cannot independently determine on anj^thing. Everything intellectual is hard for him, as in a dearth of ideas. \_St^ Obtuseness of the senses, with numb feeling of the head, and decrepitude. \_St7^ 40. In the morning, after a sound sleep, he cannot grasp the least thing; his head feels waste and empty. [/>.] Increased phantasy; something new continually occurs to him, which he must follow out. In the evening, from 9 to 10 o'clock, his phantasy is at first unusualh- excited, and there are mam^ projected ideas; he can not bridle his attention; but gradually his mental organ becomes quite blunted, so that he does not think anv more of anvthing at all (aft. 16 h.). {F2^^ The mind is much more lively than before; he enters eagerly into^ acute inquiries; but every exertion of this kind causes him tearing, pressive headache in the forehead, the temples, and in the occiput. {Fz.l An3^ exertion of the mind causes him at once a sensation of prostration in the brain. 45. _ Delusion of fancy; he thought his name was called by the voice of his (far distant) mi other and sister; at the same time an apprehension and anguish foreboding misfortune. \_B}\'\ Melancholy dejection and imagination, as if there was stand- ing in the adjacent room a bier, on which a friend or he himself was lying. ' Gei:eral statement of effects. (Book VI, Chap. V, p. 660 of edit. Venice, i -^^^.)— Hughes. ANACARDIUM. 28 1 He mixes up the present with the future. Numb feeUng first of the left, then also of the right side of the head. [Gr.-] Painful, obtuse, benumbed feeling of the head, when he lies in an inconvenient position in bed. [^BrJ] 50. Dull, painful, muddled feeling of the forehead, down to the root of the nose. [_Gj\'] Early, after rising, his head is so muddled and heavy that he can hardly carry it; he had to lie down again. The head feels very heavy, the whole day. Dizzy in the head, as after drinking liquor. It whirls about in his head. \_Gr,'] 55. Vertigo on stooping, like turning around in a circle (aft. 13 h.). iLgh.-] Vertigo; everything becomes black before the eyes. [_Gr.'] After a w^alk, in the afternoon, violent vertigo. While w^alking, vertigo, wdth a sensation as if all objects were too far distant. Vertigo, as if all objects, or he himself, were staggering; he had to hold on to something (ist d.). 60. Vertigo, so that he almost fell down. Stupefying, dizzying, pressive pain in the whole head, espe- cially in the forehead; he was about to fall to the left side w^hile sitting (aft. 2 to 2 1/3 h.). \_Lgh.'] Pressure in the head, from time to time. Pressure in the occiput, on the right side (aft. 3 h.). [Hrm.'\ Early, every time on awaking, pressure in the forehead, worse from walking, as if the brain were being shaken. 65. In the middle of the forehead a dull pressure, which is aggra- vated with slow, deeply penetrating progress, and gradually occu- pies the whole of the sinciput in the evening. [6^r.] Severe pressure on the right side of the forehead, from within outward. [///;?.] Violent pressure in the region of the right temple. [Ht7i., Hrm.'\ Dull pressure outward out of the right eminence of the fore- head. Dull pressure, as from a peg, on the left side of the crown. [Gr.] 70. Inward pressure on the left temple. \Gr.'\ Obtuse pressure inward, here and there, in small spots of the head. \_Gr.'\ Inward pressure and squeezing in both temples, with con- stant constriction of the upper part of the head, passing away toward evening. \_Gr^ Squeezing together and dull pressure below the left frontal eminence. \Gr.^ Squeezing together of both temples at the same time. [( /"/-.] 75. Constrictive headache in the forehead, with very peevish humor, aggravated from hour to hour, with violent burrowing pain, relieved momentarily by strong pressure upon the forehead; 282 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES at last the pain occupies the whole head with a painful sensation, as if a bandage were drawn tightly from the neck toward both ears; he has to lie down, and the pains continue from 5 p. m. till next morning. \_Gr.~\ Violent pain, as from a vise, in the right side of the forehead, especially on the external border of the orbit. \_Gr.~\ Pressive, pinching headache in the sinciput, with single tear- ings toward the forehead (aft. 24 h.). [Br.'] Tearing pressure in the left temple. {Hrm., G?\~\ Tearing headache during arduous work (aft 4d.). [/^^.] 80. Tearing pain in the brain, just over the right temple. [7/rw.] Tearing, which begins quite low down on the right side of the occiput and goes up into the forehead (aft. 35 h.). \_I/rm.] Repeated tearing in the right side of the head, face and neck, and immediatel}^ afterward buzzing before the left ear. \Gr.] Repeated tearing in the whole head, with a general shaking chill, ill-humor and restlessness, w^hich does not allow her to remain in any one place; alwavs returning about the third day. . [Gr.] Tearing headache in the occiput, in single, well-defined tear- ings, extending into one of the temples (aft. i}i h.). \_F^.] 85. Jerking tearings and tearing pains in the occiput and the temples, especially on bending the head backward (aft. 2 h.). Sudden, sharp, piercing and smarting tearings in the temple, extending into the brain (aft. 3 h.). [Fz.~\ Sharp, pressive tearings in the left temple. [/^^.] Tearing stitches in the forehead, over the right eye. [I/rm.~\ Stitching jerking tearing in the left temple. [Fz.] 90. Sharp stitches through the left side of the head, deep into the brain. [Gr.~\ Dull, tremulous stitches on the left side of the upper part of the head, as if it were merely incipient, but could not get to it. [Gr.] Pressure in the right side of the head, interrupted by severe stitches (aft. ^ h.). [7//;z.] Headache, with stitches in the left temple. Several times on inspiring, a long-drawn stitch from the temple to the forehead (aft. 5}^ h.). \_m?i.'] 95. Drawing pain on the left side of the head. Drawing pain in the forehead, in the left side of the crown and in the occiput. l/ir??z.~\ Jerking in the left side of the head, down close before the ear, often repeated. \_Gr.~\ Single, violent jerks, extending from behind over the upper part of the head, on the left side and over the forehead so severe that he could cry out aloud, (aft. ^ h.). [G?\~\ Burrowing, violent headache, in the evening. 100. Painful burrowing in the right half of the sinciput, especially on the border of the orbit, moderated by strong external pressure (and during eating), with an unbearable pain, as if a heavy body ANACARDIUM. 283 were squeezed in there; in the evening in bed, while lying with the painful part on the arm there is a relief, and it passes off en- tirely on going to sleep. \_G?'.^ Throbbing headache. Heat in the head. The pains in the head are aggravated by motion, [i^?.] External pressure in the forehead, over the arch of the left eyebrow (aft. 2 h.). \Lgh.'\ 105. Severe pressure in the corner, between the frontal and the nasal bone (aft. 3 h.). {Hrju.'l On the hairy scalp, violent itching. Itching on the forehead. Many tubercles, as large as lentils, on the hairy scalp, with soreness when touched and scratched. \Lgh^ Painless pimples, with red areolae, at the top of the left temple (aft. 9 h.). {.Lghr[ no. Pains in the eyes, without redness. In the eyes, a sensation as if there was something between the eyeball and the upper lid. which causes friction. \Hrm.'\ Something seems to cause friction between the eyeball and the lower lid. \_Gr.'\ Pressure on the eyeballs from before backward, or from above downward. \_Hrm.'] Pressure below the left external canthus (aft. 2 h.] . [H?7n.'] 115. Pressure, as of a stye, in the right inner canthus, and in the tarsal cartilages adjacent. [Hrm.'] Severe pressure on the eyes, especially on the left eye and in its external canthus, when looking long at an object (aft. }^ h.). [IlrniJ] Dull pressure as from a peg on the upper border of the right orbit, penetrating to the brain, with stupefaction of the whole side of the head. [6^r.] Pain as if a peg were driven in under the upper border of the orbit, touching the eyeball. [_Gr.'] Rheumatic, tearing pain in the left eye (more in the lids), ex- tending into the temple. [Fz.'] 120. In the morning when walking, tearing in the eyeballs and orbits (aft. 24 h.). [/>.] Twitching in the eyelids, so that it seemed to him that it must be visible. \_Gr.'] Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. The light in the evening seems to have a halo around it. The flame of the light seems to him to be flickering, and the light seems to burn now more obscurely, then again more brightly; but on strongly straining his vision, he saw that it burned quietly. 125. Frequent flickering before the eyes. Contraction of the pupils (aft. 14 h.). [Ac/''] The pupil of the right eve became smaller for a short time (aft. 48 h.). [Br.'] Great dilatation of the pupils (aft. 13. 14, 19. h.^ ^alternate action). [Lgh.] 284 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Short-sightedness; he cannot recognize an5^thing distinctly in the distance, while he sees clearlv what is held close to his face. 130. Very much diminished short-sightedness (aft. 48 h.) (curative action). [Lgh.'] Dimness of the ej^es, as if they were full of water, which com- pels her to wink frequenth^ in the evening (aft. 16 h.). [Hhi.'] Earache in the right meatus auditorius. \_Gr.'] Spasmodic cramp-like pain in the external auditory meatus. Spasmodic cramp-like contractive sensation of the left auricle (aft. J 2' h.). \_Ht7i.'] 135. Spasmodic cramp-like contraction in the left meatus auditorius, with pressure against the tj^mpanum. \_F2.'] Pressive pain upon the external ear. Slow, dull thrusts from both sides of the ears and in their pas- sages, as if two dull pegs, pressing inward, were about to meet in the middle. [Gr.'] Twitches in the left auditory meatus in short paroxj^sms and very painful, as if a nerve were stretched or like electric shocks. [Gr.] Twitches in the external ear. 140. Drawing pain behind the left ear. Painful drawing in the left interior auditory meatus (aft. ^ h.). IHrm.'] Tearing in the left ear, down the cheek. Severe tearing on the upper border of the cartilage of the right ear. \_G?'.'] Tearing stitching, dull pains in the tip of the tragus of the left ear. [GrJ] 145. Extremely severe, lancinating tearing in the left external ear (aft. 24 h.). [Gr.'] Violent stitches in the left ear. Pain as from suppuration in the ear, especially on swallowing. On bringing the teeth together in biting, pain in the ear as from an ulcer. In the cartilage of the ear and the internal ear, pressive tear- ing and beating, as if something were about to fester; on boring in with the finger, it is aggravated, and there arises a sensation as if something obstructed the auditory meatus (aft. 10 h.). IFz.] 1 50. Itching in the ears and running out of a brownish matter. Sensation behind the ears as if the parts were getting sore; he has to rub them. [6^r.] Roaring before the ears. Buzzing in the ears. Ringing in the right ear. [6^r.] 155. Feeling of stoppage in the left ear as from cotton; nor could he hear as well with it as with the other (aft. % h.). \_Hrm.'] Sometimes he heard so ill wnth it that he did not notice when anyone noisily opened the door; but often so acutely that he perceived people walking in the ante-room through double doors (aft. 54 h.;. [_Br.-\ J ANACARDIUM. 285 In the nose, a transient pain, as is wont to come from too great cold, so that his e3^es watered. Contractive pain in the anterior part of the nose, as from great cold, with lachr3"mation. Bruised sensation in the left side of the nose, seemingly in the bone. [6^r.] 160. Pustules with red areolae in the corner of the right nostril. Red pustule on the septum in the right nostril, with soreness to the touch. {Hrm^ Bleeding from the nose after blowing it strongly. Delusion in smelling, as if he smelled lighted sponge, early on arising. Constant smell before the nose as of the dung of pigeons or chickens, especially when he smells of his clothes or his body (aft. 2 h.). IFz?^ 165. The sense of smell seems to have almost totally van- ished, though the nose is not stopped (aft. 5 h.). \HrmS\ In the face, in the middle of the cheeks, a dull pressure, as if the spot were seized with pincers. \_Gr^^ Numb pressure on the left cheek-bone. \Gr?^ Drawing pain on the right cheek-bone. \Hrm7^ Worn out, hollow-eyed appearance, with blue borders around the eyes, for several days (soon after taking the medicine). \_St?[ 170. Paleness of the face, without coldness (at once), [^r.] Great paleness of the face, soon after taking the medicine. Pale, sick, wretched complexion, without otherwise feeling ill. Dry heat in the face and in the whole head, with benumbed feeling of the head and pale countenance; he is hot to the touch, but does not feel so. \St^ White, scal}^ tetter on the right cheek, near the upper lip (aft. 4I1.). {.Lgh:\ 175. Itching on the forehead. Hard, red pustules on the forehead and in the corner of the left nostril, with sore pain for several weeks. \St^ About the mouth, rough, scaly, tettery skin with tingling itching. {Gr.'\ On the lips and the corners of the mouth, dryness. Burning dryness of the outer borders of the lips, almost as from pepper. [.5/.] 180. On the chin, externally, burning, and on its left side from below a dull pressure. \Gr7^ Burning between the lower lip and chin, as after scraping with a dull razor. [6^r.] Suppuration and painfulness of a spot under the chin, where two 3^ears ago there was a furuncle. [6";-.] In the lower jaw, frequent drawing pain, especially in the evening. Tearing in the right ramus of the lower jaw, frequently re- peated. \_Gr^ 286 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 185. Single tearings in the articulation of the jaw (aft 42 h.). Gum-boil. Bleeding of the gums on shght rubbing. Toothache in one of lower dentes cuspidati, as if he had been picking it, aggravated by touching with the tongue and in the open air (2dd.). [^r.] Toothache when he takes something warm into the mouth, some jerks, but on the whole more pressive than drawing. 190. Drawing pain in the gums and the roots of the left lower molars. {Hrm^^ Spasmodic drav/ing in the right lower row of teeth, extending up into the ear (soon after taking the medicine). \Gr.'\ Tensive drawing pain in a hollow molar, reaching up into the ear, for several days, 10 p. m. [5/.] Tearing in all the teeth, returning in paroxysms. {Gr.l In the mouth, painful vesicles. 195. The tongue is white and rough, like a grater (aft. 3 h.). \.Lgh:\ Heaviness of the tongue, and feeling as if swollen, so that he cannot continue talking. In talking, some words are difficult for him to utter, just as if his tongue was too heavy. His speech is more strong and assured in the afternoon than in the forenoon. His throat seems raw and sore. 200. Scraping sensation in the throat. \_Gr,, 5/.] Pressure in the pit of the neck. \_Gr.'\ Dr3'ness in the throat, disappearing through eating, in the forenoon. [/^^.] Mucus firm and viscid in the fauces, and before the posterior nares (aft. i h.). [/^^.] Bitter dryness in the mouth and throat. 205. Bitter taste in the mouth after smoking tobacco. Smoking tobacco causes only smarting; he does not enjoy it. Everything tastes like herring pickle. Insipid, rotten taste of food; this taste is also in the mouth itself. Flat taste of beer. 210. Loathing for food, which he else relished, so that he felt like vomiting. He partakes of dinner, simply because it is meal-time, with- out being hungry, but he relishes it; though the bread tastes somewhat bitter. \FzP\ Constant thirst; yet swallowing, when he drinks, takes his breath, and he has therefore to pause continually. At times, violent hunger, at times, no appetite at all for his meals. Good appetite, and, after meals, pressure and nausea in the stomach, even without exercise. 215. During dinner almost all his ailments vanish; two hours later they begin again. \Gr.'\ ANACARDIUM. 287 After dinner, heat in the face, with collection of sweetish saliva in his mouth, and violent thirst. [/^^.] After meals, heat in the face and a worn-out feeling. [^/.] Every time after meals, shuddering in the scrobiculus cordis, with every step. After meals, pressure and tension in the scrobiculus cordis, every time. 220. During- meals, intermittent, dull pressure over and beside the scrobiculus cordis. [G?\^ After meals, pressure about the stomach. After meals, pressure in the stomach, with sensation of ex- treme lassitude and prostration, with great thirst (aft. 3^ d.). After a light breakfast, pressure in the region of the stomach, toward the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much. Immediately after dinner, distension of the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much. [6"r.] 225. After meals, winding about of flatus in the stomach, as if from a laxative. After a meal, urging to stool, more in the upper bowels. After a meal, hypochondriac depression; there is a pressure in the abdomen, and he feels extremely w^eak in body and in spirit (aft. 6h.). [F2., St.] After dinner, while standing, quite weak in the knees, at the same time drow^sy and indisposed to any exertion. \_Fz.~\ After a meal, drowsy and indisposed to work. 230. After dinner, irresistible inclination to sleep. \_//t?i.~\ After a meal, tussiculation, which affects the throat as if it were raw (aft. ^j4 d.). [F2.'] After a meal, rawmess in the throat, with a deep tone of voice. After a meal, eructation, which burns in the throat. Eructation, after drinks and liquid food. 235. Empty eructation, in the morning. IGr.] Eructation, with cramp- like pain in the stomach. Hiccough. [/^^-.J Rising of moisture into the mouth, w^hich chokes him. fre- quently repeated. \_Gr.] A quantity of fluid rises into his mouth and fauces, causing a feeling of nausea on the chest. [F2.~\ 240. Heartburn, after soup, as if from sour air in the fauces, with a sensation of contraction. Burning, rising from the stomach, up into the throat. Nausea, in the morning, with sensation in tlie stomach of fasting. In the evening, severe nausea. Toward evening, severe nausea, constant collection ot \yatcr in the mouth, and finally vomiting, with subsequent strong acidity in the mouth. 245. Nausea, with retching in the fauces, soon returning on drink- ing cold water, with vomiting of the same, attended with a pain, as if the fauces were pressed apart by a large ball. 288 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Great qualmisliness in the scrobiculus cordis, outside of meal- time, with distress, as from a sprain, but without any actual nausea, with a good taste in the mouth and good appetite. At first, sensation in the scrobiculus cordis as of fasting, then pressure in the stomach the whole day, and (as it were obstructed) passage of flatus from above and below, with lack of appetite. Pressure in the stomach, from reflection and exertion of the mind. Slowd}^ intermittent, painful, obtuse pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. \_Gr.'] 250. Pressive, drawing pain below the scrobiculus cordis, in walk- ing (aft. io>^ h.). [F^.] While walking in the open air, a soft pressure, with drawing in the scrobiculus cordis, disappearing after a meal (aft. 12 h.). Constrictive, violent stomachache, relieved b}^ stooping, but much aggravated by lifting the arm and turning the bod3^ Stitches in the region of the scrobiculus cordis, on the left side, aggravated by respiration and walking, and beginning again on resuming the walk. [G?-.^ Sharp stitches in the region of thescrobiculus cordis, and as if from there through to the small of the back. [6^r.] 255. On taking a breath, sharp stitches in the scrobiculus cordis. Both at inspiration and expiration compressive, painful stitches, as from a needle, in the scrobiculus cordis, not passing away in any position nor when touched (aft. 4 h.). \_Lg-/i.~\ Cutting, in the region of the scrobiculus cordis. [Gr.] Gurgling and fermentation, in the scrobiculus cordis. lGr.'\ In the hypochondria, alternately on the right side, and on the left, stitches on inspiration. lGr.~\ 260. Stitches in the left hypochondria. Dull stitches in the region of the spleen, partly as if in the chest, partly as if in the abdominal cavity, [//ym.] In the region of the liver, pressure, an hour after eating. About the navel, pain, as if a dull peg were pressed into the bowels. l_Gr.~\ Dull pressure, just below the navel, aggravated by pressure and by inspiration, soon after a meal. [Gr.] 265. Pressure in the region of the navel, as if something hard had formed there, with a sensation during respiration and speaking, and especially during coughing, as if the belly w^ere about to burst open; it aches at the touch, like pressure and tension. Hard pressure, on a little spot above and below the navel, and in the left side of the abdomen. [//'r?72.] Thrusts, as from a dull instrument, on the right side, near the navel (aft. 6 h.). [Gr.^ Stitches, very painful and dull, on the left side, near the navel. IGr.-] Intermittent, dull stitches on the navel. IG?^^ 270. Dull stitches, in the abdominal cavity, near the navel. \Hrin.'\ ANACARDIUM. 289 Dull, deeply pressing stitches, at the left spinous processes of the iliac bones. [6^r.] Keen, sharp stitches, so that he starts, on the right side, above the navel. [G7'.~\ Single, keen stitches in the abdomen. It suddenly darts down, undulating into the abdomen, like lightning. \_Gr.^ 275. A rapid cut, on the right side, in the abdomen. Cutting pinching in the abdomen, as from flatus, or from cold, with urging to stool (aft. 4 and 22 h. ). [/.^/z.] Attacks of colic, more cutting than pinching, when flatus is checked in the abdomen. Pinching and squeezing in the abdomen (aft. 12 h.). IF2.'] Squeezing pain in the hypogastrium, seemingly in the bow^els (aft. 7 h.j. [//rw.] 280. Pinching contraction in a small place, on the left side, above the navel, on inspiration (aft. }4 h..). [Hhi.} Pain, as if something was rolling together in the abdomen, with subsequent pressure (aft. 32 h. ). \_Lg/i.~\ The bowels pain, as if spasmodically shortened, when bending back, in the forenoon. Externally on the right side of the abdomen, under the short ribs, rythmical, burning stitches as from needles. [_Gr.'] In the muscles of the left side of the abdomen, immediatel}^ under the short ribs, transient, short stitches. [_Gr.~\ 285. In the mons veneris, tearing. Above the abdominal ring, intermittent, dull pressure out- ward. [6^r.] Constant growling in the abdomen, especially in the region of the navel. Constant growling and griping in the abdomen. \_Gr., Hrm.'] Urging to stool, frequently during the day, without be- ing able to discharge anything, for many daj^s. 290. Urging to stool, daily three times; he felt urging, and when he then sat down, the urging was gone; the rectum did not fulfil its functions; and he had to use great force in evacuating the faeces, though they were soft. Urging to stool, without being able to do anything; he feels as if everything was stopped up in the rectum. \_F::.~\ Constant urging to stool, and since the evacuation does not immediately take place, a painful twisting and turning in the bowels, transversely through the abdomen. [/////.] Daily two or three stools of the customary sort, but ahvays discharged with difficulty. He had to go to stool often, 1)ut only a little was discharged at a time; first soft, then hard faeces. 295. The stool was of quite a pale color (aft. 48 h. K Diarrhoea of watery stool, often and yet with nuich straining. During the stool, griping in the abdomen ^d't. '_■ h. \ [///v//.] During stools, and more especially afterwards, a dull pressure increased by inspiration , in the muscles of the abdomen , just below the navel. \_Gr.'\ 20 290 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. After stool, yawning and eructation. 300. In the anus frequent itching. The varices about the anus become smaller, and do not pain any more, except that the^^ are sore when starting to walk ( cura- tive effect). In the urethra, itching. Constant urging to micturition. Frequent urging to micturition, and little discharge of urine (the first 4h. ). [A^7/.] 305. He has to get up at night to urinate, and he can urinate again at the usual time. [_Gr.^ In the morning, while fasting, frequent discharge of urine, clear as water. [6"r.] Frequent discharge of urine, clear as water, in small quan- tities. [St.] The urine is turbid immediately on its discliarge; it deposits a muddv sediment, and when shaken becomes of a clavev color. Along the penis, a pain, like a cut. 310. On the scrotum, constant voluptuous itching, exciting the sexual impulse (aft. 2 h.). Sexual impulse, in the morning, on awaking, with erection of the penis, [//fn.^ Violent sexual impulse. Unexcitableness of the sexual impulse (the first 10 d.). Emission of prostatic juice at a hard stool. 315. In a normal stool, passage of prostatic juice. Passage of prostatic juice, after urinating. Seminal emission, at night, without lascivious dreams (aft. 27 h.). [Lg/;.] After coition, itching in che anus. ^ 't* ^^ *^ ^ Sneezing. \_Gr ] 320. Stoppage posteriorlv in the nose, as through much mucus. Dry coryza. Violent cor^^za, lasting four weeks. Severe coryza, in the evening (aft. 48 h. ). [F^.^ Severe coryza, with catarrhal fever; she could not get warm, with heat in the head and icy coldness of the hands and feet, in the warm room; then dry heat, the tendons of the legs feel too short, cramp in the calves, and uneasiness about the heart (8th d. ). 325. After frequent sneezing, a most violent, fluent coryza, with lachr3'mation. Roughness in the throat. Hoarseness after eating, with deep sound of the voice. [Fz.] Tussiculation after a meal, affecting the throat as if it was raw (aft. 3 d. ). [/>.] Severe croup after a meal, with vomiting of what has been eaten. 330. Cough, almost solely at night, and more severe than during the da3\ ANACARDIUM. 291 For several nights, cough more severe than in daytime. Nightly cough, with scraping in the throat. Matutinal cough. Suddenly at 4 A. m., and several times during the day, exhausting fits of coughing, for hours (aft. 14 d. ). 335. In the evening in bed an exhausting cough, which drives the blood to the head. Cough, with pain in the occiput. Cough, with stitches in the forehead or side of head. In coughing and in deep inspiration, pressive pain on the crown of the head. Cough, with yawning after the fit. 340. Cough, with (generally ineffectual ) incitation to sneezing. Cough, beginning with formication in the bronchia and with choking. Periodical fits of coughing, but only during daytime, taking away the breath; every three or four hours. Shaking fits of cough, as from whooping-cough, excited every time he speaks. Shaking cough, which does not allow him to sleep (at night). 345. Short cough, mostly in the afternoon, with ejection of a viscid, grayish 3'ellow mass. Short cough with ejection of pus. He coughs up blood (4th d.). Breath short; a choking sensation in the region of the sternum. Asthma, especially after a meal and also in sitting. 350. Dyspnoea, asthma (aft. 10 h.). Tightness of the chest, wdth weeping, b}^ which it is relieved. Tightness of the chest, with internal anguish and heat. Oppression in the region of the sternum, without pain; he feels as if he could not remain in the room, but must go into the open air and be ver^^ active. Uneasiness in the chest, as if in the heart, especially in the forenoon (4th d.). 355. Tightness on the chest in expiration, with pressure in front on the sternum faft. 1% h.). [F^.^ Pressure on the chest like tightness, toward the axilkie. with difficult breathing (aft. 24 h.). [^Hrni.'] Especially in sitting, pressure on the chest, with fullness, from which he feels that vomiting would relieve him (aft. 10 h.V lHrm.\ Pressure above the right nipple, from without inwards. [^Ilnu.^ Quick pressure on the sternum, as if from a blow, when going to sleep in daytime. 360. Suddenly a rapid pressure on the right side of the chest, near the shoulder, which is feh at the same time in the back on the opposite .side, without respect to breathing. Dull pressure above, on the right border of the stenunn. [(/''.] Dull pressure as from a large peg in the right side of the chest. [^Crr.'] 292 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Undulating drawing in the left side of the chest. lGr.~\ Sensation of soreness and rawness in the chest, aggravated by inspiration (at once), [(^r.] 365. Sensation of a sore spot in the chest, under the sternum. Tearing with some pressure on the left side of the chest, reaching up toward the heart, as if it would crush the whole side, especially when sitting bent forward (aft. 10 h.). [Z^^.] Separate, severe stitches in the chest. Severe stitches above, in the left breast, which keep her for some time from rising from her seat; then a sense of a pressing down load in that spot. Dull stitches on the left side of the chest, a hand's breadth below the axilla. [6^^'.] 370. Sharp, throbbing stitches in the chest, above the heart (aft. 80 h.). [Gr.'] In the region of the heart, a stitch at night, on inspiration. Stitches about the heart, darting through and through, two at a time, following in quick succession, [/^s".] In the muscles of the chest, a drawing pain. Jerking sensation in the muscles of the chest, on moving the arm. 375. Externally, on the left false ribs, a constrictive stitch as from a needle (aft. 4 h. ). [Lo-/i.~\ Corrosively itching stitches as from needles in the last false rib. [//r;;^.] Itching on the chest. Blunt stitches in the small of the back. [Gr.'] Pain from stiffness in the back on rising up from sitting, passing off by sitting bent. 380. On the right side near the spine, in the scapula, a pain as if from continued sitting bent double. [Gr.] Spasmodic pressure under and beside the scapulae, from with- out inwards (aft. j-n h. ). \^Hrm^ Severe stitching pressure, close below the left scapula, uncon- nected with breathing (aft. "ii^h.). \Htn.'\ Keen stitches on the outer side of the left scapula. \Gr^ Tearing stitches beside the right scapula, from within out- ward. \_HrniP^ 385. Dull stitches in the left scapula, returning slowly and causing a tearing pain to spread on all sides. \Gr.'\ Painful tearing between the scapulae. [//f?i.'] Formication in the scapulae, as if from going to sleep or from ants. IGr.'] Pain as from a bruise, frequently, in the right scapula and upper arm, so that she can scarcely raise her arm. [Gr.] External fine and blunt thrusts, in brief paroxysms, on the right side of the external surface of the left scapula. [Gr.] 390. Cracking in the scapula, on hfting the arm. In the vertebrae of the neck, a cracking, on stooping. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Stiffness in the muscles of the neck, with tensive pain, especi- ANACARDIITM. 293 ally on quickly moving the head after a period of rest; less dur- ing continued motion (aft. 52 h.). [Br.'] Two days in succession in the morning on awaking, painful stiffness of the neck on the right side, on which he had lain, at the least movement, and especially on turning the head to the painful side (aft. 4. 5 d. ). [///;^.] 395. On awaking, stiffness and pressive tension in the nape of the neck, in the occiput, and between the scapulae, both in rest and in motion. On the left side of the nape of the neck, close to the occiput, a pinching, painful stiffness while at rest and not impeding the motion of the head nor aggravated thereby (aft. 2 h. ). [/7/?z.] Dull, intermittent pressure, as from a heavy load, on the right side of the nape of the neck and on the top of the left shoulder, as if it were in the bones. [Cr.~\ Rheumatic drawing down over the neck. [Z^^-.] In the neck, on both sides of the larynx, a hard pressure, which at times renders deglutition difficult (aft. 2 h. ). \_//rm.~\ 400. Sudden, dull pressure, as from a load, on the left side of the neck. [6^r.] Slowly intermitting pressure in the angle between the neck and the top of the shoulder, on the left side. [Gr.'] Stitches as from needles, externally, now here, now there, on the neck. [6^r.] Intermittent throbbing stitches, as of needles, near the throat, and on the left side of the chest (aft. 3^ h. ). [^^/z.] Frequent itching on the neck. [T*^.] 405. In both the axillae, a tickling itching, compelling to scratch (aft. ^h.). [Gr.] Tickling stitches, as from needles, below the shoulders, ceas- ing on rubbing. \_Gr.'\ In the arms, on stretching and extending them, painful, cut- ting tension, from the joints down along the flexor muscles, and. when bending them back, in the joints, especial^ in the shoulder- joints, a cracking, with a pain as if the arms were dislocated. l(rr.~\ Numbness of the left arm. \_Gr.^ Sudden pressure in the right arm, as if in the muscles and the bones, with weariness therein, [//r;;?.] 410. Tearing and drawing in the left arm. In the right upper arm, from the shoulder to the elbow, a rheumatic drawing pain, with feeling of stiffness in the arm. [/^V.] (Spasmodically ) pressive pain in the muscles of the upper arm, while walking in the open air, and in the evening, on sitting. Dull pressure, like a threatening, on the left upper arm, almost as if in the marrow of the humerus, verv keen and intermittent. Painful jerking in the left upper arm, above the bend of iho elbow. \_Gr.'] 415. Sensation as of blows from a heavy body, very painful on the middle of the left upper arm (at once\ [('^'■] 294 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES Pimples with a red areola and pus in the tip, on the inferior portion of the upper arm, with painful itching, compelling to scratch, on moving the arms (aft. 12 h.). [Lo7i.~\ In the bend of the left elbow, pressure, which drags down the arm as if hea\T, and impedes its action, on walking in the open air (aft. 13 h.). [F2.] In the forearm, now here, now there, painful pressing from without inwards (at once). \Gr^ Pressive pain in the muscles of the right forearm in writing (aft. 13 h.). {_Lgh^, 420. Pressive scratching on the bone of the forearm, at rest. \_Fz.\ Spasmodic pressure on the left forearm, more violent when touched, and when moved it is aggravated into a tearing pressure. {Hrm:\ Pressive drawing on the whole upper surface of the left fore- arm (at once). [6^r.] Cramp-like drawing in the right forearm, from the wrist toward the elbow. \Gr.'\ Cramp-like jerking in the whole body of the forearm, begin- ning a hand's breadth above the left wrist (at once). \_Gr^ 425. Cramp-like violent pain in the left forearm and on the dorsum of the hand, unaffected by motion, at night in bed. [6^?'.] In the wrist, jerking in the flexor tendons. In the palm, a simple pain on moving it. \_GrP^ Cramp-like pain in the joints of the right hand, where the metacarpal bones join the phalanges (aft. ^'2 h. ). [//r?;^.] Cramp-like pains in the joints of the left hand, where the index is joined to the metacarpal bones. \_Gr.'\ 430. Cramp-like pains in the hand, in the region of the metacarpal bone of the little finger. \_Hrm ] Cramp-like, jerking, dull pain in the anterior extremities of the metacarpal bones, unaffected b}^ motion. \_Gr.l^ Intermittent, bluntly lancinating, cramp-like pain on the external side of the left hand, where the little finger joins its metacarpal bone. \_Gr.'\ Spasmodic contraction in the left hand, so that she cannot straighten the fingers. [Gr ] Pain as from a sprain in the metacarpal bone of the little finger of the right hand. 435. Painful grumbling between the metacarpal bone of the left index and middle fingers, just behind the knuckles. \_Gr.'\ Severe cutting in the metacarpal bones of the right index. A pressive cramp-like pain in the muscles, across the dorsum of the left hand (aft. % h. ). \_Lgh.'] Pressive tearing in the dorsum of the hand (aft. 9 h. ). [Fz.'] Pricks as of needles in the dorsum of the left hand. \_Gr.'] 440. A severe, long-continued, painfully tearing stitch in the ball of the right hand. [_Htn.'] Keen, burning stitches on the external border of the left hand, where the little finger is joined to the metacarnal bone (aft. 36 h.). IGr.-] ANACARDIUM. 295 Severe feeling of parchedness of the hands. Dr3', hot hands. Itching stitches in the external knuckle of the right hand, which only passes off on scratching, continued until it is red. [G^r.] 445. After nocturnal itching in the palm and between the fingers, relieved by severe rubbing, but not removed, there appears a pimple on the side of the left index, which opens on the next day, and then passes off. ^Gr.^ Warts all over the hands, even in the palms. In the fingers of the left hand, cramp-like twitching fol- lowing the rythni of the pulse, in the posterior joints. \_Gr.^ Intermittent cramp-like pain in the posterior joints of the right thumb and index. \_I/rm.'] Contractive lancinating pain in the muscles of the left thumb, passing off through motion and touch (aft. 2 h.). [^Lgh.'] 450. Tearing in the little finger, oft repeated. [6^/'.] Repeated tearing in the right thumb, going up into the elbow, as on the formation of a whitlow. Numbness of the fingers. Sensation of dryness in the fingers and hands. Tickling itching on the little finger, in the evening on lying down, only relieved by strong pressing and rubbing, since it does not seem to be situated in the flesh of the muscles, but deeper within. \_Gr.'] 455. Pustules on the index, with a red areola, and stinging, vo- luptuous itching, spreading in the whole palm; after pressing and squeezing, to which the itching compels, there appears red and white lymph, and later a scurf, under which a clot of pus forms; in the evening, a drawing soreness in it, and the sore lasts eight days. \_Gr.'] In the hip- joint of the right side, on moving while sitting, a loud cracking. [^Gr.'] Pain as of a sprain or a bruise over the right hip, on rising from a seat, constant; also in moving the body while sitting; ris- ing is then intolerable, and he has to walk stooping forward. In the legs, here and there, after a walk, drawing, pressure a'nd feeling of heaviness, which latter is diminished by stretching out the foot. [^H7^m.'] Restlessness in the legs, while sitting; this restlessness runs up and down, making painful impressions in spots: passes away on walking and returns in sitting (at once). [6^;-.] 460. In the thighs, painful (sharp) dull pressure, at times in rhythmic paroxysms. [G?\'] Dull pressure, as from a large peg, in the gluteal muscles of the left thigh. [Gr.'] Cramp-Hke pressure in the left thigh, before and beliintl. [//r?;2.] Violent pressure in the middle of the external side ot the right thigh, at every pulsation, and every time with a severe stitch (aft. lO;^^ h.). [///?2.] Twitching pressure on the inside of the right thigh. | ^"^.J 296 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 465. Slight twitching and drawing in the thighs, especially around and in the knees, as after a long journe}'- on foot, with painful uneasiness, like a tremulous quivering, in sitting (aft. ^ h.). Drawing pain down on the external side of the right thigh. [Gr.] Tearing contraction ( cramp ) on the outside of the left thigh in a small spot, w^th subsequent pain as of internal festering (aft. II h.). [/=>.] Dull pain in the left thigh, close above the knee. [Gr.] Boring stitch in the muscles of the right thigh, in front below (aft. loh. ). [L£-/i.'] 470. Burning itching on the thighs, in the evening. Burning pricking, as of needles, compelling to scratch, here and there, in the muscles of the thighs. [Gr.~\ Itching stitches in the left thigh, passing off on rubbing. [Gr.] In the knees, as well as in the muscles above and below the same, the most severe painfulness, after long stooping [Gr.] In the knee, on the inner side, pressure in walking. [/^^.] 475. Pressure and drawing on the inner side of the knee, when w^alking. [/^^.] Dull, pressive drawing on the inner surface of the right knee, when sitting. [Gr.'l Drawing pain in the right knee, as if under the patella, not affected by different positions (aft 1^2 h. ). [//f?i.~\ Painful drawing in the left knee, on bending the same (in sitting down); passing off on stretching it. lGr.~\ Drawing pain above the knee in sitting; in walking, it appears merely as weakness (aft. }4 h. ). [G?\~\ 480. Blunt stitches in the right knee. [Gr.~\ Dull stitches or thrusts, close below the right knee, on setting down the foot. [Gr.] Burning pain, as of a sore, as if scraped open, on the outer side gf the left knee. [Gr.] Dull pain, as from a sore, above the knee, when lifting the feet high, with a painful sensation of weakness about the knees, and cramp-like pinching between the hough and the calf. [Gr.~\ Painless feeling of weakness above the knees in walking, with painful aching on sitting down, as after severelv fatiguing the legs (aft. j/o h.). [Gr.] 485. Painful uneasiness about the knees, with feeling of stiffness as if these parts were wrapped up or bandaged, when sitting. [Gr.] Pc.] Drawing down over the external malleoli in standing, with painfulness of the soles of the feet, so that standing is difficult to to him. [G?\'} Cramp-like contortion of the sole of the right foot, out of its proper form. [6"?".] Dull intermittent pressure on the inner border of the sole ot the foot. [Gr.] Cramp-like pressure on the left heel (aft. 30 h. ). [//vv;/.] 515. Tearing, burrowing pain in the heel, in the morning in bed. Painful internal jerking on the dorsum of the foot. \_(rr.] Pricks as with needles, on the dorsum of the left foot, [(r'r.] Burning on the soles of the feet in sitting, [(rr.] Coldness of the feet in the morning. 520. In walking, the feet, before warm, become keenly coUi and the cold feet still colder. Scratching itching, as if he was being rubbed with a woolen cloth on the dorsum of his foot (aft. 6 h.). [/'-•] 298 ^ HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. From the toes to the dorsum of the feet cramp-hke drawing and tearing pains. [/^2'.] Tearing, while standing, transverse!}' through the roots of the toes, passing off on moving them (aft. 5 h. ). [/>.] Repeated tearing in the big toe. [_Gr.] 525. Keen, intermittent jerking in the right big toe. [Gr.~\ The skin of the body is unimpressionable as to tickling irrita- tions. General voluptuous itching over the whole body, which con- tinually spreads further through scratching. Here and there, in various places, an incitement to scratch- ing, without itching, which immediateh- ceases again. [^Gr.~\ Corrosively stinging itching here and there in the bod}', especially on the back and the thighs, with impulse to scratch, after which it ceases onh' for a short time, [//r?;/.] 530. Burning sensation here and there on the skin, impelling to scratch and thereb}' vanishing. lGr.~\ In the evening, in bed, heat in the skin of the whole bodj^ with burning itching and irritation of the skin, such as comes through much scratching; after scratching it burns still more severely. Burning itching in the spots affected, aggravated by scratch- ing. Burning and shooting in a herpes, which before was itching. Pain, as from a furuncle, in the parts affected: he dares not touch them. 535. Stitches externally on various parts of the bod3% e. g. , on the muscles of the chest, the forehead, the wrist, etc. Drawing and pressive pains in almost all parts of the body. (Every part of the body which is left motionless, goes to sleep. ) The symptoms alwa3's intermit for one or two days, and then again continue for a few days, so that we cannot deny a certain periodicity in their course. [6"r.] He feels well while sitting, but standing causes uneasiness in the lower Hmbs, as if thev ought to be drawn up, with anxietv. [/-..] • "^ ■ 540. While sitting still he feels in his arms, as they loosely rest on anything, yea, in the whole body, the beating of the pulse (after some bodily exertion). lGr.~\ General aching in the interior of the whole body. All the tendons of the body ache, so that he cannot walk, but collapses. In the morning, in bed, while lying still, bruised pain in all the joints, with stift^ness of the nape of the neck and the small of the back and headache in the forehead and the temples; all these S3^mptoms diminish on rising. Intermittent, repeated tearing simultaneouslv through the arms and legs. lGr.~\ 545. Heaviness in the left arm and leg, in walking. After playing on the piano he feels hea\w and full in the bodv. ANACARDIUM. 299 She becotnes thin, without feeling ill. Tired and worn out; walking is a task for him in the begin- ning, and his feet feel heavy; b}^ continuing his walk the sense of weariness is less and he feels better. [6*/.] Weariness in the body; he always wants to lie down or sit down. 550. Extreme weariness, so that he can hardly move his hands; he trembles at every motion. Very tired in going up stairs. On a short foot-tour, he becomes so worn out that he can hardl}^ get along, and is not able to recover himself (in sitting) for a long time afterwards. [_Gr.'] After a short foot-tour, which came very hard to him, he is so worn out, tired and fatigued that he has to vsit down at once, and would rather lie down, and he feels much relieved by laying his head down and closing his eyes. \_Gr.~\ He goes through all motions with greater emphasis and stronger energy; the muscles contract more vigorously, but the motions are as if executed with fibres too much strained, or as if there was a lack of moisture in the joints (aft. i h. ). \^Fz.~\ 555. Paralysis of various parts of the body. [Matthiolus in Commentar. in Dioscorid. M. M. L. U., Cap. V., p. 985 — Dacosta as above. ^] Panting, languishing condition, like paralysis, as if he was going to collapse, after a short walk, in the afternoon; in the evening, when walking briskly, and perspiring, he feels no weari- ness (6th d. ) \_Gr.'\ While vStanding, there is no support from his legs; in sitting, there is painful weakness in the feet. [&.] Weariness of the limbs as from much walking, and drowsi- ness as from great weakness (aft. 9 h. ). \_Lgh.'\ In the evening he is tired and sleepy earlier than usual, and in the morning he wished to continue to sleep and not to leave his bed; also after dinner he is impelled to sleep. [<^^^'.] 560. In the afternoon, while sitting and reading, drowsiness and fatigue, as if he had overexerted himself bv mental or bodilv work (aft. 3h.;. [A.-/^] x\fter the siesta, continued indolence; he can hardly move his limbs and is vexed if he has to speak. \Htn^ Sleep at night uneasy with frequent tossing about; his head now felt as if it la3^ too high, now too low, causing a dull, be- numbed feeling of the head, [^r.] For restlessness he can sleep but little every other night. At night sleepless till two in the morning; he has to keep turning over and over ( 2d night ). 565. Light sleep with frequent awaking. He wakes at night for half an hour at a time, but sleeps well and refreshingly in the intervals. Sound sleep till g o'clock in the forenoon \ 1st night). 1 " Paralysis of some niemhers ofthc body," Dacosta cited here williout refcrotice is not mentioned elsewhere.— ///^t,'//i".v. 300 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. At night very sound, deep sleep, and can hardh' be roused in the morning. Slumbering, day and night, with great heat and thirst; the skin hot to the touch, and muttering and moaning in his sleep. 570. He lies in a stupefied slumber without dreams, and after awaking feels quite stupid, often hot to the touch, with red cheeks and cold forehead, though he complains of heat in the head; at the same time severe thirst and dryness in the throat, paining as if sore. He lies day and night without sleeping, but dreamy, anxious and full of business to be attended to. He dreams that he must preach without having committed the sermon to memory; therefore there is anxious meditation, without being able to manage the matter. [6^r.] Ver}^ vivid dreams full of consciousness and mental exertion; therefore on awaking there ensues a headache from being worn- out. Vivid dreams at night; during the day it seems to him as if these things had happened to him while waking; during the first days it seemed to him as if these things had happened long ago; on the following days, as if they had happened shortly before. 575. Vivid dreams about old occurrences. The dreams at night are mixed up with objects of his pro- jected ideas. [/^^.] Dreams about fire, while his sleep is otherwise soimd. [_Gr.~\ Anxious dreams about conflagration. \^Br.~\ Dreams that he smelt burning tinder and sulphur, and on awaking the illusion continues, as he still thinks he smells them. 580. He dreams that his face is full of white ugly smallpox marks (aft. 21 h.). {Lgh.) She dreams about loathsome diseases of other people. Dreams of corpses, of a grave near, or of a precipitous abyss. Anxious dreams full of danger. He cries out anxiously in his sleep. 585. In the evening in bed while awake he starts up as if fright- ened (aft. 15, 1 6 h. ) . \^Lgh .] In the morning on awaking anxiety drives him from his bed. At night in bed a lengthening of the teeth with pressive pain. Severe drawing in the abdomen and the limbs, with subsequent burning, then the bones feel sore on being touched, so that she could not go to sleep. Diarrhoea at night and subsequently constipation. 590. He cannot lie long on one side at night because his arms then pain as if bruised. [6^r.] Cramp of the calves at night. Twitchings of mouth and fingers in sleep. After the siesta a chill of several minutes ( ist d. ). Often a transient sensation as of coldness. \Gr.'\ 595. Constant chilliness even in the warm loom. \Gr.'\ He is averse to the open air, it is too raw for him. Chilliness with lack of appetite. [6"r.] ANACARDIUM. 301 In the morning for a few hours cold in the hmbs, so that he shakes. \_Gr.~\ A shaking chill over the whole body, he only feels warm in the sun. [6^/^] 600. Ice-cold shudders run over him repeatedly. [6^;-.] Feeling of chilliness on hands and feet. [/^^.] A chilly shudder over his whole body, as if he had taken cold in the wet. \_Lgh^ Fever-shudder over his whole body, with heat in the face, without thirst, in all positions (aft. i y2 h. ). {Lgh?^ Fever-shudder over his w^hole back, as from having cold water poured over him. S^I^gh^ 605. In the afternoon great feverish restlessness, as in catarrh, and weariness, with trembling of the limbs. [/>.] Feeling of heat, and heat in the face and the palms, without thirst. [/>.] In the afternoon quickly passing heat in the face and the brain, with redness of cheeks (aft. 8 h.) \_Fz.'\ Every afternoon at 4 o'clock heat in the face, with qualmish- ness and heaviness in the whole body; she has to lie down; better from eating. He complains of great heat, without being hot to the touch (aft. 10 d.). 610. Very hot in the whole body, and yet he complains of chilli- ness. Hot palms, while the backs of his hands are cold. In the evening after supper, heat spreading rapidly over the face, without thirst and chilliness (aft. 12 h.), after half an hour thirst manifests itself, {l^gh?^ External heat with great thirst and dry, burnt lips. Especially during the night great heat with violent thirst, without perspiration, so that he can not stand it. 615. On the upper part of the bod}^ great heat, with thirst and perspiration, with very hot breath; yet he complains of chilliness and shakes; his feet, which before perspired, are cold. In the evening for two hours internal heat, with a cool per- spiration all over, especially on the head, with short breath, thirst and weariness in the abdomen, and the knees as if about to collapse. With open windows he perspires all over the bodv. with thirst for milk. [///;/.] In the evening with open windows, warm perspiration o\-cr the abdomen, the back and the forehead, with moderate warmth over the rest of the body (aft. 12 h. ). [////>/.] Clammy sweat in the palms, most violent in the left hand. lHt7l^, 620. Frequent awaking from sleep, with general perspiration (.att. 19 h.). [Z^/^.] Night sweats. He perspires at night on the chest and the abdomen. 302 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASEvS. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. (GRAY ORE OF ANTIMONY, TERSUI.PHATE OF ANTIMONY, STIBIUM SULPHURATUM NIGRUM.) The native ore of tersulphuret of antimon\' is found in blocks of parallel black needles with an almost metallic lustre, and composed of twent^'-eight parts of sulphur combined with loo parts of metallic antimony. Having been first chemically tested so as to insure its freedom from the admixture of other metals, it is prepared in the manner directed at the close of the first part for dr}' medicinal sub- stances and raised to the 30th potenc}' for homoeopathic use. From the pure effects on the healthy human bod}' as laid down here, the frequent usefulness of a minimum dose of it in appropriate cases of chronic diseases may readily be perceived It is ver}' much to be desired that also the pure metallic antimony may be proved most carefully as to its pure effects, as we may expect of it much help, as yet unknown, and of a kind differing from that of the sulphuret of antimony' ; even as arsenic is different in its effects from the ^-ellow sulphuret of arsenic, and the metallic mercury from cinnabar, each one having its own usefulness as a medicine. The pharmaceutic remedies containing the sulphuret of antimony as kermes minerale, and sulphur auratum antimonii primse, secundse, tertise praecipitationis contain very different quantities of the sul- phuret of antimony according to their varying mode of preparation. Where the crude ore of antimony is found homoeopathic in its pure effects, it will be found the more serviceable if the following symptoms are at the same time present: Intolerance, in a child, of being touched and looked at: rush of blood to the head; troublesome itching of the head wnth falling out of the hair {Htb.)\ redness and mflamination of the eyelids; sore nostrils; heat and itching of the cheeks; paiiis m the hollow teeth; long continued loss of appetite; eructation ivith the taste of the ingesta; loathing, qualmishness and nausea from spoiled stomach; colic with loss of appetite, hard stool and red urine, in a child; pinching in the belly with a sensation as if diarrhoea was coming on; alternating diarrhoea and constipation in older persons (Htb.); difficult, hard stool; constant discharge of yellowish-white mucus from the anus As this driigr appears here for the first time, the character of Hahnemann's— and probably of i.anghammer's— contributions to its pathogenesis may be inferred. But more than four- fifths of It IS due to the other two physicians mentioned, who published their observations in Hartlaub and i:r\nk's Arz7iei}niiteUehre (Vol. i.) in 1829, stating that they were made on healthy persons taking fractional doses of the crude substance triturated with milk-suo-ar —Hughes ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 303 (^Htb. ) ; frequent urination with much emission of mucus and burn- ing in the urethra with pain in the small of the back {^Htb. ) ; cutting in the urethra during micturition; stoppage of the nose; painful inflammation of the tendons in the elbow-joint with severe redness and flexion of the arm; going to sleep of the legs while sitting still; \dolent pains in the low^er limbs {Htb. ); corns on the sole of the foot {Htb.)] large, liorn}^ places on the sole of the foot, near the toes {Htb.); honi}^ excrescence anteriorly under the nail of the big toe; malformations of the skin (Htb.)', sensitiveness to cold; somnolence {Htb.). Hepar sulphuris and mercur}^ according to Dr. Hartlaub, are the antidotes of crude antimony. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-pro vers are : C. , Dr. Caspar i; Htb., Dr. Hartlaub; Lgh., Dr. Langhamnier. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Ill-humored and sad in the evening. Melancholy, irritated mood the whole forenoon; the sound of bells, as well as the appearance of all his surroundings, moves him even to tears; his breathing is labored and short. Dejection b}^ day. \Lgh^ He does not speak (2d d. ). [C] 5. iVnxieties. [Gmklin, allgein. Gesc/i. d. mineral. Glfte.^^ Uneasy (2d d. ). [C] Anxious meditation, during the day, about himself, his present and future fate. [Lgh.^ Decided impulse to shoot himself, at night, but no inclination to any other kind of suicide; he was compelled to rise from bed because he could not get rid of the thought. [//M.] Very much inclined to get frightened at a slight noise. \_C^ 10. Ill-humor the whole day. [_Lo-h.'\ Disheartened, he feels hot in the forepart of his head. Peevish, unwilling to speak to anyone. [_Lgli.^ Annoyed, cross without any cause (2d d.). [6'.] Weakness of the head. [C] 15. Insanity. [Hildanus.^] Insanity; idiocy; she did not leave her bed, would not speak unless asked, demanded neither food nor drink, but she would gladly eat if anything was offered to her and she was lunigry, and would refuse it if she was not hungry; at the same time she would keep pulling her neck-cloth, or Ibid a cloth and unfold it. or she would shred threads from the bed and gather them together: she was so deficient in sensation that she had bed-sores on several places, owing to evacuations discharged which had passed under 1 General statement (from authors) of effects.— ////.cAt'J'"- - Observations. Cent. I'., D. 12. ']Mie case is that of sympt. m—Hui>,h, 304 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. her; she did not feel these bed-sores, and never uttered a com- plaint. [Camerarius, syllo^e memorabilhim.^^ Delirium and death, after an emetic of Croc, vidall. [I^inde- STOLPE, de venenis.'^ Continuous state of enthusiastic love and ecstatic longing for an ideal woman, which quite filled his phantasy; more while walking in the pure, open air than in the room; disappeared after several days with a seeming diminution of the sexual impulse. [C] Confused feeling in the head, as after continuous work in a cold room (4th d. j. [C] 20. Drunkenness. [C] Vertigo. [C] Headache, followed by some epistaxis (aft. yj^ h.). \_Lgh.'] Light, dull headache in the sinciput and crowm, increased by going up stairs. [C] Violent headache. [Gardane, Gazette de Sante, 1793.^] 25. \"iolent headache, after bathing in a river, wdth weakness in the limbs, and aversion to food. \C.'\ Dull, stupefying pain in the whole head, with qualmishness in the fauces, during the (customary) smoking of tobacco. \Lgh^ Stupefying, dull pains in the head, more externally in the forehead, so that an anxious sweat broke out, while walking in the open air (aft. 6 h.). \Lgh^ Headache as if the forehead would burst open; at the same time she was as if intoxicated, sat alone and would not speak. [Camerarius, ibid.*] Pain in the arch of the right e^'ebrow, within the skull, as if it would press everything asunder. [C] 30. Pressure from without inwards, with intermittent drawing, in the left side of the forehead. [C] Momentary drawing pain over the left temporal bone, passed off bv pressure, but returned immediately much more violently. Tearing pain in the whole head, forward and backward, from, morning to evening. [C] Violent tearing in the whole head, with heat therein, toward noon (6th d.). [C] The tearing in the head is diminished in walking and in the open air. [C] 35. Constant pain in the forehead and the two temples, unchanged by touching, boring from within outward (aft. 5 h.). \LghP[ Rush of blood to the head diminished (curative action). [C] On the left parietal bone a small spot, which, on external pressure, causes pain on the bone, as if the periosteum w^as swollen. \C'\ Externally on the left temple, slow throbbing, wdth fine 1 Iiffects of over-dosing in adults. The last clause snould read : " So obtuse was her sensi- bility that when, from the acrimony of the evacuations and her position ou the back, a large and foul ulcer formed over ihe sacrum and coccyx; she complained of no pain from it.'"— Hug he i. - Genera' statement. This symptom is not found.— /^/r^/j«. 3 Not accessible. — Hughes. * Not {owwdi. — Hughes. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 305 stitching several times in succession, in front toward the eyebrows, most severe when it is not particularly attended to. [C] Single, sharp stitches on the hairy scalp for one minute. [C] 40. Red, hard pimple on the left temple, painful to the pressure as if sore, close to the beginning of the cartilage of the ear. [C] Little, flat nodules, as large as lentils, here and there on the hairy scalp, painful on pressure, and with formication all around. [C] Red spot, a little harder and raised, on each side of the fore- head, itching like nettles, passing away and returning! \_C.~\ Close above the eyebrows, a white nodule, not itching, but painful to the touch. Itching in the external canthus of the eye, compelling to scratch (aft. 2 h.). iLo-fi.^ 45. Quivering in the left eyelid. [C] Fine stitches, often in close succession, and without pain, in the anterior part of the eyeball, in the forenoon (9th d.). [C] Sharp, pressive stitches below the arch of the left eyebrow. Reddened eyelids, with fine stitches in the eyeball. [C] Redness of the left eye, with photophobia in the morning, on rising, and secretion of mucus in the inner canthus. [C] 50. Red, inflamed eyes, with itching and nightly closing by sup- puration. Inflammation of the eyes. [Gardank, Gazette de Sa7ite, 1773.] Little, humid spot on the outer canthus, which pains severely when perspiration comes in contact with it. [C] Much mucus in the right canthus, in the morning, with dry eyegum in both eyelids. [C] Eyegum in the canthi, in the forenoon (aft. 2>% ^•)- [^.^"'^^•] 55. Enlargement of the eyes. [P1.INIUS; Dioscoridks.^] Incurable blindness. [Lindestoi^pe, de venenis.'^'] In the ears, stitches. [C] Drawing pain in the eustachian tube almost reaching into the mouth, after dinner (16 d.). [C] Digging and crawling in the ears, especially w^hile Iving still (5th d.). [C] 60. Crawling in the right meatus auditorius (2d d.). [6.] Itching stitches on the border of the right concha above the helix of the ear, ceasing on being touched (aft. i}^, h.). [6".] Redness, burning and swelling of the left ear, as from the sting of a fl}^ [C] Swelling and rednCvSS of the whole internal concha with periodic itching. [C] Swashing in the ear, as of some drops of water, on moving the jaws. 65. Ringing before the ears (2d d.). \_C.~\ Constant buzzing of the ears, especiallv when there is c\uiet (2dd.). [C] ^Dioscorides only mentions the beneficial effects of the local application of .•!«/. ulcers of the eyes; and the drug was only used topically i" Pliny's times. — ///<.c//.>. -Not found. — Hughes. 21 3o6 HAHNEMAXX'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Buzzing in the ears, most in the afternoon. [///^.] Painful buzzing in the ears. [Ca3IERARIUS, ibid.'] An inveterate buzzing of the ear disappeared (curative effect). 70. Severe din in the ears, as if someone was knocknig at the door of the house. A sort of deafness of the right ear, as if a leaf were placed before the tj^mpanum, not to be removed b}' digging in it with the finger (aft. 14 h.). {_Lgh:\ In thfe evening something obstructed the right ear. Loss of hearing. [Camerarius, ibid.'] The nose pained in respiring, as from breathing cold air, or from inspiring acrid vapor. [C] 75. Sensation of soreness in the nostrils on drawing in the air, especialh' in the right nostril, which is somewhat stopped. [C] Soreness of the right nostril in the front angle with painfuU ness, as from a cold. [C] Chapping and painfulness of the left nostril. [C] Chapping of both nostrils with formation of crusts. [C] Sore nostril with drawing pain. 80. Blowing out blood from the nose. Bleeding at the nose, several days in succession. Bleeding from the nose everj^ evening. Slight twitches in the facial muscles of the left side ( aft. 9 h. ). Red pimple v/ith pus in the tip, on both sides of the nose, with sensitiveness on pressure (12th d.). [C] 85. Vesicular pimples in the face and on the nose, like varioloid pustules, with shooting pain on pressure. [C] Flat pimples, itching on touching, not red, with yellow scurf on both cheeks. [C] Nettle-rash in the face, especiall}- on the cheeks. Several pimples in the face, paining like stings of flies. [C] A bump on the right cheek as from the sting of a ^y. [C] 90. Red, burning, suppurating eruptions on the face. [Wepfer, de cicuta et antimonio r\ An eruption with 3'ellow crust, painful to the touch and easih^ knocked off, on the left side of the cheek toward the chin. [C] On the chin and under it, when touching it a sensation as if many little sore spots were touched, and on the skin here and there small hone3^-3'ellow granules. [C] Burning shooting as from a spark of fire on the chin and the upper lip [7th and 9th d.). [C] Formication on the upper lip as from the crawling of an insect (19th and 24th d.). [C] '95. In the corners of the mouth, muscular twitches. The lips are dry. Furuncles in the corners of the mouth, with sore pains,, returning after five, eight, twelve weeks. [C] 1 Preceding sympt. 75, where see uo'l^.— Hughes. -After violent vomiting. Left ear soon recovered, but right remained permanentlv deaf-, reporter ascribes it to rupture of membrana tympani. — Hughes. ■^ Cases of poisoning of men and animals. — Hughes. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 307 Red pustules on the upper lip and on the right corner of the mouth, with dull pain on pressure and of itself (20th d.). [C] Many red little points, with a white little tip in the middle below the left corner of the mouth. [C] 100. Toothache in a hollow tooth, worse at night than in daytime, a stinging, twitching and digging as if it were in the nerve, draw- ing up and down in the head; he dare not touch it with the tongue, else it aches, as if the nerve was scratched. The toothache is renewed immediately after eating even soft foods, aggravated by being touched with cold water, and improved in the open air. During the nocturnal toothache, great warmth as if proceed- ing from the chest. Twitching toothache, in the evening in bed and after eating. Stitches in the tooth, when drawing in air. 105. Severe bleeding of the teeth. The gums are detached from the teeth, and bleed easily. Dryness of the mouth, at night (6th d.). [C] Much salty saliva in the mouth. [Wkpfer, idid.'] Collection of water in the mouth. [C] no. Gathering of water on the tongue. [C.] Odor from the mouth as in mercurial salivation. Violent salivation from the nose and mouth. \Ephemer. n. c. dec. I. a. 3, obs. 270.^] Salivation, without odor, from the mouth, and without loose- ness of teeth. \_lKM^s/\VL^\VL\.^on'^ Beobachtimg, 1790.^] On the tongue, anteriorly on the left margin, in close succes- sion, some fine, sharp stitches, after dinner (aft. 33 h. ). [C] 115. Feeling of soreness and redness, on a small spot of the right margin of the tongue, for several days, frequently ceasing and suddenly returning (6th d. ). [C] Blisters on the tongue. Tongue coated white, in the forenoon (aft. 2 h. ). \Lgh^ On the palate, the whole night, a fine pinching, especially painful on deglutition and only passing away in the morning after the expectoration of mucus, which had collected through the night on the palate; only a sense of rawness remained. [C] Scraping sensation on the velum palati, as if much mucus was lying upon it, which can only be ejected after much hawking and often not at all, for several days (7th d. ) [C] 120. Scraping in the palate, with much expectoration of mucus by hawking (aft. 5 weeks). [C] In the throat much viscid mucus collects during the whole day. [C] . .. . Sore throat, as from a swelling or a lump on the lett side of the throat. Impeded swallowing. [Gardank, ibid.] Violent thirst, with dryness of the lips. 1 Should be Misc. Nat. Cur. instead of Ephem. Same case as S. 421.— ffuj^/ifs. 2 Not accessible. (The symptom is not mentioned by James in hts treatise on tho Kever Powder.) — Hughes. 308 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 125. Intense thirst. [Wepfer, ibid.] In the evening, thirst, and inclination to drink. Drinks much only at night. Much thirst, at night Taft 6 d. ). [C] Appetite extremeh^ little. 130. Lack of appetite. [Stahl, Mater. Med., Dresden, 1744.^] Strong feeling of hunger in the region of the stomach, in the morning on awaking, without appetite, not removed by eating; at the same time a disagreeable feeling of emptiness in the scrobiculus cordis, and lack of heat in the bodv; for two davs (aft. 4W. ). During a moderate dinner a sensation as if the abdomen was very full, and a quantit}^ of flatus arises and moves about the abdomen. [C] After a meal, indolence and an inclination to lie down. [C] The fullness and tension after a meal often alternates wdth lightness, cheerfulness and activitv of spirit and bodv after a meal. [C] 135. After dinner, lassitude, tremulous weariness and heaviness in all the limbs, as if coming from the abdomen, with trembling of the hands in writing, and subsequent passage of much fetid flatus, with distention of abdomen. [C] During supper, dyspnoea. Eructation, with a raw taste. \Lgh^ Loud eructation (aft. }{ and ij4 h..). [C] Bitter eructation, like bile (aft. 5 h. ). 140. Regurgitation of fluid, with a taste of the ingesta, in the after- noon (2d and 3d d. ). [C] Hiccup (aft. I h.). [Lg/i.] Hiccup, frequently, while smoking tobacco (aft. io}4 h. ). Nausea, with vertigo. [C] Nausea after drinking a glass of wine. [C] 145. Inclination to vomit. [Gardane, ibid.] Violent loathing. [Morgenstern, de iisu Antim. cr., 1756.'] Fearful vomiting, not to be stopped by anything. [Linde- STOLPE, ibid.] Violent vomiting, with anxiet}'. [Friedr. Hoffmann, med. rat. et systeni.^'\ Vomiting of mucus and bile. [Matthiolus; Gotze, in Act. Vratislaviensibus . *] 150. Dreadful vomiting, with convulsions. [Wepfer, ibid.] Violent vomiting and diarrhoea. [Morgenstern, ibid.] Violent vomiting and diarrhoea, attended with the greatest anguish. [Bonetus, Polyalthea.^'] In the stomach, painful sensation on external pressure upon it. [C] 1 Not accessible. — Hughes. -General statement (from authors).— //M^/it-^. 3 Add Part I., § 2, Chapt. 3, of folio ed. Geneva, 1761. Statement of ill effects of antimonial e metics . — Hugh es . 4 Effects of Ant. cr. in a patient with svphilitic ulceration.— /f«P■/^^.y •Statement of occasional effects of Ant QV.~H2ighes. i ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 309 Pressure in the stomach, which resembles more a dull cutting, especialW on drawing in the abdomen. \^C.~\ 155. Pressure in the stomach, in the morning, with thirst (20th d.). [C] Pain in the stomach as from excessive fullness, but without fullness and with appetite. [C] Pain in the stomach, as after eating too much, with distended abdomen without hardness (aft. 3 d.). [C] Sensation of tightness in the stomach with empty eructations. Spasmodic pains in the stomach [Fr. Hoffmann, ibid.] 160. Cramp of the stomach. [Stahi^, ibid.] Cramp of the stomach all their life, with several persons. [Wkpfer, ibid.] Burning, cramp-like pains in the scrobiculus cordis, in paroxysms of half an hour, driving him to despair and to the determination to drown himself. Burning in the scrobiculus cordis, like heartburn, with good appetite. [C] Pinching pain on the right side above and beside the scrobic- ulus cordis. [C] 165. In the hypochondria, a slight tension. [Wepfkr, ibid.] In the bowels a transient, fatiguing sensation, as after violent diarrhoea. [C] Violent distention of the abdomen, especially after a meal. [C] Distended, big abdomen. l//fd.~\ Very much distended abdomen, and pain arising thence as from an internal pressure. [C] 170. The most intolerable pains in all parts of the abdomen. [Gmklin, ibid.] Pinching pain to the left of the umbilicus. [C] Transient colic in the region of the stomach. [C] Pinching, as if rhythmically with the pulse in a small spot on the left side of the abdomen, quite low down, in the afternoon (3d d.), [C] Pinching in the abdomen, especially on the right side toward the back, beginning suddenly in the evening and aggravated by motion (aft. 3 w. ). [C] 175. Cutting in the abdomen, very violent (2 2d d. ). [C] Cutting in the abdomen with qualmishness there, and collec- tion of water on the tongue. [C] Sudden compressive colic with regurgitation of water in the mouth. [C] Cutting in the abdomen the whole day, with sensation of oppressive anxiety from the stomach, distaste for work, dry humor and pain in the stomach, during eructations. [C] Several fits of colic in the region of the stomach. [C.~\ 180. Sensation of emptiness in the bowels, ceasing after eating. All the abdominal troubles connnence again alter two and one- half weeks, [r.] 3IO hahxemaxn's chronic diseases. In the inguinal region, pains as from a swelling, when press- ing upon it; the place feels hard, like swollen glands. [C] Hard gland in the left groin, painful on pressure; it seems to lie above Poupart's ligament, and to run parallel with it. [C] Hernia. [Camerarius, ibid.^] 185. Gurgling in the abdomen, as when air bubbles rise in water. Loud grumbling in the hypogastrium (aft. 1^2 h.). \_Lg-k.^ Loud grumbling in the abdomen as from emptiness, in the forenoon (aft. 3 h.). ILg/i.'] Flatus ver}^ frequenth' forms immediateh' after a meal, and moves about audibly, especiall}* on the right side of the abdomen, \^ith discharge of a portion (aft. 6 h. ). [C] A quantit}' of rumbling and explosive flatus immediately after the meal, of which some is discharged with ill odor, the remainder rolls about in great quantities, especially on the right side of the abdomen, before it is discharged (9th d.). [C) 190. With a sensation of distention, as if a copious stool were com- ing, a quite insignificant quantitv of flatus was discharged (aft. Constipation for three da^'s. Severe, sudden urging to stool after dinner, and quick dis- charge of an ordinary stool, with straining (4th d. ). [C] Hard stool in the morning (aft. i h. ). [Lg/i.'] Very difficult hard stool. 195. Difficult evacuation of a hard stool, with previous straining in the rectum for about two minutes (aft. 12 h.). [_Lg-/i.~\ Difficult discharge of a hard stool, without previous straining (aft. 11 h.;. [Lg/i.] Firm stool in the evening, with violent straining in the rectum and cutting in the abdomen. [C] Stool first normal, then several small, soft stools, followed by just as small, but hard, stools with violent straining in the rectum and anus until all is over. [C] Pappy, frequent stools (aft. ij4 h. ). [Lg/i.^ 200. Very thin stools. [C] The stool, which previoush^ had been pretty firm, now becomes vers' thin. [C] After taking vinegar, very thin stool, with pain in the rectum at the evacuation. [C] Ineffectual urging to diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, at night and in the morning, but each time only one discharge. 205. Mucus flows from the anus, on discharge of flatus. Continuous passage of blood and solid faeces through the rectum. [Lixdestoepe , ibid.-] Discharge of black blood through the rectum. [Matthioeus, ibid.] During stool, pain in the rectum like soreness, or as if an ulcer had been torn open. 1 " Hernia ventriculi," after violent vomiting.— Hitg/ies . -isrot found. — Hughes. i ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 3II Protrusion of the rectum during stool, for some time. [C] 210. Drawing pain in the anus. [C] Itching in the anus. [C] Sharp itching in the rectum (7th d.). [C] Burning itching and chaps in the anus, at night (aft. 3d.). The varices in the anus protrude more than usual Taft. 11 d.). 215. Formication and burning in the varix of the anus, in the evening, in bed, until going to sleep (aft. 11 d. and 5 w.). [C] On the perinseum a furuncle, which pained and burned far around. [C] Urging to urinate, frequent and violent, with much emission of urine every time (aft. i, 2, 2^/^ h.). \^Lg/i.~\ Frequent micturition, with discharge of little, water}^ urine (4th d.). [C] Much urging to micturition, but little is discharged (aft. 5 d.). [C] 220. Long continued, frequent micturition, with little discharge and quick urging (i8th d. ). [C] It urges to urination. [Saundkrs, observat. de anfimo7i., etc., London, 1773.^] Frequent urination. \_Lgh.'] Very copious micturition, even three times a night (loth d. ). Copious, frequent micturition. [Wkpfer, ibid."'] 225. Involuntary copious micturition, with a convulsive cough (by Sulph. aiij\). [C] Golden yellow, thin urine, with a scarcely perceptible cloud. [Wepfkr, ibid.] Brownish-red urine. [C] Dark-colored, frequent urine (aft. 7 h.). [Lo-/i.~\ Little red bodies in the urine, after standing twenty-four hours. [Wkpfkr, ibid.] 230. In the spermxatic cords, constant drawing, while a furuncle is on the perinseum; the pain was most violent in standing, and was diminished b}^ stooping. [C] On the penis, fine itching (aft. 14 h. ). [C] Violent itching of the extremity of the glans. [C] Smarting itching as from salt, on the left side of the scrotum, frequently, for 14 days (aft. 14 d.), [C] Violently excited sexual impulse, with restlessness of. the whole body, so that he can not remain sitting anv time (aft. b h.). 235. Later on, the sexual instinct seems to be diminishctl tor several days. [C] Erections (aft. 6 h.). [6^.] Inclination to pollutions, even on leaning the back against anything. Pollutions at night, without voluptuous dreams. [A^'"^'-] ^ " But rarely," the author says.- -H//,!://rs. -In a dog.—Hi/s^/ii's. 312 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pollution, with many dreams at night (nth d. ). [C] 240. In the womb, pressure as if something would come out. Discharge of acrid water from the vagina, which causes smarting down the thighs. :^ ;;<>!< ^ ^ ^ * ^ Stoppage of the nose, in the evening, as from catarrh, for several da^^s. [C] Dr^-ness of the nose on walking in the open air, so that he can hardly speak. 245. Coryza. Stuffed coryza. [C] Cor3^za with sore, encrusted nostrils. [C.~\ Fluent coryza. [C] Fluent coryza, in the morning, for several hours, without sneezing. [Z^/z.] Much thick, yellowish mucus has to be drawn from the posterior nares into the fauces and ejected, all the day (9th d.). [C] 250. Hoarseness. Extreme weakness of the voice; he can onh^ speak quite low. [Wepfer, ibid.] Speaking and singing are unsteadv and weak. [Wepfer, ibid.] Loss of voice, as often as he became heated; it returns through rest. [Wepfer, ibid.] In the throat, in the morning, he is very hoarse and dry (6th d.). [C] . 255. In his throat a foreign bod}' seems to be suspended, which he seeks in vain to swallow or to eject. [Wepfer, ibid.] Violent spasm in the bronchia and in the fauces, as if a plug, which at times seems to become thicker then again thinner, was filling the throat, with a sensation of soreness. Clearing the throat and hawking while walking in the open air. Cough in the morning after rising, in parox5'sms, as if coming from the abdomen; the first fit of cough is alwa3^s the most violent, the following ones become continually weaker, so that the last is only like tussiculation. Frequent dry cough. [Wepfer, ibid.] 260. Dr\', shaking cough, with involuntar}' copious discharge of urine (in a woman who had taken S^dph. aiir. for a cough with copious expectoration ) . [ C ] Severe drj^ cough, scratching in the bronchia, in a sudden short paroxysm. [C ] Cough with ejection of viscid, thin mucus: deep from the chest, in the morning. [Wepfer, ibid.] With every cough, burning in the chest, as from a fire, with glowing hot breath from the mouth. [Wepfer, ibid.] Deep, sighing respiration, as from fullness of the chest, for several days, in the afternoon and after a meal. [C] 265. D3'spnoea after supper. Difiiculty of breathing. [Gardane, ibid.] ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 313 Asthma. [Stahl, ibid.] Ver3^ troublesome asthma. [Wepfkr, ibid.] Suffocating asthma with four youths. [ Joxtbert, lib. de Peste, Cap. I9.T 270. Suffocating rheum. [Wepfer, ibid.^] Pressure on the chest, in the morning on awaking. [C] Pressive pain in the right breast, in the evening, while lying down. [C]. Severe, pressive pain, now in the chest, now in the back, now in both at the same time. [Wepfer, ibid.] Pressure on the chest. [C] 275. Partly pressive, partly lancinating pain under the left clavicle, as if in the bronchia, while respiring. [C] Dull stitches in the chest, on taking a deep breath, first on the right side under the first two ribs, then under the upper part of the sternum. [C] Stitches in the left side of the chest, while respiring, with some cough and headache. [C] Sharp stitches in the left breast while expiring when standing (aft. 5I1.); iLgh.-] Pinching stitches in the middle of the chest (3d d. ). [C] 280. Burning in the chest, with dry cough and tightness, as if about to choke. [Wepfer, ibid.^] Violent palpitation of the heart. [Godofr. Schulz i?i tract, de natura ti?ict. bezoard., Cap. 5.*] In the pectoralis major muscle, in the morning on rising and for a few hours afterward, while stretching and lifting the arm, and in pressing upon it, a pain as if crushed, or as after too great exertion (8th d.). [C] Itching on the chest, as if a vesicatory was healing. [C] Severe, continual itching on the chest the whole day. 285. Itching on the chest and the back. \Htb.\ Violent itching on the chest wakes him at night, and he feels pimples in various places. [C] When he rubs the skin on his chest on account of the itching, it feels sore; the skin is sensitive as after a vesicator}'. [C] The chest feels as if sprinkled over with fine red points, with a violent itching, not removed b}- scratching. [C] In the small of the back, on rising from sitting, violent pains which vanish on walking. 290. Sudden pains in the small of the back, in the morning and the whole da}', not at night. [C] Pain as from swelling in the cartilage or the periosteum of the upper part of the ilium. [C] In the back, tearing, the whole dav, from morning till even- ing. [C] ^ Not accessible — Hughes. -" SufFocative catarrh " coming on fifteen days after amputation t^f loot isoo sympt. 5j and note) and ending in death (see .sympt. 423). — Hughes. •*Not found. — Hughes. * Not accessible. — Hughrs. 314 hahnkmann's chronic diseases. spasmodic stitches in the right scapula when sitting. [Lo-/i,^ Violent itching upon the back, for fourteen days. [C] 295. Little red pimples, quite on top of the right shoulder, without any sensation, passing away for a short time on pressure (7th d.). [C] Rash behind the ears extending to the nape of the neck and the scapulae. Red prickly heat w^th yellow tips over the whole right shoulder; later on they look like goose skin and scale off. [C] Brown liver colored spots on both shoulders. [C] In the nape of the neck and between the scapulae, a straining while stooping. 300. Cramp-like drawing pains in the muscles of the neck, down into the scapulae in the evening, after lying down, and in the , morning; aroused and aggravated b}^ stooping, exerting the arm and turning the head to the left (12th d. ). [C] A hard pea-shaped body on the left side of the neck, under the skin; it can only be felt bj^ stretching the skin in bending the head. [C] On the neck, a drawing, pressing inward, on the left side, below (19th d.). [C] Cramp-like drawing from above downward in one of the mus- cles of the posterior cervical region on the right side, in the even- ing when sitting (8th d.). [C] Single stitches in the skin of the neck, now here, now there. (2d and 3d d.). [C] 305. Itching on the neck. [C] Sensitiveness of the skin of the neck; when he rubs hard on account of the itching, there is a feeling of soreness. [C] Small pimples on the neck and under the chin, painful to the touch (13th d.). [C] Hard, long continuing pustules under the throat, like little smallpox pustules, which fill up with pus not only in the tips, but all over. [C] Many red points with a little white tip in the center, with stinging pains on stroking over the hairs of the beard, on the anterior side of the throat. [C] 310. Under both arms, a stitch, on walking in the open air. Sharp itching of the inside of the left arm. [C] Itching of the arms with appearance of reddish bHsters, like stings of flies, on rubbing. [C] Many light-brown little spots, Hke little hepatic spots on the arms. [C] On the middle of the upper arms, pimples like rash, without itching (14th d.). [C] 315. Paralytic pain in the muscles of the upper arm, in bending the arms, as if they were too much contracted, or weakened by this exertion. [C] Twitching drawing in the muscles of the upper arms, which passed away not by motion but by warmth, and returned in a draught. x\NTlMONIUM CRUDUM. 315 Sudden drawing jerking, transversely through the right upper arm (aft. lo, 20, 120 min,). [C] Light muscular twitching in the right upper arm, in the deltoid muscle (5th d,). [C] On the bend of the elbow, corrosively itching pimples. 320. Cracking in the elbow joint, on turning it hither and thither. [C] In the forearm drawing, in rest and in motion. [C Drawing down the right forearm (aft. i^ h.). [C^ Paralytic drawing in the right forearm (aft. 2 h.). \_Htb^^ Inward pressing drawing on the inside of the lower forearm (19th d.). [C] 325. On the wrist of the left arm there appears at night a large pimple. [C] Itching heat vesicles on the left hand. [C] A blister on the styloid process of the ulna of the right arm. [C] A blister on the external border of the left hand. [C] Corrosively itching, eruptive pimples in the ball of the hand, on the muscle of the thumb. 330. Cracking in the joint of the metacarpal bone of the thumb, on motion (gtli d. ). [C] Drawing pain in the fingers and their joints. [C] Gouty pains in the joints of the third finger of the right hand. [C] Fine itching in the tip of the left thumb (aft. 14 h.). [C] The nails of the fingers did not grow as quickly as usual, and the skin under them was painfully sensitive [C] 335. Red, pimple-like itch, stingingly painful to the touch, with brown scurf on the posterior joint of the right thumb (24th d.). [C] Pain in the right hip-joint. [C] Dra^?ving pain in the left hip-joint, when walking, especi- ally when bending the leg backwards; also in the evening. [C] Drawing pain in the left hip. \Htb.'\ Painful drawing from the hip-joint toward the sacrum. [C] 340. -In the nates, drawing through the hip-joint, around into the thigh (7th d.). [C] lyight twitching of the muscles in the left nates, in the even- ing, when sitting (5th d. ). [C] GurgHng, for a few minutes, in the lower part of the right nates, when standing (aft. 4 w.). [C] Large, hard pustule on the left nates, with itching and tensive pain. [C] A little protuberance on the right nates of a child. {L .\ 345. On the leg, white, hard tubercles, as large as lentils, arising from itching, and surrounded by a small, red areola. [( .] Bluish spots on the thighs. [LindestolpE. ibid.'] On the thigh of the right leg, quite high up. repeated tension, like a small spasm (7th d. ). \C.'\ 1 Not {o\xw6..—Hup;hes. 3i6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Drawing pain in the posterior muscles of the left thigh. [C] Drawing pain in the anterior and inner side of the thigh. [C] 350. Cramp-like sensation on the external border of the left thigh, as if the muscle contracted quite slowly, and then again extended itself, in the afternoon (aft. 10 h.). [C] Sharpl}^ stinging itching on the inside and the interior surface of the left thigh (aft. ^V-z h. ). [C] Fineh' stinging itching on the right thigh, not passing off by scratching; afterward a small, fiat, yellowish pimple on the same place. [C] The stinging itching on the thighs returns every evening. In the knee a pain, so that he cannot stretch the foot, but has to limp. 355. Stiffness of the knee, for eight days. Painful stiffness of the knee; she could not stretch it for pain, and had to limp. Pain immediately below the knee, as if tied too tight, the whole evening (aft. 13 d. ). [C] A stitch in the left knee, so that he w^as startled and had to jerk up his leg (loth d.). [C] Sudden, violent stitch on the outside of the knee. [C] 360. Drawing pain in the right knee. [C] Itching in the right knee, on the inner side, and after rubbing it, a large blister, which pains onl}^ for a short time. [C] Red pimples, like blisters, on the knee, like varioloid pustules, with a stinging pain on pressure. [C] A lump on the right knee, as from the sting of a fly. \C.^ In the leg, a drawing pain, reaching into the knee. 365. Drawing pain on the lower part of the left tibia. [C] Drawing pain on the inside of the left calf. [C] Painless drawing, in the evening when sitting, in the right leg, from the knee, and also from the ischium down the thigh and the tibia, even into the foot, so that he has to lift it up and bring it into another position; several times in succession ( loth d. ). [C] Pinching, painless and intermitting, quite low down in the right calf. [C] Sharp stitch in the shaft of the shin-bone, from within out- ward, in sitting (aft. 5 h. ). \Lgh7\ 370. Stitches which run low^ down on the tibia. \Lgh,'\ Clucking in the posterior side of the right leg, and immedi- ately afterward stitches in the ankle-joint (3d d.). [C] Formication down the left calf, without itching (aft. i4h. ). [C] Fine itching on the left tibia (aft. 4^^ h. ). [C] - A spot which pains to the touch as if bruised, on the outside of the left calf, for several da3^s (aft. 24 h.). [C] 375. Bluish spots on the shin-bone. [Lindestolpe, ibid.^] The foot is so heav}^ that she cannot lift it. Going to sleep and numbness of the right foot when walking. _j£] _^__^ 1 Not ^oxxvi^.—Hzighes. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 317 Pain, as if sprained, in the right external malleolus, in turn- ing the foot outward, with frequent cracking of the joint in bend- ing and stretching it (5th d.). [C] Drawing pain in the left heel (aft. 3 h. ). [C] 380. Cramp-like drawing on the outer side of the left heel ( aft. i>^ h.). [C] Intolerable burning, lancinating and tearing pains in a gan- grenous foot, with insensibility of the same to touch and to pricks of a needle into it. [Wepfkr, ibid.^] Sharp and fine pricklv stitches in the sole of the foot f loth d.). [C] Painful stitches in the skin of the sole of the right foot, pass- ing off by rubbing; in the evening in bed, after a walk of three hours (8th d.). [C] Severe itching under the right external malleolus, not imme- diately passing off b}^ scratching, and leaving behind a small red spot. "[C] 385. Chilblains on the feet, with pain and redness in summer. Great sensitiveness of the soles of the feet to walking, especi- ally on stone pavements, for a long time (aft. 7 d.). [C] Large horny places on the skin of the sole of the foot, near the beginning of the toes, paining like corns, and always returning after being cut out. [C] Gangrene of the foot, which is quite black. [Wepfer, ibid.^] The big toe cracks with every motion requiring an effort. [C] 390. Tearing, drawing through the right big toe. [C] Rhythmical cutting under the left big toe (6th d.). [C] Burning pain on the ball of the right big toe (6th d. ). [C] Fine itching on the left big toe (aft. 4^ h.). [C] A corn on the left little toe, it pains without cause, as if squeezed (7th d.). [C] 395. Muscular twitching in many parts of the body. Single, long continued, tickling, itching stitches here and there, especially on the upper arm, from within outwardly; also under the right natis, not urging to scratch. Itching on the whole body, especiall}^ on the chest and the back. [C] Itching on many parts of the bodv, especially on the neck and the limbs. [C] Kruptive pimples coming on at night. [C] 400. Kruptive pimples which itch on getting warm in bed at night, and thus take awa3^ the night's sleep. Red pimples like blisters, like varioloid pustules, with sting- ing pain on pressure, on various parts of the skin. [C^] Pustules with yellow or brown scurf here and there. [('.] Eruption of red points wdth white tips in the middle, in various places. [C] Eruptions like rash. [C] 405. Nettle rash; white bumps with red areolae, with violent burn- 1 See sympt 3S8.— Hughes. -This set in soon after violent voniitin"- had subsided (? einbolisni~i— ////.t:Af-.< 3l8 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. ing and fine stitches, in the face and on the limbs, except the fingers, which were swollen, with severe thirst and nausea. Bumps and blisters as from the stings of insects, in many parts of the bod3^ especially in the face and in the joints of the hmbs; they arise with itching and often disappear even after a few hours. [C] Brown spots and dots, like hepatic spots, here and there, especially on the arms. [C] Discolored nails. [lyiNDESTOLPE, ibid.^] He feels ill in the heat of the sun and the warm air, even with light motion and work. [Wepfer, ibid.] 410. Wine drinking especially aggravates his condition. [Wepfer, ibid.] At rest and in cool air he feels better. [Wepfer, ibid.] His symptoms all return again after the third week, but from then on they appeared more on the left side of the body. [C] Convulsive motions, especiall}' of the head. [Wepfer, ibid.^] Twitchings and trembling of the limbs. [Fr. Hoffmann, ibid.] 415. Immense swelling of the whole body. [IvINDestoi^pe, ibid.^] Dropsical swelling of the body. [I^otichino, observationes}'\ Incurable dropsy. [Wepfer, ibid.] Excessive hemorrhages. [Fr. Hoffmann, ibid.^] Emaciation and loss of strength. [Wepfer, ibid.] 420. Getting fat. [Kunkel von LowenstERN, laborator. chemic.^'] Apoplex3^ wdth such a violent flow of saliva that he dis- charged nearly a quart of water through his nose and mouth. \Ephemer, N. c. dec. I. a. 3.'] Death, after some hours, from antimony given for cramps of the stomach. [Fr. Hoffmann, ibid.] Death from suffocating rheum, after fifteen days, from some grains of crude antimony. [Wepfer, ibid.^] Weariness, especially in the feet, with great peevishness, at 7 p. M. 425. Great weariness in the morning, and indisposition to rise, [C] Yawning, frequently three and four times in succession. [Wepfer, ibid.] Great drowsiness during the day, and in the morning on awaking; he can not force himself out of his bed. [C] In the afternoon, sudden transient drowsiness, when sitting. Sleepy and peevish at 6 p. m., and at 8 o'clock he can not keep from going to sleep; at night sound sleep until morning, when he is so tired that he can scarcely open his eyes. [C] 430. At 7 p. M. she is seized with almost irresistible sleep; she 1 Not found. — VLiighes. ■-In a puppy. — Hughes. ^Not iowwd..- -Hughes. *Case of over-dosin.ar in an adult (lib. IV., Cap. 3, D. 5). Jaundice had preceded the emetic of Ant. cr., which was followed by this ascites. It terminated in death.— Hiighes. •' Not found. — Hughes. •' Effects of contin'ued use (p. d^is^.— Hughes. ' Read ''Misc. Nat. Cur." instead of "Ephemer."— Hughes. ^ vSee note to Sympt. 270. — Hughes. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 319 sleeps all the night till morning, and then feels well, for six days in succession. \_C.^ Somnolence in the forenoon. [/-^^/^] Slumber with fantastic delusions. Slumber with fantastic delusion, as if some one was knocking at the door, and that she was called by some one. Late in going to sleep; he could not get any sleep before 12 o'clock. 435. Wide awake in the evening in bed, so that he could not go to sleep for an hour; at the same time frequent cold shiverings, especi- ally over the whole of the left side, on which he is not lying; or, when he gets warm, lasciviousness with erections which make him more wide awake than before; eight days in succession, and again after five weeks. [C] Little sleep ( ist night ) . [C] At night uneasy sleep, caused by itching stitches now and then, which pass away on rubbing. Frequent awaking from intolerable itching on the chest, where he felt pimples. [C] Frequent awaking from itching here and there, with percepti- ble vesicles. [C] 440. Awaking about 2 o'clock at night with slight general warmth and burning itching and excoriation on the anus (3d d.). [C] Awaking from his siesta after dinner, by and with dull gnash- ing of the teeth (2d d. j. [C] Awaking from strangury, at night. At night, discharge of little urine in an intermittent stream, with painful erections. He lies on his back at night. [Lg/z.'l 445. At night frequent awaking, as from fright. [Lg/i.^ Anxious in bed, from 3-5 o'clock. Frequent awaking at night, and when he fell asleep he dreamed of solemnities. Anxious dreams, as if he would be wounded; he jumps up from sleep and struggles with hands and feet. Horrible dreams of mutilations of men. 450. Dreams of his own family at home, with whom he quarreled, disturb his night's rest. \Lgh^ Vexatious dreams, full of quarrels with relatives, rouse him at night from sleep. \Lgh7\^ Lascivious dreams for several nights in succession, also with pollutions (aft. 11 d. ). [C] Voluptuous images in his dreams at night, with pollution. ^^^''^ , • , , • ■ . Dream about seeing an old schoolmate, at which he rejoiced (aft. 23 h.). iLgh:\ 455. Much chill, no heat. Unpleasant feeling of internal chilliness, so that he could never get really warm; returning after five weeks. \L .] Chilly, even in the warm room. [C\] Feet always cold as ice. [C] 320 HAHXEM ANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. His feet do not get warm before i o'clock at night. [C] 460. Shivering over the whole back, without thirst (aft. 2 h.). Shivering over the whole bod}', in the morning, with heat m the forehead, without thirst Taft. J2 h.). [_Lgh.'] Severe shaking chill toward noon, with violent thirst for beer for an hour; then, after sleeping, heat and constant thirst. By the least motion, especially in the sunshine, he is over- heated', and complains of excessive heat in the throat. [Wepfer. ibid.] Goat's milk gives him an agreeable refreshment. [Wepfer, ibid.] 465. At night, in bed, he gets very hot with profuse perspiration. [Wepfer, ibid.] General perspiration, without smell, causing the finger-tips to soften and wrinkle ( 12th d.). [6^] Perspiration during sleep. [Lgh.~\ In the morning, on awaking, a light perspiration over the whole body (aft. 21 h.). \Lg:^i.'] Every other morning, general warm perspiration in bed. [C] 470. Perspiration, returning at the same hour for three days. [XicoLAi, progr. ad Dissert., Reindee, de oleo V, et s. s.^] Pulse, now a few quick beats, then three or four slow beats (at once). ARSENICUM ALBUM. WHITE ARSENIC. (^The semi-oxide of metallic arsenic in diluted and potentized solution.) As I write down the word Arsenic, momentous memories seize upon m}- soul. When the All-merciful One created iron, He granted to man- kind, indeed, to fashion from it either the murderous dagger or the mild ploughshare, and either to kill or to nourish their brethren therewith. How much happier, however, would they be, did they employ His gifts onh' to benefit one another! This should be the aim of their life; this w^as His will. So also it is not to Him, the All-loving One, we must impute the wickeness practiced b}^ men, who have dared to misemplo}" the won- derfulh' powerful medicinal substances in diseases for which they w^ere not suitable, and besides this in doses 50 enormous, guided only by frivolous ideas or some paltry- authorities, without having subjected them to any careful trial, and without a well-grounded selection. 1 References not accessible. — Hughes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 321 If now a careful prover of the effects of medicines arise, they inveigh against him as an enemy to their comfort, and do not refrain .from the most dishonest calumnies. The ordinary medical art has hitherto employed in large andfre- quently i^epeated doses the most powerful medicines, such as arsenic, nitrate of silver, corrosive sublimate, aconite, belladonna, iodine, digitalis, opium, hyoscyamus, etc. Homoeopathy cannot employ stronger substances, for there are none stronger. Now, when ordi- nary physicians employ them, they evidently vie with one another who shall prescribe the largest possible doses of these drugs, and even make a great boast of their mounting to such enormous doses. This practice they laud and approve in their fellow practitioners. But if the Homoeopathic medical art employ the same drugs, not at random, like the ordinary method, but after careful investigation, only in suitable cases and in the smallest possible doses, it is de- nounced as a practice of poisoning. How partisan, how unjust, how calumnious is such a charge made by men who make pretensions to honesty and uprightness! If Homoeopathy now make a fuller explanation, if she condemn (as from conviction she must) the enormous doses of these drugs given in ordinary practice, and if she, relying on careful trials, insists that very much less of them should be given for a dose, that where ordinary physicians give a tenth, a half, a whole grain, and even several grains, often only a quadrillionth, a sextillionth, a decil- ionth of a grain is required and sufi&cient, then the adherents of the ordinary school, who denounce the Homoeopathic healing art as a system of poisoning, laugh aloud, abuse it as childishness, and declare themselves convinced (convinced without trial?) that such a small qua?itity can do nothing at all, and can have no effect what- ever, is, indeed, just the same as nothhig. They are not ashamed thus to blow hot and cold from the same mouth, and to pronounce the very same thing to be inert and ludicrously small, which they had just accused of being a system of poisoning, whilst they justif}' and praise their own enormous and murderous doses of the same reme- dies. Is not this the grossest and most wretched inconsistency that can be imagined, invented for the very purpose of being sliamelessly unjust toward a doctrine which, they cannot deny, possesses truth, consistence and agreement with experience, and which practices tlio most delicate cautiousness and the most unwearied circumspection in the selection and administration of its remedies ? Not very long ago a highly celebrated physician-!' spoke of pounds of opium being eaten every month in his hospital, where even the * Marcus, of Bamberg. 22 322 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. nurses were allowed to give it to the patients according to their fancy. Opium, mind! a drug that has sent several thousands of men to their graves in ordinary practice ! Yet this man continued to be held in honor, for he belonged to the dominant clique to which everything is lawful even if it be of the most destructive and absurd character. And when, a few years since, in one of the most enlight- ened cities-'^ of Europe almost every practitioner, from the physician of lofty title down to the barber's apprentice, prescribed arsenic as a fashionable remedy in almost every disease, and that in such fre- quent and large doses in close succession, that the detriment to the health of the people must have been quite palpable, yet this was held to be an honorable practice, though not one of them was acquainted with the peculiar effects of the semi-oxide of this metal (and con- sequently knew not what cases of disease it was suited for). And yet all prescribed it in repeated doses, a single one of which, sufficiently attenuated and potentized, would have sufficed to cure all the diseases in the whole habitable world for which this drug is the suitable remedy. Which of these two oppsite modes of employing medicines best deserves the flattering appellation of a " system of poisoning " — the ordinary method just alluded to, which attacks with tenths of grains the poor patients (who often require some quite different remedy), or Homoeopathy, which does not even give a little drop of tincture of rhubarb without having first ascertained whether rhubarb is the most suitable, the only appropriate remedy for the case. Homoeop- athy which, by unwearied, multipHed experiments, discovered that it is only in rare cases that more than a decillionth of a grain of arsenic should be given, and that only in cases where careful proving shows this medicine to be the only one perfectly suitable ? To which of these two modes of practice does then the honorary title of ' ' thought- less, rash system of poisoning" properly apply? There is yet another sect of practitioners who may be called hypocritical purists. If they are practical physicians, they, indeed, prescribe all sorts of substances that are injurious when misused, but before the world they wish to pose as patterns of innocence and caution. From their professional chairs and in their writings they give us the most alarming definition of poison; to Hsten to their declarations it would appear unadvisable to treat any imaginable dis- ease with anything stronger than quick-grass, dandeHon, oxymel and raspberry ju ice. According to their definition, poisons are abso- * On how high a stage of lack of art must the medical art of our whole con- tinent be, when in a city like Berlin they are as yet in such a state, which city nevertheless has hardly an equal in all other departments of human knowledge! i ARSENICUM AIvBUM. 323 lately (/. e., under all circumstances, in all doses, in all cases; preju- pdicial to human life, and in this category they include (in order to prejudice against Homoeopathy), as suits their humor, a lot of sub- stances which in all ages have been extensively employed by phy- sicians for the cure of diseases. But the employment of these substances would be a criminal offence had not every one of them occasionally proved of use. If, however, each of them had only proved itself curative on only one occasion — and it cannot be denied that this sometimes happened — then this blasphemous definition is at the same time a palpable absurdity. Absolutely and under all cir- cumstances injurious and destructive, and yet at the same time salutary, is a contradiction in itself, is utter nonsense. If they would wriggle out of this contradiction, they allege, as a subterfuge, that these substances have more frequently proved injurious than useful. But did the more frequent injury caused by these substances come from these substances themselves, or from their improper employ- ment, /. e. , from those who made an unskillful use of them in disea.ses for which they were not suitable ? These medicines do not administer themselves in diseases, they must be administered by men; and if they were beneficial at an}^ time, it was because they were at one time appropriately administered by somebody; it was because they might always be beneficial, if men never made any other than a suit- able use of them. Hence it follows that whenever these substances were hurtful and destructive they were so merely on account of having been inappropriately employed. Therefore all the injur}^ is attributable to the unskillfulness of their employers. These narrow-minded individuals further said: " Even when we attempt to tame arsenic by means of a corrective, e.g., by mixing it with an alkali, it still often enough does harm." Nay, I reply, the arsenic must not be blamed for this; for, as I before observed, drugs do not administer themselves, somebody ad- ministers them and does harm with them. And wdiat can the alkali do as a corrective? Is it merely intended to weaken the arsenic, or to change its character and convert it into something else ? In the latter case the neutral arsenical salt produced is no longer arsenic proper, but something different. If, however, it be merely made weaker, then surely a simple diminution of the dose of the pure solution of arsenic would be a much more rational and effectual mode of making it weaker and milder, than leaving the dose in its hurtful magnitude and by the addition of another medicinal substance en- deavoring to effect some, nobody knows what, alteration in its n.uuro. as takes place when a pretended corrective is used. If you tliiuk 324 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. one-tenth of a grain of arsenic too strong, what is to prevent you from diluting the solution and giving less, a great deal less, of it ? "A tenth of a grain," I hear some one sa}^ ' is the smallest quantity the etiquette of the profession allows us to prescribe. Who could write a prescription to be made up at the apothecary's for a smaller quantity without making himself ridiculous?" So, indeed ! a tenth of a grain sometimes acts so violentl}^ as to endanger life, and the etiquette of your guild does not allow you to give less, very much less. Is it not an insult to common sense to talk in this way ? Is the etiquette of the profession a code of rules to bind a set of slaves without rationality, or is it the rule among men having a free will and intelligence ? If it is the latter, who hinders them from giving a smaller quantity where a greater might be inju- rious ? Obstinacy ? the dogmatism of a school ? or what other dun- geon of the intellect ? " Arsenic," " they protest, would still be hurtful, though given in a smaller quantity, even if we should be willing to descend to the ridiculous dose of a hundredth or of a thousandth of a grain, a minuteness of dose unheard of in the posologics of our materia medica. Even a thousandth of a grain of arsenic must still be hurt- ful and destructive, for it remains an uncontrollable poison, as we suppose, affirm, conjecture and assert." Even if this convenient asserting and conjecturing should here for once have blundered upon the truth, still it is evident that the virulence of the arsenic cannot increase but must decrease with every further reduction of the dose, so that we must at length arrive at such a dilution of the solution and such a diminution of the dose as no longer in any way possesses the dangerous character of your regulation dose of one- tenth of a grain. "Such a dose would, indeed, be a noveltj^! What kind of a dose w^ould it be ?" Novelty is indeed a capital crime in the eyes of the orthodox school, settled down upon her old lees, a school which subjects its reason to the tyranny of hoary routine. But what pitiful rule should hinder the physician, w^ho ought by rights to be a learned, thinking, independent man, a ruler of nature in his own domain — what in the world should hinder him from mod- erating a dangerous dose by diminishing its size ? What should hinder him, if experience should show him that the thousandth part of a grain is 3^et too strong a dose, from giving the hundred-thousandth part, or the millionth part of a grain? And should he find this last too violent in many cases, since in medicine all depends on observation and experience (as medicine itself is nothing but a science of experience) , what should hinder him from reducing ARSENICUM ALBUM. 325 tlie milliontli to a billionth ? And if also this prove too strong a dose in many cases, who could prevent him from diminishing it to the quadrillionth of a grain, or a smaller dose still ? Methinks I hear vulgar stolidity croak out from the quagmire of its thousand-year-old prejudices: Ha! ha! ha! A quadrillionth! Why that's nothing at all! Wh}^ not f Can the subdivision of a substance, be it carried ever so far, bring forth anything else than parts of the whole ? Must not these portions, reduced in size to the very verge of infinity, still con- tinue to be something — something substantial, a part of the whole, be it ever so minute ? What man of sound reason could contradict this ? And if this (quadrillionth, quintillionth, octillionth, decillionth) continue still to be really an integral portion of the divided sub- stance, as no rational man can deny, why should even so minute a portion, seeing that it is really something, be unable to do anything, considering that the whole was so tremendously powerful? But what and how 7nuch this small part can do, can be determined by no speculative reason or unreason, but experience alone must determine this, and in the domain of facts thei^e is no appeal from experience. It belongs to experience alone to determine if this small portion has become too weak to avail anything against diseases, too weak to remove the disease for which this medicine is in general suitable, and to restore the patient to health. This is a matter to be settled not by the dictatorial dictum from the study, but by experience alone, which in this case is the only competent arbiter. But experi- ence has already decided this question and continues to do so daih- before the eyes of every unprejudiced person. But when I have done with the wiseacre, who ridicules the small doses of Homoeopathy as a nonentity, as effecting nothing, and who never consults experience, I hear on the other side the hypocritical stickler for caution, with as little investigation and with the same recklessness, still inveigh against the danger of even the small doses used in homoeopathic practice. A few words then shall be added here for him. If arsenic in the dose of a tenth of a grain be, in many cases, a dangerous dose, must it not become milder in the dose of a thou- sandth of a grain ? And, if so, must it not become still milder with every further diminution of dose ? Now if arsenic (like every other very powerful niodioinal sub- stance) can, by nierel}^ diminishing its dose, be rendered so mild as to be no longer dangerous to Hfe, then all we have to do is merely to find by experiment how far the size of the dose nuist be diminished 326 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. SO that it shall be small enough to do no harm, and yet large enough to fully effect its office as a remedy of the diseases for which it is suitable. Experience, and experience alone, not the pedantry of the study, not the narrow-minded, ignorant dogmatism of the schools, which does not prove anything practically, can decide what dose, of such an extremely powerful substance as arsenic, is so small that it can be taken without danger, and yet remains so powerful as to be able to effect all that this medicine (so invaluable when sufficiently mod- erated in its action and selected for a suitable case of disease) was from its nature ordained to do by the beneficent Creator. It must, by dilution of its solution and diminution of the dose, be rendered so mild that the strongest man can be freed by such a dose from a disease for which it is the appropriate remedy, while this same dose will be incapable of altering perceptibly the health of a healthy infant.'''' This is the grand problem that can only be solved by thousandfold experiments and trials, but not settled by the sophisti- cal dogmatism of the schools with its guessing, its assertions and its conjectures. No rational phj^sician can acknowledge any such limitation to his treatment as would be dictated to him by the rusty routine of the schools, which is never guided by pure experiment combined with reflection. His sphere of action is the restoration to health of the sick, and the countless forces of nature are given to him unreservedly by the Sustainer of Life as implements of healing; nothing being excluded. To him whose calling it is to vanquish the disease that brings its victim to the verge of corporeal annihilation and effect a kind of recreation of life (a nobler work than most other, even those most vaunted of mankind), to him the whole broad expanse of nature with all her creative powers and substances must be available in order to enable him to perform this curative act, if we may so call it. But he must be at liberty to employ these agents in the exact quan- tity, be it ever so small or ever so large, that experience and trials show him to be most adapted to the end he has in view; in any form "^A medicine homceopathically chosen, i. e., a medicine capable of produc- ing a morbid condition very similar to the disease to be cured, touches only the diseased side of the organism, therefore just the most excited, extremely sensi- tive part of it. Therefore its dose must be so small as only to affect the dis- eased part just a little more than the disease itself did. For this the smallest dose suffices, one so small as to be incapable of altering the health of a healthy person, who has not such points of contact sufficiently sensitive for this medi- cine, or of making him ill, which only large doses of medicine can do. See Organon of Medicine, | 277-279, and Spirit of the Homceopathic Medical Doc- trine at the beginning of the Materia Medica Piira. ARSENICUM AI,BUM. 327 whatever that reflection and experience have proved to be most val- uable. All this he must be able to do without any limitation what- soever, as is the right of a free man, of a deliverer of his fellow creatures, and a restorer of life, equipped with all the knowledge pertaining to his art and endowed with a god-like spirit and the tenderest conscience. From this God-serving and noblest of earthly occupations let all hold aloof who are deficient in mind, in the judicial spirit, in any of the branches of knowledge required for its exercise, or in tender regard for the weal of mankind and a sense of their duty to humanity; in one word, who are deficient in true virtue! Away with that un- hallowed crew who merely assume the outward semblance of health- restorers, but whose heads are full of vain deceit, whose hearts are stuffed with wicked frivolity, whose tongues make a mock of truth and whose hands prepare disaster. The following observations are the result of doses of various strength on persons of various sensitiveness: An intelligent homoeopathic physician will not give this medi- cine, even in its minimum dose, before he is convinced that its peculiar symptoms have the greatest possible similarity with those of the disease to be healed. But if this is the case it will surely cure. But if in any case, from human fallibility, he should not have made his selection appropriately, smelling once or several times of Ipecacuanha, or Hepar sulphuris calcareum, or Nux vomica, accord- ing to the circumstances, will remove the ill effects. Such a use of arsenic has shown its curative powers in number- less acute and chronic (psoric) diseases, and has then also at the same time healed the following symptoms if present: Fits of constrictio7i of the chest, at flight, driving the patient out of bed; fear of death; peevishness; heaviness in the forehead (Hg.); headache after dinner; scurf on the hairy scalp (Hg.); i7iflammation of the eyes ayid lids ; drawing and stitches in the face here and there; ulcers like warts on the cheek (Hg. ); tumor-like swelling in the nose (Hg. ); eruptions on the lips; bleeding of the gums; fetid odor from the mouth; vomiting of brownish matter, with violent colic; vomiting after every meal ; pressure in the stomach; bnrni)ig pain in the stomach and the scrobiculus cordis ; induration of the liver; burn- ing in the intestines ; abdominal dropsy; ulcer above the umbilicus; vSwelling of the inguinal glands; burning evacuations, with viok^it colic; green, diarrhoeic stools; constipation; paralysis of the bladder; dysuria; strangury; swelling of the genitals; menses too copious, ailments of various kinds during menstruation; acrid, corrosix'c dis- charge from the vagina; stoppage of the nose; coughing;- of blood; 328 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. suffocative fits, in the evening after lying down; tightness of the chest, on ascending an eminence; angina pectoris; stitches in the sternum; pressure in the sternum; drawing and tearing, at night, from the elbow to the shoulder; whitlows on the tips of the fingers, with burning pains (Hg.); tearing and stitches in the hip, the thigh and the groin; tearing in the tibia; pain as of a bruise in the knee- joint; itching herpes in the hough; old sores on the legs, with burn- ing and stitches; weariness of the feet; ulcers in the soles of the feet (Hg.); ulcers, with corrosive blisters on the soles of the feet and toes (Hg.); pains as from soreness on the balls of the toes, as if rubbed open from walking; varicose and swelled veins; burning of the skin (Hg.); burning pai7i in the tilcers ; drowsiness in the evening; at night, slow in going to sleep again, after waking up; quotidian and intermittent fever ; shivering in the evening, with twisting of the limbs and anxious restlessness. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-pro vers are: Bhr., Baehr ; Fr. H., Friedrich Hahnemann ; Htb. u. Tr., Hartlaub u. Trinks ; Hg., Hering ; Hbg., Hor?iburg ; Lgh., Langhammer; Mr., Meyer; Stf, Stapf. ARSENICUM. Sadness and gloominess. Melancholy, sad mood, after a meal, with headache (aft. 80 h.). Sad, sorrowful ideas, in the evening in bed, as if some mis- fortune might have happened to one's relatives. Religious melancholy and reserve. [Ebers, in Hif eland' s four., 18 13, Oct., p. 8.'] 5. He wept and howled, and spoke but little and briefly. \_Stf^ Piercing wailings, interrupted by fainting fits coming on. [Friederich, \vl Hi f eland' s four., V., p. 172."] Piteous wailings, that a most violent constriction of the chest was taking away his breath, attended with an extremely disagree- able sensation in the abdomen; this compelled him to double up, The inclusion of Arsenic among the antipsorics seems to have been an afterthought, as it comes in the original German edition, at the end of the alphabetical list of medicines, instead of appearing in its proper place — to which in this translation it has been restored. Its patho- genesis had already appeared in the Materia Medica Piira, where it contains 1,079 symptoms, of which 697 are from Hahnemann himself and seven fellow-observers, and 382 from authors. Of the two additional contributors mentioned here, "Hartlaub u. Trinks," stand for some cases of poisoning, the symptoms of which they had extracted, in the first and third volumes of their Arzneimittellehre ; and "Hering," for a number of aggravations and medicinal symptoms occurring in leprous patients taking the drug (^rc/sz»., XI., 2, 19). These account for 112 out of the 202 additional symptoms recorded here; the remainder are Hahnemann's, obtained in his later manner, and Wahle's (eighteen in all) — a prover unnoticed in the preface, but whose name frequently occurs among the second series of the Master's followers. — Hughes. 1 Eber's observations are to be found in part 3, p. 46, and part 4, p. 3, of this volume. Effects of arsenite of potash in ague patients. This symptom not found. — Hughes. - Poisoning of a woman. For p. 172, read part I., p. 149. — Hughes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 329 rolling here and there, then again to rise up and walk about. [MoRGAGNi, de sed. et cans. morb.. lylX.^] Fits of anguish for a long time. [Tim. a. Gurldenklee, Opp., p. 280.'] Anxiety and restlessness in the whole body (aft. i h.). [Richard, in Sche?ik, lib., VII., obs. 211.^] 10. Anxious and trembling, he is afraid of himself, that he might not be able to restrain himself from killing someone with a knife. [Marcus, Ephem. d. Heilkunst, Heft., III.*] Anxiety and heat, not allowing her to go to sleep before midnight, for many days. Anxiety in the evening, after lying down and after mid- night, at 3 o'clock, after a'waking. Severe anxiety, at night about 3 o'clock, she sometimes felt hot, then again like vomiting. Anxiety, anguish. [Myrrhen, Misc. Nat. Cur. — Neue med. chir., Wahrnehm, Vol. I., 1778. — Quelmaez, Commerc. lit., 1737.'] 15. Excessive anguish. [Kaiser, in Hb. ii. Tr. Arzneimittel- lehre.^'] The most intolerable anguish. [Forestus lib., 17, obs., 13.'] Great anguish with constriction of the chest and difficult res- piration. [Kaiser, 1. c] Internal anguish. [Kaiser, 1. c] Mortal anguish. \i^n'i^^i'^Q in Huf eland ' s Joiirn. X., 2.^] 20. Continual anguish, like remorse of conscience, as if he had acted in violation of his duty, without knowing in what particular. Anguish of heart, interrupted by fainting fits coming on. [Friedrich, 1. c] Anguish and anxiety, so that he repeatedly fell into a swoon. Bkrnh. Verzasch. {Obs. med. obs. 66.^] Anguish, trembling and quivering, with cold perspiration in the face. [Aeberti, yz^r/i^rz^^a^. med. Tom. II., p. 257.^*^] Great anguish, trembling and quivering with severe tearing in the abdomen. [Alberti, 1. c] 25. With inexpressible anguish, he seemed on account of his increasing pains to lie at the point of death. [Morgagni, 1. c] With great anguish, he rolls and tosses about in the bed. [GuhEDENKEEE, ibid. BuETTNER, Ufiterr. neb. d. Toed I. d. Wimd.''] He can find no rest in any place, continually changes his position, wishes to get from one bed into another and to lie, now here, now there. 1 Poisoning of adults. For" I^IX." read Book IV., Ep. 59, gg 3. 5, 6, 7. S. 2 From the vapor.— Htig he s. ^.Poisoning ot adult, h'or ohs. 211 t^Sid'' Be Arsoiico'^ Q. ^.—Husi/u-s. •* Symptoms observed in a fever patient after taking arsenite of potash.— //Mi^■//f^'■^ 5 (To Myrrhen note.) From drawing solution of A. into nostrils for coryza; ad\ ann- 9, 10, C'. 220. (To JVeiie Med., etc.) Not accessible. (To Quclmalz.) Poisoning ot girl by black oyL\6.&.— Hughes. ^ Poisoning of a whole family by A.rs.— Hughes. -Poisoning of a woman by orpiment. This symptom is not found. --^ms.'/"'-''" 8 From application of Ars. to a diseased breast. With vomiting. Add p. \.\:^.~ Hushes. 9 Not accessible. — Hug lies. 10 Poisoning of adults. — Hughes. 11 (For BuETTNER.) Poisoiiiugs. Add p. \-j<).— Hughes. 530 hahxemann's chronic diseases. Restlessness, he desires to get from one bed into another. [Myrrhex, 1. c] Restlessness and tossing about in bed with sadness and un- quenchable thirst (aft. 24 h.). [Buettxer, 1. c] 30. Restlessness with pains in the head, in the belly and in the knees. [Richard, 1. c] Full of restlessness, the child is cross and wimpers. Restlessness, and hypochondriac anxiet}' as from constant sitting in a room, as if from the upper part of the chest, without palpitation (at once.) x^nguish and fear; he sees an acquaintance who is not present lie dead on the sofa, and is much afraid of him. \_Whl.'] He sees nothing but worms and bugs crawling about on his bed, from which he desires to run awaj', and of which he throws out whole hands full. [ Whl.'] 35. He sees nothing but rogues in his room, and therefore alwa3'S creeps under the bed. [ Whl.^ His whole house, also under his bed, is full of rogues, which causes a cold sweat to break out, which runs down cold over his body. IWhl.'] In the night he runs all about the house, looking for thieves. [R//^/.] The greatest fear and anguish; night and day he sees ghosts. He jumps out of bed for fear, and hides away in a wardrobe, from which he can only be gotten out with difficult3\ \_Whl.'\ 40. Lack of determination; he desires something, and when the endeavor is made to fulfill his desire, the merest trifle will change his determination, and then he is not willing to have it so. Great seriousness. When he is alone he falls into thoughts about disease and other things, from which he can not easily tear himself awa3\ He despairs of his life. [Richard, 1. c.^] Desponding and weeping, he thinks that nothing can help him, and he would have to die am^how; at the same time he is cold and chilh^ with subsequent general weariness. 45. Super-sensitiveness and over-tenderness of mind; dejected, sad and lugubrious, she is troubled and solicitous about the merest trifles. Very sensitive to noise. Inclined to be frightened. Weak in body and soul, he cannot talk, without exhibiting peevishness. Little talking, but complains of anguish. [Alberti, 1. c] 50. Unconifortable, he has no pleasure in anything. Impatient and anxious. Dissatisfied all day and extremely vexed at himself; he thought he had not worked enough and reproached himself most bhterly. \_Lgh.'] Ill- humor alternating with gentle kindliness; in her ill-humor she will not look at an^'body, nor listen to anything; at times also she weeps. 1 Not found. — Hughes. ^ ARSKNICUM ALBUM. 33 1 111- humor in the morning in bed; he pushes the pillows about in dissatisfaction, throws off the coverlet, uncovers himself, looks at no one, listens to nothing. 55. Vexed about trifles. He is vexed at every trifle, and cannot stop talking about the faults of others. Very peevish and dissatisfied with everything, she finds fault with everything; everything seems to her too strong and loud, all talk, ever}^ noise, all light. Very peevish and sensitive; the least thing insults him and angers him. [_Lg-/i.^ Very peevish and passionate, capricious, she takes every word ill and is cross when she has to answer. 60. Inclined to sarcastic mocking. She became violently enraged when she was forced to eat something, while she had no appetite at all. Her desires exceed her wants; she eats and drinks more than agrees with her; she walks farther than is necessary and is good for her. Great indifference and lack of sympathy. Indifference to life. [Kaiskr, 1. c] 65. Life seems indifferent to him, he sets no value on it. Calm equanimity; careless about their approaching death, they neither hope nor wish to recover. (After-effects, with two suicides, w^ho had taken arsenic. ) Calmness of soul (in a despondent, melancholy woman). [I^ABORT>i\, jour?2. de Med., LXX., p. 89.^] Of a calm, firm mind; he retained his equanimity in all events that happened. \Lgh.'\ Cheerful disposition; he likes to converse with others. {^Lgh.'\ 70. More inclined to cheerfulness, and disposed to occupy himself. {_Lgh.-\ During the first minutes great tranquility of soul and serenit}^; but after half an hour excessive restlessness and anxiety; he im- agined that the effects of the poison would be dreadful and desires to remain alive (in a despondent suicide). [^5*//"] Diminution of memory. Very faulty memory, for a long time. [Myrrhen, 1. c] Forgetfulness, his memory fails him, 75. Stupid and weak in the head, about noon. Stupid and dizzy in the head, so that he could not think. \Mr:\ Stupid and confused feeling in the head, as from severe coryza and vexation; the head feels like a lantern. Stupid feehng in the head, as if he had not slept enough; from II A. M. to 6 p. M. Dullness in the head, w^ithout pain. 80. Weakness of the reason. [Ebers, 1. c.'"] Chronic weakness of mind. [KbKRS, 1. c'.] 1 A woman took Ai's. with a suicidal purpose. The calmness was rather mental, owing to her determination, than phj'sical. — flushes. - Result of suppression of ague by Ars. — Hughes. ^Doubtful how much is ague, and how much Ars. — Huiilus. 332 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Delirium. [Kaiser, 1. c] Fantastic delirium, returning from time to time. [Guilbert, Med, chir. Wahrnehm, Vol. II., Altenb?^ Crowding in of various ideas, which he is too weak to keep off so as to occupy himself with a single one. 85. The organs of sense are morbidly active. [Kaiser, 1. c] Absence of reason and of the internal and external senses; he did not see, for many days he did not speak, he heard and under- stood nothing; when anyone cried very loudl}^ into his ears, he would look at those present like a drunken person awakened from a deep sleep. [Myrrhen, 1. c] She lay in her bed perfectly senseless, muttered unintelligible sounds, with her eyes staring, cold perspiration on her forehead; trembling in her whole bod}^; small, hard and quick pulse. [Kbers, 1. c] Consciousness disappears or becomes indistinct. [Kaiser, I.e.] Loss of sensation and consciousness, so that he knew not what happened to him. [Pyi., Samml. VIII., p. 98 sq.^] 90. Loss of consciousness and speech. \_Misc. N. C, Dec. III., an. 9, 10, p. 390.^] Ideas stra3dng, while the open eyes are without consciousness of phantasies, either before or afterwards. Insanity; first headache, excessive anguish, noise before the ears, as of many large bells, and when he opened his eyes, he always saw a man who sometime before had hanged himself in the garret of the house, and who incessantly motioned to him entreat- ingly that he should cut him down; he ran there with a knife, but as he could not cut him down, he grew desperate and wished to hang himself; being hindered in this, he became so restless that he could hardly be kept in bed; he lost his speech, though with full understanding, and when he wished to express himself by writing, he could only make unintelligible marks, whereat he trembled, wept, and with the forehead covered with the sweat of anguish, knelt down and raised his hands entreatingly. [Ebers, 1. c] Frenzy; he has to be handcuffed and seeks to escape. [Amatus Lusitanus, Curationes, Cent II., Cur. 65.*] Numb feeling of the head. [Pearson, in Samml. br. Abhandl. f. prakt. Aerzte, XIII., 4/] 95. The head is strongly muddled, in the evening (3d d.). Weakness in the head, from much pain, with w^eakness and qualmishness in the scrobiculus cordis, so severe that she was reall}^ ill. Dizz}^ in the head when walking in the open air, aggravated on re-entering the room (aft, ^ h.). Numb feeling in the head. [Bitchhoi.z, Beitr. z. g;er. Arz- neik, IV., 164.^ 1 Poisoning of adult. — Hiighes. 2 Poisoning oi 3.<\n\\..— Hughes. 3 Same ca.'^e as ISIyrrhen's (Sympt. li,).— Hughes. f Poisoning of a youth. This symptom not found.— Hughes. " Effects of arsenite of potash in an epileptic— Hughes. ^ Poisoning of adults with black oxide. After antidote.— Hughes. ARSENICUM AI.BUM. 333 Silh^ in the head, after sleeping. 100. Confused feeling in the head. \_Hbg^ Stupefaction in the head as from precipitate haste in perform- ing an excessive amount of work, with internal restlessness Taft. 2d.). Stupefaction, with loss of sensation and vertigo. [Ebers 1. c.'] Sensation of reeling in the head. [Albkrti, 1. c] Reeling, stupid and dizzy in the head, while taking a walk, most of all in the forehead, as if intoxicated, so as to stagger now to this side, now to that, and every moment was afraid of falling (aft. 9}^ h.). VLgh.-\ 105. Vertigo. [Kaiser, I.e.; Thomson, Edinb. Vers., IV.; Sen- NERT, Prat. med. lib., 6, p. 6.^] Vertigo when sitting. Vertigo only when walking, as if he would fall to the right side. \Lgh.'\ Vertigo every evening ; she has to hold on to something when she shuts her eyes. Vertigo, with obscuration of vision. [Myrrhen, 1. c] no. Vertigo, with loss of thoughts when rising. IStf.'] Violent vertigo, with nausea, when lying down; he has to sit up to diminish it. [^^.] Vertigo, with headache. [Kaiser, 1. c] Pains in the head. [Grimm, Misc. N. C, Dec. III., ann. 7, 8/] Pains in the head and vertigo for several days. [G. W. Wedee, Diss, de Arsefi. Jen., 17 19, p. 10.^] 115. Headache of excessive severity. [ Joh. Jacobi and Rau, Acta N. C; Knape, Annal. der Staats-Arzneikunde, I., i.^] Headache in the occiput. Semilateral headache. [Knape, 1. c] Headache, for several days, immediately relieved by applying cold water, but on removing it is much worse than before. Headache above the left eye, very severe in the evening and at night. \_Hg^^ 120. Periodic headache. [Th. Rau, 1. c] Stupefying, pressive headache, especially in the forehead, in every position. \Lgh^ Stupefying, pressive headache, especially on the right side of the forehead, just above the right eyebrow, paining as if sore on wrinkling his forehead. \Egh^ Stupefying, pressive headache, chiefly on the forehead, with fine stitches on the left temporal region, near the outer canthus, when walking and standing, passing off when sitting (^aft. 2^ 2 h. \ \.Lgh.-\ 1 Not found. — Hughes. -(For Thomson) Poisoning of a woman. (For Sennert) From inhaling- reali^ar.— Hughes. ^ From black oxide, in an adult. Add anu., 7, S.--Hug/it-s. *Not accessible. — Hughes. & (For jACOBi) I'rom suppression of asfue bj- Ars. in a young- man. (For R.\u'» From appli- cation of Ars. to .scalp. (For Knape) From powdering hair with Ars.— Hug/tcs. 334 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pain, as from a bruise, on one side of the head, in the morn- ing immediately on rising from bed (aft. 12 h.). 125. Sensation as if beaten on the front of the head. Pain in the forehead and above the nose, as from a bruise or sore, going off for short time by rubbing. Heavy and confused sensation in the head, so that he cannot easily rise; he has to lie down. Great heaviness in the head, especially when standing and sitting. [BuCHHOLz, 1. c.^] Great heaviness in the head, with roaring in the ears; it goes off in the open air, but at once returns when coming again into the room (aft. 16 h.). 130. Excessive heaviness of the head, as if the brain was pressed down by a load, with roaring in the ears, in the morning after ris- ing from bed (aft. 24 h.). Heaviness of the head with pressive pain, in the morning (aft. 72 h.). Pressive pain in the right temporal region, in all positions (aft. 3I1.). \.Lgh:\ Pressive, drawing pain m the right side of the forehead (aft. 2^h.). {_Lgh.-\ Pressive, stitch-like pain in the left temple, not passing off by touching (aft. 2^ h.). \Lgh?^ 135. Tension in the head; headache, as if stretched. Pinching headache above the eyes, soon passing away. Drawing headache under the coronal suture, for several hours every afternoon. Tearing pains in the occiput. {Bhr?^ Tearing in the head and at the same time in the right eye. 140. Headache, composed of tearing and heaviness, with drowsy weariness during the day. [aft. 4 d. ). Tearing stitches in the left temple. Stitch-like pain in the left temple, which ceased on touching part. \Lgh^^ Throbbing headache in the forehead, just above the root of the nose. Violently throbbing headache in the forehead, on motion. [5//.] 145. Violently throbbing headache in the whole head, especially in the forehead, with nausea on raising himself in bed. \Stf.'\ Sharp, hard throbbing, like chopping, in the whole head, as if it would drive her skull apart, at night (about 2 A. m.), with an outbreak of perspiration . Hammering, like blows of a hammer in the temples, very painful, at noon and at midnight for half hour, after which for a couple of hours she feels paralyzed in the body. Dull throbbing headache in one half of the head, extending to above the eyes. On motion, a sensation as if the brain was moving and beat against the skull. 1 As sympt. 98. — Hughes. ARSKNICUM AI,BUM. 335 150. On motion of the head, the brain feels as if shaking about, with pressure on it, in walking. \_WhL'] Clicking sensation in the head, over the ear, when walking. The skin of the head pains when touched as if festering. Painfulness of the hair on being touched. Falling out of the hair of the head. [BayliKS i?i Samml. br. Abhandl. fuer pr. Aerzte, VII., 2, p. no/] 155. Pains as from a bruise on the external head, aggravated when touched. Contractive pain in the head. Formication on the integument of the occiput, as if the roots of the hairs moved. Burning pain on the hairy scalp. [Knapk, 1. c.^] Swelling of the head. [Hkimrkich in Act. N. C. II. , obs. lo.^] i6o. Swelling of the whole head. [QukIvMAIvZ, 1. c] Swelling of the head and face. [SikboIvD in Hiifel. Jouryi. IV. , part I., p. 3.*] Extraordinary swelling of the head and face. [Knapk, 1. c] Swelling of the skin of the head, the face, the eyes, the neck and the chest, with natural color. [Knapk, 1. c] Itching gnawing on the head. [Knapk, 1. c] 165. Gnawing itching on the whole head , inciting to scratch . \Lgh . ] Burning itching on the hairy scalp. [Knapk, 1. c] Painful itching like ulceration, inciting to scratching on the whole hairy scalp, which pains all over, but chiefly on the occiput, as if from suffused blood (aft. 7 h.). [Lg/i.^ A pimple covered with scurf on the left side of the hairy scalp, inciting to scratching, and painful when rubbing as if festering underneath (aft. 2 h.). \Lgh.'\ Eruptive pimples on the whole hairy scalp, which pain, on rubbing and touching, as if festering below, or as if suffused with blood (aft. II h.). \Lgh:\ 170. Innumerable pimples, very red, upon the hairy scalp. [\"icat, Eruption of pustules with burning pain, on the hairy scalp and in the face. [Hkimrkich, 1. c] Pimples on the left temple, inciting to scratching, and dis- charging bloody water, and, after rubbing, pain as if sore. \^Lgh.'\ Two large pimples on the forehead between the eyebrows, inciting to scratching, discharging blood}^ water, and filled next day with pus. SJ^gh^ Corrosive ulcers on the hairy scalp. [Knapk, 1. c] 175. Ulcerous scab, a finger's breadth in thickness, on the hairy scalp, falling off a few weeks later. [Hkinrkich. 1. c] Ulcerous scab, on the hair}^ scalp, to the middle of the tore- head. [Knapk, 1. c] 1 General statement from authors. — Hu^Jies. 2 Kffect of Ars. sprinkled on hair — HiioJirs. ^ Should be " of the veins." It occurred after violent \on\\th\^.—Hng/i<'s. ■4 Effect of dre.ssing pustular scalp with mixture of Ars. and cniuabar.—/y//.c /''•-"•■ •'' From powdering hair with Ars. — Hiig/irs. 336 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The right eye pained deep internally, with violent stitches in turning it, so that she could hardl}^ turn her e3"e. Pressive pain above the left e5'elid and in the upper half of the eyeball, aggravated on looking upward. Pressive pain under the right eye, continuing for hours, at night, so that she could not stay in bed for distress. i8o. Pressure in the left eye, as if sand had got into it (aft. 2 h.). Drawing pain in the eyes, and quivering in the lids. Twitching in the left eye. Tearing in the eye, at intervals. [Schlegel, in J7l?. u Tr.^'] Throbbing, like pulsation, in the eyes, and at every throb a stitch, after midnight. 185. Itching about the eyes and the temple, as if picked with in- numerable red-hot needles. Smarting, corrosive itching in both e3^es, compelling to scratch (aft. ah.). ILgh.-] Burning on the edge of the upper eyelids. Burning in the eyes. Burning in the eyes, the nose, the mouth. [N. med. chir. Wahvjiehm.^ 1. c] 190. Red, inflamed eyes. \N. med chir. Wahr7i., 1. c] Inflammation of the conjunctiva. [Kaiser, 1. c] Inflammation of the eyes. [Heun, allgejn. med. AnnaleUy 1805, Febr.'] Violent inflammation of the eyes. [Guilbert, 1. c.^] Swelling of the e3^es. [Quelmalz, 1. c.*] 195. Swelling of the e^^elids. \N. 7ned. chir. IV., 1. c] (Edematous swelling of the eyelids, without pains. [ lVhi.~\ Swelling, first of the upper, then of the lower left eyelid, then of the forehead, the head and the neck, without pain or secretion of mucus; the swelling of the head and of the neck reached an enormous size. \_Whl.'] Swollen e^^es and lips. [Knape, 1. c] Painless swelling under the left eye, which partly closes the eye, and is ver3' soft (aft. 5 d.). \_Fr., H.'] 200. Yellowness of the eyes, as in jaundice. Yellow" white of the eves, as in a person having jaundice. iwhi.-] Tired look of the e^^es. [Kaiser, 1. c.J Dryness of the eyelids, as if they rubbed on the eyes, in read- ing by candle-light. The edges of the eyelids pain on motion, as if they were dry, and rubbed upon the eyeballs, as well in the open air, as in the room. 205. Watering of the eyes. [Guiebert, 1. c] Constant, severe lachrymation of the right eye, for eight days (aft. 2d.). [Fr., H.'] 1 From the vapor, mingled with that of tobacco. — Hughes. - From application of Ars. to cancerous ulcer of the cn^^k..— Hughes. 3 Frequently recurring. — Highes. * As in symp. I6o. — Hughes. ARSENICUM AI^BUM. 337 Acrid tears, making the cheeks sore. [Guilbert, 1. c.^] Watering and itching of the eyes, some pus in them in the morning. [-Fr., //.] E3'eHds glued together in the morning. 210. The outer canthi are ghied together by eyegum, in the morn- ing, [mil.] Constant quivering of the upper eyehds, with tears in the eyes. The (oedematously swollen) eyelids close firmly and spasmodi- cally and look as if they were bloated. \_Whl.'] Contortion of the eyes. [J. Mat. MulIvER, in Ephem. N. C, Cent. I., C. 5I.T Contortion of the eyes and of the muscles of the neck. \Eph. N., Cent. X., app., p. 463.^ 215. Protruding eyes. [GuilberT, 1. c] Protruded eyes. [Kaiser, 1. c] Rigid eyes, directed upward. [Kaiser, 1. c] Frightfully staring eyes. [Myrrhen, 1. c.*] Wildly staring look. [Guiebert, 1. c] 220. Wildly staring look. \_Whl.^ Wildly staring look, without dilatation of the pupils. [Kaiser, 1. c] Wild look. [Majauet, in Samml. br. Abhandl. f. pra. Ae?zte. VII., i, 59 and 2, 69.^] His eyelids close themselves; he is weary. \Hbg^ Contracted pupils (aft. i^, 5 h. ). \J^gh.~\ 225. Weakness of vision, for a long time. [Myrrhen, 1. c.'] Obscure vision, as through a white gauze. He does not recognize the persons standing around him. [Richard, 1. c] Obscuration of sight. [Bayeies, 1. c] Obscuration of sight; everything looks black before his eyes (at once). [Richard, 1. c] 230. Darkness and flickering before his eyes. [KaiseR, 1. c] Almost total blindness, in a weak-sighted woman, with loss of the hearing and with long continued dullness of the senses. [Kbers, 1. c.''] Everything becomes yellow before the eyes, during qualmish- ness. [Aeberti, 1. c] White dots or points before the eyes. Sparks before the eyes. [Kbers, 1. c.^] 235. Sensitiveness to light, photophobia. [Ebers, 1. c.**] Snow blinds the eyes, so that they water. Otalgia. \Bhr:\ Cramp-like pain in the external ears. I'lhe eyelids also were made sore. — Hughes 2 General statement. The symptom not found. — Hughes. 3 Poisoning of adult. — Hughes. 40r "eyes distorted in a horrid manner.'' — Hughes. 5 Poisoning with Ars., realgar and orpiment. — Hughes. ''With Sympt. 73. — Hughes. ^ As Sympt. 81 — HugJies. 8 With headache and \&xW^o.— Hughes. ^With headache and veitigo. — Hughes. 23 338 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing in the interior of the ear. 240. Drawing tearing in the left lobule. Drawing tearing behind the ear, down the nape of the neck and into the shoulder. Stitching tearing outwardh^ through the left meatus auditorius, chiefly in the evening (ist d.). Stitches in the ear, in the morning. Agreeable titillation in both ears, deep within, for ten days. \_Fr. H.-] 245. Voluptuous tickling in the right meatus auditorius, compelling to rubbing. [_Lgh.'] Burning in the external ear, in the evening (aft. 5 h.). Sensation of obstruction in the left meatus auditorius, as if from without. Hardness of hearing, as if the ears were stopped, (aft. 16 h. ). When swallowing, something seems to obstruct the ear from within, as with deafness. 250. He does not imderstand what is said to him. [Richard, 1. c] Deafness. [Ilg-.^ Ringing in the right ear, when sitting (aft. i}^ h.). [_Lgh.'] Like ringing in the ears and in the whole head. Roaring in the ears \A^ith every paroxysm of pain. 255. Roaring in the ears. [Thomson, 1. c. Baylies, 1. c.^] Violent rushing sound before the ears as from a near water- weir. In the root of the nose, pain in the bones. Stitches in the bones of the nose. Violent flow of blood from the nose, owing to vexation (aft. 3d-).. 260. Violent bleeding from the nose, after severe vomiting. [Heim- REICH, Arse7i. als Fiebermzttel.'] A fetid ichor flows from the nose, which is ulcerated high up, and dropping into the mouth it causes a bitter taste. [_H'g.'] Alternately a smell of pitch and of sulphur in the nose. The face is sunken. \_Htb. u. Tr.'^^ Pale face. [Majault, 1. c] 265. Paleness of the face with distorted features. [Kaiser, 1. c] Paleness of the face with sunken eyes. [J. G. Greiselius in Afzsc. Nat. cur. Dec. I., Ann. 2, p. 149.^] Pale, 3^ellow, cachectic appearance. [Schlegel, 1. c.^] Deadly paleness. [Henning, 1. c.°] Deadly hue of the face. [Aeberti, 1. c.^] 270. Yellow face with sunken eyes. Bluish, discolored face. [Mueller, 1. c. Eph. N. C, 1. c."^] Earth}^ and leaden complexion, with green and blue spots and stripes. [Knape, 1. c] Distorted features, as if from discontent. 1 Not found in Thomson. — Hughes. " From smoke of wax tapers impregnated with Krs,.--Hughes. 3 Symptoms observed in miners. — Hughes. ■^See Sympt. 185. — Hughes. o With violent vomitin,sr. — Hughes. •5 During vomiting — Hughes. '>\u Eph. Nat. Cur. the phrase is " face livid and \\xr'\&:' —Hughes. ARSKNICUM ALBUM. 339 Altered and disfigured countenance. [Kaiser, 1. c] 275. Death- like appearance. [Ai^berei, 1. c] Twitches in the facial muscles. [GUII.BERT, 1. c] Pressure in the left upper jaw. Itching in the face, causing it to be scratched till it is sore. Bloated red face, with swollen lips. [^//^.] 280. Bloated, red face. [KaisER, 1. c] Swelling of the whole face (from an external application. {Htb. u. Tr.'] Swelling of the face. [J. C. Tenner, in Simo7i' s Samml. d. n. Beoh. f. d. /., 1788. ^ Swelling of the face, of an elastic nature, especially in the eyelids, and chiefly in the morning, in three persons. [Th. Fowler, Med. rep. of the effect of arsen., Sect. VIII. ^] Swelling of the face with swoons and vertigo. [Sennert, prax lib. 6, p. 237.^] 285 Hard swelling like a nut on the two protuberances of the fore- head; the swelling increases in the evening. \Sr^ Eruption on the forehead. [Knape, 1. c] Ivittle knobs, bumps on the forehead. [A^. med. chir. Wahrn., I.e.] Ulcers all over the face. [A^. 7ned. chir. Wahrn., 1. c] The lips are bluish. [Baylies, 1. c] 290. Bluish lips. [Kaiser, 1. c] Black-spotted lips. [Guilbert, 1. c] Blackish appearance about the mouth. [Alberti, 1. c] Pinching quivering or twitching on the one side of the upper lip, especially on going to sleep. Itching, as if pricked with countless burning needles, in the upper lip, up to the nose, and the following day swelling of the upper lip above the red. 295. Swelling of the lips. \Stf^ Bleeding of the lower lip after a meal (aft. i^^ h.). \Lgh^^ A brown strip of shriveled epidermis, almost as if burnt, extends through the middle of the red of the lower lip. Red, tettery skin around the mouth. Eruption broken out on the lips at the edge of the red, pain- less (aft. 14 d.). 300. Eruption about the mouth, with burning pain. Painful knots on the upper lips. Eruption of ulcers around the lips. [Isenflamm Steinning, Diss, de rem. susp. et ven., Erlangen, 1767, p. xxvii.^ Eruption on the lower lip, like noma, with thick crust and a base like leaf-lard. [Sr.'] An ulcer eroding on the lip, with tearing pain and smarting as from salt, in the evening on lying down, in the day while mov- ing; worst on being touched and in the open air; it prevents sleep and causes waking up at night (aft. 14 d.). iNot accessible.— /f^/^jr/'^-i"- 2 Effects of arsenite of potash in ague patients.— ////j;//<'5. ^ Not accessible.— //«,^/c^i-. 4 General statement— //"w^/t^i. 340 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 305. Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, with pain as from pres- sure and contusion. Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, with painfulness on external pressure. [^/^.] Hard swelling of the left sub-maxillary gland; the swelling is especially severe in the evening. \_Sr.'] Toothache, more pressive than drawing. Jerking, continuous toothache, extending into the temple, relieved or removed b}^ sitting up in bed. 310. Tearing in the teeth and simultaneously in the head, at which she becomes so enraged as to beat her head with her fists; just before the setting in of the menses. Pain in several teeth (in the gums), as if they were loose and would fall out ; but the pain is not increased in chew- ing (aft. I h.). Painful looseness of the teeth; and pain as if sore, per se, and more jQt in chewing; so also the gums pain on being touched, and the cheek on that side swells up. One tooth becomes loose and prominent, in the morning; its gums ache on being touched, still more in that case, the external part of the cheek, behind which lies the loose tooth; the tooth is not painful on biting the teeth together. Convulsive gnashing of the teeth. [Van Eggern, Diss, de vacill. dent. Duisb., 1787.^] 315. Gnashing of the teeth. [Kaiser, 1. c] Falling out of all the teeth. [Van Eggern, 1. c. ] In the gums, stitches, in the morning. Nocturnal tearing pains in the gum of the canine tooth, which is unbearable as long as he lies on the affected side, but is removed by the warmth of the bed ; the following morning the nose is swollen and painful on being touched (aft. 3d.). The tongue is bluish. [Bayeies, 1. c] 320. White tongue. [Alberti, 1. c] Insensibilit}' of the tongue, it is as if it were burnt dead, with- out sense of taste. Stitching pain, as from a fish-bone in the root of the tongue, when swallowing and when turning the head. Boring pain in right border of the tongue, while half asleep. Pain on the tongue as if there w^ere on it vesicles full of burn- ing pain. 325. Erosion of the tongue at the side of the tip with smarting pain (aft. 14 d.). On the roof of the palate, long continued feeling of roughness. \Bhr.'\ Scrap}', scratchy sensation, behind on the velum pendulum palati, when not swallowing. Scraping and sensation of rancidity in the throat, as from rancid fat, after the first morsel she swallowed in the morning. In the throat a sensation as if there was a hair in it. 330. Sensation in the throat as from a lump of mucus, with a taste of blood. 1 Not accessible. — Hughes. ARSENICUM AI,BUM. 34I Tearing pain in the oesophagus and all up the throat, also when not swallowing. Burning in the throat. [Richard, 1. c. Buchholz, 1. c] Burning in the fauces. [Knapk, 1. c. Kopp, Jahrb. de7 Staats-Arzneik. II., p. 182.^] Inflammation of the interior of the throat. [Rau, 1. c] 335- Gangrenous sore throat. [FkIvDMAnn, in Comm. lit. Nor. 1743, P- 50'] In the fauces and stomach a sensation of rolling together, as if a thread was rolled into a ball. [Richard, 1. c] Sensation of constriction in the throat. [Preussius, Ephem. N. C. Cent. III., obs. 15.'] Constriction of the fauces (of the oesophagus). [//. m. ch. Wahrn., 1. c] His throat feels as if pressed quite shut, as if nothing would go down his oesophagus. [Ai^berti, 1. c] 340. Deglutition very painful. [A^. m. ch. Wahrn., 1. c] Difficult swallowing. [Rau, 1. c] Sensation of paralysis of the fauces and oesophagus ; the chewed roll could not be swallowed down, it went down with difficulty with a pinching pressure, as if the oesophagus had not sufficient strength for it; he heard it rattle down. Feeling of dryness on the tongue. [Buchhoi^z, 1. c] Sensation of great dryness in the mouth, with violent thirst; but he only drinks a little at a time. \_Stf.'\ 345. Sensation of dryness in the throat; she had to drink con- stantly, as she felt that otherwise she should perish of thirst. Severe dryness in the mouth anH violent thirst. Severe dryness in the mouth. [Thii^Enius in Richter' s chir. bibl. v., p. 540. T Dryness of the tongue. [Guiebert, 1. c. ; Majault, 1. c] Much saliva, he had to spit out frequently. \Hbg^ 350. The saliva ejected tastes bitter. Bloody saliva. \_N. m. ch. Wahrn., 1. c] Slimy in the mouth and throat (aft. 2 h.). Ejection of grey mucus by hawking. Salty expectoration (by hawking?). [Richard, 1. c] 355. Bitter expectoration. [Richard, 1. c] Green, bitter expectoration (by hawking) in the morning. Bitterness in the mouth, with yellow diarrhoea, [Morgagni, 1. c] Bitter taste in the mouth, after a meal. Bitter disgusting taste in the mouth, after eating and drink- ing. 360. Bitterness in the throat, after eating, while the food tastes normally on alternate days (like a tertian fever). Bitter taste in the mouth, without having eaten anything. Bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning. [/4'".] 1 (For Kopp ) Poisoning of ^<^.\\\\..— Hughes. -From a plaster of Ars. applied for a quartan. — Hughes. 3 Poisoning- of a boj-. — Hughes. * Effects in a patient with scirrhous hv^ast.— Hughes. 342 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Wooden, dr^^ taste in the mouth. Rotten fetid taste in the mouth. 365. Putrid taste in the morning, as of putrid meat. Sour taste in the mouth, all the food tastes sour. All the food tastes salt3\ The food tastes as if it had too little salt. The beer tastes flat. 370. The unhopped beer tastes bitter. Adipsia, lack of thirst. Thirst. [Preussius 1. c.; Rau, 1. c. ; PET de iVppoNO, de ven}'\ Great thirst. [Alberti, 1. c., Tom. IL] Severe thirst, constant. [Buettner, 1. c] 375. Violent thirst. [Majault, 1. c] Choking thirst. [Forestus, 1. c] Burning thirst. [Majauet, 1. c.^] Unquenchable thirst. [Buchhoez, 1. c. ; Guiebert, 1. c. ; Crueger.] Unquenchable thirst, with dryness of the tongue, the fauces and the gullet. [GueldenkleE, 1. c] 380. Uncommon thirst, so that he has to drink much cold water every ten minutes, from morning till evening, but not at night. Extremely violent thirst, and drinking affords no refresh- ment and refection. [Kaiser, 1. c] He drinks much and often. \Stf^ With great thirst, he drinks often, but always little at a time. [Richard, 1. c.^] Violent thirst, but he only drinks little at a time. \Whl^ 385. Violent thirst, not without appetite for eating. [Knape, 1. c] Lack of appetite, with violent thirst. [Stcerk, 7ned. Jahrg. I., p. 207.'] Lack of appetite. [Jacobi, 1. c] Loss of appetite. [Kaiser, 1. c] Total lack of appetite. [Buchholz, in Hufel. Jou7'n., 1. c] 390. No appetite, but when he eats he relishes food. Lack of hunger and appetite for ten days. \Fr., H^ Aversion to all food, she cannot eat anything. Loathing of food. [Grimm, 1. c. ; Gceritz, in Bresl. Samml. , 1728.'] Loathing of all food. [Alberti, 1. c] 395. ^ Irresistible loathing of all food, so that he cannot think of eating without nausea. [Ebers, 1. c] It is impossible for him to get his food down. [Richard, 1. c] The smell of boiled meat is unbearable to him. [Richard, 1. c] Repugnance to butter. Desire for brandy. \^Hg.'\ 1 Effects of realgar. — Hughes. - Not found. — Hughes. 3 Not found. — Hughes. 4 Effects of arsenite of potash in ague ■^a.W^vA.'s,.— Hughes. ^ Not to be found at reference. — Hughes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 343 400. Desire for sour things. [Sf/.] Desire for vinegar and water. Great desire for acids and acidulous fruit. Great desire for coffee. Great appetite for milk, to which before she was averse. 405. While eating, a compressive sensation on the chest. Soon after breakfast and after dinner, pressure on the stomach, with empty eructations for three hours, causing a lassitude of body which produced qualmishness. Before eating, nausea, and after eating or drinking, distension or pressure and cutting in the abdomen. Eructation, after taking food. Much eructation, especially after drinking. 410. Ineffectual efforts to eructate. Eructation, caused by flatus coming upward. Constant eructation. [GcERiTz, 1. c] Frequent empty eructation (aft. ^ h.). \_Lgh.'\ Frequent empty eructation. 415. Constant, severe, empty eructation, with numb feeling of the head (aft. 36 h.). Sour eructation after dinner. Bitter eructation after eating, with belching up of greenish, bitter mucus. An acrid liquid rises into the mouth. Frequent hiccup after eating, every time followed by eruc- tation. [Lgh.'] 420. Frequent hiccup and eructation. [Morgagni, 1. c] Convulsive hiccup. [Ai^berti, 1. c] Hiccup, at night, when rising, with scratching, nauseous taste in the mouth. Long-continued hiccup, in the hour when the fever should have come. Qualmishness at 11 A. M. and at 3 P. M. 425. Nausea. [Pfann, Samml. merkw. Falle, Numb., 1750, pp. 129, 130; N. Wahrii, 1. c; KaisER, 1. c.^] Nausea in the fauces and stomach. Nausea, with anguish. [Ai^berti, 1. c] Long-continued nausea, with faintness, trembling, heat all over, followed by a shiver (aft some h.). Qualmishness and nausea, compelling the person to lie down, in the forenoon, at the same time tearing about the ankle and the dorsum of the foot. 430. Frequent nausea, with a sweetish taste in the mouth, not immediately after eating. Nausea, more in the throat, with gathering of water in the mouth. Nausea, with abortive waterbrash, shortly before and after dinner. Nausea, when sitting; much water collected in the moutli, as 1 Poisoning by cobalt, " fly-powder," a mixture of metallic arsenic with arsenious acid.— Hughes. 344 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. in waterbrash; while walking, the nausea passed off, followed by a discharge of a copious, pappy stool (aft. 7 h.). [Lgk.^ Waterbrash, at 4 p. m. 435. Sickness at stomach. [Majault, 1. c.^] Inclination to vomit. [Kaiser, 1. c] Nausea, in the open air. Empty retching. [Rau, 1. c] Nausea and violent vomiting. [///^. 71. Tr.^'] 440. Nausea, qualmishness on raising oneself up in bed, and fre- quently, sudden vomiting. [5^.] Vomiting. [Majaui^T, 1. c. ; Grimm, and many others.] Vomiting immediatel)" after every meal, without nausea. [Fr. //.] The child vomits after eating and drinking, and then will neither eat nor drink, but sleeps well. Vomiting of all the ingesta, for several weeks. {^Sal^d. m. chir. Zeit^ 445. Excessive vomiting produced with the greatest effort, of drinks, yellowish-green mucus and water, with very bitter taste in the mouth, which remained a long time afterward. \_Stf^ Vomiting of a thick, glassy mucus. [Richard, 1. c] Vomiting of mucus and green bile. [Alberti, 1. c.^] Vomiting of a thin, bluish, smutty-yellow matter, followed by great prostration and exhaustion. [Kaiser, 1. c] Vomiting of brownish, dark matter, sometimes thick, some- times thin, with violent efforts and increased stomachache, with- out subsequent relief. [Kaiser, 1. c] 450. Vomiting of a brownish matter, often mixed with blood, with a violent bodily effort. [Kaiser, 1. c] Vomiting of bloody mucus. \N. Wahrn., 1. c] Vomiting of blood [Kellner, in Bresl. Samml., 1727.*] Discharged blood upward and downward. [Gerbitz, in Epheni. Nat. Cur., Dec. III., a7in 5, 6, obs. 137.^] When vomiting ceases, frequent, very watery diarrhoeic stools set in. \Htb. u, Tr.'] 455. Excessive vomiting and purging. [Preussius, 1. c] Violent, continual voming, with diarrhoea. [Morgagni, 1. c] Vomiting, with diarrhoea, as soon as the swoon goes off. [FORESTUS, 1. c] During the vomiting, which continues night and day, fright- ful cries. [Heimreich, 1. c.'] During the vomiting, complains of severe internal heat and thirst. [Alberti, 1. c] 460. During the violent vomiting, severe internal burning, thirst and heat. [A1.BERT1, 1. c] Frequent vomiting, with dread of death. [A1.BERT1, 1. c] 1 Not found. — Hughes. ^Assympt. 267. — Hughes. ^Iviterally, "Vomiting of greenish matter at night, of whitish stuff next morning." — Hughes. ■t Poisoning of a girl of twent}'. — Hughes. 5 From orpiment. — Hughes. 6 Reference should be Kaiser, 1. c— Hughes. ' Cited from Cardan. — Hughes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 345 Pains in the stomach. [Quelmalz, 1. c; Richard, and several others.] Great painfulness of the stomach. [M Wahrn., 1. c] Pains in the stomach, causing nausea. [Richard, 1. c] 465. Excessive pains in the region of the scrobiculus cordis. [S. Ph. Wolff, Act. Nat. c, V., obs. 29.'] Heaviness in the stomach, as if it were being violently dis- tended in its whole extent and were being torn. [Kopp, Jahrb. d. Staatsarzneik. II., p. 182.] Trouble in the stomach, as if it were tormented with flatus; much aggravated after vomiting and diarrhoea. [Morgagni, 1. C.T Bloatedness and distension of the stomach and the hypochon- driac region, before a stool ensues. [Richard, 1. c] Bloatedness of the region of the stomach. [Kaisfr, 1. c] 470. The stomach begins to raise itself, and is warmer than the rest of the body. [Kaiser, 1. c] Sensation of fullness in the stomach, with distaste for eating, and stomachache after it; in the evening. Heaviness in the stomach, as from a stone, after eating. {.Hbg:\ Pressive feeling of heaviness in the stomach. [Morgagni, I.e.] Pressure in the region of the stomach and the scrobic- ulus cordis; pressure on the heart. [Kellner, 1. c; GoERTz and many others.^] 475. It felt as if it would break her heart. It felt as if it would break his heart. [5//.] Pressure on the mouth of the stomach and in the oesophagus, after eating, as if the food remained on top; then empty eructation. Pressure about the stomach, so that he cannot stand it, when- ever he has eaten anything, not at once, but some time after eating. Pressure in the anterior wall of the stomach, on speaking (aft. y^ h.). 480. Hard pressure above the scrobiculus cordis (at once). Cramp-like pain of the stomach, two hours after midnight. Periodic cramp like pains in the stomach and the bowels. [Kaiser, 1. c] Cramps of the stomach, of excessive violence, with thirst. [BUCHHOLZ, 1. c] Cramps of the stomach, with violent bellyache, diarrhc:ea and faintings. [lyOEw, in Sydenham, Op. II., p. 324.^] 485. Cutting pain in the vStomach. [Thilenius, 1. c] Drawing pain, in the evening while sitting, from the scrobic- ulus cordis to the left ribs all around, as if something were violently torn off there. Dull tearing, transversel}' across the region of the stomach, when walking, in the afternoon. 1 Poisouing of two women. For " pains " read " anxieties," /. <•., anxiety. — flm:!!,-. -Add "returning- later with great violence."— ////a' /''"-''• ^Goertz should be Gokritz. — Ht/g/ies. ■^Not found at reference. — Hughes. 346 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing, pressive, spasmodic pain in the stomach. [Kaiser, 1. c] Violent, tearing, boring pain and cramp in the stomach and. bowels. [Kaiser, 1. c] 490. Gnawing and prickling (sharp and fine throbbing) pain in the scrobiculus cordis, with sensation of tension. Eroding, gnawing /^zV? in the stomach. [Richard, 1. c] Heat with pain and pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. [Kaiser, 1. c.] Burning in the scrobiculus cordis. [Buchhoi^z, 1. c; Kaiser, 1. c] Burning all around the scrobiculus cordis. 495. Burning pain in the stomach. [Ebers, 1. c.^] Burning in the stomach like fire. [Richard, 1. c] Constant burning and severe constriction in the stomach and in the chest. [Borges in Kopp' s Jahrb., 1. c.^] Burning in the stomach, with pressure as from a load. [MORGAGNI, 1. c] Burning in the scrobiculus cordis, with pressive pain. [GOERITZ, 1. c] 500 Constriction in the scrobiculus cordis \Hbg^ Great distress about the region of the scrobiculus cordis. [MoRGAGNi, 1. c. ; Jacobi and others.] Wails and lamentations about an indescribable distress in the region of the scrobiculus cordis, without distension or colic. [MORGAGNI, 1. C.^] Distress in the scrobiculus cordis, rising up from it, at night. In the liver, a squeezing pressure, on taking a walk. 505. The spleen, indurated before, now swells. \Hg^ Stitches in the side of the abdomen, under the short ribs, and he cannot lie on his side. In the region of the kidneys, stitches, when respiring and when sneezing. Pains in the abdomen of the most violent kind. [Dan Crueger, Misc. N. C. Dec. II., Ann. 4, O. 12.-'] Excessive bellyache and pains in the stomach. [Wolff, 1. c] 510. Exceedingly disagreeable sensation in the whole of the abdo- men. [MORGAGNI, 1. c] Pains in the h3^pogastrium, with heat in the face. Violent pain in the region of the right epigastrium. [MoR- GAGNI, 1. c] Pain in the right epigastrium and the neighboring inguinal regions, which extends thence at times through the hypogastrium, at times into the right side of the flanks and the scrotum, like a renal colic; but with unchanged urine. [Morgagni, 1. c] Roving pains in the abdomen, with diarrhoea and pains in the anus. [Morgagni, 1. c] 515. The pain in the abdomen establishes itself in the left side of the belly. 1 Not found. — Hughes. - Poisoniug- of an adult. — Hughes. 3 Unsaeglich, indescribable, is in the I^atin " inexplicabilis."— //'?<^A^5. ^Poisoning oi Si^wW..— Hughes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 347 Pain, as if the upper part of the body was altogether cut off from the abdomen, with great anguish and lamentation over it. [Alberti, 1. c, Tom. IV.^ Violent pains in the abdomen, with so great anguish that he had no rest anywhere, rolled about on the ground, and gave up all hope of living. [Pyl, 1. c.] Fullness in the region of the epigastrium, with griping in the belly. Distension and pains in the abdomen. [MuELLER, 1. c.]. 520. Severe, painless distension of the abdomen after eating; he had to lean his back against something to ease himself. Bloatedness every morning, with passage of flatus a few hours afterwards. Swollen abdomen. [Guilbert, 1. c.^] The abdomen enormously swollen. \Ephem. N. C, 1. c] As if there were cramps and griping in the abdomen, in the evening, after lying down, with breaking out of perspiration; then passage of flatus and very thin stool. 525. Spasmodic jerk, frequently, from the scrobiculus cordis to the rectum, which makes him start. Squeezing, cutting pains in the bowels, in the evening after lying down, and in the morning after rising; at times the pains shoot through the abdominal ring (as if they would force out a hernia) as far as the spermatic cord and the perinaeum; when this colic ceases a loud rumbling and grumbling ensues. Colics, returning from time to time. [Majauet, 1. c.^] Pinching pain, aggravated even to cutting, deep in the hypo- gastrium, every morning, before and during the diarrhceic stools, and continuing also after them. Cutting pain in the abdomen. [Buchhoez, 1. c. ; Kellner, 1. c] 530. Cutting pain in the side of the abdomen, below the last ribs, very much aggravated by touching them. Cutting (tearing) and gnawing pains in the bowels and the stomach. [Queemaez, 1. c.*] Cutting and tearing in the abdomen, with icy coldness of the hands and feet and col(f perspiration of the face. [Aeberti, 1. c] Tearing in the abdomen. [Pfann, 1. c. ; Alberti, 1. c] Tearing stitches in the left side of the abdomen, under the short ribs, in the evening soon after lying down. 535. Drawing pains in the abdomen, in the umbilical region (^aft. 2 h.). Drawing and pressing in the abdomen, as from obstructed flatus, and yet none passed off. {Whl.'\ Twisting together of the intestines, and cutting in the belly, after previous rumbling there; then three diarrhceic stools. Contortion of the intestines, and squeezing and rumbling in the abdomen, before and during the liquid stool. \_^f>'-^ 1 Add " p. 260." — Hughes. 2 " Abdomen was also painful."— //«?7/ri-. ^ Not found. — Hughes. ^Instead of tearing more literally in the original " lancinating." — //«.c/""-''". 348 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Burrowing, with pressure, in the right side of the abdomen. \.Hbg:\ 540. Twisting cohc. [Richard, 1. c.^] Twisting and griping in the abdomen. [Kaiser, 1. c.] Dysenteric cohc in the umbiHcal region. [Grimm, 1. c.^] Uneasiness in the abdomen, but only during rest. Anxious feehng in the abdomen, with fever and thirst. [MORGAGNI, 1. c] 545. Constant chilliness, internally, in the epigastric region; he cannot keep himself warm enough; externally the place feels warm. Burning pain in the abdomen, at noon and in the afternoon, passing off with the discharge of a stool. Burning in the abdomen, with stitches and cutting. [Buch- hoIvZ, Beitr., 1. c] Burning in the abdomen, with heat and thirst. [AlbERTi, 1. c] Burning in the flanks. {/^bg.'\ 550. In the groin and the inguinal region of the right side, pain in stooping, as from a sprain. Burrowing, burning pain in the inguinal tumor, excited even b}^ the lightest touch. Single, severe, slow stitches in both flanks. Weakness of the abdominal muscles. Rumbling in the abdomen, as if from much flatus. 555. Growling in the stomach, in the morning on awaking. Rumbling in the abdomen. [ThilEnius, 1. c] Rumbling in the abdomen, without stool. The flatus tends to pass upward and causes eructations. Passage of much flatus, with previous loud growling in the abdomen. \_Lgh.'] 560. Putrid smelling flatus (aft. 11 h.). \_Lgh.'] (Clotted, insufficient stool). Constipation. [GoERiTz, 1. c; Rau, 1. c.^] Constipated abdomen. Constipation, with pain in the abdomen. [^Htb. u. Tr^] 565. Retention of stool, despite of violent 4irging. [Ai^berti, 1. c] Fruitless urging to stool. Tenesmus, with burning. [Morgagni, 1. c] Tenesmus, as in dysentery; a constant burning, with pain and straining in the rectum and anus. Unperceived discharge of stool, as if it were flatus. 570. Stools pass without his knowledge. [Buettner, 1. c.^] Involuntary passage of faeces. [KaiseR, 1. c] Copious stools. [Kaiser, 1. c] Pappy fasces pass, now more, now less (aft. 6, 13 h.). \Lgh^ Diarrhoea. [Majaui^T, 1. c; Kei^i^ner, 1. c] 575. Diarrhoea, which frequently becomes very severe. [Kaiser, l-c] 1 Not found. — Hughes. 2 The Latin is " tormina circum umbilicum."— i/n^/zc^. =^In Rau's case, " for four days.''— Hiighes. * Observations on a patient. Hug hes . » Not found.— H7tg/ies. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 349 Diarrhoea, with violent burning in the anus. [Thilenius, Diarrhoea, alternating with constipation. \_S^/.^ Yellow, watery, scanty diarrhoeic stools, with subsequent tenesmus, as if more stool would pass, and painful colic about the navel. [5//".] Yellow, diarrhoeic stool, with tenesmus and burning pains in the rectum and anus. 580. Small stools, with tenesmus, first with dark-green faeces then of dark-green mucus, with previous colic. Evacuation of lumps of mucus, with tenesmus, with cutting pains in the anus, as of blind piles. Mucous, thin stools, as if hacked. Mucous and green evacuations. [Philknius, 1. c] Viscid, bilious matter is often discharged with the stool, for two days. [Philknius, 1. c.^] 585. Greenish, dark-brown, diarrhoeic stool, with a smell as of fetid ulcers. [^^.] A black fluid, burning in the anus like fire, is discharged after much restlessness and pain in the abdomen. [Richard, 1. c] Black, acrid, putrid stools. [Bayliks, 1. c] A spherical lump, which seemed to consist of undigested tallow with layers of tendinous matter, went off with the stool. [MORGAGNI, 1. C.^] Watery blood is discharged with the faeces and envelops them. 590. Bloody discharge with the stool, almost every moment, with vomiting and excessive colicky pains. [Grimm, 1. c] Dysentery. [Cruegkr, 1. c] Before the diarrhoeic stool, cutting and contortion in the bowels. Before the diarrhoeic stool, sensation as if he would burst. [Aeberti, 1. c] During the stool, painful contraction close above the anus, toward the small of the back. 595. After the stool, cessation of the colic. [Richard, 1. c] After the stool, burning in the rectum, with great weakness and trembling in all the limbs. After the stool, distension of the abdomen. After the stool, palpitation and tremulous weakness; he has to lie down. The rectum is spasmodically protruded and pressed out, with great pains. 600. After a flow of blood from the anus, the rectum continues to protrude. Itching of the anus. Scraping or erosive pain in the anus, with itching. Pain of the anus as of soreness, on being touched. Burning in the anus. 605. Burning in the anus. [Morgagni, 1. c] 1 Not found.— Hng-hes. -Instead of " tallow," we may translate " fat"— f/ii^/ies. 350 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Burning in the anus, for one hour, going off after the dis- charge of a hard, clotted stool. The hemorrhoidal veins are painfully swollen, with tenesmus. [MORGAGNI, 1. c] Blind piles, with pains like slow pricks with a hot needle. Varices on the anus, with pricking pain, when walking and sitting, not during the stool. 6io. Hemorrhoidal lumps at the anus, which, especiall}^ at night, pain and burn like fire and permit no sleep; during the day the pain becomes aggravated and changes into violent stitches; worse when walking than when sitting or lying down. On the perinaeum eroding itching, compelling him to scratch (aft. % h.). \Lgh^, Suppression of urine. [Guilbert, 1. c. ; A^. Wahrn., 1. c] Retention of urine, as from paralysis of the bladder. Retention of urine despite of internal urging to urinate. [Alberti, 1. c] 615. Frequent urging to urinate, with copious flow of urine (aft. 2 to 17 h.). lLgh:\ Urging to urinate every minute, with burning in the bladder. He has to rise at night three or four times to urinate, and each time he passes a good deal, for several da^^s in succession. Involuntary micturition at night, when sleeping, wetting the bed. [//^.] Involuntar}^ micturition. [Kaiser, 1. c] 620. Involuntary micturition; she could not get to the utensil be- fore the urine ran from her, though it was but a little. Diminished micturition. [FoweER, 1. c.-^] But little water passes, and it scalds during the flow. Increase of urine. [Fowler, 1. c.^] Very copious and burning hot urine. \Hg.^ 625. Almost colorless urine. Exceedingly turbid urine (aft. 5 d.). Greenish, dark-brown urine, turbid already when passed, like cow-dung stirred into w^ater, without settling. {HgP^ Bloody urine. [O. Tachenius, Hipp. chym. cap., 24.^] When beginning to urinate, burning in the anterior part of the urethra; in the morning, (aft. 24 h.). 630. During micturition, burning in the urethra [Morgagni, 1. c; A^. Wahrji, 1. c] During micturition, contractive pain in the left iliac region. After micturition, sensation of great weakness in the epigas- trium, so that she trembled. In the urethra, a stinging pain. Frequent pain, like tearing, deep in the urethra. 635. In the genitals, itching. Burning anteriorly on the prepuce, with erection. Stinging itching, anteriorly on the prepuce. Severe itching on the glans, without erection. 1 " Sometimes," Fowler says ; but of § 623, he saj-s, " rAten."— Hughes. -From, inhaliug sublimated Ars. — Hughes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 35 1 Eroding itching posteriorly on the penis, compelling him to scratch. \_Lo/i.'] 640. Inflammation and swelling of the genitals, even to mor- tification, with excessive pains. [Dkgnkr, Ad. Nat. C. VI., app., pp. 8, 9.T Sudden mortification of the male genitals. [Stahl, Opusc. chym. phys. vied., p. 454.^] Exceedingly painful swelling of the genitals. [A^. Wahrn, 1. c] The glans is bluish-red, swollen and cracked in chaps. [Pfann, 1. c] Swelling of the testicles. [AlbkrTi, 1. c.^] 645. Erection in the morning without pollution. \_Lgh.'] Pollution at night, with voluptuous dreams. [_Lg-h,'] Pollution, at night, without voluptuous dreams, followed by long continued erection. \_Lgh.'] Emission of prostatic juice during a diarrhoeic stool. Sexual furor in a woman; she desires coitus twice a day, and when it is not accorded, a discharge takes place of itself. 650. Menses too early. The menses set in twice too early, returning in twenty days. Menstruation too profuse. During the menses, pinching, lancinating cutting from the scrobiculus cordis down to the hypogastrium, also in the back and in the sides of the abdomen; she had to bend herself double, stand- ing and cowering down, with loud eructation and with loud groan- ing, wailing and w^eeping. During the menses, sharp stitches from the rectum into the anus and the pudenda. 655. Instead of the menses, which were suppressed, she had pains in the region of the anus and the shoulders. [_Sr.'] After the menses, a flow of bloody mucus. A discharge of leucorrhoea while standing, with discharge of flatus (aft. 24 h.). Discharge from the vagina about a cupful in t went}'- four hours of yellowish, thickish matter, with smarting erosion and excoriation of all the parts it touches; for ten da^^s. Stitches from the hypogastrium down into the vagina. ^ ^ ^ l^ ' ^ -^ >fC ^|i 660. Frequent sneezing, without coryza (aft. 11 h.). \_Loh.'] Severe, continuous sneezing. Dryness of the nasal cavity. Coryza, with sneezing, quickly transient; ever}' morning on awaking. Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing (aft. 11 h.). [^Lgh.'] 665. Severe, fluent corj^za. Fluent coryza, combined with dr}^ coryza. Excessive coryza, with hoarseness and sleeplessness. The watery nasal-mucus discharged smarts and burns in the nostrils, as if they became sore from it. 1 Effects of applying solution of Ars. for itch, in two men. — Hugfu's. 2 The " Brand " mortification, is sphacclatio. Toisoning- of two i\i\\\\\s.—Hngfu-s. ^It was the scrotum, not the testicles, that was swollen. — Hug/us. 352 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Flow of an acrid liquid from the nose. [Myrrhen, 1. c.] 670. Dryness of the larjmx. The voice is tremulous. [Guilbert, 1. c] The voice unequal, now strong, now weak. [Kaiser, 1. c] Rough voice and hoarseness. Roughness and hoarseness of the throat, in the morning. 675. Ver3^ viscid mucus on the chest, difficult to cough up. Constant tickling in the whole of the windpipe, inciting to cough, even when not respiring. Cough, with a sensation of constriction in the upper part of the windpipe, as from vapors of sulphur. Frequently a quite dry, short, scratching cough, with a chok- ing sensation in the larynx, as from vapors of sulphur. Tussiculation, without expectoration, excited in the wind- pipe. iL^k.] ^ , ^ 680. Cough without expectoration, after previous twitching m the hip, which seems to call it forth. Cough, especially after drinking. When he drinks, without being thirsty, it causes cough. Cough, causing him to lose his breath, on moving the body. Cough, when she comes into the cold, open air. 685. On walking in the open air he feels choked, so that he has to cough. Morning-cough, of a very severe kind. In the morning a short cough, after the (usual) drinking of tea. In the evening, cough with asthma, without expectoration. In the evening, cough after lying down. 690. In the evening, in bed, for several minutes, constant cough, with nausea and rising in the throat, as if to vomit. In the evening, just after lying down, cough, so that she has to sit up again; then a contractive pain in the region of the stom- ach and the scrobiculus cordis, which sustained the cough, until it made her weary. Nocturnal cough, causing him to sit up, as soon as it starts. The cough wakes him at night; severe fits, so that he felt like choking, and his throat swelled up. After midnight, deep, dry, short, incessant cough. 695. Dry tussiculation. [Stcerk, 1. c] Dry, fatiguing cough. [Stgerk, 1. c] Dry, very violent cough (aft. 2 h.). Dry, retching cough, with short, difl&cult breathing, and a pain in the scrobiculus cordis, even to the middle of the chest, as if from a festering sore, A croaking cough, the mucus loosened with difficulty, causing a pain on the chest, as from chaps. 700. Tussiculation, with pain on the chest and salt}- expectoration, after previous tightness of the chest. [Ebers, 1. c.^] Bloody streaks in the mucus that is coughed up. Expectoration of mucus, with bloody streaks, then nausea. 1 As sympt. %i.~Hughes. ARSENICUM AI,BUM. 353 With severe coughing, much water comes out of the mouth, as from waterbrash. In coughing, a pain, as from a bruise or a contusion in the abdomen. 705. In coughing, a lancinating pain in the scrobiculus cordis. In clearing the throat, a drawing, lancinating pain under the left h3^pochondrium up into the chest. In coughing, increased stitches under the ribs and increased headache, as from heat therein. In coughing, heat in the head. In coughing, stitches, first in the side of the chest and then (after two da3^s) also in the side of the abdomen. 710. In coughing, a lancinating pain up into the sternum. Immediately after coughing, the breath is always short, as if it drew the whole chest together. The breath very short. \Htb. u. Tr}^ Painful respiration. [A^. Wahrn, 1. c] Difficult respiration. [Tachknius, 1. c.'] 715. Difficult breathing with great anguish. [Kaiskr, 1. c] Anxious, groaning breathing. [GuiiyBKRT, 1. c.^] Frequent, distressing, pressive dyspnoea in all positions. Severe oppression of breathing. [Pyi,, 1. c.^] Asthma of long duration. [GukIvDENKlkk, 1. c] 720. Asthma returning frequently. [Morgagni, 1. c] Asthma, when he gets vexed. Asthma as from anguish, when he has tired himself out. Tightness of the chest. [Rau, 1. c.^] Tightness of the chest, dyspnoea. [Thii^knius, 1. c] 725. Tightness in the region of the sternum makes breathing diffi- cult, for eight days. Tightness of the chest, when walking fast, when coughing or going up stairs. Breathing is checked by pain in the scrobiculus cordis. Breathing is checked by an intolerable anguish and a verj^ distressing sensation in the abdomen, causing piteous wailings. [Morgagni, 1. c] His breath leaves him at once in the evening, if he gets into bed ever so carefully and lies down, and there is as fine whistling in the constricted windpipe as if a fine string (in an instrument) sounded. 730. Constriction of the chest. (Prkussius, 1. c] Constriction of the chest, so that he could hardly speak a word, and almost fainted (3d d.). \Htb. u. 7>.^] Constant contraction of the chest and tussiculation. {^Htb. u. As from compression of the chest, his breath is rendered diffi- cult during the abdominal pains. 1 As sympt. 261.— Hughes. 2 See sympt. 62^.—-Hug/ies. 3 Literally, " breathing? difficult, aud often interrupted by s\§,)\s.—Hi((>fu's. *For a long time. — Hughes. 5 Latin is : " anxietates pectoris."— /iT?/^?-/?*^^. * Both these are Schlegel's, see § 183.— Hughes. 24 354 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Grievous anguish as if everA'thing was being constricted, with anguish in the scrobiculus cordic. 735. Constriction of the chest with great anguish and restlessness, in the evening. Tightness of the chest, threatening suffocation, for one hour. [Greiselius, 1. c.^] Asthma (angina pectoris) ; her breath constantl}' grows weaker and shorter, so that she can only, by leaning her chest forward, breathe and speak ver^' low. [ W/i/.~\ She thinks ever}^ moment that she will suffocate, attended vnih so great a weakness that she is unable to breathe deeph\ [ Whl.'] Sudden tightness of the chest, threatening suffocation, with dyspnoea, when walking, with weakness and extreme exhaustion. [Majault, 1. c.^] 740. Catarrh threatening sudden suffocation, at night. [Myrrhen, 1. c] He is about to suffocate, his tongue sticks out. [Wedel, 1. c] Suffocating rheum. \_Misc. n. e., Dec. III., an. 9, 10.^] Pains in the chest. [Pearson, 1. c] Severe pains in the chest. \N. Wahrn., 1. c] 745. Interior pains in the upper part of the chest (aft. 5 h.). Tensive pain in the chest, chief!}' while sitting. Pressure on the chest. [Buchholz, Beitr.^ 1. c] Stitches in the side, under the short ribs, and he can not lie on this side. Stitches in the upper right part of the chest, especiall}^ in breathing, as it were a pressure ending in a stitch (aft i^ h.). 750. Stitches in the left breast, when taking a deep breath, com- pelling him to cough. Stitches in the left breast, only when expiring, which is thus rendered difficult. \Lgh7\ Dull stitches in the chest on stooping. • Stitching tearing pain in the uppermost right rib. Formication in the chest. 755. Sensation of soreness and rawness in the chest. A sensation of coldness internally in the chest, in the evening, also after supper. Great heat in the chest, extending into the midriff. [Hbg.'] Burning in the chest. [Stoerk, 1. c] Burning in the region of the sternum, long continued. [Stoerk, 1. c] 760. Burning in the right side of the chest, extending into the flanks, where there is a pressure. {_Hbg.~\ The beat of the heart is excited. [Kaiser, 1. c] Palpitation of the heart. [Majault, 1. c] Excessive, very burdensome palpitation. [5//".] Violently raging palpitation. [Kaiser, 1. c] 765. AVhen he lies on his back, his heart beats much more quickly and strongh'. \_Stf.'] iln self, from inhaling vapors. — Hughes. - [Latter part of symptom should be: '"With much lassitude and oppression in breathino- m walking."]— //^?/o-A^.''s (see S. 14), and same symptom as S. i^o— Hughes. ARSENICUM AI,BUM. 355 Irregular heart-beat, but so strong that he thinks he can hear it, at 3 o'clock at night, with anguish. [Mr.'] Violent palpitation, at night, [i^/zr.] Yellow spots externally on the chest. [WbdeIv, 1. c] I^ack of strength in the small of the back. 770. Painful stiffness in the small of the back, all the day. Pain in the small of the back as from a bruise. Pain in the back, with restlessness and anxiety. [BuETTNER, 1. c] Stiffness in the spine, extending up from the coccyx. Pain in the back as from a bruise, and over the scapulae as if beaten (aft. 4 d.). 775. Drawing pain in the back, in the forenoon (aft. 6 d.). Drawing, up and down the back. Drawing pain between the scapulae, compelling him to lie down. Drawing pain in the back, from the small of the back into the shoulders, with stitches in the sides, while flatus moves about in the abdomen, pressing upward; then eructation and relief. Strongly clucking motion in the muscles of the left side of the back, only when lying on the right side (aft. 3 h.). \_Lg-/t.'] 780. In the nape of the neck, stiffness, as if bruised or from over- lifting, with a like pain above the hips; at night and in the morning. In the neck, tensive stiffness. \_B/ir.'] Distortion of the cervical muscles. [MuTTKR, 1. c.^] Swelling of the external neck, without pain. lSt/.~\ The artery of the left side of the neck swelled out extraordi- narily, on stooping. [i5/zr.] 785. Itching on the neck, below the jaw. Colorless, smarting eruption all around the neck, on the shoulders and in the sides. \_Fr. H.~\ Soreness in the axillae. [Keingk, in Hiifel. Jotirii., VI., p. 904. T Tearing, stitching pain in the right axilla. Swelling of the glands in the axilla. [_Hg.'] 790. In the arms, drawing pains. [Z^^.] Pain in the arm, on the side on which he is lying, at night. Tearing in the arms, especial^ in the elbow and wrist, at night, in bed. The right arm goes to sleep, when he sleeps on the right side. A painful lump on the right arm. [N. Wahni., 1. c] 795. On the fore-arm, near the wrist, eroding itching, impelling to scratch. [Lgh.'] The hands are stiff and void of feeling. [Pyl, 1. c.^] Drawing pain in both wrists, every evening. Drawing pain in the metacarpal bones, in the morning. 1 Not found. — Hughes. 2 Obsei-vations on miners in Ars. — Hi(gJics. ^ For a long time. — Hughes. 356 HAHNEMANN' vS CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing stitches in the bones of the hand and of the httle finger. 800. Cramp in the hand on moving it. Cold hands. IStf.'] Painful swelling of the hands. [A^. Waln^7i., \. c.'\ Severe formication in the hands, at night. Fine tickling in the left palm, compelling to scratch. [Lgh.'] 805. lyittle lumps, tubercles on the hands. [A^. Wahrn., 1. c] lyarge suppurating boil on the hand, between the thumb and index, very broad, pale red, and extremely painful, especially in the evening. \Hg^ The finger- joints are painful on moving them. Cramp in the fingers of the right hand, when he stretches them straight out. Cramp in the fingers, especially at night, in bed. 810. Painful cramp in the posterior joints of all the fingers. Painful cramp in the tips of the fingers, from morning till noon (aft. 5 d.). Rigidity of the fingers as if they were stiff. Drawing pain in the middle fingers. Drawing twitching, and tearing from the finger-tips up into the shoulders. 815. Tickling itching on the right middle finger, compelling him to scratch. \Lgh^ Hard swelling of the fingers, with pains in their bones. \Hg^^ Discolored nails. [Bayi^ies, 1. c] Gout in the hips. [BoRELLUS, hist, et obs., Cent. III., obs. 36. T Violent, drawing tearing pain in the hips and in the left foot, in the morning, after a sleepless night (3d d.). \Htb. u. Tr.'^] 820. In the lower limbs, especially in the joints, violent pains. [Majault, 1. c] Unbearable pains in the lower limbs. \_//tb. u. Tr.~\ Drawing tearing in the lower limbs, from the front side of the thigh to the knee and ankle-joint, when walking. Tearing in the lower limbs, especially in the joints of the knees and the feet, only in motion. Tearing in the lower limbs. [Pyl, 1. c] 825. Tearing in the lower limbs, from above downward; he could not tread, nor sit, nor lie, either in bed or on a bench, but had either to keep the foot swinging to and fro, day and night, or limp around with it, not being able to rest; worse at night. Tearing stitches as if in the periosteum, down the whole lower limb, even to the tip of the big toe. Restlessness in the lower limbs, so that he can not lie still at night; he had to lay his feet now here, now there, or walk about for relief. Restlessness in the lower limbs, before going to sleep, passing off when lying down. 1 From carrying Ars. in the pock.et.—IItco^kes. 2 As sympt. 183. — Hughes. ARSENICUM AI,BUM. 357 Formication in the lower limbs, as if from going to sleep. 830. Cramp, spasm in the lower limbs. [Pyl, 1. c] With a spasmodic pain, certain bundles of muscles in the thighs and in the calves contracted, and the toes were drawn back- w^ard, making him very tired, in the evening, in bed. Spasmodic pain in certain spots in the muscles of the thighs and legs, in jerks, with twitching; on touching it, it feels like something alive. Convulsions of the lower limbs and knees. [Ai,bkrti, 1. c] Weariness in the lower limbs. 835. Sensation as if the lower limbs were about to give way, on going up stairs. \Htb. u. Tr.^'] Paralysis of the lower limbs. [Ebers, 1. c.^] Coldness of the lower limbs, especially of the knees and feet, with cold perspiration on them; they could not get warm. Swelling of the lower limbs, with unbearable pains. [Htb. u. Tr.'] On the thighs, eroding itching, impelling to scratch (aft. 13 h.). ILgfi] 840. Eroding itching on the right thigh, near the groin, with inci- tation to scratching (aft. 4^ h.). Soreness between the thighs, with itching. [Klingk, 1. c] About the knees, sensation as if the lower limbs were tightly bandaged there. Tension in the houghs, as if the tendons were too short, when sitting and standing, but not in walking. Pain, as from bruising, on the side of the knee, only when touched, and in sitting, not when walking; a sensation as if the flesh there was detached. 845. Pain in the left knee, as if from a bruise or a sprain, especially on rising from a seat. Stitching pain in the knees (aft. 2 h.). [Richard, 1. c] Weakness in the knees, so that he could only with difficulty seat himself. Great want of firmness in the right knee, it gives way under him. Paralysis of knees. [J. B. MonTAnus, in Schenk's lib. 7 obs. 200.^] 850. In the right leg, drawing tearing, from the hough down into the heel, as if from a sprain. Drawing pain in the legs, when they rest perpendicularly in sitting. Drawing, tearing and twitching in the leg, from the ankle up into the knee. Twitching in the legs, in the afternoon, when sitting. Sharp, tearing drawing in the tibia. 855. Single, sharp tearings in the tibia, making him cry out. Tearing pain in the right calf, when sitting (^aft. 11 h.\ lLgh.-\ 1 As in symp. 183. — Hi/j^/irs. 2 Not found. — Hito^Iics. ^Poisoning of a woman. — Hug/ws. 358 HAHNEMANX'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing stitches low down on the inner side of the leg, in a small spot. Boring pain in the right tibia. Pressive pain in the calves. 860. Spasmodic pain in the leg, in the morning, changing into a tingling and humming therein. Cramp in the calf, when walking (aft. 2 h.). Cramp in the calves, chiefly at night, in bed. Hardness in the calf, and sensation as if pressed flat, with un- bearable pain, almost like cramp, from which she screamed for one and one-half hours; the whole leg was cold, insensible and stiff, so that she could not move it at all; there remained tension in the calf, and a sort of parah^sis in the leg (aft. 50 h.). Paralj'sis of the legs, so that he can scarcel}^ walk. [FoR- ESTUS, 1. c] 865. Heaviness of the legs, so that he can scarcelj^ lift them. Heaviness, weariness and drawing in the legs, with knuckling, lack of firmness and weakness of the knees, chiefly in the morning. Emaciation of the legs. [Majauet, 1. c] Swelling of the legs up above the calves; preceded by tearing in the calves, passing off on applying warm cloths. Twitching pains, from above downwards, in the legs. [-^^.] 870. Ulcer on the left leg, below the knee. [>^^.] Ulcer on the leg, covered with a gra}^ scurf, burns painfully and has an inflamed border. Pains in the feet. [GueedenkleE, 1. c] Painfullness of the ankles on being touched. \Htb. u. T7\^~\ Pains of the heels, in the morning on awaking, as if thej^ had lain on a hard surface. 875. The pains of the feet are aggravated bj^ motion, [^/zr.] Pain in the ankle-joint, above on the instep, as if ricked or sprained, when treading. Pain in the foot, as from a sprain, when she does not set it down right or makes a misstep. lB/ir.~\ Drawing in the foot, so that he cannot keep it still; at the same time he cannot step quickly, but only verv^ gently and care- fully. Tearing in the ankles. 880. Tearing in the heels. [B/ir.'j Tearing around the ankles and on the dorsum of the feet, when lying down, with nausea. Tearing and stitches in both the ankle-joints; when treading and walking, shooting pains, as if the feet were sprained, so that she is likely to fall; the ankles pain as if sore, when touched. Lancinating pains on the outer border of the foot. Stitches in the sole of the foot (aft. i}4 h.). 885. Stitches on the bottom of the left heel, when treading, ex- tending up into the thigh. Numb pains in the right foot; she can onh^ lift it up, when sitting, b}' raising it up with her hand. \_B/i7^.^ 1 As sympt. 1S3. — Hughes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 359 Numbness, stiffness and insensibility of the feet, with swelling and great pain, from time to time. [Pyl, 1. c] Paralj'sis of the feet, after vomiting. [Cardanus, in vol. VII of Opera omiiia Leyde7i, i66j}~\ Cold feet, continually, when he is sitting still; he can hardlj^ warm them in bed. 890. Coldness of the feet, with contracted pulse. [Morgagni, 1. •c, §8.] Sensation of cold in the soles of the feet. Swelling of the feet. [Jacobi, 1. c.J Swelling of the ankles, without redness, with tearing pains, relieved by external warmth. Shining hot swelling of the feet, up above the ankles, wnth round red spots, which cause a burning pain (aft. 3d.). 895. Hard reddish blue, greenish-yellow and very painful swelling on both feet (aft. 28 d.). [Htb. u. Tr.'] Itching on the swelling of the feet. The skin of the soles of the feet becomes insensible, thick as cork, and the soles chap. \_J^g.^ Blisters break out in the night over the whole of the soles of the feet, as from applying cantharides; they crack open, discharg- ing light-yellow fetid water. \_Hg.~\ Ulcers on the heels, with bloody pus. [Guilbert, 1. c.^] 900. All the toes become stiff, so that she could not tread. [^H'g.'] Tickling, running itching on the right big toe, as when a wound is healing, compelling him to scratch (aft. 1% h.). \_Lgh.'] All her limbs ache. All his limbs ache, whether walking, sitting or lying down. Excessive pains in the limbs. [Pfaun, 1. c] 905. Pains in the whole body, chiefly in the evening. [_Sr.'] Indescribably painful, excessively disagreeable sensation of illness in all the limbs. Pain in the whole trunk, mostly in the back and in the sacrum, especially after riding on horseback (in a good rider.) Gouty pains in the limbs, without inflammation. Numb pain on the whole side of the bod5^ [Bhr.'] 910.' Drawing pains in the joints of the knees, of the feet and of the hands. Drawing pains, in the evening, in bed, in the middle finger and in the foot. Severe tearing in the arms and lower limbs, while he cannot at all lie on the painful, side; most endurable while moving the suffering part to and fro. Tearing pains in the long bones. Tearing pains in the bones. \_Bhr.'\ 915. Sudden, tearing twitching or lancination, changing into burning, in the thumb or in the big toe, in the morning, in bed. A thumping and tearing pain drawing up from the abdomen toward the head, where it was still more severe; then into the left 1 General statement from authors. — Hughes. -Assympt. 183.— y///»7^<■.s^ •"^ "Blutigein Kiter" (bloody pus), is "ichorose stolT" in the original; /. <-., ichorous tnat- ter. — Hughes. 360 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. side, where it was a lancinating, jerking pain, with two or three stitches. Throbbing, drawing and stitching pain, at night, in the back, the sacrum and in the legs. Beating in all the limbs and also in the head. Burning pains, chiefly in the inner organs, in the skin and in ulcers. 920. Burning pains. [Quelmalz, 1. c, and others.] Burning, eroding pains. [Preussius, 1. c; Gabezius, 1. c.^] In the suffering part, pain, as if the bone there was rubbed sore and swollen; perceptible when seated. Ulcerous pain in the suffering parts, as if it was suppurating and would break open; sensible while sitting. The pain in the suffering part wakes him up during the night, from time to time, especially before midnight. 925. The pains are felt during the night, even in the midst of the sleep. The pains seem to the patient unbearable and make him frantic. The pains and ailments frequently return, like intermittent fever, at certain hours. Renewal of the same arsenical ailments, after the type of the quartan fever, at the same hour. [Morgagni, 1. c.^] ^A^ith the paroxysms of pain other secondary ailments frequently arise. 930. To many ailments, a shiver is added. With the pains, a shaking chill, and after them thirst. With the outset of the pains, heat of the face and the body. With the outset of the pains, roaring in the ears. In ailments which are even slight, an excessive pros- tration and sinking of strength. 935. Many ailments only come on in the evening, after lying down; some a few hours after midnight, not a few in the morning after getting up. After dinner, especially while sitting, many pains see re- newed or aggravated. The talking of others to him is intolerable, because it enormously aggravates his pains. The ailments chiefly appear when sitting and lying down, and are diminished by standing and by motion. Only by walking about can he make the nightly pains en- durable; when sitting, and most of all in lying still, they are not to be endured. 940. The pains may almost always be relieved by external warmth. By compressing the suffering parts, the pains are diminished and relieved. During a sitting occupation, such uneasy restlessness in the body that she must rise and walk about. No reference for Gabezius, and he cannot be tra.cQd..~Hiighes. This recurrence took place once only.— H2fghes. ARSENICUM AI.BUM. 36 1 In the evening from 6 to 8 o'clock, violent pressing and squeezing in the head, excessive lack of appetite, transient per- spiration and great anguish. Great weariness and anxiety; she cannot recollect; it is difficult for her to give attention to everything; at the same time she feels like reeling. 945. Exhaustion when in ill-humor; with returning cheerfulness, she feels stronger. Exhaustion. [Buchholz, Beitr. 1. c] Fainting fits. [Buchholz, 1. c. Forestus and many others.] Violent swooning. {Gitilbert, 1. c. Morgagni, 1. c] Profound swoons. [Tennert. prax. rned. lit. 6., p. 6, 1. 9.] 950. Frequent swoons with weak pulse (aft. 3 h.). [FereLius, 1. c.'] Faint, in the morning, and aiixious and weak. Faintness comes on. [Friedrich, 1. c] Great weakness, especially in the legs. [Pyl, 1. c] Excessive weakness. [GoERiTz, 1. c] 955. Sinking of the strength. [Stoerk, 1. c, Rau and many others.] Extraordinary weakness, especially in the legs, which can hardly be moved along. [Kaiser, 1. c] The strength sinks more and more. KaiseR, 1. c] Weakness, as if from lack of nourishment; there was lack of strength. The strength of the hands and feet seems to have, as it were, gone, and they are extremely tremulous in the morning. 960. Extraordinary weakness in the knees, if he walks ever so little. Paralytic weakness of the limbs, daily at a certain time, as in intermittent fever. From weakness, walking becomes very difficult; he feels as if he should tumble down. \Hbg^ Weakness, so that he can hardly cross the room with- out sinking down. Great weakness, he cannot cross the room without sinking down. [►S//'.] 965. Weakness, so that he could hardly cross the room. [Ebers, 1. c] So weak, that he could not w^alk alone at all, before vomiting. [Alberti, 1. c] He falls down on attempting to walk, while retaining con- sciousness. [PyIv, 1. c] Extraordinary weakness and bruised feeling in the limbs, compelling him to lie down. [GoERiTz, 1. c] Weakness of the body for several days, with weak pulse, so that he has to lie down. [Wedel, 1. c] 970. He must lie down and keep his bed. \_Fr. //.] Lj^ing down. [Alberti, I.e.] He lies down constantly during the day. iWith ^on\\\.\.\\%,.— Hughes 362 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. He could not leave his bed, because of tremulous debilit}^ [Ebers, 1. c.'] He could hardly get up from bed for several daj^s. [Sf/.~\ 975. He wants to get up, but on rising he cannot keep on his feet. When she rises from bed, she at once sinks down from weak- ness and dizziness, with aggravated headache. Merely from sinking of strength — death ensues, without vomiting and convulsions, and without pains. [Morgagni, 1. c. and several others.] With extreme asthenia, with violent vertigo, constant vomit- ing and hematuria; a rapid extinction of life (without cramps, without fever and without pain). [Haei^, Al/g-. Lit. Zeit., 18 15, No. 181.'] Emaciation. [Stoerk, 1. c; Jacobi, 1. c.^] 980. Total emaciation. [Greiseeius 1. c] She becomes very much emaciated, with earth}^ sallow com- plexion; blue rings around the e3^es; great weakness in all the limbs; disinclination for all work, and constant inclination to rest (aft. 8 d). Emaciation of the whole bod}^, with profuse sweats. Consumption. [Majault, 1. c.^] Consumptive fever. [Stoerk, 1. c.^] 985. Gradually wasted awa}^ (and died within a j^ear). [Amat. LusiT, 1. c] Consumption, ending in death. [Saezb, Med. Chir. Zeit.^'] Jaundice. [Majault, 1. c] Drops}^ of the skin. [Ebers, 1. c."] Complete general anasarca. [Ebers, 1. c, p. 56.] 990. Severe swelling of the face and of the whole body. [Ker- nel, 1. c] Swelling of the whole right side of the body, down to the hips, with swelhng of the left leg. [Thilenius, 1. c] Swellings on various parts of the bod}^, of an elastic kind. [Fowler, 1. c] Swelling of the face and of the feet, dr3' mouth and lips, dis- tended abdomen, diarrhcea, colic, vomiting. [Ebers, 1. c.^] Cholera. [Wolff, 1. c.'] 995. Cramps. [Henning 1 c. ; Kellner, 1. c] Tetanus. [Kaiser, 1. c] Attacks of tetanus. [Salz M. C. F., I. c] With and without spasms — death. [Kaiser, 1. c] Convulsions. [Crueger, 1. c; Wedel and others.] 1000. Convulsions before death (after-effect?). [xVlberti, 1. c. ; BONETUS, 1. c] lAs symptoni 8i. — Hughes. 2From inhaling arseniuretted hydrogen in a man. (Death did not occur tiU the seventh day. ) — Hughes. 3 As symptom Si. — Hjighes. ■^ With symptom 9S7. — Hughes. 3 As syniptom Si.— Hughes. •^ From application of ars. to a fungus on the \\&a.6..— Hughes. ' As symptom 81. — Hughes. * As sj-mptom 81. — Hughes. 9 That" is constant vomiting and diarrhoea, with sharp nose, cold limbs, cramps and death. — Hughes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 363 Convulsions of an extremely violent kind. [Van Eggern, I.C.] Convulsions and piteous contortions of the limbs. [Mor- GAGNI, 1. c.] Convulsions, which are caused from time to time by violent pains in the soles of the feet. [Pfann, 1. c] Convulsive paroxj^sm; at first she struck outwards with the arms, then she lost all consciousness, lay like a dead person, pale, yet warm, turned her thumbs inw^ard, turned her clenched hands, slowly drew up her arms and then slowly laid them down; after 10 minutes she drew the mouth hither and thither, as if she waggled her jaw; at the same time no respiration could be perceived; after a quarter of an hour the fit ended with a jerk throughout the w^hole body, like a single thrust forward with arms and feet, and at once her full consciousness returned, only great prostration remained. 1005. Epileptic convulsions. [Crueger, 1. c. ;Buettner, 1. c] Trembling of the limbs. [Bonetus, 1. c; GreiseLIUS and man}^ others.] Trembling. [Kaiser, 1. c] Trembling of the limbs, even after a moderate walk. S^Htb. Trembling and quivering with perspiration in the face. [Al- BERTi, 1. c] loio. Trembling over the whole body. [Guiebert, 1. c] He trembles in every part of the body. \HbgP^ Trembling in all the limbs. [ Justamond on Cane. Disorders, Eondon, 1750.^] Trembling of the limbs after the vomiting. [Carda- MUS, 1. c] Trembling of the arms and the lower limbs. 1015. Stiffness and immovableness of all the joints. [Pet. de Appono, de venen, c. 17.] She becomes quite rigid, can not stir or move herself, but merely stand still. Stiffness of all the joints; he cannot stretch himself, because everything in the body is tense; the knees are so stiff and cold that he bandages them in cloths, as they else would pain him and disturb his sleep. \Hg?^ Stiffness and immovableness of the limbs with severe tearing pains. \Htb. ic. Tr.^~\ Stiffness, especially of the knees and feet, alternating with tearing pains. ^I/td. u. Tr^.~\ 1020. As if paralyzed in all the limbs; he cannot iread firmly. Paralysis, he could not walk any more. [Creuger, 1. c.J Paralysis, contraction. (/VA de Appono. in Schexck, lib. 17, obs. 214). ^ As sympt. 183. — Hughes. j> .^ «» 2 From ars. given to a womnti with cancer on tongue. . For "on cane, disorders read " Surgical Fssaj's, p. ■},-x,z--''— Hughes. ^Assj^mpt. iSt,.— Hughes. 364 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Contraction of the limbs. [Hammer in coimii. lit. Nor. I'j'j^. Hebd, 24. T Parah'sis of the lower limbs. [Bernhardi. Annal., d. Heilk. 18 II, Jan., p. 60."] 1025. Paralj^sis of the lower limbs, with loss of sensation. [Huber, N. act. n. c. III. obs. 100. ^ Parab^sis of the feet. [Heinreich 1. c.^] The skin on the whole bod}^ peels off in large scales. \Hg^ Painfulness of the skin of the whole body. Stitches in the skin as if from needles \N, Wahrn. 1. c] 1030. Slow stitches here and there on the skin as if from a red hot needle. Fine stitches all over the body. Much itching on the right thigh and on the arms. Itching crawling sensation as from fleas, on the thighs up to the abdomen, also on the loins and nate, compelling to scratch. Burning itching on the body. 1035. Burning itching, with painfulness of the spot on scratching. Intolerable burning on the skin. [Heinreich, 1. c] Burning on the skin (of the finger), excessively violent, as if the spot had been burned with boiling fat (after dipping the hands in a cold solution of arsenic. ) Spots here and there on the skin. [Baylies, 1. c] Blue spots on the abdomen, on the genitals, and in the white of the e3^e. [Kaiser, 1. c] 1040. Inflamed spots like measles over the body, chiefly on the head, the face and neck. [Thomson, 1. c] Eruption on the skin: [Majault, 1. c.^] Eruption like red petechiae, from the size of a flea-bite up to that of a lentil, sharply defined, in the evening, painful, quite dry, only humid and burning after scratching, [5r.] Miliary eruption all over the bod}^, falling off in scales. [GuiLBERT, 1. c] Red, scorbutic, miliary rash. [Hartmann, dissert. cBth. ant. et ars. Halle, 1759. ^ 1045. Pimples like millet, with white points over the whole body, even over the hands and feet. [Desgranges, in Phys. med. Jour. 1800, Apr., p. 299.'] Little pointed pimples break out, with itching which passes off on scratching. Whitish, pointed pimples, with watery humor in the tip, break out with a burning itching, as from the stings of flies, on the hands, between the fingers and on the abdomen; by scratching, the humor flows out and the itching ceases. Small pimples on various parts of the bodj^, also on the fore- head and under the chin, causing burning pain and some itching. 1 Poisoning of a girl of 20. — Hughes. - Not accessible. — Hughes. 3 Statement that author knows a woman so affected by ars. — Hughes. * cited from Cardan ; same s\-mpton as 888. — Hughes. 5 Xot found. — Hughes. ^ Not accessible. — Hughes. ' From rubbing ars. into head. — Hughes. ARSENICUM AI^BUM. 365 Eruption of pimples with severe burning, so that she can hardh' contain herself for distress. 1050. Eruption of itch, especially in the houghs. [Z^^.] Fine sand}^ tickling itch on the whole body. [I/g'.^ Little lumps which heal with great difficulty. [Am at. lyUSlTAN, 1. c.^] Dense eruption of w^hite tubercles, larger and smaller than a lentil, of the color of the rest of the skin, with a smarting pain, usuall}^ worse at night, [i^r. I/.~\ Cutaneous eruptions similar to nettle-rash. [F0WI.ER, 1. c.^] 1055. Black pocks, which cause burning pain. [Pfann, 1. c] Very painful black pocks. [Verzasch, 1. c] Ulcer which is painful, especially in the morning, v/ith dark- brown, thin, bloody pus under a thin scurf, and with single stitches while sitting, alleviated by standing and still more by walking. Cancerous ulcer, which compels the amputation of a limb. [Heinze in Ebers, 1. c.^] The ulcer comes to have very elevated borders. 1060. Painful sensitiveness of old ulcers which hitherto were pain- less. Tearing pain in the ulcers. Burning pain in the ulcers. Burning pain in an ulcer. [Hargens in Hufel Joiirn. IX, i.] Burning in an ulcer as from a red hot coal. 1065. Burning in an ulcer, which comes from itching. [Heun, 1. c] Burning around the border of an ulcer, with subsequent itch- ing in the ulcer. Burning like fire around an ulcer, which is very fetid and suppurates a little; attended with exhaustion and drowsiness in the day-time. Inflammation of an ulcer in its border; it bleeds on being bandaged and a superfical dry scab forms. [Hargens, 1. c] The ulcer discharges much black, coagulated blood. 1070. Proud flesh forms in the ulcers (on the finger) and quickh- putrefies, becomes blue and green with a sticky ichor, which spreads an intolerable stench. \Hg.^ Great indolence and indisposition to the lightest move- ment. \Hg.~\ Weariness and pain of the joints, in the forenoon, more when sitting than when walking. Great weariness after eating. Great weariness after dinner, and excessive 3'awning. 1075. Yawning and stretching as if he had not slept enough. {^LohP\ Very frequent yawning. Yawning, almost uninterrupted. Yawning and exhaustion after eating, so that he had to lie down and sleep. Frequent fits of sleep, in day-time, while sitting. 1 Not ioww^.—Hits^hes . 2 Slight— ///^A'/""-''"- 3 In a refiner of ars. — Hughes. 366 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1080. Strong inclination to sleep; he falls asleep again just after conversing; for four days (aft. 6 d.). [i^r. i/.] Great, almost irresistible inclination to sleep, alternating with great restlessness. [Kaiser, 1. c] Drowsiness, interrupted bj' uneasy dreams and severe anxieties. Feels as if he had not slept enough, in the morning, [i^.] She has not slept enough in the morning and there is weari- ness in her eyes so that she cannot get out of bed in the morning. 1085. Toward morning, involuntary mental activit}^, hindering him from sleeping, much as he requires sleep. Sleeplessness. [Buchholz, 1. c; Knape and several others.] Sleeplessness, with fainting fits from time to time. [Guei^den- Kl.EE, 1. c] Sleeplessness, with restlessness and moaning. Sleepless tossing at niglit, with crawling in the abdomen. 1090. At night, lancinating pain in the left meatus auditorius, as from within outward. At night, soon after going to sleep, toothache, from which he awakes. At night, while l^^ing in bed, severe stinging tearing in the corn. After midnight, from three o'clock on, he tosses about and only sleeps in fits. At night, she cannot get warm in bed. 1095. After midnight, sensation of anxious heat, with tendency to uncover himself. The whole night, much heat and restlessness, with pulsation in the head, so that she cannot go to sleep. During the night, much thirst, on account of great dr3aiess in the throat, which ceases in the morning. Before going to sleep at night, she feels in the larynx as if choking, as if from fumes' of sulphur, causing tussiculation. On going to sleep, violent twitching in the limbs. iioo. Twitches of various kinds on going to sleep, in the evening. On going to sleep in the evening, startling twitches, like shaking thrusts in the parts affected, which are excited by a slight ailment in a distant part, by a tearing, an itching, etc. Immediately on lying down, sudden contractive twitching in the knee, with awaking as from an electric shock, caused by dreaming that he is about to knock his foot against a stone. In sleep, a spasmodic starting of the whole bod3- (aft. 36 h.). [Thomson, 1. c.^ Much violent starting and awaking frightened from his sleep. [Thomson, 1. c.-] II 05. During sleep, in the evening, loud moaning. 1 Should be "in bed" and not "in sleep," and "after 12" and not "36" hours. — Hughes. - After opium had been taken as an antidote. — Hughes. ARSENICUM AI.BUM. 367 In sleep, moaning, with tossing in bed, especially about the third hour after midnight. He talks and scolds in his sleep. In sleep, he gnashes with his teeth. In his slumber, in the morning, he hears every sound and every noise, and 3'et he continues to dream with it all. I TIG. In his sleep, a general sensation of illness, two nights in succession. In sleep, he lies on his back, the left hand supporting his head. In sleep, he moves his fingers and his hands. The sleep is uneas}^ and she wakes up very early. \_B/ir.~\ During frequent awakings at night, burning in all the arteries. 1 1 15. On awaking in the morning, much ill-humor; she did not know what to do for vexation; she pushed away the pillows and the coverlet and would not look at anyone or listen to anyone. On awaking early in bed, a dull headache, passing away on rising. On awaking early in bed, a sensation of qualmishness, of nausea all the way up in the chest, then vomiting of white mucus, but with bitterish taste in the mouth. Early in bed, at sunrise, general heat, perspiration of the face and dryness of the anterior part of the mouth, without thirst. He wakes up at night in a dream, during a pollution, without being able to remember his dream. \_Whl.'] 1 120. Dreams at night, full of threats or fears or repentance. Anxious dreams; he wakes up and dreams about the same thing on going to sleep again. Anxious, dangerous dreams, from each of which he awakes, sometimes with a loud cry, whereupon he then always dreams of something else. Anxious, sorrowful and fearful dreams disturb his sleep. Anxious, fearful dreams at night. 1 125. Anxious dream, at once on going to sleep; he wishes to scream, but can hardly get out a word and awakes suddenh' from his own cry, which he still hears. Many grievous dreams at night. [Htb. it. 7"r.\] Continuous dreams of thunder-showers, conflagrations, black water and darkness. Vivid, vexing dreams. \Lgh^ Delirium, at night. [Siebold. 1. c] 1 1 30. Dreams, full of wearying reflection. Coldness of the limbs. [Richard, 1. c; Fkrnklius. 1. c] Coldness in the hands and feet, and even in the abdomen, in the evening. General coldness, wdth profuse perspiration of the skin. [Kaiser, 1. c] Coldness of the body and dryness of che skin alternate with cold sweat. [Kaiser, 1. c] 1 Reference ought to be [Borri, 1. z.\— Hughes. 368 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1135. Shivering. [Buchholz, Beitr., 1. c] Febrile rigor. [/I/. A^. Zeit., 1798, Sept.'] Febrile rigor, chill. Shivering without thirst. (At once). Loathing shivering after drinking. [Alberti, 1. c] 1140. After drinking, shivering and chill. (At once). After dinner, shivering. After dinner the shivering ceases. (A more rare alternate action). Ever}^ afternoon at five o'clock, the shiver returns. In the evening, shivering, just before h^ing down. 1145. Every evening a febrile rigor. A shiver before going to bed. When going into the open air shiverings come on. Shiverings all over the bod}', with hot forehead, w^arm face and cold hands \Lgh^ . Shiverings all over the bod}', with warm forehead, hot cheeks, and cold hands. \_Lgh?^ 1150. During the rigor there frequently arise other ailments or pains. During the rigor, tearing in the legs. Chilliness in the external skin, over the face and the feet. Chilliness, even up to the most severe chill. [Kaiser, 1. c] Violent shaking chill. [Ferneeius, 1. c] II 55. Chill, without being able to get warm, with peevishness and a flying heat running over the body while speaking or moving; then she became red in the face, and yet was chilly. Chill with cold feet, he began to perspire. Every afternoon at 3 o'clock, chill w^ith hunger; after the meal, the chill was aggravated. In the afternoon, internal chill, with external heat and red cheeks. Toward evening, chilliness with coldness. 1 160. In the evening, chilliness in the legs, from the calves down to the feet. In the evening after lying down a severe chill in bed. In the evening, he cannot get warm in bed; he thinks he caught cold in bed. During the chill, no thirst. In the afternoon — chill, colic and diarrhoeic stool; and after this, continued colic. 1 165. She is either too cold all over the body, and yet is nowhere cold to the touch, or she is too warm, and yet is nowhere hot to the touch, except perhaps in the palm. Heat, internal and external, through the whole body, as from drinking wine, with thirst for beer. \_Mr?^ Internal heat. [GcERiTz, 1. c] Internal heat, with thirst, after diarrhoea. [Morgagni, 1. c] Severe heat. [Kaiser, 1. c] II 70. Dry heat of the skin. [Kaiser, 1. c] - Not accessible. — Hughes. ARSENICUM AI^BUM. 369 Anxious heat. [Pet. de Appono, 1. c.^] General anxious heat. [Hbg.'] In the evening about seven o'clock, heat in the face, for an hour. Nocturnal heat, without thirst and without perspira- tion. 1 1 75. After the heat, nausea. Perspiration. [Majaui^T, 1. c.^] Perspiration with excessive thirst, so that he continually de- sires to drink. [Hbg.'] Perspiration, which exhausts him in bed, even to fainting. Cold, clammy sweat. [Henning, 1. c.'] 1 180. Perspiration, during which the skin and especially the eyes are colored yellow. [Ebers, 1. c.*] In the forenoon, perspiration with heaviness of the head, roar- ing of the ears and trembling. Night-sweats. \_Hg.'] Night-sweats, three nights in succession. At night, profuse sweat on the lower limbs, especially about the knees. 1 1 85. Itching and slight perspiration on the back, all the night. In the beginning of the sleep, in the evening on lying down, perspiration, which ceases in the subsequent sleep. In the beginning of sleep, perspiration, only on the hands and thighs, which passes away in the subsequent sleep (aft. 6 h.). Morning-sweat, all over the body from the time of awaking till rising. In the morning, on awaking, sweat only in the face. 1 190. In the morning, perspiration on the legs (the ist night). Fever of a very violent kind. [Knape, 1. c, Degner, 1. c] Fever. [Henn, 1. c.^] Fever, terminating in death. [Am at. Lusit, 1. c.^] Fever with violent thirst. [Morgagni, 1. c] 1 195. Paroxysms of fever, returning several days at the same hour. Toward evening, he has an unpleasant sensation in his body, like fever, and when he lies down, his head becomes hot, and especially the ears, but the knees are cold (aft. 36 h.). Fever, chill in the evening and morning, without thirst, with much micturition, little stool, and stretching in all the limbs. \_B'g.'] Fever, external chilliness of the limbs, with intermal heat, with anxious restlessness, and weak, changeable pulse. [Alberti, 1. c] Fever, a brief chill, at night, then severe heat with dehruim, without thirst. [Hg.'] 1200. Febrile rigor, in the morning, alternating with heat. Febrile rigor and shivering, with heat of the external ear, at the same time anguish and gnawing in the scrobiculus cordis, com- bined with nausea, 1 Latin, "extestuatio."— ///^.£r/'^-'>"- -vStated as effect of antidote, (aniseed.) — Hughes. ■nvith violent vomiting. (See S. 19 and 26S). — Hug/ies. ■* As S3'nipt. 81. — Hughes. 5 Not "fonnd. — Hughes. •^ Not fonnd. — Hughes. 25 370 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Fever, in the afternoon, shivering of the external head, with stretching and drawing in the hmbs, then chill with goose-skin, from 8-9 p. M. ; heat in the body, especially in the face, without perspiration, with cold hands and feet. Fever, when he comes from the open air into the room; first a chill, then long-continued hiccup, then general perspiration, then again hiccup. Fever toward evening; chilliness with drowsiness and a dis- agreeable sensation of illness all through the body, as after a fit of fever quite or nearly gone; then after midnight, a profuse sweat on the thighs; it returned after two days, at the same time. 1205. Fever, much chilliness during the day, after it thirst, in the evening much heat in the face. Febrile rigor first, then dry heat of the skin. [Kaiser, 1. c] Fever, alternately chills and heat. [Aeberti, 1. c] Fever in the forenoon; violent rigor without thirst, with spasms in the chest, pains throughout the body, and a sort of lack of the power of recollecting; then heat with thirst; then sweat with roaring in the ears. Fever, every other day; the first afternoon about 6 o'clock a chill, with weariness and a feeling of bruisedness in the thighs; the third afternoon at 5 o'clock, at first inclination to lie down, then a shaking chill all over without thirst, then heat without thirst, with pressive headache in the forehead. 12 10. Fever in the evening at 10 o'clock; heat with redness in the whole body; then sweat. [Sf/.'] Fever at night at 2 o'clock; increased warmth of the whole body, perspiration in the face and on the feet, and a tension with colic-like pains in the hypochondria and the epigastrium, causing anxiety. Burning fever, so that cold water gives no relief; after the heat, sweat, especially in the nape of the neck; appearing some- times every fourteen days, a few days at a time, [/z^.] When the fever is at an end, the perspiration always follows at its termination. In the paroxysm of fever, increased tension in the hypo- chondria, so that he can hardly lie on the side at all. 1215. Inordinate rush of blood. [Grimm, 1. c.^] Feeling as if the blood ran through the arteries too rapidly and too hot, with small, quick pulse. [.S//".] Pulse exceedingly feverish. [Knape, 1. c] Pulse excited and frequent, not full. [Kaiser, 1. c] Quick, small, hardish pulse. [Kaiser, 1. c] 1220. Quick, small pulse. [N. Wahrn, 1. c; MajaueT, 1. c] Quick, weak pulse. [Majauet, 1. c.^] Quick, weak, intermittent pulse. [Guiebert, 1. c.^] Tense pulse. [Knape, 1. c] lyittle and weak pulse. [Kaiser, 1. c] 1225. lyittle, frequent, weak pulse. [Morgagni, 1. c] ^I/atin " exsestuatio " as in S. 1171. — Hughes. 2 Not found. — Hughes. 3 Pulse was "irregular," not "intermittent." — Hughes. AURUM, GOLD. 37 1 Exceedingly slow pulse, down to thirty-eight beats. [Pear- son, 1. c.^] Intermittent, small pulse. [Kaiser, 1. c] Intermittent, unequal, small pulse, which finally vanishes entirely. [Kaiser, 1. c] Absence of pulse, attended with frequent, very excited heart- beat. [Kaiser, 1. c] 1230. After death, the lips and the nails on the hands and feet are blue, as well as the glans and the scrotum; the whole body, espec- ially the limbs, are rigid and contracted, and the large intestine very much constricted. [Pyl, 1. c] The body after sixteen days was still fresh and undecomposed. [Pyl, 1. c] AURUM, GOLD. (THB WElvL-KNOWN METAL.) Just as superstition, inexact observations and credulous conject- ures have been the source of innumerable untrue statements as to the virtue of medicines in the materia medica, so also lack of proving and groundless theoretic reasons of physicians have with just a little reason denied to exceedingly powerful, and therefore highly curative substances ; all medicinal powers, and have thus deprived us of these remedies. Here I will only mention gold, and, indeed, not the gold changed through the ordinary chemical processes, neither that dissolved by acids, nor that which is separated again by precipi- tation (the fulminating gold), both of which were also stated to be, if not useless, still utterly injurious substances; probably because they could not be given in a so-called jitsta do sis, i. e. , in an exces- sive quantity, without incurring danger. No! I speak of the pure gold, unchanged by any chemical process. This the modern physicians have declared to be entirely without effect, and have finally omitted it altogether from all their teach- ings of materia medica, and have thus deprived us of all its great curative powers. It was stated, that " it cannot be dissolved in the gastric juice. and that it is, therefore, altogether without power or use." This was their theoretical supposition, and such t/iavctical dicfa luwe 4 Pulse had not been pf eviously coxxwt&d..— Hughes. 372 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. always, in medicine, had the force of conviction. As they do not ques- tion experience — the onh" possible revealer in the healing art, which rests altogether on experience — because it luas more convenient merely to assert, they usually put bold afiirmation, theoretic, empty supposi- tion and arbitrar^^ decrees in the place of well-founded truth. The excuse, that older ph3^sicians also supposed gold to be with- out an}- use or efficacy, will not here avail them. So, e. g,, Fabri- Cius (in Obs. med.) says: "How could the slight heat of our stomach have any effect on leaf- gold, when it loses nothing even in the most \dolent fire?" Or Nic. Monardes (^de ferro, pp. 32, 33): * ' The patients maj^ believe me and save the expense of putting gold into their medicine; the}^ will in no wise gain from it any medicinal virtue in their diseases." Or again, Alston {^N'at. Med., I., p. 69): ' ' Since gold in its metallic state is not dissolved and can not be changed by our vital force, it can not, therefore, have any medicinal power, except such action as it ma}^ exert on the bowels by means of its w^eight, hardness and mechanical form. Or, finally, J. F. Gmeein (^Appar. med. min., I., p. 445): "Since gold is indestructi- ble, cannot be dissolved into vapor, and cannot therefore combine with the juices of the animal bodj^, it cannot therefore have an}^ curative power. ' ' ^ Nor can it serve them as an excuse if they can adduce many other old phj^sicians as deniers of the medicinal powders of gold, and can name men like Ant. Musa Brassavolus, Fel. Platerus, HiER. Card ANUS, Jo. Bravus Petrafit, Franc. Pic. Miran- DOLA, Merinus Mercenius, Duretus, Camerarius, Cordosus, CoNringius, Lemary, Angeeus Saea, and even Joh. Schroeder, so credulous in other matters. They are all wrong, and with them all the modern physicians. Gold has great mediciyial virtues which cannot be supplied by any- thing else. At first I allow^ed m3'self to be kept back by these deniers from hoping to find any medicinal virtues in pure gold; but as I could not be satisfied in believing that any metal was, in itself, without medicinal virtues, I first made use of gold in solution. From this experiment were derived the few symptoms of the solution of gold. I then would give, where the symptoms would lead me to its homoeopathic use with patients, one quintillionth or a sextillionth ^ It was very silly to desire to decide theoretically the question whether gold could have any curative virtues; all that was necessary was but to gather conviction b}^ trials and experience, whether gold has or has not medicinal powers. If it has medicinal virtues then all the theoretical hypotheses of denial are ludicrous. AURUM, GOIvD. 373 of a grain of gold solution as a dose, and found even here a similar curative virtue as I afterwards discovered in pure gold. But I am in general, on the score of pure simplicity, unwilling, where I can avoid it, to use the metals combined with acids, as they must surel}^ suffer a change of their virtues through these acids. This ma}^ be seen at once on comparing the medicinal powers of the cor- rosive sublimate with those of the blackish protoxid of mercury. It was, therefore, to me a welcome fact to find a series of Arabic phy- sicians who unanimousl}^ extolled the virtues of gold used in a fine powder, and this in states of disease which sorely need help, and in which the solution of gold had already in part done wonderful service; a circumstance which was bound to give me confidence in the asseverations of the Arabs. The first trace of this use of gold we find as early as the eighth century, where Gebkr i^de Alchimia traditio, Argent, ap. Zetznkr, 1698, Lib. II., P. III., Cap. 32) praises gold as a " materia laetificans et in juventnte corpus conservans ' ' (a substance that gladdens and preserves the body in youth). At the end of the tenth century Skrapion the younger {De simplicibus coinment. Venet. fol. ap. Junt. 1550, Cap. 415, p. 192) says: " Powdered gold serves in melancholy and in weakness of the heart." Then, in the beginning of the eleventh century, Avicenna {Canon, Lib. II., Cap. 79) says: " Powdered gold is added to medi- cines against melancholy; it cures the fetid odor of the mouth, and taken internally, it is even a curative in the falling out of the hair; it strengthens the eyes, helps in cardialgia and palpitation of the heart, and is extremely useful in asthma."-^) The preparation of such a gold powder is first described in the beginning of the twelfth century by Abui^kasem (Ai^bucasis) (in libro servitoris de prcBp. med., p. 242): "The gold miist be rubbed on rough linen in a basin full of water, and the fine powder that settles at the bottom of the water must be used." Johann von St. Am and (in the thirteenth century) teaches the preparation in the same manner, in the apendix to MesuE, Opera, Venet., 1561, p. 245, 4 E. Zacutus, the Portuguese, imitated this and he describes ^Lfist. medic., lib. I., obs. 33) the case of a nobleman, who had been for a long time tormented by melancholj^ phantasies, and whom he cured ^'This latter word is in Arabic an ambiguous expression, meaning, according as the word is accentuated, either: " talking with oneself" or " asthma." The curative virtue of gold, as shown by experience, shows that the latter is here the true meaning- of the word. 374 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. within a month solely by the finely comminuted powder of gold, pre" pared on a grindstone. We do not now need the further praises of the gold powder and of gold, as found in Jo. Platearius {quaest therap.), Rodericus A Castro {de Meteor, microcosm, Cap. 3), Abraham a Porta Leonis {^dialog, de Auro), Zaccharias a Puteo, Joh. Dan. Mylius Anatomia Auri), Horn (^Ephem. Nat. Cur. Dec. II., an7i. 3, obs^ 159), Fr. Baco (yHistor. vitce et mortis), Fr. Joseph Burrhi {Epist. 4 ad. Thorn. Barthol. de oculis), Jo. Jacob Waldschmiedt {Diss, de auro ejusque in medic, viribus, Gryphisv, 1703), Lemnius, Pet. FORESTUS, Ol.. BORRICHIUS, ROLFINCK, AnDR. I^AGNER, KTT- muei^IvER, Tackius, HeIvCHER (Diss, de Auro, Jen., 1730), PoTE- Rius, J. D. HoRSTius, HoLivERius, HcEFER and ZwELFER (Pkarm, August). I believed that I might well prefer the testimony of the Arabians concerning the curative virtues of the fine powder of gold to the theoretic doubts of the moderns supported by no experiment; I therefore rubbed the finest leaf -gold (of 23 carat 6 grains fineness) with 100 parts of sugar of milk for a full hour, in order to apply it to internal medicinal use. I do not wish to decide whether in this fine powder the gold was merely still further comminuted, or was also somewhat oxidized by this vigorous trituration. It is sufficient that in proving this prepara- tion 100 grains of this powder (containing one grain of gold) sufficed with some healthy adults, with others, however, 200 grains (con- taining two grains of gold) dissolved in water, to excite very strong changes in the state of their health, and to cause the symptoms enumerated below. From these it will be seen that the asseverations of the Arabs cannot have been without foundation, as even small doses of this metal, used in the form mentioned, caused very similar S3'mptoms of disease in healthy persons to those which these orientals (who are not without merit in discovering medicines) had healed (uncon- sciously in accordance with the Homoeopathic principles). Of melancholies, resembling that caused by gold, I have since cured quickly and permanently several persons who were seriously entertaining suicidal intentions, and, indeed, by small doses, which for the whole cure did not contain more than -ywo or yf q- of a grain of gold. So I have also cured several other difficult maladies, which in their symptoms showed similarities to those of gold. I have no doubt that much more attenuated preparations of the gold powder will be quite sufficient to attain this same purpose. Some time after closing this preliminary account I had the oppor- AURUM, GOI.D. 375 tunity of convincing myself that a hundredfold attenuation of the above-mentioned preparation (the gold triturated with loo parts of sugar of milk), thus the .0001 part of a grain of gold as a dose proved itself no less effective in causing a cure, especially in caries of the bones of the palate and nose, produced by the abuse of salts of mercury. The symptoms of gold for this homoeopathic cure may easily be found in this list. By further triturations and dilutions, the virtue of gold is still more developed and spiritualized, so that I now need for such curative effects but a very small part of a grain of the decillionth attenuation. Would the ordinary proceedings of our physicians, which con- sist in fabricating medicinal virtues from airy hypotheses, and who decry this product in their Materia Medica, have ever succeeded in discovering the wonderful virtues of a metal, which their learned art of conjecture had already condemned as totally powerless? Or by what other favorite method of our manufacturers of Materia Medica could we ever have found out the curative side of gold, if its symp- toms creating a similar morbid state had not loudly and with full certainty taught it to the homoeopathic physician ? Poor, fabulous Materia Medica of the ordinary kind! How far do you stay behind those revelations which medicines unequivocally reveal of their effects on the healthy human body in causing those morbid symptoms which the homoeopathic physician is sure to be able to apply with unfailing success in the cure of natural diseases ! The period of activity of gold in moderate doses is at least twenty- one days. An antidote to its excessive effects has been found in the smelling of a potentized preparation of crude coffee, and more especially of camphor. Gold has especially proved itself useful in chronic diseases when the following ailments predominate, or at least were simultaneously present. Hypochondria; melancholy; surfeit of life; impulse to suicide ; rush of blood to the head \_Lh.~\; caries of the bones of the palate and the nose; obscuration of the vision through black dots floating before the eye; toothache /rom rush of blood to the head zuith heat in it; inguinal hernia; induration of the testes of long-standing; prolapsus and in- duration of the uterus; rush of blood to the chest: falling down uncon- scious, with blueness of the face [Z//.] ; fit of suffocation with severe * This same curative effect from the internal use of gold against injuries from mercury was witnessed by AnT. Chai^meteUvS in Knchiridou chirini:-., p. 402. 376 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. constrictive tightness of the chest [LkJ]] injuries from abuse of mercury; pains in the bones, at night; nodosities from gout. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow pro vers are: Fz., Dr. Fra7iz; Gr., Dr. Gross; Fr. i/. , Dr. Friedrich Hahnemajin; HpL, Dr. Hempel; Hrm., Dr. Hermanyi; Lgh., Dr. Langhavimer; Lh., Dr. G. Lehmann; Mch., Dr. Michler; Rl., Dr. Rummel; Wl., Dr. Wzsiice?ius. AURUM FOLIATUM. Dejected and sad. He is dejected and seeks solitude. He believes that he has lost the love of others, and this morti- fies him even to tears. \_F2.'] Discontent with all conditions; he thinks that he everywhere finds an impediment, caused now by an opposing fate, then again by himself, which latter mortifies him and renders him dejected. 5. Melancholy; he imagines that he is not fitted for the world, he therefore longs for death, of which he thinks with the most intense delight. lFz.~\ Great anxiety springing from the region of the heart, and w^hich drives him from one place to another, so that he cannot long remain in a place. \_F2.'] Great anxiety and weakness, so that he is thought to be near death. [J. H. Scirui.zs, praeled. inpharm., Aug., p. 46.^] Frequent attacks of anguish of heart and tremulous anxiety. \_Ephe7n. Nat. Cur. Ceut., 10, ohs. 35.^] Extraordinary anxiety with palpitation of the heart, weariness in all the limbs and drowsiness. 10. Great anguish, mounting even to suicide with spasmodic contraction in the abdomen. Restlessness and hurried impulse to bodily and mental activity; he can not work fast enough; he could not act so as to satisfy him- self. VHpi:\ _ He is driven to constant activity, and is sorry for his inaction, although he cannot do anything. \_Fz.'\ Restless and undecided, without perceptible ebullition of the blood; he always thinks he is neglecting something for which he will be reproached; he seems to carry with him this internal restlessness, and it took from him all perseverance and energy. \Hpl^ Aurum first appeared in the Materia Medica Pura, and all but two of the provers named above co-operated with Hahnemann in obtaining the pathogenesis there given— he contribut- ing 157 symptoms, they 198. The first trituration was used, and of this as many as 100 or 200 grains were taken by the provers. In the following symptom-list there are eighty-two fresh symptoms, of which seventy-five are Hahnemann's, and the remainder L,ehmann's and Rum- mel's, possibly provings with the 30th dilution. — Hughes. 1 No accessible. — Hughes. -Not observation about Aurum occurs at this reference. — Hughes. AURUM FOI.IATUM. 377 Anxiousness; even a noise before the door makes him anxious; he is afraid some one might come in; as if afraid of men. 15. Shyness. Pusillanimit3^ The least thing discourages him. Dispirited ill-humor; he thinks he cannot succeed in any- thing. (W/.] Dispirited and despondent; he thinks that everything goes awkwardly with him, and nothing will succeed with him. \Hpl.'\ 20. Discouraged and at odds with himself. Crying and wailing; she thinks that she is irretrievably lost. (Surfeit of life.) Constant sullen seriousness and reserve. {LghP[ Peevishness and dislike to talking. \Hrm.'\ 25. Contrary mood. Some persons excite his extreme antipathy. Choleric and quarrelsome. Excessively disposed to take offense; even the least thing seeming offensive to him, affected him deeply and caused resent- ment. \Hpl?^ He gets excited in his thoughts about some absent persons. 30. Peevish and irascible ; the least contradiction excites him to the greatest anger. [Gr.] If he is left undisturbed, he sits by himself in a corner, quiet, reserved, as if melancholy; the least contradiction excites him to the most violent anger, which he manifests at first with quarreling and much talking, but afterwards with a few abrupt words (aft. 3d.). \Hrm^ He trembles, when he cannot give way to his anger. He tries his best to quarrel with somebody and to revile him. Passionateness and violence. 35. Now weeping, now laughing, in the evening, as if she had not full control of herself. Silent peevishness and cheerfulness alternate frequently (aft. I and 3 h.). \Hrm.'\ Good humor the whole day, with talkativeness and self-satis- faction (alternative action). \Lghr^ Serene, contented mood; he always wishes to converse with others. \Hrm7\ Considerable merriment and agreeable, comfortable feeling (aft. 2 h.). \Gr:\ 40. Tremulous quivering of the nerves, as with a jovous hope. The thinking faculty is more acute and the memory more faithful (curative effect). She feels impelled to think deeply over one subject and another; but it renders her weak, tremulous, cold and damp over the body. lyost in thought, he says something absurd in talking with a person. Mental labor affects him very nuich: he feels ver>- nuich exhausted. 378 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 45. Mental work causes him nausea, which occupies his whole being. Confusion of the head. [Hrj7i.'] Confusion of the head, in the morning on rising, with heavi- ness in the occiput. [Wl.'] A sort of hypochondriac intoxication ; the head, especially toward the nape of the neck, feels as if full of compressed air. (In talking, he involuntarily smiles.) 50. Vertigo, in stooping, as if everything turned around with him; it went off on raising himself. {^Lg/i.'] Vertigo when standing, compelling him to sit down. \Hrm.'] Vertigo when taking a w^alk, as if he were intoxicated and as if he would fall to the left side; it obliged him to lie down, and returned even then for some time at the slightest motion (aft. 43 h.). [Lgh.-] Headache, as from a cold coming on. Stupefying pressive headache, as from a violent wind. [LghJ] 55. Headache, from the morning onward, as if the brain were bruised, which is aggravated by reflection and reading, but especiall}^ by speaking and writing, to extreme violence and to a complete confusion of ideas; it diminishes every time on ceasing to reflect, speak and write, until it entirely vanishes at 7 p. m. (aft. 6 h.). Headache, partly like a pain from a bruise, partly like a painful pressure in some part of the brain, and then again it is felt like tearing, increasing from early in the morning, and disappear- ing at 3 p. M. (aft. 24 h.). Pressive pain in the temples. Pressure in the left side of the forehead (aft. i >^ h. ). [H7'm.'] Pressive tearing in the head, here and there, especially in the forehead, with a sensation of vertigo. \Hr7n.'] 60. Pressive tearing in the right side of the head, from the occiput to the forehead (aft. 3 h. ). \_H'rm.'] Tearing pressure in the right occiput. [Hrm.'] Tearing pressure in the left side of the crow^n, aggravated by motion. \_Hr7n,'] Tearing headache anteriorly in the forehead and the temples, deep w4thin the brain, alleviated in the open air. [_Gr.'] Tearing in the left side of the crown (aft. lyi h.). [Hrm.'\ 65. Tearing in the right side of the crown (aft. 3 h.). \Hrm.'\ Tearing in the left temple. [Fz.'] Tearing in the left side of the forehead, aggravated by motion. \Hrf7i.'] Fine tearing in the forehead. [//r;;2.] Fine tearing from the right side of the occiput through the brain, even into the forehead; worse on motion (aft. i h. ). [Hnn.'\ 70. Cutting, tearing pain in the right side of the crown (aft. 17 d.). (^Hrm.'\ Burrowing, boring and dull sound in one side of the head, early on awaking, aggravated by coughing and by bending the head back. AURUM FOIvlATUM. 379 Semi-lateral, sharply beating, hacking headache. Prickling sensation in the sinciput. Rush of blood to the head. 75. Violent rush of blood to the brain (aft. ^ h.). Violent rush of blood to the head, on stooping, passing off on raising the head (aft. 8 d.). [Hrin.'] Raging and roaring in the head, as if he was sitting by a rushing water (aft. 14 d.). The bones of the head ache on lying down, as if broken, so that it took away all his vital spirit. Small osseous tumor, on the left side at the top of the forehead. 80. A small osseous tumor on the right side of the crown, \vith boring pains, aggravated by touching. Externally on the forehead, pressive pain (aft 10 h.). [HrmJ] Pressive pain, externally on the left temple (aft. 32 h.). \_Hrm.~\ Pressure on the left temple, aggravated by touching (aft. J^ h.). [Hrm.'] A stitch in the middle of the forehead, where the hair begins. 85. Pricking externally on the forehead, as from needles (aft. 24 h.). IHrm.'] Stitches on the frontal bone, like a slow drawing (aft. 6 h.). He shakes his head sideways, up and down. In the eyes, while looking, a sensation as when strongly heated, as if the blood pressed on the optic nerve. Sensation of weakness and pressure in the eyes. 90. PrCvSsure on the left eye from without inward (aft. 8 d.). [Hrm.'] Pressive pain on the right eyeball, from above downward. [Hrm.] Pressive pain on the right eyeball from without inward, aggravated by touching (aft. 6 h.). [HriJi.] Pressure in the eyes, as if a foreign body had got into it. Enormous, spasmodic pressure in the posterior part of the left orbit. [Gr.] 95. Sensation as if the left eyeball was being pressed out, in its interior, superior angle. [Fz.] Tension in the eyes, which impedes vision (aft. i h.). [Hrm.] Inordinate tension in the eyes, with diminution of the visual powers, aggravated when fixing the eyes upon any object, relieved when he closes them (aft. 9 d.). [Hrm.] Fine tearing within the right orbit, near the external canthus (aft. 5 h.). [Hrm.] Dull stitch in the left orbit, below, from within outward. 100. Several single stitches in the inner canthus, and in the lid of the left eye (aft 36 h.). [Hrvi.] Smarting pain in the left upper eyelid. A sort of burning in the e3'e. Itching and burning in the right canthus. 380 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Painless, smooth nodule on the border of the right lower eye- hd. 105. Swelling of the lower e5^elids. \Fr. 7/.] Bluish appearance of the inner canthi. Distended and protruding ej'es. Contraction of the pupils (aft. 2, 4 h.). {LghP^ Dilatation of the pupils (aft. 3^^ h.). \Lgh?\ no. Indistinct vision, as if a black gauze was drawn before the e^^es ( aft . 6 d . ) . \Hrm . ] His vision leaves him for a moment. Half- vision, as if the upper half of the eye w^as covered with a black bod}' , so that he could see onlj^ the objects situated lower down with the lower half of the eye, while the superior ones re- mained invisible. [//r;7z.] He cannot distinguish an3lhing clearl}^ because he sees everything double, so that one object presents itself to him commingled with another, with violent tension of the e3^es, lHrm^, Sparks of fire before the eyes. 115. In the ears, tension. Pressive tearing in the left external meatus auditorius (aft. ^ h.). {Hrm^^ Crepitation in the left ear. Humming before the left ear. Roaring in the ears, in the morning in bed. 120. The parotid gland is painful when touched, as if from pressure or contusion. The nasal bone on the right side and the adjacent part of the upper jaw are painful to the touch, especially where the facial nerve comes out. Itching in the nostrils. Twitching on the septum of the nose, from above downwards. [»7.] Smarting pain in the lower part of the nose. \_Fr. H.'] 125. Smarting pain in the low^er part of the nose, so that tears come in his eyes, as in an impulse to sneezing in the bright sunlight, or in exalted religious melancholy, or in the highest degree of pity. iF2.-] Tickling formication in the al^ naris, as in coryza, at times wdth an impulse to scratching. [Lgh.'] Feeling of soreness in the nose. \Fr. H.'] Sensation of soreness in both nostrils, especially on seizing the nose. Ulcerated, agglutinated, painful nostrils, so that he can get no air through the nose. 130. Ulcerated crust in the right nostril, almost painless, 3xllowish and almost dr3\ [Fr. H.'] Swelling of the nose in the room, after taking a walk. Swelling and redness on and below the right nostril. \_Fr. H.'] Dark, brown-red spots on the nose, but litttle raised above its surface, on touching them there is a pressive pain (aft. 24 h.). \IIr77i.'] AURUM FOIvIATUM. 38 1 Olfaction very acute;' everything with him smells too strong. 135. The vapor from the candle affects his sense of smell un- pleasantly. Frequently a sweetish odor in the nose. Transient smell of brandy in the nose, with tightness of the chest. Putrid smell in the nose, on blowing it. In the face, violent tearing in the zygoma. [Gr.] 140. Tearing drawing in the left side of the face (aft. 2 h.). \_IVI.~\ Tension in the cheekbones and the ears. Lancinating pain in the one cheek (ist d. ). Burning stitches in the zygoma. Itching pricks, as from needles, in the right side of the face. 145 Eruption of fine pimples in the face, with tips filled with pus, for several hours. Bloated, shining face, as from perspiration, with eyes dis- tended and protruding. Swelling of both cheeks, with swelling of the lips and nose, in the morning. Swelling of one cheek, with drawing and tearing in the upper and lower jaw-bone, and a sensation of threatening pain and of hacking in the teeth, which seem too long. In the lower lip a burning vesicle, in the red part. 150. On the chin, tearing in the right half of the same. [_G7^.~\ On the lower right jaw a tearing pressure, passing away by pressing upon it. \_//rm.^ Intermittent, dull stitches on the outer border of the lower jaw. [Gr.] A gland on the lower jaw is painful, as if swollen. Dull, pressive pain per se and while swallowing, in a gland under the angle of the lower jaw. 155. The teeth of the upper front row are very sensitive in chewing. In chewing, suddenly a violent, dull pain in an upper molar. Threatening pain and hacking in the teeth, with swelling of the cheek. Twitching pain in the upper row of teeth. \Fr. H.'\ Dull tearing in the two posterior molars of the right upper jaw, caused by touching and eating during a painful swelling of the gums. \Hrm^ 160. Toothache, from air penetrating into the mouth. Single stitches in the teeth. Sensation of dullness in the molars (aft. y^ h.). Looseness of the teeth, even of the anterior ones, in sudden paroxysms. Swelling of the gums on the molars of the right upper jaw, with pressive pain, as of soreness, on touching them and on eating. \Hrni ] 165. Painful pustules on the gums, as if a fistula in the gums was coming on. Gum-boil, with swelling of the cheeks (aft. 10 d.). In the region of the palate, a sort of pressure, for several hours. 382 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Paroxysms of stretching apart of the fauces, as in vomiting, but without nausea. A painful impediment to swallowing in the left side of the fauces. 170. I^ancinating pain, as of soreness in the throat, only in deglu- tition. Agreeably sweetish saliva gathers in the mouth. [Fz.^ Much mucus in the fauces, for several days. Frequently, mucus in the fauces; it can be hawked out, indeed, but yet impedes the inspiration (aft. 2 h.). [F2.'] Fetid odor from the mouth in the evening and night, without his becoming aware of it himself. 175. Smell from the mouth, as of old cheese. Putrid smell from the mouth. The taste in the mouth is insipid. Sweet taste anteriorl}" on the tongue. Agreeable milky taste in the mouth. 180. Putrid taste in the mouth, as of high game, when not eating. Sourish taste in the mouth at times (aft. 2j4 h.). Bitter taste in the mouth, with sensation of dryness (aft. 8 h.) . Much thirst for 6 days. [Fr. 7/.] No appetite for anything; he can only eat rolls and milk. 185. Aversion to all meat. Great desire for coffee. He is impelled to eat very fast, especially at the beginning of the meal. He relishes his food well, but it does not quite satisfy his appetite, and he could have eaten again, right awa}^ During eating the anxiety of his mind passes away. \_F2.~\ 190. Sickness at the stomach and in the throat. [I/rm.'\ Feeling of qualmishness; an uneasiness from the stomach and the abdomen. Retching, as if about to vomit, with pressure in the abdomen. [Fr. H.'\ Eructation, with the taste of what he has drunk (beer). Pain in the stomach, as from hunger. 195. Pressure in the region of the stomach at noon. Swelling of the scrobiculus cordis, and of the whole epigas- trium, with lancinating pain on pressing upon it or when firmly constricting it. In the hj'pochondriac region, constant pressure, as from flatus, especiall}^ after partaking of some food or drink, often aggravated by motion and walking; passes off without discharge of flatus. Stitches in the left hypochondrium, like stitches in the spleen. In the abdomen, heaviness, with ice-cold hands and feet. 200. Pressure in the abdomen. Tensive pressure in the hypogastrium, just below the navel, in the lumbar region, with sensation of fullness (aft. 53 h.). \Hrm^, AURUM FOIvIATUM. 383 Tensive pressure in the hypogastrium and the lumbar region, with urging to stool (aft. 6 d.). \_Hrm.^ Pinching pain in the hypogastrium, now here, now there (aft. 12 h.). \_Hrm.'] Colic of dull pinching and cutting in the belly, then diarrhoeic stool, and after the stool distension of the abdomen. 205. Painful feeling of contraction in the abdomen. Single tearing in the right side of the abdomen, extending up under the ribs, as if everything there was being crushed, compell- ing him to bend double, when sitting (aft. 36 h.). [Fs.'] Pain as from a bruise in the right hypogastric region, when sitting, passing off when he rises or draws up his leg (aft. 24 h.). Colic in the abdomen. \_Ephem. nat. cur., Dec. II., a7i7i. 6, app., p. 6.T Twitching squeezing in the left side of the nates, frightening and startling him (aft. 6 h.). [J^/.] 210. Pain in the groin, as from a swollen inguinal gland. Want of mobility, and stiffness in the bend of the groin and in the tendons of the lumbar muscles, when walking and spreading out the legs, as after a long foot-tour (aft. 3^ h.). Drawing from the groin down into the thighs. Drawing pain in the mons veneris. Burning pain in the abdominal ring, which else has been health}^ 215. Cutting thrusts in both groins, compelling him to draw in the abdomen and to draw up the legs. [ Wl.'\ Weakness in the groin. Urging in the right abdominal ring as if a hernia was about to protrude, when sitting, on stretching out the body; it passes off on rising. [/>.] Protrusion of an inguinal hernia, with great pain, like cramp; flatus seems to pass into the hernia. Much tormented with flatus, it accumulates under the left rib, with lancinating pains. 220. Colic from flatus, soon after partaking of the lightest food most moderately. Flatulence, colic after midnight; a quantity of flatus forms quickly, which, finding no egress, presses and strains painfull}' here and there, and causes distress; unchanged b}" rest or motion. Rumbling in the abdomen. Grumbling in the bell}-. «, Grumbling in the hypogastrium. \Hrm^ 225. Rumbling and grumbling in the bell}^ (aft. i h.). [///v;/.] Much passage of flatus ( ist d. ) . Discharge of much fetid flatus (aft. 8 d. ). {Hrm^ Uneasiness in the abdomen, with sensSion as if he wanted to go to stool, especially after a meal (aft. 36 h.). [//;;;/.] Constipation for three da3'S. \Gr^ 230. Very large-formed stool, and difficult discharge of faeces. 1 A casual mention of there being an '' aurea colica.''— Hughes. 384 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Every day very hard, clotted stool (the ist days). Every morning soft stool with some griping. Unusually profuse stool, in the evening (aft. 10 h.). Frequent, but ordinary stool (aft. 16 h.). [Hrm.'] 235. Diarrhoea. [Fr. H.'] Nocturnal diarrhoea with much burning in the rectum. (Whitish-yellow stool.) The border of the anus painfully swollen. In the anus and the rectum sharp stitches. [^Rrm.'] 240. Constant urging to urinate, whereby little urine, but of normal nature is passed. [6^?'.] More urine passes than his amount of drinking warrants. Turbid urine, like buttermilk, with deep sediment of mucus. In the urethra, dull, lancinating tearing. \_Hrm.'\ Sexual impulse much increased, while it had been long dormant. 245. Much inclination for coitus, early on rising, with violent erections. He could not sleep all the night for the excitation of his sexual impulse, until he had quieted it by coitus (ist night). Two nights full of excitement of lascivious phantasy, with relaxed, small penis (2d, 3d nights). Erections, many nights in succession. Nocturnal erections, without emission of semen (ist n.). iwi.-] 250. Nightly erections and pollutions. [Gr.l Pollutions, at night (the ist night). [Wl.] Nightl}^ pollutions, with voluptuous dreams (aft. 7 d.). [Hrvi.'] Pollutions, three nights in succession, without subsequent debilit3^ The prostatic juice is emitted from the relaxed penis. 255. In the penis, painful twitching, from before toward the pos- terior parts. On the glans, pricking as from needles about its extremity, and after every stitch there follows a similar one above the navel toward the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 3 h.). \_Wl.'] Shooting tearing on the glans, when there is an urging to urinate (aft. 3 h.). [_Wl.'] On the scrotum, itching. In the right testes, pressive, tensive pain, as from a contusion (aft. 3^3 h.). \_Lgh.-] 260. Swelling of the right testicle, with pressive pain only when touched and rubbed, beginning for several evenings at 6 p. m. and ceasing about 11 p. m. (aft. 5 d.). [Hrm.'\ Labor-like pains in the abdomen, as if the menses w^ere about to set in. Sensation of stoppage of the nose as in dry coryza, and yet sufficient air passes through (aft. 2}4. h. ). [Lgh.'\ The nostril seems to him to be stopped, though he can get air through it. [Fr. i/.] AURUM FOI.IATUM. 385 Coryza. [Fr. H.'] 265. Severe, fluent coryza. Dry catarrh, firmly seated on the chest, earlj^ on awaking; only with much exertion he can by coughing detach some very tough mucus, and this also only after rising from bed (aft. 16 h.). Mucus firmly adhering to the top of the windpipe, detached by retching with difiiculty. Frequently, mucus deep down in the windpipe, below the larynx, which he cannot cough up despite his greatest efforts. Mucus deep down in the lungs, which is thrown up copiously and easily; with subsequent free respiration and expansion of the chest (while before he was very asthmatic). 270. Cough. [Fr. 7/.] Cough on account of lack of breath, at night. [Hrm.'] In cough, compression of the chest and of the abdomen. In coughing, stitches under the left ribs. Frequent deep respiration. 275. In deep breathing and yawning, painful stitches under the ribs, which impede the yawning and respiration; ceasing on going to sleep. In respiration, stitches in the left side of the chest. In breathing, sharp stitches seemingly in the side of the bladder. In expiration, grumbling in the upper part of the chest, ex- tending down into the abdomen and the groin; then rapid palpita- tion, with weariness and anxiety; then slumber. Shivering in the right breast on yawning. 280. Dyspnoea. Severe tightness of the chest. Severe asthma, on taking a walk. Asthma, when laughing, or when walking briskly, as if the chest were too narrow to inspire, and too flat and low in front (aft. 44 h.). [Gr.] Enormous tightness of the chest, with difficulty of breath- ing, at night. [7/r;;z.] 285. Tightness of the chest, also when at rest, and not lightened by any position; he always takes a deep breath, and cannot get enough air. \_Gr.^ Tightness of the chest, with dull stitches in it on taking breath. [Hrm.'] Tightness of the thoracic cavit}^, with anxiety (aft. 3d.). [Hrm.'] Pressure on the right side of the chest, with violent anguish. Pressure on the sternum, with eager, anxious bearing, as it some great joy were about to come to him. [Fa.] 290. Pressure as of something hard on the sternum, with drawing- tearing pains toward the shoulders. [F2.] Pressure on the left side near the scrobiculus cordis, below the cartilages of the uppermost false ribs, more violent during oxpira- ration (aft 7 d.), [Hrvi.] 26 386 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Obtuse, constricting shooting, below the cartilages of the first three ribs of the right side of the chest, which sometimes continues like a peg sticking there, sometimes slowl}^ ceases, and is felt less when walking; externally this spot is red (aft. i6 h.). [Gr.'] Some very violent stitches in the -^hest over the heart (aft. 72 h.). [Gr.^ Sharp stitches on the sternum (aft. 2 h.). [PF/.] 295. Dull stitches on both sides of the chest, with heat and tight- ness in the chest, aggravated on inspiring. [ IV/.'] Obtuse, lancinating and cutting pain, on the right side by the sternum, under the last true ribs. [I/rm.'] Obtuse, cutting pain in the left side, near the sternum, more severe during inspiration (aft. 9 d.). [7/r;;/.] The heart seems to shake in walking, as if it was loose. [/>.] At times a single, very severe beat of the heart. 300. Palpitation of the heart (aft. }4 h..). Violent palpitation (aft. 4 d.). [//r;;e.] On the internal side of the ischium, pinching pain. [Wl.^ In the small of the back, pain as from weariness (aft. 3 h.). Cutting over the small of the back, when sitting, as if it was pressed with something sharp. [/^^.] 305. In the spine, in the morning, a pain so severe that he could not move a limb. Pressure on the left side, near the lumbar vertebrae, and upon - the upper border of the os innominatum. lUrm.'] Merely on inspiring, a sharp, piercing pain in the right loin. Fine, tearing lancination on the right side, beside the lumbar vertebrae, passing away every time he presses on it. [^//rm.~\ Painful pricks, as from needles, close under the right scapula, beside the spine (aft. }4 h.). [6^r.] 310. Tearing pain on the inner side of the scapula and below it, on bending the body backward and to the left (aft. 10 h.). [I/rm.'] In the nape of the neck, tension as if a muscle were too short, even when at rest, but more severe when stooping (aft. 10 h.). On the neck, a tearing pressure on the right side, on the lower part, near the clavicle (aft. 14 d.). [//r;;?.] Jerking, tearing lancination in the left external cervical mus- cles (aft. yd.). Eruption of fine pimples, with tips full of pus, on the neck and the chest, for several hours. 315. Under the axilla, tearing tension. [H>/.] On the top of the shoulder fine stitches. [Wl.^ Pain on the top of the shoulders, as from soreness, even with- out touch and motion. [/^^'.] Extending down the left arm, a pain, incumbent on the bone, passing off on motion. [/^^.] Pressure on the left upper arm, in the periosteum (aft. 48 h.). 320. Pressure on the lower surface and in the middle of the right upper arm. [//r;;2.] AURUM FOI.IATUM. 387 Tearing pressure on the anterior surface of both upper arms (aft. 15 d.). SJIrm?^ Fine tearing in the left upper arm, most severe on baring it (aft. 3I1.). \Wl^ In the elbow -joint of the right arm, spasmodic tearing. [6^r.] The fore-arms are heavy when at rest, but not when in motion (aft. 12 h.). \wi:\ 325. Pressure on the anterior surface of the right fore-arm. \Hrm^ Pressure on the external side of the right fore-arm (aft. 12 d.). Intermittent, tearing pressure on the inside of the left fore- arm. \Hrm^ In the bones of the wrist, tearing (aft 8 h.). {HrmP^ Tearing in the metacarpal bones. \Hrm.'\ 330. Cramp like tearing in the bones of the wrists of both hands, deep within, drawing from the lower row to the upper, chiefly at night, but also in daytime. \_Grr[ Cramp- like pain in the metacarpal bones of the left hand, especially of the thumb, without impeding motion. \Gr.'\ Pricking, very rapid and almost stinging, between the thumb and index. Itching on the hand, between the thumb and index. In the finger-joints, drawing. \Hpl^ 335. Tearing in the posterior joints of the right fingers (aft. 40.). Tearing on the posterior joint of the left little finger. \Hrm^^ Fine tearing in the fingers of the right hand. \Hrm^^ Fine tearing in the anterior joint of the right thumb. \Hrm^ Dull tearing in the joints of the fingers of both hands, spread- ing often into the phalanges (aft. 5 d. ). [//rw.] 340. In the hip-joint an extraordinary, paralytic pain, only when rising from a seat and in walking; not when sitting. Cramp-like pain in the region of the hip, on the inner brim of the pelvis, aggravated by rubbing (aft. 36 h.). \_Wl?^ A fine stitch darts in a tortuous manner through the gluteal muscles downward, several times in succession (aft. 16 h.). [H^/.] The thigh feels as if paralyzed and cannot be raised, on account of a stiffening pain above in the tendons of the psoas- muscle. Weakness of the thigh when walking. 345. Pain in the shaft of the right thigh, as if it were broken, when he throws the right thigh over the left. \Fz7\ When he is sitting and throws the left leg over the right, the muscles of the posterior side of the right thigh seems to be in a twitching motion. [6^r.] Pressive, tensive pain in the muscles of the left thigh, when taking a walk, not relieved by touching or by standing or walk- ing, but by sitting. \_Lgh^^ Cramp-like drawing in the tendons of the psoas-muscle, which bends the thigh, extending down into the thigh, when sitting: passing away in rising. \_Fz^ 388 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing in the thigh, as from growing, merely when moving, not in sitting (aft. 24 h.). 350. A spot which pains as if excoriated, comes at night when lying down, on the outer side of the left thigh. [_Gr.^ In the right knee, a simple pain, while walking. Painful stiffness and paralyzed feeling in the knees, both in rest and in motion. Pain in the knees, as if they were tightly bandaged, in sitting and walking. The right knee becomes weak from walking, so that when he treads, and also after walking, in every position, a drawing pain is felt in it (aft. 24 h.). \_Gr.^ 355. Unsteadiness of the knees. On the left tibia, a pressure on stretching the leg. [/^s'.] Dull, gnawing pain on both sides of the leg above the ankles, with single sharp stitch in the tendo Achillis during rest, passing off in motion (aft. 14 h.). \_Wl.~\ Little elevations on the leg and under the knee, from slight rubbing; these degenerate into thick, hard knots under the skin (5th, 8th d.). [Rl.-] Knots under the skin, like an insect-bite, on the leg, above the heel and behind the knees, with severe itching, so that it is almost intolerable while walking (nth d.). [RL^ 360. Smaller and larger elevations on the legs and calves, which look like nettle-rash, burn severely and feel like hard knots, of dirty yellow color, at the same time transient, disappearing in a few hours, and appearing less in the room than in the open air. [_Rl.-] Hard, red swelling of the leg from the ankle to the calf, from a little rubbing of the boot, passing off again after a short rest. On the foot, on the hollow of the sole, pressure, as from something hard. Tensive pressure beside the inner side of the right ankle (aft. 5 d.). \Hr7n.'] Drawing pain on the feet. \_Rl.^ 365. Severe drawing in both heels, in the evening on going to sleep. [^/.] Paralytic drawdng in the metacarpal bone of the big toe, as far as the extremity of the toe. [H?7n.'] Tearing pain on the back part of the sole of the right foot (aft. 30 h.). {Hrm.'\ Violent stitches on the dorsum of the foot, behind the toes. The heels pain as if festering within, or as if suffused with blood. 370. Itching on the ankle-joints and on the soles of the feet. [Rl.'] Itching on the ankle-joints, especially when walking (7th d.). iRl.-] In a former chilblain, a burrowing pain (aft. i h.). In the big toe, in the posterior joint, pain, as if bruised and sprained, when w^alking. Drawingin the joints of the toes. [^Hpl.'\ AURUM FOI.IATUM. 389 375. Paralytic drawing in the toes of the right foot. [I/rm,'] Fine tearing in the toes of the right foot, [i/rw.] All the joints feel as if beaten, in the morning and in the whole forenoon. Early, at daybreak, in bed, simple pain, or pain as from a bruise in all the joints, especially in the small of the back and in the knees; this increases the longer he lies still, but soon passes after he rises. Pain as from a bruise in the head, and in all the joints in the morning in bed, most severe in perfect rest, passing away immediately on rising. 380. Going to sleep, numbness and insensibility of the arms and legs, early on awaking, more while lying still than when in motion. In the arms and lower limbs, transient drawing pains from time to time, [i?/.] Painful drawing in the veins and lassitude, in the afternoon. Remarkable ebullition of blood, as if it boiled in all the arteries (aft. 24 h.). All the blood seems to pass at once from the head down into the lower limbs, which feel paralyzed, she sinks down and has to seat herself at once. 385. Internal emptiness and weakness in the whole body. Excessive sensitiveness in the whole body and susceptibility for every pain, which he seems to feel from merely thinking about it, with a sensation as if all things were intolerable. [^^/.] All his sensations are subtle and acute. \_I/p/.'] When he thinks of a motion, he unconsciously makes slight motions. Comfortable feeling in the whole body (curative effect). 390. Even in the most unpleasant weather, he feels well in the open air and it agrees with him. [/^^.] Formication in the body, now here, now there. [//^/.] Transient but intense itching on the abdomen, the hips, the knees, the arms and the wrists. [-^/.] Itching, burning radiations, darting hither and thither, almost like stitches. Eruptions of pustules in the face, on the neck and on the chest. 395. Very tired in the morning; her legs pained, so that she would have liked to have lain down at once. Very weak, early on awaking. Great weariness in the afternoon, suddenly, when sitting and reading; he went to sleep with it, and when he awoke, the weari- ness had vanished (aft. 9 h.). [L^'/i.'] Drowsiness during the day. Slumberous sleep, with weakness of the head when sitting, during the day. 400. Irrepressible sleep after dinner, and during this slumber he had to think much (aft. 4 h.). [Z^^.] All night long, wide awake and without sleep, though without pains, and in the morning he still was not sleepy or exhausted. Early from 4 o'clock onward, he cannot sleep soundly any more, he throws himself uneasily from side to side, because he 390 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. cannot remain long in any one position, and the hand on which he lies soon gets tired. \^Gr.~\ He could not lie at night either on the left or on the right side. He feels the pains during the sleep of the uneasy night. 405. At night, painful accumulation of flatus, chiefly in the left hypochondriac region. He moans loudly in his sleep [G^r. ] Frequent awaking at night, as if from fright. \_Lgh.'] He awakes in violent dreams. Frightful dreams about thieves, with loud screaming during the sleep. 410. Frightful dreams. Frightful dreams, at night. [Gr.'] A dream at night, causing horror. Dreams that he was about to fall from a great height. Dreams about dead men. 415. Dreams full of quarrels. Dreams with erections, all the night. Agreeable and very rational dreams, but he cannot well re- member them. Vivid dreams, not easily remembered, at night. [Lgh.'} In the evening, immediately on going to sleep, while still half awake, she dreams much, as if some one was talking with her. 420. She dreamt the whole night that she was in the dark. After 3 A. M. the child became wide awake and spoke in bold tones deliriously, with rapid utterance and red face: "Mother, thou art my gold daughter!" "What kind of a dog is that?" " What head is that on the wall?" " What is that running about in the room?" and thus her ravings all consisted of questions. Very sensitive to cold in the whole body. Coldness in the whole body, in the morning, especially on the arms and hands down from the shoulders, with blueness of the nails, but without fever. Coldness of the body, especially of the hands and feet. 425. Coldness of the hands and feet, in the evening, in bed. Coldness of the soles of the feet and of the patellae, as soon as he gets into bed in the evening. \Hpl.'\ Coldness of the whole body and afterward increased warmth, without fever. Coldness of the body, almost the whole day, with blue nails, insipid taste and nausea, then increased warmth, but without any sensation of fever. Chill between the scapulae. 430. Shaking chill in the back. Shivering through the whole body, with goose-skin on the thighs and with concussion of the brain under the frontal bone. Chill in the evening in bed, with coldness of the legs up to the knees; he cannot get warm all night, sleeps little, always only a half hour at a time, with anxious dreams that cannot be recalled (aft. 16 d.). In the evening in bed, before going to sleep, a febrile rigor AURUM MURIATICUM. 39 1 through the whole body as if he had taken cold, in a draught, he could hardly get warm (aft. 16, 19 h.). [^L^/i.~\ In the evening febrile rigor over the whole body, with dry cor3^za, without heat and without thirst after it. [_Lg'k.'] 435. In the evening after lying down, shivering and chilliness; before lying down, headache. In the evening, a febrile rigor all over, with coldness of the hands, and warmth of the face and the forehead, without thirst. Chills and heat alternately. \_I^r. H.'] Heat in the face, with cold hands and feet. Slight perspiration at night like vapor and moistness only be- tween the thighs like sweat (aft. lo h.). 440. Morning — sweat all over AURUM MURIATICUM. (SOLUTION OF CHIvORIDB OF GOLD.i) Drawing headache in the forehead (aft. 2 h.). A tickling itching on the forehead (aft. i h.). In the left eye, a tearing pain. Ringing in the ears (aft. 6 h.), 5. After the ringing, dullness of hearing, as if the ears internally were wide and hollow, and so could not perceive anything dis- tinctly. In the nose a crawling, as if something was running about in it. A burning and itching pain externally in the upper part of the nose. Redness and itching inflammation on the nose which after- wards desquamates. Red swelling of the left side of the nose; the cavity of the nose is ulcerated deep in, with a dry, yellowish scab and a sensa- tion of stoppage, although sufficient air passes through. 10. Red swelling on and under the right nostril; with a painless ulcer-scab within and with a sensation of stoppage, though air passes through. \_Mch.^'] Discharge of a greenish-yellow matter from the nose, without bad smell, for 7 days (aft. 10 d.). In the teeth a twitching pain, partly on the side and parth' in the upper incisors. Twitching toothache also in the anterior upper row of teeth. Distension of the abdomen. >1< >i< >1< >ii ;[i >i< ^ :> 15. The breathing is short and as if stopped in the larynx, for several days. iThis medicine stands here as in Materia Medica Pura. — Hughes. -M.ich.\e.T.— Hughes. 392 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Several stitches close above the heart. In the wrist a swelling without pain per se. , tension only in bending back the hand; on grasping with it, he has stitches in it. Tearing pain in the middle finger after dinner. FULMINATING GOLD/ Bellyache, especially in children, with apprehension (P/iar- mac. Wirtemb. II., p. 28.^) Sinking of the strength, syncope, cold sweat on the limbs, violent vomiting, convulsions. [Fr. Hoffmann, Med. rat. Syst. II., p. 287.T Violent diarrhoeas. [Ludovici, pharmac. med. sec. appl. pp. 182, 188.'] BARYTA CARBONICA. (Crystalline muriate of baryta is finely powdered, boiled for a few minutes with 6 parts of alcohol, to remove any muriate of strontia that may be present ; the remaining powder is dissolved in six parts of boiling distilled water and precipitated with weak am- monium, say a solution of sal ammoniac in water. The precipi- tated baryta is washed several times with distilled water and then dried.) One grain of this bartya is first brought to the millionth powder attenuation, and then being dissolved, it is diluted and potentized to the decillionth degree (X) as taught in the direction for the prepara- tion of drj^ antipsoric remedies in part I. A few of the smallest pellets, moistened with this medicine and put into a powder of sugar of milk, form a dose which will prove efficient of good for over 40-48 days, if the medicine was selected homoeopathically suitable to the case of disease. This antipsoric medicine may be used very advantageously in many cases, and is especially serviceable where the following ail- ments are among the chronic ills to be cured : Weeping mood; anxiety about domestic affairs; shyness as to strange persons and as to social meetings; headache close above the eyes; the head easily catches cold; eruption on the head; baldness of 1 This medicine stands here as in the Materia Medica Piira. — Hughes. - Not accessible. — Hughes. 3 Statement as to pernicious effects. These sjmiptoms ended in death.— Hzcghes. 4 Not accessible.— //^M^^^.y. BARYTA CARBONICA. 393 the head; eriiptioji on the ears, and behind them; tubercles behind the ears; eruption on the lobule of the ear; roaring and ringing be- fore the ear; pressure in the eyes; inflammation of the eyeballs and eyelids with photophobia; the eyelids closed by suppuration; fly- ing webs and black spots before the eyes; dimness of vision, he cannot read; the eyes are dazed by the light; scurf under the nose; eruption on the face; single jerks in the teeth; burning stitches in the hollow tooth, when anything warm touches it; dryjiess of the mouth; constant thirst; eructation after a meal; sour eructation; water-brash; long continued nausea; pressure 07i the stomach, both when fasting and after a meal; pain of the stomach, on touching the scrobiculus cordis; difiicult knotty stool; hard and insufficient stool; urging to urinate and frequent micturition; weakness of the sexual powers; leucorrhoea just before the menses; coryza; troublesome dryness of the nose; noctur?ial cough; mucus on the chest with nocturnal cough; excess- ive secretion of mucus in the chest; palpitation of the heart per- ceptible per se; pain in the small of the back; stiffness of the small of the back; stiffness of the nape of the neck; stitches in the nape of the neck; pain in the deltoid muscle, on lifting the arm; the arm goes to sleep, while lying on it; going to sleep of the fingers; draw- ing and tearing in the legs; ulcers on the feet; fetid sweat of the feet; painful lymphatic swelling on the ball of the big toe; twitch- ing and jerking of the body in daytime; heaviness in the whole body; asthenia; general weakness of the nerves and the body; ten- dency to take cold; warts; raving when asleep; at night, twitching of the muscles of the whole body; 7iight-sweat. The names of my fellow-provers are marked as follows: Ad., Dr. Adams; Gr., Dr. Gross; Htb., Dr. Hartlaub, Sen.; Hn., Dr. Hart- man?i; Ng., anonymo2is; Rt., Dr. Rueckert; St., Dr. Stapf; Rl., Dr. Rummel.^ The symptoms marked with a dash before them ( — ) were caused by acetate of baryta. Smelling of a solution of camphor proved an alleviation of the excessive effects of baryta, and smelling of a highly potentized solu- tion of zinc removes the troublesome symptoms of baryta. 1 The few symptoms marked Sr. are reported by Dr Schrcter, of Hungan-, cf. Preface to Borax. — Transl. Baryta carbonica first appeared in the edition of 182S, where it contains 2S6 symptoms. The present list is made up of these ; of the results of proving the acetate reported by Adams. Gross, Hartmann, Rueckert and Stapf in Vol. III. of the Archiv. (1S24); and of a pathogenesis of the carbonate furnished by Hartlaub and Nenning to the third Vol. of Hartlauband Trink's Arzneimittellehre. The manner of these last two provings is unknown. A few symptoms are added by Rummel, who doubless proved the 30th dilution.— //■//^'7/<\'c. 394 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. BARYTA CARBONICA. Dejected, he did not want to speak. Dejection and unsociableness. [Neumann, krankh. d. vors- tellungs vermoegens, p. 345^] — Misanthropy. \Gr.'\ — She suspected, that when walking in the street, men found fault with her, and judged her amiss, which made her anxious, so that she dared not look up, she looked at nobody, and perspired all over. \Gr^ 5. — Sad mood. \Gr?i^ Sad and anxious; all manner of gloomy ideas as to his future fate rise in his mind, and he believes himself totally forsaken; in the evening (aft. 35 d.). [A^.] — An evil fearful foreboding comes suddenly upon his soul, as if, e.g., 2. beloved friend might suddenly have fallen fatally ill. \Gr^ — Grief at every trifle. \_Gr^ — Great solicitude and anxious apprehension. \Gr.'\ 10. — She is very anxious and solicitous about things quite trifl- ing, which else are indifferent to her. \Gr^ — Anxious and fearful; a little noise on the street seems to him at once like fire alarm, and he is frightened by it, so that it darts through all his limbs. \_Gr.'\ — The greatest irresolution; he proposes to himself a brief journey, and as soon as he is to make his preparation, he is sorry for it, and prefers to stay at home. \Gr.'\ — lyong wavering between opposing resolutions (aft. several days. \Gr.'\ — During the day she determines to attend to some particular matter; but scarcely has the time come, when she is sorry for it, and she knows not for irresolution what to do or to leave undone. [Gr.] 15. — All self-confidence has vanished. \Gr.'\ Great timidity and cowardice. Extremely discouraged and pusillanimous; she thinks she will die, and weeps (yth-ioth d.). [A^.] Pusillanimity and anxiety. [Neumann, 1. c] Great ennui and ill-humor. [A^.] 20. — Cross and peevish. [6^r.] Indisposed to play, of children. [Neumann, 1. c] — Peevish, cross, indisposed to work. \^Ad^ Cross and quarrelsome. [A^.] — Extremely contrary, irritable humor, passionate about trifles (very soon). {St.'\ 25. — Sudden, excessive, but quickly transient burst of anger and wrath, even to rage, even from slight causes, easily provoked even to violence (aft. several d.). \Gr.'\ Mirthfulness, passing over into wantonness. Lack of memorjT- (aft. 16 h. ). 1 Observations on scrofulous children treated by baryta. — Hughes. BARYTA CARBONICA. 395 Great forgetfulness, he does not know what he has said just before (aft. 27 d.). [A^.] — Forgetfulness, he forgets the word he is about to utter. [Gr.] 30. — In the midst of her talk she often cannot think of quite a common word, \_Gr.^ Inattention of a child in studying. [Neumann, 1. c] Dullness in the head. — Stupid in the head. [Ad.] Gloomy in the head, early on awaking and the whole fore- noon (aft. 27 d.). [A^.] 35. Numb feeling of the head, when sitting; passing off in the open air (20th d. ). [7V^.] — Numb feeling of the head, spreading toward the temple and the forehead. \_Ad.~\ — Numb feeling, dullness and heaviness of the head. [Gr.'\ Numb feeling and heaviness of the head, in the evening, with drowsiness; the head always tends to fall forward; at the same time peevish and tired (aft. 46 d.). [A^.] — Stupid in the head, with tensive numbness in the forehead and the eyes, chiefly in the inner canthi. [_Gr.'\ 40. Reeling sensation in the head, so that he had to sit down and hold on to something, with nausea. Vertigo. [J^t.] Vertigo, early after rising, everything turns around with her, with fainting nausea in the stomach (8th- nth d.). [A^.] Vertigo, with nausea, from stooping. Vertigo, with headache, from stooping (aft. 25 d.). 45. Vertigo on raising up the head from stooping. [A^.] Vertigo, so that he knew not where he was, from walking over a little bridge. [A^.] — Vertigo on moving the body. [Ad.] Vertigo, so that everything seemed to turn around, suddenly on raising the arms. (12th d.). [A^.] Headache, in the evening, so that every noise, especially the voices of men, caused pain to her brain (5th d.). 50. — Pressive pain in the left temple (aft. several d. ). [Gr.~\ — Pressive pain through the right half of the brain, from the neck to the protuberances of the forehead (aft. i)^ h.). [///;^.] Pressure in the brain under the crown, toward the occiput, on awaking from sleep, with stiffness of the nape. — Dull, pressive pain in the occipital bone, from the cervical vertebrae, behind the right ear, obliquely into the parietal bone; at 4 p. M., returning at the same hour the following day. [//f;i.] — Stupefying, dull pressure in the forehead, close above the the root of the nose. [Gr.'] 55. — Pressive pain in the forehead, close above the right eye. imd.-] Pressive pain in the forehead, from within outward (^ utli d. \ — Pressive, pushing thrust in the left temple, outward ^att. 2>^ h.). [mn.] 396 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. — Pressive, aching pain, outward, in the whole forehead, es- pecially in the orbits of the eyes, very much aggravated on hold- ing the head upright, ceasing on stooping (aft. lo h.). [Htn.'] — Violent pressure in the whole head, as if it were about to burst; especially violent in both the frontal protuberances and above the orbits of the eyes (aft. 4^ h.). [Htfi.'] 60. Pressure, with heaviness on the right side of the sinciput. — Feeling of heaviness in the whole occiput, especially close to the nape, with tension therein, without change from motion (aft. 4h.). IHhi.'] Feeling of tension about the skin of the whole forehead, as if too tight; after dinner. [A^.] Tension, with burning on a little spot on the left parietal bone (aft. i h.). [A^.] Painful compression of the head from both sides, as from screwing in a vice, then tearing in a little spot of the left parietal bone and later in the occiput of the left. [A^.] 65. Sharp drawing over the left eye, extending from the nose toward the temple, in the evening. [Htb.'] — Sudden intensely painful drawing, from the occiput over the right ear down to the lower jaw. [Gr.'] Tearing in the crown. \_Htb.'] Fine tearing on a small spot of the right parietal bone, deep in the bone. [A^.] Tearing in the left side of the occiput, relieved by bending back the head. [A^.] 70. Tearing, with twitching in slight intermissions, deep in the brain, behind the right ear, instantly renewed by touching it. Rheumatic pain in the occiput, with glandular swellings in the nape of the neck. [A^.] — Twitching deep within the temple, the orbit and the ear of the left side. [6^r.] Twitches in the head, beginning at once from the heat of a stove. [A^.] Violent dull stitches in the left frontal protuberance, on stooping in washing. [A^.] 75. Sharp stitches in the whole head, decreasing and increasing (3dd.). Stitches in the side of the head, also after dinner and in the evening, when it is worse on the left side. [A^.] Dull stitches over the right temple in the morning, in yawn- ing. [A^^.] Dull stitches in the left side of the head, from the occiput into the frontal protuberance, or alternating, now here, now there. Violent stitches in the brain, with heat and formication in the head (aft. 15 d.). [A^.] 80. — Small severe stitches in the right frontal protuberance, out- ward (aft. 9 h.). \_Hhi.'] BARYTA CARBONICA. 397 Pressive stitches on the crown, spreading through the whole head as often as she stands in the sun. [A^.] — A stitch producing dilatation, beginning in the left side of the head, passing through all the left side of the occiput, and ter- minating in the vertebrae of the neck (aft. 9 h.). \Ht7i^ — Drawing stitches, aggravated intermittingly in the left mastoid process in a small spot, which also violently pains after- ward, especiall}^ on touching it, or on turning the head. [6^r.] A burning stitch in the right temple. [A^.] 85. Beating, with stitches in the left side of the head (7th d.). Throbbing in the occiput, extending into the frontal protuber- ance; in the evening (5th d.). [A^.] Violent throbbing in the sinciput, deep in the brain, on stoop- ing (aft. 30 d.). [A^^.] — Burrowing headache in the forehead and the temples. [Cr.] — Burrowing headache in the upper and anterior parts of the head, almost dail5^ early on arising, continuing during the fore- noon, and quiescent in the afternoon; in shaking the head, the brain seems loose and detached. \_Gr^ 90. Sensation of looseness of the brain, which on moving the head seems to fall to and fro (aft. 45 d.). [A^.] In stooping, a sensation as if everything was about to fall foreward into the forehead (aft. 16 d.). [A^.] On knocking the foot against anything, concussion in the brain. Much rush of blood to the head; it feels as if the blood stopped and could not circulate (aft. 27 d.). Humming in the head as if from boiling water (aft. 27 d.). Wg:\ 95. Heat in the head, early on rising, and stabs as from knives (17th d.). \.Ng:\ Early on waking, first heaviness, then after rising, heat in the head, with coldness in the hands and feet. Feeling of coldness in the right side of the head, as of ice, and yet at the same time a sensation of burning. [A^.] — Without feeling cold, a shivering thrill over the hairy scalp, as if the hairs stood on end. \Gr.~\ — The skin of the head aches at every touch. \Rt^ 100. Pain as if the hair was being pulled upward, on a small spot of the right parietal bone. [A^.] The hair of the head comes out in combing (aft. 4 d.). [/v/.] — On the hairy scalp, here and there, slow fine stitches, com- pelling him to scratch. \Gr^ Itching and gnawing on the hairy scalp and on the tem- ples (aft. 3d.). Itching, crawling here and there on the head, passing olt by scratching. [A^.] 105. Formication as from ants, in the whole scalp in the evening. Small pimples on the sides of the hairy scalp. [A ^4,'. J 398 hahnkmann's chronic diseases. Small furuncle on the forehead. [A^.] Eruption on the forehead (like herpes?) with more of a burning than an itching sensation. [A^.] An old lump on the hairy scalp, hitherto painless, begins to enlarge and to pain on being touched, as if festering underneath. no. Eruption on the right eyebrow, which on being touched causes a stinging pain. The eyeballs are painful. {Htb?^ Violent pains in the left eye and from there over the temple into the ear (aft. 20 h.). — Pain and weariness of the eyes, with pressure in them. \_Gr.-\ — Pressure deep in the eyes, aggravated when she looks at one particular point or upward and to the side, but relieved by winking or looking downward (aft. several d.). \Gr^ 115. — Constant pressure on the eyeballs. \Gr^ — Dull pressure in the left eye, after twitching headache in the left temple and orbit, with a sensation as if water was about to gather in the eye, and a sort of weakness, compelling her to close it frequently; at last the same takes place in the right eye. Pressure in the external canthus, as if a grain of sand was in it. [yV^.] Pressure in both eyes, with itching, as from dust. [A^.] Tearing in the ej^es. [77M,] 120. Twitching tearing in the right upper eyelid. [A^.] Twitching stitches in the external canthus. [A^.] A stitch through the left upper eyelid. ]A^.] Itching on the edge of the upper eyelid. [A^.] Itching in the eyes. 125. Itching, burning, pressing and feeling of soreness and dry- ness in the eye. Dry heat and "pressure in the eyes. \Htb^ Burning of the eyes on straining the sight. [A^.] Burning of the eyes in the inner canthi and severe lachry- mation of the same. [A^.] Sensation as if a burning spark darted from the upper border of the right orbit down to the root of the nose. [A^-.] 130. Internal inflammatory redness of the eyelids. Redness in the white of the eye and a white pimple thereon, near the cornea. [i/M.] Reddish, white of the eye and lachrymation. Swelling of the eyelids in the morning. The eyes are swollen in the morning. 135. Pus externally on the eyelids, especially in the morning. Agglutination of the eyes in the external canthi at night. The eyes are closed by suppuration. Difficulty in opening the eyelids in the morning. Closing of the eyes in the evening twilight. 140. — Rapid change from dilation to contraction of the pupils, during which they seem not to be quite round, but with some obtuse angles (aft. 5 min.). \Gr^ BARYTA CARBONICA. 399 — Everything appears to her for several minutes as in a mist, when she closes her eyes on account of pressive pain in the eye- balls and presses a little with the hand upon the eyeballs. [_Gr.'] Like gauze before the eyes, in the morning and after dinner. Frequent obscuration of the eyes. Black spots before the eyes (aft. 24 h.). 145. The candle-light has a halo with rainbow colors. Sparks before the eyes in the dark. Sparks of fire before the eyes and tearing in them. \_I/td.~\ In the ears, a drawing, a sort of otalgia. Tearing in the left ear, outward. [A^.] 150. Tearing with boring and drawing in the bone before the right ear. [7V^.] Tearing behind the right ear. [A^.] Stitches deep in the left ear. [A^.] Severe continual stitches in the ear for two days (aft. 28 d.). — Violent stitches, so that she has to scream, several times a day under the right ear beside the ramus of the lower jaw (aft. 24 h.). [Gr.] 155. Boring in the right ear, so violent that she would like to scream. [A^.] Throbbing like pulsation in the (left) ear, on which he lay at night. [A^.] Throbbing and severe pressure after midnight, deep in the right ear on which he lay, and on turning over on the left side, it goes to the left ear. [A^.] Beating before the left ear, when he lies on it. Itching in the ears (aft. 24 d.). 160. Severe itching in the left ear. [A^.] Crawling and quivering in the left ear. [Ng.] Crawling pain in the bone before the right ear. [A^.] Eruption on the ears. The right parotid gland is swollen and painful to the touch. 165. Cracking in the ear w^hen walking briskly, when swallowing, sneezing, etc. A snapping sound in the ear, as if it was broken, when swallowing. A snapping sound in both ears, on swallowing. He could not lie on his left ear, else there would be in it a clucking sound passing through to the right ear, preventing him from sleeping (aft. it d.). Sound of explosion in the ears at night. 170. Stunning noise in the ears (aft. 2 d.). Ringing in the ears. \_I/fd.'] Eoud, continued ringing of the ears. Roaring and buzzing before the ears (aft. 28 d.^ Severe roaring in the ears, in the evening, like the ringing of bells and the rushing of a storm. 175. An echo in the ears from severely blowing the nose. Resounding in the ear, even on taking breath, as on a sounding board (aft. 2d.) 400 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sensation as of deafness. [^/.] Hardness of hearing (the first days). Her nose feels swollen and agglutinated within. [A^.] 1 80. Crawling sensation on both sides of the nose. Burning on a small spot on the back of the nose, as from a drop of hot fat. [A^.] Bleeding at the nose, several times a da^^ (aft. 24 h.). Frequent bleeding at the nose. Frequent and profuse bleeding of the nose (aft. 24 h.). 185. Bleeding at the nose early in bed, of light-red blood. [A^.] On blowing the nose, every time a stream of blood follows. The nose bleeds readilj', on blowing and clearing it. The sense of smell is very sensitive. [^Htb.'] In the face, sharp stitches. [A^.] 190. — Painful stitches in the face. \_Rl.^ Quivering in the left side of the face. [_Ng.\ Running or crawling on the left cheek (ist d. ). [A^.] Feeling of tension in the whole skin of the face. [A^.] — Tension in the face, drawing down the e3^elids, with inclina- tion to throw out sputa. \_Gr.'] 195. — Tensive sensation in the whole face, with loathing and diar- rhoeic stool (aft. 1% h.). \_Htb.'] — Sensation as if the skin of the whole face was covered with cobwebs. \St.'] — Very disagreeable sensation, over the skin of the whole face and over thehairj^ scalp, and especially in the temporal region, as if something closely fitting w^as drawn over it, with a sensation of cold in the face (very soon). \_St.'] Sensation of swelling in the face. [A^.] — Sensation as if the whole face was swollen thick, but this was only slightly the case, although the folds of the face, which at other times were deep, had totally disappeared, and the face seemed smooth for several hours (aft. ^ h. ). [St.'] 200. Swelling of the left cheek and of the region behind the ear, with pain in the temple (aft. 30 d. ). — Sensation of heat in the face, without redness of the same. [_Htb.'\ Heat and redness of one cheek, while the other frequentl}^ was cold. Redness of the face, in the evening (12th d.). [A^.] Severe redness in the face, with deep-red lips and strong ebullition of the blood (at once). 205. Rough dr)^ place on the right cheek. [A^.] Small pimples in the face, like furuncles, but without sensa- tion. [A^.] The lips are dr}^, earl}'- after rising. [A^.] Feeling of dr^mess in the lips and in the gums, not relieved b}' drinking. \_Htb.'] Burning on a small spot on the red of the lower lip (lythd.). 210. Sensation of swelling in the upper lip. [A^.] BARYTA CARBONICA. 4OI — Sensation in the upper lip, as if it was about to swell up, but on its inner side and on the palate a sensation as if it was burnt or turgid. [5/.] Swelling of the upper lip with burning pain. [A^.] Cracked upper lip. [I/fb.'] A burning chap on the lower lip. [A^.] 215. A cluster of small itching pimples with a red base, below the left corner of the mouth. [A^.] A blister on the lower lip. [A^.] — A broad red spot on the upper lip, under the skin, very painful to the touch. [Ad.~\ — Pustule in the right corner of the mouth, painful to the touch. [Ad.] Under the chin, pressure, aggravated by touching and by moving the lower jaw. [A^.] 220. He cannot close the lower jaw without great pain in the ar- ticulation of the jaw. A tearing pain in the lower jaw. [A^.] A stitch in the middle of the lower jaw. [A^.] Painful gnawing in the left lower jaw. [A^.] The glands on the lower jaw are painful. 225. Swelling of the glands of the lower jaw (aft. 39 d.). Toothache in the evening in bed, not during the day (aft. 8 d.). Tensive and lancinating pain in the whole of the right row of teeth. Threatening pain in a molar. [A^.] Tearing in the molars. [A^.] 230. Painful gnawing in the roots and the gums of the molars. Boring in the teeth, as if they were being burst in pieces, when anything cold or warm is brought in the mouth. Drawing, jerking, throbbing toothache, as if something was lodged under the teeth, drawing into the ear and the right temple. Throbbing pain, with great sensitiveness in a lower molar, early after rising, [A^.] Burning pain, now in an upper, then in a lower tooth of the left side, with gathering of much saliva in the mouth; he can not lie on this side, because the side of the head then seems to him as it were squeezed in, and there is throbbing in the left ear. 235. Formicating burning in the left lower row of teeth (aft. ^6 d. ). Painful formication in the crown of the teeth, in the evening (6th d.). [A^^.] Sore pain in the tooth, she dared not touch the tooth. A sound tooth begins to be loose, and pains during eating and for some time afterwards. (A tooth becomes hollow rapidl3^) 240. Severe bleeding of the teeth, frequently. The gums bleed and seem to recede from the teeth. [A"/.] — Swelling and painfulness of the gums of an upper molar on the right side; it only looks reddish and has a narrow, dark- red 27 402 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. border near the tooth; on drinking anything cold, the tooth pains acutely, as well as the neighboring ones. \_Gr.~\ The buccal cavity feels numb in the morning (3d and 4th d.). The whole mouth is filled with inflamed vesicles, especially the palate and the inside of the cheeks. 245. On the tongue, early on awaking, roughness; when he touches the palate with it, it feels like a grater (31st d.). [A^.] Hardness of a spot on the middle of the tongue, with burning on being touched, for several days (aft. 18 d. ). [A^.] A chap, with burning pain, on the tip of the tongue (4th d.). A crack, as if torn, on the left border of the tongue, which pains as if sore. Pain on the side of the tongue, as from vesicles. 250. Pointed vesicles, on the middle of the tongue. Burning vesicles on the tip of the tongue, of long duration (aft. 6d.). [A^^.] A vesicle under the tongue. [A^.] Thickl}^ coated tongue. Drjmess of the tongue, in the morning, with a sensation as if the throat was swollen, on deglutition. 255. In the palate, pricks, as from neeedles (9th d.). [A^.] Dryness in the mouth, early on rising. [A'^.] Glutinous sensation in the mouth. Much thick mucus in the mouth. [A^.] Constant spitting of saliva, for eight days (aft. 38 d.). [A^.] 260. — Constant spitting of saliva, without nausea. \_Gr.^ The mouth is always full of water, rising up from the stomach (14th d.). [A^^.] In the throat, scratchy and rough, worse after swallowing (2d d.). [A^^.] Roughness and excoriation in the throat, after previous night- sweat, more painful in empty deglutition than while swallowing soft food (aft. 48 h.). Sore throat, with excoriation on deglutition, but chiefly on empty deglutition; the neck is also painful externally on both sides, on being touched. 265. Lancinating sore throat on empty swallowing and in swallow- ing food. Shooting in the throat (aft. 14 d.). [A^.] Shooting in the throat, worse when swallowing, with dryness, in the evening (6th d.). [A^.] Dryness and severe painful, shooting and pressure, as from a swelling, posteriorly in the left side of the throat, only on degluti- tion (4th d.). [A^^.] Pressive sore throat in swallowing. 270. Choking or contraction in the throat, with interception of breath, so that he has to unbutton his clothes during dinner (26th d.). [A^^.] Fits of choking in the throat, after dinner, while sitting and BARYTA CARBONICA. 403 writing, with a sensation as if the thyroid gland was pressed in- w^ard, and the breath thus impeded (aft. 28 d.). Contraction in the throat, with a sensation in swallowing as if a plug was in the region of the larynx, worse in the afternoon. Sensation in the fauces, as if a delicate leaflet was lying before the posterior nares, early on awaking (2d d.). [A^.] In sneezing, a sensation in the fauces as if in the upper part of the throat a piece of flesh had become detached, with burning in the spot (4th d.). [^.] 275. Sensation as of much mucus in the throat, and, therefore, much tendency to drink, so as to become rid of this sensation. Sensation in the fauces after previous scraping there, as if there was a plug in the throat, or as if a morsel of food had lodged there. Sensation of swelling in the throat, in the morning, on deglu- tition, with dryness of the tongue. Swelling of the left tonsil. After chill and heat and bruised feeling in all the limbs, in- flammation of the throat with thick swelling of the palate and the tonsils, which pass into suppuration, on account of which he cannot open his jaws, nor speak, nor swallow; with dark-brown urine and sleeplessness (aft. 18 d.). 280. Sense of taste quite lost, for several days. [A^.] Perverted taste in the mouth, every morning, with thickly coated tongue. Perverted, bitter taste and smell in the mouth. Bitter and slimy sensation in the mouth, with coated tongue (etiid.). INg.-] — Very bitter taste in the mouth, while food has its proper taste. [Gr.'\ 285. Sour taste in the mouth, in the evening. Sour taste in the mouth before eating, not afterwards. Sour taste in the mouth, early after rising (48th d.). [A^.] Sweet taste posteriorly on the root of the tongue (aft. 19 d.). Salty taste in the mouth and throat, in the afternoon. 290. — Scratchy taste in the throat, during the (customary) smok- ing of tobacco (aft. ^ h.). \^Htn.'] Unbearable, fetid smell from the mouth, which he himself did not perceive (5th d.). [A^.] Thirst, with dryness in the mouth. [A^.] Lack of appetite. [Htb.'] Appetite scanty, for several days. [A^.] 295. Lack of appetite for three weeks (aft. 26 d.). — lyittle appetite, but food tastes good; no hunger. [_Gr.'\ — Satiety the whole day; whatever she eats, she eats without hunger. [_Gr.'] — Shght appetite, and if he eats anything, it will not go down; the food has its proper taste, but is repugnant to him; and eating it makes him uncomfortable. \_G?\^ Indifference to sweet things. 300. Aversion to fruit, especially to plums. 404 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. — Aversion to eating, and yet a sensation of hunger. \_J^f.~\ Sensation of hunger in the stomach, but no appetite (aft. 10 d.). [A^^.] Hunger, at once in the morning on rising (2d d.). [A^.] Insatiableness. 305. (lyickerishness.) — Good appetite, every day, and hunger soon returns, if he only satisfies himself moderately; but if he satisfies himself fully , there is great discomfort and indolence. \_Gr.'] During dinner, several of his ailments seem to decrease. [A^.] When eating and drinking, heat overpowers him. — After eating he feels prostrated, weary and uncomfortable, with constant tenesmus and anxious feeling in the lumbar region, as when resting.^ \_Gr.~\ 310. After dinner he feels ver}^ warm and uncomfortable, and feels a pressure in the right side over the stomach. After dinner, great indolence and indisposition to work. \_I/fd.~\ After dinner, there seems to be a gauze before his eyes. After dinner, much urging to urinate. After dinner, incomplete eructation, with subsequent spas- modic, contractive pain in the stomach (17th d.). [A^.] 315. — Rising of air, with a sensation in the region of the stomach, as if the air had difficulty there in pressing through, causing a pain as of soreness, until eructation without taste follows after- ward. \_Gr.~\ Frequent eructation. Constant eructation. Eructation from the afternoon till late at night, so that he could not go to sleep (aft. 40 d.). Empt}^ eructation wakes him early from sleep (aft. 42 d. ). 320. Much empty eructation, in the afternoon (aft. 25 d.). — Empty, tasteless eructation (aft. ^ h.). [Z//;?.] — Empt}^ eructation, w^ith disagreeable taste, and gathering of water in the mouth, without nausea. \_Gr.'] Violent eructation, with pressure in the stomach, as if a stone came up with it and then fell back again. [A^.] Frequent eructation of air, with a sensation, as if a lump, the size of a filbert, was coming up with it, in the morning (aft. 19 d.). 325. Frequent, bitterish eructation. [A^.] Sourish eructation, daily, a few hours after dinner. Rancid eructation. [A^.] — Heartburn after a single eructation. \_Ad.^ Belching up of sweetish or bitter water after dinner. [A^.] 330. Violent hiccup, in the forenoon and after dinner. [A^.] Hiccup. Nausea, in the morning, fasting, with palpitation and anxiety. Nausea, as from a spoiled stomach, in the morning. [A^.] — Feeling of nausea about the stomach, qualmishness. [Ad.^ 335. — Inclination to vomit, discomfort, with a sort of qualmish- ness. [_Gr.^ 1 Doubtless misprint, "Ruhe" for "Ruhr;" as in dysentery'," cf. Sympt. \\i,.— Trayislator , BARYTA CARBONICA. 405 — Inclination to vomit, in the stomach, when walking, aggra- vated by touching the region of the stomach, without gathering of saliva. [Ad.) Vomiting of mucus, frequent. Pains in the stomach. [-/?/.] Sensitiveness of the scrobiculus cordis, every time on setting her foot hard on the ground, she has a sense of pain there. [6^r.] 340. Fullness in the stomach after eating, as if he had eaten too much, [md.'] Feeling of over-repletion in the stomach. [A^ ] — Heaviness in the stomach, with nausea, in the morning, fasting; passing off after breakfast (aft. several d.). [Gr.^ — Heaviness in the scrobiculus cordis, as from a load, which makes respiration difficult, aggravated by carrying a slight load. [Gr.] — Even if she eats ever so little, she feels full at once and feels a painful weight in the stomach, as from a stone, with pain- ful gnawing; the pain is only transiently relieved by stretching or by bending backwards; by sitting bent it is much aggravated. [Gr.] 345. Pressure in the stomach, as from a stone, relieved by eructa- tion. [AV.] Severe pressure in the stomach with nausea, after eating bread, not after cooked food, even when she eats little, with gathering of saliva in the mouth. Pressure and choking on the right side of the stomach extend- ing up into the chest, as if a hard body was laboriously pushing itself upward, from the morning till the afternoon. [A^.] — Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, with dyspnoea and a sensation as if in taking a deep breath, the breath was arrested there, at the same time hoarseness, only transiently relieved by clearing the throat, and aggravation of the pressive pain from slightly partaking of food, [Gr.'] Contractive pain in the stomach, in the afternoon. [A^.] 350. Pain in the stomach as from ulceration, on external pressure applied to it. — Pain as of soreness in the scrobiculus cordis on ex- ternally pressing upon it and in respiration (ist d.). [Gr.^ — Painful writhing sensation in the stomach when, in eating, the morsel gets down there, as if it had to squeeze its way through and impinged on sore places. [Gr.] — Even when fasting, she feels pains as of soreness in the stomach for several days. [6^?".] — The pressive sensation of soreness and gnawing in the stomach is most severe when standing and walking, as also in sit- ting bent forward; in lying on the back, in stooping forward or pressing with the hands on the stomach, she feels a painful pres- sure, but not the gnawing. [Gr.~\ 355. Fine stitches through the stomach, extending to the spine. — Pamful dull stitches, close under the scrobiculus cordis, 406 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASES. near the ensiform cartilage, which continue then as a simple pain. [Gr.-\ — Sudden drawing pain in the scrobiculus cordis, from time to time. [6^r.] Drawing tearing in the scrobiculus cordis, with the sensation as if a heavy burdening body rested there, on straightening up after stooping (aft. 17 d.). [A^.] Feeling of weakness in the stomach, passing away after dinner. \_Ng.'\ 360. Burning in the region of the stomach, in the afternoon. [A^.] Feeling of coldness and sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Violent dull stitches in the left hypochondrium. [A^.] Pain below the right ribs, with coldness of the hands and feet, and heat and redness of the cheeks (aft. 2d.). Pressive pain in the region of the liver, worse on motion and still worse when touched. 365. — Pressive pain in a small spot of the right hypochondrium, only on inspiring, especially on taking a deep breath; the place is also painful on pressure (2d d.). \Htb^ Tensive pain from the back forward, under the ribs of the right side, on rising from a seat, and on stooping low (to raise something) . Short stitches under the right hypochondrium, unaffected by respiration (aft. >^ h.). {^Htb?^ Bellyache, so violent that it draws in the navel and he had to bend double, in the evening. [A^.] He could not sleep at night for pains in the abdomen, as soon as he moved at all, the pains returned again (aft. 27 d.). [A^.] 370. The pains in the abdomen are relieved partly by eructations, partly b}^ warm applications. [A^.] — Disagreeable sensation in the epigastrium, as before vom- iting. \Rt:\ Fullness of the abdomen (aft. 19 d.). [A^.] Distension of the abdomen. Painful Distension of the abdomen. 375. Sensation in the abdomen, as if something in it was swollen. Large, inflated abdomen. Inflation of the abdomen with sensitiveness of the abdominal integuments, when touched. [A^.] Pressure in the abdomen above the ossa pubis, in the morn- ing, in bed, while lying on the back. [A^.] Pressure in the right side of the abdomen, in the morning, after awaking in bed; it passes off after rising. 380. Contraction of a spot on the left epigastrium, a handbreadth in width (2d d.). [A^.] — Sudden contractive pain in the hypogastrium, over the groin, aggravated by intermissions and then graduallv passing off (aft. 5 min.). [6^r.] — Sudden violent squeezing pain in the region of the trans- verse colon, as if flatus was pressing through by force. \Ad.'\ Griping in the abdomen, with nausea. BARYTA CARBONICA. 407 Griping about the navel, at the least motion which is made in the night while lying down, and while sitting down in daytime; passage of flatus alleviates and walking removes the pain (aft. 27 385. Griping about the navel, more while sitting than in motion. — Griping bellyache through the whole abdomen, spreading from above downward. \_Ad.'\ — Griping in the left epigastric region, in a small spot close below the left hypochondrium, aggravated by pressure with the finger (aft. ^ h.). ^Htn.'] Cutting bellyache, at night. Painful cutting in the abdomen, especially about the navel, in the evening (15th d. ) . [Ng.'\ 390. Cutting pain in the hypogastrium, at night, with urging on the rectum, with a dilating pain in the intestines and fullness above the ossa pubis, as if everything was stopped up and the abdomen would burst, when lying straight; followed first by a hard, knotty stool, then by a liquid stool with much urging, with a remission of the pains in the belly and subsequent burning in the anus (2d d.). — Violent colic, as if diarrhoea was coming, moving here and there in abdomen, and only transiently relieved by loud rumbling in the abdomen. [Ad.'\ — Sensation in the abdomen, as if she was to have diarrhoea, with a febrile rigor. \_Gr.'] — Anxious feeling, with discomfort and restlessness in lumbar region, like tenesmus; only transiently removed by passage of flatus or eructation of air; at last followed by a soft stool with brief intermissions. [Gr.'] Several drawing cuts, upward in the left epigastrium. 395. Drawing pain deep in the hypogastrium, along down the right groin, as by a string (2d d.). [A^.] A stitch on the right side of the abdomen, and at the same time in the small of the back (2d d. ). [A^.] Sudden stitches under the umbilicus (4th d.). [A^.] Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, during hiccup, while turning the body, yawning, and taking a deep breath; not while walking. — Sudden, sharp stitches on the right side of the abdomen, so that she feels like screaming. \_Gr.'] 400. — Suddenly, a violent stitch from the right groin into the abdomen, causing her to start. [6^r.] Externally, around the abdomen, a pain as if soreness, coming from the sacrum. [A^.] Pressing pain anteriorly in the abdomen, as if outside ot the bowels, in the muscles, especially in the evening; aggravated so as to be unbearable during motion and walking, quickly relieved by sitting and lying down, but at once returning on walking (,aft. 24 h.). In the abdominal ring, straining outward during motion and during stool. 408 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching on the spot where the hernia protrudes. 405. (Inflammation of the place of protrusion) (aft. 3d d.). Many troubles in the abdomen, owing to flatulence; the varices protrude, and are painful in sitting. — Grumbling and rumbling in the abdomen. l_Ad.'] — lyoud grumbling and clucking in the abdomen. lGr.~\ — Clucking in the abdomen, when moving the same, as from much liquid, though she has not drunk anything, in the after- noon. IGr.l 410. Emission of fetid flatus. [A^.] Very frequent tenesmus. Hurried urging to stool; she cannot keep back the stool, be- cause it surprises her too quickl3^ — Frequent urging to stool, but she does not have more evacuations than usual, and the stool then is natural. [6^r.] — Frequent urging to stool, with painful aching in the lumbar region, and shivers passing over the head and the legs, as in dysentery; then a soft stool -with brief intermissions, with constant pains in the loins witk renewed tenesmus. \_Gr^ 415. — Urging to stool, with violent pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines were being dilated; then soft stool, followed by renewed tenesmus (aft. i h.). \Htb7)^ Soft stool, after very hurried urging (after a hard stool had already preceded), with subsequent burning and dilatation of the rectum (ist and 2d d. ). \_Ng!\ — Soft, granular stool, without any attendant trouble. \_Gr^ — Soft and, at last, diarrhoeic stool. \_Ad.~\ Diarrhoeic stool (ist and 30th d.). [A^.] 420. Diarrhoeic stool mixed with blood, in a child. lyight-colored stool. Viscous stool. Hard stool, with burning in the anus. [A^.] Very hard stool, discharged with difiiculty, with pain in the rectum and bloody mucus. [i^/<^.] 425. The stool is sometimes omitted for 9 day. [A^.] Discharge of ascarides. Discharge of a round worm in the stool. [A^.] During a (normal) stool, burning in the anus. [A^.] After a (sufficient) stool, much empty eructation (aft. several 430. After the stool, humid varices. In the anus, varices as large as filberts, with excoriating and lancinating pains. Discharge of blood from the anus frequently, with distension of the abdomen. Crawling in the anus. Smarting in the anus. 435. Burning in the anus. [^/.] Pain as of soreness and burning around the anus, toward evening, [i?/.] Painful soreness around the anus as if from excoriation (aft 5 d.) [.?/.] BARYTA CARBONICA. 409 Stitches in the rectum, the whole day, and hard stool. Hurried urging to urinate, she cannot check micturition, it overtakes her too hurriedly. 440. Frequent micturition, every second day (aft. 29 h. ). [A^.] Increase of urine, she has to rise to urinate twice every night; the discharge copious every time (aft. 19 d.). [A^.] — Increased secretion of urine. \_Ad.'] — Frequent and copious micturition, in the morning, fasting, without having drank anything. \_Gr.'] — He has to pass urine frequently, though little at a time; the urine is clear as water. \_Stf.'] 445. Rare and scanty micturition with burning in the urethra (8th and 17th d.). \_Ng.'\ Urine, with yellow sediment. In micturition, burning in the urethra (15th d.). [A^.] During micturition, pinching in the abdomen. [A^.] After micturition, renewed urging, w^hen she emitted each time a few drops of urine; passing off while sitting. 450. Burning in the left testicle (aft. 13 d.). Violent itching on the right side of the scrotum, so that he cannot scratch enough. [A^.] — Profuse sweat of the scrotum. \^Ad.'] — Red, excoriated, humid, burning hot spot between the scrotum and the thigh. [Ad.'] — A testicular excrescence, swollen previously, again swells up very severely. [Ad.] 455. Numbness of the sexual organs for several minutes (aft. 28 d.). The sexual instinct is quiescent (the first daj^s). — Diminished sexual impulse. [Ad.] Very much increased sexual instinct (in after-effect). He goes to sleep over the coitus, without seminal effusion (aft. 21 d.). 460. Tardy erection (aft. 9, 14 d.). Erection, in the morning before rising, else a rare occurence (aft. 17 d.). [A^^.] Erections every night (aft. 30 d.). (After-effect?) In the evening sudden erection, more violent than for a 3'ear, with a vshiver and such violence, that coitus became necessary (aft. 10 h.). Pollution in an aged man, and then a feeling of dr^'ness all over the body (aft 10 d.). 465. Several pollutions in quick succession (in a married man) with subsequent lassitude (aft. 35 d.). Profuse nightly pollution, after a coitus shortly before (aft. 4 d.). With the woman, constantly increased sexual desire (^curative effect). With the woman, more inclination to coitus and thr more ox- citation and perseverance during it (curative effect). Menses extremely weak. 4IO HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 470. The menses flow very scantily and only for one day, while else they continued 2 or 3 days. [A^.] — The menses somewhat more copious and continued than usual, and take place without any of the former pains (curative effect). [6^r.] The catamenia appear 2 days sooner. [A^.] The catamenia set in too early and flow very copiously. During the catamenia, a pressure like a heaviness over the ossa pubis, in every position. [-A^.] 475. During the menses, cutting and pinching in the abdomen. During the menses, pain as from a bruise about the sacrum. Emission of some bloody mucus from the vagina, with anxious palpitation, uneasiness in the abdomen, pains in the sacrum and w^eakness even to syncope. Painful tearing in jerks, in the pudendum, so that she felt like screaming, in the evening (4th d. ). [A^.] Sneezing, so violent that the brain is shaken b}^ it, and a sen- sation of vertigo remains behind (ist d. ). [A^.] 480. Frequent sneezing, in quick succession in the evening. [^HtbJ] Stoppage of the nose. Troublesome dryness of the nose, [i^/.] A constant coryza, with sensation of stoppage in the nose (aft. 15 d.). iNg.] Frequent but brief attacks of coryza, scarcely longer than a half hour. 485. Fluent coryza, coming quickly and passing off soon. \_H'tb.'] Fluent coryza, with hollow deep voice and dry cough, in the morning and in daj^time, but not at night. Frequent discharge of mucus from the nose. [A^.] Frequent urging to blow the nose, with secretion of thick mucus in the nose, followed every time by a sensation of dryness (aft. 8d.). [A^^.] Discharge of thick, yellow mucus from the nose. \Htb.~\ 490. In the windpipe, stitches (2d d.). [A^.] — Pressure just below the larynx, unconnected with swallow- ing (aft. 3h.). \_Ht7i.-] In the throat, sensation, as if he inspired nothing but smoke (aft. 27 d.). iNg.-] Hoarseness for fourteen days. Hoarseness, or rather aphony, for several weeks. 495. — Voice husky, from viscid phlegm, which nearly always oc- cupies his fauces and larynx, for many days; he only ejects a little by hawking, and clears his tones therebj^ only for a short time. [Gr.] Roughness of the throat, and thence some paroxysms of coughing (aft. i h. ). [A^.] Tickling in the throat, inciting to constant tussiculation. Cough, excited by continual speaking (aft. 35 d.). [A^.] BARYTA CARBONIC A. 4II Cough after midnight. [7\^.] 500. Dry cough, soon after arising, with a sensation after it, as if a hard body fell down into the chest (aft. 20 d.). [A^.] Dry cough for three days, excited by a tickling in the wind- pipe and in the region of the heart; the only intermission is after midnight, and somewhat after dinner. [A^.] Dry, short cough, in the evening. Violent, dry cough, in the evening, with following weakness in the head. [A^.] Choking cough. 505. Cough, with expectoration of phlegm. \_Htb.'] Cough, from unceasing irritation, with mucous expectoration. A loose cough, with salty, starch-like expectoration, which had lasted for four weeks, passed away (curative action). [A^.] While coughing, feeling of soreness on the chest. [A^.] Arrest of breathing during coughing and without it (9th d.). 510. Fullness in the chest, with short breath, especially in ascend- ing a height, and with stitches in the chest, especially on inspir- ing. [A^^.] Fullness in the chest, and painfulness as if bruised on the left side. [A^.] Pain in the chest. IHtb.'] The pains in the chest are relieved partly by eructation and partly by application of warm cloths. [A^.] Pressure and tickling in the chest, with dry cough, pass away (curative effect). [A^.] 515. — Pressive heaviness, transversely across the chest, increased by inspiring, and then causing a lancinating pain under the upper end of the sternum (aft. }i h.). [^Htn.'] Stitches in the left part of the chest. Slight stitches in the left side of the chest, at every inspiration (aft. 19 d.). [A^^.] A violent stitch in the left side of the chest, on raising a heavy load with both hands (aft. 20 d.). [A^.] Sudden stitching and burning, deep in the left side of the chest, so that she was startled, in the evening (4th d.). [A{^.] 520. Transient stitches in the right breast, causing her to scream, in the evening (2d d.). [A^.] — Transient stitches in the right side of the chest, between the sixth and seventh ribs. [///??.] Dull stitches under the sternum, deep in the chest, with sub- sequent pain, as from a bruise on that spot (ist d.). [Ai'.] Stitches from the chest, coming out through the shoulders. [Htb.'\ Pains as from soreness in the chest, and externally in the same. [A^^-.] 525. Transient burning in the left side of the chest. [A.^-J Throbbing, with lancinating pain hi the left side of the chest, extending from the scrobiculus cordis upward. [A]i,''.] Violent beats of the heart, at times (in the first 14 d.\ 412 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sensation of a violent beating of the heart, anteriorly in the chest. [yV^.] Palpitation of the heart on lying on the left side, 530. Palpitation, which is renewed on thinking about it; for then she feels anxious; chiefly about noon. Externally, in the breasts, tearing and lancination (aft. 19 d.). Burning, externally, on the whole chest, with redness of the skin. [A^.] — Itching on the chest. \_Htb.'] Pain in the small of the back (aft. 12 d.). 535. Heaviness in the sacrum and the loins, as from a cold. Painful drawing in the sacrum, as if a heavy body was mov- ing downward there (6th d.). [A^.] Tensive pain in the sacrum, worst in the evening, so that he could not rise from his seat nor bend backward. Stitches in the sacrum, worse when sitting than in motion (aft. II d.). A violent stitch in the region of the sacrum. [A^.] 540. — A threatening throbbing in the lower part of the sacrum. Pain in the back as if he had been lying on too hard a bed. Great pain in the side of the back, on lying down. Weakness and lack of mobility in the spine, it feels as if it would collapse on prolonged sitting. [Htb.'] Pain, as from a bruise between the shoulders (5th and loth d.). INg.-] 545. Pain, as from a sprain in the left scapula. — Sudden, transient cramp-like pain in the left scapula, (aft. >^ h.). \_Htb.-] Dull stitches through the left scapula coming out through the chest in front (3d d.). [A^ ] — Transient stitch in the left shoulder-blade and on the outer side of the right thigh. [7//^.] Burning stitch on the outer border of the right scapula (2d d.). INg.-] 550. Burning in the upper part of the right scapula. [A^.] Burning on the loins, drawing transversely through the body. Burning in a small spot on the left side of the lumbar vertebrae, and at the same time in the lower part of the left scapula, worse when rising from a seat, better when walking; also at night, so that he can only lie on one side (17th, 19th d.). [A^.] Throbbing in the back, a strong pulsation, chiefly while at rest, and especially after emotions (the first 3d.). Throbbing, alternating with tearing, now on the left shoulder, then between the scapulae, also at night (aft. 19 d. ). [A^^.] 555. Severe itching on the back, day and night. Much itching, with eruption on the back. Itching on the left scapula, with small pimples after scratch- ing. [.Ng.-\ In the nape, stiffness, on awaking from the nap after dinner (aft. 24 h.). BARYTA CARBONICA. 413 Boring pain in the bones of the neck, neither aggravated nor diminished either by motion or touch (aft. 3d.). 560. — Pressive, tensive pain on the left side of the nape, when at rest and in motion. [Hhi.'] Swelling in the nape, which gradually extends all over the head, with redness and ulcerative pain of the skin and severe swelling of all the glands in this region, for several days (aft. 7 d.). {.Ng.-\ Several swollen glands in the nape, near the occiput. Itching pimples in the nape, close to the hair of the head (aft. 3d.). In the axillae, under the arms, frequent pain in the glands 565. In the shoulder-joint, an audible cracking at every motion of the left arm (aft. 18 d.). [A^.] — Painful digging in the left shoulder-joint. [6^r.] The arms are heavy and tremulous. Going to sleep of the arms, on resting them on the table. \_Rl.'] Going to sleep of the left arm; she could only rehabilitate it after much rubbing. 570. — Painful drawing in all the long bones of the right arm. [Gr.-] Tension here and there in the arms, always only in a small spot (2d d.). [Ng-.'] Swelling of the right arm, with pain in the axillary glands. — Acute pain in the humerus, in a small spot. \_Htb.'\ Pain in the humerus, as if an ulcer was about to form there. 575. — Pain in the middle of the left humerus, as if it had been beaten in two. [_Gr.'\ Pain as if from a blow, above the left elbow. \_Ng.'} On the elbow, pain as from a contusion. Twitching tearing in the bend of the right elbow. [A^.] Quivering, almost like shaking, in the bend of the left elbow, extending to the middle of the upper arm and of the fore-arm. iNg.-] 580. In the left fore-arm, painful tearing, from its middle to the wrist. [A^.] — Short painful drawing in the left fore-arm, as if in the bone, both when at rest and in motion (aft. i^ h.). [Htb.'] — Pain as from a bruise, intermittently aggravated, in the back of the fore-arm, seemingly in the long bone (aft. manv d.). [Gr.-] Paralytic pain in the fore-arm and in the hand, passnig away through motion and returning in rest. [A^f .] In the wrist- joint and in other parts of the right arm, tension or drawing. [AV.] 585. Drawing in the left wrist, up to the middle of the upper arm. — Twitching in the coronoid process of the ulna, in slow, undulating intermissions, in the morning, while lying in bod. 414 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. — Rhythmical, twitching pain in the styloid process of the radius. [_Gr.~\ Squeezing pain in the hand. [^/.] — Cramp-like pain in the right wrist, from within outward (aft. 3>^ li.). [^^^^-l 590. Tearing, sudden pain in the wTist. [A^.] — Tearing in the wrist, extending into the finger-tips. lGr.~\ Dull stitches in the left wrist, relieved by motion. [A^.] Pain as from a sprain, on the back of the hand. [A^.] The hands tremble, when writing. [A^.] 595. The skin of the hands is dry, like parchment (aft. 5 d.). Rough, dr}^ skin on the back of both hands. [A"^.] Peeling off of the skin on the back of both hands (aft. 20 d.). Distended veins on the hands, and redness of the same (12th Perspiration of the palms of the hands and of the fingers, in the afternoon (i8th d.). [A^.] 600. At first formication of the hands, then going to sleep of the same. [A^.] — Intolerable formication and gnawdng in the hollow of the hand, so that she has to rub it continually. [Gr,^ — Burning formication on the back of the hands and of the fingers, during the day, only transiently removed by scratching. [Gr.] Itching pimples on the wrist. [A^.] On the index, drawing as if paralyzed, with a feeling on bend- ing them as if it was turgid, especially at the tip. [//td.'] 605. Drawing pain in the posterior joint of the thumb. [A^.] Tearing in the posterior joint of the thumb and also in the fourth finger, as violent as if the finger had been torn out. [A^.] Tearing under the nail of the thumb. [A^.] Stitches in the posterior joint of the thumb, and suddenly in the tip of the thumb, so violent as to startle him. [A^.] — Violent, small, slight stitches in the posterior joint of the index of the left hand, both w^hen at rest and in motion (aft. g}i h.). [//^;^.] 610. Beating in the middle joint of the middle finger, as from a hammer. [A^.] Cracking of the joint of the thumb and of the little finger, on moving them. [A^.] Paronychia on the fourth finger of the left hand (aft. 2d.). Chapping and peeling off of the skin on the finger tips. [A^.] — Pustules on the left middle finger, with painfulness to the touch, as from a sore. [6^n] 615. In the hip- joint of the right side, pain on taking a walk. Cramp-like pain in the right hip joint, as if stiff or com- pressed in a vice, the pain spreading down the front side of the thigh. [A^^.] Sudden stitches in the hip-joint, as if dislocated, with pain, as if about to give way, in walking. On the nates, burning. BARYTA CARBONIC A. 415 Drawing pain in the right natis, as if the flesh were being pulled off. [yV^.] 620. Violent stitches in the natis. [^^^.] Stinging itching in the nates. [A^.] A small furunculus on the nates. [A^.] — Intermittent tearing downward in the right natis. lGr.~\ In the legs, much cramp. 625. Tension in the lower limbs up to the hips, as if all the tendons were too short, worst in standing, relieved by lying down (37th Tension and tearing in the lower limbs, relieved by walking (aft. 16 d.). [A^^.] Tearing and tension in the bones of the lower limbs down to the heel; somewhat relieved when walking (aft. 15 d.). [A^.] — Tearing down along the lower limbs, most long-continued and painful in the knees, but then also in the other joints, the nates, the hips and the ankles. [_Gr.'] — Drawing pain down the whole of the left lower limb. 630, Weariness in the legs, in the morning, as if he was about to collapse (loth d.). [A^.] — Weariness in the legs, and jerking in the foot, when sitting, with acute pain in the posterior surface of the thigh, aggravated by treading, and darting down into the foot. [Gr.^ Sense of pressure from without inward, in the bend of the right thigh. [A^^.] Burning in the bend of the thigh, as if in the bone, when sitting. [A^^.] Drawing down the anterior side of the thigh, as if in the bone, relieved when walking (27th d. ). [A^.] 635. Tearing in the right thigh, in the morning after arising, relieved by the warmth of the bed (19th d. ). [A^.] — Tearing down the external and anterior side of the thigh, down to the knee, under the skin, when walking (aft. 7 h.). Violent stitches in the right thigh, so that he could hardly walk (aft. 4 d.). Sudden dull stitches on the inner surface of the thigh, start- ling him (aft. 4 d.). [A^.] A blow on the thigh above the right knee when standing, so that she thinks she is about to fall forward. (A^.] 640. Violent pain as from a bruise in the middle of the right thigh, which gradually extends to the whole leg, and continues from the afternoon till midnight. [A^.] Quivering in the thigh above the right knee. [v^i^^J Severe itching on the thighs, also at night (aft. 11 d.\ In the right knee, at times a swift, momentary pain like gashes with a knife, paralyzing the leg. — Painful aching on the inner side of the left knee, on lifting and advancing the leg in walking (aft. several h.). \_Gr.~\ 645. — Pressive pain in the left knee, more toward the inner side, while sitting; by stretching out the foot, this pain changes into a dull pressive sensation. \_/ftn.~\ 4l6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing on the inner side of the knee down to the middle of the tibia, going off while walking, returning when seated. [A^.] — Tearing from the knee downward, under the skin, when walking (aft. 7 h.). \Htb.'\ Ivancinating pain in the knee-joint. — Sharp stitches on the inner side of the left knee suddenly, so that she is startled. [6^r.] 650. Violent stitches dart through the left knee on going up stairs and leave behind them a painful paralysis in the same. \Htn?^ Cutting burning in the right patella. In the leg, especially in the right tibia, a paralytic pain; re- lieved by resting the leg in an elevated position, e. g., on the sofa. Tension in the tibiae, on descending a mountain (aft. 16 d. ). Tension in the tendons of the calf, as if they were too short (iSthd.). [iV^,] 655. Cramp in the calves, on stretching the legs. Drawing pain, as if in the bones of the leg; in the evening, when sitting; he must rise and walk about. — Painful drawing on a small spot of the left tibia (aft. ^ h. ). Quivering in the right calf. \_Ng7[ Formication in the left calf, as if from its going to sleep, when sitting. lNg:\ 660. — Sensation as if a draft of cold air blew on the tibiae, down to the ankles. [6^r.] Restlessness in the feet. Restlessness in the feet, while sitting; he has to keep moving his leg, to relieve the tension in the thigh and the burning in the groin. \Ng^, Trembling of the feet in standing, so that he must hold to something, to keep him from falling (loth d. ). [A^.] Pain, in the ankle-joint, as if sprained. 665. Pain, as if sprained, in the ankle-joint and on the dorsum of the foot, even while at rest, with severe lancination when in motion. Cramp-like pain in the soles of the feet. \Htb^ Drawing pain in the foot, only while walking. — Drawing pain in the sole of the left foot. \_Htb.'\ Tearing in the feet, up into the knees, worse when moving. 670. Stitches, deep in the ball of the right foot. [A^.] Stitches in the heel. Burning in the soles of the feet, the whole night, and yet he can bear no cooling of them. \_Ng.'] Pain as of ulceration on the ball of the foot, on treading, especially in the morning on rising. [A^.] The hard skin on the sole of the foot pains acutely in walk- ing, like a corn. 675. Corns, with pinching pain. Burning stitches in the corns. & BARYTA CARBONIC A. 417 She gets corns on the toes. In the toes a drawing pain (aft. 5d.). Violent tearing in the right big toe, towards its extremity. 680. A tearing and a stitch in the left big toe, on the nail, with continuing sensitiveness of this spot; with great peevishness (ist d.). [iV^.] Cramp in the toes, on stretching the foot. In the joints, a very disagreeable lack of tone. Stitches, at times, in the joints. General great exhaustion. \Htb.'\ 685. Excessive acuteness of all the senses. \Htb^ The whole body feels bruised in the morning on awakin (aft. II d.). As if bruised all over the body, and very much exhausted (aft. 24 h.) — The whole body feels bruised, with weariness and heaviness of the lower limbs. \Gr?^ — Dull pressure, as if from bruising, slowly increasing and decreasing, here and there, in small spots. \Gr.'\ 690. Drawing, alternately in the right shoulder, the leg, the arms, the occiput and in the eyes, with heaviness of the occiput, great indolence and dizziness, causing drowsiness. [//"^^.J — Drawing in the whole body, now here, now there, especially in the joints. [6^?.] Tearing in the whole body, now here, now there (aft. yd.). Squeezing, pressive pain in several parts of the body, [i?/.] Sense of tightness and tension in the whole body, with anxiety, in the forenoon. [A^.] 695. Going to sleep of the arm, the foot, etc., when lying on them, She cannot lie on the left side, on account of ebullition of blood and strong pulsation of the heart, with a sensation of a wound in the heart, and great anxiety. — The ailments (tearing, drawing, dull, threatening pain) in the head and in the limbs are most felt on the left side. \_Gr.'\ Many troubles come on when sitting, are relieved when stand- ing, and pass off by motion. [A^.] Many troubles vanish in the open air. [A^.] 700. On the skin of the whole body, pricking, as from needles. — Painful, fine stitches here and there on the skin. {Htb^ — Crawling and burning pricks, as of needles, here and there, often sudden, in a small spot, not relieved by scratching and rubbing, to which they incite. [6^r.] — Unbearable crawling all over the body, especially on the back, the hips, the legs, the ankles, and on the dorsum of the feet, and on the back of the fingers, wakes him at night, and compels a continual scratching, which relieves only transienth-; for three nights in vSUccession. \Gr^ Burning on several places of the skin, now here, now there (aft. 17 d.): lNg:\ 28 4l8 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 705. Burning itching here and there. [A^.] Itching in the evening, in bed, now in the face, now on the back, now on the hands. Severe itching all over the bod}^ keeping her from sleeping for several hours at night (aft. 29 d.). Itching here and there, sometimes disappearing from scratch- ing, sometimes not. [/\^.] Itching here and there, and from scratching there ensues a violent pain. [^/.] 710. Pimples in many places, e. g., on the arms, the hips, the nose, the upper lip, forehead, etc. \Htb^ A small wound often makes trouble, e.g., a finger which had a splinter in it, which has been extracted, does not heal up; it suppurates and throbs, so that she cannot sleep for it at night. Great sensitiveness to cold (aft. 12 d.). Liability to take cold, and from it, especially inflammation of the throat. Colds cause sore throat; a sharp lancinating pain on swallow- ing (aft. 7 d. ). 715. Taking a walk is troublesome to him; but the farther he went, the easier it became. From taking a walk, headache. After the (customary) w^alk, colic, and then an exhausting night-sw^eat (aft. 5 d.). On taking a walk, the right foot gets cold, and he has tension in the calf. A little walk tires him verj- much; he has to sleep im- mediately after it. 720. Great weariness and lassitude of the body, so that he almost sinks down, in the evening at eight o'clock. \Htb^ When lying down, the weakness, which shows itself as heavi- ness, is least insupportable. [A^.] — Great Aveariness; he would like to continually lie or sit down. [6^r.] — Lack of steadiness and strength ; his knees give way in stand- ing, the spine is painful, especiall}' in the lumbar region, as if he had been taking a long ride on horseback; he feels uncomfortable in the whole body, and would like to sit continually, or rather still to lie down; not to stand, rather to walk. \Gr^ Quivering through the whole body, in the morning on rising. 725. Much yawning, every morning. Frequent, violent 3^awning. [A^.] — Frequent yawning, while her e3^es water. \Gr.'\ — Yawning, stretching, and drowsiness. \_Ad.'\ Great drowsiness after dinner, every da}^ [A^.] 730. Great drowsiness in the evening, so that his eyes close. \Htb:\ — Irresistible drowsiness, [i?/.] — Drowsy weariness, in the forenoon [6^r.] — She cannot help falling asleep in the afternoon, and nods continually^ [^?^.] BARYTA CARBONIC A. 4I9 Late in falling asleep in the evening, and then uneasy sleep, with dreams. [A^.] 735. In the evening, the thought, that she had during the da}^ made up her mind to sleep very soundl}^ during the night, kept her from going to sleep. Sleeplessness at night, from a sensation of great heat. [A^.] Frequent awaking, at night, at all hours. [A^.] Frequent awaking at night, the child called for its parents. — Although ver}' tired and sleep}^ when he went to bed, his first sleep was ver}^ uneasy and frequently interrupted; he frequently woke up, without any cause. \_Ad.'] 740. — She wakes up at night more frequently than usual; she feels very hot, she uncovers herself, and her feet ache, as if she had been standing for days; this passes off after rising and walk- ing. \_Gr.'] All night, frequent drawing in the ear. In the morning's nap, saliva runs from the mouth. Violent colic awakes him at midnight. Pain in the lower limbs at night, as if he had been exhausted by excessive walking or dancing. 745. Fainting sensation, at night; she had to vomit violently, and felt qualmish even the following day (2d night). Anxious, in the evening in bed; she had to open her night- dress. In a weeping mood, at night. Extravagant fancies and stupefaction, at night, as in a fever. In the morning, on aw^aking, he is as it were stupefied. 750. Not refreshed by his afternoon nap; heavy, as if bruised, the head is painfully muddled; constant yawning (aft. 4h. ). — In the morning, on awaking, he feels in no way strength- ened by his sleep; his limbs were weary as if bruised; improved after rising. \_Ad.'] Dreams, nearly every night. Confused dreams, for several nights, so that in the morning, on rising, she has first to collect her thoughts. \_H'tb.'] — Confused dreams, with uneas}^ sleep, frequent a wakings, and great weariness, so that he soon falls asleep again. \_Gr.^ 755. — She dreams about things chaoticalh' confused. \_Gr.'\ — Vivid, adventurous dreams. \_Ad.~\ Anxious dreams, nearly every night, and restless sleep. Anxious dreams, at night, and heaviness of the head, in the morning. — Dreams about dead people (which, however, did not cause him any fear), and murmuring in his sleep (ist n.). [//^^'.] 760. Dreadful dreams about fire and the like (aft. 8 d.). Dreadful dream, from which she awoke in a sweat, [-^,i.'■.] Frightful dream. [A^.] Starting up, as from terror, in the evening, on going to sleep, so that it caused the whole body to start up. [A>.] Chill, on entering the room from the open air. [^^,i,'•] 765. Chilliness with thirst, in the afternoon (7th d.). [X^.] Chilly hands, and then they itch. [AV.] 420 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. At 8 P. M., chill in the whole body, with shaking, commenc- ing with the feet, and horripilation (20th d.). [A^.] Sudden febrile rigor, with goose-skin, external cold and hor- ripilation, in the forenoon. [A^.] Shivering in the arms, passing off b}^ the warm stove, but is aggravated b}^ the least draught, in the afternoon. [A^.] 770. — Chilliness, especially in the arms, with goose-skin and yawning in repeated fits. \_Gr.~\ — Shaking chill in the head, with dull tension in the zygomata as if goose-skin must come in the face, and as if the hair stood on end. lGr.~\ — Chilliness, in the forenoon; cold rises with painful pressure into the pit of the stomach, so that it seems to her to draw her hair together, and then it slowly goes down the arms and legs, even to the feet. [^Gr.'] — Chill and cold down through the w^hole body, repeatedly, with cold hands (aft. 7 h.). (Gr.'] Constant cold, as if she had cold w^ater poured over her, worse in the afternoon (7th-ioth d. ). [A^.] 775. Burning sensation of coldness in the forehead, in the forenoon (7th d.). [yV^.] In the forenoon, chilliness; toward evening he feels too warm in the w^hole body, and the blood pulsates in the head. Ic3^-cold in the feet, from the afternoon to the evening, and after lying dow^n, heat in the whole body (7th d.). [A^.] Now chill, now heat, the whole night. [A^.] Alternatel}^ chills and heat, toward evening. 780. — After repeated light chills, starting from the scrobiculus cordis, the whole body with the exception of the feet, which re- main cold, becomes agreeably warm; ten minutes later the chill returns. [6^r.] — Short shaking chill, with quick flushes of heat, chiefly in the back; the chill seems to start in the face, where there is tension (aft. I h.). [St.] Alternate heat by daj^ (aft. 9 d.). Transient heat often rises in her head (4th d. ). [A^^.] Dry heat of the face, in the afternoon (12th d.). [A^.] 785. Heat, at night, and anxiety, that he cannot contain himself, till morniug, when he rises (5th d. and aft. 14 d.). [A^.] Dry heat the whole night, with sleeplessness, and when she puts her hand out of the bed, she feels cold, chill v and thirsty (aft. 12 d.). [A^^.] — Transient flush of heat over the whole body, with subsequent exhaustion, so that she would like to let her hands sink down; at the same time her face and hands are hot, the other parts almost cool [Gr.] — Sensation of heat on the back. [////?.] Severe heat and sweat in the head, then thirst, in the evening (iithd.). [A'^^, 790. x\lmost every evening, at 6 o'clock, thirst (aft. 16 d.). [A^.] Excessive lassitude in all the limbs, in the afternoon; then, BORAX VKNKTA. 42 I toward evening, perspiration, and at night vomiting; all repeated according to the tertian type. {Htb?^ Severe sweat on the left side, especially on the head. [///^.] Several nights, after midnight, sweat (aft. 7 d.). [A^.] Exhaustive night-sweat (aft. 13 d.). BORAX, BIBORATE OF SODA.^ This crystalline salt is useful for soldering and as flux in technical works. This salt in its crude form was originally for several cen- turies, brought by the Venetians from the East Indies, especially from lakes in Thibet ; therefore it is still called borax veneta; it after- wards was refined by the Dutch, by a process which they kept secret, and was then brought into commerce. In later times, however, it has been manufactured by the French, by an addition of soda to a kind of boracic acid brought from some hot springs and lakes of Tuscany in the neighborhood of Sasso. Borax consists of 22 parts boracic acid, 32 parts soda and 46 of water in the hundred; it is consequently not fully neutralized by its acid {aciduTfi boraciamt, sal sedativicm Hovibe^'gii) ^ which appears in shiny scales, of a taste slightly acid, and which is yet to be proved as to its pure, and surely important, symptoms. In household practice, borax has been for a long time empirically used in solution against the aphthae of children and for facilitating the labor-pains of parturient women. Antidotes of borax are: Coffea criida against its sleeplessness and headache; Chamomilla against the pains of the swelling of the cheeks. Wine aggravates the symptoms, especially those of the chest, and vinegar reproduces the ailments that have been alread}^ removed, especially the stitches in the chest. The symptoms marked (^Sr. ) were observed by Dr. Schreter, of Hungary, in various persons. BORAX VENETA. Great anxiety with great drowsiness; the anxiety increased till IIP. M. when the person became dizz}^ and went to sleep. Anxiety, with weakness, trembling in the feet and palpitation (while being mesmerized) (3d d.). \Sr^^ ifiorax appears foi" the first time in this edition, and Hahnemann's symptoms con- tributed to its pathogenesis were donbtless observed on patients. Some at least of "the several persons " on whom Schreter observed his symptoms would seem to have been of this kind, thongh 107 of the latter, fir.st appearing in Hartlanb and Trink's Ainm.'en. may have come from provings on the healthy with the nsnal 30th dilntion. — H/(i>/it's. 422 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Anxiety with rumbling in the abdomen (aft. lo h. ). [Sr.^ Very timid, in driving down a mountain; quite at variance with his customary bearing; he feh as if it would take his breath away (the first 5 weeks). [Sr.'] 5. The child is timid while being dandled; w^hen it is rocked up and down in the arms it makes a very frightened face during the downward motion (the first 3 w.). \_Sr.'] Apprehension and fear of infection. Timid, both he and she are startled by a shot at a distance. [Sr.] Timid, an anxious scream causes terror to fall on all his limbs (aft. 4W.). [5r.] The suckling is startled at expectoration and sneezing. [_Sr.'] 10. Irritability in an important business (8th d.). [5r.] Very serious (ist d.). [Sr.^ Peevish and cross (2d d. ). [vSr.] The child is cross, weeps and cries, contrary to its habit (the first days). \^Sr.'] Very cross at 4 p. m. and peevish, even when he was in a good humor before, and he then reproaches people for slight matters, for several days (aft. 8 d.). \_Sr.~\ 15. Passionate, cross, takes offence easiW (the first days). \_Sr.^ Passionate, he scolds and swears about trifles (the first days). [5..] He is not vexed, and is indifferent about matters which else vexed him seriously (curative effect) (aft. 15 d.). [5r.] The child weeps periodically very violently, after some min- utes it stops, and is then very friendly and laughs. [_Sr.'} Very merry, cheerful, tender, with pleasure and enjoyment in all work, in the forenoon (6th d.). \_Sr.~\ 20. Disinclination to work, he only does what he has to do, as if compulsorily (the first 8 weeks). \_Sr.^ He fritters awa}^ the afternoon, without getting to any real work, goes from one work to another, from one room to another, without remaining at 07ie thing. [Sr.'] Pleasure and joy in his work (curative effect) (aft. 5 weeks). [Sr.] He several times lost the train of his thoughts (4th d.). \_Sr.^ He had to think a long time before he recollected all that he had done during the day, and for quite awhile it is not clear to him, whether it was yesterday or to-da3^ that he w^as in a certain place (aft. 6d.). [Sr.] 25. Fits of vertigo with loss of presence of mind (3d d. ). [Sr.] Vertigo, in the morning, in bed (aft. 5 d. ). [Sr.] Vertigo, in the evening, while walking, as if some one pushed him from the right side to the left (5th d.). [Sr.] Dizz3^ with fullness in the forehead, in the morning, so that he at once loses his humor (4th d.). [Sr.] Vertigo and fullness in the head, on ascending a mountain or the stairs (5th d.). [Sr.] 30. Fullness in the head and pressure about the ej'es, as if they were held fast, and could not be moved. [Sr.] BORAX VENKTA. 423 Fullness in the head and pressure in the sacrum, while sitting; at the same time drowsiness in the eyes (aft. 17 d.). [Sr.'j Fullness in the head, in the morning, with want of clear ideas and of presence of thoughts, so that he could Ho no mental work, nor had he an 3^ desire for it; after a walk it was better, but he felt afterwards a great weakness in the feet and joints (2d d.). [^Sr.] Heaviness of the head (the first days). [_Sr.~\ Light, serene mood (6th d.). [5r.] 35. Headache in the crown and in the forehead, in the evening (2dd.). [5r.] Headache, with numb feeling of the whole head, and stitches in the left ear, in the evening (ist d.). \_Sr.~\ Headache in the forehead, with stitches in the left ear, and in a hollow molar on the left side, below, in the evening (14th d.). [Sr.] Aching in the 'whole head, with qualmishness, nausea, and trembling of the whole body at 10 a. m., with two female pro vers at the same time (2d d.). [5'r.] Pressive headache over the eyes, quickly passing when taking a walk (4th d.). [5;-.] 40. Pressure above the eyes, from time to time (aft 10 d.). [Sr.~\ Dull pressive headache, in the morning, especially in the forehead (the first days), [^r.] Dull pressure in the forehead (aft. 6 d.). lSr.~\ Pressive drawing headache in the forehead, above the eyes and toward the root of the nose, at times drawing even into the nape of the neck; in stooping, it presses sever el}^ against the frontal bone, and in writing and reading, the pain becomes much more violent, with pressure in the region of the spleen (6th d.). [5r.] Drawing pain in the forehead, toward the eyes (4th d.) [5"r.] 45. Twitching pain in the forehead, with nausea and tearing in both eyeballs, in the afternoon (ist d.). [_Sr.'] Tearing in the crown, in the forenoon, with severe roaring in the ears (aft. 8 d.) [Sr.'] Tearing in the left half of the head, starting from a hollow tooth (4th d.). [Sr.'] Stitches from the right temple into the left half of the fore- head. [5r.] Transient stitches, in the left side of the head, in the crown, followed later on by transient stitches in the sexual organs, and in the night by lewd, disgusting dreams, in a married w^oman (ist d.). [Sr.] 50. Lancinating headache over the ej'-es and in the temples, with alternate heat and cold, so that sometimes she has quite hot hands, then quite blue hands, with stitches in the swollen cervical glands, which then became softer and smaller (14th d.). \_S/\^ Stitches deep in the right side of the head, with running of pus from the right ear and such violent stitches, that he involuntarily drew back his head; with this, a tickling in the left ear as before the discharge, followed by very acute hearing (aft. 32 d.\ [Sr.^ Pressive stitches in the right temple (aft. 11 d.V [Sr.~\ 424 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Rhythmical, pressive, obtuse stitches into the right temple (aft. 40 d.). ISr.l Boring in a small spot beside the crown (aft. 20 d.). [Sr.^ 55. Beating in both temples (aft. 4 d.). [_Sr.^ Beating in the forehead. [^Sr.~\ Beating headache in both temples, especiall}' in the right (aft. 16 d.). [5r.] Beating headache in the occiput, as if something were going to fester there, with shivering all over the body; during the whole night and the following day (aft. 2d.). [5?'