Class _A/-2^_4l3- Book i Hv 5l 6opyrigkt^°__ COBfRiGirr DEPosm ?£S*E ■ ■I "HiV:.' ■ MBKg Hi* P>f--t;. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY Lieut. Commander W. A. RICHARDSON, U. S. Navy Gymnasium Officer, United States Naval Academy ANNAPOLIS, MD. THE UNITED STATES NAVAL INSTITUTE 1920 ^ £ Copyright, 1920, by J. W. CONROY Trustee for U. S. Naval Institute Annapolis, Md. m \ ' m ©CU566023 Z$t B,ox* (gdttimoxt tyxtee BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. " No game was ever yet worth a rap, For a rational man to play, Into which no accident, no mishap, Could possibly find its way/' FOREWORD. The first independent duty an ensign usually performs after his sea assignment is going ashore with swimming parties or leading a division in Setting-Up Exercises. All officers are closely associated with their men for the first ten years of their career and they find that their men are intensely interested in all forms and manner of athletics. Officers are constantly interrogated concerning sports, training for the same, uniform worn and comparison of records (amateur and professional). It goes without saying that every ensign should also be able to swim, rescue persons helpless in the water and correctly apply resuscitation to the apparently drowned. There is no better method by which an officer can acquire a correct understanding of his men than that of leading men in athletics. Young men in particular hold in great respect officers of athletic attainments and knowledge; consequently an efficient division is more readily obtained by an officer having this asset. It must also be kept in mind that the correct giving of com- mands, as in infantry, artillery, turret broadside battery, boat drill, etc., cannot be acquired without experience and thought To this end the athletic training and physical development of the midshipmen are closely interwoven in the organization of the gymnasium work. Each midshipman must pass a three- fold standard for graduation, which includes strength examina- tion, special apparatus test and set requirements in the differ- ent branches of sports, as boxing, wrestling, swimming, etc. The strength examination is a measurement of strength of 45 different muscle groups based on the individual's height. The standard pull for each muscle is based on the study of 2000 midshipmen examined at the Academy in 1910-1911. The special apparatus test is designed to demonstrate the ability to apply the muscle groups measured by the strength test. Tests will be divided into three classes; i. e., C, B, A: C, requirements of fourth classmen; B, requirements of third classmen; A, requirements of second classmen. Special work will be given to midshipmen failing to pass the requirements of their class. 6 FOREWORD. Midshipmen having the ability to pass all three classes during any year will have their test card completed and will not be required to take yearly examinations. Example : All fourth classmen will have the opportunity of completing C, B, A, during their fourth class year. In boxing, wrestling, swimming, etc., the fundamental prin- ciples are thoroughly taught and each midshipman must demonstrate his knowledge of these elements and the ability to apply them practically. No midshipman will be required to take any test without having received sufficient instructions in the subject to warrant passing. The text of this manual was compiled under my direction by the following physical instructors attached to the United States Naval Academy: H. Ortland, Jr Swimming. J. Schutz Wrestling. F. Sazama Boxing. George Heintz Small Sword, Broad Sword, Cane and Bayonet. L. H. Mang Setting-Up Exercises and Gym- nasium. REQUIREMENTS SWIMMING. Test " C," Fourth Class. (See pages 33 to 40.) Swimming or keeping above the water for 5 minutes. Demonstrating the Back, Breast and Side Strokes. Test "B," Third Class. (See pages 33 to 40.) Swimming 120 yards in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, using the Back, Breast and Side Strokes, each for 40 yards. Diving into the water and raising an object from the bottom of the tank. Test "A," Second Class (Required for Graduation). (See pages 33 to 56.) Swimming 160 yards in 4 minutes and 30 seconds, using the Back, Breast, Side, and either the Trudgen or Crawl Strokes, each for 40 yards. Approach a drowning person and swimming with him 20 yards to a place of safety. Demonstrating ability to properly apply methods of resus- citating a person apparently drowned. WRESTLING. Test " C," Fourth Class. (See pages 63 to 75.) To know and to execute properly the following Holds: 1. Starting Position, on the feet. 2. Referee's Hold, on the feet. 3. First Hold Down. 4. Second Hold Down. 5. Defensive Position, on the knees. 6. Offensive Position, on the knees. 7. Tackle or Double Leg- Hold, on the feet. 8 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 8. Guard for Tackle or Double Leg Hold, on the feet. 9. Counter for Tackle or Double Leg Hold, on the feet. 10. Arm and Leg Hold, on the feet. 11. Guard for Arm and Leg Hold, on the feet. 12. Counter for Arm and Leg Hold, on the feet. 13. Side Chancery and Arm Hold, on the feet. 14. Guard for Side Chancery and Arm Hold, on the feet. 15. Counter for Side Chancery and Arm Hold,, on the feet. 16. Quarter-Nelson, on the knees. 17. Guard for Quarter-Nelson, on the knees. 18. Counter for Quarter-Nelson, on the knees. 19. Near Half-Nelson and Further Wrist Hold, on the knees. 20. Guard for Near Half-Nelson and Further Wrist Hold, on the knees. 21. Counter for Near Half -Nelson and Further Wrist Hold, on the knees. 22. Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold, on Near Arm, on the knees. 23. Guard for Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold, on Near Arm, on the knees. 24. Counter for Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold, on Near Arm, on the knees. Test "B," Third Class. (See pages 76 to 85.) To know and to execute properly the following Holds : 25. Forward Chancery and Bar Hold, on the feet. 26. Guard for Forward Chancery and Bar Hold, on the feet. 27. Counter for Forward Chancery and Bar Hold, on the feet. 28. Rear Waist Hold, on the feet. 29. Guard for Rear Waist Hold, on the feet. 30. Counter for Rear Waist Hold, on the feet. 31. Flying Mare, on the feet. 32. Guard for Flying Mare, on the feet. 33. Counter for Flying Mare, on the feet. 34. Further Arm Hold, on the knees. 35. Guard for Further Arm Hold, on the knees. 36. Counter for Further Arm Hold, on the knees. 37. Hammer Lock and Crotch Hold, on the knees. 38. Guard for Hammer Lock and Crotch Hold, on the knees. 39. Counter for Hammer Lock and Crotch Hold, on the knees. 40. Three-Quarter Nelson, on the knees. 41. Guard for Three-Quarter Nelson, on the knees. 42. Counter for Three-Quarter Nelson, on the knees. * MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 9 Test " A," Second Class (Required for Graduation). (See pages 85 to 93.) To know and to execute properly the following Holds: 43. Hip Lock, on the feet. 44. Guard for Hip Lock, on the feet. 45. Counter for Hip Lock, on the feet. 46. Double Arm Lock and Back Heel, on the feet. 47. Guard for Double Arm Lock and Back Heel, on the feet. 48. Counter for Double Arm Lock and Back Heel, on the feet. 49. Half-Nelson and Body Hold, on the feet. 50. Guard for Half-Nelson and Body Hold, on the feet. 51. Counter for Half-Nelson and Body Hold, on the feet. 52. Bar Hammer Lock and Further Half-Nelson, on the knees. 53. Guard for Bar Hammer Lock and Further Half-Nelson, on the knees. 54. Counter for Bar Hammer Lock and Further Half-Nelson, on the knees. 55. Double Bar Hold, on the knees. 56. Guard for Double Bar Hold, on the knees. 57. Counter for Double Bar Hold, on the knees. 58. Half-Nelson from the Front, on the knees. 59. Guard for Half-Nelson from the Front, on the knees. 60. Counter for Half-Nelson from the Front, on the knees. BOXING. Test " C," Fourth Class. (See pages 97 to 107.) 61. Position of On Guard. 64. The Lunge. 62. Clinching the Fist. 65. Straight Leads. 63. Footwork. 66. Side Stepping. Test " B," Third Class. (See pages 108 to 114.) 67. Slipping and Counters. 69. Hooks and Swings. 68. Crouching and Ducking. Test "A," Second Class (Required for Graduation). (Seepages 114 to 119.) 70. Feints, Drawing Away and Getting Away. 71. Uppercuts and Chops. 10 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 72. Pinning and Shifting the Arms. i 73. Ability to give names and understand all terms used in boxing. SPORTS IN GENERAL. Test " C," Fourth Class. (See page 123.) General knowledge of all athletic sports now carried on at the Naval Academy. Athletic Records: Examples : Time for J mile ( track ) . Time for 2 miles (crew). Time for 100-yard swim. Test " B," Third Class. (Seepages 121 to 123.) Working knowledge of the following rules: " Basket-ball rules." " Wrestling rules." " Baseball rules." " Boxing rules." " Hand-Ball rules." " Football rules." " Tennis rules." " Water-polo rules." " Soccer rules." " Swimming rules." " Lacrosse rules." " How to judge a gymnasium meet." " Track rules." Test "A," Second Class (Required for Graduation). " Start a crew race." " How a race course is marked." " Officiate as referee in a tra'ck meet." " Referee a swimming meet." " Referee a football game." " Referee boxing." " Referee wrestling." " Referee a fencing meet." " Referee a lacrosse game." Terms used in athletic contests. Examples : Handicap (track). Face the ball (lacrosse). Dead water ( crew ) . MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 11 COMMAND AND LEADERSHIP. Test " C," Fourth Class. (See page 126.) Execute mass commands properly. Exercise Leadership and give commands used in Infantry and setting up drills. Test " B," Third Class. (Seepages 157 to 283.) Execute mass commands properly. Exercise Leadership and give commands used in Infantry and setting up drills. Under- stand and be able to explain how commands should be given, what notes to avoid, etc. Test "A/' Second Class (Required for Graduation). (See page 126.) Giving commands properly while drilling a squad and give any command that is used in the Naval Service. Using correct accent and time. SMALL SWORD. Test " C," Fourth Class. (Seepages 129 to 135.) 74. Sword Exercise. 75. Position of Guard. 76. Explanation of the Line of Quarte and Sixte. 77. Advance and Retire. Simple Parries and Attacks. 78. Quarte: Parry. 79. Sixte: Parry. 80. Low Quarte: Parry. 81. Low Sixte: Parry. 82. Quinte: Parry. 83. Seconde: Parry. 84. Prime : Parry. 85. Tierce: Parry. 86. The Lunge. 87. Quarte: Parry and Return — Lunge. 88. Sixte: Parry and Return — Lunge. 12 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 89. Low Quarte (Sixte) : Parry and Return — Lunge. 90. Quinte: Parry and Return — Lunge. 91. Tierce: Parry and Return — Lunge. 92. Seconde : Parry and Return — Lunge. 93. Prime : Parry and Return — Lunge. Compound Parries and Returns. Examples : 94. Sixte and Quarte : Parry and Return — Lunge. 95. Low Sixte and Quarte: Parry and Return — Lunge. 96. Low Quarte and Sixte: Parry and Return — Lunge. Test " B," Third Class. (See pages 136 to 137.) Double Rank (the Engagements). 97. Sword Exercise. In Line of Quarte (Sixte). Assume your Guard. 98. Sixte (Quarte), Engage. 99. Straight Thrust Attack in Line of Quarte (Sixte), Low Quarte ( Low Sixte ) . 100. Cut Over the Point. 101. Disengage Attack. Parries for Disengage or Cut Attack. 102. Quarte, Sixte, Quinte, Tierce, Prime, Counter of Quarte and Counter of Sixte. Compound Attacks. 103. Cut and Disengage. 104. One! Two! Attack. 105. Double Attacks. Parries for Compound Attacks. 106. Sixte and Quarte, Quarte and Sixte, Quinte and Tierce, Tierce and Quarte, Quarte and Tierce, Sixte and Counter of Sixte, Quarte and Counter of Quarte. Counter of Sixte and Quarte. Counter of Quarte and Sixte. Two Counters of Sixte, Two Counters of Quarte. Note. — This test to be executed by the numbers. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 13 Test "A," Second Class (Required for Graduation). (See page 137.) Double Rank ( the Engagements ) . 107. Sword Exercise without the numbers. In Line of Quarto (Sixte), Assume your Guard. 108. To change Engagements, Quarte (Sixte). Simple Attacks in One Time. 109. Disengage. Cut Over the Point. Low Quarte (Low Sixte), Attack. Simple Parries for the Above. 110. Parry, Quarte, Sixte, Low Quarte, Low Sixte, Seconde, Prime, Quinte, Tierce, Counter of Quarte ( Sixte ) . Compound Attacks. 111. Cut and Disengage. 112. One, Two, Attack. 113. Double Attack. Parries for Compound Attacks. 114. Parry, Sixte and Quarte, Quarte and Sixte, Tierce and Quarte, Quinte and Sixte, Quarte and Counter of Quarte, Sixte and Counter of Sixte, Two Counters of Quarte (Sixte). Note. — This test to be executed in one time (without the numbers ) . SABRE. Test " C," Fourth Class. (See pages 138 to 142, and "Ship and Gun Drills," pages 185 to 193.) Single Rank. (Movements to be executed by numbers.) 115. Sword Exercise. 116. The Moulinets. 14 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 117. The Guard (right and left). 118. The Advance, Retire, Left Step and Right Step. 119. Change Guard. Pakries. 120. Head, Left Cheek, Left Flank, Thrust, Right Cheek, Right Flank. Simple Attacks. 121. Head, Left Cheek, Left Flank, Thrust, Right Cheek, Right Flank. Simple Attacks and Parries. Example : 122. Head Attack, Recover Guard and Parry Left Cheek. Simple Parries and Returns. Example : 123. Left Cheek, Parry and Return Right Flank, Lunge. Test "B," Third Class. (See page 143.) Double Rank. (Movements to be executed without numbers.) 124. Sword Exercise. 125. Guard (right and left). 126. The Advance, Retire, Left Step and Right Step. Simple Attacks and Parries, right guard. Front Rank. Rear Rank. 127. Head Attack Head Parry. 128. Left Cheek Attack Left Cheek Parry. 129. Left Flank , . : Left Flank. 130. Thrust Attack Left Flank Parry. LEFT guard. 131. Right Cheek Attack Right Cheek Parry. 132. Right Flank Attack Right Flank Parry. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 15 Simple Attacks and Return Parries. Examples : Front Rank: Head Attack, Recover Guard and Parry Left Cheek. Rear Rank: Head Parry and Return Left Cheek with Lunge. Guard : Both Ranks Recover Guard. Rear Rank : Right Flank Attack, Recover Guard and Parry Right Cheek. Front Rank: Right Flank Parry and Return Right Cheek with Lunge. ; Guard: Both Ranks Recover Guard. Simple Parries and Return Attack. Examples : Front Rank: Left Flank Parry and Return for Head with Lunge. Rear Rank : Left Flank Attack, Recover Guard and Parry Head. Guard : Both Ranks Recover Guard. Rear Rank: Left Cheek Parry and Return Right Flank with Lunge. Front Rank : Left Cheek Attack, Recover Guard and Parry Right Flank. Guard: Both Ranks Recover Guard. Note. — Both ranks execute the simple attacks and parries alternately. When the front rank advances the rear rank retreats without commands, or the reverse. Compound Attacks and Compound Returns. Examples : 133. Front Rank: Head and Left Cheek Attack with Lunge. Rear Rank : Right Flank and Head Return. 134. Front Rank: Left Cheek and Right Flank Attack with Lunge. Rear Rank: Head and Left Cheek Return with Lunge. Guard: Both Ranks Recover, Guard. Note. — The front rank will execute the attacks or parries on the command Attack. The rear rank will execute the return (attacks on the command Return. Both ranks will alternate | in the attacks and parries. 16 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Test "A," Second Class (Required for Graduation). (See page 143, and " Ship and Gun Drills," pages 185 to 193.) Double Rank. All attacks and parries to be executed in one time. Compound Attacks and Parries. Examples : 135. Front Rank: Right and Left Flank Attack. Rear Rank: Right and Left Flank Parry. 136. Front Rank: Right Flank and Left Cheek Attack. Rear Rank : Right Flank and Left Cheek Parry. Compound Attacks and Simple Parries. Examples : 137. Front Rank: Left and Right Cheek Attack, Recover Guard and Parry Left Flank. Rear Rank: Left and Right Cheek Parry, Return Left Flank with Lunge. Guard: Both Ranks Recover Guard. 138. Front Rank: Head and Right Flank Attack, Recover Guard and Parry Right Cheek. Rear Rank: Head and Right Flank Parry, Return Right Cheek with Lunge. Guard: Both Ranks Recover Guard. Single Attacks and Compound Returns. Examples : 139. Front Rank: Head Attack, Lunge. Rear Rank: Head Parry and Return Left and Right Cheek with Lunge. Guard: Both Ranks Recover Guard. 140. Front Rank : Left Flank Attack, Lunge. Rear Rank: Left Flank Parry and Return Head and Right Flank. G tard: Both Ranks Recover Guard. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 17 CANE EXERCISES. Test " C," Fourth Class. (See pages 144 to 149.) Single Rank. 141. Cane Exercise. 142. The Moulinets: Left and Right at the Head, Left and Right at the Flank, Left and Right at the Cheek. 143. Left and Right Moulinet, forward and backward. 144. Left and Right Flank Moulinet, forward and backward. 145. Left Cheek Moulinet, forward and backward. 146. Right Cheek Moulinet, forward and backward. The Parries. 147. Head Parry, hand in Tierce. 148. Head Parry, hand in Quarte. 149. Head Parry with two hands. 150. Left or Right Cheek Parry. 151. Left or Right Flank Parry. 152. The Guard (Left and Right Moulinet Guard). 153. Change Guard to the Right. 154. Head Parry, hand in Tierce, two strikes to the left; Parry the head with two hands, strike with left and right hand, Guard; change Guard to the right — execute the four sides. 155. Head Parry, hand in Quarte, two strikes to the right; Parry the head with two hands, strike with the left and right hand, Guard; change Guard to the right and repeat to four sides. Test "B," Third Class. (See pages 149 to 151.) 156. Left and Right Moulinet Guard. 157. The Thrust to the Front, Rear, Right and Left, 158. Parry the head with two hands, strike left and right in the high line, Thrust to the front and rear; Parry the head with two hands, strike left and right, Guard — execute the four sides. 59. Left and Right Moulinet, cane over the back, strike for head with lunge; recover Guard and P'ar^v head with two hands, strike left and right, Guard — v^ecute the four sides. 18 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 160. Cane over the left shoulder, two strikes to the right, change Guard to the front; two strikes to the left, change Guard to the front; two strikes to the right, change Guard to the rear; strike left cheek, right foot forward, Guard — execute the four sides. 161. Guard, Cane in two hands, strike back -handed with the left hand, change Guard to the front; strike back- handed with the right hand and change Guard to the front; right foot to the rear and Parry the body with two hands; strike left cheek, right foot forward and Guard — execute the four sides. 162. The Guard. Parry the head, hand in Quarte, two strikes to the right and leap to the front; feint for Thrust with two hands and Parry the head with two hands; strike left cheek, right foot forward, on Guard — repeat exercise to four sides. 163. The Guard. Left and Right Moulinet at the head; Left Flank Moulinet with Lunge ; recover Guard and Parry the head, hand in Tierce; two strikes to the left, change position to the left and Parry the right flank and head, hand in Quarte; two strikes to the right and change position to the right, with right foot to the rear; strike left cheek, right foot forward, Guard — execute to the four sides. 164. Guard. Cane over the left shoulder; two strikes to the right with Side Lunge to the right, cane over the right shoulder; two strikes to the left with cane over left shoulder, change knees; two strikes to the right with cane over right shoulder, changing knees; three body cuts, right foot to rear, strike left cheek, right foot forward, Guard — execute the four sides. 165. The Volte to the rear. Command Right Rear Volte. 166. Leap to the Front. Test "A," Second Class (Required for Graduation). (See pages 144 to 152.) Combination Movements (Attack, Parry and Foot). From the Position of Guard. 167. Two strikes to the right, a leap to the front; Parry the head with two hands; strike with the left and right hand in the high line. Thrust to front and rear; Parry the head with two hands; strike with left and right hand, right foot forward, on Guard. Change Guard and execute to four sides. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 19 From the Position of Guard, 168. Feint with Moulinet for left cheek, strike twice to the right and close to the front; Parry the left cheek; feint for right flank and strike left flank with Lunge. Remain Lunge and Parry the head, hand in Tierce; strike left flank and leap to the rear. Change Guard to the right and repeat to four sides. Fro?n the Position of Guard. 169. Right and Left Flank Moulinet, cane over the back, strike for head with Lunge; resume Guard and Parry the left flank and return for head without Lunge; two strikes to the right and leap to the front: feint for Thrust with two hands ; Parry the head with two hands; strike left cheek, right foot forward, on Guard. 170. Change Guard and Right Rear Volte to four sides. BAYONET FIGHTING. (See "Landing Force Manual, LTnited States Navv, 1918," Part 8, Section 4, Page 502, and " Ship and Gun Drill, U. S. Navy, 1914," Part VII, pages 194-203.) Test " C," Fourth Class. Interval or distance taken as in " Infantry Drill Regu- lations ": 171. High Port. 172. Rest. 173. Guard. 174. Advance at High Port and Guard. 175. Long Thrust. Correct all common faults of the same. 176. Withdrawal after every thrust. (A rapid withdrawal should he practised before returning to the position of Guard. 177. Short Thrust. 178. Jab Thrust. Note. — Range v£ long thrust, 4 to 5 feet; range of short thrust, 3 feet. Range of jab thrust, close quarters. 20 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Hand Signals for Bayonet Fighting. 179. Signal Guard. 180. Signal Short Guard. 181. Signal Long Thrust. 182. Signal Short Thrust. 183. Signal Jab Thrust. 184. Signal Parry. 185. Signal Butt Strokes. 186. Signal Slash Stroke. 187. Signal Disengage. 188. Signal Cut-Over. Test "B," Third Class. 189. Methods of injuring an opponent. 190. The use of the knee or foot. Note. — Penetration 4 inches to 6 inches is sufficient. 191. What to do in case bayonet is driven home too far to allow a quick withdrawal. 192. Butt Stroke I or Crotch Stroke. 193. Butt Stroke II or Forward Stroke. 194. Butt Stroke III or Slash Stroke. 195. Butt Stroke IV or Side Blow. Note. — The butt must not be employed when it is possible to use the bayonet. 196. The Advances to the Attack. 197. When to take the position of Guard. Test "A," Second Class (Required for Graduation). 198. The High Port, Pest and Guard. 199. The Advance to the Attack at Charge Bayonets. 200. How to hold the rifle in jumping ditches and traveling through obstacles. 201. The Long and Short Thrust, advancing the rear foot. 202. The Long Thrust followed by the Short and Jab Thrust. 203. The Butt Stroke, single and also in succession from Butt I-IV. The Parries for all Thrusts and Butt Strokes. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 21 PRACTICAL GYMNASIUM. Test " C," Fourth Class. Bar Vault at the Height of Shoulders. (Fig. A.) Fig. A.— Bar Vault. Standing Broad Jump. (Double take-off, measured from toe to heel.) 7 feet 3 inches. Running High Jump. (Single or double take-off.) 3 feet 10 inches. 22 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Dips on Parallel Bars. 3 times. (Fig. B.) Fig. li.— Dips on Parallels. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 23 Chins on Horizontal Bar. (Using any grip.) 5 times. (Fig. C.) :;:S;i«SsS?:;:s*,s;sw«»s*w ipiiteii Fig. C. — Chins on Bars. 24 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Rope Climbing. Climb up short rope without use of legs. Fig. D. — Make Fast on Rope. Make Fast on Single Rope. (Fig. D.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 25 Short Horse at Highest Point. Stride vault, with a run, double take-off from mat. Fig. E. — Mounting on Shelf. Throwing 4-Pound Medicine Ball. One arm, 34 feet; other arm, 29 feet. Mounting on Shelf without Assistance. (Fig. E.) 26 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. door Running 440 Yards. 70 seconds (indoor) ; 68 seconds (out- m Fig. Fl. — Backward Circle. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 27 Horizontal Bar. (Reach height.) Backward circle to bal- ance hanging. (Figs. Fl and F2.) Fig. F2. — Backward Circle. 28 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Wall Bars. Legs raising forward (twice). (Fig. G.) Fig. G. — Leg Raising on Wall Bars. Tumbling. Two forward rolls. MA MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 29 Test " B," Third Class. Standing Broad Jump. (Double take-off, measured from toe to heel.) 7 feet 6 inches. Running High Jump. (Single or double take-off.) 4 feet. Dips on Parallel Bars. 5 times. (Fig. B.) Chins on Horizontal Bars. (Using any grip.) 8 times. (Fig. C.) Rope Climbing. Climb up and down short rope without use of legs. Short Horse at Highest Point. Stride vault, with a run, double take-off from floor. Throwing 4-Pound Medicine Ball. One arm, 36 feet; other arm, 31 feet. Running 440 Yards. 68 seconds (indoor) ; 66 seconds (out- door ) . Horizontal Bar. (Stretch height.) Backward circle to balance hanging.^ (Figs. Fl and F2.) Wall Bars. Legs raising forward, and holding same four counts ( twice ) . ( Fig. G. ) Tumbling. Two backward rolls. Test "A," Second Class (Required for Graduation). Standing Broad Jump. (Double take-off, measured from toe 'to heel.) 8 feet. Running High Jump. (Single or double take-off.) 4 feet 2 inches. Dips on Parallel Bars. 6 times. (Fig. B.) Chins on Horizontal Bar. (Using anv grip.) 10 times. (Fig. C.) ^ Rope Climbing. Climb up long rope without use of legs. Short Horse at Highest Point. Stride vault, without run, double take-off from mat. Throwing 4-Pound Medicine Ball. One arm, 38 feet; other arm, 33 feet. Running 440 Yards. 66 seconds (indoor) ; 64 seconds (out- loor ) . Horizontal Bar. Hanging with feet clear of the deck.) Backward circle to balance hanging. (Figs. Fl and F2. ) Wall Bars. Legs raising forward, parting, closing, and sinking, holding each movement for two counts ( twice ) . (Fig. G.) Tumbling. Two cart-wheels. 30 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. SETTING-UP EXERCISES. (Seepages 157 to 283.) Test " C," Fourth Class. Perform Setting-Up Exercises to the satisfaction of the drill instructors. Test "B," Third Class. Perform Setting-LTp Exercises to the satisfaction of the drill instructors. Test "A," Second Class (Required for Graduation). Be able to perform, give correct commands, point out the common faults and drill a squad in the exercises from para- graphs 204-501 (inclusive). SWIMMING. 3ack, Breast, Side, Trudgen and Crawl Strokes. Resuscitation of the Apparently Drowned. Carrying a Per- son in the Water. Cramps. low to Play Water-Polo : Rules. ntercollegiate and United States Naval Academy Swimming Records. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 33 SWIMMING. RACING START. Fig. 0.— Racing Start. BACK STROKE. (See pages 34 to 35.) Starting position, "Lying." (Fig. 3.) 34 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Arm Movements. This stroke lias three distinct movements: First Movement. — On the command Up, draw the fingers along the side of the body, bending the elbows, until the fingers reach the shoulders, elbows pushed well back. The upper arms at right-angles with the body. (Fig. 1.) Second Movement. — On the command Out, straighten the arms out horizontally from the shoulders, palms of hands turned to the side of the body. (Fig. 2.) Third Movement. — On the command Together, bring the arms straight to the side of the body. (Fig. 3.) Fig. 1. — Back Stroke, First Movement. Leg Movements. Leg movement is known as the " Frog Kick." First Movement. — On the command Up, draw the feet up under the body, keeping the heels together with the toes and knees turned out. (Fig. 1.) Second Movement. — On the command Out, spread the legs and straighten the knees. (Fig. 2.) Third Movement. — On the command Together, kick the legs straight together. (Fig. 3.) Combination of Arm and Leg Movements. First Movement. — On the command Up, combine the move- ments of the arms and legs as described under First Movement above. (Fig. 1.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 35 Second Movement. — On the command Out, combine the arms and legs as described under Second Movement above. (Fig. 2.) Fig. 2. — Back Stroke, Second Movement. Third Movement. — On the command Together, combine the arms and legs as described under Third Movement above. (Fig. 3.) Fig. 3. — Back Stroke, Starting Position, Third Movement. Movements may be executed by numbers. While swimming the Back Stroke the head must be kept in line with the body, chest and stomach forced high and the breath taken through the mouth. A more powerful Back Stroke can be acquired by beginning the arm sweep higher than the shoulder line. 36 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. BREAST STROKE. (See pages 36 to 38.) Starting position, " Reach Standing " (with palms turned down and outward). (Fig. 7.) Arm Movements. First Movement. — On the command Around, pull the arms around on line with the shoulders. (Fig. 4.) Second Movement. — On the command Up, bring the palms together in front of the chest. (Fig. 5.) Third Movement. — On the command Out, extend the arms forward, palms together. (Fig. 6.) Fig. 4. — Breast Stroke, First Movement. Fourth Movement. — On the command Together, turn the palms down and outward. (Fig. 7.) Leg Movements. First Movement. — On the command Around, keep the legs extended in straight line with the body. (Fig. 4.) Second Movement. — On the command Up, draw legs up under the body (spreading the knees), toes out, heels together. (Fig. 5.) Third Movement. — On the command Out, spread the legs (straightening the knees), toes well pointed. (Fig. 6.) Fourth Movement. — On the command Together, kick the legs together. (Fig. 7.) Combination of Arm and Leg Movements. First Movement. — On the command Around, combine the movements of arms and legs as described under First Move- ment. (Fig. 4.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 37 Second Movement. — On the command Up, combine the move- ments of the arms and legs as described under Second Move- ment. (Fig. 5.) Fig. 5. — Breast Stroke, Second Movement. Third Movement. — On the command Out, combine the move- ments of the arms and legs as described under Third Movement. (Fig. 6.) Fig. 6. — Breast Stroke, Third Movement 38 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Fourth Movement. — On the command Together, combine the movements of the arms and legs as described under Fourth Movement. (Fig. 7.) Hold on to the rail while practicing the Leg Kick. . With the legs kept rigid, face submerged, practice the arm movement. Practice the combination, face submerged, to gain confidence. SIDE STROKE. (See pages 38 to 40.) Starting position, "Lying on Left Side." (Fig. 10.) - N > \ -V\ ,'■>■-, >■.-.. - ' Fig. 7. — Breast Stroke, Starting Position Fourth Movement. Arm Movements. First Movement. — On the command Up, turn the palm of the right hand to the water, elbow close to the side and left arm at the elbow drawn in close to the side. (Fig. 8.) Second Movement. — On the command Out, straighten the right arm, pushing the hand across in front of the face. Left arm as above. (Fig. 9.) Third Movement. — On the command Around, pull the right arm around close to the surface of the water till it touches the side of the body. Extend the left arm forward. (Fig. 10.) Note. — The left arm merely guides the body. Leg Movements. First Movement. — On the command Up, keep the knees to- gether and bend legs at the knees. (Fig. 8.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 39 Second Movement. — On the command Out, bring the right leg back of the body and left forward. (Fig. 9.) Third Movement. — On the command Together, kick the legs together, toe of the right foot striking the heel of the left. Fig. 8. — Side Stroke, First Movement. Combination of Arm and Leg Movements. First Movement. — On the command Up, combine the move- ment of the arms and legs as described under First Movement. (Fig. 8.) Second Movement. — On tl^e command Out, combine the move- ments of the arms and legs as described under Second Move- ment. (Fig. 9.) Fig. 9. — Side Stroke, Second Movement. 40 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Third Movement. — On the command Together, combine the movements of the arms and legs as described under Third Move- ment. (Fig. 10.) Description for swimming on right side is similar to that for the left side. Fig. 10.— Side Stroke, Starting Position, Third Movement. TRUDGEN STROKE. (See page 7.) Starting Position, " Forward Lying " ( right arm in front of the bodv close to the head, left arm alongside the body ) . (Fig. if.) Leg Movements. The leg kick being the same as in the Breast Stroke (see page 36) the combination of arm and leg movement will be explained. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 41 Combination of Arm and Leg Movement. First Movement. — Left arm close to the side, right arm extended. Legs drawn up under the body as in the Breast Stroke. (Fig. 11.) Fig. 11.— Trudgen Stroke, Starting Position, First Movement. Second Movement. — Left arm starting forward, right arm hack, legs spread. (Fig. 12.) Fig. 12.— Trudgen Stroke, Starting Position, Second Movement. 42 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Third Movement. — Left arm extended forward, right arm to the side, legs kicked together. (Fig. 13.) With each arm stroke a Breast Stroke Kick. Roll the body from side to side, inhaling to the right, ex haling to the left. CRAWL STROKE. (See page 7.) Starting position, Sitting "Leg Kick" (Fig. 17), Lying (Fig. 18). Fig. 13.— Trudgen Stroke, Starting Position, Third Movement. Arm Movements. Arms forward, half extended, palms downward, hands a foot apart, elbows higher than the wrists. (Fig. 14.) Bring the left arm downward with a sweeping motion until it passes the left side. As the arm sweeps down the elbow straightens out. (Fig. 15.) Bend the left arm at the elbow, raise up- ward until above the water, elbow above the wrist. The arm relaxed. (Fig. 16.) Extend the left arm forward until it assumes its first position. The right arm is in the opposite position to the left. As the left is pulling through the water the right is being raised out from the side. As the right arm pulls down to the side the head is turned to that side to get the breath. Exhale on the left side, through the mouth and nose, forcibly. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 43 Fig. 14.— Crawl Stroke, Starling Position, Arms. 44 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Fig. 15. — Crawl Stroke, Arm Stroke, Second Movement. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 45 Fig. 16. — Crawl Stroke, Arm Stroke, Third Movement. 46 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Leg Movements. The motion of the legs is continuous. It is customary to begin with six kicks to the arm stroke. The movement of the legs should be taken seated on the edge of the pool, so the legs will move freely from the hips, Fig. 17. — Crawl Stroke, Position Prac- ticing Leg Kick. grasping the edge of the pool with the hands, legs extended forward at right-angles to the trunk, toes pointed in, heels apart and knees straight. Raise the right leg 6 inches above the left, then reverse the position of the right and left legs with a snappy motion. (Fig. 17.) This move is executed slowly at first ; after this enter the water, assume " Balance Position " and gradually increase the speed of the kick. Toes pointed in MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 47 to prevent bending of the knees too deeply. (Fig. 18.) Finish position for Crawl in Action. Fig. 18- -Crawl Stroke, Position for Action. RESUSCITATION OF THE APPARENTLY DROWNED. (See page 7.) Persons in distress in the water should try to throw them- selves on their backs in order to float in that position, or should seek support from objects close at hand. 48 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. In approaching a drowning person get their attention and reassure them by calling in a loud voice that assistance is at hand. When possible, approach the drowning person from the rear and lock his arms behind the back, placing your hand under his chin. An occasional kick will keep both heads above Fig. 19. — Hold on Wrist, Break. the water. Appreciate the frenzied state of mind of the victim and if he makes any attempt to reach you, tire him by pushing his arms away, but guard closely lest he come near enough to secure a wrist or neck or back neck hold on you. The breaks for these holds are as follows : Hold on Wrist. — Twist (rotate) your arms forcibly outward and jerk them upward. (Fig. 19.) ^c* MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 49 Forward Neck. — Place your hands under the victim's chin and force his head back until his nostrils are under the water. (Fig, 20.) Fig. 20. — Forward Neck Break. 50 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Body Hold. — Draw your knees into the victim's stomach, right hand under the chin, left hand in the small of the back. Sometimes both hands are placed under the chin. (Fig. 21.) Fig. 21. — Body Hold Break, Starting. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 51 Kick the victim in the stomach by straightening the legs. (Fig. 22.) Fig. 22.— Body Hold Break, Finish. 52 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Back Neck Hold. — Arms are locked about your neck. De- liver sharp, stunning blow by tilting your head back forcibly. Force your head under his chin, grasping his wrists and throw- ing your weight on the victim's chest. (Fig. 23.) Fig. 23.— Back and Neck Hold Break. If necessary in any case administer a stunning blow to make the victim helpless. Do not give in to the victim's fighting. Guard your own life. Persons apparently drowned are suffering not only from the suffocating effects of water, but usually from exhaustion caused by struggling, and shock from fright and cold as well. They should promptly and gently bo removed from the water and efforts at resuscitation should be begun immediately. If there are others present beside yourself send one man at once for help — to get a doctor. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 53 To Remove the Water from the Lungs. — Remove all tight clothing, lay patient on the face, clasp your hands under the abdomen and raise to drain the water from the lungs and air passages. (Fig. 24.) Fig. 24. — Resuscitation, Removing Water from Lungs. To Clear Air Passages. — Turn patient on the back, quickly and thoroughly wipe out the mouth and nose. Remove every- thing from the mouth (very often chewing gum or chewing tobacco are found). Pull the tongue well torward and tie it against the lower teeth by passing a shoestring or rubber-band j over it and under the chin, or hold it forward with a handker- chief, or secure it by piercing with a pin. 54 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. To Restore Breathing. — Place the patient on the belly, face turned to one side, kneel at the side and place the palms of the Fig. 25. — Resuscitation, Weight Released. Fig. 26. — Resuscitation, Weight Thrown. hands on the back on line with the lower ribs. (Fig. 25.) Lean forward and gradually bring the weight of the body on the hands, thus forcing the air out of the lungs. (Fig. 26.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 55 Release the pressure quickly and return to the original position. The first motion occupies 2 to 3 seconds. After returning to the original position there should be a rest of about 2 seconds before repeating. Thus there will be about 12 respirations each minute. Imitation of natural breathing is the object. Keep up at least 2 hours, or until breathing is restored. All wet clothing should be removed. Rub the body and limbs toward the heart. Give the patient no stimulants until air passages can be cleared. CARRYING A PERSON IN THE WATER. The essential feature in the performance which is necessary if you may be called upon to rescue some one in the water, is to immediately place the victim on the back. There are numerous methods used in towing a person in distress. The most commonplace are: First. — Place your right hand under the victim's chin, drawing the head back and then place your left hand in the small of the victim's back. Pull the victim on to your chest. Swimming, using the Back Stroke Kick. Second. — Hook the bend of your elbow of the right arm under the victim's chin and swim on your side, using the left arm with the Side Stroke Kick. Third. — Pass your right arm over the victim's right shoulder across the chest and under the left armpit. Swim on either the side or the back. Fourth. — Hold the victim under the armpits with both your hands, using the Back Stroke Leg Kick. This is the easiest method of supporting a victim until a life-line or boat reaches you. Fifth. — Lock the victim's arms behind the back by passing your left arm around the victim's left arm and grasping the right arm slightly above the elbow. Swimming on the Side Stroke. Sixth. — If the victim has perfect presence of mind, place your right hand under his chin. Swimming on your chest facing the victim, allow him to place his right hand on your left shoulder. Push him along on his back, using the Breast Stroke Kick. CRAMPS. Strong swimmers have been drowned on being seized with a cramp simply because they lost their presence of mind. If seized with a cramp do not throw your arms overhead and try to shout for help. The throwing of your arms in this 56 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. position will immediately submerge the body. Throw your- self on your back, working the body forward by turning of the hands from the wrists, or using the leg kick as in the Back Stroke. It will be found that by forcing the legs to straighten a cramp will often be relieved. Rub the arm affected toward the heart to encourage circulation of the blood. Stomach cramps may be relieved by taking a deep breath, submerging the head and forcing the arms, which have been crossed in front of the chest, down on the knees. Cramps occur as a result of entering the water too shortly after meals, when the stomach muscles require the greatest possible amount of blood in digesting the food properly. The action of violent exercise also has the above-mentioned detri- mental effect. Do not stay in the water for a longer period than half an hour at one time. WATER-POLO. (See page 10.) This game is played in a natatorium where a 6-foot depth of water can be maintained in all places of the playing area, which ranges from 60 to 75 feet in length and 20 to 40 feet in width. The goals are placed on each end of the playing area 12 inches above the water-level, equidistant from the side, and shall be boards 4 feet long and 18 inches high, marked dis- tinctly with the word " Goal." The ball used is a regulation white rubber polo ball not less than 7 nor more than 8 inches in diameter, to be J inflated, free from grease or oil. The team consists of six players, one of whom must be the Captain, and it is suggested that his orders be regarded by all players in order to acquire the necessary team-work. The positions are Center, Right and Left Forward, Right and Left Backs and Goal Keeper. The game shall last 16 minutes of actual playing: 8 minute halves with 5 minutes between each half. Time taken up by disputes, repairing of suits and lining up for new starts shall not be counted as time of play. The pool shall be marked with the following lines: One 4 feet, the next 15 and the last 20 feet from each end. These lines are measured from each end and run parallel to the 20- or 40-foot lengths and perpendicular to the 60- or 75-foot lengths. This will allow an inside playing area of from 20 to 35 feet. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 57 The ball ; attached to a long pole, is put in play in the center of the pool by the referee. The teams shall decide upon their respective ends by the toss of a coin. The referee shall signal the start of the game by the blowing of a whistle or shooting a gun. The ball is dropped from the pole and all members of the teams enter the water on the pistol-shot. Only the forwards swim for the ball. The kinds of goals are as follows : Touch Goal. — Where the ball is carried to the board and same touched with the ball by a member of the team attacking. This shall constitute 5 points in the score. Thrown Goal. — Ball thrown from without the 15-foot line, striking the goal. This shall score 3 points. If a team cause a technical or personal foul they shall be warned by the judge and an attempt at free goal given the team fouled upon, on the committing of each foul. Three backs of the defending team shall line up within the 4-foot line and three forwards of the opposing team shall line up on the 15- foot mark and an attempt at a goal shall be made until scored or until it is carried out of the 15-foot line. Unnecessary roughness, kicking an opponent intentionally and carrying the ball under the water for a greater distance than 6 feet shall constitute a foul and shall be penalized as above. A player may not tackle or submerge another, unless he is within 4 feet of the ball. Crossing the 4-foot line before the ball passes that line shall be termed as a technical foul. Artificial support of any kind is not permitted, and a player resorting to this may be asked to withdraw from the game until a goal is scored or after the first half. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. < in W H < M W W g i go Til P o W M M *j rt >a -V3 WlO _,- w °* ob co' o; CQ ^ CO lO CO £ H ~! •5 o o o (M "=5 CB co CO >> c e a s cs oS ci rt cu be he CD ba T3 CU eS cs a CS G5 o cd „ „ „ ^ < Q CO t^ CO lO I-H C3 O O o sj > cu a CO CM CM "* cT CM . 33 S CO CU +J CD 1-5 C a & . I ^ T3 O o o ..+ j TD O - cd i-T o» ,— a CD ffl CO cj s§ 5 § i-i CO CU C i "S ^ "£ S"S £*s •2£ D .2* 3* Mfl. Q Q Q Q cu a c 03 CO CO CO CO n3 T3 -c >, >. £> >> s O o o O CO O "S . "Sb P cd £S 100-/«. Poo/. . D. Gross, Princetoi ol, Feb. 20, 1914. . CO l-H © IS £ u o x "if J3 ?- o ^■3 ft- -^ "8 O . ? » O cs •> O G u o .< <3^ ^Ci CD - "5^ •5 " M °^_ * PQ o> B £ ^ o i»2 ^ .fe ;> a n H cc cd" a C3 to co CO CO co TD T3 "3 T3 co >> K% >i >> >> Q o O o o O »o © * Ol 1-1 o o rH O O o rH CD CO co ^=J C C 1 Rj '3 « £ cd re hC CX 0D CJD CD "s^ C re a Cj CO C3 re O o -t-> OS OS ^ C ^ 00 a o M > S Cfl CO OS H M o 're be H OS co" >H CO B P 03 43 < CO CM o co at? OS co rH . c Ol a 09 a ai oq ol P C J3 o P >> t* a; re ^ 9-3 < of a. c re ►o . a » o P5 b"3 be re GO a o -5 re o XJ o CO 1 o 43 CJD cu ~ a -M 4) co c_, if bd >_x; > Ch oq o O ■ c CO k CM CO co 'O £ TJ T3 T3 T3 T3 >> f>» >» >s >» CH ^^ o o o O O o o co o 1—1 CO •X) CO C)|10 c*o «|10 Hta lO © o GO o CO «=fl lO o iH Ol (M rH - © - - a> • co — i cS d C 0J cj a< re o H to* OS . of C73 oj re 2 u o CO P "3 s 2 bo CO 'o o > Ol P CU P w iz; CO, „ > "3 P en c3 _> CO cS * J CU "f W « pq a "Oh > re -^ 'g £ re o*2 So £- -BCU2 .is >co . o re l o PQ Sofa ale Un Mayer, Mar. 21 E^ Q o l-s p > « : c • c 00 ■a CO ? £ >> >» «<-, **h ■^i ■* o o oo o o © o OJ lO 1^. CO CO o CN 1 WRESTLING. Holds, Guards and Counters. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 63 WRESTLING. Test "C." (See pages 7 to 8.) The following holds are described as if taken from the left ide of the opponent. They may also be taken from the right ide, reversing holds accordingly: 1. Starting Position. — Stand with the feet astride, knees lightly bent, body leaning slightly forward, upper arms close Fig. 27. — Starting Position. o the side, fore-arms parallel to the mat, palms turned lightly upward, fingers straight and together and eyes irected toward opponent. Opponent stands in similar manner. Fig. 27.) 2. Referee's Hold. — Grasp back of opponent's neck with left iand and grasp his left upper arm with right hand, body well inclined forward, with top of head against opponent's shoulder. Opponent grasps you in similar manner. (Fig. 28.) 3. First Hold Down. — To hold opponent down from his left ide (opponent lying on his back) lie across opponent so that our chest rests on his chest, body at right-angles to his, legs /ell spread out. Pass the right arm around his neck so that assed under his right shoulder inside his right upper-arm, 64 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. grasp vour left fore-arm with your right hand and keep vour head well down. Fig. 28. — Referee's Hold. 4. Second Hold Down. — Lie across opponent so that your chest rests on his chest and your body is at right-angles to Fig 29. — Offensive and De ensive Position: his, with legs well spread out. Pass the right arm the reverse J way to No. 3, First Hold Down, around opponent's neck, the left arm passed as in No. 3, First Hold Down, the left hand gripping his right shoulder. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 65 5. Defensive Position, on the Knees. — Down on both knees, with knees well spread, weight well back, hands on mat just in front of knees. (Fig. 29.) 6. Offensive Position, on the Knees. — On left side of opponent, down on right knee, with knee close to opponent's left knee, left foot diagonally forward and well away from opponent's left hand, right arm around opponent's body just above the hips, left hand securing opponent's left upper-arm, placing weight of your body upon opponent's body. (Fig. 29.) 7. Tackle or Double Leg Hold, from Referee's Hold. — Force opponent's left arm up, then lunge forward, securing both legs Fig. 30.— Tackle or Double Leg Hold. | it above the knees, keeping your head to the left of the opponent, back almost straight, both knees bent, feet well under body, then lift opponent and throw him to the mat, heaving him to the left, and secure No. 3, First Hold Down. (Fig. 30.) 8. Guard for No. 7, Tackle or Double Leg Hold.— When (opponent lunges forward, place both arms inside of his and force them outward, then spring back quickly into the No. 1, Starting Position. 9. Counter for No. 7, Tackle or Double Leg Hold. — When opponent lunges forward, place both arms over and around his body well up under the armpits, then throw both feet out and backward, keeping them well spread, arch your back, forcing all of your weight upon the back of his neck and shoulders'. 66 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Fig. 31.— Counter for Tackle or Double Leg Hold. Fig. 32. — Arm and Leg Hold, First Position. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 67 This will bring him to the mat on his knees. Quickly change your position to No. 6, Offensive Position on Knees. (Fig. 31.) 10. Arm and Leg Hold, from No. 2, Referee's Hold. — Slide the left hand down opponent's right arm, securing it at the elbow, face around quickly to the left, drop down on the right knee close to opponent's right foot, secure his right leg with your right arm, your head between his right arm and right leg, then drop on left knee, pulling opponent down head first, landing him on his back, duck your head from under his body as he falls and secure No. 3, First Hold Down. (Figs. 32 and 33.) Fig. 33. — Arm and Leg Hold, Second Position. 11. Guard for No. 10, Arm and Leg Hold. — As opponent drops on knee to secure arm and leg, force your left arm into his crotch, outside right arm and inside right leg, keeping your left arm straight, throwing both legs back and outward as in No. 9, Counter for Tackle or Double Leg Hold. 12. Counter for No. 10, Arm and Leg Hold. — As opponent drops to knee, place your left hand in the small of his back, force your right arm in deep under his left arm for a bar, and force him over backward. At the same time secure a scissors on his right arm with both legs. After turning him over secure his left wrist with left hand and place your right hand on his left shoulder, applying scissors upon the right upper- arm by twisting legs inward, thus putting pressure on his right shoulder. (Figs. 34 and 35.) 68 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Fig. 34. — Counter for Arm and Leg Hold, First Position. Fig. 35. — Counter for Arm and Leg Hold, Second Position. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 69 13. Side Chancery and Arm Hold, from No. 2, Referee's Hold. — Force opponent's head up, face right about, placing your left arm around his neck so that his head is between your Fig. 3G. — Side Chancery and Arm Hold, First Position. Fig 37. — Side Chancery and Arm Hold, Second Position. left arm and body. Secure his left upper-arm with your right hand, your legs well spread with both knees bent, body inclined forward, your hips under his body. Pull opponent over your hips forcing him to the mat. Retain hold for Hold Down. (Figs. 36 and 37.) 70 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 14. Guard for No. 13, Side Chancery and Arm Hold. — As opponent faces about, drop your right arm so that the fore-arm strikes his left side just above the hip, keeping him from com- pleting his turn. Fig. 38. — Counter for Side Chancery and Arm Hold, First Position. Fig. 39. — Counter for Side Chancery and Arm Hold, Second Position. 15. Counter for No. 13, Side Chancery and Arm Hold. — As opponent faces right about and secures No. 13, Side Chan- cery and Arm Hold, step around quickly to the left front with your left foot, at the same time placing your right arm about MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 71 his body, then fall over backward, carrying your opponent with you, at the same time making a half-turn toward him. This will bring the opponent on his back. Apply No. 3, First Hold Down. (Figs. 38 and 39.) Fig. 40. — Quarter-Nelson. 16. Quarter-Nelson. — From No. 6, Offensive Position, on the Knees, left side of opponent, place left hand on the back of his neck, right arm under his left arm, securing your left wrist. Turn opponent over on his back by keeping his head low and Fig. 41. — Guard for Quarter-Nelson. forcing upward on your right arm. Secure No. 3, First Hold Down. (Fig. 40.) 17. Guard for No. 16, Quarter-Nelson. — As opponent is about to secure No. 16, Quarter-Nelson, turn your head away and come to a sitting position, bearing your weight on the left arm. This will block opponent effectively. (Fig. 41.) 72 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 18. Counter for No. 16, Quarter-Nelson. — When the oppo- nent has secured No. 16, Quarter-Nelson, keep your head low, rise on the right foot, then roll forward head first and carry your opponent with you, making a sharp turn inward with the hips while in the air, coming down across his body. 19. Near Half-Nelson and Further Wrist Hold. — From No. 6, Offensive Position, on the Knees, left side of the opponent, force his head down with the right hand, place the left arm under his left arm with the left hand over and well around the back of his neck, then reach across over the body with the right hand, securing his right wrist from the inside back, force him Fig. 42.— Near Half-Nelson. over on his back by raising up on your left elbow. Retain hold for a Hold Down. (Fig. 42.) 20. Guard for No. 19, Near Half-Nelson and Further Wrist Hold. — As opponent starts for Near Half -Nelson, drive your left arm in close to the body and thrown your head well back. 21. Counter for No. 19, Near Half-Nelson and Further Wrist Hold. — As opponent secures No. 19, Near Half -Nelson and Further Wrist Hold, come to a sitting position by bringing the left leg forward inward and the right leg forward outward, at the same time locking his left arm with your left arm, then pitch to the right on your right shoulder, roll right upon both knees, bringing your opponent on your right side, continue with a roll to the left, securing his left leg as he crosses your body, at the same time keeping a firm lock upon his left arm with your left arm. (Figs. 43, 44 and 45.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. ?3 Fig. 43. — Counter for Near Half-Nelson, First Position. Fig. 44. — Counter for Near Half-Nelson, Second Position. Fig. 45.— Counter for Near Half-Nelson, Third Position. 74 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 22. Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold On Near Arm. — From No. 6, Offensive Position, on the Knees, force opponent's head down and to the right with left hand, placing the right arm under his right arm with the hand over and well around the back of his neck. Secure scissors by swinging the left leg Fig. 46. — Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Near Arm, First Position. Hold Fig. 47. — Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold on Near Arm, Second Position. around his left arm, locking it with both legs well above the elbow, force his head to the right until you force him over on his shoulders. Retain hold for a Hold Down. (Figs. 46 and 47.) 23. Guard for No. 22, Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold. — As opponent starts for No. 22, Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold, throw your head well back and force your right arm close to your side. ■™ MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 75 24. Counter for No. 22, Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold.— As opponent secures No. 22, Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold, lock his right arm with your right arm well Fig. 48. — Counter for Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold on Near Arm, First Position. Fig. 49.— Counter for Further Half-Nelson and Scissor Hold, on Near Arm, Second Position. above his elbow, roll to the right, carrying him over your bodv securing his right leg with your left arm as you carrf him over' Retain hold for a Hold Down. (Figs. 48 and 49 ) ' 76 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Test " B." (See page 8.) 25. Forward Chancery and Bar Hold, on the Feet. — From No. 2, Referee's Hold, force the opponent's head under your left arm, your right arm under his left arm and well over and around his body. Step backwards with your left foot and bear down on his head, forcing him over by raising up on your right arm. Retain hold for a Hold Down. (Fig. 50.) Fig. 50. — Forward Chancery and Bar Hold. 26. Guard for No. 25, Forward Chancery and Bar Hold, on the Feet. — As opponent starts for No. 25, Forward Chancery and Bar Hold, on the Feet, secure his left wrist with your right hand and force your left arm in close to your side. 27. Counter for No. 25, Forward Chancery and Bar Hold, on the Feet. — When opponent has secured No. 25, Forward Chancery and Bar Hold, on the Feet, place your left arm over his right shoulder, your right arm in his crotch, lift him and throw him to the mat. Secure No. 3, First Hold Down. (Figs. 51 and 52.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 77 Fig. 51. — Counter for Forward Chancery and Bar Hold, First Position. Fig. 52. — Counter for Forward Chancery and Bar Hold, Second Position. 78 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 28. Rear Waist Hold. — From No. 2, Referee's Hold, force opponent's left arm up with your right hand and pass around Fig. 53. — Rear Waist Hold, First Position. in back of him, locking him with both arms around his waist just above his hips, lift him and throw him to the mat. (Figs. 53 and 54.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 79 29. Guard for Rear Waist Hold. — As opponent starts to force your left arm up, step back quickly with your left foot, bearing your weight down on the left arm. 30. Counter for No. 28, Rear Waist Hold. — As your opponent passes around in back of you and before he can drop his left Fig. 54. — Rear Waist Hold, Second Position. arm, lock it well above the elbow with your left arm, and his left wrist with your right hand, place your left foot on the outside of his left foot, then pull down and to the right on his left arm and throw him across your left leg. Keep the left Arm Lock and try to secure Leg Lock or Body Hold with your right arm for a Hold Down. (Figs. 55 and 56.) 80 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Fig. 55. : — Counter for Rear Waist Hold, First Position. Fig. 56. — Counter for Rear Waist Hold, Position. Second MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 81 31. Flying Mare, from No. 2, Referee's Hold. — Secure op- ponent's left fore-arm with your right hand, face right about, passing his left arm over your left shoulder, shoulder well in Fig. 57. — Flying Mare, First Position. Fig. 58. — Flying Mare, Second Position. the armpit. Secure his left upper-arm with your left hand, lean forward, rounding your back, pull down sharply on his arm and bring him to the mat. Apply No. 3, First Hold Down. (Figs. 57 and 58.) 6 82 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 32. Guard for No. 31, Flying Mare. — As opponent starts to face about, place your right hand on his left hip, pulling back at the same time on your left arm. 33. Counter for No. 31, Flying Mare. — As opponent faces about to complete the hold, force your left arm across his chest, place your right hand in the small of his back, your right foot Fig. 59. — Counter for Flying Mare. in the hollow of his left knee, and force him over backward, securing No. 3, First Hold Down. (Fig. 59.) 34. Further Arm Hold, from No. 6, Offensive Position, on the Knees. — Place the right hand on the opponent's right upper arm just above the elbow. Reach across with your left arm under his chin and in front of his left arm, securing his right arm just at the elbow, at the same time pushing against his body to break him down. Then reach under his body with your right arm in back of his left arm and secure his right MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 83 shoulder; bring your right shoulder well under his body and pry him over on his back. Secure No. 3, First Hold Down. (Fig. 60.) Fig. 60. — Further Arm Hold. 35. Guard for No. 34, Further Arm Hold. — As opponent secures No. 34, Further Arm Hold, swing your right foot for- ward and to the side, at the same time keeping your head low, and as he starts to pry you over, rise to your feet, keeping your body well forward and your feet well apart. Fig. 61. — Counter for Further Arm Hold. 36. Counter for No. 34, Further Arm Hold. — As opponent reaches across the front with left arm secure it at the wrist with the right hand, and at the elbow with the left hand, pull his armpit well over your shoulder, then give a quick dive forward and to the right, carrying him over on his back. Apply No. 3, First Hold Down. (Fig. 61.) 84 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 37. Hammer Lock and Crotch Hold, from No. 6, Offensive Position, on the Knees. — Secure opponent's left wrist with your left hand, placing top of your head against his left upper- arm and at the same time pull back on the wrist, breaking down Fig. 62. — Hammer Lock and Crotch Hold, First Position. Fig. 63. — Hammer Lock and Crotch Hold, Second Position. the arm. Then force his left arm across his back, keeping it at right-angles; keep a firm hold on his left wrist with your left hand; reach back deep into his crotch with your .right arm, then force him over forward on his shoulders. Retain hold for a Hold Down. (Figs. 62 and 63.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 85 38. Guard for No. 37, Hammer Lock and Crotch Hold. — As opponent secures left wrist, stiffen your left arm and at the same time swing your right foot forward and to the side. This will block his move effectively. 39. Counter for No. 37, Hammer Lock and Crotch Hold. — As opponent secures Hammer Lock, dive forward, turning a somersault, turn the hips sharply to the right while in the air so as to land on top of opponent. 40. Three-Quarter-Nelson, from No. 6, Offensive Position, on the Knees. — Secure No. 19, Near Half -Nelson, and complete Three-Quarter-Nelson by reaching under the opponent's chest with the right hand, placing it on your left hand. Force him Fig. 64. — Three-Quarter-Nelson. over same as No. 19, Near Half-Nelson and Further Wrist Hold and secure No. 3, First Hold Down. (Fig. 64.) 41. Guard for No. 40, Three-Quarter-Nelson.— Same as No. 20, Guard for Near Half-Nelson. 42. Counter for No. 40, Three-Quarter-Nelson.— As opponent secures No. 19, Near Half -Nelson, and before he completes Three-Quarter-Nelson, lock his left arm with your left and counter as in No. 21, Counter for Near Half-Nelson. (Figs. 43, 44 and 45.) Test "A." (See page 9.) 43. Hip Lock, from No. 2, Referee's Hold.— Place your left arm under the opponent's right arm and over the body; face right about quickly, your body inclined forward with your 86 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. feet well apart and your hips directly under his body. Throw him across your hips to the mat and apply No. 3, First Hold Down. (Fig. 65.) 44. Guard for No. 43, Hip Lock. — As opponent starts to face right about, place your left hand on his left hip, at the same time forcing down on your right arm. 45. Counter for No. 43, Hip Lock. — As opponent places his left arm under your right arm, face left about, circling your right arm over and around his neck; secure his right upper- Fig. 65. — Hip Lock. arm with your left hand, throwing him with No. 19, Side Chancery and Arm Hold. (Figs. 36 and 37.) 46. Double Arm Lock and Back Heel, from No. 2, Referee's Hold. — Lock the opponent's right arm between your body and left upper-arm, force your right arm over his left arm from inside, swinging it down and over, thus locking both arms under your left. Take a firm grasp on his left elbow with your right hand, make a quarter-turn to the right, placing your left foot in back of his left foot, bringing him to the mat by- pulling down on his arms and tripping with your left foot. Retain hold for Hold Down. (Figs. 66 and 67.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. S7 -' : % Fig. 66.— Double Arm Lock and Back Heel, First Position. Fig. 67.— Double Arm Lock and Back Heel, Second Position. 88 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 47. Guard for No. 46, Double Arm Lock.— As opponent locks your right arm, step back with your left foot and place your left hand against his right shoulder, keeping him off. 48. Counter for No. 46, Double Arm Lock. — As opponent locks your right arm, force it in deep and across his back, using No. 43, Hip Lock, as your counter. (Fig. 65.) Fig. 68.— Half-Nelson and Body Hold. 49. Half-Nelson and Body Hold, from No. 2, Referee's Hold. — Pass around in back of the opponent as in No. 28, Rear Waist Hold, at the same time passing your left arm under his left arm, securing No. 19, Half -Nelson. Pass the right arm around his body, lift him and throw him to the mat. Secure No. 4, Second Hold Down. (Fig. 68.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 89 50. Guard for No. 49, Half-Nelson and Body Hold. — Same as No. 29, Guard for Rear Waist Hold. 51. Counter for No. 49, Half-Nelson and Body Hold. — When the opponent has secured the No. 49, Half-Nelson and Body Hold, bend your body well forward, lock his left arm above the elbow with your left arm, dive forward, carrying him with Fig. 69. — Counter for Half-Nelson and Body Hold, First Position. you, making a sharp turn to the right with your hips while they are in the air, coming across his body. Apply No. 3, First Hold Down. (Figs. 69 and 70.) 