.] Pulsating ebullition of the blood in the occiput (aft. 16 d.). [5r.] 60. Hot head of a suckling, with hot mouth, and hot palms (4th to 7th d.). [Sr.'] As in a plica polonica, the hair of a child gets entangled at the tips and becomes agglutinated, so that it cannot be separated, and if these bunches are cut off, the hair gets entangled anew, for ten weeks. [^Sr.] Sensitiveness of the outside of the head to cold and to the weather. In the e^^es, sensation as if something was pressing in; disap- pearing on rubbing (7th d.). [5r.] Sensation in the right eyelid, while sitting, as if something was pressing from within outward, beneath the skin, coming from the temple; then at once, pressure about the ej^es (4th d.). [.Sr.] 65. Pressive pain in the upper eyelid, on opening the eye. [^Sr.] Pressure in the right e^-e, very painful, as if it w^ere being pressed into the orbit, in the morning (aft. 5 weeks). \_Sr.^ Cutting in the left eye, lengthwise, suddenly coming and going (aft. 37 d-)- [•Sr.] Tearing in both e3^eballs, with twitching in the forehead, and nausea, in the afternoon. [^Sr.'j Stitches in the left e3^e, in the evening (3d d.). [_Sr.~\ 70. Stitches in the ej^eball, with contraction of the upper e3"elid (aft. 8 d.). [Sr.] Itching in the inner canthus, so that she must rub it fre- quently (the first da)^s). [_Sr.'] Itching in the eyes, with the sensation, at times, as if there was sand in them (aft. 4 d.). [5r.] Soreness in the outer canthi (aft. 5 \\\). [^r.] Burning in the eyes and momentary contraction of the same, as soon as he puts on his spectacles (aft. 6 d.). [^r.] 75. Pressive burning in the right eye, in the afternoon (aft. 3d.). [5r.] The suckling, in crving, becomes quite red around the e3^es (aft. 4d.). [Sr.] The eyelashes turn inward into the eyes and inflame them, especially in the outer canthus, where the edges of the lids are quite sore (aft. 6 w.). lSr.~\ Inflammation of the right e3-e in the outer canthus, with derangement of the eyelashes, and agglutination of the e3"es by night (aft. 35 d,). [Sr.] BORAX VKNETA. 425 Inflammation of the left eye in the inner canthus, with nightl}^ aggkitination (the first days). ^Sr.'] 80. Inflammation of the edges of the e3^eHds, with a suckhng; he rubs his e3'es, and they are agglutinated in the morning (the first days). ISr.^ At night, the ej^es are glued together with quite hard, dry e3^egum, which irritates the eyes like sand (aft. 5 w.). \_Sr.'] . In the morning, the eyes are agglutinated, and the}^ water (aft. 5d.). [5r.] Laclmmiation (aft. 8 d.). \^Sr.'] In the evening she can hardly close the ej^es, and in the morning she can onl}- open them with difiiculty (aft. 5 w.). [^Sr.] 85. Flickering before the e3'es, in the morning, in writing, so that he does not see an^^thing clearly; there are, as it w^ere, pel- lucid waves now moving from the right to the left side, then from above downward; several mornings in succession (aft. 24 d.). Obscuration before the left e^^e, in the evening; she must strain her eyes, and j^et does not see anything (9th d.). [_Sr.~\ Sensitiveness of the ej^es to candle-light, in the evening (aft. 3d.). [^>.] Otalgia, a painful pressure behind the right ear (aft. 6 d.). [5r.] Stitches in the ears (aft. 6 w.). [Sr.'] 90. Stitches in the ears, when washing them with cold water in the morning (aft. 3d.). ^Sr.'] Stitches in the left ear, on w^aking up unusually earl}' (4th d.). [Sr.-] Stitches in the left ear, with two provers (aft. 14 d. ). [Sr.] Itching in the left ear, and after removing the ear-wax, pain as of soreness; in the evening when taking a walk; at the same time a sort of stitch in the left side of the neck (19th d.). [^Sr.] Pain as of soreness in the ear, on boring in it with the finger (aft. 32 d.). [Sr.] 95. Inflammator}^, hot swelling of both ears, with running out of pus from the same (27th d.). [Sr.'] DivScharge of pus from the ears, with lancinating headache (aft. 32 d.). [5r.] Discharge of pus from both ears, after previous itching in the occiput (19th d.). [.SV.] A previous discharge from the ears ceases (curative action"). Smacking sound in the left ear, as if a thick salve were in it, which stopped the ear, which then opened again, in the evening (lothd.). [5r.] 100. He feels suddenly as if the ears were covered or muffled. Deafness in the left ear, in a child of five years (9th d. ) : [Sr.] Ringing and whistling in the right ear, afterward changing into a roaring, (aft. 20 d.). [Sr.~\ Ringing and buzzing in the right ear (8th d.). [Sr.'] Roaring in the ears, and very much harder hearing ^iSth and 19th d.). \_Sr.] 426 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 105. Rushing in the left ear, as from a storm (3d and 4th d.). [Sr.] Dull drumming in the left ear, as above a subterranean vault (aft. 14 d.). [Sr.] Itching and crawling, in the nose, he has to put his finger into it (aft. 12 d.). [5;.] The suckling rubs his nose hard with his hands, and then his eyes (aft. 15 d.). [^r.] Ulcer in the left nares anteriorl}- , in the upper part toward the tip, with pain as of soreness, and swelling of the tip (loth d.). [5r.] II o. Red and shining swelling of the nose, with a sensation of beating and throbbing. Many dry scabs in the nose, which on being removed with the finger, are continually reproduced (aft. 16 d.). [Sr.'] In blowing the nose, some blood is always discharged, after previous itching of the nose (aft. i8th d.). [Sr.'] Bleeding of the nose (aft. 25 d.). [_Sr.] Bleeding of the nose, in the morning, and in the evening, throbbing headache (aft. 6 d.). [Sr.] 115. Complexion of the suckling wretched, pale, earthy (the first da3-s). [Sr.] Dull tearing in the left cheek, starting from a hollow tooth, Avith pressure in the forehead and in the two eyeballs (aft. 4 d.). [5r.] Sensation on the right side of the face, by the mouth, as if cobwebs were laid on it. [Sr.] Twitching of the muscles near the right commissure of the mouth, several times. [Sr.] Burning heat and redness of the left cheek (aft. 4 d.). [Sr.] 120. Erysipelas in the face (aft. 34 d.). [Sr.] Swelling, heat and redness of the cheek, with tearing pains in the zygoma and great pains in the swelling, when laughing (aft. 31, 33 d.). [Sr.] Swelling of the face, with eruptive pimples on the nose and lips (the first da^^s). [Sr.] Eruptive pimples in the face (aft. 4 d.). [Sr.] Red eruptive pimples on the cheeks and around the chin, in a suckling (aft. 5 w.). [Sr.] 125. The mouth of the suckling is quite hot. [Sr.] In the corners of the mouth, pain, as if they would ulcerate (aft. 20 d.). [Sr.] On the lips, crawling as from bugs (aft. 2d.). [Sr.] Burning on the upper lip, under the left nares, in the morn- ing in bed (7th d.). [Sr.] Burning pain on the lower lip, quickly passing off, in the even- ing (3d d.). [Sr.] 130. Red, inflamed swelling, as large as a pea, on the lower lip, which on being touched, pains with a sore burning (aft. 41 d.). [Sr.] Large patches of herpes around the mouth, and the upper lip, after burning heat, became covered with porrigo. BORAX VENETA. 427 Toothache in an upper hollow tooth, with swelling of the cheek, which on being touched, was painful with tension (aft. yd.). [5r.] Toothache in hollow teeth, with dull griping, in wet, rainy weather, with five pr overs, ^Sr.'] Contractive griping in a hollow tooth (aft. 4 d.). \^Sr.^ 135. Tearing and griping in an upper hollow tooth, which seems to be longer, so that she cannot bite on it, nor bring her teeth to- gether; at the same time the gums are inflamed and swollen, as if a gum-boil was coming; in the evening the pain spread also into the lower teeth, and only passed off on falling asleep (aft. 4 d.). [5;-,] Tearing from the hollow teeth, extending into half the head, when she touches them with the tongue, or takes cold water into the mouth. \_Sr.^ Pressure in the hollow teeth, in bad weather (aft. 40 d.). Dull, pressive boring in a hollow tooth, in the evening, in cool air (the first daj^s). [5r.] Pressive and grinding toothache, coming after every supper and breakfast, and relieved by smoking tobacco; for several days (aft. 4od._). [5r.] 140. Drawing pain in the teeth. Lancinating toothache in a lower hollow molar, on the left side, with stitches in the left ear and headache in the forehead, in the evening (aft. 14 d.). \_Sr.~\ Fine, intermittent stinging in all the teeth, but chiefly in a hollow, lower molar, on the left side (2d d.). \_Sr.^ Crawling and tickling in the upper and lower incisors, and then gathering of saliva in the mouth (aft. yd.). [^Sr.] A little piece of her hollow tooth broke off of itself (aft. 6 d.). [5r.] 145. The teeth feel as if too long (the first days). lSr.~\ The gums of the upper teeth bleed, without other pains (aft. 6d.). [5r.] Swelling of the gums, for three days, with pressure in the hollow teeth, in bad weather (aft. 40 d.). \_Sr.'] Inflamed, intense swelling on the outer side of the gums, which pains severely, a gum-boil, with dull pains in a hollow tooth, with swelling of the cheek, and of all the left side of the face, up to below the eyes, where it is raised into a watery blister (smell- ing of chamomilla removes the pains) (aft. 36 d.). \_Sr.^ Mucous in the mouth (the first days). [Sr.^ 150. Aphthae in the mouth (aft. 4 w.). \_Sr.~\ Aphthse on the inside of the cheek, bleeding during eating (aft. 30 d.). [5r.] Aphthae on the tongue (aft. 33 d.). \_Sr.^ On the tongue red vesicles, as if the skin were pulled oft'; they pain at ever}^ movement of the tongue, and when anything salty or sharp comes on it (aft. 5 w.) \_Sr.'] Dryness of the tongue, in the afternoon (3d d.). \_Sr.~\ 155. Cramp on the tongue, like stift'ness and going to sleep, so that it impeded the breathing. [Sr.^ 428 HAHXEMANX'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The palate of the suckUng is contracted almost into wrinkles, and he often screams when sucking (aft. 4 w.)- [^^'O The mucous membrane of the palate is shrunk anteriorl}-, as if burnt, and pains, especially in chewing, for several daj^s (aft. 6 d.). [Sr.^ In the throat, dryness (5th d. ). [5"r.] Roughness in the throat, as if there was a grater in it. \_Sr.'] 160. Burning in the throat, compelling him to swallow saliva, when it pains (9th d. ). [5;-.] ^luch mucus gathers in the throat, so that he has to hawk it up. [5r.] Tough mucus in the throat, which is detached with diflB.culty (aft. 18 d.). \_Sr.'] Tough, whitish mucus in the fauces, which is onl}- loosened after much exertion, for man}' daj's (aft. 5 d. ). [6"?'.] Much tough mucus in the throat, w^hich he expectorates with so much exertion, that he vomits (aft. 6 d.). \_S7-.~\ 165. Hawking up mucus, in the morning; the mucus is detached easily in lumps. \_Sr.^ Green, loose mucus is hawked up by him from the throat (aft. 12 d.). [5r.] He hawks up a lump of phlegm, covered with a streak of blood (aft. 9 d.). [5r.] The taste in the mouth is insipid and disagreeable (aft. 5 d.) [5r.] Bitter taste in the mouth; if she eats anythmg, or swallows saliva, all tastes bitter (2d d.). \_Sr.^ 170. She has no sense of taste, when she eats an3-thing, for several weeks (aft. 8 d.). [Sr.] Thirst, in the morning; he must drink much (aft. i4d. ). [Sr.] Appetite for eating, much less than usual (aft. 5 d.). [_Sr.~\ Little hunger and appetite (the first 5 w.). \_Sr.'] Diminution of hunger and appetite; often, however, hunger without real appetite (aft. 5 d.). [^Sr.] 175. He has little appetite, especialh' for supper (aft. 8 d. ). lSr.~\ She has little appetite in the evening, for several weeks (aft. 8 d.). [Sr.] Xo appetite for dinner (12th d.). [5r.] He eats ver}' little. [.Sr.] He did not relish his soup at dinner, and it caused him per- spiration (8th d. ). [Sr.~\ 180. Loathing for food, at noon, with coldness, drawing headache and colic, disappearing after three diarrhoeic stools (aft. 20 d.). No more relish for smoking tobacco (2d d.). \_S?'.~\ After smoking, a sensation as if diarrhoea were coming (6th d.). [5r.] Increased appetite for breakfast (aft. 4 d.). [5r.] Much appetite in the evening. 185. Desire for acid drinks (14th and 15th d.). [5r.] During a meal, restlessness of the whole body, with nausea, BORAX VKNETA. 429 SO that he had to compel himself to eat; stretching backward brought relief (aft. 20 d.). [^Sr.] During the meal, nausea (19th d.). [-^'^-l After every meal, distension from flatus (aft. 5 d.). \_Sr.~\ After eating, which he relished, severe distension; he feels uncomfortable, ill and peevish; in the evening, on taking a walk, somewhat relieved (aft. 41 d.). [5r ] 190. After supper, distended abdomen (5th d.). [5r.] After eating stewed apples with mutton, fullness of the stomach, with peevishness and ill humor, and fullness in the head, as if the blood were violently pressing in (19th d.). [^'r.] After eating pears, especially in the morning or forenoon, pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, with discomfort. [^Sr.'] Immediately after a meal, pain in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea were coming; this passes after the siesta (2d d.). [-Sr.] After dinner, rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhoea (3d d.). 195. Immediately after dinner, diarrhoea, with weakness in the joints and legs, relieved after walking (ist d.). \_Sr.^ Soon after breakfast, cutting in the right hypochondrium, transversely through the abdomen downwards, then diarrhoea, and, indeed, a sudden evacuation at once (3d d.). [5r.] After breakfast, diarrhoea four times in succession (4th d.). [5r.] Hiccup after eating (aft. 8 d.). \_Sr.^ Severe hiccup, so that the throat is made rough from it. 200. The suckling has hiccups ver^^ frequently. \_Sr.~\ Nausea and little appetite (4th d.). \^Sr.~\ Nausea and qualmishness, as if about to faint, in the morning (6th d.). [5;-.] Frequently feels qualmish and faintish, in the afternoon (aft. 12 d.). [5r.] ^ Nausea in the stomach, with pain in the sternum, from three p. M. till evening, several days in succession (aft. 5 d.). lSr.~\ 205. Nausea, with occasional urging to vomit (5th d. ). [^V.] Nausea, in the morning, with inclination to vomit; passing off after dinner (6th d.). [Sr.] Nausea even to vomiting, while driving (ist d.). [^^r.] Nausea immediately after awaking, with great impulse to vomiting, but this will not come, until he drinks some water, when, with much exertion, he vomits up a great mass of phlegm, and at times something bitter (after 17th d.). [5r.] Nausea, with subsequent vomiting of mucus, with heat and quick, feverish pulse (aft. 23 d.). \_Sr.~\ 210. Vomiting of sour phlegm, after breakfasting (on cacao) (,2d d.). [5r.] In the stomach, pain as from bad digestion, with external pressure on the scrobiculus cordis (2d d.). [Sr.] Pain in the region of the stomach, after lifting something heavy; the pain extended to the sacrum, where it became lancinat- ing, so that she can only with great pain turn over at night: in 430 HAPiNEM Ann's chronic diseases. the morning she felt better (two davs before the menses) ( 13th d.). [5;-,] Pressure in the stomach, after every meal (the first days). ISr.] Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, passing off in walking. 215. Pressiye lancination in the scrobiculus cordis, with tightness of the chest, compelling him to take a deep breath, w^hich he can not do, howeyer, on account of a sharph^ compressing, griping pain in the right side of the chest. \_Sr.^ Contractiye pain in the stomach-region, eyery da}', from 4 A. M. to 12 at noon, a rolling together, which passes into the spine and there causes stitches, for several da3^s. [S'r.] Contraction in the scrobiculus cordis (6th d. ). [5;-.] In the hypochondrium of the left side, as it were a strong pressure with the hand, on riding in a wagon without springs. [Sr.] In the left h3'pochondrium, after the siesta, a pressure from the last rib to the hip-bone, aggravated b}^ external pressure, till evening (2d d.). [^Sr.] 220. Pressiye pain in the left h^^pochondrium, as if a stone was lying there, during dancing; it passed off on continued dancing (aft. 15 d.). [5r.] Painful pressure in the splenic region (ist d.). \_S?\~\ Pressure, and at times burning, with a sensation in the left hypochondrium, when breathing deeply, as if something was drawn up into the chest from the region of the spleen, which, on expiration, again sank down (aft. 6 d.). [^Sr.] Cutting in the left hypochondrium, in walking fast, as if there was a hard, sharp, movable piece, with a sensation in the abdo- men, as if nothing but hard pieces were there, which were jumbled together ( 6th d . ) . [Sr] In the region of the kidneys, pressure and stitches, increased by turning (aft. 3 d.). [Sr.^ 225. Stitches in the right lumbar region, increased b}' stooping, in the morning, on walking out; relieved on sitting down (ist d.). Colic, several times during the daj^ as if diarrhoea w^as setting in. [5r.] Weakness in the abdomen (4th d.). [6";-.] Griping bellyache, with shivering and goose-skin (aft. 6 d.). [5r.]. Pinching in the abdomen at various times. [5r.] 230. Pinching, contracting colic, above the navel, so that she had to bend double, which stopped it, every day, in the morning, for five minutes (aft. 8 d.). \_Sr.'] Pinching in the abdomen, with diarrhoea (aft. 20 d.). [Sr.] Formation and frequent emission of flatus. \^Sr.'] Much flatus. [Sr.] Loud rumbling in the abdomen, at night, relieved by emission of flatus, upward and downward. [Sr.^ BORAX VENKTA. 43 1 235. Frequent urging to stool, with rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhceic evacuation (the first daj'-s). [^Sr.] Frequent urging to stool, with pinching in the abdomen, and eas}', pap-like evacuation. \^Sr.'] Urging to stool, in the morning, with stools at first hard, then diarrhceic, with burning in the anus (ist d.). [_Sr.~\ Frequent, very easy stools, every day (first days). \_Sr.] He went to stool once every hour, and this was soft, mucous, and without any trouble (3d d.). [5r.] 240. Soft stools (the first 3 da5'S). \^Sr.~\ Very soft stool, in the morning, in the evening customary evacuation (aft. 7 d.). [5r.] Somewhat soft, light-yellow, mucous stool, every day three times, with languor and weakness (the first days). [5r.] Diarrhoea, two, three times, without pain (i h, after taking medicine). {_Sr.'} Diarrhoea, six times from the morning till 2 p. m., painless (5th d.). [5r.] 245. Diarrhoea, without pain, twice a day, with subsequent dis- charge of mucus and blood (i6th d.). [vSr.] Diarrhoea, with rumbling in the abdomen (the first days). [5r.] Diarrhoea tow^ards noon, with rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen (4th d.). [5";'.] Diarrhceic vStool, in the afternoon, with much flatus, after a hard stool (5th d.). [Sr.] The child has loose stools, three times a day, the last like yellow water. [^Sr.l 250. The first effect of borax is to cause soft stools, then a few days no stool, later hard stools, once a daj^ \_S7\^ Hard stool, with straining (aft. 16 d.). \_Sr.~\ Costiveness and evacuation like sheep's dung, for ten da3^s (aft. several d.). [6'r.] Green stool in a suckling, with previous screaming (aft. 6 d.). [5r.] Discharges of ascarides. 255. Before the stool, which ensued easily in the afternoon, he was peevish, cross, lazy, discontented; after it cheerful, contented with himself and with the v/orld, and looking brightlv into the future (aft. 20 d.). [5r.] With the stool, pale mucus was discharged, four times in the morning, once also involuntarily (14th d. ). [5"r.] With the stool, tough, viscid, yellowish mucus (iSth. 19th d.). [5r.] Brown mucus in the anus, after the stools (9th d.). \_Sr.^ Reddish, liquid mucus, with the stool, as if the stool was colored with blood (aft. 21 d.). [5;'.] 260. Discharge of blood and mucus from the anus (aft. 9 d. ). [Sr.] In the anus a varix, like a goose-quill, soft to the touch and painless (aft. 23 d.). [►Sr.] Itching in the anus, in the evening (7th d.). [-S'-'.] 432 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching in the anus, as from the mucus of piles (aft. i6 d.)- [5r.] Contraction in the rectum, with itching (aft. 40 d.). [^^.] 265. Boring, lancinating pain in the anus and in the sacrum (aft. Stitches in the rectum, in the evening (2d d.). [^r.] Urging to urinate, without being able to discharge a drop, with cutting in the genital organs and distension in both hips, for two hours, in the evening (ist d.). [^^'-l Violent urging to urinate, at night, several times (25 d.). [5r.] Very hurried, violent urging to urinate, so that he could hardly contain the urine (the first days). [_Sr.'] 270. Frequent micturition (the first da3^s). \_Sr.'] The suckling urinates almost every ten or twelve minutes, and often he weeps and screams before the urine comes; for some time (aft. 6 d.). [5r.] Hot urine in a suckling (aft. 4 d.). [^^r.] Sharp smell of the urine (the first da^^s). \_Sr.^ Sharp, striking smell of urine (the first 2 w.). [Sr.^ 275. After micturition, burning tension in the urethra. \^Sr.~\ After micturition, pains as from excoriation in the urethra (15th, 20th and 30th d. ). [_Sr.'] After micturition, the extremity of the urethra is painful. Along the urethra, pain as from excoriation, especially on touching it (aft. 26 d.). [5r.] Dark-blue spot at the orifice of the urethra, as if the skin was off, with stinging pains during micturition (aft. 24 d.). [6'?^.] 280. The orifice of the urethra feels as if glued shut with gum. [5;-.] Quite indifferent to coitus (the first 10 d.). [Sr.'] Quite indifferent to coitus (the first 5 w.). \_Sr.^ While innocently holding his hands on a sick woman, he had lascivious fancies, without desire for coitus (3d d.). \_Sr.~\ Frequent excitement in the sexual organs, without desire for coitus (the first daj^s). 285. Lascivious mood (aft. 5 w.). [5?".] Tensive erection in the morning on awaking (4th d.). \_Sr.~\ Pollution, with a dream as if he was engaged in coitus, while the semen is emitted rapidly, causing him to awake. [Sr.'] During the emission of semen in a pollution, cutting pains in the urethra, and the semen is so thin that he thinks he is urinat- ing. [Sr.^ After a pollution, urging to urinate, and in urinating, cutting in the urethra. \_Sr.^ 290. During coitus, the semen is emitted very quickly, and there continues an excitation in the sexual organs (aft. 5 w.). He has to wait quite a while during coitus, before the semen is emitted (aft. 5 w\). On the penis, on a spot w^here there w^as formerly a chancre, BORAX VENKTA. 433 lancinating pain as from soreness, espeically when touched (aft. 24 d.). [5r.] The menses appeared a day sooner, without any trouble (aft. 4d.). [5r.] Menses four days early, without trouble; only the evening before, and the morning before their appearance, heaviness at the chest, with arrest of breath and more severe roaring in the ear (aft. 26 d.). [5r.] 295. Menses three days too soon, painless (aft. 7 w.). [^Sr.] The menses, which had been suspended for six weeks, came at once on taking borax, lasted one day and disappeared; but at their appearance they were so copious as to be more like a hemor- rhage [Sr.^ Menses four days too early and very copious, with griping in the abdomen, nausea and pain in the stomach, extending to the sacrum, lasting till midnight, when a copious sweat set in, after which she fell asleep (8th d. ). [^Sr.] Menses for two days, very scanty, but on the third very copi- ous, with pale-red blood, till the sixth day, with lassitude, so that she could hardly stand. [^Sr.] Suppression of the menses, for fifty-four days, without trouble, then they set in without trouble, only at first somewhat pale, but in the afternoon more red and copious, ceased the third day in the night and came back on the fourth day. (The courses ought to have set in three weeks after taking the medicine.) [5r.] 300. The menses did not appear in the second month after taking the medicine, but when she had taken another dose of borax in the sixth week, they set in on the day following, with pinching in the body. [5r.] During the menses, throbbing in the head, and roaring in the ears. [Sr] . During the menses, spasmodic urging and lancinating pain in the groin. After the menses, on the second day, pressure, as from a stone in the region of the right ribs, even to the scapula, whence the pain extended spasmodically into the stomach and sacrum, with subsequent vomiting, [^^r.] Leucorrhoea, white like mucus, without other troubles, four- teen days after the menses (aft. 5 w. ). [^r.] 305. lycucorrhoea, like the white of eggs, with a sensation, as if warm water was running out, for several days (aft. 12 d.). \^Sr.~\ Leucorrhoea, thick like paste and of white color, for five da3's (aft. 4d.). [Sr.] A woman who had been sterile for fourteen years, and who, on account of a chronic, excoriating leucorrhoea, had, after several remedies, finally received borax, conceived, and the leucorrhoea. improved. lSr.~\ Easy conception, during the use of borax, observed in five women. [kS;.] In the uterine region, stitches (2d d.). \_Sr.^ 29 434 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 310. In the clitoris, a dilatation and stitches, at night (6th d.). [5r.] Sneezing, with great painfulness; he has to try to suppress it, as there were with it violent stitches in the right side of the chest, for three weeks (aft. 6 d.). [^Sr.'] Sneezing and fluent coryza (the first days). [5r.] Fluent coryza, with severe crawling in the nose (aft. 16 d.). Discharge of much greenish, thick mucus from the nose. \^Sr.~\ 315. In the lar>mx, tearing, for two hours, in the evening (3d d.). [Sr.] Rough throat, in the morning. Roughness in the pit of the throat, with drawing stitches there, when coughing and sneezing, with alleviation on hawking up phlegm ( I ith d. ) . [_Sr.^ Tearing from the throat down into the chest, inciting to cough (aft. 5 w.). [^r.] Tickling in the throat, inciting to dry cough (aft. 4 w. ) . {_Sr] . 320. Scratching in the throat and thence dr}' cough (aft. 9 d.). Dry tussiculation in a child, [^r.] Dry cachectic cough, as in old people, chiefly in the morning, on rising, and in the evening, on lying down, with stitches in the right side of the chest and the right flank ; washing the chest w4th cold water brought the most relief; but on drinking wine, the pains increased; for twelve days (aft. 3 w.). [.Sr.] Cough, with scraping in the throat and pressure in the chest (istd.). [5r.] Tussiculation and violent cough, with slight expectoration, of mouldy taste and smell, with every fit of coughing (3d d.). [Sr.'] 325. Nocturnal cough. Cough, with expectoration of mucus, chiefly in the morning, with pain in the region of the liver, continuing also after coughing till noon (4th d.). [5r.] Bloody streaks in the phlegm, on coughing up w^hite phlegm, which was detached with difficulty (aft. 18 d.). [^Sr.] In coughing, he has to press with his hand on the right side of the chest and the right flanks, whereby the pains become less intolerable (the first 3 w.). \_Sr.^ At every fit of coughing, stitches in the right breast, about the nipple; in the evening (3d d.). [5r.] 330. At every cough, and every deep breath, stitches in the chest (aft. 7 d._). [Sr.] The breathing is rendered more difiicult (aft. 18 d.). \_Sr.^ The breathing is more difficult; it compels him to take deep breaths, but this he cannot do, on account of stitches in the chest (the first days). [5r.] Every three to five minutes he must take a quicker, deeper breath, followed every time b}^ a stitch in the right side of the chest, with a subdued sigh of pain and slow expiration (aft. yd.). [5r.] Tightness of the chest, with constrictive oppression of the BORAX VENKTA. 435 breath on going up stairs; he has then to take a deep breath, when he every time receives a painful drawing stitch in the right side of the chest (6th d. )• [Sr.] 335. Shortness of breath, after going up stairs, so that he cannot say a word, and every time he speaks a stitch darts into the right side of the chest, so also in running and in every heating exertion of the body (aft. 8 d.). [5r.] Arrest of breath while lying in bed; he has to jump up and gasp for breath, when he, every time, receives a stitch in the right side of the chest (aft. 7 d.). [►Sr.] With every breath, stabs in the left side of the chest, as from a knife (2d d.). [Sr.^ At every effort to breathe, her chest is contracted (14th, 15th, 17th d.). [Sr.] On taking a deep breath, a sensation as if something were drawn along with burning pressure from the left hypochondrium into the chest, and in expiration, it sank down again. [6'r.] 340. On the chest, a heaviness, so that at times she has no breath (aft. 6w.). [5r.] Anguish on the chest, in the evening in bed (ist d.). \_Sr.'] Pressure in the chest, [^n] Pressive squeezing, while sitting bent forward, moves from the scrobiculus cordis into the chest; it takes his breath, with stitches in the lungs (aft. 7 d.). [6'r.] I^ancinating pressure in the sternum, after dinner, much aggravated by deep breathing (aft. 40 d.). \_Sr.'] 345. Stitches in the chest, in yawning, coughing and deep breathing (aft. 7 d.). [^^r.] vStitches in the chest, as from obstructed flatus (the first days). [5r.] Pricks as with fine needles, from the back into the chest, in the evening (aft. 8 d.). [^Sr.] Stitches in the region of the left ribs, with aching in the interior of the chest. [5r.] Stitches between the ribs of the right side, so that he could not lie on this side for pain, with painful drawing and obstruction to breathing, so that he has to gasp for breath; if he lies on the painful side, the pains at once wake him from sleep (the first 4 w.). [5r.] 350. Pain draws at once into the right side of his chest, with lan- cination, when he raises the arm upward (aft. 7 d.). [-S"?'.] The drawing lancinating pain in the right side of the chest goes down into the right flank, where he then feels a violent pain in hiccupping, sneezing, coughing and 5^awning (aft. 3 w.V [Sr.] Drawing pain in a small spot in the intercostal muscles, which on bending to the left side, changes into a pain, as from a violent blow. [^Sr.] Drawing pains in the right intercostal muscles, in bending forward or to the right (aft. 6 d.). [Sr.'] When he holds the painful side with his hand, during the pain in the chest, it becomes less intolerable. [Sr.] 436 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 355. On lying still, outstretched on his back, his chest feels some- what easier. {_Sr.^ The pains in the chest are most relieved by slowly walking about the room, and he feels easiest there. [Sr.'] Weakness in the chest, with dryness in the throat (9th d.). Sensation as if the heart was on the right side, and was being squeezed off (7th d.). \_Sr.'] Pain in the major pectoralis muscle, as if from a hard couch, with painfulness to the touch, at night (3d d.). \_Sr.^ 360. In the left mamma a griping, and at times lancination, and when the child has done drinking, she has to press the breast with her hand, because it aches from being empty. [Sr.'] Contractive pain in the left breast, while the child is drinking in the right one (the first days). [_Sr.^ The milk in the breast increases (aft. 4 d.). [5r.] Much milk runs from the breast, so that the bed gets wet (aft. 32 d.). The milk that runs from the breasts becomes caseous and curdles (the first days), [^r.] 365. On the coccyx, violent itching and crawling, so that he cannot bear it without scratching; afterwards discharge of mucus from the anus (aft. 32 d.). [Sr.'] Pain in the sacrum, when sitting and stooping, as if from pressure (3d d.). \_Sr.'] Pains in the sacrum, while walking (ist d.) [^Sr.'j Pains in the sacrum, with much discharge of mucus with the stool (19th d.). [Sr.^ Dull pain in the sacrum when stooping (aft.. 6 d.). {_Sr.~\ 370. Dull pressure in the sacrum (7th d.). [vSr.] Burning in the sacrum, when sitting (5th d.). \^Sr.~\ In the back, pressive pain, on both shoulders [5r.] In the nape, rheumatic, drawing pain, passing thence into the left shoulder and then into the scapula, in the evening, Avhile walk- ing out (aft. 41 d.). [Sr.'] In the axilla of the left side, a boil. 375. On the shoulder and between the scapulae, a drawing tearing pain, so that she cannot stoop down, for eight days (aft. 5 w.), [Sr.] Pricks as with needles, in the right shoulder, at once. [5n] On the upper arm, a burning pain, a hand's breadth around the whole limb (2d d.). \^Sr.'] In the palms, a stitching, with a sensation in the whole hand up to above the wrist, as if the arm was asleep; in the evening (2dd.). [5r.] Tearing and breaking in the fore part of the right hand, seemingly rheumatic (aft. 15 d.). ^Sr.) 380. Sensation on the skin of the hands, as if covered with cob- webs. [Sr.^ Two hard indurations like warts, on the palms, after beating hard with a cane on something (aft. 30 d.). \_Sr.'] BORAX VKNKTA. 437 Itching here and there on the back of the hand, inciting to scratch, as from flea-bites. {_Sr.^ In the tip of the thumb, a throbbing pain, day and night; frequently rousing from sleep at night (2d and 3d d. ). [^Sr.] IvOng-continued suppuration of a spot under the thumb-nail, where she had pricked herself with a needle, and painfulness on touching it. lSr.~\ 385. Violent itching on the backs of the finger-joints, so that he must scratch violently. [5r.] Burning, heat and redness of the fingers, from slight cold, as if they had been frozen (aft. 24 d.). \_Sr.'\ Pustules with red areolae on the middle finger of the right hand, with swelling and stiffness of the finger, which also continued to suppurate and to pain for a long time after the pustule had opened (aft. 30 d.). \_Sr.~\ On one natis a boil (a corrosive blister?) (aft. 15 d.). \_Sr.~\ Eruption of herpes on the natis of the child (aft. 4 w. ) . [S? .] 390. On the right thigh near the pudenda, a burning, aggravated by coughing and by laying the hand upon it (3d d.). [5r.] Burning pain on the left thigh, a hand's breadth around that limb (aft. 8 d.). [Sr.^ Transient tearing in the right femur, from the middle down- wards, and then up again, from morning till noon, and again in the evening (7th d.). \_Sr.'\ In the left leg numbness, with sensation of heat. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling on the left leg and foot, after a good deal of dancing, with tearing, tension and burn- ing, and increased burning pain on touching it; the redness momen- tarily disappears on pressing with the finger (17th d.). \^Sr.~\ 395. In the foot where the erysipelas had been, there is tension on the dorsum of the foot, so that standing became burdensome; she is not impeded in walking (aft. 22 d.). [5r.] Pain in the left ankle and the left toes on treading, as if some- thing pressed her (aft. 20 d.). [^r.] Stitches in the sole of the foot, with two persons in the same way (2d d. ). [5r.] Sensation of heaviness in the feet, on going up stairs, in the evening ( I st d.). [Sr.'j Itching in the ankles (2d, 9th, loth d.). \_Sr.^ 400. Pain in the heel, as if sore from walking. [^Sr.] Suppuration on a spot in the heel, rubbed open b}- a shoe. [5r.] On the big toes, especially on the balls, an acutely pressive pain, especially on treading (aft. 41 d.). [5r.] Burning heat and redness of the toes, when there is but slight cold, as after freezing them (aft. 24 d.). [Sr.'] Inflammation and itching on the ball of the little toe, as from being frozen (aft. 15 d.), \_Sr.'\ 405. Inflamed pimple on the back of the little toe, paining like a corn (aft. 15 d.). [S?^.'] In the corns, frequent stinging, especially in rainy weather (the first days). [Sr.~\ 438 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Boring stinging in the corns, relieved by pressure (the first 5 w.). [Sr.] ^ The skin does not heal; small wounds fester and suppurate. [Sr.] Tendenc}' of old wounds and ulcers to suppurate. \_Sr.~\ 410. Whitish pimples of the size of hemp-seed, with red areolae on the chest and the throat, extending to the nape of the neck (aft. 6 w.). [Sr.] In the er3^sipelatous inflammation of the leg, first coldness, febrile rigor and thirst, with vomiting of food and bile, then heavi- ness in the head, and throbbing in the temples, with sleep uneasy at night, onh' like slumber, and later (on the sixth dsij), bleeding of the nose. ISr.] Every evening, lack of appetite, nausea, drawing in the head from the crown into the temple, and drawing in the abdomen toward the groin, for several days (aft. 5 w.). [Sr.] Restlessness in the bod}^ which does not allow him to sit or lie long in one place (ist d.). [Sr.] The suckling becomes pale, of earth}^ complexion; the flesh, before solid, becomes relaxed and flabby; he cries much, rejects the breast, and often anxiously screams out in his sleep (the first two weeks.) [Sr.] 415. Lack of strengh in the joints (5th d.). [Sr.] She feels altogether weak and without strength (aft. 5 w.). Weakness, especiallvin the abdomen and the thighs (4th d.). [5r.] Broken down, wear}' and indolent, with heaviness in the feet (the first days). [Sr.] Formication and trembling of the feet, with nausea and ten- dency to faint; it ceases in the open air (14th d.). [Sr.] 420. After an exciting conversation, restlessness of bod}', nausea, stupefaction and vertigo (3d d.). [Sr.] During reflection, while at work, trembling all over the body, especiall}' in the hands, with nausea and weakness in the knees (8th d.). [Sr.] Weary, laz}^, cross, thirsty after the noonda}- nap, with heat on walking in the open air, and perspiration on the head and face, with benumbed feeling of the head, pressure in the forehead and the eyes, which pain to the touch, as if sore; attended with a ten- denc}' to take deep breaths; during which there are stitches in the intercostal muscles, with hard, quick pulse. [Sr.] Drowsiness at noon, and deep sleep of two hours (8th d.). [Sr.] The child at the breast sleeps more than usual, Dut av>^akes frequently (the first days). [Sr.] 425. In the evening, ver}' sleep}' and tired. In the evening, gets sleepy early, and early falls into a long sleep; for four weeks (aft. 8 d.). [Sr.] In the morning, he feels as if he had not slept enough. In the evening twilight, drowsy, but when he went to bed, his sleep altogether went away, although he had had severe exer- BORAX VENETA. 439 cise during the da}^ and slept but little the night before (aft. 7 d.). ISr.] Very wide awake, in the evening. 430. Late in falling asleep, and early in waking up in the morning (aft. 6d.). [Sr.'] Uneasy sleep, she could not go to sleep, and tossed about in the bed (aft. 21 d.). [Sr.] Uneas}^ sleep, with thirst and coldness (ist d. ). [.Sr.] Restless nights, he could not sleep well on account of rushes of blood to the head, restlessness in the bod}^, rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhoea (the first days). \_Sr.^ At night, he had to rise several times to urinate (aft. 34 d.). [Sr.-] 435. He can only sleep on his left side, for as soon as he turns on his right side, drawing lancinating pains in the intercostal muscles of the right side wake him up (aft. 7 d.). [Sr.^ He wakes up before midnight and can not go to sleep again before two A. m. \_Sr.^ He woke up at one o'clock at night, and could not go to sleep again for abundance of ideas, until four A. m. (9th d.). [Sr.'] Unusually early awaking, in the morning about three o'clock, then she could not go to sleep again for two hours, on account of the heat in the whole body, especially in the head, and perspiration of the thighs (nth and 12th d.). [5r.] He wakes early at four o'clock and is wide awake, so that he goes cheerily to his work (aft. 5 w.). \_Sr.] 440. The child often screams out in his sleep, and throws his hands about, clutching at things. [^Sr.] The five-year-old child tosses about, screams all night till four A. M.; frequently starts from sleep and is then, in the morning, in a whining mood (4th d.). [5r.] The suckling often screams out in his sleep, and anxiously clings to his mother, as if he had had frightful dreams (the first 2 w.). [5;-.] Vexatious dreams. \^Sr.'\ Dreams about sore throat and other diseases, 445. Lascivious dreams (aft. 30 d.). [5r.] She dreams of coitus, but without voluptuous sensation (aft. 4d.). [.Sr.] Shivering all over the body, during the night and the follow- ing day, with throbbing headache in the occiput, as from an ulcer (2dd.). [5r.] Chilliness in the whole body, especially in the back, without thirst, with disagreeable taste, roughness of the throat, stitches in the chest while breathing, exhaustion, worn. out feeling, stretching and extension of the limbs, with contracted, quick pulse; attended with heat, heaviness and stupefaction of the head, and burning of the eyes, with sensitiveness to the light (23d d.). [-S*;-.] Febrile rigor, at night, from 2-4 o'clock, with trembling, vomiting of food, tearing in the thighs and pain in the femur, as if it were broken; then, after sleep, heat and thirst, followed at 440 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 9^ A. M. by bitter vomiting, and then sweat, with diminution of the thirst (2d d.). [5r.] 450. Chill with headache and subsequent heat, without thirst; on walking in the open air, the headache ceases, and she then felt •quite well (14th d.). [•5'r.] Chill, every second day, in the afternoon, with thirst and sleep; then on awaking, heat, with pressive pain in the inguinal region, without subsequent sweat (aft. 38d.). Chill, in the afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock (after thirst in the forenoon); then heat, with pressive pain in the left hypochondrium till he goes to sleep (aft. 5 w.). [Sr.^ Chill, immediately after dinner, with more thirst than appe- tite for dinner, and with a retractive tension round about the hypochondria, and with heat quickly mounting to the head when taking a deep respiration; then at 6 p. m. heat, with which he had to lie down till 10 p. m., then sweat and after the sweat, thirst; for four days (aft. 15 d.). \_Sr.'] Now chills, now heat, often with sweat in the face, while a chill runs down his back, with stretching and extension of the limbs, with exhaustion and drowsiness, so that he has to lie down in the afternoon, but without being able to sleep; on taking a walk he drags his feet along, and is peevish and taciturn. \_Sr.'] 455. Transient heat, often in the morning, with nausea and inclina- tion to vomiting (2d d.). [^Sr.] Heat in the head, in the evening, while writing, with thirst and a sensation as if sweat was coming (aft. yd.). [^Sr.] Heat, when she puts her hands under cover, but as soon as she puts her hands out she feels cold (aft. 5 d.). [5r.] Heat in the evening in bed, and sweat; as soon as he gets up he feels cold (aft. 17 d.). \_Sr.~\ Sweat during his morning sleep; on dressing he feels cold, gets a dry cough, with rawness on the chest, as after a cold (aft. 15 d.). [Sr.-] 460. Slight perspiration at night. CALCAREA CARBONICA, LIME. Break in pieces a clean, somewhat thick oyster shell, take one grain of the softer, snow-white calcareous substance found between the outer and the inner harder shell. This is prepared in all the degrees of potencies up to X in the manner directed as to the prepa- ration of dry medicinal substances for homoeopathic use, given at the conclusion of Part I. This is preserved from sunlight and great warmth, to be used for its various purposes. For the sake of comparison I have also observed the S3'^mptoms CALCAREA CARBONICA. 44I of acetate of lime, and have given them marked with a dash in front (— ). Lime when thus potentized belongs among the most effective antipsoric remedies, especially in cases where the following symptoms are prominent: Dejection; inclination to weep; lack of cheerfulness, with heavi- ness of the lower limbs; anxiety when sweating; restless anxiety; anxiety ; shivering and horror wheii evening approaches ; anguish, excitable by thoughts; anxiety after hearing of cruelties; nervous excitation; timidity ; fits of despondency about shaken health; sensi- tive peevishness; self-will; indifference; difiiculty in thinking; long- continued numb feeling of the head, as if a board was before the head; dizziness and trembling before breakfast; vertigo when going up stairs; vertigo when mounting high, e. g., on the roof; heaviness and pressure in the forehead, so that he has to close the eyes; head- ache from reading and writing; headache from over lifting; boring in the forehead, as if the head would burst; beating headache in the occiput; throbbing in the middle of the brain; hammering headache after walking in the open air, compelling him to lie down; headache and humming in the head, with heat of the cheeks; icy cold in the right side of the head; evening-sweat in the head ; falli7ig out of the hair ; pressure in the eyes ; burning and excoriation of the eyelids; burning and cutting in the eyes during reading by candle-light; cut- ting in the eyelids; stitches in the eyes; itching of the eyes; closing of the eyes by suppuration ; suppuration of a fistula lachrymalis; lacli- rymation in the open air or in the morning; quivering in the upper and lower eyelids; agglutination of the eyelids every morning; obscuration of the sight when reading; obscuration of the eyes, after eating; dim vision, feathers before the eyes; dim-sightedness as from gauze; mist before the eyes, when straining the eyes and reading; long-sightedness, he cannot read without convex spectacles; dazzling of the eyes by a bright light; stitches in the ears; running of pus from the ears; cracking in the ears, when swallowing; throbbing in the ears ; ringing in the ears; humming before the ears; roaring in the ears; rushing in the ears, with hardness of hearing; thundering in the ears; obstruction in hearing; hardness of hearing ; sore nose; obstruction of the nose with yellow, fetid pus; bleediiig at the nose : bad smell and fetor from the nose; smell of dung before the nose; faceache; itching and eruption of the face; freckles on the cheeks; itching and itching pimples in the whiskers; eruptions on the mouth, pain in the glands of the lower jaw; toothache, whenever drinking something cold; drawing toothache, with stitches, day and night, renewed by cold and by warmth; toothache, like digging and sore- 442 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. ness; difficult teething of children; painful sensitiveness of the gums; stitches in the gums; gum-boils; bleeding of the gums; dry- ness of the to?ig2ie, at night, or in the morning on awaking; aphthae under the tongue; accumulation of mucus in the mouth; hawking up mucus; constriction in the throat; bitter taste in the mouth in the morning; lack of appetite; lack of appetite, with coiistant thirst ; aversion to his customary smoking of tobacco; aversion to warm food; long-continued aversion to meat; hunger immediately or soon after eating; voracious hunger in the morning; she cannot eat enough, she cannot get it down; after meals, heat; eructation after eating; bitter eructation; water-brash; weakness of digestion in the stomach; pressure in the stomach , fasting and after eating ; nocturnal pressure in the scrobiculus cordis; stinging pressure in the stomach after eating; cramps in the stomach; pinching and cutting in the scrobiculus cordis; during pressure in the stomach, a pressing out under the last rib; inability to bear tight clothing over the scro- biculus cordis; swelling of the scrobiculus cordis, with pressive pain; the scrobiculus cordis painful to the touch; tension in both hypo- chondria; pressive, lancinating colic, without diarrhoea; colic in the epigastrium; in the afternoon, cutting and griping in the abdomen, with vomiting of food eaten at dinner; coldness in the abdomen; inflation and hardness of the abdomen ; obstruction of flatus ; pressure of flatus to the abdominal ring, as if hernia was about to come; con- stipation; costiveness; stool scanty and hard; stool twice a day; frequent, continual soft stool; involuntary discharge of foaming stool; during stool protrusion of the varices of the rectum, with burning pain; after the stool, lassitude and feeling, as if bruised all Over; itching of the anus; ascarides hi the rectum; burning in the urethra; too frequent urination; hsematuria; flow of blood from the urethra; wanton, lewd ideas; lack of sexual instinct; deficient sexual powers; lack of pollutions; too brief erections during coitus; stinging and burning in the male genitals during the emission of semen in coitus; pressive pain in the vagina; pressure upon the pro- lapsed womb; stitches in the os uteri; itching on the pudenda and anus; distended veins on the labia pudendi; after-pains or milk fever after parturition; bloody flux from the uterus ; (suppressed menses;) menses too early a7id excessive ; during the menses, cutting in the. abdomen and griping in the sacrum; leucorrhoea before the menses ; leucori'hoea, like milk, in jets; burning, itching leucorrhoea ; during the flow of leucorrhoea, itching on the pudenda. Frequent sneezing; troublesome dryness of the 7iose; constant cor3'za; delayed flow of the coryza; dry coryza; dry cor^^za in the morning; stoppage of the nose; ulceration of the larynx; hoarseness; CAI.CARKA CARBONICA. 443 mucus on the chest; evening-cough in bed; 7iight-cough during sleep; cough in the morning; dry cough; yellow fetid expectoration; during cough, pressure on the stomach; arrest of breathing in stoop- ing; pressure on the chest; stitches in the side of the chest on moving; stitches in the left side, on bending to that side; burning in the chest; prickling stitches in the muscles of the chest; palpitation of the heart, also at night; pain in the sacrum; pain as of a sprain in the back; stiffness and rigidity in the nape of the neck; swelling of the cervical glands; goitre; pressive pain in the right upper arm; nocturnal drawing and tearing in the arms; sudden exhaustioji of the arms, like paralysis; dying oif [numbness] in the hands on grasping; swelling of the hands; sweat of the liands; arthritic nodosities on the wrists and the joints of the fingers; formication as from going to sleep of the fingers; numbness of the fingers and sensation as if they were dead, also in the warmth; awkwardness of the fingers; frequent paralysis of the finger; heaviness of the legs; stiffness of the legs; cramps in the legs; going to sleep of the legs in sitting; ulcers of the legs; stitches in the thigh on treading; distended veins in the thighs; stitches in the knees, when standing and sitting; stitches and tearing in the knee; drawing pain in the knee, when sitting and walking; swelling of the knee; red spots on the legs; burning of the soles of the feet; swelling of the soles; coldness of the feet, in the evening; foot- sweat; dying off [numbness] of the feet, in the evening; sensi- tiveness of the big toes, corns; pains in the corns; going to sleep of the limbs; cramps in the arms and legs; pain as of bruising in the upper arms, also in the middle of the thighs, on going up stairs; tearing in the limbs, in the arms and legs; tendency to strain one- self, making the nape of the neck rigid and stiff, with headache; tendency to strains, with sore throat thence; great fatness and corpu- lence with youths; exhaustion from speaking; lack of streiigth, lassi- tiide; lassitude in the morning; great exhaustion after everj^ little walk; attacks of epilepsy at night during full moon, with cries; great fatigue from moderate walking in the open air; copious per- spiration on moderate exertion of the body; great sensitiveness to cold; tendency to take cold; visible twitching in the skin, from the feet up to the head, causing dizziness; dry feeling in the skin; roughness of the skin, as if covered with miliary eruption; bran-like covering of the skin; furuncle; luarts; drowsiness in daytime; drozcsincss early in the evening; frequent waking up at night; insomnia; at night, tossing in bed; thirst at night; at night, pressure in the scrobiculus cordis and rising from there to the larynx and the head: nocturnal pain in the back and in the arms; nocturnal asthma; nocturnal pal- pitation of the heart; heat and anguish at night; horrible fantastic 444 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. visions before going to sleep, in the evening in bed; anxious dreams; fantastic exaltation and delirium at night; chill in the morning after rising; frequent rushes of heat; rushes of heat with palpitation and anguish of heart; tertian, evening fever, at first, heat in the face then chill. Calcarea when potentized has a long-continued action. When nitric acid, given previously, though selected apparently properly, yet acts in some respects unfavorably, then Calcarea may generall}^ be profitably employed; so also any unfavorable effects of Calcarea, even when selected apparentl}^ homceopathicall}^, ma}^ be neutralized by following it with nitric acid, and the effects will be changed into favorable ones Especially is nausea, produced by Calcarea, removed by smelling of the spirits of nitre; this is almost a specific and much more effective than smelling of camphor. There are, however, troublesome effects which call for the smelling of nux vomica. Cal- carea is frequently useful after the use of sulphur, also when the pupils of the eyes are apt to dilate. If the catamenia usually come several da3^s before the period and are excessive, Calcarea is frequently the indispensable curative, and the more so, the more abundant the flow. But if the menses always appear at the right period or later, even if the menses are profuse, Calcarea is yet but rarely useful. Calcarea can rarely be advanta- geously repeated with older persons, even after other intervening medicines, and very rarely, yea, hardly ever, can its doses be repeated at once, without injury. But with children, when it is indicated by the symptoms, it may be repeated several times, and the younger they are, the more frequently. The symptoms marked with a dash ( — ) before them were the effects of acetate of lime. The names of my fellow-provers are designated by the following marks: Fr., Dr. Franz; Gr.,Dr. Gross; Ht7i,, Dr. Hartman; Lgh., Dr. Lmighammer; Rl.^ Dr. Rummel; St/., Councillor of Medicijie Stapf; Wl., Dr. lVzsl7ce?ins; Sr., Dr. Schreter. CALCAREA CARBONICA. Dejected and melancholy in the highest degree, with a sort of anxiety. Melancholy, not really mournful feeling, about the heart, without cause, with a sort of voluptuous tremor all over the body. Of the fellow-observers mentioned above, Franz, Hartmann, Langhammer and Wis- licetnis assisted Hahnemaiin in proving a solution of oj'ster-shells in vinegar, which he called Calcarea acetica. Their results were published in the Materia Medica Pura and are in- corporated h.&re\\'\\.'h. Hahnemann's later observations on patients made with Calcarea car- bonica, and with undescribed contributions from Gross, Rummel, Schreter and Stapf. — Hughes CALCAREA CARBONICA. 445 — Mournful, almost to tears, with solicitous occupation with the present and the future. {_Lg/i.li Troubled, oppressed humor, with irresistible inclination to weeping. 5. Inclination to weep, in the evening (aft. 5 d.). Much crying, in a suckling, whose mother had taken Calcarea, [5/-.] Weeping, on being admonished. Weeping about trifles, with sensitive, irritated humor. Grief and complaints over insults long past. 10. Anxious about every trifle, and inclined to weep. Anxiety in the afternoon, after qualmishness and headache in the morning. — Anxious about the present and the future, with deep reflec- tion, at the same time indifferent to things outside, but not with- out inclination to work. \Lgh^^ — Anxious at heart, as if he had done wrong, or had to appre- hend reproaches, with constant inclination to work. \Lgh.'\ Great anguish and palpitation. 15. A sort of sweat of anguish, with some nausea. With the anguish, frequent jerks in the scrobiculus cordis. Anxious restlessness and feverish activity; she ever wishes to do many things, and gets to nothing; after this zeal she feels relaxed. Restlessness in the mind, with gloom and anxiety. Restlessness and ebullition of blood. 20. Extremely restless, in the evening, after nausea, in the after- noon, during which she had been very thoughtless. Solitude is a burden to him, with coldness of the face, of the hands and feet. Timid and restless, as if evil w^as impending over her (aft. Fearful, anxious forebodings, as if evil would befall him or some one else, and as if he could in no way evade it (aft. 23 d. ). — Anxious, sad mood, as if he had to expect sad new^s. \Lgh^ 25. His heart is agitated wdth fear and anxiety for the future, with fear of consumption. She is afraid of losing her reason. She is afraid people may notice the confusion in her head. Hypochondriac, she conceives herself fatally diseased, and 3^et cannot complain of anything (the first days). Despairing mood, with fear of sickness and misery, with fore- bodings of sad events. 30. She despairs of her life, and believes she has to die; her heart is sad with weeping, and frequent attacks of sudden, general heat, as if she had hot water poured over her. Irritation and anxiety, in frequent paroxj^sms. Irritable, exhausted and dejected, in the morning, after little work. Very much affected by noise. Every noise near him startles him, especialh' in the morning. 35. Impatient, desperate. 446 HAHNKM ANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Unnaturally indifferent, unsympathetic, taciturn (aft. 8 d.). — Indisposed to talk, without being ill-humored (aft. 6^ h.). IHtn.l Peevishness and constant obstinate self-will, for three days (aft. 28 d.). — Very peevish and indisposed to speak, as soon as he comes from the open air, where he feels well, into the room; with increased headache, [/v'.] 40. — As soon as he is idle and sits still, he becomes peevish and drowsy, and everj' thing goes against him. \_Fr^ — Peevish, morose, very cross and most indifferent to the most important things; he also did everything repugnantly and as if b}^ compulsion . \Lgh . ] Intolerable ill-humor and perverse disposition. Contrary mood. Contrary, dejected humor. 45. Everything is repugnant to her, with much crossness. Troubled and cross, she looked at the worst side of every- thing, and sought out all the evil. Cross without cause, for two successive evenings. Cross mood, without cause, especially in the morning. Cross and restless. 50. Very cross (aft. some h.). Often cross, and then she throws out saliva. So cross about trifles, that she was dizzy the whole evening, went to bed early, but could not sleep (aft. 20 d.). Very cross and irritable (after taking a cold). Vexed about trifles and very irritable, in the morning, before the stool; he twists everything, so as to become angry. 55. Thoughts of former vexations irritate him to anger. Aversion, dislike and repugnance to most men. Indisposed to all work. Aversion and repugnance to work, with great irritableness and heaviness of the feet. — Lack of determination and yet consciousness of power (aft. 7d.). 60. — During the day, peevish and cross; in the evening, humor- ous and talkative. \_Lg/i.^ — The first part of the day anxious, the latter part cheerful and self-contented. [_Lg-/i.~\ He is cheerful, and would like to be among men, to talk with them (aft. 10 h.). [m?i.] His ideas flit away; his memorj^ is short. Very forgetful (aft. 48 h.). 65. Great weakness of the imaginative faculty; with a very slight exertion in speaking, he felt as if his brain was paralyzed, chiefly in the occiput; he could not think, nor recollect what was spoken of, with muddled feeling in the head. She confounds words and is apt to use wrong expressions. Cannot remember, is dizzy as after turning in a circle. — Silly in the head, as from long whirling around, from 3 A. M. to 4 p. M. (aft. 25 d. ). CALCAREA CARBONICA. 447 Unconsciousness and delusion about her abode, as if her room were a hall in a garden. 70. In the evening, two fits of loss of consciousness in walking; she would have fallen down, if she had not been held up (5th d.). Loss of consciousness, with anxious pressure in the stomach, from which she suddenly starts up as if through a violent fright. In stooping and moving the head, she seemed not to know where she was. Confused, tremulous feeling in the head (ist d.). \_RL~\ As if confused in the head. 75. Sense of silliness in the head, every morning on rising from bed. Great confusion of the head, after the noon nap. Dull, persistent numb feeling in the head. Painful numb feeling of the head, so that she cannot under- stand what is read, nor what is spoken. Constant numbness of the head, as if too full. 80. Insensibility and dullness of the senses in the whole head, as if from a violent cold. Dizziness in the head, in the morning on rising, with qualm- ishness and roaring before the ear, and a sensation as if he would fall down unconscious (aft. 22 d.). A dizziness in the forenoon, so that everything seems to him as if in a half dream. Stupefaction, with unconsciousness of external objects, with undulating humming in the top of the head. Stupefaction of the head, like vertigo, all the afternoon (aft. 24 d.). 85. Dizzy staggering, in the evening, when walking out, so that he reels to and fro. Feeling of vertigo, as if he was lifted high up and thrust for- ward. Vertigo, as if about to fall down, with exhaustion. [Gr.'] — Vertigo, as if the body did not stand firm (aft. 6 h.). [ W/.~\ — Slight passing vertigo (aft. }( h.). [///«.] 90. — Fit of stupefying vertigo; the body bent forward to the left side, both when at rest and in motion (aft. %h..). [Lo-/i.~\ Vertigo from vexation. Vertigo on quickly turning the head, and also when at rest. Quickly passing vertigo, mostly when sitting, less when stand- ing and still less when walking. Violent vertigo in stooping, then nausea and headache. 95. Vertigo, as if about to fall over, after stooping, while walking and standing; she has to hold to something. Vertigo after walking, while standing and looking around, as if everything turned with her. Vertigo on walking out, as if about to stagger, especially in quickly turning the head. — Vertigo, on taking a walk in the open air (^also aft. 26 h.). — Vertigo, on taking a walk in the open air, as if about to fall to the right (aft. 2 h.). [Zi,^//.] 448 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. lOO. Vertigo and painful whirling in the head as if in a circle, in the morning on rising; especiall}^ very dizzy when walking and standing, with chill and pin-pricking in the left side of the head. Headache, also at times with vertigo, every morning on awak- ing. Headache in the forehead, over the nose.^ Headache in the occiput, when she ties anything firmly around the head. Frequent semi-lateral headache, always with much empty eructation. 105. Headache, with nausea (aft. 12 d.). Headache onl}^ in the side on w^hich he is h'ing (a burning?). — Sensation everj^ time he stoops, as if headache was begin- ning in the right side of the head. \_Ht71.'] Dull pain in the forehead, with waste confusion in the head, in the morning on awaking, with dry, slimy tongue (5th d.). First dull, then pressive headache in the temples, in the morn- ing on awaking, with much empty eructation. [Rl.'] no. Violent dull headache, first in the sinciput, then also in the occiput, for several days (aft. 8 d.). Stupefying pressure in the upper part of the head, as after whirling around quickly (aft. 24 d.). Stupefying pressive aching in the forehead, as in vertigo, both when at rest and in motion (aft. i^ h.). — Stupefying pressive pain in the forehead, with lack of the power of recollection and fogginess of the whole head, during reading; he had to stop in reading and knew not where he v/as. — Stupefj'ing, pressive pain in the w^hole bod}-, in the morn- ing, after rising from bed, as if he had not slept enough, or had been spreeing at night (aft. 24 h.). [Lgh.'] 115. — The stupef3-ing pressive aching in the (right) side of the forehead is aggravated chiefly bj^ stooping (aft. 50 h.). [_Lgh.'] Constant feeling of fullness in the head. Painful feeling of fullness in the forehead, with throbbing in the temples. Heaviness in the forehead, aggravated by reading and writing. Heaviness and heat of the head, almost onh' in the forehead. 120. Heaviness of the head, in the morning on awaking, for several mornings (aft. 20 h.). Great heaviness of the head, in the morning on awaking, with heat therein; both symptoms much aggravated by motion of the head and raising up the head (aft. 27 h.). — Great heaviness of the head, with violent jerks in both temples, and painfulness of the w^hole head in stooping, passing off on raising the head (aft. 9^ h.). \_Ht7i.'] Heaviness and pressure in the occiput (aft. 13 h.). — Headache from heaviness, after some stooping, when stand- 1 In the original : " In the nose above the forehead." — Transl. CALCARKA CARBONIC A. 449 ing, with pressure in the whole forehead, outward, especially over the left eye (aft. 5^4 h.). Wtn:\ 125. Pressure in the head, now above, now in the temple (aft. 12 d.). — Pressive, squeezing pain in the whole head, especiall}^ in the two temples (aft. 9 h.). \^Htn.'\ Pressure in the temple every day, for eight days. — Pressure in the left temporal bone, as if it was being crushed in; the pressure is both internal and external simultan- eously (aft. 7>^ h.). [///;z.] — Pressure in the right temple, close to the eyes, as if some- thing pressed on it severely (aft. 5}^ h.). [///;/.] 130. Severe pressive pain in the crown wakes him every morning at 5 o'clock, and then passes off in an hour. — Pressure in the vertex of the head, extending into the eyes. Pressure in the forehead. Pressive headache, chiefly in the forehead, increased in the open air. Pressive pain in the forehead, as if it was quite thick there. 135. — Pressive headache in the forehead, especially over the left eyebrow, on walking in the open air. \Lgh?^ — Pressive headache in the right protuberance of the forehead, extending to the right eye and compelling this to close involun- tarily (aft. i>^ h.). \Ht7i:\ — Pressive pain, suddenly darting through the occiput, disap- pearing only gradually. \Hm^ Pressure in the sinciput (4th d.). Pressing outward in the forehead, very severe and like vertigo; relieved by pressure with the cold hand, and disappearing when walking in the open air (aft. 9 d.). 140. — Pain pressing outward in the left temporal region and the whole left side of the head, as also in the right side of the occiput. \Htnr[ — Jerking pressure outward in the left side of the occiput, ex- tending to the nape of the neck (aft. 14 h.). [///;z.] — Sensation in the occiput as if it was pressed asunder. \Htn?\ Violent, almost lancinating pain, pressing outward in the region of the crown, on stooping (aft. 14 d.). Painful straining outward in the whole head, with sensation as if the brain was pressed together (aft. 15 d.). 145. Compressive, pinching headache on the left side. Tensive, sharp pain in the forehead. Tension over the upper part of the head. The head aches, as if tense. Tension and pressure in the right side of the head, as from a blunt instrument, which is being pushed through it, with jerks from above downward. 150. Cramp-like pain, drawing from the forehead toward the vertex (after a cold) (aft. 6d.). Cramp-like drawing under the crown, in the upper part of the head, with stitches in the temples and heat in the ears ^att. 4S h.\ — Cramp-like pain in the right temple (aft. 6 \\.^ . [/T/.] 30 450 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. — Cramp-like pain in the left temple (aft. 8, 14 h.). [^^/^.] Pinching pain in the forehead. [^/.] 155. Pinching, drawing pain in the left temple, toward the parietal bone, with heat in the face. [^/.] Drawing pain in all the right side of the head, in the z3'goma and the jaw (4th d. ). — Drawing pain in the right side of the forehead, above the eye and in the occiput, on straining the mind (aft. 2d.), [iv-.] Drawing pain in the upper part of the head. Almost constant drawing pain under the crown of the head. 160. Drawing pain under the crown and in the temples, seeming to come up from the back. Headache, drawing up from the nape of the neck. Drawing pain in the occiput, always toward the side to which he moves his head; passing awa}- on sneezing (aft. 12 d.). — Drawing and pressive headache in the region of the left ej'ebrow, or in the temporal bone \_-Fr.^ — Pressive, drawing headache in the right temporal muscle, also in the evening; at times with pressure on the upper row of the teeth; bj' pressure on the temple, the pain is changed into a pressive headache in the forehead, [iv'.] 165. — Drawing, pressive headache in the left side of the occiput, with sensation of stiffness in the nape, [/v-.] — Drawing, pressive, at times also tearing headache, now in the forehead, now in the occiput, now in the temples, passing of on pressure, and on exerting the thoughts, it vanishes (aft. 3d.). Tearing pain, the whole day, in the temples, in the bones of the orbit, and in the cheek, which swells up thick. Digging and pressure in the head, spreading to the e3'es, the nose, the teeth, and the cheeks, with great sensitiveness to noise, with slight attack of fainting. Gnawing sensation in the occiput. 170. Cutting pain in the occiput and in the forehead, as if some- thing sharp were being pushed in, aggravated bj^ walking and by pressure of the hand upon the part (aft. 5 d.). Stitches in the head. Transient stitches in the head, here and there. Stitches in the head, in the evening, with stitches in the legs. Stitching pains in the brain, with sensation of emptiness in the head, for three da3^s (aft. 28 d. ). 175. Single stitches through the head, with great chilliness. Lancinating headache, outward from the e3^es (the first da3's). Lancinating headache on the right side, extending into the e3'e. Stinging headache in the one-half of the forehead, improved while h'ing down. Stitches in the whole head, for half an hour, when she raises herself up after hang flat on her back, and so also after stooping. 180. Lancinating headache on the left side, over the temple (aft. 2d.). Frequent stitches in the temples (aft. 7 d.). CAI^CAREA CARBONICA. 45 1 Stitches through the left temple into the head, and out through the right temple (aft. 5 h.)- Stitches on the right side of the upper part of the head, extending into the right eye (aft. 29 d.). — Fine stitches on the vertex, externally (aft. 7 h. ). \_Wl.'] 185. Stitches in the right side of the occiput (aft. 11 d.). — Intermittent needle-pricks in the left side of the forehead, both when at rest and in motion. [_-Lgh.'] — Violent jerking stitches through the whole of the right side of the brain, often renewed, and leaving behind them a tensive, dilating sensation. [^Htii.'] — Dull, pressive stitches, into both of the temples (aft. 24 h.). — Dull, pressive stitches in walking, occupying chiefly the left side of the forehead, and passing off again on continuing the walk. 190. — Digging stitches in the left temple, near the eyebrow, on moving the lower jaw (aft. 5 h.). [Lgh.'] — Boring, stitching pain in the left side of the forehead, when sitting, passing off at once when going, or standing, and on being touched (aft. 12 h.). \_Lgh.'] — Boring pain in the middle part of the forehead, extending into the brain (aft. 3 h. ) . [ /^/. ] — Rhythmically intermittent stabs of a knife, boring outward in the left temporal region, going off by touching the part and by sitting down. [Lgh.'] — Pulsating stitches in the left parietal bone (at once). [ Wl.'\ 195. Single jerks or thrusts through the brain. Cramp-like, jerking pain in the right temple. Momentary jerks in the head. Throbbing headache in the middle of the brain, every morn- ing and continuing all day. Beating pain in the forehead. 200. Lancinating beating in the head, when walking briskly. — Violent beating in the upper part of the head in the region of the vertex, as from an artery, with cutting thrusts outward. [ Wl.'] Rushes of blood to the head, with heat of the face, for seven hours after a meal. Heat in the head and strong ebullition of blood. Heat in the left side of the head. 205. Heat about the head, in the evening. Icy cold in and on the head (aft. 4 h.). Crepitation, audible to him for several minutes, in the occiput, toward noon, and then a warm sensation up the neck. Concussion in the brain, on violent motion, with dull tearing pain (12th d. ). Painful concussion in the brain, especially in the right side of the occiput, at a slight shaking of the head, and at ever}' step. 210. — Concussion in the brain, when making a step, like an echo in the head. In the left parietal bone, a sudden pain, as if the bone were cut to pieces, with a shudder over the whole body. [Rl.^ 452 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Externall}^ on the right side of the head, a numb place. Several places of the head pain on touching (aft. 14 d.). — The whole skin of the head painfull}^ sensitive on moving the frontal muscles to and fro (aft. i}i h.). [_Wl.'] 215. — Sensation of soreness on the occiput, when touched, as if the spot was festered below. [Lg^i.^ Pain on the head, as if the skin was detached, down to the nape of the neck. Tearing in the head and eyes, with redness of the whole face, every afternoon from 3 or 4 to 9 or 10 o'clock. Great tendency of the head to catch cold and from it a head- ache, as if a board lay on the head, with straining pain in it and chilliness of the body (aft. 6 d. ). Itching on the hairy scalp 220. Itching on the occiput. Itching behind the ear, with dizziness of the head after scratching. Itching of the hairy scalp on taking a walk in the open air. — Tickling itching of the hair}- scalp compelling to scratch, with painfulness to the touch of the roots of the hair. \J^gh.'\ — Crawling and itching on the hairy scalp, not removed by rubbing (aft. 10 h.). \_Wl?\ 225. Burning itching on the hairy scalp (aft. 13 d. ). Burning itching as from nettles, with severe crawling on the hairy scalp, and on the lower part of the face, in the evening before going to sleep. The scalp on the vertex becomes scaly. Eruption on the hairy scalp, with swelling of the cervical glands. Severe eruption on the head. [-/?/.] 230. Eruptive pimples on the forehead. Painless tumor on the right side of the head (aft. 15 d.). Tumor below the left temple (aft. 15 d.). Tumor on the right temple, in the morning, passing away in evening (aft. 15 d.). Thin, moist porrigo on the hairy scalp, (aft. 12 d.). 235. A furuncle on the forehead, where the hair begins (the first days). The hair of the head comes out, when she combs it. — A, pustule over the left eyebrow. \_Lgh.'] The eyes pain, ss that she must close them, with a sensation as if she ought to press them inward (aft. 8 d.). Painful sensation as if a small, foreign body had gotten in the eye (aft. 17 d.). 240. Pain in the eyes, as if the}^ were being pressed inward. Pressure in the eyes, in the evening. Severe pressure, da}^ and night, as if there was a grain of sand lodged under the upper e^^elid (aft. 19 d.). Pressure in the eye, in the evening, after lying down, and in the night, as if a grain of sand had lodged in the eye. Pressure and burning in the e^^es, and lachrymation. CALCARKA CARBONIC A. 453 245. Tension in the muscles of the eyes on turning them or on straining them in reading. Twitching and beating in the eyes, by jerks (aft. 20 d.). Stitches in the eye and in the head (during the menses) (aft. 8d.). Severe stitch in the eye which has a fistula lachrymalis. Stinging and smarting in the eye. 250. Stitches in the inner canthus, then alternately stitches and throbbing in the eyes, and after the pain goes off, several times a blowing of the nose. — Stitches in the external and internal canthus. [/^r.] — Itching stitches in the inner canthi, going off by scratching (at once). [PF7.] — Violently tearing stitches in the right eye, as if inflamed. [Fr.-] — Boring stitch in the upper border of the orbit (aft. 5 h.). \_wi.-] 255. Itching on the edges of the eyelids. Itching in the eyes, in the evening, but pressure in the morning. Severe itching of the eyes. — Itching in the canthi. Itching in the right inner canthus. 260. — Itching of the eyes in both canthi. — Tickling itching in the right outer canthus, compelling to rub (aft. 25 h.). {_Lgh.'\ Excoriating pain in the lower eyelid Smarting in the eyes (aft. yd.). Sensation of coldness in the eyes (at once). 265. Sensation of heat in the eyes, with heaviness in the upper lids. Burning in the eyes, when he closes the lids. — Burning in the left upper eyelid, toward the inner canthus (aft. 6h.). lHt?i.'] Burning of the inner canthi, with stitches in them. Burning and itching in the eyes (aft. 8 d. ). 270. Itching burning in the eyes, on the head and in the throat (aft.yd.). Redness of the edges of the eyelids. Redness of the white of the eye. Reddish white of the eye, with pressure in the eyes (aft. 20 d.). Inflammation and sw^elling of the left canthus, and lower lid, with lancinating and throbbing pains and itching round about (aft. 10 d.). 275. — Violent inflammation of the eyes, the white of the eye is quite red, and in the eyes, especially the outer canthi, much eye- gum all the day; the outer canthi are, as it were, sore and sup- purated for fourteen days (2d d.). Swelling and redness of the eyelids, with nocturnal suppuration; in the day they are full of eyegum, with sensation of heat and pain of excoriation, and lachrymation (att. 11 d.\ SwelHng of the lower eyelids, in the morning, after rising. 454 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASE:S. Lachrymation, when writing. Lachrymation, and the eyes are affected (aft. 7 d.). 280. Lachrymation in the morning. Smarting water runs from the left, reddened eye. Sensation as of fat in the e^'es. Mucus-Hke matter (ej^egum) is constantl}^ in the e^-es, she has to wipe them often. Dr}^ pus in the edges of the eyehds and in the canthi. 285. — H^^egum in the canthi, for two da3's (aft. 10 h.). iLg/i.^ — Stickiness of the eyehds, on moving them, with pressure in the canthi, and especially the outer ones (aft. 55 h.). \_Lg/i.^ Eyes closed by suppuration. The eyelids of the eyes which look \vatery, are glued together with eyegum in the morning, and the eyes pain when he looks at the light (aft. 24 h.). — Eyes closed b}- suppuration, early on awaking from sleep (aft. 24 h.). ILg/i.-] 290. Some blood exudes from the eye, which is much reddened in its white part, but painless. Quivering in the upper eyelids, with sensation as if the eye moved involuntarily (aft. 18 d.). Stiffness in the left ej'eball, in the morning, after rising; it cannot be moved without a disagreeable sensation. She has to wink with her eyes while reading; they constantly tend to close (were red and exuded water). Dilatation of the pupils. 295. — First dilated, then contracted pupils. [Lg/i.~\ An obscurity or darkness at times glides over her eyes. Dimness of the eyes (after a cold in the head) (aft. 6 d.). Dimness of the vision, while she wants to shut her eyes, with- out sleepiness (6th d.). Sensation as of feathers before the eyes. 300. Sensation as of a gauze before the sight, in both the inner canthi, going off through lachrymation. Something comes before her e3'es like a shadow, with pupils very much dilated, so that objects on one side seem to her, as it were, obscure and invisible; so, e. g., she saw only one eye in a man. Sudden blindness, just after dinner; he could not even see the table, at which he sat; with sweat of anguish and nausea, and at the same time a brightness before her e3'-es; the sj^mptom passed off after half an hour's sleep. In the dark, he seems to see, as it were, electric sparks before the e^^es. Far-sightedness; she has to use convex spectacles in reading. 305. Far-sightedness; while she before could see well, both near and far, she cannot distinguish an^^thing fine when near; she cannot thread a sewing-needle (the first 9 d.). — Far-sightedness in a man who is short-sighted; he could recognize all things at a considerable distance, the whole day. Small objects she distinguished better than large ones. CAI^CAREA CARBONICA. 455 A black point followed the letters in reading. At times, he sees a black spot, before the left eye, which goes off in a few minutes. 310. In great bodily efforts, she often sees black spots before the eyes (aft. ii d.). He sees a halo around the candle and around the moon. The letters dance before the eyes. Flickering before the eyes and dullness of vision. Flickering and like fiery sparks before the eyes, in the morn- ing on awaking. 315. Light blinds her. Looking into candle-light, affects the eye and the head. Otalgia, as if something was pushing through. Pressure in the ears. Cramp-like pain in the ears (7th d.). [^/.] 320. — Cramp- like sensation on the posterior part on the concha (aft. 9h.).^ \_Htn.'\ Jerks in the right ear, with hissing rushing, every minute, and so violent that it sometimes jerks up the bod}^ with it. — Twitching in the cartilage of the ear (aft. 48 h.). \Wl^ Drawing, dull pain in the ears. Stitches in the left ear and the temple, going off when at rest with closed eyes. 325. Stitches and pain in the right ear. — Stitches in the ears. Tearing stitches in the right ear (aft. 3 d.). Throbbing in the ears (the first days). Crawling in the right ear (aft. yd.). 330. Itching in the concha of the ear. Burning itching in both ears. Frequent chilliness externally in the ears. Heat in the interior of the ears, like hot blood (aft. 29 d.) Heat, as it were, streams out of the left ear (aft. 5 d.). 335. Burning pain about the ear. Swelling in the left ear, with itching. Severe swelling of the right ear. Swelling of the inner ear and of the right side of the face, with frequent secretion of earwax. The bone behind the left ear feels swollen and itches; but on touching the place it pains, as if festered. 340. Eruption behind the right ear; it becomes moist. Tumor before the left ear, which is painful to the touch, like a furuncle. —A tumor under the tip of the ear, which causes tensive pain in the jaw on chewing. A little water drips from the ear which hears well, while the other, well provided with earwax, is very hard of hearing. When blowing the nose, there is an obstruction felt before the ear. 345. On violently blowing the nose, the ear feels obstructed, so that she cannot hear with it (this vanishes on swallowing). — Sensation in the right ear, as if something had pushed itself 456 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. before the membrana tympani, without diminution of the hearing (aft. 15 h.). \Lgh:\ Impaired hearing (the first 3 days). Hardness of hearing for a long time. \_SrP^ Sensitiveness of the brain, to loud sounds. 350. — Sensitive to noise, in the evening on going to sleep. Tinkling before the ears. Singing in the ears, followed by crepitation. Now singing, then cracking in the left ear. Singing and roaring in the ear. 355. Ringing in the left ear and in the head. Buzzing in the left ear. Loud roaring in the ear, with hard hearing, in the morning (aft. 2d.). Sound of spitting (of cats) before the left ear. — Light whirring in both ears, w4th confused feeling in the whole head (aft 1^4 h.). \\Vl^^ 360. Squashing sound in the ears, on swallowing (the first days). Flapping sound in the ear, as if skin was detached in it. A sort of grunting in the ear, on swallowing. Cracking sound in the ear, when chew^ing. In the nose, a twitching of the external muscles (aft. 14 d.). 365. — Gna^^dng pain in the root of the nose (aft. i h.). \_lV/.~\ Itching of the nose, without and within (aft. 2d.). Pain as of soreness on the margin of the nostrils, and espe- cially on the septum. The nostril, almost sore, pains like stinging, on being touched. Soreness of the right nostril. 370. Red spot on the tip of the nose. Inflammation, redness and swelling on the anterior part of the nose. Sw^elling of the nose, especially of its root, frequently going off and returning (aft. 6 d.). Swelling of the right ala nasi, with painfulness on moving. Eruption on the nose. 375. Painful pimple in the left nostril, with itching, lancinating pain. Pimple in the right nostril, only painful on moving the muscles of the face and nose; the wing of the nose is red and itches ex- ternall}^ and internally. — Pimples in both nostrils, with scurf. Sore, ulcerated nostrils; preceded at times by frequent sneezing. The skin of the nose feels as if covered with oil (aft. 25 d.). 380. When blowing the nose, blackish blood. Severe bleeding of the nose (aft. 10 d.). Some bleeding of the nose, at night (aft. [8 d.). Bleeding of the nose, in the morning (aft. 7 d.). Violent bleeding of the nose, as in a severe venesection, almost to fainting. [S?-.'] 385. The sense of smell is dulled. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 457 Very sensitive sense of smell (aft. 22 d.). Ver}' bad smell in the nose (aft. 25 d.). Fetor before the nose, as from rotten eggs or gun-powder (aft. I h.). {_Lgh.-\ The complexion is pale, with blue rings around the eyes (the first days). 390. Pale, thin face with sunken eves, with dark borders (aft. 14 d.). Yellowness of the face. — Yellowish complexion. Frequent deep redness and heat of the face. Constant bloated redness and heat of the face. 395. Erysipelas on the (swollen) cheek. Pain in the face, and then swelling of the cheek, causing the pain to pass off (aft. 10 d.). — Dull pain in the muscles of the left cheek (aft. 2 h. ) . \Lgh.'\ — Pressive pain in the right side of the jaw while chewing (aft. 3 h.). [///;z.] With cramp-like compressive pain, her right cheek is spasmod- ically drawn sideways (aft. 30 d.). 400. Twitching in the muscles of the face. — Fine twitching, extending from the upper border of the orbit down to the nose. Tearing in the bones of the face and head. Tearing in the left cheek bones. Violent tearing in the right side of the upper jaw (aft. 9 h.). \Htn:\ 405. Stitches in the right cheek, very violent, the whole dav (aft. 5d.). — Pulsating throbbing on both cheek bones (aft. 2 h. ) . [ Wl^ Prickling in the face and neck. — Fine formication in the face, below the eye, and on the side of the nose. [ WIP\ Severe itching on the whole face ; she had to scratch con- stantly (the first yd.). 410. Burning in the whole face. Sensation of swelling in the face, especially below the eye, and around the nose, without visible swelling. — Sensation of tension in the right cheek, as if swollen (aft. 2 d.). [7>.] Swelling under the left eye, painless. Painless swelling of the cheeks, early, on rising (2d d.) 415. Swelling of the face, without heat, with pricking as of needles, here and there. White spots on the face, with itching. Eruption of small, painless pimples in the wdiole face (aft. 5d.). Miliary eruption in the face, near the eyes and on the nose. Many pimples in the whole face, with severe itching. 420. Itching pimples on the forehead, with itching in the whole face. 458 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching pimples on both cheeks, on the zygoma, for several weeks. — Pimples in the middle of the cheek, which became moist on scratching, and left a greenish scurf (aft. 48 h.). [Z-^/^.] — A boil on the cheek, with stinging pain. The lips and the mouth are spasmodically contracted, so that she could not open the mouth. 425. At first a slight drawing in the lower lip, then it was as if dead, white and numb, with a sensation as if it was getting thick and hanging down, for five minutes. \_S(f.^ Stinging itching about the upper and lower lips. — Itching crawling on the upper lip, which on rubbing at once re-appears on another spot near by (aft. i h.). \_Wl.'] — Roughness and dryness of the lips, especially the upper lip, as if it would chap (aft. 49 h.). \_Lgh^ Chapped lips, with fissures and excoriation in the tongue (aft. 48 h.). 430. Chapped upper lip. Swelling ot the upper lip, in the morning. Eruption on the vermilion of the lower lip (aft. 32 d.). Pimples on the upper lip. Eruption of pimples around the mouth and in the commis- sures of the lips. 435. Pimple under the right commissure of the lips. Scurfy pimple on the margin of the vermilion of the lower lip. — Large, humid scurf under the right commissure of the lips. Ulcerated commissure of the lips, for fourteen days. The right commissure of the lips is closed by ulceration, and and pains as if sore. 440. On the chin, itching. Tickling itching on the border of the right side of the lower jaw, with incitation to scratch. [Lgh.'] Eruptional pimple in the middle of the chin. Fine eruption about the chin and the neck, with itching. On the left side of the lower jaw, thick swelling, with draw- ing pains (aft. 12 d.). 445. Glandular swelling on the lower jaw. Hard swelling of a submaxillary gland, as large as a hen's ^gg, with painful tension when chewing, and stinging pain when touched (aft. 41 d.). — Swelling of the submaxillar}^ gland, with a pressive sensa- tion in it. \Fr.'] Toothache, only while eating. Toothache, excited by hot and cold things, but chiefly by a draught, day and night, with flow of much saliva from the mouth, and stitches darting out at the ears and the eyes, so that she can- not sleep at night (aft. 8 d.). 450. Toothache in all the teeth (as of fine needle-pricks) aggra- vated by cold air penetrating the mouth; it wakes him at night from sleep. The teeth cannot bear the air, nor cold. CALCARKA CARBONICA. 459 Toothache, only when cold air or drinks come into the mouth. The tooth is painfully sensitive to every touch. The toothache is increased by external noise. 455. Drawing in the teeth. Drawing pain in a front tooth, for some minutes, and return- ing at intervals (aft. 17 d. ). Drawing cutting in all the teeth (aft. 11 d.). Tearing in the teeth, as if the roots were being torn out (aft. 20 h.). Tearing in the teeth upward into the head, into the temple, chiefly at night. 460. Single tearing pains in hollow teeth, in paroxysms of half an hour, worst when partaking of something warm; also at night; it tears in the whole cheek. Gnawing toothache, worst in the evening. — Gnawing toothache in the right upper molars, as if they were becoming hollow, in all positions (aft. 6 h.). [Lg-k.} Smarting pain in the teeth. Much tickling toothache in the hollow tooth. 465. Boring toothache, with stitches toward the nasal bone, day and night, and with swelling of the gums and cheek. Boring ?.nd stinging toothache up into the eye and the ear, enormously aggravated by driving in a carriage (2 2d d. ). At first stitches in the posterior molar, two hours after dinner, then boring, relieved by eating. Severe stitches in a tooth, up into the right eye and the right temple; only in daytime; with it, a tendency to touch the tooth with the tongue, which, however, causes every time a severe stinging jerk in the tooth, so that she started, and it shook her (the first 5 d.). — Stitches in the teeth. 470. Twitching toothache (24th d.). Twitching in the left teeth and the left side of the head. A push against the teeth, as with a fist. Tendency to chatter with the teeth, as in a chill. Beating toothache in a canine tooth, only while eating. 475. — Throbbing toothache, with sensitiveness of the tooth to the touch, and a gum-boil, which pained on being touched (aft. 7 d.). Looseness of an old stump under the swollen gums, with stinging pain as of soreness when touched. Soreness of the teeth; only when she bit on them, they pained violently. The teeth feel as if elongated. Bad smell from the teeth. 480. The gums itch. [7?/.] — Fine stitching in the gums of the whole upper jaw (aft. 2 h.). lL^/i.:\ — Boring in the upper gums on the right side, with subse- quent swelling of the same, with pressive drawing in the right temporal muscle, [iv-.] Severe throbbinof in the eums. 460 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Beating in the swollen gums. 485. Soreness of the gums, with painfulness of the roots of the teeth. Swelling of the gums in a hollow tooth. Painful swelling of the gums, without toothache; also with swelling of the cheek, which is painful when touched (aft. 3 d.). Swelling of the gums (and the jaw); chiefly on a broken tooth a lump swells up, from which the pains extend to the ear. Pustules in the gums, over one molar, like a dental fistula (after a cold?) (aft. 24 d.). 490. Ulcer on the gums (aft. 14 d.). Bleeding of the gums, also at night (aft. 2, 3d.). In the mouth, swelling of the right cheek into a thick lump, with drawing tearing pains in it every evening. Blisters in the mouth, which break open and form ulcers (aft. 12 d.) (after vexation?). Blisters in the mouth, and ulcers arising thence on the inside of the cheek (after a cold ?) 495. Little vesicles on the inner side of the cheek, where the teeth strike. Whitish -3^ellow little ulcers, on the right tonsil in the mouth. The tongue pains on the side and in its lower surface, espe- cially when chewing, swallowing and spitting out (7th d.). [i'?/.] Pain under the tongue, on the left side, behind the os hyoides^ in swallowing. \_Rl. ] Burning pain on the tip of the tongue, as from soreness; she could not take anything warm into her mouth, on account of the pain (aft. 6 h.). 500. Violent pain on the tongue and in the whole mouth. — Sensation of roughness and soreness of the tongue, which is coated white. [_Lgh.~\ Thick tongue, quite white, with sensation as if it was totally without skin, and sore. Swelling of one side of the tongue, impeding deglutition. Vesicles on the tongue, which trouble him in eating. 505. — Vesicles on the tongue, with burning pain and heat in the mouth. White coated tongue (the first days). Impeded mobility of the tongue. Talking is difficult for her. He moved his mouth as if he would talk or scream, but could not utter a word. 510. In the palate, stinging. — Roughness and scraping, posteriorly in the palate, inciting to cough, but not removed thereby (aft. 12 d.). \_Wl.'] Sore throat, with glandular swelling under the jaw. Pain in the throat, as if the uvula impeded swallowing, even in empty deglutition; but in speaking, less pain, and none at all while \ymg in bed. Sore throat, as if swollen within, extending up to the ears (aft. 14 d.). 515. Sore throat, as from a lump in the throat, in swallowing. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 46 1 Sensation as of a foreign bod}^ in the pharynx, always com- pelling him to swallow (aft. 15 d.). Obstruction in the throat to swallowing, as of a body pressing there. Spasmodic constriction of the oesophagus. Sensation in the oesophagus in the afternoon, as if the food had lodged in it, and had not got into the stomach, with a sort of qualmishness. 520. Pressure in the oesophagus, after deglutition. Stitching and pressure in the throat, on swallowing. Violent stitches in the throat, even into the ear, on degluti- tion, and more yet in speaking. Stitches in the throat on deglutition, she cannot get bread down. — Violent stitch on the right side at the top of the oesophagus, when not swallowing (aft. Yx h.). \Htn7\ 525. Roughness and burning in the throat, with a sensation as if the w^hole oesophagus, down to the orifice of the stomach, was rough and sore. Sensation as if the throat and the uvula w^ere sore and quite excoriated. Rawness and soreness of the whole oesophagus; he can hardly swallow anything (aft. 29 d.). Swelling of the tonsils, with elongation of the uvula, and a sensation of tightness of the oesophagus in swallowing, and a feel- ing of soreness wdth stitches (aft. 5 d.). Sw^elling and inflammation of the palate; the uvula is dark- red and full of vesicles. 530. Swelling and dark redness of uvula. Great dryness of the mouth and tongue, with a rough, sting- ing sensation \Rl^^ . — Dryness in the mouth, as from lime. \Fr7\ Dryness of the tongue, early on awaking (aft. 13 d.). — Sensation of dryness on the tongue (aft. 5 d.). 535. Dry and bitter in the throat, the whole day, chiefly in the morning. Sensation of dryness in the palate, causing him to hawk up mucus. Much gathering of saliva in the mouth, but not so as to spit it out. Saliva collects several times in the mouth, in the forenoon. with qualmishness (4th d.). — Much collection of saliva in the mouth, he could not swallow enough (aft. i}^ h.). SJ^gh^ 540. Much mucus in the mouth, with sensation of dryness. [A'/.] — Sensation of much mucus in the fauces, when swallowing, wdth dryness in the mouth (aft. 1^ h.). \_Loh^ Phlegm in the mouth, in the morning, not easily removed In- rinsing the mouth (aft. 24 h.). Mucus in the throat, with taste of iron. Expectoration of mucus, at night, with scratching in the throat. 462 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 545. Hawking up mucus, in the morning. The taste is blunted. Everything tastes to her as if unsahed. — The food has too Httle taste for him, especially the meat. Insipid, watery taste in the mouth, while the taste of food is abnormall}^ acute. 550. Bad taste in the mouth, in the morning, as from a spoiled stomach. Taste as of manure in the mouth, and fauces. Unclean, bitterish taste in the mouth. In the morning, two hours after rising, bitter taste in the mouth. Bitterish taste, back in the mouth (5th d. ). 555. Sweet taste in the mouth, as from sugar, day and night (aft. 12 d.). Metallic taste, taste of lead in the mouth, in the morning (aft. 6 d.). Taste of iron in the mouth. Taste of ink in the mouth, in the morning on awaking. Sour taste in the mouth. 560. Sour taste in the mouth, with much viscid saliva. Sour taste of the saliva, which she continually spits out (aft. 2 d.). Sour taste of all food, without any sour taste in the mouth (after a cold?). Salt}^ taste in the mouth, and much thirst (aft. several h.). Great thirst. 565. Intense thirst, in the afternoon (aft. 3 h.). Much thirst, and brown urine. Much thirst after beer. — In the morning, thirst. — Unusual thirst and drjmess in the throat. 570. — Intense thirst, with desire for cold drinks, especially for water; he has to drink much for eight hours (aft. 8 to 55 h..) — The appetite is less; she feels acridity in the stomach. Entire lack of appetite (aft. 24 h.). Constant fullness. She has no desire for eating anything cooked. 575. Inordinate appetite, with great weariness, in the evening. Much voracious hunger, with weak stomach. Rabid hunger, in the morning. Great desire for salty things. Much appetite for wine, which she did not else care for. 580. Lickerishness. The customary tobacco is not relished, and on being smoked, causes headache and nausea. Milk does not agree with him, causes qualmishness and nausea. — Milk tastes sour, and is repugnant to him. \_Htn.'] He relishes milk. \_Ht71.'] CALCAREA CARBONICA. 463 585. The milk which he partook of, regurgitates, tasting sour (aft. 3d.). x\fter milk, water from the stomach runs out of his mouth (water-brash). — After drinking milk in the morning, qualmishness rises from the stomach, as if the stomach was spoiled. After every meal, she has for several hours afterw^ards an almost intolerable burning of the throat, with or without eruc- tation. After scarcely eating half enough for dinner, he feels qualm- ish; the ingesta regurgitate into the mouth, with nauseous taste, and constant eructation follows, for three hours (aft. 20 d.). 590. Regurgitation of food. As soon as he had just eaten enough, nausea came on, but passed away, when he then quite stopped eating (aft. 9 to 12 d.). After all food, eructation, with the taste of the ingesta. After a meal, much eructation. After dinner, at once distended, hard abdomen. 595. After little eating and drinking, distension of the stomach and abdomen. After partaking of thin liquid nourishment, in the evening, he is as if stuffed full, with much cramp-like pressure. After supper, colic. During dinner, pinching in the belly, starting from the navel (aft. 18 d.). During the meals, loud rumbling, just above the navel. 600. After supper ; cramp-like pressure of the stomach, and when it ceases, a sensation in the intestines, as if diarrhoea was coming, but it does not appear (aft. 7 to 8 d.). After dinner, stitches in the region of the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 9d.). _ After dinner, pressure in the crown and in the forehead. — After a meal, the drawing pressive headache around the temple is always aggravated, and comes even while eating, with a great sensitiveness of the teeth; when chewing, he feels as if these were loose and were being bent over, [/^r.] Two hours after dinner, rush of blood to the head, with heat of the face. 605. After dinner, strong heart-beats. After a meal, he feals the heart-beats, without laying the hand on his chest. After dinner, exhaustion and sensation of weakness (aft. 9 d.). After dinner, drowsiness; he takes a nap. After eating, an irresistible sleep; then a shaking chill and a cough from tickling. 610. After supper, strong inclination to sleep. After dinner, cold feet. After supper, perspiration all over the face. Much eructation, even in the morning, on awaking while fast- ing. — Frequent empty eructations. \_Lo7i.'] 615. Frequent eructation, with the taste of the ingesta. 464 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Even after six hours, risings with the taste of the food, eaten at dinner. Regurgitation of the ingesta. Bitter eructation. Eructation, with taste of bile, in the afternoon. 620. Sour eructation in the morning. — Sourish, disgusting eructation. \_Lgh.'\ — Constant sourish eructation. \Htn?\ Gastric acid rises even into his throat, a sort of heartburn, all da\'. Belching up of acid stuff, late in the evening. 625. Belching up of brownish, acid liquid, with burning, coming up from the scrobiculus cordis (heartburn) (aft. 8, 9 d.). Rancid eructation, scratchy heartburn. Heartburn (aft. i h.). Burning, rising up the throat after every meal, especially after hard, dry viands. Eructation, with hiccup. 630. Hiccup the whole da}', till evening (aft. 29 d.). — Frequent hiccup. \Lgh^^ — Violent hiccup, for a quarter of an hour (aft. 5 h.). \_lV/.~\ Qualmishness in the stomach, with collection of saliva in the mouth (aft. 3 h.). [Lg/i.] Nausea, in the morning (aft. 2 h. and aft. 5 d.). 635. Xausea every morning, with diminished appetite. Xausea, in the morning, fasting, with loathing, horror and shuddering. Nausea in the scrobiculus cordis, in the morning, fasting, with things becoming black before the e^^es, so that he had to sit down. Feeling of nausea, in the forenoon. Violent nausea in the scrobiculus cordis, in the afternoon, as from great emptiness in the stomach. 640. Nausea, in the evening, and heat, with ver}' uneas}' sleep. — Nausea, with cough and a sort of heartburn, wakes him up about midnight. Nausea, with anxiety (aft. 8 d.). Nausea, like fainting, frequenth\ Nausea, with emission of sourish water from the mouth. 645. At II A. M. qualmishness and nausea. Tendency to choking in the throat, without nausea, with col- lection of water in the mouth, like water-brash. Water-brash and colic (aft. 24 h.). — Nausea, with eructation and gathering of water in the outh, with a sort of vertigo in the head (at once), [i¥/7^.] Nausea, with vomiting of the ingesta, with exhaustion, faint- ing and unconsciousness. [Sr.'] 650. Vomiting in the morning, with nausea, the whole day, with digging pain in the abdomen. Vomiting of sour water, at night. Black vomiting (aft. 9 d.). The region of the stomach is painful to the touch. Quick pain in the stomach, as if it would distend it. CALCARKA CARBONICA. 465 655. Fullness of the stomach in the afternoon. Distension of the region of the stomach, toward the left side. Pressure in the stomach, the whole day (aft. 7 d.). Pressure in the stomach, even fasting. Pressure, transversely across the stomach. 660. Pressure in the stomach, as of a body lying there, heavy and fast. Pressure in the stomach, as if there were a lump in it, after a moderate supper, for an hour. Pressure in the stomach, with collection of saliva in the mouth. Pressure in the stomach, in the evening before lying down, like choking. Severe pressure in the stomach, like cramps, for two hours; she could not stay in bed for it, but had to rise. 665. Cramps in the stomach, with nausea, eructation and yawn- ing (aft. Ys^ h.). Severe cramp in the stomach in the afternoon, till sweat broke out all over. Cramp in the stomach and abdomen, cutting and compressive. Contractive pain in the stomach for several days, at times with pressure after a meal. Griping in the scrobiculus cordis. 670. Gnawing and, as it were, jerks in the stomach. lyancinating pain in the scrobiculus cordis, on pressure, especially severe after a stool. Stitches, transversely through the region of the stomach. Pain, as of soreness in the stomach. Burning in the stomach. 675. — Anxious pain in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 6 h.). \Wl.'\ — Anxiety, as if coming from the stomach, when sitting, with a hot burning in the abdomen; soon disappearing in walking or standing (aft. 26 h.). \Lgh^ In the hypochondria, tension. As if constricted, below the hypochondria, with trembling and beating in the region of the stomach. — Tensive squeezing pain in the whole hypochondrial region and in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 10 h.). \Hin^ 680. — Dull, pinching choking, close under the scrobiculus cordis (at once). \Htn^^ — Griping, pinching sensation in the whole hypochondriac region, extending to below the sternum, here it becomes lanci- nating, causing eructation (aft. ^ h.). \Htn^ — Violent pinching in the hypochondriac region and the chest, terminating now and then in a little stitch (aft. j4 h..). [/////.] — Griping in the hypochondriac region, below the scrobiculus cordis, with chill of the whole body. Close fitting clothing about the hypochondria is intolerable. 685. In the region of the liver, tensive pain. Tension and pressure in the region of the liver, as if it was very thick there, ready to burst. Thickness and elevation of the right side of the abdomen (in 31 13 h). (aft . lO by the 466 HAHXEMANX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. the hepatic region?); she alwa^^s feels there a pressure and a heaviness; she dare not lie on that side; with obstruction of flatus. Pressive pain in the liver, especialh' at night, when its hard- ness is also most sensible. Pressure in the region of the liver at ever}^ step in walking. 690. Drawing pain in the posterior hepatic region, toward the back, like darting tearing. Drawing pain in the right hypochondrium toward the S3'm- physis pubis. Twitching pain in the hepatic region (7th d.). Stitches in the hepatic region, during or after stooping. Transient stitches in the right hypochondriac region, in the forenoon, for an hour. 695. Stitches in the right hypochondriac region, drawing thence into the back, in the evening (aft. 30 d ). — Long stitches in the right side below the ribs (aft \Htn:\ Shaking stitch from the hepatic region into the chest h.). \_Fr:\ Excoriative, lancinating stitch in the hepatic region, last false rib. Pain as of rawness, in the liver. 700. In the left hypochondrium, frequently during the day, paroxysms of ^ of an hour of pressive throbbing (beating), both when at rest and in motion. Sharp pinching together in the region of the left lower ribs. In the abdomen, in its middle, an enormous aching from qualmishness, without inclination to vomit, for a quarter of an hour (aft. 27 d.). Pain in the abdomen, above the hips, when walking and breathing (aft. 6 d.). Aching in the hj^pogastrium, even when only walking a few steps, with sensation of heat in the whole body (aft. 5 d.). 705. Pressure in the abdomen, from the scrobiculus cordis downward. Pressive bellyache below the navel early after rising, like a pressing into the abdomen, with constipation (aft. 12 d.). Severe pressure in the hypogastrium, and hard stool (the first days). Pressure in the hypogastrium, during violent bodily exertion. Pressive colic in the hypogastrium, with nausea (for 8 daj's). 710. Pressure in the abdomen, with stitches in the scrobiculus cordis downward. — Pressure in the hypogastrium, which muddles the head. Fullness in the abdomen, especialh^ after a meal. Distension of the abdomen, onh' after dinner, not after supper, though she eats much. Inordinate distended abdomen. 715. Severe distension of the abdomen, with colic, frequently' dur- ing the da}'. Fullness of the belly, in the evening, so that he can hardly move, with violent colic. CAI^CARKA CARBONICA. 467 Distended, hard abdomen. Distended, full abdomen, with contraction of the rectum, holding back the flatus. Tension in the abdomen, -with inflation, the whole after- noon, without sensation of flatulence; it passed off on discharge of flatus (aft. 20 d.). 720. Tension in the abdomen (the first days). Tension in the abdomen, while sitting after violent exercise. Tension and cutting in the hypogastrium (aft. 15 d.). Squeezing and straining, close below the navel, after supper, aggravated by walking, and later passing into inflation of the abdomen. Contractive pains in the abdomen, toward the sacrum (aft. 40 d.). 725. Contractive colic in the epigastrium, so that she had to walk crooked, excited chiefly by deep breathing (aft. several d.). Contractive sensation in the abdomen and in the scrobiculus cordis, with appetite now too strong, now too weak. Contraction of the abdomen toward the chest, at once in the morning, for one hour (aft. 18 h.). Gnawing, griping in the abdomen and stomach, starting from the chest. Frequent severe cramp in the intestinal canal, but especially in the evening and night, with coldness of the thighs (aft. 8, 29 d.). 730. Cramp-like contortion and convolution about the navel (aft. 4d.). Snatching together in the hypogastrium toward the womb, for several days, with discharge of bloody mucus in the stool (aft. 17 d.). Writhing in the intestines. Writhing, cutting pain in the abdomen. Colic, frequently during the day, for several minutes, like pinching, followed by nausea. 735. Pinching in the belly (the first days). Pinching in the hypogastrium (aft. 8 d.). Pinching deep in the hypogastrium, in the region of the bladder, with pain at every step, as if the internal parts were drawn down by a weight, [^r.] — Pinching in a small spot below the navel, which on being- rubbed, passes over into a clucking (aft. ^ h.). {Htn?\ — Pinching deep in the hypogastrium, as if in the region of the bladder, frequently repeated, and always with the emission of some flatus. \^Htn^ 740. Cutting in the left side of the abdomen, going off after a soft stool. Violent cutting in the abdomen, in the morning on awaking. After the passing away of a severe cold lasting two days. frequent attacks of colic, with great exhaustion and wretched complexion, for many days, which is then suddenly quite removed by dipping into cold water (aft. 19 d.). — Cutting in the abdomen, every morning, also in the evening 468 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. and night; after the meal it ceased, but later there was grunting in the belly. — Cutting pain in the right lumbar region, pressing outward; going off only transiently by touching, [/r.] 745. Stitches, transversely through the abdomen, below the navel, on inspiring. Stitches in the abdomen (aft. 17 d.). Stitches in the bell}^ extending through to the back, with arrest of breathing. Transient stitches in the abdomen, especially on inspiring. Stitches in the hypogastrium. 750. Stitches in the left side of the abdomen toward the sacrum, more frequent in the evening and on turning the body, or when stooping. Drawing, in the abdomen, and restlessness in it, in the morning on aw^aking. Jerking tearing, down in the side of the abdomen (aft. 36 d.) Pain as of soreness in the hypogastrium, with painful tension on holding the bod}' straight, or on bending it backward (aft. 16 d.). Burning in the abdomen, frequent. 755. Burning pain below the navel, for some hours, in the after- noon. Pain, at times burning, at times lancinating below the navel > into the flank, which is inflated, more in the left side. In the groin, aching, as from a concussion (aft, 24 h.). — Pressive tension, in the region of the left groin (aft. 8 h.). \_Htn.'\ Heaviness and drawing pain in the groin. 760. Twitching pain in the right groin, when sitting (aft. 18 d.). Cutting pain in the groin, around the os pubis (aft. 21 d ). Straining in the groin, in the hernia, in the rectum and the back, with stitches in the chest. Stitches in the groin, in the place of the hernia, as if the inguinal hernia was about to protrude. Pain as of excoriation in the right inguinal region. 765. — Pain as from soreness, on both sides of the groin, as if a glandular swelling was forming, especially sensible when walking; on touching it, an elevation of the glands was sensible (aft. 10 h.). \_Lgh.-\ In the inguinal glands, straining, also when sitting (aft. 4od.). _ _ — Tearing in the inguinal glands, when sitting and walking (aft. 9h.). \Fr^, Sensation of swelling in the inguinal glands. \Rl.'\ Slight glandular swellings in both groins. 770. Painful glandular swelling in the groin, the size of a horse- bean (aft. 20 d. ). — Swelling of the glands in the left groin (aft. 22 d. ). In the muscles of the abdomen, twitching, during the stool. — Tearing in the muscles of the abdomen, increased by respi- ration. \_Wl.'\ CALCAREA CARBONICA. 469 — Pinching, almost cramp-like pain in the abdominal integu- ments of the right groin; in a small spot, only while speaking; also painful on being pressed with the finger (aft. 8 h. ). {Ht7i.'\ 775. Tension in the muscles of the epigastrium, on leaning back, with painfulness on stroking the epigastrium with the hand, as if the skin was sore (aft. 10 d.). Pricking as from needles, in the abdominal muscles, below the ribs, from within outward, especially on inspiring. Much rumbling in the abdomen. — Loud rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen, as if from emptiness . \Lgh . ] Grumbling in the abdomen on inspiration and on expiration. 780. Continual grumbling in the left epigastrium (aft. 4 d.). Grumbling in the abdomen and then eructation. Constant cooing in the belly. Clucking in the left side of the abdomen, with restlessness in the abdomen, painless. — Audible churning in the right side of the abdomen, as if diarrhoea was coming, \Lgh^ 785. — Frequent audible rumbling and crawling straining upwards in the right side of the abdomen, as from flatus, which also passed off. \_Fr:\ Much fermenting in the abdomen. Very frequently obstructed flatus, with rumbling in the abdo- men (aft. 19 d.). Obstructed flatus, with pain in the sacrum (aft. 19 d.). Obstructed flatus, with much vertigo (aft. 6 d. ). 790. The flatus passing off, is ver}" fetid. Constipation during the first days ; she has no stool with- out an enema. Constipation, aggravated from day to day. Constipation. [^/.] — Constipation, lasting for two days (aft. 7 d.). 795. — The second day, he has no stool. \Fr^ No stool, with constant tenesmus, and with this, gloominess in the head. Fruitless urging to stool (8th d. ). [^/.] Diminished stool (aft. 24 d.). Costiveness (aft. 7, 18, 24 d.). 800. Hard, undigested stool, and not every day. Hard, black stool (aft. 4 d.). Hard stool, with mucus, burning during the discharge. Stool of unusually large formation. Frequent discharge of stools, at first hard, then pappy, then thin. 805. — Frequent stools, first firm, then pappy, then thin, painless; the following two da3^s, costiveness. \_Lgh.'\ Painful tenesmus, day and night. Continual urging to stool, which she can satisfy only by great efforts, while onl}^ little passes (aft. 24 h.). Urging, as if diarrhoea was coming, and yet normal stool. First thin, then lumpy stool, without colic. [/////.] 470 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 8io. Diarrhoeic stool (ist, 3d, 5th d.). Diarrhoea, the first eight da3^s. — A diarrhoea, which does not weaken, two, three, four times a day, for many days (aft. 2 d.). Undigested stool, more thin ^aft. 6 d.). Undigested, hard, intermittent stool. 815. Stool, fetid, like rotten eggs. A liquid, smelling like herring-pickle, drips from the anus. Quite white stool. White stools, with streaks of blood, with much ill-humor, and much pain in the liver, excited by breathing and touch. Stool scanty, mixed with blood (aft. 26 d.). 820. Much loss of blood from the anus, w^ith the evening stool. Discharge of blood from the rectum, [i?/.] The varices of the anus are swollen, pain when sitting, and also discharge blood. The varices of the anus swell suddenl}'. The varices of the rectum sw^ell and protrude daily during the first daj^s, but not on the following days. 825. Protrusion of a large varix of the rectum. The sw^ollen varices of the rectum protrude and make even the stools which are not hard, painful. The varices of the rectum protrude and pain severely while walking, less during stool. The rectum, with its varices, protrudes during the stool like a scroll. Ascarides of the rectum. [^/.] 830. Infestation from ascarides in the rectum. An ascaris crawls out from the rectum, wdth itching and formi- cation, [i^/.] Ascarides, during stool. Before the stool, nausea. During stool, burning in the anus. 835. Pain in the rectum, as if torn open, even when the stool is not hard. — At the passage of the stool, straining at the termination of the rectum, w^ith grumbling and rumbling in the belly. [ Wl.~\ After tenesmus, there is still a continued pressure on the rectum and dyspnoea. After the stool, anxious oppression of the chest. After the forenoon- stool, severe stitches in the scrobiculus cordis, on pressure. 840. After the stool, sensation of tiredness. After the stool, drawing cutting, in and about the anus. After a healthy stool, drawing and cutting in the lower part of the rectum, with sensation of heat there. After a profuse stool, burning in the rectum, in the morning. After the stool, a burning itching in the anus. 845. In the lower part of the rectum, sensation of heaviness. Grumbling in the rectum. Pressure in the rectum, in the evening, while sitting (aft. 22 d.). CAI^CARKA CARBONICA. 47 I Violent pressure in the rectum (after several h.). — Pressure in the anus. 850. Pressure in the rectum, as if diarrhoea was coming. Straining in the anus and painful urging in the rectum. Straining, almost cutting, bearing-down pain in the rectum, soon after dinner. Cramp in the rectum, the whole forenoon, a pinching together and stinging, wath violent, anxious oppression, so that she could not sit still, but had to walk about (aft. lo d.). Twitching in the rectum. 855. Tensive, twitching pain in the rectum, unconnected with stools, in the evening. Stitches toward the rectum (aft. 13 d.). Lancinating pain, as from soreness, on the outside of the anus. Transient pain, as from excoriation on the anus (aft. 16 d.). Burning in the rectum. 860. Burning in the anus, even during the noon nap. Burning and feeling of dryness on the anus. Crawling in the anus. Crawling in the rectum, as from ascarides. — Severe itching on the anus. 865. Inflamed, burning painful, eruption like grapes, on the anus (aft. 19 d.). Soreness on the anus and between the thighs. — Soreness between the nates, when walking. In the urinary passages, pain after the feet have slightly got wet. Pain in the bladder, and cutting micturition during the night (aft. II d.}. 870. Stinging in the female urethra. Cutting stinging in the urethra, with tenesmus. Urging to urinate, especially while walking. The boy is urged to urinate, though the urine does not flow at once; then again he cannot restrain it, but allows some drops to pass. Frequent urging to urinate, soon again after micturition, with little discharge. 875. — Frequent urging to urinate, with little, sometimes very little, emission of urine (aft. 26 h.). \_Lgh.'] Urging to urinate, and he feels as if he could not restrain the urine. Wetting the bed (aft. 3d.). Frequent nocturnal micturition. Nocturnal micturition, with burning in the orifice of the urethra. 880. Micturition, frequent, through the whole night. [Sr.'] Frequent micturition (in a suckling whose mother had taken Calcarea). \_S7\~\ Very frequent micturition (aft. 8 h.). Frequent and copious micturition, in the forenoon and after- noon. \RL^ 472 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The whole da}^ she emits an unusual quantit}^ of watery urine. 885. — Frequent urging to urinate, with passage of much urine. Sensation as if he could not finish urinating, and as if alwa3^s some urine remained behind in the bladder. In micturition, alwa^^s something remains behind, and when he thinks he is done, it continues dripping. \Rl.'\ Dripping of urine after micturition. Very dark-colored urine, without sediment. 890. — The urine looks turbid, after standing, like claj'-water. \_wi:\ Much passage of mucus with the urine, like leucorrhoea, but the mucus does not appear otherwise. Frequent deposition of a white powder, like flour, in the urine (aft. II d.). Fetid, dark-brown urine, with white sediment. Very fetid urine (aft. 2 d.). 895. Fetid, smarting smell of the urine, which yet is very clear and pale C25th d.). Sharp smell of the urine. Much sourish -smelling urine at night. During micturition, cutting in the urethra (the first daj^s). During micturition, burning in the urethra. 900. During micturition, burning and pain as from soreness in the urethra. Before and after micturition, burning in the urethra. After micturition, burning in the urethra and constant urging to urinate. After micturition, pain as from soreness in the pudendum. In the male organ, disagreeable twitching, in the morning and evening in bed. 905. In the glans, violent stitches (3d d.). [^/.] Cutting pain in the tip of the glans (4th d.). Severe burning in the tip of the glans (aft. 10 d.). Itching anteriorly in the glans, especially after micturition (aft. 28 d.) — Tickling itching on the tip of the glans, compelling him to rub it (aft. 10 h.). \Lgh:\ 910. — Tickling itching on the prepuce, compelling him to rub the part (aft. 9 h.). {Lgh.'\ The prepuce is red and inflamed, with burning pain at micturition and when touched (4th d.). In the right testicle, a pressive pain. Pain as from pressure or contusion in the left testicle (aft. 12 d.). Pain as from contusion in the testes. 915. — The left testicle is drawn up spasmodically to the abdomen, with painful pressure and pain in the left groin; it is also painful to the touch. Cutting, excoriative pain in the testes, starting from the groin. CALCARKA CARBONICA. 473 Stitches in the testes (formerly indurated), in periods of two minutes. The scrotum hangs down relaxed. Severe itching on the scrotum. 920. A sore spot on the scrotum. In the spermatic cord, pain, as if it were contracted. Sexual instinct very much increased. Very active sexual instinct (aft. 21 d.). Strong excitement to coitus, especially when walking, in the forenoon (aft. 17 d.). 925. Violent sexual instinct, due only to wanton fancies, while the organ lacks stiffness, so that erection was only effected through application; scarcely had it entered, when the semen was emitted; this was followed by excessive prostration and great excitation of the nerves; he was discontented, irascible, and the knees seemed ready to give w^ay for weakness (4th d.). Erections in the morning after rising, with much inclination for coitus. Pollutions much more frequent in the first days, then continually less so. Pollutions are frequent in the first eleven daj^s, in a man of forty-three years, who had not had any for eighteen years. Pollution the first night, and then improved health. 930. — Frequent pollutions. — Emission of semen, the first night, [/v^.] — Two seminal emissions the following night, with voluptuous dreams. [Ht?i.'\ — Two seminal emissions in one night, without any voluptu- ous dreams. \_Lgh.'] Prostatic fluid flows out after micturition. 935. After the stool and the micturition, prostatic j nice flows out. During coitus, the emission of semen is very tardy (aft. 7 d.). During coitus, the semen is not squirted out in the voluptuous moment, but only runs out, as it were, afterward. During coitus, a normal emission of semen, but without anj^ thrilling voluptuous sensation (aft. 5 d.). During coitus, so violent a titillation on the tip of the glans, that he had to draw back the organ. 940. After coitus, stinging in the anus. After coitus, on the following da}^ the head is greatly aft'ected. After coitus, for several days very much exhausted and affected. After coitus, weakness and trembling of the legs, especially above and below the knees. In the female pudenda, itching and stinging. 945. Itching of the internal and external labia. — Itching on the pudenda. Burning in the pudenda, two da3^s before the menses (aft. 39cl.). Burning pain, as of a sore in the genitals. Burning smarting, with soreness in the female pudenda. 950. Inflammation, redness and swelling of the pudenda oi a little 474 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. girl, with pus-like discharge, without pain during micturition. Stitching burning nodule on the border of the labia (aft. 8 d. ). Moistness, like copious sweat in the fold between the pudenda and the thigh, with smarting. Voluptuous sensation in the female genitals (in the afternoon, without cause), and effusion of fluid, followed by great exhaus- tion (aft. yd.). Flow of blood, outside of the period of the menses (9 days before) for tw^o days (aft. 12 d.). 955. — Flow of blood from the uterus of an old woman, who had not menstruated for years; in the last quarter of the moon (aft. 7d.). Flow of bloody water from the vagina, in an old woman, with pain in the sacrum, as if the menses were about to appear again. The menses, which had long been suppressed, appear with the new moon (in a woman of 32) (aft. 6 d.). The menses which had long ceased (in a woman of 52) re- appeared w^ith the new moon (aft. 6 d.). The menses come the first time (aft. 14 d.) two days sooner, but the next time they only appear on the 32d da3\ (aft. 46 d.). 960. The menses are three days too soon (aft. 17 d. ). Menses four days sooner, lasting eight days. The menses, always before regular, on taking Calcarea, ap- peared seven days too soon. Two times in succession, the menses flowed profusely, and with a sort of labor-pains, they caused the expulsion of a small foetus, as an abortion, with violent tenesmus and cutting and pressing in the abdomen. The menses, which were usually too copious, were moderated (curative effect). 965. Before the menses, in the night, a very voluptuous dream. The day before the menses, headache. The day before the menses, she was strongly affected; a trifle served to terrify her. The evening before the menses (after supper), a strong chill and then colic, continuing all night. During the menses, vertigo, in stooping and raising the head up again. 970. During the menses, rush of blood to the head and heat there. During the menses, pressive pain on the vertex of the head. During the menses the eyes were closed by suppuration and they watered; her head was heavy and she could not well grasp her thoughts. During the menses, sore throat; a pain as from soreness while swallowing, soreness in the fauces, on the uvula and behind it. . During the menses violent burning in the throat, with hoarse- ness. 975. During the menses, an attack of toothache. During the menses, boring in a hollow tooth, w^hich on stoop- ing turns to throbbing (i6th d.). During the menses, nausea and tenesmus. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 475 During the menses, drawing, pressive pains, with stitches in the abdomen, and in other parts of the body, now here, now there, with restlessness, even to fainting (aft. lo d.). During the menses, when the flow of blood ceased for a few hours, contractive, pinching colic. 980. During the menses, the urine passes involuntarily at every movement. Immediately after the menses, toothache, drawing and stitches, day and night, worst when she bends the head to the right, the left, or backwards; it hinders her from sleeping and wakes her up (aft. 50 d.). Leucorrhoea, like mucus (aft. 5, 16 d.). Leucorrhoea, like milk (the first 3d.). Milky leucorrhoea, which flows most during micturition. 985. — The leucorrhoea, already present, is increased. :4c i< >I< >t< >1< >i< :^ Frequent sneezing, without a cold. Repeated sneezing, daily. Much sneezing in the morning. — Without a cold, frequent sneezing. \_Lgh.'] 990. Dryness of the nose (aft. 22 d.). Dry nose, at night; moist during the day. Stopped nose (aft. 18 d.). Total stoppage of the nose, in the morning, on rising. Stoppage of the nose and a cold. 995. Dry coryza (ist d. and aft 12 d.). Dry coryza, with much sneezing (the first 7 days). Attacks of dry coryza, with sneezing, for several weeks. — Dry coryza, with frequent sneezing (aft. 72 h.). {Lgh?^ Severe, dry coryza, wdth headache (aft. 32 d.). 1000. A cold; heaviness in all the limbs. Violent cold, for eight days (aft. 36 d.). Violent coryza, with pains in the hypogastrium. [^Sr.] Severe fluent coryza (almost at once and aft. 4 d.). The fluent coryza flows more strongly. 1005. An excessive fluent coryza, with previous sneezing, often abortive. \_Rl.^ — Fluent coryza, with much sneezing (aft. 27 h.). Fluent coryza, lasting three days, with ulceration of the left nostril (aft. 9 d.). — Coryza, with painful sensitiveness of the nose and internal heat in the head (aft. 72 h.). [W7.] Severe coryza, with heat in the head and cough (aft. 13 d.). loio. Violent cold, with headache and tightness of the chest (aft. 10, 16 d.). — Fluent coryza, with headache (at once relieved bv camphor) (aft. 5d.). Severe coryza, going off after two da3-s, and turning into violent colic, lasting several da3'S (aft. 17 d.). Fluent coryza, with great lassitude. A severe coryza, and at the same time a flow of blood trom the anus. 476 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 015. Copious flow of mucus from the nose, while it is obstructed (aft. 14 d.). The throat is rough, especially in the morning. Roughness of the larynx, with pain on deglutition. Painless hoarseness, so that she cannot talk, especially in the morning (aft. 11 d.). — Hoarse, rough throat, for three days (aft. 24 h. ) . 1020. — Tickling in the windpipe, inciting to tussiculation. \_Lgk.^ Whooping, hoarse cough, which, as far as can be heard, strikes against no phlegm. Mucus in the larynx, detached by clearing the throat. Mucus on the chest, without cough (aft. several h.). Sibilus in the windpipe, in the evening, after lying down. 1025. — Loud rattling in the windpipe on expiring, as from mucus on the chest (aft. 37 h.). [L^'/i.'] Cough, with cold. Tickling cough, as from feathery dust in the throat. Cough, excited by a sensation as if there was a plug in the throat, moving up and down. Excitation to cough, on inspiring. 1030. Cough, excited by eating. Cough, always excited by playing on the piano. In the evening, especially in bed, dry tussiculation (aft. 2d.). Nocturnal cough (aft. 6 d.). Constant nocturnal cough, with hoarseness (aft. 39 d.). 1035. At night, on awaking, severe cough for two minutes. At night, in bed, after the first awaking (about 10 p. m.) a continuous, violent, scraping cough (7th d.). At night, after midnight, dry cough, so that heart and arteries throbbed. Nocturnal cough, without awaking. Cough, mostly in sleep; with it, at first, dry, then fluent coryza. 1040. Constant short hacking cough, in single paroxysms. Convulsive cough, in the evening. Dry cough, especially at night. Cough, with expectoration in the day, but no expectoration at night. Cough with expectoration, all the day. 1045. Cough, with much viscid expectoration, without taste and smell, in the morning and evening, in bed. Much cough, w^th expectoration of mucus, in the evening, after lying down, and at night; during the day but little, and then dry cough. Mucous cough, from time to time. Mucous expectoration, in the morning, with tussiculation. Cough, with much expectoration of thick mucus, at night. 1050. Expectoration of mucus, sweet of taste, through coughing. Cough, in the morning, with yellow expectoration (aft. 5 d.). — The cough becomes loose, and whole pieces are ejected, like pure pus. \_Gr.^ CALCAREA CARBONICA. 477 Expectoration of blood by coughing and hawking, with sen- sation of rawness and soreness in the chest. Expectoration of blood b}^ a hacking cough (short tussicula- tion), with vertigo and unsteadiness in the thighs, in quick motions. 1055. After he had choked in the morning, during breakfast, he had to cough violentl}^ when he threw out blood several times, with subsequent stitches in the palate. In coughing, a darting, several times through his head, like a tearing pain. In coughing, there are stitches in the head. With every fit of coughing, there is a painful concussion of the head, as if it w^ould burst. During a violent coughing fit, in the evening, there is a rising, and he throws up a sweet substance. 1060. Ver}^ violent cough, at first dry, then with frequent salty sputa, with pain as if something was being torn off in the throat. In coughing, pain in the chest, as if it was raw, in the even- ing and night. Arrest of breathing, while walking in the wind; and also in the room, tightness of the chest, which increases as soon as she walks a few steps. Want of breath in lying down, then sibilant breathing. Frequent necessity of deep breathing. 1065. He has to breathe deeply, and then there are stitches, now in the right side, now in the left of the chest and lower ribs. Violent urging to take a deep breath, with expansion and contraction of the abdomen and pain in the belly and chest (aft. 3d.). Desire to hold the breath. Difficult, loud breathing through the nose, when walking. Difficult breathing (aft. 7 d.). 1070. — Difficult breathing, facilitated by bending the shoulders backwards. Shortness of breath, w^orse in sitting, than in motion. Shortening of the breath at the least ascent, [i?/.] Short, almost hiccuping breath, in sleep, after previous weep- ing. Tightness of the chest; she lacks breath. 1075. Tightness of the chest, as if it were too full, and filled with blood. Tight feeling of fullness in the chest, early on rising, as if the lungs could not sufficiently expand for breathing; going oft' after some expectoration. — Tight, anxious sensation the whole day, as if there was not enough room in the chest for breathing, with stoppage of the nose (aft. 13 d.). Dyspnoea in the chest, with stitches in it. Tightness of the chest, soon after rising in the morning; he could not go two steps without having to sit down (aft. 24 d.). 1080. Asthma, in the forenoon, when taking a walk in the open air (aft. 48 h.). 478 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. — Severe anxious asthma and difficult breathing, like tension in the lower part of the chest; it took his breath away while moving and sitting, for an hour; almost to suffocation (aft. 30 h.). Tightness and tension on the chest. ■ Hot breath with heat in the mouth, 3'et without thirst. The whole chest is painfully sensitive to the touch and during respiration. [H^/.] 1085. Pressure in the chest, especially below the right nipple. Pressure on the chest in front, also when not respiring. Pressure in the right side of the chest, as it were by thrusts, after exercise for an hour. Pain as if pressed upon, in the sternum. Cramp in the left intercostal muscles; he has quickly to bend to the side, to be relieved. 1090. Cutting in the chest, when taking breath (aft. several h.). — Pains cutting from Vvnthin outward in the last ribs, increased by inspiring. \_WIP\ Stitches in the chest, toward the neck, for several hours. Stitches in the left side of the chest, especially in the evening (aft. II d.). Stitches through the chest from the left to the right side, with feeling of contraction of the chest; he breathed hard, and as he breathed, the stitches became more violent (aft. 4 d.). 1095. Stitches in the left part of the chest, almost every time she takes breath, and mostly passing off by rubbing (aft. several h.). Stitches in the left side of the chest, on inspiring and during bodily motion. Stitches deep in the right side of the chest, in the evening, especially while taking breath. Stitches and drawing in the left side of the chest, up into the left submaxillary gland. Twitching stitches in the chest, mostly on the left side. 1 100. — Itching stitches on the chest, most severe while expiring, going off on rubbing (aft. 48 h.). {WL.'\ — Sharp stitches in the right side of the chest, from within outward, without regard to respiration (aft. 7 h.). [/^/.] — Sharp stitches in the left side, under the axilla, outward from the chest, most severe while inspiring (aft. 2 h.). \_Wl?^ — Broad stitch in the thoracic muscles upward, with every heart-beat. [IF/.] — Dull thrusts from the posterior w^alls of the thoracic cavity up to between the scapulae, in the rhythm of the heart-beat, with great oppressive anguish (aft. 8 h.). \WIP\ 1 105. Gnawing pain on the left side of the chest, as if external, upon the ribs and the sternum, but little aggravated by inspira- tion (aft. I h.). \Wl^, Pain as of soreness in the chest, especially during inspi- ration. Pain as from rawness in the chest, after much speaking and walking, also in coughing. Weakness in the chest, after some loud speaking. CALCARKA CARBONIC A. 479 Anxious oppression in the chest (the first days), mo. — Anxious oppression in the chest, as if it was too narrow, with short breath, especially in sitting, and pressure on the chest, especially during an inspiration; the heart beats anxiously and tremulously . [ W/. ] In the heart, anxiety (aft. 2d.). Palpitation of the heart. Severe palpitation. Excessive palpitation, with unequal pulsation. 1 1 15. Severe palpitatation, with an anxious fear that he has an organic disease of the heart. Severe palpitation, with excessive anguish and restlessness, tightness of the chest and pain in the back ; with every breath she utters a loud sound, as if there was a lack of air, with coldness of the body and cold sweat. [Gr.~\ Painful pressure in the region of the heart. * Spasmodic contraction in the region of the heart, taking the breath away, with subsequent violent thrusts (aft. 16 d.). Stitches in the heart, which arrest the breath and leave a pressive pain in the heart. 1 120. — I^ancinating, drawing pain in the region of the heart (aft. 9y,h.). [Fr.-] External itching on the chest (aft. 10 d.). Pimples below the chest, with excoriation on rubbing them. The female breasts are painful, as if festered, especially when touched. Pain as of soreness in the right nipple, at the lightest touch. 1 125. Swelling and inflammation of the left nipple, with fine stitches in it (aft. 4th d.). Swelling and external heat of the right breast. Swelling in the glands of the right breast, with pain on touch- ing it. The milk in the breasts of a nursing woman dries up (aft. 48 h.). Pain in the sacrum (aft. 6, 8 d.). 1 130. Intolerable pains in the sacrum. Severe pains in the sacrum, so that she can neither sit nor lie down. Pain in the sacrum, so that he could hardly rise again after sitting down. Pain in the sacrum, at once in the morning after rising. Pain in the sacrum, as from a strain in lifting. 1 135. Pain in the sacrum, from heavy lifting. Constant straining in the sacrum toward the rectum. Drawing in the sacrum (aft. 4 h.). Drawing pain in the sacrum, while sitting Spasmodic twitching pain from the sacrum towards the anus. 1 140. — Twitching stitches in the sacrum, and at the same time on the leg above the ankle (aft. 2 h.). [TF/.] — In a spot above the sacrum, stitches on being touched. Eruptive pimples on the sacrum and the nates. 480 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. In the region of the kidneys and the loins, aching on taking a drive. Pressive pain in the renal region. II 45. The spine pains on bending backward. Pain as from being bruised, in the back and chest. Pain as from a sprain, in both sides of the back. As from a strain in lifting, the spine pains in the renal region on stretching. [^/.] Painful stiffness in the spine, with laziness and heaviness of the legs, in the morning on awaking and after rising (aft. 17 d.). 1 1 50. Pressive pain in the middle of the back and below the scapulae (aft. 27 d.). Pressive pain in the spine, between the scapulae, with short breath, aggravated in respiring, with pain in the spinal vertebrae on being touched. Pressure between the scapulae on motion, obstructing the respiration. Pressure under the right scapula upward. Stitches in the back. 1 155. Single, violent stitches in the upper part of the back in respir- ing. — Violent pricks, as from needles, in the middle of the spine, almost causing him to cry out, on taking a walk in the open air, somewhat relieved by standing. [^^/^.] — Severe stitches from the thoracic cavity through the spine, out between the scapulae. [ IV/.'] Stitches in the left scapula in the cardiac region (2d d.) Itching' stitches in the right scapula. 1 160. — Sharp stitches within the shoulder-blade. \_WL~\ Pinching contraction between the scapula (aft. 30 d.). Dra-wing pain between the scapulae. Twitching in both scapulae and in the chest. Tearing between the scapulae (aft. 3 h.). 1 165. Cutting pain between the scapulae, when resting (aft. 6 d.). Painless jerks in the right side of the back, in respiring, with a chill and a cold shiver (aft. 7 d.). Coldness and feeling of numbness on the side of the back, on which he lay during his siesta. Itching, and itching pimples on the back. Pustules on the back. 1 170. The neck feels stiff. Stiffness of the nape of the neck and of the neck. Sensation of stiffness in the side of the nape. \_Rl.~\ On bending, the nape of the neck is as it were rigid. Tension in the neck, so that she cannot turn her head. 1 175. Stitches in the nape of the neck and the scapulae, with gloomi- ness of the head. Itching, stitching, burning in the nape and between the scapulae, with heartburn (aft. 5 d.). Swelling and painfulness of the lowest cervical vertebrae, in the nape. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 48 1 Painless glandular swelling of the size of a hazelnut in the neck, where the hair begins (aft. 5 d.). On the neck, on turning or twdsting the head, pain as if a hernia or a tumor would protrude. 1180. Sudden pain in the neck, as from a sprain, on turning and twisting the head. Swelling of a left gland on the neck, as large as a pigeon egg, with stitching sore throat on deglutition. Swelling of the neck on the left side, with painfulness on touching, and on turning the head, with sore throat. The cervical glands are painful. Hard swelling of the cervical glands (aft. 13 d.). 1185. The shoulder- joint is painful, in the evening and night. — Pain in the top of both the shoulders. Pain in both shoulders and in the elbow-joint, as after great fatigue. Pressure on the shoulder (aft. 24 h.). Pressive pain in the right shoulder- joint, only when resting, not in lifting and moving the arms. 1190. Tearing in the left shoulder- joint and elbow-joint (aft. 14 d.). Stitches in the left shoulder-joint, the whole day (aft. 4d.). — Severe stitches in both axillae (aft. 4 d.). [W7.] The arms are painful, as if bruised, on moving them, and on grasping with them. Cramp in the whole of the one arm or the other, for a quarter of an hour (aft. 5 d.). 1 1 95. Twitching pain in the right arm, in the evening (13th d.). Drawing, tearing in the right arm, from the shoulder to the hand (aft. 3 h.). Tearing in the right arm, from above downward. Burning, paralytic pain in the whole right arm, from the finger-joints to the shoulder (aft. 6 d.). Restlessness and anxious distress in the joints of the arms and wrists. 1200. Going to sleep of the arm on which he is lying, with pains. Weakness and a sort of paralysis of the left arm ; he finds it difficult to move it or to lift it; of itself it always tends to fall down again. Burning, itching on the left arm, from morning till evening. The upper arm is painful, just below the shoulder-joint, so that he cannot lift it high, nor bring it to his back. Pain in the middle of the upper arm, as if the flesh was drawn tight to the bones. 1205. —Spasmodic pain (with tearing) in the muscles of the upper arm (on taking a walk in the open air). \_Lo-/i.~\ Drawing pain in the left upper arm, while sitting (and sew- ing). — Fine twitching in the left upper arm. [ I [7.] Tearing pain in the middle of the upper arm, in a small spot. — Tearing, twitching in the upper arm (aft. 7 h.). [^^A] 32 482 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 2 10. — A tearing stitch in the muscles of the left upper arm, when sitting. {_Lgh:\ In the fore-arm, a painful pressure in the muscles, while walk- ing, passing off at once on touching it, or on standing and sitting (aft^h.).^ \Lgh:\ — Tearing pressure in the muscles of the left fore-arm, both in rest and in motion (aft. 3 h.). \_Lgh7\ Drawing pain in the left fore-arm. Drawing pain in the fore-arm, from the bend of the elbow to the wrist, chiefij^ in rest. 12 [5. Spasmodic tearing pain on the outer side of the fore-arm, from the elbow to the wrist, as soon as he seizes an3'thing with the hand. — Cramp-like tearing in the muscles of the left fore-arm (aft. 40 h.). \Lgh:\ — Cramp-like pains in the fore-arm, before the elbow^- joint (aft. I h.). \_Wi:\ — Cramp-like pains in the outer side of the fore-arm, near the wrist (aft. i, 13, 29th). \Lgh?\ — Fine tearing and boring stitches in the muscles of the left fore-arm. \Lgh.'\ 1220. Swelling of the fore-arm and the back of the hand, with ten- sion on moving it. The hands pain in the morning and are quite relaxed. Severe pain in the knuckles of the hand, as if excoriated with caustic. Like a sprain in the right wrist-joint. Pain as from a sprain in the right wrist-joint, or as if something was wrenched or strained. 1225. Pain in the right wrist-joint, as if strained, with stitching and tearing therein, on motion. [^/.] — Pain as of a sprain, close above the wrist-joint, more severe when at rest than in motion. \LghP\ Cramp iii the hands, at night, until rising in the morning. Cramp in the left hand. Twitching thrusts in the wrist- joint. 1230. Drawing pain in the wrist- joint and the metacarpus. Drawing pain in the hand. Jerking drawing in the wTists and from there up the arms, even in the morning in bed. Tearing pain in the palm of the hand. Stinging in the palm, in the morning in bed, for two minutes. 1235. — Sharp stitches in the outer protuberance of the wrist. [ j^/.] Trembling in the hands for several hours, in the afternoon (2dd.). Sweat in the palms, even in slightl}^ moving the bodj^ The veins in the hands are distended, with burning sensation on the back of the hands. — Crawling and stitches on the wrist. [ H>7.] 1240. — Itching, stinging tickling in the right palm, inciting to scratching. \Lgh . ] CALCARKA CARBONICA. 483 — Itching tickling on the border of the left hand, inciting to scratching. [_L£-/i.'] A furuncle on the back of the left hand, with lancinating pain when touched. The fingers, when stretched out, seem as if strained and clinched, as if the}^ w^ere glued together. Cramp-like contraction of the fingers. 1245. Cramp in the fingers, without their being clinched. Cramp-like pain in the posterior joint of the index. \^Lgk.^ Cramp-like pain between the third and fourth fingers of the right hand. [//i';z.] Twdtching pain in the fingers. Involuntary twitching of the left thumb. 1250. Tearing in the finger-joints (aft. 28 d.). Transient tearing pains in the finger-tips. Numbness^ of the fingers. Numbness^ of the three middle fingers; they become white, cold and insensible; preceded by a slight drawing therein (aft. 3h.). [5//.] Pain of the finger- joints as if they were swollen, on awaking from the (evening) sleep, without visible swelling. 1255. Burning itching on the fingers of the left hand (aft. 13 d.). — Tickling itching on the index, inciting to scratching. [_Lg-/i.~\ Large, painful furuncle on the posterior joint of the ring finger (twice on two different doses. [^Sr.] Around the nail of the middle finger, suppuration. Incipient paronychia on the right index (aft. 6 d.). 1260. Several agnails. — On the border of the. iliac bone, pinching. \_WI.'] In the nates, pain as if festered, when touched; less in sitting than in walking (aft. 48 h.). Drawing, cramp-like pains on the right side of the nates, toward the anus. Painful muscular twitching in both the nates, in sitting and standing. 1265. Burning itching on one of the nates. In the hip-joint, tension, with drawing pain in the hip-bone, during the evening's w^alk. — Drawing pain as of a sprain in the hip-joint, when w^alking. — Pinching twitching on the posterior side of the hip- joint, worse in rest than in motion. [ W/.] Stitches over the right side of the hip. 1270. Stitches in the hip-joint, on stooping. Stitches in the hip- joint up from the patella, wdien treading in starting on a walk. — Cutting in the acetabulum of the hip-joint, when sitting (aft. 3h.). [^/.] — Tearing in the hip- joint and around the anterior crest of the ilium, extending into the groin, in motion. [/*V.] 1 Literally, "dying of^.'^ — TransI. 484 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pain as of inside festering in both hip-joints, on walking in the room. 1275. Sensation of numbness on the right hip and the thigh, with a sensation as if these parts were brittle, and as if too short and small. In the lower limbs and around the pelvis, muscular twitch- ings. Drawing pain in the muscles of the lower limbs, on the back of the thigh and in the calves, in the evening (aft. 36 h.). — Drawing in the lower limbs, extending into the tips of the toes. Tearing in both lower limbs, from the hip down into the ankle (aft. 14 d.). 1280. A lancinating jerk into the right lower limb, so that it sud- denly darted up (aft. 30 d.). Restlessness in the lower extremities, with much eructation. Heaviness of the lower extremities (aft. 8 d.). Painful weariness of the lower extremities, especially of the thighs, as after a fatiguing walk (aft. 17, 19 d.). Fatigue and bruised feeling in the lower limbs, especiall}" in the joints (aft. 20 d.). 1285. Pain as from a bruise in the shaft bones of the lower limbs. — Pain as from a bruise in the lower extremities, especially in the legs, when lying down, [/^r.] Going to sleep of the lower extremities in the evening, when sitting. Sensation of numbness in the left lower limb (aft. 7 d.). On the right thigh, in a small spot, painful twitching. 1290. Cutting pain in the upper part of the left thigh, as from straining a muscle, especiallj^ on motion. — Tearing pain on the inner side of the thigh on moving it. Stitches in the thigh, in the knee and in the heel, only at night. — Pressive stitches on the inner side of the left thigh, when sitting (aft. 3 h.). [///;^.] — Cramp-like stitching in the muscles of the right thigh, in standing and walking, going off in sitting. [Z.^/^.] 1295. — Sharp stitch on the outer side of the thigh, above the left knee (aft. 3 h.). [W/.] — Tearing stitches on the inner side of the thigh, above the knee, in sitting (aft. 12 h.). [i^r.] Weariness and, as it were, rigidit}' in the anterior muscles of the thigh, in the morning, on starting to walk. Pain as from a bruise in the muscles of the right thigh, when retiring after walking. — Pain as from a bruise in the muscles of the thighs, when walking. 1300. Itching on the thighs (aft. 12 d.). Violent itching on the lower part of the thigh, at night. Stinging itching in a small spot of the left thigh (aft. 20 d.). Fine stinging itching on the thighs. CALCARKA CARBONICA. 485' Burning itching on the left thigh, from morning till evening. 1305. Eruptive pimples on the thighs (aft. 11 d.). In the knee, a sensation as if she could not sufficiently stretch the limb (aft. 16 d.). Pain in the patella, when rising from sitting (4th d.). [i?/.) — Pain of the knees, in turning, twisting and in touching them. — Pain in the left knee-joint, even when at rest. 1310. Pain as from a sprain in the right knee (aft. 14 d. ). — Pain as from a sprain in the left patella, when sitting, going off on walking and standing (aft. 12 h.). {LghP^ Tension below the knee on cowering (crouching) down. Pressive pain in the knees. Dull pressive pain in the patella. 1315. Drawing pain about the knee, just above the hough. — Drawing, cramp-like pain on the patella (aft. 2d.). \_Fr^ Tearing and tension on the inner side of the knee, on rising from sitting. Transient tearing pain in the knees. Lancinating and throbbing pain in the left knee, in the morn- ing, more when sitting than when walking; he had to limp. 1320. — Sharp stitches in the right knee-joint (aft. 4 h.). [W^/.] Stitches in the left knee for one-half hour (5th d.). Pain as from a bruise in the knee (loth d.). — Pain as of a bruise, close below the patella, on taking a walk in the open air (aft. 13 h.). \Lgh.'\ Sensation of numbness in the knees, in the afternoon siesta, going off on awaking. 1325. Perspiration of the knees. Swelling of the knees. — Below the patella, an inflamed swelling. The leg pains in the calf in walking and in treading, on touching and on bending the foot. Pain as from a strain in the anterior muscles of the tibia, when walking (aft. 21 d.). 1330. Tension in the calf. Straining in the leg, from the foot to the knee, as if the leg was asleep (during a pressive cramp in the stomach). Cramp in the right leg, for an hour, while the foot was bent inward and doubled up (aft. 4 d. ). Cramp in the muscles of the tibia, at night. — Cramp-like pains, close beside the shaft of the tibia, when sitting. \_LghP^ 1335. Violent cramp in the calf, at night. Cramp in the calves and houghs, on stretching the leg (in putting on the boot), it is relieved on bending the leg, but returns on stretching it. Cramp in the calf and the foot, when moving it briskly, with lancinating pain. Dull pressive pain in the muscles beside the tibia, in walking. — Pressive pain on the left tibia, near the ankle, on taking a walk in the open air (aft. 52 h.). \Lgh^ 4o6 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1340. — Intermittent pressive pain in the calf. [/^^.] Drawing and crushing pain in the tibia. Tearing drawing in the calf. — ^Tearing twitching anteriorly in the leg, below the knee, when at rest. \_Wl.'] Twitching upward of the leg. 1345. Cutting above the tibia. Stinging and weakness in the calf. — Pain as of a bruise of the legs, as if overfatigued ; he has to keep changing his seat. [ Wl.'] A stinging crawling on the legs. Much itching on the legs and feet. 1350. — Itching below both the calves. Burning itching on the right tibia. [^/.] Erj^sipelatous inflammation and swelling of the leg, with chill of the body. Large, dark-red itching tetter on the legs, with some swelling on it. Red streaks on the tibia, consisting of miliary granules, with severe itching, and burning after rubbing (aft. 7 d.). 1355. Several ulcers on the legs (aft. yd.). In the ankle-joint, pain as if it was broken, in walking, especiallj^ in the afternoon. Pain in the right ankle, when treading, as if the foot was about to be sprained. Pain as of a sprain in the left foot (aft. 13 d.). Pain, as if the foot was too tightl}- bandaged, above the left ankle. 1360. Tension in both the ankles on the inner side. Cramp in the sole of the left foot. — Cramp in the soles, after some walking, relieved b\^ walk- ing a little longer, and vanishing when sitting. — Cramp in the soles and toes, at night, and in the daytime when pulling on the boots (aft. 11 d.). — Cramp-like pain in the sole of the left foot (aft. 5 h.). {Htn.'\ 1365. Severe tearing in the soles of the feet. Severe cutting on the outer side of the sole of the right foot, in the evening and the whole night (aft. 10 h.). Painful sensitiveness of the soles of the feet, even in the room, as if softened by hot water, with great painfulness when walking. Pain as from internal festering in the soles of the feet. Burning in the soles of the feet. 1370. Burning of the feet, in the evening. Sudden, quite hot sensation on the dorsum of the left foot and on the leg, as if a ver}" hot breath was being blown on it. Sweating of the feet. Sweating of the feet, toward evening. Inflammatory^ swelling on the dorsum of the left foot, with burning pain and severe itching around it. 1375. Swelling of the feet, for eleven daj's. — Swellino: of the outer side of the ankle on the left foot. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 487 Itching around the ankles and below the calves (aft. 13 d.). Itching in the ankle of the diseased foot. Violent burning itching on the ankle of the right foot, from morning till evening (aft. 15 d.). 1380. Blisters come on the left heel, in walking, which turn into a sort of large blood-boil, with stinging and itching pain (aft. 8 h.). The toes ache, as from the pressure of boots. [^/.] Violent pain on the tip of the right big toe (aft. 21 d.). Cramp in the toes. Visible twitching in the left big toe, in the evening, in bed. 1385. Tearing in the toes. Tearing in the big toe. [^/.] Transient tearing pains in the toes. Stitches in the big toe. — Violent stitch in the left little toe, as if it was outside of it (aft. 14 h.). [///;/.] 1390- — Sharp stitch in the posterior joint of the big toe, when resting (aft. 24 h. ) . [ JV/.] — Intermittent, cramp-like needle-pricks in the toes of the right foot, in sitting and standing, but disappearing in walking (aft. y,h.). iLgh:\ Violent burning in the tip of the big toe (aft. 21 d.). Under the nails of the big toe, a burning pressure. In the corns, a burning pain as from a sore. 1395. All over the body, a sensation of painful tension. Quivering of the muscles. Painless twitching of single limbs, in daytime. Single, involuntary movements and jerks in the right thigh, in the left shoulder and the left arm. Drawing pressure in the joints. [^/.] 1400. Painless drawing in the limbs, in the afternoon. Tearing in the limbs. Tearing in the arms and legs, but always only in a small spot. Burning in the palms and the soles of the feet. Stitches in the upper arms, under the arms, in the back and in the lower limbs. 1405. The hands and feet go to sleep. The parts on which he was sitting, during his afternoon siesta, went to sleep. Paralytic pain as from a bruise of the bony shafts and of the joints of the lower limbs, as also of the sacrum, while moving; also while sitting and standing, the sacrum pains as if bruised, and the muscles of the legs are painful to the touch. He is apt to get strained; heavy lifting gives him at once pain in the sacrum. The pains are very violent, but pass by quickh\ 1 410. His chronic ailment is worse and better every other day. After working and washing in water, the ailments are aggra- vated and renewed. Orgasms of blood. Twice in succession, warm rushes of blood from the scrolnculus cordis, extending to the head. 488 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Ver}" much heated, in the morning, after rising. 141 5. Rush of blood to the head and chest, after painful stiffness in the spine. Rush of blood to the head, with discharge of blood at the anus, for several days in succession. He feels the need of walking much. Restlessness, so that she had to move the hands and feet. Great restlessness, in the evening, especialh^ in the legs; he cannot let them lie still. 1420. Restless motion in the whole body, owing to incomplete eructation. Trembling in the morning. Anxious trembling, with lassitude. Continual trembling of the bod}^ which became worse, when he came into the open air. Great clumsiness of the body. 1425. Sensation of illness in the whole bod}^; she has to spit much, and shuns the open air (aft. 22 d.). Great desire to be mesmerized. Uneasiness in the evening, as before an attack of chills and fever. Much affected; the hands and feet often cold, paleness of the face and frequent palpitation; all of which was removed bj^ bodily exercise. Attack of the nature of a general breaking down, with numb feeling in the head, vertigo, pain of the sacrum, and chill over the whole bod}^ for six hours (aft. 22 d.). 1430. So much frightened at a little prick on her finger from a needle, that she feels sick; her tongue, lips, and hands, quite white and cold, with coldness of the forehead and of the face, with obscuration of the vision, restlessness, rush of heat and trembling; she had to lie down (mesmerizing helped her quickh') (aft. 18 d.). While it became black before his e^^es, he was suddenly over- come in the evening (from 7 to 9 o'clock) for four times by a sw^eet sleep, with nausea, continuing even after Ij-ing down, but without vomiting. Fainting fit, in the evening, while things become black before her e^'es, while sitting down. Fainting fit, with coldness and indistinct vision (aft. 3d.). Fainting fit, with large drops of sweat on the face. 1435. Worn-out feeling and lassitude in the limbs, especially in the knees. Ver\^ weak. Weakness in the thighs and groins, in walking. He soon becomes very tired, during bodily exertion. After walking, he is wearied even to fever, and is seized by chilliness and thirst after it. 1440. In taking a walk, great asthenia, especially in the lower extremities, with languid sweat. She could not go up stairs, and was quite exhausted from it (aft. 14 d.). She becomes weak from talking; she has to cease. CALCARKA CARBONICA. 489 Weakness in da3'time, so that she hardly knew how to endure the oppressed, anxious state; only the breathing of the fresh open air improved and strenghtened her (aft. 12 d.). She lay for ten days entirely worn out and languid, so that she could neither move nor occupy herself; with the most violent spasms of laughter. 1445. Fit of epilepsy; while occupied in manual labor, he suddenly fell over to the ground to one side, unconscious, and found him- self, on returning to consciousness, lying down with outstretched arms; then followed heat and some perspiration (aft. 9 d. ). Great sensitiveness to cold air; the feet are, as it were, dead in the evening. At a slight sensation of cold air, goose-skin on the thighs and legs, even so that it was painful. The damp open air does not agree with her; her skin is immediately affected by it. Great tendency to catch cold. 1450. Symptoms of a cold; stiffness of the nape of the neck and of the cervical muscles, stinging in the neck and head, above the eyes, and cough (soon). Every time she walks out in the open air, she becomes sad and has to weep. On taking a walk in the open air, pressive headache in the crown, lasting till going to sleep. On taking a walk, visible inflation of the abdomen. During a walk, palpitation and pain in the chest (aft. 19 d.). 1455. While walking out, a sensation of drawing through the whole body, extending to the head, compelling her to sit down (aft. 30 d.). After taking a walk in the open air, a boring pain, externally in the left side of the forehead. After a walk, feels unwell, hoarse, with tightness of chest. The whole skin of the body is very painful to the touch, chiefly in the feet. Itching all over the body (aft. 23 d. ). 1460. Violent itching of the parts perspiring, especially between the scapulae. Violent itching, in the evening in bed, on the back, in the scrobiculus cordis, in the neck, the chin, the left eye, the hairy scalp, the mons veneris and the scrotum. Itching in the mouth, in the nose, and around the anus. Itching on a dry, hot skin, as if it was covered with salt and ashes. Burning in the skin, with itching over half the back, on the nates, and the posterior side of the thighs (aft. 10 d.). 1465. Stinging in the skin, as from needles. Urticaria, which always goes off in cool air. Itching eruption of vesicles over the whole body, especially over the hips. Eruption of red, raised spots, of the size of a lentil and larger, mostly on the cheeks and elbows, with great heat, nuich thirst and little appetite; on the third day they divSappeared, leaving behind 490 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. dark spots, as if suffused with blood (with a suckhng whose mother had taken Calcarea). \_Sr^ Scurfy spots on the legs, with burning in daytime (aft. 24 d.). 1470. The herpes quickly reappear. The former herpes under the two axillae in the bend of the left elbow and in the hough reappear after twenty days. — In the place of a herpes, disappeared years before, there appears again an itching (aft. 5 d.). An old sore on the leg now pains, throbbing, with tearing around it, and begins to smell like rotten eggs (aft. yd.). The skin is unhealthy, readily ulcerating, even slight lesions pass into suppuration and will not heal again. 1475. Many very small warts appear here and there. Kxcrescences like warts (behind the ears) inflamed, and became ulcers. A wart in the bend of the elbow became inflamed, pains like a furuncle, then dried up and disappeared. Unusual lassitude, relieved by walking. Great general lassitude, in the evening, for half an hour. 1480. Weariness with yawning (aft. 4 d.). Frequent yawning. I^ong continued, almost interminable yawning, and then a shaking throbbing in the head, abdomen and chest, with severe heat in the face. Constant yawning, with drowsiness (aft. 4d.). — Constant yawning, as if he had not finished sleeping (aft. 56 h.). iLgh:\ 1485. Inclination to stretch in the morning. Drowsiness, in the morning. Still sleepy and tired in the morning when he should rise, he can hardly rouse himself. Not easily roused, in the morning, on awaking. — Great sleepiness in the morning, with peevishness, and pressive headache about the whole of the forehead (aft. 2d.). IFr.l 1490. Drowsiness during the day and weariness; he went to sleep several times in the forenoon (aft. 9 d.). At noon, a very long sleep. The whole day, very tired and sleepy (aft. 11 d.). During the day , sleepy and fatigued, with chill and headache. — Very drowsy, weary in daytime; but he cannot get to sleep. 1495. In the evening, sleepy very early (aft. 3 h.). In the evening, drows}^ weariness in all the limbs with chill; he cannot keep off sleep, but 3^et he did not sleep soundly, but kept waking up, for sixteen hours; in the morning much sweat, and dryness in the throat, without thirst (aft. 4 d.). — In the evening great sleepiness and peevishness. \Fr^ Often very late in getting to sleep, in the evening. He cannot get to sleep before 2 or 3 a. m. 1500. She cannot get to sleep at night, and when asleep, she yet wakes up soon again. CALCARKA CARBONIC A. 49 1 She cannot get to sleep, if she goes to bed late; she is as it were taken from her rest. He cannot get to sleep in the evening for a long time; he feels too hot, though he is only lightly covered, in a cold room (aft. II d.). — He could hardly get to sleep all night, tossed about, and perspired all over his body (aft. lo h.). lLg-/i.~\ He tossed about in bed all night. 1505. On account of his vivacity of mind, he cannot get to sleep before midnight. Difficulty in getting to sleep, for involuntary abundance of thoughts. He cannot get to sleep in the evening for a long time, nor rid himself of his thoughts, which are in part wanton, in part vexa- tious; they even follow him still in the morning on awaking. Restless wakefulness, in the evening in bed, full of horrible fantastic visions (6th night). — Before going to sleep in the evening, anxious thoughts, which passed and came again; he also supposed the objects around to be different from what they were, feared the dark and endeavored to look into the light; all of this ceased on the passage of flatus. 15 lo. On going to sleep, fantastic delusion, as if she heard a rumb- ling and rattling above her bed, which caused her to shudder. As soon as she closes her eyes at night, fantastic visions appear before her imagination. On closing her eyes, horrible faces appear to her. On lying down in the evening, as soon as she has laid down her head, dull toothache for an hour, then sleep. Before going to sleep, in the evening in bed, palpitation and oppressive anxiety. 15 15. On going to sleep in the evening, a starting up of the whole of the upper part of the body, with jerks, extending even to the head; then humming and hissing in the ear. At night, very anxious and fantastic, she is frightened in her dream and is anxious about it with trembling, even after she wakes up (aft. 20 d.). At night, anguish, as if she was or was becoming insane; then for some minutes a febrile rigor, and then a sensation in the bod}- as if she was annihilated, beaten to pieces. Horrible things appear to her at night, which she cannot ward off. At night, soon after going to sleep, he raises himself in bed, unconsciously, but, with open e3^es, occupying himself with his hands. 1520. At night, much orgasm of blood, and man}' dreams. At night, orgasm in the blood, with uneasy sleep, chiefly dur- ing the menses. At night, with uneasy sleep, palpitation of the heart. At night, internal heat, especially in the feet and hands. and in the morning dry tongue, without thirst, with external heat of the head (6th, 7th d.). 492 HAHXEMAXX S CHRONIC DISEASES. At night, violent vertigo, with flitting before her ejxs, con- tinuing till noon. 1525. In the night, stupefaction of the head, at which he wakes up; these become continualh' more severe, almost to fainting, then trembling of the limbs and continual lassitude, so that he cannot go to sleep again. Every night, on awaking, itching of the head. At night, a tearing pain in the gums, and on biting the teeth together, sensation as of looseness of the teeth. At night, boring drawing pain in most of the molars. Nocturnal toothache, more like pressure or a rush of blood to the teeth, beginning immediatel}^ on lying down (the first three nights). 1530. At night, when lying down, severe eructation; she had to rise up to be relieved. At night, on awaking, eructation. At night, cramp of the stomach, from which he awakes. At night, much colic, without diarrhoea (aft. 12 d.). For many nights, much accumulation of flatus in the ab- domen (aft. 5 d.). 1535. At night, at the beginning of sleep, the shoulder-joint be- comes stiff; he has to laj^ his arms over his head. At night, a twitching or lancinating pain in the arm and wrist > hindering him from sleeping. At night, lassitude in the knees. At night, burning in the soles of the feet. At night, drawing pain in the feet, from which he aw^akes. 1540. In sleep, she laid her arms above her head. Snoring groans, the whole night, in a slumber without re- membrance and from which he cannot be awaked, with constant tossing; before going to sleep, copious sweat in the face. In sleep, he often chews, and then swallows. At the noon siesta, palpitation while sitting up, at which he awakes. Talking, in a sleep full of dreams (aft. 10 d.). 1545. Talking in sleep, in a giddy confusion, with uneasiness from dreams and heat. Cr3'ing out at night, in an uneasy sleep. Uneas}' sleep, with sweat. Uneas}' sleep toward morning (aft. 15 d.). Uneasiness of bod}' does not allow her to lie long in one place. 1550. Uneas}' half- sleep, at night, with drj^ heat, confusion in the head, as in fever, and constant awaking. — Uneas}^ sleep, with talking in sleep and frequent awaking. Frequent awaking from sleep. — While tossing about, he often awakes from sleep; he thinks, he got turned around in his bed. \Lgh?\ — Frequent awaking from sleep, as from disturbance. \Lgh^ 1555- — Frequent awaking from sleep, as if he had done sleeping. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 493 Short sleep, she cannot sleep after 12 o'clock, but tosses about restlessl3\ Sleeps only from 1 1 p. m. to 2 or 3 A. m. ; then she cannot sleep anj^ more, but remains wide awake. Anxious awaking after midnight, with heavy breathing (aft. 12 d.). Anxious awaking during the night, frequently from anxious dreams (aft. 36 h.). 1560. Screaming and starting up, from anxious dreams. Starting up frightened, in the evening, soon after going to sleep, till she becomes wide awake. The child raises itself up in its bed after midnight, crying: Father! it commences to cry and wishes to jump up; the more it is talked to, the w^orse is its screaming and opposition; it rolls on the floor and does not wish to be touched. On waking up, in the morning, confused in the hegd. On awaking in the morning, numb feeling in the head, with quivering throughout the body and rush of blood to the head. 1565. On awaking in the morning, after an uneasy sleep, orgasm in the blood, several mornings (during the first days). On awaking in the morning from an uneasy sleep, he feels the blood coursing in all the blood-vessels, which are also dis- tended, with sensation of bruisedness all over the body. On awaking in the morning, he is unrefreshed. On awaking from a deep sleep in the morning, very much exhausted, so that the slumberous state continued even after rising from bed. Sleep at night, full of dreams. 1570. Vivid dreams, every night. — Vivid, confused dreams, which he does not remember. \Lgh:\ — Vivid dreams, full of contentions and quarrels. {Lgh7\^ — Many vivid dreams of former occurrences, with long, deep sleep in the morning. \WL'\ Confused, anxious dreams. 1575. Half -wakeful dreams, in the evening, soon after going to sleep, with great anxiety. Anxious and frightful dreams, of which he cannot rid himself after awaking. Anxious dreams, that he was bitten by a dog, on which he wakes up, then he goes to sleep again and wakes up again over an equally anxious dream, and thus several times every night. Several anxious dreams in one night, seven nights in suc- cession. Anxious dream of fire and murder, toward morning. 1580. Frightful dreams the whole night, and at last a voluptu- ous dream, with a (very rare) pollution (aft. 10 d.\ Frightful dream, as of falling down or being cast down. — Horrible, fearful dreams. {/^ghP^ Dreams of dead persons and of cadaverous smells. — Dreams of sick men and corpses, with violent weeping, while sleeping (a woman who else never dreams'). [^7^.] 494 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1585. Quick pulse, without sensation of fever. Great internal chilliness ; she has to wrap up her cold hands, but her feet are warm. Great constant chilliness, with much thirst. She is cold, when she leaves her bed. Very chill}', in the evening. 1590. Internal chill, with restlessness and trembling anguish. — Frequent chilliness, with yellow complexion. Chill in the evening, for several hours (aft. 10 h. and 13 d.). For two evenings, chill of a quarter of an hour, without sub- sequent heat or sweat. Chill, in the evening, in bed. 1595. Chill, in the evening, in bed, so that he, although covered with feather-beds, could yet not get warm, as if from a lack of vital heat (aft. 30 d.). Febrile rigor, at night. Febrile rigor, first over the face, with horripilation, then pass- ing over the whole body, with sensation of chill. [^/.] — Febrile rigor over the whole back (aft. 24 h.). \LghP\ — Febrile rigor over the whole body, as if he had taken a cold, with frequent yawning. \Lgh^ 1600. — Febrile rigor over the w^hole bod}^ with warmth or heat of the forehead and face, with cold hands (aft. 3 and 48 h.). {LgJiT^ Feeling of heat in the interior of the body. Often a flying heat. A flj^ing heat, some two or three times a day, all over, but especially in the face and the hands; it overcomes her in sitting, as if from anguish, with perspiration of the face and hands for ten to fifteen minutes at a time. Heat for several evenings, from six to seven o'clock. 1605. — In the evening, on Ijdng down, external heat, with internal chill. At night, drj- heat (aft. 12 h.). Toward morning, dry heat (aft. 6 d.). Heat in the chest and the head, with cold on the rest of the body, the whole da}^ (aft. 24 d. ). — Glowing heat and redness of the face, with hot forehead, cold hands and severe thirst, for several hours. \Lgh.'\ 1 6 10. Almost constant heat, which first makes weak and anxious, till sweat breaks out. Sweat often breaks out during the da3^ Almost constant sweat. Much sweat, as well in daytime, while walking, as also at night, in bed. — Exhaustive sweat, day and night, for three days. 1 61 5. Copious sweat, during the day, in cold air. Sweat during the day. at the least movement. In the evening, in bed, he feels warm at once, and sweats the whole night. Night-sweat, chiefly before midnight, with cold legs. Night-sweat in the back. CARBO ANIMALIS. 495 1620. Night-sweat onl}- on the lower Hmbs, clammy to the touch (aft. several d.). Violent morning-sweat, many mornings in succession. Morning-sweat (the next morning after taking the medicine). Morning-sweat, three mornings in succession. — Morning-sweat, every morning (aft. 7 d.). 1625. Fever: now chill, then heat; she has to lie down. Fever, in the forenoon; chills and heat alternate. Fever heat and burning thirst, alternating with chills. Evening fever: externally chills, with internal heat and vio- lent' thirst; he was cold also in bed, and he sweated at the same time, and yet he could not get warm; at last a copious sweat (aft. 10 h.). In the forenoon, at first headache, which continually increased, with sudden sinking of the strength, so that he could hardly get home, with great heat in the forehead and the hands, with much thirst for acidulous water; then, after lying down, ice-cold hands, with quick pulse (aft. 21 d ). 1630. Every forenoon at 11 o'clock, feverish heat, without previous thirst or chill, for an hour; she felt hot and was hot to the touch, with face somewhat red; then anxiety and slight perspiration, especiall}^ in the hands and feet and in the face; four days in suc- cession (before the appearance of the menses). Fever from the morning till noon or afternoon; first tearing in the joints and heaviness of the head, then lassitude, scarcely allowing her to raise herself up in bed, with heaviness of the limbs, stretching and extending the limbs, heat and sensation as if she was going to perspire always, with trembling and unrest in all her limbs. CARBO ANIMALIS, ANIMAL CHARCOAL. [To prepare the animal charcoal, lay a thick piece of ox-leather between the red-hot coals and allow it to burn, until the last little flame disappears and then quickh^ place the glowing piece between two flat stones, so that it may be suddenly extinguished, as else it would continue to glimmer in the open air, destroying the coal for the most part.] However much similarity there may be found in the effects of animal charcoal and of vegetable charcoal on the state of human health, there are, nevertheless, so many variations in the effects of animal charcoal from those found in vegetable charcoal, and so manj^ particular S3^mptoins, that I have thought it useful to add here what I have been able to observe. The animal charcoal is prepared like the other antipsoric remedies up to the decillionth, potentized attenuation, and one or two small pellets, moistened with it, are given as a dose in the various degrees of potency. Camphor has proved itself an antidote and a means of relieving its too violent action with persons who were too sensiti\-e. 496 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. In treating diseases to which this medicine is appropriate the following sj^mptoms have been relieved or cured: Timidit}'; morning- vertigo ; pressure in the whole of the brain; pressure on the head after a meal; eruptions on the head; roaring in the ears; discharge from the ears; er3'sipelas in the face; stinging in the cheek-bones, the lower jaw and the teeth; drawing pain in the gums; bleeding of the gums; suppiwatiiig blistei's on the gums; dr}^- ness of the palate and of the tongue; bitter taste iyi the mouth; in- complete eructations, with pain; sour eructation; hiccup after a meal; faintish qualmishness; nocturnal nausea; weakness of diges- tion in the stomach, where almost everything partaken of causes trouble; pressure in the stomach, as from a load; clutching and griping in the stomach; pressure and cutting in the hepatic region; rumbling in the abdomen; obstruction of the flatus; frequent stools every daj^; stinging in the anus; fetor of the urine; leiccorrh(jea\ burning, smarting leucorrhoea; stoppage of the nose; dry coryza; painful induration of a gland in the chest; burning in the back; induration of a cervical gland, with lancinating pain; herpes under the axilla; gout}' stiffness of the finger-joints; pain in the hip, causing halting; drawing and stitches in the legs; sensitiveness to the open air; tendency to strains; chilblains; sweat when walking in the open air; fatiguing sweats, especiall}^ on the thighs; morning sweat. The S3'mptoms marked Ad. were observed b\' Dr. Adams, in Russia; those marked Whl. by the Practitioner Wahle; those with Htb. und Tr. by D7'S. Hartlaub and Ti^inks, in their Reine Arznei- mittellehre. CARBO ANIMALIS. Extremeh' melanchol}' mood, with a sensation of being de- serted. He feels, in the morning, as if he was deserted, and full of homesickness. Homesickness. Great disposition to sadness. 5. Pusillanimous and sad; everj^thing seems to her so lonely and sad, that she would like to weep (3d d.). [Htb. 21. Tr.~\ Inclination to solitude, sad and introverted, she alwa^'s onh^ A pathogenesis of this substance, probabh' (as with its vegetable congener), made with the 3d trituration, first saw the light in Vol. VI of the second edition of the Materia Medica Pura (1S27). It contained 191 sj-mptoms contributed b\- Hahnemann himself and a Dr. Adams. It reappeared in Vol. Ill of the Chronic Diseases. The s^-mptoms of Hartlaub and Trinks (254 in number), in the third volume of their Arzneimittellehre, have no name attached, but are probably Henning's. From these printed sources, from his own later observations on patients and from 23 symptoms (probabh' of the same kind), supplied by Wahle, Hahnemann has compiled the present Vi'sX.—Hiighes. CARBO ANIMAI^IS. 497 wishes to be alone, and she shuns every conversation (the first 4 d., and after 8 d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.'] Morose thoughts and ill-humor, not to be driven away, con- cerning things present and past, even to weeping. Disposition to weep. He can not weep enough, lo. Melancholy and anxious, in the morning, on awaking. Very anxious and dejected, especially in the evening and night; she cannot for internal anguish sleep quietly; she feels best in the morning. For anguish, he has to rock backward and forward in his chair. Restlessness and hurry. Shy and timid. 15. Timid and fearful, all day. He feels horror in the evening, even to shivering and weep- ing. Thoughts of death. Hopelessness. Despairing mood, day and night. 20. Peevish, she talks only with repugnance (ist d.). [Htb. u. Tr.'] Peevish, at once in the morning on awaking (the first days). Greatly disposed to vexation. Taking things ill. [^Ad.] Angry and malicious. \_H/i/.'] 25. Self-willed; no one can do anything to please him. \_Whl.'] Unsympathizing, in the beginning; later, increased excitability for passionate impressions. Ac times inclined to weep, at times absurdly merry. Extremely merry. \_Ad.] Involuntary loud whistling. 30. Weakness of memory; he forgets the word in his mouth. imb. u. Tr..] He cannot write a letter, nor express his thoughts. The objects on the street seem to him changed, e. g., farther apart and brighter than usual, as in an empty, abandoned city. Gloominess in the head, in the morning, and everything she looks at vexes her. \Htb. u. Tr.] Dizzy in the head, and as if she had not done sleeping, in the morning. \_//^b. 21. Tr.] 35. In the morning, he is quite confused in his head, knows not whether he has been asleep or awake. Stupefied, in the morning, and as if in a confused dream. Great stupefaction, while sitting at the table, and flightiness of the head, with anxious fear that he might fall down uncon- scious at any moment. Sudden stupefaction, several times he heard and saw nothing, and had no thoughts. Sudden stupefaction, in moving the head and in walking. 40. Dizzy, as from beating the head to and fro. 33 498 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Vertigo while sitting, as if she would fall backward over her chair, with silliness. \Htb. u. Tr.^ Vertigo, in walking, with mist before the eyes; she felt im- pelled to walk fast and toward the right. \_I/fb. u. Tr^ Vertigo, while things turn black before the eyes. With sensation of vertigo in the head, as if some sickness was coming on him, a mist comes over his ej^es suddenly like a watery gauze, repeated twice. 45. Vertigo, with nausea, on raising up the head after stooping. Vertigo about 7 p. m. ; when she raised up her head, every- thing turned around with her. She had always to sit bent for- ward, and in rising, she staggered to and fro; she felt, as it were, gloomy in the head, and as if objects moved about; when lying in bed, she did not feel anj-thing all night, only in the morning again, on rising. In the head, a sensation as of something weighing down in the forehead, or like a board before it; a sensation as when step- ping from great cold at once before a hot stove in a room, in the morning. Headache on awaking, as after intoxication from wine. Heaviness of the head. {Ad.'\ 50. Heaviness of the head, in the morning, with dimness of vision and watery e3"es. \Htb. ii. Tr.'] Heaviness in the head at night, with weariness of the feet, which she could hardly lift (aft. 2 d.). [//"Z^. 7c. Tr.'] Heaviness in the forehead, on stooping, with a sensation as if the brain would fall forward; on raising her head, vertigo, so that she soon fell down. [_Htb. u. 7?-.] Painful feeling of heaviness in the whole occiput. \_Htb. zi. Tr.] Heaviness of the head, especially of the occiput and of the left temple, with a numb feeling. 55. Pain in the upper part of the head, where the spot is also sensitive externally; on stooping, the pain passes into the forehead. [Htb. u. Tr.] Headache, which presses down the e3^ebrows. Stupefying headache in the forehead, w^hile spinning, going off after dinner. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Pressure and feeling of numbness in the whole head, after dinner till evening. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Pressure and feeling of heaviness in the occiput, whence the pain draws forward into the crown; better in the open air (during the menses). \_//fb. u. Tr.] 60. Pressure in the left side of the occiput, both when at rest and in motion, frequently intermitting. [JT^b. u. Tr.] Pressive headache in the occiput, [^d.] Pressive-pain in a small spot of the occiput. Pressive headache in the nape of the neck, while writing. Dull pressure in both parietal bones near the vertex, in a small spot, dail}^ unintermittent for several hours, mostly in the forenoon, especially excited by the exhalation from unclean clothes, and much relieved in the open air. CARBO ANIMAI^IS. 499 65. Pressive headache in both temples. Tension in the head, almost daily. Pinching pain in the lower part of the temple. [Ad.'] Pain in the vertex, as if the skull there was burst or torn apart, so that she had to hold her head with her hand, for fear of its falling apart; also at night, and especially in wet weather. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Jerking, tearing, darting to and fro in the left side of the occiput, in the evening. \_I/^d. u. Tr.] 70. Tearing on the right side of the head. Frequent tearing on the right side of the head, in the day- time. Severe tearing in the external parts of the head. Tearing and beating in the whole head, in the orbits, the ear, the left side of the face, the cheek bones and in the lower jaw; starting immediately after dinner, relieved by pressing on it with the hand, and quickly ceasing when the cheek swelled up (aft. 28 h.). Painful tearing and stitches on the right side of the occiput, both when at rest and in motion, in the evening. [H^d. u. Tr.] 75. Pain as from a bruise over and in the root of the nose, per se and when touched. \Htb. u. Tr.~\ Boring pain in the temporal bone, extending into the zygoma. Boring drawing pains on the head and tearing pains there; when the head becomes cool, it is worse, especially toward the ear (aft. 7 d.). Shooting pains in the head, especially in the temples. Sharp stitches in the vertex, in the evening (2d d.). [Hfd. u. Tr.] 80. Stitches in the temple, with contractive pain or straining. \Htb. u. Tr.] Pecking headache on the left side of the forehead, in the morn- ing on rising, better in the open air. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] Stitches and beating in the occiput. [Htb. u. Tr.] Intolerable throbbing and lancinating pain in the vertex, as if the head would burst, when walking. Rush of blood to the head, with numb feeling of the same. 85. Sensation of heat and heaviness in the forehead, which 3'et externally is cold to the touch, in the afternoon. [Htb. 21. T?:] Heat in the head, with anxiety, in the evening in bed; she had to get up and then felt better, [//tb. 21. Tr.] Sensation of painful looseness of the brain, on motion. [////'. u. Tr.] Splashing in the left half of the brain, when walking fast. The external head is painful on the left side, as if festered underneath. 90. Pain in the head and neck at night; as if both had gone to sleep and were sprained. Everything he had on his head, weighed him down, and even his neckcloth oppressed him (aft. 18 d.). 500 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Involuntar}^ anxious upward drawing and tension of the skin on the forehead and vertex. Drawing in the forehead, above the e3^ebrows. Sensation in the forehead, as if something were h'ing above the e^^es, so that she could not look up. 95. Violent itching on the hair^^ scalp, so that she would like to scratch till it bled, but this does not make it go awav. SJItb. u^ Tr.-\ Hard tumor on the forehead. Falling out of the hair (aft. 18 d.). The e3^es pain pressiveh", in the evening at candle-light. Pressure in the inner canthus (aft. 72 h.). 100. From above downward, pressive, lancinating pain over the left ej^e, in the e3'elid and in the upper half of the e3'eball. \Ad.~\ Stitches in the ej'es. Stitches, burning and lachrymation of the ej'es, after itching and rubbing of the same. [Htb. u. Tr.'] Stinging and smarting in the left inner canthus, in the morn- ing after rising, improved b}' rubbing. [Htb. u. Tr.'\ Itching in the upper evelid, going off bv scratching. \Htb, 2c. Tr.'] 105. Smarting itching in the eves, with burning after rubbing, [Htb. u. Tr7\ Itching and pressing in the e3'es, in the da3'-time. Excoriative burning in the outer canthus. Weakness in the e3'es. In the evening, great weakness in the e3'es; she could not occup3' herself with an3'thing for which vision is necessar3^ JIG Quivering in the upper e3^elid. Quivering in the right e3'e, with a sensation as if a body, moving within it blinds her, with a drawing down of the upper eyelid; it goes off after rubbing, but returns once more, leaving behind it a sensitiveness of the upper border of the orbit, when touched. [Htb. u. Tr.] Disagreeable sensation in the left e3"e, as if something had flown in, that hindered his sight; he has alwa3^s to wipe it; at the same time the pupil is extremel3' dilated, with great far-sighted- ness, that he could not clearh^ recognize an3'thing held near. The left e3'e is glued together, all the forenoon. [Htb. a. Tr.] Lachrvmation of the eve, in the morning on rising. [Htb. u, 115. Dimness before the eves, as if she saw through a mist. [Htb. u. Tr.] The e3xs seem to lie quite looseh^ in the sockets and he has not the strength to see clearh^, despite all his efforts; this makes him uneas3^ Continualh^ mist3^ vision all da3\ Nets seem to float before the e3'es. Man3' small black and 3^ellow points are seen by candle-light, in regular rows before his e3-es. 120. Light hurts his e3'es, in the evening. Cx\RBO ANIMAI^IS. 50I Cramp in the ears, extending down to the fauces, on the left side, impeding deghitition. \^Ad.'] Cramp-like pain in the interior of the left ear. [Ad.'] Drawing in the ear. Drawing in the outer ear and in the left cheek-bone. 125. Tearing in the lobule of the right ear and boring in the ear. [Htb. u. Tr.-] Transient tearing pain in the left ear. [Htb. 21. Tr] Stitches in the ears. [Htb. ic. Tr.] Burning, like fire, in the lobule of the right ear. [Htb. u. Tr.~\ A sort of periosteal swelling behind the right ear, which stings, from 7 p. m. onward every evening. 130. The gland b}^ the right ear is swollen (2d d.). Swelling of the parotid glands. [Rust's Magaz.f. d. Heilk., Vol. XXII, H. I, p. 198. T The hearing is weak and dull. Weak, confused hearing; the sounds are confounded; he knew not from which side they came, and it seemed to him, as if they came from another world. Tingling in the ears, the whole night. 135. Tingling in the right ear, on taking a walk in the open air. [Htb. u. Tr.] Whistling in the ears, when blowing the nose. In the side of the nose, fine tearing. [Htb. u. Tr.~\ Itching of the tip of the nose, not to be stopped by scratch- ing. [Htb. u. Tr.~\ The tip of the nose is red, and painful when touched. 140. Red, chapped, burning and tensively painful tip of the nose (during the menses). [Htb. u. Tr.~\ Redness and swelling of the nose, it feels sore on the inside. Swelling of the nose and mouth. Swelling of the nose, with pimples within and without, which form scabs of long duration. Dryness and peeling off of the skin on the tip of the nose. [Htb. u. Tr.-] 145. Vesicles on the right nostril. [Htb. u. Tr.] Furuncle, with tension in the nostril. [Htb. u. Tr.] Blood flows frequently from the nose, when blowing it. Bleeding of the nose, in the morning while sitting, and in the afternoon. Bleeding of the nose in the morning, several mornings, with preceding vertigo. 150. Bleeding of the nose, whole cupfuls of bright-red blood. [W/it.] Bleeding of the nose, after pressure and dullness of the head. [IV/i/.] The skin of the face pains, especialh^ on the cheeks, around the mouth and chin (after shaving). [Ad.] Tearing, oft repeated, now in the upper, now in the lower jaw, on the right side of the face. [Htb. u. 7>'.] 1 statement as to the effect of crude substance ou healthy persons.— //;/.t://f\v\ 502 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Transient tearing pains in the left zygoma, toward the tem- ple. {_Htb. u. Tr.] 155. Heat in the face and head, in the afternoon. Often a transient heat in the cheeks, with redness. Frequently, a rising heat with redness and burning of the cheeks, in the evening. [////^. 21. TrP[ Eruption of small pustules on the left cheek and forehead, \Htb. u. Tr.'\ Eruption on the cheeks, like red spots. 160. Yellowness of the face. Copper-colored eruption in the face. [Rust's Magaz. 1. c] Pimples in the face in abundance, without sensation. The mouth is sw^ollen. Ulceration of the one corner of the mouth, with burning pain. 165. Swelling of both lips, with burning of the same. \Htb. u^ Tr.-] Dryness of the lips, as from too great heat, in the morning. IHtb. u. Tr.'] The lips are cracked. Bleeding of the lips. Blisters on the lips, 170. On the chin, a little red nodule with yellow point. \_Htb. ti, Tr.] The nerves of the teeth are sensitive, when the crown of the teeth is touched. Drawing in the teeth, with flying heat in the face. Constant drawing in the left molars, especially in the after- noon. Drawing in a left lower molar, at night, as often as she awakes. \_Htb. u. Tr.] 175. A drawing forward and backward in the teeth, also in the front teeth. Suddenly, while eating bread, drawing and lancinating pains in the nerves of the molars. Tearing toothache, chiefly in hollow teeth, also at night, dis- turbing the sleep. [Htb. u. Tr.] Painful griping in the teeth of the left side, increased in the open air. [Htb. u. Tr,] Muttering pain in the teeth, worse when touching them, and in the evening. [Htb. u Tr.] 180. Pecking toothache, on drinking something cold, and then waggling of the teeth. The hollow tooth is sensitive, and as if it was prominent ; it pains on biting, and more yet in the evening in bed, with much saliva in the mouth. The upper and the lower teeth are too long and waggle. The teeth of the right upper row are as if too long and loose, without any pain, for several days. [Htb. u. Tr.] Great looseness of the teeth, so that she cannot chew the softest food without pain. CARBO ANIMALIS. 503 185. lyooseness of the teeth and tearing therein, most violent in the evening, in bed. Looseness of the lower teeth, with pains in their gums. The gums are pale, and pain as if ulcerated. \Htb. u. Tr.'] The gums are red and swollen and very painful. Blisters in the mouth, causing burning. 190. She frequently bites the inside of her cheek in her mouth, wounding it. \_Htb. u. Tr.~\ Burning on the tip of the tongue, as if it was sore. \_//td. u. Tr.l Burning on the tip of the tongue, and roughness in the mouth. [7//^. u. Tr.'] Little blisters on the edges of the tongue. [Htb. u. Tr.] Vesicles on the tongue, which pain as if burned. 195. Mouth and tongue feel as if immovable, with troublesome, slow and very low speech (aft. several h.). Sore throat, with pains as from an ulcer, on deglutition. Pain in the throat, when swallowing, as if there was a blister there. [Htb. u. Tr.] Scraping in the throat, with ptyalism. Scraping stinging in the throat. 200. Sensation of rawness in the whole fauces and the oesophagus, extending to the scrobiculus cordis, not aggravated by swallowing. Pain as from soreness and burning, like heartburn, in the throat, extending down into the stomach, worse toward evening, at night and in the morning; better after rising and after eating and drinking. [JTtb, u. Tr.] Roughness in the throat, nearly every morning, going off after breakfast. [Tftb. u. Tr.] Burning sensation in the throat. Pressure in the throat, only while swallowing. 205. Pressure in the fauces, extending into the stomach. Pressure in the throat, and dryness of the tongue. A rising in the oesophagus into the throat, where there was a choking and pressing sensation with sensation of roughness. [mb. u. Tr.] Dryness in the throat and mouth, without thirst, almost the whole day (2d and 3d d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] Mucus in the mouth, in the morning; going off after rising. \Htb. u. Tr.] 210. Sensation of mucus in the throat, early on awaking, compels her to prolonged hawking; it goes off at noon. {Htb. u. Tr.] Much phlegm in throat and frequent sneezing and hawking (aft. 24 h.). Foaming saliva. Bad smell from the mouth. Ill-smelling breath, without his perceiving it himself. 215. Taste of manure in the mouth, in the morning. Bitter taste every morning. Bitterness in the mouth at times, also in the morning. Bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning, going oft" after rising. [J7tb. u. Tr.] 504 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Bitterish putrid taste in the mouth. 220. Bitter, sour taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth. Slim}^ sour taste in the mouth, in the morning after awaking. \Htb. u. Tr.'] Offensive taste in the mouth, in the morning. [Htb. 21. Tr.~\ Thirst, at once in the morning, quite unusual (6th d.). \_I/td. u. Tr.~\ 225. Great thirst, especiah}- for cold water, with dr3-ness and heat in the throat. Little desire for eating, but the appetite comes while eating. The appetite quickly passes off when eating. No appetite, everything tastes to her alike. [ W/il.'] There is hunger, but no relish for the food. 230. Repugnance to cold drinks. Repugnance to fat. Fat meat altogether spoils his appetite. Appetite for rawsour-krout, while otherwise without appetite. Desire for sour and refreshing things. 235. Increased appetite (ist, 2d, and 9th d.). [Hfb. u. 7;".] Intense hunger in the morning. Ravenous hunger. After an abundant dinner, in two hours there is again a good appetite and in the evening again hunger, and later on, thirst. From smoking tobacco, nausea and repugnance to it. 240. After eating meat, long qualmishness, with nausea and much empt}' eructation. At the beginning of a meal, an internal chill. During eating, sudden weariness of the chest and the organs of mastication. At dinner, much heat and sv*^eat in the face. During eating, perspiration. 245. He gets tired from eating. After eating, anxiet}^ on the chest. After little eating, with good appetite, soon fullness of the stomach. After eating, pressure in the stomach. After a moderate dinner, \dolent distension of the abdomen. \Htb. u. Tr.'] 250. Immediately after eating, boring in the right side of the abdomen. After eating, asthma. Soon after eating, anguish and restlessness in the back, with- out pain. After breakfast, palpitation, and also after other meals. All the ailments of the forenoon go off through eating dinner (2dd.). \_Htb. u. Tr.-] 255. Frequent eructation. \_Ad.'] Much eructation from the stomach. Frequent, empty eructation, changing to belching up. Empt}^ eructation after ever}^ meal. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Eructation, with the taste of the food eaten long before. CARBO ANIMAI^IS. 505 •260. Putrid, fishy eructation. Almost continual putrid eructation. \^Htb. u. Tr.'\ Hiccuping eructation at dinner. \Htb. u. Tr.'] Sourish taste in the fauces, but not in the mouth. Rising heartburn from the stomach. -265. Scratching heartburn. Qualmishness (in the abdomen) toward evening, with rising heat (aft. lo d.). Nausea, after much walking, when he gets to sit down. Sick and nauseous at the stomach, in the morning on arising, with heat, anxiety and rising of sourish water in the mouth, with general lassitude, [^//fd. u. Tr.~\ Tendency to waterbrash, with nausea in the stomach, at night, [mi?, u. Tr.'] -270. Attack of waterbrash, with flow of salty water from the stomach through the mouth, with retching and a spasmodic sen- sation in the jaws, then violent, empty eructation with cold feet, and then hiccup for half an hour. Pressure in the stomach, also before breakfast. Severe pressure in the stomach, in the evening, after lying down in bed; she had, in order to relieve herself, to press with her hand on the region of the stomach (aft. i6 h.). Pressure^ in the stomach, with heaviness and fullness, with tendency to waterbrash. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] Sudden transient pressive pain in the scrobiculus cordis, when taking a deep breath. 275. Contracting cramp in the stomach. Sensation as from a bruise in the scrobiculus cordis, as after a violent cough (aft. 6 d. ). Frequent stitches in the stomach. [JTfd. it. Tr.] Sharp stitches on the right side, near the scrobiculus cordis, also during inspiration, and better while walking. \^Htb. u. Tr.~\ Tearing stitch from the scrobiculus cordis into the chest, on raising the head after stooping. [^I/tb. u. Tr.~\ 280. Boring pain in the stomach, almost as if from fasting, extend- ing into the abdomen. [^JTtb. u. Tr.] Clucking, as from bubbles, in the stomach. \_Ad.] Audible rumbling in the stomach, in the morning on awaking. In the liver, pressure, even while lying down. Severe pressive pain in the liver, almost like cutting; this region is also painful externally to the touch, as if sore. 285. Under the left ribs, pressive stitches. Pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen. Pain in the region of the kidneys, when walking. [//M. /^ Tr.] Repeated lancinating pecking in the renal region, [////'. /^ Tr.] Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, as from a lump, also fasting, for several days. 290. Severe inflation of the abdomen. The belly is alwa3^s much inflated. 506 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Inflations here and there in the belly, like hernias. [Fr. u. Painful tension in the abdomen, with pain to the touch under the ribs, as if there was an ulcer and as if the places festered underneath. Pain in the abdomen, as if festered inside. 295. Sensation as if constricted in the abdomen, while fasting, with sensation of great emptiness, but without hunger and appe- tite. Pinching constriction, deep in the hypogastrium. Griping and restleness in the abdomen. Griping in the umbilical region. Pinching in the belly, about the navel, with a sensation as if a stool was coming. \_Htb. u. TrJ] 300. Pinching in the right side of the epigastrium, with stitches, while sitting. [Htb. u. Tr.'] A lancinating pinching in the epigastrium, every morning, chiefly in bed. lyancinating pinching above the navel and in the scrobiculus cordis, every morning in bed, as if flatus had accumulated; passage of flatus, evacuations and micturition relieve it, but it also goes off of itself, and even in walking, it is but little perceptible. Partly cutting, partly stitching in the abdomen, very painful all day, and returning frequently during the day. Colic in the forenoon. 305. Brief cutting, deep in the hypogastrium. \_II^b. u. Tr.'] Violent cutting in the belly, with frequent urging to stool and even tenesmus, while only flatus passes; from morn till noon. [Htb. u. Tr.] Digging and writhing in the epigastrium. Heat about the abdomen. Burning in the abdomen, while walking. 310. Colic, as if diarrhoea was coming. In the right hypogastrium, painful sensation, as if something was trying to squeeze through. In the groins, straining; at times like the burning in dysury. [Htb. u. Tr.] Sensation in the left flank, while sitting down, as if a large, heavy body was lying there; after pressing upon it, it is relieved by passage of flatus. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Cutting in the right flank, when sitting; better when walking and when respiring deeply. \Htb. u. Tr.] 315. Stitches in the groins, also at night, disturbing the sleep and awaking her. [Htb. u. Tr.] The hernia protrudes and is painful in walking and moving, and when touched. Movement of flatus, with sensation as if something were moving in the abdomen, as if contused and torn. Much torment from flatus. Movements in the inflated belly, with passage of fetid flatus. [mb. u. Tr.] CARBO ANIMALIS. 507 320. Audible grumbling, as from accumulated flatus, which finds no egress. \Htb. u. Tr7\ Audible rumbling in the belly. \Ad?^ Audible rumbling and grumbling in the large intestines, pass- ing up under the stomach and thence down again. lAd.^ Rumbling and grumbling in the right hypogastrium , after drinking warm milk, now above, now below, with fruitless efforts at emitting flatus. [Ad ] Grumbling in the rectum. [Ad.'] 325. Fermentation in the intestines. Clucking and fermentation in the belly. Frequent emission of fetid flatus, while out walking after supper. [Ad.] Frequent emission of fetid flatus, in the forenoon. [H^d. u. Tr.-] Moving about of flatus in the stomach, with tenesmus. [Htb. ic. Tr.] 330. Frequent pressure on the rectum as for a stool, but only flatus is emitted and then the pressure returns again. Frequent, but fruitless urging in the lower part of the rec- tum. [Ad.] Too much urging to stool, though every time a little is dis- charged, but with difficulty. Violent urging to stool, which passes with difficulty, is hard and mixed with bloody streaks. [Htb. u. Tr.] Scanty and light colored stool (the first times.). [Htb. 21. Tr.] 335. Scanty and delaying stool, for several days. Scanty stool, after 24 hours, hard and lumpy. Hard, lumpy stool, which she can only get rid of with much effort, as if owing to the inaction of the abdominal muscles, with obstruction of the breath, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] Very hard stool, after a previous shudder in the head, as if from having cold water poured over him. [Htb. u. Tr.] First part of the stool too hard and passing with difficulty, with the sensation as if it was too little, and if something more was to come, but the rectum has not sufficient strength to dis- charge it. 340. Four stools on the 3d day, every time preceded by colic. First, firm, then soft stool, afterward, burning in the anus. [Htb. u. Tr.] At night, a stool, after midnight. [Htb. u. Tr.] Soft stool with mucus, which looks like coagulated albumen. A soft stool, after previous urging toward the ossa pubis (aft. 27 d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] 345, Soft green stool, with bellyache before and during the same. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Liquid stool, followed by tenesmus (7th d.). [Htb. u. 7)-.] Diarrhoea, after pinching in the belly, with burning in the anus. [Htb. 21. Tr.] During the stool, tearing from the pudenda up into the abdo- men (aft. 22 d.). 508 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 350. During the evacuation, stinging in the anus as from needles. During the stool, violent cutting in the varices of the anus. During the stool, discharge of blood. During a hard stool, a stitching pain in the groins, as from flatus. \Htb. u. Tr.'] During the stool, pain in the sacrum, with inflation of the belly, extending up to the chest. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] 355. With the hard stool, a piece of tape-worm is discharged. IHtb u. Tr.] After the stool, severe scraping in the rectum. After the (second) stool (on the same day), great weakness and pain in the intestines, as if they were being screwed together. After the stool, a shudder (in the evening). [Htb. u. Tr.] After the stool, urging to urinate (the urine smelled very strong), then lassitude and early sleepiness in the evening, with- out being able to fall asleep (on lying down); she started up again right away, with a ringing in her ears, as if she would faint; then a febrile rigor. 360. The varices of the anus swell severely and pain in \valking. Large varices of the anus, which burn painfully. In the rectum, severe burning, in the evening. Burning in the anus. Painful contraction of the anus. 365. Stitches in the (sore) anus. Soreness of the anus, with oozing out of moisture, the whole evening. A furuncle on the anus (aft. 16 d.), A viscid, odorless liquid presses out from the rectum. From the perinseum, behind the scrotum, there exudes much sticky, odorless moisture. 370. He readily gets sore on the buttocks from riding on horse- back, causing large blisters. Pinching, digging pain in the perinaeum. Cutting drawing from the anus through the coccyx, uncon- nected with stools. Tearing, transversely across the ossa pubis and then through the pudenda to the anus (aft. 14 d. ). Single jerks from the coccyx toward the bladder, compelling micturition. 375. Strong pressure on the bladder, at night. Sudden urging to urination. [Ad.] Intense urging to urinate; she had to hurry frequently in urinating, and feels after micturition a voluptuous titillation in the urinary passage. With slight pressure, the urine is emitted almost involuntarily (aft. 16 d.). The emission of urine is much increased. 380. She passes urine frequently, without having drunk much (ist d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] CARBO ANIMALIS. 509 Very profuse discharge of urine, in the morning, after awak- ing Ver}' much urination; he had to rise three times in the night to urinate. Increased passage of urine, with frequent nocturnal mictu- rition ; she urinates much more than she has drunk. \Htb. u. Tr.'] Copious passage of urine, after the nocturnal heat. 385. Turbid, orange-colored urine. The urine, turbid at once when passed, soon leaves a turbid sediment (4th d.). [^Htb. it. Ti\~\ Yellow urine, soon depositing a loose sediment (the first d.). [Htb. u. Tr.'] Diminished quantity of urine (aft. 4 d.). \_Htb. it. Tr.] The stream of urine is intermittent, [//fb. u. Tr.] 390. Scant}^ urine. Scanty and hot urine, at night, scalding during the discharge. The urine scalds in the urethra on urinating. During micturition, burning pain, as of soreness in the urethra. After urinating, burning in the urethra. 395. Itching above the pudenda. On the scrotum, stitches on both sides. The sexual instinct is lacking for a long time, even when an effort is made to excite it. Total relaxation of the genitals and feeling of debility therein. The customary morning-erection is lacking (2d d.). \^Htb. u. Tr.-] 400. Pollution, at 4 p. M. (5th d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] Pollution, the first time after a very long intermission, with voluptuous dreams, without erection. [Ad.] Frequent pollutions (the first days). Three nights in succession, copious pollutions, such as had not taken place for years. After a pollution, in the morning, on awaking, a cramp-like pain along the urethra, especially in its posterior part. \_Ad.] 405. After a pollution, very much exhausted in mind and body, and very anxious, as if evil was impending. Menses, 4 days too early, with headache before they set in. Menses, scanty the first day, the second day more profuse than usual, and the blood darker (8th d.). Menses 4 days too early, with pain in the sacrum and the groins. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Catamenia, more profuse than usual. \Htb. 21. Tr.] 410. Menses, not copious, but they last longer than usual, and flow only in the morning. Menses, shorter than at other times, and 5 daA'S late. Before the menses set in, anxious heat. Before and during the period, feeling in the thighs of being greatly worn out. [Hfb. 7c. Tr.] 5IO HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. During the menses, violent pressure in the groins, in the sa- crum and the thighs, with fruitless attempts at eructation, with chilliness and j^awning. \Htb. u. Tr^ 415. During the menses, great inflation of the abdomen. After the menses appear, so great a lassitude that she could hardly speak, accompanied with yawning and stretching. Leucorrhoea (aft. 14 d.). Discharge from the vagina, which stains the linen yellow (aft. 21 d.). Waterv leucorrhcea, while walking and standing. \^Htb. u. Tr.-] 420. Sensation in the nose as in the beginning of a cold, after eating; increasing in the evening. [Ad.'] Dry cor3^za; he cannot draw any air through the nose. Dry corvza in the forenoon till the evening (ist d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.-] Dry coryza, earl}^ on awaking, going off after rising. [Htb. Stoppage of the left nostril, in the forenoon (2d and 3d d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] 425. Fluent coryza, with loss of the sense of smell; yawning and much sneezing. \Htb. u. Tr.] Fluent coryza (aft. 10 d.). Fluent coryza of much watery mucus. [JTtb. u. Tr.] Excessive fluent cor^^za, several hours in the evening. Frequent discharge of mucus from the nose, with dr}^ coryza. 430. Cold, catarrh, and scraping in the throat, especially in the evening and night, chiefly in swallowing. S^^mptoms of a cold, with rough throat. In the wdndpipe, pain as after much coughing. Hoarseness, worse in the evening. Roughness and hoarseness in the throat, early after rising with dry cough. \_JTtb. u. Tr.] 435. After hoarseness in day-time, she becomes aphonous at night, wakes up with coldness, swelling of the scrobiculus cordis, severe cough, difficult expectoration and obstruction of the breath with anxious sweat; she could not get her breath at all. Tickling in the windpipe, with cough, diminished after eat- ing. [Htb. 2c. Tr.] Excitation to cough, with constriction of the throat and spasms of the chest. Tickling, causing cough. Cough without expectoration, from titillation in the larynx, in the evening, for 3 days. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] 440. Rough cough, with pain in the throat, as if sore. Cough, from dryness of the throat, in the morning; as soon as phlegm is ejected it ceases. Short tussiculation frequently, from tickling in the lar^mx (ist d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] In the evening, hacking cough, chiefly in bed. Cough which intercepts the respiration. CARBO ANIMALIS. 5II 445. Suffocating cough, in the evening, an hour after going to sleep. Only at night, while lying on the right side, dry cough, for several nights. \Htb. u. Tr,'\ Dry cough, day and night. Severe dry cough, early on rising, and almost the whole day, shaking the hypogastrium, as if everything was coming out; she has to hold the abdomen with the hands, and sit still; there is a rattling on the chest, before she detaches something by coughing. The cough, before dry, becomes loose (2d d.). \Htb, u. Tr. 450. Cough with expectoration. Yellowish white mucus is expectorated. [ Whl.'] Cough, with expectoration of thick pus (aft. 14 d.). \_Whl.'] Cough, with expectoration of greenish pus, excited only in a small spot, an inch square, in the right side of the chest. [^Whl.'] Expectoration of green pus, after dry cough. \_lV/il.~\ 455. Ejection of thick green pus from a vomica, which appears in the right side of the thoracic cavity. [ lV/i/.~\ From cough, pleuritic stitches. \_lV/il.'] After a dry cough the pleuritic stitches cease and she can then cough several times without feeling it again. [ Whl.'\ From coughing, pain in the hypogastrium, as if sore. Rattling and wheezing in the chest for hours, in the evening in bed. 460. Panting while breathing, with tightness of chest. Asthmatic oppression of the chest, after a meal. Sudden tightness of the chest, when she wished to take a deep breath. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] The person feels as if the breath stuck in her chest. \_Whl.'] Tightness in the chest; the whole chest feels oppressed or too much strained. 465. Her chest feels contracted. Constriction of the chest, as if about to suffocate, in the morn- ing in bed; she thought she was dying; speaking gave her stitches in the heart, and on moving her arms there was a sensation as if her heart and chest were about to be torn. Anguish in the chest in the morning. Pain, as if the middle of the chest were squeezed together, per se, and on being touched, with oppression of the breathing, for a quarter of an hour. \Htb. u. Tr.~\ Violent compression of the chest, with obstruction of respira- tion, while sitting in the morning. [Hfb. it. Tr.] 470. Pressure in the middle of the chest. [JT^b. 21. Tr.] Violent pain in the whole of the chest as if it would burst, with pain in it as of soreness. [7///^. 7i. Tr.] Stitches below the right breast so that she cannot sit still. while sitting and writing; after rising it ceases. Stitches in the right side of the thoracic cavity. [ U7i/.] Stitches in the right side of the chest with ever}' breath, as if there was an ulcer. [ Whl.] 475. Stitches in the left side of the upper thorax and, at times, in the right. ^Whl.] 512 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Stabs in the sternum, as from knives, mostly when moving. Stitches in the back part of the right side of the chest, extend-^ ing into the axilla. \Htb. u. Tr.'\ Sharp, burning stinging in the left side of the chest, also when sitting. \Htb. u. Tr ] Stitches, with obstruction of the respiration, at times below . the left breast, then in the right shoulder- joint, then in the right flank; with some dr^^ cough, which increases the pain, in the morning. \_Htb. u. Ti'-.~\ 480. Digging, pinching and tension in the upper part of the chest.. Painful writhing in and below the chest. Trembling in the chest, like moaning. Sensation of coldness in the chest (aft. yd.). Burning in the chest, more on the right side. 485. Burning in the chest, with pressive pain. In the heart a pressure, almost like pinching. Palpitation in the evening, without anxiet}" (aft. 24 d.). Violent palpitation, and every beat was felt in the head. Violent palpitation during singing in church. 490. Violent palpitation in the morning on awaking; she has to- lie quite still, without opening her ej^es and without speaking. In the female breast, in the lower part, lancinating pain, increased by pressure, obstructing the breath. [Htb. u. T?-.'] Painful knots in the breasts. [Rusf s Magaz. 1. c] On the cocc3"x, pain, which on touching the place becomes a, burning pain. Straining pain, as from a bruise on the cocc3'x. 495. Pain as from a bruise and pressure in the crest of the left, ilium, aggravated in the evening, so that she had to bend double. On external pressure the place pained as if ulcerated. [Htb. u. Tr.-] Pain as from an ulcer under the skin, on the lower end of the spine, mosth' onl}- when sitting and lying. Pain in the sacrum in sitting, as if the catamenia would ap- pear. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] Violent pains in the sacrum. Pressive pain in the sacrum. 500. Stiffness in the small of the back. Drawing pain in the sacium, and a sensation as if it was. broken, in walking, standing and lying. Sharp drawing transversely through the sacrum, Yoxy sensi^ ble at ever}^ step. Stitches close above the sacrum, when taking a deep breath. A stitch in the sacrum, passing down the thighs at every breath. 505. A severe stitch in the sacrum. The back is painful on the left side, so that she cannot lie on it for three nights. \_Htb. u. 7)-.] Pain in the lower part of the back. Violent pain in the loins, when she rises after sitting for awhile. Pressive pain in the back, between the scapulae, as if the: CARBO ANIMAI^IS. 513 parts had been strained or had suffered injury, with a like pain in the front part of the chest on moving the arm. 510. Painful tension between the scapulae, relieved by rubbing. \Htb. u. Tr.'] Lancinating tension in the right scapula. \_I/td. u. Tr.'] Intermittent stitches in the back, above the right hip. Stitches between the scapulae. \_//fd. u. Tr.] In the nape of the neck a sensation as if her skin was being pulled up in a small spot. [/f^b. u. Tr.] 515. Tension in the nape. Stiffness in the nape of the neck. Stiffness in the left side of the nape. Swelling of the cervical gland. The axillae exude much moisture. 520. Violent itching in the right axilla. The shoulders feel w^eighted down and tired. In walking the shoulders and chest feel loaded down and pressed. , Tearing in the shoulders (going off by motion and rubbing). [TTtd. u. Tr.] In the arms and hands, a drawing pain. 525. Digging down into the arm, as if it was working in the bones; less perceptible w^hen she lay on this arm. In the right upper arm, violent tearing on lifting the arm. Tearing in the middle of the right arm, after midnight, on lying on this side; she could not go to sleep for pain. [Htb. u. Tr.] Painful tearing in the right humerus, toward the elbow. [Htb. u. Tr.] In the olecranon of the ulna drawing stitches; the skin there pains as if sore, even at the lightest touch; but when grasped strongly it does not pain at all. 530. Lancinating pain below the bend of the left elbow, and out through the palm. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Burning and straining on the bend of the right elbow, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] In the left forearm, burning and stitches, often repeated, and at times passing even into the shoulder-joint; by rubbing it is only relieved for a short time. \Htb. u. Tr.] Itching on the inner side of the right forearm, where after three days there appears an itching eruption, which occupies a large surface. [Htb. u. Tr.] Hard, elevated, itching spot, transversely around the forearm, ■ near the wrist. [Htb. 2c. Tr.] 535. The wrist-joint pains, as if sprained. Straining pain in the wrist-joint, on moving it. Tearing in the hands. Pricking as with needles in the left palm, as also in the right ball of the hand. [Htb. ic. Tr.] Drawing shooting pain on the outer edge of the hand, where the skin pains as if sore, when touched lighth% but does not hurt when strongly grasped. 34 514 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 540. Often a very painful boring in the knuckles of the hand. The hands go to sleep, every day. The hand goes to sleep, when at rest. Numbness of the left hand in the morning in bed, going off after rising. Burning heat in the left hand when he came in the evening from his room into the open air and sat down. \Htb. u. Tr.l 545. Troublesome heat in the palms, in the morning. Itching on the back of the hands and the fingers, for many days. White, itching nodules on the dorsa of the hands, which burn and are red after scratching, [//fd. u. Tr.~\ The middle finger- joints pain on moving them. Straining in the posterior joint of the middle finger, on mov- ing it. 550. Tearing on the back (and in the bones) of the fingers, pass- ing off by rubbing. \_//id. u. Ti^P^ Stitches in the tips of the fingers. An exceedingly violent stitch in the tip of the index, like a wasp-sting. Stinging in the fingers. \Htb. u. Tr^ The fingers go to sleep; later on, the whole hand. 555. Itching of a wart on the finger. Chilblain on the little finger. In the right hip, cramp, when walking. Stitches in the left hip, when sitting. The lower limbs cannot be stretched, owing to straining and contraction in the groins. 560. Disagreeable tension of the skin of the lower limbs, with sen- sation of burning or of icy cold. Cold legs during the day. Pinching pains, here and there, on the lowei limbs. In the thighs, jerking pain. Drawing and tearing in the muscles of the thigh. 565. Tearing in the thighs, under the hips, from morning till even- ing, but worse in the forenoon and when sitting. \_Htb. u. Tr.^ Painful tearing, while standing, as if in the marrow of the left thigh; going off when sitting (during the menses). \_//td. u. A violent tearing stitch in the middle of the right thigh, on the inner side, while standing; in the evening. \_I/fd. u. Tr.~\ Fine, burning, transient stitches, here and there, in the thigh and sacrum, the whole day. ^f/td. u. TrJ] Boring and drawing, in the upper part of the right femur, after an uneasy night. 570. In the right hough a sensation when walking, as if the ten- dons were too short; goes off in sitting. \_Htb. u. Tr.~\ Painless drawing with crooking of the right hough, which pains on stretching it; goes off after continued motion. [Htb. u. Cramp in the right knee, when walking. Pain in the right knee as if compressed in a vice, while stand- CARBO ANIMALIS. 515 ing; with a sensation as if it would draw the leg crooked or con- tract it, in the evening. \Htb. u. Tr.~\ Tearing above the right knee; also above the left, as if in the bone, where it only goes off transiently by rubbing. \^//fd. u. Tr.~\ 575. Tearing and formicating stitches in the right knee, which on rubbing goes down into the tibia, where it is only transiently improved by rubbing. \_//td. ?i. 7"r.] Painful stitches in the left hough, on taking a walk. \_Ad.'] Pain as of soreness in the knee on bending it, day and night. Pain as of soreness in the right knee, worse when walking. In the leg, anteriorly, beside the tibia, cramp, when walking. 580. Cramp in the calves, in the morning, for several days. Painful cramp in the calves, after taking a walk. Painful tension in the calves, while walking. Painful contraction of the tendo Achillis, frequently repeated, in the evening (3d d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.^ Pressure in the tibia, when walking. 585. Pain as from a bruise in the tibia, while taking a walk in the open air, intermittently, with tension in the calf. Drawing in the tibia, by jerks. \Ad.'] At night, a painless drawing extending up her left leg. A tearing in the right leg, especially in the knee-joint and ankle-joint. A tearing downward in the left tibia, as also on the outer side of the right leg, and afterward in the big toe. [Htb. u. Tr.~\ 590. Painful stitch in the right toe on rising from her knees; this darts through the whole body, and startles her. [//"Z^. 21. Tr.'\ The legs go to sleep as far as the calves, in daytime. The foot turns in walking, as if from weakness of the ankles. I^ack of strength in the ankles in walking, causing the foot to turn. Feeling of stiffness in the ankle-joint, in the morning on rising, 595. Tension on the dorsum of the foot, as if a tendon was too short; the day after, the spot is swollen and painful to the touch. [Htb. u. Tr.'] Drawing and tearing in the tendons of the right heel. \_H'tb. u. Tr.'] Sharp stinging in the sole of the left foot. [Htb. u. Tr.] Pain, as if festering inwardly, in the heels. A stinging crawling in the feet, as from going to sleep, in the morning. 600. Cold feet, in walking, in the forenoon. Extremely cold feet, also in the evening continuing for a long time while in bed. Very hot feet. In walking, her feet burn; in sitting, they swell up. Inflammatory swelling of the foot, breaking open on a toe. 605. Swelling and tension of the feet. \_Htb. u. 7>'.] Profuse foot-sweat. In the toes, often during the day, cramp; on walking over a rough road it feels as if they turned. 5l6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pain as of a sprain in the posterior joint of the toes, in walk- ing and on every motion. Tearing in the right big toe. \Htb. u. Tr.'\ 6 ID. Violent cutting burning in the toes, chiefly in the little ones. Violent itching of the toes formerly frozen (aft. 24 d. ). Swelling of the ball of the big toe, in the morning; much heat in it, and it pains, as if formerly frozen and ulcerated. She easily gets sore between the toes in walking. Corns appear, which are painful to the touch. 615. Stitches in a corn, for many days. Pressive pains in the joints and muscles. Pressure in the stomach, in the chest and at times in the abdomen. Pain as if from the pressure of fingers, on the arms and legs. Tearing drawing pains in the fingers and toes. 620. Stiffness of the limbs, after sitting. Frequent sensation as if the hands and feet were going to sleep. \Htb. u. Tr.'\ Going to sleep, now of the right arm, now of the right foot, in the evening in bed [Htb. u. Tr.~\ The arms go to sleep when resting the head upon them, and the legs w^hen crossed. Feeling of numbness of all the limbs, but especially also in the head. 625. Sensation as of a bruise in all the limbs, especially on mov- ing them. The ligaments of the elbows and knees are painful when lying down. The joints of the body feel bruised and severed, without strength. Sensation of severance in the joints. Cracking of the joints. 630. The joints are apt to get sprained. The gait is tottering, as if caused by an external force. Attack, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ; she feels very uncomfortable; she feels confused in the head and unsafe on the feet, with paleness of the face, qualmishness, and blue rings around the eyes. Heaviness and trembling of the arms and legs. Often heaviness in all the limbs. 635. Throbbing and beating in the W'hole body, worse in the evening. Orgasm of blood, without heat. Easily heated, the whole day. Weakness and lack of energy of the whole body, with numb feeling in the head. He eats and drinks, yet his strength decreases from day to day. \_WhL'] 640. Easily exhausted by w^alking. Much affected by walking, she became fatigued at once, chiefly in the hypochondria. In the afternoon, so much anxiety and heaviness in the body, that he found it very hard to walk. CARBO ANIMALIS. 5l7 While taking a walk, much perspiration. After a walk, tired and sleepy. 645. But little sensitiveness to the sharp, wintry air (after-effect). Itching spreads all over the body, especially in the evening in bed. Stings, like flea-bites, all over the body; by scratching it is always driven to another place. \Htb. u. Tr.'\ Stitches in a cicatrix from a burn. Several small knots on the wrist, in the nape of the neck, and on the dorsum of the foot; they itch violently; on scratching they burn with itching, and pass off after three days. [^Htb. u. Tr.'] 650. Attack: vertigo, she screams, opens her mouth and bends to the right and backward, with raised hands. \_Whl.'] She is about to tumble over, opens her mouth, and looks up- ward; then heat all over the body, with perspiration in the face, and tearful mood. \_Whl.'] Indolence and indisposition to mental and bodily work, the whole day. Relaxed, anxious and melancholy, especially in the afternoon. \_Htb. 2c. Tr.] As in a slumber, the whole day, and therefore lazy, deaf, dim-sighted, peevish and brooding morosely. 655. In the forenoon, stupid and sleepy, worse after dinner. [Htb, u. Tr.'\ In the forenoon, general lassitude, ready to sink down. In the morning, especially in the lower limbs, as it were, tired and worn out. [^Htb. u. Tr.'] In the morning, after a sound sleep, still very tired, on awak- ing. In the morning, laziness in all the limbs. 660. In the morning, on rising, very weary, with such sadness she could have cried. Sleepiness, with frequent yawning, the whole forenoon. IHtb. u. Tr.] Drowsiness in the evening, with photophobia (the first days). She could not go to sleep in the evening, and had in general only a very light sleep. [^Htb. u. Tr.] He could not get to sleep before 5 A. m., and 3^et, after two hours' sleep, on awaking he felt refreshed. 665. He cannot sleep at night for heat and restlessness. Restless and anxious she tosses about all night, without find- ing rest, with frequent awaking. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] Very restless night, he cannot find a restful position in bed. Restless night; already at 2:30 A. M. the sleep was gone, from internal unrest. Very uneasy sleep; he was very much excited and could not get to sleep before 2 a. m. 670. Very uneasy sleep, with frequent awaking. Before going to sleep in the evening, he sees horrible faces in his phantasies. On going to sleep, siie starts up, as if she was about to fall down. 5l8 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Before going to sleep in the evening in bed, fear of suffoca- tion while lying down, closing her eyes; this fear only passed away as she sat up and opened her eyes; this hindered her from sleeping all night; her throat at the same time was full of mucus. At night an anguish and a rush of blood, so severe that she had to sit up. 675. At night, much pain in the joints. At night, tearing in the outer side of the thigh, going off on rising. At night, cramp in the thighs and legs. At night, cramp of the calves disturbs the calm sleep. At night, tearing in the knee, going off by rising. 680. At night, on awaking and turning his lower limb in bed, a sudden pain, as if the leg was broken in two, upon which the lower limb became heavy, like lead. At night, on lying down, the right limb goes to sleep, down to the toes, while lying on this side, with the sensation as if this leg was the longer. \Htb. u. Tr.'] At night, pain in the tibia; in the morning on awaking this pain had gone off. At night, epistaxis for a quarter of an hour. At night, much passage of urine. 685. At night, feeling of the whole body as if worn out, as if beaten all over. [Htd. u. Tr.'\ After midnight, on awaking, sweat in the houghs, and swollen fingers. On going to sleep, in the evening, an internal trembling of the limbs, and involuntary twitching in the knees, legs and feet; they moved visibly and he had to draw them up. On going to sleep, in the evening, frequent starting up. \Htb. u. Tr.^ In sleep, running out of saliva. 690. Groaning in sleep. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] Loud talking in sleep. [Htb. u. Tr.] Weeping at night, in sleep, and on awaking, sobbing. Very vivid dreams, at night. [_Ad.'] Vivid dreams concerning scientific matters; he worked out themes in his thoughts, and spoke aloud. [_Ad.'] 695. Sleep full of vivid fantastic enthusiasm. Many fantastic and confused dreams during the night, so that he hardly slept at all. Vivid, frightful dreams, for seven nights in succession. Dreams of murders. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Anxious dreams at night, with crying and weeping, followed b}' sad dreams, then voluptuous ones, with pollution. 700. Great chilliness, by day. Chilly, for a long time, after dinner. [^Hib. u. Tr.] He can hardly get warm in the morning. She feels chilly as soon as a little air gets into the room. [Htb. u. Tr.] Always chill^^ with ice-cold feet. [Htb. u. Tr.] 705. Very cold feet, from 9 A. m. to 3 p. m. CARBO VKGKTABII,IS. 519 In the evening, very cold feet, when she got into bed (aft. 10 h.). In the evening, cold hands and feet. At night, in bed, febrile rigor, which awakes her. Chill and cold running over him in the afternoon, and tremb- ling as from within, without thirst, for three hours; then burning in the skin of the body and in the eyes, with some thirst. 710. Rigor, up the back; this seems to start from the chest, every afternoon (aft. 4 w.). llV/i/.~\ Every second day toward evening some chill and thirst, then ver}^ violent dry heat, so that she imagines that sparks of fire dart from the eyes; the following night, a little sweat. [WhL~\ In the evening, a chill without thirst, then heat; going off after lying down. [^Htb. u. Tr.~\ In the evening at 9 o'clock, chill over the whole body; then after lying down, heat, during which she falls asleep, but fre- quently wakes up with thirst; toward morning, sweat. [I/td, u. Z?'.] In the evening, in bed, a chill; then sweat, while sleeping. 715. In the evening from 5 till 8 o'clock, chill, with goose-skin; then at II p. m. awaking with profuse sweat, which permits uncov- ering, and lasts till 2 A. m. \Htb. 21. Tr.'] At night in bed his head and trunk were hot, but the lower limbs were cold and grew warm only gradually; toward morning, a chill, in bed (ist d.). At night, heat and thirst without chill before and without subsequent sweat. \^Htb. u. Ir.'] She cannot bear to be uncovered during the febrile heat, as she gets chilled at once. [Htb. u. TrJ] Heat, at night, with moisture of the skin. 720. Sweat, while eating and while taking a walk. Profuse sweat while walking and while partaking of warm viands. Sweat which colors the linen yellow. Profuse night sweat. At night, sweat on the head. 725. Morning sweat, on awaking (2d d.). [^Htb. u. Tr.'] Fatiguing night sweats. [ JVkl.] Fetid night sweats. \_Whl.'] As soon as he shuts his eyes a very profuse sweat breaks out. iWhl.] CARBO VEGETABILIS, WOOD CHARCOAL. The charcoal of any kind of wood, thoroughly heated to redness, seems to manifest itself uniformly in its effects on the human health, when it has been prepared and potentized in the manner which Horn- 520 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. oeopathy uses. I employ the charcoal of birch wood; in some of the provings b}^ others the charcoal of the red beech was used. Formerly charcoal was considered by physicians as non-medicinal and powerless. Empiricism only added it in its most highl}^ composite powders, e. g., for epilepsy, the charcoal of the linden tree, without "being able to adduce any proof of the efficacy of this particular sub- stance. Only in recent times, since LowiTz, in St. Petersburg, discovered the chemical properties of wood charcoal, especiall}^ its power of removing from putrid and mould}^ substances their bad odor, and of preserving fluids from fetid smell, ph3'sicians began to use it externall}^ (iatro-chemically). They advised rinsing the mouth of fetid odor -v^nth powdered charcoal, and covered old putrid ulcers with the same powder, and the fetor was in both instances almost instantaneously" alleviated. Also when administered intern- ally in the dose of several drachms it removed the fetor of the stools in autumnal d3^sentery. But this medicinal use was, as before mentioned, only a chemical use, but not a dynamic employment penetrating into the internal sphere of life. The mouth rinsed out with it only remained odorless for a few hours; the ill smell returned every day. The old ulcer was not improved by its application, and the fetor, chemically removed from it for the moment, was always renewed; it w^as no cure. The charcoal powder taken in autumnal dysentery only chemicallj^ removed the fetor of the stools for a short time, but the disease remained and the nauseous smell of the stools quickly returned. In such a coarse, pulverized state, charcoal can exercise no other than a chemical action. A considerable quantity of wood charcoal in its ordinary crude form may be swallowed without pro- ducing the slightest alteration in the health. It is only by prolonged trituration of the charcoal (as of many other dead and apparently powerless medicinal substances) wdth a non-medicinal substance, such as sugar of milk, and by dissolving this preparation and potentizing (shaking) these solutions, that the dynamic medicinal power concealed within, and which in the crude state is combined, and so to say slumbering and sleeping (latent), can be awakened and brought to life; but then its material external must vanish. The various degrees of potency are emplo3^ed according to the var^^ing intention in healing, down from the decillion-potenc}^ to the million-powder-attenuation, using one, two or three fine pellets moistened therewith as a dose. Arsenic, camphor and raw coffee have been found antidotes of charcoal, but the spirits of nitre seem to be more efl&cient. CARBO VKGKTABILIS. 52 I In healing the diseases to which this remedy is homoeopathically appropriate, the following symptoms were chiefly relieved or removed: Anguish, irritability^; fearfulness; fear of ghosts at night; peevish- ness; headache from overheating; heaviness of the head; rush of blood to the head; headache from nausea; tendency of the head to colds; eyeache from strained vision; burning in the eyes; heat and pressure in the eyes; burning and pressure in the canthi; closing of the eyes by suppuration, at night; roaring in the ears; suppuration of the inner ear and discharge from it ; itching of the nose ; continued epistaxis; herpes in the face; chapping of the lips; bleeding of the gums; toothache from taking cold or warm things in the mouth; con- tractive toothache; gnawing toothache; clucking toothache; chronic looseness of the teeth; dryness, or gathering of saliva in the mouth; stomacace [or aphthae] ; scraping in the throat; hawking up of much phlegm from the throat; bitter taste in the mouth; salty taste in the mouth; long-continued loathing of meat; lack of appetite; excessive hunger or thirst; empty eructation; bitter eructation; eructation tasting of the fat eaten; regurgitation of the ingesta; perspiration while eating; acidity in the mouth after a meal; chaotic sensation and pressure in the stomach after a meal; nausea in the morning; constant nausea; waterbrash, at night; stitches U7ider the ribs; lanci- native pain in the liver; stitches in the spleen; pain as from a bruise in the hypochondria; tension of the abdomen; inflation of the ab- domen; pain above the navel, when touched; colic from driving out; excessive discharge of flatus; thin, pale stool; light-colored mucous stools; scant stools; constipation; itching of the anus; varices of the anus; p?in in the varices of the anus; blood from the anus at every stool; diminished secretion of urine; frequent anxious tenesmus of the bladder, by day and night; wetting the bed; urine too dark; ex- coriative pain in urinating; pressure in the testes; too freque?it pollu- tions; unnatural abundance of voluptuous thoughts; too rapid emis- sion of semen in coitus; soreness and itching on the pudenda; itching and burning of the genitals; swelling of the pudenda; too ea7dy menses; menses too copious; scanty menses; paleness of the blood in the catamenia; vomiting during the menses; flux from the vagina: leucorrhoea before the menses; stoppage of the nose; discharge of water from the nose; severe cold; constant hoarseness; morning- hoarseness; catarrh and sore throat with the measles: asthma, dyspnoea; short breath during walking; dropsy of the chest: stitches in the chest; chaps and pains as from soreness in the chest: brownish spots on the chest; drawing pain in the back; itching pimples on the back; stiffness of the nape of the neck; pain in the elbow on grasping it; heat in the hands; restlessness in the legs; the knees go to sleep; 522 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASRS. herpes on the knee; cramp in the calves, at night; continued insensi- bility of the feet; sweat of the feet; redness and swelling of the toes, with lancinating pains as after freezing them; pain in the limbs as from spraining and straining; pain in the left hypogastrium from a strain in lifting; the limbs go to sleep; wor7i-out feeling of the limbs ^ in the morning on rising from bed; throbbing here and there in the body; tremulousness; jerking of single limbs, by day; after-effects from yesterday's wine-spree; chronic ailments from the abuse of cinchona bark; tendency to take cold; neetle-rash; herpes; ulcers (on the legs) fetid and bleeding readily; great drowsiness by day; sleep in the forenoon; insomnia on account of restlessness of the body; phantasies at night and starting from anxious dreams; frequent rushes of transient heat; coldness and chill of the body; night-sweat; morning-sweat. Any excessive action can be quickly removed by repeated smell- ing of camphor, and still more surely by smelling of spirits of nitre. The symptoms marked Ad. were observed by Dr. Adams, a phy- sician of St. Petersburg; those marked Gff. by the Royal Counselor, Baron von Gersdorfif, M. D., and those with C. by the late Dr. Caspari, of Leipzig. CARBO VEGETABILIS, Anxious, as it were oppressed in the chest, for several days. Very much oppressed and full. Inexpressibly weighed down with anguish, ever}^ afternoon from four to six o'clock. In the evening for several hours increasing anguish, with heat in the face. 5. In the evening, restlessness. Restless the whole day. He trembled for restlessness and anxiety, and could not stay long anywhere. For restlessness and anguish ever}^ afternoon, he trembled all over the body; he felt as if he had committed a great crime, this dissolved itself into copious weeping, even before strangers on the street. He felt like weeping, everything seemed to him dreadful, and he felt in despair. 10. Great disposition to weep; he wishes to shoot himself. She wishes to die, she feels so unhappy. Pusillanimous and timid. If she has to speak before people, her pulses throb, her pale face becomes bloated and bluish red. Impatient. Vegetable charcoal appeared with the animal variety in the Materia Medica Pura and the first edition of the Chronic Diseases. Its pathogenesis obtained with the 3d trituration shows 720 symptoms in the former, 930 in the latter work. The fresh symptoms both here and there were Hahnemann'' s, obtained in his later manner; as the three physicians men- tioned all made their contributions to the original list. — Hughes. CARBO VEGETABII^IS. 523 15. Great irritability. Excessive excitation, as if she was too much hurried, or over- worked in business. Irritation and ill humor, with lassitude of mind (aft. 10 h.). Irritability and sensitiveness. lAd.j Very irritable during the day and inclined to be annoyed. 20. Very sensitive and moody (aft. 4 h.). [Qf^] Peevish, impatient, desperate, so that he would like to shoot himself. Peevish irritableness, with numb feeling in the head. [Qf^] Peevishly irritable, the whole day (2d d.). Violent irritable disposition. 25. Passionate and peevish, in the forenoon. Very peevish, irritable and inclined to anger. Involuntary angry ebullitions (aft. 36 h.). Sensitive mood, inclined to weep. Very irritable and easily put into bad humor, he can easily weep over sad events, and just as easily laugh over the merest trifle, so that tears stand in his eyes. 30. Sensitive, easily irritated humor, which however, when cause is given, is wont easily to turn into awkward gayety, when to the laughter is added relaxation of the muscles of the arms and the hands. [Qf.] Excessively cheerful, but easily put out of humor. \Ad.'\ Out of humor (after a meal). [Ad.'] Indifferent, unsympathetic. [Ad.] Indifferent he listens to everything without pleasure or dis- pleasure, and without thinking of anything. 35. The mind is indolent and indisposed to think (aft. 10 h.). [CO Music, which he loves, does not affect him all day. [Ad.] Freedom of spirit, lightness and general good health (curative effect after chaotic state of the head, as from a cold, and general heaviness of the limbs and of the body) (aft. 4 h. ). [C] Lack of memory, periodically occurring. Sudden lack of memory, he could not recollect what he had just said to somebody, and what he had recounted to him. [Ad.] 40. Slow flow of ideas, which always revolve around one subject, with a sensation as if the head was bandaged too tightly. [Ad.] Numbness in the head, w^hich makes thinking difficult. Severe numb feeling in the head in the morning, at once after rising; he can not think well, and has to tear himself wdth diffi- culty, as it were, from a dream; after he lay down again, it went off. [Off.-] Numb feeling in the head, for several days without pain. Numb feeling in the occiput, as after a spree. [Ad.] 45. Numb feeling in the head, after dinner. [C] Numb feeling in the head, in the evening, after a walk (^aft. 19 li.). [C] 524 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Numbness of the occiput like an outward tension (aft. }4 h.). [Ad.] Dullness in the head, after awaking from the noon-day nap. [Ad.-] 50. Dizzy in the head, as after a spree, spreading from the occi- put to the front, worse in the evening, and occupying the whole head, wdth aggravation by walking. [Ad.^ Dizzy, befogged, giddy (3d d.). Turning around in the head, all day. Vertigo at the least motion. Vertigo at a quick movement of the head. 55. Vertigo so that he had to hold on to something (aft. 15 d.). Vertigo and staggering, when walking. Dizzy, while walking and sitting (4th d.). Vertigo, when stooping, as if the head wagged to and fro. Vertigo, when stooping, when turning over in bed, and when gargling. 60. Vertigo in bed, on awaking from sleep. Dizzy in the evening, w^hile sitting, after sleeping, with trembling and vibration in the whole body; on rising from his seat, he was as it were in a faint, which continued even while he was lying down, for a quarter of an hour. Vertigo, only while sitting, as if the head swayed to and fro. Headache, as with an incipient cold. Headache which occupied the whole right side of the head and face, with chill, coldness and trembling of the body and of the jaws. 65. Headache, from quick alternation of warm and cold weather. Dull headache, with heaviness before the forehead. \_Gff'.^ Dull headache on the occiput. [Qf.] Headache which as it were rises from the stomach into the head, and robs her of consciousness for a short time. Heaviness in the head. 70. The head feels as heavy as lead. Pain in the head as if too full. Tension in the brain; it feels more numb than painful. Cramplike tension in the brain. Pressive headache, first in the nape of the neck, then in the forehead, then lachrymation of the ej^es, with closing of the lids. 75. Pressure in the occiput, especially after supper. \_Ad.~\ Violent pressive pain on and in the occiput, at the bottom. Pressive pain in the occiput from time to time. Constant pressive pain on top of the vertex, -with aching when the hair is touched. [Qf.] Pressive headache in the upper part of the right side of the occiput, with pressure in the eyes. [(^.] 80. Pressive pain in single spots of the head, in light attacks pass- ing quickly; they seemed to be in connection with flatus (aft. 48 h.). [C] CARBO VKGETABII.IS. 525 Pressive headache in the forehead, especially close above the eyes, which hurt on moving, the whole afternoon. [Qf.] Pressive headache in the forehead, it passes off and returns. [C] Pressure on the top of the head, every afternoon. Pressive headache above the eyes, extending into them. \Gff.-\ 85. Pressure in both temples, and on top of the head. Pressure in the left temple, from within outwards, for several hours. \Ad^ Pressure above on the head, then drawing in the whole head, but more on the left side. Pressure and drawing in the head, in paroxysms. Compressive headache. 90. Pressure, as if something lay on the vertex, or as if the in- teguments of the head were constricted together, spreading then also into the forehead. \Ad7\ Headache as from contraction of the integuments of the head. Headache, as from contraction of the integuments of the head, chiefly after supper. {AdT^ Contractive pain in the head, especially on motion. The hat presses on the head, like a heavy load, and when he takes it off, he still retains the sensation, as if the head w^as ban- daged together by means of a cloth. \^Ad.'] 95. Tension in the brain, the brain feels more numb than pain- ful. Spasmodic tension in the brain. Severe headache for five days, on stooping; the brain seemed about to come out, in the occiput and in front. ^Pain in the right side of the head on shaking it. ) Squeezing and cutting headache, above and behind the left ear. [Qf.] Pinching headache in the occiput. 100. Drawing headache here and there, especially in the forehead, extending up beyond the root of the nose. \_Gf.] A confusing drawing in the whole of the head, starting from the occiput (aft. j^h.). [C] Drawing and tearing in the left occiput. [Qf.] Drawing tearing in the upper anterior part of the head. \_Gjff.~\ Tearing through the head, starting from a little spot on the occiput. [Qf.] 105. Tearing pains in frequent paroxysms, in the inside of the head, toward the right temple. [Qf.] Tearing in the left half of the head, starting from the left half of the nose. \_Gj^.~\ Short, sharp, tearing pains through the whole left side of the head. [C] Dull tearing headache on the crown and in the temples, in paroxysms. \_Gff'.'] Short tearing pains in the right side of the occiput. [C] 526 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. no. Tearing in the left half of the head, with drawing in the left arm. [(;#.] Tearing in the temples, extending to the molar teeth. \_Gff.'\ Violent tearing in the forehead, in a small spot, beside the temples. [Qf.] The tearing pains in the head start at times from the limbs, and seem to terminate in the head. [C] Smarting pressive headache, like the sensation in the nose from abortive sneezing, in the morning on awaking, in the right half of the head on which he was lying and in the occiput; on raising the head, the pain was only alleviated, but on rising from bed, it vanished entirely. [_Gff.'\ 115. Stitches here and there into the head, with general painful- ness of the surface of the brain. Stitches in the upper part of the head, from reading. Violent stitches in the upper part of the head. Stitches in the head, toward the temples, upward. Stitches in the forehead, over the right external canthus (aft. 2 h.). \_Ad.'] 120. Lancinating headache, above the right ej^e. A dull tearing stitch, from time to time, deep into the brain, on one side of the head, as from a nail driven in. Burning stinging in a small spot on the occiput. \_Gff.'] Boring headache below the left temple. Boring and pressive headache in the sinciput. 125. Twitching headache. Pecking headache, very violent, in the occiput, as if there was a festering underneath, from morning till evening (aft. 9 d.). Beating headache, in the evening in bed, with heavy breath- ing. . Beating in the temples, and fullness of the brain, on awaking from a long, deep noon siesta. \_Ad.'\ Beating headache, in the afternoon. 130. Throbbing headache in the forehead, after a meal, with pres- sure in the occiput, heat in the head, and eructation. Rush of blood to the head. Rush of blood to the head, with hot forehead and confused feeling in the head. Intense pressure of blood to the head, with chaotic feeling and hot forehead (aft. 6 h. ). [C] Heat and burning in the forehead. 135. Burning in the forehead and heat in the mouth, with pains in the eyes. A spot on the head very hot to the touch, as large as a hand, with constant headache. Burning and violently pressive headache, in the evening in bed, especially on the vertex, and toward the front, even to the forehead. [Qf.] Buzzing in the head, as from bees. Cracking in the occiput when sitting. 140. Severe noise in the head, from reading. Externally on the head, pains drawing here and there. [Qf.] CARBO VEGETABIIvIS. 527 Frequently repeated, short, drawing pain on the right side of the occiput (aft. 2)4 h.). [Qf.] Tearing pain on the left side of the head, above the temple. Tearing in the right side of the occiput (aft. 4 h.). [Qf.] 145. Tearing in an old scar from a sabre wound, on the top of the head. [Qf.] Pressive pain on a small spot on the right side of the fore- head, where there had been a wound (aft. 4 h.). [Qf.] Tearing in the bones of the head (aft. 24 h.). Headache over the whole crown, in the morning in bed, with painfulness of the hair to the touch; going off after rising. Crawling on the integuments of the occiput, as if the hair was moving. [Ad.'] 150. The hair on the head falls out very much. Eruptive pimples on the temples. Red, smooth, painless pimples, here and there on the fore- head. [Qf.] Painless pimples on the forehead (5th d.). Red pimples on the forehead, near the hairy scalp, painful only when touched. [Qf.] 155. White little nodules in the skin of the forehead, like little glands (aft. 3d.). [C] Tension and pressure in both temples and on the forehead; he cannot keep his eyelids open. The muscles of the eyes are painful on looking upward. [Qf.] Dull pain in the left eye. \_Gff.] Pressure in the eyes, with numb feeling in the head (aft. 6>^h.). 160. Pressure in the upper eyelids and in the upper half of both eyeballs, on taking exercise in the air. [Ad.] Sensitive pressure on the right eyeball, from above downward (aft. -Ah.). \Gff.-\ Pressure as from sand in the right eye, with sensation of sore- ness in the canthi (aft. 36 h.). [C] Pressure in the eyes as from a grain of sand, with sensation of soreness, chiefly in the canthi, and with smarting in the right eye. [Qf.] A smarting pressure in the outer canthus of the right eve. \Gff.-\ 165. Tearing pressure on the left eye. [Qf.] Drawing in the right eyelid (aft. 13 d.). Drawing above the right eye, through the head. Pain in the eye, as if it would be torn out, with headache. Violent stitches in both e3^es. 170. Itching around the eyes. Itching on the edges of the eyelids. Itching on the inner canthus of the left eye. {_CrJf?\ Itching on the right eye (aft. 36 h.). [C] Itching on the right eye, with great drvness of the evelid (aft. 14 d.). 528 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 175. Itching in the left eyei after rubbing, a smarting, especially in the inner canthus. \_Gff.^ Smarting itching, chiefly in the outer canthus of the right eye. [G#.] Smarting in the left canthus. [Qf.] Smarting in the eyelids, with some redness on their edge (aft. 24 h.). [C] Burning in the eyes. 180. Inflammation of the right eye. Swelling of the left eye. Profuse lachrymation and smarting in the right eye (aft. 24. h.). [G#.] The eyes closed from suppuration, in the morning. Quivering of the left e3^elid (aft. 9 d.). 185. Quivering of the upper eyelid. At night, she could not open the eyes, when she could not ga to sleep. The left eyelid seemed to him agglutinated, but was not. A w^eight upon the e3^es, so that he must strain very much in reading and writing, to make it out. After straining his eyes, he for a time becomes short-sighted. 190. Great short-sighteness; he can only recognize an acquaintance at a few steps' distance (aft. 3 d.). Flickering before the eyes, at once in the morning on rising. Black, flying specks before the eyes. Rings before the eyes, with a lighter colored center. Otalgia in the left ear. [6^.] 195. Otalgia in the right ear, in the evening. [Qf.] A straining outward in both ears (aft. 17 d. ). Fine pinching in the left ear. [C] Tearing in the inner part of the right ear. [Qf^ Tearing pain in the pit behind the right ear. [QT-] 200. Burning tearing pain on the lobules of the left ear. [Q7*-] Tearing jerks or single stitches in the right internal meatua auditorius. [6r^.] Stitches passing inward in the left meatus auditorius (aft. 48. h.). [C] Itching on the upper part of the external ear, which then, becomes hot. Itching in the ears, with tendency to seek to diminish it by^ swallowing. 205. Violent crawling itching in the internal right ear, continually recurring after boring in it with the fingers. [6r/f".] Itching behind the ear. Throbbing in the ears. Heat and redness of the left ear, every evening. Severe swelling of the parotid gland, extending to the angle: of the lower jaw. 210. A thick brown matter is discharged from the right ear. Discharge of a thickish, flesh-colored fetid liquid from the ear.. CARBO VEGKTABII,IS. 529 His ears feel obstructed, as from two little sandbags lying before die meatus auditorius. \_Ad.'] A weight lies in and before the ears; they seem to him obstructed, but without diminution of hearing (aft. }4 h..). [Ad.'\ Loud talking affects the hearing and is disagreeable. \_Ad.'\ 215. Ringing in the ears. Ringing in the left ear, with a whirling vertigo. Fine tinkling in the left ear, in the afternoon (aft. 40 h.). [C] Roaring in the ears. Severe buzzing before both ears. 220. Chirping in the ears, as from locusts (7th d.). Rustling in the ear as from straw, at every motion of the jaw (at breakfast). In the root of the nose, a drawing. Sensation of heaviness of the nose. Trembling of the skin and the muscles, on the right side of the root of the nose. 225. Formication in the nose for two days. Constant formication in the left side of the nose, in the even- ing. Eruption in the corner of the ala nasi. White itching pimples about the nose. Itching about the nostrils. 230. Scabby nose-tip. Much mucus always comes from the posterior nares. Epistaxis, at night, with ebullition of the blood (aft. 52 h.). Epistaxis, every forenoon, 10 to 12 drops. Severe epistaxis in the morning in bed, and immediately afterwards pain in the chest. 235. Profuse epistaxis which can hardly be stopped (aft. 48 h.). Severe epistaxis for two weeks, daily several times, with great paleness of the face every time before and afterwards. The complexion becomes greyish yellow. Extremely pale complexion. Aching of the facial bones of the upper and lower jaw. 240. Pain in the left side of the cheek, as if it were being bored and burned, in paroxysms (aft. 6 d.). Drawing pain in the cheek, for two days. Dra^ving pain in the upper and lower jaw, on both sides, with drawing in the head and feeling of obtuseness in the same (aft. 2 h._). lGff.\ Jerking pain in several parts of the face. Jerking drawing pain in the cheek and the jaw (ist d.). 245. Tearing in the face. Tearing facial pain in the left cheek. Tearing pain in the left corner of the mouth and from there into the cheek. \_Gff.'] Tearing by jerks in the left z3^goma, before the ear, in the evening in bed. [Qf.] Tearing by jerks in the bones of the upper jaw on the right side. [_Gff.'] 35 530 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 250. Fine tearing stitch on the right cheek (aft. 3 h. ). [Qf.] Glowing heat in the face, after sitting a short time. SweUing of the cheeks. SwelHng of the face on the chin, for 2 hours. Many pimples on the face and on the forehead. [C] 255. Single white nodules on both the temples (aft. 4 d.;. [C] A white pimple on the lower part of the cheek. Swelling on the lips. Swelling of the upper lip and cheek, with twitching pain. Twitching in the upper lip. 260. Painful eruption on the upper lip; the red part is full of pimples. Pustules, with a burning sensation below the red part of the upper lip. Eruption in the left corner of the mouth, like itching herpes. Ulceration of the right corner of the mouth. Eruptions on the chin; boil below the jaw and before the ear. 265. Drawing toward the chin, starting from the right corner of the mouth. On the lower jaw, cramp-like pain (aft. 13 d.). Tearing jerks in the left lower jaw (aft. 4 d.).. [C] Toothache, with dry lips. Aching of the roots of the teeth, above and below. 270. Toothache in the sound incisors. \_Ad.~\ Toothache, as if from acid things, especiall}^ in the gums, as often as she eats anything salt3\ [C] Toothache, the teeth are as if rubbed sore, and the pain, when the teeth are touched with the tongue, is as from an ulcer; the pain is renewed on eating. Pinching pain in the right lower molars. [Qf*.] Pressive toothache in the left upper molars. 275. Drawing pain in a hollow tooth. Drawing pain in an upper incisor. [Qf.] Frequently repeated drawing pains in the teeth which are sound. [C] Frequent drawing in the hollow molars (aft. 3d.). [C] A smarting drawing pain in the upper and lower incisors, more in the gums. [Qf.] 280. Subdued drawing in the right molars, with violent jerks. Violent drawing jerk in a hollow molar. IG^.~\ Drawing and tearing toothache in all the molars. \_G^.~\ Gnawing and drawing pain in a hollow tooth, with swelling of the gums. Pain as from soreness, with drawing in the first molar of the left upper row, [Qf ] 285. A tickling stinging and drawing in the first upper molar on the left side [Qf.] Stinging pain, every moment, in teeth quite sound, passing quickly and giving place to a short lancinating pain in the abdo- men (3d d.). Bleeding of the teeth, when cleaning them. CARBO VEGKTABILIS. 53 1 Bleeding of the teeth and gums, on sucking with the tongue. For several days, frequent bleeding of the teeth and gums. 290. The gums are painfully sensitive in chewing. Drawing pain in the gums. Heat in the gums. Pain in the gums, as from soreness, by day. Swelling of the gums, on a hollow tooth. 295. A pustule on the gums. Recession of the gums from the lower incisors. The gums are detached from the incisors, and the roots are laid bare (cured by mercury) (aft. 6 d.). [C] Detachment of the gums from the upper and lower incisors; (with a young girl, cured by mercury). [C] The gums are detached from the teeth and sensitive. 300. Very violent bleeding of the gums. Bleeding of the gums, after sucking (aft. 2d.). [C] On sucking the gums with the tongue, there is a taste of blood in the mouth, and the saliva is bloody (aft. 51 and 85 h.). [C] On sucking the gums, pure blood gathers in the mouth, in the forenoon, returning several days at the same time (aft. 5 d.). [C] The tongue is coated white. 305. Tongue coated with yellowish brown mucus. Cramp-like pain on the left side of the root of the tongue. Fine tearing pain on the right side of the tongue. Sensitiveness of the tongue, and sensation as of rawness. Stinging on the tongue. 310. Soreness on the (right) side of the tongue, with lancinating pain. Difficulty in moving the tongue, and in speaking. \Ad^ Heaviness of the tongue and lack of mobility, so that talking becomes very difficult to her. Heat and dryness of the tip of the tongue. [C] Heat in the mouth, with roughness and dryness of the tip of the tongue (aft. i, 2 d.). [C] 315. Sensation in the mouth and on the tongue as after copious drinking of wine in the evening (aft. 10 h.). [C] Heat in the mouth, especially on the upper lip. Dryness in the mouth, without thirst. Dryness of the mouth, in the morning. Great dryness of the mouth, in the morning on awaking. 320. Increased collection of saliva in the mouth (aft. V^ h.). [C] Bitter mucus in the mouth, in the morning. Back on the palate, a pressive pain. [Qf.] Pressive pain, close behind the palate in the fauces. A tearing pressure in the back part of the fauces and on the left side of the root of the tongue. [Qf.] 325. Smarting in the back part of the fauces, as in the beginning of a cold, but smarting even more sharply. SSW^ 532 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Frequent smarting and burning in the fauces and in the palate. [G#.] Burning in the upper part of the fauces. \_Gff.'\ Burning in the fauces and behind in the pharynx, as in a cold (aft. loh.). [C] Bitterness in the palate, with dryness of the tongue. 330. A blister in the upper part of the palate. Much tough mucus in the fauces, which he has to hawk out. Much hawking of mucus. Mucus in the fauces, of disagreeable taste and smell. In the throat and the fauces, violent scratching and formica- tion, onl}^ transiently relieved by clearing the throat. \_GffP\ 335. Scraping in the throat. Scratching in the throat. Scraping and rawness in the throat, for several days. Feeling of drjmess in the throat, on deglutition. A sort of fullness and pressure in the gullet, extending down into the stomach, almost like heartburn. 340. Pressure in the oesophagus; also w^hen not swallowing, as if it were contracted and constricted. \_Gff^ In the oesophagus, sensation as if contracted or con- stricted. Contractive sensation deep in the oesophagus. Sensation of contraction and an inner swelling of the throat. Sore throat, as from swelling of the palate, with painful deglutition, for 4 days. 345. Painless impediment to deglutition; the saliva swallowed goes down onl}^ gradually. [Qf.] Food cannot be swallowed easily- ; the throat is as it were con- stricted by a spasm, but without pain. In deglutition, and in coughing and in blowing the nose, the fauces and the posterior nares are painful as if sore. Pains as from soreness in the throat, when eating. Sensation of coldness down the throat. 350. Inflammation of the throat, with a sensation as if something had lodged in it, with stitches. Inflammation and swelling of the uvula, with stitches in the throat. Insipid, water}^ unpleasant taste in the mouth. Salty taste in the mouth, the w^hole day. Bitterness in the mouth, with eructation. 355. Bitterish taste in the mouth, before and after eating. Sour taste in the mouth after eating. Appetite, little, and no sense of taste, as in a cold. Little appetite, with heat in the mouth and roughness and dryness on the tip of the tongue (after 42 h.). [C] She cannot eat anything in the morning, till noon, then she relishes it; but she cannot then eat an3i:hing in the evening. 360. The lack of appetite is combined with a sensation of lack of tone and weakness of the muscles in the limbs. [C] Lack of hunger; he could have done without eating. [Qf".] Scanty appetite; she is satiated at once; she feels an aching CARBO VKGKTABIIvIS. 533 in the scrobiculus cordis, and as if too empty in the stomach, for half an hour. Entire lack of appetite, with coated tongue, and great lassi- tude. [C] Lack of appetite and frequent eructation, with numb feeling in the head. 365. Toward noon, diminution of appetite, with nausea (aft 3d.). At noon, little appetite, and slight colic (aft. 4 d.). [C] Hunger, and still there is repugnance to dishes which are agreeable to him. The appetite for coffee is lost. Repugnance to fat meat. 370. Aversion to butter. She is averse to milk, and it causes flatulence. Desire for sweet and for salty things. A little wine at once causes heat. [Qf^] During eating, perspiration on the forehead. 375. During eating, sudden throbbing in a tooth. At every meal, nausea. After a meal, nausea, with pressure in the stomach and then a pulling down pain about the navel, from above downward. After eating, a painful hiccup in the oesophagus. [Ad.'] After a moderate dinner, hiccup, and while sitting bent for- ward, fine pinching in the abdomen along the spinal vertebrae on the left. [C] 380. After eating, severe palpitation of the heart. After dinner, weariness (aft. 4th d.). After dinner, invincible drowsiness, with burning of the eye- lids on closing the eyes (7th d. ). After eating, great sleepiness. After supper, sleepiness, with red, hot face. 385. After dinner, the abdomen very much inflated (9th d.). When he eats or drinks, he feels as if his abdomen would burst. After eating but little, inflation of the abdomen and rumbling . in it. [Gff.-] After a moderate breakfast, at once full and satiated. [C] After a moderate breakfast, fullness, eructation, general heav- iness; writing proceeds slowly and with difficulty. [C.] 390. During and after eating, pinching in the belly. \Gff.~\ After enjoying breakfast, weakness. After every dinner, great heaviness in the feet, for 8 days. After a moderate breakfast, a general sweat. After and during a meal, anxiet3^ 395. After eating, headache. Eructation (aft. i>^ h.). [C] Severe, almost constant eructation. Very frequent eructation, as well before, as after a meal, chiefly in the afternoon, for 8 days (aft. 4 d.). [C] Frequent empty eructation, the whole day, chiefly in the afternoon. [6^.] 534 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 400. Frequent empty eructation, and preceded by transient pinching in the belly. [Qf.] Empty eructation after soup, and every time he drinks. Eructation, after eating and drinking. Eructation is always empty, and connected, especially in the afternoon, with accumulation of flatus in the abdomen. [C.] By eructation, a mouth full of mucus is belched up, always a few hours after dinner. 405. Sweet eructation. Bitter, scraping eructation. Sour eructation toward evening, in the open air. Sour eructation, after drinking milk. Sour eructation, with burning in the stomach. 410. Sensation of constant heartburn; acid always rose up into the mouth. Frequent sensation, in the forenoon, of something hot and acrid rising up the oesophagus. Hiccup, especially after every movement. Great tendency to hiccup, at the slightest occasion. Nausea and lack of appetite, also before breakfast, still more after a meal, with anxiety, dizziness, obscuration of the eyes, and a white tongue; toward evening he had to lie down, without sleepi- ness (aft. 6, 7 d.). 415. Momentary attack of nausea. Nausea, in the morning, an hour after awaking, with qualmishness in the stomach. Nausea, every forenoon, about 10 or 11 o'clock. Nausea, before dinner, even to retching. Nausea, after every meal. 420. Nausea, at night. Continual nausea, without appetite and without stool. Nausea, with inclination to vomit (4th d.). Often, an inclination to vomit, but he did not. Waterbrash. 425. The region of the stomach is very sensitive. Heaviness of the stomach, and, as it were, trembling therein. Painfulness of the stomach, in walking and standing, as if heavy and pendant. Aching in the scrobiculus cordis, in the evening, with sensi- tiveness of the same to the touch, with nausea and loathing if she only thought of eating. The stomach seems tense and full. 430. Tension and pressure, extending transversely across the stomach from the ribs. Pressive sensation in the region of the stomach, going off by the passage of flatus, with rumbling. [C] Pressure in the stomach, after rumbling in the abdomen. Pressure in the stomach as from an ulcer, worse if touched. Pressive sensation below the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 24 h.). 435. A constant painful pressure in the scrobiculus cordis and the epigastrium, seemingly in the stomach, after 7 p. m. [Qf.] CARBO VKGETABILIS. 535 An anxious pressure in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 4 d.). Pinching in the scrobicukis cordis, as from flatus. Cramp in the stomach, with incessant sour eructation. Cramps in the stomach and cardialgia, with a nursing woman. 440. Contractive spasm of the stomach, even at night, rising up into the chest, with inflation of the abdomen; she had to double up, and could not lie down, because this aggravated it; the pain came bj^ fits and took away her breath. Contractive sensation under the stomach. Contractive pain beside the scrobiculus cordis, on the right side; in the morning and afternoon. A constrictive pain below the scrobiculus cordis, aggravated by the pressure of the finger. \_Ad.'] On lying on the back and in taking a walk, he perceives the acidity of his stomach. 445. Gnawing in the stomach, m the morning, before breakfast. Scratching in the stomach, extending up the throat, like heartburn. Burning sensation in the stomach. Constant burning in the stomach. Throbbing in the scrobiculus cordis. 450. In the right hypochondrium, a short but violent pain. \_Gff,'\ The hepatic region is very sensitive and painful to the touch. Pain, as from a bruise, in the liver. Tension in the hepatic region, as if something was too short, on awaking from the noon siesta. Pressive pain in the liver, on taking a walk in the open air. 455. Violent tearing pain in the liver, causing an outcry. Violent stitches in the hepatic region (aft. 48 h.). In the left hypochondrium, a pressive pain. Pressive lancinating pain under the left breast. Drawing pain under the left ribs. 460. In both hypochondria, painful, lancinating tearing, radiating from a point close below the scrobiculus cordis, toward both sides. Both the hypochondria are painful to the touch. When he stoops down, it seems to him, as if sausages were lying to the right and left beside the stomach. Pressure under the short ribs, after breakfast. \_Gff/\ Every piece of clothing, fitting tightly to the hypochondria, presses and is unbearable to him. 465. Bellyache, as after catching cold; it is aggravated before the passage of flatus, and continues even afterward. Heaviness in the abdomen. The abdomen seems to him very heavy. Sensation as if the abdomen hung down heavih"; she has to stoop forward in walking. Pain over the whole abdomen down to the os pubis, as if all the muscular fibres were tense or indurated, which makes him x^ry anxious. 470. Tension of the abdomen, constant. \_Gff.'\ 536 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tension of the abdomen from accumulated flatus, which, however, passes copiousl}^ and easily in the afternoon. [C] The abdomen feels full and oppressed, and as if it were filled with food, da}^ and night, with eructation. Tensive and pressive pain in the right epigastrium, extending all over the stomach. Tensive and pressive pain all over the whole abdomen, with continual restlessness and weeping, as from despair. 475. Pressive colic in the hypogastrium. Pressive pain in the umbilical region. Dull, pressive pain in a small spot in the abdomen. \Gff^ A disagreeable pain in the abdomen, so that she would like to hold it always with her hands. Pressive colic, with tenesmus and passage of hot flatus, which relieves it. \_Gff~\ 480. Pressive colic, with rumbling, and with the passage of warm, humid, odorless flatus, which removes it. [Qf.] Pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen, moving about in the abdomen with pinching. A pinching pressure, deep in the right side of the hj'po- gastrium, toward the hip. \Gffl\ A squeezing pressure, deep in the hypogastrium. [Qf.] Sqeezing colic in the hypogastrium. \_GffP^ 485. Frequent, squeezing colic, especiall}' in the right side of the abdomen. \_Gff.'\ Pinching pain in different parts of the abdomen, frequentl}^ passing quickly. [C] Fine pinching of the abdomen, while sitting crooked. [C] Violent pinching about the umbilical region, after partaking of a little harmless food ; it quickly goes off through eructation and the emission of flatus. \Gff.'\ Pinching about the navel, extending into the stomach, four days and nights (at first in the morning on rising); she had to lie down, could not stand upright for pain, with constant chill; only in the second night diarrhoea set in, worst at night (aft. 6d.) 490. Pinching in the stomach, with good stool. Pinching and lancinating pains in the left hypogastrium. [G#] Constant pressive pinching in the epigastrium. [Qf.] The pinching in the abdomen arises almost only in the after- noon and evening, and seems caused b}^ flatus, after the passage of which it passes away. [C] Contractive sensation in the abdomen. 495. Cutting in the abdomen, like colic, in the evening. CoHc. Cutting in the abdomen, only momentary, but very frequent. Cutting in the abdomen, darting like lightning through the abdomen. Tearing in the hypogastrium, up toward the navel (aft. 48 h.). [G#.] 500. Tearing stitch in the hypogastrium, extending up to the navel. [6^#.] CARBO VKGETABILIS. 537 Lancinating pain, aggravated by breathing, in the left side of the abdomen and chest. [Qf".] Crawhng, running stitches deep in the hypogastrium (aft. 28 h.) [Qf.] Dull, pinching stitches, as if from below outward, in the ab- domen. \Gff.'\ Burning in the abdomen. 505. Burning about the umbilical region. \Gff.'\ Great anguish in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen, as from straining in lifting, even when she only does something with her hand whereby the arm is stretched up a little; also on touching it, the same pain appears. Pain in the abdomen, as from straining or spraining, as soon as she lies on her side; chiefly in the left side of the abdomen. Externally on the hypogastrium, pain as from soreness, also when touching it (aft. 4 h.). [Qf.] 510. Pain as from soreness, in a spot under the navel. \Gff^ Burning pain in the skin near the navel, often renewed (aft. 4h.). [Qf.] Pain as from a bruise in the abdominal muscles. In the right inguinal region, pressive pain. \Gff.^ Pinching pain in the right inguinal region. \Gff^^ 515. Accumulation of flatus in the left epigastrium, more toward the back, with a squeezing pain. The flatus is obstructed here and there in the abdomen, below the short ribs, in the region of the bladder, causes squeezing and pressure, and gradually goes off with sensation of heat in the rec- tum. [C] The flatus inflates the abdomen in the afternoon. [C] The flatus causes intermittently a paralytic sensation in the left thigh (aft. 5 d.). [C] Colic from flatus, with passage of odorless flatus. \Gff^ 520. The flatus moves about in the abdomen, and there are single stitches now here now there, especially in the left side, toward the ribs. [G#.] Much flatus, with rumbling and audible moving about in the abdomen, in the afternoon. [C] Flatus keeps moving in the abdomen (at once). \_Gff^ Flatus keeps moving about deep in the hypogastrium. \_Gff.^ There is a moving about in the abdomen, and much flatus, partly loud, partly noiseless and somewhat moist, passes. \_Gff^ 525. Clucking in the left side of the hypogastrium. \_Gff7\ Audible rumbling works about slowly in the abdomen (aft. 3h.). \Gff.-\ Loud rumbling and noise in the abdomen, for eight daj's. [C] Audible rumbling in the umbilical region. S^Ad^ Audible rumbling in the abdomen with some pinching. 530. After the rumbling, discharge of much flatus. \_Ad^ Unceasing noises in the abdomen, without tenesmus. 538 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Fermentation in the abdomen, then diarrhoeic stool with dis- charge of flatus of putrid odor. Discharge of much odorless, loud flatus, with frequent eructa- tion (aft. 4d.). [C] Discharge of some odorless flatus, with much working about of flatus in the abdomen (aft. ^ h.). [C] 535. In the afternoon, suddenl}^ a great quantit}^ of flatus, passing without trouble (aft. 36 h. ). [C.]. Excessive discharge of odorless flatus, in the morning on awaking. Even what else was easily digested, causes much flatus and' inflation of the abdomen. Flatus of putrid odor (aft. I >^ h.). [Qf.] Much very fetid flatus (aft. i d.). [C.] 540. Discharge of flatus of a putrid odor, and lastly also humid, with painful bearing down toward the sacrum and thence to the abdomen (aft. 2 h. ). [6^/f".] The urging to stool terminates with a loud discharge of flatus. Sensation as if a stool should come, with burning in the anus and discharge of flatus. \Gff.'\ On one da}^ no stool, the next day two. Totally constipated (aft. 67 h.). [C] 545. Ineffectual urging to stool (aft. 80 h.). \Gff.'\ Ineffectual urging to stool; only flatus was discharged, with painful pressure in the rectum. Ineffectual urging to stool, in the evening (aft. 36 h. ). Sudden urging to stool, as if from fullness in the rectum, which soon went off. \Ad^. Sensation in the abdomen and sacrum, like an ineffectual call to stool. [Qf.] 550. Violent urging to stool, wuth formication in the anus, and pressure on the bladder, toward the sacrum, like a hemorrhoidal colic, recurring in fits; instead of a stool, there follow violent labor- like pains in the hypogastrium, toward the front and the back, with burning in the anus, and a sensation as if diarrhoea were com- ing on; after these labor-like pains, w^ith much effort, some faeces discharged, consisting of soft pieces, followed by a cessation of the pains. [Qf.] A call to stool after breakfast; the stool, though not hard, passes only w^ith much straining. \Gff^ Violent urging to stool, but only a scanty and hard stool is passed. \Gff^ Much straining at the stool, in the rectum. Stool is unusually late in the evening, at 10 o'clock, with rumbling in the abdomen (aft. 44 h.). [C] 555. The first week, rare stools, onh^ every two or three days. Every two or three days, a hard stool. Hard stool. \_Gff.'\ Hard, delayed stool, with much straining (aft 30 h.). [Qf.] Tough, scanty stool, not sufficiently homogeneous, with inac- tivity of the rectum (aft. 6 d.). [C] CARBO VKGETABILIS. 539 560. Stool, a second time (aft. 14 h.). [C] Pappy stool, with burning in the rectum. Thinner stool than usual, with urging thereto (aft 20 h.). [C] Diarrhoea (aft. 48 h.). Acrid stool, with coated tongue. 565. Discharge of mucus, with forcing toward the anus. Mucus precedes the stool, then hard, followed by soft faeces, then cutting pain in the abdomen; during the first week. Much mucus is discharged with the stool. Much mucus is discharged from the rectum, for several days. Yellowish, threadlike mucus is woven around the faeces, which in their latter portion are quite bloody. [Ad.'] 570. Every six or seven minutes, the child screams out very loudly, while ever}^ time instead of faeces mucus with blood is discharged. Before the stool, colic. Before the stool, pains passing transversely through the abdo- men. [C] With every stool, discharge of blood. Flow of blood from the anus, with the stools. 575. During the stools (of scanty, hard, lumpy faeces) burning in the anus. [C] During stool, cutting in the anus. [C] During stool, stinging in the rectum, as from needles. With hard stool, cutting pain in the anus. [Gff.] After stool, repeated pains in the abdomen, extending toward the sacrum and the bladder, almost as after rhubarb. \_Gff.] 580. After stool, forcing or griping colic. [Off.] After a hard, scanty morning-stool, pinching stinging in the left side of the hypogastrium, and incomplete urging to stool, like a pressure on the rectum, all day (aft. 4 d.). [Gf.] After the stool, a total emptiness in the abdomen, especially sensible when walking. [C] After the stool he feels swollen in the abdomen, as from indu- ration (2d d.). After stool, burning in the anus. 585. After stool, lassitude. After stool, anxiety, with tremulous sensation and involun- tary motions. After stool, tremulous weakness. On the anus, smarting. [Off.] Pressive pain in the anus. \_Gff.\ 590. Gnawing in the rectum, between the stools. Pinching in the rectum, betw^een the stools. Stitches toward the anus. Several violent stitches in the anus, in the evening. [C] A very painful stitch through the rectum and anus, starting from the coccyx, as with a hot needle (aft. 6 d.). [C] 595. Formication in the rectum, and torment from ascarides. Discharge of ascarides. Itching in the anus, in the morning in bed, increased by scratching, and follow^ed by burning. [C] 540 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching in the anus, and after rubbing, a burning there. \Gjf:\ Burning on the right side of the anus (aft. 6 h.). [Qf.] 600. Burning at the anus, with disagreeable sensation of dryness there (aft. yd.). [C] Burning and stinging at the anus. Rush of blood to the anus. Swollen, painful varices of the anus. On the varices of the anus, tickling itching. 605. Flow of pure blood from the rectum, with tearing pains for several days; (with a voung wife who had never had the like (aft. yd.). [C] Flow of an acrid, corrosive humor from the rectum (aft. A viscid, musty-smelling fluid escapes at night in consider- able quantity from the anus. Moisture of the anus, with pressure upon it, during micturi- tion. Excoriation at the anus. 610. Excoriation, on the perinaeum, with painful itching when touched. Excoriation with itching and moisture of the perinaeum, at night. Shooting pain in the perinaeum, near the anus. [Qf.] Pressive pain as from soreness below the coccyx. [Qf".] A large red blotch, close to the anus, with a black pimple on it, itching a little. 615. The urine passes much more sparingly (aft. 48 h.). [Qf.] Much inclination to urinate, but the urine passed slowly. Urging to urinate, almost every hour. Pressure on the bladder, often by day, but she could retain the urine. He must rise several times during the night to make water, and more urine is discharged, with pressure on the bladder. 620. Copious discharge of urine, after drinking but little (aft. 6 h.). [Qf.] Copious light -yellow urine (aft. 24 h.). [C] Some thick, milky urine when about stopping to urinate. Dark-colored urine. Dark, red urine, accompanied with roughness of the throat. \Gff.-\ 625. Dark-red urine, as if it was mixed with blood (aft. 2 d.). Reddish, turbid urine. The urine remains clear, but nevertheless deposits some fine gravel. Red sediment in the urine. Very strong smell of the urine. 630. During micturition, itching of the female pudenda. During micturition, stinging in the female pudenda. Burning in the urethra during micturition. During micturition, extremely painful burning and pinching in the urethra. CARBO VEGKTABII.IS. 54I During micturition, often a tearing in the urethra; the last drops consist of mucus and give pain in passing. 635. After micturition, in the morning, tearing and drawing in the urethra. [Qf.] Constriction of the urethra, every morning. Pinching pains in the urethra (ahnost at once). On the prepuce, itching and soreness. Severe itching, soreness and a vesicle, on the inner side of the prepuce. 640. Formication in the testes and in the scrotum. Itching near the scrotum on the thigh; with exudation of moisture (aft. 24 h.). • Swelling of the scrotum, hard to the touch. Severe itching on the moris veneris. Sexual instinct quite lacking, in the morning; not even ex- citable through sensual ideas (aft. 24 h.). \_Gff.^ 645. More lively sexual instinct (aft. 49 d.). Frequent erections (aft. 24 d.). [C] Frequent, persistent erections, for three days in succession. Persistent erections at night, without voluptuous sensation or fancies. [Qf.] Pollution without dreams 650. Frequent pollutions, without much sensation. Violent pollution, painfully affecting the nerves, and then violent burning, anteriorly in the urethra, with severe cutting and burning while urinating; this pain continued a long time and was renewed at the slightest external touch. [Gff.'] During coitus, quick emission of the semen, and then orgasm of the blood in the head. Emission of prostatic juice, on straining to emit the stool. On the female pudenda and on the anus, itching. 655. Heat and redness in the pudenda. Burning on the female pudenda. Severe soreness on the female pudenda, anteriorly, in the evening. Aphthae on the pudenda. Red, sore spots, looking like little ulcers, on the pudenda; these do not pain, but merely itch, with emission of leucorrhoea. 660. Pain, as from excoriation, on the female pudenda, with dis- charge of leucorrhoea, for two days; then appearance of the menses which had not made their appearance for many months previously; these flowed for three days, but quite black; then only a ver}^ little leucorrhoea, without excoriation. Menses five days too early (aft. 21 d.). Menses six days too soon (2d d.). Menses appear five days late (after-effect) (55th d.). The menses, which appear six days \ate, were, as it were, ex- coriating, and made the parts sore. 665. The blood discharged at the menses was thick and of strong odor. Before the menses set in, severe itching of a tetter. 542 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Just before the menses, an itching eruption on the neck and between the shoulders. Just before the menses, drawing pain from the hypogastrium into the sacrum. Before the appearance of the menses, coHc, like cramps, from morning till evening. 670. During the menses, cutting in the hypogastrium. While the menses are flowing more sparingly, much colic, pain in the back, and pain in all the bones, as from a bruise. During the menses, violent headache, contracting the eyes. During the menses, burning in the hands and in the soles of the feet. Leucorrhoea, flowing after micturition (12th d.). 675. Flow of white mucus from the vagina (aft. 4 d.). Very much thin leucorrhoea, in the morning on rising, and then no more the whole day. Milk-colored, excoriating leucorrhoea (aft. 12 d.). Thickish, yellowish- white discharge from the vagina. Greenish discharge from the vagina (6th d.). 680. Bloody mucus from the vagina (6th d.), During the discharge from the vagina, soreness and rawness in the pudenda. ^ ^j^ ^ ^^ ^ •fC ^ i=jC The breath smells bad. Frequent sneezing, with constant and violent formica- tion and tickling in the nose, and catarrhal roughness in it and in the upper part of the chest, at night when in bed. \_Gff.~\ Repeated violent sneezing (aft. 5 h. ). [C] 685. Very frequent sneezing, without a cold. [,Gff.^ Sneezing, with lachrymation of the left eye, causing smarting in the inner canthus. \_Gff.'] Violent sneezing and then violently smarting pain above and in the nose, with lachrymation of the eyes, as when a severe cold breaks out; also when blowing the nose, there is pain. [_Gff.~\ Incomplete, ineffectual urging to sneeze, now stronger, now weaker. [Qf".] Sneezing, with stitches in the abdomen. \_Gff.'] 690. Sneezing, with burning in a large part of the right side of the abdomen. \_Gff.'] Ineffectual incitation to sneezing, with formication in the left half of the nose, which then became moist, but after blowing it, the right nostril remained stopped up, with a formica- tion and smarting (as if from coryza) in the left side of the palate (aft, 5 d,). iGff.-] Stoppage of the left nostril, for an hour. \_Gff.^ Stoppage of the left nostril (aft. i>^ h.). [C] Stoppage of the left nostril, after sneezing. [Gff.~\ 695. Stuffed coryza. Stuffed coryza, with scraping in the throat. Stuffed coryza, for several days. Sensation of an incipient cold, in the root of the nose. \_Ad.~\ CARBO VEGETABILIS. 543 Pressure in the root and the bones of the nose, as in a severe cold; but he can draw air through the nose. \_Ad.'] 700. Irritation to coryza for several days, at night, and in the morning on awaking; this (with the exception of occasional sneez- ing) w^ent off during the day. \_Gff.'] Itching irritation in the nose, with increased moisture (aft. 7 h.). [C] Increased moisture in the nose, after previous stoppage (aft. 3 h.). [C] Discharge of mucus from the nose, with formication in the right nostril; then violent sneezing, lachyrmation of the right eye and coryza. \_Gff.'] Discharge of green mucus from the nose. 705. Fluent coryza, with sneezing (almost at once). \_Gff.'] Fluent coryza, every evening. Violent fluent coryza. Cold, with catarrh (aft. 7 d.). Severe coryza, with hoarseness and rawness in the chest (2dd.). 710. Sensation of dryness in the throat and the posterior nares. Unusual sensation of dryness in the windpipe, not relieved by hawking, for several days (aft. 3d.). [C] Hoarseness, in the evening (aft. 12 d.). In the morning, almost aphonous. Catarrh, so that he can hardly speak aloud (aft. 8 d.). 715. Sudden great hoarseness in the evening, so that he could hardly utter a sound, with violent tightness of the chest, which almost took all his breath away, when taking a walk (aft. 6 d.) Hoarseness and roughness of the larynx, so that she could not speak aloud without great effort. Slight roughness of speech, as if he felt oppressed, or affected by speaking (aft. 3d.). [C] Severe roughness of the larynx, with deep roughness of the voice, which fails him when he exerts his voice, but without pain in the throat. \_Gff.'] Roughness on the chest, and frequent irritation to cough. [.Gff.-] 720. Sensation of roughness in the throat, posteriorly (aft. 3d.). [C] Scraping in the throat (aft. 3d.). [C] Scraping in the throat, evening and morning, exciting her to a dry cough. Scrapy feeling in the throat, with some cough, causing lacli- rymation, especially in the left eye. [Gff.'] Severe formication in the throat, onl}^ transientl}' relieved by clearing it, with much collection of saliva. [Gff.] 725. Crawling in the upper part of the windpipe, as if something- adhered there, which excites coughing (aft. 3 h.). [Gff.] Crawling and itching in the larynx, with wheezing during respiration; the mucus adheres firmly to his chest, and he has to cough (dry) in the evening on lying down. 544 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. After the coryza is past, there is a heavy sensation on the chest, and boihng and rattHng; he cannot stay in bed at night for lack of air, and the cough, which comes on in fits so as almost to make him vomit detaches mucus only with difficult3\ In the morning, on rising, he feels a heavy oppression on his chest, like catarrh, and he has to cough a few times violently, but pains then dart through his head. Light fits of coughing, a few impulses at a time (after five minutes) ; they are repeated about the same hour on the third day. 730. Cough, caused by tickling in the larynx (with tough, salty ^ expectoration), in the evening when going to sleep, and in the morning, an hour after rising. [C] Irritation to cough, returning frequenth^, posteriorly in the throat, with a short cough. [Qf.] Violent tickling cough, with whitish expectoration, in the morning after awaking. Half voluntary rough cough, with constant sensation of rough- ness and formication in the throat. [Qf.] Cough, caused by irritation and formication in the throat, in several deep impulses, whereupon the chest pains as if pressed in. 735. Irritation to cough, as from sulphurous fumes, with retching. Repeated cough, from irritation in the upper part of the chest, and roughness and scraping in the throat (aft. 3d.). [C] After every expiration, he has a fit of dry cough, wdth a flush of heat and sweat. Cough, after taking the least cold, in the morning on rising from bed, or when she comes from a warm room into a cold one. Cough ever}^ time, when he has eaten to satiet3\ 740. Evening cough, in bed, and before going to sleep. Nocturnal cough in repeated fits, with ever recurring irrita- tion to cough. Short hacking cough, in the evening. He has often to clear his throat in the evening, so that his larynx becomes raw and sore. Frequent fits of short cough. \_Gff^ 745. Spasmodic cough, daily in three or four fits. Spasmodic cough in the evening, for five hours (from walking too briskly?) (6th d.). Cough which fatigues, with tightness and burning of the chest. Cough, causing vomiting and retching in the evening. Rough cough, without any expectoration. 750. Expectoration of mucus from the larynx, by a short hacking cough. Expectoration of whole pieces of green mucus. Severe cough, with much expectoration of yellow pus, and lancinating pain in the left hypochondrium on breathing, followed by violent stitches in the upper part of the left side of the chest, iThe original has satzigem, "leaving a sediment;" probably a misprint for salzigem "salty." — Trail si. CARBO VKGKTABII,IS. 545 With a rough cough, pain in the upper part of the chest. In coughing, pain on the chest, as if flesh were raw. 755. In coughing, severe pain in the larynx and in the region of the th^Toid cartilage, as if from an ulcer. In coughing, painful stitches through the head. During the excitation to cough, in the evening, a chilliness and a drawing in the cheeks. Her respiration ceased, just as she began to go to sleep, with increased vertigo. On turning over in bed, she gets out of breath. 760. Urging to take a deep breath, with groaning. He has to take a deep breath, with an effort of his chest, abdomen, back, nape and head, with drawing up of his feet. Difficult breathing, more while sitting down. Difficult breathing, in the evening, while lying down, with throbbing in the head. Dyspnoea, from phlegm on the chest. 765. Difficult breathing, fullness of the chest and palpitation, even from slight exercise, chiefly toward evening. Short breath and anxious oppression of the chest; he could not sit down, but had to walk about continually, for ten days. On account of much tightness of the chest, she had to walk more slowly than usual. Very tight and fatigued on the chest, on awaking. Tightness of the chest and short breath, as from flatus press- ing upward (aft. 41 h.). [Qf.] 770. Tight, oppressed sensation on the chest, as if coming from the abdomen and from flatus. [C] Sensation of tightness on the chest, which passes off at once after eructations. Spasmodic tightness and contraction of the chest, for three or four minutes. As if pressed together in the breast and shoulders, in the morning on rising from bed. Constriction of the chest, in frequent fits, with obstruction of the breath. 775. Breath quite cold; also coldness in the throat, the mouth and the teeth. In inspiring, pressure in the windpipe. On respiring, painful throbbing in the head and in the teeth. In the chest, pain as from obstructed flatus. Pain, on expanding the chest. 780. Dull pain on the sternum, on a small spot, just above the scrobiculus cordis, excited as well in stooping forward, as in touching it. [_Gff.^ Dull pain, first in the left, then in the right side of the chest, more noticeable in expiring than in inspiring. [Qf.] Dull pain on the right side of the chest (aft. 6 h.). [Qf.] Rheumatic pain extending from the left ribs, down to the hip. [Gff.-] 36 546 HAHNKMAXX'S CHRONIC DISEASKS. Pressive rheumatic pain in the right side, on the short ribs, for a quarter of an hour. [Qf.] 785. Pressive pain in the upper part of the right side of the chest, extending into the right scapula. \Gff.'\ Pressure on the left side of the chest. \_GffP\ Frequently, a squeezing pressure on the chest. [Qf".] Pinching in small spots on the chest, caused hj flatus, [C] A pressive tearing on the left side of the chest (aft. 26 h.). [Qf.] 790. Tearing from the chest toward the back, in the morning, in bed, extending into the arms and the left ear, with internal heat, especially in the head. Tearing in the right side of the chest. [6^.] Drawing rheumatic pain on the right short ribs. [Qf.] Painiul drawing in the chest (the shoulders and the arms), more on the left side, with sensation of heat and rush of blood to the head, while she is cold to the touch. Lancinating pain in the cardiac region (7th d ). 795. Lancinating pain, increased on inspiration, in the right side of the chest and abdomen. [Qf.] Deep stitch in the right side of the chest, on taking a deep breath. \Gff\ Very painful stitches through the chest, obstructing the breath, when going to sleep. \Gff.'\ Obtuse stitch in the left part of the chest, toward the short ribs. \Gff:\ Violent obtuse stitches, as if stabbing outward, deep down in the right side of the chest. \Gff^ 800. Severe stitches under the left breast; she could not sleep nor walk for them; the}" also continued when sitting (without chill or heat). Contractive stitches in the lower part of the left side of the chest, obstructing the breath (3d d.). Obtuseh' lancinating, oppressive pain in the cardiac region, going off with an audible rumbling in the left side, as from obstructed but now released flatus (aft. 3 h.). \_Gff^ Sense of weakness and fatigue of the chest. On awaking, he feels as if his chest were wearied. 805. Itching, internall}" in the chest. Rush of blood to the chest, in the morning on awaking, with coated tongue. Ebullition in the blood, and rush of blood to the chest, with hoarseness and hawking. She constanth' felt as if the blood was rising to the chest, while her bod}^ felt cold. Warm orgasm in the chest, with oppression, caused by accu- mulated flatus in the abdomen (aft. 9 d.). [C] 810. Rush of blood to the chest and burning in it. Severe burning in the chest, as from glowing coals, almost uninterruptedly . Burning on the left side of the chest, and on the right side near the scrobiculus cordis. CARBO VEGETABILIS. 547 More burning is felt in the cardiac region than stinging pains. Palpitation of the heart, chiefly in sitting. 815. Frequent palpitations, several quick throbs. Excessive palpitation, for several days. Palpitation and intermitting pulse, in the evening on going to sleep, for several daj^s. Pulsation in the chest, with restlessness and anxiety; she plainly felt the heart beat, with her hand. Externally on the left side of the chest, on touching it, a pain like tension and pressure. 820. In the region of the coccyx, a pricking itching, in the evening in bed. In the sacrum, sensation of coldness, numbness and tension. Tensive pain and stiffness in the sacrum. Severe pain in the sacrum; she cannot sit, for it then feels as if there were a plug in her back; she must put a pillow under her. Tearing pressure in the sacrum. [Qf.] 825. Tearing pressive pain on the left side beside the hip, extend- ing into the back. [6^.] Tearing pain in the sacrum, at times drawing into the hips (aft. 3d.). [C] Tearing in the hips, with intermission (aft. 3 d.). [C] Drawing pressive pain in the sacrum down into the coccyx (aft. 24 h.). [C] Above the right loin, a pain that obstructs respiration. 830. Violent burning, externally on the right hip. [6r^.] The back pains on the side, as if bruised. Weakness in the back. Heaviness in the back, and tightness of the chest. Jerking of the muscles in the left side of the back. [Qf.] 835. Painful stiffness of the back, in the morning on rising. Pressive pain, beside the low^est part of the back. A squeezing pressive pain, beside the lowest part of the spine. Painful pinching, beside the spine. Drawing pain in the back, mostly in sitting down. 840. Drawing pain in the back, in the evening. Rheumatic drawing in the back, especially when stooping, for several days. [C] Rheumatic pain at the upper part of the left scapula after the (accustomed) washing with water (not cold). [C] Rheumatic sensation in the whole of the left scapula, when writing (aft. 6 h.). [C] Violent tearing in the left scapula, on bending back the arm. [G#.] 845. Tearing in the lower part of the back, beside the sacrum. Stitches between the scapulae, obstructing the breathing, at night. Warmth in the spine, up to the neck. Burning in the left side of the upper part of the back. Burning in the right scapula. [Off'.] 850. In the cervical muscles, an obtuse burning pain. [C] 548 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The neck and the head shake and tremble, in paroxysms. Painful pressive pain in the cervical muscles (aft. 4 d.). [C] Pressive and tensive pain in the nape, seemingly in the cervi- cal vertebrae. Drawing pain in the nape of the neck, ascending to the head, and into it, causing nausea with running of water from the mouth. 855. Tearing in the cervical muscles. [Qf.] Tearing pain in the cervical muscles of the left side, especially when moving (aft. 3 d.). [C] Pressive tearing in the cervical muscles of the left side, for two days (aft. 3d.). [C] On the neck, pressive pain (aft. 6 d.). Violent pressive pain in the cervical muscles (of the right side). [G#.] 360. Pressive tearing in the cervical muscles. [Qf.] The cervical glands swell and pain, especially the posterior ones toward the nape. Lancinating itching on the throat and neck, and red spots there (aft. 38 h.). [C] Single, scattered, red unequal little spots on the neck, with painful itching in the evening (aft. 48 h.). [C] Eruption of pimples on the neck. 865. Under the right axilla, a pressive, drawing pain, especially noticeable on motion. \GffP^ Burning pain in the right axilla. \Gff^ Itching, moisture and excoriation in the axillse. In the shoulder, a drawing pain. Drawing pain in the left shoulder-joint. [Qf.] 870. Painful drawing in both shoulder-joints, as well in motion as in rest (aft. 26 h.). [C] Rheumatic drawing in the right shoulder. \_Gff.'\ Violently tearing pain in the right shoulder-joint, especially on motion, with drawing in the shafts o the arms. \_Gff.^ Tearing pain in the shoulder- joint (aft. 10 h.). [C.] Paralytic tearing in the right shoulder-joint, often recurring. 875. Stitches in the right shoulder, b}^ day and by night. Burning on the top of the right shoulder. \Gff7[ Burning on the shoulder- joint (aft. 3 h.). \_Gff^ Paralytic w^eakness of the right shoulder and the right arm (aft. J.] He often mispronounces words and interchanges syllables and letters (as, e.g., " cluent foryza " instead of "fluent coryza"), for several days. \_Rl.~\ Stupor in the head, as if it were (screwed in a vise or) intoxi- cated, with redness of face. [A^-.] 65. Misty mind. Obtuseness of the head from the morning, all the day, as if in a musty room in which clothes are washed and dried; aggravated by stooping; not going off in the open air, but on returning to the room. Obtuseness and heat of the head (aft. 7 d.). A momentary (painfully tensive) obtuseness of the head; almost like a slight, throbbing headache, going off after a meal. istf.-] Dizzy in the morning on awaking, with painful obtuseness of the head. [5^.] 70. Dizz}^ in the head. \Stf.'] Stupid in the head and as if he had a cold. Feels stupefied and intoxicated in the head (aft. 24 h.). Feels intoxicated and giddy, with distraction of the thoughts. He always feels as if he would fall, without vertigo. 75. Vertigo, as if from spirituous liquors. \_Hbg.'] Vertigo, almost like unconsciousness, after walking, in sitting; he almost fell over. Vertigo, whirling with heaviness of the head, in standing and sitting. Giddy in the head, with anxiety in the whole body. [A "<,'•,] Vertigo, with weakness in the head. 80. Vertigo, forward and sideways. Vertigo, in the morning, on rising from bed. Vertigo, and falling over without cause. [AV.] Vertigo, while looking attentively at one point. 564 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Vertigo, while looking upward (at a high tower), so violent that he falls over, [i?/.] 85. Momentary vertigo, while sitting, as if he was about to stagger (aft. 3>^ li-)- C^^/] Vertigo, while stooping, going off when raising the head. Vertigo, when standing. Vertigo, in the open air, everything runs around with her, and persons seem to her larger than at other times; it goes off in the room. [A^.] Vertigo, which diminishes in the open air. [St/.'] 90. Headache, with nausea. A stupefying pain in the forehead, when sitting and reading, not removed when walking and standing. \_Lgh.'] Pain in the upper part of the head, as if the brain were torn or crushed, especially in the morning on awaking (aft. 3 h. ). The whole brain aches, on shaking the head. Sensation as if the brain were loose, and was shaken by taking a walk in the open air. 95. Aching of the head at night, as if there was an ulcer in it. A morning headache, which had existed for a long time pre- vious, disappears (curative effect). [A^.] Headache, as if something was forcing itself in between the frontal bone and the anterior part of the brain, or as if the part behind the frontal bone was hollow. \_Fr.'] A pressure at times deep in the head, with heaviness of the head. Pressive pain in the right frontal protuberance. 100. Pressive headache from all sides, with pinching in the ear and boring toothache. Pressive pain in the right parietal bone and in both temples. Pressive pain in the right side of the head, extending into the eyes. Pressive pain in the right temple. Pressive headache on the upper border of the temporal bone, 105. Slow pressure above the right orbit. \_Hbg.'] Sharp pressure in the left side of the forehead. \_Fr.'\ A sudden pressure, as from a sharp stone falling upon it, in the vertex, in the region of the coronal suture. [Hbg.'\ A painful drawing pressure, anteriorly in the forehead. [Htm.'] A drawing pressure in the right side of the occiput and of the cervical muscles, aggravated by a brisk walk; it originated in the open air. [Fr.] no. Contractive pressure in the forehead in the open air, aggra- vated the more briskly he walks, and disappearing suddenly , when he stoops low down. [Fr.] Compressive headache. \_-H'bg.'] 'Dizzy, as from compression of the head, the whole week. Headache in the temples, pressing outward, night and day, with nausea, causing vomiting (aft. 9 d.). CAUSTICUM. ' 565 Sensation of the head as if screwed in a vise, and heaviness, going off in the open air. [A^^.] 115. Sensation in the head, as if everj^thing was coming out in front, on stooping. [Sf/.^ Headache, with a feehng of fulhiess and rigidity up from the nape of the neck (aft. 24 h.). Tensive and drawing headache between the eyes. Tension in the right temple and the eye, which felt paralyzed. Tension on the left side of the head. 120. Drawing pain in the occiput. [^/.] Frequentl}^ a drawing on the left side of the upper part of the head. Drawing in the left side of the forehead. Violent drawing pain in the temple, gradually increasing to the highest degree and then suddenly vanishing (aft. 24 h. ). [^/.] Tearing in the head, neither aggravated nor relieved by motion or rest, for several days, now weaker, now stronger. 125. Tearing pain in the middle of the forehead and the cervical vertebrae, by day, in a heated room and while smoking tobacco; but especially at night, when he could not sleep for it. Tearing in the left side of the head, especially in the forehead and temple, commencing in the evening and continually increas- ing, with swelling of the painful side (i6tli d.). Violent tearing in the left side of the head, especially (at 4 p. M.) in the temple. [A^.] Painful tearing in the right temple. [A^.] Shooting tearing toward the left side of the crown (6th d.). 130. Shooting tearing in the head, beginning in the forehead and drawing toward the right side through the whole head. [H^m.l Shooting in the head and warmth therein. [A^.] Shooting in the temples. Stitches in the left side of the head, for several evenings. Stitches along through the right side of the head, for half an hour. 135. Violent stitches in the occiput, for half an hour. Obtuse stitches in the left temporal bone, which every time spreads into a circle, where the pain is alleviated or lost (aft. 9 d.) Shooting headache, in the morning, on awaking, and almost the whole da3^ Slow stitches drawing about in the left side of the sinciput, above the eye. Straining shooting, from the lower part of the forehead into the upper part of the head (aft. 10 d.). 140. A painful, pressive cutting arises at once in the frontal bone, when he moves the arms violently, while stooping. \_Fr.~\ A painless digging in the whole head. Twitching headache in the right side of the forehead and the head. [7?/.] Twitching, pinching pain through the head. \_J^/.~\ Jerks and severe shocks in the head, every minute, in any position, in rest and in motion. 566 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 145. Beating and throbbing in the whole crown, as if everything was coming out, in the morning on rising. [A^.] Beating pain, a very painful throbbing in the arteries of the brain. Throbbing in the crown, intermixed with stitches, in par- ox3^sms. Throbbing pain in the right side of the occiput, which goes off by rubbing toward the vertex, where it then pains as if bruised. Severe throbbing in the forehead, for three days, more in the afternoon, with stiffness in the nape of the neck (aft. 12 d. ). 150. Throbbing headache in the right temple on motion; per se, it is only pressive. Painful pressive throbbing in the forehead, as with a dull point. [_Hbg.'\ Dull, painful throbbing of the arteries in the head, above the orbits. \_Fr.'] Ebullition in the head, and sensation as if intoxicated, going off in the open air. [A^.] Rushing of blood in the head, in the evening. 155. Rush of blood to the head, with heat there. Internal warmth and heat in the head, without external heat, especially after dinner, in the forehead. [A^.] Internal warmth in the forehead and back, as if perspiration would break out. [A^.] Burning in the right temple and right side of the forehead and in the region of the vertex. [A^.] Frequently a chilling burning before the vertex. [A^.] 160. Burning headache in the forehead, as if the anterior part of the brain was inflamed, after returning from the open air into the room. [FrJ] Sudden pain in the occipital bone, while sitting, as if some- thing in the muscles there had been displaced. \Fr.'] Sensation in the occipital bone, as if these parts were numb, pithy, or dead (aft. % h.). [Fr.'] Pain on a small part of the crown, as if contused or beaten, only when touched. Pain on the upper part of the head, on pressing or touch- ing it. 165. Painfulness of the hairy scalp, on rubbing it. Between the e^^es, often, drawing and pressure. Tension and warmth on the forehead and nose, with slight drawing in the ej^es from time to time. The skin of the head is tense and stretched. On the hairy scalp, before the vertex, a tearing burning. 170. Sensation as of shaking or trembling in the skin of the right temple, lasting till going to bed. [A^.] Movement of the skin of the head toward the forehead (aft. 13 d.). Crawling sensation upon the crown. Itching of the hairy scalp. CAUSTICUM. 567 Itching of the forehead. 175. Shooting itching on various parts of the head, on the right and left parietal bone, on the forehead, on the right cheek, behind the left zygoma toward the ear, and on the upper part of the tem- poral bone. [/^^.] Involuntary nodding with the head, just as if some one pressed it dow^n (during writing). \_Fr.^ Falling out of the hair of the head. In the eye, a pressive pain, which is aggravated on touching it. Pressive pain into the eyes, starting from the forehead. 180. Pressure in the orbits and behind the eyes. [^Fr.~\ A very painful pressure in the eyes, in the morning, before he can keep his e3^es open; when he shuts them again, the pain is relieved. Pressure in the eyes as if there "was sand in them. Pressure in the upper eyelid, as if a stye were forming. Pressure in the upper eyelid, as from a swelling, as if a stye were forming, [/r.] 185. Pressure in the right eye, as if from a swelling of the eyelids, which are actually red, with watery eyes. [^Fr.~\ Pressive pain above the right eye, as if the upper eyelid was about to be pressed down (aft. 3^ h.). [I/tm.'] Pressure in the eyes, as if they were pressed from without inward and would come out. Pressure in the left eye, as if it were being gouged out. \_Fr.~\ An internal pressure in the eye, as if it were being distended. l^'--! 190. Distending pain in the right eyeball. [^Fr.l Drawing in the arch of the right eyebrow. Tearing and pressure in the eyes. Itching above the eyes. Itching in the eyes and in the canthi, which goes off by rub- bing them (with subsequent lachrymation of them). [A^.] 195. Itching in the right eyeball, in the morning. [A^.] Itching of the eyes, especially of the lids, [/^r.] Itching on the lower eyelid, and on its internal surface; with burning as soon as he touches the eye or moves it. Itching like a flea-bite in the inner left canthus, with excitation to scratch, [/v-.] Voluptuous itching on the right canthus, compelling to rub it for an hour (aft. 8 h.). [Z.^/^.] 200. Smarting in the eyelid, [i?/.] Sensation in the eyes, as from salt. [5^.] Smarting and pressure in the eyes, which feel heavy, with redness of the eyelids. An itching pain as from soreness in the inner canthus of the right eye, in the morning, after awaking, as if from salt that has got in the eye, compelling violent rubbing, and yet nuich aggra- vated thereby, so that water exudes, without redness of the eye. [5//.] Excoriative pain of the left eyelid (aft. 4 d."). [A'/.] 568 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 205. Heat in the ej^es. Burning in the eyes, without redness. Burning and dryness in the eyes, in the afternoon; or also in the evening with pricking in them as from needles, together with photophobia. [A^.] Burning in both the inner canthi (3d, 4th d. ). Burning of the left eyelid. [^/.] 210. Burning pain on the edge of the eyelids, as from burning with gunpowder. [^J^l>£'.~\ Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and pressive pains (aft. 4d.). Inflamed eyelids from time to time, with hardened eye-gum between the lashes. Inflammation of the eyes with pressure therein by day, while they are closed by suppuration in the morning. Byes closed b}^ suppuration, in the morning. [i\^.] 215. Sensation of dryness with pressure in the eyes. [^S*^.] Friction in the eyes as of sand. First dryness and stiffness in the eyes in the morning, then lachrymation of same. [_St/.^ I^achrymation of the eyes, especially in the open air (2d and 3dd.). [vV^.] Lachrymation of the eyes, even in the room, but chiefly in the open air. 220. Unusual lachrymation of the eyes in the room, without red- ness in them. [^Br.'j The eyes, lachry mating before, become better (curative action) . Bye-gum in and about the canthi. ^Lgk.'] Quivering of the left eyebrow (aft. 2d.). Visible twitching of the eyelids and of the left eyebrow. 225. Sensation as if the eyelids were swollen, chiefly in the morn- ing. [Urn.'] Sensation of heaviness in the upper ^ eyelid, as if he could not well raise it, or as if it was agglutinated to the lower lid, and could not be loosed easily. Tendency to close the eyes; they closed involuntarily. The opening of the eyes is rendered difficult, with a sen- sation as if the lids were swollen, chiefly in the morning. Weary in the ej^es. 230. Sensation as if the eyes would close for weariness. The pupils in the beginning seem contracted, but after ten to twelve hours to be dilated. [5//".] Dilated pupils. [Z^?".] Things become black before the eyes, for half an hour (aft. 5d.) Momentary obscuration of the eyes, while blowing the nose. 235. Frequent obscuration of the eyes, especially when he looks where it is bright, as if he then was blinded by the light, and could see nothing at all. [Fr.] 1 By misprint the original has lower eyelid. — Transl. CAUSTICUM. 569 Obscuration of the eyes; it descended from the head down into the left eye, and the light appeared as if there were many points of light in a dark circle. While reading, some letters become invisible. \_Rl.~\ Obscuration of the eyes, frequently, as if they were covered wdth a fine membrane. Obscuration of the eyes in the morning, while blowing the nose, as if a membrane was drawn before the inner canthus up to one-half of the pupil. 240. Obscuration of the eyes, as if a gauze was drawn before them, in standing. [^FrJ] Darkening of the eyes at times, as from gauze. Dimness of vision, as if a thin membrane were drawn over the eyes or as from a mist before them, aggravated by wiping and rubbing them. \_Htm.'] Dimness of the eyes. [^/.] Dimness of vision, as from a thick fog before the eyes, also in the morning, after awaking, until he washes himself. [.Ng.-] 245. Far-sighted the first da}^, he can no more read without spec- tacles. Small round forms arise before his vision, even before his open eyes, while lying down. \_Fr.'\ If he looks too long at anything the objects flit before his eyes, and everything gets mixed up, causing a pressive pain in the eyes. Flitting before the eyes, like a swarm of insects. Flickering before the eyes. 250. Flickering before the eyes, as if a gauze was before them. Sparks of fire before the eyes, even in bright daylight. When winking, he sees sparks of fire, even in bright daylight. Photophobia; the eyes pain on moving them, when he looks into the bright daylight. Photophobia the whole day, he has continually to wink with his eyes. 255. Otalgia, in the evening, in the right meatus auditorius (aft. 48 h.). When cleaning the ear, the meatus feels as if sore and ulcer- ated, [i?/.] Pressive pain before the ear, on the mastoid process. Tension behind the ear. [_H'bg.'\ Sensation in the ear of a pressing outward. [_Rl.^ 260. Pain in the ear, as if everything was pressing outward, and as if the ears would burst open, like a tearing, mixed with itching. Sensation in the left ear and in that whole side of the head in the evening, on lying down, as if the parts were too tight; he can- not go to sleep lying on this side; on touching it, it felt as if the flesh was severed from the bones, but it was relieved bv a stronger pressure. Straining pain in the ear. Tearing^in the left ear (12th d.). [A^,'.] 570 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing in the tympanum, with tensive gloominess in the head. 265. Boring pain in the right ear. [A^.] At times boring, then pulsating throbbing, behind the left ear (4th d.). Stabs, as from boring knives, externally behind the left ear, often with a very sudden general sweat, lasting up to eight minutes, every day several times (aft. yd.). Stitches in the right ear, jerking and in quick succession. [St/.-] Sharp, intermitting stitches before the right ear, on the mas- toid process. 270. A tearing, shooting pain in the ear, with a rushing as from a tempest. Shooting on the outer margin of the ear, with burning pain, chiefly in the evening in bed. Crawling in the left ear, as from an insect, with itching. [.Ng.-] Itching in the left ear. [Rl.~\ Itching in the ear, starting from the throat, in the Eustachian tube. 275. A shooting itching in the anterior part of the right meatus auditor ius. [Fr.'] Itching of the lobule of the ear, as from a small tetter. [^/.] Sensation as of a cold wind blowing on the orifice of the right ear. [A§-.] A tumor behind the ear. Swelling of the external ear, with contractive pain. 280. Swelling of the meatus auditorius, with straining earache and discharge of a bloodj^ humor. Running and suppuration of the internal ear, with a bad smell. During eructation air darts into the ear. [^/.] Feeling of stoppage in the right ear. Sensation of stoppage in the ears, in the morning. 285. Re-echoing in the ears, every morning. Her words and steps echo in the ears. The sounds echo in the ear, and he is hard of hearing. Ringing in the left ear. [A^.] Ringing before the right ear, in the evening. 290. Whistling in the left ear. [A^.] Shrill singing in the ears, like crickets in the distance, then beating, then again singing (aft. 8 h. ). [St/.'] Roaring before the ears (aft. 5 d.). Roaring in the right ear. [A^.] Roaring before the ears, frequently, by day. 295. Rushing, in the evening, shortly before going to sleep, first before one ear then before the other, for a minute. Rushing before the ears, as from water rushing over a dam, with hardness of hearing. Detonations in the right ear. CAUSTICUM. 571 In the ala nasi, a drawing, starting from the external right canthus. Cutting tearing through the right ala nasi. [A^.] 300. Tickling in the left nostril, going off on external pressure. Itching in the nose. Itching in the nostrils. Severe itching on the nose. Itching on the tip of the nose and the ala nasi. \^Fr.'] 305. The septum of the nose is painful to the touch. Pain as from soreness on the lower part of the nose, as in violent coryza. Soreness in the interior of the nose. Swelling of the nose, frequently in the morning, going off in the evening. Pimples on the tip of the nose. 310. Pimples on the root of the nose. [^/.] Falling out of the hairs about his nostrils, of which he had many. In blowing his nose in the morning a bloody substance is expelled for several mornings successively (aft. 24 h.). Severe epistaxis (aft. 7, 9 d.) Violent bleeding from the left nostril (;ift. 8 h.). [_Lgh.'] 315. The sense of smell is lacking, the nose being wholly stopped up. The face looks very sickly (aft. 7 d.). Very yellow complexion (aft. 21 d.). Discoloring of the face, yellowish about the temples, with pale-blue lips. Short violent drawing pain in the right cheek and then in the ear (aft. 2d.), [i?/.] 320. Tearing in the left cheek bone. Tearing in the left cheek, under the ear. [A^.] Tearing and shooting in the cheek. Shooting in the cheek, by the lower jaw. Beating and twitching in the muscles of the cheek, but little visible (aft. 3 d.). 325. Painful burning on the upper part of the cheeks, before the ears, as if an eruption was coming there, [/v'.] Burning and chilling burning on the zygomata. [A^.] Swelling of the cheeks with throbbing pain. Itching of the face. Itching of the head, the nose and the chin. 330. Much itching on the nose, the chin and the neck, below the ears. Itching of both eyebrows, of the left zygoma, of the temples and the ears, going off by scratching. \_No-.'] Burning itching beside the nose. \_No\] Eroding itching in the face, with rush of blood to the face, with heat and redness, and then the formation of many little red pimples. [5//.] Eruption in the face. 572 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 335. Fine eruption in the face, more noticeable to the touch than to the sight, [i^/.] A pimple between the eyebrows and above the nose. Pimples on the left cheek, with severe itching. Red pimples on the left side of the forehead, the left temple, the nose, and the middle of the chin; they are filled wdth pus, stinging when touched, and when healing covered with scurf. Burning vesicles in the face, which when touched exude an erosive humor, drying up into scurf. \_Sf/.^ 340. Cramp-like sensation in the lips. Fine tearing in the lips. [A^.] Pain on the lip as if sore. [Sf/.'\ Red spot above the upper lip, which looks as if chapped, and causes a burning pain (aft. 6 d.). Soreness in the left corner of the mouth (aft. 7 h.). [^/.] 345. Itching about the mouth. Swelling of the lower lip with a pimple which stings and tingles. Pimple in the left corner of the mouth, with tingling stinging. Little pimples below the left corner of the mouth, for twentj^- four hours. [A^.] Pimples beside the upper lip. 350. Eruption of vescles in the right corner of the mouth, which is very painful while eating. An ulcer, with burning pain, on the inner side of the upper lip. Tetter on the lower lip. On the chin, not far from the lower lip, a pustule with a red areola (aft. 27 h.). \_Lg-/i.~\ Tensive drawing pain on the low^er part of the chin. \_I^r.~\ 355. Tearing in the lower part of the chin. Tearing in the middle of the chin, in the bone. Burning, cutting pain in the chin, on the right side, as if there was a piece of glass in it, which was cutting its way out (aft. 3h.). [Fr.-] Inflammatory swelling below the chin, as if an abscess was forming, with burning pain. In the articulation of the low^er jaw on the right side, painful- ness (aft. ^ h.). [5//.] 360. Sensation of tension and pain in the jaws, so that she could open her mouth only with difficulty, and could not eat well, because a tooth also stood too high. He cannot without trouble get his jaws apart, nor open his mouth sufficiently; it feels as if there were a swelling or tension below the lower jaw on the neck. Drawing first from the right then from the left branch of the lower jaw to its articulation and thence back in the direction of the respective corners of the mouth. Tearing in the right lower jaw. [A^.] Gouty pains in the lower jaw (aft. }( h.). 365. Prickling digging in the lower jaw. [^<^<^.] Burning pain in the lower jaw. CAUSTICUM. 573 Toothache in the upper and lower molars, [iv-.] Toothache, with much spitting of saliva (aft. 24 h.). Painful sensitiveness of the teeth to the touch. 370. In the morning, the teeth and gums are very sensitive. On opening the mouth, pain darts into the teeth. Pain in a sound tooth as the air rushes in. Peculiar sensation in the roots of the teeth, compelling him to gnash his teeth. [A^.] Pain in the teeth, as from ulceration, at night, and also by day, when she moves her mouth. 375. Severe pain in the teeth, as from soreness, in the morning; then throbbing in them; the pain disappeared when the gums began to bleed. Pressive toothache. A dull pressure as if from without, in the roots of the two anterior upper molars (aft. ^ h. ). [^Fr.^ Drawing in the teeth (aft. 26 h.). Drawing toothache in the second right molar tooth, seemingly more on its outward surface, and extending into the temple. 380. Violent drawing toothache, with itching in the empty places between the teeth. [^/.] Drawing pain in the teeth of the left lower row. [^^^.] Tearing in the roots of the teeth of the lower jaw^ in the morning, renew^ed every four minutes, [^r.] Tearing toothache extending into the head and the left eye. Tearing toothache in both rows on the right side, extending to the zygoma, with pain as from bruising in the jaws on that side, when pressing on them and chewang. [A^^.] 385. Tearing pain in all the teeth, as if they w^ould fall out. [A^.] Tearing in a rotten root of a tooth of the lower left row. Tearing in the posterior molar of the left upper row, worse in the open air. [A^.] Shooting toothache (aft. 16 d.). Shooting in the tooth, when biting on it (aft. 12 h.). 390. Dull stitches in the upper molars, passing upward. Dull stitches in the lower molars, passing downward. Boring pain in a lower molar, extending into the nose and eye. Painful pricking digging in the lower molars, extending to the ear (aft. i h.). [Ifdg'.'] A severe jerk in the teeth, almost at once. 395. Throbbing toothache, with painful gums, so that he could not chew. Throbbing aching in the affected molar tooth. Burning pain in the hollow teeth, while eating and drinking. Toothache, composed of pressing, tearing and shooting, day and night, with red (erysipelatous) swelling of the cheek, and a swollen lump on the gums, which passes into suppuration; for seven days. Looseness of several teeth. 574 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASBS. 400. Painful looseness of the incisors. Looseness of the incisors. [^/.] The gums are painfully sensitive, without toothache. Dull, drawing pains in the gums of the lower jaws, \_Fr.~\ Swelling and painfulness of the gums, both in front and behind. 405. Swelling of the gums, on the left side, with great sensitiveness while eating, and cramp-like pains in the evening. Swelling of the gums. Swelling of the gums, with acridity in the pudenda while urinating (aft. 16 d.). Severe bleeding of the gums (aft. 10 d.). In the mouth, swelling of the inner side of the cheek; in chewing he bites into it. [i?/.] 410. On the tongue, on the left side, pain, as if he had bitten into it. [^/.] Pain, as of soreness upon the tongue and below it, and on the palate. Pain, as from burning, on the tip of the tongue, and on its edge. [5^/] Burning, scrapy feeling on the tip of the tongue, as after burn- ing it with something red-hot, with much flow of saliva, and dis- agreeable taste in the mouth, not going off from eating. [5//".] Burning on the tip of the tongue. [A^.] 415. Dry tongue and thirst (aft. 10 h.). Vesicles on the edge of the tongue. \_St/.^ Painful blisters on the tongue. Painful blister on the tip of the tongue. In the upper part of the palate, a spot paining as if sore. 420. Pain, as from soreness and burning, on the palate. [A^.] Anteriorly on the palate a spot, which when touched with the tongue pains as if ulcerated, [i^r.] Stitches on the left side of the palate. [A^.] Crawling and burning pricking on the back part of the palate. Roughness in the mouth, as if covered w^ith a membrane, after a scraping sensation on the tongue. [_St/.'] 425. Burning, scraping sensation in the mouth (on smelling the drug.) [St/.l Dryness in the mouth and on the lips, but without thirst. Severe dryness in the mouth, without thirst, the whole fore- noon. Dryness in the mouth, with thirst, all the day. [A'^.] Burning dryness in the mouth. 430. Much collection of saliva. [Sff.'] Gathering of watery saliva in the mouth, in the forenoon, with qualmishness (2d d.). Gathering of water in the mouth (aft. i h.). [A^.] Gathering of water in the mouth, with rancid taste. [A^.] Mucus comes into her throat, which she cannot eject by hawk- ing, but has to swallow down, one-half hour after dinner. [A^.] 435. Hawking of mucus. I CAUSTICUM. 575 Frequent hawking up of mucus, which is, however, replaced at once. [A^.] Hawking and expectoration of much phlegm, with sensation of soreness and burning in the fauces, from 5 p. m. till night. Hawking up of tough mucus, which is first detached with difficulty, later on easily. [A^.] Dryness in the back part of the throat, for three days. 440. Dryness in the throat, without thirst. Dryness of the throat in the morning. Dryness of the throat, with dry tussiculation. [A^.] At times dryness, then again moisture in the throat. [A^.] Dryness in the throat, sensible in swallowing, then scratching extending down the throat. 445. Scrapy sensation in the fauces, especially observable in the evening and in deglutition. Scrapy and scratchy in the throat, with heartburn, [i?/.] Rough in the throat, with a sensation like heartburn. [A^.] Rough in the throat, with a sensation of lack of air in breath- ing. [A^^.] Scraping, scratchy soreness of the throat, with a sensation during empty deglutition, as if he had to swallow over a protuber- ance. [^/.] 450. Rough, hoarse throat, with pain as of soreness, as well, per se, as in speaking and swallowing. Sensation of soreness in the throat, behind the palate. Sore throat, paining as from excoriation. A burning shooting pain as of soreness in the oesophagus and in the uvula, aggravated on deglutition. Sensation as if torn within the throat, not when swallowing, but when straining the head, as also when lifting and carrying. 455. Sensation as if swollen in the throat and rough (aft 2d.). The fauces feel too narrow and as if closed by swelling. She has to swallow all the time ; she feels as if the throat was not wide enough, and in swallowing she feels dryness in it. Continual inclination to swallow. Sore throat as from a lump in it, with lancinating pain. 460. Pressure in the throat, behind the palate and in the epiglottis. Dull pressure in the oesophagus, as if behind the sternum, as if he had swallowed too large a morsel, [/v'.] Choking pressure in the oesophagus, in the morning on awak- ing, as from swallowing a crust of bread not sufficiently masticated. Violent sore throat, so that he can scarcel}^ swallow, because it then pricks him as with needles; after dinner much relieved. Sore throat, as if the attachment of the tongue had grown fast. 465. Contractive sensation of the throat, frequently. Sensation of coldness in the throat, which rises quickly and spreads over the palate, with frequent collection of saliva. [Sf/.~\ Audible creaking, deep in the throat. 57 6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Taste in the mouth as from a spoiled stomach, in the after- noon, for several days. [A^.] An acrid fluid comes into the mouth. 470. Bitter taste in the mouth, but only for a short time. [A^.] Smeary, clayey taste in the mouth (aft. 4 d.). Fattj^ taste in the mouth. Putrid taste in the mouth. Violent thirst, for many days (aft. 2d.). 475. Several mornings, much thirst. Severe thirst for cold drinks, from morning till afternoon. Violent thirst for beer. He eats too hastil}^ Unusually earl}^ hunger. [A^.] 480. A sort of ravenous hunger. Enormous hunger, which gives him headache, removed by eating. Little appetite, but he relishes food. Continual sensation of satiety and lack of appetite, and an hour afterward hunger, and relish of the food eaten. Little appetite, but much thirst, especially after eating. 485. Diminished taste in the food eaten. Appetite is lacking; he has hunger, but does not relish his food, for three days. She has an appetite, but it seems as if she did not dare to eat, but without any loathing for it. Even if he started to eat with appetite, and began to eat, the appetite vanished at once. He has appetite, but when eating, he at once loathes the food. 490. Even when he starts to eat there is loathing. Repugnance to sweet things. He can only eat smoked things; after eating fresh meat, he gets sick, as if he should vomit. When she eats anything, while her hunger is lacking, she feels at once, as if sated and full, with the sensation that the stomach does not desire anything, and would feel better, if she had not eaten anything. After eating, while out walking, water collects in the mouth, and there is more moisture in the nose. 495. After a meal she feels as if the food remained lodged in her throat. After a meal the taste of the food long remains in her mouth. After a meal, mucus collects in the throat. After supper, heartburn. After eating supper with appetite, nausea. 500, Even while eating, nausea. After breakfast, pressure on the stomach (aft. 5 d.). Soon after eating, cutting from the scrobiculus cordis toward the abdomen, with the taste in the mouth of the food eaten, and eructation tasting of the ingesta, with obtuseness of the head, diarrhoea and chilliness; he had to lie down. CAUSTICUM. 577 Even while eating, a cutting pinching in the abdomen, which vanished at once on the discharge of flatus (aft. 6 h.). \_J^gh.'\ After eating, a severe distention of the abdomen. 505. After eating and drinking, the abdomen feels full at once, with restlessness and drawing in it. After eating, the stomach being too full, grumbling in the abdomen. Immediately after dinner, a call to stool, which goes off with straining and is hard. After dinner, itching of the anus. After drinking, the nose is moist and secretes more moisture. 510. After dinner, frequently a sharp pressure on the chest, with- out reference to respiration, chiefly in walking (the first 3 w.). After a meal, shooting in the left side of the chest. After supper, trembling and anxiety. After meals, chilliness. After meals, chilly. [7?/.] 515. After a meal, chilly, with heat in the face. After a meal, warmth and redness in the face. [^J^bg.'] After a meal, much heat in the face and in the eyes (aft. 8d.). Sensation as of a spoiled stomach, with inflation of the abdomen (aft. 15 d.). Eructation of air (aft. >^ h.). [A^.] 520. Empty, tasteless eructation of mere air. \_Stf., Hbg.'] Very frequent and mostly empty, eructation (aft. 9 d.). Frequent audible eructation, long continuing. [A^.] Eructation, with the smell of the ingesta. Eructation tasting of the ingesta, five hours after eating. 525. Eructation, as if from food remaining undigested. Eructation, with taste of the breakfast-soup. [A^.] Eructation, with agreeable, almond-like taste. [A§-.] Eructation, with smell of musk. [A^.] Violent eructation, with acrid taste (aft. 14 d.). 530. Abortive eructation; it only rises to the middle of the throat, where it stops. She always feels as if she should eructate, but it does not come, causing various troubles. Eructation, with choking in the oesophagus, so that it impedes the respiration; it goes off after another eructation. [A^.] Burning hot eructation, in the afternoon and evening, with- out any bad taste. Heartburn. [A^.] 535. A burning sensation frequently rises from the throat, as if he had eaten pepper. Hiccup (aft. ^ h.). [A^^.] Sensation of continual ebullition, as if lime was being slaked in his stomach, with rolling eructation of air. [A>.] Frequent belching up of ill-tasting water, or rising of the same into the mouth, with nausea, going off on eructation. [AV.] Belching up of water, several times, with aching in the aims. 38 578 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 540. Waterbrash, several times in the forenoon, with salty taste of the water rising up (aft. 17 d. ). A sort of waterbrash; in the evening, while lying down, cool water rises up from the stomach, which she has to spit out con- tinually. Qualmy and weak in the stomach, with alternation of chill and heat. [A^.] Sensation of fasting in the stomach. [A^.] Qualmishness about the stomach (aft. several h.). 545. Sensation of loathing in the throat. Sick at stomach, as if qualmish, without excitation to vomit. Qualmishness (at once). Qualmishness, with anxiety. Sensation of qualmishness, before a meal, with hunger. 550. Qualmishness, and a half hour later, hunger, in the afternoon. Nausea, every morning. Nausea and excitation to vomiting, all the afternoon till evening. Sick at stomach, as if about to vomit, with frequent belching up of water into the mouth, compelling spitting continually. Inclination to vomit, with sensation of emptiness in the stom- ach and sourish, bitterish taste in the mouth. 555. Sour vomiting, and after it still sour eructation. Vomiting of coagulated blood, at night. Stomachache, with belching up, going off after dinner. [A^.] Sensation of emptiness in the stomach, although she had eaten enough, in the afternoon. [A^.] Violent pains in the stomach, in the morning, soon after ris- ing, increased by every quick motion; with heat in the right side of the head; she has to lie down, and the pain seemed to be now in the stomach, now in the chest (aft. 27 d.). 560. Pains in the stomach, quieted by lying down. Pain, as from bruising, in the stomach, observable also when pressing it. [A^.] Pressure in the stomach, in the morning, after rising from bed, and only w^hen sitting. Pressure on the stomach, in the morning when fasting, and soon after, a contractive sensation in the abdomen (aft. 2d.). Pressure about the orifice of the stomach, increased by press- ing against the edge of the table, as also by reading aloud, by much speaking, by lying on the back, and when the air touches the abdomen. 565. Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. [^FrJ] Severe pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. A rhj^thmical, chilling pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, as from an icicle. {J^bgJ] A continual shooting pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. iHtm.'] Tensive pain in the scrobiculus cordis. 570. Cramp in the stomach. CAUSTICUM. 579 Cramp in the stomach, Hke pressure and contraction, in the morning, on awaking from a frightful dream, with nausea and col- lection of water in the mouth (aft. 21 d.). Contractive, not ver}^ painful, sensation in the region of the stomach. [A'^.] Sudden griping in the scrobiculus cordis. Griping snatching in the scrobiculus cordis, when taking a deep breath. 575. Stitches in the stomach, for ten minutes. Stitches in the scrobiculus cordis, which seem to contract the heart. Formication in the region of the stomach. Constant sensation of agreeable warmth in the stomach and abdomen. [A^.] With increasing pain in the stomach, she shudders. 580. In the left hj^pochondrium, acute stitches. [A^.] Violent stitches on the first false ribs. [A^.] Short, burning pain the left hypochondrium. In the liver, a tensive, pressive pain, when lying on the back. Stitches in the hepatic region, in the afternoon, for four hours (aft. 12 d.). 585. Stitches in the hepatic region when driving out, on a spot as large as a hen's egg, which causes lancinating pains also when touched, with great inclination to sleep and general lassitude. I^ancinating pain under the right ribs, in the evening. Violent stitches below the last true rib, on the right side. [mm.'] Painful tearing in the liver, in the evening (17th d.). Colic, in the morning. 590. In the abdomen, pressure, extending up into the fauces, in the evening (aft. 10 d.). Pressure in the stomach and abdomen, below and above the navel, with nocturnal diarrhoea, three times, and periodical stitches obstructing respiration and extending from the back forward into the right side of the abdomen (aft. 2d.). Pressure in the abdomen, many afternoons in succession, so severe that she could not attend to her domestic duties. Pressure in the hypogastrium, as from a load. Dull, pressive pain, deep in the hypogastrium, at last with fever, anguish and restlessness, so that he could neither sleep nor lie down at night; the hypogastrium was painful to the touch, as in gastric inflammation. 595. Pressive pain in the abdomen and short breath, in the morn- ing, after rising. Inflation of the left subcostal region. Inflation on the left side of the abdomen, extending to the groin (aft. 6 h.). Inflation and distention of the belh^jSo that she can only with difficulty draw breath, at the same time frequent discharge of flatus. [A^.] Great inflation of the abdomen, so that she has to loosen her 580 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. clothes, with frequent discharge of loud flatus, which, however, relieve only for a short time. [A^.] 600. Strong inflation of the abdomen, especially in the evening. Inflated belly, with internal pressure, especially when taking a deep breath. Full hard abdomen, in the evening. Distended abdomen, in the evening (aft. 10 h.). Painful distention of the abdomen, so that she has to loosen her clothes; at the same time pains in the abdomen, like cramps. 605. Tension in the right side of the abdomen. Tension and pressure in the epigastrium. Contractive tension in the stomach and abdomen. Contractive sensation about the epigastric region. Pain in the abdomen as if it was being drawn together with a rope, when breathing. ' 610. Jerking contraction in the abdomen, at noon (aft. 9 d. ). Pain as if constricted, in the two loins. Pinching bell3'ache, with paleness of the face, Pinching about the navel, in the morning in bed, going off after rising. [iV^.] Pinching about the epigastrium, frequently recurring. [i\^.] 615. Pinching in a small spot of the right side of the abdomen, below the navel, after a meal. [A^.] Pinching and cutting in the right side of the abdomen, as from diarrhoea. [A^.] Violent pinching and cutting in the whole belly, with yawn- ing. [A^^.] Cutting in the abdomen and discharge of flatus, on inspiring. iFr.-] Cutting in the epigastrium, in a space like a small band, with soft stool; going off after dinner. [A^.] 620. Cutting colic, in the morning, and then three soft stools, and during the whole day, a sensation in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea were setting in. (aft. 8 d.). Cutting pain in the groin, on motion, especially on walking. IFr.-] Stitches in the abdomen, one after the other, for a long time, so that he could not keep his seat. Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, in the evening. A stitch in the right side of the abdomen, through the abdo- men and out at the sacrum. [A^.] 625. A violent stitch in the left side of the abdomen. [^Stf.'] A transient stitch in the left side of the abdomen. Sharp stitches in the left loin, by the last false rib. Sharp stitches above the left hip, b}^ the last false rib. Sharp stitches in the right loin above the ilium; they wind upward toward the ribs, but pass quickly, like an electric spark. 630. Obtuse stitches above the ilium, below the last false rib. Dull lancinating pain in the right side of the abdomen, when lying down, [i?/.] Dull stitch in the right side of the abdomen, and then pain as CAUSTICUM. 581 of bruisedness in the left lower ribs, which is also sensitive in pressing upon it. [A^.] Pricking all over the abdomen as from needles. [A^.] Pain as from a bruise and pinching in the right side of the chest, then pains shooting outward through the pudenda, frequently. [A^.] 635. Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen, relieved by pressing upon it. Formication in the navel, with a sensation as if diarrhoea was coming on. [A^.] Formication and moving about in the abdomen, as after a purgative. [A^.] Throbbing in the abdomen. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen with cracking and crep- itation in it. [//<^^.] 640. Burning pain in the abdomen, around the region of the stomach, waking him from sleep; but transient. [S^/.'] Swelling of the navel, with painfullness round about when touched. Tendency to catch cold in the abdomen ; when the air touches it, there is pressure on the stomach and diarrhoea. Quivering or muscular twitches, on the lower left side of the abdomen, when bending forward in sitting (aft. 4 h.). Shooting burning on the right side of the abdomen, with sensation as if something was detaching itself there. [A^.] 645. In the flanks, pain as from bruising, at times with shooting. [^£--] Shooting pain down the right flank, as if a hernia was form- ing, after breakfast. [A^.] Forcing toward the front from both inguinal regions, with abortive urging to urinate; when sitting. [A^.] Much obstruction to flatus, with hard stool (ist week). Accumulation of flatus in abdomen after a moderate meal; this causes the varices of the rectum to protude, which are painful and moist (aft. 5 d.). 650. Working about in the abdomen with cutting, going off after a soft stool. [A^.] Rolling noise in the abdomen, with discharge of flatus. [A{^.] lyoud rumbling in the abdomen, when sitting, as if from emptiness (aft. i h. ). \Lgh^ Audible grumbling and croaking in the abdomen, as from frogs. Flatus breaks out upward and downward. 655. Too frequent discharge of the flatus (aft. 4 d.). Frequent loud discharge of flatus, the whole afternoon. \.Ng:\ Frequent discharge of flatus without troubles in the abdomen. Frequent discharge of flatus, after breakfast. \_Br7\ Frequent discharge of fetid flatus, without troubles. \_Stf^ 660. No stool (2d and 3d d.). \_Ng\\ Constipation (aft. 24 h.). 582 hahxem.^nn's chronic diseases. Ineffectual urging to stool, frequently, with many pains, anxiety, and redness in the face (aft. 4, 10, 30 d.). Frequent call to stool, without anj^thing but flatus being dis- charged (aft. 3d.), [i?/.] Urging to stool, but the anus is spasmodically and painfully contracted, so that no stool at all resulted; but the pressure still continued (2d d.). 665. Tenesmus, with grumbling in the abdomen. [A^.] At call to stool, anxious apprehension that some ill might happen to him. The stool is more readily discharged while standing. Hard, firm stool (3d, 4th d.). [A^^.] With the sensation as if merel}^ flatus would pass, faeces were discharged. 670. He has to get up at night for stool, which is ver}^ soft. [A^.] The stool came in lumps, then the rectum was contracted, and a soft stool came, formed very thin, like a quill (aft. 16 h. ). Soft stool, with discharge of flatus. [A^.] Half-thin stool. [_Hbg.] Half-liquid (diarrhoeic) stools. [A^.] 675. Liquid stool. Liquid stool, in the morning. [A^.] Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and burning in the anus. [A^.] Cold in the abdomen is apt to cause diarrhoea. Evening diarrhoea. [A^.] 680. Nocturnal diarrhoea. Stool, with an ascaris. [A^.] Stool, with white mucus (aft. 6 d.). Mucus and bright blood come together, with knotty, difl&cult stool, without any sign of varices. Painless passage of blood, with soft stool. 685. Bloody stool, with burning and feeling of soreness in the rectum. Before the stool, writhing pain in the abdomen. [Rl.'\ During stool, stinging in the rectum. After stool, burning in the anus, anxious pulse, and palpi- tation of the heart. After stool, burning in the anus, making him weak. 690. After stool, tremulous lassitude and palpitation. After stool, anxious oppression, heat in the face, and inclination to perspire. After stool, in the evening, anxious oppression on the chest, and abdomen ver}^ much inflated. After stool, anxiety. After the (first hard, then soft) stool, first succeeds dyspnoea, then inflation and pinching in both hj^pochondria, especiallj^ in the right, at every step. 695. After stool, often qualmishness. After the stool (the third on that day), salty and mucous water flowed from his mouth (waterbrash). After stool, emission of prostatic juice. In the rectum, pressure, all day. CAUSTICUM. 583 Continual pressure in the rectum and anus, worse after every stool. 700. Frequentl}^ a sudden, piercing, pressing pain in the rectum. Sensation of something hard lodged in the rectum, like a kernel of a fruit, [i?/.] Sensation in the rectum, as of faeces lodged there, which would come away, [i^/.] Cramp in the rectum, making it impossible to walk; she was at once obliged to sit still (aft. several h.). Stitch of the anus (before a meal). 705. Itching of the anus. [A^.] Excessive itching of the anus, day and night (aft. 2 d.). Severe itching in the rectum and the pudenda. Itching and stinging of the rectum. Tingling itching of the anus. 710. Formication in the rectum (aft. several h.). Smarting pain in the anus, after stool. Violent burning in the anus, during stool. Pain as of a sore on the anus, and moisture there, [i'?/.] Varices on the anus, impeding the stool (aft. 13 d.). 715. Large painful varices. [^/.] Pains as from a sore of the varices of the anus, intolerably aggravated by walking and by reflection. Hard varices of the anus, shooting and burning, extremely painful when touched; when walking, standing and sitting they are equally painful; relieved by stool; for fourteen days (aft. 19 d.). Swollen varices of the anus, with itching, stinging and much oozing moisture. Large, painful boil, near the anus, discharging much pus and blood, attended with much fatigue, [i^/.] 720. Pain in the perinaeum. Severe throbbing in the perinaeum. In the bladder, pains; he cannot pass urine, and even if a few drops are discharged, he feels violent pains in the urethra, with constipation and cramps in the rectum. Tenesmus of the bladder, and if a few drops are discharged there is violent pain in the bladder, and (after much walking, undertaken to improve it,) also cramps in the rectum (21st d.). Tenesmus of the bladder, after long waiting only a little is passed, and the urging is soon renewed, without any pains. [AV,] 725. Frequent urging to urinate. Urging to urinate after walking. Frequent urging to micturition and after it a shaking chill in the open air, going off in the room. [A§-.] Very often urging to urinate, wnth involuntary dripping of urine. Frequent urging to urinate without discharge; then, when sitting, an involuntary discharge (ist d.). 730. He is frequently urged to urinate at night (aft. 15 d. ). He has to get up twice at night to urinate, and the urine passes copiously; there is also diarrhoea, repeated in the morning. 584 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Wetting the bed, with violent erection, without any voluptu- ous sensation. [A^.] At night in sleep urine passes from her (aft. yd.). Involuntary passage of urine while coughing and while blow- ing the nose. 735. The urine is intermittent in its discharge. [A^.] Retarded emission of the last drops of urine. Little urine attended with much thirst. [A^.] The urination proceeds so easily, that he hardly feels the stream, and in the dark he does not know that he is urinating. Frequent micturition. 740. Unusually abundant passage of urine (5th d.). Frequent, very much increased urination ; the urine soon deposits a yeast-like sediment. [A^.] Frequent discharge of much urine. \_Rl.'] The urine is often discharged under great pressure and in far greater abundance than corresponds to what he drinks. Very frequent discharge of little urine, without pain or urging. [St/.