52. Bar Hammer Lock and Further Half-Nelson, from No. 6, Offensive Position, on the Knees. — Secure Hammer Lock as in No. 37, Hammer Lock and Crotch Hold, then place the left arm through the Hammer Lock under the left fore-arm, plac- 90 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. ing the left hand on the left shoulder. Reach across and over the body with the right arm and secure No. 22, Further Half- Nelson. To throw him, force down on the Bar Hammer Lock Fig. 70.- -Counter for Half-Nelson and Body Hold, Second Position. and pry him over with the Half-Nelson. Retain hold for a Hold Down. (Fig. 71.) 53. Guard for No. 52, Bar Hammer Lock and Further Half-Nelson. — Same as No. 38, Guard for Hammer Lock. Fig. 71. — Bar Hammer Lock and Further Half -Nelson. 54. Counter for No. 52, Bar Hammer Lock and Further Half-Nelson. — Same as No. 39, Counter for Hammer Lock. 55. Double Bar Hold, from No. 6, Offensive Position, on the Knees.— Shift around in front of the opponent, at the same time forcing your left arm under his right arm from the front MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 91 across the back. Then force }^our right arm under his left arm from the front, securing your left wrist with your right hand; shift slightly to the left, forcing his head under your right Fig. 72.— Double Bar Hold, First Position. Fig. 73. — Double Bar Hold, Second Position. arm. Pry him over by raising up on the left arm and forcing down on the head. Retain hold for a Hold Down. (Figs. 72 and 73.) 56. Guard for No. 55, Double Bar Hold. — As opponent starts for Double Bar Hold, force your arms in close to the sides. 92 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 57. Counter for No. 55, Double Bar Hold. — Keep your op- ponent straight in front of you with your head under his chest ; secure his elbows with both hands and roll to the left or right, carrying him with you. Your opponent will be on his back Fig. 74. — Counter for Double Bar Hold. with your back on his chest. See that your feet are well apart. Retain hold for a Hold Down. (Fig. 74.) 58. Half-Nelson from the Front. — After shifting to the front as in No. 55, Double Bar Hold, place your left hand on the Fig. 75. — Half-Nelson from the Front. back of the opponent's head, forcing it down and toward his left arm; place your right arm under his left arm from the back, with the hand well around and over the back of his neck. Keep forcing down the head and prying up on the right arm, forcing him over on his back. Applv No. 3, First Hold Down. (Fig. 75.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 93 59. Guard for No. 58, Half-Nelson from the Front. — As opponent secures No. 58, Half-Nelson from the Front, drop flat on your breast, turn your head to the right and force your left arm into vour side. Fig. 76. — Counter for Half -Nelson from the Front, First Position. 60. Counter for No. 58, Half-Nelson from the Front. — When the opponent has secured No. 58, Half -Nelson from the Front, lock his right arm above the elbow with your left arm, Fig. 77. — Counter for Half -Nelson from the Front, Second Position. at the same time securing his left wrist with your right hand. Come to a sitting position, force him over head first by falling backward to the left, pulling down on his right arm. After rolling him over let go of his right wrist and turn quickly to the right and apply No. 3, First Hold Down. (Figs. 76 and 77.) BOXING. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 97 BOXING. Test " C." (See page 9.) 61. Position of On Guard. — To take the position of On Guard, advance the left foot about 18 to 24 inches, bend knees slightly, divide weight equally on the feet. Turn left toe Fig. 78.— Position of On Guard. slightly inward; right foot should be placed at an angle of 45° from opponent. Raise heels slightly until weight rests on the balls of the feet and be prepared to spring. Extend the left arm straight toward the opponent, elbow slightly bent and turned downward, palms of hands turned slightly down- 7 98 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. ward; keep the arm relaxed and working freely. Clinch the fist, keeping the knuckles towards the opponent. Bend the right arm and place it across the body, right hand on line with left elbow; 'clinch both fists. (Fig. 78.) Fig. 79.— Clinching the Fist. 62. Clinching the Fist. — When closing the hand to make a fist, bring the tips of the fingers well into the palm of the hand, with the thumb turned over the first joint of the index finger, and the end of the thumb even with the second joint of the middle finger. (Fig. 79.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 99 63. Footwork.^ — Advancing: When advancing, place the left foot 6 to 8 inches toward the opponent, then draw right foot forward to original position of On Guard. (Figs. 80-81.) Fig. 80. — Foot Work : Advance. Retreating: When retreating, place the right foot 6 to 8 inches away from the opponent, then draw left foot backward to original position of On Guard. (Figs. 80-81.) 100 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Fig. 81. — Foot Work: Retreat. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 101 Moving to the Left (Right) : When moving to the left (right), place the left (right) foot about 12 inches in the Fig. 82. — Foot Work: Moving to the Left. desired direction, then move the right (left) foot to original position of On Guard. (Figs. 82-83.) 102 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Fig. 83.— Foot Work: Moving to the Right. Pivoting: When pivoting, keep left toe pointed towards op- ponent (as he circles) and maintain the position of On Guard by moving the right foot. ( Fig 84. ) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 103 Fig. 84. — Foot Work : Pivoting. Fig. 85. — The Lunge. 104 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Advancing and Retreating with a Skip: Spring with both feet either forward or backward landing in the position of On Guard. 64. The Lunge. — Advance the left foot straight toward the opponent, about 12 inches, bend the left knee until the upper and lower leg form an angle of about 90°, straighten the right leg, inclining the body forward, body and right leg forming a straight line, right heel raised. (Fig. 85.) Fig. 86.— Straight Left Lead. 65. Straight Left Lead. — When leading a straight left, hit straight at opponent's head or body, at the same time lunging forward with the left foot. While making a left lead, the right arm is guarding the body and face. (Fig. 86.) Straight Right Lead. — When leading a straight right, hit straight at the opponent's head or body, lunging forward on the left foot, the left arm in guarding position. The right heel raised and turned outward. (Figs. 87-88.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 105 Fig. 87. — Drawing for Straight Right Lead. Fig. 88.— Straight Right Lead. 106 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Short Leads: When delivering a short lead, step in close and hit with the arm half bent, keeping the other arm in Guard Position. (Figs. 89-90.) Fig. 89. — Short Leads. Fig. 90.— Short Leads. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 107 66. Side-Stepping. — When side-stepping a left lead, lunge outward toward the right and let the blow pass over the left shoulder and counter with the left to the head or body. When Fig. 91. — Side-Stepping a Left Lead. <3t *M d Fig. 92.— Side-Stepping a Right Lead. side-stepping a right lead, lunge outward to the left and let the blow pass over the right shoulder, and counter with the right to the head or body. (Figs. 91-92.) 108 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Test "B." (See page 9.) 67. Slipping and Cross-Counters. — When slipping a left ( right ) lead, bend the neck to the left ( right ) and let the blow pass the right (left) side of the head. After the blow slips by the head, cross the right (left) arm over the opponent's left (right) arm, countering to the head. (Figs. 93-94.) .: |P Fig. 93. — Slipping and Cross-Countering Left Lead. 68. Crouching and Ducking. — When using the crouch, bend at the waist so that the opponent's lead passes over the body and head, and counter with the left or right arm to the body. When ducking a lead, bend the neck so that the blow passes over the head, and counter with the left or right arm to the head or the bodv. (Figs. 95, 96, 97, 98.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 109 ,*zw Fig. 94. — Slipping and Cross-Countering Right Lead. Fig. 95. — Crouching. 1 10 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Fig. 96.— Crouching. Fig. 97.— Ducking. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Ill 69. Hooks and Swings. — When using a hook, bend the arm slightly at the elbow and wrist, and strike at the opponent Fig. 98.— Ducking. from the side, with a short, circular motion of the arm, throw- ing the weight of the shoulder and the body into the blow. (Figs. 99-100.) 112 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Fig. 99.— A Hook. Fig. 100.— A Hook. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 113 Swings: A swing is made by bringing the arm straight to the rear or to the side of the body and then swinging the fist with a circular motion at the opponent. (Figs. 101-102.) Fig. 101. — Swings. Fig. 102.— Swings. 114 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Test " A." (See pages 9 to 10.) 70. Feinting. — A feint is made by pretending to lead at the opponent. Feints are made in numerous ways; arms, legs and body movements are all used in feinting. (Fig. 103.) Fig. 103.— Feinting. Drawing Away and Getting Out of Reach: When drawing away, bend backward at the waist and let the blow pass in front of the face or body. When getting away, as the opponent leads, retreat; this places you beyond the reach of the opponent. (Figs. 104-105.) MA1STUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 115 Fig. 104. — Drawing Away. Fig. 105.— Getting Out of Reach. 116 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 71. Uppercuts and Chops. — When using the uppercut, step in close to the opponent. The arm should be half bent, and the elbow turned down. Then start the blow low, using an upward stroke, and at the same time straighten the knees and rise on the toes. When using a chop, the arm should be slightly bent and held higher than the opponent's head, and the blow delivered downward with a short stroke. The chop can also be used after missing an uppercut. (Figs. 106-107.) Fig. 106. — Uppercut. 72. Pinning and Arm Shifts. — When pinning the arm, ex- tend the right or left arm straight forward and press with the palm of the hand against the fore-arm of the opponent. This keeps the opponent's arm helpless against his body. Then lead to the head or the body with the free arm. When using the arm shift, reach forward as the opponent leads, and place the palm of the hand on the opponent's fore-arm and push the arm to one side so that the blow passes by the side of the head or body. (Figs. 108, 109, 110, 111, 112.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 117 Fig. 107.— Chop. Fig. 108.— Pinning. 113 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Fig. 109. — Outward Arm Shift. Fig. 110.— Cross: Outward Arm Shift. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 119 Fig. 111.— Cross: Arm Shift. Fig. 112.— Outward Cross: Arm Shift. ACADEMY RECORDS. COMMANDS AND LEADERSHIP. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 123 NCNN^T 3 3 3 CCS sis CS tJ4 r-t r-li-J^iHO»-# lO CN "^ W •£ H H - •'O 'O (h C3 W CTJ f-i <-< S*S 3 *■> 5-1 (n 5h" S- g 7 T- r> ^ fe c osooooo S~ .= 3 1- -a > S §^ £ - lA-ffi :g~ a:^ be > B-3 O 0Q„Q CfH o 7i v 0)j3 m +J -m 5 o 3 bD +a C fc. e« 3jB a M£HJ ||S **-• «m io CO CO "^ 8> 124 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. COMMANDS AND LEADERSHIP. (See page 11.) The art of giving commands can be attained by practice and study. In addition to the mechanical timing of commands, the usual division into a preparatory command and a command of execution, etc., great emphasis must be placed on the voice of command. The voice of command should be spirited, of clear, pleasing quality, and of good volume; it should be combined with perfect enunciation, and must not tire the throat or vocal cords. A company of men being led, say, for example, in Setting-Up drill, will invariably react to the animation or lack of anima- tion expressed in the leader's voice. A listless command will evoke listless execution, while a command vibrant with dynamic energy will be rewarded with a spontaneous response in kind. Practically every person has, or can acquire, a tone that will aid him in giving commands; and constant effort should be made to develop the quality and clearness of this tone. It is imperative that all nasal or other unpleasant voice sounds be avoided. The nasal sound is produced by the vibration of the column of air in the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is of value in speech only in producing the nasal tone when desired, and in acting as a resonance chamber when the air current accompanying vocal sounds is directed through the mouth. Therefore, in order to avoid this sound, it is necessary first, to maintain the posterior nasal opening closed during speech, i. e., the volume of air accompanying the command must issue entirely through the mouth; second, to direct the column of air against the forward part of the roof of the mouth (the hard palate) instead of against the posterior part of the roof (the soft palate ) . To further avoid the effect of monotony the com- mand should be given in a medium rather than a high key. This will also tend to make the giving of commands easier and less tiring. It is to this end that the throat muscles are relaxed, and all possible throat action avoided. A command, properly given, emanates from the chest. Only in this way can commands be given for any length of time without tiring and irritating the muscles and mucous membranes of the throat and vocal cords. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 125 The volume of sound is dependent on the amplitude of the air waves set in motion, and a maximum volume is achieved with minimum effort by relaxing the throat muscles to enable a greater volume of air to be employed, by pitching the voice in a medium key, by giving the command from the chest, and by developing the special tone of voice most effective for the individual. In order that correct Leadership be obtained it is necessary for an officer to understand how to time and give his orders. The time used in commands varies from conversational slow tones to those as sharp as the crack of a pistol-shot. When an officer has efficiently mastered the Leadership in- volved in any drill, he gains a mastery and confidence that will aid him to more readily grasp and lead all drills. 126 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. MASS COMMANDS. Mass Commands are used to develop the voice and to allow each individual a chance to " sing out " words of commands Without embarrassment. When using Mass Commands the instructor will give the order Mass Command and will then proceed as follows: He will name the position for the class to assume and give the order Command and raise his arm. The class will give the preparatory command for arriving at the position named and when the instructor sharply lowers his arm will give the com- mand of execution and at the same time execute the movement. Example : From Position of Attention. Instructor. Mass Commands. Wing Standing — Command. (On the order Command, raises arm.) Firm. (On the command Firm, lower arm sharply.) Return — Command. Stretch. Arm signal as above. Class. Hips. (Given as instructor orders Command and gives arm signal.) Firm. (Class place hands on hip, command Firm is given and executed on Instruc- tor's command Firm and on his arm signal.) Arms Downward. Stretch. Executed as above. Rest Standing — Command. Rest. Return — Command. Stretch. Stoop Falling — Command. Place. Return — Command. Shun. Neck. Rest. Arms Downward. Stretch. Stoop Falling. Place. At- ten- Shun. Note. — The command Return is the order for the class to give the command that will cause it to resume the position from which the last order was executed. SMALL SWORD, SABRE, CANE, BAYONET. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 129 SMALL SWORD. Test "C." (See page 11.) 74. Sword Exercise. — On command Sword Exercise, half face to the left, feet at right-angles, the right toe pointing straight to the front, the left toe to the left, left heel immediately behind the right, at the same time raise the sword with the right hand to the right front, the arm extended, the hand the height of the eyes, the sword in prolongation of the arm. Fig. 113.— Small Sword, Po- sition of Sword Exercise. 75. Position of Guard. — The Guard in six counts : 1st Position: Take the position of Sword Exercise. 2d Position : Pass sword to the left, turning the hand in Tierce and opposite the left hip, place the hack of the left hand on the blade, the fingers toward and close to the Guard. Back of left hand turned down. 9 130 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 3d Position: Elevate both arms above the head, keeping the hand in the same position. 4th Position: Separate the hands, carrying the right hand forward, the hilt the height of the chest, point of sword 3 to 4 inches higher, sword arm slightly bent, elbow about 6 inches from the body, in line with the right or left hip, the left arm to the rear and curved. 5th Position: Bend both knees, the body well balanced on the hips. 6th Position: Advance the right foot in a straight line 16 to 18 inches, keeping the feet at right-angles. Fig. 114.— Small Sword, Po- sition of Guard. Remarks. — The pupil assumes an easy position, the body erect and firm on the hips without stiffness. 76. Explanation of the Lines of Quarte and Sixte. The Line of Quarte: The space of the body to the left of the sword. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 131 The Line of Sixte: The space of the body to the right of the sword. 77. Advance and Retire. — To advance from the position of Guard, carry the right foot 8 inches straight to the front, and bring the left foot forward an equal distance. Keep the feet in the same relative position, without rearranging the position of the body or sword. To Retire from the position of Guard, step back 8 inches with the left foot and follow immediately with the right the same distance. Keep the body, feet and sword in the same position as in the advance. Fig. 115. — Small Sword Thrust and Parry in High Line of Quarte. Simple Parries and Attacks. 78. Quarte Parry.— The Quarte Parry is a shift of the blade in a parallel line of 4 to 5 inches to the left, catching the op- ponent's blade at the foible with the fort (or strong part) of your blade, causing the opponent's blade to glide past the left side of the body. 79. Sixte Parry. — The Sixte Parry is executed in the same manner as the Quarte, except that the shift is to the right. 80. Low Quarte.— The Low Quarte, from the position of Guard in Line of Quarte, describe a half-circle with the point of the foil from right to left low. Keeping the hand in Quarte, the point of the sword 8 to 10 inches lower, turning the op- ponent's attack to the left low. 132 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 81. Low Sixte. — From the position of Guard in the Line of Sixte, describe a ha If -circle with the point of the foil from left Fig. 116. — Small Sword, Thrust and Parry in Line of Low Sixte. Fig. 117. — Small Sword, Thrust in Low Sixte and Parry of Seconde. to right low, keeping the hand in Sixte, the point of sword 8 to 10 inches lower, turning the opponent's attack to the right low. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 133 82. Quinte. — Carry the hand and blade in a parallel line about 4 inches to the left, turning the hand so that the back of the hand is turned upward. 83. Seconde. — Carry the hand and blade to the right low. Hand the height of the hip, back of the hand up, point of sword 3 inches lower than hand. 84. Prime. — Turn the hand in Tierce (back of the hand up), carry the point of sword a little to the right, quickly lower the point and carry the whole blade to the left to ward off the thrust to the left of the body, the right fore-arm bent and just below the collar-bone, back of hand curved outward, with the thumb to the rear. Fig. 118. — Small Sword, Thrust in Quarte and Parry of Prime. 85. Tierce. — From position of Quarte Guard, shift the hand quickly to the right about 4 inches, at the same time turn the back of the hand upward, keep the blade in a parallel line, point slightly higher than the hand, the same height as in the Sixte Parry. 86. The Lunge. — Quickly extend the sword and arm at the target, straightening the left leg and carry the right foot for- ward about twice its own length, toe forward and in such a position that the right knee is directly above the right instep, left foot flat on the deck, body erect and head thrown back, at the same time let the left arm fall straight to the rear, so that the left hand is on the left thigh, fingers extended and joined, the eyes fixed on the point of foil and target. 134 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Note. — After each parry extend the arm, then lunge. From the Parry of Seconde the attack is to be in the High Line of Sixte. From Quinte, in the High Line of Quarte. The rest of the attacks are to be taken in the same line as the parries take place. 87. Attack in Line of Quarte. — Extend the sword arm in Line of Quarte its full length without moving the shoulder, the hand the height of the shoulder with the point directed at the opponent. The swordsman looking over his arm to align the point — Lunge. Fig. 119. — Small Sword, Thrust in Quarte and Parry of Quinte. 88. Attack in Line of Sixte. — The same as in Quarte, with the exception that the hand is to the right in Sixte and the line of sight is to the left of the arm. 89. Low Quarte or Sixte. — The attack in the Low Line of Quarte or Sixte is the same as the thrust in Quarte or Sixte, with the exception that the point is directed in the low line above a line drawn directly over the hips. 90. Quinte. — The attack from the Parry of Quinte is the same as the attack from the Line of Quarte. 91. Tierce. — The attack from the Line of Tierce is the same as in Sixte. 92. Seconde. — The attack from the Parry of Seconde is in Line of Quarte or Sixte. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 135 93. Prime. — The attack from the Parry or Prime is by a cut over the point. To cut over the point describe a full circle on the left side of body, directing the point of sword at the opponent, with the hand in Quarte (from rear to front). Simple Parries and Returns. Note. — The simple parries are Quarte, Seconde, Tierce, Sixte, Low Quarte, Low Sixte, Prime and Quinte. The direct return attacks are made by extending the arm in the same line as the parry. In the Parry of Quinte the return is in the line of Quarte. In the Parry of Tierce the return is in the Sixte, in the Parry of Seconde the return is in Quarte or Sixte. In the Parry of Prime the return is with a cut over the point, the hand in Quarte. The cut over the point from Prime is a full circle from rear to front, turning the hand in Quarte and directing the point at the opponent. Compound Parries and Returns. Taking two parries in succession and returning in the line of the last parry. Examples : 94. Sixte and Quarte : Parry and return — Lunge. 95. Low Sixte and Quarte : Parry and return — Lunge. 96. Low Quarte and Sixte : Parry and return — Lunge. Note. — The Engagements : To change the blade from Quarte to Sixte or the reverse, which is executed in as small a circle as possible. The opponent opposing Quarte or Sixte, according to the engagement. Test " B." (See page 12.) The company, platoon, or squad to be formed in two ranks by taking intervals to the right or left. Intervals as per " Landing Force Manual," U. S. Navy, 1918. Ranks to be known as front and rear. When the command for the front rank is given to advance the rear rank will retreat without command, or if the front rank retreats the rear rank will advance. When the command is given for one rank to attack, the other will parry. 136 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The Engagements. 97. Sword Exercise, in Line of Quarte (Sixte) Assume Your Guard. — From the position of Sword Exercise both ranks exe- cute the position of Guard in Line of Quarte. Blades crossing about 6 or 8 inches from the point; blades coming in contact with each other without any pressure. Both ranks should be well covered in Quarte, points of sword slightly inclined to the right. 98. Sixte (Quarte) Engagements. — From the engagement of Quarte to change to the Sixte. On the command Front (or Rear) Rank — sixte engage, every front (or rear) rank man will lower the point of his sword and quickly grasp the op- ponent's blade on the opposite side and take the position of Sixte Guard. The rear rank will oppose Sixte by shifting his blade from Quarte to Sixte. Quarte Engage is executed the same as above, with the excep- tion that the blade is shifted to the left (or Quarte side). 99. Straight Thrust. — In Line of Quarte (Sixte) ; in Line of Low Quarte (Low Sixte). The parries for above are Oppo- sition Quarte, Opposition Sixte, Parry of Low Quarte, Parry of Low Sixte. Note. — The Parry of Low Quarte (Sixte) is the same as in Test " C." All attacks and parries to be executed by the numbers. 100. Cut Over the Point. Command: Cut — Attack. — On the command Attack the front (or rear) rank will raise the swords over the opponents' blades in the shortest possible line, quickly extending the arm, directing the point at the target and lunge (without loss of time), covering themselves on the side of the opponents' blades, the cut is executed from both Quarte and Sixte Guard. 101. Disengage Attack. — The front (rear) rank on the second command quickly lowers the point of the sword and directs with a straight arm and thrust on the opposite side of the blade, the movement being: executed in the quickest time possible with accuracy. (The disengage is executed from both Quarte and Sixte sides.) Parries for Disengage and Cut. 102. Quarte, Sixte, Quinte, Tierce, Prime. — Same as Test " C." Counter of Quarte and Counter of Sixte. — Counter of Quarte Parry : From the engagement of Quarte, circle around the MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 137 opponent's blade so as to bring it back to the same line of engagement by going underneath the opponent's blade and circling from right to left with the point of your sword. Counter of Sixte Parry: The same as in Quarte, except the circle is from left to right. 103. Compound Attacks. — Cut and Disengage Attack: The Compound Attack is executed like the Cut Attack, but without lunging, the disengagement the same as above. Both move- ments are combined. The Lunge always takes place with the last movement. 104. One! Two! Attack: — To make a One! Two! Attack, dis- engage to opposite side of the opponent's blade, extending the arm with the first movement in a Feint of Disengage, and on the parry of the Feint Disengage to the opposite side with a Lunge. Note. — The One! Two! Attack and the Cut and Disengage Attack can only be executed on simple parries in the high line. 105. Double Attack. — Feint of Disengage when the opponent parries, Counter of Quarte (Sixte) Disengage again with Lunge. Note. — The Feint of Disengage and the Disengage are exe- cuted in quick succession, the parries for the double are: Counter of Quarte and Sixte; Counter of Sixte and Quarte; Two Counters of Quarte; Two Counters of Sixte. 106. Parries for Compound Attacks. — The following parries are the principal ones used for compound attacks: Sixte and Quarte, Quarte and Sixte, Quinte and Tierce, Tierce and Quarte, Quarte and Tierce, Sixte and Counter of Sixte, Quarte and Counter of Quarte, Counter of Sixte and Quarte, Counter of Quarte and Sixte, Two Counters of Sixte, Two Counters of Quarte. Note. — All movements in Test " A " are explained in Tests " C " and " B." 107. See pars. 75 and 76. 108. See par. 98. 109. See pars. 89, 100, 101. 110. See pars. 68, 78, 102. 111. See par. 103. 112. See par. 104. 113. See par. 105. 114. Parries for compound attacks are made by taking any two parries in succession. 138 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. SABRE. Test " C." (See page 13 and "Ship and Gun Drill/' pages 185-193.) 115. Sword Exercise. — Half face to the left, raise the sword to the height of the right shoulder, edge to the right, back of the hand up, arm extended to the right front, feet at right- angles, right toe straight to the front, left toe to the left, left hand placed in the small of the back. Fig. 1 20. — Sabre, Position of Sword Exercise. 116. Moulinet. From the Position of Sword Exercise. — Drop the point to the left and describe a full circle without bending the arm, the sword grazing the left shoulder, open the fingers to give play to the hilt and resume the original position, then reverse the hand, fingers up, edge to the left and execute a Moulinet to the right of the body in a similar manner, continuing the Moulinet alternately. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 139 117. The Guard. — From the position of Sword Exercise, bend the forearm and bring the hand to the height of the chest, midway between the collar-bone and the hip, the point of the sword the height of the chin, edge to the right, at the same time advance the right foot twice its length, bend both knees, body erect, eyes to the front. This is the position of Right Guard. In the Left Guard, the sword is held edge to the left, fingers up, the hand opposite the center of the body. Fig. 121.— Sabre, Position of Right Guard. Fig. 122.— Sabre, Position of Left Guard. 118. The Advance (Retire), Left (Right) Step.— They are all 8-inch steps to the front, rear, right or left. The feet are always kept at right-angles and 16 to 18 inches apart. To advance or step to the right move right foot first, to retire or step to the left move left foot first. 119. To Change Guard.— Reverse the position of the hand, raising the point and drawing the hand back slightly to pass over, and close to the point of the opponent's sword. The attack and parries to the left are made from the Right Guard, the attacks and parries to the right from the Left Guard. 140 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 120. The Parries: (a) Head Parry.— Carry the point of the sword a little to the right, then drop it to the left and raise the sword quickly Fig. 124.— Sabre, Left Cheek Attack and Parry. a few inches above the head, edge up, hand in front of the right ear, the point to the left, the sword inclined slightly downward. (b) Left Cheek Parry.— Carry the hand about 10 inches in front and 3 inches to the left of the left cheek, edge to the left, point up, sword inclined slightly to the front. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 141 (c) Left Flank Parry. — Carry the point of sword slightly to the right, then drop the point to the left, the blade in line with elbow and hand about the height of the breast. Fig. 125.— Sabre, Left Flank Attack and Parry. Fig. 126.— Sabre, Right Cheek Attack and Parry. (d) Thrust Parry.— The same as Left Flank. (e) Right Cheek Parry.— The reverse of the Left Cheek Parry. 142 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. (f) Right Flank Parry. — Describe a semicircle from left to right with the point of sword until it is a little to the right of the right knee, edge to the right, the hand to the right of the right hip, and a little below the shoulder, arm slightly bent. 121. The Attacks: (a) Head Attack. — Throw the sword point slightly to the rear to clear the point of the opponent's sword and extend the arm quickly, sword edge down, and lunge, directing your attack at the opponent's head. Fig. 127. — Sabre, Right Flank Attack and Parry (b) Right (Left) Cheek Attack. — Throw the sword point slightly to the rear to clear the point of the opponent's sword and extend the arm quickly, sword edge to the right (left). Direct the attack at the right (left) cheek. (c) Thrust Attack. — Disengage and extend the arm quickly, point of the sword at the height of the breast, edge to the right, hand opposite the left breast and lunge. (d) Right (Left) Flank Attack. — The same as the Right and Left Cheek Attack, only the sword is directed at the body, between collar-bone and hip. Note. — All attacks to the left are made from the Right Guard and all attacks to the right from the Left Guard. All Cuts or Thrusts are made above the hips. 122 and 123. Simple Attacks and Parries are executed the same as in 120 and 121. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 143 Test "B." 124 to 140. See " Ship and Gun Drill," pages 185-193. Note. — Explanation for Tests " B " and " A " are given in Test " C " with the exception of the Compound Attacks and Parries. Compound Attacks are two attacks executed in quick suc- cession, the first movement is made without a Junge, the second movement is made with lunge. Examples for Compound Attacks: 1. Head and Left Cheek Attack. 2. Left Cheek and Right Flank Attack. Compound Parries are any two Parries in succession. Examples for Compound Parries: 1. Head and Left Cheek Parry. 2. Left Cheek and Right Flank Parry. Note. — All movements in Test " A " are explained in Tests 144 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. CANE EXERCISE. Test " C." (See page 17.) The class to be formed in two ranks, intervals or distance to be taken. 141. Cane Exercise. — Execute in the same manner as Sword Exercise. Fig. 128. — Cane, Position of Cane Exercise. 142. Moulinets. — Left and right at the head, these move- ments are the same as in Sabre. Left and Right Flank Moulinets : The cane describes a cir- cular cut forward at the opponent's flank, on left and right side of the body. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 145 Left Cheek Moulinets: From the position of Cane Exer- cise describe a full circular cut at the Left Cheek, the cane traveling on a horizontal plane. Right Cheek Moulinets: On the same principle as the Left Cheek, except that the hand is turned with the fingers up and the cut finished with back of the hand up. 143. Left and Right Moulinet, Forward (Backward). — Is executed by striking a left Moulinet at the head, and at the same time stepping forward with the left foot about 15 inches, then strike a right Moulinet at the head and step forward with the right foot 15 inches, continue this alternately until the command Halt is given. The Left and Right Moulinet Back- ward is the same as above, with the exception that the left and right feet are placed to the rear 15 inches. The exercise is continued until the command Halt is given. Note. — On the command Halt assume the position of Cane Exercise. 144. Left and Right Flank Moulinet, Forward (Back- ward). — Is executed by striking with an upper cut at the op- ponent's right side, the cane describing a circular movement from rear to front, at the same time advancing the left foot 15 inches, reverse the hand (fingers up), and describe a circu- lar movement from rear to front at the opponent's left side, at the same time advancing the right foot 15 inches, continue alternately until command Halt is given. The Left and Right Moulinet Backward is the same as above, with the exception that the left and right feet are placed to the rear until command Halt is given. Note. — On the command Halt assume position of Cane Ex- ercise. 145. Left Cheek Moulinet, Forward (Backward). — Describe a horizontal cut at the opponent's left cheek, at the same time advance the left and right foot alternately 15 inches with every cut. The Left Cheek Moulinet Backward is the same as above, with the exception that the left and right feet are placed to the rear 15 inches. On command Halt assume the position of Cane Exercise. 146. Right Cheek Moulinet, Forward (Backward). — Describe a horizontal cut at the opponent's right cheek, at the same time advance the left and right foot alternately 15 inches, with every cut. On command Halt assume position of Cane Exercise. Right Cheek Moulinet Backward is the same as above, with the exception that the left and right feet are placed to the rear 15 inches. 10 146 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 147. The Head Parry in Tierce. — Same as in Sabre. Fig. 129. — Cane, Head Parry, Hand in Tierce. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 147 148. The Head Parry, Hand in Quarte. — The hand is held about 5 inches in front of the left ear, the cane in a horizontal position in front of the head and 4 inches above. Fig. 130.— Cane, Head Parry, Hand in Quarte. 148 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 149. The Head Parry with Two Hands. — Carry the cane in a horizontal position in front and above the head about 4 inches. 150. Left or Right Cheek Parry. — Explanations the same as in Sabre. 151. Left or Right Flank Parry. — Explanations the same as in Sabre. Fig. 131. — Cane, Head Parry with Two Hands. 152. The Guard (Left and Right Moulinet Guard). — Exe- cute the Left and Right Moulinet and assume the position of Guard the same as in Sabre. 153. Change Position of Guard to the Right. — From the position of Guard describe a Moulinet to the right, at the same time turning on the ball of the left foot and placing the right foot to the right one-quarter turn. Keep the feet 16 to 18 inches apart, and at right-angles. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 149 154. Head Parry, Hand in Tierce. — Two strikes to the left, parry the head with two hands, strike with left and right hand, Guard, change Guard to the right — execute the four sides. 155. Head Parry, Hand in Quarte. — Two strikes to the right, parry the head with two hands, strike with the left and right hand, Guard, change Guard to the right, and repeat to four sides. Note. — Explanations for Tests " B " and " A " are given in Test " C." Fig. 132.— Cane, Thrust to the Front with Two Hands. Test " B." (See page 17.) 156. Left and Right Moulinet Guard. — The same as in Test " C," par. 142. 157. The Thrust.— (To the front, rear, right and left.) The thrust with the cane is a jab with both hands to the front, rear, right or left at the opponent's faceor body. The thrust can also be executed with one hand. Note. — The Attacks. — All attacks simple or compound are the same as in the Sabre, and can also be executed with a Moulinet (or circular cut). The foot movements are Advance. 150 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Retire, Right Step, Left Step, Front Double and Rear Double, Leap to the Front and Right Rear Volte. All foot movements are executed as in bayonet drill, except the Right Rear Volte and Leap to the Front. Fig. 133. — Cane, Guard with Cane Over Left Shoulder. Fig. 134. — Cane, Guard with Cane Over Right Shoul- der and Right Foot to the Rear. 158. All movements explained in Test " C." 159. All movements explained in Test " C." 160. To Change Guard to the Front (Rear). — Strike to the right and place the left foot forward 16 to 18 inches, keeping feet at right-angles. In striking to the left with the left foot to the front, strike left and place the right foot forward 18 inches. Alternate the movement by striking to the right (left) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 151 with left (right) foot forward. Change Guard to the rear is executed the same as above, with the exception that the feet are placed to the rear. Example: Strike right, right foot to the rear; strike left, left foot to the rear. To assume the Guard strike left cheek, right foot forward, Guard. 161. To Strike Backhanded with Left (Right) Hand. — Place the cane in both hands, knuckles turned down, arms hanging to their full length. Strike with the left hand, knuckles down, describing a circular cut forward, at the same time change the Guard to the front. Execute the same move- ment with the right hand on Command Right Foot to Rear, take position of rear guard. From this position strike left cheek, right foot forward, Guard. 162. All movements explained in Test " B." 163. To Change Position to Left. — Strike to the left and place the right foot one-quarter turn to the left, immediately turning the left foot so as to keep the feet at right-angles. To change position to the right, with the right foot to the rear, describe one-half turn with the left foot, which brings the left foot to the front, and one-half turn to the right, this brings the right foot to the rear, feet at right-angles. 164. The Side Lunge. — With the cane over the left shoulder, strike to the right and lunge directly to the right, cane on the right shoulder, turning the feet so as to keep them at right- angles. To change the position of knees, bend the left knee and straighten the right, at the same time strike to the left with the cane over the left shoulder, reversing the feet. 165. The Volte to the Rear. — For executing Right Rear Volte, turn the body to the right rear carrying the right, left and right foot to rear in quick succession, coming to the position of Guard with right foot to the rear. Strike Left Cheek, moving right foot forward and assume position of Guard. 166. Leap to the Front. — Raise the right foot slightly above the deck, replacing, and leap to the front, landing on the right foot, place the left foot to the front. Strike Left Cheek, mov- ing right foot forward, Guard. 152 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 167 to 178. See tests " C " and " B." Remarks. — The cane is the most practical form of sword play for use in those tight places where men care nothing for rules, but only want to make the most out of the weapon which Fig. 135. — Cane, Position of Guard with Right Foot to the Rear. the chance of the moment has put in their hands; should the weapon in hand be an umbrella, the most effective use of the same would be the thrusts with both hands. Bayonet tactics can also be used with the cane or umbrella, such as Long and Short Thrusts, combined with the use of the knee or foot. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 153 BAYONET FIGHTING. (See page 19.) Explanations for Signals. 179. Guard. — Assume it, left hand at back, right elbow at side, right fore-arm pointing to front, fist closed. 180. Short Guard. — Same as Guard, except that the arm is drawn straight to the rear until the fist is at the right side. 181. Long Thrust. — Clap the right palm, fingers apart and extended, to that part of the body toward which the soldier is to aim. 182. Short Thrust. — Same as Long Thrust, except the fist is closed. If pupil is not in position of Short Guard when he gets the signal, he comes to that position and executes Short Thrust. 183. Jab. — Place both closed fists under the chin. 184. Parry. — Strike a blow diagonally across the body in the direction the parry is to be made, fist closed. Follow by signal for Thrust. 185. Butt Strokes. — Make an upper-cut with the fist to indi- cate a Butt Stroke to the crotch, a right hook for Butt Stroke to the jaw, an overhand swing for Butt Stroke to the head. 186. Slash (Following Butt Stroke ) .—After Butt Stroke signal, carry the hand upward, fingers extended and joined, and slash down. 187. Disengage. — Describe an arc up and forward with the right hand, fingers extended and joined, in the direction the Disengage is to be made. Make the arc with a forward motion. Follow by signal for Thrust. 188. Cut-Over. — Describe an arc up and forward with the right hand, fingers extended and joined, in the direction the cut-over is to be made. Follow by signal for thrust. In exe- cuting the movements the point of the bayonet follows the movement of the trainer's hand, regardless of the relative right or left. When the trainer wishes the pupil to step forward with the rear foot in making any of the movements, the trainer steps to the rear as he gives the signal. Note. — There is no sentiment about the use of the bayonet. It is a cold-blooded proposition. The bayonet fighter kills or is killed. Few bayonet wounds come to the attention of the surgeon. Note. — Hand Signals are taken from the " Bayonet Training Manual " prepared at the School of Arms, Fort Sill, Okla- 154 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. homa, 1918. For all information pertaining to bayonet train- ing refer to "Landing Force Manual," U. S. Navy, 1918, pages 502 to 521. 189 to 203. See "Landing Force Manual, 1918," pages 503 to 511. SETTING-UP EXERCISES. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 157 SETTING-UP EXERCISES. (See page 11.) 204. The Standing Position is taken on the command : Attention ! Heels on the same line and as near each other as the con- formation of the man permits. Fig. 136a. — Attention. Front View. Fig. 136b. — Attention. Side View. Feet turned out equally and forming an angle of about 45°. Knees straight without stiffness. Hips level and drawn back slightly; body erect and resting equally on hips; chest lifted and arched; shoulders square and falling equally. Arms and hands hanging naturally; thumb along the seam of the trousers. 158 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Head erect and squarely to the front, chin drawn in so that the axis of the head and neck is vertical; eyes straight to the front. Weight of the body resting equally upon the heels and balls of the feet. Note. — The position of Attention is a very important one, as all exercises start from this position. Instructors should Fig. 137.— Wing Standing. criticize the position of Attention with such remarks as, heads up, chin in, chest high, knees straight. Simple Starting Positions of the Arms. 205. Wing Standing Position is taken on the command: Hips — Firm. The arms are bent upward and placed on the hips; fingers to the front, thumbs to the rear; palms of hands turned inward and pressing against the ridge of the hip bone; elbows pointing out to the side and slightly drawn back. (Fig. 137.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 159 Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch! The arms are stretched downward with force the shortest way. %J '-■■.!<*:>•»■■:■■:■ m. Fig. 138.— -Yard Standing. Common faults: Elbows not pointed to the side and drawn back too much. Hands not firm on the hips. 206. Yard Standing Position is taken on the command: Arms Sideiv. — Raise! The arms, fully stretched, are slowly raised sideways to the horizontal ; fingers closed and the palms of hands turned down- ward. (Fig. 138.) 160 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Sink! The arms are slowly lowered to the sides. Common faults : Arms not held in the horizontal position. Chest relaxed during the movement and not held high. Fig. 139. — Reach Standing. Note. — If Standing Position is to be returned to quickly, command : Attention! The arms are then lowered to the sides with a swing without slapping the sides. 207. Reach Standing Position is taken on command : Arms Forw. — Raise ! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 161 The arms fully stretched are slowly raised forward to the horizontal; fingers closed and palms of hands turned inward toward each other. (Fig. 139.) Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Sink! The arms are slowly lowered forward to the sides. Fig. 140. — Bend Standing. If the command Attention is given the arms are swung down quickly as in preceding paragraph. Common faults: As in preceding paragraph and palms not turned inward. 208. Bend Standing Position is taken on the command: Arms — Bend ! The arms at the elbows are quickly bent upward to the shoulders; fingers touching the point of the shoulders; elbows drawn back and down to the sides. (Fig. 140.) 11 162 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Stretch ! The arms are stretched down to the sides with force the shortest way. Common faults : Shoulders not held firm. Elbows not drawn in to the sides. Fingers not resting on the shoulders. Fig. 141. — Forward Bend Standing. Note. — The object of the Bend Standing Position is to raise the chest, the drawing of the arms to the sides has a tendency to do this and the result is a good brace. 209. Forward Bend Standing Position is taken on the com- mand: Arms Forw. — Bend! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 163 The arms are bent quickly upward in front of the chest; elbows at the height of shoulders and drawn well back ; fingers closed; wrist and fore-arm in a straight line. (Fig. 141.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stketch! The arms are quickly stretched downward with force to the sides. Fig. 142.— Stretch Standing. Common faults: Elbows not at the height of shoulders and drawn back enough. Wrist and fore-arm not in straight line. Shoulders carried forward. 210. Stretch Standing Position is taken on the command : Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise ! The arms fully stretched are raised forward and upward in front of the body to the vertical position above the head, and 164 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. are carried well back so they are in a straight line with the curve of the spine; palms of hands turned inward toward each other and arms shoulder width apart. (Fig. 142.) Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink ! The arms are slowly lowered in the reverse manner to the sides. Fig. 143.— Rest Standing. Stretch Standing Position can also be taken by raising the arms sideways and upward on the command: Arms Sidew. and Upw. — Raise! The arms are raised sideways to the Yard Position, as in par. 206, the hands are quickly turned upward and the movement continued upward. Arms Sidew. and Downw. — Sink! The arms are lowered in the reverse manner to the sides. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 165 Common faults: Arms not held straight and in line with the trunk. Arms not held shoulder width apart. 211. Rest Standing Position is taken on the command: Neck — Rest ! The arms are bent quickly at the elbows, carried upward the shortest way and placed on the back of head with the finger tips Fig. 144. — Palm Standing. touching each other; elbows well back, chest high and head erect. (Fig. 143.) Standing position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Stretch ! The arms are stretched downward to the sides with force the shortest way. Common faults: The head carried forward during the arm movement. The elbows not carried back enough. Fingers interlocked. 166 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 212. Palm Standing Position is taken on the command: Hands Outw. — Turn! With the arms fully stretched and held close to the body, the hands are turned outward away from the body as far as possible. (Fig. 144.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Hands Inw. — Turn ! The hands are turned inward toward the body. ose Standing. Common faults : Arms not held close to the body. Shoulders carried forward. Simple Starting Positions of the Legs. 213. Close Standing Position is taken on the command: Feet — Close ! By slightly raising the toes from the deck and pivoting on the heels the feet are carried inward so the inner side of the feet touch. (Fig. 145.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 167 Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet — Open ! By pivoting on the heels the feet are turned out to the Stand- ing Position. Common faults: Bending the body forward at the waist line. Dragging the feet on the deck during the closing and opening. Fig. 146.— Outward \Yalk Standing. 214. Outward Walk Standing Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Outw. — Place. The named foot is placed two foot lengths outward in the direction that the foot is pointed, 45° angle to the front; weight of the body equally distributed on both feet and shoulders square to the front. (Fig. 146.) 168 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together — Place! By pushing from the deck with the forward foot it is car- ried back to the Standing Position. Common faults : Not keeping the shoulders square to the front. Fig. 147. — Forward Walk Standing. Sliding the feet along the deck. Not preserving the angle of the feet. Weight not equally distributed. 215. Forward Walk Standing Position is taken on the com- mand: Left (R.) Foot Forw.— Place ! The named foot is placed two foot lengths directly forward so that the heels are in a straight line; weight of the body equally distributed and preserving the angle of the feet. (Fig. 147.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 169 Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together — Place! The feet are placed together as in preceding paragraph. Common faults: Besides those in preceding paragraph, the foot not placed directly forward. Fig. 148. — Outward Lunge Standing. 216. Outward Lunge Standing Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Outvx — Lunge! The named foot is carried outward three foot lengths in the same direction as in par. 214, the forward knee is bent to a right-angle and directly over the foot, both feet flat on the deck; rear leg, trunk, and head in a straight line, with the upper body 170 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. inclined forward and shoulders square to the front, as in the Standing Position. (Fig. 148.) Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together — Place! By pushing off with the forward foot it is carried back to the Standing Position. Fig. 149. — Forward Lunge Standing. Common faults: Not stepping out three foot lengths and feet not flat on the deck. Rear leg and body not in a straight line. 217. Forward Lunge Standing Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Forw. — Lunge! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 171 The named foot is carried three foot lengths forward, the knee bent to a right-angle as in preceding paragraph, shoulders square to the front ; rear \eg and trunk in a straight line ; feet flat on the deck. (Fig. 149.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together — Place ! The foot is carried back to the Standing Position as in pre- ceding paragraph. J*^ Fig. 150. — Stride Standing. Common faults: Besides those in preceding paragraph, the foot not carried straight forward and the rear heel raised from the deck. 218. Stride Standing Position is taken on the commands (three methods) : (a) Left (R.) Foot Sidew. — Place! (b) Feet Sidew. — Place! (c) Feet Sidew. icith a Jump — Place! 172 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. (a) The named foot is carried directly sideways two foot lengths and placed on the deck; equal weight on both feet. (Fig. 150.) (b) The left foot is carried one foot length to the left, and the right one foot length to the right ; the distance between the heels should be at least two foot lengths. (Fig. 150.) (c) By pushing off from the deck and springing upward the legs are parted sideways and the feet placed on the deck; the distance between the heel should be at least two foot lengths. (Fig. 150.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : (a-b) Feet Together — Place! (c) Feet Together with a Jump — Place! ( a ) . The foot which was placed sideways is carried back to the Standing Position. (b) Two Motions. The left foot is carried in one foot length and the right foot is carried in likewise to the Standing Position. (c) By pushing off from the deck both feet are carried inward to the Standing Position. Common faults : Not making the stride long enough. Body swaying and sliding feet on deck. 219. Toe Standing Position is taken on the command: Heels — Raise ! With the heels together and the arms held to the sides, the bo3y is raised as high as possible on the toes, maintaining the balance; ankle joints stretched; chest held high and head erect. (Fig. 151.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Heels — Sink ! The heels are lowered to the deck. Common faults : Body swaying and heels not held together. 220. Spring Standing Position is taken on the commands : Heels — Raise! (See preceding paragraph.) Knees — Bend! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 173 Maintaining the balance the knees are bent downward until the upper leg and lower leg are at right-angles to each other; the position of the rest of the body unaltered. (Fig. 152.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Knees — Stretch ! Fig. 151. — Toe Standing. Keeping the heels clear of the deck the knees are stretched upward. Heels — Sink ! The heels are lowered to the deck. Common faults : Heels lowered during the knee bending and stretching. Body swaying forward or backward and not maintaining the balance. 174 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 221. Spring Sitting Position is taken on the commands: Heels — Raise! (Par. 219.) Knees to Sitting — Bend! The knees are bent as in preceding paragraph, but with the difference that the knees are bent still further downward until the thighs touch the heels. (Fig. 153.) Fig. 152. — Spring Standing. Fig. 153. — Spring Sitting. Standing Position is returned to as in preceding paragraph on the commands : Knees — Stretch ! Heels — Sink ! Common faults : Besides those in preceding paragraph, knees not bent enough. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 175 Starting Positions of the Trunk. 222. Stoop Standing Position is taken on the command: Trunk Forw. — Bend. With the knees straight and the arms held to the sides, the trunk is slowly lowered forward to the horizontal so that the trunk and legs are at right-angles to each other. (Fig. 154.) Fig. 154. — Stoop Standing. Standing position is returned to on the command : Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! The trunk is raised slowly upward to the Standing Position. Common faults: The back rounded and head allowed to fall forward. The knees not held straight and chin not drawn in. 176 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 223. Arch Standing Position is taken on the command: Trunk Backiu. — Bend! With the knees straight and arms held at the sides, the trunk is bent slowly backward; the bending takes place in the upper spine; the chest should be held high and the chin drawn in (Fig. 155.) Fig. 155. — Arch Standing. Standing position is returned to on the command: Trunk Upw. — Stretch! The trunk is raised slowly upward to the Standing Position. Common faults: The bending taking place in the lower spine instead of the upper spine. The chin not drawn in and the head allowed to fall backward. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 177 224. Twist Standing Position is taken on the command : Trunk to the Left (R.) — Twist! With the arms held to the sides, the trunk is slowly twisted to the named side as far as possible, keeping the hips square to the front. The twisting takes place above the hips and not in the thighs. (Fig. 156.) - ..■■ --■■ Fig. 156.— Twist Standing. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Trunk Forw. — Twist! The trunk is slowly twisted forward to the Standing Position. Common faults : The twisting taking place in the thighs instead of the trunk. The hips not held square to the front. 12 178 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 225. Sidebend Standing Position is taken on the command: Trunk to the Left (R. ) — Bend ! With the arms held to the sides, chin drawn in and the feet firm on the deck, the trunk is slowly bent to the named side as far as possible. The position of the head is unaltered to the trunk. (Fig. 157.) Fig. 157. — Sidebend Standing. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Trunk Upw. — Stretch! The trunk is slowly raised upward to the Standing Position. Common faults : Raising the opposite foot to the side of the bending off the deck. Not keeping the head in line with the curve of the spine. Twisting the trunk during the sidebending. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 179 Miscellaneous Starting Positions. 226. Stoop Falling Position is taken on the command: Stoop Falling — Place ! ( Two motions : ) 1. The knees are bent to sitting, as in par. 221, and the hands are placed on the deck between the knees, keeping them shoulder width apart; the head is held high, and the back straight. The name of this position is called Crouch Sitting Position. (Fig. 158a.) Fig. 158a.— Crouch Sitting. 2. The weight is taken on the arms and the legs are stretched backward with force, the feet placed on the deck so that the body is in an inclined position, the arms are held straight, the legs, trunk and head in a straight line. (Fig. 158b.) Standing position is returned to on the command: Attention ! ( Two motions : ) 1. By pushing off with the feet the legs are brought forward to Crouch Sitting Position. 2. By pushing off with the hands and stretching the knees, the body is straightened up to the Standing Position. 180 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Common faults : In Crouch Sitting: The back rounded and the head carried forward. In Stoop Falling: Legs and trunk not in a straight line, allowing back to sway or raising hips. Sliding feet along the deck. Fig. 158b. — Stoop Falling. 227. Crouch Sitting Position is taken on the command: Crouch Sitting — Place ! The knees are bent and the hands placed on the deck as in preceding paragraphs. (Fig. 158a.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Attention ! Common faults: (See preceding paragraph.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 181 228. Back Stoop Falling Position is taken on the commands: ( Two motions : ) 1. Stoop Falling — Place! (See preceding paragraph.) 2. Change to Back Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! By keeping the arms straight, the body is turned on the named arm and the free hand placed on the deck about 18 inches from the other hand. The body is now in an inclined position, with the trunk, legs and head in a straight line as Fig. 159. — Back Stoop Falling. in the Standing Position. The back of the body is toward the deck. (Fig. 159.) Standing Position is returned to in two motions on the commands : 1. Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm— Turn! The body is turned on the named arm back to the Stoop Fall- ing Position. 2. Attention! (See preceding paragraph.) Common faults: Besides those in pars. 226-227, the arms not held straight and the body allowed to hinge at the waist line. The head carried forward and not in line with the trunk. 182 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 229. Side Falling Position is taken on the commands : ( Two motions : ) 1. Stoop Falling — Place! (See par. 226.) 2. Change to Side Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! The body is turned on the named arm until the side of the body is turned toward the deck, the free arm is held to the side and the supporting arm is held straight. The body should now be in an inclined position, with the head, trunk and legs in a straight line as in the Standing Position. (Fig. 160.) Fig. 160.— Side Falling. Standing Position is returned to in the reversed manner in two motions, on the commands : 1. Change to Stoop Falliyig on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! 2. Attention! Common faults: The body and arm not held straight. Chin not drawn in and head carried to the side. Legs not held together as in Standing Position. 230. Lying Position is taken on the commands: ( Two motions : ) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 183 1. Stoop Falling — Place! (See par. 226.) 2. Change to Lying on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! The body is turned on the named arm to the Back Stoop Falling Position, as in par. 228, then immediately lowered to the deck so that the back of the body is flat on the deck with the arms to the sides and the legs together. (Fig. 161.) lkS?S;:oi;"V? '.,:■.'.*'■,■.'.',,■;■• M Fig. 161. — Lying. Standing Position is returned to in the reversed manner, in two motions, on the commands: 1. Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm— Turn! 2. Attention! Fig. 162. — Forward Lying. Common faults: Besides those in pars. 226-227, the legs apart and arms not at the sides. 231. Forward Lying Position is taken on the commands: ( Two motions : ) 1. Stoop Falling — Place! (See par. 226.) 2. Change to Forw. Lying — Place! 184 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The body is quickly lowered to the deck and the arms lowered to the sides. The body should now be in a horizontal position on the deck with the chin drawn in and the legs together. (Fig. 162.) Standing Position is returned to in the reversed manner in two motions on the commands: Change to Stoop Falling — Place! Attention! Fig. 163.— Stride Kneeling. Fig. 164.— Wing Stride Standing. Note. — The above position can also be taken on the com- mand: Forw. Lying — Place! Common faults: The front of the body not flat on the deck and arms not held to sides. Legs apart and chin not drawn in. 232. Stride Kneeling Position is taken on the commands: Stride Kneeling — Place! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 185 ( Two motions : ) 1. The right knee is bent and the left knee placed on the deck about 6 inches to the left of the right foot, Half Kneeling. 2. The right knee is placed on the deck about 6 inches to the right, so that the distance between the knees is about 12 inches. The body from the knees up should be held straight and heels together. (Fig. 163.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Attention ! ( Two motions : ) 1. The left knee is raised and the foot placed on the deck opposite the right knee, both hands are placed on the left knee. 2. By stretching the knees the body is raised to the Standing Position and the arms lowered to the sides. Common faults: Hinging of the body at the waist line. Touching the deck with the hands in taking the position. Heels not together when in the Kneeling Position. Combined Starting Positions of the Arms and Legs. 233. Wing Stride Standing Position is taken on the com- mands : Left (B.) Foot Sidew. and Hips — Firm! The named foot is placed sideways, as in par. 218 (a), and at the same time the hands are placed on the hips, as in par. 205. (Fig. 164.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Feet Together mid Arms Doivnw. — Stretch! The foot is carried in to the other foot and at the same time the arms are stretched down to the sides. Common faults: (See pars. 218-205.) 186 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 234. Bend Toe Standing Position is taken on the com- mands : Heel Raising and Arms — Bend! The heels are raised, as in par. 219, and at the same time the arms are bent upward to the Bend Position, as in par. 208. (Fig. 165.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch! The heels are lowered to the deck and at the same time the arms are stretched down to the sides. Common faults: (See pars. 208-219.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 187 235. Rest Outward Walk Standing Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Outw. and Neck — Rest! The named foot is placed outward, as in par. 214, and at the same time the arms are bent upward to the Rest Position, as in par. 211. (Fig. 166.) Fig. 166. — Rest Outward Walk Standing. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Doivniv. — Stretch! The foot is carried back to the other foot and at the same time the arms are stretched down to the sides. Common faults: (See pars. 214-211.) 236. Stretch Outward Lunge Standing Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Outw. Lunging and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise ! 