-] 745. Colorless urine, like water. Pale urine, like water. [A^.] Often dark brown urine. Reddish urine, but without any sediment. [A^.] The urine becomes turbid and cloudy in standing. 750. Much mucus in the urine, it can be drawn out in threads. During micturition, pain in the urethra. Scalding of the urine. [A^.] Scalding of the urine in the region of the fraenulum. Scalding of the urine after a pollution. 755. During micturition, burning in the urethra or in its root. During and after micturition there is acridity ; it erodes the pudendum like salt (aft. 11, 17 d.). After micturition, in the evening, pain in the urethra, with dull aching on the upper part of the head. Itching at the orifice of the urethra (8th d.). [A^.] Cutting in the urethra. 760. Burning sensation in the urethra. [Rl.^ Sudden burning in the urethra, at night. In the penis, burning pain. Large, red spots on the penis. Increased smegma about the glans; an excessive quantity is secreted behind the glans. 765. Itching of the frenulum, [i?/.] Itching on the inner surface of the prepuce, sometimes tick- ling, sometimes stinging. Vesicles under the prepuce, which turn into suppurating ulcers. Itching scurf on the inner surface of the prepuce. \^Rl.~\ In the testes, pressive pain, at noon. 770. Pressive pain, as from contusion, in the right testicle. CAUSTICUM. 585 Tearing pains in the testes. Stitches in the right testicle (aft. 6 d.). The scrotum itches and perspires. Itching of the scrotum and of the skin of the penis. [Fr.] 775. Itching, cutting pain on the septum of the scrotum, [/v-.] Excitation of the sexual instinct (aft. several h.). Increased sexual instinct (the ist days). [A^.] Increased, very active sexual instinct, with indisposition to all work. [^/.] Sexual instinct but little active (aft. 32 d.). 780. There is no stiffness of the penis in coitus; he was impotent (aft. 27 d.) Voluptuous twitches of the organ, with semi-rigidity. Frequent, slight erections, in the morning, after coitus. [^/.] Erection, with urging to coitus, in the morning (2d d.). Stiffness of the penis, all the forenoon (2d d.). [A^.J 785. Excitation to emission of semen. Violent pollutions and incontrollable erections, at night and the whole forenoon (aft. 50 d.). [A^.] Pollutions several nights in succession, also in the afternoon siesta (with an impotent man) (aft. 3d.). Frequent pollutions in an old man (aft. 7 d.). Pollution, and then scalding of the urine. 790. After pollution he feels stupid during the day. During the emission of semen in coitus, blood passed from the urethra (aft. 21 d.). After coitus, spasmodic drawing pain in the rectum (anus). In the female pudenda, burning. \_St/.'] Delays the menses by ten days, but then they flow more fully. 795. Delays the menses, which usually were regular, b}^ two or three days (aft. 11 d.). Delays the menses, which were just expected (at once). Hastens the appearance of the menses by eleven da3^s, while else they were two or three days late (aft. 24 d.). At night, no blood passes during the menses. Increased flow of blood during the menses. 800. When the menses are already completed, for several days afterward, from time to time, a little flow of blood is perceived. The menstrual blood has a bad smell, and excites itching on the pudenda. Before the menses, she feels melancholy; ever^'thing looked dark to her. Before the menses, the last two days, much pain in the sacrum and anxious dreams. Just before the menses and on the first day of the menses, a pain drawing to and fro in the abdomen. 805. At the appearance of the menses, colic without diarrhcea. with tearing in the back and sacrum, especially during motion. During the menses, colic and diarrhoea. During the menses, pain in the abdomen, as if everything 586 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. was broken in two, with pain in the sacrum as if bruised, and dis- charge of blood in large lumps. During the menses, pain in the back. During the menses, a sort of lancinating pain below the left breast. 8 ID. During the menses, she is quite 3^ellow in the face. During the menses, very ill-humored and weary. During the menses, vertigo and turning around in the head, worse on stooping forward, relieved in the afternoon. \_St/.~\ Vaginal discharge at night (aft. 3d.). Very profuse vaginal discharge; it shoots out like the menses and with a similar smell (aft. 14 d.). >K >;< >i< >K >K 5i< ^ ^ 815. Frequent sneezing, in the morning. Frequent sneezing in the morning, after rising. [A^.] Frequent sneezing (at once). Abortive sneezing, [i^^.] Itching in the nose, as if a cold was coming, [/^r.] 820. Burning in the nostrils, as from an incipient cold. Stoppage of the nose. Stuffed coryza, with severe stoppage of the nose; inspiration through the nose and mouth is impeded. Cor^^za with stoppage of the nose and sneezing (2d d. ) . [A^.] Short cor5^za, with sneezing (almost at once). [^/.] 825. Discharge of fetid mucus from the nose and sneezing. [A^.] Profuse fluent coryza and eyes agglutinated in the morning (aft. 17 d.). Profuse fluent coryza, for two weeks, with painful nocturnal cough and seven days' headache. Coryza and hoarseness, so that she could not speak aloud (aft. 14 d.). Severe stuffed and fluent coryza with roughness of the throat, and excoriation in the chest from violent coughing (aft. 32 d ). 830. Severe corj^za and cough, with pain in the chest, drawing in the limbs, frequent awaking at night and chill. Irritation in the larynx as in incipient cold, with general feverish motions. Acute pressiA^e pain in the larynx when blowing the nose. Painful drawing in the larynx, without cause. Dryness in the larynx. 835. Sensation of dryness in the windpipe. Burning and roughness in the throat, with hoarseness. [A^.] Rough throat, mucus on the chest, and feverish chill. Mucus in the chest (the windpipe), after eating. Rawness of the chest, in the morning. 840. Scraping on the chest. Hoarseness and roughness in the throat, in the morning. Hoarseness. Severe hoarseness especiall}^ in the morning and evening, with scraping in the throat. Hoarseness for many days, she could not speak a word aloud. CAUSTICUM. 587 845. The voice is obstructed for several mornings, as if there was a wedge in the lar3mx, which he ought to throw out. The lar3mgeal muscles refuse to act; despite of all efforts, he cannot utter words aloud. Catarrh, with nocturnal dryness of the throat and stoppage of the nose, when Ijdng down (aft. 16 d.). Catarrh, with coughing and scratching in the throat. Frequent desire in the larynx, to clear awa}^ something. 850. Hawking of mucus, with pain in the pit of the throat. Hawking of mucus, in the morning. Irritation to cough, at once, early in bed. Tickling cough, frequently (aft. 4 d.). Cough, excited by unceasing tingling. 855. Cough, excited b}^ tingling, or when he stoops to pick up something. Cough in short fits, from mucus in the throat, which tickles there. [No-.] Cough, from tickling in the throat and roughness, without expectoration, or this only comes long afterward. [A^.] Tussiculation from continued tickling in the throat. [A^.] Cough, with scraping in the throat, without expectoration. '860. Excitation to cough at every expiration. Cough, excited every time he talks. Cough, after getting cold, when she becomes w^arm again. Irritation to cough, on awaking in the morning in bed. In the morning on awaking, constant, fatiguing dry cough, as after taking a cold; this did not allow him to go to sleep again. 865. Cough, only at night, on awaking. Kver3^ night at 2 o'clock a two hours' cough with much ex- pectoration; by da}^ but rare and little cough. Also at night, severe cough. Cough wakes her from sleep, in the evening and morning; by day, little or no cough. Short cough with some expectoration of mucus, especiall}^ after eating. 870. Cough, with retching, attended with dyspnoea. Hoarse cough, mostly in the morning and evening, not at night. Dry cough, causing burning on the chest. Frequent dry tussiculation, only rarely with expectoration of mucus. [A^.] Dry, hollow cough, five or six impulses in succession, with pain as from soreness, along a space like a band in the inside of the windpipe, where it pains at every cough and almost checks the breathing. 875. Hollow cough, especiall}^ at night and in the morning, with mucus adhering to the chest, which pains both while coughing and at other times, with a stinging sorenesss and as if festering under- neath; with stuffed coryza and stoppage of the nose (aft. 24 d.\ Violent cough, at times quite dry, with pain in the right side of the abdomen. 588 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Before the beginning of a coughing fit, short breath. During coughing, the chest pains as if sore. During coughing, stitches in the left side of the chest. 880. During coughing, a loud rattling in the chest (aft. 24 h.). Cough, with rattling at every breath, as if there was much mucus on the right side of the chest, in the forenoon. During coughing, pain over the left hip, as if it were going to burst open there. Obstruction of respiration, while talking and while walk- ing briskly; she has to quickly catch her breath. Sudden obstruction of breath in the open air (while hunting), with very rapid palpitation; he could not hold himself upright, but had to kneel down, sweating all over; the breath became very short, the blood rushed to the head, the face became bluish-red, as if he should have a stroke of apoplexy; for one hour (4th d. ). 885. Shortness of breath, when taking a walk in the open air. Shortness of breath in the morning, with pressive pain in the abdomen, going off during the day (aft 6 d.). Short breath and tightness of the chest. Lack of breath, with weakness of the thighs (aft. 9 d.). Difficult and deep respiration. [_J^bg.'] 890. Sensation of tightness and lack of air in the throat, with in- flation of its left side: he has to loosen his cravat. [A^.] Sensation on the chest, as if the clothes were too tights Sensation as if the chest was too tight. Asthma, chiefly when sitting. Asthma, after lying down. 895. Tightness of the chest, with hoarseness and roughness of the throat. [A^.] Tightness of the chest; he has often to take a deep breath (istd.). [^/.] Spasmodic asthma. Painful tightness of the chest, in the afternoon, going off by dancing (aft. 16 d.). Tightness of both sides of the chest, as if they were being pressed together. \_Fr.'] 900. Painful compression of the chest from both sides, toward the sternum, with oppressed breathing and weakness of voice. Frequent fits of choking on inspiring, as if some one was con- stricting the windpipe, so that it obstructed the breath, when sitting. \Htni.'] Great oppression of the heart, with melancholy. In the chest, on the lowest rib of the left side, a pressive pain. Pressive pain in the right side of the chest in the evening. 905. Pressure in the costal muscles, transversely over the chest, on stooping forward. Pressure over the chest and stomach. Pressure on the chest, just above the scrobiculus cordis. Pressure on the right side of the chest (aft. 24 h.). Pressure on the chest, with short and labored breath. [A^.J 910. Pressive pain above the xiphoid cartilage, straight upward. CAUSTICUM. 589 Tearing pain anteriorly on the chest, almost only in the open air, or at least aggravated there. Tension about the chest, long continuing (2d d.). [A^.] Painfulness, like a drawing internally in the upper part of the chest, after too violent running or singing, with a sense of a weight upon it (aft. 3 h. ). \_Sf/.'] Rheumatic pain in the chest and the abdomen. [Ng- ] 915. Lancinating tearing in the left side of the chest. [A^.] Stitches in the right side of the chest, on inspiring (aft. }4 h.). [m?n.) Dull stitch in the right side of the chest, near the clavicle. Stitches in the left side of the chest, below the nipple. Violent stitch in the left side of the chest, on inspiration. 920. Shooting below the left breast, going off by rubbing. [A^.] Dull stitches in the left side of the chest, opposite the xiphoid cartilage . \_I/ffn . ] Obtuse stitch in the left side of the chest, above the heart, on motion. Sharp, slow" stitches in the left part of the chest, horizontally with the scrobiculus cordis. [///;;/.] Stitches at night, without obstructing the breath, as if from a knife, thrust in anteriorly in the chest, and into the back behind, with great anguish and restlessness, so that he has continual^ to toss about, without being able to sleep. 925. Shooting in the sternum, on taking a deep breath and on lifting things. A stitch in the sternum, when taking a deep breath and during bodily labor (aft. 16 d.). A stitch, first, one continuing for eight minutes on the lower part of the sternum on inspiring and expiring, then a stitch in the sternum continuing all the forenoon with alternating violence, most observable on expiration; this stitch was connected with a constant dull stitch in the left shoulder joint, which was also most sensible at expiration. Stitches in the chest as from a nail, [//i^^.] Shooting, deep in the chest, on taking a deep breath, for an hour in the forenoon (aft. 14 d.). 930. Stitches from the depth of the chest, going out at the back. Stitches as with needles, on the chest, while taking a walk in the open air. \Lgh7^ Sensation in the chest as if cut to pieces, in the morning, with burning. \Ng.'\ Pain in the right side of the chest, as if the lungs were being- torn off from the pleura, almost constant, even when lying down. Pain as of a bruise, below the right mamma, unchanged by respiration. SJSfg^ 835. Pain as from a sprain in the lower muscles of the left side of the chest, on moving the left arm (aft. y^ h.). [/v-.] Rushing sound in the left side of the chest, in the cardiac region, for several mornings in bed, till rising; it, indeed, is dimin- ished with every movement, but returns on lying down. 590 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Heat internally in the chest. Heat in the chest, at times extending up into the throat. Burning pain in the chest, and at times shooting. 940. Under the skin of the chest, short, acute stitches. Sharp stitches in the chest, beside the nipple, which always quickly draw toward the navel, especiall}^ on inspiring. Stitches in the chest, under the arms, even to the scro- biculus cordis, with anxiety (and then rumbling in the abdomen, and pinching toward the chest, which vanished altogether after the discharge of flatus) (aft. 29 d.). Obtuse stitches beside the axilla, toward the chest. Severe itching about the breasts. 945. Palpitation with lassitude (aft. several h.). Severe palpitation, in the morning, with irregular pulse and backache. Severe palpitation, in the evening, with great anxiety, Y^/hich caused a great shortness of breath, without any peculiar thoughts (6th d.). Anxious palpitation, with rhythmical contraction of the abdomen. In the region of the coccj'x, a dull, drawing pain, \_Fr.^ 950. Twitching pain in the coccyx (aft. yd.), [i?/.] Pain as from a bruise in the coccyx, [/^r.] Pain in the sacrum; she painfully feels every motion of the body in her sacrum. Pressive pain in the sacrum, when sitting. Pressive pain in the sacrum, so that he had to remain bent down (with pressive pain in the abdomen). 955. Violent tensive pain in the sacrum. Pinching, cramp-like pain in the sacrum and the nates. [^/.] Pressive, cramp-like pain in the sacrum and the renal region, when sitting (4th d.). Violent tearing in the sacrum. [A^.] Sensation as from a bruise in the sacrum, when walking; go- ing off when sitting. [A^.] 960. Pain as from a bruise in the sacrum, toward evening, for sev- eral hours, with discharge of leucorrhoea (aft. 31 d.). Violent pain in the sacrum, as from a strain caused b}'' lifting, on motion (aft. 2 d.). [^/.] Stiffness in the lumbo-sacral articulation (aft. }{ h.). [/^n] Single itching stitches in the sacrum, [v^r.] Pain as from soreness in the sacrum, with subsequent pressure in the hypogastrium, as if everything was coming out at the rectum and the pudenda; like a flatulent colic; (from straining in lifting). 965. Frequent throbbing in the sacrum. Pain the back, a pressure in the middle of the back. Pressive cramp-pain in the back, in the renal region. Violent pressive pain, combined with tearing, toward the back, on the edge of the right scapula, increased by bending back the right upper arm and the head, finall}^ at every movement of the CAUSTICUM. 591 bod}^ even when the part is shaken only a little, but most severe when the head is turned to the left side. Stinging, piercing twdtching in the back and sacrum, taking his breath. 970. Drawing, in the back and as if bruised; thence the pain ex- tended to the sacrum and the abdomen, where much flatus accumulated with bellyache, and as the flatus was discharged leucorrhoea appeared. Tearing in the back in a small spot. [A^.] Tearing in the vertebrae of the back, between the scapulae, extending into the right scapula and then also into the left. Stitches in the back (aft. 20, 27 d.). Stitches in the back, as from needles, when sitting down. 975. A stitch in the back, then backache. Crawling in the back. [A^.] Itching in the skin of the back (aft. 10 h.). [5//".] Itching of the back and some perspiration. Much itching of the back and of the calves. 980. A furuncle on the back. Betw^een the scapulae, pain from stiffness (aft. 5 d.). [^/.] Severe tensive pain, in the upper part of the scapulae, during motion. Tearing in the right scapula, [//r;^.] Painful tearing between the scapulae. [A^.] 985. Drawing in the left scapula. Pressive drawing in the scapulae. Violent stitches in the left scapula, as from needles A pressive shooting pain, beside the right scapula, in degluti- tion and in hawking, as well as in exerting oneself in speaking. Burning in the middle of the right scapula. [A^.] 990. In the cervical muscles, a tension, when quickly raising the body, and turning the head. Tension in the nape, as if someone was drawing her backward by the ears. [-A^.] Stiffness of the neck, that he could not move his head. Stiffness of the nape and of the neck, with pains in the occi- put, the muscles felt bound, so that she could hardly move her head (12th d.). Twitching motion in the neck, toward the head. 995. Shooting in the nape at night, when lying down. Shudder in the nape of the neck, extending into the brain, in the evening. Pain in the neck as from a bruise (aft. 4 d.). [^/.] Miliary eruption in the nape, between the scapulae, and on the back, with itching. A nodule with tension, in the nape of the neck. [AV.] 1000. Very much itching and a humid tetter in the nape of the neck. In the cervical muscles, tension and jerking, also when at rest. [_Hbg.'\ Constant tension in the right side of the neck and chest, so that it draws the body to the right side. [AV.] Pinching pain on the right side of the neck. [A'/.] 592 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pain from stiffness in the right side of the neck, [i^/.] 1005 Stiffness of the right side of the neck wdth tensive pain. [/V.] Pressure in the pit of the throat, when taking a deep breath. Burning on a small spot of the right side of the neck, with a red spot there. [A^.] In the axilla, shooting burning. [A^.] The shoulder pains all the day, on moving the right arm. loio. Pressure on the shoulder. Stiffness in the shoulders. Tearing in the left shoulder-joint. Tearing in the right shoulder, with pain as from a bruise on the inner edge of the right scapula, on moving the right arm or on turning the head to the right; if she turns the head to the left, the spot is tense. [NgJ] Sharp stitches in the top of the shoulders, on the right and the left side. 1015. Obtuse stitch in the left shoulder. [A^.] The left shoulder pains as if sprained, from morning till even- ing. [Ng.'] ^ Paralytic pain in the left shoulder. [A^.] The left arm twitches repeatedly. [^/.] Convulsive movements in the (left, weak) arm, up and down, after some slight exertion, then great heaviness of the arm, then a sort of rumbling down in the muscles, even into the leg, like the running of a mouse, whereby the twitches vanished. 1020. Pressive pain in the right arm. Drawing in the right arm, which feels heavy, as if paralyzed (aft. 14 d.). Drawing pains in the muscles of the arms. \_Stf.'\ Dull tearing in the arms and hands. Severe tearing in the arms and the hands, extending into the back. 1025. Arthritic drawing, here and there, in the joints of the arms and the wrists, and in the shoulders, seemingly aggravated by motion. \_Stf.'] Single stitches in the arm, extending into the left side of the chest. Slowl}^ tearing stitch in the right arm, from the shoulder down into the hand (aft. i^ h.). \_Ht7n.'] Tendency of the left arm to grow numb at night in sleep, waking him up. [A^.] The left arm grows numb, when raised up over the head, and held up for a time; it is as if the blood in it flowed back, and in the right side of the chest there is a pain, as if the muscles were shortened. 1030. Great heaviness and weakness in the arms. Heaviness in the right arm, as if in consequence of a violent blow on the thickest part of the fore-arm. Weakness in the right arm, with a troublesome crawling, in front of both shoulders. [A^.] CAUSTICUM. 593 Trembling of the right arm, if he holds anything with out- stretched arm. Weakness, almost like paralysis, of the right arm, with sensa- tion of stiffness, especially when writing, [/v'.] 1035. Itching of the arms. The muscles of the upper arm are painful, as if sprained (aft. yd). Drawling pain in the left humerus. Drawing pain in the deltoid muscle, extending toward the clavicle, now in the one arm, then in the other. [>S^.] Drawing pain in the muscles, in the lower part of the left upper arm. [Lg-/i.^ 1040. Tearing in the left upper arm and in the shoulder-joint. Tearing in the left upper arm and in the right, close below the shoulder- joint (at once). Tearing in the left humerus to elbow-joint, in which the pain is most severe. Drawing cutting in the deltoid muscle of the right arm. [Fr.] Pinching in the deltoid muscle of the upper arm, with sensa- tion of coldness, terminating in burning, [^%'.] 1045. Shooting pain in the left humerus, at the top, near its head, toward the outside. Stitches in the deltoid muscle of the upper arm, when she carries anything. Shooting pain in the right upper arm, on raising the arm. Sharp stitches in the left upper arm, near the shoulder. Acute shooting pain on the right upper arm, at times going off by rubbing. [A^.] 1050. Burning on the outer surface of the left upper arm. [A^.] The elbow- joint is painful, as if he had knocked it against something. [5//".] Pain in the bend of the left elbow, on stretching the arm, as if a tendon was too short. [^/.] Quivering on the outer side of the elbow-joint, on resting the arm on something (aft. 3 h.). Drawing pain in die elbow- joints and the lower arms. 1055. Boring in the olecranon process of the ulna, with a .sensation as if it would bend the arm double. [i'V^.] Pain, as from a bruise, in the bend of the elbow and the pec- toral muscles, much aggravated by external pressure. [^/.] In the fore-arm, tearing, in the bones. Tearing in the fore-arms. [A{i,>-.] Tearing in the tendons of the right fore-arm. [Aj,'-] 1060. Tearing in the left fore-arm, down from the elbow. Throbbing, tearing in the left fore-arm. [A{i^-.] Contractive pain in the muscles, on the lower part of the left fore-arm. \_Lg7i.^ Shooting upward in the tendons of the inner side of the right fore- arm. [A^i,'.] Painfully drawing stitches in the muscles of the lower part of the left fore-arm. \_Loh.~\ 39 594 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. 1065. Boring and tearing, on a small spot of the right fore-arm, just under the elbow, as if in the bone. [AV.] Burning, transversely over the fore-arm, close bv the wrist. Sensation of coldness and rigidit}- of the right fore-arm and the fingers; he could not warm his hand even on the warm stove. Parah^sis of the fore-arms; he could hardl}' raise them owing to their heaviness and sensation of rigidit^^ [^>''.] Parah^tic pain in the shaft of the right ulna. [-A^.] 1070. Short, tremulous twitches on the right fore-arm, during writ- ing (2d d.). Swelling of the fore-arm, seemingh' in the periosteum, only aching when pressed upon, [i?/.] Small, itching pimples on the fore-arms. Formication in the skin of the right fore-arm, going off by rubbing. [A^'.] Itching (at times with burning after scratching) and itching pimples and vesicles on the fore-arms. [A^.] 1075. In the hands, cramp-like sensation. Cramp-like weakness in the hands, in the morning on awaking. Sensation of fullness in the left palm, on grasping am-thing. Swelling of the hands at night, with formication in them. Drawing pain in the wrist. 1080. Drawing pain in the left wrist, on the outer side. ISf/.^ Drawing pain, extending from the right wrist -joint into the fingers. Drawing pain, extending from the wrist through the meta- carpal bone into the little finger, in the tip of which it is most severe; on stretching out the hand, the pain is even greater, and involuntarily draws the finger together, while the drawing from the wrist also seizes upon the other fingers, and gradualh" draws them all double, sometimes more, sometimes less. Tearing in the right wrist. [A^.] Tearing on the dorsum, now of the one hand, now of the other. 1085. Ver}- painful tearing on the back of the hand, extending into the middle finger with cramp-pain. [A'^.] Tearing on the inner edge of the right hand, toward the little finger, as if in the bone. [A^.] Tearing in the hands and fingers (aft. 24 h ). Tearing in the hand, in the metacarpal bone of the left and the right thumb. Stitches in the left palm, with tingling in the fingers. [A^.] 1090. Tingling shooting in the right wrist and the second and third fingers. Twitching stitches in the muscles of the left hand, right across its dorsum, on moving the arms (aft. 9 h.). [^^/^.] Pain as from a sprain or a strain, in the right wrist, in grasp- ing, (aft. 18 d.). A shooting pain as from a sprain, in the left wrist, while working (aft. 10 d.). CAUSTICUM. 595 A tensive pain as from spraining, right across the left hand, on moving it (aft. 26 h.). {Lgh.'\ 1095. Coldness of the hands; in the left arm this extends almost to the elbow. The hand goes to sleep, with tingling therein (aft. 5 d.). \_Rl.-\ Trembling of the hands (aft. 21 d. ). {Hbg^ Great heaviness in the right hand. Paralytic sensation in the right hand, for several weeks, [i?/.] HOG. Lack of strength in the hands, in a room which is too warm. Itching in both hands. Itching on the back of the left hand. \_Stf.'\ Much itching in the palms. Itching in the palms, and after scratching, itching vesicles, containing water. [A§-.] 1 105. The posterior joints of the fingers are tense, when they are flexed, in the forenoon. lyittle twitches of the fingers, w^hile writing. Drawing twitches in the left fingers. \Stf7\ Like electric shocks, repeated dartings from the abdomen into the fingers, bending them double. \_Stf.'\ Drawing pains in the finger-joints. 1 1 10. Drawing pains in the joints of the left fingers. [^^.] Tearing in the fingers. [A^.] Tearing in the left little finger, with cramp-pains. [A^.] Tearing in the joints of the right index, which are also pain- ful when pressed. [A^.] Transient tearing in the left index. 1 1 15. Tearing in the tips of all the fingers of the right and the left hands, with trembling of the hands. Stitches in the little finger, which then extended upward, like stabs with a knife, with anxiety and aching about the heart (aft. 10 d.). Contusive pain in the finger-tips, as if they would burst open, now in the one hand, now in the other (aft. 3 h.). \_Stf,'\ Contusive pain in the tip of the right little finger. [A^.] Throbbing pain as from an ulcer, in the posterior joint of the right thumb. [A^.] 1 1 20. Burning in the finger-tips. Shooting burning pain in the joints of the fingers (aft. 32 h.). Tingling on the left ring-finger, with twitching on the inner side of the upper arm. [A^^.] Numbness and insensibility of the fingers, with turgid fullness in them. Dying off of the fingers; they become icy cold, white and in- sensible. \_Stf^ 1 125. Frequent dying off of the fingers, especially in the morning. Itching between the fingers. [^/.] Itching on the posterior and middle joints of the fingers of the left hand, [iv-.] Stinging itching in the index. [A^.] 596 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching of the left index, and, after scratching, a burning, itching nodule. [A^.] II 30. A nodule on the right thumb, without sensation. [A^.] Itching tetter on the back of the ring-finger. Ulceration of the tip of the thumb. Under the nails of the fingers, pain on grasping anything. Severe, burning, pressive pain under the finger-nails; but on grasping, pain as if festering underneath. 1 135, The nates pain in sitting on them, as if from being beaten, or as if turgid. Itching on the nates and on the posterior side of the thigh. [Rl.-] Stinging itching on the right natis. [A^.] Itching tetter on the nates (aft. 6 d.). \^Rl.^ In the region of the hip, a violent cramp-pain. 1 1 40. Pinching and squeezing in the region of the hips above the acetabulum, as if the muscles were seized with a pair of tongs, with a sensation of coldness, terminating in burning, even when at rest. [_Hbg-.'\ Tension in the bend of the right thigh, in the morning, on rising, and on bending the knee. [A^.] Pressive pain above the acetabulum of the hip-joint, not aggravated by motion. A drawing pressive pain in the hip, when sitting and when walking. Tearing in the acetabulum of the hip-joint. \_Hrfi.'] II 45. Tearing in the left hip, as if in the bone, both in rest and in motion; when pressed upon, pain as from a bruise. [A^.] Tearing in the hip-joint and down the whole limb, both sitting and walking (aft. 10. h.). Stitches in the left hip, as if in the bone. Dull stitches in the hip-joint, toward the abdomen, one every two minutes, for two hours (loth d.). Frequently a stitch in the bend of the right thigh. [A^.] 1 150. Pain as from a sprain, or as if the foot had turned, or was strained, coming by jerks in the left hip-joint, so that he had to limp for several steps; coming and going suddenly. \_Stf.'] Pricking, burning pain in the region of the hip. \_Hbg.'] Itching in both hips. \_Fr.'] Soreness in the upper part between the legs. In the lower limbs, drawing pain, as if in the bones. 1 155. Drawing in the right limb, with sore throat, in the evening. Severe drawing and tearing, during a thunder storm, in both the lower limbs, from the toes up into the thighs. Muscular twitching in both the lower limbs. Acute, slow stitches in the lower limbs, first down from the hip-joint, then down from the knee-pan, more painful at rest than while walking (aft. 2 h.). Slow tearing stitch in the lower limb, from the ankle to the knee and from there to the hip-joint, but not in the knee itself (aft. %\i.). IHhn.'] CAUSTICUM. 597 ii6o. Pain, as from a bruise, in the thighs and legs, in the morning, in bed. Pain, as if twisted or paralyzed, in the muscles of the lower limbs, in the afternoon and evening. Troublesome restlessness in both lower limbs, in the morning in bed, for several hours. Restlessness in the left lower limb, at night; she knew not where to la}^ it. Restlessness in the lower limbs, at evening, so severe she could not sit still. 1 1 65. Severe formication in the thighs and legs, as well as in the foot. The legs are apt to go to sleep. Much painful heaviness in the lower limbs. Lassitude in the lower limbs, especially in the legs and knees; he always wants to take a rest while walking. [A^.] Excessive weariness of the lower limbs, in the morning on awaking, in bed, vanishing after getting up 1 170. Painful weakness of the lower limbs, both in the thighs and legs, when walking. Trembling of the lower limbs, when beginning an ascent (e.g-. , of a ladder); this ceases when he stands and continues to work. Trembling and shaking of the lower limbs, as from a chill, in the open air, when walking and standing; it goes off in a room. Distended veins (varices) on the lower limbs. Itching on the lower limbs. ^Sf/.l 1 175. Skin as if marbled, full of dark-red veinlets on the thighs and legs. In the thighs, twitching pains, down from the nates (aft. 5 d. ) . [ie/.] Muscular twitching in the left thigh, above the knee. Tearing pain in the middle of the left thigh, vanishing on rising from the seat, [/^r.] Scratching tearing in the left thigh. 1 1 80. Paralytic tearing on the outer side of the right thigh. [iV^.] Stitches in the left thigh (at once). Stitches in the left thigh, extending into the chest, in the evening, in walking. Violent needle-prick on the outer side of the right thigh, just above the knee. [A^.] Quick flush of heat on the inner side of the left thigh. 1 185. Throbbing in the tendons of the left thigh, just above the knee. [A^.] Sensation of excessive weariness in the upper part of the thigh, toward the inner side, worst when the limb is at rest, when he is compelled to continually move the limb to and fro. [/v".] Weakness of the thighs, with lack of breath. Feels as if paralyzed in the thighs, in sitting and in walking. [Fr.] Trembling or quivering sensation, like a paintul sounding- vibration in the fleshy part of the thigh. [^^ ';''.] 598 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 190. Itching on the thighs. Stinging itching on the thigh, on the outer side., [/t^.] Violently itching nettle-rash, especially on the thighs, just above the knee (12th d.). Soreness, as if rubbed open, on the thigh, on the upper, inside part of the scrotum, with itching, and, when rubbing it, with ex- coriation (aft. 40 h.). Painful soreness, on the upper, inner part of the female thighs, where they touch in walking. 1 1 95. In the left knee, stiffness in walking. Turgidit}^ in the houghs in sitting, and when commencing to walk; better when continuing the w^alk. Pain from stiffness in the patella, when rising up. [^/.] Tensive pain and stiffness in the hough, when w^alking. [^/.] Drawing pain in the knees, as if from fatigue in walking, more when stretching than when flexing the knees. 1200. Drawing pain, rather above the knees. Drawing in the knee-joints, [i^/.] Drawing and twitching pain in the left patella, [i?/.] Twitching in the left knee, in the afternoon. [A^.] First a drawing pain then a twitching pain in the knee. [/?/.] 1205. Tearing on the outer side of the left knee. [A^.] Tearing in the right knee (aft. 48 h.) Tearing in the left knee and from there downwards, even into the toes. [A^.] Drawing tearing in the knee and from there into the ankles, in the evening. Tearing and shooting in the knee, so that he cannot tread on that foot, nor sleep for it at night. 12 10. A stitch in the knee, w^hile at work (aft. 10 d.). Painful boring in the right knee, at times with pain as from a bruise when pressing upon it. [A^.] Pain as from soreness in the knee. Ulcerative pain on the outer side of the knee, extending up to the thigh (aft. 14 d.). Painful cracking in the knee, when walking, as if it was broken or sprained. 1 2 1 5 . Extraordinary w^eariness of the knee- j oint and heaviness of the feet, after a walk, [/^r.] Weariness of the knee-joints, more in going upstairs than while walking on a level, [iv'.] Weakness in the knee, even so that it gives way. The knees give way in walking. Much itching on the patella. 1220. Itching, especially in the right hough (aft. 3d.), [v^/.] In the leg, a hard pressure down the tibia. Tension in the right calf, as if some one forcibly drew together the skin, both in rest and in motion (in the evening). [A^.] Cramp in the calf, early in bed (aft. 20 h.). Contraction of the right calf, both in rest and in motion. CAUSTICUM. 599 1225. Crainp-like contraction down the whole of the outer side of the right leg, both sitting and standing. [7>'.] Drawing pain in the leg. Drawing in the calf, with the sensation as if the right leg was shorter, on rising from a seat, and in walking. [A^.] Tearing on the outer side of the left leg, from the knee down, when sitting; when rising from the seat it extends up into the hip- joint; when walking and when pressing on it, pain as from a bruise in the hip, not going off when sitting down. [A^.] Tearing downward in the left calf (aft. i h.). [A^.] 1230. Tearing, from the outer surface of the right calf down to the outer edge of the foot, worse on moving the foot and the toes. Violent tearing in the tendons below the right calf. [A^.] Tearing in the calf and in the dorsum of the foot. [A^.] Tearing in the left tendo-Achillis, when sitting. [A^.] Burning tearing on the tibia. [A^.] 1235. Intermittent stitches in the left calf. [A^.] Pain as from a bruise on the right calf, extending into and around the knees, the whole forenoon. [A^.] Pain as from knocking against something, on the right shin bone. [A^.] Crawling and pricking in the left calf, as if it would go to sleep, at times extending into the hough. [A^.] Dull, tingling sensation of being asleep, in both the legs and knees, in the morning (4th d.). 1240. A red, painful spot on the shin, which extends in length, and itches when healing. A blister on the calf, two and a half inches in diameter, almost without pain; water comes out for two days, and it heals without suppuration. In the soles of the feet, aching, like nervous suffering. Pressure on the dorsum of the foot. [A^.] Tension in the heel and the tendo-Achillis (aft. 20 d.). 1245. Cramp in the sole and the tendo-Achillis of the right foot, on stretching it. Cramp in the feet (aft. 4th and nth d.). Cramp in the foot, on stretching it. Stiffness in the ankle-joint. Drawing in the ankle-joints (aft. 12 h.). \_Stf.'] 1250. Drawing pain in the ankle-joint, when sitting; accompanied with a sensation on treading with that foot, as if the leg would give way. [Fr.'] Drawing in the right foot, in the evening. Drawing pain in the bend of the right foot, extending into the big toe, where it is only felt in motion. [AV.] Tearing in the inner border of the foot, also in the morning, in bed. [AV.] Tearing on the outer part of the ankle, in the evening. [AV.] 1255. Tearing in the dorsum of the left foot. Tearing in the ball of the foot, behind the big toe. [AV.] Sudden tearing in the right heel. [A^<,' .] 600 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pain as of a sprain in the ankle-joint, when she makes a mis- step, or when the foot turns; the joint also then cracks. Pain as of a sprain in the ankle-joint when walking, or as if it was being broken. 1260. Pain in the ankle-joint, as if crushed or fatigued, on sitting after walking; it vanishes as soon as she walks again. Burning in the soles of the feet. Swelling, especially of the front part of the foot, late in the evening, with heat, a burning sensation and interior itching, as if the foot had been frozen; it also pains on external pressure, as if festering internallv. Cold feet. \Fr., Hbg.'\ Always very cold feet. 1265. Formication and itching on the heel, as if it was going to sleep; it compels scratching and then goes off. [A^.] Formication in the soles of both the feet, as if something alive w^as in them. A tingling, burning formication in the soles of the feet. The feet go to sleep, while he is sitting and lying down. [A^.] Turgidity and numbness of the heel, when treading on it. 1270. Weariness of the feet in the morning, so that he could hardly stand. [A^.] Much itching on the dorsum of the foot. Severe itching on the dorsum of the foot (aft. 16 d.). Violent tickling on the dorsum of the right foot, so that she could not scratch enough. [A^.] Great blisters on the feet, from some rubbing. 1275. Corroding blister on the heel, which gradually disappears with much itching. Ulcerated heel. In the big toe, in the posterior joint, severe, pressive pain. Tearing on the edge and on the outer side of the little toe. Violent tearing in the big toe. 1280. Violent tearing in the left big toe, toward its tip. [A^.] Burning tearing in the toes and under their nails. [A^.] Fine stitches in the big toe. A long stitch in the big toe. \_Rl.~\ Violent needle pricks in the ball of the big toe, both during motion and without. 1285. Violent burning stinging in the ball of the big toe, and under its nail. [A^.] Formicating burning on the ball of the big toe. [A^.] Pain in the big toe as if burnt. Inflammator3^ pain behind the nail of the big toe. [A^.] Pain in the big toe, as if suppurated. 1290. Formication (and stinging) in the big toes, as if thej^ would go to sleep. [A^.] Formication in the ball of the big toe. [A'^.] Tickling in the toes, as if they had been frozen. Voluptuous itching in the anterior joint of the big toe, both in motion and without. CAUSTICUM. 6oi Paron3'chia, digging burning pain beside the nail of the left big toe, with proud flesh (3d d.). 1295. In the corn of the little toe, violent stitches. Boring pain in the corn. Burning pain in the corn. Here and there in the bod}-, cramp-like pain. [^/.] Muscular twitching in one part or another of the body. 1300. A little twitching here and there in the body. Continual quivering on the right side of the body and on various other parts of the skin. Pressive pains in the arms and thighs. Drawing in the limbs, here and there. [Sf/.'] Drawing in the fingers, the soles and toes of the feet. 1305. Drawing in various parts of the body, increasing to tearing. Quickh^ passing drawing pain in the right index and the left second toe. Gouty pains in all the limbs (aft. >^ h.). Tearing in all the limbs, now in this, now in that, now more violent, then again more slight, but continual (aft. i h. and so for several days. ) Tearing, especially in the joints, and from them to the vari- ous bones of the body, also in several at the same time; the pain is not aggravated by external pressure. 1310. Tearing in various limbs of the body, worst in the joints, and from these it extends to the shafts of the long bones. \_Hi?i.'] Stinging pains in almost all parts of the body (the 1st days). A sort of stinging pain in the joints, after a cold. Transient stinging or contractive pains, now here, now there, in the body (after the cessation of the menses.) Pain as from bruising, all over the bod}^ especially in the arms, when sitting; going off when at work and in the open air (aft. 12 d.). 1315. Every part of the body which he touches, pains as if cudgeled. Bruised feeling in all the right side of the body Stiff in all the joints, so that when she does not move for a quarter of an hour, while sitting or lying still, she has difficulty in getting about again. Formication in the arms and legs, as if they would go to sleep (aft. 5 d.). [^Rl.'] The whole left side of the body feels asleep and cold. 1320. Numbness and deadness of all the soft parts on the w^hole left side of the body, also in the foot and head, as if there was no blood in the skin. The first effects seem to appear later in this antipsoric remed}' than in others. Coffee seems to aggravate the various symptoms. [A^<,'-.] The ailments seem to be aggravated while taking a walk in the open air, in the evening. [St/.'] After walking a little in the open air, the blood rose to his head and face, and there was dimnCvSS like a mist before his eves. 602 HAHNEMANX'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1325. After a slow walk in the open air, he is verj' much heated and excited. After walking, flushes of heat and discomfort (aft. 4 h.). On taking a walk in the open air, profuse sweat. After a walk, sweat on the back and the abdomen, of long continuance. While walking, sweat, with great lassitude, in the afternoon. 1330. After a short walk, lassitude, with indisposition for work (aft. 6h.). The ailments arising in the open air disappear in the room, excepting a pressive headache in the forehead, [iv-.] Greater sensitiveness to the fresh air in Ma}^ than in winter. The open air affects her strongly. [AV.] Ver3^ sensitive to cold (aft. 10 d.). 1335. A^er}' sensitive to draught; it is ver}^ disagreeable to him, and excites all his pressive pains [^/.] Great tendenc}^ to take cold after short exposure to a draught, at once chilliness all over the bod}'. Itching all over the body. \_Fr.~\ Itching all over the bod^^ at night, with dr}' heat. Itching on various parts of the bod3^ [^^.] 1340. Itching which goes off on scratching, in various parts of the body. [A^.] Itching, now here, now there, especiallj^ in the head and face. A pricking itching over the skin. A fine stinging itching, as from fleas, compelling to scratch, on the back, the shoulders, the arms, and the thighs, but especi- all}^ on the backs of the fingers. Creeping m the skin, as from ants. 1345. Whatever part she touches, burns. Itching all over the body, with redness like scarlatina and with many vesicles; the itching does not vanish from scratching. Eruptive pimples on various parts of the body, with gnaw- ing erosive itching, that burns after scratching. [T/r??.] Lumps under the skin, up to the size of a filbert, on the right side of the breast, the arm, the back, and the bend of the elbow, with stinging pain when touched, and pain as from a sore on press- ing hard (aft. 24 d.); later, even when not touched, they have a stinging pain, not increased bj' touching. Eruption, resembling chickenpox, in a suckling. 1350. Large blisters on chest and back, with oppression of the chest and a fever, which consists of chill, heat and sweat. Large, painful blisters on the left side of the chest and back; they burst open; attended with feverish heat, sweat and anxious oppression. An eruptive pimple (on the index) turns into a wart. Eruptions of the size of a pin's head, with hollow tip; without moisture, on forehead, nape, scapulae, arms, h^^pogastrium, especi- all}" on the thighs and in the houghs; the}' itch especialh' when warm, and especialh' in the warmth of the bed; when not warm. CAUSTICUM. 603 the}', being white, are hardly visible in the skin; but when scratched, they come out quickly, and when scratched open, they leave red spots of larger size; for five days (aft. 16 d.). Old, brown hepatic spots become elevated, causing an erosive itching. [Sf/.'] 1355. Lesions of the skin, already nearl}^ healed, become sore again and fester. An ulcer (on the leg) is surrounded with a red areola, which is hard and inflamed, and discharges more blood than pus; the discharge is ver}' fetid and the pain makes the nights sleepless. Much ebullition of the blood (ist d.). Even the slightest pressure by the clothes on the stomach and the hips, is troublesome and intolerable to him. Restlessness throughout the body, especially in the head, like a painless digging, for several days, at various times. 1360. Restlessness, on arising from a seat and in walking. Intolerable restlessness in the limbs, in the evening. Restlessness in the body, and oppression of the heart, when sitting; she has to rise and walk about. With restlessness in the blood and anxiety of mind, she sud- denly became so unwell and feeble, that she could neither stand nor walk; she had to lie down. Weakness and trembling in all the limbs (i8th d.). 1365. Tremulous. [7?/.] General trembling. Trembling all over the body, in the morning, on awaking. Internal sensation of trembling. Unsteadiness of the lifiibs, as in drunkenness; he staggers to and fro, and it seems to him that he reels even more than is actually the case; but without vertigo. [-Fr.~\ 1370. Languid, broken down and as if bruised all over the body, especially in the evening, as if a severe illness were impending over him. [A^.] Sensation in all the limbs, as after a great effort, on rising from his seat. Lassitude, with perspiration on walking (aft. 48 h.). Lassitude with anxiety. Very weakly, and at once exhausted by a little work. 1375. After a short walk, weariness, so that he could not drag his legs along. [^/.] Weakness in all the limbs, so that he could hardly walk, and had to leave his hands stretched out, while sitting. [//i^^iT-] Sinking of strength, like fainting. Fainting fit, after lying down in bed (aft. 12 h.). Paralytic weakness of the limbs (aft. 3 h.). 1380. Attack of twitching of the limbs, in the evening. Attack of spasms, in the morning, in bed, heat; after rising, a coolness darted into his arm; he first felt a jerk, with severe twitching in the upper part of the bod3^ in the trunk and the arms, but with undiminished consciousness, only with anxietv (aft. 13 d.). Attack of spasms: in slumber, in the evening in bed. he telt 604 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. that lie could not rightl}^ move his tongue, he raised himself scream- ing, but fell back again, stretched out his arms and legs, then he moved them, contorted his e3'es, gnashed his teeth; at the same time saliva flowed from his mouth and he was icy cold; after a quarter of an hour his consciousness returned, but with it, great anxiety; this recurred after three quarters of an hour; wdth flighty thoughts and a heavy tongue; all of this went off on drinking a mouthful of cold water. An attack: in the evening in his room, his head involuntarily turned hither and thither; he felt at the same time dizz}^ and anx- ious, his sight was dim, and he felt heat all over his body; all of this vanished when he came into the open air (aft. 29 d. ). While walking in the open air, he suddenly fell down uncon- scious, but immediatel}' rose again (aft. i h. ). 1385. Attack (of uterine spasm J: pains, now in the hj'pogastrium, then in the stomach, now" in the chest, then again in the sacrum, which compelled her to bend double; she could not straighten her- self without the most violent pains, could bear no clothes in the region of the stomach, and could not eat even things most easily digested, without getting the most violent pains in the abdomen and stomach; onl}^ warmed stones placed upon the parts gave her momentary relief; everything in her abdomen felt as if crammed full; as if it would burst open, with continual ineffectual effort to eructate (aft. some days). Attack: first, pain in the back, like drawing and bruising, which thence passed into the sacrum and the abdomen, where much flatus accumulated, with severe pains; the flatus was dis- charged later on, with leucorrhoea (ait. 25 d.). Very tired, he did not want to move a limb. [^/.] Great weariness about noon, which went off w^hen taking a walk. Weariness, in the morning in bed, as if he ought to go to sleep again; it goes off after rising. 1390. Yawning, stretching and extending the limbs, frequently [5//.] Stretching and extending the limbs, especially at night. Violent yawning, the whole evening, without sleepiness (aft. 12 h.). lStf.-\ Frequent, violent yawning, often preceded by an abrupt hic- cuping from 11 A. m. to 3 p. m. \_Br.'\ Frequent, repeated yawning, forenoon and afternoon. [A^.] 1395. Lassitude and a drowsiness that can hardly be resisted. Very sleepy and weary by day. Sleepiness, especially while sitting, but also while w^alking. i^bg.-] Unusual sleepiness, in the afternoon. [St/.'] Unusual inclination to sleep; she could sleep any hour, but sleep does not refresh her. 1400. Great sleepiness, so that he (even in company) can hardly resist it and has to lie down. [A^.] Drowsiness. \jHbg.'] CAUSTICUBI. 605 She sleeps longer than usual, and can hardly be waked up in the morning (aft. 3d.). Ver}^ sleepy in the morning (aft. 9 d.). Long morning-sleep. [^/.] 1405. He goes to sleep after dinner, and gets sleepy early in the evening (aft. 3d.), [i^/.] After dinner, contrary to his custom, he has to lie down, and sleep. [^^^.] He goes to sleep during a conversation. [-A^^.] In the evening, very tired, she has to lie down, and yet cannot go to sleep before i o'clock, from being so wide awake; her limbs were painful, as if too heavy. Late in going to sleep in the evening, on account of great heat of body. [A^.] 1410. Insomnia, at night, on account of dry heat. At night, he can get no position in which he can rest quietly, and cannot lie still for a minute. He can find no restful position; every part pains as if pressed upon. Frequent awaking from sleep, without any known cause. He sleeps till midnight, then he cannot go to sleep again, on account of pain of the whole body, as from being bruised; for three nights. 141 5. He wakes up every night at 2 o'clock and can then not go to sleep again. He wakes up every (winter) night at 4 A. m., and can then rarely go to sleep again. At night, in bed, when rising and lying down again, vertigo. The whole night, shooting headache, especially in the orbits, but not by day. At night, the mouth is open, thence dryness of the mouth. 1420. Nocturnal dryness of the mouth (aft. 12 d.). On awaking from the evening sleep, great nausea. At night, when awaking wdth clear consciousness, pressure in the stomach, which she does not feel in the morning when fulh^ awake. At night, restlessness and twitching in the abdomen, which would not let him go to sleep before midnight. At night, severe pain in the abdomen near the groin; the pains extended through the legs into the groin. 1425. At night, frequent urging to urinate, waking her from sleep. At night, dry cough, which disturbs the sleep. At night, drawing pain in the shafts of the bones of the arms, which does not permit sleep. At night, before midnight, awaking with tendency to cramp in the arm and tingling in it from going to sleep. [-^^^^.] At night, in the warmth of the bed, intolerable tearing in the upper arm. especially in the shoulder-joint. 1430. At night, she cannot move in bed, for lancinating pain in the right upper arm. 6o6 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. At night, the arms pain in the shoulder- joint and the elbow- joint, as if the}^ were asleep, causing her to avrake; the pain is worst in the morning, after awaking. At night, the side, the hip and the thigh, on which he was Ijnng, pained as if bruised, or squeezed, and he had to turn over frequenth\ At night, painful heaviness in the lower limbs; this does not allow her to sleep (aft. 3d.). At night, in bed, sense of heaviness in the legs and feet. 1435. At night, tearing in the patella, so that he cannot sleep all night. At night, cramp in the calves. At night, with uneasy sleep, general sweat. [_^^g'-^ At night, frequent awaking, with slight perspiration all over, increased while waking. \_Lg/i.^ He wakes up about 4 a. m., with profuse sweat all over the the bodv, without thirst, and twentv-four hours later, in the same way. [Br.] 1440. At night, she had to keep turning, and in the morning there was a light perspiration. At night, on awaking from sleep, ever}^ time a shudder. [Lg'/i.'} At midnight, violent internal chill, especiall}^ in the arms and legs, with cutting pain in the back, then a general sweat, with tingling and heaviness in the head; he had to sta}' abed till noon (aft. 29 d.). Toward morning, a chill in sleep. Restlessness, at night in bed, with violent, ver}' anxious weep- ing and indistinct speech. 1445. In the evening, before going to sleep, anguish; the boy could not go to sleep, because he had always to think about things caus- ing fear; he could onh' with difficulty be induced to go to bed in the evening. Every night, ver}^ restless; when she had slept a short time, she was waked up by great anguish and restlessness, which hardly allowed her to remain in one position for ten minutes; then she had to sit up, she tossed her head involuntarih' from one side to the other, until being fatigued, she went to sleep again (aft. 12 d.). At night, anguish and restlessness, which do not allow him to sleep (aft. 20 d.). At night, in sleep, he makes many motions with his arms and legs. She sleeps verj^ uneasily for sixteen nights, and she weeps at times in her sleep. 1450. Loud laughing in sleep. [A^.] He laughs aloud in his dream. He talks after midnight, moaning in his sleep: " Come here! Come here ! ' ' and breathed then so lightly that his breath could not be heard. At first, merrA' dreams, then confused historical ones (ist d.). Many dreams at night. CAUSTICUM. 607 1455. Many confused dreams. Lascivious dreams, with emission of semen. [A^^.] Vexatious dreams. Vexatious dreams, well remembered (aft. 5 d.). [^/.] Dreams full of quarrels, with restless sleep (ist night). \_Lg-/i.^ 1460. Sad dreams of deceased acquaintances. [A^.] Anxious dreams. Frightful dream, from which she cannot, after awaking, recover herself for anxiety, and cannot go to sleep again (21st d.). In sleep, she is often startled and screams. Frightened starting on going to sleep. 1465. Repeated starting up from fright (4th and 5th night). Frequent starting from sleep (ist night). \^Lg-/i.'] Frequent, frightened starting up from sleep (aft. 3d and i2th d.). In the morning, on awaking, anxiety. In the morning, on rivSing, she is not cheerful, but fatigued; she has to sit down to dress herself; after some time she cheers up again. 1470. Chilliness in the open air, after dinner. [A^.] Painful coldness of the hand and of the sole of the foot. Coldness of the hands and feet. [iTr.] Coldness of the whole left side of the body. Often internal coldness, with cold hands and feet. 1475. Shaking chill in the whole right side of the body. Sensation as if a cold wind blew between the scapulae, on the middle of the spine, which part remained cold, even by the warm stove. Sensation as if cold water ran down from the right clavicle over the chest to the toes, along a narrow strip. [A^.] Chill over the whole body in the open air, which is not cold. Much internal chill every day (ist week). 1480. Chill in different parts of the body. [Fr.] Febrile rigor, at times with goose-skin, even in the warm room; or in the open air, and then going off in the room. [A^.] Chilliness and yawning. [A^.] Continual shaking chill on the back. \_Lo'/i.'] Frequent shivering, now in this arm, now in that leg, then all over the body. 1485. Quick shudder from the face over the chest down to the knees. [/^^.] Shivering from the face down the back, even to the knees. \_Fr.-\ Single fits of shaking chills in the back, extending almost all over the abdomen, without heat either afterwards or with it. Shaking chill over the whole body, without thirst and with- out subsequent heat. [^Lg/i.'] Shudder in the whole body, as often as he puts down his left hand, after exercise. [AV.] 1490. Shivering, with goose-skin all day, as often as she goes into the open air. [A^^.] 6o8 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sensation as if a shudder ran from the right temple through the forehead, where there is throbbing. [A^.] Shivering, with goose-skin and urging to stool, which is very soft, and accompanied b}^ painful colic; then a general chill, with external coldness, which soon goes off in the room, where an internal feeling of warmth in the head is then experienced. [A^.] At 4 p. M., first, a chill, with shivering in the legs up into the back, with lassitude for three hours; then sweat without heat and without thirst. He feels feverish, now chilliness, then heat in the face. 1495. Febrile rigor, lasting one hour, then heat in the forehead. Chill, the first half of the night, then heat, and toward morn- ing, a moist skin; only then some rest and sleep (aft. 3 d. ). He is always either chill}^ or in a sweat. Every evening, heat for two hours, from 6 o'clock ownward (aft. 7 w.). Heat over the w^hole body, without sweat and without thirst, then a gradual coolness, with vawning and stretching of the arms. 1500. Frequent attacks of sweat all over the body. [A^.] In the morning, he la}^ in a sweat. Night-s^veat, tw^o nights in succession (aft. 36 h.). Night-sweat, several nights in succession (aft. 11 d.). Sour-smelling night-sw^eat, all over (aft. 26 d.). 1505. Night-sweat. [A^.] CLEMATIS ERECTA. VIRGIN'S BOWER/ This perennial herb grows in hedges and b}^ fences on hilly heights. It is gathered shortly before its time of blossoming, and the acrid juice is pressed out from its leaves. After being homoeopathic- ally prepared, it is used in its various degrees of potentized attenua- tion in small doses, to cure many ailments arising from the mercurial malady, complicated with psora. It has thus been found useful in severe eruptions on the head and the skin, in particular urinarj^ troubles, stricture of the urethra, and peculiar varieties of very troublesome inflammations of the eyes. Medical Counselor Stapf has found this medicine serviceable in inflammations of the testes and indurated testicular swellings after badly treated gonorrhoea. In earlier times A. von Stoerk^^ has praised its virtues from experi- ence,, even in cancerous ulcers of the lips and the breasts, in spongy "^ Libellus de Flammula Joins, Viennae, 1769, and in German: Leipzig, 1778. 1 All these names, save Foissac's belong to a pathogenesis of Clematis, published (without information) in Vol. VII. of the Archiv (1828). Foissac's symptoms and those cited from Stoerk are the only additions made Yiere.— Hughes. CI.KMATIS KRECTA. 609 excrescences, tophi, inveterate cutaneous eruptions, in especial kinds of long-continued headache and in melancholies. Frequent smelling of camphor moderates its excessive action and the toothache caused by it is said to find its antidote in Bryonia. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-provers are: Fr.^ Dr. Franz; Gtji., dentist Gutmann; Fr. H., Dr. Friedrich Hahne- mann; Lgh., Dr. Lang hammer; St/., Dr. Stapf; Fc, Dr. Foissac in Paris/ CLEMATIS ERECTA. lyOSt in sad thoughts, and in apprehensions of impending mis- fortunes. \Lgh?^ Sullen, without cause, and out of humor. \Gt7i^ Peevish, taciturn, he wishes that he need not go out at all. \Gtn:\ Indispositon to talk, which it goes off in the evening. \Lgh^ 5. Indifferent, quiet, almost without any thought. [A'r.] He stares before him. \Gtn.'\ Obtuseness and gloominess of the head, in the frontal region, with tendency to vertigo. Gloomy and heavy in the head, at once in the morning, on rising. \Gtn.'\ Pressive, tensive headache in the anterior part of the brain, more violent when walking than when sitting; with heaviness of the head (aft. 7 >^ h.). {Gtn^, 10. Pressive, tensive headache in all the right side of head, more in the bones than in the brain. \Gtn?^ Drawing headache, with some pressure, in the sides of the crown. \Fr^ Drawing pain in the forehead, on the left side (aft. 2 h.). \Lgh:\ _ Boring pain in the left temple. \Lgh?^ Digging, pressive headache in the right half of the brain, in walking. \Gbi^ 15. Shocks in the brain, outward and from behind forward. \_Gtn:\ Hammering in the head, in the evening, when lying down. {_Fr. H.-] In the skin of the forehead, on the left side, a burning, cut- ting pain, most violent, when the skin is drawn smooth. \_Gtn.'] Painful, eruptive pimples on the forehead. [/)'.] Pain in the eyes, a pressure on the middle of the left eyeball. [A-n] 20. Stitches in the inner canthus. Stinging pain in the inner canthus of the left e3^e, as from a sharp and pointed body, for several minutes (aft. 13 h.). [Gt)i.'] Smarting in the eyes, worse when he closed them; when he 1 The symptoms marked Kr. were observed by Dr. Krcischmar cfr. GRArniTES. Transl. 40 6lO HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Opened them again, after having closed them, they were very sensi- tive to the Hght. [/>.] Smarting- pain in the eyes, especially on the edge of the lids. Smarting in the eyes, almost as if sore, with redness of the veins there and lachr^^mation ; on closing the e^'CS, the smarting became more violent, and the eyes were so sensitive to the air, that he did not again dare to open them; everj^thing became black before them. [5//".] 25. Burning pain in the upper lid of the right eye. \_Gt?i.'] Burning pain in the inner canthus of the left eye. \_Gt71.'] Inflammation of the white of the eye, and lachrymation. \_Fr.'] Inflammation of the inner canthi, and the eves look wear}^ lGt7l.'] Otalgia, flne pecking stitches in the inside of the right ear. \_Gt?i.'\ 30. Burning pain in the external left ear. \_Gt?i.'] Ringing of bells before the ears. \_Gt7i^ In the face, burning pain on the skin of the left cheek. \_Gt71.'] Little eruptive pimples on the forehead (aft. 5 h.). [Lgh.'] . Many little pimples, especiall}^ on the forehead, they come on with a fine stinging, and are somewhat painful to the touch. [A"r.] 35. Little pimples, painless in themselves, above the eyebrows, or the root of the nose, on the chin, on the tip of the nose; they contain pus, and are somewhat painful when touched. [AV.] Through the lower lip on the left side, a burning cutting stitch, as if it was being cut through (aft. 5 h.). \_Gt71.'] An itching blister on the lower lip, just below the red part; water oozed from it, and then it became covered with a tough skin (aft. 3d.). [Fr. H.'] In the upper jaw, on the left side, drawing stitches, upward, synchronous with the pulse. \_-Kr.'] On the upper lip, painful eruptive pimples. \_F7\'] 40. The submaxillary glands are swollen, with hard nodules, which throb and are tense as if the\' would suppurate, are painful to the touch, and excite toothache. [A'"r.] Toothache in the last hollow molar, which ached, together with the upper teeth, even when the}" were painless; much aggra- vated b}^ bread getting into it. [A^r.] Toothache, bearable by day, but in a horizontal position in bed, it is increased even to desperation, and not to be relieved by an}" change of position or direction, but onl}^ gradually b}" lying still. [Kr.'\ Toothache, violent even to despair, with tossing in bed, weak- ness of the limbs and anxious sweat; it cannot bear uncovering; the whole night. [A>.] Toothache spreads over the whole temporal region, even to the crown. [A'r.] 45. Toothache makes him incapable of an}^ work, and most of all incapable of thinking. [A>.] Dull pain in a hollow tooth, onl}" transiently appeased by cold water, also relieved by sucking out the air, when there was a stitch, as if something in the tooth was being lifted up. [A>.] CLEMATIS KRECTA. 6ll A stitch in the tooth and upward from, this, in all the left side of the face, a drawing twitching pain, synchronous with the pulse, with jerking straining in the ear, and painfulness of the eye, when moving. [A>. ] Twitching shooting in the tooth, which passes as a drawing twitching over the cheekbone even into the ear, where there is a straining pain, and the eye, which is much affected, pains, and can bear neither motion nor light, with painfulness of the eyeball when touched. [Ar.] Twitching, stinging, drawing toothache in the left side of the upper jaw, now in one, then in another undefined tooth of the whole row. [A>.] 50. Twitching drawing toothache, by day, increased by smoking tobacco and only relieved for a few minutes by firmly pressing a cloth upon it. [A>.] The hollow tooth seems longer, and pains at the least touch; while much water runs from the mouth. [A>.] The gums of the left lower molars are painful as if sore, most violently while eating. lG^?i.~\ In the root of the tongue, obtuse, boring stitches. \_Gf?i.'] Dry tongue, in the morning on awaking. [AV.] 55. The saliva spit out, is mixed with blood. lGf?i.~\ Ivong-continued satiety; he could, indeed, eat at meals, and had a relish for food; but he felt at once that it was too much for him, and that he had still no need of food. \_Htm.'] After eating, nausea during the smoking of tobacco. \_Lgh.'] After smoking tobacco, nausea, which caused a sensation of weakness in the lower limbs, so that they seemed to stagger, and he had to lie down. [:Fr.'] Thrice in succession, eructation (at once). [A>.] 60. The hepatic region is painful, when touched and in stooping, as if bruised, for about two weeks. [AV.] In the right side of the gastric and renal region, a contractive cutting pain, when walking. [Fr.'\ Grumbling in the abdomen, as from emptiness (aft. i h.). In the abdominal ring, on the right side, a pain pressing out- ward, as if a hernia were being forced out or protruded alread}'. In the inguinal gland, a twitching pain. 65. Swelling of the inguinal gland (bubo), [x\nton v. Stoerk, Vom Br 67171- Kj^aute, I^eipzig, 1787.^] Frequent stool, which became thinner and thinner, without colic (aft. 3d.). \Gt7i:\ Urging to urinate, painless. \_Lgh.'\ Long-continued contraction and constriction of the urethra; the urine can only pass in drops, as in a spasmodic stricture. He cannot pass the urine at one time; it was frequently inter- rupted in its stream before it was all discharged, then the rest kept dripping out involuntarily, and while the urine was interrupted, he felt, by jerks, a burning and tearing in the anterior part of the urethra. [///;;?.] 1 Symptoms appearing in patients taking the drug. In a syphilitic subject.— //■//^7/t'jr. 6l2 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 70. Repeated urination, but little at a time. \_Lg/i.~\ Involuntary flow of urine. [Stoerk, 1. c] Urine reddish, discharged copiously and without pain (aft. 5 or 6 h.). [mm.'] He urinates puriform matter. [Stoerk, 1. c.^] When commencing to urinate, the smarting is worse; during urination, there are stitches out through the urethra, and after- wards it continues to burn and smart; while not urinating, there is tearing in the anterior part of the penis. 75. During micturition, painful drawing in the spermatic cord, extending up into the abdomen (aft. 24 h. and on 6th d.). During micturition, shooting from the abdominal cavity up into the chest, more violent on inspiration. \_Gtn.'] The urethra pains w^hen touched. The testicle pains when touched, as if bruised, with drawing and sti etching in the inguinal region, the left thigh and the scro- tum, which, when touched and in walking, pains as if squeezed. [Ht77t,'] Pain, drawing upward in the testicles and the spermatic cord. 80. Swelling of both testes. Testicular swelling. \_Stf.'] Painful sensitiveness of the testes (3d d.). \_Fc.'\ Swelling of the right half of the scrotum, which became thickened and descended, with the testes, low down; for twenty- four hours. \_Ht7n.'] Excitation of the sexual instinct (ist, 2d d.). [Fc] 85. lyoathing of sexu?.l intercourse by day, even during the erec- tions, as if he had abundantly satisfied his sexual instinct. \_Htin.'\ Involuntary erections, by day. [Htm.] Violent erections, lasting for several hours, with stitches in the urethra (3d d.). \Fc^ Violent drawing pain in the left spermatic cord (3d d.). {Fc] Pollution in the night, after taking the drug, and next day, another during the noon siesta. 90. During the emission of semen in coitus, burning pain in the caput gallinaginis in the urethra. Menses, eight days too soon, and more copious than formerly. Sneezing in the morning (aft 28 h.). \Lgh?^ Severe fluent coryza, during which a watery fluid sometimes rushed from his nose quite involuntarily. \Fr^ Tussiculation, during his customary smoke. \Lgh^ 95. In the whole thoracic cavity, constant pressive pain, without reference to respiration (aft. 10 h.). \Gtn7\ Obtuse stitches in the chest, somewhat more violent during inspiration and expiration. {GtTi.] Obtuse stitches in the right side of the chest, constant during inspiration and expiration. \Gt7i?^ Obtusely shooting shocks, in all the left side of the chest and abdomen, so that he had to cry out aloud (aft. 15 d.). \Gtn^ 1 In a case of gonorrhoeal rheumatism. As this appeared, the arthritis departed. — Hughes. CLEMATIS ERECTA. 613 Sharp stitches in the cardiac region, from within outward. [A-n] loo. Externally on the chest, above the heart, tearing pain. [^Gfn.^ An indurated gland below the nipple; it is painful when touched. On the upper arm, a pressive pain (aft. 48 h. ). In the bend of the elbow, pressive pain on stretching out the upper arm. In the left fore-arm, violent drawing stitches, in all positions of the limbs (aft. i^ h-)- f^<^/2-] 105. In the wrist, while taking a walk, sharp, violently drawing, shooting pains (aft. 11 h.). [^^Z^.] Fine, stinging pain in the whole surface of the hands (moist- ened with the juice), as soon as they are moistened with water and washed. In the right thumb, a drawing tearing, both when at rest and in motion (aft. 9 h.). [Lg-k,^ Pain in the hips, for three days (3d d.). [/^r.] About the loins, an eruption of large pustules, very painful when touched. no. Dull stitches in the right loin, only when not breathing. In the right thigh, drawing and stretching, which sometimes extend, in painful drawing, up close to the male organ (aft. 8 h.). [mm.] Tearing pain in the right thigh, when sitting and lying down. [Fr. 77.] A furuncle on the thigh. In the knee, transient tearing. 115 After walking, there is a drawing in the knee and thigh, like tearing, but not felt in the joint. The legs are heavy and tired, for two days. [7r. //",] Obtuse stitches in the left calf, in sitting. [Lg-k.^ In the foot, on which there is an ulcer, drawing and tension, when walking. Constant aching on the ball of the right heel, as if it had be- come turgid by jumping (aft. 6 h.). [Lgk.'] 120. Crawling, anteriorly in the sole of the right foot, as from going to sleep. [Ar.] On the toes, after lying down, violent itching, exciting to scratching, and between the toes, sweat. {Lgh.'l Violent pain, as from soreness, in the left big toe, toward the inner side, most violent when resting (aft. 8 h.). \Lgh^ Muscular twitching, in almost all the fleshy parts of the bod v. [A-n] Lively, sensible pulsation through the whole body, especially ii; the heart. [AV.] 125. Great desire for the open air. {^Htm^ Burning pain, or feeling of heat, in several parts of the body, without redness. [A^r.] Pustules, like itch, all over the body. [Stoerk, 1. c.^] iln subject of symptom d^.—Hughes. 6l4 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. In the wound, in the evening, after going to sleep, pulsating, shooting shocks; also at 3 a. m. In the ulcers, a crawling and throbbing, stinging on their edges, when touched. 130. Throbbing pain in the ulcer, in the morning. Burning pains in the ulcers. [Stoerk, 1. c.^] Sensation in the body, in the morning, as after a pollution, or as if this had been suppressed. [A>.] Resounding throbbing through the whole body, after lying down, especially on the (right) side on which he lay. [AV.] Weariness in all the limbs, the knees have no steadiness, and give w^ay easily; after a walk (aft. 3 h.). [AV.] 135. Weariness and sleepiness after a meal, so that he had to lie down, with violent beating of the arteries; when he was awakened, he could not rouse himself, and fell down again into slumber. Constant sleepiness and indisposition to work (aft. 4 h.). Sleepiness and yawning, when sitting (aft. 3 h.): \Lgh^ In the evening, he cannot (according to his custom) go to sleep soon. [A>.] Though his eyes closed continually and he was very tired, he could not fall asleep all night; he felt internally as if there was a dr}^ heat. 140. Uneasy sleep at night, with tossing about, turning over the coverlet, and dreams, which he could well remember in the morn- ing. [/>.] In the morning, on awaking, he does not feel strengthened; he perspires somewhat, and only now, he wishes to sleep; at the same time, he cannot bear to be uncovered, owing to a disagree- able sensation of coldness. [AV.] In the morning, on awaking, drowsiness and weariness; he would like to rise, but feels too much fatigued. \Fr.'\ Dreams of many kinds interrupt his sleep, and make it rest- less. [A^/z.] Uneasy dreams at night. 145. Vivid, at times anxious, dreams. [AV.] Anxious dreams at night, e. g., of conflagrations. [Htm.'] Dream, that he was innocently arrested on account of a crime of which he was accused. \_Stf.'\ Vivid, in part voluptuous, dreams. [Lgh.'] Shivering all over, when slightl}^ uncovered, while the air is warm. \_Lgh.'] 150. Profuse night sweat. [Stoerk, 1. c] 1 In a putrid and fungous ulcer, prior to its improvement to a simple and clean one. — Hjtghes. COI.OCYNTHIS. 6 15 COLOCYNTHIS. BITTER CUCUMBER. When preparing the medicine from the colocynthis, it is best to fake a grain of the dried fruit of this cucumber-Hke plant (Cucumis colocynthis) and triturate it with sugar of milk for three hours, in the manner indicated at the end of volume I. , so as to get the mil- lionth potency; this is then dissolved and brought to the decillionth potency, so that we can use it in all its various grades of dynamiza- tion according to the nature of the circumstances of the disease. When well prepared it is of enormous virtue even in the smallest dose. Camphor, causticum, crude coffee and staphisagria are used as antidotes of the bitter cucumber. It has proved itself especially efficacious in the following ailments: Anxiety; lack of religious feeling; porrigo in the face; toothache; stomachache, also after eating; violent colics, especially after vexa- tion; grumbling in the abdomen; inguinal hernia; long- continued diarrhoea; pain as from a bruise in the shoulder- j oint after vexation; ill consequences and troubles springing from indignation and embitter- ment, or hiternal, gnawing mortification over the unworthy treatment of himself or of other persons who excited his pity; e. g., cramp in the calves and the intestines; cramp-colic, bilious colic, bilious fever, insomnia, etc.; pains in the hips, where the hip-joint feels as if it were fastened to the pelvis and sacral region as if with iron clasps, attended with pains darting down periodically from the lumbar mus- cles into the thigh. The chief characteristic of colocynthis is the excitation of cramp- pains in the internal and external parts, i. e., tonic spasms, with squeezing pressive pains, and then staphisagria is the antidote. Also the drinking of coffee and camphor antidote its injurious action. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-provers are: Aeg.^ Dr. Aegidi; Fr. H., Dr. Friedrich Hah7ie?na?in; Hbg., Hornburg; Gtm., Gutma7i7i; Lgh., Dr. Laughamnier; Stf., Medical Counsellor, Dr. Stapf; Rt., Dr. L. Rueckert. COLOCYNTHIS. Dejected, joyless, indisposed to talk. \Gtni7\ Indisposed to .speak, the whole day. \Lgh.'\ Moroseness; he takes everj^thing ill, and is unwilling to an- swer. \R-t.'\ The proving of Colocynthis appears in the Materia Mi'dica Pura, and 250 of the 2S3 symptoms recorded here belong thereto. The remainder are Atnufi's (from a patient, see note to Sympt. 144,) and Hahnemann's in his later manner. — Hug/us. 6l6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Kxtreme peevishness; everything is amiss; he is extremely impatient; every word he has to answer, vexes him, and embar- rasses him painfully; everything vexes him, even things the most harmless. 5. Uncomfortable; he wishes and desires many things, [i?^.] Great anguish. [Hoyer in Misc. N. C. Dec. III., ann. 7, 8. Breslauer Samvilungen, 1727, p. 48.^] Obtuseness of the head, especially of the sinciput. \Gtm?^ Obtuseness and gloominess of the head. [Ai^ibert in Med. Nat. Zeit., 1799.^] Gloom^^ and muddled in the head, as after a nocturnal drink- ing-bout. {Hbg.'\ 10. Stupidit3^ and vertigo in the head, at the commencement of the colic. \_Fr. //".] Vertigo, on quickly turning the head, as if originating in the left temple, as if he should fall, with giving way in the knees. \_stf.-\ Headache, very violent, as if from a draught, going off on taking a walk. \Lgh.\ Pressive impacts in the head, single, slight, now here, now there. [7?/.] Pressive headache along the sagittal suture, more violent when moving and shaking the head, and when stooping. \Stf^ 15. A pressive squeezing headache in the sinciput, most violent in stooping and when lying on the back, for six hours. \_Gtm:\ Pressive, cramp-pain in the upper part of the brain. \_Gtm^ Pressive, drawing pain in the left side of the forehead. \Gtm^ Drawing, semi-lateral headache (aft. i^ h.). \Hbg^ Tearing headache in the whole of the brain, which in the forehead becomes pressive, as if it would press out the forehead, more violent on moving the eyelids. \Gtm.'\ 20. Boring stitches in the right temple, going off when touched. \Lgh.-\ Painful pressive burrowing in the left temple. \Gtm^ Painful tearing burrowing through the whole of the brain, aggravated by moving the upper eyelids to an unbearable degree (aft. 7h.). {_Aeg.-\ Externally on the forehead, a dull lancinating pain, in the morning on rising (aft. ^ h.). \Lgh^ Burning pain in the skin of the forehead, above the eyebrows. {Gtm.'\ 25. Smarting burning on the left side of the hairy scalp. \Gtm^ The roots of the hairs are painful. Pain in the eyes; a sharp cutting in the right eyeball. \GtmP^ Burning cutting in the right lower eyelid, when resting. \Gtm?^ Stitches as from knives, in the right eyeball, over into the root of the nose. \Aeg^ 30. Bxcoriative pain in the eyelids. iNote to Hoyei\ "From decoction^ and to reference add O. 17S. To Bresl. Samml. note : "Nothing about' Colocy nth is found here." — Hughes. 2 Not accessible. — Hughes. COLOCYNTHIS. 617 Burning sensation in the right upper eyeUd (aft. 34 h.). Burning pain in the whole of the right eyeball. {^Gfm.'] Pricking burning pain in the right inner canthus. \_Gtm.~\ Smarting burning pain under the upper eyelid. 35. Violent itching in the right e3^eball, compelling rubbing. IG/77Z.] Obscuration of vision. [Orfila, Toxicologie I., 567.^] Sparks before the eyes. [Schnkidkr in Ayinal. d. Heilk., April, 181 1.'] Otalgia in the right ear, not going off on inserting the finger. \Gtm.'\ Pressure behind the left ear. \Hbg^ 40. Painful drawing behind the left ear, long continuing. \_Hbg.'\ Crawling in the internal ear, going off on inserting the finger. \Gtm?^ Itching shooting deep in the ear, extending from the eustach- ian tube to the membrana tympana, and going off on introducing the finger (aft. i>^ h.). \Stf?^ Cutting, shooting pain in the lower cavity of the right auricle, going off on inserting the finger. \Gtm^ Hardness of hearing. [Orfii^aI., 567.] 45. In the nose, throbbing and digging pain, from the left side into the root. \jGtm^ Violent itching in the left nostril, inciting to scratch, in the evening, with an irritation as from coryza (aft. 15 h.). \Lgh^ The muscles of the face are relaxed and pale, and the e3^es look sunken. \_Gtm?^ Tearing and tension on the left side of the face, extending into the ear and the head. Digging burning pain in the cheek, more when at rest than in motion. \Gt7n^ 50. An eruptive pimple on the left cheek, which when touched pains and smarts, and after scratching exudes a watery moisture (aft. 414 h.); \.Lgh.-\ White pimples in the face, chiefly between the eye and ear, on the forehead and on the chin, with some twitching, per se, and with smarting pain when touched (aft. 4 h.). l_Lg/i.'] In the corner of the mouth on the right side, burning pain. [Gtm.] Pustule on the left corner of the mouth (aft. 2 h.). ILg/i.l In the muscles of the chin, quivering, only when the parts are at rest. [G^m.^ 55. The teeth of the lower row ache as if the ner\'e was jerked and stretched. \Hbg.'\ Shooting, throbbing pain in the right lower molars, as if struck with a metal wire. \Stf.'\ Painful looseness of one of the lower incisors. In the mouth, on the right cheek and on the side of the tongue, a smarting pain. \Gtin^ ^ From the apples taken for chronic gonorrhoea. — Hughes. '-From colocynth given in apoplex3\ — Hughes. 6l8 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. White tongue, with feeHng of roughness upon it, as from too much smoking of tobacco. [LghJ] 60. Rough tongue, as if sand had been strewn on it (aft. 36 h.). [_Fr. H.'\ On the palate, a scrapy feeling, also outside of coughing. [5//.]. Fine stitches in the throat, as from the awn of an ear of wheat, on the upper part of the velum pendulum palati. Fine smarting stitches in the fauces, not observed in degluti- tion. [Gtm.'] Saliva in the mouth, tasteless as water. 65. Metallic, astringent taste on the upper part of the tip of the tongue. [_Stf.'] Loathsome, putrid taste, more so in the fauces than in the mouth. \_Gtm.'] Bitterness in the mouth for four hours (at once). \_Fr. I/.~\ Bitter taste in the mouth after drinking beer. Lack of appetite. [Ai^ibert, 1. c] 70. Diminished appetite, though the food tastes properly. \_Fr. HJ] Feeling of thirst in the fauces. \_Rt.^ Violent thirst. [Hoffmann, 1. c, Bresl. Samml., 1. c.^] Much appetite for drinking, without thirst; the mouth is al- ways watery, the liquid drunk tastes very good, but immediately after every drink a fiat taste comes into the mouth. Empty eructation. [Hbg.'] 75. Empty eructation, causing palpitation of the heart and cramp in the fauces, and provokes a constant tendency to retching and vomiting. \_Aeg.'] Belching up of a bilious fluid. Frequent hiccup (aft. i}(h.). [Lgh.'] Nausea. [Schneider, 1. c] Nausea for two hours (at once). \^Fr. H.^ 80. Nausea for six hours, till going to sleep at night; recurring in the morning on awaking. \^Fr. HJ] Nausea for eight hours (aft. 5 min.). \_Fr. H.'\ Vomiting, very frequent. [Hoffmann, Ephem. N. Cent. X., obs. 30.] Vomiting twice, only of the food, without bad taste or nausea (aft. 10 m.). [Fr. H.'\ In the stomach, a pressure as from a stone. [Hbg.'] 85. Pressive stomachache. Violent stomachache, precordial pressure (at once). [Hoff- mann, 1. c] Sensation of pressure in the gastric region, especially after eating, with sensation of hunger, not relieved by repeated eating, every day. \Rt.'\ Colic of the most violent kind. [Hoffmann, 1. c] Indescribable colic. [Stai^paart van der Wiel, Cent. I., obs. 41.^] 1 After "Hoffmann" for 1. c. substitute '' Eph. Nat. Cur. Cent. X., O. 30, and note : " Poisoning by a whole apple."— //^z/^/zf^. 2 Case of -poisoni-n.^.— Hughes. COLOCYNTHIS. 619 90. Excessive pain in the abdomen on a small spot below the navel, which after the night -sweat spreads through the whole ab- domen, [/v'. H.'] Violent bell3^ache, alleviated by smoking tobacco, but leaving behind a long-continued sensation, as if he had taken cold. [Fr. H.-\ Pain in the abdomen, as from catching cold, or from a variety of articles of incongruous food eaten together. \Hbg ] Colic, with restlessness of the whole body, while through both cheeks runs a shudder, ascending from the abdomen and dis- appearing at once after a more severe pain. \Hbg.'\ Constant beltyache through all the intestines; this is composed of pain as from a bruise and from pressure. 95. Pressure in the bowels, which sometimes seems to come from emptiness, but is rather increased by eating, especially while bending forw^ard when sitting, for six days in succession, particu- larly in the evening. \_Rt^ Pressure in the abdomen, as from fullness. \Hbg.'\ Great distension of the abdomen from time to time. Dull, tensive pain in the abdomen, going off by pressure. \Gt7n.'\ Distension of the abdomen, with passage of flatus and colicky pain of the abdomen. \_Stf.'\ 100. Colic. [TuLPius, obs. lib. 4, Cap. 25, Alibert, 1. c '] Cramp-like bellyache, so that he can neither sit still, nor lie, nor walk; with ineffectual urging and tenesmus to stool after eat- ing. {Hbg^^ Squeezing in the abdomen, as if the bowels were squeezed be- tween stones, and threatened to gush out, sometimes with a rush of blood to the head and face, with a breaking out of sweat on those parts; at the abatement of the pains, these parts felt as if blown upon by a cool breeze. \Hbg.'\ Squeezing bellyache, as if the bowels were pressed in, with cutting toward the os pubis, with such violence below the navel that it distorted the facial muscles and closed the eyes; this pain was only allayed by pressing on the abdomen with the hand, and by the drawing in of the abdomen. \Hbg7^ Forcing together the abdominal intestines round about the region of the os pubis. 105. Constriction of the abdominal intestines, increasing in inten- sity every ten to twenty minutes, which goes off by a strong counter-pressure with the hands. \Hbg.~\ Grasping in the bowels, as if the whole abdomen was griped together violently; he could neither lie down nor sit, and could only walk when bent double; the pains were not diminished b}^ lying still, but by rapid motion or rolling around. \Hbg^ Grasping and pinching in the abdomen (aft. 21 h.). \_HbgP\ Pinching pains in the abdomen, which terminated above the mons veneris. \Hbg^ Pinching bellyache, without stool (aft. 34 h.). [(7/w.] no. Cutting pains in the abdomen. [Bj^eslaiie?' Samnil., 1. c] 1 Case of poisoning. — Hughes. 620 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Cutting in the abdomen, with grumbhng and creaking. Constant cutting in the h3'pogastrium, so that he had to walk bent fonvard, at the same time lassitude in the whole bod}^, mak- ing walking a trouble, with dread of the work before him. {Gtvi?^ Cutting in the epigastrium, quickly passing off. \Rt7\ Periodical attacks of fearful cutting in the abdomen, starting from the left renal region and spasmodicall}' drawing the thigh toward the stomach, so that she had to bend double as far as pos- sible. {Aegyi 115. Pressive cutting in the epigastrium, as from flatus, during inspiration \Rt.'\ Sore cutting in the hypogastrium, which commenced when walking and increased in violence with every step (aft. 5 d.). \_Rt:\ Stitches under the last ribs. \_Rt^ Shooting pain in a small spot of the umbilical region, which compels him to bend double, and is most aggravated by lifting anything (aft. ^ h.). {Fr. 77.] Boring pain in the left iliac region, close to the bones of the pelvis. \_Gtm^ 120. Digging, tearing pain in the umbilical region, more violent during expiration and when laughing aloud. {Gbn^ Pain as from a bruising in the hypogastrial intestines, felt most while walking and while sitting bent forward. Movement in the abdomen, as if he were still fasting in the afternoon (aft. 8 h.). {LgliX Emptiness in the abdomen, as if there was nothing in it. \.Hbg:\ Emptiness in the abdomen, as after a severe diarrhoea. \Stf.'\ 125. Constant pressure in the region of the os pubis (aft. 8 and 10 Tensive pain in the right inguinal region, more violent on pressure. \_Gtm^ In the inguinal region, pain as if a hernia was being forced out, and on pressure pain as if a hernia was being reduced, for half an hour in the afternoon, and recurring the next day at the same hour. Forcing from both sides of the hypogastrium toward the mid- dle of the pubic region, like flatus which will not pass off, excit- ing to seminal emission. Very severe cuts and stitches in the intestines, from flatus w^hich will not pass off; these even wakes person up at night. 130. Continual grumbling and croaking in the stomach, sounds as from frogs. Obstructed flatus which remains behind. \Hbg^^ Abortive efforts to pass flatus; later on a violent discharge of flatus. \Hbg^^ Frequent noisy discharge of flatus. \^Lgh?\ 1 This occurred twelve hours after a drop of Colocj'nth 3, in a patient already suffering several times a daj^ from agonizing pain proceeding from the left kidney down' the corre- sponding limb. Symptoms 22, 29, and 75 came on at the same time. {^Archiv. VII., 3, 109.] — Hzighes. COI.OCYNTHIS. 62 1 All the abdominal pains from colocynth passed away on drink- ing a cup of coffee, but he then had to go to stool at once. [_^^g.^ 135. After eating a single potato, violent pain in the abdomen, and hurried stool. [Fr. 7/.] Frequent urgent calls to stool, with sensation at the anus and in the lower part of the rectum as if these parts were weakened and had lost their tone by long continued diarrhoea. [Z/^^.] He had to keep back the stool by a great effort, in order that it should not be evacuated before reaching the night-chair. [^<^^.] Violent urging to stool, which was copious, yellowish-brown, semi- liquid, as from a purgative, and of sourish, putrid smell; after this there was a temporary disappearance of the abdominal pains. \_^l^£'.^ But little faeces discharged, tough and mucous. [^<^^.] 140. Hard stool, with little straining (aft. 48 h.). [6^/;^.] Very hard stool, going off in Jumps (aft. 5 and 6 d.) (after- effect?) [J^t.] Diarrhoea, day and night, with nausea, without being able to vomit. \_Fr. I/.^ Diarrhoea, fifteen stools in eighteen hours, which causes the colic to be gradually relieved. [Fr. H.'] Greenish-5^ellow diarrhoeic stools, with sensation as if he had taken cold. [Fr. 7/.] 145. Thin, foamy stool, yellow as tuemeric, of mouldy smell, almost as of burnt gray blotting-paper (aft. 12 h.). \_H'bg.'^ Stools first watery mucous, then bilious, and at last bloody. [Hoffmann, 1. c] Bloody stools. [Hoykr, 1. c, Bresl. SaminL, 1. c] Dysentery. [Zacut. 'hvsiTKNiJJS in Pharm., 208.^] Flow of blood from the anus. [TuIvPius, 1. c] 150. Flow of blood from the anus several hours after death. [SCHENK, obs. lib., 7.^] Fatal dysentery. [P1.AT., obs. liber 3, p. 858.^] In the anus, a violent jerking stitch, outside of time for stool. Violently itching stitch in the rectum and anus (aft. i h.). Pain at the lower part of the rectum from swollen varices, when sitting, walking and during stool. 155. Blind piles. Retention of urine. [Orfii^a I., 168.] The urine seems to be secreted sparingly. \_Hbg^ Frequent strangury, with scanty discharge of urine (aft. i h.). iLgh:\ Strangury with inability to pass urine; this generally passed very sparingly. \Hbg^ 160. Call to urinate, with pressure on the pubic region (aft. 8 h.). Urine at once of intolerable odor; in standing it immediately became thick, gelatinous, viscid, like coagulated albumen. [SCHNKIDKR, 1. C.''] ^ Effect of ail enema containing colocjaith. — Hughes. " Effect of an enema containing colocynth. — Hug/ws. ^ Poisoning. — Hughes. * This symptom not found, — Hughes. 622 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Soon after urinating, a pressive pain at the end of the urethra, as if contused (aft. 14 h.). ^I^g/i.^ Tearing through the urethra, hke a stitch. Tearing pain in the glans. 165. In the right testicle, a painful twitch. Painful drawing up of the testes. [Orfila, 1. c] Priapism. [Orfil-\, 1. c] Violent sexual instinct, with erections. Complete impotence; the prepuce remained retracted behind the glans, though he was not deficient in sexual impulse. :^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 170. Fluent cor3^za, in the morning, without sneezing. \_L^/i.^. Tussiculation, while smoking tobacco, in the evening. [_Lg/i.^ Frequent titillating irritation to dry cough, in the larynx. The spot in the larynx, where it scratches and tingles so as to cause coughing, becomes more scratch}^ on inspiration. {_St/.'\ Breathing twice as short as usual, for several daj's, without asthma and without heat. 175. Fit of asthma, at night, with slow, heavy respiration, com- pelling him to cough. Severe oppression of the chest as from a pressure from with- out, on inspiration, when there are also stitches in the chest. [^/.] Pressive tightness of the chest, everything seems too tight, wdth a compression on the sides, especiall}' when sitting bent forward, and in the evening, for six daj^s. [^^.] When inspiring, a wheezing on the chest, in the morning (in i^h.). ILg/i.} When inspiring, obtuse stitches, when expiring, a slight pres- sure on the chest, for six daj's. l^f-l 180. Pressure in the middle of the sternum, as if something lay upon the lungs, [i?^'.] Pressive pain with dull stitches in the scrobiculus cordis, which compels to quick breathing, the lungs feel as if they could not properl}' expand, [i^^.] Single stitches in the chest and under the ribs, here and there, every day. [^/.] Palpitation of the heart. [Schneider, 1. c] Griping pain in the right costal muscles. [G^/??2.] 185. Muscular twitching in the right costal muscles, going off when he raised himself up. [G^/w.] Running and crawling, as of insects, on the skin of the left side of the chest and abdomen. \_Gtm?^ Pain in the back, above the hips, with nausea and chill. \Fr. H.'] Tensive lancinating pain in the right loin, only perceived during inspiration, and most severe while lying on the back. iGtm.'] Tensive lancinating pain between the scapulae, chiefly when walking, so that for a time he had to walk bending forward. 190. Obtuse stitch under the right scapula, while inspiring. \_Rt.'] Pressive pain as from a bruise in the lower part of the back, COI.OCYNTHIS. 623 with severe pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, the same in rest and in motion. Drawing pain, internally in the region of the right scapula, as if the nerves and vessels were stretched. [//^^.] Severe, drawing pain from the right side of the neck, extend- ing down over the scapula, as if the nerves were forcibly opened out and jerked, or as if bruised. [^<^^.] Pain of soreness in tlie left scapula, when at rest. \_Gh7i.~\ 195. In the left sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, a drawing pain, like a violent contraction; on moving and walking it draws toward the back part and goes off entirely. \_Sf/.~\ Stiffness of the left side of the neck, painful when moved. Severe, strongly drawing pain in the left cervical muscles, worse when moving. \Hbg^ In the nape, a painful drawing, even when at rest, soon after, stiffness of the nape, painful, per se, and still more painful on moving the head. {Hbg^ In the nape, toward the protuberance of the occipital bone, a sensation, as if a heavily pressing load lay across it, as sensible when at rest as when moving the head. \Hbg.'\ 200. Suppurating swelling of the glands of the axillae. [KoKiyPiN in Hiifel. Jouryi. III., pp. 5, 77.] Sensation behind the right scapula, as if the arm were sprained, both when at rest and in motion. \Hbg^ Pressive, drawing bone-pain in the shafts of the bones of the arm while at rest, especially under the head of the humerus and above the wrist -joint, where it also pains as if in the periosteum, on raising the arm. Stitches in the arms, occasionallv, now here, now there (aft. 4h- \.Rt^ ... Paralytic pain in the arms, as from a bruise, from time to time (aft. 5d.). [i?/.] 205. In the right upper arm, pricking, burning pain, when moving it. \_Gtm^^ In the bend of the right elbow, fine itching stitch, when at rest. \Gtm ] In the fore-arm of the right side, tensive pain (aft. 27 h.). \Gtm:\ In the palm, a spasmodic pain, so that he could only open the fingers with difficulty; the pain was more severe when at rest than when moving. {Gtin^ In the thumb of the right hand, violent drawing pains, feeling as if in the tendons, beginning in the ball and terminating in the tip of the thumb (aft. 5 h.). \_Lgh^^ 210. Burning pain on a point of the right middle finger. \^Hbg^ In the gluteal muscles of the left side a tickling itching when sitting (aft i< h.). {_Hbg?^ Pain in the right thigh, as if the psoas muscle that raises it was too short, only when walking, (aft. 32 h.). \_Ctm?\ Drawing tension in the right thigh. 1 Critical phenomena in a rheumatic paralysis getting well under Colocynthis. — Hughes. 624 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Shooting, tearing pain in the thighs, when sitting (and stand- ing). IRt.-] 215. In the hough, onlj^ when moving, lancinating pains, as from needles, at length changing into itching pricking, [Gtiii.'] Sensation of cold in the knees, although they are warm. Paralj'tic pain in the knee, when walking, as if it was tied fast in the joint. Violent itching in the left hough, inciting to scratch, with smarting after scratching (aft. i4h. ). \_Lgh.'] On the leg, a tensive pressure on the tibia, even in sitting. [Rt.-] 220. Cramp in the legs. Cramp in the muscles beside the tibia, at night, toward morn- ing, aggravated b}' bending the knee. Violent cramp in the calf, especially after coitus. Quivering in the right calf, when at rest, going off w^hen moving. [^Gtvi.'] Tearing pains, at times in the calves, when sitting and stand- ing. \_Rt-\ 225. Sharp cutting in the left calf, on the inside, when at rest. IGtm.'] Itching stitch in the right tibia, most violent when at rest. [Gtvi.-] Itching stitch in the right leg, also when moving. \_Gt7n.'] Itching stitch in the right calf, not going off when rubbing. iGt7n.'] Weakness of the legs, as from fatigue. 230. The varices of the legs, which hitherto were painless, begin to pain. \_Gtm.'] In the ankle, pressing and tearing, while sitting. [^RtJ] Tearing in the sole of the right foot, most violent when at rest. \_Gt?)i.'] Severe tearing on the dorsum of the left foot, upward. \^Lgh.'] Tearing in the periosteum of the os calcaneum. 235. Itching, boring stitch on the dorsum of the right foot, most violent when at rest. \_Gt77t.'] The left foot goes to sleep, also when resting. \Hbg., Gt77l.'] Trembling of the feet, as after a violent fright, with shaking chill. [Fr. H.'] Under the nail of the left big toe, a tearing pain. Inordinate tendency of the muscles of all parts of the body to contract painfully in a cramp. 240. Contraction of all the limbs, so that he becomes like a hedgehog. [Stalpaart, 1. c] Twitching of particular muscular parts of the limbs. [Hoff- mann, 1. c] Tearing stitches lengthways on the whole bod}-, on the head, the back, the abdomen, and the limbs. [_-Lgh.~\ Itching, as after profuse sweat, in the morning, on awaking, and on rising, on the whole body, especially on the chest and abdomen (aft. 26 h.). [Lgh.'] COLOCYNTHIS. 625 Troublesome itching, in the afternoon and evening, followed bj^ sweat. [Hoffmann, 1. c.^] 245. Smarting itching, here and there, in the evening, in bed, only removed for a time b}^ scratching, and at last turning into restless- ness, while he has continually to move the limbs, without being able to go to sleep (aft. 32 h.). Eruption like itch. [Koelpin, 1. c] The skin of the whole body desquamates. [Sai^muth, Obs. C. III., obs. 2.'] Total sinking of strength. [Hoyer, 1. c] Syncope. [Valentini, in Eph. N. C, an. III., obs. 78.^] 250. Syncope, with coldness of the external parts. '[Hoffmann, I.e.] Fatal syncope. [Hoyer, 1. c] I^assitude in all the limbs, while taking a walk, as if he had made a long foot-tour, with great heaviness of the legs and trem- bling, especially of the right leg, so that sweat broke out over the whole body (aft. 11 h. ). {Lgh^ Sleepiness and indisposition to mental work. \_Gtin^^ Invincible drowsiness and inclination to lie down, but when sleeping, constant restlessness in the limbs, but especially in the legs. 255. Restless sleep, he tosses from one side to the other. \_Hbg?^ Sleeplessness the whole night; thoughts and reflections con- cerning the objects of life and its relations occupy him in a calm and impassionate manner. About midnight, a sort of flatulent colic, from flatus suddenly arising here and there, painfully repelling one another (contend- ing) and not discharged (2d n.). When sleeping, he nearly always lies on his back, one hand under his occiput, the other arm above the head. Sleep at night disturbed by many dreams. \Lgh^ 260. Very vivid, but not anxious, dreams, so much increasing in vivacity that he wakes up with them. Vivid, anxious dreams. Dreams full of troublesome meditation and mental exertion. He dreams much, and about many different things. \Hbg^ I^ascivious dreams, with emission of semen, without erection, when lying on his back. \Gtm7\ 265. Voluptuous dreams, without pollution, disturbing the sleep. Lascivious dreams, with uncontrollable erections, without pollution. \Gtni^ Voluptuous dreams and seminal emission. \Hbg.'\ Coldness of the whole body. Ice-cold hands, in the evening, with warm feet. 270. Sensation of icy cold in the soles of the feet, though they are not cold. Violent chill. \^Fr. //.'} 1 For Hoffmann read Koelpin. — H/eo/u's, -Poisoning. Note, " During convalescence." — Hughes. 3 No such observation found here. — Hughes. 41 626 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Shivering through the whole of the body, in the morning, after rising, with cold hands, while the face and the rest of the body are hot, without thirst (aft. Y-z h.). \Lgh?^ Warmth rapidly rushing over the whole body, without thirst. Sensation of heat in the interior of the whole body, which is also externally warm when touched. \_HbgP[ 275. Warmth in the face, in the morning, after rising, with ic}' coldness of the hands and finger-tips. \_Lgh^ Febrile heat. ] Hoffmann, 1. c] Night-sweat. \Fr. H.'] At night, violent sweat on the head, hands, legs and feet, of a urinous smell. Morning-sweat on the legs, on awaking. \_Lgh.'\ 280. Slow, full pulse (the first 10 h.). iHbg.'] Quick, full pulse. [Schneider, 1. c] Palpitation of the heart. [Schneider, 1. c] When he lies still, he feels his heart-beat, and the pulsation of the arteries all through the body. \_Rt.'] CONIUM MACULATUM. HEMLOCK. [The juice freshlj^ pressed from the whole herb, just as it has begun to bloom, is m.ixed with an equal quantity of alcohol. As is done in Homoeopathy with all the plant-juices which are preser\-ed from corruption in this manner, two drops of this mixture are dropped into a vial which is filled two-thirds full with loo drops of alcohol ; it is well-stopped and shaken with ten strokes of the arm. One drop is then further diluted through twenty-nine other such vials (each containing loo drops of alcohol), and each attenuation is thus poten- tized by ten succussive strokes to the decillionth (X) dynamization. But instead of this we might also triturate two grains of the fresh leaves of this plant with sugar of milk to the millionth powder attenuation, within three hours, and then, dissolving this preparation, potentize it further.] The considerable medicinal power of this plant may easily be concluded from what was published in the 3'ears 1 700-1 779, by Stoerck and his manj^ imitators in numerous books, concerning the great results obtained from Conium maculatmn. But frequentl}^ as its wonderful help was proved, at least in the beginning, by its use in the most horrible diseases, just as often, yea far oftener, its use in the favorite large doses, frequently repeated, has done harm, fre- quently irretrievable harm, and killed not a few men. The riddle thus presented hy so man}^ startling experiences, sometimes so joyous, and then again so sad, with observers mostly honest, who nevertheless contradicted each other in such down-right fashion, could onl}^ be solved by Homoeopathy in these latter days. For Homoeopath}^ has first shown, that in order to use heroic medi- cines in a beneficent manner, and thus really to heal, we must not (as has hitherto been done) assault any 2uiknown disease straightway CONIUM MACUIvATUM. 627 with frequent doses as large as practicable of a violent unknown remedy, but "that after previously fully proving and investigating the peculiar virtues of a medicine on healthy men the remedy must then be used onl}^ in morbid states, the symptoms of which have great similarity with those of the medicine; and this must be done by means of the minutest doses of the higher and highest attenuations, prepared by appropriate dynamization. " This contrasts, indeed, greatly with the doses of that time which were increased even to 140 grains of the thickened juice (extract), or to a wine-glass full of the freshly expressed juice of the hemlock, given, perhaps, six times a day. But then no true Homoeopath will miss applying it properly — nor will hundreds of patients be tortured to death with it, as in former days. Those many, terrifying examples prevented me from recognizing sooner in this plant one of the most important antipsoric medicines; it is only within the last few years that I have given it its rightful place. In order to act beneficially, this remedy must often be preceded by some other antipsoric medicines. It is given in the smallest doses. More or less smelling of the sweet spirits of nitre, and in some cases also a drink of coffee, will moderate the excessive effects of this drug. In healing the diseases for which this medicine is suitable, the following symptoms, more than others, were relieved or removed, even where the complaint appeared in separate paroxysms: Sadness; hypochondria; anxiety; ill-humor and melancholy; de- jection; irritability; timidity; inclination to peevishness; indispositioji to work; forgetfulness and weakness of the head; vertigo, when looking around, as if the patient would fall to one side; heaviness of the head; fits of tearing headache, obliging one to lie down; stitches in the upper part of the head; long-continued lancinating headache; falling out of the hair of the head; itching below the e3^es, and on rubbing, smarting, burning; feeling of coldness in the eyes, on taking a walk; stye on the eyelid; short-sightedness; far-sightedness; dark points and colored streaks before the eyes; in the room the e3^es are dazzled by the daylight; stitches in the ear, when taking a walk; tearing, with stitches in and about the ears; drawing stitches in the ear outward; induration of the swollen parotid gland; accumulation of ear-wax; roaring in the ears; humming, hissing, sounding and ringing in the ears; flow of pus from the nose; itching in the face; itching pimples in the face; tetters in the face; eroding ulcers in the face; heat of the face; dryness and peeling oft' of the lips; dra wing- pain in sound teeth from taking a walk; shoothig pain in the teeth: 628 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. involuntary deglutition; scraping in the throat; hawking; fullness in the pit of the neck, with abortive eructation; frequent empty eructa- tion, the whole day; loud eructation, tasting of the ingesta; heart" burn rising up the throat; voracious hunger; bread will not go down, he has no relish for it; after meals, burning up the fauces; nausea with pregnant women; acidity of the stomach; pressure in the stomach, when eating; contractive pain in the stomach; cramp in the stomach; stitches in the left hj^pochondrium; fullness in the abdo- men, in the morning, after aw^aking; squeezing contraction' of the hypogastrium; writhing and digging in the umbilical region; sensa- tion of soreness in the abdomen, when walking on a stone pavement; obstruction of the flatus; rumbling and growling in the abdomen; colic, with discharge of flatus; constipation, with ineffectual call to stool; hai'd stool only ^Y^ry other day; diarrhoea; stool coated with blood; the passage of urine stops suddenly and is only renewed after an interval; pressure on the bladder, as if the urine w^ould be passed at once; whitish, turbid, thick urine; during micturition, cutting i7i the urethra; impotence and lack of erections; insufficient, transient erection; feeble coitus; lassitude after coitus; uterine cramps\ uterine spasms, beginning above the pudenda, distending the whole abdo- men, and comeing into the chest, with stitches of the left side; pinch- ing and griping in the uterus; bearing down and stitches in the vagina; stitches in the labiae; itching on the pudenda and inside; menses too scanty; during the menses, bearing down and drawing in the thigh; vaginal flow; smarting, eroding leucorrhoea. Excessive sneezing; stoppage of the nostrils; morning-stoppage of the nostrils; chronic stoppage of the nose for years; troublesome feeling of dryness of the nose; cough, especially with scrofulous patients; shortness of breath in walking; asthma, earh- on awaking; morning-asthma; stitches in the sternum; jerks in the chest; press- ing and squeezing together over the hips; tension in the nape; pain as of soreness in the lowest cervical vertebrae ; the top of the shoulders feel as if pressed sore; sweat of the palms; drawing pain in the hips; weariness in the knees; cramp in the calves; coldness of the feet and hands; the feet are apt to catch cold; restlessness in the lower limbs; itching of the skin; frequent red, itching spots on the body; brown spots on the body; nettle-rash from severe bodilj^ exercise; inveterate, humid tetter; restlessness, especially in the lower limbs; hysterical and hypochondriac paroxj^sms; hypochondria from continence in un- married men; an attack, where a pricking sensation comes from the stomach and shoots under the left ribs, extending to the back; stitches here and there, all over the body; ailments and fatigue fvm taking a walk; sudden lassitude while walking; bruisedness of the CONIUM MACUIvATUM. 629 limbs; painf illness of the skin of the body; lassitude in the whole bod}', especialh' in lower limbs; lassitude in the morning in bed; feel- ing of illness in all the limbs, as from excessive fatigue; drowsiness in the da3'time; drowsiness in the evening with closing of the eye- lids; late in falling asleep, in the evening in bed; sleep full of phantasies; many dreams at night; unrefreshing sleep; nocturnal pains. The abbreviations of the names of those who have furnished con- tributions to the symptoms subjoined are as follows: /*>. , Dr. Franz; Gr., Dr. Gross ; Lgh., Dr. Layighmiimer ; Rl., Dr. Rumniel ; WL, Dr. Wislicenus. CONIUM MACULATUM. More inclined to be sad than cheerful. She is easily affected by trifles and moved to tears. Hypochondriac dejection and indifference when taking a walk. [Fr.'\ Hysterical attack, with chill and a sort of spasmodic motions. [GrKding, ve^m. Schrift., p. ii8.^] 5. Hysterical anxiety. \Medic. Obs. and Inq. IV., 364.^] Anxiety. [Schmucker, Chiriirg. Wahr7iehm. II,, 82-4.^] Anxiety in the region of the scrobiculus cordis. [Stokrk, lib. de Cic, 2.^] lyost in deep meditation, he anxiously thought over the present and the future, and sought solitude. \Lgh.'\ Shyness at the approach of people, and yet also dread of being alone. 10. The propinquity and the talk of people passing by is very offensive to him, and he feels impelled to assault and maltreat them. Superstitous thoughts. Timid, lachrymose, despondent. Fear of thieves. He imagines that somebody has come in at the door by night. 15. Timidity. Frequent thoughts of death. Gloomy ill-humor (ist d. ). [i?/.] Very morose; every afternoon, from three to six o'clock, as if a great guilt weighed him down; at the same time a sensation of paralysis in all the limbs; indifferent and unsympathizing. Extremely peevish and anxious thoughts after a meal, in the morning, with obtuseness in the forehead (aft. 29 h.). \Fr.'\ Conium is one of the medicines of the Materia Medica Pura. Its pathogenesis there contains 89 symptoms from Hahnemann, 131 from Franz, Ivanghammer, and ^^'islicenns, and 155 from authors. A later list in the first edition of the Chrouic Diseases adds observa- tions from Hahnemann himself, from Gross and Rnmmel, swelling its number to 700, and in this second edition Hahnemann supplies 212 more. — Htiglies. 1 Observations on patients taking C. This symptom not found. — Hi/o/ies. 2 After application of C. to cancerous breast." Patient had attacks of this with symptoms 232 and 563 till she died; there is no thought of a.scribing them to the Conium. — Hug/ies. ^Observations on patients. This symptom not ionnd. —Hui;/ies. ■*Ob.servations on patients. This sjanptom, with 3, 210, 224, 31S, 562, S70, and 000 arose from overloading the stomach; all disappeared after an emetic. — Hug/ies. 630 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASES. 20. Peevish mood, he does not know what to do with himself, the time passes too slow for him (aft. 8 h. ). \_Wl.'\ Moroseness; all his surroundings made a disagreeable impres- sion on him. \_J^gh.'] Great dissatisfaction. Peevish and vexed about trifles. Constant ill-humor and vexation. 25. He thinks of vexatious matters. Readih^ moved to vexation and anger. Indifference. Lack of sympathy. No agreeable affections in the mind. 30. Indisposed to work. Cheerful mood and inclination to talk (curative effect. ) \_Lgh.'] Cheerful, open mood (aft. 3, 4d.), (curative effect). [Fr!] Cheerful, well and strong, in the morning (alternative cura- tive effect aft. 24 h.). [Fr.~\ Lack of memory. 35. Loss of memory. [W. Rowlay, seve7ity-four cases, London, 1779-'] Unable to recollect, on awaking from noon siesta. Extraordinary inability to recollect. He cannot well express himself in talking, nor can he rightly remember. He offen utters the wrong words. 40. Dullness, difficult comprehension of what is read; ob- tuseness of the head. Dullness, like stupefaction, it is hard for him to understand what he reads. Dullness of the head, after drinking. Obtuseness of all the senses. [Sim. PaulIvI, Quadripart, Bot.'^ Insensibility and laziness. [Sim. PaulIvI.] 45. He walks about as if half asleep. Full of phantasies, in the morning (aft. 24 h.). Hastiness. Confusion of thoughts. [Van Eems in Boerhave, praeled. de 7norb. 7iefv. I., p. 97.^] Delirium. [Andry, Quaest. 7ned}'\ 50. Insanity, deliriums. [Cui^LEN, Mat. Med.°'] Obtuseness of the head (aft. i h.). Obtuseness of the left half of the head, as from coldness, or as if the brain did not fill out the skull. Constant obtuseness of the sinciput, in the forehead, in the region of the eyebrows and the root of the nose (the ist days). Obtuseness and heaviness of the head, after awaking from a sound sleep. 55. Obtuseness and heaviness of the head (aft. 5 d.). Heaviness of the head. 1 Not accessible. — Hughes. - No symptom mentioned in edition of 1667. — Hughes. 3 Effects of cicuta aquatica. — Hughes. 4 Not accessible. — Hughes. 5 From gr. 30 of powder in an adult. — Hughes. CONIUM MACUI.ATUM. 63 1 The head is heavy. [Watson, philos. transact., 1744, p. 20.^] Feeling of heaviness in the occiput, frequently passing away and recurring, conies from sitting bent double from time to time, and always goes off by raising the head. [ lV/.~\ Dizziness and whirling in the head, for two days. 60. Very dizzy while walking. Intoxication. [Bierchkn, Tal om Kraftskador^^'\ The least spirituous liquor intoxicates him. Even a mixture of water and wine affects his head. Constant stupefaction of the head, with continual inclination to sleep. 65. Reeling. [Van Ekms.] Vertigo, whirling around, when he rises from his seat. Vertigo, after stooping, when raising up again, as if the head would burst. Vertigo, worse while lying down, as if the bed was whirling around in a circle. Vertigo, early on rising from the bed. 70. Vertigo on going down stairs; she had to hold on to some- thing, and for some moments she did not know where she was. Vertigo, which fatigues the head. [FothkrgilIv, Med. obs. III., p. 400.'] Vertigo, so that everything seems to whirl around. [BoKR- YLKsm, praeled. adiiist. VI., p. 255.^] Headache, simple pain; on taking a walk, he feels stupid; also in the morning till breakfast. Headache on walking, she feels every step in her head. 75. Daily headache, owing to stools, which, though frequent, are too scant, connected with straining. Headache with nausea and vomiting of mucus (3d d.). \Rl^ Violent headache with vertigo, so that she spent three or four days sad and without speaking, sitting in one place. [lyANGK, dub. cic. vex. Helmst., 1774.^] Stupefying, pressive headache, externally on the forehead. [Lgh.-] Headache in the morning, on awaking, as in epidemic fevers, as if the brain was torn, especially toward the occiput (aft. 10 h.). 80. Headache, as if the head was beaten to pieces, or as if it would go to pieces. Semilateral, gradually increasing headache, as if the head was beaten to pieces, and like a downward pressure of something heavy, aggravated by turning the eyes to the affected side. Headache, as if the head was too full, and would burst, in the morning, on aAvaking. Feeling in the right half of the brain as if a large foreign body was in it. Dull pressure in the head, on taking a walk; he has to rub his forehead. 1 During convalescence.— ///^^j,'-'''''"'''"- - Observation. — Hui^/irs. '* General statement from observations. — Huolics. * Observations on self. — Hitglies. '•' Not accessible. — Hitghcs. 632 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 85. Pressive pain in the right hemisphere of the brain, posteriorly. Pressure in both temples (aft. several h.). [i?/.] Pressive headache above the eyes, from within outward. iwi:\ Pressive headache, as from a stone on the top of the frontal bone (3d d. ). \FrP^ Tension in the head, and, as it were, a squeezing together from the two temples, after ever}^ meal; he has to rest the front part of his head on the table. {Fr?^ 90. Headache, as from an external contraction on top of the frontal bone, which goes off on stooping and on laying his own hand upon it, with chilhness, vertigo, and a vexatious inability to recollect (aft. i^^ h.). [/>.] Drawing pain in the brain, in the middle, behind the forehead (the first da^^s). Drawing in the head, while the brain is asleep, diminished after eating. [/^^.] Drawing pain in the temples, when touched. \Fr^ Tearing in the right temple and the right ear. 95. Tearing headache in the occiput and the nape of the neck, and especiall}' also in the orbits, with constant nausea; she had to lie abed. Tearing pain through the temples, in the morning (4th d.). lFr.-\ Tearing headache in the temporal region, with pressure in the forehead, after eating (3d d.). [/^r.] Tearing pain in the temples, during eating. \Fr7\ Slow tearing on the left side of the occiput, while walking (aft. >4 h.). [/v-.] 100. Tearing stitches from the left parietal bone down into the frontal region. Stitches in the forehead. Stitches outward in the forehead, after rising. Shooting headache darting out through the forehead, with inclination to lie down, in the forenoon. Shooting pain darting out through the forehead, at noon. 105. Shooting headache in the forehead, the whole day; but she did not have to lie down. Shooting pain in the head, as from needles, for about an hour. Shooting in the parietal bones of the head and in the fore- head, with vertigo, so that he had to stand still and sit down; then also shooting in the cervical muscles. Pain in the occiput, wdth every pulsation, as if pierced with a knife. Throbbing in the forehead, no. Sensation of heaviness and griping in the forehead, as if com- ing from the stomach, with so great a sensitiveness of the brain that it is even painfull}^ shaken by a slight noise and by talking. In shaking the head, headache from the forehead to the occi- put, as if something was detached. With every step in walking, a snapping sound in the vertex, without pain; not when sitting down. CONIUM MACUIvATUM. 633 Heat in the head. Numbness and sensation of coldness, in one side of the head. 115. External pressure on the forehead. [_Lgh.'\ Sharp pressure on a small spot of the integuments of the head. Drawing pain in the temporal bones. Drawing pain in the forehead, above the eyebrows. Much itching on the hairy scalp. 120. Several eruptive nodules above the forehead, of which one gets as large as a filbert in fifteen days, and pains when its tip is touched (aft. 24 d.). Falling out of the hairs of the head. The orbits pain, especially during the headache. Pressure in the eyes, especially ^vhile reading. Pressure in the outer canthus, as from a grain of sand. 125. Pressure in the eye, as from a grain of sand, especially in the forenoon, with inflammation and redness of the white of the eye, and smarting tears. Painful pressure in the eyes, when she closes them to sleep, in the evening, in bed. Drawing pain, with redness in the eyes. Shooting in the inner canthus, while the lids are glued together there, in the morning. Itching shooting in the inner canthi, not removed by rubbing (aft. i>^ h.). IWl.'] 130. Itching about the left eye. Itching on the edge of the eyelids. Smarting pain in the inner canthus, as if something caustic had gotten in, with lachrymation. \_Wl.'] Heat in the eyes. r[TiR<:i An almost burning heat quickly:) ipa^es through the eye, in the forenoon and evening. ^"iod r- 135, Burning in the eyes. rljor Burning on the inner surface of the eyelids. Burning in the eyes, toward evening, with pressure in the orbits. Red eyes. [Bayi^iks, Essays o?i Medical Subjects.'] Inflamed eyelids, with incipient styes in several places; the boy often winks. 140. Yellowish color of the white of the eye (loth d. ). Languid appearance of the eyes. [6^r.] Eye-gum in the eyes, in the morning. Quivering of the upper eyelid. Trembling look, as if the eye trembled. 145. Motion of the eyes, as if they were being pressed out. [FothergiIvL's Works (London, 1781), p. 315.^] Protruding eyes. Difficult opening of the eyelids in the morning, they feel as if drawn together. [Rl.] Dilated pupil (aft. i h.). [/>.] 1 Not accesssible. — Hughes. 2 General statement from observation.— ///c£'7/('«.\ 634 HAHNEMANN' vS CHRONIC DISEASES. Contracted pupil (curative effect, aft 3^ h.). [Z^/z.] 150. Weakness of the vision. [Gataker, Essays on Med. Subj.^ hitrodud., p. 8.^] Obscuration of the eyes. [BAYI.1ES, Andree.'] Bhndness, immediately after sleeping, in the heat of the sun. [Amat. Lusitanius, Cent. V., cur. 93.^] Blindness, in the afternoon, of short duration; after complain- ing of headache and ey cache, the child loses power of vision, and also later on, at times. \_Gr?^ Obscurity before the eyes on taking a walk; in the room it seems brighter to him. 155. Far-sightedness (with a short-sighted person); he could dis- tinguish pretty clearl}^ remote objects (aft. 3)^ h.). \Lgh?^ More short-sighted than formerly; he could only recognize subjects when very near to them (aft. 29 h.). \Lgh^^ He saw objects double and threefold, and nothing but arches, before his eyes. Before the right eye, a thread seems to float. Clouds and light spots before the eyes. 160. Fiery zigzags crossing each other before the eyes, when he shuts them, at night. Objects look red. [Greding.*] When looking at a closely held print, the lines seem to move up and down. Fiery sparks before the eyes when walking in the open air. Increased irritability of the eye (the ist days). 165. Otalgia, as if the inner ear was pressed apart. Sudden, sharp pressure in the ear, almost like straining in the ear. Partly drawing, partly tearing pain in the external ear. Drawing in the interior of the left ear. Shooting pain^ in both ears. 170. Stitches behind both ears, especially in the mastoid process,, and then a dull pain in the same place. Pinching shooting in the ear, when drinking. Sharp outward thrusts in the ears, especially and more vio- lent when swallowing (aft. ^ h.). \Wl^ Throbbing of the blood in the ears. Violent itching in the external ear. 175. Painful tension of the skin behind the ears and on the mastoid process; even when not moving (aft. i^ h.). \_W/.'} Blood-red ear-wax. Painful sensitiveness of the hearing, so that noise causes terror. Noise is intolerable, and there is a longing for stillness and quiet (the ist days). He is startled at every sound. 180. On blowing the nose, her ear feels obstructed and as if stopped ^P' 1 General statement from observation. — Hughes. 2 In Andree's case, with giddiness. — Hughes. 3 No such observation to be iovixxdL.— Hughes. *In a case of cataract which was improving under C. — Hughes. CONIUM MACUIvATUM. 635 Loud ringing in the ear. Humming in the right ear. Rushing sound in the left ear with hardness of hearing, ag- gravated during eating. Rushing sound in the ears, as from a stormy wind, more after dinner, till going to bed and when making a mental effort while sitting, but most of all when lying in bed; also at night, on awak- ing. 185. Noise before the right ear, as from a waterfall (aft. [4 h.). Noise in the ears, as if the blood was rushing through the brain. Fluttering and humming in the right ear. Fluttering and humming in both ears. In the nose, twitching. 190. A momentary twitching in the root of the nose. Frequent itching of the nose (aft. 2d.). Formication on the dorsum of the nose (aft. i^ h.). [^/.] Itching formication in the nose. [ W/.^ Itching in the nose. 195. Stinging, itching irritation in the right side of the nose, as from a foreign body in it. Itching formication on the tip of the nose and in the nostrils. Burning about the nostrils. Stinging pain as from soreness in the septum of the nose, when pressing on it, as if there was a pimple. Pustule in the depression by the right ala nasi. 200. Hemorrhage from the nose. [Ehrhardt, Diss, de Cic. Argent., 1763; Lange, 1. c.^] Frequent epistaxis. Epistaxis, when sneezing. [6^r.] The sense of smell is excessively acute. A sort of smell of tar, in the back of the nose, and he also seems to taste it. 205. From the posterior nares to the mouth, a taste as if from coryza. Heat in the face, rush of blood to the head, and sensation of coryza in the nose (aft. 4 h.). Complexion, sickly and pale (aft. 7 d.). Face very pale, in the morning. Blueness of the face. [Sim. PauIvIvI, Quadrip. Botan. Cic. 210. Bluish swollen face. [Stokrk.^] Swelling of the face. [Landkutte, Journal de Medec. XV. ^] Swelling of the zygoma and the upper gums, with tensive pain (3d d. ). Prosopalgia, at night. Pressive pain on the bones above the right eye, on the nose and in the zygoma, late in the evening, for ten minutes. 1 (To Ehrhardt.) A list of symptoms from ^wWxox'A.— Hughes. - See note to S^mipt. '].—Hup:hes, ■^ Symptoms observed in patients taking C. This occurred in a man convalescing from suppurative pneumonia, and treated bv c/for splenic cancer, with S. 36S, 542, 557, and 662, shortly before ''-] Throbbing drawing in the neck, where it joins the right shoulder (aft. 8 h.) [/>.] 1 After injecting C. into a fistula in the neck. — Hughes. - See Note to S. ^<)Q.—Hiigfies. 648 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. 620. Itching shudder, from the nape toward the neck (4th d.). In the neck, drawing down the right side, to the shoulder- joint, when at rest (3d d.). [^r.^ Seeming thickening of the neck. Increase of the goitre. In the arm, drawing pain up and down, chiefly on moving it. 625. In the upper arm, paralytic drawing pain, when at rest (aft. iy,h.).[Fr.] Tearing through the upper arms, in the evening in bed (ist d.). Lf-r.) Tearing, alternating with stitches, in the upper arm, when at rest, only transiently relieved by motion. [/*)'.] In the elbow, a tearing pain, on walking in the open air. Cutting pain in the bend of the left elbow, from within out- ward, when at rest (aft. 50 h.). [W7.] 630. Heaviness in the joints of the elbow, with fine stitches. Cracking in the elbow-joint, especially in the evening. In the muscles of the forearm, cramp-like pain, especially when resting the arms on something (aft. ^ h.). [W-/.] Dull drawing in the forearms, more severe when at rest than in motion (aft. 72 h.). [W^/.] Pain as from a bruise, on the outer side of the left forearm, worse when touched (aft. 62 h.). \_Wl.'] 635. Itching formication in the forearm, only transiently going off by rubbing (aft. i h.). [Wl.'] In the wrist-joint, paralytic drawing pain, when at rest. \_Fr\ . Fine stitches in the wrist-joints (aft. 10 min.). \_Wl.'\ Shooting pain, as from a sprain, in the joint of the metacarpal bone of the left thumb with the wrist, especially when bending the thumb inward. Cracking in the wrist-joint, especially in the evening. 640. Dying off ^ of the left hand, especially in the palm. Sensitiveness of the skin on the back of the hand (the ist d. ). Perspiring hands. The fingers, while cutting with the scissors, become spas- modically rigid. Sharp drawing in one or the other finger. 645. Sharp stitches in the middle joints of the fingers, when at rest (aft. i>^ h ). [W7.] Stitches, as from needles, under the finger-nails (5th d.). Cutting thrusts, in the lower joint of the thumb (aft. 48 h.). [fW.] Numbness of the fingers. Itching on the dorsum of the fingers. 650. Burning pain on the flexing side of the index, and later a hard long-continuing lump there. Yellow spots on the fingers (aft. 5 d.). Yellow finger-nails (aft. 6 d.). Paronychia with inflammation and throbbing, festering, burn- ing pain. Between the nates in the fold, excessive itching. 1 Or "numbness." — Transl. CONIUM MACUIvATUM. 649 655. The ischiatic bones are painful, when rismg from a seat, but not when sitting. Long- continued deep stitch, superiorly at the insertion of the gluteus maximus (aft. 3^ h.). [/^r.] The right hip is painful in the evening; when walking, it feels sprained. Dull stitches in the region of the hip, near the trochanter of the thigh, when sitting; they do not interfere with walking (aft. In the lower limbs, a humming and tingling. 660. Drawing and tearing in the left limb, with great restlessness, so that she could not keep it still a minute. The lower limbs go to sleep, when sitting. Swelling of the thighs. [Landeutte.^] In the right thigh, cramp-pains in the anterior muscles, when walking in the open air (aft. 13 h.). [^Lg-Zi.^ Sensation of weakness, even to trembling, in the right thigh, when walking. 665. Fine clawing sensation on the posterior side of the thigh. \_m.-] Dull drawing in the right thigh when at rest, relieved by motion (aft. i>^ h.). [H^/.] Dull tearing, anteriorly in both thighs, when walking. Pricks in the muscles of the left thigh, as from needles, when sitting. [_L_g-k.~\ Itching needle-pricks on the posterior side of the thigh, most severe while sitting. [ IV/.^ 670. In the knee, dull pain when treading. Dull pain in the left knee, when treading. [^/.] Gouty pain in the knee, the whole day (aft. 15 d.). Tearing pain around the knee-joint. Tearing around the patella, when sitting, [/v^.] 675. Stitches on the outer tendon of the flexor muscle in the hough, when walking in the open air. [/v-.] Pain as from a bruise, or as if the patella was broken, causing one to cry out; all the left knee thus pains, when walking and standing in the open air, with an anxious heat all over, when making an effort in walking. \^L_§'/i.'] Pain as from a sprain, in the right knee. Paralytic pain in the hough, as in dropsy of the knee-joint. Pain as from weariness around the knee, for one-half hour. 680. Cracking of the knee (in the patella?) when straightening one- self up. In the leg, a clucking pressure on the tibia, when stretching the limb, when sitting, [/^r.] Twitching and restlessness in the legs at night, followed ever}' time by a shudder. Tensive stiff pain in the calves. Drawing on the inner side of the left calf, and on the dorsum of the right foot. [Fr.] 685. Tearing on the tibia, in the evening, in bed (ist d.). [/v'.] ^ See Note to S. 211.— H/ig/ws. 650 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing, extending up the leg from the inner side of the foot^ in the open air. Dull tearing, extending up the leg from the external ankle, in the open air. Cramplike tearing on the tibia, when taking a walk. [I^g^i.~\ Pain in the tibia, as if bruised. \_Fr.'] 690. A spot on the leg that had been injured (tw^elve days before by a blow) and was painful all the way down, becomes blue and spotted, and pains at the least motion, like thrusts from a knife, but when walking and when touched, it pains as if bruised. In the ankle-joint, a dull pain. [^/.] Tearing in the ankle-joint, from noon till evening, worse when sitting than when walking. Burning and throbbing stitches in the bend of the foot. Tearing in the dorsum of the foot, in the evening in bed (ist d.). [Fr.} 695. Tearing in the soles of the feet, when walking. Sharp drawing under the heel. Shooting on both ankles of the right foot, first fine, then sharp, for two days; they wake him from sleep at night, extend- ing at last into the calf; when sitting the stitches were slower, when walking, more frequent and severe. Formicating pain in the soles of the feet, when treading; but when w^alking, there are stitches in them. Numbness and insensibility of the feet. 700. Trembling of the feet, in the morning, on rising. Acute burning pain under the heel, when treading, with red- ness and swelling of the spot. Swelling of the whole foot, with burning pain. The swelling of the feet is painful, and does not go off even in sleep. Severe itching and a little itching pimple on the soles of the feet. 705. Little pustules on the feet. The tips of the toes pain, as if festering underneath. Throbbing stitches in the little toe, which also pains when walking. Tearing in the ball of the big toe, in the morning, when standing and sitting, [/v-.] Burning tearing on the posterior joint of the big toe, when waking up from sleep, while h^ing down. 710. Burning pain under the toes, when sitting. It excites the podagra [Ceark inBssays and obs. phys. and liter. Ill, Edinb., 177 1.^ Sensation as if the bones of the legs and arms were firmly clasped, causing weariness. Spasmodic, cramp-like pains in various parts, as in the chest, the jaws, etc. Throbbing twitches in the abdomen and in the sacrum. 715. A sort of stiffness of the body; the movement of the limbs, the neck, etc., excites a disagreeable sensation. 1 Add "p. 434."— Observation in gouty subjects. — Hughes. CONIUM MACUIvATUM. 65 1 Tearing through various parts of the body (4th d.)- l^^-l Tearing in all the limbs, almost as if from a sprain. Erratic tearing in the arms and legs, as also in the teeth (the first days). Tearing stitches, now here, now there, very penetrating as if they reached the bones. 720. Burning on the tongue and in the hands. Sensation as of bruising in all the joints, when at rest; little or not at all, in motion. Severe pain as from bruises, in all the limbs. Pain, as if from fatigue, in all the joints. Tendency to strains. 725. The limbs go to sleep. Numbness and coldness of the fingers and toes. The pains mostly begin when at rest; only in rare alternative action, while moving, [Fr.^ The ailments come most severely at night, waking from sleep. Walking in the open air fatigues her, and the air fatigues her. 730. On returning from walking in the open air, headache with pressure on the right eye. When walking, itching on the scrobiculus cordis. Constant lack of vital warmth, and continual chilliness. Little vital w^armth, after the noon-siesta, and chilliness. Sensation of lack of vital warmth, with sadness. 735. Great tendency to catch cold, even in the room, after a walk, in which he perspired, while sitting down. Excessively heightened susceptibility to colds. From taking a cold, he wakes up at 4 A. m. with pain in the head and the scapula; when turning the body, it feels bruised, with pain of the abdominal muscles in the region of the stomach, when taking a deep breath, thus arresting the breathing. The skin of the body seems to him hotter than it really is. Itching of the limbs. [Stokrk.] 740. Itching of the thighs and arms. Transient itching, now here, now there, in all parts of the body. Eroding itching, always commencing wath a stitch, in the evening in bed, confined to the right half of the body, chiefly when he lies on it, with restlessness in all the limbs, easily assuaged by scratching, but always reappearing in another spot. Stinging sensation all over the body. Itching stitches as from fleas, in close succession, here and there all over the body, but singly, never two at a time. 745. Slow, itching, smarting, burning stitches, here and there over the body. Inflammation of the skin of the whole body, with burning pain. [Bayliks.] Fine, scarcely visible eruption in the face, on the back and the rest of the body, itching, like a thrill running under the skin. Eruption of white, transparent pimples, which, filled with an 652 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. acrid humor, turn into scurf, like that formed b}^ itch; with this there is a local, fetid, smarting sweat. [Stoerk.^] A spot, which had a lesion many 3' ears before, begins to pain frequently. 750. Increased, intolerable pains in the affected parts. [Lange.] Formication in the affected part. [C01.LIN, Annot. med. III. 104/] Pain from coughing darts into the ulcers. [Stoerk.] Increased pain in the ulcer. [Stoerk.^] Tensive pain in the ulcer. [Stoerk.^] 755. Bleeding of the ulcers. [Greding.^] The edges of the ulcer turn black discharging a fetid ichor. [Stoerk.^] Fetid ichor from an ulcer. [Stoerk.^] Gangrene of a part of an ulcer. [Greding.^] Petechise. [Sim. Paulli.] 760. Blueness of the whole body. [Khrhardt.] In an old wart on the upper lip, a drawing pain. In the bones, especially in the middle of the shafts, concealed caries, with a burning, gnawing pain. [Stoerk.*^] The glands become painful in the evening. [Stoerk.'] Formication and agreeable itching in the glands. [Stoerk.^] 765. Lancinating pains in the swelling of the glands. Stinging pain around the grandular swelling, as if excoriated. Free cutting around the glands. Orgasm in the body (at once). Severe, continued ebullition of blood, mixed with twitches around the heart. 770. He feels his blood all through the bod}^ to be in an excited state. Quivering sensation and trembling of the body, especially severe in the arms (5th d.). Trembling. [Baylies, Cuelen, Ehrhardt.] Trembling of all the limbs. [Fothergill, Schmucker.^] Continual trembling. [iVNDRY.] 775. Subsultus of the tendons. [Ehrhardt.] Convulsions. [Andry, Watson, Cuelen.'"] Convulsions of the affected part and of the whole body, with danger of suffocating. [Langes.] Ill and fatigued, in the morning in bed, with ill-humor, drowsiness, and pains in the stomach (2d d.). Chaotic sensation in the whole bod3% in the morning, fasting, as after a severe illness, with lack of appetite, as if one had eaten too much, and loathing for food. 1 Critical, with S. 906 in a gouty patient. — Hughes. - Symptoms observed on patients taking C. — Hughes. 3 Symptoms 753, 754, 756 and 757 occurred in an open cancer, while patient was taking C. — Hughes. •i In mammarv' cancer. — Hughes. 5 Not io\x-n.. H.\ 55. Sharp, burning stitches on the left temple and on the vertex (aft. 54 h.). [//?;;?.] Burning tearing on the occiput, at the insertion of the mus- cles of the nape of the neck, w^hen he moves the head forward. IRkt.'] If he moves the head backward, there is felt an opposing straining pain in the muscles, where the neck and back are united. IRkt.'] The head is drawn backward. [OrfiIvA, Toxicologic, sub voce, 427.'] The head is twisted crooked. [Ramsay.] 60 Swelling of the head, with very red face. [PfuKNDkl.] The orbits are painful, as if bruised, on turning the eyes. Pressive pain in both eyes, as if there had been no rest at night. iRkt.'] Pressure in the eyelids, as well with open as with closed eyes, worse when touched. [^Hi'-m.'] Itching in the eyeballs. 65. Severe itching in the eyes, toward evening. Burning, pressive pain in the eyes. Burning pain as from a sore, now in the one eye, then in the other. Red, inflamed eyes, with a wild look (in the fits of insanity). [Ramsay.] Dim eyes, they tend to close from lassitude. \_Hrm.'] "JO. Quivering, closed eyelids (at once). The power of opening returned more slowly than conscious- ness (patients lie there conscious, but unable to open the ej^es). Eyes wavering, moving to and fro. Eyes wandering. [Voigtei..] Fixed eyes. [Ramsay.] 75. Staring, sunken eyes. Protruding, glistening eyes. [Cosmikr 1. c] The pupils are less movable, contract but little in the light, and dilate but little in the dark. [Rkt.'] Dilated pupils. Obscuration of the sight. [PfukndeL.] 80. Otalgia, pressive tearing in the interior of the right ear (aft. 7 h.). [//r;;2.] ^ Cases of poisoning by verdigris. — Hitg/tes. 662 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressure in the right concha, as from something hard. [Hr?n.'] Fine tearing in the cartilage of the left ear (aft. 2 h.). \Hr7n.'] Stinging pain in the right ear. Boring pain in and behind the ear. 85. Frequent itching in the ear. Fluttering in the left ear (aft. ^ h.). [Hrm.'] Sense of distant drumming in the ear, on which he is lying, in the morning, in bed, going off every time on raising up. Deafness. [Orfii^a.^] The nose itches internally. 90. Sensation of violent rush of blood to the nose. The complexion becomes pale. Paleness of the face. [Pelargus; Voigtei..] Pale, cachectic complexion. [VoiGTEiy.^] Bluish face, with bluish eyes. 95. Sunken, deep-set eyes, with blue borders. [Orfila.] Features changed, full of anguish. [Orfila.] Sad, dejected features. [Orfila.] Spasmodic contortion of the features. [Ramsay.] ' Pain as from a thrust, in the left side of the face. 100. Pressive pain in the face, before the ear. Stitches in the right side of the face. Hot face, without sensation of heat (aft. 2 h.). [Hnn.'] Soreness on th^ inner side of the upper lip. On the lower jaw, on the right side, drawing pressure, be- coming more violent when touched. [Hrm.^ 105. Hard pressure in the left ramus of the lower jaw, more violent when touched. \_Hr7?i.'] Drawing under the chin, inward, more violent when touched. [Hrm.'\ Obtuse shooting pain on the left side of the lower jaw, inward, and at the same time in the left tonsil, both during deglutition and at other times more violent on being touched from without. [Hrm.'] Spasmodic contraction of the jaws. [Orfila.] He lost his speech, no. The ability to talk returns later than consciousness; patients lie there conscious, but without being able to speak. Inability to speak, owing to spasm in the throat. [Orfila.] . Screaming, like a child. [Ramsay.] Crying, like the croaking of frogs. [Cosmier.] The water collects in his mouth (at once). \_Rkt.'] 115. Foam at the mouth. Accumulation of mucus in the mouth, in the morning. White furred tongue. [Percival in Med. ti^ansact. of Coll. of Phys., Vol. ni., p. 8.'] In the throat, fine stinging pain (aft. 22 h.). 1 ^\\%\i.t.— Hughes. 2 Effect of continued small dose^s.— Hughes. 3 From eating coppery pickles. — Hughes. CUPRUM. 663 Inflammation of the fauces, with obstructed deglutition. [Orfila.] 120. When drinking, the liquid audibly gurgles down the gullet. Dr3'ness in the throat, with thirst. [Dr. I^anzonus, Misc. Nat. Cur. Dec. Ill, ann. 7-8.^] Extremely violent thirst. [Orfii^a.] Bitterness in the mouth. [Grkding.] Sweet taste in the mouth (aft. 6 h.). 125. Sourish taste in the mouth all the afternoon, as if the tongue was held against iron. Salty-sour taste in the mouth, in the morning. Coppery taste, and troublesome burning in the mouth. [VOIGTEI..] The food tastes like nothing but water. \Fr. H.'\ Lack of appetite, for two days. [Grkding.] 130. No appetite in the evening, eight hours after dinner. More appetite for cold food than for warm, [//"r;;?.] He eats very hurridly. Continual eructation. [Percival; VoigtkIv.^] Eructations all the afternoon and evening. 135. Usually in the afternoon, heartburn, and then bitter mucus in the throat. Hiccup. [VoiGTEiv.] Frequent hiccup. Nausea. [Haysham.] Nausea (at once). \Fr. H.'\ 140. Nausea, repeatedly. [Ki^ingi^Ake in Londoji Med. and Phys. Journ. V, 438.^] Violent Nausea. [Greding; Voigtel.] Nausea and loathing, for one-quarter hour (at once). Nausea in almost the whole of the h3^pogastrium, drawing up into the throat and most violent in the scrobiculus cordis; attended with putrid taste in the mouth, and a sensation as if he should vomit at once. \Hrm^ Nausea, with inclination to vomit. 145. Inclination to vomit, as if connected with intoxication. Tendency, in the abdomen toward water-brash. Inclination to vomit, with spasmodic pain in the abdomen. [Pfuendel.] Vomiting. [Lanzonus; Greding; Voigtei..] Constant vomiting. [Fabas in Jour. d. vied, et d. chir. 1782, Tom. XVI , p. 228.'] 150. Violent vomiting. [HoRST. ; Eanzonus.] Violent vomiting, recurring from time to time. Violent vomiting, with nausea and diarrhsea. [Willick.] Continual vomiting, with the most terrible colic. [Pyl. Samjnl. VIII., p. 90/] ^ Poisoning with verdigris. — Hughes. - In Percival's case, these were rather hiccups. — Hughes. •'^Note from C. sulph. given for epilepsy. He says " Occasional " rather than " frequetit." ' —Hughes. •* Poisoning by verdigris. — Hughes. ^ Poisoning by verdigris. — Hughes. 664 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Excessive vomiting, with continual stomachache and tenesmus. [OrfiIvA.] 155. Excessive vomiting, with coHc and diarrhoea. [Weigei. in PyPs Magaz. Tom. I.. St. i.'] Frequent vomiting, with cohc and diarrhoea; hke cholera. SiCELius, Dec. obs. IV., cas. 8.'^] Ill-smelling vomiting, tasting of copper, always preceded by hiccups. [Percivai,.] Vomiting of water, after slight nausea, while much water flows from the eyes. \_Rkt.'] Mucous vomiting. [GrEding.] 160. Vomiting of greenish, bitter mucus, after nausea in the upper part of the throat, with pressive stomachache (aft. sev. h.). IHrm.'] Frequent vomiting of mere bile (aft. ^ h.). [Pfuendel.] Hematemesis without cough, with deep stitches in the left side of the chest (aft. 3 d.) The vomiting was suppressed by drinking cold water. Weakness of the stomach. [Cosmier.] 165. Stomachache. [Heysham; Percivae; Voigtee.] Excessive, fierce pains in the stomach and in the gastric region. [Cosmier; Horst.] Cramps in the stomach. [I^anzonus.^] Cramps in the stomach and colic, without stool. [SiCEEius.] Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. 170. Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, as from something hard, per se, but more violent when touched, [//rw.] Sensation in the stomach, as of something bitter in it. Eroding, finely stinging pain in the stomach, as if pricked with needles (when consciousness returned). [HoRST.] Dull stitches on the left side, beside the scrobiculus cordis, without respect to respiration. [^Hrm.'] Peculiar, anxious oppression in the scrobiculus cordis. [Orfiea.^] 175. The hypochondria are painful. [VoiGTEL.] Bellyache. [I^anzonus; Cosmier; Ramsay; P^abas.] Anxious pains in the abdomen. [Wieeich.] Bearing down in the hypogastrium, as from a stone. \_Rkt.^ Pressive pain in the stomach, as from something hard; more violent on touching it. \_Hrm.'] 180. A drawing pressure in the hypogastrium, as from something hard; aggravated by touching. [Hrm.^^ Pressive pain on the left side, near the navel. Inflated abdomen. [SiCEEius.] Distension of the abdomen. [Orfila.^] 185. The abdomen is drawn in. [Orfila.] Hardness of the abdomen, with great painfulness when touched. [Orfiea.] 1 Not accessible. — Hughes. -Not accessible. — Hughes. 3 Should be "cardialg-ia." — Hughes. *In the original, " That anxietas which, is peculiar to pain in the stomach." — Hughes. 5 Coming on vOi-pidly.— Hughes. CUPRUM. 665 Squeezing together of the intestines, and sensation of a heavy pressure from behind and above to the left and downwards; aggra- \'ated by walking and b}^ external pressure; pain not relieved by stool and recurring every forenoon. [^Rkt.'] Spasmodic motion of the abdominal muscles. Violent, spasmodic movements in the intestines and in the stomach. [Lanzonus.] Violent cramps in the abdomen, and in the upper and lower limbs, with piercing, torturing screams. [Cosmier.] 190. Pinching, like colic, in the abdomen, as soon as he walks about after eating (a green vegetable), it goes off by lying down and resting, but leaves a great weakness behind. Pinching in the abdomen, after drinking the warm milk in the morning. Pinching in the left side of the abdomen. Pinching pain, extending from the left hypochondrium to the hip. Cutting and tearing in the intestines. [Orfiua.] 195. Drawing pain, extending from the left hypochondrium to the hip. Sharp drawing, in the right side of the abdomen. Eroding stitches and internal ulcers in the bowels. [PET. de Apono, de venen. c. 14.^] Sensation in the left side of the abdomen, as if blisters were forming, which also burst open again, without pain. Constipation, with great heat of the body. [GrEding.^] 200. Constipation for several days. [Greding; Percivai..] Obstruction of the intestinal canal, or else violent evacuation. [VOIGTEU.] A sort of diarrhoea, the faeces not being altogether thin. Diarrhoea. [Lanzonus; GrEding.] Violent darrhcea. [Lanzonus; Horst.] 205. Bloody diarrhoea. [Voigtel.] In the rectum, tickling, as from ascarides. Sharp stinging, close above the anus. Flow of blood from the hemorrhoidal vein, for four days. [Greding.^] Urging to micturition, with scanty discharge, burning, sting- ing or cutting, chiefly at the orifice of the urethra. [//r;;2.] 210. Rare micturition, and more scanty discharge than usual. {_Hrm?^ Enuresis. [Pfuendee.] Frequent emission of an ill-smelling, tenacious urine, without sediment. [Pfuendee.] Dark-red, turbid urine, with yellowish sediment. [Orfila.] At the orifice of the urethra, burning stinging pain, during micturition and at other times. \Hnn.'\ 215. The glans is inflamed, the penis swollen. {Hrni^ ■> Effects of \&x^\^x'\9:— Hughes. - No unwonted occurrence G. says. — Hughes. ^ Repudiated by G. as efl[ect of C. — Hughes. 666 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Ver}^ frequent sneezing. The limbs feel heavy, as if a cold was coming on. Coryza and stuffed coryza, with sleepy yawning. Profuseh^ fluent coryza. [/^r. 77.] 220. Hoarseness, as soon as he breathes dry, cold air. Constant hoarseness, so that he cannot speak a word, with inclination to lie down. Spasm in the throat, impeding speech. [Orfila.] Cough, continuing uninterruptedly for a half hour or a whole hour and even two hours (early in the morning). Dry cough, without intermission, not allowing him to speak (at once). [Pelargus.] 225. Very fatiguing cough, with expulsion of blood, when he blows his nose. Dry cough. [Ramazzini, Krankh. d. Handw. u. Kuenstler?^ Tussiculation, arresting the breathing (after the return of consciousness). Cough, interrupting and almost suppressing the respira- tion. [VOIGTEE.] Nocturnal, very violent cough, followed by severe hoarseness, and chilliness from morning to evening 230. Cough, w^ith expectoration of putrid taste, in the morning. Cough, with bloody expectoration. Coughing up of blood. [Voigtel.] Quick respiration, with moaning. Very quick respiration. [VoiGTEL.] 235. Ver}^ quick breathing, with slight rattling in the bronchial branches, as if they were full of mucus. Rattling on the chest, while awake. Rattling in the chest, with flow of bloody, mucus from the nose and the mouth (which was relieved during epilepsy). Asthma. [Ramazz. Pelarg.] Spasmodic attacks of asthma; the chest feels contracted, the respiration difficult, even to suffocation, and, when these cramps abate, a spasmodic vomiting, after which the attack subsided for half an hour. 240. Constriction of the chest. [Voigtel.] Painful contraction of the chest, chiefly after drinking. Suffocating obstruction of breathing. [Pet. de Apono.] During respiration, tearing pain in the hypochondria, which pain, as if bruised, when touched. On the chest, a pressive pain. 245. Pressive pain in the right side of the chest. Pressure as of something hard on the cartilage of the third rib, more violent when touched. \Hrm^^ Shooting pain in the side, with a scream before or afterward, interrupting the sleep. Sharp stitches, just below the heart, in the left side of the chest. Sharp drawing pain, independent of the touch, on the carti- lage of the sixth rib (aft. 11 h.). \Hrm^ 1 observations on workers in copper. Effect of inhaling the pulverized metal. — Hughes. CUPRUM. 667 250. Pinching pain in the left side of the chest, extending to the hip. Boring pain in the cardiac region. Sensation of excessive accumulation of blood in the chest, ^dthout any palpitation. Ver}' quick pulsation of the heart, for one-fourth hour, soon after a (light) supper. Palpitation of the heart. [VoiGTEL.] 255. Severe palpitation. Stitch, transversely through the sacrum. In the back, a severe pressive pain under the right scapula, which at inspiration changes into a lancinating pain. Sharp, cutting drawing in the left side of the back. Broad stitches, as if from a knife, under the scapula, on the left side near the spine; independent of respiration. \^Hrm.'] 260. In the nape of the neck, tensive pain. In the cervical muscles, an intermittent, stinging tearing. \Hr7Jt.'] The glands of the right side of the neck are swollen, and painful when touched. Pain in the thyroid cartilage. [VoiGTKiy.] In the gland of the axilla, heaviness. [Simmons, in Med. a?id Philos. Comment., Edinb. 4, 33.^] 265. In the shoulder, a drawing pain. The arms are painful, chiefly the right one, when held quiet. \_Fr. H.'] Twitching in the arms and hands. Red, not sharply circumscribed, spots on the arms, with burn- ing itching, chiefly at night. In the upper arm, pain, as if broken or contused. 270. A blow or jerk in the upper arm. Pressive pain in the upper arm. Sensation in the upper arm, as if bubbles of air were pressing out. In the bend of the elbow, a tetter, forming yellow scales, and itching violently, chiefly in the evening. In the fore-arm, a twitching tearing in the shaft of the elbow. \_Hrm-.~\ 275. Tearing in the shaft of the elbow, chiefly in the region of the carpus, aggravated by touching it. \_Hr77t.'] Drawing pain, first in the right, then in the left fore-arm, toward the thumb. Pain, as if something was broken in two, in the left fore-arm, below the elbow-joint. In the hands, twitching, in the morning after rising. A hard pressure in the metacarpus of both hands, aggravated by touching. [T/r/^?.] 280. Twitching tearing on the metacarpal bones of the thumb and of its posterior joint, worse when touched. \_Hnn.'] Pain in the ball of the hand, as if something was about to pierce through there. 1 From touching wound in hand with sulphate. " Weight " should be " pain."— ^i/j-Aw. 668 hahnkmann's chronic diseases. Cold hands. Weakness and paralysis of the hand. [FaIvCONER, on Bath Waters y\ Inflammation of a lymphatic vessel, from the hand to the shoulder, with severe swelling of the hands. [Simmons.] 285. In the finger-tips, fine tearing. \Hr7n?^ Tensive pain in the balls of both thumbs. Pain, as from a sprain, in the joint of the thumb. Pain, as after a knock, below the joint of the thumb. Numbness and shriveling of the fingers. 2QO. Vesicles on the finger-tips, exuding water. In the nates, a pressive, drawing pain. The lower limbs ache very much. \Fr. H.'] Excessive weakness in the lower limbs. [Orfila.^] In the muscles of the thighs, obtuse pain, on the anterior side. [Orfila.] 295. Drawing pain in the right thigh. Pain in the thigh, just above the knee, as if broken or con- tused. The knee-joint pains, as if broken. I^assitude of the knee-joint, with painful drawing, when walk- ing and standing, which is very troublesome to him; the knees will give way. \_Hrj?i.'] On the leg, cramp, from the ankle to the calf. [^Rkt.l^ 300. Pain, as from a jerk or blow, below the calf. Cramps in the calves. [ORF11.A.] Cramp in the calves. Tensive, drawing, cramp-pain in the calves. Drawing pain below the calves. 305. Digging pain in and below the calf The calves pain, chiefly when kept still. \_Fr. H.'] Tearing pressure in the leg, just below the knee-joint. \_Hrm.1 The leg, up to the knee, goes to sleep and feels very heavy. In the ankle-joint, painful heaviness. 310. Violent, pressive pain on the inner edge of the sole of the left foot. Hard pressure on the metatarsal bone; aggravated by touch- ing. [//r;;2.] Drawing pain in the metatarsal bone, where the great toe is joined to it, independent of motion and touch. [^Hrm.'] Drawing pain on the sole of the left foot, w^orse when walk- ing. \^Hrjn.^ Twitching tearing on the sole of the foot and its dorsum. \_Hrni.^ 315. Pain, as from a misstep, in the sole of the left foot. Severe itching on the sole of the foot. On the toes, a pressive pain. Sensation of blowing on the toes, as if a wind were blowing out of them. iNote, " Observations on workers in cop-pev.'^— Hughes. - See S. 2>y^.— Hughes. CUPRUM. 669 Pain between the scapulae, in the knee-joint and elbow-joint. [COSMIER.] 320. Rheumatic pains. [Wkigel.] Shooting- pains darting through the whole body, especially on the right side. [Percival.] Painful jerks or shocks in diverse parts of the body. Pains in the bones, in the morning, with headache and nausea. [Ramsay.] Pains in the bones and headache, in the intervals which are free from frenzy and convulsions. [Ramsay.] 325. Cutaneous eruptions. \_Hamb. Magaz., Bd. 8, p. 442.^] Rash on the chest and the hands. [Pkrcivai,.] A sort of a dry itch. [GrEding."^] Eruption resembling leprosy. [Voigtel.^] Contraction of the skin on all the limbs. [Orfii^a.] 330. Restlessness in the body, with twitching in the limbs. He is very restless and utters from time to time a piercing cry [Orfila.] Trembling. [Weigel.] Trembling in all the limbs. [Orfila.] Convulsive movements of the limbs. [Orfila.] 335. Convulsive movements and contortions of the limbs. [Fabas.] General convulsions. [Ramsay; Fondi, histit. d, cJihn. Napoli., 1778.*] Convulsions so severe, that two men could scarcely hold the boy. [Ramsay.] Convulsions, so that six men had to hold him. [Ramsay.] Convulsions, with the constant vomiting and the violent pains of the abdomen, which gradually passed into paralysis. [Pyl.] 340. Convulsive attacks in sleep, twitching with the fingers, the arms and hands, backward and also toward the body, the feet were also drawn back; now she would open her eyes and turn them about, then again, she would close them, and distort her mouth. With sudden convulsions, he would fall down unconscious. [Ramsay.] Epileptic convulsions, he trembled, reeled and fell down un- conscious, without a cry. Fits of epilepsy, recurring at short intervals. [Eazorme, de morb. capit. p. 253.°] Epileptic fits, with foaming at the mouth, the trunk bent outward, and the limbs spread out on the sides, with open mouth. 345. The child lies on his belly and raises up the nates spas- modically. Spasms in the limbs. [Orfila.] The limbs and the trunk became stiff and the jaws shut up. [Orfila.] Lassitude of the limbs. [Pelargus; Voigtel.] Lack of tone of the whole body, [//rw.] 1 Effect of verdigris. — Hughes. - Not ascribed to C. — Hughes. ■^ Effect of continued small doses. — Hughes. ■* Not accessible. — Hughes. 5 Not accessible.— Hughes. 670 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 350. Great lassitude of the body, especialh' of the knee-joints, which threaten to give wa}- it is almost impossible for him to stand and to walk, as after a long foot-tour. \_I/7^m.~\ Great weariness after a walk, so that all the limbs seem to tremble. Excessive weakness in the whole body. [Orfila.^] He cannot stay up, but has to lie abed for two and one-half days without getting up. \_I^r., H.~\ Repeated fainting fits. [Orfila.^] 355. Jaundice, with an expression of rest. [Orfila.] Marasmus. [Voigtel; Zwinger, act. helvet. V. p. 252.^] Consumption. [Ramazzini.*] Apoplexy. [A^oiGTEE.] Paralyses. [Voigtee; Pye.] 360. Frequent yawning, without sleepiness, [//"rw.] Much yawning, in the evening. Sleepiness and lassitude. After lassitude, a deep sleep of two to three hours. [Wien- HOLD, Heilkr. d. thier. Magn. Th. II., p. 484.^] Deep sleep, on the cessation of the pains in the abdomen. [SiCELIUS.] 365. Lethargic sleep, after the vomiting. [Orfila.] Deep sleep for several hours, with twitching of the limbs. At night (in sleep) frequent twitches. [Ramsay.] During sleep, constant grumbling in the abdomen. Insomnia. [Voigtel.] 370. Dif&culty in getting to sleep, and the sleep is full of dreams with frequent a wakings. Feverish movements. [Weigel.] Violent fever. [Lanzonus.®] Wasting fever. [VoiGTEL.] Chilliness (aft. 4 h.). {Rkt.l 375. Chill, especiall}^ on the hands and feet. Chill and chattering of teeth. [Greding.'^] Shaking chill over the whole bod^^ (at once). Febrile heat, for several daj^s. [SiCELius.] Flush of heat. [Heysham.®] 380. Full pulse, but of normal quickness. [Pfuendel.] Accelerated pulse. [Pfuexdel.] Softer, slower pulse. [Pfuendel.] Slow pulse, twenty-four beats a minute. [Orfila.] Weak and small pulse. [Voigtel.] 385. Moist skin. [Pfuendel.] Cold sweat, for several hours. [Heysham.®] At night, profuse sweat. 1 See S. 2<)-^.—H2ighes. 2 When fatig:ued by much xomitxng.—Htighes. 3 Not accessible. — Hughes. 4 Not iouwd..— Hughes. 5 Not accessible. — Hughes. <5Not found. — Hughes. ' In association with slight epileptic manifestations.— i/w^/z^i-. ^l»'.] Anxiousness, with great apprehension of the future, most intense every evening at 6 o'clock, with sadness and weep- ing, which give relief, [/r.] Anxiet}^ as if he had done wrong. \_Lhm^ Internal anguish, like anguish of conscience, as if he had committed a crime, or had to expect reproaches (continuing for more than three months), [/r.] 10. Great anguish. [Krause, in Hufel. Journ., ^thBd., 3d St., p. 684.^ Anxious apprehension of a sad kind, with great dejection, ex- tremeh^ aggravated b}^ music. [Pp.~\ Despondenc3\ [Penkivil, Med. and Pliys. Jourii. III., p. 315-'] Fear of death. Great excitabilit}'; he is ver^^ much affected by everything, but especialh^ b}^ sad things, and the least trifle can throw him into disconsolate despair (continuing over three months), [/r.] 15. Great inclination to solitude. \_Pp^ Indisposed to talk. \_Hbg?^ Gloominess and peevishness. \Hbg?^ Gloomy, morose humor, he scolds about everything. \Rkt^ Indifference and lack of interest. [Guibert, in Gazette de Sa7ite, 1826, No. 24.*] 20. Ver}^ indifferent to everything, for several days. [_Pp.^ Indift'erent mood, looking down before him, as if he had not finished his sleep, but without drowsiness. [77/^.] Well disposed for mental work and all business. (Curative effect.) \_Hbg.'] Violent desire for work (aft. i^ h.). Peaceable, tranquil mood. (After-effect.) \_Pr.'] 25. ]\Ian3^ vi\'id fancies, [/v-.] Delirious talk and restlessness, at night. [Kraus, 1. c] 1 Effects of D. on patients. (The s^'mptoms have been revised from the original English edition.) This symptom not found. — Hughes. -Read ''Kuans/' Effects of D. in a case of anasarca.— /2^m^/z^5. 3 Effects of D. in phthisis. This discouragement was on account of the apparent in- •efficiency of the medicine. Htighes. * Effects of D. in a case of enlarged tieart.— Hughes. DIGITAI.IS. 673 Secret insanity, with disobedience and obstinacy; he tries to run awa}'. Weakness of memory. [lyKTTSOM, Mem. of the Med. Soc. of Lo7id., Vol. II., Art. i6.'] Thinking requires an effort, and he would at once forget everything again, with internal and external heat in the head. {]\Iyr.'\ 30. The head is affected. [Withering.'] Gloominess of spirit, with indifference, mostly in the evening. Gloomy in mind, as if hypochondriac. Obtuseness of the head. Dizziness of the head, with inability to recollect, [/v-.] 35. Obtuseness of the head, with very limited power of thinking. [JOERG, Mater, z. e. Kuenft. Heilm. Lehre.^P^ Head muddled, as from intoxication, with increased cere- bral activity. [JoERG.] Vertigo. [Quarin, Animadvers. pract.; Maclean, in Med. a7id Phys. fomm. II., 91; JoERG; Penkivil; Lettsom.*] Vertigo, frequently, after rising from sitting or lying down. Vertigo, so that she fell down on going up stairs. [Penkivil.] 40. Vertigo and trembling. [Drake, in Med. and Phys. fourn. IV., 521/] Headache. [Quarin; Lettsom.] Headache for several days. [Schiemann, diss, de dig. purp, Goett., 1786.] Headache, with obtuseness of the head. [_Stf.~\ Headache in the frontal region. [JoERG.] 45. Headache on stooping, at once in the morning, after rising. ipp-'] Headache, pressure and heaviness as from a rush of blood to the head. Pressive headache, with slight obtuseness. [JoERG.] Pressive headache in the occiput, or starting from the vertex and extending all over the head, arising from^ original feeling of obtuseness. [Joerg.] Pressure in the forehead, the region of the vertex and the occiput. [Joerg, 1. c] 50. Pressure in the occiput, from the right to the left side and then spreading toward the vertex. [JoERG.] Pressive, very acute headache, after awaking in the morning, all the forenoon. [Joerg.] Pressive pains in the head, so much aggravated in the after- noon and especially in the evening, that he has to lie down before his customary time; during the day the pain made work impos- sible. [Joerg.] 1 Effects of D. when given to dropsical -patiants.— Hughes. - Not found. — Hughes. '^Provings on tlie healthy with one-third grain doses of the powdered leaves. — Huglies. •♦Nothing abont D. mentioned by Quarin here, but most of Qnarin's symptoms are cited in Bayle's BihI. de Therap. III., 320, as effects of the drug in scrofula. Maclean gives "Effects on pa'tients."— //«o-/(^'i-. '^Effects of Drin phthisis.— ///^^//^'ji-. 44 674 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressure as from a heavy load, in the middle of the upper part of the forehead, on exerting the thoughts. [/^''.J Sharp pressive pain in the forehead, on a small spot above the eye. [St/.-] 55. Pressure and stretching in the sides of the head (soon). Muddling, tensive pressure in the head, chiefly in the fore- head and left temple, in the evening (aft. 3, 12 d.). \_Jr.'] Tensive pressure anteriorly in the forehead. [Hbg.'] Contractive pressure anteriorly in the forehead and temples, in- creased by reflecting. [Fr.'] Jerking pressure on the right side of the head (7th. d.). 60. Pressure bv jerks, now in the temples, now in the whole head. [_Rkt.'] Tensive sensation in the sinciput, when turning the eyes to the side. [BcIit'.'] Stitchlike tension on a small spot in the side of the brain, every time he stooped forward; there was a drawing sensation in an upper tooth on the left hand side; this went off every time he raised himself up. [Stf.'\ Drawing in the side of the head, which made him giddy. [Gr.-] Tearing in the left side of the head. \_Gr.'] 65. Tearing in the right temporal region, close to the ear. \_Gr.'\ Shooting, now in the right, now in the left temporal region. \_Myr.'] Single obtuse stitches in the left temple, darting through the whole brain, in the.evening, and at night when sleeping. Violently shooting pains in the head, especially in the occiput and the crown. [Joerg.] Throbbing headache in the forehead or in the fundus of the orbits. [Maclean.] 70. Headache, coming with an ebullition, beating like waves tow^ard both sides, in the interior of the head, aggravated by standing and by bending backward, diminished by lying down and by bending forward. [77/z.] Pulsating sensation as if the brain, like water, was beating against both sides of the skull, and would burst it, with obtuse- ness. [Tth.'] Frequent sensation on bending the head forward, as if some- thing fell forward in it. [Rkt.'\ Sudden cracking knack in the head, during the noon-siesta, with frightened starting up. [/r.] Semilateral headache, as if from an internal itching. \_J. Lh.'] 75. At the occipital protuberance, a pressive pain as from a knock or a fall. [Hbg.-] Pressive stitches externally on the left side of the forehead. Tearing stitches in the left temple. [Lgh.'] Single stitches in the left frontal region. \_Lgh.'] Heat, on and in the whole head. \Myr.'] DIGITALIS. 675 80. Swelling of the head. [Quarin.^] The head alwaj^s falls backwards, when sitting and in walk- ing, as if the anterior cervical muscles had no strength, as if they were paral3^zed. [77/z.] Pain of the e3^es, excessive aching in the eyeball, when touched. Pressive pain in the eyeballs. Pressure in the right eyeball, rapidly coming and vanishing. [5//.] 85. Pressive pain in the right eyebrow, toward the external canthus. [Lg'/i.'] Painful scratching in the inner canthus, as from coarse dust. Pain of the edges of the eyelids as if sore, when closing the eyes, in the evening in bed. [jRkf.'] Throbbing pains in the orbits. [Maci^KAn.] Burning pain in the arch of the right eyebrow, with dimness of vision as through a gauze. \_Myr.'] 90. Eroding burning in the outer canthi. [/r.] Reddened eyes, with painfulness, especially in the evening, for five days. [/^.] Inflammation of the Meibomian glands on the edges of the eyelids. Violent inflammation of the eyes. Swelling of the lower eyelid, troublesome on looking down- ward. 95. Watery discharge from the eyes. [Withering.] The eyes become full of water, more in the room than in the open air; they are dim, hot, full of red blood-vessels, with pressive pain and eye-gum in the canthi. \Stf.'] Eyes glued together in the morning, and then weakness in the eyes. [/^.] Smarting tears. Heaviness of the eyelids in the evening, with inability to keep them open. [/^.] 100. Tendency of both eyes to turn toward the left, with pain when be turned them to the right side, on which he then sees all things double and threefold; at the same time the face is puffed up. \_Bchr.'] Pupils strongly contracted (aft. }i h..). \_S(f.^ Great dilatation of the pupils (aft. i h.). [77/z.] Dilated, insensible pupils. \_J02irn.d. Chim. med. 1827, Dec, P- 593-T Pupil has but little irritability. [TroscheIv in Hufcl. Jouni. 1828, Sep. — GUIBERT.^] 105. Obscuration of the eyes. [Ouarin.] Slight obscuration of the vision. [Mossmann, Essay fo clucid. the scrofula, lyond., 1800.*] He sees objects only darkily. [Withering.] 1 This was only a sensation as of swelling. — Hiig/ics. 2 From an overdose. With S. 5^2. — Hits,Iies. ^Troschel's is simply a translation of Guibert's case. (See S. 19.) — Ilughts. "* Not accessible, — Hughes. 676 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Weak sight, imperfect vision. [Penkivil.] Dimness of vision. [Withering.] no. Dim, weak vision, for forty-eight hours. [7>5.] Dimmed, diminished vision. [JoERG.] Imperfect vision, as if a cloud or a mist was passing before the eyes. [Mx\clean.] BHndness. [Lettsom.^] BHndness, amaurosis, for three days. [Remer, A7i7ial. d. Kl. Anst., Bd. i.T 115. Double vision. [JoERG.] External objects present themselves in a false semblance and not in their true light. [ JoERG.] Various appearances before the eyes. [Lettsom.^] All sorts of figures hover before the eyes. [Penkivil.] Muscae volitantes float before his ej^es, when he wishes to look at distant objects. [Baker, in Arzneik, Abhandl. d. Kolleg. d. Aerzte hi London, Th. Ill, Art. 17.*] 120. Bright bodies seem to dance before his eyes, when he covers his eyes. [Baker. ^] All objects seem as if covered with snow, in the morning on awaking. [Mossmann in ^•] ' 1 This lasted for a month after omitting the medicine, with throbbing pains and sense of fullness and enlargement in the ej'eballs. — Hughes. - Not accessible. — Hiighes. •nvith S. \\.— Hughes. * Effects of D. in a case of anasarca. — Hughes. ' 5 The muscae of S. 119 became these when the eyes were covered and pressed upon.— Hughes. 6 Effects of D. in pneumonia. — Hughes. DIGITAI^IS. 677 Hissing before both ears, like boiling water.* [Tl'/z.] Pain above the root of the nose. [Neumann, vsxHufel. Journ. LV., 78.T Epistaxis from both nostrils, bright blood (aft. i h.). [77^.] 140. Paleness of the face. [Withering, 1. c."] Cramp under the right zygomatic arch on moving the lower jaw, which, w^hen he bites, is drawn together spasmodically. \Fr^ Paralytic drawing, below the left zygomatic arch, going off when it is pressed upon. \Gr^ Cramp-like drawing pain on the zygomatic arch, before the ear. [/>.] Convulsions on the left side of the face. [Mossmann.] 145. Swelling of the cheek, extending from the ear to the corner of the mouth, with pain when touched, and with eruption. [/^.] Erosion and itching on the cheek and chin, worse at night. Itching eruption on the cheek and chin, which forms a scab and leaves red spots behind. \Pp.'\ Large pimple, with .smarting pain, under the left nostril. Red nodule, with burning, smarting pain, increased by touch- ing, on the middle of the forehead. \Hbg.^ 150. Black perspiration-pores on the skin of the face, which fester and suppurate. [/^.] Swelling of the lips. [Henry in Ebinb, Med. and Surg. Journ. Vn., 148.'] Swelling on the inner side of the lower lip, without any pain. Eruption on the upper lid. In the lower jaw, stitches. 155. The teeth in the front row are painful. \_Stf. Fetor of the mouth. Swelling of the tongue. [Henry.] Tongue coated, for several days. Tongue coated white, in the morning. {Lgh?^ 160. Collection of saliva in the mouth, with spitting of it out, and great nausea on swallowing it down. \Bchr.'\ Accumulation of saliva, as after vinegar. \Hbg^ Collection of watery saliva in the mouth, first tasting sweet, but later on very salty, frequently recurring. \Stf^ Collection of very sweet saliva. [Schiemann.] Flow of saliva. [Dentin, Beobacht. ein. krankh., 1774, p. 167; Withering; Gremler, in Rusfs Magaziji. XXV., 578.*] 165. Flow of saliva. Copious flow of saliva of fetid smell. [Henry. ^] Flow of saliva, with soreness in the mouth, on the tongue and * Digitahs has not unfrequently cured deafness attended with a noise in the ear as of boihng water, in cases where it was othenvise honioeopathically appropriate. 1 Effects of D. in phthisis. With \^x\.\^o.— Hughes. 2 With S. 344. - Hughes. 3 From overdosing an ascitic patient with T).— Hughes. ;* Effect of overdosing with D.— Hughes. ^ Henry states saliva to have been of viscid consistence, but savs nothing about "stink- ing odor."— ///^.^/zi'i- 678 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. in the gums for three days. [Bayi^ies, Prad. Essays o?i Med. Subj., Lond., 1773.^] Dryness in the throat. [Neumann.] Roughness and softness in the mouth, as if it was covered with velvet. [77/z.] 170. Roughness of the palate, as after smoking too much tobacco. [_Fr.-] Scrapy, rough feeling in the palate. \_Stf.^ Scraping and burning in the fauces and the oesophagus, after dinner and in the evening. [JoERG.] Sensation in the fauces, as if the walls of the pharynx were swollen or pressed together by a swelling of the tonsils. [JoERG.] Shooting sore throat, even when not swallowing. 175. Stitches in the posterior part of the palate and in the com- mencement of the gullet, not observable when swallowing. [^Rkf.'] Pain as of soreness in the throat, when swallowing, [/r.] Soreness of the fauces and of the posterior nares, chiefly pain- ful in the morning and evening, for several days. \_Jr.'] Soreness of the mouth, the fauces and the oesophagus. [BoER- HAVE, /tortus, Lugd. Batav., p. 301.^] Flat , slimy taste . [ Tth . ] 180. Taste as of sweet almonds, after smoking tobacco. \_Fr.'] Little appetite, he feels sated at once. \_Stf.'] Lack of appetite, with clean tongue. [Penkivil.] Anorexia, with great emptiness in the stomach. [Kinglake in Beddoes, in Med. Facts and Obs., Vol. V., Lond., 1797.^] Loss of appetite. [MuEi^ivER in IVasse's Zeitschrift fuer An- thropologie ^'\ 185. Total anorexia, in the morning and evening. [JoERG.] Violent hunger, also in the afternoon. [JoERG.] Thirst. [Neumann.] Thirst for acid drinks. \Tth.'\ Desire for bitter food, [/9<:/zr.] 190. Bread tastes bitter, with good appetite. [27/2.] After a meal, the food presses into the scrobiculus cordis, while sitting, not while standing. \Fr^ After dinner, great drowsiness, with frequent yawning, for many days. After a meal, the stomach and epigastrium are always full and inflated, with clumsiness and distaste to work, [/r.] Sour eructation after a meal. [77/z.] 195. Regurgitation of a sourish fluid, [i^.] Regurgitation of an acrid fluid and then of acidity in the mouth, like vinegar. [/^.] Regurgitation of a tasteless fluid. \_Pp^ Heartburn, in the afternoon and toward evening. [JoERG.] A somewhat sharp burning, extending from the stomach up the oesophagus. [Joerg.^] 1 Not accessible. — Hughes. - Observed effects of D. This symptom is ascribed by the author to the acrimony of the ^lant.— Hughes. 3 Nothing from Kinglake found here. — Hughes. * Not accessible. — Hughes. 5 The original numbering of symptoms leaps here from 199 to loo.— Trayisl. DIGITALIS. 679 300. Hiccup. [Lentin.] Hiccup, which does not rise quite up into the throat, six or seven times. [Bch?'.'] Repeated hiccup. \_Pp.~\ Loathing. [Neumann.] Qualmishness, almost bordering on nausea. [JoKRG.] 305. Nausea. [Bayliks.] Nausea in the gastric region, with little appetite. \_Bchr.'] Nausea after eating. [/. Lh.'] Nausea for three days, without cessation. [Maclean.] Deadly nausea. [Warren, in London Med. Jourji. VI. 2, I45-T 310. Deadly nausea, as if he should vomit, in recurring fits, with extreme depression of the spirits and anxious oppression. [With- ering.^] Inclination to vomit. [Guibert, Troschel.] Retching. [Kraus.] Almost convulsive effort to vomit. [Guibert.] Vomiting. \_Journ d. Chhn.'] 315. Vomiting, through the day and night. [Guibert.] Morning vomiting. [Mossmann, Penkivil.] Vomiting in the night. [Penkivil.] Long-continued vomiting. [Withering.] Vomiting for six days, uncontrollable until death ensued. \_Edmb. Med. Comment. B. X., 358.^] 320. Violent vomiting for four hours. [Baylies.] Excessive vomiting. [Lentin.*] Vomiting with nausea. [Neumann.] Vomiting with severe, violent nausea. [Maclean.] Excessive vomiting, with inordinate nausea, coldness of the limbs and cold sweat, for two days. [Baker.] 325. Retching vomiting, with violent nausea, with great anguish in the scrobiculus cordis, with external heat intermixed with chilly shudders, and subsequent sweat with chill, several days succes- sively, at 5 to 6 p. M. [/^.] Vomiting of the food eaten, which was enveloped in tasteless mucus, with increased nausea and diminution of the bellyache. IBchr.'] Vomiting of a green liquid, like an infusion of herbs, in re- peated attacks, with an abatement of the ailments. [Guibert.] Vomiting of green bile, with inordinate nausea. [Baker.] Bilious vomiting, for several days. [Beddoes, in Med. facts and obs. V., Lond., 1794, ^^'t- 2.^] 330. Stomachache. [Guibert; Kraus; Troschel.] Disagreeable sensation in the gastric region. [Mossmann.] The stomach is weak in digesting food for a long time. [_Pp'~\ Weakness of the stomach, like a sinking down, as if life 1 Effect of overdose. — Hughes. - Not found. — Hughes. ^ From overdosing. — Hughes. 4 Not ionnd.— Hughes. ^Froni an overdose. — Hughes. 68o HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. were being extinguished, with all the patients in the same manner. [Maclean/] Heaviness in the stomach. [Penkivil.] 335. Heaviness in the stomach, alternating with lassitude. [Moss- ma nn.] Pressure, repeatedly in the stomach and in the epigastrium. [>■] Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, as from a hard load, on raising the body, [i^r] Cutting pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, with nausea there. [Gr.-] Constriction over the gastric region, toward the liver. [Hbg.'\ 340. Cramplike pains about the stomach (7th d.). [7V.] Spasms of the stomach. [Withering.] Cutting in the stomach. [JoERG.] Squeezing stitches in the scrobiculus cordis, unchanged by respiration and increased b}^ touching, only when standing, not when sitting. \_Gr.'] Great heat in the stomach, with painfulness of .the same. [Withering.] 345. Burning in the stomach, extending up into the oesophagus. [JOERG.] Burning and pressure, in the gastric region. [Horn, Neues Archiv ¥., I., p. 504. ^ In the hypochondria, anxious tension and constriction. Pressure in the left hypochondrium. [/r ] Continuous stitch in the left hypochondrium, with feeling as if the parts around it had gone to sleep. l-Fr.~\ 350. Pain, as if all things within were torn, on a spot below the third false rib on the left side. \_Fr.'] Bellyache, of a violent and constant kind. [/ourn. d. Chim.'\ Fullness in the abdomen, at noon, with good appetite. [JOERG.] Pressive colic in the epigastrium, by jerks and, as it were, spasmodic. \^Jr^ Contractive pain in the abdomen, for a quarter of an hour. [JOERG.] 355. Sensation of twisting in the bowels and as if the gastric region was drawn in. [Drake. ^] Pinching contraction in the abdomen, as from taking a violent cold, when sitting, not when walking (aft. 3 or 4 days). \Fr.'\ Pains in the abdomen, like colic, with growling and rumbling, for half an hour. Pinching in the belly (almost at once). Pinching in the hypogastrium, as from a purgative. \Myr.'\ 360. Pinching in the belly, with single stitches and transient fits of nausea. \Rkt.'\ Cutting all over the epigastrium and hypogastrium. \_Gr.'\ 1 The original is "A faintness or sinking at the stomach, as if life were going from them. — Hughes. - Nothing about D. here. — Hughes. 3 Original is " Sensation of twisting in the bowels after each dose, and of much sinking at the pit of the stomach."— //^?/^/i5.] Diuresis. Increased discharge of urine, with increased urging thereto, and inabilty to retain it. [Withering.] Inability to retain the urine. [Withering.] Involuntary discharge of urine. 435. Frequent copious discharge of pale yellow, watery urine. [JOERG.] Frequent passing of watery urine. [5//*.] Frequent and copious passing of dark urine. [JoERG.] Dark colored urine. [JOERG.] Dark urine, without urging, in standing, this became more red and also turbid (aft. 14 h.). [Bchr.'] 440. Acrid urine. [Withering.^] Thin, brownish sediment in the urine, when it has stood sev- eral hours. [JOERG.] During urination, a contractive pain in the urinary bladder, with difficult passage of the urine. [/. Lh.'] While urinating, a pressing burning in the middle of the urethra, as if this was too narrow, but this diminishes during the continuance of micturition. During the diuresis and diarrhoea, small, quick pulse, while the hands and feet are cold. [Withering.] 445. After the diuresis, retention of urine, then nausea, vomit- ing and diarrhoea.* [Withering.] * A very rare alternating action of foxglove, and only when given in a dose too large. Usually the first effect of this medicine is to produce difficulty in urination. By means of this action, it frequently has been of great use in dis- eases involving swellings, which were attended with similar difiiculty in the secretion of urine and with other symptoms found among the pure primary effects of digitalis. The copious, often involuntar}^ flow of urine, or diuresis, resulting from the use of digitalis, is merely a counter effect of the organism, in answer to the above mentioned primary effect of the drug. 1 Not ionnd.—Hzighes. 684 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Inflammation of the neck of the bladder. [Don Monro, in Savtinl. f. pr. Aerzte XIII., p. 288.'] In the glans, an itching irritation. [JoERG.] In the right testicle, pain as from a contusion. Excitation of sexual desire. [JoERG.] 450. Excited sexual organs, with repeated, painful erections, dis- turbing the night's sleep. [JoERG.] Excited sexual desire, with frequent erections, by day. [/r.] Fancy very much excited voluptuously, with lascivious images b}^ day and night, and frequent erections. \_Pp.^ Pollutions, almost every fourth night, always with lewd dreams. [//".] Pollutions, with subsequent pain in penis. [/^.] 455. Frequent sensation at night, as if pollutions were coming, without emission of semen; in the morning, a viscid fluid at the orifice of the urethra. Much sneezing, without a cold, during the first days. [/?".] Coryza in the morning, with stoppage of the nose. \Lgh^ Fluent coryza, with much sneezing, followed by stoppage of the nose. [/^.] Stuffed coryza, in the night and evening, but fluent coryza by day (aft. 20 d.). [/r.] 460. Roughness in the windpipe. [JoERG.] Hoarseness in the morning. Great hoarseness in the morning, after a night-sweat, so that he could not speak. Hoarseness, in the morning, on awaking. [/^.] Frequent painless hoarseness. \_Jr^ 465. Adhesive phlegm in the throat, detached by coughing. [/^.] Adhesive mucus in the larynx, detached by a hacking cough. Expectoration in the morning, by involuntarv retching. Mucus in the throat in the morning, which is easil}^ detached, but when he wishes to cough it up, it generally gets into the fauces, so that he has to swallow it. \Gr.'\ Cough and coryza, so that he can hardly talk. 470. The irritation to cough extends to the top of the palate. Cough, short and dry, caused by an itching irritation in the larynx, [/r.] Dull cough, as from a titillation in the windpipe, without ex- pectoration . \Stf. ] After much speaking, dry, spasmodic cough. After eating, a cough so severe that he vomits up the food, 475. At twelve o'clock at night, cough, with sweat. In the morning, on rising, dry cough, with asthma. \Hbg^ Dry cough, with tensive, pressive pain in the arm and shoul- der. [5^/.] 1 Effects of D. p;iven for dropsy. I,iterally, it is "urging to urinate, even to inflamma" tion of the bladder."— //^z/^/z^^. DIGITALIS. 685 Coughing is rendered difficult by a pain in the chest. [Bran- Dis, in Schiemann, p. 61.] Expectoration from the chest, colored with blood. [Pen- KIVIL.'] 480. Hemoptysis. Breathing, heav3^ and slowly drawn from deep down in the chest. \Rkt?^ Short breathing and not enough of it; he cannot hold his breath long, but must quickly breathe anew. [Z^''.] Painful asthma for many days; he had often to draw a deep breath; and yet he felt as if air failed him, especially when sitting. Vstn Spasmodic constriction of the throat. [Lentin.^] 485. Suffocating, painful constriction of the chest, as if the interior parts were grown together, especially in the morning, on awaking, he has quickly to sit up. With ever}^ respiration, a sensation as if he was being elec- trified. [Sackreutkr, in Annalen der Heilkunde, 18 11; Maerz.^] Pain in the chest, pressure on the lower part of the chest when sitting bent forward, with shortness of the breath. \_Fr^ Tension on the chest, and pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, often forcing him to take a deep inspiration. \RktP\ When raising up the body, tension on the left side of the chest, as if those parts were contracted. \Fr^ 490. Contractive pains in the sternum, increased by bending for- ward the head and the upper part of the body. \_Bchr^ Drawing pain in the middle of the sternum, when w^alking. \Fr:\ Pressive drawing on the chest, when coughing, [/t^.] Sharp stitches on the chest, on the right side, above the scrobiculus cordis. [6^r.] Fine, eroding, itching shooting, synchronous with the pulse, in the left side, opposite the scrobiculus cordis. \_Gr^ 495. Dull, pinching stitches under the ribs, below the right axilla. Ur.-\ Feeling of rawness and stitches in the chest. Strongly perceptible beating, as from a large artery, in the right side of the chest. \_Hbg.'\ Stronger heart-beats, almost audible, with anxiety and con- tractive pains under the sternum. \BchrP^ Pressing, squeezing, contractive heart-beats, with anxiety and spasmodic pains in the sternum and under the ribs. \^Bchr!\ 500. Heart-beats, hardly perceptible. [Troschel; Guibert.] Great heat externally on the chest, as if he stood undressed before a warm stove, soon followed by coolness about the chest. VHbs ] From violent exertion of the arm, he at once feels a cutting- pressure on the opposite side of the chest, anteriorly in the region of the third rib, externally. \Fr.'\ 1 A standing symptom with the ^aX\^\\\..— Hughes. 2 Not lowwd.— Hughes. ^ Not accessible. — Hughes. 686 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pain in the sacrum, when stooping. Pain in the sacrum as if bruised, when starting to move after l3dng down. 505. Pain as from bruising in the sacrum, when blowing the nose. Tearing and sharp shooting in the sacrum, on moving, [/r.] Pain in the back, on the left side in the region of the lumbar vertebrae, a drawing cutting, diminished by pressing on it with the hand. \_fr.~\ Tearing, below the right scapula. [6^r.] Obtuse stitches between the scapulae. 510. Sensation as if from a knock, in the first dorsal vertebra. Erosive itching on the left side of the loin, inciting him to scratch. \_G7'.~\ Eruption of pimples on the back. In the nape, a pressive drawing in the occiput, where the cervical muscles are inserted, when bending the head backward. Pain as if excoriated, in the articulation of the first dorsal and the last cervical vertebrae, on bending the neck forward, but not on touching it. [Z^''.] 515. Cutting pain, with sensation of numbness in the nape, com- pelling him to draw the head backward, which seems, however, to be prevented by a soft dead part, jammed in between the joint. [Fr.] Tearing and sharp shooting, in the neck, when moving it. [A] Pressive pain in the cervical muscles, as if they w^ere pressed by a bandage. Stiffness on the nape and the sides of the neck, with a pain pressive by jerks. [_^^g'.^ Painful stiffness and tension in the neck and the nape, chiefly when moving it. [.S*//".] 520. Shooting pains in the muscles of the neck, when moving it. [Bc/ir.] In the axilla, voluptuous itching. [/^^.] The muscles of the arm and shoulder ache wdth a tensive pressive pain, on moving the arms. [St/.^ Burning on the right arm, as if from excoriation. Heaviness in the left arm, observable also w^hen at rest. 525. Paralj^tic weakness in the left arm; he could hardly raise it, nor double up the fist, without pain. \_^^^.^ On the upper arm, in its lower part, needle-pricks, continu- ing even when moving it. \_J^kf.~\ Tearing stitches on the right upper arm, when walking. Burning shooting in the left arm. [^(^^.] Painfully itching throbbing in the muscles of the upper arm. 530. In the elbow-joint, a tingling sensation, as if the nerve was squeezed together, or as if the arm would go to sleep, also ob- servable when touching the spot. [^/^^.] On the fore-arm, a paralytic pain in the middle of the shaft DIGITALIS. 687 of the ulna, on extending the arm or when it lies outstretched. Pinching, and sharp, shooting squeezing on the back of the ulna, above the wrist. [Gr.^ Severe tearing on the right fore-arm, both at rest and in motion. [Lo-/i.'] Severe stitches in the muscles of the right fore-arm. [i^^/z.] 535. In the wrist-bones, a paralytic tearing. [G"r.] Paralytic tearing in the right metacarpal bones. IGr.l Swelling of the right hand and fingers, for three hours at night. \_Mj'7'.^ Itching on the back of the hand, chiefly at night. Rash on the dorsum of the hand, without sensation. 540. The fingers frequently become suddenly stiff, [/r.] Involuntary twitching and drawing outward of the left index. Twitching, paralytic tearing in the right index. [6^r.] Paralytic tearing in the finger-joints, both at rest and in motion. [Gr.~\ Spasmodic stitches in the ball of the left thumb, both at rest and in motion. ILg/i.l 545. Burning shooting in the left thumb, just above the nail, aggravated by pressing upon it. [i^^.] Numbness and insensibility of the last three fingers and half of the ball of the right hand (aft. sev. weeks), [/r.] The fingers tend to go to sleep frequently, [/r.] The nates go to sleep in the evening, in sitting, and become as if dead. [/*>".] Slow drawing above the nates. \_jFr.~\ 550. The lower limbs ache, on starting to move after lying down, as if bruised, both in the thighs and legs. Great stiffness in the joints of the lower limbs, after sitting in a carriage, it goes off through walking. Weakness and lassitude of the lower limbs, with trembling. Asthenia and paralyzed weakness of the lower limbs. \_^^g'-'\ In the thigh on the anterior side, a pain more pressive than drawing, which gradually increased and again diminished. [^^^.] 555. Drawing on the inner side of the thigh, when sitting. [J^r.^ Pressive drawing in the anterior muscles of the thigh, [/v".] Cramplike drawing in the muscles of the thigh above the hough, when sitting, it goes off after some walking. [/^'".] Cutting in the thigh, on crossing the legs; it goes off in un- crossing them. [^V.] Sharp stitches on the thigh, somewhat above the left knee, on the outer side. [_Gr.'] 560. Painful itching throbbing in the muscles of the thigh. Eroding itching on the upper and interior part of the thigh. [Gr.] In the knees, sensation as of great w^eariness, in going up- stairs. [Bckr.^ 688 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Painless stiffness on the outer condyle of the knee-joint, as from an internal swelling, with sensation of coldness. [/*>] Tension in the houghs; which prevents their being straight- ened, [/v.] 565. The legs are tired, and he has to vStretch them continually. Sore pain in left leg, when standing, as if it was shattered. Pain as from weariness in the tibiae and knees, as after a long foot-tour, when walking. \Bchr^ Heaviness in the left leg, as it were in the shaft of the tibia, interfering with walking. Drawing on the shaft of the left tibia, as if a part of it was torn out. \^Fr.'\ 570. ;?i Twitching of the muscles under the left hough, synchronous with the pulse, going off when touched, [/v-.] Sharp stitches on the outer side of the tibia, below the knee, both at rest and in motion. [Gr.] Burning in the right calf, when he lavs it over the other leg. \_Fr:\ Eroding itching on the leg above the outer ankle of the foot. The ankle-joint pains when extended, as if strained. \Fr^ 575. Sharp stitches in the sole of the right foot, so acute, that the whole limb twitches, in the evening. \_Fr^ Itching on the dorsum of the right foot, chiefly at night. The trunk and the limbs, but especially the thighs, are pain- fully stiff (lothd.). [/r.] General soreness of the whole body. [Penkivii..] Piercing pain in the joints. 580. Pain of all the joints, as if broken on the wheel, after the noon-siesta. Drawing in the back, the upper and lower limbs, and the fingers, as after a cold \Rkt^ The ailments seem aggravated in the warm room. \Stf^ Eroding itching on various parts of the body, recurring soon after scratching. \Gr.'\ The eroding itching becomes even worse, if he does not scratch the parts, and is finally heightened into unbearable, burn- ing needle-pricking, which occasionally diminishes, but soon returns worse. [6^r.] 585. Tearing, burning and somewhat itching needle-pricks in various parts. Peehng off of the skin of the whole body. [v. Haller, in Vicat., mat. med. I , p. 112.^] Tickling of the affected part. [Quarin.] Tight, white swelling of the whole body, with great painful- ness at ever}^ touch; after many weeks it goes off, becoming soft and passing into anasarca. \Y>j5^'^z/vq. Jahn' s med. Convers., BL, 1830-^ T Statement. —Httghes. - Not ionnd..— Hughes. DIGITALIS. 689 Tight, painful swelling, first of the legs, and then also of the hands and fore-arms, only passing off slowly after several months, while the pulse is in no way retarded, and without increased flow of urine. [KuRTz.] 590. General paleness of the skin. [Guibkrt.] Jaundice. [Withering.^] Convulsions of a violent kind. \_Joicrn. d. Chmi.~\ Convulsions. [Withering.] Epileptic fits. [Remer.] 595. Nervous symptoms of every kind, and great debility. [Per- CiVAiv, med, fads and exper., Vol. I., Lond., 1791, p. 113.^] Emaciation of the body, in proportion as the intellectual activity increases. [MuELLER.] Feeling of great tightness in the body. \Fr^ Awkwardness and clumsiness of the limbs. [/^.] Heaviness and indolence of the limbs. [Mossmann.] 600. Eazy and weary, in the morning, on rising from bed. [/. Lhm^ Lack of tone of all the muscles, with a sensation as if he had not slept enough. [/^^.] Lassitude, unbending and weariness, in bodily and in mental respects. [JoERG.] Great lassitude in the arms and legs. [/?'.] Frequent lassitude; she has to lie abed, because sitting up tires her. [Penkivil.] 605. Extreme languor. [Maclean.] Considerable degree of languor, with vertigo and intermitting pulse. [Drake.] Sinking of the vital powers. Weakness, sinking of the strength. [Withering.] General weakness. [Troschel; Lettsom.] 610. General weakness, as if all parts of the body were tired out (aft. 2h.). \^Hbg.-\ Great weakness. [Neumann; Percival.] Extreme weakness. [Guibert.] Extreme weakness and lassitude, which the patient thinks he cannot bear without dying. [Drake. ^] Weakness, as if to death. [Maclean.] 615. Sudden sinking of the strength, with general sweat, and a few hours later, cough. Sudden, extreme weakness, as if he would lose his conscious- ness, with general heat and sweat, without thirst (after dinner). Relaxation of the vital powers and tendency to fainting. [Drake.] Tendency to syncopes. [Neumann.] Great tendency to syncopes. [Drake.] 620. Constant tendency to fainting fits. [Maclean.] Syncopes, [Guibert; Troschel.] ^ This occurred in several of Withering's patients, but always in the natural sequence of their maladies and never as traceable to 'Q.—Huglics. ^Effects of D. in hydrocephalus.— ////^;?7/t'.v. ■* The original has: " Much languor and sense of faintness; the patient says, he would rather die than endure it. — Hughes 45 690 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Syncopes, between the attacks of nausea. [Withering.] Deadly apoplexy. [Scherwen, in Med. and Phys. Jour7i. III., 207.'] Death after twenty-two hours. \_Jour?i. d. Chim7\ 625. Frequent 3- awning and stretching, with chilliness. \Stf^ Drowsy weariness; slumber. Frequent drowsiness. [Drake.] Frequent great drowsiness. [Maclean.] Coma. [GuiBERT; Joiirn. d. Chhn.~\ 630. Somnolence, interrupted b}^ violent, convulsive fits of vomit- ing. [Troschel.] Earh^ drowsiness in the evening, with indolence and stupor of the spirit, for several da3'S. [Pp.^ A deep sleep. [Maceean.^] Deep sleep from noon till midnight. \_J021rn. d. Chim.'] Difficult going to sleep (6th, 7th d.). \_Jr.']. 635. Before going to sleep, frequentl}^ a sensation of great empti- ness in the stomach, [/r.] Uneas}^ sleep. [JoERG.] Uneas}', unrefreshing sleep. [Joerg.] At night, merely slumber, instead of sleep, with clear con- sciousness, without being able to sleep soundly. Restless sleep, with tossing about and waking up half con- scious. \_Rkt.'] 6j.o. Restless sleep, he could not lie on any other spot but on his 'back. [/. Lh.'] At night, violent pain in the left shoulder- joint and the elbow- joint; in a half-conscious sleep, b^ing on his back, the left arm over his head. [Rkt.~\ At night, tossing about with frequent awaking, at the same time, he alwaj's lies on his back, with frequent pollutions. \_Pp.^ At night, restless sleep, owing to constant urging to urinate. \_Myr.'] Restless sleep, with tossing to and fro in bed, with merry dreams. [^JPbg.'] 645. Many, not disagreeable dreams. \_Hbg.'] Many confused, vivid dreams. \_Pp.^ Disagreeable dreams of many miscarried projects, disturb his sleep. [^Lgh.l Anxious, confused dreams, [/r.] Frequent awaking, as from anxiety, and impression that it w^as already time to get up. 650. Frequent waking in a fright at night, owdng to his dream- ing, that he was falling down from a height or falling into water. Febrile state. [Quarin.^] Small, quick, hard pulse. 1 From an overdose. The reporter writes: " He was suddenly and unexpectedh* carried off, with all the dreadful distress and jactitation which an overdose of D. sometimes pro- duces. His death was pretty generally ascribed to apoplexy, and was indeed truly apopletic." — Hughes. -Curative &Eect.- Hughes. ^Not found. — Hughes. DiGlTALIvS, 69 1 Small, soft pulse. [JoERG.] Irritated pulse. [Kraus.] 655. Quick pulse, of one hundred beats, before his death. [With- ering. ''] Quickened pulse (aft. i h. ). [JoERG.] First quickened, then retarded pulse. [JoERG.] Irregular, small pulse. [GuiberT; Troschee.] Irregular pulse; unequal distension of the arteries. [JoERG; Neumann.] 660. Irregular, weak pulse. Sojourn, d. Chim.'] Irregular and slow pulse. [Neumann.^] Slow pulse of fifty beats, which were quite irregular, always between three or four soft beats, one full and hard beat, on the first day; on the third, seventy-five beats. \_Fr.'] The slow, small pulse frequentl}^ makes shorter or longer pauses. [Bc/u .'] The pulse is at first slow, then suddenly commences to make a couple of beats, or it now and then loses a whole beat. [Mac- lean.] 665. Slow, irregular pulse, from forty to fifty-eight beats. [Baker.'] Slow pulse. [IvEntin.*] Extremely slow pulse the first forty-eight hours; but then the more accelerated and suppressed. [I^ettsom *^] Slower, but stronger pulse. [_H'bg.'] Retardation of the pulse from one hundred to forty beats. [MOSSMANN.] 670. Retarded pulse of forty beats. [Withering.] Retardation of the pulse from eighty- two to thirty-nine beats, with weakness and laziness of the body. \_Bchr.'\ Slow pulse, sunk to fifty and then to thirty- five beats. [Withering.] Retardation of the pulse by one-half, for several days. Retardation of the pulse beats to almost half their number. [Baker.] 675. When the pulse has become slow, it is accelerated by the slightest bodily exertion. [Maclean.] The pulse is retarded little when standing and sitting, but chiefly when lying, when it sinks down to sixty, while it is one hundred when he stands. [Baidon, in ^^^>^(^. Med. Jour ii. III., II, No. 4, p. 271.^] "^The most usual and assured phenomenon from foxglove is, that after the preliminary slowness of the pulse (primary action), after some days the reverse (reaction or secondary action), a much quicker and smaller pulse, is permanently induced by the vital force. This shows how much the physicians of the old school are at fault, who endeavor to produce a permanently slower pulse by foxglove, and thus frequently kill. 1 Subseqiteiit to S. ^^2.— Hughes. - The original has: " Pulse suddenly quickened for a few beats, then slow again; or it loses a whole heat.'"— H?tghes. •^The original instead of "40 to 58" has "48 to 56" beats. — Hug/ies. ■* Not iownd.— Hughes. ''Instead of " unterdrueckt (suppressed) " the original has " quicker and proportionately- weaker. "—/Z?/^^//.^.?. *^ Statement from observation. — Hughes. 692 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Chilliness. ISf/.) Excessive sensitiveness to cold. [/^.] Constant chilliness, chiefly in the back. [^Rkt^ 680. Coldness of the limbs. [GuiberT; Troschel.] Internal coldness in the whole body. \_Gr.^ Coldness, first of the fingers, then of the palms and the soles of the feet, then of the whole body, and especially of the limbs. Coldness, first in the arms and hands, then in the whole body. [Bc/ir.] Coldness of the body, with clammy sweat. [Withering.^] 685. Coldness in the whole body, also observable externally, with warm face. \_Bc/ir.'] Coldness of one hand, with warmth of the other. [/. Lk.^ Coldness and chill, internally and externally, in the whole body. \_Gr.~\ Internal chill by day; he could not get warmed by walking. Chilliness in the back. [^Bckr.~\ 690. Internal chilliness in the whole body, while the heat exter- nally observable is increased. [_Gr.'\ Shivering over the back. [Myr.'] Shivering, three or four times in the afternoon; the following night, sweat, even on the head and on the hair. Increased warmth in the face. [JOERG.] Increased warmth all over the body. [JoERG.] 695. Sudden warmth all over the body, which quickly vanished, leaving behind a weakness of all the parts. \_Bchr.'] Frequent warmth all over the body, with cold sweat on the forehead; thirteen or fourteen hours after the coldness. [^Bchr.'] Fever: first shivering, then heat, then profuse perspiration. [MOSSMANN.] With slight chilliness of the back, there is burning of the head, the face and the ears, with redness of the cheeks; at the same time the left eye is much smaller (after a meal, in the room). Chill all over the body, with heat and redness of the face. [Tth.'] 700. The palms are warm and perspire. \_-H^bg.'] Night-sweat during sleep. In the morning, on waking, a slight general perspiration [.Lgh.-] 1 Not found. — Hvghes. DULCAMARA. 693 DULCAMARA. SOLANUM DULCAMARA. (BITTERSWEET.) This medicine has a long duration of action, and its excessive action is moderated by camphor. It is said to have shown itself useful thus far in diseases in which the following were some of the ailments: Boring and burning in the forehead; sensation as if there was a board before the forehead; scrofulous inflammation of the e3^es; incipient amaurosis; crusta lactea; cough with hoarseness; catarrh of the bladder, with urinary troubles; a sort of whooping cough, after taking a cold; tearing pains in the limbs after a cold; humid, suppurating herpes; herpetic erup- tion, with glandular swellings, etc. It will be found sp:cific in some epidemic fevers, also in various acute diseases brought on by cold. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow provers are: Ar., Ahner; Cbz., Cubitz; Gr., Gross; Mr., Mueller from Treuen; Ng.^ Anonymous prover in Hartlaub and Trinks^ Reine Arzne^nl^ttellehre; 2,n^. that w^ork itself: Htb. und Tr.; Rkt., Rueckert the elder; Stf.^ :^tapf; IVr., Gust. Wagner; W/il., Willi. Wahle. DULCAMARA. Very ill-humored, not disposed to do anything for several days. [A^.] Quarrelsome disposition, in the afternoon, without getting vexed. [A^.] Impatient, in the morning, he stamped his feet, wanted to throw^ everything awa}^ began to be delirious, and at last to weep [Stark in Carrere, ueber d. Bittersiiess. Jen., 1782.^] Restlessness. [CarrbrK, 1. c.^] 5. Delirious talk. [Dk Hakn, rat. med. IV., p. 288.] Delirium, at night, with increased pains. [CarrerK.^] Insane phantasies and delirium. [Stark.] Save for eight additional symptoms this pathogenesis is identical with that given in Vol. I of the Materia Medica Pura (3d ed., 1830); and the latter, save for the fifty-two symp- toms by which it exceeds the symptom-list of 1822, and which are mainly Nenning's (ob- tained as already described under Agaricus), belongs to Hahnemann's earlier mantier of worWn^.— Hughes. 1 This is Carrere's German translator. His work is not accessible, but Roth says that his symptoms are of the same kind as Carrere's own (see below).— ///^.C'// <'-'■"• -Carrere's original work is " 7"ra?/c des propriete's, usages, ei effects de la Douce-atuere, Paris, 1789." The citations have been corrected from this treatise. They consist of the effects of D. when given for chronic rheumatism, suppressed secretions and cutaneous diseases. The author says that he has, after seventeen years' experience with the medicine, seen no in- convenience result from full doses, save those described in S. 70, 96 and 297. S. 216, S. 4, 376 (sometimes the precursor of a new eruption, and then associated with 359 and 360); S. 30 and 71; and S. 109.— For this symptom see note to S. :-,6i. —N/ig/ws. ^Not found—Hughes. 694 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Stupid feeling in the head, as after intoxication; it goes off in the open air. \_Wr.'] Stupid and chaotic feeling in the head, in the evening. [A^.] lo. Stupid feeling in the head, with drawing, in the protuberance of the forehead. [A^.] Stupid feeling and painful stupefaction of the head. Stupefaction of the head. [Carrere.] Violent stupefaction. [Stark.] Tipsiness in the head, with warmth rising up in the whole face. [Ng.'] 15. Vertigo. [Althof in J/z^rroy, Appar. Med. I., 621.^] Momentary vertigo. [Piquot, Samml. br. Abhandl.^'\ Slight, quickh^ transient vertigo. [A'^.] Vertigo, in the morning, on rising from bed, so that he almost fell, with trembling of the whole bodv and general weakness. Vertigo while walking, at noon, before dinner, as if all objects stood still before him, and things turned black before his ej^es. 20. Headache, in the morning in bed, aggravated bv rising. [y^r.] Headache in the occiput, in the evening in bed. \WhL'\ Headache, with laziness, icy coldness of the whole body and inclination to vomit. [J/r.] Obtuse headache in the forehead and the root of the nose, as if he had a board before his head. [G^r.] Obtuse headache, chiefly in the left frontal protuberance. \Ng:\ 25. The dull, pressive headache becomes worse in the evening, with increasing coryza. [A^.] Stupefying pain in the head, just above the left ear, as if some- body pressed with a blunt instrument into the head. \Gr^ Stupefying, pressive pain in the occiput, upward from the nape. \Rkt^ Stupef3'ing, pressive pain in the left upper part of the head. Stupefying headache for ten days. [A^.] 30. Heaviness of the head. [Carrere.] Heaviness in the forehead (aft. 12 h.). \_W/i/.~\ Heaviness in the forehead, for several days, with stitches in the temporal region, from within outward. \_WhL'] Heaviness in the occiput, for three days. \_WhL'] Heaviness of the whole head, throughout the da}^ as if the integuments of the head were stretched, especially in the nape, where the sensation turns into formication. \_VVhl.'\ 35. Heaviness of the head, with pain boring outward in the temple and forehead, as after a nocturnal spree. \_Wr.'] Pressure, as with a peg (a blunt instrument), in the temples, now on the right, then on the left side. [6^^.] Pressure, as w4th a blunt instrument, alwa3^s on various small spots on the head. \_Gr/\ 1 statement from obser\-ation. — Hughes. -Statem.ent from observation. — Hughes. DULCAMARA. 695 Intermitting pressure on the left of the crown, as with a blunt instrument, from without inward. [^Gr.^ Pressive pain in the left part of the occipital bone. \_Whl.'] 40. Headache, pressing outward, while taking a walk, toward evening. \_Whl.'] Pain in the left frontal protuberance, pressing outward, quite late in the evening. [Ng.'] Pressing outward, by jerks, in the sinciput, worse on moving. iNg.-] Tearing compression in the upper part of the head. \_G? .~\ Pressive, tensive pain in the head, above the right eye (aft. 3h.). ilVr.-] 45. Drawing in the head, from both temples inward. \_Whl.'\ Drawing pain on the vertex down into the nasal bones, where it becomes contractive, when eating in the evening. \_Whl.'] Drawing downward, in quick, twitching jerks, from the frontal protuberance into the tip of the nose. \_Gr.'] Drawing, in the left frontal protuberance, especially when stooping forward. [A^.] Slow, drawing pain through the whole brain, especially in the evening (aft. % h.). 50. Pressive drawing in the left frontal protuberance. [A^.] Pressive drawing in the left temporal region, in the afternoon. iNg.-] Tearing in the left temple, intermitting. [_Gr.'\ Intermitting, pressive tearing in the temples. [Gr.'] Stitches in the head, so as to make her angry, chiefly in the evening; relieved by lying down. 55. Violent shooting in the sinciput, deep in the brain, with nausea. [Mr.'] Slow pricking in the occiput, as from a needle, that was always drawn back again. [W/iI.] Digging headache, deep in the sinciput, with gloominess and sensation of inflation in the brain; at once in bed in the morning, and worse after rising. [Mr.] Digging and pressing in the whole extent of the forehead. IGr.-] Boring headache in the right temple. [Whl.~\ 60. Boring headache, from within outward, before midnight. [Whl.-] Boring headache, from within outward, now in the forehead, then in the temples. [ Wr.] Boring pain, from within outward, in the right half of the forehead, above the arch of the eyebrow. [Whl] Heat in the head. [Carrkrk.] A painful, pressive throbbing in the left side of the forehead, with a whirling feeling. [A^^.] 65. Sensation as if the occiput had enlarged. \_Whl.] On the margin of the orbit, a contractive pain. [Gr.] Pressure in the eyes, much aggravated b}' reading. [/v/'A] Inflammation of the eyes. [Tode; Stark. ^] 1 No reference given for Tode and he cannot be tvAc^d..— Hughes. 696 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. A sort of paralysis of the upper e3^elid., as if it would close down. [Mr.] 70. Twitching of the eyelids, in the cold air. [Carrere.] Dimness of vision. [Carrere.^] Incipient amaurosis, and such dim-sightedness, that he saw all things as through a veil. [Mr.l Sparks before the eyes. [Piquot.] Sensation as if fire darted from the eyes, when walking in the sun and in the room. 75. Otalgia all night, so that he could not sleep; in the morning the pain ceased suddenly, except some rushing sound, which still continued. [Htb. u. Trs7\ Straining pain in the left ear; with great nausea. \Htb. u. Trs.] Straining in the right ear, with little stitches. \_W/il.'] Tearing in the left ear, with stitches from within outward; with a drumming and bubbling before the ear, so that he cannot hear well; on opening the mouth, there is crepitation as if some- thing was broken. \_I/fd. u. Trs^ Transient drawing, in the external meatus. \_Gr^ 80. Pricks in the meatus auditorius and in the parotid gland. \Rkt\ Pinching stitch in the left ear, toward the membrana tympani. Pricking in the ears, as if cold air had gotten into it. \_lV/il.~\ Ringing in the ears. Ringing in the ears. \_J^kt.] 85. Clear ringing in the ears (aft. 4 to 8 d.). [5^.] Pimples in the angles of the nose. In the inner side of the left ala nasi, a pimple with ulcerative pain. [W/i/.) Epistaxis. [Stark.] Bleeding of the nose, with a strong flow of bright-red, very warm blood, with a pressure in the region of the longitudinal sinus, which pressure also continued even after the bleeding. 90. Spasmodic contraction in the face, below the left ear, toward the ramus of the lower jaw. l/r.'] Painless piessure on the left zygoma (at once). [^Gr.] Drawing and tearing in the whole cheek. Itching on the cheek, close by the alse nasi. Humid eruption on the cheek. [CarrerE.^] 95. Lumps and blotches on the forehead, with stinging pain when touched. In the lips, twitching movements, in the cold air. [Carrere.] Pimples and ulcers about the mouth, with tearing pains on moving the parts. On the lower part of the chin in a small spot, pinching pain, [Gr.] Itching pimples about the chin. 1 with S. 2,o.—Htighes. - Not found. — Hughes. DUIvCAMARA. 697 100. The teeth are dull and as if without sensation. \_Afr.~\ The gums are loose and spongy. In the mouth, on the inside of the upper lip, on the anterior part of the palate, pimples and small ulcers, which on moving the parts give rise to tearing pains. Itching tingling on the tip of the tongue. [ Whl.~\ Dry tongue. [CarrerK.] 105. Dry, rough tongue. [Carrere.^] Paralysis of the tongue. [Gouan, Mem. d. I. Soc. d. Mojit- pell.''] Paralysis of the tongtie, after taking it for a long time. [lyiNN^us, diss, de Dulcamaj^a.'^'] Paralysis of the tongue interfering with speaking (in cold damp weather). [Carrere.] Pains in the throat. [Carrere.] no. Pressure in the throat, as if the uvula was too long. Sensation of increased warmth in the fauces. \_Rkt.~\ Flow of saliva. [Carrere/] Flow of saliva, with loose, spongy gums. [Stark.] Flow of much viscid, soapy saliva. [Stark.] 115. Constant hawking up of very viscid mucus, with much scrap- ing in the fauces. [A^.] Insipid, soapy taste in the mouth, with lack of appetite. [Stark.] Hunger, wdth aversion to every kind of food. Good appetite, and the food tastes good, but he is at once satiated and full, with much rolling and rumbling in the ?.bdomen. When eating, inflation of the stomach and repeated pinching in the abdomen. \_Gr.'\ 120. After a moderate meal, at once inflation of the abdomen. Repeated eructation while eating, so that the soup he has swallowed at once comes back up his throat. \_Gr.'] Empty eructation, with shuddering, as if from loathing. [A^.] Frequent empty eructation. [6^r.] Frequent eructation, with scraping in the oesophagus and heartburn. [A^.] 125. Much eructation, [yl/r.] Eructation combined with hiccup. [_Gr.~\ Nausea. [Althof; Einn^us.] Nausea and loathing. [Carrere.] Eoathing, with shuddering, as if vomiting would come. [A^.] 130. Great nausea, as if he would vomit, with chilliness. \_Htb. u. Trs.'] Retching. [Ai^thof.] Waterbrash. Vomiting. [Einn^eus.] Vomiting, with nausea, heat and anguish. [Stark.] 1 See note to S. 2>^\.—Hiio;/ies. - Not accessible.— //.vo7/Av. ■■^Not accessible. According to Murray this is only a citation of Gonan (S. 1061 not an in- dependent observation. — Hii^fics. •4 Not ionnd.—HiijrIics. 698 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 135. Vomiting of mucus, in the morning, after previous warm rising in the fauces. Vomiting of mere viscid mucus. [AV.] In the region of the stomach, a constant pinching, in the evening, after l3ang down, till going to sleep. [A^.] Pressure in the stomach, extending up into the chest. Painful, pressive aching in the scrobiculus cordis, as from a blow, worse when pressing upon it. \Ah?\'] 140. Sensation of inflation in the scrobiculus cordis, with a dis- agreeable sensation of emptiness in the stomach. [A^.] Tensive pain on the right, near the scrobiculus cordis, as if he had strained or otherwise injured himself. \_Whl.'] The stomach is squeezed together, so as to intercept respira- tion. Shooting pain in the scrobiculus cordis. [AJir.'] Obtuse stitch on the left side, near the scrobiculus cordis. lAhr.'] 145. Pain in the abdomen (at once). Sensation of distention and restlessness in the abdomen, with frequent eructation of air. [A^.] Distention of the abdomen after a moderate meal, as if it would burst. \_Gr.'] Sudden, cutting contraction in the left side of the abdomen. Pinching pain in the abdomen, close below the navel, on sit- ting bent forward; on stretching himself, this diminishes and ceases. lAhr.'] 150. Pinching pain about the umbilical region, as if he must go to stool, but without any urging. \_Ahr.'] Pinching pain in the umbilical region and above the left hip, that compels him to go to stool; after the passage of some flatus, and with a diminution of the pains, only a little hard faeces is passed with straining. [Ahr.'] Pinching in the evening in the whole hypogastrium, with call to stool. \_Gr.'] Obtuse pinching in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea was coming on. [A^^.'] 155. Fine pinching in the abdomen on a small spot, to the left above the navel. \_Gr.'] Violent pinching in the abdomen, as if a long worm was crawling up and down it, and gnawed and pinched it. [Ahr ] Transient pinching and cutting in the abdomen and chest; as from accumulated flatus. [6^^.] Transient pinching and cutting in the abdomen, with disten- tion there, at onje in the morning, while fasting. [Gr.^ Transient pinching and twitching cutting, here and there, in the abdomen. \_Gr.'] 160. Digging, pinching, cutting and moving about in the abdo- men, as if diarrhoea was coming on. \_Gr.'] Writhing, digging and pinching about the umbilical region (aft. 10 h.). \_A/ir.^ 1 One number between 150 and 155 omitted in the original. - Translator. DULCAMARA. 699 Gnawing, throbbing close above the navel. \_Gr.^ Shooting pain in the umbilical region (aft. i h.). \_Ahr.'] A pinching, lancinating pain in the right side, beside the navel (aft. 4d.). [_Ahr.'] 165. Obtuse stitches, outward, in quick succession, on a small spot to the left in the abdomen, taking away the breath, with a sensa- tion as if something was forcing its way out; on pressing on it the spot aches. {_Gr.'] Dull stitches in the right side of the abdomen, below the ribs, taking away the breath. [_Gr.'] Obtuse, intermitting stitches in the left side of the abdomen, increased by pressing with the finger on the painful spot. [_Gr.'] Obtuse, short stitches, to the left, beside the navel, in the evening. [Ng.'] Single, throbbing stitches, on the left side, below the short ribs, when sitting; it goes off by rising. \_Ahr.'] 170. Pain forcing outward below the navel, to the left, as if a hernia was forming. [^Stf.'] Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen. Pains in the abdomen, as from a cold. Pains in the abdomen, as if he had taken a cold. [ WhL'] Pains in the abdomen, as are wont to come in cold, damp weather. [H^/z/.] 175. Bellyache, as if diarrhoea was coming on. Bellyache, as from a coming diarrhoea; it goes off on dis- charge of flatus. \_W/i!.'] Bellyache, as after a purgative, with a gushing about in the bowels every time he stoops forward. [A^.] Bellyache, as if a stool was coming, with rumbling and pain in the sacrum. [A^.] Tension in the groin, in the region of the os pubis, on rising from the seat. 180. In the inguinal glands, a pressive pain, now in the left, now in the right side. Swelling of the left inguinal gland as large as a walnut. Swelling of the glands of the groin. [Carrerk.^] The inguinal glands are sw^ollen hard, of the size of a w^hite bean, but painless. \_WhL'\ Severe burning (and some shooting) in the bubo at the least ^^ motion, and on touching it. 185. Growling in the abdomen (at once). Growling in the abdomen, as if a stool w^as coming, with some pain in the sacrum. [A^.] Growling in the abdomen, pain in the left groin, and feeling of coldness in the back. [A^^.] Growling in the abdomen, with call to stool. Much discharge of flatus. \_JV/il.~\ 190. Flatus smelling of asafoetida. [yl/r.] Call to stool in the evening, with pinching in the whole liypo- gastrium, and then a large moist, and lastly quite thin, sour-smell- 1 During treatment of scrofula with D., there supervened S. 395 going on to 393, and fol" lowed by swelling of the inguinal glands, and also those of the neck and axillai. The con- tinued use of D. removed them all. — Hughes. 700 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. ing stool, whereupon he feU reHeved but exhausted; during the afternoon, he had had his usual stool, but very hard and difficult. [Gr.-] Soft stool (at once). Soft stool in small lumps. [ W/i/.~\ Slimy stool with lassitude. [Carrere.^] 195. White, slimy, diarrhoeic stool. [Carrere.^] Slimy diarrhoeic stools, alternately yellow and green. [Carrere.^] Several successive afternoons, thin evacuations with flatus (aft. 3d.). Normal stool, but with some straining (aft. ^ h.). [A^.] Hurried call to stool, which he could hardly hold back, although only little and hard faeces came away (aft. ^ h.). [A/ir.] 200. Suddenly an immense pressure on the rectum, so that he can scarcely keep back the motion; and yet after sitting down, the very hard faeces come away only after a while, with severe strain- ing, with transient pinching and cutting here and there in the abdomen. [G^r.] Ineffectual call to stool, the whole day, with nausea (aft. }4 h.). [Mr.] Tenesmus with colic; but he is quite costive, and only dis- charges a little stool, with severe straining (aft. 8 h. ). \^Akr.~\ Difficult, dry, rare stools. [Carre RE.] Rare, slow and hard stool; even when there is a call to stool, there is no urging in the rectum, and it is only by a great effort that a very large hard motion comes slowly away. [_Gr.^ 205. Before and after the stool, pressive bellyache with rumbling. Urine, turbid and whitish. [Carrere.^] Copious discharge of urine, at first viscid and clear, then thick and milk-white. [CarrerE^ Urine at first clear and viscid, then white, then turbid, then clear with white, sticky sediment. [Carrere.*] Turbid, ill-smelling urine and fetid sweat. [Carrere/] 210. Turbid urine. [CarrerE.*] Reddish, scalding urine. [CarrerE.^] Mucous sediment, now red, now white, in the urine. [CarrerE.*^] Pulsating (stitches?) in the urethra outward. \_Whl.'] Strangury, painful micturition. [Stark.] 215. During micturition, burning in the orifice of the urethra. On the genitals, heat and itching and excitation to coitus. [Carrere.] Tetter-like rash on the labia majora. [Carrere.^ Increase and anticipation of the menses. [CarrerE.^] 1 194, 195, 196 critical. — Hughes. - QriticaA.— Hughes . 3 Critical. For "viscid" the original "limpid." — Hughes. * Critical. — Hughes. » Critical. See note to S. 2>^\.— Hughes. ^ Critical. — Hughes. "i During treatment of " dartrous " vagina and uterus by D.— Hughes. 8 Curative efiect.— Hughes. DUI.CAMARA. 70I Increased menstrual flux. [Carrkrk.] 220. Diminished menstruation. [Carrere.^] Menstruation delayed, even as many as twenty-five days. [Carrere.^ Sneezing. [ Whl.'] Very dry nose, in the evening. [A^.] Stuffed coryza, with obtuseness of the head and sneezing. 225. Short, hacking cough, seemingly excited by takmg a deep breath. \_Gr.'] Cough, with expectoration of tenacious mucus, with shoot- ing in the sides of the chest, [y^/r.] Hemopt^^sis. [Carrere.^] Oppression of the chest, as after sitting bent forward. [ Whl.'] Oppression on the chest. \_Whl.] 230. Severe, oppressive pain in the whole chest, chiefly on respir- ing. [Ah?-.] Intermitting pressure under the whole extent of the sternum. [Gr.] Obtuse, painful pressure, with long intermissions, like shocks, penetrating deep into the chest to the left above the xiphoid cartilage, when sitting bent forward, afterward also in erect posture. [Gr.] Intermittent pain in both sides of the chest below the top of the shoulders, as though violent blows wdth the fists were delivered there. [_Gr.'] Intermitting squeezing on a small spot below the upper part of the sternum. [Gr.] 235. Tension on the chest, when breathing deeply. [ Whl.'] He feels as if something was forcing its way out of the chest on the left side, \_Gr.] Pinching pain in the chest increased on inspiring. \^Ahr.] Undulatory, tearing, pressive pain darts intermittingly through all the left side of the chest. \_Gr.] Twitching and drawing under the sternum. ^Gr.] 240. External tension and drawing on the front of the chest. L^s--} Twitching pain in the right axilla. \_Ahr.] A pulsating pain in the left axilla, going off by movement. [Ahr.] Shooting pain on the sternum. \_Ahr.] Painful stab in the left side of the chest, as from a blunt knife, in the region of the fifth and sixth ribs. \_Ahr.] 245. Painful stitches in the right side of the chest, coming and going quickly. \_Ahr.] Dull, slowly intermittent stitches in the left side of the ribs. \_Gr.-] Dull, shooting pain in the right side of the chest, in the region 1 220 and 221 ascribed to abiindaut evacuations. — Hu^^Jws. - Not found. — Hito/u's. 702 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. of the third rib, especially when pressing upon it, thence it spread into the sacrum and up to between the shoulders, w^here there was a stitch on the border of the left shoulder-blade on inspiring. l^Htb. u. Trs.\ Obtuse stitch, like a thrust, on the sternum. \Ahr.'\ Obtuse, stupefying stitch into the chest, under the right clavicle. \Gr^ 250. Shooting tearing pain from the middle of the sternum to the spine, when sitting; it went off on rising. \_Akr.~\ Deeply cutting pain in the left side of the chest, close under the clavicle, going off by pressing on it. \Ahr.'\ Transient cutting and pinching in the chest, as from accumu- lated flatus. {Gr.'\ Digging pain on the right side of the chest, going off by pressing on it. \_A/ir.'] Digging pain in the chest, or as if he had strained himself in hfting. [Gr.] 255. Palpitation, especially at night, violent and observable ex- ternally. A^iolent palpitation of the heart, it seemed as if he felt the heart beating outside of the thoracic cavity. \_St/.] Pains in the sacrum, as after long stooping. [ lVkl.~\ Digging, shooting pain on the left side, near the sacrum. [Akr.] Under the left crest of the ilium, a digging pain; it went off by pressing on it. \_Ahr.'] 260. Obtuse stitch outward, a kind of forcing out, in both loins, at every inspiration, while sitting bent forward (after a short walk). [G^r.] Pain, as after a blow had been received, above the left hip, close by the lumbar vertebrae (aft. % h.). \_Ahr.~\ Deep cutting pain in the right loin, only transiently relieved by pressing on it; later it goes off of itself. \_Ahr,'] Pain, as if the body should be cut off above the hips, forcing him to move to and fro, without any relief. [6^r.] Digging stitches in the left loin, disappearing when walking, but recurring when sitting. [A/tr.~\ 265. Severe single stabs, in jerks, as with a fork, close above the right hip, beside the lumbar vertebrae. \_Ahr.'\ Dull stitch outward in the left loin, close above the hip, at every breath. [6^r.] Painful stitches in the middle of the spine, when respiring. lAhr.'] Dull, throbbing, intermitting stitches, on the left, beside the spine. [Gr.'] Intermittent pressure on the upper part of the nape, to the left by the spine, while lying on the back, in the morning, in bed. [Gn] 270. Agreeable titillation on the outer border of the right scapula. [_Ahr.'] Tickling stitch in the middle of the right scapula. [Ahr.'] DULCAMARA. 703 Drawing tearing on the outer border of the right scapula (aft. 6d.). [A/ir.] Intermitting tearing shocks on the outer side of the right scapula. [Gr.'} Pain causing stiffness in the muscles of the nape, on turning the head sidewa3'S. [6^r.] 275. Stiffness in the muscles of the nape. [J^kt'] Pain in the nape, as if the head had lain in a wrong position. [IV/i/.] Constrictive pain in the muscles of the nape, as if his neck was twisted round. [6^r.] Drawing pain in the muscles on the right side of the neck. [Mr.'] Drawing tearing in the right shoulder, above the right hip- joint and above and below the right knee-joint. [H^d. u. Ts.'] 280. Dull violent pain in the whole of the right arm, as from an apoplectic stroke, it feels heavy like lead, immovable, the muscles are tense and the whole arm cold as if paralyzed; on endeavoring to bend it, and also on touching it, pain in the elbow- joint as if it were bruised; the icy coldness of the arm returned the following morning after twenty-four hours (aft. ^ h.). [Mr.^ She could not bring her arms forward or backward, as these movements brought on jerks in the arms. Twitching in the upper arm, when she bent it and moved it backward; in stretching it, it did not twitch, but the fingers be- came stiff, so that she could not close them. The left arm pains as if paralyzed and contused, almost only when at rest, it pains less when in motion, and not at all when touched; but the arm has its proper strength. Paralytic sensation in the right upper arm; it goes off on violent motion. [Ahr.'\ 285. Pain in the upper arm, in the evening in bed, and in the morning, after rising. Burning itching, externally on the right upper arm, exciting him to scratch it; the place was red and there was a burning pimple on it. \_Whl.'] Eroding gnawing on the outer side of the elbow, with brief intermissions. [Gr.~\ Red pimples in the bend of the elbow, visible in the morning and evening in the warmth of the room, with fine smarting itching, and burning after scratching; for twelve days. In the right fore-arm, a drawing pain (aft. 3d.). \_Ahr^ 290. Obtuse drawing from the left elbow to the wrist, especially observable when bending it. \_Ng.'] Painful drawing in the shaft of the left ulna, frequently re- curring. [Gr.'] Suddenly jerking pinching tearing in the middle of the left fore-arm (aft. 12 d.). [A/ir.'\ A twisting boring, slowly drawing down from the elbow- joint toward the wrist; it goes off by moving the arm, but recurs at once when at rest. [Ahr.^ 704 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Lack of strength in the left fore-arm, with paralytic sensa- tion, chiefi}^ in the elbow-joint. [IV/il.^ 295. Disagreeable itching on the middle of the right fore-arm, soon recurring after scratching it, to which it compelled. \_Ahr.~\ On the right wrist, a dull stitch, which goes off on motion. iAhr.^ Trembling of the hands (in damp cold weather) . [Carrere.] Tetter-like eruption, especially on the hands. [Carrere.^] Much sweat on the palms. [ Whl.'\ 300. Warts cover the hands. [Stf.'] Redness on the back of the hand, with burning pain, when he gets warm on taking a walk. Cramplike drawing in the ball of the left thumb, so that he dares not move his thumb. \Gr.'] Cramplike twitching in the first phalanx of the right middJe finger. [_Gr.'] On the right buttock, single small stitches. \_A/i7\'] 305. Drawing tearing in the left hip. \_Ahr.'] Drawing pinching in the right hip (aft. 6 h.). [y^/zr.] Drawing shooting in the left hip-joint, extending to the groin, only when walking; at ever\^ step, a sensation as if the head of the hip-bone would be dislocated; stretching it out forcibly dimin- ished the pain and causes a sensation as if the femur was thereby restored to its place; but a bruised pain remained for some time, which made him limp (for 14 days). \_Cbz.'] Falling asleep and weakness of the lower limbs. [CarrerE.] Twitching of the lower limbs. [Carrere."] 310. Pain in the thighs. Shooting tearing in the whole thigh, not going off by press- ure. \_A/ir.~\ Pricking as with needles, on the posterior side of the left thigh, close to the knee. [AhrJ] Drawing tearing pain or constant pain, now shooting, now pinching, in both thighs, which vanished in walking, then changed into weariness and at once returned on sitting down. {Ahr.^ Drawing in the muscles of the thighs, here and there, with sensitiveness to the touch. [A^.] 315. Drawing pain on the anterior side of the right thigh. \_Ahr.~\ Drawing tearing from the middle of the posterior side of the thigh to the knee-joint. [A/ir.'] Drawing paralytic sensation on the front side of the right thigh. [A/ir.] Shooting tearing, extending from the knee-joint up on the thighs, when taking a walk. [J^kf.'j Burning itching on the thighs; he has to scratch. \_Whl.'] 320. Knees feel tired out, as after a long foot-tour. [A^.] Tearing in the knee-joint, when sitting. \_Rkt.'\ On the inner side of the knee, a rhythmical, undulatory pressure. \_Gr.^ 1 Critical. — Hughes. - Not found. — Hughes. DULCAMARA. 705 On the outer side of the right leg, itching, ending with an itching lancination. [fF/z/.] Itching on the outer side of the left leg, recurring after scratching. [IF///.] 325. Cramp-like, almost cutting drawing, extending down through the left leg. [6^r.] Distention and swelling of the leg and the calf (but not of the foot) with tensive pain and sensation of great weariness toward evening. Tearing, extending up the right tibia, in the morning. [A^.' Pain as of weariness in the tibia, as after a brisk walk. [ IVkl. A ripping pain draws down the left calf on the posterior side. [A/ir.] 330. Tearing pain on the back of the left calf; it went off on mov- ing the foot. \^A/ir.~\ Sudden pricking as of needles in the left calf, and then sensa- tion as if w^arm blood or water flowed down from that place. [A/ir.] Sensation of numbness in the calf, in the afternoon and even- ing. Painful cramp in the left calf, when walking. [ lV/il.~\ Burning in the feet. 335. Severe cramp on the inner ankle of the right foot wakes him up at night; he had to walk about, and it then went off. Drawing tearing, beside the inner ankle of the right foot. Tearing from the outer ankle toward the front of the foot. Cutting pain in the sole of the right foot, not going off by treading. \_Ahr.^ Pulsating tearing in the left big toe and second toe. [ Whl.'\ 340. Intermitting, shooting burning on the toes. [Gr.'\ Slight twitchings on hands and feet. [Carrkre.] Convulsions, first in the muscles of the face, then in the whole body. [Fritze, Annal. des KUji. Inst., in Berlin, III., p. 45.^] Cramp-pain here and there in the limbs, especially in the fingers. \Gr^ Pain in the limbs. 345. Pains, as if from a cold, in various parts of the body. [ JV/i/.~\ Dull stitches here and there in the limbs and other parts of the body, mostly outward. \_Gr.~\ Violent trembling of the limbs. [Carrere.'^] The symptoms seem by preference to appear in the evening. Violent itching on the whole body. [Carre ke.'] 350. Shooting itching on various parts of the body. [CarrerE.] Itching, pinching stitches on various parts of the bodv. [/^/^/] Burning itching here and there, running quickly to and fro, ^ statement from observation. — Hnglies. - Not ionnd.—fliighes. 3 See note to S. z^i.— Hughes. 46 706 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. like vermin; he has to scratch violentl}^, when it at first increased and then decHned; it itches but Httle by day, only by night, and chiefl^^ from twelve to three o'clock; it causes him to wake up after a short sleep (aft. 14 d.). {_Sf/.^ Severel3'' itching eruption of red spots with white vesicles. [Carrere.^ Eruption of w^hite nodules (blotches) with red areola, with stinging itching, and with burning after rubbing, on the arms and thighs. 355. Little pimples, itching moderately, on the chest and abdomen. lst/.-\ A tetter-like scurf all over the body. [Carrere.^] Light-red pointed papules on the skin, which after some days filled with pus. [Starke.] Red, elevated spots, as from nettles. [Carrere.^] Red spots on the body. [Carrere.] 360. Red spots as from flea-bites. [Carrere.] Dryness, heat and burning of the skin. [Carrere/] Dryness and heat of the skin, constipation and painful reten- tion of urine, with soft, full, slow, and leaping pulse. [Carrere. °] Sudden swelling of the body and bloatedness of the limbs; at times painful or accompanied by a sensation of falling asleep. [Starke.] Emaciation. 365. Laziness; he avoids motion. Weariness. Indolence, heaviness and weariness of all the limbs, compel- ling him to sit or lie down. [ Whl.'\ Sensation of severe bruising in all the limbs, the whole da}^ [^/zr.] Heaviness in the thighs and arms. [Rkt.'] 370. Great, continuing w^eakness. [Carrere.*'] Fits of sudden weakness, like fainting fits. He has to lie down. Sleepy the w^hole day, with much yawning. [Ahr.'\ Great sleepiness, laziness, and yawning. \_Mr.'] 375. Frequent great yawning. \_Gr.'] Insomnia, restlessness, and twitching. [Carrere.] Sleeplessness, ebullition of blood, stinging, and itching of the skin. [Carrere.] Restless sleep, with frequent respiration, and interrupted by confused dreams. \_Whl.'] Restless, interrupted, anxious sleep, full of heavy dreams. [Starke.] 380. In the evening, on going to sleep, he started up, as if from terror. \Gr.'] 1 On parts affected by dartres. — Hughes. 2 Critical. See note to 361. — Hughes. 3 On seat of vanished dartres. — Hughes. * A youth hereditarily dartrous, and in bad health, after taking D. had S. 4, 349, 211, and 105, with hard and tense pulse. Then came S. 356, with relief to all symptoms. D. was con- tinued and he got well. — Hughes. ^ Not iound.— Hughes. G After much sweating.— Hughes. DULCAMARA. 707 Violent snoring in sleep, with open mouth (at once). After midnight, fear and anxiety of the future. Frightful dreams, which compel him to jump out of his bed (istn.). [W/iL] Restless sleep after four A. m., no matter how he would lie. [A/l7^ ] 385. Tossing about in bed the whole night, wdth stupid feeling in the head. [R7z/.] Restless sleep, he tossed about uncomfortably. \_S(f.^ Awaking early, he could not go to sleep again; he stretched himself,. full of weariness, and lay first on one side, then on the other, because the muscles of the back of the head were as if para- lyzed, and he could not lie on them. [ W/il.'] She wakes up early, as if she had been called, and sees a ghostly figure that seems continually to enlarge and to vanish upward. Tow^ard morning, a sort of wakefulness, with closed eyes. [W/i/.] 390. Toward morning, no sleep, and yet fatigued, and, as it were, paralyzed in all the limbs, as after enduring a great heat. \_Whl.~\ At night, no sleep, on account of itching, like flea-bites, on the anterior part of the body and the thighs; with this there is heat and ill-smelling transpiration, without being wet. Shivering, as from nausea and chilliness, with coldness and sensation of coldness all over the body, so that he could not get warm by the hot stove; w4th this, shivering from time to time (at once). [Mr.'] Double tertian fever. [Carrerk.^] Chill and discomfort in all the limbs. [ Whl.'] 395. Frequent chilliness, heaviness of the head, and general lassi- tude (after a cold). [Carrkrk.^] Chilliness on the back, without thirst, in the open air, especi- ally in a draught. [A^.] Chilliness over the back, nape and occiput, toward evening (with a sensation like horripilation), for ten days. [A^.] Dry heat at night. [A^.] Hot, dry skin with ebullition of blood. [Carrere.^] 400. Burning on the skin of the whole back, as if he was sitting by the hot stove, with sweat in the face and moderate heat. [ Whl.'] Heat and restlessness. [CARRERE^] Violent fever with violent heat, dryness of the skin and delirium, everj^ day, recurring every fifteen, sixteen hours. [Carrere.*] Heat and sensation of heat all over the body, especially in the hands, with thirst, and equable, slow, full pulse; then chilliness. Heat of the body, burning of the face and constipation. [Carrere.^] iSee note to S. \%2.—Htighes. - Not found. — Hughes. ^ Not iowwA.— Hughes. '' Qr\\.\Ci?i\.— Hughes. '" Not iowwdi.— Hughes. 708 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 405. Sweat for five days and more. [Carrere/] General sweat, especially in the back. Sweat, at night all over, b}^ day in the axillae and palms. [Carrere.^] Profuse morning-sweat all over, but chiefly on the whole head (aft. 20 h.). Ill smelling sweat, and at the same time copious discharge of clear urine. [Carrere.^] EUPHORBIUM. This gum-resin contains about two-fifth of genuine resin. It is the juice of a thick-stemmed perennial plant which exude, swhen the plant is ripped open. Formerly it was chiefly obtained from the Euphorbia officinarum growing in the hottest part of Africa, now it is brought to us more frequently from the Canary Isles, being gath- ered from the Euphorbia canariensis. When chewed, it first appears to be tasteless, but afterwards causes an .extremely caustic burning, which is long continued, and can only be removed by rinsing the mouth with oil. The many species of Kuphorbium seem to resemble each other closely as to their medicinal virtues. Kuphorbium has been much abused by surgeons of old, being sprinkled on in cases of caries of the bones and in other inactive cutaneous ulcers; it is also still misused to torment men as an in- gredient of the continually used vesicatories. It promises, however, to become extremely useful, when internally applied, after having been prepared like other dry drugs in the manner peculiar to Hom- oeopathy. When used in high potencies and in minimal doses, it will accomplish much; as may be seen from the pure symptoms as observed in healthy persons. It seems to deserve additional provings as to its pure symptoms. Its action continues for several weeks, and its antidote is camphor. Whether lemon juice may be of use in counteracting some of its troublesome symptoms, is yet uncertain. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-provers are as ioXiosN^: Lgh., Dr. Langhaimner; PV/.,Dr. Wislicenus; Htb.,u. Tr., the Doctors Hartlaub and Trinks in their Reine Arzneiinlttellehre. The contributors to this pathogenesis— besides the authors cited— are really four in number, Hahnemann himself, I^anghammer, Wislicenus and Nenning. The symptoms referred to Hartlaub and Trinks, belong to the last named ; those of the three former come from a pathogenesis published in Vol. VI. of the Archiv (1826). — Hughes. 1 Critical ; in rheumatism. — Hughes. - Not ionnd.—Highes . 3 Not found. — Hiighes. KUPHORBIUM. 709 EUPHORBIUM. Melancholy. [Tragus, hist, des Plantes.'] Anguish, as if he had swallowed poison. \_Wl.'] Attacks of anxiety. [Khrhardt, Pflanze?i-Hist. VII. ^] Anxious, apprehensive mood, but not indisposed to work. iLgh.-\ 5. Serious and quiet, even in company. \_Lgh.\ Taciturn, introverted, he seeks tranquility, but is disposed to work. [_Lgh.^ Vertigo, while standing, everything turned around; he felt as if he should fall to the right side. \_IVI.'] Violent attack of vertigo, when taking a walk; he came near falling to the left side. [Lgh.'\ Headaches, as if from a spoiled stomach. 10. Stupefying aching in the right half of the head, which then spreads into the forehead. \_Htb. it. Tr.'\ Dull, stupefying, pressive pain in the forehead. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] Pressive pain in the forehead (aft. 24 h. ). [_lV/.~\ Pressure in the right side of the forehead. \_-Lgh.~\ Pressure in the left half of the brain. 15. Pressive pain in the occiput. [M^/.] Dull pressure in the forehead, above the left orbit. \_I/tl?. u. Tr.~\ Pressive, shooting pains below the right parietal bone. \_WL^ Stitch-like headache, especially in the forehead. \_Lgh.'] Headache, as if the head would be pressed asunder. \_Wl.'] 20. External pressive pain on the forehead, above the left eye, with lachrymation and inability to open the eye for pain. [Lgh.'\ Tensive pressure in the head, especially on the forehead and in the nape; in every position of the body. {Lgh.l The whole brain and also the zygoma feel as if screwed in a vise, during toothache. Tearing, resembling vertigo, on the left side of the forehead, on moving the head. [Lgh.'] Stitch-like pain on the left side of the forehead. \_Lgh.'] 25. Pressive stitch-pain, externally on the temples. \_Lgh.'] Pain, as from a bruise, on the left occiput; he could not lie on it. \_Lgh.-\ Little pimples above the right eyebrow, itching, exciting to scratching, with a tip filled with pus and exuding blood}^ water after scratching. [^Lgh.'] In the eye, pressure as from sand. [Htb. u. Tr.'] Pinching in the left outer canthus. [ Wl.] 30. Itching in the left outer canthus, it goes off bv rubbing. Violent itching on the left lower evelid, forcing him to rub it. Smarting in the eyes, with lachrymation. General siiinnian' from authors. — Him/u yio hahnkmann's chronic diseases. Pale-red inflammation of the eyelids, with nocturnal secretion of pus, causing them to be glued together. \Htb. u. Tr.^ Swelling of the eyelids, with tearing above the eyebrow, on opening the eye. [_I^£'/^.^ 35. Feeling of dr3mess in the eyelids, they press upon the eye. Sticky feeling in the right eye, as if it was full of pus. \_Lgk.~\ Eye-gum in the right external canthus. [L^'/i.'] The right e3^e is closed by suppuration, in the morning on awaking, so that he can only open it with difficulty. \_Lo-/i,'] Heaviness of the eyelids, they tend to close, with reehng sen- sation in the head. [ Wl.'] 40. Dilated pupil (aft. 6 h.). [^^/z.] Short-sightedness and dim-sightedness, so that he could onl}^ recognize the persons he knew, when they were quite near, and then only as if through a veil. Seeing double; when he sees a man walking, it seems to him as if the same man was walking close behind the first. [ Wl.^ All objects appear to him in variegated colors. \_I/td. u. Tr.'] Everything appears to him too large, so that he also in walk- ing lifts his feet up high, as if he had to step over mountains. [^Htb. u. Tr.'] 45. Otalgia in the open air. \_Wl.] Ringing in the ears, also when sneezing. [Lgh.] Rushing sound in the ears, at night. Chirping in the right ear, as from crickets. [^Lgh.] Paleness of the face, sallow appearance. \_lV/.~\ 50. Jerking tearing in the muscles of the left cheek, almost as in toothache. [^Lg/i.] Tensive pain in the cheek, as if it were swollen. [_Tgk.] Violent burning in the face (from rubbing it with the juice). [J^us^'s Magaz., XIX., 3, p. 498.'] Erysipelatous inflammation in the face and external head. [SpiELMANN, Inst. Mat. Med., p. 483.^] Red, inflamed swelling of the cheek, with boring, gnawing, and digging from the gums to the ear, and with itching and tingling in the cheek, when the pain is remitted. \_Lgh^ 55. Red, enormous swelling of the cheeks, with many ^^ellowish blisters thereon, which break open, exuding a yellowish humor (caused by rubbing the juice on it). \_Stf^ Erysipelatous, inflammatory- swelling of the cheeks, with blis- ters of the size of peas, containing a yellowish humor (from rub- bing the juice on the parts). [Rust.] Swelling, even of those parts of the face on which the juice had not been rubbed. [Rust.] Swelling of the left cheek, with tensive pain per se, and pain as from a blow w^hen pressing on it. [ Wl?\ White swelling of the cheeks, oedematous to the touch, for four days. \W17\ 1 From application of Buphorbium peplus to face for freckles. — Hughes. - Observations. From local application,— i/^^/z^.y. EUPHORBIUM. 711 60. On the lower lip, pain as from excoriation, on the red part, as if he had bitten on it. [L^-fi.^ On the chin, a reddish nodule, which, when touched, pains as if pressive, and like a furuncle. ILg/i.^ Toothache, aggravated by touching and by chewing, in the left molar of the upper row, next to the last. \_Lg-k.^ Pain as from a boil, in the tooth, when grasping it. Toothache, when beginning to eat, with chill; a gnawing tearing, at the same time headache as if the head was shattered from toothache, and as if the brain and the zygomata were screwed together as in a vise. 65. Toothache, as if in a vise, in a hollow tooth, with jerks as if it was being torn out. [Lg/i.'] Pressive toothache in the posterior lower molar of the left jaw, which goes off on biting the teeth together. [ IVl.^ Dull pressive pain in the second back molar of the left upper row. [W/.] Shooting pain in the first molar of the left lower jaw. [_lV/.~\ Dull, shooting pain in the posterior molar of the left upper jaw. [WL'] 70. Sensation of dryness in the mouth, without thirst. [ W/.^ Much collection of saliva in the mouth. [_Lg/i.^ Collection of saliva, after repeated shiverings of the skin. Collection of saliva, with nausea and shuddering. [ W/.^ Excessive gathering of saliva, with salty taste of the saliva on the left side of the tongue. [ lV/.'\ 75. Much tenacious mucus in the mouth, after the noon siesta. imd. u. Tr.'] On the upper part of the palate, a little membrane is detached. Burning on the palate, as from glowing coals (aft. 5 min.). iwi.-] In the throat, scrapy and rough sensation all the day. \_WL'] Burning in the throat. [Alston, Mat. Med. II., 431.^] 80. Burning in the fauces, extending into the stomach, as if from red pepper, with gathering of saliva in the mouth. \Wl^ Burning in the throat and stomach, as if a flame was stream- ing out; he had to open the mouth. [ Wl^ Burning in the throat, extending to the stomach, with tremu- lous anxiety, and heat in the whole of the trunk; attended with nausea and running of water from the mouth, with dryness in the cheeks. [I^/.] Inflammation of the oesophagus. [Ehrhardt, Pflaicscn Hist. VII., p. 293.] Taste in the mouth as if it was covered inside with a rancid fat. ILgh.l 85. Insipid taste in the mouth, after breakfast, with white-coated tongue. [fF/.] Bitter, astringent taste in the mouth. [A^'//.] ^ lyOcal effects of Enphorbiinn cyparissias. — Hughes. 712 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Very bitter taste. Putrid, bitter taste in the mouth, after drinking beer, which he rehshed; especially on the back of the tongue. [ JV/.^ Thirst for cold drinks. \_L£-/i.'] 90. Great hunger, while the stomach hangs down relaxed and the abdomen seems collapsed; he ate much and with the greatest appetite (aft. 2 h.). l^V/.] After dinner, great somnolence. \Htb. u, Tr.~\ Incessant eructation. Empt}^ eructation. \_//td. it, Tr.'] Severe empty eructations. 95. Frequent empty eructation. [Z-^/z.] Frequent hiccups. \_Lg-/i.~\ Nausea with shuddering (soon). \_//td. u. Tr.'\ Nausea in the morning (aft. 24 h.). \_IVI.~\ Vomiting. [Mayerne, Syntagma Prax}^ 100. A^omiting and diarrhoea. [Ehrhardt.] The stomach pains when touched, as if he had received a blow on it. [W^/.] Pressure on the left side of the stomach. [ V/l.'] Spasmodic pain in the stomach. \_WL'] Spasmodic contraction of the stomach, with eructation of air. [»7.] 105. Contractions of the stomach from all sides toward the middle, as if constricted, with gathering of the saliva in the mouth and nausea. [ Wl.'\ Griping and grasping in the left side of the stomach, with sub- sequent constriction of the orifice of the stomach, with increased secretion of salty saliva and with shuddering of the skin. [ WL'\ Painful griping in the stomach, as if it was being compressed, with subsequent flow of saliva and nausea. \^Wl.'] Agreeable feeling of warmth in the stomach, as after spirituous liquors (aft. ^ h.) [Wl.'] Burning in the stomach as from red-hot coals. [ Wl.'] no. Burning in the stomach, as from swallowing pepper. [ Wl.'] Burning sensation in the scrobiculus cordis, after eating, attended with pressure. Inflammation of the stomach. [Ehrhardt.] Relaxation of the stomach; it hangs down relaxed. [^Wl.~\ Bellyache of an extremely violent kind. [Ehrhardt.] 115. Excessive bellyache and inflation. [Ehrhardt.] Anxious aching as from excoriation in the hypogastrium. [Htb, u. Tr.] Restlessness and heat in the abdomen. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Agreeable sensation of heat through the whole intestinal canal, as from spirituous liquors. [ WL] Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen, as after an emetic, in the morning. \_Wl.] 120. The abdomen is sunken in, as if he had none, with great hunger. \_Wl.] 1 Observations.— /Tm^/z^j' EUPHORBIUM. 713 Spasmodic flatulent colic, in the morning in bed; the flatus presses against the hypochondria and the thoracic cavity, and causes a spasmodic pressing apart and constriction, which is diminished by turning over, but at once recurred on lying still. The flatulent colic is not relieved until he rests his head on his elbow and knee, after which some flatus is discharged. [ PVI.^ Pinching pain on the posterior surface of the ilium. Writhing, twisting through the whole intestinal canal; then a thin stool, with burning itching around the rectum. [ IV/.^ 125. Growling and moving of flatus in the abdomen. \Htb.u, Tr.'] Loud rumbling in the left side of the abdomen, as from in- carcerated flatus and then passage of flatus. [_Lgh.'] Much discharge of flatus. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] In the inguinal region, pressive pain. [WL] Tearing pain in the left groin, as from a strain, when stand- ing. ILgh!] 1 30. Violent pain as from a dislocation or from paralysis in the left groin, extending into the thigh, when stretching the limb after sitting down. [Htb. u. Tr.] Pressing from within outward in the left flank, with pain as from excoriation, and after urination, it comes also in the right side. \_Htb. it. Tr.] Constipation for two days (after-effects). Hard, diflicult stool. Stool, first natural, then as if fermented and thin, like water. 135. Soft, scanty stool mixed with little lumps, and fifteen hours later than usual. [ IV/.] Pappy stool (aft. 3, 10, 23 h.). {Lgh.] Pappy, yellowish stool. \yVl.] Gluey stool, after previous itching in the rectum, during the urging thereto. [ WIT] Thin stool, after some straining, and at last three hard lumps, discharged without trouble. \Wl.] 140. Diarrhoeic, profuse stool, after previous itching around the rectum, during call to stool. [ Wl.] Diarrhoea, several times a day, with burning at the anus, in- flation of the abdomen, and pain in the abdomen, as if from in- ternal excoriation. Fatal dysentery. [Alex. Benedictus, Pract. 12, 117.^] In the rectum, severe itching during the call to stool, and after stool (which came five hours too early). [H^/.] Burning pain, as from excoriation, around thu rectum, [ WL] 145. Urging to urinate; the urine came by drops, with stitches in the glans, followed by the customary discharge. \JVl.] Strangury. [Spieemann.] Frequent urging to urinate, with slight discharge of urine. Much white sediment in the urine. [ Wl.] ^ Poisoning — Hughes. 714 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. In the urethra, anteriorly, an itching stitch, when not urinat- ing. [[F/.] 150. On the tip of the glans, remitting, sharp-cutting stitches, when standing. [Lgh,'] On the prepuce, a voluptuous itching, forcing him to rub it, wath emission of prostatic juice. \_-Lgh.'] In the testicle, tearing pain. On the scrotum, a pinching burning pain on the left side. Erection, while sitting, without cause (aft. 1% h.). \_LgIi.'\ 155. Nocturnal, constant erections, without pollutions, and with- out lewd dreams. \_Lgh.'] Emission of prostatic juice from the relaxed penis. \_Lgh.'] Violent, abortive incitation to sneezing in the left nostril. Sneezing. Sneezing on smelling the powder of E. [ Wl.'] 160. Frequent sneezing, without coryza. \_Lgh.'] Increased flow of mucus from the nose, without any trace of coryza. [ Wl.'] Fluent coryza, without sneezing. \_Lgh.~\ Fluent coryza, without sneezing. \_Htb. u. 7>'] Much flow of mucus from the posterior nares. [^Htb. u. Tr7\ 165. Profuse flow of mucus from the nose, without sneezing, with suffocative smarting, extending up into the cavity of the forehead, so that she cannot get any air. Tussiculation, excited by even a slight tingling in the throat. {,wi:\ Violent excitation to short cough, in the upper part of the windpipe. \_LghP[ Cough, rising from a burning tickling in the upper part of fhe windpipe. [.H^/.] Cough, day and night, as from asthma and shortness of breath, followed in the morning by much expectoration. 170. Dr}^, hollow cough, as if caused by a tickling in the middle of the chest, when at rest. \_Wl.] Almost incessant dry cough. Asthma, as if the chest were not wide enough, with tensive pain in the muscles of the right side of the chest; especially when turning the body to the right, for ten hours. [ Wl7\ Obstruction to deep breathing, by a sensation as if the left lobe of the lung had become attached. [ WIT^ Tensive pain on the left side of the chest, especially when turning the upper part of the body to the right (aft. 2d.). \_IVI.~\ 175. Spasmodic pressing apart of the lower part of the chest. Shooting pressure on the sternum, when sitting and standing. Shooting in the left side of the chest, when standing and sitting. [Lgk.'j Shooting pain in the left side of the chest, when taking a walk, so that he has to stand still. [A^^-] KUPHORBIUM. 715 Continual shooting in the left side of the chest, when sitting; it went off in walking. \_Lg/i.'] 180. Intermitting, fine shooting in the left side of the chest, when reading. [Lg-k.^ Feeling of w^armth in the middle of the chest, as if he had swallowed hot food. [TF/.] Pressive pain in the sacrum, while at rest. \_IVL'] Jerking, shooting pain in the sacrum. \_Wl!] Pain in the back, a pressure in the muscles. \_Wl.~\ 185. Spasmodic pain in the dorsal vertebrae, in the morning in bed, while lying on the back. [ Wl.'\ Pinching pain in the left scapula. \_Wl.'] Intermitting, severe stitches, always in one spot in the middle of the back, when sitting. \_Lgh.'] In the shoulder-joint, tension, like paralysis, in the morning, after rising, aggravated by motion. [ Wl.'] Tensive pains in the right shoulder do not allow him to easily raise his arm upw^ard. [ Wl.'] 190. The tensive pains in the right shoulder diminish in walking, ^ but w^hen at rest they at once become again more violent (aft. 3 'U). IWl.] Pain with stiffness in the right shoulder, especially when stretching toward the left side. [ WlJ] Painful drawing in the right shoulder. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] In the arm, an internal, very painful drawing; as if connected with weakness, especially in the radius, the humerus and in the wrist bones. \_I/ld. ii. 7>'.] In the upper arm, a pressive pain on the outer side, above the elbow^-joiht, in the morning, in bed. [/^/.] 195. Pain as from a sprain in the right upper arm, near the elbow- joint, on moving the arm. \_Lgh?^ Shooting itching on the upper arm, near the elbow. SJ^gh.] On the fore-arm, a very painful drawing pain in the shaft of the ulna. \Htb. u. Tr.] Burning itching on the outer side of the left fore-arm. [ WL] Scarlet-red streaks on the left fore-arm, which itch on being touched with the finger, but when stroked with the finger, they disappear; with a sensation as if a thin string la}^ under the skin; for several days (aft. yd.). [Wl.'] 200. In the wrist, paralytic pain on moving it. \_Lgh.] Intermitting tearing in the muscles of the left hand. \_Lgh.] Cramp pain in the muscles of the right hand, near the wrist, especially when this is moved. \_Lgh.] Cramp-like drawing in the right hand, wdien writing, [f^^/.] Fine itching on the dorsum of the left hand, forcing him to rub it. \_Lgh.'] 205. Burning itching as from nettles, on the knuckle of the middle joint of the index, with excitation to rubbing. [A^.''^^-] Pressive pain in the ball of the right thumb, relieved by touch and motion. \^Lgh.] The gluteal muscles of the left side are painful when moved, as from a blow. [U^l.] 7l6 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Nocturnal pains in the os ischium. In the right hip-joint, paralvtic pain, when treading on that foot. \_Htb. u. Tr.-] 2IO. Pain as from contusion, on the anterior part of the hip, only when moving the bodj' while sitting, not when sitting quiet, nor in walking, nor when touched. \_Lgh.'\ Pain as from a sprain, in the hip- joint, on both sides. Pressive pain in the muscles around the left hip. [Lgh.'] Pressive tearing in the muscles of the left hip. \_Lgh.'] Painful tearing in the muscles around the right hip- joint, when sitting. \_Lgh.'] 215. Intermitting shooting tearing in the muscles of the left hip, when sitting. \_Lgh.'] Burning pain at night in the bones of the hip and the thigh, so that he was often waked up b}' it, several nights in succession. The lower limbs often go to sleep, even above the knee, with painful formication therein, and inabilt}^ to move them. \_Htb. u. Sensation of dr3'ing off and of coldness in the left lower limb„ as if it was going to sleep, while sitting; it was not improved by motion, and while walking, there remained a continual painful feeling of coldness internallv in the limb, and especiallv in the leg and foot. [Htb. u. Tr.'] In the thigh, when stepping forward, a tensive pain from the left gluteal muscles even into the hough, as if the tendons were too short. [fF/.] 220. Tearing pains in the anterior muscles in the left thigh (when sitting). ILgli.'] Painful tearing in the muscles of the right thigh, when stand- ing and sitting. \_Lgh.'] Intermitting tearing in the muscles of the outer side of the right thigh, when sitting; not diminished b}' standing, but by walking \Lgh. ] Pain as from a sprain in the left thigh, in the upper part near the groin, while taking a walk; it goes off when he stands still. \Lgh:\ Eroding itching on the left thigh. \Lgh?^ 225. Eroding itching, exciting him to scratch, on the right thigh, close to the hip. \Lgh?[ On the knee, on the outer side, a tearing. Shooting pain on the inner side of the knee, when sitting. {.Lgh:\ In the right leg, a shooting pressure. \Lgh?^ Tearing, anteriorh', in the left leg, when sitting; it vanishes at once during standing and walking. \_Lgh?^ 230. Tearing in the muscles of the right leg; when taking a walk. \Lgh:\ Tearing in the upper part of the left tibia, close below the knee, when sitting. \Lgh?^ Violent, gnawing tearing in the right calf, when sitting and standing. {Lgh.] EUPHORBIUM. 717 Violent shooting tearing in the muscles of the legs, near the ankle, when sitting. {LghT^ Painful hot stitch, as with a knife, in the left calf. \Htb. u. Tr.-] 235. Pain, as from a blow, on the outer side of the left calf. [ Wl.'] Cold sweat on the legs, in the morning. Great weakness of the legs up to the knee, as if they would give wa}' and could not support the body. Eroding itching near the knee on the left leg, forcing him to scratch, in the morning. [_Lgh.'] On the foot, cramp-pain, more on the external ankle, when sitting and standing; it goes off when he walks. \_Lgh.'\ 240. Cramp of the metatarsus, drawing the toes crooked, for half an hour. Tearing burning pain about the ankles, so that he almost screamed out; for two hours, with heat of the parts. Sore pain on the right heel, as if from an internal festering, when walking in the open air. [^l^gh.l Violent pain, as from a sprain, in the left heel, continuing for several days uninterruptedly, and then appearing at times; worst when walking. \_Htb. u. Tr.'\ The feet frequently go to sleep, when sitting, with inability then of moving them, and with painful formication therein. \Htb. u. Tr.'] 245. Tickling itching on the sole of the right foot, exciting to scratch. [Lgh.] Rheumatic pains of the limbs. [Pyi^, Aufsaetze u. s. w}] The effects of Kuphorbium seem mostly to appear after the lapse of some time. \^Htb. u. Tr.] Inflammations of external parts. [Scopoi.1, flor. Carii."^] Gangrene. [Scopoli/] 250. General swelling, inflammation, gangrene, death. [SiKGES- BKCK, \VL Bresl. Samml., 1792, II., p. 192.^] lyanguid and weary all over the body. [ WL] Lassitude in the limbs, when taking a walk; walking is hard for him. \Lgh/\ Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough. \_Lgh.'\ Great drowsiness after dinner. \Htb. u. Tr.] 255. He cannot keep off sleep during the day. Stupefied sleep in the afternoon; he cannot rouse himself, and would like to slumber on. He sleeps at night with his arms extended high above his head. \_Wir\ Insomnia and tremulous tossing about in bed before midnight, with roaring before the ears; he could not shut his e^^es. He easily and frequently wakes up from sleep. 260. He often woke up at night, but went to sleep right away again. \Lgh.] ' Effect of application to abdomen. — Hughes. 2p^-oni local application. — Hughes. ^ The original has '' caries.''— Hitghes. *Not found. — Hughes. 7t8 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. At night, while lying awake in bed, he is suddenh' startled, as if b}' an electric shock. [^Lg/i.~\ Anxious, confused dream, without an}^ ending. Anxious, vivid dreams, at night, which force him to scream, so that he wakes up. [^Lg/i.^ Vivid, lascivious dreams, with emission of semen. \_Ji^k.~\ ?65. Dream about things transacted two da^^s before, after 3 a. m. Sensation as if he lacked warmth, and had not slept all night, and had been on a big spree; while all the veins on his hands were in visibl e . [ f/F/. ] Chilly all over the body, in the morning. [W/.'] Chill, when walking in the warm, open air. Continual chilliness, with constant perspiration. 27c. Shivering. [Ehrhardt.] Shivers, all over the upper part of the body. [Wl.'] ■ Shivering all over the back, with red cheeks and cold hands. Heat (after effect?). [Ehrhardt.] Great heat, the whole day; all his clothes seem a burden to him, as also his whole body felt heav}^, as if he was carrying a heavy burden. 275. Sensation of heat over the whole face, with warm forehead and cold hands, without thirst. \_Lgh.'] Fever. [RusT, 1. c] Thirst for cold drinks. [Lgh.l Perspiration on the neck, every morning in bed, and on rising. Morning perspiration, extending from the feet all over the body, with great heat, but with no especial thirst. 280. Perspiration in the morning on the thighs and legs, but not on the feet. In the morning, cold sweat on the legs. GRAPHITES. PLUMBAGO, A grain of the purest plumbago from an English lead pencil of the best qualit}' is pulverized, and according to the direction for pre- paring antipsoric medicines, as given at the end of the first volume, it is first triturated up to the one millionth powder-attenuation. Then, according to the direction there given, the solution of one grain of this preparation in a mixture of fift}^ drops of water and fifty drops of alcohol, after being shaken up ten times, is further diluted in pure alcohol to the billionth (II.), quadrillionth (IV.), sex- tillionth (VI.), octillionth (VIII.), and decilhonth (X.) degree, and every time potentized with ten strokes of the arm. In these forms and degrees of potency, this medicine is then applied to its homoeo- GRAPHITES. 719 pathic antipsoric use, taking one or two small pellets moistened with the medicine, for a dose. The purest plumbago is a sort of mineral carbon, and the small contents of iron are probably to be viewed merely as an admixture not essential to the nature of plumbago, which is further confirmed by the fact, that Davy has fully proved the actual transition of diamond into plumbago hy treating the same with metallic potassium. The first thought of the medicinal use of plumbago was given to Dr. VVeinhold by the fact, that during his journey in Italy he saw workmen in a mirror factory in Venice use it externally for driving away herpes. He imitated them, and described the result in a little work : Der Graphit als Heilmittel gege7i Flechten (Plumbago as a remed}^ for herpes), (2ded., Meissen, 18 12). He prescribed its ex- ternal application either with saliva or with some fat, or he rubbed in the ointment, or applied a plaster of plumbago. He also adminis- tered it in several cases internally, as a confection or in pills, not without success. We go somewhat further, and administer graphites as a very serviceable antipsoric remedy, and this, whether herpes be present in the (non- venereal) chronic disease or not, provided that the present (and previous) symptoms of the patient are found to be homoeo- pathically as similar as possible to the pure" symptoms below adduced, which are peculiar to graphites, and caused by it in the healthy body. Graphites has a lengthy period of action. Graphites has proved itself especially useful, in chronic diseases where it is otherwise appropriate, in curing the following symptoms: Feeling unhappy; apprehension in the morning; anxiety; anxiety during sedentary work; peevishness; dislike of w^ork; feels as if in- toxicated on rising from bed; chaotic feeling in the head; fatigued by scientific work; buzzing in the head; tearing pain in the side of the head, the teeth and the glands of the neck; the fallijig out of hair, even on the sides of the head; itching on the head; scab-head; perspiration of the head when in the open air; pressive pain in the eyelids, as from a grain of sand; pressing, shooting and lachryma- tion of the eyes; dry pus on the eyelids and eyelashes; everything becomes black before the eyes on stooping; the letters in reading run together; flickering before the eyes; the eyes fear the daylight; dryness of the internal ear; flow of pus from the ear; bad smell from the ear; porrigo behind the ears; hardness of hearing; singing and ringing in the ears; humming in the ears; thundering rumbling before the ears; hissing in the ears; bad smell from the nose; dr}- scabs in the nose; swelling of the nose; ^17?^^ heat in the face; semi-lateral paralysis of the face; freckles in the face; humid, eruptive pimples 720 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. in the face; falling out of the hair of the beard; ulcerated corners of the mouth; ulcers on the inner side of the lips; nocturnal tooth- ache; shooting toothache after drinking something cold; swelling o^ the gums; dryness of the mouth in the morning; hawking up of mucus; sensitiveness of the throat, in the region of the larynx; almost constant sore throat, during deglutition; nocturnal pain in the throat, as if a plug were lodged in the throat, or as if the food filled the gullet all the way up; painful lumps on the lower jaw; repug- nance to cooked food; voracious hujiger; eructation; nausea in the viorning; nausea after every meal; weakness of the stomach; press- ure in the stomach; nocturnal pinching in the stomach and digging in the chest; heaviness in the abdomen; hardness in the hypogastrium ; tapeworm; painfulness in the groin; inflation of the abdomen; infla- tion after meals; accumulation of flatus; obstruction of flatus; ex- cessive discharge of flatus; chronic constipation, with costiveness and hardness of the hepatic region; insufficient stools; long-continued, excessive softness of stools; discharge of mucus from the rectum; pains in the varices of the anus; pains as from excoriation of the varices of the anus after stool; burning, painful fissure between the varices of the anus; large varices of the anus; micturition at night; quiescent sexual desire; uncontrollable sexual desire; lack of morn- ing erections; almost involuntary emission of semen, without erection; too scanty voluptuous sensation in coitus; excoriation between the lower limbs, on the pudenda; delayed menses; menses retarded, with severe colic; menses too sca7ity and too pale; pains during the menses; cramps in the abdomen, with the menses; pain in the chest, with the menses; weakness, during the menses; leucorrhcea, like water; profuse leucorrhoea, before and after the menses. Stoppage of the nose; troicbleso7ne dryness of the nose; flow of mucus from the nose; daily coryza, when becoming cold; the voice in singing is not clear; scraping in the throat; cough; nocturnal cough; asthma; oppression of the chest; spasm of the chest; pain in the sacrum as if it was bruised or broken; contractive pains in the back; pain in the nape; cramp in the hand; horny callosities in the palms; knotty, arthritic fingers; constant excoriation between the fingers; pain as from a sprain, in the joint of the thumb; excoriation between the legs; restlessness in the lower limbs; numbness of the thigh; herpes on the thigh; herpes on the houghs; stitches in the heel when treading; cold?iess of the feet in the eve7iing in bed; burning of the feet; swelling of the feet; horny skin on the toes; eroding blisters on the toes; suppurating toes; thick, crippled toe-nails; cramp in many places, e. g., on the nates, the calves, etc.; drawing in the limbs; te?ide?icy to strains; the outside of the chest, the arms GRAPHITES. 721 and the legs go to sleep; tendeficy to take colds; chronic lack of bodily perspiration; perspiration on slight exertion; excoriation of the skin on the bodies of children; the skin does not heal easily, is apt to ulcerate; herpes; difficulty in falling asleep; when going to sleep, suffocating tightness of the chest; light slumber at night; starting from sleep; nocturnal pains, sensible while asleep; sleep full of rav- ings; drow^sy slumber in the morning; anxious, frightful dreams; anxiousness at night, forcing him to get up; night-sweat. Where chronic constipation and menses, delaying several days, cause trouble, graphites is often indispensable. It is not often repeated to advantage, even after intervening remedies. 'Smelling of Arsenicum X° seems to be an antidote, especially to desperate grief caused by graphites. A very small dose of nux vomica anti- dotes several troublesome symptoms from graphites. The symptoms marked Htb. were observed by Dr. Hartlaub, those marked Ng. by an anonymous observer in the pure Arzneijnit- tellehre of the Drs. Hartlaub and Tri7iks; Rl., Dr. Rummel; Kr.^ Dr. Kretschmar. GRAPHITES. Dejection, gloomy mood (aft. 72 h.). Dejection, with great heaviness of the feet. Sad mood (aft. 4 d.). Troubled mood. 5. Quite despondent in mood, and full of anxiety, till evening when he lies down. Grief even to despair, about the most trifling matters. Very much disposed to grieve and to weep, in the evening; while in the morning, contrary to her wont, she laughs at every trifle. Mournfulness, with nothing but thoughts of death (aft. 11 d. ). Sad, melancholy, she has to weep. 10. She has to weep over music. He has to weep in the evening, without provocation. The child weeps and is peevish. \_Htb.'] Oppression with inclination to weep, in frequent fits. \_Ng.'] Extraordinary apprehensiveness, so that she cannot compose herself; it goes off on weeping. [A^.] 15. Anxious oppression. Oppression and anguish, with very disagreeable sensation in the stomach. Great anguish, so that she trembles all over, for se^xral minutes. A pathogenesis appeared in the first edition of this work, containing 590 sj'niptoms of Hahnemann's own, obtained in the manner we have described. It was then proved by Nenning in his usual way, and b}- Hartlaub. The 200 sj-mptoms thus obtained are incor- porated here with the original stock (which has been largely augmented), and with a few from Rummel and Kretschmar, resulting from provings 01 the \oi\\ dilution. — H/ta/us. 47 722 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Anguish with headache, vertigo and ill-humor. Great anguish in the evening, as if a misfortune had happened, with heat in the face and coldness of the hands and feet. 20. He often feels as if his end was near, or as if the greatest mis- fortune impended over him. Anguish, so that she cannot sit still, with perspiration and nausea. Anguish and hurry chase him about, like a criminal. Restless and unsettled, he cannot fix his thoughts on his work, has no pleasure in anything; better after taking a walk. Slow to determine and to recollect. 25. Though usually quick to decide, she, soon after taking the medicine, becomes slow of recollection and resolution. Extreme scrupulousness; she cannot take anything lightly. Timidity. Easily affected and frightened. Easily frightened (aft. 6 h.). 30. Irritable and passionate, in the morning; in the afternoon, hypo- chondriac. Very easily excited; even from speaking, the hands get hot. Irritable and restless. Peevish. Peevish and hypochondriac, without particular cause. 35. Very peevish; everything vexes him and makes him in- dignant. He would like to be alone, every disturbance vexes him. Peevish (aft. 3 h.). Very peevish and passionate. She gets vexed readily, but she can also easily dismiss it again from her mind. 40, Lack of disposition to work. In the morning cheerful, in the evening dejected. Distracted. Apt to make mistakes in speaking and in writing. Continual forgetfulness. 45. Extreme forgetfulness (aft. 8 d.). [i?/.] Onl}^ obscure remembrance, even of what has just passed. Stupid feeling in the head, in the morning, for three days in succession. Unfit for mental work after the noon-siesta, for four hours. Great and painful obtuseness of the head, in the morning, for one hour (aft. 4 d.). 50. Obtuseness of the head, at once in the morning, with nausea and sour vomiting. Pressive obtuseness of the head, chiefl}^ in the morning. Gloominess in the forehead, with a contractive sensation. Feels intoxicated in the head. Reeling and whirling around, in the evening, while taking a walk. 55. Staggering, and tendency to vertigo, with unconsciousness, shivering and a chill. Giddy and dizzy in the whole head. [A^.] GRAPHITES. 723 Fits of vertigo, with tendency to fall forward. [A^.] Vertigo in the morning, on awaking. Vertigo in the morning, on awaking (aft. yd.). 60. Severe vertigo, in the morning, after a sound sleep (aft. 15 d.). Vertigo, in the evening, with stupefaction; she had to lie down. Vertigo, when looking upward. Vertigo, when stooping and afterward, for several minutes, a tendency to fall forward, with nausea. Headache, early on awaking, every morning, for half an hour. 65. Headache in the morning, as if she had not done sleeping (aft. 9 d.). Semilateral headache, in the morning in bed, with inclination to vomit; this goes off on rising. Severe headache in the morning, on awaking, with nausea, diarrhoea and icy cold sweat, even to fainting; then she had to keep her bed for two days, with constant alternation of chill and heat. Dull headache in the forehead and the crown, early in bed, while still half asleep; when fully awake, it was gone (aft. 9 d.). [Rl.-] Headache, at night, in that side of the head on which he was not lying. 70. Headache, on turning the head, for two days. Headache on moving the head; she is afraid to move it. Headache, while out driving. Headache, during and after the meal. Headache, with nausea, as if rising from the abdomen, a very disagreeable sensation. 75. Pain, as if the head was numb and turgid. [H'tb.'\ Pain, as if bruised in the head, with general ill-feeling, in the evening. Pain, as if the sinciput was torn to pieces, from the morning after rising till toward noon. [A^.] Pressive headache, now here, now there, in the brain, lastly behind the left ear (aft. 24 h.). Pressure, extending from the forehead deep into the head (aft. 30 d.). \_Ng.-] 80. Pressure outward at the forehead, for two hours after the meal. Dull pressure in the forehead, in the morning, after rising, worse on moving. Pressive pain in the left temple, for one minute. Sharp pressive pain in the temple, on which he was not h'ing, in the morning in bed. Pressive pain on the head (aft. 24 d.). 85. Pressive headache in the occiput. Much pressure in the occiput and nape. Headache, as if the forehead would burst, after a meal. [A^i,'.] Sensation as if all within the head was screwed in a vice and filled up. Pain as if constricted, especially in the occiput toward 724 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. the nape, which on looking upwards, pains as if broken, at noon; later the pain draws down the back and forward into the chest. 90. Tensive, severe headache, on awaking from sleep; this occupies the whole head, more on the surface of the brain and most in the occiput, without impeding thought, with painful stiffness of the nape; the more he tries to sleep more soundly, the worse the pain becomes (aft. 24 h.). Sharply drawing tension of the nerves of the brain. Drawing headache in the forehead, with pain in the nape of the neck, as if stiff. Drawing in the forehead, for half an hour, recurring for sev- eral days successively. Drawing, first in the sinciput, then in the occiput, in the evening. 95. Drawing pain on (in) the head, down the face, extending to the neck. Twitching pain in the right side of the head. Tearing headache in the forehead, in the morning on awak- ing, for one hour. Tearing in the forehead, with internal sensation of heat, in the afternoon. [A^.] Violent tearing in the right side of the head, in the evening (istd.). [A^^.] 100. Shooting pains, from both sides of the crown toward the middle, as if the head would burst, from the morning till 3 p. m., when the pain went off, during a profuse sweat in the heat of the sun. [A^.] Flying stitches in the left temple (aft. 11 d.). Ebullition of blood and sensation of heat in the head, repeat- edly during the da}' , with sweat. [A^.] Ebullition in the head, with compressive pain in the crown, in the afternoon. [A^.] Throbbing in the forehead. [A^.] 105. Throbbing in the right side of the head, in the afternoon; recurring for several days. [A^.] Painful blows on the right side of the head. [A^.] Sensation of looseness of the whole brain. [A^.] Disagreeable warmth in the whole head (after dinner). [A^.] Burning on the crown, in a small spot. [A^.] no. Rushing sound in the head (aft. 3d.). Weakness of the head, extending down to the neck. Coldness and cramp-like contraction of the skin of the head. Sensation as if the forehead was wrinkling. Pain in the forehead as if excoriated, when touched. 115. Pain on the head, as if from excoriation. Tearing on the head, as from rheum, in the morning. Itching on the hairy scalp. Much dandruff on the head, causing a very troublesome itch- ing, and causing scabs, which go off when the head is washed, and leave the parts humid. Eruption on the crown, which pains and becomes moist vv^hen touched. GRAPHITES. 725 120. Humid eruption on the head, which does not itch, but only aches when touched, as if festering underneath. Scurf 3^ spot on the crown, with violent pain as from excoria- tion, when touched. Painfulness and moistness under the scurfy spots on the head. \_Htb:\ The old scurfs on the hairy scalp become detached and begin to emit a fetid smell. \Htb?^ Single hairs turn gray. 125. Falling out of the hair of the head (aft. 36 h. and aft. i6d.).^ Pains of the eyes, on opening them, as if strained by reading. Pressure on the right eyebrow, and from there through the whole eye. Pressive pain in the eyes, every morning, also in the evening. Heaviness of the eyelids. 130. Paralytic pain of the eyelids. Drawing pain in the eyes. Violent stitch into the right eye. [A^.] Itching in the inner canthus. Smarting and heat in the eyes. 135. Smarting in the eyes, as if something acrid had gotten in. Smarting pain in the eyes, as if from something acrid. [A^.] Burning smarting in the inner canthus. ] A^.] Coldness above the eyes. Heat in the eyes; he could not see clearly. 140. Heat about the eyelids. Heat in the eyes, and some pus in the canthi. Burning in the eyes, by candle-light and in the evening (aft. 30 d.). iNg:\ Burning about the eyes. Severe burning of the eyes, in the morning. 145. Burning and dryness of the eyelids, in the evening when reading, and in the morning. Burning and lachrymation of the eyes, in the open air. Redness of the white of the eye, with lachrymation and photophobia. \Htb.'\ Redness and painful inflammation of the lower eyelid and the inner canthus. Redness and inflammation of the eyes, with drawing and pressive pain; then smarting lachrymation of the eyes. 150. Inflammation of the outer canthus. Severe inflammation of the edges of the e3'elids. A stye on the lower eyelids, with drawing pain before the dis- charge of the pus. Swelling of the eyelids and of the lachr3anal gland. Suppuration of the eyes, with pressure therein and drawing pain up into the head. 155. Lassitude of the eyes. Weakness and reddish appearance of the e3xs. Sensation of dryness in the eyelids and pressure. 726 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Frequent lachr^-mation of the eyes and pressure therein. Much e^'e-gum in the e3'es. 1 60. Dr\' ej^e-gum in the ej'elashes. Agglutination of the ej^es, in the morning. [A^.] Quivering below the ej^es. .Tendency- of the e^xs to contract in the outer canthi. She sees ever\'thing as through a mist. [A^.] 165. Short-sightedness; he cannot recognize an\'one ten paces ofp (aft. 13 d.). In writing he sees letters double, while his e^xs burn. [A^.] Great sensitiveness of the e^'es to daylight, for several da^'s. Light is intolerable to him; he cannot look into the bright- ness; the white also of the ej'es is red. Light dazzles the eyes. 1 70. In the evening, he sees with open eyes, fien.^ zigzags all around, outside of the field of vision. The eves are sensitive to the sunlight, it causes them to water. If he looks at anything white, his eyes are dazzled and the}' water. When he looks sharph^ at anj-thing white or red, or into the sun, there arise stitches from the temple through the e}^ into the inner canthus. Onh' the daylight affects her e^'es, not the candle-light: she can read well and without trouble by the latter. 175. Pain in the ear, a painful pressure in the internal ear like straining. Sensation of tightness about the left ear (aft. 30 h.). Tearing in the right ear. Shooting in the ears. Stitches in the ear. [A^.] 180. Shooting pains in the left ear, in the evening after supper. Pain, as from ulceration, in the left ear, frequenth" renewed. Throbbing, like pulsation in the ears, especialh' on stooping and after a meal. Throbbing in the ear, slower than the pulse, in the morning after awaking, for one hour. Sensation in the right ear, at every step, as if a valve were opening and shutting in it. [A^.] 185. Fanning in the ear, at every eructation, as if air entered through the Eustachian tube. Sensation in the left ear, as if it was filled with water. Red, hot ears. Swelling of the interior of the left ear (12th d.). Swelling of the right parotid gland. 190. Itching behind the ears. Itching in the left ear, in the evening, for a quarter of an hour. Itching of the lobule and on the cheek; after scratching, a h-mph exudes, which hardens on the spots. Hard lump behind the right ear, painful when touched, for many days. \Htb^ GRAPHITES. 727 The herpes behind the ears scales off and improves. \Htb.'\ 195. Moisture on the ears. \_Htb.'] Humidity and excoriated spots behind both ears. Ulcerated condition of the left helix. \_RL~\ Blood}^ discharge from the ear, for thirty- six hours. Being hard of hearing, she hears better while riding in a wagon. 200. First, ringing, then a rushing sound in the left ear (aft. 2 h.). Humming before the ears. Roaring sound in the ears, during coitus. Violent roaring and rushing sound in the ears (aft. 14 d. ). Roaring in the head, then explosion in the ear, then better hearing. 205. Violent roaring in the ears at night, with obstruction of the ears at times (during full moon). Thundering pealing before the ears. Reverberation in the ear. Roaring sound in the ears, in the evening in bed, darting through all the limbs (aft 7 d.). [Rl.'] Hissing in the ear, the whole day. 210. Sound of gnawing in the ears, on moving the head. Clucking sound in the ears on stooping, with heaviness of the head; on straightening himself again and leaning backward, there is again the clucking sound; just 3s if something fell forward and back again. Cracking sound in the ear, when eating, in the evening. Cracking sound in the ear, on moving the jaws, but only in the morning, while lying in bed. Repeated sensation and noise in the ear, as if a blister burst open (2d d.). 215. Detonation and explosion in the left ear; when swallowing. The nose is painful internally. In the inside of the nose, a sensation of tension. [A^.] Sensation of excoriation in the nose, when blowing it. Ulcerated pain in the right nostril. [A^.] 220. Itching in the nose Sudden burning on a small spot, on the left side of the nose. iNg.-\ Redness of the nose. Black pores on the nose (comedones). Eruptional pimples in the left nostril, which first itch then burn. 225. Large humid pimple on the nose. Painful scabs inside of the nose. Blowing out bloody mucus from the nose. Blowing out blood from the nose, for several days in succession. Epistaxis (also aft. 15 d.). 230. Epistaxis, in the morning. Epistaxis, two evenings in succession, with palpitation of the heart, heat and pain in the back (aft. 3d.). 728 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Epistaxis in the evening at ten o'clock ; the afternoon preceding it, rush of blood to the head, with heat of the face. Olfaction too sensitive ; she cannot bear an^' flowers. Smell in the nose as from an inveterate coryza. 235. Smell at night, as of burned hair mixed with fumes of sulphur. Smell in the nose as of burned soot, in the morning. Paleness of the face. Sudden paleness of the face from light mental occupation, e. g. , reading. Paleness of the face, with blue rims around the e5"es. 240. Yellowness of the face, with wear}' ej^es, as if worn out (aft. 24 h.). Erysipelas on both sides of the face, with burning shoot- ing pain, then coryza for one day, with shooting in the gums (aft. 7 and 14 d.). Swelling of the left side of the face, in the morning after rising. Incipient paralj^sis of the left side of the face, after there had been some swelling of it, with some toothache; the muscles on the right side of the face are suddenly distorted, the mouth drawn to the right, and its motion, as well as speech, become difficult; the left ej^e often closes involuntarilj^, while the right cannot be fully closed, but often remains open, even in the dazzling light, in wind, and dust (aft. 18 d.). Constant sensation as from cobwebs in the face. [^^^.] 245. Pain, alternating in all the bones of the face. Drawing pain in the left upper jaw. Ver}' painful tearing in the left zygoma, which almost made her scream, in the evening, in bed. [A^.] Spasmodic contraction of the muscles of mastication. He cannot open his jaws when eating, owing to pain in the masticating muscles; it is as if the}' were paralyzed. 250. Itching in the right temples, very violent, with burning after scratching. \Htb7\ Itching pimple in the face, humid after scratching. A sort of encysted tumor on the cheek. [AV.] The lips are dry. Quivering on the upper lip. 255. Shooting in the upper lip, as if a needle and thread were drawn through it, in the evening. [A^.] Burning and feeling of heaviness in the lower lip. [A^.] Sore pain, as from excoriation, in the left corner of the mouth. Soreness and chapping of the lips and nostrils, as from a chill. Chapped lower lip. 260. Eruption in the corner of the mouth. Eruptions on the lip. Eruptive pimple on the upper lip, which first itches and then burns. Small, white tubercles on the upper lip. GRAPHITES. 729 Thick-set, whitish pimples on a red base, and itching some- what, on both corners of the mouth, below the lips. 265. A blister on the upper lip, with cutting pain. The left corner of the mouth is ulcerated. Scurf}', painless ulcers on both corners of the mouth. Chin, full of eruption. In the lower jaw on the left side, shooting tearing. [A^.] 270. In the sub-maxillary glands, pressive pain. Inflammation and swelling of the right sub-maxillary gland, which after some days becomes indurated and scales off. Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, painful when touched, with stiffness of the neck. Swelling of the parotid gland, with tensive pain. 275. Toothache of the right molars, when biting firmly. Toothache, especially at night, with heat in the face, or in the evening, with pain as of excoriation on the palate and on the swelling of the cheeks. Shooting pain, darting about in the teeth. [A'^.] Pain, as of soreness of the teeth, while eating, increased after eating. Pressive pain in all the teeth and in the jaws, at night, for two hours, and renewed in daj^time by chewiug and biting. 280. Painful pressure in all the teeth, aggravated by touching them. Drawing toothache. Drawing pain in a hollow tooth. Drawing pain in the molars, when walking in the wind. Tearing in the root of the tooth. [A^.] 285. Tearing pain in all the teeth, aggravated by warmth, renewed on lying down in bed, and thus destroying the night's rest before midnight. Shooting toothache (aft. 6 d.). Dull, jerking stitches in a tooth. Dull, jerking stitches in a hollow molar, on taking a walk (aft. 4 h.). Single, burning stitches in a left upper molar, after a meal. 290. Tingling toothache, and when she takes cold water in her mouth, stitches in the tooth. Gnawing in the sockets. Burning toothache, as from looseness of the teeth, now in one tooth, now in another, mostly at night in bed, or in the evening, when sitting and leaning back, with collection of saliva in the mouth; pain aggravated by chewing. Pain of the lower teeth, as from looseness, when masticating. Black, sour blood often flows from the hollow teeth. [A^i,''.] 295. The gums are painful, with a sensation of excoriation on the palate and flow of water from the mouth. Pain, as from excoriation of the gums, on the inner side of the teeth, as after eating hot things (aft. 10 d."). Pain, as from excoriation of the gums of the upper incisors, on touching them with the tongue. 730 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Ulcerative pain of the gums. Itching gnawing in the gums. 300. Rush of blood to the gums, so that she feels like cutting into them. Swelling of the gums and dryness in the mouth. Swelling of the gums, in the evening. Acutely painful swelling of the gums. [-A^.] Painful sw^elling of the gums, with swelling of the cheeks and lassitude in the whole bod}^ 305. Painful swelling of the gums on the teeth of the upper jaw, as if excoriated, even while touching the cheek, with pain in the molar belonging to it, as if a swollen cheek would ensue. The gums bleed easily on being touched. Putrid smell from the gums and the mouth. Sourish putrid smell from the mouth. Urinous smell and breath from the mouth and through the nose. 310. Bad smell from the mouth. [Htb.'] The tongue after a meal feels raw, rough and scrap}^, and the papulae are too sensitive, as if they rubbed against the teeth. Pain on the left side of the tongue, as from excoriation, when moving and stretching the tongue. White tongue. Burning vesicles on the lower surface and the tip of the tongue. 315. Painful nodules and blisters posteriorly on the tongue, which are most painful while eating and spitting, and sometimes bleed. Whitish, painful ulcer on the lower surface of the tongue. Sore throat in the morning, on rising, with both pressing and shooting pain. Sore throat, as from a glandular swelling. Pressure in the region of the pit of the throat, as if he was. over-sated, or had swallowed too large a morsel, 320. Sensation in the throat as if there was an excrescence in it or adhesive mucus, so that if he tries to swallow even a little thing (a crumb) it lodges in that place. Sensation in the left side of the throat, as if he had to swallow over a lump, with scraping in it; not worse when swallowing food than in empty deglutition. Sensation in the throat, when swallowing, as if there was a lump in it, and especially in empty deglutition there is a contract- ing choking from the oesophagus to the larynx. Spasm in the throat, with nausea (aft. 3d.). Constant spasm in the throat, compelling him to swal- low with a choking sensation, as if the food he is eating would not go down (aft. 24 h.).. 325. Sensation in the throat as if it was sewed up, with constant scraping therein. Scraping in the throat (aft. 24 h.) Intolerable scraping and scratching in the throat. Scraping in the throat, with a sensation in the fauces, behind the velum pendulum palati, as if it was parched; this only dimin- GRAPHITES. 731 ishes after detaching some tenacious phlegm; several days in suc- cession, in the morning, on awaking. [^/.] Scraping in the throat (after a meal), with rawness and roughness. 330. Roughness in the throat, only sensible when speaking. [A^.] Roughness and scraping excoriation in the throat. Shooting in the throat, even when not swallowing. [A^.] Shooting and choking in the throat in deglutition, with dry- ness posteriorly in the left side of the throat, in the palate. Severe shooting in the throat, on swallowing, wnth ulcerative pain and choking. [A^.] 335. Quickly appearing twitching stitches, in a point deep within the throat on the right side, merely on moving the neck, on talk- ing, stooping, and rising again, not when swallowing. Pinching pain in the throat (aft. 5 d.). Swelling of the tonsils in the throat, with pain on deglutition. Flow of water from the mouth, with swelling of the upper lip, with a painful pimple on it, with painful gums and excoriated palate. Much spitting of saliva (aft. 2d.). 340. The saliva runs from his mouth, in the morning, when stooping. Mucus in the mouth, in the morning; the mouth is so glued together thereby, that he could hardly open it. [A^.] Salty, burning mucus in the mouth, in the morning, on awaking. Much mucus, deep down in the throat. Much mucus in the fauces, for several days; he has to eject it by hawking. 345. Hawking up of mucus, with dryness in the palate from talking. Spitting of blood, with great sensitiveness of the palate and the tongue. [A^.] Salty taste in the mouth. Bitterish taste in the mouth, in the afternoon (aft. yd.). Bitterish taste in the mouth, with heavily coated tongue (aft. 28 h.). 350. Bitter taste on the tongue, with sour eructation. Bitter taste of food. Acidity in the mouth, after breakfast. Sour taste frequently, especially after eating and drinking. Sour taste in the mouth, and no appetite for drinking. 355. Acidity in the stomach, wdth voracious hunger. Taste of rotten eggs in the mouth, in the morning, after rising. [A^^.] The appetite is increased. [A^.] Voracious hunger, but after eating nausea and vertigo ^aft. 3d-)- No appetite, in the evening. 360. He loathes the food. Little appetite for warm food. Repugnance to salty food. 732 HAHNEMAXN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Liquids are repugnant and loathsome to her. Meat and fish are repugnant to her. 365. Repugnance to meats, when thinking of them; though she has a tolerable relish for them when eating them; still, she prefers bread. Good appetite for meat at supper, when he at other times had no desire for meat. Unusual thirst in the morning, for several da^^s successively. Violent thirst, at once, in the morning. [iV^.] Much thirst, after eating (aft. 13 d.). 370. Much craving for beer, without actual thirst, onl}' to get cooled off internally. While eating, perspiration. During and after eating, a pressive headache. After dinner, chaotic feeling in the head. After a meal, rancid heartburn. 375. After a meal, pain in the stomach, relieved by drinking some- thing. After a meal, pressure like cramp in the stomach, from the fauces to the navel (aft. 24 d.). After a meal, grasping pain in the stomach. Soon after a meal, burning in the stomach, with heaviness in the body and ill-humor. Immediately after eating, colic. 380. Just after eating, feeling of fullness, and for several hours, a sourish, contractive taste, as if arising from the stomach. An hour after a meal, fullness in the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much. When she eats an3^thing, it inflates her abdomen. After a meal, she cannot bear an3'thing tight about her ab- domen. After a meal, great stiffness, pressure and shooting in the sore foot (aft. 5 d.). 385. After dinner, drowsiness. After a meal, he is wear}^ and falls asleep. After dinner, shivering on the lower limb on the right side. After breakfast, coldness and shivering through the whole body. Abortive eructation; eructations would constantly arise, but they cannot. 390. Continual eructation, with nausea and lack of appetite all the day (at once). Much eructation, with the taste of the ingesta (aft. 4 d.). Sour eructation, with bitter taste in the mouth. Sour regurgitation of food. Green, bitter water rises in her mouth, in the morning, on drinking or just after eating, for four days in succession. 395. Heartburn. Rancid heartburn. Hiccup, in the morning after rising and after dinner. [A^.] Hiccup after a meal, with dullness in the head or drowsiness. Hiccups after every meal, whether hot or cold. GRAPHITES. 733 400. Hiccup in the evening for an hour (aft. 4 d.). Qualmishness in the stomach, after dinner, [i?/.] Great qualmishness and nausea before supper, wil;hout any inclination to vomit. Qualmishness, as if arising from the abdomen, with contractive pain below the navel and much mucus in the throat, chieiiy in the morning and several hours after a meal. Nausea, for several hours (at once). 405. Nausea, at noon, with loathing of beef -tea, several days in succession. Nausea, like fainting, as if coming from the left hypo- chondrium.* Nausea, with inclination to vomit, the whole day (at once). Nausea, with inclination to vomit, in the region of the stomach, for two minutes in the morning, just after rising (the first 8 d.). Nausea, with inclination to vomit, in the morning, after rising, with dizziness, as if owing to darkness before the eyes; he imagined he would fall over in walking; at the same time, paleness of the face, for two weeks. 410. Inclination to vomit, in the afternoon, with flow of water from the mouth (2d d.). Severe inclination to vomit, wdth pretty good appetite, both when fasting, and also during, before and after eating; then vomit- ing of w^ater (not of food), with much secretion of saliva (aft. sev. d.). Waterbrash. Retching up of much mucus, in the morning, with normal ap- petite and stool. Vomiting, brought on at every slight qualmishness, with flow of much water from the mouth. 415. Vomiting in the afternoon, after a two hours' walk, with great nausea; sudden weariness and a severe chill for several hours. Vomiting, with nausea and colic, the whole day, without diarrhoea. Vomiting, with nausea and colic, for two days in succession (aft. sever, h.). Vomiting of all the ingesta, with nausea. She immediately vomits her dinner up again, without nausea, but with a sickly aching in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 10 d.). 420. Stomachache, like voracious hunger, from morning till in the afternoon. [A^.] Insipidity, and sensation, as if the stomach was spoiled, while the appetite is good. Pain in the stomach, with oppression and anguish. Pains on the right side of the stomach, which always go off on eructation. Pressure in the stomach all day, only relieved by lying down and by the warmth of the bed, but it recurs at once when rising again from bed. 425. She has to vomit owing to the pressure on her stomach. 734 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressure in the region of the scrobiculus cordis, the whole forenoon, reheved by eructation. [A^.] Griping in the stomach, with nausea, she had to spit con- tinually, almost like waterbrash. Griping pain in the stomach in the forenoon, going off during and after the dinner. Gnawing clawing in the stomach, before dinner. 430. Contractive pain in the stomach (aft 6 d.). Stitches, frequently in the stomach and in the belly. Shooting and throbbing in the scrobiculus cordis. [A^.] Feeling of coldness and great emptiness of the stomach. Burning in the stomach, when fasting and before a meal, forcing him to eat. 435. Burning in the stomach, then heat in the whole bod}^ and then sweat. [A^.] Fermentation in the stomach, followed by discharge of flatus; then alternately in the body, a dull pressure, drawing and shoot- ing; then weariness in the eyes. In the hypochondria, tension as from a tight bandage, with oppression of the chest. Shooting in both hypochondria, forcing the person to lie down (3dd.). Throbbing under the short ribs, at night, on awaking. 440. In the region of the liver, immediately after breakfast, such acute pains, that she had to lie down again. Stitches in the right hypochondrium, in the morning, just after rising. Acutely painful stitches in the hepatic region, so that she had to grit her teeth together. In the splenic region, a pressive pain. Shooting in the right hypochondrium, toward the back, like splenetic stitches. 445. Stitches in the left hypochondrium, on moving the body, Burning in the left hypochondriac region, when sitting; going off by motion; frequently recurring. [A^.] Pain in the stomach, going off by pressing on it. Pain to the right in the hypogastrium , more violent at every step and every breath. Violent colic in the morning, for several seconds; then a diar- rhoeic and afterward a firm stool (aft. 6 d.). [.^/.] 450. Hard, tensive pressure in the abdomen, extending from the hypochondria deep into the hypogastrium, both at rest and in motion, and without any trace of flatulence; nor does the dis- charge of flatus give any relief. Heaviness in the hypogastrium, with urging. [A^.] Fullness and heaviness of the abdomen. Fullness in the abdomen and stomach, with loss of appetite, with constipation for four days (aft. 12 d.). Fullness and hardness of the hypogastrium, with sensation as from incarcerated flatus, chiefly in the evening and at night. GRAPHITES. 735 455. Inflation of the abdomen, chiefly after eating, with painful sensitiveness when pressed upon. Inflation of the abdomen, with rush of blood to the head, heaviness in the head, vertigo and dizziness (aft. 4 d.). Severe inflation of the belly, with dullness and heaviness in the head. Abdomen thick, as if from accumulated and obstructed flatus; she cannot put on anything that presses on the hypochondria. Distended abdomen (aft. 6 d.). 460. Distended abdomen, with diarrhoeic stool. Griping in the belly, by jerks, both when at rest and in motion; attended with much thirst, without appetite. Spasmodic colic, at night; an excessive cramp-pain of all the intestines, alike unbearable at rest and in motion, without any trace of flatulence; at the same time deficient secretion of urine. Contraction, pinching and cutting about the navel; soon after, a natural stool (soon after taking the medicine). [A^^.] Pinching in the abdomen, especially in the region of the caecum (immediately). 465. Cutting colic, on taking a walk. Cutting colic, in the morning, with repeated, but not diar- rhoeic stool. Dull shooting in the left side of the abdomen. Cramp-like shooting in the hypogastrium (17th d.). Drawing pain in the abdomen, at night, with urging to stool, but without diarrhoea. 470. Twitches in the abdomen (aft. i h.). Twitches in the side of the abdomen. Digging pain in the abdomen. Qualmishness in the hypogastrium. [i?/.] Burning on (in) the left side of the abdomen. 475. Burning on a small spot in the left side of the abdomen. Burning and cutting in the abdomen. Tension in the groins, when walking. [A^.] Violent pains in the right inguinal region, a burning and urg- ing, as if the intestines would be forced out there, and these seemed to be moving; worse on stretching the body, relieved on stooping. [A^.] Stitches in the groin. 480. The glands in the left groin are painful as if swollen. Sensation of swelling in the left inguinal glands, so that he cannot make a sufficiently long step in walking; and 3'et they are not swollen, and do not pain when touched. Swollen glands in the right groin (9th d.). Swelling and great sensitiveness of one of the inguinal glands. An inflamed glandular lump in the right groin. 485. Flatulence arises suddenly, and presses painfully toward the abdominal ring (aft. 3 h.). Flatulent colic when taking a walk. Much flatulence, arising with griping in the stomach and loud 736 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. rumbling; the flatus passed off with much violence upward and downward, without relieving. Incarceration of the flatus in the h5^pogastrium, especially in its side, with growling. Growling in the abdomen, in the morning, in the bed and for some time after rising. 490. Rumbling in the abdomen, during dinner. Rumbling in the abdomen, after drinking. Continual rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea was setting in. Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Clucking in the right side of the abdomen, down into the lower limb, as from softly falling drops. 495. Croaking as from frogs, in the abdomen. Almost involuntary discharge of flatus; he can hardly restrain it. Frequent discharge of fetid flatus, with occasional inflation of the abdomen. [A^.] Discharge of much fetid flatus, which is constanth' generated anew. [AV.] Before every discharge of flatus, there is colic. 500. After the discharge of flatus, bellyache. After the stool, distension, restlessness and pinching in the abdomen. No urging, nor call to stool. Frequent intermission of the stool. [A^.] Much tendency to stool, w^hich, though not hard, required much straining for its evacuation, on account of the total inaction of the rectum. 505. Urging to stool, without any need of it. Hard stool, with much urging and shooting in the anus. [A^.] Hard, knotty stool. [A^.] Knotty stool (aft. 2d.). Knotty stool, wound around with a mucous thread, and after it, there is still mucus on the anus. 510. Stool of very thin formation, like a lumbrical worm. It gradually secures a daily stool, while before, he was con- stipated. Repeated stool, daily for several days, the first, verj^ hard and formed too thick, the others, soft. Three stools a daj^, for the first five days, then for several days, two, the last days, onlj^ one. In time, the stool, which was formerly diarrhoeic, becomes firmer. 515. Three times, a soft stool, at night, with pains in the abdomen. Diarrhoea, almost without pain in the abdomen, for twenty hours, then great lassitude of short duration. Three diarrhoeic stools, with burning in the anus (17th d.). Repeated liquid diarrhoeic stool, with discharge of mucus for three days. [A^.] GRAPHITES. 737 Sudden mucous diarrhoeic stool, with sensation as if flatus would be discharged, after previous qualmishness and sensation of having taken a cold in the abdomen. [^/.] 520. Much white mucus is discharged with the stool. Reddish mucus is discharged with the stool Sour-smelling stool, with burning in the rectum. Sourish, putrid-smelling, soft stools. Dark-colored, onl}^ half-digested stool, of intolerable fetor. 525. Blood in the stool (aft. several h.). Blood is discharged with a soft stool. Some blood with the stool, every day, on the cessation of the menses, with pain in the rectum as from excoriation, for seven daj^s (aft. 42 d.). Lumbrici are discharged with the stool. [A^§^.] Discharge of ascarides, with itching in the rectum. 530. Tenesmus during the stool (aft. 21 h. ). During the stool, burning in the anus. In the rectum, pressure and straining, without stool. Violent straining in the rectum, as in piles. Straining and burning in the rectum and anus. 535. Stitches in the rectum (aft. 2 h.). Shooting pain in the rectum, as if everything there was in- durated. Single stitches in the anus. [A^.] Obtuse, tearing stitch from the anus up into the rectum. Cutting in the anus (rectum?), in the morning, in bed. 540. Itching of the anus (aft. 2 h.). Itching and sensation of excoriation on the anus. Pain as from excoriative soreness in the anus, when wiping it. Sense of swelling on the anus, but without pain. Swelling of the anus, all around. 545. The veins around the anus are severely swollen. A thin cord, like a swollen vein, extends from the anus toward the nates, not painful to the touch. Varices on the anus, causing burning. Discharge of blood from the rectum, with violent shooting in it. Prolapsus recti (with its varices) even without tenesmus, as if the anus had lost its contractible power and was paralyzed. 550. Anxious straining and pressure to urinate at night, with cutting in the abdomen; she had often to get up for it, but onl}^ a little water passed, with a cutting pain, for two da3'S. Painful urging to urinate, in the morning in bed, and 3^et onl}' a few drops were passed, attended with cutting in the urethra (aft. 5d.). The stream of urine is quite thin, as if the urethra was too narrow. Hurried urging to urinate, and but little urine. Frequent micturition. 555. She has to urinate ver3^ frequenth'. There is an urging to urinate, quite early in the morning. 48 73^ HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. More frequent, profuse micturition than usual, she has also to get up at night for the purpose (the first days). [A^.] Nocturnal urging to urinate. He has to get up at night to urinate, contrary to his custom. IHtb ] 560. Wetting the bed at night. Involuntary^ micturition. Urging to urinate, and dropping of the urine after the cus- tomary micturition (ist d.). \Ng?[ Sharp, sourish smell of the urine. Very dark brown urine, during its discharge there is a slight stitch in the urethra. 565. Dark colored urine, which, in two hours, deposits a reddish sediment. The urine grows very turbid, after two hours, with a red- dish sediment; while being passed, the urine caused the urethra to smart. The urine grows turbid and deposits a white sediment. Before urination, cutting urging down from both the kidneys (the I St days). [A^.] During micturition, titillation in the urethra. 570. During micturition, pain in the coccyx. After micturition, burning at the orifice of the urethra. [A^.] Rough pressure in the root of the urethra, with urging to urinate. Burning in the urethra, even when not urinating. In the genitals, tension and a disagreeable sensation, when walking or at the least touch of the clothes. 575. Cramp pain in the penis. Twitching pain in the penis, for several minutes. [-/?/.] Eruptions on the penis. The glans is coated with a thick mucus, although he washes it off every two or three days. Drawing pain in the glans. 580. The prepuce swells up, forming a large watery blister, with- out pain. Eruptive vesicles on the prepuce. The right testicle seems swollen. Drawing sensation in both testes. Shooting pain, occasionally, in the right testicle. 585. Swelling in the scrotum (in the tunica vaginalis testis? hydrocele?) Itching, inside of the scrotum. Itching on the scrotum. Itching, and moist eruption on the scrotum. In the left spermatic cord, twitching pain. 590. Excitation of the sexual desire and of sexual fancies. Extremely voluptuous thoughts, which torment him, so that he is afraid of becoming insane, and runs about restlessly; with heaviness in the perinaeum and tensive pain in the penis, without erection. Voluptuous excitation in the genitals. GRAPHITES. 739 His sexual desire, which was habitually very excited and even almost excessive, at once became totally quiescent for several days. He graduall}^ loses all desire for coitus. 595. No desire for coitus at all, during the first thirty days after taking graphites; also his fanc}^ which at other times was very active, was cold, and there was no tendency to erections at all; but at the end of this time all these awakened in so high a degree, that on touching a w^oman, he felt a voluptuous thrill and trembled in all his limbs. His fancy was quite cold with regard to coitus. Very indifferent with respect to coitus, and little excitation during it. Erection, without voluptuous thoughts. Intense erection (aft. 48 h. ). 600. Violent erection (aft. 8 d.). [-A^.] During erections, clucking of the penis. Pollutions, almost every night. Pollution, almost every night (the first yd.). The pollutions seem to cease (aft. 20 d.). 605. While the sexual organs are excited, there is flatulent colic, which prevents coitus. In the beginning of the coitus, very painful cramp of the calves, which makes a continuation impossible. During the coitus, despite of every effort, there is on emission of semen. After coitus, there is at once renewed erection (aft. 27 d.). After coitus, the legs quickly become cold. 610. After coitus, lassitude (aft. 14 d.). Immediately after coitus, his whole body becomes burning hot, and he perspires all over. Painful pressure toward the genitals. Straining toward the genitals, occasionally, while standing. Smarting in the vagina. 615. Repeated shooting pains in the labia majora. [A^.] Vesicle on the labia, with itching smarting pain. Eruption of pimples on the pudenda, with some itching. Itching on the pudenda, before the menses. Painless pimple on the inside of the labia. 620. Excoriation of the pudenda. Painful excoriation between the pudenda and the thigh, covered with pimples, vesicles and ulcers. The left, indurated ovary sw^ells up and becomes as hard as a stone, with violent pain when touched, and even wdiile inspiring or hawking, when the most violent stitches dart there, so that she almost gets beside herself, with a profuse general sweat, and con- tinued sleeplessness. The menses at first seem to appear tardil3^ It retards the menses by three days, in its primar}' effect (aft. 4d.). 625. The menses appear seven days too late (aft. 29 d.V The menses appear nine days too late, with heaviness in the 740 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. abdomen and a dull feeling in the head, on the first da}' of the menses. \Htb^ The menses are retarded \yy eleven da3's. The menses do not appear at the regular time, the dela}' caus- ing no trouble. [A^.] Suppression of the menses, with heaviness of the arms and legs. 630. The menses appear three da3^s earlier, as an after-effect (aft. 29 d.). Menses two days too early, very thin, of short duration and with violent, unusual pains in the sacrum, which went off during exercise. [A^.] Several days before the menses, violent itching on the pudenda. A da}^ before the menses, and two days during their flow, a violent pressive pain in the abdomen, with sensation of heat in the belly. Before and during the menses, a cough, fatiguing the chest, in the morning and by day, but not at night. 635. During the menses, violent headache, with eructation and nausea (aft. 5 d.). During the menses, violent headache, chiefl}' in the evening. During the menses, nausea in the morning, with weakness and trembling by day. During the menses, pain in the epigastrium, as if everything would be torn asunder. During the menses, pain in the abdomen, straining and press- ure, like labor pains, pain in the back, anxious pain in the sacrum commencing with tickling; attended with eructation, and tooth- ache, shooting and twitching upward. 640. During the menses, excoriation between the thighs near the pudenda (aft. 28 d.). During the menses, hoarseness, severe corj^za and catarrhal fever (aft. 20 d.). During the menses, drj^ cough and profuse perspiration. During the menses, swelling of the feet, and painless svrelling of the cheek. During the menses, pain in the varices. 645. During the menses, her sight fails her, it becomes black be- fore her eyes, the left hand becomes numb and dies off, with form- ication in it, extending up into the arm, and there is also tingling in the lips. During the menses, a chill. Just after the menses, a chill, colic and then diarrhoea. Leucorrhoea (aft. 3d.). Leucorrhoea. [A^.] 650. Profuse leucorrhcea (5th d. ). Severe vaginal discharge of mucus, quite white (aft. 7 d.). Profuse vaginal discharge, \^ith weakness in the back and sacrum, when walking and sitting (aft. sev. h. ). Leucorrhoeal discharge, about an ounce during a da}' and GRAPHITES. 741 night, for eight days, chiefly in the morning, after rising from bed. Thin leucorrhoea, with distended abdomen (aft. 8 d.). 655. Sneezing, with very dry nose. Catarrhal, contractive and stuffed sensation in the nasal cavity. Stoppage of the nose, but nevertheless clear water flows out. Coryza with sneezing and dull feeling in the head. [A^.] Stuffed coryza, with obtuseness of the head, oppression of the chest, heat in the sinciput and face, especially about the nose, and loss of smell (the first 4 d.). 660. Severe stuffed coryza, with great nausea and headache, without vomiting; he had to lie down (aft. 48 h.). Coryza (aft. 4, 5 d.). Severe coryza (aft. 8 d. and the first days). A severe coryza, which he had not had for years. Coryza with headache, and alternation of chill and heat. 665. Fluent coryza of short duration, with frequent sneezing (aft. 3h.). Constant fluent coryza, which had not come to an outbreak for years, though it had showed itself very frequently for an hour at a time; with much sneezing. Fluent coryza with headache, chilliness and internal dry heat with thirst (aft. 48 h.). Fluent coryza, with epistaxis (aft. 11 d.). Fluent coryza, with catarrh and frequent sneezing, and with pressive pain in a submaxillary gland; he was sensitive to the air in any uncovered part of the body, as if he could easily catch a cold there (aft. 2 h.). 670. Profusely fluent coryza with catarrh; the chest feels heavily oppressed, the head is muddled and very hot; but little air passes through the nose (aft. 16 d.). Frequent secretion of mucus from the nose, sometimes thin, sometimes thick and yellowish, for eight days. [A^.] Tenacious white mucus, only in the left nostril, detached with difficulty the first day, more easil3'' the second. \_Htb,'] Putrid smelling nasal mucus. Fetid purulent discharge from the nose. [A^.] 675. Sensation in the throat, as if a catarrh or cold was coming. Catarrhal roughness, with mucus on the chest and windpipe. Catarrh and coryza, with roughness, continuall}^ exciting to cough by its titillation, with lassitude and headache (quicklj^ wiped out by Aconite) . Pain from rawness in the chest, like raw flesh. Scrapy feeling in the windpipe. 680. Rougii throat (aft. 6 d.). Hoarseness, ever}^ evening. She could not speak loud, for burning in her throat, as if everything was excoriated. Mucus on the chest (aft. 20 d.). Scraping in the throat, exciting a dry cough. 742 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 685. Frequent tickling in the throat, exciting to retching and a short cough, chiefly in the evening, in bed. Tickling, deep in the chest, with loose cough and salty expec- toration. [i\^.] Cough, with coryza and catarrh and with heat in the head (aft. 8 d.). Cough which tires the chest, with pain deep in the chest. Dry tussiculation wakes him at night from sleep and con- tinues the whole of the following day (aft. 5 d.). [A^.] 690. Cough with much expectoration, in the evening, when lying down. Dyspnoea (aft. 20 d. ). Oppression of the respiration, from tightness of the chest. Asthma, in the evening, when lying in bed; the cough is excited when taking a deep breath. Sudden asthma, with difiicult, shortened respiration (aft. 3 h. ) . 695. Severe asthma, as if she should suffocate every moment, when taking a walk. Tightness of the chest (aft. several h.). Tightness of the chest, especially on inspiring, in the morn- ing on rising (aft. 21 d.). Tightness of the left part of the chest and of the heart, in the morning, for several hours. On taking breath, a pressure in the region of the heart. 700. On inspiring, there is at times a wheezing in the windpipe. Pains in the chest, from constant sitting (aft. 7 d.). [i?/.] Pain of the right ribs of the chest, when touched. The lower ribs near the sternum are painful when touched (aft. 21 d.). Pain in the upper part of the chest, when 3^awning, or when touching it, or when riding. 705. Pain in the chest, when ascending an elevation. Everything presses upon her chest; she cannot endure any- thing tight on it. Pressive pain, passing from the left into the right side of the chest (aft. 24 d.). [A^.] Pressure on the left side of the chest, which increases to squeezing and an almost unbearable straining, but only while sitting; it goes off while standing, but returns when sitting, and quite vanishes when lying down in bed. Squeezing pressure on the chest, which compels him to stretch and extend his limbs, in the evening, for half an hour. 710. Squeezing pressure on the chest, when taking a longer walk. Squeezing pain in the chest. Violent tearing in the whole right side of the chest. [A^.] Shooting in the middle of the chest, with oppression of the chest, when going up stairs. [A^.] Painful stitches, anteriorly on the left side of the chest, so that she was startled by it in the evening. [A^.] 715. Severe stitches in the left side of the chest, so that she thought she could hardly stand it (aft. 11 d.). [A^.] Shooting in the sternum, between the two breasts (aft. 4 d. ). GRAPHITES. 743 ■ Violent shooting in the right side, every stitch arresting the breath (aft. 8 d.). Violent stitches in the right side of the chest, when catching breath, she has to press on her chest with her hand, to alleviate it (for several da3's). Pleuritic stitch in the side, with every least motion (aft. 6 d.). 720. Shooting pain in the cardiac region. Throbbing in the cardiac region, in the evening, after lying down, when lying on the left side; this was so violent that it caused the coverlet to move; attended with anxiet}^; it went off on turning over. [-Vc^.] Strong pulsation of the blood about the heart and the rest of the body, at every slight motion. Strong pulsation of the heart, causing the arm and the hand to move, and making him anxious. Strong palpitation of the heart. 725. Violent palpitation, several times, darting in a moment like an electric shock from the heart toward the neck. (Continual emptiness and coldness about the heart and in the chest, with sadness. ) Externally, on the right side of the chest, a shooting pain, near the sternum, particularly severe when lying on that side. Burning pressure on the left side of the chest under the axilla. Burning throbbing, externally on the left side of the chest, aggravated by inspiration. [A^.] 730. Burning and tensive sensation in the middle of the chest, when inspiring, with sensitiveness of that spot. [A^.] Perspiration on the sternum, every morning. The nipples of the breast are painful. In the coccyx, a dull drawing, in the evening. Severe itching on the coccyx, above the anus, with moisture and scurfy formation. 735. Pains in the sacrum, very violent, for two hours. [A^.] Severe pain in the sacrum, in the morning on rising, going off on motion. Violent pain in the sacrum, as after long stooping (5th, 6th d.). iNg.] Pain as from a bruise in the sacrum. Violent pain as from a bruise, in the sacrum, particularh^ when touched. [A^.] 740. Pressure in the sacrumi. Severe griping and twisting in the sacrum, as with a pair of tongs, and then also pain in the arms and feet, as if it would turn them outward. Shooting pain in the sacrum (aft. sev. h.). Throbbing in the sacrum. Pain in the back; pressure by the side of the spine. 745. Pressure in the back, between the scapulae. Violent drawing in the back. Contractive pain between the scapulae, day and night. [A>.] Rheumatic pain in the left scapula, for several days. [A J,'.] 744 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Stitches and pains in the left scapula. 750. Pain, as from bruising, in the scapulae. Crawling on the back, as from ants. The nape and the shoulders are painful on Ijdng on them and on turning over, (owing to the glandular sw^ellings on the side of the neck, and j^et these themselves are not painful). Pain, so that she would like to scream, in the neck and on both shoulders, on bending the head forward^ she cannot raise either of her arms to her head for pain. Violent pains in the nape of the neck. 755. Stiffness of the nape. Stiffness and shooting pain in the neck. [Htb.'] Tearing stitches in the nape, frequenth^ (aft. 21 d.). [A^.] Rheumatic pain in the nape (aft. 12 d.). Kxcoriative, cutting pain, as from an ulcer, on the seventh cervical vertebra. 760. Painful tension in the nape and on the right side of the neck, on moving the head. [A^.] Sensation on turning the head to the left side, as if there was a hard body of the size of an Q:gg behind the ear (gth d. ). [A^.] Stitches on both sides of the neck, when moving the head. Many lumps about the neck, which disfigure it, like a large goitre, but after a few da3^s, they pass awa^^ entirely. The glands on the side of the neck, down toward the shoulder, are swollen and painful when the neck is bent sideways, and when lying on it, as if tense and stiff. 765. The axillae are painful, for two days (aft. 26 d.). Pinching and shooting in the right axilla (12th d. )• [A^.] In the left shoulder, rheumatic pain Tearing in the left shoulder-joint, on moving the arm. [A^.] Violent tearing in the right shoulder at night; it goes off through external warmth. [A^.] 770. Shooting in the shoulder- joint and elbows-joint, also when at rest; worst at night. Severe shooting in the left shoulder, arresting the breath, for three days (aft. 4 d.). Burning stitch, frequentlj^ on the left shoulder. [A^.] Burning in the shoulder- joint (aft. 14 d.). [A^.] In the arm, a drawnng. 775. Shooting consisting of two or three stitches in the upper arm, the fore-arm and the hand. Twitching in the muscles of the arm. Cramp pain in the left arm, with sensation of heat therein. The right arm goes to sleep. The arm goes to sleep, when lying on it. 780. The arm and the hand go to sleep, when sitting dowm (3d d.). On the upper arm, sense of excoriation (aft. 7 d.). Sudden burning on a small spot of the right upper arm, with simultaneous feeling of coldness therein (loth d.). [A^.] The olecranon processes of the elbows are painful when touched. GRAPHITES. 745 Pain in the bend of the elbow, so that he cannot straighten out his arm. [7?/.] 785. Pain in the bend of the elbow, on stretching out the arm, as if something was too short. Muscular twitching in the elbow-joint. Paralytic pressure in the left elbow- joint and forearm after the noon-siesta. Drawing in the elbow-joint, when at rest, and tearing in it, when raising the arm, with a sensation as if cold water ran through its shaft bones. Sharp cutting drawing in the right elbow-joint, whereby the arm became momentarily, as it were, paralyzed and useless. 790. In the forearm, a drawing cramp-like tension in a muscle. Severe tearing in the left forearm, near the wrist, [i^^.] Gnawing pain in the bones of the right forearm. [A^.] Burning pain, like fire, in the right forearm on which he lay at night, with sensation in the elbow as if asleep. [A^.] Sudden burning on a small spot of the forearm. [-A^.] 795. In the hands, tearing, like rheumatism (aft. 24 d.). Tearing in the hand, in the phalangeal bone behind the last joint of the thumb. [A^.] Severe tearing in the right hand. [A^.] Violent dull shooting through the right wrist- joint. [A^.] Pain as from a blow, on the back of the left hand, worse when pressed upon. [A^.] 800. Pain as from a sprain, in the right wrist- joint. Shooting burning pain in the left palm, which soon passes over into the thumb, in the evening in bed. \^Htb.'] The right hand goes to sleep (aft. 19 d. ). The hand goes to sleep, when sitting (3d d. ). Numbness and sensation as of being asleep, in the hand, after straining it in working for several hours. 805. The hands become emaciated. Itching in the ball of the left hand. Erysipelas on the hands. The skin of the hands is parched, being chapped in several places. Painful chapping everywhere on the hands; on moving the fingers, the skin tears open. 810. The fingers at times cross spasmodically over each other, without pain, and when she strikes on them, they separate again in the same way. Sensation, as if her thumb would be drawn inward, when holding something in her hand. [A^^.] The left index is spasmodically drawn inward. Cramp-like drawing together of the fingers. After grasping anything, the fingers still remain for some time bent and stiff. 815. A stitch in the ball of the thumb. [AV.] Violent stitch in the tip of the right thumb, under the nail. 746 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Shooting and ulcerative pain in the finger-tips of the right hand. [A^.] Gout}^ pressive tearing on the posterior joint of the right thumb, more when at rest than when in motion. TingHng and sensation of numbness in the tip of the index. 820. SwelHng and lack of flexibilit)^ of the middle joint on the middle finger, for several days. Miliar}^ eruption on the fingers. , Eroding vesicle on the little finger; it itched, festered and poured out much pus with burning and shooting; this continued for a long while, as well as the suppuration. The finger-nails grow thicker. In the muscles of the pelvis, dull stitching; ver}^ painful jerks about the right hip- joint, when sitting. 825. On one of the nates there is a furuncle (aft. 4 d. ). Eruptive pimples on the nates, which pain when touched. Excoriative soreness, between the nates. Soreness between the thighs, at the top, when taking a -walk and afterwards (aft. 10 d.). Painful soreness between the thighs, near the genitals. 830. In the hips, arthritic tearing. Shooting in the left hip (3d d. ). In the lower limbs, a drawing downward. Cramp-pain in the varices, when stretching the legs. Cramp-pain and feeling of heat, here and there on the lower limb. 835. Rheumatic pain in the lower limbs. Arthritic tearing in both the lower limbs and in the left hip. Shooting in some parts of the thighs and legs. Great restlessness in one of the lower limbs in the evening; he could not let it lie still for a minute. Heaviness of the lower limbs. 840. Great heaviness in the right lower limb, so that he can hardly lift it. [A'^^.] Great heaviness and fatigue of the lower limbs. [A^.] The lower limbs go to sleep (aft. 24 d.). The lower limbs go to sleep and feel dead, while taking a walk. In the thighs, a drawing pain, seemingly in the bones. 845. Twitching drawing pain in the thigh, toward the groin, chiefly on rising from a seat. Twitching sensation in the muscles of the thighs. Tearing on the posterior side of the thigh, in the morning. Tearing, now in the right thigh, now in the left, up into the hip; from the afternoon to the evening. [A^.] Stiff"ness of the right thigh, when walking, with a sensation as if it was bandaged above the knee. 850. Partly shooting, partly burning in the thigh at night, disturb- ing the sleep. Pain as from a bruise, in the shaft of the femur. Pain as from a bruise, in the middle of the thigh. GRAPHITES. 747 Much weariness in the thighs; he could hardly walk (aft. 5d.). Sensation of numbness and heat in the thigh, especially after sitting down. 855. Shooting itching on the thigh, as if an eruption would break out, where there was formerly a furuncle. Red spot on the thigh, without any pain. Red rough spot, like a tetter, on the upper part of the thigh, opposite the scrotum, usually itching a little in the morning. Numberless red dots on the thighs; only a few of them, how- ever, itch. In the swelling above the knee, severe cutting, as from a knife. 860. In the houghs, a tension so that he could not straighten his limbs, the w^hole day (aft. 13 d. ). [A^.] Pain in the hough, as if too short, with tension in the tendo Achillis, so that she cannot tread. Sensation of stiffness in the houghs, in sitting, as if she was held fast there with hands. [A^.] Painful stiffness of the knees, when bending them. Drawing pain in the knees. 865. Drawing and twitching in the left knee. Shooting in the left knee. Stitches in the patella. Pain as from a strain in the left knee-joint, when walking. Pain as from a bruise in the knees, at night. 870. Pain as from bruising in the knees, in bed in the morning; it goes off after rising. [A^.] Pain as from weariness, particularly in the knee-joints, in stooping and in sitting down, so that she cannot rise again when she sits down. Weariness and heaviness in the left knee. Numbness in the knee, causing him to wake up at night. The legs are tense in walking, and pain as if bruised. 875. Straining and tension in the leg, where some of the veins are swollen, attended with stitches in them. Cramp in the calves, the whole day. Cramp in the calves, in the morning, in bed. Cramp in the calves, from carrying something, with trembling of the lower limbs. Cramp-like drawing in the calves, when rising. 880. Cramp-like drawing in the calves, at night, when stretching. Cramp-like drawing in the legs, extending from the toes, which are drawn inward, to the knees. Twitching in the calf. Twitching of the muscles in the left calf. Drawing pain on the tibia. 885. Drawing pain in the tendo Achillis (8th d. ). Tearing in the tibiae. [Ajt^-.] Shooting in the calves, when pulling on the boots. Stitches in the right leg, when blowing the nose. 748 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pain in the tibiae, as from bruising, as if he had knocked against them. 890. Pain in the tibia, as if broken and shattered. Pain in the calf, as from a misstep in jumping. Throbbing on the outer side of the calf, for four days m suc- cession, every hour, lasting for about fifteen minutes. Severe shooting, burning pain on the leg, on a small spot above the ankle, so that she could not stand up straight; she had to lay her limb high, for when she let it hang down, the blood ac- cumulated in it and it burned and stung. In the sw^ollen varices on the leg, a shooting pain. 895. Swelling of the leg, even when lying in bed. Hard swelling of the leg, with lancinating pain (aft. 13 d.) Great heaviness of the legs (4th d.). Tingling of the legs, as if going to sleep. Sensation of numbness in the bones of the right leg, but with- out pain. 900. Itching on the leg, where the veins are distended. A tetter on the tibia vanishes. \_Htb.'\ Scurfy ulcer on the tibia, with a red, inflamed border, and swelling around it, which is so sensitive, that at night he cannot bear the coverlet upon it. The ankles pain when touched. Pain around the ankles (aft. 5 d.). 905. Pressive pain in the right ankle. Pressure in the soles of the feet, under the balls of the toes, so that he had to limp. Pressure and shooting in the heel (aft. 6 d.). Pressive constriction in the ankle-joint. Stiffness of the ankle-joint. 910. Severe twitching in the soles of the feet (aft. 24 d. ). Tearing in the heel. Tearing in both edges of the foot. [A^.] Tearing in the ball of the foot, when walking. [A^.] Tearing in the sole of the right foot, with tickling. [A^.] 915. Violent tearing in the dorsum of the foot. [A^.] Gouty tearing in the feet and toes. Gnawing pain in the ankles and heels. Very violent shooting in the heels, causing him to start, even when sitting. Excessive pain in the malleoli of the right foot, as if they w^ere broken, and at every step, a stitch in it, extending into the big toe; so that he had to hold on to something, else he would have fallen, especially during the first hour after rising in the morning. 920. Pain in the heel, as from a festering within. Ulcerative pains in the soles of the feet. [A^.] The blood shoots into the sore foot, when standing. Burning of the feet, for several days. Burning in the sole of the left foot. 925. Burning of the soles of the feet, worse when walking. [A^.] GRAPHITES. 749 Burning in the heels, with formication, chiefly in the morn- ing in bed. [i\^'.] Sweating of the feet in the evening, with tearing in the feet and hands (aft. i2h.). Sweating of the feet, most profuse in the afternoon and even- ing. Profuse sweating of the feet, they begin to smell. 930. Profuse sweating of the feet, on walking a short distance, causing the toes to be excoriated. Profuse sweating of the feet, which become excoriated be- tween the toes from walking, so that frequently" he does not know what to do because of the pain. Swelling of the sore foot. Heaviness and lassitude of the feet, while the other parts of the body feel light (aft. 6 d.). Tingling in the feet, toward the toes, like a slight tearing (aft. 5 d.). 935. The left foot goes to sleep, in the evening, when sitting. Numbness and increased cold in the dorsum of the foot, when taking a walk (in June). Cold feet (aft. several h.). Ice-cold feet, all the morning. Eruption of blisters below the ankles. 940. The toes are drawn inward (aft. 3 d.). Constriction of the ball of the big toe, as if held with iron pincers. Severe pressive pain in the right big toe. Frequent tearing in the little toe, as if it would be drawn to one side. [A^.] Tearing in the left big toe, so that he could hardly stand it (istd.). lNg.-\ 945. Arthritic tearing in the toes. Violent stitch in the left big toe, when sitting. [AV.] Swelling of the toes and the balls of the toes. Itching on all the toes. Shooting itching in the right big toe. [A^.] 950. Soreness between the toes, with violent itching, for many days. [A^.] White blisters on one of the toes. Large blisters with pus, with shooting pain, on each one of the little toes. Ulcer on the fourth toe. Suppuration of the edges of both the big toes 955. Pain on the nail of the big toe. In the corn, pressive, burning pain. \_Htb.'] Pain, as from excoriation of the corns, with hardly any pres- sure from without (aft. 2 d.). Occasionall}^ here and there a momentary pain, and then that part is also painful when touched. Cramplike sensation occasionally on various parts of the body, on the arms, the neck, the fingers and the feet; the parts then 750 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. swell Up for a few da3^s, become reddish, are indurated and sen- sitive to external touch. 960. Stiffness of the arm-joints and knees. Stiffness of the limbs. Painfull}^ drawing tension all over the body, both at rest and in motion, particularly on the arms and the trunk. Drawing in the whole body, as in intermittent fever, in the morning after rising. Pain in the periosteum of all the bones, more a pressive than a drawing pain, onl}- momentary, now here, now there, when at rest, especially when falling asleep. 965. Violent twitching in all the limbs, now in one, then in another, also in the shoulder and in the scrotum (aft. 10 d.). Twitching here and there in the arms, in the evening in bed. Stitches dart like lightning, from top to toe, through the body. Pricks, as from needles, now here, now there, all over the body. Pain, as from bruising, of the low^er limb and of the scapula on which he is lying. 970. Pain, as from bruising, in all the limbs. Pain, as from bruising, of the whole side of the bod}^ on w^hich he lay during his noon-nap, and the arm is asleep. Pain of the joints, as from weariness, when stooping and sitting down, so that she cannot rise again from her seat. The arms and legs go to sleep. The arms and legs go to sleep when sitting; when walking, there is formication in them, in the evening (8th and 9th d.). 975. The troubles present disappear when walking in the open air. When starting on his walk, the pains recur. On w^alking in the open air, the eyes began to run and they closed, as from drowsiness. On taking a walk, pain in the left ankle-joint, as if strained, this goes off in the room. On walking in the open air, very weary. 980. While w^alking in the open air and afterwards, weariness, so that he is ready to sink down, with choking and nausea. While taking a walk, faint-like lassitude, as if coming from the abdomen. Dislike of the open air, in the morning. Sensitiveness to every draught, with hoarseness, chilliness, dryness of the nose, and anxiety in the evening. Tendencj^ to take cold; he has to avoid draughts. 985. Tendency to take cold, and consequent headache (aft. 3 d.). Itching by day, on the back and the arms. The itching becomes general and much excited; also in the face and on the genitals. Momentary eroding itchmg, now here, now there, exciting to scratch. Itching over the w^hole body, and after scratching, little pimples, containing water appear (aft. 17 d.). [A^.] GRAPHITES. 751 990. Small pustules on the chin and on the chest. [A^.] Itchmg nodules full of smarting water, in various parts of the body, for twelve hours. [^^.] Little nodules, without sensation, spring up at night over the w^hole body, and go off in the morning. [A^.] Many small, red, itching pimples, wdth pus in their tips, burn- ing after scratching; the}^ vanish on the following day. [A^.] Spots, like flea-bites, here and there, on the body. 995. Many red, itching spots all over the body, especially on the calves, for seven days (aft. 25 d.). [iV^.] The tetter turns into an inflammatory swelling, for four days. The skin chaps on the limbs covered with herpes. Unhealth3^ skin, every little lesion goes into suppuration. Several small furuncles on the neck, on the back and on the arms. 1000. The ulcer becomes ver^' painful. The limb on which the ulcer had healed entirely, begins to pain occasionally, with drawing and tearing, particularly in the open air. The limb on which there is an ulcer, begins, even in the parts at a distance from the ulcer, to pain violently, when touched or when moving slightly, as if the bone was shattered. Itching pressure in the ulcer (aft. 5 d.). Pressure and shooting in the ulcer (aft. 3 d.). 1005. Tearing in the ulcer (aft. 5 d.) Burning pain in the cicatrix of an old ulcer. Fetor of the ulcer (aft. 20 d.). The scurf of the ulcer smells like herring-pickle. Proud flesh in the ulcers. loio. On the cicatrix of a wart, frequent shooting itching, like flea- bites, only transiently going off by rubbing. In the varices, shooting and straining. Itching on the swollen varices of the lower limbs. Strong pulsation of the blood in the whole body, but especially about the heart, increased at every motion. Pulsation for several minutes, in the heart, the trunk and the head, without anxiety, in the morning in bed. 1015. Tremulous sensation throughout the whole body. Tremulous, in the morning. Trembling and quivering about the head, neck and right arm. Shocks, occasionally, throughout the whole body, as from fright, or from an electric shock, both in rest and in motion. Twitching of the limbs in the evening, or at least tendency that way, almost every day. 1020. Frequent starts in the hands and feet (aft. 30 d.). [AV.] Involuntary twisting outward of the limbs, late in the evening, but while still conscious. Heaviness in all the limbs, with gloominess. Great indolence in the whole body; it went off on taking a long walk. Fatigued and feels sick; he has to groan, without knowing for what pain. 752 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1025. Feels broken down, but the head feels light. Lassitude of all the limbs (aft. 3 or 4 d. ). Weary lack of tone in the whole bod}^ as if from a cold. Great lassitude in all the limbs (aft. 24 h.). Great lassitude, especially in the lower limbs, which he can hardly drag along, with continual weariness. 1030. Sudden sinking of the strength. Emaciation. Fits of fainting (aft. 8 d.). Paral3'tic sensation in all the joints. Stretching of the limbs, with lassitude. 1035. Very much inclined to extend and stretch the limbs, without being able to stretch sufficienth^ (aft. 2 d.). Frequent yawning (aft. i h.). Feels in the morning as if she had not slept enough, it is hard for her to get out of bed. Great w^eariness and sleepiness, in the forenoon and toward evening, with much yawning. Incredibly tired and drowsy (aft. several h.). 1040. Drowsiness by day and great weariness (aft. 11 d.). Great drowsiness during the day, so that she has to lie down. Somnolence. Very drows}^ toward noon. Falls aleep too early in the evening, with great weariness. 1045. She cannot go to sleep before 2 a. m. Restless nights, wnth heat in the whole body (the first w. ). Restless nights, with heat (aft. 12 d.). She cannot go to sleep before 12 at night, for heat and anguish. She could not sleep all night, owing to restlessness in her lower limbs, which she could not keep still. 1050. Constant tossing about during the night, without weariness. Restless nights, she always awakes about midnight, and cannot go to sleep again before 2 A. m. [.A^.] Waking up too early. Frequent aw^aking at night, as if in a slumber (aft. 15 d.). Frequent awaking at night. [A^.] 1055. Waking up in the morning at 2 o'clock, for several nights, with great restlessness. She awakes at 3 a. m. and cannot go to .sleep for several hours, and wakes up at 7, dizzy and fatigued. Frequent awaking, as if frightened. Frequent starting up in sleep. [A^.] Sleep, troubled with dreams. 1060. Nights constantly full of dreams. \_Ng.~\ Voluptuous dreams (aft. 3 d.). [A^.] Very vivid dreams. Vivid dreams, long-remembered. Very vivid, anxious dreams. GRAPHITES. 753 1065. Anxious dreams, so that on awaking she is quite beside herself. Anxious dreams, from which she wakes up with anguish or fear. [A^-.] Dreams about disagreeable things, which she heard of during the da}^ from which she awakes with anxiety. Anxious dreams about drowsiness and unconsciousness; then very difficult awaking from a deep sleep, with stiffness in the muscles of the neck. Anxious dreams, taking away her breath; she screamed and lay in a perspiration. 1070. Anxious talking in sleep. Anxious, fearful dreams. Fearful dream of danger threatening from water. [A^.] Terrible dreams (aft. 5 d. ). Dreams about the dead (2d night). 1075. Dreams about the dead (aft. 29 d.). [A^.] Dream about fire. Vexatious dreams. Vexatious, anxious dreams. Vexatious dreams, with groaning and moaning in sleep. 1080. Dreams, straining the head. She dreams only what she had seen and thought about during the day. Troublesome dreams. Many dreams, with distorted images, with reference to everything that happened the last two days. All kinds of images before the eyes as soon as she has closed them at night. 1085. Fanciful ravings at night. At night, continual anxiety, so that he could not stay in bed; he also talked in his sleep continually (aft. 12 h.). In the night, after lying down, solicitous thoughts, which she cannot get rid of, and which become so tormenting and disquiet- ing, that the blood came into ebullition and she could not sleep all night (5th d.). He awakes at 2 A. m., restless in mind; he thought of every- thing that could distress him, and this disquieted him, so that he often did not know where to turn, for seven nights (aft. 12 h.). She had to think at night about many things, so that she could not sleep all night. 1090. A fixed idea did not allow him to go to sleep before mid- night. At night, restlessness, with anxious warmth and disquieting dreams. At night he could not stay under cover for heat (aft. 5 d.). Heat at night, and in the morning, on awaking, ebullition of blood. In the first sleep, at night, twitches in the arms, frequently in succession. 1095. At night, while asleep, slight twitches. On going to sleep, sweat on the head. 49 754 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. At night, epistaxis comes on. At night, toothache, till morning. At night, great dryness in the mouth and throat, iioo. In the evening, in bed, nausea like a fainting fit, which kept him from sleeping for two hours. At night, inclination to vomit, with swoon-like weakness. At night, eructations, still tasting of the soup at dinner (aft. 7d.). At night, in bed, waterbrash. At night and in the morning, pressure in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 9 d.). 1105. At night, frequent micturition, hypochondriac restlessness, despondency, sweat of anguish, insomina. At night, wetting the bed, while asleep. At night, suffocating fit, causing her to wake up; she could not get her breath. At night, the lower limb tends to go to sleep, attended with great peevishness. At night, chill and drawing pain in the limbs, causing him to awake; then shooting pain in the fleshy part of the chest and in the left side, at every breath, mo. Much sensation of chilliness, with cold hands and feet. [^/.] Chilliness, in the morning in bed, in the morning. Chilly feeling in the morning in bed, for many mornings in succession. Chill during the day, when lying down to sleep. Chill from 4 p. m. till in the evening after going to sleep (aft. 24 d.). [Ng.^ 1 115. Chilliness for several days, before dinner. Chilliness the whole day and the night; no sleep on account of chill. Chill in the evening before going to sleep, then itching. Sensation of coldness, as from lack of blood. Sensation of cold and chilliness, with ringing in the ears (aft. II 20. Sudden coldness all over. Every evening, the child complains of coldness for half an hour. Coldness in the whole body, commencing at 5 p. m. with icy cold feet. Much coldness and shivering, especially coldness of the hands and feet. Cold hands and feet, the whole day, in balmy weather. [Rl-~\ 1 125. Cold hands and feet in the evening, with heat in the face (aft. 6d.). [i?/.] Shivering in the back, in the forenoon, with frequent yawming and inclination to sleep. Febrile rigor in the back for several evenings. Cold shiver before and after a meal, then in the evening for one and one-half hours, heat with anxiety. Violent fever; he could not get warm, not even in the evening in the warmed bed; the whole evening and the whole night, violent GUAJACUM. 755 thirst; after midnight, violent sweat till morning; in the evening, during the chill, headache and tearing in all the limbs, with coated tongue (aft. 36 h. ). 1 1 30. Febrile rigor, in the evening, with stitching pain in the temples, the left ear and the teeth; in the night following, sweat. Severe febrile rigor, in the morning and evening; then heat, followed by sweat. Intermittent fever, every day; in the evening a shaking, chill, an hour later, heat in the face and cold feet, without subsequent sweat. Heat, when sitting down, often coming on suddenly, at times with anxieties (aft. 17 d.). Heated, from driving in a carriage. 1 135. Dry heat in the whole body, in the evening, for one-quarter hour. [A^.] Dry heat, every evening and through the night till morning, with headache in the crown and the nape, lasting till noon (aft. 17 d.). Hot hands, and heat and burning in the soles of the feet, so that she can hardly tread (at once). Perspiration even at the slightest motion, in a woman who else was not given to perspiring (aft. 4 d.). Perspiration, coloring the linen yellow, even after a short walk, with fatigue. 1 140. Perspiration all over, from a serious conversation (aft. 7 d.). Night-sweat, for several nights (cured by wine). For several mornings, in bed, perspiration. Very fetid transpiration of the body. Sour smelling perspiration. GUAJACUM. JUIAC. The sap which flows from the West Indian tree Giiajaaun officinale, which when inspissated is called Gummi Gicajaci, consists in great part of a peculiar kind of resin. For homoeopathic use this is triturated dry with sugar of milk for three hours to the one mill- ionth attenuation, and then dissolved and raised to the thirtieth potency. The homoeopathic physician will not allow himself to be led astray by the indefinite and delusive recommendation of the old Materia Medica to use Guajacum for gout and rheumatism. He will not look to fictitious names of diseases, but he will look to the similarity of the symptoms existing on the one side in the disease to be healed, and on the other in the symptoms excited by the remedy. The whole of this pathogenesis, save for fifteen s^-niptonis of Hahnemann's, appeared in Vol. IV. of the Materia Medica Piua: it belongs accoi'dingly to his earlier manner.— Hughes. 756 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. In diseases for which it is homoeopathicall}' appropriate it has shown itself serviceable especialh' where the following ailments were present: Attacks of cephalagra; swelling of the e3'es; painful strain- ing in the ears; sensation of mucus in the throat, causing nausea; repugnance to milk; constipation; stitches in the chest; arthritic lancination in the limbs, especially contractions produced by tearing, lancinating pains in the limbs, where the pains are produced by the slightest motion and are combined with heat in the painful parts, especially after previous misuse of mercury; pulmonar}^ consump- tion, with fetid pus, etc. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-provers are: Htn.^ Dr. Hartman; Lgh., Dr. Langhammer; Tth., Teuthorn. GUAJACUM. I^Iorose mood; he speaks but little. Great peevishness. Contemptuous humor. Obstinac}'. 5. Indisposed to work. {Hin^ Weakness of memory. Weak memory; he forgets what he has just now read, and old names he does not remember at all. Without thinking, he stands in one place, and looks right in front of him without thought; in the morning (at breakfast) when standing. [77/z.] Headache, at night, like a pressure from below upward in the brain. 10. Pressive pain in the right temple, as with something broad. \Htn.'\ Painless pressure in the left temple. Pressive headache across the forehead. \Lgh,'\ Pressing and squeezing in the anterior part of the forehead. \Htnr\ Dull, pressive pain in the head, terminating with a sharp stitch in the right frontal protuberance. \Htn^ 15. Dull, pressive pain, going up obliquely from the left side of the nape to a point over the vertex, and terminating at the top with a stitch. \Htn.'\ Dull, stitch-like pain in the right frontal eminence. \Htn^ Drawing pain from the middle of the frontal bone down into the nasal bones. \Htn?^ Tearing in the whole of the left side of the head. \Htn7\, Tearing in the right side of the occiput. \Htn.'\ 20. Drawing tearing in the anterior part of the forehead. \^Htn.'\ Drawing tearing in the occiput and the forehead. \_Ht71.'] Violent, coarse stitches in the brain, upward. Dull, drawing stitches from the left parietal bone into the frontal eminence, where they all terminate in a single stitch. [i7/;^.] GUAJACUM. 757 Pressive, drawing, tearing stitch in the right side of the head, toward the frontal bone. [/7/;z.] 25. Sensation as if the brain was detached and loose, and moved at ever}' step, in the morning. A tearing, externally, on the left temple. \_Ht7i.'] A tearing, externally, from the left side of the frontal bone downward into the muscles of the cheeks. \^Htn.'] Lively stitches on the left side of the head, at the junction of the parietal and the frontal bones. \_Ht71.'] Dull, painful stitches on the left side of the occiput, [/f//^.] 30. An external headache, as if there were too much blood in the integuments of the head, and as if the head were swollen, when sitting. ITth.'] External pulse-like throbbing headache, with stitches in the temples, only transiently^ removed by external pressure, relieved by walking, but aggravated by sitting and standing (aft. 3 h.). In the right eyebrow, a hard pimple, with a white apex and severe pain, as if wounded, when touched. Sensation of swelling of the eyes and as if they pro- truded; the eyelids seemed too short to cover the eyes; at the same time, he felt all day as if he had not slept enough, with yawning and stretching. \_Tth.'] Bye-gum in both the canthi of the right eye (aft. i h.). 35. Dilatation of the pupils (aft. 3 h.). [77/;.] Amaurosis for some days. [Whitk, in Edinb, Med. Com7ne7it. IV., p. 327. T Straining earache in the left ear. \^Htn.'\ Tearing in the Jeft ear. \Ht7i.'\ Tearing in the outer border of the cartilage of the left ear. \Ht7l?^ 40. In the nose, a pimple, with pain as from excoriation. The face is red and painfully swollen for some days. [Bang. Tageb. d. Krank. Haus., 1784.^] Dull, spasmodic drawing in the muscles of the right cheek, in the morning on rising. Single stitches in the right zygoma. \Ht7i^ Stitches, as from a knife in the right cheek (aft. i h.). \Lgh.'\ 45. In the lower jaw, on the left side, a dull, pressive pain. {Ht7l.'\ On the left side of the lower jaw, a drawing pain, terminating in a stitch. \Ht7i.'\ Toothache, a pressive pain in the left upper molars, on biting. [i¥/;z.] Tearing in the upper molars of the left side. Flat taste in the mouth. \Tth^^ 50. Lack of appetite, and loathing of everything. [77//.] 1 In a hysterical subject. The writer states that any sudden surprise will make her spe|chless for an hour or so, and that G. always makes her lose her sight for some hours. — Hughes. ^Not accessible.— ////^?7^n•. 758 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Great hunger, in the afternoon and evening (aft. 7, 9 h.). \.Lgh:\ Much thirst. Eructation (immediately). \Ht7i^ Empty eructation. 55. Empty eructation of mere air. \Tth.'\ In the scrobiculus cordis, a frequently recurring pressure, with impeded breathing, and with oppression and anguish (aft. i h.). Constrictive sensation in the gastric region, with anguish and impeded breathing (aft. 19 h.). \Htn^ Pain in the abdomen, pinching on the left side of the navel, on a small spot (aft. 3)^ h. ). \Ht7i.~\ Pinching in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence, which continually extended further backwards, whereupon flatus was discharged. \Htn.'\ 60. Dull pinching in the hypogastrium, that always sinks deeper backward. \Htn.'\ Pinching cutting, transversely through the abdomen, during inspiring. \Ht7i^ Stitches in the left subcostal region. \Htn.'\ Dull stitches in the left epigastrial region. \^Htn.'\ A constant quivering in the inner abdominal muscles on the right side, close to the os ilii. ^^Htn.'\ 65. Pain in the groin, as from an inguinal hernia. Rumbling in the abdomen (aft. 10 h.). Rumbling in the abdomen, with dull pinching, which extends ever further backward, whereupon flatus is discharged (aft. i h.). {Ht7i:\ Growling in the abdomen, as from emptiness (aft. 5 h.). \Lgh:\ Constipation ( I St d.). [77/?.] 70. Costiveness (2d, 3dd.). \Tth.'\ Soft, broken up stool. \Htn7\^ Thin, slimy stool, after previous pinching in the abdomen. \Htn:\ Frequent urging to urinate, even immediately after doing so. [71'/^.] Frequent urgent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge (aft. 5h.). lLgh:\ 75. He has to pass water every half hour, and much at a time; when he has passed it, he has again urging to urinate for about a minute, whereby only a few drops come away. [77/^.] Constant urging to urinate, and every time he passes much urine. \Htn^ Cutting during micturition, as if something acrid was dis- charged. After micturition, stitches in the neck of the bladder. \Tth.'\ Emission of semen, at night, without lascivious dreams. 80. Increased flow from the vagina. ^ ^ i^ y^ 't* 'T* •>* ^ GUAJACUM. 759 Frequent discharge of a watery fluid from the nose, for one month. [Bang.] Expectoration of mucus by hawking, and by hacking cough. \_Tth.-\ Sudden sensation of stoppage or stagnation on the chest, in the region of the scrobiculus cordis, hke obstruction of breath; this often seizes upon her suddenly even at night in sleep, and compels her to an almost drj^ cough, which recurs until there is some expectoration. Pain in the chest, stitches in the left side under the true ribs, more toward the back. \Htn.'\ 85. A crawling in the chest. Shudder in the breast. Pain in the back, with contractive sensation, between the scapulae. \Ht7i^ Rheumatic stiffness in the whole left side of the back, from the nape down into the sacrum, with unbearable pain at the least motion and turning of the parts; this was not felt when at rest or when the parts were touched. Drawing and tearing, down along the right side of the spine, from the axilla to the last rib. S^Htn?^ 90. Tearing stitches on the posterior border of the right scapula (aft. 10 h.). {Ht7i.'\ Tearing stitches on the border of both scapulae, followed by a constriction in the dorsal muscles (aft. 3 h.). \Htn.'\ Constant stitches, which seemed at last to change into a single continuous stitch, close under the right scapula, seemingl}^ coming from the middle of the right side of the thoracic cavity, aggravated by inspiration. \Htn.'\ Eroding itching in the back by day. Pressive pain in the neck, on the right and left sides of the cervical vertebrae (aft. 4 h.). \Htn.'\ 95. Constant frequent stitches, on the left side of the neck, from the scapula even to the occiput, when moving; also when the head is held still. \_Htn:\ Violent, continued stitches in the neck, from the larynx to the left clavicle (aft. 9 h.). \Htn.'\ Sharp stitches on the top of the right shoulder, frequently recurring; SJItn?^ Painful drawing tearing in the left arm, from the upper arm even into the fingers, but particularly continued in the wrist. \Htn:\ Severe painful stitches in the right upper arm, chiefl}^ in its middle. \Htn:\ 100. Lassitude of the upper arms, as after hard work. [7?//.] In the right fore-arm, tearing, down into the wrist- joint. IHtn^ Frequent drawing tearing stitches, from the left elbow into the wrist- joint. [///;^.] Pressive-like tearing in the left wrist- joint. \Ht)i.'\ Continuous drawing tearing in the left wrist-joint (aft. 2 h.). \_Htn:\ 76o HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 105. Single, violent stitches in the right thumb (aft. i h.). \_H'tn.~\ In the nates, needle pricks when walking, but more yet when sitting down; she feels as if she sat on needles. The lower limbs, especiallj^ the thighs, are fatigued, as if after a long walk on the previous daj*. \_Tth.'] Formication in the thighs and legs, extending to the toes, as if the limbs would go to sleep while sitting. In the right thigh, from the middle to the knee, a formicating pressive pain in the bones, while sitting still (aft. j{ h..). [Htii.'] no. Pain, like growing pains, in the right thigh. \_IItn.'] Tension in the thighs, especially in the right thigh, when walking, as if the muscles were too short, attended with weariness; aggravated b}' touching it, allayed when sitting. \Tth.'] An aching drawing pain from the middle of the right thigh to the knee, when extending the right leg; on drawing up and flexing it, the pain goes off. \Ht7i ] Drawing tearing from the middle of the left thigh to the knee. [Ht?ir\ Twitching tearing, from the middle of the right thigh to the knee (aft. >^ h.). \_Htn.'] 115. Dull stitches m the thigh, above the right knee. \_Htn.'] Single stitches on the left thigh, above the knee, from both sides, meeting in the middle (aft. 3 h. ). Bruised pain in the left thigh, when walking in the open air. Single itching stitches, like flea-bites, in the skin of the thighs, particularly on both sides of the hough; removed by scratching. Drawing pain in the knee, ending in a stitch. \Ht71.'] 120. On the leg, a painless contraction in the right calf (aft. % h.). iHtji.-] Violent twitching stitches on the outer side of the calf. Drawing stitches in the leg, from the right ankle-joint to the middle of the tibia (aft. 3 h.). [///?2.] Tearing obtuse stitches, from the middle of the left tibia to the toes. [^Hbt.'] Tearing stitches between the tibia and fibula, up into the patella, so violent that it made him jump up high. 125. Tearing drawing stitches, from the middle of the right tibia to the knee (aft. 14 h.). [i7/?z.] Long drawing, tearing stitches in the leg, from the right ankle into the knee. [^Htn.'] After walking, the legs feel bruised, as if they were brittle. Tingling in the skin of the whole leg, with sensation of heat in it. In the ankle-joint, on the right side, single sharp stitches, when sitting. [Htii.'] 130. Pain terminating in a sharp stitch, on a small spot on the dorsum of the right foot, going off by motion. \Ht7t.'] The symptoms almost all occur when sitting, most of them in the morning immediatel}^ after rising, or in the evening shortl}^ before going to sleep; some from 9 a. m. till 12. \_Ht71.'] GUAJACUM. 761 Burning itching of the skin, increased by scratching. General discomfort in the whole bod}' (aft. 7 h.). \_Ht7i.'\ Weariness, especially in the thighs and upper arms, as after great exertions. [77/^.] 135. Marasmus and hectic fever, with persons of a dry habit of body. [MatthioIvI, d. morb. Gall., p. 63, 1537. ^ Indolence and indisposition to move. Yawning and stretching of the limbs, with comfortable feeling (aft. ^ h.). lHt7i.'] Stretching of the upper extremities, with yawning. [Htn.~\ Yawning and stretching of the limbs, with a sensation during the whole day of not having slept enough. [77/^.] 140. Great drowsiness in the afternoon. \_Lgli,'\ Later in falling asleep in the evening, and earlier than usual in waking up. [77/^.] In the evening, in bed, he cannot fall asleep for two hours, and tosses about in his bed. [77//.] He wakes up in the morning unrefreshed, as if he had not slept at all. [Tth.'] On awaking too early, everything feels too tight, and he tosses about in bed. [77//.] 145. Sleep full of dreams. [77/z.] Vivid dream about scientific subjects. [Lgh.'] Dreams of fighting. Dreams, as if she should be killed by being stabbed wdth knives. Nightmare, while lying on his back, awaking with a scream. iTth.-] 150. Frequent waking out of sleep, as from fright; or as if he were falling. [Z^//.] When going to sleep in the evening, he felt as if some one threw a cloth in his face, at which he was much frightened. [77//.] Shivering in the back, in the afternoon. [Lgh.'] Febrile chill in the back, in the afternoon (aft. 8 h.). [Lgh.'] Chilliness, even behind the warm stove. [Htn.] 155. In the forenoon, a chill for two hours, and in the evening a chill before going to sleep; this continued also in bed; in the morn- ing some perspiration. Internal chill in the whole body, immediately followed by heat, especially in the face, without thirst, toward evening. [77//.] Heat in the whole face, with thirst, without redness and with- out perspiration. [Hht.] When walking in the open air, much perspiration, particu- larly on the head; on the forehead, beads of sw^eat. Profuse perspiration at night, in the back. 160. Every morning some perspiration. Observation. — Hughes. ■62 hahxemann's. chronic diseases. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. A mixture of equal parts of fineh' powdered, clean 03'ster shells and quite pure flowers of sulphur is kept for ten minutes at a white heat in a hermetically closed crucible and afterwards stored up in a well- corked bottle. To develop its powers, it is treated like other dry drugs in order to potentize it to the higher degrees, according to the directions at the end of the first volume. Besides belladonna, chamomilla is an antidote to the colic and diarrhoea. Hepar sulphuris has proved itself particularly useful, when having been selected according to the similarity of symptoms, there were besides present one or more of the following symptoms: Boring headache in the root of the nose, every morning from seven to twelve o'clock; ulcerative pain just above the eye every evening; shooting pains in the eyes; photophobia; flow of fetid pus from the ear; er\'sipelas in the face with prickling turgidity; dryness of the throat; scrapy sore throat, interfering with speaking, but not w^ith deglutition; a plug in the throat; voracious hunger; eructation; fits of nausea, with coldness and paleness; swelling and pressure in the gastric region; frequent and too eas}^ derangement of the stom- ach; contractive pain in the abdomen; stitches in the left side of the abdomen; incarceration of flatus; difficult discharge of flatus in the morning; nocturnal passage of urine during sleep; flow of mucus from the urethra; lack of sexual desire; lack of erections; weak erections during coitus; emission of prostatic juice after viicturitiony during a hard stool and per se; retarded menses; leucorrhoea, with excoriation on the pudenda; cough; severe cough in the evening, when lying abed; spasmodic contraction of the chest, after speaking; cancerous ulcers on the chest, with shooting, burning pain on its edges and fetor as of old cheese; tearing in the arm toward the ulcer in the chest; drawing in the back between the scapulae; fetid sweat of the axillae; encj^sted tumor on the point of the elbow; dying-off of the fingers; drawing pain in the limbs, chiefly in the morning on awaking; trembling weariness after smoking tobacco; yawning; tendency to perspire b}- day; flying heat, with perspiration. The symptoms marked Fr. H. are from Dr. Friedrich Hahne- man7i; those marked Stf. , from Medical Counselor Dr. Stapf. A pathogenesis of Hepar sulphuris appeared in Vol. IV. of the Mat. Med. Pura, con- taining 282 sj-mptoms from Hahneman. and i6 from the two fellow-observe'rs mentioned above. The additional ones in the present work are all from himself and belong to his later manner. — Hughes. HKPAR SULPHURIS CALCARKUM. 763 HEPAP SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. Sad mood, for many hours; she had to weep violently. Very h3^pochondriac. Dejected, sad and apprehensive. Fearful anguish, in the evening, for two hours; he thought he had to perish, and was sad even so that he could have com- mitted suicide. 5. Fears about the illness of his family, especially while walk- ing in the open air. Ill-humored, in the morning after rising, is unwilling to speak, but cheerful while in bed. Contrary mood; he does not like to look at his folks. Very discontented and peevish over his pains, and dis- couraged. Irritable mood; whatever she started to do, was not satis- factory, she wished to be alone (ist d.). 10. No pleasure in anything. Dissatisfied with oneself. She thinks about everything disagreeable that happened to her in her lifetime. Whatever she thought about was unsatisfactory and did not suit her. Peevishness and impatience. 15. Extremely peevish and obstinate. Vexed about trifles. Very peevish; every trifle vexed her. The least thing put him into a violent passion, he could have murdered anyone without hesitation. Great weakness of memory during his peevishness; he had to think quite a while before he could remember anything. 20. Visionary appearance of a deceased person, in the morning in bed, after becoming awake and conscious; this frightened him; he also imagined he saw a neighboring house in flames, which terri- fied him also. Vertigo, with nausea, in the evening. In the morning, an hour after rising, violent vertigo. Everything seems to turn around with her, when she closes the eyes for the noon nap. Vertigo at dinner, with eructation; ever3^thing became black before her eyes, as in a swoon; but it only lasted a short time. 25. Fainting vertigo with staring of the eyes, or failing of sight, as if he sat wrapped in thoughts. Vertigo, while riding in a carriage; this was so violent that on getting out she could not stand alone. Frequent brief fits of inability to recollect while walking in the open air. He became quite sad from stretching himself on the sofa. While at work, his thoughts all at once were quite gone. 30. He was quite stupid and could neither comprehend nor remember anything. 764 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. She easily makes slips in speaking and in writing. Stupefaction and heaviness in the sinciput. Dizziness and heaviness in the head. Headache when shaking the head, with vertigo. 35. Aching in the head, every morning, at ever}^ concussion. Dull headache, in the morning, in bed, diminished after rising. [Sf/.'] Headache in the forehead, as if bruised, in the morning, on awaking; this lasts till some time after rising; at the same time a similar quiet but very disagreeable aching in the abdomen; the headache is aggravated b}^ moving the eyes. From midnight onwards, while in bed, headache, as from a boil in the forehead; when stooping and coughing, pricking as from needles; also externally when touched, the forehead was painful as from a furuncle and like needle-pricks; for several mornings. Pressive headache in the morning, on awaking. 40. Pressure in the right half of the brain, now sharper, then again duller, from time to time. Pressive pain, with heat on the crown. Sensation of severe heat in the forehead. Pressive pain in the crown, w4th palpitation, in the evening (add-)- Pressure and drawing in the temples by day. 45. Constant pressive pain in one-half of the brain, as from a peg or nail. Tensive headache, above the nose. Contractive headache, also resounding while walking, and pressing on the skull from within; this becomes very violent in the open air, but passes away in the room. At night, violent headache, as if the forehead w^ould be torn out, with general heat without thirst. Stitches in the head and severe sensation of obtuseness as if the skull would burst; it wakes him up at night. 50. Stitches in the head when stooping, with a sensation as if the head would burst; the eyes close from pain. After a deep sleep, in the morning, a shooting headache, which goes off on taking a walk (4th d. ). Shooting headache. Shooting headache in the forehead, as from needle-pricks. On rising up again after stooping, and on every movement, stitches in the head, particularly after taking a walk. 55. Shooting pain, like pulsation, in the occiput and in its lower part. A boring pain on a small spot in the side of the head. Boring pain in the right temple, extending into the upper part of the head. Burrowing headache with nausea, at once while in bed, for four mornings in succession; it goes off by tying a bandage tightly around the head. Painful beating in the right temple. 60. Hammering in the head. HKPAR SULPHURIS CAI^CARKUM. 765 Swashing in the head. Externally on the right side of the occiput, a pressive pain, which gradually passes into the nape, the neck and the scapulae. In the afternoon, on lying down, a spasmodic twitching in the frontal muscles; it only went off on getting up. Eruption of pimples, like blotches, on the hairy scalp and in the nape, which feel sore when touched, but not when let alone. 65. Eruption of many pimples on the side of the forehead, which feel w^orst in the room, but which soon get better in the open air. Two painless swollen elevations on the forehead. The forehead is painful from the hat. The hair falls out ver}^ much (aft. 5 d.). The hair falls out and bald spots are formed on several parts of the head. 70. Rings below the eyes, very blue. At ever}^ step, his eyes ache. The eyes pain violently, as if they were drawn into the head. Pressive pain in the eyeballs, and bruised feeling when touched. Pressure in the eyes, especially on moving them, with redness of the same. 75. Pressure in the eyes, in frequent fits during the day, followed by lachrymation. Obtuse stitch in the eyes. Boring pain in the upper bones of the orbit. Cutting pain in the outer canthus. Pain as from excoriation in the outer canthus with accumula- tion of eye-gum. 80. Pressure in the eyelids, as if from sleepiness; they are red- dened. Redness, inflammation and swelling of the upper eyelid with a pain more pressive than shooting. Inflammation and swelling of the eye, with redness of the white part. The white of the eye turns reddish. Sore eyes, closed at night by suppuration; eye-gum is secreted, the eyes become dim, and he cannot see well by candle-light. 85. Eruption of pimples on the upper eyelids, and below the eyes. On waking in the morning, the eyelids are closed, so that she is unable to open them for a long time. After writing, she has to wink with her eyes. The eyes are obscured while reading. On rising and standing up, after sitting while stooping for- ward, his eyes seem blinded. 90. Flickering before the eyes; whatever she looked at, seemed dark; then great lassitude. Flickering and sensation as of a veil before the e^-es, he could not recognize any object. Daylight causes the eyes to be painful. His eyes are painful in bright daylight, when he wishes to move them. The ear pains externall}^ at night, when lying on it. 766 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 95. Twitches of pain through the ear. Violent stitches in the ear, when blowing the nose. Itching in the ears. Heat, redness and itching of the external ears, for six days. Increase of the ear-wax. 100. Flow of pus from the ear. Rushing sound in the ear. Hissing in the left ear. Hissing and throbbing before the ears, in the evening on lying down, till the person falls asleep. Crepitation in the ears, as from electric sparks. 105. Whistling in the ears, when blowing the nose. When blowing the nose, there is a whistling sound in the right ear. Explosion in the ear, when blowing the nose. A cracking sound in the head on the right side, after violently blowing the nose; after this the roaring in the ear of the (deaf) person ceased and he heard again a little (curative effect). The bones of the nose pain on being touched, no. Drawing pain in the nose, which pain then passes into the eyes, and becomes a smarting, in the morning. Sensation of contraction in the nose. Itching in the nose. When blowing the nose, a disagreeable formication in the left nostril as from a foreign body within it. Redness and heat internally and externally on the nose, with swelling of the same. 115. Burning in the nose, lasting into the night. Bruised pain in the tip of the nose. Pain as from soreness, on the back of the nose, , when touched. Pain as from ulceration in the nostrils. Scabs in the right side of the nose. 120. Yellowish water, very glutinous, drips from the one nostril. Rush of blood to the nose (at once). Coagulated blood is blown from the nose. Epistaxis, two days in succession. Kpistaxis after singing. 125. The mucus from the posterior nares was mixed with much blood. Every morning some drops of blood come from the nose (also after ^ h.). Very sensitive olfaction. Very acute smell. Loss of the sense of smell. 130. The complexion is yellow, there are blue rings around the eyes. Yellowish color of the face and skin. Excessive paleness of the face, when she grows heated from exercise. Heat in the face, in the evening at seven o'clock. Heat in the face, at night and in the morning, on aw^aking. 135. Much flying heat in the face and in the head. HKPAR SULPHURIS CAI^CARKUM. 767 Redness of the cheeks, sensible and visible, during the whole da}-, without thirst and without shuddering, for several days. Cheeks fierj- red, in the morning. Cheeks her}- red and burning in the evening. Erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks, in the morning. 140. Swelling of the left cheek, for two days. [Fr. H.^ Pain of the bones of the face, on being touched. Itching on both the zygomata. Miliary eruption in the face. Pain of the lips, tension in the middle of the upper lip. 145. Chapped lips and pimples in the red of the lower lip, with a burning pain. The lower lip is cracked in the middle. Great swelling of the upper lip which is very painful when touched, but at other times is only tense; for three dp.j^s. \_Fr. H.'] Itching about the mouth. Eruption in the corner of the mouth, with sensation of heat therein. 150. A severe scurfy eruption without sensation, below the left corner of the mouth. Twitching and trembling on the left side of the upper lip. A red itching spot below the lower lip; this spot is soon cov- ered with a number of yellow^ vesicles, which pass into scabs. A pimple, paining as if excoriated, in the red of the upper lip. An ulcer in the corner of the mouth (removed by Belladonna). 155. Eruption of pimples on the chin, above and below the lips, and on the neck; they are like wheals, and pain as if excoriated when touched, but not when let alone. Itching pimples on the chin (2d d.). On the right side of the chin, toward the lower lip, vesicles and ulcers with sensation of burning. Toothache. \_Fr. H.'] Toothache, particularly while eating. 160. Drawing toothache, in the evening, in a hollow tooth, as if too much blood pressed upon the nerve. After drinking anything cold, and after opening the mouth, toothache at once in all the teeth. Drawing toothache in a tooth, which begins to waggle, worse in the warm room, relieved by the open air, and only aggravated by biting, when there is jerking in the tooth; in the evening. Jerking pains in the teeth, extending into the ears. Stitches in the teeth. 165. Looseness of the teeth. A hollow tooth becomes loose, attended with pain when biting on it. The hollow tooth is too long and is painful. The gums bleed easily. Jerking in the gums. 170. Inflammation and swelling of the inner side of the gums in front. Swelling of the gums at the back molars, with a pain pressing 768 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. outward, as if a new tooth were about to come there; the pain is worse when touching or biting on the teeth. Ulcer on the gums. Burning pain on the tip of the tongue, even waking him up at night. The tip of the tongue is very sensitive, as if excoriated. 175. Sensation in the neck as from a plug of mucus, or from an internal swelling in the pharynx, in the morning. On swallowing, a feeling in the throat, as if there were a swelling, over which he has to sw^allow. Bruised pain of the external cervical muscles, with pain in the throat on swallowing, as from an internal swelling. Pressure below the larynx, immediatel}^ after supper, as if something was lodged in the throat. Severe pressure in the throat, so that she imagined it was quite constricted, and she would suffocate, toward evening. 180. Deglutition of food difficult, requiring great effort, without any soreness of the throat. Scratching and roughness as if from excoriation in the throat, most severe when swallowing solid food. Scrapy and choking sensation in the throat as from burned lard, in the morning. Scraping in the throat for three days. \_Fr. H.'] Scraping in the throat; it is always so full of water that she has to spit continually. 185. Water gathers in the mouth. Stitches in the throat, when taking a deep breath. Stitches in the throat as from a splinter, when swallowing; on yawning, the stitches extend to the ear. Shooting pain and dryness in the throat, every morning, for several hours. Shooting pain in the throat, extending to the ear, vv^hen turn- ing the head. 190. The mucus hawked up is mixed with blood. Much hawking up of mucus from the throat, in the evening, after eating. Much mucus in the mouth. Salivation (collection of saliva) on the right side of the mouth. Doughy taste in the mouth, in the morning (5th d.). 195. Bad smell in the mouth, as from a spoiled stomach; this he perceives himself Loss of the sense of taste. Bitter, slimy taste in the mouth, in the morning. Bitter taste in the mouth, and also of the food. Bitter taste in the posterior part of the throat, while food tastes normally. 200. Earthy taste in the throat, while food tastes all right. Putrid taste and like that of rotten eggs in the mouth. Metallic taste in the mouth. Sourish metallic taste in the mouth. No appetite for eating, while there is a feeling of emptiness in the abdomen. HEPAR SULPHURIS CAI^CAREUM. 769 205. Unusual hunger in the forenoon. Loathing for everything, especially for fat. There is sometimes appetite for something, but when he gets it, he does not want it. Appetite only for sour and strong tasting, piquant things. Much appetite for vinegar. 210. Inordinate desire for wine, only temporarily satisfied by wine and water. [5//".] More thirst than hunger. Thirst; but she cannot drink much, else the abdomen is inflated. Uncommonly great thirst, from morning till evening. [/>. H.'] During dinner, a frequent burning itching on the forehead and cheeks. 215. After dinner, hot regurgitation. Immediately after dinner, fullness in the hypogastrium. After meals, great lassitude. After a meal, sensation of heat in the abdomen. After dinner, severe palpitation and oppression of the chest, with -a desire of taking a deep breath. 220. After dinner, hard distension of the abdomen, for three hours (3dd.). Frequent eructation, without smell and taste. Continual empty eructation, with inflation of the abdomen and stomach, during mental exertion. Eructations, with burning in the throat. Frequent eructation, with the taste of the ingesta. 225. Eructation after eating, with belching up of a sourish liquid which comes up into the mouth. Hiccup after eating. Nausea, frequently during the day. Frequent transient fits of nausea. Nausea in the morning, but without inclination to vomit, but rather as a premonition of swooning. 230. Morning-sickness, for several mornings, with inclination to vomit, while sitting and standing; but going off when lying down. Qualmishness, with inclination to vomit. \_Stf.'] Inclination to vomit, with running of saliva from the mouth. Water-brash, with a flow of watery saliva from the mouth, recurring the following day at the same hour. Constant sensation as of water rising in the oesophagus, as after eating sour things. 235 Vomiting every morning. Sour vomiting, in the afternoon. Green vomiting of acrid water and tenacious mucus, with constant nausea. [Hinze, Hufel. Joiirn.^ 18 15, Sept. XLI, pp. 77-79-'] Vomiting of biie in the morning, after long-continued, severe retching. Vomiting of mucus, mixed with coagulated blood. EJffects of large doses of H. s. given for whooping cough. See also S. 644. — Hughes. 50 770 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 240. The stomach pains, while he is walking, as if it hung loose. Pressure in the stomach, as if lead was b^ing in it. Pressure in the stomach after a light meal. Internal pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, ever}^ morning on aw^aking. Hard pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, rising up from the abdomen and only relieved b}^ the passage of flatus. 245. Tension across the scrobiculus cordis; he has to unbutton his clothes, and cannot bear to sit. When blowing his nose, dull pain in the scrobiculus cordis. The stomach distended, as if b}' flatulence, with ice-cold hands. Restlessness, heaviness and sensation of acidit}" in the pit of the stomach during digestion. Gnawing in the stomach, as from an acid, which also rises into the fauces. 250. In the hepatic region, stitches, when walking. In the left hypochondrium , distension as from flatulence. Painful rush of blood toward both hypochondria, at every step he takes. Sensation as of stagnation in both hypochondria, at ever}^ step while walking. A very disagreeable though quiet pain in the abdomen, almost as from a bruise, earh^ on awaking, lasting for some time after getting up, with a similar headache in the forehead. 255. Pain, as from a bruise in the intestines of the h^^pogastrium, when walking (aft. 18 h.). The abdomen is painfull}^ sensitive and inflated, more while w^alking than when sitting (2d d.). Pressive pain in the abdomen near to and about the hips, for fourteen days. Severe pressure, almost lancinating, in the left side of the ab- domen, when out driving. Pressure in the abdomen below the scrobiculus cordis, while the abdomen is as hard as a stone. 260. Distended, swollen abdomen, without flatulence. Inflated, distended abdomen. Tension in the abdomen, all the da}'. Spasmodic, pinching tension in the abdomen, several times during the da5^ Cramps in the abdomen. 265. Pain, like constriction, in the abdomen before the meal. Contractive pain in the abdomen. Clawing in the umbilical region, from both sides of the ab- domen toward the middle, sometimes rising up to the scrobiculus cordis, and causing nausea and anxious heat in the cheeks, in paroxysms; almost as if from taking cold or from the approach of the menses. Pinching pain in the abdomen, as if from taking a cold. In the morning, pinching in the abdomen, with a soft stool (for man}^ mornings). 270. Colic: stitches, cutting and pinching here and there in the HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCARKUM. 77 1 abdomen, as if from flatulence, for many hours after a meal; the pain is more intense at every pulsation. Cutting pains in the abdomen. Cutting pain in the abdomen, without diarrhoea, for several days, toward evening. Shooting pain in the abdomen. Violent stitches in the left side of the abdomen, immediately below the ribs. 275. Splenetic stitches when walking. Pain, as from excoriation in the left side of the abdomen. Pain, as from soreness, above the umbilicus. Pain, as from excoriation, in the hypogastrium. Drawing pain in the abdomen. 280. Drawing pain in the epigastrium, and at the same time above the sacrum (at once). Fermentation in the abdomen, above the navel, with eructation of hot air. Whirling sensation above the navel. Feeling of emptiness in the intestines. The glands in the groin become painful, especially when touched, with a sensation as if they were swollen. 285. Abscesses of the inguinal glands, buboes. Every morning, a moving about of flatus in the abdomen, with a disagreeable feeling, like a kind of colic, especially in the sides of the abdomen. Noisy motions of the flatus in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen. Discharge of flatus, at night. 290. Very frequent, ineffectual calls to stool, with much eructation. Calls to stool, but the peristaltic motion of the large intestines is lacking, so as to discharge the faeces, which are not hard, and which can only be partially expelled by the exertion of the ab- dominal muscles. Inactivity of the rectum; the stool is hard and insufficient, and the anus swollen. Soft stool, which is, however, only expelled by much strain- ing. With much urging, difficult discharge of scanty faeces, which are not hard. 295. After much straining, a stool of hard lumps of faeces, mixed with a yellow liquid. Frequent stools also at night; with straining, tenesmus and exhaustion, only very little is evacuated. Diarrhoea with colic; with inclination to lie down; hot hands and cheeks. Three diarrhoeic stools, with qualmish feeling of nausea and rumbling in the abdomen. Slight diarrhoeic stools, several times a da3% preceded by some pinching; then some flatus before the stool, and some more flatus afterward. 300. Diarrhoea of bloody mucus, with rumbling as if behind in the back, without pain in the abdomen. 772 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Claj^-colored stool. Greenish stool. Blood is passed with the stool. Flow of blood from the rectum, with a soft stool. 305. After the stool, inflation of the abdomen. After the stool, the nose is stopped. After the stool, sensation of excoriation in the anus, and secre- tion of ichor. The varices of the rectum protrude. Rumbling in the rectum. 310. Crawling in the rectum, as from ascarides. Burning at the anus. A little lump above the anus, and a sensation of swelling there. On the perinaeum, sweat. Weakness of the bladder; the urine only flows in a slow, perpendicular stream, and he has to wait awhile before any urine comes. 315. He never can finish urinating; some urine always seems to remain behind in the bladder. The micturition is impeded; he has to wait awhile before the urine comes, and then it flows out slowly; for several days. Frequent urging to urinate. Violent urging to urinate, in the morning on awaking, and, nevertheless, difficult and slow passage of the urine. Copious discharge of urine (aft. 4 d.). 320. Discharge of a quantity of pale urine, with pressure on the bladder. The urine when passed is pale and clear, but becomes turbid and thick on standing, depositing a white sediment. The urine is turbid and like whey when passed, and deposits a white sediment. Dark- yellow urine, it scalds in passing. Brow^nish-red urine. 325. Blood-red urine. The last drops of urine are bloody. Fatty pellicle on the urine. Iridescent pellicle on the urine. Acrid, scalding urine, which excoriates the inner surface of the prepuce and makes it ulcerated. 330. The urine scalds during the emission. In micturition, there is a cutting pain in the female urethra. During the emission of urine, acute, sore pain in the urethra. The urine is sharp, and in passing, it excoriates the pudenda. During micturition, sensation on the right scapula as if some- thing was flowing or running inside of it. 335. Several stitches in the urethra. The orifice of the urethra is red and inflamed. On the penis and on the frenulum of the prepuce, itching. Itching of the glans. A stitch in the region of the frenulum. 340. Shooting pain in the prepuce. Externally in the prepuce, ulcers like chancres. HKPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. 773 Moist excoriation, with eroding, smarting pain in the fold be- tween the thigh and the scrotum. Itching of the scrotum. The sexual parts are weakened, the testes relaxed and the penis of unnatural hardness. 345. Diminished sexual impulse. The genitals are excited to seminal emission, without any amorous fancies or desire for woman. During amorous dallying, a painful erection like excoriation and a cramp-pain in the whole penis, beginning from the bladder. Prostatic juice passes at times with the stool. She is very much excoriated about the pudenda and between the thighs. 350. Flow of blood from the uterus, almost at once, and again after ten or twelve days, after previous inflation of the abdomen. It delays the menses by ten days and diminishes the discharge. Before the menses, contractive headache. During the menses, much itching on the pudenda. Frequent sneezing (at once). 355. Frequent sneezing, owing to itching in the nose. Tickling in the nose, causing sneezing. Stuffed coryza. Coryza and much spitting of saliva. Coryza; he has to blow his nose every moment; attended with an excessive appetite. 360. Coryza, and scraping in the throat. Catarrhal fever, attended with internal chills and peevishness. Frequent catarrhal fever, with heaviness in all the limbs. Coryza, with inflammatory swelling of the nose, which pains like a boil, attended with coughing. He blows from his nose ill-smelling mucus, even without coryza. 365. Weakness of the organs of speech and of the chest, so that she cannot speak aloud. Tickling in the throat, and a sensation of fusty vapor, caus- ing cough. Scrapy, scratchy cough. Suffocative cough, caused merely by tightness of the chest. Deep, dry cough; from tightness of the chest when inspiring; with pain extending up into the chest at every impulse of cough- ing. 370. Violent fits of coughing, from time to time, threatening suffo- cation or vomiting. Cough, so much aggravated by taking a deep breath that it causes him to vomit. Cough, exciting to vomiting. Violent, deep cough of several impulses, striking painfully against the larynx and causing retching. An almost uninterrupted cough from an irritation in the upper part of the left side of the throat, which is worst when talking and 774 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Stooping; late in the evening it always increases, and then sud- denly ceases. 375. Tussiculation, at once after a meal. The cough torments him most while walking. Fit of coughing, as if from a cold or over-sensitiveness of the nervous sj^stem, as soon as the least member of the body becomes cool. Morning cough, which often wakes her from sleep. Cough, in the evening and morning. 380. She is much tormented by cough in the evening. In the evening, impulses of dry cough. From time to time, dry, painless, short cough. In the evening, on going to sleep, dry cough (aft. 4 d.). At night, from eleven to twelve o'clock, in bed, violent cough (with expectoration of mucus). 385. Cough, da}^ and night. Cough, with expectoration. Cough, with expectoration of mucus, the whole day, excited by a scraping irritation in the windpipe, but especially in the throat. {Fr. H.'] Cough, with much expectoration, every three or four hours a violent fit; but not waking from sleep at night. Expectoration of sourish mucus at night, almost without cough. 390. Tenacious mucus in the chest (aft. 5 d.). Bloody expectoration from the chest, with crossness and lassitude. Coughing of blood, after previous sensation as of a hard body in the scrobicus cordis; followed by fetid perspiration, then weak- ness in the head. During coughing, obtuseness of the whole head, with throb- bing in the forehead and temples. During coughing, violent resounding throbbing in the head. 395. During coughing, stitches in the throat and headache as if everything were coming out at the forehead. During coughing, burning in the stomach. After the fits of coughing," sneezing. Shortness of breath. Frequent deep breathing as after running. 400. Pain in the chest; a pressure in the left side of the chest. Shooting in the sternum, during respiration and w^alking. Shooting pain in the side of the chest, toward the back. Stitches in the cardiac region. Sensation in the chest as if hot water was moving there. 405. Heat in the left side of the chest, above the heart. Severe palpitation, with fine stitches in the heart and in the left side of the chest. Eruption of two pimples on the outer side of the sternum, with pus in their apices and acute pain as from excoriation. Itching on the left nipple. Painful sensitiveness in the right half of the fleshy part of the HKPAR SULPHURIS CAI^CARKUM. 775 chest, and under the right arm, on touching the chest or moving the arm. 410. A boil on the last right rib, with a stitching aching per se and great pain when touched. Pain in the sacrum, frequently recurring. In the sacrum a pain, drawing hither and thither, worst when walking. \_Fr. H.'\ Pain in the sacrum, as from fatigue, when stooping and when leaning back while sitting. Severe pain in the sacrum, like a cutting through, during movement and at rest; so that she could neither stand, walk nor lie down. 415. Bruised pain in the sacrum, when walking (ist d.). Bruised pain and sharp pressive pain in the sacrum and the lumbar vertebrae, but especially in the junction of the sacrum with the pelvic bones; it darts down into the lower limbs and causes a sort of limping in walking; the pain continues while sitting, standing, and lying down. In the loins and the ossa ischii, pain as from dislocation, when sitting, and when turning the body in walking. At night, tensive pain in the back, worst when turning the body. Pain between the scapulae. 420. In the morning, in bed, drawing in the whole back and in the sacrum; after rising, the whole of the back was painful, so that she could hardly move, with weariness in the limbs, aversion to eating and working, with shivering, chilliness, and adipsia. Stitches in the back, in the left renal region. Stitches in the left side of the back. Stitches in the back, between the scapulae. Stitches in the right scapula, when blowing the nose, hawk- ing or taking a deep breath. 425. Some violent stitches in the back. Great weakness in the whole spine. Shooting pains in the throat, extending into the ear, when turning the head. Some fine stitches on the outside of the neck and behind the ears, like flea bites. Pinching on the right side of the thyroid cartilage. 430. Bruised pain on the cervical muscles, with pain in the throat, when swallowing, as from an internal swelling. Bruised pain in the neck, when bending the head back. Many small, painless pimples in the nape, and on both sides of the neck. ^Fr. H.'] The axillary glands suppurate and discharge pus. Pain like a load on the top of the shoulder. 435. The top of the shoulder is painful, when raising the arm. Drawing pain in the top of the shoulders. Fine tearing in the top of the left shoulder. Pain as of a sprain in the top of the shoulder. In the left arm, here and there, some jerking. 440. Bruised pain in both arms. 776 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Great fatigue of both the arms. The arm on which he had lain is asleep, at night. In the left upper arm, a drawing pain. Bruised pain in the shafts of the humeri. 445. Extremely violent pains in the bend of the elbow, when stretching out the arm. Pressive or contused pain in the olecranon process of the elbow, only on moving it, after a long walk; it w^ent off in the open air. Severe itching in the bend of the elbow. In the forearms, a painful drawing in the flexor tendons. Drawing tearing pain in the extensor muscles of the forearms and of the fingers. 450. Contused pain on a small spot on the forearm. After midnight, pain in the interior of the forearm and over the back of the hand, aching, boring and as if excoriated, more painful when touched, less so by day. The wrist is painful. Sensation of heat in the palm and in the wrist. Frequent burning sensation in the hands. 455. Heat, redness and swelling of the one hand, with intolerable pain as from a sprain, extending up into the arm, on motion. Swelling of the right hand. Unsteadiness in the hands, and trembling during writing. Perspiring, cold hands. Scaly eruption on the hands. 460. Itching and rough, dry, grating skin on the hands. Continual, dull itching in the palms. Small, gritty eruption on the hand and wrist, with itching. On pressing the spread -out fingers against something, they knuckle up; the fingers are readil}^ dislocated. Pricks in one finger, as from needles. 465. An eroding blister on the anterior joint of the thumb, without sensation, only when pressed upon, there is a shooting pain. Severe itching beside the nail of the left index, as if a parony- chia was forming. Tingling in the tips of the fingers. Swelling of the fingers of both hands, with stiffness therein, w^hen lying down. Swelling of all the fingers, with tension on moving them. 470. The finger-joints are swollen, with gouty pains. The nates and the posterior part of the thighs are pain- ful, when sitting down. A red, itching lump on the upper part of the left natis. Two boils on one natis. The hip-joint pains as if dislocated, Avhen walking in the open air. 475. Excoriation in the fold between the scrotum and the thigh. Excoriation and moisture in the fold between the scrotum and the thigh. Profuse perspiration on the upper part between the thighs. HEPAR SULPHURIS CAI.CARKUM. 777 At night, a painful tension in the lower limbs, that prevents sleep. Tearing pain in the thigh and leg, as from too great fatigue, also when at rest. 480. Restlessness in the lower limbs, so that she has to keep mov- ing them, b}^ day when at rest. A formicating pain in the inferior extremity, which drew it quite crooked; chiefly when walking and standing. Heaviness of the lower limbs. Tearing in the left hip (when undressing). Pain in the hip-joint, while walking in the open air. 485. Tearing pain in the right thigh (at once). While sitting, tearing in the thigh, and a numb, tingling sen- sation in it, almost as if asleep. Bruised pain in the anterior muscles of the thighs. Bruised pain, transversely through the middle of the thighs. Cramp in the muscles of the thigh and pelvis, when the thigh is drawn upward. 490. Sudden pain of exhaustion in the thigh, while walking, so that he cannot w^alk farther. In the knee, cramp. Pressive pain in the hough, on motion. Frequently during the day, a shooting pain in the right knee. Tearing on the outer side of the knee-joint, also when at rest, as after too great exertion and fatigue. 495. Bruised pain in the knee. Pain in the knee as if broken. Swelling of the knee. Itching pimples about the knee. Severe itching on the inner side of the knee. 500. In the leg, below the right knee, a spasmodic drawing pain, when walking. Cramp of the calves, only when bending the kness. Cramp-pain in all the muscles of the leg, while walking, so that he cannot walk on. Cramp in the calves. Restlessness in the legs, he has to keep them stretched out. 505. Restlessness in the legs at times, so that he cannot keep them still. Tearing in the tendo Achillis, when lying in bed; and when walking, a stitch in it. Great weariness in the legs, especially when ascending. The left leg is asleep, in the morning in bed, and heavy like lead. Er5^sipelas on the leg (affected). 510. The feet are painfully sensitive in the soles, when walking on rough stones. Sensation of pressure under the heel, when walking, as if there was a pebble lodged under it. Cramp in the feet. Cramp between the big toe and the heel. Cramp in the soles of the feet and the toes. 778 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 515. Stiff feeling in the ankle-joint, with a feeling of numbness and turgidity there. Pain in the ankle-joint, as if festering. Tearing pain in the foot, at night. Tearing and drawing in the soles of the feet. Stitches on the instep. 520. Violent itching stitches on the dorsum of the foot, near the root of the toes. lu the evening, after having slept restlessly and turned over in bed, there came on the outer side of the foot on which he had lain a pain as from a knock or blow, so violent that it made him scream; the pain was only allayed by touching and stroking it with the finger, but not by motion. Pain in the ankle-joint, as if sprained, coming in paroxysms while walking, so that he cannot continue walking for the moment. Pain in the right ankle-joint, as if it was broken, while walk- ing. Cracking in the ankle-joint. 525. Formication in the soles of the feet. Constant dull itching in the soles of the feet. Tickling in the soles of the feet. Hard pressure as from a little stone, on the heel, when walk- ing. Needle-pricking in both the heels. 530. Burning pain in the feet, especially on the dorsum of the feet, in the morning in bed. Burning in the soles of the feet, in the morning in bed; she had to uncover them. Drawing, burning pain in the feet up to the ankles, in the evening in bed. Swelling of the feet about the ankles, w^ith dyspnoea. Coldness of the feet, by day. 535. Cold, sweaty feet. Chilblains on the feet, which break open, with so much ten- derness of these spots on healing that she cannot wear a shoe. In the big toe, tearing, w^orse when walking than when stand- ing. Severe stitch along the big toe. Sharp, shooting pains in the fleshy part of the right little toe. 540. Piercing stitches in the hard skin on the little toe. Formication in the toes. Formicating itching of the toes, for four nights. Burning itching of the toes. The nail of the big toe pains violentl}^, almost like an ulcer, on slight pressure. 545. A corn that has hitherto been painless commences to have burning and shooting pains, at a slight external pressure. Extreme sensitiveness and irritability of the nerv^es in various parts, e. g., on the septum of the nose. Great irritability^ of the nerves; every impression on body and mind excites the nervous system to a sort of internal tremor. HEPAR SUIvPHURIS CALCAREUM. 779 Drawing pain in the limbs, with paralytic sensation, es- peciall}' in the thighs and legs. Drawing pain in the shoulder-joints, the hips, and especially the knees. 550. Drawing pain in the gastric region and in the back. Stitches in the joints, both when at rest and in motion. The pains are worst at night. Aggravations of the pain during the nocturnal fever, chiefly during the chill. Sensitiveness to the open air, with chilliness and frequent nausea. 555. Even a slight wetting of the body causes painful throbbing, here and there. When walking in the open air, trembling in the knees, with anxiety, heat in the whole body and burning of the soles of the feet. In the forenoon, several shivers run all over him, in the open air. Fine, stinging itching. Constant dull itching in the sole of the feet and in the palm. 560. Burning itching on the body, chiefly in the morning on rising, with white blisters after scratching, which exude a white fluid and then soon pass away. Eruption of pimples as large as peas, here and there on the body. Nettle-rash, e. g., on the wrist. Cracked skin and chaps on the hands and feet. Unwholesome, festering skin; even slight lesions fester and suppurate. 565. The part affected with an ulcer (the leg) cannot endure a pendent position. Eroding pain in the ulcer. An itching erosion in the ulcer. Severe stitches in the ulcer, when laughing. Burning and throbbing in the ulcer, at night. 570. Inflammation of the affected part. Sour-smelling pus from the ulcer. Bleeding of the ulcer, even when wiping it gently. The wart is inflamed, and there are stitches in it, as if it would ulcerate. Yellowish skin and yellow complexion. 575. An attack of jaundice; the urine is blood-red and the white of the eye yellowish. Emaciation with chilliness in the back, redness of the cheeks, insomnia; the larynx is much affected, with hoarse, wear}' voice, anguish, distress, and extreme irritability as in a hectic fever. Great heaviness in the body; he does not know what ails him. She feels heav}^ in all her limbs, as if she would have a cold. Languor and bruised feeling in all the limbs. 580. Very tired and indolent, in the morning on awaking, so that she can hardly rise from her bed. 78o hahnemann'vS chronic diseases. Lassitude in the morning, after rising from bed, so that she can hardly stand upright, continuing all da.Y, with drowsiness. He remains long in bed in the morning, tired and slumbering. In the morning in bed, weariness, restlessness in the legs, with stoppage of the nose. Ver}- tired and heavy in the body, in the morning on rising from bed, after a sound sleep. 585. Great weariness and palpitation, early on awaking. Great lassitude in the evening, with lack of tone and palpita- tion. Lassitude on walking in the open air, after a meal, with stretching in all che limbs, as if he were about to have ague; on continuing to walk, a cold sweat came over him; and in the even- ing in bed, a sensation of heat, so that he did not fall asleep until two A. M. Toward evening, from a slight pain, sudden severe syncope. Much stretching and extension of the limbs every day. 590. Frequent yawning, causing pain in the chest. Incessant yawning, from morning till noon. Great drowsiness toward evening, with frequent, violent, almost convulsive yawning, so that he could hardly keep from lying down. So sleepy and tired in the evening, that he fell asleep while sitting. Great, irresistible somnolence, in the evening; he has to lie down immediately after supper and he sleeps till morning. 595. Difficulty in going to sleep, and restless sleep. Sleeplessness after midnight. No sound sleep at night, only slumber. Exuberance of ideas does not allow him to sleep after midnight. After a lively evening's entertainment, he cannot sleep all the night. 600. In a long solid sleep, thoughts about his work kept revohdng in his head, as if clouds were passing through. For several days he was in a slumberous sleep, with constant dreaming about his daily business and many thoughts, which like clouds passed through his mind; at times he would wake up not ill-humored, give correct answers, satisfy his needs, and at once go to sleep again. Too long and stupid a sleep, and then obtuseness of the head, as if full and stolid, with pressure in the temples, ailments as if from a spoiled stomach, eructation with the taste of the ingesta, and scraping in the throat, as if a rancid heartburn was coming. Dreams, full of scolding. Vexatious dreams. 605. Man 3^ dreams, at once on going to sleep, and anxiety all the night through, without awaking. Dreams about dangerous affairs, fright and terror. Anxious dreams, with sweat on the back on awaking. Dreams he is vomiting pus and blood. HEPAR SUI.PHURIS CALCARTiUM. 78 1 Anxious dreams of a conflagration; he feels as if falling, etc. 610. Dreams of escaping a danger. Dreams that he hears shooting. Heavy dreams, leaving behind them on awaking a state of fright. Violent starting up in affright on going to sleep, also after a meal. Before midnight, he sprang up out of sleep, called for help, and felt as if he could not get his breath. 615. On Mng down at lo p. m., great anxiety and restlessness in the whole body, with painful jerking of the lower limbs, which she had to keep moving for several hours; two evenings in succes- sion. At night, restlessness in the lower limbs, and trembling of the same. Nocturnal nausea and vomiting. She wakes up about midnight, with tickling in the throat, compelling her to cough and to expectorate. He often awakes at night, with an erection and an urging to urinate. 620. At night cramp in the thigh, extending down into the foot. In the morning in bed, cramp of the calves. On awaking at night, though he has always been accustomed to sleep on the right side, he always finds himself lying on the back. At night, the side on which he is lying after awhile pains him intolerably; he has to turn over. He cannot sleep at night, for ebullition of blood. 625. At night, sleeplessness and a shaking chill for hours, so that he cannot get warm; without any subsequent heat. Chilliness of the arms and legs, in the morning. Chilliness; she seeks the warmth of the stove. \_S{/.'] Chilliness, with frequent nausea and sensitiveness to the open air. Chilliness in the open air; a disagreeable, painful sensa- tion presses her quite down, so that she has to walk stooping for- ward. \_Sf/.'] 630. Rigor. Frequent shivering, extending up to the hairy scalp, where the hairs felt painful. Rigor for an hour (aft. lo min.). Every evening, about six or seven o'clock, a severe chill, not followed by heat. In the evening, at eight o'clock, severe chill, with chattering of the teeth, for a quarter of an hour, with coldness of the hands and feet, then heat with sweat, especially on the chest and fore- head, with slight thirst. 635. He awakes at 2 a, m. with a febrile rigor and hot, dry skin; from time to time a shivering ague, from the nape down the back and over the chest; then some sleep, from which he awakes in a 782 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. gentle perspiration, with a pressive pain in the back, as also in and beside the hips and in the abdomen, with' inclination to vomit. In the evening, at six o'clock, fever, languor, weariness, slow pulse, chill (aft. 30 h. ). Nocturnal febrile rigor, so that he cannot get warm, not fol- lowed by heat. During nocturnal febrile rigor, the pains present are aggra- vated. Chilliness in the back, with redness of the cheeks, insomnia, while the larynx is much affected; hoarse, tired voice, anguish, apprehensiveness, extreme excitability and emaciation, as in a hectic fever. 640. Fever; now chills, now heat with photophobia. Fever in the morning; first a bitter taste in the mouth, then after some hours a chill with thirst; and after an hour, much heat with interrupted sleep ; all of this recurred twice more during the same da}-. Burning fever-heat, wath almost unquenchable thirst, torment- ing headache, and low, delirious talk from 4 p. m. onward through the night, for three successive evenings. [Hinze, 1. c] At night, dry heat of the body, with perspiration on the hands, which do not bear to be uncovered. Fever, with severe, oft-repeated vomiting of green, excessively acrid water, and tenacious mucus, with constant nausea. [Hinze, 1. c.'] 645. Perspiration frequently runs all over the body, only tran- siently and without heat. He perspires very readily during every, even slight, movement. Profuse sweat, day and night. [Fr. H.'] 'He even perspires, if he only writes a few lines. \_Fr. H.'\ At night, sweat from midnight onward, then a chill while still in bed, and after rising; every morning. 650. Night-sweat, Night-sweat about midnight, especially on the back. Night-sweat, immediately on lying down, especially on the head, so that beads of sweat stood on the face. Night-sweat, before midnight. Night-sweat on the whole body, while awake. 655. At night, profuse sweat, most of the night, or at least con- stant exhalation. Sweat in bed, after midnight. In the morning, profuse sweat all over the body. In the morning, profuse, continued sweat only on the head. Disagreeably smelling, continued exhalation of the body. 660. Sour-smelling, profuse sweat, at night. Clammy, profuse sweat at night. 1 Together with S. 2-x,'].— Hughes. lODIUM. 783 lODIUM. IODINE. Iodine is obtained from various kinds of sea-wrack (fucus, sea- weed), by leaching the ashes, and then cr3^stallizing the salts con- tained in it that can be crystallized; the residual uncrystallizable lye, consisting of iodide of sodium, is then evaporated and allowed to stand in a warm place mixed with strong sulphuric acid, in order to remove from it all muriatic acid; then manganese is added and the mass is strongly heated in a retort, whereby the iodine is sepa- rated, rising as a violet-colored vapor, which is condensed on the upper part of the retort in bluish-brown scales or leaflets. One grain of this is prepared for the homoeopathic dynamization and brought up to the thirtieth potency in the manner prescribed for dry drugs at the conclusion of the first part of this work. Even in the higher and the highest degrees of dynamization iodine is a very heroic medicine, which calls for every precaution of the good homoeopathic physician; when misapplied in allopathic hands, iodine is frequently seen to cause the most fearful destruction of the body and life of patients. Iodine has been of service especially when the following states were at the same time present: Dizziness in the morning; throbbing in the head; excoriation of the eyes; humming before the ears; hardness of hearing; a coated tongue; mercurial salivation; bad, soapy taste; sourish eructation, with burning; heartbur?i after heavy viands; voracious hunger ; nausea; incarceration of flatus ; inflation of the abdomen; constipa- tion; micturition at night; delay in the menses; cough; inveterate morning cough; difficulty in breathing; external swelling of the neck; weariness of the arms in the morning, in bed; the fingers go to sleep; curvature of the bones; dryness of the skin; night-sweats. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-observers are: 6^., Dr. Augustus Baron von Gersdorff ; Gr.^ Dr. Gross ; Htb. u. Tr., Drs. Hartlaub and Trinks, in their Reine Arzneiniittellehre ; and kS. iSchreterf). lODIUM. Dejection. [Kuknzi,i, ueber d. lod. Winterth., 1826; Mat- In the first edition of this work (1S28) Hahnemann published a list of 153 sj-mptoms, as ■observed by himself from iodine. In 1829, in the second volume of their Reinc Ai znn'mittr:- lehre, Hartlaub and Trinks gave a list of 516, mainly taken from authors, but including also some symptoms from themselves and Schreter. These, with a few additions from v. Gersdorff and Gross, presumably obtained from the thirtieth dilution, constitute the present pathogenesis. — Hughes. 784 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. THEY, in Gilbert's Annal., 182 1; Gairdner, Essay on the Eff. of lod., etc.; Richter, spec. Arzeim,-Eehre, Vol. X.^] Gloomy mood. \S.'\ Sad, melancholy mood. [Pkrrot, in med. Annal.; v. PiE- RER, 1821, Hft. IX.T Hypochondriac mood. [Gairdner.] 5. Sadness. [Kolley, inHufel. Journ., 1824, Febr.^] Very ill-humored and sensitive during the whole period of digestion, from noon till evening, with an oppressive sensation in the throat and chest, as when one is about to weep. [Qf.] Oppression of the chest. {Htb ; Graefe, Journ. f. Chir. u. Augenheilkiinde, II., 617.^] Constant inclination to weeping. [Perrot.] Now disposed to weep, then again inclined to be glad. [VoGT, Pharmak., 1828.^] 10. Apprehensiveness after some manual work; it goes off while sitting. Anxiety. [Gairdner; Kuenzli; Richter; Graefe ; Kolley.] Anxious oppression. [Massalien, in Rust's Magazin XIV., P- 379-] Great anxiet}'. [Neumann, in Hufel. Jouni. LV., St. i.] Great anxiety and oppression, [Gairdner.] 15. Oppression, and tightness of the chest. [VoiGT.] Anxiety and dejection; the patients generally busy them- selves with the present. [Gairdner.] Restless moving about; she runs about incessantly and does not get to sit down, nor does she sleep at night, so that she has to be considered as crazy \Gy^\ Restlessness, which keeps the body in constant activity. [Kolley.] Restlessness. [Graefe; Med. chir. Zeit., iS2^, Bd. I., p. 310/] 20. Aversion to sitting still. He is afraid at every trifle, that one or another mishap may rise from it. Discouragement. [Kuenzli.] Discouragement and despondency, which continues also dur- ing the pains in a very depressing manner. [Gairdner.^] Aversion to work. 25. He feels unable to do anything. Her phlegmatic disposition has disappeared; she has become blooming, stronger and more lively. [Henning, in Hufel. fourn., Bd. LVII, St. 3, p. 90.^ Peevish, cross, she is not suited by anything. [5.] 1 To Kuenzli — Not accessible. To Matthey — "From the tincture in a goitrous subject." To Gairdner — " Observations on patients." To Richter — " General statement from authors. " — Hughes. -' Not 2i.Q.ci&s?>\\i\&.— Hughes. 3 Not found at reference. — Hughes. ■i To Graefe — Effects when given in scrofula. — Hughes. 5 General statement from authors. — Hughes. ' Observations on patients. — Hughes. "In the original — "Sense of sinking and faintness, vphich were peculiarly oppressive, and were complained of during intense pain as the thing most difficult to bear." — Hughes. 8 Obser\'ation. — Hughes. lODIUM. 785 Inordinately great irritabilit}^ to anger. Increased sensation and irritability. [Forney, in Hufel. Journ. LII., St. 2.'] 30. Sensitiveness to noise. Increased sensitiveness to external impressions. [VoiGT.] The mind and nervous system is affected. [VoiGT; Pkrrot.] Unusual excitement of the nervous system. [Hiifel. Journ. LVII., St. 6.'] Excessively merry and loquacious; she does not give any one a chance to say a word. \Gr^ 35. Illusions of the sense of touch. [Gairdner; Kuknzi,i; RiCHTER.] Delirium. [Neumann, 1. c] Fixed, immovable thoughts (21st d. ). Obtuseness of the head, which renders thinking more difh- cult. \_Gff.-\ Obtuseness of the head, with great disinclination to serious employment. \_Gff.'\ 40. Obtuseness of the head. [Koi^i^Ey.] Sense of obtuseness of the head, which seems to draw up the back to the nape of the head. [JoERG; Mater. 2. e. k. Heilm. Lehre, Leipzig, 1825, Bd. I.^] Obtuseness of the head, which passes over into a pressive headache (aft. i h.). [JoERG.] Slightly muddled feeling in the head, with pressure in the right half of the forehead, with great hunger (aft. i or 2 h.). [JoERG.] Vertigo. [Richter; Schmidt, in Rust' s Magaz . , Bd. XVI., St. 3, p. 430. T 45. Vertigo, drawing the person forward. [5*.] Vertigo, wdth lassitude, in the morning. [S.'] Headache. [Perrot; Med. cliir. Ztg.'\ Headache, so violent that he becomes quite frantic. [KoIvI^Ey.] Transient, quickly passing pain in the occiput. [ JoERG.] 50. Headache in the warm air, when driving far or walking fast. Headache in the forehead and in the upper part of the head, aggravated by every noise or talking. Headache, as if a bandage was firmly tied around the head. Headache in the forehead; the brain is as if bruised and extremely sensitive; the w^hole body, and especially the arms, are without strength, and, as it were, paralyzed; he has to lie down; attended with eructations and painful sensitiveness of the outside of the head when touched; the following day there is still obtuse- ness of the head and painfulness of the brain, when moved (aft. 26 d.). Pressure on a small spot in the forehead, just above the root of the nose. \_Gff.'\ 55. Pressive headache, especially in the left side toward the fore- head, frequently recurring. [JoERG.] 1 From tincture in a goitrovis subject. — Hughes. - The citations from Hufclaiid's Journal are all as S. 29, save where otherwise specifiet.1. — Hughes. ^ Proving on several healthy persons with moderate doses.— Hughes. * Observations on -patients.— Hughes. 51 786 hahni:mann's chronic diseases. Pressure in the region of the crown, for ten minutes. [JoERG.] Pressive headache, especially in the temples, alternateh?- dis- appearing and recurring. [JoERG.] Pressive pain in the occiput, slight while at rest, but violent when moving, and finally passing into a sensation of weary waste in the head ( ist d. ). [Joerg.] Pressive headache above the ej^es, toward evening. \_S.^ 60. Violent pressive pain on the lower surface of the occiput, in the afternoon, in the open air. [Joerg.] Sharp pressive pain on the left side of the upper part of the head, above the forehead. [6^.] Drawing pressure in the left upper half of the head, extend- ing to the temple. [Qf.] Pressive and at times shooting headache. [Joerg.] Drawing Dain in the left side of the head, extending into the teeth. [S.] 65. Tearing, first in the left, then in the right temporal region, almost at the same time. [6r/f".] Tearing headache above the left e^^e and in the temple. [6'.] Pressive tearing on the right side above the forehead. [Qf.] Stitches in the occiput, relieved by lying down. Stitches in the upper part of the head (aft. 3d.). 70. Throbbing in the forehead without pain. Beating in the head at every motion (aft. 24 h.). Rush of blood to the head \Hufel. Joiirn., 1. c] The rush of blood to the head is aggravated with those who are disposed to it. [Kolley.] Rush of blood to the head, and afterward at 2 p. m. headache for half an hour, returning at 5 o'clock. [ JoERG.] 75. External headache in the forehead, as if festering underneath. Smarting, sore sensation on the right side of the occiput, above the ear, posteriorly, in the skin. \_Gff^ The hair falls out. Rapid falling out of the hair. [kS.] Ej^eache in the orbits. \J\Ied. chii\ Ztg.'] 80. Pressure in the ej^es as if there was sand in them. [5^.] Pressure in the e^^es. [_Gff.'\ Tension above the right eye, with some inflammation of the ey^s. [vS.] Tearing about the right ej^e, especiall}^ below it. Stitches in the upper part of the left eyeball. 85. Cutting stitches in the left eye, toward the outer canthus. Itching in the canthi. Itching on the e^^elids. [5".] Redness and swelling of the eyelids, with nightly agglutina- tion. [5.] Inflammation of the eyes. 90. Watery, w^hite swelling of the e^^elids. \Hufel. Journ^ Dirty yellow color of the white of the eye, traversed b}^ in- jected veinlets. [5.] Sensation of weariness about the eyes, as if they lay deep in, especially in the afternoon. [Qf.] lODIUM. 787 Lachrymation of the eyes. \^Hufel. Joitrn.; Kuenzi.i.] Flow of tears. [Kolley.] 95. Twitching in the eyes (aft. sever, h.). Constant twitching to and fro of the lower eyelid. Quivering of the eyelids. [Kuknzi,!.] Dimness of the vision. \^Med. chir. Zeit.'] The light seems to her weaker and more indistinct. [5.] 100. Objects appear to her as through a veil. [kS.] Obscuration of the vision. [Gairdner; Kuenzli; RiCHTER.] Weakness of vision. [Forney; Schneider; Voigt.] Weakened, diminished visual power. \Hufel. Jour?i.'] At times she sees objects multiplied and cannot clearly dis- tinguish them. \_S.'] 105. Dark ringlets float dowm before the eyes, to the side and close to the visual axis (aft. 16 h.). Flickering before the eyes at times. \_S.~\ She cannot do fine sewing, because the stitches flit before her eyes. \_S.^ Sparks before the eyes. \_S.'] Fier}^, crooked rays dart down frequently obliquely to the visual direction, and also at a slight distance from the focus of the ray, round about the eye, but more in an upward direction, (aft. 24 h.). 110. Otalgia in the left ear. [_Gff.'] Straining pain in the right ear. [Gff.'] Tearing pressure in the pit under the right ear and beside it on the neck. \_Gff.'] Small, yellow scurf on the concha. \_Htb.'] Sensitiveness of the hearing to noise (4th d.). 115. Hardness of hearing. [Gairdner; Kuenzli; Richter.] Frequent din in the right ear, as in a mill. \_S.'] The nose is painful in its lower part, when he blows it, with- out coryza. [_Gff.'] Itching shooting, anteriorly, on the septum of the nose. A red, burning spot on the nose, below the ej^e. [S.'\ 120. An itching elevation on the nose. A small scab in the right nostril. \_S.~\ Bleeding of the nose when blowing it. \_S.'] Profuse epistaxis. \_Htb.'] The color of the face is changed. [Kuenzli ] 125. Pale contracted face. [Gairdner.] Paleness of the face. [Koleey; Kuenzei.] Paleness of the face of long duration. [Coindet, in Hufel. Joiirn. I.IV., A.^ Pale (ghostlike?) appearance. \Trs.'\ Yellow complexion. {^Ricsf s Magaz.; Neumann.] 130. The 3^ellovvness of the complexion diminishes; it becomes whiter (curative action). \Htb.'\ The face, which before was yellow, becomes brown so Symptoms of iodic saturation. — Hughes. 788 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. quickly, that in a few days the skin of a woman of twenty-eight looked as if it w^as smoked. [VoGEL.^] Peculiar alteration of the features. [Baup, in Hiifel. Joicr^~\ Change in the features. [^Hnfel. Jo2ir7i7\ Eyes sunken. [T)'^.] 135. Twitching of the facial muscles. \_Hufel. Journ.) Schmidt.] Suppurating ulcer on the left cheek, with swelling of the circumjacent glands, and a firm lump on the ulcerated spot, which w^as slow in dispersing; soon after, a second ulcer by the side of the first, w^hich, how^ever, healed more quickly. \Htb?\ Pressive pain in the right upper jaw. [Q^^.] The submaxillary glands are swollen, without pain (2d d.). {Htb:\ Toothache, with presive pain, now here, now there, on the right side and the left, in the molars. [Qf.] 140. Squeezing toothache in the right posterior molars. \_Gff.'\ Drawing pain in the teeth on the right side, toward the ear, attended with shooting pain. [5.] Cutting drawing and sensation of soreness, now on the left, now on the right side, in the roots or the gums of the lower in- cisors. \_Gff^^ Pain from looseness of the teeth and in the gums, while eat- ing. The teeth in the morning are more covered with mucus, are yellower and are more quickly dulled by weak vegetable acids. [JOERG.] 145. The gums are painful when touched. The gums are redder. [JoERG.] Inflammation and swelling of the gums. \Med. chir. Ztg.'] Bleeding of the gums. \_Gff.'] Gumboil on the gums of a low^er, hollow molar, with swelling of the cheek, extending up to below the eye. 150. In the mouth there appear, from time to time, vesicles, with swelling of the gums. \_Htb.~\ Aphthae in the mouth, with ptyalism. [VoiGT.] Small elevations on the inner side of the right cheek, at first only painful, with sore, pressive pain when touched; but after a few da5^s they sting and cut like an ulcer, especially on widely opening the mouth, in eating and in reading aloud; the parts around are also inflamed. [_Gff.'] The glands on the inner side of the cheeks are acutel}^ pain- ful, as if there was strong vinegar in the mouth. \_Htb.'] Smarting and pinching on the tonsils (at once). [JOERG.] 155. Putrid smell in the mouth, even in the morning when fasting, immediately after rinsing it with clean w^ater. [Gff.^ The tongue is disagreeably dr}' . [Richter.] Coated tongue. \_Trs.; Richter.] The tongue is coated thickly, the coating being of the same color as the substances thrown up. [Gairdner ] 1 From tincture in a goitroiTS subject. — Hughes. 2 From tincture in a goitrous subject. — Hughes. lODIUM. 789 Pressure in the left half of the palate. [Qf.] 160. Swelling and elongation of the uvula, with much spitting. The throat is strongly constricted. [S.~\ Sensation of constriction in the fauces. [Pkrrot.] Tormenting constriction of the throat. \Hufel. Jour7i.'\ Impeding deglutition, while drinking (water), as if the oesophagus was constricted and too weak to press down the beverage. 165. Sensation of fullness in the throat (6th d.). Pain in the oesophagus, increased by pressing on the larynx. [RiCHTER.] Pressive pain on the right side of the throat, more while not swallowing. Tearing in the throat, above the larynx. \Gff^ Shooting pain in the throat, as if it was in the larynx; also somewhat noticeable while swallowing. 170. Tickling formication in the throat, in the region of the larynx, in the morning, in bed. \Gff.'\ Disagreeable scraping in the fauces, with frequent secretion of saliva. [JoKRG.] Quickly passing burning and scraping in the fauces. [JoERG.] Burning and sensation of heat in the fauces. \Med. chir. ztg:\ Inflammation of the fauces and ulcers therein. [Perrot.] 175. Increased secretion of saliva, [Richter; Kuenzli; VoiGT.] Increased secretion of saliva, compelling frequent spitting, for several days. [JoERG ] Frequently, much watery saliva in the mouth. \^Htb^ Very bad taste in the mouth, especially when the stomach is quite empty or quite full. \Htb.'\ Abominable taste in the mouth. {Htb.l 180. Salty taste in the mouth (ist and 2d d.). [Joerg.] Bitter taste in the mouth. [ JoERG.] Bitter taste in the afternoon; the sweet plums have a bitter taste to her. [5.] Sourish, offensive taste in the mouth, all the day, especially while smoking. \Htb.'\ Sweet taste on the tip of the tongue (6th d.). 185. Thirst. [Baup; Kuenzi,!.] Much thirst, day and night (aft. 24 h.). Very much thirst, day and night. [JoERG.] Unusual, increased thirst. [JoERG; Neumann.] Violent thirst. [Perrot.] 190. Distressing thirst. [Gairdner.] The appetite is diminished. [Henning; Richter; Goeden, in Hiifel. Jour 71.'] Diminished appetite. [HeIvIvING and Suttinger. in Rusfs Magaz. XVI., 112.'] Lack of appetite. [Neumann.] 1 From tincture in a goitrous subject. — l/it^/ws. 790 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Total lack of appetite and of sleep. \H21fel. Joiirji.'] 195. Increased appetite. {Trs.-, Kuenzli; Baup; Richter and others.] Continued increase of appetite. [Matthey; Coindet.] Unusual hunger. [JoERG.] Gnawing hunger (aft. 3 h.). [JoERG.] Violent hunger. [Muhrbeck, in Hicfel. Jour7i. LIV. , D. 63.^] 200. Wild appetite. [Baup.] Voracity. \Med. chir. Ztg.'\ Appetite increased even to rabid hunger. [VoiGT.] Ravenous hunger, she cannot be satiated. Ravenous hunger, she would like to eat again directly after a meal; she also feels much better when she has eaten to full satiety. [5*.] 205. If he does not eat something every three or four hours, he feels anxious; but he dare not eat too much. The whole digestion proceeds more rapidly and regularly, wnth normal stools. [VoiGT.] Varying appetite, now voracious hunger, then no appetite. [VoiGT.] Great weakness of digestion. [Goeder; Massalieu; RoECHLiNG, in Rusfs Magaz. XV., 137.^ After dinner, feeling of weakness and general malaise. \_Gff.~\ 210. Eructation. \Htb ; VoiGT.] Eructation, with the smell of medicine. [ Joerg.] Continued empty eructation, from morning till evening, as if everything partaken of changed into air. Hiccup. [Matthey.] Qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, ever}- daj-; it goes off after eating; it lay heavy on the stomach. 215. Nausea. [Graefe; Henning; Perrot.] Nausea in the morning, at once after rising, with spasmodic pain in the stomach. \S^ Inclination to vomit. [VoiGT.] Fits of inclination to vomit, with heartburn, with a sensation as of a spoiled stomach. Vomiting. [Kuenei; Matthey and others.] 220. Violent vomiting. [Gairdner.] Violent, incessant vomiting. \Trs^ Obstinate vomiting, which especially comes on readily after eating. [Gairdner.] Incessant vomiting with diarrhoea. [Gairdner.] Yellowish, salty vomiting. \Htb7\ 225. Vomiting of bile. [///(^. ; VoiGT.] The secretion of bile is increased. [Richter.] Increased secretion of the gastric and pancreatic juices. [Richter.] Stomach troubles with constipation. [T^-^'i".] Pains in the stomach. [Kuenzli; Richter and others.] Effects when given for glandular indurations. — Hughes. ■ Observations on patients. — Hughes. lODIUM. 791 230. Pains above the stomach. [Orfila, TexicoL 11.^] Stomachache in the morning, going off after eructation. \S.'\ The most violent stomachache. [Kolley.] Extraordinary pain in the stomach and the bowels. [7>^.] The most excruciating pain in the stomach. [Gairdnkr.] 235. Pains in the stomach, with profuse bilious evacuations. [7>>?.] Violent pains in the stomach and in the fauces which were tense and obstructed and did not bear touching. [Pkrrot.] Pressure in the gastric region, increased every time he eats. [VOGEL, in Rust's Magaz.'] Fullness and inflation in the stomach, with quivering and increased warmth in the abdominal cavit}^ and forcing from there to the periphery of the body, as if sweat would break out. [JoERG.] Tension in the stomach and abdomen, after previous move- ments there. [JoERG.] 240. Cramp-pain in the stomach. [Per ROT.] Cramps in the stomach, frequently recurring. [Gairdner.] Gnawing pain in the upper part of the stomach. [Gairdner.] Gnawing corroding pains in the stomach. [Matthey.] Stitches in the pit of the stomach (aft. 5 d.). 245. Sharp pricking as with needles, in the upper border of the pit of the stomach. \_Gff.'] Throbbing in the pit of the stomach. [Perrot.] Increased warmth in the gastric region. [JoERG.] Burning in the stomach. [I,ocher-Baeber, in Hecker' s A?mal. I., 275.^] Burning in the pit of the stomach. 250. Inflammation of the stomach, in the region of the pylorus. [Perrot.] Small, linear ulcers in the stomach, which corroded the mucous membrane, which near the pylorus was inflamed, swollen and covered with a crust of coagulated lymph; in animals. [Htb. and 7>.] The pain in the region of the liver and the pit of the stomach is diminished (curative action). [S.~\ Pressure in the right hypochondrium. \_Gff.'] Pressure in the hepatic region, which also pains when touched. [.Gff.-] 255. Pressure and stitches in the hepatic region. [Suttinger.] Squeezing and dull cutting in the hepatic region. [_Gff.'] The left hypochondriacal region is hard and pains acutely when pressed upon. [5.] Single impulses of sore pressure in the region of the left hypo- chondrium. \_Gff.'] Sharp shooting pain in the left hypochondrium, as from incarcerated flatus. [_Gff.'] 260. Abdominal pains in the epigastrial region. \_Hfb.'] Great painfulness of the whole abdomen, as if from an inflam- mation of the mesenteric glands. \_Htb. it. Tr.'\ Pain in the hypogastrium, extending into the spine. 1 From swallowing 20-30 centigrammes in substance.— ////£:7/<\v. 2 Effects on patients.— ////.tj/^^'i. 792 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressive pain in the epigastrium, between the scrobiculus cordis and the navel. [6r^.] Pressure in the abdomen, beside the right hip. [Qf.] 265. Pressure in the hypogastrium, in frequent parox3^sms, chiefly when sitting, and gradually relieved bj' stretching; for several days in succession. Inflation in the epigastrium, with sharp pressure here and there, as from flatulence, from dinner time, all through the period of digestion. [Qf.] Swollen abdomen, ver}' much distended; she could not lie horizontall}^ without danger of suffocating. [Neumann.] Painful tension in the abdomen, with sensation of unusual pressing. {Hiifel. Jour?i.'] A drawing cramp-pain in the epigastrium, starting from the scrobiculus cordis. [Qf.] 270. Colic pains. [Richter.] Pains in the abdomen, like colic. [IItb.'\ Pinching and pressive pain in the abdomen. Cutting in the umbilical region, with pappy stool. [JOERG.] Violent cutting in the umbilical region, with call to stool. [JOERG.] 275. Drawing and pressure in the right renal region. \_Gff.~\ Burning tearing in the left side of the abdomen, near the hip. [.Gff.-] Stitches in the side of the abdomen. Sharp shooting pain in the left hypogastrium. Throbbing in the abdomen. \_Rusr s Maga2.~\ 280. Frequent straining and pressing toward the lower opening of the pelvis, with frequent diarrhoeic stools. [JoERG.] The abdominal troubles return, especiall}^ after partaking of food. [Richter.] The abdominal s^anptoms recur for several days, even weeks and months, on partaking of food. [T^'i-.] Abdominal dropsy. [Neumann.] In the right inguinal region, pressure. [Gff.'] 285. The glandular swellings in the inguinal region disappear (curative action). [Martini, in Rust's Magaz. XXIII., 180.^] The hernial region becomes inflamed from the (usual) truss (6th d.). In the morning, during inspiration, there is a tangible and audible rumbling on the side of the inguinal hernia. Obstruction of flatulence, in the left side of the abdomen. Pressing movements in the abdomen, from the stomach to the h5'pogastrium, chiefly toward the os pubis, the bladder and the testes, rarely with oppression toward the chest, sometimes attended with cutting. [Joerg.] 290. Rumbling in the abdomen, frequent. [JOERG.] Rumbling and noises in the intestines. [JoERG.] Discharge of flatus and stool, with slight cutting in the ab- domen. [KUENZLI.] 1 Effects on patients.— 7/?^^/^^J. lODiUM. 793 Increased emission of flatus. [Richter.] Emission of flatus, with a smell of rotten eggs. [JoERG.] 295. Increase of the peristaltic motion of the bowels. [Kuenzli.] Urging to stool, without evacuation; this only results after drinking cold milk, and then it comes eas}^ and without any effort. [5.] Indolent stool. [Neumann.] Difficult stool. Constipation, sometimes of long duration. [Gairdner.] 300. Obstinate constipation. [Trs.~\ Hard, knottj^ dark-colored evacuation. [7>5-.] Irregular stool; at one time constipation, then diarrhoea. [VOIGT.] Irregular stool; at one time constipation, then diarrhoea, with distension of the abdomen, rumbling and grumbling in it and torments from flatulence. [Goeden.] At times, obstinate constipation, then again violent diarrhoea. \_rrs.1 305. Several whitish stools during the day, softer than usual. [.S.] Increased evacuations. [RichTER.] Four times, pappy stools during the day, succeeded every time by burning in the anus. [JoERG.] Copious papescent evacuations, [JoERG.] Inclination to diarrhoeas. [Hufel. Joiirn.'] 310. Diarrhceic stools. [Baup; Kuenzi.1; RichTER.] Diarrhoeic stool. [JoERG.] Diarrhoea, which through its long duration is very exhaust- ing. [SUTTINGER.] Diarrhoea, in the morning. \_Htb.'] Violent attacks of diarrhoea, with colic. [Gairdner.] 315. Frequent diarrhoeic stools, with pressing and straining toward the hypogastrium. [Joerg.] Pappy stool, with cutting in the umbilical region. [JoERG.] Violent diarrhoea of a watery, foaming, whitish mucus, with pinching about the navel, and pressure on the crown of the head. [5.] Evacuations of thick mucus or of pus, while the faeces are re- tained, like a sort of dysentery. [7"r^.] Bloody, slimy, fetid, diarrhoeic stools. [Gairdner.] 320. After the stool, in the morning, w^hich was rather hard than soft, pressure in the hypogastrium. \_Gff.'\ Pressure in the rectum, in the evening in bed (aft. 36 h.). Violent itching on the anus. Violent itching on the anus, as from ascarides. [5.] Small, straining stitches in the anus, when sitting. [Htb.'] 325. Excoriation in the rectum, after a normal stool. Frequent excoriation, itching and burning on the anus. Burning of the anus, in the evening. The secretion of urine is obstinately suppressed. [7^;;s\] She passes hardly any urine, and that little is red (aft. 48 h.). 330. Scant}^ passage of very dark-colored urine. [NeujMANN.] Frequent call to urinate, with little secretion. [Jokkg.] 794 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Incessant urging to -urmate. \Hufel. Journ7\ Frequent micturition, with urging. [5.] Increased secretion of urine. [Richter.] 335. Copious and frequent passage of light-yellow, w^atery urine. [JOERG.] Increased secretion of a thickish urine, with very dark sedi- ment. [JoERG.] Involuntary micturition (af. 3d.). Dark, turbid, sometimes milky urine. [Qf".] Dark urine of 3'ellowish-green color. [JoERG.] 340. Ammoniacal smell of the urine. [JoERG.] Urine w^hich smarts and corrodes, when passed. Itching erosion in the orifice of the urethra. Keen cutting in the orifice of the urethra, when not urinating. Pricking, as from needles, in front in the orifice of the urethra (aft. 16 d.). 345. In the penis, anteriorly, very keen drawing; it is not mani- fest, whether it is more in the urethra or in the glans. [Qf.] Clucking tearing on the right side, close beside the penis. ^(^ff^ .... . , Pressive pain on the right side, close to the penis. [Qf".] Severe itching on the glans. Tickling in the glans, frequently recurring. [JoERG.] 350. Violent tickling on and below^ the glans. [(^.] Cutting drawing in the corona glandis. Repeated pressing and straining down toward the testes. [JOERG.] One of the testes is closely drawn up to the bell3^ A painless swelling of the right testicle disperses, with violent itching and burning in it, and the breaking out of an ill- smelling sweat (curative action). [Henning.] 355. The induration of the prostate gland is dispersed (curative action). [Martini.] Excitement of the sexual organs. [Kuenzei.] The sexual desire is startlingl}^ increased. \Hufel. Jou7ii^ Increased sexual instinct with men. [Richter.] Exaltation of the sexual instinct. [VoiGT.] 360. Erections take place slowly (5th d. ) Severe straining in the h3^pogastrium toward the female sexual organs. [Hiifel. Journ7\ Labor-like spasms in the hj^pogastrium. \Hufel. Journ.'] Drops}^ of the ovaries quickl^^ disappeared (curative action?). iTrs.-\ Induration of the uterus quickly passes into uterine cancer. [GoELiS, in Salzb. med. chir. Ztg., 1821, II., 272,^] 365. The induration of the uterus is diminished (curative action). [Keapproth, Hufel Journ, LVII., F. 89.^] The cancerous degeneration in the neck of the uterus is 1 Observation. The original is : '' Scirrhus uteri quickly becomes open cancer." — Hughes. - Observation. — Hughes. lODiUM. 795 diminished (curative action). Hennemann, in Hufel. Jourii. LVL, B. 3.T Hysterical attacks of marriageable girls. [ Trs. The menses, which were flowing, ceased. \Gr. The menses come too late by eight days, with vertigo and palpitation. [5.] 370. Irregular catamenia. [Suttinger.] Increased menstrual flow. \^'^K'^y^,Vl\ Riisf s Magaz, XIII., 291/] Unusually early, violent and profuse menstrual flow. [RiCHTER.] It readily causes hemorrhages from the uterus. [Formey, in Hufel. Jour7i^'\ Violent hemorrhage from the vagina. \Hufel. Joiirn.'\ 375. Violent hemorrhage from the vagina, for four weeks, in a plethoric woman of twenty-four 5^ears. [Schmidt.*] A uterine hemorrhage which came with every stool, with cutting in the abdomen and pains in the sacrum and the loins, ceases (curative action). [Hennemann ] Before the menses, heat rises into the head, with palpitation and with tension about the neck which became thicker. [5*.] The premonitor}^ symptoms of the menses disappear, and the menses set in without au}^ trouble. [Henning.] During the (normal) menses, pains in the sacrum. \S.'\ 380. At the cessation of the menses, great weakness. During the menses, great weariness. \S.'\ The pains and derangements during the menses cease, and they proceed without any troubles. [Woef, in Rusf s Magaz. XIII., 292.'] After the menses, palpitation. [5^.] The leucorrhoea ceases entirely (curative action). [Klapp- ROTH.] 385. A very inveterate leucorrhoea disappears entirely (curative action). [Martini.] A long-continued leucorrhoea, strongest at the time of the menses, which excoriated the thighs and corroded the linen, dis- appeared entirely (curative action). [Goeden.] The corroding leucorrhoea becomes milder and more and more scanty (curative action). [Keapproth.] -T* '^f^ 'l^ 'l^ ^K '1^ "^ ^ Sneezing without coryza, with immediate and considerable protrusion of the nasal mucus. \Gff^ Stoppage of the nostrils (aft. 28 h.). 390. Stuffed coryza, very frequent (chiefly in the evening); this in the open air becomes fluent with much expectoration. Fluent coryza, with much sneezing. [5.] Fluent coryza, like water. 1 Obser\'ation. — Hughes. -From tincture in a goitrous subject. — Hughes. •' From tincture in a goitrous subject. — Hughes. ^In a married woman, subject to such hemorrhages. — Hitghi ^Observations on patients. — Hug/ies. 796 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Increased secretion of mucus from the nose, for several daj^s. [JOERG.] Much 3'ellow mucus from blowing his nose. 395. Increased secretion of nasal mucus. [Richter.] The larynx is painful. [Vogel.] Pain in the throat, with expectoration of indurated mucus. Pressure in the region of the larynx, extending to the oesopha- gus, as if these parts were swollen. [Joerg.] Pressive pain, with shooting in the region of the larjmx and of the sublingual glands, recurring several times in the same day. [Joerg.] 400. Pressure in the throat, forcing him to hawk up much tena- cious mucus. \Htb.'\ On pressing on the larynx, increased pain of the oesophagus. [Richter.] Contraction and heat in the larjmx. \Htb?^ Contraction and heat in the throat. [Orfila.] Sensation of soreness in the throat and the chest, in bed, with wheezing in the throat and drawing pain in the lungs, synchronous with the heart-beat. {_Htb.'\ 405. Inflammation of the trachea. [7)-^.] Roughness of the windpipe, the whole day. [JoERG.] Hoarseness. [Coindet.] Hoarseness, in the morning. [5^.] Hoarseness, for more than two weeks. \^Htb.'\ 410. Hoarseness in the morning, after rising, compelling him to hawk up tenacious mucus. \Htb^ Hoarseness, the whole day. [Joerg.] Deeper and quite deep voice. Sensation, as if something lay in the larynx which he could eject by hawking, the whole day and the evening. \_Htb^^ Intolerable crawling and tickling in the larynx, which can only be removed by hawking and coughing, with gathering of water in the mouth; in the morning, in bed. [6^.] 415. Violent clearing of the throat (2d d.). \Htb^ Frequent clearing of the throat, in the morning. \_Htb7\ Increased secretion of mucus in the windpipe. [JoERG.' More profuse secretion of the bronchial mucus. [Richter. Increased secretion of mucus in the throat, w4th hoarse voice. \Gjf.-\ 420. The secretion of mucus extends even to the Eustachian tube, and in the throat there remains a sort of soreness. \Htb.'\ Expectoration of mucus from the throat, in the morning after rising, with a sensation of soreness therein. Tenacious mucus accumulates profusely in the throat, in the evening. \Htb?^ Expectoration of tenacious mucus from the throat, with pressure there, as if there was something lodged in the wa^^ which he thinks he might swallow down, in the morning. [77/3.] A constant inclination to a troublesome hawking up of tena- cious mucus from the windpipe, with crawling and shooting in lODiuM. 797 the region of the larynx, now disappears quickly and permanently (curative effect). [Martini.] 425. Inclination to cough. [VoGEiv.] Irritation to cough, from a severe tickling in the throat. [kS.] Short cough, from tickling in the throat. \_Gff.~\ Cough, with exertions, so that she comes near vomiting; after expectoration of mucus it ceases. \_S.'\ Cough, with pressure and tightness of the chest. [VoiGT.] 430. Cough in the evening. Frequent dry cough in the evening. [JoKRG.] Dry tussiculation. [GoELiS.] Dry cough. [Matthey.] Frequent dry cough. [Coindet.] 435. Much dry cough, with tightness, pressure and burning on the chest. [JoERG.] Frequent deep, dry cough, caused by pressure in the chest. [JOERG.] Deep, dry cough, with shooting in the chest. [Joerg.] Occasional excitation to cough, with tenacious expectoration. [Htb.-] Short cough, from a tickling in the throat, with thick, yellow expectoration, with a good appetite, but a wretched appearance. 440. Cough, with expectoration of mucus, after previous heaviness, extending from the throat into the chest, impeding the breathing. [5.] Rattling of the mucus on the chest, with roughness below the sternum and heaviness of the chest. [5*.] Expectoration of mucus from the chest. [Tr^-.] Mucous expectoration, sometimes mixed with blood. [Schneider.^] Expectoration streaked with blood. [GoEEiS.] 445. Pulmonary consumption is increased. [Guenther, in Har- less.''] Pulmonary consumption. [Carminati, in Giern. di Fisica, Dec, 1S21.'] Severe respiratory trouble. [GoEiviS.^] Difficult breathing. [Kuenzi.1.] Difficult breathing. [Matthey.] 450. Short breathing (5th d.). Tightness of the chest. [K0LI.EY.] Asthma, with pains when breathing deepl^^ stronger and quicker heart-beat and smaller, more frequent pulse. [JoERG.] Asthma, and the respiration is impeded in the throat for four- teen days \Htb^ Trouble in dilating the chest, during inspiration. [Grfila.'"] 455. Feeling when he dilates the chest, in breathing, as if he had to overcome a great obstacle. \Htb.^ 1 Not traceable. — Hughes. - Not accessible. — Hughes. ^Obsei-vation. The observer mereh^ says that in three cases the einaciatiou and prostra- tion was so great as to threaten a slow phthisis.— ///^.o-^/^.v. ■* Not found. — Hicg/ics. ^ In the original: " Breathing sufficiently free, but chest at times contracted during in- spiration. — Hughes. 798 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC EISKASES. Lack of breath. [Neumann.] Want of breath. [Gairdner.] Suffocating catarrh. [Orfiea.^] Sensation of weakness in the chest and in the region of the scrobiculus cordis. [Schneider.] 460. Pain in the chest. [Matthey.] Sore pain in the chest on both sides continually during respi- ration and when touching it. Pressure, somewhat deep in the right side of the chest. [Qf.] Pressive pain in the right side of the chest, aggravated at every inspiration, for an hour after dinner. [JoERG.] Pressure and tightness in the chest, as after inhaling vapors of sulphur. [JoERG.] 465. Pressure, tightness and burning in the middle and sometimes also in the sides of the chest, with dry cough. [JoERG.] Shooting in the chest, with excitation to deep, dry cough. [JOERG.] Sharp shooting in the middle of the right breast, only when expiring. [Qf.] Sharp shooting in the lower part of the right side of the chest, near the scrobiculus cordis, when inspiring. [Qf.] Rush of blood to the chest, with tendency to inflammation. \Hufel. Journ.'] 470. Violent throbbing in the chest, and palpitation, aggravated by every muscular exertion, so that she could not stand for a minute without coming near fainting; a quiet, horizontal position gave the greatest relief. [Neumann.] Palpitation. [Coindet; Gairdner and many others.] Violent palpitation. \Hufel. Journ. and RiisV s Magaz.'\ Severe palpitation, w^hich could be manifestly observed despite his thick clothing, and could even be heard for several steps. [Neumann.] Palpitation the whole daj^ till he goes to sleep. [5.] 475. Spasmodic palpitation; she feels it down to the navel, but most severely in the scrobiculus cordis. [5.] The palpitation disappears entirely' (curative action). [5".] Squeezing the heart together. [5.] Burning, lancinating tension in the integuments of the chest. Tearing in the integuments of the right side of the chest. 480. The female breasts enlarge, while the goitre diminishes in !?everal females. [Perrot.] Sometimes the breasts dwindle away. [Coindet.] Dwindling, falling awa}^ of the breasts. [Kuenzi^i.] The breasts hang down relaxed, deprived of all fat. [Neu- mann.] Dwindling of the breasts, in two females. [Hufel. Jou?n.'] 485. Dwindling awa}^ of the formerh' full breasts, so that two years after the use of iodine, there was no trace of the breasts and of the lacteal glands. [Hufel. Joiuvi.'] 1 Not found. — Hjighes. lODiuM. 799 The glands of the female mammae dwindle away entirely. [VOIGT.] The desire to nurse the baby is diminished, with injurious 'effects. In the coccyx and the sacrum, a pressive pain which increases and diminishes. [Qf.] In the sacrum, stitches (aft. 15 d.). 490. In the back, itching above the right hip. Cramps in the back. [T^^^.] Stitches in the scapulae, when lifting something (aft. 14 d.). Burning on the right scapula. \Gff^ On the lower part of the neck, near the left shoulder, a rheu- matic pinching, aggravated by touching it, seemingly relieved by an eructation, but frequently recurring afterward. [QT-] .495. Rheumatic tension in the right side of the neck. [Qf.] Tearing in the right side of the neck. \_Gff^ Tension on the outside of the neck. \Htb. u. Tr^ Constriction of the throat. \_S.'\ Troublesome sensation of constriction of the neck. [Pkschier in Hufel. Journ. LX., B. 97.^] .500. The neck becomes thicker from loud speaking. [S.] The swelling of the goitre increases and becomes more pain- ful. [Graefe.] Enlargement and painful induration of the goitre. [COINDET.] Induration of the goitre. [Coindet; Peschier.] Pain and throbbing in the goitre. [Graefe.] 505. Pains in the goitre. [KuENzr.1; Guenther, in the Salz. med. Zeitg., 1822, III., 160.^] Painful tension in the goitre. [Baup.] Constant sensation of constriction in the goitre. \_H21fel. Journ.'] Enlargement and hardness of the goitre, during the first days, then decrease of the same. [Schneider.] Diminution of the swelling of the neck (curative action) . \_S~] . 510. Dwindling away of old and hard or doughy swellings of the thyroid glands and of large goitres (curative effect). [Coindet; Neumann; Graefe and many others.] Swelling of the glands on the neck and in the nape disap- pear permanently (curative effect). [Henning; Martini; Neumann.] Redness on the neck and on the chest, as if suffused with blood. [5.] Yellow spots on the neck. [Htb.'] Induration of the axillary glands. [Roecheing."'] 515. Glandular swellings in the axillae disappear. [Henning; Martini.] In the abnormally elevated shoulder, drawing tearing pains (2dd.). 1 Observation. — Hughes. " From local use of ointment of iodide of potassium. — H/tg/ws. ■^ Instead of " induration " the original has " suppuration.''— ///^;>7/<',v. 8oO HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Rheumatic pains, in the left shoulder. [Qf.] Severe stitches in the shoulder-joint, also at rest. In the arm, on the outside, a pain in the bones, which wakes from sleep and keeps him from again falling asleep, aggravated by Ij'ing on it. 520. Rheumatic pains in the arms. [JoERG.] Tearing pain in both arms, after slight manual labor. Paralytic weariness in the arms, in the morning on awaking, in bed. Subsultus tendinum in the arms. [T^^'^s".] Tearing in the left elbow. 525. Pressure in the bend of the left elbow. Lancinating pain in the right wrist, when grasping or lifting anj^thing. Pain, as after a blow upon the metacarpal bone of the index, aggravated b^^ touching. [6^?'.] Tearing in the metacarpal bone of the right index. Heat in the hands. 530. Trembling of the limbs. [Perrot; Gairdner.] Slight trembling of the hands. [Richter.] Violent trembling of the hands, so that he could onl}^ work with them at certain hours of the da^^ [Forme v.] The hands move in zigzag fashion. [Richter.] Subsultus tendinum, in the hands. [Richter.] 535. A round, burning, itching spot on the right hand between the thumb and the index; with two whitish vesicles upon it; it was relieved by rubbing, and went off on the third da}- . \_S.'] In the finger-joints, on flexing them, a tensive pain, as if they would break: with some swelling and painfulness in pressing on them, when the}^ are stretched out (aft. some d.). Tearing in the posterior joint of the right thumb. [Qf.] Tearing in the knuckle of the right little finger. [Qf.] Tearing in the whole of the index and of the middle finger of the left hand. [Gf.] 540. Trembling of the fingers. [Kuexzli.] Subsultus tendinum in the fingers. [7>5.] Paronychia on the left index, from a little prick in the finger, near the nail. In the left natis, a pressure, as if in the os ischium. [Qf.] Between the left hip and the head of the femur, an intermit- tent sharp tearing, much aggravated by moving the joint. [6^.] 545. Turgidit}^ in the lower limbs, almost like cramp in the thighs and legs, mereh^ in sitting, not when lying, walking or standing. Rheumatic drawing in the whole of the left lower limb, especi- alh' in the thigh and knee, with humming in the heel, in the even- ing in bed; rather increased b}^ motion. [Qf.] Heaviness as of lead, in the lower limbs. \_S.~\ Swelling of the lower limbs. [Coindet.] Swelling and trembling of the lower limbs. [Kuenzli.] 550. CEdematous swelling of the lower limbs. [Neumann.] Restlessness in the lower limbs. [Kuenzli.] lODIUM. 80 1 Trembling of the lower limbs, which makes walking difficult, unsteady and unsafe. [Kuenzli.] Paralysis of the lower limbs. [GoKLis.] The thigh pains, especially at night in bed. [Schneidkr.] 555. Pains of a peculiar kind in the thighs. [GoEi.iS.^] Rheumatic pain in the left thigh. [6J^.] Pinching tearing in the left thigh, near to the head of the femur. [6^#.] Sharp, shooting tearing in the middle of the left thigh, toward the inner side. [Qf.] Twitching of the muscles of the thigh. 560. Excoriation of the female thighs, where they touch in walking. Tearing in the left knee. \_Gff.'\ Dull tearing, on the outer side of the right hough. \Gff^ A white swelling of the knee disappears (curative effect). The leg pains on the tibia, as if festering. 565. Tearing on both sides of the leg, close above the ankles. \Gjf.-\ In the ankle-joint violent cramp, with twitchings, at night. Cramps in the feet. [Gairdner.] Pressive, spasmodic pain in the foot, from the middle toe to the ankle. Acute, constant pain in the inner half of the right heel. \_Gff.^ 570. Single, sharp stitches in the ankles. Heaviness of the feet, like lead. \S^ Swelling of the feet, followed by their rapid emaciation and becoming thin. \Trs.'\ CEdematous swelling of the feet. [Neumann.] Subsultus tendinum of the feet. \Trs.; Richter.] 575. Sweat of the feet, so sharp that it erodes the skin. Shooting tearing under the nail of the left big toe \_Gff^ The corns ache. \Htb^ Erratic pains in the joints. [7>^.] Rheumatic pains in the trunk, on the neck and in the arms. [JOERG.] 580. Sensation of numbness in the upper and lower extremities. [FORMEY.] Sensation of numbness and trembling in the limbs. [VoiGT.] Paralysis of the limbs. [GoEiyiS.] Liable to catch cold, and thence inflammation of the eyes. Shooting itching in various parts of the body. 585. Sensation as of violent flea-bites all over the bod}- , day and night. Itching on an old cicatrix of an ulcer (on the leg), cured many years before. Eruption of itching pimples on the old cicatrix. On the arms, the breast and the back, small, red. dry pimples, which at first itch. {^Htb.'\ 1 Preceding S. <^^i.~HHghcs. 52 802 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Dirty 3'ellow color of the skin, for five or six weeks. [Koebe, in the Zeitschr. f. N'at. u. Heilk. V., i, 91.^] 590. Rough, dry skin. [Neumann.] Induration of the glands. [Roechling.^] The swellings of certain glands on the neck, the axillae and the groin disappear (curative action). [Martini.] It excites the glandular system, the glands of the buccal cavit}', the stomach, the liver and the pancreas, and it promotes in these parts the secretion of the juices. [Kuenzli.] Throbbing in all the arteries, at ever}- muscular exertion. \Rusf s Magaz^ 595. Very troublesome throbbing in all the larger arterial trunks. [Neumann.] The blood is readiU^ heated, with obtuseness of the head and subsequent headache. [VoiGT.] The circulation is easil}^ excited and accelerated. [VoiGT.] Erethism of the vascular S5^stem, especially of the veins. [Kuenzli.] Ebullitions of blood. [Richter.] 600. Violent ebullitions of blood. \Hufel. Joicni.'] Disposition to hemorrhages. \Hnfel. Joium.'] Hemorrhages. [Kolley.] Hemorrhages from various organs. [Voigt.] Great excitement of the nervous S3^stem. [HufeL Joiirn.'] 605. Increased sensitiveness of the whole body. [Hufel. Joiirn.'] Restlessness in the limbs. [Kuenzli.] A restless and morbid state, with a quivering motion from the gastric region toward the w^hole surface of the body, as if he w^as about to tremble or as if a general pulsation w^as about to break out, with a general increase of heat, seeming to come from the stomach; then a pressure in the cardiac region, a weight on the chest, with difficult breathing and acceleration of the pulse by seven or eight beats. [Joerg.] Trembling. [Coindet; Gairdner.] Trembling of the limbs. [Kolley; Matthey.] 630. Trembling of the limbs, especially of the hands. [Gairdner.^] Trembling of the fingers and of the e^^elids. [Kuenzli.] Trembling of a peculiar kind. [Gairdner.] Trembling, first of the hands, and then also of the arms, of the feet and the back, so that he can only walk tottering and unstead}', and the hand, which moves in a zigzag fashion, can- not guide anything straight to his mouth; the trembling parts can easih^ be held fast w^hen at rest; general movements at the same time are painful and the circulation is accelerated, wdth a small, threadlike pulse. [7>'^.] Cramps. [Kolley; Kuenzli.] 635. Spasmodic movements of the limbs. [Voigt.] Violent cramps in the back and in the feet. [Ti's.'] 1 From external applications. — Hughes. - See note to S. 514. — Hughes. 3 There is a gaphere in the numbering in the original. Instead of 610, H. proceeds at once to 630. — Trans. lODIUM. 803 A^iolent cramps and convulsive twitches of the arms, the back and the legs, which are scarcely intermitted for a moment. [Gairdner.] Subsultus of the tendons. [Kuenzli; Neumann.] Subsultus of the tendons on the hands and the feet. [Rich- TER.] 640. Subsultus tendinum on the arms, fingers and feet. [TV^-.] Catching at flakes. [Neumann.] A sort of East Indian cholera. [7>5.] Walking becomes difficult, tottering and unsteady. [Rich- TER.] Difiicult, vacillating, unsteady w^alk from tremulousness of the limbs. [Kuenzel] 645. Heaviness in the limbs, in the morning (8th d.). Heaviness in the limbs. [Kuenzli.] Heaviness in the limbs and sensation of lassitude. [KoeeEy.] Great weariness in the afternoon, after a short walk, with a sensation of fasting, but not of hunger. [Qf.] Lassitude, so that perspiration breaks out on her when she speaks. 650. Lassitude. [Kuenzei; Neumann; Schneider.] Complete prostration of strength. \Hufel. Jour7i.'\ Fatigued, cross and slow to move. [JoEkG.] Sensation of weakness. [Rudoeph.] Weakness of the muscles. [Coindet; Kuenzei.] 655. Long continued weakness of the muscles. [Coindet.] Decrease of strength. [Kuenzli; Coindet.] Loss of all strength. [Coindet; Matthey.] Prostration. [Baup; Voigt.] Great prostration. [Schneider; Formey; Hufel. Journ^ 660. Tendency to swoons and cramps. [VoiGT.] Swoons. \jRiifel Journ7\ Emaciation. [Baup; Matthey; Perrat.] Rapid emaciation. [Coindet ; VoiGT.] Visible, manifest emaciation. \Hufel Journ. \ SutTinger.] 665. General emaciation of the whole body. [Clarus, in Gilberf s Annal\ Locher-Balber VIII., 309.^] Severe emaciation. [Kuenzli.] Extreme, sudden emaciation. [Gairdner.] Severe emaciation, which may reach an extraordinarily high degree., [Gairdner; Richter.] So severe an emaciation, that the arms and the bod}^ are al- most fleshless, her breast quite flat, her calves entirel}^ disappeared , and her thighs no thicker than her fore-arms in her da^^s of good health. [Gairdner.] 670. The greatest emaciation, till he is a mere skeleton, [(w-.] Emaciation, lasting a wdiole year, until he can no more be recognized, with general weakness of the muscles, attended with unusually good appetite. [Eocher-Balber.] Chronic emaciation, paleness of the face, and w^eakness of the niuscles. [Coindet ] 1 Observation. — Hughes. 804 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Wasting Si\Y3.y. {Hiifel. Journ.'\ Wasting awa}^ with slow fever (removed by China). [ZiEGER, in Dienbach's neuest. Entdeck. ^] 675. Corpulence and cheerfulness return (curative effect). [Martini.] Nutrition is improved (curative effect). [VoiGT.] A girl who had been remarkabl}^ phlegmatic, loses this dis- position, becomes stronger and more liveh', and her muscles re- ceive a greater mobilit}^ (after effect). [Henning.] Swelling and pain in the affected parts. \]\Ied. chir. Zeit.'] Disappearance of a fungus articularis, which had arisen in consequence of measles (curative effect). \_Rusf s Magaz.'] 680. CEdematous swelling of the whole body, which does not pass off. [ROECHLING.] Dropsical Swellings. [Formey; Kuenzli.] General drops}^ [Voigt.] General drops}^ of the skin and abdomen. \_Rusf s Magaz.'] Apoplex}'. [^Rjisf s Magaz.'] 685. Death, with partly local and partly general inflammatory phenomena. [Richter.] No desire for sleep (6th d.). Restless sleep. [Joerg.] Restless sleep, at night. [Voigt.] Restless sleep, with anxious dreams. [5.] 690. Sleeplessness. [Baup; Coindet; Formey and many oth.] Sleeplessness for eight da^^s; she did not sleep a moment. [Trs.'\ Sleep full of dreams. [Gairdner.] \&Ly vivid dreams, from which he would like to awake, but cannot; with sensation of fatigue after awaking. \_Gff.'] Dreams, which he cannot recollect, during a sound sleep. [5.] 695. Anxious dreams. [Richter.] Distressing, restless dreams. [5.] Anxious dreams, about deceased persons. [5.] She dreams ever}' night; about swimming in water, walking in mud, that her daughter had tumbled into the well, etc. At night, cold feet. 700. Coldness of the skin. [Neumann.] An unusual chill frequentl}' shakes him, even in the warm room, and he does not feel well all day. \_H'tb.'] Warmth of the skin is increased. [Orfila; Voigt.] Increased animal warmth of the whole body. [Ru- dolph; Richter.] Fh-ing heat. \_S.~\ 705. Fever, in which chilliness alternates with flying heat. \Hiifel. Jour?!.'] Feverish states. [Richter; Baup; Kolley and many oth.] Fever with delirium and subsultus tendinum. \_Hufel. Journ^ 1 Not accessible.— //"?<^/z^^. KALI CARBONICUM. 805 Fever, with dryness and coldness of the skin, soft, quick pulse, delirium, subsultus tendinum and catching flakes. [Nku- MANN.] Quartan fever. [Suttingkr.] 710. Pulse strong, large and full. [JoKRG.] Quick, hard pulse. [CoindeT; Voigt.] Accelerated, increased pulse. [Coindkt; Matthey; KuENZLi and many oth.] Quicker pulse, accelerated by fifteen beats. [Htb.'] Quicker pulse, accelerated up to eighty-six beats. [Oreila.] 715. Acclerated, full, hard pulse. [VoiGT.] Small, threadlike, acclerated pulse. [Kuenzli; RichTER.] Small, hard pulse, so quick that it could hardly be counted. [Gairdner.] Small, very frequent, suppressed pulse. [7>^.] Soft and quicker pulse. [Neumann.] 720. The beats of the heart and the pulse were synchronous; the pulse was small and weak, and when she kept still, it was but little acclerated; but with every motion, it was accelerated, as also was the beat of the heart. [Neumann.] Night-sweat. Profuse night-sweat and little sleep. [JoERG.] In the morning, she awakes in a perspiration, and feels more languid, \_htb, 21. Tr.~\ Sourish night-sweat all over, every morning, and the first hour afterward, she is very faint in her lower limbs. KALI CARBONICUM, SALT OF TARTAR. [Half an ounce of purified tartar, moistened with a few drops of water, is pressed together into a ball, which is rolled up into a piece of paper and allowed to dry; then it is brought to a red heat between the glowing charcoal of a grate (or of a draught furnace). It is then taken out, laid in a porcelain saucer and covered with a linen cloth; it is allowed to attract moisture from the air in a cellar, which causes the alkaline salt partially to deliquesce, and, if it is allowed to stay there a few weeks, it will deposit even the last trace of lime. A clear drop* of this preparation is then triturated three times with loo grains of sugar of milk each time, within three hours, to the one millionth powder attenuation 'Kali I); one grain of this third trituration is then raised by twenty-seven dilution vials to the decillionth djmami- zation (Kali X). The carbonate of potash secured in this manner has proved itself most useful where the following morbid symptoms predominated, or at least were also present: * This will be a salt of tartar sufficiently pure for our purposes. I would again repeat, that I have endeavored to secure the medicinal material for homoeopathic use, wherever practicable, in the most simple and natural manner, and to give directions of this kind; so that every phy,sician, wherever he may be, may secure the same substance. For this pur- pose, which was to me most important (and not mereh'- to avoid every appearance of ostenta- tion and puristic pedantry, which would in this matter have beeu altogether out of place). I had to avoid as far as possible all directions which would have led to difficult chemical opera- tions, by means of costly apparatus, to secure the absolute chemical purity of the medicinal substances used. 8o6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Peevishness; tbnidity; lack of memor}^; dizziness; stolid feeling in the head; vertigo, as if rising in the stomach; headache when out driving; headache, while sneezing and coughing; morning-head- ache; headache with nausea; pressive pain the occiput; rush of blood to the head; hissing in the head; great tendency of the ex- ternal head to catch cold; scurf 3^ eruption of the head; dryness of the hair of the head; falling out of the hair; morning-sweat on the forehead; swelling of the eye ; agglutination of the e^^es in the morn- ing; lachrymation; floating specks before the eyes; the eye is dazzled by the light; stitches in the ear; pains, shooting in the ears outward; weakness of the hearing, dull hearing; ulceration of the inside of the nose; dullness of olfaction; heat of the face; flying heat of the face; yellowness of the face; bloatedness of the face; drawing pain in the face; toothache, only when eating; shooting toothache; palate full of mucus; hawking up of mucus; sour taste in the mouth; spoiled taste; bitter taste in the mouth ; rabid hunger; great liking for sugar; frequent eructation; sour eructations; nausea; anxietj^ with incHna- tion to vomit; nausea during eating; fullness of the stomach after eat- hig; tension transversely across the stomach; pinching in the stomach; pressure in the liver; sprained pain in the liver when stooping; pres- sure in the hypogastrium when stooping; heaviness and restlessness in the abdomen; inactivity and coldness in the abdomen; labor-like colic; much flatulence; incarceration of flatus; no emission of flatus; continual emission of flatus; inactivity of the rectum; difficult evacu- ation of the faeces, on account of their large formation; constipation; constipation every other da}^; costiveness and difficult discharge of stool; mucus wdth the stool; anxiety before the stool; varices of the anus; itching of the anus; pressive pain in the rectum, before dis- charge of flatus; tenesmus of the bladder; frequent micturition, day and night; the sexual impulse is dormant; lack of sexual impulse; (surexcitation of the sexual instinct;) lack of erections; lack of pollutions; (too many pollutions;) swelling of the testicle; after coitus, weakness of the body, especiall}^ of the eyes; (suppression of the menses, with anasarca and ascites;) menses too scanty; meyises too early; during the menses, an itching eruption and excoriation be- tween the thighs; sharpness, itching and erosion on and in the geni- tals; vaginal discharge. Dryness of the nose; stuffed nostrils; stuffed coryza; hoarseness; cough; nocturnal cough; expectoration of pus; expectoration of pus when coughing; spasm of the chest when coughing; difficult breath- ing; wheezing on the chest; morning-asthma; «5//z;;2(2 when walking a little faster than usual; spasmodic asthma; spasm of the chest; palpitation; palpitation and orgasm of the blood in the morning on KALI CARBONICUM. 807 awaking; pain in the sacrum; pain in the sacrum from a fall; draw- ing pain from the sacrum to the middle of the back; drawing pain in the back; stiffness between the scapulae; stiffness of the nape; weak- ness in the cervical muscles; goitre; pressure on the shoulders; the arms go to sleep; the upper arms go to sleep; weakness in the arms; lassitude of the arms, in the morning in bed; stiffness of the elbow- joint; trembling of the hands in writing; paralytic pain in the wrist; convulsive twitching of the fingers in sewing. Tearing pressure ni the thigh and leg; nocturnal tearmg in the lozver limbs; crawling shudder on the tibiae; coldness of the feet, in the evening in bed; stiffness in the ankle-joint; swelling of the leg; burning pain in the legs and the feet; cold feet; fetid sweat of the feet\ shooting and burning in the ball of the big toe; corns painful when touched; draw- ing pains in the limbs; the fingers and toes are drawn crooked; the limbs go to sleep; tendency to strains; tremulous lassitude; weak- ness after parturition; readiness to take cold; lack of per spiral io7i and inability to perspire; anasarca and ascites; red, itching, burning, spots on the body; herpes; old warts in the face; drowsiness by day; drowsiness early in the evening; sleep full of fancies; anxious sleep, full of dreams; frightful dreams; twitching in sleep; tendency to shudder by day; heat in the morning in bed; great tendency to sweat while walking; 7iight-sweat. Patients suffering from ulceration of the lungs rarely get well without this antipsoric. Nitric acid is frequently homosopathically indicated after kali. The observations marked Gff. are by the Royal Councilor, Baron 'von Gersdorff; those marked Gil. by Dr. Goullon, in Weimar; Htb., Dr. Hartlaub; Ng , an anonymous contributor in Hartlaub und Trinks' Reine Arzneimittell., audi?/., Dr. Runimel. KALI. Great dejection, without anxiety. Dejection (ist d. ). The mind is without tone. Troubled mood, with disposition to weep, after bodily fatigue in the open air. SjGff^ 5. Sad, she feels lonesome; she seeks for corapan}^ to cheer her up. \_Ng.-\ Great sadness, she has to weep without cause, in the evening. IHtb.-] A pathogenesis of Kali carbonicuni appeared in Vol. IV. of the first edition of this work (1830), and already contained— besides Hahnemann's own— the S3nnptonis referred to Rutn- mel and v. Gersdorff, doubtless obtained from the 30th dil. Those of Goullon added here, presumably come from a similar source; but the main addition in the present pathogenesis is from the symptom list of Hartlaub and Nenning (chiefly the latter) in Hartlaub and Trink's ArzneimitteUchyc, Vol. \\\.—Huo:hes. 8o8 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. lyachrymose mood; she felt like dissolving in tears constantly (aft. 20 d.). Very ill-humored; she has to weep much, because it was con- stantly on her mind that she had to die. Anxious oppression, breaking out into tears (ist d.). [Hfd.J 10. Anguish and great sadness. Anxiety and dislike of company. Anxiety every day. Full of apprehension. He is afraid that he might not get well. 15. Apprehensive and anxious about her disease. Anxious ideas infest him in the evening. Troubled ideas about the future. Restlessness of the mind. Hasty thought and action. 20. Irresolution. Desponding and pusillanimous in a high degree. Timidity, in the evening, in bed. Fearful about being alone. Great timidity. 25. Readil}^ frightened, especially by a slight touch of the body. She is frightened by an imaginary appearance (e. g., as if a. bird w^as flying toward the window) and she utters a loud scream. Very peevish, in the evening, on going to sleep, and in the morning on awaking. Cross, without cause (5th d.). Unusual ill-humor, which is seen in his features, before he himself is aware of it. \_Gff.'] 30. Peevish mood, as if she could not do anything to suit herself. She is always in antagonism with herself; she knows not what she wants, and feels exceedingly unhappy Contrary disposition; he is self-willed and often does not know himself what he wishes. Contrar}^ mood; she demands impetuously; is not satisfied with anything; she is beside herself, and furiously angry, if every- thing does not go according to her wishes, and often does not her- self know what she really wants. Impatient with his children. 35. Very irritable, as after vexation. Sensitively irritable. Irritable mood. Irritable, peevish mood. '■^) Easily rendered cross. 40. Extremely cross mood (the first 11 d.). I Very peevish, she has no pleasure in anything. i' He gets vexed at everything and is always cross. Peevish, sulky mood; every trifle vexes him and every noise ; is disagreeable; worse at noon and in the evening. f Cross and angry thoughts, in the morning, on awaking, so \ that he gnashes with his teeth (aft. 4 d.). | 45. Readily excited to anger. \_Gff.'] ^ f ■ (I 1 KALI CARBONICUM. 809 She readily becomes violent. Indisposed to everything and indifferent. Indisposed to work. [Qf^] Changeful mood, now good and quiet, then passionate and angry about trifles; often hopeful, often despondent. 50. Absent-minded; he finds it difficult to fix his attention on any special subject. \_Gff.'] Lack of presence of mind; he cannot proceed right along in his business (aft. 15 h.). He often cannot find the right word and the right expression, and makes slips in speaking. Delirium b}^ day and by night. Lack of recollection, as if in the occiput, with much talking; it goes off on shutting the eyes. 55. UnconsciousnCvSS for several minutes, so violent that all his senses failed him, and he would have fallen down, if he had not held on to something (aft. 18 d.). Sensation as if her thoughts vanished, for a few moments. Sensation at times, as if her thoughts and her memory w^ere gone, with whirring in the head. Chaotic and stupid feeling in the head, in the evening. [^/.] As if intoxicated (aft. 4d.). 60. Frequent obtusion in the head. Obtuseness of the head, as after a spree, and as if the ears were stopped up, with nausea almost to vomiting (aft. 8 d.). [-/?/.] The head is frequently benumbed in the morning, with heavi- ness of the head, in the region of the eyebrows. The whole head is benumbed, as if screwed in a vice, with shooting in the brain, in frequent intervals. [A^.] Gloomy in the head, as if he had not slept enough, in the morning, after rising, and as if overclouded, with lack of cheer- fulness. [A^.] 65. Weakness in the head. Weakness in the head, just above the eyes, after walking fast (17th d.). Vertigo, as if intoxicated, while walking, so that he staggers from one side to the other. [A^.] Vertigo, like reeling, while standing and walking; better in the open air. Vertigo, especiallj^ after eating. 70. Vertigo, at once on rising, as if her head were too light; she has to hold on to something. Slight fit of vertigo, as often as he rises from his chair and turns around. Vertigo, as if there was an abyss behind him, and he was about to fall down into it, on turning around after looking into a mirror and after reading. Vertigo, on turning around. \_Rl.'] Vertigo, on quickly turning the body and the head. 75. Giddy in the head, chiefly in the morning and evening. iRl.-] Yerj giddy, also while sitting (aft. 30 h.). [AV.] 8lO HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Vertigo while sitting, as if tottering to and fro (before a meal. ) Vertigo while sitting, so that he dares not rise for fear of falling. INg.-] Vertigo, while writing and in the open air, ever3^thing whirls around with him. [A^.] 80. Headache, relieved by sitting up in bed, worse when lying down. Headache in the morning on awaking, for a quarter of an hour, for several mornings. Headache in the vertex, when pressing on the head. Cruel headache, through the eyes. Fits of headache on one side, the right and the left with las- situde and lack of tone, almost producing nausea, in the evening. IGff.-] 85. Violent pain in the whole head, with throbbing and shooting in the knees, which goes off b}^ motion; in the evening. [A^.] Pressive headache. Pressive headache in the forehead, in the afternoon when walking, attended with peevishness (13th, 19th and 20th d.). [Qf.] Pressure in the forehead, with photophobia. [Qf".] Violent pressure all over the skull and down the nape; throb- bing in the head and in the whole body ; the pain will not bear the least touch, and is aggravated by paroxysms, with violent nausea and vomiting of bile. \_Gll.'] 90. Squeezing pressive pain in the forehead, with vomiting of mucus and acid. [6^//.] Pressure and squeezing in the right temple (nth, 19th and 20th d.). [Qf.] Pressure in the right temple, from morn till noon (aft. 11 d. ). [Rl.-] Pressive headache in the left temple (6th d.). \_Gff.'] Pressive pain in the forehead, like numbness. [A^.] 95. Pressure in the forehead, in the evening on going to sleep, with qualmy nausea, as if he had spoiled his stomach; easier by resting, aggravated by walking. Pressure above the eyes, with violent pain in the whole sinciput. Pressive pain in the occiput, toward the nape, going off in the open air. Violent pressive pain in the whole head, with a shivering chill over the whole body, chiefly in the forenoon. \_H'tb.'] Severe pressure in the occiput, with ebullition in the head and sensation of heaviness while standing. [A^.] 100. Pressure and drawing tearing in the sinciput, extending to the eyes and the root of the nose (14th, 17th, i8th and 21st d.). Severe pressure and drawing in the forehead, in the evening. Pressure and burning deep in the occiput, with heaviness in the head and tendency to fall forward, [A^.] > KAI^I CARBONICUM. 8ll Pressive headache, from both temples toward the middle. Pressure on top of the head, in the evening. [^/.] 105. Pressure into the right side of the cranium, after rising from a stooping position. [A^.] Shooting pressure, inward into the left temple. [A^.] Boring pressing pain from without inward, above the left eye. Pain pressing outward, in the right temple. [A^.] Severe outward pressing in the whole frontal region, while writing. [A^.] no. Severe outward pressure over the left eye, as if the brain would press forward. [A^.] Sensation in the forehead, as if it would burst her sinciput, in frequent short paroxysms. [A§-.] Sensation of fullness in the head, as if the brain pressed close upon the cranium. [A^.] Heaviness in the occiput, as if it was filled with lead, the head always falls backward, with stiffness in the nape, extending to between the scapulae. Heaviness in the occiput, like numbness. [A^.] 115. Heaviness and painfulness of the sinciput. [A^.] Severe sensation of heaviness in the left side of the head. Squeezing pain in the whole of the upper part of the head, especially on the left side. [Qf.] Squeezing pain in the left temple in paroxysms; also tearing. {Gff:] Drawing in the forehead; in the forenoon and at mid- night (2d, 30th d.). [Qf:] 120. Drawing and tearing on the vertex of the head (33d, 34th d.). IGff.l Tearing drawing in the left half of the head, above, in front of and within the temple (12th, igtli, 25th d. ). Drawing in the occiput and nape, especially on the right side, with stiffness. [Qf.] Tearing in the left frontal protuberance (25th d.). [Qf.] Tearing from the left temple into the articulation of the jaw, in the evening. [Qf.] 125. Tearing in the left and the right temples, also in the left parietal bone. [A^.] Tearing now on the right, now on the left side of the occiput, then in the forehead (istd.). [A^.] Beating tearing on the right side of the occiput, close to the nape (i6thd.). [Qf.] Twitching tearing pain in the head. Twitching in the left temple. 130. Twitching headache, the whole daj^ Shooting in the temples. Shooting in the temples, causing fright and screaming; in the right temple attended with tearing. [A^"^.] Stitch above the left temple and immediately afterward a stitch outward in the middle of the forehead. [A[<,'-.] 8 12 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pricking in the forehead, as from needles. [A^.] 135. Shooting in the sinciput. Violent shooting in the forehead, the whole da}^, and at times also on the left side of the head; with violent pains in the chest, and icy coldness in the limbs. Stitches in the forehead, in the morning. Stitches on the upper part of the forehead and over the tem- ples, on moving the lower jaw. Stitches extending from the nape up into the occiput. 140. Stitches in the occiput, on treading and stooping, as if they were in the surface of the brain. Stitch through the right side of the head, from behind for- ward. [6^//.] Stitches through the whole head. Dull shooting in the head (ist d. ). Beating and throbbing in the forehead, and especially in the side of the head, with frequent intermissions; also after dinner^ while walking and standing. [A^.] 145. Beating pain in the sinciput. Painful throbbing in the head, when she wants to write. Beating (throbbing) pain in the upper left side of the head; by pressing on it, the pain becomes more violent and lancinating; more external. [A^.] A burrowing throbbing in the frontal bone, above the left eye. [A^^.] _ Ulcerative pain in the head after dinner; she had to lie down, which relieved it. [A^.] 150. Rush of blood to the head, and intoxication therefrom. Warm rising of blood to the head, with ebullition in the body, and, a few hours afterward, a slight headache (at once). Great warmth in the head, especially on the right side of the face, frequently (5th d.). [A^.] Rising heat in the head, in the evening, before lying down; it goes off in bed. [A^.] Burning, painful sensation of heat in the head. 155. Sensation in the forehead, as if a hot body had fallen forward in it; frequently recurring when stooping and writing; it goes off on rising up. [A^.] Sensation when stooping, as if something descended from the occiput toward the forehead. Painful feeling, as of something moveable in the head, worse on moving the head. Constant sensation, as if there was something detached in the head, which turned and twisted toward the forehead. Painful turning and twisting in the head. 160. Shaking headache. Humming, resounding tingling in the right temple. Crawling pain above the forehead. Externall}^ on the temple, an acute pressive pain. Shooting pain externally on the head and in the nape, with a shooting swelling on the cheek, and shooting in the teeth. KALI CARBONICUM. • 813 165. Single tearing stitches in the left temple, extending into the zj'goma. Fine stitches, externally, on various parts of the head. [A^^.] Painless, clucking, muscular twitches in the right temple. His head was jerked several times toward the left, without loss of consciousness, after which the nape became, as it were, stiff. Chill on the head. 170. The head readily takes cold, causing headache and toothache. Itching of the hair}^ scalp. Frequent itching of the head, chiefly on the occiput. [A^.] Itching of the skin of the scalp, with sore pain on scratching it. [7?/.] Pimples on the hair)^ scalp. 175. Large, red pimples on the left frontal protuberance, painful when touched, and suppurating afterwards (aft. 32 d. ). \_Gff.~\ Painful lump on the right side of the head, as if a furuncle was forming (aft. 6 d.). [^/.] A large, yellow, scaly spot on the upper part of the forehead. Dryness of the hair of the head. Falling out of the hair. 180. Falling out of the hair of the head. [Z/^'J.] The eyes pain, on moving them. Pain of the left eye, when it is directed upward. Pressure in the eyes. Pressure on the eyelids. 185. Pressure on the eyes and in the orbits, with drowsiness, at noon (36th d.). [Qf.] Pressure in the eyes, and dry pus in the eyelashes. Pain as if the e3^es w^ere pressed inward. The eyes pain on reading, as if pressed inward. Pinching in the eyes. 190. Tearing in the left eye, in the morning before going to sleep. [.Gff.-] Sharp tearing in the right orbit, and in the eye at night (30th, 31st d.). [QfO Pressive tearing in the inside of the right eye (12th, 26th d. ). [.Gff.-] Pressive tearing in the region of the right eyebrow (26th d. ). Jerking or tearing in the eyelid, and above the right eye. 195. Stitches in the middle of the eye. Stitches in the eyeball. Stitches in the right eye (aft. 21 d.). \_Htb.'] Stitches in the right external canthus. [A(^-.] Boring pain in the eyes. 200. Pain as if a boil was forming in the left evebrow, in the even- ing in bed (8th, 13th d.). [Qf.] Itching of the eyes. Itching of the edge of the right eyelid. Excoriating pain in the eye (aft. 4 d.). [i^/.] 8 14 . HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Feeling of soreness in the eyelids, soon after midnight, on awaking (25th d.). \Gff.-\ 205. Smarting and transienth' shooting pains in the eyes. \Gff^ The bo}' complains of coldness in the eyelids. Both eyes are very hot to the touch. Burning in the eyes. Burning in the e^-elids. 210. Burning in both eyes. [A^.] Burning and smarting in both e3"es. [A^.] Burning and smarting in the eyes. Redness of the white of the eye and many distended veinlets in it. Redness and heat in the e^'es. {HtbP^ 215. Inflammation of both eves in the white, with burning pain (aft. 5d.). Inflammation of the right eyelid, with pain of the eye and inability' to read by candle light. Swelling of the right e3"e. Severe swelling of the upper eyelid, tow^ard the nose. Swelling between the eyebrows and lids, like a little sac. 220. Swelling of the glabella between the eyebrows (21st d.). Pimple in the left e3'ebrow. [i?/.] Frequent excoriation of the left external canthus. Soreness of the outer canthus, with burning pain. Suppuration of the e3^es, in the corners. 225. The e3'es closed b3'' suppuration, in the morning (aft. 16 h.). Agglutination of the e3^es b3' mucus, in the morning. [A^.] Lachrymation. [A^.] Lachr3^mation of the e3'es (2d d.). \Htb^ Lachr3miation especiall3" of the right e3^e, with smarting in a corner (27th d.). \Gff:\ 230. Frequent lachrymation, and in the evening ra3^s about the candle-light. Dr3'ness and burning of the e3-es, even worse in the open air than in the room. [A^.] Sensation of dr3mess of the e3'es (aft 2d.). Sensation of dr3mess as of sand, and overpowering sleep in the e3^es. Her e3"elids close violentl3'. 235. Difficult opening of the eyes in the morning, on awaking. Quivering and twitching in the right e3^ebrow. Staring: she can onh' with difficult3^ turn her e3^es from an object, and has to fix themi upon it almost against her will. [A^.] Her vision fails while writing, with small white stars before the eyes; the lower line seems to her to be above the upper one, so that she keeps writing into it. [A^.] Pain and debilit3' of the e3'es. 240. Dim-sightedness. [A^.] Obscuration of the right e3'e, in the morning for several min- utes. After working in water (w^ashing) diminution of sight; she KALI CARBONICUM. 815 saw only a small part of the objects; then stitches in the head above the eyes, with inclination to vomit. Black dots and ringlets before the eyes, in reading. Spots, gauzes and points before the eyes, when reading and when looking out doors (aft. 24 h.). 245. A small black ball floats before her eyes. White dots seem to fall down before his face, when he looks at the snow. Variegated colors before the eyes. Blue and green spots before the eyes. \_Gl/.~\ Yellow, shining, trembling mist before the eyes. [A^.] 250. Wheels before the eyes, with yellow and white rays, while writing on paper and in the open air; they turn around and are continuall}- enlarged. [A^.] Bright sparks before the eyes. On coughing, sparks fly from the eyes. [^/.] Photophobia; painful sensitiveness of the eyes to daylight; the room has to be darkened. Straining pain in the ears. 255. Straining pain in the right ear. [Qf.] Straining and shooting in the ears (3d d.). [6r^.] Pinching sensation in the left external ear. \_Gj^\^ Drawing pain in the one, then in the other ear (aft. 4 d. ). Tearing in the ear. 260. Tearing in the ears. [///^.] Tearing deep in the right ear, frequently renewed (ist d.). Tearing now in the one, then in the other ear. Tearing in the interior of the right ear. \_G//'.^ Tearing in the right concha (24th d.). \_Gjf.^ 265. Transient tearing in the left ear and around it, as if in the bone. [G/.] Tearing in the anterior border of the right ear, frequently (istd.). [A^.] Painful tearing, extending from the left ear into the outer car- tilage and at the same time in the bone above and below the right patella. [A"^.] Severe tearing in and behind the ear. Jerking behind the right ear. 270. Twitching behind and above the ear. Stitches in both ears, in the evening, in bed. Sharp, lancinating pain behind and above both the ears. Sharp stitches into the left ear, startling her, in the morning. Fine stitches out of the left ear, freqiientlv recurring; ( i :;th 275. Constant dull stitch in the left ear; it goes off by shaking the head. [7\(i;''.] Shooting and crawling in the interior of the ear, connected with a similar sensation in the stomach and in the oesophagus (30th d.). [Qf.] 8l6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Boring and pressive pain in the ears (ist d. ). Gnawing in the inner and outer left ear. [A^.] Ulcerative pain in the outer right ear, continuing for a long time, before midnight (3d d. ). [A^.] 280. Beating in the right ear, at night, only when lying on it (aft. 2d.). [iV^.]_ Hammering in the right ear, frequentl}' and very disagree- ably impeding the hearing. Quivering on the left ear (aft. 10 d.). Quivering and trembling in the right ear, on rising up after stooping. [y\V.] Itching of the lobule. 285. Violent itching in the ears (aft. 4 d.). Tickling in the ears. [G^//.] Coldness of the ears, in the hot room (aft. 2d.). Heat of the lobules. {Ri.'] Sensation as if warmth streamed out of the left ear. [AV.] 290. Redness, heat and severe itching of the external ears. Inflammation and swelling of the inner ear, with pain all around it (aft. 3 d. ). Excoriation and suppuration behind the ears, for four weeks (aft. 21 d.). Pimples on the ears. Running of yellow, fluid ear-wax or pus from the ear, with previous tearing therein. 295. Secretion of an ill-smelling ichor in the inner ear. Opening of an ulcer in the ear (aft. 5 d.). [i?/.] Hard swelling of the parotid gland on the articulation of the jaw, with pain when touched. Sensation of stoppage of the ears. [Rl.~\ One of his ears is suddenly obstructed (aft. 3 d). \_Rl.~\ 300. Sudden closing of the right ear (while sitting down in the evening), and the left ear commenced to ring and to buzz, so that it shook his head somewhat. The hearing is, as it were, dulled, in the evening (aft. 15 d.). Diminution of the hearing in both ears, slowl}^ increasing and decreasing (for 14 d.). [A^.] Ringing in both ears. [A^.] Loud ringing in one ear and burning in the other. 305. Singing in the ears. \_Gll.'] Buzzing in the ears. Severe rushing sound in the ears. Sounds in the ears. [A^.] Detonations and raging in the ears, frequentl}' b}^ day. [A^.] 310. Frequent cracking in the ear. Cracking in the ear, during a violent expiration. Clucking in the right ear and secretion of much soft ear- Avax. In the nose and the root of the nose, chiefi}^ on the right side, a squeezing (23d d.). [Qf.] Itching in the nose. 315. Frequent itching in the right nasal fossa. [A^.] KALI CARBONICUM. 817 Ulcerative pain in the right nasal fossa. [-A^.] Severe burning in the nose. Burning in the left nostril. Burning and smarting in the upper part of the left nostril, ex- tending into the ethmoid bone (23d d. ). [Gff.^ 320. Red, thick nose, it is, chiefly in the afternoon, both thicker and redder. Severe swelling of the tip of the nose. Red, hot nose, covered with many white pimples. Pimples on the nose. Flat, small ulcer above the left ala nasi, with pain when touched. IGff.'] 325. A small pimple in the left nares (aft. 5 d. ). [^/.] Sore, scabby nostrils, for a long time. Ulceration of both nostrils. Ulcerated nostrils. [Htb.'] In blowing her nose, something fetid is blown out. 330. Bloody, right nostril, ever}^ morning. Frequent epistaxis. Epistaxis in the morning. Acute smell. Paleness of the face and lassitude. 335- Wretched complexion, with pale lips. [Htb.'] Blue rings around the eyes. Pale, hollow-eyed face, especially in the open air, where the child looks as if frozen. Pale face, with weary, lifeless eyes. Heat and redness in the face, in the morning in bed. 340. lyOng-continued heat and redness of the face, while the feet are icy cold. Burning red cheeks in the evening, for an hour and a half; then great paleness of the face. Burning itching in the face. Itching of the skin of the face, after previous quivering; he had to rub, when it burned like fire. Severe swelling of the cheek, passing into a gum-boil, with- out any previous toothache. 345. Swelling on the right cheek, extending downward, with stitches and pain when touched. Swollen cheek, with tearing and shooting. Swollen, red cheek, with little eruptive pimples, also on the nose. Eruptive pimples in the face. Pimples come and go in the face. 350. Pimples in the face, continually. \_Htb.'] Pimples in the face, with pus in their apices. Pimples on the zygomata, with burning pain. Painless lump on the skin, anteriorlv on the cheek, below the ear. [Qf.] Small, red pustule, in the middle of the forehead, going off the next morning. [A^^.] 53 8l8 HAHNEMANN' vS CHRONIC DISEASES. 355. Freckles in the face. \Htb.'\ Dry, brittle skin on the whole face. Pressive drawing in the muscles of the cheek, near the lower jaw. [Qf.] Tearing in the left zygoma, and then on the inner side of the cheek. \Gff\ Tearing in the left z3^goma, only relieved by pressing on it, with a sensation as if the cheek was swollen, in the evening and through the night till next morning, so that she wept and could not sleep. [A^.] 360. Tearing in the lower jaw and before the right ear. [A^.] Squeezing tearing in the right zygoma, extending to the palate. [Qf.] Burning in the face, below the right e3'e. [A^.] Quivering in the left cheek, with fine burning stitches, with tearing extending upward into the left temple, in the evening. Cramplike sensation in the lips. 365. Tearing in the left upper lip and in the gums; it goes off by pressing on it. [A^.] Stitch in the upper lip. [A^.] Burning on the lips. \Htb.'\ Burning of the lower lip. [A/"^.] Itching about the border of the lips. 370. Eroding sore pain around the mouth on the edge of the red of the lips, very painful when touched. Soreness of the red of the lips; in the morning on awaking they are agglutinated as if from suppuration. Swelling of the upper lip, it cracks open in chaps, it is pain- ful when touched and bleeds readily. Thick, ulcerated lower lip. Scurf on the upper lip. 375. Vesicles on the red of the lower lip, which, when touched, pain and itch. Vesicles on the lips. [A^.] Small, pointed, itching and humid pimples on both lips and around the whole mouth. Pimples on the lips, which smart and itch. Painful pimple above the upper lip, near the left nostril; it pains when touched (36th d ). \Gff.'\ 380. Peeling off of the lower lip (34th d. ). \Gff^ The lips are cracked open and peel off. \Htb^^ The lower lip peels, cracks open and scabs off. [A^.] On the right side of the chin, a squeezing pain, near the articulation of the jaw. \GffP^ Intolerable cramp in the jaws, which, as it were, contracted the throat (the fauces?) at the same time. 385. Itching on the chin. The submaxillary gland pains when touched. {Rl^^ Swelling of the lower jaw and its glands, with looseness of the teeth. KAI.I CARBONICUM. 819 The teeth are pamfully sensitive (4th d.)- Toothache with faceache; one tooth after another became loose and sensitive, or a bone in the face became painful and seemed, like the tooth, to be all sensation; then it twitched or tore at a certain point in paroxysms. 390. Pain in the teeth, daily in the morning, on awaking. [Htb.^ Pain of the teeth on the left side, in the morning in bed, and the whole forenoon (2d d. ). [A^.] Pain in the roots of the teeth on the left side, for several mornings after awaking, increased by eating (3d d.). [A^.] Toothache after eating, extending to the cheek-bone and ear, where there was griping and stinging. Toothache, when partaking of any food, but not other- "wise. 395. Toothache only when eating, a throbbing in all the teeth. Pain in the teeth, when she takes water in her mouth. iHtb.-\ Pain of the teeth, w^hen he takes anything warm or cold into his mouth. Frequent attacks of toothache as soon as he draws any cold air into his mouth; relieved by warmth. [A^.] Toothache, with subsequent swelling of the gums. [A^.] 400. Toothache, like a steadily incumbent pain, as if something had got into his hollow tooth, only transientl}^ relieved by cold water; with drawing behind the ear and on the head, finally twitches in the tooth and disappearance of the pain. Toothache, only when eating, at noon and in the evening, often at once with the first morsel, as if something had come into his hollow tooth, with intolerable drawing extending to the eye and ear, only in paroxysms, with intermissions of half an hour. Pressive toothache in the root of a posterior hollow molar, in the evening. [Gff.'] Drawing toothache in the evening, as soon as she gets into bed, not by day. Drawing in the roots of the anterior teeth and in the left molars, chiefly in the evening. \_Gff.^ 405. Contractive toothache in the upper and lower rows of teeth. Twitching and drawing in a tooth, as if it was decaying, chiefl}^ after a meal and at night, for a long time. [^Htb.'\ Tearing toothache, during or soon after eating. [A^.] Tearing and griping in a molar and in the left zygoma, aggravated and excited b}^ cold substances, relieved b}' firmly bandaging it. [A^.] Tearing in the teeth and in the lower jaw on the right side. 410. Eroding, itching, violent pain in the various teeth and in the gums, not relieved by picking the teeth. Itching in the teeth after supper. [A^,^.] Itching and digging in an upper left molar, after dinner; relieved by pressing upon it. [A/^.] Burrowing toothache in the left lower row, caused by picking the teeth. [A^^.] 820 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Severe burrowing in an upper left molar, after dinner. [A^.] 415. Boring, pressive toothache, everytime after dinner, as if some- thing had got into the tooth. Beating or pecking sensation in an upper right incisor, after dinner. [A']^.] Throbbing and pecking in the teeth, when moving, at other times, a burning pain. Burning, lancinating toothache, especially at night, as if a hot iron was thrust into the teeth. Burning, shooting pain in the tooth, especially at night, wdth an internal chill, and swelling of the lower jaw and of the gums, (aft. 32 d.). 420. Shooting in the teeth and the gums, then swelling of the cheek with shooting pain (aft. 14 d.). Severe stitches in the teeth. Single stitches here and there in the anterior teeth, in the evening. [Qf.] Single stitches in the teeth and frequent sneezing, in the morning, on awaking. [^//fd.~\. Shooting pain in the anterior teeth, with sensation of dullness at supper (32d d.). [6^.] 425. A tooth is prominent and pains much in chewing. Sensation of looseness in an upper left molar. [A'^.] Looseness of all the teeth. [A^.] Bad smell from the teeth. The gums just above the anterior incisors show a tearing pain. [Qf.] 430. Tickling in the gums and bleeding of the same on sucking at them with the tongue. [^^^.] Redder gums. Painful inflammation of the anterior gums. Severe swelling of the gums above the upper molars, with swelling of the left tonsil and of the cervical glands (9th d. ). Gum-boil. 435. Ulcer on the lower gums on the right exterior side. [A^.] Soreness of the inner gums of the anterior teeth. Fetor of the mouth, like old cheese, every morning. Erosion of the inside of the mouth and of the tongue, as from something sharp. Soreness of the inside of the mouth. 440. Drvness of the m.outh wakes him from sleep in the morning (7th d,). Numbness in the mouth, in the morning after awaking, as if burned. [A^.] Violent burning of the mouth, in the morning, and thirst. Dr3mess in the mouth, in the morning after rising. [A^.] Dr3mess in the mouth, without thirst, in the evening. [A^.] 445. Dry, sticky sensation in the mouth. Sensation of dryness, and gathering of saliva in the mouth; he has to spit much. Gathering of water in the mouth, [i?/.] KALI CARBONICUM. 821 Continual gathering of water in the mouth. [A^.] Much saliva in the mouth, continually. 450. Much saliva runs from his mouth, even by da}^ Painful blisters on all parts inside of the mouth, with burning pain. The tongue, on awaking in the morning, is often quite dried up, and almost without sensation. \^Htb.'\ White, dr}^ tongue in the morning, as from something acrid. Burning of the tongue and lower lip. [A^.] 455. Burning of the tip of the tongue, as if it was raw or full of blisters. [A^.] Swelling of the tongue, and many small painful vesicles on it. Painful vesicles on the tongue and the gums. Painful little pimple on the tip of the tongue. Soreness on the frsenum linguae. 460. Soreness of the tip of the tongue. On the palate, itching (loth d.). [Htb.'] Shooting and smarting in the back part of the palate, as if from too great dryness before the breaking out of a cold, in- creased by deglutition, in the morning and evening (8th, 9th, 29th, 30th, 41st d.). [Qf.] Sore throat, with impeded deglutition and difficult opening of the mouth. Interference with swallowing, in the oesophagus. 465. Tendency to choke while eating. During deglutition, pressure in the spine. Difficult deglutition, the food descends very slowly in the oesophagus. Sensitiveness of the oesophagus; warm food burns it; she can only eat lukewarm food. The food does not pass down; dry and cold things she cannot swallow at all. 470. Pressure and tearing in the fauces (9th d.). \_Gff.~\ Anxious pressure in the throat. Sensation as of a lump in the throat. Sore throat on the left side; he feels a lump there, and sting- ing during empty deglutition. [/?/.] Shooting pain in the fauces, as if he had a fish-bone in it, when he gets cold. 475. Elongation of the uvula, with stiffness of the nape. \_Gll.'] Pain, as from soreness in the throat. Pain, as from soreness, in the throat, in the upper part of the palate, during empty deglutition, and more strongly when swallowing food; but not when not swallowing. Eroding sore throat, when swallowing. Scrapy and scratchy in the throat (aft. 8d.). 480. Dryness in the back part of the throat. [^/.] Frequently much mucus in the throat (the first 3 d.). Much mucus in the throat, especially in the morning. [///'/'.] Much mucus back in the throat, which can only be de- tached with much hawking. [A;i,^'.] 822 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Increased hawking of mucus (19th d.). \_Gff.'] 485. Tough mucus, back in the fauces in the morning; it can neither be swallowed down easily nor hawked up, with a constant sensation as if a plug of mucus lodged in his throat (i6th d.). Loss of the sense of taste, in the morning on awaking, but only for a short time (2d d.). \_^g-~\ Bad taste in the mouth. [Htb.] Bad taste, and much mucus in the mouth. Disagreeable, water}^ taste in the mouth, 490. Disagreeable, stick}- saliva in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, with nausea (ist d.). \_Ng.'] Bitterness in the mouth. Bitterness in the throat. Bitter taste, in the morning. 495. Bitter-sour taste in the mouth, after breakfast. Sour taste in the mouth, every day. Putrid taste in the mouth. Sweetish taste in the mouth. Taste of blood in the morning, after awaking, for three hours, [.Ng.-] 500. Little appetite. [_Gff.~\ Little appetite, with insipidity in the mouth, but he relishes food. Severe hunger. Severe thirst, in the forenoon. Thirst in the evening, before lying down. [A^.] 505. Thirst, at night. [_Ng.'] He does not relish his food, he eats without hunger. He has a repugnance to food, especially to meat; he relishes it, indeed, when he eats it, but he cannot eat much. \_Gff.~\ He loathes rye-bread. He loathes everything. 510. Milk does not agree with her. Bread alone feels heavy in the stomach after eating. Great desire for sour things. Before and after dinner, paleness of the face and nausea, vertigo with eructation, weariness of the lower limbs and coldness of the hands and feet; but not without appetite. \_Gff.^ While eating (fried fish), nausea even to vomiting. 515. During a meal, he is seized with drowsiness (aft. 2,4 d.). After meals, very tired and sleepy. \_Htb.'\ After meals, great drowsiness, with chill and yawning. After meals, weariness, with throbbing in the scrobiculus cordis and headache. During dinner, peevish, cross mood, with drawing pain in the head (30th d.). [Of.] 520. After dinner, constriction of the head, like as from a hoop around it. After meals, paleness of the face. After eating soup, at noon and in the evening, as also after eating warm cake in the morning, pinching and restlessness in the abdomen. [Qf.] i KALI CARBONICUM. 823 After meals, especially after breakfast, pressure in the stomach as from a weight in it. After meals, the abdomen is distended. 525. After eating but a little, there is at once fullness and violent distension of the abdomen. [Qf.] After breakfast, pressive pain in the abdomen, from flatulence, only transiently relieved by the emission of flatus ( 14th d. ). [_Gff.'\ After dinner, dull shooting in the right side of the epigas- trium. [Qf.] After meals, tickling urging to cough (aft. 6 d.). After meals, a chill. 530. After eating flatulent food (vegetables), burning from the stomach up into the fauces, like heartburn. After supper, heartburn for three hours. After meals, sour eructations. Frequent eructation, especially in the morning. Ineffectual urging to eructation, and then spasmodic contrac- tion in the stomach, in the morning and afternoon. [A^.] 535. Loud eructation, with gathering of water in the mouth. [A^.] Eructation, with the taste of the ingesta. Eructation, as from bitter-sour water. [A^.] Sour eructation, in the morning (loth d. ). Much sourish eructation, in the afternoon with inclination to vomit. 540. Acid rises from the stomach into the mouth. Sour eructation. Regurgitation of food and acid, after severe restlessness from the scrobiculus cordis. [6^//.] Regurgitation of waters from the stomach, of this she spit out much after midnight. [A^.] Something continually tends to rise up from the stomach into the mouth (soon). \_Ng.'] 545. Heartburn. Hiccup (at noon). [A^.] Continual hiccup before midnight. \_Ng.'] Qualmishness all day, and much eructation at once on rising. [7?/.] Qualmishness, as if he would faint. 550. Nausea, as if she would faint, it only went off by lying down; in the forenoon. Nausea, as if she would faint. \_Htb.'\ Nausea, for an hour in the forenoon. Severe nausea in the stomach, with trembling of hands and feet. [A^.] Nausea as from a spoiled or empty stomach, not passing off by eating, with frequent waterbrash. [A^.] 555. Nausea with qualmishness, gathering of saliva in the mouth (and diarrhoea). [^/.] Waterbrash. Continual loathing, as if he would vomit (soon). \_Ng.'] Nausea, with inclination to vomit at night in bed; it goes off gradually by rising. [A{i,'-.] 824 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Very ready to vomit, especiall}' after meals. 560. Inclination to vomit, at every internal motion, every vexation and every joy, and at every time of the day; but when she has fasted, only retching. Retching for several evenings. Retching in the throat, increasing for a time, then decreasing, with short breath. [A^.] Frequent vomiting, without any overloading or spoiling of the stomach; the next day she is weak, without appetite (aft. 13 d.). Vomiting with sinking of strength, like a swoon. [G//.] 565. Vomiting of food and acid, with nausea. \_G//.~\ The child becomes glowing red in the face in the morning; it vomits up its breakfast, and then becomes pale as a corpse; after vomiting several times it recovers, but remains very languid for two days. Frequent pain in the stomach, but seldom in the afternoon, always preceded b}^ swashing in the abdomen, relieved by eructa- tion and passage of flatus. [A^.] Pressure in the stomach, w^ith rumbling, sensation of empti- ness and eructation. [A^.] Frequent pressure in the stomach, in the morning, on awaking. 570. Pressure as from a stone in the stomach, in the morning, in bed, relieved by hawking. [A^.] Fits of pressure in the stomach, extending up into the chest, with want of breath even to suffocation, nausea and great exhaus- tion; she had to lie down, both her feet and hands trembled, relief being afforded b}^ vomiting bitter w^ater. [A^.] Pressure transversel}' across the stomach and below the hypo- chondria, in the evening, in bed, for half an hour. Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 21 d. ). [I/td.'] Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis and the region of the lower chest, with impeded breath and rising of heat to the head, going off after one hour through eructation. [A^.] 575. Pressure below the scrobiculus cordis, in the morning and the afternoon, relieved by bending the body backward and after eating. Pressive pain in the scrobiculus cordis, compelling him to lie down. Heaviness in the stomach. Fullness and pressure in the gastric region. Fullness in the pit of the stomach. 580. Feeling as if the whole gastric region was swollen. [A^.] Constant feeling in the stomach as if it was full of water. Cramplike pains in the stomach, with pressure in the scro- biculus cordis. Severe spasmodic pain in the stomach, almost like pressure and cutting (soon). [A^.] Violent but intermitting; pains in the stomach, relieved by walking, in the morning. [A'^^.] KALI CARBONICUM. 825 585. Spasmodic contraction in the pit of the stomach and across the chest. Violent contractive pains in the stomach, also at i A. m. extending to the chest and axillae, where they become shooting pains, with choking in the throat and tightness of breath; then anxiety and brief perspiration, and eructation, which relieves; recurring in frequent parox5''sms till the morning. [A^.] Painful contraction from both sides of the stomach, with sen- sation of fullness, relieved by vomiting clear w^ater. [A^.] Pains as if the stomach was being screwed together, especially at night, extending into the chest and the bowels, as if they would burst the stomach, impeding the breath and speech, in paroxysms. Constrictive pain in the stomach and toward the fauces. 590. The constrictive cramplike pains of the stomach are renewed by the least eating of (especially cold) food and drink. [A^.] The paroxysms of constrictive cramplike stomachache are fre- quently followed by relieving eructation, or by chills with shiver- ing and shaking, but affecting chiefi}^ the hands, the back and the head, with customary stools. [A^.] Drawing and cutting across the stomach, in the morning, after rising. Cutting stomachache, toward evening. [A^.] Sensation as if the stomach was cut to pieces, wnth great sensi- tiveness of the external gastric region, in the morning [A^.] 595. Painful cutting in the pit of the stomach, during and after breakfast. [A^.] Burrowing in the stomach, with painful contraction and a sensation as if everything in it was turning over, with rising of water into the mouth; it goes off through dinner, but returning afterward, with burning extending up into the throat. [A^.] Burrowing and digging in the stomach, as if it would be pierced. [A^.] Burrowing in the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon; then frequent eructation of bitter water, almost like waterbrash. Shooting pain in the stomach, with a sensation as if' every- thing in it would turn over, returning after dinner. [A^.] 600. Shooting in the stomach, drawing up into the left axilla and later into the sacrum. [A^.] Sore pain in the pit of the stomach, both at inspiration and expiration. Sudden blow in the stomach, passing over into eructation of air or hiccup. Twitching on the right side, near the scrobiculus cordis (aft. sever, h.). Throbbing in the gastric region, which pains when touched. 605. Throbbing in the scrobiculus cordis, like severe palpitation, while the scrobiculus cordis is visibly raised at every throbbing; chiefly in the morning, lasting a quarter of an hour. Beating on the left side, near the scrobiculus cordis. Ebullition of heat from the abdomen into the stomach, in the forenoon. [A^i,^.] 826 Hahnemann's chronic diseases. Burning in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, after eructation, in the forenoon. 6io. Sour burning, rising up from the stomach, with shght spas- modic constriction. Sensation in the stomach, as from flatus. Growling, rumbling and moving about in the abdomen, as from flatus, or as if diarrhoea was coming. [A^.] Great sensitiveness of the external gastric region, when touched, when eating, talking, etc. [-A^.] Itching, externally on the scrobiculus cordis; it does not go off by scratching. [A^.] 615. In the hypochondria, a simple pain, with growling there. Stitches in the hypochondria and the scrobiculus cordis, tak- ing away the breath. Burning stitches in both costal regions frequently recurring in the afternoon (12th d.). [A^.] Pain in the liver, when walking, for several days in succes- sion. Pain in the liver, as if pressed sore. 620. Pressure toward the liver, as if starting from the right side of the chest, with throbbing in the gastric region, which is painful when touched. It changes the pressure in the liver into a sensation of heavi- ness there. Drawing pain in the liver. Cutting pain in the right infra-costal region, with pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. [A^.] Lancinating tearing, in the right infra-costal region. [Qf.] 625. Shooting in the hepatic region, which feels like splenetic stitches. Stitches imder the last true rib, when taking breath (ist d.). Stitches under the last true rib, unconnected with breathing, for four days. Stitches between the middle ribs on the right side, when sitting (ist d.). [A^.] Dull stitches in the right side, below the ribs, in the morning. \Gff.-\ 630. Dull stitches in the hepatic and the right inguinal region. Sharp stitches in the hepatic region. \Gff.^ Dull stitches frequentl}^ on a small spot of the hepatic region, with sore pain w^hen touched (i8th d. ). \_Gff^ Pinching stitches in the hepatic region. \_Gff.^ Shooting throbbing on a rib of the right side, opposite the scrobiculus cordis. [A^.] 635. Sensation of heat in the hepatic region. Burning pain in the hepatic region (the first days). In the left costal region, tearing shooting, arresting the breath. [A^.] Cutting pain in the left epigastrium, coming from the lower part of the chest, where there are stitches at the same time. [Qf.] KALI CARBONICUM. 827 Bellyache with severe pain, which at times extended even to the hip, till late at night (ist d.)- {Htb.'\ 640. Bellyache, with much eructation. Bellyache, with much eructation and spitting of saliva. Pressure in the abdomen. Pressive pain in the epigastrium, extending to the scrobiculus cordis, in the evening (35th d.). [Qf.] Pressure in the hypogastrium (26th d.). [6r^.] 645. Severe pressure in the left side of the abdomen, from stoop- ing (9th d.). Pressive pain on a small spot in the left hypogastrium, in the evening (39th d. ). ^ [Qf.] Pressive pain in the hypogastrium above the os pubis, in fre- quent paroxj^sms; it goes off by emission of flatus ( ist d. ). [A^.] Pressure and burrowing in the abdomen, below the navel, as from incarcerated flatus; he has to sit stooping forward, and feels worse when walking in the open air (19th d. ). Distention of the abdomen with pressive pain, sensation of fullness, lassitude and indisposition to any movement and to mental occupation. \Gff.'\ 650. Sensation of distension in the hypogastrium below the navel, going off by motion. [A^.] Abdomen much distended. Very much inflated and distended abdomen, after the cough has disappeared on taking Kali. Inflated abdomen. [Qf.] Hard inflation of the abdomen, with painfulness of the umbilical region, when touched. 655. Inflation, pressing asunder and pinching in the abdomen, fol- lowed by a soft stool. [A^.] Bloated abdomen. The hypogastrium, as it were, distended, and heaviness in it, when sitting and walking (aft. 3 h.). Sensation of a heavy load in the hypogastrium, the pain is more pressive than pinching, and most intolerable when walking (aft. 3h.)., Cramplike colic (aft. 25 d. ). \_Htb^ 660. Spasmodic contraction of the abdomen, causing a coldness. Contractive pain in the abdomen. Painful indrawing of the umbilical region while sitting; it goes off by moving. [A^.] Pressing out of the hypogastrium, repeatedly (aft. 10 d.). Pinching colic in the epigastrum, in the morning (iithd.). 665. Pinching colic in the hypogastrium (3cth d.). \_Gff^ Twitches in the hypogastrium. Pinching below the navel during dinner, and after rising from the seat, burning in the right inguinal region, with great sensitive- ness of the same, both internal h^ and externally, and a sensation on stooping, as if something would fall out, going oft' gradually while at rest. [A^i,^.] 828 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pinching pressure in the left epigastrium as from incarcerated flatus (nth d.). [Qf.] Pinching in the epigastrium, toward noon (25th d.). [Qf-] 670. Pinching in the abdomen, and inflation of the same. Pinching in the abdomen in the morning in bed, after previ- ous chill, with urging to a soft stool. Cutting in the bowels, with severe pains; to relieve himself he has to sit bent forward, and press on the abdomen with both hands, or else recline far backward; he cannot sit up straight. Cutting in the epigastrium as from flatus moving about, with passage of flatus while walking. [Qf.] Cutting in the left epigastrium. [6^.] 675. Frequent cutting in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea was im- minent. Frequent light cutting about the navel. [A^"^.] Cutting in the abdomen, as if everything would be torn, first deep in the hypogastrium, then higher up (ist d. ). Cutting and drawing in the abdomen, like false labor-pains (i2th d.). Tearing, at times twitching, in the right side of the abdomen or the flank, in the evening (i6th, 17th d. ). [Qf.] 680. Intermitting tearing or dull stitches in the left h5^pogastrium , near the hip ( i ith d. ). [6^^.] Stitches in the abdomen, in the forenoon and again in the evening. Occasional shooting above the navel, as from flatulence. Shooting in the right side of the abdomen, as after retaining the urine when asleep, relieved by emission of flatulence. Shooting in the right side of the abdomen, when laughing. 685. Shooting, like fine twitches, in the right side of the abdomen. Shooting in the left side of the abdomen, below the ribs. Sharp stitches and shooting tearing in the left side of the ab- domen, below the short ribs (8th, 9th, 17th, 24th d. ). [(^.] Several violent stitches in the hypogastrium (aft. 6 h.). Dull shooting on the right side, near the navel (19th d.). \Gff.-\ 690. Dull Stitches and pressure in the left epigastrium (loth, 20th d.). \Gff.-\ Dull stitches in the left renal region, first during expiration, afterward in close succession, going off by rubbing. [A^.] Pinching, cutting shooting deep in the left hypogastrium, as from obstructed flatus, extending to the anus and the perinseum, painfull}^ aggravated by drawing in the belly, and but little re- lieved by emission of flatus (19th d.). {Gff.^ Sore pain in the abdomen, with pressure toward the genitals, as in the menses; and pain in the sacrum. Pain, as from contusion, in both renal regions, long continued, in the afternoon, when sitting (ist d.). [A^.] 695. Beating in the abdomen. Burning and drawing in the abdomen. KALI CARBONICUM. 829 Burning around the navel, with pinching in the abdomen, during dinner. [A^^.] Sensation of cold in the abdomen, as if a cold fluid were pass- ing through the bowels (during the menses). [A^.] Chill and swashing in the abdomen, as if it w^as full of water, but mosth^ onh^ on the right side, in the evening. [A^^.] 700. The abdominal muscles are painful when touched. Itching on the hypogastrium for several days (aft. lo d.). Itching about the navel. [6^//.] In the right groin, pain as from something swollen. [^/.] Pain in the right inguinal region, on drawing in the abdomen (29th d.). [Gif.] 705. Pressure in the groin, as from a hernia.. Straining in the groins, wnth sensitiveness when touched (it disappears on the emission of flatus). [A^.] Painful inflation in both groins, after dinner, while sitting. Pinching in both groins, then shooting in the anus like needle-pricks when sitting; still worse on rising; lastly it comes on when walking about and is aggravated in sitting; with tenes- mus. [A^.] Drawing shooting and outward pressure in the inguinal region, as if the old cicatrix of an operation for hernia would open again. 710. Stitches in the groins and flanks, on moving or stretching. Sudden lancinating pain in the left inguinal region, during stool, with swelling of the glands. Intermittent, clucking, outward pressure, in the right inguinal region (27th d.). [Qf.] Much trouble from flatulence (ist, 2d, 3d d. ). Colic from flatus. 715. Flatulent colic; after eructation and emission of flatus, it goes off. Obstruction of flatus (also aft. 20 d.). Obstruction of flatus, with bellyache. Emission of flatus difficult and obstructed, with insufficient stool. The flatus settles painfully on the bladder (aft. 2 d.). 720. Moving about of flatus in the abdomen with tenesmus; it goes off through emission of flatus. [A^.] Moving about in the abdomen, then cutting in the stomach, with pressure extending to the throat, both at rest and in motion. Constant growling in the abdomen, with frequent eructation and yawning. [A^^.] Cooing in the epigastrium (before dinner), as if in diarrhoea, and slight bellyache (ist d.). [6^.] Clucking in the left hypogastrium, when pressing on it. 725. Obstruction of flatus, in the beginning, then inordinately much emission of flatus. 830 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Forcible emission of flatus, he can hardly keep it back. Flatus emitted upward and downward, with relief. [A^.] Emission of fetid flatus. [6^//.] Frequent emission of fetid flatus, at night. [A^.] 730. Much emission of flatus (aft. 14 d.). Ineffectual call to stool, with sensation as if the rectum was too weak to expel the faeces. Frequent violent urging to stool, in paroxyms, but only little faeces or only some flatus is discharged. [A^.] Repeated urging to stool at night, it goes off by the emission of some flatus (aft. 3d.). [A^.] Much urging to stool, something is passed every time. 735. Frequent call to stool, but only a little is discharged. Frequent urging to stool; he feels as if he could not discharge all the faeces at one time (aft. 24 h. ). Insufficient evacuation; most of the faeces are retained. Insufficient stool, after much straining. [Qf.] Insufficient soft stool. [^/.] 740. Tenacious stool, as if it could not be detached. [^/.] Tough, soft, dark colored evacuation. [Qf.] Costiveness (aft. 3d.). Costiveness and painful drawing in the abdomen. Very hard stool and restlessness in the abdomen. 745. Hard, delayed stool, at times with severe straining, or with tenesmus afterward. [A^.] Hard, scanty stool in the morning, then in the forenoon another, a soft stool (2d d.). [A^.] Very hard stool, and only every other day. Stool like sheep's dung, only discharged with pain and effort. Three scanty stools, but else normal (ist d.). [A^.] 750. Copious, brown stool. \_G/l.~} Stools rather soft than hard, for several davs (aft. 4 d.). Soft stools with previous colic ( ist d.). [A^.] Soft stool, followed by burning in anus (aft. ^ h. ). [A^.] Thin stool, with pinching and restlessness in the abdomen. 755. Scanty, half- liquid stools, with bellyache and subsequent tenesmus. [A^.] Half-liquid stool in the morning, with previous abdominal pains. [A^.] Hurried call to stool, as in diarrhoea, though the evacuation was hard, with bellyache (soon after a new dose). [A{cr.] Diarrhoea at night, with intolerable bellyache, continuing also the following day. [//td.'] Diarrhoea, in the evening. [^IIfd.~\ 760. Severe diarrhoea, day and night (aft. 22 d.). [///(^.] Severe diarrhoea, with great lassitude (aft. 27 d. ). \_//fd.~\ Diarrhoea, with pinching, deep in the abdomen, before and afterward. [6^//.] Diarrhoeic stool, with pinching in the abdomen before, and burning in the rectum afterward. KAI.I CARBONICUM. 83 1 Severe diarrhoea, with much colic (aft. 4 d. ). 765. Diarrhceic stool, with smarting pains in the anus (aft. 8 d.). Diarrhoea without pain, with rumbling in the abdomen. [6^//.] Diarrhoea for the first fourteen days, with great lassitude. lying down, lack of appetite and daily bellyache; faeces light - colored and gray. Too liquid stools, after previous rumbling in the abdomen. Faeces very fetid. 770. Unobserved discharge of thin stool, during emission of flatus. Blood with the stool, for several days (aft. 4 d. ). Stools colored with blood, and then anxiety and dyspnoea. White mucus is discharged from the anus before and during the stool. A lumbricus is discharged with the stool. [A^.] 775. Pieces of a tapeworm discharged with a solid stool. [A^.] During ordinary stool, painful straining toward the groin. At the commencement of the stool, a severe attack of cramp in the stomach, so that she had to sit down at once; she passed urine, and while sitting, the pain increased so much that she bent double and could not speak; with nausea, regurgitation and vomiting of water, with retching; before the vomiting a shudder; during the vomiting, reeling, with shaking of hands and feet, then anxiet}^ and heat in the whole body; relief of the pain, deadly paleness of the face, and at last an ordinary stool (aft. }{ h.). With ordinary stool, colic and then a constant tenesmus, until in the afternoon another stool, a liquid one, followed (4th d.). [Ns-.-] After the ordinary stool, renewal of the pains, in the morning (2d d.). [A^^.] 780. After the ordinarv stool, tenesmus in the anus (ist and 4th d.). [N^.] After the stool, continual burning in the anus. [A^.] After the stool, shudder about the anus, for half an hour. After a difficult, scanty stool, pressure in the abdomen. [Gf.'] Pain in the anus, after vomiting, as if it would burst, almost intolerable. [A^.] 785. Tenesmus in the anus. [Qf".] Tenesmus in the rectum and anus. Shooting, tearing and cutting in the anus (repeated for several days). [Qf.] Shooting in the rectum. Shooting in the anus, like needle-pricks. 790. Often repeated shooting in the anus, unconnected with stool. Itching in the anus. [Qf.] Violent itching in the anus and the scrotum. Itching in the anus after supper. Crawling in the anus (also aft. 6 d.). [/v/.] 832 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 795. Violent itching and crawling in the anus, long continued, in the evening (ist d.). [A^.] Crawling and shooting in the anus, in the evening. [Qf.] Stinging crawling in the anus, before everj^ stool. Burning in the anus, without tenesmus. Burning in the anus, during and after the dry stool. [Gff.l 800. Burning in the anus, so that he could not sleep (aft 21 d.). Burning in the rectum, after the stool. Burning and contraction in the anus. Burning and pinching in the anus. Burning and pinching in the rectum, frequently (the first da3^s). 805. Burning cutting in the anus. \_Gff.'] Excoriation in the anus, in the evening. \_Gff.~\ Smarting sensation of excoriation on and above the anus after the (morning) stool. \_Gff.'] Excoriation in the anus (5th d.). Little pimples on the anus. 810. Ulcerated pimples on the anus, wath shooting. The varices of the rectum swell and protrude during a hard stool. Protrusion of the varices, during a diarrhoeic stool, with needle-pricking and burning in them, for many hours. Large, painful varices of the anus. The varices protrude much during urination, and emit, at first, blood, but on the following days, white mucus. 815. The varices on the anus are thickly swollen and there is much emission of blood from them during urination. Much emission of blood from the swollen varices of the anus, with a normal stool. Profuse emission of blood from the rectum, then restlessness in the blood and pulsation in the whole body. Burning of the anus, varices, with severe pain when walking. Inflammation of the varices of the anus (aft. 24 h.). 820. Sore pain in the varices of the anus. Shooting in the varices of the anus. Crawling in the varices of the anus, as from w^orms. Much urging to urinate. Urging to urinate, but it is some time before he could do so; it flowed ver}'^ slowly. 825. He had to urinate frequently; but the bladder had to be pressed on a long time before the urine passed; also at night, he had to rise for it repeatedly, though he drinks but little. She had to rise at night to urinate. He had to rise repeatedly at night to urinate (3d, 4th d.). She has to urinate frequentl3^ only a little being emitted each time, but every time with a renewed subsequent urging thereto, which is almost painful (aft. 48 h.). She has to strain during micturition, before the urine comes. 830. Scanty, pale urine (ist and 2d d.) more on 3d d. [A^.] KALI CARBONICUM. 833 Increase of urine, at least she has to urinate more frequently. An unusual secretion of urine (the first days). While busil}' occupied, she had to hastily pass a few drops of urine. After micturition, a few drops follow after. 835. Passage of a few drops of urine, two or three minutes after micturition. Turbid urine. \Gff.'\ Greenish, pale urine, with burning during and after micturi- tion (8th d.). [A^.] Dark 3^ellow urine, with a cloud, an hour later, more pale urine (aft. i h.). [A^.] Scalding, diminished urine (at first). [A^.] 840. Urine, like clave}^ water, with a copious sediment on standing. Interrupted stream of urine, painless, in the afternoon (ist d.). ^v^-] .... After micturition, emission of a milky, inodorous, flaky liquid (prostatic juice?). Cutting in the region of the bladder. Cutting tearing in the neck of the bladder, during micturi- tion, increased by forcing out the urine (36th d.). [Qf.] 845. Tearing in the neck of the bladder, unconnected with mic- turition (37th d.). [Qf.] Intermittent cutting in the urethra, unconnected with mic- turition; this becomes a tearing pain in the glans, and especially in its orifice (7th d.). \_Gff^^ Frequent drawing and sharp tearing in the anterior part of the urethra (18th, 19th d.). \_Gff:\ Tearing pain in the urethra. Pinching tearing pains in the urethra (aft. 12 d.). 850. Burning in the urethra, during micturition. Burning in the urethra, during micturition. [A^.] Burning in the urethra, after micturition (aft. 5 d.). Burning smarting pain in the urethra, during and after mic- turition. Burning and smarting in the orifice of the urethra and the upper part of the inner surface of the prepuce, in the morning in bed, soon after micturition (20th, 21st d.). [Qf.] 855. On the mons veneris, and near the genitals on the thighs, violent itching, with fine, red eruptive pimples. On the penis, a straining sensation (aft. 24 d.). Sharp, drawing pains through the penis (12th d.). \^Rl?\ Tearing drawing in the penis (24th d. ). [Qf.] Clucking in the glans (aft. 2d.). \_Rl^ 860. Tearing in the glans (aft. 20 d.). \Gff^ Shooting itching on the glans. In the left testicle, a straining sensation. Pinching in the left testicle, and in the os pubis. 54 834 Hahnemann's chronic diseases. Swelling of the testes and the spermatic cord, with heat per- ceptible externall}^ 865. The scrotum is painful, as if contused. Itching of the scrotum. Soreness of the scrotum (aft. 17 d.). [7^/.]. Sexual impulse much excited. [Qf.] Violent sexual impulse. 870. Excited sexual instinct (aft. 24 h.). Excites the sexual organs, with sensation of burning. The male genitals strongly smell of semen. Lack of sexual impulse, with undiminished morning erections. Erections at night, without excitement of the fancy (aft. 7 d. ). 875. Frequent erections (aft 13 d.). [A^.] Impetuous erections (aft. 24 h.). Many, even painful erections, with spasmodic contraction in the spermatic cords. No erections at all, for the first eighteen days. Pollutions for two nights in succession (ist, 2d n.). 880. Pollutions with voluptuous dreams (the first da3^s). [A^.] Profuse pollution with subsequent languor (aft. 23 d.). [A^.] Pollutions with great subsequent lassitude (3d, 4th, 7th n.). [G#.] The pollutions, formerly frequent, occur more rarely (aft. 14 d.). The usual pollutions are suppressed for forty-two days. 885. Coitus without emission of semen (aft. 10 d.). After coitus, lascivious dreams at night and pollution. [Rl.^ Aversion of female to coitus (the first days). She is easily excited to coitus (aft. 29 d.). During coitus, pinching in the vagina. 890. During coitus, sore pain in the vagina. On the pudenda, on the left side, tearing, extending through the abdomen up into the chest. Pinching pain in the labia. Stitches across the pudenda. Burning shooting on the pudenda. 895. Burning and itching on the pudenda. Burning, smarting pimples on the pudenda. Menses too early, by two days, immediately after a new dose (8th d.). [A^^.] Menses four days too earl}' (aft. 24 h.). Menses five da3^s too early, more copious and lasting longer than usual. [A^.] 900. Menses six days too early. [^Htb.'] Menses six days too early, the first day scanty, on the second more copious than usual, on the third day again scanty, ceasing entirely on the fourth da\^ [A^.] Menses too early by ten days, and lasting six days; during the first daj^s, weak, but during the later days more profuse; with lassitude and drowsiness, pains in the abdomen and toothache. KALI CARBONICUM. 835 l^lie menses, which had stopped for eighty-seven days, now return again, without any other ailment than that she felt heavy in her limbs the day before (3d d. ). The suppressed menses return with a better color (5th d. ). 905. Menses too late by one day, with pain in the hypogastrium. It retards the menses (in its after-effects) by thirteen days. The menstrual blood is very acrid, of a bad, sharp smell, and she becomes eroded from it on the thighs, which are covered with an eruption. Before, during and after the menses, much erosion about the pudenda. Before the appearance of the menses, on awaking from sleep in the morning, voluptuous sensations, as from coitus. 910. Before the menses, much heat, great thirst and restless nights. A week before the menses appear, there is restlessness, as if the menses would come at once (aft. 16 d.). Before the menses, much chilliness, trembling of the limbs and cramp-like sensations in the abdomen. During the menses, in the morning, headache, with great heaviness. [A^.] During the menses, she feels full and sick after meals, and soon afterward she vomits. 915. When the (retarded) menses ought to have appeared, and did not come, there appeared sour eructation, swelling of the cheek, with stitches, but without any heat, and swelling of the gum. During the menses, colic, putrid taste in the mouth, rumbling in the abdomen, great lassitude and drowsiness. \_Htb.'] During the menses, on the second day, severe headache, from morning till evening. \_Htb.'] During the menses, much flatus, bad taste in the mouth, and frequent eructations tasting of bile. During the menses, cutting in the abdomen. [A^.] 920. During the menses, severe pressure in the sacrum and an- teriorly in the hypogastrium, as if everything was coming out at the genital organs. During the menses, costiveness. During the menses, pains in the sacrum, like heaviness. During the menses, on the second day, coryza, pain in the ab- domen, toothache, backache, stitches in the ears and restless sleep. \_Htb.'] During the menses, very restless sleep, with anxious dreams. 925. During the menses, she goes to sleep again in the morning on awaking, but passes into a very disagreeable state, between sleep- ing and waking; she is then tormented by hearing things which distress her, though she knows she is only dreaming; but she is unable to open her eyes, and has great difficulty in tearing herself from this half-sleep. During the menses, violent itching of the whole body. After the menses, in the evening, coldness in the back, and 836 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. awaking after midnight with cramp and coldness in the stomach, which continues till about noon (aft. 19 d.). A female in the fifth month of her pregnancy (after some vexation) is attacked at night with a severe hemorrhage from the vagina, with clots of coagulated blood, attended with a dull head- ache and a j^ellow complexion, but without miscarriage. Leucorrhoea (3d d.). [A^.] 930. Discharge from the vagina (the first 5 days). Discharge, like mucus, from the vagina. Yellowish discharge from the vagina, with itching and burn- ing of the pudenda. Stuffed coryza (aft. 26 d.). {Htb.l Stuffed coryza, which is loosened in the afternoon, during a walk (aft. 3d.). [A^.] 935. Stuffed coryza, with itching in the nose; she has difficulty in breathing through the nose, for several days (aft. 4 d.). [A^.] Stuffed coryza, frequentl}^, also in the evening, in bed, with crawling in the throat (aft. 11 d.) \Gff^ Severe stuffed coryza, so that he could hardly get breath. Stuffed coryza, with much yellowish green mucus from the nose. Stoppage of the nose. 940. Expulsion of purulent matter from the right nostril, followed by stoppage, and w^hen blown, there arises a shooting, contractive pain, extending into the occiput. \Gll.'\ Fluent coryza, with excessive sneezing, some thirty times a day. Fluent coryza, almost the whole day, but especially in the evening. Severe fluent coryza, ever}^ evening, with frequent sneezing. Severe fluent coryza. 945. Severe fluent corj^za, with much sneezing, backache and head- ache (aft. 10 d.). Excessive fluent coryza (aft. 29 d.). Corj^za with bloody mucus from the nose (aft. 8 d.). \Htb^^ On the larynx, frequent drawing pain, with sensation of raw- ness. When eating, some of the food is apt to get into the larjmx, causing him to choke. 950. Rough voice. Very rough sensation in the throat, with much sneezing. Sore throat with cough. Sore throat when the body is uncovered. Very rough and hoarse in the throat, for several days. \Htb^ 955. Complete hoarseness and aphony (aft. 24 h.). At first, hoarseness, then excessive fluent coryza. Hoarseness as if something was lodged in the throat, exciting him to hawk. It feels as if there was a plug sticking in the throat ; by cough- ing, it is detached and the throat is cleared. KALI CARBONICUM. 837 Scrapy sensation on the chest, caused by the wind. 960. Growling and slight snoring in the trachea, while respiring, before the cough sets in. Tickling in the larvnx, exciting to cough, with severe hoarse- ness. \_RL'] Crawling in the throat, exciting hawking and coughing, with sensation as if the mucus was firmly attached, in the morning and evening (12th, 2 2d, 29th d.). \_Gff.'\ Cough, from titillation in the throat (20th d.)! [Qf.] Cough, from titillation in the throat, without expectoration. IGll.-] 965. Scrapy, scratching cough. Cough, which affects the chest, from tickling in the throat. Cough, from titillation. Cough, when playing the violin. Severe cough, while fasting in the morning; it- disappears after breakfast. 970. In the morning, hawking with expectoration. In the morning at once at 3 o'clock, she begins to cough, and this recurs every half hour. In the morning, much cough, with expectoration, but more yet in the evening. Evening cough when in bed. Every evening, severe cough, when she has lain in bed a while, for several wrecks. 975. In the evening, fatiguing cough. She has to cough every five minutes, from 9 p. m. till morn- ing. Nocturnal cough. At night she is awakened by her cough. Frequent cough before midnight, but none by day. 980. Hacking cough, with some expectoration, mostly only at night and in the morning, attended with coryza. Frequent tussiculation, in the afternoon and the following forenoon (aft. 6 d.). [A^.] Spasmodic and irritated cough, in single strong paroxysms, even to choking, with a sore pain in the upper part of the head and great lassitude afterward. Suffocating and retching cough, in the morning at 5 o'clock, as if from dryness in the larynx; she could not talk, for a spasm in the chest, with redness in the face and perspiration of the whole body. Cough, w^hich readily causes her to vomit. 985. Cough, violent even to vomiting, in the morning. Fatiguing cough, so violent, that she loses her consciousness. Dry cough, coming and going quickly. Dry cough, almost solely b}' night, with shooting in the throat. Dry cough, at night, waking from sleep, with acute pains on the chest in coughing; little coughing by day ( ist d. ). [-^'i,'.] 990. Cough with much expectoration. 838 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Bxpectoration of small, round lumps from the throat. [Gll.'\ Cough, with expectoration of sourish taste. Cough, with expectoration of blood-streaked mucus, three times (17th d.). She detaches mucus in coughing, but it does not come up into the mouth, and cannot, therefore, be expectorated. 995. In coughing, rough pain in the larynx. From coughing, shooting in the throat, with fluent coryza. During coughing, at times shooting pain in the left breast. In coughing, bearing scraping on the chest. In coughing, sparks dart from the eyes. 1000. During coughing, nausea. During coughing, pain in the varices of the anus. During coughing, pain in the abdomen, like concussion. Breath, very short, in the morning. In the morning, shortness of breath. 1005. Inclination to take a deep breath. Oppressed breathing. Asthma, as if the chest was coated wath mucus. Asthma, with short breath, during writing (3dd.). \_Ng.'] Oppression of the chest, with groaning, deep respiration. I GIG. Oppression of the chest, with difficult, troublesome respira- tion, two or three times (aft. 30 d.). \_Ng.~\ Oppression of the chest, with distended abdomen. Sensation, in the open air, as if the throat w^as being con- stricted. Obstruction of the breath wakes him from sleep at night. Slight rattling on the chest, at night, when lying on the back. 1G15. Anguish in the chest, toward evening. The chest is very painful, chiefly while talking. Pressure on the chest, while taking breath. Pressure, in paroxysms, anteriorly in the chest, especially on the right side, aggravated by inspiration, diminished by eructa- tion. [Qf.] Pressure in the thyroid cartilage, while coughing or when taking a deep breath (aft. 16 h.). IG20. Frequent pressure in the left side of the chest and in the cardiac region (8th d.). \_Gff.'] Pressure in the whole of the left side of the chest. [6^//.] Pressive pain in the morning on rising, on the right edge of the sternum; this is also painful when touched. Pressure and sensation of drawing downward, in the middle of the chest. [A^.] Sharp, pressive pain behind the sternum, when breathing and in swallowing liquid food, and during eructation, for several days. IG25. Shooting pressure on the left side of the chest, when taking a deep breath. Shooting pressure in the right side of the chest, occasionally, for several days. Pinching pressure in the right side of the chest (26th d.). [.Gf.-] KALI CARBONICUM. 839 Tension across the chest, during expiration, in walking. Cramplike pain in the chest; it goes off by eructation. [A^.] 1030. Pinching in the pectoral muscles, several times. Pinching, obtuse shooting in the right side of the chest. Cutting sensation in the lower part of the chest, especially on the left side; it draws down into the epigastrium, but it leaves be- hind a shooting pain in the left side of the chest (20th d. ). [G^.~\ Cutting pain in the chest, in the morning, especially about the scrobiculus cordis, as from flatus accumulating there. Cutting pain in the chest, in the evening on lying down; she did not know how to He; worst when lying on the right side. 1035. Stitches in the sternum, in front of the right side of the chest, also during inspiration; in the evening (ist d.). [A^.] Stitches below^ the left breast, and at times deep up into the breast, also in the evening. [A^.] Stitches in the right side of the chest, on taking a breath. Occasionally a stitch in the right side of the chest. A stitch in the left side of the chest. 1040. Stitches in the left side of the chest. [G/i.'] Stitches in the sides, on taking breath. Stitches in the cardiac region. Violent stitch below the two breasts, after lifting a heavy load; later on, griping in both the epigastria, toward the front; in the afternoon. [A^.] Single cutting stitches below the right clavicle, with pain as if a thorn was lodged in it. [A^.] 1045. Sudden, dull stitch in the sternum, on the eructation and the deglutition of liquid substances. Obtuse stitches deep in the left side of the chest, under the short ribs. [Qf.] Obtuse, painful stitches in the chest, below the left clavicle, only going off transientl}^ by pressing upon it; in the evening. Obtuse shooting, pressing and tearing below the axilla. [Qf.] Burning shooting in the right side of the chest, on rising from a stooping position (aft. i h.). [A^^.] 1050. Burning shooting in the left side of the chest, when sitting; it goes off on rising (7th d.). [A^"^.] Boring, deep into the left side of the chest (9th d.). [AV.] Drawing pain across the chest (aft. 4 d.). Tearing in the sternum, to the left side, above the scrobiculus cordis, in the evening. [Qf".] Tearing in the left side of the chest, on the lowest short ribs. 1055. Tearing pain in the right side of the chest (9th d.). \_Gff.^ Tearing pain in the left side of the chest (17th d.). \_G/^.~\ Pain, sore, but 3'et tearing, somewhat below the left axilla, aggravated and excited by strong breathing. [6}^'.] 840 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sore pain in the upper part of the chest, when taking breath, when touching the parts and when she raised something heavy. Bruised pain in the chest. 1060. Tickhng in the right side of the chest (aft. 16 d.). Clucking, like subsultus of the muscles, in the upper right side of the chest (2 2d d.). [Qf.] Trembling or quivering, anteriorly in the chest. [A^.] The chest is affected from loud talking. Weakness of the chest. 1065. Weakness and lassitude in the chest, from walking fast. Painful beating in the clavicle, the shoulders, the side of the abdomen, etc. [A^.] t*alpitation, frequent and violent, with oppression. Palpitation, when he is hungry (aft. 10 d.). Violent palpitation in the forenoon, with numbness of the head and nausea (aft. 24 h.). 1070. Frequent intermission of the heart-beats. In or about the heart a pinching pain, as if the heart was suspended by firmly contracted bands; most noticeable during deep inspiration or coughing, but not during bodily motions (aft. several h,). Burning in the cardiac region (aft. 2d.). External twitching pain on the lowest left rib. In the breasts, tearing shooting. 1075. Itching on the fleshy part of the right side of the chest, with a fine eruption, showing only when it is rubbed. Smarting on the chest, now here, now there, in paroxysms. In the coccyx, violent gnawing, both at rest and in motion. [^^•] . . Pain in the sacrum, after standing or walking for a time. Pain in the sacrum, only in bending backward, not while at rest. 1080. Frequent pain, just above the sacrum, when sitting. \_Gff.'] Severe sacral pains, with labor-like pains in the abdomen and discharge from the vagina. Pain in the sacrum, like heaviness. Pain as from inflation in the sacrum, in the morning in bed, with a feeling as if great bubbles were accumulating in the sacral region, and with tenesmus, all of which vanishes on the emission of flatus. [A^.] Sensation in the morning, as if the sacrum was being pressed inward from both sides. [A^.] 1085. Stiffness in the sacrum. Twitching pain in the sacrum, when stooping, so that he could not raise himself up for a time. Drawing pain in the sacrum. Severe, constant drawing in the sacrum, alternating with throbbing there, relieved by lying down. Throbbing in the sacrum. 1090. Severe bruised pain in the sacrum, chiefly in the morning on rising. KALI CARBONICUM. 84 1 Violent pain in the sacrum, as if it was broken, on moving. Itching on the lower part of the sacrum. Tickling fatigue-pain above the sacrum. An occasional stitch from the sacrum through the left side of the abdomen, toward the chest. 1095. Backache, paining severel}^ Pressure in the back, above the right renal region, in the morning (20th d.). [G^.'] Pressure in both the renal regions (yth, 8th, 15th, 19th d.). [G#.] Pressure in the left scapula. Sharp pressure on the upper part of the back (34th d.). HOG. Drawing pressure in the scapulae. Drawing pressure in the back. Tensive pressure like severe fatigue, from the right scapula, extending into the side of the back, even to the sacrum, per se, also early in bed, but especially while out driving. [Qf.] Burning pressure in the back, worse when walking in the open air (aft. 19 d.). Sore pressure in the right renal region (6th d.). [Qf.] 1 1 05. Stiff in the back; she cannot stoop. Stiffness and paralysis in the back and the sacrum. Tensive pain under the left scapula, when respiring. Several sharp, smarting pinches on the back part of the ribs, on both sides of the back. Contractive pain in the back, while at rest after physical labor, mo. Tearing in the right renal region (13th d. ). [6^.] Tearing pain in the lumbar muscles, which arrests the breath. Shooting and pressive tearing in the back, near the right scapula (loth, 38th d.). [Qf.] Tearing in the right scapula, in the morning (4th d.). Burning tearing on the right side, by the spine above the sacrum (i8th d.). [Qf.] 1 1 15. Stitches in both renal regions (nth, 29th d.). lGf.~\ Stitches on the right side of the back, extending through into the chest (25th d.). [Off'.'} Stitches in the right scapula, when taking breath. Lancinating pain between the scapulae, and oppression and anguish on the chest, almost solely while sitting, so that she has to rise and walk about. A stitch from the apex of the left scapula into the scrobiculus cordis, while hard at work (aft. 7 d.). [Qf".] 1 1 20. Obtuse shooting in the left scapula. \_(rjf'.] Pinching shooting in both scapulae. [^5^.] Sharp, tearing stitch under the right scapula. [67/.] First a pressure between the scapulae, then from there a burn- ing extending to the crest of the ilium, equally while at rest and in motion; the burning is also felt when the hand is laid upon it. 842 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pulsating beating on the upper edge of the left shoulder- blade. [Ng.] 1125. Pain as if the flesh was detached from the bones, in the loins, when walking, but chiefly when touched. Bruised pain in the back, while at rest, not when in motion. Bruised pain between the shoulders and on the left shoulder; it goes off when moving. [A^.] A shooting, bruised pain in the right scapula during motion; perceptible even in the chest. Pain as from a strain in the back. II 30. Pain as from a sprain in the left scapula. Violently shooting pain as from a sprain in the left scapula, extending into the chest. Itching on the back, on scratching, it changes into pain. Pain in the nape, on bending back the head. Violent tension in the nape, becoming more painful on mov- ing the head. [A^.] 1 135. Stiffness in the nape, with elongation of the uvula in the throat. [G//.] Stiffness in the nape, in the morning in bed (also aft. 3d.). Stiffness in the nape in the morning, going off during the day; for several weeks. Drawing pain in the neck (aft. 2 h.). [A^.] Tearing in the nape, occasionally only transient. [A^.] 1 1 40. Tearing in the right side of the nape, in the morning. Itching little pimples in the neck, in the evening, going off after twenty-four hours. [A^.] The cervical muscles pain, on being moved. Twitching pain on the left side of the neck (aft. 2d.). [^/.] Pressing drawing on the right side of the neck. 1 145. Tearing in the lower part of the right side of the neck (aft. 24 d.). [G#.] Rush of blood to the neck; the neck seems thicker and the cravat too narrow. The glands on the neck are painful, as after a cold (3d d.). Shooting in the cervical glands. Swelling of the cervical glands (aft. 5 and 14 d.). 1150. Swelling of a cervical gland, below the chin, which is painful after taking cold. Swelling of the cervical glands on both sides, with pain on turning the head. Hard swelling of the cervical gland, on the corner of the lower jaw. Tickling in the swelling of the submaxillary gland; she had to press on it with the cold hand, to ease it. Sweat in the axillae. 1 155. The axillary gland swells and is painful when touched, as if festered (2d d.). Swelling of the axillary gland. Dull cutting and tearing in the right axilla (24th d.). \_GJ^.~\ Tearing in the left axilla, while at rest (loth d.). [A^.] KALI CARBONICUM. 843 Tearing shooting in the right axilla, Avhen raising the arm, in the morning, when writing (7th d.)- 1 160. Violent shooting in the left axilla. [A^.] Sensitiveness and burning in the right axilla (15th d. ). \_Gff.'] Itching in the axilla. The top of the left shoulder aches, on violent motion of the left arm, or when it presses on anything strongly. Pinching pressure in the right shoulder-joint, more painful w^hen taking a breath. [Qf.] 1 165. Severe tensive pain in the top of the left shoulder, in the morning, so that he could not raise his arm. Tension and pressive drawing in the top of the right shoulder, w^ith paralytic sensation in the right arm. \_Gff.^ Drawing pain in the top of the right shoulder (17th d.). [Of-] Tearing in the top of the left shoulder, both at rest and in motion. [A^.] ' Tearing in the top of the right shoulder, while knitting; it goes off on motion. [A^.] 1 170. Tearing in the left shoulder-joint. \_Gff.^ Pinching tearing, in the top of the right shoulder. [Qf.] Fine shooting in the left shoulder, and then in the tendons of the left side of the neck. [A^.] Fine stitches in the top of the shoulders, both at rest and in motion. [A^.] Bruised pain under the right shoulder-joint, especially on moving or touching it. 1 175. Cracking in the shoulder-joint, on moving and on raising the arm on high. [A^.] Pimples on the top of the shoulder, with violent itching and burning aftr scratching. [A^.] In the arm, severe tensive pain for eight days, so that he could not lift it up straight; but he could move it backwards on his back, lie upon it and grasp the joint without pain. Paralytic tension and drawing in the left arm, from the top of the shoulder down into the forearm, with tendency to go to sleep, in the morning on awaking (34th d.). \^GffJ\ Drawing pain in the left arm (aft. 21 h.). 1 180. Twitching in the arm, in the evening on going to sleep. Frequent twitching of the left arm. Tearing in the left arm, from above down into the wrist. Violent tearing in the whole of the left arm (7th d.). [A^.] In a cold temperature, the arms lose their warmth, become numb and almost as if asleep. 1 185. Both the arms go to sleep and are benumbed in the cold; they also go to sleep after violent motion. The arm, on w^hich he lies at night, goes to sleep. The arms go to sleep, in the morning in bed; they feel rigid and paralyzed with a sensation of internal pressure, and the hands are without sensation, for half an hour. 844 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. He feels paralyzed in both arms (the first days). The arms get tired readil}^, when writing (aft. 3d.). 1190. Weakness and want of strength in both arms. Weakness of the arm, with swelling of the upper arms and the hands. Itching of the arms, with little white pimples after scratching, as large as grains of millet. [///^.] On the upper left arm, quivering in the flesh}^ part. [A^.] Burning tension on the right upper arm, just above the elbow. [Ng.-\ 1195. Tearing in the right upper arm, above the bend of the elbow, in the evening. [A^.] Tearing in the left upper arm, occasionall}" extending to the top of the shoulder (nth, i6th, 20th d.). [Qf.] Tearing in the upper parts of the right upper arm and in the elbow (12th and 22d d.). \_Gff.'] Shooting tearing in the left upper arm. Shooting in the right upper arm. 1200. Pulsating pain in the left upper arm, at intervals. Subsultus of the muscles on the left upper arm (i8th, 19th, 25th d.). [Gff.-] A pimple on the upper part of the upper arm, itching and paining. ^Gf.'] Bruised pain in the right upper arm, especiall}^ on raising the arm. [7?/.] Parah'tic pain in both the upper arms, chiefly on moving them. 1205. Pain in the elbow, as if it were stiff, on stretching the right arm, after it had been bent. Drawing and tearing in both the elbows, occasionally with a sensation of warmth in them, frequently recurring. \_Gff.'] Tearing in the bend of both the elbows (3d, 6th and 22d d.) [G#.] Tearing stitches in the bend of the left elbow. [_Gff.'\ Severe stitches in the bend of both the elbows, in the morning in bed; going off after rising. 1 2 10. On the fore-arm, tensive pain. [Gff.l Drawing pain in the fore-arm. Violent, short drawing, from the arm into the hand (aft. 2d.), Paralytic, obtusely paining, drawing from the left fore-arm into the hand. IRI.'] Tearing in the upper part of both the fore-arms. [Qf.] 1 2 15. Tearing in the middle of both the fore-arms. [Q^.] Tearing in both the fore-arms, tow^ard the wrist. [_Gff.~\ The hands pain in the metacarpal bones, on grasping. Obtuse pressive pain on the dorsum of the left hand. [A'^.] Drawing on the inner surface of the left wrist, aggravated by motion. [A^ ] 1220. Tearing in the wrists (nth and 20th d.). \_Gff.'] Tearing in the outer process of the wrist- joint (29th d.). IGff.-] KAI.I CARBONICUM. 845 Fine tearing in the left wrist -joint, extending toward the ring- finger, frequentl}^ recurring (4th d. )• [-A^-] Tearing in the right wTist- joint when knitting, frequently re- curring. [A^.] Dull, pressive tearing in both hands, between the thumb and the index (i6th, 12th and 2Tst d.). [Qf-] 1225. Violent tearing, from the dorsum of the left hand into the fingers. [Qf.] Violent tearing in the dorsum of the left hand, as if in the marrow of the bones, almost intolerable. [AV.] Shooting in the left wrist- joint on motion, then also while at rest, some sharp stitches. [Qf.] Cold hands. Burning on the left hand, as from red-hot coals. [^/.] 1230. The hands go to sleep, in the morning on awaking, with a dull headache, increasing after rising, with frequent empty eructations until toward noon. \_Htb.'\ Lack of strength in the hands. Trembling of the hands, while writing, in the morning. Itching on the wrist. \_Rl.^ Violent itching of the palms, in the evening, near the fingers (istd.). [G#.] 1235. Itching above the right wrist-joint, going off by scratching. Itching vesicles in the palm. Red, elevated spot, shaped like a lentil above the wrist. Rough, chapped skin on the hands. \_Htb.'] In the fingers, drawing pain in the posterior joints. 1240. Tearing in the middle joint of the index. \_Gff.^ Tearing under the thumb-nail. [Qf.] Tearing in the phalanges and joints of several fingers. \_Gff.'\ Tearing under the finger-nails (34th d.). [Qf.J Transient tearing in the fingers, and at the same time in the toes. [Qf.] 1245. Tearing in the left thumb. [A^.] Tearing in the joint of the left middle finger. [A^.] Tearing in the left little finger, toward the tip, passing away by motion, but frequently recurring. [A^.] Violent tearing behind the right index, extending to its tip. Dull tearing in the ball of the thumb (9th d. ). \_Gff.'] 1250. Some fine tearing pains, in the left little finger. \_No-^ Shooting tearing under the nail and in the tip of the index. iGff.-] Drawing tearing in the tip of the little finger. \_Crff.'] Burning tearing in the tip of the index (loth d. ). \_Gtt.'] Shooting in the fingers of the right hand. 1255. Fine, painful shooting under the nail of the left middle finger. Fine, intermitting shooting in the middle joint ot the right index. [A^i,'.] 846 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Painful shooting in the right index, as if needle and thread were passed from the posterior part toward the tip; relieved by bending the finger; renewed by stretching it. [A^.] Fine, keen shooting, as if from an ulcer, in the tips of the four fingers of the right hand. [iVcr.] Ulcerative pain in the posterior joint of the left thumb, in the evening. [A^.] 1260. Burning pain, as from a glowing coal, on two fingers of the left hand. [^/.] Burning in the tip of the little finger. \_Gff.~\ Sore pain, in the morning, in the anterior joint of the middle finger, especiallv under the nail, not increased by touching it. [Qf.] Crawling in the tip of the right middle finger. \_Gff.'] The fingers open and close by jerks, in the morning in bed; then numbness, difficult motion and chilliness of the fingers. 1265. Numbness and insensibilit}^ of the right thumb, for several weeks. The thumb goes to sleep, toward morning in bed. The finger-tips go to sleep, chiefly in the morning. The thumbs feel paralj'zed, from knitting. Stiffness and paralytic weakness of the right thumb and index, when writing. [G^//.] 1270. Little itching pimples behind the left thumb; they continue to itch after scratching, [A^.] A blister on the little finger. An erosive blister on the left index, which, being opened, dis- charged for several da3^s, not a purulent, but a watery liquid. Around the border of the nail of the middle finger, burning pain. IGff.'] Inflammation on the border of the nail of the index, like a paronychia; on pressing on it thin pus is discharged, for seven days. iGff.-] 1275. In the left lumbar region, tearing to and fro, while sitting, going off when in motion. [A^.] In the nates, muscular twitching. Dull pain in the nates. \_Gff.'] Tearing around and in the nates, near the hip-joint. \_Gjf.'] Fits of pinching tearing in the nates. \_Gff.'] 1280. Pain in the nates and thighs from sitting, as if the}^ were festering. Itching between the nates. Soreness between the thighs. In the hip- joint a pinching tearing. [Gff.'] Tearing pain in the left hip, from time to time. 1285. Tearing in the hips and knees, also when sitting. Tearing, occasionall}^ formicating, in the hips on their integu- ments (19th, 2ist and 30th d.). \_Gff.'] Twitching pain in the left hip-joint, w^hen turning the thigh. [G^//.] Fine, but very acute stinging in the left hip- joint, when stand- KALI CARBONICUM. 847 ing; after sitting down there is a stitch tearing down the whole thigh, as if it were in the marrow, going off after rising from the seat. [Ng.] Pain, as from a blow, in the upper part of the left hip-bone, when walking and when touched. [<^^.] 1290. Bruised pain of the hip-joint, with pain on moving and on sneezing. In the lower limbs, pressure in the bones, now here, now there. Tearing in the left thigh and in the tibia, during the menses. Burning pain, in both the lower limbs, also at times with acute stitches. Restlessness in the lower limbs, in the evening, she had to walk about. 1295. Restlessness in the legs, in the evening; he had to stretch them often. Sudden great heaviness of the left thigh, so that he could only move it with difficulty; it felt paralyzed, at night in bed, and the following day when sitting. [A^.] Heaviness of the lower limbs. Sensation of numbness in the whole of the right thigh, as if it was going to sleep, wath great sensation of heaviness remaining in it, in the morning on awaking. [A^.] Sensation of numbness and great tendency to go to sleep in the whole of the right lower limb especially in the leg. [G/f.] 1300. Frequent going to sleep of the lower limbs. The lower limb goes to sleep, while lying down. The right limb goes to sleep and tingles. While sitting, first one then the other lower limb goes to sleep. Lack of strength in the lower limbs, they give way. 1305. Stiffness of the lower limb (aft. lo d.). In the thighs, muscular tw^itching. [Qf.] Drawing pain in the thigh (aft. ii d. ). [i?/.] Drawing pain in the left thigh, down to the knee. Drawing pain in the thigh, when ascending, as if it would break. 1310. Paralytic drawing in the whole thigh, often increased to tearing, worse when standing and in the warmth of the bed, often only in the evening and at night. [Qf.] Tearing on the upper and inner part of the thigh. [6r/f".] Tearing on the posterior part of the thigh, close to the nates, toward the genitals. \_G^.'] Sore pain in the middle part of the thigh, when touched. Worn-out feeling in the thighs, as if he was fatigued by walk- ing, many days, chiefly in the afternoon. 1315. Feeling of fatigue in both thighs, above the knees, in the evening. [A[i^'.] Severe bruised pain, a hand's breadth above the right knee, 848 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. as if the thigh was about to drop off, when standing; worse when sitting, and continuing afterward both in rest and in motion. [A^.] Quivering in the right thigh, on the anterior side. [A^.] Paral3^tic sensation of the whole thigh, with a sensation as if it would go to sleep. [6^.] Two little pimples on the left thigh. 1320. An itching spot on the thigh, near the hip; after scratching, it turns into an ulcer. A lump above the knee, with pressive tearing pain. On the knee, a dull pain on the side, when walking and especially when stretching the limb. [6^.] Tensive pain in the right knee, and then formication in it; only while walking, it goes off w^hen sitting. [AV.] Stiffness in the knees (aft. two d.). 1325. Stiffness, tension and w^eakness in the right knee, as if tightly bandaged. Drawing pain in the knee, when walking, extending into the thigh. Frequent tearing in the knees. [Qf.] Tearing in both knees (ist d. ). [A^.] Tearing in the hough. [Qf.] 1330. Tearing in the knee and the knee-joint in the evening, with warmth in it. \_Gj^.^ Ripping-up pain in the knees, when walking and sitting. Beating and throbbing in the left knee, repeated by da3^ Quivering of the left knee (2d d.). [A^.] Pain as of a sprain in the knee, on rising from the seat, for several minutes. 1335. The knees go to sleep and pain, when w^alking fast, he could hardly bend them. Paralytic feeling in the knee, when sitting. [6^.] Paralytic pain in the right knee, when walking (6th d.). [Qf] Itching on the knee. Eruption in the hough. 1340. In the right leg, drawing pain down into the foot, for several days. Paralytic drawing in the legs. Drawing and tearing in the bones of the legs. [Qf.] Tearing in the upper part of the tibia, below the knee. [Qf.] Tearing in both the tibise, with pain in the periosteum on touching them, and tension therein when walking. [Qf.] 1345. Tearing in the left tibia. [A^"^.] Tearing in the upper part of the calf (20th d.). [Qf.] Tearing in the right calf, passing inward on pressing and rubbing it, and then disappearing. [A^^.] Straining sensation in the left calf, as if the tendons were too short, in standing, not in sitting. [A^.] Straining sensation in the calves, as if they were too short, on rising from the seat, by day. KAI,I CARBONICUM. 849 1350. Cramp in the right calf (aft. 20 h.). Shooting in the shaft of the tibia. Quivering on the anterior surface of the left leg, when stand- ing. [No-.-] Itching on the tibia, [i?/.] Violent itching on the legs, in the evening, [i^/.] 1355. An itching lump and three vesicles, with inflamed areola on the tibia. [A^.] Tetter on the thigh, [md.] In the feet, tension, almost without swelling. Pressive pain in the heel. Pressive pain in the sole of the foot, on treading and walking. 1360. Pinching drawing in the foot, as from great weariness. [6r^.] Spasmodic tearing on the ankle, with pulsation about that part, and up the tibia, extending to the knee. Tearing about the ankles, when the feet are cold, ceasing when they get warm. Frequent tearing in the ankle-joints. [G^.] Tearing just above the ankles (20th d.). [Qf.] 1365. Tearing on the inner side of the foot and of the sole. Tearing in the dorsum of the foot, extending into the toes. Tearing from the inner ankle, across to the tendo Achillis. Drawing tearing in the feet, even into the toes. [Qf.] Shooting in the left foot, inward, 1370. Shooting on the dorsum of the foot. Stitches under the ankle. A pain like a stitch shot into her ankle, while walking, as if the foot would break; she had to stand still. Severe drawing and shooting, in the morning, several hours after rising, in the left ankle, when treading, paining worst in the evening, with pecking there and shooting in the heel; she dare not move her foot, she has to keep it suspended; it feels too heavy, is swollen and hot when touched at that spot. Shooting under the heel, as from needle pricks. 1375. Shooting in the foot. \Htb?\ Violent shooting in the tendons, behind the right outer ankle, when running; going off when at rest. [A^.] Shooting and burning in the feet, after a walk. {Htb.] Visible quiverings on the dorsum of the left foot, in the even- ing. [A^^.] Formication in the soles of the feet, toward the toes. 1380. Formicating burning, in the soles of the feet, and painful sen- sitiveness of the same. Heaviness and stiffness of the feet. The feet go to sleep, after a meal. \Htb^ The left foot goes to sleep, during dinner. [A-^.] Cold feet, in bed. 1385. Cold feet, while the face is hot. 55 850 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sweating of the soles of the feet. Profuse sweat on the feet, for many days. [^Hib.'] Swelling of the feet. Severe swelling of the feet, extending to the ankles. 1390. Swelling and redness of the soles of the feet, with burning in them, even while lying down, but much more when treading. Severe itching about the ankle joint, in the morning in bed. Severe itching and heat of the feet, in the evening, as if the}^ had been frozen. The tips of the toes pain, when walking. Cramp in the left big toe, so that he could not stretch it, while sitting, in the evening. [A^.] ' 1395. Tearing in the toes (4th, 7th, nth and 20th d.). [_Gff.^ Tearing in the posterior phalanx of the big toes (nth, j6th, 19th and 34th d.). [6^/f.] Tearing in the tips of the big toes (17th, nth and 36th d.). [Qf.] Gnawing, on the outer edge of the right big toe. [A^.] Pricking as from needles in the ball of the big toe. Gff.'\ 1400. Tickling stinging in the tips of the toes. [Qf.] Fine stitches with itching in the tip of the big toe. Pain as from a sprain in the posterior joint of the big toes, while walking, but most painful when raising them up (nth and 33d d:). IGff.-] Tickling formication in the toe and sole. \_Gff. Itching on the lower surface of the toes. \_Gff. 1405. Violent itching on the big toe, below^ the nail, with pain when touched. \_Gff.'] Inflamed red (chil) blains on the toes, with pressive pain. Chilblain on the ball of the big toe, with stinging cutting pain, red and thick. Bluish-red chilblains on the ball of the big toe, inflamed with a cutting pain and needle pricks, especially when wearing shoes and boots. The corns pain acutely. 1410. Stitches in the corn. [Htb.']. The nail of the big toe pains on the side, as if it would grow into the flesh (14th d.). \_Gff.'] The limbs pain, in those parts on which they rest (aft. 4d.). IRl.-] The whole bod}^ is very sensitive; wherever she touched her- self or moved, it pained her (3d and 4th d.). \_Ng.'\ Pressive pain in the joints of the knees, the feet and the hands, only while at rest. 141 5. Pressive pain in the joints and drawing pains in the shafts of the long bones. A sort of tension in the interior of the body, extending into the head and the eyes. Pinching and strongly contractive sensation in the anus, in the stomach and toward the fauces. Formication in the limbs, especially in the lower ones, when sitting, with drawing in the legs, making him restless. [Qf.] Ki^LI CARBONICUM. 85 I Drawing pain in the whole bodj^, now here, now there, in the nape, the scapulae, the hands and the knees (aft. lo d. )• 1420. Drawing pain in all the limbs, with the sensation as if he had been sick for a long time, with great paleness of the face and emaciation. Severe drawing in the abdomen, in the arms and legs, with bruised pain of the upper arms; most when resting (the first days). Stinging in the joints and tendons. The pains predominating in Kali are stitches. [6^//.] Pain, as from festering, when pressing on any part of the body. 1425. Bruised pain of all the muscles of the body. The parts on which she lies (arms and legs) go to sleep. The pains come early, at 2 or 3 a. m., so that he cannot re- main l5ang down, and they are stronger then than by day during motion. After the cessation of the pains, at once a chill. [A^.] In the open air, she seems to feel better than in the room. 1430. The open air seems to increase the ailments, especially the feverish condttion. On walking in the open air, drowsy with yawning. On walking in the open air, violent tearing externally on the one side of the head. From walking in the open air, violent headache, for several hours. Great dislike of the open air. 1435. When walking in the open air, great readiness to take cold, and sweat at night, with restlessness and heaviness in the nape, as if from a load (4th d.). Readiness to take cold (3d d.). Very ready to take cold. Very ready to take cold after being heated by exercise; he loses his appetite, has feverish shiverings, diarrhoea with colic, restless sleep, etc. After taking cold, headache on the right side of the head and heat in the eyes. 1440. Ailments from taking cold, at every draught. After catching cold by a draught, she feels for a moment too hot in the room, then heaviness in the limbs, tearing in the whole body, and in the head, with roaring before the ears, and general coldness, then throughout the night, a sour smelling perspiration (aft. 31 d.). After taking a cold, there is fever in the evening; toward morning, perspiration with violent headache, and after rising, a chaotic feeling in the head. Itching, here and there inthebod}-, especially on the legs; on scratching, the parts are apt to bleed. [Jv/.^ Severe itching on the abdomen and on the thighs. 1445. Itching all over the body, now here, now there, with little blotches after scratching. [A;'-.] 852 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching all over the bod}', in the evening, before going to sleep: it goes off in bed. Violent itching all over the bod}^, in the morning and evening. especially on the back, where there are small pim-ples (aft. 3d.). Severe, almost stinging itching on the whole body, at night in bed. [A^.] Itching stitches, here and there on the body. 1450. Stinging and gnawing, on the skin all over the body. Burning itching in the face, on the back and on the head. Burning itching in the sacrum and below the right patella. Burning itching all over the body, in the face, on the hands, on the tibia, etc. , now here, now there. Burning on many parts of the skin, even under the axillae, as from a drawing plaster. \GffP\ 1455. Eruptive nodules here and there on the bodv, also on the face, [i?/.] Nettle-rash for fourteen days. Nettle-rash, with itching so violent, that she did not know what to do, for fifteen days. Yellow, scaly, severely itching spots all over the belly, also about the nipples; the}' become moist on scratching. Tetter (on the thigh). \^Htb.'\ 1460. The ulcer bleeds violently, almost without a cause. In the cicatrix of a fontanelle, a tearing pain. On the spot of a former ulcer (on the leg), pressure and ten- sion. An old wart (in the face) commences to itch. Ebullition in the blood, and heat in the head. 1465. Ebullition in the blood, in the evening, before going to sleep, with oppression and tightness in the chest. He feels the pulse all over the body, even in the tips of the toes. Sensible throbbing of all the arteries. \Gll.'\ Sensation of emptiness in the whole body, as if it Avas all hollow. Heavy and languid in the whole body, as if broken on the wheel. [A§-.] 1470. So heavy in the limbs, that she could not set one foot before the other. Heaviness of the body, in the morning in bed; it goes off after rising. Heavy, especially in the feet; walking is an effort. Indolence (aft. 2d.). Frequent languor and weariness (ist d.). 1475. Languor and weariness, in the evening, almost reaching nausea. \_Gff.'\ Lassitude, languor and nausea, after the afternoon nap. [^/.] Great languor in the evening. [A^.] Great weariness, in the morning on awaking, diminished on rising, but returning with increase in the afternoon. \Htb.'\ KALI CARBONICUM. 853 Relaxation and lassitude of the limbs. 1480. Titillating lassitude in the limbs. The child (of four years) wants to be continually carried. Going up a few steps is troublesome to her; but not walking on a level. Much talking fatigues her. Languid, weary and bruised in the hips and lower limbs, and especially in the calves, when she walks (13th d.). 1485. Sensation of faintness every morning, as if he would swoon or have vertigo (the first 6 d.). Threatened with syncope, as soon as he moved at all. Fit of faintness, on returning from a short walk, so that she could reach her home with difficulty; a warm sensation in her stomach and (in winter) drops of sweat gather on her forehead, and her lower limbs tremble; after a short rest, her faintness passes off. Attack of lassitude in the whole body, especially in the sacrum, the cervical muscles feel relaxed, the arms and legs nerve- less, as if he should sink down, with a faint feeling about the heart, as from syncope (aft. sever, h.). Attack of sudden faintness, in the evening on lying down, with aching nausea, warmth and lassitude in the pit of the stom- ach, and vertigo and failing of thoughts in the head; so also two fits in the morning, which leave behind them great lassitude. 1490. Attack of nausea, at once in the morning, with violent yawn- ing, eructation, writhing about the stomach, severe heat and anguish (3d d.). Attack of nausea and vomiting, with bruisedness of the head, drowsiness and some watery stools, with subsequent constipation. Attack of contractive pain in the back, while at rest after physical labor; he has to lie down; then profuse sweat through the night, and in the morning a stool with mucus and blood, but painless. Cramplike attack: A pain seized him between the shoulders like a tearing, then his nape became, as it were, stiff, and when he would move his head, it was jerked backward several times. After the cramplike attack, eructation, giving relief, and ex- treme lassitude, prostration and discomfort; she could only talk quite low. [A^.] 1495. Twitching in all the limbs (8th d.). Quivering in the muscles, here and there, for several davs. [Rl.-] Sudden tremulousness. \_Rl.~\ Violent trembling. Tremulous in the hands and lower limbs, and easil}^ fatigued by walking. 1500. Tremulous weariness, when walking, first in the knees, then trembling in the abdominal muscles and the arms. Frequent yawning. He feels as if he had not slept enough, in the morning. Very sleepy in the morning, and waking up late. 854 hahnkmann's chronic diseasks. Sleeping too long, and the head then feels chaotic, great lassi- tude, sensation of corj^za and pressure in the eyes. 1505. In the morning, after a sound sleep, he has soon to lie down again, and after a sleep of three hours, he feels restored. Great drowsiness by day; she goes to sleep, while sitting. Very sleep^^, with yawning in the forenoon, till noon. [A^.] Drowsiness after dinner; it goes off in the open air. [A^.] Always drowsy, in the afternoon, with yawning and wretched complexion. [A^.] 15 10. Great drowsiness; she felt like going to sleep at breakfast (soon). [AA^.] Drowsiness in the afternoon (3d d.). \Htb.'\ Irresistible somnolence, in the afternoon and evening. In the evening, he gets drowsy early (aft. 10 d.). [i?/.] In the evening, early drowsiness and sullen silence. \_Gff.'] 15 1 5. Difficulty in getting to sleep, in the evening, after walking in the open air. In the evening, he is long in getting to sleep for several days. In the evening he cannot get to sleep before eleven or twelve o'clock, without cause. Late in getting to sleep (the first weeks). After mental work, he cannot fall asleep before midnight. 1520. In the evening, on going to bed at eleven, she could not get to sleep, for a stinging itching all over the body; she onh^ slept from eleven to one o'clock. [A^.] At night in bed, he cannot fall asleep before one or two o'clock, without cause or ailment. Insomnia at night, and if he does get to sleep, anxious dreams; in the morning, he feels dull, with hot hands. Restless sleep (4th d.). IHtb.'] Very restless night; she wakes up some twenty times without any particular cause. [A^.] 1525. She wakes up early, at one or two o'clock, and is too wide awake to get to sleep again. She wakes up much earlier than usual and cannot go to sleep again. He always awakes at four o'clock and then several times, till morning comes. At night, after waking up, she cannot go to sJeep again be- cause of a rush of ideas. Her night's sleep is half-awake. 1530. Onh^ a slumbrous sleep at night. Tendency to wake up earh^ without getting wide awake. At night, after lying down, he remembers sad events, which keep him from going to sleep. At night in bed, delirious fancies, while awake for three hours, with heat in the brain, and external heat all over the body, then some sweat, coldnCvSS of the limbs and shivering, with great timidity. At night, she raises herself up in her bed while sleeping, KALI CARBONICUM. 855 talks all manner of incoherent things with her husband, and can- not get conscious for a long time, but she knew that she was speaking with her husband. 1535. Sleep, full of fancies and talking loud. Talking in sleep. Loud talking in sleep. [A^.] Violent weeping, in a dream at night. The child tosses about at night and cries. 1540. Sleep, full of dreams, restless. lGf.~\ Many dreams, with restlessness and tossing in sleep. He falls at night from one dream into another. He goes to sleep at once, but also begins dreaming at once. Dreams at night, with restless sleep and frequent awaking. 1545. Dreamful sleep and frequent awaking (aft. lod. ). [^/.] The whole sleep is full of vivid dreams, about the occurrences of the day. Frequent voluptuous dreams (the first 14 d.). Anxious dream, she calls for help. Dreams about robbers (aft. 11 d.). [^/.] 1550. Dreams about diseased parts of the body, [i?/.] Dreams, that his approaching death is announced to him. Anxious dream, his father was about to beat him. Dreams, that he was tumbling down a high mountain. Dreadful dreams disturb the sleep. 1555. Anxious dreams of threatening forms passing by her, some of which threaten to lie on her. All manner of frightful forms before her eyes, in sleep. Dreams of snakes, sickness and deceased persons. [A^.] Dreams of deceased persons, as if they were alive, and of quarrels with them. Dreams of masks, ghosts and devils. [A^.] 1560. Frightened, when asleep. Startled, when going to sleep. In the evening, when going to sleep, a jerk through the whole body, so that he starts up. In the evenings after lying down, he started up, while wak- ing in bed, with a shudder of the whole body. In sleep, he starts up several times and trembles. 1565. In sleep, his limbs twitch and he snores. Two nights in succession, while asleep, his whole body moved as if epilepsy was coming, with twitching in the arms and kicking with the legs, but without any rattling; after awaking, he knew nothing about it. In the evening, after going to sleep and waking up again, she was, as it were, confused in her head, had no thoughts, knew not where she was and was then seized with a fearful anguish; then she became rational again. At night, when lying in bed, rush of blood to the head, at times, as if he would lose his senses. Several nights, a pressive headache, which goes off on band- aging the head. 856 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASES. 1570. At night, gnashing of teeth, while asleep. At night, acidity in the mouth. At night, regurgitation of the food eaten at dinner. At night, dryness in the mouth prevents his sleeping. At night, an hour after going to sleep, a violent, jerking cramp in the stomach, with anguish, groaning, coldness of the tip of the nose, of the hands and feet, then vomiting of food and of an acid substance, with much eructation of air; th^ following night, the same, but more slight. \_G/L~\ 1575. At night, pressure and burning in the stomach. [Qf.] At night, pressure below the scrobiculus cordis, with cough- ing. At night, she has to spit out much mucus, often for half an hour at a time. At night, colic for two hours, without subsequent stool, then in the morning, pain in the sacrum and chest, and in the afternoon all the limbs feel bruised. At night, pinching in the stomach, in paroxysms, with nausea and constant eructation. 1580. At night, colic at the least movement in bed, not while at rest, a dull lancination and pressure, as if from an internal in- duration. Three nights in succession, tormented by flatus. At night, much emission of flatus. At night, bellyache and diarrhoea. Every night, from three to four o'clock, diarrhoea (the first week). 1585. At night, he could not get to sleep for burning on the anus. At night, burning itching on the perinseum. At night, sweat on the perinaeum. At night, he cannot go to sleep for itching on the scrotum. At night, in a restless sleep, full of dreams, man}^ erections. [G#-.] 1590. After midnight, violent erections, which disturb his sleep, weary him and threaten a pollution, which, however, does not occur. [Qf.] In the evening, on going to sleep, constriction of the throat, so that she wakes up terrified; then stinging dr3^ness in the throat (aft. 12 d.). At night, an obstruction to breathing wakes him from sleep. At night, a nightmare, with a dream as if a stone was lying on him, and as if simultaneously his throat was being constricted, while he in vain endeavors to wake up. [6^.] At night about two o'clock, she wakes up with oppression about the heart and cannot go to sleep again. 1595. At night, when she lies on the right side, she feels oppression and anguish, and she has to sit up in bed, until eructations super- vene. At night, the child is restless and anxious, cries much and reaches out for one thing and another, without accepting anything. At night, tension in the right or the left side. KAI.I CARBONICUM. 857 At night, stitches in the right or left side. After midnight, violent shooting in the left side of the chest, the cardiac region and at times in the back, only to be borne while lying on the right side; intolerable, as soon as he endeavors to lie on the left side; the second night, he wakes up very early, with the most violent stitches in the chest and shortness of breath, while l5dng on the left side; they are intolerable only in entire rest, and go off on lying on his right side; repeated the third night while lying on his back. [^/.] 1600. At night, stiffness of the nape. At night, a throbbing pain in the upper arm awakes him. At night, restlessness in the hands. At night in bed, burning pains in the lower limbs. At night on awaking, tearing and drawing with sensation of great weariness in the legs, especially in the ankle joints. 1605. At night, waked up twice by cramp in the right thigh and the calf. At night in bed, on drawing up the leg, cramp in the calf and the sole of the foot . At night, the left leg and the right arm *go to sleep. At night, restless sleep on account of pressive pain, on the side of the body on which he was lying. At night, excessive pain in the whole body, like strokes of a hammer. 1 6 10. In the evening in bed, such restlessness in the limbs, that she cannot find a spot on which she can rest well. At night, severe bleeding of the ulcer. The sleep at night is interrupted by heat in the whole body, especially on the hands, and by too vivid dreams. In the evening in bed, very hot hands, with transient shiver- ing and long-delayed going to sleep. [Htb.'] Shivering, frequent in the room, without subsequent heat. 161 5. Frequent shivering, with yawning, removed by the warmth of the stove, in the forenoon (ist d.). [A^.] Shivering in the back, in the morning in bed. Very chilly, especially after meals and toward evening. Chill in the forenoon; in the evening hot hands. Chilly and shivering, in the evening before lying down. 1620. Chill at every motion, also in bed (the first days). [A^i?.] Chill at 9 p. M., it goes off after lying down, without heat or subsequent thirst (ist d.). [A^.] Chill in the evening, in the vertex and the whole bodv (aft. 12 d.). Severe chill in the evening, like fever, without thirst; for several evenings. Chilliness, as from a coming cold. 1625. Chill of two hours, without thirst, with obtuseness of the head; on driving over a stony road. Continual internal chill, for four days, without heat and with- 858 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. out thirst, with icy -cold feet, obtuseness of the head, fatigue even to fainting; at the same time swelHng of the lower jaw and gums, and burning toothache with stitches (aft. 32 d.). Violent febrile rigor toward evening, for several minutes; he has to lie down; then nausea and vomiting and spasmodic pain in the chest the whole night, with short breath and much internal oppression and perspiration on the head (aft. 6 d.). Internal chill at noon, with heat of the hands and afterward heat in the w^hole bodj^, but all w^ithout thirst. Chill and sensation of cold, in the morning in bed; then after a quarter of an hour, heat; after some hours, again a chill, but with- out subsequent heat. 1630. Every evening at six o'clock, at first, a febrile rigor of one hour, with thirst; then with severe fluent coryza, heat without thirst; then slight transpiration, with a sound sleep; afterward, in the morning, scrapy sensation, bad taste in the mouth; loss of ap- petite and the left eye closed by suppuration. Constant chill, with severe thirst and internal heat, with hot hands and loathing of food and drink (aft. 14 d. ). First, chilliness, then heat in the face (aft. 2 d.). [i?/.] Fever, after being heated to severe sweat and taking cold then in a cold bed, with burning headache, heat in the face, and severe, almost unbearable shivering of the whole body; then with a three days' sweat, so severe a stuffed cor3^za that he can scarcely get a breath (aft. 38 d.). Heat, at first in the afternoon, and burning of the eyes like fever (with open windows), and immediately afterward, in the open air, a chill. 1635. Dry heat on the cheeks and hands, with short breath. Increased warmth at night, with violent pains of the zygoma. External and internal heat, toward morning, without thirst (2dd.). [Ng.^ Heat in the evening in bed, without sweat afterward. [i\^.] Dr}^ heat in the evening, over the whole bod3\ [^^g- [ 1640. Feverish heat, every forenoon at nine and in the afternoon about five o'clock, half an hour to an hour, with deep yawning, severe thirst, headache and throbbing in the abdomen. In the evening, chill and heat in alternation, and the follow- ing night, perspiration (3d d.). Sweat breaks out readil}^ by day. Profuse sweat, while walking. Profuse sweat, at ever}^ mental exertion, while reading, wait- ing, etc. 1645. Night-sweat (the first 3 nights, aft. 2 h. and aft. 6 d.). Night sweat (4th d.). [//td.'] ]\Iorning-sweat in bed. In the morning in bed, slight transpiration all over the body (6th d.). During sleep, perspiration on the head, neck and trunk. 1650. Pulse slow^er than usual (29th d. ). [Qf.] I^YCOPODII POI^l^EN. 859 LYCOPODII POLLEN. SPORULES OF CLUB- MOSS. [This yellowish powder, smooth to the touch and resembling dust, is obtained toward the end of summer in the forests of Russia and Finland from the spikes of the club-moss {Lycopodiium clavatum), which are dried and then beaten. It has been used hitherto to make artificial lightning, by blowing it through the flame of a candle, also to sprinkle over pellets which else easily stick together, and also to sprinkle it on excoriated folds in the human body to protect them against painful friction. It floats on liquids without being dissolved, is without taste and smell, and in its ordinaiy ci-ude .state almost without any medicinal effect on the human body. The accounts given by the ancients as to its effects, have at least not been confirmed by modern investigators, but rather drawn into doubt. But when the pollen of the club-moss is treated in the mode by which the homoeopathic art unveils the crude substances of nature, according to* i"/;^ dit'ectwn given above /or the prepa- ration of antipsoric medicines^ there arises a wonderfully effective medicine in its thirty dif- ferent degrees of dynamization.] When thus prepared Lycopodium becomes one of the most in- dispensable antipsoric remedies, especially in chronic diseases where the following symptoms also are a cause of trouble: Melancholy; grief; anxiety, with sadness and disposition to weep; fear of being alone; fatigue; irritability; obstinacy; sensitiveness; peevishness; peevish, disagreeable thoughts; impeded mental activity; ailments from mental labor; vertigo, especially when stooping; head- ache from vexation; pressive, tensive headache; fits of tearing on the top of the head, in the forehead, the temples, the eyes and the nose, and extending into a tooth, usually accompanied with lying down; tearing to and fro in the forehead, ever}^ afternoon; nocturnal external headache; tearing, boring and scraping; heaviness of the head; rush of blood to the head; rush of blood to the head, in the morning when rising up in bed, followed by headache; baldness; pressure in the eyes ; erosion of the eyes ; smarting, burning pain in the eyes, in the evening; itching burning in the upper eyelid; shooting in the eyes, in the evening, by candle-light; hiflaniniation of the eyes, with nightly closing by sup- puration, and lachrymation by day ; lachrymation of the eyes in the open air; sticky moisture in the eyes, interfering with the sight; eyes closed by suppuration ; vShort-sightedness; far-sightedness; dim- sightedness, like feathers before the eyes ; flickering and blackness before the eyes ; fiery sparks before the eyes; irritation of the eyes by candle-light; excessive sensitiveness of the hearing; music, sounds and the organ affect the mind; hardness of hearing; ringing in the ears; roaring in the ears; scabs in the nose; nightly closing of the nostril by suppuration; ulcerated no.strils; epistaxis; swelling and 86o HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISK ASKS. tension of the face; frequent fits of heat in the face; itching erup- tion in the face; freckles in the face; toothache, with swelling of the cheeks; grumbling toothache after a meal; dryness about and in the mouth, so that these parts are tense, the tongue moves with difficulty, and the speech is indistinct with adipsia; coated, unclean tongue; chronic sore throat; ulcers in the throat, from abuse of mercury; dryness in the fauces; burning in the fauces, with noc- turnal thirst; hawking up of mucus; slimy taste in the morning; sensation as of putrid smell from the mouth; loss of sense of taste; bitterness in the mouth, in the morning, with nausea; excessive hunger; i^abid hujiger ; lack of appetite ; the appetite ceases with the first morsel; distaste for cooked warm food; distaste to rye bread or to meat; too much inclination for sweet things; milk causes diar- rhoea; cannot digest heavy food; palpitation during digestion; severe eructation in the afternoon; fatt}^ eructation; sour eructation; heart- burn; nausea, while driving in a carriage; frequent, constant nausea; rising as of a hard ball from the pit of the stomach into the fauces (globuhts hystericus); qualmishness in the stomach in the morning; water b)'ash; pressure in the stomach, also after meals; swelling of the scrobiculus cordis and pain when touching it; fullness in the stomach a7id abdomeji; tension about the hypochondria, as from a hoop; pains in the liver after eating to satiety; pain above the navel when touch- ing it; troublesome inflatio7i of the abdomen; induration in the abdo- men; griping, pinching and clutching pain in the abdomen, checking the breath; shooting, pinching pain in the hypogastrium, as if in the bladder, extending to the urethra, in the evening in bed; pinching in the abdomen; pinching in the right side of the abdomen; colic; colic in the epigastrium; tearing in both sides of the hypogastrium and the groins, extending into the thighs; burning in the abdomen; in- carceration of the flatus; lack of emission of flatus; rumbling in the left side of the abdomen; gurgling in the abdomen; ineffectual urging to stool and very hard stool; difficult stool, evacuated onl}^ with much straining; constipation for several days; costiveness; ascarides; pains in the anus after eating and stool; itching in the anus; tension in the anus; cutting in the rectum and the bladder; urging to u?^- 7iate; too frequent micturition with urging; renal gravel; hemorrhage from the urethra; itching in the urethra, during and after micturi- tion; weak erection ; want of erections; lack of pollutions; old swell- ing of the testes; excessive pollutio7is; lack of sexual impulse; im- potence of several years' standing; aversion to coitus; too ready excitation to coitus, by the mere thought of it; excessive impulse to coitus, every night; too quick emission of semen; 7nenses too long and too profuse; the menses long suppressed by fright; sadness and LYCOPODII POLI.EN. 86 1 melancholy bcfo7x the menses; itching, burning and erosion on the pudenda; pressing outward above the pudenda, even into the vagina, on stooping; shooting pain in the labia on lying down; passage of flatus from the vagina; leucorrhcea; discharge of leucorrhoea, with previous cutting in the hypogastrium. Coryza of every kind ; fluent coryza; cor5'za and cough; stuffed coryza ; stoppage of both 7iostrils ; cough aflier drinking; dry cough, day and night; dry morning-cough of many years' standing; diffi- culty in coughing up anything; cough, with concussion of the chest; cough, with expectoration; cough, with purulent expectoration; ulcerative phthisis; sho?'t breathing in children; constant oppression of the chest, ivith shortness of breath during any work ; constant pres- sure on the left lower ribs; stitches in the left side of the chest; bruised pain of the chest; burning, rising upward in the chest, like heartburn; anxious palpitation; shooting in the sacrum on straight- ening up from stooping; nocturnal pain in the back; tearing in the shoulders; drawing and clutching together in nape, extending up into the occiput, day and night; stiffness of the nape; stiffness of one side of the neck; hard swelling on the one side of the neck; swelling of the glands under the jaw; drawing pain in the arms; twitching of the arms in the afternoon-nap; nocturnal pain of the bones in the arms; the arms go to sleep, even on merely raising them; nocturnal spasmodic falling asleep of the arms; lack of strength in the arms; nocturnal pain of the bones in the elbow; wrist stiff from gout; numbness of the hands; dryness of the skin of the hands; tearing in the finger-joints; redness, swelling and gouty tearing of the finger-joints; fingers stiff, as from arthritic nodosities; rigidity of the fingers when at work; the little finger goes to sleep; nocturnal tearing in the lower limbs; tearing in the knee; tearing in the hough, in the evening; tearing in the knee, extending across the tibia and the dorsum of the feet; stiffjiess of the knee ; swelling of the knee; burning on the legs; burning, smarting itching of the houghs; contractive pain in the calves, when walking ; old ulcers on the legs, with nocturnal tearing, itching and burning; swelling of the ankle; cold feet; cramp in the feet; cold, sweaty feet; profuse sweat of the feet; swelling of the soles of the feet; pain in the soles, while walk- ing; the toes give way in walking; cramp in the toes; corns; pain in the corns; dryness of the skin; the skin cracks here and there and is chapped; itching every day, on being heated; itching in the evening, before lying down ; painful eruption on the neck and the chest : itch- ing and erosion on the arms and legs; furuncle; cramp in the fingers and in the calves; spasmodic contraction of the fingers and toes; tearing in the arms and legs; tearing in the knees, the feet and the 862 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. fingers; pain in the bones from abuse of mercury; drawing pain in the limbs; restlessness of the feet, in the evening; all the limbs, the arms, hands and lower limbs go to sleep, b}' da}' and b}' night; in- sensibilit}' of the arm and the foot; varices, distended veins with the pregnant; readiness to strains and consequent painful stiffness of the nape; jerking and twitching of single limbs or of the whole bodj^ in sleeping and waking; difficult}- in h'ing on the left side, on account of palpitation and stitches; readiness to take cold; after a short walk, weariness of the feet and burning of the soles; internal debility; lassitude in the limbs; weariness on awaking; frequent yawning and drowsiness; drowsiness by day ; restless sleep by night; with freque^it awaking; sleep full of dreams; sleep full of fancies; frightful, anxious dreams; late in going to sleep; he cannot sleep for rush of thoughts; at night, twitching and restlessness of the feet; nocturnal headache; starting up from sleep; lack of bodil}' warmth; flushes of heat; fever lasting three da3-s, with sour vomiting after the chill, and bloatedness of the feet and hands; feverish perspiration by day; sweat by day, especialh' in the face, from moderate work or with slight exercise. Camphor usualU' moderates the excessive effects of Iv3'Copodium, but the feverish states which are caused b}- it in a great degree, are best allayed b}- Pulsatilla, while the ill-humor, taking things ill, mistrust and making of reproaches, are best removed hy Causticum. Drinking coffee impedes the action of L3Xopodium and extinguishes it. A moderate dose operates for fort}- to fift}- da3-s and longer. It ma3- be repeated after the intermediate use of other antipsoric reme- dies, but with much less effect. It is especialh- efficacious, when it is homoeopathicalh- indicated after the previous use of Calcarea. The abbreviations are: Gff., Dr. Baron v. Gersdorff; GIL, Dr. Goullon; Htb., Dr. Hartlaub; Rl., Dr. Riunniel; Sr., Dr. Schreter; Whl., Wahle; Th. Rkt., Theodor Rueckert. LYCOPODIUM. H3-pochondriac, tormenting mood; he feels unhapp3- (the first two da3-s). Kxceedingl3- melanchol3^, dejected, jo3dess. Sad, hypochondriac (peevish) mood. A pathogenesis of I^ycopodiuni in Vol. III. of the ist ed. of this work contains already 891 symptoms from Hahnemann's own obser\-ations (on patients— see note to S. 82 and 85). Some of the additions here are from the seven fellow-workers he acknowledges, presumably obtained (save perhaps in Hartlaub's case) with the 30th potency; but the majority of them are his own. — Hiizhes. I.YCOPODII POLIvEN. 863 Depressed mood (aft. 17 d.). 5. The child loses its cheerfulness, becomes quiet and dispirited. Seeks for solitude. Dread of men ( ist d. ) . When other persons come too near her, she feels anguish in the scrobiculus cordis. She flees from her own children. 10. Melancholy, in the evening. Melancholy ill-humor, sad thoughts. Sad mood; she has to weep all day long and could not content herself, without cause. Sad, despairing, at last disposed to weep. Despair; weeping. 15. Sad of heart. Extremely sad and disheartened. Disposition to weep, with chilliness. He weeps and cries, at first, about the past, then about the coming evils. Great oppression in the scrobiculus cordis from vexa- tion. 20. Great anxiety, as it were, in the scrobiculus cordis, without any particular thoughts (aft. 24 h.). Internal anguish, in the forenoon, and internal chilliness, like an internal trembling. Anxiety in the evening, things are half confused before her eyes. Anxious, fearful, timid. Great timidity (loth d.). 25. Great fear of phantoms, which crowd upon her fancy in the evening; during the day she is disposed to weep. In the evening, in the dark, he is frightened because a door he wants to open, opens with difficulty. He is afraid in the evening, on entering a room, as if he saw^ somebody; by day also he sometimes imagines he hears somebod}^ in the room. She is afraid of being alone. Internal restlessness (aft. 24 h.). 30. Impatience. Very much discouraged and tired. Lack of confidence in his strength. Pusillanimous, sad, fanciful. Distrustful, suspicious, inclined to take things ill. 35. Extremely distrustful and suspicious. Despairing and inconsolable. Extremel}^ sensitive in spirit; she weeps on being thanked (aft. 20 h.). Excessively irritable, timid and peevish. Great timidity. 40. Ver}^ timid, all day. She is easily frightened and startled. 864 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Every noise hurts her. Discontented (aft. 72 h.) Ver}' irritable and inclined to melancholy. 45. Peevishness. [6^//.] Peevish and dejected (15th d.). She thinks of a number of disagreeable occurrences in for- mer times, which vex her, even at night, when she wakes up. He has trouble to conceal his internal obstinac}^ and vexation. Excessive excitement and apprehension. 50. He smiles without being merry, capricious. The child becomes disobedient, though not ill-humored. Obstinate, self-willed, refractor}^, passionate, angry. Very violent and irritable. Violent mood, without peevishness (aft. sever, h.). 55. She cannot bear the least contradiction, and at once gets be- side herself for vexation. Angr}^ fury, partly against himself, and partly against others. Easily excited to vexation and anger. He quarrels in mind with absent persons. Insanity and fury, breaking out in envy, pretensions and ordering others about (aft. 12 d.). 60. As if insane, she seeks for quarrels, makes ungrounded re- proaches, abuses most violently and beats the person whom she abuses (aft. 2 h.). Ennui (aft. 2d.). Insensibility to external impressions. Indifferent to external impressions, with irritable mood. Indifferent in the highest degree. 65. Indifference. [G^//.] Aversion to talking. [G^//.] Simultaneously inclined to weeping and laughing. After being anxious, there is a great inclination to laugh about trifles, for several hours, and then weeping for half an hour, without cause. Over-merry, with whirling giddiness. 70. Overwheening and extravagantly merry. When any one looks at her, while relating a serious matter,, she has to laugh. Involuntary^ whistling and humming tunes. After excessive merriment, as if he was obliged to distort his features, there follow ill-humor and impatience. Weakness of memory (aft. 3d.). [^/.] 75. Distracted action. [6^//.] Living, as it were, beside oneself, as at the commencement of a fever. When thinking, his head feels empty, he cannot grasp a thought. He cannot do nor think anything; he spends his time in trifling, and is not able to resolve to do what he has to do. He cannot hold fast a thought; he finds it difficult to express himself and to find the fitting words, especially in the evening. LYCOPODII poi.Ive:n. 865 80. She cannot grasp a thought, because her head is occupied b}^ an internal tension. His thoughts, as it were, stand still, the mind is awkward and, as it were, rigid, like a numbness without gloominess. He can properlj^ speak about higher and even abstract things, but gets confused in every da}' matters; e. g., he sa3^s plums when he means to say pears. Slips in words and syllables. \Gll}'\ Choosing the wrong words. [6^//.] 85. He cannot read, because he mistakes and confuses the letters; he sees them and can copy them, but he cannot remember their signification; he knows, e.g., that Z is the last letter of the alphabet, but has forgotten its name; he can write what he desires, writes the proper letters, but he cannot read what he has written.^ The head is benumbed, as if unconscious. The head is benumbed, as if from a spoiled stomach. Violent numbness of the head. Pressive numbness of the head, especially above and in the eyes, in the evening. 90. Obscuration of the head, with dull pressure in the sinciput, as when a cold has been driven in, with dryness of the lips and the mouth, and with thirst, as if intoxicated, for several mornings. Dizzy in the morning. Dizziness, so that she did not know where she was. Dizzy in the head, lazy and relaxed in the limbs, the whole of the second day. \Htb.'\ Stupefaction toward evening, with heat in the temples and on the ears. 95. She felt as if everything was going to vanish before her (3d Reeling in the morning, and feeling of heaviness in the e3^es. As soon as she sees anything going round, she has for an hour the feeling as if things turned around in her body. Numbness in the head as from vertigo, in the forenoon, with a sensation, as if her eyes were deep in their orbits, causing also thinking and comprehension to be difficult. \Gff^ Vertigo in the forenoon; everything turned round with her, w4th strong inclination to vomit. 100. Vertigo, on rising from the seat. Vertigo, when drinking. Vertigo in a hot room (aft. 23 d.). Vertigo in the morning, on and after rising from bed, so that he reeled to and fro (^ft. 30 d.). Headache with simple pain, lasting several days, worse when at rest, less when walking in the open air. 105. Headache, especially when shaking and turning the head. Violent headache, as from a wrong position, at night. 1 Symptoms practically identical with these are recorded bj' Gross in a case published in Vol. VII. of the ^4;r///7' as the result of the extirpation of a wen on the head. They were "much improved by antipsoric medicine," aniono; which Lycopodium may have been in- cluded though it is not so stated. (See Monthly Hom. Review XXXIV., 669, and XXXV., 42). At the best, however, the symptoms are clinical only. — Hughes. 56 866 HAHXKMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Headache on the left side,, as if externalh'; it also extends into the ear and the teeth, especially violent in the evening; also intolerabl}^ aggravated by writing and reading, as well as b}' the least pressure on the temples, e.g., that of the spectacles. Headache above the eyes, immediately after breakfast (the first 2d.). Headache between the two eyes, no. Pain in both the temples, at ever}^ step, not while at rest. She felt every step in her head, and at ever}- movement, a shaking of the brain. Dull pain in the forehead, as if the head was being pressed together from both sides. Pressure, as from a nail, just in the middle above the hairy part of the forehead. [G^//.] Pressure in the forehead, and down the nose, in the morning. 115. Pressure, now in the right temple, now in the left. \Gff.'\ Pressure in the right half of the occiput toward the ear. Pressure in the nape, on a small spot. \_GffP\ Violent pressure in the nape, for man}- da^'s. Parah'tic pressive pain on the temple. 120. Pressive pain in the upper part of the head, as if a corj-za was coming (aft. 12 h.). Pressive pain in the whole head in the afternoon, especially when stooping. Pain in the head, more pressive than contractive, in the morn- ing on rising. The pressive headache increases while lying down. Headache, as if the head was being burst asunder, and as if the brain was vacillating to and fro, especialh- when walking, going up stairs and rising from stooping. [7//^.] 125. Pressing asunder in the forehead and above the eyes, extend- ing into the upper part of the head, with nausea, as if she should vomit up everything, and with trembling of the limbs (aft. i h.). Heaviness in the head. Heaviness of the occiput. Dull sensation of heaviness in the occiput, with confused pain on the forehead, increased by motion. S^Htb^ Wandering pain in the head, at night, making the head heavy; she knew not where to la}^ her head for pain, the whole night (aft. 130. Pinching pain on the head, behind the ear (aft. 48 h.). Tearing in the occiput. [Qf.] Tearing in (on) the head, for forty-eight hours, ceasing after the formation of a painless swelling of the cheek. Tearing headache, in the evening, in the upper part and on both sides of the head. [Qf.] Tearing here and there in (on) the head, and then in other parts of the body. [Qf.] 135. Tearing in the head (4th d.). {Htb.l Tearing pains, through the left side of the head into the ear. lGll.-\ I^YCOPODII POLI.KN. 867 Sharp, radiating tearing, in and above the left frontal pro- . tuberance, toward the left side. [Qf.] Jerking, radiating tearing in the right half of the head, start- ing from the temple. [G^.~\ Jerking, pressive tearing in the right half of the forehead, extending close up to the root of the nose and the right eyebrow, as if it w^ere in the bone. [Qf.] 140. Pressive tearing in (on) the left side of the occiput, on a small spot near the nape. [(^.] Pressive tearing headache in the morning, close above the eyes and into them (3d. d. ). [6^//.] Tearing and shooting headache, at night, above the right eye, in the forehead and on the occiput. Shooting headache in the region of the eye. Shooting headache in the region of the occiput. 145. Shooting outward from the forehead, by jerks, daily several times. Violent lancinating pain, in the left side of the forehead. Tearing headache, from the afternoon to the evening; the night following, toothache. Single, startling stitches in the head, worse in the evening. Shooting and pressure in the head (aft. sever, h.). 150. Shooting and pressure in the vertex of the head, at night (aft. yd.). Shooting headache with pressure and squeezing in the eyes, with violent fluent coryza. Sore pain in the forehead, almost daily, aggravated by stoop- ing. A violent shock from the back toward the crown, so that he had to hold his head, while sitting (after eating to satiety). Shaking and jerking in the head. 155. Twitching headache, as it were, in the bones of the cranium. Throbbing pain, beside the orbits, outward. [6^//.] Throbbing in the head; in the evening, after lying down. Throbbing headache, after every fit of coughing. Pulsating in the brain, on leaning the head back, by day. 160. Severe throbbing in the head, like chopping (with sour eruc- tation). Violent beating in the sinciput in the evening, which then drew with a tension over the occiput into the nape (aft. 4 d.). Throbbing in the upper part of the head. Constant throbbing headache, in the middle of the forehead, fr6m 3 A. M. till evening. Throbbing and pressing in the occiput. 165. Pulsation and pressure in the head, while reading, sitting down. Throbbing in the brain, with heat in the head. Rush of blood to the head, in the morning on awaking. Fullness of blood in the occiput, after stooping. Headache, like a tw^anging sound through the head, as from the breaking of a piano-string. 868 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. 170. Din in the head, \vhen treading hard. Buzzing internally in the head, with sensation of heat. The head is very sensitive, on the outside. Extreme sensitiveness of the outside of the sinciput to the touch. Superficial headache above the forehead on the crown, on the cheek-bones, the ear, the jaws; intermitting in the afternoon and returning in the evening. 175. External transient tearing on the head, on the outside, when walking in the open air. Tearing in the hairy scalp, above the right half of the fore- head. [G/f.] Fine, burning, shooting tearing, in the skin of the right temple, succeeding after itching and rubbing, and followed by a pinching headache. [Qf-] Drawing pain on the right side of the head, extending down into the nape. Sensation on the left side of the top of the hairy scalp, like pulling by a single hair. [Qf.] 180. Contractive sensation on the hairy scalp, with a sensation as if the hair was being torn out. Spasmodic contraction of the scalp. Drawing up of the scalp of the sinciput, with recession of the eyelids from each other, and subsequent drawing down of the skin, with closing of the eyes. Cutting ache transversely over the hairy scalp, between the forehead and the vertex. \_GJ^.~\ The bones of the head are painful. 185. Burning pain, on both the protuberances of the occiput. The hair of the head is falling out excessively. The hair comes out while combing. Rapid falling out of the hair of the head, while hair grows anew in many parts of the body. Many grey hairs are coming on her head. 190. The head is very much disposed to take cold; a slight cold breeze causes a cutting sensation in the scalp. Itching of the hairy scalp. Gnawing on the scalp, he has to scratch. Eruption on the head, with swollen glands of the neck; on the occiput a large boil, and over the whole hairy scalp a scurf, which the child scratches open and which then bleeds. A broad lump under the skin of the forehead, without any change of the color of the skin. \_I/td.'] 195. A tumor on the occiput, like a walnut (7th d.). Eruption on the head, suppurating profusely. His head is involuntarily turned toward the left. The ej'CS pain in the evening, so that she can hardly open them. The eyelids pain when touched. 200. The eyes pain, as if beaten black and blue. Pressure in the inner canthi. LYCOPODII POI.I.KN. 869 Pressive pain in the eyes, as if there was dust in them. Pressure on the eyes, with drowsiness, in the forenoon. \_Gff.~\ Pressure on the right upper eyeHd. \_Gff.'] 205. Pressure in the right eye, as if something had fallen into it. Bruised pain in the eyes, and as if they would fall from their sockets, so that he could not look sharply at anything for pain; from I p. M. , but chiefly in the evening. He cannot raise his eyes, the lids are too heavy. Heaviness of the eyelids, also bv day, especially in a bright light. Heaviness and weariness of the eyes, appearing as if sleepy. 210. Tensive pain in the left eye. Compression of the eyes, while the skin over the cheek-bones is tense. Tearing about the eyes, extending into the forehead and the cheeks. Tearing in the right eyeball. Stitches in the left eye. 215. Stitches in both eyes (aft. 12 d.). Stitches in the eyes, without redness of the same, the whole day, but especially in the morning (aft. 34th d.). Pricking, now in one eyeball, then in the other. [Rl.~\ Itching in the eyes (aft. 30 d.). Itching in the canthi. [Also Gff.'\ 220. Smarting in the right eye, as from smoke, with closing of the eyeHds. \_Htb.'] Smarting in the external canthi, with lachrymation as from smoke, every evening in the twilight. Itching about the eye. Sensation of cold in the eyes, in the evening. Burning in the eyes. 225. Burning in the eyes, when he would close them. Severe burning and itching in the eye. [Gil.'] Redness of the eyes, and pressure therein. Redness of the white of the eyes, with pain. Red, inflamed eyes, with lancinating pain, from 5 p. m. to 10 p. M. 230. Inflammation of the white of the eye. Inflammation of the eyelids, with pressive pain and nightly closing by suppuration in the external canthi. Inflammation of the eyes, with redness and dimness of the white, redness and swellings of the eyelids, burning pressure, and secretion of mucus in the eyes. [Htb.'] Inflammation of the eyes, with redness of the white and swell- ing of the lids, shooting, photophobia, profuse lachrymation and nightl3^ closing by suppuration. [Htb.] Inflammation of the eyes, with itching in both the canthi, redness and swelling of the right eyelid; pain from rigidity, when they have become dry, and closed at night by suppuration. 235. Swelling and painfulness of the e3'elids, with nightly closing by suppuration in the canthi. Syo HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Many pustules in the e^^elids. Styes on the eyelids, toward the inner canthus. Suppuration and redness of the eyelids; the water oozing out smarts and erodes the cheek. Suppurating stye on the eyelid. \_Htb.'] 240. Red pimples on the right upper eyelid, contracting into a scurf. IHtb.'] Closing of the eyes by suppuration, chiefly at night, and especially in the outer canthi. In the morning, the e5^elids are, as it were, glued together. Much purulent mucus (eyegum) in the eyes, with erosive pain (aft. 32 d.). K3"egum in the inner canthus, in the morning. 245. A smarting humor flows from the e^-e, with much redness of its white. Mucus in the eyes, he has to wipe them to see more clearly. Lachrymation of the eyes, and much eyegum, with pressure there and pale face. Profuse lachrymation of the right eye, in the afternoon. During a rough wind, water runs out of the eyes. 250. Dryness of the eyes, in the evening. Dryness of the eyes; he has to close the lids. Dryness under the eyelids, as from dust, in the morning on awaking. Dim, hot e3^es. Weariness of the eyes in the evening, by candle-light, with pain on turning them. 255- Weary, dim eyes. Spasmodic twitching of the lower eyelid (aft. 90 d.). Spasmodic twitching of the left lower eyelid, toward the inner canthus (aft. 35 d. ). Quivering of the left eyelids. Weakness of the eyes, she cannot read or sew for any length of time; she has to press her eyes shut for pain, and in the morn- ing they are somewhat closed by suppuration. 260. In writing, the letters become indistinct. In reading, the letters become intermixed. Uncertain sight and frequent flickering before the ej^es. Dim-sighted, even at a short distance; he feels as if he looked through a w4re-gauze. Dimness of vision, as from a sticky fluid in the eye, which cannot be wiped off, in paroxysms, now less, now more. 265. Far-sightedness; in reading and writing, everything appears to her indistinct, as through a veil; but in the distance she sees everything clear and distinct. Half-sightedness; he sees only the left half of things, the right half is lacking or obscured; he sees with one eye as he does with both, only the fault is worse in the right ej^e. Dimness of vision; he has to hold the book sometimes nearer, sometimes further off, in order to be able to read. LYCOPODII POLIvEN. 87 1 Flying black spots before the eyes, at a short distance (in 41 h.). A veil and flickering before the eyes, after the noonday nap (aft. 16 d.). 270. Flickering before the eyes, on going to sleep. Flickering and vibration before the eyes, as when the air vibrates in the heat of summer. Trembling of the objects at which she looks attentively in the evening, b}^ candle-light, and the light, when she looks at it, trembles most. Sparks of fire before the eyes, in the dark (aft. 5 h.). The candle-light so dazzles him, that he cannot see anything on the table. 275. Otalgia in the open air. Sensation of pressing tow^ard the ears. Sensation of something squeezed in, in the internal ear. Pressure posteriorly on the right concha of the ear. Tearing in the right and left meatus auditorius. \_Gff.'\ 280. Tearing behind the left ear. [Qf.] Tearing in the left concha of the ear. \_Gff.'\ Tearing on the right ear (14th d.). Twitching in the inner ear. Shooting in the ear, when blowing the nose; with difficulty in speaking. 285. Smarting and sensation of soreness, behind the right ear and on its side. Stitches in the ear. [6^//.] Continuous, tearing, pinching stitches in the ear, which seems too narrow and as if it would burst. Beating and tension in the ears, with spasmodic tension of the skin behind the ears, obliquely toward the muscles of the neck. Rush of blood to the ears. 290. Sensation of a rush of hot blood into the ears. Itching in the ears. Suppuration and running of the ears. Pain behind both the ears, forcing him to walk bent over. Sensitiveness to noise, in walking. 295. Hearing diminished (aft. 24 h.). The sound of speaking appears muffled to him, although just as strong. His hearing was obstructed, with roaring of the ears and hardness of hearing (aft. 10 d.). Her hearing is obstructed, with a fluttering sensation. She hears in the evening, the music before the ears, which had been played to her during the day. 300. Noises before the ears. Buzzing and humming, before and in the ears. Humming before the right ear. Humming and buzzing in the ears. Violent buzzing in the ears. 305. Seething in the ear (2d d.). 872 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES . Whistling in the ear when blowing the nose. Chirping in the ears, for several evenings. Beating before the ears, morning and evening. Clucking before the ears by day. 310. Gurgling in the ears, as of air-bubbles. The muscles of the nose feel as if first distended, then again contracted and shortened, as if turned over backward. Smarting erosive pains in the right nostril. Gnawing erosive pains in the left nostril, on moving the nose and on inserting the finger in it. . Itching in the nostrils. 315. Itching of the nose (aft. 5 d.). Pressure on the nasal bones, close beside the right eye. [Gff.'\ Pressive drawing on the right side of the^ nose. \_Gff.'] Tearing, from the right side of the nose, going out at the canthus. [^Htb.l Cutting, sore pain on the inner septum of the right nostril, at the top, in the evening in bed. [Qf.] 320. Swelling of the tip of the nose, painful when touched. Heat in the nose and burning of the eyes. Sense of smell very acute, even the smell of hyacinths causes sickness. More acute sense of smell (aft. 2 d.). Total lack of the sense of smell (aft. 2d.). 325. Smell of a crab, before the nose, on spitting out. He blows bloody mucus from his nose (aft. 6 d.). Expulsion of coagulated blood from the nose (aft. 11 d.). Copious bleeding of a little wound in the nose, in the evening, while walking (aft. 32 d. ). Epistaxis, for three days in succession, at 2 p. m. 330. Bleeding from the nose, twice in one day (aft. 26 d. ). Severe epistaxis and blowing of blood from the nose (aft. 20 Paleness of the face, with drowsiness by day and peevishness. The paleness of the face increases toward evening (aft. 8 d.). Very pale sunken face, in the morning. 335. Pale, wretched complexion. Paler, drawn face. Change of the countenance, and sunken eyes. Very much sunken around the eyes (aft. 7 d.). Blue rings around the eyes (aft. d.). Yellowness of the face. Yellowish-grey complexion. [ Whl.'] The whole face extends first in length, then in breadth. Heat in the face, the e3'es and the palms. Heat of the face, with h3^pochondriac mood 345. Flying heat in the face, in the morning, soon after rising. Frequent flying heat of the face (the first days). Severe heat in the face, without redness. Striking redness in the face, in the morning. Burning in the face (aft. 26 d.). 340. LYCOPODII POI.LKN. 873 350. Red, bloated face, full of dark-red spots, covered with pustules. Swelling of the cheeks. Eruption in the face (aft. 12 d.). Single pimples in the face. Itching on the face, on the head and on the nose. 355. Itching in the whole face, and pimples with pus in the apices, on the cheeks, on the forehead, and especially on the temples (aft, 12 d.). Many pimples and freckles over the whole face. More freckles on the left side of the face and above the nose. The skin of the face lacks clearness, as if from a fine eruption. [_Rl.-] Itching herpes on the side of the nose, near the eye. 360. Itching, scaly herpes in the face and on the corners of the mouth, with bleeding. \_Gll.~\ Simple pain in the left side of the face, when touched. Contractive pain in the muscles of the forehead and the face (aft. 4 d._). Feeling of swelling on the forehead. Tearing in the cheek. 365. Tearing in the cheek-bone, under the left eye. [Gf.~\ Tearing in the upper jaw (2d d.). Tearing in the right side of the upper jaw. Spasmodic twitching in the muscles of the cheeks. The muscles of the lips and the cheeks contracted, causing the lips to be rounded, followed by a broadening of the mouth. 370. First, the left corner of the mouth w^as drawn upward, then the right was distorted. Paleness of the lips. Swelling of the right half of the lower lip. [^Htb.^ Swelling of the lips, in the morning. Swelling of the upper lip, increasing for several days, at last with an evening-fever, first a chill, then heat in the face, on the hands and the feet, restless sleep and night-sweat. 375. Sore place on the lower lip. Soreness of the corners of the mouth. [6^//.] The corners of the mouth pain, as if ulcerated. Eruption about the mouth. Fine eruption about the mouth (aft. 11 d.). 380. Itching pimple on the upper lip (aft. 14 d.). Eruption on the border of the red of the lip, with cutting pain on moving the lips and on touching them (aft. 12 d.). White blister on the inner vside of the upper lip, with burning pain when at rest, not when eating (aft. 30 h.). (Large) ulcer on the red of the lower lip. On the chin in front, violent itching, two evenings in succes- sion. [Qf.] 385. Itching eruptive pimples about the chin. On the lower jaw, pressure toward the back part. \^Crff.'] Drawing pain in the right lower jaw, and in the glands below 874 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISK ASKS. it, heaviness as from a swelling, and beating therein, more after walking and after eating. Drawing in the jaws. Twitching pain in the lower jaw, in the evening. 390. Tearing, now in the right side, then in the left side of the jaw, by jerks. The lower jaw is involuntaril}^ now pushed forward, then again backward. Hard swelling on the angle of the lower jaw, with feeling of heat in the head. Boring pain in the swollen submaxillary glands (aft. 4 d.). Toothache, so disagreeable that she feels continually like biting her teeth together. 395. Dull toothache above and below, with swelling of the gums (but neither beating, stinging nor drawing) (aft. 15 d.). The teeth ache only while chewing. The teeth pain most acutely when touched and when chewing, as if festering. Toothache, when chewing, as if festering. [6^//.] Toothache, only at night, and even if they ceased early in the morning, great excitement and restlessness, so that she could not sleep even then. 400. Toothache, at the least touch of the tooth and when coughing. Spasmodic pain in the teeth. Drawing spasmodic pain in the teeth, relieved by warm drinks. Drawing toothache, in the right lower molars. \_Gff.'] Tearing, drawing toothache, in the left lower molars. \_Gff.^ 405. Tearing in a hollow tooth. Shooting and drawing in teeth, which cannot be distinctly pointed out, now above, then below, so that she could not go to sleep in the evening (aft. 9 d.). Single, violent stitches in a hollow tooth, following in slow successsion, ceasing after getting warm in bed. Frequent shooting in a right upper molar. Shooting, clucking and boring in a hollow tooth (aft. 12 h.). 410. Boring pain in the crown of the tooth. Single jerks in the right upper molars. Burrowing toothache, with stitches in an upper molar; after a meal. Throbbing and pinching toothache. Throbbing toothache (the first 6 nights) . 415. Beating toothache, after eating. Beating in a tooth, with swelling of the gums. Pain as in a hollow tooth, as if it was being shattered; the pain extends to the temple (3d d.). [6^//.] Pain in a lower molar, as if it w^as being shattered; very painful in biting on it (yth d. ). A sound tooth pains, during a meal, as if it was too long. 420. All the teeth ache as if too dull. Looseness of several incisors. LYCOPODII POI.I.KN. 875 Great looseness of the teeth. The teeth turn yellow. In the gums, heat and pain. 425. Tearing in the gums, and on the roots of the left lower in- cisors. [G^.'] Twitching pain in the gums of the lower row, in the after- noon (aft. 10 d. ). Prickling and shooting pains in the gums and the cheek, on the left side. Swelling of the, gums, above the anterior teeth, with swell- ing of the upper lip. Swelling of the gums interferes with opening the mouth. 430. Swelling between the upper gums and the zygoma, with some swelling of the cheek and prickling, shooting pains. Fistula dentalis in an old socket, in which there is yet a root, with swelling of the gums. Ulcers of the tooth (the gums). Copious bleeding of the gums, in cleaning the teeth. Involuntary clashing and gnashing of the teeth. 435. Here and there, small ulcers in the mouth. Numbness of the inside of the mouth and of the tongue. Involuntary smacking with the tongue, the sound of which varied between a and o. The tongue feels swollen. The tongue is swollen, and painful in spots, so that it inter- fered with her speaking. 440. The tongue involuntarily slips in, now between the upper lip and the upper teeth, then again between the lower lip and the lower teeth. The tongue involuntarily darts out of the mouth, and to and fro between the lips. The talk is nasal. [ W/i/.] Relaxation in the mouth, and heaviness of the tongue. Soreness of the tongue. 445. Many vesicles on the tip of the tongue, which pains as if raw and burnt. Vesicles on the tip of the tongue. [_G/l.'\ A lump on the tongue. An ulcer under the tongue, troublesome in talking and eating. Swelling and elongation of the uvula (aft. 6 d.). 450. Frequent pain in the throat; on deglutition, she felt as if she swallowed too much at a time (aft. 9 d.). Throatache, paining as if excoriated. Soreness in the throat, on deglutition and coughing. Soreness of the throat, it feels like a swelling, only during empty deglutition. Inactivity of the oesophagus during deglutition; the food is slow in descending. 455. The oesophagus feels constricted, nothing will go down. The throat feels too narrow during deglutition; the food and drink come out again at the nose. [ IV/iL'] 876 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASES. If he eats his soup pretty hot, he cannot swallow it. Sore throat, as if it was swollen internally; but not noticeable in speaking and swallowing. Glandular swellings, inside and outside in the throat, with shooting pains in swallowing, also such pains in the ear. 460. Sensation as if a ball rose from below up into the pharynx. Sensation in the throat, as if a stone pressed in from without and compressed the throat, somewhat painful in swallowing, not interfering with breathing. Tearing pains, extending up the oesophagus. Tearing in the left side of the throat. [Qf.] Tearing in the left side of the pharynx and of the throat. 465. Crawling, pressive tearing on the upper posterior part of the palate. Shooting and dryness of the throat (aft. 5 d. ). Continual prickling in the throat. Inflammation of the throat, with hoarseness and stitches, so that she can swallow neither solids nor liquids for nine days (aft. 12 d.). Inflammation of the fauces, with pressive shooting pains. 470. Suppuration of the glands between the velum palati, with shooting pains on swallowing. [ Whl.'\ Ulcers like chancre on the tonsils. [ Whl.'] Ulceration of the tonsils. \_Whl.'] Roughness in the pharynx, with sensation of swelling on deglutition. Dryness in the mouth and throat. 475. Great dryness in the mouth, in the morning (aft. 3d.). Sensation of dryness in the fauces, paining as if sore, when swallowing, in the morning. Sensation of dryness in the mouth, with much saliva. On the palate and the lips, the saliva dries up into tenacious mucus. Sensation of dryness in the throat and mouth, without thirst, only in the evening, immediately on lying down, and through the nights. 480. Constant dryness in the throat. \_WIiL'] Troublesome dryness of the throat; she would like to drink, but cannot get anything down for pain. [ Whl.~\ In the morning, the throat is always quite dried up. \_Whl.'] Dryness of the throat, with much thirst. Dryness in the mouth, and bitterish taste. 485. Dry in the mouth and sourish taste. Urging to throw up a sourish, watery, at times bloody, fluid. Constant accumulation of water in the mouth, and spitting out of mucus. \_Whl.'] Ptyalism, with salty taste. \_W/iL^ The interior of the mouth is posteriorly covered with tough mucus. LYCOPODII POI.LKN. 877 490. Hawking up of blood}^ mucus, during the (daily, customary) riding. Coated tongue. Scrapy sensation in the mouth. Bad smell from the mouth. Fetor in the mouth, in the morning, on awaking, which he himself observes. 495. Bitter taste in the rrouth, in the morning. Bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning, as from acidity in the stomach. Severely bitter taste in the mouth, at night, so that she had to get up and rinse her mouth. Constant bitter taste in the mouth, but the food is not bitter. Bitter taste of all the food. 500. Bitter-sour taste in the mouth, before and after breakfast. Sour taste in the mouth, especially in the morning, on awaking. Sour taste of all he partakes of, even of sweet things. Sour taste in drinking cacao. Mouldy taste in the mouth, from morning till noon. 505. Cheesy taste in the mouth (aft. 13 d.). Very sweetish taste in the mouth (aft. 48 h.). Water tastes sweet as sugar, in the morning. No thirst, adipsia. Constant thirst, with dry lips and dry mouth; but when she took a little sip, she felt repugnance to it, and could not get it down; she felt sick, weary and languid. 510. Severe thirst, with fine foamy saliva in the mouth (aft. i h.). Much thirst, she would like to drink all the time. \_Whl.'] Great appetite and hasty eating. Hunger, immediately after eating, though the stomach and abdomen were full and disturbed with it. Excessive hunger; the more he eats, the more the stomach calls for, and as long as he eats, he feels well, but afterward he always has a souri>h taste on his tongue, and also the saliva seems sour, though he does not perceive this when eating. 515. Rabid hunger, at noon, while eating, with a sensation as if she could not get satisfied. Constant voracious hunger, in the afternoon, with a sensa- tion as of heavy pieces in the stomach. If she does not eat during her rabid hunger, she has head- ache, which passes off after eating. Appetite, without any real hunger. Lack of appetite (aft. 3d.). 520. He does not relish his food, has no appetite at all. Lack of appetite, but much thirst (aft. 30 d.). Dislike to solid food, especiall}^ to meat, but there is thirst (ist d.). She cannot eat at all, is always sated and without appetite, and when she eats anything, she feels a loathing, even to vomit- ing. 878 HAHNi^MANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Almost loathing food. 525. Sometimes, he momentarily loathes even the best viands, before tasting them, but then he cannot get enough of them. Aversion to drinking coffee and to smoking tobacco. He has a repugnance to bread, but likes warm food. After drinking milk, a sour taste. Soon after a meal, a bad taste in the mouth. 530. After supper, the anterior part of the mouth is watery, but behind, in the fauces, it is dry. After all food and drink, a sour taste in the mouth and palate, with tendency to sour eructation. After a meal, acidity in the mouth. After a meal, disagreeably bitter taste in the mouth. During dinner, much nausea, even to fainting, sweat on the forehead and complete loss of appetite. 535. After a meal, nausea in the fauces and stomach, even to vom- ing, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Much thirst, after meals. After supper, hiccoughs, for half an hour. After meals, frequent eructation. After meals, retching, with rising to vomit; rising up of water and running of same from mouth (waterbrash). 540. Sensation as of spoiled stomach. The digestion seems to proceed but slowly. She cannot eat her fill, because else she feels uncomfortable and inflated in the region of the liver. After eating to satiety, there is at once an uncomfortable and distended feeling. Immediately after eating, the abdomen always feels full, distended and inflated till evening, while sitting, standing and lying; he has no pleasure in walking, and remains sitting. 545. After dinner, inflation of the stomach and tension in the head. After meals, the abdomen is bloated. After meals, he feels full and heavy. After a meal, sensation in the stomach as of prolonged fasting, but without hunger. After a meal, colic. 550. After every meal, pressure in the stomach. After meals, pinching in the abdomen. After breakfast, pinching in the abdomen, as after a laxative. During meals, pressure in the forehead. During meals, constant shooting in the forehead, and then on moving, severe, single stitches (aft. 36 h.). 555. After eating, heat in the head and a red spot on the left cheek. After meals, black specks before the eyes with pain, especially of the left eye, aggravated by shaking the head. \_Gll."\ Especially after supper, his features are distorted. After meals, a deep, burning redness over the whole face. After meals, first redness of the cheeks, then fearful pallor. 560. After dinner, urgent pressure to urinate, but almost ineffectual. After meals, a quaking of the whole body. I^YCOPODII POLI.EN. 879 After meals, throbbing through the whole body. [Gil.'] After meals she is always fatigued and weary, with quicker pulse (aft. 10 d.). After meals, irresistible drowsiness. 565. After dinner, irresistible sleep and then languor. During meals, shivering, shaking the whole body, but with- out a chill. After meals, hot hands. During eating, he feels as if the food touched a sore spot, when there arises a pressure there. Much eructation, alternating with yawning. 570. Frequent empty eructation (the first days). Empty eructation, the whole da}^ (i6th d.). Eructation with the taste of the ingesta (ist d.). Constant bilious eructation, in the afternoon. Sour eructation, with bell5^ache (at once). 575. Sour eructation, the taste of which does not remain in his mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach. Eructation of a sour fluid, with sour taste in the mouth. Much sourish eructation. Sour eructation after every meal, with regurgitation of digested food, leaving for an hour a fetid taste in the mouth, with numb- ness of the head (aft. 11 d.). Regurgitation of the milk drunk in the morning, with scrapy, clawing taste in the throat. 580. Abortive, burning eructation, which only reaches the pharynx, where it causes a burning for several hours (aft. 4 h.). Burning eructation, like a kind of heartburn. Heartburn, rising from the stomach, causing acidity in the mouth. Heartburn up the chest, with acid rising in the mouth. Heartburn, for half an hour after every meal, with sour eruc- tation and burning in the scrobiculus cordis for many hours, almost taking his breath, and making him very weak. 585. Heartburn, after the meal (cold mutton roast) with a pressure on the chest, as if a stone lay upon it (aft. 33 d.). Heartburn, for three hours after a meal, aggravated by smok- ing tobacco. Hiccup. [Qf.] Frequent hiccup, for three days in successsion (aft. 4 d.). Hiccup, after every meal (aft. tg d.). 590. Nausea, every morning, 'while fasting. Nausea in the afternoon, with rising of sourish taste. Nausea, with tightness in the chest, and the scrobiculus cordis, and lassitude in the lower limbs, briefly relieved by empty eruc- tation, then returning, with formication in the oesophagus and the scrobiculus cordis. \_G^.~\ Nausea rises into his head, which pains as if oppressed and benumbed, even to the nape; with this there is trembling of the hands; better in the open air. Nausea in the room, but it goes off in the open air ; and again nausea in the open air that is relieved in the room. 88o HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 595. Nausea, with heat in the abdomen and ic}' cold in the face (aft. 2d.). Loathing at the sight of food, with accumulation of saliva, and insipid, fiat taste in the mouth. Waterbrash, almost every other day, griping in the pit of the stomach; nausea, she has to open her mouth wide, from which, seemingly rising from the stomach, there runs much salty water. Accumulation of water in the mouth, as in rabid hunger, in the forenoon, while writing (aft. 12 d. ). Accumulation of water in the mouth, with nausea; she had to spit out much (the first two mornings). 600. Bitterish water rises ever}' morning into the mouth from the stomach, so that she has to bend over the edge of the bed and to spit it out, like waterbrash. Sick and qualm}' about the stomach, in the morning, after rising, and especially w^hen leaving her room, just as if sweat would break out. Inclination to vomit, with retching up of effervescing foam. Vomiting, at night, of food and bile, after previous nausea and anguish about the heart (aft. 9 d. ). After the noon-nap, the child vomited mucus five times. 605. Vomiting of coagulated blood and of an acrid liquid. Stomachache, increased by sitting bent forward. Acute pain in the pit of the stomach, on external pressure. Empty feeling in the stomach, before dinner, so that he had to yawn continually. Violent stomachache, after a meal and slight cold, with chilli- ness, so that she could not get warm, and dying off of the hands (aft. 23 d.). 610. Severe pains about the stomach, so that she could not lace nor endure anything tied firmly over the part (aft. 8 d.). Early, on awaking, cramp in the pit of the stomach, for three quarters of an hour (aft 3 d.). Heaviness in the stomach, for two hours after breakfast. Pressure above the stomach, on the orifice, in the evening. Violent pressure in the stomach and abdomen, the whole fore- noon, with pain when touched and when breathing. 615. Continual pressure in the stomach, with tension in the abdomen. Pressure in the pit of the stomach (ist d.). Pressure in the pit of the stomach. [6^//.] Pressure in the pit of the stomach, before dinner. [6^.] Pressure in the pit of the stomach and the lower part of the chest, on lifting a heavy weight. 620. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, especially in the afternoon and after straining in lifting; also pain there when touched. Pressive pain from the pit of the stomach, down to the navel, with cooing in the epigastrium. [6^.] Cramp in the stomach, before eating, with abortive eructation. [6^//.] Contusive pain in the stomach, going off by eructation; also when pressed upon, the stomach pains violently. LYCOPODII POLLEN. 88 1 Contraction and cramp of the stomach, extending into the chest, from morning to evening. 625. Wine renews the cramp of the stomach. [6^//.] Whirhng sensation in the pit of the stomach, with rising of dry heat in the face. \HtbP\ Tearing and drawing pain in the stomach, with nausea and pain in the abdomen, as from a needle stuck into the bowels. Clutching and gnawing at the stomach, and sensation of fullness. Shooting tension about the pit of the stomach, when respiring. 630. Throbbing in the pit of the stomach on straightening his body. Anxious sensation about the pit of the stomach, as from quick, passive motion, e. g., from swinging. The liver is painful to the touch. Severe pain of the liver, with regular stools (aft. 8 d.). Pressure in the hepatic region. 635. Pressure in the hepatic region. [Gil.'] Pressive pain in the hepatic region, while breathing (aft. 13 d.). Pressure in the right side of the abdomen. Pressing outward in the hepatic region. [Gff.] Dull pressure in the hepatic region. \_Gff'.'] 640. Sharp pressure below the last true rib, when taking a deep breath and when bending sideways, also when pressing on the right hypogastrium. A sore pressive pain, as from a blow, in the right hypochond- riac region, aggravated by touching it. [Gff.~\ Tension in the lower hepatic region and pressure. Clutching as with the hand in the hepatic region, when coughing and when turning the trunk. Violent spasmodic pain of the diaphragm in the hepatic region on stooping or from other slight causes, as if the liver was strained. 645. Pinching in the hepatic region ( i ith d. ). Pinching and shooting in the hepatic region. Pinching stitch in the right epigastrium. Shooting in the liver, in the evening for an hour (aft. 6 d. ). Painless twitching on the surface of the liver, when coughing. 650. Pain as of rawness in the liver. Itching in the interior of the liver. Painful tension in the left hypochondrium. Aching in the abdomen, in the morning after rising. Pressure in the middle of the left side of the abdomen. [Gff.~\ 655. Pressure in the abdomen, near the hips, now on the right side, now on the left. \_Gff.']. Pressive pain in the abdomen, in the morning (5th d. ) . [^Gll.] Pressive pain in the right hypogastrium, the whole day; he had to walk bent forward for pain, he had to lie down, and became quite short of breath (aft. 6 d. ). 57 882 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Pressive pain in the epigastrium, as from, flatus, increased on drawing in the belly, diminished by empty eructation. [6^.] Pressure in the abdomen, with drawing pain. 660. Pressure and cutting in the abdomen, before dinner. [Qf.] Sharp pressure on a small spot in the middle of the epigas- gastrium. \_Gff.'\ A frequent pinching pressure outward, to the right of the navel, toward the hip, and somewhat below it. Heavy weight in the abdomen. Heavy weight in the left side of the abdomen, unconnected with breathing; but felt constantly and equally while walking, sitting and lying down (aft. 24 h.). 665. Fullness in the abdomen, with urging toward the rectum. Full, distended abdomen and cold feet (aft. 6 d.). Big abdomen and daily pains in it (aft. 2d.). Distension of the abdomen, especially just before the menses. Distension of the abdomen from flatulence (aft. 4 d.). 670. Distension of the abdomen, toward evening, and incarcerated flatus. Distension of the abdomen, for several afternoons, beginning at 4 o'clock. Tension in the abdomen (aft. 6 h.). Tension in the abdomen, with much accumulation of flatus. Tension of the abdomen, with incarceration of flatus. 675. Tension and growling in the abdomen. Distended abdomen, and call to stool, generally only in the evening. Cramps in the abdomen which is very much distended. Cramps in the abdomen. Spasmodic contraction in the abdomen. 680. Intermittent pressive pinching in the left hypogastrium. [Qf.] Griping and pinching about the navel, at once in the morning, in bed. Pinching in the abdomen, relieved by emission of flatus (aft. 4h.). Pinching in the abdomen, in the afternoon (after a normal stool), from 3 to 10 o'clock, with nausea and inclination to vomit. Cutting pain in the abdomen, before the stool (aft. 17 d.). 685. Cutting colic, at night, in short paroxysms. Cutting in the abdomen about midnight, with vomiting and diarrhoea. Cutting in the hypogastrium, after dinner, and then a stitch extending into the tip of the glans, twice in succession. [Qf.] Cutting in the epigastrium, every forenoon, and at once early in bed, without diarrhoea, till the afternoon, aggravated by walk- ing. Transient cutting in the bowels; extending into the flanks and the hips, toward evening (aft. 11 d.). 690. Clucking intermittent tearing, in a small spot of the middle of the epigastrium, toward the left side. [Qf.] Drawing pain in the abdomen. Drawing pain in the abdomen, with pressure. I^YCOPODII POLIvKN. 883 Drawing pain in the abdomen, extending down into the calves. Drawing pains in the abdomen. 695. Pinching drawing quite deep down in the hypogastrium. {Gff-I Shooting in the lower right hypogastrium, extending to the pelvis, at every breath and every turning of the body, worse in the evening and night (aft. 10 d.). Burning stitches, on the right side, beside the navel. \_Gff.'\ Jerks in the abdomen (aft. 4 d.). Throbbing in the abdomen, with anxious sensation, as from cramp. 700. The skin of the abdomen is painfully sensitive. Shooting sore pain in the skin of the abdomen when touched, and even when the clothes touch it. In the groins, pains, when walking, and pain in the back (aft. 6 d.). Pains in the hernial region. Pressure and dull shooting frequently in the right inguinal region. \_Gff.~\ 705. Pressure outward, in the right inguinal region. \Gff.'\ Outward pressure in the left inguinal region, then clucking in the abdominal ring. [Qf.] Pulsating, tearing pressure outward, in the right flank, near the thigh. {Gff.'\ Throbbing, deep in the right abdominal ring. \Gff.'\ Shooting in both the groins, late in the evening (2d d.). 710. Acute, boring stitches on the left side, just above the groin, both when walking and at rest. Tearing stitches in the hernial region (aft. 24 h.). Red swelling in the right groin, which, when moving and when touched, pains as if festering (aft. 16 d ). Small glandular swellings in the groins (aft. 21 d.). The hernial sac protrudes (at once after the menses) in the inguinal region, with tearing pains. 715. Accumulation of flatus in the evening; the flatus only passes off in part, with pressure in the umbilical region. Tormented by flatulence, at once in the morning, before breakfast. Retention of flatus after having been seated for two hours. Retention of flatus, and he feels worse from it (aft. 6 d.). Much flatus seems to excite tension and clucking, now here, now there, in the abdomen, the hypochondria, and even in the back, the costal region and the chest; relieved b}^ empty eruc- tation. 720. The production of much flatus, which accumulates here and there, seems to be a chief symptom of the club-moss pollen, and a large part of the pains produced seems to be caused by this. \Gjf-\ Severe colic, in the evening, like incarceration of flatus, then rumbling in the abdomen, and discharge of flatus (aft. 10 d.\ Much motion of flatus, toward evening, and some pain in the 884 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. abdomen tlience, with a subdued discharge of inodorous flatus, while the abdomen is distended. [6^.] Growding and tension in the abdomen. Growling and gurgling in the abdomen. 725. Cooing in the left epigastrium, audible and palpable. [Qf.] Clucking in the left side of the abdomen. [^Gff.'\ Loud rumbling in the abdomen (aft. 16 d.). Discharge of flatus, after previous colic (aft. 4 d.). Urging to stool, then spasmodic pain in the rectum, which does not allow the faeces to be discharged. 730. Sensation of a call to stool, but this extended merely to the rectum (aft. sever, h.). Very troublesome stool, owing to contraction of the rectum. The anus is painfully closed. Stool, not daily, sluggish, and no call to stool. Stool, only every other day. \_Gff.'] 735. It causes the stool to be retained for two or three days, but then there ensues a normal, copious evacuation. No call to stool, in the morning, but instead of it in the even- ing; but though there is a decided call, only little is discharged, and this must be pressed out with much straining. [Gff.'] The call to stool comes only in the evening, with distended abdomen. Scanty stool, with a sensation as if much remained behind, and, at once after it, much painful accumulation of flatus in the abdomen (aft. 24 h,). Urging to stool, as if much was coming, but only what is needful was evacuated. 740. Inactivity of the rectum, during the stool. Only w^ith much straining and with burning pain in the rectum the stool is discharged every day, but yet scantily. The first part of the stool is knotty, the second soft, for many days in succession (aft. 16 d.). Lumpy stool, in small pieces. Thin stool, mixed with knots. 745. Pappy stool, daily once or twice, from the fifth day for several weeks successively. Soft stool, daily several times; it is pressed out with much straining; the flatus is not discharged. Tenesmus in the morning, in the afternoon diarrhoea. Diarrhoeic stools, with pain in the abdomen mostly very early (about 2 or 3 A. M.). Very pale colored stool. 750. Very fetid stool. Copious discharge of thin mucus, but scanty stool, at noon. With the stool, discharge of blood. Discharge of blood from the rectum, even with a soft stool (aft. 14 d.). With thin stool, smarting in the anus. 755- With normal stool, shooting in the rectum. With knotty stool, fine shooting in the rectum. During stool, burning in the rectum. I.YCOPODII POLLEN. 885 With the frequent stools, burning in the anus (also aft. 48 h.). With hard stool, pain in the sacrum, as if it would break; %vith colic, as if the bowels would burst (aft. 40 d.). 760. During the stool, while moderately straining, there is pain in the upper part of the head and buzzing before the ears. With difficult stool, a shock in the temples. After a regular stool, still continued urging, but ineffectual. After a soft stool, burning itching in the rectum. After a stool, which was not hard, burning in the rectum. 765. After a copious stool, still sensation of fullness in the rectum. After a scanty hard stool, violent contractive pain in the perinaeum, for several hours. After the stool, cramp in the abdomen and the uterus, quite low down, across the hypogastrium, but mostly after a soft stool. After the stool, flatulent inflation of the whole abdomen. After the stool, much rumbling in the abdomen. 770. After the stool, heat and pressure in the head and weariness in the thighs. After the stool, great lassitude. The varices of the rectum are swollen. The varices protude from the rectum. The varices of the anus pain , while sitting. 775. The varices of the anus pain, when touched. The rectum frequently so constricted, that it protrudes with a hard stool. Pressure in the rectum, at night (aft. 23 d.). Pressive pain on the rectum, with cramp-pains in the abdo- men, so that she (being pregnant) thought her delivery quite near, though it only resulted in sixteen days. Spasms in the rectum and the sacrum, like labor-pains. 780. Pinching pains in the anus and the perinaeum, in the morn- ing. [G#.] Pinching and shooting, on the border of the anus. [Qf.] Shooting in the rectum (aft. 2 d.). A stitch in the rectum from the sacrum. Shooting and sore pain in the rectum. 785. Tearing in the rectum, taking away the breath (aft. 40 h.). Itching in the rectum. Itching on the anus. [Qf'.] Severe itching on the anus (also aft. 28 d.] Itching about the anus (aft. 12 d.). 790. Itching on the anus and the mons veneris. \Htb.'\ Itching eruption on the anus, painful when touched. Urine diminished the first eight days, but all the more copious after fourteen days. \Gff^ Too little urine. While urinating, the urine suddenl}^ ceases, onh^ a few turbid and mucous drops follow, with pains in the urethra; then pressive pain in the groins. 795. Frequent, copious micturition (aft. 24 d.). Frequent micturition at night (aft. 9 d.). 886 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Frequent foamy urine. Urine, white and turbid, immediately after being passed. Urine, with yellow sediment (aft. 6 d.). 800. Dark urine, with scalding. \_GIL'] Much dark urine ( nth d. ). \_GIL'] Reddish-brown urine. Dark urine, with sediment (aft. 18 d.). Dark urine, with reddish sediment (aft. 32 d. ). 805. Red sand in the urine. Red sand in the uiine, which remains pretty clear. Reddish-yellow sand in the urine. Some red sediment in the urine. Bright-red sediment in the urine. \_Gll.'] 810. Strong smell of urine (the first days). Painless discharge of blood from the urethra (aft. 6 d. ). During micturition, burning in the female urethra. During urination, excoriative pain. [6^//.] During micturition, excoriative pain in the female urethra. 815. During micturition, pinching in the perinaeum, close to the anus, which continues, and returns also at times when not urinat- ing. [_Gff.-\ .... After micturition, in the evening, on going to sleep, a crawl- ing burning in the urethra. \_Gff.'] In the urethra, anteriorl}', violent, through brief drawing pain. \_Gff.'] Jerking drawing, posteriorly in the urethra. [Gff.^ Tearing in the orifice of the urethra, some time after mictu- rition. IGf] 820. Transient cutting, anteriorly in the urethra. Sharp cutting from the posterior termination of the urethra, obliquely up into the abdomen. \_Gff.^ Violently cutting stitch across the penis, close to the abdomen, at night, after discharge of much flatus. \_Gff.'] Stitches in the bladder. [6^//.] Shooting in the neck of the bladder and simultaneously in the anus. 825. In the sexual parts, transient cutting, starting from the abdomen. Violent jerking pain on the penis. [-/?/.] Tickling through the sexual parts. Tickling drawing through the tip of the glans. [_Gff.'] Shooting in the point of the glans. 830. Drawing and cutting in the glans. \_Gff.'\ Drawing tearing in the region of the corona glandis. [Qf.] Much yellowish humor behind the corona glandis, with dark- red, soft elevations, smarting itching, continuing for several days. [.Gff.-] Much itching on the prepuce, on the inner surface. [Also Gff.-\ Itching in the frsenulum, under the prepuce. [_Rl.~\ 835. Itching on the scrotum. \_Rl.'] Stinging itching, especially on the scrotum. I^YCOPODII POI.I.KN. 887 Shooting in the .scrotum. Shooting tearing in the side of the scrotum, in the evening, in bed. [Qf.] Tv/itching sensation in the left testicle (aft. 29 d.). 840. Great weakness in the sexual and the neighboring parts, with pain in the peringeum, when sitting (aft. 3d.). Sexual impulse diminished for ten days (aft. yd.). Less sexual impulse for seven days (aft. 8 d.). Impulse to coition extinct (in the after-effects?) (aft. 30 d.). Diminished sexual potency, even voluptuous ideas cause no erection, although there is no lack of inclination to coitus. \_Gff.'\ 845. Rare erections (the first days). The penis small, cold and ^vithout erections (the first 14 d.). Extraordinary sexual impulse (aft. 6 and 14 d.). Erections, with dependent scrotum (aft. 5 d.). Erections several times a day (aft. 7 w.). 850. Pollution (the first n.). Weakening pollution (2d d.). \Gll.'] Discharge of prostatic juice, without any cause. Discharge of prostatic juice, without erection, with great . lasciviousness. Even during the coitus, dependent scrotum and tardy emis- sion of semen (aft. 4 d.). 855. He goes to sleep during coition, without emission of semen (aft. 12 d.). After coitus, lassitude all the day following (aft, 48 h.). After a pollution, languor in the morning, with trembling. In the sexual parts, tearing stitches. Violent burning in the vagina, during and after coitus. 860. Drawing in the groin, as if the menses were coming, in an aged female. Straining in the hypogastrium, as if the menses were coming, only sixteen days after the previous period (12th d.). The menses, which had ceased for two days past, reappeared (aft. 16 h.). Being given three days after the menstrual flow had ceased, the medicine caused another flow within fourteen days. Menses two days too early, and too scanty (aft. 41 d.) 865. Menses four days too early (aft. 12 d., also aft. 2d.). Menses seven days too early (aft. 4 d.). Menstrual flow seven days too early (3d d. ). It restored on the new moon, the menses, which had been sup- pressed for five months, in a girl of seventeen years, and this without the previous usual ailments (aft. 16 d.). It retards the appearance of the menses by four days (in its after-effects?). 870. It retards the menses by four days (aft. 17 d.). It retards the menses by three da3'S. It retards the menses, which before were always punctual, b}^ five days. It retards the menses by three days (aft, 10 d.). HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The catamenia are continued even to the sixth day, when they seemed already to have come to an end; usually the}^ onl}^ lasted four days. 875. Before the appearance of the menses, inflation of the abdomen. Before the menses appeared, great heaviness of the lower limbs. Before the menses appeared, cold feet. The day before the menses appeared, a severe chill (aft. 13d.). Before the menses appeared, discomfort and a chill, the whole da3\ 880. Before the menses appeared, at midnight, first, a chill, then heat, especialh' in the face, with restlessness. Just before the menses, ver}^ low-spirited, desponding and melancholy. The day before the menses appeared, and on the first day, delirious talking, with weeping, as if she should become craz}^ (aft. yd.). Some days before and during the menses, the pupils are much dilated. During the menses, there is so violent an itching in the pudenda, which seem swollen, that she could hardlv contain her- self (aft. 12 d.). 885. During the menses, an aching in the temples, as if the}" were being screwed together in a vice, as if the forehead would burst open. During the menses, dull headache, almost like tearing. During the menses, acidity in the mouth, with coated tongue. During the menses, nausea. During the menses, severe pains in the sacrum, in the morn- ing, on rising from bed, so that she could not move. 890. During the menses, swelling of the feet. During the menses, great lassitude. During the menses, while standing (in church), a sort of faint- ing; she neither heard nor saw anything, with a sensation of great heat in the interior, especially in the head, with great paleness of the face; she had to sit down at once, and remained the whole evening, as it were, stupefied, and also on the following day her head seemed occupied by numbness (aft. 3 d.). After the menses, stitches in the head, recurring with short intermissions. Much leucorrhoeal discharge, by jerks (aft. 5 d.). 895. Milky leucorrhoea. Repeated discharge of a leucorrhoea of a bloody red, before the full moon (aft. 7 d.). Sneezing, without coryza. [Qf.] Sneezing, ever}^ morning, for half an hour. Sneezing, fifteen times a day, without cor^'za (aft. 5 d.). 900. She cannot sneeze on account of a stinging pain in the neck. [W/il'] Severe tickling in the nose, without being able to sneeze. LYCOPODII POIvIvEN. 889 Stoppage of the nose, quite high up. Stoppage of the nose, toward morning. Stoppage of the nose, so that he can only breathe with the mouth open. 905. Total stoppage of the nose; the breath of the child stops in sleep, often for about fifteen seconds, even while its mouth is open. Stuffed coryza (aft. 10 d.). Stuffed coryza, so that he cannot breathe through his nose at night. Stuffed coryza, with burning in the forehead, and a benumbed feeling of the head, which quite contracted her eyes, with much thirst and heat at night, so that she could sleep but little. Dryness of the nose and stoppage in the root of the nose. 910. Sensation of dryness in the opening of the posterior nares. Coryza, in a person entirely unaccustomed to it (aft. 21 d.). Violent coryza, with swelling of the nose. Severe coryza, with catarrhal headache (aft. 10 d.). Coryza, with acrid discharge from the nose, making sore the upper lip (aft. 28 d.). 915. Frequent coryza, with ill-smelling discharge from the left nostril, which becomes ulcerated within. Rimning of the nose, like fluent coryza, even after a few hours. Very profuse fluent coryza (aft. 2 d.). Profuse fluent coryza, with pressure on the chest. Renewed profuse fluent coryza (at once). 920. Hardened mucus in the nose. In the larynx, frequent pressive pain, in swallowing. Violent formicating scraping in the windpipe below the larynx, wakes him at night, at two o'clock, from the deepest sleep. \Gff:\ Sensation of dryness in the larynx. Hoarseness (aft. 25 and 48 d.). 925. HoarsenCvSs, the chest becomes rough and sore from speaking, especially in the afternoon. Great heaviness on the chest. Sensation of mucus on the chest; it wheezes in the windpipe, when respiring, by day (aft. 18 d.). Sensation as if the chest was obstructed with mucus (aft. 13 d.). Rattling and snoring sound on the chest. 930. Irritation to hawking, with sensation of roughness in the throat, as if the mucus was firmly attached, with tickling in the throat, exciting to cough. \Gff.'\ Irritation in the throat, causing a dry cough. {GjfT^ Tussiculation from tickling in the throat. Some impulses of coughing, following on tickling in the larynx, ending with sneezing. Inconquerable itching tickling in the larynx, forcing him to violent coughing (aft. ^^ h.). 935- Very fatiguing cough, in the evening, before going to sleep, 890 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. as if the larynx was being tickled with a feather, with little expectoration (aft. 3d.). Cough, from tickling, with gray expectoration. \Gll.'] Cough from tickling in the throat, even to retching. \_Gll.~\ Tickling cough, as from fumes of sulphur in the throat, with gray, salty expectoration. Irritation to cough, as from sulphurous fumes. 940. Irritation to cough, from deep breathing, from stretching^ the neck and also occasionally from empty deglutition. Short and hacking cough, with sore pain along the windpipe. From four to eight o'clock in the evening, she has to cough and to drink much. In the evening, in bed, he has to hawk, with a short and hacking cough. Cough at night and hoarseness, when the expectoration is detached, there is a pain in the chest like soreness. 945. Nocturnal cough, fatiguing the stomach and diaphragm, chiefly before sunrise. \_Sr.'] Nocturnal cough, almost without intermission, causing head- ache and aching in both sides of the abdomen. Nocturnal cough, w^ith some expectoration (aft. 6 d.). Dry cough, with wheezing, whistling and crepitation in the throat. [G^//] Dry short cough, every morning, with sensation of hoarseness in the throat, without actual hoarseness. 950. Dry, wheezing cough, as with brandy drinkers. [Gll.~\ Dry, rough cough, chiefly troublesome at night. The expectoration from the cough tastes salty. Salty expectoration, in the morning, evening and night. Gray expectoration, when coughing, with salty taste. 955. Blackish mucous expectoration, when coughing, by day and by night. Green expectoration, in the morning, on coughing, after severe pain in the chest. Expectoration of whitish mucus. \_Gll.'] First thin, then thick, purulent expectoration, with trouble- some, tickling cough. [Gil.'] Whitish-yellow, thick expectoration, with violent cough. 960. Yellowish, purulent expectoration, with raw and sore pain on the chest, after long-continued, dry cough. Cough, with purulent expectoration, for eight days, almost uninterrupted, with fever and profuse night-sweat, as in the last days of tubercular phthisis. Bloody expectoration, on coughing. Hemorrhage in a female suffering with pulmonary consump- (aft. 10 d.). [5r.] Before the cough begins, the breathing is ver}' short. 965. In coughing, excoriative pain on the chest, with yellowish- gray expectoration. During coughing the breath is very short, not otherwise. LYCOPODII POLIvKN. 891 During coughing, concussion as from a blow, in the temples and at the same time in the chest. During coughing, violent throbbing in the head. During coughing, pain in the head and on both sides of the abdomen. 970, During coughing, a pressive stitch-like jerk in the head. During coughing, stitches in the throat, not otherwise, nor in swallowing. She has oppression of the chest and stitches in the throat, exciting her to a cough, which is scraping (5th d.). From coughing, pain in the gastric region. Breathing is connected with violent oppression of the chest. 975. The breath is checked, on going up stairs. Tight, oppressed and full sensation on the chest, when in the open air. Tightness on the chest, especially when moving, for several days, with pressive pain in the scrobiculus cordis. Oppression of the chest (aft. 24 h.). Oppression of the chest, in the evening. 980. Asthma, as if the breast was contracted by a cramp (aft. 8 d.). Asthma and shortness of breath, with rush of blood to the chest (aft. 20 d.). During respiration, here and there, a stitch in the chest. During respiration, stitches in and below the chest, for two hours (after supper). While taking a deep breath, stitches in the sternum. 985. During respiration, twitching and stitches in the left side. Sensation as if a quantity of air rose in undulations up the windpipe, and streamed from the mouth. Pain in the chest, with coughing in deep respiration. \_Gll.~\ Pain in the chest, for the first six days, so severe that he could not lie on his left side at all; then coughing, with green ex- pectoration, in the morning. From time to time, a pain darts into the chest. 990. Tension on the chest (aft. sever, h.). Sensation of tension, on the left side of the chest. Tension in the chest, especialh^ on the right side during in- spiration. [6^.] Violent tension and pressure in the right side of the chest. IGff.-] Tension and pressure on the chest, oppressing the breathing, alternating with inflation of the abdomen, in the evening (aft. 4d.) 995. Pressure in the chest (aft. 10 d.). Pressure in the left side of the chest. [Qfl] Pressure on a small spot of the true ribs, below the left axilla. iGff.-] Pressure as from a button, on the right true ribs. \_CTi/f.'] Sensation of pressure and sore pain in the chest. [_Gff.'\ 1000. Dull pressure in the left side of the chest. \_Gjf.'] Pressive, rheumatic, tight sensation on the chest, relieved by empty eructation. [Qf.] 892 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressure and oppression in the region below the heart, pass- ing into a strong indination to sadness; after severe bodily exer- cise, when stretching the trunk. Pressure in the chest, it is, as it were, full and tight (7th d.). Fullness on the chest (and in the stomach) after meals. 1005. Fullness on the chest, at noon, like oppression. Oppression of the chest as if too full. \Htb.'\ Oppression of the chest and sensation of rawness within. Oppression of the chest. Heaviness on the chest, loio. Cutting pain on the right side of the chest. [Qf.] Shooting in the left side of the chest, also in respiring (aft. 7 d.). Stitches in the left side of the chest, extending into the chest, so that she can hardly breathe. Much shooting in the left side of the chest. [6^//.] Tearing stitch, occasionall}^, in the lower part of the sternum, unconnected with breathing, when at rest. 1015. Pulsating shooting in the left side of the chest. [Qf.] Pulsating tearing below the right axilla. \_Gff^ Pulsating tearing in the cardiac region. [Qf.] Tearing in the region of the left clavicle. \_Gff.^ Pain as of dislocation in the left side, with jerks occurring between. 1020. Pulsating or clucking, internally in the cardiac region, un- connected with the beats of the heart. \_Gff.'\ Severe palpitation, in the morning, from 4 to 5 o'clock (aft. 48 h.). Sudden severe palpitation, after lassitude with yawning. Tremulous palpitation (3d d.). \Goull^^ Itching on the chest (aft. 3 and 7 d.). 1025. Shooting in the nipple. Swelling of the one breast, which pains when touched. An indurated knot, wath burning pain, in the left breast and under the arm. Blood and viscid water issue from the one nipple, especially when it is touched. Pain in the sacrum, so violent that it drew the chest together, with pressure on the stomach and constriction of the abdomen (aft. 3d.) 1030. Pain in the sacrum when lying on it, with great lassitude (3dd.). \Gii:\ Pain in the sacrum, extending into the feet. Severe pain in the sacrum; he cannot straighten up while sitting, but must bend forward (aft. 5 d. ). Stiffness in the sacrum. Pressive pain in the sacrum (aft. 4 d.). 1035. Drawing pain in the sacrum, for seventeen days. Tearing in the sacrum, transversely, w^hile sitting up straight. Stitches in the sacrum. LYCOPODII POLLKN. 893 Clucking, somewhat to the left, upward from the sacrum. Pain, as if the flesh about the low^er part of the sacrum was detached. 1040. Chilliness in the sacrum. Thick swelling in the lumbar muscle, very painful when the bod}^ is moved (relieved by Silicea). Back and sacrum stiff and cannot be bent, after some exertion in riding, walking and stooping; he can raise himself afterward only slowly and with much difficulty. Stiffness from the scapulae down the back. [^/.] Curvature of the spine, in a child of two years, lasting several weeks. 1045. Now it is the scapulae which are forced together backward, then again the muscles of the chest are pressed together forward. Pain in the back, drawing tow^ard the shoulders and the sacrum. [6^//.] Pressure in the back, below the scapulae (5th d.). Pressure in the left renal region. \_G^.^ Pressure in the right renal region. 1050. Pressure in the back, above both of the hips. [Qf.] Pressive tension in the left scapula, as from a drawing plaster. Rheumatic tension in the back and in the right side of the chest, stronger on inspiration. [Qfl] Pinching in the back. Pinching and pressive pains on the right side of the back. 1055. Dravs^ing pain in the back, for several hours (4th d.). Drawing pain in the back, when sitting. Drawing in the back, between the scapulae (aft. 11 d.). Drawing between the scapulae, in the evening. Drawing in and beside the right scapula, in the evening (aft. 10 d.). 1060. Rheumatic pain in the left scapula, so that he could not bring his arm to his head. Tearing beside the spine, beside the scapulae. [6^.] Tearing on the right side, beside the spine. [Qf.] Tearing in the right renal region. [Qf.] Shooting in the back, toward the sacrum, when sitting. 1065. Stitches in the left renal region. [Qf.] Lancinating pain in the back, extending to the right scapula. Stitches between the scapulae. Fine stitches in the middle of the back. Repeated stitches in the back, above the right renal region. IGf.l 1070. Stitches in the left side of the back, when breathing. Spasmodic stitches in paroxysms, in the middle of the back, which render motion impossible for some minutes. Pain as from dislocation in the left side of the back, extending to the left hypochondrium. Clucking below the left scapula. [6]/^'.] Constant throbbing in the back. 894 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1075. Chill in the back, for several da^'s. Burning as from red-hot coals, between the scapulse. Burning in the skin below the top of the left shoulder. \_Gff.'] First, a pressure, then burning in the right scapula. [6^^.] Burning in the back. 1080. Itching on the back (aft. 3d.). Violent itching on the back, toward the neck. Violent itching on the back, in the evening (aft. 15 d. ). Itching on the upper part of the back, with eruption (aft. 37d.j. Large pimples between the scapulae and in the nape, with burning sensation. 1085. Pain in the nape, on bending back the head. In the nape, when stooping, sensation as if it was too short. Turgidit}' of the cervical muscles. Stiffness of the neck, with obscuration in the head (aft. 5 d.). Stiffness of the nape. 1090. Painful stiffness of the nape, on the left side. \_Htb.~\ Tensive pressure, behind and on both sides of the neck. \_Gff.'] Drawing pain in the cervical muscles on the left side. Drawing, squeezing pinching, extending up on both sides of the neck. [RL'] Twitching pain, extending up the cer^-ical muscles on the right side. [7?/.] 1095. Drawing pain in the external cer\dcal muscles, extending into the top of the shoulder and into the elbow. Tearing through the right side of the neck, extending down from the face into the arm and even into the fingers. \_Htb.'] A sort of paral3^sis of the cervical muscles, the head sank down forwards more and more, as if it would fall off, with sensa- tion of vertigo, for six hours, but without any inclination to lie down. Involuntar}^ nodding of the head, first slowly then quicker and quicker. Involuntary nodding of the head, now to the left then to the right, iioo. Involuntar}^ shaking of the head, so that he gets gidd3^ Involuntar}' stretching of the head, now forward, then back- ward. Involuntar}' alternate stretching and shortening of the cervical muscles. The glands externally and internall}^ on the neck are swollen. Hard swelling of the glands on both sides of the neck. [ WhlJ] 1 105. Shooting pain in the cervical glands even to the ears, while swallowing . [ Wh I. ] The glands become more and more swollen and hard, owing to cold feet. [R7z/.] Swelling of the cervical glands. Throbbing and twitching in the goitre (aft. sever, h. ). Large knots of red pimples around the neck, with severe itch- ing (aft. 28 d.). mo. Swelling of the axillary glands. I^YCOPODII POIvIvKN. 895 In the left axilla, a large furuncle. On the top of the left shoulder, a sharp pressure on a small spot, posteriorly, close to the neck. \_Gff.'] Rheumatic tension in the right shoulder-joint. \^G.j^'] Tearing in the top of the right shoulder, beginning from the neck, only in the evening, after lying down and at night. 1 1 15. Tearing in the joints of the shoulders and of the elbo^vs, at rest, not in motion. Severe tearing in the shoulder-joint, from the neck down, by day, in perfect rest, and at night, when lying down, so that she cannot go to sleep; it may be relieved, however, by lying on the side affected; it becomes worse by day, if she gets cold in this part, and goes off by motion, even by merely sewing and knitting. Shooting in the top of the shoulder and tearing in the arm (aft. 27 d.). Shooting in the top of the shoulder and in the left fore-arm (aft. 8 d.). Paralytic pain in the shoulder-joint, so that he could not lift the arm up high. 1 120. Bruised pain of the right shoulder-joint, scapula and upper arm. Involuntary twitching, now of the one shoulder, then of the other. In the arm, which is weak, there are painless jerks at night. Spasmodic twitching of the arms. Drawing in the left arm, seemingly in the nerves. [6*//.] 1 125. Drawing pain in the bones of the arms, extending into the fingers. Bending of the child's arms in the elbows, so that it dare not stretch or touch them for pain. The arm on which the axillary glands are swollen, goes to sleep. Weakness and lack of strength of the arms, when at work. Worn-out feeling and sensation of paralysis of the arms; he must allow them to sink dowm when at rest; when at work and in motion, they are strong. 1 130. Sudden paralysis of the right arm, in the evening, as from apoplexy (aft. 5 d.). Quivering in the upper left arm. Muscular twitching on the upper arms. \_Gff.^ Drawing in the left upper arm. [Gff.'] Tearing in the right upper arm. [Qf.] 1135. Itching on the upper arms (5tli d.). In the elbow-joint, tearing, only when in motion. Tearing in the right olecranon process. \_Gff.'] Tearing in the left elbow, extending to the wrist. {^Gff.] Pressive tearing on and around the right elbow. \_Gff.^ 1 140. In the right forearm, rheumatic drawing, in the morning. Tearing in the forearms, extending into the hands, from washing. 896 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASES. Tearing in the left forearm, almost into the bend of the elbow. [G#.] Tearing in the ulnar nerve, down into the hand. [6^//.] Sensation of heat in the lower part of the forearm. 1 145. Large, inflamed swelling, like erysipelas, on the forearm below the elbow; it passes into suppuration like a furuncle. Smarting, itching pimples on the forearms, filled with pus. Cramp in the hand, all the daj^ Tearing in the right hand and in the two middle fingers, only at night, and only when held under the covering (a feather bed); the pain ceases on taking it out (aft. 13d.). Tearing between the right wrist and the knuckle of the thumb. [Qf.] 1 150. Tearing in the right hand, between the thumb and index. Tearing in the hands, toward the fingers. [<^^-] Tearing on the outer side of the left hand and in the knuckles of the little finger, toward the wrist. \_Gff.'] Tearing in the right palm, below the middle finger. [Gff.~\ Tearing in the right palm with burning and itching in the skin, close below the fingers. \_Gff.^ 1 155. Dull tearing in the wrist-joints. Shooting on the dorsum of the hands (aft. 21 d.). Violently twitching stitches in the right hand. Involuntary shaking of the hands. Pain as from a strain in the right wrist-joint. 1 160. Cold hands, continually. The hands are asleep in the morning, in bed. The hands are asleep after a long talk. Hot hands, continually, which is very disagreeable to her. Swelling and heat of the right hand, in the evening. 1 1 65. Sensation of heat in the left hand, with anxiety. Red swelling of the right hand, extending into the joints of the fingers, without pain, for several days. \_Htb.'] Perspiring palms. Great dryness of the skin on the hands. Itching pimples on the hands (aft. 7 h.). 1 1 70. Small furuncle on the hands, with shooting pain when touched. Warts come on the hands. The fingers sometimes spread out involuntarily, or again they are clenched. The middle finger is drawn crooked, sideways, without pain. Involuntary twitching of the fingers in sleep. \_Gff.'\ 1 175. Involuntary twitching of the left index. Pain of the knuckles of the fingers when pressed, without redness or swelling. \_Htb.'] Tearing in the joint of the thumb, so that he cannot bend it. Tearing in the left thumb. [Qf.] Tearing in the tip of the right thumb. \_Gff.'] 1 180. Tearing in the ball of the left thumb. \Gff.'] Tearing in the middle fingers of the right hand. [Gff.'] LYCOPODII POLLEN. 897 Tearing in the joint of the right middle finger, toward the tip. \_Gff:] Tearing in the tip of the right middle finger. \Gff.'\ Violent shooting tearing in the tip and under the nail of the left middle finger. [Qf.] 1 185. Pain as from a sprain in the posterior joint of the fourth finger, -when closing the hand. The last two fingers are asleep, in the morning, on awaking. Numbness, coldness and dying off of the two little fingers on awaking in the morning; but they are, nevertheless, mobile. Two of the fingers die off in the morning, for half an hour, wdth blue nails (aft. 31 d.). Sensation of heat in the fingers, which externally seem cold, rigo. Redness, inflammation and swelling of all the finger- joints. Redness, inflammation and swelling of the middle finger- joints, with some swelling of the hands. Inflammation of a spot on the finger which is slightly scratched. Inflammation and pain on the right middle finger, owing to a little hang nail. Itching of the fingers. 1 195. Violent, almost painful itching on the two anterior phalanges of the right index, as when a wound suppurates, with some red- ness; it does not go off from scratching. [Qf.] Itching and shooting in several (frozen) fingers. Itching in fingers which had once been frozen. Burning in the hands and fingers, with redness of the fingers, as after freezing. Chilblain on the little finger, with redness and severe itching. 1200. Ulcer on the left index, increasing with the most severe pains, so that he cannot sleep at night. On the right thumb, a pimple. Itching pimples between the fingers. Wart-like nodules on the index, which pass off quickly. Itching, with violent stitches on the right natis. 1205. On the left natis, a sore burning. [Qf.] Softly pressing tearing in the left natis. [Qf.] Tearing on the upper part of the natis below the right hip. On the hip, pressure, starting from the sacrum. Pain in the muscles around the hip-joints, on pressure, sitting and lying down; not interfering with walking. \Htb.'\ 1 2 10. Pressure in the region of the left hip. [Qf".] Tearing in the left hip-joint. \Gff.'\ Rheumatic tension in the left hip. [6J/f".] Tension and tearing in the left hip. \Gff^ Paralytic pain in the hip-joint, posteriorly, when stooping and when rising from a seat, after sitting. 12 15. Pain as of dislocation in the hip, toward the sacrum, in the morning, on rising, so that he had to walk lame for two days. 58 898 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Furuncle on the natis. In the right lower limb, every four days, a pain, extending from the hip- joint into the foot, so that he had to limp in walking. Drawing in the lower limbs, from above downward, when at rest; better when moving. The lower limbs go to sleep, while sitting, by day (aft. 6, 7ci.). 1220. Restlessness in the thighs and legs, when lying (aft. 9 d.). Much restlessness in the lower limbs, in the evening; he had to move them often. Great restlessness in the lower limbs, in the evening, before going to sleep; less in bed. Twitching and twitching trembling in the lower limbs. Involuntary violent shaking, first of the right, then also of the left lower limb. 1225. Cold, heavy lower limbs. In walking, the lower limbs seem to become insensible (though they were warm), so that he was in danger of falling down. Weary and without strength in the lower limbs, as if bruised. Soreness between the thighs, so that she can hardly walk. As if excoriated, on the inner side of the left thigh, with a somewhat smarting itching, extending to the sexual parts. 1230. On the left thigh, pain as if wounded; later, a burning. Constant muscular twitches on the left side of the right thigh. Cramp in the right thigh, extending to the knee, so that he can hardly go up stairs. Involuntary spreading of the thighs, followed with a compres- sion of the same, with subsequent erection. Tension in the bones of the thighs and calves, chiefly when sitting. 1235. Drawing pain in the posterior side of the thigh. Drawing and burning in the thigh (13th d.). Drawing pressive pain, anteriorly on the left thigh. Tearing in the extreme upper part of the left thigh. \_Gff.'] Tearing down the left thigh, chiefly when sitting, especially with bent knee. 1240. Tearing in the middle of the right thigh. [^GffJ] Erosive tearing in the thigh, in the evening; he has to draw up the leg (9th d.). Pulsative tearing, with sensation of paralysis in the outer muscles of the left thigh, when walking (ist d.). Shooting in the left thigh, when treading. Pain as from a blow on the right thigh, just above the knee- joint, aggravated by touching and moving it. 1245. Pain in the left hip-joint, when moving, as from a mis-step. Cold sensation, running down the left thigh by day. The skin of the thighs pains after walking as if eroded and excoriated, a pain which caused twitches, for an hour. A large furuncle on the thigh, above the knee. I.YCOPODII POI.LKN. 899 The knees are painful in the morning on rising out of bed, as if they would break, also when moved. 1250. In the morning, when rising from bed, stiffness in the hough as after a long tour on foot. The left knee is bent, the child cannot straighten it for pain. Tension about the knees, as if everything were too short, she could not tread. Fine twitching in the knees, for several evenings. Drawing in the left hough (aft. 22 d.). 1255. Great restlessness in both knees, at night, when lying in bed (aft. 8.). Tearing in the knees and ankles, with pain also when touched. Unusual weariness in the knees. Sore pain on the knees and other parts of the lower limbs. Pain as from a sprain in the knee-joint. [Gll.~\ 1260. Swelling of the knees. Sweating of the swelling of the knee. Itching in the right hough (i6th d. ). On the side of the tibia, pain in the bones, when touched (aft. 13 d.). Sensation in the leg, as if it was firmly bandaged. 1265. Cramp in the left calf, while sitting. Cramp in the calf, causing him to cry out at night, also by day, when sitting with bent knees. Frequent twitching pain in the leg below the knee. Drawing in the legs, at night. Drawing in the legs, from the ankle to the knee, at 5 or 6 p. M. , for two hours. 1270. Drawing in the right leg in the evening and occasional twitches. Drawing and tearing in the left leg (aft. 90 d.). Tearing in the left tibia. Tearing on the left leg, below the calf. Severe tearing, before midnight, from the knee, through the calf down into the feet, so that she had to sit up and could not sleep. 1275. Tearing in the legs and toes. \^Htb.'] Rheumatic drawing in the left leg, at night, when awaking. iGff.-] Sharp, twitching tearing on the lower part of the left tibia, in the evening in bed. [_Gff,'] Violent, jerking twitching tearing in the left leg. \_Gff.'] Shooting tearing on the leg below the knee, which is at the same time felt in the thigh. [Qf.] 1280. Sensation as if the legs were very swollen and heavy. Great heaviness of the legs, with restlessness therein. Swelling of the legs extending above the knees, with large, red, hot spots, which pain with burning, especially on the knee and ankle, so that she cannot tread for pain and shooting; in the after- noon this is frequently attended with shivering and constipation. [Sr.-] 900 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Red spots on the legs like fly-stings, which pass away and come again. Severe itching on the calves down to the ankles. 1285. The ankles are painful at night (aft. 10 d.). Pain in the ball of the right foot, in starting to walk. Pain in the heel, on treading, as from a little stone under it. Turgidity around the ankles (aft. sever, d. ). Burning tension on the dorsum of the foot, near the big toe. [G#.] 1290. Drawing in the foot below the ankle with heat there. Pressure in the foot (that had been sore) , as if it would break open again (aft. 9 d.). Tearing, below the left heel. [_Gff.'\ Tearing beside the heel (6th d.). Tearing in the heels and on the balls of the foot (12th d.). 1295. Shooting in the ball of the foot, like needle-pricks, when treading and when pressing on it. Shooting on the dorsum of the foot (aft. 20 d.). Shooting in both heels, as from needle-pricks. Shooting in the feet, when walking in the open air. [Fltb.'] Violently cutting shooting on the left side of the heel. \_Gff.'] 1300. Sprained pain in the right ankle. Pain, as from a mis- jump, on the external ankle, also when at rest. Sensation of stiffness in the left ankle (aft. 4 d. ). Pain as from festering in the ball of the right foot. Pain, as if from festering, in the soles of the feet, when tread- ing and when sitting, with a burning sensation. 1305. Burning in the feet (aft. 28 d. ). Burning in the soles of the feet, at night. Great heaviness of the feet (aft. 6 d.). Swelling about the ankles (aft. 6 d.). Swelling of the feet, also during the menses. 1310. Thick swelling of the right foot (the first days). Swelling of the left foot, with shooting in the toes, when treading. Swelling in the feet, with shooting in the ankles, chiefly when walking. Swelling of the dorsum of the feet (the first days). The swelling of the feet increases into abdominal dropsy, with swelling of the genitals, oppression of the breath, and scanty urination with straining (aft. 10 d.). 13 1 5. The feet are numb and go to sleep, up to the calves, at night. Sensation in the left heel, it feels as if asleep. He easily gets cold in his feet. Cold feet, constantly. Coldness, first in the right, then in the left foot, in the even- ing in bed, for one hour. 1320. Coldness of the right foot; while the left is hot (aft. 2d.). Cold, sweaty feet. Sweaty feet. I^YCOPODII POI.I.KN. 901 Copious sweat of the feet, even so that the feet get sore. Itching about the ankles. 1325. Tumors on the side of the foot, which pain in walking. Callosities on the heels, with sore pain. A chap on the heel. The toes are spread out involuntarily, and then again con- tracted. Pressure on the ball of the big toe. [_Gll.^ 1330. Tearing in the first three toes of the right foot. [Gff..^ Tearing and drawing, near a corn on the little toe, painful also when touched. \_Htb.'] Shooting in the right big toe, in the evening. Shooting in the big toe, then in the sole of the foot. \_Htb.'\ Shooting in the right little toe, which looks red and frozen, chiefly in the morning. 1335. Pain, as of soreness and erosion on the ball of the big toe, when walking. Erosive sore pain between the toes (aft. 28 d.). Burning sensation of soreness on the toes, as of sand upon them. Burning shooting sensation of soreness on the toes. Inflammator}^ pain on the nail of the big toe. [GIL'] 1340. Corns form after fourteen days. Shooting in the corns (aft. 13 d.). Shooting, with sensation of soreness in the corns. All the limbs pain when touched. All the soft parts of the body pain, when touched and pressed. 1345. Everything she sits or lies upon is too hard for her. Pain here and there on the trunk, as if single muscles w^ere spasmodically^ contracted and then again extended. Intermitting, spasmodic drawing on the knees, fore-arms, hands and fingers. Pressive drawing in all the joints, especiall}^ on the knees. Drawing in the left hand and tarsus, in the morning. 1350. Drawing and tension in the carpal and tarsal joints, in the morning in bed. [Qf.] Drawing in the limbs, every other afternoon, and also over the face. Drawing, now between the scapula, then in the right lower limb, then in the chest. Transient tearing here and there. \_Gll.'] Pinching pains, here and there on the body. 1355- Violent stitches in the thoracic cavity and in the umbilical region, checking the breath (loth d.). Stiff in all the joints. Stiffness of the limbs and the sacrum; audible cracking in the joints on bending. Stiffness of the arms and legs, with insensibility and numb- ness; he cannot walk any more without falling, nor eat alone, as he cannot use his hands. Stiffness of all the muscles of the trunk and the upper part of the body; he cannot move for pain. 902 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1360. From excess of pain, slie has to walk about and weep, and she cannot rest. Her ailments increased at 4 p. m. but at 8 p. m. she feels bet- ter, excepting her weakness. He always feels better in the open air than in the room, where he often cannot stand it for heat and restlessness. He feels urged to go into the open air. Aversion to staying in the room. 1365. Very sensitive to the cold, open air; coldness strikes her strongly. He is averse to the open air. Sensitiveness to the cool air, almost feverish (aft. 6 h.). Feverish horror of the open air, especiallj^ after meals. When walking in the open air, anxiety and attack of vertigo. 1370. After much enjoyment of the open air, violent sensation of numbness in the head. When walking in the open air, heaviness of the lower limbs. From walking in the open air, constrictive pressure in the middle of the chest. After walking in the open air, the tightness of the chest is increased, with loudly pulsating heart-beat. After walking in the open air, heat in the eyes and the palms. 1375. After a short walk in the open air, he perspires excessively and is then languid. Very much inclined to take cold. The skin of the whole body is dr}^ and hot; hot hands. Itching on the head and the back, in the morning. Itching as from flea-bites, on various spots of the skin and in the tetters. \HtbP^ 1380. Stinging itching, here and there in the skin. Shooting, here and there in the bod3\ Intolerably tingling stitches in the lower part of the sacrum and in other places. Twitching stitches from the neck down to the right foot (aft. 2 h.). Burning, itching, very smarting, all over the body. 1385. Burning sensation here and there in the skin, the back, the anus, etc. [Qf^] Violent itching on the lower limbs, the back and the nates, in the evening in bed, with wheals after scratching, which soon pass off again. Eruptive nodules, sometimes itching, sometimes painful on the occiput, the sacrum and the nates. Large, red spots (on the legs), which neither pain nor itch. Large, bright-red spots on the episgastrium, around the scrobiculus cordis, and on the joint of the thumb w^ith itching and burning. [Qf.] 1390. Itching hepatic spots. [6^//.] Small, herpetic, itching spots on both sides of the neck and on the back. A tetter on the tibia stitches violently. \Htb^^ I.YCOPODII POIvIvKN. 903 A large boil on the left fore-arm, causing the whole arm to become rigid, and another on the left natis (aft. sever, d.). The painless ulcers bleed, when tied up, and then exhibit shooting pain. 1395. A large furuncle, with inflammation around it and burning shooting, comes on the left scapula, with alternation of chills and heat of the body. It seems to favor the softening and curvature of the bones. Sensation in the bones as if they contained no marrow. She feels heaviness in all her limbs. Bruised feeling in the whole body, particularly in the evening. 1400. Heaviness in all the limbs, he is disinclined to work, and peevish, and, from time to time, there is a flush of much heat in the face. Drawing and stretching in all the limbs. Discomfort in the whole body. He fells unw^ell in the morning, as after a sleepless night. Feels impelled to take exercise. 1405. Disagreeable sensation of restlessness in the body, when sit- ting; this does not allow him to continue writing; he has to jump up and take a deep breath; his chest is oppressed. [/?/.] Great restlessness in the blood, in the evening, even to a feel- ing of tremulousness. Violent ebullition of the blood, toward evening. Ebullition of blood, so that everything in the blood-vessels is in agitation. Disagreeable sensation of heat in the whole body, everything feels too heavy or too hot for him; he has often to breathe deeply and feels oppressed; the hair stand on ends, and feels as if drawn together into a bunch (aft. 24 h. ). [7?/.] 14 10. Internal unrest, as if she had to strike out with hands and feet, and feeling of swooning (during her headache). Sensation as if the circulation stopped. Frequently, a very painful sensation, as if he became quite cold internally, and as if the blood gradually ceased to be warm. Attack of chest-troubles, with nausea even to vomiting, when she could not speak, but could only whisper quite softly, which ceased after a violent eructation. Several paroxysms daily, of half an hour's duration, first of griping and clutching in the back, whence it comes like a shooting into the side; things become black before her eyes, and she must lie down, wherever she may be. 1415. After vexation, he becomes quite prostrated, with palpitation and trembling, the whole forenoon (aft. 14 d.). When vexed, he is suddenly affected in the scrobiculus cordis, and then there is heaviness like lead in the lower limbs. Involuntary twitches, now here now there, which fatigued her violentl}^ Involuntary burning and twitching of the whole body, caus- ing him to pant and to become hot and red in the face. Involuntary alternate extension and contraction of the nuis- cles in various places, without pain and with full consciousness, in 904 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. regular paroxysms, recurring regularly ever3^ 7 daj^s, for 8 weeks. \Th. Rkt.'] 1420. Spasmodic contraction and extension of the limbs, almost without pain. Epileptic fit: with screaming and foaming at the mouth, he beat about unconscious with arms and legs, then he thought he had to die and complained of great anguish of heart (aft. 39 d. ). Epileptic fit: His left arm was bent upward and the fingers clinched into a fist, for a few minutes, then he lost his senses^ tore and kicked about him with arms and legs, screamed loudl}^, and foamed at the mouth for a quarter of an hour; then he lay motionless as if dead; then he began to babble. Epileptic attack: The muscles on the whole of the right lower limb twitched visibl}^ the scrobiculus cordis was affected, he com- menced to scream without consciousness, foaming at the mouth, he beat about him with arms and legs, for a quarter of an hour; then he laj^ motionless for one-half hour; and when cold water was given him in his mouth he blew it out, and his senses re- turned. Attacks of syncope while lying down, with loss of conscious- ness, while everything becomes black before the e3^es, without impulse to change this state by motion (ist d.). \_Gll.~\ 1425. Total relaxation of the nerves, the jaw hangs down, re- spiration is slow and through the mouth, gauz^^ half-opened e3"es. \_Gll.'] S3mcope, at certain hours, daily, chief! 3' in the evening. She fell down suddenU'', without an3' vertigo. Sudden failure of the strength, like fainting; she had to hold on to something; at the same time, dimness of vision for one-half hour. Trembling of the limbs (aft. >< h.). 