188 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The named foot is shifted outward, as in par. 216, at the same time the arms are raised forward and upward in front of the body to the vertical position above the head, as in par. 210. (Fig. 167.) Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together and Arms Forte, and Downiv. — Sink! Fig. 167. — Stretch Outward Lunge Standing. The advanced foot is carried back to the other foot and at the same time the arms are lowered forward and downward to the sides. Common faults: (See pars. 210-216.) Note. — The Stretch Position can also be taken by raising the arms sideways and upward. (See par. 210.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 189 Exercises of the Legs Carried Out in the Simple Starting Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 237. Wing Standing Heel Raising. The Starting Position is taken, as in par. 205, on the com- mand : Hips — Firm ! The exercise is carried out, as in par. 219, on the commands: Heels — Raise ! Heels — Sink ! Then the heel raising is carried out by numbers: at count " One " the heels are raised, at count " Two " they are lowered, and so on. Common faults: (See pars. 205-219.) 238. Yard Stride Standing Heel Raising. The Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Sideiv. and Arms Sidew. — Raise! The named foot is shifted sideways, as in par. 218(a), at the same time the arms are raised sideways, as in par. 206. The exercise is carried out as in par. 219. Standing Position is returned to in the reversed manner on the command: Feet Together and Arms Doicniv. — Sink ! Common faults: (See pars. 206-2 IS.) 239. Wing, Outward Walk St Heel Raising. The Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Outw. and Hips — Firm! The named foot is placed outward, as in par. 214, and at the same time the hands are placed on the hips. (Fig. 168.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 219. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! The named foot is shifted back to the other foot and at the same time the arms are stretched down to the sides. Common faults: (See pars. 214-219.) 190 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 240. Yard, Forward Walk St Heel Raising. The Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms Sidew.—RAiSKl The named foot is placed forward as in par. 215 and at the same time the arms are raised sideways as in par. 206. Fig. 168.— Wing Outward Walk Standing. The heel raising is carried out as in par. 219. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink ! The named foot is shifted back and the arms lowered to the sides. Common faults: (See pars. 215-219.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 191 241. Wing Standing Heel Raising and Knee Bending. Starting Position is taken on the command: Hips— Firm! (Par. 205.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Heels— Raise ! (Par. 219.) Knees — Bend! (Par. 220, Fig. 152.) Knees — Stretch ! Heels — Sink ! Then the exercise is carried out by numbers : at " One " the heels are raised, at " Two " the knees are bent, at " Three " the knees are stretched, at " Four " the heels are lowered, and so on. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch! Common faults: (See par. 220.) 242. Yard Standing: Heel Raising and Knee Bending to Sitting. Starting Position is taken on the command: Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See par. 206.) The exercise is carried out as in the preceding paragraph, but with the difference that the knees are bent to sitting, as in par. 221, on the commands: Heels — Raise! Knees to Sitting — Bend! Knees — Stretch ! Heels — Sink ! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Sink! (See par. 206.) Common faults: (See pars. 206-221.) 243. Wing Standing Lunging Outward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Hips — Firm! (See par. 205.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Outw.—LvxGEl (See par. 216.) Feet Together — Place! Then the exercise is carried out by numbers. Standing position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Common faults: (See pars. 205-216.) 192 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 244. Bend Standing Lunging Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Arms — Bend! (See par. 208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Forw. — Lunge! (See par. 217.) Feet Together — Place! Standing position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch! Common faults : ( See pars. 208-217. ) 245. Wing Standing Advance by Lunging Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Hips — Firm! (See pars. 205.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Advancing Forwd. by Numbers — One ! Two ! Three ! Four ! At count " One," the left foot is shifted forward, as in par. 217; at "Two," the right foot is shifted forward to the left foot ; at " Three," the right foot is shifted forward ; and at " Four," the left foot is carried forward to the right, and so on. Then the class is faced about and the exercise repeated. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Common faults: The class not working in unison and not keeping the proper dress in ranks while advancing forward. Exercises of the Arms Carried Out in the Simple Starting Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 246. Standing Arm Stretching Sideways. The exercise is carried out on the command: Arms Sidew. — Stretch! ( Two Motions : ) 1. The arms are bent upward to the Bend Position as in par. 208. 2. The arms are stretched sideways to the horizontal position, with the palms of the hands turned downward. Standing position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Stretch! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 193 ( Two motions : ) J . The arms are carried in to the Bend Position with a snap. 2. The arms are stretched downward with force to the sides. Note. — The movement of all arm stretchings is continuous, with very little pause at the Bend Position. Common faults : The arms not fully stretched and the palms not turned downward. Not enough snap and effort in the bending movement. 247. Standing Arm Stretching Upward. The exercise is carried out on the command: Arms Upw. — Stketch! ( Two motions : ) 1. The arms are bent upward, as in preceding paragraph. 2. The arms are stretched upward to the vertical position above the head, with palms turned inward and arms shoulder width apart. Standing position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Stretch! ( Two motions : ) 1. The arms are carried in to the Bend Position with a snap. 2. The arms are stretched downward with force to the sides. Note. — After Arm Stretchings are carried out by command, they are executed by numbers, one count for each movement. Common faults: Arms not stretched upward with force and held shoulder width apart. Palms of hands not turned inward. 248. Standing Arm Stretching Forward. The exercise is carried out on the command: Arm,s Forw. — Stretch ! ( Two motions : ) 1. The arms are bent upward, as in par. 208. 2. The arms are stretched forward to 'the horizontal posi- tion in front of the body; palms of hands turned inward and arms shoulder width apart. Standing position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch! The arms are stretched downward in two motions, as in pre- ceding paragraph. Common faults : ( See preceding paragraph. ) 13 194 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 249. Standing Arm Stretching Backward. The exercise is carried out on the command : Arms Backw. — Stketch! ( Two motions : ) 1. The arms are bent upward, as in par. 208. 2. The arms are stretched downward and backward with force; the hands are held shoulder width apart and the palms are turned inward. The position arising from the Arm Stretching Backward is called Drag Standing. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch! The arms are stretched downward in two motions, as in preceding paragraph. Common faults: The head carried forward as the arms are stretched back- ward. The arms not carried back far enough. 250. Forward Bend St Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command: ; Arms Forwd. — Bend ! ( See par. 209. ) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike! The arms are stretched sideways to the Yard Position. (Pig. 138.) The upper arms are held in a firm position. Arms Forw. — Bend! The arms are carried in to the first position. Then the Arm Striking is carried out by numbers Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Stretch! Common faults : The upper arms not held firm during the Arm Striking. 251. Bend Standing: Arm Stretching in Various Directions. Starting Position is taken on the command: Arms — Bend! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 246.) Arms TJpiv. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 247.) Arms Forw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 248.) Arms Backw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 249.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 195 Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Common faults: (See pars. 246-247-248-249.) 252. Reach Standing : Arm Swinging Upward and Forward. Starting position is taken on the command : Arms Forw. — Raise ! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Upw. — Swing! The arms are swung upward to the Stretch Position. (Fig. 142.) Arms Fomv. — Swing ! The arms are swung forward to the Reach Position. (Fig. 139.) Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Sink ! Note. — All Arm Swingings are carried out by numbers after being executed by command. 253. Stretch Standing: Arm Swinging Forward and Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! (See par. 210.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Forvj. — Swing ! Arms Upw. — Swing ! As in the preceding paragraph, but with the difference that the arms are swung first to the Reach and then to the Stretch Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! 254. Reach Standing Arm Swinging Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Arms Forw. — Raise ! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Swing! The arms are swung sideways to the Yard Position, palms turned downward. Arms Forw. — Swing ! The arms are swung forward to the Reach Position, palms turned inward. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Sink ! 196 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Common faults : The head carried forward during the Arm Swinging Side- ways. 255. Yard Standing Arm Swinging Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Arms Sidew. — Raise ! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Forw. — Swing! Arms Sideiv. — Swing! As in the preceding paragraph, but with the difference that the arms are first swung to the Reach and then to the Yard Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Sink! Common faults : ( See preceding paragraph. ) 256. Standing Arm Swinging Forward and Upward. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Forw. and Upw. — Swing! The arms are swung forward and upward in front of the body to the Stretch Position. Arms Forw. mid Downw. — Swing! The arms are swung forward and downward in the reversed manner to the Standing Position. Common faults: The arms not held straight and shoulder width apart. The arms allowed to swing beyond the thighs in the down- ward swing. 257. Standing Arm Swinging Sideways and Upward. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. and Upw. — Sw t ing ! Arms Sidew. and Downw. — Swing ! As in preceding paragraph, but with the difference that the arms are swung sideways and upward and then sideways and downward. Common faults: Besides those in preceding paragraph, the arms allowed to slap the thighs in the downward swing. 258. Standing Arm Circling with a Swing. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Forw. and Upw. — Swing ! Arms Sideiv. and Downw. — Swing ! Common faults: (See par. 210.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 197 259. Half Stretch St Arm Changing with a Swing. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Arm Forw. and Upw. — Raise! (See par. 210.) The exercise is carried out by numbers on the command : Arm Changing with a Swing by Numbers — One! Two! At " One," the arm above the head is swung forward and downward and at the same time the other arm is swung forward and upward. Fig. 169.— Half Stretch Standing. At " Two/' the arms are changed in the reversed manner, and so on. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Left (R.) Arm Forw. and Dotcnw. — Sink! Common faults: The arms not held straight during the swinging. The head carried forward and the shoulders not held firm. 198 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 260. Stretch Standing Arm Parting. The Starting Position is taken on the command : Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! (Par. 210.) The exercise is carried out on the command: Arm Parting by Numbers — One! The arms are quickly Fig. 170.— Yard (A) Standing. parted and lowered to the Yard (A) Position, with palms turned upward. Two! They are quickly swung upward to the first position, and so on. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink. Common faults: The arms not held straight and the head carried forward. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 199 261. Yard (A) Standing . . .Arm Parting. The Starting Position is taken on the commands : Arms Sidew.—RAiSKl (Par. 206.) Hands Upw. — Turn! With the arms held straight the hands are quickly turned upward to the Yard (A) Position. (Fig. 170.) Fig. 171a. — Head Bending Backward. Fig. 171b. — Head Bending Forward. The arm parting is then carried out by numbers as in the preceding paragraph, but with the difference that the arms are raised upward and then sideways. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Hands Downw. — Turn ! Arms downw. — Sink ! Common faults: (See preceding paragraph.) Exercises of the Neck Carried Out in the Simple Starting Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 262. Wing Standing. .Head Bending Backward (Forward). Starting Position is taken on the command : Hips — Firm ! 200 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Head Bachw. (Forw.) — Bend! The head is bent backward ( forward ) as far as possible ; the chin is drawn in and the shoulders held firm. (Figs. 171a and 171b.) Fig. 172. — Head Bending Sideways. Head Upw. — Stretch! The head is raised upward to the Standing Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Common faults : Chin not drawn in and the shoulders not firm. Note. — Head Bending can also be carried out in the Bend, Yard or Forward Bend Standing Positions. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 201 263. Wing Standing Head Bending Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command: Hips — Firm ! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Head to the Left (R.) — Bend! The head is slowly bent to the named side as far as possible, the shoulders are held firm and the chin is drawn in. (Fig. 172.) Head Upw. — Stretch! The head is slowly raised to the Starting Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Head Bending Sideways can also be carried out in the Bend, Yard or Forward Bend Standing Positions. 264. Wing Standing Head Twisting. Starting Position is taken on the command: Hips— Firms ! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Head to the Left (R.)— Twist! The head is twisted to the named side as far as possible, keeping the head erect and the chin drawn in. (Fig. 173.) Head Forward — Twist ! The head is slowly twisted forward to the Standing Position. Standing position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Stretch! Notes. — Head Twisting can also be carried out in the Wing, Bend, Yard, and Spring Sitting Positions. All Head Bendings and Twistings should be carried out by numbers after being executed by command. 202 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Exercises of the Trunk Carried Out in the Simple Starting Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 265. Rest Standing Trunk Bending Backward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Neck — Rest ! Fig. 173. — Head Twisting. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Trunk Backiv. — Bend! Trunk Upw. — Stretch! (See par. 223.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch! Notes. — Trunk Bending Backward should always be fol- lowed by Trunk Bending Forward. Trunk Bending Backward can also be carried out in the Wing, Bend, Yard or Stretch Standing Positions. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 203 266. Wing Standing Trunk Bending Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Hips — Firm ! The exercise is carried out on the commands ; Trunk Forw. — Bend! Trunk Upw. — Stretch! (See par. 222.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Doivniv. — Stretch ! Xote. — Trunk Bending Forward can also be carried out in the Bend, Yard, Stretch or Forward Bend Standing Positions. Common faults: (See par. 222.) l 267. Yard Standing Trunk Bending Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Arms Sidew. — Raise ! ( Par. 206. ) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Trunk to the Left (R.) — Bend! (See par. 225.) Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Doivnic. — Sink! Note. — Trunk Bending Sideways can also be carried out in the Wing, Rest, Bend, Stretch or Forward Bend Standing- Positions. Common faults: (See par. 225.) 268. Rest Standing Trunk Twisting. Starting Position is taken on the command: Xeck— Rest! (Par. 211.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Trunk to the Left (R.)— Twist! (Par. 224.) Trunk Forw. — Twist! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Trunk Twisting can also be carried out in the Bend, Yard, Wing, Forward Bend or Stretch Standing Positions. Common faults: (See par. 224.) 269. Stretch Standing: Trunk Bending Forward and Down- ward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Arms Fomv. and Vpw. — Raise! (Par. 210.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Trunk Forw. and Doivniv. — Bend ! 204 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The trunk is lowered, as in par. 222, but with the difference that the forward bending is carried still further, so that the upper body is beyond the horizontal. (Fig. 174.) Fig. 174.— Stretch Point Stoop Standing. Trunk Forw. and Upw. — Stretch! The body is raised to the Stretch Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Common faults: The arms not held in line with the trunk during the bending. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 205 270. Half Stretch Standing Trunk Bending Sideways. Starting Position is taken as in par. 210 on the command: Left ( R. ) Arm Forw. and Upw. — Raise ! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Trunk to the Right (L.) — Bend! (See par. 225.) Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Then Arm Changing is executed on the command: Arms Change — Stretch! ( Two motions : ) 1. Both arms are carried to the Bend Position. 2. The right arm is stretched upward and the left arm is stretched downward and the exercise carried out on the other side. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Right (L.) Arm Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Note. — In the Half Stretch Position Trunk Bending Side- ways is always carried out to the side of the down-stretched arm. Common faults: (See par. 225.) Balance Exercises. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 271. Wing Standing Knee TJpbending. Starting Position is taken on the command : Hips — Firm ! The exercise is carried out on the command : Left (R.) Knee Upw. — Bend! The named knee is bent upward in front of the body so that the upper leg is in a horizontal position and at right-angles to the lower leg, at the same time maintaining the balance. (Fig. 175.) Feet Together — Place ! The leg is stretched downward to the first position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Knee Upbending can also be carried out in the Bend, Forward Bend, Yard, Rest or Stretch Standing Positions. Common faults: The upper and lower leg not at right-angles to each other and not maintaining the balance. 206 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 272. Bend Standing Leg Raising Backward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Arms — Bend ! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left ( R. ) Leg Backw. — Raise ! >.— Wing Crook, Half- Standing. The named leg is slowly raised backward as far as possible without changing the position of the rest of the body; the balance maintained and the leg fully stretched. (Fig. 176.) Feet Together — Place! The leg is slowly lowered to the first position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downw. — Stretch ! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 207 Note. — Leg Raising Backward can also be carried out in the Wing, Yard, Forward Bend, Rest or Stretch Standing Positions. Fig. 176.— Bend, Backward Walk, Half- Standing. Common faults: Upper body leaning forward and not maintaining the balance. 208 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 273. Forward Bend Standing Leg Raising Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Arms Forw. — Bend ! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left ( R. ) Leg Forw. — Raise ! Fig. 177. — Forward Bend, Forward Walk, Half-Standing. The named leg fully stretched is slowly raised forward to the horizontal position in front of the body, maintaining the balance. (Fig. 177.) Feet Together — Place ! The leg is slowly lowered to the first position. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Doivnw. — Stretch ! Note. — Leg Raising Forward can also be carried out in the Bend, Yard, Wing, Rest or Stretch Standing Positions. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 209 7 ard,i, Common faults: The body leaning backward and not maintaining the balance. 274. Rest Standing r Leg Raising Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command: Neck — Rest ! Fig. 178.— Rest Stride Half -Standing. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left (R.) Leg Sidew. — Raise! The named leg fully stretched is slowly raised sideways as far as possible, maintaining the balance and the position of the upper body unaltered. (Fig. 178.) Feet Together — Place! The leg is slowly lowered to the first position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Downiv. — Stretch ! 14 210 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Note. — Leg Raising Sideways can also be carried out in the Bend, Yard, Wing or Stretch Standing Positions. Common faults: The body leaning sideways and the balance not maintained. ,^^^k~— <— Fig. 179.- -Horizontal Toe Support, Standing. 275. Horizontal Toe Support Standing Position is taken on the commands : Left (B.) Foot Horizontal Toe Support — Place! By slightly bending the forward knee the named foot is carried straight backward three foot lengths, and the toes placed square on the deck; body in an inclined position, with the trunk and rear leg in a straight line and arms held to the sides. (Fig. 179.) Feet Together — Place! The foot is carried forward to the first position. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 211 Common faults: The foot not carried back three foot lengths and the forward knee not bent. 276. Horizontal Half-Standing Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Horizontal Half-Standing — Place! Fig. 180. — Horizontal Half -Standing. The named foot is carried backward as in preceding para- graph, but with the difference that the foot is not placed on the deck and the leg raised backward to almost the horizontal. (Fig. 180.) Feet Together — Place! The trunk is raised and the leg lowered to the first position. Common faults : ( See preceding paragraph. ) 212 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Combined Exercises of the Arms and Legs Carried Out in the Standing and Simple Starting Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 277. Standing: Foot Placing Outward with Arm Raising Sideways. Left (R.) Foot Outw. and Arms Sidew. — Raise! The named foot is placed outward, as in par. 214, at the same time the arms are raised sideways, as in par. 206. Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink! The foot is carried in and the arms lowered to the sides. Note. — Foot Placing Outward can also be carried out with Arm Raising Sideways and Upward or Forward and Upward, as in par. 210. 278. Standing: Foot Placing Forward with Arm Raising Forward and Upward. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! The named foot is placed forward, as in par. 215, at the same time the arms are raised forward and upward, as in par. 210. Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Doivnw. — Sink ! Note. — All Foot Placings are carried out left and right and then by numbers. 279. Bend St. : Foot Placing Forward with Arm Stretching Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command: Arms — Bend ! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms Sidew. — Stretch! The named foot is placed forward, as in par. 215, at the same time the arms are stretched sideways, as in par. 246. Feet Together and Arms — Bend ! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Foot Placing Forward can also be carried out with Arm Stretching Upward or Forward. 280. Standing: Lunging Forward with Arm Swinging For- ward and Upward. Left (R.) Foot Forw. Lunging and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Swing ! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 213 The named foot is carried forward, as in par. 217, at the same time the arms are swung forward and upward, as in par. 210. Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Swing ! The feet are brought together and the arms lowered forward and downward. Note. — All Lungings are carried out left and right and then by numbers. 281. Standing: Lunging Outward with Arm Swinging Side- ways. Left (R.) Foot Outw. Lunging and Arms Sidew. — Swing! The named foot is carried outward, as in par. 216, at the same time the arms are swung sideways, as in par. 206. Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Swing! The feet are brought together and the arms lowered to the sides. Note. — Lunging Outward can also be carried out with Arm Swinging Forward and Upward or Sideways and Upward. Exercises of the Arms Carried Out from a Combined Starting Position of the Arms and Legs. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 282. Forward Bend, Forward Walk St.: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms Forw. — Bend! The named foot is placed forward, as in par. 215, at the same time the arms are bent forward, as in par. 209. The exercise is carried out, as in par. 250, on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike ! Arms Forw. — Bend ! Then feet changing is executed and the exercise repeated to the other side on the command : Feet Change — Place! The advanced foot is carried back to the first position and the other foot is placed forward to the Walk Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — When Arm Striking or Stretching is carried out in the Lunge, Walk or Stride Positions, Feet Changing is always executed. 214 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 283. Bend, Outward Lunge St.: Arm Stretching Upward, Forward and Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Outw. Lunging and Arms — Bend! The named foot is carried outward, as in par. 216, and at the same time the arms are carried up to the Bend Position, as in par. 208. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Upw. — Stretch! (Par. 247.) Arms — Bend! Arms Forw. — Stretch! (Par. 248.) Arms — Bend! Arms Sidew. — Stretch ! ( Par. 246. ) Arms — Bend ! Then the exercise is carried out by numbers in six counts, feet changing executed, and the arm stretching repeated on the other side. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Stretching Upward, Forward and Sideways can also be carried out in the Forward Lunge Position. 284. Stretch, Forward Walk St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! The named foot is placed forward, as in par. 215, and at the same time the arms are raised forward and upward, as in par. 210. The exercise is carried out by numbers, as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Fortv. and Downw. — Sink. Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Stretch, Outward Walk Standing Position. 285. Stretch, Forward Walk St.: Arm Swinging Forward and Upward. Starting Position is taken as in preceeding paragraph. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Forw. — Swing! (Par. 253.) Arms Upw. — Swing! Standing Position is returned to as in the preceding para- graph on the, command : Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 215 Note. — Arm Swinging Forward and Upward can also be carried out in the Stretch, Outward Walk Standing Position. 286. Stretch, Forward Walk St.: Arm Swinging Forward and Downward. Starting Position is taken as in par. 284. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Forw. and Downw. — Swing ! The arms fully stretched are swung forward and downward in front of the body to the sides, taking care that the arms do not pass the thighs. Arms Forw. and Upw. — Swing! The arms are swung forward and upward to the Stretch Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! 287. Stretch, Forward Lunge St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Forw, Lunging and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise ! The foot is carried forward, as in par. 217, at the same time the arms are raised forward and upward, as in par. 210. The Arm Parting is carried out by numbers, as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Stretch, Outward Lunge Standing Position. 288. Yard, Forward Lunge St.: Arm Swinging Forward and Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Forw. Lunging and Arms Sidew. — Raise! The named foot is carried forward, as in par. 217, at the same time the arms are raised sideways, as in par. 206. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Forw. — Swing! The arms fully stretched are swung forward to the Reach Position. Arms Sidew. — Swing! 216 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The arms are swung sideways to the Yard Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink ! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Yard, Outward Lunge Standing Position. 289. Yard, Forward Lunge St Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken as in preceding paragraph. The exercise is carried out, as in par. 261, on the commands: Hands Upiv. — Turn ! Hands Downw. — Turn ! Standing Position is returned to as in preceding para- graph. Note. — Hand Turning Upward can also be carried out in the Yard, Outward Lunge Standing Position. 290. Bend, Toe Standing Arm Stretching Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Heel Raising and Arms — Bend ! The heels are raised, as in par. 219, at the same time the arms are carried up to the Bend Position, as in par. 208. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Upw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 247.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Stretching Forward, Sideways or Backward can also be carried out in the Bend, Toe Standing Position. 291. Stretch, Toe Standing Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command: Heel Raising and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! The heels are raised, as in par. 219, at the same time the arms are raised forward and upward, as in par. 210. The exercise is carried out by numbers, as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Heel Sinking and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Note.— Arm Swinging Forward and Upward or Arm Swing- ing Forward and Downward can also be carried out in the Stretch, Toe Standing Position. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 217 292. Stretch, Outward Walk, Toe St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left {R.) Foot Outward — Place! (See par. 214.) Heel Raising and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! The heels are raised, as in par. 219, and at the same time the arms are raised forward and upward, as in par. 210. The Arm Parting is carried out by numbers, as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Heels — Sink ! Feet Together and Arms Fonv. and Downw. — Sink ! Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Stretch, Forward Walk Standing Position. 293. Bend, Outward Walk, Toe St.: Arm Stretching Side- ways and Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Outw.— Place! (See par. 214.) Heel Raising and Arms — Bend ! The heels are raised as in par. 219, and the arms carried up to the Bend Position, as in par. 208. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidw. — Stretch! (See par. 246.) Arms — Bend! Arms Upiv. — Stretch! (See par. 247.) Arms — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Heels — Sink ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Stretching can also be carried out in the Bend, Forward Walk, Toe Standing Position. 294. Stretch, Outward Lunge, Toe St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left {R.) Foot Outw. Lunging and Arms — Bend! The named foot is carried outward, as in par. 216, and the arms are carried up to the Bend Position, as in par. 208. Forw. Heel Raising and Arms Upw. — Stretch ! The forward heel is raised as high as possible and the arms are stretched upward. (See par. 247.) The Arm Parting is then carried out by numbers, as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Heel Sinking and Arms — Bend! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! 218 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Stretch, Forward Lunge Standing Position. 