1430. Attacks of trembling, in the evening in bed. Drawing trembling in all the limbs. Trembling, without sensation of cold, in the afternoon. He becomes emaciated and pale. Great emaciation (against which Graphites is serviceable). 1435. She feels wretched (with a sore throat) and has a 3"ellowish- gre3^ complexion. \_JV/i/.^ Walking, as well as continuous sitting while writing, becomes ver3^ hard for her, and it readily puts her into a profuse perspira- tion. Sudden weakness, while sitting down. Ver3^ tired b3' a slight exertion, and not refreshed b3^ any restful position. Very much inclined to rest, without weariness. 1440. He would like to continuall3^ lie down and rest, and when he lies down, he goes to sleep at once. Weariness, especiall3'- in the morning. Lack of tone, with irritation of the nerves. Lassitude in the afternoon, with trembling of the hands. Sudden occasional weariness in all the limbs, with peevishness. LYCOPODII POI^IvEN. . 905 1445. Frequent attacks of weakness, so that she has to let her hands hang down. Lassitude, so that he would like to rest continually, with wide awake spirit. At other times accustomed to steady work, she has now to lie down several times a day for lassitude (aft. 16 d.). Lack of strength, after a slow walk. Great lassitude, especially of the lower limbs. 1450. Lassitude of the lower limbs, with dryness of the throat. [G//.] Weariness of the lower limbs, especially when ascending. Especial lack of strength, when going up-stairs, when the bones of the lower limbs are painful (aft. 11 d. ). She feels her weakness most when at rest. The weakness increases when at rest. 1455. When lying in bed (in the evening before sleep), he feels a weakness, depressing the whole bod}^ as if he should pass away and sink down lower and lower. Much yawning (aft. 7 d.). The child ineffectually desires to yawn; it cries, because it cannot finish 3^awning. Abortive yawning; she often has to open her mouth widely, and yet cannot finish yawning. Drowsiness by day-time; he goes to sleep as soon as he sits down. 1460. Even while walking, she cannot keep from falling asleep. Sleepiness in the forenoon, with pressure in the eyes, frequent yawning and internal chilliness. [Qf.] Irresistible sleepiness at noon, and after it, laziness and numb- feeling in the head (aft. 4 h.). Sleepy, in the afternoon. In the evening, very drowsy, early. [Qf.] 1465. With irresistible drowsiness at night, he is yet late in getting to sleep. [Qf.] But little tired, in the evening in bed, he also wakes up again very early. He wakes up every night at break of day, and then goes to sleep again. He lies in bed for a long time in the evening without being able to sleep. He could not find rest in the evening in bed. 1470. Sleeplessness till midnight (aft. 16 h.). Restless sleep, for several nights, on account of great excitement. She could at first not get to sleep at all, and then her sleep was uneasy. Uneasy sleep, repeated awaking, and at 4 A. M. she is ^vide awake again. Uneas}^ sleep, while lying on the left side (aft. 24 d.). 1475. At night in sleep, he always gets to lie on his back. The sleep at night is full of dreams. Sleep, w^tih confused dreams. Sleep, restless with confused dreams, in which he believes 906 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. himselftobenow here, now there, while he awakes frequently, and gets up in the morning more tired than when he lay down in the evening. Restless sleep, full of dreams. 1480. Restless sleep, full of dreams, without waking up (aft. 16 d.). Uneasy sleep at night, he tosses about, wakes up and fancies himself now here, now there. Sleep full of fancies. Many dreams and fancies during the night. Ugly visions before his phantasy, in the noon-nap. 1485. Heavy dreams, at night. She could not sleep the whole night, because everything that had occurred during the day at once came lively before her eyes, as soon as she closed them; she had to get up (aft. 10, 14 d. ). Vivid dreams at night and talking in sleep (aft. 4 d.). He talks aloud in sleep, with anxious dreams. She often laughs out aloud in sleep. 1490. She has such pleasant dreams at night and toward morning, that she would rather not wake up (aft. 5 d.). Lascivious dreams at night (2d w.). Voluptuous dreams, at night (4th w.). Dreams at night, as if she felt the excitation from coitus in the pudenda. Dreams of coitus, and yet no pollution. 1495. He wakes up after midnight, with a sensation of having had coitus, but without emission of semen. She awakes from vivid dreams about the day's business, and she believes even after awaking that she must do what she has dreamed. He often wakes at night from frightful dreams. Starting up, when going to sleep. Starting up when going to sleep, it seems to start from the feet. 1500. Starting and jerking of the limbs, with restless sleep. Anxious dreams at night. Frightful confused dreams and restless sleep. Frightful dream, and fear even after awaking. Frightful dreams. 1505. Sad dreams. Horrible dreams; as if they wanted to kill him. Dreams of murder. Anxious dream; at a row, he hides from the danger. Restless sleep, with frequent awaking from anxious dreams. {Gff.'X 1510. Vivid, anxious dreams, at night. After vivid anxious dreams, at night, he has difficulty in wak- ing up in the morning, and dreams again as soon as he closes his eyes. He often wakes up at night, rolls around, and only gets into deep sleep in the morning. ivYCOPOr^t POLivKN. 907 She often awakes at night, remains awake for hours, and is then ver}^ drowsy in the morning. In the morning, after many Hvely dreams, a very anxious dream, as if many young dogs and more and more in numbers clung to various parts of his body. [6^.] 1515. Anxious awaking, at night (aft. 11 d.). Screaming in sleep, with delirious words. Anxious screaming in sleep, several times (aft. 10 d.). Restless nights, with moaning in sleep. Weeping at night, in sleep. 1520. The child sleeps very restlessl}^ and mutters in its sleep. When going to sleep, anxiety. She often wakes up at night, as if awakened by fright. In the evening, afraid to go to bed. She wakes up for several mornings restless and anxious. 1525. She starts up anxious from sleep, wants to scream, but can- not, as in a nightmare. At night, nightmare. After midnight, on awaking, an attack of anguish, so that she could not draw her breath for two hours; for two nights suc- cessively. After a deep sleep, after awaking in the morning, anxious thoughts as if she should now die, for which she also prepared herself by thinking of her parting letters (aft. 16 h.). At night, when turning over in bed, anxious palpitation. 1530. Almost every evening in bed, palpitation. • In the morning on awaking, ebullition of blood. At night, he cannot bear lying down, he has to get up. At night, no position was comfortable, which vexed him even to weeping. At night, he feels his pains even in sleep and dreams about it. 1535. After midnight, the sleep is very much interrupted and rest- less. At night, shooting and throbbing in the occiput. At night, at 3 o'clock, he wakes up with obscured mind (3dd.). . At night, dryness of the eyes. At night, in sleep, saliva runs from his mouth. 1540. At night, sour regurgitation. At night she awakes with vertigo and nausea. At night on awaking, hunger. At night thirst, she has to drink often and only a little at a time. (aft. 16 d. ). In the evening in bed, troublesome pressure in the stomach, improved by rubbing (the first days.). 1545. At night, cutting in the gastric region, she has to sit up. At night, colic in the hypogastrium. After midnight, colic below the navel, so that she had to bend double. At night, drawing pain in the left side of the abdomen. At night, constant, almost ineffectual urging to stool. (^2dn.). 908 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1550. Nightl}^ cramp of the abdominal muscles; they are quite hard and painful, so as to cause him to scream. At night, cough and pain in the chest, which keep him from going to sleep before midnight. At night (during confinement) a sort of spasm of the chest, coming from the sacrum up the back, first into the gastric region, then into the chest, it made breathing difficult and caused anguish. At night, pain in the sacrum and stitches in both hips and in the left side of the chest (aft. 4 d.). At night, the hands are asleep. 1555. At night, tearing in the left lower limb. In the evening in bed, severe drawing pain in the heel. For several nights, cramp in the feet. At night, the limbs are, as it were, asleep (aft. 6 d.). In the morning, on awaking from a heavy, fanciful sleep, the whole right side ot the body is asleep, for half an hour. 1560. At night, drawing in the gums and on the whole of the left side of the body, which pains waked her up. At night, insomnia, from trembling and a sensation as if every- thing in the body kept swinging forward and backward. In slumber, single twitches, the lower limbs are thrust for- ward. In the morning, ebullition of the blood, when awaking. In the morning, when awaking, relaxation and lack of tone of the limbs; this goes off after rising. 1565. Sleep, unrefreshing (aft. 16 h.). Sleep, unrefreshing and gloomy. In the morning, on rising, weary and heav}^ (aft. 48 h. ). At night there is sleep, but unrefreshing, and in the morning he is weary and tired of life. Chill in the evening, when going to sleep (aft. 14 d.). 1570. Shivering, after drinking. Chilliness (aft. 14 d.). Spasmodic shaking, from a chill, as if from agitation of mind, with throbbing in the sinciput, in the evening (aft. 4 d.). Internal chill, in the morning. In the morning, always an inw^ard chilliness (aft. 2d.). 1575. Continual chill, with sensible coldness all over, worse toward evening. For many days, chill on the left side of the body. Hands and feet seem quite dead from cold. During her chilliness, she feels as if everything within would stand still. Severe chill in the evening, keeping him from going to sleep, with nausea. [G//.] 1580. Fever, every other evening, chill from seven o'clock; when he lay down, it threw him up high, without subsequent heat or sweat. Chill in the back, in the afternoon at three o'clock, still worse in the evening; after lying down, for a quarter of an hour, with cold feet, without any heat or sweat following. I^YCOPODII POI.LEN. 909 Fever, every afternoon, at three, till late in the evening, an ever-increasing chill, without subsequent heat and sweat. Fever, in the evening at seven o'clock, a shaking ague and great coldness, even when in bed, as if she lay in ice, for two hours, with drawing in all the limbs, in the back and the whole bod}^ and on awaking from a sleep full of dreams, sweat all over, two evenings in succession, with severe thirst after the sweat (aft. 27 d.). Coldness of the body, in the evening, with heat in the fore- head. 1585. At 8 A. M, a severe chill for half an hour, and but little heat afterward. In the morning she wakes up with a chill, soon after much heat and pain in the occiput; she feels quite ill (7th d.). Chill ever}^ day. Evening-chill every day, first a chill, then heat. \Htb.'\ Evening-fever, a little chill, an equable strong-continuing heat, weariness and pain in the limbs. [6^//.] 1590. Chill, every evening in bed, till twelve o'clock; then again warm and hot; in the morning a sour smelling perspiration. In the evening, alternate chill and heat, with pressive heat in the whole head and coryza (aft. 2 d.). Alternate chill and heat, and great redness and heat on the cheeks (aft. 10 and 19 d.). After a fright, alternate attacks of chill, heat and sweat for twenty-four hours. Fever, has to lie down, nausea, vomiting four times, chill and then (without previous heat) sweat; all her limbs felt heavy, she had stitches in the head, the following day, again a chill, after heat in the face (aft. 5 d.). 1595. Fever, with great lassitude, more heat, and only later on a chill. [6^//.] Fever, every evening a burning heat; she drinks very often, but little, with frequent tenesmus without stool, and at night fre- quently passing a very little, brown urine. Much heat on the body, and at the same time violent burn- ing and shooting in the eyes (aft. 9 d.). Burning heat, with short breath, little thirst, paleness of the face and affrighted starting from sleep (aft. 14 d.). He constantly perceives a smell of pungent perspiration around himself. 1600. The bodily perspiration smells like onions. Sourish-smelling, profuse sweat of the body, but none on the legs. Night-sweat only on the trunk, not on the legs. Every night, sweat after midnight, chiefly on the chest. At night, profuse sweat, with coldness of the forehead and throat. 1605. Morning-sweat, only in the joints. Morning-sweat in bed, for seven mornings in succession (aft. yd.). Morning-sweat, all over the body, with smell of blood. Morning-sweat, after a restless night (aft. lO d. ). {GIIP^ 9IO HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. MAGNESIA (CARBONICA.) CARBONATE OF MAGNESIA. It is precipitated from a solution of Epsom salts (sulphate of magnesia), in a sufficiency of water, by dropping in a solution of pure mild carbonate of soda (or potash). It is washed repeatedly with a quantity of distilled water, filtered and dried on paper. It has shown itself especially useful in chronic diseases w^here the following symptoms were concomitant: Black spots before the eyes; the eyes are closed in the morning by suppuration; hardness of hearing; toothache in pregnant women; throbbing toothache in single stitches; nocturnal toothache, with ulcerative pains w^hen the teeth meet together; the speech is frequently suddenly interrupted; contractive pain in the stomach; inguinal hernia; costiveness; lack of sexual impulse; lack of erec- tions; retarded menses; leucorrhoea; stoppage of the nose; stuffed coryza; stiffness hi the nape; attacks of tearing in the top of the shoulder, also at night, with formication extending into the fingers and inability of moving the arm for pain ; sprained pain in the shoulder-joint, when moving it; cracking of the skin on the hands; furuncle on the leg; itching; frequent sudden falling down, while conscious, while standing or walking; epileptic fits; drowsi- ness by day; insomnia from nocturnal tightness in the hypogastrium; dreams, also anxious ones, every night. The symptoms marked <^Htb. u. Tr.) are from the Reine Arzneimittellehre of Drs. Hartlaub and Trinks; these are not marked with any name of the authors, but they have altogether the stamp of having been issued from the ever-ready symptom- factory of Ng,; Sr., Dr. Schreter; W/il., Wahle. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Trembling anguish and fear, as if evil was threatening; it passes off in the evening in bed. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] Anxious and warm in the whole body, especially in the head, while eating warm food. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Very anxious, with perspiration the whole day, especially while in motion. [Htd. u. Tr.] [This also like its two predecessors was one of the medicines of the first edition. It contains there one hundred and twenty-eight symptoms. The additions here from Schreter and Wahle are to be ascribed to provings with the thirtieth; but the bulk of them (eight hundred and one in their original form) comes from Nenning. — Hughes. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 9II Anxious and prostrated, with shooting all over the body, after rising from bed. {Htb. u. Tr.^ 5. Apprehensiveness and indisposition, in the afternoon, with a headache as if the head were screwed in a vise; in the evening, good-humored. \^I/id. u. Tr.'] Internal restlessness, with trembling in the hands, and such absence of mmd, that while writing a letter, he had to rise fre- quently and had to write it over three times (aft. 3 w.). IH^d. u. Tr.'] Peevish, so that she does not know what to do, with perspira- tion (aft. 6d.). \_Htb. u. Tr\ Verj^ peevish, in the evening (aft. 6 d.). Very peevish, in the evening, at seven o'clock, everything is disagreeable to her. \Hj:b. u. Tr.'] 10. Peevish, cross mood. [^Htb. u. Tr.] Indisposed to work, aggravated after some time. [Htb. u. Ill-humor; everything that she looks at vexes her, better in the evening. \Htb. u. Tr.] Ill-humored and yet she warbles a song (very transient) (aft. 2 h.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Sad mood, indisposed to talk, and apprehensive. [Hfb. u. Tr.] 15. Sad and apprehensive (aft. 2 h.). {Htb. u. Tr.] Lack of tone in spirit, mind and body (aft. 20 d.). Very forgetful and morose (aft. 18 d.). \Htb. u. Tr.] Very talkative; everything goes well with her (ist d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Better humor in the afternoon than in the forenoon. [Htb. u. Tr.] 20. The head feels muddled and benumbed, from mental work. Giddy in the head, frequently, as it were, unconscious (28th, 29th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Vertigo, when kneeling down, as if she would collapse. [Htb. u. Tr.] Vertigo, while standing, as if objects were turning around with her, with intoxication and heaviness of the head. [Htb. u. Tr.] Vertigo, in the morning, after rising, as if everything turned round with her, with inclination to vomit and much gathering of water in her mouth. [Htb. it. Tr.] 25. Vertigo, as if everything turned round with her, and as if she should fall forward. [Htb. u. Tr.] Syncopal vertigo, in the evening, after lying down, with cold- ness and then inclination to vomit, for a half hour; then sleep, with frequent awaking, with violent nausea at the slightest motion; it was worst in the morning after rising; at the same time, taste and eructation as from rotten eggs, with pale face and coldness (25th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Vertigo, she is ready to sink down, in the evening, while sit- ting (and sewing) with nausea, then when lying down, she be- came unconscious (aft. 4 d. ). 912 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Heaviness of the head, when b^ing down, after awaking from a noonda5^-nap; while the sahva is tinged with blood. Heaviness in the forehead, while standing (aft. 2 h.). \Htb. 30. Heavy and dizzy in the head, in the morning on rising, pass- ing away after an hour, when walking about. \_//fd. ic. Tr.'] Heavy and gloomy in the head, in the morning on rising, as if he had not done sleeping; it goes off after washing himself and moving about (7th d.). \_//fd. u. Tr.^ Heaviness of the head, with yawning and nausea (3d d.). [//fd. u. Tr.'] Great heaviness and painfulness of the head (2d d.). [^Htb. 2i. Tr.~\ Heaviness in the forehead, and ulcerative pain on the left side of the occiput. [Hfb. 21. Tr.] 35. Headache, as if from stiffness of the nape. Violent headache, in the morning in bed, till toward noon. [mb. u. Tr.] Violent headache, at night in sleep, but worse when awake; it goes off on raising the head. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Headache m the afternoon, worse toward evening, with ulcer- ative pain of the head on external pressure. \Htb. it. Tr.] Pressure over the head, from mental work. 40. Pressure over the whole of the head, in a room with many people (aft. 15 d.). Pressure in the forehead, daily. Severe pressure in the sinciput, with pain in the eyes. . Pressive pain in the forehead, in the morning on awaking, till afternoon (20th d.). Pressure in the forehead, from morning till noon. [^Htb, u. Tr.] 45. Stupefying pressive pain in the left side of the forehead and occasionally also in the eyes (14th d.). [Htb. n. Tr.] Shooting, pressive pain in the forehead, frequently intermit- ting (lothd.). [mb. u. Tr.] Screwing together in the head from both sides, later also in the occiput, long continued. [JT^b. u. Tr.] Tension and drawing in the occiput, during deglutition and afterward, as if it would draw the head backward, worse when standing, so that she has to sit down, when it passes off (aft. 2 h.). {Htb. u. Tr.] Drawing pain in the head (aft. 16 d.). 50. Drawing pain in the forehead, with nausea (6th morning.). IHtb. u. Tr.] Drawing pain in the forehead, from morning to noon (aft. 10 d.). IHtb. 71. Tr.] Violently twitching headache, after vexation, with sensation of heaviness, continually increasing from i p. m. until it ceases in bed (15th d.). IHtb. u. Tr.] Tearing and heaviness in the forehead and the upper part of the head, after dinner. [Htb. u. Tr.] Tearing and throbbing, deep in the forehead. \_Htb. u. Tr.] MAGNESIA CARBONIC A. 913 55. Tearing and drawing backward in the nape, from the after- noon till evening, when it ceases in bed. \Htb. u. Tr.'] Tearing in the forehead, with stupefaction and heaviness in the brain. [Htb. u. Tr.'] Painful tearing in the forehead, deep in the brain and before the left ear. [Htb. u. Tr.] Tearing in the left temple, ceasing through pressure; also in the evening, w^hen l3ang down. \^Htb. it. Tr.] Violent tearing, passing upward in the left side of the temple, with toothache in a posterior molar, [//tb. u. 7>.] 60. Painful tearing in the right temple, so that it drew her eyes together. \Htb. u. Tr.] Violent twitching tearing, sometimes on the vertex, then on the occiput, on the upper arms and thighs (25th and 26th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent tearing and shooting in the whole head, as with knives, in the evening before lying down, and the whole night, so that she was afraid of losing her reason. \^Htb. u. Tr.] Tearing and inward shooting on the right side of the head, after dinner, w^hile sitting. [Htb. u. Tr.] Stitches on the right side of the head, and then when moving the head to the left, a tearing pain in the right side of the occiput. [Htb. u. Tr.] 65. Shooting headache, in the morning after rising, with pres- sure over the eyes. [Htb. u. Tr.] Shooting, outward in the right side of the forehead, more ex- ternally, after a previous tickling in that place. [Htb. u. Tr.] Shooting about the forehead, frequently repeated, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] Stitches in the crown. [Htb. u. Tr.] Shooting pain in the right temple, after dinner (lothd.). [Htb. u. Tr.] 70. Shooting in the left temple (aft. 12 d.). Dull stitch in the left temple and then above the right ear. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent outward shooting in the (right) side of head, on which she lies at night, it ceases when she lies on the other side. [Htb. u. Tr.] Dull, painful stitches on the anterior corner of the right parie- tal bone, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] Shooting and throbbing in the right side of the head, after dinner. [Htb. u. Tr.] 75. Dull stitches into the right side of the head, when standing. [Hbt. u. Tr.] A deep, dull stitch through the brain, from the crown to the right side of the occiput. [Htb. 7c. Tr.] Stitches into the left side of the head, when standing; also in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] Stitches from both parietal bones meet one another. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent shooting in the occiput, in the evening. [Htb. ic. Tr.] 59 914 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 80. Shooting pain in the whole head, which makes her ill-humored, from 8 p. M. till she goes to sleep. \Htb. it. 7)-.] Stitches in the head, here and there. \Htb^^ Stitches in the head; then pain as from a contusion on the sides of the head, while standing, not aggravated by moving. \^Htb. u. 7;'.] Boring shooting, from the upper part of the right side of the head, on through the occiput, in the morning. \_H'tb. ti, Tr.~\ Painful boring in the left side of the head (2d evening.). [Htb. u. Tr.'] 85. Sounding tingling in the whole head, at a slight movement (aft. 15 d.). Resounding jerk over the left eye, through the head, on mov- ing and walking (aft. 11 d.). Sensation as of pulsation in the frontal region. \_I/^b. u. Tr.^ Rush of blood to the head, especially during his custom- ary smoking of tobacco (aft. 5 d.). Violent gush of blood to the head, in the forenoon. 90. Verj^ warm in the head, and perspiration in the face. \^I/tb. u. Tr.^ Rising heat of the head, frequent, without subsequent perspi- ration. [////^. 2c. Tr.'] Feeling of heat in the head, frequently, also in the evening. IHtb. u. Tr.] Feeling of heat in the head, with alternation from paleness of the face to extreme heat and redness of the same (loth d.). IHtb. u. Tr.] Heat in the head and in the hands, with redness of the face and increased external warmth (7th d. ). [Htb. u. Tr.] 95. A fine cut on the hairy scalp, from the middle of the fore- head toward the left eye, as if it would cut through the skin. IHtb. u. Tr.] Acute needle-pricks on the head, after dinner \_Htb. u. Tr.] Sensitiveness of the crown, as if bruised, when pressing on it, after the previous, twitching tearing. [Htb. u. Tr.] Headache on the crown, like pulling by the hair, from noon till evening. \^Htb. 21. Tr.] Itching on the hairy scalp, in various places. [^Htb. u. Tr.] 100. Itching of the dandruff on the hairy scalp, until it bleeds from scratching, especially in rain^^ weather. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Scurf on the left side of the forehead. \_J7tb. u. Tr.] The hair comes out more rapidly. Rapid loss of the hair of the head. Pain in the left eye, as if it would burst, or as if it pressed from within outward, with profuse lachrymation ; from the left nostril also much lachrymal water was discharged, with aggrava- tion of the drawing shooting headache above the left eye, when blowing his nose. 105. Pressure about the eyes, toward evening. \_lV/i/.] Tearing about the e3^es and then lachrymation; it ceases after washing himself, in the morning in bed. [//tb. u. Tr.] Twitching tearing in both the lower eyelids. \_//tb. 21. Tr,] MAGNKSIxl CARBONIC A. 915 Twitching in the left eyelid, with lachrymation, for three days. {^Htb. u. Tr.^ Itching of the whole of the right eye, after dinner. \_H'tb. u. no. Voluptuous itching in the left eye, eased by rubbing (roth d.). IHtb. u. Tr.'] Itching and smarting in the left eye, it ceases by rubbing. \_Htb. u. Tr.^^ Smarting, itching in the right inner canthus, removed by rubbing. \^Htb. u. 7;-.] Itching and burning in the eyes, particularl}^ in the canthi, in the evening. \^Htb. u. Tr.'] Burning and shooting in the eyes, with red blood-vessels in the white (iithd.). [Htb. u. Tr.] 115. Constant burning and dryness of the eyes (9th, loth, nth and 25th d.). \^Htb. u. Tr.] Burning and inflammation of the right eye, in the inner canthus. [^Htb. u. Tr.] Inflammation and swelling of the lower e3^elid, with redness of the one canthus (aft. 8 d. ). Swelling of the eyeball, as if dropsy of the eye would set in. Dryness of the eye, in the morning (9th d.). {^Htb. u. Tr.] 120. Dryness and burning of the eyes (30th d. ). \_Htb. u. Tr.] lyachrymation and burning of the right eye, with red blood- vessels in the inner canthus (9th and loth d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] Watery eyes, every morning, as after long weeping. [Htb. u. Tr.-] Watering of the eyes, the whole day. [^Htb. u. T? .] lyachrymation and smarting of the left eye. \_Htb. u. Tr.] 125. lyachrymation of the eyes by day, and agglutination in the morning. [^Htb. u. Tr.] Agglutination of the eyes in the morning, only removed by twice washing the eyes. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Pus in the eye, in the morning, on awaking, with burning and dim-sightedness of the same. [^Htb. 2c. Tr.] Agglutination of the eyes, in the morning, with burning of the eyes in the bright daylight, for many days. \_JTfb. u. Tr.] The eyes are glued together with pus in the morning, on awaking. \_Htb. ii. Tr.] 130. The eyes closed by suppuration, and pressure in them. The eyes were, as it were, swollen in the morning, after awaking, with dizziness of the head; she could not open them for a long time. [^Htb. it. Tr.] The right e^-e is weaker, and when she looks sharply at an object, its sight ceases. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Dim-sightedness (3dd.). Dim-sightedness of the inflamed eye, as if feathers were held before it. 135. Mist before the eyes, especially before the right eye. \^Htb. u. Tr.] Photophobia, with burning in the eves (29th d.). [^Iltb. u. Tr.~] 91 6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing in the upper border of the right orbit. \Htb, ii. Tr.~\ Tearing in the ears, with tearing in the left molars, and in other places, every moment elsewhere. \_Htb. u. 7;-.] Dull boring in the right ear. \_Htb. u. Tr.~\ 140. Painful boring and shooting into the left ear. S^Htb. u. Tr.~\ Constant tickling in the right ear, in the evening. [Htb. 7c. Burning in the right ear, like fire, but brief. \_Htb. it. Tr.'] Painful tearing in the whole of the left concha, in the even- ing, and in the forenoon the tearing is in the right one. [^Htb. u. Tr.'] Violent shooting before the left ear. \^Htb. u. Tr.] 145. Painful dull stitch behind the right ear, ending with tension, which ceases only transiently by pressing on it. [^Htb. u. Tr.] Sore pain behind the right lobule of the ear, when pressing on it (7th d.). Redness and inflammation of the right external meatus audi- torius, for three da^^s, with pain as if from an ulcer, and long- remaining sensibility to pressure. [Htb. ti. Tr.] Great sensitiveness to noise, even so as to be startled b}^ it. Ringing of the ears (aft. 20 d.). 150. Ringing in the right ear, after dinner. [Htb. u. Tr.] Tinkling and ringing of a bell in the left ear. [Htb. u. Tr.] Ringing of a bell in the left ear, in the morning, in bed, and then painfulness of the whole ear when touched. [Htb. 2c. Tr.] Loud ringing in the right ear, after dinner. [Htb. u. Tr.] Buzzing before the ear, alternating as it were, with whistling. 155. Buzzing in the right ear. [Htb. u. Tr.] Buzzing and ringing in the left ear, like a tempest, with diminution of the hearing. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Roaring before the ear, so loud that she could not sta}' in bed for it, she had to sit up, and finally to rise (aft. 9 d.). Buzzing, fluttering and humming in the right ear, with hard- ness of hearing. [Htb. u. Tr.] Fluttering in front of the right ear, as from a bird. [Htb. u. Tr.] 160. Fluttering before the right ear in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] Rushing as of water in the right ear, in the evening (25th d. ). [Htb. u. Tr.] Buzzing in the right ear, with diminution of the hearing, and a sort of intoxication in the open air, so that she did not under- stand what she was asked; worse in the room (29th d. ). [Htb. u. Tr.l The nose becomes red and swollen, for several evenings. A scab in the inside of the nose (aft. 3d.). 165. Epistaxis in the morning (aft. 2 or 3 d.). Severe epistaxis (aft. 24 d.). [Htb.] Frequent severe bleeding of the nose (aft. 17 d.). Bleeding from nose and mouth. Severe epistaxis earl}^, at three and five o'clock, on awaking, with violent sneezing and tickling in the right nasal cavity. [Htb. u. Tr.] MAGNESIA CARBONIC A. 917 170. Expulsion of blood from the nose (75th d.)- \_H'tb. ii. Tr.^ Painful itching on the upper left side of the nose, near the eye (25th d.). [^^^. u. Tr.'] Violent tearing from the left side of the nose, ov^er the margin of the orbit, even into the temple. [^Htb. u. Tr^ Face discolored and pale, with general uncomfortableness (T2thd.). iHtb. 21. Tr.'] Wretched, pale, earthy-sallow complexion for a long time (19th and 20th d.). [_^tb. u. Tr.] 175. Peevish face, in the forenoon. \^Htb. 21. Tr.] Redness and burning of the face, with external heat, in the evening. \_Htb. ii. Tr.] Great redness of the face with general heat, frequently. [^Htb. u. Tr.] Tension of the whole face, as if the white of eggs was drying on it. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Tearing in the left side of the face. [^Htb. u. Tr.] 180. Nightly tearing, burrowing and boring as with a red-hot iron in the zygoma, somewhat relieved by sitting up in bed, or else driving him entirely out of bed with fearful anguish. \_Whl.] She has to run from one room to. the other, all night, on ac- count of the pains in her face, she has to hold the painful side and always nod with the head; as soon as she keeps quiet, the pains return with equal violence. \_Whl.] Throbbing pains in the antrum Highmori, and swelling of the bones of the right cheek. [ Whl.] Constant burning and straining between the lips and the chin, in the evening. \_Htb 21. Tr.] Heat in the face and the hands, with redness, burning and thirst, at noon. [^Htb. 21. Tr.] 185. Redness and swelling of the right cheek and the lower jaw, with severe ulcerative pain; especially painful when pressing on it, with twitching when talking, sneezing and yawning, for six days. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Many vesicles on the sides of the forehead and on the right corner of the mouth. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Vesicles on the nose, also some with pus. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Many pimples about the chin. \Htb. u. Tr.] Purulent pustule under the right nostril, at last with a burn- ing scab. \^Htb. u. Tr.] 190. Pustule before the right ear, without sensation. \_Htb. 2c. Tr.] Hard knot on the right temple, only painful when touched. [Htb. u. Tr.] The right submaxillary gland is painful when pressed upon and on moving the lower jaw. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] lyips dry, without thirst, in the morning till noon. [Htb. u. Tr.] Burning and tension in the upper lip [Htb. 21. Tr.] 195. Fine, painful tearing in the lower lip. [Htb. 11. Tr.] Itching burning above the upper lip, toward the left corner of the mouth. [Htb. 21. 7>.] 91 8 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISK ASKS. Itching on the upper Up, as if an eruption was coming there. iHtb. u. Tr.-] Soreness of the upper hp. Fine eruption about the mouth (aft. 3 d.). 200. Herpetic eruption below the whole of the mouth. Pustule on the upper lip (2d d.). Pustule on the lower lip (aft. 3d.). Blister on the lower lip, on the right corner of the mouth, for three days. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] Clear vesicles on the left corner of the upper lip, with tensive pain. [//^d. u, Tr.~\ 205. Black, little nodules on both the corners of the mouth. [I/^d, u. Tr,] Pain, as from being cut to pieces, on the inner side of the upper lip, on the gums, and burning, when touched with the tongue. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Toothache, with swelling of the cheek. Toothache, in driving, aggravated by cold. [Htb. u/Tr.] Toothache, daily, in the morning after awaking or after rising, on the right side; it ceases on walking about for a time. \_//tb. u. Tr.] 210. Pain of the posterior lower molars, on both sides, in the evening and morning. IJTfb. u. Tr.] Severe pain in a right hollow molar, it cannot be moderated by any means (60th d. ). \_Htb. u. Tr.] Toothache, every day, particularly at night. As soon as he gets into bed, the teeth pain much more violently, and much water gathers in the mouth. Toothache, drawing from the teeth into the temples; only be- ginning in the evening and driving him at night from his bed, for several nights in succession. 215. Drawing, in all the teeth, with swelling and redness of the gums. Twitching toothache, almost daily, in the morning after rising and at night, with twitching in the fingers and the feet, waking and sleeping (60th d.). \Htb. u. Tr.] Tearing and drawing in the posterior lower molars, also in the evening, occasionll)^ assuaged by salt. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent tearing, drawing and gnawing in a hollow tooth, so that she moaned, only transiently assuaged by cold things and by lying on the affected side, lasting till 4 A. m., worse in a warm room with restlessness, ill-humor, and tensive pain on the whole of the right cheek (after the menses). [Htb. ii. Tr.] Tearing in the lower molars on the right side, with pains in a posterior upper molar as if it was being screwed out. [Htb. u. 220. Severe tearing in the right lower teeth, extending into the temple, after dinner. [Htb. u. Tr.] Tearing in the roots of both rows of teeth. [Htb. u. 7>.] Tearing in the last left molar, not clear whether above or below, in the evening in bed, till going to sleep, and in the morn- ing on awaking; it ceases on rising (ryth d.). [Htb. it. Tr.] MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 919 Shooting toothache after a meal. Shooting and tearing in the roots of the teeth of the left upper row, with a sensation of elongation and tickling of the teeth in the open air. \^Htb. u. Tr.~\ 225. Burning, throbbing and tearing, with sensation of elonga- tion now in one tooth, then in another, above or below, diminished by bodily motion, worst at night in bed, and also renewed by day, by eating and chewing (aft. i6 d.). Burning toothache, in the evening, in bed, with pain as if the teeth were loose. Sensation of elongation and great sensitiveness of the teeth (aft. 24 d.). ^Htb. u. Tr.] Sensation of elongation of one molar, in the morning, when it is touched b}^ cold water, as if it was being torn out, so also in chewing. Two wisdom-teeth make their appearance, [^//td. u. 7>'.] 230. Waggling of the teeth, with swelling of the gums. Looseness and sensation of elongation of the teeth, with great sensitiveness and burning of the gums; at noon, when eating; in the evening it ceases, but is renewed at every meal. \Htb. u. Jr.] Constant and almost painless swelling of the gums, even in the empty sockets (aft. 13 d.). Burning vesicles frequently form on the gums, on the inner side of the cheeks, on the lips and the palate. \Htb. u. Tr.~\ In the mouth, on the inner side of the right cheek, violent itching (aft. 3 h.). [//tb. u. Tr.^ 235. Small, reddish blue spot, without sensation, on the inner side of the right cheek, bleeding when rubbed. \_I/fb. u. Tr.~\ Many nodules, like grains of millet, in the mouth, on the tongue as well as on the cheeks; they bleed at the slightest touch, and during eating, especially of sour things, they burn. [//^b. u. Tr.'] Numbness of the whole of the inside of the mouth, the palate and the anterior half of the mouth, in the morning on awaking, till noon. [Htb. u. Tr.'] Burning, painful vesicles on the left edge of the tongue and the lower lip, suppurating after three days. \^Htb. u. Tr.~\ Blisters on the anterior edge of the tongue and on the right corner of the mouth, with tensive pain. \_//}b. u. Tr.] 240. Blisters on the palate, in the morning, with a sensation as if the spot was sore and eroded; they cease on the appearance of the menses. [Htb. u Tr.] Burning on the palate, as if the skin was detached (2d d.) in the morning. \_//fb. u. Tr.] Roughness of the palate, in the morning, as if the skin was detached. [Htb. u. Tr.] Heat in the mouth, the whole day. Sore throat, as from a hard body, wdth burning and retching and sensation of roughness, with excitation to hawking, even when not swallowing. \_//tb. 2c. 7>.] 920 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 245. Pain in the throat, on degkitition, as of a foreign thick body, which she ought to swallow down. \Htb. u. Tr.~\ Sensation as if the throat was stopped up, and would not let any air pass, in the morning after rising (25th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.~\ Spasmodic retching in the throat at 8 p. m. as if the throat was distended; she had to open her mouth, but it gave no relief. IH^b. u. Tr.'] Lancinating pain in the right side of the throat, on degluti- tion, in the evening. \_Htb. u. Tr.^ Shooting, deep in the throat, when talking. 250. Sore pain of the throat, on the right side, with shooting and burning on the left side when talking, sneezing and yawning, more during deglutition than outside of it. \^//td. 21. Tr,~\ Burning and roughness in the throat. \_//td. u. Tr.'\ Roughness and burning aciditv in the throat (soon). \Htb. u. Tr,'] Roughness in throat, with inclination to vomit. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Shooting roughness in the throat and scratching as from the awn of barley, or from the seeds of the dog-rose. \_Htb. u. Tr.] 255. Roughness in the throat, frequently recurring. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Scrapy and rancid in the throat, as from old smoked meat. [Htb 21. Tr.] Scrapy and rough in the throat, with eructation, without taste, after ever 3^ dose of medicine. Dr3mess in the throat, with the sensation while swallowing, as if the throat was being pulled apart. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Dryness in the throat, when swallowing. \_Htb. u. Tr.] 260. Dryness in the throat, in the morning, with shooting in the left side, during swallowing and outside of it (loth d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] Drv'Uess in the throat and mouth, in the morning, on awak- ing. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] Dr^-ness in the mouth (29th d. ). \^Htb. 21. Tr.] T)ry mouth without thirst, also at night. [^Htb. u. Tr.] Slimy and mealy sensation about the mouth, in the forenoon. IHtb. u. Tr.] 265. Mucus often comes into the throat, and she has to swallow it down, with roughness and dryness in the fauces. \Htb. u. Tr.] Frequent but ineffectual excitation to hawking. [Htb. u. Tr.] Soft tubercles, yellow like peas, of very fetid smell, which have to be hawked up, often come from the fauces into the larynx, causing a choking sensation. Expectoration of tenacious mucus, with bloody streaks; this had been pressing in the throat for some time, and would not be hawked up. [^Rtb. 21. Tr.] She spits out mucus and lumps of blood, with a sweetish taste, [mb. 21. Tr.] 270. Bloody saliva. Bloody saliva (94th and 95th d. ). [Htb. 11. Tr.] Constant spitting of saliva, in the morning, with nausea. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Gathering of water in the mouth, with frequent regurgitation, MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 92 1 vertigo and inclination to vomit; after eating some plums (25th and 26th d.). \^Htb. u, Tr.'] Rising of water into the mouth (27th d. ). \^Htb. u. Tr.] 275. No sense of taste for several days; what she eats tastes like straw, though she has appetite. \^I/fd. it. Tr.'\ What he eats has hardly any taste ( ist, 7th d. )• \Htb. 21. Tr.'] Food has hardly any taste, the tongue is coated white, and her mouth always feels very slimy. Bitter, sweet taste in the mouth, which is full of mucus; this went off after eating bread. \_Hfb. u. Tr.] Bitterness in the mouth, like wormwood (42dd. ). \_Htb. u. Tr.-] 280. Bitter taste in the mouth, the soup at breakfast also seemed bitter to her. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning, with white tongue and white mucus in the mouth; this goes off after rinsing the mouth. [Htb. u. Tr.] Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning; pappy and mucus slime on the teeth and the tongue. [^Htb. u. Tr.] Sour taste comes suddenly into the throat, and then rough- ness. [Htb. u. Tr.] Sour taste in the mouth. 285. Sourish taste in the mouth. She loses her appetite, and after that, her stomach always feels full. Little appetite and hunger. iJTtb. ii. Tr.] No hunger and no appetite (aft. 25 and 26 d.). [^//tb. u. Tr.] No appetite at noon, but it comes while eating. \Htb. u. Tr.] 290. Neither appetite, nor hunger, nor taste (9th d.). \Htb. u. Tr.] He does not relish his dinner as at other times. [Htb. ic. 7>.] Feels satiated with the first morsel. Little appetite, occasionally, and fullness at once, then again sufficient hunger and appetite. [Htb. u. Tr.] Hunger, and 3^et no appetite for bread. 295. She does not relish warm food, she only wants butter and bread. [Htb. u. Tr.] Dislike to all green food, .she would rather eat meat (8th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Good appetite for vegetables, but loathing of meat (aft. 20 d.). Eating meat gives him dry skin and heat. Inclination for fruit and to acid things. [Htb. u. Tr.] 300. Thirst, with appetite for sour things, at noon (9th d. ). [Htb. u. Tr.] Much thirst, with little appetite (aft. 8 d. ). Violent thirst, in the afternoon and evening. [Htb. u^ Tr.] Thirst for water, she drinks much in the afternoon. [Htb. u . Tr.] Thirst for water in the forenoon; in the afternoon, only dry- ness of the mouth, without thirst. [Htb. ic. Tr.] 305. Thirst toward evening, with nuich drinking; then micturition at night. [Htb. u. Tr.] 922 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Violent thirst, which causes her to wake up at night (before the menses). \Htb. u. Tr.'\ Thirst for cold drinks (after diarrhoea), with much drinking. IHtb. 71. Tr.'\ She gets weary during eating. After meals, lassitude, paleness of the face, nausea and dark- colored vomiting of the ingesta (aft. yd.). 310. After meals, pains and inflation of the abdomen. Abortive eructation (aft. 12 h.). Empty eructation, also after the breakfast-soup \_Hib. u. Tr.J Frequent eructation, without smell or taste. [///<^. u. Tr.'] Retching eructation, in the afternoon. [^Htb. u. Tr.'] 315. Eructation, with the taste of the ingesta, in the morning. Empty eructation with cutting tearing over the navel from the left to the right side. [Htb. u. Tr.] Eructation with sneezing, toward evening. [^JT^b. u. Tr.] Frequent eructation with stomachache. \Htb. u. Tr.] Eructation of cold air. \_Htb. u. Tr.] 320. Some eructation. Frequent hiccup, with eructation afterward, in the morning after rising. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Constant hiccup, in the evening. \Htb. 21. Tr.] Abortive hiccup, causing cramplike pains in the stomach. IHtb. u. Tr.] I^oathing, without inclination to vomit (soon). \_Htb. u. Tr.] 325. Loathing and inclination to vomit, in the evening. S^Htb. u. Tr.] Loathing, with pain and coldness in the stomach (soon). Htb. u. Tr.] Loathing and sickness, as from a spoiled stomach. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Loathing, with shuddering and eructation afterward (soon). [Hib. u. Tr.] Sick and inclined to vomit, with constipation for three days. iHtb. u. Tr.] 330. Nausea and general discomfort, in the forenoon; ceases after a meal (21st d.). \^Htb. u. Tr.] Nausea, with eructation as after rotten eggs, the whole night, till morning (15th d.). \Htb. u. Tr.] Inclination to vomit and much collection of water in the mouth. \Htb. u. Tr.] Vomiting of bitter water, but not of food, at noon, while eating, and then long continued bitterness in the mouth. \Htb. 11. Tr.] Vomiting at noon, while eating, after nausea, violent vertigo and retching, first came salt}^ water, then soup, then again empty w^ater, for one-quarter hour, with deadl}^ anguish and with per- spiration on the forehead, for an hour; then a discharge of white faeces, colic and inflation of the abdomen (42d d.). \^Htb. u. Tr.] 335. Sick at stomach, as if about to vomit, with empty eructation. imb. u. Tr.] MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 923 Stomachache with nausea, heaviness of the head, and ill humor, without aversion to food. \Htb. u. Tr.'] Stomachache in the morning, with nausea, relieved by eating. IHtb. u. Tr.l Feels full of water, with loathing in the stomach, and in- clination to eructation. [^Htb. u. Tr.'] Stomachache, like qualmishness (soon). \^Htb. u. Tr.] 340. Sensation as of a spoiled stomach, after dinner. \^Htb.u. Tr.] Stomachache in the forenoon, as if empty and qualmish, better after dinner. {Htb. u. Tr.] Feeling of emptiness in the stomach, in the morning, with empty eructation (9th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Pressure in the stomach. Pressure in the stomach, extending up into the chest, removed by empty eructation. \Htb. u. Tr.] 345. Inflation and fullness of the stomach, only removed by re- peated eructations. {Htb. u. Tr.] Contractive pain in the stomach. Contractive pain in the stomach, after dinner. [Htb. u. Tr.] Contractive pain in the stomach, which allowed her but little sleep at night (15th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Sore pain in the stomach and in both hypochondria, when touched, even at night in bed (42d and 43d d. ). [Htb. ti. Tr.] 350. Ulcerative pain in the stomach, with great sensitiveness to pressure, and a feeling as if it would fall out, with coldness and prostration, so that she could not cross the room for weakness, re- lieved by drinking some coffee (26th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Audible growling in the stomach, toward noon. [Htb. 71. Tr.] Audible growling in the stomach and then in the abdomen, with yawning, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] Sudden stitches, as with a knife, to the right of the pit of the the stomach, almost intolerable. [Htb. it. Tr.] A violent, frightening stitch in the scrobiculus cordis. [Htb. 71. Tr.] 355. A dull stitch to the right of the scrobiculus cordis, extending to the right side of the chest. [Htb. u. Tr.] Burning, internally under the left breast, with sweetish taste in the throat, then cough with expectoration of a piece of tenacious brown mucus, while sitting (8th d.). [Htb. it. Tr.] Contraction and pinching, from both hypochondria toward the navel, frequently intermitting and recurring. [Htb. it. Tr.] A stitch in the right hypochondriac region. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Dull shooting in the right hypochondriac region after dinner. [Htb. u. Tr.] 360. A violent, frightening stitch in the right lower rib as with a knife, in the evening, when stooping; it ceases when he straightens up. [Htb. It. Tr.] Sensation as if something hard la}' in the hepatic region, with frequent pinching in the abdomen (aft. 2 h.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Fine pinching, external!}^ below the last right rib, extending further up, afterward a burning in the same place. [Htb. it. />.] In the left h^^pochondrium, fine shooting. [Htb. it. 7)-.] 924 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Shooting in the left costal region, like splenetic stitches, when standing (2d d.). \Htb. u. Tr.'] 365. Paral3^tic pain in the left hypochondrial region, so that she could not lie on this side, in the evening. \_Htb. 2c. Tr.~\ Pain in the abdomen, and then a few times, leucorrhoea like water (25th d.). [md. u. Tr.'] Violent pain in the abdomen, particularly about the navel, in the morning in bed and outside; better after warm soup. [^Htb. u. Tr.-] Great heaviness in the abdomen. Sensation of fullness in the hypogastrium, relieved by walk- ing, in the afternoon. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] 370. Inflation of the abdomen. Inflation of the abdomen, after a meal, he feels at once sated and full, at noon. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent inflation of the abdomen, after dinner (nth d.). IHtb. u. Tr.] Great inflation and tension of the abdomen, from the after- noon till evening (25th d.). S^Htb. u. Tr.] Excessive inflation of the abdomen; later as also at night, much discharge of flatus, with relief. \Htb. 21. Tr.] 375. Great inflation of the stomach in the evening; only to some degree relieved by emission of flatus. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent inflation and distension of the abdomen, despite of three diarrhoeic stools. \_I/^b. 21. Tr.] Pressure in the hypogastrium, every morning in bed, ceasing after a meal (aft. 20 d.). Spasmodic contractive pain in the abdomen, then diarrhoea, with relief; in the evening. \^Htb. 21. Tr.] Constriction and pinching, on the right side of the groin, pain- ful so as to cause him to scream (28th d.). \_Htb. 21. Tr.] 380. Griping, colic and burrowing in the abdomen, as if for the menstrual flow, with much emission of fetid flatus, at noon; in the evening more violent colic, preceded by growling in the ab- domen. \_Htb. 20. Tr.] Painful griping in the hypogastrium, below the navel, fre- quently intermitting, and later on extending to the stomach. [mb. 21. Tr.] Griping and pain in the whole hypogastrium, with pressing toward the sexual parts, at the same time, discharge of blood from the vagina. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] Griping and moving about in the abdomen, with ordinary stool, frequently intermitting, and coming also in the morning in bed; in moving her body about, she comes into a position, in which the pain temporarily ceases (30th d. ). \Htb. u. Tr.] Griping in the abdomen, worse in the evening, with inflation, diminished by emission of flatus (28th d.). \_Htb. 21. Tr.] 385. Frequent pinching in the right epigastrium. \Htb. 21. Tr.] Severe pinching about the navel, with inflation of the abdo- men; then stool, which was first hard, then soft. [Htb. u. Tr.] Severe pinching about the navel, then a liquid vStool, followed by burning in the anus (3d d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 925 Pinching and burrowing about the navel, in the morning. \^Htb. u. Tr.'] Pinching anteriorly in the abdomen, in the morning, without stool. IHtb. u. Tr.'] 390. Violent, painful pinching in the side of the abdomen. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Pinching in the whole abdomen, in the forenoon (7th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Pinching and rumbling in the whole abdomen, then diarrhoea with green stool; thrice recurring. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] Severe pinching in the middle of the abdomen, relieved by discharge of flatus; then a stool which is first only scant}^ hard and discharged with straining, and finally soft and easily evacu- ated, w^ith burning'in the anus afterward (5th d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] Pinching in the abdomen, for three days in succession (aft. i8d.). 395. Cutting in the left side of the abdomen. [Htb. it. Tr.] Painful cutting and straining in the abdomen and both groins, awaking the person at night from sleep. \_Htb. ii. Tr.] Cutting in the hypogastrium, below the navel with straining, as for the menses. [Htb. u. Tr.] Cutting in the bowels, in the evening, till going to sleep. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent cutting in the abdomen, extending from the sacrum to the OS pubis (aft. 4 h. ). [ Whl.] 400. Tearing in the left side of the abdomen, particularly when walking. Violent pain in the abdomen, as if it would tear out her bow^els, for three days (removed by smelling of hepar sulphuris). [Htb. u. Tr.] Sensation as if everything in the abdomen was turning around, with shooting below the navel. [Htb. tc. Tr.] Pain in the abdomen, in the morning after rising, as if the intestines w^ere empty, contracted and were being torn out. [Htb. u . Tr. ] A small spot on the left side of the navel pains, when pressed upon, as if ulcerated. [Htb. u. Tr.] 405. Spasmodic pain in the right flank, removed by rubbing, while walking. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent itching in the right flank, with internal burning, both symptoms are removed by scratching; with chilliness. [Htb. u. Tr.] Rumbling and moving about of flatus in the abdomen. [Htb. u. Tr.] Moving about of flatus in the epigastrium, with pinching. [Htb. u. Tr.] Moving about of flatus and pinching in the whole abdomen, then discharge of flatus with relief, followed by soft stool. [Htb. u. Tr.] 410. Audible rumbling, growling and moving about of flatus in the abdomen w^ith fine cutting all the day. [Htb. 11. Tr.] Rolling and clucking in the abdomen, during inspiration, as 926 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. is felt during cramps, in the evening and morning; it ceases after eating (loth and nth d.). \Htb. u. Tr.'\ Audible growling in the abdomen, as in cramps. \Htb. u. Tr.'] Audible growling and clucking in the abdomen, on moving, without knowing in what part \_Htb. u. Tr^^ Audible growling below the navel, two hours after dinner. {Htb. u. Tr.] 415. Frequent discharge of loud flatus, in the afternoon and night. [mb. u. Tr.'] Flatus is discharged with much noise. [^Htb. u. Tr.] Frequent flatus of penetrating smell. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Discharge of flatus while walking, and soon afterwards a stool. [Htb. u. Tr.] Urging as for diarrhoea, but there was only emission of flatus. IHtb. u. Tr.] 420. Urging to stool and emission of flatus, with cutting and pinch- ing in the anus, then hard stool with pressing and straining as for diarrhoea. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Frequent, ineffectual call to stool (23d d.). \_//fb. ?c. Tr.] Ineffectual urging to stool, after breakfast. \_I//b. u. Tr.] Constant urging to stool, but little is passed, and it is only a sort of fermentation. Stool only every two days. 425. Urging to stool, with scanty evacuation of faeces, then inef- fectual straining, with emission of flatus and burning in the anus. IHtb. u. Tr.] No stool (23d d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Not before evening, a hard stool, with pain and straining. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] More inclined to constipation. \^Htb. u. Tr.] Seems, in its first operation, to keep back the stool. [^Htb. u. Tr.] 430. Very hard stool, like stones, with pain in the anus. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Very hard stool, in the morning (2d d.). [^Htb. u. Tr.] Very hard stool, with straining (nth d.). [^Htb. u. Tr.] On account of its great hardness, she can expel the faeces only by force, after dinner. \Htb. u. Tr.] Stool, hard and lumpy, discharged with straining. \Htb. ti. Tr.] 435. Hard and scanty stool in the morning, with straining. \Htb. u. Tr.] Hard stool in the afternoon, with violent burning in the anus afterward. [_Htb. u. Tr.] She has to expel, even the stools which are not hard, by force, for several days. \Htb. u. Tr.] Soft, sufficient stool, finally with straining, twice a day. (28th d.). [_Htb. u. Tr.] Stool, the first part being hard, the second liquid, with sub- sequent burning in the rectum. \^Htb. u. Tr.] 440. Stool only after four days, scanty, yet soft and without form (4th d.). IHtb. u. Tr.] Soft stool, preceded by pinching in the abdomen, with a loud MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 927 relieving discharge of flatus, in the afternoon and evening. \^Htb. u. Tr.~\ Yellow stool, in the forenoon, with straining; in the afternoon an ordinary stool. [////^. u. Tr.~\ In the morning and afternoon, an ordinary stool, [//fd. u. T?-.'] Diarrhoeic stool, for several days (aft. ir d.). 445. Diarrhoea, -with violent colic and straining, some seven or eight times a daj^ for eight days (aft. lo d.). Diarrhoea, with very soft faeces, thrice a day. ^I/td. u. Tr.'] Diarrhoea, twice before midnight. \_Htb. 21. T7\~\ lyiquid stool, thrice daily, without any trouble (first 10 d.). [Htb. 21. Tr.'] Half-liquid stool, without trouble, in the morning (2d d. ). [Htb. 21. Tr.] 450. Liquid stool, followed by burning at the anus. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Diarrhoea of liquid brown, like liver, with subsequent tenes- mus and burning. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Diarrhoea, five times, from morning till evening (25th d.). [Htb. 21. Tr.] Diarrhoea, with great lassitude following. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Diarrhoea of green faeces, thrice, without trouble (6th d.) [Htb. u. Tr.] 455. Green, foamy diarrhoea (9th, loth, 26th d. ). [Htb. u. Tr.] Green, mucous diarrhoea, in morning (4th d.). [Htb. 21. Tr.] Green, diarrhoeic stool, three times a day. [Htb. u. Tr.] Urging to diarrhoea, in the night and morning, waking from sleep; on the next afternoon, green, mucous diarrhoea (8th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Diarrhoea, several times, of a green liquid, preceded by pinch- ing, especially in the right side of the abdomen (2d d.). [Htb. 21. Tr.] 460. Diarrhoea of greenish water, with great inflation of the abdo- men, eight times in one forenoon (27th d.). [Htb. 21. Tr.] Green, mucous diarrhoea, in the forenoon and afternoon, with many ascarides, and with subsequent burning at the anus. [Htb. u. Tr.] Many lumbrici with the stool (8th, 19th d.). [Htb. 2c. Tr.] Lumbrici go off with the stool (30th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Discharge of lumbrici from the anus, between the stools. 465. Before the stool, much motion in the abdomen, and he gets warm and hot, before the stool comes. Before the stool, cutting and pinching in the abdomen. During the stool, tearing in the rectum, extending into the abdomen. After the stool, lassitude (aft. 7 d.). With urging to stool, violent pain in the anus, as from pin- pricks, but only some flatus is discharged, with relief. [Htb. 21. Jr.] 470. On the rectum, straining, between the stools. Shooting in the rectum, in the morning, like needle-pricks, when walking; relieved by emission of flatus. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent pain in the rectum, as from needle-pricks, waking her 928 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. early, at 4 a. m. ; she was somewhat relieved by emission of flatus, also very painful, so that she could go to sleep again (6th d.). {Htb. u. Tr.'] Sore pain in the anus, or as if ulcerated, when sitting and walking. \^Htb. ii. Tr.^ Painful varices of the anus. 475. Urging to urinate, aw^aking from sleep at 9 p. m. \^I/fd. u. Tr.] Increased discharge of urine, also by night. [///^. u. Tr.~\ Urinating at night, contrary to habit. \_//ld. 21. Tr.] Frequent micturition, at first much urine, then less. [^//fb. u, Tr.] Very frequent micturition (3d d.). 480. More micturition in the evening than usual, also at night; the urine is pale. \_/7fd. n. Tr.] The urine seems diminished, with burning afterward, in the evening. \_//td. ii. Tr.] Urine cannot be retained, on rising from seat and on walking. While walking, urine involuntarily passes from her (aft. II d.). Very pale urine. \Htb. u. Tr.] 485. Very pale urine in the evening. \^//td. u. Tr.] Urine, quite green, in the afternoon (23d d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.'] White sediment in the urine. Urine scalding, like salt-water, in passing, also at times sting- ing. During micturition, erosive pain in the urethra (aft. 10 d.). 490. After micturition, pinching below the navel, extending into the sacrum and the left hip, with a sensation as if flatus was to be emitted, in the open air. [H^b. u. Tr.] Sexual impulse diminished (at once). Shooting in the urethra, in the region of the glans (aft. loh.). Pollution (ist n.). Very frequent pollutions, almost every night. 495. Erection slow, but the coitus is satisfactory. Pr' '.^ac juice flows out when flatus is discharged. Frequent itching of the pudenda. Menses, seven days late, preceded by sore throat. [Htb. u. Tr.] Menses, three days late, scanty and short. [Htb. u. Tr.] 500. Menses, three days late, at first only a little flow in the even- ing, then in the night stronger, and the following day still more, with discharge of whole lumps of coagulated blood, for three da3^s. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Menses, four days later than usual and more profuse (13th d.). The menses, which had ceased years before in an aged woman, return and flow profusely for four days. The menses, usually scanty, flow at once, a few days earlier than their regular period , with a tearing toothache and inflation of the abdomen, lasting four weeks. MAGNKSIA CARBONICA. 929 The menses come at night, first a Httle, then more strongly in the forenoon, but suddenly cease in the afternoon (59th d.). IHtb. u. Tr.'\ 505. Menses at night time *"id without pain; this was never the case before; but in the forenoon, ill-humor, improving in the after- noon (5th d.). [.H'tb. u, Tr.l The menses come back very strong, with colic, on the third day, and continue several days. [ Wlil?^ Menses more profuse than usual and one day too long. \Htb. u. Tr.'] Menses very strong on the fourth and fifth days, with head- ache, worst in the evening. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] Menses six days too early, in the afternoon, when walking; very profuse on the third day, lasting six days (aft. 14 d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] 510. At night, the menstrual flow is more profuse than by day, and the forcing pains are relieved by pressing together the abdo- men, and by bending over. \Htb. u. Tr.] No flow of blood during the pains, only after them, also at night when asleep. \_Hib. u. Tr.] While walking and standing, the menstrual flow is strongest. {Htb. u. Tr.] The blood of the menses is dark and very acrid. \_I/ib. u. The menstrual blood is dark, viscid, almost pitch-like and is difficult to wash off. [JT^b. u. Tr.] 515. Menstrual flow, thick and black, and six days too early. [mb. u. Tr.] Menses too early by three days, more scanty than usual, and last three days longer (26th d.). [^Htb. u. Tr.] Menses seven days too early. [Htb. u. Tr.] Menses reappear after twenty days. Flow of blood seven days before the menstrual time, the menses then appears regularly on the twenty-eighth day. 520. Menses fourteen days too early, first scanty, then stronger, dark and lasting for three days. [Htb. u. Tr.] Menses fourteen days too early, with pains especially violent in the sacrum, worst when sitting, easiest while w^alking. [Htb. u. Tr.] Menses nine days too early, very scant and last only two days (i2thd.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Menses eight days too soon, at night, after a foot-bath, first scanty, then stronger and dark, with straining in the groins, dur- ing which no blood passes, but it passes at every emission of flatus, but chiefly at noon and in the afternoon. [Htb. u. T? .] Before the menses, in the evening, ravenous hunger, followed by stomachache. [Htb. u. Tr.] 525. Shortly before the menses, repeated eructation and nausea. [Will.] Before the menses, straining, cutting and pain in the sacrum, as if contracted and bruised, particularly while sitting, less when walking; on the second day of the menses, with a profuse flow of 60 930 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. acrid, brown blood, a remission of the pains; at night a stronger flow. \Htb. u. Tr.] Before the menses (six da3^s too earl}^), stomachache, with bearing down toward the pudenda. \_Htb. u. Tr.'\ As the menses appear, coryza with stoppage of the nose for four days. \Htb. u. Tr.^ During the menses, Hquid stool, then trembling in the lower limbs. 530. During the menses, peevish, but not the first da}^ [//tb. u. Tr.l During the menses, headache, with sensation of heaviness and heat. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] During the menses, constant tearing, now in the sides of the head, now in the crown, then in the nape, only diminished at night. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] During the menses, drawing pain, from the forehead to the occiput, with heaviness in the brain, the whole day. [Htb. u. Tr.] During and after the menses, in the evening, bruised pain in the crown, which is also sensitive when touched. \_Htb. u. Tr.] 535. During the menses, both the e3^es in the morning are closed by suppuration in the inner canthi, with heaviness of the head. \_Htb. 71. Tr.] During the menses, dim, dr}^, burning eyes. [Htb. u. Tr.] During the menses, a burning chap on the lobule of the ear. [Htb. u. Tr.] During the menses, very pale complexion. [Htb. u. Tr.] During the menses, disagreeable taste in the mouth and little appetite. [Htb. 2c. Tr.] 540. During the menses, much accumulation of water in the mouth, which she has to spit out continuall}^ [Htb. 21. Tr.] During the menses, nausea from morning till noon. [Htb. u. During the menses, violent pains in the abdomen. [Htb. u. During the menses, cutting about the navel, with relieving discharge of flatus. [Htb. 21. Tr.] During the menses, violent straining in the hypogastrium, at night and in the morning, often awaking her from sleep. [Htb. u. Tr.] 545. During the menses, in the morning, frequent sneezing. [Htb. u. Tr.] During the menses frequent, but intermitting pains in the sacrum. [Htb. tc. Tr.] During the menses, drawing pain in the sacrum, relieved by stooping, increased by stretching. [Htb. it. Tr.] During the menses, pain in the top of the right shoulder, as if dislocated, so that she can hardly raise her arm. [Htb. 21. Tr.] During the menses, the knees pain in walking, as if bruised. [Htb. 21. Tr.] 550. During the menses, painfullness in the feet, also when in bed. [Htb. u, Tr.] MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 93 1 During the menses, itching about the neck and shoulders. \Htb. u. Tr.'\ During the menses, prostrated, languid, with perspiration, without thirst. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] During the menses, so languid, that she could hardl}^ walk. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] Durino^ the menses, very drowsy and languid on the second day. iHtb. u. Tr.] 555. During the menses, frequent awaking at night. [Htb. u. Tr.] During the menses, chilliness. [Htb. it. Tr.] During the menses, constant chilliness. \_Htb. u. Tr.] During the menses, a chill, as often as she awaked or un- covered herself. [Htb. u. Tr.] After the menses, violent pain in the sacrum, as if bruised, during stooping and at other times, in the afternoon and evening. \Htb. u. Tr.] 560. After the menses, leucorrhoea. \Htb. u. Tr.] Leucorrhoea. [Htb. u. Tr.] Thin, scanty leucorrhoea, with pinching about the navel. [Htb. u. Tr.] lycucorrhoea, several times, in the afternoon, when walking and sitting. \Htb. u. Tr.] Leucorrhoea, like water (loth d.). \Htb. u. Tr.] 565. Leucorrhoea, causing smarting. Discharge of leucorrhoea of white mucus, after previous abdominal cramps. >ic :^ :^ ^ >Jc >i< ^ :^< Severe tickling in the nose, with subsequent .sneezing, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] Frequent itching in the left nostril. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent itching in the nostrils, ceasing after scratching. [Htb. u. Tr.] 570. Prickling, sore sensation in the right nasal fossa, as in coryza, during and between the acts of swallowing. [Htb. u. Tr.] Excitation to sneezing, and tickling in the left nostril. [Htb. u. Tr.] Frequent sneezing, in the morning, from tickling in the nose. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent sneezing and tickling in the whole of the nose (6th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Frequent sneezing, in the morning, with stoppage of the nose (9th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] 75. Sensation of coryza, in the morning, with stoppage of the nose and the sparing secretion of single drops. [Htb. u. Tr.] Excitation to blowing the nose, with sensation as if the nose was full of mucus, but nothing comes, and the nose remains stopped. [Htb. u. Tr.] Dryness of the nose, in the morning, and stoppage of the left side (2dd.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Dryness of the nose, every morning, on awaking. Stuffed coryza (35th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] 932 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 580. Stuffed corj^za and stoppage of the nose, waking her up at night. Stoppage of the nose, frequently alternating with fluent coryza. \Htb. tc. Tr.'] Stoppage of the nose, in the afternoon. [Htb, u. 7;^] Coryza, fluent in the morning, dry in the afternoon (15th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.'\ Violent coryza, wnth stoppage of the right nostril. \_Hib. u. Tr.-] 585. Coryza, for several days, particularly in the morning and evening. [Htb. u. Tr.^ Stuffed coryza, the whole day; she has to open the mouth to get air, and yet there is some nasal mucus. [Htb. 71. T.~\ Water drops unexpectedly from her nose, without any coryza. Fluent coryza, in the morning, when rising, then stoppage of the nose, the whole day. [Htb. u. Tr.'] Fluent coryza, till next morning (4th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] 590. Coryza, with discharge of thick mucus and sensation as if the nose was swollen from much blowing, for three da3^s. [Htb. u. Tr.-] Contraction in the windpipe, with pressive pain in the pit of the throat. Hoarseness, for two days (aft. 2d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Hoarseness and roughness in the throat, in the forenoon; ceasing through eating dinner. [Htb. u. Tr.] Complete hoarseness, toward evening. 595. Irritation in the region of the thyroid gland, with frequent coughing, in the forenoon. [Htb. u. Tr.] Tickling in the throat, and then a short cough. [Htb. u. Tr.] Frequent cough, in the afternoon, from tickling in the throat (3dd.). [Htb.^ u. Tr.] Cough, with scraping in the throat (aft. i h.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Rough cough, also at night. 600. Morning cough toward 3 A. M. in two fits, with expectoration of mucus (2d d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Hollow^ dull sounding cough. Attacks of whooping-cough, the whole night. Cough, after becoming heated, even a little. Severe cough, with dif&cult, thin, salty expectoration. 605. During the cough, pain in the chest, as if it were cut to pieces, and in the morning a yellowish, purulent expectoration, for several days (aft. 67 d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Short breath, when walking (i6th d.). [Htb. 21. Tr.] Very tight on the chest, in the afternoon, as if screwed together, with short breath (15th d. ). [Htb. u. Tr.] Tightness in the chest, and weary and painful feet, when ascending (nth d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Contraction about the chest, bruised pain of the top of the shoulder, and sprained pain of the right middle finger; all this ceases after eructation, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] 610. Constriction about the middle of the chest, with short breath, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 933 Contraction and squeezing on the chest, with heavy, short breath, when sitting and walking. \Htb. u. Tr.~\ Severe oppression of the chest, and at times deep breathing (6th d.). Pressure, lieaviness, and, as it w^ere, tightness on the chest, unconnected with breathing, in the evening. \^//^b. u. Tr.'] Sudden pressive pain on the chest, which checked the breath (aft. 68 d.). [md. u. Tr.] 615. Acute cutting and shooting in the chest, unconnected with respiration in the evening. \_I/td. 21. Tr.] Painful cutting and shooting, deep in the middle of the chest, unchanged by walking or breathing, after dinner till evening. [md. u. Tr.] A stitch in the ribs, below the right axilla. [Hfd. u. Tr.] Shooting below the right breast, toward the navel, or out at the top of the shoulder, also during inspiration. \_I/^d. ii. Tr.] Dull shooting, when breathing, in the left side of the chest, extending into the shoulder. \Htb. u. Tr.] 620. A stitch in the left costal region, when inspiring; it comes out below the left scapula, when standing (13th d. ). \^/f^d. u. Tr.] Single, violent stitchs on the last, left rib, so that she would like to scream, chiefly while sitting (aft. 10 d.). Shooting below the left breast, when yawning, also after dinner or in the evening, when it comes while sitting down, and sometimes extends into the sternum. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Shooting in the left side of the chest, below the top of the shoulder. \_Htb. 2c. ir.] A stitch in the cardiac region (loth d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] 625. Shooting in the sternum, occasionally in the evening, while walking, with short breath. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Palpitation of the heart. Sudden, violent sore pain in the heart, wnth clearly audible cracking (after dinner), with a tormenting qualmishness. Many small red, not elevated spots on the chest, without itching. {Htb. 21 Tr.] Bruised pain in the thoracic muscles, when moving and touching them. [aft. 8 d.). 630. In the coccyx, quick, penetrating pain. Pain the sacrum and back, at night, so violent that she could not lie still (2d d.). \Htb. u. Tr.] Violent bruised pain in the sacrum, from the afternoon till evening. \Htb. it. Tr.] Bruised pain in the sacrum, from the morning till in the after- noon (27th d.). l^Htb. u. rT.] Two violent, shaking tearings in the lower part of the spinal column, so that she was, as it were, drawn back, then shooting there, in the evening. \Htb. 21. Tr.] 635. Stitch in the sacrum, on the right side, with twitching after- ward. [Htb. 21. Tr.] Stitches in the sacrum. Burning itching in the sacrum, above the nates. In the back, above the hips, as it were, a tightness. 934 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Severe pain in the back, at night, in bed, as if it were beaten in pieces, worst when moving, but also when at rest. 640. Dull stitches into the back. \Htb. u. Tr.'] Severe itching, especially above the hips. In the nape, violent tearing and twitching, proceeding gradu- ally down the back, and there eventually ceasing. [Htb. u. Tr.~\ Violent stitch in the nape, when sneezing. [Htb. u. Tr.~\ Itching smarting on the nape and neck, with burning after scratching. \_//lb. u. Tr.'] 645. In the neck, tearing and drawing in the muscles of the right side, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] Pressure on the neck, as if the cravat w^ere tied too tight. The thyroid gland appears to be enlarged. [Htb. u. Tr.] Toward the axilla, below the arm, fine stitches, on holding the arms high, not otherwise. [Htb. u. Tr.] In the top of the right shoulder, pain as from a sprain, when she raises her arm without thinking, but not if she raises it pur- posely (19th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] 650. Pressure in the right shoulder. Pressure on the top of the shoulder. Turgidity and straining from the top of the shoulder to the angle of the luwer jaw; so that he cannot stoop for pain, nor close his jaws together. Sprained pain in the top of the right shoulder, on moving the arm, also in bed. [Htb u. Tr.] Sprained pain in the right shoulder-joint, with a sensation as if he ought to let the arm hang down, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] 655. Paralytic, bruised pain, in the top of the left shoulder, only on moving the arm and body, and when yawning (58th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Pressure on the top of the shoulder. Violent contractive pain in both shoulders and tearing down the back, in the morning (29th d.). [Htb. 21. Tr.] Tearing in the top of the right shoulder, down in the scapula, in the morning. [Htb. u. Tr.] Tearing pain in the top of the right shoulder, extending to the clavicle and the chest. [Htb. u. Tr.] 660. Tearing in the top of the left shoulder, extending to the middle of the upper arm and to the elbow (6th, 7th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] In the arm, a violent tearing, extending from the left shoulder to the wrist-joint, when raising the arm and when at rest (27th, 28th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Painful tearing from the top of the right shoulder into the wrist-joint, and when turning the hand, the tearing extends even into the finger- joints. [Htb. ti. Tr.] Drawing in the arm, upward. Twitching in the arms. 665. Lassitude in the arms. Pimples on the left arm, which disappeared after scratching, and did not itch the last two days (aft. 10 d.). MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 935 In the upper arms, single, very painful, spasmodic gripings, just above the elbow, coming by jerks and intermittingly, while the muscles are as hard as stone, by night and by day; it is transi- ently assuaged by pressing the arm together with the other hand (aft. 20 d.). Tearing in the upper arm, above the elbow to the middle of the humerus. \Htb. 2i. Tr.'] The elbow- joint is painful, on bending the arm. 670. Sharp drawing about the right elbow, seemingly in the bones, in the evening, in bed. Violent tearing in the elbow-joint, as if it would be torn off, while knitting (5th d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.~\ Shooting in the right elbow, on moving the arm, in the morn- ing (6th d.). [Htb. 21. Tr.'] Gnawing in the left elbow, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] In the right fore-arm, drawing, extending into the hand, also when at rest; the arm is too heavy to raise up (aft. 20 d.). 675. Tearing from the elbow to the middle of the fore-arm, seem- ingly in the periosteum. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent stitches in the muscles of the right fore- arm, on the anterior surface, near the wrist. [Htb. u. Tr.] Itching on the fore-arm below the bend of the elbow, and a red spot after scratching. [Htb. u. Jr.] Itching on the fore-arm, on washing in cold water and soap, and after scratching, many red, itching pimples, which passed off after drying. [Htb. u. Tr,] In the hands, a drawing pain. 680. A stitch in the left palm, then violent itching, ceasing from scratching. [Htb. u. Tr.] Burning in the palms. [Htb. u. Tr.] The (left) hand is asleep, in the morning; she had lain on it at night. [Htb. u. Tr.] Redness and swelling of the right wrist-joint, with pain of the bone, when pressed. [Htb. u. Tr.] Itching in the palms, with clear vesicles on scratching. [Htb, u. Tr.] 685. Erosive blisters on the hands, with shooting pain. In the finger-joints, cramp-like sensation. Tension in the middle joint of the left middle finger, two mornings in succession; ceasing after a few hours (aft. 21 d.). Tearing on the dorsum of the posterior phalanx of the little finger. [Htb. u. Tr.] Tearing, extending from the posterior joint of the right thumb to the nail. [Htb. u. Tr.] 690. Tearing in the posterior joints of the fingers of the right hand, [Htb. u. Tr.] Tearing in all the finger-tips, toward the dorsum of the hand, in the morning, after rising. [Htb. u. Tr.] Violent boring and gnawing in the posterior phalanx of the left thumb, seemingly in the marrow. [Htb. 2c. Tr!] Throbbing, as from an ulcer, in the tip of the left thumb, after dinner, it ceases after pressing on it. [Htb. n. Tr.] 936 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pain of the posterior joint of the middle finger, as if sprained. \Htb. u. Tr.'] 695. Ripping pain about the left thumb and index and then brief paralj^sis of both the fingers, for two evenings. Swelling, redness and heat of the right middle finger, with itching little blotches on the days, when he has no stool. Inflammator}^ swelling, with shooting pain on the posterior joint of the index. Itching between the last two fingers of the right hand, and after scratching, clear, non-itching water}^ vesicles, as also two long white streaks on the fingers. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] Eroding blister, on the left index beside the nail. 700. Eroding blister, on the posterior joint of the left index (aft. rod.). Both the hips pain, chiefly on moving. * Violent pinching in the left hip, and sacral region, after dinner, when walking; soon after, urging to stool, and before and during this, severe colic in the rectum. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Twitching, posteriorly on the hip, without pain, and then in the right hypochondriac region. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Painful tearing in the left hip-joint, from the afternoon till next morning. \_Htb. u. Tr.] 705. Shooting in the left hip, in the joint and on the external sur- face of the bone. [Htb. ii. Tr.] Dull shooting above the right hip. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Fine, burning-itching stinging, as from fleas, now on the right, then on the left side of the hip, the left side of the sacrum and the right hypochondriac region. [H^b. u. Tr.] Shooting, burning and bruised pain above the left hip, ex- tending up to the top of the shoulder, increasing for three days, and worse w^hen stooping toward the affected side; with dry cough and \'iolent stitches in the side, somewhat relieved by bending double and pressing with the hand on the painful spot (60th d.). IHtb. u. Tr.] An itching stitch above the right hip, ceasing after scratch- ing. [Htb u Tr.] *jio'. The lower limbs are very painful, especially in the knees. [Htb. u. Tr.] A sudden jerk in the left lower limb, in the evening after going to sleep, so that she started up, and could not go to sleep again for a long time. [Htb. u. Tr.] Tingling restlessness in the legs, in the evening, so that she had to keep moving her foot. The thighs are painful, till the evening. Bruised pain above the left knee, extending to the middle of the thigh, in the bone when walking. [Htb. u. Tr.] 715. Tearing, anteriorl}^ in the left thigh, from the middle to the knee. [Htb. u. Tr.] Constant shooting tearing, from the middle of the thigh to the middle of the leg, ceasing after rising from the seat. [Htb. u. Tr.] Painful drawing twitching from the right knee to the middle MAGNESIA CARBONIC A. 937 of the thigh, when standing and when bending the hmbs. \Htb. u. Tr.^ Tearing from the left knee, extending beyond the middle of the thigh, after dinner. [H^d. u. Tr.'] The knees are painful, as after long foot-tours; he could hardly walk without a cane (aft. 4 d.). 720. Heaviness and pain in the knees, when walking, from the afternoon till evening. [Htb. u. Tr.'] Wear}^ pain in the knees, when sitting, and more yet when walking (3d d.). \Htb. u. Tr.] Turgidity in the left hough, as if too short, when treading, when she came from the open air into the room. {Htb. u. Tr.] Tension in the hough (aft. 3d.). Tension and drawing in the left hough, when walking. \_Hth. u. Tr.] 725. Drawing pain in the knees, extending to the soles of the feet, like a burrowing in the marrow of the bones. Tearing in the right knee, when standing. [Htb. u. Tr.] Painful tearing in the right knee, more toward the outer sur- face. [Htb. u. Jr.] Violent boring and tearing in the left knee, as if it would be torn off, in the evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] Fine boring in the right knee, frequently intermitting. \Htb. M. Tr.] 730. Painful tearing, extending from the left hough down into the leg, seemingly in the bone, with tension in walking, as if the tendons were too short. [Htb. u. Tr.] Hard swelling in the hough, so that he could not stretch his limb for pain. Shooting in the knee-joint. In the legs, a pain, drawing downward, in the evening (aft. ^4.] 790. Great weariness in the lower limbs, when sitting and when rising from sitting, it goes off on motion. [^I/fd. u. Tr.] Prostrated, fatigued and drowsy at noon, after eating (food that is somewhat hard to digest), so that he suddenly falls asleep while walking and talking, with a numbness of the head that makes him incapable to think at all. \^Htb.] Fatigued and drowsy after supper, with qualmishness in the abdomen. \Htb.] Fatigued and weary in the whole body, especially in the feet (aft. 7 d.). \Htb. u. Tr.] Bruised and as if broken on the wheel, as to the hands and feet, in the morning on awaking, with trembling and weakness; she has to lie down, when she feels better, only she feels cold as soon as she leaves her bed. [Htb. 21. 7r.] 795. Very weak and prostrate, as after vomiting {~\.2d d.). \_JTfb u. Tr.] 940 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Great weakness in the whole body, with wretched appearance and incHnation to vomit. \Htb. u. Tr.'] Ver}" much fatigued, in the afternoon, while sitting and walk- ing, less while standing. \_Htb. u. Z)-.] Faintness, in the evening, so she had to lie down (42d d.). [Htb. u. T?.'] Fatigued, indisposed and uncomfortable, in the morning. [Htb. n. Tr.-] 800. Prostrated, languid and uncomfortable, with anxious warmth and sweat (25th d.). Languid and tremulous, in the morning, in bed, ceasing after rising (9th d.). \_Htb. u. T?'.~\ He is more tired in the morning after a sound sleep, than in the evening on lying down. A sort of paralysis of the left lower limb, with pain in the joints of the hip and the knee; next day it proceeded to the right lower limb and the right arm; while walking he had continual pains, and was compelled to turn his foot entirel}^ outwards. Constant troublesome yawning, in the morning, after rising. [mb. u. Tr.] 805. Frequent yawning, every da3\ [Htb. u. Tr.'] Frequent yawning, in the afternoon and evening. [Htb. u. Tr.] Unusually violent and frequent yawning. [Htb. u. Tr.] Frequent 5^awning, in the afternoon, with indolence and drowsiness. [Htb. u. Tr.] Yawning, with hiccough at the time and afterward. [Htb. u. Tr.] 810. Frequent yawning, with sneezing (27th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Drowsy and indolent, in the forenoon, with frequent yawning and stretching. [Htb. u. Tr.] Drowsy and lazy, with 3^awning and stretching, after dinner (6th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] In the morning, after a sound sleep, still very drowsy (2d d.). [Htb. 71. Tr.] Much inclination to sleep, while he frequently starts up. 815. Against her custom, she does not wake up at night. [Htb. u. Tr.] The sleep is always good during the first nights, and better than usual. [Htb. u. Tr.] Ready and quick in falling asleep, and sound sleep (14th d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] Sleepless, the whole night (52d d.). [Htb. tc. Tr.] No sleep for several nights, and constant tossing about in bed (aft. 22 d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] 820. Little sleep and many dreams. [Htb. u. Tr.] In the evening, it was late before she became sleepy. [Htb. u. Tr.] She could not go to sleep for a long time in the evening (31st d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] She could not go to sleep before midnight. [Htb. u. Tr.] She could not go to sleep before 3 a. m. [Htb. u. Tr.] MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 94 1 825. Ver}' restless sleep, with frequent awaking (13th d.). \Htb. u. Tr.'] Manj^ restless nights, with unrefreshing sleep. [Htb. u. Tr.^ Waking up at night at twelve o'clock, without known cause; she could not go to sleep again before 2 A. m., and then slept but lightly till 5 A. M. (15th d.). \_Htb. u. Tr.] Awakes at 3 A. m. and then cannot fall asleep again (59th d.). [md. u. Tr.'] She awakes after i a. m. and cannot go to sleep again till 5 A. M.; her limbs ached, and she tossed from one side to the other. {Htb. u. Tr.] 830. She awakes at 2 or 3 A.. M., and cannot then go to sleep again. She cannot go to sleep for a long time in the evening, owing to the great agitation of her blood; she then sleeps uneasily, and without finding rest, has to toss from one side to the other. \_Htb. II. Tr.] Drowsiness at night, from anxiety and heaviness in the whole body. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] She is anxious for many nights, and her bed feels hard like stone, so that she has to keep turning. [I/^b. u. Tr.] For many nights, she cannot go to sleep for anxiety, and has to uncover often, but she cannot stand this long, on account of the sensation of coldness (aft. 4 and 23 d.). \_//fb. u. Tr.] 835. Several nights, she feels anxious and too warm in bed; she cannot for a long time go to sleep (aft. 29 d. ). \^Htb. u. Tr.] At night from i to 4 o'clock restless sleep, with heat and perspiration, so that she can bear no cover; after 4 a. m. she sleeps without perspiration. [///<^. u. Tr.] At night, great internal heat, so that he can hardly stay covered in bed, and yet there was a great dislike to exposure by uncovering (aft. 4 d.). At night, toothache, the tooth seems too long, with the pain more tearing than throbbing. The whole night, throbbing and drawing toothache. 840. After midnight, she wakes up from violent stomachache, as from emptiness. [JTfb. u. Tr.] At 4 A. M. she wakes up to urinate, then pinching in the abdomen, and in the morning stomachache and inclination to vomit (ist d. ). \^Htb. u. Tr.] Nocturnal wetting of the bed. At night, she wakes up with thirst, which she had already before felt in her dream. [Htb. u. Tr.] At night, great restlessness in the left lower limb, he has always to rest it in a cool spot outside of the bed. 845. At night, when going to sleep, throbbing in the left side of the chest. At night, a terrible itching, like biting all over the body, so that she was often startled. For two nights, he was thrown high up in his bed, from one side to the other, and when the body lay still, the arms and legs twitched the whole night, even while still waking, though without 942 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISKASKS. pain; on awaking, he knew nothing about the occurrences of the night (aft. 8 d.). Talking in his sleep, after midnight (gth d. ). \_Htb. u. Tr.~\ In the morning, when sleeping, loud talking, while she beats her head against the wall; on awaking she does not know any- thing about it. iH^d. 21. Tr.'\ 850. She wished to talk in her dream, without being able to, which tormented her (ryth d.). \^Htb. it. Tr.~\ I/Oud screaming in sleep, from a lively unremembered dream. [fffb. u. Tr.'] Startled from her sleep about midnight. \_Htb. u. Tr.'] On going to sleep, he starts up, with restlessness in the limbs. Starting up from the afternoon siesta, several days 855. If he lies at night on his back or on his right side, he starts up and talks deliriously and cries out about his frightful dreams. Nocturnal starting up and screaming in a dream, in which he was quarreling with a beggar. At night, anxious dreams. Anxious dreams, as if he could not find his way in his own house. Anxious dream of a fight with robbers. 860. Dreams that he has an epileptic fit. Dreams of fighting, quarreling and vexation. \_Htb. u. 7"r.] Dreams of money, merriment, sportfulness and historical events. \_Htb. 21. Tr.] Anxious, sad dreams of deceased relatives, accidents, etc. [Htb. u. Tr.] Anxious dream, with screaming, weeping and sobbing. [^Htb. u. Tr.] 865. iVnxious dreams of fire and of burning up. \_Htb. u. Tr.] Dreams of danger from water. [Htb. u. Tr.] Chill, from morning till evening, for four days (aft. 60 d.). IHtb. u. Tr.] Shaking chill at 9 p. m. , even in bed she could not get warm for an hour (2d d.). [Htb. 21. Tr.] Chill in bed at 7 p. M. for two hours, [fltb. 2c. Tr.] 870. Shaking chill, at 8 p. m. without any sensible external cold, commencing with the feet, it ceases in bed; next morning, sweat (2dd.). [Hb. 21. Tr.] Chill, after a long foot-tour; it lasts all night, and even in the morning by the stove (43d d.). [Htb. u. Tr.] A chill down the back, every afternoon from 4 o'clock till going to sleep. Feverish shiver down the back, every forenoon at 9 o'clock, with some nausea, without any subsequent heat. Shiver at 10 p. m. in bed. for a quarter of an hour, without any subsequent heat, sweat or thirst. [Htb. u. Tr.] 875. Coldness in the evening, and shaking chill, continuing for some time even in bed. [Htb. u. Tr.] Sensation of cold in the evening, when undressing; it goes off in bed. [Htb. 21. Tr.] MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 943 Sensation of cold, in the evening, before lying down; it goes off in bed. {Htb. u. Tr.'] Coldness, in the evening in bed, for a quarter of an hour, as from having icy cold water poured over him. [Htb. u. Tr.'] After dinner, thirst; later, a chill; in the evening, burning heat of the face, with cold feet and great excitement of spirit. ■880. Sense of warmth, with perspiration on the head, at noon till 2 o'clock, [i//^. ?i. Tr.~\ Sensation of warmth thrills through the whole body. [f/tb. u. Tr.] In the forenoon, frequently a transient sensation of heat in the body, without perspiration or thirst. [Htb. u. 7>.] Increased sense of warmness, in the morning after rising, till toward noon. [Htb. u. Tr.] At night, increased warmth in the body, without perspiration (aft. 48 h.). [Htb. u. Tr.] 885. Night-sweat, unusually profuse (aft. 48 h.). Morning-sweat (aft. 12 d.). Sweat toward morning for five days (aft. 48 d. ). [Htb. u. Tr.] In the evening, when going to sleep, the child perspires. Fetid night-sweat. 890, Sour smelling, greasy sweat, which is difficult to wash from linen, the whole night. MAGNESIA MURIATICA, MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE, MURIATE OF MAGNESIA. [As much of pure Carbonate of Magnesia as will dissolve in pure Muriatic acid at 800 Reaumur is dissolved in the acid. The Muriatic acid is prepared by distillation from com- mon salt and Phosphoric acid of equal weight, which has first been melted and then allowed to acquire again from exposure to the air an oily consistency. The solution of muriate of magnesia is then filtered and dried at the same temperature, so that this salt, which readily deliquesces, may be preserved in a well-stoppered vial.] I cannot at present offer much information concerning this medi- cine, but chronic patients may expect from it much benefit, when we consider the great use which has been afforded in chronic (psoric) ailments by sea-baths, merely by the action of this salt on the nerves of the skin; for in the North Sea, at least, one pound of sea- water contains almost an ounce of this salt. Some part of the use of sea- baths may, however, we grant, be ascribed to the journej^ to these places, the effects of removal from business, which is often burden- some, and the effect of the dashing of the waves against the bathers. But since we can seldom expect the full cure of developed psora from any one antipsoric remedy, so these baths, even if used in a proper way, could only diminish so much of this multiform maladv 944 hahnkmann's chronic diseases. as could be expected from this salt in such disease, and whatever is not thus exterminated has to await the help of other antipsoric remedies. From my experience I cannot do otherwise than value this medi- cine highly as an antipsoric remedy and to exhort to further prov- ings of its peculiar symptoms. It has done good service, especially in the following ailments: Daily headache,; throbbing in the ear; tensive pressure in the head; eruption in the face; pressive pain in the liver, even when walking and when it is touched, worst when lying on the right side; constant severe inflation of the abdomen, with constipation; crawl- ing shooting in the abdominal muscles; inveterate, painful hardness of the right side of the abdomen; tape- worm troubles; lump3^, hardy difficult, insufficient, retarded stool; chronic disposition to diarrhoea; hysteria, 2iterine and abdofniJial cramps, which even extend to the thighs, and cause discharges of leucorrhoea; troublesome dryness of the nose; the arms go to sleep in the morning on awaking; paralytic drawing in the arms and knees; pressive pain in the knees; foot- sweat; readiness to take cold; weakness of the body, seeming to proceed from the stomach. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow -observers are: Htb., Hartlaub; Jhr., Jahr; Ng., an anonymous observer in Hart- laub and Trinks' " Arzneimittellehre;" Sr., Schreter} MAGNESIA MURIATICA. Very anxious and apprehensive, with ennui, in the evening. Apprehensive and lachrymose, after dinner. [A^.] Apprehensive and melancholy, lonely; she is homesick and weeps. \_Ng^ Anxiety in the room, better in the open air; in the morning (i4tiid.). iNg:\ 5. Unfriendly mood. [A^.] Ill-humor, with internal unrest. Ill-humored, peevish. Peevish and cross, in the morning after rising (6th d.). [-A^.] Very peevish, almost at once. 10. Peevish, morose (ist and 2d d. ). [A^.] Peevish and sullen (2d d.). \Sr7\ Peevish and ill-humored in the evening; during the day, cheer- ful. {Sr:\ Peevish, morose, indisposed to work. \Sr^ Lack of cheerfulness, indisposition to mental work, [/-^r.] 15. Indisposed to work (the ist days). \_Sr.'\ lA similar account, substituting Jahr for Wahle is to be given of Magnesia muriatica as of Magnesia carbonica. — Hughes. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 945 Joyless and passive, whatever she looks at is repugnant to her, she answers very unwillingly, in the morning (21st d. ). [.Ng.-] Indisposed, and as if not done sleeping. [A^.] He hated to talk; he desired to follow his thought in soli- tude. [5r.] Irresolution (30th d.). [AV.] 20. Fanciful delusion: As if while she was reading in a book, another person was reading after her, and compelled her to read more quickly, with humming and buzzing around her; when she raised her head up she seemed to see great clouds and rocks above her, which afterwards disappeared again; then anguish, appre- hensiveness and restlessness, so that she could not contain herself; by continuing to look around her all these things disappeared, but recurred twice more on renewing her reading. [A^.] Feeling of numbness, as if everything in the head was too full, in the morning (ist d. ). Giddy in the head (aft. 30 d.). Stupefaction and numb feeling of the head, with painful sensi- tiveness of the left thigh (ist d. ). [A^.] Stupid and, as it were, intoxicated in the head. [A^.] 25. Silly and heavy in the head, the whole forenoon. [A^.] Dull in the head, in the morning after rising (i3thd.). [A^.] Giddy and dull in the head, during dinner; she had to go into the open air, where it went off; after returning to the room, heat in the head. [A^.] Vertigo, tendency to fall forward; in the morning on rising (5th and 28th d.). [A^^.] Giddy and reeling, it goes off after motion, in the morning. 30. Vertigo, even when walking in the room, and if she hangs her head but a little. Headache in the morning, as if not through with sleeping; with lassitude and fatigue of the feet. [A^.] Dull pain in the head, with sensitiveness of the skin of the cranium when touched, and sore burning in the eyes after dinner. Pain, like heaviness, anteriorly in the forehead, in the after- noon. [A^.] Heaviness in the occiput. 35. Heavy in the head and reeling, he is in danger of falling down. Heaviness of the head, and numbed feeling (aft. 3d.). Sensation of heaviness in the head, in the morning. [A^.] Pain, as if the whole brain pressed against the forehead. [.Ng.-] Pressure in the forehead, on stooping, as if the brain would fall out, in the evening. [A^^.] 40. Pressure in the forehead (aft. 6 d.). Pressure in the forehead and sinciput, with a chaotic feeling and fogginess about the head, the whole forenoon, most severe on awaking (3d d.). \^Sr.'] 61 946 HAHNKMAXX'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressure in the frontal cavities, extending to the sinciput, where there is a burrowing sensation; b}' strong exercise he came to perspire, when the pain ceased (2d d. )• C^^-] Pressure in the occiput (aft. 15 d.). A good deal of pressure, also of sharp and squeezing pressure, especially on the crown and occiput (during the whole time of proving), [//^r.] 45. Pressing together in the head from both sides, with sensation of heat, and with throbbing in the forehead when pressing on it. Tearing violent pain in the left temple (29th d. ). [A^.] Tearing pain in the left side of the head (aft. 10 d.). [A^.] Tearing from the occiput up into the crown (4th d. ). [A^.] Painful tearing into the right side of the head, extending to the eye, and then for a long time, painfullness of the spot. [A^.] 50. Tearing and sensation of heaviness in the forehead, in the evening ( 6th d. ) . [A^. ] Tearing in the left side of the forehead, and further back, shooting. [A^.] Tearing and shooting in the forehead on motion, in the even- ing. [A^^.] Severe tearing and shooting in the forehead and temples, causing him to lie down, with great sensitiveness of the crown, as if the hair was pulled upward; then sensation of heat in the fore- head, which felt rather cold than warm (28th d.). [A^.] First, a tearing, then a stitch and a tearing in the forehead, while stooping in sitting, and also, besides, frequent stitches in the head. [A^.]' 55. Tearing and shooting in both sides of the head, the whole day (aft. 4d.). [A'^.] Painful twitching tearing, in the right side of the occiput. [^^■] A throbbing tearing, first in the occiput, then in the whole head, after coming into the room; it goes off while he is sitting down. [A^.] Throbbing tearing, from the occiput toward the crown. [A^.] Frequent shooting in the middle of the forehead, in the even- ing. [A^^.] 60. Shooting behind the right frontal protuberance and before the ear, outward. [A^.] Shooting in the left side of the head and in the occiput. [A^.] Stitches in the right occipital protuberance. [A^.] A stitch on the right side of the occiput, then burning in it. Violent shooting in the right side of the crown. [A^.] 65. A violent stitch in the upper part of the right side of the head, so as to make her scream, frequenth^ repeated (during the menses). [A^.] A violent startling stitch, in the upper left side of the head. Shooting and tearing in the right side of the head, extending to the eye, which she has to press shut on that account. [A^.] MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 947 Dull shooting in the right side of the head, with ill-humor (i6thd.). [A^e-] Dull stitches, so violent as to cause him to scream, in the right side of the head. [^^5'.] 70. Dull shooting, at the left side of the head, outward. [A^.] Several dull stitches on the left parietal bone, when bending the trunk to the right side, with boring before the left ear. [A^.] Twitching stitches in the right side of the occiput and deep in the forehead. [A^.] Boring in the left side of the head, in the evening. [A^.] Throbbing and beating in the left side of the head, with sen- sation of heat and heaviness in the forehead. [A^.] 75. Throbbing and heaviness in the occiput, in the morning, after rising (during the menses). [^^.] Throbbing in the occiput and then in the whole head, during and after rising from a stooping position. [A^.] Painful ebullition in the head, with pressure in the occiput, going off in the open air, returning in the room. [A^.] Buzzing in the side of the head, on which he was lying, as from the seething of water, in the morning, in bed, not painful. Griping and raging in the temples, in the evening, after lying down, as if vertigo and loss of consciousness were coming on; relieved by pressing the head together. [A^.] 80. Sensation of heat and burning, in a small spot behind the right frontal protuberance. [A^.] Increased warmth in the whole head. [A^.] Sensation of heat in the forehead, above the left eye, with throbbing in the whole head and dimness of vision ( ist d. ). [A^.] Flying heat in the head, frequently. [A^.] Heat and ebullition in the head, with heat and perspiration of the whole body, in the afternoon and evening (during the menses). 85. Heat in the head, after dinner, seemingly from the stomach, better in the open air. [A^.] Heat in the head, with redness of the face, without external warmth, but with internal shivering and tenesmus. \^//fd. 21. Tr.~\ Constant sensation of heat in the head, mouth and throat, with hot breath, with coryza for eight days. [A^.] By wrapping up the head, the headache is relieved. [A^.] Sensation of numbness of the forehead. 90. Sore pain of the crown, per se, and when touched. [A^.] External great painfulness of the head, when touched and when stooping (aft. 15 d.). External drawing, here and there on the head, also into the ears, the teeth and half the face, making the head confused; the pains are diminished after sneezing. A great lump on the occiput, especialh^ painful when touched. with tearing all around. [AV.] In the eyes and the canthi, pressive pain. \^Jhr^ 95. Pressure in the eyes as from dust, with dimness of vision. 948 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressure in the e3^es, especially in the left eye, as from a grain of sand, only transienth^ passing off b}^ rubbing, [A^.] Bruised pain, in the lower border of the orbit. [A^.] Shooting in the right inner canthus, so that it pressed out tears. [A^.] Constant shooting and burning in the e^^es. [A'^.] I GO. Itching in the left upper eyelid. [-A^.] Itching in the ej^es. [_Sr.'] Itching in the inner corner of the right e3^e, passing off by rubbing, but soon after appearing in the left eye. \_Sr.~\ Burning in the e3'es and great sensitiveness, so that she cannot open them, or at least must close them right away again. [i\^.] Burning of both eyes, so that she cannot look into the sun. 105. Severe burning in the eyes, especiall}^ when she looks into bright light. [A"^.] Burning and dryness of the e3"es, in the evening, on looking into the fire. [A^.] Red blood-vessels in the white of the e3^e. [^^^.] Inflammation of the eyes, with pressure, smarting and burn- ing, chiefl3^ when looking into the bright light, and in the evening the3^ watered; b3' da3^ the3^ were full of purulent mucus; the lids sw^ollen and red, with nightly suppuration, [//ir.'] Agglutination of the e3^es, in the morning, with burning on opening them. [A^.] TIG. Agglutination ot the e3^es, in the morning, so that he cannot open them for a long time. [A^.] Great dryness of the eyelids, especially in the morning and after the noon nap. \_//ir] Twitching in the upper e3^elids, which seemed swollen, heavy and half closed, [//z^.] Dim-sightedness, with burning of the eyes. [A^.] Dim-sightedness, wdth failing of sight Avhen looking at some- thing near; she sees better at a distance. 115. The candle light, in the evening (in inflammation of the eyes), has a green halo around it. [//z^.] In the ear, painless twitching. [A^.] Twitching tearing in the left ear. [A^.] Tearing in and before the right ear. [A^.] Stitches in the left ear, [A^.] I2G. Stitches in the right ear (aft. 27 d. ). [y/^?'.] Keen shooting, frequentl3^ now in the one, then in the other ear. [A^^.] Startling stitches and tearing in the left ear, when bending the body to the right. [A^.] Shooting boring in the ears. [A^.] Boring and pulsating throbbing in the right ear. [A^.] 125. Tickling in the ears, ceasing by boring into them with the finger. [A^.] Agreeable warmth, with tickling in the right ear. [A^.] Severe roaring of the ears (aft. 28 d.). Fluttering in the right ear. [A{icr.] MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 949 Sensation as if the ear was obstructed, only transiently remov^ed by boring into it with the finger, with hardness of hear- ing (during the menses). [A^"^.] 130. Sensation in the ears, as if something lay within them with diminution of the hearing, and burning and humming in the head (aft. 28 d. and repeatedly). [A^.] Almost total deafness in both ears, but more on the left, repeated!}' intermitting and recurring. [A^.] Itching of an old tetter behind the ears, with burning after scratching. [A^.] In the top of the nostrils, violent tearing, so that the eyes water. \_No\^ Burning of both the nasal cavities, as if eroded (iithd.). 135. Internal, sore pain of the nose, per se and when touched (21st, 22d d.). [A^.] Redness and swelling of the right ala nasi, and painfulness when touched (i3th-i5th d. ). [A^.] Scurf in both nostrils, violently painful when touched, with lack of smell. [A^.] Ulcerated nostrils. \_Jhr.'] Little vesicles on the nose, tense when touched. [A^.] 140. Bleeding from the nose, when blowing it (5th d.). [A^.] Kpistaxis. [Sr.'] Dulled olfaction (^aft. 10-18 d.). \_Jhr.'] In the bones of the face, severe, cramp-like pain (aft. 17 d.). Tensive sensation in the face. [A^.] 145. Tensive pain on the right zygoma. \_Jhr.'] Tearing, extending from the left zygoma up to the side of the head. [A^.] Tearing in both sides of the lower jaw and in the roots of the teeth, across the face, till before the ear, where it twitched. [A^.] Stitch in the right cheek. [A^.] Paleness of the face, especially during the menses, with sad- ness and irritability. [A^.] 150. Wretched, suffering, ill appearance (aft. 29 d.). [A^.] Paleness of the face (ist d.). \_Sr.'] Pale, yellowish complexion. [Sr.'] Considerable yellowness of the face, especiall}" of the white the eye, and about the mouth (aft. sever, h.). Redness of the face, with increased warmth of the forehead and palms, in the evening. [A^.] 155. Sensation of heat in the face, without externally sensible warmth, in the afternoon. [A[^-.] Little pimple on the forehead, with itching in the evening, aggravated b)^ rubbing. [A^;^.] A spot, full of yellow eruptive pimples, on the z^^goma, with drawing, formication, throbbing pain, covering itself with scurf Pressive sensation, below the left lower jaw, as from glandular swelling. [A[^.] Inflammator}^ swelling of the left submaxillary gland. [Sr.] 950 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 60. The upper lip feels rough, when touched with the tongue, like a grater, with coryza. [A^.] A vesicle on the border of the red of the lower lip, first itch- ing, then burning. \_Jfir.'] Large, clear vesicles in the red of the upper lip, tensive and burning. [A^.] Little, white pimples on the inside of the upper lip. A pimple beside the corner of the mouth. [A^.] 165. A broad wheal in the skin, between the upper lip and the nose, painless. \_Jhr.'] Cracked lips, especially the upper lip. \_Sr.'] Toothache, with a drawing sensation. [A^.] Twitching in the teeth on the right side, in the evening, with the sensation as if the cheek would swell. [A^.] Tearing pain, repeatedly, in the upper anterior teeth. [A^.] 170. Tearing in the right e3^e- tooth, extending to the zygoma, re- moved by pressure. [A^.] Tearing in a sound molar, during dinner. [A^.] Tearing in a lower molar, ceasing by biting on it. [A^.] Tearing and boring in a hollow molar, wath shooting pain on touching the cheek, relieved by open air and cold, aggravated by warm substances. [A^.] Boring in several molars, only briefly relieved by biting on them. [A^.] 175. Digging in the last molar, as if from a worm, ceasing on pressure; then tearing in a hollow molar. [A^.] Burrowing and digging, frequently intermitting, and at times a tearing pain in the last molar but one, relieved by warmth; ag- gravated by cold, as well as by biting on it and when food gets to it, in the morning and after dinner. [A^." Throbbing in the root of a tooth. [_Ng~ The upper incisors feel too long and are very sensitive (4th d.). \_Ng.-] The upper gums are swollen and painful, especially while eat- ing, with throbbing in them. [A^.] 180. Painful swelling of the lower gums and the cheek. [A^.] Bleeding of the gum (6th d.). [A^.] Bleeding of the gums (aft. 6 h.). \_Jhr.'] The mouth feels, as it were, burned inside and numb (during the menses), in the morning. [A^.] In the tongue frequentl}' a violent needle-prick and then burn- ing, during coryza. [A^.] 185. Burning on the tongue, in the morning and afternoon. [A^.] The tongue feels burnt, during coryza. [A;^.] Rhagades on the tongue, with violent burning pain. [A^.] White-coated tongue, in the morning. Dryness in the mouth and throat, without thirst, in the morn- ing. [A^^.] 190. Great dryness in the mouth, with sensation as if the mouth and tongue were covered with mucus. \_Jhr.'] Much mucus in the mouth and on the teeth, with slimy taste (aft. 19 d.). [//^r.] MAGNESIA MURIATIC A. 95 1 Mucus in the mouth and on the tongue, almost every morn- ing. [A^.] Gathering of water in the mouth, before and during its dry- ness. [//^^.] Collection of water in the mouth, so that she could not spit out enough. [A'^.] 195. Hot (air) comes from the mouth. Dryness in the throat, so that she cannot eat any bread. Dry and rough in the throat, with hoarse voice, so that she can hardly speak (soon). [A^.] Sore throat, as if raw and eroded at the entrance of the phar3^nx, with the shooting extending to the ears, when coughing and w^hen swallowing saliva; worse in the evening. \^//ir.~\ Shooting sore throat in the upper part of the fauces, while breathing and talking, in the evening and at night. [_//ir.~\ 200. Shooting in the palate, like needle-pricks. [A^.] Shooting in the left side of the throat, worse when swallow- ing. [tV^.] Sore pain in the throat, worse on deglutition; during coryza. Hawking of mucus, in the morning, several mornings in suc- cession; the mucus is tenacious. [^Sr.~\ Frequent hawking up of sour mucus, which accumulates in the throat. [A^.] 205. Hawking of thick tough mucus, forming threads, in the morning on rising. [A^.] Much tough mucus comes in her throat, which she can only clear out with difficulty, in the morning. [A^.] Mucus in the throat, which on hawking up looked bloody. Constant waterish taste in the mouth, with much spitting of water. [A^.] Pappy taste in the mouth, in the morning (7th d. ). [A^.] 210. Salty taste and collection of salty saliva. [A^.] Bitter taste, posteriorly on the palate, [y/^^.] Bitterness in the mouth, in the morning. [A^.] Bitter taste, when beginning to eat, in the morning, disappear- ing as he continues eating. [A^.] Sourish taste in the throat, in the afternoon (7th d.). [A§-.] 215. Sour or slimy taste, after eating several things. Putrid taste in the mouth, with coated tongue, in the morn- ing. [A^^.] No hunger, in the evening (i6th d. ). [A^.] No appetite the whole day, only in the evening she eat with relish. [A^.] Increased hunger (3d d.). [A^.] 220. Rabid hunger and fearful sensation of hunger in the stomach, then severe nausea. Hunger, without knowing for what, not for the usual food. Appetite at noon, but she is at once sated. [A>.] 952 HAHXKMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Inclination to tidbits; he sees a piece of cake and at once furtivel}^ breaks off a piece to eat. [>Sr.] Thirst at 3 A. m. , with drjmess in the mouth and throat (6th d.). INg.-] 225. Thirst in the forenoon (aft. 17, 27 d.). [A^.] Thirst after dinner. [A^.] Thirst in the evening. [A^.] Thirst before and after midnight (aft. 16 d. ). Violent thirst, da}^ and night, with coryza. [A^.] 230. After dinner, much acidity in the stomach. After meals, inflation of the abdomen. After dinner, somnolence, and when going to sleep, twitching of the whole body. Eructation of air after dinner. [A^.] Frequent empt}' eructation, in the afternoon (4th d. ). [A^.] 235. Empty eructation and then a stitch above the xiphoid carti- lage. [A^^.] Eructation of white foam. Eructation, with taste of onion (after a spasm). [A^.] Frequent eructation, with the taste of the ingesta. [A^.] Eructation, with regurgitation of the food after meals, while walking. [Sr.'] 240. Sour regurgitation of the ingesta, and especially of the milk (drunk in the afternoon), after meals, chiefly while walking. Bitter-sour eructation (aft. 5 d.). Violent hiccup, during dinner, so that the stomach pained him. [A^.] Severe hiccup, after dinner. [A^.] Frequent nausea. 245. Frequent nausea, after rising. Nausea like fainting, very brief, indeed, but very frequent, while sitting, lying, standing and walking, b}^ day and by night (aft. 3d.). Nausea like fainting, then coldness and w^eakness in the stomach, wdth regurgitation of water, in the morning. [A^.] Frequent nausea, with collection of water in the mouth. Nausea, w4th rising of w^ater from the stomach. [A^.] 250. Loathing in the stomach, with collection of water in the mouth, from morning till noon. [A^.] Inclination to vomit, the whole forenoon (ist d.). [A^.] Inclination to vomit, with eructation of sourish water in the morning, after rising. [A^.] Acute sensation in the stomach of fasting, in the morning. Great qualmishness in the stomach, with rumbling and roll- ing in the abdomen, ceasing after breakfast. [Sr.'\ 255. Pain and shaking in the gastric region, when treading and walking, even when talking, so that she had to cease. [A^.] Frequent pressure in the stomach, extending into the throat and back (ist d.). [A^^.] Pressure in the stomach, extending into the chest and throat MAGNESIA MURIATIC A. 953 as from flatulence, alwa3'S onlv transiently relieved by eructation. Violent pressure in the stomach, with nausea. Pressure in the stomach, removed by eructation. [A^.] 260. Tension in the gastric region, with ulcerative pain, especially when touched, and in the evening after lying down. [^V^.] Pain in the stomach, as if it was being cut up, it wakes her at I A. M., the pain, when the body is stretched, passes over the w^hole abdomen and groin, with heat in the head, arising in the throat as of a ball, with interception of the breath even to suffoca- tion, and tossing in the bed and on the floor for two hours; finally the whole is alleviated by eructation; during the pains she had to double up, and could bear no covering. [A^.] Ulcerative pain in the stomach, not alleviated by any change of position, in the afternoon. [^^^.] Bruised pain in the stomach, with sensitiveness of the gastric region, when pressed upon. [A^.] Bruised pain in the stomach, when bending forward; when rising up, tension. [A^.] 265. Frequent lancinating pain, in the left side of the stomach. [^^•] . Stitches, transversely over the gastric region. Cutting pain on the right side of the stomach, which pains also when pressed upon. [-A^.] Heat in the stomach (soon). [Ag^.] Moving of flatus in the gastric region, then in the hypogas- trium, relieved by discharge of flatus. [A^.] 270. Clucking in the scrobiculus cordis, ceasing after rubbing and pressing. [A^.] Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, with dullness in the head. In the right hypochondrium burning and tensive shooting, re- lieved by pressure. [A^.] Dull stitch on the lower ribs, in the evening. [A"^.] Stitch on the lowest right rib, close to the back (aft. 4 h.). 275. Shooting, like needle-pricks, between the ribs on the right side. [5r.] Sharp drawing in the hepatic region. Shooting in the left hypochondriac region. [A^.] Violent shooting pain in the left hypochondrium, like sple- netic stitches, in the afternoon, when walking; worse when taking breath; it ceases in sitting (during the menses). [^V?".] Bellyaches at 4 p. m., two days successively. [Sr.] 280. Violent pain in the abdomen, in the morning, with urging to stool, which was lumpy and very hard, with burning in the anus (iithd.). LN^-l Pain in the hypograstrium, in the afternoon, with straining toward the rectum, and soon afterward, a soft stool, enveloped with white mucus. [A{i,7'.] Pressive sensation, entirely in the hypogastrium ; (during the menes. [A[i^'.] 954 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressure in the left side of the abdomen. Drawing pain in the abdomen, at night and by day, at ever3" movement, even the shghtest, as if something was being detached (aft. 2 d. ). 285. Drawing and tearing in the abdomen, at night on awaking. Tearing in the abdomen, in the evening, till going to sleep. [5r.] Tearing in the abdomen, the whole forenoon (2d d.). \^Sr.~\ Contractive pain in the umbilical region (aft. 17 d.) Cramps in the abdomen, with violent pressure on the rectum and the sexual parts, w^th peevish dejection (aft. 9 d. ). 290. Cramps and tearing in the abdomen, several evenings in suc- cession, till the person goes to sleep. [_Sr.^ Spasmodic drawing and tearing in the abdomen, from below up to the right side of the chest, where there is a spasmodic, grip- ing constriction, with oppression of the breath for five hours; aggravated by eating cherries, relieved by pressing on the part with the hands, in the evening. lSr.~\ Cramps in the abdomen, in the evening, two days succes- sively. [vS/.] Fullness of the abdomen, after eating. Abdomen very much distended. 295. Abdomen distended; relieved by discharge of flatus. [A^.] Violent distention of the abdomen, extending into the throat, with interception of the breathing and with anguish, from the afternoon till evening. [A^.] Hardness of the abdomen, with painfulness when touched, and disagreeable forcing toward the rectum. Pinching, first in the epigastrium, relieved by discharge of flatus, then hurried tenesmiUs, merelv followed, however, b}^ flatus. Pinching in the abdomen, as if for the menses. [A^.] 300. Severe pinching about the navel, extending to the stomach, after a meal; relieved b}^ discharge of flatus. [A^.] Pinching and cutting below the navel, with shivers over the back, then heat in the head and urging to stool at noon. [A^.] Pinching and tearing in the abdomen, also after the stool. [^Sr.l Pinching about the navel and forcing down toward the sacrum, then sudden urging to stool, and a soft, yellow stool, with a piece of a tape-worm . [A^. ] Pinching in the abdomen, in the morning, after rising; then diarrhoea, with burning in the anus at the time and afterward; then again diarrhoea, mixed with blood. [A^.] 305. Cutting in the epigastrium, as after a laxative, extending into the sacrum, in the morning (3d d. ). [A^.] Cutting in a small spot of the left epigastrium, in the morn- ing. [A^^.] Cutting and pinching in the epigastrium, with a sensation as if something hard laj' upon the stomach. [A^.] Cutting in the abdomen, below^ the navel, in frequent fits. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 955 A startling cutting is suddenly felt in the epigastrium, so that she had to sit bent double. [A^.] 310. Cutting in the hypograstrium, in the morning in bed, with urging to stool, relieved by discharge of flatus. [-A^.] Cutting in the abdomen, after breakfast, with frequent dis- charge of flatus, then at first, ineffectual urging to stool, then a soft stool, with cessation of the pain. [A^.] Cutting in the whole abdomen, almost all day (5th and loth d.). [A'iT.]. Burrowing in the abdomen, with sensation as if diarrhoea was coming. [A^.] Sensation of weakness in the abdomen (aft. 12 h.). 315. Sensation of looseness and burrowing in the abdomen, as if the intestines had no support. [A^.] Sensation of heat in the integuments of the abdomen, with burning in the anus, and sensitiveness in the rectum after the stool. [A^.] Frequent shooting in the left lumbar region. [A^.] In the right groin, a stitch, then a bruised pain, increased by pressure. [A^.] Shooting pain in the left groin, with hardness and inflation of the abdomen. 320. Accumulation of flatus in the abdomen. The flatus is not discharged, and distends the abdomen, here and there. [A^.] Constant movement of flatus, in the epigastrium. [A^.] Rumbling about in the abdomen, with forcing against the sacrum. [A^.] Movement of the flatus, quite at the bottom of the abdomen, (aft. 10 d.). 325. Fermentation in the abdomen. Rumbling and pinching in the whole of the abdomen, then soft stool, [//f .] Muttering in the abdomen, before meals (ist d.). [^Sr.~\ Constant generation of flatus. [A^.] Frequent discharge of flatus. [A^.] 330. No stool for 24, 48 hours. [A^.] No stool for 64 hours, then an easy stool, but needle-pricking in the rectum. [A^.] No stool for several days (with various provers). [A^.] Hard stool, evacuated with difficulty (ist d.). [A^.] Hard stool, with erosive pains in the anus (2d d.). [A^.] 335. Hard, knottv stool, with pain in the rectum at the evacuation. Very hard, knotty stool, followed by a softer stool covered with yellow mucus (4th d.). [A^.] Scanty, knotty stool, like sheep's dung (5tli d.). [A^.] Hard stool, as if composed of sheep's dung. Stool discharged w^ith difficultv, in small pieces like sheep's dung (aft. 6d.). [///r.] 340. She has to go to stool in great haste, it was lumpy and, as it 956 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. were, burned, with shooting pain in the rectum, and then burning in the anus. [A^.] Hard, knott)'^ stool, enveloped with thick mucus. [A^.] The hard stool is encircled with streaks of blood (25th d.). Stool for man}^ days consists first of hard lumps, and some time after it comes soft or thin. Stool, at first scant^^ and of large size, then again call to a stool which is soft; then she feels sick, first with lassitude in the abdomen and thence in the whole bod}^; she has often to lie down. 345. Two stools, harder than usual, and the first time more strain- ing. [Sr.] On one day, four stools within an hour, the first solid, the other diarrhoeic, w4th aching of the anus and cutting pain in the abdomen, continuing till next stool. After the stool, which at first is solid then soft, burning in the anus and violent shooting, externally in both sides of the epi- gastrium, with contractive pain in the stomach, extending into the back. [A^.] After the soft stool, excoriation in the rectum. [A^.] Soft stool, followed by tenesmus and burning in the anus. 350. Soft stool, a second time, with shivering all over the body, and then burning in the anus and sensitiveness in the rectum. Soft stool with colic, in the morning, after great anxiety and vertigo. Although she has to hasten to stool, she has to strain violently before expelling some soft faeces, followed by a brief shudder. Constant urging on the rectum, without any evacuation; it feels as if the faeces continually went back again; attended with shuddering. [A^.] Urging to stool, the whole day, but only flatus is discharged. [//^'■■] 355- Urging to stool, but only very burning flatus is discharged. Frequent urging to stool, but only a little thin and slippery stool is passed (aft. 17 d.). Much and severe urging to stool, with pain in the abdomen, almost the whole day. {_//i^.~\ Frequent urging, with scanty discharge of stool. Violent urging to stool, which was liquid, at noon. [A^^.] 360. Diarrhoeic stool, three times in succession, with colic in the whole of the abdomen (7th d.). [A^.] Violent, irresistible urging to stool; with strong urging, first a soft, then a thin stool are discharged, a small quantity at a time, with shuddering and colic. [A^.] Liquid stool, which squirted out forcibly, then tenesmus and burning in the anus, and constant urging, followed b}^ scanty, thin stool (2d d.). [A^-.] MAGNESIA MURIATIC A. 957 Several diarrhoeic stools daily, with scanty discharge of thinly liquid, brown faeces (aft. i6, 17 d.). \^Jhr.~\ Several greenish, pappy, diarrhoeic stools (aft. 18, 19 d.). [//"■•] 365. Several diarrhoeic stools, with discharge of mucus and blood, and tenesmus in the anus. [AV.] With the sensation as if flatus would come, frequently soft faeces are passed. \^Jhr.'\ Discharge of a piece of a tape-worm, with the soft stool (aft. 6d.). [.V^.] Before the soft, yellow stool, colic. [A^.] During and after the stool, burning and excoriation in the anus. \^Jhr.'\ 370. With a normal stool, not too hard, the varices of the anus w^ere painful. After the stool, nausea and accumulation of water in the mouth. After the soft stool, loud rumbling and clucking in the belly, at every breath (aft. 20 h.). After the stool, drawing pains in the loins. \_Jhr^ After a normal stool, pain in the abdomen and itching of the anus. 375. After the stool, severe pain in the abdomen, at every move- ment. After a stool, again a call to it. After the diarrhoeic stool, renewed urging in the rectum, as it more was coming, but only mucus is discharged. [//ir.~\ After the (ordinary) stool, burning in the anus. [A{^.] In the rectum, shooting (aft. sever, h.). 380. Piercing stitch in the rectum, extending into the abdomen. Burning deep in the rectum. [A^.] The rectum protrudes during the diarrhoea. [A^.] Shooting in the perinaeum. The urine is only discharged by the pressure of the ab- dominal muscles. 385. Urging to urination, with scanty emission and with burning in the urethra (aft. 2d.). [A^.] Frequent urging to micturition, with little discharge of urine. Urging to micturition by day (4th d.). [6"?.] Frequent micturition by day, always in small quantities. At night, he is waked up by an urging to urinate, w^hich he suppresses. [5^.] 390. She had to get up five times in the night to urinate, and emitted but little urine. [A^.] In urinating, he does not feel the urine in the urethra. Sensation as if he could not retain the urine. Involuntary urination while walking, and when he stood still to emit urine, none was emitted. The urine is discharged rarely and in small quanties (-^d d.\ 958 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 395. The urine is only emitted by drops, and some of it alwaj^s re- mains behind. Frequent urination, with burning in the urethra, and fre- quently' with stiffness of the penis (aft. 10 d.). [A^.] Pale-yellow urine, and then burning in the urethra. [A^.] Urine almost non- transparent, as if mixed with 3^east, and depositing a cloud. [A^.] Inordinate itching around the genitals, and on the scrotum, extending to the anus; in the evening and night, profuse sweating of the scrotum and a pollution (ist d. ). 400. Erection, in the morning, in bed (5th d.). [A^.] Erection, in the morning in bed, with burning in the penis. Stitches in the mons veneris, in the evening. [^Sr.^ Itching on the glans, in the evening, when going to bed. [5;'.] Itching on the scrotum and on the lower part of the penis, he had to rub much, when it became assuaged. [.S"r.] 405. Erections, in the morning, with inclination to coitus. [5r.] Erections, in the morning, without lasciviousness or volup- tuous thoughts; onl}^ on the third day, inclination to coitus. \_S?\'] After coitus in the evening, a burning pain in the back, in the morning, waking him from sleep, it becomes more violent dur- ing rest, is diminished during motion, and ceases after rising. After a violent erection and omission of coitus, there arose, after rising, on moving, and on touching the testicles, a dull, distressing pain in the testes, as well as in the spermatic cord and the sacrum, lasting all day long. The testes hang down relaxed (the first 8 d. ). 410. Frequent pollutions, also two days in succession (the last days), [//zr.] The menses are late by four da3^s, and somewhat shorter than usual, with violent pains in the sacrum. [A^.] Menses late by eleven days, first watery, then with more color, with straining in the groins and frequent yawning. [A^.] Discharge of blood, about five days before the menses. Menses two days earlier; the}^ last two days longer and are more prof use than usual. [A^.] 415. The menses appear again, in*a woman of fifty years, and with whom they had been suppressed for seven months, with some pain in the sacrum. [A^.] During the menses, discharge of blood in black clots, more while sitting than when walking. [A^.] Menses, stronger than usual, but without pain, and five days early. [A^^.] The menses are weak for the first three days, but more pro- fuse and constant on the fourth and fifth days. [A^.] The day before the menses appear, she is very much excited (14th d.). 420. During the menses, amazingly languid for the first two days, even to swooning, the lower limbs are powerless and she is long before she gets to sleep in the evening. During the menses (which flow longer and stronger) pain in MAGNESIA MURIATlCx\. 959 the sacrum and in the thighs; the sacrum being most painful while walking, the thighs when sitting. [7V^.] During the menses, constant yawning. [A^.] Leucorrhoea, in the morning, after urinating. [A^^.] Profuse leucorrhoea, for eight days, almost uninterrupted. 425. Leucorrhoea, flowing immediatel}^ after the stool (aft. 23 d.). Leucorrhoea, flowing after abdominal spasms. Much leucorrhoea, especially on moving the body. Watery leucorrhoea. [A^.] Thick leucorrhoea, immediately followed by a flow of blood, fourteen da^^s before the menstrual period, and three days before the full moon (aft. 9 d.). [A^.] 430. Tickling in the nose, with lachrymation of the eyes (8th d.). Tickling in the nose, with sneezing and sensation of coryza (aft. 17 d.). INg:.-] Frequent sneezing, with running of water from the nose (aft. 2, 3d.). [Ng. Pressive sensation of stoppage of the nose. [A^.] Stoppage of the nose, in the morning, [y/^?.] 435. Stoppage of the left nostril (aft. 16 d. ). [//zr.] Coryza, with stoppage of the nose and coryza-speech. [A^.] Stoppage of the nose, so that she has to blow her nose loudly. Stoppage of the nose, in the evening. [Sr.'] Much flow of nasal mucus, almost like coryza. 440. Expulsion of much mucus from the nose, without coryza. Sensation as from an attack of coryza, with increased secre- tion of mucus in the nose. [A^.] Violent coryza, with hoarseness and sensation of stoppage of the nose, from which runs much water for several days (aft. 23 d. ). Violent corzya, now stopped, then again fluent, with a numbed sensation in the head, and total loss of the smell and taste, for two days (aft. 40 d.). [Jhr.'] Violent fluent coryza (aft. 22 d.). [A^'.] 445. Coryza, with diminution of taste and smell, and yellow nasal mucus. [A^.] Flow of disagreeably smelling, purulent, yellow, nasal mucus (aft. 5d.). [A^^.] The mucus of the coryza is mixed with little particles of blood. IJhr.'] During the coryza, she has to sit up in bed in the evening, cannot lie down and go to sleep, and has to open the mouth to get air. [A^.] Hoarseness daily, in the morning after rising. [AV.] 450. Hoarseness, with sensation of excoriation in the throat and chest. [A^-.] Severe sudden hoarseness, with dry cough and pressure on the chest, in rough weather. \_No\] 960 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Rough and dr}^ in the larynx. [-^^.] Heat and dryness in the throat (4th d.). [^'V^.] Cough, with some expectoration (aft. 15 d.). [A^.] 455. Cough, caused by formication in the windpipe, with expectora- tion of mucus. Dry cough, mostlv only in the evening and night (aft. 10 d.). {.Ng.-] At night, she frequently wakes up to a dry cough, for w^hich she has to raise herself up (aft. 11 d. ). [A^.] Short impulses of cough, with dull pressive pain in the chest (aft. 17, 18 d.). [//^r.] Dry cough, with pain on the pharynx, [^/hr.'] 460. Cough, from formication in the pit of the throat, with expec- toration of tenacious mucus, of fatt}^ taste. Deep, rough, fatiguing cough, with rough speech, W'heezing in the windpipe and slight expectoration of salty sweetish mucus, from the chest; also at night even to retching. \_/hr,'] Cough, with expectoration of grey, salty mucus, excited by scratching in the throat or itching in the chest. [^Jhr.'] Bloody expectoration caused h\ sea-bathing. During cough, ulcerative pain in the chest, in the evening and night. [A^.] 465. During coughing, severe sore pain in the chest, so that she is afraid to cough, although she is relieved by it. [A^.] During coughing, \'iolent burning in the chest. [Jhr.'] In the open air, her chest feels worse; every breath excites coughing (aft. 12 d.). [A'^.] Lack of breath, in ascending a mountain (aft. 20 d.). [A^.] Oppression of breathing, more after dinner than in the fore- noon (2d d. ). \_Sr.'] 470. Contraction of the chest, with oppression of the breath and dull shooting into the right side of the chest near the nipple, after supper. \_Sr.'] Tensive pain of the chest, most distressing when taking a deep breath, for several days, with oppression of breathing. [Sr.'] Rush of blood to the chest from a sea-bath. Sensation of rush of blood to the chest, when walking in the open air. [A^.] Sudden heaviness of the chest, at dinner, with interception of the breath, nausea, collection of water in the mouth, heat of the face, spasmodic pressure upw^ard below the tongue, with inclina- tion to eructation; she had to open her dress and go out into the open air; the paroxysm lasted for a quarter of an hour and ended in a shaking chill (6th d.). [A^.] 475. Severe pressive pain in the chest. Constrictive pain of the chest and of the scapulae. Dull stitches below^ the right breast, irrespective of respira- tion (aft. 6 d.). [A^.] Shooting, deep in the right side of the chest as from a pointed body (aft. 3I1.). [A^^.] Shooting, deep in the left side of the chest, unconnected, with respiration (ist and 12th d. ). [A^.] MAGNESIA MURIATIC A. 96 1 480. Shooting internally into the left side of the chest, when pressing on it, a sore pain. [Sr.'] Severe burning and throbbing in the chest, now here, now there. [A^.] Stitches in her heart, intercepting the breath (aft. 12 d.). Palpitation, while sitting, for three days (aft. 12 d.). Palpitation, while sitting and when rising from the seat; it ceases on moving. [A^.] 485. Palpitation (at once). [^Sr.] Oppression of the heart (at once). [Sr.^ Severe palpitation, with pulsation in all the arteries, [//zr.] Dull pressive pain, externally on the xiphoid cartilage. Fine shooting, externally, on the upper left part of the chest. [^^■] 490. Pressing upward, from the left clavicle into a lower molar, the crown of which tingles. [A^.] Tension across the chest, starting from the right axilla. Pains in the sacrum. When quickly turning the body, there arises suddenly a dull pain in the sacrum, which during the day shows itself more while sitting and lying down (ist d.). Bruised pain, across the sacrum and both the hips, with sen- sitiveness of the parts to the touch, for several days. [A^.] 495. Pain in the sacrum, as from excoriation and a bruise (aft. 9 d.). [Njr.] Pain in the sacrum, as if broken in two, when bending and when stretching (5th d. ). [A^.] Contractive spasmodic pain in the sacrum. Cutting pressure in the sacral region. [A^.] Tearing and burning in the sacrum and the hips, in the afternoon and night (4th d. ). [A^.] 500. Dull shooting tearing in the sacral region, removed by pres- sure. [A^.] Gnawing pain in the sacrum and the whole of the back, in the evening after lying down, seemingly in the marrow, extend- ing to the neck, so that she cannot sleep for pain, and has to toss about continually (aft. 5 d.). [A^.] Paralytic sensation in the sacrum, in the evening. In the back, a severe bruised pain (during the menses). Severe bruised pain in the whole spinal column, at night. [^^■•] 505. Pain, as if bruised, in the whole spinal column, in the morn- ing on awaking, while lying on the back (3d d.). [AJ^.] Bruised pain and burning between the shoulders. [A^.] Burning and still more, shooting in the whole of the back, seemingly in the marrow; then boring shooting between the shoulders; relieved by moving. [A^.] Severe burning pain, and constant itching on the back. A stitch into the right ilium, toward the sacrum. [AV.] 510. Tension between the shoulders and down the back. [A^.] 62 962 HAHNEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Tearing pain between the shoulders. [A^.] Severe tearing in both the scapulae. [i\^.] Tearing, first in the right scapula, then in the hip. [-/A^.] Pressive pain on the right scapula, extending above the top of the shoulder, extending to the clavicle; worse when moving the arm or the head; easier when pressing on it. [A^.] 515. Tearing, in the nape and on the top of the right shoulder, ex- tending down the outside of the arm. [A^.] Tensive drawing pain in the tendons (muscles) of the right side of the neck. [A^.] Small glandular swellings on the left side of the neck, tense when moving and painful when pressed upon. [A'^.] The shoulder- joint pains, so that she cannot bring her arm to her face for pain (aft. 16 d). Pain in the left shoulder-joint, as if broken in two. 520. Violent pain in the left shoulder-joint, almost like heaviness; she did not dare to move her arm, although this stopped the pain; for a long time the spot remained sensitive, even without being touched (ist d.). [A^.] Pressure on the top of the left shoulder (aft. yd.). Sensation as of a wedge in the left shoulder, so that she imagined she could not move her arm; but she felt nothing when she moved it. [A^.] Dull drawing pain in the top of the left shoulder. Drawing and tearing in the left shoulder-joint, most distress- ing when moved. \^Sr.~\ 525. Drawing, shooting pains in the left shoulder-joint, and alter- nately in the right, most distressing when raising the arm. [^S?.~\ Tearing in the top of the right shoulder (after 19 d. ). [A^.] Tearing in the top of the left shoulder (aft. 6 d.). [A^.] Tearing in the right shoulder- joint, extending to the scapula, on pressing the arm downward. [A^.] Tearing from the top of the right shoulder into the finger-tips, so violent that she cannot raise her arm, relieved by letting it hang down. [A^.] 530. Shooting and burning on the left shoulder, extending to the hip. [A^^.] Throbbing pain, in the top of the right shoulder (aft. 33 d.). Subsultus or twitching of the biceps muscles of both arms, as if from something alive in them. [A^.] Tearing, on the outer surface of the right arm, with sensation of going to sleep even reaching the fingers, in the morning, when lying on the left side; ceases from rubbing (aft. 5 d.). [A^.] Tearing, down the arm, from the top of the right shoulder down into the palm. [A^.] 535. Burning on the arm, down into the fingers, starting from the top of the shoulder and extending into the scapulae (ist d. ). The arms are asleep, in the morning in bed, when lying on the left side (13th d.). [A^.] MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 963 The right arm goes to sleep, while he is lying on the left side, almost ever}^ night, especially toward morning (aft. 14 d.). [A^.] The right arm and especiall}'- the fingers go to sleep, in the evening on lying down. [A^] In the upper arm of the left side, bruised pain, and a stitch in the elbow-joint, with a sensation as if the arm was dislocated, in the evening after lying down (5th d.). [A^.] 540. Tearing in the upper arm, seemingly in the marrow. [A^.] Tearing on the outer side of the right upper arm, in the muscles. [AV.] In the right elbow-joint, violent tearing. [A^.] In the left fore-arm, flying tearing pains meander extremely painfully between the skin and the flesh. [A{§^.] Tearing about the right fore-arm, in a small streak, near the wrist, only briefly passing away by pressing on it. [A^.] 545. Tearing on the inner surface of the left fore-arm, extending into the thumb (3d d. ). [A^.] Violent tearing behind the left wrist-joint, and toward the index (3d d.). [A^.] Both the fore-arms go to sleep, in the morning after rising (2d d.). [A^^.] Burning pain and constant itching, on the fore-arms. A red. burning painful spot behind the styloid process of the ulna. [A^.] 550. Exostosis on the right wrist-joint. In the right hand, a drawing pain. Violent tearing in the metacarpal bone of the left ring-finger. Tearing in the right hand (7th d. ). [A^.J Tearing and shooting in the ball of the left hand, in the even- ing in bed. [A^.] 555. Tearing in the right thumb. [A^.] Tearing in the right middle finger and ring-finger. [A^] Cramplike pain in the left index. [A^.] Shooting pain as from many needles, in the tip of the right middle and ring-fingers. [A^.] Tearing in the distal extremity of the left index, ceasing by pressing on it. [A^.] 560. Twitching tearing in the left index and middle finger, extend- ing from the middle joint into the tip and nail. [A^.] Pricking in the finger-tips as with needles, ceasing by rubbing. Burning stinging formication in the tips of the fingers. Numbness and insensibility of the finger-tips, ceasing by rubbing them. [A^.] Both the tips are very sensitive to the touch, for a long time. [.Ng.-] 565. Tearing pain in the right hip, extending to the knee. \_Ng. Tearing in the right hip, in the evening after lying down, so that she does not know for pain how to lie; but she feels bast by lying on the good side. [A{i^'.] 964 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing in the right hip-joint, which after pressing and rub- bing moves further down, in the evening in bed. [A;^.] Tearing in the right hip and soon afterwards in the left thigh, especiall}^ about the knee, seemingl}" in the marrow of the bones, in the evening in bed. [A^.] Violent twitching tearing, posteriorly in the hip-joints, making him scream, frequently intermitting, in the evening in bed. [A^,] 570. Tearing and pain as from a bruise in the right hip, aggravated by walking, in the morning. [A^.] Throbbing in the left hip. [A^.] Burning, posteriorly on the right hip. [A^.] Bruised pain on the nates, per se and when touched, dav and night (aft. 33 d.). [A^^.] Tearing in the nates, while walking, less when sitting. [A^."] 575. Severe quivering in the right natis. [A^.] Itching burning in the bend of the left thigh. [A^.] Itching in the bend of the thigh. \Sr.'\ The shaft-bones of the lower limbs pain violently, when walking (aft. 15 d. ). Bruised pain in the left thigh as if it would break off, in the evening (6th d.). [A^] 580. Straining in the lower limbs, the muscles feel too short, this disappears on continued walking. Muscular pain in the thighs, as after riding on horseback. [5n] Violent pain in the middle of the thighs, in the morning in bed (just before the menses) (aft. 11 d.). [A^.] Spasmodic cramp-pain on the inner side of the right thigh, in the morning (3d d.). [A^.] Tensive tearing above the left -hough (2dd.). [A^.] 585. Painful shooting jerks in the thigh, so that he has to draw up the leg. Restlessness and turgid straining in the thighs, so that he had often to move his legs, so as to ease himself. Violent bruised pain in the middle of the two thighs, in the evening, after lying down, preventing him for a long time from falling asleep. [A^.] Weakness in the thighs, when standing, it goes off when walking. Itching on the thighs, with little nodules after scratching. Wg-'X 590. Tearing in the knees. Tearing in the knees, now in the right knee, then in the left. Violent tearing, deep in the right knee. [AJ^.] Shooting below the left knee. [A^.] Weakness of the right knee, and a sensation in it as if band- aged. 595. Drawing pain in the leg, down the tibia into the foot. Tearing in the left leg (during the menses) (aft. 31 d.). [A^.] Transient, very acute pain on the healed fracture of the tibia, broken tw^elve 3^ear's before, as if it would break again. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 965 Tension and tearing in the right calf. [A^.] Cramp in the calf, on walking. 600. Cramp in the calves, the whole night, leaving a pain behind in them, so that he cannot walk next day. Twitching in both calves, without pain. [A^,] Tearing, extending up the calves, when standing. [A^.] Tearing down in the right calf, extending to the heel, in the evening. [AV.] Paralytic, bruised pain in both the calves and on the dorsum of the foot, in the evening in bed (during the menses). [A^.] 605. Heaviness of the legs and feet, in the morning in bed. In the evening, at an early hour, restlessness in the feet, so that she must keep moving them. Tension in the dorsum of the foot when sitting, ceasing on moving. [A^.] Tearing above the dorsum of the left foot, and transversely across behind the toes, when walking. [A^.] Burning on the dorsum of the right foot, as from a drop of a hot liquid. [A^.] 610. Tearing on the inner side of the dorsum of the right foot, ex- tending into the big toe. [A^.] Dull stitch on the outer border of the right foot, [A^.] Tearing in the outer malleolus of the left foot. [A^.] Cutting in the heel (aft. 5 d.). Quivering and twitching in the right heel (3d d.). [A^.] 615. Pain, as from a thrust, in the left heel. Burning of the soles of the feet, in the evening. [A^.] Tearing in the sole of the right foot. [A^.] Violent tearing in the sole of the right foot, in the evening after lying down, causing him to cry out, then tearing above the right knee, and then in the right hip, almost the whole night. Formication in the soles of the feet, when sitting. 620. Formicating shooting in the soles of the feet. The right foot and leg go to sleep; it goes off by motion. [Ng.-] Trembling of the feet when sitting, it goes off on moving. Tearing in the big toe, when walking, and then akso when sitting. [A§-.] Painful tearing in the right big toe. [A^.] 625. Painful tearing in the right big toe, in the evening in bed (4th d.). [.Ng.-] Tearing in the right little toe. [A^.] Stitch in the ball of the left big toe. [AV.] Sensation as of a drawing inward of the right middle toe, and of the thumb, with pain in them, in the morning on rising and walking. [A^.] Drawing, formication and sensation of heat on the toes of the right foot. [A;"^.] 630. Tearing shooting in the corns. 966 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. On the body, here and there, burning tension, e.g., on the right ribs, on the left shoulder, etc. [-A^.] Tearing, here and there, only transient, at night. [A^.] Now here, now there, a spasmodic nerve-pain, sometimes boring, sometimes contractive, and especially in the scapulae and the chest; at the same time a severe nervous headache, beginning in the sinciput, with drawing in the ears; sometimes shooting tear- ing in the head. Most of the ailments arise when sitting, and are usually light- ened by moving. [A^.] 635. In the open air she seems to feel better, except her chest troubles. [A^.] She could not bear the open air for three days and three nights. Itching on various parts of the body, now here, now there. Violent itching on the whole body, here and there, always in another place, in the evening before lying dow^n, and in the morn- ing after rising. [A^.] Itching, which goes off by scratching, in various parts of the body, also in the evening before lying down. [A^.] 640. Itching on the chest, the back, the dorsum of the left foot, and on the sacrum, not going off by scratching. [A^ ] Itching, which returns after scratching, in the right groin, on the left tibia, and behind on the thigh, where it afterward burns. Itching in the whole body, as from lice, also in the evening after lying down; after scratching, it always comes out in a new place. [A^.] Itching, aggravated by scratching on the outer side of fhe thigh, on the sacrum and the hips, succeeded by burning. [A^.] Running and crawding as of ants, in the face, on the soles of the feet and on the chest, where a violent stitch followed it. 645. Running of ants all over the body, at night in bed, with a shudder over the face, the arms and the shoulders, and out at the feet. Itching pimples, sometimes burning after scratching, between the shoulders, on the chest and on the back. [A^.] Pustules on the temple and on the right clavicle. [A^.] Small, itching or red nodules on the chin, between the shoul- ders, on the thigh, and on the natis, where it burns after scratch- ing. [A^^.] Furuncle on the fore-arm, on the upper part of the head, on the false ribs, and on the nose, where it suppurates after twenty- four hours. [A^.] 650. Severe fatigue in the lower limbs, when waking in the open air, so that she had frequently to sit down. [A^.] Great weariness in the lower limbs, even when sitting down (during the menses). [A^.] Great weariness of the lower limbs, during almost the whole time of proving. [A^.] MAGNESIA MURIATICA, 967 Sudden weariness of the lower limbs, from the afternoon till evening. [A^.] When walking, tired at once; when at rest, pain in the hip- joint, as if dislocated. [A^.] 655. Great lassitude (aft. 3 d.). Tired, as if bruised, and as if he had not slept enough, in the morning. [A^.] Faint feeling, with vertigo, in the morning (aft. 11 d. ). Languid and tremulous, in hands and feet after dinner. Very much prostrated, weary and vexed in the forenoon. 660. Painfulness of the whole body as if bruised. [A^.J Heaviness in various parts, in the thighs, knees, calves, hips, etc. Heavy in the lower limbs and tired as after a long journey (aft. yd.). [A^^.] Sensation in the whole body, as if everything was too heavy (iithd.). [A^^.] Weak even to falling down, and as if broken on the wheel in all the limbs, in the forenoon (aft. 28 d.). [A^.] 665. Trembling in the hands and feet. Unsteadiness in the feet, in the morning and evening, in starting to walk. Reeling walk (aft. 28 d.). He feels very ill (aft. 17 d.). After bathing for five minutes in the North Sea, she became so weak, as if all her vital spirits had left her, she could hardly speak for weakness (aft. sever, h. ). 670. Great sensitiveness; her head even pains from merely hear- ing others speak, from speaking herself, and from every step; at the same time little appetite and diminished taste and smell, in the morning (aft. 28 d.). [A^.] Fainting fit at dinner, with anxiety, nausea and paleness of the face; things turn green and red before her eyes, and her whole body trembles; then eructation after which she felt better (27th Frequent yawning, with lassitude and indisposition to mental work. Frequent yawning the whole day, worst after dinner. [5r.] Yawning, with eructation and water in the mouth. [A^.] 675. Frequent yawning, with chill and goose-skin and constant tenesmus and cutting in the abdomen, an hour after dinner. [A[^>-.] Drowsiness by day. Very sleepy, lazy and indisposed to work (aft. 25 d.). [AV.] In the forenoon, great sleepiness. [A^.] In the evening, she soon gets sleepy and sleeps well at first; but after midnight she perspires, with thirst. [AV.] 680. His sleep is not refreshing; he is tired in the morning (aft. 17 d.). 968 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. She cannot open her eyes, for quite a while in the morning, for sleepiness (aft. 2 d.). [A^.] She is still sleepy in the morning, and it is hard for her to get wide awake, for a long time. [A^.] Late in waking up, with difficulty he tears open his eyes. [5n] Late in waking up, with yawning, as if he had not done sleeping (the first da3^s). ISr.'] 685. She is very late in falling asleep in the evening (aft. 5 d.). [A§-.] She could not fall asleep before 11 p. m. on account of great heat and thirst; after midnight, perspiration. [A^.] In the evening, he cannot easily fall asleep, and tosses about restlessly in his bed; in the morning, he wakes up late, and with difficulty gets his eyes open (the first days). [.Sr.] He found it difficult to get to sleep, was restless and rolled about in his bed. [Sr. ] x\t night, she wakes up at 3 A. m., and cannot get to sleep again. 690. He woke up at 2 A. m. and could not go to sleep for an hour; his restlessness drove him out of his bed and made him walk about in his room; at the same time sourish taste in his mouth. [Sr.'] Before midnight, anxiety and heat; after midnight, perspira- tion and thirst. [A^.] In the'evening in bed, as soon as she closes her eyes, restlessness in the whole body (aft. 11 d.). In the evening in bed, a shaking only in the upper part of the body, almost without chill and heat. In the morning in bed, while full}^ awake, a jerk running from the heel through the whole body, as from an electric shock or fright. 695. Restless sleep, with frequent awaking (aft. 12 d. ). [A^.] At night, she could not find rest in any position, and had to keep turning over (aft. 27 d.). [A^j?".] At night, great restlessness, she keeps rolling about and can- not go to sleep for heat (aft. 14 d.). [A^.] Sleepless night, on account of violent toothache. [A^.] Restless sleep, on account of sensation of heaviness in the abdomen. 700. At 2 A. M. , awaking from cutting in the hypogastrium and then lancination, first in the scrobiculus cordis, then in the cardiac region, worse on inspiring. [A^.] Restless, sleepless night, on account of violent pains in the sacrum, which force him to move constantly. [A^.] At night, the hands and feet are asleep, with painfulness. Pain in the back and sacrum disturbed his morning sleep, and always recurred when he fell asleep again. Frequent awaking, on account of the great heat. [A^.] 705. Talking in sleep (aft. 8 d.). [A^.] Snoring in sleep (aft. 10 d.). (Ng.) Starting up in sleep, before midnight (aft. 9 d.). [A^.] MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 969 Anxious dream, with heaviness on the chest, like a nightmare; she wanted to cry out, but could not (aft. 2d.). [A^.] Many vivid dreams, but they cannot be recalled. [A^.] 710. When going to sleep, all manner of things come before her fanc}', frightful dreams of falling down, etc. [A^-.] Agreeable dreams, of weddings, dancing, etc. [A^.] Dreams about traveling. [A^.] Disgraceful dreams. [A^.] Man}" anxious dreams. [A^.] 715. Dreams about deceased persons. [A^.] Frightful dreams of mortal danger, misfortune, mutilation, robbers, etc. [A^.] Dreams of straying in the woods. [A^^.] Dreams of inundation. [A^.] Dreams of fire. [A^.] 720. Chill, with skaking, even by a warm stove, in the evening. Chill, with yawning, in the evening (ist d.). [A^.] Chill, from 4 to 5 p. m., two days in succession (aft. 26 d.). Chill, in the evening, going off after lying down; then before midnight, heat; after midnight, sweat, with thirst, till morning (aft. 6d.). [A{^.] Shaking chill, from 6 to 8 p. m., going off in bed (4th d.). 725. Chill, at 9 p. M., after lying down, then insomnia (loth d.). Chill, in the evening at eight o'clock, with thirst and great dryness of the mouth, for half an hour. [A^.] Chill, repeatedly, alternating with heat (7th d. ). [A^.] Frequent shudder in the forenoon (loth d.). [A^.] Shudder in the whole body, with ice-cold feet, in the morning (5th d.). [A^^.] 730. Shudder, in the morning, on rising, so that she had to return repeatedly to her bed (aft. 20 d.). [A^.] Shivering and shaking, at 7 p. m., in coming into the open air; on entering into the room, heat (aft. 6 d.). [A^.] Shivering in the warm room, and constant tenesmus, soon after dinner. [A^.] Shivering over the whole body, with horripilation, several times, in the forenoon. (A^.] Shivering sensation, in the evening, before lying down, after midnight, violent sweat over the whole body, without thirst, till morning (aft. 11 d.). [A^.] 735. Internal warmth, after breakfasting on warm milk; not sen- sible externally (ist d.). [^Sr.] Flying heat with vertigo (aft. }{ h.). [Sr.^ Heat in the feet, before midnight; she has to stretch them out from under the cover, which relieved her; after midnight, sweat and thirst, till morning (aft. 14 d.). [A^.] General increase of warmth, with thirst, in the afternoon. 970 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Internal heat, with thirst, at night. [A^.] 740. Heat in the evening, and restlessness in the whole body, she has no rest; even for some time after lying down. [A^.] Heat over the whole body, in the evening, soon after lying down, which increases every time on awaking (aft 9 d.). [A^.] Warm and anxious in bed (aft. 27 d.). [A^.] Heat before midnight, after midnight, sw^eat with thirst, re- peated after six days (aft. 28 d. ). [A^.] Heat after midnight (aft. 11 d.). [A^.] 745. Severe heat, with sweat, during dinner, for several days in succession (aft. 11 d. ). [A^.] Sweat on the head, at 6 p. m., with increased w^armth of the body. [A^.] Sweat, after midnight (aft. 13 d.). [A^"^.] Sweat, after midnight, and frequent thirst, which also con- tinues in the morning, together with dryness in the mouth (aft. 10 d.). [Ng.-] Sweat with thirst, almost every morning. [A^.] MANGANUM. MANGANESIUM. MAN- GANESE/ Manganese as it is mined; /. e., the black oxide of Maganese, is triturated in a porcelain mortar with an equal quantity in weight of crystallized pure copperas (sulphate of iron), and then mixed with some syrup of sugar, and the mixture is formed into balls the size of a hen's egg. These are heated between charcoal, and are kept for ten minutes at a white heat. A subsequent solution in pure (dis- tilled or rain) water contains pure sulphate of manganese, while the sediment contains the excess of oxide of manganese, mixed with oxide of iron. From this solution we precipitate carbonate of vtayiganese, by ad- ding carbonate of soda. This precipitate, when sufficiently washed out with water, is a white powder. When this has been dried, powdered, and for some time exposed to the air, by being spread out on paper, it is apt to take a yellowish color, if sufficient care has not been used in its preparation; this is owing to some oxide of iron still present in it. To remove this the powder is dissolved in diluted iThat part of the pathogenesis which belongs to Hahnemann and his ten associates is entirely in his earlier manner, for it is transported unchanged from Vol. VI. of the first ^AxWoxioi \.\).& Materia Medica Pur a. The symptoms (124 in the original) obtained by Nen- ning are almost the sole additions \\.&r&.— Hughes. MANGANUM. 97 1 nitric acid, filtered through paper, precipitated by carbonate of soda, and then properh- washed in distilled water and dried. From this white carbonate of maganese one grain is dymanized for homoeopathic use, as is done wdth other dry medicinal substances; or it is dissolved, by boiling it in distilled vinegar, until a saturated solu- tion is obtained, which is then boiled down to the consistence of syrup (yManganum aceticum). Of the latter substance one drop, being taken as a unit, is homoeopathically dynamized like other fluid medicinal substances, by means of one hundred drops of alcohol suc- cessively in each of thirty attenuating vials. Both of these preparations have been used in the following prov- ings of the pure effects of Manganese. This metal has proved especially helpful where the following symptoms were present among others, or predominated: Diminution of the senses; burning of the eyes and dimness of vision by day; eyes closed by suppuration in the morning; too fre- quent discharge of flatus; clotted and difficult stool; repeated, pappj^ stool during the day; diseases of the larynx and of the windpipe; chronic hoarseness; phthisis laryngea; intolerable pains of the peri- osteum and the joints; long-continued inflammatory swelling and suppuration of the little finger; shocks of the heart; yawning; heartburn. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-observers are as follows: Ahr., Ah?ier; Frz.; Dr. Fratiz; HI., Haynel; Hbg., Horn- burg; Gr., Dr. Gross; Lgh., Dr. Langha^nmer; Rki., Dr. L. Rueckert; St/., Dr. Stapf; Tth., Teuthor?i; Whl., IVahle, andA^., the well-known anonymous observer in the Reine Arzyieimittellehre of the Drs. Hartla2ib and Trinks.'^ MANGANUM. Dispositon to weep. [Frz.'] Constant restlessness, as if he apprehended some sad news. Great restlessness of body and mind, as if something was tormenting him. Ill humor. 5. Moroseness (aft. 6 d.). Morose and peevish (aft. 36 h.). Everything she thinks of is annoying to her (aft. 2 h.). Very peevish, dejected and sad. [A^.] Low-spirited, so that the most joyful music does not cheer him, but he is, as it were, refreshed by the saddest music. [Ahr.'] 10. Peevish, thoughtful, wrapped up in himself, with discomfort in the whole body, for four successive afternoons. [Ahr.'] * Some few of the observations are by Crban and ll'enzel. — Translator. 972 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Peevish, discontented with himself and anxious about the future; he talks liitle, considers himself to be weak-minded, and . makes mistakes whenever he speaks, [i^?'2'.] Cross and annoyed at every trifle, with frowning forehead, in the morning; he is exasperated at others from merely hearing them speak. [^/.] Embittered humor; irreconcilable and long-continued resent- ment against those w^ho injure him. [/-^/?.] Weak memor3\ 15. Absent-minded. Feeling of numbness and heaviness, first in the occiput, then in the forehead. [///.] Head, glooniv and confused, with general lassitude, when sit- ting. [///.J Vertigo, w^hen sitting and standing; he must hold on to some- thing, so as not to fall forward. Semilateral headache (aft. 4 h.). \_^l^g'.~\ 20. Dull headache in the room. Stupefying, pressive pains on the forehead, which at last changed to internal shooting and boring pains. \_Lo-/i.~\ Dull, pressive headache in the occiput, w^ith sensation of emptiness there, which takes awa}^ consciousness, and is dimin- ished by la34ng the hand upon it. [Frz.'] Dull, pressive pain on the top of the frontal bone. \_Fr2.'] Sharp, pressive pain above the left temple, when rising from the seat and walking; it is relieved again by sitting down. [^S^.] .25. Pressive pain over the whole brain, from above downward, late in the evening, and even extending into the night, when he wakes up (aft. 4 h.) Burning, pressive pain in the sides of the head and in the occiput, diminished while walking in the open air. Painful pressure, forward from the occiput over the crown, extending into the forehead, as if everj^thing was coming out there; at noon, worst at i p. m. [A^.] Contractive pain in the upper part of the head and the occiput. Drawing pain in the occiput, the orbits and the forehead, where it is aggravated on stooping, and ceases on pressing upon it with the hand. [Frz.'] 30. Drawing pain on the temples, seemingly in the bones. [//^.] Drawing, tensive pain, here and there in the head. [Stf.^^ Drawing tearing in the left side of the head (aft. 8 h.). [Ahr.-] Drawing tearing, passing over the right eye (aft. 18 d. ). Tearing in the left part of the forehead, seemingl}^ in the bone, especialh^ on moving the frontal muscles. [^/.] 35. Tearing, from the left protuberance of the forehead, toward the temple, when talking. [A^.] Tearing in the left forehead, on taking exercise in the open air. [A^.] Tearing in the right side of the head, and especially deep in the right ear, when raising up the head after stooping. [A^.] MANGANUM. 973 Molent shooting tearing from the left parietal bone toward the crown, deep within, when standing, at 8 a. m.; returning next day at the same hour. [A^jo^.] Tearing and tearing jerks, externally on the occiput, three afternoons in succession; at other times, pain in the place per se , and still more when touched. 40. Shooting headache, externally below the left parietal bone, spreading to all sides of the skull. [ Whl.'] Pain as from needle-pricks, externally on the right occipital bone, in the morning in bed, extending down to the fifth cervical vertebra, aggravated by turning the neck. \_lV/i/.^ Transient stitches, externally above the right temple, alternat- ing with a sort of humming. [-A^.] Constant stitches, in the left temporal bone. [^/.] Stitches as wdth knives on the left side of the forehead, or as from needles, in paroxysms, [^^/z.] 45. Violent stitches in the left parietal bone, when stooping. Slow drawing stitches — more rarely pressive — in the sinciput, only felt when he goes into the open air, and ceasing after being for a time in the room; at the same time, a rigor, without goose- skin, all over the body, also in the open air, relieved in the room (aft. 24 h.). Contractive shooting pain in the whole sinciput, now here, now there, especially in the temple, chiefly in the open air. The headache, which is constant in the room, ceases in the open air. [T^r^-.] Boring into the frontal bone, between the root of the nose and the eyebrow. [A^.] 50. Pressive burrowing pain in the temples, which extends toward the eyes and the forehead, improved by stooping forward, but re- turning on sitting upright and on bending backward (aft. 4h.). Throbbing pain on the right side of the occiput, as from an ulcer, both in rest and in motion. [A^.] Throbbing pain in the whole of the head, as if the brain would suppurate, ceasing in the open air, returning in the room. Painful concussion in the- brain, from shaking the head. Concussion, like violent shooting, above the right e}^, when walking fast, even in the room (aft. 20 d.). 55. Concussion of the brain on moving, with pressive pain in the head and at the same time in the epigastrium. \_Fr.7.~\ Ebullition from the nape, up over the crown toward the fore- head, when moving; with stupefaction and confusion of the senses when standing. [A^.] Rush of blood to the head when sitting, standing, walking and lying down, with sensation of heat in the face, without red- ness and external heat. [77//.] Sensation of heat in the head, in the afternoon. [A^<,'-.] Frequent rising of heat in the head, with thirst (6th d.). 974 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. 60. Sensation of burning, on a point of the right frontal bone. Burning on the frontal bone, above the right temple. {Ng.'\ The head is heavy and seems to her to be enlarged. [A-^.] Heaviness of the head, so that she can hardly hold it up, with a peevish mood. [AV.] Heavy and painful numb feeling of the head, with heat in it, relieved b}^ the open air and not returning in the room. [A^.] 65. Heaviness of the head and such sensitiveness of the skin of the head that she can hardly bear combing, in the morning and evening. {Xg^^ Sensation of cold on a small spot of the vertex, even when the head is covered, with horripilation. \Frz7\ Itching and burning on the right parietal bone, when stoop- ing; it ceases when scratched. [A^.] The eyelids are painful at the least movement, and when he looks at a bright light, they are too dr\', and feel as when one first awakes from sleep. \Frz ] Pressure in the e3'es when reading b}' candle-light, as from reading too much, with irresistible drowsiness. [ Whl.'\ 70. Sharp pressure on the eyeball on moving the eye inward and upward. [///.] Twitching, running to and fro in the right e^'e, causing an agreeable titillation. \Rkt^ Twitching stitches, in both the upper eyelids. [_A/i?\~\ Needle-pricking inward in the right superciliary arch. [ lV/i/.~\ Smarting and eroding pain in the outer canthus. 75. Throbbing in the right upper evelid. [/v'^-.J Swollen eyelids, [ff/i.^ Sensation of heat and dryness of the e^^es. [J^kf.j Continual dryness of the eyes, in the evening. [//"/.] Pupils very much dilated; the light dazzles him, causing pain in the e^^es; on bringing the light near the eyes, the pupils contract, indeed, but the}' rapidly dilate on removing it. 80. The right pupil is more dilated than the left. Dilated pupils (aft. 25 h.). \_Hbg.\ Lgh.'] Contracted pupils (aft. i}4h.). \_Lg/i..] Pupils very much contracted during the whole period of proving, and onh' at times, chiefl}' in the evening, dilated. \_Sf/.^ When the pupils are contracted, the sight is obscured; he cannot clearly recognize objects at a distance, [/v^^-.] 85. Great short-sightedness, for man}' days. The sight fails, when she looks sharply at an object for some time. [A^^.] If he looks closely at objects held near him (even if they are not bright), the eyes are painful and he must close them; they are still more painful when the light is brought near them. Sparks of fire, like fire-wheels, in the evening, when the eyes are closed, but when he looked into the light, these appearances became black. Earache in the left ear. {Hbg.'X MANGANUM. 975 90. A horrible pain darts suddenlj^ from the teeth into the inner ear. [Si/.] Painfuhiess of the external ear, when touched. Sharp pressive pain at times, in the right ear, when walking in the open air, as if earache would come on. [^/.] Cramplike, pressive pain behind the left ear, on walking in the open air; it ceases when touched. [^^-^^-J Twitching, shooting pinching in the outer part of the left ear, which only gradually ceased by strong rubbing, [^/^r.] 95. Twitching tearing in the right ear, in the morning. [A^.] Twitching tearing, in the right concha of the ear, in the even- ing, when lying down; it ceases in bed. [A^.] Tearing in the mastoid process, below the right ear. [///.] Ulcerative pain in the right concha of the ear, in the evening. Burrowing in the internal bones of the ear, at night. lGr.~\ 100. Dull shooting pain in the ear, every time he talks. Violentl}^ drawing, shooting pain, every time he laughs, ex- tending from the stomach into the left ear, into the region of the tympanum. Violently drawing, shooting pain, especially in the forenoon when walking fast, extending from the forehead into the ear, terminating in the tympanum as an outward shooting stitch, con- stant while walking; it is gradually allayed when standing still (aft. 48 h.). Scratching shooting in the region of the tympanum. [i/<^^.] Crawling tickling in the region of the tympanum, it is not allayed by boring in with the finger. [>^<^^.] 105. Itching in the left ear. Sensation of cold in the right ear, as from a cold breath into it. [5^/.] Noise in the ear, like the ringing of bells, in the morning. Sound in the right ear, as from the croaking of a frog, when walking. [//<^^.] Roaring in the ears after stooping, and momentary diminution of hearing, as if the ears were held closed. [^Frz.'] no. Deafness, as if the ears were stopped. [_Lgh.'] Fluttering before the left ear, with sensation of heat there, as if she was standing by a hot stove. [A^.] In the parotid glands, a pressive contraction. [//"/.] In the left nares, a tearing and crawling, like an incitation to sneezing without sneezing. [A^.] Painful pinching tearing, between the root of the nose and the eyebrow. [A^.] 115. Pustule on the angle of the right ala nasi. [A^'/^.] The face cachectic, pale and sunken, as after dissipation, dur- ing the whole period of proving. [St/.'] Pain on the zygoma, as if a sore there would break open [5//.] Pressive burrowing on a small spot of the zj^goma, at night in bed, in paroxysms. [Cr.] Pain as after a blow, in the left upper jaw. \_Hbo.'] 976 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 20. Drawing spasm in the muscle on the left mastoid process, so that he had to turn his head to the right side. \_Fr2.'] Spasmodic sensation on both the upper and lower jaws, after eating. _ [Lo-k.] Pain as from excoriation and soreness, in the lower jaw. Stitches in the angle of the lower jaw, toward the parotid gland. [iT/g Violent itching shooting from the right side of the lower jaw, extending up over the temple, when laughing. 125. Pain on the chin, as after scraping with a jagged razor, or as if sore and ulcerated. lSt/.~\ Burning, externally on the chin. [A^.] Suppurative pimple on the chin, with tensive pain, leaving a red spot behind. [Z-^/^.] In the corners of the lips, ulcerative pain, as from a malignant eruption. [5//".] Itching below the corners of the mouth, with vesicles after scratching. [7V^.] 130. Clear vesicles on the upper lip, violently itching, especially in the evening. [A^.] Clear vesicles on the right side of both lips, with tensive pain (when touched) on the upper lip, which is at the same time swollen. [A^.] A red pimple on the lower lip, near the right angle of the mouth, with tensive pain. \_Lg/i.'] A pimple in the right commissure of the lips, with tensive and erosive shooting pain, when touched and when moving the mouth. Dry, parched lips, with shriveled epidermis, without thirst, for many days. 135. Corrosive acrid humor, on the upper lip, close below the nose. Toothache of the most violent kind, first darting suddenly into two hollow molars, then from there it moves into the arm, the zygoma, the neck or the ear, and again returning to the teeth, with complete prostration of strength, so that he can scarcely walk, must lie down, with great internal restlessness and oppres- sion; the pain was somewhat alleviated by biting on something elastic, or resting the forehead on the table; it was much aggra- vated b}^ sitting upright; with great dilatation of the pupils. [^S//*.] The pains in the teeth last 4 or 5 days, and come on especially in the forenoon, and in the evening from 10 to 12; by sucking with the tongue, there occurs a very painful jerk in them, where- upon the pains cease for a time. \_S^/.^ The tooth is painfully sensitive (as if ulcerated) to the slight- est touch, less so per se. \_Stf^ Pain in the root of a tooth in the right low^er row, as if it was being twisted out, frequently recurring. [A^.] 140. Erosive toothache in a lower and an upper molar, increased to an intolerable degree b}'- the slightest drop of a cool drink. \Stf^ Toothache (of a drawing kind) in a molar on the right side, which often goes off suddenly, and gives place to (drawing) pains in other adjacent parts. \Stf^^ MANGANUM. 977 Drawing, tearing toothache in the morning, in bed (aft. 4 d. )• Tearing in 3 or 4 teeth of the lower row, on the left side. [^^'^•] . . . A stitch, now in one upper tooth, now in another, on biting the teeth together. 145. Smell from the mouth, of an earthy or clayey kind, in the morning after rising, not perceived by himself. [Sf/.] On the left side of the tongue, burning vesicles. [A^] Two nodules on the right side of the tongue, painful when touched. [A^.] A lump behind, on the left side of the tongue, with sore pain on external pressure, from morning till evening. [A^]. Sensation of soreness, posteriorly on the palate, as if a hard body was lying there, outside of deglutition; it ceases after eating bread, in the morning. [A^.] 150. Drvness of the palate and the lips, almost the whole day. [Frz.]' Drjmess of the mouth in the morning after awaking, so that she can hardl}^ swallow, with white tongue and sourish taste. Gathering of bitter water in the mouth, with inclination to vomit. \_Ahr.^ Gathering of saliva in the mouth. \_Hbg.'] Flow of saliva. [Kapp, Syst. Darst. d. Verbess. d. Arzn. d. Chetnie. 155. Dry throat, in the morning, without thirst. [Frz.'] Dry, scrapy and scratchy sensation in the throat, compelling to frequent hawking. [St/.'] Very rough in the throat, in the evening. [A^.] Roughness in the throat, with a sensation as if a leaflet closed the windpipe, when hawking. [A^.] Dull stitch deep in the throat, at every empty deglutition, not when swallowing food. 160. Dull stitch (during empty deglutition) on both sides of the throat. Dull stitch, on each side of the larnyx, at every deglutition, also of food and drink, which stitches extend to the left ear. Oily taste in the mouth. Insipidity rather than bitterness remains in the mouth all da}^ in spite of eating. Insipidity, with bitterness in the mouth, immediately after eat- ing and drinking; so long as the food is in his mouth it tastes right. 165. Bitter taste in the morning after waking, with dry lips, without thirst. Everything tasted bitter in the morning, but the taste in the mouth was all right. Sour taste, in the morning, after awaking (6th and 7th d. ). Sour taste posteriorly on the tongue, as from salt (?") in the morning after awaking; it ceases after eating. [A^i,'.] Sensation of hunger, of a pressive kind, in the throat. 63 978 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 170. No appetite at noon, and as if satiated, so that eating was re- pugnant to him, still the food tasted all right (aft. 30 h.). Sensation of repletion and satiety-, but the food tasted all right and it diminished the sensation of repletion. [///.] Neither hunger nor appetite, he loathed the food, though he relished it. [J>F/?/.] Thirst for beer or sour milk, with dr^mess in the throat, in the afternoon. [A^.] Total adipsia, and too little desire for drink, for many days. 175. Eructation, with taste of what he had eaten, at breakfast. Eructation . [A h r. ] Frequent eructation in the morning, with yawning and great ill humor. [A^.] Qualmish warmth from the stomach, rising into the mouth, with sourish bitter dryness of the mouth, in the morning (aft. 11 d.). Sour burning, like heartburn, rising from the stomach almost to the mouth, in the evening (aft. sever, d.). 180. Sourish burning like heartburn, with inclination to vomit, rising from the stomach into the mouth, in the morning on rising (aft. 9 d.). Sensation in the stomach, from time to time, as if he should vomit. [///.] Disagreeable sensation in the stomach, with desire for eructa- tion, and with frequent fits of nausea, ceasing after dinner. [A^.] In the stomach, a sensation of heat, as from prolonged hun- ger, rising up in the oesophagus into the head, where then occurs a twitching or a tensive shooting in the temples and the forehead. Burning in the stomach, extending into the chest. [A^.] 185. Burning and sensation of soreness, from the pit of the stom- ach up under the sternum into the palate, with great restlessness. Pressure, as from a stone, on the right side of the stomach. \Hbg:\ Pressure in the pit of the stomach and on the chest, aggra- vated by touching. \_Hbg.'] Pressure in the gastric region, during a meal, ceasing on lay- ing the hands upon it. \_Hbg.'] Pressure below the pit of the stomach, during eating, and especialh' while walking, not when touched. [Fj-z.'] 190. Pressive contractive pain in the stomach, in the morning, after rising, in ever>' position of the body (aft. 24 h.j. Drawing and nausea in the gastric region, as if the pit of the stomach was being distended from within. \_Frz.'] Stitches in the pit of the stomach, on the left lowest rib, ever}' time he rises and stretches his bod\\ \_Frz.~\ Below the last ribs, a pressi^-e sore pain, aggravated by touch and movement. Bruised pain, below the last ribs. 195. Stitch on the lowest rib on the right side, when stooping. MANGANUM. 979 In the abdomen, an indescribable aching. [_St/.~\ The whole abdomen pains, in the evening, as if ulcerated, with pressure in the hypochondria, [i^r^".] Discomfort from the abdomen to the head, as from smoking tobacco, with a person unused to it. Sensation of roughness from the epigastrium to the sternum. 200. Contraction, nausea and warmth, mounting up the oesoph- agus, from the middle of the abdomen to the chest. Contractive pain, now in the right side, now in the left side of the abdomen, so that she can only sit bending forward, fre- quently recurring. [A^.] Inflation and tension in the abdomen, somewhat relieved by discharge of flatus, but frequently recurring. l-Ng-.'] Large, thick abdomen. Drawing, pressive pain in the abdomen during eating; it ceases after eating. [/^r2'.] 205. A pain, pressive and even more tensive, around and above the navel; then pain as from flatulence, with discharge of flatus. Drawing, pressive pain in the abdomen, in the umbilical region, in the morning. [Frz.'] Pressure in the abdomen, much increased by eating cold food. [_Fr2.'] Cutting in the umbilical region, on taking a deep breath. [HI.-] Cutting in the abdomen, in the evening. [Frz.'] 210. Stitch in the left renal region, and immediately afterward a twitching contractive pain. [^Urban.'\ Splashing in the abdomen when w^alking, as if the intestines were detached. \_Frz.'\ Warmth in the abdomen, especially about the navel and in the hypogastrium, as from hot drinks; flatus moves to and fro in the abdomen and up into the stomach. [A^.] In the groin, tensive pain, as if a tendon was swollen there, with pain when touched. Stitch in the right groin. 215. Moving about and pinching in the whole abdomen, as if a stool was coming. [A^.] Flatulent colic, in the morning in bed, after aw^aking; the odorless flatus discharged gives no relief (aft. 12 h.). Much growling along the rectum, reaching to the anus. \_Wenzel.'] Intermission of stool (ist d.). [Frz.'] Constipation, for forty-eight hours. \_Tth.'] 220. Rare, dry, difficult stool. [//"/.] Yellow, gritty stool, with tenesmus and constriction of the anus, after constipation lasting twenty-four hours. [Frz.'] Ver}^ pale yellow, scanty stool, preceded b}^ pinching in the abdomen. [Stf.'\ Two soft stools, each one preceded b}^ stitches in the hypo- gastrium. 980 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Two soft stools, in the evening. [A^.] 225. Before the (customan^ morning) stool, pinching in and about the abdomen, and during the same cutting in the rectum. [A^.] Before and during the loose and tough stool, pinching in the abdomen and in the side, which only goes off b}^ compressing the abdomen with the hands, and disappears with the evacuation of the stool; at the same time rigor. \_Fr2.'] In the rectum, painful tearing, after dinner. [A^.] Contractive pain in the anus, when sitting. Frequent urging to urinate. 230. Frequent urging to urinate, by day. Urging to urinate. [I/dg-.~\ Urging to urinate at once, when eating merel}^ one apple. Frequent urging to urinate, with scant}^ discharge. \_Lgh.'] Repeated urging to urinate, with copious discharge of urine (aft. 27 h.). iLgh.-] 235. Frequent discharge of golden-3'ellow urine from the verj^ be- ginning of the proving. \_Stf.'] The urine becomes turbid and deposits an earth}^ sediment. Violet-colored sediment in the urine. [A^.] Cutting in the region of the bladder, when sitting; very much increased by rising and moving, in the evening; but he could pass the urine without difficulty. [///.] A darting, as of a dull stitch in the urethra, while he has a silent discharge of flatus, while sitting. [.5'//*.] 240. Cutting in the middle of the urethra, when not urinating. iHl.-] Fine shooting pain at the orifice of the urethra, when not urinating. Burning twitching at times, extending from the seminal vesicles into the glans (aft. 12 d.). Voluptuous itching on the corona glandis (aft. 3 to 5 h.). \.Hbg-'] , , Stitches in the prepuce. [//"/.J 245. Itching in the interior of the scrotum, not alleviated b}^ any pinching or massaging of its skin. Pressive drawing pain and weakness in the testicle and spermatic cord, as if the latter were being pulled out, wnth sensa- tion of weakness in the whole of the genital organs. \_Hl.'] Catamenia at an unusual time (aft. 48 h.). Menses too earl}- b}^ six days, scant}^ and lasting onlj- two days. [A^^.] Pressure in the pudenda 250. Ueucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea for two days, but not constant. Corj^za (aft. 36 h.). Coryza in the left nostril, with lack of air, and loss of smell. INg.-] MANGANUM. 98 1 Con^za and stoppage of the nose, with secretion of a thick mncus. [A^.] 255. Stoppage of the nose, no air passed through. Violent stuffed coryza (aft. 4 d.). First, stoppage of the nose, then fluent coryza. [A^.] Stuffed coryza, with red, inflamed and sore nose and upper lip, in the evening. [Fr^.^ Running from the nose of a mild mucus, clear as water, and frequent sneezing. \_Sf/.'\ 260. Rough throat in the morning on rising from bed, with hoarse wooden^ voice. [7?/^/.] In the morning, rough voice, without any sensation in the throat; it ceases when smoking tobacco. [^Frz.'] In the morning, he feels heavy on the chest, and oppressed in his breathing. In going into the open air, he immediately gets dry throat and rough voice, with cutting pressive pain in the abdomen and nausea in the chest. [Fr^.'] Itching dryness in the throat, inciting to tussiculation, in the morning. [A^.] 265. Inclination to cough, in the morning. Two fits of dry coughing (aft. i h.). [A^.] Excitation to cough; he wants to cough up the mucus at- tached to the larynx; but only a little mucus is brought up with difficulty, rather by a sharp expiration than by coughing. [^S^.] Dry cough, during which a pain at every impulse darts into the side of the head. [Sf/] Dry cough, caused by reading and speaking aloud, with a painful dryness, roughness and constriction in the larynx, caus- ing an extremely painful cough, during which some mucus is ex- pectorated only after long hawking. [►S^.] 270. Deep cough, without expectoration, ceasing on lying down, but returning next day, with expectoration of tenacious mucus, and pain as of a concussion in the scrobiculus cordis and the chest, and disappearing quickly at noon, [i^/^/.] Morning-cough, with expectoration (aft. 21 d.). [^<(^^.] Expectoration of much pale-green, yellowish mucus, in little lumps, almost without cough, in the morning. [S^/.'] Bloody expectoration (aft. 48 h.). During coughing, a dull pain on the chest. [^^.] 275. Pain in the chest, as from a bruise. Bruised pain in the upper part of the chest, w^hen bowing the head, relieved by raising it up, but returning on stooping forward. A crunching sensation, drawing downwards on the lower part of the chest. Painful and constant shooting, in the upper left side of the chest, near the clavicle, and at the same time in the left axilla. Fine stitch in the left side of the chest, below the axilla, on moving the trunk. [A^.] ^ /. e., dull without resonance.— Tra/is/ahyr. 982 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 280. Fine needle-pricks, now on the left, now on the right side of the chest, in the morning. [Whl.'] Transient stitches, on the upper part of the sternum. \_Urba7i.'\ Violent stitches in the right side of the chest, near the ster- num, as if from without, not relieved by an^^thing. \_We71zel,'] Stitches in the upper part of the chest, during expiration (aft. 10 d.). An upward drawing shooting pain in the chest, occasionall}^ during expiration. 285. A drawing stitch, continuall}' darting up and down in the left side of the chest. Contracting shooting pain on the chest, w^hen breathing deeply, all the forenoon (aft. 9 days.) Dull pain in the sternum, as after a blow, in the morning. iWhl.-] Sudden blow on the left side of the chest, from above down- w^ards to the last true rib, while sitting. \_Frz.~\ On both sides of the sternum, somew^hat above the scrobiculus cordis, a pressive cutting pain, like burrowing, in the evening. iGr.-] 290. Burrowing and gnawing in the right clavicle (aft. 36 h.). [_Gr.-] Nauseous warmth on the chest, and cor5^za, first a slight w^armth, then burning in the cheeks, at first without, but finallj^ with, sensible external warmth, [/v^r.] Disagreeable warmth in the chest; the breath is hot and burns in the trachea. \_Frz.'\ Disagreeable warmth in the chest, and febrile weakness in the same, with coryza and stoppage of the nose, [/v-^-.] Warmth in the chest, in the evening, with stuffed coryza and hot breath, which he feels in the fauces when inspiring and expir- ing; preceded by an internal chill, without external cold. [^Frz.'] 295. Internal warmth in the chest; the limbs also felt warm to him, and they were not cold when touched. \_H'bg.'] Burning, below the sternum, then also in the stomach. [A^.] Burning on the left side of the chest, more externall}^ close b}^ the top of the shoulder, worse w^hen rubbing it or pressing upon it. [A^.] Shooting burning pain, below the second left rib, increased by expiration and movement, but somewhat allayed by rest and inspiration. [Ahr.^ Beating in the right side of the chest, as if the heart were beating there, in the evening in bed. \_Fr2.'] 300. Palpitation of the heart. [^Frz.'\ On the right nipple, an itching stitch. [A^.] Crawling above the left mamma. [A^.] Small nodules on the chest. \_Ng.'] Pain in the sacrum, in bending the body backward. 305. Burning pain on a small spot above the left pelvic region, toward the first lumbar vertebra. \_J^bg.'] Tearing, downward on the whole of the spine, in rest and in motion. lA/ir.~\ MANGANUM. 983 Tearing in the left scapula, when sitting. [Z.^//.] Stitch between the scapulae (aft. 2 h.). [A^.] Itching, shooting pain in the middle of the back, ceasing when rubbed. \_Ahr.'] 310. Stiffness of the nape. \_Rkt.'] Drawing, tensive stiffness of the nape, alternating with tooth- ache istf.-] Drawing tensive pain across the nape, from both shoulders, as if a band were tightly tied there. \_Stf.'] Spasmodic pain in the cervical muscles, when moving them, in the evening. \_Frz.'\ Digging in the inmost parts of the cervical vertebrae, by night. \_Gr.'] 315. Voluptuous itching in the nape; so that he has to scratch till it bleeds. [A^.] The neck feels swollen and stiff, with pain in the muscles, coming from the teeth. [.S//".] Red swollen streak on the left side of the neck, for twenty days. [yV^O Straining in front of the axilla, as if the skin was pulled up- ward. [A^.] In the axilla, a pain as from spraining. 320. Pain, as from a sprain, in the shoulder- joint and the elbow- joint, with much 3^awning. Clucking in the shoulder-joint, wath pain as from a boil, when touched; he dared not touch it. Violent tearing pain externally on the top of the right shoulder, followed by itching. [A^.] The arm pains as if paralyzed by an inordinate pain, which suddenly darts into it from the teeth. [^//^.J Weakness of the arm. 325. A tensive pain in the joints of the arms and hands, here and there, neither excited nor mitigated, either by rest or by movement. \_Stf.'] Paroxysmal pain in the joints of the arms. Morbid, distressing feeling in the arm. Drawing and tearing from the shoulder, through the whole of the arm. In the upper arm, a sudden feeling of weakness, so that he must let it sink down, with drawing in the biceps muscle. \_Fr2.'] 330. Drawing tearing pain on the inner side of the upper arm. lAhr.'\ Sudden painful twitching on the outer side of the right upper arm. \_Ahr.'] Stitches in the right upper arm, toward the top of the shoulder. \_A/ir.] Outward boring shooting pain, on the inner side of the right upper arm. \_Ahr.'\ Boring in the right humerus, seemingly in the marrow, at times stronger, then again weaker, extending into the top of the shoulder, relieved by moving the arm, going off by pressing upon it, but recurring frequentl3\ [A^<,'-.] 984 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 335. Burrowing in the humerus, in paroxysms, by night in bed, when lying on that side. lGr.~\ Gnawing pain, on the lower end of the humerus, by night. [Gr.] Burning on the lower surface of the right upper arm, toward the top of the shoulder, with yawning. [^'^.] Itching on the upper arm, close to the elbow. [A^.] The elbow- joint pains as if dislocated, w4th much 3^ awning. 340. Clucking in the elbow-joint, with pain as from a furuncle, when touching it. Straining and shooting pain on the left olecranon process, and previously, a like pain below the left axilla. [A^.] In the muscles of the fore-arm, a hard pressure, close by the wrist-joint, in every position of the bod}^ \_Lg/i.~\ Straining pain below the elbow, on stretching the arm, as if it was too short. Straining pain on the inner side of the right fore-arm, as if the skin was being pulled upward, only temporarily removed by pressing upon it. [A^.] 345. Tearing, on the lower end of the fore-arm, seemingl}^ in the radius, not relieved by anything. \_Ahr.'] Drawing shooting pain, on the back of the right fore- arm. [Ahr.'\ Tearing shooting pain, above the right wTist- joint toward the fore-arm. [HI.'] Violently itching tetter on the inner side of the left fore- arm. The hands are tense, as if swollen, when she wishes to clench them or to spread them out. [A^.] 350. Severely drawing tensive pain in the bones and joints of the right hand, almost as if constricted, and after these pains have dis- appeared, heat in the hand. [6*//".] Tearing cramp-like pain in the muscles of the right hand, especially in the thumb and index, both at rest and in motion. [Lgh.-] Tearing, shooting pinching in the left palm, on the ball of the thumb, not to be changed by anything. \_A/ir.] Tearing and shooting on the inner border of the left hand (near the thumb), so violent as if it would tear out the tendons. Stitches in the bone of the right wrist, then pain, as if the capsule of the joint w^ere dilated and the bones seized and pulled out. [W/il.] 355. Tickling itching in the palm, returning with aggravation after scratching, and only permanently allayed by licking wdth the tongue. [Frz.] On spreading out the fingers, tension in the skin of the ring- finger. [Frz.'] Repeated, violent spasmodic pain on the posterior joint of the left ring-finger and the middle finger, as if it would contract the tendons. [A^.] MANGANUM. 985 Twitching or drawing pain in the index finger, in the evening. Drawing tearing, in the left middle finger. [^/.] 360. Tearing on the back of the left middle-finger, as if it would tear out the tendons. [A^.] Twitching tearing behind the right ring-finger, seemingly in the marrow, toward the arm. [A^.] Cutting in the proximal phalanx of the right index, with sen- sation of warmth in it. [Frz.^ Shooting in the proximal joint of the ring-finger and the middle finger, worse w^hen pressed upon. [A^.] Paralytic pain, as after a blow, in the posterior joint of the left index, worse when at rest. \_Gr.'] 365. Sudden sensation of cold, in the soft part of the tip of the left thumb. [St/.'] Burning itching on the outer border of the right thumb, then after scratching, a red spot, and later, a blister, smarting when touched and full of ichor, on the same place. [Lgh.'] Severe itching on the fingers, and, after rubbing, transparent vesicles. Deep, very painful chaps in the two bends of the thumb and in the middle bend of the middle finger. From a small scratch on the proximal joint on the little finger, there arises a malignant ulcer, with a blue border and stinging pains, especially at night. 370. In the OS ischium, a constant stitch-pain, when sitting. On the left natis, toward the anus, a cramp-like drawing, aggravated when extending the thigh, when standing on the one leg, and when sitting down, but it goes off almost completely when flexing the leg, and when sitting; it is most troublesome when he rises from his seat, so that he cannot walk, unless he presses his hand upon the painful spot. \_Frz.'] Burning pain on a place in the left natis, as if a pustule was forming there, chiefly when sitting. \_Hbg.'] Nodules, with tensive pain upon the nates, with ulcerous pains when pressed upon. [A^.] In the right side of the hip-joint, paralytic weakness, with stitches on treading, so that he must limp, in the morning. [///.] 375. Bruised pain of the muscles on the head of the right femur, especially w^hen sitting. [Frz.'] Burning soreness in the bend of the right thigh. [A^.] In the lower limbs, twitching of all the muscles, at the least movement. [Frz.'] Lassitude in the thighs and legs, with drowsiness. \_A/ir.'] Sensation of tension in the right lower limbs when walking in the open air, as if it was stiff. [_Lg-/i.'] 380. In the thigh, a pinching straining on the anterior surface, as if it would pull the skin upward, the pain continues for a long time, in the open air. [A{^.] Pinching, shooting pain on the outer side of the thigh, pass- ing off when sitting, but increasing while walking, so that he had to stand still. [77//.] 986 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Twitching shooting pain above the knee, extending to the upper part of the thigh, in the evening. Twitching of the muscles on the inner side of the thigh, after walking, causing anxiety and a fainting sensation, as if he should collapse, [/v's-.] Bruised pain, transverseh' across the thighs. 385. Burning itching on the inner side of the left thigh; after scratching, there comes a sensation of soreness, and when touch- ing it, a bruised pain. [A^.] Pimples on the thighs; at the hips the}' are covered with scurf, with burning itching in the morning and evening, and with sore and ulcerative pain after rubbing. The knees feel unsteady- and tremble in the evening when VN^alking. [/v-?-.] Tearing about the knee, a hand's breadth above and below it, on the outer surface. [A^.] Shooting in the hough, when walking and sitting (aft. 17 d.). 390. Itching on the knees, in the evening. Itching in the houghs, depriving him of his night's rest. On the left leg, a hard pressure in the muscles near the ankle. Severe griping and snatching, in the left calf and from the hough to the outer ankle. [A'^.] Tearing and itching, on the outer side of the left calf. [A^.] 395. Tearing in the right calf, with burning externalh\ [A^.] Tearing stitch in the left calf, w^hen sitting. \Hl^ Drawing tearing on the right tibia, when sitting, entirely ceasing on rising. \_A/ir.'] Drawing and sore pain in the left tibia, as if it were broken, while standing; it goes off when sitting. [Frz.^ Smarting sensation on the right tibia, as if it were bruised. [Frz.} 400. Rigidity and coldness of the right leg, especially of the calf, and a smarting sensation when sitting down, it ceases on rising, in the evening, [/v'^.] Curious, lukewarm sensation on the left leg, from the knee to the ankle. [/%".] Itching on the tibia. The feet are so heavy that she can hardly raise them. [A^.] Crawling formication of the right foot when standing. [A^.] 405. Drawing on the dorsum of the left foot, on the ankle, it ceases on moving, [/v-^.] Continual tickling in the hollow of the sole of the right foot. [If/.] Constant coldness and sensation of coldness in the feet, espe- ciall}^ when walking; the coldness ceases when sitting, but is renewed on walking. Inflammation and swelling of the left outer and inner ankles, with shooting in the leg, extending up from the external ankle, at times pe?^ se, but alwa3's while walking. Soreness, with itching, between the last two toes of the right foot, for ten da3's. [AV.] MANGANUM. 987 410. On several parts of the bod}^ a twitching shooting, especially in the inner side side of the thighs. [///.] Most of the stitches caused by manganese are dull. [ JV/i/.~\ A clucking and bubbling (as of water) of various muscles. Drawing, twitching, tearing stitches in various parts of the body. Drawing, tensive pains, as from a firml}^ drawn bandage, in various places. [^S(f.~\ 415. Tensive or cramp-like drawing and tearing in various parts. Nocturnal pains, burrowing in the bones. [_Gr.~\ Most of the ailments appear at night. \_Gr.^ Most of the ailments are aggravated by stooping. \^Frz.'] The ailments arising in the room are relieved in the open air. [Frz.'] 420. Many of the ailments arise in the open air, and are relieved in the room. [Frz.'] Itching, that ceases on scratching, in various parts of the body. [_Ng.] Severe itching, with burning and little vesicles, or deeply seated nodules after scratching, on the top of the shoulder, the arms and the calves; at times with rosy red skin, becoming white on pressure. [A^.] Smarting itching on the whole body, only after being heated and perspiring. Severe burning all over the skin, in the evening, on rising from bed; passing off after lying down again. 425. Sudden concussion through the bod}^ as from fright, in the morning. All parts of the body are painful at the least touch, as if festering underneath, but only during a febrile warmth on the chest and the cheeks. [Frz.'] The head, the hands and the feet seem to her swollen and enlarged, on walking in the open air. [A^.] Discomfort in the whole bod}^, especially in the stomach, with peevishness. \_Ahr.'] Lassitude in all the joints, which seem to him stretched, with trembling in the limbs and a tremulous sensation in the knee-joints and arm-pits, with anxiety, as if it was all over with him. \_Fr2.'] 430. Great lassitude at 8 p. m., so that he could hardl}^ keep awake, for tw^o evenings in succession. [///.] Much inclination to stretch, all day. Frequent yawning, though she had slept enough. [A^.] Much yawning, He dreams, as soon as he falls asleep. \_Tth.'] 435. Vivid dreams, with rapid changes of the subject, with fre- quent w^aking with full consciousness of what he had dreamed, but in the morning he has onl}^ a dim recollection of it. [F?'z.~\ About midnight, he was half awake and could not get to sleep soundly until toward morning, owing to anxious, distressing restlessness, though he was not troubled with any particular ideas; accompanied with tossing in the bed. [///.] 988 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Confused, anxious, vivid dreams, all the night long. [Ffz.'] Sound sleep, with anxious dreams of danger to his life. [Tth.~\ Restless sleep, with heav}' dreams and lassitude, on waking. 440. Anxious, fearful, vivid dream. \_Lgh.'] Vivid, anxious dreams, as if ever3^thing seen, occurred in waking; he remembers everj^thing; he feels vigorous on awaking. After midnight, about 3 A. m. he dreamed that he w^as awake and wdth his doctor, as if in perfect consciousness, he could remem- ber every word of the conversation, as though it had all occurred w^hile w^aking. Vivid, confused dreams all night, of ever varying subjects. [Rkt.'] Vivid dream about something that actuall}?- occurred next day. [.Lgh.-] 445. Vivid dream about a reconciliation. {Lgh.'] Annoying dreams. In his dreams at night, he always lies on his back, though otherwise he has always been accustomed to lie only on his right side. Dream with merrj^ contents. [A^.] He w^akes up at 4 A. m. wath pinching and flatus moving about in his abdomen, succeeded by a soft stool. [A^,] 450. At I o'clock at night, she wakes up wdth violent pinching and griping above the os pubis, Avith ic}^ coldness on the w^hole trunk, the head and the arms, wnth profuse cold sweat, with great internal heat and sensation of dryness on the moist tongue, with warm low^er limbs, great apprehension and restlessness, so that she con- tinually tosses from one side to the other, while she cannot bear to beuncovered; after a quarter of an hour, inclination to eructation, without attaining it, then empt}^ eructation, and slight discharges of flatus without any relief, thirst, rising of w^ater in the fauces, with nausea and paleness of face, warm sweat on the lower limbs and great lassitude in the feet, inclination to stool, hardness and sensitiveness of the abdomen when rubbed; after these symptoms and the pains which she had long before felt in her sleep, had been allayed by Ipecacuanha, a sound sleep; in the morning, on aw^ak- ing, heaviness of the head and setting in of the menses with thick, black blood (4th d.). [A^^.] Chill}^, the w^hole day, as soon as she gets from her room into the open air. [A^.] Chill, wdth goose-skin, in the morning, after rising, for half an hour, and at 7 p. m. for two hours, w^hen about 9 o'clock thirst ensued (3d d.). [A^.] Chill, ever}' evening. Febrile rigor, in the morning, with cold hands and feet. iFrz,'] 455. Febrile rigor and coldness, on walking in the open (not cold) air; on walking fast, the chill diminishes, but the coldness re- mained on the hands and feet, w^hich only got w^arm in the room. Cold hands and feet, even 3'et in the room, but without any chill (aft. 36 h.). Febrile rigor, late in the eA^ening, with coldness in the feet, MEZEREUM. 989 extending in the right leg even to the knee, without subsequent thirst and heat. Febrile rigor, in the evening, in the open air and in the room, the feet were colder than the hands, so that he could not warm them, with pressive shooting pains in the sinciput, which were not relieved in the room, where the chill ceased (aft. 60 h.). Shivering over the back, with stitches in the head. \_Fiz.'\ 460. Shivering all over the bod3^ \_WhL'] Severe heat in the head, with some chill on the other parts of the bod}'. Sudden flying heat and redness of the face, especially when standing, without thirst. \_Lgh.'] Sudden heat, on the whole back, while sitting down, and soon after followed by perspiration, with the pupils very much con- tracted. [_Stf.'] Irregular pulse', hardly sensible, sometimes quicker, sometimes slower. \^A/ir.~\ 465. Anxiety, with short breath and profuse sweat all over. \_Ahr.'] Perspiration, on awaking from sleep, merely on the neck. At night on awaking, perspiration all over (aft. 24 h.). Nocturnal sweat all over the body, it compelled him to scratch on awaking (aft. 66 h.). [_Lgh.'] Nocturnal sweat on the legs, and especially on the feet, on awaking. \_Lgk.'] MEZEREUM, DAPHNE MEZEREUM, SPURGE OLIVE.^ In early spring, when the shrub is about to bloom, its bark is gathered. Originally the juice of the fresh green bark was pressed out and preserved, mixed with equal parts of alcohol, and raised to the homoeopathic dynamization b}- shaking. This juice, when it touches the skin, causes a long continued, very painful burning. But since the medicinal virtue of this bark does not consist in its volatile parts, it will be better to dry it and powder it, and then to triturate it with 100 parts of sugar of milk, and then to potentize it 1 The pathogenesis of Mezereum belongs to the same category' as Manganese. It is com- posed almost entirely of provings published in the F)ag»u'>!fa de l'iribi-. M. M. P.).— Hughes. MURIATICUM ACIDUM. IOI9 During and after eating, rumbling and dull pain in the abdomen. Eructation. Continual eructation. Ver}^ bitter and frequent eructation (4th d.). [A^.] 190. Frequent eructation, with putrid taste (6th, 7th d.). [A^.] Regurgitation of a sour liquid from the stomach. [A^.] Severe hiccup, before and after dinner (3d d.). [A^.] Nauseous and qualmish feeling in the gastric region. lS(f.'] Violent inclination to vomit. [-A^.] 195. Vomiting of the ingesta. Stomachache, with contractive sensation.^ [Crawford, in Samml. f. prakt Aerzte, XV., 3.] Painful sensation of drawing inward of the stomach, on a small spot, after dinner. [-A^.] Repeated violent pressure on the stomach. Pressure on the stomach, as if it were too full, with ineffectual effort to eructate. [A^.] 200. Sensation of repletion of the stomach, though he has not eaten anything. [A^.] Sensation of emptiness in the gastric region, and espe- cially in the oesophagus, not removed by eating, with rum- bling in the intestines. [ Wsl^ Sensation of emptiness in the stomach, in fits. [A^.] Heat and burning in the stomach, for a long time (soon\ Burning and throbbing on a small spot, on the left side, near the scrobiculus cordis. [A^.] 205 In the right hypochondria, a burning tension, on a small spot. Tensive and sore pain in the' right hypochondrial region, now moving upward, now downward, while sitting. [A^.] Burning and bruised pain in the right hypochondria (4th d.). Stitch in the right hypochondrial region, then burning, w^hich disappears by pressing upon it, but soon re-appears in a place near by, in the evening (3d d.). [A^.] In the left hypochondrial region, a violent stitch, when stoop- ing, so that she was startled. [A^.] 210. Shooting under the left ribs, in the side. \Stf?^ Drawing pinching below the left short ribs, not changed b}' respiration. \Htni.~\ Pinching tension below the short ribs, forcing him, several times, to take a short breath, and ceasing after a dischage of flatus. \Htm^^ Pain in the abdomen, in the morning, in bed. Disagreeable, anxious sensation in the whole abdomen, re- lieved by discharge of flatus, and quite removed bv a stool. {_Htm:\ 1 "From taking tweiit3' di'opsof oxygenated muriatic acid, diluted with water" (Hahne- mann, M. M. P.). The citation comes from a translation, but the original, iiv the Philosophi- cal Tiansactio}is, Vol. I^XXX., part 2, p. 423, has been compared. — Hi/j^hts. I020 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 215. Inflated distended abdomen, which tormented her punch all day. Inflation of the abdomen, and then violent discharge of flatus. [A^^.] Violent inflation of the abdomen, in the evening; disappearing after lying down. [A^.] Sensation of repletion in the abdomen, after moderate eating, wdth inflation of the abdomen. [_St/.'] Abdomen inflated up to the stomach, which is very trouble- some to her. 220. Pressive pain in the distended abdomen, and at every step, the pain darts into the abdomen. [^St/.^ Contractive sensation in the intestines, with dull pain. [Craw- ford.] Pinching, like colic, in the abdomen, on movement and emission of flatus. Pinching, extending from the umbilical region toward both sides; the pain is ver}^ violent, w^th grumbling. \_/If/n.'] Pinching in the abdomen, now here, now there, without feel- ing any flatus (4th d.). [A^.] 225. Pinching below the navel, and then a hard stool (12th d.). Violent pinching in the umbilical region, with sensation of emptiness, reaching into the pit of the stomach and oppressing it. [mm.'] Pinching in the abdomen, several times a da}^ and then an inordinate discharge of excessively fetid flatus. Violent pinching, b}^ jerks, externally, on a small spot of the left side of the abdomen, worse at every expiration. [Htm.'] Violently cutting pinching, from the rectum up to the epi- gastrium, then urging to stool which was somewhat softer than usual. [Gf7?i.] 230. Cutting pinching in the abdomen, while standing and walk- ing, it ceases on sitting down. [Lo-A.] Cutting pain below the navel, right through the middle of the abdomen, [//tm.] Violent cutting in the h3^pogastrium, when sitting, walking and standing. [///.] Constant shooting pain about the navel, as from needles. [Gfm.] Sensation of emptiness in abdomen, with growling (aft. i h. ). [Htm.] 235. Painful sensation of emptiness in the abdomen, in the morn- ing, after the usual stool (5th d.). [HI.] Rumbling in the abdomen, as from emptiness, when sitting. Rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen. [St/.] Rumbling in the abdomen. Constant fermentation in the abdomen, w^hich sometimes settles down quite at the bottom of the abdomen, with a wheezing soimd. 240. Frequent emission of fetid wdnds (the first da3's). [A^.] MURIATICUM ACIDUM. I02I In the abdominal muscles and below the umbilical region, a fine pinching, [f-//^/.] Pricking pain, as from needles, in the lower part of the ab- dominal integuments. [^G^m.~\ In the abdominal ring, pricking pain, as from needles. \_Gfm.'] Dull stinging in the right inguinal region, during dinner. 245. Burning stitch in the left groin (aft. 11 h.). lGfm,j Burning stitch in the right flank, in the evening. [A^'.] Stool in small pieces, with straining (3d d.). [A^"^.] Inactivity of the rectum; he can evacuate the stool only in part, through severe straining. Severe urging to stool, in the morning, and 3^et difficult evacua- tion. 250. Hard, difi&cult stool, in the morning, soft in the afternoon (6th d.). [A{^.] Sometimes hard, sometimes soft stool. [A^.] Soft stool (the first 3 days). [A^.] Hard stool (4th d.). [A^.] Soft stool, with cutting and qualmishness in the abdomen, as from a cold; after the stool he feels better (aft. 24 h.). [JVsI.^ 255. Soft stool, with emission of flatus, with contraction, burning and shooting in the rectum, with sensation as if the stool and the flatus were receding. Liquid stool, after a meal. [///.] Diarrhoea, followed by violent burning in the anus, in the evening and the next morning (aft. 6 d.). [A^.] Diarrhceic stool, with excoriation in the rectum. Four diarrhceic stools (after one hard stool) with straining, rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen (4th d.). [A^.] 260. Diarrhoea, faeculent (aft. 10 h.). Thin, watery stool, passes off unexpectedly, while urinating, without any previous urging, [i'//.] Without an}^ hard stools, excoriation in the rectum and anus. At the passage of a stool (not hard) cutting in the anus. After a normal stool, burning in the anus. [A^.] 265. In the anus, much itching and tickling (2d d.j. Itching in the anus, with sore pain and formicating stinging. Severe itching in the rectum, as from ascarides. Burning stitches in the anus. [///.] Shooting pain in the rectum. 270. Pressure on the anus. Prolapsus of the rectum, as if turned inside out, during urination. Swollen varices on the anus, with burning sore pain. Swollen blue varices on the anus, with pain on pressing upon them. Blood with the stool, for several mornings. 275. Violent flow of blood, with the stool. Burning voluptuous itching on the perinceum; close to the I022 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. anus, with excitation to scratching, and not removed at once by it. {.Lgh:\ Repeated urging to urinate, with much passage of urine. Constant call to urinate, with scant}", though frequent, pas- sage of urine, and straining after passing. \_Stf.'\ Urging to urinate, and 3'et he has to wait a while before the water comes. 280. Frequent urging to urinate, with scant}" passage (aft 72 h.). lLgh:\ Tenesmus of the bladder; with urging to urinate, hardl}" any- thing is passed, but what passes, is discharged without pains. Diminished quantity of urine, with burning (the first days). Wg.i Frequent urging to urinate, and much emission of urine. Frequent urination, wdth urging and copious emission. \Lgh^ 285. Repeated urging to urinate, and far more urine than would correspond to the amount of drink he had partaken of. [^/.] Unusuall}" copious emission of watery urine. [kS^.] Urine visibl}' increased and pale- yellow ( ist and 2d d. ) . [A^.] Urine increased and pale, like water (ist d.). [A^.] Frequent copious micturition, though she had drunk but little (4th d.). [iV^.]. 290. She had to rise at night frequentl}" to urinate, but passed only a little at a time, without pain. [-A^.] Slow passage of the urine, as if the bladder had not the strength to emit it. \WsL'\ Weakness of the bladder.^ [Savivil.f. prakt. Aerzte. , XV. , 3.] Frequent involuntary emission of urine. The urine, at once when emitted, is whitish and turbid, like milk. 295. During micturition, taking place with the stool, cutting in the postreme part of the urethra. Immediately after urination, stinging smarting at the orifice of the urethra. [i^^/^.J In the penis, a violently burning stitch, in the posterior part. Pain on the border of the prepuce, as if it w^ere torn and excoriated. Slight inflammation of the prepuce. 300. Boring tension from the right testicle into the middle of the penis. \_Gh?i.'] Itching of the scrotum, violently inciting to scratch, but is not removed b}^ it. [A^.] Much itching about the scrotum. Feeling of w^eakness in the genitals, no erection at all, and the penis is relaxed, hanging down (aft. 24 h.). \_lVsl.~\ Increase of the sexual instinct (in its first effects?). [A^.] 305. Repeated, but weak, erections (4th d.). [A^.] Erections, in the morning in bed (2d d.). [A^.] 1 This is from Crawford's ohservation.—I/i/ghes. MURIATICUM ACIDUM. IO23 Sensation, as if a pollution was coming, awakes him in the morning; then with a slight erection, flow of a watery foaming liquid, without smell, with a long-continued, tensively painful erection. \_Sf/.~\ In the pudenda, straining as for the catamenia. \_Sf/.'} Stinging pain in the vagina. 310. Menses, ten days too soon, with pain in the abdomen. [A^.] Menses, six da3^s too soon, without further trouble. [A^.] During the menses, introverted, sad, as if she had no life in her. [A^.] Leucorrhoea (loth, iithd.). [^V^.] ^ >i< ?l< >j< j|< >jc >K >i< Constant tendency to sneeze, with itching and tickling in the nose.^ [Thkiner, in Amial. d. Heilkuiist, 181 1, April.'] 315. Much sneezing, without coryza, in the afternoon and evening. Repeated sneezing. Coryza. Coryza.^ [Sainnil. f. prakf, Aerzfe.] Sensation of coryza, with troublesome dryness of the nose. 320. Coryza, with sharp, eroding water. [A^.] Corj'za, with secretion of thick mucus. [A^.] Much secretion of mucus from the nose. [A^.] Sensation of obstruction in the upper part of the nose, and as if dry; but attended with much secretion of mucus, long-continued (aft. 2d.). {Ng.-\ Obstruction of the nose, as from stuffed coryza. 325. Hoarseness for eight days.^ [Du Menil, in Sachse in Hufel. Journ. XXVIII., VI., p. 31.] Inordinate catarrhal hoarseness. [Schmidtmuki.IvKR.] Rough and hoarse in the throat, with sensation of soreness on the chest (ist d.). [A^.] Scrapy and rough in the throat, and some cough with sore pain on the chest, without hoarseness, in the evening and morn- ing. [A^^.] Scraping on the chest, with cough and expectoration (of un- boiled, sic!) mucus. [A^.] 330. Tickling in the throat, causing short tussiculation (5th d.). Frequent dry cough, from tickling in the chest (4th d.). {.Ng.-\ Short, dry tussiculation, with burning in the throat. [A^i^.] Dry cough, with effort, day and night (aft. 6 d. ). [AV.] Violent cough, as if it would burst the sternum; this pains from dinner time till evening, as if sore and bruised, especiall}" when talking, laughing and 3^awning. [A^.] 335. Violent whooping cough, and after it, audible rumbling down the chest. lyoose cough, with some expectoration of mucus, in the even- i"From distant vapors of M. acid, in several persons." (Hahnkmann, M. M. P.)— Hughes. - See note to S. 2,<)2.— Hughes. ^ "From inhaling oxygenated Muriatic acid." (Hahnemann, M. M. P.)— Hughes. I024 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. ing and morning (6th and 7th d.). [A^.] Hemopt5^sis.^ [Westrumb, in Sachse, 1. c] Deep breathing withg roaning.^ S^Hicfel. Joitni. XVIII., IV., pp. 45, 46.] Sighing. \_Hufel. JournP^ 340. Oppression, transversely cross the chest, in the evening, when walking and sitting. Asthmatic pressure on the chest in parox3'sms. Painful tightness of the chest, especiall}^ on the right side. \Htmr\ Tensive pain on the sternum, impeding respiration; the pain is as if it came from the stomach; with pain of the spot also when touching it. Pressive pain in the right side of the chest, becoming more and more violent, unaffected by breathing. \Htm7\ 345. Severe pressure in the sternum, above the scrobiculus cordis, extending up the chest, in the evening. Pressive pain and bruised pain on the left side of the chest. Pressive squeezing in the chest, without oppression of breath- ing. [///;;^.] Pressive squeezing in the right side of the chest, alwa3^s more aggravated by inspiring. [///;;/.] Pressive pain in the left side of the chest, posteriorly, close to the spine, on inspiring. \HtmP\ 350. Shooting pressure in the right side of the chest, below the nipple, gradually increasing and decreasing. \Htm.^ Drawing sensation in the right side of the chest, below the nipple, drawing tow^ard the throat. {Htm 7^ Cutting blows in the middle of the inside of the sternum, with obtuse pressure at the back part of the thoracic cavit}^ general oppression of the chest, and impeded respiration all day, in parox- ysms. \Wsl.'\ Tensive twdtching stitch from the left false ribs out at the right ribs. [G7;;^.] Shooting pain in the chest at anj^ violent movement or deep respiration. 355. Shooting, deep in the cardiac region, extending to the axilla and the back, with shooting in the thigh, extending to the knee when sitting, ceasing on rising up, in the evening. [A^.] Shooting in the cardiac region, so that she could only rise with difficulty, with arrest of breathing, disappearing by means of rubbing (7th d.). [A^.] Fine stitches below the cardiac region, and then in the left costal region, with tearing behind the left ear. [A^.] A dull stitch into the left side of the chest, with cough, in the evening. [A^.] Obtuse stitch in the left side of the chest, on the lowest true ribs, unaffected b}^ respiration. [ Wsl^ 360. Shooting below the sternum, just above the scrobiculus cordis. \_Stf.'\ 1 "From inhaling oxygenated Muriatic acid." (Hahnemann, M. M. P.) — Hughse. - From fumigations of M. acid in typhus patients — Hughes. MURIATICUM ACIDUM. IO25 Stitches between two of the true ribs on the left side of the chest, when expiring, [i^^/^.] Tensive boring in the chest, continuing during inspiration and expiration. \GtinP[ Sore pain and cutting in the chest, also with excitation to cough. [AV.] Heart-beat during the nocturnal fever, so violent, that he felt it in the face. [//"/.] 365. In the right intercostal muscles, a boring stitch, unaffected by respiration, when sitting. \Gtm.'\ Stitches, like needle-pricks, on the true ribs, on the right side of the chest, during expiration, when sitting. \^Lgh^ Broad stitches, slowly going upward, externally on the sides of the chest. \Wsl.'\ Fine, burning stitches, externally below the left mamma. \Ng:\ Burning, externally below the right breast, also on a small spot on the middle of the sternum, with the sensation as if some- thing had lodged there, internally; later only shooting in that spot. INg.l 370. Intense stitches in the right nipple. \Htin^^ Burning drawing up the back from the coccyx, apparentl}^ under the skin (4th d.). \Ng.'\ Pressive pain of the sacrum, when standing and sitting, as if from much stooping. \Lgh^ Fine, drawing tearing, from the middle of the sacrum, toward the lumbar vertebrae. [///.] Frequent shooting in the sacrum, when straightening himself up after stooping (4th d.). [A^.] 375. Burning, startling stitch in the sacrum. [A^.] Pain in the back, as if from strainiiig in lifting, in the back and the scepulae, after continuous writing with the back bent. Drawing, tensive pain, alternately between the scapulae and between the lowermost short ribs, without impeding respiration. \Htm:\ Pressure along the spine, while walking in the open air; dis- appearing when standing and sitting. \_Lgh.'\ Pressure in the middle and on the left side of the back, as if from much stooping. \Lgh^ 380. Shooting in the scapulae. Sharp stitches, with fine drawing and sensation of heat in the scapulae. \Wsl.'\ Painful stitches on the left side of the back, when sitting. \.Lgh:\ Violent shooting on the left side of the back, so that she did not dare to move, but movement brought relief. [A{<,7-.] Violent shooting in the lower part of the right scapula, below the axiUa. [A^>'.] 385. Shooting on the right shoulder, soon changing- into strainino-. {Ng-I 66 I026 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Fine, pressing shooting on the lower edge of the right scapula. {Htm:\ Small furuncle in the back, with shooting pain, when touched. The cervical glands are swollen, with tensive pain on turning the head. [A^.] On the right side of the neck, red nodules wdth tension. 390. On the top of the shoulder, pressure. Tearing in the top of the right shoulder, with pain when touched. [A^.] Burning stitches in the top of the left shoulder in the even- ing. \Ng.-\ Pain, as from a sprain, on the top of the left shoulder, when at rest, wdth a sensation on raising his arm as if the joint w^ould snap. \Ng.'\ Pain as from fatigue in the right shoulder-joint, more w^hen moving than w^hile at rest. 395. Throbbing in the top of the right shoulder, with a paralyzed pain. [A^^.] The arms are very heav}^ and, when raising them, seem full of lead. \HtmP^ In the upper arm, cramp, w^hen making some exertion with it. [//-/.] Throbbing, intermittent, violent twitches of single muscular parts of the right upper arm. [///.] Drawing in the left upper arm. 400. Drawing tearing in the right upper arm, while writing, w^hen sitting down; it ceases on moving and stretching the upper arm. lLgh:\ Painful tearing from the middle of the upper arm and the fore- arm tow^ard each other. [A^.] Tearing in both the upper arms and calves (2d d. ). [A^.] Paral37tic pain in the middle of the right upper arm, down to the elbow. [A^.] Burning sensation on the posterior muscles of the left upper arm, close to the elbow-joint. \Htin^ 405. In the elbow-joint, frequently a drawing tension. \Hl^ Dull tearing, just above the joints of the elbow and the wrist > more when at rest. \_lVs/.'] Shooting tearing pain on the point of the right elbow- joint. Cutting in the bend of the elbow, worse when flexing the arm, diminished by extending it. [H>.?/.] In the fore-arm, cramp-like sensation of heaviness, close to the wTist-joint. \_/J'tm.~\ 410. Cramp-like pain in the fore-arm, on flexing the arm. [^/.] Drawing tearing in the posterior muscles of the left fore-arm, extending into the fingers. IHhn.'] Cutting tearing in the posterior muscles of the right fore-arm^ recurring in jerks. \Htm.'\ MURIATICUM ACIDUM. IO27 Cutting on the right fore-arm, before the elbow-joint (at once). Bruised pain, or as after a blow, on the inner side of the right fore- arm, worst when at rest. [G^m.^ 415. Knots like peas and also larger on the fore-arms and elbows, wdth violent itching and burning. [A^.] Burning pain, externally on the right fore-arm. \_Glm.'] In the left palm, cramp, which ceased when moving the hand. Drawing pain in the left hand. Arthritic tearing on the outer side of the hand, behind the knuckle of the little finger. 420. Voluptuous itching and shooting tickling in the palms, which compels scratching. \_Lg/i.^ Eruption on the hands, which itches intensely when getting warm in bed. Eruption of pimples on the back of the hands and of the fingers, and which within a night and a day coalesces into a scurf. [SCHMIDTMUELIvBR.] The fingers of the right hand tingle, as if they had gone to sleep. [A^.] Numbness, coldness and dying off of the two middle fingers, by night. 425. Numbness of the last two fingers of the left hand, at night. Pain like cramp on the ball of the right thumb, when writing; it ceased when moving it. [^Lgk.'] Drawing tearing from the middle joint of the left ring-finger to the metacarpal bone, disappearing on bending the finger, but recurring more violently on extending it when at rest. \_Ht7n.'] Cutting tearing in the ball of the left little finger. \_Htm.'] Pricking pain, as from needles, in the tip of the left index, only when touched. \_Gt7n.'] 430. Swelling and redness of the finger-tips, with burning pain. In the gluteal muscles on the right side, a constant itching stitch, which but itches the more when it is rubbed. [ Wsl.'^ Cutting pinching on the right hip, only when sitting. [Lgh.'] The muscles of the thighs are painful. Twitching of single muscular parts, now on the right, now on the left thigh. [77/.] 435. Muscular, painful cramp in the muscles of the left thigh, when lying abed. \Lgh.'] Cramp-like drawing pain, moving downward in the left thigh, only when sitting. \_Lg/i.'] Cramp-like, contractive tearing in the anterior muscles of the left thigh. ILgh.^ Shooting pressure in the muscles of the left thigh, only when sitting. [_Lgh.'] Tearing in the left thigh and in the tibiae, when sitting. 440. Shooting tearing in the right femur, when walking. \_Hffii.'] Drawing, pressive shooting pain in the muscles of the left thigh, close to the groin, when sitting. \_Lgh.'] I028 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Violentl}^ burning shooting on the outer side of the right thigh, when walking and sitting. [/^.] Weakness of the thighs, and consequent unsteady gait. Much itching on the thighs. 445. Round, rough, itching herpetic spots on the inner side of the thighs. The knee on the left side is stiff, when rising from the seat. Tensive pain in the left knee. Quivering beside the right patella, [i^/.] Tearing in the hough and the calf, more at night and more when sitting, than when walking. 450. Tearing in the knee-joints; in the right knee this is so violent, as if it was being torn out, when sitting. [A^.] Tearing in the hough, up into the hip when rising from the .seat; with occasional stitches in the left knee-joint; aggravated when bending the knee and when walking, relieved on stretching it and when sitting. [A^.] Shooting tearing in the right knee, when he crosses the left leg over the right. \Htm.'\ Burning shooting pain on the outer side of the right knee. Bruised pain on the right knee, onl}- when walking and going up-stairs. [A^.] 455. Burning itching on the knees, ankles and toes, when going to sleep. Swelling of the knees. On the leg, a painful tension, near thie hough, in the left calf, when sitting. [-A^.] Drawing and tension in the tendo Achillis, when walking, so that the foot is, as it were, lamed and the walking impeded. Pressive pain in the left calf, both at rest and in motion. \Gtm.'\ 460. Shooting cutting in the right calf, w^hen sitting. \_Htm^ Frequent tearing in both the tibiae, up into the knees, better when sitting. [A^.] Tearing down along the lower part of the right tibia, when sitting. [A^^.] Slow, coarse stitches in the tendo Achillis, some from ^\'ith- out inward, others passing straight through, also disturbing the sleep at night, coming in fits, and impeding walking. Much itching on the calves. 465. The left foot pains, as if a cloth Vv^as tightly wound around it. Cutting cramp-like pain in the hollow of the sole of the right foot. \Htvi:\ Tearing in the sole of the right foot, on the heel, when spin- ning; also (after several days) when sitting down. [A^.] Drawing stitches, on the dorsum of the right foot, when standing, the}" disappeared while walking, but appeared again on sitting down. \Lgh^^ Ivong-continued drawing stitch on the dorsum of the left foot, worse when at rest. \Gtvi.'\ MURIATICUM ACIDUM. IO29 470. Pressive shooting pain on the inner border of the sole of the right foot, when sitting; it ceases when walking and standing. Continued itching stitch in the dorsum of the left foot, worse when at rest. \_Gtm.'\ Pain in the sole of the left foot, when ascending a mountain, as if he had made a misstep with that foot; drawing from the sole up into the thigh. \Ng.'\ Sore pain below the left external malleolus, when at rest, lasting all night, aggravated by touching and by lying upon it. \Gtm:\ Burning of the soles of the feet, when sitting down, aggravated by setting the foot on the ground. [-A^.] 475. Tickling in the ball of the left heel, ceasing on rubbing it. Digging quivering in the ball of the right foot, when at rest. {Gtmr^ Itching in the sole of the left foot, when walking and when at rest. \Gtni.'\ Violent tearing pain in the right big toe, when spinning. Itching stitch in the ball of the right big toe, when at rest. \Gtm.'\ 480. Swelling and redness of the tips of the toes, with burning pain. Sore pain and sensation of swelling in the left little toe. [A^.] A most violent throbbing pain in the three middle toes of the left foot, when at rest. \Gtin.'\ Shooting itching, here and there on the body; it ceases after scratching, in the evening. [A^.] Tickling fine stinging itching on the body, only transiently ceasing by rubbing. 485. Itching and smarting on the back, the top of the shoulders, also the whole body, mostly in the evening, after lying down, not to be removed by scratching. [A^-.] Shooting here and there on the skin, at times with burning on the right scapula. [A^.] Many painful cutaneous ulcers, which interfere with his sit- ting and lying down.^ [SchakkkIv.] The workmen in the salt works get putrid ulcers on their legs, and become dropsical and cachectic* [Ramazzini.] Burning pain, more around the ulcer than in it; after walking, there is a clucking in it, like pulsation. 490. The ulcers are very fetid, although covered with a scurf Oxygenated muriatic acid restores the irritability^ of the mus- cular fibre, that has been destro3'ed by alcohol and opium." [Hum- bold, Ueber die Reizbarkcit der Faser.^ * From the vapors of muriatic acid, which rise from the muriate of magne- sia, which decomposes when the brine is being boiled down, and which vapors are inhaled by the workmen. 1 No reference given. — Hughes. -From experience on animals. — The author is speaking of the clTects of local applica- tion. — Hughes. 1030 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DIS:eASES. Twitching in all the limbs. Attack of anguish at 8 p. m., with repletion in the abdomen, as if it would burst; the sweat ran down her head; her arms sank down, and she became languid, as if paralyzed. Restlessness. [HuFKiv. Joicr?i.~\ 495. Bruised pain in all the joints. Pain in the periosteum of all the bones, as in intermittent fever. Laziness, with extending and stretching, in the forenoon. He will not or cannot move; it annoys him to move; he always wants to sit down. Relaxed and lazy, though not wearied by walking. 500. Tottering gait, from weakness of the thighs. [///.] Great weakness of the lower limbs, so that she can hardly keep up, and often falls. [A^.] Weariness, especially in the lower limbs, in the morning. Great weariness, immediately after eating; it passes off toward evening. [A^.] Sensation of weariness in the whole body. [St/.'] 505. So tired in his limbs, that he has often to stand still, when walking. [A^.] Great prostration and lassitude, in the evening, after walking. i^g.-] Great prostration, lassitude and drowsiness, with dimness of vision; she fell asleep at the table. [A^.] Lassitude, when walking and standing, so that he fell asleep while sitting. \_Lgh.'] Her eyes closed for weariness, while sitting down, but when she rose and moved about she was wide awake at once. \_J^gh.^ 510. Very sleepy in the afternoon (4th d. ). [A^.] Drowsiness, with yawning, in the morning (2d d.). [A^.] Great inclination to sleep, all the day. [Hhn.^ When working, sleep almost closed his eyes. \_H'ti7i.'\ Sleeplessness before midnight. 515. Sleeplessness after midnight. He cannot readily fall asleep, then only sleeps lightly, and yet, he cannot rouse himself from sleep properly nor get thor- oughly awake (aft. 3 h.). Sleeplessness at night, on account of great ebullition of blood and heat with perspiration. Restless night; without any particular cause, she cannot fall asleep, and is still drowsy in the morning (aft. 2d.). [A^.] Restless night; she cannot fall asleep for headache in her crown and in the left temple. [A^.] 520. At 3 A. M., severe cough, with nausea and bilious vomiting. At night, empty eructation and colic. For two nights, nausea, with much eructation, on waking up. Before midnight, he snores loudly and tosses about, but is easily awakened then. At night, on awaking, he always finds himself lying on his back. MURIATICUM ACIDUM. IO3I 525. Before midnight, she tosses about, and often talks aloud in her sleep, but with a cheerful tone, but she often groans at the same time. He slides down in the bed, and moans and groans in his sleep. At night, in bed, sensation of weakness and difficulty in con- necting the ideas. She talks aloud in her sleep (before midnight), but she can- not be understood (and does not know anything about it in the morning). [AV.] Restless night; she wakes up every quarter of an hour, because now one part, then another is painful (4th d. ). [A^.] 530. Frequent awaking at night. Frequent awaking, with tossing about in bed. l-L^-fi.^ He always wakes up at 4 A. m., and cannot again fall asleep. He awakes very cheerful before midnight, and cannot after- wards fall asleep again (4th d.). [//"/] In bed, in the morning, after awaking, qualmishness and inflation of the stomach, relieved, after rising, by emission of flatus. 535. Restless sleep, frequently interrupted with vivid, anxious dreams, and during sleep, profuse sweat all over, excepting the head. [Htm.] Starting up after falling asleep, owing to restlessness in the body, but mostly in the lower limbs. Dreams which excite anxiety, annoyance or joy. \_Lg-/i.~\ Anxious dreams, at night. Anxious, vivid dreams. [Z-^/^.] 540. Anxious, frightful, vivid dreams. \_Gtm.'] Restless, vivid dreams, full of care and fear, with erection without seminal emission. [^Gt77i.'] As soon as she has slept a while, she raves in her sleep. Unremembered dreams. \_Lgh.'] Voluptuous dreams (the first 3d.). [A^.] 545. She dreams of the death of her mother (4th n.). Dreams about lice and full of shame (7th d.). [A^.] Gladsome dreams of home. Coldness at night, so that he cannot get warm; he tosses about in bed. [ WslJ] He was waked up before midnight by a chill, and could not get warm; he was less cold in the part of the body on which he lay; later on he became very warm and perspired (3d n.). [///.] 550. Chill in the morning, in bed, and, after rising, he had to sta}" near the stove all the forenoon. [A^.] Coldness. Coldness, also perceptible externally, so that he could not get warm all day, not even while walking. Chilliness, with thirst (4th d.). [A^'.] Chill with thirst, followed by heat. 555. Chill, with goose-skin, without shaking or thirst. Chilliness, in the evening, with thirst; after lying down, sweat; also at night, she had to get up to drink (Sth d.). [AV.] 1032 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Chill from 6 to 7 p. m., with icy cold in the back, so that she found it hard to get warm (7th d. ). [A^.] Chill at 8 p. M. in the whole body, with external warmth, for three-fourths of an hour, not followed by heat. [A^,] Chill, in the evening, with burning in the face and dryness in the mouth. 560. He shivers, if it is not very warm in the room. Febrile rigor all over the body, wdth hot cheeks and cold hands, without thirst. \_Lgk.~\ Febrile rigor all over the body, with shaking chill, yawning and stretching of the limbs, but without thirst and not followed by heat. \Lgh.'\ Febrile rigor all over the body (with a slight fluent coryza), with yawning, cold, dead finger-tips, blue nails and weak, slow pulse, without thirst and not followed by heat. \Lgh?^ Burning heat on the whole of the head and on the hands, with cold feet, without thirst, as soon as he has sat down for a nap, (owing to great day-drow^siness). {HtmT^ 565. Sensation of heat, and heat of the body, especially of the palms and of the soles of the feet, without redness of the face, without sweat, or thirst, or dryness of the mouth, and with some inclination to uncover himself. Anxiety and restlessness in the upper extremities, as if in the blood-vessels, in the evening, along with a cheerful mood; it seemed to come from heaviness in the arms; she had to move them constantly; then restlessness all over the body, except in the feet; heat, so that he had to uncover himself, but without thirst. Every third pulsation intermits. Profuse sweat on the head and on the back, every second or fourth evening, for three-quarters of an hour. Sweat, in the evening, on going to sleep, and not otherwise. 570. Sweat before midmight, with dry cough. Sweat before midnight, in dreams full of impediments; then a sound sleep till morning, without sweat. After lying in bed for one or two hours, in the evening, there was first a cold sweat on the feet, until they became warm. Night-sweat. Slight morning-sweat all over the body. \Lgh.'\ NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO33 NATRUM CARBONICUM, CARBONATE OF SODA. WASHING SODA/ Dissolve the natrum of the shops (the basic part of common salt or of Glauber's salt) in two parts of its own weight of distilled water, boiling-hot, filter the solution through blotting-paper, and cause it to crystallize in a cellar. These crystals consist of rhombic- octaedra and rhomboidal prisms. One grain of these crystals, dried on blot- ting-paper (before they fall into powder), is taken for the prepara- tion of the various homoeopathic potencies, being treated in the manner of the other dry medicinal substances. This medicine will be found indicated where the following ail- ments are also present: Sadness; dejection; hypochondriac mood; dread of men and of company; anxiety; anxious palpitation; anguish, trembling and sweat during the pains; tendency to get startled; despondency; in- dignation; malevolence; difficulty in comprehending and combining thoughts, when reading and listening; mental labor fatigues; gloomi- ness of the head; vertigo; headache, when in the sun; headache, stitches outward from the eyes; tearing, externally on the head at certain hours of the day; inflammation of the eyelids, with photo- phobia; little feathers seem to be floating before the eyes; inability to read small print; hardness of hearing; sensitiveness to noise; heat in the face; yellow spots on the forehead and on the upper lip; freckles in the face; swelHng of the upper lip; toothache, especially while eating; bitter taste in the mouth; taste in the mouth as after dissipating through the night; thirst; wild hunger from a feeling of emptiness causing nausea; ailments from cold drinking, e. g., stitches in the left hypochondrium; constant weakness of the digestive organs, with ill humor and discomfort after even slight errors in diet; nausea; constant qualmish nausea; pressure in the stomach after meals; pressive drawing and fine cutting stomachache; contractive cramps in the stomach; painfulness of the scrobiculus cordis when touched;' accumulation of the flatus in the abdomen; inflation of the abdomen; painful moving about of flatus in the abdomen; incaircration Uu the first edition Hahnemann published a pathogenesis of Natrum carhonicum, con- taining 308 symptoms. The salt was then proved by Nenning and Schreter, and their results —making 625 symptoms in all— appeared in the thii'd volume of the AizucimittcUchre of Hartlaub and Trinks. These two symptom-lists, with (presumably) provings of the 30th by I^anghammer, Hering and Gross, and some fresh observations on patients by Hahnemann himself, form the present pathogenesis. — Huglics. I034 hahxemann's chroxic diseases. of flahis; distended abdomen; shooting and burrowing in the abdo- men; insufficient stool; urging to urinate; burning in the urethra after micturition; bearing down on the genital parts, as if everything was coming out; bad shape of the os uteri; pains w^ith the menses; metrorrhagia; seems to promote conception; after coitus, discharge of mucus from the vagina; putrid leucorrhoea. Obstruction of the nose; coryza, every other day; constant coryza from a slight draught, only ceasing after perspiration; constant coryza and cough; cough; shortness of breath; asthma and shortness of breath; difficult breathing; salty purulent expectoration, when coughing; pressive shooting in the chest; constant chill on the left side; sore pain in the sacrum; stiffness in the nape; pressive pain on the top of the shoulder; cutting pains in the hands and the feet; lumpy spots on the legs {Hg.); cramp in the thighs; tendency to missteps and to spraining of the ankle; pressive pain on the dorsum of the feet; shooting in the soles of the feet on treading; swelling of the feet; coldness of the feet; chronic ulcers on the heels, from erosive blisters {Hg.)-, itch on the abdomen {Hg).\ erysipelatous lumps; 3'ellow^ rings from herpetic spots (Hg.)-, formicating shooting in the muscles of the thighs, below the scrobiculus cordis, etc. ; tendejicy to strains and sprains; dislike of the open air; tendency to take cold; dryness of the skin; warts; herpes; shooting, cutting and burning in w^ounded parts of the bod}-; unsteadiness of body and mind; relaxed state of the whole bod}^; after a short walk, he is tired so that he is ready to drop down; chronic w^eakness; drowsiriess by day; late in falling asleep at night; waking up too early; dreams at night; coldness of the hands and feet; proficse sweat at the least labor; con- stant, cold sweat of anguish; night sweat, alternating wdth dr3mess. Camphor diminishes an excessive action of Natrum ver}^ effi- cientl3^ M}" fellow-observers are: Lgh., Dr. Langhammer; Ng., the anonymous contributor in Hartlaub and Trinks' Reine Arzneimit- tellehre; Sr,, Dr. Schreter; Hg., Dr. Hering; Gr., Dr. Gross. NATRUM CARBONICUM. Sad, dejected (29th d. ). Suffering in mind (aft. 6 d. ). Dread of men and timidity (29th d.). He shuns men, \_Lgh,~\ 5. Great melanchol}^ and apprehensiveness; onl}^ occupied with sad thoughts (2d d.). [A^.] Melanchol}', sad, tremulous, and inclined to weep, with con- stant sighing and ph3^sical prostration. [A^.] Disposition to weep, for several days. NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO35 Apprehensiveness and ennui, so that she cannot contain her- self; she deems herself altogether lonely and forsaken. [A{^.] Great apprehensiveness, from the afternoon till evening (21st d.). [A5-.] 10. His fanc3^ is mostly anxiously occupied with the future; he paints to himself what misfortunes might happen to him; and he seeks solitude for several days. [5r.] Less anxious than usual during a thunderstorm (curative effect). [Sr.] Apprehensiveness, with quivering tremor all through the body. Anxious and restless, he thinks he cannot do anything right. Anxiously solicitous about himself. \_L£-/i.~\ 15. Anxiety, in the evening after a foot-bath of three or four minutes, so that she could not fall asleep for an hour and a half. Fits of anguish every day, with sweat of the face, several times a day, for a quarter of an hour, without pains. Anxiety and hurried unrest, the whole day, he could not keep his limbs quiet, he had especially to stretch the arms; they felt as if they were drawn apart. Restlessness (aft. 3d.). Great restlessness, in the evening, during mental occupation, e.g-., during reading. 20. Restless all the day, now occupied with one thing, now with another, without completing the least thing. \_Lgh.'] Internal restlessness. Restlessness in the whole body, and peevishness (aft. 3 d.). Restlessness and unsteadiness; he knew not what he wanted, nor what he should do or leave undone. Sensation of irresolution, in the morning. 25. Passive, phlegmatic mood (5th d.). Knnui, lost in thought, he knows not how he feels, in the morning. [A^.] Indisposed to business; he goes about idle, but when he is at work he works well. \_Sr.'] Indisposed to talk (aft. 6 d.). [Sr.'] He has no pleasure in doing anything, and could not staj^ long at anything. 30. Indifferent (aft. 10 d.). Tired of life, in the morning, on awaking (i8th d.). Playing on the piano for a short while fatigues her, with pain- ful oppression of the chest, trembling all over the bod}', and languor, so that she had to lie down for a time l^efore she could get rested (aft. 12 d.). Every occurrence impresses her violenth', a sort of tremu- lousness welling up in the nerves, with sensation of syncope. Tendency to get frightened easily. 35. Readily frightened, he gets startled at the least noise. \_S?'.^ Want of cheerfulness. Oppressed, excessivel}' dejected mood. 1036 hahnkmann's chronic diseases. Ill-humored, discontented and almost inconsolable. [Lgh.'\ Peevish, but disposed to work. \_Lgh.'] 40. Peevish mood, almost constant, up to the 36th day. \_Sr.'\ Out of humor and solicitous. Peevish and cross, no one can do anything to suit her (5th d. ). Cross (aft. 24 h.). Cross, without cause. 45, Crossness, in the evening (aft. 10 h.). Cross, irritable disposition. She is annoyed and gets passionate about trifles. [Sr.'] Peevish and cross, dissatisfied with all the world; he could have kicked himself; he would rather not live at all; at the same time solicitous about the future, so that he is ready to despair. iSr.-] In a humor inclined to anger. 50. Extremely irritable to anger, with cheerful disposition. Very sensitive, in the forenoon, as after an annoyance (aft. 2 d.). Passionate; disposed to quarrel and fight, and cannot bear any contradiction (nth d.). [^^^.] So much irritated by an ordinary provocation, that he speaks with the most vehement violence until he is exhausted. Alternately in a sad and in a joyous mood. [A^.] 55. In a joyous, sociable mood. Great inclination to warble and sing half aloud to oneself, for several days (aft. 24 h.). Extreme animation, all the day, with great, joyous talkative- ness. [Lgh.'] Resolute, persistent, equanimous, courageous. \_Lgh.'\ Total inattention. 60. Absent-mindedness, in the morning (aft. 15 d. ). [Sr.'] He readily makes slips of the pen (aft. 14 d.). [Sr.] Very forgetful, he has to think a long time over a matter, before he recalls it. [Sr.] He is awkward in his behavior, and cannot do the simplest things. [Sr.] Weakness of the thoughts. 65. He could not think w^ell, he lacked the faculty of compre- hending. Inability to think acutely and continuously, accompanied with vertigo. Obtuse; he looks down unthinking, as if he had been knocked on the head. Frequent inability to collect himself. Benumbed, reeling and heavy in the head, when exerting himself in w^orking, especially in the sun. [Sr.] 70. Dull in the head, as after a prolonged sleep. [Sr., Ng.] Gloominess and pain in the head, allowing no mental activity. Numb feeling in the occiput, like a dull pressure, in the fore- noon (aft. 18 d.). NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO37 Stupefaction, in the morning, on awaking; it disappeared only b}^ degrees. Almost unconscious of his external surroundings, he reels in his walk. 75. Vertigo, after mental occupations, with dull inward pressure in the temples. Vertigo, very often, b}^ day, like a whirling in the head; also while b^ing down. Vertigo, on turning the head. Almost constant vertigo, when walking; she totters when walking. Violent vertigo, like a syncope, after drinking a spoonful of wine. 80. Vertigo, when walking in the room, even so as to sink down, then great languor in the hands and feet. [A^.] Vertigo, she feels as if she would fall to the left side. [A^.] Constant headache, like a reeling in the head, and like pain- ful obscuration of the mind, with subsequent heat in the head; relieved by exercise in the open air; aggravated while at rest and when sitting; two days in succession (aft. 10 d.). Dull headache, like dreariness and drawing in the head, after dinner. [vSr.] Dull headache, like a stupefying pressure in the forehead, in all positions, [^^/z.] 85. Headache in the forehead, when quickly turning the head. Headache, at noon, mostly in the lower part of the occiput. Dull pain in the occiput. lSr.~\ Pain from the occiput to the crown. [A^.] Heaviness in the head, with burning in the eyes, almost daily after dinner. [A^.] 90. Heaviness in the head, on awaking at night, with dull pressive pain and a flat taste in the mouth, [^r.] Apprehensiveness in the head (aft. 3d.). Sensation of painful emptiness in the occiput, with weakness and hoarseness of the voice. Pressive pain in the left side of the forehead, in the morning, when rising. [A^.] Pressure and sense of heat, in the crown and in the forehead. 95. Pressive pain in the right temple, from within outward. [A§-.] Dull pressure extending from the occiput to the nape, with drawing pain, extending into the forehead, with eructation, vertigo, nausea and dimness before the eyes. [Sr.] Constant pressure in the right side of the occiput. [A[i,>-.] Tensive pain, in the right frontal cavit5\ \_Sr.^ Tension and drawing, in the right side of the occiput, as if it would draw the head backward. [A^.] 100. Contractive pain in the head. Pain, as if the forehead would burst open, especially after taking exercise, with sense of obstruction in the head, for man}' days, from 7 A. m. to 5 p. m. 1038 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISERSES. Tearing in the whole head, the whole afternoon (13th d.). Violent tearing in the right temple and the side of the forehead, only transientl}^ passing off by pressing upon it (during the menses). [A^.] Violent cramp-like tearing in the forehead, extending into the eyes and the tip of the nose. 105. Tearing and shooting from the left frontal protuberance, ex- tending behind the ear. [-A^.] Shooting in the head, here and there, at various times, at times with burning, also in the evening, at times with a feeling of heat in the forehead. [A^.] Fine stitches in the left side of the head (6th d.). Pressive shooting through the head, during bodily exercise. [5r.] Single, ver}^ acutely painful twitches in the head, no. Beating headache in the upper part of the head, daily, espe- cially in the morning. Beating and tearing in the left side of the head during the menses. [A^.] Painful throbbing, in the upper part of the head, seemi ngl in the bones. [A^.] Intermittent throbbing, through the forehead, outward, just above the border of the orbit. [A^.] Throbbing in the vertex, which is very sensitive when pressed upon, after dinner. [A^.] 115. Rush of blood to the head. Violent rush of blood to the head, when stooping, as if every- thing was coming out at the forehead, with throbbing in the head, if he then lifts or carries anything; passing off when he raises his head (13th and 14th). [A^.] Violent rush of blood, with heat in the head, when he sits in the room, especially in the evening; for several days, even still on the twentieth day; in the open air and in the bed he does not feel anything of it. [A^.] Sensation of warmth in the forehead, with tension. [A^.] Sensation of internal warmth in the head, and in the eyes, without external heat of the face, but with thirst; also at night. 120. Much heat in the head, at various times and on various days. Heat in the head, with sensation of heaviness and redness of the face, worst after noon. [A^.] Roaring of the blood in the head (3d d. ). External pain on the lower part of the occiput. Transient, external headache, now here, now there, on the sides of the head, in the ear, etc. (aft. 48 h.). 125 Pain of the two occipital protuberances, when touched. Pressive headache, external and internal. Tension in the occiput. Movement of the scalp from behind forward, and back again. Red, eruptive nodule on the forehead, with sore, burning pain and pus in the apex. [Lgh.'^ NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO39 130. Tumor on the occiput, more toward the nape, of long dura- tion. An almost painless tumor on the occiput, as large as a filbert. The hairs fall out rapidly, for many days. ISr.'] Pain in the ej^es, in the morning (aft. 17 d.) Pain in the bones of the orbit. 135. Sensitiveness of the ej^eballs when touched, with a sensation as if they were being enlarged. Heaviness of the upper eyelids (ist and 2d d.). Tearing on the right lower eyelid, from the inner canthus to the outer. [A^.] Shooting in the eyes, like needle-pricks, after-dinner. [No-.^ Dull shooting in the right eye, when sitting down. \_Sr.^ 140. Fine stitches in the inner canthus, which pressed out tears. Burning in the eyes and canthi, with shooting toward the outer canthi, and a sensation as of a hair in the eye. [A^.] Burning in the eyes, also in the evening, lasting till after he lies down. [A^.] Burning of the eyes during work, especially when writing and reading, with sensation of dryness, as after much weeping. Itching of the eyes and lids, also in the morning, at times with lachrymation after rubbing. [A^.] 145. Itching and smarting in the right eye, forcing him to rub, but only removed by moistening it with saliva. [Sr.'] Inflammation of the eyes, with stitch-like pain. Violent inflammation of the inner canthus, and purulent swell- ing of the lachrymal sac, which swelling opened after four days. Inflammatory swelling of the upper right eyelid, without red- ness of the conjunctiva, with pressure in it, dim sight and some gum in the canthi (aft. 10 d.). Swelling of the upper eyelids (aft. 15 d.). 150. Small ulcers about the cornea, with shooting pains in the eye, which she had to guard against every ray of light. Agglutination of the right eye, as if it was full of ej^egum, the whole day. [Lo/i,~\ The eyes continually tend to become agglutinated, in the afternoon (nth d.). [A^.] Agglutinated eyes in the morning, followed by lachrymation, all the forenoon. [A^.] I^achrymation of the eyes. 155. Dryness, sensation of heat, and, as it were, a contraction in the eyes (aft. 2d.). He can open the eyelids only with difficully, they close invol- untarily. Frequent closing of the eyelids, like involuntary winking, with sensation of burning in the eyes, especiall}^ in the afternoon. Constant closing of the eyelids, followed by drowsiness, even while walking. Pupils contracted (aft. 3 h.). \_Lg/i.'] I040 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 60. Dim ej^es (aft. 48 h. ). Dim e3^es, he has continuall}' to wipe them. Dim e3"es; in fine work, everything looks bkirred, but she can read well. She feels as if something obstructed the visual ra3\ Dimness of vision: she at once loses her sight w^hen reading. 165. A man, else far-sighted, sees even distant things but diml}^ Persons when twent}^ paces distant, and a picture at a few paces' distance, appear to him indistinct, and he cannot clearly recognize them. [5r.] Black, flying points float before his face, when writing. Flickering, like rain, before the eyes. Sparks of light before the eyes (nth d.). 170. Dazzling flashes before his eyes, while waking (aft. 12 d.). Earache in the left ear (aft. 14 d.). Earache, with drawing pain in the articulation of the right jaw, extending into the mouth and the right side of the tongue, which pains when it strikes against the teeth; in the evening, when walking in a cool breeze. [Sr.'] Pinching and explosion in the right ear, in the morning. Fine intermitting tearing in the right ear. [Ng.'] 175. Pressure and tearing in the ear. Shooting in the ears and out from the ears, frequently sharp and penetrating. [A^.] Shooting in the ears from time to time; ceasing on opening the mouth, recurring on closing it (loth d.). \_Sr.'] Shooting inward into the left concha (6th d. ). \_Sr.'] Itching shooting in the left lobule ; it ceases after rubbing and squeezing it. [A^.] 180. Tickling in the left external meatus auditorius, in the morn- ing. [A^^.] In the parotid gland, which is also painful when touched, a shooting pain. Sensation of obstruction in the right ear, with diminution of the hearing. \^Lgh.'] Ringing in the ears, on turning the head, Music in the ears, like far-off humming of a bag-pipe, when lying in the bed, on his back; when he raises himself, it dimin- ishes, but recurs after sitting for a while, and ceases on lying down; but it soon returns after lying down; with some earache (23d d.). lSr.-\ 185. Whizzing about the head and throbbing in the left ear. Violent roaring in the ears (aft. 22 d.). More violent rushing sound in the ears (aft. 4 d.). In the left nostril, sensation as if a hard bodj- was lodged within in the upper part, not ceasing on blowing the nose. [A^.] Drawing pain in the right outer side of the nose, which ceases on rubbing it. [A^.] NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO4I 190. The nose peels off on the back and the tip, and is sensitive when touched (9th d.). [A^.] Red nose, with white pimples upon it. Pimple on the left side of the nose. [^^^.] A blister beside the right ala of the nose, with burning pain when touched. \_Sr.^ Pustule, with red areola, on the left ala nasi. [_Lg-/i.~\ 195. Painless lump on the right side of the nose, enlarging from day to day. The nostrils are ulcerated inside, in the upper part. Blood is expelled from the nose, in the morning (aft. 12 d.) Bleeding at the nose (aft. 12 d.). Increase in the sense of smell (after-effect?). 200. In the bones of the face, a pressive pain, aggravated by walk- ing in the open air. Pressive pain in both cheek-bones. Violent drawing in the left cheek-bone. Tearing in the zygomatic arch, at times very violent on the right side or passing up on the left side into the head, with shoot- ing pain extending into the forehead, occasionally ceasing when it is rubbed. [A^.] Tearing and lancinating, behind the right ear. [-A^.] 205. Painful needle-prick in the upper part of the cheek. [A^.] Stitch behind the right lobule of the ear, ceasing when squeezed, but at once returning. [A^.] Burning heat and redness of the face, at various times and on various days. [A^.] Alternate redness and paleness of the face (7th d.). [A^.] He looks pale, as after a severe illness. [A^.] 210. Paleness of the face, with blue rings around the eyes and swollen lids (aft. 24 h.). Yellowness of the face. Bloatedness of the face. Swelling of both cheeks, with glowing redness. Swelling of the face below the left eye, so that he can hardly see from it, with burning of the eye, in the morning on rising (4th, 5th, 6th d.). [A/^.] 215. Itching on the whiskers. \_Sr.^ Itching of the face, which ceases on scratching. [A^.] Burning itching of the lower jaw, only ceasing after much scratching. [A^.] White spots on the right cheek and the side of the neck, with- out sensation, in the morning (6th d.). [A^.] Pimples in the face, near the ear, with shooting pain when touched, like a boil. 220. Much eruption on the nose and mouth. Itching, moist eruption on the nose and mouth (aft. 10 d.). A boil behind the ear. Boil above the chin. [A^.] Burning pimples on the chin. [^Sr.] 225. On the lips, an eruption of pimples. [A^.] 67 1042 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Eruption of pimples on the red of the lower lip, with erosive painful soreness of the commissure of the lips. Pimple on the lower lip. Eruption on the right commissure of the lips (aft. 20 d. ). Whitish blister, as large as a lentil, on the red of the upper lip, with sore burning pain and later with a crust upon it. \_Sr.^ 230. Blisters on the commissure of the lips, also suppurating ones. Pustules about the mouth. Two small herpes about the mouth. Small ulcers about the mouth. Furuncle on the upper lip. 235. Burning chap on the lower lip. [A^.] Twitching in the upper lip (aft 18 d.). Frequent quivering in the upper lip (6th d. ). [A^.] Burning on the upper lip and on the right commissure of the lips, on a small spot, as if a blister was there. [A^.] Fine tickling itching on the upper lip, and a fine stitch on touching it, in the evening. [A^.] 240. Small, red, itching, eruptional vesicles, filled with water, on the chin (6th d.). In the left lower jaw, frequent tearing (4th d.). [A^.] Rheumatic pain in the jaws. Beating in the right lower jaw, from the middle forward, toward the chin, after breakfast (ist d.). [A^.] Bruised pain in the angle of the lower jaw, after dinner; ceas- ing when pressing upon it. [A^.] 245. Ulcerative pain, with throbbing in the articulation of the left jaw, seemingl}^ in the bone, it ceases when pressed upon. [A^.] Quivering in the left lower jaw (ist d.). [A^.] Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Toothache, with swelling of the gums and violent fever, for three days (aft. 2 d.). Extreme sensitiveness of the lower teeth, for two da3^s. [A^.] 250. Sensitiveness of the teeth, as if scorbutic, and as from hoggish water (aft. 3d.). Toothache (tearing?) through the whole night, then swelling of the lower lip and cessation of the pain (aft. 14 h.). Dull drawing pressive pains in a hollow tooth, after a cold. [Sr.] Dull pressure and boring in a hollow tooth. \_Sr.^ Drawing boring in the hollow teeth. 255. Jerks in the teeth, while eating. Frequent jerks in the right lower teeth, and great sensitive- ness in their crowns. [A^.] Twitching tearing in the teeth, also in the evening, and after dinner. [A^.] Tearing and single tearing pains in the teeth, at different times and days. [A^.] Tearing toothache, only at night, after 9 p. m., not b}^ day. 260. Toothache, as if the teeth were being pulled, by da}^ and bj^ NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO43 night; diminished by warmth; bleeding of the gums; coldness of the bod}^ all the day, with thirst for two weeks. [Sr.'j Dull shooting in a hollow tooth, after dinner, ceasing after smoking tobacco, returning after eating pears. [6'r.] Sudden stitch in a tooth entirely sound (aft. 23 d.). [^r.] Burrowing toothache, in the evening when walking, which after supper became pulsative and only ceased on falling asleep. Fine, short boring in the anterior molars of the left lower row. 265. Violent burrowing and boring in a hollow tooth, aggravated by touching it with the tongue, awakes him in the morning and also recurs by day, after a breakfast of honey and partaking of sweet things at dinner, it continues during the afternoon in cold, damp, rainy weather, till evening (26th d.). [^r.] Burrowing toothache, just after breakfast, with swelling of the right cheek; much aggravated by touching the cheek (28th d. ) . Burrowing and boring in a hollow tooth, in the evening, till falling asleep (12th d.). \_Sr.^ Cold formication runs through the upper molars. [^^^.] Sensation in the hollow teeth, as if cold air was rushing out, after dinner. [A^.] 270. Looseness of the teeth. Looseness of a left molar. [A^.] The gums on the inside of the teeth seem to him rough, when touched by the tongue. [A^.] Ulcerative pain of the lower gums on the left side. [A^.] Loose gums (aft. 23d d.). 275. Bleeding of the gums (aft. sev. h. ). In the mouth, a large blister on the left cheek, which, on being squeezed open, gave out water. [A^.] Several fiat ulcerative spots in the mouth, with burning pain on touching them. A suppurative swelling near the fraenum of the tongue. Pimple under the tongue, painful when touched. 280. Sore pain on the inside of the cheeks, when chewing. Dryness of the mouth and the tongue, inciting to drink. Always dry in the mouth and on the lips, which she has to keep licking; as if caused by the heat of the breath (aft. 7 d.). Gathering of much watery saliva in the mouth, at times mth sour taste. [A§-.] Salty saliva, with smarting on the tip of the tongue (aft. 5 d. ) . 285. Viscid saliva, for many days. On the tip of the tongue, smarting as from salt-water. Small pimples on the left side of the tongue, with shooting pain. Sore pain of the tip of the tongue, on touching the teeth with it. [5r.] Burning about the tip of the tongue, as if it were cracked. 290. Tensive vesicle on the right edge of the tongue. [A^>-.] Pimples on the tip of the tongue (aft. sev. h."). I044 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASES. Pale tongue. Heavy tongue, slow of speech. Lisping for several days, whenever he speaks. 295. Talking becomes hard to her. When talking, she has a pain in the scrobiculus cordis; her saliva seems beaten into foam. When yawning, there is pain in the left side of the neck (2dd.). Press! ve pain in the throat after stooping; she can hardly swallow for sore pain; for several days after, a sensation as if some- thing had lodged in her throat. Pressure in the oesophagus. 300. When quickly running, sensation as if something rose in the throat. The morsel, when being swallowed, descends onl}^ with a pressing sensation. Shooting in the throat, with much spitting of saliva. Shooting pain in the throat, both when swallowing and other- wise; also in the evening, when yawning. [A^.] Tickling in the throat, with shooting, in the afternoon and evening. [A^.] 305. Rough, dr}', scrapy and rancid in the throat, at various times, also in the evening. [A^.] Rough, scrapy throat, especially in the evening; at times re- lieved by eating. [5?'.] Scraping and rawness in the throat, sensible even up to the brain, during swallowing and at other times. Scratching sensation of dryness in the fauces, near the pos- terior nares, especially in the open air. Dry throat, with much hawking, without bringing up any mucus. [^Sr.'] 310. Redness in the throat, with violent, dull shooting, only when swallowing; in the morning, after awaking. [A^.] Inflammation of the throat, with swelling of the right tonsil, and shooting and choking on the left side of the throat, as from a swelling, when swallowing, in the morning and night (nth d.). Mucus seems to be lodged in the throat, and she seeks to eject it by hawking. [A^.] A piece of mucus is lodged in the throat, causing a scraping, and is not loosened by hawking. [Sy^'j Frequent hawking up of thick mucus, which is always pro- duced anew. [A^.] 315. At night, mucus in the throat, awaking him in the morning by tickling, and easily expectorated; this recurs again, then raw- ness on the chest, which only disappeared after rising. [vSr.] Easy hawking up of mucus in the morning. [Sr.^ Much nasal mucus is discharged through the mouth (5th d.). Insipid mucus in the mouth. Mouldy smell from the mouth. 320. The sense of taste becomes more acute (after-effect?) NATRUM CARBONICUM. 1045 Offensive taste in the mouth, at 4 A. m., on awaking, with violent erections (30th d.). [■5'^.] Spoiled taste, and as if burned, in the mouth, in the morning on awaking; it ceases after breakfast. [A^.] Sharp, acrid taste in the mouth, as from tobacco-juice. [A^.] Flat slimy taste on awaking, with bitterness in the mouth, and white-coated tongue. ^Sr.'] 325. Purulent taste in the throat. [A^.] Taste of blood in the mouth, on exhaling. Sweet taste in the mouth (8th d.). Metallic taste in the mouth, in the afternoon (aft. 14 d.). Bitter taste in the mouth, in the afternoon (aft. 13 d.). 330. The bitter taste often descends deep down into the throat, like a vapor. Scrapy, bitter taste of all food, disappearing after a meal. Bitter, fiat taste in the morning. lSr.~\ Sudden, bitter taste, then belching up of bitter water, which he continually had to spit out. [A^.] Bitter, slimy taste, in the morning; it disappears after rising and eating. [A^.] 335. Bitter taste of the dinner, with pretty good appetite. [A^.] Sour taste in the mouth (aft. 3 d.). Sourish taste in the mouth, in the morning after awaking. Sour taste in the mouth and thickly-coated tongue. Much thirst. 340. Much thirst, only when eating. Thirst at various times, also at once in the morning, and in the evening after going to sleep. [A^.] Much thirst in the forenoon. [^Sr.] Violent thirst, from morning till evening. [Iltl?.'] Much thirst, every morning after rising, with heat and drj^- ness of the mouth, for several hours. \_//fd.'] 345. Neither hunger, nor appetite, at noon and in the evening. [_Sr.] Ivittle appetite, and yet the stomach feels empty. [A{^.] Little appetite at dinner, no taste for meat, rather for bread. Appetite and hunger, but he is soon satiated. [A^.] More hunger than usual, also in the afternoon. [A^.] 350. Much more hunger and appetite for breakfast, than usual. [5r.] Much appetite, in the morning, noon and evening. [5r.] Hunger in the forenoon, after a hearty breakfast; he had to eat to drive away his languid feeling. [Sr.^ Intense hunger in the forenoon, little at noon. Constant hunger (15th d.). [A^^.] 355. Rabid hunger, in the afternoon. [A^.] Dainty-mouthed; as soon as he sees an3'thing eatable, he would like to taste it. [Sr.~\ 1046 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. After a meal, a strong desire for sraoking tobacco, which he rehshes particularly well. \_Sr.'] She relishes no food, and therefore does not eat anything. Aversion to milk. [A^.] 360. Aversion to meat and fatty food (2d d.). Diarrhoea after drinking milk. After dinner, peevish, cross, ill-humored, neither satisfied in the room, nor in the open air; this diminished toward evening. ISr.} After meals, at noon and in the evening, very cross, for several da3^s. \_Sr.^ After supper, especiall}' after drinking more freely, very ill- humored; with pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, the liver and the splenetic region. [.Sr.] 365. After breakfast, when he had hardl}^ eaten a sufficiency", pres- sure in the stomach and ill-humor (26th d.). lSr.~\ After dinner and breakfast, severe pressure in the stomach, for several da^^s (aft. 18 d.). After dinner, sensation as of a heavy lump in the stomach. A few hours after dinner, intense thirst for cold water. \_/^g/i. ) After a meal, pressure on the stomach (aft. 21 d.). 370. After a meal, a pressure from below upward, as if the diges- tion could not take place downward, for three or four hours; then the hands and feet feel relaxed. Her stomach is weak and easily spoiled. After every meal, eructation tasting of the ingesta. While eating, much eructation with intense vertigo. Much eructation while eating (aft. 16 d.). 375. Immediatly after eating, pinching in the abdomen, like colic. After his morning drink, pinching in the stomach. After dinner, drowsy and lazy, with yawning; but as soon as he sits down to work, this proceeds briskly, and yawming and drowsiness disappear. [►Sr.] After meals, a chill, wdth internal heat, so that she disliked warmth, and 3^et she felt chilly when she went where it was cold. Frequent eructation (for several daj's). 380. Constant eructation and much emission of flatus below. Empty eructation (3d d.). [^r.] Frequent, also empty eructation, succeeded occasionally by heat in the fauces. [A^.] Sour eructations. Sourish eructations, frequently (nth d.). [A^.] 385. Bitter eructation, with long-continued after-taste, also at times reaching the nose. [A^.] Belching up of sweetish water, but only reaching into the throat; he had to swallow it down. [A^.] vScrapy heartburn after fat viands (aft. 3d.). Hiccup ever}^ afternoon, after dinner. Violent, often long- continued, painful hiccupping, mostly in the evening, or during dinner, sometimes with bitter regurgitation from the stomach. [A^.] NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO47 390. Frequent hiccup. [Z^/?.] Waterbrash (aft. 15 d.). Nausea in the stomach, in the morning or forenoon, usually disappearing after meals, attended occasionally with water rising into the mouth. [A^.] Nausea with shuddering from loathing, with fullness in the abdomen or with yawning. [A^.] Inclination to vomit and loathing, in the morning, with ting- ling and turning in the stomach, gathering of water in the mouth, and eructation, continuing till noon. [A^.] 395. Ineffectual empty retching, in the morning. [>Sr.] Intense nausea, urging to vomit, with heat in the face, severe hawking up of mucus, and retching, until there ensues an actual vomiting of foamy, tasteless mucus; in the evening, after supper, it is somewhat better (6th and 7th d.). \_Sr.'] Vomiting of a fetid, sour liquid, resembling clay-water (when coughing). After vomiting, a dull headache, no appetite, a white-coated tongue, and a fiat, offensive taste. [^^.] The stomach aches, when it is touched (also after 48 h.). 400. Qualmishness in the stomach, after eating fruit, with tension in the hypochondria (loth d. ). [5r.] Qualmishness and sickness at the stomach, as after taking a cold, followed by warmth in the scrobiculus cordis (at once). [^Sr.] Disagreeable sensation of fasting in the stomach. [A^.] Aching in the stomach, with sensitiveness to external press- ure, and gathering of water in the mouth; disappearing after eat- ing bread. [A§-.] Sensation in the stomach, as if spoiled; it goes off after eating warm soup, but it comes back. [A^.] 405. Pain in the stomach, after breakfast (4th d.). [A^.] Sensitiveness of the region of the stomach, when touched. Pressure in the stomach (as from a stone), at times with rumbling; it disappears after eructation. [A^.] Pressure about the gastric region and retching, in the morn- ing; it ceases after two hours, by moving about. [A^.] Pressure and griping in the stomach, with tremulousness, when walking. 410. Fullness in the stomach, in the evening, and no desire for food. [Sr.'] Fullness in the stomach and sensation of rising from the stomach, in the morning, at 4 A. m., while in bed. [A^.] The stomach feels swollen and sensitive. [A^-.] Painful contraction about the stomach, toward the two hypo- chondria, even so as to cause him to bend double, in the evening; relieved by stretching and by walking, aggravated by stooping and sitting; continuing even in bed till next morning, with a move- ment below the stomach, as if a worm was there turning- about (lothd.). [A{c>-.] Griping and gnawing, as of a worm, about the region of the stomach, from morning till evening (22d d.). [A^.] 1048 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 415. Drawing and cutting abc)Ut the stomach, without and within, from morning till evening (2 2d d, )• [^^-l Pinching and cutting in the stomach, toward the sacrum and the left side. [Ng-.] Stitches in the gastric region, sometimes with retraction of the same, or followed by burning. [A^.] Disagreeable tension, immediately above the scrobiculus cordis (17th d.). [Ng.] Burning to the right or the left side of the scrobiculus cordis. 420. In the hypochondrium of the right side, twitching from time to time, in the evening. [7\^.] Screwing together, and reciprocal gashing as with knives in the right hypochondrium, with oppression of the respiration. [A^.] Violent stitches in the right hypochondrium, followed by pinching in the hypochondrium (loth d.). [A^.] In the left hypochondrium, pain, when pressing on it with the hand (aft. yd.). Shooting at various times, also after the pains in the stomach, in the left hypochondrium; also while walking. [A^.] 425. Single stitches from the left hypochondrium, extending to the scrobiculus cordis, repeatedly during the day, when sitting; it also pains when touched. Pains in the abdomen, only relieved by vomiting, which occurs twice a day. Violent pains in the abdomen, ceasing after eating soup, in the forenoon. [A^.] Pains in the abdomen, in the morning, on awaking, ceasing after a stool. \^Sr.^ Pain in the hypogastrium, above the left groin, when yawn- ing and when breathing deeply, without pain when touched. 430. Pressive pain in the hypogastrium and in the sides of the abdomen, with pain when touching it, and more yet when walking. Sensation of inflation in the epigastrium. [A^.] Inflation of the abdomen, especially after meals. Violent inflation of the abdomen, also in the evening, the morning and at night, at times with tenesmus, at times relieved by emission of flatus or diarrhoea. [A^.] Heaviness in the abdomen. 435. Tensive colic in the epigastrium, at night, with cutting in the abdomen and diarrhoea, for several nights (aft. 12 d. ). Tension in the hypogastrium, below the navel, especially when walking and stooping. Colicky pain in the abdomen, toward morning, with retraction of the navel and hardness of the abdominal integuments; but he went to sleep during the pain. [5r.] Lumps on the abdomen, as if the intestines were here or there distended by flatus (aft. 20 d.). Twitching contraction of the abdomen, with weakness in the sacrum. NATRUM CARBONICUM. I049 440. Pinching in the abdomen, ev^en continuing after the stool. LSr.] Pinching in the abdomen at various times, also about the navel and in the hypogastrium, at times with cutting and call to stool. [A^.] Pinching colic in the morning, with inclination to vomit, as from incipient diarrhoea. Cutting pinching in the hypogastrium, in every position. Cutting colic, in the morning (3d d.). 445. Cutting from the gastric region drawing on toward the navel, with a sensation as if a stool was coming. [A^.] Cutting in the epigastrium, in the morning, and in the fore- noon when sitting, from both sides of the hypogastrium toward the navel, as after taking a cold while sitting. [A^.] Bruised pain of the intestines when riding on horseback, with shooting into the right side of the chest. [^Sr.] Sore pain in the abdomen, with downward straining, as if for the menses, relieved by external warmth, not b}^ anything else. Tearing in the hypogastrium, through the genitals, extending to the urethra (5th d.). 450. Shooting in the right lumbar region, while moving the trunk to the left side, when sitting, followed by pinching in the epigas- trium (8th d.). [A^.] Shooting and drawing in the right side of the abdomen, above the hip (aft. 20 d.). Shooting and drawing in the left side of the abdomen, as from incarceration of flatus (aft. r8 d.). Tensive burning on a small spot, to the left of the navel. Smarting in the hypogastrium, as from w^orms (12th d. ). 455. The abdomen is painful, when touched, also when he walks. Severe itching and erosion on the abdomen, even by da}" (aft. 12 d.). In the right flank, fine, intermittent pinching, more externall}", after dinner. [A^.] Violent, dull, pressive shooting pain in the right inguinal region, on hawking after rising from the seat. [A^.] Shooting pain in the right flank, drawing into a right rib, and when taking a deep breath, into the sternum; relieved b}" inspir- ing, but recurring on expiring. [A^.] 460. Quivering in the right flank, like throbbing, with frequent intermissions (4th d.). [A^.] Swollen glands in the groin. Obstruction of flatus, causing the blood to rush to his head, and twitches in the face (aft. 20 d.). Much incarceration of flatus in the rectum (7th d.). Moving of flatus in the abdomen, at once in the morning, then two diarrhoeic stools, without any other trouble (^Stli d.). I050 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 465. Audible growling in the abdomen, without pain, in the even- ing. [A^^.J Rumbling and pinching in the epigastrium, then emission of flatus, with relief (4th d.). [A^-] Frequent rumbling, with pinching in the whole of the abdo- men, relieved in the open air (6th d.). [A^.] Growling and rumbling in the abdomen, with inflation of some portions of it. Rumbling noise in the abdomen (5th d.). 470. Flatus, with fetor as of rotten eggs. Sour smelling flatus. Frequent emission of fetid flatus (3d d.). [A^.] Sick sensation, as of incomplete stool, with stitches in the rectum. Intermittent stool (6th and nth d.). [A^.] 475. Cannot without much straining evacuate the stool, which is not hard, during the first days. Hard stool, with straining; also at times with burning in the anus. [Ng- ] Difficult discharge even of a stool that was not hard; he had to strain hard in order to pass it. Frequent ineffectual calls to stool and tenesmus. Repeatedly during the day, call to stool and urging to stool, either empty or with scanty discharge of an ordinary stool, with constant fullness of the abdomen (aft. 14 d.). 480. Constant tenesmus, with writhing cutting in the abdomen. Severe urging to stool, with discharge of only a few small lumps, like sheep's dung, with burning. [A^.] Hard, lumpy stool, with straining, and after moving about of flatus and pinching in the abdomen. [A^.] Stool, with little balls of mucus, like peas (4th d.). [A^.] Stool first hard, then soft, followed by burning in the anus, and at times with bloody mucus. [A^.] 485. Hard stool in the morning, especially hard at the commence- ment, he had to strain, at last it was tenacious, adhering to the anus; after the meal, another scanty evacuation, followed by tenesmus in the rectum (2dd.). \_Sr.'] Stool with tenesmus, after the meal, then burning in the eyes; also in the urethra, with great voluptuous impulse; later on, burn- ing about the ej^es, with heat of the head and perspiration of the forehead (during the approach of a thunder-storm). \_Sr.^ Two or three stools a day; the last one usually with urging in the rectum and tenesmus in the urethra, while onl}^ slight evacua- tion of lumpy, mucous stool, or merely some flatus is discharged, for several weeks. \_Sr.^ Constantly, a very soft stool (aft. 8 d.) [A^.] Much urging to stool, but only a little evacuation, with the sensation as if much remained behind; after this, cessation of the colic. [Sr.^ 490. Stool with urging, and then pain in the rectum. Small, soft, thinly-shaped stools, after urging. i NAT RUM CARBONICUM. IO5I Ineffectual urging, with shooting pains in the anus (4th d.). Hurried urging, then a soft stool of the usual quantity; then rumbling in the abdomen, cutting below the navel, and constant straining, but only once a scanty evacuation (2d d.). [A^.] Violent, hurried urging, then a liquid stool, squirting out violently ( 1 5th d. ) . [A^-] 495. First a soft stool, then a diarrhoeic stool, with sore pain in the anus, preceded by pinching in the abdomen. [A^.] Four liquid stools, in half an hour, after colic and working about in the abdomen. [.A^.] Liquid yellow stool, with and after a violent urging, wdth pains in the abdomen, about the navel and burning and tenesmus in the anus. [A^.] Urging to stool at 3 A. m., the stool is first soft, then liquid, with tenesmus and burning in the anus. [A^.] Three liquid stools, with intense burning in the anus (15th d.). [A^^] 500. Pappy stool, after the emission of silent flatus, without strain- ing, with the cheeks burning hot. \_Lgh.'] Severe diarrhoea, first of thick mucus, for four days, which at last is more and more colored with blood, without pain, only some previous brief stomachache. \_Gr.'] Stool spotted with blood (aft. 21, 36 d.). Blood with the stool (aft. 14 d.). Hard stool, covered with blood, with shooting in the rectum at the time, followed by burning in the anus. [A^.] 505. Discharge of tape-worm, with the stool. [A^.] Before the stool, pinching in the abdomen (about the navel) ; during the stool, clawing in the anus. [A^.] Before the stool, a chill (aft. 4 d.). Before the evacuation of the soft stool, colic. Before the (somewhat hard) stool, cutting in the abdomen and sacrum (aft. 10 d.). 510. During the stool, pressing toward the genital organs. During the discharge of stool and flatus, pain in the rectum, as if there were hard lumps in it. In a stool which was not hard, cutting in the anus and rectum (19th, 20th d.). [A^.] After the stool, burning in the rectum (aft. 3d.). After the stool, burning and smarting in the anus (nth d.). 515. In the rectum, pressure and itching, as if varices were form- ing. ISr.l Itching of the anus (aft. 24 h.). Itching in the rectum. Smarting, burning itching on the anus. Formication in the anus (nth d,). [^Sr.] 520. Violent formication in the anus, as from worms (2d d.\ Cramp-pain in the rectum and below the navel (att. 31 d.). PreSvSive straining- about the anus. 1052 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Stitches in the anus (ist d.). Itching and severe stitches on the raphe of the perinaeum. 525. Tenesmus of the rectum and the bladder with coHc; after prolonged urging some urine was passed, with erection, which also continued later with tenesmus. [_Sr.'] Repeated urging to urinate, with slight discharge. ILg-k., 6-r.] Frequent urination, but onh' a little urine passes at a time (2d and 3d d.) [A^.] Repeatedl}', immediateh^ after micturition, more urging, with only little discharge (nth d. ). [A^.] Sudden urging to urinate, with stinging in the urethra, from behind foru^ard (aft. 3 h.). [A^.] 530. Constant urging to urinate, and with the last drops, cutting in the bladder and emission of mucus from the urethra. Repeated urging to micturition, with much discharge of urine. [Lg/i.] Frequent passage of water v urine, without anv especial thirst (aft. II d.). Frequent passage of urine, as if she had not passed any for days (ist d.). [A^.] Frequent profuse micturition, with discharge of 3'ellowish leucorrhoea at the same time. [A^.] 535. Discharge of urine much increased (12th d.). [A^.] Daily in the morning, two pounds of lemon-colored urine, for ten days. [►Sr.] Urine, very much increased, she has also to rise at night to pass it, at times with a burning in the urethra. [A^.] Nocturnal micturition. He has to rise three times at night to urinate, without having drank much (aft. 6 d.). 540. She has to discharge an excessive quantit\' of urine b}^ night, almost every half hour (aft. 3 d.). The child wets the bed at night. [///^.] The urine becomes turbid, and deposits j^ellow mucus. The urine becomes turbid, soon after it is passed. [A^.] Sour smelling, deep -yellow urine. 545. Fetid urine. Burning in the urethra, before and during micturition. [A^.] During micturition, burning and shooting in the urethra. During and after micturition, burning in the urethra. During micturition, tearing in the urethra (2d d.). 550. During micturition, erosion in the urethra (22d, 23d d.). LSr.] Immediateh' after micturition, much dripping of urine after- ward. In the region of the bladder and the groin, violent straining. In the urethra, twitching. Tearing in the urethra, with single tearing pain in the testi- cles, periodicall}^ for one hour. i NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO53 555. Burning in the urethra, when not urinating. \_Sr.^ Burning and erosion in the urethra, in the evening, [^r.] On and near the pudenda, itching. Stinging itching on and about the pudenda, as from vermin. Smarting, burning itching in the region of the pudenda. 560. Soreness between the scrotum and the thigh. On the glans, itching, inciting to scratching. [^Lg/i.^ Intense itching on the glans, compelhng him to scratch (aft. 3 h. and 3d.). [5r.] Inflammation of the glans and prepuce. Swelling of the glans. 565. The glans readily gets sore. Much collection of phlegm, behind the corona glandis. \_Sr.^ The prepuce w^as retracted in the morning, and the glans denuded. Itching on the prepuce. Inflammation of the prepuce. 570. In the scrotum, itching, not removed by scratching. [A^.] Shooting throbbing in the scrotum. [A^,] The left testicle is painful (aft. 28 d.). Pain in the testicle as from contusion. Painful stretching in the testicles and the abdomen (aft. 24I1.). 575. Heavy and pressive drawing in the testicle and the spermatic cords, more in the morning than in the evening (aft. 42 d.). Feeling of numbness in the testicles. Intense voluptuous excitation in a bath of warmed river- water; w^hen leaving it, burning in the palms (17th d.). \_Sr.^ The sexual impulse is excited, on touching a girl (loth d. ). [5r.] Sexually excited, in the morning, after drinking beer, fol- lowed b}^ a flat, sweetish taste in the mouth (25th d.). \^Sr.~\ 580. Intense impulse to seminal emission, in the evening and after dinner, without an actual voluptuous incitation; also after a meal, on crossing the legs; it disappears when walking about; in the evening, when lying down (9th till 14th d.). \_Sr.^ Intense, continuous erection, in the morning, on awaking (aft. 8 d.). Incipient erections, during the day (aft. 2, 3 d.). Erections, almost every morning, at times without any voluptuous excitement or sexual impulse; for three weeks. [5r.] Frequent erections, by day (7th d. ). [A^.] 585. Painful, continuous erection, in the morning in bed. [AV.] Weak erections (5th d.). The erections cease, in the after-effects of the medicine. [A^.] Pollution, in the morning, without any voluptuous sensation, with cutting and painfully tensive erection, lasting over an hour, the pain continuing even after rising (7th d.). [Sr.^ Painful pollution at night, while in sound sleep, from which he could not rouse himself (aft. 18 d.). [^Sr.] 590. Frequent pollutions in an old man (19th, 22d, 29th, 37th d.). I054 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pollution, without erection. Pollution, without anj^ lascivious dream. \_Lg-/i,^ Prostatic juice is emitted during urination (aft. 5 d.). Prostatic juice emitted during a difficult stool. 595. Imperfect coitus, short erection, quick emission of semen (2dd.). After coitus, throbbing in the genital organs. After coitus, pain behind the glans during erections. After coitus, much tendency to perspiration. After a (painful) pollution, next day he w^as cross, ill- humored, discontented, without disposition for anything, and without perseverance. [_Sr.'] 600. On the female pudenda, tearing on the side (aft. 6d.). Movements in the uterus, as if a foetus w^as there. Bearing down in the hypogastrium toward the genital organs as if everything was coming out of the abdomen, and as of in- cipient menses. Soreness on the female pudenda, between the thighs. Menses two days late, toward evening, like bloody water and very scanty. [A^.] 605. Menses 3 days late (the first days.) Menses too soon by one day. [A^.] Menses, 3 days too early (aft. 48 h.). Menses, 7 days too soon (aft. yd.). Menstrual flow stronger and more long-continued than usual. 610. Before the appearance of the menses, headache and straining in the nape. Before the menses, cutting, deep in the h^^pogastrium, with brief intermissions. [A-^.] During the menses, painful tearing and throbbing in the head. During the menses, in the morning after awaking, painful distension of the abdomen; after rising, it is relieved by a slight diarrhoea (12th d.). [A^.] During the menses, violent pain in the sacrum, but only by day. [Ng-.] 615. During the menses, bruised pain and tearing in the right hip (I2thd.). [A^^.] During the menses, prostration of the body, with nausea and loathing in the stomach. [A^.] During the menses, now a tearing pain, then a stitch, here and there, in the body. [A^.] During the menses, a chill with shaking, without subsequent heat, from 5 p. m. till in the evening, one hour after lying down. Leucorrhoea. 620. Much leucorrhoea, every time preceded by repeated attacks of colic and of writhing about the navel, da}^ and night, in every position, for five days. Thick leucorrhoea, after micturition, for four days (aft. 2d.). NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO55 Yellowish leucorrhoea, discharged with the (frequent, copious) urine (nth d.). [A^-] ^^^^^^^^ Constant tickling in the nose, not removed by scratching (12 Frequent sneezing, without coryza (aft. 13 d.). [Lg'/i.'] 625. Violent sneezing, with rush of blood to the head, and white stars before the e^-es. [A^.] Repeated, continual sneezing the whole day (nth d. ). [A^.] Obstruction of the nose, when talking. Sensation of obstruction in the nose (ist d.). [A^.] Obstruction of the nose, with hard, ill-smelling clots from one of the nostrils (aft. 14 d.). 630. Thick, green mucus comes from the nose, on blowing it [>Sr.] Yellow, fetid mucus from the nose (6th, 7th d.). [A^.] Coryza, w4th obstruction of the nose, so that she feels as if she would suffocate by night from lack of air, and has to keep her mouth constantly open ( I oth, iithd.). [A^.] Stuffed coryza (aft. 6 d. ). Violent stuffed coryza, especially after dinner, with frequent sneezing. 635. Coryza, with frequent intermissions, with burning of the eyes, from morning till evening ( 12th d.). [AV.] Very violent coryza (loth d. ). Coryza, now fluent, now stuffed (5th d.). [A^.] Fluent coryza, with much sneezing (2d d.). [A^.] Fluent coryza in the forenoon, it ceases in the afternoon. [A^.] 640. Extremely violent fluent coryza (aft. 11 d.). Severe fluent coryza, with chill all over the body; cold hands and cheeks, and hoarseness, without thirst lLg/i.~\ Dryness of the nose. Acridity in the windpipe (aft. 13 d.). Soreness in the trachea and in the throat (aft. 8 d.). 645. Dryness of the larynx. Dryness of the throat, sensible when speaking and respiring, when she walks in the open air (2d d. ). Stinging and roughness in the throat, with dry cough (5th d.). [A^^,] Stinging in the chest, with short breath (after eating pork). Intense feeling of roughness on the chest, after dinner, with pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, causing peevishness; after sleep- ing, he felt better, and while lying down the scraping on the chest was less; but after rising it returned, and he had with some effort to eject some clots of green, tenacious mucus. [.Sr.] 650. Rawness and roughness on the chest, the whole da}', worst in the evening, with pressure under the sternum, with oppression and palpitation; while eating, there was a remission of the rough- ness, but it soon returned with a dr}' cough, which increased the vScraping sensation, which was onh' transienth' relieved by the de- tachment of mucus; attended with thirst, chilliness, fluent coryza and hard, teUvSe, quick pulse (21st d.). \_Sr.~\ 1056 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Hoarse voice for two daj-s (aft. 10 d.). Complete hoarseness, so that he could not speak a loud word. Hoarseness and much cough. Cough and cor3'za, day and night; she felt heavy on her chest for seven daj^s (aft. 8 d.). 655. Repeated coughing, with a humming sound from the windpipe. Scrapy cough, at times with hoarseness, and at times heat in the hands (aft. 4 d. ). Scratchy cough, wnth sore pain in the whole chest and alter- nate hoarseness, heat and burning in the hands and the soles of the feet, bruised feeling in the lower limbs, lack of appetite, nausea, heat and profuse sweat during the night, without thirst and with constipation (aft. 2d.). Tickling in the throat, inciting to cough. [A^.] Cough incited by tickling ('3d d.). 660. Dry cough with tickling on the chest, in the morning (8th d.). [A'^.] Dr}^ cough with stuffed coryza, after catching a cold. Violent dry cough, more in the afternoon and in the evening, especially when he comes from the cold into a warm room. Cough, with wheezing on the chest (4th d. ). Brief expectoration, with rattling on the chest. 665. Cough, mostly in the morning, with sometimes salty, some- times fetid, purulent expectoration. Cough, with expectoration of greenish, purulent mucus, and sensation of roughness on the chest (25th d. ). [Sr.] Bloody expectoration, with the cough, in the evening (7th d.). [A^^.] Oppressed breathing, in the morning in bed. Asthma, in the forenoon (also after 8 d.). 670. Asthma, with great sexual excitation. First, asthmatic tightness of the chest, with hoarse, deep tone of voice, and scraping in the fauces and the larynx, then cough, short by day, at night fatiguing, rough and hollow, with sore pain in the beginning in the chest and windpipe, and throbbing rush of blood to the crown, with fermentation and rattling during respira- tion, relieved b}^ sitting upright; later with purulent, bloody ex- pectoration. In w^alking, she easily gets out of breath. When breathing, tension on the chest. Violent oppression on the chest, soon after a meal, for one hour. 675. The thorax is ver}^ sensitive in its lower part. [A^.] Pressure under the sternum, in the morning, when breathing deeply (22dd.). [5r.] Pressive sensation, as if a hard body was lodged between the the cardiac region and the scrobiculus cordis, with contraction in the abdomen, after dinner (3d d.). [A^.] Pressive pain on the left side of the chest, when not breathing. Pressure about the heart. 680. Cutting and bruised pain on the sternum, sometimes ceasing through moving about and through inspiration. [A^.] NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO57 Shooting pain in the side of the chest and the abdomen (aft. 2od. \ Shooting pain between the last false ribs on the left side, only when respiring. \_Lgh.'] Shooting pains in the chest and in the sides of the chest, at various times and on different days, sometimes aggravated when breathing, and sometimes so intense that she could not, at night, lie on the affected side. \_Ng.~\ Stitches in the chest, here and there, as from knives, when raising himself up from stooping, for three days (aft. 17 d.). 685. Shooting pain in the cardiac region, also in the evening, at times aggravated by inspiring. [A^.] Shooting pains below the left breast, vSo that she could scarcely breathe, with coughing (15th d.). [A^.] Drawing pain in the muscles of the chest (with tightness of the chest), mostly in the morning and evening. Frequent twitching on one of the left ribs, with sensation as if it would arrest the breathing; it goes off by breathing deeply (3dd.). [_Ng.-] Burning twitching, like electric shocks, in the right side of thechest (iQthd.). [A^.] 690. Throbbing, with burning on the left side of the chest. [A^.] Painfully shooting throbbing in the sternum, close above the xiphoid cartilage and then shooting in the right and the left breasts, in the evening in bed (3d d.). [A^.] Several times during the day, very painful cracking about the heart (7th d.). Palpitation on going up- stairs (ist d. ). She is awakened at night by palpitation, when lying on the left side. 695. Palpitation without anxiety, very easily excited. Palpitation of the heart in the evening, when lying down, and by day when sitting, when giving a strained attention (4th d.). [5r.] Anxious palpitation, when stooping (21st d. ). [Sr.'] Anxious palpitation, while writing, with a dull pressure in the forehead, and a chaotic sensation in the head (8th d.). \_Sr.'\ External stitches on the chest. [A^.] 700. Short burning, externally on the right side of the chest. Painful twitching in the region of the left clavicle. [A^.J Momentary pain in the sacrum, which for some time makes stooping and straightening oneself impossible (5th d.). \_Sr.'] The most violent pains in the sacrum, after walking. Pain in the sacrum, like a great heaviness, arising suddenly when sitting, and ceasing when moving about. [A^.] 705. Shooting and pain in the sacrum, only when sitting, not when walking. Sudden stitch in the sacrum, so that he could not move for a few minutes, in the evening (3d d.). [Sr.'\ 68 1058 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Cutting, burning and scraping in the sacrum. Bruised pain in the sacrum, equalh' violent, when at rest and in motion (9th d.). [^^-J Contused pain, on a small spot on the right ilium, when pressed upon (3dd.). [^\^.] 710. Sore pain in the sacrum, even when at rest, also when not touched. Sore pain on the inner side of the sacrum, toward the abdomen, equall}^ when at rest and in motion (2d d.). Pustules on the sacrum, very sensitive when touched. [A^.] Pain in the back (aft. 20 d.). Violent pains in the back b}" da}", but worse at night, so that she can only lie on her side, aggravated by speaking and b}' breath- ing deeply (7th d.). [A^.] 715. Tensive pain in the back, after dinner and at night, some- times onl}' when sitting bent forward, and then it ceases on stretching himself (ist, i8th d.). [A^.] Tension and drawing between the scapulae, in the open air, after taking off his coat, when the wind, blowing on him, was disagreeable to him. iSr.^ Straining and drawing in the back, extending into the arms, in single jerks, and terminating in a stitch, when sitting and Mng down. Drav^ing in the lower part of the back, as from incarceration of flatulence (aft. 18 d.). Tearing between the shoulders and in the left shoulder. [A^.] 720. Shooting and stitches in the back, at times out at the right side of the chest, in the evening, also at night, disturbing the sleep. [-A^.] Violent shooting between the shoulders and in the whole of the back, worse on inspiring, with tension in the spine, when moving the trunk, also in the evening, relieved when walking. Gnawing pain between the shoulders. [A^.] Bruised pain in the back, for several days, at times also in the evening after lying down, extending into the nape; or at night, waking her from sleep, and so A'iolent that she dares not turn over. Burning and shooting in the back, in the morning, ceasing after rising; but the back remains sensitive, and as if bruised (9th d.). [A^^.] 725. Tingling and itching formication on the whole of the back (aft. 2d.). Vesicles on the back, with intense itching, exciting to scratch, especiall}" in the evening, on undressing. [►Sr.] Pressure and shooting below the left scapula, with sensitive- ness when pressing upon it. [A^.] Burning and pressure on the lower end of the right scapula, frequentl}^ recurring; it disappears through moving about. [A'^.] Shooting on the right scapula, after dinner (7th d. ). [AV.] 730. Boring in the middle of the right scapula, as if extending to the xiphoid cartilage. [A^.] J NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO59 The nape is stiff, as if he had taken cold. Stiffness and paralysis in the nape. Tension in the nape, when sitting and walking, worse when moving the head. [A^.] Cramp-like drawing in the nape, with difficulty in moving the head (21st d. ). \_Sr.] 735. Drawing pain in the nape, when reading, with ill-humor and impatience (22dd.). \_Sr.^ Tearing in the muscles of the nape (ist d.). [A^.] A sudden drawing tearing in the neck, which made this, as it were, stiff, aggravated on moving the head. \^Sr.'] Stitches in the neck, oft-repeated, in the evening. [A^.] She felt the movement of the fauces when swallowing, in the back part of the nape. 740. Transient shooting pain in the nape. Paral3^tic, constant pain in the nape and between the shoul- ders, in the morning. [A^.] Cracking of the cervical vertebrae, on moving the head. \^Sr.~\ Purulent pock in the nape, only with sore pain when touched. [5r.] On the right side of the neck, constant shooting tearing (i6th, 17th d.). [JVg.] 745. A sw^elling as large as a pea, on the right side of the neck, continually increasing in size, and painful when touched; with hoarseness, failure of the voice, rawness and scraping in the throat, extending into the chest, increased by coughing and a pressure on the crown, so that she dares not touch it, for 5 days (aft. 11 d. ). [Sr.] Glandular swelling on the neck. The goitre increases in size. Severe pressure in the goitre. Severe pain in the shoulder joint, so that she could not raise her arm for 2 days. 750. Sensation of pressure on the top of the left shoulder, ceasing by pressing upon it, but recurring (4th d. ). [A^.] Drawing pain in the right shoulder- joint. Tearing and single tearing pains in the top of the shoulders, the pain in the left shoulder being at times so intense that she thinks she would die. l^Vg'.] Tearing in the left shoulder-joint, and thence down the arm into the little finger, at first aggravated by motion, afterward ceasing through it. [AJ^.] Shooting in the top of the shoulders, at times accompanied with itching. [A^.] 755. Bruised pain in the shoulder- joints The arm feels stiff, she cannot raise it. Great heaviness in the right arm, so that she cannot raise it. Tearing in the right arm, especiall}- in the shoulder. Tearing in the right arm, extending into the wrist-joint which pains intensely when at rest. 760. Tearing in the right arm, extending into the fingers, with I060 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. weakness, especialh' at night, with perspiration; it ceases after rising. [A^.] Twitching in the arms, repeatedly, involuntaril}^, b}^ day, so that she starts up. Griping and burrowing in the bone of the left arm, extending into the skin, where it terminates with burning; at noon, when taking off the coat (loth d.). \_Sr.^ The right upper arm is painful, so that he cannot raise it. Pinching in the muscles of the upper arms, disappearing by rubbing. [A^.] 765. Tearing in the right upper arm, and the two last fingers^ which fall asleep, at 3 A. m., only transiently removed by rubbing, but ceasing entirel}^ after rising. [A^.] Tearing pain on the posterior side of the left upper arm, as if in the bone. [A^.] Tearing in the middle of the upper arm, when standings Bruised pain in the upper part of the muscles of the left upper arm and in the upper part of the pectoral muscles, but only when touching them, and when moving the arm. In the elbow, a drawing pain, two evenings in succession, on lying down. 770. Tearing in the elbow, from the point of the elbow to its bend (istd.). [A^^.] In the left fore-arm, below the bend of the elbow, quivering (2dd.). [iVi^.] Cramp-pain on the outer side of the right fore-arm, not ceas- ing when moving it (aft. 4h.). [^^/2.] Drawing tension on the inner side of the left fore-arm, as if in a tendon. [A^.] Intermittent drawing on the upper surface of the right fore- arm, as if in a certain spot the skin was drawn upward by a plaster. [A^.] 775. Tearing in the fore-arms, extending into the fingers. [A^.] Stitch in the right fore-arm (aft. i}4 h.). \_Sr.'] Sprained pain in the right fore-arm, as if he had twisted it in working (5th d.). [A^.] Twitching in the hands, especially when she grasps anything. Twitching or sensation of twitching in the right wrist-joint. 780. Painful twitching on the dorsum of the right hand, in the morning [A^.] Straining drawing in the tendons of the dorsum of the right hand, relieved by pressing upon it (12th d. ). [A^.] Painful drawing in the ball of the right hand, when writing, with tension extending up into the fore-arm, on moving the hand, and sensitiveness in it then, and also when not moving it; ceasing, when he stretches his arm and hand. [A^.] Drawing tearing in the metacarpal bone of the right ring- finger, quickly going off, in the open air. [^r.] Violent tearing in the metacarpal bone of the right index, in the evening (nth d. ) . [A^-.] NATRUM CARBONICUM. 1061 785. Boring in the metacarpal bone, in the evening in bed. [Sr.^ Boring in the metacarpal bone of the right thumb, and then in the bones of the fore-arms (25th d.)- [■S'^-] Boring in the os pisiforme of the right hand, in the morning in bed, most acute when pressed upon or lying upon it (8th d.). [5r.] Stiffness in the left wrist- joint when holding anything, so that he had to lay it aside, and move his hand, which also pained him; with this, also stiffness in the nape (226. d. ). \^Sr.'] Heat and painful sensitiveness of the palms and especially of the finger-tips, when stroking or rubbing against any object (aft. 12 d.). 790. Burning in the palms. Swollen hands in the afternoon (loth d.). [A^.] The left hand goes to sleep, in the morning in bed (8th d.). Quivering, now in the hands, now in the feet, before and after midnight, in bed, always causing her to wake up. [A^.] Quivering of the hands, most violently in the morning (loth 795. Sweaty hands. Profuse sweat on the hands. The skin of the hands is dry and cracks easily (2 2d d.). [5r.] Dry, cold hands (aft. 9 d.). Chapped, cracked hands (aft. 13 d.). 800. Two red spots on the back of the hand behind the knuckles. Herpes on the left hand (aft. 14 d.). In the finger- joints a twitching sensation. Twitching in the left thumb. [i\^.] Pain as if a tendon between the ring finger and the middle finger had been torn loose, on lifting a vessel with the hand. [5r.] 805. Tensive drawing in the thumb, extending beyond the wTist- joint, often ceasing of itself, often through motion. [A^.] Cramplike tearing and clinching of the left index. \_Lo'/i.~\ Tearing in various fingers and on their back, where it ceases on rubbing them. [A^.] Shooting in the tip of the index, and at times with quivering also in the ring-finger. [A^.] A stitch just above the nail of the right thumb. [A^.] 810. Formication in the right thumb, as if it was going to sleep, at times with quivering. [A{^-.] Burning, as if she had burned herself with nettles on the back of the left middle finger, in the morning (i8th d.). [5'r.] Burning and itching, as from nettles, in the joint of the right index, with a nodule under the skin, in the morning, after rising (lothd.). [Sr.] Bloated fingers, several mornings (25th d.). \_Sr.'] Inflammation of the left thumb, and later an ulcerated blister on it. I062 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 815. White blisters on the index, with red areolae and burning as from nettles, [^r.] Small blister on the index, with burning as from nettles, dis- appearing after washing. [A^.] The gluteal muscles on the left side, twitch, when he is sitting down. [Sr.'} Tearing in the left natis, when standing; it disappears when sitting, in the evening. [A^.] Burning pain in the bend between the nates and the thighs, as from a rubbing pressure. [_Sr.'] 820. Dr}^ eruption on the nates and the coccyx, with intense itch- ing, in the morning, on rising. In the region of the right hip, drawing and pressure. [A^.] Tearing in either the left or the right hip, in the evening after lying down. [A^.] Tearing and shooting in the left hip, with cessation of the pains in the back, going off by moving. [A^.] Bruised pain of the left hip, on rising from the seat; it goes off when walking (5th d.). [A^.] 825. Violent shooting through the right hip, in paroxysms, while walking; she had to stand still and bend over, to relieve it (loth The low^er limbs feel heavy, while sitting (aft. 21 d. ). Great heaviness in the lower limbs (4th d. ). Straining in the whole of the lower limbs, when sitting and walking (aft. 5 d.). Bruised sensation in the legs (aft. 2d.). 830. The legs give wa}^ under him (aft. 11 d.). Sensation of coldness in the lower limbs, even by day. Tearing in the lower limbs, from the middle of the thigh, to the middle of the leg, on the outer surface, in the evening, when standing (ist d.). [A^.] In the right thigh, a twitching sensation darting downward. Twitching in the muscles of the thighs, suddenly, as if a worm was crawling over them. 835. Cramplike, intermittent tearing in the outer side of the right thigh, close to the knee. [A^/^.] Tearing in the left thigh, extending to the knee (18th d.). A violent stitch through the middle of the thigh, as with a knife, while walking (4th d.). [A^.] Painful weariness in the two thighs, as after a severe exertion (aft. 48 h.). Bruised pain in the anterior muscles of the thighs, as if the flesh was detached, but only when walking and when touched. 840. The hough is painful when touched. Acute pain in the right knee-joint, when treading (6th d.). Shooting drawing in the right knee, in the evening. [^Sr.] Tearing in the right knee, at night in bed, relieved by apply- ing warm cloths. [A^.] Boring in the right patella (ist d.). [A^.] NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO63 845. Sprained pain in the right knee, when walking (nth d.). Bruised pain in the knee-joints. Itching of the knee, with burning after scratching. [A^.] In the morning, from rising till the afternoon, dull shooting pain in the left knee, the tibia and thigh, when sitting and walk- ing (5th d.). A drawing in the leg, from the right knee into the feet, with restlessness therein. 850. Drawing pain, round about the legs, above the malleoli. A drawing in the right leg, in the evening. Pressive, cramp-like drawing, extending down the tibiae. Pressive drawing in the left calf, especially when walking. Burning drawing on the outer surface of the tibia, seemingly in the skin. [A^.] 855. Tearing in the right tibia, extending into the big toe, in which there was a tingling, as if it would go to sleep (ist d.). [A^.] Violent tearing in the calves and then also in the thighs, in the afternoon (18th d.). [A^.] Tearing on the lower part of both the legs, and on the anterior part of the feet. [A^.] Pinching and straining in the calf, as if too short, on moving the foot after walking. Boring pain in the tibia in the evening, when sitting; he does not feel anything when walking (aft. 17 d.). 860. Quivering in the calves, when sitting (8th d.). [A^.] Redness, inflammation and swelling of the left leg, with intense itching and gnawing, and with many itching ulcers with shooting pains. The feet are heavy (3d d,). Cramp-like pain in the right foot and in the toes (aft. sever, h.). Cramp on the inner side of the sole of the foot, when turning the foot inward. 865. Cramp in the right foot, at night (aft. 14 d.). Pinching and twitching in both heels (4th d.) [A^.] Tensive drawing in the dorsum of the right foot, ceasing by rubbing; in the evening when standing. [A^.] Cramp-like tearing in the dorsum of the right foot, near the toes, in every position (aft. 14 h.). \^Lg/i.~\ Cramp-like pressure, almost like tearing, in the sole of the left foot. IL^/i.] 8.70. Tearing in the outer malleolus of the left foot (2d d.). [AV,] Tearing and sensation of heat in the sole of the right foot. Tearing in the anterior part of the foot, worst when moving the toes (7th d.). [A§-.] Painful tearing in the extensor tendon of the right big toe; it ceases on rubbing it (ist d.). [A^'.] Shooting below the left external malleolus, when walking, for several days. [A^.] 1064 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 875. Shooting in the sole of the right foot, as from needle-pricks (6th d.). iNg.-] Dull stitch in the right tarsal joint (aft. >^ h.\ [6"r.] Violent quivering, back in the left heel, when walking. \_Ng.'] Throbbing and formication in the heels, as from an ulcer, in the evening, in bed. [A^.] Sore pain in the ball of the foot, on which there are corns, when treading (aft. 4 d.). 880. Formicating tingling in the right foot, when sitting; also in the morning in bed. [-A^.] The left foot goes to sleep, when sitting. [A^] Restlessness in the feet. Pricking in the soles of the feet. Burning of the feet, especially the soles, when walking. 885. Burning in the soles of the feet, in the evening; it ceases when in bed. [A^.] Burning in the soles of the feet. Swelling of the soles of the feet (aft. yd.) Feet quite cold (aft. 17 d.) Feet intensel}" cold, like ice. 890. Sweating of the feet, when walking (aft. sever, h.) Itching in the soles of the feet, especiall}^ in the balls of the feet. Itching and shooting on the soles and the heels. Black, ulcerated, suppurating bladder on the heel. \_Hg.'\ Between the toes, erosion and soreness. 895. Pain, like subcutaneous festering, in the left big toe. Tearing in the right big toe. [A^.] Tearing pains in the right big toe (loth d.). Formication in the right middle toe, ceasing when touched. Burning in the right little toe, when walking. [A^.] 900. Quivering and twitching in the left big toe. [A^.] Swelling of both the big toes, with a sort of violent tearing, as if with sore pain in it, which did not let him sleep. [_Lgh.'\ Painful burning itching, on both the big toes. \_Lgfi-~\ Red spot (as from contusion), on the big toe, and from there occasionally a tearing extending backward, along the side of the sole of the foot. In the corn, intense stitches. 905. Drawing pain in the corns. Boring pain in the corns Itching as from fleas, all over the body. [Rl.'] Itching and biting as of fleas in the region of the beard, and on the chin, on the back, the chest, the back of the hand and the bend of the elbow, inciting to scratch. [Sr.'] Severe itching on the body, in the evening, on Ij^ng down, till he fell asleep (7th d.). \_Sr.] 910. Stinging itching on the hypogastrium and on the thighs, es- peciallj" in the afternoon. Itching on the arms and the lower limbs (aft. 15 d.). I NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO65 Itching on various parts, at various times, ceasing on scratch- ing. [AV.] Itching, returning after scratching, on the back and on the ball of the thumb. [A^.] Itching, not removed by scratching, on the right side of the abdomen, the hip, and the left hough. [A^.] 915. Itching, with pimples after scratching, which burn at times, on the nape, on the outer side of the left leg, and in the bend of the left elbow. [A§-.] Intense itching with wheals after scratching, on the abdo- men, the sexual parts and the lower limbs. Itching pimples and lumps on the hairy scalp, the chest and the abdomen (aft. i8 d.). Red vesicles filled with a humor, with sore pain when touched, in the bend of the elbow, and of the groin. \^Sr.~\ Blistered spots on the tips of all the toes and the fingers, as if scalded, enclosing the nails all around, as if to take them off by suppuration, l^g.} •920. Shooting in the affected spot. The herpes exude a purulent fluid, and becomes larger and worse. The warts begin to pain, at the least pressure. The wart begins to bleed, it becomes larger and goes off in three w^eeks. Incipient warts. •925. The skin of the whole body becomes dry and rough, and cracks open here and there. Dryness of the skin (aft. 3d.). Troublesome dryness of the skin, by night, especially after midnight. Ready to take cold, and from it coryza. Readiness to take colds, and thence colic and diarrhoea or coryza (aft. 10 d.). 930. Dislike of the open air, it is repugnant to her. Fear of taking cold (2d d.). When walking in the open air, he gets headache and coryza. After walking, thirst (2d d.). Increased sensitiveness of the body, every motion is painful to her. [A^.] 935- When rising from her seat, everything pains her; this disap- pears again on walking. [A^.] Cramplike tearing, especially in the arms or the lower limbs, also in the whole of the body, unchanged by motion and rest (aft. 6. h.). [Z^/^.] Tearing up and down in the limbs, mostly in the joints of the knees and the ankles. Tearing in the joints of the shoulders, elbows and wrists. A pain, more tearing than shooting, in the joints of the arms and the lower limbs, chiefly in the evening on lying'down, and at night, often awaking from sleep. 940. Sensation of tearing and bruising in the limbs (^yth d.). IC66 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Drawing in the joints, and after awaking from sleep, paralytic feeling of the same (aft. 4 d.). Drawing and stretching in the legs and in the jaws, and a. drawing in the teeth, at night (aft. 21 d.). Twitching in the limbs (aft. 48 h.). Twitching or twitching sensation in all the joints. 945. Twitching and threatening in the whole body, with sensitive mood. Muscular twitching, and quivering in one place or another in the bod}^, on the scapulae, the calves, the eyelids and the arms. Jerks in the lower limbs and the lower part of the body. Readiness to overlift himself; after lifting an3^thing heavy, at once a twitching pain, starting from the sacrum and spreading all around it, with great lassitude after it (aft. 12 d. ). Most of the troubles arise when sitting, and pass off bj^ motion, pressure or rubbing. [A^.] 950. Unsteadiness in walking, stumbling, slipping Emaciation, with paleness, dilated pupils and dark-colored urine. Bloated in the whole body, in the morning; better in the after- noon. Painful tension of all the nerves, especially those of the head,, with nausea. Restlessness in the evening, in the arms and the lower limbs, with extension and stretching of the same (2d d.). 955. Disagreeable sensation of illness in the whole body. [-A^.] Attack in the evening: everything gets black before his eyes, with paralytic tearing pressure in the head, the e3^es and the jaws, with weak consciousness and confused, incoherent thoughts, for one and a half hours; then formicating pain in the lips, the right arm, and especially the right hand and finger tips, especially of the thumb; he is readily startled (13th d.). The child complains of colic and nausea, looks very pale, and has to lie down; after an hour's sleep it is over. Great heaviness and prostration of the whole of the body, in the morning (7th d.). [A^.] Feels heavy and broken down in his limbs. [A^.] 960. Heavy and lazy, in the morning on rising, while in bed, she woke up bright. Very laz}^, in the morning. Very lazy, with a sensation as if everything on her was on a stretch, and her face and hands swollen, when at rest; by motion it is relieved (8th d.). [A^.] Dislike of moving; motion also aggravates the ailments. No desire for exercise. 965. Inclination to lie down (aft. 5 d. ). Walking is hard for her; she is languid and pale (aft. 24 h.). Great lassitude in the lower limbs and heaviness in the arms (also aft. 20 d.). Lassitude in all the limbs (aft. 3 d.). Great lassitude, for a week, after three days' toothache, with fever (aft. 5 d. ). NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO67 970. Lassitude, in the morning (aft. 9 d.). Lassitude in the whole body in the morning, the thighs feel broken in the middle. [A^.] Great lassitude, especiall^^ in the legs, from the afternoon till evening (5th d.). [Ng-.] Sensation of paral3^sis in the limbs, in the morning, on awak- ing. Weakness and lack of strength in the arms and the lower limbs. 975. Great weakness, unto death, by day; the head feels very wear}^ (aft. 36 d.). Great lassitude and drowsiness, by day (aft. 2d.). Tired and weary, she fell asleep by day, while sitting at her work. Drowsiness by day, with yawning. Drowsiness bv day, with yawning, while sitting and reading. 980. Constant troublesome 3^awning, the whole forenoon. [-A^.] Yawning, lachrymation and drowsiness; he had to lie down, and slept more than a quarter of an hour, but onl}^ in a slumber (loth, nth and 12th d.). [^r.] Frequent ^^awning, in the evening (the first days). lSr.~\ Great drowsiness in the forenoon; instead of his usual noon- day-nap, onl}^ a short light slumber (2d d.). [Sr.^ Very sleepy in the morning; he finds it hard to get up at seven o'clock (the first days.). \_Sr.~\ 985. Can hardly be waked up in the morning from his half slum- ber. Very sleepy in the afternoon, with yawning; she would like to go to sleep at once (2d d.). [A^.] Irresistible sleep, in the afternoon (aft. 11 d.) He falls asleep late in the evening and with difficulty (the first days). He was late in falling asleep in the evening, though he was sleepy ( i st d . ) . [Sr. ] 990. She cannot fall asleep for several hours, in the evening in bed. When he went to bed, in the evening, sleep went from him, nevertheless he soon fell asleep (the first 6 days.). \_Sr.~\ Heavy, deep, dull sleep. Very sound sleep, the first days, then restless for several nights. \_Sr.^ Restless night, she awakes often, and can onl}^ get to sleep with difficulty (aft. 7 d.).[A^.] 995. Sleeplessness during the whole night, she could only lie on the left side. [7V^.] Sleeplessness at night, though without anxiet}-; but yet with- out being able to open the eyes (aft. 10 d.). Extremeh' uncomfortable, restless night; he rolls over and over twenty to thirty times (aft. 13 d.). Sudden awaking about midnight, as if somebody pulled him by his nose. [A^.] I068 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Frequent awakening from sleep, as if bv noise or fright. looo. Awakes at 2 or 3 a. ^i. without cause, and soon falls asleep again (the first 8 d.). [6^;'.] She woke up at i a. m. and could not fall asleep again, be- cause she could not find am^ comfortable position. In the evening in a half slumber, a fantastic illusion; as if soldiers marched about before her in the air; she roused herself several times, but the forms again appeared at once, and onh' dis- appeared when she rose up and walked about (ist d. ). [-A^.] Sleep full of dreams, at night. Man}^ dreams and chilliness in sleep. 1005. Mam' ver}' vivid dreams in sleep (aft. 10 d.). Restless dreams at night, and frequent awaking. Mam- varied dreams ever}' night, chiefl}' about occurrences and things spoken of the evening before; the first twent}^ da3'S, the dreams were easih- recalled on awaking, the following days, onh^ recalled by reflection. \_Sr^ She lies all night beset b}' fancies. Confused, voluptuous dreams, in a restless sleep, with violent erections and pollutions. loio. Voluptuous dream (^ 13th n.). [^A^.] Voluptuous dreams at night, with a pollution and great voluptuous excitement, after being half waked up by a thunder- storm, so that he was almost led to onan3^ [^?'-] Agreeable, amorous dreams, the first twent}' days, about mar- riages, amusements, etc. [5;-.] Anxious dreams, during the last time, about straying, killing a man, etc [6"?'.] Annoying dreams; he ought to travel and cannot move from the place \SrP\ 1015. Dreams about traveling, but she could not go; something like a nightmare held her back (aft. 7 d.). [A^.] IMany disquieting dreams during the night. Sad, vivid dream of a funeral procession. \_L,gh?^ Very anxious dreams, in the first sleep. Anxious, frightful dreams of danger from water, fighting, robbers, devils, etc. [A^.] 1020. Anxious, confused dreams, immediateh' after falling asleep, from which he wakes up after an hour, with inflated stomach and drj' tongue. Anxious dreams of a deceased person; whom she imagined she saw before her, even after she was awake, so that she cried out (3dn.). [AV.] Anxious, frightful, vivid dream about thieves, he wakes up with a loud scream; he is hardh' able to convince himself, after awaking, of the causelessness of his fear (aft. 6 h.). Restless nights, with frightful dreams. Frequent starting from sleep. 1025. The person is startled, twitches and starts up from the siesta. She talks aloud in her sleep, after midnight, without being conscious of it in the morning. [AV.] NATRUM CARBONICUM. IO69 In the evening, when falling asleep, pressive blows in the upper part of the head. In the evening, when going to sleep, lightning flashes before his ej'es. In the evening, after lying down, a pressive toothache, for several evenings. 1030. At night, when half asleep, and when awake, pressive pain in the teeth. At night, dryness of the throat and the tongue, without thirst. At night, colic wakes her from sleep. At night, violent colic (the first n. ). After an hour, he awakes with stagnation in the splenetic region and oppression above the breast and stomach, as from flat- ulence. 1035. At night, before going to sleep, an anxious feeling, as if his whole body had become immensely thick and heavy, for a long time. lLg-/i.^ At night, she coughs very much, complains about scraping in the throat, and sleeps very uneasy. Several mornings, on stretching her legs in bed, cramp in the calves. In the night of full moon, a sort of nightmare; he could not move when he waked up (aft. i8 d. ). Nocturnal attack of vertigo, with slow, strong heart-beats, roaring before the ears, heat and anguish as if about to die; by the least movement or by talking a few words, increased ebullition of blood; at the end of the attack, a chill and trembling. 1040. Orgasm of the whole body, at night, which made him so much afraid of the approach of an apoplectic fit that he had get up several times from his bed. She cannot lie on the sides, for palpitation of the heart. She can only lie on the right side by night, because her left side is painful (aft. 7 d.). [A^.] At night, restlessness in the left leg and foot (aft. sever, h.). At night, restlessness in the lower limbs; she could not let them lie still. 1045. The whole night, restlessness in the body; she could not fall asleep before morning, while she had to urinate an inordinate quantity. At night, restless sleep, with stretching and twitching in the limbs (aft. 18 d.). In the evening, when going to sleep, a violent starting, espe- cially of the left lower limb, as if through fright. [Lo/i.^ At night, in sleep, now there is twitching of the finger, now of an arm, now of the facial muscles, then of the whole body. At night, striking and tossing her hands; when awake she knew nothing about it. [A^.] 1050. Chilly, the wdiole day, and no stool (15th d.). Cold hands and feet (aft. 5 d.). Constant icy coldness of the feet, especially in the lOJO HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. and evening-; when going to sleep the coldness is mostly attended with heat of the face, violent heart-beats and apprehensiveness. Cold hands and feet, with hot head. Constant chilliness, in the morning, after rising, he could not get warm (aft. 20 d.). 1055. He could not get warm in the morning and evening. Chill and shudder, all over the bod}', in the forenoon, for a quarter of an hour (13th d. ). [A^.] A shaking chill, often sudden, without subsequent heat, in the forenoon {9th d.). [A^.] Chilliness, in the evening (12th, 13th and 14th d. ). Chilliness with thirst, all day (9th and loth d.). \_S?'.^ 1060. Constant chilliness, for several da^'s. [A^.] Attack of fever, with pressive pain, at first in the temples; numb feeling of the head, and pressure in the e3'es; then urging to vomit, with coldness in the whole body, especialh^ on the chest and the arms; in bed, by covering warmly it is somewhat better; but for some time stretching of the bod}', yawning, stiffness of the neck, with alternate chilliness and flushes of heat, without con- stant heat or thirst afterward continue (aft. jA h.). \_Sr.^ Shudder, in the morning, after awaking, it ceases after rising (2dd.). [A^.] Shudder, in the morning, alter rising, and also frequently in the afternoon (7th d. ). [A^.] Shudder, from morning till evening (ist d.). [-^^.] 1065. Febrile rigor on the whole bod}-, the whole da}', with cold hands and warm cheeks; but in the evening with icy cold hands, red, glowing cheeks, and hot forehead, without thirst. \_Lg/i.^ Febrile rigor on the whole body, from morning till evening, with hot hands, cold cheeks and lukewarm forehead, without any thirst. [L^-Zi.] Shudder in the back, in the evening after lying down, with- out subsequent heat. [A^.] Chill, in the evening, after lying down, without thirst, with burning in the abdomen, for }{ hour; then heat and sleep; then about 3 A. M. awaking in a profuse sweat, with thirst till morning; he cannot bear uncovering (ist d. ). [A^.] Shudder, at 5 p. m. ; after lying down, heat with thirst (jth d.). [A'ir.] 1070. Shudder, in the evening, before lying down; in bed, there is heat; he cannot bear to be uncovered (3d d.). [AV.] Thrill of heat with drawing pain, from the nape of the neck over the back (2 2d d. ). [_S7\~\ Frequent thrill of heat, and with this, quite ill-humored, sad and anxious; then very much fatigued and weary, for j/2 hour. Heat for a short time, with weariness, in frequent paroxysms. Heat and perspiration, all over the body, without thirst, with general exhaustion, in all positions. 1075. He perspires inordinatel}', when moving about, even in cool weather. He perspires at once very profusely, especially on his back, when he walks or exercises otherwise (25th d.). [5;-.] NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO71 Fatiguing perspiration on the body, especially on the hands (aft. 37 d.). The perspiration burns him, especially on the forehead, where the hat touches it. [vSr.] Night- sweat for several nights. [080. Profuse sweat, the first night. Morning-sweat (also aft. 9 d. ). Sweat toward morning, with thirst, for several days. [A^.] NATRUM MURIATICUM, CHLORIDE OF SODIUM, COMMON SALT. [Half an ounce of ordinary kitchen salt is dissolved in an ounce and a half of boiling, -distilled water, in order to free it from its associated salts, it is filtered through printing paper, and left to crystallize by evaporation at a temperature of 122° Fahrenheit. The crys- tals, which are allowed to dry off on blotting paper, are of cubical shape with pyramidal indentation on evei-y side. One grain of these crystals is triturated to the one millionth attenuation, and then brought to the decillionth attenuation, as indicated in the first part of this work.] There is hardly any pure experience of the real medicinal effects of common salt in diseases. Where it has been given, indeed, with quick effects, e. g., in spitting of blood and in other haemorrhages, the enormous quantity given (a tablespoonful swallowed at once) manifestly only acted as a violent, diverting counter-irritant upon the stomach and the intestines, in the same way as a mustard plaster, applied on the calves or the arms, by the stronger pain it causes, serves at times to produce a sudden temporary cessation of toothache. If, furthermore, as experience teaches, all substances that should have the power of healing diseases, must, on the other hand, be able to affect injuriously the state of healthy men, it would be hard to see how all nations on earth, even those only half-civilized, should have daily used salt in not inconsiderable quantities, for so many thous- ands of years, without experiencing any deleterious effects on the human health (as indications of its healing powers), if it is really able to ultimate such effects openly and plainly. Lind, indeed, de- rives scurvy in long sea-voyages from the use of salt meats on board of ships; but this is improbable, as many other morbific causes co- operate to develop this cachexy. If we then assume, that common salt in its natural condition, shows no injurious effects on the human health, when used dail>- in moderate* quantity, we ought not to expect from it any curative *The fact that very salty food, when eaten in r.V(rss, excites heat and thirst, while as mnch salt as will lie on the point of a knife, when taken by a 1072 HAHXEMAXX S CHROXIC DISEASES. effects in diseases. Xevertheless, the greatest medicinal virtues lie- hidden within it. If there is then any proof convincing even the most dim-sighted,. that the preparation of drugs, pecuhar to Homoeopath}', opens, as it were, a new world of forces, T^hich hitherto have lain hidden by na^ ture, this proof is surely afforded by the transformation of common salt,, so indifferent in its crude state, into a heroic and mighty medicine,, which, after such preparation, can only be given to patients with the greatest care. What an incredible and yet actual transformation L apparenth- a new creation I Pure common salt ('dynamized like other homceopathic material powers') is one of the most powerful antipsoric medicines, as may be seen by the peculiar effects on the human body, which are recorded below. This remed}- has proved itself especialh- efficient, where the following were among the conditions presented: Sadness, solicitude and apprehension about the future: anxieties; tendency' to be startled: peei'ish irritability; violence; vertigo, in which all objects seems to whirl about, and the patient tends to fall forward; vertigo with jerks in the head and difficult}* in collecting oneself; weakness of memory; inabilit}' to think; much feeling in the head; headache with dizzijiess; daih' heaviness of the head, especialh' in the occiput, closing the e^'elids; headache in the morning; pres- sure in the whole head and in the temples: headache in the morning^ on awaking; headache, as if the head would burst: tearing, shoot- ing headache, compelling one to lie down, stitches above the e3'es; pressiA'e pain above the eyes; stitches in the parietal bone; throb- bing and drawing in the forehead; throbbing in the head; hammering headache; beating and throbbing in the head, on moving the bod}'; scurf on the head; pimples on the forehead; pain from excoriation in the eyes; inflammation of the eyes; glue}' matter in the outer canthi; nocturnal closing of the eyes by suppinration; lachrymation; acrid tears: closing of the eyelids every evening: ever}'thing be- comes black before the eyes, when walking and stooping; sudden obscuration of the eyes, when a tearing, shooting headache sets in; dim-sightedness, like feathers before the eyes; gauzy before the eyes, so that he cannot see at all; long-sightedness; double sight; the letter's in reading are blurred; black dots and streaks of light before healtliy person, thirsty on account of the Avant of drink, reHeves his thirst, — this single experience seems to give some hint of a certain injurious effect of crude cooking salt, and also to indicate some corresponding homoeopathic heal- ing virtue. But we must consider, that also other substances, seemingly indif- ferent, Tvill, when taken in excess, become hurtful. NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO73 the e3xs; incipient amaurosis; shooting in the ears; beating and throbbing in the ears; pus discharged from the ears; tingHng in the ears; ringing of bells in the ears; humming and roariJig in the ears; hardness of heaidng; lack of smell; pain as of subcutaneous festering in the cheekbones, when chewing; itching in the face; pimples in the face; herpes about the mouth; sw^elling of the upper lip; chapped^ cracked upper lip ; blood-blisters on the inner side of the upper lip, pain- ful when touched; frequent swelling of the submaxillary glands; den- tal fistula; blister on the tongue; chronic sore throat, feeling as if she had to swallow over a lump; hawking of mucus; expectoration of mucus, in the morning; putrid taste in the mouth before breakfast; sour taste in the mouth; bitterness in the mouth; eructations; sour eructations; offensive eructations, after partaking of fat or milk; heartburn; burning rising froiii the stomach; lack of appetite; loss of appetite for bread; excessive appetite, morning and evening; ravenous hunger, with fullness and satiety after but little eating; intense de- sire for bitter things and for bitter beer; loathing of fat viands; con- stant thirst; while eating, sweat in the face; after eating, e^npty eructation; after eating, heartburn; after meals, nausea; waterbrash, with writhing sensation about the stomach; waterbrash, and then sour vomiting of food; vo7niting of food; pressure in the stomach; pressure in the stomach in the morning; pressure in the stomach with nausea and sudden sinking of the strength; pressure in the scrobiculus cordis; cramp in the stomach; pain of the scrobiculus cordis, when pressed upon; pit of the stomach, swollen and painful as if festering beneath; griping in the pit of the stomach; jerks in the scrobiculus cordis; cramp in the diaphragm when stooping; stitches in the hepatic region; stitches below the left ribs; pain in the splenetic region; pressive pain in the left hypogastrium ; iyiflation of the abdomen; swelling of the abdomen; rigidity in the left side of the abdomen; daily colic; iyicarceration of flatus; rumbling in the abdomen; \o\x^ growling iji the abdomeii; constipation every other day; chronic costiveness; difficult evacuation, with tearing shooting pain in the anus and rectum; too frequent stool; chronic soft stools; burning in the rectum during stool; burning at the anus; shooting pain in the rectum; excoriation and throbbing in the rectum; varices in the anus; pain of the varices in the anus; involuntary passage of urine, when walking, coughing and sneezing; micturition at night; discharge of mucus from the male urethra; secondary gonorrhoea; excessive excitation of the sexual parts; excessive excitation of the fancy, tending to sexual intercourse; impotence; menses too long; 77ienscs too copious; 7nenses too soon; retarded menses; menses too late and too scaiity; headache during, before and after the menses; peev- 69 I074 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. ishness before the menses; before the 7nenses, melajicJioly ; at the ap- pearance of the menses, sadness; during the menses, spasmodic pains in the hypogastrium; itchiyig in the pudendiim; aversion to coitus, with woman; leitcorrhoea; acridity of the leucorrhoea. Stoppage of the nose; stuffed coryza; dryness of the nose; coryza and sneezing; abortive sneezing; hoarsenees; hawking; mucus on the chest with coughing; rattHng on the chest; morning-cough; cough from tickHng, when walking and taking a deep breath; chronic, short cough; spasmodic, suffocative cough, in the evening in bed; during coughing, headache, as if it would split the forehead; shortyiess of breath in walking fast; asthma during manual labor; wheezing, when respiring in the evening in bed; tightness in the chest; tensive pain in the chest; shooting in the chest, when taking a deep breath; shooting in the chest on coughing; palpitation with anxiety; palpitation at every movement of the body; shooting in one of the breasts; sharp drawing through the hips and the sacrum; cutting in the sacrum; paralytic bruised pain in the sacrum; draw- ing pressure in the back; tensive pain in the back; weariness in the back; pressure in the nape; goitre; crusts in the axilla; paralytic heaviness of the arm; weariness of the arms; burrowing pain in the upper arm; stitches in the wrist-joint; the fingers are asleep and tingle; pain in the hip as if dislocated; drawing pain in the lower limbs; painful sho7'tening of the tendons in the houghs; herpes in the houghs; weariness in the knees and calves; ulcerative pain in the ankles, when touched or when treading; heaviness of the feet; burn- ing and swelling of the feet; pressive drawing in the limbs; ailments from much talking; bad consequence of vexation; ill effects of acid food; ill effects from eating bread; tendency to strains and sprains; distended veins; corns; emaciation; ready to take cold; awkwardness of bod}^; laziness after rising, in the morning; lassitude; hysterical lassitude; drowsiness by day; sleep full of fancies; aiixious dreams, with weeping; heavy dreams at night, waking for hours, or difficulty in falling asleep again; nocturnal thirst; nocturnal pains in the back; nocturnal trembling in the nerves; nocturnal, hourly micturition; frequent internal chill; restlessness with chill; constaiit chilliness and lack of vital warmth; coldness of the hands and feet; perspiration on walking; perspiration, too ready and profuse on moving about; morning-perspiration; intermittent fevers mismanaged by abuse of quinine. Natrum muriaticum, when prepared as indicated above, can be advantageously repeated, after an intermediate remedy, if it con- tinues to be homoeopathically indicated. Camphor has little power in antidoting too excessive effects of NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO75 this antipsoric; the frequent smelling of sweet spirits of nitre has far more effect. Some contributions are by Dr. Rummel, RL; others by the late Dr. Roe hi, Rhl.; but the greater number by Dr. Schreter, in Hungary, Sr. and Dr. Foissac, in Paris, Fc.^ NATRUM MURIATICUM. Sad and dejected (after an eruption of nettle-rash). Very melancholy. Subdued spirit. Melancholy mood; he cannot remove from his thoughts in- juries he has inflicted on others, or which have been inflicted on him, which depressed him so much that he had no pleasure in anything (2d d.). [.Sr ] 5. Melancholy dejection and sorrowful anxious despondency all day, without any known cause, with unceasing palpitation, with- out bodily ailment (gthd. ). Sudden but short attacks of melancholy. Sad and sorrowful. He sorrowfully torments himself, by continually looking for disagreeable ideas, which weakens him. For hours, immersed in thoughts, as to what would become of him 10. In his thought he constantly recalls former disagreeable oc- currences, so as to worry himself by thinking about them. She takes everything in bad part, and weeps and cries. When alone, she calls up disagreeable thoughts and has to weep. If she m.erely thinks of troubles past, tears come into her eyes. From the looks of everyone, he concludes that people pit}^ him for his misfortune, and he weeps. 15. He had to weep as soon as anyone merely looked at him. She has to weep involuntarily. Anxious disposition to weep. Much inclined to weeping and excited. Very much disposed to weep, with dislike of working. 20. He was only the more agitated, when an^^ one tried to console him. Attacks of entire hopelessness and internal despondenc3\ which take away all her strength. Hypochondriac, even to being tired of life (2d d.). Anxiously solicitous about the future. Anxious about becoming insane. iThe pathogenesis in the first edition, appearing in its fourth vohime (1S30). already contains (beside Hahnemann's own observations on patients), syniptonis from Roehl, Schreter and Rumniel, of which it is expressly stated, that they were obtained from healthy persons with the thirtieth potenc3^ The addition here from Foissac and from Hahnemann himself are probably of the same kind respectively. — Hughes. 1076 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 25. He is afraid he will have to die. She often looks into the looking-glass, and thinks she looks wretched. Sudden anxiety and palpitation, for three forenoons. Anxiety, as if she had done something wicked, with heat and night-sweat. Anxiety and restlessness, alternating with indifference. 30. His gladness is very transient. Joyless. He is not cheerful at all, and yet readily moved to laughter. Indifferent and sad. Indifferent and anxious. 35. Unnatural indifference. Dryness of manner. _ Too lazy to talk. Taciturn, he hates to answer. {^Sr.~\ Very lazy, and indisposed to work. 40. Dislike of work. In the midst of his work, he suddenly loses all pleasure in it. He only dallies, and cannot be induced to do any serious work. Not disposed to anything; he would like to only fold his hands or to go to sleep, in the afternoon (2d d,). [5r.] Dislike to work, although inclined to acute thought. 45. Impatient scratching of the head. Hastiness. Anxious hastiness. Great excitement, and then falling asleep and dying off of the limbs. Great irritability (at once). 50. Lack of discretion. Lack of independence. His mind is much affected by a conversation. Very much inclined to be startled. In the evening, he was, as it were, paralyzed by a fright, then he became horrified and apprehensive. 55. Extremely cross, peevish and taciturn. Peevish, irritable, quarrelsome, ill-humored. Offended at a joke. Apt to be peevish and abrupt; he does not endure opposition (for several evenings) . He feels peevish and avoids company, because he foresees that he might easily annoy others. [_Sr.'] 60. Vehemence, without any particular cause. Vehemence about trifles, toward evening; in the forenoon, taciturn and lazy. [Sr.'j He is easily carried away to anger. Every trifle excites him to anger. Injuries which he had inflicted on others, or which others had done to him, always dwelled in his thoughts; he could not get rid i i NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO77 of them, and this annoyed him, so that he had no pleasure in any- thing. [5r.] 65. She can get thoroughly vexed and excited about trifles. Passionate vehemence (ist d.). [^Sr.~\ Angr}^, passionate, vehement. Hatred against persons, who had formerly offended him. [5r.] Ver}^ passionate (2d d.). 70. The spirit is more tranquil, and free from care, than at other times (curative effect). Internal contentment, hopefulness, mildness (curative effect) (5th d.). [Fc] Cheerful, merry and in good humor (2d d. ). Very cheerful, toward evening; she would have liked to dance and sing. She laughs so violently, about things in no wise ludicrous, that she cannot check herself at all; tears come into her eyes, so that she looks afterwards as if she had been weeping (i8th d.). 75. Striking inclination to laugh, in the evening. Striking alternation of peevishness, crossness and extreme weariness, w4th alternate cheerfulness and lightness of the limbs. Weakness of thoughts, dullness, discouragement. Dullness and lack of thought, with drowsiness, worst in the afternoon from 3 to 7 o'clock. Absentminded, introverted. 80. Absentmindedness; she makes slips of the tongue. He cannot keep his thoughts together, to reflect about any- thing, as his thoughts keep roving to other matters. \^Sr.'] Difficulty in thinking, she had to think a while, before she could hit on the right thing. He did not have his thoughts under his control in the even- ing (14th d.). Absentmindedness; he does not know really what he ought to say. 85. Absentmindedness; he twice went to the place, where he wished to look for something. Readily makes slips of the tbngue. He makes slips in writing. lyost in thought; he went out at the door, without desiring to do so, and being asked. Where? he first became conscious of it. Tardy, slow in considering and resolving. 90. Irresolution in doing mental work; he cannot easil}' find his way. \_Sr.~\ Awkward; a small object, which he holds in his hand, drops down, and he knocks against things. [^Sr.] Memory very weak; he retains everything only as if in a dream. lyOss of memory; he could not recall anything about yesterday and was afraid he had lost his mind (5tli d.). Forgetful; it is hard for him to recollect, when he wishes to reflect about anything. \_Sr.'] 1078 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 95. He cannot recall, what he wanted to write just before (2d d.). [5r.] In following out a thought, he suddenly forgets what he thought of, and has nothing but fragments of ideas remaining. Lack of memory, so that he thought his mother (present con. tinually) had died, because he did not remember to have seen her. Numbness in the head, after a brisk walk. Numbness in the head, on reflecting. 100. Numbness in the head, as if stupid, and as if his head did not belong to him. Numbness of the head, which soon changes to pressive pain in a temple, with dry heat of the body. Numbness of the head with dull pressure in the temples, but most when pressing upon them (7th d.).) Emptiness of the head, with apprehensiveness, Weakness of the head, as after much whirling around in a circle. 105. Gloominess in the head, after taking a walk. Dizziness in the head, in the morning, after rising, this passes off, after lying down again for a w^hile. Dimness in the head in the afternoon; bright in the forenoon. Reeling, which obscures the eyes, when stooping and rising again. Reeling as from vertigo, intermittent, especiall}^ on moving the head, coming like a thrust from the vertex to the forehead, which momentarily takes her consciousness, no. Vertiginous feeling, as if she would be thrown over (3d d.). Vertigo, in the morning, on raising herself in bed, like a swoon; she lost her consciousness, and she often had to lie down again. Vertigo on rising from bed, and on walking. Vertigo on turning around (4th d.). [^/.] Vertigo while walking (ist d. ) 115. Vertigo when walking; everything turned around her in a circle. Vertigo, which presses dowm the head, while sitting. Headache, when turning and twisting the head around. Headache in the forehead, during and after sneezing. Headache from sneezing and coughing; it at once ceases on pressing together the head. 120. Headache when running, or violently exercising the body. Pain in the forehead, on making quick movements. Headache from cold air. Headache, which ceases when walking. Headache, in the morning in bed, ceasing on rising, for several mornings. 125. Heaviness of the head, at once on awaking in the morning, with reeling numbness. Great heaviness of the head, especialh' when talking or re- flecting. Heaviness and pressive pain in the forehead, above both the eyes (13th d.). NATRUM MURIATICUM. 1079 Dull, Stupefying, pressive headache, in the morning, immediately on awaking, till noon. The head feels as if lacking in firm cohesion, but without any particular pain. 130. Dull headache, almost constant. Dull pressure in the forehead, with gloominess. [►Sr.] Troublesome sensation as if something was twisted in the head, in the forenoon, especially on turning the head (2 2d d.). Headache from nausea, from morning till evening. Headache from nausea, with pressure in the forehead, in- creasing from the afternoon till bed-time. 135. Intense headache from nausea; she had to lie down, and on rising was threatened with vomiting and swooning; the least step was felt in the head; in the evening at eight o'clock the pain suddenly disappeared, but weakness of the head remained. Pressive headache. Pressure above the eyes and in the temple, with numb feeling of the head (2d d. ). Pressive pain above the left eye. Pressure in the occiput ( 6th d. ) . 140. Pressive pain in the forehead (aft. sev. h. ). Pressive pain, uninterrupted, in the forehead and the crown. Sore pressure in and above the forehead. Hard pressure in the forehead and the temporal bones, when walking in the open air. Dull pressure in the forehead and the eyes, as if the head was asleep, when resting it upon the arm. 145. Pressure in the brain, outward at the eyes, relieved by press- ing upon them. [Sr.'] Pressure and straining headache in the forehead. Pressure and pushing outward of the brain out of the skull, in the temple, the forehead and the ears (3d d.). Straining pain, as if the head would burst. Compression starting from both temples, as if the head was in a vise (3d d.). \^Sr.'] 150. Compression of the brain from all sides, with heaviness of the head. Compression in the temples, especially while reading and writing, with pressure on the crown. \_Sr.] Compression of the skull and pressure in the centre of the head. Contractive pain in the whole brain, in the morning. Contraction, twice, in the occiput, behind the ears, with stitches in the head. 155. Tensive sensation in the brain, which is always intensified after an affective leave-taking. Tension in the left temple, as from fullness, more in the even- ing than in the morning. Fullness in the head, which, as it were, prCvSses the eyes out- ward. Drawing pain, externalh^ in the head, from one side across the cheek, toward the incisor. I080 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. P^ine drawing pain, from the root of the nose upward, with heaviness of the head. 1 60. Fine drawing and pecking in the forehead, to and fro, in the morning when rising. Stitches in the head. Stitches in the occiput, as with knives. Shooting pain above the forehead. Shooting pain from the forehead to the occiput, which takes all her appetite away. 165. Shooting pain on the crown, it goes off when resting the head on the hand. Stitch through the head, from behind forward, as with a knife, when coming from the open air into the room. Fine shooting pain on the vertex, with burning. Fine shooting pain on the parietal bone and on the forehead. Fine pricking pain above the forehead, as from needles. lSr.~\ 170. A dull stitch from the upper part of the head through the brain, extending into the palate. Dull shooting pain in the parietal bone in the evening, while eating. [i?/z/.] Dull shooting pain in the left side of the head, as from a nail, at night. Dull shooting pain and as if gnawing the bone, in various parts of the head. Shooting on the head between the right occipital protuber- ance and the mastoid process. 175. Boring pain on the side of the head and on the occiput. Fine beating headache in the forehead (15th d.). Intensel}^ pulsating headache, with heat in the head and face, and nausea and vomiting (17th d.). Sense of looseness in the left side of the forehead, with dull shooting pain. The brain seems loose; on shaking the head, there is a shoot- ing pain in the temples. [^Fc.~\ 180. Concussion in the brain, when running fast, like a momen- tary jerk or pressure. The headache in the sinciput is much aggravated by contract- ing the brow, for some moments, and then the frontal bone is painful, as if sore when touched. Ebullition of blood to the head, with perspiration on the fore- head, at noon. [vSr.] Much heat in the head and face, in the afternoon. Heat in the head, with inclination to refresh it bj^ dipping it in cold water. 185. Heat of the forehead, with pressive headache. Sensation as if the head was thick and swollen internall3^ The parietal bone pains as if bruised, when touching it. Pain in the upper part of the head, like soreness of the skin. When the head is touched, sore pain, as if the hair ached. 190. On a spot on the head, formerly injured, there was pain when touched C7th d.). Contraction of the skin on the crown. NATRUM MURIATICUM. I081 Motion of the scalp from the nape of the neck toward the forehead and back again.- Sensation as if the head was in a net (i6th d.). \^Rhl.'\ The head nods forward involuntarily. 195. Transient burning on the top of the head. Sensation of coldness on the crown, with painful sensitive- ness of the scalp and pressing together of the eyelids. The head readily takes cold, he has to wrap it up continually. If he leaves the head uncovered by day, he has stoppage of the nose at night. Sweat on the head, only in the morning, w^hen rising from bed. 200. Sweat on the head, at night, on awaking. Itching on the hairy scalp, he has to scratch often (2d d.). [5r.] Intense itching on the head and in the nape. Itching on the head and in the whiskers, he has to scratch. Itching eruption on the hairy border of the nape and of the temple, as well as in the eyebrows. 205. Scurf on the head. {RhWl A little hard knot in the middle of the forehead and on the nape, with burning pain when touched. Miliary rash on the forehead, only perceptible, when touch- ing it. [5r.] Rough skin on the temples. The hairy scalp smells bad, musty; the hairs stick together. 210. Falling out of the hair. The hairs come out when he merely touches them, even 07i the whiskers (2d d.). \Sr.'\ The border of the left orbit is painful as if contused, but only when touched. \_Sr,'\ Sensation in the eye as of sand in it, in the morning. Pain of the eye, as if a foreign body was lodged in it. 215. Tension in the eyes. Pressure above the right eye, as if from a swelling, aggravated by raising the eyebrows, for one and a half days. Pressure in the eye, in twilight. Pressure in the eye. Pressure in the right eye. 220. Pressure in the eye, when looking sharply at anything. Pressive pain in the eyelids. Itching of the eyes in the inner canthus, and lachrymation. Itching of the eyes, he must rub them. {Sr^ Itching in the eye. 225. Itching in the outer canthus of the left eye (aft. % h.). Severe itching in the left inner canthus. Itching, shooting pain below the left e3'e (aft. 10 h.). Shooting in the right eye (7th and 14th d.). [i?/.] Shooting in the canthi (aft. 4 h.). 230. Boring pain in the e3'e. Erosive pain in the e3"es. I082 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Burning pain in the eye, in a small point. Severe burning in the eyes, in the evening (17th d.). Drv burning of the eves, in the evening, when writing. [5r.] ■ 235. Burning in the inner canthus, he must rub it. [5/.] Redness in the white of the eyes, with lachr5'mation (3d and 4th d.). Redness and inflammation of the white of the e3'e, with sen- sation as if the e^^eballs were too large, and were pressed upon. Inflammation of the e^^es and lachr3^mation at every slight breeze. Soreness on the right lower e^^elid. 240. Constant tendenc}' to ulceration and intense redness of the lower ej'elids. Large st\' in the inner canthus of the right e3'e. A small pimple on the edge of the lower e^'elid, not in the Meibomian glands. Lachrymation, in the open air. Smarting tears in the eyes, in the morning. 245. xVcrid tears, making the canthus red and sore. The e3'e is agglutinated in the morning. Dr}' sensation in the eyes, as after long weeping (when driv- ing out). [5r.] Sensation of dryness in the inner canthi, with pressure, in the evening. Twitching in the ej-es, frequently by daj^ and then intense itching of the same, compelling him to rub them. 250. Twitching in the outer canthus of the left e3'e, especially in the evening (4th d.). Trembling of the upper and the lower ej'elid, for several w'eeks. Violent quivering of the e^'es. The right eyelid opens spasmodicalh^, with a pressive pain, when she wants to go to sleep; and then the upper lid trembles. Spasmodic closing of the eyelids, in the morning w^hen rising, in the evening-twilight and at night; even when she keeps her e3'es closed, she feels the contraction. 255. Dimness of the e3'es. Dim-sightedness, in the morning. Dim vision, as if he had to wipe his e3'es (aft. 6 h.). Dim vision, as if the e3^es were covered with mucus. Dim and dark before the eyes. 260. Dimness of the e3^es, when walking in the open air, as if he looked through a dim glass. Gauz3^ before the e3'es. All objects seem to him covered with a thin veil. Unsteadiness of the gaze, things are confused before the sight. The letters and also the stitches in sewing become blurred, so that she cannot recognize an3'thing for five minutes. 265. The eyes do not become clear at once in the morning. Looking at white objects, she sees everything indistinctly, as if looking through feathers. NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO83 His vision fails him. [^^r.] His vision fails him, when reading and writing, he feels a pressure in the right e5'e, extending into the head; this ceases after some walking about. \_Sr.^ Objects are only visible on the one side, the other is dark. 270. Short-sightedness (4th and 9th d.). She cannot clearly see in the distance; it looks like rain before her ej'CS. She becomes long-sighted. A small, fiery point before the eye, ^vhich goes with it, w^herever she looks. Fier}^ points before the eyes, when walking in the open air. 275. She sees a fiery zigzag around every object. Many light and shadowy points before the eyes. Intermittent ear-ache. Ear-ache behind and in the left ear. Pressure behind the ear, when drinking fast (3d d.)- [.•Sr.~\ 280. Stitches in the ears, in the forenoon, when sitting quietly (2dd.). Drawing stitches in the right ear. Dull drawing and shooting pain in the ear, and thence down into the neck, extending into the shoulder-joint. Burrowing, obtuse shooting pain in the right ear, during swallowing and at other times. Toothache, with many stitches, draws into the ear. 285. Constant itching stitch in the right lobule. Itching in the interior of the right ear. Itching on the lobule. Itching behind the right ear and then long-continued burn- ing. [JiM.] Hot ear or lobule, for several days. [^/.] 290. Heat of the left, weak ear, for several evenings. Redness, heat and swelling of the left concha, with burning pain. Swelling of the meatus auditorius and burning of the ear. Burning of the ear, for many days. Itching, miliary eruption behind the ear, for several days (21st d.). 295. Small pimples behind the left ear (i6th d.). Deafness (7th d.). Hardness of hearing (6th, 7th, 17th d.). A blow in the left ear, and then long tingling in it. Singing in the left ear (at once). 300. Humming before the ears, in the morning on awaking. Roaring before the ears, in the morning in bed, and when sitting. Sudden rushing sound through the ears. Painless cracking in the ears, when chewing. Fluttering in the left ear as of a butterfly, during dinner. 305. On the root of the nose in the canthus, ever}^ time he blows his nose, a certain spot (the lachrymal sac?) becomes inflated with air, and is then painful, especially when touched (2d d.\ [S/.'] 1084 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Quivering and muscular twitching on the left side of the root of the nose. Boring pain in the nasal bones, especiall}- in the root of the nose and toward the cheek-bone. \^Sr.~\ Burning in the nose (and the e3^es). Redness, heat, inflammation and swelling of the left ala of the nose; with sore pain in blowing the nose (2d d. ). [6'r.] 310. Inflammation and swelling of the left half of the nose, with itching and a sore pain when he touched it, and a sensation as if the left nostril was contracted (24th d. ). Internal soreness of the nose. Soreness and swelling of the interior of the alae nasi, and many pimples on them. Loss of sensibility and dying off of inner half of the nose. Itching in the right nostril, as if a worm was boring through it. 315. Itching of the left ala nasi. White pimples around the nose. Many erosive vesicles on the root of the nose, which turn to scabs. Below the septum of the nose, small burning pimples, with the sensation as if an acrid fluid flowed from the nose (4th d.). She expels much coagulated blood from the nose. 320. Very frequent bleeding of the nose. Bleeding of the nose, when stooping. Profuse bleeding of the nose, when coughing at night, with bruised pain in all the limbs. In the bones of the face (the cheek-bones) and on the ear, pressive pains. Drawing pain in the right cheek-bone. 325. Bruised pains in the zj'goma, especiall}- when touched. Visible twitching of the muscles of the face. Face shining as from fat. Face earthy sallow. Yellowish complexion, with much pain in the hypogastrium 330. Redness of the left cheek, ever}^ day, especially in the after noon. Much heat in the face. Swelling of the left side of the face and of the lips. Itching in the whiskers, he must scratch them. [Sr.'] Eruptive pimples in the face. 335. Pimples on the forehead and nose (7th d.). Boil on the left cheek. Furuncle above the eye, discharging much pus. The hairs of the whiskers fail out. \_Sr.'] The lips are numb and tingle, especially in the evening. 340. Tearing shooting pain extending from the upper lip over the cheeks into the ear. Burning on the red of the upper lip. Sore sensation of the commissures of the lips, on opening the mouth. Swelling of the upper lip and the tip of the tongue, with in- tense burning on it, which wakes him from sleep at night. NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO85 Swelling round about the lips, with great blisters on them, the red part is sore and ulcerated, and the tongue is covered with erosive blisters. 345. Eruption on the red of the lips, with erosive pain. Many blisters on the red of the lower lip, which, w^hen the lip gets wet, burn with erosive pain. Blisters, which turn into scurf, on the red of the low^er lip. Small painful pimple on the upper lip, below the septum of the nose (2d d.). Small pimples around the mouth form a sort of herpes, which covers itself w4th a crust, which comes off after a few da3-s, but for two weeks it leaves a red mark behind it (aft. 6 d. ). 350. Eruption on the commissures of the mouth (25th d.). A small ulcerative pimple on the right commissure, which is most painful when touched (3d d.). An ulcerative commissure of the lips. Scaling off of the skin on the red border of the upper lip. Dry, cracked lips. 355. The lower lip gets parched and peels off, in the evening; it becomes painfully sensitive and when sneezing, it cracks in the middle. Deep, painful fissure in the middle of the upper lip. On the chin, a red itching spot, which after rubbing became ulcerated. Itching, miliary eruption on the chin, for several days. The lower jaw is painful when touched. 360. Compressive pain in the articulation of the jaw, before the ear, worst when the mouth is distended [^Sr.] Drawing pain in the lower jaw (loth d.). Tearing in the left lower jaw, extending into the temple, as well as in the parotid and the submaxillary glands, with occasional boring and pinching in the bones near the glands, worse at night; she had to bandage her cheeks to get relief. Dull stitches in the articulations of the jaw. [^Sr.'] The submaxillary glands pain, when stooping forward. 365. Pain of the submaxillary glands, as if they were swollen, squeezed or contused (aft. 30 h.). Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks for many daj'S. Great sensitiveness of the teeth to cold. Acute pain in the teeth, on drawing in air. Pain of the teeth, when striking against them with the tongue, and in chewing. 370. Pain in the teeth, as if something was lodged in them, that should be got out. Toothache in an empty socket and in the adjacent teeth, which is relieved by touching and b}^ firm pressure. Pressure and squeezing pain in the upper teeth, for several hours. IS/.^ Dull pressure in a hollow tooth. Pressure and fracture in the teeth, coming from the left molar bone, wath a sensation as if he could not get his teeth quite together. [^Sr.] I086 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASKS. 375. Breaking, stretching and drawing in a hollow molar, and going thence into the throat and the fauces, so that she can neither open the mouth, nor swallow, nor speak a loud word; the pain extends also into the ears, where there is itching and shooting; worst in the evening and before midnight. Dull drawing in the teeth. [5r.] Drawing toothache after eating and at night, then swelling of the cheeks. Violent drawing in the right row of teeth. Drawing toothache, with stitches even to the eye, every other day. 380. Shooting pain, merely in the hollow or carious teeth. Shooting pain, now in this tooth, now in another, every fore- noon for an hour. Shooting in the teeth and on the sides of the head, with stitches out at the ears, from morning to evening (loth d.). Shooting and throbbing pain in a front tooth. First a throbbing pain, then drawing, extending into the ear, as if it would go out there, with much heat of the face and swell- ing of the gums; while the teeth are higher and longer, after midnight. 385. Throbbing pain and burning boring in a front tooth. Throbbing and boring in the teeth. Boring in a tooth. Sore pain in the teeth. Numb sensation of the teeth, when pressed upon ; it feels as if they were too long and did not fit on one another. [kS?".] 390. The teeth feel higher and longer. Loose teeth. Looseness and painfulness of the front teeth. Dullness of the teeth. The caries of the teeth rapidly increases. 395. Ulcer on a tooth on the inner side of the right jaw, more pain- ful when not eating (7th d.). The gums are exceedingly sensitive to hot and cold things. The gums excessiveh^ sensitive; there is a shooting pain, when she strikes against them with the tongue. Drawing pain in the gums, now above, now below; it also swells and is very painful when touched. Inflammation and swelling of the gums, with swollen cheeks. 400. Swelling of the gums, above a hollow tooth. Swelling of the gums, every morning for a few hours, she could not chew on the side. Swelling and sore pain of the gums. Swelling and sore pain on the posterior side of the gums of the upper front teeth. Painful swelling of the gums. 405. Swelling of the gums, painful when touched, and bleeding readily. [Sr.~\ Bleeding of the gums, for many weeks. [5r.] Bleeding of the gums. NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO87 Swelling of the gums, painful b}^ day and by night, for three weeks. Blisters and soreness in the mouth, ver}^ painful. 410. Ulcerated spots in the mouth, on the gums and on the tongue, on these food and drink causes a smarting pain. Blisters on the tongue, with a burning pain when eating. Swelling under the tongue, with shooting pain. Sensation of soreness in the tongue, also when not eating. The tongue feels numb and stiff, in the one half of it. 415. Tingling in the tongue; it fell asleep. Sensation in the tip of the tongue, as if it was tremulous. Heavy tongue. It is difficult for him to talk, he has to make an effort for it; seemingh^ a weakness in the organs of speech, coming from the hypochondria. Sore throat, as from a swelling of the submaxillar}^ glands, wdthout swelling. 420. Sore throat, worst in the morning and evening. Sore throat, like a plug lodged in the throat, w^hen swallow- ing. Sensation of a plug lodged in the throat, also when not swallowing, and of rawness, wdth burning pain and with an anxious sensation as if everything would be closed by swelling. Sensation of a plug lodged in the throat and of soreness in it, especially at night, waking from sleep, with an anxious feeling as if the throat would be closed by swelling. Cramp in the pharynx; in swallowing, she could neither move the morsel forward nor backward, so that she almost choked. 425. The pharynx seems constricted, deglutition is difficult. Constriction of the right side of the throat, with frequent yawning, causing pain, extending even into the nape, which became stiff from it (3d d. ) [Sr.~\ A jerk, when drinking (not when eating), in the region of the xiphoid cartilage, which also pains when touched, as if a plug was lodged there. Shooting, sometimes pinching pains in the throat, from the larynx to the ear. Tendency to choke in drinking. 430. She chokes, when laughing while she is drinking, so that the drink squirted out of the nose, and she almost suffocated. Shooting in the left side of the throat, when swallownig either saliva or food. Stitch behind the right tonsil, toward the ear, when yawning. Shooting and burning in the throat, like inflammation, with elongation of the uvula and impeded deglutition. Smarting in the fauces, as from inflammation and constriction, when swallowing. \_Gff'.~\ 435. Erosive, scratching pain in the parotid gland, only when drinking. Lukewarm drinks seem to him cold, during deglutition, as if from heat of the throat. 1088 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Ulcerated spot in the fauces, during sore throat, with putrid inflammation and dark-red swelhng of the gums. Dryness in the fauces (3d d.). [Sr.^ The tongue quite dry, without thirst. 440. Gathering of sahva in the mouth, in the evening in bed, causing him to choke, which brings on a violent impulse of cough- ing (ist evening.) Constant gathering of water in the mouth, he had to spit out continually. Water}^, tasteless saliva in the mouth (at once.) Blood}^ saliva. Much mucus in the back part of the mouth. 445. Much mucus in the throat. Constant hawking of mucus, with smokers of tobacco. [wSr.] Hawking up of green mucus from the fauces, for two morn- ings. [J^/iL'] Loss of taste for a long time. Water}^ taste in the mouth, in the evening, with lack of thirst and scanty secretion of urine. 450. Flat water}^ taste in the mouth, with lack of appetite; but the food has a pretty good taste. Flat taste in the mouth in the morning, with 3^ellowish coated tongue (3d d.). \_Sr. Papp3', viscid taste, but with good appetite, and good taste of the food (aft. 4, 5 d.). Bitterness in the mouth. \_Sr.~\ Bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning. \_Sr.'] 455. Bitter taste of food (at once.) Bitter taste of tobacco, when smoking. Putrid taste in the mouth, in the morning. Putrid taste and smell in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth, in the morning. 460. Thirst, and yet hardly any desire for drinking. Much thirst in the evening (3d d.). [^Sr.'] The beer tastes flat and watery, in the evening. Putrid taste of water. Loss of appetite and repugnance to eating. 465. Repugnance to coffee. No appetite for meat. Repugnance to r3'e-bread. All desire for smoking tobacco, to which he was thoroughly accustomed, disappeared, he cannot smoke at all. Smoking tobacco makes him perspire and tremble. 470. No appetite in the evening. Lack of appetite, in the evening, with loathing and nausea after eating. Appetite in the mouth for eating, but no hunger. No appetite and no hunger, unattended with bad taste. Ver}^ little appetite, but this comes when eating. 475. Much appetite, and 3'et but little relish for food (the first days. ) NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO89 No appetite, she feels too full, yet she relishes what she eats. Desire to eat, without any particular appetite, and then full- ness. Frequent sensation of hunger. [^S^.] Sensation of hunger in the stomach, in the afternoon, after drinking water, but without appetite, [i^/z/.] 480. Sensation of intense hunger, as from emptiness in the stomach, and yet no appetite (ist d.). \_Sr.~\ Intense sensation of hunger, like emptiness, awakes him in the morning, with restlessness. Great hunger, she must eat much during the day (3d d.) He has to eat often, for after an hour, he is hungry again. [5r.] Too much appetite for supper. 485. Painful sensation of hunger in the stomach, and yet satiety comes at once when eating. [7?/z/.] Feels overful, in the afternoon. After a meal, nausea, for half an hour. After eating without appetite, nausea and a fit of cramp of the chest. After a meal, acidity in the mouth for half an hour. 490. After every meal, acidity in the mouth and dryness in the throat. After supper, heartburn. After dinner, burning, rising up from the stomach, and sour eructation, for two afternoons. After eating bread, eructation for 24 hours. After a meal, long after, taste in the mouth of the food eaten, especially with food somewhat sourish. 495. After a meal, he long retains in his mouth the taste of the food eaten, or he smells it in his nose. After eating, hiccup. After dinner, pressure and fullness of the stomach. After eating and drinking, fullness and inflation of the gastric region. After eating and more yet after drinking, inflation of the abdomen and sensation of relaxation, as if everything in it was loose. 500. Immediately after a meal, inflated abdomen, heat in the face, slumber, then taste in the mouth as from herbs, with stupefaction and intoxication in the head. After a meal, compressive griping in the pit of the stomach. After a meal, sore pressive sensation in the stomach. After a meal, rumbling in the abdomen. After eating and drinking, pinching cutting in the abdomen. 505. After eating, a numb feeling in the head. After a meal, pressive sensation in the forehead. After supper, compression in the forehead. \_R/iL~\ After being thirst)^ and drinking some warm milk, in the morning, immediately, heat in the whole body and tremulous- ness. 70 logo HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES . After dinner, inclination to lie down, drowsiness, and in- . ability to think (aft. 6 h.). \_Rhi:\ 510. After dinner, drows}^ but the sleep is only a light slumber. \_Sr.-\ After little more than his usual supper, many confused dreams of crimes, for which he with others was called to ac- count. After meals, quick pulse and palpitation. After meals, quick pulse, with anguish and oppression of breath. After dinner, intermission of the pulse. 515. Before eating, great drow^siness. After eating, he feels for several hours quite exhausted, and has to lie dowm. Abortive eructation. Empty eructation, from time to time. \_Sr.'\ Empty eructation after every meal, or in the open air. 520. Eructations tasting of the ingesta, even after several hours. Bilious belching up. Sour regurgitation of food. Belching up of sour liquid, late in the evening. Sour, scrapy regurgitation of the ingesta. 525. Eructation, with scrapy heartburn. Sourish scraping in the fauces. Like scraping heartburn in the throat. Heartburn, the whole day, worse in the evening. Hiccup (ist d.). [5r.] 530. Violent hiccup. Hiccup for several days (aft. 25 d.). Nausea and qualmishness in the scrobiculus cordis, every morning from seven o'clock to noon. Nausea, wdth burrowing in the scrobiculus, every morning at eight o'clock for two hours. Nausea about noon, as from ravenous hunger. 535. Nausea, frequently at various times, not hindering from eating. Nausea, as soon as she presses on the painful spot. Inordinate nausea, after drinking a beverage she liked, so that she had to lie on the right side, by which it was ameliorated. Nausea, immediately after a meal, in repeated attacks, with heaviness of the head, and frequent bitter eructation, for two hours. Inclination to vomit, in the morning, for several minutes. 540. Inclination to vomit, w4th much hawking up of mucus, during the (customary) smoking of tobacco. [5r.] Inclination to vomit, with writhing and turning in the stom- ach. {Rhir^ Inclination to vomit, after breakfast (3d d.). \_S7\'\ Retching with nausea, and entire exhaustion of the vital power, after the warm beverage at breakfast, which she liked; without vomiting. J NAT RUM MURIATICUM. IO9I Waterbrash, almost every day, after meals, at times re- peatedh\ 545. Waterbrash, after pressure on the stomach, following on meals, then nausea, followed by vomiting, first of food and lastly of bile, with colic. In the stomach, dull, disagreeable sensation, relieved by stooping. Sensation at the upper orifice of the stomach and behind the sternum, as if a foreign body were lodged there. Weight and tension, transversely across the parts below the scrobiculus cordis. Sensation as if the scrobiculus was swollen hard, in the after- noon, with tension across the hypochondria. 550. Pressure in the gastric region. Pressure in the stomach, in the morning, like a cold. Pressure in the stomach, extending into the chest, for four and six hours after dinner, for a quarter of an hour. \^Rhl.'] Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if some hard body were tightly lodged in the stomach, compelling to deep respiration (at once). \_Sr.'] Pressive and dull shooting pain in the scrobiculus cordis, dowaiward. 555. Pressive pain below the scrobiculus cordis, above the navel, relieved by pressing upon it. \_Rhl.'] Oppression in the scrobiculus cordis, when standing. Feeling of anguish in the scrobiculus cordis. Cramp in the stomach, toward evening, through the night, till next morning. Contractive cramp in the stomach at 3 p. m., with sensa- tion of coldness in the stomach and back, till evening (4th d.). 560. Contractive pain in the region of the upper orifice of the stomach, in paroxysms. Colicky pains in the stomach, with nausea, in the morning on awaking. \_Rhl.~\ Beating in the scrobiculus cordis, like heart-beats. Pain as after a blow, on the left side near the scrobiculus cordis, sensible also when touched. Shooting in the scrobiculus cordis (loth d. ). 565. Small stitches on the right side near the stomach, daily about 2 or 3 p. M. Very painful pricking in the stomach. Burning in the scrobiculus cordis, in parox3'Sms. \_RhI.'] At times heat, then again coldness in the scrobiculus cordis. Small, red spots on the skin in the precordial region; when touched there are fine stitches which compel rubbing; and later there rise up itching pustules. \^Rhl.'] 570. In the hepatic region, a violent pressive pain. Feeling of stiffness in the hepatic region, when bending the trunk to the left side. Painful tension in the right side of the abdomen. Pinching pain in the right hypochondrium (19th d.). [i^///.] 1092 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pinching pain in the right side of the abdomen, making it intolerable to lie on the left side (15th d.)- 575. Drawing pain in the hepatic region. Dra^Ying pain in the hepatic region, downward; then pinching below the navel. Shooting in the hepatic region, while sitting, ever}^ afternoon at two or three o'clock. Scraping sensation in the hepatic region. In the left h3^pochondrium, straining, as from incarceration of flatus, in the afternoon. [5r.] 580. Pressive boring in the left hypochondrinm, and then gloomy, pressive headache. Shooting pressure in the left hj'pochondrium, mostly when walking fast. Shooting in the left h5'pochondrium, when breathing. Burning pain in the hypochondrinm, toward evening. The abdomen is often inflated and feels full. 585. Inflation of the abdomen from drinking, with splashing there- in. \_Sr.^ Tension about the abdomen, as from flatulence, relieved by eructation. Tension about the hips, as if ever3^thing was too tight; she had to loosen her clothes. Pain in the hj^pogastrium as from a load, sensible when walk- ing. Pressure in the hypogastrium, everj^ morning for a quarter of an hour. 590. Pressure in the epigastrium. Constant discomfort and dull pain in the hypogastrium, as from indigestion in the bowels, which often becomes noticeable by a short pressure or pinching, with a sensation of an arising flatu- lence, which goes off as fetid flatus (aft. 2d.). Colic, in the morning on awaking, as from spasmodicall}^ in- carcerated flatulence, with tensive pressive pain, with severe itch- ing about the genitals; after a brief sleep, it all went off, without emission of flatus (aft. 36 h. ). Squeezing together in the left side of the abdomen, while w^alk- ing and when l3"ing down. Contractive pain in the abdomen, toward evening; she had to bend double; relieved b}' walking. 595. Twitching contraction of the abdomen, in the morning, in bed. Contractive hypogastric pains, like labor-pains, with lassitude. Colic resembling labor-pains while driving out. Drawing like labor-pains in the hypogastrium, extending into the thighs. Drawing pain in the umbilical region, toward the thighs. 600. Drawing, pinching pain in the left umbilical region, extending into the rectum and anus. Pinching in the abdomen, as from worms, in the evening (17th d.). Pinching pains in the abdomen, every afternoon. NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO93 Pinching in the flesh}^ part, first below the short ribs, then below the navel. Pinching in the epigastrium, with gastric pains. 605. Frequent pinching, dail}^, in the whole epigastrium, in the sides of the abdomen and toward the sacrum. Pinching pain in the abdomen, and as if sore, in the morning in bed, then pressive pain and as if sore in the back and in the scapulae, ceasing after rising. Shooting pinching above the navel. [7?/^/.] Pressing pinching in the epigastrium. [7?/^/.] Cutting colic, in the morning in bed, for several mornings. 6io. Cutting pains in the abdomen, in the morning, on rising from bed. Cutting pain in the abdomen, beginning in the morning, but w^orse in the afternoon. Cutting in the abdomen, with rumbling. Constant stitches in the left hypogastrium. Pain in the abdomen, as if everything would be torn. 615. In walking, the intestines of the hypogastrium are painful, as if they were loose and too heavy, and would fall out. The inguinal region is painful, when rising from the seat, and when walking briskly (aft. 11 d.). Sprained pain in the left groin. The inguinal hernia protrudes. Swelling of an inguinal gland. 620. He is much tormented by flatulence, which inflates the abdomen. Incarceration of flatus. Flatulent colic, especially when moving (almost at once). Much generation of flatus, and tension and stitches thence in the abdomen. The flatulence moves about in the abdomen and its sides, without discharge; with it, heaviness of the head, roaring in the upper part of the head, humming before the ears, and stoppage of both nostrils. 625. Fermentation in the abdomen. Gurgling in the abdomen, as from diarrhoea. Grumbling and growling in the abdomen, for many weeks. Too frequent emission of flatus. Sourish smelling flatus. 630. The flatus smells of rotten eggs. Emission of flatus is followed by diarrhoea (12th d). [^/.] Stool, only after ineffective urging. Ineffective call to stool. It keeps back the stool during the first da3^s. 635. Hard stool everv other day, she has to strain much (aft. 15 d.). Hard stool every two or three days, with straining and otten after tenesmus. Hard, dry stool. Frequent small stools, during the day. Irregular, insufficient stool. I094 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISK ASKS. 640. Violent tenesmus, without evacuation (aft. 36 d.), [5';-.] Frequent call to stool, with scanty discharge (6th d.). Violent urging to stool; he could hardl}- keep it back for a moment; it is pappy, [^r.] Stool at the regular time, but much straining during the evacuation (the first days). The first days, a hard stool, the following days, softer. [Rhl.l 645. Diarrhoea, like water. Stool mixed wdth blood. Some blood in the evacuation. Coagulated blood is discharged with a normal stool. Before the stool, pressure in the hypogastrium , in the region of the bladder. 650. Before the stool, pressure in the abdomen, toward the rectum, as if flatulence was incarcerated. Before every stool and every emission of flatus, sore pain in the hypogastrium. Colic, before the stool. \^Sr.'] During the evacuation of a stool (which was not hard), or during the emission of flatus, labor-like bearing down pain in the abdomen; she has to rest her hands on something; after the evacuation, the pain ceases at once. With hard stool, scratching in the rectum. 655. After the stool, there continues an intense tenesmus. After the stool, straining in the rectum. After a hard stool, burning in the anus. After a soft stool, burning in the anus. After a stool, fissures of the anus. 660. After the (somewhat bloody) stool, itching at the anus. After the stool, colic as from incipient diarrhcDea, with- out results, in the morning. In the rectum, urging and straining, without stool, after a meal (3d d.). \_Sr.^ Pressive pain in the rectum. Spasmodic constriction of the anus. 665. Sensation as of constriction of the rectum, during an evacua- tion; with much straining there is evacuated: first, some hard fseces, fissuring the anus, so that it bleeds with a sore pain, followed every time by a liquid stool; every other day she is constipated. Pinching, frequently in the rectum, with a call to stool, and yet there is merely a discharge of flatus and mucus. Stitches in the rectum, repeatedly, especially in the afternoon. [5r.] Stitches in the anus, extending up the rectum, between the stools. Stitches and itching in the anus. 670. Itching stitches in the rectum, in the evening in bed. Itching on the anus for several days. Burning pain at the anus. Constant burning at the anus, especially after annoyance. Smarting soreness of the anus, after a liquid stool. NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO95 675. Sore, hot anus. Soreness about the anus and between the nates. Herpes about the anus. Varices of the anus, with humidity and shooting pain. Protrusion of the rectum, and burning of the anus, with emission of much bloody ichor, so that he could not sleep at night for pain (aft. sever, h.). 680. Urging to urinate without passing any urine (aft. 17 d.). Pressure on the bladder, when not urinating. \_Sr.~\ Frequent urging to urinate, with much emission of properly colored urine. ^Sr.'] Frequent micturition, every half hour. Frequent, copious emission of hot urine. 685. Copious micturition, with violent urging, almost every half hour, no matter how little he may drink; it wakes him from sleep at night. Frequent micturition at night, also ineffectual urging. He had to urinate four times at night. Severe urging to urinate, and inability to retain the urine, which passes copiously (aft. 10 h.). He is urged to urinate, several times so violently, that it almost passed off involuntarily. 690. Involuntary emission of urine while walking. Very light-colored urine. [^Sr.] White-turbid urine, preceded by pinching in the urethra. Sediment in the urine like brick-dust. Red sediment in the clay colored urine. 695. Red sand in the urine. During micturition, pressure on the bladder and in the hypo- gastrium. During micturition, smarting in the urethra. During micturition, smarting in the female pudenda. During micturition, burning in the urethra. 700. After micturition, contraction in the hypogastrium , like cramp, for five minutes. The urethra is painful when pressed upon, as if sore. [^S*;^.] Drawing in the urethra, after micturition. [^Sr.] Some cutting pain in the urethra, after micturition. [^Sr.] Violent stitches in the urethra, between urinating. 705. Shooting itching on the orifice of the urethra, which feels as if glued together with gum (prostatic juice?). \_Sr.'] Itching stitches in the urethra, between the acts of micturi- tion, for several days. Itching on the orifice of the urethra, and then tenesmus of the bladder (2d d.). [Sr.] Itching and burning in the orifice of the urethra, in the even- ing, when going to sleep (ist d.). \_Sr.~\ Burning and cutting in the urethra, after micturition, with emission of thin mucus, which causes transparent, stiff spots on the shirt. ^Sr.^ 710. A fluid comes out of the urethra after micturition, causing first an itching, then a burning (3d d.). [_Sr.~\ 1096 hahxemaxn's chroxic diseases. Milk}' discharge after micturition (prostatic juice?). Discharge of 3^ellow pus from the urethra, spotting the hnen, like real gonorrhoea, but without pain during micturition, onl}^ with some tension in the inguinal glands, which are not visibl}^ swollen (aft. 29 d.). The sexual parts have a strong and disagreeable smell. Intolerable, smarting itching near the sexual parts, with erosive pain after rubbing, for man}' weeks (aft. 24 h. ). 715. Twitches in the penis. A jerk in the penis, when not urinating. [5^;-.] Shooting in the penis, when urinating and at other times (26th d.). On the corona glandis, itching and tingling; he must scratch. [Sr.'] Itching on the tip of the glans, with incitation to scratching. [5r.] 720. Redness of the tip of the glans. Severe itching and humidity- on the corona glandis. Some red spots on the glans. [Sr.^ The foreskin is retracted behind the glans; causing a frictional sensation of dr3-'ness, when the glans touches the clothes. In the testicles, a pinching pain. 725. Drawing ache in the testicles, starting from the abdominal ring. The scrotum hangs down relaxed, for several da3's (aft. 20 d.). Severe itching on and below the scrotum, and on the left thigh, on a red inflamed spot. Soreness beside the scrotum, on the thigh. Itching, sharph' defined, humid tetter on the scrotum, and near it on the thigh. 730. Feeling of weakness in the sexual parts. Quiescent, ver}' dormant state of the sexual instinct. lyittle sexual impulse and during coitus, tard}' emission of semen (aft. 13 d.). [^/.] For the first twelve days it excited the sexual impulse, the erections and the voluptuous thrill during coition, inordinatel}^- but later on these diminished so much the more. Lasciviousness in the evening in bed. [-S^r.] 735. Excitation to voluptuousness, suddenly, while sitting, disap- pearing when walking. [A^.] More phj'sical sexual impulse (aft. 8 d.). No erections and no pollutions for five weeks. Violent erection (5th and loth d.). Erections in the morning, without sexual impulse. [_Sr.'] 740. After the morning erection, burning in the urethra. lSr.~\ Lack of erections (the first days) . Violent erections, at night and in the morning (aft. 6 h.), later, none at all or verj^ rareh\ Lack of pollutions, while abstaining from coitus, for five weeks. Pollution (in a married man) (ist and loth n.). NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO97 745. In Spite of regular coitus, repeated pollutions. A very unusual, nocturnal emission of semen (ist n.). Pollution, with smarting of the glans. Profuse pollution, with an impotent man, with intense volup- tuous thrill, and then almost the whole night, constant erections, almost painful (aft. 6 d.). Coitus weakl}^, pretty cold, with rapid emission of semen (7th d.). 750. Coitus weakly, and yet some pollution toward morning (ist n.). Fier}^ coitus, but rapid emission of semen (26th d.). He is much fatigued by coitus, which he had not enjoyed for a long time before, and in the following night, in deep sleep, there followed a very exhausting pollution (aft. 56 d.). Five hours after coitus, a pollution (i8th d.). Shortly after coitus, a pollution, and another during the third night. \_Rhl.'] 755. After coitus, sharp shooting pain in the urethra, after mictu- rition (9th d.). After pollutions, coldness in the joints and exhaustion. After a pollution, cutting in the urethra. \_Sr.'] Emission of much prostatic juice, when thinking of lascivious subjects, without excitement of the fancy, or of the sexual parts, and without erection. A pressing and forcing from the sides of the abdomen toward the genital parts, in the morning; so that she had at once to sit down quietly to prevent a prolapsus uteri. 760. Dryness in the vagina and painful coitus (in its after-effects ?) . After coitus, she feels at once very bright and agreeable, but soon after she becomes very irritable and peevish. Itching of the female mons veneris. Pimples on the mons veneris. The hairs on the mons veneris fall out. [Sr.'] 765. Menses four days late (aft. 22. 27 and 33 d.). Menses last only three days, '■:hen numb feeling in the head and much rush of blood to the head. Menses only one-third as strong as usual, but at the right time (5th d. ). Menses scanty, the first and second days; but on the third day, with a pain in the abdomen as from soreness, they flow very copiously. It obstinately suppresses the menses, which at other times are very regular, so that they do not appear for eight weeks (aft. 14 d.). 770. It at first shortens the period, but later it lengthens it. Menses after eighteen days, then after seven weeks, then no more. Menses, seven days too early (aft. 8 d. ). It brings the menses, if due in a short time, almost at once, and more profusely than usual, but in its after-eft'ects it seems to retard them, and to cause less blood to flow. Menses, three davs too soon. HAHXEMANX'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 775. Menses, seven days too soon and scant}-, attended with head- ache when coughing, stooping and sneezing, as if the head would burst. The menses, which had been suppressed for eight^'-five daj^s^ come back, followed soon after by great heaviness in the lower limbs (15th d. ). The menses, which had been suppressed for half a A'ear, with a woman of fift}' 3'ears, appear again (3d d.). It increases the menses, which were already flowing. The menses are more copious than usual, at the proper time and with less pains in the abdomen; but chills attend them, dur- ing the whole of the first day, with much 3-awning, especially in the afternoon (3d d.). 780. Menses verv copious, also at night, with blackish blood (aft. 45 d.). It lengthens the menstrual flow to eight da^'s. Before the menses, anxiet}'. Before the appearance of the (retarded) menses, in the morn- ing, for several hours before, she feels anxious and qualmish; there is a sweet rising in the fauces, when she spits out some blood with saliva. During the menses, great sadness. 785. During the menses, anxious and faint, with cold pelvis and internal heat. During the menses, in the evening, heat in the face. During the menses, tearing toothache, with stitches, when fresh air comes into the mouth. During the menses, heaviness in the abdomen. During the menses, frequent burning and cutting in the groin during micturition, as well as during dinner, when sitting. 790. During the menses, after their appearance, at night, a severe fever, with intense thirst, and entire lack of sleep. During the menses, hard stool. After the menses, dull feeling and heaviness of the head, as from rush of blood. After menses, female impotence, aversion to coitus, and dry vagina, painful during coitus (12th d.). Discharge from the vagina, at night. 795. Flow from the vagina, after previous colic, in the morning, as from incipient menses, contracting and pressing downward. Very profuse flow from the vagina (aft. 4 h. and 2d.). Flow from the vagina, with itching on the pudenda at its discharge. Flow from the vagina, of greenish appearance, more when walking. During the flow from the vagina, erosive pain. 800. Frequent sneezing, for several daA's. Formication in the right side of the nose, with pressure in the right e^^e, as if about to sneeze, not relieved bj' blowing the nose. \_Sr.~\ NATRUM MURIATICUM. IO99 Frequent abortive sneezing. Sensation of coryza, ever}^ morning. Stuffed coryza, with stoppage of both nostrils. 805. Excessive stuffed coryza, so that he can scarcely get a breath. Sensation of drynCvSS in the nose. Water drips from the nose unawares. Ver}^ thick mucus is discharged from the nose. [^Sr.] Fluent coryza, with sneezing, for only one day. 810. Profuse fluent coryza, for three days, then stuffed coryza. Moderate coryza, with total loss of smell and taste. Excessive fluent coryza, with loss of all power of smell and taste. Sensation of dryness on the posterior nares. Dryness of the larynx, in the morning, on awaking. 815. Scrapy, scratchy feeling in the larynx, as after rancid heart- burn (aft. "^6 h.). Scratchy and scrapy sensation in the larynx, the voice be- comes rough (aft. 20 h.). Constant scraping in the centre of the chest. Rough voice, with stoppage of the nose from stuffed coryza and some sneezing. Intense hoarseness (the first days). 820. Hoarseness, in the morning, after a good sleep, with much mucus in the throat and cough. Severe hoarseness in the morning. Catarrh and cough from tickling, as if he had taken cold. Cough from tickling in the throat. Cough from tickling in the scrobiculus cordis, with intense asthma. 825. Rough, hoarse tussiculation. Incitement to coughing from empty deglutition. Incitement to coughing and tightness of the chest from speak- ing. Cough which makes the boy quite breathless, day and night. Morning-cough. 830. Evening-cough, after lying down in bed. Cough, worse from 8 to n p. m. Cough worse at night, than by day. At night, retching and dry cough from tickling; none by day. Cough violent, almost to vomiting, but not exhausting, for four weeks. 835. Cough, with vomiting of the ingesta. Cough, with retching and vomiting, with expectoration of bloody mucus, which seems to come from a dry spot on the larynx. Tussiculation, with rattling on the chest and some expectora- tion of mucus. Cough, with expectoration, day and night. Mucus on the chest, oppressing it; it is detached when walk- ing in the open air. 840. Ill-tasting expectoration, in the morning, after coughing up IIOO HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. some mucus, with sensation as if the chest were being torn open. Purulent ejection, with cough, consisting almost always of only one impulse. Coughing up of blood. During cough, pain in the throat and in the chest. During cough, pain in the cervical glands, and deep in the chest. 845. During coughing, a cutting pain in the left side of the chest. During coughing, frequent sensation of soreness in the larynx and the windpipe. During coughing, pain in the abdominal ring, extending into the testes, as if the seminal cords were being torn. During coughing, the forehead feels as if it would burst. Frequent deep breathing, with pain in the abdomen. 850. When expiring, a hoarse, wheezing sound in the windpipe. The breath seems hot. The breath smells. Asthma. Tightness of the chest, in the evening. ^55- Oppression when breathing, with pain in the chest. Oppression of the chest, while in the room; weak as he was, he had to go into the open air, which relieved him. Painful oppression in the chest, every day, like a pressure, when straightening himself after sitting in a stooping position. Oppression of the chest, with pressure in the middle of the sternum, when moving about. [RhL'] Oppression of the chest, as if it were constricted, with burn- ing in the hands (8th d. ). 860. Oppression of the chest, when he lies down in bed, and also in the afternoon. Asthma and short breath, when walking briskly. Anxious sensation in the chest, \_Sr.'] Apprehensiveness and anxiety in the chest, with pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, worst after taking a deep breath. \_Sr.'\ She feels a pain in the chest under the left arm, as well when moving the arm as when breathing. 865. Pain in the middle of the sternum, aggravated by deep breathing. Simple pain in the sternum, in brief paroxysms. Pressure in front on the chest. \_Sr.'] Pressive pain on the chest, after standing or much speaking. Pressure in the left side of the chest (15th d.). 870. Pressive pain in the cardiac region, in the morning. Tension in the chest, in the morning. Tensive pain in the right pectoral muscles, in the forenoon, so that he cannot stand straight for pain, but must walk stooping for- ward; also in other turns of the trunk, there is great pain. Tension in the chest, when extending and stretching himself, worst when taking a deep breath. \_Sr.'\ Tensive pain on the clavicle, extending up the cervical mus- cles, even painful when touched. NATRUM MURIATICUM. IIOl 875. Shooting pain in the right side of the chest, with hoarseness. Shooting pain, transversely through the lungs, in repeated parox3'sms, after intervals of an hour. Single stitches along the sternum. Pricking pain in the middle of the sternum, as from needles. Shooting, with tightness of the breath, first about the sternum, then in the hepatic region. 880. Frequent stitches in the side. ■ Shooting in the right side, with tightness of the chest (i2thd.). Shooting pain in the right side of the chest, only when walk- ing, but so severe that he has to press upon it with his hand, to gain relief. Shooting in the left side, with tensive pain below the arm (5th d.). Dull shooting in the left side of the chest. [_Sr.^ 885. Constant shooting pain in the left side of the chest, in the evening, taking away his breath, it ceased in the open air. Tearing, shooting pain from the left upper region of the chest, into the shoulder- joint. Sore pain in the chest. Bruised pain on the lowest left ribs, aggravated by the touch of the clothes and by every pressure. [vSr.] Bruised pain of the outside of the chest. 890. Bruised pain in the sternum. Bruised pain on the left side of the chest, in bending forward and in inspiring, not when it is touched. Contused pain, on a spot on the left side of the chest. Bruised pain, on a spot of the sternum. Disagreeable warmth in the chest, in the morning, on awaking. 895. Sensation of exhaustion in the chest, from walking in the open air (in the sun), compelling him to talk low. [7?/?/.] In the heart, constant pains, especially at night. Violent stitches in the heart. Twitching stitches in the cardiac region. Contusive pain at the heart, in the morning, when lying in bed. [5r.] 900. Violent pressure below the heart, as if extending from the abdomen, toward the chest, in the evening in bed, with palpitation of the heart, more rapid than intense, aggravated by b'ing on the left side, diminished by lying on the right side, lasting till he falls asleep. [^Sr.] Palpitation repeatedly, with 6, 8 or 10 beats. Palpitation from the slightest movement. Palpitation when standing. Palpitation with anxiety. 905. Palpitation vjiih anxiety, every da}^ Anxious palpitation, without anxious thoughts, almost every day, for 5 minutes or even for whole hours at a time (aft. yd.). Palpitation with preSvSure on the heart, like cardialgia, some- what diminished by pressing on it with the hand (at once.) [_Sr.^ II02 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISKASKS. fluttering movement of the heart. Sense of coldness about the heart, during mental exertions. 910. Externally on the chest, intense itching. Itching on the chest, especiall}- in the open air. The bones of the right side of the chest are more prominent. Cracking in the bones, when moving. Twitches under the right arm, extending down the side. 915. Pain in the sacrum, when straightening himself after long stooping. Pain in the sacrum after stooping. Stitch, occasionally in the sacrum (aft. 26 d.). Sharp stitches, right across the sacrum, close above the hips. Severe throbbing in the sacrum (ist d.). 920. Painful throbbing in the sacrum, also in the evening, after going to bed. Pain, as from a fracture in the sacrum. Bruised pain in the sacrum, on stooping and on rising up from it. [^Sy^.^ Paralytic pain in the sacrum, worst when straightening him- self. [5r.] Lameness in the sacrum, in the morning, when rising. 925. Weak in the sacrum, as if paralyzed in the loins; he could neither stand right, nor walk right; he feels best, when lying dowm, all the day; it is w^orst after dinner. [5r.] Paralytic pain in the sacrum and the back, in the morning on rising. Severe itching on the sacrum, in bed, in the evening. [6'r.] The left side of the back is painful, as from pressure on an inflamed spot. Pressive pain under the right scapula, constant. 930. Pressure above the loins, with sensation in the legs, as if they were stiff and bandaged. Straining sensation in the left side of the back. Tension in the back, compelling him to stretch and to extend his limbs. Tension and heat in the renal region, even while sitting; walking quickly tires him. Drawing pain in the back, extending upwards (14th d. ). 935. Drawing pain in the upper part of the back. Drawing and tearing in the right scapula; it compels him to breathe deeply. [_Sr.'] Tearing and pain as from a fracture in the scapulae, with stiff- ness of the back and the nape. [S?^'] Stitch below the left scapula, when drawing the scapulae in- ward, not when breathing. {_Sr.^ Severe stitches in the lumbar region, when breathing deeply. 940. Burning in the left scapula, as if hot water were poured over it. [5-r.] Burning erosion on the uppermost spinal vertebra. Pain of the back, as if broken. Bruised pain in the scapulae and hips. NATRUM MURIATICUM. II 03 Intense bruised pain in the back and between the scapulae, while sitting, and worse when lying; not while walking or per- forming manual labor. 945. Eruption of pimples on the back, with itching in the evening in bed. ISr.^ The nape is painful, when turning the head, even slightly. Intense pain in the nape, so that she can not turn about. Tension in the nape, with swelling of the cervical glands. Stiffness in the nape and on the occiput. 950. Stiffness of the nape and neck. Stiffness and rigidity in the nape and across the upper part of the back. [5r.] Severe drawing pain in the nape, so that he cannot turn around for several days. Pain in the nape as if strained, bruised or tired out. The cervical muscles are painful, when touching and turning the head. [Qf.] •955. Pain from stiffness on the right side of the neck; she could not turn her head (2d d.). Drawing pain on the neck, in the region of the larynx. Shooting pain externally down the neck, even through the night. The glands on the neck are painful, when touched. Painfulness of the cervical glands, when coughing. 960. Furuncle on the neck. In the axilla, dull shooting and tearing. {_Sr.^ Smarting burning in the axillae, with swelling after scratch- ing. Swelling of the right axillary gland. The shoulder- joint pains so that she cannot move the arm (6th d.). -965. Tension and drawing in the shoulder-joint, in the morning, in bed, like a pain from taking cold, on uncovering. [R/i/.^ Drawing and tearing in the top of the right shoulder, then in the upper arm. Tearing on the posterior side of the shoulder- joint and the axilla, by day, and in bed, at night. Burrowing pain about the right shoulder- joint in the morning on awaking, which, as it were, paralyzed the arm. Paralyzed pain and smarting in the top of the shoulder (3d, 4th d.). •970. Bruised pain in the shoulder-joint, so that he cannot raise his shoulder. Pain as from a strain or from weariness in the shoulder-joint. Drawing pain in the left arm, so that she has to stretch it con- stantly. Dying off (going to sleep), insensibility^ and formication in the left arm, with tingling in the finger-tips (aft. S h.). Weariness, heaviness and sinking down of the arms. •975. Pain, as from fracture, in the bones of the arm. lSr.~\ Small, red, itching vesicles on the arms, here and there. II04 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching, whitish wheals on the arms and hands, becoming red after rubbing, with more intense itching. Many round, itching tetter}- spots on the arms. The upper arms pain at night, when l3dng on them. 980. Pain in the dehoid muscle of the upper arm, when she raises an3-thing. Bruised pain in the upper arm, most sensible in the shoul- der-joint, when lifting something and moving it forward and brck- ward; but not when at rest. Burning in the right upper arm; the heat is also perceptible externally. Great sensitiveness of the upper arm to cold. The elbow- joint cracks painfully, when moved. 985. Stitches in the point of the elbow. A jerk in the left elbow, so that his hand was paralj^zed from pain, this ceased when stretching the arm. [^Sr.] Frequent jerking in the left elbow, so that he would drop almost everything from his hand, [^r.] In the bones of the fore-arm, a dull pain, aggravated by let- ting the hands hang down, diminished bv moving the arms (3d d.). [Sr.] Drawing in the fore-arms, as if in the shaft of the ulna. 990. Parah^tic tearing on the inner side of the fore-arm. [i?/?/.] The fore-arm from the hand to the elbow falls asleep, like as if paralytic, the wrist -joint turns, when she wishes to use her hand. Pain as from fatigue in the fore-arms (2d d. ). Bruised pain in the bones of the left fore-arm, intolerably severe when pressed upon. \_Sr.^ Muscular twitching in the fore- arm, perceptible with the finger. 995. Red elevations as large as lentils, on the inner side of the right fore-arm, with severe itching, for twenty-four hours. \_Sr.~\ In the hand, cramp, when grasping a cold stone, [i?/^/.] Tearing, intense and rapidly coming pain on the outer edge of the left hand, as if in the metacarpal bone of the little finger. Fine stinging sensation in the hand, as if it went to sleep. Itching shooting pain on the hand and on the back of the fingers. 1000. Bruised pain in the wrist-joint. The hand goes to sleep, when he lies on the arm. Weakness in the hands, especially when clenching them. Trembling of the hands, when writing (2d d.). Swelling of the right hand, from the morning till the evening (8th d.). 1005. Itching and smarting in the left palm, he must scratch it for a long time. [-Sr.] Itching burning on the left-hand, as from nettles. Itching on the inner edge of the wrist-joint, after scratching, there are vesicles. Itching blisters on the left wrist and on both the hands, as if a tetter was forming. NATRUM MURIATICUM. IIO5 Many small vesicles upon the hands, which gradually dry up, when the hand peels off. loio. Brown, painless spots on the dorsum of the hands, as if she had injured those parts (i8th d.). The skin of the hands becomes dry and chapped. A spot on the hand, which is somewhat excoriated, is inflamed and becomes a purulent vesicle. Dry, parched skin of the hands, especially about the fingers and the nails. Sweaty hands, for many days (aft. 8, lo d.). 1015. The joint of the fingers can only be flexed with difficulty. Tension in the right index. Tearing in the extensor-tendon of the right index, extending up the fore-arm. Severe tearing in the posterior joint of the left thumb, as if it was torn. Ripping-up pain, back into the thumb and forward in the index, in paroxysms, laming the whole hand. 1020. Shooting in the fingers. Shooting in the left thumb. [J^/il.] Stitch in the finger-joint of the right index as from a needle or a fiery spark. [.Sr.] Shooting in both the little fingers (8th d. ). Itching, tearing shooting in the middle joint of the index. 1025. Sprained pain in the posterior joints of the thumb (at once). Sprained pain in the posterior finger-joints, when writing. Bruised pain in the bones of the anterior phalanges, intoler- able when pressing upon them. \^Sr.~\ Prickling in the fingers, especiall}^ in their tips. Intense itching of the fingers, in the evening, in bed, prevent- ing him from going to sleep. 1030. An itching vesicle on the little finger. A dark-red mottled spot, by the nail of the left third finger. Inflammation and pain on the side of the nail of the third and fourth fingers. \_Sr.'] Hangnails are frequently found on the finger, no matter how often he cuts them off. [^Sr.^ After cutting off the hangnails, the spot becomes red, swollen, and, when pressed upon, it pains as if sore. [^Sr.] 1035. In the natis, a drawing pain. Tearing shooting above the nates, toward the groin and the hips. In walking, there is excoriation between the nates. Tensive pain in the hip-joint, which is also painful when touched. Tension in both the hip- joints, almost as if dislocated, also sensible when sitting. 1040. Painful cramp in the hip. Rheumatism of the left hip; he could not walk for eight or nine days. Stitches in the right hip-joint, more when walking, than when sitting. 71 II06 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pain, as from contusion, on the left hip.- Sprained pain in the left hip. 1045. Pain as from dislocation in the groin on the upper part of the thigh. Pain as of dislocation in the right hip, soon extending into the sacrum, so that he cannot without pain rise from his seat, nor straighten himself, nor walk; especially aggravated when breath- ing deeply. Paralytic pain in the hips. \_Sr.~\ Unsteadiness in the hips, the thighs totter. Itching in the interior of the hips. 1050. In the left limb and foot, spasmodic drawing pain. Drawing pain down the whole of the lower limb. Restlessness in the lower limbs, late in the evening, as if the joints, e.g-., the knees, were bandaged too tightl}^; he had to stretch them often. Violent twitches in the lower limb, when awake, and during the noon-siesta. Heaviness of the legs, even while resting. 1055. Pain in the left lower limb, as if a tendon had been over- strained. The left lower limb goes to sleep, during the noon-siesta. Weakness in the right lower limb. Pain as from paralysis of the lower limbs, in the morning. Pain as of paralysis, suddenh^ (after writing) in both the lower limbs; ceasing after brisk ^valking. 1060. Much itching on the low^er limbs. The thighs are painful and tense when walking. Drawing pain in the thigh, especially when walking, extend- ing to the knee (6th d. ). Drawing pain in the right thigh, extending to the knee, intermittingl}^ both when at rest and in motion, even at night (14th d.). Tearing in the right thigh (after driving in a carriage) (4th d.). 1065. Muscular twitching in the thighs. Large, itching pimple, with red areola, on the thigh, wdth sore pain on scratching. \^Sr.^ The knees crack, w^hen walking. Sensation of stiffness, now in the one knee, now in the other, after rising from a seat. Tension in both houghs, on rising from a seat, and w^hen walking, commencing with the morning and increasing during the daj^ (aft. 3d.). 1070. Compressive pain, as from great weariness, in the knees and ankles, and then a dull drawing in the w^hole of the lower limbs. Drawing pain in the knees, when sitting, [^/z/.] Paralytic drawing in the left knee, in the evening. [i?/z/.] Tearing drawing in the houghs, chiefly when walking. Shooting drawing pain, above and below the knee, when sitting. NATRUM MURIATICUM. I IO7 1075. Shooting in the left knee. Sprained pain in the left knee, when walking. Sprained pain of the knee-joint, when walking. Fatigue in the knees, as if they would give way (2d d. ) . \_Sr.~\ Clucking under the skin of the left knee, as from water. 1 080. A red tetter in the hough. Furuncle on the knee. Straining sensation in the calves, extending to the knee, onl}^ when walking, not when sitting. Tension of the calves when sitting, as if the muscles were too short. Spasmodic contractive pain in the calves, when walking. 1085. Cramp of the calves, when turning the foot while sitting. Cramp-like paralytic drawing in the right leg, which lastly extends into the thighs, with weakness of the limb when standing. [5;-.] Slight throbbing in the left calf. Pain as from a blow, on one spot of the tibia, but not when touching it. Great heaviness of the legs; when going up-stairs, the lower limbs feel bruised. 1090. Tremulous unsteadiness in the calves, when walking and standing, even when sitting. Miliar}^ eruption on the legs, in single clusters; especially when touched, there is an erosive itching. [R/il.^ Small-grained miliary eruption on the outer side of the calves, extending over the thighs. The feet, from the toes to the ankles, are painful, when walking. Cramp-like pain in the left foot (5th d.). 1095. Cramp-like shooting pain in the left foot, as if from a mis- step, when walking and treading on the whole sole of the foot. Cramp in the sole of the foot, in the evening. Tearing in the right ankle, increasing from morning till even- ing, so that he cannot sleep a wink at night for pain; then also pain in the back. Transient tearing in the left foot. Fine beating in the whole foot. 1 100. Ulcerative pain on the ankle, when treading and touching, extending into the calf; when sitting, there is only tensive pain. Disagreeable burning of the feet, w^hen walking. Stinging tingling in the sole of the right foot. Very cold feet (alt. i h.). Pain as from a strain in the ankle, for several days. \_J\/il.~\ 1 105. The metatarsal and phalangeal joints suddenly give way. Paralytic sensation of the ankle, or as if the interior of it had gone to sleep, when sitting and when, walking ; she could move the foot but little. The foot is asleep for a long time. Great heaviness of the feet. Heaviness of the feet, the second day; the third day, the}' feel very light. II08 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1 1 lo. Increased sweat of the soles of the feet. It reproduces the foot-sweat, which had been suppressed. Itching on the dorsum of the foot. Erosive stinging pain of the toes. Drawing pain in the big toe. Ill 5. Itching on the toes. Redness and coldness of the posterior joint of the big toe, with pain as of a boil, when touching it; there is a tearing and shooting pain in it when standing and walking, not when sitting. Shooting pains in the corns. \_Sr.^ Stitches in the corn, the whole afternoon. Stitches in the corn, in the morning after awaking. II 20 Stitches in the corns, without external pressure. Boring pain in the corn. Itching all over the body (the first three weeks). Itching on the back and the thighs; he must scratch. Fine, itching stitches on the skin, in the evening in bed. 1 125. Itching shooting, here and there on the skin, with internal heat running through it, without redness of the face. Red spots, as large as a pin's head, all over the body, after previous sensation of heat in the face, on the abdomen, the arms and the lower limbs; the spots itch, and after rubbing them, the whole body became red, for half an hour. Small pimples on the abdomen and on the lower limbs. Rash all over the body, with shooting pain in the skin. Miliary eruption all over the body, on the neck and on the arms; on the abdomen, the nates and the thighs it is at first only sensible as small granules, but later, visible like small lentils, redder and harder after scratching; itching prevents him from going to sleep (4th d. ). 1 130. Large and red wheals, with intense itching, on the whole body and on the throat. Nettle rash after brisk exercise, itching for an hour (2d d.). Small nodules and small boils, here and there on the body. Man}^ furuncles on the body (aft. 14 d.) Warts grow in the palm, painful when pressed upon. 1 135. Erosive pain in the old warts. The skin of the bod}^ is painfully sensitive, even a slight blow or contusion is very painful. Painfulness and redness of an old cicatrix. A w^ound becomes far more painful, inflames and with in- creased swelling begins to suppurate, with a very sad and irritable mood; she does not suffer the wound to be touched without weep- ing. A small prick in the finger begins to bleed for several days in succession. 1 140. Liability to cold (aft. 24 h.). Excessively ready liability to cold, causing cough and hoarse- ness. Dislike of the open air (aft. 12 h.). The ailments arise, renew^ themselves or are aggravated, NATRUM MURIATICUM. IIO9 chiefly when lying down, even by day; at night she has to sit up in bed, to get rehef. All the muscles, especially those of the upper arms and the thighs pain when moving, as if the flesh was detached. 1 1 45. Cramp-like sensation in the limbs, especially in the hands, as if the parts were asleep. The violent nocturnal pains (e. g. , from a furuncle on the back) take the breath away even to suffocation, and cause a sort of paralysis of one side, so that his arm and leg refused to act. Gnawing pressure, now in the scrobiculus cordis, now around the navel, then in the chest, in paroxysms, in the evening. [Rhl.) Severe constriction of the stomach and the chest. Stitches here and there. 1 150. Bruised pain of all the limbs (2d d. ) Stiffness in the scapulae, the hip- joints and the sacrum. Severe stiffness of all the joints of the body. Twitching sensation in the back and nape toward the head. Twitching in the limbs, both arms are jerked forward. 1 155. Twitching in one limb or another, when he wants to write. The upper part of the body is jerked upward, while awake, when lying down in the afternoon. Muscular twitching, here and there. Frequent and visible muscular twitching in the upper arms and the lower limbs. The limbs and the head move further than he intended. 1 160. Cracking of the shoulder- joints and hip-joints, when moving them. Emaciation. After taking a little wine, intense, long-continued heat in the blood. He spits blood, and also blows it from his nose. Rush of blood upward, to the chest, stomach and head, with coldness of the lower limbs. 1 165. Retarded circulation in the arm, when resting it on the table, and so it is often in all parts of the body. Every movement accelerates the circulation. Undulation in the pulse throughout the whole of the body, also when at rest. Pulsation throughout the body, so that often all parts of his body are in motion. Pulsation in the arms and in the lower limbs. 1 170. Full, quick pulse, when standing upright. The pulse and the breathing are quickened, especially after drinking. Intermission of several pulsations. Intermission of heart-beats, during the siesta. The mental and physical strength is depressed. 1 1 75. lyack of tone in mind and body, while there is good appetite. After bodily exertions, at once, inability to think and indif- ference. Annoyance causes shooting pain in the upper left part of the mo HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. chest, lack of appetite and headache; she feels every step in her head, becomes very tired, and the feet become heavy. After a slight annoyance, she weeps all night, and coughs much, with ineffectual retching. Attacks of heaviness in the head, so that he had to lie down two or three times a day for ten days; after lying down, sweat all over the body; this causes the heaviness to disappear after one- half hour. II 80. Attack of nausea, in the morning with weakness and death- like pallor of the face; he had to lie down (4th d.). Attack : stiffness extended from the nape into the head ; her eyes ached, she grew sick at stomach, with chill and unconscious- ness (8th d.). Attack like uterine disease: the pain drew from the left shoulder toward the head; it then pressed in the temples as if the head would split; the brain ached, as if sore and bruised, with a constant drawing pain from the shoulder toward the head, and constant inclination to vomit, as if coming from the stomach; she had to lie down, with a chill and heat of the face (8th d.). Attack of nausea about supper-time (without having eaten first) , with a severe chill at every attack; after lying down in bed she soon gets warm, without subsequent heat, and at night he wakes up twice with acute drawing in the forehead, to and fro, with a slight throbbing between. Attack of pressure and burrowing under the right ribs, with drawing in the back, toward the head, interfering with his sleep at night, and attended with stitches in the head; all these symp- toms are diminished after continued talking, and bodily exertion, as also by rumbling in the abdomen and emission of flatus, or after eating. 1 185. Attack of great excitation, wdth great anguish; formication in the finger-tips, the hand and the arms sets in; the arm goes to sleep as if it was dying off, and the tingling rises up into the throat, into the lips and the tongue; which become, as it were, stiff, while there is boring in a tooth; then weakness of the head, with defective vision; also the lower limb goes to sleep and feels dead in the joint; chiefly toward evening. Attack of nausea in the morning (after drinking milk), with trembling in the limbs, for an hour; she became dizzy, things turned black before her eyes, and she had to hold to something, else she w^ould have fallen. Attack of inclination to vomit, in the forenoon, with vertigo, and digging in the scrobiculus cordis, with a chill, a sensation as of cold water poured over her; wherever she looked, things seemed to whirl around with her, as if she should fall forward; her head felt so heavy that she could hardly walk, and it seemed to her heavier than the rest of the body. Sensation for some time, as of an epileptic fit. Dislike of walking. 1 1 90. In walking, he totters about. Very apprehensive when walking, afraid of falling. NATRUM MURIATICUM. 1 1 II Great prostration in the bod 3^; the strength is not sufficient for the usual work, for several weeks. Weakness in the morning, on rising; like paralysis in the back and sacrum, at times transversely across the abdomen. Ver}^ tired on the day after a restless night, with wretched appearance and sadness (aft. 12 h.). 1 195. Syncope, for half an hour. Sensation of fatigue, when sitting. Fatigue in the whole body, the feet feel heavy; soon tired from standing, with intense, painful sensitiveness of the skin to the slightest touch, chiefly about the loins; better when walking, driving, sitting and lying. Standing was so hard for her, that she had at once to sit down again. Riding on horseback fatigues him ever more severely (3d d.). 1200. Much fatigued after a short walk (2d d.). She must not fatigue her limbs by walking, else she feels weak and qualmish from weariness. When rising after sitting down, her limbs tremble from weari- ness; this ceases on continuing her walk. She is most weary in the morning in bed, and when sitting; she feels no weariness when walking. Weariness in the whole body, e.g., when moving her arms. 1205. Weary pain in the lower limbs, in the morning on awaking. Titillating pain from weariness. Unrefreshed after sleep. Tired and tremulously prostrated, after the noon-siesta. Great weariness (6th d.). 1 2 10. Great weariness, daily, and constant yawning. Very frequent yawning. lSr.~\ Yawning and stretching (aft. ^ h.). [^r.] Excessive, spasmodic yawning, after a sound sleep. Very frequent yawning; the first time it constricted the right side of his neck, with pain extending into the nape, which became stiff from it. 12 15. Yawning and sleepiness. Great somnolence by day, and great weariness. Very sleepy by day, it is a great effort for her to get up early in the morning, for several weeks (aft. 10 d.). Somnolence by day, with yawning; she falls asleep quite unexpectedly. He goes to sleep while reading (aft. 4 h.). 1220. He falls asleep at once, when he sits down while unoccupied, and yet keeps waking up every minute. In the evening, he gets sleepy very early, and in the morning he is long in getting roused up. {_Sr.^ In the evening, he falls asleep early, and in the morning- wakes up late, [^r.] He goes to bed in the evening without being sleepy, and yet he soon falls asleep. \_Sr.] Difficulty in falling asleep, though he goes to bed later than usual. [Sr.l^ 1 1 12 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1225. He wanted to sleep and yet could not get to it, a contest between sleeping and waking. Entire sleeplessness at night, from sheer wakefulness, with- out illness. Sleeplessness, from internal restlessness. Sleepless night. He passes two nights without sleeping, but without ailment (nth, i2th d.). 1230. She is awake for 2 or 3 hours every night, in anxietj^ He wakes up several times at night, from restlessness. He wakes up every half hour at night. Restless sleep; he tosses about, with vivid dreams. Many dreams during the afternoon-siesta, also anxious ones. 1235. Varied dreams at night, during sound vsleep (ist, 3d d.). Dreams too vivid, ravings in his sleep. Raving sleep. He dreams the first ten nights, often very fancifully, often wakes up, tosses about in bed, and is then so tired by day that he cannot work. When going to sleep, after closing her eyes, she saw nothing but images before her, and felt an impulse to make verses, which on awaking seemed ludicrous to her. 1240. Amorous dreams. [5r.] Lascivious dreams (22d n.). Nocturnal sleep disturbed by voluptuous dreams, pollutions and long-continued erections. Many dreams in his morning slumber, which he cannot remember (20th n.). [_Sr.l^ Dreams, the contents of which still occupy her a long time after waking up. 1245. In a dream, he reproaches himself about past errors, he is full of restlessness and anguish. Annoying dreams. Annoying and at the same time anxious dreams. Many anxious dreams, at night. Anxious dream, as if she was being beaten, so that she per- spired all over, and also remained anxious all day. 1250. Very anxious dreams. Anxious dreams of murder and fighting; when she awoke, she was hot and in an anxious perspiration. He dreamed at night, that he had been poisoned (4th d.). Dreadful dreams of murder, fire and the like. Dreams of a conflagration. 1255. Horrible, loathsome dreams. A cruel dream, which she supposed to be true on awaking. Sad dreams; he dreams the same dream again in a similar manner, after waking up and going to sleep again. Very anxious dreams, with weeping in sleep. Sad, anxious dreams, mostl}^ with weeping, and sleep comes only after midnight. NATRUM MURIATICUM. III3 1260. Weeping in a dream. Moaning in sleep. Talking in sleep, and a restless night. Like a somnambulist, lie rises at night from anxious dreams and walks about in the room. In the beginning of his sleep, he rises from his bed and awakes in the middle of the room, he lies down and goes to sleep again. [i^<:.] 1265. Startled in his sleep. Frequent starting up from sleep, at night (5th n.). When some one entered the room, as he was falling asleep, he was so frightened, that violent palpitation ensued, [^^r.] He awakes at night from fear, believing that there are thieves in the room, and does not dare to go back to bed; with oppression of the chest and palpitation for a quarter of an hour. [Fc.^ Twitching in sleep. 1270. Twitching shock in his noon siesta, as if proceeding from the heart. At night, an external headache, when lying on the occiput. At night, in bed, heat in the head. In the evening, after lying down, an anxious sensation in the head, as if he was perishing and losing his reason. At night, a pressive shooting in the sinciput. 1275. At night, intense throbbing in the head, with heat of the body. At night, he must spit continually. At night, epistaxis. He wakes up before midnight from pain in the left molars and their gums, for two nights successively, about the same time. IF,.} At night, shooting pain in the throat, while swallowing. 1:280. At night, scraping in the throat, much flow of saliva, ex- pectoration of blood and insomnia. In the evening in bed, a contraction in the stomach. Before midnight, colic, with restlessness and oppressive con- tractive sensation in the region of the stomach (aft. 10 d.). Every night, colic without diarrhoea. Every morning, about 5 o'clock in bed, colic without diar- rhoea. 1285. At night, incarceration of flatus, with heaviness and fullness in the abdomen. At night, colic with flatulence, going about in the abdomen, with pressure and pinching, without escaping, with light sleep, frequently interrupted. At night, anxiety in the hypogastrium from constant tenes- mus of the bladder. At night, twice tenesmus of the bladder, without passage of urine. Nocturnal micturition, every night. 1290. He must get up at night to urinate. At night, burning in the rectum. 1 1 14 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASES. At night, in bed, while breathing deeply, a stitch in the right scapula. In the evening, when hdng down, lack of breath. At night, attack of shortness of breath and of palpitation, but without anxiety. 1295. At night, dr}^ cough, caused by tickling and scraping. At night, drawing pain in the back, she frequently had to turn over, to get relief. At night, shooting in the nape. At night, violent shooting in the left thigh. At night, cramp in the leg. 1300. At night, burning in the corn. The whole night, painful shooting in the corn. At night, she cannot lie on the right side on account of bruised pain in the joints of the hips, the knees and the ankles. At night, a sort of nightmare, as if the abdomen was con- stricted, with anguish, as if she would cry out but could not, nor could she open the eyes nor move a limb; as soon as she could cry out it all disappeared (7th n.). At night, he awakes with ebullition of the blood. 1305. At night, when awaking, violent pulsation of the blood vessels, without sensation of heat. At night, much restlessness in the lower limbs. At night, great restlessness, much heat and much drinking (aft. t8 d.). At night, heat, so that she cannot sleep, without thirst, with labor-like pains in the hypogastrium (7th n.). At night, anxiety with heat; she had to uncover herself; when going to sleep, varied dreams (with profuse menstrual flow) (2d d.). 1 3 10. At night, anxious sleep, with perspiration. At night, great anguish during a thunderstorm, the sweat and anguish drives her out of bed (2d d.). Chilly, the whole day. Chill and cold hands (at once). Cold hands and feet, which cannot get warm (aft. 6 h.). 1315. Cold thrills, occasioualh^ over the back, with cold sweat on the forehead, anxiety and shuddering. Coldness in the back, at night, with restlessness. Chilliness of the skin, in the evening, in bed. Chilliness in the evening, with thirst, two evenings in succes- sion, [5r.] Chilliness, even in the forenoon, with ver}^ cold hands, which are so cold, even in the warm room, that he has to put on gloves. 1320. Febrile rigor, in the evening in bed, which shook him so much, that both his hands and his feet trembled, and his teeth chattered, without subsequent thirst or heat, he fell asleep before the end of the chill; for two evenings succcessively. \_Sr.^ Severe chill, with sharp pain in the lower incisors (2d d.). Chill, early in sleep, and then perspiration, shortly before awaking. NATRUM MURIATICUM. I 1 15 Shudder and sensation as of goose-skin. Shudder, without chill, while sitting. 1325. Shudder and chill in the back, without thirst. [Sr.^ Shudder in the back, especially while sitting (the first two days). Febrile rigor, in the evening, w^th increase of the pain, fol- lowed bv heat, especially on the head, and redness of the face. IGf.-] ' Febrile rigor, with great tendency to go to sleep also by day; he sleeps much, and then gets warm, even while sitting down, and perspires somewhat. Fever, shortly before dinner, first excessive lassitude, so that he can hardly keep up, and had to lie down, then in bed, a severe chill, then a moderate degree of heat, then perspiration for several hours. 1330. Fever with headache, on awaking after a brief evening nap, first chill, then heat, in several parox5^sms, but more heat. Chill and resounding throbbing in the head, in bed, with great lassitude; after becoming intensely heated. Severe chill in the evening; the following night, profuse sweating all over; attended with a breaking out of intense itching. Fever in the afternoon, chill and coldness, with much thirst, without any subsequent heat (aft. 6 h.). Fever in the morning at eight o'clock: first a severe chill till noon, then heat till evening, without sweat, and without thirst during the chill or the heat; she lay unconscious, with severe head- ache (aft. lo d.), 1335. Heat after the noon-siesta, and then again shuddering till evening. Heat in the evening, with a thrill of cold and a shudder over the back, without thirst (2d ev.). [Sr.'] Momentar}^ flushes of heat. Flushes of heat and ready perspiration. Heat, with perspiration under the arms and on the soles of the feet. 1340. Much perspiration by day. Ready, profuse perspiration on moving about, although he is very chilly. Constant perspiration, also during the noon-siesta, but not during sleep by night. General perspiration (aft. 24 h.). \_7^/i/.'] Profuse night-s^veat, for several nights. 1345. Night-sweat before midnight. She awakes at night in a profuse sweat. . Morning-sweat, very profuse, for several mornings. Morning-sw^eat all over the body, for several days. Sourish iii6 hahnkmann's chronic diskases. NITRI ACIDUM, NITRIC ACID/ Half an ounce of perfectly pure nitre (dry nitre in large crystals is dissolved in 6 parts of hot water, and crystallized again from the solution during the application of intense cold) is pulverized and put into a retort lined with clay, by means of a crooked beaked glass funnel, then through the same funnel a half an ounce of phosphoric acid of an oily consistence is added (prepared according to the di- rection in the fifth part of Materia Medica Pura, melted and allowed to deliquesce in the open air); after these have been shaken up a little, the pure nitric acid is distilled over a lamp into a receiver loosely attached to it; this acid will not smoke and has a specific weight of about 1,200. One drop of this acid is shaken up five times with 100 drops of distilled water, and one drop of this is shaken up by five succussions, with 100 drops of diluted alcohol whereby the nitric acid is potentized to the ten thousandth dilution (to"o""oo")' One drop of this attenua- tion is then attenuated with 100 drops of good alcohol and then po- tentized by five succussions successively to the VI, VIII and X potencies, for there is no danger of any intimate combination (as in sweet spirits of nitre) of the alcohol with an acid so much diluted. The homoeopathic physician will only use the potencies VI, VIII and X for antipsoric purposes, giving two or three of the small- est pellets, moistened with these potencies, for a dose — for the more debilitated patients we only use the decillionth attenuation. It will be found that this medicine acts more beneficially with patients of a tense fibre (brunettes) than with those of a lax fibre (blondes). It is also more appropriate to chronic patients who are inclined to soft stools, while it is seldom applicable to patients in- clined to constipation. Nitric acid is most beneficial where the following symptoms pre- dominate or are present among others: Sadness; lack of cheerfuhiess; anxiety about his disease, with fear of death, excessive irritability; peevishness and obstinacy; aversion to work; vertigo, when walking and sitting; vertigo, compelling the person to lie down; headache from nausea; tearing in the forehead, lAbout 130 of the following symptoms belong to the two fellow-observers mentioned. The remainder, save thirty from authors, are Hahnemann's own, obtained as we have already seen. Besides these there are a few from Hartmann, Foissac, Hering, Stapf and "Th. Mo.," etc., probably observed on ^■aXx^nts.— Hughes. NITRI ACIDUM. III7 the crown and the occiput; beating headache; rush of blood to the head; itching on the hairy scalp; falling out of the hair; paralysis of the upper eyelid; presstire ifi the eyes; shoothig in the eyes; suppura- tion of the eyes; difficulty in contracting the pupils; flying black points hefoi'e the eyes; stitches in the ear; encysted tumor on the left lobule; discharge from the ear; obstruction of the ear; stoppage of the ear; hardness of hearing; roarijig in the ears; throbbing in the ear; crepitation in the ear; scurfs in the right nostril; epistaxis; offensive smell on drawing in air through the nose; fetor froj?i the nose; pimples in the face; paleness of the face; cracked lips; swelling in the red of the lips; looseness of the teeth; bleeding of the gums; burning in the throat; sore pain iyi the throat; bitter taste, also after eating; sweetish taste in the mouth; thirst, during suppuration of the lungs; loathing of meat; milk is not digested; sick at stomach from eating fat; during and after meals, perspiration; after eating, sensation of fullness in the stomach; after dinner, lassitude; sour eructation; inclination to vomit; waterbrash after drinking quickly; stitches in the scrobiculus cordis; tensive pressure under the left ribs; frequent pinching in the abdomen; colic; shooting in the abdomen, when touching it; ulcerative pain in the hypogastrium ; swelling of the inguinal glands; inguinal hernia in children; accuniJilation of flatus in the abdomen; incarceration of flatus, in the morning and evening; rumbling in the abdomen; growling in the abdomen; liabil- ity to take cold in the abdomen; costiveness; urging to stool; irregu- lar and difficult evacuation of the faeces; stool too frequent; dry stool; itching of the anus; old varices of the anus; painful urination; iiia- bility to retai7i the urdne; fetor of the uri7ie; soreness of the glans; figwarts; the testicle hangs down; lack of the sexual instinct and of its functions; lack of erections; too many pollutions; leucorrhoea. Abortive sneezing; stoppage of the nostrils; dryness of the nose; coryza; stuffed coryza; hoarseness; roughness on the chest; laryn- geal phthisis; cough by day; cough in the evening, when lying down; vomiting cough; shortness of breath; asthma; panting while at work; knottyindurationof the mammae; dwindling of the mammae; pain in the sacrum; pain in the back; stiffness of the nape; swelling of the glands of the neck; shooting in the shoulder; pressive pain on the shoulder-joint; roughness of the skin on the hands; herpes be- tween the fingers; the fingers go to sleep; white spots on the finger- nails; itching on the thighs; every evening, i^estlessness in the lozcer limbs; coldness of the lower limbs; pain of the thighs, when rising from a seat; weakness of the knees; cramp and straining i)i the calves, zvhen walking, after sitting; twisting in the calves; shooting in the heel, when treading; fetid sweat of the feet; tearing pains in the iii8 hahnkmann's chronic diseases. upper and loiver limbs; liability to take cold, and consequent pinching and cutting in the abdomen; pains in old cicatrices and wounds, with the changes of weather (weather prophets in the Umbs) ; black pores; the limbs freeze, inflame and itch even in moderate cold; itching nettle-rash in the open air, even in the face; itching herpes; brown- ish red spots on the skiji; warts; painful corns and chilblains; debility; lassitude in the morning; tremulous lassitude; chronic lassitude and heaviness of the feet; difiicult awaking in the morning; frequent awaking; restlessness at night; starting up from sleep; sleep full of dreams; anxious dreams; lascivious dreams; pains during sleep; constant chilliness; afternoon fever, chill and heat; dryness of the skin; night sweat; fetid night sweat. The symptoms marked {Bth.) were observed by Dr. Bethmann; those marked (i^/.) are by Dr. Rumniel. NITRI ACIDUM. Sad mood, without any actual pain. Dejected, as if desponding and as if lost in thoughts. Sad and as if depressed. He cannot get rid of his sad thoughts. , 5. Homesickness. Depressed, downcast mood, not lachrymose. Very lachrymose without cause. Very easily moved and inclined to tears. At the least admonition, the child begins to weep piteously. 10. Intense melancholy and anxieties. Melancholy and ver}^ apprehensive, in the evening (the day before the menses). She falls to thinking over an anxious occurrence long past, and cannot rid herself of it, almost like as if in a waking dream; from time to time she, as it were, awakes from it startled, but is always absorbed again by these ideas, without being able, in spite of strenuous efforts, of thinking of anything else. Anxieties, all the day. Anxieties, with palpitations that intercept the breath. 15. Apprehensiveness, with stitches above the heart, and a fancy as if he was talking deliriously, with coldness of the body and a tendency to fall down. Anxiety, as if he was engaged in a disquieting lawsuit or contest. He is beset with anxious thoughts, without cause. In the evening, he feels apprehensive; he cannot sit still, but has to walk about. More apprehensive during a thunder-storm than usuall}^ (aft 15 d.). 20. Tendency to get startled. Easily gets very much startled, and timid. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 1 19 Desponding and easily affected disagreeably by occurrences. IRl.-] Hopelessness, despair. Boundless despair. 25. She imagines she will die soon, but has no bodily indisposition. Tired of life. She wishes to die, and nevertheless she is afraid of death. Discontented, despising life. Joyless, indifferent. 30. Indifferent, without sympathy. Taciturn. Reserved, silent, with sadness. Discontented with oneself, dissolving in tears, which gives relief. Ver}^ peevish and dejected. 35. Very peevish and uncomfortable, in the morning, after rising. Ill-humor, in the morning on awaking. Ill-humor and peevish. Very ill-humored and vexed at himself. Very impatient in the afternoon. 40. Impatience (aft. 6 h.). [^Foissac.'} Cross, irritable mood. Peevishness with sadness and a crabbed humor, with restless- ness, so that she knows not where to turn. Peevish humor, as after vexation. Vexed at the least trifle, also at himself, when he does something amiss. 45. Easily excited annoyance, which much affects the mind. When disputing, there is trembling in all the limbs. He is inclined to be passionate and contentious (aft. 5 h. ). \_Foissac. ] Passionateness, venting itself in abuse. He gets violently excited about trifles, all the day, and has then to laugh at himself. ,50. Attacks of rage and despair, with oaths and curses. Long-continued rancor; insensible to apology and excuses (aft. .4d.). No inclination to work (2d d.). Indisposed to serious work. [Rl.'] Changeable mood, now cheerful, now sad (aft. 16 h.). 55. Great weakness of the memory. With increase in the physical weakness, his memory fails him remarkably at the same time. Diminished ability of thinking, indisposed to anv scientific Work. IBth.'] If she endeavors to reflect on matters of great importance to her, her thoughts fail her. His thoughts frequentl}^ fail him, and the series of his ideas vanishes. [^Bth.'] 60. She has no thoughts at all, and cannot comprehend anything, II20 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. nor understand what she is told, just as if she could not hear well, which ^^et is not the case (aft. 5 d.). Void of thoughts and almost unconscious. Dull sensation in the head, so that she cannot observe and think for any length of time. Occasional numb feeling in the head, like unconsciousness, worst in the open air. Confused feeling and lack of free action in the head, espe- cially after meals (2dd.). [i?/.] 65. Confusion and dizziness in the head. Gloominess and weakness in the head (aft. 4 d.). Rush of blood to the head and he feels dizzy. Vertigo, on rising from stooping (4th d.). [i?/.] Vertigo, when stooping. 70. Vertigo in the evening, immediately after lying down to sleep. Severe vertigo in the evening; on rising from her seat, she could hardly stand up. Vertigo, in the morning on rising, with obscuration of vision, he had to sit down. Vertigo, as if he would lose his consciousness. Vertigo and lassitude, in the morning, just after rising, so that she had to hold on to something. 75. Vertigo at night, on rising, so that she knew not where she was. Vertigo with nausea, in the morning, and after some minutes, eructation. Vertigo with pulsation in the head, and pressure in the mid- dle of the brain, in the evening. Headache in the occiput; it is transient, after some effort, es- pecially in thinking. Headache, in the morning on awaking; it ceases after rising. 80. The head is sensitive to the rumbling of carriages and loud foot-steps (aft. 13 d.). Headache as if from a spree the day before, much aggravated by stooping, with pain in the eyes as from smoke. Dull headache and heaviness in the head. Heaviness and numb feeling in the head, with nausea. Heaviness of the head in the temples, with frequent chills. 85. Painful heaviness in the head, as from coal-gas, awakes him in the morning. Sensation as if some one was violently pressing her head for- ward. Sensation of fullness in the head. Painful sensation of fullness in the head as if it would burst, several times during the day, for half an hour at a time. Pain as from fullness of blood in the head, the e3^es, and in the upper part of the nose, when shaking the head, and blowing the nose. 90. Sensation in the head as from a severe coryza, but without any particular discharge of mucus. Headache with tension in the e3^es, on moving them. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 121 Painful tension in the interior of the head, and in the ej^elids. Headache as if the head were firmly tied together. Attack of headache, first in the morning, in bed, a dull pain; after rising a violent pressure in the right temple, with chilliness, qualmishness in the umbilical region; lastly a very troublesome pain in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus, and frequent eructation (8th d.). [^/.] 95. Pressive bruised pain in the occiput. Pressure in the upper part of the head, in the temples and in the eyes, as if pressed upon with the thumb (aft. 9 d. ). Pressure in the forehead, in the morning, every day, for half an hour. Pressure in the sinciput and on the eyes, which are then more immovable. Intense downward pressure in the head, with very severe coryza. 100. Pressure in the head and heaviness in the lower limbs (the first days). Very painful drawing pressure extending from the forehead upward. Sharp pressive pain in both the frontal protuberances, with occasional stitches. Compressive headache anteriorly in the forehead, all the after- noon (aft. 2 h.). Drawing headache (aft. 2 h.). 105. Drawing pain in the right temple (aft. sever, h.). Drawing in the temporal muscles. \_Bth.'] Drawing, now in the right side of the head above the orbit, then on the left side near the ear. Cramp-like, squeezing drawing in the head, which feels gloomy and confused. [^/.] Drawing and shooting in the integuments of the head. \_Bth.'] no. Twitching in the lower left part of the brain, extending from the front backward. Twitching in the left half of the temple, toward the temple. Cutting headache. Shooting in the left temple, in the evening, not at night. Shooting in almost all parts of the head. 115. Shooting in both the occipital protuberances, extending into the lower jaw. Shooting pain in the upper part of the head, ever}' da}^ more in the afternoon, as if it would tear her head in two; she had to lie down, and could not sleep for it at night. Severe, shooting pain, on the right side of the head and on the occiput, it also pains when touched (aft. 3d.). Shooting pains in the temples (aft. 3d.). Violent stitches in the right temple (aft. 16 d.). 120. Violent stitches in the left side of the occiput during break- fast, so that the head is drawn backward, and the breath arrested. Violent stitches, suddenly in the evening, on the right side of 72 1 122 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. the occiput, and then another violent pain in the occiput, both pains ceased on going to sleep. Shooting above the eyes, daily, for half an hour in the morn- ing. Shooting pain above the left eye. \Bth^ Boring stitches in the crown, in the evening. 125. Shooting, pecking pain in the left temple, the whole after- noon (aft. 16 d.) Shooting, occasionall}^ throbbing, pain in the left frontal pro- tuberance, wdth a sensation as if the e3^es were pressed shut, from 4 p. M., worse in the evening, extending also into the night, when it awakens him. Jerking throbs in the head, when stooping and when lying down. Jerks in the head, in the evening. Beating headache in the left side of the head, the whole afternoon (aft. 8 d. ). 130. Throbbing headache in the temples. Throbbing in the occiput. Throbbing headache in the right temple, wnth nausea, in the morning on awaking, for several days (aft. 29 d. ). Intolerabl}^ painful hammering, chiefly in the head. Rush of blood to the head. 135- When stooping, the blood rushes to his head, so that it feels as if it weighed a hundred weight (aft. 16 d. ). Pain in the head, as from rush of blood, so that she could not collect her thoughts; with a sensation as of gauze before the eyes. Rush of blood to the head, with heat in it. Heat in the head, the whole day. Much heat and pain in the head, with vertigo while walking (aft.6d.). 140. Roaring in the head. Constant resounding throbbing in the head. The outside of the head is painful when touched, as from subcutaneous festering (aft. 24 h.). Painful sensitiveness of the scalp, even his cap felt heavy; in the evening, wdth anxiety (aft. 3d.). Bone pain of the whole of the left side of the head, also in the teeth and the meatus auditorius; the pains are pressive and draw- ing. 145. Bruised pain of the w^hole of the right side of the head. Tension of the scalp. Spots on the hairy scalp, w^hich are very painful when touched. Intense, painful sensitiveness of the hair of the head. The roots of the hair are painful w^hen touched, on a place on the crown as large as the hand. {jBthP^ 150. Formication on the right side of the head, about the ear. {Bth.'\ Tingling sensation of being asleep and of numbness on the head. Sensation on the head as of burning points or sparks. He often feels, as it were, hot about the head. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 1 23 The head perspires very easily. 155. Frequent perspiration of the forehead. Humid, itching eruption on the hairy scalp, forming crusts. The hairy scalp is covered with fetid crusts. The hair falls out. Rapid falling out of the hair. \^Bth.'] 160. Man}^ furuncles about the head, on the chin, on the nape, etc. The eyes are weary and hurt as if fatigued. Pressure in the eyes, like pressure on an ulcer. Pressure like sand, in the external canthi. Pressure in the eyes, as from a grain of sand. 165. Pressure in the eyes, as from looking into the sun; eyegum forms and the eye becomes red and itches. Pressure in the eyelids, in the evening. [^/.] Pressure and erosion in the left eye (6th d.). \_Rl.~\ Periodical pressure on the inner surface of the eyelids, especially the lower ones, causing greater sensitiveness of the eyes to the light, with winking. Pinching pain in the eyes. 170. Contractive pain in the left eye. \_Bth.'] Sensation as if the right eye was squeezed together (ist d.). Contractive pain, externally above the left eye. Drawing pain above the left eye. Severe drawing pain in the eyes. 175. Stitches in the eyes (also on 6th d.). Shooting pain in the right eye and the left ear, from within outward; thence inflammation of the eyes; the white of the eye becomes red; he could not see in the open air. A stitch beside the left eyeball, toward the inner canthus, ex- ternally (aft. II h.). Itching of the inner canthus of the eyes. Itching and pressure in the eyes. i8o. Smarting in the eyes. Burning in the eyes and the left temple. Burning in the eyelids, in the morning. Redness of the white in the eye. The eyes are quite red, without agglutination. 185. Inflammation of the conjunctiva in the right eye. Swelling of the eyelids. Swelling of the upper eyelid, and an itching pimple on it. Dark spots in the cornea. A small wart beside the pimple on the upper eyelid. 190. Dryness under the upper eyelids. Sensation as if the eyes were full of tears. Frequent lachrymation. [^/.] I^achrymation and itching of the eyes. lyachrymation of the right eye in the open, mild air. [iv/.] 195. Lachrymation of the eyes, increased by reading, and pains in the e5^es. Acrid humidity of the eyes. Stickiness of the eyes, as if from e3^egum. 1 1 24 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Dry eyegum in the canthi. Agglutination of the right eye, by night. 200. TrembHng of the right eyehd. Constant twitching under the right eye, after dinner. Difficulty in opening the eyes, in the morning. Difficulty in opening and raising the upper eyelid, in the morning. • Dilatation of the pupils. \Th. M.~\ 205. Obscuration of the eyes, when reading. If he looks at anything closely, he is, as it were, blinded, it seems to him too dark. The vision grows dim, objects become dark, he cannot see anything and believes there is an eclipse of the sun, or that he has become blind (aft. 2 h.). \jFc.^ His vision grows dim and his eyes are darkened, for an hour. In the open air he suddenly became as if blind, and confused in his head, his thoughts rambled, and he became faint for several minutes (aft. 39 d.). 210. He has to cease reading in the twilight, earlier than usual. The mistiness around the candle-light increases. Mist before his eyes, when looking at anything. When reading, he sees besides every letter a green spot. Short-sighted, objects at a medium distance appear indistinct. 215. Short-sightedness; even at a short distance he could not clearly distinguish objects. Double vision of horizontal objects at some distance. She could recognize anything clearly, and saw everything, as it were, double. Transitory veil before the right eye. Gray spots at some distance from the eyes; they prevent clear vision. [T/i. J/.] 220. Single black spots before the eyes. During candle-light, he sees, as it were, cobwebs before his eyes, which disappear when he presses his eyes shut, or moves them. Fiery sparks before the eyes;, things became black to his sight, during four paroxysms by day, he could not recognize any- thing for an hour. Sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. The ej^es are blinded by the day-light, as at other times in the evening by candle-light. 225. Earache, as if something in the ear would burst. Pain in the left ear, as if it was stretched. Pain as if the tympanum were pressed inward (aft. 12 h.). Intense pain in the ears. Cramp-like pain in the ears (aft. 24 h.). [Bl/i.'\ 230. Twitching in the internal meatus auditorius (aft. 6 d.). Drawing in the external meatus auditorius (aft. 4 h. ). Drawing in the right ear and the right cheek. [^/.] Tearing, now on the right, then on the left helix. [^M.] Shooting pain in the right ear, with pressure in the forehead. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 1 25 235. Stitches in the right ear, and a rushing sound in it, for three days (aft. 12 d.)- Stitch, like earache. Throbbing on the tympanum. [B^/i.^ Itching heat of the ears (aft. 5 d. ). Itching in the ears. 240. Sensation of dryness in the ears, which are swollen (aft. 6 d. ). Redness, suppuration and severe itching behind the left ear. Soreness behind the left ear (nth d. ) . [^/.] Nodules as large as lentils on the posterior surface of the lobules, with pain when touched. Swelling of the glands, below and behind the left ear, with shooting and tearing in them, passing through the ear, in the even- ing at six o'clock, until she gets warm in bed. 245. Itching in the swollen parotid gland (aft. 3 d.). Sensation of obstruction in the ear, after previous aching in it. The right ear feels suddenly obstructed, as if he was alto- gether deaf, for a short time. [^/.] She is hard of hearing (aft. 5 d.). The hearing seems dulled, she could not well understand what was spoken. 250. Echo in the ears, of his own speech. Humming in the ear, as if water was in it. Humming in the ears, and hardness of hearing, for fourteen days (aft. 14 d. ). Whizzing in the left ear (aft. 16 d.). Rushing sound before the ears. 255. Sudden puffing before the left ear, in the afternoon, for several minutes. Several loud explosions in the ear (aft. sever, d.). Cracking in the ear, when chewing (breakfast). In the nose, an intense itching. Eroding pain in the nose. 260. Stitches in the nose, like splinters, when touching it. Shooting pain in the (distended) root of the nose, especially when sneezing and coughing, [i^^.] Burning in the nose. Sensation of soreness in the anterior of the nose. [^/.] Sensation of soreness on the alse nasi (aft. 4 h.). [^/.] 265. Soreness and bleeding of the inside of the nose, with severe coryza. Soreness and scabs in the inside of the nose, [i?/.] Ulcerated nostrils, sore nose. [^/.] Itching tetters on the alse nasi. Redness of the tip of the nose, and pimples with crusts thereon. 270. Expulsion of blood from the nose, in the morning. Bleeding of the nose, from weeping. Violent bleeding of the nose (aft. 24 h.). Severe epistaxis, in the morning. 1 1 26 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Discharge of black blood from the nose. 275. Disagreeable smell in the nose, in the evening, after lying down, for three evenings. When eating, little pieces of food are forced up into the pos- terior nares with disagreeable sensation, they are only expelled afterwards with the mucus. The facial bones are painful per se, and when touched. Tension of the skin of the face, in the morning. Tension of the skin of the forehead. 280. Violent cramplike pain in the facial bones, especially in the cheekbones . \Bth . ] Sensation of contraction on the nose, the zygomas and about the eyes. Drawing in the right cheek toward the nose. [^/.] Tearing in the cheekbones, starting from the angle of the lower jaw. Violent tearing, deep in the facial muscles or in the periosteum of the zygoma, awakes him after midnight. \^Bth^ 285. Violent pains in the zygoma, as if thej^ were being torn apart (aft. 10 d.). \Bth:\ Bruised pain of the zygoma. Stitches in the face, like needle-pricks. Twitches, now in one facial muscle, now in another, espe- cially in the masseter muscles. \Bth^ Violent, painful pulsation, on the left side of the face. 290. Heat of the face, in the afternoon, [i?/.] Heat in the face, in the evening. Great heat of the face in the evenings with tremulousness. Intense sensation of internal heat of the face, especially in the eyes, so that he could hardh^ keep them open, with paleness of the face. Feeling of heat in the cheeks, without an}^ heat sensible ex- ternally. 295. Inflamed swelling (erysipelas) of the left cheek, with stinging pain, attended with nausea and chill; then heat; on raising him- self in bed, the shuddering alwaj^s returned (aft. 10 d.). Swelling of the cheek, wdth a red rough spot in the middle, and tearing in the teeth. Swelling of the cheek and of the upper lip. Bloated look about the eyes, in the morning, on awaking (3dd.). The e3"es are sunken deep (aft. 11 d. ). 300. Yellow, sickly appearance below the eyes, in the morning after rising, and sensation of exhaustion (aft. 9 d.). Yellowness about the eyes, while the cheeks are red. Yellowness of the face. Scaly skin all over the face. Black pores on the skin of the face. 305. Small pimples in the face, especially on the forehead. Pimples on the forehead. Man}^ small pimples on the forehead, just below the hair. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 1 27 Eruptive nodules on the temple on the border of the hair (5th d.). [7?/.] Eruptive pimple on the temples. 310. Itching, burning red eruptive nodules, with pus in the apex, here and there on the face, on the forehead, the temples, the lips, the chin, etc. Fine eruption about the b^ard, with intense itching. Itching tetters in the whiskers. Close to the mouth, a herpetic spot, which extends down to the chin. The lips are swollen and itch. 315. Swelling of the upper lips and of the upper gums (aft. lo d.). Swelling of the lower lip (2d, 9th d.). Cutting pain in the upper lip. Stitches as from splinters, in the upper lip, when it is touched. Much itching on the upper lip. 320. Some pimples on the lip with eroding itching. Itching eruption on the upper lip. Ulcerative eruptive pimples on the lower lip (aft. 9 d.). Ulcerated commissures of the lips, with crusts. Pustules on the chin (aft. 48 h. ). 325. Several pimples on the chin, with red, indurated circumfer- ence; at first they are painful when touched; this ceases as soon as pus appears in their apices; they leave behind them for two days, an induration with a red circumference (aft. 33 d.). lBtk.~\ A large boil on the side of the chin. Pain in the jawbone, as from mercury.^ [ScoTT in Hufel. Journ. IV., p. 353. Cramplike pain in the right jaw. \_Rl.^ Twitching in the right lower jaw, extending from the ears forward. 330. A continual stitch in the region of the articulation of the jaw. Great pain, weakness and lack of strength in the whole of the lower jaw, in the evening. \^Bth^ Cracking in the articulation of the jaws, when chewing and eating. The submaxillary glands are painful. [/^/.] A gland below the jaw on the right side pains for a long time. 335. Sensation of swelling of the submaxillary glands. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. \^Bth7\ The swollen submaxillary glands are painful, when moving and touching the neck. \_Bth^ Dull pressure in the submaxillary glands and on the neck. iBth.'X Toothache of the upper row, which does not however impede chewing; with swelling of the cheeks and turgidity therein. ^ Proving on self. Symptoms have been compared with original in Duncan's Annals of Medicine, lygS. I, 375:— Pain was felt also in the back of the head, and the gums were red and swollen . — Hughes. 1 128 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 340. The pains in the teeth are aggravated as soon as she rests her head on the pillow. Contractive twitching and clucking in a hollow tooth. Twitching toothache, chiefly in hollow teeth, and in the evening ( i st d. ) . \Bth . ] Drawing in the teeth. Drawing pain in the teeth, extending to the larynx. 345. Drawing and muttering in the teeth and the jaws at night. Sharp drawing in the right row of teeth and in the head. {_Rl.-\ Tearing in the teeth (15th d.). Shooting toothache with swelling of the cheeks, for tv/o days (aft. 3d.). Severe stitches in the upper molars, downward toward the crowns (aft. 3d h.) 350. Constant shooting pain in the teeth (aft. 24 h.). A stitch darts into the tooth, when anything cold or warm gets into the mouth. Shooting and burning in the teeth, at night. Boring pains in the teeth, when anything cold or warm touches them. Tormenting, throbbing toothache, worst in the evening in bed, preventing him for several hours from going to sleep, now in one tooth, now in all the teeth (aft. 12 d.). S^Bth?^ 355. Sensation of coldness in the teeth. Looseness and pain of the teeth in chewing. A lower molar pains while chewing. The anterior upper teeth and a lower hollow molar pain as if loose and dull, as if they were bent forward and waggled; it ceases in the evening after eating warm things. The sensation of softness in the teeth ceases when eating. \_Fc:\ 360. Sensation as if the teeth were soft and spongy; he dares not bite upon them, for fear, that they might fall out; at the least sucking, blood flows from the gums, and he feels a pleasant sen- sation in the whole mouth (nth d.). The teeth feel warm and elongated. The teeth, which before were quite white, become yellow. \_Bth:\ In the gums of the upper teeth, cutting pain. Pressive pain in the gums, and as if sore. 365. Itching on the gums. [^/.] White swollen gums. Swelling of the upper gums, even in the sockets (aft. 8d.). Swelling of the gums and such looseness of the teeth, that she could have taken them out (aft. 5 d.) The interior parts of the mouth, on awaking in the morning, feel stiff and swollen. {RL'\ 370. Sensation in the mouth, as if everything in it had gone to sleep (29th d. ). Contractive pain in the mouth. \Bth7\ J NITRI ACIDUM. 1 1 29 The inner skin of the cheeks easily gets between the teeth, so that, in chewing, he bites into it (loth d.)- [^/.] Ulcerated spot on the inner side of the cheek, with stinging pain as from a splinter. Ulceration in the mouth and fauces/ [Bi,air, Neuste Erfa]n\ Glog., 1801; ScoTT.] 375. Spreading ulcer on the side of the uvula. ^ [J. Fe:rriar, Samml. f. prakt. Aerzte. XIX, ii.] Vesicle on the tongue and on its edge, with burning pain when touched. Little vesicles on the glands under the tongue, they are painful. Small painful pimples on the side of the tongue. The tongue is very sensitive, even mild articles of food cause a sharp smarting, [i?/.] 380. In chewing, he bites his tongue. Sore pain of the red part of the tongue. Soreness of the tongue, the palate, the inner side of the gums, with shooting pain, and ulceration of the commissure of the lips (for 5 days) (aft. 28 d.). Lisping. Coated tongue. 385. Thickly coated tongue (with febrile movements). Thickly coated dry tongue, in the morning. White, dry tongue (aft. 24 h.). Very dry tongue, so that it cleaves to the palate, in the morn- ing on awaking. Dryness of the mouth. \Stapf.'\ 390. Dryness in the mouth, without thirst, with swollen, hot lips. Great dryness in the mouth, with great thirst. Dryness in the mouth, in the morning, [i?/.] Dr3^ and scrapy in the mouth in the morning, as after much smoking of tobacco. Dryness on the upper part of the palate. 395. Her mouth is always full of water, and she has to spit much (aft. sever, h. ). He spits out much viscid saliva. Much flow of saliva (13th d.). {Rl.'\ Flow of saliva, without any trouble with the gums.^ [KeIvIvIK, Samml. f. prakt. Aerzte. \ DuKRR, Hiifel Journ. XXV, II, 31; Scott.] Flow of saliva, and ulcers on the fauces. \_Bth.'\ 400. Bloody saliva is spit out in the morning (aft. 48 h.). The saliva is colored with blood, especially after mental work. Putrid smell from the mouth. 1 No such symptom found in Scott. In Blair's case (original is Essays on Venereal Dis, ease, etc., Lond., 1797) the symptom seems compounded of an ulcer in the throat which ap peared in a man who was taking the acid for S3'philitic disease there, and of ulcerations and vesications on the lips and inside of the mouth from the local action of the drug. — Hiii:/i,s. 2 Ferriar's symptoms {Med. Hist, and Reji. II, 290) are of the same character as Blair's. The present one occurred in a case of secondary syphilis, while the acid was being taken for ulceration of the tonsils. — Hughes. ^To Kellie— "Translated from Duncan's Annals of Medicine, 1797, II," 254. Observa- tions on patients.— To Duerr, also obserA-ations on -paHQnis.— Hughes. 1 130 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Cadaverous smell from the mouth. ^ [Blair.] Very tough mucus in the mouth. 405. Much mucus posteriori}^ in the throat, [i?/.] Hawking up of mucus. Sore throat with pressive pain. Pressure in the throat, when swallowing food, as if this could not get down. Pressure posteriorly in the throat, while swallowing food, this pressure, as it were draws itself downward on the inner side of the back. 410. Pressure in the throat like a swelling and as if thick, by day and in the evening, with sore pain. Sensation as of a lump in the throat during empty deglutition. Sensation as of a lump ascending in the oesophagus. Pinching of the morsel in the throat, as if it was constricted, during eating. During eating, little pieces of food press toward the posterior nares, and come out behind, toward the nose as if the phar3mx had not properly seized upon them, and had allowed them to escape, so that the}^ are pressed toward the posterior nares. 415. Sore throat, when swallowing, like a swelling in the throat, and as if raw and ulcerated. Shooting pain in the throat, after long speaking. Sore throat, with shooting pain. Shooting in the throat, as if in the root of the tongue, when not swallowing, in the evening in bed. Shooting in the tonsils, and burning in the fauces, behind the uvula. 420. Burning in the throat, after supper, for half an hour. Pain in the tonsils, with soreness of the uvula. Sensation of soreness in the throat. Sore pain in the pharynx (aft. 10 d. ). [i5*//^.] Swelling of the inside of the throat with shooting pain. 425. Swelling of the tonsils."^ [Aeyon, Mem. de la Soc. Med. d' Emulation , I, 6r8.] Heat and dryness in the throat. Dryness, posteriorly, way back in the throat, with heat, without sweat, during the night. Very scrap}', scratchy and dry in the throat. [^/.] Scrapy in the throat, as if something obstructed speech and deglutition. 430. Scraping in the throat. Tickling in the throat. Acidity in the throat. Intense sourness in the throat, after eating fat things. Acidity in the mouth, burning intensely in the throat. 435. Acidity in the mouth, after a meal. Sour taste in the mouth (aft. sever, h.). Sour taste in the mouth, in the evening. 1 ^Tot found. — Hughes. -Observation. — Hughes. NITRI ACIDUM. II3I Sour taste in the mouth, m the morning. Bitterness in the throat. 440. Bitterness in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, in the afternoon. Ver}^ bitter taste in the mouth, the whole forenoon. Bitter taste, and the tongue coated whitish 3'ellow (aft. 24 h.). Sweetish taste in the mouth, in the morning (aft. 13 d.). 445. Sweetish saHva in the mouth. Pure water tastes saUy, when rinsing the mouth. Constant great thirst. Much longing for drinking. Thirst for water, in the morning, on awaking. 450. He has to drink with his food. Lack of appetite, he does not relish his food, worse in the morning. Very little appetite, without any bad taste. No hunger at all, and if she eats nevertheless, she soon feels qualmish, and there arises a distant nausea toward the throat. He does not relish his food, he is satiated at once, and there arise eructations tasting of the little food he has eaten. 455. He has no appetite, he loathes everything. Dislike to boiled meat, [v^/.] Dislike to dishes made of meat. Dislike to sweets. She cannot eat any bread, she can only eat cooked food. 460. Rye bread causes a sour taste, and she has to vomit. Appetite for fat things and for herring. Appetite, but as soon as she starts to eat, it is gone. She has appetite, but she feels full immediately. Feeling of satiety and also of numbness in the head. 465. Intense hunger, with satiety of life (aft. 2d.). Rabid hunger. [RiTTER, in Hufel. Journ., X, 3, 191.] After eating, a long after- taste of the food eaten. After dinner, severe eructations and flatulency. After meals, nausea. 470. After meals, nausea in the throat, ceasing after some exercise. For several hours after a meal, qualmishness in the abdomen, for several days in succession. \Rl^ Immediately after dinner, vomiting and headache above the eyes and in the parietal bones, as if the head would burst. After meals, much eructation, with bitter and sour vomiting. After meals, eructation, and then heartburn from the scrobic- ulus cordis extending into the throat. 475. Immediately after a very moderate dinner, distended stomach and abdomen, and the clothes seem too tight. After meals, loud growling in the abdomen. During meals, while drinking water, frequent colic. After drinking, at the beginning of a meal, tearing sore pain in the fauces, the chest and in the stomach. 1 132 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. After meals, a sensation of coldness and of pressure in the stomach. 480. After every meal, headache above the eyes, more of a shoot- ing, than a pressive nature (aft. 16 d. ). After meals, heat and redness of the face. After meals, frequent retching cough, with irritation and crawling in the throat. During eating, sore pain in the inside of the chest. After dinner, excessive prostration, with heaviness in all the limbs, especially in the knees and the elbows; they were, as it were, relaxed. 485. After meals, much yawning, [i?/.] After meals, she feels a weary drowsiness and has to sleep. After supper, an irresistible inclination to sleep, with stretch- ing and impatience. After dinner, a chill, with pale complexion and coated tongue. When eating, perspiration on the forehead. 490. After meals (in the morning and at noon) perspiration all over (aft 5 d.). After meals, a sort of anxiety. Immediately after dinner, very unwell; she feels warm, all her limbs feel as if bruised and they tremble; she has to lie down.. After and before meals, much eructation. Eructation, tasting of food eaten at dinner four hours before. 495. Kmpty eructation (almost at once). [^/.] Empty eructation, also in the morning, before breakfast. Sour eructation. Bilious eructation, while eating, especially in the evening. Regurgitation of half digested food, with disagreeable taste in the mouth. 500. lyiable to eructation, attended with heartburn. Burning downward in the oesophagus to the pit of the stom- ach, like heartburn. Hiccup (3dd.). [^/.] Hiccup, from morning till evening (4th d. ). [^/.] Nausea, as if from heat, not so as to cause vomiting, for many hours. 505. Nausea with anxiety and trembling (aft. 41 h.). Nausea with anxiety, without tendency to vomit, below the short ribs, frequently by day. Nausea, qualmishness and moving about in the whole body, as after taking an emetic. Nausea about the stomach, all day. Qualmish, sickly, chilly, after the (customary) coffee; she must lie down. 510. Sickly and aching, frequently, as if swooning and anxious, as if there would be eructations (especially on moving), alternating with ravenous hunger and pain as from emptiness in the stomach, as if she ought to eat, with collection of water in the mouth, like waterbrash; daily, in repeated attacks of five to ten minutes' dura- tion. Constant nausea and inclination to vomit, all the day, for NITRI ACIDUM. 1 133 mail}' days in succession, with heat, extending from the scrobic- ulus cordis to the pit of the throat; the nausea does not advance to retching, and ceases during eating and drinking, for both of which she has appetite. Intolerable nausea, passing into vomiting.^ [Wai^ters, in Phys . Med. Jo urn., 1810^ Bitter and sour vomiting with much eructation after meals. Pain in the region of the cardiac orifice of the stomach, when swallowing food. 515. Pain above the stomach, so that he cannot straighten himself, relieved by eructation. Pressure in the stomach, increased by pressing the hand upon it. Pressure in the stomach, especially before meals, even when it is only an hour before he ate last; it is removed by eating; attended with empty eructations. Severe pressure above the stomach and the scrobiculus cordis, when walking in the open air. Pressure in the stomach, very painful, before breakfast. 520. Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, and sudden burning, as if he would vomit blood (2d d.). Pressure in the stomach, as from a wound, in the morning and by day. Cramp in the stomach, as from a cold. Cramp-like pain in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 6 d.). Spasmodically contractive pain in the stomach. 525. Contractive cramp in the stomach; very disagreeable griping and pinching, in paroxysms (aft. 24 and 48 h.). Violent, spasmodic pinching in the stomach. Spasmodic drawing pain in the pit of the stomach, with ten- sion reaching to the navel, and shortening the breath. Clutching in the stomach, in the morning after rising, extend- ing into the chest, then brief attacks of colic. Continuous stitch anteriorly below the pit of the stomach. .530. Gnawing at the stomach, in the morning before breakfast. Throbbing in the pit of the stomach. Ebullition in the region of the pit of the stomach (4th d.). Sensation of heat in the stomach.^ [Scott]. Burning sensation in the stomach. .535. Coldness in the stomach.^ [Blair.] Painless movement on the left side near the scrobiculus cordis (iithd.). In the hepatic region, pressure and tension. Stitches in the hepatic region, at the least movement, causing him to scream aloud. Jaundice, yellowness of the skin with costiveness. .540. In the left hypochondrium, pressure, more anteriorly (4tli d. ). Pressure in the left side of the abdomen. Sensation of swelling in the spleen. 1 Not iowwd^.—Hufrhcs . " Soon after ingestion, — Hughes. 3 Ascribed to acid being too little diluted. — Hughes. 1 134 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Shooting pain in the splenetic region, at everj^ movement (4th d.). In the renal region, a pressure. 545. Pain in the abdomen with pressive pain. Pressure in the middle of the abdomen, as if there was a dumpling in it. Pressive pain, and at times a stitch in the h^'pogastrium, on touching it. Pressure in the umbilical region, with a sensation as if it would cease after the stool. Pain in a small part of the abdomen, as if something wanted to come out. 550. Inflation of the abdomen, in the morning on awaking. Inflation of the abdomen by flatus, with growling in the ab- domen from morning till evening, for many days. Sensation of inflation in the umbilical region. Constant distension of the abdomen. Strong tension in the abdomen (aft. 24 h.). 555. Contraction in the abdomen, with itching. Contractive pain in the umbiUcal region. Spasmodic contraction of the abdomen. Cramps in the abdomen. Drawing pain in the hypogastrium, with shuddering. 560. Drawing pain in the abdomen, extending into the thighs. Drawing and griping in the umbilical region, especially on moving and bending the bod}^ Frequent pinching in the abdomen, without diarrhoea. Pinching in the abdomen, repeatedly in the morning, after a normal stool. Cutting pain in the abdomen in the morning in bed and after rising; then soft stools (3d d.). [^/.] 565. Cutting pain in the abdomen, with diarrhoeic stools, and cold feet that cannot be warmed. Cutting and tension in the right h3^pogastrium. Shooting pain in the abdomen, especially when pressing upon it. Burrowing pain in the abdomen, below the navel. Burrowing and pinching in the hypogastrium, without diar- rhoea. 570. Pain in the abdomen, as from taking a cold. The abdomen is extremely sensitive (aft. 3d.). A connate, wartlike excrescence on the abdomen becomes sen- sitive, sore and scurf}^ \_^l.~\ The hernial region is very much inflated. Shooting pain in the left hernial region. 575. Pain as from a fracture and from a hernia in the left inguinal region, diminished by walking. The glands in the groins are swollen. [Lesher, inRcehmer' s a7td Kuehn' s Annal. d. Arznem, I, II., i.]^ Swelling of the inguinal gland, without pain. 1 Not accessible. -//z/^A^^. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 1 35 Contractive pain in the inguinal gland. Slight stitch in the bubo, when touched, and also per se; shooting itching in the hard part of the bubo. 580. Suppurating swelling of the inguinal glands, very painful when walking; the whole lower limb feels paralyzed and the muscles feel stretched Generation of a quantity of flatus; it moves about in the abdomen, without finding its way out, with a disagreeable sensa- tion. Much call to pass flatus, with colic; little or none is passed, even when, after an injection of water, a stool is caused. Restlessness in the abdomen, with much rumbling and diarrhceic stool, for more than a week (aft. 20 h.). Colicky restlessness, in the morning and inflation in the ab- domen, the flatus moves about in the abdomen, causing pain and growling there, and even a soft stool gives no relief (aft. 16 d. ). 585. Severe flatulent colic, in the morning after rising. Rumbling in the abdomen. Growling in the abdomen, without hunger, often even after a meal. Much emission of flatus, in the morning, after pinching in the abdomen. [^/.] Emission of much fetid flatus. 590. It causes much fetid flatus to be discharged at once (also the 2d d.). Excessive emission of flatus (aft. sever, h.). Before the emission of flatus, pain in the abdomen, [i?/.] Before the emission of flatus, a drawing, writhing pain in the abdomen. [^/.] Constipation (ist d.). 595. Painless constipation for several days.^ {Samml. f. prakt. Aerzte. XV., i.). Only every other day a hard stool, covered with mucus, dur- ing the first days, afterwards again a daily stool. Costiveness; her abdomen was inflated and the flatus was not emitted, aft. 3, 4, 5 d.). Hard, scanty stool. The stool passes off in hard lumps. 600. Stool like sheep dung, with much straining, attended. with mucous discharge (2d, 3d d.). Urging on the rectum for stool, but a scanty discharge. Constant pressing and straining for stool; he could not evac- uate it, and yet it was not hard. Constant urging to stool, but without effect. Stool alternately firm and liquid. \_Stapf?^ 605. Soft stool, after pinching in the abdomen. Two soft stools every day, for several weeks. Three, four stools a day, with shuddering and qualmishness under the short ribs (the first 13 d.). Pappy stool. Not iowwd..- Hughes. 1 136 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sensation as if diarrhoea would come, which did not occur (aft. 2 to 8 h.). 610. Diarrhoeic stool, two or three times a day (the first 10 d.). Diarrhoea, with nausea after a meal (aft. 20 d.). Diarrhoea, every other day. Repeated stools of mere mucus, at times with colic and vio- lent urging (the first 4 d.). The stool is enveloped in mucus. 615. Undigested food discharged with the stool. Thin, 3^ellowish,^ white stool. Putrid smell of the stool and the flatus. Smarting acridity of the stool. Bloody, d3^senteric stools, with tenesmus, attended with fever and headache. [Walters.] 620. Before the stool, pain in the abdomen, also drawing pain. Before a normal stool, pinching in the abdomen (aft. 14 d.). During the stool, pain as if something was being torn in the rectum. During the stool, shooting, cutting and urging in the rectum and anus. During a stool, a profuse discharge of blood. 625. During a hard stool, burning in the anus. During a stool, shooting pain in the rectum, and spasmodic contraction of the anus, for many hours (aft. 2d.). After the stool, there is again tenesmus. After the stool, sensation as if more had to be discharged (6th d.). After the stool, burning in the anus. 630. After the stool, shooting and scraping pain in the rectum, and the anus. After a soft stool, nausea. After a stool, complete prostration (aft. 9 d.) After the stool, excessive irritability, anxiety and general in- disposition. After repeated, frequently ineffectual calls to stool, pain in the abdomen. 635. The rectum seems inactive, and unable to expel the faeces. , Pressure in the rectum (aft. 7, 17 d. ). Pressive pain on the anus, as if a varix was just then form- ing. Pressure toward the rectum, and then a formation of painful varices on the anus. Varices on the anus, after severe pressure down the back, when standing. 640. Varices and pricking in the rectum. Pain of the varices in the anus. Burning of the varices of the auns. Swelling of the varices of the anus. Constant pressing outward of the varices of the rectum. 645. Protruding, painless varices on the anus, and with every stool some discharge of blood. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 1 37 Bleeding of the varices of the anus, at every stool. Severe pinching in the rectum. Contraction of the anus, almost daily. Painful prolapsus of the rectum. 650. Itching in the rectum. Itching ih the anus, when walking in the open air and after a stool. Itching in the anus, owing to the movements of ascarides. Itching and burning in the rectum, with passage of ascarides. Stitches in the rectum, in the evening. 655. Stitches in the rectum, when coughing. Excoriation on the anus, in the evening. Excoriation, more in the rectum than in the anus, immedi- ately after a stool, for two hours. Heat in the rectum. Burning sensation in the rectum. 660. Burning and pinching in the rectum. Burning on the anus (2dd.). Burning in the rectum, toward the perinaeum, with ineffec- tual urging to stool. Painful burning in the anus (the rectum), the whole day, especially after micturition. Soreness in the anus (aft. 4 d.). 665. Humid soreness on the anus, and between the nates, when walking Humidity and itching on the anus. [^/.] Painful pimple on the perinseum. Sharply drawing shooting pain in the perinaeum, toward the anus. Painless suppression of the urine, for several days. \_Samml. f. prakt. Aerzte.'] 670. Much urging to urinate. Pressure on the bladder to urinate. Frequent urging to urinate, with little discharge. At night, intense urging to urinate, and little urine (aft. 4 d. ). At night, urging to urinate, with colic. 675. He has to rise often at night to urinate. Very scanty urine. Thin stream of urine, as from a constriction of the urethra. Very scanty, turbid, ill smelling urine. Very frequent, easy passage of urine. 680. Very much, pale colored urine. Spontaneous flow of urine. ^ [ScoTT.] The child involuntarily allows the urine to flow. The urine passed is cold. Urine quite dark. 685. Very dark urine, which soon turns white and turbid; after urination, increased dryness of the throat. Quite brown urine, making brown spots, like cofFee, in the linen. iNot ionnd..— Hughes . 1 1 38 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Light colored urine, which on standing becomes first like whe3' and full of filaments, and then deposits a bright red sediment, firmh^ adhering to the vessel (aft. 33 d.). \Bth^ Red sediment in the urine. Much brown red gravel in the urine (aft. 7 d.). 690. The urine deposits sand. Whitish sediment and intensely ammoniacal odor of the urine. Intolerabh' strong smelling, smarting, brownish urine. Smarting smell of the urine, like tobacco. Ill-smelling, sourish urine, like that of horses. 695. During micturition, burning in the urethra (aft. 17 d.). During micturition, violent burning in the urethra. \Ha7't- manuT^ During micturition, stitches in the hypogastrium, just above the pudenda. During micturition, excoriation in the urethra. During micturition, sore pain in the tip of the glans. 700. During micturition, sore pain in the whole urethra. Cutting in the urethra. After micturition, a violent burning (aft. 7 d.). Toward the bladder, a spasmodic contractive pain, proceeding from the kidneys. The urethra is painful when touched. 705. Xeedle-pricks, anteriorh' in the orifice of the urethra. Burning sensation anteriorh' in the urethra, forcing him to urinate, as if this would relieve it, but it only aggravates it. The orifice of the urethra is thickly swollen, puffed up and dark red. \Harb7iann?^ Ulcer in the urethra.^ [Blair.] Yellowish matter is discharged from the urethra. 710. Mucus drips from the urethra, when not urinating. Some drops of thin mucus, which does not allow itself, like the prostatic juice, to be drawn out in threads, come from the urethra after urinating. Discharge of tenacious mucus from the urethra after micturi- tion. Flow of bloody mucus from the urethra. The hairs on the pudenda rapidly fall out. \_Bth.'] 715. Itching on the sexual parts. \_Stapf.'] Much itching on the sexual parts. Itching titillation as from a fl}' sting on the whole of the gen- ital organ. Itching on the whole of the penis, especialh' on the glans under the prepuce. A spot on the penis which was rubbed sore, becomes ulcerated and will not heal, [i?/.] 720. Frequent itching of the glans. Itching pimples on the glans. Red spots on the glans, which are covered with a crust. 1 The only s^-mptom resembling this in Blair is ''the inside of the prepuce is a little ex- coriated, as if a chancre would appear," and this occurred in a man infected with S3-philis three months pre\-iously, who had taken much mercu^>^ — Hughes. I NITRI ACIDUM. 1 139 Several brown painful spots, as large as lentils, on the corona glandis. \_Bfh.'] Ten to twelve small, flesh- colored excrescences on the corona glandis, which after a few da3^s decrease in size, discharge a fetid humor, and bleed when touched. [Bth.'\ 725. Deep ulcer on the glans, with raised, lead-colored, highly sensitive borders. [Bth.'\ Flat ulcers on the corona glandis, looking clean, but dis- charging an ill-smelling pus. [Bth.'\ Humidity on the glans (balanorrhoea). Mucus under the prepuce, behind the corona glandis. [_Rl.~\ Throbbing and pressing on the glans (aft. 2 d.). 730. In the prepuce, sharp stitches. \_Bth.'] Itching on the prepuce and humid spots on its inner surface (aft 28 d.). Inflammation and swelling of the prepuce, with burning pain on its inner surface, soreness and small ulcers secreting a very fetid humor, making spots on the linen, like bloody pus. \_Bth.'] Severe swelling and phimosis of the prepuce, without much redness, and on its inner surface and on its border as well as at the orifice of the urethra, there are suppurating ulcers like chancres, with flat borders without inflammation, and with violent shooting tearing, becoming especially worse toward evening, last- ing during the night, interfering with sleep, and still further ag- gravated toward morning by violent erections. \_Hartma7171 .'] Small itching vesicles on the prepuce, which after several days crack open, and are covered with small dry scabs. 735. A small pimple with burning itching, on the inner surface of the prepuce; after rubbing it, there is a flat ulcer even with the skin and of yellow color, as if coated with thick pus, and painless, only wdth some redness around it. Flat, yellow, ulcerated spots, like flat chancres, humid but without pain, on the inner surface of the prepuce, on both sides of the fraenulum. On the scrotum, violent itching. Tingling of the scrotum, extending into the groin. Itching on the scrotum, with sore places (2d d.). \_RL~\ 740. In the testicle, a drawing pain. Whirling pain in the left testicle. Contusive pain in the left testicle. Burning pain in the left testicle. Swelling of the testicle. [Leschkn.] 745. Swelling of the right testicle, with pain when touched. Tearing in the spermatic cords, with painful sensitiveness of the testes, when touched. Sexual impulse is lacking. Diminished, sometimes very defective sexual impulse, during the first 18 da3^s, and slow and insufficient erections, sometimes only to be excited by the female touch, but in the time that fol- lowed it became all the more satisfactor}^ and irreproachable (in a man of 51 years). Lack of erections. 1 140 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 750. Sexual impulse and erection, without any phantastic images (the first 2d.). Frequent impulse to coitus, after several weeks (after-effects) . Much inclination to coitus (15th d.). Continual activity of the sexual impulse (aft. 10 d.). Lasciviousness, during which much prostatic juice is emitted. 755. Prostatic juice of turbid white color, emitted after a diffi- cult stool (aft. 3 d.). Great tendency to erections (aft. 5 d.). Erections in the morning in bed, with pain in the urethra (aft. 24 d.). Erections, with burning and shooting in the urethra (aft. 4 Erections in the evening, after lying down. 760. Violent erections at night, on awaking. Violent erection at night, even after a pollution (aft. 16 d. ). Spasmodic disagreeable erections, lasting for several hours, after midnight; he had to toss about restlessly for several hours (aft. 15 d.). lBth:\ Violent erections at night and seminal emission (aft. 9 d.). Frequent pollutions. 765. But little of a voluptuous thrill during coitus. During seminal emission in coitus, there is but little voluptu- ous sensation. The coitus, even when there is a sufficient impulse, if repeated too soon, causes general weakness and renews old ailments that had passed away. After coitus, drawing pain in the sacrum, spine and thigh. On the female pudenda, violent itching, toward evening. 770. Itching on the pudenda; the child almost rubs it sore at night. Itching on the pudenda when walking; soreness ensues. Irritation and inflammation on the labia majora and the vagina (2d d.). Stitches in the vagina, extending upward when walking in the open air. Violent shooting in the vagina. 775. Dry burning on the sexual parts. Swelling of the one side of the vagina and of the labia minora, with burning itching. An ulcer, coated with yellow pus; it is even with the skin in the vagina, with burning itching pain. Menses late by three days (aft. 11 d.). Menses seven da5^s late (till full moon), in a young person, and somewhat too strong, with pains in the abdomen and head (aft. 29 d.). 780. Menses two days early (aft. 10 d.). Menses three days early (aft. 19 d.). Return of the menses hastened by three days (aft. 4 d.). Menses seven days early (aft. 11 d.). Menses eight days too soon (aft. 19 d.). 785. Menses eleven days too soon (aft. 11 d.). NITRI ACIDUM. II41 Menses return even after fourteen days, but not profuse. The menstrual flow returns, a few days after the catamenia, pale reddish. Menstrual flow too strong (aft. 21 d. ). A day before the menses appear, and during the same, bruised pain in the limbs. 790. At the appearance of the menses, violent cramplike pain in the hypogastrium. At the appearance of the menses, violent pains in the sacrum, for one hour (aft. 48 h. ). During the menses, every day, burning in the eyes. During the menses, toothache. During the menses, swelling of the gums. 795. During the menses, severe pressure in the hepatic region. During the menses, pressure in the abdomen and pain in the sacrum. During the menses, inflation of the abdomen. During the menses, violent cramp-pains in the hypogastrium, as if the abdomen would burst, with constant eructation; she could not rest in any place. During the menses, intense pains, first like labor pains, then more of a straining in the hypogastrium, extending to the vagina. 800. During the menses, intense pressure in the hypogastrium, as if everything were coming out at the genital parts, with pain in the sacrum; it drew downward in the hips, into the lower limbs. During the menses, a contraction toward the pudenda. During the menses, soon after they appear, an attack of pal- pitation, heat and anguish, for half an hour; all the limbs are trembling (aft. ii d.). During the menses, so great a weakness, that it took her speech and her breath away, and she had to lie down (aft. 17 d.). Leucorrhoea, with mucus that may be drawn into threads, flesh-colored (aft. 24 h. and 15 d.). 805. Severe leucorrhoea (2d d.). Greenish mucus flow from the vagina, just after the menses. Flow from the vagina, of a fetid smell. Flow from the vagina, of cherry-brown color and putrid smell. Much sneezing every day, without coryza. 810. Frequent sneezing, with obstruction of the nose. Frequent violent sneezing (aft. sever, h.). Violent sneezing; in the morning and evening, without coryza. Much sneezing, tingling in the nose and sensation of incip- ient epistaxis. Much sneezing by day, and discharge of much nasal mucus. 815. Stoppage of the nose. Stoppage of the left half of the nose. Entire stoppage of the nose, in the morning, on awaking; a watery liquid drips from it; after a few mornings, the nostrils are again open and free. Tendenc}^ to coryza, for mau}^ da3'S. II42 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Stuffed coryza (aft. sever, d.). 820. Stuffed corj^za, with stoppage of the nose; the nasal mucus only passes through the posterior nares out of the month. Stuffed coryza, with dr3mess in the throat, and in the nose, with inflamed, swollen alse of the nose (aft. 5 d.). Severe stuffed coryza, without discharge. Severe stuffed coryza, at night till in the morning (aft. 16 h.). At night, acrid water runs from the nose. 825. He blows yellow, ill-smelling mucus from his nose. Flow^ of thick nasal mucus, eroding the nostrils. (Durre, in Hufel. Joiu7i,'] Violent coryza, with headache (aft. 4 d.). Violent coryza, with some cough (aft. 48 h.). Cor^^za and cough (aft. 9 d.). 830. Coryza, with sensation of soreness of the nostrils. Cor3^za, with headache and dry cough. Coryza, with waterbrash. Severe coryza, with swelling of the nose and upper lip, and a cough, especially at night. Fluent coryza, with some stoppage of the nose (2d d.). 835. Severe fluent corj'za, joined with stuffed coryza, the breathing, even through the mouth, being impeded, with shooting in the throat in empty deglutition, also when swallowing food Severe fluent coryza (aft. 2d.). Severe fluent coryza, with tearing in all the limbs, for only one day (4th d.). Extremely severe fluent coryza, with intense hoarseness and cough, with stitches in the throat at every impulse (aft. 12 d.). Violent fluent cor^^za, after sneezing and chilliness (31st d.). [Rl.-] 840. In the region of the larynx, shooting pains. Shooting pains in the (larynx?) throat, after long speaking. Sharp, scrapy sensation in the windpipe (aft. 9 d. ). Scraping in the throat, and irritation to cough, when reading aloud. Scraping in the throat and cough. 845. Roughness of the throat, like a grater, sensible not when swallowing, but in breathing; with tightness of the chest and fluent cor^^za. The voice is not clear, at times. Hoarseness (aft. sever, h. and 2d.). Hoarseness, so that she could not talk. Mucus adhering to the chest. 850. Much cough (aft. 3, 4 d. ). Cough from tickling, with soreness in the throat. Cough, with a contractive sensation in the throat, especially by night when sleeping. Cough, when breathing deepl}^ Tussiculation, in the morning (3d d.). [/?/.] 855. In the evening in bed, a retching cough. In the evening especially, a dr}^, barking cough. At night, a severe cough, just after midnight, for one hour. NITRI ACIDUM. II43 Before midnight, rough, dry cough. At night especialh^ cough, which did not allow her to rest for even five minutes, with a concussion of the whole body, often arresting the breath, as in whooping cough; at the same time shooting pain in the chest, sore throat and fever. 860. At night, far more coughing than by day, he can only fall asleep toward morning; also b}^ day, there is far more cough when lying down, and going to sleep. Croaking cough, starting from the scrobiculus cordis, in paroxysms, but not at night. Dry cough, as after a cold. Expectoration of mucus by coughing. Yellow expectoration, tasting bitter. 865. Bloody expectoration by a retching cough, in the morning in bed, after slight rattling in the windpipe; then sensation of illness, chill, etc. Expectoration of black, coagulated blood, by a retching cough. He coughs and retches out black blood and also expels it from the nose. Pain below the stomach during cough and caused by it. During coughing, every time a pressure in the head. 870. During coughing, pain in the hypochondria. During coughing, sneezing. During coughing, stitches in the throat. Pain in the chest, from coughing. During coughing and breathing, shooting pains in the middle of the left side of the chest, almost at every breath, especially when lying in bed. 875. During coughing, a sore pain in the chest, as from an ulcer. During coughing, a stitch in the sacrum. During coughing, the knee is suddenly affected, so that it gives way and there is then a pain in the patella, when walking. Breathlessness, while walking in the open air, and heaviness of the feet. Breathlessness, palpitation and oppression on going up stairs. 880. Sudden want of breath, and palpitation, while walking slowly. Shortness of breath (ist d.). Oppression of the breath in the morning, so severe that she could hardly get any air (aft. 30 d.). Asthma, when walking in the open air. Asthma, as from congestion of blood to the chest. 885. Tightness of the chest, so that she could not get breath (aft. 22 d.). Oppression and anxiety, when she walks somewhat quickly, with perspiration on the back and chest. Tightness of the chest. Oppression on the chest; short, anxious difficult respiration. Tightness on the chest, when sitting and walking, but espe- cially when bending backwards (aft. 3d.). 1 1 44 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 890. Panting respiration. When taking breath, wheezing and rattling on the chest. Breath wear}- and slow, so that he can stay almost a minute without breathing. At every breath, pain in chest, as if sore. The chest feels full. 895. Pressure on the chest. Pressure on the left side of the chest, as if the blood would not pass through the heart. Pressive pain in the right side of the chest, in the morning, after much empt}^ eructation, for half an hour (aft. 16 d.). Pressive pain, anteriorly, on the ribs and as if bruised, also sensible w^hen breathing. Severe pressure on the chest, starting from the pit of the throat, extending into the pit of the stomach, early in the morn- ing (4th d.). 900. Spasmodic drawing in the chest. Spasmodic pain, in the anterior side of the chest and in the back, awakes him from sleep. Momentar>^ spasm of the chest (rgth d.). Spasmodic contractive pain in the upper muscles of the right side of the chest; he had to quite double up for pain, for several minutes (aft. 26 h.). Contractive pain on the right side of the chest, chiefly while sitting. 905. Contractive pain in the left side of the chest, above the heart, it oppresses the breathing (aft. 27 d.). Shooting and drawing on the sternum {Btlwi.). Violent stitch through the lungs, in the forenoon. Shooting pain in the right side of the chest and the scapula (aft. 15 d.). Shooting in (on) the right side of the chest, when breathing, not when coughing. 910. A violent stitch, above, within the right ribs, darting out at the abdomen and the back. Stitches in and below the left side of the chest, as from ob- structed flatus. Violent stitches in the left side of the chest, in the morning, making breathing difficult. Shooting pain in the side of the chest, with nausea. Stitches and pain, as if festering, in both sides of the chest, when stooping, when breathing deeply and when reaching high up. 915. Stitches, seemingh^ externall}^ on the chest. Turning pain in the right side of the chest. Heat in the upper part of the chest, in the morning, occa- sionalh' recurring b}^ daj'. Sensation of heat in the chest. ^ [ScoTT.] Burning on the chest, when she eats the least morsel of salt food. 1 Soon after in^&siion..— Hughes. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 1 45 920. Rush of blood toward the upper part of the chest. Much rush of blood toward the heart, attended with anguish. Ebullition of blood toward the heart and palpitation (ist d.). Ebullition of blood in the heart. Throbbing in the chest above the stomach, like palpitation, especially after walking fast; it is removed for some hours by drinking wine, but then it recurs. 925. Palpitation of the heart, now weaker, now stronger, espe- cially after some exercise, with lassitude and anxiety, as if he should swoon Palpitation, in paroxysms, with anxiety, and causing oppres- sion of the breathing for an hour. Violent palpitation, for some moments; with diarrhoea. Palpitation, in the evening in bed (aft. 3 d.). A slight emotion causes palpitation. 930- Quivering about the heart, in paroxysms. Contractive sensation in the cardiac region, which makes her anxious; this ceases as soon as there is a strong beat of the heart. External pain of the chest, especially when stooping. Soreness in the fold below the breasts. Itching spots, like freckles, externally on the chest. 935. Tw^o small warts in the middle of the sternum. Pain in the sacrum, as if stiff (12th d.). [i?/.] Pain in the sacrum, so that he cannot lie on his back, but must lie on the face. Severe pain in the sacrum, almost only when moving, so that he can hardly walk, it seems to be in the bone. Pressive pain in the sacrum. 940. Drawing pain in the sacrum, toward evening. Painful tension in the sacrum, so that he cannot breathe deeply. Shooting in the sacrum, when he coughs. Pulsation in the sacrum. Pain in the back, when he takes the slightest cold. 945. Pain between the scapulae (aft. 2 or 3 d.). Stiffness in the spine. Pinching together in the fleshy part of the back, both at rest and in motion. Pinching between the scapulae, as with pincers. Drawnng pain in the back, in the evening. 950. Tearing and shooting, in the back and in the chest, when moving, especially at night. Violent, constant stitch in the dorsal vertebrae, when stand- ing. A stitch, occasionally, between the scapulae, alwa3's suc- ceeded by eructation. Stitches between the scapulae, and anteriorly in the chest, arresting the breathing more w^hen stooping than when sitting still. Severe burning pain in the back. 955. Burning pain in the right lumbar region (the hepatic region?") 1 146 HAHXKMANX'S CHRONIC DISEASES. on a spot as large as the hand; this makes him extremely ill-hu- mored, sad and incapable to think and to work. Spasmodic jerks in the muscles of the back, during manual labor (aft. 12 d.). Intense itching in the back, and pain after scratching. Stiffness of the neck (aft. 24 h.). Tensive pain in the cervical muscles. 960. The neck is unable to support the head. Cracking of the cervical vertebrae. Itching in the nape. Perspiration in the nape. In the cervical muscles, drawing, as if something heav}^ was hanging on it. 965. Swelling of the glands on the right side of the neck; the neck and the tongue are somewhat stiff (aft. 2od. ). \BthP^ Swelling like a goitre, on the right side of the neck. Itching on the neck, when walking in the open air (aft. 24 h.). Intense itching under the arms. The right axillar}^ gland is painfully sensitive, the whole fore- noon (aft. 3d.). 970. Glandular knot in the axilla. Painful swelling and inflammation of the axillarv glands (aft. 14 d.). istapf:\ Fetid, strong-smelling perspiration of the axillae (aft. 4d. ). The top of the left shoulder is painful, as from a blow. \jR.l^ Pressure on the top of the right shoulder (2d d. ). 975. Pressive pain on the top of the shoulder, as if she had carried something heavy. Stitches in the top of the left shoulder, when touching it, when breathing and when she feels cold; no stitch when moving the arm. The left arm-joints are painful. Pressure in the right arm (aft. 37 d.). Intense tension and contraction in the shoulders and arms; it drew his arms to his body. 980. Drawing in the arm and hand, as if sprained. Drawing pain in both arms. Drawing in the shafts of the bones of the arm. Tearing in the arm, especiall}^ when moving, it also disturbs the sleep. Hammering in the bones of the arm, as if they would be crushed. 985. Bruised pain of the right arm (aft. 4 d.) Sprained pain in the left arm; she cannot bring it forward or backward (aft. 18 d.). Dull, wear}' pain and resounding throbbing in the muscles of whole arm. The right arm goes to sleep, at night. Paralytic feeling in the right arm. [^W.] 990. After shaking the arm, it feels p iral y.:jl. [/?/.] Lassitude of the arms, as after fever. NITRI ACIDUM. IT47 Jerking and drawing in the arms and fingers (aft. 3d.). The upper arm is painful, as if bruised; he cannot lift it from pain, and the hand becomes cold at the same time. Twitching in the muscles of the upper arm, especially in the deltoid muscles, without pain, all the day. 995. Trembling in the muscles of the right upper arm. The elbow- joint is painful, when stretching the arm. Tearing in the elbow-joint and twitches radiating from the elbow to the wrist (aft. 4 h.). Dull pain and stitches in the fore-arm, to the dorsum of the hands and of the fingers (ist d.). [^Foz'ssac.^ Bruised pain on the outer side of the fore- arm, when moving and when touching it. 1000. Dull pain and shooting in the fore-arm, extending to the dorsum of the hand and of the fingers. In the fore-arm, paralytic drawing pain, almost all the day. Drawing, deep in the muscles of the fore-arm, extending along the bones (aft. 28 d.). [B^/i.] Tearing in the left fore-arm and in the hand, with pain when touched. Sensation of heat in both the fore- arms. 1005. In the left wrist and the palm, heat. Continual, constant trembling of the fore-arm and of the hand. [Andry, Vom Magnete, '^. 164.]^ In the wrist, on the right side, a pressive pain. Pinching pressive pain in the right wrist, during the afternoon- siesta. Spasmodic pain in the hand, when seizing anything. [^/.] 10 JO. Painful stiffness in the left palm, when seizing anything. Single visible twitches in the hands. Drawing pain in the hands, toward evening, [i?/.] Drawing in the right wrist, for several seconds (aft. sever, h.). [A-/.] Drawing in the hands (2d d.). 1 01 5. Tearing in the left wrist- joint. Tearing about the wrist. Stitches in the right hand (12th d.). {Rl.'\ Severe stitches in the left palm Bruised pain in the wrist- joint. 1020. Very cold hands. Very cold hands, with extreme peevishness. The hand goes to sleep, in the morning, in bed. The hand goes to sleep and becomes numb, as soon as he rests it on anything. [^/.] Trembling of the hands. 1025. Perspiring hands. Hot sweat in the palms, while the face is hot and red. Severe itching on the left hand. 1 Not accessible.— ///^ir/'^'-i'". 1 148 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Itching on the hands, with chilblains and with swelling of the hands (at the end of April). Large blue lumps and spots on both hands, itching, chiefly at night. 1030. Eruption on the hands and between the fingers, with itching burning, ceasing on rubbing them. The fingers pain, when they are moved, with tension of the metacarpal joints. Frequent drawing pain of the extensor tendon of the index ^ anteriorly. Paralytic drawing pain in the posterior joint of the thumb and of the hand, when going to sleep, and when awaking (aft. 2d.). Stitches in the middle finger-joints; he could not close his fingers without pain. 1035. Burning pain in the fingers of the left hand. Bruised pain in the left little finger. Severe tearing in the left little finger (aft. i h.). Dying off of the fingers in the cold air. All the fingers go to sleep, with a crawling sensation. 1040. Swelling of the fingers, in the morning on awaking. Painful swelling of the one finger- joint. Small, itching vesicles on the fourth finger, as from an in- cipient herpes. A suppurating (eroding) blister on the tip of the thumb. The nates are painful when touched, as if sore. 1045. The nates are painful (at night), w^hen driving in a carriage. Pain in the region of the right gluteal muscles. [Bth.'] The right hip-joint aches with pressive, tensive pain, whea rising from a seat, and starting to walk, as if the head of the femur would be dislocated. Drawing pain about the hips. The child limps, and can only tread on the toes. 1050. Soreness, between the upper parts of the thighs, when walking.. Boil below the right hip-joint, with tensive pain. Soreness on the upper part of the thigh, near the scrotum. Itching, between the upper parts of the thighs. The low^er limbs feel heavy, and are painful chiefly when sitting. 1055. Pressive tension in both the lower limbs, from above down- w^ards, in the evening. Drawing pain in the right lower limb. Drawing from the nates dowm into the foot. Tearing in the bones of the lower limbs, so that she had to> moan aloud. Bruised pain in the lower limbs, as from excessive exhaustion.. 1060. Bruised feeling and heaviness of the lower limbs. Great heaviness of the lower limbs, so that he could only drag himself along with difficulty. Paralytic pain in the left thigh and leg, recurring every few hours. [7?/.] Lassitude in the lower limbs, merely when lying down, not when walking. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 149 Crawling in the lower limbs, from the hips to the toes, fre- quently, by day and by night. 1065. Sensation of heat, with lassitude in the joints of the lower limbs. Violent burning itching on the right lower limb, without any eruption. Coldness and sensation of coldness in the whole of the right lower limb (aft. 2 h.). After a walk, weakness in the left thigh, with sensation, as if the blood stagnated in it. On the head of the femur, shooting pain. 1070. On the thigh, a pressive pain, above the knee, below and within; this makes the limb weaker and stiffer (aft. 3 d. ). Spasmodic contraction in the middle of the thigh, and below the two calves; frequently by day, a tension as if the parts were drawn together with a bandage. Drawing in the muscles of the thighs, as if something heavy hung on them. Drawing in the thighs in the evening, and itching in the skin there. Drawing and tearing in the thigh, from the knee up, on sitting down; relieved by sitting. 1075. Tearing in the thigh, upward from the knee, when walking. Beating and throbbing in the thighs; as if they were festering within; they do not bear the slightest touch, and are at one time hot, and then again cold. Bruised feeling in the left thigh. Bruised pain on the lower part of the thigh, on stepping for- ward. Bruised pain in both thighs, as if fractured (aft. 6 h.). 1080. Pricking in the thighs. Itching on the thighs; she had to scratch till they bled. Intense itching on the outer side of the thigh, at night in bed; it soon returned after scratching. A dry tetter on the outer side of the thigh, painful when touched, [i?/.] Boil on the thigh. [J^l.] 1085. The hough is very tense and, as it were, constricted, all the afternoon (aft. 72 h.). Pain in the left patella, so that he can hardly tread, and can not walk at all (aft. 11 d.). Painful stiffness in the hough, so that he has to limp when he begins to walk. [^/.] Stiffness of the right knee, [i^/.] Tensive pain in the knee, w^hen moving. 1090. Straining in the hough, as if the tendons were too short. [^/.] Painful contraction in the knee. Violent drawing in the knees, terminating in a twitch. Tearing in the knee, extending into the hip, at night in bed, after much walking. Shooting pain in the knee, when standing. 1095. Stitches in the hough, at night. 1 150 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Shooting pain on the outer side of the knee, when walking. Sprained pain of the knee, especially w^hen going down-stairs. Sprained pain and as if bruised, in the patella, w^hen walking, especially when going dow^n-stairs; when walking on a level, the pain is gradually diminished, and may also cease for a time; it is also painful when strongly bent, and the knee cracks. The knees give w^ay in walking, so that sometimes he could not get along. HOG. Feeling of swelling in the houghs, when walking in the open air. Cold knees (14th d.). In the leg, momentarily a sharp pain, running dowm from the knee to the tips of the toes, by day and by night. Cramp-pain of the whole of the lower part of the leg, con- stant, in the muscles and tendons, and also painful when touched. Cramp in the calf, tow^ard morning. II 05. Violent cramp in the calves, at night. Severe cramp in the calf, on drawing up the leg. Severe cramp in the calf on stretching the foot, e. g., when drawing on a boot. Drawing in the middle of the calf, both at rest and in motion^ at times passing in spasmodic, rapid twitching, in frequent parox- ysms, for tw^o hours (at once). Drawing in the legs, extending into the knees, mo. Paralytic drawing on the bones of the leg. [^/.] Paralytic pain in the whole leg, with such heaviness and lassi- tude that he did not know where to lay it; only while at rest, not when walking. Great lassitude and weariness on the lower part of the leg, after walking only a little. Sensation of heat in the legs, which yet feel cold to the touch. The feet are painful; he can bear no shoes on them. 1 1 15. Pain in the periosteum of the os calcis (6th d. ). Drawing in the feet, extending to the knees. Drawing pain in the feet, when walking. Drawing in the upper part of the right metatarsus (aft. 9 h.). Drawing pain, extending from the ball of the foot to the heel> with sensation of weakness. 1 1 20. Tearing in the right foot, in the morning. Tearing in the left foot. Tearing in the right metatarsus (aft. 11 h.). \Th. Mo.'\ Tearing and shooting pain in the right foot. Stitches in the ankles. 1 125. Single stitches in the right foot (loth d. ). [-/?/.] Sprained pain in the ankle-joints, in the morning on rising. Heaviness in the ankles, extending through the feet, when walking and treading, as if they had been pressed together. Sudden giving way of the ankle-joint in walking. Severe swelling of the feet, after walking in the open air. 1 130. Burning above the ankles. Burning: of the feet. NITRI ACIDUM. II5I Itching on the feet. Ic3' cold feet and lower limbs, toward noon. Constant coldness of the feet, extending to the calves, by da}'. 1 135. Sweating of the left foot (6th d.). Profuse s^A/'eat of the soles of the feet, causing soreness of the toes and of the balls of the feet, with stinging pain, as if he was walking on pins. Sweating of the feet, also cold sweat. It restores the suppressed sweat of the feet (in the after- effects). The toes, soles of the feet and corns are painfully sensitive, as if inflamed. 1 140. Pain in the ball of the little toe, when walking. Violent stitches in the right big toe, and in the sole of the foot, which keep her for a long time from sleeping. Pain under the nail of the big toe. [i^/.] Violent burning under the nail of the big toe, in the evening in bed. Intense crawling and itching in the big toe, in the evening. 1 1 45. Redness, inflammation and swelling of one toe, with burn- ing pain; after the foot got wet. Redness and heat of the big toe and its ball, with shooting pain in it, as if it had been frozen. Chilblains on the big toes. Eroding blisters on the toes. A corn, with burning pain, forms on the middle left toe. 1 1 50. The corns begin to be painful. Eroding pain in the corns. Aching in all the limbs, seemingly in the bones. Pain in the arthritic nodes, which hitherto had been painless. Spasmodic stiffness of the back and the whole body. 1 155. Stiffness in the lower limbs. Tension in the arms and in the lower limbs. Sensation of tension in the head and the whole body. Pain as from rigor in the left arm and lower limb. General tension of the nerves, wath much thirst. 1 160. Drawing in all the limbs, making it comfortable to extend and stretch them. Drawing pain in the periosteum of all the bones, as before ague. Drawing and tearing in the whole of the body. Drawing upward from the foot, extending into the back, when moving. Drawing and burning in the limbs. 1 165. Frequent drawing pains in almost all parts of the body, quickly coming and quickly ceasing. Pressive drawing pain around the joints of the houghs, the malleoli, etc. [^/.] Twitching on all parts of the body. Twitching and stretching of the limbs awake him twice from his noon-.siesta. 1 152 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Twitching and tearing in the joints. II 70. Much muscular twitching; also quivering of the eyelids. Burning in the joints. After walking, the joints are painful, as if luxated. Great sensitiveness in the morning in the joints, without any definite pain. Cracking in all the joints, when moving. II 75. Sensation of weariness in all the joints, as from running. Stitches in all parts of the body, now here, now there. Stitches through the whole of the body. Ebullition in the blood, and lassitude in the limbs. Sensible throbbing of the blood-vessels in the upper part of the body. 1 1 80. Readily heated, in warm weather, and after slight exertion. Slight exercise causes palpitation and perspiration. Soon after dinner, ever}^ exertion heats and causes palpitation. He is very liable to catch cold. He becomes very liable to catch cold, which he was not before. 1 185. Tendency to perspire and to catch cold. He readily catches cold on the weak part in the evening, in a cold wind, and gets drawing pains from it. Sensitiveness of the whole body to the open air. Very sensitive to cold winds, and very chill3^ for a long time. Liable to catch cold, causing pain in the back. 1 1 90. While walking in the open air, perspiration, then headache and nausea. When walking in the open air, short but violent headache. When walking in the open air, tearing shooting in the scapula, on which he cannot lie at night. When walking in the open air, severe pressure above the stomach and scrobiculus cordis. When walking in the open air, pain in the left scapula and the renal region. 1 195. After a walk, the feet remain cold, while there is heat in the head. Most of the ailments disappear on riding in a carriage. The ailments are aggravated toward evening, especially the drawing pain felt here and there. [^/.] The pains, even the slighter ones, affect him excessively, so that he is quite beside himself. Itching all over the back (aft. 7 d.). 1200. Itching all over the body. Severe itching all over the body, without eruption. Intense itching in the houghs, and the bend of the elbows. Intense itching on the tip of the elbow, on the patella and on the dorsum of the foot. On scratching the itching parts, they bleed. 1205. Itching stitches all over the body, and after scratching, large wheals. Eruption of pimples. [Blair.] Frequent furuncles, especially large ones, on the scapula, the nape, the nates, the thighs and the legs. NITRI ACIDUM. II53 A Spot, which is rubbad open, does not heal, but suppurates. Shooting pain in an ulcer, especially the first days. 1 2 10. In the ulcer and around it, transient stitches, but still more burning, as from nettles. Profuse bleeding of an ulcer when being dressed (aft. 6 d.). The bloody ichor of the ulcer erodes the skin, with smarting pain wheresoever it flows. Dark freckles. Little warts form on the neck. 12 15. A large wart eight years old (on the upper lip) begins to pain as if eroded; it bleeds when washed and pains w^hen touched. Itching in the warts. Shooting and pecking in the wart. Swelling of the hands and feet. [^^^.J Extreme emaciation. [RiTTKR.] 1220. Emaciation of the whole body, but especially of the upper arms and the thighs. She becomes emaciated (aft. sever, d.). Feels ill in the whole body. Prostration of the body, but not of the head, as after a severe illness. Ill feeling all over the body, with weakness in the joints and heat in the head. 1225. All the day, sensation of faintness. Frequently, a slight tremor all through the body. Tremulousness in the evening and great lassitude, as after severe hardships (aft. 36 h.). [i^/.] Tremulous, sensitive and weakly all over the body. Trembling all over.^ [Blair.] 1230. Great weariness and indolence, as if altogether bruised and exhausted, v/hen sitting and walking. Sensation in all the muscles, as when recovering from great fatigue. [S^ap/.'] Awkward (aft. 24 h.). Heaviness of the head and lower limbs. Sensation of heaviness of the limbs in the joints, as from weariness, in the morning in bed, while entirely at rest. 1235. Heaviness of the body, while walking in the open air, so that he can hardly drag himself along. Dislike to walking. Weakness and bruised feeling in all the joints, as after severe hardships. She feels bruised in all her limbs, could scarceh^ move her arms and legs. Ver}^ much exhausted, in the morning after rising, 10 a.m. 1240. Sensation of paralysis in all the joints. Weakness in all the joints. Trembling and weakness in all the joints. The hands and limbs, when in a false position or when pressed 1 Ascribed to acid being too little dilnted.— Hit iihes. 74 1 154 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Upon, feel weary and paralyzed, as if the circulation was checked by a bandage (12th d. ). [^/.] Ver}^ tired in the feet, and dejected. 1245. Very tired, toward noon. Great lassitude in the afternoon, it passes off in the evening. Lassitude, so that her whole body trembles. Lack of tone of spirit and body. So v^eak that he had to lie down nearly all the time. [AlsoA^^.] 1250. The lassitude is worst in the evening, especially in the lower limbs. Fits of faintness from slight exertions. Faintness like syncope, every other morning, with anxiety. Attack of headache in the afternoon, for several days in suc- cessioji, then nausea and anxiety; at night, vomiting with syn- cope and diarrhoea. Attacks twice a day, first drawing in the back, like a griping in the sides below the ribs, extending into the pit of the stomach, where it turns around and passes off with eructation. 1255. Epileptic fit, first a drawing in the left side of the chest, then a convulsive drawing in the arms to and fro, for one minute while sitting, with almost entire consciousness (aft. 12 d.). Epileptic attack, after midnight, sensation in the left side as of a mouse, moving up and down, then he lost his consciousness, his arms twitched, his head and mouth were drawn forward and backward, so that he bit his tongue, then he became quite stiff and snored. Attack of headache in the morning on awaking, with nausea and a sensation as if all parts in the mouth were numb and had gone to sleep. Intense weariness in the evening, and nausea; then violent 3^awning (loth d.). In the morning, after rising, for several hours, very much in- clined to go to sleep again. 1260. Frequent yawning. Drowsiness by day (aft. 4, 22 h.). Drowsy and tired, all day (aft. 32d. ). \_Bth.'\ Much drowsiness in the afternoon (8th d.). Somnolence by day. 1265. Dizzy drowsiness, so that he had almost gone to sleep w^hile walking and standing, with drawing pain in the skin on the inner side of the thigh. In the evening, sleepy and chilly. [^/.] He could not go to sleep for several nights and his sleep was a mere slumber. His sleep at night is only a half-sleep; in the morning he felt as if he had not slept at all. She could not get to sleep at all for 8 nights. 1270. He cannot get to sleep before i o'clock at night. She could not get to sleep for three nights, from being too much excited (ist n.). He w^akes up at 4 in the morniug, and remains wide awake. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 1 55 He wakes up too early in the night and cannot fall asleep again. He wakes up every night at 2 o'clock, and cannot go to sleep again, without having any ailment. 1275. She wakes up in the night at i o'clock, and cannot go to sleep again, without any ailment, except some perspiration on the left side of the head and neck. She wakes up at night, almost ever}- half hour (2d n.). He wakes up some 8 or 10 times every night. Sleeplessness, at night, and restlessness until 4 A. m., then sleep with anxious dreems. He often wakes up at night, and cannot then go to sleep for a long time. 1280. Frequent awaking at night, and turning over from one side to another. Unrefreshing, restless sleep. Restless sleep, he is late in falling asleep, he awakes repeat- edly and dreams much and frightfully. At night, she several times jumps out of bed in the deepest sleep, wide awake, owing to an imaginary dreadful occurrence, she walks about and only then realizes that it was a delusion. At night, she talks in her sleep, with her hands extended over her head, and snores. 1285. At night, uneasy awaking with anguish. At night, he wakes up two or three times with headache and cannot then go to sleep again for one or two hours. At night, bleeding at the nose. At night in sleep, or half asleep, the head feels heavy and oppressed. At midnight, drawing and shooting toothache, with some swelling of the gums. 1290. At night, awaking to drink and to urinate. At night, thirst (aft. 13 d.). At night, occasionally, much thirst. In the first half of the night, violent eructation and cramp of the stomach. At night, severe pressure in the stomach. 1295. At night, she wakes up with stomachache (aft. 50. h.). In the morning, on awaking, pressure in the stomach and back. At night, restlessness in the abdomen, and frequent awak- ing. At night, in sleep, stomachache, ceasing on awaking. At night, restlessness and anguish in the abdomen, with heat in the head and on the hands. 1300. At night, colic and uneasy sleep. At night, cramps in the abdomen. At night, on awaking, and in the morning, much burning in the rectum. At night, insomnia, owing to cold feet. At night, the soles of the feet are icy cold, preventing him from sleeping. 1 156 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1305. In the evening, after hdng down, a violent stitch in the right breast. In half -sleep, he feels pains, which he does not clearl}^ re- member when he awakes. [-/?/.] At night, sleep interrupted b}^ oppression of breath. After 3 A. M. , he awakes with livel}^ beating and of the heart, and pulsations below the clavicle, without anguish. At night, he awakes with anguish, he has to cough, and if he does not get something to drink, he must vomit. 1310. Before midnight, in sleep, dr}^ cough. At night, shooting and pinching pains, now below the chest, now in the back. At night, stitches about the heart, heat and thirst. After midnight, spasmodic pains in the chest, and over against it in the spine, aggravated b}^ inspiring. At night, in bed, twitching in the left lower limb. 13 15. In the evening, in bed, the legs feel numb and dead, then cramp in them, chiefl}^ in the calves, finally shooting and pricking in the heels. At night, especialh^, tearing in the lower limbs. At night, violent shooting in the right thigh. Onh^ at night, weariness in the feet; none by day, not even from the longest walk. At night, rush of blood to the chest and heart. 1320. iVt night, shortl}^ after going to sleep, nightmare. Immediately after going to sleep, anxious oppression as from a nightmare, as if some one was lying under him, and seized him around the abdomen with the arms, so that he could not tear him- self loose. In strange, lasci\aous dreams, a sort of nightmare with sweat. At night, when awaking, and in the morning, oppressed breathing and anxiety. At night, he awakes with apprehension (aft. 5 d.). 1325. For a moment after awaking, he is full of fear. At night, heavy unrefreshing sleep, from which he can hardl}^ and only with anxious efforts rouse himself. In the morning on awaking, quivering all through the bod}^ In the morning on awaking, internal restlessness, especiall}^ in the arms. At night in bed, anguish, like palpitation with nausea, with- out inclination to vomit, as if she had done something wicked; she could not sta^^ in bed; with her hand she did not feel any pal- pitation; it lasted two hours. 1330. At night, much delirious talk. Every night, raving instead of sleeping. At night, raving dreams of banqueting and reveling. In the evening in bed, all manner of forms appeared to him, which walked, ran, disappeared, arose and became larger and smaller; with this a chill. Ver}^ vivid, fanciful dreams about the daily occurrences; in the morning; then very wear3\ 1335- On going to sleep, starting up as from terror. NITRI ACIDUM. 1 157 Starting up in sleep and twitching of the Hmbs (aft. 20 d.). During the noon-siesta, when sitting, starting up as from an electric shock. At night, when lying on his back, he starts up and feels a stitch in the right side of his chest. Frequent anxious awaking from a restless sleep. 1340. Distressing dreams, and violent starting up. Ver}' anxious dreams at night, for many nights. Anxious dream at night, as if he should die. Anxious dreams at night, so that, when she wakes up, all her pulses are throbbing. Anxiet}' at night. 1345. Anxious sleep, with moaning. Anxious, vivid, sad dreams. Anxious dreams, and screaming in sleep. Disagreeable dreams and a half -waking at night, [i?/.] Dreams of crimes, which he commits. 1350. Dreams about corpses. Frightful dreams. Dreadful dreams. Horrible dream, first a cheerful dream. Vexatious dream, in an uneasy morning sleep. \_Rl.~\ 1355. Annoying dream the whole night, which also after waking up is continued in his second sleep. At night, little sleep with much yawning; she could not get warm before midnight. Coldness of the skin on the whole body, at night. Chill in the evening, before going to bed and when lying down, all over the body, for a quarter of an hour. Chilliness of the whole body, while the feet are warm (aft. 2 d.). 1360. Coldness of the hands and feet (aft. 2d.). Coldness of the skin on the whole body. Sensation of coolness on the body and head, without any cause, for two hours. Chilliness, especially in the evening. Chill in the afternoon, without subsequent heat; he felt stolid all day. 1365. Chilliness in the evening, on moving in bed. Chilliness. Febrile rigor, even in the warm room. Chill and shuddering, as from goose-skin, with horripilation. Repeated shuddering, especially in the forenoon. 1370. Constant internal chill, in the evening, with external warmth of the body, which he does not perceive (he presses near to the stove), and a headache, as if the head was tightly bandaged. Violent fever with chill, especially in the back; he cannot get warm; and yet has internal heat. \_Bth.~\ Chilliness even in the morning in bed, and the whole day; only in the afternoon, he has heat in the face. Chills and shaking in the evening, then flying heat with dr}'- ness in the throat. 1158 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISBASKS. Chilliness in the evening in bed, from bed-time till midnight (in August) ; then dr}- heat on the lower limbs, head and bod3^ 1375. In feverish alternation, cold hands and heat in the head. Febrile rigor in the afternoon, for an hour; then heat all over, for a quarter of an hour; then for two hours a general sweat; no thirst either during the chill or the heat (aft. 4 d.). Quotidian fever, after (taking cold from) long driving through a violent wind, chill for three hours, then heat for six hours, with profuse sweat (aft 36 d.). Febrile rigor in the afternoon, in the open air, for an hour and a half; then in the bed dry heat, with half -awake delirium, with- out sleep; only toward morning, sweat and sleep. First a dry heat, then a severe chill, in the morning in bed. 1380. Febrile heat, with quick pulse. Great heat in the face, in the evv^ning, with ic}" cold hands, without thirst (aft. 3d.). Transient heat in the cheeks, with thirst, and in the evening that follows, great drowsiness. Heat in the face, and coldness on the rest of the body. Heat in face, in the morning, on awaking, and tendenc}^ to perspire. 1385. Flushes of heat toward evening, all over, and quickly passing sweat. Heat and thirst, wnth scant}- and turbid urine. Internal dr}^ heat, with thirst and feverish lassitude. Heat in the ej-es, pain in the sacrum, and great anxiety. Fh'ing heat, occasionally {Stapf^. 1390, Flushes of transient heat, with moistness of the hands, repeatedly during the da}'. Flying heat and nausea, in the evening, before going to sleep. Frequent flushes of heat, during the daA\ Flying heat on the cheeks, without thirst (aft. 30 h.). Dry heat on the whole body (aft. 5 d.). 1395. Increased, constant warmth of the body, by day and by night, as after spirituous liquors, with increased inclination to perspire. Constant sensation of heat in the whole bod}-, without thirst; she can bear but little cover daj^ and night, and must have a cool room. Cannot bear the room as warm as usual. The room which was not warm, seemed to her too hot. [^/.] Heat in the evening, especially on the feet. 1400. Heat in the face, in the evening, [i^/.] Heat on the skin. [^/.] Heat frequently in the face and the hands, with much lassitude in the limbs. Dry heat at night (aft. 8 d.). Great heat at night and sleeplessness. 1405. At night, much heat, especially" in the thighs. At night, sensation of heat in the blood, especially in the hands; she could sleep but little on that account. Heat all over the bod}^ awakes her frequently at night, with- out sweat, with intense thirst, from dryness deep down in the NITRUM. 1 1 59 throat; she must often turn over in bed; the thirst lasted for 20 hours. Unequal pulse; after one regular beat, there followed two small beats in quick succession; the fourth was omitted entirely. Sweat, with cold hands and blue finger-nails. 1 410. Morning- sweat. Night h^ slight perspiration. Night-Sweat, profuse every other night. Night-sweat, every night. Night-sweat, twenty days in succession (aft. 10 d. ). 141 5. Night-sweat, while he wakes up in the midst of it, with agreeable ideas. Night-sweat, chiefl}" on the feet. Night-sweat, on the chest. Night-sweat, only on those parts on which she is lying. Night- sweat in bed, as soon as he covers himself. 1420. Night-sw^eat in sleep. Ill-smelling sweat, for several nights. More and ill-smelling sweat, during bodily work. Sour, very ill-smelling sweat, like the urine of horses. Sourish night-sweat, for several nights. NITRUM, NITRATE OF POTASH, SALT- PETRE. [The dry, so-called purified nitre of commerce is dissolved in six parts of hot water and is then allowed to crystallize at a low degree of temperature. These crystals are best for homoeopathic use, as they are almost absolutely free from the common cooking salt. They are dynamized like other drj^ medicinal substances.] With physicians of the old school next to the (still raging) with- drawal of blood, Nitre has been the chief remedy by which an in- creased circulation and inflammatory fevers might be diminished. They relied on this, their chief anti-phlogistic remedy, to allay the fevers. They knew of hardly any other use for nitre in diseases. Nitre, however, when used internally, shows its great power . of causing chilliness and cold, only in its primary effects, and as they did not think of applying the morbid symptoms, which are produced by medicines on healthy men, to the similar symptoms in natural diseases (in a homoeopathic manner), and to heal them according to the only true natural law of cure, they could only do harm with their palliative use of nitre. Since it is their practice to give their medicines (and so also nitre) in large doses, they could, by the use of this salt in inflammatory fevers, only cause a sinking of strength and lono;--continued fevers from debilitation, also called nervous Il6o HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. fevers. These fevers, as the experience of many centuries teaches, have frequently caused death. Homoeopathy teaches us quite a different and opposite appHca- tion, flowing from the peculiar and pure effects of medicines and so also of nitre on healthy man; the subjoined symptoms are only a beginning in this direction, and they are in a high degree worthy of a further elaboration. Nitre has proved itself useful hitherto, where among others, the following symptoms were present: Lack of appetite with thirst; most violent cramp in the stomach; obstruction of flatus in the afternoon; diarrhoea without pains in the abdomen; cough in the open air, and on going up-stairs; cough, whenever the breath is held; coughing up of blood; asthma, he can- not lie with his head in a low position; stitches in the chest, when taking a deep breath; stitches in the scapula; exhausting sweats; quotidian fevers, with drawing pain in the lower limbs. Dr. Schreter found the ethereal sweet spirits of nitre a means for alleviating the excessive effects of nitre, especially the headache caused by it; camphor only aggravated the symptoms. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow- observers are: Ng., the anonymous observer in Hartlaub and Trinks' Reijie Arzneimit- telle lire; Sr., Dr. Schreter; T., M. Pr. Tietze} NITRUM. Frequent anxiety, in the afternoon (aft. 20 d.). [5r.] Anxious, with perspiration all over the body. [A^.] Anxious, weary, with perspiration in the scrobiculus cordis, in the afternoon till evening (30th d.). [A^.] Ennui, inclination to w^eep, melancholy appearance. [A^.] 5. Meditative and solicitous. Despondency; she thinks she will have to die. [A^.] Peevishness (ist d.)-^ [JoERG, Mater, z. e. K. Arzneimit- telle hre.~\ Peevish, ill-humored, out of sorts. [JSr.'] Restless, apprehensive, timid, sensitive, peevish. [Sr.'] 10. Dull in the head and drowsy (9th d. ). [A^.] Indisposed to think and out of sorts, in the morning, with sensation of warmth in the face and a hot forehead. [7".] Stupefied and heavy in the head, in the morning, as after a spree. [Sr.] Dizzy in the head, in the morning, as after intoxication. jNg.-] iThe pathogenesis of Nitrum'appears in the second edition for the first time. It is chiefly made up (beyond the symptoms from authors) of the contributions of the three associates above named, which originally appeared (without information) in Hartlaub and Trinks' Arzneimittellehre, and in Annalen and in Vol. XI. of the Ardiiv. — Hughes. - Provings on healthy persons with substantial doses. — Hughes. NITRUM. I161 Dizzy, with a numb feeling in the head, awkward in thinking, forgets everything right away. [Z!] 15. Vertigo, and fatigue of the head (at once). [JoERG.] Vertigo and Habihty to feel numb in the head. [ JoKRG.] Staggering, while walking, without vertigo. [A{^.] Headache in the morning, as from reveling at night. [7".] Feeling of heaviness in the head (aft. 2 h ). [7".] 20. Feeling of heaviness and headache anteriorly in the forehead (istd.). [A^.] Feeling of heaviness and numbness in the forehead for two hours. [A^.] Constant heaviness and pain over the whole head (ist, 2d d.). [JOERG.] Numb feeling and beating in the forehead (9th d.). [A^.] Headache in the left temple and the frontal region, with reel- ing, sensation of vertigo, tottering and sweating anxiety. [A^.] 25. Bruised pain and great sensitiveness on the crown (2dd. ). Headache after dinner (21st d.). [A^.] Headache in the crown, only in the morning, on rising, for five days. [A^.] Headache, preventing sleep, the whole night, even continu- ing in the morning (aft. 40 d.). [A^.] Headache above the eyebrows, after eating moderately of veal. [JoERG.] 30. Headache, on awaking; fullness in the abdomen, diarrhoea with chilliness. [A^.] Pressure in the sinciput, the whole day, as if her eyes would leap out, and as if little stones lay all around them. \_Sr.'] Intense pressive pain, deep in the head, behind the left eye (aft. 10 h.). [r.]^ Pressive pain in the right temple. \_T.~\ Pressure on the crown, as if a stone lay upon it (7th d.). iSr.-] 35. Pressure on the crown, aggravated b}^ laying the hand upon it (3dd.). ISr.'] Violent pressing together in the occiput, so that everything becomes stiff; then pain in the nape, like pulling by the hair, ex- tending to the shoulders, and with tension and stitches over the face and neck, with prevention of deglutition, anxiety, and inter- ruption of the breath, from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. (3d, 4th d.). [^r.] On bending down the head, the headache became almost unbearable. [5r.] She could not eat for headache (27th d. ), \_Sr.'] Her eyelids are drawn shut during the headache. \_Sr.'] 40. The headache in the occiput is relieved bv tving up her hair. iSr.-] Headache and throat-ache last from the evening all through the night, and the day following; especiallv the left side is affected. [5r.] Pressive pain toward the occiput, which gradually changes ii62 Hahnemann's chronic disEx\ses. into shooting, increased by touching, also appearing when at rest, as a rh3'thmic shooting. [7".] Pressure and sensation of heaviness in the occiput, repeatedlj^ (13th d.), [A^^.] Pressive headache in the evening (14th d.). [7".] 45. Pressive headache, especially in the afternoon (12th d. ). [/.] Tearing pressure in the right side of the forehead, behind the eye, toward the occiput, worse after coffee; as also when walking, when it shoots rhythmicall}^- diminished when riding (in the open air). IT.-] Tensive pain in the depth of the head, after dinner. [7".] Pain in the head as if it were being distended, with stitches in the left ear and the clavicles, whence the pain passed into the elbows (2 2d d.). \_Sr.'] Contractive pain in the forehead and the eyes, which joins together in the tip of the nose, and here it grasps and gripes. 50. Contractive pain in the crown, for two hours. [A^.] Contractive pain in the crown with heaviness in the head, in the afternoon and the following night (aft. 6 d.). [A^.] Drawing and tearing in the occiput, so that she could not move the head, with stiffness in the nape, for an hour; then for two hours, drawing and tearing in the scapulae, with great lassi- tude; she could hardly move her feet; at the same time, coldness, without thirst; by night, heat without thirst, and without follow- ing sweat (6th d.). \_Sr.'] Tearing in the right temple, from evening till morning, some- what relieved by pressure (aft. 30 d. ). [A^.] Tearing in the left temple, from time to time (8th d. ). [Sr.'\ 55. Shooting and pressing apart in the left side of the forehead, when stooping. \_T.'] Shooting pains in rhythmical paroxysms, worst when walk- ing, in the forehead behind the eyes; when at rest, only single stitches with long intermissions, all the afternoon and evening. [^•] . . Fine shooting in the left temple, immediately after dinner (15th d.). [A^^.] Single stitches on the left side of the crown. [7".] Violent stitch in the left side of the occiput, during the menses (aft. 29 d.). [A^^.] 60. Sensation of looseness and shooting pains in the brain. [A^.] Hacking and shooting in the head, with pressure about the eyes and drowsiness, with increase of the pains. \_Sr.'] Headache on the crown, like pulling the hair. [^V^.] Pain on a spot to the right of the vertex, like the contraction of the integuments of the head, in the morning after rising. [A^.] Twitching pain in the occiput, seemingly in the bone, and after three-fourths of an hour, also in the hip-bone, where it only disappears after a few hours, and finally alternated with a tensive pain behind the right ear, which lasted the whole night. [?".] 65. Burning throbbing on the left side of the occiput, in the even- ing in bed. [A^.] NITRUM. 1 163 Rush ot blood to the head (aft. 20 min.). [JoERG.] Great sensitiveness of the crown, when touched. [A^.] Great sensitiveness of the external scalp, it pains when pressed upon (aft. 5 d.). [5r.] Her hair falls out rapidl}^ (aft. 30 d.). [A^.] 70. Small scabbv spots on the hairy scalp, wdth itching (aft. 28 d.). [A-^.] Man}' pimples on the nape and the occiput, disappearing again the following day (aft. 30 d.). Pressive pain in the eyes, as if sand or dust had gotten into them, the whole forenoon (aft. 16 d.), [A^.] Pressure in the left eye, under the upper lid, as from a hair. [5r,] Intense itching on both the upper borders of the orbits, fre- quently (4th d.). [A^.] 75. Itching in the right eye, and constant acrid tears, which roll down. Burning smarting especiall}^ in the left eye, as from brine (28th d.). [A^^.] Burning smarting in the lids of the right eye; he must rub them, [r.] Burning of the eyes, which do not bear the light (aft. 17 d.). Intense burning of the eyes, with redness in the canthi, for three days . [ A^ . ] 80. Intense burning of the eyes, in the morning, after rising, but disappearing after washing (4th d.). [A^^.] Burning of the eyes, and weakness as from drowsiness (6th d. ) . Burning in the outer canthi (3d d. ). [A^.] Violent burning and lachrymation of the eyes in the morn- ing, after washing with cold water. [^''V^.] Burning and lachrymation of the eyes, in the morning (2 2d d.). iNg.-] 85. Water flows continually involuntarily from the right eye. Constant tearing in the inner canthi. [A^.] Agglutination of the right eye with mucus, in the morning (i5tlid.). INg.-] Agglutination of both eyes, in the morning (19th d.). [A^.] Colored variegated rings before the eyes, with good visual power, for two days. \_Sr.'] 90. Rainbow-colored halo about the candle, in the evening. [JOKRG.] Transient blindness.^ [GeiskLKR, in HicfeL Jouni. I^VII., i, 126.] After taking nitre, the smell of camphor made things appear black before her eyes, so that she did not see anything. \_Sr.^ Pain in the ear, a tension in the right meatus auditorius. Tearing in the right meatus auditorius (7th d.). [7^.] 1 Effects of an ounce dose. — Hiiglies. 1 164 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 95. Shooting pain in the right ear, so that she could not He on it by night (34th_d.). [Sr.] Dull shooting pain in the right ear. [7".] Stitch in the right ear, then straining therein. [A^.] Shooting in the ear, with headache (35th d.). [_Sr.~\ Ringing before the ears (at once). [JoERG.] 100. Ringing of the ears (37th d.). [^^^.] Clear sounding ringing of bells in the left ear. [A^.] Constant deafness. [GeiseeER.] Violent itching in the external meatus auditorius (15th d. ). Inflammation and swelling of the right lobule, with violent burning and twitching, so he has to scratch, with heat and red- ness of the lobule. [7".] 105. Tensive pain behind the right ear, the whole day, with shoot- ing behind the left ear, with the decrease of the pain. [Zl] Tearing behind the ears, for two hours (14th d.). [Zl] Violent stitches behind the left ear, toward the articulation of the jaw. [r.] Shooting behind the right ear, seemingly deep in the head. [r.] In the right nostril, sensation of swelling ; it pains wheu pressed upon [A^.] no. Sore pain of the right nostril, in the upper part, with sensitiveness to external pressure. [A^.] Burning in the right nostril, as if excoriated, when blowing the nose (4th d.). [A^.] An ulcer deep in the right nostril, after a few days it is cov-^ ered with a scab (aft. 9 d. ). [A^.] Bleeding from the scurf on the tip of the nose; next day epis- taxis, but no relief from it in the head. [Sr.'] Bleeding from the nose, thrice in a week; the blood was sharp like vinegar (aft. 20 d.). [5r.] 115. Bleeding in the nose, in the afternoon (aft. 20 d.). [A^.] Blood from the left nostril, when blowing the nose. [A^.] Coagulated blood or small pellets of blood come from the nose, when blowing it (aft. 17 d.). [A^.] Itching on the right side of the nose, and later, fine shooting on its tip, toward evening (5thd. ). [^r.] Itching and tingling on the tip of the nose (2 2d d.). [^^r.] 120. Tensively paining pustule on the left side of the nose. [A^.] Griping and burning about the wings of the nose. [Sr.'] Pain of the tip of the nose, as if a pustule was forming there (6th d.). [5r.] Burning of the nose round about, with burrowing and grip- ing, increased by touching it, with swelling of the right nostril, as if there was an eruption in it, and with lack of air in it. [Sr.] Pain of the nasal bones, chiefly when the nose is seized. 125. The skin of the nose is red, as if inflamed. Inflamed tip of the nose (37th d. ). \_Sr.~\ In the face there is tensive pain in the cheeks, with redness of NITRUM. 1 1 65 the same, with mcreased beating in the head, seemingly in the middle of the brain. [7".] Tearing in the zygomatic processes. [7".] Painful tearing in the bones on the left side of the face. 130. Tearing, first on the right side of the chin, then below the right external malleolus, when sitting. [A^.] Shooting on the left cheek, as from needle-pricks, and then burning (38th d.). [Sr.] Gnawing pain in the left upper jaw, close to the wing of the nose (5th d.). [A^.-] Twitching pain in the right zygoma, at night. [7".] Twitching intermittent pain in the z5^goma, toward the crown, all the day, at times also in the wrist-joint. [T.~\ 135. Twitching pain in the upper jaw and the zygomatic pro- cesses. \_T.~\ Paleness of the face, as after a long illness (aft. 30 d.). Pale, sickly appearance. [A^.] Frequent intense itching in the face. An elevation, like a wart, on the left cheek becomes larger and itches. [A^.] 140. On the upper lip, blisters with inflamed circumference and tensive pain (aft. 16 h.). [A^.] In the articulation of the jaw on the right side, pressure and dull shooting, when moving and swallowing (5th d.). [7".] Tearing in the left lower jaw, extending into the head, and with toothache of the left row of teeth, relieved by pressure and lying upon it, in the evening in bed. [A^.] Toothache, drawing and shooting, now on the right side, now on the left, in the upper molars, in the open air, as well as in the room. [7".] Twitching toothache in the left upper row, like as from an ulcer. [A^.] 145. Frequent twitching in an upper molar. [A^.] Tearing toothache, with tearing in the head, from morning till evening. [^Sr.'] Violent tearing in a left upper tooth. [A^,] Shooting tearing in the upper front teeth, in the open air; in the evening and the next morning (aft. 39 d. ). [AV.] Stitches in a hollow tooth, when touching it; the gums are inflamed, swollen, red, painful, bleeding readily (aft. 20 d. ). [5r.] 150. Boring toothache, with pressing in the head, and now heat, now cold, toward noon; easier in the evening. [^Sr.] Ulcerative pain in the upper, especiallv the posterior teeth (8th d.). [A^^.] Beating toothache awakes her at three o'clock and at twelve o'clock at night from her sleep, aggravated b}" cold things, un- changed b}^ w^arm things. [A^-.] Throbbing toothache in the left upper row, in the evening, when walking in the open air (17th d.). [A),'.] Il66 HAHXEMAXX'S CHROXIC DISEASES. Raging in an upper deca\'ing molar, as if the air was rushing in and out. [^^ g.] 155. T^Yitching pain in the teeth (8th d.). [7^.] Slight!}' twitching toothache in an upper left molar. [7^.] The toothache becomes more violent b}' drawing in the air^ and extends into the incisors. [7^.] Waggling of an upper molar, with ulcerative pain afterward, for a whole da}'. [-^^.] The gums on the inner side of the right upper teeth seem swollen, with violent beating therein. [^\^.] 160. Swelling of the right upper external gums, with great pain- fulness. ^^i^.] Scorbutic state. [Richter. Arzneimittellehre, IV.] ^ The tongue burns at the tip and on the anterior surface, as if wounded (gashed), in the evening (15th, i6th d.). [-:A^.] Small, burning pimples on the tip of the tongue, increased toward evening (aft. 14th d.;. [^^^.] A burning blister on the tip of the tongue (i8th d.). [A^.] 165. Tongue coated with white mucus, without change of the taste and appetite, the whole time. [JoERG.] Inability to speak. [Geiseler.] Fetor of the mouth, which he does not perceive himself. Coldness of the mouth extending into the stomach, at once, and some hours after^vard, inclination to vomit. [Joerg.] Dr3mess of the mouth, after it was cooled (5th d. ). [JoERG.] 170. Unusual dr^mess of the mouth, before and after dinner; he must drink often (ist d.). [Joerg.] Dr^'ness in the mouth, without thirst, ceasing after breakfast (iithd.) [A^^.] Slim}' mouth, in the morning (3d d. j. [^^^.] Swelling of the salivary and submaxillar}' glands, T\'ith hard- ness and pain and with increased secretion of saliva. [Joerg.] She readily gets choked, when swallowing anything. [A^.] 175. Sore throat, day and night, with inflammation of the velum palati and uvula, for four days (aft. 10 d. ). [A^.] Sore throat at night, very violent, as if the throat would be closed up, and as if she could not get any breath. [A^.] Pressive pain in the throat, as from incipient inflammation, for twenty-four hours (aft. 9 h. ;. [7^.] Cutting sore throat, seemingly in the larynx, with impeded deglutition (aft. 8 d.). [5r.] Stinging pain in the throat, aggravated by deglutition. [A^.] 180. Shooting sore throat, in the morning when rising, also ex- ternally, when pressing on the larvmx, and when eating. [A^.] Shooting pain on the left side of the throat, when swallov^-mg and speaking; relieved by eating (i6th, 17th d.). [A^.] Shooting in the middle of the throat and fauces, when swal- lo^-ing. [7^.] Tickling in the throat; he has to hawk, but does not expecto- rate anything. [A^.] 1 Xot accessible. — Hughes. NITRUM. 1 1 67 Roughness in the throat (at once). [A^.] 185. Rough and scrap}' in the throat; she has to hawk frequently, which pains her in the chest, in the evening and morning (aft. 8 d.). [-^;-.] Rough in the throat with hoarseness and burning in the fauces, hke heartburn. [A^.] Burning in the fauces for three days, only transiently relieved by drinking something cold. [A^.] Hawking of mucus, in the afternoon, with expectoration of a piece resembling liver in form and consistence, with sweetish taste. [A^.] Disagreeable, loathsomie taste in the mouth, all the day (aft. 18 d.). [A^^.] _ 190. Sour taste in the throat, in the morning, after rising. [A^.] Sourish taste and increased flow of saliva in the mouth, till after dinner (8th d.). [JoKRG.] Lack of appetite, with increased hunger (2d d.). [Joerg.] Diminished appetite, with inflated abdomen, emission of much flatus, and pressing and tenesmus in the rectum. [JoKRG.] Diminished appetite. [Richtkr.] 195. The appetite seems quite suppressed, and he has no relish for his moderate dinner. [JoKRG.] No appetite, but she eats from habit, without any ailment. [A^.] Good appetite, in spite of all ailments and pains (aft. 30 d. ). [Sr.] Rabid hunger, in the forenoon, every time for a quarter of an hour, alternating with slight cutting about the navel. [JoKRG.] Violent ravenous hunger, in the forenoon, several times. [JOKRG.] 200. Absence of thirst, and good appetite, most days. [A^.] Thirst, without especial appetite. Increased thirst (aft. 2 h.). [JoKRG.] Violent, constant thirst (istd. ). [JoKRG.] Increased thirst, from morning till evening (9th d. ) . [JoBRG.] 205. Thirst, in the afternoon, with burning in the fauces, ceasing after drinking water (20th d. ). [A^.] Eructation (ist d.). [JoERG.] Eructation, repeatedly and nausea (at once). [JOKRG.] Hiccup, frequent, before breakfast (14th d.). [A^.] Heartburn (aft. >^ h.). [JoERG.] 210. Heartburn and ravenous hunger without appetite (aft. 2 h.). [JOKRG.] Nausea (8th d.). [JoKRG.] Nausea awakes her at night from sleep, and only passes off after retching up of mucus. [A^.] Nausea, tending to vomiting (soon). [A^.] Nausea tending to vomiting, in the stomach, and painful moving about in the abdomen, followed b}^ diarrhoea. [A^.] 215. Nausea, tending to vomiting, with pressure in the stomach and loathing of food, at 5 A. m. in bed. [Ai,'.] Nausea, tending to vomiting, in the stomach, with regurgita- tion of water. [A^.] Il68 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Nausea, tending to vomiting, trembling all over the body, headache, as if bruised and pressive, retching in the throat, burn- ing of the eyes, wear}^, as if drowsy, tearing and shooting in the crown and occiput, cutting in the intestines, and at last diarrhoea, first of soft faeces, then of mere mucus; at 9 to 10 p. m. [A^.] Nausea, tending to vomiting, and retching, [A^.] Nausea, tending to vomiting, in the afternoon, regurgitation from the stomach, retching tending to vomiting; then gulping up of bitter water, |with alleviation; after half an hour and in the even- ing there is a recurrence (aft. 50 h. ). [A§-.] 220. Violent vomiting. [Richter.] A'^omiting, with taste of saltpetre, after previous nausea (at once). [JoERG.] Vomiting, first of mucus and water, then of bloodv mucus. Violent vomiting.^ [Falconer, Mem. of Med. Soc. of London, III,, 527.] Blood}^ vomiting. [Falconer.] 225. Pains in the stomach.' [Falconer; Alexander, Med. Vers, and Eifahr. in Exper. Essays, London, 1768; Richter.] Pain in the stomach as if it was spoiled, but without inclina- tion to vomit (aft. 50 d.). [A^.] Violent pain in the stomach and the whole body (at once). [JOERG.] Qualmishness in the stomach, with collection of water in the mouth (during the menses). [^'V^.] Pressure in the stomach and colic, without evacuation, from afternoon till evening. [Joerg.] 230. Tendency to cramp of the stomach. [Richter.] Slight pressure and burning in the gastric region, gradually increasing to a dull boring, after half an hour, a cutting, running along the course of the intestines. [JoERG.] Sharp shooting pains in the stomach, and the w^hole body, so violent that he cannot breathe without the most acute pains. [JOERG.] Disagreeable sensation in the stomach, as if something would turn over in it, in the morning after rising. [A^.] Pulsation in the region of the orifice of the stomach. [JoERG.] 235. Sensation of coldness in the stomach. [RicaTER.] Coldness and pain in the stomach (soon). [Joerg.] Icy coldness in the stomach, with pain when touching it; passing ofi in the evening after lying down; with vomiturition and regurgitation of water; so also on the twentieth morning after milk soup, but without vomiturition. [A^.] Burning in the stomach, with violent stitches in the gastric region (2d d.). [JoERG.] Inflammation of the stomach. [Richter.] 240. Pressive pain in the scrobiculus cordis. [Z'.] 1 Effects of a two-ounce dose. — Hughes. - For Alexander — EJxperiments on self and one case of poisoning (see Cjd. of Drtig Pathogenesis, III., 57, 67. This sj^mptom in original is: "Painful sensation at upper orifice of stomach." — Hughes. NITRUM. I 169 Pressure in the scrobi cuius cordis for two hours in the after- noon (i8th d.). [A^.] Pressure and gnawing in the scrobicukts cordis, painful also when pressed upon externally (226. d.). [A^.] Pressure into the scrobiculus cordis as from a button, with sensitiveness to external pressure, immediately after dinner (20th d.). [-'V^-.] Heaviness and fullness in the region of the scrobiculus cordis. [JOERG.] 245. Weakness like syncope about the scrobiculus cordis. Cutting shooting in the scrobiculus cordis, and the epigastrial region, after breakfast. [7".] In the left hypochondrium, pain, as after a violent blow; with pains in the sacrum, often so intense that she could not lie down, followed by leucorrhoea for eight days; this and the pains in the sacrum only ceased with the appearance of the menses. [_Sr.^ Shooting pain in the left costal region, in rhythmical inter- mission, after lifting a burden. [A^.] Pain in the abdomen. [Fai^coner.] 250. Violent pain in the abdomen, especially in the right side, after eating veal, terminating after two hours in a pressive pain of the stomach, with sensation of emptiness in the stomach; then, after some hours, again colic, decreasing and lasting all night. [7^.] Violent pains in the abdomen, followed by emission of flatus. Obscure sensation of pain in the region of the nerves (4th d.). [JOERG.] Dull, burning pressure, now here, now there, in various parts of the abdomen above the navel. [A^.] Violent pressive pain in the lumbar region, worse when at rest, so that she has to walk about, to alleviate it; by gently strok- mg, the pain is alleviated, but by coughing it is so much aggra- vated that she must scream, [^r.] 255. Sensation of fullness in the abdomen, without pain, in the morning; in the afternoon, tw^o liquid stools (5th d.). [JoERG.] Inflation of the abdomen, as if it would burst. [AV.] Inflated, distended abdomen (5th d.). [7".] Inflation and shooting in the left side of the abdomen, re- lieved by bending double. [A^.] Severe inflation of the stomach, with emission of much fetid flatus, with ordinary stool (20th, 21st d. ). [A^.J 260. Distension of the abdomen and emission of flatus (with tenes- mus) soon after a new dose. [AJ^.] Violent contractive pain in the left flank, when walking; she had to stop frequently; it took her breath; then a half liquid stool with mucus, and cessation of the pain, which frequently was a shooting pain, in the evening (nth d.). [AC^-'.] Drawing pain in the lesser intestines, toward evening. [jOERG.] Acute drawing pain in the lumbar region, aggravated by moving the body; with increase of urine. [ Joerg.] 75 Liyo HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pinching moving-about in the abdomen, without tenesmus, with frequent intermissions (4th d. ). [A^.] 265. Pinching in the abdomen, now here, now there, frequently (5th d.). [A^^.] Rumbhng about in the abdomen, with pinching extending up to the stomach which is also sensitive on the outside, and ex- tending below the left side of the abdomen, where there are shooting pains, with inflation, frequent emission of flatus and sen- sation as of incipient diarrhoea; for two hours (aft. 38 d.). [-A^.] Pinching, then shooting pains in the abdomen and sacrum, especialh^ in the morning and evening (8th d. ). [A^.] Pinching pain in the whole of the abdomen, in the evening, with rumbling all about in it; it extends below the left part of the chest, where there were shooting pains. [A^.] Cutting at times in the umbilical region, with repeated call to stool; but there was only the ordinar}' stool (5th d.). [JoERG.] 270. Slight colic, soon increasing in intensity (at once). [Joerg.] Cutting in the abdomen, in the moring and evening, for several days. [A^.] Stitches, sudden, violent and painful, in different parts of the abdomen, in the evening ( loth d. ). [A^.] Stitches in the evening, in both the renal regions, most violent in the right side, and very painful on inspiring deeply. [7".] Shooting in the middle of both the iliac bones, when sitting. 275. Painful shooting in the left inguinal region, passing out through the iliac bone, w^hen walking. [A^.] Violent stitch in the right groin, and at the same time in the iliac bone (8th d. ). [A^.] Shooting and burning in the hypogastrium, as also in the rectum, after dinner, aggravated b\' motion (loth d. ). [-/^^.] Sudden blows in the left side of the abdomen, as from a living thing. [A^^.] Painful, choking sensation about the navel, with nausea, after dinner, while walking. [7".] 280. Sensation of emptiness in the region of the transverse colon. [7-.] Burning pain in the abdomen, when sitting bowed forward, extending into the sacrum, ceasing when he straightens himself (21st d.). [AV.] Violent tearing burning, seemingl}' deep in the pelvis, in the evening, more while at rest than when moving; it seemed also to be in the hip-bone or in the hip -joint. [7".] Forcing and straining toward the inguinal ring (5th d. ). [7".] Violent grumbling and rumbling in the abdomen, at night (9th d.). [Joerg.] 285. Going about in the abdomen (aft. 25 min.). [Joerg.] Grumbling in the abdomen, without stool, from morning till evening ( 2 9th d . ) . [A^. ] Much emission of flatus, in the evening, with scraping in the rectum. [7".] NITRUM. 1 171 There is an intermission of one or two days in the stools. Ineffectual call to stool (loth d.)- L^^-] 290. Repeated urging to stool, with only the ordinary stool. [JOERG.] Frequent pressure on the rectum, and yet no stool till even- ing. [JoERG.] With only the ordinary stool, pressing and tenesmus in the anus. [JoERG.] Pressing and urging to stool, two hours after the evacuation. [JOERG.] Tenesmus, and then an ordinary stool, followed by a continual urging. [JoERG.] 295. Twice an ordinary stool, on the first day, with violent strain- . ing, though of thin formation. [A^.] Stool in the evening with violent straining (19th d. ). [A^.] Sluggish stool (4th and 5th d.). [T.] Hard, scanty stool, about noon (2d d.). [JoERG.] Hard, difficult stool (5th d.). [T.] 300. Hard stool, formed like sheep's dung. \_T.'] The stool is more hard than soft (aft. 14 d. ). [A^.] In the evening, a second time, a hard stool, preceded by shooting pain in both the groins, then also in the anus; this is repeated next morning. [-A^.] Hard stool, in the evening, with severe straining, and with shooting in the pudenda. [Ng.'] Hard stool, followed by burning at the anus (8th d.). [A^.] 305. Hard stool with so much straining, that the rectum pro- truded (aft. 15 d.). [A^.] Hard stool, twice toward evening, with swelling of the varices (35th d.). [Ng.-\ Ordinary stool, preceded by pinching and cutting in the abdomen. [A^.] Hasty urging, but only an ordinary stool, coming twice, after previous shooting pinching in the abdomen, and going from there backward to the sacrum, as if from flatus; in the morning, after awaking. [A^.] Ordinary stool after previous pinching and pain in the abdo- men and the sacrum. [A^.] 310. Three times, a hard stool (9th d.). [A^.] The stool becomes softer and thinner (2d d.). [JoERG.] Soft or diarrhoeic stools, the first days, with rumbling and moving about. [A^.] Soft stools (at once). [A^.] Soft stool after dinner, then burning and shooting in the anus^ so that she could not sit. [A^^.] 315. Soft stool, preceded by pinching and cutting in the abdomen (35th d.). lNg.-\ Two very soft stools in the evening, preceded by painful pinching in the abdomen, and tenesmus. [AJi,'.] Twice in one day, a soft stool, with violent pinching below the 1 172 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. navel, extending into the chest, where it became a shooting pain. Pappy stool, three times, and with the third, there w^as cutting in the whole intestinal canal, w^hich continued also afterward (ist d.). [JOERG.] Diarrhoea, alternating the first days frequently with other stools. [A^.] 320. Two soft stools and one diarrhoeic stool, followed by tenesmus (29th d.). [Ng.] Two diarrhoeic stools (4th d.). lSr.~\ Diarrhoea (14th and 27th d.). [A^.] Several diarrhoeic stools, without colic. Diarrhoeic stools. [Alexander.] 325. Three thin stools, without colic (3d d.). [JoERG.] In the forenoon, two ordinar}^ stools, and in the evening in addition, too liquid stools (ist d. ). [Joerg.] Soft, diarrhoeic stools, preceded by rumbling and rolling (6th Two diarrhoeic stools with much emission of flatus. [i'V^.] Diarrhoea, with violent pains in the abdomen. [Richter.] 330. Diarrhoea, preceded b}^ colic (20th d.). [A^.] Three diarrhoeic stools in the morning, after violent nocturnal colic (4th d.). [Joerg.] Two thin stools, preceded by colic and tenesmus; the latter also continues afterward; in the evening much emission of flatus, Avhile the pains in the abdomen and tenesmus disappear (3d d.). [Joerg.] Four watery stools, with colic all the day (8th d. ). [Joerg.] Diarrhoea and almost constant pinching about the navel, with only rare intermissions (41st, 42d d.). [A^.] 335. Slimy evacuations, for three days. [?".] Stool covered with mucus (25th d.). [A^.] Blood}' stools. [Richter.] Discharge of blood from the anus during a hard stool, but without pain (24th d.). [A^.] The varices of the rectum are enlarged, with shooting pain (5th d.). [7-.] 340 The varices protrude more, but without pain, and soon become smaller again (36th d.). [A^.] Burning pressure on the anus, when there is no stool (27th Diminution of the urine. [A^.] Scanty passage of 3'ellowish, cloudy, clear, transparent urine, till late at night (ist d.). [Joerg.] Frequent urging to urination, till late at night (8th d.). [Joerg.] 345. Tenesmus of the bladder, at first onlj^ a few drops, then the ordinary stream, repeatedly (23d d.). [A^.] Frequent urging to urinate with slight discharge, till evening. [Joerg.] Increased urging to urinate, with slight discharge each time, NITRUM. 1 173 but on the whole, there is an increase of urine passed during the day. [JoKRG.] Micturition three times from 10 A. m. till early in the after- noon, every time two ounces, without having drunk anything. [JOERG.] Increase of urine during the first days. [A^.] 350. Increased passage of urine, even at night; with firm stools (the first days). [7V^.] Frequent profuse passage of urine, till 10 p. m. (5th d.). [JOKRG.] Increased urine, for several days (aft. 16 d.). [A^.] Increased secretion of urine. [Richter.] Increased secretion of light-colored urine. [JOERG.] 355- Watery, clear urine in the forenoon, every two hours; in the afternoon and evening almost every hour (2d, 3d d.). [JoERG.] Frequent passage of pale, turbid urine, and frequent straining and pressing toward the anus, with ordinary evacuation (ist d. ). [JOERG.] The urine increases every da}^ and forms reddish clouds, for a considerable time. [JoERG.] Urine more copious, darker and redder; after several hours, a sediment in it, which on shaking rises in flakes (aft. sever, h.). [JoERG.] The urine is not scanty and flows off rapidly; it is trans- parent, clear, a little yellow; after twenty-four hours there are a few flakes or clouds in it (ist and 2d d.). [JOERG.] 360. Reddish clouds in the increased urine (2d d.). [.A^.] Mucous sediment in the increased urine (3d d.). [JoERG.] Urine more red and turbid, but not more copious (ist d.). [JOERG.] During micturition, painful stitches in the region of the pro- static gland. [7^.] Burning in the urethra during micturition (8th d.). [A^.] 365. Burning in the urethra during micturition, and much dimin- ished urine (aft. 50 d.). [A^.] Fine stitches at the orifice of the urethra. [7^.] An itching stitch in the penis, in the afternoon, while sitting (32dd.). [A^^.] Increased sexual impulse. [7".] Erection, in the morning in bed (27th d.). [A^.] 370. Erection at noon, without voluptuous thoughts (17th d.). [^^■] After an unsatisfied sexual excitation in the morning, violent drawing, pressing and tension in both the testes and along the spermatic cords, extending into the abdominal cavit}^ for several hours; the testes at the same time are very painful; even in the evening there is still a tension extending into the spermatic cords. The menses are suppressed. [A;^.] The menses five days late. [iV^.] The menstrual fiow is earlier and stronoer than usual, for 1 174 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. three days; but it hardly flows for more than two days, with blood as black as ink. [^r.] .375. Menses one day too early, with pains in the sacrum and the lower limbs. [A^.] Menses somewhat longer and stronger than usual. [A^.] The menstrual flow which was but scanty on the fourth day, after a new dose, became at once stronger and thicker, wdth clots of blood, but decreased again on the following day. [A^.] The menstrual flow, which was already drawing to a close, at once increased after a new^ dose, with pains in the abdomen, the sacrum and the thighs, but after a few hours it returns to its ordinary course. [A^.] The menses much more fluid than usual. [A^.] 380. During the menses, thirst (19th d.). [A^.] Sensitiveness in the stomach, with collection of water in the mouth during the menses. [A^.] During the menses, pains in the abdomen and the sacrum. During the menses, weariness and pain in the lower limbs; she staggers in her walk. [A^.] During the menses, burning in the right flank, while sitting bent forw^ard. [A^.] 385. With the (increased) menses: pinching in the abdomen. Leucorrhoea, thin, white, stiffening the shift, with bruised pain in the sacrum, for a week (aft. 30 d.). \_Sr.~\ Much sneezing (almost at once). Repeated sneezing (19th, 20th d.). [5r.] Violent sneezing, in the morning (30th, 40th d.). [A^.] 390. Coryza, with sneezing, soon after renewing the dose. [A^.] Cor3^za, sometimes dry, sometimes fluent, but constant. [A§-.] Violent coryza, with stoppage of the nose, loss of smell, and husky speech (nth, 12th d.). [A^.] Husk}' voice (aft. 50 d.). [A^.] Stoppage of the nose, wath frequent sneezing (19th d.). 395. Stoppage of the nose for two days, then fetid nasal mucus like pus, with sneezing (aft. 48 d.). [A^.] More stuffed than fluent coryza, with burning externally ' about the nose. Single drops of water flow from the nose, without coryza. Hoarseness and cough; she hawks up w^hole pieces of mucus; with stuffed coryza; during the menses. [A^.] In the larynx, tensive pain when breathing (aft. 35 d.). [Sr.'\ 400. Cough, day and night, with sore pain in the chest; then coryza, with obstruction and itching of the nose (13th d.). [A^.] Cough, more in the morning than during the day. [Sr.^ Cough and stupefying headache awakes her at night about three o'clock; as she rises and moves about, the cough grows worse (22d d.). [6'r.] The cough almost takes awa}^ her breath. \_Sr.^ NITRUM. 1 175 Cough, with soreness in the chest, with headache and sore throat (17th d.). [^V^-] 405. Cough from tickUng in the middle of the chest after entering a room, continuous. [A^^.] Irritation to cough from a tickUng in the windpipe (4th d.). Dry cough (4th and 5th d.). [^^-J Dry cough, with roughness of the throat and heaviness of the chest (6th d.). [5r.] Dry tussiculation, all day, while the heart beats so that she almost hears it (20th d. ), \_Sr.^ 410. Dry tussiculation, for fourteen days, with dull tension, con- traction and pressing in the chest; below the sternum, a roughness, exciting to cough, and which is allayed some minutes afterward. During the cough, pain in the back. During the cough, cutting under the sternum. [^Sr.] During the cough, sensation as if something in the chest was loose ( 30th d . ) . [^r. ] Severe burning in the chest, extending up into the throat, until the morning, when the expectoration becomes loose (26th d.). [5;-.] 415. Cough, with alleviating expectoration (23d d.). [_Sr.~\ Cough and expectoration, chiefly in the evening, after lying down. Sourish smelling expectoration. Mucous expectoration, mingled with blood, when coughing. Expectoration of blood, with slight cough. 420. Blood-cough, till full moon. Bloody expectoration, in the afternoon, twice with dry cough (14th d.). [vV^.] Expectoration of coagulated blood, after hawking up mucus (during the menses) (25th d.). [A^.] The brea\h, when ascending a height, is oppressed; shooting in the chest and cough, with expectoration of light colored blood (24th d.). [5r.] Spasmodic contraction of the chest, with anxiety and fear of suffocation, alternating with spasmodic drawing in the occiput and nape, on the left side, so that she had to hold her head backward; sometimes so violently, that she cried out (25th d.). [^r.] 425. Asthma in the region of the pit of the throat. Asthma.^ [Ai^kxandkr, Med. Vers. 2c. Erfahr.'] Tightness around the scrobiculus cordis, as from a painful contraction, while walking and standing, in the morning. [AV-] Constriction of the chest, with anxious shortening of the breath, in the forenoon, while standing (22d d. ). [A'V.] Contraction, in the morning, while lying down, extending from the back into the chest, as if the lungs were constricted, im- peding deep breathing; if she wants to take a deep breath, she must previously gasp for breath and then she coughs afterward (4th d.). ISr.-] 1 Painful. —///^ir/^^'^"-. 1 1 76 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 430. Heaviness and tightness of the whole chest (ist d.). [^^-J When taking a deep breath and blowing the nose, a painful sensation in the scrobiculus cordis and in the gastric region. [7".] Oppressive pain of the chest, of short duration. [7".] Pressive pain on the chest in the afternoon (23d d.). [Z".] Pressive pain on the lower end of the sternum (aft. 38 h, ). 435. Tensive pain over the chest, from the afternoon till evening (istd.). [JoERG.] Stitches in the upper right part of the chest, especiallj^ when lying on the right side, with the head lying low. Stitches in the right side of the chest, when coughing and breathing deep. Shooting in the middle of the chest, spreading toward both sides and toward the axilla, while w^alking, (during the menses.) Shooting in the upper, middle part of the chest, after dinner (.28th d.). lNg.'\ 440. Violent stitch in the upper left part of the sternum (i8th d.). t^'^-] . . . Shooting pain on the lower right ribs, excited by coughing and laughing, for two days (aft. 20 d.). [A^.] Fine stitches on the right side of the chest (soon). [A^.] Shooting below the right short ribs, in the side toward the back, as it were, behind the liver. \_T.'] Single stitches in the left side, below the ribs, from the after- noon till evening (ist d.). \_T.'] 445. Shooting below the left mamma, more while walking, than in rest. [A^.] Painful shooting in the left side of the chest, making the breath short (7th d.). [A^.] Shooting in the left side of the chest, more toward the back (27th d.). {.Ng.-j Frequent shooting below the left mamma (32d d.). [A^.] Stitch in the left side of the chest, when carrying a burden (2IStd.). [A^^.] 450. Painful stitch in the left side of the chest on inspiring (17th d.). [A-^.]. Sensation of shooting in the left side of the chest, near the sternum, when breathing deeply. \_T.'] Painful stitches in the region of the lower point of the left scapula, when breathing deeph^ [7".] Shooting and pain in the left side of the chest, for several hours, relieved by walking in the open air, returning more violently toward evening, in the form of cutting and tearing in the lungs, increased by breathing deeply; then after half an hour, chilliness and tearing in both the lower limbs, extending from the knees into the toes; she had to lie down in bed, where she grew warm and fell asleep (7th d.). \^Sj\'] Violent stitch in the cardiac region (aft. 5 h.). \_T.'\ 455. Burning and shooting in the chest, in the evening (9th d. ). [r.] NITRUM. 1 177 Burning sensation anteriorly in the chest (3d d.). [7\^.] Rush of blood to the chest. Beating and pressive heaviness anteriorly in the chest, with tendency to syncope: while sitting (9th d.). [A^.] Momentary palpitation of the heart, at times (aft. 15 d. ). [5n] 460. Strong heart beat, in the evening in bed, causing him to awake. [A^.] Violent palpitation while lying on the back, so that she woke up at twelve at night, and sat up full of anguish (13th d. ). [A^.] Violent palpitation at twelve o'clock at night, while lying on the right side (14th d.). [A^.] Palpitation, when moving quickly and rising up, with heat in the face and oppression of the chest. [7".] Pain in the sacrum, in the morning on awaking, extending into the left hypochondrium, for several hours (12th d.). [^Sr.~\ 465. Pain in the sacrum, in the morning, on awaking, she could not remain in bed, she had to get up (29th d.). [Sr.] Violent pains in the sacrum, at night; they waked her up and did not allow her to go to sleep again (aft. 52 d.). [A^.] Pain in the sacrum, in the afternoon, alternating with pinch- ing in the abdomen, and subsequently in the evening, a hard stool (9th d.). [A^^.]. Squeezing pinching in the sacrum, all the day. [7".] Violent pain in the sacrum, which does not allow her to lie on the back, awakes her at night, at two o'clock (aft. 27 d. ). [A^.] 470. Pain in the sacrum, in the morning on awaking, as if she had received a blow. [►Sr.] Bruised pain of the sacrum, at night, at 3 A. m. she could turn over for pain (aft. 23 d.). [A^.] Bruised pain in the sacrum, in every position, in the evening (during the menses). [A^.] Sensation ov^r the left ilium, as if the parts were held to- gether or pressed upon, when walking (6th d.). [A^.] Shooting in the right hip-bone, when standing, ceasing after moving about. [A^.] 475. Pain in the back (aft. 27 d.). [7".] Pain in the back, when stooping. [7".] Pressure and burning in the back, relieved by walking, aggra- vated by sitting and by lying in bed. [7^.] Pinching pain in the back, in the evening (aft. 38 h.). [7^.] Bruised pain in the whole back, after previous shooting pain in the hip (20th d.). [A^.] 480. Violent stabbing, as with knives, betw^een the shoulders; it awakes her out of sleep, shortening her breath; it appears while she is lying on her back, and is relieved by lying on the right side (aft. 26 d.). [A^^.] Stiffness of the nape. ^Sr.'] Painful stiffness in the nape, on nodding and on turning the head, as if it was sprained, for three days (aft. 33 d.). [^^^.] Painful throbbing in a cervical vertebra, after raising up the head from stooping. [AJ^-.] 1 1 78 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Many pimples in the nape. [A^.] 485. Small, painless pustule, with a red areola, on the nape. [A^.] Tearing in the right side of the cervical muscles, extending from the shoulders into the head. [7".] On the top of the left shoulder, a pressure (aft. 22 d.). [A^.] Tearing on the top of the right shoulder, extending into the fingers, at night, at eleven o'clock, wakes her from sleep till four o'clock, with a sensation as if the shoulder projected too far; she could not lie on either side. [A^.] Painful tearing on the top of the left shoulder, frequently recurring (aft. 13 d.). [A^.] 490. Tearing and heaviness in the top of the right shoulder, with a numb sensation in the arm; the pain later on passes also into the wrist-joint and wakes her from sleep at 2 A. m. (aft. 4 d. ). [A^.] Violent tearing in the top of the right shoulder, at night, from two to five o'clock, ceasing after rising. [^V^.] Tearing in the top of the shoulder, at times when baring it, at times when covered, awakes her at night at twelve o'clock (I 2th, 13th d.). [A^^.] Tearing in the top of the right shoulder, while the fingers go to sleep, awakes her at night at three o'clock (aft. 23 d. ). [A^.] Frequent tearing in the top of the left shoulder. [A^.] 495. Weary pain in the left shoulder (aft 4 h.). [7".] Bruised pain on the top of the shoulder, in the morning (aft. 19 d.). C^^.] A small pimple on the shoulder, with violent shooting pain, inciting to scratching open. [7".] A boil on the top of the right shoulder, with tensive pain. In the arms and legs, painless twitching, in the evening in bed (5th d.). [A^^.] 500. Cramp-like drawing pain, at times in the right arm, at times in the left, then in the thighs, especially about the knees, chiefly when at rest. [7".] Drawing pain in the arms, when he lets them hang down for a long time. Tearing in the right arm, especially in the shoulder, worse in the afternoon and evening. [7^.] Extremely painful tearing in the right arm, extending to the wrist-joint, when moving, with rigidity of the arm, which is not relieved by rubbing, but through more violent movements (27th d.). [.Ng.-] Tearing in the arm, intermittent and recurring at night, when lying on the right side (during the menses). [A^^.] 505. Drawing and tearing in the arm, from the top of the shoulder into the fingers, toward evening (4th d.). \_Sr.'] The pain in the arms extends from the elbow into the wrist- joint, where it tears and breaks, as if it would twist the joint; from the wrist it extends into the knuckles of the fingers, distend- ing and causing a swelling of their interstices; from there the pain changing into a contusive pain, extends under the nails; some- what alleviated by rubbing the hand; the hands feel as if they NITRUM. 1 1 79 became larger and wooden, there is heaviness and numbness of the hand, with paralytic loss of strength in it, but only at night. [^Sr.] Tearing in the joints of the elbows, hands and finger-joints and under the nails, by day (aft. yd.). \_Sr.^ A feeling of numbness and formication in the arm, with pain in the top of the shoulder, which had existed for a long time pre- viously, ceased; instead of which there appeared pain in the joint of the right thumb on moving it, for several weeks (aft. 13 d. ). The left arm goes to sleep, at night, when she is lying on her back; it awakes her in the morning at 3 o'clock (aft. 11 d. ). [A^.] 510. Weakness in the arms. Paralysis of the arm (from one drachm a dayj.^ [Alston, in Monroe, Vol. I., Sec. 4.) In the upper arms, a drawing, squeezing pain (aft. 28 h.). Drawing tearing in the deltoid muscle of the left upper arm, both at rest and in motion (5th d.). [7".] Violent tearing in the humerus (26th d.). [A^.] 515. Shooting and beating, frequently, in the right upper arm (17th d.). [A^^.] Paralytic weakness in the right upper arm. [7".] In the elbow-joint, drawing pain, extending upward on the upper arm, on its posterior surface (2d d.). [A^.] Drawing, tension and burning in the bend of the left elbow (aft. 2 h.). [r.] In the right fore-arm, index and thumb, tearing, waking from sleep at night. [A^.] 520. Tearing in a tendon of the left fore-arm, on the outer side, with paralytic weakness in it after the pain (17th d.). [A^.] Tearing in the right fore-arm, extending from the elbow into the ring-finger and the middle finger, with heaviness and numb- ness of the parts. [A^.] Paralytic tearing in the left fore-arm, extending to the wrist- joint (22d d.). [A/"^.] Extremely painful gnawing in the shaft of the left ulna, a hand's breadth above the wrist, at short intervals, followed by a paralytic sensation, so that she has to let her arm sink down, in the afternoon, when sitting down; it ceases on rubbing and press- ing it. often also of itself; but it always returns (17th d.). [A^§''.] Paralytic weakness in the right fore-arm, at night. [A^.] 525. Itching on the right fore-arm, with pimples after scratching. Many itching nodules on the right fore-arm; when scratched, they exude water. [A^.] Drawing, beating and intense pain from the right wrist- joint into the elbow, during dinner, later in both arms (,aft. 20 d.). Tearing in the right wrist-joint. [T.~\ 1 Lectures on Mat. Med., IvOiid., 1770, I, iSo. Statements from authors, etc. This dose was Taeing taken for an inveterate headache, which improved when the arms lost power. They recovered a few hours after discontinuing the drug^, and the headache returned.— ////,c /''"->■". Il8o HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pain on the inner surface of the right wrist-joint, as if a part of it was violently pulled inward; there also appeared an indenta- tion on the surface. [A^.] 530. Breaking and tearing in the right hand, in the evening. lSr.~\. Tearing in the hands, with shuddering and thirst (8th, 9th, loth d.). [Sr.] Tearing on the dorsum of the left hand, better after friction. Acutely painful tearing in the evening, in the outer knuckle of the right hand, continuing also when moving it. [7".] Tearing shooting in the bone of the ball of the left hand, be- hind the little finger (2d d.). [A^.] 535. Painful digging and gnawing in the ball of the right hand,, behind the little finger ( 1 7th d. ) . [A^.] Heaviness of the hand, like lead (aft. 27 d.). [5'r.] Weakness in the hands and fingers; she cannot seize or hold anything rightly; when she make an effort, there is a pain in the wrist. [Sr.] Drawing in the right little finger (23d d.). [A^.] Spasmodic tearing in the knuckles of the fingers, alternating- with headache. [>Sr.] 540. Severe tearing in the anterior phalanx of the left thumb (19th Squeezing tearing in the left thumb. [7^.] Shooting under the nail of the left thumb, as with needles. (20th d.). [A^^.] Twitching shooting in the right ring-finger and middle-finger. Pain as of a sprain in the joint of the thumb, when moving it backward, and pain on a small spot, when pressing on the joint. 545. Sprained pain in the right index, and cracking of the joints at every motion of the hand. [7".] Sprained pain in the fingers, on holding a large object; on stretching them, which at first he was not able to do. they seem to him too long, and if he wishes to hold anything with it he must first bend them backward. [A^.] Pain in the joint of the right thumb, when bending the thumb backward, as if it had been sprained and swollen, with cracking therein. [7^.] Occasional stiffness of the fingers (aft. 18 d.). [^r.] Furuncle on the lower part of the thumb. 550. Pain in the hip, at once in the morning on awaking, increas- ing after rising till noon. [7".] Tearing in the hip- joint, in the afternoon and evening. [7".} Shooting in the right hip, when standing; it ceases on mov- ing- [^^-l Shooting and burning, frequently, in the right hip, at rest and in motion (15th and 19th d. ). [A^.] Tearing in the left natis, when standing, it ceases when mov- ing- [A'^-] NITRUM. II81 555. Itching lumps on the right natis, after scratching (aft. 32 d.). In the right lower limb, a dull pressive pain in the bones, ex- tending from the hip into the toes, from i to 4 A. m. ; on rising and walking it is easier, the pain remaining only about the ankles. [5r.] Acute, squeezing pain in the left thigh, in the morning on awaking; on turning over, it extends to the sacrum, and termin- ates with shooting pains in the heels (yth d.). lSr.~\ Weariness and pain in the lower limbs, in the evening (during the menses). [AV.] General weariness and dullness in the lower limbs after din- ner. [JoERG.] 560. Extraordinary weakness of the lower limbs, with yawning (23d d.). [A^^.] Weakness in the lower limbs, with occasional drawing pains. In the muscles of the thighs, great bruisedness. [A^.] Lassitude in the middle of the right thigh and in the tibia, as if paralyzed; somewhat relieved when sitting and standing, but later on aggravated when sitting (three days before the menses) (aft. 22 d.). [A^.] In the right knee, tearing when at rest. [7".] .565. Tearing in the right knee (9th d.). [A^.] Tearing and weakness in the right knee, frequently so severe that she cannot tread rightly (aft. 11 d. ). [Sr.'] Tearing in the left knee, for a long time. [7".] Tearing in both houghs, when walking. [A^.] Acute pain, below the right patella, as if from a sprain, when walking; it passes off when at rest. [7".] 570. Painful beating in the left knee, in paroxysms, at night in bed. [A^^.] Painless tearing on the outer surface of the right knee (25th d.). IJVs-.] Sensation of weakness in the knee-joint, extending into the thigh, especially when w^alking. [7^.] Spasmodic contraction in the left calf, when walking. [A^.] Drawing pain in the right leg, sensible when he crosses the left leg over it. [7".] ^75. Tearing and weariness in the right leg and knee when at rest; he must frequently change the position of his leg; w^hen walking continuously the pain disappeared. [7".] Tearing, extending down the right tibia, in the evening and the following morning (aft. 19 d. ). [AV.] Tearing, extending down both the tibiae and in the knees, in the evening. [A^.] Cramp in the left calf, toward evening (7th d.). \_Sr.'] Sensation of great weariness and parah^tic weakness in the legs when at rest and in motion, after a short, foot-tour (aft. ^6 .580. Fine stitches in the upper part of the right os calcis, when at rest, [r.] Il82 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Drawing and tearing in the outer malleolus of the right foot when standing (17th d.). [A^.] Tearing in the dorsum of the right foot, near the first joints: of the foot, in the evening. [?".] Twitching tearing in the soles of both feet (during the menses). [A^.] Violent tearing in the sole of the left foot, in the afternoon (27th, 30th d.). [Ng.] 585. Tearing in the ball of the left foot, in the evening (25th d.). Transient, twitching smarting in the sole of the left foot, as. from an ulcer. [A^.] Stitch in the sole of the right foot, at night, with ulcerative pain. [7V^.] Shooting and burning, now in the sole of the right foot, now in that of the left, it passes off by friction, but frequently recurs. Griping, violent pain in the sole of the right foot, like an ulcer, frequently from the afternoon till evening. [A^.] 590. Burning of the heels and balls of both feet, at night in bed. Burning pain at the junction of the os calcis with the external malleolus, when at rest; when moving it feels sprained; whert touched, as if ulcerated. [7".] Great weariness in the feet, especially when standing and walking (aft. 2od. ). \_Sr.^ Tearing in the big toe of the left foot (aft. 10 d. ). [A^.] Twitching shooting in the right big toe at night. [A^.] 595. Stitches on a spot of the second toe of the left foot, where formerly there was a corn. [7".] Painful contraction of the toes, in the evening when sitting. Painless twitching, now here, now there, all over the body. [^^•^ .... Painful, intermittent tearing torments him day and night it is only transiently removed by rubbing (22d d. ). [A^.] Crawling in the hands and feet, as from ants; later also in the tongue. [A^.] 600. Twitches. [Richter.] Swelling of the body, the neck and the thigh, so quickly, that there is difficulty in unloosing her clothes. [JOERG.] Attack of fainting vertigo, in the morning while standing, better on sitting down; then things before the eyes turn black; with great lassitude and drowsiness, pain in the sacrum and con- striction in the abdomen for a quarter of an hour, thrice in the forenoon; when it ceases, the pain goes down the lower limbs into the ankles, where it remains all day; in the afternoon, coldness with thirst, worse when in bed, till after midnight, when she fell asleep with agreeable warmth. lSr.~\ Attack of sensation of fainting in the evening at 10 o'clock (while blowing on a musical instrument, being clothed in a tight suit) ; it seemed to him that everything in the room turned around; NITRUM. 1 1 83 he sank down, but while smking, he pulled himself up again; at the same time the interior of his head felt now hot, now cold, with unsteadiness while standing, with a sensation as if the attack would recur. [7^.] The spinal marrow^ is paral^^zed, with tetanus. [GKISE1.ER.] 605. Paralysis of the limbs. [Richter.] Paralysis of the organs of the senses. [Richter.] Death (aft. 36 h.). [Richter.] Chronic cachexy.^ [Fai^coner.] Death within two da5^s, from six drachms given to a boy. [Allgem. Liter. Zeit., 1788.] 610. Death from an ounce of nitre." [La Felize, y^ h.). [JoERG.] Heat, with sweat on the whole bod}^, without thirst, in the evening (27th d.). [A^.] Heat at night; then sweat and only little thirst (lothd.). Wg.-\ His sweat is unusually profuse (5th d.). [JoERG.] Increased perspiration (istd.). [JoERG. ] 695. Sw^eat, with lassitude at every exertion and movement (aft 30 d.). [_Ng.-] Weary sweat, with anxiety, in the afternoon (41st d.). At night on awaking, she is in a perspiration, without relief of her pains (aft. 20 d.). \_Sr.~\ Profuse sweat, every other night, especially about the low^er limbs. At night, profuse sweat all over, especially on the lower limbs. 700. Sweat the whole night (ist d.). [JoERG.] In the morning, sweat; she awakes at three o'clock in the morning and perspires, especially on the chest, till 6 A. m. ; after rising she is weary, as from a long foot-tour; she could hardly walk (aft. 30 d. ). [_Sr.'] Sweat in the morning in bed, not exhausting (38th d.). The pulse diminishes from sixtj'-five and sixt3'-six beats dow^n to sixty- two, but after half an hour it is as before and remains so. [JoERG.] Pulse diminished by three beats, for only a short time (at once). [JoERG.] 705. Pulse smaller and softer (aft. 2 h.). [ JoERG.] Very quick pulse, in the afternoon while at rest, for an hour. [r.] Verj^ rapid pulse at 4 p. m., with heat in the head for an hour (28th d.). [r.] Pulse full, hard and quick, with an inflamed condition, espe- cially of the abdominal organs (2 3th d.). [Joerg.] Pulse quickened by several beats, also in the afternoon [JoERG.] 710. Pulse quick and small, with warm hands. [A^.1 PBTROIvEUM. 1 187 PETROLEUM, OLEUM PETR^E, COAL OIL, ROCK OIL. This product of the interior of the earth is extremel}^ strong in smell, taste and medicinal effect. For medicinal use it ought to be very fluid and of light -yellow color. If it is very fluid it is not very likely that it has been adulterated with fat vegetable oils. But in order to be quite sure of this point, in the work: Kenjizeiche^i der Gi'ite luid VerfcBlschung der Arzeneieii (Signs of the genuineness and adulteration of Drugs) (published in Dresden, 1787, p. 221), I have advised testing it b3^ the admixture of strong sulphuric acid, which leaves the petroleum untouched and only changes any foreign oils that may be admixed into a sort of sulphurous substance. Or we may, more simpl}^, merely drop a little of the petroleum on a piece of white writing paper; when this is laid in the open air or in a very warm place, it soon evaporates and leaves the paper without a transparent or translucid spot, if no fat oil is admixed. In many cases the petroleum may be found adulterated by the admixture of a volatile vegetable oil, e. g. , oil of turpentine. To guard against this, it is well to mix petroleum, before it is used medicinally, with double the quantity of alcohol, to shake it a few times and then to separate it again by filtering it through blotting paper which has been moistened with alcohol. Thereby the pure petroleum re- mains behind in the filter, and is then kept in little vials, the stop- per and mouth of which have been covered with melted sealing-wax. The alcohol, which has passed through the filter, will contain the volatile vegetable oil. if the like was present in the petroleum. For the first trituration with one hundred grains of sugar of milk ^\'e take one drop instead one grain of petroleum. Petroleum has done excellent service, where the following morbid symptoms were prominent: Anxiety; timidity; excitement; abuse; lack of memory; weak- ness of memory and of the thinking faculty; obtuseness of the head; vertigo, like violent tottering to and fro; headache from vexation; pressive shooting headache; beating in the occiput; eruption on the head and the nape; scabs on the hairy scalp; falling out of the hair; gauze before the eyes; long-sightedness, cannot read any fine print without spectacles; short-sightedness; dryness and troublesome sen- sation of dryness in the inner ear; hardness of hearing;* ringing * Especially after the previous vise of nitric acid. Il88 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. before the ears; noise in the ears; hissing and mishing before the ears; yellowness of the face; swelling of the submaxillary glands; white- coated tongue; bad smell from the mouth; putrid, offensive taste in the mouth; loathing of warm, cooked food; ravenous desire for food; loathing of meat; ravenous hunger; loud eructation; inclination to vomit; sea sickness; ivaterbrash; lack of appetite; the scrobiculus cordis thick and painful when touched; chaotic state in the abdomen; colic; inguinal hernia; lumpy, unusually hard stool; frequent evacu- ations by day; diarrhoea; involuntary dripping of urine; wetting of bed(i2^. ); constriction of the urethra; burning in the urethra; itch- ing and moisture of the scrotjun; frequent pollutions; weakness and nervous irritation after coitus; emission of prostatic juice. Dryness of the nose and troublesome sensation of dryness in the nose; stoppage of the nose; coryza, hoarseness; cough in the even- ing after lying down; dr}^ nocturnal cough; suffocating night-cough without expectoration {Hg.); shooting in the side of the chest; pal- pitation; herpes on the chest; pai7i of the sacrum, not allowing him to stand; backache; herpes on the nape; tearing in the hands; brown spots on the wrist; cracked skin on the hands and fingers, full of bloody chaps in winter; gouty, stiff finger-joints; herpes on the knee; stitches in the knee; cold feet; swelling of the feet; corns; obstinate ulcers on the toes, from eroding blisters with high borders, humid, red, flat base {Hg.)-, drawing pains in the head, forehead, temples and molar teeth; the limbs go to sleep; cracking in the joints and stiffness of the same; ebullitions of blood; dislike to the open air; pain of the chilblains; proud flesh in ulcers; vivid dreams; he feels in the morning as if he had not slept enough; night-heat; ague in the evening, first chill, then heat of the face with cold feet; night- sweat. Smelling of a pellet as large as a hemp seed, moistened with a high potency of Nux vomica, has been found the most efficient antidote to Petroleum.^ PETROLEUM. Sad and dispirited, with a sick feeling owing to weakness of the heart. Dejection (aft. 12 d.). Dejected in the morning, taciturnity, with dimness of vision (aft. 22, 23 d.). Anxiety in the bustle of many men. 5. Restlessness, he knew not how to contain himself. Nervous, timid, inclined to weep about trifles. Great timidity ; violent, frightened starting about trifles. lit will be seen that for this drug Hahnemann acknowledges no fellow observers, as he cites no authors. He has himself contributed all its symptoms, 623 in the first edition, 776 in the present. — Hughes. PKTROI.KUM. 1 1 89 The greatest irresolution. I^ack of determination. lo. He does not kno.v how to stop talking about a thing. No desire to work, no pleasure in objects he otherwise loves, therefore intolerable ennui. H^'pochondriac, when walking in the open air, inattentive to an intellectual conversation or other amusements. Discontented with everything. Ill-humor; strong tendency to be hypochondriac with a fever- ish condition for fourteen days. 15. Ver}^ irritable; everything affects him disagreeably and de- pressingl}^; he could not calm himself as to many things which else seemed trivial to him, and despite every effort, he could not cheer up. Peevish and lazy (aft. 16 d. ). He vexes himself about everything, even the least trifle, and will not answer. Every morning, inclined to violent anger. Ill-humored and angry, in the morning on awaking. 20. Very peevish and angry; he readily becomes passionate. Violent, irritable, passionate about trifles. Quarrelsome, peevish inclination to weep (aft. sever, h.). Quarrelsome and vehement. Furiously malignant and cross. 25. The child becomes wild and unmanageable. At first frolicsomeness and extravagance with internal quiver- ing, then sadness and discouragement. The whole da}^ he is only half conscious, as if only half alive. He lacks strength to think. Very forgetful and indisposed to think. 30. The head feels benumbed, attended with pain. Numb feeling of the head, in the morning, thick, heavy, full of heat. The head feels benumbed, as if enveloped in mist. Dizziness, commencing right after dinner (aft. 9 d.). Gloominess in the head and discomfort (aft. 20 h.). 35. Vertigo, frequently when walking. Vertigo and nausea, from stooping. Vertigo from stooping and when rising from the seat. Vertigo, seemingly in the occiput, as if she would fall forward, especially on raising her eyes. Vertigo and nausea, in the evening in bed, especialh' when her head lies low. 40. Severe vertigo, compelling him to bend forward, with paleness of the face and nausea, more when standing, than when sitting; disappears on lying down; with slow pulse, with eructation and yawning, lack of appetite and pressure in the abdomen. Vertigo, on rising from lying down; while h^ing down, heat in the face. Heaviness in the head in the morning ; and. as it were, fullness and heat in it, especially on stooping forward to sew. Heaviness of the occiput, like lead (2d, 3d d.). JigO HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Attack of headache, every morning. 45. Headache, at once in the morning, till after breakfast. Headache in the evening, after walking in the open air. Headache in the morning on rising, for several days. Headache on the right vSide; she could not open her eyes; she had to lie down. Dull headache, with drawdng tow^ard the forehead, from the morning till evening; at the same time severe chill till noon. 50. Pressure in the head, in the teeth and in the antra of the upper jaw^ Pressure in the occiput. Pressure in the forehead, with single stitches above the eye (aft. 26 d.). Pressure and shooting pressure in the occiput, in the morning. Violent pressure in the head on stooping. 55. Severe pressure on the crowm, with dizziness. Squeezing and pressure in the head (aft. 24 h.). Pressure on the head, with a sort of qualmishness (aft. 2d.). Tension in the head. Sensation of tension and like jerking, on the dura mater. 60. Sensation of tension of the dura mater daily, with numb feeling. Sensation of compression in the brain. Constrictive, drawing headache. Contractive, constrictive headache. Sensation as if the head was screwed together in a vise. 65. Cramp-like headache in the left temple. Cramp-like, very acute drawing and pressure in the left temple (aft. 4d.). Cramp-like, transient drawing in the temples. Pinching headache (aft 2d.). Pinching in the occiput. 70. Pinching drawing, extending upward tow^ard the left temple (aft. II d.). Drawdng headache; preceded by drawing pain in the right arm. Drawdng headache in the forehead, wdth stitches above the eyes. Pressive drawdng in the right temple, also perceptible in slumber (aft. sever, h.). Shooting, and at the vSame time pressure, in the head, with nausea. 75. Shooting in the left side of the occiput, in the afternoon. Shooting pain in the forehead, in the morning on aw^aking; this soon spreads over the back part of the head. Shooting pain and much heat in the head. Dull, twitching stitches on the crown, into the head, in the evening, and soon afterward, a constant pressure there. Excessive shooting jerks in the head, on stooping and walk- ing; after a few steps she ahvays had to stand still again. 80. Beating stitches in the side of the head, above the eye. Beating: in the head. PETE OLEUM. II9I Throbbing in the occiput, all the day. Pulsation in the occiput, when lying on it. Severe pulsating undulations, especially in the forehead, as if the head would burst, improved on moving about. 85. Sensation of a rush of blood to the head, at every quick move- ment, giving him a stitch in the brain. Boring in the head. Disagreeable sensation in the head, as if everything in it was alive and turned and whirled in it, with dislike of work. Quivering, floating and roaring in the head and the ear, as from rush of blood toward the head, but without any sensation of heat. The external part of the head feels numb, as if of wood (aft. 3d.). 90. Externally the head aches on both sides, when touched, as if festering wdthin. Pain on the left side of the head, as if festering. Bruised pain of the scalp. Bruised pain of the crown, as if brittle. Single soft swellings on the hairy scalp, which pain excessively when touched. 95. Much itching on the hairy scalp (aft. 10 h.). Itching on the hairy scalp; after scratching, sore pain. Pimples, from eruption on the head. Falling out of the hair of the head, for three days, especially after tw^elve days. Rapid falling out of the hair. 100. Profuse sweat on the head, in the evening after lying down. Sensation on the head as if a cold draught bio wed around it. Pressure in the eyes, in the evening. Much pressure in the eyes, especially in the evening, in candle-light. Much pressure in the eyes as from a grain of sand. 105. Cutting in the eyes, on straining them by reading. Shooting and pecking in the eyebrows. Stitches in the eyes, and lachrymation. Stitches, from the external canthus toward the internal. Shooting in the eyes, per se and when he presses somewhat on them, no. Beating pain in the right eye. Itching of the eyelids, he must rub them. Itching and dryness of the lower eyelids (aft. 12 d.). Itching and shooting in the eyes. Itching, shooting and burning in the eyes. 115. Smarting in the eyes. Smarting in the eyes as from smoke. Smarting and heat in the eyes. Burning in the eyes (aft. 5 d.). Burning in the eyes, and pressure and obscuration, when she strains them. 120. Burning and pressure on the inner canthus, Inflammatory swelling in the inner canthus, as of an incipient 1 192 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. fistula lachrymalis, as large as a pigeon's egg; with dr3^ness of the right side of the nose, for several days. Bruptive pimples on the eyelids. Lachrj^mation for five days (aft. 6 d.). Lachrymation in the open air, when it is not cold. 125. Lachrymation, frequentl}^, also in the room (aft. r6 d.). Much water presses out from both the canthi. Weakness of the eyes. The eyes tire readily. Twitches of the eyes. 130. Trembling and quivering of the eyelids. Quivering of the right eyelid. Winking and quivering with the eyes. The eyes feel often, as if they would become twisted. In the morning, he cannot open the eyelids, and his sight is dim and clouded. 135. Very dim eyes (aft. 22 d.). The visual power is dim, the eyes as if they had a gauze over them (aft. 5, 6 d.). Great enlargement of the e3"eballs, for many days; the left eye cannot recognize the letters at the usual short distance; at a longer distance the}^ become clearer but smaller. More long-sighted. Seeing double with both eyes. 140 . The eyes are often obscured, and at times some objects ap- pear double (aft. 14 d.). Black spots before the eyes, impeding reading. Something floats and quivers at times before the eyes, but she sees the objects clearl}^ and distinctly, when she looks at them. Quivering before the ej^es, in the evening (aft. 10 d.). Flickering and fluttering before the e3^es, the objects seem to be in a subtle motion. 145. Flickering and black figures before the ej^es (aft. 18 d.). Fiery sparks before the eyes. Painful sensitiveness of the eyes to the daylight, he must keep them covered. The ear is painful externally (from the vapor). Pressure in the ears, with heat (aft. 5 d.). 150. Cramp-like pain in the right ear (aft. 16 d.). Cramp-like drawing in the right ear (aft. yd.). Painful drawing and twitching on the right ear (aft. 5 d.). Extremely painful drawing, as from a sprain in the muscles of the mastoid process, extending to the clavicle, on both sides of the neck, a tearing pain every five minutes (aft. 11 d.). [/^ozssac.~\ Twitching pain in the left ear (aft. 13d.). 155. Tearing in the right ear. Cutting in the left ear. First, tickling and shooting in the ear, then stiffness in the articulation of the jaw, as if it would knack and crack in moving. Itching in the left ear, and flow of bloody pus (aft. 48 h.). The meatus anditorius is closed b}^ a swelling. 160. Pimple on the right ear, opening in the evening (aft. 5 d.). PETROIvKUM. 1 193 Eruptions on the external ear, for thirty days. Redness, rawness, soreness and moisture behind the ears. Diminished hearing (aft. 5 d.). Loss of hearing in the right ear, into which a drawing pain ex- tended from the eye (aft. 38 d.). 165. During an eructation, the ear became obstructed, so that he could not hear at once. Singing in the ears. Roaring and pain in the ears. Rushing of wind before the ears, diminishing the hearing. Rushing sound before the left ear in the evening, like the rushing of water, and at times a cracking in it; for three even- ings (aft. 21 d.). 170. Cracking in the ear from time to time (aft. 28 d.). Clucking in the ears. On the root of the nose, across from one eyebrow to the other a tensive pain, and when touched, ulcerative pain of the spot. Itching on the tip of the nose. Burning on and beside the nose (aft. sever, h.). 175. Small pimple in the nose. Small suppurative vesicle on the nose (aft. 7 d. ). Pustule in the lower part of the septum, with red areola. Pustules on the right wing of the nose, painful when touched. Ulcerated nostrils. 180. Scab in the fold of the left wing of the nose, without pain per se. He blows out bloody mucus in the morning. Epistaxis (aft. sever, h.). Heat in the face and redness of the cheeks. Sensation of heat in the face (aft. 3 d.). 185. Heat in the face and head (aft. 6 d.) Burning heat on the forehead and in the face, with itching. Much heat in the face; all the day, but especially after meals (aft. 4d.). Heat in the face and in the eyes (at once). Great, constant paleness of the face. 190. Itching in the face, here and there (from the vapor). Pimples in the face. Pimples about the eyes. Pimples in the face, like small pocks with white tips. Eruption on the lips. 195. Pimple in the corner of the mouth, with shooting pain. Scurfy pimple over the upper lip, with shooting pain per se not when touched. Lips, cracked. Furuncle on the lower lip. Pustule on the chin, painful when touched, 200. Drawing and tension on the jaw, below the ear. The articulation of the right jaw is easil)' sprained, in the morning in bed, with great pains. 1 194 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Swelling on both sides of the lower jaw, painful when stoop- ing and when pressing upon it. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Toothache, with thicklj^ swollen cheeks; she cannot lie still at night for pains, but has to sit up in bed. 205. Pain in the teeth when fresh air enters the mouth. Pressive pain in the right molars. Drawing toothache. Drawing pains in the upper front teeth, with sensation of coldness (aft. 10 d.). Tearing in the hollow tooth, from evening till midnight, with sore pain in the gums. 210. Cutting and contractive pain in the teeth. Stitch in the (hollow) fore tooth. Shooting toothache, as with knives, in both jaws; worse at night; she could not stay in bed. Shooting jerks in the teeth, every evening at 11:30 o'clock. Pain in the teeth, as if they were festering, with beating pressure in the right jaw, extending to the ear and the posterior cervical muscles. 215. Boring toothache. Sensation of numbness of the teeth, and pain when biting upon them. All the lower and in part also the upper teeth are prominent, and pain as if festering. Both the cuspidati feel too long, in the morning. The teeth are always covered with impurities. 220. The gums are painful, when chewing, as if sore. The gums between the lower fore teeth are, as it were, in- flamed, with shooting and burning pains. Swelling of the gums, with shooting pain when touched. Blister on the gums. Pustule on the gums above the hollow tooth, like a dental fistula. 225. Black hollow vesicle on a lower molar, sensitive to water and cold air; the tooth pains as soon as the mouth is opened. In the mouth, ulcers form on the inner side of the cheek. The tongue is covered with yellowish spots. White tongue. The tongue is coated, no matter how much it is scraped. 230. Coated tongue (aft. 4 d.). The tongue and the right side of the palate, down toward the cervical muscles, is so raw and sensitive that he dare not move in the mouth or eat anything hard; sourish and salty foods cause erosions, as if the tongue was eroded. Bad smell from the mouth; also the saliva smelled bad. Bad smell of the mouth, sensible to others. Fetor of the mouth, at times like garlic, at times putrid. 235. The throat feels as if closed by swelling. When swallowing, part of the food gets up into the posterior nares. Shooting sore throat, only when swallowing. PETROLEUM. I I 95 Shooting pain in the throat, when swallowing, as if this w^as impeded b}^ a fish bone. Violent tickling in the throat, extending to the ear, when swallowing. 240. Crawling in the fauces and the nose, as from snuff. Scraping and scratching in the throat. Roughness in the fauces, when swallowing. Sense of rawness in swallowing, extending into the stomach (aft. 6d.). Sore pain in the throat, and as if suppurated. 245. Swelling in the throat, with dryness in the mouth. Drj^ness in the mouth, in the morning. Dryness in the mouth and throat, in the morning, so severe that it intercepts the breathing. Great dryness in the throat, causing much coughing. Dryness in the throat, with eructation and lack of strength. 250. The throat is full of mucus. He always has to hawk up viscid mucus, especially in the morning. Constant hawking up of mucus in the morning, with headache. The mouth and nose are very full of mucus. Slimy taste in the mouth, with white-coated tongue. 255. Ver}' pappy mouth for twenty days. Slimy in the mouth, and no appetite for eating and drinking. Sourish slimy taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth. Bitter, sour taste in the mouth, in the morning. 260. Bitterness in the mouth, after breakfast, with scraping in the throat and eructation. Flat taste and saliva in the mouth, as from a spoiled stomach. Taste in the mouth as from a spoiled stomach, with heaviness of the head. Putrid taste in the mouth. Putrid taste in the mouth, as from spoiled meat. 265. Rancid taste in the fauces. Much thirst all day. Much thirst for beer, for a whole week. No appetite, no thirst. Ravenous hunger, frequently, so that she feels quite sick from it, and it also awakes her at night. 270. Insatiableness at dinner. Lickerishness. His stomach and digestion get spoiled from but a little food, especially from sour-krout, brown cabbage, particularly in stormy weather, so that he gets diarrhoea from it, day and night. The slightest amount of food and ever}' kind of food, spoil her stomach; she cannot bear anything. The usual smoking of tobacco causes dizziness (aft. 3 li.V 275. A little wine at dinner goes to his head, and makes him feel awkward. 1 1 96 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. After a little food he feels, as it were, beclouded, giddy and dizzy in his head. After meals, rush of blood to the head. After eating, a transient flush of heat rises into the left side of the head, with lasting redness of the cheeks. After eating, sensation of heat and perspiration, chief! 3^ on the head. 280. After every meal, profuse collection of saliva in the mouth; she must spit much. After a ver}^ moderate dinner, fullness, with pressure in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 3 d.). Just after a meal, in the morning and at noon, ver}^ painful, cramp-like spasm of the chest, intercepting the breath; stooping relieves it, but the interception returns on straightening himself. After supper, uncomfortableness. After a meal, much flatness of taste and restlessness. 285. After a meal, his former lassitude disappears. After breakfast, toothache. At dinner, acrid, sour eructation. Sour eructation, with dimmed vision. Sour eructation, dulling the teeth. 290. Belching up of sour water into the mouth, after breakfast. Repeated, hot, acrid, sour eructation and belching. Scrapy eructation, even after a light meal (aft. 4 d.). Eructation after a meal, the whole afternoon. Tasteless eructation, all the da^". 295. Eructation, with pressure in the abdomen. Eructation in the morning, like rotten eggs (aft. 24 h.). Heartburn toward evening, and eructation. Heartburn in the morning. Scrap}' heartburn. 300. Severe hiccup, twice in the evening and then much sneezing (aft. 36 11.).^ Severe hiccup, some three times a da}^ for several da3^s. Nausea with eructation (aft. 24 h.). Nausea, in the morning, on awaking, till breakfast, for one hour. Nausea everj^ morning, just after awaking; she cannot eat her breakfast. 305. Sick and qualmish all day long (aft. 6, 10 d.). Nausea the whole da}-, so severe that it frequently takes her breath, without vomiting. Nausea, all day with lack of appetite, sourish taste in the mouth, and white, dry tongue. Violent nausea, with cold sweat and shooting in the right side of the abdomen. Nausea in the morning, with collection of water in the mouth. 310. Sudden nausea when walking, with gathering of w^ater in the mouth, transient heat of the face and vertigo; for a quarter of an hour (aft. 14 d.). Momentary attacks of nausea in the morning or evening, when there is also a heavino: to vomit. PETROLEUM. 1 1 97 Qualmish sensation in the stomach (aft. 24 h.). Sensation of emptiness in the stomach, with numb feehng in the head. Sensation of great emptiness in the stomach, as after long-continued hunger. 315. Relaxation of the stomach. Intolerable heaviness in the stomach, relieved by severe ex- ercise on foot. Stomachache in the morning. Pressure in the stomach, before breakfast; it ceases after eating. Pressure in the stomach and diarrhoea, in the afternoon, after previous colic. 320. Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, attended with nausea two mornings in succession, before breakfast. Inflation of the stomach, in the afternoon. Stomach and abdomen are often painful, now as if they were contracted, then again, as if they were stretched out. Pinching in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 2 d. j. Snatching in the stomach, as from a cold, with anxiety in the evening, for a quarter of an hour. 325. Clawing sensation in the stomach, as from a cold, wakes her very early. Severe pain in the scrobiculus, as if something was being torn off there. Cutting about the stomach, with urging to stool (aft. 4 d.). Stitches in the scrobiculus cordis, in the afternoon. In the hepatic region, pressure. 330. Stitches in the hepatic region, at any exertion of the body. Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, with nausea. In the left hypochondrium, pressure (aft. 12 d.). Shooting in both the hypochondria, passing away without discharge of flatus. Pains in the abdomen, with pressive pain. 335. Pressure and pinching in the abdomen, as after taking a cold, awakes him about midnight. Inflation of the abdomen, especially after a meal, with pres- sure below the scrobiculus cordis. Inflation of the abdomen, for two days (aft. 3d.). The abdomen is inflated with flatus. The abdomen very much inflated, in the evening, when going to sleep. 340. Abdomen very much inflated, from drinking but little (aft. 4d.). Inflated, distended abdomen, and indolence, in the afternoon, for several hours. Painful tension all over the abdomen, with pain in the lower left part of the abdomen, as if something would burst through there, or as if from an internal wound, in paroxysms of two or three hours' duration. Tension and cramps in the abdomen (aft. 3d.). 1 198 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Clawing sensation in both sides of the abdomen, with heavi- ness of the lower limbs and great drowsiness. 345. Griping and pinching moving about, above the navel, in fre- quent attacks. Pinching in the abdomen, for several evenings (aft. 48 h.). Pinching in the abdomen, every ten minutes; she must bend double every time (aft. 13 d.). Pinching and growling in the abdomen, in the evening. Pinching in the abdomen and diarrhoea, all the day (aft. 24 h.). 350. Cutting in the epigastrium, with nausea and diarrhoea, awakes him at 4 A. M. (aft. 48 h.) Cutting pain in the abdomen, late in the evening; she had to bend double. Cutting in the abdomen, as from a cold; then diarrhoea with straining (aft. 36 h.). Cutting in the abdomen (at once) and again after seventy- two hours in the morning on awaking, and several times during the day. Much cutting in the abdomen, for two days, and at first, evacuation of faeces, then of bloody mucus with but little faeces. 355. Severe cutting pain in the abdomen, for two days, with grip- ing in the abdomen, then much eructation, vomiting of clear water, diarrhoea and headache (after sever, h. ). Cutting pain in the abdomen, quite early in the morning, then diarrhoea of very fetid, camphor-like smell and, after this evacuation, ineffectual tenesmus. Drawing cutting in the abdomen, with eructation and emis- sion of flatus. Pain in the abdomen, as from catching a cold Disagreeable internal itching in the abdomen, not improved by external rubbing. 360. The muscles of the hypogastrium, as it were, go to sleep, and tingle; this extends down to the thighs when sitting, she had to rise up and walk about (aft. 21 d.). Pimple on the abdomen, burning when touched. In the right inguinal ring, pressure (aft. sev. h.). Shooting pain in the right groin, after nocturnal pollution. Cramplike pain in both groins, like a pressure, when walking and lying down, but most of all when sitting. 365. Pain in the groin as if an inguinal hernia would protrude, at every impulse of coughing. Accumulation of flatus and movement of the same in the ab- domen (at once.). Growling in the abdomen, in the evening. Discharge of much very fetid flatus, for many days. Very fetid flatus, before the liquid stool. 370. Sensation in the abdomen, as of incipient diarrhoea, without stool. Frequent urging to stool, with a scanty diarrhoeic discharge every time, with much straining as if there was much more com- ing (aft. 24 h.). PKTROIvKUM. 1 199 Inclination to diarrhoea, and two soft stools (after 24 h. ). Diarrhoea with colic. Diarrhoea, after spoiling the stomach, especially in stormy weather. 375. Water}^ stool, with pain in the abdomen, for six days. Two diarrhoeic stools, and then an inordinate exhaustion. Mucus with the stool. Profuse mucous diarrhoea (after sever, h.). Diarrhoea, of much bloody mucus (aft. 4 d.). 380. Frequent stool of mere bloody mucus, with great weariness. Stool soft and yet it is accompanied with straining. Soft, difficult stool, as if from inactivity of the bowels, Frequent urging to stool, followed every time by a scanty diarrhoeic evacuation, with Jrequeut straining, as if much yet would follow. The stool becomes harder during the after-effects (aft 28 d.). 385. Stool only with much straining, as if the rectum had not the strength to expel it. No stool for two da5^s, but much urging, the rectum seemed too weak to expel the faeces (after 4, 5 d,). Stool expelled with difficulty, with sore pain in the anus. With a difficult stool, the child loses blood. Ascarides pass with the stool. 390. Discharge of ascarides. After the stool, ravenous hunger, but quick satiety. After the stool, inflation from flatulence. After a (second) good stool, qualmishness and sensation of weakness (aft. 24 h.). After the stool, he feels quite weak and dizzy, his sight failed him and he had to close his eyes to recover himself. 395. Pressure about the anus (aft. 6 d.), Pressive pain in the rectum, two days before the menses, she had to bend forward; when straightening her body, pains darted through the rectum, and when walking, the stitches multiplied. Itching on the anus, when going to sleep. Burning pain in the region of the anus. Burning and shooting in the rectum and anus (aft. 18 d.). 400. Fistula in the rectum. Scurf on the border of the anus, with tickling erosive sensa- tion. Frequent urging to urinate; the urine goes off in a bifid stream, with burning pain, and with tearing in the glans. Frequent urging to urinate; but little urine is passed. Very frequent micturition and but very little urine at a time (aft. 4, 7 d.). 405. Frequent micturition (aft. 10 d.). Twice as frequent micturition, and far more liquid is passed than he has drunk (aft. 24, 25, 26 d.). Involuntary micturition. Urine with white sediment (aft. 9 d.). Urine very dark-yellow, with much red sediment (aft. 3. 4d.'). I200 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 410. The urine quickly deposits a red sediment, while the surface is covered with a shining pellicle. Urine blood-red and turbid. Dark-brown clouds in the urine, after standing awhile. Brown urine, very fetid, of sourish smell. Strong ammoniacal smell of the urine. 415. Fetid smell of the urine, it deposits a red, slimy sand, which firmh^ adheres to the vessel. Pressure upon the bladder; he was urged to urinate almost ten times during the afternoon, and it was quite a while each time before any urine came (aft. 9 d.). Scalding urine. During micturition, burning in the neck of the bladder. At the beginning and the termination of micturition, cutting in the neck of the bladder. 420. After micturition, some urine continues to drip. Violent contraction in the region of the bladder, on both sides of the mons veneris, especialh^ when passing urine, which was then frequently arrested. Burning pain in the urethra, toward evening. Twitching in the urethra, as in seminal emissions. Emission of mucus from the urethra. 425. In the penis, a stitch during micturition. In the glans, a tearing pain (at once). Itching in the glans, passing over into shooting. Smooth, red spot on the glans, without sensation (aft. 12 d.). Reddish eruption on the glans, with itching. 430. In the left testicle (spermatic cord?) cramp-like pain, while the scrotum was contracted. Itching jerking in the right side of the scrotum, constant. Itching and moisture on the scrotum. Redness and humid soreness on the one side of the scrotum. I^ess inclination to coitus, and less incitement thereto in his fancy (the first days). 435. Several erections, without lascivious thoughts (aft. 21 d.). Nightly erections, without lewd fancies. Erections every morning on awaking (the first 18 d.). It restores erections and potency for a few months. Violent excitation to seminal emissions, in the morning after awaking, in the interior of the sexual organs, without flatulent troubles (aft. 4 d.). 440. During amorous dallying, emission of semen (aft. 11 d.). During coitus, tardy emission of semen (aft. 21 d.). Two pollutions (the first n.). Pollution, followed by anxious heat in the morning (aft. 48 h.). Soreness, at the side of the female pudenda. 445. Itching in the female urethra, during micturition, after previ- ous urging. Female aversion to coitus (the first 4 weeks). Burning in the sexual organs, with some discharge of blood (aft. sever, h.). PETROLEUM. I20I The long-suppressed menses appear to some degree (aft. 6 d. ). Menses too soon (aft. 4 d.). 450. Menses some days too early and too scanty (4th d. ). Menses several days too soon (aft. 8 d. ). Menses five days too soon (aft. 2d.). Menses six days too soon. Menses retarded by ten days, till the full moon (aft. 24 d.). 455. The blood discharged at the menstrual flow erodes the sexual parts. During the menses, heat in the soles of the feet and in the hands. During the menses, singing and roaring in the ears. During the menses, painful tearing in the thigh. During the menses, spots on the legs, which pain when touched, 460. During the menses, weary in the body and as if bruised. Vaginal discharge, like albumen. Leucorrhoea, daily in larger quantity, for several days (aft. sever, h.). Sneezing, daily and very often. Much sneezing, with drowsiness, toward evening. 465. Sneezing and catarrhal sensation in the throat, with titillation urging to cough. Sensation of stoppage in the posterior nares. Stuffed coryza and ulcerated nostrils. Severe coryza (aft. [3 d. ). The mucus stops up the nose, he has to expel it forcibly, in little lumxps. 470. Hoarseness, in the afternoon. Severe hoarseness, for several days. Cough, from dryness in the throat (aft. 10 d.). Cough, from scraping in the throat (aft. 19 d.). Cough, with scraping in the throat (aft. 4 d.). 475. Cough, deep from the chest (aft. 13 d.). Cough, every time he smokes tobacco. Toward evening, a cough which fatigues the chest, caused by an irritation deep down in the windpipe. Cough, at night. Cough, only at night, after going to sleep, and then the cough is very severe. 480. Dry scraping cough, taking away the breath; she cannot cough up the mucus. Severe coughing and much expectoration for eight da3'S (aft. 23 d.). During coughing, she feels like vomiting. The breathing is oppressed, especiall}^ when going up stairs, when beginning to walk, and when talking loudh\ Whenever the child fell down, or knocked against something, its breathing was at once arrested. 485. When breathing at night in bed, rattling in the windpipe. 11 I202 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Rattling in the windpipe, and dr}^ cough, in the evening in bed, before going to sleep. Asthma and broken windedness, as from constriction of the windpipe, with tickling, causing a dry cough. Asthma, in the evening, for several hours. Short breath (aft. i8 d.). 490. Tightness of the chest at night, and restless sleep. Tightness of the chest and shortness of breath, more while sitting than while walking. The chest is very sensitive to cold air, and after being exposed to it, she feels next day a great tightness on the chest. Pressure and tightness on the chest, in the afternoon. Pressure on the sternum, in the morning. 495. Pressure on the upper part of the sternum, at night, disap- pearing through eructations. Compressive squeezing on the chest, from the anterior part. Pressure and digging in the chest. Acutely pressive drawing pain on the left short ribs, on the left side of the chest and in the right hypochondrium. Shooting in the right side of the chest, then in the left side^ just below the arm. 500. Shooting, cutting pain, anteriorl}', from the right side of the chest to the left, when he (during a meal) bends his body toward the left side. Shooting pain in the chest. Shooting pain on the chest, and contractive pain in the head^ when coughing. Violent stitches in the side. Violent stitch as far as the heart, taking away his breath. 505. Sensation of coldness in the chest, in the cardiac region. Occasional momentary palpitation. A sort of palpitation, extending to the navel, while sitting still, in the evening. On the chest under the arm, a severe pain, more tearing than shooting, it prevented him from sleeping all night. The nipples itch, and have a meah^ covering. 510. The coccyx is painful, when sitting. Severe though brief pain in the sacrum, when rising from a seat (aft. 14 d.). Cutting pain in the sacrum, in the morning after rising, and in the evening before going to sleep, onl}' when moving and bend- ing down, not when standing upright. Painful jerks in the sacrum, during many movements. Sprained pain in the sacrum, in the morning in bed, also when sitting. 515. Great weariness and stiffness in the sacrum and cocc3^x, in the evening. Weakness in the sacrum, after a walk (aft. 8 d.). Pain in the back, so severe that he cannot move. The spine is painful, from comfortably^ driving in a carriage, as from a concussion. Pressure on the shoulder and in the back. PETROLEUM. 1203 520. Pressure, heaviness and weariness in the back, in the morn- ing (aft. II d.). Heaviness in the back. Cramp in the back and in the ribs in front, with pearls of sweat in the face and on the arms for three-fourths of an hour, then a profuse mucous diarrhoea (aft. sever, h.). Rigidity in the back. Stiffness and drawing in the back. 525. Drawing in the back, ceasing on bending backward. Frequently, a yawning stretching in the rump. Sprained pain and oppresssion between the scapulae, extend- ing into the chest. Sprained pain in the back and the scapulae, extending into the chest, two or three times a day, arresting the breathing. Tearing in the back between the scapulae, so that she could not move. 530. Painful jerk in the back, at every deglutition, also during abor- tive eructation; sometimes also without deglutition, when at rest; but every time afterwards, there follows an arrest of the breathing. Sweat on the back and on the chest, while at rest during the day. The skin of the left side of the back pains, as if excoriated. In the nape a pressive pain, aggravated by the slightest move- ment. Pain in the nape. 535 Heaviness in the nape. Very painful troublesome drawing in the nape, extending to the occiput. The right side of the neck feels stiff. The shoulder- joint pains, when lifting up the arm. Tension and drawing on the top of the shoulder. 540. Drawing pain in the left shoulder, extending to the elbow. Frequent twitching in the right shoulder (aft. 8 h.). Sprained pain in the shoulder-joint, when lifting up the arm. Profuse sweat in the axillae. Boil in the axilla, with more of a tearing than a shooting pain, threatening suppuration. 545. In the arm, here and there, a sudden cramplike pressure. Muscular twitchings on the arms. Early in bed, the arm stretches, he has to extend it involun- tarily. Drawing pain in the right arm, then in the head. Stitches upward and downward, in the whole of the right arm, across the elbow, especially when bending the arm, but also when at rest. 550. The left arm goes to sleep, for several da3^s. ■ The arms and hands readily go to sleep, at night, when he lies on them. Great weakness in the arms. Internal trembling in the arm. Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin on the arm, with burning pain. I204 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 555. Yellow Spots, on the right arm (aft. 6 d.). On the upper arm, a severe cramp, when holding in the hand even the lightest object, and renewed by the slightest motion; the deltoid muscle becomes quite hard; the next day the spot is pain- ful as if bruised. Sharp pressure on the right upper arm, commencing like twitching (at. 16 d.). Tearing in the right upper arm. Paralysis around the elbow joint for two days. 560. Itching in the bend of the elbow (aft. 12 d. ). On the fore-arm, a furuncle, with shooting pain when touched. The wrist -joint pains, as if strained. Drawing pain in the right hand, and the index. (3d d.). Shooting in the right hand, extending into the fingers, in the morning in bed (aft. 15 d.). 565. She is continually cold on the hands; she must cover and wrap them up. Burning in the palms (aft. 4 d.). Burning in the hands, in the morning on awaking (aft. 6 d.). First, heat of the hands, then perspiration of the palms. Much sweat of the hands. 570. The skin of the hands is chapped and rough. Cracked, fissured skin of the hands, full of chaps (aft. 13 d.). Itching in the palms (aft. 16 d.). In the fingers, a drawing, for some moments. Drawing in the tips of the fingers. 575. A scratching pain on the posterior joint of the right thumb. Shooting pain in the anterior joint of the right index, as from a splinter in the bone, externally it itches. Transient stitches in the ball of the right thumb (aft. 6 d.). Sprained pain in the posterior joint of the thumb. Rigor in the evening, first of one finger, then also of the others, extending up through the whole of the arm, with tendency to faint; by quickly going into the open air all the S3^mptoms disappeared, except a continued palpitation and heaviness in the arms (aft. 19 d.). 580. Itching on the joints of the fingers. Rough, fissured, cracked tips of the fingers, with shoot- ing and cutting pains (aft. 8 d.). The nails of the fingers are painful when grasped, as if they were bruised. Pecking, in the wart on the finger, in the evening, in bed, when touched, it pains as if sore. Burning pain in the wart on the finger, as if it would sup- purate, in the evening in bed. 585. In the hip, pressure, when sitting. Transient drawing pain in the left hip-joint (aft. 7 d.). Sprained pain in the hip, beside the sacrum, when moving. Redness and humid soreness, in the upper inner side of the thighs (aft. 12 d.). Small, itching pimple in the corner between the scrotum and the thigh. PKTROIvKUM. 1205 590. Severe shooting in an inveterate, painless, soft tumor, on the upper inner side of the right thigh. Itching on a red herpetic spot, on the upper inner side of the thigh. The lower limbs feel hcsLvy. Sensation of coldness in the right lower limb, at night. Pain and stiffness in the lower limbs (aft. 5 d.). 595. Drawing pain in the left lower limb. Restlessness in the lower limbs; he has to keep moving them to and fro. The thighs are stiff and clumsy in walking. Pain in the left thigh when moving; she could not rise from her seat on that account (aft. 8 d.)- Tensive pressure on the posterior side of the thigh above the hough. 600. Cramp in the thighs, all the day. Transient, twitching pain in the left thigh (aft. 16 d.). Inflamed, large pimple, above the knee. Large furuncle on the thigh (aft. 25 d.). In the knee, tension, during the first step after sitting. 605. Cramp-like pain in the knee joint. Cramp in the left knee, when walking. Straining and burning in the houghs. Stiffness in the knees and legs. Stiffness in the hough and the leg (aft. 9 d.). 610. Stiffness in the knees and ankles Jerking pain, with tickling, in the knee-joints. Tearing in the left knee, in the evening; she could not stretch it. Stitches in the knees. Shooting in the right knee-joint, as from a sprain; in the evening, when walking and lying down, not when sitting. 615. Bruised pain in the knees and the tibiae. Pain, as after a blow, on the patella. Constant paralyzing, stinging sensation of being asleep, ex- tending from above the knee down into the foot, when walking and sitting. Weakness in the right knee, when walking; it disappears when the walk is continued. Painful weakness in the knees; in the morning, just after rising from bed. 620. Cracking in the knee, as if one of the cartilages was dis- placed, with pain on moving it. Large, red spot on the left knee, later on with pressive pain. Frequently a cold spot on the knee, from which a cold stream passes through the whole lower limb. The legs, and especiall}^ the ankles, feel as if enclosed by an iron band. Pain of the tibiae, when walking. 625. Cramp in the calves, the thighs and the feet, all the day. Severe cramp in the legs (at once). Cramp-like drawing in the right tibia. I206 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Twitching of the right leg, beginning from the knee, painful, felt only while walking. Tearing, shooting and pressing on a (formerly ulcerated) spot of the leg. 630. Eruptive blotches on both the calves, which itch violently. On the foot, pressive pain and weakness below the external malleolus. Pressure in the right heel. Tension in the foot, when walking (aft. yd.). Cramp in the sole of the foot, at night (aft. 8, 11 d.). 635. Stiffness of the foot, and when moving it cramp in the sole of the foot. Momentary drawing in the foot, when walking. Severe drawing and twitching in the feet (aft. 9 d.). Tearing in the heel, in the morning, on awaking. Cracking in the ankle-joint on moving the foot. 640. Stitches, like splinters, in the heel. Beating in the soles of the feet, worst when getting to rest. Sensation of swelling in the feet. Swelling of the foot for several days. Swelling and heat of the anterior part of the sole of the foot, for two evenings successively, for one hour, with burning. 645. Burning itching on the external malleolus. Blisters on the heel. Sweat of the soles of the feet. Profuse sweat of the feet (aft. .56 d.). The toes are drawn inward by cramp, in the evening. 650. Pressure in the ball of the big toe, as if it had been frozen, or as if there was an iron band around it. Tearing drawing in the ball of the right big toe. Stitches, like needle-pricks, crossing each other in the toes. Sprained pain in the posterior joints of the toes, when treading. Eruption between the toes. 655. In the corns, stitches. Burning pain in the corns. Itching of the skin, with a febrile rigor. Itching on the whole body, in the morning, when in a half sleep. Itching stitches all over the body, with great anxiety, at 7 p. M. 660. Stitches on the body, now here now there (2d. 3d d.) Painful sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body, every garment presses painfully on the body. Everything is too hard in sitting and lying. Unhealthy skin; even small lesions suppurate and spread. Shooting in the ulcer. 665. Liable to take cold; this causes her to feel, as it were, faint. From a cold there ensue headache, lachrymation, inflamation of the throat, cough and coryza (aft. 2d.). Aversion to the open air. PKTROI.KUM. I207 In the evening, when walking, he felt the air keenly, he was cold (in July). He feels the open air, when walking and it is disagreeable to him. 670. After a short walk, a sort of nervous debility all over the bod}^ When walking, burning all over the body. At an approaching thunder-storm, sensation as if fainting. A slight vexation is very injurious; the taste in the mouth becomes bitter, the appetite is lost; a short walk then fatigues her; several diarrhoeic stools; when going to sleep, the blood is still in violent motion; attended with eructation and nausea; rest- less sleep; on the following morning a quivering and trembling all through the body; diarrhoea and internal misery, so that the tears continually stood in her eyes (aft. 9 d,) Strong circulation of the blood, at the slightest movement. 675. Violent ebullition of blood, in the evening, and bitter taste. Strong pulse, especially on walking and going up-stairs (aft. 2, 3d.). Strong pulse, when walking, with paleness of the face and impeded speech (aft. 9 d.). After driving: when leaving the carriage and walking up and down in the open air, sudden violent nausea and such weakness, that she sank down, with urging to stool, quite cold sweat on the head, neck and chest, while the face was quite pale, and blue rings around the eyes; after the stool, a violent chill and the fol- lowing evening some heat. Twitching in the noon-siesta and the night-sleep. 680. Twitches in the limbs by day (aft. 7 d.). Sprained pain in the arms, chest and back, in the forenoon (aft. 18 d.). Stiff, awkward arms and legs in the morning after rising. Quivering tension all through the body, with apprehension and ill humor. Cracking of the joints. 685. Weakness in the joints (aft. 15 d.). The limbs feel bruised, in the evening; he knows not where to lay them (aft. 13 d.). Gout-pain in the joints of the hip, the knees, and the ankle, at night. Paralytic, pressive drawing, in the left tibia and the fore-arm, on the extensor-surface (aft. 24 d.). Drawing pressure on the bones, here and there, not relieved by walking in the open air (aft. 3d.). 690. Twitching, sharp pressure on various parts (aft. 16 d.). Cramplike drawing and pressure in the limbs (aft. 5 d,). Burning in the throat, the stomach, and the right side of the abdomen. The arms and legs readily go to sleep. Heaviness in the feet, and in the whole body. 695. Heaviness in all the limbs, and indolence. I208 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Intense heaviness of the lower limbs; she totters in walking. Restlessness in the limbs; he cannot stay in any one place. Weary pain in the top of the shoulders, the spine and the loins. Lassitude in the body and heaviness in the lower limbs. 700. General feeling of uncomfortableness, as if a severe disease was imminent, with tremulousness and great lassitude (aft. 3d.). Great lassitude without external cause (aft. 15 d. ). So w^eary, that the limbs pained for lassitude. Great lassitude after a walk (aft. 11 d.). He readily gets tired by the lightest occupation. 705. Lack of strength (aft. 7 d.). Sensation of fainting, in the morning, after going out; when he came into the room, he felt unwell, there was heat in the face and like a veil before the eyes, with compression in the temples; he was near fainting; but when he roused himself, it all passed over in three minutes. Sudden, almost momentary loss of strength, even to faintness, with paleness of the face and sudden nausea, which comes and goes quickly, for a quarter of an hour (aft. 4, 5 h.). Visible emaciation, wuth good appetite. Trembling in the morning, on rising. 710. Irresistible weariness. Very weary, in the morning, in bed, the limbs are as if bruised (aft. 11 d.). Weariness of the limbs and bruised feeling, especially in the evening in bed, when lying down. Very tired in the morning on rising; she has to sit for half an hour to recover. Exhaustion of the whole body, in the morning; he could only walk about in the room with difhcult^^, and had to lie down again. 715. Intense drowsiness, and weariness in all the limbs. So weak, that she goes to sleep while sitting. Drowsiness by day (aft. 17 d.). Drowsiness in the evening, when sitting still, for several evenings. In the evening in bed, he cannot go to sleep for a long time, and tosses about all the night. 720. He tosses about all night in bed, and onl}^ sleeps a quarter of an hour at a time. He lies in a constant slumber. Snorting in his sleep, in the morning. His night's sleep is interrupted by pollutions and tenesmus of the bladder. Much micturition at night. 725. He wakes up every night two or three times to urinate, and passes much urine. At night, heaviness of the lower limbs and weariness in the back. At night, cramp in the calves. At night, cramp in the tendo Achillis. At night, the coldness of his feet does not allow him to sleep. PKTROI.EUM. I209 730. At night, she feels at once so intolerably hot under her covers, that she has to uncover herself from time to time. At night, anxious heat (with itching), so that he is beside himself for despair, and can not contain himself. At night, first, sweat on the back, causing him to wake up at 4 o'clock; then dry internal heat with uncomfortableness, so that he cannot get to sleep again At night, fanciful slumber. At night, no sleep, but only fantasies over one and the same disagreeable subject, attended with night-sweat. 735. He imagines that somebody is lying beside him. He rises up in bed and gets out. Night sleep full of dreams. Annoying dreams, at night. Confused dreams, at night, and frequent awaking. 740. Vivid dreams, which cannot be recalled (aft. 2 d.). Restless sleep, and anxious dreams (aft. 10 d.). Vivid, gruesome dreams, every night. Frightful dreams of robbers, every night. Frightful dreams, ever^^ night; every dream continues all night, and in the morning she is weary. 745. Dream of committing lewdness and murder, with great anxiety; repeated in the afternoon siesta, as if he completed the murder of that person. Starting up at night from fearful dreams. Starting up, in the evening in sleep, so that the limbs trembled. She was frightened in her sleep, and experienced palpitation, trembling, vomiting and a profuse diarrhoeic stool. In the evening, while still awake in bed, the whole body experienced a jerk. 750. Coldness in bed, in the evening, so that she could not get warm, then night sweat. Cold feet, every evening. ChilHness in the evening, then flying heat in the face. Febrile rigor, ever}- evening. Kxcessive chill from the morning till noon, with dull head- ache and drawing toward the forehead, all the day (aft. 24 d. ). 755. Severe chill in the forenoon at 10 o'clock, with coldness of the hands and of the face, without thirst for half an hour; then in the afternoon, heat in the face, especially in the eyes, with thirst, for one hour. Severe internal febrile rigor, in the evening at 10 o'clock, for one-quarter of an hour, for several evenings. Chill through the whole body, he has to lie down (aft. 72 h.). Chill every afternoon, at three or four o'clock, for two hours, attended with cold hands and with drjmess in the mouth. Febrile coldness at 6 p. m. with blue nails (aft. 7 d. ). 760. Fever and chill, with complete prostration and painful sensa- tion in the whole body (aft. 2 d.). Febrile rigor at 7 p. m. for one hour, then sweat in the face, and on the whole body, except the lower limbs, which were quite cold at the time (aft. 6 d.). 12 lO HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Fever, with full pulse and burning in the skin, but without pain. Heat in the head, with cold, moist hands. Heat before midnight, with burning pain in the mouth; after midnight, a chill (aft. 4 d.). 765. With internal heat of the body, heat and dryness in the wind- pipe; at the same time uncomfortableness, irritation and exhaus- tion. Heat and chill at the same time (almost like a febrile rigor), both internally, at 10 p. m., with disposition to weep. Heat in the whole bod}' , in the morning on awaking. Heat, for several evenings, from five to six o'clock (aft. 9 d.). Sensation of heat on the whole body, for thirty-six hours. 770. Flushes of heat all over the body (aft. 5 d.). Flushes of heat six or eight times a day, so that she at once perspired all over. Flushes of heat in the face, hands burning hot, parched tongue and agitated breath, every evening from five till six o'clock. He very easily falls into perspiration. Sweat of the legs, extending be3'ond the knees, and of the fore-arms, especiall}^ on the wrist-joints. 775. Profuse night-sweat (aft. 6d. ). Very profuse night-sweat (aft. 24 h.). PHOSPHORUS. Phosphorus is chemically prepared from bone-acid (phosphoric acid) by distillation with charcoal; it is remarkable for its easy spontaneous combustion. It is dynamized for homoeopathic use in the manner described at the end of the first part of this work, p. 147- Phosphorus properl}^ potentized in this manner is one of the mos^ indispensable and chiefly antipsoric remedies.^ Nevertheless this medicine will rarely be found appropriate in cases of chronic (un venereal) diseases, where lack of sexual impulse and weakness in the genital parts is manifest, or the female period is ^How entirely medicinal substances, by potentizing through trituration and succussion (which were first used by Homoeopathy), are removed out of their chemical sphere, may be seen, among other things, by the remarkable fact, that a powder of sugar of milk containing one or two pellets moistened with this medicine, potentized to, say, the decillionth attenuation, though it may have been kept a year and a day, will yet retain its medicinal virtue undimin- ished, and shows the dynamic effect of phosphorus, and has not, therefore, been turned into phosphoric acid, which has quite a different effect on the human health. PHOSPHORUS. 121 1 retarded, or generally, where there is too great weakness and lack of vital strength. If it should, nevertheless, be homoeopathically indi- cated, in order to keep up the strength as far as possible, the transfer of vital power from a healthy person (mesmerism*) should be made use of; i. . in their ''Reine Arzneimittelehre ,' ' and three anonymous persons there: Bds., Mbn. and Ng. ibid.; Dr. Hering, Hg.; Dr. Schreter, Sr., and Dr. Goullon, Gll.^ PHOSPHORUS. Great dejection (aft. 5 d.). Troubled, reserved, meditative. [A^.] Not disposed to anything, indolent, sullen. [A^.] Sad and dejected for a long time. [A^.] 5. Sad and melancholy, as if some accident had happened to his beloved ones (aft. 14 d.). \Ng^ Disconsolate sorrowfulness, with weeping and crying, in the morning (aft. 5 d.). Sad and discouraged, but not so as to weep. Sad and dejected. [S//".] Troubled mood, dejection. 10. Sadness in the twilight, for several evenings, successively at the same hour. Melancholy. The world seemed dreadful to him; only weeping could relieve him; soon afterward total apathy and indifference. Melancholy of spirit and violent weeping, toward morning, on awaking from a saddening dream; he could not restrain nor calm his weeping and lamented yet for a quarter of an hour. \_Htb.'\ Troubled mood and very susceptible to emotions especially with respect to apprehensiveness (through the whole period). \_Htb.'\ 15. Sad, apprehensive, pusillanimous. \Ng.'\ Anguish.^ [VoiGTEL, Arz7iei7mttellehre IV., 46.] Apprehension, as if she was grieved about something, fre- quently recurring. [A^.] Anxiety and heat in the head, with hot, red hands, frequently recurring and seemingly alleviated while standing. [A^.] Anxious sensation of oppression. 20. Anguish at times in the evening, as if about to die (the first d.). 1 A pathogenesis of Phosphorus appears in the first edition of this work, containing 963 •symptoms from Hahnemann and 62 from authors. Soon after, Hartlaub and Trinks pub- lished another one in Vol. I. of their Arzueimittellehre, without any information as to how it was obtained. To this belong the Hartlaub and the "three unknown persons" of the above list. "Bds." being Bandis and "Ng," of course, Nenning. The contributions from Stapf, Gross, Hering, Schreter and Goullon are doubtless of the usual kind. Hahnemann's own symptoms are increased by 206, and the citations from authors have risen to S4. — Hughes. 1 Statements from authors. — Hughes. 1214 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Apprehensiveness, like the foreboding of misfortune. Many anxieties, in the evening (aft. 8 d.). Anxiousl}^ soHcitous, about the unfortunate issue of her disease. Anguish and internal restlessness, without any imaginable reason. 25. Anxiety and restlessness, with much sweat on the forehead and heat in the head. Restlessness in the head, in the forenoon. [A^.] Restlessness. [Voigtel.] Restlessness during thunder-storms. Great restlessness (aft. 2d.). 30. Fearfulness and horror, in the evening. Dreadful fearfulness, late in the evening, as if a horrid face was looking out of every corner. Great anxiet}^ and irritability on being alone. Attacks of anxiety, seemingly below the left breast, which so torments her, that she trembles all over her body, attended with occasional bitter eructations and palpitation. Surfeit of Hfe. 35. All the senses are excessively sensitive, especially those of hearing and smell. Very easily startled. Displeased and irresolute. Ill-humored. In very ill humor, while in the best of health. 40. Indisposed to everything. [A^.] Depressed mood. [Bds.^ Ill-humor and vexation. [A^.] Depressed on account of his health. Sullen, every object, especially men and noise, are very dis- tasteful to him. 45. Sullen and lazy. Extremely discontented. Irritable and peevish. Very easily irritated to vexation. Very peevish in the forenoon. 50. Very peevish and cannot forget an annoyance. Great anno3^ance, before dinner, at the least trifle, then sensa- tion of heat, followed b}^ pressure in the stomach; then nausea with much heat in the face, and an entire loss of appetite. Great annoyance at the least provocation, with cold hands, heat in the face and palpitation. More peevish than ever before. Vexed at every trifle, so that he is beside himself. 55. She would get vexed very readily. Capricious, sensitive. \_St/.^ Great irritation of spirit. Hypochondriac. When he thinks of anything disagreeable, he is seized with a sort of apprehension, felt most in the scrobiculus cordis. PHOSPHORUS . 1 2 1 5 60. When she grasps an idea very vividly, she is seized with a heat, as if hot water were poured over her. Disagreeable occurrences cause anguish, mixed with fear and vexation, and she becomes disposed to weep. Very irritable mood, she takes every word ill and becomes pusillanimous from it. Even a little annoyance affects him very violently. Incensed at every trifle. 65. When annoyed, she falls into furious anger and mahgnancy. Incensed and angry, almost without a cause. Occasionally wildly passionate. Obstinate. [St/.] Misanthropy. 70. Tenderness (after-effect). Exaltation of the sense of common brotherhood.^ [Jahn, Mat Med. II , 293.] Increased cheerfulness in the first days.^ [Kortum, in Hufel. ^Journ. X., 2, 41.] In very good humor, especially in the afternoon. \Ng.'\ Merry, in a good humor, she sings and trills. [A^.] 75. Mirthfulness. [Jahn.] Freedom of spirit, good-humored, with agreeable warmth all all over the body, especially on the hands, which are quite red, from a rush of blood; everything seems brighter to him (2dd.). \Ng:\ Spasmodic laughing and weeping. She has to laugh against her will, while she is sad. In the evening, usually of so vivid an imagination that the mere representation of disagreeable things causes horror with her. 80. Shamelessness, she strips off and wishes to go naked, as if crazy. Great indifference to everything. Indifferent to her child, whom at other times she dearly loved. Indisposed to work, and without cheerfulness, but without any muddled feeling in the head. Distracted, in the morning, though he likes to work. 85. Forgetful and dizzy. Forgetful and stupid, so that he does something quite different from what he wants to do Slow flow of ideas, dearth of thought. \_Stf7\ Abundant flow of ideas, which she finds it difi&cult to arrange. Delirious phantasies, while slumbering and when awake, as if she was on a distant island, as if she had a large business, was a distinguished lady, etc. 90. General slight obtuseness of the head. \j\ibn^ The head feels obtuse after a meal. \Bds.'\ Severe obtuse feeling in the head, and vertigo, compelling one to lie down. \Mbn.'\ Muddled, confused head (aft. 4 d.). Painful dizziness, eight mornings in succession. 1 General statement. — Hughes. 2 Effects of one grain in divided doses. This symptom not found. — Hughes. I2l6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 95. Dizzy in the morning on awaking, so that she had to be led from her bed. Dizzy in the evening, in bed. Dizzy in the head, when she moved. Dizziness, with severe headache, shudder and a chill without thirst, alternately heat in the head, and shudder and discomfort of the whole body (aft. 36 h.). Feels dull and dazed, for many days. 100. Muddled and heavy feeling in the sinciput, the head tends to fall forward; diminished by cool air and by frowning; it recurs in the room and is aggravated by stooping. [A^.] Stupid and muddled sensation in the head, more in the upper and anterior part of the head [A^.] Gloomy feeling in the head. [^Bds.~\ Gloomy, uncomfortable sensation, in the morning, after rising. I/Ong-continued gloominess in the head, as if not done sleep- ing. [JVo^.] 105. He cannot collect his thoughts, in the morning on rising, the head feels dizzy, heavy and painful, as if he had been lying with his head too low during the night. She feels stupefied on awaking at night. Inability to comprehend, as if he could not grasp a thought, with headache. Painful stupefaction of the head, in the morning on awaking; this only disappears some time after rising. Weakness in the head; when he reflects about anything, his head aches, no. Great weakness in the head, so that she cannot stand any sound on the piano. Weakness of the head; from laughing, from a decided tread- ing, or when stretching the limbs, there is a beating and throbbing in the head, especially severe after prolonged sitting. Slight stupefaction and headache between the eyes, in the forehead, ceasing after dinner, but returning an hour later, and continuing till evening. [///(^.] Vertigo. [Bds.] Vertigo, with muddled feeling or stupefaction in the head, as if she would lose consciousness, occasionally on entering from the open air into the warm room. [A^.] 115. Vertigo, when rising from a seat. [A^.] Vertigo, while things turn black before the eyes. [A^.] Vertigo, then nausea and a depressing pain in the middle of the brain, with stupefaction and a sensation as if he would fall down; in the morning and after dinner; then in the afternoon, nausea, heartburn, red face and a sensation as if something was lodged in the throat; with sadness and weeping without a cause; in the evening like gauze before the eyes and itching on the eye- lid. [Afbn.] Sensation of vertigo, in the afternoon, as if the chair on which he was sitting became much higher, and he was looking down PHOSPHORUS. 12 17 from abov^then hypochondriac mood with drowsiness and lassi- tude, till about 9 p. M. {Htb^ Vertigo, as if he should fall over, in the morning after rising, 120. Vertigo in the morning on rising from bed. Vertigo, in the morning, continually increasing, like a heavy weight pressing downward anteriorly in the head, with nausea like fainting; when stooping, things turn black before the eyes, with much sneezing, till evening; improved in the open air (aft. yd). Vertigo, in the forenoon; even in walking, everything turned round with her; she staggered and could walk steadily. Whirling in the head, in the evening, when lying in bed; she could not lie still, but had to raise herself; then there followed four diarrhoeic stools with severe febrile rigor, followed by severe heat and perspiration all over. Attack of vertigo, as if it would whirl hira around; he then found himself with outstretched arms, as if he wanted to seize on something to hold himself up. 125. Short but severe vertigo, in the evening, for ten seconds. Severe vertigo, in the evening, when walking; everything turned round with her; when standing, it diminished, but returned when walking. So severe a vertigo, at noon, that he thought he would fall from his chair. Vertigo, frequently at noon, so that he had to be very careful when going out, so as not to fall. Vertigo, on rising from dinner. 130. Attack of vertigo, every day after meals, so that he hardly knew whether he was conscious. Vertigo, several times by day, she staggered against people when walking, as if she was intoxicated. Vertigo, on closing the eyes, as if she was continually turning around. Vertigo on stooping, with chilliness and nausea, occasionally. Attack like vertigo, when she turned once around, she knew not where she was; so also after stooping, in the forenoon. 135- Vertigo with headache, and much gathering of saliva; she had to spit out much, for three days. Headache, when lying down, with nausea; when this passed, a sort of vertigo. Violent headache from stooping (in the open air) (aft. 11 d. ). Headache above the left eye, with flying specks before the sight. {Goidl.'\ Headache, on reflecting, in the evening. [A^^.] 140. Headache, at the least vexation. Headache in the morning, when starting to walk, and renewed at other small exertions. Headache in the forehead, over the eyes, awakes her every morning, and gradually passes off after rising from bed, for 21 days in succession. 78 12 18 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Headache, beginning immediately after Ij'ing down in bed, two evenings in succession. Headache, at night, after nausea in the evening. 145. Violent dull headache wdth nausea, eructation and gathering of w^ater in the mouth. [^iWbn.'] Dull pain in the left side of the head. [A^.] Stupid headache in the forehead with heat. [A^.] Stupid headache and ill-humor, in the morning on awaking, and after rising (2d d.). [A^.] Dull, stupefying headache (on the top of the crown). [A^.] 150. Dull headache, as after reveling at night. [A^.] Violent sensation of numbness and dizziness, with pressive pain in the head, incapacity and indisposition to do work, especially mental work, w^ith drowsiness; after quietly Ij^ing down in a half sleep, it is almost quite removed, but soon begins again after rising and moving about, with a sensation as if there was no cohesion in the head, and with sore pain of single spots of the head when touched, for several days. [Htb.'] Chaotic headache, as from incipient coryza. Heaviness, lack of strength and chaotic feeling in the head, in the morning. Heaviness of the head, he sees as through gauze. 155. Great heaviness of the head (aft. 18 d.). Heaviness of the head (istd.). [A^.] Fullness of the head, with stoppage of the ears, without diminution of the hearing, except when swallowing. [i\^.] Full and chaotic feeling in the head. Fullness in the brain, but not as if it was filled with blood, and without impeding thought. 160. Bruised brain, or as if shattered in the brain, from the after- noon till going to sleep in the evening, when it disappears during sleep. Pressive headache, here and there, turning into a pain, as if the brain was shattered and bruised on its surface. Pressure, darting to and fro in the head. Pressive headache in the forehead, extending into the eyes, as if they would be pressed out. Pressive headache in the forehead, in the evening. 165. Pressive and pinching headache. Pressive headache in the forehead over the eyes, for two days in succession, from morning till night, wdth burrowing in the top of the head (aft. 4 d. ). Pressive, or, as it were, chaotic headache, with jerks in the head or tearing, ever}- morning; on awaking, aggravated by mov- ing. Pressive semilateral headache, disappearing when walking in the open air (at once). Pressive headache, here and there, on the surface of the brain in the crowm. 170. Pressive headache, alternately in the temples and in the upper part of the head, with feeling of fullness in the brain, but not as if from congestion of blood (aft. 2 h.). PHOSPHORUS. 1 2 19 Pressure, extending from the right side of the sinciput, ex- tending over the eye. [A^.] Pressure in the sinciput, toward the root of the nose. [A^.] Pain in the head, pressing outward, above the eyes, as if the forehead would fall out, more externally (aft. 24 h.). Pain as if the head would burst, so violent that she wept aloud, from 6 A. m. till lying down in bed in the evening. [A^.] 175. Constrictive headache, every other day. Drawing pressive pain in both temples. [S^/.'] Drawing pressive headache, now on the right side, now on the left, with a muddled sensation. [A^.] Drawing pain on a small spot on the right side of the head, in the evening. [A^.] Drawing headache in the morning; toward 12 o'clock, turn- ing into a sort of vertigo, with flickering before the eyes; disap- pearing after dinner, but returning at 2 o'clock; with rapid circulation, cheerfulness and excitement of spirit; on the subse- quent evening unusual weariness and exhaustion, with inability to do any work. \_//fd.^ 180. Spasmodic drawing below the crown, with stitches in the temples. Tearing in the forehead. [A^.] Violent tearing in the upper part of the head, extending to the zygoma, in the afternoon, when sitting. [A^.] Tearing in the temples, vertigo in the sinciput, and beating with shooting on the crown. [A^.] Tearing in both the temples; after pressing upon them, it is transiently diminished, but returns almost at once, more violently. 185. Tearing pain in the upper and right part of the head, as if she was being pulled by one hair, while sitting. [^Sf/.'] Slight tearing in the head, especially above the right eye. Violent tearing in the right side of the head, upward, in the evening, while sitting. [A^.] During heavy tearing in the head, shooting in the right side of the abdomen, while sitting. [A^.] Frequent twitching in the upper part of the left temple, and then drawing toward the side of the forehead, after dinner. [A^.] 190. Periodic twitching beating headeache in the root of the nose, for 8 days, every day about the 9th hour, also passing into the nose and the eyes, most violent at noon, when she vomited, [^r.] Digging and burrowing in the head, from time to time, with stupid feeling, all day ; radiating downward more toward the right side and the nose, both in rest and in motion; only diminished b}^ cool air. [A^.] Pain in the sinciput, periodically mingled with stitches, especially in the left side, more in' the afternoon and evening. Stitches, at times burning, in the frontal region, on the crown, in the sides of the head, into the left and upper part of the head, and in the temples, at times with the sensation, as if she was I220 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. pulled by the hair, or also as if the head would burst; at times after dinner, or in the morning, mostly while sitting, sometimes transiently relieved by rubbing. [i\^.] Stitches in the left half of the head. [Z/"/^.] 195. Tearing stitches in various parts of the head (aft. 5 w. ). Stitches in the right temple, in the evening (after sever, h.). Single stitches in the head, in the evening (aft. 5 h,). Stitches in the temples, in the evening, with pain in the whole head. Stitches on single spots of the head, especially in the evening. 200. Shooting in the right side of the head, for several days. Stitches in the occiput. Stitches as of needles, in the vertex of the head. At first, shooting and pressure in the occiput, then severe throbbing in the forehead. Throbbing in the crown, also in the left side of the head espe- cially on the occiput. [A^.] 205. Throbbing pain in the temples, often for half an hour at a time. Pulsation in the head, in the morning, on awaking. Throbbing in the head, when lying down. Throbbing pain in and upon the upper part of the head, espe- cially painful when chewing and when touched. Throbbing and gnawing in the right parietal bone, seemingly in the bone itself, in the evening. [A^.] 210. Pulsating pain in the right side of the head, deep in the brain, in the evening. [A^.] Hammering and shooting in the crown, coming from the front part. iNg.-] Shooting pains, from the side of the head toward the root of the nose, and toward the ball of the right hand. [A^.] Jerks in the sinciput, as if pieces of lead were being rattled in the brain. Several blows in the head, especially during the difficult stool. 215. Rush of blood to the head. [Kortum; VoiGTEiv] Slight ebullition of blood to the head, toward evening. \^Htb.'] Rush of blood to the head, intolerable. [Weigel, Diss, inaugur. de phosph. vs^"" Rush of blood to the head, with burning heat and redness of the face, when sitting. [A^.] Humming and growling in the head, almost all the day. 220. Humming in the head (aft. 2 h.). Severe roaring in the head, mostly when sitting. Tickhng in the head. [A^.] Transient crawling headache in the forehead. \Gr.'\ Much heat and sensation of heat in the head, especially in the forehead and in the face (as also on the hands), at times with beat- ing in the head, at times rising up (from the back), and sometimes passing ofi in the open (cool) air. [A^.] 1 Not accessible.— //^M^/j^5. PHOSPHORUS. 122 1 225. Heat in the head, then in the whole body and also on the feet, as if sweat would break out, for an hour after dinner. [A^.] Rising of heat from the chest into the head and the whole body, when eating soup, with a sensation, as if perspiration would break out. [A^.] Sensation of heat in the head and moving around in it, as from a foreign body. [-A^.] Burning headache in the frontal region, at times with nausea. Burning headache in the forehead. 230. Coldness of the left side of the head, with pain, deep in the ear. Coolness in the head and body frequently alternate with heat in the same (aft. 2 h.). [A^.] Sensation as if the brain grew rigid, while remaining in the * open air. Her head feels easier when in the open air. [A^.] After dinner, when walking in the open air, the headache almost disappears, excepting a chaotic feeling in the head and obstruction in the ears, but it recurs in the warm room. [A^.] 235. External sensitiveness and twitching on the crown, as if some one pulled her by the hair. [A^.] Boring and throbbing in the right side of the scalp, when sitting. [A^.] Burning pain externally on the head; it was hot to the touch, without any increase in the heat of the rest of the body; accom- panied with lack of appetite and with lying down (aft. 9 d.). Tearing drawing pain on both sides of the head, with pain of the hair when touched; this comes on in the evening and increases during the night (3d d. ). Pain on the crown, as from a bleeding sore. 240. Tendency to take cold in the head. Pressure on single spots of the head, as if there were lumps under the skin. Shining, but not inflamed, painless swelling on the forehead, with the most violent headache above the eyes. Pressure on the hairy scalp, in the face and on the neck. Severe itching on the hairy scalp. 245. Much dandruff on the hairy scalp which at times itches (aft. 8d.). Itching little lumps on the hairy scalp; when touched they are painful like a furuncle. The eruption on the head forms scabs and smarts, while it itches but little. The hair falls out frequently (the first days). Falling out of the hair, the roots of the hair seem dried up. [Gr.] 250. A spot above the ear becomes bald (aft. 12 d.). Sensation as if the skin on the forehead was too tight, with anxiety, for many days (aft. 3 h.). Spasmodic contractive pain on the top of the head, in the afternoon and evening (aft. 5 d.). 1222 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. In the whole left side of the head, a cold, spasmodic pain. Tickling of the periosteum around the eyes. 255. Burrowing pain in the eyes. Pain of the edges of the eyelids. Pressure in the upper eyelids. Pressure in the eyes. Pressure and heaviness on the ej^es; as it were, an inclination to sleep. 260. Pressure in the eyes, with dimness. Dull pressive pain in the orbit. Pressure in the eyes like sand. [G^//.] Pressure and shooting in the eyes, they are dim and dull. The ej^eballs are painful, as if pressed upon, looking at any- thing increases the pain. 265. Pressure and burning in the eyes, for two days. Tension in the eyes. [A^.] Stitch and tearing pain into the right eyeball, in the after- noon, while sitting down. Shooting pain and dr3mess in the eyes, [i^^.] Stitches in the left eye, and a stye on the lower eyelid. 270. Shooting behind the e^'es. Fine stitches in the inner canthi, worse in the open air, in the morning. [A^.] Itching in the eyelids, frequently during the day. Itching in the eyes. Sensation in the right external canthus, as if something acrid, salty, smarting was in it, without redness. [_Stf.^ 275. Smarting and dryness of the eyes, while reading. Smarting in the left eye (aft. 3 h.). [A^^.] Rush of blood to the eyes, he feels the presence of his eye- balls, but not unpleasantly. [Gr.^ Itching in the left eye, going off by rubbing. [A^.] Burning in the eyeball, for one-half of a minute. 280. Burning pain in the eye and around it. Burning in the upper eyelids (aft. 3 h.). \_Bds.^ The eyes are heated and burn, frequently during the day, for four or five minutes. Inflammation of the eyes (aft. 27 d.). Inflammation of the eyes with burning and itching (aft. sever, h.). 285. Inflammation of the eyes with stitches, [i^.] Inflammation of the right eye, while the left e3^e is weak. Inflammation and redness of the eye, with itching and pres- sive pain. Redness of the white of the eye, with itching and erosion, and with a flow of much burning and eroding water. [_Mbn.'] Redness of the conjunctiva, with the sensation as if there was a foreign body in the eye, compelling constant wiping and rubbing. [_Mbn!] 290. Redness, inflammation, swelling and suppuration closing the right eye with burning pain, for two days. PHOSPHORUS. 1223 Yellowness of the white of the eye/ [Weickard in BouTTAz, concern ing Ph osph oi'ii s . ] Swelling of the right upper eyelid, with itching and pressure. A sort of puffy swelling of the right upper eyelid. Swelling of the left eyelid, with pains in the orbital bone, when touched. 295. A bump on the margin of the orbit. Dr5^ness of the eyes, quickly transient. [iV^.] Dryness of the eyes, in the morning on awaking. [A^.] Sensation of dryness in the eyes. I^achrymation, in the morning, while working, with dimness of the eyes (aft. 4 d.). 300. Very ready lachrymation, in the open air. Lachrymation. [^^.] Severe lachrymation, even at night. Lachrymation, smarting and mucus in the right eye, in the evening. Watering and dimness of the eyes, while reading. [A^.] 305. Watering of the eyes, in the warm room. [A^.] The eyelids stick to the eyes, from watering. [A^.] The eyes are closed by suppuration, in the morning on awak- ing, and are difficult to open. [A^.] The inner canthi are closed by suppuration, in the morning. The eyes are closed by suppuration in the morning, with burning and shooting and dimness of vision as if caused by a gauze. 310. The eyes are closed by suppuration in the morning; there is suppuration and lachrymation by day. Quivering of the eyelids and the external canthus of the left eye, returning very frequently. [_Gr.'] Pupil very much contracted. [Sr.'] Weak, tired, sleepy eyes. Especially in the morning on awaking, great weakness of the eyes, which improve somewhat on rising (aft. 5 d.). 315. The eyes fail while reading. [A^.] Inclination to see with only one eye. Short-sightedness, the outlines of distant objects seem blurred. She has to hold objects near to the eyes, if she wants to see anything distinctly; at a distance everything appears as if in a smoke, or as if through a gauze; but even when holding objects near, she cannot bear to look at them steadily for a long time; she can see better when she dilates the pupils by shading the ej^es with her hand. Early at dawn he sees more plainly than during the day. 320. Everything appears to him as seen through a veil, with some loss of consciousness. The eyes seem very dark, he sees but little. \_Sr.~\ Sudden blindness, frequently, and, as it were, a grey cover before the eyes. [Sr.~\ Like a black veil before the right eye. Dark bodies and spots before the eyes. [A^-.] 1 (ToBouTTAz.) Not accessible. — Hughes. 1224 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 325. Black, passing specks before the eyes. Large, black spots floating before the e^^es, after eating. Objects tremble before the eyes, in the morning on awaking; they seem to have uncertain outlines. Quivering before the eyes and buzzing in the head. Sparks before the eyes, in the dark. 330. Green halo around the lighted candle at night. Sensitiveness of the eyes to candle-light, in the evening. The eyes are painful when reading, both by daylight and by candle-light. The ej^es are dazzled by daylight. [5r.] Earache. 335. Pressure in both ears. Pressure in front of both the ears, in the warm room; going off in the cold air. [A^.] Keen drawing pain in both the ears. Dull drawing pain in the lobule of the ear. Tearing in the right ear, also in the forenoon, while sitting down. [A^.] 340. Painful tearing, immediately below the right ear, while sitting down, going off through friction. [-A^.] Dreadful tearing and shooting in the ear and all around in the head, as if it would burst. Twitching in the left ear. [A^.] Violent twitching stitch out of the left ear into the lobule, while sitting down. [A^.] Severe stitches deep in both the ears. [^Bds.'] 345. Shooting in the lobule of the right ear. [A^.] Frequent, very sharp needle-pricks on the right external meatus auditorius. [A^.] Shooting in the ear. Pain in the right lobule, like a severe pressure with the hand, and so much sensitiveness, that she could not bear a cloth on it; it goes off in the evening. [A^.] Severe itching in the ear. 350. Pulsation in the ear, after walking fast. Violent shooting beating behind the ear, on the lobule. Heat and redness of the ear. Humidity of the internal ear. Sensation of dryness in the ear, either with or without buz- zing. 355. Pimples in the ear, with shooting, [/z^.] Little vesicles with burning pain in the concha of the ear. Eruption of vesicles behind the ears. The parotid gland causes a troublesome tension, especially when stooping, and is painful when touched. Burning at times in the parotid gland. 360. Loud re-echoing in the ears, in the morning. The words of others and one's own words sound loudly in the ears, like an echo. [_Gr.^ PHOSPHORUS. 1225 Kver>^ sound loudly uttered by any one, keeps resounding in the same pitch. Sounding in the head, when speaking loud, so that he did not dare to speak loud. Something at times seems lodged before the right ear. 365. Something seems constantly to obstruct the ears. [A^.] Something seems to suddenly dart into the left ear, and then there is buzzing in it; then at times hardness of hearing, and at times a discharge of a yellow liquid, for several weeks; after press- ing on the ear she hears better for a little while. [6^r.] Severe buzzing before the ears. Humming in the ears, as if a gauze was drawn over them. Ringing and resounding in the left ear. 370. Constant singing before the ears, louder when lying down. Hardness of hearing, with a sensation as if a foreign body was lodged in the ear. Constant fluttering in both ears. [A^.] Violent pain in the nose, in the forenoon. Sensation of fullness in the nose. [A^.] 375. Pressive sensation in the nose, as in coryza. [A^.] Itching and tickling in and about the nose, also after dinner. Itching of the nose. Frequent itching in the left nostril, in the morning. [A^.] Sore pain of both the nostrils, also when touching them. 380. Little vesicles in the right nostril, burning only when touched. Dark redness of the nose, ala nasi, with erosive pain when touched. Inflammation of the inside of the nose, with sensation of dry- ness and slow bleeding of the nose. Swelling of the nose during coryza. Swelling of the nose, which is painful when touched. 385. Ulcerated nostrils (sore nose). Itching and pimples on the nose. \_I^g.^ In the right ala nasi, a painful pimple. \_Sr.'] Vesicles in the nose and around the same; so that it is almost inflamed. [Htb.'] Many freckles on the nose, in the morning, after heating exer- cise at night (aft. 12 d.). 390. Clots clogging up the nose. [_Hg.'\ Skinny clots in the nose, without itching and stoppage. [^^.] Itching of the nose and bleeding after rubbing it. [-/%'•] Boring in the nose until it bleeds. [/4''-] Bloody streaks in the nasal mucus. 395. A few drops of blood from the nose. Bleeding of the nose (at once, also aft. 17 d.). Severe bleeding from the nose, in the evening (aft. 7 d.). Frequent and severe bleeding of the nose. Very severe bleeding of the nOvSe (aft. 24 d.). 400. Bleeding of the nose, especially during stools. Frequent expulsion of blood from the nose when blowing it. 1226 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Frequent blowing of blood from the nose, together with yel- low mucus, in the morning. Greater keenness of the sense of smell, especially of offensive things. [6^r.] The sense of smell is especiall}^ acute during headache. 405. Paleness of the face/ [Brera in Voigtel.] Sudden striking paleness of the face with chilliness and pains in the abdomen and head (aft. 12 d.). Pale, sickly complexion (aft. 8 d. ). Paleness of the face, the eves are sunken with blue rims (2dd.). {_Htb.'\ Sunken face of earthlv pallor, with deep-lving, hollow eyes with blue rings (aft. 6, 7 hj. {S^f^ 410. Pale, yellowish face. Pale sickly appearance, in the evening. [A^.] Hippocratic face." [Voigtel] Broad blue rims about the eyes. Inordinate, almost blue redness of the cheeks, without sensa- tion of heat, in the morning at eight o'clock. \_//fd.~\ 415. Redness of the face. [Z^^.] Redness and heat of the face, with light perspiration on the forehead, and a muddled feeling of the head (aft. 12 h.). [///(^.] Great heat of the face, toward evening (aft. 14 d.). Intense heat of the face, after washing, wdth red spots. A flush of heat over the upper part of the face, with increased redness, with obscuration of the sight. [6*//".] 420. Glowing heat, every evening, on one cheek or the other, for two hours, without thirst. Burning in the face, around the nose and upper lip, as if from acrid humors. Perspiration in the face, with coldness of the same and a sick feeling in the forenoon. Rush of blood to the face, with sensation in it of bloatedness, in the air; it goes off in the room. [A^.] Inflammation of the face on the side on which he had been lying. [73^.] 425. Inflated in the face. Bloatedness and swelling about the eyes. Swelling of the parts surrounding the ej'es. Swelling of the cheek and gums without pain. Pimples in the face and on the ala nasi. \Hg-^ 430. Violent itching in the face, so that she scratches till every- thing bleeds and is raw. {HgP^ Eruption of pimples in the face. Eruption of pimples on both of the cheeks. Frequent pustules and scurf from suppuration in the face, after the least lesion of its skin. Rough, red, mottled eruption of the face, slightly elevated. [5r.] 435. Single red pimples in the face. 1 Effects of gr. ^ to ij. — Hiighes. 2 Preceding death. — Hughes. PHOSPHORUS. 1227 Fine eruption, like farina, on the forehead and chin. Tension of the skin of the face. Desquamation of the skin of the face. [_Gr.'] Burning smarting of the skin of the face, as after staying in cold, sharp air. 440. Aching of the bones of the face. Twitches in the muscles of the cheeks. Twitches in the muscles under the right eye. Pressive pain in the cheek-bones, the parietal bones and the teeth, especially when chewing w^arm food, and when coming from the cold air into a warm room. Pressure inward above the left orbit, after dinner. [A^.] 445. Tension in the zygomata, as if they were being violently squeezed together; it goes off on friction. Tearing in the bones of the face and the temples, as if every- thing would be torn out, continually increasing till 8 p. m. [A^.] Tearing in the jaw-bones, in the evening when lying down; it is quiescent while eating and moving the lower jaw. Severe tearing on the lower edge of the orbit, as if the flesh there were being torn off. [A^.] Tearing in the zygoma. [A^.] 450. Severe tearing under the right ear. [A^.] Twitching on the left zygoma, going off after friction. [A^.] Violent stitch from the middle of the left lower jaw, darting deep through the cheek and the eye and out at the forehead. [^^•] . Stitch in the left cheek. Lips dry, all day. [A^.] 455. Dryness of the lips and the palate without thirst. [A^.] Blue lips. [Brer a] Burning stitches on the margin of the upper lip, while sitting down. [A^.] Burning, like fire, of both lips. [A^.] Burning pain on the red of the lower lip, with white blisters on the inner side of it, with burning pain (aft. 11 d.). 460. The lower lip is cracked 'wide open, in the middle. An itching spot on the left lower jaw, he had to scratch it raw. Itching of the upper lip, with pain after rubbing. Swollen upper lip, every morning. Eruption on the red of both the lips, at times with stitches. 465. Pustules on the commissures of the lips. \_Gll.~\ Painful bhsters, as large as peas, on the inner side of the lower lip, full of lymph. \_Gll.'] Tetter in the left commissure, with cutting and stitches. Tetter above the upper lip. Rough skin about both the lips. 470. Suppurated commissure of the lips (aft. 13 d.). Eruptive pimple on the right commissure. Painful ulcer, on the inner surface of the lower lip. Pressure, drawing and tearing in the lower jaw, toward the chin. [A^^.] 1228 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASES. The jaws are closed so tightly that she cannot get her teeth apart. 475. Involuntary gnashing with the teeth, as from a spasm, with some pain. Twitching in the lower jaw, almost like toothache. Violent drawing in the lower jaw. Glandular swelling near the articulation of the lower jaw \.Hg.-\ Toothache, with swelling of the cheek. 480. Violent toothache in the evening in bed, for 3 successive eve- nings. Violent toothache on the left side, and 2 days afterward a very painful swelling of the throat, with 5 large white blisters in the mouth. [5r.] Toothache, only at night in bed, it goes off on rising. Toothache in a hollow tooth, excited and increased by the. warmth of the bed (aft. 22 d.). Toothache while walking in the open air. 485. Toothache (tearing ?) in the upper incisors, excited by breath- ing cold air, by warm food, and by contact. Toothache in the morning after awaking, in two lower- molars, going off after rising. [A^.] Violent pain in the left molars when violently blowing the nose; it terminates with chattering of the teeth and subsequent heat of the cheeks. Pressure on the left upper and lower teeth, from behind for- ward (aft. 8 d.). Drawing toothache, while the hands and feet are cold. 490. Drawing pain in the anterior incisors. Drawing and burrowing in the teeth. Drawing in a lower molar, and then shooting in the right upper jaw, extending into the ear, in the morning. [A^.] Drawing in a lower molar. [A^.] Twitching pain in two hollow teeth, on opening the mouth,, with great sensitiveness on touching them with the finger, renewed during chewing, when food gets into them. [A^.] 495. Very painful twitching tearing in the roots of the right upper molars. [A^.] Shooting tearing in several roots of the right upper teeth; it goes off by pressing upon them; in the evening. [A^.] Tearing in the teeth, every day, in the evening or morning, chiefly in the open air, or on coming in from it. Tearing, extending from the molars to the zygomatic arch, it goes off through rubbing; while sitting down. [A^.] Tearing in the right upper molars. \_Bds.'\ 500. Tearing in a lower socket on the left side, going off through pressure. [A^.] Tearing in the right upper molars, at times in paroxysms, frequently recurring and always relieved by pressure. [A^.] Tearing and boring in a left molar, in every position, alsa when touching it and in chewing. [A^.] I PHOSPHORUS. 1229 Violent shooting pain in the upper front teeth, with intense swelling of the upper lip. \_Sr.^ Gnawing in a left lower molar. [A^.] 505. Constant boring in a right molar. Violent gnawing and boring in a tooth, in the morning and evening, w^hile lying in bed. Beating, twitching and shooting in the teeth, as soon as the least air strikes them, but not in the room or if the cheek is tied up. Toothache as from soreness. The teeth feel as smooth, when biting on them in the morn- ing, as if they were smeared with soap or fat. [A^.] 510. Bleeding ulcer, in a hollow molar. [A^.] A tooth becomes hollow (aft. 10 d. ). Dullness of the teeth (aft. 18 d.). Ivooseness of the teeth, so that she cannot chew. Looseness of all the lower front- teeth, so that they can be taken out. 515. Sudden bleeding of the upper molars, without cause. The gums ache as if sore. Painful sensitiveness of the gums, so that he cannot eat; two small boils on them. Itching and beating on the gums. Burning and sore pain on the inner side of the gums of the upper front teeth. .520. Sore, painful, swollen gums. [_Sr.^ Inflammation of the gums. Inflammation of the gums above a carious tooth. Swelling of the gums, with itching. Intense swelling of the gums. ^25. Ulcer on the gums after toothache. Ulcer on the gums, with swelling of the upper lip (aft. 17 d.). Bleeding of the gums at the least touch. Tendency of the gums to bleed, and to become detached from the teeth. Blood comes into the mouth (aft. 24 h.). [_S(f.] .530. Painful lump on the inner side of the cheek. Pain on the frenum of the tongue and on the palate, interfer- ing with eating and talking. The tongue is covered with white mucus and there is mucus in the mouth. [A^.] Coated tongue.^ [Kortum] The tongue is coated like fur. .535. Burning posteriorly on the right side of the tongue. [AJ?.] Many small, red, bleeding dots with burning, on the anterior surface of the tongue. [A{c^.] Two small, pellucid vesicles, burning when touched, on the tip of the tongue. [A^.] Burning tongue, at night, coated white. [A'a'.] Pricking itching posteriorly on the palate, as in coryza; she must scratch. [A^.] 1 See Sympt. 1884.— ////j?-//^h.). Very sour taste in the mouth, she has to expectorate much. 600. Bitterness in the mouth, with roughness in the throat. [A^.] Bitterness in the mouth and throat, in the evening, with great dryness, much thirst and excessive drinking of water; it goes off after lying dowm. [A^.] Sharp bitterness in the fauces, with roughness. [A^.] Bitter taste in the mouth, all the day. Bitter taste of the breakfast. [6^r.] 605. Very bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning (ist d.). Acidity in the throat and scratching in the larynx. Sour and disagreeable taste in the mouth, in the morning; it goes off after eating bread. [A^'.] Sour taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth, immediately after drinking milk. 610. Sour taste in the mouth, chiefly in the morning. Acidit}^ after eating. Increased acidity after every meal, and pulsating headache in the forehead. 1232 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Everything turns sour with him, even what is most innocuous. Bad taste of bread, especially in the morning. 615. Bread is not relished, it tastes like dough. She relishes no food, but could drink continually. Diminished appetite. [_Gr.~\ Lack of appetite, in the morning, with tongue coated white, and fullness in the scrobiculus cordis, while food has its normal taste. \_Gr.^ He has a strong aversion to boiled milk. [Gr.^ 620. He is without an}^ appetite except in the morning, and feels full and uncomfortable after breakfast, as if his stomach was overloaded. \_Gr.~\ The appetite is increased and food has its normal taste. {_Gr.~\ Diminished appetite, with lassitude. [///^.] He does not reUsh his breakfast, though everything has its normal taste. [A^.] No appetite, no hunger (aft. 3 d.). 625. Lack of appetite and hunger; eating is quite indifferent to him, and he would not eat, but that eating-time has come; no flavor in his food and drink; everything he partakes of has only too little taste, but no foreign flavor, and almost everything tastes alike; spirituous liquors taste watery, and he lacks the customary inclination to smoke. He is easily satisfied with tobacco, he can only smoke a little, though it does not taste badl)^ Lack of appetite. No appetite, no thirst. Little appetite, but also no satiety. 630. Thirst at noon, before dinner. Thirst after a meal. [A^.] Thirst in the morning, immediately after rising. [A^.] Constant thirst. Much thirst for water. 635. No hunger all day, but when she eats, she eats with appetite. Increased hunger and appetite (rst, 2d d.). [A^.] Voracity. (Lobstein, Unters. ub. d. Phosphor.^ Intense appetite like rabid hunger. (Bouttaz.) Voracity at night, not to be appeased by eating, then lassitude with heat and perspiration, then a chill with external coldness and chattering of teeth. 640. After drinking milk, sour eructation. \Gr^ After meals, comfortable sensation of satiety, which he form- erly did not distinguish so clearly. \_Gr.'\ If he eats in the evening, scarcely to satiety, at once discom- fort in the scrobiculus cordis, disquieted sleep, and no appetite next morning. \Gr.~\ After meals, almost every day, qualmishness and discomfort like nausea, about the stomach. After meals, the saliva tastes of the food eaten (aft. 9 d.). 645. She feels full as high up as the throat, which takes away her appetite. PHOSPHORUS. 1233 Fullness in the upper part of the oesophagus, as if the food eaten stood there and had to be vomited, without nausea. After meals, empty eructation. The pains always begin during meals, and last while he eats, at noon and in the evening. After meals, hiccup (aft. yd.). 650. After eating, even with appetite, his abdomen feels full at once. After dinner, headache, every day. After dinner, her head feels so chaotic that she can hardly remember anything. At once, after eating, much heat in the face. After eating in the evening, a sort of vertigo; objects appear either dark or they are invisible, while flickering zigzags and rings before the eyes impede vision; he feels as if his head turned, and he did not know whether he sat properly on his chair. 655. Sleepy during meals. After meals, drowsiness. After dinner, drowsiness (aft. 15 d.).^ After dinner, irresistible sleep. One hour after dinner, pain in the stomach, which went off after a while. 660. After dinner, pressure in the stomach (4th d. ). After every meal, severe pressure in the stomach (aft. 2 h.). A few hours after eating at noon, much pain in the stomach, with nausea and muddled feeling of the head. A few hours after dinner, squeamishness, as if about to swoon; she had to sit down. Soon after eating, violent pulsation below the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 4 d.). 665. After meals, pressure on the chest and shorter breath. After dinner, violent throbbing of the heart for two hours, compelling her to cough frequently and often causing a flush to mount to her face (4th d.). After eating the least quantity, tightness of breath. After dinner, tightness of the chest, with anxiety. After every meal, an anxious pressure in the abdomen, with inflation. 670. After meals, tension and pressure about the stomach, and great inflation of the abdomen. After eating but little, anxiety and restlessness in the blood. After meals, a scrapy feeling in the mouth and great lassitude, he grew very tired from walking, he was chill}- and ill-humored (aft. 25 h.). [5//.] After meals, great weakness all over the bod}', and especially in the part affected. One hour after eating, blisters on the tongue. 675. After eating, at noon and in the evening, distending pains in the abdomen, with much rumbling therein. After eating, severe urging to stool. 1 Collection of observations from authors. — Hughes. 79 1234 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Frequent eructation; the stomach feels as if distended by air.* [Alph. le Roi in BouTTAz.] Pressive rising as if for eructation. [A^.] Constant inchnation to eructation, with nausea in the stomach. 680. First abortive eructation, then empty eructation. \_Ng.'] Abortive eructation, at times with abortive yawning. [A^.] Frequent empty eructation, even during meals. [A^.] Eructation with pain in the stomach. [A^.] Constant eructation, accompanied by fermentation in the abdomen (aft. 24 h.). 685. Frequent loud eructation. [A^.] Frequent eructation with taste of urine. [A^.] Eructation with taste of oranges. [A^.] During eructations, pain in the cardiac orifice of the stomachy as if something would be torn off there. Much abortive eructation with pressure on the chest (aft. 11 690. Abortive eructation, with colic (aft. 10 d.). Frequent empty eructations, especially after meals. Empty eructations (aft. 3 h.). [Stf.'] Frequent abortive eructation, with the sensation as if it was full of air all around the hypochondria, which could not be ex- pelled properly. If he eats anything he has eructations, at first empty, then often also tasting of the ingesta, as if the digestion was not pro- ceeding. 695. Eructations with burning. [Htb.'] Frequent eructations, with yawning (aft. 6 h. ). \_Mb?i.'] Eructations with gathering of water and contraction in the mouth, aggravated even to retching, with expectoration of mucus, then eructation and yawning (aft. sever, h. ). [Mbn.'\ Bitter eructation. [A^.] Violent eructation, with consequent pain in the chest (aft. sever, h.). 700. Violent eructation tasting of the ingesta, even when most innocuous, with movement and rolling about in the abdomen, as after a purgative. Eructation tasting at times of the ingesta, then again sour. Sour eructation after every meal. Sour eructation in the evening. Eructation with smell and taste of phosphorus and blue vapor from the mouth. [Htb. 7i. Ng.