295. Yard, Outward Walk, Toe St.: Arm Swinging Forward and Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Outw. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 214- 208.) Heel Raising and Arms Sidew. — Stretch! (See pars. 219- 246.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Forw. — Swing! Arms Sidew. — Swing! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : . Heel Sinking and Arms — Bend! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Swinging can also be carried out in the Yard, Forward Walk, or in the Yard, Forward Lunge Standing Positions. 296. Bend, Stride, Toe St.: Arm Stretching Upward and Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Sidew. — Place! Heel Raising and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 219-208.) The exercise is carried out as in pars. 247-246 on the com- mands : Arms Upw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! Arms Sidew. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Heels — Sink! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! 297. Forward Bend, Outward Walk, Toe St.: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Outw.— Place! Heel Raising and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 219-209.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 250 on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Strike! Arms Forw. — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: JJeeZs— Sink! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Striking Sideways can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Forward Walk, Toe Standing Position. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 219 298. Forward Bend, Spring St Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Heels — Raise ! Knee Bending and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 220-209.) The exercise is carried out as in preceding paragraph. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Knees — Stketch! Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Striking Sideways can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Spring Sitting Position. 299. Bend, Spring Sitting: Arm Stretching Sideways and Forward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Heels — Raise ! Knees to Sitting and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 221-208.) The exercise is carried out as in pars. 246-248 on the com- mands : Arms Sidew. — Stretch ! Arms — Bend ! Arms Forw. — Stretch ! Arms — Bend ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Knees — Stretch! Heel Sinking and Arms Doivnw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Stretchings can also be carried out in the Bend, Spring Standing Position. 300. Stretch, Spring Sitting Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Heel Raising and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 219-208.) Knees to Sitting and Arms Upiv. — Stretch! (See pars. 221-247.) The exercise is carried out by numbers, as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Knee Stretching and Arms — Bend ! Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Stretch, Spring Standing Position. 301. Stretch, Spring Sitting: Arm Swinging Forward and Upward. Starting Position is taken as in preceding paragraph. 220 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The exercise is carried out as in par. 253 on the commands: Arms Forw. — Swing! Arms Upw. — Swing! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Knee Stretching and Arms — Bend! Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Stretch, Spring Standing Position. 302. Stride, Spring St.: Arm Swinging Sideways (Side- ways and Upward). Starting position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Sidew. — Place! Heels — Raise! (See par. 219.) Knees — Bend! (See par. 220.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sideiv. {Sidew. and Upw.) — Swing! (See pars. 206- 210.) Arms Downw. ( Sidew. and Downw. ) — Swing ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Knees — Stretch! Heels — Sink! Feet Together — Place! Note. — Arm Swingings can also be carried out in the Stride, Spring Sitting Position. 303. Forward Bend, Spring St.: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting position is taken on the commands : Heels — Raise ! Knee Bending and Arms Forward — Bend! (See pars. 220- 209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike! (Par. 250.) Arms Forw. — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Knees — Stretch! Heel Sinking and. Arms Downward — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Striking can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Spring Sitting Position. 304. Yard, Spring Sitting Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Heels Raising and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 219-208.) Knees to Sitting and Arms Sidew. — Stretch! (See pars. 221-246.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 221 The exercise is carried out on the commands : Hands Upw. — Turn! (See par. 261.) Hands Downw. — Turn! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Knee Stretching and Arms — Bend ! Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Hand Turning can also be carried out in the Yard, Spring Standing Position. Exercise of the Arms Carried Out in a Fixed Starting Position of the Trunk. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 305. Bend (Forward Bend) Arch St.: Arm Stretching (Striking) Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Arms — Bend! (See par. 208.) (Arms Forward — Bend!) Trunk Backw. — Bend! (See par. 223.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Stretch! (See par. 246.) (Arms Sidew. — Strike! ) (See par. 250.) Arms — Bend ! (Arms Forw. — Bend ! ) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Striking can also be carried out in the Forward, Bend Arch Standing Position. Trunk bending forward should always follow exercises carried out in the Arch Standing Position. 306. Bend, Arch, Stride St.: Arm Stretching Upward and Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (E.) Foot Sidew. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 218(a) - 208.) Trunk Backw. — Bend! (See par. 223.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Upw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 247.) Arms Sidew. — Stretch ! Arms — Bend ! ( See par. 246. ) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Uptc. — Stretch! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Stretching Forward or Backward can also be carried out in the Bend, Arch, Stride Standing Position. 222 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 307. Stretch, Arch, Stride St Arm Parting. Starting Position is. taken on the commands: Feet Sidew. and Arms Upiv. — Stretch! (See pars. 218(b)- 247.) Trunk Backw. — Bend! The exercise is carried out by numbers as in Par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upiv. — Stretch! Feet Together and Arms Doivniv. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Swinging Forward and L T pward can also be carried out in the Stretch, Arch, Stride Standing Position. 308. Bend, Stoop St Arm Stretching Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Arms — Bend! Trunk Fortv. — Bend! (See par. 222.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Upw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 247.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Doicnic. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Stretching Forward. Sideways or Backward can also be carried out in the Bend, Stoop Standing Position. 309. Stretch, Stoop, Stride St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Feet Sidew. and Arms Upw. — Stretch! (See pars. 218(b)- 247.) Trunk Forw. — Bend! (See par. 222.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Yard ( A) , Stoop, Stride Standing Position. 310. Forward Bend, Stoop, Stride St.: Arm Striking Side- ways. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Sidew. and Arms Fortv. — Bend! (See pars. 218 (a) -209.) Trunk Forw. — Bend! (See par. 222.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 223 The exercise is carried out as in par. 250, on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike! Arms Forw. — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! 311. Bend, Stoop, Outward Walk St.: Arm Stretching Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Outw. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 214- 208.) Trunk Fonvd. — Bend ! ( See par. 222. ) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Upw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 247.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Stretching Sideways, Forward or Backward can also be carried out in the Bend, Stoop, Outward Walk Stand- ing Position. 312. Forward Bend, Stoop, Outward Lunge St.: Arm Strik- ing Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Outw. Lunging and Arms Forward — Bend! (See pars. 216-209.) Trunk Forw. — Bend ! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike! Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 250. ) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Striking can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Stoop, Forward Lunge Standing Position. 313. Bend, Arch, Outward Walk St.: Arm Stretching Side- ways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Outward and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 214-208.) Trunk Backw. — Bexd! (See par. 223.) 224 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 246.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Stretching Upward, Forward or Backward can also be carried out in the Bend, Arch, Outward Walk Standing Position. 314. Stretch, Arch, Forward Walk St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms Fonv. and Upw. — Raise! (See pars. 215-210.) Trunk Backw.—BEXD ! ( See par. 223. ) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink ! Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Yard ( A) , Arch, Forward Walk Standing Position. 315. Bend, Twist Standing Arm Stretching Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Arms — Bend! Trunk to the Left (R.) — Twist! (See par. 224.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Stretch ! Arms — Bend ! ( See par. 246. ) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Forw. — Twist! Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Stretching Forward, Backward or Upward can also be carried out in the Bend, Twist Standing Position. 316. Bend, Twist, Stride St Arm Stretching Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Left {R.) Foot Sidew. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 218 (a) - 208.) Trunk to the Left {R.)— Twist! (See par. 224.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Upw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 247.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Forw. — Tw t ist! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 225 Note. — Arm Stretching Forward, Backward or Sideways can lso be carried out in the Bend, Twist, Stride Standing Position. 317. Stretch, Twist Standing Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Arms Upw. — Stretch! (See par. 247.) Trunk to the Left (R.)— Twist! (See par. 224.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Fomv. — Twist! Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Swinging Forward and Upward can also be car- i ried out in the Stretch, Twist Standing Position. 318. Stretch, Twist, Stride St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Feet Sidew. and Arms Upw. — Stretch! (See pars. 218(b)- ■ 247.) Trunk to the Left (R,) — Twist! (See par. 224.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Forw. — Twist! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Swinging Forward and Upward can also be carried out in the Stretch, Twist, Stride Standing Position. 319. Bend, Twist, Outward Walk St.: Arm Stretching Side- ways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Outw. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 214- 208.) Trunk to the Left (R.)— Twist! (See par. 224.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 246.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Forw. — Twist ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note 1. — In the Walk and Lung Positions Trunk Twisting ! always carried out to the side of the advanced foot. Note 2. — Arm Stretching Upward, Backward or Forward can also be carried out in the Bend, Twist, Outward Walk Standing Position. 15 226 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 320. Forward Bend, Twist Standing: Arm Striking Side- ways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 209.) Trunk to the Left (R.) — Twist! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike! Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 250.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Forw. — Twist! Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Striking Sideways can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Twist Walk and Lunge Standing Positions. 321. Stretch, Twist, Outward Walk St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Out'iv. and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! (See pars. 214-210.) Trunk to the Left (R.)~ Twist! The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Forward — Twist ! Feet Together and, Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Stretch, Twist, Outward Lunge Standing Position. 322. Stretch, Twist, Outward Lunge St. : Arm Swinging Forward and Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Outw. Lunging and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! (See pars. 216-210.)" Trunk to the Left (R.)— Twist! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Forw. — Swing! Arms Upw. — Swing! (See par. 253.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Forw. — Twist! Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Note. — Arm Swinging Forward and Upward can also be carried out in the Stretch, Twist, Outward (Forward) Walk Standing Position. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 227 323. Bend, Sidebend Standing. . .Arm Stretching Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Arms — Bend! (See par. 208.) Trunk to the Left (R.) — Bend! (See par. 225.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 246.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Stretching Upward, Backward or Forward can also be carried out in the Bend, Sidebend Standing Position. 324. Bend, Sidebend, Stride St.: Arm Stretching Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Sidew. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 218 (a) - 208.) Trunk to the Left (R.)— Bend! (See par. 225.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Upwd. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 247.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Stretching Forward or Sideways can also be carried out in the Bend, Sidebend, Stride Standing Position. 325. Stretch, Sidebend, Stride St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Feet Sidew. and Arms Upiv. — Stretch! (See pars. 218(b)- 247.) Trunk to the Left (R. ) —Bend ! The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Swinging Forward and Upward can also be car- ried out in the Stretch, Sidebend, Stride Standing Position. 326. Yard, Sidebend Standing Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Raise! Trunk to the Left {R.) — Bend! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Hands Upw. — Turn! Hands Downw. — Turn! (See par. 261.) 228 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upward — Stretch ! Arms Downivard — Sink ! 327. Yard, Sidebend, Stride St Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Sidew. and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 218(a)-206.) Trunk to the Left (R.)— Bend! The exercise is carried out as in the preceding paragraph. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink ! 328. Forward Bend, Sidebend St.: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 209.) Trunk to the Left (R.)— Bend! The exercise is carried out as in par. 250, on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike ! Arms Forw. — Bend ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Downw.- — Stretch! Note. — Arm Striking Sideways can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Sidebend, Stride Standing Position. 329. Bend, Sidebend, Forward Walk St. : Arm Stretching Up- ward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 215-208.) Trunk to the Left (R.) — Bend! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Upw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 247.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Stretching Forward or Sideways can also be carried out in the Bend, Sidebend, Forward Walk Standing Position. 330. Stretch, Sidebend, Forward Walk St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms Forw. and U%w. — Raise! (See pars. 215-210.) Trunk to the Left ( R. ) — Bend ! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 229 The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Feet Together and Arms Forw and Downw. — Sink! Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Stretch, Sidebend, Forward Lunge Standing Position. 331. Forward Bend, Sidebend, Forward Walk St.: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 215-209.) Trunk to the Left (R.) — Bend! (See par. 225.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 250, on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike ! Arms Forward — Bend ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Striking Sideways can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Sidebend, Forward Lunge Standing Position. 332. Stretch, Sidebend, Forward Lunge St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Forw. Lunging and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! (See pars. 217-210.) Trunk to the Left (R.)— Bend! The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink ! Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Yard (A), Sidebend, Forward Lunge Standing Position. 333. Bend, Sidebend, Outward Lunge St.: Arm Stretching Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Outw. Lunging arid Arms — Bend! (See pars. 216-208.) Trunk to the Left {R.) — Bend! The exercise is carried out as in par. 246, on the commands : Arms Sideiv. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! 230 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Stretching Upward or Forward can also be car- ried out in the Bend, Sidebend, Outward Lunge, Standing Position. Combined Exercises of the Arms and Legs Carried Out in the Standing and Combined Starting Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 334. Standing: Foot Placing Forward with Arm Raising Sideways (Forward). The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms Sidew. (Form.) — Raise! (See pars. 215-206.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink ! Note. — Arm Raisings can also be executed with Foot Placing Outward. 335. Standing: Lunging Forward with Arm Raising For- ward and Upward. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Forw. Lunging and Arms Forw. and Upw. — - Raise! (See pars. 217-210.) Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Note. — Arm Raising Sideways and Upward can also be car- ried out in the above position. 336. Standing: Foot Placing Sideways with Arm Raising Forward (Sideways). The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left {R.) Foot Sidew. and Arms Forw. {Sidew.) — Raise! (See pars. 218 (a) -207.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink! Note. — The Arm Raisings can also be executed with Feet Placing Sideways with a Jump, as in par. 218(c). 337. Standing: Feet Placing Sideways with Arm Stretching Sideways. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Feet Sidew. and Arm.s Sidew. — Stretch! (Two motions: ) 1. The left foot is placed sideways as in par. 218(b), at the same time the arms are carried up to the Bend Position, as in par. 208. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 231 2. The right foot is placed sideways and the arms stretched sideways. Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! (Two motions.) Note. — Arm Stretching Forward or Upward can also be car- ried out with Feet Placing Sideways. (Two motions.) 338. Standing: Feet Placing Sideways with a Jump with Neck Rest. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Feet Sideiv. with a Jump and Neck — Rest! (See pars. 218(c)-211.) Feet Together ivith a Jump and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Hips Firm, Arm Bending, Arm Bending Forward, or Arm Swingings can also be executed with Feet Placing Side- ways with a Jump. 339. Standing: Heel Raising with Arm Raising Forward and Upward. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Heel Raising and Arms Forw. and Upiv. — Raise ! ( See pars. 219-210.) Heel Sinking and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Note. — Heel Raising can also be carried out with Arm Rais- ing Sideways and Upward or Arm Circling. 340. Standing: Heel Raising and Knee Bending, with Arm Stretching Upward and Downward (Sidways and Downward). The exercise is carried out on the commands: Heel Raising and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 219-208.) Knee Bending and Arms TJpw. (Sidew.) — Stretch! (See pars. 220-247, 246.) Knee Stretching and Arms — Bend ! Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — The Arm Stretchings above can also be carried out with Knee Bending to Sitting, as in par. 221. 341. Stretch, Stride St.: Heel Raising with Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Feet Sidew. and Arms TJpw. — Stretch! (Two motions.) The exercise is carried out by numbers on the commands : Heel Raising with Arm Parting by Numbers— One ! Tw t o! At count One, the heels are raised as in par. 219, at the same time the arms are lowered sideways as in par. 260. At count Two, the heels are lowered and the arms raised upward to the Stretch Position, and so on. 232 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! (Two motions.) 342. Reach, Stride St.: Heel Raising with Arm Swinging Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Sidew. and Arms Forw. — Raise! (See pars. 218 (a) -207.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Heel Raising and Arms Sideiv. — Swing! (See pars. 219- 206.) Heel Sinking and Arms Forw. — Sw t ing! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink! Note. — Arm Swinging Upward and Forward can also be car- ried out in the Reach, Stride Standing Position. 343. Bend, Stride, Toe St.: Knee Bending with Arm Stretching Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Sidew. — Place! Heel Raising and Arms — Bend! (Pars. 219-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Knee Bending and Arms Upw. — Stretch! (See pars. 220- 247.) Knee Stretching and Arms — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Heels — Sink! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Stretching, Sideways, Forward or Backward with knee bending can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 344. Bend, Outward Walk St.: Heel Raising with Arm Stretching Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Outw. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 214- 208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Heel Raising and Arms Sidew. — Stretch! (See pars. 219- 247.) Heel Sinking and Arms — Bend! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 233 Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Heel Raising with arm Stretching Backward, Up- ward or Forward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 345. Stretch, Outward Walk St.: Heel Raising with Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left {R.) Foot Outtv. and Arms Fomv. and Upiv. — Raise! (See pars. 214-210.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in pars. 219-260. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Fomv. and Downw. — Sink! Note. — Arm Swinging Forward and Upward, with heel rais- ing, can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 346. Yard, Forward Walk St.: Heel Raising with Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Fomv. and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 215-206.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Heel Raising and Hands Upw. — Turn! (See pars. 219- 261.) Heel Sinking and Hands Downw. — Turn ! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink! Note. — The above exercise can also be carried out in the Yard Outward Walk Standing Position. 347. Forward Bend, Outward Walk St. : Heel Raising with Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Outw. and Arms Forw.— Bend I (See pars. 214-209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Heel Raising and Arms Sidew. — Strike! (See pars. 219- 250.) Heel Sinking and Arms Fomv. — Bend ! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! 234 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Note. — The above exercise can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Forward Walk Standing Position. 348. Reach, Outward Walk St.: Heel Raising with Arm Swinging Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left {R.) Foot Outw. and Arms Form. — Raise! (See pars. 214-207.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Heel Raising and Arms Sideiv. — Swing! (See pars. 219- 206.) Heel Sinking a?id Arms Forw. — Swing! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink! Note. — Arm Swinging Upward and Forward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 349. Bend, Outward Walk, Toe St. : Knee Bending with Arm Stretching Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Outw.— Place! Heel Raising and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 219-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Knee Bending and Arms Sidew. — Stretch! (See pars. 220- 246.) Knee Stretching and Arms — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Heels — Sink! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Knee Bending with Arm Stretching Upward, For- ward or Backward, can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 350. Stretch, Outward Walk, Toe St.: Knee Bending with Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Outw. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 214- 208.) Heel Raising and Arms Upw. — Stretch ! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Knee Bending with Arm Parting by Numbers — One ! Two ! At count One, the knees are bent as in par. 220, at the same time the arms, are lowered sideways as in par. 260. At count Two, the knees are stretched and the arms raised upward to the Stretch Position, and so on. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 235 Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Heel Sinking and Arms — Bend! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Swinging Forward and Upward can also be car- ried out in the Stretch, Outward Walk Standing Position. 351. Yard, Forward Walk, Toe St. — Knee Bending with Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Forw. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 215- 208.) Heel Raising and Arms Sidew. — Stretch! (See pars. 219- 247.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Knee Bending and Hands Upw. — Turn! (See pars. 220- 261.) Knee Stretching and Hands Downw. — Turn! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Heel Sinking and Arms — Bend! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Knee Bending with Hand Turning Upward can also be carried out in the Yard, Outward Walk Standing Position. 352. Forward Bend, Outward Walk, Toe St.: Knee Bending with Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Outw.— Place! Heel Raising and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 220- 209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Knee Bending and Arms Sidew. — Strike! (See pars. 220- 250.) Knee Stretching and Arms Forw. — Bend ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Heels — Sink! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — The above exercise can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Forward Walk, Toe Standing Position. 353. Bend, Outward Lunge St. : Forward Heel Raising with Arm Stretching Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Outward Lunging and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 216-208.) 236 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Forw. Heel Raising and Arms Upw. — Stretch! (See pars. 209-247.) Heel Sinking and Arms — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Stretching Backward, Forward or Sideways can also be carried out in the Bend, Outward Lunge Standing Position. 354. Stretch, Forward Lunge St.: Forward Heel Raising with Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Forw. Lunging and Arms Forw. and Up- ward — Raise ! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Forw. Heel Raising with Arm Parting by Numbers — One! Two! At count One, the forward heel is raised as in par. 219, at the same time the arms are lowered as in par. 260. At count Two, the heel is lowered and the arms raised up- ward to the Stretch Position, and so on. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Note. — The above exercise can also be carried out in the Stretch, Outward Lunge Standing Position. 355. Yard, Outward Lunge St. : Forward Heel Raising with Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Outiv. Lunging and Arms Sideiv. — Raise! (See pars. 216-206.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Forw. Heel Raising and Hands Upw. — Turn! (See pars. 219-261.) Heel Sinking and Hands Downw. — Turn! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink! Note. — The above exercise can also be carried out in the Yard, Forward Lunge Standing Position. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 237 356. Forward Bend, Forward Lunge, Toe St.: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Forward — Lunge! (See par. 217.) Forte. Heel Raising and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 219-209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike! Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 250.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Heels — Sink! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Striking Sideways can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Outward Lunge, Toe Standing Position. 357. Bend, Spring St.: Arm Stretching Sideways (Upward), (Forward). Starting Position is taken on the commands: Heels — Raise ! Knee Bending and Arms — Bend ! ( See pars. 220-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sideways (Upw.) (Forw.) — Stretch! Arms — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Knees — Stretch! Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Stretchings can also be carried out in the Bend, Spring Sitting Position. 358. Stretch, Spring St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Heel Raising and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 219-208.) Knee Bending and Arms TJpw. — Stretch! (See pars. 220- 247.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing position is returned to on the commands: Knee Stretching and Arms — Bend! Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Parting can also be carried out in the Stretch, Spring Sitting Position. 359. Stretch, Spring St.: Knee Stretching with Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken as in preceding paragraph. 238 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. s — One ! i The exercise is carried out on the commands : Knee Stretching with Arm Parting by Numbers- Two I At count " One/' the knees are stretched and the arms are parted. At count " Two/ 5 the knees are bent and the arms raised upward, and so on. Standing position is returned to on the commands: Knee Stretching and Arms — Bend! Heel Sinking and Arms Downic. — Stretch ! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Stretch, Spring, Sitting Position. 360. Forward Bend Spring St.: Knee Stretching with Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Heels — Raise! Knee Bending and Arms Forw. — Bend! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Knee Stretching and Arms Sidew. — Strike! (See pars. 220- 250.) Knee Bending and Arms Forw. — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Knees — Stretch! Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Forward Bend, Spring Sitting Position. 361. Yard Spring St.: Knee Stretching with Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Heel Raising and Arms — Bend ! Knee Bending and Arms Sidew. — Stretch ! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Knee Stretching and Hands Upw. — Turn! (See pars. 220- 261.) Knee Bending and Hands Downw. — Turn! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Knee Stretching and Arms — Bend! Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Yard, Spring, Sitting Position. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 239 362. Bend, Stride, Spring St.: Arm Stretching Sideways (Upward), (Forward). Starting Position is taken on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Sidew. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 218 (a) - 208.) Heels — Raise ! Knees — Bend ! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. ( Upic. ) , ( Forw. ) — Stretch ! Arms — Bend ! Standing position is returned to on the commands : Knees — Stretch ! Heels — Sink ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! 363. Bend, Stride, Spring St.: Knee Stretching with Arm Stretching Sideways. Starting position is taken as in preceding paragraph. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Knee Stretching and Arms Sidew. — Stretch! (See pars. 220- 246.) Knee Bending and Arms — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Knees — Stretch ! Heels — Sink ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Knee Stretching with Arm Stretching Upward, Back- ward or Forward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 3(54. Stretch, Stride, Spring St.: Knee Stretching with Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Feet Sidew. and Arms Cpw. — Stretch! (Two Motions.) Heels — Raise! Knees — Bend! The exercise is carried out by numbers as in pars. 220-260. Standing position is returned to on the commands: Knees — Stretch ! Heels — Sink ! Feet Together and Arms Downiv. — Stretch ! ( Two motions. ) 365. Forward Bend, Stride, Spring St.: Knee Stretching with Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Sidew. and Arm Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 218(a)-209.) Heels — Raise ! Knees — Bend ! The exercise is carried out as in pars. 220-250. 240 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Knees — Stretch ! Heels — Sink ! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! 366. Yard, Stride, Spring St.: Knee Stretching with Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Feet Sidew. and Arms Sidew. — Stretch! (Two motions.) Heels — Raise ! Knees — Bend ! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Knee Stretching and Hands Upw. — Turn! (See pars. 220- 261.) Knee Bending and Hands Downw. — Turn! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Knees — Stretch! Heels — Sink! Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! ( Two motions. ) Exercise of the Trunk Carried Out from a Fixed Starting Position of the Legs and Arms. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 367. Yard Stride St Trunk Bending Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Sidew. and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See par. 218(a)-206.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Trunk to the Left (R.) — Bend! Trunk Upw. — Stretch! (See par. 225.) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink ! Note. — Trunk Bending Sideways can also be carried out in the Wing, Rest, Forward Bend, or Stretch, Stride Standing Positions. 368. Bend, Outward Walk, St Trunk Bending Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Outw. and Arms— Bend! (See pars. 214-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Trunk to the Left (R.) — Bend! Trunk Upw. — Stretch! (See par. 225.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 241 Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note 1. — Trunk Bending Sideways in the Walk and Lunge Positions is always carried out to the side of the advance foot, then Feet Changing is executed and the exercise repeated to the other side. (See par. 250 for Feet Changing.) Note 2. — Trunk Bending Sideways can also be carried out in the Yard, Rest, Stretch, or Forward Bend, Outward Walk, Standing Positions. 369. Rest, Outward (Forward) Lunge St.: Trunk Bending Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Outiv. (Forw.) Lunging and Neck — Rest! (See pars. 216-211.) The exercise is carried out as in preceding paragraph, taking care that the Side Bending is carried out to the side of the advanced foot. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Side Bending can also be carried out in the Stretch, Yard, Bend, or Forward Bend, Outward ( Forward ) , Lunge Standing Positions. 370. Rest, Stride St Trunk Bending Backward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Sidew. and Neck — Rest! (See pars. 218(a)- 211.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 223 on the commands: Trunk Backw. — Bend ! Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Doionw. — Stretch! Note. — Trunk Bending Backward can also be carried out in the Yard, or Forward Bend, Stride Standing Positions. 371. Yard, Outward (Forward) Walk St.: Trunk Bending Backward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Outw. {Forw.) and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 214-206.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 223, on the commands : Trunk Backiv. — Bend! Trunk Upiu. — Stretch! 16 242 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink! Note. — Trunk Bending Backward can also be carried out in the Rest, Bend, Forward Bend, or Stretch, Outward (Forward) Walk Standing Positions. 372. Wing, Stride St Trunk Bending Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Sideiv. and Hips — Firm! (See pars. 218(a)- 205.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Trunk Forw. — Bend ! Trunk Upward — Stretch ! ( See par. 222.) Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together and Arms Downiv. — Stretch! Note. — Trunk Bending Forward can also be carried out in the Bend, Rest, Stretch or Forward Bend, Stride Standing Positions. 373. Bend, Outward (Forward) Walk St.: Trunk Bending Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Outw. (Forw.) and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 214-208.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 222, on the commands: Trunk Forw. — Bend! Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downiv. — Stretch ! Note. — Trunk Bending Forward can also be carried out in the Rest, Yard, Stretch, or Wing, Outward (Forward) Walk Standing Positions. 374. Wing, Outward (Forward) Lunge St.: Trunk Bending Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left {R.) Foot Outw. [Forw.) Lunging and Hips — Firm! (See pars. 216-205.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Trunk Fortv. — Bend! Trunk Upw. — Stretch! (See par. 222.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 243 Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Trunk Bending Forward can also be carried out in the Rest, Stretch, Bend or Forward Bend, Outward (Forward) Lunge Standing Positions. 375. Stretch, Stride St.: Trunk Bending Forward and Downward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Feet Sideiu. and Arms Upiv. — Stretch! ( Two motions : ) 1. The left foot is placed sideways and the arms are carried up to the Bend Position. 2. The right foot is placed sideways and the arms are stretched upward to the Stretch Position. The exercise is carried out as in par. 269 on the commands: Trunk Forw. and Downw. — Bend ! Trunk Forw. and Upw. — Stretch ! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! (Two motions.) Note. — Trunk Bending Forward and Downward can also be carried out in the Bend, Wing, or Rest, Stride Standing Positions. 376. Rest, Stride St Trunk Twisting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Sidew. and Neck — Rest! (See pars. 218(a)- 211.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 224 on the commands: Trunk to the Left (R.) — Twist! Trunk Forw. — Twist! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Trunk Twisting can also be carried out in the Stretch, Yard, Bend, or Forward Bend, Stride Standing Position. 377. Bend, Outward (Forward) Walk St. .Trunk Twisting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Outiv. (Fomv.) and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 214-208.) 244 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Trunk to the Left ( R. ) — Twist ! Trunk Form.— Twist ! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Doivnw. — Stretch! Note. — Trunk Twisting can also be carried out in the Rest, Stretch, Yard, or Forward Bend, Outward (Forward) Walk Standing Positions. 378. Wing, Outward (Forward) Lunge St.: Trunk Twisting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Outw. {Form.) Lunging and Hips — Firm! The exercise is carried out as in preceding paragraph. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Trunk Twisting can also be carried out in the Rest, Stretch, Bend, or Forward Bend, Outward (Forward) Lunge Standing Positions. Combined Balance Exercises Carried Out in the Standing Position. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 379. Standing: Knee Upbending with Arm Raising Side- ways. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left {R.) Knee Upbending and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 271-206.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — -Sink ! Note 1. — All Balance exercises are carried out slowly. Note 2. — Knee Upbending can also be carried out with Arm Raising Forward, Forward and Upward or Sideways and Upward. 380. Standing Knee Upbending with Hips Firm. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Knee Upbending and Hips — Firm! (See pars. 271- 205.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Knee Upbending can also be carried out with Arms Bend, Arm Bending Forward or Neck Rest. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 245 381. Standing: Leg Raising Backward with Arm Raising Sideways. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (B.) Leg Backw. Baising and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 272-206.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink! Note. — Leg Raising Backward can also be carried out with Arm Bending Forward, Neck Rest or Hips Firm. 382. Standing: Leg Raising Backward with Arm Bending. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (B.) Leg Backw. Baising and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 272-208.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Leg Raising Backward can also be carried out with arm raising Forward, Forward and Upward or Sideways and Upward. 383. Standing: Leg Raising Sideways with Arm Raising Forward and Upward. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (B.) Leg Sidew. Baising and Arms Forw. and Upiv. — Raise! (See pars. 274-210.) Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink ! Note. — Leg Raising Sideways can also be carried out with Arm Raising Sideways, Sideways and Upward or Forward. 384. Standing: Leg Raising Sideways with Neck Rest. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left (B.) Leg Sidew. Baising and Neck — Rest! (See pars. 274-211.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note.— Leg Raising Sideways can also be carried out with Hips Firm, Arms Bend or Arm Bending Forward. 385. Standing: Leg Raising Forward with Arm Raising Sideways. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (B.) Leg Forw. Baising and Arms Sideic. — Raise! (See pars. 273-206.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink ! Note. — Leg Raising Forward can also be carried out with Arm Raising Forward, Forward and Upward or Sideways and Upward. 246 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 386. Standing: Leg Raising Forward with Arm Bending Forward. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Leg Forw. Raising and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 273-209.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Leg Raising Forward can also be carried out with Neck Rest, Hips Firm or Arm Bending. 387. Standing: Horizontal Toe Support with Arm Raising Sideways. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Hor. Toe Support and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 275-206.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out with Arm Raising Forward, Forward and Upward or Sideways and Upward. 388. Standing Horizontal Toe Support with Hips Firm. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Hor. Toe Support and Hips — Firm! (See pars. 275-205.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out with Neck Rest, Arm Bending or Arm Bending Forward. 389. Standing: Horizontal Half-Standing with Arm Raising Sideways. Left (R.) Foot Hor. Half -Standing and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 276-206.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink ! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out with Arm Raising Sideways and Upward or Forward and Upward. 390. Standing: Horizontal Half-Standing with Hips Firm. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Hor. Half-Standing and Hips — Firm! (See pars. 276-205.) Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out with Neck Rest, Arm Bending or Arm Bending Forward. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 247 Arm Exercises Carried Out in the Balance Half-Standing Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 391. Crook Half-St Arm Raising Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Knee Upw—BmsDl (See par. 271.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Hideiv. — Raise! Arms Doionw. — Sink! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together — Place ! Note 1. — In all Half -Standing Positions, Feet Changing is executed and the exercise repeated to the other side. Note 2. — Arm Raising Forward, Forward and Upward or Sideways and Upward, can also be carried out in the Crook Half-Standing Position. 392. Bend, Crook Haif-St Arm Stretching Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Knee Upbending and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 271-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 246.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Stretching Backward, Forward or Upward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 393. Stretch, Crook Half-St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Knee Upbending and Arms Fomv. and Upw. — Raise! (See pars. 271, 210.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Forte, and Downw. — Sink! 394. Forward Bend, Crook Half-St. : Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Knee Upbending and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 271-209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sideiv. — Strike! Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 250.) 248 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! 395. Yard, Crook Half-St Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Knee Upbending and Arms Sideiu. — Raise! (See pars. 271-206.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Hands Upiv. — Turn! Hands Downiv. — Turn! (See par. 261.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Dovonio. — Sink! 396. Backward Walk Half-St Arm Raising Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Backiv. — Raise! (See par. 272.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sideiv. — Raise! Arms Downw. — Sink! (See par. 206.) Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together- — Place ! Note. — Arm Raising Forward and Upward or Sideways and Upward, can also carried out in the above Starting Position. 397. Bend, Backward Walk Half-St.: Arm Stretching Up- ward. ' , Starting Position is taken on the command : Left ( R. ) Leg Backw. Raising and Arms — Bend ! ( See pars. 272-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Upw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 247.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Stretching Sideways, Backward or Forward, can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 398. Stretch, Backward Walk Half-St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Backw. Raising and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! (See pars. 272-210.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 249 399. Forward Bend, Backward Walk Half-St.: Arm Strik- ing Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Backiv. Raising and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 272-209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sideiv. — Strike! Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 250.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! 400. Yard, Backward Walk Half-St.: Hand Turning Up- ward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Backw. Raising and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 272-206.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Hands Upw. — Turn! Hands Downw. — Turn! (See par. 261.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink! 401. Forward Walk Half-St Arm Raising Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Leg Forward — Raise! (See par. 273.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Forw. — Raise! Arms Downw. — Sink! (See par. 207.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together — Place! Note. — Arm Raising Sideways, Sideways and Upward or Forward and LTpward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 402. Bend, Forward Walk Half-St.: Arm Stretching Side- ways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Forw. Raising and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 273-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 246.) 250 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Note. — Arm Stretching Upward, Forward or Backward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 403. Stretch, Forward Walk Half-St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Forw. Raising and Arms Forw. and Upiv. — Raise! (See pars. 273-210.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink ! 404. Forward Bend, Forward Walk Half-St. : Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Forw. Raising and Arms For iv. — Bend! (See pars. 273-209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike! Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 250.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! 405. Yard, Forward Walk Half-St. : Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Forw. Raising and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 273-206.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Hands Upw. — Turn! Hands Downw. — Turn! (See par. 261.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Doivnw. — Sink! 406. Stride, Half-St Arm Raising Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left {R.) Leg Sidew. — Raise! (See par. 274.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Raise ! Arms Downw. — Sink ! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together — Place ! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 251 Note. — Arm Raising Forward, Forward and Upward, Side- ways and Upward, Neck Rest, Hips Firm, Arm Bending or Arm Bending Forward, can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 407. Bend, Stride Half-St Arm Stretching Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Sideiv. Raising and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 274-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Upw. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 247.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! Note. — Arm Stretching Sideways, Forward or Backward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 408. Stretch, Stride Half-St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Sidew. Raising and Arms Forw. and Upiv. — Raise! (See pars. 274-210.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink ! 409. Forward Bend, Stride Half-St. : Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Leg Sidew. Raising and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 274-209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Strike ! Arms Forw. — Bend ! ( See par. 250.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! 410. Bend, Horizontal Toe Support St.: Arm Stretching Sideways (Upward). Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Hor. Toe Support and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 275-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. {Upw.) — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 246.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! 252 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 411. Stretch, Horizontal Toe Support St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Hor. Toe Support and Arms Forw. and 77pw.— Raise ! ( See pars. 275-210. ) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink ! Note. — Arm Swinging Forward and Upward can also be car- ried out in the above Starting Position. 412. Forward Bend, Horizontal Toe Support St.: Arm Strik- ing Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Hor. Toe Support and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 275-209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike ! Arms Forw. — Bend ! ( See par. 250. ) Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! 413. Yard, Horizontal Toe Support St.: Hand Turning Up- ward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Hor. Toe Support and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 275-206.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Hands Upw. — Turn! Hands Downw. — Turn! (See par. 261.) Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! 414. Horizontal Half-St Arm Raising Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Hor. Half-St.— Place ! (See par. 276.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Raise! Arms Downw. — Sink! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together — Place! Note. — Arm Raising Forward and Upward or Arm Raising Sideways and Upward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 253 43 5. Bend, Horizontal Half -St. . .Arm Stretching Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Hot. Half -St. and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 276-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! (See par. 246.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw.— Stretch I Note. — Arm Stretching Upward, Backward or Forward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 416. Stretch, Hor. Half-St Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Hor. Half -St. and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! (See pars. 276-210.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink ! 417. Forward Bend, Horizontal Half-St.: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Foot Hor. Half-St. and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 276-209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Strike! Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 250.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw — Stretch! 418. Yard, Horizontal Half-St.: Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Hor. Half-St. and Arms Sideio. — Raise! (See pars. 276-206.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Hands Upw. — Turn! Hands Downw. — Turn! (See par. 261. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink ! 254 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 419 Wing, Crook Half-St Knee Stretching Backward. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Knee Upbending and Hips — Firm! (See pars. 271-205.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Knee Backw. — Stretch! Maintaining the balance, the named knee is stretched back- ward keeping the upper body erect. Knee Upw. — Bend! The knee is carried forward and bent upward to the First Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch ! 420. Bend, Crook Half-St Knee Stretching Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Knee Upbending and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 271-208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Knee Forw. — Stretch! The named knee is stretched forward to the Horizontal Position in front of the body. Knee TJpw. — Bend. The leg is bent and carried back to the first Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Stretch! 421. Forward Bend, Crook Half-St.: Knee Stretching For- ward with Arm Striking. Starting Position is taken on the command : Left (R.) Knee Upbending and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 271-209.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Knee Forw. Stretching and Arms Sidew. — Strike! (See pars. 420-250.) Knee Upbending and Arms Forw. — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downiv. — Stretch! 422. Yard, Crook Half-St.: Hand-Turning Upward with Knee Stretching Forward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Knee Upbending and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 271-206.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 255 The exercise is carried out on the commands: Knee Stretching Form, and Hands Upw. — Turn ! ( See pars. 420-261.) Knee Upbending and Hands Downw. — Turn ! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together and Arms Downw. — Sink ! 423. Stretch, Crook Half-St.: Knee Stretching Forward with Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Knee Upbending and Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! (See pars. 271-210.) The exercise is carried out by numbers as in pars. 420-260. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Feet Together and Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Note. — The Arm Exercises in pars. 420, 421, 422, can also be carried out with Knee Stretching Backward as in par. 419. Exercises Carried Out in the Stoop Falling Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 424. Stoop Falling Arm Bending. Starting Position is taken on the command: Stoop Falling — Place! (See par. 226.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Arms — Bend! By bending the arms at the elbow joints, the body is lowered between the arms so that the chest is just clear of the deck; the elbows are turned out; legs and trunk in a straight line with the chin drawn in. Arms — Stretch ! Without changing the position of the body, the arms are straigh'tened and the body raised to the First Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Attention ! Note. — At first the Arm Bending is carried out so that the body touches the deck, as the class progresses the Arm Bending is carried out clear of the deck as above. 425. Stoop Falling .Feet Placing Forward. Starting Position is taken as in par. 226, on the command: Stoop Falling — Place! 256 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Feet Forw. — Place ! By pushing off from the deck, both feet are carried forward to the Crouch Sitting Position. (Fig. 158(a).) Feet Backw. — Place! By taking the weight of the body on the arms, the legs are stretched backward to the Stoop Failing Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Attention ! Note. — Alternate Foot Placing Forward can also be carried out in the Stoop Falling Position on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Forw. — Place! Feet Together — Place! 426. Stoop Falling Feet Changing with a Jump. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stoop Falling — Place ! Left (R.) Foot Forw.— Place ! Feet Changing with a Jump by Numbers — One ! Two ! At count One, the forward foot is carried backward at the same time the backward foot is carried forwd. At count Two, the feet are again changed and so on. Feet Together — Place! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Attention ! 427. Stoop Falling. . . .Feet Placing Sideways with a Jump. Starting Position is taken on the command: Stoop Falling — Place! (See par. 226.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Feet Sidew. with a Jump — Place ! By pushing off with the feet the legs are parted sideways and placed on the deck. The distance between the feet should be about two foot lengths. Feet Together with a Jump — Place ! The feet are carried in to the First Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Attention ! 428. Stoop Falling Leg Raising Backward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Stoop Falling — Place! (See par. 226.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 257 The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left (R.) Leg Backw. — Raise! Feet Together — Place! (See par. 272.) Standing Position is returned to on the command : Attention ! 429. Stoop Falling: Leg Raising Backward with Arm Bending. Starting Position is taken on the command: Stoop Falling — Place! (See par. 226.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left (R.) Leg Backw. Raising and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 272-424.) Feet Together and Arms — Stretch! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Attention ! 430. Stoop Falling: Feet Placing Sideways with a Jump with Arm Bending. Starting Position is taken on the command: Stoop Falling — Place! (See par. 226.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Feet Sidew. with a Jump and Arms — Bend! (See pars. 427-424.) Feet Together with a Jump and Arms — Stretch ! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Attention ! 431. Stoop Falling Change to Side Falling. Starting Position is taken on the command: Stoop Falling — Place ! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Change to Side Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! (See par. 229.) Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Attention ! Note. — Changing to Back Stoop Falling can also be carried out in the above Starting Position, as in par. 228, on the commands : Change to Back Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! 17 258 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 432. Stoop Falling Hand Clapping. Starting Position is taken on the command: Stoop Falling — Place ! The exercise is carried out by numbers on the commands : Hand Clapping by Numbers — One ! Two ! At count One, by pushing off from the deck with the hands the body is thrown upward and the hands struck together, then the hands are placed on the deck to the First Position. At count Two, the exercise is repeated and so on. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Attention ! Note. — Hand Lifting can also be carried out in the above Starting Position on the commands : Hand Lifting by Numbers — One! Two! Three! Four! At count One, the left arm is raised off the deck straight upward so that the hand is directly under the left shoulder. At count Two, the hand is lowered to the deck. At count Three, the other arm is raised in the same manner. At count Four, the arm is lowered, and so on. 433. Bend, Stoop Falling: Feet Placing Sideways with a Jump. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Stoop Falling — Place! (See par. 226.) Arms — Bend! (See par. 424.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 427, on the commands: Feet Sidew. with a Jump — Place ! Feet Together with a Jump. — Place ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Arms — Stretch ! Attention ! Note. — Feet Placing Sidew. with a Jump with Arm Stretch- ing can also be carried out in the above Starting Position, on the commands : Feet Sidew. with a Jump and Arms — Stretch ! Feet Together with a Jump and Arms — Bend ! 434. Bend, Stoop Falling ,. Leg Raising Backward. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Stoop Falling — Place! Arms — Bend! (See pars. 226-424.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left (R.) Leg Bachw. — Raise! Feet Together — Place! (See par. 272.) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 259 Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Arms — Stretch ! Attention ! 435. Stoop Falling Change to Stoop Falling. Starting Position is taken on the command : Stoop Falling — Place ! The exercise is carried out on the command: Change to Stoop Falling on Left {R.) Arm — Turn! The body is turned on the named arm as in par. 228, to the Back Stoop Falling, the movement is continued in the same direction and the body turned on the other arm to the Stoop Falling Position. Then the exercise is carried out in the opposite direction. Standing Position is returned to on the command: Attention ! Exercises Carried Out in the Side Falling Position. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 436. Wing, Side Falling Leg Raising Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Stoop Falling — Place! Change to Side Falling on Left (R.) Arm and Hip — Firm! (See pars. 229-205.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (it.) Leg Sidew. — Raise! Feet Together — Place! (See par. 274.) Then the Side Falling is taken on the other arm and the exercise repeated. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Change to Stoop Falling — Place! Attention! Note. — The Leg Raising Sideways can also be carried out in the Bend, or Stretch Side Falling Position. 437. Bend, Side Falling: Leg Raising Sideways with Arm Stretching Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stoop Falling — Place! Change to Side Falling on Left (R.) Arm and Right (L.) Arm— Bend ! ( See pars. 229-208. ) 260 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left (R.) Leg Sidew. Raising and Arm Upw. — Stretch! (See pars. 274-247.) Feet Together and Arm — Bend ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Change to Stoop Falling — Place ! Attention ! 438. Side Falling' Arm Raising Forward and Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Stoop Falling — Place ! Change to Side Falling on Left {R.) Arm — Turn! (See par. 229.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 210, on the commands: Arm Forw. and Upw. — Raise! Arm Forw. and Downw. — Sink! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Change to Stoop Falling — Place! Attention! Note. — All exercises in the Side Falling are carried out on both sides. 439. Wing, Side Falling .Knee Upbending. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Stoop Falling — Place ! Change to Side Falling on Left {R.) Arm and Right (L.) Hip— Firm ! ( See pars. 229-205. ) The exercise is carried out as in par. 271, on the commands: Left (R.) Knee Upw. — Bend! Feet Together — Place! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Change to Stoop Falling — Place! Attention! Note. — Leg Raising Forward or Backward can also be car- ried out in the above Starting Position. 440. Wing Side Falling. . . .Traveling in a Circle Forward. Starting Position is taken as in preceding paragraph. Traveling in a Circle by Numbers — One ! Two ! At count One, the lower foot is carried forward in a circle and placed on the deck, using the supporting arm as a pivot. At count Two, the other foot is carried forward and placed on the deck and so on until the starting point is reached; the circle being completed in eight counts. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Change to Stoop Falling — Place! Attention! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 261 Exercises Carried Out in the Back Stoop Falling Position. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 441. Back Stoop Falling: Leg Raising Forward (Knee Up- bending). Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stoop Falling — Place ! Change to Back Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! (See par. 228.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left {R.) Leg Forw. — Raise! (See par. 273.) {Left (R.) Knee Upw.— Bend!) (See par. 271.) Feet To- gether — Place ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! Attention ! Note. — Feet Placing Sideways with a Jump can also be car- ried out in the above Starting Position. 442. Back Stoop Falling Change to Stoop Falling. Starting Position is taken as in preceding paragraph. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! The body is turned on the named arm to the Stoop Falling Position. Change to Back Stoop Falling — Place! The body is turned in the opposite direction to the Back Stoop Falling Position. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Change to Stoop Falling — Place! Attention! 443. Back Stoop Falling Change to Back Stoop Falling. Starting Position is taken as in par. 228, on the commands: Stoop Falling — Place! Change to Back Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Change to Back Stoop Falling on Left {R.) Arm — Turn! The body is turned on the named arm to the Stoop Falling Position, the movement continued in the same direction and the body turned on the other arm to the Back Stoop Falling Position. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Change to Stoop Falling — Place! Attention! 262 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Exercises Carried Out in the Forward Lying Position. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 444. Wing, Forward Lying Trunk Bending Backward. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Fomv. Lying — Place! (See par. 231.) Hips. — Firm! (See par. 205.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 223, on the commands : Trunk Backiv. — Bend! Trunk Upiv. — Stretch! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Attention ! Note. — Trunk Bending Backward can also be carried out in the Bend, Rest, Yard or Stretch, Forward Lying Positions. 445. Bend, Forward Lying: Trunk Bending Backward with Arm Stretching Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Forward Lying — Place! (See par. 231.) Arms — Bend! (See par. 208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Trunk Backiv. Bending and Arms Upw. — Stretch! (See pars. 223-247.) Trunk Upw. Stretching and Arms — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Attention ! Note. — Arm Stretching Sideways or Downward in combina- tion with Trunk Bending Backward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 446. Rest Forward Lying Leg Raising Backward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Forw. Lying — Place! (See par. 231.) Neck — Rest! The exercise is carried out as in par. 272, on the commands : Left (R.) Leg Backw. — Raise! Feet Together — Place! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Arms Downw. — Stretch! Attention! 447. Rest Forward Lying Legs Raising Backward. Starting Position is taken as in preceding paragraph. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Legs Backiv. — Raise ! Legs Downw. — Sink ! ( See par. 272. ) MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 263 Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Attention ! 448. Bend, Forward Lying: Legs Raising Backward with Trunk Bending Back. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Forw. Lying — Place! (See par. 23.) Arms — Bend! (See par. 208.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Trunk Backw. Bending and Legs Backw. — Raise ! ( See pars. 223-272.) Trunk Upw. Stretching and Legs Downw. — Sink! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Arms Downiv. — Stretch! Attention! Note 1. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Rest Stretch or Wing, Forward Lying Position. Note 2. — The exercise can also be carried out in combination with Arm Stretching Upward ( Sideways ) on the commands : Trunk and Legs Backw. and Arms Upw. ( Sidew. ) — Stretch ! Trunk Upw. Stretching, Legs Sinking and Arms — Bend ! 449. Stretch, Forward Lying: Trunk Bending Backward with Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Forw. Lying — Place! (See par. 231.) Arms Upw. — Stretch! (See par. 247.) The exercise is carried out by numbers on the commands: Trunk Bending Backw. with Arm Parting by Numbers — One ! Two! At count One, the trunk is bent backward as in par. 223, at the same time the arms are parted as in par. 260. At the count Two, the trunk is stretched upward and the arms are raised to Stretch Position, and so on. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Arms Downw. — Stretch! Attention! 450. Wing Arch, Forward Lying Change to Neck Rest. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Forw. Lying — Place ! Hips — Firm ! Trunk Backw. — Bend ! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Change to Neck — Rest! Change to Hips — Firm! 264 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Downw. — Stretch! At- tention ! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out by changing to Arms Bend or Arms Forward Bend. 451. Arch, Forward Lying Arm Bending Forward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Forw. Lying — Place! (See par. 231.) Trunk Back w. — Bend! (See par. 223.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 209.) Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Attention! Note. — Arm Stretching Upward, Neck Rest or Arm Bending can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 452. Bend, Arch Forward Lying. .Arm Stretching Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Forw. Lying — Place! Arms — Bend! Trunk Backw. — Bend! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Stretch ! Arms — Bend ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Downward — Stretch! At- tention ! Note. — Arm Stretching Upward or Backward can also be carried out in the Bend, Arch, Forward Lying Position. 453. Forward Bend, Arch, Forward Lying: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Forw. Lying — Place! (See par. 231.) Trunk Backw. Bending and Arms Forw. — Bend! (See pars. 223-209.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 250, on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Strike ! Arms Forw. — Bend ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. Stretching and Arms Downw. — Stretch! At- tention ! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 265 454. Yard, Arch, Forward Lying. . .Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Forw. Lying — Place! Arms Sidew. — Raise! Trunk Backw. — Bend ! The exercise is carried out as in par. 261, on the commands: Hands Upw. — Turn ! Hands Downw. — Turn ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Arms Downw. — Sink ! Attention ! 455. Stretch, Arch, Forward Lying Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Forw. Lying — Place! Arms Upw. — Stretch! Trunk Backw. — Bend ! The exercise is carried out by numbers as in par. 260. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Downw. — Stretch! At- tention ! Exercises Carried Out in the Lying Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 456. Lying . ., Trunk Bending Forward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stoop Falling — Place! Change to Lying on Left {R.) Arm— Turn! (See par. 230.) The exercise is carried out as in par: 222, on the commands : Trunk Forw. — Bend ! Trunk Upw. — Stretch ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Change to Stoop Falling on Left^ (R.) Arm — Turn! At- tention ! Note." — Trunk Bending Forward can also be carried out in the Wing, Rest or Stretch Lying Positions. 457. Stretch Lying: Trunk Bending Forward and Down- ward. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Stoop Falling — Place! Change to Lying on Left (R.) Arm — ■ Turn! (See par. 230.) Arms Upw. — Stretch! (See par. 247.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 269, on the commands : Trunk Forw. and Downw. — Bend ! Trunk Forw. and Upw. — Stretch ! 266 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Arms Downw. — Stretch! Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! At- tention ! Note. — Trunk Bending Forward and Downward can also be carried out in the Wing, Rest or Bend Lying Positions. 458. Wing Lying Leg (Legs) Raising Forward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stoop Falling — Place ! Change to Lying on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! (See par. 230.) Hips — Firm ! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Leg Forw.—RAiSEl (See par. 273.) Feet To- gether — Place ! (Legs Forw. — Raise!) (Legs Downw. — Sink!) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! At- tention ! Note. — Leg (Legs) Raising Forward can also be carried out in the Bend, Rest, Stretch or Yard Lying Positions. 459. Rest Lying Knee (Knees) TJpbending. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stoop Falling — Place ! Change to Lying on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! (See par. 230.) Neck — Rest ! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Left (R.) Knee Upw.—Bj^Dl (See par. 271.) Feet To- gether — Place ! (Knees Upw. — Bend!) (Knees Downw. — Stretch!) Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Arms Downw. — Stretch! Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! At- tention ! Note. — Knee (Knees) Upbending can also be carried out in the Wing, Bend or Stretch Lying Positions. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 267 460. Stretch Lying with Heels Clear of Deck: Legs Raising Forward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stoop Falling — Place! Change to Lying on Left (R.) Arm — Turn ! Arms TJpw. — Stretch! Heels Clear of the Deck — Raise! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Legs Forw. — Raise! Legs Clear of the Deck — Sink ! The legs are lowered to about four inches of the deck. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Reels to the Deck — Sink ! Arms Downw. — Stretch ! Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! At- tention ! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Bend, Rest or Wing Lying Positions. 461. Wing Lying with Heels Clear of the Deck: Leg Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stoop Falling — Place! Change to Lying on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! Hips — Firm! Heels Clear of the Deck — Raise ! The exercise is carried out by numbers on the commands : Leg Parting by Numbers — One ! Two ! At count One the legs are parted sideways, with knees straight. At count Two they are brought together, and so on. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Heels to the Deck — Sink! Arms Downw. — Stretch! Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! At- tention ! Note. — Leg Parting can also be carried out in the Rest, Bend or Stretch Lying Positions. 462. Wing Lying with Heels Clear of the Deck: Legs Raising Forward and Parting. Starting Position is taken as in preceding paragraph. The exercise is carried out by numbers on the commands: Legs Raising Forw. and Parting by Numbers — One! Two! Three ! Four ! 268 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. At count One the legs are raised forward, at count Two they are parted sideways, at Three they are brought together, and at Four they are lowered clear of the deck and so on. Standing Position is returned to as in preceding paragraph. Note. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Stretch, Rest or Bend Lying Positions. 463. Wing Lying Alternate Leg Changing. Starting Position is taken as in par. 461, but with the difference one leg is raised forward. The exercise is carried out by numbers on the commands : Leg Changing by Numbers — One ! Two ! At count One the leg which was raised is lowered and at the same time the other leg is raised forward, at count Two the legs are again changed, and so on. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Feet Together — Place! Arms Downw. — Stketch! Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! At- tention ! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Rest, Bend, or Stretch Lying Positions. Exercises Carried Out in the Stride Kneeling Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 464 Rest, Stride Kneeling Trunk Twisting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stride Kneeling — Place! (See Par. 232.) Neck — Rest! (See par. 211.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 224, on the commands: Trunk to the Left {E.) — Twist! Trunk Forward — Twist! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Arms Downw. — Stretch! Attention! Note 1. — The Trunk Twisting can also be carried out in the Stretch, Bend, Forward Bend or Wing, Stride Kneeling Positions. Note 2. — Trunk Bending sideways can also be carried out in the above Starting Positions as in par. 225. 465. Rest, Stride Kneeling .Trunk Falling Backward. Starting Position is taken as in preceding paragraph. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 269 The exercise is carried out on the commands : Trunk Backw. — Fall! By hinging at the knee joints the trunk is slowly lowered backward, the chin is drawn in and the trunk is held in a straight line with the upper legs (See Fig. 181.) Fig. 181.— Rest, Fall, Stride Kneeling. Trunk Upw. — Stretch! The Trunk is slowly raised to the first position. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Arms Downw. — Stretch! Attention! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Wing, Stretch, Yard, Bend or Forward Bend, Stride Kneeling Positions. 270 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 466. Forward Bend, Twist, Stride Kneeling: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Stride Kneeling — Place! (See par. 232.) Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 209.) Trunk to the Left (R.) — Twist! (See par. 224.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 250. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Forw. — Twist! Arms Downw. — Stretch! At- tention ! Note. — The Bend, Twist, Stride Kneeling Position can also be taken, and then arm stretching in various directions carried out. 467. Forward Bend, Side Bend, Stride Kneel: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stride Kneeling — Place! (See par. 232.) Arms Forw. — Bend! (See par. 209.) Trunk to the Left (R.) — Bend! (See par. 225.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 250, on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Strike! Arms Forw. — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Doivnw. — Stretch! At- tention ! Note. — Arm Stretching in various directions can be carried out in the Bend, Side Bend, Stride Kneeling Position. 468. Stride Kneeling: Trunk Falling Backward with Arm Raising Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command: Stride Kneel — Place! (See par. 232.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Trunk Backw. Falling and Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See pars. 465-206.) Trunk Upw. Stretching and Arms Downw. — Sink! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Attention ! Note. — Trunk Falling Backward can also be carried out with Arm Raising Forward and Upward, Sideways and Upwards, Hips Firm, Arm Bending, Neck Rest or Arm Bending For- ward. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 271 469. Wing", Fall, Stride Kneeling: Change to Neck Rest. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stride Kneeling — Place! (See par. 232.) Hips — Firm! Trunk Backw. — Fall! (See par. 465.) The exercise is carried out on the commands : Change to Neck — Rest! Change to Hips — Firm! Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Downw. — Stretch! At- tention ! Note. — Changing to Arms Bend or Arms Forward Bend, can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 470. Bend, Fall, Stride Kneeling: Arm Stretching Side- ways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stride Kneeling — Place! (See par. 232.) Arms — Bend! Trunk Backw.— Fall! (See par. 465.) The exercise is carried out as in par. 246, on the commands : Arms Sidew. — Stretch! Arms — Bend! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Downw. — Stretch! At- tention ! Note. — Arm Stretching Upward, Backward or Forward, can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 471. Forward Bend, Fall, Stride Kneeling: Arm Striking Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stride Kneeling — Place! Arms Forw. — Bend! Trunk Backw. — Fall ! The exercise is carried out. as in Par. 250, on the commands: Arms Sidew. — Strike ! Arms Forw. — Bend ! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Downw. — Stretch! At- tention ! 472. Stretch, Fall, Stride Kneeling: Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stride Kneeling — Place! Arms Upw. — Stretch! Trunk Backw. — Fall ! The exercise is carried out by the numbers as in par. 260. 272 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Arms Dowmv. — Stretch! At- tention ! Note. — Arm Swinging Forward and Upward can also be car- ried out in the above Starting Position. 473. Yard, Fall, Stride Kneeling: Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Stride Kneeling — Place! Arms Sidew. — Raise! Trunk Backw. — Fall ! The exercise is carried out as in par. 261, on the commands: Hand Upw. — Turn! Hands Downw. — Turn! Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Trunk Upiv. — Stretch! Arms Downw. — Sink! At- tention ! 474. Fall, Stride Kneeling: Arm Raising Forward and "Up- ward. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Stride Kneeling — Place ! Trunk Backw. — Fall ! The exercise is carried out as in par. 210, on the commands: Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! ^ : I Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Trunk Upw. — Stretch! Attention! Note. — Arm Raising Sideways and Upward can also be car- ried out in the above Starting Position. Exercises Carried Out in the Crouch Sitting Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 475. Crouch Sitting Foot Placing Sideways. Starting Position is taken on the command : Crouch Sitting — Place! (see par. 227.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Left (R.) Foot Sidew. — Place! The named foot is placed directly sideways and placed on the deck; leg straight, toes pointed and the position of th' rest of the body unaltered. Feet Together — Place! The foot is carried in to the First Position without raising the hips. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 273 Standing Position is returned to on the command : Attention ! 476. Crouch Sitting Feet Placing Backward. Starting Position is taken as in preceding paragraph. The exercise is carried out as in par. 425, on the commands : Feet Backw. — Place! Feet Forw. — Place! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Attention ! Note. — Alternate Foot Placing Backward can also be car- vied out in the above Starting Position, on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Backw. — Place! The named foot is placed backward as above. Feet Together — Place! The foot is carried forward to the First Position. 477. Crouch Sitting Knee Stretching. Starting Position is taken on the command : Crouch Sitting — Place! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Knees — Stretch ! Keeping the feet and hands in place on the deck, the knees are stretched upward until the legs are straight. Knees — Bend ! The knees are bent downward to the First Position. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Attention ! 478. Crouch Sitting Feet Changing with a Jump. Starting Position is taken on the command : Crouch Sitting — Place ! Left {R.) Foot Backw. — Place! The exercise is carried out by numbers on the commands : Feet Changing with a Jump by Numbers — One ! Two ! At count One, the forward foot is placed backward and at the same time the backward foot is placed forward; both feet are off the deck at the same time. At count Two, the feet are again changed in the same manner nd so on. Standing Position is returned to on the commands : Left (R.) Foot Forw. — Place! Attention! 18 274 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Jumping Exercises Carried Out in the Standing and Spring Standing Positions. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 479. Standing Jumping in Height. The exercise is carried out by numbers, on the commands : Jumping in Height by Numbers — One! Two! Three! Four! Five! At count One, the heels are raised. (See par. 219.) Toe Standing Position. At count Two, the knees are bent. (See par. 220.) Spring Standing Position. At count Three, the jumping in height is executed by pushing off from the deck with both feet. The body is thrown upward as I far as possible, and when the feet again touch the deck the Spring Standing Position is assumed maintaining the balance. At count Four, the knees are stretched. At count Five, the heels are lowered to the Standing Position. Note 1. — Jumping in Height can also be carried out in the Wing, Yard, Rest or Bend Standing Positions. Note 2. — The exercise can also be carried out with J Turning or i Turning Left (R.) ; the Turnings are executed on the third count as the body is thrown upward, on the commands : Jumping in Height with J (J) Turning Left (R.) by Num- bers — One to Five ! 480. Standing: Jumping in Height with Arm Swinging Sideways. The exercise is carried out by numbers, on the commands: Jumping in Height with Arm Swinging Sidew. by Numbers — One to Five! As in the preceding paragraph but with the difference that on the third count the arms are swung sideways to the Yard Position and are quickly lowered to the sides as the Spring Standing Position is assumed. Note. — The exercise can also be carried out with Turnings as in preceding paragraph. 481. Standing Jumping in Height with Leg Parting. Jumping in Height with Leg Parting by Numbers — One to Five! As in paragraph 479, but with the difference that on the third count the legs fully stretched are parted sideways and immediately brought together again. Note. — Jumping in Height can also be carried out with Arm Swinging Sideways and Leg Parting. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 275 482. Standing Jumping in Height with Arm Circling. The exercise is carried out by numbers on the commands : Jumping in Height with Arm Circling by Numbers — One to Five! As in par. 479, but with the difference that on the third count the Arm Circling takes place. Note 1. — The exercise can also be carried out with turnings as in par. 479, Note 2. Note 2. — The exercise can also be carried out with Leg Part- ing as in preceding paragraph. 483. Spring Standing Jumping in Height. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Heels — Raise ! Knees — Bend ! The exercise is carried out by numbers on the commands : Jumping in Height by Numbers — One ! Two ! At count One, the body is thrown upward as in par. 479. At count Two the exercise is repeated, and so on. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Knees — Stretch ! Heels — Sink ! Note. — The exercise can also be carried out in the Bend, Rest, Yard or Wing, Spring Standing Positions. 484. Spring St.: Jumping in Height with Arm Swinging Sideways. Starting Position is taken as in par. 220. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Jumping in Height with Arm Swinging Sidew. by Numbers — One ! Two ! Note. — In the above Starting Position can also be carried out Jumping in Height with Leg Parting, or Leg Parting and Arm Swinging Sideways. Breathing Exercises with Simple Arm Movements. All Breathing Exercises should be carried out at the rate of about twelve times per minute. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 485. Standing , Hand Turning Outward. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Breathing Exercise Hands Outw. — Turn! (Inhale, par. 212.) Hands Inw. — Turn ! ( Exhale. ) 276 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 486. Standing Arm Raising Sideways. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Breathing Exercise Arms Sidew. — Raise! (See par. 206.) Arms Downw. — Sink ! Note. — Arm Raising Forward, Forward and Upward, Side- ways and Upward or Arm Circling can also be used as Breath- ing Exercises. 487. Forward Walk St Hand Turning Outward. Starting Position is taken as in par. 215. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Breathing Exercise Hands Outw. — Turn! Hands Inw. — Turn! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together — Place! Note. — Arm Raisings can also be executed as Breathing Exercises in the above Starting Position. 488. Yard Standing Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Arms Sidew. — Raise ! The exercise is carried out as in par. 261, on the commands: Breathing Exercise Hands Vpw. — Turn! Hands Downw. — Turn ! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Sink! Breathing Exercises with Combined Movements. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 489. Standing. .Heel Raising with Arm Raising Sideways. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Breathing Exercise Heel Raising and Arms Sidew. — Raise! Heel Sinking and Arms Downw. — Sink! Note. — The Heel Raising can also be carried out with Arm Raising Forward and Upward, Sideways and Upward or Arm Circling. 490. Standing. .Heel Raising with Hand Turning Outward. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Breathing Exercise Heel Raising and Hands Outw. — Turn! Heel Sinking and Hands Inward — Turn ! Note. — Heel Raising can also be carried out with Head Bend- ing Backward. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 277 491. Yard St Heel Raising with Hand Turning Upward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Arms Sidew. — Raise ! The exercise is carried out as in pars. 219, 261, on the com- mands : Breathing Exercise Heel Raising and Hands Upw. — Turn! Heel Sinking and Hands Downw. — Turn ! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Arms Downw. — Sink! 492. Standing: Trunk Bending Backward with Hand Turn- ing Outward. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Breathing Exercise Trunk Backw. Bending and Hands Outw. — Turn ! Trunk Upw. Stretching and Hands Inw. — Turn ! Note. — Trunk Bending Backw. can also be carried out with Arm Raising Sideways, Forward and Upward or Arm Circling. 493. Stretch St Heel Raising with Arm Parting. Starting Position is taken on the command: Arms Forw. and Upw. — Raise! (See par. 210.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: Breathing Exercise Heel Raising and Arm Parting by Num- bers — One ! Two ! At count One, the heels are raised and the arms parted. At count Two, the heels are lowered and the arms raised upward. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Arms Forw. and Downw. — Sink! 494. Forward Walk St.: Rear Heel Raising with Hand Turning Outward. Starting Position is taken on the command: Left (R.) Foot Forw.— Place ! The exercise is carried out on the commands: Breathing Exercise Rear Heel Raising and Hands Outw. — Turn! Heel Sinking and Hands Inw. — Turn ! Standing Position is returned to on the command : Feet Together — Place! Note. — The following Breathing Exercises can also be carried out in the above Starting Position: Rear Heel Raising with Arm Circling. Head Bending Backward with Hand Turning 278 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Outward. Trunk Bending Backward with Hand Turning Out- ward. Companion Exercises with Living Support, Two Men Working Together. Formation of the Class. 495. After ranks are formed, dress to the right (left) men lined up according to height, tall men on the right (left) count off Twos: Number Twos One Long Step Forw. — March! One Step to the Right (L.) March! The class is now in two ranks, number Twos forming the front rank and number Ones the rear rank (to be designated as such throughout the exercise). The class is now ready for the exercise. The Starting Position. The Exercise. 496. Horizontal Stoop Falling (Ankle Support) : Arm Bending and Stretching. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Front Rank Stoop Falling, Rear Rank Feet Sidew. with a Jump. — Place! Ankle Supports — Place! The rear rank men bend forward and grasp the ankles of the front rank men, and then stretch their trunk upward. (See Fig. 182.) The exercise is carried out on the commands: (See par. 424.) Arms — Bend ! Arms — Stretch ! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Attention ! In the reverse manner both ranks spring up to Attention. Then the class is faced about and the exercise repeated. Common faults : Supports not giving a firm support, swaying the back in the Stoop Falling, and supporting rank not stretching up enough. 497. Point Stoop Falling (Ankle Support) : Arm Bending and Stretching. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Front Rank Stoop Falling, Rear Rank Left Foot Forw. — Place ! Ankle Supports — Place! As in the preceding paragraph but with the difference that the feet are raised still higher to the Point Stoop Falling as in Fig. 183. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 279 Fig. 182. — Horizontal Stoop Falling. Fig. 183.— Point Stoop Falling. 280 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. The exercise is carried out as in the preceding paragraph on the commands: Arms — Bend ! Arms — Stretch ! Standing Position is returned to on the command: Attention ! Both ranks spring up to Attention. Fig. 184. — Rest Fall Stride Standing. Then the class is faced about as in the preceding paragraph and the exercise repeated. Common faults, see preceding paragraph. 498. Rest, Stride St. (Upper Arm Support) : Trunk Falling Backward. Starting Position is taken as in pars. 218(c) -211, on the commands : Front Rank Feet Sidew. with a Jump and Neck — Rest ! Upper Arm Supports — Place ! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 281 The rear rank men take a short step forward and grasp the upper arms of the front rank men. The exercise is carried out on the commands : Trunk Backw. — Fall! The front rank men keeping their body rigid fall backward from the ankles, the supports bending their arms at the elbows to allow for the fall backward. (Fig. 184.) Trunk TJpw. — Stretch! The supports stretch their arms and raise the front rank men to the First Position. Fig. 185. — Horizontal Side Falling. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Attention ! Then the class is faced about and the exercise repeated. Note. — The fall backward should be determined by the sup- ports, taking care that the fall is not too great. 499. Horizontal Side Falling (Ankle Support) : Lower Leg Raising. Starting Position is taken on the commands : Front Rank Stoop Falling, Rear Rank Feet Sidew. with a Jump. — Place ! 282 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. Front Rank Change to Side Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! Ankle Supports — Place! The rear rank men bend forward and grasp the ankle of the top leg of the front rank men and then stretch their trunk upward, the lower leg resting on the deck. Fig. 186.— Body Raising. The exercise is carried out on the commands: Front Rank Lower Leg — Raise ! The lower leg is raised until it touches the other leg. (Fig. 185.) Leg — Sink! The leg is lowered to the First Position. Then the Side Falling Position is taken on the other arm and the exercise repeated. Note. — The class is faced about as in preceding paragraph. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Change to Stoop Falling — Place ! Attention ! MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 283 500. Wing Lying (Neck Support) Body Raising. Starting Position is taken on the commands: Front Rank About — Face! Front Rank Stoop Falling — Place ! Change to Lying on Left (R.) Arm — Turn! Front Rank Hips Firm, Rear Rank Feet Sideiv. ivith a Jump — Place ! Neck Supports — Place! The exercise is carried out on the commands : Body — Raise ! The front rank men keeping their bodies rigid are raised up- ward by the rear rank men. (Fig. 186.) Body — Sink ! The front rank men are lowered to the deck. Standing Position is returned to on the commands: Front Rank Arms Downw. — Stretch! Front Rank Change to Stoop Falling on Left (R.) Arm — Turn ! Both Ranks — Attention ! The exercise is repeated with the rear rank and the front rank faced about to the original front. 501. Horizontal Stoop Falling (Ankle Support) : Arm Walk Forward. Starting Position is taken as in par. 496. The exercise is carried out by numbers on the commands : Arm Walk Forw. by Numbers— One! Two! Three! Four! At count One, the left hand is moved forward about six inches. At count Two, the right hand is moved forward the same dis- tance, the rear rank moving with the front rank. At count Three, the left hand is again moved forward. At count Four, the right hand and so on. Standing Position is returned to on the command : Both Ranks — Attention! Note. — Arm Walk Backward can also be carried out in the above Starting Position. 284 MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 502. ABBREVIATIONS USED. Backward Backw. Downward Downw. Falling Fall. Figure Fig. Foot or Feet Ft. Forward Forw. Horizontal Hor. Inward Inw. Jumping Jump. Left L. Outward Outw. Right R. Sitting Sitt. Sideways Sidew. Stand or Standing St. Stretch or Stretching Str. Striking Strik. Stride Std. Turning Turn. Upward Upw. Walk Wlk. Wing Wg. Yard Yd. MANUAL OF ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS. 285 O Ul XII W Hi w Hi H4 M C/2 §>; o wPQ a? w © K o -I o a +-> dcfi ■§60 CO H H pi S3 0> H Pi o »d .Q S fi £ : : WO!j>feWpH^fe bo bo "3d o o o o bo^ .Sl|d d d ^ Pi ga oi « O t "S 'd^^o ^ £ S d tf-biC o ^a2t>tf 02 O rj &0O £ 3 dbj)^ - Pi G cq --j m ? :h ^bobo •S p; p; bObo-S^g SS M 02^ Pi Pi c'g^ <2? &