~\ 705. Eructation with taste of phosphorus, with yawning, burning and roughness in the throat, with expectoration of mucus and muddled state of the head. [Mbn.'] Eructation with smell of olive-oil and rising through the nose, from which issues a white vapor. [A^.] Rancid taste in the throat. [A^.] Bitter, rancid waterbrash. [A^.] Bitter regurgitation of water. [A^.] 1 E^ffects of three grains.— Hu^/ies. PHOSPHORUS. 1235 710. Sour rising of food, with retching up of nasty taste, at times after meals, for several days. {^Htb.'] Regurgitation of the ingesta, and belching, without bad taste. Regurgitation of a mouthful of bile, while stooping low. Rising of water from the stomach into the fauces, as after eating saltpetre. [A^.] Heartburn in the morning and the afternoon. 715. Heartburn, for the first days. Heartburn, after eating only a small quantity of fat. Heartburn two afternoons in succession. Frequent hiccup by day, also before meals (aft. 15 d.). Constant hiccups. \_Ng.^ 720. Hiccups after dinner, so severe that the scrobiculus cordis feels pressed and pains as if sore. [Ng,'\ Loathing, also with shaking, for two days. [A^.] Nausea. [Lobstein.] Nausea, also with much expectoration of mucus, without cough. \_Mb71.'] Sick and squeamish at the stomach, in the forenoon, while sitting down. [i\^.] 725. Squeamish, sick at the stomach, as if about to vomit, with occasional rising of water. [A^.] Sickness at the stomach, with vertigo and oppression in the scrobiculus cordis and eructation tasting of phosphorus. [Mbn.'] Constant nausea, (aft. 11 d.). Nausea almost all day. Nausea with much thirst. 730. Nausea with much thirst and lack of appetite; she had to lie down. Nausea toward noon and in the afternoon; it goes off after drinking. Nausea, passing off after drinking water. [BouTTAz.] Frequent attacks of nausea. Nausea in the evening in bed, making her speech languid. 735. Nausea in the morning, from 8 to 9 o'clock, even to swooning. Nausea the whole day, and vomiting in the evening. Nausea late in the evening, even to swooning and vomiting. Vomiturition even to swooning, in the forenoon and in the evening. Vomiturition at times with rising of water, also in the fore- noon, while sitting down. [-A^.] 740. Vomiturition in the morning, till breakfast. Vomiturition and fainting fits, with a dull pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, so that she could not bear any cover on it (aft. 41 h.). Waterbrash. Waterbrash after meals, with eructation, nausea and running of water from the mouth. Repeated vomiting.^ [Lobstein, Robbi.] 1 (To Robbi). Statements and observations. {Beobachtungen ueber den Gebr, des Phos- phors, 1 81 8. — //nghes. ^ 1236 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 745. With the most dreadful tortures, he attempted to vomit but could not, only the drinking of cold water alleviated his pains. [IvE Roi in VoiGTEiv] Empty vomiting. [VoiGTEi..] Violent vomiting. [Weikard.] Vomiting with extreme weakness, small, quick pulse and pains in the abdomen — death. ^ [Lobstein.] Continuous vomiting, internal spasms, absence of mind, par- alysis of the arm — death. \Htb. ti. Tr.'] 750. Vomiting and nausea, while out driving. Vomiting of mucus, with taste of olive-oil, at night. [A^.] Vomiting of the ingesta, in the evening. Bilious vomiting, several times. [Kortum.] Bilious vomiting for 18 hours, and then after 24 hours, desire to vomit and lack of appetite, without any disagreeable taste in the mouth (aft. 18 d.). 755. Bilious vomiting all through the night. Sour, bilious vomiting, toward evening, after previous violent vertigo with nausea; first the hands, and then also the feet became icy cold and quite benumbed; the forehead was covered with clammy sweat; after repeated vomiting there ensued within two hours two ordinary evacuations; nausea and sense of coldness only passed off after lying down (26th d.). [Gr.'] Stomach troubles, with nausea and inclination to vomit. [ROBBI.] Squeamishness in the scrobiculus cordis and soon afterward shuddering. [-A^.] Painfulness of the gastric region, when touched. [-A^.] 760. Painfulness of the stomach, in the morning, when touched externally, also while walking. Sensation of emptiness and fasting, in the stomach. [A^.] Spoiled, weak stomach for a long time. [Kortum.] Bad digestion.^ [Lobstein.] Bad digestion of food eaten at other times without trouble. 765. Stomachache, as if the stomach was empty, with rising nausea, in the morning after rising. [A^.] Inflating pain in the stomach, in the morning. [A§-.] Pain in the stomach, as if it was full, in the evening, till he goes to sleep. \_Ng.'] Violent pains in the stomach, which gradually spread over the whole of the abdomen, with vomiting of substances at first green, later blackish. [Lobstein.] Pressure on a small part of the stomach, and at the same time in the right temple. [A^.] 770. Pressure in the stomach. [Af/^;?.; Brera; Robbi.] Pressure just above the stomach. Pressure at the cardiac orifice of the stomach, especially when swallowing bread, which seems to stick there. Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, continuous, even when fasting, but more while sitting. 1 From two grains. — Hughes. 2 From repeated overdosing with Sympt. 786 and 925. — Hughes. PHOSPHORUS. 1237 Pressure above the scrobiculus cordis, as from a large body, with coldness (at once). [A^.] 775. Pressure in the stomach in the morning, in bed (aft 8 d. ). Pressure in the stomach, in the evening (aft. 2d.). Pressure in the gastric region (aft. 25 h.). [^^.] Pressure in the stomach after eating, as if there was a heavy load in it. lMd?i.~\ A most severe pressure in and above the scrobiculus cordis, then also in the whole sternum and on the ribs, checking respira- tion, unchanged while walking and sitting (aft. 2 h.). 780. Sensation of great fullness in the stomach. Fullness, pressure and moving about in the stomach. [i\^.] Inflation in the abdomen and stomach, with inclination to eructation, though this does not always bring relief. [A^.] Sensation of heaviness in the stomach. [A^.] The stomach is pressed together from both sides, while sitting down. [A^.] 785. Spasmodic sensation, like a shaking chill, in the stomach, scrobiculus cordis and the chest. [A^.] Spasms of the stomach\ [Lobstein] Spasmodic sensation in the stomach before and after supper; this then draws into the chest, from both sides. Spasm of the stomach in the evening when going to bed (aft. 25 d.). Pain in the stomach, as if it was squeezed together, in the morning in bed, after perspiring. 790. Tensive contraction in the stomach, with sourish eructation. Contractive pinching in the stomach (aft. 6 d.). Contraction and gnawing in the stomach. Griping in the gastric region, in paroxysms, lasting several minutes, and recurring every few minutes (22d d.). Griping and writhing in the stomach, at night. 795. Drawing and stretching in the stomach, while driving in a carriage. Drawing pain in the scrobiculus cordis, extending to the chest. Cutting in the gastric region. Stitches above the stomach and through the abdomen, which then swelled up. Stitches in the scrobiculus cordis, so that she could not get her breath, going off through eructations; every evening at ten o'clock. 800. A stitch in the gastric region. [Md7i.^ Clucking, growling and rolling in the stomach, or a sensation as if air-bubbles exploded, with tendency to eructation. [A{i,>-.] Painful jerks from the stomach up into the throat, as if caused by mucus, while sitting. [A^.] Sensation of coldness in the stomach, at times alternating with warmth. [A^.] vSensation of warmth or heat in the stomach, occasionally ac- companied with cold hands. [A^.] 1 More properly, cardialgia; see note to Sympt. 763. — Hughes. 1238 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 805. Violent, burning heat in the stomach, which also proceeded like hot gas from the mouth. [Le Roi.] Burning in the stomach (aft. 10 d.). Burning from the stomach into the throat, like heartburn. Violent burning in the stomach and in the intestines. [Lob- STEIN.] Severe burning in the stomach, with violent thirst, anguish, convulsions of the face, violent shuddering, cold limbs, clear, watery eyes, pale lips, weak pulse, decrease of strength and — death. [Lobstein.] 810. Burning and cutting in the gastric region.^ \Hufel. Journal X., 2,41.] Burning in the stomach and in the intestinal canal. [Brera.] Inflammation of the stomach,^ [Horn, A^xhiv^ Inflammation and mortification of the stomach and the in- testinal canal, with violent burning and cutting. [VoiGTEi..] Burning and pressing load in the stomach. [Brera.] 815. In the hypochondria, pinching on a small spot, especially on the right side, going off with friction. [A^.] Intense pain in the left hypochondria, he could not stoop, nor lie on the right side. Anxious feeling on the lower part of the left side of the chest, with bitter eructation, every day. Stitches below the left breast, with much anxiety. Stitches in the left h3^pochondrium, also while sitting, occa- sionally followed by sensitiveness of the place. [A^.] 820. The hepatic region is sensitive and when touched there is a dull pressive pain, especially while lying on the right side. Stitches in the hepatic region. Stitches in the right hypochondrium, and sometimes into it, at times with burning of the skin, which goes off by rubbing, or with a sensation as if it stuck fast there. [A^.] Drawing cutting under the short ribs, while walking. The flatus accumulates under the ribs, with tightness of the chest. 825< Drawing, pressive pain in the epigastrium, and as if the spot was sore. Tension in the epigastrium, also caused by every motion of the trunk. [A^.] Violent pinching in the left epigastrium, toward the region of the stomach, then sensation in the spot as of something living there, while standing and sitting. [A^^.] Pinching and cutting in the epigastrium, as from a purgative, while walking. [A^.] Agreeable warmth in the epigastrium. [A^.] 830. Pains in the abdomen, especially in the morning. Pains in the abdomen, in cool weather. \Hg^ Severe pains in the whole of the abdomen. [Lobstein; Weikard.] 1 statement about over-action. — Hughes. 2 Not accessible. — Hughes. PHOSPHORUS. 1239 Pressure in the abdomen on the sacrum, as from flatus, which also passes off sparingly, affording some relief. [A^.] Pressure in the hypogastrium, in the forenoon and also after supper (the first days). 835. Pressure, deep in the abdomen, as for an evacuation. [5//*.] Spasmodic pressure, deep in the hypogastrium, near the pubes, in the morning in bed. Pressure in the hypograstrium, every morning on awaking, almost as if upon the bladder. An occasional very painful, contractive pressure in the whole of the abdomen, of short duration. Contractive sensation in the left side of the abdomen. [A^.] 840. Occasional contractive pain in the intestines. Burning contractive pain in the hypograstrium, as if for the menses, at night (the menses had terminated a few days before); she could hardly contain herself for pain (aft. 4 d. ). Sensation of inflation and actual inflation of the abdomen, at times pressive, relieved by moving, at times with impeded deep respiration, or with a bruised pain in the sacrum and abdomen, when touched. [A^.] The inflation of the abdomen seems to be diminished by drink- ing coffee. [A^.] Distended, extremely sensitive abdomen. [I^obstkin.] 845. At night great pressure and fullness in the abdomen toward the stomach, especially after midnight it feels very much dammed There is a rising up from the abdomen toward the throat, like flatus; after eructation it fell back. Arrested flatus, with coldness of the body and heat in the face. The abdomen is inflated from flatus, despite of much passage of flatus. Inflated, hard abdomen, with much flatus. 850. Very full in the abdomen. Very full, distended abdomen. Inflation of the abdomen (the first two days). Hard, distended abdomen, with little eating and slight appe- tite. The abdomen is bloated, even with good and rapid digestion. 855. Attack of colic, the pains extending from the hernial spot to the stomach. Flatulent colic, especially in the sides of the abdomen, as if the flatus was incarcerated here and there; the flatus for twelve hours, passes only briefly, abruptly and with great exertions. Pressive accumulations of flatus in the hypogastrium while sitting or lying down, hardly perceptible while walking; the abdomen seems to be drawn inward with a disagreeable sensation. Griping, moving about and forcing below the navel, then urging as for diarrhoea, but only cohesive stool is discharged. Spasmodic griping and contraction below the umbilicus, as if in the uterus, in the evening, when stooping and afterward. [A^i,' .] 1240 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 860. Pinching in the abdomen, after dinner. [A^.] Pinching in the left side of the abdomen and later on in the gastric region. [A^.] Pinching and moving about in the abdomen with diarrhoea of a brown liquid, then some burning and cessation of the pains in the abdomen. [A^.] Griping in the abdomen, then diarrhoea of sour-smelling faeces, followed b}' some tenesmus and burning; with stiffness of the penis, in the morning. [A^.] At 2 o'clock at night violent colic, and then a liquid stool, followed by burning in the anus; recurring at 5 A. m. [A§-.] 865. Cutting in the abdomen with brief tenesmus. [A^.] She is awakened from her sleep by violent cutting in the abdomen, followed by a liquid stool, squirted out violent^, with cessation of the pains at 3 A. m. [A^.] Frequent pinching in the abdomen, as from incipient diarrhoea. Painful cut in the left hypogastrium across the umbilicus, during inspiration; on pressing upon it, pain as from a severely distended swelling; while walking after dinner. [A^.] Violent colic. 870. Frequent cutting in the intestines, especially in the evening. Violent colic, in the evening, before going to sleep. Sudden darting cutting from the stomach to the umbilicus. Shooting into the abdomen, while sitting. [A^.] Dull stitch into the right side of the abdomen. [A^.] 875. Fine shooting in the left side of the abdomen below the false ribs. [A^.] A long stitch from the h\^pogastrium to the perinaeum. [A^.] Shooting colic, accompanied with paleness of the face, chilli- ness and headache, at noon (aft. 12 d.) Shooting at times transverely across the abdomen. Twitching and shooting in the hypogastrium, above the pubes, in the morning, in bed. 880. Pinching jerk, occasionally in the afternoon, in the hj^pogas- trium, followed b}' emissions of flatus. Pain as if something in the abdomen had burst. Pain in the right hj^pogastrium above the hip, as if something there was swollen and injured; when touched there is a bruised pain. Pain as from soreness or inflammation in the hypogastrium, extending to the pubes, especialh^ painful when touched, as if the intestines were sore, with lassitude. \Htb7\ Colic with sore and shooting pain, with alleviation b}^ lying on the abdomen. 885. Cramp-colic of the most violent kind, first in the right side, then posteriori}^ toward the back (also in the right testicle) and upward toward the gastric region, with perspiration, loud groan- ing and contortion of the facial muscles (aft. 7 d.). Colicky pains, as if diarrhoea was coming on, only in brief paroxysms, but frequently renewed; then, when pressing upon it, inwardl}^ above the ilium, severe sore pain. PHOSPHORUS. 1 24 1 Sensation of coldness, and actual coldness in the abdomen. [A^. , Bds.^ Sensation of warmth and actual warmth in the abdomen. Sensation of coldness in the intestines, above the umbilical region (aft. 11 d.). 890. Heat in the abdomen and face, in the morning. Burning and pressure in the abdomen. Burning in the abdomen, when eating, then after an hour, a soft stool. [A^.] Sensation of weakness and emptiness in the abdomen. Sensation of great emptiness in the abdomen, after much, passage of flatus (aft. 9 d. ). 895. Sensation of great weakness in the abdomen and back, so that she had to lie down (aft. 28 d.). I^axness in the abdomen. Sensitiveness of the abdomen, below the umbilicus, when pressing on it. [A^.] Itching on the right side of the chest and abdomen, going off through scratching. [A^.] Itching in the umbilicus itself, not removed by scratching (aft. 6 h.). 900. lyarge yellow spot on the abdomen, in the region on the side of the navel. Two furuncles on the abdomen. Soreness in the left inguinal region. Severe pain in the hernia-spot during the menses, even when not touched. Swellings of the inguinal glands, mg'.] 905. Suppurating tumor in the inguinal region, with burning pain. Painful pressing toward both the abdominal rings, during the flatulent colic, as if from incipient inguinal hernia. The inguinal hernia protrudes, during a soft stool, and pains intensely as if strangulated, while stooping or when touching it, also while walking and even while lying on the side of the abdomen; it cannot be reduced with the hand. Rumbling and clucking in the hernial spot. Moving about, grumbhng, forcing and rumbling in the abdo- men, also at times extending to the sacrum. [A^.] 910. Painful rumbling in the abdomen, [//^d.'] Rumbling in the abdomen, from flatus, as from incipient diarrhoea (aft. 48 h.). Rumbling in the abdomen, even after meals (aft. 4 d.). Very loud rumbling in the abdomen (aft. i h.). Rumbling and growling in the abdomen, with much discharge of flatus. [6"//.] 915. Ineffectual urging to discharge flatus (aft. i h.). [A{c'.] Discharge of much flatus. [Bouttaz.] Frequent discharge of flatus, without colicky pains (aft. 4 Ready discharge of flatus at times in the evening, with tenes- mus. [A^.] 1242 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Frequent discharge of odorless flatus. [Gr.^ 920. Discharge of very fetid, at times loud. flatus. [A^.] Insufficient discharge of flatus, in the evening, on ^dng down. Soon after the discharge of flatus, a stool, breaking in pieces, with shooting in the rectum as from needles, and long-continued sensitiveness. [A^.] Urging to stool, but only flatus is forcibly discharged. [A^.] No stool, or only after a delay of several days. [A^.] 925. Constipation/ [Lobstein.] Stool is dela3'ed for twenty-four hours (at once) No stool, during the first days. The stool that ought to have come, is suppressed (aft 20 d.). Constipation for six days, with pressure in the scrobiculus cordis after meals, inflation of the abdomen and arrest of flatulence (aft. 24 h.) 930. Constipation and severe costiveness (in its after-affects?). Difficult passage of the stool (aft. 24 d.). Stool only after pressing. [A^.] Stool with violent pressing, first breaking in pieces, then cohesive and lastly soft. [A^.] Stool with pressing, only a little piece being discharged at a time. [A^.] 935. Violent pressing, though the stool is not hard. [A^.] Stool with but little faeces, then blood from the anus. ^Bds.l Constiveness (2dd.). [Htd.] Hard, firm stool (ist, 2d, 3d d.). [A^.] Stool only every two da^^s and hard. 940. Costiveness the first four days. Hard stool, in small lumps. Hard stool, covered with mucus and some blood. Hard stool, with cutting in the anus. Twice a day, a normal stool (ist d. ). [A{^.] 945. Four times a day, a normal stool, but only a little at a time. After colic, stool with contraction of the rectum; two hours later, another stool without pinching, but preceded by much dis- charge of flatus, and then again contraction of the rectum (ist d.). lMd?i.] Very soft stool in the evening, without attendant trouble. Soft stool, with urging and cutting in the large intestines (aft. 2d.). Inflation from flatus moving about in the abdomen, and in- stead of flatus a diarrhoeic stool was passed (first 12 h.). On the second day, when the flatus moved about in the abdomen, there was a bruised pain in the intestines; the third day incarcera- tion of flatus in the right side of the abdomen, with pressive pain; the fourth day incarceration of flatus in the right side of the ab- domen, with pinching pain. 950. The stool seems hot, as it passes through. [A^.] Pappy stool at an unusual time (the first days). 1 See Note to Sympt. 763. — Hughes. PHOSPHORUS. 1243 Diarrhoeic stool, with tenesmus in the anus and rolling about in the abdomen, for sixteen days, relieved by drinking coffee. Stool semi-liquid, three times in the morning (6th d.). [A^.] Stool, after moving about in the abdomen and pinching about the umbilicus, first cohesive, then semi-fluid, with burning in the anus at the time and afterward (5th d.). [A^.] 955. Semi-liquid, scanty stool, discharged forcibly. [A^.] Diarrhoea, with discharge of ascarides. Green stool (in the case of a suckling, whose nurse had taken phosphorus). Green, rather soft stools. {^Gr.~\ Green and black stools.^ [Lobstkin] 960. Gra}^ stool. Mixed with the soft stool, there are little white lumps of mucus. [Gr.^ Shining (phosphorescent) stools. [Voigtkl] Before the stool, some heat in the body. Before the stool, a severe chill. 965. Before the (hard) stool in the morning, pains in the abdomen. Before the stool, severe contractive pain, with stitches in the rectum. Before and during the hard stool, pressure on the annus, as from excoriation. With a soft stool, crawling and itching in the rectum. During the passage of a stool which was not hard, ex- coriation in the rectum. 970. During stool, a transient pain in the os coccygis extending through the spine into the crown, pulling the head backward. During the stool, large varices of the rectum protrude, with burning pain when touched, also in sitting and walking (aft. sever, h.). During a stool, discharge of blood, for two mornings (the first days). During the stool, blood, for four days in succession. With the stool, there is an almost daily discharge of blood. 975. Copious discharge of blood from the anus (aft. sever, h.). Blood from the rectum, with the discharge of flatus (aft. II d.). A drop of blood from the rectum. After the stool," soreness of the anus. After the stool, pressure in the rectum. 980. After the stool, frequent sharp scraping and burning in the anus, with burning urging to urinate, without much flow of urine. After the stool, protrusion of large varices of the anus, ver}^ painful. After the stool, tenesmus. For some time after the stool, intense tenesmus in the anus and the rectum. After a slight exertion during the stool, at once pain above the anus, for 6 days in succession. 1 Not found. — Hug/u's. 1244 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 985. After a soft stool, severe burning in the anus and rec- tum, and great lassitude. After a (soft) stool, great relaxation in the abdomen (aft. 3d.). After the second stool, he feels very dizzy, and near swooning. After the stool, sour vomiting, or at least retching, for several mornings (aft. 14 d.). A short time after the stool, white, corrosive mucus flows, from the anus (aft. sever, h.). 990. Tearing in the rectum. lBds.~\ Formicating shooting in the anus, while walking. [A^.] Shooting and griping in the left side of the anus after dinner. Pain in the anus, so violent as if it would tear the body in two, with cutting and moving about in all the abdomen, with con- stant, ineffectual urging to stool; then heat in the hands and anxietv; the pain was only relieved by applying warm cloths. (3d d.'). [Ng-.] Cutting in the anus and rectum, especially in the evening^ (aft. 6, yd.). 995. Needle-pricks in the rectum, even when there is no stooL Shooting in the anus. Burning in the rectum. Tearing pains in the rectum, and in the genitals, so as to cause the person to sink down. Constant, spasmodic urging about the rectum. 1000. Severe, troublesome cramp in the rectum, in the morning in bed. Sensation in the rectum, in the evening, as if something ob- structed it, which hindered the evacuation of the faeces, while the stool is not hard. The rectum feels constricted, and during the passage of the stool, even when soft, there arises in it a sharp smarting pain as from a wound; this lasts for several hours and extends up into the abdomen. Varices of the rectum which protrude strongly. Sore pain in the varices of the anus, for many days, while sitting and lying down, with violent pressure and shooting therein on rising. 1005. Tickling and itching on the anus in the evening. Erosion and itching on the anus (aft. yd.) Itching in the anus, after walking and in the evening. Frequent itching and formication in the anus, after walking: in the open air. Much urging to urinate and to pass a stool (aft. 3 h.). loio. Difficult discharge of urine, as if there was something resist- The urine stops every moment, and will not flow, with infla- tion of the abdomen. Urination is impeded by a dull pain in the hypogastrium, in the morning, in bed; this prevented him from discharging the urine to the last drop; after a short interval he would again feel PHOSPHORUS. 1245 urged to urinate, when only a little would be discharged, drop by drop (9th d.). lGr.'\ Diminution of the urine ( I St d.) [A^.] More frequent discharge of urine [A^.] 1015. More frequent micturition with the usual quantity, 5 times in 2 hours, in the morning after rising, for several days [^//f3.~\ Constant urging to urinate, while standing, but only a few drops are discharged at a time; this goes off when sitting [A^.] Frequent micturition, but only a little at a time (aft. 40 h.). [5^/.] Much discharge of urine. [lyOBSTKiN.] Increased flow of dark-brown urine, smelling of garlic and sulphur. [RoBBi.] 1020. Increase of the urine (istd.). [A^.] Increased and more frequent micturition (2d d.). [A^.] Quick urging to urinate, this could hardly be retained, in the morning (aft. 3 w.). ^I/td.'] Urging to urinate, more while sitting, than while walking. Urging to urinate, by day (aft. 3d.). 1025. Much micturition, while out driving (aft. sever, h.). Violent urging to urinate, without thirst; he could not keep back the urine, it was discharged against his will. Frequent micturition, also by night (the first 4 d.). At night frequent micturition; with only a few drops at a time; clayey urine. Nocturnal wetting of the bed [A^.] 1030, Involuntary discharge of urine, frequent. [Wkikard, Lob- STKIN, ZlSIvKR in BOUTTAZ] . When he did not obey the first call to urinate, the (reddish) urine was discharged involuntarily. The urine tends to flow^ during coughing; several drops are •discharged. lyack of urging to urinate; even when the bladder was full, she felt no inclination to micturition; but if she desired to do so, the urine flowed without trouble. The urine emits a strong smell of ammonia, becomes turbid and deposits a whitish-yellow sediment (aft. 6 d.). 5035. Acrid urine, with a repulsive smell, like the roots of violets. Very fetid urine, for several days. Much watery, colorless urine, during the paroxj^sms of pain. lyight-colored urine, clear as water \^//fd.'] Pale urine (istd.). [A^.] 3:040. White, strongly smelling urine. \_Bds.^ Brown urine, depositing a red sand. Very red urine, smelling of sulphur; this deposited after two hours much thick white mucous sediment. The urine when passed, is of a golden j^ellow, but it soon de- posits a whitish sediment (aft. 30 h.). [5'//.] Pale, yellow urine, which soon shows a cloud (3d d. V [A^.] 1045. Urine with a w^hite sediment, like curds. 1246 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The urine soon becomes turbid and deposits a sediment, red like brickdust. Opalescent, colored pellicle of fat on the urine. [Gr.'] The pale urine deposits a white crust on the sides of the vessel . Yellow sediment in the urine. 1050. After micturition in the morning, there is at once lassitude> compelling the person to lie down. Shooting in the urethra and in the anus. Disagreeable sensation anteriorly in the urethra. After micturition, a shooting pain anteriorly in the penis. A stitch from the neck of the bladder down the penis, in the evening, when going to sleep. 1055. Cutting urine, and flow of blood from the urethra. Burning in the urethra, with tenesmus, in the evening. When finishing to urinate and after it, a smarting pain in the glans (aft. 32 h.). [Sf/.] During micturition, the first time after the stool, some drops of mucus flowed from the urethra, with pain in the perinseum. Burning in the urethra. lBds.~\ 1060. Quick drawing, to and fro, in the urethra, extending to the bladder with the sensation of contraction (aft. 10 d.). Tension above the bladder in the hypogastrium. Stitch in the glans, in the region of the fraenulum. On the prepuce, a small ulcer, which heals quickly. Pain in the testicles, for several days. 1065. Violent drawing in the testes. Drawing tensive pain in the spermatic cords. [_Sr.'] Swelling of the spermatic cord, which is painful as well as the testes (during a soft stool). Unusual excitation in the genital parts. [Bouttaz, lyOB- stein] More internal excitation of the genitals, in the forenoon. 1070. Violent sexual impulse. During the first days the sexual impulse is quiescent. Extraordinary, irresistible impulse to coitus. [Lob- STEIN, LE Roi] Stiffness of the penis without any wanton fancies, in the even- ing. [Ng-.-] In an old man, now and then a vigorous erection, during the first 7 days, then for 22 days, none at all, but all the more vigor- ous from the 29th to the 43d days. 1075. Erections by day and by night. At night frequent stiffness of the penis (aft. 4 d.). Frequent erections in the morning (aft. 6 d. ). Erections in the morning, after awaking. IGr.l Aversion to coitus on the part of the male (aft. 25 d. ) 1080. Lack of erections (aft. 17 d.). Pollution; without excitation of the fancy (aft. 8 d.). Pollution soon after coitus. After pollution, nervous weakness in the loins. PHOSPHORUS. 1247 Pollution at night, without any lascivious dream (aft. 8 and 10 d.). IGr.-] 1085. Pollution at night, from a stiff penis, with agreeable sensa- tion. \_Gr.'] Juice from the prostatic gland during a hard stool. \_Sr.'] Complete impotence, no more erections. Aversion to coitus on the part of the female (in its after-effects?) (aft. 25 d.). Menses, 4 days late (aft. 17 d.). 1090. Menses, 6 daj^s late (aft. 22 d. ). Menses, 5 days late (aft. 41 d. ). Phosphorus in its after-effects delays the menses. Menses, 4 days too soon and too scanty (aft. 17 d,). Menses, 3 days too soon (aft. 18 d.). 1095. Menses, 9 days too early (at once). Menses, 2 days too early (aft. 18 d.). Menses, 2 days too early; usually the flow is very thick, this time a very bright red. \_Ng.'] The menses which had been suppressed for many weeks, ap- pear (aft. 3d.). The menses which had been intermitted for 7 weeks, appear (2dd.). 1 100. Flow of blood from the uterus, for two days, in the time in- termediate between two monthly periods (aft. 9 d. ). x\fter the menses had been intermitted for a year and a half (in a woman of 51 years) they appear with violence for 5 days, the blood having an ill odor. The ulcer bleeds, before the appearance of the menses. During the menses, severe toothache, always beginning dur- ing meals. During the menses, severe colic (aft. 13 d. ). 1 1 05. During the menses, frequent chills, with cold hands and feet. During the menses, smarting itching on the varices of the anus. During the menses, smarting itching on the whole body. During the menses, the head is muddled and so lacking in tone, that she went to sleep over her reading. During the menses, severe pains in the back, as if bruised, mo. During the menses, she feels very ill (especially in the even- ing), she has pains in the back, as if bruised and torn; drawing in the whole body, palpitation with anxiety, pinching across the stomach, with contractive pain; she felt tired and weary and as if she would fall over, and could not stay up for severe nausea, but had to lie down. During the menses, shooting headache in the forehead, her eyes close, she would like to lie down. During the menses, for two days in succession, fever; the first afternoon, first a chill, then heat and headache, without thirst; the second day, a chill at noon, for one hour, then spas- modic shaking over the whole body, with chattering of the teeth, then heat, especially in the head, and headache (aft. 10 d.). 1248 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Before and after the menses, swelling of the gums and a swol- len cheek. When the menses begin, severe nausea on raising herself in the bed, sour vomiting, oppression of the chest, cold perspiration on the forehead, and vertigo when walking. 1115. During the menses, spasmodic contraction of the legs, so that she could not stretch them out. On the margin of the labia of the pudenda, several little nodules, with a burning, stinging pain for fourteen days. Stitches through the female pelvis. A quietl}^ tearing pain in the pudenda, as if there was some- thing sore or ulcerated, while walking in the open air and after- ward. Milky leucorrhoea. II 20. Slimy leucorrhoea, in the morning, while walking. [A^.] Acrid, excoriating leucorrhoea (aft. 5 d.). Reddish discharge from the vagina (in an old woman). Viscid leucorrhoea, instead of the menses. Strongly flowing leucorrhoea, foi seven days (aft. 9 d.). ^ ■:^ ■^ -^ ^ ^ >]<. ^ 1 125. For several evenings in succession, sneezing without coryza. Frequent sneezing. Frequent sneezing (aft. ^h..). [_Gr.'] Frequent inclination to sneeze, and sneezing, while afraid of it on account of the severe pain in the throat, as if something would be torn out, in the morning. [A^.] First abortive, then complete sneezing and eructation. [A^.] 1 1 30. Sneezing, at once after dinner. Spasmodic sneezing, with a violent sensation in the head and contortion of the limbs, with constriction of the chest. \_Mb?i.'] Sneezing, attended with rumbling in the left flank. [A^.] Frequent excitation to blowing the nose (4th d ). [A^.] Coryza and sensation of fullness in the nose, especially in the upper part of the left side, with loose mucus. [A^.] 1 135. The nares are stopped up, every morning. Stoppage of the nose, so that she can only breathe through the open mouth. [A^.] Sensation of dryness in the nose, with a constant sensation as if its walls would adhere to each other. [A^.] Sensation of dryness in the nose. [St/.'] Much flow of mucus from the nose, without coryza. 1 140. Water flow^s from the nose in the open air, without mucus. Frequent sensation, as if water dropped from the nose. [A^.] Greenish-yellow discharge from the nose. Yellow mucus from the nose, in the morning, and expulsion of blood. Plugs in the nose. [//^.] 1 145. Sensation of stoppage in the nose, with a muddled feeling of the head as from incipient coryza. Stuffed coryza. A coryza sticks to her, she has constantly to blow her nose. Coryza, in the evening. PHOSPHORUS. 1249 Severe coryza, with stuffing of the nose. [A^,] 1 150. Coryza, with much heat in the head (aft. 8 d.). Long-continuing coryza. Fhient coryza. [_Gr.~\ Repeated aUernation of fluent and stuffed coryza. [A^.] Fluent coryza of water merely. [A^.] 1 155. Fluent corvza from one nostril, while the other is stuffed. Violent fluent coryza, with great muddling of the head, lack of appetite, and general sensation of malaise (aft. 48 h.). Coryza, with inflammation of the throat, and severe muddled sensation in the head. Fluent coryza, with discharge of much mucus. [A^.] Tickling in the windpipe awakes her for two nights in suces- sion, about midnight and compels her to a dry cough. [A^.] 1 160. Irritability of the lower part of the windpipe, with a suffo- cating pressure in the upper part of the chest. [///^.] Roughness and burning in the throat, during deglutition and otherwise. [A^.] Roughness in the throat, exciting to cough, in the morning. Roughness in the larynx, and in the windpipe, with frequent tussiculation and hawking. [i'V^.] Roughness in the throat, for four days, in humid weather. 1 165. Roughness in the throat, with severe coryza. Roughness on the chest (aft. 24 h.). Sensation of dryness on the chest. ^ [Kortum.] Hoarsness, in the morning. Hoarseness, the larynx feels as if covered with fur, he cannot speak a loud word. 1 1 70. Violent catarrh, with hoarseness. Catarrhal filling of the chest with mucus, in the morning. Hoarseness. [A^.] Hoarse, thick speech, for several days. [A^,] Scraping in the throat incites to coughing, in the afternoon, in the open air. [A^.] 1 175. Constant ineffectual hawking (aft. j4 h.). [A^.] The mucus hawked up is cool, in the morning. [A^^.] Cough from a constant tickling in the throat. [A^^.] Cough from an irritation in the windpipe, in the afternoon. Cough, consisting of a few impulses, after dinner. [No-.] 1180. Repeated short tussiculation (aft. }4 h.). [A^.] Cough, with a shooting pain below the hypochondria. Cough, with shooting below the scrobiculus cordis, so that she has to hold her chest. At every impulse of cough, a sharp pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. Cough, with burning in the throat. [A{^.] 1 See syrapt. \2i,().— Hughes. 80 1250 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1185. During coughing, a sourish vomiting. During coughing, a pain in the stomach. During coughing, she has to press with her hand on the scro- biculus cordis, owing to the shooting pain; at the same time the throat is painful as if raw. Sharp, slxooting incitation to cough, in the throat. Cougli from cold air, which is severel}" felt on his chest. 1190. Cough during eating, loose, rattling as in old people. [G//.] Cough, after dinner. [A^.] Cough with sore feeling in the throat, at once after dinner. Cough in the open air, and pain in the chest and abdomen from it. Cough chiefly while drinking (cold or warm liquids.) 1195. Severe, dry cough while reading aloud, in the evening. Severe dry cough, merel}^ while sitting and lying down, not when moving. Frequent dry, short tussiculation, from an incitation in the throat, all day, but most in the evening. [A^.] Frequent, dry tussiculation in the evening, also in bed, hindering from sleep. [^\^.] Dry, violent cough, with pressive headache all day (at once). 1200. Dry, troublesome cough, causing pain anteriorly in her chest, awaking her from sleep, for 14 nights in succession. Dry cough with headache, as if the head would burst, with coryza (aft. 35 d.). Hollow, chiefly drj^ cough, with pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, so that he cannot sleep all night. Cough, causing pain in the abdomen, so that she has to hold it for pain. Cough from tickhng (aft. 8 d. ). 1205. Cough with chill all over the body. Hollow cough, chiefly in the morning in bed, and also at night, when she wished to go to sleep, it kept her from sleeping. Loose cough, without expectoration, wdth pain and sensation of soreness in the chest, so that she was afraid to cough. [-A^.] Violent fit of coughing, about midnight, loose, but without expectoration, relieved by sitting up; for one hour, after which she went to sleep coughing; in the morning, onl}^ a sensation of soreness in the throat. [A^.] A whooping cough, with suffocation on the chest and some expectoration of mucus (aft. 8 d.). 1 2 10. Fatiguing cough, with expectoration of viscid mucus. Cough with white expectoration, difficult to dissolve. Severe cough with expectoration of mucus, awakes her early at 2 o'clock. Frequent coughing, with much expectoration, also at night. Cough, in the morning, after rising, with expectoration of transparent mucus, and a sensation in the middle of the sternum as if something was torn aw^a^^ from it. I PHOSPHORUS. 125 1 1 2 1 5. Constant mucous cough with tensive pain in the chest. ^ [KoR- tum] . Cough, day and night, with much expectoration of mucus, after several days, there came in addition shooting pains, very violent, in the chest, with severe cough. In the slimy expectoration from the chest, there are little veinlets of blood (aft. 4 d.). Expectoration of blood with mucus, while coughing (aft. 24 h.) _ Expectoration of blood with mucus during a brief, mild cough (aft. 36 h.). 1220. Expectoration of blood with fatiguing retching, without pain, the day before and the first day of the menses. Coughing up of little flakes of pus, with excoriative burning behind the sternum. During the cough, sensation in the throat as if a piece of flesh had to be coughed out. [A^.] The breath very short, after every fit of coughing. [A^.] The breath is checked by fullness in the abdomen, in the fore- noon, in every position. [A^.] 1225. Fast walking takes away the breath (aft. sever, h.). Difficulty in respiring, in the evening in bed (aft. 3d.). Inclination to take a deep breath. [A^.] Panting, when ascending a mountain. He can only breathe with a rattling noise. 1230. Difficult breathing, on account of tension in the scrobiculus cordis. [-A/^.] The chest feels very tight, the breath very short. Shortness of breath and vertigo. Tightness of the chest (aft. 13 d.). Anxious respiration during meditation. 1235. Anxious oppression in the chest, in the evening. Anxiety and heaviness on the chest, as if this was pressed to- gether, with arrest of respiration. [A^.] Anxiety on the chest, with lack of breath. Anxiety on the chest, with throbbing in the lower part of the right side of the chest. Tightness in the lower part of the chest, with shortness of breath, in the evening. [A^.] 1240. Tightness of the chest, above the xiphoid cartilage, with op- pression of the respiration, in the evening, when stooping, alwaj^s relieved by straightening himself. [A^.] Frequent tightness on the chest, with nausea. Asthma, with brief attack of nausea. Asthma, when taking a deep breath. Tightness of the chest, worse when sitting, relieved by eructa- tion (aft. 22 d.) 1245. Frequent tightness of the chest. Heaviness of the chest, as if a load was Mng upon it. Feeling of heaviness on the chest, when inspiring, while walking, immediately after dinner. [A^.] 1 See Sympt. 1249. — Hughes. 1252 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The chest always feels so tense as if a band was laid around it. Tension and dryness in the chest. [Kortum, Voigtel.] 1250. Tension on the chest, without asthma. Oppressive, tensive sensation of the chest. Sensation across the chest as if the clothes were too tight. Tightness of the chest, in the morning, with palpitation and nausea, for an hour. Pressive tightness on the chest, 1255. Contraction of the w^hole of the lungs. Contraction of the chest, with pressing or squeezing in the epigastrium. Contractive pressure in the upper left portion of the chest. Oppressive tense sensation in the chest. Tightness of the chest, in the morning, in bed, for half an hour. 1260. Tightness of the chest, after walking in the open air, at night, so that she could not finish 3'awning. Oppression of the breath, with a chill and severe headache, so that he can hardly take thought (aft. i h.). Tightness of the chest, as from a rush of blood, especiall}^ in the morning on awaking. Asthma, after driving out, tow^ard evening. Spasmodic contraction in the chest. 1265. Constrictive squeezing sensation in the extreme upper part of the chest. Spasm in the chest, constricting the chest, for several evenings successi vel}' . \_J^l. ] Tightness of the chest, as if the blood quite hot, was pressing up the throat (aft. 13 d. ). Rush of blood to the chest. Rush of blood to the chest at ever}^ violent emotion, with a spasmodic contraction between the scapulae. 1270. Rush of blood to the heart, and palpitation, becoming violent after a meal (aft. 9 d. ). Palpitation, wdth anxiety, in the evening, and in the^morning on awaking in bed. Frequent violent palpitation. Violent palpitation, in the afternoon, after a slight emotion, for an hour, so that he could not remain hdng down; on going to sleep, another slight attack (aft. 10 d.). Palpitation, in the morning, after the customarj^ breakfast. 1275. Palpitation, at times several (2, 3 to 6) violent beats (while w^alking or sitting after a meal) ; while lying down at night on the left side, onl}^ one, two beats. Several strong heart-beats, during a slight motion, especially of the left arm, while sitting up in bed, stretching, etc.; it goes off while resting. Severe palpitation, in the morning on awaking in bed and in the evening after lying down. Pain as from a thrust behind the right side of the chest, under the axilla, on pressing upon it. [A^.] PHOSPHORUS. 1253 Painful, dull shooting below the left side of the chest, deep within, on rising from a seat [A^.] 1280. Shooting and stitches in various parts of the chest, especially while sitting, at times with burning. [A^.] Shooting in the middle of the sternum, as from a knife, extend- ing into the right scapula, from morning till evening, somewhat diminished during breakfast; this is so violent that it arrests the respiration, worse on inspiring, less when moving (4th d. ). [A^.] Stitches in the left side of the chest, when respiring. Severe stitches in the chest, on the left and the right side, both at rest and in motion. Stitches in the left side, below the ribs, for five days. 1285. Stitches in the right side of the chest, when breathing. [6^//.] Transient stitches in the upper part of the chest, where the neck commences. Stitches externally on the chest, unaffected by respiration. Burning hot rising from the stomach into the chest, while sitting, with anxiety and with perspiration on the forehead and the chest, while sitting (aft. 2 h.). [A^.] Burning sensation at the lower end of the sternum, extending toward the left clavicle, after dinner. [A^.] 1290. Pain in the chest, especially on inspiring. Pressure on the chest, so that he cannot breathe well. Pressure on the lower part of the chest. Pressure on the upper part of the chest, pulling downward, and then empty eructation. Bruised pain in the upper part of the chest, when stooping, moving, or while touching it. 1295. Itching within the chest. Itching in the chest (windpipe) and below the pit of the throat, with dry cough which does not relieve. lyassitude in the chest. lyassitude in the chest, for several days, and a sensation as if she should discover a pain there. Violent pain in the great pectoral muscle. 1300. Sore pain on the clavicle, per se and when touched. Pain in the fleshy part of the right side of the chest, as if the glands were pressed violently. Stitches in the mamma [A^.] Pain in the right side of the chest, as if the. skin was being raised up with a needle. [A^.] Touch as with the tip of the finger on the right side of the chest while sitting. [A^.] 1305. Stitch in the right clavicle, on the top of the shoulder. [AV.] Very warm, externally on the chest. \_Ng.'\ Burning pinching externally below the right breast, with ris- ing of heat into the head. [A^.] Erysipelas in one of the breasts, both of which are covered with eruption, with swelling, redness, burning, stitches and finally suppuration. Inflammation and swelling of the left nipple and of the whole 1254 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. ,of the left breast, with great pains; after lo days it passes into suppuration. 1 3 TO. The coccyx pains when touched, as if there w^as an ulcer there. Pain on the coccyx, hindering all motions; she could not find out any comfortable position; then painful stiffness in the neck (2dd.). Pain in the sacrum, when raising himself from a stooping posi- tion and in standing, less while walking. Pain in the sacrum after sitting for a long time (aft. 1 1 d.). Gnawing pain in the small of the back and the sacrum, it goes off by friction. [A^.] 13 15. Pain in the small of the back above the sacrum and the neighboring parts of the ilium, especially when sitting in a stoop- ing position and after dinner, with great lassitude. [//M.] Weakness and paralytic sensation in the small of the back. Weakness in the small of the back as if it were going to sleep, while sitting and while rising from a seat. Burning in the small of the back, especially during a delay of the menses. Much pain in the sacrum and the back, so that he could hardly rise from his seat. 1320. Violent pain in the back, when sitting for a time. Pain in the back, after walking. Heaviness and weariness in the back, while lying down. Unbearable pains in the back, recurring periodically and hindering in walking. Uninterrupted stitches in the spine, all the day, at various hours (aft. 22 d.). 1325. Violent stitch in the muscles of the back above the left hip (aft. 7_d.). Stitches in the lumbar vertebrae, compelling him to scream. Pressure close below the scapulae. Pain as from a peg driven into the left scapula. Sensation as if some one was seizing her firml}' by both the scapulae, when lifting and carr5dng with both hands. [A^.] 1330. Tearing in the left scapula, going off by friction. [A^.] Tearing in the right scapula. Stitches in the right scapula'. [A^.] Stitches below both of the scapulae, frequent stitches for a quarter of an hour. Stitches in the scapula (2d d.). [Sr.~\ 1335. Shooting pain in the right scapula. Twitching pain in the left scapula, extending into the top of the shoulder, while sitting. [A^.] Beating and tearing in the right scapula, seemingly in the bone, soon recurring after friction. [A^.] Beating pain, on a small spot between the shoulders. [A^.] Sensation in the nape as from a heavy load. 1340. Pressure in the nape of the neck. PHOSPHORUS. 1255 Tearing in the nape, while stooping and at other times. [A^i,^.] Stiffness of the neck. The occiput and the nape are painful and quite stiff. Stiff neck. 1345. The anterior muscles of the neck are keenly painful when touched and when moving. Stitches in a tumor on the neck. Hard knot as large as a filbert on the neck, below the chin, painful when touched. [Gr.'j Twitches in the muscles of the neck. Tearing in the arteries of the right side of the neck, extend- ing into the top of shoulder. [A^.] 1350. Stitches in the left side of the neck. [A^.] Stitching pinching, externally on the neck, when walking in the open air. Stitches on the front part of the neck, toward the right ear, and from there tearing, extending into the crown. [A{§^.] Sensation of cold and tearing on the left side of the neck. In the axilla, pimples, which itch violently and burn after scratching. [_.ffg'.~\ J^355- Swelling of the axillary glands, with burning pain in the skin of the arms. \_Sr.'\ In the right axilla, violent itching, and a glandular knot there as large as a pea. Pressure and drawing in the shoulders. [6^//.] The shoulder is painful when touched in the morning. Pain of the shoulder- joint, after walking in the open air. 1360. Tearing in the top of the left shoulder, especially at night in bed. Tearing in the top of the left shoulder, also in the joint, oc- casionally accompanied with tearing in the knee, chiefly after din- ner. [A^^.] Shooting and stitches in the top of the right shoulder. [A^.] Dull, painful stitch in the top of the left shoulder, after dinner; it goes off through moving, but the spot for a long time remains sensitive. [A^.] Boring in the top of the right shoulder, after dinner, increased by moving, diminished while at rest. [A^.] 1365. Rheumatic pain in the top of the right shoulder, extending to the upper ribs, for one hour (aft. yd.). Rheumatic pain in the top of the right shoulder, in the morn- ing after awaking (aft. 36 h.). Tearing in the left shoulder, with headache. Pain, as from a sprain, in the top of the right shoulder, es- pecially when raising the arm. Stitches in the axillae, passing out through the shoulders. 1370. Dull shooting, spreading out widely under both the axillce. [A§-.] Cracking in the shoulder-joint. Heaviness in the shoulders and arms (aft. 2 d.). 1256 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Drawing straining in the muscles of the arms, from the shoulders to the half of the fore-arm. Drawing pain in the whole arm, increasing in the evening. 1375. Tearing in the left arm and in the hand. The left arm goes to sleep, with numbness of the , fingers (without coldness), while they are drawn up crooked, especially in the morning, after which the arm becomes quite fatigued. The arm on which the head rests, goes to sleep. The arms go to sleep. The right arm goes to sleep, in the morning (aft. 8 d.). 1380. Much itching on the arms. Lassitude in the arms, so that she did not want to move (aft. i6d.). Lassitude in the joints of the arms, while the arteries on the hands are distended. Paralytic, sore pain in the arm, with trembling, when she holds an3"thing in her hand. Pain, as from a sprain, in the right arm. 1385. Pain, sensation of numbness, and lack of strength in the right arm, chiefly about the elbow-joint, in the evening when lying down in bed, going off by a change of position, but soon returning and frequently thus recurring. [/7M.] Tearing on the outer surface of the right upper arm, appear- ing after rubbing on the forearm, where there was a visible sub- sultus. [A^.] Bruised pain in the right upper arm, while sitting. [A^.] Bruised pain in the left humerus, from the elbow to the top of the shoulder, drawing up and down, while sitting. [A§-.] Rheumatic pain in the right upper arm, after a slight cold. 1390. Tearing in the upper arm. Great weariness of the upper arms. Burning on the skin of both the upper arms. \_Sr.'\ Painful pressure in the periosteum of the humerus and the radius, like pain of the bones (aft. 6 h.). The elbow- joint is painful, as if broken. 1395. Tearing and drawing in the right elbow- joint. Tearing and boring in the elbows up to the top of the should- ers. [A^^.] Tearing extending downward from the elbow on the inner side of the fore-arm, to the joint of the thumb, as if it would tear out the bone, going off after friction. [A^.] Tearing and shooting in the right elbow. [A^.] Stitches in the elbow-joint, after a fright, and then also stitches in a spot of the foot, which is rubbed sore. 1400. Gnawing pain in the right elbow, extending to near the top of the shoulder, while sitting. [A^.] A shock and twitching in the olecranon processes, while sitting. [A^.] Red points with gnawing itching on a spot of the bend of the right elbow% as large as the hand. Severe tearing on the inner side of the left forearm, as if it w^ould tear off the skin, in the morning. [AV.] PHOSPHORUS. 1257 Tearing in the forearms, especially about the wrist-joint. 1405. Tearing in the wrist-joint, with paralytic weakness, in the evening. [A^.] Bruised pain in the right radius. [A^.] Tearing pain and tearing in the hands and wrist-joints. [A^.] Pain as from a sprain in the wrist- joint. [A^.] Tearing in the metacarpal bones. [6^//.] 1410. Tearing in the hand, especially in the knuckles, chiefly at night in bed. Transient tearing in the knuckles and the thumb. Drawing in the hand and in the fingers, after moistening the hands with lukewarm water. Burning and shooting on a spot of the right inner edge of the hands. [A^.] Formication of the hands in the open air, while yawning (aft. %\i.). iNg.-] 1 41 5. Heaviness and trembling of the hands, on letting the arms hang down, with redness and swollen veins, with a sensation as if much blood rushed into them. [A^.] Rush of blood to the hands (and the head), as if coming from the stomach, with swollen veins on the dorsum of the hands. Cold hands. [6^r.] Trembling in the hands. Trembling of the hands, in the morning. 1420. The one hand is at times as if paralyzed, for several hours. Both hands are asleep, in the morning on awaking, the fingers had no sensation (21st d.). The right hand is asleep, in the morning, in bed (aft. 9 d.). Itching of the hands. The skin on both the hands is very rough and dry. 1425. Warts come on the hands. Sudamen on the dorsum of both the hands, with itching, worse at night. [6^r.] Burning sensation in the hands, with external heat. Burning sensation in the palms. Keenly painful stitches in the wrist-joint while at rest (aft. 17 d.). 1430. Sudden swelling of the hands and the fingers. Swelling of the wrist-joint, with beating in it as in an ulcer, and tearing extending into the fingers, even when at rest, and much worse when moving the wrist which is very stiff (after tak- ing cold?). Pain as from a sprain in the thumb, when seizing anything. Swelling of the posterior joint of the thumb, painful when touched, and with tensive pain as if from a strain in gripping, when moved. Pain as from a sprain, or as from a strain, in seizing, in the posterior joint of the thumb, when moving. 1435. Pain of the finger-joints as from a strain (aft. 6 d.\ 1258 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Numbness and insensibility of the fingers of the one hand, while those on the other feel asleep. The middle finger of the right hand becomes quite numb, dead, bloodless and cold in moderately cold air. Twitches of single fingers. [6^//.] Paralytic twitching occasionally in the right thumb, while writing, so that he can hardly hold his p^n. \_Gr.'] 14.40. His fingers are occasionally drawn together, as from a spasm. Weakness and twitching in ons finger, all the day. Severe twitching in the left little finger. Heaviness in the finger tips. Spasmodic drawing and tearing in the little finger. 1445. Tearing in the right little finger. [A^.] Paralysis of the fingers, so that although they can feel, they can hardly bs moved. \_G/l.~\ Tension in the fingers of the left hand. Tension in the fourth and fifth fingers of both hands, as if strained. Swelling of a finger, with pain, chiefly when knocking it against something. 1450. Tedious Paronychia, which will not heal. The skin of the finger joints crack, af if from great cold. The nates are painful as if festering within, when sitting for some time. Pulsation in the nates. Quivering in the nates. \_G//.~\ 1455. Visible but painful twtiching in the one natis and in the thigh. The right hip-joint is painful. Painful, paralytic sensation in the left hip, in the evening, so that he can hardly tread; without trouble, however, in sitting and lying down. [Sr.~\ Sensation in the region of the right hip, as if it was held tight, without pain in sitting. [A^,] Severe pain in the bend of the left thigh. [A^.] 1460. Pain in the hips as if sprained. Shooting in the left hip, it goes off by friction, after dinner. Violent stitch in the right hip toward the chest, [S^/.] Itching on both the hips. In the lower limbs, great weakness, she readily falls down, 1465, The left leg goes to sleep, without cause, in the morning. Severe, paralytic sensation in the right lower limb, at night. Weariness in the lower limbs, in the morning. Pain in the lower limbs, in the morning on rising, as after a long foot-tour. Heaviness and weariness in the lower limbs, especially on go- ing up stairs. 1470. Straining in the whole of the right lower limb, also when at rest. Tension in the lower limbs and pressive pain, causing stiff- ness in the left lower limb. PHOSPHORUS. 1259 Spasmodic contraction in both the legs and feet, with jerks. Severe pressive pain in the left ischium, when sitting for a long time. Great restlessness in the legs, with icy cold hands, chiefly in the evening. 1475. In the thigh, severe drawing, hither and thither, during the siesta. Drawing pain in the thighs, relieved by walking; to which it compels him. Momentary, tearing pain in the left thigh, up from the knee. Rhythmic tearing on the posterior part of the thigh, in the evening after Ij^ing down. [-A^.] Tearing jerks, on the upper part of the posterior side of the thigh, extending to the knee, while walking in the open air and afterwards, every four minutes, with sore pain of the spot when touched. 1480. Shooting and burning on the right thigh, just above the knee, in brief parox3-sms, going off by friction, while sitting. [A^.] Burning in the thigh, much aggravated b}^ touching it. Bruised pain in the middle of the thigh; the spot pains so much when touched that he cannot walk for pain. Itching on the thigh and on the patella. Severe itching on a small spot of the thigh, with erosion after scratching. 1485. Large pimples, painful when touched, posteriorly on the thighs. Soreness on the inner side of the thighs. [_^£'.~\ Herpes above the knees and below the patella. Constant coldness in the knees, at night in bed. Trembling in the knees. 1490. Spasmodic drawing in the knees, when walking. Tearing in the knees in the open air, for several evenings. Tearing in the knees and in the patellae, at times as if in the bone; occasionally going off by friction; also after dinner. [A^.] Severe tearing from the knee down the inner side of the calf, as if the flesh was being torn from the bone, passing off through friction; after dinner. [-A^.] Drawing pain from the knees down into the feet. 1495. Drawing from the left knee down into the foot (aft. 20 d.). Drawing from the knee into the foot, in the evening, and after every drawing, a painful jerk (aft. 15 d.). Tearing in the right hough, at night. Straining of the tendon of the houghs, while walking, as if too short. Gouty tension in the knees, as if strained; the}' are hot when touched. 1500. Paralytic sensation in the left knee. [^S;.] Pain, as from a sprain, in the left knee. Dull pain about the right knee-joint. Shooting in the knees, at night, in paroxysms. Stitch on the inner surface of the right knee, at every step; r26o HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES, but when sitting and lifting the thigh, a bruised pain above the knee, which goes off on rising from the seat. [A^.] 1505. Tearing from the knee down into the dorsum of the foot, while the anterior part of the left foot is asleep; it goes off by friction. [^^■] Red inflamed puff, quickly formed between the calf and the hough, with eroding pain. Tension in the right calf, while walking. Cramp in the calves, [6^//.] Cramp in the calves, and twitching upward of the leg when- stretching it in walking, 1510, The leg from the calf to the foot is asleep, as if the circula- tion had been checked below the knee by a tight ligature. Severe itching on the calves and the tibiae. Pain of the tibiae, while walking. Bruised pain in the tibiae. Bruised pain in the periosteum of the tibia, which also feels sore when touched, 15 15. Rhythmic tearing on the left tibia, anteriorly above the foot^^ in the morning, on awaking. [A^,] Tearing stitches, down the tibiae. Many small spots, like freckles, on the lower part of the tibia.. Many small, bluish-red spots, almost like petechia, on the legs. Pain in the left ankle-joint, extending up to the calf. 1520. Violent tearing and shooting in the feet, so that he cannot sleep for it by night. Tearing on the inner border of the sole of the left foot, from the heel forward, while sitting. [A^.] Tearing in the left ankle, at night, so that he could not sleep. Severe itching on the soles and toes, in the evening. Crawling in the feet and toes, as from ants. 1525. Crawling under the toes, [^r,] Crawling in the feet, at night, as if asleep. Pain in the ankle-joint as if sprained, while walking; there is tension on treading (aft, 4 d.). Proneness of the ankle-joint to sprain and to give way while treading. Paralytic sensation in the feet. 1530. Ic}' cold feet, which even refuse to get warm in bed (in June).. Paralytic drawing pain in the ankles to the knee. Sweating of the feet. Heaviness in the feet, as if they were swollen. Heaviness of the feet (aft. 11 h.). [Htb.'] 1535. Swelling of the tendons on the right ankle. Swelling of the feet, in the evening (aft, 7 d,). Swelling of the feet, when walking. Swelling of one foot. \_Hg.'\ Swelling of the feet, even in the morning. [5r.} 1540. Spots on the feet. [^Sr.] PHOSPHORUS. 1 261 Blisters and ulcers on the feet keep multiplying. \_Hg-.'] Stitches in the swelling on the feet. Shooting pain in the right ankle, with swelling round about it, she cannot tread for pain. Pain of the soles of the feet, as if she had walked too far. 3545. Pain in the soles of the feet when walking; they are red. Troublesome sensation of dryness in the soles of the feet (aft. 27 d.). Cramp in the soles of the feet (aft. 3d.). Constant tendency to cramp in the soles of the feet and in the toes. Cramp in the soles. \_Sr.'] 1:550. Jerks in the feet, with formicating cramp in the soles. \_Sr.^ Jerks and dartings in the feet. \_Sr.'] Tearing stitches in the soles of both the feet. Tearing and shooting in the soles, so that he cannot tread. Ticking pain in the heels, at night, she must rub them warm, to gain relief. 1555. The left foot goes to sleep, on crossing the legs. [A^.] Weakness and sensation of going to sleep in the feet, wdth great restlessness. [Sr.'] Formication in both the heels. Tension in the heels, in the morning in bed. A blister on the heel, which opened, became humid, and very painful when walking (aft. 14 d.). 3560. The heels and toes formerly frozen, begin to be very painful, especially in the shoes, in walking (aft. 48 h.). The toes formerly frozen, have a pressive and burning pain, in the shoes, in walking. Violent pain in the left big toe. Itching under the toes and on the soles. Severe stitches in the ball of the big toe, with inflammation there. 1565. Chilblains form in March (aft. 9 d.). Shooting in the left big toe, more when moving, in the evening. Tearing in the toes, when sitting; it goes oif by friction. Twitching in the left big toe, while sitting. [A^.] Violent stitch in the right big toe. [A^.] -1570. The big toe pains as if frozen. [Sr.'] Pains in the corns, piercing through bone and marrow. Severe shooting pressure in the corns, like boring with a knife. Shooting in the corns, when walking. Old corns begin to be painful on the little toe, wdiich also swells up. -1575. Corns on the heels are keenly painful, on the slightest press- ure, even from the pressure of the bed covers. [Gr.'] Shooting in the corns (which later pass away). \_Sr.'] Itching formication in the paralyzed parts. [Robbi; IvOBSTKIN.] 1262 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching (or also smarting as from ants) here and there; it goes off b}' friction. [A^.] General itching on the body (aft. 22 d.). 1580. Itching in the back and in the houghs. Severe itching, at night, in the arms, the legs, the back and the abdomen (aft. 12 d.). Much itching and gnawing about the abdomen, the arms and the thighs; scratching produced red streaks (aft. 26, 27 d.). Itching all over the body, at night, with much heat and dry- ness in the mouth (aft. 12 h.). Burning itching all over the bod}" (aft. 10 d. ). 1585. Frequent, small bites on the skin of the body. Frequent bites in the skin, like flea bites. Single pressive stitches here and there on the body. Itching nettle rash in large blisters all over the bod}^ also in the face. Round herpetic spots all over the body. \_Sr.'] 1590. Much itching, eruptions, and blisters from scratching. lI/^.~\ The lumps and lumpy spots, as also the brownish and reddish blue spots, are deepened in color. [Z^^.] Translucent coppery spots on the body. [Z^^.] Brownish, dark, sometimes raised spots in the houghs, on the chest, the forehead, and below the labial commissures. [Z^".] Lumps in the skin (of the nates). [//<^.] 1595. Painful hard blisters, here and there, without itching, [i^.] Blisters as from burning, which opened and were humid. Itching vesicles between the fingers and in the houghs. \_J^g.~\ Small furuncles in the nape, on the chest, and the thighs. Large furuncles on the thigh, on the chest and on the forehead. 1600. Eroded spots on the skin, rubbed open, with redness and ex- coriative or shooting pain, on various spots on the body. Scaling off of the epidermis. [6^^.] Itching of a wart, on the forehead. Burning in a wart, as in an ulcerating wound, in the evening, after lying down. Pinching, contractive pain, in a spot that has already formed a cicatrix. 1605. Discharge of black blood, from an old vesicatory cicatrix. Tensive drawing in the glands, also on the neck. Increased sensation of warmth in paralj^zed parts. [Robbi.] Burning in the hands and legs. Burning on the arms and thighs. 1 6 TO. Burning on the whole of the right side of the body. Shooting on the chest and in the back, also in the right arm, on moving, especially at night, in bed (aft. 11 d.). Drawing in the arms and legs, with tendency to weep (aft. 13 d.). Tearing in the righ fore-arm and knee, as soon as she gets cold. After eating, in the afternoon, most of the troubles cease. PHOSPHORUS. 1263 r6i5. The open air relieves him, and he seems to feel better in it (aft. I, 2 h.). [A^.] Sensitiveness to cool weather. He feels changes in the weather in advance, by his pains. During a thunderstorm, heaviness in the limbs. She feels impelled to walk way off into the open air. 1620. Readiness to take cold in the open air, and thence colic, pain in the nape, stiffness of the arms, toothache, lachrymation, hiccups, cutting and shooting in and above the scrobi cuius cordis, muddled feeling in the head, or finally cold and clammy feet and hands, accompanied with a hot cheek, etc. A walk is followed by coryza. Sensation of taking cold in the whole of the body, with chil- liness and drowsiness. After slightly wetting and chilling the feet, weariness in all the limbs, burning in the hands, headache and has to lie down; the next day, coryza. After slight nocturnal perspiration, on rising, cold and tooth- ache with slight jerks in the teeth. 1625. Blood in great ebullition. Frequent ebullition of the blood, and occasional intense pal- pitation. In the evening, always ebullition of blood, and sensation of warmth. Rush of blood to the chest and head (aft. 48 h.). Ebullition of blood, at night, he, as it were, hears the blood rush along in the body. 1630. Ebullition of blood; from his customary smoking of tobacco (aft. 24 h.). Ebullition of blood, at night, with chill and trembling, at the same time restlessness in the intestines. Small wounds bleed violently. Discharge of blood from various parts of the body, as coughing blood, bleeding of the gums, of the varices ani, etc. She perspires violently, at the least motion. 1635. Lively speaking causes heat in the head and chest. All the limbs feel sprained, with quick movements. The hands and the feet are asleep. Hands and feet feel dead. Hands, feet and nose feel numb, 1640. A sort of insensibility in the whole body (Mknz in BouTTAZ.) Cold, lack of warmth in the whole body (Mknz.) Icy cold hands and feet, all day, also in bed. Chilliness while sitting down, not while walking. Hysterical lassitude, so that she cannot move a foot, with constant yawning, hiccupping, and torment and pressure on the chest. 1645. During the fits of pain, constant yawning and watery urine. In the morning, he is tremulous, with sensible twitching in the limbs (aft. 8 d.). Sensation of chattering of the teeth, and general trembling, in the morning, on awaking. 1264 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Trembling of the hands. {Htb.'\ Trembling of the hands, so that he cannot write. [-A^.] 1650. Tremulous feeling all over the bod^^ like pulsation. [A^.] Trembling in the thighs, like shuddering. [A^.] Trembling. [Lobstein.] Tremulous in the chest and in the hands, as if she had drunk too much coffee. Disagreeable sensation of illness and discomfort in the whole body, especially in the stomach, even in the open air. [A^. , Le Roi.] 1655. Emaciation, especialh^ of the hands, so that the veins clearly show. [///^.] Consumption and hectic fever. -^ [Lobstein.] Convulsions. [Lobstein.] Death, caused especiall}^ b}^ mortification and inflammation; in one case the corpse was luminous in all its parts. [Brera, Horn, Weikard, Le Roi.] Pain in all the limbs. 1660. The pains are worst from the afternoon at five, six o'clock till toward morning. Fatigue, bruised feeling of the limbs. All the joints are painful, most when moving. Languid, prostrated, joyless, not disposed to anything. Bruised pain of all the limbs. 1665. Bruised sensation all over the bod}^ strengthless and always drowsy; at the same time very pale, yet with appetite for eating. Bruised pain and heaviness in the left knee and elbow. Hands and feet feel as if beaten all over. Heaviness of the hands and feet. Heaviness of the whole body. 1670. Clumsiness of mind and body (2d d.). Painful heaviness of the whole bod}^ now in the head, now in the chest, now in the thigh, then in the leg, then again every- where at once; this makes him quite inactive and peevish; before the heaviness, general, weakening perspiration. Hands and feet are heavy, like lead. Heaviness in the legs (aft. 4 d.). Heaviness of the limbs, in the back, in the legs, almost solely in the morning, on awaking. 1675. Heaviness of the limbs, in the morning before rising. \^Htb^ Heaviness in the joints of the arms and knees. \Htb7\ Indolence and heaviness of the limbs. Indolence of the limbs, more in the forenoon. Disagreeable sensation all over the body, lassitude and weak- ness in the joints, especiall}^ of the knees, when moving and sit- ting (aft. 14 d.). \Gr^^ 1680. Constant weakness in the joints of the arms and knees. lHtb^, Much weakness and lassitude, especially in the legs and knees, with sensation of looseness in the knee-joint, so that he can hardly stand, at times improved by walking. [A^.] 1 with sympt. 763, 786 and (^2^.— Hughes. PHOSPHORUS. 1265 Weakness and lassitude in the limbs, especially in the knee- joints, with slight shooting and burning there; occasionally most in the morning after rising, and aggravated by resting, relieved by walking, for several days. \Htb.'\ Great weariness in the limbs, for more than three weeks. Great w^eakness, in the morning, on rising and through the day, general sensation of weakness, heartburn, and after moving quickly, ravenous hunger and trembling of the limbs. \Htb^ 1685. Walking fatigues him much. Unusually fatigued by a slight walk, and then some headache Weary and fatigued, toward noon, without any cause; she had to lie down for an hour (aft. 15 d.). Often sudden fits of great lassitude. General great, sudden prostration. 1690. Great lassitude, with nausea. Sudden general prostration, with much heat in the face (aft. II d.). Weary, oppressed sensation all day. Weariness all over the body, especially in the thigh (in a man else robust) (aft. 9 d.). Lack of tension for several days, especially in the chest. 1695. Lack of tension in mind and body, in the morning. Weariness and lack of tension in the whole body, in the morn- ing after awaking; it goes off after rising. [A^.] General lack of tension toward noon, less in the afternoon. VNg:\ Sensation in the chest and abdomen, as if everything would collapse. After sitting down, he feels paralyzed, for several minutes. 1700. He feels paralyzed and ill, all over the body. Lack of strength in all the limbs, especially in the joints, as if paralyzed, with good appetite. The whole right side feels paralyzed, with nausea. He walks as if lame, without perceiving it himself. He feels mentally and bodily, as it were, paralyzed, in the morning after rising and all the da}^ 1705. Paralysis in all the limbs, in the morning in bed; it goes off after rising. Feels paralyzed in the back and in the arms, after the siesta. After taking a little wine, in the afternoon, he soon feels so weary that he had to sleep for several hours; then a sleepless night (aft. 48 h.). All the strength seems annihilated. [Lobstein.] Swooning. [Robbi.] 1 7 10. Fits of swooning. He wants to yawn continually and cannot, it is abortiv^e. Frequent yawning, with chilliness in the evening. [A^.] Frequent 3^awning, stretching and drowsiness, also after din- ner. [A^"^.] Drowsiness. \Bds^ 17 1 5. Much drowsiness, in the evening. 81 1266 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sound, long sleep in the morning (2d. d.). [A^.] Difficulty in falling asleep, and frequent awaking. [A^.] Sleeplessness (aft. 16 d.). [Brera.] Sleeplessness and restlessness, in the evening in bed (aft. 1720. In the evening in bed, he is not sleepy, then a light sleep, so that even the least noise awakes him. She could not fall asleep at night, on account of a sensation as if her eyes could not close, but had to be kept closed with the hands, and would turn around in her head (aft. 6 d. ). In the evening and at night, after waking up, he is long in getting to sleep again. He cannot fall asleep before midnight, he feels impelled to rise, and only then, after lying down again, he falls asleep. ^Gr.^ He lies abed for a long time in the evening, before he falls asleep. 1725. He can only lie on his right side, at night. J-^ying down on his left side, at night, causes him anxiety (aft. 19 d.). General sensation of illness keeps him from going to sleep before 2 a. m. Disturbed sleep at night. lUtd.'] He cannot get to sleep at night before two to four hours. 1730. He could not fall asleep for restlessness before i a. m., nor get his feet warm, for four nights successiv^ely. Sleeplessness at night, from one to four o'clock. Restless sleep, wHth lascivious dreams and pollutions, which rouse him fully, then but little sleep, only some confused slumber in the morning hours before six o'clock. ^I/fd.'} Waking up at 10 p. m., with intense vertigo and nausea. At night in bed, dull pain in the bones of the hips, as from a hard mattress; he had continually to change his position; in the morning after rising it soon went off. 1735. After the noonday-nap, he feels as if his back were asleep or sprained. At night, she awakes from a pressure in the hypogastrium, almost as if on the bladder. At night, severe drawing in the right arm and leg. At night, sensation as from a spoiled stomach. At night in bed, unbearable itching of the hands. [6^?".] 1740. At night, very keen, stinging itching on the dorsum of both the hands, so that he could not go to sleep; not relieved by scrat^^h- ing. [Gr.] At night, eructation as from rotten eggs. At night, great thirst. At night, restlessness from pressure on the stomach and nausea. At night, bruised pain in the lower limbs, as from too great fatigue. 1745. At night, painfulness of the external ear, which wakes him from his sleep. PHOSPHORUS. 1267 At night, violent stitches through the ear and the teeth. At night, frequent awaking from boring in the tooth. At night, violent palpitation (5th n. )• At I A. M., awaking, from colic, for one hour (aft. 21 d. ). 1750. He wakes up very much discouraged, every night after mid- night. In his sleep by day, even while sitting down, saliva runs from his mouth. At night, a pressure in his abdomen (the first days.) Fit of asthma at night; he feels as if he would suffocate. At night, awaking with a sensation of constriction of the larynx and windpipe, as if he should suffocate. 1755. At night, much inclination to vomit and continual eructation of the ingesta. At night, he is awaked by stuffing of the nose and difficult respiration. In the evening, when turning over in bed, a sort of vertigo, as if all the blood rushed to the head. In the evening in bed, vertigo, as if the bed turned about in a circle. At night on awaking, he feels stupefied, intoxicated, dizzy and reeling. 1760. Drowsy, as if reeling, without being able to sleep. She lies by day in a stupefied slumber. Frightened starting up when falling asleep. After falling asleep, he at once dreams of frightful things and awakes again. She cannot go to sleep in the evening, for restlessness, and when she wakes up she has the same restlessness (aft. 5 d.). 1765. In the evening in bed, at once great anxiety and restlessness. Anxiety the whole night, without heat, as if he had killed somebody, with constant tossing about. Frightful fancies when falling asleep, as if a wicked man seized him by the throat and was going to throttle him (aft. 4 d.). She awakes toward morning with a start. She awakes every morning with anxiety. 1770. At night, great restlessness with anxiety. Repeated awaking, at night, with chilliness. [A[^'.] Frightened starting up in sleep, toward morning. [A^.] Tormenting dreams about lice. [A^.] Tossing about and whimpering, all night, with very anxious dreams. 1775. Anguish during an unconscious sleep, subdued weeping, wringing the hands as if in despair, lamenting, tossing about, short breathing; she timidly clings to those standing about, or snatches at them in a frenzy. At night, much heat and dryness in the mouth, she had to drink, for several nights. At night, repeated awaking, from sensation of heat, without any sweat. 1268 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. At night, dr}^ heat, without thirst, with pain of the parts on which she had lain, as from a hard bed. At night, after awaking from anxious dreams, chill and trem- bling all over the body, especially on the abdomen, violent ebulli- tion of blood and constriction of the chest, so that he can get no breath and could hardly rise (aft. lo d. ). 1780. Frequent awaking at night, wdth an actual chill. Restless sleep with tossing and dreaming, and while awake, anxiety all over the body. Having fallen asleep, after long restlessness, she awoke with an oppression as from a load on the chest, impeding the respira- tion (aft. 22 d.). Very restless sleep. lS^/.~\ At night, confused dreams. 1785. Vexatious dreams. Nights, restless, owing to many dreams. Sleep, restless and full of dreams; in the morning on awaking, headache. Restless sleep, with many dreams, and frequent awaking, ior several nights. Sleep full of dreams, interrupting, fatiguing. 1790. He has to keep turning over at night. He lies on his back at night, the left hand under his occiput. Restlessness at night, impeding sleep, for several nights. Very restless at night, and constant dreams. Heavy, anxious dreams, toward morning. 1795. Awaking after 3 hours' sleep, tormented with heavy anxious dreams. Vivid dreams. ll/td.~\ Vivid dreams, full of restless activity and business, which he could not finish. Anxious dreams (aft. 48 h. ). Man};^ anxious dreams. r8oo. Anxious dreams about necessary business, to accomplish which she frequently rises, and makes preparations. At night, screaming and talking in sleep. Anxious dream about animals that bite, she screamed and awoke in great anxiety. Anxious dream, as if an insect stung her behind the ears. Dream, as if she was pinched in the back, in the chest, etc., and tickled on the soles of her feet. 1805. Dreams about robbers. Dreams of fire, with screaming and beating about with her hands. Dreams about hemorrhage. Sad dreams. Vexatious dreams. 18 10. Frightful and anxious dream (ist n.). Funny dreams. Historical dreams, every night. At night, uninterupted well-remembered dreams about the business of the day. 1 PHOSPHORUS. 1269 Dreams vivid, can be partly recalled. [AJ^.] 1 8 15. Dreams about deceased people, about scuffling, etc. [A^.] Drowsiness b}^ day (aft. 10, 11 d.). Drowsiness by day, after walking in the open air, and after dinner. Intense drowsiness by day, even before dinner. Great tendency to go to sleep, sitting, with the head inclined forward (aft. 5 h.). [Gr.^ 1820. Great somnolence. Dull, very long sleep. In the morning has not slept enough, languid and indolent. Extending the limbs and stretching the chest, in the morn- ing, in bed. In the morning on rising, much weariness. 1825. In the morning, soon after rising, great weariness in the limbs, chiefly in the thighs. Even quiet sleep does not refresh her. In the morning after rising, as if paralyzed and bruised (aft. 6d.). In the morning after rising, the hands and feet feel paralyzed. Sensation of coolness all over the body. [A^.] 1830. Imperceptible shaking chill all over the body, even by the warm stove. [A^.] Coldness of the hands, even while they are warm, red and the veins distended. [A^.] Chill in the evening about 6 o'clock, and going to sleep for weariness; toward midnight, awaking from heavy dreams, with copious, general perspiration. \_Bds.~\ Coldness of the limbs. [VoiGTEiv, Brkra.] Shudder, repeated with yawning and occasionally with goose- skin on the arms. [A^.] 1835. Slight shudder, with heat alternately on the head and hands (aft. 3h.). [iVf.] Shudder with pains in the head and the stomach (aft. 3 h.). Always more shuddering, than warmth; the latter is only brief, the shuddering cannot be removed by the warmth of the stove (aft. 3 h.). [A^^.] A slight shudder at 7 p. m. [A^.] Shuddering all over the body, without chill. 1840. Shuddering chill over the back. [5//".] By day, a chill runs up the back. Repeated chill, the first days. Chilliness, in the evening, when going to sleep. Chill, several evenings, after going to bed. 1845. Chilliness in the evening, with anxiety. Chill, every evening, with shuddering, without thirst, but with dryness in the throat. Chill and shuddering, with lack of appetite, without any fol- lowing heat. Coldness, every afternoon, and lassitude for several days. 1270 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Chill lasting two hours, in the morning, with yawning, with- out any heat following. 1850. Severe shaking chill; the following night, perspiration; the preceding day, great restlessness, for two days (9th d. ). [Sr.~\ Violent shuddering chill, it ran cold over his back, he had to lie down and cover up, when he became warm only slowl}^, and when he stretched out his hand out of his bed, he at once felt a new shudder; his hands at the same time were numb with cold, his head felt painfullv muddled, without subsequent heat (aft. 26 Internal chill, for several afternoons, for a half or a full hour, and at times a sensation as of hot water in the scrobiculus cordis and the the back. Severe shaking chill, at night, with four times purging; then great heat and perspiration all over, and since then for several nights, perspiration before midnight. lyong-continued coldness, without thirst, then nocturnal thirst, after the fever, diarrhoea. [A^.] 1855. Fever in the afternoon from five to six o'clock; first a severe chill, so that he could not get warm, then heat with thirst and in- ternal chill, and when the latter was passed, heat and perspiration all the night in bed, till morning (aft. 8 h.). Frequent increased warmth all over the body, occasionally going off when sitting in the open air, or after dinner; at times also w^ith anxiety, as if perspiration would break out. [A^.] Internal warmth all through the body, with muddled feeling of the head, [mb.] Anxious heat all over the body, after breakfast (aft. j4 h.). Heat, first in the hands, then in the head, then in the nape, with a sensation as if perspiration would break out (aft. 3 h.). i860. Frequent rising of the heat from the back into the head, with redness of the face, in the afternoon, while sitting. [-A^.] Sensation of heat and actual heat. [Brera, Kortum, VOIGTEL.] Heat all over the body, especially in the head and hands, with bitterness of the mouth and nausea in the stomach (aft. 2}4 Febrile heat and perspiration, at night, with a voracious hun- ger that cannot be satisfied, then a chill with chattering of the teeth and external coldness; after the chill, internal heat, especiall}^ in the hands, while the external coldness continues. At night time, awaked by fever, alternately heat and chill, with severe pains in the head, the abdomen and the lower limbs; in the forenoon then, vomiting, for more than twenty-four hours, causing all appetite and sleep to vanish (aft. 14 d.). 1865. After midnight, great heat, from one to four o'clock, with short breathing, without thirst, with a general brief sweat, dry lip and dry tip of the tongue; the back part of the mouth is moist. PHOSPHORTS. I 27 1 Flushse of transient heat, especially in the evening, with slight feverish restlessness and burning heat in the palms. General heat in the evening, about eight o'clock, with adipsia, without preceding shuddering. Heat in the forenoon, for two hours, with thirst for beer and a shaking chill before and a chill after; all in a slumber full of dreams, with much moving of the hands. General, not disagreeable increase of the warmth of the body. 1870. Constant heat, perspiration and thirst. [^^.] Febrile heat, in the afternoon from two to three, and from six to seven o'clock, especially in the face (aft. 14 d.). Afternoon fever for many days, heat with or without previous chill. Repeated attacks of heat, especially in the face, with dryness of the mouth, without thirst. Warmth of the whole body, with internal itching. [WkigkIv.] 1875. Much heat in the evening, especially in the face with vertigo (aft. 8 d.). Occasional fits of anxious heat (aft. 6 d.). Anxiety and heat. [Conradi.] Nocturnal heat, without thirst and sweat; this often awakes her. Warmth and perspiration all over the body, long continuing, especially on the top of the shoulders, only the feet are dry, an hour after dinner. [A^.] 1880. General heat with sweat, without thirst from seven o'clock till noon. [A^.] Brief heat and perspiration on the head and the hands (aft. 2 h.). iNg.-] Heat and perspiration on the head and the hands and even on the feet, with only a moderate amount of external warmth, for three minutes, then at two o'clock almost every half hour, and also on the following days, but at longer intervals, and even in the open air. [A^.] Fever with small, hard, quick pulse. ^ [I^obstein.] Fever with thickly coated tongue. [Kortrum.] 1885. Quickened circulation. [Jahn, Robbi.] Beating of the arteries of the neck. [Kortrum.] Increased pulse, with augmented warmth and comfort through the whole body. [Lobstkin.] Quickened, small, heavy pulse. \_Htb.'] Pulse quick and fuU.^ [A^. , Lobstkin.] 1890. Pulse, quick and languid. \_Bds.'] Pulse quick and small, [Brera; VoigteIv.] Pulse slower, occasionally at the same time full and hard (aft. 2,3, 8h.) [A^^.] Pulse not quickened during the attack of heat. [AJ,'.] Perspiration only on the head, after exercise in the open air, in the room (aft. i h. ). \_No\] ^ For " quick " the original has " veiy quick." — Hughes. 2 In lyOBSTEiN's case no fullness is mentioned.— ///^i,'7/t'i\ 1272 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1895. Perspiration on the head and the hands, frequently alternat- ing with brief coolness (aft. 3d.). [A^.] Perspiration only on the head and the palms, after eating soup (aft. i>^ h.). [A^.] Perspiration in the palms (aft. ^ h.). [A^.] Perspiration, at first only in the anterior half of the body, especially on the abdomen, later on the chest, then in the axillae and on the back; it goes off during dinner. Perspiration during dinner. [A^.] 1900. Perspiration running over the body, in the forenoon. [A^.] After midnight, perspiration while asleep, until morning without thirst. [A^.] In the morning, a slight perspiration, after awaking (3d, 4th d.). [_Ng.-] Increased secretion of perspiration and urine. [Jahn, I^ob- STEIN.] Perspiration smelling of sulphur. [VoiGTEL.] 1905. Luminous perspiration on the forehead.^ [VoiGTEi..] Every morning, a fatiguing sweat all over (aft. 24 h.). Sweat on the body, with coldness of the head. Anxious sweat (aft. sever, h.). Night-sweat (aft. i and 5 d.). 19 10. Profuse night-sweat (ist n.). Night-sweats for six nights (aft. 4 d.). At night, perspiration and turbid urine, after weariness dur« ing the whole day (at once). Sweat and sensation of anxiety, toward morning. [Gll.~\ Perspiration in the morning in bed, especially about the feet and the hands. [.Sr.] 1 9 15. Sweat in the morning, for three days. [5r] 1 Not found. — Hughes. PHOSPHORICL'M ACIDUM. 1 273 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. PHOSPHORIC ACID. It is best to take for the preparation of this medicine for homoe- opathic use, one grain of Phosphoric acid melted and preserved dry in a well stoppered vessel. This acid may be gained directly from the phosphorus b}^ applying nitric acid, or, it may be gained from bones in the following manner, first practiced by myself: Take a pound of calcined white bone, broken in pieces; pour over this in a porcelain bowl one pound of the strongest Sulphuric acid and stir the mixture around several times in 24 hours with a glass rod. The mash thus gained is then well-mixed and thinned with two pounds of strong whiskey or rum, the whole is then tied up in a linen bag and pressed out between two smooth boards weighed down with hea\^^ weights. What remains in the bag may be again thinned with two pounds of strong whiskey, and what is pressed out may be mixed with the quantity first obtained; it may then remain covered for a few days so that the turbid matter may settle down. The clear liquid is decanted and boiled down in a heated porcelain bo\^'l and then melted at a red heat. The melted Phosphoric acid must be of crystalline clearness. While still warm, it is broken in pieces and preserved in a well-stoppered bottle, as it quickly and totally deliquesces in the open air into a thickish fluid of water^^ clearness. The dry acid may be used like other dry substances, being triturated with sugar of milk, in the manner described in the first part of this book up to the millionth powdered attenuation. One grain of this may then be dissolved and further potentized by succussion. A too violent action of Phosphoric acid is modified by Camphor. In cases where the properly potentized Phosphoric acid was indi- cated, it also cured at the same time the following ailments: Morning-headache: intolerance of noise and talking; scabs on the dorsum of the nose; fetid odor from the nose; burning in the cheeks; pimples on the chin; pimples about the forehead and chin; burning in the hypogastrium; nocturnal micturition; pain in the liver, during the menses; roughness of the throat: scraping on the larynx inciting to cough; shortness of breath and inability to talk long at a time; weakness of the chest from speaking: eruption of pimples on the arms; sweating of the feet; herpes: corns: night- sweat. 1274 hahnkmann's chronic diskasks. Dr. Hering cured with it: Incapacity for mental work with great discouragement, and indolence of mind and bod}^; heaviness of the head, as if it were full of water; inflammation of the eyes with burn- ing; lachrymation ; aversion to sunlight; the teeth become yellow; constant nausea in the throat; after meals the stomach seems to rock up and down; hawking up of viscid mucus; gnawing pain in the testes; hacking cough with expectoration of mucus, in the morning; repeated stools; furuncle on the nates and in the axillae; swelling on the natis; swelling of the feet; the testes are sore to the touch; itch- ing of an ulcer; fiat, painless ulcers on the leg without redness, with jagged, uneven fundus and dirty looking pus; great weariness after waking; milky urine. The abbreviation of the names of my fellow- workers are: Br., Becher; Frz., Franz; Gr., Gross; Gtni., Giitmann; Fr. H., Fried- rich HaJiJiemann; Hrm., Herrmann; Htm., Hartmann; Mr., Meyer; Stf., Stapf; Tth., Teu thorn; Wsl., Wislicenus; Hg., Her- ing. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. Dejection (aft. 4 d.). vSad. Sad and full of solicitude, afraid she might fall ill. Restless and full of anxiety, that she might get ill. 5. Continually brooding over his disease. {_Hg.~\ Sad and solicitous about the future. lGt7n.] Tendency to weep, as from homesickness. \_Tth.^ Sad, serious, disheartened, only while w^alking in the open air, increasing tlie longer he walks; at home it gradually passed off and he became m^ore serene. Anxiety and restlessness through the whole body. 10. Great anxiety, he has to lie down in the afternoon (3d d.). Oppression, as if the chest was too tight, with internal heat (aft. 8 h.). [Hr7n.] Internal anxiety hinders him from work. Hurried in talking; he cannot get anything fast enough. Very much irritated, oppressed in spirit, weary in body. 15. Constantl}^ vexed and indisposed to talk. Taciturn peevishness. \_Hrm.^ He does not like to talk, it is an effort for him. \_St/.^ He talks little, and does not like to answer questions. [Hrm.~\ Indisposed to talk. [^Fgh.'j 20. Discontented with himself, reproaches himself. \_Lgh.~\ Very ill-humored, peevish, irritated. \_St/.'] ^In the Mat. Med. Pura (Vol. v.), where this pathogenesis first appears, it contains (in the second edition) 268 symptoms from Hahnemann himself and 411 from twelve fellow- observers. The present list is increased by 139 symptoms, most of which are credited to Herinof, and were probably observed by him on the patients mentioned above as cured by him with the acid. — Hughes. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 1 275 He looks very ill-humored and peevish, so that everyone asks him what is the matter with him; but he was not sick. [^S^/. \ Obstinate about everything. He easil}^ gets vexed and passionate. 25. At a slight offense, he is, as it were, beside 'himself and pas- sionate. Taciturn and indifferent, he bores much in his nose. \_^£'-~\ Indifferent, restless. [_St/.~\ Indisposed to work. Very merr}^ and good humored, [^r.] 30. Cheerful, lively mood (aft. 24 h.). [Fr^.'] Very merry and often quite frolicksome. She danced about unconsciously, violently and extravagantly, for several days, without lying down except at night. [/^-^. /T.] His reason is affected. [Fr. i¥.] He cannot get his ideas into their proper connection. 35. He cannot get rid of one thought, and the other thoughts to be connected therewith do not come in. He cannot find the right words in talking (aft. 2 h.). He dare not be alone, else he falls into vacancy of thought and unconsciousness, in the morning, [/^r,?.] I^ack of ideas and weakness of mind; on reflecting, he becomes dizzy. [^//rm.~\ Indolent, dull-mind, without elasticity, no imagination; indis- posed even for pleasant mental work. lS(f.^ 40. While reading, a thousand other thoughts crowd into his mind; he could not comprehend anything, what he read was dark to him, and he forgot everything at once, with difficulty in recol- lecting what he had known a long time already. [J/r.] Illusion of the senses, as if he heard the clock strike or as if lofty things lying out of his horizon were moving near him. \_Fr2.'] In the evening, while sitting down, nothing but numbers ap- peared before his eyes, he felt stupid and ill in the head, and at last very hot. Dullness in the head (aft. 4 d.). Chaotic sensation in the head, for three hours. \_Fr2.'] 45. Muddled feeling all over the head. \_Hr7n.'] Muddled feeling of the anterior part of the head, especialU' of the orbits. \_Gr.'] Muddled feeling of the head, as from excessive coitus, for three days (at once). [Fr. //".] Muddled feeling of the head, incapacity to think. \_H'g.'\ Chaotic sensation in the head and in limbs, as after a spree, or as if he had not slept enough. \_Fr2:,'] 50. The head is befogged, in the forenoon, as if from excess at night, or as after reveling at night. Weakness of the head, in the morning after rising, as if he should reel. Vertigo, all day. Vertigo, toward evening, while standing and walking, as if intoxicated, he reels; for several evenings. Vertigo, while stooping. \_Hg\'] 1276 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 55. Vertigo, while sitting; he is always afraid of falling over. Vertigo, in the morning, as if he would fall over, while standing. Vertigo, for several mornings, while rising from bed. Vertigo, the head feels as if it would sink forward and backward (at once), [//r;;/.] Vertigo, on rising after sitting a long time. 60. Vertigo, after reading. Vertigo, in the morning in bed; on closing his eyes, he felt as if his feet raised up and he came to stand on his head. \_Br.~\ Vertigo, repeatedly, from heat in the head, even while sitting down; he often had to nod involuntarily while writing; things seemed to turn around, and the table seemed to turn over; in walk- ing and standing, it seemed as if he would fall forward, and he had to make a step forward to keep up. [Mr.~\ Headache, at once early in the morning on awaking; it goes off on rising. Headache, in the forehead, when quickly turning the head and when treading firmly. 65. Headache, in the occiput, obliging one to lie down. Severe headache, causing one to lie down, with stiffness of the nape. Constant headache. \_Hr77t.'] Headache, excessively increased by the slightest concussion: or by noise. [^Hr^n.'] Severe headache above the eyes, so that she could not operk them. 70. Headache, as after straining in lifting, sensation of heaviness in the head. Heaviness of the head. \^Gtm.'] Great heaviness of the whole of the head, with violent pres- sure, drawing toward the left frontal eminence. [Htm.'] Heaviness and pressure forward in the occiput on inclining the head forward; it goes off by inclining it backward. [Htm.'] Dull headache in the forehead and the temples, with consider- able cheerfulness. [Frz.] 75. Dull, crawling headaches in the sinciput, with perspiration on the forehead. [Fr. H.] Stupid headache, when he comes into the w^arm room in the evening. Stupid headache with humming in the head; then while coughing pain as if the head would burst. Pressive pain in the right occiput, partly also extending for- ward, all day, aggravated by pressure and by turning the head (aft. I h.). [Gtm.] Pressure in the brain, behind the left ear. [Gtiit.] 80. Painful pressure in the right side of the occiput, outward (aft. lY^ h.). [Htm.] Intermitting dull, shooting pressure, deep in the left side of the crown. [Gr.] PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. I 277 Pressive dull pain above the orbits, with shooting behind the ears, in the afternoon. \_Tth.~\ Severe pressure on the left side of the forehead. \_Hrm.~\ Violent pressure outward in the right frontal eminence. \Ht?n.'] 85. Pressure in the forehead, as after a spree. \_Mr.'] Severe pressure above the left temple, extending into the occiput, with aversion to moving. [y]/r.] Pressure in the head, especially while going up stairs. Severe pressure, almost like bruised pain, in the forehead or in the temple, seemingly on the surface of the brain, on reflecting •especially in the evening, not however preventing thought. Violent, excessively severe pressive pain, as if in the surface ■of the brain and in the periosteum of that part of the skull on which he is then lying, after midnight on aw^aking; aggravated so as to become unbearable, by remaining lying on the same side, and when he turns to another side, it begins there with the same fury, while ceasing in the former spot. •90. Severe pressure, extending from the forehead down toward the nose. Pressure in the head, as from a load, from above downward, or as if the head was shattered at the top. Severe .pressure in the forehead, in the morning on awaking, so that she was quite stupefied and could not open her eyes'; the pain hardly allowed her to speak, and was aggravated by the slightest motion. Excessively severe pressure in the head, in the afternoon. Headache, as if the brain was being pressed upward, with painfully pulsating throbbing therein. 95. Pressive and shooting pain in all parts of the head, in parox- ysms. Severe pressure in the right temple outward. \_Htin.'\ Squeezing pressure in the parietal bones, more violent on moving. \^Hrm.'] Pressure in the occiput, as if it was lying on something hard. IMr.'] Squeezing, dull, severe pressure in the left temple, in ryth- mical intervals. \_Gr.'] 100. Squeezing pressure and tearing in the brain, now here, now there, [//rw.] Squeezing tearing pressure in the occuput, aggravated by noise and by the slightest motion. [Hrm.'] Squeezing pressure in the right temple. \_G?'.'] Squeezing pressure in and on the right temple, more violent when moving, [//r;;/.] Pain in the whole brain, as if it was squeezed together. IGtm.'] 105. Pain as if both the temporal bones were being pressed to- gether with a pair of tongs. [Gr.'] Pain in the evening, in bed, as if both the temples were being constricted in various parts, [/v^^".] Violent forcing and pressure out at the crown, for three days 1278 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Twitches through the head, from behind forward, in ryth- mical intervals, like pulsations. \_Wsl.'] Twitches in the head, no. Drawing pressure in the right crown and in the occipital bone, more violent on moving, [//r/;?.] Drawing in the left temple and in the anterior cartilage of the ear, on moving; it turns into pressure. [i/r?;z.] Tearing in the crown and the occiput. \_I/r;n.~\ Tearing in the left temple, extending into the forehead, worse when moving. [iYr;;^.] Shooting above the left eye, upward in the head. 115. Dull shooting, out at the middle of the forehead. [^Gfm.^ A dull stitch darts, as from an arrow, into the right temple, extending deep into the brain, in repeated paroxysms. \_Gr.^ Violent shooting in the right temple, extending into the eye. [J/r.] Severe shooting in the right temple. \Htm.'\ Shooting with drawing in the crown, diminished by pressure. \Wsi:] 120. Single sharp thrusts in the right temple. \Htm^ Single blows in the head, as from a hammer. Hacking in the head, as with a hatchet {Staphis. cured this.). [^^•] . , ' Pricking headache, early on rising, till noon. Burning headache in the upper part of the brain. 125. Burrowing boring in the right side of the occiput. [Gtm.'] Boring with pressure in the left temple. \_Fj2.'] Boring in the head, as if holes were being bored into the skull, especially in the vertex. \_Fr. H.'] Painful concussion in the head, while walking. Buzzing in the head. 130. Pain in the skin of the head, when touched, as if sore, or as from pulling the hair. Dull pain on the hairy scalp. \_Gtm.~\ Pressure on the occiput as from a hard couch, alleviated by rubbing. [^Mr.'] Pressive pain in the right temple. \_Gt7n.'] Pressure and gnawing on the forehead, on the root of the nose. \_Fr2.'\ 135. Itching gnawing on the forehead. \_Wsl.~\ Itching on the hairy scalp. Bruised pain on the occiput where the muscles of the neck begin. \_Fr2.'] Drawing pain in the occipital bones, every daj^ Burning shooting on the head. [Frz.'] 140. Pointed, long-continued stitch, externally on the vertex, ag- gravated by touching it. Burning pain on the right side of the hair}^ scalp. \_Gt77t.'] Burning pain in the skin of the left side of the forehead. lGtm,'\ Sensation of warmth on the side of the frontal bone. [Fr2.'\ Sensation of coldness on the hairy scalp, [//r;?^.] PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM/ 12 79 145. Painful elevation of the skin of the head, with the sensation as if he was being pulled by the hair; on touching it, bruised pain. Profuse falling out of the hair. The eyelids are heavy as if they would close. [_Gr.~\ The eyes are painful in the morning on opening them, she can not keep them open long. Sudden pain in the left eye, as if a grain of sand were press- ing there, or as if there was a pimple on it. \_Frz.'] 150. Pressure on the left lower eyelid. \_Hrm.'] Pressure on the right eyelid and feeling of heaviness therein. Constant pressure on the eyes, as when looking too long at an object, compelling him to close the eyes. \_Htm.'] Pressure of the eyes, as if they w^ere too large, with immova- bility of the same, as if he had not slept enough, with dullness in the head, [y^r.] Pressure below the lower left eyelid, increased by pressing upon it, and then at once going off. \_Gti?i.'] 155. Pressure in both eyes, toward the posterior parts. \_H'rm.'] Pressive squeezing in the upper margin of the left orbit. Pain as if the eyeballs were being violently pressed together and squeezed into the head. \_Gr.'] Sensation as if the eyes were being pressed out, and thence frequent winking. \_Hrm.'] Itching in the eye. 160. Itching and pressure in the eye. Drawing shooting through the eyelids, from one canthus to the other, with sharp stitches in the canthi and in the circumfer- ence of the orbits. [ Wsl.'] Dull pain, now shooting, now burning, pressed the right eye- ball toward the outer canthus, then there seemed to be before the eye a long surface of snow, on which fiery points fell down, and later a plane all on fire on which glittering white points fell down. Rapid, as it were, electrical stitches below the right eyelid; he had to close his eyes. \_Mr.'] Sharp shooting in the thin bony wall of the orbit, toward the root of the nose. [Mr.~\ 165. Sensible coldness of the inner edges of the eyelids on closing the eyes. \^Htm.'] Burning in the eyes, with scalding tears. \_Mr.~\ Sudden burning in the left eye. \_Mr.'] Burning and pressure in the eyes; she cannot look into the light in the evening. Burning in the eyelids all day long, and burning itching in the inner canthus. 170. Burning beneath the upper eyelid. Burning in the inner canthus, mosth' in the afternoon, as if too much light and air pressed in; it is diminished by pressing the eyes shut. I28o HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISRASRS. Smarting burning in the eyes, especall}^ in the evening, by candle-light. Inflammation of the eyes and a stye in the upper lid. Swelling and redness in the lower eyelids. [Z^/z.] 175. Swelling of the lower eyelids and below the lids. \_Jlfr.~\ Lachrymation of both the eyes, [///w.] Smarting water runs from both of his eyes (aft. sev. h.). Dry pus on the lids, in the morning, v/ith erosion of both eyes on cleansing them. The eyes are closed by suppuration. 180. A 3^ellow spot in the white of the eye, toward the inner can- thus, but more toward the cornea, attended with dimness of vision, which goes off on dilating the pupil by holding the hand before the eye. [Mr.] Both eyes look glassy, with almost spontaneous mobility of the eyeballs, most of all in looking straight before him. \_Br.~\ Languid, glassy ej^es. [77/z.] Lustreless eyes, [//rm.^ Languid, sunken eyes. [Hrm.'] 185. Twitching of the lower eyelid, toward the inner canthus (aft. 9h.). IJVs/.-] Staring look. \_//rm.^ At first dilatation, then contraction of the pupils for 16 hours (aft. I h.). [jy/z.] Contracted pupils for several days (aft. }4 h.). [^^.] Contracted pupils, without change in the visual power (aft. 190. Dilated pupils for 6 hours (aft. 3 h.). [Afr.~\ Dilatation of the pupils (aft. i h.). [Lg/i. and Htm^ Enormous dilatation of the right pupil, the more in proportion as the eyes are strained, and even after seven days, it was tour times larger than the left pupil (at once). \_Br.'\ Strongly dilated pupils (aft. 8^ h.). [Htm?^ Short-sightedness, in sewing, reading and writing, it seems as if a gauze was before the eyes; she does not recognize the letters; but at a distance she sees everything clearly and distinctly; when she looks away from her work for a moment, she can better dis- tinguish things close by; but the dimness quickly returns on read- ing, without pains of the e^^es. 195. He can see better at a distance (curative effect in a short- sighted person). \Lgh^ Increased short-sightedness. \Hg.^ Everything beyond six steps is with him enveloped in mist. {.Hg.-\ Dimness of the eyes, with quivering before them and pressure in the inner canthus when she looks long at one place; on rubbing them, tears come and the dimness passes off. Weakness of the eyes, more in the forenoon than in the afternoon; distant objects seemed enveloped in fog, and only be- came plainer on looking more attentively; every near object at all bright, dazzled him, and caused a pressure in the eyes; so also when he suddenly came into the dark. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. I 28 1 200. Black streak before the eyes; wiping them is of no avail; she feels as if she ought to be able with bowled head to look beyond the forehead above. [^^'.] Flickering before the eyes, while reading by candle-light. In the ear, a cramp-like drawing pain. Cramp-like drawing pain in the right ear. \_Htm.~\ Drawing in both the inner and the external meatus aud'itorius on the right side. \_Hrm.'] 205. Fine twitching in the lobule of the right ear. [ Wsl.'\ Twitching tearing, occasionally only simple tearing in the cartilage of the left ear. [^Hrm.'] Tearing in the inner and the external ear. \_Mr.'] An almost painless stitch in the left ear, which went off on inserting the finger (aft. 6}^ h.). [Gtin.'] Stitches in the ears, only at every musical tone, and at every stroke of the bell, even when singing oneself. [Br.^ 2IO. Stitches in the ear, with drawing pain in the jaws and teeth. Stitches in the ears, with drawing pain in the left cheek. A long-continued fine stitch, deep in the right ear. Burning stitches in the ears. Itching stitches in the interior of the right ear, continuing while moving the lower jaws (aft. 27 h.). [Gtm.'] 2 IS- Shooting itching on the lobule of the right ear (aft. 2 h.). \Fr2.'\ Swelling and heat of both ears, with burning and itching. Large lump behind the lobule of the right ear, especially pain- ful as if sore, when touched. Loud resounding in the ear, of every sound. [^H'g^.'\ Constant singing before the ears, loudest when lying down. 220. Ringing before the ears, as from bells. \_Mr.~\ Ringing in the left ear, by night. Crying in the ear, when blowing the nose. Whizzing of the ears, every day. Whizzing before the ears from evening onward, though not heard while lying down, it returns in the morning. 225. Roaring before the ears, especially before the right ear (aft. 15 h.). Roaring before the ears, with hardness of hearing. He does not hear the tick of a watch at a moderate distance at all, three spans from the ear, he hears it more distinctly; quite close to it, he only hears a hissing, no ticking. [_Br.'] The watch which he used to hear at a distance of 20 steps, he now hears only at a distance of 10 steps. [_Br.'\ For a long time he could not bear musical tones. \_Br.~\ 230. A very acute sense of smell. The tip of the nose itches, he must scratch it. [^^/'''.] Tingling and burning on the nose. A little pimple on the tip of the nose, with throbbhig in it, and pain when touched. Swelling of the dorsum of the nose, with red spots, also on the sides; these come and again disappear, with a sensation of tension. [Mr.'] 82 1282 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISK ASKS . 235. Itching scab on the lower part of the septum of the nose. Stoppage from mucus in the nose. From the posterior nares a bitter mucus frequently flows into the fauces and the mouth. Cold nose, [/z^.] Flow of pus from the nose. 240. Bleeding from the nose and frequent expulsion of blood, when blowing it. Paleness of the face. [iv-. /f.] Paleness of the face, in the morning, just after rising, with tendency to staring [Br.^ Blue rims around the eyes, [//rw.] Blue-rimmed e^-es. \_Afr.'] 245. Sunken, weary eyes, [//'r;;^.] Heat in that side of the face on which he was not lying. Face often momentarily quite dark red, with a transient heat of the face. Tension of the skin of the face, as if the white of eggs had dried on it, with external sensible heat in the same. Crawling and creeping in the face, as from an insect, also on other parts. \_I/rm.'] 250. Fine, quickly transient drawing through the left cheek, ex- tending into the ear. [ lVsI.~\ Burning pain in the skin of the cheek, beside the right corner of the mouth. lG^m.~\ Burning pain on a small spot of the left cheek. \_Fr. H.'\ Itching in the whole face. Large eruptive pimples in the face. 255. Red pimples, smaller than a lentil, on the cheeks and nose, filled with pus, and itching, especially when touched. \_Hrm.'] Large pimple on the forehead, with sore pain, also when touched. Small nodules on the forehead. In the lower lip, a violent burning pain, continuing when moving it. [Gtm.~\ Burning pain on the left side of the lower lip. \_Gt??i.'] 260. Dull shooting and crawling on a point in the red part of the lip. \_Fr2.'\ The lower lip is cracked open in the middle. An oblique tear, like a cut, on the right side of the upper lip, with sore pain, especiall}'' on moving the lip, for several days. istf.-] Burning painful pimples on the red of both lips. Ulcerative, depressed spots on the red of both lips, with ten- sive smarting even per se; a dark-colored skin is formed there, which is easily rubbed off in washing it, when they bleed, and when they are touched exhibit a sore pain and smart. 265. Eruption on the margin of the lower lip, near the corner of the mouth. Yellowish-brown, crusty, purulent eruption on the lower lip, PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 1 283 toward the corner of the mouth, without pain, for six days. [_Fr. H.'] The lower jaw is painful in front near the ear, as if it was be- ing torn from its articulation, more severe when chewing. [^Hnn.'] Pain, like a broad pressive stitch, on touching the gland below^ the left angle of the lower jaw, attended with internal sore throat. Dull pressive drawing pain on the right angle of the lov/er jaw. \_Gtjji.'] 270. Toothache, a severe pain in a hollow tooth, when anything gets into it during eating, it goes off when this is removed. Pain of the wisdom-tooth. Jerking tearing in the right upper molars, not affected by chewing. Tearing in the teeth, extending into the head, as if the tooth was forced asunder, and pressed out; aggravated by the warmth of the bed, as well as by everything hot or cold. Boring, shooting toothache, terminating in a swelling of the cheek. 275. Sensation of coldness (painful in the morning) in the roots, especially of the molars, when he masticates anything; it goes off when eating. \_Ht7n.'\ Grumbling in a hollow tooth, like a grumbling burning. Burning pain in the anterior teeth, at night. Dullness of the teeth, as from a corroding acid. Profuse bleeding from a hollow tooth. 280. The inner side of the gums is swollen and painful during eat- ing and when touched. Sore pain of the whole of the gums when touched, with bleeding on rubbing them. Bleeding of the gams at the sHghtest touch. Pain in the mouth, as if it was sore and raw, when not swal- lowing. Great dryness of the mouth, in the afternoon, with much insipid, sticky, soapy mucus, which he often spits out. [Stf.'] 285. Much frothing saliva in the mouth, of harsh taste (aft. 2 h.). \_Fr. H.-] Much sourish saliva in the mouth. Slimy, oily and thirsty in the mouth, in the morning. The tongue is quite dry (aft. 24 h.). Sensation of dryness on the tongue, and on the palate, without thirst. [/r.s'.J 290. Shooting in the tip of the tongue. {Frz^ Itching shooting on the tip of the tongue. [ WsI7\ Shooting pain in the right side of the tongue. \Gt)}i^ Itching on the tongue for several days. Burning on the tongue (at once.). 295. Burning on several p Dints of the tongue, as from a corrosive substance. \Wsl^ Swelling of the tongue, with pain on talking. The palate is dry, without thirst, [/vt.] Burning, posteriorly on the velum palati. as if it was intlamed and sore, [/v'c] 1284 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Painful soreness on the velum palati, and rawness in the throat, especialh^ on expiring, [/v-^-.] 300. Sensation of swelling and soreness on the posterior nares. \Fr2.'\ The throat is painful on deglutition, in the region of the th3'roid cartilage. The throat aches as if raw; she had to retch, and it was pain- ful in talking and in swallowing. Sensation of soreness in the throat, in deglutition. Sensation of erosion in the throat, when not swallowing. 305. Scraping in the throat, when swallowing bread. Shooting in the throat, when swallowing food. Pressive stitch in the throat, as long as he swallows saliva. Sore throat on the left side, like an ulcer, throbbing, tensive and as if dr}', when not swallowing; talking is troublesome, and in swallowing, there is a scrapy sore pain, extending into the ears, where there is also a scrapy shooting pain. Inflammation of the throat, with a vesicle with smarting pain. 310. He could not swallow well; he felt as if there was an ob- struction behind the palate. \_Mr.'] Taste putrid, disagreeable. [^Gtm.'] Constant sourish taste in the mouth. [W^/.] Putrid, vapory taste in the mouth. Taste as of herbs, in the morning, also during breakfast. 315. Long after-taste of the bread eaten, with some scraping in the throat. Taste of the food, especially of bread long after eating it, in the morning. Aversion to rye-bread, even to looking at it, and especially to its sourish smell, also when eating it; it almost makes him vomit. Bread tastes as bitter as bile, w^hile the taste is otherwise normal, [/v-. 7/.] Violent thirst. [Fr. //.'] 320. Thirst for cold milk, it can hardly be satisfied. [^?.] Much thirst for beer, after the pains in the abdomen, all the day. [J/r.] Lack of appetite. \Hrm?^ The child wants to eat all the time, without eating much. Food has but very little taste, but no foreign taste. \Fr. 7/.] 325. After meals and during meals, the head feels muddled. After every meal, pressure in the stomach as from a load, with drowsiness, so that he cannot work. After a meal (breakfast), so much exhaustion that she col- lapsed, and had to be carried to bed. After eating and drinking, pressure in the stomach and great drow^siness. After eating, heaviness like lead, in the stomach. 330. After eating, the head feels muddled, for two hours. After a meal, feeling of fullness, discomfort and anxiety. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 1285 After a usual feeling of fullness in the abdomen, but tolerable appetite. After a meal, constant, frequent eructation of air, every time preceded by rumbling in the stomach. \_Ti/i.~\ Frequent eructation of air. \_lVsl.~\ 335. Abortive, offensive eructation \_F7'z.'] Sourish eructation, an hour after a meal. \_Fr2.'] Acidity in the stomach. \_Hg.'] Burning, sourish eructation, not audible and not reaching the mouth. [i5r.] Nausea, seemingly in the palate, [//r/^z.] 340. Sensation of nausea on the chest, with gathering of water in the mouth. \_Frz.'] Tendency to vomit, in the region of the stomach. [77/2.] Very much inclined to vomit, in the evening, compelling the person to lie down. Severe nausea, so that she had to lie down (after a meal), preceded b}^ writhing in the stomach. \_Fr. H.^ Vomiting of the ingesta, and then vomiting almost ever}^ hour, da 3^ and night, till morning. \Fr. HP\ 345. Sour vomiting. [Z?^.] Pressure in the stomach, even before and also after a meal, aggravated by motion. Pressive stomachache, at every touch of the scrobiculus cordis; he dare not button up tightly. Pressive shooting in the scrobiculus cordis, as if something would be drawn away. \Hg^^ Shooting in the scrobiculus cordis and from there a drawing toward the small of the back. 350. Coldness in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, below the scrobiculus cordis, then drawing to the left side, [/^r.] In the hypochondria, squeezing and pressing with great anguish, as if he could not live, most while standing. \Fr2?\ Periodical pressive squeezing below the short ribs. \Gr^ Pressive squeezing, immediately above the hepatic region, and from there into the umbilical region, after a short walk. \Gr^ 355. Squeezing in the hypochondria, toward the left side. \_Gr^ Sensation of heaviness in the liver. Shooting in the region of the liver and the spleen. Burning pain on a spot in the hepatic region. Inflation of the abdomen, removed even by the emission of some flatus. \Htm^ 360. Distention of the abdomen, with sensation of fullness, without flatulence. [77/z.] Tensive pain in the epigastrium, almost taking away the breath. \Gtm.'\ Distended abdomen, with nausea. Pressure on several places of the hypogastrium. [//;;;/.] Pressive, pinching pain in the abdomen, like tkUulent colic, while walking (in the open air\ 1286 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 365. Squeezing pain in the abdomen, in the evening, when tak- ing a walk. Constant, severely pressive squeezing in the umbilicel region. \.Gr:\ ' .... Periodical pressive squeezing in the umbilicus. [Cr.] Contraction of the intestines, in the morning, during a stool, and then smarting in the rectum. Excessive, pinching contraction of the intestines from both sides of the umbilical region. [///;??.] 370. Griping and pinching in the umbilical region, while sitting. Cutting, pinching in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea was setting in, in the evening before going to sleep. [F7^z.'] Cutting pain, right across through the abdomen in paroxysms. \_Frz.'] Cutting pain in the abdomen, while walking. \_Fr2.'] Cutting pain in the abdomen and simultaneously a dull shoot- ing pressure in the coccyx. \_Gtm.'] 375. Tensive shooting pain in the whole of the right side of the abdomen and chest, almost taking his breath. [Gtin.'] Cutting pains in the abdomen, with drawing in the pelvis, by night. Intermitting, pressive, dull stitches about the umbilical region and in many other parts of the body and of the limbs. [G^?^] Fine, intermitting stitches in the abdomen up toward the scrobiculus cordis, especially when raising up the body while sit- ting. \_Wsl.'] Shooting pain in the abdomen, below the last left rib, more violent when inspiring. [Gti7i.'\ 380. Boring stitch in the skin of the epigastrium, continuing dur- ing inspiration and expiration. [Gtm.~\ Shooting in the lowest part of the abdomen, just above the groin, solely when changing his position, when he begins to walk or when he sits down. Needle-pricks in the abdominal muscles of the left side. llVsl.-] Burning and erosion in the umbilical region, when walking in the open air. In the left groin, a cutting pain. \_Gtm.'] 385. Swelling of the inguinal glands. \_Hg.'] Forcing outward in the right groin, as if a hernia was devel- oping, while walking, aggravated by pressing upon it. [Gtm.'] Single, clucking twitches in the right groin. Incarceration of flatus. Loud growling in the whole abdomen, especially in the epi- gastrium, solely while lying down. [^GttJi.'] 390. Growling and rumbling in the gastric region. [Htm.'] Audible rumbling in the abdomen. [^Br.] Violent rumbling in the left side of the abdomen. Clucking in the abdomen, as from (the swashing of) w^ater, when he bends forward or backwards, also when touching the abdomen. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 1 287 Much flatulence and discharge of flatus. \_Htm.'] 395. Stool only after 32 hours, first hard, then pappy. \_Mr.'\ No stool, with torment from flatulence, for two days (aft. 10 d.). No stool, while the abdomen is very much distended. Repeated call to stool. Ineffectual urging to stool for 24 hours, then difficult stool, the next day, none at all. [Frz.'] 400. Hard stool (aft. 5 h. ). [Gtm.'] Hard, lumpy stool. [Mr.'] Very hard, difficult stool (aft. 30 h. ). [Frz.'] Stool with great effort, though it is not hard. Daily stool, for the first 6 days, then only every 48 hours, later only every 72 hours. 405. Stool, soft and frequent (aft. 72 h.). [Br.'] Soft stool, every 2, 3 hours (aft. 24 h.). [Fr. H.] Diarrhoea, not weakening. Diarrhoeic stool, four times, every quarter of an hour, with pain in the abdomen. [Fr. H.] Whitish-gray diarrhoeic stools. 410. Involuntary, pappy, light-yellow stool, with sensation as if a flatus would be emitted. During the stool, protrusion of the varices of the rectum, as large as pigeons' eggs. After a difficult stool, smarting of the anus, as from something acrid. After the stool, long continued forcing and straining, without colic; the first part of the evacuation was always hard, the subse- quent pappy. [Tth.] Tearing in the anus and on the penis, in the evening and morning. 415. Tearing in the rectum, and urging as for diarrhoea, without stool. [Fr2.] Itching stitch in the outer circumference of the anus. [Gt7)i.] Itching gnawing above the rectum, on the coccyx. Smarting itching on the anus. Retention of urine during the first 7 hours, then more frequent, but less copious micturition than usual, with burning in the neck of the bladder. [Mr.] 420. Urging to urinate, with scant emission (aft. ^2 to 3 h.). Urging to urinate, some 8 times a day and 2 or 3 times a night. Urging to urinate, attended with burning. Urging in the urethra and the rectum, as when the urine cuts in its emission. Frequent micturition (aft. 2411.). 425. Enuresis with cutting scalding in the urethra, and spasmodic pain in ':he sacrum. Frequent and copious micturition, for many days. [Ilrni.] More frequent and copious flow of urine, dnring the last days. [HtiJi.] 1288 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Frequent emission of watery urine, which often he can scarcely keep back (aft. lo, i4h. ). [/v-^-.] Frequent, dark-colored urine, which forms a cloud (2d d.). 430. lyight- colored urine, transparent like water. [ IVsLl^ Urine, clear as water, with sediment after standing. [/^.] Very pale urine, which at once forms a thick, whitish cloud. During micturition, burning, and then increased flow of the gonorrhoea. Sensation toward the end of micturition, as if a load h'ing in the hypogastrium pressed toward the genitals (aft. ^ h.). \^Gr.~\ 435. Severe burning in the urethra, which impedes the flow of urine, but then continualh^ urges again to micturition. Burning during micturition, and before the water is emitted, a cutting with ineffectual urging. Drawing in the urethra, extending to the anus, Frequent sensation of rawness in the urethra, at times with shooting there. Shooting in the urethra, w^hen not urinating (at once.). 440. Tingling in the urethra, when not urinating. Painful stitches at the termination of the urethra. \_lVsl.~\ Painful spasmodic constriction of the bladder, without urging to urinate. \_I/t/?i.'} Swelling of the orifice of the urethra. On the penis, posteriorly on the outside, a formicating itch- ing. [F?-.] 445. In the glans, a sensation of heaviness, especially during mic- turition. [77r;;z ] Itching, fine shooting on the glans. [//r;;?.] Fine shooting in the tip of the glans. \_Lg-/i.^ Burning cutting in the glans, with straining pains in the groins, pressing outward. Itching tingling on the fraenulum. 450. Vesicles beside the frenulum, itching only when pressed upon. Humid, itching vesicles on the fraenulum, after previous for- mication there. On the figwarts, heat and burning. Sore pain on the figwarts, while going and sitting. In the testes, drawing erosion, as from soreness. 455. Pressure in both the testes aggravated b}' touching, and by walkin g . \Hrni . ] Burning tearing in the left testicle, and burning in the pro- static gland, attended with frequent erections. \Frz.^ Itching on the scrotum. On the scrotum a long, itching stitch. \Frz^^ Formication on the scrotum as from ants, turning into burn- ing and a sore pain after scratching. \_Ht))i.~\ 460. Sore pain on the scrotum. \Frz?[ Inflammatory^ swelling of the scrotum. Swelling of the left testicle. [^.] PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 1 289 Hardness and tension of the spermatic cord. [//.] Swelling of the spermatic cord, attended with a muddled feel- ing of the head. 465. Small red pimples on the scrotum and on the posterior part of the penis, wdth a sensation of heat there. \^Br.~\ Falling out of the hair on the sexual parts. lBr.~\ Sexual instinct is deficient. Swelling of the penis, for several minutes, without any cause. Inclination to stiffness of the penis, in the morning, while standing. 470. Erection in the morning, in bed. Excessive stiffness of the penis, without sexual impulse. Emission of semen, while pressing for a stool. \_Hg?\ Far too frequent pollutions. With a sufficient bodily and spiritual excitation to coitus and continual potenc}^ the penis finally at the acme of the act relaxes limp, without emission of semen. 475. The menses, suppressed for many months, are restored at full-moon. Leucorrhoea, after the menses for several days. Copious yellowish leucorrhoea with itching, for four, five days, several days after the menses. Dry nose. \Hg^ Catarrhal fever; all his limbs are painful and he has no relish for anything. 480. Violent coryza, while the edges of the nose are red. {_Hg.'\ Contractive pains, as it were, constricting the pit of the throat, worse when bending the neck. {Gtm.'\ Roughness in the throat, impeding speech. [/>. H.'\ Severe hoarseness. Excitation to cough at times, causing, however, merel_v a few stitches in the palate, but no cough. 485. Excitation to cough, from a tickling in the pit of the throat. Cough, as if caused by the tickling of a feather, from the middle of the chest to the larynx. \_Hg.'\ Constant excitation to cough. Cough, caused b}^ burning in the chest. Severe cough, which causes heaving for vomiting, but with- out pain. \Fr. H.'\ 490. Cough, with inclination to vomit. Cough, with vomiting of food. Dry cough, caused b}^ tickling deep in the chest, just above the scrobiculus cordis; the cough is worst in the evening, after lying down. \_Fr. //.] Cough, with expectoration, after th^ chest felt full on awak- ing. Violent cough, with copious expectoration, causing the abdo- men to pain. 495. Cough, in the morning, with yellow expectoration. 1 290 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Cough with an expectoration having an herb-like taste and smell. Before the cough, the child cries in advance, on account of the pains in the abdomen. Headache from cough, as if the skull would burst open. During the cough and the fluent coryza, burning in the chest and in the throat, extending into the mouth, even while she was not coughing. 500. Respiration difficult and oppressed, with small stitches be- tween the short ribs, mostly in the left side. \Htm^ Smells take away his breath. Lack of breath, on awaking from a half-hours' s nap in the forenoon, with restlessness and perspiration on the bod^^ Very much oppressed on the chest. Pain in the chest, as from weariness, or as after sitting a long time; this extends through the whole chest, but is relieved by walking. 505. Pain on the lowest ribs on the right side, when pressing upon them. Tightness of the chest, in the afternoon; his chest was con- tracted with stitches. Painful tightness of the chest, when starting to walk. [5^.] Pain in the chest, as if it was constricted. Painful spasm in the chest or the diaphragm, in the region of the lowest ribs on the right side, rising suddenh^ and unexpect- edly; she cannot straighten herself quickly, but has to sit bent over, and there are stitches there when respiring. 510. Pressure in the chest, for several hours (5th d.). Pressure in the chest toward the stomach, making her feel oppressed Pressure on the chest, at night, so that he can only breathe with difhcuhy. [Hg?^ Severe pressure all over the chest, waking from sleep at night; it drew off toward the abdomen, and disappeared after the emission of flatus. Pressure and tightness behind the sternum, impeding the respiration. \Frz7\ 515. Pressive pain in the left side of the chest, most violent while respiring. \Gtm?^ Pressure in the middle of the chest, most violent while ex- piring, as if it would press out the sternum, more violent when pressing on the sternum, and in stooping and coughing. \Gtm.'\ Squeezing pressure in the right side of the chest, in the region of the seventh rib. [6^^".] Intermitting, squeezing pressure near the sternum, about the seventh rib. [6^r.] Squeezing pressure in the region of the left nipple. [6^r.] 520. Squeezing pressure anteriorly near the sternum, below the last false rib on the right side. \Hfm^ Squeezing pressure below the right axilla, over against the nipple. [i/r?7z.] PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. I 29 1 Violent squeezing pain in the cardiac region and toward the sternum, in paroxysms, in the evening while walking, [//g.] Cutting pressure on the left side of the chest, when breathing deeply. [JVs/.^ Stitches in the lower part of the chest on the right side, when inspiring while sitting; it disappears in walking. 525. Dull stitches in the middle of the sternum. \_Gtm.~\ Dull shooting in the left side, between the lowest rib and the pelvis, through the whole abdominal cavity, more violent while inspiring. [//7;;z,] Sharp stitches in the region of the lower ribs on the right side. [JYrm.^ Sharp stitches in the upper part of the chest, below the right arm, for a moment arresting the respiration. \_Mr.'] Boring, dull, continuous stitch in the left side of the chest, more violent during inspiration. [^Ghn.'\ 530. . Boring pinching in the left side of the chest, continuing dur- ing inspiration. \_Gtm.'] Pinching shooting in the whole of the chest. \^Gt7n.'] Burning sore pain internally on the last rib. \_Frz.~\ Burning externally on the chest. Burning on the chest \_Fr. H.'\ 535. Burning, cutting pain in the left side of the chest, while sitting, more severe on touching it. \_Mr.'] Crawling pain in the chest, while at rest; there is a pain on the sternum when stooping, when touching it and at every move- ment. Sensation on the side of the chest as if the ribs were crushed in. \_Frz.'\ Sharp pressure in the left mamma. [Fr. 77.] Itching biting, as from many fleas, between the tw^o breasts, awaking her about midnight, and neither allowing her to lie nor to sit quietly, she has to rise and walk about. [7r. //.] 540. Erosive itching on the right false ribs, he has to scratch. \_Hrm.'] Palpitation every time she starts up from sleep. On the coccyx an itching stitch. \_Gt7?i.'] Fine stitches on the coccyx and on the sternum. [_lVsl.^ In the small of the back a vivid pain, like drawing and pressing, occasionally tearing, only distinctly perceptible while standing. \Frz.^ 545. Intermitting, quickly drawing, pressive pain in the sacnun, most w^hile standing, less when w^alking; it goes off through press- ing upon it, through sitting down and bending forward. Intermitting tearing in the sacrum, after rising from stooping down; while standing still, it quieth'' draws in jerks, [/v-r.] Burning pain in a spot just above the sacrum. [Frz.'] Severe stitch in the sacrum, when rising after crouching down. Itching and perspiration in the back. 550. In the dorsal vertebrae, a painful drawing, as if they were beaten in two, most while sitting, [/vr.] Tearing pain in the back at night. 1292 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pinching pain in the middle of the spine. [ JVs/.'] A stitch in the loins when lifting something, this continued while sitting, but at unce disappeared on moving. Stitches in the renal regions. 555. Small, violent, jerking stitches in the middle of the spine. [mm.] Erosive itching about the lumbar vertebrae and in other parts of the trunk, also on the thigh; he has to scratch. [/Irm.~\ Red pimples on the back, the chest and the nape, especially above the scapulae, chiefly in the evening, less visible in the morning, onl}^ troublesome as the clothes rub and touch them; they last 14 days. [W^/.] Eruption on the scapula, without itching, onl}^ painful when touching it. On the left scapula, a painful tearing, while sitting w^ith the body bent forward, [/v-^-.] 560. Concealed drawing and pressure on the bDiies like gnawing, under the apex of the scapula, [/v"^'.] In the nape a drawing, shooting pressure, going impercepti- bly toward the occiput and disappearing there. [I/t/n.~\ Twitching sensation in the nape, while at rest, but more frequently yet when raising the head. [Br.^ Feeling of stiffness in the nape, while at rest; it goes off by moving. [7//;;z.] Burning sore pain on the side of the nape. [^Frs.'] 565. On the neck, in front and on the sides, a pressure, [//r;;^.] Pinching pain on a small spot of the neck. [Fr2.^ Painful pressure on the left side of the neck, as if it would get sore on the inside, but it is not aggravated either by swallow- ing or by talking. \_Fr2.'] Spasmodic drawing in the right cervical muscles, extending even to the eye, when turning the head. The cervical muscles on the right side are very painful. 570. Painful stiffness of the left cervical muscles, the turgidity ex- tends into the head. Swelling of an axillary gland, which passes off of itself. In the shoulder-joint, drawing and beating. Rheumatic, paralytic pain in the right shoulder-joint. \_I^g.~\ Tearing in the top of the shoulder and in the left hand. 575. Squeezing pressure on the top of the right shoulder. [Hrm.'] Furuncle on the right shoulder. \_H'g.'] On the arm, here and there, and on the shoulder, burning as from red-hot coals. Weakness in the arm, so that it trembled, in the forenoon. The (injured) arm becomes stiff and pains at every move- ment; the hand becomes heavy as lead; the ulcer throbs and stings and in the ball of the thumb and in the fingers, there is a tearing and stinging pain; in the hand, internally, a painful burning, and when the arm is allowed to hang down, the blood shoots down into the hand. 580. Drawing in both arms, down from the top of the shoulder. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. I 293 In the upper arm an itching stitch, not removed by scratch- ing. \_Gtn/.] Muscular twitching in the upper arm, removed by moving. [Gfm.] Painful twitching tearing in the arms, in the fingers, and in the limbs, generally. [Gr.^ Parah'tic squeezing pressure on the upper arms, aggravated by touching. \_//rm.'] 585. Sensation of icy cold on the right upper arm. \_Mr.'] Drawing in the upper arm, from the elbow toward the shoulder. In the elbow-joints, a burning sensation. Pain in the elbow-joint, when touched. Drawing cutting in the joints of the elbows and the hands, and in the posterior finger-joints. 590. The fore-arms are painful as if bruised, when resting them upon the table. \_Frz.'] Squeezing pressure on the fore-arm, inw^ard and downward. \_Hrm.'] Painfully squeezing heaviness in right fore-arm. \_Hh?i.'] Sharply shooting boring on the inner side of the left fore- arm, near the bend of the elbow, worst while at rest. \_Gim.'\ Paralytic pain on the outer side of the fore-arm, below the elbow; it does not, however, impede the movement of the arm. 595. In the wrist, a sensation of stiffness and squeezing, aggra- vated by moving. [^Htm.'] Pinching squeezing between the metacarpal bones of the right hand, as if they were squeezed together. \_Htm.'] Tearing rolling up and down, at times with stitches in the bones of the hands, the fingers and the fore-arms. [_Br.'] Pinching pain above the right wrist- joint. [ Wsl.'] Tearing transversely across the right wrist. \_Mr.'] 600. Drawing shooting in the palms. \^Htm.~\ Increased warmth in both the palms. \^Fr. //.] Trembling of the hands in writing, with formication and itch- ing therein. \_Wsl.~\ Itching on the dorsa of both the hands, increased b}^ scratch- ing. Exostosis between the metacarpal bones, very painful, espe- cially by night, most of all when touched. 605. Rough, shriveled, dry skin on the hands. In the finger-joints, stitches. Tearing in the fingers, especially in the joints, with tension on moving them, as if the tendons were too short, [//rw,] Violent sharply shooting tearing in the posterior phalanx of the right middle finger. [i//w.] Cramp-like pain in the fingers of the left hand, unaffected by motion. {Gr.'] 610. Painfully pressive drawing on the little finger, especially in the joint, going off by clinching the finger into the hand, [/vt.] Intermitting dull stitches in the ball of the thumb. [Gr.'\ 1294 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Fine shooting through the dorsum of the right thumb, ex- tending under the nail. [ IVsl.^ Inflammation and suppuration behind the finger-nail. Erosive itching on the left middle finger, S3on returning after scratching. [Gr.'] 615 Dying off of one side of the left index during the chill, with sharp demarkation. [/v^^'.] The fingers go to sleep, become cold, yellow and shriveled, while the pulse is slow, very small and hardly perceptible. \_Mrj\ Numbness of the finger-tips. Deep-seated, hard, itching vesicles in the ball of the thumb. Red spots, like pimples, on the dorsa of the fingers, without sensation. [^^.] 620. Little red pimples, as large as a pin's head, on and between the fingers; without any sensation, for five days; at last a white apex forms in their middle joint (aft. 11 d.). \_Br.^ On the nates, a furuncle. Cramp-like drawing in the left natis, while walking. \_Fr2.'] Itching twitching in both the glutei muscles. [^Gtm.'] Itching on the right hip. 625. The hip-joint is painful as if broken, while walking and when touching it. Pain in the hip-joint, when rising from one's seat. \_H'g.'] Cramp in the hip-joint, tearing through the whole thigh, un- bearable while eating and sitting. [_H'g.'\ ■ Tensive and bruised pain in the hip-joint, worst when mov- ing. \_Br.'] Heaviness and paralysis in the hip-joint, when starting to walk after sitting; it goes off after some exercise. [Ht77t.'] 630. Both the thighs and the legs ache as if bruised, when walk- ing. [J/r.] Tearing on the lower limb, from the thigh down into the big toe. [Hg.-] Heaviness, which soon becomes painful, in all the joints of the lower limbs. ~\-H'g.^ Rheumatic paralytic sensation of the whole of the left leg. The lower limbs go to sleep, while sitting down. 635. On the thigh, a dull pressure. [^Hriii.'] Pressive cramp-like pain in the right thigh. \_Hrm.'] Tearing on the upper part of the thigh, as if coming up from the hough. \_F7^2A Tearing pressure on the upper part and the outer side of the thigh and of the tibia. \_Fj^2.'] Burning sensation in the posterior muscles of the thighs, while standing, it goes off when walking. \_Fr2.'\ 640. Severe stitches in the thighs, on moving, but most when sit- ting down and when rising from a seat. Boring dull stitch in the left thigh, near the abdominal ring, while at rest. [Gtm.'] Bruised pain in the muscles of the thighs. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. I295 Bruised pain, transversely across the middle of the thighs; they feel as if they would give way in walking; so that he reels. [J/r.] The thighs feel as if beaten all over; he can hardly drag him- self along; worse after sleeping, [/z^.] 645. The glands of the thighs are painfully swollen, he cannot stretch his legs. [Z^^.] Weariness and anxious restlessness in the thighs, while sit- ting; he has to keep moving his feet, [i^/r.] Sharp pressure in the muscles of the right thigh, extending to the knee. [IVsi.'] Painfully pulsating twitchings from the middle of the thigh to the knee. '[IVs/.] Pressure on the thighs, one hand's breadth above each knee. 650. Pressive squeezing above the knee, on the outer side of the thigh [Gr.'] Distending pain in the tendons of the houghs, worse when moving, also when touching them. \_Br.~\ Painful drawing deep in the left knee and down toward the tibia, while walking; when the body in walking, rests upon this lower limb. [Gr.^ Shooting pain in the right patella, worst when moving. [Gtm ] Violently itching pimples on the knee and on the calf, by day, and especially by night in bed, with burning after scratching; the pimples became confluent, spread about and readily became bleed- ing ulcers. \_Afr.~\ 655. Pressure in the legs, below the two knees, [/z^r;;^.] Dull, squeezing pressure, just below the left knee, every five or six minutes for two to six seconds. [_Gr.^ Spasmodic drawing in the leg, also by night in bed; by day she had to get up and walk on account of it; by night she had to lay the limb now in one position, now in another. Perceptible pulsation in the left leg, when at rest. [Gf/n.'] Itching erosion on the left leg, soon recurring more strongly after scratching; to which it incites. \_I/?m.^ ' 660. Weariness in the legs, while walking. [J/r.] Formication on the right leg. [<^r.] On the tibia, itching Pressive pain in the right tibia, while at rest; disappearing in walking. [6^/;;^.] Nocturnal burning tearing in the tibia, from above downward. 665. Sharp lancinations on the lower part of the tibia. [Ai,'//.] In the calf, cutting shooting, downward. [///;;/.] Spasmodic pinching in the left calf, relieved for a time by friction. [JVs/.^ In the ankle, a dull, paralytic pain when at rest, with a crack- ing sound when moving it. [(^//;;^.] Pain, as if from a strain, in the ankle, even in the morning in bed. 1296 hahnemann'vS chronic diseases. 670. Cramplike pains in the feet, from moving, [^ft^.] Tensive, shooting pain on the right inner ankle, extending up the tibia. Tension and going to sleep in the fore part of the right foot and the toes, when walking. \_Gtm.'] Squeezing pressure on the soles of the feet, [//rw.] Violent, jerky stitches on the sole of the right foot. [//"/;;?.] 675. Intermitting pressure on the sole of the left foot, toward the big toe. \_//rm.'] Shooting in the sole of the foot and the heel, and leaden heaviness therein, while at rest. \Hg.^ The heels and the balls of the toes are painful as if sore, when treading. \Hg.'\ Excoriative pain on the outer side of the right foot, in the morning. Burning shooting in the soles of the feet, especiallj^ in the evening; in the morning there is only burning therein. 680. Burning in the feet and the soles of the feet. Burning in the soles of the feet and in the head. \_HgP\ Burning heat of the soles of the feet, with excoriation be- tween the toes. Constant coldness of the legs from the ankles to the calves. The left foot is quite numb, senseless and dead, solely when walking. 685. Severe itching on the ankle, the spot becomes red from scratching. Itching on the heels. In the ball of the left big toe, tearing stitches. \Ht7n?^ Squeezing pressure on the two last toes of the right foot Continuous boring stitch in the left little toe, both in rest and in motion. \Gtm^^ 690. All the toes are painful, as if ulcerated. \Hg7\ A nail grown into the flesh causes inflammation and pain. Swelling of the knuckle of the big toe with burning and beat- ing; when touched there are gashes as from a knife, causing the toe to twitch; even fear of approach to it and also hiccupping, ex- cite these pains. [^/^.] Water blisters on the balls of the toes. \_I^g.~\ In the corns, shooting, and burning, for eight days. 695. Formication all over the body as from ants, with some single fine stitches. \_Hrm., Wsl.'] Crawling, like formication, now here, now there. \_Gr.'] Itching crawling on the body and on the hands, in the even- ing after lying down. [6^r.] Quickly arising itching, here and there on the body, on the back, the arms, the pubic region and even on the scalp; only briefly removed by scratching. [StfJ] Violent, burning shooting itching in several spots; after scratching, increased burning and shooting with more intense red- ness. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 1 297 700. The skin everywhere is painful, even shaving causes pain. Red spots on the upper and lower extremities, burning like fire. Increased redness of the whole body, with single large red spots on the top of the shoulders, without sensation and red streaks above the patellae and from the hips to the navel, attended with great sensitiveness to the air; the warmth of the bed is agreeable. [mi.] Eruption of red, smooth nodules on the fore arm and the neck with red ariolae; only painful as if sore, when touched. Rash all over the body, more burning than itching. 705. Itch-like vesicles on the natis, the balls of the toes and the toes. [Bo-.] Sore places on the toes, the groin and the pubes. [Bg.] The ulcers exhibit a burning pain. Every injured spot on the body pains as if sore. Erosive pain in the wounds, even in wounds of the bones. 710. All pains from phosphoric acid remain unchanged through ex- ternal pressure. [Gr.~\ The nocturnal pains may be relieved by pressure, [/z^.] He has to continually shift his position, because the pains are less during motion than while at rest, [/z^] Coffee seemed to disturb, but not rum. [J^g.] Keen pain like scraping with a knife, on the periosteum of all the bones. [Afr.] 715. Spasmodic drawing in the hands and feet, as if they were asleep, in the evening and morning. The arms and legs go to sleep at night, so that he had to get some one else to move his limbs. Tingling from going to sleep, and lack of strength in the upper and lower extremities. Bruised feeling in all the joints, in the morning, in the arms, the legs and the nape. Bruised feeling of the hands and feet, as if paralyzed. 720. Contractive sensation of the limbs. \_-Fr. I/.~\ Bruised feeling in the hips, arms, thighs and nape as from growing, with single tearing stitches in all these parts simultaneously, especially when going up-stairs and when starting to walk. [Br.] Muscular twitching, here and there, especialh' in the legs. Tumultuous movement in the blood. Great restlessness, a forcing and driving in the blood, he is, as it were, beside himself. 725. In the evening, restlessness in the body, with itching in the canthi, the nostrils, the face and the hair}^ scalp. With much talking, there is heat in the head, with icy cold hands. Attacks of perspiration all over, while sitting down. He perspires immoderateh^ while walking. Very sensitive to cool air. [//i,''.] 730. Very much fatigued by walking, languid and dejected; at home chilliness (aft. 24 h.). 83 1298 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. While walking in the open air, profuse sweat all over, espe- cially on the genitals. Emaciation, with wretched appearance and deep-lying eyes. Awkwardness of body, inactivity of mind. Weary in body, oppressed in mind (4th d.). 735. He imagines, he totters while walking. [/^/. //.] After going up-stairs, weakness, with pain in the scrobiculus cordis. [/2^.] Weaker and more languid. So weak and pale of face, in the morning after rising, that she has to lie down again for awhile, when she feels well. Weariness in all parts of the body. \^I/rm.^ 740. Weariness of the body. iJVsl.'] A sort of epilepsy (at once). [/*>. i/.] Much yawning, while the water runs from his eyes. Constant yawning and stretching of the arms, with drowsi- ness. \Htni?\ Great drowsiness and w^eariness by day; it goes off in walk- ing; at night, sleeplessness, heat and perspiration from the evening till midnight. 745. Drowsiness, which closes his eyes, with yawning, all da}^, especially also in the evening. \Fr2^ Somnolence after dinner; he falls asleep while talking. \Mr^ He falls into a fast and deep sleep, even while writing, being unable to resist. \Fr. //.] He gets sleepy early in the evening, and is very sleepy in the morning, for a long time. Cannot be roused in the morning and is very sleepy. 750. He goes to sleep earlier and sleeps more soundly than usual, seemingly from w^eariness. Sound sleep by day, the sleep at night is interrupted. \Hg.'\ Sleep is so sound that he can hardly be roused in the morn- ing. \Htm7\ Late in falling asleep, in the evening (aft. 3d.). Late in falling asleep in the evening; for several hours noth- ing but numbers appeared before his eyes; this went off on raising himself in bed. 755. In the evening, before going to sleep, heat in the cheeks and ears. Restless sleep, with dr3^ heat (6th n.). At night, he is waked up by voracious hunger. Anxious awaking. Too early an awaking at night, and difficulty in going to sleep again. \F7\ //.] 760. In the morning in bed, restlessness. In the morning, on rising, very ill-humored, languid and drowsy. In the morning, pressure in the head, and bitter taste in the mouth (5th d.). In slumber, he whimpers much. In slumber, his hands twitch, and he talks and laments with half open eyes. PHOSPHORICUM ACICUM. 1 299 765. Now laiighing, now weeping features in slumber, with con- torsion of the half open e3^es. Singing when asleep. [^2^.] At night in sleep, he often bites his tongue, [i^ ] At night, emission of semen, without erection (ist n.). Sleep full of dreams, with erections. 770. Lewd dreams, with emission of semen. [^G^m,^ Dreams, in part vexing, in part indifferent; toward morning he puts his arms under his head, and they go to sleep, [/^rz.'] Vivid dreams, as if it were day, about banqueting. Dreams, every night, about what had occurred last in the evening. Queer dreams. 775. Disquieting dreams. Before midnight agreeable dreams, afterward frightful dreams, remembered imperfectly. ^Gtm.'} Vivid, gruesome dream, which he does not, however, remem- ber. IS(/.] Anxious dreams about dead persons, with fear on awaking. Dreams full of scolding and strife; a restless night. [-Z^^/?.] 780. Frequent starting up at night, as if he was falling down from a height, or into w^ater. [^Lg-/i.^ At night, about i o'clock, awakening with troubled, solicitous thoughts, with consciousness pretty clear for half an hour; then again a quiet sleep till morning. [5//".] Attack of shuddering in the evenihg, then in the night, ex- hausting sweat (2d d ). Frequent chills running over the body, with chilliness and palpitation. Chill, in the evening, on lying down, and after the first awak- ing, heat all over without thirst (aft. 12 h.). 785. A shaking chill, in the forenoon, with blue nails; tearing in the wrists and paralytic weakness of the arms. Chill, even to trembling, in the evening; then in the morning, heat in the face, dryness in the mouth, and shooting pain in the throat on deglutition. Severe shaking chill, from the afternoon till the evening at 10 o'clock, then dry heat, so intense that he almost became uncon- scious. Chill over the whole body, with drawing in the limbs, awakes her in the evening after a half hour's sleep, every night, without subvSequent heat. Chill and coldness for hours, toward evening, without subse- quent thirst and heat. 790. Alternation of shuddering and heat, in the evening. Frequent alternations of chills and heat, in the evening; the dry heat of the face is without redness, attended with chill; after the cessation of the heat a still more severe chill, it runs cold all over his bod}'; toward morning a profuse sweat during the night- sleep; t. e., when he had gone to sleep again after awaking. Feeling of chilliness in the face, the temples and the forehead, 1300 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. as from being breathed upon by a cool breath, with sensation of cold in the finger-tips, which were also externally quite cold. [5//.] Shudder over the abdomen, attended with cold finger-tips, for two hours without thirst, most of all at the least approach of fresh air, without subsequent heat. [77/?.] Frequent sensation of coldness on the right cheek; with sen- sation of heat in the left cheek, without any sensible change in their external temperature. \_Br.^ 795. Sensation of cold, with chilliness and coldness in the abdomen. Chilliness, even while walking in the warm room. [_St/.^ Chill, all over the body. [J/r.] Chill, all the forenoon, coming on bj" jerks, like a general shudder, even in the room, with blue, icy-cold hands and dry palate, without any special thirst. \_Frz.'] Shaking chill all over the bod}^, with icy-cold fingers, without thirst (one hour after eating); after 4 hours, increased warmth, without thirst. ^Mr.'] 800. Occasional chilly shudders, lasting for minutes at a time, without thirst, with immediateiy following heat, alternating as quickh^ wdth chilliness. \_Gi\'] Pulse irregular, frequentlv intermitting, for one or two beats. IWsl.'] Pulse fuller, with distended temporal and radical arteries. iWsl.-] Strong pulse. \_Br.'] Cannot bear heat. \_^g.'\ 805. Febrile heat without thirst, from 11 to 5 o'clock, bv day. Heat all over the bod}^ in the evening, followed by a restless night. Dry heat, on going to sleep (4th d.). Heat in the whole of the head, in the evening" after Ijdng down, with very cold feet and the body only moderatelv warm. [Htm.'] Heat in the face, with thirst, in the afternoon, w^ithout red- ness. [Frz.] 810. Much heat in the face, at night. \_Br.~\ Internal heat all through the body without thirst, not sensi- ble externall}" and without redness of the cheeks, with deep breathing and apprehensiveness. [1^^/.] Heat on the cheeks and flushes of heat on the back, in the evening, while walking in the open air. [Frz.] Much heat and perspiration all over, b}' daj' and night, with violent thirst for water. Profuse night-sweat for two nights, about midnight and while awake, beginning at the head and most violent on the chest. 815. Morning-sweat, with heavy dreams of dead persons and as if he was being chased. Profuse morning-sweat. Perspiration all night, with hot feet and hot forehead. [/Ig.~\ Perspiration in the nape, especially during the siesta. [Hg.] PLATINA. 1301 PLATINA. Chemically pure platina which is soft and can be cut with a knife, is dissolved in heated aqua-regia (nitric acid and hydrochloric acid), the golden yellow solution obtained, is properly diluted with distilled water, a smoothly-polished steel rod is suspended in it, on which the platina deposits as a crystalline crust. This is readily friable, is sweetened by repeated washing in distilled water and well-dried be- tween blotting paper. One grain of this is used for the preparation of the homoeopathic dynamizations as shown in the concluding part of the first volume of the Chronic Diseases. When Platina is properly homoeopathically indicated in a case of disease, it relieves simultaneously the following ailments, if present: Lack of appetite; eructation after eating; constipation while traveling; emission of prostatic juice; induration of the uterus; weariness of the lower limbs; cold feet; stuffed coryza. Too violent effects of Platina are relieved by Pulsatilla and by smelling of sweet spirits of nitre. The symptoms marked Gr. are by Dr. Gross, of Jueterbock.^ PLATINA. Dejected, tacitturn, sad. \_Gr.~\ She imagines herself deserted and standing alone in the world. . [6^r.] Anxiety, with trembling of the hands and ebullition of heat. Anxiety and palpitation, especially during a walk. 5. Anxiety is frequently suddenly felt all through the body. [Gr.] Great anxiety, with violent palpitation, when she wishes to talk in company; so that speaking is hard for her. \Gr^ Anguish as if about to die, as if unconsciousness would ensue, with trembling in all the limbs, arrested breathing and in- tense palpitation. \Gr.'\ Anxious and oppressed about the heart, and peevish all day long. [G^r.] Sensation as if he would have to die soon, with horror at the thought. \_Gr.'\ 10. Sensation as if she would have to die soon, with great inclina- tion to weep and actual weeping. \Gr^ 1 To the above-named fellow-observer most of the symptoms of Platina are credited. They are taken from a proving instituted hy him, chiefly on "a damsel both bodily and mentalh' healthy and blooming, though somewhat excitable,'' who took doses of the 1st trituration equivalent in all to between two and three grains of the metal. The results of this proving were originally published in Vol. I of the Archiv. — Hui^hiS. 1302 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Great restlessness of mind, so that she knows not where to stay, with gloominess which spoils even what should be most en- joyable; she imagines she is not fit for this world, is tired of life, but has a great horror of the death she believes to be ap- proaching. \_Gr.^ Very much depressed and indolent, in the morning (aft. 48 h.). [Gr.-] Sullen and discontented. [6^r.] Ill-humored for a long time, from a slight vexation; he only talks when he is obliged to; extremely unkind, abrupt and quar- relsome. [6^r.] 15. At odds with all the world, everything is too close for her, with inclination to weep. [6^^.] Sensitive mood Sad and sullen, she sits solitary, without speaking and she cannot ward off sleep; then inconsolable weeping, especially when she is addressed. [G^n] Taciturnity and involuntary weeping, even after the most friendly address, so that she gets vexed about it herself. [<^?^.] Tendency to weep and weeping, after a mild reproach. [5r.^ 20. Lachrymose, gloomy mood, especiall}^ in the evening [Gr. Much affected, especially in the afternoon and evening. [Gr. Very much inclined to weep, and peevish; she has often to weep involuntarily; this relieves her. [G^r.] Inclination to weep and gloominess, worse in the room, better in the open air. [G?".] Very much inclined to weep, and too much affected by the least cause. 25. Sad and sullen on the first morning; the next morning inex- pressibly happy, especially in the open air, so that she felt like embracing ever3^body and could have laughed over the most sad things. [Gr.l Very serious and taciturn the first day; the next day every- thing seems to her funny and ludicrous. [Gr.] Great merriment, so that she could have danced, half an hour after the weeping. [Gr.] At first great merriment for two days; everything seems joyful, she could have laughed at the most sad things; then on the third day great sadness, in the morning and evening, with weeping, even about joyful and ludicrous matters, also when she is addressed. [G^^'] Involuntary inclination to whistle and sing. IGr.'] 30. While the mind is cheerful, the body suffers, and vice versa when the mind is affected, the body feels well. [Gr.^ Sensation of augmented strength, mental tranquility and dis- position to think. IG7^.^ Very cross, and readily becomes passionate; he could have cudgeled innocent persons. [_G7^.^ Very cross and irritated at harmless matters and words; so that she at times would have liked to have beaten herself and friends. [Gr.^ Vacillation of mind. [_Gr.^ PI^ATINA. 1303 35. Illusion of the imagination; on entering the room after walking for an hour, everything around her seemed very small and all persons physically and bodily inferior to her, but she herself great and lofty in body; the room appears to her gloomy and disagreeable; attended with anxiety, gloomy and cross humor, a whirling vertigo and discomfort in her surround- ings which before were pleasant to her; in the open air, in the sunshine, everything vanishes at once. [Gr.'] Contemptuous, pitying looking down on people at other times respected, with a certain disdain, in parox^^sms, against her will. [G^.] During this caprice of contempt, suddenly a voracious hunger and eager, hasty eating; at the usual meal-time there is then no appetite, she eats without relish. [Gr.] Haughty, proud feelings. [^Gr.~\ Indifferent, cold, abstracted in company of friends, in the open air; she only answers when she has to, and only reflects after- ward whether her answer had been proper; her thoughts were always absent, without her being conscious on what they dwelled. IGr.] 40. Indifference, he felt unconcerned as to whether his absent wife would die or not. ^Gr.^ She feels as if she did not at all belong to her family; after a short absence everything appears to be quite changed. [Gr.] Absent-mindedness; she listens to conversations, but at the end she knows nothing about them. [^Gr.'j Great absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, she does not even hear what is spoken before her, even when she is addressed emphatically and repeatedly. \_Gr.^ Indisposed to mental work. lGr.~\ 45. Muddled feeling, especially in the forehead. [_Gr.'] The head feels pre-occupied. [G^r.] Dull, painful muddled feeling in the forehead. [6^r.] Dull, pressive pre-occupation of the head, as if there was a board before the head, frequently. [&.] Vertigo, in transient fits, in close succession, in the evening, while standing, as if he would lose his consciousness. \_Gr.~\ 50. Severe vertigo, so that she dare not move her e3^es, more by day than by night, mostly with palpitation. Headache, after the vertigo, like tearing and rending to pieces. Transient headache, above the left eyebrow. \_Gr.~\ The head aches as if in a vise, with a dull pain. [Gk~\ Tensive numb sensation in the whole sinciput, as after a blow, extending to the nasal bone. [Gr.] 55. Sensation of numbness in the sinciput, as if constricted, in a warm, crowded room; aggravated even to a severe dull burrowing, pressing the head together, with annoyed impatience, and heat in the upper part of the body, especiall}^ on the head, as if the sweat of anguish would break out; in the evening in the cool air ho feels unusual heat, and when starting to walk, a painful concus- sion of the brain, as from a ball beating against the skull: after- 1304 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. ward while lying in bed, a fluttering in the ears; then he goes to sleep, the pains having abated. [Gr.'] A spasmodic contraction suddenly darts from the right temple to the left; then a sensation of numbness, as if the head was bandaged too tightly, with tremulousness of both sides of the head. [Gr.'] Cramp-like pain in the right temple, in the afternoon. [6^r.] Cramp-like pain in the forehead, as if it was in a vise. lGr.~\ Cramp-like drawing constriction in the head, occasionally, especially about the forehead; it begins weak, augments to violence, then again decreases. [6^^.] 60. Cramp-like pressure, inwards, in the temple. [6^r.] Cramp-like tension in the temples, as if thev were in a vice. [Gr.] ' Compression of the forehead, in paroxysms. iGr.j Violent pressure in the forehead, as if everything was coming out, with a sensation of a load upon the head, which closed the eyes and pressed out tears; aggravated by bending forward and by the least motion of the head; before the fit, there is great anguish about the heart, then she feels as if struck on the forehead, so she cannot speak; with increasing anguish, with burning heat and in- tense redness of the face and violent thirst, with augmented head- ache till ten o'clock; this recurred for several days about the same hour. [Gr.] Transient pressure inward, on the middle of the crown. \_Gr.^ 65. Dull, sudden pressure inward into the left side of the forehead (aft. 3h.). [Gr.-] Undulating pressure inwardly in the left temple. l_Gr.^ Pressure below the right frontal protuberance, increasing and decreasing by paroxysms. \^Gr.~\ Pressive headache, as if water was in her head, wakes her at midnight; attended with great dryness and severe scraping in the throat, great crossness and a general perspiration in large drops, especially in the face. [Gr.'] Pressure, with a dull burrowing, in the left half of the fore- head, after dinner, while walking in the open air, and then also continuing in the room. [Gr.] 70. Sudden contusive pain on a small spot on the left parietal bone. [Gr.] Dull pressure in the right parietal bone as if a peg was stick- ing in it. [Gr.] Pressive cramp-like pain in the left temple, commencing mild, increasing and diminishing. [Gr.] Pain as from a blow on the right anterior side of the head. [Gr.] Transient pain as from a contusion, on the right frontal emin- ence. [Gr.] 75. Cramp-like drawing from the left side of the occiput to the lower jaw, through the head. [Gr.] Jerking drawing on the right and the left sides of the head. IGr.] PIvATlNA. 1305 Drawing from the left side of the forehead into the temple, where it presses. [_Gr.~\ Sharp stitches in the left side of the head, in the evening in bed. [Gr.] Single dull stitches in the sinciput. \_Gr.^ 80. Dull, corrosive shooting on a small spot of the left parietal bone, in paroxysms. [6^r.] Burning pricking as from a needle in the left temple, going off by scratching. \_Gr.'] Violent boring in the middle of the forehead gradually be- coming less and disappearing. \_Gr.^ On the top of the crown, a dull pain, as if the scalp was be- ing contracted and as if a heavy weight lay upon it (aft. j^ h. ). Crawling, like formication in the right temple, then down the side of the lower jaw, with sensation of coldness. [Gr.'] 85. Burning on the head. [^Gr,'] Painful drawing on various parts of the head. [_Gr.~\ Painfulness of the integuments of the head, unbearable, at night, as if he was lying on hard stones; he had to sit up. A chill runs over the occiput down to the cheek, where there is a dull burning pain; then there is a drawing in a hollow tooth. [Gr.] Above the right orbit, an undulating, stupefying pressure. [Gr.] 90. Intermitting cramp-like pain, beside the exterior border of the right orbit. [6^r.] Pain as after a blow, on the arch of the right orbit. \_Gr.'] Erosive gnawing, as if rubbed open, on the upper margin of the orbit. [6^n] Tensive pain in the upper margin of the orbits, and in the eyeballs which feel compressed. \_Gr.] Burning sensation of heat in the eyes, with drowsiness, as if they would close; on closing the eyes, less pain; on attentiveh^ looking at an object, sensation as if water was gathering in them; more in the room than in the open air. \_Gr,^ 95. Drowsy pressure in the eyes, in the forenoon, without inclina- tion to sleep (aft. 2 h.). [6r>.] Frequent formication in the right canthus; he has to rub it. Erosion and a sensation of coldness in the right eye. [<^^'''.J Quivering of the eyelids. [Gr.] Sensation as if a grain of sand had gotten into the right eye, she must wink. [Gr.] 100. Painless drawing about the left eye, with dimness of vision as through gauze, and a sensation as if the eye was glued fast together. [6^r.] Pain of the eyes in the evening by candle-light, and when looking attentively at anything; they first itch, so that she nmst rub, then they begin to suppurate, are very painful; there is a glittering and quivering before them, so that she does not see any- thing, and must close her eyes, when she falls avSleep. [Crr.] i3o5 ha^hnemann's chronic diseases. Straining, cramp-like pain in the ear, in both ears. [Gr.'] Tearing, drawing and dull shooting in the right ear, a sort of straining pain. [6^?".] Dull shooting in the right meatus auditorius, in paroxysms. [Gr.] 105. Dull shooting jerks in the right external ear, with a sensa- tion of numbness and coldness, extending through the cheek into the lips, [(^r.] Sensation as if cold air drew into the right ear. [6^r.] Burning heat of the ears, sensible also externally, wath red- ness. [6^^.] Burrowing in the right ear and jerking drawing in the left ear. [6^r.] Erosive gnawing about the left lobule of the ear; he must rub. [Gr.] iio. Erosive formication in the right meatus auditorius (aft. i h.). LGr.-\ Ringing in the ears. Ringing in the ears, then tearing in them. [Gr.'] Eoud ringing and formication in the right ear, for some time, [Gr.] Buzzing in the ears, with stitches in the head. 115. Spitting (as of cats) in the ears, as if the}' were stopped up, aggravated b}^ the least noise, so that she hears spoken words with difficulty. Roaring in the right ear. \_Gr.^ Rushing sound in the right ear, as from the pinion of a great bird. [Gr.] Fluttering and dull rolling in the ears every morning, and later on, also everj^ evening after bdng down, for several weeks, at the same hour, [6^r.] Fluttering in the right ear, with a cramp-like pressive muddled feeling of the head. [Gr.^ 120. Thundering jerks in the right ear, like the roar of far-off cannons. \_Gr.'] On the nose, erosion, as from something acrid. Cramp-like pains on the right side of the nasal bone, with a numb sensation. \_Gr.~\ Cramp-like twitches in the left ala nasi, in rhythmical inter- vals. [_Gr.^ Pulling on the nose, above the left ala nasi, as if he was pulled by a hair, then sensation of numbness, as if a hair had been torn out. [6^r.] 125. Face, pale and sunken. lGr.~\ Pale, wretched appearance; for several days. [_Gr.~\ lintense hsat of the face, the eyes burned and itched violently. Burning heat of the face with glowing redness, with great dryness of the mouth, with violent thirst, pressive headache, and dizzy quivering before the eyes, with lachrymation; for several evenings; from 5 to 9 o'clock. [_Gr.^ PLATINA. 1307 Heat of the face and of the whole head, sultriness and dull pain in the forehead; she cannot contain herself. [Gr.'\ 130. Sensation of coldness, formication and numbness in the whole of the right side of the face. [Gr.^ Cramp-like, painful sensation of numbness in the left zygoma. [Gr.] Tensive sensation of numbness in the zygomata and the mas- toid processes, as if the head was in a vise. [6^n] Dull, stupefying pressure in the right zygoma and that half of the nose. [6^?.] Dull pressure as from contusion on the left mastoid process, on pressing upon it. [Gr.^ 135. Burning fine stitch in the left cheek; he must scratch. [6^r ] Itching stitch in the skin of the cheek, as from a splinter, at once going off by rubbing. [6^r.] Erosion on the cheeks; soon recurring, after scratching, to which it incites. [Gr.'j On the chin, below the corner of the mouth, dull, painful sen- sation of coldness. ^Gr.'] In the upper lip, intermitting, cramp-like twitching, in the morning, in bed. lGr.~\ 140. Sore gnawing about the mouth, inciting to scratching,' as after shaving with a dull razor. [6^r.] Water- vesicles on the outer border of the lower lip, with smarting pain (aft. 6 h.). [6^r.] A vesicle on the inner edge of the upper lip, with a violent shooting pain only when touched. ^Gr.^ Dry upper lip, as if burned. [_Gr.~\ Great dryness and roughness of the lips. \_Gr.^ 145. Peeling off of the lips and bleeding, for many days, with vio- lent excoriative pain in the open air. [6^r.] Excoriation on the lower lip, just below the vermilion, as if rubbed sore. \^Gr.'} Erosion on the inner side of the lip, with painful sensation of looseness of the upper teeth. [6^r.] Erosion on the inner surface of the lower lip and on the gums of both jaws. [Gr.~\ In the chin, tensive sensation of numbness, as if in a vise. [Gr.-] 150. bull jerks in the chin, as if it was knocked upward. \_Gr.~\ Slowly intermitting dull thrusts on the lower part of the chin. Sore, erosive gnawing on the chin; he must rub it. iGr.j Eittle bluish-red reticulation of veins on the chin, as from varicose veinlets, without pain, for several days. [_Gr.^ On the lower jaw on the left side, a cramp-like pain. \_Gr.~\ 155. Cramp-like pain on the lower edge of the lower jaw, un- changed by moving, [6^r.] Toothache with transient, cramp-like drawing through the lower and upper rows of teeth. \^G?'.~\ Numb pain in the left lower row of teeth, in the morning after rising. [Gr.'] 1308 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Constant, burrowing drawing in a hollow incisor and in a sound one. [Gr.^ Drawing and throbbing in a molar, first in the upper, then in the lower row, as if it w^ere hollow. [_Gr.'\ 160. Jerking drawing, first on the right side of the neck, then in a hollow tooth, at last in the ear, where there is a dull jerking shooting. [_Gr.^ His mouth all day feels sticky and slimy, especially after eat- ing, also in the morning, attended with a good deal of ill humor. [Gr,] Gathering of water in the mouth, at times. [Gr.'] Burning under the tongue or also on its right side. [Gr.~\ Formication on the tongue. [6^r.] 165. Sensation on the upper side of the tongue as if burnt, much increased by rubbing over it with the teeth. \_Gr.~\ Scrapy in the throat as if raw, in the evening, after lying down and on the following day, at times with an incitation to a hacking cough. [6^r.] Painful sensation of rawness in the throat, as if a piece of skin was hanging down, when not swallowing and during empty de- glutition. [Gr.] Excoriation, as if raw and sore in the right half of the palate, with crawling in the left nostril. [Gr.'] Scraping in the throat, as for coryza, or as from eating smart- ing food; she has often to clear her throat, causing a shooting pain. tyo. A slight pain in the throat quickly passes on as a sensation of heaviness drawing through the head. [Gr.] Cramp-like drawing in the throat, around the os hyoides, as if everything was constricted. [Gr.] Pressure in the throat, as if it was being constricted. [Gr.] Sensation as if the uvula were elongated. [Gr.] Painful swelling on the right tonsil. 175. Mucus in the throat, occasionally, during the scraping; she has to clear her throat. [Gr.] Sweet taste on the tip of the tongue. [Gr.] Almost constantly hungry. Lack of appetite. [Gr.] She loathes food, accompanied with a weeping mood. [Gr.] 180. There is relish for the first morsels, but soon fullness and satiet3\ [Gr.] She is satiated at once in the evening, on account of great sadness; later on she eats. [Gr.] Though he has a desire for tobacco, there is no relish, and soon there is an aversion for it. [Gr.] After a meal, pinching in the umbilical region as for diarrhoea. [Gr.] Empty eructation, in the morning, before breakfast. [Gr.l 185. PVequent eructation of air, at any time. [Gr.] Empty eructation, with a hungry stomach (aft. ^ h.). [Gr.] Loud eructation of air, before and after meals. [Gr.] PLATINA. 1309 Hiccuping, eructation and passage of flatus after eating. \_Gr.] Sudden eructation of a bitter-sweet liquid, causing him to choke, so that he had to cough, with long continuing scraping in the throat; also after dinner. [6^r.] 190. Sensation of loathing in the gastric region. \_Gr.~\ Qualmishness in the gastric region, in the morning, [6^r.] Nausea and qualmishness in the scrobiculus cordis before eat- ing, which afterward goes down into the abdomen with a slight pinching. [Gr.'] Nausea, while there is appetite for the food (which tastes norm- ally). [Gr.] Constant nausea, with great weariness, anxiety and sensation of trembling through the -whole body, in the fore- noon. [6^r.] 195. Inclination to vomit, without vomiting, aggravated in parox- ysms, with great qualmishness and fatigue of the lower limbs. In the gastric region, visible stitches, like muscular subsultus. [Gr.] Pressure in the pit of the stomach, also when touched. [Gr.] Pressure in the pit of the stomach after eating (bread and butter), as from undigested food. \_Gr.'] Fullness in the stomach and abdomen, in the morning before breakfast, as if from overloading the stomach, with much empty eructation. \_Gr.'] 200. Sensation in the scrobiculus cordis, as if she had swallowed too much air, with rising up to the pit of the throat and abortive effort at eructation, much aggravated at every empty deglutition. Inflation of the scrobiculus cordis and of the stomach, with a sensation of scratching and tearing in pieces in the stomach. Pressive drawing pain below the scrobiculus cordis, as from a strain in lifting. [Gr.^ Contractive pain about the scrobiculus cordis, as if laced too tightly, so that she could not breathe for it. [_Gr.'] Painful sensation about the scrobiculus cordis, as if laced too tightly, with an inclination to eat, as if that would make it go off. [Gr,] 205. Oppression about the scrobiculus, unaffected bv respiration. Pinching in the precordial region, immediately followed by pressing down toward the hypogastrium, like flatulent burrowing; it only went off after a movement of flatus, which was not, how- ever, emitted till later and with difficult}'; the sensation in the groin kept recurring with the distention of the abdomen. lGr.~\ Crawling in the pit of the stomach, extending up to the throat, as from swallowing feathery dust; she had to retch. [Gr.] Itching writhing in the gastric region; it goes oft" bv friction. [Gr.] Fermentation in the gastric region. 210. Dull, hammering beating in and beside the scrobiculus cordis, on a costal cartilage (at once). lGr.~\ 131O HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Violent stitches on the right side, beside the scrobiculus cordis. [Cr.] Dull thrusts in the scrobiculus cordis. \^Gr.~\ Violent, dull shooting thrusts in the scrobiculus cordis, in slow paroxysms (aft. ){ h.). [6^r.] Gnawing and writhing in the stomach, in the morning, with voracious hunger and gathering of water in the mouth; not re- lieved b\^ eating. [6^r,] 215. Pain in the abdomen, toward morning, aggravated by raising himself in bed, and then gradually ceasing. [6^r.] Abdomen much inflated in the evening. Distended abdomen after dinner. \_Gr.'} Cramp-like distention of the abdomen, in various places, like large bubbles, in other spots cramp-like drawing inward and de- pression of the abdomen. Sensation in the whole of the abdomen, as if laced too tightly. 220. The whole of the abdomen is pinched together in the umbili- cal region; this extends into the back. [6^r.] Painful pinching together under the left short ribs. lGr.~\ Jerking pinching, now here, now there, in the abdomen. IGr.] Jerking drawing in the right side of the abdomen, with some arrest of breathing. \^Gr.~\ Pinching in the umbilical region, as from incipient diarrhoea. [Gr.2 225. Jerking pinching in both sides of the abdomen, relieved by passage of flatus. \_Gr.^ Cntting and pinching about the umbilicus, as from flatulence; this then draws downward, with urging to stool and emission of flatus. [Gr.] Cutting pain darts quickly through the abdomen, followed by w^eariness in the knees. \_Gr.^ Drawing through the abdomen, from the chest toward the groins, coming together in the genital parts with pains. \_Gr.^ Writhing about the navel, with oppression of breathing and tremulous sensation throughout the whole of the bod5\ \^Gr.'] 230. Very painful stitch, deep in the abdomen, above the navel, when raising himself suddenly after crouching down. [G^r.] Dull stitches in the middle of the navel. [6^r.] Dull intermitting thrusts in the abdomen, just below the short ribs. {_Gr.^ Stitches in the abdomen, in the morning. Fine shooting in the right side of the abdomen, when hdng upon it, it passes forward into the umbilical region and into the left side; aggravated by lying on the left side. \_Gr.~\ 235. Pain in the abdomen as from fright, after a sensation of anxiety'in the whole of the abdomen; with urging as for diarrhoea, though only some ordinary faeces are discharged with a great effort. [G^.] Slight burning about the umbilicus. [6^r.] PIvATlNA. T3II Sudden burning darting down in the right side of the abdo- men. [Gr.^ Burning sensation on a small spot of the left side of the ab- domen, in paroxysms. l_Gr.^ Externally on a small spot of the abdomen, transient twitches, like a dull thrust (at once). [^Gr.~\ 240. Dull pain, as from a thrust, in the middle of the abdomen, below the navel. [Gr.^ Dull pressure on a left short rib; with a pain as from a blow or fall, after pressing upon it. \_Gr.^ Beating, like dull thrusts, on a lower true rib. \_Gr.'] Moving about in the abdomen, like the burrowing of flatus. Growling in the epigastrium, in the morning before breakfast (aft. J4h.). [G;.] 245. Clucking in the abdomen, in the morning before breakfast, as from a liquid, with pinching restlessness in the intestines (7th d.). [Gn] The flatus only passes with difficulty and sparingly, and always accompanying the stool. ^Gr,'] A flatus is discharged with a sensation as if diarrhoea would ensue. [_Gr.^ Short, abrupt passage of flatus, usually only with an exertion of the abdominal muscles. [6^r.] Frequent emission of inodorous flatus. {_Gr.'] 250. Much emission of flatus during the day. Constipation, even lasting for several days. lGr.~\ Constant tenesmus. [_Gr.~\ Frequent urging, with slight stool, which is discharged only in lumps after severe pressing, with a painful sensation of weak- ness, and a feeling of turgidity in the abdominal muscles. \_Gr.~\ Ineffectual call to stool. [6^r.] 255. The stool is difficult, with much colic, burning and protrusion of the varices of the anus. Hardened stool, as if burned, with slight urging before and after. [Gr.] Scanty evacuation of a tough stool, cohering like cla}^ after long pressure and straining of the abdominal muscles (aft. 2 h.). IGr.-] Pappy stool in the morning, half digested and somewhat bloody, then increased tension in the left hypochondrium and in the sacrum. Pappy stool, in the evening, with discharge of ascarides. 260. With urging to stool, a piece of a tape-worm is passed. Stool every two days, with much pressing and at times with blood. Stool rather thin, with slight straining in the anus before and afterward. [6^?'.] Stool thinner than usual, passing;- quicklv and violontlv. [Gr.] Forcible, noisy expulsion of stool, after dinner, tnst thui, then firm, with more intense urging, in pieces which nuist be 13 I 2 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. squeezed out singly, so dry as to be almost friable; after the pass- age shaking and shuddering especially in the trunk, and after ris- ing, slight pain and sensation of weakness about the umbilicus. 265. Even when the stool is not hard, severe straining and then every time, a violent stitch in the anus, with subsequent spasmodic contraction of the nates, extending toward the sacrum; she has to stop pressing, owing to the pain. \_Gr.'] After the passage of a stool and of urine, he shakes with a shudder in the head, chest and arms (aft. 2 h.). [6^^.] Much discharge of blood from the anus. Crawling tenesmus in the anus, as from diarrhoea, every evening before going to sleep, about the same time. \_Gr.'] Crawling and itching in the anus, in the evening, as from ascarides, for three weeks. [Gr.l 270. Burning in the rectum, during stool, and then intense itching there. Severe dull stitches, anteriorly in the rectum, so that she feels like screaming. [6^r.] Transient sensation as from diarrhoea, up the rectum; it goes off after the emission of flatus. [Gr.^ Violent pressing in the rectum, without stool. \_G}\'] The urine flows slowl}- , but he must urinate frequently. 275. Pale-3^ellow urine, in the morning; in the afternoon, clear as water, [(^r.] Very red urine, with w^hite clouds. The urine becomes turbid and colors the sides of the vessel red. By the side of the parts, an erosive gnawing, as if rubbed open. \_Gr.'] On the scrotum, frequently an erosive gnawing, as if rubbed open, so that he has often to change its position; even while Udng in bed; for manv days. \_Gr.'] 280. Erections toward morning. \_Gr.'] Constant erections in sleep, with amorous dreams (aft. 6 d.). iGr.-] Constant nocturnal erections, without emission of semen, and without lewd dreams. \_Gr.'] Coitus with very little enjoyment, and very brief. In both the groins, a painful drawing, as if the menses would set in. [Gr.'] 285. Pressure in the hypogastrium, with qualmishness, as before the appearance of the menses. [6-'r.] Painful pressing down toward the sexual parts, as for the menses, at times with tenesmus, drawing through the groins above the hips to the sacrum, where there is a long-continued pain. [Or.-] Painful sensitivenss and constant pressure on the mons veneris and in the sexual parts, with internal, almost continuous shudder- ing chill, and a coldness, sensible externally (except in the face.). [.Or.-] PI^ATINA. 13 13 In the indurated uterus, cramp and shooting. In the evening in bed, the urging for the menses disappears at once, but it returns again in the morning, immediately after ris- ing. [Gr.] 290. Cutting in thehypogastrium, as for line menses, with drawing headache (at once.). \_Gr.~\ On the second da}^ of the menses, *.. Aic, then pressing-down in the groins, alternating with pressure in the sexual parts, with increased congestion of blood and discharge of blood \^Gr.^ With a copious flow of the menses, urging in the hypogas- trium, with ill-humor. Menses too early by six days, attenued with diarrhoea. Menses too early by fourteen days i.ad very copious. \_Gr.^ 295. The menses, suppressed for mont'js, reappear after eleven days. Menses too early by six days ^^at once in the evening), lasting eight days, with drawing pain in the abdomen on the first day. \_Gr.~\ On the first day of the menses, discharge of much coagulated blood. Voluptuous crawling in the sexual parts and on the abdomen, with anxious oppression and palpitation; then painless pressure below in the sexual parts, with languor, and stitches in the sinci- put. [Gr.} lycucorrhoea, like the white of eggs, without any sensation; only by day, at times after micturition, at times after rising from a seat. ^ i[c:^ >!<>!< :^^ ^ 300. Tingling in the nose, with ineffectual incitation to sneezing and with lachrymation; he must rub it. [6^-^.] Stuffed coryza in one nostril; then, while walking in the open air, fluent coryza with sneezing; then in the same way, stoppage in the other nostril, followed by fluent coryza. [Gr.'] More secretion of mucus in the nose. [_Gr.] Sudden arrest of breathing in the throat, as when walking against a sharp wind. [6^r.] Oppression of breathing, with a warm rising from the scrobi- culus cordis to the pit of the throat; she has to breathe deeply; attended with a hoarse voice which goes off again after the op- pression. [_Gr.'] 305. Great oppression and anxiety in the chest, with frequent warm rising from the scrobiculus cordis into the pit of the throat. [Gr.] Weakness of the chest, as if the breath would give out. she breathes deeply, but cannot breathe deeph^ enough, because impeded by the weakness of the respirators^ organs. [(rr.~\ Lack of breath, on taking a short walk. [Gr.~\ Deep breathing, from a sensation as if a load lay on the chest. lGr.~\ Frequent deep breathing, without anxiety or oppression of the chest. {_G?\~\ 84 T314 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 310. Asthma, as if she was laced too tight, with difficult, slow res- piration. [6^r.] Pressive pain in the chest, as after straining in lifting. [6^r.] Cramp-like pain in the left side of the chest, gently in- creasing and decreasing. [Gr.'l Dull thrusting pressure in the left half of the chest, partly under the axilla, partly in the middle of the chest, unaffected by the respiration (aft. 3 h. and on 8th d.). {_Gr.'\ Intermitting cramp-like pressure in the chest, below the right clavicle. [_Gr.^ 315. Dull thrusts on a costal cartilage on the left side near the lower part of the sternum. \_Gr.'] Cutting thrusts upward, in the right half of the chest. \_Gr.~\ Dull pressure on a small spot of the upper part of the chest. Dull, painful stitch, frequently in the right side of the chest, especially on inspiring (aft. 5 h. ). [Gr.'] Sudden stitch in the left side of the chest, below^ the top of the shoulder, so that he started up. [_Gr.^ 320. Burning betw^een two of the left ribs, on the chest, at rhyth- mical intervals. lGr.~\ Burning and shooting in the lower part of the heart. Twitching pricking on a spot on the right side of the chest, recurring after scratching. [6^r.] Sensation in the chest of fasting, as after rising too early; this lasts long after rising, and is gradually aggravated, with nausea; it goes off about noon. \_GrA In the coccyx, sensation of numbness, as after a blow% while sitting. [^Gr.~\ 325. Cramplike pain in the sacrum; when pressing on it, a contu- sive pain. [G^r.] Pain in the sacrum, as if it was broken, especially sensible on bending backward. \_Gr.'} Pain in the back and sacrum as if broken, after walking for one hour. ^Gr ] Dull pressure as from a peg, on the right side, beside the middle of the spine; when pressing on it, a pain as in a sore wound, long-continuing. [_Gr.~\ Dull pressure and slowd}^ intermitting dull thrusts in the middle and in the left side of the back. [6^r.] 330. Hxcoriative shooting on the right half of the back, as from needles (7th d.). [6^r.] Sensation on the left side of the back, as if it was rubbed open, while sitting, with burning, dull, intermitting stitches. [Gr.'] In the right scapula, jerking drawing through the whole of the arm, extending into the hand. [6^r.] Intermitting sensation of pressive soreness, on the outer border of the right scapula (aft. ^ h.). \_Gr.~\ Pressure with sensation of coolness on the lower end of the left scapula. [Gr.'] 335. Pain as from a blow on the top of the left shoulder, begin- PLATINA. 1 3 15 ning weak, gradually increasing and as gradually decreasing. Pressive pain on the top of the right shoulder, as if he had carried a heavy load upon it. Weakness of the nape, the head sinks forward. Weakness in the nape, as if she could not hold up her neck. Sensation in the nape of a tensive numbness, close to the oc- ciput, as if there was a ligature (aft. 3 h. ). \_Gr.^ 340. Cramp in the posterior cervical muscles as from a hard couch, worse on moving. [6^r.] Cramp-like pain on the side of the neck, on turning it toward the shoulder. [(Jr.] In the goiter, a slight tickling and aching, especially on touch- ing it (at once). [6^r.] In the top of the shoulder, great weakness. Cramp-like pain, just beside the top of the shoulder, as also in the chest, as if everything was tightly constricted. {_Gr.'\ 345. Sharp stitches in the top of the shoulder, so that his arm twitches, and he almost had to let it sink down. [_Gr.'] Relaxation of both arms as if she had held something heavy, relieved by moving them to and fro, but at once recurring while at rest, with drawing as if by a thread, extending from the top of the shoulder into the hand. [_Gr.^ Pain of the arms as if bruised and shattered. Sudden paralysis, as after a blow, on a small spot, now on the right, now on the left arm. \_Gr.~\ Heaviness in the arms. 350. As if paralyzed in the left arm, so that she inclined to let it sink down, much worse on resting her arm on the chair in sit- ting; also in merely resting the shoulder against it. [6^r.] Weariness and weakness of the left arm, with drawing in it. [Gr.] Burning in the right arm from the top of the shoulder into the wrist. [Gr.~\ In the upper arm, a dull pain as from a blow, most sensible on moving and stretching it. [6^r.] A small, painless blue spot on the left upper arm, which soon becomes smaller and dark-red. [6^r.] 355 On the elbow, erosive burning, as if scraped or rubbed with a woollen cloth. [_Gr.~\ Pain in the right elbow, seemingl}^ in the periosteum. \_Gr.] Pain just above the elbow-joint, as from a contusion or a blow, with an undulating increase and decrease (aft. 10 m.) [_Gr.~\ Cramp-like pain in the fore-arm, on resting the elbow on some- thing. [Gr.'] Twitching pain in the shaft of the left radius in the tendon, close to the wrist-joint, in every position, in paroxysms. \_(rr.~\ 360. Paralytic sensation in the right fore-arm, drawing from above downward. [<^?'.] Pain in the right fore-arm, while the fingers are drawn in- ward on straightening the arm. [Gr.] 13 1 6 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Undulating, beating pain, on single spots of the bones of the fore-arm and the legs. \_Gr.^ Cramp-like sensation of rigidit}^ in the left fore-arm and the hand. [6^^.] Cramp-like, intermitting pressure on the flexing side of the left fore-arm. [6^r.] 365. In the hand, sensation as from ants, or as from a breath of cool air. [Gr.'] Cramp in the hand, on exerting it. [6^r.] Twitching cramp in the metacarpal bone of the thumb and in its joint, more violent when strongly moving it. lGr.~\ Trembling of the hand and the finger, on holding it out. [Gr.] Cramp-like pain in the hand, behind the first two fingers. [Gr.] 370. Cramp-like pain in the ball of the left hand. \_Gr.~\ Cramp-like pain in the hands and fingers, especiall}^ in the joints, chiefly on firmly grasping anything. [Gr.^ Cramp-like, rhythmical twitches, just below the exterior knuckle of the hand. [6^r.] Burning fine stitches in the metacarpal joint of the index; re- curring soon after the scratching to which it compels. [_Gr.'] Itching and corroding on the right wrist, so that he cannot scratch enough. [6^r.] 375. Itching pricking on the dorsa of the hands, going off after scratching. [_Gr.^ Burning pricking as of nettles, inciting to violent scratching. [Gr.] Cramp-like drawing in the right hand and index, by jerks. [Gr.] The fingers are drawn crooked, with painful drawing up the arm, when bending the arm downward. [Gr.~\ Acute sensation of numbness and trembling of the right thumb, in the morning, as from contusion. \^Gr.'] 380. Numbness of the little finger, for a considerable time. lGr.~\ Pain in the last phalanx of the index, as if a felon would break open. [6"n] Itching (griping) in the left index, forcing him to scratch. Formication on the inner side of the right thumb. [Gr.^ In the hip, right above the joint, a squeezing, tensive pain, as after a blow, increasing and decreasing in paroxysms. \_Gr.^ 385. In the lower limbs, muscular twitching, after a short walk, chiefly in the legs. \_Gr.^ Tendency to bare his lower limbs by night, although he does not feel too warm. [Gr.^ Formication as from going to sleep in the lower limbs, when they are crossed, while sitting. [6^r.] The thighs are painful as if broken, while the lower limbs are stretched out; with an undulating cramp-like darting through them, when drawing up the legs. [_Gr.^ Sensation of weakness, with tremulous restlessness in the PI^ATINA. 1 31 7 thighs, especially toward the knees, as after fatigue from walking; onh' while sitting. \_Gr.^ 390. Sensation of weakness in the thighs (and the whole of the lower limbs), as if bruised, with tremulous restlessness in them, while sitting and standing (aft. 2 h.). [6^r.] Straining of the thighs while sitting, as if bandaged too tightly, with sensation of weakness in them. [6^^.] Cramp-like pain in pulsating paroxysms in the middle of the thigh, while sitting down. [G^r,] Cramp-like sensation of numbness, as after a blow, on the anterior surface of the right thigh. \_Gr.'\ Cramp-like pain on the posterior side of the thigh, while sit- ting. [Gr.] 395. Cramp-like pain on the inner side of the right thigh. [6^r.] Bruised pain of the thighs. [_Gr.^ Bruised pain in the middle of the thighs, more when sitting than when w^alking. [G^r.] Drawing on the upper part of the left thigh; on treading, this is so violent that her limb gives way. [Gr.] Jerking drawing in the thighs, above the knees. [_Gr.~\ 400. Drawing and tearing toward both the thighs from the middle of the groin, much aggravated by touching, as w^ell as by inspira- tion. \_Gr.~\ Dull pain, as after a fall, on the upper part of the left thigh, while sitting (6th d.). [Gr.] In the knee, first drawing, then burning, and while treading, there is a sprained pain. [Gr.] Burning pricking on the right knee. [Gr.] Violent tension in the left hough, after walking quickly in the open air. [Gr.] 405. Dull pressure on the inner side of the left hough, while sit- ting with drawn up legs. [Gr.] Pain as after a severe blow, in the left knee. [Gr.] Contusive pain above the knee, on the left side. [_Gr.~\ Tremulous sensation of numbness, as if tied too tight, in the knees, extending to the foot. [Gr.] Sensation of numbness and weakness, like a dull pressure on the inner side of the left hough, while sitting. [Gr.] 410. Sensation of great \A;eakness in the knee-joints and around them, more when standing than when sitting, with vacil- lation. lGr.~\ Weakness in the knee-joints, even so that they give waj^, more when standing than while walking, worst when going up- stairs. [Gr.] Sensation of w^eakness in the knees, when walking; also in the thighs, when sitting, as after fatigue b}' walking. [6^;".] Painful sensation of weakness, just below the knee, when treading, in walking. [Gr.~\ In the legs below the knee, painful weariness, while sitting. [^''•] . ... 415. Excoriative pulsation in the middle ot the rii^lit log. on the anterior surface. [6>.] I318 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Cramp-like jerks down the legs, with sensation of rigidity, also in the feet, while sitting, especially in the evening. [6^r.] Acute blows down along the tibiae. [6^r.] Tremulous formicating restlessness in the legs, while sitting, with sensation of numbness and rigidit}^ especially ag- gravated in the evening and also in bed. [Gr.] Weariness of the legs, after a short walk, with oppression of the breath, more in the beginning of walking than later; at last nausea. IGr.'] 420. Cramp-like drawing through the right calf, on sitting down after a short walk. [6^r.] Straining and beating in the right calf, so that the foot trem- bles, while sitting. [G^r.] The feet are weary, with a sensation of swelling about the ankles; when sitting, the weariness extends with turgidity even into the calves, in the evening. \_G?^.~\ Pain in the ankle-joint, as from a misstep. [_Gr.^ Sensation of numbness and weariness in the feet, as after a strain in standing, only while sitting. [Gr.^ 425. Painful tearing on the dorsum of the left foot, with dull cut- ting right across the same. [6^^.] Tensive pain in the bend of the foot, when bending forward while standing. [6^r.] Erosion above the ankle-joint, on the outer side. [_Gr.^ Sore gnawing and erosion about the ankles, paining when touched by the dress as if raw and rubbed open. \_G?\^ Stinging erosion on a small spot of the sole; he must scratch. [^^:^ . . 430. Violent stitch above the ankle-joint, not alleviated by scratch- ing. [Gr.] Shooting in the balls of both the feet, in the evening after lying down, till midnight. \_Gr.~\ Painful pulling on the sole of the right foot while standing, and a formicating pressure imder the same, while sitting. [_Gr.'] Hard pressure on the bottom of the sole of the right foot, near the toes. [Gr.^ Cramp-like pain in the metatarsal bone of the right foot. [Gr.] 435. Cramp-like drawing in the rig-ht heel. [_Gr.'] Tremulous pain on a spot on the dorsum of the foot, as from an external pressure. [6^^.] In the big toe, pain as if it was bandaged too tight. \_Gr.~\ Cramp-like burning tension in the left big toe. [_Gr.^ Cramp-like drawing in the toes, especially in the big toes. [Gr.] 440. Cramp-like beating in the left big toe, at irregular intervals. [Gr.] Painful beating on the bottom of the little toe. lGr.~\ Tearing wdth picking, as in an ulcer, in the right toes, espe- cially in the big toe. \_Gr.^ Smarting itching on the bottom of the big toe. [^Gr.^ PIvATlNA. 1 3 19 Itching formication in the right big t02, so that she would like to always scratch. [6^r.] 445. Burning, crawling shooting on the bottom of the big toe, as from man}^ needles. [6^^'.] Sore pain in the (formerly frozen) balls of the toe, chiefly while walking. \^Gr.^ Swelling of the ball of the toes, with nocturnal tearing pain. Attack of nausea, while walking in the open air, especially when w^alking against the wind; relieved in the room, when rest- ing the head upon the table; but when raising it again, it is intol- erably aggravated, with a whirling vertigo, much aggravated when looking upward; at the same time the sight is dimmed as from smoke; when he lays down his head, there is at once a state inter- mediate between sleeping and waking, with vivid dreams; on rais- ing the head, everything disappeared. [G'r.] Pressive drawing pain, transversely across the precordial region, rising and decreasing in paroxysms, when it also darts into the middle of the upper arm, as if it was violently seized with paralysis and numbness of the arm; the pain in the side is in- creased by laughing, inspiration and pressure, and at every step there is a painful concussion there. lGr.~\ 450. Burning in the limbs, now here, now there. [_Gr.^ Drawing in various parts of the body in succession, now in the side of the chest, now in the occiput, then in the abdomen, the shoulders, etc. [^Gr.^ Transient stitches all through the body. Itching erosion, smarting pricking and burning tickling, here and there, especially in the arms, the hands and the scrotum, so that he cannot scratch enough, aggravated in the evening, when he gets into his bed. \_Gr.'] Burning pricking, here and there on the body, quickl}^ disap- pearing of itself (aft. i^ h.). [Gr.^ 455. Itching smarting all over the body, as if from vermin, not re- moved by scratching. lGr.~\ Pricking, now burning, now itching here and there, com- pelling him to scratch (aft. }4 h..). [Gr.] Aggravation of the symptoms in the evening, before going to bed. Painful sensation of numbness, as from a blow, here and there, especially on the head, always in small spots. [Gr.'] Contractive pain, here and there, however quicklv going off. [^'■•] . . . , 460. Cramp-like twitching, here and there, in the limbs, like beat- ing jerks. \_Gr.^ Transient, cramp-like drawing here and there, as from colds. [c;r.] The places seized by the cramp, when pressed upon, showed contusive pain. lGr.~\ Painful tremulousness of the whole body, with throbbing in the arteries. Occasional sensation of trembling all through the body, [(w'.] 1320 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 465. At first, sensation of trembling in the hands and feet, then chilliness and violent trembling of the whole of the bod}^, as in the most severe shaking chill, with chattering of the teeth; the face at the same time is warm, the hands cold. [6^r.] Tired, languid, exhausted. [_Gr.^ Weariness in the w^hole body, she is ready to fall over, and totters while standing. [6^^.] Sensation of great weariness, all over the body, as if she had slept too little. [6^r.] Weariness from the open air, disposition to sleep. \_Gr.^ 470. Staggering while standing, as if his legs had no firmness (aft. 2 h.). [6"r.] Weakness, especially while sitting, the feet feel tired out, full of tremulous unrest. lGr.~\ Lassitude, with a sensation in the face as if a cold sweat would break out. [_Gr.^ Extreme exhaustion and drowsiness, at once after dinner. [Gr.] Great inclination to violent, almost spasmodic yawning. IGr.] 475. Yawning in the afternoon, without drow^siness. \_Gr.'] P'requent yawning in the afternoon, so violent that her eyes water. [Gr.'j Violent yawning, after meals, so that her cervical muscles ache from it. [_Gr.] She has to extend and stretch herself, which feels very pleas- ant, in the afternoon. [6"/'.] Unusual exhaustion and drowsiness, in the evening. [6^?^.] 480. In the evening she is very sleepy, she falls asleep while talk- ing. [6"r.] Great drowsiness in the evening; as soon as she closes the eyes she dreams of far off, foreign things, but at once wakes up over them. [_Gr.~\ In the evening, great sleepiness; she goes to sleep over her reading and repeatedly awakes from her sleep, asking: What? be- cause she indistinctly heard the talk of those around her; at night she sleeps soundh^ without aw^aking from noise. [6"r.] Starting up, in the evening, after falling asleep while sitting. [Gr.] Late in falling asleep, not till after midnight, with tearing in the ball of the toes. [Gr.^ 485. He cannot go to sleep before midnight, the sleep then is short, with constant dreams. At night she wakes up as if stupefied, and it is long before she can gather her thoughts. She awakes at night as if dazed, and cannot think at all, where she is and what time it is. [<'^?".] Waking up at midnight, with ideas which he cannot get rid of, and which he anxiously holds fast; no sleep till morning. [G^r.] He awakes about midnight, tosses about, and does not find any position to suit him. [_Gr.^ PLATINA. 1 32 I 490. He awakes about midnight with melancholy thoughts, and with intense thirst, but goes to sleep again in an hour. [Gr.'] Anxious dreams, and when he quickly wakes up, gloomy thoughts and troubled images before his fanc}^ Anxious confused dreams of war and bloodshed. [Gr.^ She dreams about the death of her distant sister, and is as- tonished, that she had no foreboding about it. [6^r.] Dreams which are not remembered. [Cr.] 495. Incoherent dreams in the evening, when dropping off into a slumber. Dreams about a conflagration, she cannot get ready with her preparation to go there. [_Gr.'] Even in his noonday-nap, he dreams confusedly of ordinary matters, and on aw^aking, he cannot at once recollect what he dreamt. [Gr.~\ Sleeplessness after 3 A. m., no position suits him. [6^r.] She wakes up at 3 A. m., without any pains, and she soon goes to sleep again, for several nights. [_Gr,~\ 500. He awakes in the morning very peevish and anxious, as if something evil had happened to him in his sleep, and as if he had wept much. [6^r.] Sound sleep, with pleasant, well-remembered dreams. \_Gr.'] After a long, sound sleep, there is, nevertheless, drowsiness in the morning. [6^r.] Unusual long sleep in the morning. [6^r.] In the morning, on awaking, he lies with out-stretched lower limbs, or with thighs closely drawn up and knees wide apart, with one or both hands above the head, and always upon his back, with a great tendency to bare his thighs and con- stant erections. [6^?'.] 505. In the morning on awaking he lies with out-stretched lower limbs, with the right hand under his head, the left hand on the bare pit of the stomach, with a tendency to bare the thighs and the body, but without any heat. [6^r.] At night, restlessness in the abdomen, as from a cold. [_G?\^ At night, burning pain in the toes. [_Gr.'] In the morning on rising, yawning, though he had a long and refreshing sleep. lGr.~\ At night after rising, cramn and bending of the soles of the feet. [6>.] 510. At night, intense itching all over the body. Chill, in the evening while undressing, with chattering of the teeth. Chill in the evening before going to sleep, also in bed there is still some coldness; attended with restless sleep and frequent awak- ing with anxiety, a tremulous sensation through the whole of the body, nausea and headache. [6^^.] Constant sensation as if he would feel cold, with frequent shuddering passing down the lower limbs, especially in the open air, though this is warm. [<"/"?'.] A shaking chill all over the bodv, even down to the feet. [Gr] 1322 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 515. A chill runs over his back. [6^^.] Trembling from a chill, in the evening. [6^r.] Constant sensation of shuddering through the body, especially through the lower limbs. lGr.~\ Repeated chilliness from above downward over the arms and the whole body, as if from incipient goose-skin. [Gr.~\ A febrile shudder after 3- awning, runs through the ^vhole body. 520. A shaking chill runs over her, on coming into the open air from her room. ^Gr.'] Sudden shuddering in the head, chest and arms, after enter- ing into a moderately warm room. [_Gr.^ Chilliness in the forenoon, wnth drowsiness. [6^/'.] Chilliness and shuddering, alternating with flying heat, with peevish taciturnity, in the open air; later, an agreeable warmth all through the body, with return of cheerfulness. [Gr.] She suddenly feels quite hot, and she imagines that she looks ver}^ red, though she had only her usual color. 525. Repeated thirst for water and repeated drinking. [Gr.~\ Thirst, immediately after supper, so that she drinks very much at one time, which appeased the thirst. IG?'.~\ Perspiration during the sleep. [6^?'.] SARSAPARILLA. SASSAPARILLA. When Syphilis was being cured by immoderate doses of Mercury (even 300 years ago), the long, thin root of Smilax Sarsaparilla was casually discovered by the common people in South America to be of great use in the great derangement of health resulting thence. This has since been imitated in Europe in similar cases, but it is always ordered by the physicians in a boiled form It was, therefore, nec- essary, in order to get an effective medicine, frequently to use an ounce and more of this expensive root every day, an expense which only rich patients could afford; especially, w^hen the treatment had to be continued for years, as was sometimes the case. It was, as may be seen, not perceived, even in the course of several centuries, that the root, which in itself is very strong, loses almost all its effective parts by boiling. It was therefore no great loss for the patient, when the apothecary mixed in or substituted for the very expensive sarsaparilla root, the similar long and thin roots of the sea-zeed-grass (carex arenaria) which had no medicinal virtures at all, drawing an immense profit from the transaction. For a long time even the phy- sicians supposed that the root of the carex arenaria might with pro- SARSAPARII^LA. 1 323 priet}" be substituted for the sarsaparilla, because it also was a long, thin root, and probably of similar virtues. This was an arbitrary action of the fabricators of the common Materia Medica, having no foundation in fact, as they also decreed, that the bark of Salix and of JSsculus hippocastanum was of like medicinal virtue as the cin- chona bark. The truth is, that the genuine sarsaparilla, especially the brown kind which grows on Hayti (San Domingo), is a drug which is very powerful even in a small dose; but it must be given to the patient in some other form, and not as a decoction, as it thereby, as before mentioned, loses nearly all its virtue. Homoeopathy only uses the most genuine medicines (it needs but a small quantit}^ of each), and it uses them in their most effective form. The tinctures drawn out with alcohol from all the dry drugs, do not contain all of their medicinal virtues. I have become convinced of this by experience now for several years. We therefore scrape off one grain of the bark from a small piece of good sarsaparilla root which has not been kept on hand too long; the same is triturated for homoeopathic use with ninety-nine grains of sugar of milk to the hundred fold powder-attenuation, and so on to the millionth powder-attenuation; one grain of this in solution is then potentized further, as taught at the end of the first part of this work. In cases where Sarsaparilla was homoeopathically indicated, it also removed the following ailments, if they happened to be present: Nauseas, blood with the stool; cold feet before going to sleep; perspiration on the forehead, in the evening in bed; stuffed coryza of many years standing; bruised weariness of the hands and the feet. Smelling of Camphor is an antidote; Vinegar seems to aggravate the ailments in the beginning. The abbreviations are Br., Bruniier; Htm , Hartmann; Hrm., Herma7in; Ng,, A?io?iynious; Tth., Teiithorn; Sr., Dr. Schretcr} SARSAPARILLA. Dejected. Lachrymose, and very ill-humored, in the forenoon. The soul is extraordinarily affected by the pains, the spirit is oppressed, the mind troubled; he feels unhappy and groans invol- untarily. 1 In the Mat. Med. Para (vol. iv) Sassaparilla has thirty- four symptoms from Hahnemann and one hundred and eleven from four others. Nenuing then proved it (in his usual maunerl for Hartlauh nnd Triiiks' Ai-zurimitteUclue, the second volume of which contains throe hun- dred and forty-seven symptoms from him. In the present pathogenesis those are iucor^H-vr- ated, together with some new symptoms from Schretei\ — Hugius. 1324 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKRSES. Sad and dejected; engrossed in himself. [A^.] 5. Great anxiety, first in the head, then in the whole body, with trembling chiefly in the feet. [A^.] Inactive, languid, indisposed to work, awkward. Indisposed to work, sullen and hot in the face (at once.). Sullen, without disposition to work. \Tth.'\ Sullen, but disposed to work. [^Htin.'] 10. Taciturn peevishness. [^Hrm.'] Verv ill-humored, in the morning, with heaviness in the head. Very bad humor, all the day. [A^.J Disgusted with everything, she has no pleasure in anything^ only in the forenoon. [A^.] Extremely peevish, the fl}^ on the wall vexes him. 15. Ver}' much vexed and cannot forget vexatious matters. Readily insulted by a word. \_Ht?n.'] Very changeable mood, every two or three days. [A^.] More bright and cheerful than usual (ist, 2d d.). Very good-humored, merr}^ and joking all da}^ long. [A^.] 20. Disposed to work, in the afternoon. \_Sr.~\ More bright and cheerful than at other times (ist, 2d d.). [5r.] Absent-mindedness. Inability to do mental work (at once). Obscuration in the head, attended with flatulence. 25. Stupid feeling and heaviness in the head, at times, as if the temples were being pressed together. [A^.] Heaviness in the left temple. [Sr.'] The head feels somewhat heavy in the left temple, till noon. [Sr.-] Heaviness in the head with tension in the right side of the neck, especially on moving the head. [AJ"^.] Muddled feeling in the head when sitting for a while, with a mist before the e3'es, bruised sensation in the limbs, stuffing of the nose and troubled mind. \_Sr.~\ 30. The muddled feeling in the head always passed away toward evening. \_Sr.'\ Dull and muddled in the head, all the forenoon, in the after- noon peevish and ill-humored. Weakness in the head, as after a fever, with stupefaction. Vertigo; standing by the window, he suddenl}^ fell uncon- scious, backward to the ground; his throat also was swollen, there was sour eructation before and afterward, the chest felt oppressed, and in the following night, profuse perspiration. Vertigo frequenth', all the forenoon. [A^.] 35. Vertigo and staggering, as if intoxicated. [^\^.] Vertigo with nausea, in the morning when looking for a long time at an object. [A^.] Vertigo while sitting and walking; the head inclines to sink forward. \_H?^m.'] Headache, as from the pressure of a heav}^ load in the head which tends to sink forward. [/7r;;z.] SARSAPARILLA. 1325 Pressure in the left side of the forehead. 40. Pressure in the forehead and the occiput. \Htm.'\ Pressure on the left side of the head, especially in the temple, both when at rest and in motion. [///;;/.] Pressive pain, more in the upper part of the head, slowly in- creasing and decreasing. \Htm^ Squeezing, pressing pain in the forehead. \Htm.'\ Pressure and itching deep within the right half of the head, in the morning. [A^.] 45. Pressure and sensation of heaviness about the whole forehead, in the forenoon, and after dinner. [A^ ] Pressure with frequent stitches in the left side of the head, in the morning. [A^.] Pressure in the right frontal eminence, with fine stitches, slowly augmenting. \_Htm.'} Severe pressure in the right temple, with drawing stitches from the occiput toward the forehead. [^Htm.'] Violent pressure and stitches on the vertex, on the right side. \_Hrm.'] 50. Violent pressure, and then shooting in the left frontal emi- nence. [i//;/2.] Pressive, shooting pain on the temporal bone, aggravated b}^ touching. [//;;;/.] Dull headache, as if the head was bandaged or in a vise. [.Ng.-] The head feels as if screwed together in both sides of the head, after breakfast. [A^.] Spasmodic, onesided headache, beginning with flickering be- fore the eyes, while everything turns black; he is at the same time as if unconscious, has to lie down and cannot speak, as eveiy word resounds in the head. .55. Tearing in the whole frontal region, at times also deep in the brain, only when walking and talking. [A^.] Pressive tearing in the whole of the left side of the head. [Htm.'] Shooting tearing in the left side of the crown, [//r;;/.] Shooting tearing on the parietal bone, [//rw.] Shooting pain on the left side of the occiput, [///w.] '60. Shooting, extending from the right temple into the lower teeth. [A^.] Dull shooting in the left side of the head, extending to the neck. Violent shooting in the forehead, going off in the open air. iNg.-] Lively, fine stitches in the middle of the forehead. [////;/.] Penetrating stitches in the left frontal eminence, in the even- ing, [a:^-.] . . , ^ •65. A penetrating, frightening stitch in the right temple. [-^,C•] Shooting, now in the head, now in an ear. [A>.] Violent, pressive tearing stitches in the right side of the head, so severe as to cause him to shudder. [////;/.] 1326 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Throbbing headache in the evening; at night more severe, with violent nausea and sonr vomiting. Throbbing in the right frontal region, when walking in the open air. [A^.] 70. Beating in the head, till toward noon. [A^.] Severe throbbing in the right side of the head, deep in the brain. [A^.] Buzzing in the head, toward noon. [-/V^.] Fluttering and ebullition in the head. [A^.] Very warm in the head, during dinner, with sweat on the forehead. [A^.] 75. External pain of the head, like pressure and cutting. Pressive tearing on the head, here and there, aggravated by motion and walking. \_Hrm.'] Pressive drawing on the right temporal bone and the cartilage of the ear. [^Hrin.'] Shooting drawing, extending from the right mastoid process to the left frontal eminence. [7/r;;z.] Shooting drawing on the right parietal and temporal bones. \_H'rm.'\ 80. Dull shooting on the left temporal eminence. \_Hrm.'] Pulsating shooting on the forehead. Burning dull stitches on the left temporal bone. \_H'nn.'\ Pulling on the right side of the occiput. [A^.] The pains in the head are aggravated when it is touched and in walking. \_H'rm.'] 85. Falling out of the hair with great sensitiveness of the scalp, w^hen combing it. [^'V^.] Itching behind the hairy scalp. Pain in the eyes, when he looks at an3^thing by da^- light. In the morning all objects affect the e^'es. Pressure in the pupil in the evening, when reading b}' candle- light, w^hile the paper has a red sheen. 90. Pressure in the left eye, as from a grain of sand. [^'V^.] Pressure in the left eye, then also in the right e3'e, with dim- sightedness. [A^.] Shooting frequently in both eyes, as if there was dust or sand in them, it seems to be better in the open air. [A^.] Shooting in the e^^e, when closing the lids, and severe pain when pressing on the closed eyes; at the same time, a broad red streak from the cornea toward the outer canthus; the inner canthi look blue, and the right canthus is somewhat swollen. [A^.] Constant burning in the eyelids, at times alternating with pressive pain therein. 95. Violent burning and agglutination of the eyes, in the morn- ing on awaking. [A^.] Inflamed dry eyelids. Lachrymation, every other da}'. [A^.] Lachrymation b}' day; in the morning the eyes are glued to- gether (4th d.). [A-^.] Quivering in the right upper eyelid. 100. The pupils are dilated (aft. 2 h.). \TthP\ SARSAPARILLA. 1 327 Dim-sightedness, as in a fog (ist d.). \_JVg'.~\ A fog before the e3^es; he finds it hard to read. [//?i?i.'] Constant fog before his eyes (2d d.). [A^.] Great dimness of the left e3'e, as if there was a gauze over it. 105. In the ear, a violent pressing and squeezing, extending into the temple, where there is a pressure. [///;;^.] Contractive sensation in the right ear. \^///m.^ Painful contraction on the external right ear. \_//hn.'] Tearing in the right ear, in the morning (4th d. ). [A^.] Pressive tearing in the cartilage of the right ear and the ex- ternal meatus auditorius. [//r?;/.] no. Ulcerative pain deep in the left ear and about its anterior part. [A^^.] Violent dull shooting, deep in the right ear. [A^.] Dull shooting on the root of the right mastoid process, ceas- ing on couching it. [T/r;;?.] Violent itching in the outer left meatus auditorius, in the morning, not relieved by scratching. [A^.] Drawing and visible pulling in the lobule of the ears. [A^.] 115. Scurf on the lobule of the ear, first with burning pain, then itching. Tearing upward behind the left ear, frequently in the after- noon. [A^.] Shooting below and before the left ear, in the morning (6th d.). [A^^.] Tingling in the left ear. \_Htm.'] Ringing in the left ear, for some time (6th d. ). [A^.] 120. Inflammation and swelling of a gland under the right ear, which then passes into suppuration. [A^.] In the tip of the nose, pricking as from a needle. Itching eruption under the nose, as from an acrid discharge. Itching on the left side of the nose and about the eyes. Itching eruption under the nose. 125. Eruption in the left nostril, a sore nose. Bleeding of the nose, with a sensation as if little blisters in it cracked open. [A^.] Bleeding from the right nostril. Bleeding of the nose. [Brunnkr, in Rahn' s Magazin I.]^ Heat in the face, transient, with perspiration of the forehead and with heat on the chest and on the back, combined with needle- pricks from within outward, most frequent and severe on the neck. [Hrm^ 130. Drawing shooting tearing in the right masseter muscles, which seem to have contracted spasmodically. [///;;/.] Stiffness and tension in the chewing muscles and in the articu- lation of the jaws, on moving those parts. [AJ,''.] Pain in the face, as if beaten black and blue, on the lower border of both the orbits, in the morning on awaking, but only when pressing on them. [AV,] Fine stinging itching in the face and on the hairy scalp, as 1 Not accessible.— //w^/j^i-. 1328 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. also about the neck and the shoulders, with sensation of great warmth in those parts; after scratching it begins right away in another part. \Htm.'\ Pale red, rough spots, slightly elevated, on the forehead, as large as lentils, without itching. \Sr.'\ 135. Itching pimples on the cheek, which become inflamed all around, with intense burning; it formed a thick, large scurf, with tearing pains in the open air (aft. 19 d.). Pustules in the face, without sensation. \^Hrm.'\ Pustules in the middle of the forehead. [A^.] Itching pimples on the chin. [A'^^.] Itching vesicle below the chin. [A^.] 140. Eruptive pimples on the sides of the chin, with itching, soon forming pus in the apex. Clear vesicle on the right side of th(i lower lip. [A^.] Herpes on the upper lip, with pains as from man}^ pin-pricks. The jaws ache, as if the}^ were broken. Pressive shooting pain on the lower and inner edge of the lower jaw, but onh^ when touching it and Avhen bending the head backward, [//r?;^.] 145. Toothache, for two evenings in succes.sion. [A^.] The molars on both sides begin to ache. [A^.] The right upper teeth are very sensitive when biting with them. [A^.] Toothache on the right side, with crawling in the roots of the teeth; after picking the teeth till they bleed, the pain, which for a time has been violent, ceases, in the evening. [A^.] Drawing toothache in the right lower row, with heaviness of the head, especiallv on the right side, from morning till evening. {.Ng:\ 1 50. Tearing in the teeth from a cold draught or a cold drink. Shooting in a tooth which had been painful for some time before. [A'^.] The gums of the right lower row are painful, when smoking tobacco. [A^.] Tearing in the gums of the right lower row, in the evening. Shooting tearing in the gums and the root of the last lower molar on the right side. \HrinP^ 155. Swelling and sore pain of the gums on the inner side of the lower jaw. The tongue feels rough, several mornings on awaking; it passes off after eating. [A^.] Stitches in the tongue. The tongue has a w^hitish coat, in the morning, while the taste is normal. [^\^.] Aphtha on the tongue and on the palate. \_Sr7\ 160. Mouth slimy, in the morning. [A^.] Constant gathering of saliva in the mouth. [A^.] Dryness in the mouth, without thirst. [A^.] SARSAPARII,I,A. 1329 Dryness in the mouth and throat, in the morning, in bed. Tough mucus in the throat, in the morning, cannot be loosened by liawking, for several days. [A^.] 165. Constant hawking of mucus, in the morning; the mucus is constantly renewed. [A^^.] Pressive drawing pain in the soft palate, [^r;7^.] Dryness in the throat and shooting, when swallowing, in the morning. [A^.] Pain in the right side of the neck, with shooting in swallow- ing, as from the awn of an ear of barley, extending up on the side and passing out at the ear; it only ceases in the afternoon, after lying down. [A^.] Spasmodic urging in the throat, at night. [A^.] 170. Constrictive sensation in the throat and the chest with diffi- cult breathing, frequently during the day. [A^.] Spasmodic contraction of the throat; he has too loosen his clothes to get breath, and even this does not avail. [A^.] Rough and dry in the throat, in the morning, on awaking. Roughness in the throat, frequently recurring. [A^.] Roughness in the throat, every other day. [A^^.] 175. Continuous sweet taste in the mouth, for several days. [A^.] Sweet taste in the mouth, while smoking tobacco. [A^.] Bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning, after rising. [A^.] Bitter taste on the lower lip, in the morning (8th d.). Bitter taste of bread. \_Tth.'] 180. Bad, herby taste in the mouth. Metallic taste in the mouth, for two days, [^n] Flat, sweetish taste. [■5'r.] Nasty, very sour and slimy taste in the throat, in the morn- ing, like leaven. No appetite and no hunger, the food had too little taste, and he felt after the meal as if he had not eaten anything; as if the stomach lacked sensibility. 185. No appetite for breakfast (6th d.). [A^.] No hunger and no appetite at noon; he ate but little (2d d.). Better appetite than usual, for several days. [A^^.] No appetite for smoking tobacco, its taste seemed to him to- tally changed. [A^] Unusual lack of thirst, while eating (ist to 4th d.). [A^<,^-.] 190. Total lack of thirst, during the whole time. [A{i^.J Thirst, frequently by day. \_Ng.'] Thirst, at once in the morning, with general warmth ^ ;d d.\ Thirst for water in the afternoon, after a chill in the forenoon. Constant abortive eructation, [///w.] 195. Ineffectual efforts at eructation; with cramp like writhing in the stomach; just after dinner. [AV.] 85 1330 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sobbing eructation, soon after taking the medicine. [A^.] Repeated empty eructation, in the forenoon and evening. Eructation with the taste of the ingesta, after dinner. [A^.] First bitter- sour, then empt}^ eructation. [A^.] 200. Bitter eructation in the morning after rising, with bitter taste in the mouth. [A^.] Bitter eructation, during dinner. [A^.] Bitter eructation after drinking and after eating soup. [A^.] Constant sour eructation. Hiccups, in the evening, long continued. [i'V^.] 205. Hiccup after dinner. [A^.] Bitter-sour belching up in the evening. [A^.] Bitter belching up before and after dinner. [A^.] Sour belching up, in the afternoon. [A^.] Feels nausea and inclination to vomit; constant heaving. 210. Great nausea, with constant ineffectual urging to vomit. Constant nausea, without inclination to vomit. [A^.] Loathing, when thinking of the food eaten. Nausea in the throat, from the rising up of a disagreeable vapor into the mouth, while the head is muddled. Intense nausea in the morning, even to vomiting, with in- creased, herblike taste in the mouth, 215. Nausea and languor after dinner. Even when he eats ever so little, his stomach is at once dis- tended, as if he had eaten much. Pressive pain in the scrobiculus cordis and just below the xiphoid cartilage, increased b}^ touching it. [^Hrm.^ Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, in the evening when sing- ing. [A^^.] Frequent spasmodic sensation in the scrobiculus cordis. 220. Constriction in the stomach, with nausea, it goes off at night. Heat in the stomach, as after spirituous liquors, after eating a bite of bread. [A^.] Heat and burning in the stomach. [A^.] The left hypochondriac region is painful, as if bruised, with throbbing. [A^.] Shooting in the left hypochondriac region, especially when bending to the right, [i^^.] 225. Shooting in the left side of the abdomen (soon). Shooting below the left ribs, in the lumbar region, for two hours, unaffected by respiration. [A^!] Severe shooting below the right ribs and in the abdomen, one hour after dinner. [A^.] The abdomen ver^^ sensitive, when pressing upon it. [A^.] Forcing constriction in the h37pogastrium, passing off after the emission of flatus, in the evening and forenoon. [A^.] 230. ^Contractive pain in the intestines, then violent rumbling and growling, sometimes around the navel, sometimes up toward the SARSAPARIIvIvA. I33I chest, then again downwards as if diarrhoea was setting in. [A^.] Frequent spasmodic sensations in the abdomen. Colick}^ pains in the abdomen, in the morning (2d d.). [A^.] Great fullness in the abdomen, every time he eats. [A^.] Inflation of the abdomen. [A^.] 235. The abdomen feels empty and void, soon after breakfast (8th d.). [AV.]. Severe pinching in the abdomen, and then painful contraction of the sphincter ani. \_Htm.^ Pinching and growling in the abdomen, after a meal, later on it passes up on the left side toward the stomach, and only removed by bending double. [A^.] Pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, from the afternoon till midnight, preventing the person from falling asleep. [A^.] Cutting in a small space about the navel, in the morning. 240. Cutting about the navel, with every yawn. [A^.] Cutting about the navel, then going about in the abdomen; it goes off after emitting flatus. [A^.] Cutting in a small strip of the left side of the abdomen, over against the back; then rolling in the abdomen, while the pain goes off, INg.-] Violent colic, in the afternoon, then frequent, half-liquid diar- rhoeic stools. [A^.] Pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen. 245. Pressive drawing in the abdomen, as after a cold. [Hrm.~\ Painful inward pressure and pinching in the left side of the abdomen, in a small spot, only aggravated by deep breathing. [Htm.'] Shooting in the left side of the abdomen, in the morning, when sitting; it goes off on moving. [A^.] Shooting, now in the right side, now in the left side of the abdomen. [A^.] Burning and heat in the abdomen. [A^.] 250. Coldness and moving about in the abdomen. [A^.] Going about in the abdomen with burning. [A^.] Rumbling in the abdomen, with sensation of emptiness therein. \_Hrm.'] Rumbling and clucking in the abdomen, with sensation of emptiness therein. \_Hri?i.'] Loud croaking in the abdomen, as in cramps, intermitted for a time after eructation. [A^.] 255. Going about in the abdomen all da}^ as if diarrhcea was set- ting in. {Ng.] Growling and rolling in the abdomen, every da}-. [AV-] Emission of flatus, above and below. Frequent emission of flatus, all day long (aft. 8 d.). [AV.] Emission of flatus with putrid odor, in the evening. [A^i,^.] 260. Emission of fetid flatus. In the right groin, severe tension. Pinching in the left inguinal region, [///w.] No stool (3d and 4th d. ). [A^^-.] 1332 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Call to stool, but no evacuation. 265. Intense urging to stool, with contraction of the intestines and excessive forcing downward, as if the abdominal intestines should be forced out with it, for several minutes; only then something is discharged b}^ jerks, with severe tearing and cutting in the rec- tum, succeeded at once again b}^ tenesmus, as if the rectum was being pressed out, so that he can hardly sit still for pain. Sensation of inaction in the intestines. Irrepressible, severe urging, and 5^et only a slight, soft evacu- ation, passing with difficulty through the rectum which seems to be contracted. Evacuation with much urging and forcing in the rectum. Hard stool and frequent micturition (loth d. ). [A^.] 270. Hard stool, the first day; next day, constipation; on the third day, first a hard then a soft evacuation of faeces. \_Tth.'] Scanty, hard stool, with cutting in the abdomen. [A^.] Very hard stool (2d d.). [A^.] Twice a firm stool (ist d. ). [A^.] Frequent urging to stool, wdth slight evacuation and with sub- sequent tenesmus in the anus. [A^.] 275. Pitchlike, sticky, adhesive evacuation, for several days. The stool is softer than usual, with a slight pressure in the gastric region. [Sr.'\ Soft, copious evacuation (ist d.). [Sr.'] Stool half -liquid, at the conclusion (9th d.). [A^.] Evacuation, hard in the first part, while the latter part was soft; with burning in the anus afterward. [A^.] 280. Soft stool with tenesmus in the anus afterward (2d d. ). [^^■] Two diarrhoic stools (4th d.). \_Sr.'] Repeated diarrhoeic stools, every da}^ with pains in the abdo- men. [A^.] Liquid stool, in the evening, wath burning in the anus after- ward. [A^.] During the stool, in the evening, a fit of swooning. 285. During the diarrhoeic stool, sensation of corroding acridit}^ in the rectum, during the evacuation. During the diarrhoea, rumbling and fermentation in the abdo- men, with emission of fetid flatus. Itching on the right side of the anus, going off bv scratching. [.Ng.-] Sore pain in the anus wakes him at night, and then passes into a burning itching, lasting all day. Ulcer on the anus as large as a nut, with a black blister on it, quickly bursting open with pains and discharging pus. 290. Frequent urging to urinate, while there is only a slight dis- charge with burning. [A^.] Frequent urging to urinate, while only a few drops are dis- charged without urging; also at the termination of the menses. SARSAPARILLA. 1 333 Frequent urging to urinate, with slight but painless emission of urine. [A^.] The scanty urine discharged with frequent urging is clear and red. iJVg.'] Tenesmus with only a slight discharge of urine. [A^.] 295. Tenesmus of the bladder, with pressing and bearing down on the bladder, yet the urine will not come, and when it does come, it cuts. Almost all da}^ there is urging to urinate, while only little is discharged. Severe tenesmus of the bladder, as in urinary calculus, with discharge of white, acrid, turbid matter, with mucus. [Brun- NKR.] Urine very scanty, discharged with frequent intermission, with frequent urging and burning (4th d. ). [A^.] Urine and stool much delayed and very scanty (2d d.). 300. Only once a day there is micturition, the urine scalds as it is discharged, but the quantity is sufficient. [A(^.] No micturition in the forenoon; thrice in succession in the afternoon, discharge of much pale urine, then again, none. [A^.] Repeated micturition (ist d.). [A^.] The urine is discharged with every day more frequently and more copiously than usual, without any especial thirst. [Ttk.~\ More frequent and copious micturition (aft. 4 h.). \_Htni ] 305. Repeated discharge of pale, copious urine, which becomes turbid in standing, like clayey water (5th d.). [A^.] Discharge of much watery urine, with burning in the urethra (ist and 2d d.). [A^.] Pale urine, discharged in a thin, weak stream, with flakes in the urine. \Sr.'\ The frequently emitted urine deposits a cloud (6th d.). {.Ng.-\ The urine becomes again more copious on the ninth day, and he has to get up also at night for it. [A^.] 310. He has to get up two or three times at night to urinate, and discharges much more than usual, for 14 da3^s (aft. 2 and 4 d.). \_Ng:\ He is awakened from sleep ever}^ morning by an urging to urinate. [Tt/i.^ The urine is discharged without sensation. \^Tt]i.'\ Pale urine in the afternoon. [A-V.] The deep-yellow urine deposits a thin cloud (8th d.\ [AV.] 315. Deep-colored, apparently more copious urine, during the menses ( 1 6th d . ) . [A^. ] Very scalding urine, but without burning. [A^'.] Red, scanty urine, in the morning. [^\^.] At the termination of the discharge, the urine is niixed with blood. \Sr^, The urine becomes turbid on standing, and deposits nuich clay-colored sediment for several days (^aft. 48 h.\ [A>.] 1334 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES, 320 The urine is turbid already when discharged, it scalds (3d d. ) . [.Ng.-] Urine turbid, at once after its discharge, like clay- water, scanty (6th d.). [^.] Scalding during micturition, with a discharge of longish flakes. [Brunner. ] Scalding during micturition. [5r.] Scalding in the whole urethra, at every act of micturition. 325. During micturition, scraping scratching in the whole urethra (aft. 12 h.). Painful constriction of the bladder, without tenesmus. \_Htm.'] After the emission of the urine, a burning and itching tearing pain from the glans to the root of the penis. Sharp cutting stitches in the urethra (aft. sev. h.). Discharge of yellow pus from the urethra, with redness and inflammation of the glans and fever (as from a wound) in the evening, with shuddering. [Sr,'\ 330. Insufferable fetor about the genitals. Herpes on the foreskin. The erections seem diminished. [A^'.] Pollution (the ist n.). Painful pollutions, almost every night, with lewd dreams. [5n] 335. Inclination to coitus, for several days, with repeated emissions of semen. [Sr.'] Menses delayed by three days, and at every complete dis- charge, the tenesmus of the bladder ceases. [-A^.] It delays the appearance of the menses by five days. Menses very scanty, but very acrid, with burning on the inner side of the thighs, so that she cannot put the thighs together for pain, the blood flows only occasionally. [A^.] Menses too early by three days (aft. 14 d.). 340. Before the menses, for three days, an itching eruption on the forehead; on being rubbed it burns and becomes humid. At the appearance of the menses, the bend of the right hip becomes sore, attended with urging to urinate. [A^.] The menses are attended with colicky pains. During the menses, griping in the scrobiculus cordis, toward the sacrum. Slimy, rather copious leucorrhoea, while walking. [A^] 345. Abortive sneezing (8th d.). \_Ng-'] Sneezing in the morning, after rising. [A^.] Sneezing and fluent coryza, only in the morning (2d d.). Stoppage of the nose, in the forenoon. [A^] . Stuffed cor3^za without sneezing: no air passes through the nose. 350. Coryza and cough. The mucus from the nose is ver}^ thick. [A^.] Severe coughing by day, caused by the sensation as of a tick- ling ulcer in the fauces. SARSAPARIIvLA. 1335 Dry cough, caused by roughness in the throat. [A^.] Dry cough, with burning in the nose on blowing it. [-A^.] 355. Cough and headache (2d d.). [A^.] During coughing, roughness in the throat, in the morning (2dd.). VNg.-] Breathing, hard and short, after dinner. [Ng.^ Ill-smelhng breath. Very asthmatic, he must often take a short breath. [A^.] 360. Arrest of breathing, and tightness of the chest, in the evening and on the following morning. [A^.] Severe arrest of breathing while working; he can hardly get air enough (4th d. ). [A^.] Oppression of the chest, which renders respiration dif&cult, in the morning. [A^.] So much asthma, difficulty in breathing, and exhaustion, that he had to loosen the kerchief round his throat, for some time. Arrest of breathing, as if through a spasm, or as if from an impediment in the lungs, with constriction in the throat and great anxiety. [A^.] 365. His chest feels generally as if in a vise, and everything is too tight, in breathing and in walking, so that he had to loosen his clothes, to get enough air. [A{^'.] Painful constriction in the chest, often alternating with sudden expansion. [A^.] Frequently catching a deep breath, after dinner. [A^.] Pain, when catching a deep breath, as if something was lodged in the back. Pressure, frequently on the chest (2d d.). [A^.] 370. Pressure on the chest with short breath (6th d. ). [A^.] Pressure and tightness on the chest, at night and in the morn- ing. [A^^.] Pressure on the sternum, worse when touched, [//r;;?.] Pressive drawing on the clavicle, beside the sternum. [//r;«.] Shooting in the middle of the sternum, in the morning. 375. Shooting in the right side of the chest, also in moving and while standing. [A^.] Shooting in the left side of the chest, when walking in the open air, and at the same time in the forehead, in the morning. Wg.-] Violent shooting in the region of the left ribs, so that he had to bend double for pain, in the evening while sitting. [A^i,'.] Stitches in the middle of the chest, beside the sternum, un- affected by the respiration. [//?w.] Stitches in the right side of the chest, unaffected by the respi- ration. \_Him.'] 380. Pressive shooting under the last true rib. \_Hrni.~\ Shooting pain in the left side of the chest, on walking. Externally on the chest, a tensive pain, as if too short, on straightening up and walking upright (aft. 24 li.). The nipples are withered, insensible, without irritabilit>-. 1336 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Itching about the nipples. 385. Frequent palpitation by day. Almost continuous palpitation, with some anxiety and fear. Pain in the sacrum, passing on both sides around the pelvis for- ward, toward the genitals, worst at night and when moving. Tensive pain at the slightest movement, extending from the sacrum over the left hip, impeding w^alking. Violent pain in the sacrum, when stooping and afterward. 390. Bruised pain in the sacral region, in the evening. [A^.] Crawling in the sacrum, as from ants. [A^.] In the back, between the scapulae, small, violent stitches. \Htm.'\ Shooting, also of a tearing kind, beside the spine, extend- ing from the right scapula to the last false rib, much aggravated on inspiring, and totally arresting the breath when taking a deep breath. \Hrm^ Pain in the back, augmenting with violent pressure on stoop- ing down, relieved by rest, but breaking out again in stitches at. every turning of the body (4th d.). \Sr7\ 395. Pain in the nape, in the morning, on moving the head. [A^.] Tension in the nape, with shooting on moving the head. \.Ng:\ Tearing in the nape and extending thence over the vertex on the right side toward the forehead. [A^.] In the cervical muscles, a pressive shooting, aggravated by touch and movement. \Hrni^ Violent, continuous drawing stitches in the right cervical muscles, from the clavicle into the os hyoides. \^Htm^ 400. Pressive, painful stitches in the thyroid cartilage, unaffected by deglutition. \Htm.'\ Sprained pain in the left side of the neck, on moving the head. lNg.-\ Throbbing or twitching in the left side of the neck. [A^.] Swelling of the right side of the neck, with pain when touched. In the arms, sensation of stiffness, when moving them after resting, [A^.] 405. Tearing in the right arm, from the top of the shoulder to the wrist. [A^.] Tearing in the left arm , from the top of the shoulder to the finger-tips, at times attended with pressure on the chest. [A^.] Pain in the shoulder as from a thrust or blow, on moving the arms, less when resting. [A^.] In the top of the shoulders, tearing, extending into the el- bow, frequently. [A^.] Shooting in the top of the shoulders, on raising the arm. VNg:\ 410. Paralytic pain in the right shoulder-joint, only when moving the arm. [A^.] Cracking in the right shoulder-joint, on moving it. [A^.] SARSAPARILLA. 1 337 On the tipper arm, near the shoulder- joint an external shoot- ing pain, intermitting like the pulsation. \Tth.'\ Dull shooting in the upper and anterior portion of the humerus. \Hr7n.^ Tearing on the upper surface of the left upper arm, extend- ing to the wrist-joint, with shooting in the right side of the chest, in the evening. [A^.] 415. In the elbow, a pain as if a tendon was strained, when quickly turning the fore-arm inward. Paralytic weakness in the elbow-joints. On the fore-arm, beside and near the elbow-joint, paralytic tearing, worse when at rest, than when moving. \_Hrm?^ Pressive tearing on the ulna, at times extending to the meta- carpal bone. \^Hrni^ Pressive shooting in the muscles on both the ulnas. [//r;;z.] 420. Drawing shooting tearing on the inner side of the right fore- arm. \Htm.'\ Tearing stitches above the left wrist-joint, upward. \_Ht7n^ Tearing above the fore-arm, on the upper side, behind the wrist-joint, with drawing tearing stitches toward the finger. ■ {Htm.'l The hand is painful, without swelling. [Brunner.] Tearing in the left wrist-joint. [A^.] 425. Spained pain in the right wrist-joint, drawing toward the fourth finger. \_Ht7n^ Intermitting pressive shooting in the metacarpal bone of the right index for two days. [7/r;/2.] Cold hands, colder toward the finger-tips, for eight days. {Tth:\ Itching on the hands and on the dorsum of the fingers. Sensation of stiffness, itching and burning heat in the hands, with distended veins, improved by moving about. [A^.] 430. Clear watery blister on the right wrist, first itching, then burning; after it opens, water pours out, there is increased burn- ing, inflammation and a scurf, with itching especiallv at night. On the dorsum of the fingers, tearing, toward the tips, [AV.J Pressive shooting in the muscles of the left thumb, both when at rest and when moving. \Htm.'\ Small stitches in the posterior joint of the right little finger. \Htm^, Shooting, as from innumerable needles in the first joint of the thumb, later on, the spot also hurts when touched. 435. Pain of the finger-tips, when pressing on them, as if festering below, or as when salt gets into a wound. Drawing tearing through the bones of the right fourth finger, passing through the bones, aggravated bv moving the joints. \Htm:\ The fingers go to sleep. The thumb is inflamed, with throbbing and burning, worst at night. Profuse perspiration of the hands. 1338 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 440. Herpes on the hands. Large chaps in the skin of the thumb, with burning pain Itching pustules on the fingers and on other parts of the body (aft. 9 d.). On the right ihum, pressive stitching, in every position of the body, [y/r;;^.] In the hip- joints, paralytic feeling, bruised and tired; she has to sit down, but this does not relieve her. 445. Pressive heaviness in the left thigh, when sitting and walk- ing, without pain. [Htm.^ Dull pressure on the right thigh, somewhat above the hough, while sitting. \_H'tm.'] Pressure on the inner side of the left thigh, near the knee- joint. \^Hr7n.^ Pressive tearing on the thigh, near the knee-joint, directed upward and outward. \_H'rm.^\ Tearing, frequently, above the left knee, from the evening till midnight. [A^.] 450. Shooting pressure on the left thigh, near the patella. [Hrm.'\ Shooting drawing pressure, above the right knee. \_H'tm.'] On the knee, several lively, fine stitches on the inner side. IHtm.'] Swelling and stiffness of the knee with stinging pain, so that he could scarcely move the knee sideways for pain. Painful tearing in the right knee, when yawning, while stand- ing. INg.-] 455. Tearing in the left knee. [A^.] First, violent shooting; then, tearing in the left hough. [A^.] In the leg, tearing, deep in the left tibia. [A^.] Tearing, extending downward, in the right tibia. [A^.] Dull drawing, upward over the right tibia. \_Htm.'\ 460. Tearing in the muscles of the right leg. \_Htm.'\ Stiffness in the right leg, as if contracted in the hough and calf. [5r.] Cramp extending from the tibia into the toes. Pain in the calves, as after cramp. Severe cramp in the calves. 465. Red herpetic spots on the calves, with severe itching. The soles of the feet are keenly painful. Violent tearing in the sole of the left foot, after midnight, ex- tending from the heel even toward the toes, then severe itching, and after scratching, a severe stitch through the heel into the dorsum of the foot. [A^.] Itching drawing on the sole of the foot. Painful drawing, passing over into twitching on the dorsum of the right foot. \_Htm.'] 470. Stitches as from needles above the outer ankle of the right foot. \^Hrm.'] Painful, pressive and shooting beating, on the inner side of the sole of the right foot, and then on the whole sole, while sit- ting. [Hint] SARSAPARILIvA. 1 33 9 Tensive sensation in the muscles and toes of the left foot, as if it would draw the toes inward, in the morning. [A^.] Feeling of tension in the right foot, as if swollen. Sensation of swelling in both feet, with itching and heat in the soles of tht: feet, relieved after some moving about. [A^.] 475, Swelling and redness of the right tarsus, with pain aggra- vated in the afternoon. [B runner.] Swelling of the feet. Formication in the foot, on raising it and setting it down. Cracking in the foot-joint with every motion. [A^.] Coldness of the feet. 480. The toes feel pressed upon under the nails as if swollen. [6"r.] In the big toe of the right foot, a drawing tearing. \_H'tm.'\ Tearing in the left big toe, more near the tip in the evening. In all the joints of the body, a tearing, now here, now there, for several days, but of brief duration. [A^.] Tearing in almost all the limbs, at night, followed b}^ head- ache. [A^.] 485. Drawing pain in the scapulae and the lower limbs. Drawing pains dart about here and there in the body and the head. Itching in many or almost in all parts of the body, at various times, also on the hairy scalp and in the face. It is not generall}^ removed by scratching, or returns after it. [A^.] Itching every night before going to sleep; it goes off in bed. Itching on the fore- arm, toward the hand, and on the inner side of the knee, above the hough, especially in the evening in bed. 490. Shooting itching all over the body, in the evening from five to seven o'clock and in the morning when rising. Burning itching all over the body with a shaking chill. Burning itching on the abdomen and on the thighs. Itching all over the body, here and there, worst in the even- ing, before and after lying down, much increased by scratching. Itching with burning after scratching below the calves, in the evening and morning. [A^.] 495. Itching with vesicles or with pimples after scratching, on the fore-arms, thighs, knees, calves and other places. [iV^^.] Red pimples of the size of a pin's head, without humidity, on the back and the thighs, only itching (erosively) in the warmth, this only goes off transiently through scratching, [//rw.] Eruption of blotches, like nettlerash, intolerably itching and stinging, on the neck, the chest, the eyelids, the hands and all the body, with severe burning after rubbing. Miliary pimples, as soon as he goes from the warm room into the cold air. Herpes break out in all parts of the body. 500. Many small warts. 1340 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. The pustules scratched open, pass into ulcers suppurating for a long time. [A^.] Small suppurating pustules on the right side of the nose, on the dorsum of the right foot, on the left natis, at times with shoot- ing pain on touching it. [A^.] The person feels better in the open air. [.A^.] Fit of nausea after breakfast, with sour eructation; standings by the open window, he became dizzy, he lost his consciousness and fell backward to the ground; after he was raised up, he re- gained consciousness and felt a great tension over the chest. 505. Trembling of the hands and feet, with tearing in the forehead and pinching in the abdomen. [A^.] Great weariness especially in the lower limbs, and especially in the thighs, knees and feet, also during the menses. [A^.] Sensation of prostration and languor all over the Vjody; it goes off in the forenoon after eating. [A-^.] Frequent yawning with lachrymation of the eyes, or also in the forenoon, with shuddering. [A^.] Constant yawning. 510. Sleepiness wdth 57awning (very soon). Very sleepy and indolent, in the forenoon. [A^.] Going to sleep earlv at night, with violent starting up (8th Waking up at night as from a startling report. \^Tth.'] Restless sleep, turning over frequently. 515. Restless, unrefreshing sleep. Restless sleep at night, with inclination to coitus, effusion of semen, and twitching in both the fore-arms. \_Sr.'] Sleep very much interrupted (loth d.). [A^.] Night almost sleepless, without any cause (ist d.). \_Ng.'\ Little sleep, with starting up. [A^,] 520. Restless sleep, with dreams of accidents. Frightful dreams, in a sound sleep. Dream of fearful things, e.g., a large spider. Dreams of the departed, of ghosts, and of fisticuffs with them; attended with epistaxis. [A^.] Dreams of vexation. [A^.] 525. Voluptuous dreams. [A^.] Dreams about business and happenings during the day. [A^.J Heavy, frightful dreams of falling, etc., with frightened start- ing up. [A^.] Frequent starting up at night, and then difficulty in going to sleep again. [A^.] At night, she started up hastil}^ scratched the thigh uncon- sciousl}^ and immediately continued to sleep. [A^.] 530. Half -awaking at night from pain, without being able to tell where; but in the morning she thought it must have been in the abdomen (one day before the menses). [A^.] Waking up after midnight, from cutting in the abdomen. Waking up several nights about two o'clock, and then stay- ing awake for some time. [A^.] SARSAPARILLA. 134I Repeated waking up at night, with sensation of coldness. At night, cramp in the calves. 335. At night, on awaking, profuse perspiration in the joints. At night and in the morning, on awaking he finds himself lying on the back; for many nights. In the hours before midnight, he cannot sleep, from restless- ness all over and extraordinary mobility in all the limbs. Frequent chilliness on the arms, the thighs, the back, on and in the abdomen. Feverish chilliness, frequently by da}^ with blue nails and loss of all the vital warmth in the arms and legs. .540. Internal chill and drowsiness. Shudder all over the body, from below upwards. \_Hrm.'] Brief cold thrills running over him in the forenoon. [A^.] He finds it difficult to get warm in the warm room, all the forenoon. [A^.] Chilliness, also in the warm room (2d d.). [A^.] .545. Chill and shaking, without external coldness. [A^.] Violent chill before dinner, with shaking and chattering for a quarter of an hour. [A^.] In the evening, chill for an hour, without subsequent heat or sweat [A^.] Chill and coldness all over the body, even by the stove, with unusual warmness of the face and chest. [T/rw.] . Severe chill at night in bed, with very cold feet, while the face and chest are hot. \^Hrm.'\ .550. Chill at night on awaking (9th d.). [A^.] Shaking chill at night, without subsequent heat (5th d.). [.Ng.-] Chill, earl}^ in bed, for one-fourth of an hour. [A^.] A chill runs over her as soon as she comes into the open air. Shudder with goose-skin, with violent eructation, in the fore- noon. [A^.] 555. Shaking chill, in the evening on lying down; it goes off in bed (2dd.). [A^^.] Inclination to chill and shaking in the forenoon, then till evening; warmth with perspiration all over the body. [A{§^.] Increased warmth, cheerfulness and sensation of strength, in the evening (9th d.). [A^.] Heat all over the body for a short time. [^'V^'.] Very warm all over the body, as if sweat would break out, after breakfast. [A^.] .560. Heat, in the evening in bed, an hour before going to sleep; the blood is in ebullition, the heart beats, and there is perspiration on the forehead; two evenings successively. The whole body seems to be constantly in a feverish state. 1342 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. SEPIA, SEPIA SUCCUS. This brownish black juice (before me used only for drawing) is found in a sac in the abdomen of the large sea animal, called cuttle- fish. This the animal occasionally squirts out, to darken the water around it, probably in order to secure its prey, or to conceal itself from its enemies. The juice- bladder of this animal, which is most frequently found in the Mediterranean Sea, is dried, and then exposed for sale in Rome to draughtsmen, and is to be gotten thence. This dry sepia juice (sepia) is easily dissolved in water in all pro- portions, but in this, its raw state, it is insoluble in alcohol. This sepia is prepared for homoeopathic use like other dry and crude medicinal substances (see conclusion of Part I., Chron. Dis.). Sepia has proved especially useful, when after a choice otherwise agreeing with the symptoms of the disease, one or another of the following ailments were also present: Dejection and weeping; gloominess; melancholy; pensiveness; discouragement; anxiety in the evening in bed; anxiet}^ and appre- hensiveness with flushes of heat; readiness to take fright; aversion to one's occupation; indifference toward his family; momentary fits of vertigo with unconsciousness, while walking in the open air and while writing; vertigo; weak memory; muddled feeling in the head and incapacity for mental work; heaviness of the head; headache with nausea; fits of gout in the head with a boring pain, compelling the person to scream and with vomiting; beating headache, especially in the occiput; rush of blood to the head, when stooping; coldness on the head; itching on the head, in the nose and in the ears; falling out of the hair; the head jerks forward; incapacity of opening the eyelids at night; heaviness and sinking down of the upper eye- lid; pressure in the ej^es; pricking in the eyes, in the evening by candle light; nightly agglutination of the eyes; swelling of the eyes in the evening; dry scurf on the edge of the eyelids, in the morning on awaking; far-sightedness; sensatio7i of a gauze before the eyes; black points and fiery streaks before the eyes; black spots flitting before the eyes; amaurosis, with contracted pupils; excessive sensi- tiveness of the hearing to music; difficulty in hearing; roaring and ruslmig sound before the ears; chronically" inflamed and eruptive tip of the nose; frequent blowing of blood from the nose; frequent epis- I SEPIA. 1343 taxis; defect 171 smellijig; yellowness of the face; itching in the face; er3'sipelatous inflammation and swelling of the whole side of the face, starting from the hollow root of a tooth {GIL); dry lips which peel off; swelling of the gums; bleeding of the gums; soreness of the gums; shooting toothache; dryness of the mouth; fetor from the mouth; white-coated tongue; soreness of the tip of the tongue; con- tractive twitching in the throat; viscidity in the throat; hawking up of mucus, in the morning; thirst in the morning; voracity; acidity in the mouth, after a meal; aversion to eating; aversion to meat and to milk; the food will not go down; great eagerness for food; greedi- ness; disagreeable eructation with nausea, after eating fat things; eructation; sour eructation; eructation with the taste of the ingesta; waterbrash, especially after drinking; waterbrash with previous qualmishness and writhing about in the stomach; pressive shooting pain in the scrobiculus cordis and the gastric region; beating in the scrobiculus cordis; pain in the scrobiculus cordis when walking; stomachache, after supper; perspiration after eating; pressure in the stomach while eating; pressure in the stomach after a meal; difficult digestion; after eating, scratching and burning, extending up the fauces; emptiness in the stomach; shooting in the liver; burning in the stomach and the abdomen; boring in the hypochondria; shoot- ing in the left hypochondrium; burrowing, pressure and cutting in the hypogastrium; pressure in the hypogastrium, extending up into the precordial region; sensation as of something lodged and of hard- ness in the hypogastrium; bloated abdomen in mothers; sensation of emptiness in the abdomen; coldness of the abdomen; dropsy of the abdomen; frequent generation and incarceration of flatus; riunbling and growling i7i the abdomen, especially after eating; colic after bodily exercise; ineffectual call to stool; retarded stool; evacuation too soft; mucous stool; passage of blood with the stool; discharge of mucus from the rectum, without stool, with shooting and tearing extending up the anus and rectum; insufficient stool; evacuation like laurel berries; burning in the rectum during stool; oozing of moisture from the rectum; crawling in the rectum; itching in the anus; pressure of blood to the anus; protrusion of the varices of the rectum; prolapsus of the rectum during stool; urging to urinate; noc- turnal micturition; involuntary micturition during the first sleep; dark urine; erosion in the urethra during micturition; painfulness of the testicle; weakness of the genitals; itching about the genitals; swelling of the scrotum; suppressed menses; pressure and bearing dowai on the genitals; soreness in the pudenda and between the thighs; heat in and on the genitals; menses too weak; bruised pains during the menses; flo7v of yellow water />vv;/ tJic vagina. 1344 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Stoppage of the nose; troublesome dryness of the nose; coryza; stuffed coryza; hoarseness; the catarrh changes into Q.oxyz?i\ cough in the morning and evening, with salty expectoration; cough from irritation and tickling with constipation ; expectoration which is hard to detach; shortness of breath in walking; asthma, tightness of the chest and shortness of breath in walking, in ascending and in b'ing abed in the evening; pressure in the sternum; ebullition in the chest; sore aching in the middle of the chest; pain in the chest from mov- ing; oppression of the chest; shooting in the left side of the chest; stitches in the chest, when working with the head; pain in the side, during breathing and coughing; pain in the sacrum; pressive pain in the sacrum; beating in the sacrum; weakness in the sacrum while walking; pain in the back and sacrum; frequent pain in the back, burrowing, cutting and pressing; chilliness in the back; itching erup- tion on the back; tearing and cramp in the back; stiffness of the back; stiffness of the nape; sweat in the axillae; humid herpes below the left axilla; weariness of the arms; straining in the arms; sprained pain in the shoulder-joint; tension in the fore-arm; paralytic drawing in the arm, so that he has to allow it to sink down; shooting in the wrist, when moving it; burning in the palms; cold sweat on the hands; malformation of the finger-nails; tearing shooting from the upper edge of the pelvis around the inguinal articulation, extending anteriorly to the thighs; paralytic sensation in the legs; coldness of the lower limbs and feet; jerks like stitches in the thigh, compelling him to draw up the limb; stitches in the tibiae; running along in the leg as from a mouse; drawing pain in the legs and in the big toe; cramp in the calves; swelling of the legs and feet; shooting on the dorsum of the foot; burning and pricking in the feet; twitching in the foot during the siesta; szueating of the feet; checked sweat of the feet; burning in the feet; crawling and going to sleep of the soles of the feet; stitches in the corns; the arms and legs go to sleep, especially after manual labor; rigidity and lack of suppleness of the joints of the hands, the knees and the feet; ulcers of the joints of the fingers and the toes; restlessness and beating in all the limbs; burning pains in many parts of the bod}^; attacks of flying heat; heat from anger and during important conversations; fits of heat, while sitting and when walking in the open air; ebullitions of the blood; palpitation; perspiration while sitting; copious perspiration during slight bodily exercise; lack of natural bodily zvarmth; sensitiveness to the open air; readiness to catch cold; easily overstrained; tearing boring extending from the gastric region to the lumbar vertebras; cramp in the stomach, simultaneously with a fit of asthma; muscular twitching of the limbs; brownish spots on the chest, the abdomen and the back; jerks and SEPIA. 1345 twitches of the limbs by day; frequent extension and stretching of the limbs; great ill effects from vexation; tremulous weariness; indolence and awkwardness of the body; lack of strength; lack of strength on aw^aking; lack of firmness in the body; fits of weariness; readily tired when taking a walk; when exerting the body, stitches in the arm; drowsiness by day; drowsiness, too early in the evening; illusion in sleep, that he was being called; ravings during sleep; many dreams; anxious, frightful dreams; frequent awaking at night, without cause; unrefreshing sleep; night-sweat; morning-sweat; sour morning-sweat. Too strong an action seems to be relieved by vegetable acids, but the strongest antidote is smelling of sweet spirits of nitre; less effective is the smelling of the billionth attenuation of Antimonium crudum, or tartrate of antimony; but in cases where the circulation has been too much excited, smelling of a potency of aconite. The abbreviations of my f ellow-provers are : Gil. , Goullon; Off. , ■von Gei^sdorff; Gr., Gross; Htb., Hartlaub: PVhl., Wahle} SEPIA. Dejected, sad. Sad, especially in the evening. Sad and troubled, most of all when walking in the open air. Very sad with unusual weariness. 5. Sad about her health. Troubled thoughts about his disease and about the future. Melancholy, especially in the morning. Troubled about her health, anxious, irritated and very weak. She has none but troubled thoughts about her health, thinks she is getting the consumption and will die soon. 10. All her troubles present themselves in a very sad light to her mind, so that she is despondent. If he only thinks of his past troubles, his pulse is quickened and his breath fails him. Great sadness and frequent fits of weeping, which she could hardly suppress. Lachrymose. Irritably lachrymose. 15. She might have wept for displeasure at every thing, without cause. Melancholy, she feels unhappy without cause. Dread of men. She wishes to be by herself and to lie with closed eyes. He must not be alone for a moment. 20. Solicitous and anxious, with peevishness. 1 The original pathogenesis of Sepia in the first edition contained 1242 symptoms, obtained by Hahnemann in the usual way. In its present form, of the 413 additional symp" toms, all but 160 are also his own. We have no information as to the m.uincr in which the 160 were elicited by the fellow-observers who furnished them.— //"//.{•//fW. 86 1346 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Apprehensive trembling, with cold sweat on the forehead- Anxiety, in fits. Intense anguish in the blood. Anxiet}^ apprehension, at various times. 25. Anxious, toward evening. Anxiety in the evening, she becomes quite red in the face> and the flushes of heat keep alternating from time to time. Great internal restlessness, for many days, with hastiness; he wants to be done with his work even as he begins it. Restless and lacking serenity, for many days; occupied with sad memories, and anxious, she has not the patience to stay long in a place. Discouraged and peevish. 30. Entire lack of spirits (aft. sever, h.). Extreme loathing of life; he felt as if he could not any longer bear this miserable existence, and as if he would pine away unless he made away with himself (aft. 24 h.). Very easily frightened and timid. Discontent. Very readily offended. 35. Peevish and indisposed to all work. Depression, especially in the morning. Sorrowful mood, as after secret vexation. Excitableness. Very much excited all over her body. 40. The nerves are sensitive to every noise, Very much affected from playing the piano. The remembrance of past trouble puts him into extreme ill humor. Vexatious occurrences from past times keep recurring of themselves, which makes him so irritable that he gets quite beside himself, and cannot contain himself, with anguish, palpitation, and perspiration all over the body (15th d.). She finds fault with everything, does not wish what others desire; with w^eeping and heat of the face. 45. She finds fault with everything, approves of nothing. He gets vexed at every trifle. Peevish and disposed to quarrel. Vexatious sensitiveness. [Qfl] Peevish, especially in the morning. 50. Great inclination to get vexed. From vexation, she is so excited that she fears an apoplectic fit, and everything turns black before her eyes. Inclined to anger. Angry, peevish. Very morose and violent. 55. A trifle may produce a violent ebullition of anger, with tremb- ling (especially of the hands). [Gff.~\ Very sensitive at the slightest cause; a fit of desperately furious gestures with sobbing; she throws herself on the bed and remains lying there all day, without eating (just before the menses). SKPIA. 1347 Indolence of spirit and dejection (aft. 23 d.). Indolence of spirit (aft. 6 d.). Great indifference to everything, no real vital feeling. 60. Indifference. Very indifferent to everything, insensible and apathetic (aft. 6, 7, 8 d.). No disposition to work, inattentive, distracted (aft. 6, 7 d.). Alternately merry and sad. Alternate involuntary laughing and weeping, without corre- sponding moods. 65. Weak memory (aft. 20, 48 h.). He often makes mistakes in writing. He was distracted, talked incorrectly, using the wrong words (aft. 9 d.). He thinks, what he does not wish to think, uses expressions which he himself knows are incorrect; he resolves to do what is against his intention, and is thus in conflict with himself and, there- fore, in a disagreeable, restless mood (aft. 24 h.). Cannot collect himself and is lost in thought, though well disposed to work. 70. Difficult flow of ideas. Gloominess and inability to think, all the forenoon and many afternoons in succession. She feels stupid, by turns, with shuddering and momentary arrest of breathing; then she had to breathe deeply. Muddled feeling in the head (aft. 24 d.). Muddled feeling in the left side of the occiput (aft. 3 h.). [G#.] 75. Muddled feeling of the sinciput (aft. 3^ h.). [Qf.J Muddled sensation of the head, as in severe coryza, with reel- ing. Muddled feeling in the head, with pressure in the eyes, aggra- vated by walking in the open air. Weakness of the head, so she can hardly think at all, especi- ally in the afternoon. Muddled sensation in the whole of the head and vacillation of the same, with tension of the muscles of the neck and nape. 80. The head often feels befogged in the morning, when rising from bed. Painful obscurity in the head, especiall}^ in the forehead. [Hfb.~\ Dim and dull in the head, with whirling in it, for four da^'s. Dazed and dizzy in the head, so that often he does not know what he is doing. Constantly feels stupefied in the head. 85. Stupefaction of the head, with tightness of the chest and weakness in the whole body. Heaviness of the head, every morning on rising; this only improves after several hours. Vertigo in her head, she can hardly hold it up. Whirling and reeling. Vertigo in the morning in bed, on raising himself, as if every- thing moved in the room. 1348 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 90. Vertigo, when walking, as if all objects were moving. Vertigo, so that he stumbles on walking and looking up aloft. Vertigo, only when walking in the open air, she had to allow herself to be guided. Vertigo, when she sees a large level plain before her. Vertigo, on moving the arms. 95. Attacks of vertigo on walking in the open air, lasting two to three minutes; she felt as if something tumbled about in her head and this made her stagger; then in the evening, headache and humming in the ears. Very dizzy at times, with dislike for every employment. Vertigo, even to falling down, every morning on rising. Vertigo every afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock, ever3^thing turns in a circle around her, while walking, sitting and lying. Dizzy vertigo, ever}^ afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, while sitting and walking. 100. Two impulses of vertigo as if his senses would leave him, while stooping, after supper. Vertigo with coldness of the hands and feet (aft. 34 d. ) Turning around and vacillating, while drinking innocuous drinks, while sitting down, so that he thought he would have an apoplectic fit, for five minutes; then flushes of heat, lasting five minutes each. Headache, once every minute, it seemed to come up the back; a shooting in the head, at ever}^ step. Dull headache, every morning, but only after rising from bed. 105. Acute headache in the morning, on awaking (and after rising) . Headache, in the morning, with nausea till noon. Headache, in the morning, in the forehead, as from incipient coryza. Headache in the forehead and the vertex ; then anxiet}^ in the scrobiculus cordis, with trembling; then severe epistaxis. Sensation of paral3^sis in the forehead. 1 10. Headache most violent toward evening, especially on shaking the head. Headache, as from a concussion, after the siesta. Concussion of the brain, on knocking the foot against some- thing. Movement in the brain on shaking the head. Rush of blood to the head (aft. 5 d.). 115. Heat in the head, so that it burns out at the ears, as it were; this causes a hard hearing and dim vision. Severe heat in the head, in the morning, with a sensation as if the nose would bleed. Painful heat in the head, often with flushes of heat over the body. Violent heat in the head, rising up, every five minutes. Heat in the head, in the evening (aft. 3d.). 120. External heat was unbearable to her, with violent headache, and yet she felt cold. Headache as if the head would burst, also with cough. Throbbing headache, in the evening. SKPIA. 1349 Beating in the head, on the side on which she is lying. Severely throbbing headache in the temples. 125. Painful beating in the occiput. Beating headache at every motion. Beating, verj^ painful headache in the vertex, in the morning, soon after rising (aft. 6 d.). Beating in the upper part of the head, very painful, at the slightest motion; on turning the eyes, and when moving the head or body, it presses upward; even when in the greatest rest, there is an indistinct beating. Pinching jerks in the head, in the morning, on rising. 130. Single, violent, undulating jerks of pressive headache, quite anteriorly in the forehead (aft. 35 h.). \_Gff/\ Very painful twitches in the forehead. Pressure, twitches and pecking, with heat in the head, as if everything was pressing out at the forehead and the eyes, for three days. Pressive headache in the hot forehead, in the evening from 7 to 8 o'clock (aft. 4, 5 d.). Headache only in the sinciput, mostly toward the forehead, a pressure on the brain, recurring eight to ten times every hour, and alleviated in one-half a minute; then it intermitted for one or one and a half hours; it also returned somewhat the second day (aft. 22 d.). 135. Pressure mostly in the forehead and the eyes; at last nausea with spitting of much saliva. Dullpressive pain on a small spot of the occiput. [Qf.] Pressure on the upper part of the sinciput. [Qf.] Violent pressure on the head, all day, with vertigo, lachry- mose mood, and profuse coryza. Pressive headache in the right side of the occiput. \_Gff.'] 140. Pressive headache in the occiput, in the evening till midnight. Pressive aching as if on a sore spot, on the left side of the occiput. One-sided, deeply-seated, pressive headache, with pressive pain in the molars. Pressure and tension in the forehead and eyes, with burning. Pressure on top of the vertex, after mental work. 145. Pressive heaviness of the head, in the temples and above the forehead as if the head was turgid with blood, as in severe corj^za. Heaviness in the occiput, especially in the morning. Heaviness of the head, so that she could hardh' raise it. Heaviness of the head, in the evening, and after lying down, one-sided headache. Pressive, burrowing itching headache, with stiffness of the nape and sensitiveness of the head when touched. 150. Boring, burrowing headache in the forehead, lasting from the forenoon all day, at the slightest movement. Squeezing pain in the vertex and in the upper part of the occiput, with a feeling of soreness, which at last became burning. 1350 hahnkmann's chronic disk asks. Pressing together in the upper part of the head, all day, with much asthma (aft, 11 d.). Headache, as if pressing from within outward (aft. 13 d.). Headache, as if the eyes would fall out. 155. Violent headache, as if the head would burst. Contractive headache in the forehead. Pressive contractive pain in the upper part of the head (the first da5^s). Vibratory contraction in the upper part of the head, in the evening. Pinching pain on one side of the head, in paroxysms. 160. Headache in the forenoon, as if the brain were contused. Painful cracking in the head, as if something in it were break- ing, with pain in the nape on turning the head. Shooting pressive headache, constant, in the lower part of the forehead, close above the left eye, worse on moving about in the room, much better on walking in the open air. Shooting headache (aft. 18 d.). Shooting in the forehead, now here, now there. 165. Stitches in the forehead, as from needles, daily, when walk- ing fast, with inclination to vomit. Shooting in the forehead, with inclination to vomit (she could not eat anything) ; improved by lying doing. Dull stitches in the whole of the head, at last in the occiput, incapacitating him for work. Severe stitches in the occiput toward the vertex. Single occasional stitch through the head. 170. Shooting in the left temple. Shooting in the temple. Shooting headache in both temples, in the evening. Frequent stitches in the left side of the head, in the afternoon; also in the occiput, in the evening. Violent shooting above the left orbit outwardly, with total contraction of the eyes, three days in succession, in the morning after rising, till noon; somewhat relieved in the air. [Htb.'] 175. Shooting in the head, above the ear, for several minutes. Shooting headaches, from the eyes outward, all the day. Drawing in the occiput. Frequent drawing pain in the sinciput. [Qf ] Painful drawing, now in the right, now in the left side of the occiput, inferior ly (aft. 5 h.). \_Gff.'] 180. Drawing pain in the occiput, which, when touched, pains ex- ternally as if festering underneath. Drawing pain, seemingly externally on the forehead, extend- ing to the occiput, in single fits. Rheumatic drawing on the left side of the head. Superficial drawing and boring in the head, more at night, so that she could not stay in bed about midnight; it drew into the temple, the ear and the teeth (aft. 6 d.). Tearing on the head, above the forehead and in the eyes, from 2 p. M. till going to sleep at night. SKPIA. I 35 I 185. Tearing in the upper right part of the forehead (aft. 8 h.). [Qf.] Tearing in the left frontal eminence (aft. 11% h.). \_Gff.'\ Tearing above the eyes. Tearing in the left temple, extending into the upper part of the left side of the head. \_Gff.'] Intermittent, slight tearing, deep below in the left side of the occiput, near the nape. 190. Tearing in the occiput. Tearing, drawing and shooting, from the forehead and the occiput toward the vertex. Pain in the occiput, mostly at night, and worst when lying upon it, as if hollow, and as if festering underneath, externally and internally, relieved by pressing upon it with the hand. The scalp is painful when touched, as if the roots of the hair were sore (aft. 3d.). Frequent falling out of the hair (aft. i and 8 d.). 195. Motion of the scalp forward and backward; he has to bite his molars together. Much itching on the hairy scalp (aft. 16 d. ). Itching on the vertex of the head, with frequent falling out of the hair. Itching on the occiput in the evening. Erosive itching on the hairy scalp. 200. Severe itching on the head, when the headache passes away. Humid hair}'- scalp. A number of scurfs on the head (for 40 days). Small exfoliations with intense itching on the occiput, toward the nape, which then became an ulcer of an inch in size, with a rough crust, under which the humidity continued for a long time. Swelling on the head, above the temple (aft 48 h.). 205. Swelling on the forehead (aft. 4 and 15 d.). Little red pimples on the forehead, a rough forehead (ist, 6th d.). Painful nodules on the forehead. Painful pimples on the forehead. The head jerks and twitches forward some 6 or 7 times in the morning, during full consciousness. 210. Repeated eyeache, with headache and heat in the eyes. Rush of blood to the eyes. Pressure above the eyes, when he goes about in bright day- light (aft. II d.). Pressure, heat and flickering in the e3^es, like a thousand suns. The eyelids are painful on awaking as if too heavy, and as if he could not hold them open. 215. Two mornings in succession on awaking, the eyes are as firmly contracted, as if lead was pressing upon them, without ag- glutination. Pressure on the lower part of the right eyeball. [O//.] Painful pressure on the upper part of both eyeballs, especially frequent in the right one. \_Gff'.'] Pressive pain, on turning the eye to the right. 1352 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressure in the right eye, as from a grain of sand fallen into it, aggravated by rubbing; most sensible on pressing the eyes shut. [Cff.-] 220. Tearing pressure in the orbits, especially in that of the left eye. [G#.] Crawling on the inner border of the left orbit. \_Gff.'\ Itching of the eyelids. Itching of the eyes. Itching of the eyeballs. 225. Violent itching in the left external canthus, with sore pain after rubbing it. \_Gff.'\ Itching of the inner canthus, in the morning, after awaking; after rubbing, there is smarting and profuse lachrymation, and then a sensation of soreness in the external canthus, which is somewhat agglutinated. [Qf.] Intensely itching smarting in the inner canthus of the left eye, with lachrymation and somewhat reddened conjunctiva. \_Gff.'\ Smarting in the right eye, in the evening, with an inclination in the lids to close forcibly. Shooting in the left eye. 230. Erosive pain in both eyes. Burning of the eyes in the morning and weakness of the same. Burning in the outer canthus, for an hour, frequently by da}^. Burning sensation on the edge of the left lower eyelid, toward the outer canthus. [Qf.] Heat in the left eye, in the morning, with swelling in the inner canthus. 235. Inflammation of the eyes, with redness of the white and shooting pressure therein. Inflammation of the eyes; thej^ do not bear any cold water. Inflammation of the eyelid, wdth a stye thereon. Swelling and some redness of the right upper eyelid, in the morning. \_Gff.'\ Swelling under the eyes, in the morning after awaking. 240. Severe, red swelling of the lower eyelid, with pressive and burning pain. Redness of the white of the eye (aft. 17 d. ). Redness of the white of the eye, in the morning after awak- ing, with burning sm^arting and pressure. SwelHng of the eye, wnth headache on the same side. Scurf in the eyebrows, for eight weeks. 245. A red herpetic spot on the upper eyelid, scabby and peeling off. Glass3^ appearance of the eyes. Swimming appearance of the eyes, in the morning on awaking with smarting in the canthi. [Qf^.] Lachrymation of the eyes, in the morning and evening (aft. 12 d.). Lachrymation of the eyes, in the open air. 250. Suppurated eyes, agglutinated with pus, in the morning. Agglutination of the eyelids, only in the evening. SEPIA. 1353 Twitching on the eyelids. Quivering of the eyelids. Daily quivering below the eyes. 255. Frequent quivering on the left lower eyelid, with sensation as if there would be lachrymation, compelling him to frequently wipe it. The eyes are affected by reading and writing, and are painful as if sore in the inner canthus. [Qf.] On straining the eye, there is a sensation of nausea and anxiety. Dimness of vision, while writing, so that he could hardly recognize anything any more. Sudden failing of vision. 260. He can only see the one half of objects clearly, the other half is obscure to him. A fiery zigzag before his eyes impedes his vision. Many black spots before his eyes. White flickering before the eyes. Fiery sparks before the eyes, with great lassitude. 265. Flickering before the eyes, on looking into a bright light; he sees a colored halo surrounded by a zigzag. Green halo around the candle-light. Daylight blinds the eyes and causes headache. The candle-light troubles the eyes, when reading and writing, through a contractive sensation. Earache in the left ear, as if it was being torn out. 270. Tearing in the eminence behind the right ear. \_Gff.^ Drawing pain and heat on the right ear. Drawing shooting pain in the internal ear, proceeding out- wardly. Pressive and shooting straining pain in both the ears. [Qf.] Violent pressure, pressing inwardly, below and in front of the left and the right cars. \_Gff.'] 275. Straining pain in the ear (aft. 24 d.). Pain in the ears, in the evening, like a straining pain (aft. i6d.). Constant straining in both the ears, at night. Pressing outwardly in the ear, when pressing during a stool (aft. 3d.)- . Sore pain in the ear. 280. Pain, as if festering in the meatus auditorius externus, on in- serting a finger. Stitches in the weak ear, causing her to wail aloud. Intense shooting in the left ear and the left cheek. Shooting in the parotid gland, which swells, and when the head is turned, there is tensive pain. Single pointed stitches in the interior of the left ear. \_Crlf.'] 285. Crawling in the right ec>:. Heat and redness in the left ear. [//M.] Swelling at the opening of the meatus auditorius, which pains violently on pressing against the parts beside the antihelix. Much itching, daily in the weak ear. 1354 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Much itching in the sound ear, intense buzzing and accumu- lation of purulent, whitish ear-wax. 290. Thin pus flows from the ear, with itching. Much purulent eruption on the external ear. Very sensitive to noise. Crepitation before the ear, as from paper. Clucking in the ear, on rising up from stoopnig. 295. Frequent ringing in the ears (aft. 24 h.). Singing before the ear. Rumbling in the right ear. Rushing sound and beating in the ear. Strong resounding and humming in the ears (at once). 300. Roaring and rushing in the ears, with the sensation that they were stopped, and yet she heard. Rushing sound before the ear, in the evening when writing, with whistling between. Deep-sounding howling in the ears, following the rhythm of the pulse, while lying on the ear, for two nights. Roaring in the ears; then she could no more hear in it. Roaring and pulse-like hissing in the right ear at night. iGll.-] 305. Sudden, brief deafness of the ears, as from a plug in them. In the root of the nose, pressive pain. Shooting pain in the tip of the nose on touching it, as if a pointed hair was sticking itself in there. Itching of the tip of the nose. Sore feeling in the nose, at every inhalation of air, very pain- ful. 310. Swollen, inflamed nose; the nostrils are sore and ul- cerated. Very painful, inflamed swelling of the nose. Scurf 3^ nostril. A little boil in a nostril, of long duration. A nodule on the root of the nose, painless. 315. Eruptive pimple beside the nose, like a blood-blister. Small pimple beside the right nostril, forming a large scurf. Painful eruption on the tip of the nose. In the morning, he blows from his nose a little coagulated blood. Blowing of blood from the nose and epistaxis (aft. 6, 7, 9 days). 320. Bleeding of the nose on blowing it, in the evening. Violent epistaxis (aft. 12 d.). Bleeding from the nose for seven hours, but only a few drops from time to time. Paleness of the face (aft. 24 h.). Sick, pale appearance in the morning, with dim, red eyes. 325. Yellowness of the face and of the white of both eyes, for a day. Yellow spots in the face and a yellow saddle across the upper part of the cheek and the nose (aft. 20 d.). Redness and flying heat in the face. SKPIA. 1355 Heat in the face, every morning on awaking. Face ver}^ much heated, in the evening, with heat in the head. 330. Great heat and redness in the face at noon, attended with cold feet. Heat in the face, in the morning; in the evening, paleness of face. Talking at once causes redness of the face. The face is puffed up (aft. 5 and aft. 40 d.). Severe swelling of the face, without redness. 335. Tension and contraction of the skin of the face, especially of the forehead. First a slight tickling on the left temple, then sensation as if the skin was drawn up. [G/f.'\ Pressive pain in the zygoma and the nasal bone. Tearing pain in the left cheek, extending thence over the ear to the occiput. ' Spasmodic pain in the facial bones. 340. Drawing pain in the face, with swelling of the cheeks. Short violent tearing, extending from the forehead down to the side of the right ala nasi. \_Gff.^ Slight tearing on the right cheekbone, below the temple. IGf.-] Tearing in the upper jaw. \_Gff.'] Tearing in the left articulation of the jaw, just before the ear. iGff.-] 345. Itching of the whole of the face. Itching in the upper part of the cheeks, and after rubbing them, a burning smarting. Eruptive pimples on the right cheek. Pimples in the face, which itch somewhat. Eruption in the face, like a red roughness of the skin, 350. Many black pores in the face. The lips are hot. Violent burning of the upper lip, close below the nose. Cutting in the upper lip, as from a splinter. Sore pain on the right side of the lower lip, toward the corner of the mouth. [Off.'] 355. Yellowness about the mouth. Herpetic eruption about the lips. Humid eruption of pimples on the edge of the vermillion of the upper lip. Eruption of pimples in the middle of the vermillion of the upper lip (4th. d.). Extensive scurfy eruption in the vermillion of both lips (^ after traveling in the cold). 360. Eruption at the commissure of the lips, with pain when touch- ing it. Painful ulcer on the inner side of the lower lip, relieved by cold water. The inner lower lip feels sore, and is full of painful blisters. Very painful pustule in the middle of the lower lip. Tension of the lower lip. 1356 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS, 365. Severe swelling of the lower lip, in the morning. Herpetic blotches about the mouth. Herpes on the mouth. On the chin, eruptive pimples, with ulcerative pain when touched. Itching eruptive pimples on the chin. 370. Long-continued scurf on the chin. In chewing, the jaws feel as if they could not be separated, and as if the articulation would crack. Spasmodic pain in the lower jaws, and previously in the throat. The submaxillary gland is swollen; and when pressing on it, there is pain in the tooth. Pain in the submaxillary glands per se, as if they were being squeezed; they are also painful when touched. 375. Fine shooting pain at times in the left lower jaw and the glands below, especially when touched. Toothache when biting, or when pressing on the tooth with the tongue. The teeth are very painful when touched and when speaking. He bites his teeth together at night in sleep; this is very pain- ful. Disagreeable sensation of coldness in the lower fore-teeth. 380. Drawing sensation of coldness in single upper incisors. She cannot bear any draught of air on her teeth; she has no pains in bed, only in the morning, an hour after rising; there is no pain when the teeth are touched or cleaned. Dull pain in the old roots of the teeth; cold things cause an acute pain to dart through them. All the teeth are painful, especially a hollow molar, which aches as if too long and pressed upward, with swelling of the gums and cheeks which terminates the pains. [///^.] Pain from heaviness in the upper incisors. 385. Humming in the front teeth. [Qf.] Nocturnal toothache, so she cannot sleep, and in the morning when they ceased she was so irritated, that she could not even then go to sleep in spite of great w^eakness. Drawing pain in the hindmost molars and on the right and the left sides. [Qf.] Drawing in the upper molars. [Qf.] Drawing toothache, when hot or cold things are taken into the mouth. 390. Drawing in the teeth as from cupping. Drawing in a hollow tooth extending even into the ear, aggravated by cold water. Drawing pain in a sound tooth, when the air got into it in a warm room, but not in the cold open air. Drawing, cutting toothache. Tearing below the incisors, in the lower jaw. [Qf.] 395. Tearing toothache, passing out of the left ear, during and after eating. SEPIA. 1357 Rheumatic pressure draws through the teeth and through the forehead in single jerks. [Qf.] Tearing and jerking in the teeth, in the afternoon, after every fourth respiration; worse when lying down, attended with a copious flow of saliva. Tearing and jerking toothache from 6 p. M. till after midnight about I or 2 o'clock; for four days in succession. Single jerks in the teeth, by day and by night, when a draft of air got into the mouth or the ear, followed by disquieting mut- terings therein. 400. Pressive jerks in the molars, most when stooping. Dull pressive pain in the molars, with pain in the submaxil- lary glands (aft. 24 h.). Burrowing in the upper teeth. Gnawing in the posterior molars. Shooting toothache, so that she could have cried. 405. Shooting in the front teeth. Stitch extending into the eye-tooth, below the right eyelid, apparently in the bone. Shooting in the tooth and in the jaw, extending into the ear; she could not sleep for it by night, and by day she had to bind a cloth over it. Shooting beating in various roots of the teeth, with burning in the gums, renewed on entering a room after walking in the cold, as also after eating and chewing, especially when touched by something warm, for eight days, after which the tooth begins to turn black and hollow. Beating toothache; on the third day, shooting; the tooth ■ quickly becomes hollow. 410. Thumping in an upper incisor. [6^//.] The teeth quickly become hollow. Great dullness of the teeth, for seven days. An incisor starts out of its socket and becomes too long. Tooseness of the lower incisors. 415. All teeth become loose and painful, and the gums bleed readil}^ when expectorating (6th d.). Profuse bleeding of the teeth, in the morning. In the gums above the two upper incisors, drawing. [Gjf.~\ Shooting in the gums. Swelling on the inner side of the gums. 420. Thick, dark-red gums, with painful pecking as from incipient suppuration, so that it is almost intolerable. Painful swelling of the gums. Much pain in the swollen gums of hollow teeth, with swollen cheeks. Vesicles on the gums, with burning pain when touched. Sore painful swelling of the gums. 425. Sore pain and swelling of the gums; they become detached and bleed at the slightest touch. Sore ulcerative gums. [0//.~\ Bleeding of the gums, almost without any cause. 1358 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The mouth is swollen internally, so that he can hardly eat any food. Swelling of the internal of the mouth and the gums, with burning in the mouth extending into the throat. 430. Sw^elling of the skin of the buccal cavity, and of the inner side of the gums, so that the inside of the mouth seems con- tracted. The tongue pains as if sore (aft. lyd.). White tongue. Coated tongue. Slimy tongue, i or 2 hours after eating. 435. The tongue pains as if burned, for 5 days. Pain on the tongue, as if burned, during the (customary) smoking. Tearing and smarting as from pepper, posteriorly on the right side of the tongue. [ GffP\ Acrid smarting, anteriorly on the tongue (aft. 32 h.). [6^.] Vesicles on the tongue, and pain as if burned. 440. Painful vesicles on the tip of the tongue, above and below. Pain on the right side of the tongue (which is then covered with thick mucus) , which impedes chewing and plain speaking. Pimple on the tip of the tongue, and very sweet saliva. The palate pains anteriorly as if burnt. Pain as from burning, anteriorly on the palate, just behind the teeth, on touching with the finger or the tongue. 445. Much flow of saliva, in the evening. Gathering of salty saliva in the mouth. He has to spit much, constantly. Dryness and roughness of the tongue and the palate. Intense dryness of the tongue, in the morning on awaking, as if it were burnt. 450. Frequent dryness of the mouth, as if her tongue would cleave to it, without thirst. Dryness of the mouth, throat and the tongue, which is quite rough in the morning. Dryness of the mouth, and throat, in the morning on awak- ing, so that she could not utter a sound, nor speak (aft. 6 d. ). Dryness in the throat, all day. Dryness in the fauces (aft. 11 d.). 455. Dr3mess in the throat, in the evening before going to sleep; not diminished b}^ drinking (aft. 8 d.). \_Gr^ Always dry and as it were tense in the throat. Toothache, smarting and scratching, back in the fauces and in the upper part of the palate, as before a violent coryza. \_Gff,'\ Scratchy in the throat, in the evening. Scratchy sensation in the throat, on swallowing. \Gff.'\ 460. Roughness in the fauces and burning, increased on hawking. Much mucus in the throat; he has to clear it and to hawk up the mucus. Much mucus on the velum pendulum palati. Hawking of mucus in the morning (aft. 4 d.). Frequent expectoration of mucus from the fauces. SKPIA. 1359 465. Bloody mucus in quantities is hawked up (15th d. )• Slight formication in the throat, with sensation of hoarseness, exciting to frequent clearing of the throat. [6^.] First a smarting, then cutting, occasionally also a pressive sensation on the left side of the fauces. \_Gff^ Sore throat with swelling of the cervical glands. Pressive sore throat in the upper part of the right side. [c#.] 470. Pressure in the throat, even when the neck is covered in the loosest manner. Pressure in the throat, in the region of the tonsils, as if the cravat was tied too tightly. Pressure in the throat toward the back, on swallowing food and drink. Pressure in the throat, as if he had swallowed something that had lodged. Pressure in the throat, as if from a plug, which he imagines he has to swallow dowm; mucus is discharged by hawking or coughing. 475. Sensation of a plug in the throat. Sensation as of a plug in the throat, when swallowing, in the evening. Constrictive pressive throatache, close above and on the lar- ynx. {Gff:\ Pinching in the throat, from the larynx upward. Painful contraction and pressure in the throat. 480. Sore pain in the throat, when swallowing. Shooting scraping sore pain on the pharynx, during empty deglutition. Shooting sore throat during deglutition. Numb feeling in the right tonsil (aft. 4 d.). Sensation of heat in the throat. 485. Inflammation of the throat. Inflammation and swelling in the upper part of the throat. Inflammation, severe swelling and suppuration of the left ton- sil; he could not swallow for pain, had heat in the whole of the body, thirst, and burning in the eyes (aft. 11 d.). Difficult deglutition; the muscles of deglutition seem par- alyzed for several evenings (aft. 36 d.). When swallowing food, intense pain in the cardiac orifice of the stomach. 490. Painful jerk from the throat to the scrobiculous cordis, in the morning on raising himself in bed. Smoking tobacco does not agree with him, it contracts the fauces. Bad smell from the mouth. Mucus of putrid taste on the tongue. Taste of manure in the mouth (aft. 5 d.). 495. Acid taste in the mouth (aft. 20 h.). Sour taste in the mouth, attended with costiveness (^aft. II d.). Sour taste in the mouth, in the morniui;- on awakiui;-. 1360 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sour bitterish taste in the mouth (aft. 5 d.). Repulsive, bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning. 500. Nasty taste in the mouth, Hke old coryza. Bitter taste in the mouth, only when hawking. Bitter taste of the food. Nasty taste in the morning, and dry and shiny in the mouth. Putrid taste in the mouth after drinking beer. 505. Sugar-sweet taste in the mouth. Much thirst (aft. 13 d.). Adipsia (^aft. 9 d.). Much thirst in the evening. No appetite, but thirst. 510. As if over-sated, with sensation of loathing and languor. lyOathing of all food, especially of meat; he could only eat bread and butter and soup. Even the thought of eating caused him nausea, with normal taste in the mouth. No appetite, nothing had any taste to her. No appetite, she did not relish anything. 515. The food will not go down. Fullness of the stomach at noon. Diminished appetite, everything tastes too salty. Little appetite, but much thirst. Little appetite, but he relishes the food when he eats. 520. It seems to make smoking distasteful (in its after-effects). Desire for vinegar. Passable appetite, but none at all for meat, which he utterly loathes for several days. Intense desire for wine, which he did not usually drink. Ravenous hunger, and when it is not satisfied, the water gathers in the mouth. 525. When he sees food, water gathers in the mouth, and he feels appetite. Immoderate appetite, she did not get satisfied; after eat- ing, lassitude, eructation of food, even into the mouth, like regurgitation. Intense hunger, in the evening. He continually desires to eat, and when he thinks of eating, water gathers in his mouth. Sensation of emptiness in the stomach. 530, Emptiness in the stomach, with nausea, as soon as she thinks of eating an}^ food. Painful sensation of hunger in the stomach. After eating but little, eructation. After eating and drinking, much eructation. After eating, eructation of mere air. 535. After breakfast, bitter eructation. During a meal, intense bitterness in the mouth. After supper, hiccup. After dinner, intermission of the beat of the heart. J SKPIA. I 361 During eating, pulsation in the scrobiculus cordis ,and the more he eats, the worse he gets. 540. During eating, there is such anguish and heat, that her face becomes quite puffed and red, the eyes, ears and nose are affected by it, and there are drops of perspiration on the finger-tips. During supper, coHc and then three evacuations with forcing (add-). Immediately after dinner, feverish movements. Digestion causes heat and palpitation (aft. 3 d.). After meals, heat in the face. 545. After meals, vertigo, so the person had to hold himself up. Immediately after eating, muddled feeling in the head, any covering of the head, hat or cap, oppressed him. After w^arm food, profuse perspiration in the face. After eating, stitches in the head. Immediately after eating, dull tearing in the forehead. 550. After dinner, general profuse perspiration, with sensation of heat. During the meal and just afterward, the pains are renewed and aggravated. After dinner and supper, tearing in the whole of the thigh especially in the knees. Immediately after eating, sensation of soreness in the throat, and of cramp on the inner side of the cervical vertebrae. After meals, indolence. 555. After eating, a dry cough. After eating, pressure as from flatulence, on the right side deep in the hypogastrium, and later in the side, only sensible when moving the part and when stooping forward. [Qf.] After dinner, inflation of the abdomen, diminished by eructa- tion, till the evening, when it went off without emission of flatus. After eating (soup), at once a strong inflation of the abdo- men. [Qf.] After dinner, the abdomen is much inflated. 560. After partaking of boiled milk, diarrhoea. An hour after dinner (and even before), drawing pain in the stomach and a gnawing extending to the back, where it is most acute, then great exhaustion and lassitude. Eructation in the evening, constant and severe; preceded by severe inflation of the abdomen. Very frequent eructation (also aft. 24 h.). Eructation with heaving to vomit (aft. 26 h.). 565. Frequent gurgling, empty eructation. [Qf.] Bitter eructation, in the morning on rising, with bitter taste in the mouth and throat; but he relishes his food, and after eating, the bitterness is gone. Bitter eructation with nausea. Sour eructation after supper. Eructation, as of rotten eggs. 570. During eructation in the morning, pinching in the stomach, as if something would be torn off, 87 1362 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DIS:E:ASKS . During eructation, shooting in the scrobiculus cordis, in the left side and between the scapulae. After eructation, burning in the stomach. [Qf.] Painful eructation, bloody matter rises from it into the mouth (after riding fast) (aft. 4 h. ). During eructation (in a very warm room) blood came into his mouth, which he spit out. 575. Eructation, alternating with hiccups. Hiccups after eating, for a quarter of an hour. Hiccups during the (customary) smoking of tobacco, and contraction in the fauces, with a sensation of a plug there, causing nausea, while the water gathers in the mouth. Burning rising up from the stomach, [(x^.] Heartburn in the forenoon and afternoon, for several hours, extending from the pit of the stomach into the throat, where there is an acid taste and a scraping sensation. 580. Like water-brash, much water collected in the afternoon in the mouth; it went off through eating. Nausea, by jerks, all day, also after meals, with a gathering of watery saliva, with constant sourish bitter taste in the mouth, without appetite, but the food tastes normally (aft. 4 d.). Nausea, in the morning before breakfast, for several mornings. Nausea, in the morning on awaking, also toward evening and at night. [6^#.] Nausea in the morning, as if everything in the abdomen was turning around. 585. In the morning, on rinsing the mouth, there was heaving as for vomiting. Nausea in the morning, during the (customary) drive. Nausea and weakness. Nausea (almost at once), then drawing through all the limbs. Nausea, every morning at 10 o'clock, without eructation, for several minutes. 590. Nausea with bitterness in the throat, without vomiting. Nausea, only every morning, vanishing after eating some- thing. Inclined to vomit; anxious, dizzy. Vomiting after morning nausea, and after partaking of some- thing, and then still there is retching. Vomiting (during pregnancy) is such a strain, that frequently blood comes up with it. 595. Violent, repeated vomiting, at night, with intense headache (aft. 12 h.). Vomiting of bile, for two mornings (aft. 3d.). Daily two fits of one hour each of contractive griping in the hypochondria with nausea, passing thence like shooting into the back, then also shooting in the chest, and yawning, till he vomited bile and food. Vomiting of milky water (during pregnancy), although she had not drunk any milk. Pressure in the stomach after eating and when touching it. i SKPIA. 1363 600. Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 30 h.). Pressure in the stomach, at night, for three nights successively. Pressure in the stomach, as from a stone. Hard pressure in the pit of the stomach as from a stone, even while fasting, but more after eating bread. 605. Pressure in the stomach, as if sore within. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, going off through a fer- menting movement downward (aft. 3^ h. ). [Qf-] Pressure in the stomach, lasting from the morning till 1 p. m. Pressure in the stomach in the evening, succeeded by head- ache. Violent pressure on the left side below the ribs, it goes off by lying down. 610. Tearing pressure around the pit of the stomach. \Gff?^ Heaviness in the stomach, with dull pain about the whole of the abdomen. Spasmodic pain in the stomach and abdomen. Contraction in the gastric region. Shooting pain in the stomach and in the inflated abdomen, in the afternoon. 615. The least pressure in the gastric region causes intense pain. Burning in the stomach and in the scrobiculus cordis. Heat in the stomach and in the scrobiculus cordis, with a sen- sation as if eating would relieve her. Sudden stitches in the scrobiculus cordis, on rapidly swallow- ing during a meal. Stitches in the scrobiculus cordis. 620. Fine needle-pricks in the scrobiculus cordis. Shooting close below the scrobiculus cordis, on inspiring. [G#.] Rumbling in the stomach. In the hypochondria and in the scrobiculus cordis shooting tensive pain, on moving while stooping. Tensive shooting pain about the hypochondria, impeding all movement, and worse while walking. 625. A stitch lasting for minutes, about the right lowest rib toward the scrobiculus cordis; it goes off through empty eructation. \Gjf^ Stitches dart across the epigastrium below the hypochondria, so that she would like to scream, frequently. Frequent stitches below the right ribs. Shooting pain below the right short ribs, during a dry hack- ing cough in the evening. Beating in the hepatic region. 630. Stitches in both sides of the epigastrium, when coughing. Stitches occasionally radiate from the epigastric region, close below the scrobiculus cordis, extending obliquelv up into the left side. [Qf.] Stitches transversely through the abdomen, from the right side to the left, as quick as lightning (aft. 36 d.\ Shooting pain in both sides of the hypogastrium. Severe shooting in the left side of the abdomen. 1364 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 635. Shooting in the side of the abdomen, for an hour, then diffi- culty of breathing. Violent shooting in the hepatic region, in the CA'ening for eight minutes,, it was then also painful when touched, attended with costiveness. Dull stitch in the hepatic region (aft. 3 h.). [Qf.] Sore pain in the hepatic region (aft. 5 h.). \Gff~\ Pain in the right side of the abdomen. 640. Simple pain in the liver, close below the last rib, arresting the breathing w^hile driving on an uneven road. Sensation of fullness in the hepatic region. Violent squeezing in the hepatic region, diminished b}^ eructa- tion and the emission of flatus. [G//.'] Drawing pressure in the hepatic region, in the evening. Pressive pain in the hepatic region. 645. Pressive pain in the right side of the abdomen. Some twitches in the liver. Drawing pain in both sides of the abdomen, in recurrent at- tacks. Painful sensation in both sides of the abdomen, as from a rigid bod}' there, or a plug; this made stooping painful or im- possible. Pain in the abdomen, from the navel to the pubes; most when touching it. 650. Stitches transversel}' through the abdomen, right above the hips. Alternate shooting and pinching in the intestines, in fits last- ing 10 minutes. Stitches from the navel to the pudenda, when coughing and retching. Shooting pain in the muscles of the right side of the abdomen, with visible twitching. Shooting in the groin. 655. Stitches, in the morning, through the left groin. Erosive boring pain in the right side, besides the umbilicus (aft. 18 d.). Pressure in the abdomen. Pressive aching in the epigastrium, in the afternoon. [G//.'] Pain about the navel, very acute when coughing and stoop- ing. 660. Pressive aching in the tense epigastrium, for an hour after dinner and after some exercise in the open air. [Qy^.] Pressure in the whole of the abdomen, for 3 days successively increased after meals, with muddled feeling in the head and tenseness of the scalp. [7//^.] Much pressure and tension in the epigastrium, at times re- lieved by internal fermentation; at the same time pressure and shooting in the umbilical region. \_G//.^ Pressure in the abdomen, going off after an evacuation. Heaviness in the abdomen. 665. Sensation as from a load in the abdomen, when moving. SEPIA. 1365 Pain in the middle of the abdomen, lasting from the afternoon till going to sleep; it lay fast there like a lump; the pain drew upward toward evening, with drowsiness, still she could not sleep at night. Pressure in the hypogastrium on the left side below the navel, and at times quite in the left side. [6r^".] Pressure anteriorly in the hypogastrium, on the right side. Undulating pressure in the right inguinal region, from within outward. \_G^.'} 670. Painful pressure in the hernial region, when laughing aloud. Drawing tensive pressure in the abdomen, [(r^.] Inflation of the abdomen (also aft. sever, h. ) Distention of the abdomen, in the morning (aft. 2d.) Very much distended abdomen, without stool. 675. Severe inflation of the abdomen, especially in the evening. Painful inflation of the abdomen, when out driving. Hard, inflated abdomen, especially in the evening; also the veins in the skin of the abdomen are distended; with shooting pain in the abdomen. Accumulation of flatulence in the abdomen, while walking in the open air. Frequent hard inflation of the abdomen, with cutting in the intestines. 680. At first severe inflation of the abdomen, then loud rumbling and motion therein. Inflation of the abdomen, with diarrhoea and colic. Pain in the abdomen, in the morning in bed. Pain in the abdomen, in the morning, quite down in the pelvis, pressing outwardly, winding and contracting. \_G/I.~\ Violent cutting across the abdomen, as from flatus, it goes off through moving; at the same time a cutting in the left testicle. 685. Violent cutting in the abdomen, extending to the chest, with flatus passing around without finding egress (aft. 4 d.). Cutting in the abdomen, at night wnth urging to urinate. Cutting pains in the abdomen, after midnight. \_Gj^.^ Violent colic, in the morning. Cutting in the hypogastrium, in the afternoon, constant and also in single jerks. 690. Colic with frequent nausea. Frequent fits of colic, she has to quite double up for several minutes. Pinching cutting in the intestines, with groaning anguish, as if an evacuation would be discharged involuntarily. Pinching in the abdomen, almost every morning for an hour with nausea, qualmishness and gathering of saliva in the mouth. Daily pinching in the abdomen, without diarrhoea, as if sev- eral successions of flatus were generated, relieved by eructation. 695. Frequent pinching in the abdomen, without flatulence. Pinching in the hypogastrium, all day, in fits lasting a quarter of an hour, with onl}^ one hard stool a day, for three days in suc- cession (aft. 48 h.). 1366 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Griping in the intestines, with sensation as if they were being turned over. Cramps in the abdomen (aft. 17 d. ). Spasmodic contraction in the right side of the hypogastrium. 700. Frequent fits of contractive pain in the right side of the abdo- men, worse in the morning, and then intense, constrictive pain in abdomen, whence the pain passed into the chest, removed by eruc- tation. Violent pain in the abdomen, so that she had to bend double. Burrowing and contracting in the abdomen, with discharge of much flatus. Burrowing in the abdomen with nausea. Burning in the abdomen, while walking in the open air. 705. Burning pain on the left side below the navel. [Qf*.] Burning and sensation of heat in the lumbar (renal) region, on taking a deep breath. Burning in the right side of the abdomen, in walking a good distance. Burning in the right flank. [Qf.] Burning in the abdomen, while sitting, passing away in walk- ing. 710. Pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines were beaten short and small. Pain in the abdomen, in the afternoon, as if the intestines were being torn out. Beating, here and there, in the abdomen. The abdominal muscles are painful, when moving, only by night. Voluptuous itching in the left groin, in the evening in bed, in- tolerably aggravated by rubbing, but quickly removed by slightly tickling with the finger-tips. 715. Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen. Disquiet in the abdomen. Disquiet in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea was coming; it goes off by emission of flatus. Rumbling and whistling in the abdomen with inflation of the same. [Qf.] Rumbling in the abdomen. 720. Loud growling in the abdomen. Violent fermentation in the abdomen. [6r^.] Rumbling and motion of flatus in the abdomen, as in diar- rhoea. Rumbling in the evening, and incarceration of flatus moves about in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen, v>^ith eructation (aft. 2 d.). 725. Fine, quick clucking in the right half of the spigastrium. \Gff.-\ Externally sensible clucking in the left side of the hypogas- trium above the hip. Rumbling in the abdomen, while lying down (aft. 10 d.). Loud rumbling and sensation of emptiness in the left side of the abdomen, every day. SKPIA. 1367 Copious emission of fetid flatus (aft. 15 d.). 730. Diarrhoea, during the first days. Diarrhoea, after partaking of milk. Exhausting diarrhoea, during the first days. Soft pappy stool, of very fetid, sourish smell, passing off quickly at once. Putrid, sourish fetid evacuation. 735. Three thin acrid stools a day, after which the varices of the anus protrude; these are very humid and pain acutely in sitting (aft. 12 d.). Many gelatinous stools with colic. Stool of w^hitish color (3d d.). Slimy diarrhoea, with distended abdomen. Stool after several days, with faeces at first hard, then soft. 740. Constant tenesmus, but only little is evacuated. Ineffectual tenesmus toward evening, then in the morning a stool frequently hard and in lumps. Ineffectual tenesmus, onl}^ slime and flatus are discharged, with a sensation in the rectum as if there was a plug in it. Difficult evacuation even of soft faeces, of thin formation. Two stools a day, and always with some tenesmus. 745. The stool, by no means hard, is discharged with much exer- tion. The brownish stool, though not hard, is evacuated only scantily and with strong pressing. [Gff.^ During the later days, the stool becomes hard, also at times knotty and insufficient. Hard stool, discharged with difficulty, also at times mixed with slime. Hard stool with cutting in the rectum. 750. Before the stool, there commences a flatulent colic, with moaning and groaning. Before the natural stool, colic (aft. 4 d.). Before every liquid stool, nausea (aft. 5 d.). With difficult stool, emission of prostatic juice. During the stool discharge of blood (aft. 11, 20 d.). 755. With every stool, blood, for eight days. Discharge of blood with the stool, though this is not hard. Much blood with the stool, after cutting in the abdomen. Some blood with the stool every day, for a long time. After the stool, discharge of bloody slime. 760. After a second stool, stiffness and sensation of hardness in the back, and an apparent tension in the scrobiculus cordis, with oppression of breathing. After a stool which is not hard, pressive headache in the forehead. After the stool, emptiness and relaxation of the abdomen. After a pappy stool, headache. After a thin stool, pain in the abdomen, like erosion in the belly. 765. After two hard and considerable stools, great weakness in the abdomen and total lack of appetite. 1368 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Discharge of ascarides. In the rectum, contractive pain, extending into the vagina (aft. 6d.). Contractive pain in the rectum, extending from there into the perinseum and into the vagina. Contractive pain in the anus and thence forward up into the abdomen, during the stool. 770. Frequent painful contraction in the anus. Sensation of squeezing in the anus, going off after fermenta- tion in the abdomen. [Qf.] Tensive pain in the anus (and in the rectum) (aft. 4 d.). Tension in the anus, after the stool. Tenesmus in the anus, with sensation of soreness, at times in jerks. [Qf,] 775. Pain in the rectum during the stool, and afterward for a long time while sitting (aft. 7 d.). Before and during the hard stool, excessive cramp-like pain in the rectum (aft. 4 d. ). Violent cutting in the anus and rectum, at night. Cutting in the rectum during the stool, with some discharge of blood. Feeling of weakness in the rectum, in the evening in bed, and from this, restlessness, so that he cannot go to sleep. 780. Cutting in the rectum, in the afternoon, drawing toward the hypogastrium with subsequent ineffectual straining and urging to stool. Stitches in the anus (aft. 8 d.). Violent stitches in the rectum, b}^ night. Several dull stitches in the anus, in succession. \Gff.'] Shooting in the anus, after the morning stool, lasting till the afternoon (aft. 7 d.). 785. Severe shooting in the anus, especially on drawing it in, and during external pressure on the same. Slow stitch in the left groin, from below upward, during the stool. Shooting and tearing in the anus. Stitches in the perinaeum, toward the rectum, while sitting, in the evening. Shooting and burning in the anus. 790. Burning in the anus. Burning in the anus, during the stool (aft. 21 d.). Burning in the anus daih^, with a hard stool, with intermixed empty tenesmus (the first daj^s). Burning in the rectum, all da3\ Burning in the rectum, during the latter part of a soft stool (aft. 6 d.). 795. Heat and swelling of the margin of the anus. Soreness on the anus. Sore pain in the rectum, chiefly between stools; it feels like a pressing out of the same, even while lying down; in paroxysms lasting for hours; at the same time there are varices of the anus, painful w^hen touched. J SBPIA. 1369 Itching and shooting in the rectum. Itching in the rectum and anus. 3oo. Itching on the anus, also by day. Severe itching on the anus and crawhng in the rectum (istd.). Scratchy sensation in the anus, during the stool. Protrusion of the rectum (aft. sever, h.). Prolapsus of the rectum, (aft. 30 d.). [i?/.] :8o5. Bearing do^A^n on the anus in the afternoon, soon after dinner (aft. 5, 12 d.). Profuse perspiration, just above the anus, before and during the stool. Biting in the rectum, after the stool. Protrusion and itching of the varices of the rectum. Severe protrusion of the varices of the rectum, on walking. ■Sio. Severe protrusion of the varices of the rectum, during stool. Protrusion of a humid, painless varix from the anus, after a normal stool. Pain of the varices of the anus, after a normal stool (aft. 4 d.). The varices of the anus become painful (aft. 2 h.). Pain of the varices of the anus while walking. 3 15. Varices of the anus, without costiveness. The varices of the anus seem indurated. Bleeding of the varices of the anus, when walking. Scanty discharge of urine (the first yd.). Pressure upon the bladder, in the morning, and urging to uri- nate, but urine only comes after several minutes. S20. Constant urging to urinate, with painful forcing in the pelvis in the morning. [6^//.] Frequent and intense urging to urinate. He has to urinate two or three times an hour; there is a bear- ing down on the bladder, but still he has to stand a long time be- fore the urine comes, which is then emitted without pain; if he tires to do without urinating, he feels anguish, and pressure on the bladder (aft. 48 h.). Sensation as if drops were discharged from the bladder {which yet was not the case), especiall}^ while at rest. After urinating, some liquid remains in the urethra, which afterward issues of itself from the orifice. ^825. After two hours' heat, redness and puffiness of the face, fol- lowed by many hours' paleness, for fourteen hours there is in- ability to urinate, followed by a repeated urging to urinate, everj- quarter of an hour, when but little is discharged; then several such periods of suppression and of urging to urinate; in the last period, despite of much drinking the suppression of urine lasts for twenty hours (ist d.). Little micturition, with much thirst (aft. 3 d.). At night he dreams that he is urinating into the vessel, while he allows the urine to flow into the bed (aft 17 d."). Also at night he has to get up to urinate, as often as he is awakened, with thirst even at night. 1370 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pressure on the bladder and frequent micturition, with ten- sion in the hj^pogastrium. 830. Pressure on the bladder, in the evening, with burning after the discharge. More frequent micturition (aft. 4 d.). Far more liquid is discharged than corresponds with what he drinks (aft. 36 d.)- Water-colored urine in abundance (2d d. ). Pale-yellow urine, without sediment, not even after a night and a day. [Qf^] 835. The urine on standing becomes turbid and ill-smelling, with a white deposit (aft. ist, 4th d. ). The urine is frequently turbid and dark at once w^hen dis- charged, as if mixed with mucus. Urine with much white deposit and fetid. Turbid urine with red-sandy sediment. Turbid, clay-colored urine, with reddish deposit in the vessel. \_G/l.~\ 840. Blood-red urine. The urine deposits blood in the vessel. After urinating (at noon) discharge of a milky liquid from the urethra. After urinating, discharge of prostatic juice. Pinching pain in the bladder. 845. Cramp in the bladder. [G^//.] Violent burning in the bladder, without urging to urinate. Burning in the urethra. Burning anteriorly in the urethra (aft. 9, 20 d.). Smarting in the urethra during micturition. 850. Smarting anteriorly and in the orifice of the urethra (aft. 13 h.). [Qf.] Drawing smarting in the urethra anteriorly, in the morning on awaking. Tearing in the anterior part of the urethra. [Qf.] Severe tearing in the urethra. Violent, continuous cutting, then also shooting in the urethra. 855. Erosion in the urethra during micturition. Erosion through the urethra. [G//.] Itching in the urethra. The male genitals perspire profusely (aft. 3d.). In the penis, stitches. 860. Burning in the penis during coitus (aft. 10 d.). Itching inflammation of the penis, much augmenting the excitation during coitus. The glans is hot and itching, with soreness of the prepuce: Hot glans, with a pale red, sometimes itching, eruption. Red dots on the glans. 865. Copious humidity on the lower side of the glans, the humor is purulent, of sourish salty smell, with itching. The prepuce suppurates and itches constantly. Red nodules, almost sore, disappearing and returning, on the I SKPIA. 1371 inner side of tlie prepuce and on the glans, with tickling sensation when touched. The scrotum perspires profusely. Heat in the testicle. 870. Cutting in the testicle. Pinching tearing in the testes (ist, 2d d.). Rheumatic drawing in the testes, also beside them in the thigh. [Qf.] Great increase in the sexual impulse (the first 5 d.). Lewd thoughts without erection (4th d.). 875. Impulse to coition, with quick emission of semen with but little voluptuous sensation; then tension in the hypogastrium, ex- tending into the spermatic cords (5th d.). Strong, somewhat painful erection after the siesta, while sitting. \^Htb.~\ Vigorous erections (2d d.) but after the twenty-ninth day the erections are brief, with premature emission of semen during coitus. Fewer erections (curative effect) (the ist days). At night, long-continued erections (aft. 16 h. ). 880. Violent, obstinate erections, at night. Lack of erections (aft. sever, d.). Long-continued erections after coitus and pollutions. Nocturnal emission of semen, with a lewd dream (aft. 12 h.). Repeated incipient pollution, but suppressed every time by awaking (aft. 20 h.). 885. Incomplete pollution, in a lewd dream. \Gff.'\ Weak and watery pollution. \Htb.~\ Pollutions cease in its after-effects. After pollution, burning anteriorly in the urethra. After pollution, indolent, languid, sensitive to the damp air; the urine is turbid, there is also vertigo and constipation. 890. After coitus, first erection, then weakness of the thoughts, vertigo, despondency, exhaustion; in the evening dejected and inclined to start (14th d.). After coitus, anxious and restless all day. After coitus, great weakness in the knees. But little voluptuous sensation during coitus (2d d.). Coitus with insufficient erection (aft. 20 d.). 895. Painful stiffness, apparently in the uterine region. Pressing downward, in the uterus, constricting the breath, as if everything would fall out, with colic; she has to cross her thighs to prevent a prolapsus of the vagina; but nothing protruded, there was only an increase of the gelatinous leucorrhoeal discharge (aft. 10, 20 h.). Soreness and redness on the labia, in the perincieum and pos- teriorly between the thighs Twitching upward in the vagina, in the morning after awak- ing from a dream. Shooting in the pudenda (aft. 3 d.). 900. Violent stitches in the pudenda, extending almost to the navel. 1372 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Stitches up the vagina, every three or four seconds, and after a quarter of an hour, a similar attack. Itching on the pudenda (aft. 21 d. ). After coitus, flow of blood from the vagina. Aching in the abdomen, as from incipient menses (alt. 4 d.). 905. Menses too early by six days (aft. 4 d.). Menses too early bj^ two days. Menses too early by seven days. Menses too early by fourteen days (aft. sever, h.). Menses too early by several days (aft. 48 d. ). 910. Menses too early by eight days, and too scanty, onl}^ in the morning. Flow of a few drops of blood from the vagina, fifteen days before the regular time (aft. 8 d. ). Discharge of blood from the vagina, only while w^alking. The menses, suppressed for four months, reappear (aft. 18 d. ). The menses, at other times regular, come too earh^ by seven days (20th d.). 915. The menses appear eight davs late (in the after- effects) (aft. 28 d.). The menses, which had been suppressed for two months in an elderly person, reappear after forty-eight days, with drawing, ex- tending from the teeth to the cheek, which swelled up. The menses, which had been suppressed for several months in an aged person, reappear once more (aft. 20 d.). Menses too late by three days (aft. 19 d. ). Menses delay five daj's, till full-moon (aft. 22 d.). 920. Before the menses, violent colic and fainting sensations. Two days before the menses, shuddering all over, all day. Before the menses, burning on the pudenda. Before the menses, a smarting leucorrhoea, wnth soreness of the pudenda. Before the menses, sensation as if the sexual parts w^ere di- lated. 925. A few" da3's before the menses, pressure in the abdomen, and w^hen this had passed, soreness in the perinaeum and swelling of the pudenda, before the flow of blood appeared. During the menses, very much exhausted, in the morning. During the menses, tearing in the tibia. During the menses, toothache and throbbing in the gums. During the menses, things seem dark and black before her eyes, with great weakness, w^hich goes off on lying down. 930. During the menses, severe pressure on the forehead, with ex- pulsion of indurated, fetid matter from the nose. During the menses, drawing in the teeth, up the cheek. During the menses, drawing from the teeth into the cheek, which sw^elled up. During the menses, bleeding from the nose, three evenings successively. During the menses, very melancholy, especially in the morn- ing. SKPIA. 1373 935. During the menses, she cannot sleep at all, owing to tearing in the back, chill and heat, with thirst and painful contraction of the chest. During the menses she had to be in bed for two days, owing to restlessness in the body, drawing pains in the legs and in the abdomen, with rumbling; the second day, palpitation for several hours, in the forenoon, with asthma (aft. 9 d.). Discharge of leucorrhoea, with stitches in the uterus (aft. I^eucorrhoea, with itching in the vagina (aft. 3d.). Bloody, mucus discharge from the vagina. 940. Yellowish discharge from the vagina (aft. 24 h. ). Leucorrhoea, colorless, like water (aft. 22 d.). Leucorrhoea of slime, transparent like water. The leucorrhoea flows more copiously during eructations, and when retching to vomit; she then also becomes paler in the face. Discharge of a greenish reddish liquid from the vagina, during pregnancy. 945. Leucorrhoea, especially profuse after micturition. Leucorrhoea, looking like pus. Leucorrhoea, looking like milk, only by day, with burning pain; causing soreness between the thighs. Copious leucorrhoea of pieces of mucus with putrid odor, with drawing pain in the hypogastrium. Much pain while walking, caused by soreness from leucorrhoea. ^ ^jt a, the present article is but a reproduction, with the preface abridged and the notes omitted. The symptoms, both of Hahnemann and of his fellow-observers, were presumablj^ (in Gross' case certainly) obtained by provings on the healthy with a low trituration of the metal. — Hughes. 1438 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. STANNUM. Gloom}^ h3'pochoridriac mood. Indescribable anguish and melancholy, for several daj^s. Aversion and distaste for human societ}^ Indisposition to talk. 5. No pleasure in anything, without being peevish. Discouraged mood. Dawdling and irritated, with heat in the face; she wanted to do a number of things, but accomplished nothing. Restless and distracted, no perseverance in her work (at once.) Restlessness, which des not allow him to stay long anywhere. \Hem^, 10. He is ineffectually busieid, as if he was prevented b}" super- abundance of ideas from finshing his work at a certain time; he thinks of a number of things which he ought yet to attend to. \_Gr.-\ Annoyed, nothing was done according to his desire. \LghP[ Not disposed to any work, and incapacitated from thinkiug. \Hr7n^ Dull in spirit, indifferent to things around him., out of sorts; with paleness and dimness about the eyes. {Gbn?^ Peevishness, which disappears in the open air, all da}^ long. 15. Discontentedness. The mind is quiet, introverted, solicitous about the future. lLgh:\ Taciturn looking down before him, with great discomfort of body. \Gt7n7[ Taciturn peevishness, he does not want to answer, and does so abruptly; he is easil}^ vexed, and readily becomes passion- ate. \Gtm^ Vexation and quickly passing sensitiveness, (the first 3 days,) \Gr.-\ 20. Readily flying into a passion, and inclined to violent anger (4th d.]. [Gr.] Vehement, but quickly passing passion \Gr.'\ Quiet, good-humored (aft. 14 h ). \Lgh^ Talkative, sociable. \Lgli^ Excessively merry. [(7/w.] 25. Lack of memory, in the morning, on awaking. Dizziness in the whole head, [//r;;^.] Muddled and stupid feeling in the head, as if from incipient coryza, but this does not come on; with sneezing. Heaviness and muddled feeling of the head, worse in the evening. Heaviness in the head, both when at rest and in motion, in the evening for two hours (aft. 9 h.). 30. Stupefying vertigo, only when walking in the open air; he staggers as if he would fall. \_Lgh^ Vertigo while sitting, as if he would fall. \_Gtm?^ Sudden attack of vertigo, while taking a rest. {Wsl^^ STANNUM. 1439 Vertigo, as if all objects were too far distant. [IVsl.^ Vertigo, as if the brain turned round; he loses all thoughts and cannot read on and is sitting, seemingly unconscious. \^I/rm.~\ 35. Headache, almost every morning, with lack of appetite, nausea and peevishness. Pressure outward on the left side of the occiput. [///.] Pressive heaviness; with sensation of emptiness in the left half of the brain. [T//?;?.] Pressive pain outward at the right side of the head. [Gfm.'] Pressive pain outw^ard at the right temple, almost as if it was external. [G/;?/.] 40. Pressure in the left temple, beginning w^eak, then increasing and then gradually decreasing; as if the forehead would be pressed in. [Gr.y Pressure, extending from the middle of the forehead deep into the brain. [6^/;;z,] Pressure in the forehead, the temple and the vertex, relieved by external pressure. [_Gr.^ Pressure on the right temple, when lying on it, going off on rising. \_Gtm.^ Pressure in the forehead, aggravated by bending backward, relieved by pressing upon it. [_Gr.l^ 45. Pressure in the forehead. Sudden sharp pressure on the vertex, with a sensation as if the hair was moved. [Gr. Dull pressure outward in the forehead. [Hem.'l Pressure outward at the forehead, with drowsiness diminished by pressing upon it. [_Gr.'] Pressure outward in the frontal eminences. [6^r.] 50. Pressive stupefying pain in the brain, right above the eye- brows, both at rest and in motion. [^Lg/i.~\ Dizzy pressure all through the head. [/:^r;/?.] Painful pressure of the brain against the vertex and the occipital bone, in the evening, continuing even after lying down. Pain like as if the temples were pressed in, all day long. Pressing together on the temples and on the occiput. 55. Pain as if the brain was being pressed apart and tense. Compression in the occiput, below the vertex. \_F7'z.'] Constriction and pressure suddenly all through the upper part of the head, gently increasing and decreasing, [6"?.] Contractive pain in the right side of the occiput. \_Gtm.'] Sensation frequently as if the head was in a vise, with slow jerks or a drawing pressure, occassionally here and there. \_Gr.'] 60. Spasmodic headache, as if the head was externally drawn together with a band. Violent jerks through the front part of the head, alternating with a dull pressure. \_Ht))i.'] Suddenly a pressive jerk in the left side of the forehead and in the left temple, so that he screams out aloud. [GrJ] Pain as if the forehead was shattered. 1440 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Boring, pressive pain in the right temple, going oft through external pressure. Sjfltiii^ 65. Boring pain in the left temple, all day long. Boring, pressive, stupefjdng pain in the left half of the brain, on the surface. \Hbn?[ Boring in the occipital bones ; with acutel}^ painful heaviness . \Htm:\ Drawing through the forehead and the vertex, with a pressive sensation. \Gr.'\ Drawing pressure from the right parietal bone toward the orbit. \Gr^ 70. Drawing pressure on the upper margin of the left orbit. \Gr^ Pressive drawing in one temple and one-half of the forehead, causing gloominess. [6^?'.] Tearing on the left side of the parietal bone and in the fore- head. \Hrm^ Tearing pressure in the right half of the head. \^Hrm.'\ Pressive tearing through the right side of the head. [ Wsl^ 75 . Pressive tearing in the right side of the forehead, in paroxysms, more violent when stooping. \Htmr^ Pressive tearing in the left occipital bone. \Ht7n,'\ Pressive tearing in the forehead. \Hrni?^ Pressive tearing in the left side of the vertex. [Hrfn.'\ Pressive tearing on the left side, in the occiput. \H>m.'] 80. Drawing tearing, resembling jerks, externall}" above the left eyebrow . [^J^gh . ] A long dull stitch on the left frontal eminence. [6^?'.] Shooting headache in the forehead, also when at rest, for sev- eral da3^s; when stooping, it feels as if ever3'thing was coming out at the forehead. Shooting in the temple, resembUng pulsation, with heat in the head, chill in the bod}^ and weakness of the head, so that he could hardly comprehend anything; attended with slumber and loss of sense. Throbbing headache in the temples. 85. Heat in the forehead, sensible also externall3\ Burning pain in the one-half of the sinciput, resembling fire, so also in the nose and in the ej^es, with heat of the parts, sensi- ble also externalh^; unchanged b}" rest or motion; he had to lie down; attended with nausea and retching as if to vomit; from morning till evening. Painful sensation when shaking the head, as if the brain was loose and beat against the skull. \_Gr.'] Buzzing in the head; external noises caused it to resound. Sensation of weariness in the head and sleepiness. 90. tain, externall}^ on the head, as if it was festering within. Fine shooting in the middle of the forehead. \_Fr2 ] Quick, dull stitches in the right half of the upper side of the head. [6^?'.] Headache like stitches, especially on the left side of the fore- head, with fluent coryza. [Lgh.l Burning shooting on the vertex. [Fr2.'\ ST ANNUM. 1 441 95. Burning tension, anteriorly, on the hairy scalp, just above the right side of the forehead. [Ghn.'j Pain in the eyes, as from rubbing with a woolen cloth, dimin- ished on moving the lids. Pressure in the left eye, as from a stye on the lids. \_Fr2.'] Pressure in the left inner canthus, as from a stye, with lach- rymation of the eyes. [^Hrm.'] Pressive pain in the right inner canthus. \_Hrm.'] 100. Pressure in both the upper eyelids. \_Gtin.'] Pressure in the e3^es. Sensation behind the right eyelid, as of a hard body. \_Gtm.'] Sudden jerks on the upper margin of the right orbit, and on other parts, with acutely painful stupefaction of the head. [Gr.'] Sudden, acutely painful dull shocks on the outer side of the upper margin of the left orbit. {_Gr.'] 105. Tensive stitch in the left eyeball, most violent when moving it. [6^/w.] Burning shooting in the right eye, toward the outer canthus. [Gtm.'] Fine shooting burning in the left canthus. [Gtm.'] Violent, short, burning stitches in the lids of the right eye, more toward the outer canthus. \_Htm.'] Burning pain in the left lower eyelid. \_Gtm.'] no. Burning in the eyes. Itching in the inner canthus. Itching in the left eyeball, going off somewhat by rubbing. \_Gtm.'] Smarting in the eyes, as after rubbing with a woolen cloth. Nightly agglutination of the eyes, and weakness of the same by day. 115. Suppurating swelling on the inner canthus of the left eye, like a fistula lachrymalis. Contraction of the eyelids, with redness of the white in the eye and a burning sensation. Quivering on the right inner canthus. \Hl.^ Quivering of the left eye, for a week. Twitching of the ej^es. 120. The eyes protrude and are painful as after weeping. Weary, dim, sunken eyes (aft. 2 d.). \_H?^m.^ Dim eyes. The pupils first contracted, then dilated. \_Lgh.'] By candle-light he sees a rainbows 125. Straining pain in the external ear, with drawing pain. [_Gr.'] Drawing, repeatedly, in the left ear, like straining. [Gr.'] Tearing in the right meatus auditorius, like straining in the ear. \_Hrm.'] Drawing in the whole of the right ear, the inner and the outer, more painful on moving the lower jaw. \Gttn.'] Pain from cramps in the whole of the right ear, for eight hours. [Gtm.'] 130. Pinching tearing through the cartilage of the left auricle, 92 1442 HAHNKMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. with the sensation occasionally, as if a cool breeze was blowing upon it (aft. 4 h.). [Ws/.'} Drawing stitch in the upper wing of the left ear. [_Gt?n.~\ Pressure externally on the bone behind the ear. Boring pain in the right ear, while the feet are cold. Itching in the left ear. 135. The hole for the ear-ring in the lobube is ulcerated. Sound of screaming in the ear, on blowing the nose. Ringing in the left ear. \_Lo'/i,~\ Rushing sound in the ear, as from blood streaming through. Creaking before the left ear and within it, as from a gate, in the evening. [^Frz.'] 140. Sensation of stoppage of the left ear, with deafness, dimin- ished b}^ blowing the nose, in the morning, after rising, for four days. IHl.-] In the upper part of the nostril, sensation of heaviness and stuffing. \_H'rm.'] Hpistaxis in the morning, just after rising from bed. [HI.'] Violent epistaxis in the morning, immediately on awaking. The face is pale and sunken; sickly, long-drawn face. [^Hnn.'] 145. Transient heat in the face, sensible internally and externally. [Gr.-] Cramplike pressure in the muscles on the left zygoma. [ WsLI Stupefying pain in the face, especially on the forehead. [Lgh.-] Contractive pain in the facial bones and the teeth on the right side, as if this were being drawn shorter. \_Gr.'\ Contraction and pressure internally under the right cheek. IFrz.] 150. Drawing pressure in the facial bones on the right side, es- pecially in the zygoma and the orbit; it comes by jerks. \_Gr.'] Pressive gnawing on the left side of the face, especially on the zygoma. \_Wsl.'] Tearing, extending down from the zygoma into the lower jaw, beside the corner of the mouth. [6^r.] Burning itching shooting on the zygomas. Burning pain in the right cheek, below the eye. [Gt)7i.'] 155. In the evening, a burning pain from cramps in the left cheek, and soon after, swelling of the cheek, which only pains like cut- ting, when the face is distorted; the pain feels as if there were splinters of glass between the cheeks and the teeth. \_Fr2.'] Pain and swelling of the upper jaw; the cheeks are red and they sting. Painful swelling of the left cheek, with a gum-boil; the pains deprive her of sleep. Itching pimples in the face, with sore pain when they are touched or washed. A pimple in the left eyebrow, with burning pain per se but with pressive pain when touched. 160. In the lower lip on a small spot, a shooting tearing pain. Anteriorily on the chin, broad cutting stitches. [IVsl,] ST ANNUM. 1443 On the right side of the angle of the lower jaw, a red tumor with drawing pain, which is aggravated by touching it, for eight days. Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands (aft. 8 h.). The teeth seem too long. 165. Twitching toothache in all the teeth, soon after eating (any- thing cold or warm); with heat of the face; only relieved by the open air. lyooseness of the teeth. Tough mucus in the mouth. Gathering of saliva in the mouth. \_Frz.'] Sourish saliva runs from his mouth, in the morning, on awak- ing. 170. The tongue coated with yellowish mucus (aft. 5 d.). [Gt?n.'] He finds it hard to speak. He finds it hard to talk, as he lacks the strength. \_Gr.'] Sore throat, like a swelling, with sensation of dryness,. and drawing, tensive pains. Pain in the throat, as if it swelled up with a sore pain, un- affected by deglutition; after much hawking, he talks at a higher pitch of voice than usual. 175. Cutting in the fauces, as with knives, when swallowing. \_Frz.'\ Parching shooting in the upper part of the fauces, while not swallowing. [Frz.'] Sensation of dryness and shooting in the throat on the right tonsil; it incites to cough, and goes off somewhat by coughing and swallowing. \_Fr2.'\ Scratchy scraping below^ the pit of the throat, internally. Scrapy in the throat, in the evening. 180. Scratchy sensation in the throat, in the morning. Much mucus in the throat. In the evening, there is an irritation to hawking up mucus, followed by severe sore pain in the throat. Disagreeable taste in the mouth. \_Gtm.'\ Bitter sour taste in the mouth. 185. Bitter taste of everything partaken of (food and drink), except water; no bitter taste when not eating. Bitter and sour taste in the mouth ( ist-3d d.). A sweetish taste rises up into her thaoat. The beer has an herb-like taste. [^Gtm.'] Beer tastes flat and sour bitter. 190. Tobacco tastes acrid and dry, in smoking it. Bad smell from the mouth. Fetor from the throat. L^ack of appetite, while food tastes normally. \^Gtm.'] Lack of appetite, while there is emptiness in the stomach, only once at noon. \_G?\'\ 195. Great appetite and hunger; he could not get satiated. \_Gr.^ Increased hunger and appetite, [//r;;/.] The child leaves its mother's breast, because she had taken Stannum, and it does not want to drink any more. 1444 hahnemann'vS chronic diseases. Increased thirst, [i/r/;?.] When the morsel swallowed is near the orifice of the stomach, there arises a dull growling in the abdomen. [Gr.^ 200. Hiccup, soon after eating, during the customary smoke. Repeated hiccups. [Lgk.'] Occasional hiccups. Repeated empty eructation. \Lgh.'\ Eructation with a flat taste and with much saliva in the mouth. \Frz^ 205. Bitter eructation, repeatedly, after meals. Sourish eructation, followed by roughness of the fauces, while walking in the open air. \Gt?7i\ Eructation, at once in the morning, first tasting of rotten eggs, then mere air. \_Gr^ Shuddering from loathing, repeatedly, with nauseous fullness in the scrobiculus cordis. ' Nausea and bitterness in the mouth. \Frz^ 210. Nausea and inclination to vomit, in the fauces. \Hrm.'\ Nausea after eating. Nausea as if about to vomit, in the fauces and oesophagus. Retching to vomit, in the evening, then at first sour taste, then bitter taste in the mouth (ist d.). Retching to vomit, with great nausea and sensation as from a spoiled and bitter stomach (2d and 3d d.). 215. Nausea, and bitter, bilious vomiting, after eating some soup. Sour vomiting. Vomiting of undigested food, after violent retching (aft. 2h.). Vomiting of blood. [Geisschi^aeger, in Hufel. Journ, X., 3, 165.]^ Vomiting of blood was stopped by Stannum, as if by a charm. [Ai^TON, Mater. Med. I., p. 152.]^ 220. Pressure in the stomach, in the forenoon. Pressure in the stomach. [Geisschi^aeger.]^ Pressure in the stomach and uncomfortable feeling, after eat- ing some soup. Pressure and damming up, in the scrobiculus cordis, which pains when touched as if festering. {FrzP\ Violent pressure in the stomach. 225. Anxious pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, when lying down, as if he should have a hemorrhage, for several hours; it goes off by pressing upon it. \Gtm^ Tensive pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. \Gtm^ Dull, hard pressure on the left side, near the scrobiculus cordis, jiTst below the last costal cartilage, somewhat relieved by pressing upon it. \Gr7\ Cutting about the stomach. Grasping in the stomach and about the umbilicus, like a 1 Effect of swallowing granulated tin. — Hughes. 2 Statement of a case as reported to him. — Hughes. 3 In the original this is " unleidliches Druecken " (unendurable pressure).— ZT^^^A^j. ST ANNUM. 1445 cramp, with constant nausea, and with anxious rising toward the pit of the stomach. 230. lyong fine stitch on the xiphoid cartilage, soon after eating. [Gr.] Sensation in the pit of the stomach, as after spoiHng the stomach. \_F7^2.'] Fullness and inflation of the stomach, and yet attended with hunger. \_Gr.'] Sensation of puffiness under the skin in the region of the stomach, with pinching in the abdomen when walking. \_Fr2.~\ It causes ailments in the stomach and the bowels. [StahIv, Mat. Med. Cap. Vl.Y 235. Below the diaphragm, a quickly transient burning. \Frz?^ Hysterical and hypochondriacal cramps in the region of the diaphragm and the abdomen. Cutting in the right hypochondrium, more severe when sit- ting bent forward. [ Wsl7\ Pressive cramp-pain in the left hypochondrium, now weaker, now stronger. \^/Ifm.^ First a simple pain in both the hypochondria, then dull shocks from the left to the right side; they seem worse when pressing on the right side. [_Gr.^ 240. Sudden painful jerking together in both sides under the true ribs. [Gr.^ Pains in the abdomen, in repeated paroxysms. Pain in the abdomen, extending into the stomach and to both sides under the ribs, when pressing with the hand upon the um- bilical region. Pressure in the hypogastrium, here and there, with urging to stool. [Urm.^ Drawing pressure in the abdomen, now here, now there. [Urm.] 245. Pressure in the upper part of the liver. \_Fr2.'\ Pressure in the hepatic region. Dull, slow pressure on the right side, near the navel. [Gr.'\ Burning pressure in the right side of the abdomen. [Frz.'] Tensive pain in the abdomen, more toward the sacrum, most violent when stooping. \_Gt7n.'\ 250. Fullness in the abdomen, after eating. Painful distention of the abdomen, with painful sensitiveness to the external touch. Inflation of the abdomen. Cramplike pain below and above the navel, soon passing by lying across a table, without any discharge of flatus. Pinching between the pit of the stomach and the navel, as if some one pinched the muscles together. \_Gr.'] 255. Pinching cutting in the umbilical region, almost the whole day. Pinching pain close above the left os ilium, as if a tendon had been strained, while stooping. \_Htm.'] 1 Not accessible. — Hiighes. 1446 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Pinching in the abdomen, at times with grumbHng, as from incipient diarrhoea. [Frz.'] Pinching in the umbilical region, as from a cold. [_Gr.'] Pinching movement in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus. [Lgh.'] 260. Pinching and pressure in the abdomen, especially in the um- bilical region, with call to stool. [^Hrm.'] Cutting pains transversely across the hypogastrium, as from knives. \_Hr7n.'] Drawing cutting in the abdomen, close beside the right hip- bone. \_Htm.~\ Burrowing in the abdomen, before every stool. Painful burrowing in the abdomen, above the umbilical re- gion; when pressing upon it, pain, as if it touched a sore spot. IGr.-] 265. Sensation of soreness in the whole of the abdomen, worse when touched. \_Gr.'\ Erosive pain in the abdomen. The abdomen is painful w^hen touched, as if festering within^ with shortness of breath. \_F?'2.'] Shooting in the right side of the abdomen, then drawing in the right shoulder; she had to lie down, with sweat in the face and on the arms, after which a chill ran over her. Several violent stitches in succession in the right side of the abdomen, especially when coughing and respiring. 270. Boring stitch in the left epigastrium, while walking. [Gtm.~\ A stab as from a knife suddenly, on inspiring, darted from the left to the right side through the abdomen, so that she was frightened and startled. [6"r.] Dull stitches in the renal region, going inw^ard. \_Fr2.'] Fine shooting pain in the hj^pogastrium. \_Gt7n.'] Fine shooting at the symphysis pubis on the left side. {Frs.l 275. Burning pain in the abdomen. Burni ng in the hypogastrium. Sensation of distention in the abdominal muscles on the right side, above the spinous process of the ilium. [F?'^.'] Bruised pain in the left side below the ribs. Sensation of great emptiness in the abdomen (but without hunger), as if everything there was languishing; he relished the food; he ate a good deal and then felt better; follow^ed by a sensa- tion as if the bod}^ could not support itself. \_Gr:'] 280. Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen, after a meaL \Hrm.'\ In the inguinal glands, pressure, wnth vSome swelling there. Fine pinching in the left groin. [ Wsl.'] Shooting in the right groin, when stooping, as if he had jumped too far; on raising himself up, it passed off. \_Lgh.'] Sensation in the left groin, as if a hernia would protrude. 285. Clucking in the abdomen. [Gr.'] Loud rumbling in the abdomen, after ever}^ meal, only while lying down. \_Gtm.'] STANNUM. 1447 There is rumbling about in his abdomen. [6^^.] Growling in the abdomen, as if from emptiness, on stretching the body. [Z.^/z.] Growling in the abdomen, [^Hrni.l^ 290. Frequent accumulations of flatus in the abdomen. \_Fr2.'] Incarceration of flatus. Cravvling motion in the right side of the abdomen, as from a purgative. \_Lgh.'] No stool for twenty-five hours. \_Hl.'] The stool comes six hours later than usual. \_Gtm.'] 295. Frequent call to stool. \_Gr.'] Frequent ineffectual urging to stool. \_Gr.'] Ineffectual urging to stool. F'requent urging to stool, which, however, is normal. [Hrm.'] Sudden call to stool, which is at first normal, then pappy, and finally thin, while a shudder passes through the body, from above downward, and there is a drawing from the sacrum through the thighs; when he is about to rise, he always feels as if lie was not done yet. [6^r.] 300. Shortly after the stool, there is again an urging thereto. \_Fr2.'] Frequent urging to stool, when but little faeces, at times only mucus passes. Scanty stool. Constipation sometimes, both with the mother and her suckling. Dry stool, in lumps. 305. Dry, thickly shaped stool, with violent cutting pain. \_H'l.'] Passage of a single hard lump, with straining. \_Lgh!\ Difficult discharge of thickly formed but not hard faeces, as if the bowels had not strength enough to expel them (aft. 24 h.). IWsl.'] Firm stool, which seemed to him to be slippery, without actually being so. [Frz.'] In the forenoon, a soft stool, in the afternoon, a thin stool, [Gtrn.'] 310. Repeated, continuous urging as if to diarrhoea, in the evening, with pinching and painful movements in the abdomen, as from a cold, and with shocks in the left side as from a foetus in the womb, with distention of the abdomen; then thin stool, with the urging remains; and constant pain in the abdomen until she got to bed. [Gr.-] Stool with vermiform mucus. Greenish, scanty stool. After the stool, at once sensation of soreness and erosion in the anus, with fine stitches, [f^^/.] After the stool, burning pain in the hepatic region. 315. After the stool, a dull pressure in the rectum. After the stool, discharge of mucus. Burning of the anus unconnected with the stool, and also just after it. Pressive pain in the rectum. [Gtni.'] Itching stitch in the rectum. [^Gtiji.'] 320. Continuous itching about the anus. [6^/w.] 1448 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. A little knot on the left side of the anus, like a varix, and sore when touched. [Gr.~\ Erosive gnawing pain around the anus, when walking and sitting. Retention of urine. Urging to urinate, only as if from a sensation of fullness in the bladder; the urine is scanty, fetid and rare, but without any pain. 325. Frequent urging to urinate, also compelling the person to rise at night to urinate for three days, then micturition becomes more rare and scanty than in the days of health. [Lg/i.^ After micturition, acutely painful pressure in the neck of the bladder and in the urethra; there is always a feeling as if more urine should come, and when a few drops come, the pressure is even worse. \_//^m.^ Burning anteriorly in the urethra, especially when urinating; there was an urging every minute and he passed much water. A vesicle on the margin of the orifice of the urethra. Soreness of the tip of the urethra. 330. In the penis there is tv/itching, extending even to the pos- terior part, almost as if for the emission of semen. Burning in the interior genitals, like a violentirritation to the emission of semen (aft. 24 h.). No sexual impulse, nor any potency, even when there is actual excitation (after-effect). Unbearable voluptuous thrill in the genitals and in the whole body, even to the emission of semen (aft. 40 h. ). Burning pain in the glans, followed immediately by an urg- ing to urinate [Gfm.^ 335. Burning stitch in the glans. ^Gtm.] Pricking sensation in the glans, as from needles. [^Gfm.'} Immediate erection; on the following da3^s, lack of any erec- tion. Pollution, without lascivious dreams. [^Lg/i., Gtui.'] Prolapsus vaginae is troublesome during a very difficult stool. 340. Pressure in the hypogastrium, as for the menses; worse when pressing upon it. \_Gr.'] The menses are more copious than usual (r2th d. ). \_Gr.'] The week before the menses, great anguish and melancholy, which ceases with the flow of blood. Before the menses, pain on the zygoma, when touched; dur- ing the menses, pain on the zygoma, as from a blow, even when merely moving the facial muscles. Leucorrhoea of transparent mucous from the vagina. 345. The leucorrhoea ceases. :^^ ^ :^ ^ :^ ^ -^ ^ Repeated sneezing, without coryza. \_Lgh.'] Severe stuffed coryza; he can only get air through the right nostril; at noon on the fourth day, his nose is free again. \_Gr.'] The left nostril has no air and is externally swollen, red, and painful when touched. Severe coryza (aft. 4 d.). STANNUM. 1449 350. Roughness of the throat. Hoarseness, weariness and emptiness of the chest, when be- ginning to sing, so that she had every now and then to cease and to take a deep breath; some impulses of cough occasionally removed the hoarseness for a few moments. lGr.~\ Mucus in the windpipe, in the forenoon; it is thrown out by light impulses of cough, with great weakness of the chest, as if it was emptied out, and with weariness in the whole body and in all the limbs, in which a faint feeling draws up and down; many mornings in succession. [Gr.^ The chest seems full of mucus, with rattling while breathing, this is sensible within and also audible without. \_Frz.^ Tickling crawling in the throat (in the larynx ?) with sensa- tion of dryness, forcing to cough. 355. Incitation to cough in the windpipe, while breathing, as from mucus, while the cough is neither mucous nor dry; more notice- able when stooping forward in sitting, than when walking. [^Fr^.'j Short cough from time to time, as if from a weakness of the chest, with a hoarse, weak sound. \_Gr.^ Tussiculation, with a triple impulse. \_Fr2.~\ Constant incitation to tussiculation, as if caused by much mucus on the chest, with an internal sensation of panting and rattling. \_Frz.'] Constant incitation to cough, from a continuous constriction of the windpipe. \^F?-2.'] 360. Tickling- cough, as from soreness deep within the windpipe; it scratched upward into the throat. Much incitation to cough, before midnight, with slight ex- pectoration, for several nights. Violent, concussive, deep cough. Fatiguing impulses of cough, causing the scrobiculus cordis to be painful as if bruised. During coughing, he always feels much oppressed. 365. Scrapy cough, with greenish expectoration of a repulsively sweetish taste, worse in the evening before lying down; with hoarse speech; after every impulse of coughing (the incitation to which comes from the lower part of the windpipe), there is a sen- sation of soreness in the chest and windpipe. Fearful cough, with expectoration and spitting of blood. Yellow expectoration from the windpipe, of a putrid taste. Expectoration tasting salty. Attack of asthma, short breath and anguish, in the evening. 370. The breathing becomes shorter in the evening, with anguish; he has for a long time to breathe hurriedly, until he can at last take a deep breath, when all is over. Asthma and lack of breath on going up stairs and at the slightest motion. \_H?in.'] Asthma, as if the clothes were too tight; he has to open them to breathe properly. [//r;;2.] Tightness as from a load on the chest, he has often to take a deep breath; with sensation of great emptiness in the pit .»f the stomach. \_Gr.'\ 1450 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tightness in the chest, as if something rose up into the throat, which arrested the breathing, [(^r.] 375. When taking a deep breath, there is frequently a feeUng of pleasing lightness. \_Gr.^ Occasional sensation of expansion of the chest while at rest, as if the chest was enlarged, and yet attended with a sensation of anxiet}^ as in palpitation. [6^r.] Short, troublesome breathing, from weakness of the respiratory organs, with great emptiness of the chest, but without deficiency of air. [6^r.] Tightness of the chest, as if it was internally contracted, with a sensation as if the air was very dry when inspired. \_Fr2.'] Pressive pinching on the chest, while sitting down, aggravated by inspiring. \HtmP\ 380. Pressure deep in the chest, as from a load. \Frz^ Tension and pressure across the upper part of the chest, in the morning when rising from bed. Constriction of the chest, with anguish, in the evening. Contractive pain in the chest under the right arm ; when mov- ing it becomes shooting. Shooting in the chest and in the shoulder-joint, while respir- ing. 385. Violent shooting in the chest and side, impeding respiration, for several forenoons; in the afternoon, the abdomen is distended. Tensive stitch in the sternum, constant while respiring. \Gtm?\ Tensive stitch in the left side of the chest, constant while breathing, worst when stooping. \Gtm^ Tensive stitch in the right side of the chest, almost taking away his breath. \Gtm?^ Suddenly a long-continued startling stitch in the left side of the chest, a handbreadth below the axilla. \_Gr.'\ 390. Sudden sharp stabs, as from a knife, in the left side of the chest. [6^?'.] Sharp piercing pricks, as from needles, on the clavicle. [6^r.] Repeated, cutting stitches darting up through the chest and out at the uppermost ribs, unaffected by the breathing. [ WslT^ Burning stitches in the left side of the chest, more when ex- piring; while walking in the open air. \Hl.'\ Stitches, as from a flea-bite, in the last true rib on the right side and in the first false rib on the left side. \Frz7\ 395. Tearing cutting in the left side of the chest, while walking and standing. \JLgh^ Cutting pain in the right side of the chest. Pinching cutting in the right ribs, when walking, merely on inspiring. \^Htm.'\ Pressure in the chest below the right nipple, in an outward direction. \Hrin?^ Aching in the whole of the chest, especially above the scro- biculus cordis, worse when inspiring. \_Gr^ 400. Bruised pain of the chest, both at rest and in motion. ST ANNUM. 145 1 Sore pain in the whole of the chest, from the throat down. Burrowing pain in the chest, and descending thence into the abdomen, with a call to stool. lGr.~\ Drawing pressure on the united cartilages of the last ribs on the left side. [Gr.'] Drawing from the clavicles, extending into the left axilla. [6"^.] 405. Sudden drawing below the left side of the chest on raising oneself in bed; then sharp stabs, as of knives, from there into the clavicle, toward the top of the shoulder, where the pain remains, and drawing down on the left side it goes into the hypogastrium; on drawing in the abdomen, on pressing upon it, and especially on inspiring and while retching, when there is always a painful jerk, it is aggravated. [Gr.^ Muscular twitching in the upper part of the chest, near the left axilla. [Gf7?i.] In the sacrum, intense formications. Quivering twitches on the muscle of the false ribs. \_G^m.^ Intense itching on the nipple. 410. In the sacrum, somewhat to the right, pressive burning. In the left side of the back, above the hip, a pain, pressing from above downward. [Gr.] An undulating shock in the back above the left ilium, causing him to start with fright. [Gr.^ Shooting pinching on the back, on the false ribs. [ IVs/.'] Violent tearing in the lumbar vertebrae, extending from both sides into the renal region, more violent with every motion of the trunk. [//rm.~\ 415. Dull shocks in the lumbar region, with a sensation of cold- ness affecting him from without. Sharp, twitching stitch in the left side of the back and at the same time in the left thigh. \Gtm^ Burning fine shooting on a small spot in the middle of the back. \Ht77t.\ Fine shooting in the back outward. \GUn^ Burrowing shooting in the muscles of the right side of the back, continuing during respiration. \Gtm^ 420. Stitches like bearing on the left side of the back, upward, while standing. \Lgh.'\ Pressive drawing in the spine, below and between the scapulae, more violent when moving, especiall}^ when turning the body. \Hrvi^ On lifting a load, a pain suddenly darted between her scapulae, as if she had strained herself, more on the left side; at the same time violent sharp stabs, as of knives, at the slightest movement, respiration or yawning; on bending backward she feels unbearable pains. \Gr.'\ Drawing tearing in the left scapula, partly toward the back, and partly toward the top of the shoulder. Slow, intermitting dull stitches between the scapulce, in the middle, toward the spine. 1452 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 425. Sharp, broad stitches in the spine, between the scapulae, from within outward. [_JVs/.^ Violent, burning shooting on the upper part of the scapula, passing off only for a short time by rubbing. [iV/.] Burning stitch in the top of the right shoulder. \_Ghn.'] Itching stitches in the neck, in the morning in bed. [ tVsl.'] Boring, dull stitches, from the interior fauces out at the cervi- cal muscles. [6^/?;z.] 430. There was a drawing up the neck, with sensation of stiffness, so that she could not move her head properly. [Gr.'\ Pain in the nape, on bending the head forward. [6^r.] A sudden, acutely painful stitch in the lower part of the nape, [(^r.] Weakness of the cervical muscles, as if the head could not hold itself up, with pain on moving the head. \_Gr.^ Cracking of the cervical vertebrae, when she quickly shakes her head; it is audible also to others. \_Gr.^ 435. Anteriorly on the neck a red spot, somewhat elevated, with a little white pimple, entirely painless in its middle. [ IVs/.^ On the top of the shoulder, a sensation of compression. Tearing on the left shoulder. \_G^m.~\ Pressure and drawing as from a load, on the left shoulder, on the outer side of the upper arm, and from the elbow down into the deep-lying muscles of the fore-arm; it gradually passes off" in the room, [/v-^-.] Paralytic tearing in and below the right shoulder-joint, more violent when moving. \_I/r?n.^ 440. Sudden, acutely painful blows on the top of the right shoul- der. [Gr.-] Itching stitches in and below the axilla. [ PVsl.^ Paralytic sprained pain, close below the shoulder-joint, merely when at rest; only transiently passing off through motion. [Gtm.'] In the arms and legs, weariness; he has to let his arms sink down. [Gr.'] Great lack of strength in the arms and legs, as if they had no power, and as if the lower limbs were unable to bear up the body. [Gr.] 445. Acutely painful twitching, now on the arm, then on the hand, then again on a finger, as if he received a heavy blow there. [Gr.-] Sprained pain in the arm joints; she could not bend them without great pain. Arms and fingors are almost wholly immovable. Paralytic weariness and pressive heaviness of the arms, especially of the right arm, and particularly in the upper arms and the joints, aggravated by every motion, and at times with lack of breath. [Hrm.] Paralytic weakness in the arms, if he holds up a small weight even for a short time. [ Wsl.] 450. The arms readily grow wearied from even a moderate exer- tion, so that he lets sink down whatever he may be holding. \_Hrin ] ST ANNUM. 1453 Paralytic tearing in the left arm, especially in the wrist, more violent on moving it. [//r?;^.] Tearing in the left arm, especially in the upper arm, deep within. [//;7;^.] Drawing in the left deltoid muscles, seemingly from lack of strength, [/v'^.] Transient drawing from the elbow up toward the upper arm. 455. Tearing, anteriorly on the upper part of the right upper arm. [Hrm.'] Pressive tearing in the middle of the right upper arm, quickly rising and disappearing. \_Hrin.'] Tearing pressure in the middle of the left upper arm, extend- ing backward and inward. [//r;;z.] Pressive tearing in both upper arms, in paroxysms. \_Hrm.'] Muscular twitches on the inner side of the left upper arm, on resting the arm on something; it disappears on changing the posi- tion, but returns on resuming the former position. [///.] 460. Quivering in the muscles of the upper arm, above the elbow- joint, while at rest (aft 5 and 26 h.). [^Gtm.'] Burrowing stitch in the right deltoid muscle. [C/m.] Bruised pain on the lower part of the left upper arm. Piercing pain, in the left humerus, as if it was being com- pressed and crushed, in paroxysms, both while at rest and in mo- tion. On the tip of the elbow, tension and feeling of soreness, espe- cically on bending the arm. [ Wsl.^ 465. In the right forearm, cramp-like stiffness. [Frz.'] Paralytic tearing on the right forearm. [Hrm.'\ Pressure on the right forearm, forward and outward. \^H?m.'] Sprained pain above the left wrist, on the styloid process of the radius. [Frz.~\ Sprained pain in the left wrist-joint. [Frz.'] 470. Pressive tearing in the right wrist- joint, more violent on mov- ing it. [/z^r7;2.] Transient twitching on the left hand, above the wrist. [Gr.] Pinching close above the wTist-joint on the side of the radius. Quick drawing, in short paroxysms, from the radial side of the wrist toward the hand. \_Gr.'] Cramp-like pain on the dorsum of the left hand., between the index and the middle finger. [Frz.] 475. Cramp-like contraction of the left palm. [Frz.] Jerking tearing in the hand, from the fingers upward. [Gr.] Intermitting pressive tearing in the bones of the hand and the wrist, as well as in the posterior finger joints. [Hidi.] Pressive shooting burning in the outer margin of the meta- carpal bone of the left little finger. [Hr77t.] Fine, dull, acutely painful shocks on the metacarpal bone of the left index, and on other parts of the hands, as if a tense nerve were touched with a little hammer. [Gr.] 1454 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. 480. Weakness of the hands and trembling of the same, most when resting the hands (on the table), and on writing, which is thereby rendered difficult. \_I/r7n.^ Quivering and sensation of heat in the left hand. Swelling of the hands in the evening. Burning itching on the dorsum of the hand as from the sting of a fl}^; it cannot be removed by rubbing; for eight hours. Small, red, painless spots on the dorsa of both the hands. 485. Small blotches below the wrist, itching by day; rubbing aggravated the itching. Chilblains on the hands, during mild weather. Pressive tearing on the posterior phalanges of the fingers of the right hand, more violent when moving. \_//rm.~\ Drawing shooting in the posterior joint of the left index, ex- tending toward the tip of the finger. Cramp in the fingers, which remain contracted for a long time. 490. Cutting in the ball of the left little finger, more violent on bending it. \_I/^m.^ Shooting in all the finger tips. Fine needle pricks in the tip of the left middle finger. \_Fr2.'] Drawing, in the posterior phalanx of the left thumb, and below the wrist. [^Frz.'] Cramp-like drawing pain in the left middle finger, with jerks, so that the finger trembles. [GrJ] 495. Acute, twitching pain between the thumb and the index, while holding the pen; when he lets the pen go, or ceases writing, he feels nothing; but the twitching soon returns and continues for a long time. [_Gr.'] Tearing on the posterior joint of the index; it gradually goes off on moving the hand. \_Lgh.'] Sprained pain on the whole of the left index, often recurring, for five days, while bending or stretching it, and during rest. Very painful agnails on the fingers. On the left natis, near the anus, a continuous itching stitch. \_Gtm.'\ 500. Muscular twitching on the left natis. \^Gtm.'] Severe pain in the muscles about the hip joint, on raising the thigh. Transient dull pressure in the ischium, while sitting. [_Gr.'] Sprained pain on the right hip, while walking, so that he was almost compelled to limp, for several hours. \_Lgh.'] Drawing in the left hip. {^Frz.'] 505. Paralytic pain in the hip-joint, while walking. \^Gtm.~\ Sprained pain, close below the hip-joint, on the thigh, only while walking. \_Gtr}i.^ Restlessness in the lower limbs, he had to change their posi- tion, first in one way and then in another, in the evening. \_Hl.~\ Paralytic heaviness and weariness in the lower limbs, especially in the thighs and the knee joints ; he can hardly walk, but has to sit and lie down. \^Hr7n.'] STANNUM. 1455 Sensation of weakness in the lower limbs, as from weariness due to over-exertion. [Gr.^ 510. Great weariness and heaviness of the lower limbs, after walk- ing for two hours. [_Gr.~\ Great heaviness of the lower limbs, she can hardly go up stairs, and has then to sit down immediately. [_Gr.^ Painful weariness of the lower limbs, while standing, with lack of firmness and with tottering; the limbs cannot sustain the body. [Gr.'] Bruised pain of the lower limbs in going up stairs; in coming down they are so unsteady and weak, that he is in danger of fall- ing. IGr.y Weakness of the right lower limb, especially of the thigh, seemingly in the bone, so that the thigh pains while standing, he had to rest himself on the left limb. [^/.] 515. Lack of strength in the thighs. [Frz.'] Itching stitch at the very top and on the inner side of the thigh. \_Htm.'] Stitch-like pain in the muscles of the right thigh, only while standing, \_LgIi.'] Pricking, as from a needle, on the inner side of the left thigh. \_Frz.'] Pressive drawing on the inner side of the left thigh, in the groin, extending from the ascending ramus of the ischium to the posterior part of the thigh, then from the hip across the sacrum toward the right side; at time grumbling in the os ischii. \_Gr.'] 520. Cuttting in the interior of the left thigh. \_Frz.'] Pulsating, dull pressure on the inner side in the middle of the thigh. IGr.'] Sprained pain in the thigh, below the hip-joint, in walking. Drawing tearing in the left thigh, both while at rest and in motion. [Lgh.^ Pressive drawing on the outer side of the right thigh, which in sitting he had crossed over the left thigh. \_Lgh.'\ .525. Shooting itching on the outer side of the thigh, going off only transiently through rubbing (aft. ^2, h.). Small itching pimple on the left thigh. Pressure in the right knee-joint. \_Hnn.'] Tensive pain in the left hough. Stiffness in the right hough. 530. Sudden stiffness of the knee, so that she can only bend it with great pain. Drawing tearing in the bone from the knee to the middle of the thigh, while sitting. \_Htm.^ Tearing pressure in the articulation of the right knee, in front, from without inward and below the patella. \_Htm.'] Tearing in the ligaments on the inner side of the left knee. Burning scratching on the outer side of the left knee. \_Gr.'] 535. Dull shooting in the outer side of the right knee, only while 1456 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. standing; on moving the limb and sitting down, it goes off. \.Lgh.-\ Fine painful stitches on the right knee and the hough, while sitting. [///.] Weariness in the knee-joiat, so that he can hardl}^ walk, with inclination to slumber. \Frz^ Itching quivering below the patella. \_Gtm?\ Bruised pain in the houghs and calves, as after a long foot- tour, in the evening, both while at rest and in motion. 540. Ver}^ cold knees and feet. In the leg, drawing tearing, while sitting. \LghP^ Cramp-like tearing in the right leg, w^hile walking. \Lgh,'\ Painful drawing on the calf on the outer side of the leg, both while resting and in moving. \Lgh.'\ Tension in the left leg. \Gtm?\ 545. Drawing from the right hough to the calf, [/v'^-.] Great weariness in the legs, especially in the left leg, drawing in jerks upward from the feet and in the knees, especiall}^ while standing, with sore pain in the soles of the feet. [ Wsl?\ While walking, especially in the sun, her knees threaten to give way, with weariness of the whole body and a weary perspira- tion in the face. \_Gr^ Painful straining on the inner side of the left calf, while stand- ing. [6^r.] Severe cramp in the calf, almost all night. 550. Pressure in the whole of the right calf. {Gt7n^ Pressure below the left calf, both while at rest and in motion. {Gtm.l Pinching on the upper part of the inner muscles of the calf. \Htm;\ Pain from heaviness, frequently, in the outer muscles of the left calf, while walking. [I/fm.'] Sensation on the leg, as if it was firmly bandaged. 555. Painful sensation in the left leg, which in sitting hung down, having been crossed over the other, as if a heai'}^ weight hung upon it. \_Gr.'] Pulsating pressure on the right tibia. \_Gr.^ lyittle yellow, round spots on the left leg, for 2 daj^s. Slight swelling on the tibia, with a red point upon it, which is painful when touched, as if the flesh was detached from the bones. The feet are painful, from a point above the ankles even to the soles, while sitting, less while standing and walking. \_Gr.~\ 560. Disagreeable heat in the feet, but little noticeable externally. [Gr.] Violent burning in the feet and hands. Transient heat in the feet. Reddish swelling of the feet, especially about the ankles, with a sensation as if the feet were bandaged too tightlj^ Sudden swelling about the ankles, in the evening. 565. Pain below the two ankles, as if the heels were being torn off, in the evening while lying in bed. Tearing with jerks in the outer and inner ankles of the right STANNUM. 1457 foot, and extending thence into the toes, while sitting; it seems milder while standing, but then it tears upward from the toes. Formication in the feet, as after a severe foot- tour, or as if they would go to sleep; it gradually rises into the legs. \_Gr.'] Itching stitch below the inner left ankle, and on the external ankle. [Gtm,'] Itching on the dorsum of the left foot. \_Gt??i.'\ 570. Tearing pressure in the right heel. [//r;;z.] Drawing tearing between the metatarsal bones of the last two toes. \_Htm.'] On treading on the outer side of the right heel, it presses, ob- tusely, shooting up into the calf, only while walking; it disappears on raising up the foot. \_Htin.'] Cramp-pain on the sole of the right foot, while sitting. \_Lgh.'\ Sharp pressure across the sole of the right foot, while sitting. 575. Shooting pinching, alternately, in various spots of the body. [Gr.] Pressure with heaviness now in one bone, then in another. \_Htm.'] Heaviness in all the limbs, weariness in the chest and alter- nately, violent anxieties. Bruised pain in the limbs, and especially also above the sacrum. Paralysis in the left arm and foot, caused by fright; it passed off during the night, 580. After walking in the open air, internal heat, especially in the chest and abdomen, without thirst. Itching burning stitches all over the body, especially in the trunk, particularly early in bed, for several days \_Gr.~\ Gnaw^ing itching all over the body while undressing; he has to scratch. \_Lgh.'] Fine needle-pricks all over the left side of the body; next day only on the right side. [///.] Itching eruption all over the body. 585. Many of the pains, especially those of the pressive-drawing kind, begin gently, slowly increase to a high degree, and then de- crease just as slowly. \_Gr.'\ The ailments seem to disappear while walking; when at rest they at once return ; only the weariness is most sensible while walk- ing. IGr.'] It causes emaciation and consumption. \_Stahl.'] Excessive relaxation of spirit and body, he cannot sta3^at one piece of work, he is irresistibly overcome by drowsiness and has to lie down and sleep, when he frequently wakes up from in- different dreams. \_Hrm.'] Lack of strength, as if her lower limbs were bruised. [G?'.^ 590. Excessive clumsiness; he continually wishes to sit or lie down, and on sitting down, he, as it were, sinks down upon the chair, be- cause he lacks the strength necessary to do this slowly. \_Gr.'] Great weariness, with constant inclination to sit down; while 93 1458 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. walking slowly, he feels this most, wherefore he involuntarily walks fast. [G?.] When moving quickly, he feels less his lack of strength, but the more so afterward. [Gr.^ Tremulous and unsteady all over the body and the limbs; but his hand trembles more when resting it lightly, than when grasp- ing firmly. \_Gr.^ Weariness all over the body, especially after going up-stairs, for seven days. 595. Great weariness by day; he has to lie down, but cannot sleep, and whenever he falls into a slumber, he is seized with vertigo, abstraction of mind, and stupidity for half an hour. Very weary and drowsy, so that he can hardly control him- self. Great weariness on coming down-stairs, so that she can hardly breathe, she feels nothing when going up-stairs. [6^n] (Real epilepsy)^ [Meyer Abraham, diss. Cautel. de Anthel- mint. Goett. 1782.] Stretching the arms and yawning (aft. sever, m.) 600. Much yawning, while walking in the open air, bat with tight- ness as from a hoop around the chest. Much as he w^as incited to yawm, he could not finish yawning, even when he opened his mouth ever so widely. Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough. \Lgh^ Drowsiness after a walk in the open air, caused especially by music, and when she closed the eyes, she had at once a vivid dream. Drow^siness and inclination to yawn, his eyes close. \Hrm.'\ 605. Slumber in the evening, impeded by constant restlessness in the legs. Repeated starting up in bed, at night, as from fright. \Lgh^ Repeated waking up at night, as if he had done sleeping. \.Lgh:\ At one o'clock at night, after awaking, restlessness all over the body, with burrowing in the tibiae. Deep sleep, for several nights. 610. (He talked in his sleep and decided as to the uselessness of an external remedy against an internal ailment, as if he were in a somnambulist state. ) The child moans at night, while asleep, it weeps, begs and entreats timidly. Very vivid, anxious dreams, at night. Anxious dreams of contention, quarrel and strife. \_Gtm.'\ Anxious dreams, as of neglected business, two nights in suc- cession, the same subject. \FrzP[ 615. Confused dreams, which cannot be recalled. \Gr.'\ Confused, vivid dreams in which many perverse things happen to her, and she at times talks aloud, tosses about in her bed, wakes up repeatedl}^ and every time finds herself sitting up in bed. [6^?'.] 1 observation. — In a boy who suffered frequently from convulsive attacks, especially in the morning, fasting. Tin was given to destroy the worms which were supposed to be pres- ent, whereupon the fits increased and multiplied to perfect epilepsy. — Hughes. ST ANNUM. 1459 Vivid, confused dreams, only one half of which can be re- called. lGr.~\ He hears a loud detonation in his dream. Dreams of fire. [///.] 620. Vivid dream full of cruelty (2d n.). \_Lo-/i.~\ Agreeable dreams of earthly splendor and greatness, which, on her waking up, continue to keep her in a cheerful mood. [_Gr.^ Lewd dreams, with emission of semen, without erection. Lewd dreams with erections, without pollution. [Glm.'] Nocturnal erections without lewd dreams. [Lg-k.] 625. At night, on awaking, he is lying on his back, the right leg stretched out, the left drawn up and half bare. [6^^.] At night, after awaking, jerks deep in the hand, drawing in an undulatory manner, seemingly in the nerves, so that he could have screamed aloud. ^Gr.^ Quick in falling asleep in the evening after lying down, and late in waking up in the morning. [6^r.] Dizzy in the morning on awaking from a deep sleep, as if he had not done sleeping. lG^m.~\ In the morning, on rising, the back and lower limbs ache as if bruised; she is weary, as if she had slept too little, as if her body had not rested enough; some hours after rising, this is some- what relieved. \_Gr.^ 630. On getting up out of bed, while dressing, she is suddenly seized with a fit of weariness, so she can hardly breathe. [_Gr.^ In the morning on awaking, pain and heat in the head. Shivering only in the left arm, causing it to jerk. Shivering in the evening, only in the left foot, extending half way up into the thigh. Shivering, for several forenoons at ten o'clock, with coldness of the hands, dying off of the fingers, and insensibility in the finger-tips. 635. With slight sensation of cold and moderate shivering, goose- skin over the arms and continuous chattering of the teeth, like a convulsion of the masseter muscles. Chilliness all over the body, for half an hour. [IIrm.~\ Quickly transient chilliness, especially along the back. [//r;;2.] Sensation of heat, especially internally. [///';;z.] Great heat in the head, with hot forehead, also at times with redness of face, with a general, though slight heat of the bod}^ worse in the evening, with much thirst, for five evenings in suc- cession (aft. 5 d.). 640. Sensation of heat all over the body, especially on the thighs and the back. \_Hrm.'\ Severe heat all over the body, especially on the chest and the back, with a sensation as if hot sweat was running down, without externally sensible heat, [//r;;^.] Anxious heat, as if sweat would break out, seizes him in paroxysms. \_Gr.'] 1460 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Anxious heat and sweat break out continually, even at the slightest motion. [G'r.] Hot sweat all over the body and complete exhaustion, even from slight exercise, [//r?;^.] 645. Heat and perspiration all over the body, in the afternoon (from four to five o'clock), followed by chilliness; during and after the heat, thirst, which returns for several afternoons at the same hour. Profuse night-sweat, for two nights (aft. 48 h.). Every morning after four o'clock, profuse perspiration. Morning-sweat, chiefly on the neck, in the nape and on the forehead. SULPHUR. For homoeopathic use the roll sulphur of commerce is redis- tilled at a gentle heat, forming flowers of sulphur (flores sulphuris) and then washed hy shaking with alcohol to remove anj^ acid that may adhere to it. For more than 2,000 years sulphur has been found a most effica- cious remedy against the itch, while not a single physician noticed, or had even the faintest idea, that this was effected by the law of similars (Homoeopath}^). The itch, which is so common among workers in wool, causes a sort of unbearably agreeable, tingling^ itching gnawing, as from lice; this is also described by some as an intolerably voluptuous tickling itching, which ceases as soon as the finger is applied to it, to scratch it, and then begins to burn, and after scratching it continues to burn on that spot. So also the sulphur taken by healthy persons frequently causes similar pimples and vesicles with a burjiins: itching, also chiefly on the joints and b}" night. This great specific virtue of sulphur against itch was during all these centuries merely abused to drive away the itch from the skin by external applications, while the internal itch- malad}" remained uncured. This eventually manifests itself in another form through the breaking out of a great number of tedious diseases of the most varied kind, after the cutaneous eruptions [which had acted vicariously for the internal itch-malady (psora)] had been driven out through exsiccatory remedies, especially sulphur- ointments, rubbed into the skin. In the same way syphilis does not arise before chancre ( which prevents the breaking out of syphilis) has been destro3^ed by local applications. SULPHUR. 1 46 1 Many physicians, indeed, also gave sulphur internally; but the ointment rubbed in had already driven away the disease from the skin and some acute or chronic disease is the inevitable sad conse- quence of this treatment. The sulphur given by allopathic phy- sicians is also crude sulphur in doses which excite purging and which, therefore, can never cure, nor have ever cured any itch by the internal application alone. If the mere drinking of sulphureous mineral waters without their external application has ever been able to effect such a cure, this w^as done because this substance had been comminuted in the bosom of the earth in a mechanical manner similar to that em- ployed by the homoeopath, and thus its internal medicinal virtues had been developed. Sulphur, given by the hand of the physician who does not pro- ceed homoeopathically, and who, therefore, has not first dynamized (potentized) this drug, and, indeed, potentized it highly, has never cured the (primary) itch of workers in wool, through its merely in- ternal application, which is the only safe way of applying it. The more highly and intensivel}^ more strongly the sulphur has been potentized, the more surely will it cure. Formerly I considered the extract of sulphur, made with alcohol and called tindura sidphziris, as sufficient; but now, after having ex- perimentally compared it, I consider it far inferior to the other prepa- rations, effected by triturating the flowers of sulphur with one hundred parts of sugar of milk, up to the millionth-potency and the further dynamization of the solution of this potency, in the manner cmplo3^ed with other dry drugs. The latter dynamization I am com- pelled to recognize as the most perfect sulphur-medicine. The alco- hol in the tinctura sulphuris seems only to attract some particular portion of the sulphur, but not all of its constituents without excep- tion, /. (?., not the entire sulphur. In cases where sulphur was homoeopathically indicated, it also relieved the following ailments, if present at the same time: Irritability; peevishness and dejection; tendency to start; timidit}^- inclination to weep; ill humor; unconsolable state concerning every action in herself which she considers wrong; fixed religious ideas; Jits of anxiety; anxiety which compels the person to loosen the clothes and to seek the open air; violence; muddled state of the head and difficult3^ in thinking; weakness of memory; frequent fits of ver- tigo; vertigo while sitting; heaviness of the head and unconsciousness from stooping; vertigo after meals; rush of blood to the head, with flushes of heat; nocturnal headache at the slightest movement in bed; heaviness in the head; heaviness in the occiput; daily drawing head- T462 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. ache, threatening to burst the head; shooting headache; shooting and buzzing headache; beating headache in the vertex; beating, clucking headache; tingHng, humming and roaring in the head; coldness of the head; a cold spot on the head; closing of the eyelids in the morning; far-sightedness; gauz}^ appearance before the e3^es; short-sightedness ; drawing pain in the ears; stoppage of the ears, while eating; dull heading; humming and din before the ears; buzzing in the ears; roaring in the ears; dryness of the nose; stuffing of one nostril; inflamed swelling of the tip of the nose; blowing blood from the nose; epistaxis; pale, sickly complexion; roughness of the skin in the face; heat in the face; hepatic spots on the upper lip; evening toothache; toothache, apparently from looseness of the teeth and from loose gums; swelling of the gums, with beating pain; sore throat, as if swollen within, impeding deglutition; long-continued sensation as of a plug in the fauces and the throat; the food is not relished; the appetite too strong; in the morning, a putrid taste in the mouth; sour taste in the mouth; aversion to fat food; aversion to sweet and to sour things; loathing of rj'e-bread; it makes wine- drinking distasteful; voracity; after partaking of anj'thing, tightness over the chest, like a load; burning, sour eructation; bitter eructation; abortive eructation ; ill-smelling eructations at night, while sleeping; eructations; regurgitation of the food 2^-^.6. drinks; the food regurgitates up into the throat; acid belching up into the mouth; qualmishness be- fore meals; nausea after meals; morning-nausea; waterbrash; contract- ive, pinching pain in the stomach, immediately after meals; burrowing in the pit of the stomach; shooting about the stomach; shooting in the left side of the abdomen, while walking; shoo':ing in the left side of the navel, while walking; stitches in the abdomen; pain in the left side of the abdomen, as if something was being torn out; contractive pain below the umbilicus; long-continued pressure in the epigastrium; pressive pain in the left side of the abdomen, even to screaming, with constipation from incarceration of flatus; pain in the abdomen after drinking; the h3^pogastrium is painful when touched; pain in the abdominal muscles in the morning, as if the}^ were too short; incarceration of flatus; loud rumbling and growling in the abdomen; hard stool; stool only ever}^ two or three days; involun- tary stool, while urinating; during a difficult evacuation, prolapsus of the rectum; shooting in the anus, during stool, itching of the anus; urging to urinate; nocturnal whetting the bed; deficient sexual powers; too sudde?i emission of the semen during coitus; fetid perspira- tion about the genitals; itching and burning about the pudenda; menses too earh- the menstrual blood has too little color; bearing SULPHUR. 1463 down on the genitals; itching on the pudenda, before the menses; headache before the menses; leucorrhoea. Corj^za; stuffed coryza; profuse fluent coryza; roughness of the larynx; tingling in the larynx, causing cough; nocturnal cough; con- tinual feverish cough with expectoration of blood, and stitches in the chest; difficuh respiration; asthma, with wheezing and rattling on the chest and visible palpitation; nocturnal suffocating asthma; fullness in the chest; heaviness in the chest, in the morning; weariness of the chest from singing; stitches in the sternum; shooting through the chest, extending into the left scapula; burning, extending upward in the chest; pressure in the sternum; itching on the nipples; pain in the small of the back; creaking in the sacrum; pain in the back, after manual labor; drawing i7i the back] tension in the nape; twitch- ing in the shoulder-joint; drawing in the joints of the elbows, wrists, and fingers; swelling of the arms; perspiration of the palms; trem- bling of the hands in fine work; dead?iess of several fingers; callus on the fingers; tingling in the tips of the fingers and toes; red spots on the lower limbs; stitches in the thigh, when walking fast; heaviness of the lower lijnbs; coldness of the thighs, while the legs perspire, in the morning, in bed; weakness in the knees and arms; formication in the calves and arms; sprained pain in the ankles; stiffness in the ankle; sweating of the feet; restlessness in the feet; erysipelas on the leg; cold feet; coldness and stiff ness of the toes; coldness of the feet and hands; eroding blotches on the toes; chilblains on the i^^t; foot- sweat; single jerks of the limbs, while sitting or lying down; drawing pains in the knee and the remaining joints; nettle-rash; itching all over the body; yellow spots o?i the body; suffusion of blood from a slight blow; sen- vSitiveness to air and wind; flushes of heat; the limbs go to sleep; shooting pains; internal trembling; muscular twitching; strain from lifting; swoons and convulsions; the head is bowed, while walking; fatigue from talking; drowsiness by day; too long sleep at night; feels as if he had not slept enough, in the morning; unrefreshing sleep; drowsiness after dinner; nocturnal colic; jerking and twitchijig, dur- ing sleep; fright during sleep; sleeplessness; the sleep is too light; nocturnal insomnia, owing to formication in the calves and feet; -raving, a?ixious dreams; frightful, restless dreams, and talking dur- ing sleep; illusion, in the morning, on awaking, as if he saw persons who are not present; nocturnal thirst; perspiration b}^ da}" and by night; nocturnal sweat; sour sweat, every night; morning-sweat; copious sweat, while working; chilliness. My fellow- pr overs were: {Fr. H.) — Friedrich HaJincniann, and 1464 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. (^Ng.) the anonymous prover in Hartlauh and Trinks, Reine Arzneimiitellehre } SULPHUR. Dejection. Dejected, indifferent to others. Sad, without courage. Often during the day, attacks lasting for several minutes, when she feels herself utterly miserable, without any cause, like melancholy; she desires to die. 5. Sad, pusillanimous, full of weariness of life. [A^.] Moaning and lamentation and wringing of hands, day and night, with much thirst and light appetite, though she swallows her food hastih'. Troubled about her disease and ill-humored. Deeply hypochondriacally troubled and sighing, so that he could not speak loud (the first week). Sad the whole da3^ without cause (the 2d d,). 10. Anxious and lachr3^mose. [/V^.] She finds her state very agonizing and she is apprehensive about the future. Great anxiety and ill-humor. Great anxiousness in the evening after lying down, so that she could not go to sleep, for one hour, but without palpitation. Anxiety, timidity (2d d.). 15. Apprehension, as if he had to lose his life at once. Excessively inclined to start. Violentl}^ frightened, even from being called by name. In the afternoon, when wide awake, he starts right up, and at the same time a shudder runs all through his body. Great inclination to weep, without cause. 20. Acutely sensitive and readily inclined to weep about slight troubles. Ver}^ great inclination to w^eep. Now disposed to weep, then again to laugh. During the nocturnal cough, the boy has long weeping fits, with great restlessness of the body. She imagines that she might give people something wrong, which might kill them. 25. She is apprehensive for others, with anxiety (aft. sever, h.). Anxiety with heat in the head and cold feet, so that he does not know what to do; he forgets every moment what he desired to do. Involuntar}^ hastiness in grasping at things and in walking. 1 The pathogenesis of Sulphur has grown from the 151 symptoms it had on its first ap- pearance in the Mj,t. M;d. Pura (Vol. IV, ist ed., rSiS) to the 1909 it here presents. Most of the additions are Hahnemann's own, and — the drug being in constant use by him in the treatment of chronic diseases— were pretty certainly symptoms obser\'ed on patients. Those of Fr. Hahnemann (and of Fr. Walther, not mentioned above, but to be found in the patho- genesis) appeared in the original list, and like those of Xenning, were obtained from prov- ings on the healthy. — Hughes. SUI.PHUR. 1465 Restlessness and hurriedness (by day), he could not restrain himself. She has no rest anywhere, neither by day nor night. [ lV/il.~\ 30. He greatly feels the need of tranquillity of spirit, as his spirit is ever active. Great distraction; he cannot fix his attention on the present subject and carries on his business awkwardly. Dawdling, undecided. Aversion to every occupation. Dawdling excitement, almost as after drinking coffee. 35. He imagines he is getting thin. Very ill-humored, peevish and inclined to weep, especially in the morning and evening. Extremely annoyed and ill-humored, nothing suits her (aft. Vo h.). He gets vexed about everything, takes every word ill and gets insulted, he imagines he ought to defend himself and gets angry. He allows himself to be carried away by vexation. 40. Peevish, frowning and gloomy in his head, as from an out- breaking coryza. Peevish, irritable, disinclined to talk. [A^.] Anno3^ed and passionate. [A^.] Ill-humored; she becomes vexed at herself. Ill-humored and in a criticising mood. 45. The child becomes intolerably passionate and hard to quiet. Irritable humor; readily thrown into a passion, and always introverted. Indolence of spirit and body during the day and indis- posed to work or to move about (aft. yd.). Whatever she undertakes, makes her impatient. He has no pleasure in anything. 50. He is averse to the least work. For hours he sits motionless and indolent, without any defi- nite thoughts, though he has many things to attend to. In the evening quite indisposed to everything, to work, to enjoyment, to talking and moving; he feels very uncomfortable, and knows not what is the matter with him. He is so peevish and obstinate, that he will not give an an- swer to anybody, he cannot bear to have anyone around him, and cannot get quickly enough what he wants. Surl}^ and vehement. 55. She cannot contain herself for internal ill-humor, cannot do anything so as to please herself, is obstinate and unyielding, with- out herself knowing why. The mind is embittered, as if he had been insulted. His mood is quarrelsome and contentious about everything. In walking in the open air, she suddenl}^ becomes sad; she thinks of nothing but anxious, annoying and dejecting thoughts, which she cannot get rid of; this makes her apprehensive and peevish, unto tears. A number of ideas from her past life, mostly disagreeable, 1466 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. causing indignation and mortification (but also merry things and melodies) come into her mind; one after the other rush in upon her memory, so that she cannot get rid of them, while she has nothing to do; they are worst in the evening in bed, hindering her from falling asleep (aft. 4 h.). 60. Indifferent things and such things as naturally occur in life are attended in her mind with annoying, mortifying ideas from her past, which continually connect themselves with recent annoy- ances, of which she cannot rid herself. This is attended with a resoluteness of mind, which is ready for great resolves. Great inclination to philosophic and religious ravings. She imagines that she has beautiful clothes, she takes old rags for beautiful clothes, she takes a coat for a jacket, a cap for a hat. [f^/z/.] Insanity; she spoils her things and throws them away, im- agining she has an abundance of everything; at the same time she becomes emaciated, like a skeleton. \_Whl. ] She talks day and night without rhyme or reason. [ Whl.'\ 65. Startling forgetfulness, especially as to proper names. Very forgetful. She forgets the word in her mouth. So forgetful, that even the most recent events are only ob- scurely recalled. He seems dull, cannot remember, is embarassed and shuns in- tercourse with others. 70. If any one addresses him, he is deep in meditation and seems to wake up from a dream; he looks idiotic and has to make an effort in order to comprehend and to answer properly. Words and expressions heard, involuntarily pass again through his head. Sensation of mist in the head and dizziness, which makes him sad; the ideas are indefinite, with irresolution. She ran about in the room for five minutes, with open eyes, without knowing where she was. She could not connect two ideas together and seemed weak- minded. 75. Muddled in the head, as if from loss of sleep. Muddied feeling in the head, in the morning and pressure in the forehead till noon. Muddled feeling in the head, in the evening. Muddled feeling in the head, after a walk in the open air. Feeling of great dullness and gloominess. 80. Dizziness, with shooting in the head. Dullness in the head as from pressure of blood to the head, especially on going upstairs. Dizziness, like a buzzing and humming, coming out at the forehead, when she walks fast or moves her head quickly. Reeling in the head. Reeling, stupefaction and great weariness, in the forenoon at II o'clock, she had to lie down and lay till three o'clock in rest- less slumber, in which she heard everything. 85. Weakness in the head, like stupefaction, while walking in the SUIvPHUR. 1467 Open air, with obscure, disagreeable ideas, for several minutes, now weaker, then stronger. Stupefaction of the head, so that she imagined she had lost her reason.^ \_'Mo'RGAGN1 de sede ef cans. morb. LV, 8.] Vertigo, while sitting; staggering, while rising. Whirling vertigo, in the evening, after lying in bed for a quarter of an hour, as if he should faint, and ever}- thing turned about in his head; two evenings in succession. Vertigo, if she lies on her back at night. 90. Vertigo, with some bleeding at the nose, in the morning. Vertigo and weakness, in the morning when rising, causing him to fall. Severe vertigo, in the morning on rising; as soon as he tried to stand, he every time fell over on the bed, this only ceased after half an hour (loth d.). Brief vertigo, with tendency to fall sideways. Vertigo while walking, like reeling. 95. Vertigo, with tendency to falling forward, when quickly rising from a seat. Vertigo while walking; like a mist before the eyes, a stagger- , ing toward the left side, for several minutes (3d d.). Dizzy unsteadiness in the head and the body, in the morning, for three hours, as if she stood on a vacillating floor (3d d.). Vertigo, while stooping. Vertigo, while walking in the open air (after supper), she could not stoop, nor look down, and had to hold on to something to keep from falling. 100. Vertigo, for eight minutes, while walking in the open air up a slight eminence; he could not tread firmly, while his senses were clouded (aft. 4 d.). Fit of vertigo, while walking, and apprehensiveness, when she looks down before her; this also causes a swimming before the eyes. Vertigo, when walking over running water, even so as to cause the person to fall down, and sensation of paralysis in all the parts. Vertigo, in the evening, while standing, with rush of blood to the heart. Vertigo, with inclination to vomit. 105. Vertigo, with inclination to vomit, with tendency to fall side- ways, while walking in the open air. Headache with nausea. Headache, as from incarceration of flatus. Headache, every morning, above the e^^es, as from stuffed coryza; he has to sneeze continually. Headache, w^crse in the open air, less in the room. [AV.] no. Headache, while the eyes are, as it were, drawn shut. Headache, only when going upstairs. Severe headache in the vertex of the head, recurring several da3^s like fever, for twelve hours. iStnpefaction in the original is '' perturbaiio.'''' — Hughes. 1468 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISK ASKS. Pain in the upper part of the vertex, when chewing or cough, ing, or when blowing the nose. Severe pain in the centre of the head, from coughing and sneezing. 115. Much headache, especially when stooping. He feels every step painfully in his head. Headache in the occiput, from noon onward; in treading there was a stupefying resonance there; she had to sit quite still for four hours. Headache in the vertex, as if there was a pressure on the brain from above downward (9th d.). Pressure in the fore part of the head, as after nocturnal ex- cesses; this after several daj^s passes over into a glowing tearing in the right side of the head and in the teeth; it is worse when touched by cold water. 120. Pressive pain in the forehead, chiefl}^ in the forenoon. Pressure in the head, in the morning, just after rising. Pressive headache, he painfully feels every step in his fore- head, with perspiration there. Pressive headache (also in the morning, after rising), mostly in the vertex, as if the eyes were pressed down. [A^.] Pressive headache above the left eye, in the afternoon. 125. Pressive headache in the forehead, more violent when moving. Pressure in the head, from one temple to the other, in the morning after rising. One-sided sharp pressive headache under the left parietal bone, immediately after supper. Pain in the whole head, as if it had been pressed upon from without, e. g., by a tight hat. Pressive headache in the room, when pressed by a tight head- gear; it passes off by uncovering the head. 130. Pressure in the head, every other morning, about eight or nine o'clock, and thus alternately till going to sleep. Violent pressure in the forehead. Pressure in the temples, and tension in the brain, when medi- tating and during intellectual labors. Painful, intermittent pressure, from the vertex above inward deep into the brain, especially late in the evening and at night in bed; the pain causes the forehead to wrinkle and the eyes to con- tract. Nocturnal headache, an intolerable, continually increasing pressure in the lower part of the occiput and in the vertex, with pressure on the eyes, which he had to close, and with a chilliness which could not be removed by any amount of covering; the perspiration is of intense fetor, and he had to walk up and down the room while it lasted (aft. 5 d.). 135. Pain in the forehead, pressing outward. \Fr. I/.~\ Headache, especially in the forenoon, as if the head was drawn forward and downward . Sensation of fullness in the head, as if it was surcharged with blood. Sensation of fullness and heaviness in the head. SULPHUR. 1469 Sensation of heaviness in the vertex. 140. Heaviness of the head, so that every movement becomes disagreeable. Heaviness of the head, while sitting, lying, moving about and stooping. Sensation of heaviness and dullness in the head, as if it would fall forward, relieved while walking, but then succeeded by fine stitches in the head. [A^.] Headache, as from a load pressing down from above in the brain, and like a hoop around the head. Headache, as from a board before the head. 145. Tension in the forehead. Tensive pain in the head. Tensive headache in the eyes, but only while raising them, for several mornings in bed, on awaking. Headache, as if forced together in a vise, and above the fore- head. Contractive pain in the temples, for several mornings. 150. Pain, as from screwing together, in the left side of the head. The brain is pinched together, from one temple to the other, often for minutes. Drawing through the forehead and temple, very acute, as if a worm were creeping through there (the first days). Drawing pain in the occiput, so severe when chewing, that he has to cease eating. [Fr. H.'\ Tearing in the head, out at the ear. 155. Tearing in the head, as with a saw. Tearing and pressure in the left temple and the eye. Tearing in the forehead. Tearing in the head, more in the afternoon than in the fore- noon, with wearineess and heat without thirst; he had to rest his head on the table to get relief. Tearing in the head, most in the sides and the forehead, oc- casionally attended with drawing, shooting and ulcerative pain, and especially relieved or removed by moving the head, by press- ing upon it and by the open air. [A^.] 160. Nocturnal headache, as if it would tear out the skull. After awaking from the noon-da^' sleep, on opening the eyes, a quickly arising, mostly semi-cranial headache, as if the brain was torn or wounded (aft. 36 h.). Stitch-like tearing, after long, unequal pauses; sometimes through various parts of the head, sometimes through the cheek- bones, the region about the ears, the lower jaw and other parts of the face. A stitch in the head. Shooting headache in the temples. 165. Shooting pain in the forehead, but only while walking. Stitches in and above the forehead. Stitches in the forehead, in the evening; these became con- tinually more violent later on. Stitches, shooting out at the forehead when talking and cough- 1470 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. ing violently, so that she has to hold her forehead with the hand, chiefly in the evening for many days. Stitches shooting out at the forehead with every step, every day; also when speaking loud and coughing she was compelled to frown. 170. Stitches in the head and shooting out at the eyes. Shooting out at the forehead, every day from 11 a.m. till eve- ning. Several stitches in the vertex of the head. Shooting headache at various times, at times also continuing at night, with tearing in the lower jaw or bruised pain in the side of the head afterward, sometimes transiently relieved by com- pressing the head; at times compelling one to lie down. [A^.] Painful whirling and tingling in the temples. 175. Twitching headache. Twitching pains above the right eye. Beating in the head, in the morning. Beating in the head (the temples), on the neck and about the heart; everything on him pulsated and trembled. Single shocks all through the head. 180. Painful blows in the right side of the head, in the evening, while sitting. [A^.] Hammering headache when speaking lively. Very painful hammering in the head. Pulsation in the left side of the occiput, passing over finally into twitching. Pulsating beating, sensible externally on the head. 185. Rush of blood to the head, even with a soft stool and after driving out. Rush of blood to the head ; there was a pressure in it and out at the e3^es; she seemed deaf before the ears. Ebullition of blood in the head and frequent flushes of heat. Rush of blood to the head, like a gentle pressure over the head. Pain in the left side of the occiput, as from stagnation of blood, on awaking from sleep. 190. Heat in the head, in the morning. Heat in the head, in the evening, with cold feet. Severe, dry heat in the head, with glowing face, in the morn- ing on awaking. Heat rising into the head, with redness of the face and warm forehead. • [A^.] Burning and shooting on the right side of the occiput. [A^.] 195. Buzzing in the upper part of the vertex. Ringing roaring through the head, coming out at the ears. Pain at every nod of the head, as if the brain were beating against the skull. The brain beats against the skull, on moving the head, with a pressive pain. External aching of the head on the left side, on being touched, it aches as if festering underneath. SUI.PHUR. 147 1 200. The vertex is very sensitive per se and when touched. [A^.] A spot on the vertex is painful when touched. Severe pain on the vertex, in the evening, as if the hair was being torn out, and the hair stands up on the sensitive spot. The hair of the head aches, when scratching the head. Pain of the roots of the hair, especially when touched. 205, Falling out of the hair. Much hair falls out. Pressure externally on the vertex, toward the forehead. Boring headache in the upper part of the head, below the vertex; the spot is also painful when touched. There is occasionally a burning aching of a small spot of the head, below on the nape, while lying upon it, and especially after scratching. :2io. Sensation of coldness on the head. There is always a cold spot on top of the head. Itching on the head, with impatience. Itching on the occiput. Itching on the forehead. 215. Severe itching on the forehead. Shooting on the forehead, seemingly on the bone. Itching pimples on the hairy scalp (the first 14 d.). Itching pimples on the forehead; on rubbing there was a stinging. Nodule on the forehead, painful when touched. 220. Moving of the skin of the head, from the nape over the ver- tex to the forehead. The eyelids are heavy in the evening. Heaviness in the eyes. Pressure in the eyelids, in the evening. Pressure in both the orbits. 225. Pressure in the upper eyelids. Pressure in the pupils, on walking in the open air. Pressure in the eyes every evening, as if to go to sleep, with- out drowsiness. Pressure in the eyes, especially when working in the sunshine. \_Fr, H.'] Pressure in the eyebiows and in the pupil. 230. Pressure and itching in the eyes, and vertigo when stooping. The pupils are painful, when he moves them. Painful pressure over the eyebrows. Drawing pains in the bones of the orbit. Itching on the eyelids, as if they would be inflamed. 235. Much itching in the eyebrows and on the tip of the nose. Itching and biting in the outer canthus (aft. 6 h. ). Itching and biting on the inner canthi. [AV.] Smarting in the eyes, as if from spirits of ammonia. Smarting in the eyes, every evening and then lachr3^mation. 240, Stabbing in the right eye, as from a knife. Shooting and burning in the outer canthi, with dinmess of vision in the evening. [A^.] 1472 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Bruised pain of the eye, on pressing them shut and grasping them. Pain as from dryness in the pupils, and as if they rubbed against the hds. Erosive pain as from dryness in the edges of the eyelids. 245. Erosion in the eyes, with a sensation as of lachr3^mation. Erosion in the eyes in the evenings: the hght out of the candle looked like a red wheel; he could not see from it. Erosive sore pain on the inner side of the eyelids, after mid- night; then a sensation of rubbing dryness on the inner surface. Sensation of heat in the eyes. Sensation of fullness of blood in the eyes. 250. Burning in the eyes. Burning of the eyes, with great sensitiveness to daylight. Burning of the eyes, with redness of the outer canthus and flow of corroding tears. [AV.] Burning jerk in the right e^'elid. Sensation as of many burning sparks on the eyelids, which were immediately drawn shut. 255. Burning externally on the eyelids. Burning on the upper eyelids. Burning in the eyelids, which are inflamed and red and are tense when moving. Burning, and inclination of the e3^es to get wearied by read- ing. Burning in the eyes, without redness of the same. 260. Burning and pressure in the eyes; they were closed by sup- puration in the morning, and swollen, as was the whole of the face. Redness of the eye during the day; in the evening violent itching therein. Burning pain above and below the eyebrows, every afternoon. \_Fr. H:\ Inflammation of the lower e5'elids, without any particular swelling. Swelling of the upper eyelids and dry pus in the eyelashes. 265. Swelling of the upper eyelid, with redness and burning pain. Swelling and pain of the e3^elids, wnth lachr3^mation of the eyes. Swelling and redness of the eyes, with pimples on the lids. Stye on the upper eyelid, in the inner canthus. Eruptive pimples on the upper eyelid. 270. White vesicle in the white of the eye, close to the cornea. Dr3aiess on the inner surface of the eyelids. Dryness of the eyes. [Also -A^.] Lachrymation, in the morning; subsequently dryness of the eyes. Lachr3^mation and burning of the e3^es, in the morning. 275. Tears, feeling fatty, come from both eyes. \hr. H.\ Purulent mucus in the eyes (aft. 3d.). SULPHUR. 1473 The e5^es are closed by swelling, for two mornings (aft. ^o d. ). The eyes are closed by swelling and agglutinated in the morn- ing (after burning in the evening). [A^.] The eyes agglutinated in the morning, the lids are thick and red: later dry mucus in the eyelashes. •280. Twitching in the eyelids, mostly in the afternoon. [Fr. H.'] Twitching on the lower eyelid. Twitching in the left lower eyelid, almost constant. Twitching in the eyelids. Quivering of the lower eyelid, every day. 285. Quivering of the upper eyelid. Quivering of the eyelids, for several days. Trembling of the eyes. Often in the morning after rising her eyelids are drawn shut. The pupils are too contractile. 390. Distortion of the left pupil. The vision is obscured while reading. A veil seems to be before the eyes, and dim-sightedness both for near and distant objects. Objects seem more distant than they are. Dark points and spots before the eyes. 295. Dimness of vision, as through a fog, during the headache. Illusion of vision, as if her complexion was yellow. [A^.] Black flies seem to float near the eyes (aft. 12 h. ). A white spot before the eyes, when looking into the air. Flickering before the eyes (aft. 48 h.). 300. The eyes seem dazzled, after looking at an object for some time. The eyes are as it were dazzled, in the morning. The sunlight is unbearable. In looking into the flame of a candle light, the eyes ache. When the lids of the closed eyes are touched, the eyes are painful. ^305. Otalgia in the left ear. Severe pressing in the ears, during swallowing and sneezing. Drawing in the left ear, during eructation from the stomach. Tearing in the left ear, extending into the head. [Also Ng-'] Stitches in the left ear (6th d.). 310. Shooting pain in the ear, extending to the fauces. Sensation as if the external ear had gone to sleep, for eight days. Severe itching externally on the ears. Tickling in the ear. Itching in the ear (at once), and then itching and heat of the external ear. 315. Itching in the left ear. [A^'.] Painful tingling and gnawing in the left external meatus auditorius. [A^.] The internal part of the ear aches, when cleaning it. 94 1474 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. A large furuncle on the tarsus of the ear. Severe stitches in the swelling of the parotid gland, for sev- eral days. 320. Splashing in the ear, as if water was in it, with over- sensitiveness of the hearing (at the cracking of a whip). Over-sensitiveness of the hearing. Over-sensitiveness of the auditory nerve, with a ladj^ hard of hearing, so that she became sick from playing the piano. Every noise is troublesome to him. Disagreeble sensation of stoppage of both the ears, for several days. 325. Deafness of both ears, quickly transient (aft. 9 d.). Something stopped his left ear, so that he could hear everything, indeed, but could not understand human language. During the blowing of her nose her ear always gets stopped. Sensation, Avhile blowing the nose, as if air got into the ear. Buzzing in the ears with hardness of hearing, during which; the ears seemed not to hear the sound, which was only obscurely perceived as by an interior sensation. 330. Humming in the ears for several days. Buzzing before the ears, now before the one, then before the other, and then she is hard of hearing on the buzzing ear. Buzzing and pulsation in the ear. Roaring in the ears. Roaring before the ears in the evening in bed, with a rush of blood to the head. 335. Much tinnitus aurium, while sitting. Severe tinnitus aurium, in the morning, in bed, for five min-. utes. Ringing in the right ear. [A^.] Tinnitus in the ears during dinner, with deafness. [A^,] Ringing in the ears and rushing, as of wind, especially after lying down. 340. Cracking in the ears, as from the explosion of an air-bubble. Cracking before the ear, in the articulation of the jaw, whilQ chewing. Frequent detonation in the ear: as if a violin string broke. Fluttering noise in the ear. A sort of cramp in the nose. 345. Boring above the root of the nose. Pressure in the right nasal bone, in the evening. Cracking, or like the explosion of an air-bubble, in the upper part of the nose. Dryness of the interior of the nose. Pain of the tip of the nose when touched. 350. Tearing in the nose, after dinner, passing off for a short time by pressure upon it. [A^.] Itching in the nose. Redness and burning of the nostrils, as if eroded. [A^.] Inflammation of the nose (aft. 9 d.). Swollen nose. SUI.PHUR. 1475 355- Pain on the nose, which is swollen and internally ulcerated. Inflamed, swollen alse of the nose. Black sweat-holes on the nose, upper lip and chin. Sensation as of rush of blood to the nose, especially in the open air. A 3^ellowish, sticky, strongly smelling liquid drips from the nose, two evenings and mornings, without coryza. 360. Blowing out blood from the nose. Clots of blood pass from the nose whenever it is blown. Epistaxis, for seven days (aft. 11 d.). Blowing of blood from the nose. [Also Fr. H.'] Severe epistaxis in the morning when blowing the nose. 365. Occasional epistaxis for several days. [Fr. //.] Epistaxis for two afternoons (at three o'clock) in succession; then pain of the nose when touched. Loss of olfaction. He cannot bear any smells. Smell in the nose as from soaked peas. 370. Sharp smarting smell in the nose, as from smoke. Smell in the nose, as from burned horn. Smell in the nose, as from old, fetid coryza. Ill smell of the mucus blown from the nose. Dull sense of olfaction. 375. Paleness of the complexion. Pale, wretched look, as after a long illness, with great dis- comfort. [A^.] Blue borders around the eyes. Deep-lying e3^es, with blue borders around them. Dark redness and heat in the face, especially when walking in the open air. 380. Transient heat in the left cheek, for an hour in the fore- noon and in the afternoon. Heat and burning in the face, with some especially red spots between the eye and ear. Heat of the face every afternoon from five to nine p. m. Burning, painful heat in the face and on the neck, with red spots in the face. Redness and heat of the face, with burning, especially about the mouth. 385. Burning in the face and on the neck, without redness. Redness and intense burning on both the cheekbones. Heat of the face during the day, with burning on the zygoma and redness of the whole of the nose. Sensation as if cold water was poured over her, under the skin of the face, with perceptible coldness of the face, in fits of several minutes. Sensation of running about in the face. 390. Quivering, occasionally on the zygoma, at times on the chin. Pressure and burning in the cheeks and the cheekbones. Painful pressure on the zygoma and below the eye. Drawing pain on the left side of the face, seemingly in the 1476 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. skin, above the eye, on the temple and on the zygoma, extending to the lobe of the ear, worse in the morning. Tearing in the right side of the face. 395. Tearing in the z^^goma, also at other times in the lower jaw, as if these parts should be torn out. [A^.] Bruised pain in the right zygoma, also by night. [A^.] Gnawing in the bone before the left ear, also during degluti- tion. [A^.] Swelling of the cheeks, with lancinating pain, and also pain when touched, for eight days. Red, painless swelling of the cheeks, 400. White, itching spot on the cheeks. Severe itching in the face, with small, painless pimples, which are humid after scratching. The lips are alwaj^s hot, shooting and burning. Burning of the lips. Dryness of the lips. 405. Dryness of the vermillion of the lower lip, with scabs and tensive pain. Cracked lips. Burning chaps in the lower lip. [A^.] Peeling, dry, rough upper lip and edges of the nose with burning. [A^.] Swelling of the upper lip, also in the evening, with pain. 410. Swelling of the lower lip, with eruption thereon. Trembling of the lips. Twitching in the lips. A blister on the middle of the lower lip. A red itching point in the middle of the upper lip. [A^.] 415. Red blotch on the margin of the vermillion of the lower lip, with shooting pain onl}^ when touched. A scabby ulcer, with burning pain, at the edge of the vermill- ion of the lower lip. Raised, herpetic eruption on the corner of the mouth, toward the cheek. Itching around the chin. Painful eruption around the chin. 420. In the jaws, a spasmodic drawing. Drawing jerk in the left side of the lower jaw. TvTitches in the lower jaw when falling asleep. Tearing in the right side of the upper jaw, in the evening. Shooting in the lower jaw, darting out at the ear. 425. Painful swelling on the upper jaw, above the gums (aft. 3 d.). Painful swelling on the lower jaw, below the gums. Thick, painless lump on the lower jaw, tense when chewing. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Pin-pricks in the submaxillary glands, which are also painful when touched. 430. Toothache in the open air. A molar is painful when touched. Toothache, at the least draught. Toothache, renewed by rinsing the mouth with cold water. SULPHUR. 1477 Toothache, which passes over into a swelling of the cheek. 435. Toothache, in fits of two or three hours, followed by burrow- ing; she can better bear cold things than warm on her teeth. Great sensitiveness of the crown of the upper teeth on the left side, worse from cold water, with shooting pain; also in the morning. [A^.] Painful twitching in a hollow tooth, after dinner. [A^.] Pressive toothache, with pain in the submaxillary gland below it. Drawing toothache. 440. Severe drawing pain in an incisor until 11 p. m. , then sleep- lessness till near morning. Drawing pain in the molars, aggravated by drawing in cold air. Drawing pain of the teeth, in the open air. Tearing drawing toothache, now on the right side, then on the left, for hours, and often with intermissions of a half or a whole hour; also by night on waking up. Drawing and tearing in the teeth, mostly aggravated by cold water, at times relieved by warm water; often with twitching in the crown of the teeth, [A^.] 445. Grumbling and drawing in the teeth. Jerks through single teeth. Jerks and stitches in the teeth, periodically, also after mid- night, and in the morning, while eating and at other times; when drawing in air, the pain darts into the gums, which pain per se, as if loose and detached. Shooting toothache in all the teeth, by day and by night, aggravated by biting while eating. Shooting toothache in all the teeth, by day and by night. 450. Shooting toothache extending into the ear; it caused the person to wake up at night. A severe stitch through the teeth from every cold drink. Shooting, burning and throbbing in the teeth, extending into the orbits and the ears. Throbbing, drawing toothache. Beating and boring in the teeth. 455. Boring in the teeth, as with a hot iron. Boring pressure in the teeth and on the outside of the head, only some minutes after eating. Frequent cutting through all the teeth on the right side, like a cold draught of air. Toothache every afternoon, as if the teeth were being broken out, with a chill; it passes off in bed. Sensation of looseness in the teeth, in the evening. 460. The teeth feel loose when biting with them, and paralyzed while eating. lyooseness of the teeth and bleeding of the gums, for three weeks. A molar becomes loose and feels too long, with simple pain when striking against it and in chewing. 1478 HAHNi^M Ann's chronic diseases . The tooth feels elongated, with simple pain, even when not touched and when not chewing. The teeth became elongated, so that she could scarcely chew. 465. The teeth seemed to her elongated. The teeth were painful, as if too long, and as if they re- sounded within like vibrations. The front teeth seemed too long, with sensitiveness when pressing upon them and in the air, where there is a twitching pain; followed by tearing extending upward into the left temple, which is also painful when pressed upon. [A^.] Dullness of the teeth. Dullness of the teeth, and pain merely when biting; he was not able, for pain, to chew rye-bread (aft. 5 d.). 470. Brown mucus adheres to the teeth. Red, saltish-sour water comes from a hollow lower molar on the left side. [iV^.] The teeth bleed. The gums bleed, when spitting. Bleeding of the gums. [A^.] 475. Swelling of the gums, with beating pain therein. Swelling of the gums on the old roots. Contractive sensation in the mouth. Vesicles in the mouth, with burning pain. Blisters in the mouth, painful while eating. 480. Small blisters with sore pain in the mouth; even slightly salted food causes smarting. The skin on the inner side of the cheek peels off. The mouth is very slimy, in the morning. Dry in the mouth, after eating. Dryness in the mouth and scratching in the throat, as if the food would not go down. 485. The mouth is dry and sticky and has a disagreeable taste, in the morning. [A^.] Burning in the mouth, in the morning, without thirst. Dryness in the mouth, and taste of blood. Burning in the mouth with eruptions around it. Burning in the mouth as from pepper, causing a thirst which no drinking assuages, both day and night. 490. Much heat in the mouth and much thirst, at night. Heat in the mouth, without thirst (aft. 19 d.). Spasmodic contraction of the mouth, at the first morsel. Bloody saliva. Hawking up of blood, with sweet taste in the mouth. [A^.] 495. Expectoration of bloody saliva, with sweet taste in the throat. [A^.] Salty saliva. [A^.] Gathering of water in the mouth, rising up from the stomach; it passes after eating. [A^.] Gathering of saliva in the mouth, even after eating. Gathering of saliva in the mouth, sour and bitter. 500. Bad smell from the mouth, after a meal. Bad smell from the mouth, in the morning, on rising. SULPHUR. 1479 Ead smell from the mouth in the evening. Intense bad smell from the mouth, in the morning, also later t)n. Much collection of mucus in the mouth after midnight, with tickling, causing frequent hawking. [A^.] ^505. Sour smell from the mouth. On the tongue, a burning pain. Smarting on the tongue, as if there w^ere little blisters upon it. An erosive vesicle on the right side of the tongue. Red tongue, with white dots like aphthae. ^10. White tongue. White tongue in the morning; in the afternoon it is red and clean. Coated tongue. Very dry tongue in the morning. Every morning, a salty mucus adheres to the tongue. ^15. Quivering on the tongue. He frequently stutters when talking. Dryness of the throat; the tongue cleaves to the palate, but it is humid and there is a frothy mucus (aft. 6 d.). Great dryness in the throat in the morning, and then very salty taste in the mouth, which passes off after eating. Dryness in the throat at night, and on awaking there is much mucus on the tongue. .520. Parched feeling in the throat. Severe dryness on the palate, with much thirst; she has to drink much. Dryness in the fauces. Expectoration of mucus, without coughing. Blisters on the upper part of the palate, hindering both in eat- ing and in talking. ^25. Sore throat, with swelling of the cervical glands. Pressive pain in the throat, during deglutition as from a swell- ing of the palate. Pressure in the throat, as from a peg, during deglutition and per se. Pressure in the fauces, seemingly in the nape, in paroxysms through the night till morning, noticeable even while respiring. Pressure in the upper part of the throat, during deglutition, and pain in the upper part of the chest. .530. Sensation during eating, as if something had lodged in the throat and was pressing there; this goes off again after eating. Sore throat during empty deglutition, as if she was swallowing down at the same time a morsel of meat, or as from an elongation of the uvula. During deglutition there is a pain in the ear, as if it was sup- purating. Choking and sensation of soreness in the throat, as if the tonsils were swollen, with shooting extending into the ears; only while swallowing. [A^.] 1480 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Something like a hard ball rises in her throat, and seems to contract her fauces and oppress the breathing. 535. Feeling of swelling in the throat, while hawking up of a large^ solid piece of white mucus. [A^.] Contraction in the throat as from astringent substances, with small stitches, worse when swallowing. [A^.] Sensation in the throat, as if it was being stretched. Spasmodic sensation of constriction in the middle part of the oesophagus, the food will not go down. Contraction in the oesophagus, with a sensation as if she could not get food or anything else down, while she could do it (aft. sev. h.). 540. Sensation as if the throat was swollen up, with stitches therein while eating; she feels this swelling of the throat also ex- ternall}^ on the angles of the lower jaw, like a swelling of the, throat. Stitches in the throat when swallo^ving. Shooting in the throat, more during empty deglutition than- when swallowing food; when not swallowing, pain, as from a. lump. Scratching in the throat; hawking and clearing the throat. Scratchy and rough in the throat, with thirst, in the evening. 545. Elongation of the uvula (the uvula has sunk down). Redness and swelling of the tonsils. Burning in the fauces, in the evening, with heat on the tongue. Burning, extending up the throat, with sour eructation,. \Fr., Walther:] Fermentation in the upper part of the throat. 550. Taste in the mouth, pappy, in the morning. Doughy taste in the mouth. Flat taste in the mouth, with lack of appetite. Putrid taste in the mouth in the morning. Sensation in the throat, as of fatty vapor rising from the stomach. 555- Great sweetness in the mouth in the morning on awaking, with much mucus. Constant sweetish taste in the mouth while fasting, with fre-- quent hawking up of mucus. Offensive sweetness in the mouth, causing nausea, the whole.> forenoon. Sweet putrid taste in the mouth. Sweetish and nauseous in the mouth, all the day. 560. Coppery taste in the mouth in the morning, on awaking. Sourish taste in the mouth. Sourish taste in the mouth, in the morning; lasting till after breakfast. Very sour taste in the mouth, in the evening, before going ta sleep. SUIvPHUR. 1 48 1 Sourish taste in the mouth, in the morning, after a sound sleep. [A^-.] 565. Sourish taste, like vinegar, in the mouth, all the day. Bitter taste in the mouth, with ill-humor and muddled feeling in the head. Bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning, on awaking. [AlsoA^^.] Bitter, spoiled taste in the mouth, every morning. Bilious bitter taste in the mouth, while fasting; but the food tastes good. 570. Bitter taste in the morning, going off by eating. [^Fr. H.'\ Mucus, tasting bitter in the mouth, worst in the morning. Bitter taste in the palate and throat, in the morning, on awak- ing; diminished by hawking up of mucus. Bitter taste soon after eating. All food tastes bitter, e. g. , bread. 575. Bitter taste of all food, while the tongue is thickly coated. Bitter-sourish taste in the mouth, at noon, while eating. Salty sour taste in the mouth, while eating. All food tastes too salt}^ No taste in foods; they all taste like straw. \Fr. H.'\ 580. Whatever he eats tastes like nothing, like rotten wood. The customary smoker does not relish smoking tobacco. Food smelled to him like lime, but tasted good. His dinner smelled to him putrid, but it tasted good. Entire lack of appetite ; his only inclination is for sour things. 585. Without hunger and appetite, she only eats from habit, while the food has its normal taste. [A^.] Lack of appetite; she has no relish for anything. Entire lack of appetite, as if constricted in the precordial region. Sensation of emptiness in the stomach in the forenoon. Aversion to meat; she feels like vomiting after it. 590. Appetite only for soft food, not for bread or meat. Aversion to sour and to sweet things. All sweetish food and dishes made with milk are all at once repugnant to him. Milk is troublesome; it is vomited in a curdled state. After milk, sourish taste in the mouth and sour eructation. 595. Drinking milk is at once followed by a sour taste as of vinegar in the mouth. After milk there is a bitterish, scratchy eructation. Milk causes violent eructation, even to vomiting of mucus. Acids cause oppression; she cannot bear them. Dishes made of flour cause him abdominal troubles. 600. Irresistible craving for sugar. Sensation of hunger in the abdomen, but it feels full quickl}^ from a few morsels. He feels appetite, but as soon as he even sees the food his ap- petite vanishes, and he feels, as it were, full in the abdomen; when he starts to eat he feels loathino^. 1482 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEJASES. Excessive hunger and appetite. [^Fr. //.~\ Thirst for several hours (at once). [^Walther.'] 605. Very much thirst by day. \_Fr. //.'] Increased appetite the whole of the first part of the proving. Intense thirst, and always more thirst than hunger. [A^.] Thirst, with dryness and cleaving together of the mouth. Intense thirst for beer. \_Fr. //".] 610. Constant, intense thirst for beer, worst one hour after eating. Severe thirst, without heat; what he drinks tastes good, but does not assuage his thirst, and also seems to load the stomach. Craving for sugar-water. Without any appetite at all, but constant thirst. Even a little beer is apt to cause ebullition of blood with him. 615. Eong-continued after-taste of beer. Voracious hunger, which often compels him to eat something; if he does not eat he gets headache, great lassitude and has to lie down (aft. 10 d.). He can neither eat meat nor fat things in the evening; they lie heavily pressive in his stomach, draw his abdomen upward and impede the stool. After a meal, headache, with pressure in the eyes. After a meal, headache above the eye and nausea; then heavi- ness of the head. 620. During dinner, weakness and muddled feeling of the head, continuing till evening. During a meal, perspiration in the face, and redness of the white of the eye. After a meal, redness in the face and perspiration. During dinner, pain in almost all the teeth. Immediately after a meal, severe colic. 625. After a meal, loud growling in the abdomen. After a meal, rumbling in the abdomen. . After eating but little, the abdomen at once feels full, as if overloaded, with oppression of the breathing. Immediately after a meal, pressure in the stomach. An hour after a meal, pressure in the stomach with nausea and water brash. 630. An hour after dinner she feels much fatigued, as if she had suffered hunger for a long time. After dinner, inert in all the limbs, especially in the lower limbs. Generally after dinner, a stool. Several hours after a meal, intense oppression of the breath- ing, followed by yawning. After meals, always much fatigue and without tone. 635. After dinner, a severe chill. After a meal, sour eructation. If she onl}^ eats a little too much, she has on the next day a horrid, sour, fetid taste in her mouth. When beginning to eat, collection of saliva in the mouth. SUIvPHUR. 1483 Especially after meals, a troublesome stuffed coryza, making the head gloomy. 640. During the meal he is tormented with coldness of the feet, with itching in the nostrils, from which drops water; attended with impatience, which makes everything troublesome. After dinner, great coldness of the feet and palpitation. After meals, shuddermg and sensation of coldness. After a meal (and in the morning) chilliness. After a meal, chilliness in the abdomen. 645. After a meal, burning in the hands. After a meal the oesophagus feels as if it was closed above. After a meal, hiccup, while walking in the open air. As soon as she eats or drinks anything she has to vomit. A sort of indigestion (aft. yd.). 650. Hiccups, in the morning fasting; also in the evening, con- tinuing even in bed. [A^.] Eructation, empty, at once after every meal. Empty eructation, every morning. Frequent empty eructation (loth d.). Empty eructation, with frequent yawning, with exhaustion. 655. Abortive eructation when going to sleep. Eructation with hiccups, with pain behind the palate every time. Before eructation, pressure in the splenic region. Eructation, as after onions. Eructation like rotten eggs, with nausea. [Also Ng.'] 660. Sweetish eructation in the morning. Sour eructation and much trouble from acidity in the stomach. Sour eructations after meals (2d d.). Sour eructation, with taste of lead. Sour eructation, repeatedly during the day. [Fr. H.; Ng^ 665. Sour eructation, several times a day, and pressure in the sciobiculus cordis. Bitter, scratchy eructation of the ingesta. Scratchy eructation after drinking small beer ( Weissbier) . Eructation with the taste of the ingesta. Regurgitation of the food an hour after partaking of it. 670. Regurgitation of the breakfast eaten (aft. 3^ h.). Regurgitation of undigested food. Heartburn all the day. [Also Ng^ Heartburn in the morning; there is tingling and burning anteriorly in the chest. Rancid taste as of heartburn in the throat, when swallowing, especially when she at the same time presses upon the windpipe. 675. Nausea every morning. Nausea, even to fainting. Nausea before meals. Nausea in the stomach, with treembling all over the bodv. \Ng:\ 1484 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASKS. Nausea, with gathering of saliva in the mouth, after break- fast. 680. Nausea, with eructation, first like mucus, then bitter and scrapy. Nausea and inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit, three mornings in succession. Inclination to vomit, very frequently, even when she has not eaten anything. Inclination to vomit, transient, but frequently during the day. 685. Inclination to vomit, at night, and writhing in the scrobiculus cordis as in waterbrash. Waterbrash, immediately before dinner; he feels dizzy and qualmish, after which much water runs out of the stomach. Waterbrash after meals, at noon and in the evening; preceded by pressure in the pit of the stomach. Waterbrash, with choking and rising of water from the stomach, in the morning, while rinsing the mouth and hawking up mucus. Waterbrash twice a day; there is writhing in the pit of the stomach, it writhing and choking, and much water rises from the stomach and runs from the mouth. 690. Waterbrash in the evening; he had to allow much water to run from his mouth, and could not speak during this time; then vomiting of food eaten seven hours before. Waterbrash, two hours after eating; there is eructation; the water runs out of his mouth and he has to vomit what he has eaten, with great nausea and shuddering. Vomiting.^ [Wai^Ther.] Vomiting with profuse sweat (aft. 24 h.). [Fr. H.'\ Vomiting of a very salty liquid, clear as water. 695. Sour vomiting. Vomiting of the ingesta, in the morning, with trembhng of the hands and feet. Vomiting of the food eaten at noon, in the evening (ist d.). Vomiting of mucus, with choking and inclination to vomit, in the morning. Bitter vomiting, in the afternoon, with nausea. 700. She vomits blood and a blackish tasteless liquid, in a fainting fit, at the appearance of the menses. The gastric region becomes extremely painful when touched, and even the coverings of the bed cause pain; but there is no pressure from eating. Stomachache as from a spoiled stomach. [A^.] Pressure in the stomach, with mucus (at once). Pressive pain in the stomach with anxiety. [Walther.] 705. Pressure below the stomach, very violent while lying down. Pressure below the pit of the stomach. [Fr. H.'] Anxious pressure in the stomach. ' 1 This Walther is a different reference fi'oni the F. Walther, mentioned before, and be- longs to a treatise entitled '' Pro^r. de Sulph. et Marte. Lips, x-j 4,2,-'" It is not accessible (S. 604, 704, 870, 984, 1363, 1804 ascribed here to " Walther " simplv, in the Mat. Med. Picra are cred- ited to "Fr. Walth.&r.''—Htcghes. SULPHUR. 1485 Intolerable pressure in the pit of the stomach and the epi- gastrium, in paroxysms, mostly in the morning, somewhat relieved by pressing upon it with the hand, for several days (aft. 6 d.). Violent pressure in the stomach, a few hours after meals; the pain extends into the back. 710. Pressure, as of heaviness, in the stomach. Heaviness in the stomach. Sensation of fullness in the stomach, as if it was in- flated, without distention of the same. Sensation in the stomach, as if it was quite full. The stomach feels full and distended, with violent thirst, in the afternoon. [A^.] 715. Sensation of hollowness in the region of the stomach. Swelling in the pit of the stomach. Tension in the evening in the stomach and the chest, ex- tending into the back, as if he had eaten too much, with pain in the pit of the stomach on pressing upon it and touching it. Grasping sensation in the stomach, extending up into the throat. Contractive pain in the stomach. 720. Contractive pain in the gastric region, which takes her breath. Contractive pain in the stomach, all day, with boring in the •nape, aggravated after a meal, with great sensitiveness of the .scalp (the day before the menses). [A^.] Screwing together and bruised pain in the stomach, and at the same time on the right side in a lower rib, and in the hip. [A^.] Cramp-like contraction in the pit of the stomach, at noon before the meal, taking away the breath. Violent spasm in the stomach, at night, for several hours. 725. Severe cramp in the stomach, before dinner, and then profuse perspiration till late in the evening. Grasping in the stomach, in the morning, on awaking. Pinching in the gastric region, drawing downward. [A^.] Smarting pain in the stomach. Cutting in the stomach, in the afternoon. 730. Painful gnawing in the stomach, then in the abdomen, fol- lowed by two stools. [A^.] Shooting in the abdomen. Shooting in the pit of the stomach, in the morning, while standing. Shooting in the pit of the stomach, when breathing deeply. Frequent pricking in the pit of the stomach, as from needles. 735. A dull stitch frequently from the region of the right side of the stomach, extending to the lumbar region, at every inspiration, in the evening. [A^.] Sensation of coldness in the region of the stomach. Cool sensation in the stomach. The gastric region feels cold externalh- . Sensation of heat in the gastric region, and hacking therein, while sitting quietly. 740. Burning in the stomach and in the abdomen, chiefly while walkino: and standing-. i486 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Burning in the pit of the stomach, and around it. Burning in the stomach, several times a day. Burning in the stomach, hke intense heartburn. Burning, cutting and writhing in the stomach.^ [Ardoynus, devenen. Lib. II., C. XIV.] 745. Burning in the stomach, then rumbUng in the abdomen, followed by a diarrhoeic stool. [A^.] Beating in the pit of the stomach, wnth sensation of swooning, or while sitting, like a pulsation, with ebullition in the chest, as if it would stop her breathing. [AV.] The hepatic region is painful when touched. Pressure in the hepatic region immediately after dinner. Pressure in the liver awakes him at night, while the white of his eyes is yellow. 750. Severe pressure and contraction in the hepatic region. Tensive and burning pain in the hepatic region. Drawing pain in the hepatic region took her breath away; she had to walk bent double, all the daj^ The liver seems swollen, impeding her respiration. Stitches in the hepatic region, and in the right groin, fre- quentl}'. 755. Shooting and stitches in the right hypochondrium. [A^.] Transient stitches in the hepatic region, from within out- ward. Stitches in the hepatic region, especiall}^ while walking in the open air. Lancinating pain under the right short ribs. Pinching in the right hypchondrium, while walking. 760. Boring pain in the hepatic region, after dinner. Beating and quivering in the hepatic region from time to time. Tension and beating on a right lower rib, onlj^ transiently relieved by pressing upon it. [A^ ] Cutting and burning on the left lower ribs. [A^.] Burning, and while stooping over in sitting, fine burning stitches in the region of the left lower ribs. [A^.] 765. In the left hypochondrium especiallj^ the movements of flatus are painful, like stitches. Shooting in the left side of the abdomen \vhen taking a deep breath and when walking in the open air. Shooting at times in the left side, and at times in the right side of the abdomen. The left side of the abdomen is asleep, with chilly sensation. Pressure under the left ribs. 770. Below the ribs (in the midriff ?) across the body, pain when blowing the nose and in coughing. Sensitiveness, in the morning, in both the hypochondria, which when touched pain as if sore. Pain in the epigastrium, just below the chest, as if everything 1 statement. — The original from which this symptom is taken is "fortis calor in corpore, et dolor in hepate, et tensio intestinorum^ et gravedo lingucE et stomachi et solutio plurima ventrts" i. e., intense heat in the-bod^-, and pain in the liver, and tension of the intestines, and heavi- ness of the tongue and stomach and much looseness of the belly. — Hughes. SULPHUR. 1487 there was becoming detached and was suffused with blood, only when moving and breathing. Pain in the abdomen after every meal. [A^.] Pain in the abdomen, at night, as if crushed within and suffused with blood. 775. Painful over- sensitiveness in the abdomen, as if everything there was raw and sore, as immediately after a delivery, while something within seemed to move, or to shoot there suddenly and to dart thence into the whole of the head. Movement in the abdomen, as from the fist of an embryo. Pain in the abdomen, which compelled the person to bend double. Pressure across the navel, with little appetite; he cannot sleep for it at night. Pressure in the hypogastrium. 780. Pressure in the left side of the hypogastrium, as if something hard was lying there; the pain draws her together, so that she has to walk bending over to one side. Pressive pain in the right hypogastrium, when standing or when walking against the wind, or when turning over on the left side after lying on the back. Sore pressure in the hypogastrium, after a meal, with eructa- tion. Full and clumsy in the abdomen, after eating, as if over- loaded. Fullness of the abdomen, after eating but little. 785. Frequent inflation of the abdomen. Fullness and inflation of the abdomen, also in the morning in bed, when it goes off after discharging flatus. [A^.] Inflation and hardness of the abdomen, especially in the eve- ning. Sensation of inflation and tension of the abdomen, every morning on awaking. Tension in the abdomen. 790. Tension in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus Tension and pressure in the umbilical region. Tense, oppressed sensation in the whole of the abdomen, es- pecially in the hypochondria; with anxious hypochondriac mood; for several hours after dinner (aft. 4 d.). Sensation in the abdomen, as if something was violently forc- ing its way through the bowels. Spasmodic, contractive pain in the abdomen, extending into the chest, the groin and the pudenda. 795. Squeezing, contractive pain around the umbilicus, while sit- ting, passing off after rising. [A^.] Colic, after midnight, painful in the side of the abdomen. Violent pinching and tension in the abdomen, from noon till evening. Pinching about the navel, up toward the stomach, going oft' through discharge of flatus, in the afternoon and evening. [Aj,'.] Shooting pinching just above the hips and on the last false rib. 1488 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 800. Violent pinching in the hypogastrium, so that she could hardly walk, and could have cried; after entering the room, and preceded b}^ rumbling in the abdomen and discharge of flatus; with frequent intermission. [A^.] Cutting in the epigastrium, as if in the chest. Violent cutting in the abdomen, lasting some moments. Cutting in the abdomen, in the evening, and weariness when going upstairs, as if the menses would set in. Cutting in the abdomen, in the morning in bed (aft. 3d.). 805. Cutting in the abdomen, below the navel (at once). Cutting pain in the abdomen, after dinner. Severe cutting in the abdomen, with great inclination to vomit and so profuse a sweat, that the shirt and bed became ring- ing wet. Cutting in the abdomen, at various times, also after dinner, with moving about of flatus in the abdomen; or with a flow of saliva to the mouth, coming up from the stomach; or in the even- ing with inflation, relieved by discharge of flatus, and going ofE after a thin stool. [A^ ] Cutting in the hypogastrium, when straining for a stool, or when pressing on the hypogastrium, or when bending backward; not when sitting as usual. 810. Cutting in the abdomen and sacrum awake her after midnight, then diarrhoea, followed by tenesmus; so also the next morning, three times. [A^.] Sudden shooting in the abdomen, darting all through the body. \_Fr. H.I Shooting in the lesser intestines in the epigastrium, as from needles, lasting three quarters of an hour. \Fr. Walther ] Transient shooting in the abdomen. Shooting and pinching in the abdomen, in the morning. 815. Burning shooting on a small spot beside the navel, for a quarter of an hour. vStitches and violent burning deep in the hypogastrium, with a spasmodic pain in the right lower limb. Constant burrowing in the abdomen, and yet only one stool a day, for several days. Heat in the left side of the abdomen. Anguish in the abdomen followed by a sensation of weakness in the feet, extending above the ankles, like an internal trem- bling. 820. Pain as from arrested flatus in both sides of the abdomen, in the morning on awaking; the flatus was only short and abrupt, without relief. Flatus accumulates in the left h37pochondrium, with anxiety. When she has had no stool for some time, the flatus is incar- cerated and comes into the left side of the abdomen with a severe pressure, causing her to scream out at the slightest motion. Rumbling in the abdomen; as from beer with yeast in it, then a sudden call to stool, and a stool attended with colic; the first part of the stool is hard, the rest liquid, without mucus; in the morning and late in the evening. \Fr. Walther^ SULPHUR. 1489 Growling and rumbling in the abdomen at night, for almost two hours. [A^.] 825. Growling in the hypogastrium, as from emptiness. Growling, rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen (at once). Loud rumbling in the left side of the abdomen. Clucking in the abdomen. Much flatus. 830. Much discharge of flatus, especiall}^ in the evening and night; also flatus with the smell of rotten eggs. [A^.] Very fetid flatus, for many days. The abdominal muscles are painful as if bruised, when touched. The abdominal muscles are relaxed, so that he cannot readily straighten himself. The abdomen is painful when touched and when walking, with a dull pain in it. 835. The clothes press upon the abdomen. At night, much itching on the epigastrium and the hypogas- trium. After dinner, itching about the abdomen, and rubbing causes a pinching together and squeezing together of the intestines, es- pecially in the groin, seemingly toward the middle; worst when stooping and when breathing deeply, better when walking. Constant pressure in the groin, all over the whole pubic region, as if she was tightly bandaged there. Tearing in both the inguinal glands. 840. Stitches in the right flank, also arresting the breath. [A§'.] Burning stitches in the left flank, in the evening. [A^-.] Painful swelling of the inguinal gland. \_Whl.'] Urging in the abdominal ring, as if from incipient hernia. An incipient inguinal hernia protrudes itself forcibly, with pain as from crushing and bruising; it cannot be kept back with the hand (aft. 4 h.) 845. An old hernia is again protruded; he has to put on his truss. Drawing pressure in the right groin, and in the left side of the abdomen. Constipation for two days, then a single stool without colic; it comes on unexpectedly. [Fr. H.^ Intermitting stool. [A^.] Occasional costiveness. 850. Stool only every two, three or four days, hard and trouble- some. Very hard stool and then pain in the anus. Hard stool with burning pain in the anus and rectum. Hard stool; it looks burnt. Hard, scanty, griping stool; with a sensation as if the rectum would protrude. [A^.] 855. Hard, black stool, falling to pieces, as if burnt. [A^.] Knotty stool, though not hard. Knotty stool, mixed with mucus. Insufficient, too scanty stool. 95 1490 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Stool with a sensation as if something had stayed behind, and not enough had been discharged. 860. Frequent abortive calls to stool. Hurried call to stool, and yet he has to strain before anything is passed, though the stool is soft and normal. Urging before and after the stool. Tenesmus. [ IVa/t/ier.^ Urging to stool, as if the rectum would be pressed out, with pressure on the bladder; he has to get up three times at night on account of it. 865. Much pressure and tenesmus after the stool, for one hour; then she could not sit for pain in the anus. Constant urging to stool at night; she had to get out of bed ten times, could neither lie nor sit still on account of shooting and sore pain on the anus; she felt as if she had pressed out every- thing, and it was painful, especially w^hen drawing the anus in- ward. The stool passes off suddenl}^ and almost involuntarily; he can not get out of bed fast enough, [/v-. //.] Stool four times a da}^ attended with pinching in the abdo- men before and afterw^ard. Soft stool, of ver}^ thin formation. 870. Frequent pappj^ stool, with cutting in the abdomen. \_Wal- ther.'] Soft, half liquid stool, frequentl3\ Soft stool with bloody mucus, after previous cutting in the abdomen. [A^.] Soft stool wdth tenesmus and burning of the anus in the even- ing; preceded by inflation of the abdomen, then passage of hot, fetid flatus with pinching in the sacral region. [A^.] Thin stool every morning, with cutting in the hypogastrium, for twenty days. 875. Two thin stools, followed b}^ pressure in the stomach, in the forenoon. Thin, papp3^ stool looking like bile, passes off involuntarily, with a sensation as if only flatus would be discharged. Diarrhoea, for four days (aft 48 h. ). Diarrhoea, like water, every half hour, ever}^ time preceded by growling in the abdomen, without pain (3d d. ). Diarrhoea, six times, followed by fainting, first with heat, then warm sweat, then with cold sweat on the forehead and feet, with white tongue. 880. Frequent frothy diarrhcEic stools, with tenesmus, even at night. INg.-] Diarrhoeic stools with tenesmus and cutting in the abdomen; the tenesmus goes off bv applying w^arm cloths; at 4 and 6 A. M. Pale colored stool. Sour-smelling stool. Discharge of undigested food with the stool. 885. Stool covered with mucus. Three stools a day, covered w^ith mucus. SULPHUR. 1 49 1 Very mucous stool. Reddish mucous stool, with fever, lack of appetite, attended with l^dng down and colic. Mucous stools, without faeces, several times a day, mixed with red veinlets of blood, for several days (aft. 5 d.). 890. Blood during stool, in the evening. Ascarides pass with the stool. Frequent passage of single ascarides. The ascarides cause itching in the rectum. IvUmbrici pass off after violent pains in the abdomen, with a hard stool. [A^.] 895. Tapeworm discharged with a hard stool. [A^.] Before every stool colic. Before the stool, as it were, an aching in the intestines. Before the diarrhoeic stool, searching and pinching in the abdomen, much discharge of flatus, at times with pain, as if it would tear the anus, and with urging to stool or tenesmus after the stool. [A^.] During stool, palpitation, which disappeared afterward. 900. During the morning-stool, obstinate and inclined to weep. During the stool, in the evening, nausea, as if she had to vomit. During the (soft) stool, painful pressure in the rectum. During the soft stool, rush of blood to the head. During the stool, sensation as if there was a contraction within. 905. With a normal stool, cutting in the rectum. During stool, burning in the rectum. During stool, sensation of burning in the anus, which seemed red and inflamed, and studded with little varices. During stool, protrusion of the rectum. Before the morning-stool, pinching in the abdomen. 910. After the stool, pinching in the abdomen. After the stool, a bruised feeling in the intestines. After the stool, great exhaustion. After a soft stool, pressure in the anus and rectum, as after a hard stool. After a difficult, though not hard stool, so violent a pin- pricking, extending from the anus up the rectum, that he almost became unconscious for pain, then chill and weariness. 915. After stool, a beating pain in the rectum, all day lon< After a thin stool, burning in the anus. After a soft, formed stool, burning in the anus, for several minutes. After the stool, contractive pain in the anus. Bearing down toward the anus. 920. Pressure in the rectum. Tearing in the rectum. Violent stitches in the rectum, especially in the evening. Severe stitches in the rectum, even between stools, arresting the breathing. Burning on the anus, after sitting a while (^4th d.). ■■ft*- 1492 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEAS>:S. 925. Severe burning on the anus. Choking; sore pain in the rectum, while lying down. Sore pain between the nates. Itching on the anus. Itching in the rectum. 930. Severe itching in the rectum, repeated during the da}'. Crawling and itching in the rectum, as from worms, in the evening, while sitting. Growling in the rectum. Urging fullness in the rectum. Swelling of the anus, with burning itching. 935. Varices of the anus, which are humid, even after a nor- mal stool. Humid varices on the anus, with erosion and shooting, when w^alking and sitting. Dull stitch in the varices of the anus, so that he is startled. Involuntar}' discharge of humor from the anus, with subse- quent itching there. Contractive sensation in the perinseum. 940. Urine scanty (the first 36 h.). [Also A^.] Violent urging to urinate, with burning in the urethra. Constant urging to urinate; some drops pass from her invol- untarily. Violent urging to urinate, though he has not drunk an3^thing for a long time (aft. 2 h.). Impatient before urinating. 945. After a pollution, he awakes with violent urging to urinate, which does not abate even after much micturition, on account of the irritation (not in the bladder) at the orifice of the urethra. Frequent quick urging to urinate; she has to urinate fre- quently. Frequent quick impulse to urinate. Sensation in the urethra, as if he had to urinate all the time. Violent urging to urinate; he has to urinate at once, else the urine would be discharged involuntarily. 950. Constant inclination to urinate, but little is discharged at a time. The urine is discharged with much violence. Frequent urging to urinate; he can hardly resist for a mo- ment. Frequent discharge of urine (aft. 6 d.). She was frequentl}^ impelled to urinate, always preceded by cutting in the hypogastrium. 955. Increase of urine, especially at night. [AV.] Very frequent micturition, almost every half^hour, with vo- -uptuous urging extending into the anus. [ WhL'\ He has to rise after midnight to urinate, and passes much urine. He has to rise twice during the night, to urinate. At night there is twice a passage of urine, but slowly. 960. At night very violent urging to urinate. Urine is passed at the discharge of flatus. SULPHUR. 1493 Urine is passed during coughing. The stream of urine is far thinner than usual. The stream of urine is intermittent. 965. Very frequent discharge of urine looking like water. Dark-brown urine. The urine in the evening is red, and deposits a sediment over night. [yV^.] The urine becomes turbid after a few hours. Turbid urine. 970. The urine is whitish, even when passed. Whitish sediment, like flour, in the urine. Reddish sediment in the urine. Fatty scum on the urine, for seven days. The urine is very fetid. 975. The fetor of the urine is like that of sweaty feet. Blood is discharged with the urine, which w^as quite mucous. Before micturition, cutting in the abdomen. During micturition, burning anteriorly in the urethra. [Also Ng.'] When finishing micturition and afterward, a cutting in the urethra, as if the urine was acrid, like corroding lye. 980. During micturition, burning in the urethra. After micturition, urging in the bladder, in the morning after rising. [Ng.'] Intense pressure on the bladder. Stitches in the bladder, or in the hypogastrium. Cutting in the urethra, before and during stools. [Wai^The^r.] 985. Erosion in the female urethra. Burning anteriorly in and on the urethra when not urinating. Burning in the urethra, when not urinating. [A^.] Itching in the middle of the urethra. Stitches anteriorly in the urethra. 990, Transient shooting pain in the urethra (9th d. ) . Stitches or cuts in the urethra and in the hypogastrium. Shooting and tearing in the urethra. Pain in the urethra, as from incipient gonorrhoea. Redness and inflammation of the orifice of the urethra. 995. In the mons veneris frequent itching and humidit}^ Stitches in the penis. Shooting in the penis, in the morning, during micturition, es- pecially in the glans, as if the urethra was being pierced; the urine, in consequence, only drips out in the beginning, later it is suppressed. [/V. 77] The member is discolored, bluish, is always cold and the pre- puce retracted. \_W/il.'\ Itching on the glans. 1000. Glans and prepuce ic3^ cold. Burning and redness of the prepuce. Redness and swelling of the prepuce. [[f7//.] Phimosis, with dropping out of the fetid pus below the prepuce. 1494 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. The prepuce hangs down far beyond the glans and is divided by fissures into four to five lobes. [Whl.'] 1005. The prepuce becomes quite stiff and hard like leather; on the inner surface it shines and secretes a thin humor of offensive smell, [R//z/.] In the testes and the genitals, a resounding. Pressure and tension in the testes and spermatic cords. Pin-pricks in the testicle. The testes hang down limp, for several weeks. I GIG. The epididymis is thickened and swollen. The testes and scrotum very flaccid, in the evening in bed. Coldness of the genitals, in the morning. Male impotence, even during amorous imagination. Resistance of the genitals to a complete evacuation of the semen. 1G15. Hardly any sexual impulse remains. [JV/i/.~\ Increased sexual potency (aft. 56 h.). Great urging to seminal emission, without erection. Extreme voluptuous irritation in the internal genitals, in the morning after awaking, with an erection lasting an hour and a half, at first strong, but finally weak; this passed over into a burn- ing pain, which only gradually subsided after a seminal emission (aft. 24 h.). Excitation of the sexual impulse. IG2G. Several pollutions (the first nights.) Profuse pollution of watery semen. Pollution with burning pain in the urethra. Pollution in an aged man, who for mau}^ years had not had any. (6 th m.). Pollution in the noon-siesta, while sitting, in a man of seventy years, who had not had the like for twenty years (aft. 5 h.). 1025. Discharge of prostatic juice. Discharge of prostatic juice, dripping in long threads from the urethra after micturition and stools. Sensation of weakness in the genital parts. Occasional itching in the vagina. Troublesome itching on the genitals, w^ith eruptive pimples around. 1030. Painless vesicles on the external pudenda. Burning in the vagina, so that she could scarcel}^ sit still. Burning in the pudenda, without itching. Inflammation of one of the labia, with burning pain, mostly while urinating. A sore place on the pudenda and one on the perinaeum, for 10 days. 1035. Intense itching on the clitoris. During coitus, sensation of soreness in the vagina. Menses one day too early, very strong, with violent pains in the abdomen and the sacrum; preceded by a chill all over the body. [A^.] Menstrual flow lasts two days longer and is stronger. [A^.] SULPHUR. 1495 Menstrual flow stronger, thick and black, and so acrid, that it erodes the thighs. [A^.] 1040. Almost daily discharge of some blood from the uterus, for sev- eral weeks after the restoration of the long-suppressed menses (aft. 3ci.). Menses almost at once, seven days before the time. Menses too early by seven days, and more scanty (aft. 15 d.). Menses too early by two days (aft. 34 h.) Menses too late by ten days, and lasting eight days, with pains during the first days. [A^.] 1045. Menses too earlj^ by eleven days, preceded by cutting down- ward in the h3^pogastrium. [A^.] Menses retarded for three days. Menses retarded by two days, with much illness and op- pression (9th d.). Menses retarded by two days, with constipation and inflated abdomen. The menses stopped at once, though it was in full force, after having lasted two and one-half days. [Also Ng.'] 1050. Stronger flow of the menses, which had a sourish smell. Restlessness and apprehension, the day before the menses. Just before the menses, cough in bed, in the evening; she had to get up to gain relief, then it passed away. Before the menses, cramp below the left hypochondrium. Three mornings before the menses, shooting in a hollow tooth from seven to eight A. m. 1055. Just before the menses, burning in the throat like heartburn. Just before the menses and soon after them, epistaxis. Before the menses she feels so full on the chest that she has to take a deep breath frequently. During the menses, on the third evening, epistaxis. During the menses, sleepiness by day. 1060. During the menses, now a cutting, then a contractive pain in the hypogastrium. During the menses, in the morning, with slight flow of blood, violent pains in the abdomen and the sacrum, with inflation; in the afternoon, a stronger flow of blood, with a diminution of the pains, which are relieved by active movements. [A^.] During the menses, pinching in the abdomen, pain in the sacrum (and chill all over the body). [A^.] During the menses, cramplike pains in the hypogastrium, as if the intestines were being drawn together with threads into a small lump; she could neither lie nor walk, but had to sit up as upright as possible. During the menses, drawing pains in the abdomen. 1065. During the menses, pressure in the forehead, mostly in the afternoon. During the menses, pressure in the pit of the stomach. During the menses, a great rush of blood to the head. During the menses, severe pains in the hypogastrium. with great heat, chill and a sort of epilepsy; she became quite rigid. 1496 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. distorted her mouth, and moved to and fro, without speaking, her forehead and hands being cold. After the menses, for many days, an itching on the outer side of the nose. 1070. Leucorrhoea, ver}^ severe (2d d.). Leucorrhcea, two days before the menses. [AV,] Thin leucorrhoea, in the morning after rising, preceded by pinching in the abdomen. Yellowish discharge from the vagina, preceded by pinching in the hypogastrium. [A^^.] Discharge from the vagina, for fourteen da^^s after the appear- ance of the menses, for two days, like nasal mucus. 1075. Discharge from the vagina, which smarts like salt as it passes. I^eucorrhoea, corroding the pudenda, with burning pain (2dd.). lycucorrhoea, preceded by colic (13th d. ). At the first movements of the embr\^o, severe palpitation and heat in the face, then burning in the abdomen. >1<. ^ ^ ^ 'fi ^ >;< Inclination to sneeze, which shakes her almost spasmodically. 1080. Very frequent sneezing, in the evening and morning. Frequent sneezing. Severe sneezing for several da^^s. Very frequent sneezing, preceded every time b}' nausea. Painful sensation of dr3mess in the nose, with severe coryza. 1085. Tingling in the nose, as from incipient coryza. Coryza (aft. 14 d.). Severe coryza (aft. 5, 17 d.). Frequent short fits of coryza. Fluent cor3'za, like water. 1090. Fluent coryza of scalding water. [A^.] Fluent cor3'za, and when blowing the nose, also bloody mucus. Water drops from the nose. Stopping of both nostrils, with frequent sneezing. Fluent coryza; the mucus has to be drawn through the pos- terior nares. 1095. The nose feels stuffed in the upper portion, there is fluent coryza and a sore burning, with a flow of smarting water, while the voice is a rough bass, in the afternoon and evening. [A^.] Severe stuffing of the nose, for several days; when blow- ing the nose, little clots of blood are sometimes discharged. Coryza, with chilliness, catarrh and cough. Severe coryza with rawness on the chest, and cough with much expectoration. Frequent secretion of thick, yellow, purulent mucus in the nose, for several days. [A§-.] 1 100. Roughness in the throat. Drawing and dryness, occasionally in the larynx. Very great roughness in the throat (aft. 16 d.). Hoarseness and total aphony (aft. 24 h.). SULPHUR. 1497 Hoarseness in the morning. {^Fr. //.] 1 105. Hoarseness, in the evening. Hoarseness and roughness of speech, with dryness in the throat and burning during swallowing. [A^.] Voice obscured by coryza, with sensation of stuffing in the root of the nose, in the morning. [A^.] Hard pieces of mucus, like starch, are thrown out b}^ hawk- ing. [A>.] Scratching in the throat, with inclination to cough, in the evening in bed. [A^.] mo. Coldness in the throat, during inspiring. The air expired is hot. There is always mucus on the chest, he has to cough slightly. The chest and throat are full of mucus. When he eats anything dry, it lodges in his throat, arrests his breathing and he has to cough it out again. 1 1 15. The larynx feels swollen. A painful impulse in the larynx while coughing. The mucus collected in the chest over night causes an inclina- tion to vomit on awaking. Tingling in the larynx; talking causes cough. Inclination to cough after a meal; this is so violent that he cannot cough quickly enough; it spasmodically contracts his chest, and he choked, as if he would vomit. I C20. He w^antsto cough and cannot; objects turn black before his eyes. At every breath he has a fit of two or three impulses to cough, worse in the afternoon. Dry, short cough, only while walking in the open air. Hacking cough, in the evening, while sleeping, sitting up. Cough, caused every time by roughness in the larynx. 1 125. Much coughing, when going to sleep, with heat in the head and face, and cold hands. Dry cough, for a long time in the evening in bed, before fall- ing asleep, and more violent than by day. Dry cough wakes him at night from sleep. Cough, only by night. Dry cough, only by night, keeping the person from sleeping. 1130. Dry cough, with hoarseness, dryness in the throat, and fluent coryza of clear water. [A^.] Brief tussiculation, with sore burning in the fauces, which becomes worse in the open air, but goes off after lying down. [A^^.] Sudden dry cough, as if it would tear out the lungs, with in- creased headache. [A^.] Dry cough in the evening, or also in the night, and then to- ward morning it is attended with some expectoration, and the sen- sation as if little bubbles burst within. [A^iT-] Ivoose cough with sore sensation or pressure on the chest and expectoration of thick mucus, also with rattling in the windpipe and hoarseness. [A{^.] 1 135. Dry cough by day, with stitches in the right side of the abdomen; with stuffed coryza. 1498 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. About midnight, he is awaked from sleep by coughing; he has to cough for one-half an hour, until expectoration ensues; in the morning, while dressing, there is again cough, with expectora- tion, then no more during the day. Dry, short, violent cough, with pain in the sternum, or with stitches in the chest. Expectoration from the chest, tasting of old coryza. Coughing up greenish flakes, of sweetish taste. II 40. Hawking, at every deep breath. During cough, headache, as if bruised and torn. During cough, severe pain in the occiput, as from an ulcer (at once). Owing to a (brief) cough, pain in the vertex, like a resound- ing, and pain under the right ribs. From cough, pain in the head and abdomen. 1 145. During cough, stitches in the parietal and occipital bones. During coughing, stitches, outward in the forehead, so that she had to hold it with her hands. During coughing, painful shocks in the head. During coughing, vomiting. During coughing, the throat and chest feel as if cut in two. 1 150. During coughing, concussion in the abdomen and chest. During coughing, stitches in the region of the xiphoid carti- lage. During coughing, putrid smell of the breath. During coughing, stitches below the right breast. During coughing, pain on the right side of the chest; on touching the spot, it ached. 1 155. During coughing, pain in the scapula. During the cough, sensation as if the lungs touched the back. During a day cough, sensation of emptiness in the chest. During cough, lancinating pain above the left hip, extending into the sacrum. Asthma. 1 1 60. Arrest of breathing, in paroxysms, partl}^ when moving and walking, partly when sitting and lying down; he must then forci- bly take a deep breath, when the asthma immediately vanishes. The most severe asthma, twitches and death (aft. 4 d.).* [MORGAGNI.]. Asthma, after taking a walk; he has frequently to take a deep breath, till evening (aft. 28 h.). Short breath while walking in the open air. [Also Ng.^ Short breath from talking much. 1 165. Arrest of breathing, from pressure upon the chest. Wheezing and rattling on the chest, relieved by expectoration. Frequent stoppage and arrest of breathing, even to suffoca- tion, by day. Arrest of breathing, also while speaking. 1 From free drinking of sulphur in wine.— Hughes. SULPHUR. 1499 Failure of breath, suddenl}^ at night, while turning over to the left side; it passed off on sitting up. 1 1 70. Frequent arrest of breathing, while sleeping; she had to be w^aked up to keep her from suffocating. Suflfocative fit at night while asleep, but without pain. Just after falling asleep, at night, the breath failed; she was about to suffocate, started up with a loud scream, and could not get her breath; toward morning, violent palpitation; followed by an exhaustive sweat. After walking twenty steps, her chest feels constricted, she would stand still, every now and then, to recover her breath. Though not short of breath, it is impossible for him to take a ver}^ deep breath. 1 1 75. When he wants to take a deep breath, his chest feels con- tracted. Asthma, in the morning, while fasting, until he takes some- thing; the impediment to respiration seems to be in the scrobiculus cordis. Tightness and a pressive squeezing all over the body, still more about the chest, as if external, attended with anxiety, in the afternoon and evening; after lying down, he perspired and felt quite free. Tight sensation on the chest, as if something had grown fast there. Oppression of the chest, on bending forward. 1 180. Tightness of the chest, with shooting in the left side, un- affected by breathing. [A^.] The breathing is quickened involuntarily, while stepping into bed and afterward. Difficult}^ in breathing; he had to breathe deeply, more while sitting than while walking. Feels fatigued in the chest, she could only breathe with diffi- culty. Weakness of the chest wdiile talking. 1 185. Anxiety on the chest. The whole chest feels tight. Painful sensitiveness on the upper part of the sternum, also when touched, with oppression. [A^.] Tension in the right side of the chest and the right shoulder. Pressure on the upper part of the sternum, when walking in the open air, it goes off when walking further. 1 190. Pressure across the middle of the chest, as after swallowing too large a morsel. In the morning in bed, a pressure on the chest, continually augmenting; he had to rise, when it passed off. Pressive pain in the sternum, while walking; he does not feel anything when touching it. Pressure on the chest, with anxiet3^ Sensation of heaviness on the chest, for several days, with dry cough. [A{^.] 1 195. Contractive pain about the chest. [A^i^.] I500 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Painful screwing together in the chest, frequenth^ while moving. [A^.] Spasms of asthma, in the evening, in the warm room; she breathed with difficulty, and could not get air enough, with violent palpitation; worse from moving; it passed off from lying in bed. Violent occasional spasm in the chest. Extreme!}^ violent pain, in the evening, as if some one seized the chest deep within, and was trying to twist it around and lift it out, or to crush it and tear it asunder. I200. Stitches in the chest, extending into the back (aft. i6h.). Stitches in the left side of the chest, when respiring, for sev- eral days. Short stitches in the cardiac region. Stitches in the cardiac region, or in the right side of the chest, at night, while lying on the back, at the slightest movement. Stitches in the sternum. 1205. Violent stitches from the right side of the chest through the scrobiculus cordis and the stomach. A stitch from the right side of the chest, extending into the scapula (4th. d.). lyancinating, contractive pain in the muscles of the chest, which ache also when touched. Stitches in the back at every breath. Shooting pain in the sacral bone, at every expiration. 1 2 10. Shooting in the chest, and in the muscles of the back. Shooting or straining in the middle of the sternum, more ex- ternally. [A^.] Painful, frightening stitch into the right side of the chest. Constant shooting, extending into the left side of the chest, causing a screain, onh' transienth' relieved b}^ taking a deep breath. [A§-.] Cutting, deep in the chest, with burning, after walking in the open air. [A^^.] 12 15. Startling cutting in the middle of the chest, down into the scrobiculus cordis. [^^^'.] Beating deep in the chest, at night. [^A^.] Cracking in the sternum on moving. Sensation of being heated, in the chest, in the morning on awaking. Burning in the throat, and hot breath in the morning on awaking. 1220. Burning in the chest and intense warmth in the face. Burning in the right side of the chest, quickly coming and going. [A:^.] Burning and contraction on a small spot of the sternum, more . on the outer side. [A^.] Sensation of cold in the chest and in the abdomen. [A^.] Sensation of cold in the chest, like a chilly tension. 1225. A strange movement in the cardiac region. Beating in the sternum, as from an ulcer. SULPHUR. 1 50 1 Shocks in the left side of the chest, toward the heart, arrest- ing the breathing, with great thirst. Crepitating pulsation in the left side of the chCvSt, while sit- ting and living, this ceases on holding the breath. Quick and severe palpitation, in the evening, when going to sleep. 1230. Palpitation at any time during the day, without anxiety. Palpitation with hardly any cause, without anguish, e g. when lying down for the noon-daj^ nap. Violent palpitation at the moment of rising. Palpitation ever}^ forenoon. Anxious beating of the heart. 1235. Pressure in the cardiac region, toward evening. Sensation as if the heart had not room enough. Sensation of hollo wness in the cardiac region. Much rush of blood to the heart. Rush of blood toward the chest, in the morning on awaking. 1240. Severe ebullition of blood toward the chest. Violent ebullition of blood in the chest, like a boiling up, with qualmishness even to fainting and trembling in the right arm. Pain in the chest, as if sprained, with tightness. The chest is painful on moving the arms. The right ribs are painful, especially when touched. 1245. Pain in the sternum. Shooting in the sternum, per se, and more yet when touched. Shooting in the thoracic muscles, on moving the arm. Pain in the upper part of the chest, as if he had fallen on it. Bruised pain in the upper part of the chest, when touching it. 1250. Burning deep in the middle of the right clavicle, extending into the sternum, [A^.] Itching on the chest. Erysipelas on the chest; it is inflamed, becomes red, hot and hard with red radiation, starting from the nipple, and with stitches therein. Twitching in one of the breasts, which swelled up, as if milk would shoot in. Pain in the sacrum, so that she could not stand up straight; she had to walk stooping. 1255. Severe pains in the sacrum, tensive as if everything was too short, only when stooping down; the pains passed over the abdo- men into the scrobiculus cordis and into the knee. Stitches in the sacrum. Stitches transversely across the sacrum. Pulsating stitches in the lumbar and renal region. Severe tearing in the left loin on moving. 1260. Burning pain in the sacrum, near the anus. Hard pressure in the sacrum, diminished while walking. Pressure in the sacrum, disappearing while walking, return- ing while sitting. Pain above the sacrum. 1502 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISKASES. Pain above the sacrum, while walking, not in sitting. 1265. Pressure in the sacrum, when standing in a stooping posture. Painful gnawing on a small spot of the sacrum; after pressing upon it, there is only a bruised pain. [A^.] Severe bruised pain in the sacrum and coccyx. [A^.] Painful stiffness in the sacrum; he can rise from his seat only with difficulty. Pain in the sacrum, on rising from the seat. 1270. Sudden pain in the sacrum and the lower part of the back, as if sprained. Drawing and weakness in the sacrum. Drawing pain in the sacrum. Cracking sound in the sacrum, extending to the anus. Sudden violent sprained pain in the sacrum when sneezing, then drawing pain close to the spine, and extending thence to the left groin and the testes, especially painful on rising from the seat and in walking. 1275. Pain in the back, as if strained, on making a misstep. Sprained pain in the region of the left side of the pelvis and between the scapulae, while at rest, with unbearably painful jerks at the slightest movement. Pains in the back and sacrum, as if beaten all over. Bruised pain on a spot of the back. Pain in the back when stooping. 1280. Severe pain in the renal region, after continued stooping. Pain in the back, as after long-continued stooping. Sensation of weariness on the left side of the back, on moving the arm, as after too great a strain on the parts. Heaviness in the back, in the morning, as if he had lain in a wrong position, and weariness, as if he had not slept enough. Stiff in the back and in the sides, as after taking cold. 1285. Stiffness, sometimes in the back, sometimes in the hip, pain- ful when turning over in bed; he has then to hold his breath. Stiffness in the back, after sitting. Stiff in the back, when sitting for some time; this is dimin- ished by walking. Pressive pain in the back, below the scapulae, in the evening. Drawing in the spine, extending upwards, while stooping. 1290. lyancinating pain in the back, while walking. Itching stitches on the back. Growling, extending inside along the spine. Hot streaming down on the back. Burning and biting in the back. 1295. Tearing in the back. Corrosive burning between the shoulders, under the right shoulder-joint, on the sacrum and on the natis, in the evening after lying down. [A^.] Burning on the back below the axilla. [A^.] Tearing in the left scapula, while sitting. [A^.] Tearing between the scapulae, so also shooting, in the evening. SUIvPHUR. 1503 1300. Burning pain between the scapulae. Burning between the scapulae. Tensive aching between the scapulae, when lying down and moving. Tension and bruised pain between the scapulae and the nape, which, on moving the head, extends into the top of the shoulder. Tension between the scapulae and on one side of the neck. 1305. Tensive pain in the left side of the back, on moving the arms. Drawing pain in the right scapula, in the evening, when going to sleep. Sprained pain in the right scapula, on moving the arm. Shooting pain in the left scapula, when resting oneself on the left arm. Several stitches under the scapula, arresting the breathing, and not allowing any stooping. 1310. Stiffness of the nape and paralytic sprained pain in the nape. Creaking sound in the cervical vertebrae, on bending the head backward and pressing it into the pillow. Cracking of the vertebrae in the nape. Tensive pain in the nape, and extending thence around above the eye, where there was a lancinating pain. Drawing twitching in the muscles of the nape. [^^.] 131 5. Tension and shooting in the nape, when sitting stooping- forward; it goes off on stretching. [A^.] Drawing pain in the nape and the scapulae. Tearing and tension in the left side of the nape, before mid- night, after awaking, with a sensation as if it was too short; on moving the head she had to cry out for pain; this was diminished during rest, [i^^.] Stitches in the nape when stooping. [A^.] Inflammation and swelling of a gland in the nape, close to the hair of the head, with an itching sensation. 1320. Tetter in the nape. Constant perspiration in the nape, almost all the day, at times with a sensation of coldness and shivering, for fourteen days. Stiffness of the neck. Pain in the right side of the neck on bending the head to that side. Drawing pain on the right side of the neck. 1325, Pressure on the neck if she talks much. Pulsation in the arteries on the left side of the neck. Painful swelling, anteriorlv on the outside of the neck. \_Fr. H.-] Itching on the neck. Heat- pimples on the neck. 1330. A swollen gland on the scutiform cartilage, is painful when touched. Swelling of the axillary glands. A swollen, humid gland under the right arm. [A{V^.] Suppurating swelling of the axillary glands. 1504 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES, Perspiration of the axillae. 1335. Very offensive smell of the perspiration of the axillae. Pinching, now in the left shoulder, then in the feet. [-A^.] In the top of the shoulder, pain as from rheum. Rheumatic pain in the top of the left shoulder. Pain in the top of the right shoulder, when respiring. [Fr. H:\ 1340. Pressure on the top of the shoulder, as from a load, while walking in the open air. Drawing pain in the shoulder- joint and in the arm. Tearing, extending from the shoulder- joint down into the humerus. Tearing in the top of the shoulders, or in the shoulder- joints, especially at night, with gnawing or severe bruised pain and shoot- ing, first aggravated, then relieved by moving the arm. [i\^.] Stitches under the right axilla. [A^.] 1345. Tearing in the shoulder- joint while at rest, this goes off on moving. [A^.] Stitches, extending from the top of the shoulder in the chest.. onl}^ w^hile moving. Stitches, extending from the shoulder- joint forward into the arm, on h-ing upon it, and during inspiration and expiration. Beating in the left shoulder, seemingl3' in the bone. [A^.] Pain of the shoulder-joint, as if dislocated from a fall, es- pecially at night, while Ij'^ing down. 1350. The arms ache as if bruised. The arm is asleep for twenty-four hours. The arm frequently goes to sleep for a quarter of an hour, especially after working, he has to let them lie still. Cramp in the arms, alter midnight. Pressure and drawing internally in the arm, more when mov- ing than while at rest, especiall}'^ on stretching or raising the arm. 1355. Drawing and tearing in the arms and hands. Twitching drawing at night in bed, from one joint of the arm to the other, but more in the joints themselves. Tearing, slow jerks down from the shoulder or elbow-joint through the limb, but most painful in the joint itself, compelling a frown and contraction of the eyes. Tearing, and paralytic sensation in the right arm. Tearing in the arm, unaffected by motion. 1360. Red, burning spots on the upper arm and the fore-arm (after washing with soap- water) . On the upper arm, a sensation as if something heavy hung upon it. Weakness in the upper arm, so that she cannot raise it up. Twitching pressure in the deltoid muscle of the upper arm. [Walther.] Tearing in the left humerus on the anterior surface. [A^.] 1365. Straining shooting in the right upper arm. [A^.] Bruised pain in the left upper arm, which is sensitive also to external pressure. {Ng^ Hard, hot swelling on the left upper arm, with shooting pain. SULPHUR. 1505 Below the bend of the elbow, a burning pain; on being touched, it feels as it were turgid or numb. Bruised pain about the right elbow-joint, on raising something with the arm and on clenching the fist. 1370. Painful sharp drawing in the right elbow joint. Pressure in the elbow-joint, on moving it. Tearing from the elbow-joint up the upper arm and down the fore-arm; also while at rest. Tearing in and above the right elbow-joint, while at rest; it goes off through moving the arm. [A^.] The tendons of the elbow- joint feel tense. 1375. Suppurating blisters on the bend of the elbow, with much itching. In the fore-arm, slow, painful drawing, seemingly in the nerves, extending from the elbow into the wrist and back again. Itching in the elbow- joints and the wrist- joints, and espe- cially on the hands, chiefly in the evening; here and there little vesicles full of yellowish water show themselves. Tension on a spot of the right fore-arm, as if the skin were being raised up with a needle; after rubbing it, this turns to itch- ing. [Ng.-] Tearing in the bones of the fore-arm, at times relieved by pressing upon it and moving it. [A^.] 1380. The right fore-arm feels as if gone to sleep and heavy. [-A^.] The right fore-arm feels paralyzed and without any sensation, this goes off by rubbing; at night, while lying on the left side. Tearing in the knuckles of the hand. Tearing pain in the wrist -joints. Drawing on the hand, with alternate stitches. 1385. Painful stitches dart outward through the wrist- joint. A sudden, burning stitch on the dorsum of the hand. Tearing in the dorsum of the right hand, at times seeming to be in the bones, at other times in the tensor-tendons. [A^.] Sprained pain in the right wrist-joint, during rest and slight movements, but finally going off entirely through violent exercise. iNg.-] Pain in the wrist-joint, as if sprained. 1390. Stiffness of the wrists, especially in the morning, passing off during the day. Burning in the hands. Swollen veins on the hands. Frequent swelling of the hands. Formication in the hand, as from ants. 1395. The hands go to sleep, with formication, as soon as the hands are dipped into cold or warm water. Weariness of the right hand, with tearing in the thumb. There is no strength in the hands, in the morning, after ris- ing; he has to make quite an effort to hold anything with them. Trembling of the hands, wdiile writing. Trembling of the right hand, in the morning. 96 1506 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1400. Tremulous sensation in both hands. A sort of anxiety in the hands; he has to grasp something. Involuntary^ grasping with the hands, most in the afternoon. \_Fr. H.'] Sweaty hands. Itching in the palms. 1405. Itching in the palms; he has to rub them, when they burn. Itching, stinging burning in the palms; he has to rub them. Itching eruption of vesicles on the dorsum of the hand (4th d.). Nettle-rash on the dorsum of the hand. Redness and swelling of the hands and fingers, as if frozen, with itching in the evening and with tension on moving them. 141 o. Hard, dry skin on the hands. Chapped skin on the hands. The skin of the hands chaps, almost without pain, especially where the fingers commence. [Fj^. H.'] Fissures and cuts in the skin of the hands, especialh^ in the joints, with sore pain. The hands are chapped and rough like a grater, about the posterior knuckles of the fingers. 1415. A slight lesion on the finger becomes malignant, with pulsa- tion; later on a corroding blister forms, and the whole hand swells up, but without pain, except when touching it. The tendons in the palms behind the first two fingers seem shortened, are hard to the touch and tense, so that he cannot spread his hand flat on the table. In the fingers, drawing pain, in single, brief jerks, in the afternoon. Cramp in the middle three fingers. Involuntar}- twitching of the fingers. [^Fr. H.'] 1420. Tearing in the fingers. [Also Ng.'] Tearing in the posterior joint of the thumb, extending into the metacarpal joint and the middle of the dorsum of the hand. Tearing shooting behind the nail of the left ring-finger, as if a needle was pushed in, especiall}^ violent in the evening. [A^.] Sensation of cramp, of a bruise and of swelling in the middle joint of the third and fourth finger (during the menses). [A^.] Pinching and pressure on the ball of the left little finger, every five minutes; on resting the elbow on something it radiates up into the arm, with a chill; during the day, the pain changes into severe stitches, also with a chill, while all his limbs felt heavy as after severe exertions. 1425. Constant burning, tearing stitch on the dorsum of the middle finger. A burning jerk in the left middle finger. Burning in the balls of the fingers (in the forenoon). Burning in the finger-tips. Sprained pain in the posterior joint of the thumb. 1430. Pain in the flexor side of the right middle finger, as from a splinter piercing it. SULPHUR. 1507 Stitches in the finger-tips. Tingling and pricking in the finger-tips, very painful; worse when the arm hangs down. The last two fingers go to sleep, in the evening in bed. Numbness of the little finger, for some time. 1435. Both the little fingers are numb and go to sleep. The sensibility of the fingers dies away, in the morn- ing; they become void of blood, with loss of color and tingling therein, while the skin shrivels up at the tips, for two hours, three da3^s in succession. Dying off of the fingers, in the forenoon. Coldness of the fingers. [Fr. //.~\ Severe swelling of the middle three fingers on both hands. [Fr.I/.) 1440. Thick, stiff, red finger-joints, as if frozen, with tingling therein. Swelling of the fingers, in the morning. Thick, red chilblains on the fingers, itching severely in the warmth. Peeling off of the fingers (the epidermis peels off in round spots). Profuse sweat between the fingers. 1445. Pain in the finger-tips, in the morning, as if a nail was cut too short. Many agnails on the fingers. Paronychia (panaritium) on the fingers, twice in succes- sion. The right natis is painful. When he sits for a long time the whole fundament and the ossa ischii become painful. 1450. Itching erosion on the nates. In the hip-joint, a tensive pain when walking. Severe pain in the right hip- joint, at the slightest motion in bed, as if dislocated, so that he cannot tread in the morning, nor walk; also pain when touched. Frequent twitching, deep in the left hip; it passes off on moving. [A^.] Bruised pain in the right hip, on sitting down and on moving the body to one side. [A^.] 1455. Pain in the hip, only when moving and when touching it, as if he was beaten black and blue there, or had fallen on it. Pain in the ossa ischii, so that she could neither sit nor lie down, also when touched, it felt as if festering; on rising from the seat, the thigh felt as if fallen asleep, with pinching on the os ischii. Cramplike, sudden, very painful jerks about the hip- joint. Drawing pain in the left hip. Nettle rash below the hip. ^460. In the lower limbs, a drawing pain, in the morning and evening in bed. Severe tearino^ in the lower limb, from the heel into the thio-h. 1508 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. and into the hip-joint; worst in the knee-joint, while standing; walking relieved and finally removed it altogether. [.A^.] Violent tearing in the right lower limb and the hip-joint, in paroxysms, in the evening while walking; nor could she without pain remain sitting on a low seat without stretching out the limb. Bruised pain in the lower limbs, after walking in the open air. Restlessness in the lower limbs, so that she could not remain in the room, for two evenings, till bed-time. 1465. Dry heat in the lower limbs. Coldness in the left lower limb. The right lower limb feels numb, even while lying down. Sensation, while lying down, as if he could not raise up the one leg, w^hile yet he could do so. Often while sitting, he has no sensation in his lower limbs; they are, as it were, asleep. 1470. The left lower limb is asleep, for an hour, two evenings in succession. Both lower limbs are asleep, in the morning in bed, with great heaviness. Heaviness in the lower limbs; and tension in the knees and thighs, more at night than by day. Painful heaviness of the lower limbs. Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs, in the morn- ing in bed; this passed off at once on rising. 1475. Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs after short walks. Extreme weariness of the lower limbs when walking, almost as if paralyzed. Humming of the lower limbs, as if from weariness. Sensation of anxiety and weakness in the whole of the right lower limb, when walking. Weakness in the lower limbs, so that she could scarcely walk, and pain, as if there was no marrow in the bones. 1480. Sudden weakness of the lower limbs, especially of the legs, after taking a short walk. In the thigh, a sort of lameness, seemingly in the hip, above the nates. Twitching in both the thighs, seemingly in the bone. [-A^.] Cramp in the right thigh. Formicating itching on the inner side of the thigh. [Fr. H.~\ 1485. Dry heat in the thighs and the sacrum, while the back is cold. Pain in the posterior muscles in the thighs, while sit- ting down. The thighs feel as if tied together with a bandage. Twitching in the thigh and leg. Drawing pain in the thigh. 1490. Violent tearing in the right thigh, from the knee to the crest of the ilium, and then a bruised exhaustion of the whole body. Tearing in the thighs, also in the bones, frequently extend- ing into the knee, mostly relieved by walking. [A^.] SUIvPHUR. 1509 Shooting and burning on the inner side of the left thigh, re- lieved by rubbing. [N'o-.'] Bruised pain on the outer side of the thigh, also when touch- ing it. Violent pain in the thigh, at night, as after a blow. 1495. Pain on the inner side of the right thigh as if wounded, in the evening. Soreness between the thighs, especially when walking in the open air. Itching pimples on the inner side of the thighs. Pain in the knee, as from stiffness, when rising from the seat. Stiffness in the houghs. £500. Rigidity in the knees. Sensation in the knees as if they were grasped with both hands, in the evening. [A^.] Tension in the knees, on rising from the seat, while walk- ing, and especially while going up stairs. Tension in the right knee, so that he cannot stretch his lower limb. Straining in the houghs, when treading, as if too short. E505. The tendons of the lower limbs feel too short, when standing. Tension in the houghs, extending to the foot. While in bed, the knees are several times spasmodically bent and stretched out again. IFr. //.'] Violent, cramp-like pressure in the hough, extending to the ankle, chiefly while sitting, twice a day, for an hour at a time, in the afternoon, attended with great weariness and straining head- ache. Pressure on the left patella, while sitting and walking. 15 10. Pressure in the knee-joint, on moving it. Dull shooting pressure on a very small point in the extreme tip of the knee. Tearing in the left knee, only while walking. [i\§.] Tearing externally in the left patella, disappearing by con- tinued walking. [A^.] In the evening, tearing and sprained pain in the left knee, only while treading; after lying down it disappears, but it returns in the morning. [A^.] 15 15. Shooting in the right knee. Shooting in the knee and the tibia (3d d.). Shooting in the right knee, only while standing, then in the left wrist. Shooting pains in the knees. Long stitches in the knee, causing shivering and starting. 1520. Shooting in the knee at the least motion (there is a crunching sound in it) and when going up stairs, but hardly at all while walk- ing on a level. Glowing burning stitch in the left hough, so that she was startled. [No-.] Paralytic weakness in the knee, as if strained, on going down stairs. 15 lO HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Weariness in the knees, especially in the forenoon; after going up one flight of stairs there is a burning in the joints. Bruised pain of the knee, on rising from the seat and bending them. 1525. Weary pain in the knee-joints. Sensation of weariness in the knees, in the morning in bed. Looseness in the knees, as if they would give wa}^ The knees give way in walking. Cracking sound in the knees (2d d.). 1530. Itching about the knees. The leg is, as it were, asleep and burns and tingles, when rising. Coldness and cold feeling of the legs, in the ev^ening. Swollen veins on the legs. Trembling and weariness, shooting and tearing in both legs, from the knees into the feet; when sitting, there is more tearing; when walkmg, there is shooting and tension, while the toes are icy cold. 1535. Tearing in the legs, from the knees to the feet, while walking and sitting. Tearing in both legs, extending up to the middle of the thighs. Tearing from the knees to the toes, with heaviness of the feet, so that she can hardly drag them along. Bruised pain on the inner part of the legs, near the tibiae, when touched, as if the flesh was detached from the bones; in the evening. Tendency to cramp in the leg, when stretching the foot. 1540. The calves are very painful when going up stairs. Shooting pain in the right calf. Drawing, alternatel}^ in the calf, in the tibia, and in the sole of the foot. Grasping drawing in the calves, w^hile sitting; relieved by walking. [A^.] Glowing burning and boring in the right calf, in the evening. 1545. Weary pain in the calves, at night, only in bed. [A^.J Clucking, extending down the left calf, as from drops of water. [A^.] Tearing, with shooting to and fro, from the calves into the toes, in the evening; when standing and when sitting down, the feet twitched within, with a tremulous sensation all over the body, heaviness and tearing all over the back, chill without thirst, with red cheeks, unattended wnth heat there; then it extended to the scrobiculus cordis, with tension and contraction below the ribs, with oppressed breathing and many stitches in the whole of the chest and in the epigastrium. Contractive pain in the calf. Straining, tension and contractive pain in the calves, as if they were sewed together. 1550. Cramp in the calves, even while walking, when the calf aches, as if too short. SULPHUR. 15 1 1 Severe cramp in the calves, in the morning in bed. Cramp in the calves while dancing. Tremulous sensation in the calves, while standing. Swelling of the calves. 1555- '^^^ f^Gt are icy cold in the evening until bed time. Cold feet, all the day and the evening, till going to bed. Coldness in the soles of the feet. The feet are always cold, she cannot get them warm in the evening in bed. The soles of the feet become soft, sensitive and painful in walking. 1560. The soles of the feet are painful, when treading and walking, as if the}^ w^ere festered. Still pain in the soles of the feet. Severe, momentary pain in the left heel. Straining in the soles of the feet, as if too short, in treading. Tension in the hollow of the foot. 1565. Straining about the ankles in walking. Tension in the right foot on moving the toes. Cranrip in the soles of the feet at every step. Stiffness in the ankle-joint, about the ankles. Drawing in the feet and up into the hip, with cracking of the joints at every motion. 1570. Drawing on the outer side of the heel, in the evening after lying down. [^^^.] Drawing pain in the soles of the feet, in the morning, in bed; also when treading, there was a severe pain in them. Painless twitching in the soles of both feet; it goes off through motion. [A^.] Tearing in the sole of the right foot; it goes off by rubbing, in the evening. [A^,] Tearing in the right foot. 1575. Tearing in the right heel, for half an hour. Tearing and shooting in the sore foot, at night. Shooting in the right foot. Severe stitches on the tendo Achillis almost every five min- utes. Shooting below the left ankle, even while at rest, but more yet when stretching out the foot, and also at the least motion; it impedes his walking. 1580. Stitches in the sole of the foot. Stitches in the ball of the right foot. Shooting in the right heel, as from a splinter. Squeezing shooting in the dorsum of the right foot, worse when moving. Shooting tingling in the right heel. 1585. Beating as from the jumping of a mouse, on the outer border of the right foot. [A^.] Sudden, burning stitch on the dorsum of the left foot. Cutting in the heel, extending to the hollow of the foot. Burning across the dorsum of the fool. 15 12 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Burning and itching in the soles of the feet, especially in- tolerable while walking. 1590. Burning in the soles of the feet, in treading after sitting for awhile. Severe burning in the hollow of the left sole in the evening. Burning pinching in the ankle-joint; after friction the burning augments. Swelling of the feet in the warmth of the bed; it goes off outside the bed. Swelling of the right foot on walking in the open air. 1595. Swelling on the ankle, with sprained pain on moving. Pain, as from a misstep, in the left ankle, both when standing and walking. The ankle gives way in treading, as if dislocated. The foot gives way in walking. The ankle tends to give wa}^ especialh^ when going down stairs. 1600. The ankle joint cracks when it is moved. Numbness and formication in the sole of the foot; it goes off through rubbing. [A^.] The sole of the left foot goes to sleep, in the evening. [A^.] Great heaviness in the feet, especially in the ankle. Beating in the hollow of the sole of the foot, in the evening, with severe burning for an hour. 1605. Sweat in the sole of the foot. Cold sweat on the sole of the left foot. Cold sweat of the feet. Blue spots and varices about the ankles. Eruption of pimples around the ankles. 1 6 10. Ulcerating vesicles on the soles of the feet. In the toes, cramp, on stretching the feet. Cramp and contraction of the toes, with bruised pain; im- proved by strong pressure; during the menses. [A^.] Tearing in the posterior joint of the right big toe. [A^.] Stitches anteriorly in the left big toe. [A^.] 1615. Stitches in the tips of the toes, while sitting and lying. Fine stitches in the middle and the big toes. Pressive pain and aching of the inner side of the nail of the big toe. Pain of the nail of the big toe. Dull pain in the ball of the left toe. 1620. Inflammation and swelling of the big toe, with pain. Swelling of the toes. Itching in the toes formerly frozen (the first days). Between the toes, white, painful pimples. The corns ache, as if pressed by tight shoes. 1625. Frequent violent shooting in the corns. Shooting burning in the corn, while wearing large shoes. Inflammation of the corns, with pain. The limbs go to sleep at once on lying down. SULPHUR. 15 I 3 The limbs are apt to go to sleep, as also the cervical muscles, the scalp, the nates and the feet, especially when lying down. 1630. Pressure in the upper and lower limbs, as if they would go to sleep. Drawing pain in the limbs, in the evening. Straining in the limbs, almost like drawing. A pain that had passed away six weeks before, caused by a contusion (on the chest), is renewed as a pressive pain, especially in the evening. Drawing in the knee, the arm and the shoulder, for a few moments. 1635. Tearing in the back, in the knees and the legs, in the evening in bed. Sudden tearing or jerks, here and there in the body. [A^.] Drawing pain in the abdomen and in all the limbs, in the arms for hours, and in the thighs for days. Severe drawing and tearing through the knees and the tibiae, especiall}^ in the evening; she knows not where to lay her lower limbs. The drawing (tearing) pains in the limbs are aggravated under feather-beds, so as to be unbearable. 1640. External warmth diminishes the pains, coldness increases them. [A^.] Most of the ailments only arise while at rest, and pass off on moving the suffering part, or when walking. [.A^-.] The ailments, especially those of the head and stomach, ap- pear in the open air, while walking. Bruised feeling in the limbs in the morning, just after rising. Bone-pains in the limbs, when touched, as if the flesh was detached. 1645. She feels worst while standing. [A^.] Cracking in the knees and the elbows. Pinching here and there in the muscles. Uncomfortable sensation, as if her whole body was pushed out of its natural shape. Queer, pressive sensation through all the body. 1650. Tension in all the limbs, as if they were too short; he had to stretch. Tensive aching in all the limbs, and in the tendons of the feet, after a short walk. After a short walk at noon, palpitation and trembling of the hands. Formication on the skin of the whole of the body. Stinging pricking on the skin of the whole body, in the even- ing, after getting warm in bed. 1655. Burning on the hands and feet, with weakness and weariness of the whole body. Stinging on the skin of the cheeks, the top of the shoulder and of the thighs. Shooting itching, especially when walking in the open air. Burning on the skin all over the body. The itching spot pains after scratching. I 5 14 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 1660. After slight rubbing, the skin aches much and for a long time, as if bare of skin and eroded. Biting, as of fleas, in the evening, after lying down and at night, impeding sleep; after scratching, it always appears in an- other place. [A^.] Offensively tingling itching, with pain of the spot after scratching. Itching burning on various parts; after scratching there was a sore pain. The itching spot bleeds and stings after scratching. 1665. Itching, worst at night, and in the morning in bed, after awaking. Itching in the axilla and houghs. Itching in various parts of the bod}-, mosth- going off after scratching, at times with shooting or also with burning afterwards. After scratching the spot becomes, as it w^ere, hot. Eruption on the skin.-^ \Hufel. Journ., Vol. Ill, p. 733.] 1670. Miliar}^ rash all over the bod}^ with itching stinging. Miliar}' rash all over the bod}', wdth severe itching, then peel- ing off of the skin. Severely gnawing miliary rash in the face, on the arms and legs. Nettle-rash with fever (26th d. ). Itching blotches all over the bodv, on the hands and feet (aft. 35 d-). 1675. Eruption, with burning itching. Red (itching ) pimples, which at times burn after scratching, on the nose, the upper lip, around the chin and on the fore- arms. Pimples, without sensation, on the back, after severe itching in the evening. [A^.] Eruption, as is wont to arise after varioloid Hepatic spots on back and chest, itching in the evening. 1680. The old herpes begin to itch severeh^; he has to scratch them till they bleed (aft. 9 d.). Scah' eruption of herpes, which had been repelled by external application, reappears, with violent itching, burning after scratch- ing. \lVhl?^ An old wart (below the eve), begins to sting and tickle (aft. 5d.). The skin chaps here and there, especialh' in the open air. Furuncle. 1685. Ulcers in the intestines.^ [Andoynus.] Profuse bleeding of old ulcers. Tensive pain in an ulcer. The ulcer on the nail begins to be ver}^ fetid. The pus of the (scurfy) ulcer smells sour. 1 From local application. — Hughes. 'Put forth only hj-pothetically by Andoj'nus. — Hughes. SULPHUR. 15 15 1690. A little cut commences to ache, first with erosive, then with burning pain, and then becomes inflamed, with a beating pain. Single twitches of one hand and one foot, by day. Muscular twitching, here and there, as if excited by elec- tricity. Repeated cramplike twitching in the whole body, alter sup- per, with pain in the back and then also in the right side of the abdomen. Attack of epilepsy, after a fright, or after a quick run. 1695. Attack of epilepsy, darting from the back or from the arm, like a mouse, drew the mouth to the left and the right, went about painfully in the abdomen, then it turned the left arm, with a clenched thumb; then trembling in the right arm; then it tossed the whole bod}^, shaking it up and down with very short breath, which, after the attack, became even shorter; she screamed in her attack, but could not speak (aft. 12 d.). Attack, while going across the street; sudden rising into her head, and things become black before her eyes; she walks back- ward about fifteen steps, then suddenly sits down, as if she had fellen on the stones, as if unconscious, and allows herself to be con- ducted home just as unconsciously; then she becomes, as it were, stiff in all her joints. After being washed, the child lets its head hang to the side, and after straightening it, on the ocher side, the face and lips be- come pale, the eyes stare for two minutes, then it sneezes, firmly closes for a moment mouth and eyes, and lets the mucus run from the mouth; subsequently a sweet sleep (aft. 3 d.). Attack of obscuration of the sight, when walking in the open air, with violent pressure and beating in the head, nausea and weariness (6th d.). Attack of stitches in the sacrum, which take away the breath, with pain in the head and nape, followed by frequently alternating chill and heat, with anxiety about the scrobiculus cordis, until evening. 170C. Attack, toward evening, of much eructation, with nausea, re- laxation of the body, severe rolling in the abdomen and discharge of flatus. Chilliness, owing to disagreeable news; then she could hardly get warm during the night in bed. Talking fatigues her very much and excites pain with her. Twitching and jerking of all the limbs, while he bites his teeth together, and moans softly, for eight minutes; then a slumber for a quarter of an hour, then again jerks and spasmodic drawing in the limbs, after which he is very much fatigued. [Fr. 7/.] The bodv is tossed up high, as in violent twitchings. [Fr. H.-\ 1705. Concussion through the whole body, in the evening in bed, like shivering passing over the skin. Quivering sensation in the arms aiid lower limbs. Inclination in the hands and toes to stretch and contract. Great restlessness, which does not allow him to sit for anv 1516 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. length of time; also in lying down, he has to continually move his feet. Intense ebullition of blood, and burning in the hands. 17 10. Restlessness in the blood, with swollen veins on the hands. Dry heat in the bod}^ ever}- room is too hot for him. Internal heat with thirst. Frequent flying, quickly transient flushes of great heat. Sensation of heat all over the interior of the body; it burns upward in her chest; but without any thirst; she has to compel herself to drink. 1 7 15. Unsteady in walking and tremulous in the hands, in the after- noon. Trembling of the limbs, especially of the hands. Severe trembling of the left scapula, the arm and the hand, in the forenoon. Tremulous sensation through the whole body, in the morn- ing, but attended with w^armth. Chilliness. 1720. Frequent chilliness. Very much disposed to catch cold. The child is extremely sensitive to the open air, and is unwill- ing to go out (the first da^^s). When moving more violently, greater excitement and pas- sionateness. After walking in the open air, intense palpitation. 1725. While walking in the afternoon, headache and weariness; in the evening it passes over into toothache and drowsiness (aft. 8d.). After walking, nausea and exhaustion, with trembling of the limbs. While walking in the open air, dry, short cough. The open air makes him feel as chill}" as if he were naked. While walking in the open air, profuse perspiration. 1730. Profuse perspiration while sitting; no sweat at night. Profuse sw^eat at the slightest motion or manual labor. At the slightest movement, inclination to perspire. While sitting, reading, writing, speaking and walking, great tendenc}" to perspire. At the least exertion, drops of perspiration in the face. 1735. In the morning in bed, perspiration in the face and nape, and bruised feeling in the limbs on rising. Very heavy and fatigued in the limbs, from morning till evening. Lack of tone, all day. The strength failed him in his upper and lower limbs, some- what like fainting; he was near losing consciousness (7th d.). Swoon, for a quarter of an hour. 1740. He felt heavy in all his limbs. Alwa3^s weary and fatigued. Fatigued, as after an illness. Weariness in the feet. Weariness, disappearing while walking. SUIvPHUR. 15 17 1745. On lying down, weakness, even to fainting. Ver}' much exhausted, weary and averse to work, she is in- disposed to everything, even to talking. [^V^.] After walking a while, all weariness has disappeared from the limbs, but this returns in the room, only more faintly. [A^.] Weariness of the limbs, so that she trembled at every move- ment. [A^.] Trembling of the hands and feet, with great exhaustion. 1750. I^ack of vital force, like an internal coldness; almost always attended with chills alternating with heat; pale complexion with blue rims about the eyes; afraid of heat when it is cold, and afraid of cold when it is hot. Quite weary and tremulous after walking (subsequent to smoking cigars). He is very much fatigued by a short walk. After slight exertion he is breathless and weary, with con- stant inflation of the abdomen and repeated swelling of the feet. In the afternoon, swoon and vertigo, with much vomiting and perspiration. 1755. Heavy feet when walking in the open air, when going on they become lighter. Walking is hard for her; the feet refuse to carry her; it feels as if there was a load on them; attended with tension on the chest. Weary and dejected, in the afternoon. So tired from driving, that he cannot recover from it; he slept all day after it. Very tired in the afternoon; he had alwaj^s to sit down, hav- ing no strength for walking. 1760. Spasmodic, incessant yawning, in the evening before going to sleep. Frequent yawning and stretching, without drowsiness, [i^^.^ Very weary and drowsy, all the day. Much yawning and drowsiness by day. Frequent yawning and cold hands. 1765. Irresistible sleepiness by day, she cannot keep from going to sleep while sitting at her work. He cannot keep from sleeping for several hours during the day. Intense sleepiness by day; as soon as he sits down he falls asleep. Drow^siness in the afternoon. Very weary and sleepy every afternoon from 2 to 3 o'clock. 1770. In the evening, very sleepy, as soon as the light conies on the table, she has to sleep. In the evening, for an hour, almost constant yawning, and an unconquerable weariness. Long sleep; he has to compel himself to get up in the morn- ing. He sleeps too much, and is, nevertheless, unrefreshed in the ling. Not refreshed in the morning through the night's sleep. TSiS HAHXEMAXX S CHROXIC DISEASES. 1"^. Without any incliGation of getting up in the morning. Drowsy till eight o'clock in the morning, with indisposition for work. In the morning he feels as after a debauch, the eyes are swollen, there is an inclination to stretch. For many mornings, for half an hour, ver>- laz\-, with pain in the back and the lower limbs, so that she has to sit down often. In the morning it is hard for him to get up. 17S0. Deep sleep toward morning, without any ^-isible respiration. In the morning on awaking, heat in the face, with nausea. In the morning, on rising, heaviness in the back and lower limbs. She is very sleepy at night, and her eyes close, as if hea-^w, but she can in no way get to sleep, though nothing is the matter with her. She cannot go to sleep before twelve, then she awakes frequenth' and tosses about. She cannot go to sleep before 12 at night, then wakes up often and tosses about. 1785. She cannot fall asleep in bed in the evening for an hour, but without feeling any ailment. She has difficultv in falling asleen. and wakes uo everv hour. [-%■] Difficulty in falling asleep, owing to a rush of ideas. [i\^.] She frequently awakes from a sound sleep without cause. [A^.] He cannot s:et to sleep before midnight, owing to great un- rest. ^^>.] 1790. He wakes up at night every half hour, and can only sleep a few hours toward morning. Difficult^' in getting to sleep, with tendenc}' to perspiration. Sleepless the whole night and wide awake. He often is half awake at night, and does not fully wake up, but he can think and he feels cold in bed. He wakes up early evers* night, at 3 o'clock and cannot go to sleep again. 1795. Sleeplessness, as it from over-excitement and restlessness. She does not sleep a quarter of an hour during the night, though she is tired Sleepless and wide awake all night, as in daytime. Restless tossing about, at night in bed. Frequent turning over at night in bed without a-wak- ing. iSoo. Too wide awake in the evening, the blood rose to his head and the night was sleepless. Ideas about a business already finished, involuntarily press upon her again in the evening. In the evening, while slightly occupied, she perspired for a short time, and afterward had a waking dream, as if she had a dress on her, which she had to be very careftd not to soil. Loud talking in sleep about conversations had during the dav. Restless nights, he awakes every time in a fright, as from a fearful dream, and was occupied, even after awaking, SULPHUR. 1 5 19 ■with anxious fancies, as of spectres, and he could not rid himself of them. (Walther.) 1805. Restless sleep, full of dreams; he talks wildly in his sleep, be- fore midnight, as if in anxious delirium. She imagines that she has really experienced things which she has onh" dreamt. She dreams at night mostly such things as she actually sees the next da}'. She starts up when going to sleep in the evening in bed, twice in succession. At night when falling alseep he is much startled by an im- aginary noise, causing a fright to pass all through his body. 1810. She frequently starts up anxiously from her sleep. Much startled when going to sleep. Starts up from the noon-nap. Twitches in the foot, while slumbering. [A^.] At night, violent headache, disturbing the sleep, she cannot rest in any position. [A^.] 1 81 5. In the morning, awaking with the head in a dizzy, muddled condition. At night, on awaking, muddled feeling in the head. He is frequently awakened at night by beating of the blood in the head, then also in the chest. At night, w^hen turning over in bed, severe palpitation. At night, he blows blood from his nose. 1820. At night, digging in the forehead. At night, burning in the mouth, with thirst. At night, after awaking, compressive pain in the stomach, it goes off through bending the body double. At night, pressure in the stomach, for an hour, relieved by eructation. At night, oppressive pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, with palpitation; lasting for hours, for several nights. 1825. After midnight, pressure in the stomach and a beating head- ache. At night, on awaking, vertigo. At night, while perspiring, vertigo and nausea, so that every- thing seemed to turn around with her, lasting till morning. At night, pain in the front teeth. At nigHt he often wakes up with nausea, but without vomit- ing. 1830. About midnight she is awakened b}' shooting and cutting in the abdomen. Nocturnal flatulent colic, with retching anguish and muddled feeling of the head. At night, sharp stitches in the abdomen, and then frequent discharge of flatus. At night, spasmodic pressure in the hypogastrium. At night, sudden contractive pains in the abdomen. 1835, At night, while lying in bed, pressure and squeezing down- ward in the abdomen, awaking her. At night, while lying in bed, protrusion of the umbilical I 520 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. region in a pregnant woman, as if caused by the uterus, in fits of several minutes (aft. 14 d.). At night, perspiration all over the abdomen, extending to the groin, while the feet up to the ankles are cold, and there is a dull cutting in the soles of the feet. At night, while asleep, a humor flowed from the anus, and then also faeces. In the evening in bed, asthmatic. 1840. At night, attacks of failing of the breath. At night, oppression of the chest, as if a heavy load lay upon it, which pressed upon him as soon as he moved; he had to sit up. He awakes in the morning with rawness on the chest. At night, shocks in the left side of the chest, toward the heart, taking away her breath, with great thirst (aft. 3d.). In the evening, just after lying down, tussiculation for an hour, making her hot; she waked up from it again at three o'clock. 1845. At night, expectoration of blood, with fatty, sweetish taste in the mouth. In the evening, in bed, after turning over several times, the heart-beat is quickened. Several nights, severe pains in the back, with bruised feeling in the sacrum, so that she cannot sleep, with great ebullition in the blood. At night, severe pain in the hip-joint; he cannot tread; it is also painful when touched. In the evening in bed, painless jerks in the sacrum. 1850. The whole night, a pressive pain in the thigh. At night in bed, tearing in the thigh and leg; she could not get warm in bed. At night he has to lay his lower limbs outside of the bed on account of tearing pains. At night there was a tearing in both feet, which then felt rigid, robbing him of all sleep. At night in bed, shooting in the corn. 1855. At night, cramp in the calves, when stretching the lower limb. At night in bed, heat in the feet, with a burning sensation, so that she had to uncover them for several hours; then restless- ness, itching and formication; she had to rub them*. At night, tossing in bed, with hot feet. At night in bed, for two hours, a tickling formication in the left arm and lower limb, forcing him to draw them up repeatedly. At night much extending and stretching the body. i860. When sleeping he lays his arms over his head. Snoring in sleep. Sleeping with ej^es half- open. [ lV/i/.~\ At night in bed, palpitation. Unintelligible murmuring in sleep. [ IVhl.'] 1865. At night, while half awake, a sensation as if everything in the body trembled and pulsated. In the evening in bed (at full moon) great anxiety. SULPHUR. 152 1 At night, awaking with great anguish and heat all over, and with the sensation of a convulsive state in the body. After midnight, the sleep is restless; she dreams that she has fever and awakes in full perspiration, with great heat, especially in the face, so that she could not bear to be covered in bed, with great thirst and a shaking chill, which was aggravated on moving, even to chattering of the teeth. Restless sleep, or frequent awaking at night, followed by chilliness without heat. [A^.] 1870. Unconscious screaming in sleep; she imagined she was black, etc. [A^-.] Screaming in sleep. [Also A^.] He laments and moans in sleep. At night, great heat, alternating with chill. Frightful dream, as if a dog bit him. 1875. Vivid, anxious dreams. Frightful dreams, about a fire, all night. Anxious dreams, as if fire fell down from heaven. Anxious dream, as if something would crush him (night- mare). Dreams every night, sometimes anxious, sometimes indif- ferent. 1880. Anxious dreams after midnight, every night. Frightful anxious dreams, every night. Frightening, anxious dreams of mortal danger and about the dead. [A^.] Frightful dreams, as if he was falling from a height. Annoying, anxious dreams. 1885. Dreams full of loathing, and on awaking, nausea. The first three nights he walked from his bed asleep, like a somnambulist, as if unconscious, and said: " My head, my head ! I am delirious !" and seized his forehead; after walking about a while, it ceased. Anxious dreams, in which she rose unconscious from her bed; then violent headache (aft. 3, 4 d.). Anxious dream, before midnight; she gets up and walks in her sleep; she believes that there is a fire, dresses, talks out at the window, and is frightened when she hears that it is nothing; then for three days she is exhausted and as it were bruised. Many and vivid dreams at night, and frequent awaking. 1890. Before going. to sleep, ridiculous fancies in a half dream; she laughs aloud; for many evenings. For three nights in succession, he lay in raving phantasies and talked aloud, whatever his fancy brought before him, with open eyes. As soon as he closes his eyes there appear dream-images. In the evening in bed, when she closes her eyes, there appear horrible, grotesque larvae, of which she cannot rid herself (aft. At night, on awaking, an arithmetical number appeared be- fore his fancy, it expanded and the strokes in it became of the 97 1522 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. thickness of a quarter of a 3^ard; when lying on the other side it vanished. 1895. Fear that he might catch cold in the open air; he does not know whether this fear comes from his fancy or from his body. In the evening, in bed, before going to sleep, chilliness and then heat. Much chill, at night. Shivering at the least movement in bed. Brief chill, every afternoon, then heat with thirst, with cold feet and sweat in the face and the hands, with dry cough at night, as soon as he gets into bed. 1900. Formicating shiver over the skin, without chill. Transient chill on the chest, the arms and the back. Coldness of the nose, the hand and the feet. Sensation of coldness for several hours, without chill; then heat with little thirst, slight perspiration, with headache and hoarseness, great weariness and lack of appetite. Sensation of coldness through all the limbs, without subse- quent heat, in the forenoon. 1905. Chill extending up the back, in the evening, for an hour, without subsequent heat. Internal chill, frequently without thirst. Chill, at night in bed, for four hours, preceded by colic, at- tended with heat without perspiration; but the following night, profuse perspiration. Chill every evening, not removed by the warmth of the stove; in the bed, there is great warmth and every morning sourish per- spiration. Chill with diarrhoea, for several hours. \_I^r. H.'\ 1 9 10. Shaking chill, in the evening, and intense paleness of the face. Often in the evening a shaking chill. In the evening from 7 to 8 o'clock, a shaking chill without thirst, with cold hands and severe pressure in the stomach, as from heaviness; later on again, the usual warmth with thirst. Chill and coldness in the whole body, in the evening from 5 to 6 o'clock, also from the afternoon till evening. [A^.] Chill from 9 A. m. till 5 p. m. [Ng.'] 19 15. A thrill of chill creeps up the back, removed by the warmth of the stove, in the evening. [A^.] Chill, with thirst, also in the warmth of the stove, after din- ner, till 4 p. m. \_Ng.'] Chill, and, later on, shivering all over the body, seemingly from the toes upward, without subsequent heat or thirst, from 4 till 6 p. M. [A^.] Chill with headache, in the evening; it goes off after lying down. [A^.] A chill runs continually up her back from the sacrum, with- out subsequent heat or thirst, from 6 to 8 p. m. [A^.] 1920. Chilly, at night in bed, especially on the abdomen, she cannot SULPHUR. 1523 Chill, with perceptible heat, with frequent shivering, almost ^very half hour. [A^.] Chill and shaking, from 5 to 6 p. m.; then, after lying down, heat on the hands and the soles of the feet, soon passing off, with- out thirst. [A^.] Chill and coldness in the whole body, from to a. m. till 6 p. M.; she had to go to bed, where the chill ceased; then burning heat in the palms, and finally warmth of the whole body except the head, for one hour, without any thirst. [A^.] Chilliness with thirst, without subsequent heat, in the after- noon. [A^.] 1925. Shivering from the feet up over the back, extending into the arms, at 6 p. m., for half an hour. [A^.] Shivering all over the body, from 8 to 9 p. m. till bed-time, without subsequent heat or thirst. [A^.] In the evening, first shivering, then heat in the face and the hands, with thirst. Awakes at night with febrile shivering and, nevertheless, is warm to the touch; then some heat. Much sensation of heat, in the afternoon; then she became warmer, but the feet remained cold. 1:930. Chill}^ in the forenoon; in the afternoon, sensation of heat, though she was cold to the touch. Shivering in the morning, at eight o'clock, for five to eight minutes. Chilliness for one hour, at 10 A. M., then rest till 3 p. m., when there ensued heat in the head and hands, with thirst for beer; repeated for several days. In the afternoon, the hands and feet are quite cold, then a shaking chill with blue face; then heat and perspiration till half past nine o'clock. In the evening, chilliness; at night, a slight perspiration. 1935. Severe chill, in the evening in bed, then raving fancies, then heat and profuse perspiration. Severe chill from 7 p. m. through the night and the following day (aft. 33 (!•)• Chill at 5^ p. M., then heat, then again chill wnth some thirst, till 8 p^ M. Flying heat in the face, then coldness and sensation of cold- ness all over the body, followed by weariness of the bones of the lower limbs, especially sensible while sitting, as if there was no marrow in them. Severe heat in the face toward evening, with chill over the back and hairy scalp. 1940. Flying heat in the face, with febrile shivering on the bod}'. Heat, in the afternoon, intermingled with chills and constant palpitation. Heat in the face by day, then every evening about five or six o'clock, a chill for half an hour, followed b}^ heat all over, for one hour. Sensation as if warm air blew upon the legs, now more, now less, at 8 p. m. (ist d.) [A^^-.] 1524 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. Fever, at noon, much internal heat, with redness of the face and at the same time a chill; all the limbs were weary, as if bruised, with great thirst, till twelve o'clock at night, when chill and heat abated, and she fell into a perspiration all over, for three hours (19th d.). 1945. Febrile heat, first in the face, with a sensation as if he had gone through a severe illness; after the heat, some chill, with much thirst (aft. 4 d.). Fever, ever}^ forenoon, an internal chill, every da}^ more violent, w^ith vertigo, as if her head would sink down, without thirst; then so great a weariness that he could not get up stairs any more, with perspiration da}^ and night, only on the head, which was bloated. Chill, lasting for two hours, ever 3^ evening at 8 o'clock, with- out heat; the night following, on awaking, heat without thirst. In the morning, very thirsty. Much thirst by daj^ 1950. From noon till evening, febrile heat with thirst. Heat, with much thirst, but only during the whole da}^, not by night. Dry heat, in the morning in bed. Heat, in the morning on awaking; it passes soon. In the morning in bed, anxious, disagreeable heat, with per- spiration and dryness in the throat. 1955. Heat, toward morning, as if perspiration would break out. Frequent morning-sweat, onl}'- on the itching parts. (F. Wai^ther. ) In the morning while sleeping, perspiration; this goes off on awaking, In the morning, perspiration on the hands and feet. Morning-perspiration, everj^ morning on awaking, about 6 or 7 o'clock. i960. Profuse morning-sweat, which comes only on awaking. At night, perspiration, only in the nape, so that the shirt and the neck-cloth were wet through, [A^.] Night-sweat, only after awaking. Night sw^eat, of a sourish burnt smell. Sourish, profuse night-sweat, commencing at once in the eve- ning. 1965. In the evening, before lying down, perspiration, especially on the hands; and after lying down, at once heat and difl&culty in fall- ing asleep. In the evening in bed, some perspiration. In the evening, anxious perspiration with trembling; then vomiting; during the anxiety, urging to stool; then heaviness in the head and weakness in the arms. Anxiety, feverish delirium with severe asthma, burning in the stomach, vomiting, twitching of the whole body — death. (MORGAGNI.)^ Pulse 84 and after one-half hour, 73 beats (aft. i h,). [A^.] 1 This occurs six months after taking the sulphur. — Hughes. SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. I525 SULPHURICUM ACIDUM, SULPHURIC ACID. This well-known acid, very corrosive in its concentrated state, is now made directly from sulphur, but formerly it was gained by the distillation of green vitriol (or copperas) and was on that account called oil of vitriol or vitriolic acid. One drop of sulphuric acid in its concentrated state is dynamized for homoeopathic use by being shaken up with 99 drops of distilled water by concussive strokes. To continue this potentizing, one drop of this potenc}' is shaken up wnth 99 drops of alcohol, and so on for further potencies. Sulphuric acid, where homoeopathically indicated, removed also the following ailments: Tension in the ej'elids, in the morning; short-sightedness; hard- ness of hearing; inguinal hernia; chronic looseness of the bowels; profuse menstruation; discharge of blood from the uterus; rough- ness of the throat; asthma; swelling of the feet; coldness of the feet. The abbreviations of the names of my fellow-observers are as follows: Fr. H., Friedrich Halmemanii; Frz., Franz; Gr., Gross; Lgh., ■Langhammer; Ng. , is the anonj^mous contributor in the annals of -Haytlanb a7id Triiiks} SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. Dejection, surly mood. SJLghP^ Melancholy and tired of life. Great apprehensiveness, from morning till evening (13th d.). Apprehensive and solicitous, with inclination to weep (2d d.), \Ng:\ 5. Very gloomy, irritable mood. Inclined to weep, without cause (ist d. ). [A^.] Fearing many things, exceedingl}^ suspicious. Very much afraid, dejected, vexed. Grieving vexation. 10. So irritable and affected that she gets frightened at every- thing. Restlessness (aft. 12 h.). ^The pathogenesis of sulphuric acid is made up of one published in Vol. VIII of the ^4rc/«zz/ ( 1828), containing 217 symptoms, and of another bj"- Nenning, as above. From the date and the names of the provers it is possible that the symptoms of Hahnemann and his associates were obtained in his earlier manner. — Huq/k's. 1526 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Hastiness; everything she does, she cannot accomplish fast enough; but it fatigues her exceedingly. Bad humor, all day; she was averse to vSpeaking with an}^- body. Dull, gloomy mood, in the morning. [^Frs.^ 15. It annoys her to have to talk. [A^.] Vexed, peevish, impatient, at once, when he does not succeed in his work. [A^^.] Peevish, passionate, she answers only with reluctance. [A^-.} Very much vexed, in the morning, on awaking. Very much vexed, also by day, 20. Diminution in the anxious, oppressed feeling, and in the pusil- lanimity, alternating with exaltation, and instead of it (as a curative effect), a tranquil coolness, [/^r^-.] Sedate, serious mood. Too great an inclination to joke. Elevation of spirit and of mind. Great distraction ; she frequently gives answers which are quite unsuitable. [A^.] 25. Stupor of mind.^ (Jacobson, in Hufel. Journ. XIX, 2, 164.) Weakness in the head. \F7\ 7/.] Pressive muddled feeling in the head. Muddled feeling and heaviness of the head, in the morning. Heaviness and sensation of fullness in the head, she has to stoop forward. [A^.] 30. Sensation of heaviness in the left side of the head. [A^.] Heaviness of the head, and pain in it, as if the brain fell for- ward and were coming out. The right side of the head suddenly becomes obscured, as from smoke, while sitting. [A^.] Stupid and full feeling in the head, almost the whole fore- noon. [A^.] Vertigo in the room, passing off in the open air. [A^'.] 35. Vertigo, in the afternoon while sewing, as if she w^ould fall from her chair. Vertigo causing staggering; he had to keep lying down, for as soon as he raised himself up the vertigo returned. Vertigo while sitting; the objects whirl around him (soon.) [TV?-.] Stupefying, beating pain in the right side of the head on rais- ing himself up after stooping. [A^.] Pain in the head, as from being dashed to pieces, in the morn- ing, after awaking, and a continued great drowsiness. [A^.] 40. Dull pain in the head, as if it was full. [A^.] Pain, as if the head would burst. Pressive pain on the vertex, while standing. [A^.] Pressure and shooting in the left side of the occiput. [A^.]; Frequent pressive and burning pain in the head, in the fore- head and the ej^es. 1 Observation on fever patients.— //z<^/zi?j, SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. 1 527 45. Pressure in the right side of the forehead as from a blow, first increasing, then suddenly disappearing. [^Gr.~\ Compressive pain in the sides of the occiput, relieved even by holding the hands toward the head, without touching it. [A^.] Sensation in the left side of the head, as if screwed together in a vise, above the ear. [A^.] Constriction of the forehead, first increasing, then suddenly disappearing. [&.] Pressing inward in both the temples. IGr.^ 50. Drawing headache in the evening. Drawing and tension in the head. Drawing in the left temple, more externally and on a small spot. [iV^.] Drawing headache, especially in the right side, toward the forehead. [^"V^.] Painful tearing in the middle of the forehead, toward the left side. [iV^.] 55. Tearing and shooting in the right part of the sinciput, re- lieved by pressing upon it, in the evening. [A^.] Tearing in the right temple, toward evening. [A^.] Painful tearing in the left temple, while sitting, during break- fast. [i\^.] Tearing in the whole head, day and night. [A^.] Occasional muttering in the temporal bones. [_Gr,^ 60. Severe jerk from time to time below the left frontal eminence, quickly disappearing. [6^r.] Painful, quick jerks above the left frontal eminence. [6"r.] Shocks in the right temple, as if a peg sticking there was pressed in ever more deeply. [G^^.] Single thrusting jerks in the right temple. [6^r.] Pain as from a peg driven in, just above the left orbit, first increasing, then disappearing quickly. [6^r.] 65. Stitches, sudden, dull and very painful, like shocks, below the left frontal eminence, extending into the brain. [Gr.] Dull stitch, extending deep into the brain, below the left fron- tal eminence, suddenly increasing, then diminishing and at last suddenly disappearing. \^Gr.~\ Dull stitches in the sinciput, now on the right side, then on the left, extending deep into the brain. \_Gr.^ lyancinating pain, now in the forehead, then in the occiput. Shooting in the head, now here, now there, when walking in the open air. [A^,] 70. Burning pain in the temple, as from a blow or bruise, in undu- lating paroxysms. \^Gr.'] Pain as from a blow, beside the left frontal eminence, first in- creasing, then suddenly disappearing. [^Gr.^ Painful sensation of soreness above the left frontal eminence, which in single jerks becomes more painful. \^Gr.^ Sensation in the frontal region, as if the brain were loose and falling to and fro. [A^.] Acute pain below the right frontal eminence, as if the brain 1528 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISK ASKS. were loose and painfull}^ knocked against the skull, on shaking the head. [Gr.^ 75. External pain of the whole of the head, as if festering undernea;th, also painful -when touched; Intense itching on the hairy scalp. Severe itching on the head. [A^.] Severe eruption on the head, in the face and neck. The hair turns gray and comes out. 80. The eyelids sink down, and he cannot open them, Sensation in the right outer canthus, as from a foreign body, in the morning, while walking; it passes off in the room. [A^.] Pressure in the outer canthus. Shooting itching on the lower eyelid; he has to rub it. [Gr.^ Frequent biting in the right eye (ist. d. ). [A^^.] 85. Biting, burning and lachrymation of the left eye, while read- ing by da3\ [_Gr.'\ Burning and lachrj^mation of the eye, while reading at the be- ginning of twilight. IGr.'] Frequent intense burning of the eyes (aft. 6 d.). [A^.] Burning pressure in the anterior side of the eyeball, in the open air; in the room the pain ceased, and then it only pained when looking closely, so that she must cease looking. \_Fr. //.~\ Red eyes, with photophobia and constant lachrymation. 90. Lachrymation of the eyes. [A^.] The e5^es are somewhat closed b}^ suppuration in the morn- ing. Twitching in the right inner canthus. [A^.] Dimness of vision, in the morning. Whirling sensation before the eyes with lassitude. 95. Intense tickling in the concha. [A^.] Drawing in the right meatus anditorius, as if from within outward. [6^r.] Tearing before the left ear and passing up the temple. [A^.] ■Tearing deep in the left ear, then formication there. [A^.] Several severe startling tearings before the left ear, extending into the cheek, where there was a tingling. [A^.] 100. Tearing and shooting in the right ear, more on the outside. Twitching in the right ear; preceded b}^ an agreeable warmth, passing outward. [A^.] Diminution of the hearing, as if a leaf was drawn before the ear. [A^^.] lyoud ringing of bells in the right ear. [_L£-/i.^ Rushing sound in the left ear, on opening the mouth, as from a waterfall, during dinner. [A^.] 105. Roaring in the ears, in the evening. Viplent roaring in the ears, for four hours. Rhythmical roaring in the ears. On the right side of the nose, a fine shooting pricking, which he has to rub. {_Gr.~\ Bleeding of the nose, in the evening, while sitting and stand- ing. [Lg/i.'] SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. 1529 no. Face very pale; and a moving about in the stomach r4th d. )• Redness and sensation of heat in the right cheek. Burning, causing coldness on the left cheek.. {_Gr.^ Sensation as if the face was stretched and as if the white of an egg was drying on the skin. [A^.] Swelling of the left cheek. [A^.] 115. Repeated twitching in the face, about the left ear, at every movement of the head; later on also while at rest. [A^.] Tearing in the left facial bones, then in the right side of the head. [AV.] Tearing on the margin of the right orbit, toward the temple, seemingly under the skin. [A^.] Pinching in the skin of the cheek below the right eye, first increasing, then disappearing. \_Gr.~\ Frequently a severe stitch running up the right cheek, [A^.] 120. Bruised pain in the left zygoma, first increasing, then quickly diminishing. [Gr.'] Little pimples on the forehead and the sides of the nose. The lips become fi.ssured and peel off. [A^.] The inner surface of the lips peels off, without pain. [A^^.] Pressure just above the left commissures of the lips, as from a finger. [A^,] 125. Sore pain of both the commissures of the lips. [A^^.] In the lower jaw, tearing, now here, now there. The glands of the lower jaw are painful all the way into the tongue, as if swollen, the tongue feels burnt. Swelling and inflammation of the submaxillary glands, occa- sionally with shooting therein. Toothache, in the left lower row, in the evening, after lying down. [A^.] 130. Pain in a right upper incisor, pressing inward. [A^.] Toothache, aggravated by cold, relieved by warmth, allowing no sleep at night. [A^.] Painful, frequent tearing in the teeth on the left side. [A{^.] Tearing in the left lower teeth from evening till midnight, in bed. [A^^.] Tearing in the left eye tooth and in the lower jaw, all night, during the menses. [A^.] 135. Gnawing toothache in the right lower row; in the evening, worse after lying down, till 2 A. m. [A^.] Gnawing pain in a molar and an incisor, onh^ when biting on something hard. [A{^.] Digging pain in a hollow molar, during and after chewing something hard. [A^.] Dullness of the teeth, all the afternoon (aft. 4 h.). Dullness of the teeth, at various times. [A{i,^-.] 140. The gums have a pitlw feeling, bleeding at the slightest im- pulse. [/>2'.] Gumboil on the right lower jaw; when pressing upon it, pus comes out. [A^^'.] 1530 hahnkmann's chronic diseases. Gumboil. In the mouth, transient dryness. Disagreeable sensation of dryness in the mouth, for two days. 145. Much gathering of saliva in the mouth, also in the morning, with sweetish taste. [A^.] Frequently watery saliva in the mouth. Gathering of saliva in the mouth as from hunger, for sev- eral hours. '[Lg-/i.~\ Salivation, with quickened pulse. ^ [Kingi^ake, in p/iys. med.. Journ., Leipsic, 1802.] Violent salivation, without taste. [-A^.] 150. Vesicles on the inner side of the left cheek. [A^.] Aphthae in the mouth. [Jacobson.] Dry tongue. [Jacobson.] Mucus frequently comes into the mouth, causing choking and retching; he has to quickl}^ swallow it down. \Gr.'\ In the throat, a sensation of mucus, which wall neither pass up nor down, nor does it call for clearing the throat. [A^.] 155. Roughness in the throat, after almost everv new dose. Scratch)' and rough in the throat. [A^.] Scrapy in the throat. The throat aches during deglutition, in the evening, worse on the left side. [A^.] Shooting in the fauces, worse while swallowing, on the left side, also in the evening, with external pain when touching it. 160. Contractive sensation in the throat, especiall}^ on the right side, during deglutition and at other times. [A^.] Swollen in the throat, as if there was a plug in it. Bad taste in the mouth in the morning after awaking (5th d.). [A^.] Disagreeable and pappy in the mouth, in the morning in bed^ which passes off after rising. [A^.] Very bad, putrid taste in the mouth. 165. Lack of appetite, and discomfort; food tastes normally, yet not agreeabl}^ [6^?'.] lyOathing of food, which goes off toward evening. [A^.] She is hungry, but as soon as she brings anything to the mouth, she feels loathing. S^Ng.l She is averse to the smell of coffee; it causes her w^eakness and trembling. Bread tastes bitter like bile, and presses heavily in the stomach. 170. Milk causes flatulence. Taste for fresh plums. [A^.] After partaking of milk, weary and exhausted, in the morn- ing. [A^.] She is hungry, but eats without appetite, feels uncomfortable in the stomach after eating, for several days. [A^.] 1 In the English original this is IV, 484.— Observations on patients with cutaneous dis- eases. — Hughes. SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. 1 53 1 Increased hunger and appetite (ist d.). [A^.] 175. Great appetite and relish for food; but quahnishness after eating, so that he had to stop eating without being vSated. [_Gr.^ Immediatel}^ after dinner, which he relished, more ailments arose. [_Gr.'} During and after dinner, heat, with good appetite. [A^^-.] When partaking of anything warm there is at once a cold perspiration, especially on the forehead and the face, also on the rest of the body. [J^r2'.~\ After eating, colic and immediately afterwards, burrowing and restlessness in the abdomen, without diarrhoea. 180. After eating, extraordinary lassitude, [/v'-s.] After eating, tightness in the region of the stomach, as if it would burst. Drinking causes cold in the stomach, unless something spir- ituous is mixed with the liquid. Frequent, long-continued, empty eructation (soon). [A^.] Sour eructation, also while w^alking in the open air (soon). 185. Sourish eructation. Acidity in the throat. Sourish bitter regurgitation (4th d.). Bitter eructation, repeatedly after dinner. [A^'.] Bitter eructation. [A^.] 190. Regurgitation of sweetish water. [A^.] Rising of water from the stomach into the mouth. [A^.] Repeated regurgitation of water, passing off after dinner^ Rising of salty water into the mouth, before vomiting. [A^.] Eructation tasting of onions. 195. lyOathing and gathering of saliva in the mouth, with frequent contractive pain in the stomach and abdomen (8th d. ). [-^"V^.] Loathing in the mouth, toward noon, though food and drink taste good. [/>. //.^ Hiccups during the (customary) smoking of tobacco. [Z-^/^.] Continuous hiccups.^ [Jacobson.] Hiccups at night. [A^.] 200. Nausea with a chill. Inclination to vomit, in the stomach, with sensation of mucus in the throat. [A^.] Inclination to vomit, without any loathing; it goes off through an eructation (soon). [A^.] Inclined to vomit, and sensation of a spoiled stomach. [A{i,>-.] He has to violently restrain himself, so as not to vomit. 205. Severe nausea; everything in his stomach turns over, regur- gitates and seems about to come out; but she has to swallow it down again. [JVg.^ Vomiting of mere water, after sudden sickness at the stomach (3dd.). [A^^-.] 1 Repeatedly occurring after clysters containing- the ac\d. —I/ho/k's. 1532 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Vomiting, first of mere water, then of the food eaten the evening before, the nausea still continuing, [A^c^,] After the vomiting, thirst. [A^.] The gastric region is very sensitive externall}'. 2IO. Pressure in the stomach, with a sensation as if a hard, verj- bitter body was rising in the chest ; combined with frequent regur- gitation of mucus; this is afterward only felt in the throat. [A^.] Constant pressure in the stomach, with ineffectual tendency to eructate (ist d. ). [A/^.] Pressure in the stomach, as from a stone, this pressure moves upward, with rising of watery saliva in the mouth, after which the pressure passes off. [A^.] Pressure in the stomach, with constant loathing and yawn- ing. [A^.] Fullness and loathing in the stomach, after every dose, long- continued. [A{^.] 215. Fullness and sensation of inflation in the stomach. [A^.] Contractive sensation in the stomach, with loathing, as if about to vomit. [A^.] Violent contractive pain in the stomach and abdomen. [A^.] Sudden, anxious contractive pain in the pit of the stomach, impeding respiration. [6^/^] Painful constriction in the pit of the stomach, long-continued. 220. Grasping in the stomach, ever}' evening, as after taking cold. Cutting on the left side near the stomach, drawing off toward the back. [^A^.] Cutting about the stomach and painful moving about in it, while sitting and walking, repeatedly, in short parox^'sms. [Av^.] Shooting in the stomach. [A^.] Stitch in the stomach, lasting five minutes (aft. 1 h.). 225. Agreeable sensation of warmth in the stomach (aft. % h.). Burning in the stomach with stupid feeling in the head (at once). [A^.] Sudden burning in the stomach, so that he was startled. Coldness in the stomach (soon after a new dose). [A^.] Coldness and relaxation in the stomach, with lack of appetite. 230. Pinching, just below the scrobiculus cordis; when this is pressed upon, there is an acute pain as after a blow. [6^?'.] Stitch in the hepatic region, near the stomach. Shooting in the region of the right ribs, aggravated b}- in- spiring, during the menses. [A^.] Dull pressure inward, below the right ribs, aggravated in paroxysms. \_Gr.'] Clucking pain in the right side of the abdomen, almost toward the back. \_Gr.'] 235. In the left hypochondriac region, a stitch, when bending toward the right side. [A^.] Shooting in the left hypochondriac region, going off by press- ing upon it. [A^.] SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. 1 533 Shooting on the left lower ribs, often simultaneously with. shooting in the chest. [A^.] Slow, pulsating clucking pain below the left ribs. [Gr.~\ Burning in the two hypochondria, while sitting, all the day. [^^•] . . . . 240. Inflation of the stomach, with rumbling and (noiseless) dis- charge of flatus. [A^.] Pressure on the umbilicus, on the surface, but violent. [6"r ] Pinching pain in the abdomen, also in the evening. [A^.] Pinching in the hypogastrium, toward the lumbar region, so that an anxious sweat broke out. Pinching in the abdomen, at night. 245. Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, with violent urging to stool, at night (ist d. ). Violent pinching, cutting and writhing in the abdomen, with laborlike pains, as if everything would gush out, with nausea like fainting (aft. 30 d.). lyaborlike pains, all through the abdomen, extending into the hips, and then sensation as of bruising in the sacrum. Cutting and moving about in the umbilical region. [A^.] Cutting around the umbilicus, more when walking in the open air than in the room [A^.] 250. Shooting in the left hypogastric region, like stitches in the spleen, on moving about; it passes off when sitting. [A^.] lyong, dull stitch on the left side, near the umbilicus, extend- ing into the abdomen. lGr.~\ Burning and pressure below the umbilicus, seemingly in the uterus. [A^.] Sensation in the umbilical region, as of a morbid warmth, or as in heartburn. [6^r.] Anxious sensation in the abdomen, in the morning in bed. 255. In the right groin, a squeezing pain. [A^.] Twitching in the left flank, and pressure outward as if with a finger, first arising and going off while sleeping, then it comes back while standing, and goes off while walking; finally it appears also while walking. [A^.] Pinching in the left flank. [A^.] Tearing in the left inguinal region,, while sitting. [A^.] Shooting in the left flank. [A^.] 260. Stitch in the left flank on inspiring, and then fine stitches on the upper left side of the chest; in the evening after lying down. Burning in the right flank, during tussiculation. [A^.] Protrusion in the right inguinal region, in the morning in bed, as if a hernia was forming; it goes off on rising, but returns repeatedly. [6^r.] Severe pain in the right inguinal region, while walking and standing, as if a hernia was protruding, so that he dare not cough nor take a breath; later on, especially while talking, but also with- out any cause, a hernia occasionally protrudes with great pain, which on keeping quiet, and especiall}^ on sitting down, is again a:534 Hahnemann's chronic diseases. reduced; and then it allows breathing and coughing without any trouble. \^Gr.'] Sudden, protruding pain in the right groin, as if from an in- cipient inguinal hernia, on rising after a stool, irrespective of coughing and breathing. [6^r.] 265. Irresistible protrusion of a hernia out of the abdominal ring, with excoriative pain in the abdominal ring, even after re- storing the hernia (aft. 2 h.). Beating, for several days, in the place where the inguinal hernia protruded. Stitches in the region of the inguinal hernia. Sharp twitches spread over the h3'pogastrium, more on the surface, almost like colic, twitching in fits and starts. [Gr.'} Severe rumbling in the abdomen, with discharge of flatus. 270. lyoud growling about the umbilicus, in the evening, before lying down, and next morning after rising. [A^.] Growling about the umbilicus, with a sensation as if a stool would come. [A^.] Growling and rumbling in the abdomen, with voracity; this goes off after eating. Swashing as from water in the abdomen as this is moved by breathing, w^hile lying down. Flatus, short and abrupt, discharged with difficulty. [Gr.^ 275. Intermitting stool (ist, 3d, 19th d.). [A^.] Ineffectual call to stool, for two hours (ist d.). [A^.] Hard stool, sometimes retarded (not before evening) also at times with pains in passing it. [A^.] Hard, difficult, knotty stool, as if burned, or like sheep- dung (4th, 6th, 7th d.). [A^.] Ver}^ hard, bloody stool (19th d.). [A^.] 280. Hard stool, in small, cohering, black knots, mixed with blood, and with pin-pricking in the anus, so severe that she had to rise for pain; during the menses. [A^.] First hard, then soft stool, in the morning. The stool is of very thick formation. Soft, pappy stool, with pressing in the anus during and after the discharge (aft. 6 h.). [i-^-^.] Soft stool, verj^ thin formation (3d d.). [A^§^.] 285. Soft stool, preceded by shooting in the anus (2d d.). [A^.] Soft stool with sensation of emptiness in the abdomen after- ward (4th d.). [A'V] Diarrhoea, lasting till evening; only foaming mucus is passed, with burning in the rectum, with flatulence and rumbling. Watery, green diarrhoea. [Jacobson.] Yellowish white stool. 290. The child has frequent stools, as if hacked, yellow as tur- meric and of viscid mucous consistence. Stools very ill -smelling, half solid, half liquid, with much liquid mucus with bloody streaks. Stool colored with blood. SUI.PHURICUM ACIDUM. 1535 Blood}- stool, hard and only every two or three days (aft, 25 d.). [^^.] Bloody stool, first hard, then soft, with burning in the anus. 295. During the stool, pinching in the sides of the epigastrium. During the stool, pain, as if the rectum was being torn. After the stool, sensation of exhaustion in the intestines. Much rush of blood toward the rectum. Varices of the anus, with shooting and burning. 300. Severe itching of the varices of the anus. Humidity of the varices of the anus and pain on touching them. The first effect of the medicine seems to be a retention of the urine and the stool. [A^.] The urine is suppressed (2d morning). [A^.] He only urinates in the morning and evening, attended with burning (5th d.). [A^.] 305. Diminished urine, with burning while passing it (2d d.). [A'>--] Constant pressure to urinate, and every time before the last drops, there is a severe cutting in the urethra, for seven days; then every time straining in the groin and in the loins. In the morning, first increased, then diminished secretion of urine, with burning (3d d.). [A^.] Increased flow of urine (aft. 4 to 12 d. ). [A^.] She has to rise at night to urinate (aft. 2 d.). [A^.] 310. Urine like water. Urine like water, soon depositing a thin sediment of mucus (istd.\ [A^.] Thick urine, in diminished quantity. [A^.] The urine becomes turbid in standing, like clay-water, and later deposits a clayey sediment. [A^.] White sediment in the urine. 315. Brownish-red urine. Urine with sediment like blood, and covered on the top with a fine pellicle. Before, during and after urination, pinching in the hypogas- trium. [A^-.] Pain in the bladder, when he does not at once satisfy the urging to urinate. Intense pressure on the neck of the bladder, as if everything would gush out, equally violent w^hile walking, standing and sitting, compelling him to press his thighs together; improved by coitus (the first 10 days). 320. In the genitals and the testes, warmth. Relaxation of the scrotum. Itching pain on the upper rim of the gland. Erections by day, without amorous thoughts. Seminal emission, without voluptuous sensation. 325. After coitus, burning in the urethra. Much excitation with the female to coitus, the excitation 1536 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISHASKS. exists more in the external pudenda; but she is not strongly excited by coitus. Dream of a female of practising coitus twice, and also two discharges (the first night). Dream of the female, as if she desired coitus, and on awak- ing there is a violent, irrepressible fiesire for it, felt more in the clitoris (aft. 40 h.). Squeamish feeling in the abdomen, as if the menses would appear. 330. It delays the appearance of the menses by eight days, with- out ailments. Menses delayed by five days, with pains in the abdomen and sacrum. [A^.] Menses, six days too early. [A^.] Two days before the menses, at night, nightmare; as if some- thing heavy lay on her; she could not speak, she felt as if some one compressed her throat, and she awoke in a perspiration. During the menses, thirst and dry tongue, [A^.] 335. During the menses, stitches in the abdomen and in the vagina. After the menses, great disposition to coitus (aft. 11 d. ). After the menses, great aversion to coitus (aft. 38 d.). Frequent discharge of mucus from the vagina, with eroding sensation (aft. 16 d.). Sharp, burning leucorrhoea. 340. Leucorrhoea, transparent, or like milk, without sensation. Discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina, as if the menses would appear (aft. 2 h.). :^ :^ :^!< >K ^ '!< >i^ ^ Abortive inclination to sneeze. [A^.] A vapor went through her nose; then sneezing twenty times, followed by obstruction of the nose. [A^.] Coryza, with loss of olfaction (4th, 5th d.). [A^.] 345. Severe coryza with sore eyes. Obstinate stuffed coryza. Violent stuffed coryza ; one or the other nostril does not admit any air occasionally. [Gr.^ Fluent coryza (4th d.). [A^.] Much water runs from her nose, while one nostril is ob- structed. [A^.] 350. Hoarse, dry and rough in the throat and larynx. [A^.] Hoarseness, inclination to coryza and cough. Pain in the larynx; he talks with difficulty, as if the proper flexibility and mobility was lacking in these parts. Lancinating pain in the larynx. Cough and coryza, with severe hunger (aft. 14 d.). 355. In the morning, on awaking, he feels a catarrh on his chest, there is an inclination to cough, without detaching anything; after several hours, there is a slight expectoration of mucus. Cough, caused by the open air. Cough, only when walking in the open air (6th d.). [A^.] Tussiculation. [Jacobson.] SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. 1 537 Single (rare) dry impulses to cough; also in the morning after rising. [A^.] 360. Frequent brief tussiculation. [A^.] Loose cough, with mucous expectoration in the morning. Dry, short cough, with panting impulses. At every impulse of cough, a dull shock, just above the edge of the right eyelid, outward. [Gr.^ After coughing, there is a regurgitation of the food. 365. After coughing, in the morning, first empty, then bitter mucous eructation. Hemoptysis, while walking slowly. \_Fr. H.^ Asthmatic at times, for moments. Oppression of the breathing and choking in the throat, often at night. Oppression on the chest, in the morning, with nausea. 370. So weak on the chest, that she could only talk with difficulty. Fullness on the chest. . Pressure on the left side of the chest and in the pit of the stomach. Drawing tension in the left side of the chest. [A^.] Dull pain in the middle of the sternum, as from a blow. [Gr.] 375. Shooting pressure on the chest and in the throat, checking the breath, equally violent standing and walking, improved by the open air, in continuous paroxysms. Shooting in the right side of the chest. [A^.] Violent shooting in the right side of the chest, frequent and continuous; by pressing upon it, the pain penetrates more deeply (5th d.). INg.-] Severe stitches in the sternum, on entering a room from the open air; these extend into the other side of the chest, deep within; in the evening (ist d.). [A^.] Dull stitches on the left side, near the sternum, on a cartilage of the ribs. \_Gr.'] 380. Sudden, dull stitch, violent and piercing, in the upper left side of the chest, extending into the back. \_Gr.'] Fine stitches, deep into the left side of the chest, with arrest of breathing, or with sensitiveness afterwards in a small spot on the left side, above the xiphoid cartilage. [A^.] Shooting in the left side of the chest, worse during inspira- tion and coughing; while walking; relieved while resting. Stitches in front of the left axilla, on putting down a heavy load, then severe bruised pain on a large part of the sternum. iNg.-] Many violent stitches through the heart, by day and by night, with sore pain soon afterward. 385. Palpitation without anxiety, while the upper part of the body is thrust forward, while resting both arms on something, with in- clination to breathing deeply, which can also be done without trouble. [6V.] 1538 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Frequent single burning pains in the left side of the chest. [.Ng.-] Burning frequently, on the outer left side of the chest, as from boiling water, now stronger, now weaker. [i\^.] Pain in the sacrum, as if bruised, while standing and sitting. [.Ng.-] Pain in the sacrum and back. 390. Pain in the sacrum on moving, like soreness, or like a spas- modic drawing. Burning pain in the sacrum. Pain in the back, as if sore and bruised. [JVg.'] Drawing pain in the back, on moving and treading. Stiffness in t he back, which passes b}^ day w^hile moving, for several mornings. 395. Fine stitch in the spine and at the same time in the left side of the neck. [A^.] Furuncle on the back. Cutting between the shoulders, with burning, as if it would be cut through there. [A^.] The left axillarj^ glands are painfully sensitive. Pain, as from an ulcer under the light arm, extending to the chest, especially'- when ascending a height, but also while walking, this is so severe that he has to sit down. \^Fr. //.] 400. Drawing on the right side of the neck, under the ear. Pain between the side of the neck and the top of the left shoulder, as from a load pressing down. [6^r.] On the top of the left shoulder, a tremulous pressure, in un- equal parox3^sms. [Gr.'] Shooting in the shoulder-joint, on raising the arm. Shooting tearing in the top of the left shoulder. 405. Jerk in the right shoulder-joint, on writing. [A^.] Cutting pain before the left axilla. [A^.] Shooting before and below the right axilla. [A^.] While writing, occasionally in the right arm, a drawing and spasmodicall}^ contractive, paralytic pain. Heaviness of the arm. 410. Stitches in the arm-joints. Twitching, fine tearing in the right arm, often extending from the thumb into the chest, w^hile sitting. [A^.] Painful tearing on the right upper arm, posteriorly, below the shoulder- joint and upward to it. [A^.] Eroding pain, as if beaten sore, on the outer side ot the left elbow. [_Gr.'] In the shaft of the left radius, close to the wTist -joint, every 3 seconds a pain like a blow, which begins suddenly with violence, then becoming weaker, it radiates up the arm, where it vanishes. [Gr.] 415. Tensive pain in both the elbow-joints. Bluish spots on the fore-arm, as from suffused blood. In the wrist-joint, drawing and weariness^ Tensive pain and heaviness in the right metacarpus, while SUI.PHURICUM ACIDUM. 1 539 walking in the open air with the arms hanging down, as if the blood was accumulating in them. [6^r.] Twitching in the metacarpal bone of the right index, extend- ing up into the arm, very painful. \^Gr.'] 420. Acutely painful beating in the metacarpal bone of the right index. \_Gr ] Painful jerks, like dull blows, where the metacarpal bone of the thumb joins the wrist, at times this darts up the wrist even into the arm. [Gr.~\ Dark-red small elevations on the dorsum of the hand, with a slight scurf, under which there appears to be some pus, lasting 4 days, but painless, [/v^ //.'] Eruption on the hands and between the fingers; it itches more after midnight. The fingers twitch together spasmodically, while slumbering, and are clenched into a fist, so that he is startled. [_Gr.'] 425. Twitching pain in the finger-tips, seemingly in the nerves. Burning or eroding fine stitches on the side of the middle finger. \^Gr.^ Burning, shooting formication in the tip of the little finger, as from going to sleep, as also on a small spot of the middle finger. [Gn] Sharp, twitching pain through the right thumb, starting from its tip. [G?^.^ Fine tearing in the right thumb, seemingl}^ in the bone of the posterior joint. [A^.] 430. Dull stitches in the middle finger-joints. Tearing under the nail of the index, as in a whitlow, aggra- vated by dipping it into cold water. [^Gr.~\ Several small chilblains on the fingers, with acute pain. In the right hip, cramp. The right lower limb is much inclined to numbness. 435. The left thigh goes to sleep, while sitting, still more while walking. [A§-. ] Extending and stretching of the lower limbs. Heaviness of the lower limbs. Tearing in the swollen veins of the right thigh and leg, in the morning in bed. Cutting pain in the thigh. 440. Spasmodically contractive, paralytic pain in the right thigh and leg. Intermitting pinching on a small spot on the inner side of the left thigh. [Gr.] Pressure on the upper part of the inner side of the right thigh. in paroxysms. \_Gr.^ Contraction quite low down on the thigh, which intermittingly darts down into the legs. [<^?'.] Burning, cutting formication on the thighs, in unequal inter- missions, like soreness from something corrosive. {_Gr.^ 44.5. Dull shooting pressure 011 the outer side of the middle of the left thigh. [Gr.] 1540 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. In the knees, painful weakness in standing, and acutely pain- ful jerks therein. \_Gr.^ Tearing, deep in the left knee, up and down, going off b}^ rubbing. [A^.] Acute pain, as from a blow, obliquely across the left knee in, uudulatory intermissions. [6^r.] Painful jerks on the inner side of the left knee, like dull shocks. [Gr.^ 450. Dull stitches, like shocks, in the middle of the right knee,, while sitting; afterw^ard for a long time, a single pain in it. [_Gr.'\ Burning shooting on the left knee. [_Gr.'] Acute pricking stitches in the left hough. [6^/'.] Burning pain in the right hough. In the left tibia, formication. 455. Burning, itching, red spots on the tibiae with a lump in their middle; after scratching, the part swells up and after the cessation of the swelling, the itching begins again. [A^.] Cramp in the calves, while walking, with formication in, them. Pain in the calves, more in sitting, than in walking. On the left tendo Achillis, fine, pricking stitches. [_Gr.~\ On the right instep, a painful pressure, decreasing and increas- ing. \_Gr.] 460. Tearing in the left heel, in the morning on awaking, for one quarter of an hour. Burning stitches in the heel. Stiffness of the ankles, when walking. The left foot goes to sleep in the evening, when sitting down. Dull, painful pressure, below the external malleolus of the left foot, in paroxysms like shocks or jerks. [Gr.'] 465. Bruised pain in the sole of the left foot, first increasing, then jerking, then suddenly disappearing, [(r?'.] Twitching pinching in the middle toe, in paroxysms. [^Gr.'] Pricking, fine, piercing stitches under the big toe. lGr.~\ Stitches in the corn. Tearing in the corn, so that he had to draw up his foot. 470. Itching, here and there in the body, even on the head; after scratching, it reappears in other places. [A^.] A general itching all over the body which had before pre- vailed, now disappears (curative effect). [Tv-^.] Stinging sensation on the skin, as from woolen clothing. Shooting in a cicatrice left from a burn. Eroding sensation in an ulcer. 475. Jaundice (in the workmen in distilleries of oil of vitrol). Dull pressure in various small spots of the body, first increas- ing, then suddenly disappearing. [(5r.] Tearing in all the limbs, especially in the evening, during the menses. [A^.] Rheumatic tearing and drawing all over the body, even in^ the face (at once). Inclination to cramp, in hands and feet, [i-^^.] SXTIvPHURICUM ACIDUM. 1 54 1 480. Subsultus tendinum. [Jacobson.] She seems to be worse in the open air. [A^,] ChilHness, all day. While walking, a sensation as if he would sink down on either side. Weakness in the lower limbs and in the sacrum, so that he could scarcely stand unsupported. 485. Weariness of the whole body, so that she scarcely dares lift her arm. Tremulous sensation all over the body, without trembling, less in the morning. \_Fr. H.'] Weariness, with headache in the forehead, relieved in the open air. [A^.] Frequent yawning, after dinner. [A^.] Very sleepy in the morning, after awaking, as if he had not slept at all. [A^.] 490. Inability to go to sleep in the evening, but afterward the sleep is sound. Late in going to sleep in the evening, and ready awaking at night. She is late in falling asleep, she then sleeps restlessly, and fre- quently wakes up. In the evening, in bed, rattling on the chest, quick pulse, short breath. He wakes up at night after two hours, being wide awake, as if he had done sleeping. 495. Alert and wide awake, all night. Frequent starting up from a sound sleep. [A^.] During sleep, startling twitches and flow of saliva. Waking up after midnight, without cause (2d n.). [A^.] Waking up after midnight, with heat, dryness in the throat and thirst; she could not bear to be uncovered. [A^.] .500. At night, violent asthma, with two hours' coughing (ist n.). While sleeping, she feels pain in her joints, which disappear on awaking. Vexing dreams, causing the person to scream. Anxious dreams about fire, about deceased persons, about danger. [A^.] Frequent dreams, though she cannot recall them (ist n.). 505 Chill5% she continually wishes to sit bv the stove (20th d.). [A^^O ... Chilly, in the morning, in the room, less in the open air (aft. :2d.). INg.-] Momentary shaking, as from chill, with goose-skin (at once). Transient shivering, occasionally, through the trunk, tnore internally, without touching other parts. [^Gr.'] Constant shivering, downward in the trunk, without chilli- ness. [Gr.'\ 510. Warmth, passing over the bodv, while the hands are ic^' cold. 1542 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Dr}^ heat in the evening after traveling for eight hours, with intense thirst till eight o'clock; accompanied with burning of the eyes, and once a transient chill (7th d.). [A^.] He continualh^ feels more warmth than cold, opposite to his former disposition. [-A^.] Great warmth all over the bod^^ in the evening after hdng down (3d.). [A^^.] Increased, also agreeable warmth in the whole bod}' ('2d, 3d, 515. Pulsation more frequent by ten beats. [AV.] Small, quick pulse/ [Kinglake, Jacobson.] Tendency to profuse perspiration, at ever^- motion. She perspires much while sitting, especially on the upper part of the body. Readih' moved to perspire b}' day. \_Fr. //.] 520. Profuse morning-sweat (aft. 20 h.). Sourish morning-sweat, followed b}- hoarseness. ZINCUM, ZINC. Rub a piece of pure metallic zinc on a whetstone under distilled water, in a clean porcelain bowl; the gray powder deposited on the bottom is dried on white blotting paper, and one grain of it is used to prepare the d3mamized preparations of zinc, in the same manner as with other dr}^ drugs, in the manner described at the conclusion of the first part of Chronic Diseases, but with a greater number of succussive strokes than is indicated there. Where the dynamized preparation of zinc was homceopathically suitable, it also removed, if given in proper doses, the following ail- ments, if present: Indisposition to work and to walk; thoughts of death, as if she had to die; weakness of memory; constant muddled sensation of the head; gloominess; sore pain in the head; humming in the head; pain of the hairy scalp, as if festering underneath; baldness; dryness of the eyes; amaurosis, with contracted pupils; parah'sis and closing of the ej^elids; buzzing in the ears; looseness of the teeth; painful- ness of the teeth when chewing; sore pains in the teeth; salt}^ taste in the mouth; after eating bread, pressure in the stomach with nausea; tensive pain in the sides of the abdomen; inguinal hernia; constipation; soft and liquid stool; involuntary discharge of stool; itching on the anus; tenesmus of the bladder, when he wishes to ^ Not found in Kinglake. — Hughes. ZINCUM. 1543 urinate; iuvoluntar}^ urination, while walking; the urine cannot be retained when coughing, sneezing and walking; continuous erections by night; seminal emission during coitus is too rapid; the menses come too soon; painful menses; during the menses, inflation of the abdomen; leucorrhoea. Coryza; cough; tensive pain in the sternum; palpitation; palpitation with anxiety; irregular, spasmodic move- ment of the heart; shocks of the heart, arresting the breathing, in- termission in the heart-beats, causing the breathing to be arrested; pains in the sacrum; pains in the back; drawing pain in the arm, of long standing; sensation of dryness in the hands, in the morning; the fingers go to sleep in the morning, while rising; stiffness of the ankle-joint after sitting; painful chilblains on the feet; insensibility of the bod}^; sensation of coldness in the bones; exostosis; in the morning, a feeling of not having slept enough, sleepiness; desire to sleep after meals; the sleep at night, full of ravings; frightful dreams; talking and screaming in sleep; tendency to perspire by day; noc- turnal perspiration. Too violent an action is moderated, but only for a short time, by a solution of camphor; (sometimes by smelling of a preparation of ignatia); but the greatest moderation is effected by smelling of a preparation of sulphur. To the observations as to the peculiar symptoms of zinc, given in no 2 of Vol. VI of the Archiv fiier homoeopathische Heilkunst by the Doctors Fra?i2, Frz.; Hartmanii, Htm.; Ha^ibold, Hbd.; Ruckert, Rkt.; and Stapf, Stf.; as well as by Councillor, Baron vo?i Gersdorff, Gff., I have added my own observations as well as those of a young learned man from Switzerland, Lesquereur, Lqr. , and those of the Doctors Schweikert, Sw.\ Rummel, Rl.; Hartlaub, Htb., and also the later observations of the above mentioned Councillor, Dr. Baron von Gersdorff, who has done so much to further the homoeo- pathic art of healing. The symptoms marked [A^.] are from the well-known anonymous prover in the Reine Arzneimittellehre of Doctors Hartlaub and Triyiks} ZINCUM. Dejected and sad. [A^.] Peevish, surly and vexed, in the afternoon. [A^.] Peevish and vSurly in the evening, and yet good-humored. Peevish, taciturn mood, especially in the evening. [6^//".] 1 Hahnemann's own contribution to the pathogenesis of Zinc consists mainly of the 753 symptoms credited to him in the first edition, which from the preface we may gather to have been observed on patients taking the iSth dihition. Those of Franz and his five associates above referred to were obtained mainl}- from provings with the ;st trituration. The sources of the rest (save Nenning's) are \w\V.\\o\\u.— Hughes. 1544 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 5. Kxtremel}^ sad and surly. \_Hbd.'] She looks quite peevish, sullen and out of sorts, also in the morning. [A^.] Peevish in the morning (8th. d.). Ill-humored. [5z£^.] Ill-humored and sad (2d d. ) . ro. Irresistible sadness. [Lqr.'] Fear of thieves or of horrible phantoms, seen while waking, as if in a feverish fancy. Apprehensive and inclined to weep; it goes off in the evening. Apprehension and ennui; she seeks company. [A^.] Despondency. 15. Tranquil thoughts of dying, in the afternoon, when weary. Hypochondriac mood, three hours after dinner, with pressure under the short ribs, especially on the right side; with disinclina- tion to work and discomfort all over the body, but without any trace of flatulence or over-loading of the stomach (aft. 5 d. ). Relaxed mood (aft. 6 d.). Indifferent (aft. 13 d.). Aversion to employment, disinclination to work. 20. Annoyed and anxious. Peevish and surly for several days; inclined to internal chagrin and vexation; he is generally silent and is annoyed when he has to speak a word. [Frz.'] Moaning for vexation; without any external cause, with pressure in the upper part of the head. Easily angered. [Also Ng.'] Easily excited to anger, but tranquil. 25. Easily excited to anger, and much affected thereby. \_Gff.'\ He would like to have some one, on whom he might wreak his (causeless) anger. \_Lqr.'] Irritable, easily startled. The mind is irritable, prone to grieve; he cannot bear to hear any one talk, nor to hear any noise. \_Gff.'] Very sensitive to noise. 30. Every least mental excitement causes an internal tremor. \_Gff,'] After a slight mental excitement, a long-continued trembling as from a chill. \_Gff.'] Excited imagination (ist d.). [_Lgr.'] His nerves are affected when others, even persons whom he likes, talk much, and this makes him peevish and impatient. [.Gff.-] Very impatient, but without ill -humor. \_Lqr.'] 35. Restless, unstable mood (aft. 2 d.). Very changeable mood; at noon, sadness and melancholy; in the evening, contentment and gladness (2d, 3d. d.). [_Egr.'] Alternately irritable, easil}^ startled, passionate, despondent, melanchol}^ At noon irritable, annoj^ed, and easily startled; less so in the evening. Occasionally very merry. [Lqr.'\ ZINCUM. 1545 |0. He can frequentl}^ laugh very much over a trifle, but is just as read}' to get vexed. Fits of great loquacity. [Qf.] Very merry, excited mood, especially toward evening. [Qf.] Out of sorts and indolent during the first days; later on lively and more cheerful. Cheerful and good-humored. \^Hbd.'] 45. Good-humored and loquacious. [-A^.] Incapable (after vomiting) for any work; he feels most com- fortable when lying down with closed eyes. [A^.] Illusion of fancy, when holding down her head, as if she had a large goitre, which prevented her looking beyond it. [A^.] Unconnected ideas (aft. 16 d.). Difficulty in comprehening and in connecting ideas. 50. Lack of thoughts and slumberous state of the mind. Forgetfulness of the things done during the day. Great forgetfulness. T)\zzy, confused and heavy in the head, as if there had not been enough sleep. \_Ng.'] Heaviness of the head, as if it would fall off. [A^.] 55. Sense of weakness in the head, especially in the eyes (aft. 2, 4 and several days. ) \^Lqr.'] The head feels very much muddled, after meals (aft. 7 h.). [Frz.'] Muddled sensation and painful heaviness of the occiput (aft. i< h.). IHtm.'] Stupefied and dizzy, at noon. Dizzy stupefaction in short paroxysms, while things turn black before the eyes, and general weakness, especially in the afternoon and evening, for several days (aft. i r d. ). [^Lqr.'] 60. Vertigo, while sitting and standing, it goes off on walking. Vertigo, with weakness in the head and abdomen, so that she had to lie down (aft. 3d.). Vertigo in the whole brain, especially in the occiput, as if he would fall over, without reference to the eyes; while standing (aft. I, 2, 4 h. ). \_Fr2.'] Dizzy drawing, deep in the right side of the occiput, while sitting. \_F?^2.~\ Vertigo in the occiput while walking, as if he should fall to the left side (at once). [Frz.] 65. Intense vertigo, while sitting in bed, as if the bed was con- stantly rocking to and fro (aft. 7 d.). Vertigo, in the morning on awaking, as if the head moved up and down, so also the images floating before his fancy fluctuated; all this while half conscious. [^/.] Vertigo, as if he would get a stroke, with fear of falling down. Dizzy, nauseous weariness, on staying up somewhat longer, in the evening, as from smoking tobacco which was too strong. Vertigo in the occiput, in the evening, while sitting, during the (customary) smoking of tobacco, with call to stool. [/^^^.] 1546 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. 70. Violent vertigo after rising from stooping, as if everything whirled around her, with humming in the head, also in the morn- ing. [.V^.] Headache after dinner, in the region of the left frontal emi- nence. l^Frs.'] Headache at night. \_Lq7'.'] Violent pain in the head, the abdomen and the eyes, on lying down. [Lqr.^ Violent headache, diminished bv washing with cold w^ater. 75. Violent pains in the head and eyes after drinking a glass of his (customary) wine. \_Lqr.'] Dull pain in the forehead, with unusual impatience. \_I^qr.'] Dull pain in the left half of the head. [_Lqr.^ Pain as if the whole brain was torn. Bruised pain in the occiput. [AV.] 80. Stupef3'ing headache, he had to lie down (aft. 4 d.) Stupefying headache, all the morning, as from coal gas (aft. 10 d.). \_Lqr.'\ Pressure in the head with a stupid feeling (aft. 5 d.). Pressure in the forehead, with muddled feeling, rendering thinking difficuh. [^Gff.'] Pressure in the sinciput with a muddled feeling, at noon and in the evening. \_Gff.'] 85. Pressive headache in the right frontal eminence, [/v^^-.] Pressive headache in the forehead, with a general muddled feeling in the head, sleepiness and eveache, in the forenoon. Pressive headache in the forehead, every morning (aft. 7 d.). Violent pressure on a small spot in the middle of the fore- head, with short intermissions. \_Gff.'\ Pressive headache in the forehead, frequently. \_Lqi'.'] 90. Pressive headache in the forehead, with a sharp pressure, in the morning, on awaking, this, later on, becomes a mere pressure in the temples. \_Rl.~\ Pressure in the sinciput, with a muddled feeling, ex- tending into the eyes, after dinner [Qf".] Pressive pain in the sinciput, worst in the two temples. Pressure in the left temple. [^Htm.'] Pressure in the right temple, darting into it quickly. \^Htm.'\ 95. Constant pressure, now in the temples, now in the occiput. \Htm.'\ Continuous pressure and squeezing in both temples. [Htm.^ Pressure in the right side of the occiput. [Qf.] Pressure in the occiput for several hours, after walking in the open air. Sharp pressure on a small spot in the forehead, in the evening. [Sil'.'] 100. Dull shooting pressure on a small spot of the occiput. \_Gff.^ Sharp, pinching pressure in the left temple. [Qf.] ZINCUM. 1547 Cramplike dull pressure from without into both the temples. Frequent pain, screwing the head together from both sides, in the evening. [A^.] Straining on the right side of the head, pulsating, pressive and almost unendurable. [A§'.] 105. Pain in the right side of the occiput, as if pressing it asunder. Painful pressing asunder in the left side of the occiput, close to the cervical vertebrae. \Htni^ Drawing in the left side of the occiput. [Qf.] Drawing and beating in the forehead. [A^.] Drawing in the occiput, with gnawing in the forehead, as from worms. [A^.] no. Drawing and shooting in the forehead, with pain as if the crown was split open. [A^.] Tearing in the right temple. [A^.] Tearing pain and crawling, anteriorly in the forehead, during supper, [A^.] Tearing in the right temple, or also close above it. \_Gff.'\ Tearing in the temples after dinner, "with stitches in the right ear (aft. 2d.). \Frz^ 115. Tearing in the right half of the head (2d and 8th d.). Tearing in the right side of the head and in the teeth, in the afternoon (aft. 16 d.). Tearing in the anterior left half of the head, above the fore- head. {Gff.l Tearing in the upper part of the head and above the fore- head. \Gff:\ Tearing, anteriorly in the forehead (4th d.). [Qf.] 120. Tearing, in the left frontal eminence. \Gff.^ Tearing, in the right frontal eminence, extending into the orbit and the upper eyelid. \Gff^ Tearing in the forehead, with severe pain. [A^.] Tearing behind the vertex of the head (9th d.). [(^/f.] Tearing in the left and right side of the occiput (3d and 4th d.). [Qf.] 125. Tearing in the occiput, on the right side, with dull stitches on the top of the head. [Qf.] Tearing in the right side of the occiput, when laughing. Sharp tearing in the vertex and in the left parietal bone. Transient tearing in both the temples. \_Gff.'\ Pinching tearing in the right and left temple, at various times. \_Gff:\ 130. Pressive tearing on the right side, beside the vertex (^aft. 3d.)- \Gff:\ Pressive tearing in the left frontal eminence, after dinner, [/v-^.] Drawing tearing in the left half of the head. SSlJf^ 154-8 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Drawing, pressive tearing in the upper part of the head, and still more in the forehead, in frequent, transient paroxysms. [Of.] . Twitching tearing above the left temple. [Qf.] 135. Shooting tearing in the forehead, with great but ineffectual incitement to sneezing; toward noon. \_Lqr.'] Shooting tearing in the temples. \_Lqr.'] Tearing and shooting in the right side of the head, after dinner. [A^.] Sharp, tearing shooting in the skin of the left side of the fore- head, above the eyebrow. [Qf-] Shooting in the forehead, with a tearing there, as if the head would burst open. [A^.] 140. Shooting and tearing in the head, and cutting in the abdomen, with yawning, during and after dinner. [Ng.'\ Stitches in the U-ft temple, as from needles. [^Frz.'] Dull stitches, occasionally, in the right temple (aft. sever, h.). IFrz.'] Fine, burning stitches in the middle of the vertex. [6*2^/.] Boring, dull stitch, just above the right frontal eminence (9th d.) [Gff.-]. 145. Boring pain in the right side of the head, more in the occiput, in the evening. [A^.] Boring into the left parietal bone. [A^.] Boring in the right parietal bone, with a sensation of burst- ing, in the evening, while standing. [A^.] Extremely painful, pressive boring 'and pressure in the right side of the head ( 19th d. ) . [A^.] Pressive drawing boring in the left side of the head, after dinner. [A^.] 150. Beating pain in the right side of the head, in the evening. Beating and tearing in the sinciput, after dinner. [A^.] Severe beating and tearing in the whole of the head, espe- cially in the right frontal region, from the morning till evening after lying down. [A^^.] Painful raging, like the beating of waves, with sensation of heat in one spot on the right side of the occiput, extending over the vertex, in the evening. [AV.] Painful raging, now here, now there, in the head. [A^.] 155. Sounding and echoing in the head during loud speaking. Sensation in the frontal cavities as if the air penetrated there too acutely. Sensation of heat in the head, with redness of the face. [A^.] Heat in the head, in the evening, with redness and increased warmth of the cheeks. [A^.] The pains in the head are slighter in the open air, more severe in the room. [A^.] 160. External sensitiveness of the vertex when touched, as if there was an ulcer there, in the evening. Drawing in the skin on the vertex. [A§-.] Painful, sore sensation on a small spot on the right side of the hairy scalp. [_Gff.'\ ZINCUM. 1549 Painful gnawing on the right protuberance of the occiput, as from a mouse. [A^.] Pain as from festering, on one side of the hairy scalp. 165. Sore pain of the outer integuments of the head, without reference to the touch (aft. 3d.). [Frz.'] Sore itching, frequently, on a small spot in the middle of the hairy scalp. [Qf.] Itching pimples on the hairy scalp, (aft. 5 d.). Itching, humid eruption on and above both the temples. Sensation as if the scalp was forced together in one spot. 170. Sensation as of horripilation, especially above the left ear. IGff.-] Pain of the hair on the vertex, even at the slightest touch. The hair of the head keeps coming out. Pain in the eyes, as if they were pressed inward. [^LgrJ] Pressure above the right eye, quickly arising and painful, with a sensation as of pressing down in the lids. [///;/e.] 175. Pressure on the eyes toward evening. [Qf.] Very frequent pressure on the eyes. \_Lqr.'\ Constant pressure in the left eye in the evening. [Frz.'] Pressure on the edge of the left lower eyelid, near the inner canthus. [Gff.~\ Violent pressure in the right eye and in the temple. 180. Painful pressure in the right inner canthus, with redness of the conjunctiva. Tensive pressure in the right eye, as if rheumatic, [Qf.] Pressive tearing in the left eye. \_Gff.'] Shooting tearing in the eyes and in the head. [_Lqr,'] Fine, shooting tearing in and above the left eyebrow. \_Gff.~\ 185. A tearing stitch above the left eye and at the same time in the umbilical region. \_Lqr.'] Fine pricking as with needles in the lower right eyelid and in the left upper eyelid. [Gff.^ Pressive shooting in the right eyeball (3d d.). [Qf^] Cutting pressive stitch in the right eye (ist and 6th d.). Itching of the eyes (5th d.). [LgrJ] 190. Itching on the edge of the left upper eyelid. \_Gff.'\ Severe itching in the left eye, going off by rubbing. Frequent tickling in the right eye, as if dust had penetrated into it (aft. 4 d.). [Lqr.'] Biting of the left eye; it goes off by rubbing. [A^^.] Biting in the inner canthus of the right eve, going off bv rub- bing. [A^^.] 195. Pricking itching in the lower part of the left eye, and below it on the cheek. \_Gff.'] Itching of the eyes with a sore pain, especially in the right eye, in the evening. \_Gff.^ Sensation of soreness in the inner canthi (9th d.). [.Gff.^ 1550 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sensation of soreness on the right upper eyelid. [Qf.] Soreness of the outer canthi, with a biting pain. 200. Burning and soreness, with photophobia, in the eye in which there is lachrymation especially in the evening, while it is agglu- tinated in the morning. Constant burning in the eyes, in the afternoon. [A^.] Burning of the left eyelid, as if it was too dry. [^/.] Much burning in the eyes and lids, in the morning and even- ing, with sensation of dryness and pressure therein, [i?/.] Pressive burning, especially in the left eyelid, while reading. [Rl.-] 205. Inflammation and redness of the conjunctiva of the right eye; the inner canthus suppurates; in the evening and night, the eye is most painful, as from sand therein, with frequent lachrymation; also the upper lid is red and swollen, toward the inner canthus. Violent inflammation of the e3^es, without photophobia (dur- ing the menses. ) Lachrymation in the morning, on awaking, as also in the open air. [A^.] Profuse humidity about the eyes by day; in the morning they are closed by suppuration. The inner canthus is agglutinated in the morning, with a pressive, sore sensation (aft. 13 d.). 210. Quivering in the left lower eyelid. [A^.] Quivering in the left eyeball. [A^.] Twitching in the arch of the left eyebrow (very soon and aft. 2 h.). ISw.-] Great restlessness and unbearable pain in the left eye, often attended with great weakness in the head (aft. 6 d.). [Lqr.'] The eyes are wearied (continually). [Also Lqr.^ 215. Morbid sensation of weariness in the eyes. [_Fr2.'] Failure of the eyes, with lachrymation and burning, after dinner and frequently while writing, for fourteen days. [A^.] The eyes are immovable (they fail), with absent mindedness. Obscuration of the eyes (aft. 34 d.). Dim and misty appearance before the eyes, in the morning after aw^aking. [A^^.] 220. Flickering before the eyes. Yellow, blue and green wheels before the eyes, with cachectic appearance and sleepiness. [A^.] Fiery flakes fly in great arches before the eyes, when looking up into the sky. [^/.] Dread of the sunlight, attended with dim and lachrymating eyes. [A^.] Tearing in the ears. \_Gff.'] 225. Tearing in the ears, at various times, occasionally attended with itching, or in the morning with a crawling sensation, or in the evening with burning. [A^.] Pinching drawing behind the left ear, extending into the lower jaw. [_Gff.'\ Painful cramp in the left lobule of the ear. [^/.] ZINCUM. 1 55 1 Violent cramp-like pain in the left lobule of the ear, down toward the neck, on boring with the finger in the left ear. Shooting in the right ear (yth d.). [Qf-] 230. Shooting and itching in the ear. Violent stitches in the ears. [Lqr.^ Continuous, frequert, acutely painful, tearing stitches, deep in the right ear, near the tympanum (ist and 2d d.). Shooting and tearing on the left ear, close to the lobule. Itching in the left ear, with sensation, after inserting the finger, as if fleas were jumping about in it. [A^.] 235. Itching in the right ear, disappearing on boring in it. [A^.] Tickling in the left ear, not passing away through rubbing. Discharge from the left ear (aft. 24 h.) A fetid humor comes from the left ear (aft. 18 d.). Much discharge of pus from the left ear, day and night; the ear at its orifice is hot and swollen, with headache on the left side (aft. 24 h.). 240. Very severe hardness of hearing. Fluttering before the right ear. [6r^.] Dull fluttering and pulsation in the ear in the evening, very troublesome while writing. \Frz.'\ Crashing as of a window pane, when going to sleep. [^/.] Ringing in the right ear, at night. [A^.] 245. Loud buzzing in the ears. Detonation and beating in the ear, after breakfast. [A^.] Lancinating pain in the septum of the nose when touched. [7?/.] Pressure on the root of the nose, as if it would be pressed into the head, almost unendurable; frequently, mostly about noon. \Lqr^ Pinching in the root of the nose, with muddled feeling in the forehead. \_Gff^ 250. Pinching in the root of the nose, with shooting in the jaw. \_Lqr:\ Pinching in the root of the nose, drawing into the eye. [/-^^'.] Drawing and tearing extending up the right nostril, after dinner. [A^.] Twitching tearing in the right side of the nose. [A;§^.] Fine tearing pain externally on the right side of the nose. 255. Sharp cutting on the inner edge of the left ala nasi. [<^r/f.] Sore sensation high up in the nostrils, tearing in the right nostril. {Gff.-X Swelling of the right side of the nose (aft. 48 h.). Swelling and painfulness of the left ala nasi. [AV.] Itching in the right nostril. {No\\ 260. The tip of the nose and the lobule of the ear freeze in slight cold (aft. 36 h.). 1552 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. A red, swollen, hard point on the left ala nasi, painful when pressing upon it, for three da3's. [A^.] Blowing blc)od from the nose, frequenth^ during the first days. Paleness of the face. IF2. it. Hbd.'] Face of an earthy paleness, as after a long illness. [A^.] 265. Pain in the bone below and in front of the right ear, as after a blow, while touching the spot. \_Gff.'] Pressive, contractive pain in the bone below and in front of the right ear, with muddled feeling in the forehead. [Qf.] Pressive pain in the upper jaw, beside the left ala nasi. [_Gff.'] Tearing in the bone before the left ear. [Gff.'] Tearing in the left cheek. [A^.] 270. Tearing in the right zygoma, with bruised pain of the spot when pressing upon it. [A^.] Bruised pain of the bones of the face and the orbit (aft. several h.). Pricking, as from needles, in the face, by jerks. Pressive, sudden stitch from the right zygomatic arch to the upper margin of the orbit, deep in the bone, and then great sensi- tiveness of the spot, in the evening. [A^.] Swelling and itching of the left cheek. 275. Itching in the face in the evening. Eruption of pimples in the face. \_Rl.~\ Pain in the lips, twitching tearing in the right side of the upper lip. [Qf.] Fine stitches in the upper lip (aft. }( h.). \_Sw.~\ Transient stitch in the upper lip (aft. 20 min.). [6'ze^.] 280. Violent muscular twitches in the side of the upper lip. [<^^.] Swelling of the upper lip (aft. sever, h. ). Swelling of the lips. Itching on the upper lip, the chin and about the mouth, with- out eruption (aft. 24 h.). Burning in the right corner of the mouth (ist. d.). [Qf.] 285. Eruptive pimple on the upper lip (aft. 14 h. ). Vesicles, clear like water, or also suppurating pustules on the upper lip. [A^.] Flat, red pimple in the middle of the upper lip, on the margin; painful when touched. Small, white pimples, with some humidity on the upper lip, on the chin and on the forehead (after moderate drinking of wine). Large, yellowish white, itching pimple on the lower lip. 290. Thick, viscid humor on the lips, without .smell and taste (6th d.). [Z-^r.] Dry, cracked lips. Sore, ulcerated corner of the mouths \_/Idd.~\ Sore upper lip, ulcerated in the middle. [^/.] A vellow, little ulcer on the inner surface of the lower lip (aft. 4d.). ISw.] 295. Tensive painful chap on the lower lip. [A^.] Burning rhagade on the inner side of the upper lip. [A^.] ZINCUM. 1553 On the chin, severe itching and redness on the whole of its prominent part (aft. 2 d.). A pimple, itching intensely, almost in the middle of the chin. Many little pustules, close together, under the chin, severely itching (aft. 8 d.) 300. Tearing stitches in the chin and on the neck, passing over into one another (6th d.). [/.^r.] In the lower jaw, now and then cramplike tearing, especially in the chin (3d d.). [Qf.] Shooting pain in the articulation of the jaw, below and in front of the left ear, on sliding the jaw along, on biting strongly and on pressing with the finger on the articulation. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Frequent toothache, with drawing pain in the roots of the incisors. [Qf.] 305. Drawing in the left upper incisors. [_Gj^.~\ Drawing pain in the roots of the upper front teeth and at the same time in the fauces, extending into the cervical muscles. Drawing, now on the right side, now on the left, in the post- reme lower molar. [Qf.] Acutely painful drawing in the upper front teeth, with sensation of soreness in the gums, toward noon (aft. 9 d.). Pressive drawing in the right lower molars. [Qf.] 310. A beating drawing, alternately in the posterior lower molar on the right side and on the left. [6^.] Jerking, sharp drawing in the last two upper molars, at various times. [6^.] Sharp, jerking drawing, suddenly, in all the incisors. [Qf^] Twitching in the right lower molars, in the evening, after lying dovv^n, till falling asleep. [A^.] Twitching in the left teeth, occasionally. [A^.] 315. Painful jerk in a tooth (aft. i h.). Twitching violent tearing in the last lower molars on the right side. [Qf.] Tearing in the last lower molar on the left side, in the even- ing. [A^. Tearing in the last lower molar on the left side, above and below; then tearing in the cheek extending up on the temple and into the forehead. [A^.] Tearing in a hollow molar; by sucking, blood is drawn out, and by pressing upon it, the pain is occasionally increased. [A^'] 320. Tearing, extending from the root of an upper tooth on the right side toward the temple, in the evening after lying down. Tearing in the right upper roots (soon). [A{<,^'.] Tearing and drawing in the left lower teeth, especially in the incisors. [Qf.] Tearing in the left upper molars. [<^.] Sensitiveness of the upper molars with sore pain, with a draw- ing sore pain in a lower left molar, which protrudes from its 99 1554 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. socket and waggles; with swelling of the submaxillary gland on that side. \_Frz.'] 325. Constant shooting in the left lower molars, in the evening. Shooting in the roots of the left upper cuspidatus and the ad- jacent incisor. [Qf-] Stitches in the left row of teeth, in the lower jaw and down the neck, [i?/.] Twitching stitches in the left posterior lower molars, also in the evening after going to sleep, suddenly awaking from sleep. IGff.-] Pricking and pecking in sound teeth, with drawing pain in the jaws (aft. 9 d. ) 330. Beating pain in a hollow tooth, only after a meal, or after getting heated and taking cold. Painful burning in all the front teeth, with smarting on all the lower surface of the tongue. \Gff.~\ Sensation of dullness in the teeth. [Rl ] Gumboil on a rotten root of a tooth, which is sensitive when touched, with sensation as if the tooth was too long; on pressing upon it, blood came out. [A^.] The gums are painful on the inner surface as if sore, and de- tach themselves from the teeth. [^/.] 335. Pain in the gums, so that he cannot chew because of it. [Rl.~\ Erosion and itching on the inner surface of the gums, [i?/.] The gums are white. Swelling of the gums (aft." 12 d.). Swelling of the gums with sore pain (15th d.). 340. Bleeding of the gums at the least touch. Profuse bleeding of the gums. [Also Gff.'] Bleeding from the teeth and gums. [Gff.'] Gathering of saliva in the mouth, with inclination to vomit. [Htb.'] Increased secretion of saliva, with metallic taste in the mouth (istd.). [Sw.] 345. Increased secretion of saliva with metallic taste, and transient stitches in the tip of the tongue. [5'z£^.] Increased secretion of saliva, with formication on the inner surface of the cheeks. [Sw.'] Formication on the inner surface of the cheeks, as from blow- ing severely (soon). [vSz£^.] A small yellow ulcer on the inner surface of the left cheek, especially painful in the morning (3d d.). [Sw.'] The tongue is painful as if sore. 350. The tongue is coated vellowish white, especially toward its root. [Htb.] White-coated tongue, as from cheese, without taste, but with a sensation as of icy coldness, in the morning (4th d.). [A^.] Dryness of the tongue. [A^.] Blisters on the tongue. A blister on the tongue, which pains when eating. 355. Swelling of the left side of the tongue, impeding speech. ZINCUM. 1555 Weakness of the organs of speech, when reading aloud. On the palate, a shooting smarting, close to the roots of the front teeth and in the same. [Qf.] Swelling of the prominence of the palate close behind the in- cisors, with pain when touched, for three days. [<^.] Painfulness of the palate and gums during dinner, while chewing. {_Gff-^ 360. Simple pain posteriorly on the palate and the velum palati, especially when yawning (aft. 48 h.). Dryness of the throat, in the evening. Dryness posteriorly in the fauces, in the morning, on awak- ing and also later, with thirst. {_Ng.'\ Dryness in the throat during deglutition and also else, after dinner. [A^.] Scratchy rawness in the fauces, toward evening. 365. Roughness in the throat, also during deglutition. [A^.] Smarting scratching frequently, posteriorly in the fauces, as in violent coryza. \Gff.'\ Sensation posteriorly in the fauces, as of accumulation of mucus, with incitation to hawking from time to time. [Qf.] White mucus in a large lump comes into the mouth, through the posterior nares, without hawking. \Gff^ Greenish mucus, which adheres firmly down in the throat, is hawked up, with a sore pain in the upper part of the chest. 370. Pressive pain in both the tonsils, while swallowing, in the evening and through the night. Sensation of cramp and spasm in the pit of the throat, or in the upper part of the oesophagus like a pressure from below up- ward, or as in swallowing (soon). \Frz^ Cramp-like, choking sore throat, more externally in the muscles, while swallowing even liquids, [i?/.] Sensation of contraction in the oesophagus, while vSwallowing, with an urging to swallow frequently. Pain in the throat as from an interior swelling, also dur- ing empty deglutition (aft. 2 and 6 d. ). 375. Sore pain in the throat, and sensation in the oesophagus of being stuffed full. Pain in the throat while swallowing, with swelling of the out- side of the neck and of the tonsils. Tearing, drawing sore throat, posteriorly on both sides of the oesophagus more per se during empty deglutition. Sharp, twitching tearing, extending from the fauces into the left cervical muscles (5th d.). [Qf.] Burning in the throat, like heartburn, also in swallowing. 380. Taste of blood in the mouth and sweet rising from the stom- ach. [AV.] Sensation of choking internally on the right side of the throat, only when not swallowing. [A^.] Something rose up into her throat in the evening after lying down, with a sweetish taste like blood. [AJ/-.] 1556 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Taste anteriorly in the mouth as from rotten cheese; this goes off in swallowing, to which he is compelled by mucus in the throat. Taste of blood in the mouth, with a sensation of dryness in the throat, and sore sensation rising up from the chest. [A^.] 385. Sw^eet taste anteriorly under the tongue. [^/.] Salty in the mouth and dry in the throat. Bitter taste in the mouth (aft. several d.). Bitter, slimy taste in the mouth, in the morning on awaking; it goes off after rising. [A^.] Taste in the mouth as from chewed raw^ peas. 390. Burning thirst (6th d.). \_Lq7\'] Intense thirst for w'ater. Thirst for beer, in the evening. [A^.] Thirst from noon till evening, or also from morning tilt evening. [A^.] Thirst during dinner or after dinner. [A^.] 395. Thirst in the evening till lying dowm, with increased bodily warmth. [A^.] Thirst with heat in the palms, in the afternoon. [A^.] Thirst in the afternoon during the menses. [A^.] Less appetite. \Fr2.~\ No appetite and hardl}^ any taste. 400. Little appetite at dinner. [Lqr.'] Distaste to meat, and to cooked warm food. Distaste for fish (which before that he was very fond of). No hunger in the evening. \_I/id.^ There is no hunger in the morning (aft. 1^2 h. ). [//td.^ 405. Diminished appetite at noon. [Htd.'] Less hunger at noon, but more in the afternoon. [A^.] He does not relish his dinner, while there is pain in the stom- ach as from fasting. [A'^.] Loathing of veal, which she usually liked, in the evening; the morsel sw^elled up in her mouth. [A^.] Loathing and aversion to the sweetness of sugar. [//fd.~\ 410. The dinner tastes better than usually. [A^.] The hunger can hardly be satisfied, in the evening. \_Lq?\ and Of.] Voracious hunger. Haste in eating. Great voracity and hasty deglutition. 415. Insatiability and yet no relish for food. Insatiability at noon and in the evening, yet after eating a sensation of being too full. Incitation in the fauces to eat, also after the meal and after satisf3'ing this desire, too great fullness in the stomach and pressure in the head. Difficult digestion. [_Lqr.^ It seems to favor acidity in the stomach. 420. After food, she has sour eructations. Sour eructations, after breakasting on rolls and milk. ZINCUM. 1557 After partaking of sweets, there is acrid rising into the fauces, producing disagreeable scratching in the larynx as from heartburn. After dinner, there is sensation as if the food had lodged in the oesophagus. After supper there is soon an intense bitterness in the mouth, but only for a short time, [i?/.] 425. An hour and a half after a moderate dinner, burning in the stomach, with eructation and inclination to vomit. \_Gff.'] Immediately or soon after eating, great fullness and inflation of the abdomen. Two hours after dinner, disagreeable sensation of emptiness in the stomach and abdomen, with hunger. [Frz.'] After dinner and after supper, loathing, inflation and vomi- turition in the stomach, with inclination to eructation, which goes off after discharge of flatus. [A^.] After a meal, pressure and clucking in the epigastrium. [Gff.^ 430. At dinner, grasping in the epigastrium. After eating soup, grasping, most in the epigastrium. After dinner, brief bleeding of the nose, on blowing it, then stupefaction in the forehead, as from a blow, while objects swim before the eyes. After dinner, dizziness. [^/.] After a meal, dizziness, as if he was looking through a veil. [Rl.-] 435. Eructation, frequent and empty, in the evening or fore- noon. \_Ng. and Gff/\ Ineffectual desire for eructation, then empty eructation, with relief. [A^.] Abortive eructation, with pressure on the middle of the spine. iGff.-] By empty eructation, flatulence is discharged upward, but with pressure on the chest and not without effort. \_Gff.^ toud eructation, frequently, while the pulse is sometimes ac- celerated, sometimes retarded and weak. [A^.] 440. Eructation with taste of milk, in the afternoon. [A^.] Sweetish eructation. [A^.] Sourish, empty eructation, after drinking or after dinner. Sour eructation and regurgitation. [A^.] Eructation with taste of the meat eaten. [A^.] 445. Eructation during breakfast, with taste of the same. [A^'.] Eructation, first empty then with taste of the fat eaten. [Ac-.] Hiccup, for half an hour (aft. 4 d.). Hiccup, also very violent in the evening, or after breakfast. Nausea during breakfast. \_Ng-.'\ 450. Nausea, in the morning, as from an emetic. [^LqrJ] Nausea in the stomach, with trembling and lack of tone all over the body. [A{^.] Sensation of nausea in the stomach, when the body is shaken up by washing and after stooping in sitting down. [///^.] 1558 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Nausea, after a noon-siesta of half an hour; he had to ex- pectorate much, for an hour. Nausea, with choking and with vomiting of a bitter, sUmy fluid, and lastly of the ingesta, with impulses of coughing, with a. sensation of warmth, especially in the abdomen; perspiration, chilliness running over the arms, shaking of the body, empty eructation, hiccups, rumbling and pinching in the abdomen;; stooping forward while sitting diminishes the nausea; but on sitting up straight, on moving and on pressing upon the abdomen,, nausea and vomiting at once return (aft. 10 min. till aft 3^ h.). 455. Retching up of bloody mucus (aft. 40 d.). Stomachache, as if from emptiness, with nausea. [A^.] Qualmish and sick at stomach, in the morning, in bed; it goes off after rising. [A^.] Qualmish in the stomach after breakfast; also after dinner. \Ng:\ Disagreeable sensation in the upper orifice of the stomach and, extending somewhat up into the oesophagus. {Hbd.'\ 460. Pain about the stomach and in the abdomen, in the morning. \Ng.-\ Sharp pains in the stomach and in the scrobiculus cordis^ \Lqr.-\ Pain in the scrobiculus cordis on inspiring; the breath is re- tained, after dinner. [A^.] Pain in the scrobiculus cordis, which when pressed upon, burns and aches, in the evening. [A^.] Pressure in the stomach, then shooting in the cardiac region,, in the morning after rising. [A^.] 465. Pressure and sensation of coldness in the stomach, at noon. {.Ng:\ Pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. \Gff^ Contraction from both sides of the stomach, with anxiety an(i increased warmth in the head and in the whole body. [A^.] Screwing together in the scrobiculus cordis. [A^.] Pain as if the stomach was pressed together; in the morning- while fasting. 470. Frequent pinching in the scrobiculus cordis. \Gff^ Tightness in the scrobiculus cordis. [Qf.] Pinching in the depth of the region of the scrobiculus cordis,, increased on taking a deep breath (aft. i h ). [5"z£^.] Drawing in and below the scrobiculus cordis (ist and 2d d.). [Z?r.] Tearing and pointed lancination in and below the scro^ biculus cordis, frequently repeated. [Qf.] 475. Stitches darting toward one another, from both sides of the stomach, with a simultaneous stitch in the middle of the sternum. [A^.] Beating below the scrobiculus cordis, as if in the peritoneum,, like pulsation or like the motion of a w^orm. [A^.] Burning in the upper part of the stomach, while fastings ZINCUM. 1559 Moving about in the stomach, with sensation of coldness, at noon. [A^.] Gurgling and clucking in the stomach, while yawning, at noon, also in the evening, [i^^.] 480. In the hypochondria, cramplike pains, alternating with tight- ness in the chest and difficult breathing. \_Sw.'] In the right hypochondrium, pressure on a small spot. [Qf.] Pinching pressure in the hepatic region. [Qf.] Pinching, squeezing pressure on a small spot of the hepatic region. [Qf.] Pinching in the right hypochondrium and the right side of the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence, increased by moving. 485. Jerking tearing, drawing and pressure in the right hypochon- drium. [Qf.] Intermittent tearing in the hepatic region. [Qf-] Shooting in the hepatic region and the right hip. [Qf".] Shooting in the right hypochondriac region, during sour eruc- tation and while inspiring. [A^.] Shooting in the right hypochondrium at various times, at times simultaneously in the region of the hips, so violent as to cause screaming, or with external burning or smarting; at times also in the evening or after dinner. [A^.] 490. Some stitches in the right side of the abdomen. Sharp twitching stitches in the hepatic region, after supper. Pressure on the left hypochondrium. [_G^.~\ Pressive pinching in the left hypochondrium (in the splenetic region), at times in paroxysms. [Qf".] Pressure with shooting, in the left hypochondrium. [i^/.] 495. Pressive shooting, deep in the splenetic region, aggravated by pressing upon the spot. [6^.] Shooting in the left hypochondrium (the splenetic region). Shooting in the left hypochondrium, also in the evening, while walking and standing. [A^.] Dull shooting in the splenetic region. [Qf.] Slowly pulsating sensation of soreness in the left hypochon- drium. [Qf.] 500. The renal region on the left side is sensitive when touched. Pressure in the renal region on the left side, at times with violent pinching. [Qf.] Pinching in the renal region. [Qf.] Tearing in the right renal region, at times lancinating. Sharp, intermitting tearing in the left renal region. [GJf.l 505. Occasional cutting tearing, at times a drawing pressure in the right renal region. [Qf".] Shooting in the renal region, at times extending to the chest, in the evening, or after dinner. [A^^-.] Shooting in the left renal region, in paroxysms. [^/^".] 1560 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Dull shooting in the right renal region (9th d. ). [Q^.] Shooting pressure in both the renal regions. [Qf. and Lqr:\ 510. Shooting and bruised pain in the left renal region, while standing and walking. \Frz?^ Sore pain in the left renal region. [Qf.] Pain in the abdomen, as from incipient diarrhoea. \Lqr^ Occasional violent pains in the abdomen, with nausea and with water running from the mouth, sometimes fetid mucus runs out with it, taking away all her appetite. Pressive pain in the abdomen, as from flatulence. [Qf^] 515. Pressure in the whole of the abdomen (4th d.). [Qf.] Pressure in the right side of the abdomen, close to the hip (9th d.). [Qf.] Pressure in the abdomen and pufiiness, from the scrobiculus cordis down to below the umbilicus, with sensitiveness of the right upper eyelid. [Qf".] Pressure in the abdomen, with much inflation, after partaking of only a slight amount of food (2d d.). \Gff.^ Pressive sensation deep in the hypogastrium, with formication extending to the commencement of the urethra. [Qf.] 520. Pressure in the abdomen which is (not otherwise) inflated, toward evening, with discharge of much inodorous flatus. [Qf.] Pressure extending into the abdomen, from the fauces down- ward, as if a solid body offered resistance from below upward. Pressure in the hypogastrium, then an ordinary stool, with cessation of the pain. [A^.] Dull pressure on a small spot below the umbilicus, as from an internal induration, aggravated by external pressure, as well as by drawing in the abdomen. \Gff.^ Hard pressure, as from flatulence, in the sides of the abdomen, the hypochondria and the back, even in the morn- ing in bed, aggravated by walking, without discharge of flatus; only slightly relieved after a stool, but renewed again by move- ment in walking, many days in succession (aft. 2d.). 525. Sharp pressure between the scrobiculus cordis and the umbil- icus, especially aggravated by drawing in the abdomen, but diminished by the eructation caused thereby. \Gff-^ Pressure in the middle of the abdomen, soon after a moderate supper. [Qf.] Tension in both sides of the abdomen (ist d.). \_Gff.'\ Sensation of tension above the navel, with sensation of qualm- ishness in the scrobiculus cordis. \_Frz^ Tensive pain in the left side of the abdomen, relieved by eructations ( ist d. ) . \_Gff.'\ 530. Severe inflation of the abdomen, in the evening, when going to sleep without taking supper (aft. 2d.). Fullness in the abdomen, immediately after eating, as if filled with flatulence (aft. 24 h.). Heaviness in the abdomen. Colicky, dull pains in the abdomen. \Lqr?^ Constricting pain in the abdomen, arresting the breath, [i?/.] ZINCUM. 1 56 1 535. Contractive pain in the left side of the hypogastrium, when walking and when pressing upon it; passing away while sitting; after dinner. [A^.] Severe pains in the abdomen, contracting the whole abdomen, at once after midnight while lying down, but more yet on rising (aft. 5d.)._ Ver}' violent pinching in the forepart of the abdomen, with discharge of flatus, in the evening. [A^.] Pinching in the abdomen, extending to the stomach, where it is contractive, in the evening; she has to double up. [A^.] Pinching in the epigastrium, with frequent discharge of flatus and with itching above the hip, in the evening. [A^^.] 540. Pinching in the abdomen, at various times (also in the sides of the abdomen and about the navel), at times when yawning, or after breakfast, or with colic after dinner. [A^.] Slight pinching here and there in the abdomen. [/Z/^^.] Pressive pinching below the umbilicus, while walking, as if from flatulence. Tensive pinching in the abdomen, then dull shooting toward the scrobiculus cordis, more perceptible on concussion and on drawing in the abdomen. \_G)f.~\ Shooting pinching in the umbilical region. [Gff.'\ 545. Pinching or cutting in the abdomen, on different days, at times in the morning, also frequently followed by soft or diarrhoeic stools. [A^.] Cutting in the epigastrium. [Qf.] Cutting transversely through the abdomen, below the navel. IGff.-] Cutting in the epigastrium, while eating. [A^.] Cutting in the whole of the abdomen, from the evening after lying down, till morning. [A^.] 550. Violent cutting in the whole abdomen, after partaking of milk, with growling and frequent discharge of flatus. [A^.] Sharp cutting stitch in the left hypogastrium, just after the discharge of some flatus. [Gff.^ Cutting stitch, transversely across the umbilical region. \_Gff.~\ Shooting in the abdomen, with inflation of the same. Pricking in the hypogastrium, as from needles. [6^/f^] 555. Dull shooting, as from an internal ulcer on a small spot, on the right side above the navel, aggravated by touching and by movement (5th, 9th d.). \_Gff.^ Stitches in the left side of the hj^pogastrium. [A^.] Sharp lancination in the abdomen, as if the intestines were being pierced with fine needles, in paroxysms. \_Lqr.'] Violent, penetrating stitch through the right os ilium, from the upper to the lower part, on bending the bod}' over with the abdomen hard pressed against something. [A[i^'.] The pressure in the abdomen, as from flatulence, arising after dinner and supper, is changed while walking, into lancinations, and is finally removed by discharge of flatus. \_Gff\'] 560. Burning stitches in the abdomen (8tli. d.\ {_('ff-^ Tearing stitches in the umbilical region (8th d.). [Z^^/^'.] 1562 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Frequent dull tearing deep in the right hypogastrium, drawing into the flank (7th, 8th d. )• [Qf.] Dull tearing deep in the side of the left hpyogastrium, start- ing from the region of the hip. [Qf.] Writhing pain in the abdomen, before every discharge of flatus, in the morning in bed. [i^/.] 565. Itching in the whole of the epigastrium. [^^^.] Bruised sensation in the right side of the hypogastrium, as if - a spot there w^as decaying. [Frz.'] In the bend of the groin, sensation while walking, as if the muscles there were too short. A screwing together in the left inguinal region, extending up into the chest. \_Ng.'] Violent pinching in the right flank and the right inguinal region, as in the suppresion of urine, both at rest and in motion^ and renewed on rising from a seat. [A^.] 570. Stitches in the left flank, in the morning, after awaking. Lancinating pressure, somewhat above the inguinal region. Pricking with alternate drawing in the left inguinal region, at night, disturbing the sleep (ist n.) [Sw.'] Frequent drawling, in the region of the left flank (first day). Drawing pain in the region of the left flank, while sitting. 575. Drawing and pressing, in the region of the os pubis and of the flanks, many days in succession. \_Sw.~\ Pressure and squeezing in the region of the os pubis, for four days (aft. 24 h.). [►Sze'.] Twitching pressure in the right inguinal region. [Qf.] Painful strangulation in the left flank, as if a hernia was form- ing. [Hhn.'] An inguinal hernia protrudes (aft. 37 d.). 580. The inguinal hernia is protruded with violence (aft. 5 d. ). In the inguinal gland, a sensation as if swollen. \_RL'] Flatulent motions in the abdomen. [5'a7.] Much flatus in the abdomen, which is not discharged; then pressive flatulent colic soon after a meal, much increased by mov- ing and walking. Accumulation and incarceration of flatulence in the abdomen, more in the hypogastrium, and pressive flatulent colic, in the eve- ning (aft. 12 h.) 585. Accumulation of flatulence in the abdomen, cau^sing the varices to protrude; these are then very painful, especially when lying down (aft. sever, h. ) Incarceration of. flatus, in the [morning, in bed, painful like colic, with loud growling and grumbling in the abdo- men (aft. 4 d.). She suffers much from flatulence. Restlessness in the abdomen, without pain, but very disagree- able. ZINCUM. 1563 Movements and growling in the abdomen with frequent discharge of flatus, especially in the evening, or with cutting in the hypogastrium after dinner. [A^^.] 590. Rumbling and growling in the whole of the abdomen, then painful retraction of the abdomen, with a sensation as if a stool was coming. [A^.] Frequent grumbling in the left side of the abdomen, in the evening. [A^.] Severe fermenting rumbling, then groaning in the right side of the abdomen. \_Htb.'] Rumbling and noises in the abdomen, in the evening (aft. 2d.). IHbd. u. Frz.'\ Much growling in the abdomen in the morning. \Gff^ 595. Loud and frequent rumbling in the abdomen. Loud growling in the abdomen, violent and frequent, without pain (aft. 72 h.). Frequent gurgling in the epigastrium and hypogastrium (7th, . 9th and loth d.). {Gff.l Frequent discharge of flatus (ist d.). \Frz.'\ Frequent discharge of hot flatus, both loud and soft, in the evening. [Also A^.] 600. Hot, very fetid flatus is frequently discharged after dinner till night. [A^.] Putrid fetid flatus. Ill-scented flatus is frequently discharged with noise toward morning, without flatulent troubles in the abdomen, for several evenings successively; the first discharges were inodorous. \Frz.'\ Call to stool, with movements in the abdomen (very soon). The stool is suppressed (ist d.). [A^.] 605. Constipation during the whole of the first period of proving. \_Lqr:\ Constipation, but there is some call to stool. [Qf.] Ineffectual urging to stool (20th d.). Repeated ineffectual call to stool (aft. 2d.). Call to stool, in the morning and after meals. 610. Long-continued call to stool, which at last only results with great efforts, though soft. Dry, insufficient stool, only every two or three days (2d, 4th, 6th d.). {Gff:\ Tough, scanty stool, followed by tenesmus and heat and burn- ing in the anus ( loth d,). {GffT^ Tough, light-yellow stool, with lancination in the anus (12th d.). \Gff.-\ Difficult discharge of the (soft) stool, with flow of prostatic juice. 615. Unshapen, thickly-formed stool, which is only evacuated with great efforts of the abdominal muscles. [^/.] Difficult, hard stool, the whole of the first period. \_Lqy.^ Hard stool, with discharge of some blood (aft. 4 d.). Hard stool, with renewed urging afterward. [A^i^-.] 1564 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Hard, often lumpy stool, onh^ discharged in pieces, with pressure and clawing in the anus. [^^5".] 620. Hard, small, pretty dry stool, with much pressure and with rumbling in the abdomen, in the ev^ening. \jFItb^ Hard stool, in the commencement, which toward the end be- comes eas3' and soft (13th d.). \Lq^'^ Hard, thick stool, at first, toward the end it is soft; the whole of it is light-colored. Hard stool, in the morning, without pressing; then immedi- ately after dinner, a very soft stool, accompanied and followed by vertigo and humming in the head. [A^.] First a little hard stool, then several ver\^ scanty, soft stools, in the evening. \Htb?^ 625. Soft stool, after dinner, with cessation of the abdominal pains. Several papp}', soft stools a day, enveloped in bright-red, froth}' blood, and preceded by colic (ist d.). \Frz^ The stool is thinner and more easv than usual (aft. 6 h.). Very thin, diarrhoeic stool, with much discharge of flatus (the second time during the day. ) [7/M.] Diarrhoea, in the evening, with pinching in the abdomen (2d d.). lNg:\ 630. Two diarrhoeic stools in two hours, and after these leucor- rhoea (7th d.). [A^.] Pappy diarrhoea for man}^ days, without pain, only some tenes- mus after the stool, as if more would come. \_Stf^ At every discharge ti stool and of flatus, pains in the abdo- men (aft. 6 d.). During the stool, burning in the anus. [A^.] Immediately after the stool, burning in the anus. 635. After the dry stool, pressure in the h3'pogastrium. \_Gff?^ After the (normal) stool, lancinating pain in the abdomen (aft. 5d.). After a copious stool, pain in the abdomen. {Lqr.'\ The rectum seems pressed upon b\' flatus, but none is dis- charged. {Lqr?^ Sensation in the rectum, in the evening, as if the flatus was pressed against the cocc3"x and there kept back. 640. Pressing and boring from the rectum into the abdomen, so that she could not remain sitting. Heaviness in the rectum, while standing, this goes off through discharge of flatus. Drawing pain in the rectum, extending into the abdomen (aft. 24 h.). Cutting and erosion in the rectum. Jerking cutting on the anus. [Qf.] 645. Tearing on the anus. \Gff-^ Stitches in the anus (loth d.). Stitches into the anus. [A^.] A strangulating stitch, darting like lightning and starting from the anus into the rectum (aft. 3d.). ZINCUM. 1565 Twitching stitches from the rectum into the root of the penis. 650. Burning lancination in the anus, in the evening, while walk- ing. lHtb:\ Crawling shooting in the anus, in the morning. \Gff.^ Crawling pressure in the anus (6th d.). [Qf.] Crawling in the anus as if from worms. [Qf.] Itching in the rectum. 655. Itching in the anus, in the evening. [A^.] Itching in the anus, terminating in a dull pain. [^^/".] Intense itching on the anus, after a soft stool. Violent itching on the anus, for several days (aft. 4 d.) Violent itching in the anus, almost every day. \Gff?^ 660. Severe itching on the anus, and exudation of an erosive humor. Sore formication in the anus. [Qf^] Soreness in the rectum. Burning sensation of soreness in the anus, in the evening (istd.). [Qf.] Burning in the anus (nth d.). [Also A^.] 665. Varices of the anus protrude, with erosive pain. Discharge of blood from the anus (loth d.). The urine presses hard upon her bladder (aft. 4 d.). Frequent urging to urinate, at night, with slight discharge. Urging to urinate, every evening, after micturition, on lying down, but only three to four drops are discharged at a time, yet without pain. [A^.] 670. The urine is only discharged slowly and in a very thin stream. The urine is discharged by drops, in the evening for three days (i6thd.). [A^.] The urine after dinner seems diminished. [A^.] Diminished, pale urine, in the evening and morning (2d and 3dd.). \.Ng:\ The urine seems increased, in the evening. [A^.] 675. More frequent and somewhat increased flow of urine, of a color either clear as water or lemon-yellow (first days), [^'zr'.] Excessive pressure to urinate; he passes very much urine. Repeated passing of urine, not very copious but ver}^ light- yellow, after midnight. \Gff^ At night she must urinate much, without having drunk much (ist n.). Involuntary passage of urine while blowing the nose (after a difficult stool). 680. Reddish urine. {Gff.'\ The scanty urine becomes turbid, like clavey water (aft. i h. ) . The urine passed during the night, is in the morning quite turbid and of a clayey color (after 2 d. and later"). \Gff^ The yellow urine deposits at night a clayej^ sediment. [A^.] The yellow urine has a cloudy sediment. [A^.] 6Ss. The urine, which is very 3'ellow, deposits whitish flakes after standing for some time (ist d.). [Qf.] The clear urine of an orange color later on deposits a flak}- sediment (3d d. ). [5a'.] Flow of blood from the urethra, after painful micturition. Much blood passes from the urethra. Pressure on the bladder, but not to urinate. 690. Sensation of cramp in the bladder, with previous pain in the abdomen. [^/.] In the urethra and penis, anteriorly, a very painful drawing. [Gff.] Acutely painful drawing and tingling, extending forward from the abdomen into the urethra. [Qf.] Drawing and tearing in the anterior part of the urethra Tearing and smarting, anteriorh- in the urethra, when not urinating. [6^.] 695. Biting sensation in the orifice of the urethra, after micturi- tion(3dd.). [G#.] Sharp, tearing cutting in the middle of the urethra toward the front (5th d.). [GJ.'] Cutting in the orifice of the urethra, in the evening when sitting. {Frz.'\ Shooting at the orifice of the urethra (nth d.). \_Gff.'\ A strangulating stitch in the urethra, darting quick as light- ning from the ver3^ tip to the postreme part (aft. 2 d.) 700. Itching in the urethra (aft. 36 h.). Burning in the urethra, after micturition. Burning before and during micturition. [A^.] Tearing burning in the urethra (6th d. ). Sore pain of the interior part of the urethra, when not urinat- ing. [(;#] 705. On the genitals, frequent coming out of the hair. The penis is painfull}' sensitive during walking, as if the shirt were too rough, causing friction. [-/?/.] Twitching from the groin toward the penis. \JR.l.^ Painful twitching on the root of the penis. [Qf.] Tearing drawing in the root of the penis, after a dull shooting near the genitals in the h3'pogastrium. [Qf.] 710. In the tip of the glans, a tearing. [Qf.] Dull stitches up from the scrotum into the glans. Shuddering on the scrotum and the adjacent parts, as in goose-skin. [5z£'.] Shuddering on the scrotum, with shriveling of the same. [5-...] Shriveling of the scrotum (2d. d.). . \_Sw^ 715. Itching of the scrotum, violent as from a wound, and not to be removed b}^ scratching, for mam- evenings in succession. \_Frz^ A li':tle pimple, small, red, with sore pain,. around the root of a hair of the scrotum, for three daj^s (aft. 5 d. ). [Qf.] ZINCUM. 1567 Sore sensation on the side of the scrotum, and on the thigh where the scrotum touches it. [Qf.] The right testicle is painful, especially when touched (3d. d.) Pressive, transient stitches in the left testicle, while at rest. [mm.] 720. Drawing pain in the testes. Drawing, first in the left testicle, then in the right, [^ze/.] Frequent drawing, starting from the testicles and fol- lowing the course of the spermatic cord (2d, 3d d.). [vSz£^.] Pricking drawing pain in the testes, most while sitting and stooping, for many days. [5*0^.] Pricking pressure and drawing in the left testicle, at times extending upward along the spermatic cord. [kSo^.] 725. Either the right or the left testicle is drawn up, with some pain and swelling. [^"'z£^.] The sexual organ and the fancy are too warmly excited in the intercourse with females, and the semen is emitted too quickly. Great excitation to coitus in the genitals, and yet the emission of semen is difficult and almost impossible (aft. 48 h.). Severe erections (loth d. ). lyong continued, violent erection, with pressure in the abdo- men. [(7#] 730. Pollution without lewd dreams, two nights in succession (7th, 8th n.). [Lgr.] Profuse emission of prostatic juice, without cause (aft. 9 d. ). Sexual excitation with females, several times during the night, without lewd dreams (2d n.). Irresistible impulse to onany, in a woman, without lewd dreams (7th n.). Straining toward the sexual parts, with cutting about the navel. [A^.] 735. Pressure in the sexual parts and in the rectum (aft. 13 d.). Varices on the pudenda. The lochia in a lying-in woman are suppressed, and the milk in the breasts decreases. The menses, which had been suppressed for three months, return, with alternating paleness and redness of the face. The menses do not appear at the usual time. [A^.] 740. The menses reappear after a cessation of thirty -seven days, and the flow is pretty strong, especially at night and while walk- ing, with severe cutting and urging in the abdomen and in the sacrum (26th d.). [A^.] The menses are too early by five days, stronger than usual and last three days. [A^.] Discharge of lumps of coagulated blood during the menses, mostly while walking. [iV^.~\ Menses too earl}^ by fourteen days (aft. 18 d.). The period of the menses is lengthened. 745. The menses only last three days. [A^i,'.] During the menses, weariness in the feet and a soft stool, in the evening. [A^.] 1568 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. During the menses, great heaviness in the lower limbs, with intense drawing about the knees, as if they would be twisted off. During the menses, inflammation of the eyes. During the menses, burning during micturition. [A^.] 750. During the menses, sudden tightness and oppression of the gastric region, so that she had to unlace ever3^thing. During the menses, weary in the hands and feet. [A^.] During the menses, in the evening, heaviness in the forehead^ w4th a sensation as if the head would be drawn backward. [A^.] During the menses, chilly all the day. [A^.] During the menses, peevish and tearful. 755. During the menses, anxieties. During the menses, shooting, biting and itching about the sexual parts, with a sensation, as if they were swollen. After the menses, discharge of bloody mucus, exciting itching on the pudenda. The leucorrhoea returned, but only for one day and then no more (aft. 15 d.). Leucorrhoea after previous cutting pains in the abdomen, with constant yawning. [A^.] 760. Mucous leucorrhoea, with pinching in the epigastrium. [A^.] Leucorrhoea, especially after every stool. Leucorrhoea of thick mucus, for three days, especially in the morning and evening, also before and after the menses (i8th, 19th d.). [A^^.] Sneezing after previous cutting tingling in the nose, in the evening. [Qf.] Frequent sneezing, without coryza. ] Gff^ 765. Sneezing, in the morning and afternoon. [A^.] Sneezing after a meal. \Htb.'\ Itching in the right nostril. [A^.] Itching in the left nostril, then frequent sneezing, followed by very profuse epistaxis, which was stopped by cold water (loth d.). lNg:\ Sensation of coryza, with sore sensitiveness of the inside of the nose. [A^.] 770. Stuffing of the nose (aft. 14 d.). [Also A^.] Stuffing of both nostrils; she can draw no air at all through them, and has to sleep with the mouth open (aft. 5 d.). Coryza, suddenly in the evening, after lying down. [A^.] Severe stuffed coryza, all the day, with pain in the back, especially while sitting. Fluent coryza, alternating with stuffed coryza, especially in the evening. 775. Fluent coryza at first, later on stuffed coryza. Fluent coryza, wdth tingling in the nose and frequent sneez- ing. Fluent coryza toward evening, with pressure on the right tonsil when swallowing and yawning. Increased flow of mucus from the nose, without coryza (aft. T2h.). ZINCUM. 1569 Severe coryza and rough throat (4th d.). 780. Roughness and dryness in the throat and in the larynx, frequently and at various times, especially in the morning, or after dinner, often impelling to hawking or coughing, at times going away after partaking of food. [A^.] Rough and raw sensation on the chest, and at night, heat and sweat (aft. 13, 14 d.). Hawking up of much black, coagulated blood, after rawness and dr^mess in the throat, and hawking up of mucus, in the morn- ing while walking, and with sore pain deep down in the throat, then all da}^ a sweet taste in the mouth, dryness in the throat and bloody saliva. [A^.] Hoarseness and roughness in the throat, so that she could hardly breathe. [A^.] Hoarse, as if the chest was full of mucus. 785. Hoarseness with burning in the windpipe. By clearing the throat (retching), much mucus is detached from the throat. Tussiculation, at rare intervals, with constant roughness in the throat, in the evening. [A^.] Frequent dry tussiculation, without pain. [A^.] Tickling cough, very fatiguing, also by day, but worst at night. 790. Short cough, from tickling below the sternum (4th d.). Suffocating cough; the tickling incitation takes his breath away. Dry cough, in the evening, with heaviness on the chest, which goes off after lying down. [A^.] Dry cough repeatedly awakes her at night, during the menses. Dry cough with severe shooting in the chest and sensation as if it would burst open; she can breathe and talk only with dif- ficulty. lGr.~\ 795. Cough which does not allow him to sleep all night, with shooting in the chest, with slight thirst (aft. 22 d.). Cough with shooting in the head. Expectoration of tough mucus during coughing, like an old coryza, and after expectoration, a sensation in the chest as if it were hollow and cold. Expectoration of bloody mucus through coughing, after previous lancination in the side (aft. 40 d.). Expectoration of blood during coughing. 800. Expectoration of blood during dry cough, with burning and sore pain in the chest, in the morning and evening, also before and during the menses. [A^^.] Thick, purulent expectoration from coughing, by daj^ and by night (aft. 18 d.). The respiration is more oppressed than usual (ist d.). \_L-.] Bruised pain in the bone of the right upper arm. [AV.] Clucking in the left upper arm. [_Gff.^ 1576 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Smarting burning on the skin in the posterior upper part of the left upper arm (loth d.). [Qf.] A large furuncle on the left upper arm (aft. 31 d.). 985. In the elbows, rheumatic pressure. [6^.] Rheumatic drawing in the right elbow. [Qf".] Tearing in the bend of the elbow. [Qf.] Tearing in the right elbow-joint, going off by rubbing, in the morning. [A^.] Tearing in the left elbow, upward and downward in a spot of the breadth of a hand. [A^.] 990. Shooting and tension in the right elbow-joint, in the evening, while yawning. [A^.] Miliary eruption in the bend of the elbow. [^/.] In the fore-arm, or in the fingers, at times, spasmodic draw- ing. Drawing pain in the fore-arm, seemingly on the bones. [Htm.^ Tearing in the bone of the left lower arm, then in the knee, frequently both, while at rest and in motion. [A^.] 995. Sharp tearing in the left fore-arm, mostly in the upper half. [.Gf.-] Bruised pain in the fore-arms, on touching and turning the arm, wnth occasional tearing in thick part. [_Gff.'\ Clucking, dull tearing in the muscles of the inner side of the right fore-arm, not far from the bend of the elbow\ [_Gff.'] Burning in the fore-arm, above the right wrist-joint, on mov- ing the arm. [A^.] Burning on the left fore-arm, at night (aft. 6 d.). [_Gff.'\ 1000. Eruptive pimples on the fore-arm; they itch violently b}^ day. On the ball of the left hand, pressure. [Qf.] Stiffness on the dorsum of the hand, and a sensation as of cramp, in the extensor muscles of the thumb, on playing on the piano (ist d.). [^Frz.'] Tension in the metacarpal bone of the little finger, toward the wTist-joint. Tension in the right wrist -joint, as if the muscles were too short. 1005. Rheumatic tension above the left wrist-joint. [Gff.l Rheumatic drawing in the right wTist-joint. [Gff.'] Drawing pain in the right wrist-joint, as if sprained. [Rl.^ Painful drawing and tearing in the right wrist-joint, both at rest and in motion. [^'"V^.] Tearing drawing in the left palm, between the thumb and in- dex. [Gff.-\ I GIG. Tearing on the hands, extending from the wrist to the posterior phalanx of the thumb, while driving. [A^.] Tearing in the right wrist-joint (3d d. ). [Qf.] Tearing on the inside of the wrist. [Qf.] Tearing in the bend of the left wrist-joint, with tearing stitches in the dorsum of the left hand. \_Gff.'\ Tearing on the dorsum of the right hand, in the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, and in the wTist- joints. \_Gff.^ ZINCUM, 1577 1 01 5. Tearing in the metacarpal bones of both the index-fingers. Tearing in the dorsum of the left hand, occasionally also alternating with tearing on the right hand. [Qf^] Tearing in the right palm, near the fingers, frequently (aft. 5d.). [Qf.] Tearing pain in the middle of the right wrist, then tearing toward the dorsum of the fingers. [A^e.] Sharp tearing in the right hand, just below the wrist. [Qf.] 1020. Tensive tearing in the right palm. [Qf.] Pressive tearing on the wrist, in the region of the os pisi- forme. [Qf.] Shooting tearing in the right hand, in the bend of the wrist, and in the palm, near the little finger. \Gff.^ Pinching or pressive shooting in the ball of the left hand, behind the little finger, very painful. [A^.] Weakness and trembling of the hands, while writing. [Also Frz.'\ 1025. Trembling of the hands, during the menses. [A^.] Trembling of the hand, more when it is held quietly on the table, than when the elbow rests upon something. [A^.] The hands grow rigid, chiefl}^ the right hand. {Hbd^ The right hand feels as if it were paralyzed, it is quite bluish, looks dead, is heavy and without feeling, and the pulse in it is small, hardly perceptible, thread-like. \Hbd.'\ Cool hands (aft. 8 h.). {Frz.'X 1030. Burning pain in the right wrist and in the ball of the hand. £/?/.] Burning on a spot of the left hand \_Rl.^ Burning of the skin on the edge of the right hand (3d d.). lGff.-\ Biting sensation on the dorsum of the right hand, extending over the wrist, as if an eruption was coming. [Qf.] Itching pimple on the dorsum of the hand. 1035. Red, small, round spots on the hands and the fingers. [A^.] The hands perspire profusely. The epidermis of the hands chaps in a slight degree of cold, it becomes fissured and painful. Severe chilblains on the hands, which itched intensely and swelled up (aft. 10 d.). Piercing shooting in the fingers (aft. 6 d. ). 1040. A large prick as of a needle through the posterior phalanx of the left thumb, several times. [A^.] Sharplv cutting stitch in the tips of both the thumbs (5th, 7th d.). lGff.-\ Sharpl}^ cutting tearing in the upper (anterior?) joint of the right thumb. {Gff.\ Tearing stitches in the fingers. \_Lqr.^ Tearing stitches in the middle joints of the last three fingers in both hands. [Qf.] 1045. Tearing in the lower (posterior?) joints and phalanges of the fingers. \Cjff.'\ 1578 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing in the right thumb, as well as behind this and the next two fingers. [A^.] Tearing in the tips of the index, middle and little fingers. Tearing under the nail of the right thumb. [6r/f".] Tearing and painful beating in the left thumb, toward its tip, as in an ulcer, with going-to-sleep and sensation of numbness therein and with heat sensible also externall}^ [A^.] 1050. Tearing drawing in the anterior joints of the left ring and middle finger. [Qf.] Tearing drawing in the right thumb. [A^.] Twitching tearing, extending from the posterior joints of the fingers of the left hand and toward the tips, in the evening. [-A^.] Twitching in the posterior joint of the right thumb, without pain. [A^^.] Pressive pain in the middle joint of the right index, and in paroxysms in its lower phalanx. [6r/f.] 1055. Crawling and beating, frequently in the left thumb, with sensation of heat therein, without any perceptible external heat. Burning on the flexor surface of the fingers. [^/.] Shooting itching on a spot of the left fourth finger, and soon after a red pustule there, with a beating burning pain. \Htm^ Lump under the skin in the anterior bend of the joint of the ring-finger. [A^.] Burning paining chap between two fingers of the left hand. 1060. The left hip toward its posterior side is painful. \_Gff.'\ Dull pressure, just above the right hip. \Gff.'\ Pressive drawing, just above the right natis. [Q^.] Pressure and drawing on the posterior side of the thigh, so that he cannot sit down; it gradually passes off in walking. Pressive tearing in the left hip. [Qf.] 1065. Drawing pain in the natis, after drinking wine. \_Gff.'\ Drawing tearing and burning posteriorly on the left hip. Tearing anteriorlv on the crest of the ilium, while sitting. Tearing on the natis, below the left hip. \_G;ff^ Tearing just below both the hips and posteriorlv on the right hip. {Gff:\ 1070. Shooting tearing on the natis, below the right hip. \_Gff.'\ Bruised pain with pinching, heat and burning in the region of the left hip, extending into the middle of the thigh, with weari- ness of the lower limb and constant sensitiveness of the hip, while walking and standing; the pain passed off while sitting. [A^.] Bruised pain in the hip-joint, as if the flesh were detached from the bones. Bruised pain of the gluteal muscles as well as of the posterior muscles of the thigh, for two days (5th, 6th d.). [^^i^'.] Clucking in the right natis. \Gff^ 1075. ^^ ^^^ right lower limb, rheumatic drawing. [Qf,] ZINCUM. 1579 Heaviness in the lower limbs, with tearing therein, so that she can scarcely raise them. Heaviness of the lower limbs (at once). Heaviness of the lower limbs, especially of the calves, as after a long w^alk, on rising from the seat. [A^.] Sensation of weakness in the left lower limb, in all positions, in the evening. [A^.] 1080. Weariness and pain in the lower limbs, so that she can scarcely tread, wdth sensitiveness to every breath of air in the room, in the evening. [A^.] Severe itching all over the lower limbs. In the thighs, rheumatic drawing. [Qf.] Drawing pain in the thighs, occasionally, in the evening (9th d.).. Drawing pain on the inner side of the right thigh, [^ze/.] 1085. Dull twitching pain on the inner side of the thigh. [^/.] Drawing sore pain in the exterior muscles of the thigh. [<^.] Drawing tearing in the head of the left femur and below the hip (5th d.). \Gff.-\ Tearing in the ' thighs, especially in the thick part, also severe and continuous. [Qf.] Tearing on the inner side of the left thigh, going off through motion. [A^.] 1090. Painful tearing in the left thigh, from the knee upward, ex- tending to the middle. [A^.] Violent tearing on the outer side of the thigh, seemingly in the bone, from the hip down into the middle of the thigh; while sitting. \Frz.'\ Tearing stitches in the thigh, both while w^alking and lying down. Shooting on the posterior surface of the thigh, w^hile yawning, in the evening. [A^.] Dull stitches in the middle of the right thigh. [Qf .] 1095. Bruised pain on the anterior side of the left thigh, which is painful also on pressing upon it, long-continued. [A^.] Heaviness and paral3^tic pain in the left femur, above the knee; while walking, standing and sitting, it is ver>" violent; in the evening. [A^.] Painful sensation of heaviness and paral3'sis in the right thigh, while walking. \Htm.'\ Paralytic pain in the right thigh, first above, then down toward the knee, while standing; relieved b}' sitting, in the even- ing. [A^^.] Itching burning on the outer side of the right thigh, above the knee. [Qf.] 1 100. Itching of the thighs and houghs, very violent, in the evening, with nettle-like blotches after scratching. \Frz.'\ Itching anteriorl}'^ on the thighs, above the knees, five even- ings in succession, with pimples there, which are easily scratched open. [/v'£.] Varices on the thigh, extending to the labia pudendi. I5«0 HAHNEMANN S CHRONIC DISEASES. In the knee, dull pain, gradually increasing and decreasing. Dull, burrowing pain, frequently recurring, in the knees (2d d.). [5«-.] 1105. The knee-joints seem to him while dreaming, to be painful and almost immoyable, and when waking up unusually early, they actually pain him as after great exertion, but more when at rest, than in motion. [G^.'] Violent pains, first in the right patella, then in the left; also in the heel, in the evening and night. Tensive pain in the right knee-joint, when walking. [Qf.] Tension, then burning, just below the right knee (on the upper part of the tibia). [i\^.] Painful tension in the hough, when walking in the open air. mo. Rheumatic drawing in the right knee and down in the tibia. Tearing in the right knee, as also on the outer edge of the hough, extending into the calf. [Qf.] Tearing on the outer side of the left patella (aft. 3 h. ). Tearing, and bruised pain in both the houghs, worse while walking, easier while sitting; in the morning. [A^.] Tearing in the left knee-joint, or also from the knee upward, with bruised pain of the spot. [A^.] 1115. Tearing in the right knee, passing off by friction. [^^^.] Tearing and contraction in the left knee, seemingly in the bone, very painful both in rest and in motion. [A^.] Tearing and gnawing in the left knee, upward and downward, very painful [A^.] G-nawHng and boring in the left knee, with tension in the ^ upper part of the calf, renewed after sitting down. [A^^.] Stitches in the knee (aft. 15 d. ). II 20. Stitch on the inner side of the right knee, like a flea-bite. Pressive stitch on the inner side of the right knee, while at rest. [I/fm.^ Painful boring in the knees, especialh' in the right knee, in the evening. [A^.] The knees quiver while sitting, after a short walk. Intense itching in the right knee-joint. [^/.] 1 125. Tension and pressure downward on the leg, on the tibia. First pressure, then tearing on the inner side of the left leg, between the ankle and the calf (3d d.) \_Gff.'] Alternate pressure and drawing in both bones of the right leg. Rheumatic drawing and tension in the right tibia. [Gff.~\ Drawing pain in the legs, in the evening. 1130. Drawing pain in the right tibia (aft. 5 h.). [^//^m.~\ Drawing, downward on both the calves. [A^.] Sensation of drawing and contraction in the right tendo Achillis. [A^^.] ZINCUM. 1 58 I Tearing on the right leg, anteriorly below the knee, followed b}^ a bruised pain in that spot. [A^.] Tearing in the right and left calves. [Also Ng. and Gff^ 1 135. Tearing on the right tibia (4th d. ). [Qf.] Tearing down the tibia, extending into the dorsum of the foot. \Ng-'\ Tearing in the left leg, between the tibia and the ankle-joint. Tearing in the calf, extending to the ankle. [A^.] Tearing on the lower end of the right tibia. \Frz.'\ 1 140. Stitch above the right foot, while running. [A^.] Shooting pain in both the tibiae, while walking out. Piercing shooting in the tibiae (aft. 6 d.). Twitching in the left calf. \Sw^ Turgidity and stiffness of the muscles in the calves, while walking. [T^r^.] 1 145. Turgidity and drawing in the calf (ist d.). [/vr.] Cramp-pain in the left calf, at night. [5z£^.] Cramp-pain in the left calf and the left foot, [i?/.] Cramp in the leg, in the morning in bed, on drawing it up. There is a threatened cramp in the calves, on turning the body over. \Rl.^ 1 1 50. Sensation of stagnation of the circulation in the left lower limb, especially of the leg, frequently. [►S'^^] The right leg up to the knee goes to sleep, at night. Weariness of the legs, worse when walking. [A^.] Crawling and formication in both the calves, extending into the toes, both at rest and in motion. [A^.] Burning of the skin, below the right calf. \Gff.^ 1 155. Burning pain on the tibia. Erysipelatous inflammation and painful swelling of the tendo Achillis. [A^^.] Pulsating tearing in the tendines Achillis. [Qf.] A red spot on the leg, covered itself with scurf, with itching. The varices on the leg go off (curative effect). \Htb.'\ 1 1 60. In the left ankle, rheumatic tension, while at rest. [Qf.] Pain in the outer edge of the foot, as if the bones would break, while walking, while raising the foot, as well as when hold- ing it sideways and when standing it on its tip; not at other times. Tension in the right foot, extending dow^n the heel, as if a misstep had been made, or as if the muscles were too short. Straining in the sole of the right foot, as if the tendons were too short, when treading and walking, in the evening. [Af^.] Pressive pain below the external ankle. 1 165. Drawing tearing in the right foot, extending into the ankle, with sensation of heaviness while at rest. \Htm^ Drawing tearing about both the internal ankles, and in the tendines achillis. [/^?'-2'.] Tearing in the bend of the ankle as well as on the edge and on the dorsum of the left foot. \Cijf.^ 1582 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Tearing in the sole of the right foot and of the left. [Qf.] Tearing pain in the outer right ankle. [A^.] II 70. Tearing in the external ankle of the right foot, going off through friction. [A^.] Tearing and formication in the dorsum of the left foot, with numb sensation in the soles of the feet, disappearing in walking. Tearing on the outer edge of the right foot, toward the toes, passing off by rubbing. [Ng.'] Tearing below the right inner ankle, extending into the heel, in the evening while sitting. \_Frz.'] Tearing and tension on the edges of the right foot. [Gff.'] 1175. Tearing and pain in the heels, the feet felt as if broken off from the bod}^ [Frz.'] Shooting tearing in the sole of the foot, in the bend of the joint of the smaller right toes. [Qf.] Stitches in the heel. Piercing shooting in the ball of the foot (aft. 6 d.). Burning stitches in the bones of the dorsum of the foot, here and there. [Qf.] 1 180. Burning below the right inner ankle. [_Gff.'\ Burning below the right heel, worst when treading and walk- ing, less while sitting, in the evening. [A^.] Burning and heat of the soles of the feet, in the evening. [A^.] Burning and ulcerative pain in both soles, in the morning. Ulcerative pain in both heels, worse when walking than while sitting down. [A^.] 1 185. Unbearable boring pain in heel, after drinking wine. [Qf.] Sprained pain in the ankle. Sprained pain in the ankle, on moving the foot (aft. 4h.). IHtm.'] Pain in the soles of the feet on treading; they seem swollen, with a sensation as if a toothed instrunient scratched on them, for several da3's. [Rkt.'\ Severe, inflamed swelling on the foot (aft. 11 d.). 1 190. Swelling around the ankles (on a foot before diseased) . [^Htb.'] Cold feet, in the evening, continuing for a long time in bed (nth d.). Profuse foot- sweat of ill scent; the foot gets sore from walk- ing- Frequent painful going-to-sleep of the feet, toward evening. Very tired in the feet, in the morning in bed; going off after rising and walking about. [A^.] 1195. Trembling of the foot, on raising it, while sitting, not else. [/Vr.] Itching on the sole of the foot. Painful itching on the sole of the right foot. [A^.] Ulcerated blister on the dorsum of the right foot, as from burning (aft. 8 d.). The toes are painful, as if sore from walking. [RL^ ZINCUM. 1583 1200. Ulcerative pain in the right big toe, in the evening. [A^.] Sensation, as if he had bHstered his feet in walking. [^/.] Tearing sore pain on the tip of the big toe and under the nail (9th d.). \Gff?, Pain on the nail of the big toe, as if it was festering under- neath, when touched. Sprained pain in the posterior bend of the joints of the toes. [/>5-.] 1205. Drawing tearing in the toes and in the anterior half of the foot. \^Htm.'\ Tearing on the lower side of the first two toes on the right foot. \_Gff:\ Tearing in the right big toe, with twitching tearing on the outer side of the left calf. [A^.] Tearing in the right little toe, in the evening. [A^.] Shooting tearing in all the toes. \Gff.^ 1210. Shooting tearing in the posterior joint of the right big toe. {Ng. and Gff?^ Shooting tearing in the bend of the anterior joints of the first two toes on the right foot. [Qf.] Pulsating shooting in the tip of the right big toe (2d d.). {_Frz.-\ Pricking shooting in the left big toe (2d d.). [Frzl\ Formicating shooting, as after going to sleep, in the bend of the anterior joint of the left big toe, on the inside. \Gff.'\ 1 2 15. Violent shooting itching in the anterior ball of the big toe, in the evening. [A^'.] Burning and shooting in the ball of the big toe, when at rest, as if that part had been frozen. Painful itching, with heat, redness and swelling, on the right toes, as if they had been frozen, in the evening; rubbing or scratching threatens to increase the pain. Lumps on the little toe and on the ball of the foot, with shoot- ing pain while walking. Itching on almost ever}^ part of the skin (even on the face and on the head) at times with burning, or with redness, or with pimples and nodules after scratching; these occasionally, when touched, show a sore pain. [A^.] 1220. Itching at night, as from lice; after scratching, it always at once reappears on another spot. [A^.] Itching on the bending surface of the joints, [i^/.] Itching all over the body, without eruption (aft. 9 d.). Itching on the arms and legs, outside of the joints. Violent itching in all the joints in succession, at last in the hip-joint. [7?/.] 1225. Repeated itching of the skin. \Rkt^ Repeated itching at night, as from many flea-bites, especially in the back and on the abdomen. [Qf.] Single itching points in the skin, especially on the hands, without external redness or elevation. \^Hbd^^ 1584 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sudden itching, now here, now there, especially in the even- ing in bed, at once ceasing when touched. Shooting, now here, now there on the body, in the evening. 1230. Shooting pricking itching, in the evening in bed, on the fore- head, the thigh, the ankle, foot and other parts of the skin. lFrz.-\ Shooting itching on the skin, with miliar}^ eruption after rub- bing it. Itching miliary eruption in the hough and the bend of the elbow, [i?/.] Red pimples on the chest and in the face. \_Htb?^ Small pimples on the thighs, calves and about the knees, itch- ing severel}^ which ceases at once after scratching. \Frz^ 1235. Small pimples on the forehead, the back and third little toe. with sore pressive pain when touched. [Qf.] Small furuncles on the back, between the scapulae, and in other places. A small lesion of the skin bleeds profusel}^ (aft. 3d.). The external parts (lobule of the ear, tip of the nose, etc.) are apt to freeze in but a slight degree of cold. Great sensitiveness to cold, especiall}^ in the finger-tips and feet. 1 240. The pains caused hy Zinc seem occasionall}^ to be between the skin and the flesh. \_Lqr.'\ \A^ine aggravates almost all the ailments very much, even when they seemed to have been already removed by camphor. \Frz^ Wine and Nux Vomica aggravate the ailments caused by Zinc (especially the nocturnal restlessness and the constipation) and they also originate them again. [Qf.] Most of the ailments appear after dinner and toward evening. \Frz^ Most of the ailments come while sitting and in general when at rest, but while moving or in the open air, she perceives them but little. [A^^.] 1245. She seems to feel better in the morning. [A^;^.] Muscular twitching here and there on the body. [-/?/.] Quivering in various muscles. [^/.] Quivering and twitching in various muscular parts, [^'ze'.] Much visible twitching on the body and in the face (aft. 5 d.). 1250. Visible twitching in both the arms and the hands (aft. 16 d.). Violent trembling of all the limbs. \Rkt?^ Attack of tremulous weakness of the lower limbs, with great paleness of the face; it disappears on walking (5th d.). Cramp-pain, here and there in the muscles. [^/.] Cramp in the arms and lower limbs (aft. 5 d.). 1255. Obfuscation, like a slight nausea, with tremulous sensation in the chest, headache in the forehead and diminished ability of comprehending, so that he cannot understand what he reads, for two hours after dinner. {Gff?^ The whole day, general exhaustion, sleepiness, aversion to all ZINCUM. 1585 noise, and yet hardness of hearing, dreaminess, as after night- watching, with shuddering and cold chills running over the bod}^ as after taking cold after perspiring. Uncomfortable sensation of pressure and squeezing upon the inner walls of the trunk, as if the whole body would be burst asunder, without any trace of flatulence, more as if it was due to the nerves, and more severe on the right side than on the left. Violent beating all through the body. \_J^kt^ Pressure here and there, on the chest and back. 1260. Pressive pain in the left groin, on the left side, near the navel, in the left side of the chest, and on the left side of the head Odd.). Shooting cutting pain in the whole of the right side. [J^kt.'] Very violent drawing tearing in the middle part of al- most all the long bones, so that they have hardly any firm- ness for sheer pain, [i'?/^/.] Piercing shooting in the joints (aft. yd.). Shooting and tearing in all the limbs, extending into the finger-tips, worst after getting heated, while sitting down. 1265. Tearing in all the limbs, after bodily exercise and fast walk- ing. An almost burning heat arises while sitting, on single small spots, e. g-., between the thigh and the abdomen, on the side of the hypogastrium, etc. [_Gj^.~\ When walking in the open air, profuse perspiration (aft. 19 d.). When walking in the open air, severe pressive pain in the left eye. When walking in the open air, bruised pain in the back. 1270. Sensitive to the open air, in the afternoon and evening. Shudder from a piercing wind, not from coldness. Great heaviness in the limbs, when walking in the open air. When walking, there is at the start increased strength and greater lightness; then great lassitude throughout the whole period of proving. [^Frz.^ While walking, great lassitude in the houghs and in the sacrum all the day (aft. 2 d.). \_Fr2 ] 1275. On starting to walk, a sensation of weakness in the sacrum and transient lassitude in the lower limbs. Suddenly, in the afternoon, general weakness in the limbs, with trembling and sensation of voracious hunger, more while standing than in sitting (12th d.). Paralytic weakness and heaviness in the lower limbs, in the afternoon, when starting to walk, disappearing in continuing to walk. Weary and exhausted in body, frequently, especially after dinner, also at times with tremulousness and with heaviness of the head. [JV^.'] Sudden sensation of weakness in the arms and legs, with voracity. 1280. Great weariness in all the limbs. lOI 1586 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. Sudden swoon-like weariness while standing, so that she could hardly reach a chair for weakness. A bruised exhaustion in all the limbs, and weariness in the morning on awaking. He is so weary in the morning, on awaking, that he believes he cannot rise at all. [^Frz.'] In the morning, on awaking, involuntar}- discharge of a thin stool, [i?/.] 1285. In the morning, in bed, he cannot keep the one leg bent, owing to discomfort; he has to stretch it out. [/?/.] In the morning on awaking, his hands are asleep. In the morning in bed, sensation of heaviness in the body and weariness in the lower limbs, also similar to the sensa- tion after a sleep which was too heavy. [6r^.] Indolent, and weary, especiall}^ in the lower limbs, in the morning. [A^,] Stretching and extending the bod}^ and the Hmbs, w^hile the face is pale and sunken. [///^.] 1290. Weariness, frequent yawning and great lack of tone in the whole of the body. \_I/dd.'] Constant yawning. [Rkt.'\ Much and frequent yawning, w^th and without drowsiness, also in the morning and evening. [A^.] Yawning and constant inclination thereto, in the forenoon after a good sleep at night. \_Gff.'] Frequent yawning all day (ist d.). [^Frz,'] 1295. Sleepy, in the morning. [A^.] Sleepy and indolent, just after dinner. [A^.] Constant inclination to sleep; even in the morning, he can scarcely keep awake. [Rkt.'] She cannot fight off sleep at 2 p. m. and goes to sleep over her work; this passed off in the open air. [A^.] Much sleep. 1300. Drowsiness, with tensive cramp- like benumbed sensation of the head, without being able to sleep. I^ate in falling asleep, on account of liveliness of spirit. Late in falling asleep in the evening, but a sound sleep. [A^.] lyate in falling asleep, in the evening, but he feels wide awake early in the morning. [A^.] In the evening, he was mentally very lively, which kept him from going to sleep early (8th d. ). 1305. The sleep at night is frequently interrupted; the night seems very long to him. [6'z£^.] Restless sleep; she could sleep but little at night, but slept long in the morning. [A^^.] Frequent awaking at night, without cause (aft. 5 d.). [Also Ng.'\ Frequent awaking at night, from anxiety. [A^.] Restlessness in sleep after midnight; he wakes up too early, with great w^eariness and the sensation as if his eyes were too deep in the sockets. [_Gff.'] ZINCUM. 1587 1310. Frequent awaking, at night, and difficulty in falling asleep again; toward morning anxious dreams. In spite of great drowsiness he frequently awakes at night "with severe palpitation and screaming, owing to anxious dreams about thieves. Restless sleep with anxious dreams (4th and 33d n. ) Very restless sleep with frightful dreams. [Lqi'.~\ Frequent awaking owing to frightful dreams (ist n.). l^y^S- Restless sleep, with many vivid dreams; in the morning, on awaking, sensation of weariness. [Gff.'] Deep, fatiguing sleep, with many dreams. \_Lqr.'] He dreams all night, wakes between times, and is then very tired in the morning. [Gff.'] Dreams after midnight, so vivid that they are before his eyes even in the morning. [6^.] Sleep full of ravings. 5320. Vivid dreams make the sleep at night restless. Sleep very restless, full of fancies and thoughts, causing her to reflect (ist n. ) Loathsome dreams of defilement with human excrements and urine ( 2 d d . ) . [Frz. ] Vexatious, or quarrelsome, or sad dreams. [A^.] Dreams causing anxiety, 1:325. Anxious dreams, the anxiety from which remained even after awaking. Dreams of corpses, and of horses, which change to dogs under him. [Frz.'] Restless night; when aw^ake, he screams, as if crazy, that geese were biting him. Dreams that she is being throttled, and in the morningj after awaking, fears that the man who throttled her would return. In the evening, after lying down, she again rose up in bed and spoke unintelligible words; the breath was short and tremulous. 1330. Startled up from the night's sleep, with an involuntary jerk in the left lower limb (5th n. ). [Gff.] Starting up from the night's sleep, unconsciously to her, dur- ing the menses. [A^.] Loud screaming, at night in sleep, without knowing of it. Jerks through the whole body during the night's sleep and the siesta (aft. 32 h. and 2d.). At night, restlessness in the lower limbs, so that he cannot let them lie still (aft. 10 d.). 11335. At night, awaking from pains in the abdomen, followed by thick leucorrhoea. [A^.] At night especially, anxious sore feeling in the fauces. At night, tw^o soft stools. At night, eructation of the food partaken of at dinner. At night, she is waked up by coldness of her feet (aft. 36 h.). ^[340. At night, pleuritic stitches (aft. 8 d.). At night, violent pains in the sacrum and the abdomen, with 1588 HAHNEMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES. stitches in the left side and drawing pain in the lower limbs (aft. 40 d.). At night, drawing pain in the knee. At night, sudden violent stitches in the left side of the abdo- men, aggravated by breathing and pressure. In the morning-sleep, burning drawing pain in the sacrum and back; also a sensation of going to sleep, in the shoulder- joint, disturbing the sleep and disappearing on awakng. 1345. Shivering in the evening, so that she could not get warm in bed for a long while. [A^.] Shudder in the open air, passing off in the room, in the even- ing, [A^^.] Shuddering discomfort, like a foreboding of storm. Frequent feverish shivering down the back, for five days (aft. 3d.). Chilly shivering, in the evening, when her hand seizes anything cold; also a shaking chill, per se, so that she had to lie down, when it passed off. [A^.] 1350. Chill, which disappears in the room; this seizes upon her as soon as she goes out into the open air. [A^.] Chill after dinner, till evening. [A^.] Chilly in the forenoon; in the afternoon, frequent rising of heat, with redness of the face. [A^.] Chilliness, in the morning in bed, on awaking, [i?/.] Constant chilliness, with increased internal w^armth. \Hbd^ 1355. Chill while writing, for a quarter of an hour, with the sensa- tion as if a foreign body, hard as a stone, had gotten into his throat, with constant yawning. [A^.] Shaking chill from 4 p. m. till 8 p. m. on lying down, without heat, thirst or perspiration afterward; even in bed he could not get warm for a long time; but his sleep was good. [A^.] Attack of fever, daily several times, returning in the forenoon and in the afternoon; chilliness and shivering, flying heat all over the body, violent trembling of all the limbs, extreme sick feel- ing even to fainting; qualmish taste, while the morsel swelled up in the mouth; sensation of emptiness in the stomach, severe beat- ing all through the body, short, hot breath; very dry mouth, hot and dry hands. \_Rkt^ Heat in the head, in the evening, and, after two hours, chilli- ness. Severe heat in the head, in the evening, so that his eyes burned; three evenings in succession (aft. 10 h.). 1360. Heat in the face without headache, while the body is cool, all the forenoon. Agreeable warmth with slight perspiration all over the body, in the afternoon. [A^.] Increased internal warmth, not perceptible externally after 6 p. M. \_Ng^ Increased warmth in the whole body, with perspiration in the axilla. [A^.] Increased warmth all over the body; only in the abdomen a sensation of coldness; in the evening. [A^.] ZINCUM. 1589 1365. Increased warmth all over the body, except on the feet, as if perspiration would break out; in the afternoon. [A^.] Heat in the whole body, especially on the head, with redness of the cheeks, without external heat. [A^] . Sensation of heat in the whole body, especially in the back, where she imagined she perspired; not on the feet. [A^.] Heat in the evening, after lying down, with anxiety, all the night. [A^.] Sensation of heat, with coldness of the forehead, in the even- ing. [A^^.] ^370. Heat and thirst, with a cool skin almost all over the body, in the evening. [A^.] Pulse quickened (72, 79, 85 beats) in the evening, at times with a sensation of increased warmth. [A^.] Night-sweat all over the body, especially on the lower limbs, for many nights in succession (aft. 3 d.). Night- sweat, the whole night, with heat; she could not bear any coverning. [A^.] Profuse night-sweat (aft. 33 d.). 1375. Perspiration having a sour smell. INDEX TO THE FIRST OR THEORETICAL PART. ABDOMINAL AFFECTIONS not unfrec^uently pass over into pains in the joints or into paralysis, 6; they are sometimes caused by suppressed itch, 24. Abdominal symptoms caused by psora, 59. ADVENTITIOUS FORMATIONS mostly caused by psora, 7. AGGRAVATION, homoeopathic, as a sign of incipient cure, 120. ALLOPATHIC TREATMENT, its effects, i. Under allopathic treatment the aggravation of the psoric chronic diseases proceeds without any escape, 15; allopathy in sycosis, 83; in syphilis, 87, 88, 93. Allopathic excuses for suppressing itch, answered, loi. Allopathic use of sulphur is only harmful, 105. Only an allopath can advise chronic patients to drink strong pure wine to strengthen themselves, iii. The medicinal diseases caused by allopathic misuse of medicines, a great obstacle to the cure of psora, 114. Allopathy has not been able to cure any chronic disease, only to alleviate it, 139. AMAUROSIS caused by suppressed itch, 24. ANTHRAX, 34. ANTIPSORIC REMEDIES, 7. X'/hile an antipsoric medicine is duly acting, no other medicine should be given to cure a slight intervening ailment, 119. The best time for taking antipsoric remedies is in the morning, fasting, 137; the patient should keep perfectly quiet, but not go to sleep, 137; not to be taken before the menses, 138. Pregnancy offers no obstruc- tion to antipsoric treatment, but is favorable to it, 138. Antipsoric reme- dies, how to be recognized beforehand, 144. Most of the earths, alkalies and acids, as also suphur, phosphorus and other combustible substances, cannot be dispensed with in curing psora, 144. ANXIETY from psora, 75. APOPLEXY caused by the suppression of itch, 30. APPETITE affected by psora, 58. ASTHMA caused by suppressed itch, 18; as also suffocating asthma, asthma with general swelling, asthma with dropsy of the chest, 20. Asthma from psora, 67, 68. BATHS. Warm and hot baths nnist be discontinued during antipsoric treat- ment, substituting lukewarm ablutions, 141. BEER cannot be permitted to chronic patients, especially on account of the prevalent admixture of harmful ingredients, m. BLADDER, S3nnptoms caused by psora, 62, 63. 1592 INDKX. BLOODIyETTiNG is not needed in Homoeopathy, 140. BOIIvS, recurring, from psora, 71. BONES. Swelling of the bones of the knee, caused by suppressed itch, 25; also pain in the bones, 25. Bones as affected by psora, 69. BRAIN. Degeneration of the brain caused by repressed itch, 22. CAPRICIOUSNESS from psora, 77. CARIES caused by suppressed itch, 25. CATARACT caused by suppressed itch, 24. CATARRH. Suffocating catarrh caused by suppressed itch, 19; caused by psora, 66. CERVICAI^ GlyANDS, swelling of same caused by suppressed itch, 23. CHANCRE. The chancre, so long as it remains, keeps the venereal disease from breaking out, 39, 87. The destruction of the chancre is always fol- lowed by syphilis, 88. When the chancre disappears from the use of internal remedies, the internal syphilis is cured, 91. CHANGE to a new remedy, before the old has exhausted its action, ought to be carefully avoided, 122. CHEST symptoms caused by psora, 67. CHII,BI,AINS from psora, 71. CHIIylvINESS from psora, 70. Chills from psora, 75. CHOICE, the wrong choice of remedies, how to be avoided, 121. CHRONIC DISEASES, Homoeopathic partial success in curing them before the discovery of the antipsorics, 2. They are temporarily checked by favorable surroundings, 3. All chronic non-venereal diseases have their cause in psora, 5. Most chronic diseases caused by the ancient miasma of leprosy or modern itch, 8. All chronic diseases if not cured, are con- tinually aggravated, 9. Seven-eighth of the chronic diseases spring from the suppression of itch, 14. Enumeration of the same, 77 (note). Chronic diseases will be found varied by an intervening epidemic disease, so as to require another antipsoric to complete the cure, 133. The latest symptoms added in a chronic disease always yield first, the oldest, last, 135. When the treatment is half completed the disease returns into latent psora, but it must be followed up to its complete termination, else a new chronic disease will arise, 136. A great chronic disease of, 10, 20, 30 or more years, is quickly cured if this is done in one or two years, 136. The strength of a chronic patient ought to steadily increase under hom- oeopathic treatment, 137. CIvIMATIC differences cause changes in the common psora, enumeration, 143. CLYSTER. A clyster of clean, lukewarm water in constipation is permissible at the beginning of antipsoric treatment, 140. COFFEE has augmented the tendency to chronic diseases, 13; it must be dis- continued in chronic psoric diseases, T09. COLDNESS of the body from psora, 30. CONFECTIONS, spiced cor fections, peppermint confections, etc., must be dis- continued during antipsoric treatment, 141. CONTx\GION takes places instantaneously, 35. INPKX. 1593 CONVUIySIONS caused by suppressed itch, 28. CORNS from psora, 71. CORYZA caused by psora, 66. COUGH, severe, caused by the suppression of itch, 21. As a symptom of psora, 66, 67. COWPOX, 33. CRACKING of joints from psora, 74. CRAMPS from psora, 74. CRISIS in diseases, 35. CROUP, first healed by Homoeopathy, 4. DEAFNESS, caused by suppressed itch, 24. DIABETES caused by suppressed itch, 24. DIET s. under PSORA. DISINCLINATION to work, from psora, 77. DISTURBANCES in the cure of a chronic disease, 131; various remedies serv- ing to remove them, enumerated, 131, 132. DOMESTIC REMEDIES must be discontinued during antipsoric treatment, 141. DOSES, too large, their harmful effects, even in Homoeopathy, 120. Doses can hardly be made too small, 120. DREAMS as affected by psora, 75. DROPS, Spice-drops, stomach-drops, etc., must be discontinued during antipsoric treatment, 141. DROPSY. General dropsical sw^elling caused by suppressed itch, 22; do. dropsy of the chest, 22; also in the abdomen, 23. DROWSINESS from psora, 74. DRYNESS of the skin, of the body, from psora, 73. DUODENUM. Sphacelus of the duodenum, caused by suppressed itch, 22. DURATION of the effects of medicines, 123; of sepia in one instance, 123 (note); longer in chronic diseases, briefer in acute diseases, 124; lasts as long as it visibly advances the cure, 125. DYSENTERY, autumnal, first healed by Homoeopathy, 4. EAR-AFFECTIONS caused by psora, 55. ElyECTRICITY. Hahnemann first recommended the lightest electric sparks in paralytic and benumbed parts, but he took this back; substituting cold w^ater (54° Fahrenheit), 141. ENDEMIC diseases with their striking pertinacity depend almost wholly on a psoric complication, 134. EPIDEMIC diseases when cured frequently leave behind them a psora develop- ing into a chronic disease, 133. The great epidemic diseases, after com- pleting their course, frequently must be followed by antipsoric treat- ment, 134. The sequelae of epidemic diseases are really chronic diseases springing from a developed psora, 134. EPII/EPSY like vertigo, caused by suppression of itch, 28; do. F^pilepsy, 29; and Epileptic convulsions, 29. ;i594 iNDKx. EPISTAXIS frequently caused by Psora, 7. ERUPTIONS of various kinds caused by psora, 71, 72, ERYSIPELAS caused by suppressed itch, 24, 54; do. of one of the breasts, from psora, 67; in the face, the limbs or on the breasts, from psora, 71. EXCITABILITY from psora, 77. EYES. Obscuration of the eyes caused by suppressed itch, also far-sightedness, inflammation of the eyes, etc. , 23, 53. FAINTING spells from psora, 74. FEARFULNESS from psora, 77. FEVER caused by the suppression of itch, 25, 26, 27. Various fevers and their treatment, 132 (note) ; Epidemic and sporadic fevers, if they do not soon terminate and pass into good health, require antipsoric treatment, 134. FINGERS as affected by psora, 68. FLUSHES of heat, from psora, 70. FONTANELS must not be at once stopped, but checked and removed as soon as practicable, 140. FRECKLES from psora, 72. FRENZY from psora, 77. GLANDULAR swellings from psora, 72. GUMS affected by psora, 55. HAHNEMANN studied for twelve years to find out, why the ordinary Homoeo- pathic remedies would not radically cure chronic diseases, 5. Why he did not communicate his discoveries to any one till 1827, 5. Hahne- mann had never been affected by psora, 44 (note). HEADACHE, from psora, 52. HEARTBURN, from psora, 57, 59. HEAVINESS, sensation of, from psora, 73. HEMATEMESIS frequently caused by psora, 7. HEMATURIA, frequently caused by psora, 7. HEMOPTYSIS, frequently caused by psora, 7, 21, 67. HERNIA from psora, 61. HOARSENESS caused by psora, 66. HOMCEOPATHY. , Its superiorit}^ i. Ineffective in radically curing chronic diseases without the antipsorics, 3, 4. Correctness of homoeopathic prin- ciples, 4. H. first cured the idiopathic diseases, scarlet fever, purples, whooping cough, croup, sycosis and autumnal dysenteries, 4. It also first cured acute pleurisy and typhous contagious epidemics, 4. HUMORS. Discharge of acrid humors caused by suppressed itch, 25. HYDROCEPHALUS, caused by suppressed itch, 22. HYDROPHOBIA, 34. IDIOPATHIC. No idiopathic medicine among the antipsorics, 152. INFECTION takes place in a moment, 33. INSANITY caused by the suppression of itch, 30. INSOMNIA, from psora, 74. INDEX. 1595 INTERMEDIATE epidemic diseases occurring during the treatment of a chronic disease must be cured first; enumeration of the same, 132. INTERMITTENT FEVER not infrequently passes over into asthma, 6; caused by suppressed itch, 27; from psora, 75. Intermittent fevers differ in their character and symptoms nearly every year and then require a different medicine, 132, 133 (note); illustrations, 133. INTESTINES. Degeneration of the intestines, caused by suppressed itch, 22. do. Inflammation of the bowels, 24. IRRITABII/ITY from weakness, from psora, 77. ITCH. A former eruption of itch is the obstacle in many cases to the cure of a chronic disease, 6. Sometimes an unperceived attack of itch, 7. Itch is a later form of leprosy, 8. Its removal by ointments, etc., ui, 14. After effects of such suppression, 16, 17-31. Itch is only one of the in- dications of internal Psora, 31. Itch a chronic miasm, 35. After rub- bing the itch (which is unbearably agreeable), a long-continued burning ensues, 37. The itch eruption, while it lasts, keeps the psora as it were latent and confined, 39. Recent itch has been cured, by one dose of sul- phur, or of carbo vegetabelis, or of sepia, 105 (note). Itch from a new infection when properly cured also cures psoric chronic diseases if pres- ent, 118. JERKS of muscles, from psora, 74. JOINTS, as affected by psora, 69. LEPROSY and itch the cause of most chronic diseases, 8. Leprosy alleviated through cleanliness, became itch, 11. LIMBS. Pains in the limbs not unfrequently pass into hemorrhage, 6. The limbs as affected by psora, 68. LIVER symptoms, caused by psora, 60, 61. LIVER SPOTS, caused by psora, 72. MAMM^, as affected by psora, 68. MANIA from psora, 76. MARASMUS in children caused by suppressed itch, 25. MEASLES, 33. MEDICINES, article on, 143,-152. Medicines having in their crude state little or no medicinal virtue, such as salt and lycopodium, and gold, quartz and alumina, become when potentized b}' trituration, very powerful, 145. They change their qualities becoming soluble, while but little subject to chemical action, 145, 146; dry substances are to be prepared by trituration, as also dry vegetable substances, to the mill- ionth powder trituration, 147; then the dynamization is continued by dissolving the attenuation in alcohol and water, and shaking it, 147. The preparation of phosphorus for medicinal purposes, 14S (note). After the first solution is made in alcohol and water, so as to dissolve the sugar of milk, the higher potencies are carried on with pure alcohol, 150. The pellets which are moistened with these attenuations should be of the size of poppy seeds, 151. Medicines are given best, dissolved in water and in divided doses, 156. This solution should be stirred ever^- time, 156. The solution of the medicine can 1596 INDEX. also be rubbed in on any healthy part of the body, thus increasing its action, 158. Ten strokes were used for potentizing the medicines in the attenuating bottles, 159. MEDICINAIv DISEASES, i. A great obstacle to the cure of psora, 114; their nature, 115, 117. MEIvANCHOIvY caused by the suppression of itch 30; from psora, 75. MENSTRUATION, affected by psora, 64, 65; antipsorics should not be given just before menstruation sets in, 138. MENTAL excitements, especially grief and vexation, should be kept from chronic patients, 113. MERCURIAL preparation for the veneral disease, 90. MESMERIC. Usefulness of the mesmeric stroke in certain cases, 128. MIASMATIC nature of Psora, 6. There are only three chronic miasms, 9. Miasmatic maladies first become internal diseases, before external symptoms appear, 32. Contagion by chronic miasmatic diseases, 35. The miasma is incorporated at the time of infection, 36, 89. As soon as the miasm of itch touches the skin, the whole organism is infected, 37. The miasma of itch is contained in the eruption of itch, also in the tinea capitis and in the humid tetter, 39. MILK CRLiST is not merely superficial, but is merely an indication of internal psora, 31. MOUTH symptoms from psora, 57. NAUSEA from psora, 58. NIGHTMARE, caused by psora, 67. NOSE affected by psora, 56. ORGANON mentioned, 106, 121, 126. PALPITATION, from psora, 68. PARALYSIS caused by suppression of itch, 30. Paralytic weakness from psora, 73. PAROTID GLANDS, swelling of same caused by suppressed itch, 23. PERFUMERY must be discontinued during antipsoric treatment, 141. PHTHISIS not unfrequently passes over into insanity, 6 (note). Phthisis caused by suppressed itch, 21, 67. PILES frequently caused by psora, 7, 62. Caused by suppressed itch, 24. PLEURISY, acute, cured by Homoeopathy, 4. PI. caused by suppressed itch, 20, 21. POLYPI from psora, 55. PvSORA brought back into its latent state by homoeopathic medicines which were not antipsoric, note p. 2. Causes producing a relapse, 2, 3. Lack of success of Homoeopaths in radically curing a developed psora without the antipsoric remedies, 3. Psora is of a miasmatic nature, 6. Psora is the internal itch disease, with or without its attendant eruption, 7. Psora the cause of most of the adventitious formations, 7. Psora the cause of ■ many enumerated diseases, 7, 8. Psora is the most ancient, universal and destructive miasmatic disease, 9, 37. Psora the cause of all chronic diseases with some enumerated exceptions, 10. Occidental psora, called INDEX. 1597 St. Anthony's Fire, to; it reassumed the form of leprosy through the re- turn of crusaders, 10, described in the Bible, 10; Psora in changing from leprosy to itch, lost the persistence of its eruption, 13. Sometimes allevi- ated by sulphur baths, 16. Psora is the most contagious of all chronic miasmata, for it needs only to touch the ordinary skin, 37. Modes of contagion enumerated, 37. It usually takes 6, 8 or 10, perhaps even 14 days before the whole organism is transformed into psora; then follow a chill, heat and sweat and the eruption breaks out, 37, 97. The longer the psora with its skin-symptom has lasted, the more destructive are the consequences of the suppression of the itch, 40. Even at its acme psora can be healed by the internal, specific Homoeopathic remedies far more easily and certainly, than after the suppression of the eruption, 41 (note) 98. Psora is ineradicable without the aid of art, 43. If the eruption of itch is at once repressed, the psora increases but slowly, 43. Symp- toms of latent psora enumerated, 45, 47. Persons who have this latent psora will at a slight provocation be subject to one or another of the nameless (psoric) chronic diseases,. 48, 49; illustrations in note, 48, 49, 50. Symptoms of the awakening of the internal psora enumer- ated, 52, 77. Article on psora, 97-141. Merely internal psora, 98. Importance of the eruption, 98. Chronic diseases removed by the re- appearance of the eruption, 98; still the internal psora is then not in the same state as before, 98; this reappearance must at once be made use of to cure the disease, as it is transitory, 99. Artificially reproduced itch is of little use, 100 (note). Sulphur used externally is attended with dangerous consequences, 102; given internally in large doses, it is also harmful, 103. Developed psora is only temporarily alleviated by sulphur baths, 104. An old psora can never be cured by sulphur alone, 105; several antipsorics are necessary, 105. Recent itch has been cured by one dose of sulphur, or of Carbo vegetabilis, or of sepia, 105 (note), 106. Diet and mode of living of psoric patients, 107, 117. Some work is use- ful, 107; bodily exercise should be taken, 107; all domestic remedies or other medicines must be discontinued, 108; baths cannot be allowed, only ablutions, 108. Diet in chronic psoric cases need not be too strict, 109; coffee must be discontinued, 109. Also tea, no; diluted wine in modera- tion can be used, no; whiskey and brandy must be discontinued, wine maybe substituted, no. Beer cannot be permitted, especially on account of the prevalent admixture of harmful ingredients, in. Vinegar, citric acid and acid fruits are generally injurious, in; sweet fruits can be allowed only in moderate quantity, in. Most spices are harmful, enumerated, in. Certain patients should avoid chickens and eggs, in. The food most useful, in. Pork, pickled and smoked meat should rarely be used, 112; old cheese and potherbs should be avoided, 112. Tobacco should be limited, if it cannot be stopped, especially' in the form of snuff, 112; grief and vexation should be kept as far as possible from chronic patients, 113; medicinal diseases, a great obstacle to the cure of psora, 114, 117. So also debility, 117; also the suppressed sexual instinct, 117 (note); too great age, an obstacle to cure, 117. The exhalation from swamps most strongly develops a latent psora, 134. The common psora is variously modified in different climates, 143. PURPIvES first cured by Homoeopathy, 4. PUS. Collection of pus in the chest caused by suppressed itch, 22; also cysts of pus in the intestines, 22, 1598 INDEX. QUARTAN FEVER, caused by suppression of itch, 27. RACHITIS, caused by suppressed itch, 25. RATIONAL explanation of the mode of homoeopathic cure, suggested by Count Buquoy, 103 (note). Suggested by Hahnemann, 125. REPETITION, immediate, of the same medicine, allowable in certain cases in acute diseases, 126; it should be in a different potency, 127; in case of recent itch, sulphur may thus be repeated, though better with the inter- position of Hepar s. c, 127. With the exception of sulphur, hepar and sepia, few antipsorics bear repeating, 127. RUSH OF BLOOD to the head, to the chest, from psora, 71. SAINT ANTHONY'S FIRE, a form of the occidental psora, 10. SCARLET FEVER of Sydenham first cured by Homoeopathy, 4. Infection with scarlet fever, 34. SCROBICULUS CORDIS affected by psora, 59. SCROTUM. Swelling of the scrotum, caused by suppressed itch, 23. SENSITIVENESS from psora, 78. SEXUAL ORGANS, affected by psora, 63, 64, 65, 67. Sexual instincts sup- pressed are an obstacle to the cure of psora, 117 (note). SHOULDERS, as affected by psora, 68. SIMILLIMUM. The Psorin is no more an idem with the crude original itch substance, but onl3' a simillimum. Between idem and simillimum there is no intermediate, 152. SKIN symptoms of psora, 69, 70. SMALLPOX, 33. SMELL impaired by psora, ^>t, 56. Smelling of homoeopathic medicines in- stead of taking them, moderates their action, 128; the eft'ect lasts as long, 129; this mode is preferable where the action of a medicine has been in- terrupted, 129. This is also the preferable method with patients who are extremely irritable, 159. SOMNAMBULISM, from psora, 75. SPASMS from psora, 74. STOMACH. Ulcers and sphacelus of the stomach caused by suppressed itch, 22. Stomach symptoms from psora, 57-60. STOOLS affected by psora, 6t, 62. SUCKLINGS should never receive medicines, the mother or wet nurse should take it for them, 139. SUDDEN cures of chronic diseases usually show that the wrong medicine was chosen; they do not last, 130. SL'LPHUR was early recognized as having a specific virtue against itch, 102; even by Celsus, 102; but it had dangerous sequelae, when used externally, 102. It is only effective in homoeopathic doses, 103. SUSCEPTIBILITY to colds, from psora, 72. SWAMPS. The exhalation from swamps most strongly develops a latent psora, 134- SWELLING. Red swelling of the whole body caused by suppression of itch, 23. Watery swellings, from psora, 73. INDEX. 1599 SYCOSIS first healed by Homoeopathy, 4. S. has in the permanence of the chancre an advantage over the itch, 12. Sycosis and syphilis the cause of one-eighth of the chronic diseases, 14; easily cured, 14. Article on sycosis, 83-85. Allopathic maltreatment of sycosis, 83. Sequelae of sup- pressed sycosis, 84. Sycosis cured by Thuja, 84. Complication with other chronic miasms, 85. SYPHIIvIS, 9, 10, II. S. has in the permanence of its external symptom an advantage over itch, 12. S3'philis and Sycosis are the cause of one-eighth of the chronic dieases, 14; easily cured, 14. Syphilis is caused by the destruction of the chancre through local applications, 36. Article on syphilis, 87-95. When the chancre or bubo disappears through the use of internal remedies, the internal syphilis is cured, 91. Even after the chancre has disappeared, even when the bubo has already formed, if there are no other complications, it can be cured by a homoeopathic dose of mercury, 91, 92. Sign of this cure, 91, 92. When complicated with developed psora, it cannot be cured alone, 193. This is usually caused by allopathic mistreatment, 93. This causes the spurious syphilis or pseudo syphilis, 93. In this case the psora symptoms must first be overcome, then the others, 94. Complications with the other chronic miasms, 95. TEA. The use of tea has augmented the tendency to chronic diseases, 13; it must be discontinued in chronic, psoric diseases, no. Herb teas, Bald- win tea, etc., must be discontinued during antipsoric treatment, 141. TEETH, affected by psora, 56. TERTIAN FEVER, caused by suppression of itch, 27. TETANUS, from psora, 74. TETTER, merely one of the indications of internal psora, 31. TINEA CAPITIS is merely one of the indications of internal psora, 31, 53. TOBACCO. The use of tobacco should be limited, if not stopped, with chronic patients; the use of snuff harmful, 112. TONGUE aff"ected by psora, 56. TUMEFACTION of the bones from psora, 71. TUMORS, encysted, from psora, 72. TYPHOUS contagious epidemics cured by Homoeopathy, 4. Typhus in 1813 appeared under various forms, but one or two homoeopathic remedies healed all cases, 8. ULCERS. Dried up ulcers not unfrequently pass over into dropsy or apoplexy, 6 (note). Ulcers in the stomach caused by suppressed itch, 22; also other ulcers, 25. Ulcers from psora, 71. UNMEDICATED POWDER should be given to patients who desire to have daily doses, until the time may come to give another remedy, 129. URINE. Suppression of urine cavised by suppressed itch, 24. VACCINATION, 33. VARICES on the lower limbs from psora, 71. VENEREAL DISEASES, radically cui-ed by HomcBopathy, i. Venereal bubo, 6. The veneral chancre, 35. Venereal infection traced, 36, 89. Through the internal cure of the venereal disease also the chancre dis- appears, 36, 89. Three forms of the venereal disease, 87. The venereal l600 INDEX. disease is already developed before the chancre can appear, 89; is cured most easily while the chancre remains, 90; cured by a homoeopathic dose of mercury, 90. An old case of Venereal diseases may be cured on a new infection by a simple homoeopathic dose of mercury, 118 (note. ) VERTIGO caused by suppression of itch, 27; from psora, 52. VITAL FORCE by means of homoeopathic remedies cures acute diseases, why not chronic ones? 5. Vital force causes various secretions and excretions in chronic diseases, but these are only attended with temporary allevia- tion, 139. VOMITING from psora, 59. WARTS from psora, 72. WATER at 54° Fahrenheit should be poured over benumbed or paralyzed parts, 141. WATERBRASH from psora, 58. W^EEPING mood from psora, 76. WHITLOW from psora, 71. WHOOPING COUGH first cured by Homoeopathy, 4. WINE may be allowed to chronic patients, if sufficienlty diluted, 1 10. WOOLEN underclothing should be removed as soon as a visible improvement through the antipsorics is apparent, 140. CORRIGENDA TO DR. HUGHES' NOTES. (Dr. Hughes' notes were furnished in MSS.. and owing to the fact that he was unable to read the proof, an unusual number of pettj errors have crept into them. The following embrace those that in any way affect the text.— PUBLISHERS.) Page 32S. Note I. For " Eber's" read " Ebers'." 329. Note I. Add "Hughes." 335- Note 2 should have been referred to symptom 159, and note 3 to S3'mptom 160. 338. Note 4. For " 185" read " 183." 343. The reference in sj-mptom 425 should have been to Pfann, not to Kaiser. 345. For "anxieties" read "anxietas," and omit, " /. e. anxiety." 347. Note 2. Omit inverted commas. 348. Note 2. For "circum" read "circa." 348.- Note 3. Omit inverted commas. " 353- Note 2. "625 " should be " 62S." " 364. Note 6 is wrongly numbered 7. " 376. Notes I and 2. The "no' and the " not " should be trans- posed. " 393. t,ine 2 from bottom. "Trink's" .should be "Trinks'," and so at bottom of page 421. " 496. Note, line 4. After " Chi'onic Diseases" add " ist ed." " 496. Note, line 6. For " Henning" read " Nenning." " 561. Note, line 11. Place inverted commas before " Aetz.stoff." " 608. Note, line I. Insert comma after " Foissac's." " 609. Note. Invert colon after " Kret^chmar." " 621. Symptom 148. For " Lusitanius " read " I^usitanus." " 623. vSymptom 200. For " pp. 5, 77 " read " p. 577." 63T. Symptom 79. " Helmst " is the place of publication and should be separated and typed accordingly. 635. Sj'^mptom 200. "Argent " a.s "Helmst" in 631, 75. 637. Symptom 249. For " Fberhardt " read " Ehi'liardt." 637. Note I. For "249" read "247." 640. Syinptom 360. " Jen." as " Helmst " in 631, 77. 640. Symptom 369, 370. For " Kalschmidt " read " Kallschmidt." 642. "Harnfiuss " may mean involuntary micturition in common parlance, but in Hahnemann's German it always stands for "diuresis " (not diabetes, which is misleading), as it is properly rendered in Digitalis, symptom 431. 645. Note 6. For "when " read "where." 654. Symptom 813. For "Dropsical" read "Serous." 654. Note 4. Insert comma after " Schluramersucht." 654. Note 5. This belongs to .symptom 870, and should be noted on next page. 659. Symptom 15. I^udvig is not another author, but the editor of the "Adv. Med. Pr." 659. First note. For "others" read "authors." 671. Note, line I. Insert "the " before " Materia." 671. Note, line 2. For " The " read "Of the." 671. Note, line 4. For "tlehre " read " tellehre." 677. Note 5. For " stinking odor " read " fetid smell." 677. Symptom 151. For " Ebinb." read " Edinb." 682. To symptom 408 note " Effect of D. when given for mammary scirrhus." 688. Note 2. For " found" read "accessible." 688. Symptom 588. Omit comma before " Bl." 690. Note I, line 3. For "apopletic " read " apoplectic." 693. Note 2, line i. For " propriete's " read " propriete.s," and accent second "e " of "amere." 693. To symptom 5 note " Observation in disease." 700. Note 3. After "original " insert " has." 709. To symptom i note " Not accessible." 717. vStrike out note 3. 797. Symptom 446. For " Giern " read " Giorn." 807. Last line. For " Trink's " read " Trinks'." 862. Note, line 2. Omit bracket after "85." 865. Note, line 3. For " medicine " read " medicines." 910. Prefix 1 to note instead of bracket. 989. Note, line 3. For "volumes" read "volume." 1015, Note. Third as well as first clause in this sentence should be between inverted commas. 1023. Note 2. For "392" read "292." 1029. Note 2. For "experience" read "experiments." 1129. Note 3. Omit inverted commas. 1 160. Note I. Last line should read "■ ArzucimitteUehre and Anna- len, and in Vol. XI.," etc. 116S. Note 2. For "Pathogenesis" read " Pathogene.sy," and in- sert bracket after "67." 1 182. Symptom 601. The reference here should be to "Alexander " not " Joerg." The .symptom is from a case of poisioning by a handful of the salt. 1183. Note 3. For "drachm" read "ounce."